Antimachus of Colophon: Text and Commentary 9004104682, 9789004104686

This volume is an edition of the fragments of the Greek epic and elegiac poet, Antimachus of Colophon (ca. 400 B.C.), an

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Table of contents :
Antimachus' Life and Work:
Family and Patria
Studia Homerica
Antimachus' Reputation in Antiquity
Incertae Sedis
Studia Homerica
A. Commentarium in Antimachum (PRIM! 1.17)
B. The Context and Renumbering of Fragments 19-24 Wyss
Select Bibliography
Numbering of Fragments: Comparative Tables
Index Fontium
Index Verborum
General Index
Recommend Papers

Antimachus of Colophon: Text and Commentary
 9004104682, 9789004104686

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Antimachus, of Colophon. Antimachus of Colophon : text and commentary / by Victor J. Matthews. p. cm. - (Mnemosyne, bibliotheca classica Batava. Supplementum, ISSN 0169-8958 ; 155) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 9004104682 (alk. paper) I. Epic poetry, Greek. 2. Antimachus, of Colophon-Criticism and interpretation. 3. Epic poetry, Greek-History and criticism. II. Title. III. Series. I. Matthews, Victor J. PA3568.A7 1995 883'.0l-dc20 95-39042 CIP

Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme [Mnemosyne/ Supplementum] Mnemosyne : bibliotheca classica Batava. Supplementum. Leiden ; New York ; Koln : Brill. Fri.iher Schriftenreihe Reihe Supplementum zu: Mnemosyne

155. Matthews, Victor J.: Antimachus of Colophon. - 1995

Matthews, Victor J.: Antimachus of Colophon : text and commentary / by Victor J. Matthews. - Leiden ; New York ; Koln : Brill, 1995 (Mnemosyne : Supplementum ; 155) ISBN 90-04-10468-2 ISSN 0 I 69-8958 ISBN 90 04 10468 2 © Copyright 1996 by EJ. Brill, Leiden, Tu Netherlands

All rights reserved. No part of this puhlicatwn may be reproduced, transl.ated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, e/,ectronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission .from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by EJ. Brill provided that the appropriate fees are paid direct!, to Tu Copyright C/,earance Center, 222 Rosewood Drwe, Suite 910 Danvers MA 01923, USA. Fees are subject to change. PRINTED IN THE NETHERLANDS

In Memoriam John Marshall Bell 1944-1987


Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testimonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Antimachus' Life and Work: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date 15; Family and Patria 18; Thebaid 20; Lyde 26; Artemis 39; Delti 45; Studia Homerica 51; Metre 57

1x 1 15

46; Vocabulary

Antimachus' Reputation in Antiquity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Thebaid (1-66) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lyde (67-97) ....................... .............. Artemis (98-128) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delti (129) ....................... ................ Incertae Sedis (130-164) ....................... ..... Studia Homerica (165-188) ....................... ... Dubia (189-203) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eicienda ([204]-[221]) ....................... ....... Appendices A. Commentarium in Antimachum (PRIM! 1.17) . . . . . . . . B. The Context and Renumbering of Fragments . . . . . . . . . 19-24 Wyss Select Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Numbering of Fragments: Comparative Tables . . . . . . . . . . . .

79 207 265 311 313 373 404 425 441 445 44 7 455

Indices Index Fontium ....................... ............ 459 Index Verborum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464 General Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474


The fragments of Antimachus of Colophon have not been edited in toto since Bernhard Wyss' admirable 1936 edition (reprinted without change in 1974). Although recently-discovered fragments have been edited by Hugh Lloyd1ones and Peter Parsons in the Supplementum Hellenisticum (Berlin/New York 1983) and the elegiac fragments edited twice, first by Martin West (Iambi et Elegi Graeci, Vol. II [Oxford 1972, 2nd. ed. 1992]) and then by B. Gentili and C. Prato (Poetae Elegiaci: Testimonia et Fragmenta Pars II [Leipzig 1985]), a new edition and commentary for the complete Antimachean corpus is clearly needed. The problems to be faced included a re-numbering of the fragments. Wyss' enumeration was dislocated by his unavoidably late inclusion of the fragments from the papyrus commentary on Antimachus (PRJMII 17, [89 Pack2]), as well as by the original omission of his final fragment 190. The new fragments published in the SH also had to be fitted into my enumeration. In arranging the fragments, I have listed them in the following order: Thebaid, Lyde, Artemis, Delt~ and Studia Homerica, including under each title both those fragments expressly so ascribed and also those which with some probability might be thought to belong to that particular work. Then follow fragmenta incertae sedis, dubia, and eicienda. Antimachus' pivotal role as a precursor of the Hellenistic poets has long been recognised, as is reflected by his inclusion in the SH While Wyss' edition, with its succinct Latin commentary, is a model of economy, I think that tumidus Antimachus deserves a more discursive treatment to explore more fully both his debt to his predecessors, including the epic tradition and other genres, and his legacy as poet-scholar to the Hellenistic age. I regret that the recent study by Michela Lombardi, Antimaco di Colofone: la poesia epica (Roma 1993) appeared too late for me to make full use of it. The present work has taken long to reach completion cf '(Antimachi) omnia denuo editurus est V. J. Matthews' (M. Davies [ed.], Epicorum Graecorum Fragmenta [Gottingen [1988], 79). My slow progress can be attributed to the difficulties involved in treating a



large body of fragments and to the teaching responsibilities typical of a small but busy department. This book, like my previous study on Panyassis, owes much to the constant encouragement of George Huxley, whose lectures on Greek epic at Belfast over thirty years ago first awakened my interest in the remains of 'lost' Greek authors. My thanks must also be expressed to a number of scholars for their opinions and advice, especially my University of Guelph colleagues, Padraig O'Cleirigh, Kristin Lord, and the late John Bell. I am also greatly beholden to Christopher Brown of the University of Western Ontario and Robert Fowler of the University of Waterloo for their keen and critical interest in the work. For those errors of fact or peculiarities of opinion that remain, I alone am responsible. I would also like to thank other colleagues in the Department of Languages and Literatures at the University of Guelph, Adnan Gokc;:en for his advice on matters of translation, and Manfred Kremer, my department chair, for his steadfast support of my research. I am extremely grateful to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for its granting of a Leave Fellowship in 1986-87 and to the Governors of the National Humanities Center at Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, for their award of a Fellowship which enabled me to carry out much of my research in a most congenial and collegial environment. My thanks are also owed to the editors of Mnemosyne for publishing this book in their series of Supplements and in particular to Mr. Julian Deahl and his staff at Brill's for the patience they have shown. This book would still be unfinished but for the diligent and cheerful assistance of Ruth Skelton, Jackie Murray, Lisa A. Pretty and Wm. Christopher Myrick whose computer skills, wedded to their knowledge of both Classical languages, were invaluable in bringing a very difficult manuscript to completion. University of Guelph

2 August 1995




1 (4 Wyss, 1 G-P) Apollod. FGrHist 244 F7 4 ap. Diod. 13.108.1 µucpov OE Tiii; Eip~VTJi; ucrtepov EtEA.E'UtTIO'E dapeioi; 6 Tiii; 'Acrim; ~acrtA.Eui;, ap~ai; Etrt EVVEfftcai6e,m, tr]V 6' iiyeµoviav OtEOE~ato tCOV uicov 6 7tpEO'~'Utatoi; 'Apta~ep~TJi; ,mt ~p~ev Etrt tpia 1tpoi; toii; tecrcrapaKovta. Kaff ov 611 xp6vov Kat "Avtiµaxov tov 7tOlTJtTJV 'A1toA.A.66copoi; 6 'A0T]vai6i; TJcrtV 11v0T]Kevm.

2 (2 Wyss, 4 G-P) Duris ap. Plut., Lys. 18.6s (3.2, 114 Ziegler) 1tpcim:p µEv yap, ci>i; icrtopei doupti; (FGrHist 76 F71), 'EU~vcov EKEivcp ~µoui; ai 1t6A.Eu; avfotrtcrav ci>i; 0eci> Kat 0ucriai; e0ucrav, Eii; 1tpci>tov OE 1tmavei; ijcr0T]crav ... :Eaµwt OE ta 1tap' autoii; 'Hpaia Aucrav6pna KaA.Eiv E'l'TJicravto. tcov OE 7tOtT]tcov XotpiA.ov (T4 Colace = 325 SH= FGrHist 696 F33c) µEv ad 7tEpt autov Eixev ci>i; KOO'µ~crovta tai; 1tpa~ni; Ota 7t0lT]tlKTJi;, 'AvnMxcp OE 7t0l~O'avn µEtpioui; nvai; Eii; autov crtixoui; iicr0di; EOCOKE 7CA.~O'ai; apyupiou tOV 7tlA.OV. 'Avnµaxou OE tOU KoA.0coviou Kat NtKT]patou nvoi; 'HpaKA.EcotO\l (565 SH) 7t0t~µacrt Aucrav6pEta 6taycovtcraµevcov £7[ autO\J tOV NtK~patov EO'tEavCOO'EV, 6 OE 'Avtiµaxoi; ax0ecr0eti; 11avtO'E to 7t0tT]µa. TTA.atCOV OE vfoi; WV tOtE, Kat 0auµal;cov tOV 'Avtiµaxov E7tt Tf1 7tOlT]tlK'U, ~apecoi; tl>EpOVta tr]V ~ttaV wm KaUiµaxoc; (F589 Pf.) Kai ~ouptc; (FGrHist 76 F83) we; TIA.citrovoc; ovK ovtoc; iKavou Kpt VEl V7t0lT\tCXc;.

5 (3 Wyss, 5 G-P) Cic. Brutus 191

nee ... posset idem Demosthenes dicere quod dixisse Antimachum clarum poetam ferunt. qui cum convocatis auditoribus legeret eis magnum illud quod novistis volumen suum et eum legentem omnes praeter Platonem reliquissent, 'legam' inquit 'nihilo minus; Plato enim mihi unus instar est centum milium.' et recte: poema enim reconditum paucorum approbationem, oratio popularis assensum vulgi debet movere. centum milium Camerarius coll. Ep. ad Att. 2.5. l Cato ille noster, qui mihi unus est pro centum milibus omnium ne ilium codd.

6 (5 Wyss, 29 G-P) Ovid Trist. 1.6.1-4 nee tantum Clario est Lyde dilecta poetae, nee tantum Coo Bittis amata suo est, pectoribus quantum tu nostris, uxor, inhaeres, digna minus misero, non meliore viro. 7 (10 Wyss, 37 G-P) Schol. Bob. in Cic. Pro Arch. 25 (164 Hildebrandt) = [Aristot. F676 Rose] altemos igitur versus dicit elegiacos, metris scilicet dissentientibus varios. primus autem videtur elegiacum carmen scribsisse Callinos (T3 G-P). adicit Aristoteles (Aristocles coni. Rose) praeterea hoc genus poetas Antimachum Colofonium, Archilochum Parium, Mimnermum Colofonium (T19 Allen= 18 G-P), quorum numero additur etiam Solon Atheniensium legum scribtor nobilissimus (T718 Martina).

8 (11 Wyss, 32 G-P) Salin. Coll. rer. memor. 40.6 ('e fonte ignoto' 167 Mommsen) ingenia Asiatica inclita per gentes fuere. poetae Anacreon, inde Mimnermus (Tl 1 Allen= 8 G-P) et Antimachus, deinde Hipponax


(T7 Med. mulier.


= 66 Degani), deinde Alcaeus, inter quos etiarn Sappho DE THEBAIDE

9 Vita Chisiana Dionys. Per. ed. R. Kassel, Catalepton (Festschr. far Bernhard »yss 1985), 72 (= Kassel, Kleine Schriften [Berlin/ New York 1991], 406) a~t0v 6i: Kat nept 1tpootµiou ~paxfo 6taA.a~iv, 'iva Kat toi>to tov av6pa Kpivavtei; 6roµev autcp cruyypaq,ecr0at tcp 1tOlllttKq> cruUoycp 6u:x TI)V tEXVTlV. t6tOV tOtVUV 1tpootµtOU tO EV6EtKVU KoA.oq>wviou Aeovnov·. 6 Aulh'1v codd. de accentu cf. Gow-Page, The Greek Anthology 11.138

11 {6 Wyss, 7 G-P) Herrnesianax F7.41-46 Powell ap. Athen. 13. 598a {3.318 Kaibel) Au6f\i; 6' 'Avtiµaxoi; Au6T1i6oi; EK µi:v ep(J)toi; 1tAT1YEti; TiaKtWA.ou pei>µ' E1tE~T11totaµofr t6ap6aVT1t 6i: 0avoucrav u1to ~TlPiiv 0Eto yaiav



tKaUicov a'i.~aov Ot TJA.0evt a1to1tpo1..t1tcov lllCPTJV i:i; Ko1..ocj>rova· yocov o' €V£7tA.TJwvoc; u1tel;EuKtat µEv· 0µ11pq>, ciyE'itat 6' aUcov 1tA.a0Eoc; uµvo1tOA.COV.

20 {23 Wyss, 14 G-P) Catullus 95 Zmyma mei Cinnae nonam post denique messem quam coepta est nonamque edita post hiemem, milia cum interea quingenta Hortensius uno






Zmyma cavas Satrachi penitus mittetur ad undas, Zmymam cana diu saecula pervoluent. at V olusi annales Paduam morientur ad ipsam et laxas scombris saepe dabunt tunicas. parva mei mihi sint cordi monumenta sodalis: at populus tumido gaudeat Antimacho. 21 (26 Wyss, 15 G-P) Propertius 2.34, 41-46 desine et Aeschyleo componere verba cotumo, desine, et ad mollis membra resolve choros. incipe iam angusto versus includere tomo,



inque tuos ignis, dure poeta, veni. tu non Antimacho, non tutior ibis Homero: despicit et magnos recta puella deos. 22 (24 Wyss, 16 G-P) Dionys. Halie. De comp. verb. (2.98.6sqq. Usener-Radermacher) tautTJi; 'tiii; apµoviai; 7tOAl,Ot µev E"fEVOVtO ~1)A.rotat Kata tE 1toi11c:nv Kat i.crtopiav Kat A.oyoui; 7tOA.tnKoui;, OtaEpovtEi; OE tci>v ciUrov EV µev EmKii 1tOtTJcrEt 0 tE KoA.0rovt0i; 'Av-riµaxoi; Kat 'Eµ1tEOOKA.rti; 0 uc:nKoi;, EV OE µEA.07t0llOietv, ana 1tep\. 7tA.ElO"tO)V OA.iyaiJcrme]v IiiUll[_ _ _] Ka[t] µEtal [_ __ ] MENATO I [_ __ 7tEp]texovl 35 [. . . . . • .] AL[ti]~ o' d]v tiiv 11[ 31-35 ioieoEA.tµov tt~I d[7tEtEV. 13sq. P; E dETEIPOl:KA[ O; e(i) o· etelpo[t)i;,I (fotro Ka\. t]auta Jensen e[i) o· e:tel poti;, KQ[M Ka\. t]auta Janko 20 e:(v6vtrov] Jensen et Mangoni e:(x6vtrov) Matthews e(Kq>pami;) Wilamowitz et Zucker



33 (30 Wyss, 20 G-P) Plutarch de garrulitate 21(513a-b) (III 306 Paton-Pohlenz-Sieveking) fon toivuv tpia YEVll tci>v 1tpoc; tac; Epom'tcretc; a1to1Cpicrerov, to µi:v avayJCa'iov to OE tA11criv 'a'A)..' E1tt ta'ic; tpa7tE~atc;, ~evouc; avaµevrov "Irovac;, im:Ep rov autq> yeypaev 'A'A.1Ct~tao11c; 7tEpt Mi'A.TJtOV cov Kat 1tapa TtcrcraEPVll Otatpi~rov, tq> tO'U µeya'A.ou cratpam:1 ~crt'A.Eroc;, oc; 7tv 7t0lTJtCOV u,110c;, 7t0A.\J to µeµ11xav11µevov EXEl !Cat crtoµci>oec;, µetaOpa'ic; xpcoµevov cix; ta 7t0A.Aa, 1Ca8a1tEp to 'Avttµaxetov.

35 (Fl24 Wyss, 26 G-P) Schol. Nicand. Ther. 3 (36 Crugnola) fott OE Kat O NiJCavopoc; ~TJ'A.rotiic; 'Avttµaxou, Ot07tEp 1t0Ua'ic; autO'U A.E~Ecrt lCEXPTJtat, Oto !Cat EV Eviotc; oropi~Et, cix; Kat V'UV EV tq> '1taci>v' (=Fl 159)· 7tTJCOV yap fottv, ofott ~yevci>v.

36 Phot. quaest. Amphiloch. 93.24 (PG 101.599) 'EttE im:Ep Titou lC.t.'A..' (Paul. ep. ad Cor. II 8. 23) ... Kat oloa Ott O\JlC av 001 00~1J 1tapaoo~ov E1 Vat to tOtO'UtOV Ti;c; EA.A.Et\jfEroc; eiooc;· 1t0Ua yap totauta !Cat 1tap" Oµitpq> Kat 'Avnµaxq> !Cat 'Aptcrtoavet 00'\JlC'\JOtOTJ tE Kat ITA Kat · Hcrioooi; Kat 'Avtiµaxoi; o\. 1tOtTJtat Tiii; OtTJYricreroi; µepoi; Kat tcov aUrov 1tAEicrtot eii; touto to yevoi; tCOV 7t0lTJtCOV avayoµevrov.

41 (40 Wyss, 36 G-P) Stobaeus ap. Phot. Bihl 114b 28ss (II 156-158 Henry) Antimachus apud Photium in numero habetur eorum poetarum quos laudat Stobaeus (rov xpiJcrn~ tot~ Ke(j>aA.aiot~ nape0JiKev). DE ANTIMACHI STUDIIS HOMERICIS

42 (= F165, F129 Wyss) Tatian. ad Graecos 31 (31, 16 Schwartz) Euseb. Praep. Ev. 10.11.3 491d (1.596.10 Mras)


1tEpt yap Tiii;. Oµripou 1totricreroi; yevoui; te autou Kat XPOVOU Ka0' OV i\Kµacrev 7tpOTJPEUVTJO"aV 1tpecr~utatot µEv eeayeVTJi; te 6 'PTJyivoi; (8Al D-K) Kata Kaµ~UO"TJV yeyovci>i; Kat rtTJcriµ~pot0i; 6 eamoi; (FGrHist 107 F21) Kat 'Avtiµaxoi; (ita Tatian.: KaUiµaxoi; Euseb.) 6 KoAocj>covtoi;. Hpoootoi; te 6 'AAtKapvacrcrei>i; (2.53 l 16f.) Kat dtovumoi; 6 '0Auv0toi;, µeta OE eKeivoui; 'Ecj>opoi; (FGrHist 70 F98).

43 (= F34, F37 Wyss) Eustath. 932.62 (111.437 van der Valk) 6 ypaµµattKoi; 'Avtiµaxoi; t1t1toui; "Apeoi; tOV ~eiµov Kat tOV o~v voei. Cf. ypaµµatuc6i; {T3)




44 Lucian. Hist. Conser. 57 (II.317 Macleod) ... oiov op~i; tt Kat ., 0µ11poi; ci>i; µ£ya1.,6cppcov 7tOte'i. Kai'tot 7t0l rinii; rov 1tapa0e'i tOV TcivtaA.OV Kat tOV ' I~iova Kat 'tOV Tt ruov Kat toi>i; aUoui;. eii; 6e ITap0Evtoi; (T6 Mart. = 605(~ SH) ii Ei>cpopicov (T9 v. Gron.} ii KaUiµaxoi; (T78 Pf.} ('Avtiµaxoi; coni. Pierson [ed.] Moeris Atticist. Lex. Attic., 440} EA.Eye, 1t6croti; av 'I~iova EK'UA.tcrev. Hoc testimonium aptius Antimacho quam Callimacho videtur

45 Posidippus, ap. P. Teht. i saec. a.c. ?nocret3i]mtou (= Gow-Page, Hell. Ep. 3196sqq.) ci>i; i>µrov ~uv6v,] Mo'iicrm cpi1.,m, fott to ypciµµa 'Avttµcixou 6etvov t]rov £7tECOV croc1>i11v, OUtCO t6v6e to]v av6pa Kat foti (µ]ot vrii; 7t0'U ruxov o'txetm· (lA.A,(l 1tap' oivov riKdi6eco 1tail;et 7t0'UA.\l µdtxpotepov, fott 6e t6TJ 1t0Ai> crtt~apcotepoi;· ci>i; 6' e:1ttA.ciµ1tei ri xcipti;, coote, cpi1.,oi;, Kat ypcicpe Kat µt0ue.


5 011 ltOA.\l Athen. tfi~ AUOT]~ coni. Alan Cameron, The Greek Anthology {Oxford 1993), Append. V 370.7 nou)..u nescio quis no)..u Kaibel no)..u Meineke Kai. no)..u

Of! Wilam.



[47] ([13] Wyss) lo. Tzetzes Theogon. v. 27 Bekker (Abh. Berl. Ak. 1840, 148; cf. Matranga, Anecd. Gr. 2 (1850) 578, 28 et Ziegler in Roscheri Lexico V 1511) ... EKatov "0µ11pot Kat Moucra'iot "OpEEpEta; Plut. Lys. 18. See P. Cartledge, Sparta and Lakonia {London 1979), 268; G. Shipley, A History ofSamos 800-188 B.C. {Oxford 1987), 133-

4. 3 A statue-base found in the Heraeum bears an inscription referring to a man who won the pancration four times at the Lysandria; cf Shipley, 133-4, with note 27; J. Herington writes: "a rhapsodic or rhapsodic-like, contest at the Samian festival between 404 and Lysander's death {395 B.C.) seems certain" (Poetry into Drama: Early Tragedy and the Greek Poetic Tradition (Berkeley 1985), 165. 4 C. Habicht, Gottmenschentum und griechische Stiidte (Zetemata 142 Miinchen 1970), 3-6, argues that the cult was set up before Lysander retume against the Homeric xpucrecp as an example of artistic variation in the epithet-noun combination. 110 In the second verse, the feminine adjective ayaKA.uµEVTJ appears to be an Antimachean invention. The language in F84 is again largely Homeric, although AntiDel Como, 83-4. Krevans, 154. 107 Cf Del Como, 84. 108 For the following discussion, the reader is referred to the commentary on the individual fragments mentioned. 109 Del Como, 88; 91. 110 Cf Del Como, 88. 105 106



machus uses the Hesiodic 0pE7t'tl1Pta in place of the Homeric 0pe7ttpa. Del Como sees the pentameter as more original, being linked to the preceding hexameter by a notable enjambment, but his criticism of Antimachus' use of eMcrai; at line-end as clumsy and banal, indicating that the poet had not mastered elegiac expression, can be shown to be insupportable. 111 In F85 £Kto0t is an Homeric rarity, which Apollonius seems to have picked up enthusiastically from Antimachus. 112 From F87 we can see that Antimachus in his elegy used nouns in -tcop, just as he did in his epic (cf Wyss, XXXII). So too his liking for epithets in -oeu; extends to both poems, i.e. otorn; (F91), probably from the Lyde, riveµoet~ (F2), ap1teo6n~ (F5), possibly crKtoet~ (F3), all from the Thebaid, and ouatoet~ (F64), probably from the Thebaid. Again, as in his epic, Antimachus in his elegy demonstrated his opinions on controversial Homeric words. As well as (cr)oucrov already noted, there is 11ouµo~ (F74), indicating that Antimachus considered viiouµo~ in Homer an incorrect reading. 113 Del Como points out a number of instances where Antimachus in the Lyde seems to have been indebted to the Homeric Hymns. 114 His observations lead him on to two rather contradictory conclusions: 1) that Antimachus believed in the Homeric authorship of the Hymns and affirmed this belief by alluding to them in his own work and 2) that the relatively greater frequency of such references in the Lyde may indicate a) that Antimachus wanted to demonstrate the secondary nature of his elegiac work as compared to his epic (i.e. as the Hymns are secondary to the Iliad and the Odyssey) or b) that he intended to create a deliberate stylistic parallelism between mythological narratives of similar dimensions, although in different metres (i.e. a reference to Del Como's belief that the Lyde was made up of separate elegies, each approximately the length of an Homeric Hymn). 115 However, the allusions to the Homeric Hymns may not be as significant as he thinks. He himself admits that we do not know which poem Fl45, with the word aA.q>t, comes from. But in any case, I would argue that it 111 112 113 114 115

Del Como, 89; 91. Cf commentary on F84. Cf Del Como, 89. Cf Del Como, 89. Del Como, 89-90. Del Como, 90.



should be seen more as a variatio on Od. 2.354 than a derivation from Hy. Dem. 208, although that may have been the source for the form OA.q>t. As for 'EA.Eucnvi:r1; (F79, cf Hy. Dem. 266) scanned as a quadrasyllable, it may in fact be Antimachus' way of indicating that the extra verse IL 18.551a, which also contains the form, is an authentic Homeric line. Also, for the sense of 8pE1tTI1pta (F84), Antimachus is in agreement with Hesiod (Op. 188) rather than with Hy. Dem. 168 and 223. 116 With the word Afltq>o; (F68), Antimachus may have taken the meaning "sail" from Hy. Apoll. 406, but that sense is first attested in Alcaeus (F326.7 L-P). Regarding Del Corno's first conclusion, there is no way of knowing whether Antimachus believed that the Hymns were really the work of Homer. As for the second conclusion, it has been shown that most of the apparent allusions to the Hymns in the Lyde are not exclusive to them, but may derive from other sources. It is also significant that the clearest and most obvious borrowing from the Hymns is to be found not in the Lyde, but in the Thebaid (cf. F31.5 and Hymn Dem. 8-11). Another aspect in which there seems to be little difference between Antimachus' two main poems is the use he makes of vocabulary from the tragedians. But whereas Del Como sees this as part of Antimachus' attempt (not always fortunate, in that scholar's opinion) to raise the humble tone of the elegy to his own artistic ideals, it is perhaps simply a further indication that Antimachus' style remained much the same, whether he was composing epic or elegy. 117 If this were the case, then Callimachus' criticism of the Lyde becomes more understandable and acceptable.


For a poem by Antimachus called the Artemis we are dependent upon a single notice in Steph. Byz. 379.11 Mein. s.v. Ko'tUA.atov· opo; Eu[3oi.a;, avaicEiµEvov 'Ap'tEµtOt, 00 KO.Cl KtECOV'tO~ (86) EOtKE 'tO opo~ 'tll~ Eu~oia~ EtVat. 'Apxeµaxo~ youv EV y' Eu~OtKCOV 11m· KotUA.0~ µev O'UV atVE'tat Ka.acrxeiv 'tO opo~ 'tO vuv a1t' EKElVOU KotUA.atOV KaA.oUµEVOV (FGrHist 424 F2a). 120 Dtibner was quickly followed by Stoll in 1845, who accepted his predecessor's argument for rejecting the fragment as Antimachean.121 They seem to have convinced Kinkel, who makes no reference whatsoever to the fragment in his 1877 edition of epic remains. But the fragment (and the title) was rescued from oblivion by Bernard Wyss in his 1936 edition of Antimachus. Wyss counters Dtibner's argument for attributing it to Archemachus by pointing out that it is hard to see how the words 'Apxeµaxo~ EV Eu~OtKCOV or y' could have been corrupted into 'Avtiµaxo~ Ev 'AptEµtoo~ Wand states that, moreover, there is no evidence that Archemachus ever discussed the cult of Artemis or even mentioned the goddess. 122 But Wyss surprisingly makes no mention of Schellenberg's suggestion that the fragment belongs to the Thebaid. Felix Jacoby, writing in FGrHist on Archemachus, is reluctant to side with either Dtibner or Wyss. He objects to the farmer's suggestion on the ground that the book numbers do not agree (i.e. Harpocration's reference is to Bk. III of Archemachus' Euboi"ca, while Steph. Byz. mentions a Bk. II). As for Wyss' defence of the transmitted text, Jacoby argues that we do not otherwise know of an Artemis by Antimachus. 123 In his notes, he states that he did not find



119 120 121 122 123

Schellenberg, 3 I. The fragment is presented on 9 I. Diibner, 5 I. Stoll, 15. Wyss, xxv.

FGrHist Illb Kommentar, 246.



credible the suggestion that fragments from the Antimachus papyrus commentary from Hermoupolis (P.Mil. Vogl.1.17 = Appendix A) might come from such a poem. 124 He goes on to suggest that D. Mueller was on the right track in assuming in the text of Steph. Byz. a double citation of two authors, although he seems to find Mueller's reconstruction of 'Apxeµaxoc; Ev TJcrtV 'Avnµaxoc; Ev 0TJ~a1ooc; (o, meno probabilmente, Ev Auori6[3ov voei. It can also be gathered from this fragment that Antimachus was a poet-scholar who sometimes carried his Homeric interpretation over into his own poetry. Readings from the Antimachean edition are cited in the Homeric 156 157 158 159

Pfeiffer, 94; G.S. Kirk, The Iliad: A Commentary I (Cambridge 1985), 42. Pfeiffer, 94. P.M. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria I, 449, with II, 648 n.9. R. Janko, The Iliad: A Commentary IV {Cambridge 1992), 26.



scholia at fourteen places, introduced in various ways: ,; 'Avnµaxou (F167); EV tji ... 'Avnµaxeiq> (F168; 169); EV tji 'Avnµaxou (Fl 70; 171); EV tji ICO'tCX 'Av'tiµaxov (F177; 180); 1tapa 'Avnµaxcp (F174); oi 1tepi 'Av'tiµaxov (ypa