Algorithms and Data Structures (Computer Science Fundamentals)

Unlock the Power of Algorithmic Wizardry and Data Structures Galore! In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, algor

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Table of contents :
Algorithms and Data Structures
Module 1: Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures
Module 1: Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures
Introduction to Algorithms
Importance of Data Structures
Algorithm Analysis and Big O Notation
Basic Python Programming Review
Module 2: Fundamentals of Data Structures
Module 2: Fundamentals of Data Structures
Arrays and Linked Lists
Stacks and Queues
Hash Tables
Trees and Graphs
Module 3: Sorting Algorithms
Module 3: Sorting Algorithms
Selection Sort
Insertion Sort
Merge Sort
Quick Sort
Module 4: Searching Algorithms
Module 4: Searching Algorithms
Linear Search
Binary Search
Hashing for Searching
Depth-First Search and Breadth-First Search
Module 5: Advanced Data Structures
Module 5: Advanced Data Structures
Priority Queues and Heaps
AVL Trees and Red-Black Trees
B-Trees and B+ Trees
Disjoint-Set (Union-Find) Data Structure
Module 6: Dynamic Programming
Module 6: Dynamic Programming
Introduction to Dynamic Programming
Fibonacci Sequence using Dynamic Programming
Longest Common Subsequence
Knapsack Problem
Module 7: Graph Algorithms
Module 7: Graph Algorithms
Graph Representation
Dijkstra's Algorithm
Minimum Spanning Trees (Prim's and Kruskal's)
Topological Sorting
Module 8: Greedy Algorithms
Module 8: Greedy Algorithms
Introduction to Greedy Algorithms
Huffman Coding
Minimum Spanning Trees with Prim's Algorithm (Review)
Interval Scheduling
Module 9: Advanced Sorting Techniques
Module 9: Advanced Sorting Techniques
Radix Sort
External Sorting
Sorting in the Real World (e.g., Timsort)
Performance Analysis of Sorting Algorithms
Module 10: String Algorithms
Module 10: String Algorithms
String Matching (Naive and KMP)
Trie Data Structure
Edit Distance (Levenshtein Distance)
Regular Expressions
Module 11: Divide and Conquer Algorithms
Module 11: Divide and Conquer Algorithms
Introduction to Divide and Conquer
Matrix Multiplication
Closest Pair of Points
Strassen's Matrix Multiplication
Module 12: Geometric Algorithms
Module 12: Geometric Algorithms
Convex Hull (Graham's Scan)
Line Segment Intersection
Voronoi Diagrams
Computational Geometry Applications
Module 13: Advanced Data Structures - Part 2
Module 13: Advanced Data Structures - Part 2
Trie Data Structure (Review)
Suffix Trees and Suffix Arrays
Bloom Filters
Fenwick Trees (Binary Indexed Trees)
Module 14: Dynamic Programming - Part 2
Module 14: Dynamic Programming - Part 2
Longest Increasing Subsequence
Matrix Chain Multiplication
Dynamic Programming in Practice
Memoization vs. Tabulation
Module 15: Network Flow Algorithms
Module 15: Network Flow Algorithms
Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
Max Flow-Min Cut Theorem
Applications of Network Flow
Bipartite Matching
Module 16: NP-Hard Problems and Approximation Algorithms
Module 16: NP-Hard Problems and Approximation Algorithms
Introduction to NP-Hardness
Traveling Salesman Problem
Approximation Algorithms
Greedy Approximations
Module 17: Randomized Algorithms
Module 17: Randomized Algorithms
Monte Carlo and Las Vegas Algorithms
Randomized Quick Sort
Primality Testing (Miller-Rabin)
Applications of Randomized Algorithms
Module 18: Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
Module 18: Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
Parallel Computing Models
Parallel Sorting Algorithms
Distributed Hash Tables
MapReduce and Parallel Processing
Module 19: Advanced Graph Algorithms
Module 19: Advanced Graph Algorithms
Strongly Connected Components (Kosaraju's Algorithm)
Maximum Flow Algorithms (Edmonds-Karp)
Bipartite Graphs and Matching (Review)
Graph Algorithms in Real-world Networks
Module 20: Advanced Topics in Data Structures
Module 20: Advanced Topics in Data Structures
Suffix Trees and Applications
Interval Trees and Segment Trees
Skip Lists
Treaps and Splay Trees
Module 21: Advanced Dynamic Programming
Module 21: Advanced Dynamic Programming
Longest Common Substring
Bitmask Dynamic Programming
Advanced DP Techniques
Dynamic Programming Optimization
Module 22: Online Algorithms
Module 22: Online Algorithms
Competitive Analysis
Paging Algorithms
Online Scheduling
Buffer Management
Module 23:Specialized Data Structures and Algorithms
Module 23:Specialized Data Structures and Algorithms
B-Trees and Databases
Geohash and Spatial Indexing
Compressed Data Structures
Quantum Algorithms (Introduction)
Module 24: Review and Project
Module 24: Review and Project
Comprehensive Review of Key Concepts
Final Project Presentation and Evaluation
Career and Further Learning
Course Conclusion and Future Directions

Algorithms and Data Structures (Computer Science Fundamentals)

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