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Published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York
CONTENTS Preface Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
vii Drivers and Restraints for Economic and Technical Efficiency in Dairy Farms Helena Hansson
Does Gibrat‘s Laа Hold amongst Dairв Farmers in Northern Ireland? Philip Kostov, Myles Patton, Joan Moss and Seamus McErlean
Shannon Entropy of Ammonia Volatilization from Fertilized Agricultural Soils G. D. Liu, Y. C. Li and A. K. Alva
Economic Analysis of Precision Farming Technologies at the Farm Level: Two German Case Studies Andreas Meyer-Aurich, Markus Gandorfer and Alois Heißenhuber Restructuring Livestock Farms under Oil Boom Economy in Transition Country: Case Study of Mangistau Oblast, Kazakhstan Wataru Yamamoto, Leonid Gurevich and Aigul Kabinova
Can the Sustainable Livelihood Framework Be Quantified? The Diverse Livelihoods in the Taita Hills of Kenya Eija Soini
Bio-Physical and Socio-Economic Determinants of Adopting a Diversified Cropping System: A Case Study from Bangladesh Sanzidur Rahman
Herd Management, Productivity, and Land Use Pattern of DualPurpose Cattle Farms in the Semi-Humid Region of Central Nicaragua: What Are the Main Obstacles for Environmentally Sound Intensification? Wataru Yamamoto and Muhammad Ibrahim
vi Chapter 9
Contents Growing More Rice with Less Water in Asia: Identifying and Exploring Opportunities through System of Rice Intensification Abha Mishra and V. M. Salokhe
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PREFACE Agricultural systems include the development and application of systems methodology, including system modelling, simulation and optimisation; ecoregional analysis of agriculture and land use; studies on natural resource issues related to agriculture; impact and scenario analyses related to topics such as GMOs, multifunctional land use and global change; the development and application of decision and discussion support systems; approaches to analysing and improving farming systems; technology transfer in tropical and temperate agriculture; and the relationship between agricultural development issues and policy. This new book presents the latest research in the field. Chapter 1 - This chapter is a synthesis of five empirical studies (Hansson, 2007a; Hansson, 2007b; Hansson, 2007c; Hansson, 2008; Hansson and Öhlmér, 2008) which are all parts of a research project explaining reasons for inefficiency in dairy production. The analysis was conducted in light of four themes: the overall structure of inefficiency, the farm itself, differences in operational managerial practices and farmer managerial capacity. The research project was based on a dataset of 507 dairy farms in Sweden. Farm efficiency scores, based on accounting data of each farm, were calculated with the data envelopment analysis. Factors hypothesized to explain differences between efficient and inefficient farms were collected with a questionnaire which was answered by about 320 farmers. Data were also obtained from a dairy cow recording scheme conducted by the Swedish Dairy Association. The factors hypothesized to explain reasons for inefficient production were analyzed with regression models. The results showed that the links between efficiency and commonly used critical success factors are typically weak, implying that the critical success factors cannot predict efficient farming. The results also showed that farm size affect different efficiency measures in opposite ways, implying that the overall effect is unclear. Regarding strategic factors, considered in light of the third theme (the farm itself), the results showed that more diversified farms are more efficient, and also that larger fields and bunker or tower silos lead to more efficient farms. Farms situated in a social context, where the farmer can discuss milk production with someone on a regular basis, were more efficient. The results further showed that factors adjustable in the daily work typically do not affect farm efficiency to any larger extent. Finally, the results showed that farmers who are educated in agriculture and continually up-date their skills, e.g., through study circles, generally run more efficient farms. The most fruitful insights into why some farms are inefficient were found in the themes the farm itself and farmer managerial capacity. The chapter ends with two suggestions for future research.
Oliver W. Castalonge
Chapter 2 - This chapter tests whether the Law of Proportionate Effects (Gibrat, 1931), which states that farms grow at a rate that is independent of their size, holds for the dairy farms in Northern Ireland. Previous studies have tended to concentrate on testing whether the law holds for all farms. The methodology used in this study permits investigation of whether the law holds for some farms or all farms according to their size. The approach used avoids the subjective splitting of samples, which tends to bias results. Additionally we control for the possible sample selection bias. The findings show that the Gibrat law does hold except in the case of small farms. This is in accordance аith previous findings that Gibrat‘s laа tends to hold when only larger farms are considered, but tends to fail when smaller farms are included in the analysis. Implications and further extensions, as well as some alternatives to the proposed methodology are discussed. Chapter 3 - The economic loss of ammonia (NH3) volatilization from chemical N fertilizers applied to farmlands worldwide is 11.6 billion US dollars per year. The economic impact of negative environmental effects resulted from NH3 volatilization, i.e., formation of potent greenhouse gas (N2O) and PM2.5, is difficult to estimate but enormous. The Shannon‘s Information Theory was applied to the data collecteddd from our previous study using either ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4], ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), potassium nitrate (KNO3), or urea applied to four agricultural soils, i.e., Biscayne Marl Soil (BMS) and Krome Gravelly Loam (KGL) from Florida and Quincy Fine Sand (QFS) and Warden Silt Loam (WSL) from Washington, at two soil water regimes (20% and 80% field capacity, FC) and incubated at either 11, 20, or 29oC. Shannon rate (Rs g N ha-1 bit-1) was defined as N-loss per unit area per Shannon entropy via NH3 volatilization from the fertilized soils. The results showed that the Rs values across the four soils were 3-fold greater at 20% FC than that at 80% FC soil water regime. The BMS and KGL soils depicted similar Rs values, i.e., 2362.5 and 2378.9, while those for the QFS and WSL soils were only 1079.0 and 851.1 g N ha-1 bit-1, respectively. The Rs values were 4178.6, 2863.3, 1502.3, and 21.7 g N ha-1 bit-1 for urea, (NH4)2SO4, NH4NO3 and KNO3, respectively. The environmental friendliness of either the tested soils, fertilizers, or soil water regimes, etc. were based on the Rs values, discussed. Chapter 4 - The aim of this chapter is to evaluate the economic whole farm impact of the implementation of precision-farming technologies. Therefore, two farms were analyzed, which had implemented different precision agriculture technologies several years ago. The farms can be regarded as early adopters of precision agriculture technologies in two very different agricultural production areas. One of the two analyzed farms (1560 ha) is located in East Germany (Saxony-Anhalt), in a region with low annual rainfall and high fertile soils. In this farm nitrogen and potassium fertilizer applications, fungicides applications, and seeding are managed site-specifically following a mapping-approach, based on yield maps and aerial photographs. The other farm (150 ha) is located in Bavaria, in a region with high annual rainfall and comparatively fertile soils. In this farm the Yara-N-Sensor® is used for sitespecific nitrogen management. The economic analysis is based on economic efficiency calculations for the implemented technologies, e.g., break-even-analysis and profit estimations. Furthermore, the two farmers were interviewed about the impact on their farm management and organization. The implementation of the technologies provided economic gains for both of the farms. While the implementation of the sensor-based technology had only moderate effects on the overall farm management, the implementation of the mapping based system resulted in a farreaching reorganization of the farm.
The authors conclude that a sensor-approach is easier to implement than a mapping approach. The implementation of a mapping-based site-specific management approach requires more skills, e.g., for analyzing site-specific data or creating application maps. Positive returns on the investments in the fertilizer technology can only be achieved when the technologies are used on sufficient acreage. This is easier to realize on big farms in eastern Germany or in terms of a collaborative use of the technologies than on comparatively small farms in southern Germany. However, in both regions the authors didn‘t find evidence that the innovation is adopted by neighboring farmers, which indicates that there are still considerable adoption constraints that limit the diffusion of precision farming technologies in Germany. Chapter 5 - Traditionally Kazakhstan is a country of a transhumant farming system. After the independence from the Soviet Union, state farms were privatized. A large number of newly developed corporate farms were bankrupted through the privatization process, and household farms, a traditional livestock production system using common lands, emerged as private farms. On the other hand, since the prices of general commodities have been raised through the rapid economic growth supported by the oil boom, exporting livestock products becomes more difficult. In addition, it is likely that off-farm work opportunities provided by oil industries have made the traditional farming systems less important in rural economy. The objective of the study is to quantify the role of the livestock sector in rural society and to elaborate public support strategies in Mangistau Oblast in Kazakhstan. The history of farm restructuring of Kazakhstan and the current trends of livestock sector in Mangistau Oblast were reviewed. Then, the current conditions of restructured farms were examined by household interviews (57 household and 43 peasant farms) and interviews with the leaders of village and corporate farms with regards to land use, production, revenue, marketing, and farmers‘ attitude. The results showed that despite unfavorable climate conditions for agricultural production and long distance to market, the rural population in Mangistau Oblast is strongly attached to their lands and traditional livestock farming. Nearly half of the population belongs to household farms for which 30% of income is supported by livestock production. Livestock production is largely concentrated in household farms (cattle 90%, horse 78%, camel 76%, and milk 80%). Peasant farms, registered farms with lands of long-term lease, have emerged after struggling for farm restructuring for a decade, but the revenue of average peasant farms seems to be narrowly viable. Some corporate farms reorganized voluntarily by farmers were revitalized by new financial support by the state and oil companies, but their future performance is unknown. The study concluded that organizing livestock farms is important for the convenience of public support to enhance competitiveness in market economy and resource management, particularly at the periphery of settlements. Reorganizing household farms at the village level, formulation of service-oriented associations by peasant farms, development of social entrepreneurship corporation jointly with oil companies, and value addition of livestock products at the village level are suggested. Feasibility studies on such institutions, local-based wool and leather production, and new initiatives to graze rangelands are recommended. Chapter 6 - The Sustainable Livelihoods (SL) framework is widely used for structuring qualitative studies of livelihood. This chapter tests the feasibility and value of doing a quantitative survey in the Taita Hills of Kenya using the SL framework. The framework was used as a structure both in the quantitative data collection and the statistical analysis of
Oliver W. Castalonge
interrelationships of livelihood assets and outcomes. According to the survey, some of the biggest changes in the Taita Hills, as commonly perceived by farmers, are the declining soil fertility, decreasing number of livestock, new agricultural technologies, changes in the number of trees and species, and the increasing need of off-farm income. There is great variation in perceived changes, problems, adaptation strategies, coping strategies with unexpected expenditures, experimenting with new activities, and achieving desired livelihood outcomes. To study interrelationships of the different livelihood capital and livelihood outcomes several variations of multivariate regression analysis were used. The livelihood objectives that were considered by the farmers themselves as the most desirable in improving the standard of living were used to select the components of the livelihood outcome. Although the process is dynamic, with each household following a different time trajectory, it is expected that some links between the capital and the outcomes can be detected in crosssectional data. The linear multivariate regression analysis showed that only financial capital could be directly related to the measured livelihood outcomes. But the variance accounted for is small, 26%. Analysing the components of outcome and capital separately reveal some patterns, and several of these challenge conventional expectations. However, the overall picture is one of much variation and individuality in livelihoods. The SL framework was found useful in the design of the survey. It focuses the survey instrument on the key elements, and it helps structure the presentation and analysis. However, it has some shortcomings when used with quantitative data. Much remains unexplained by a quantitative analysis using the sustainable livelihood SL framework. This may be due to the multiple livelihood strategies, selection of indicators, and/or the many intangible assets and social processes not described by the framework. However, despite the great variation, financial capital may be the most crucial asset in influencing the realization of livelihood outcomes. Increasing occupational multiplicity is a general trend in rural Africa. The increasing need of cash and the limited income from farm production is forcing farmers to look for off-farm jobs to supplement farm income. Chapter 7 - The chapter explores the bio-physical and socio-economic determinants of adopting a diversified cropping system using a survey of 406 farmers located in 21 villages in three agro-ecological regions of Bangladesh. The computed value of the Herfindahl index of crop diversification confirms that farming system in Bangladesh is still relatively diverse despite four decades of thrust in the diffusion of ―Green Revolution‖ technologв package aimed at promoting modern rice monoculture. Although the gross value of output per hectare is significantly higher for specialized farms (i.e., farms concentrating on modern rice monoculture), the profits between specialized and diversified farms are similar because of significantly lower use rates of all variable inputs by the latter. Results from the Tobit model reveal that a host of factors, including input prices, significantly determines decision to adopt a diversified cropping system. Among the input prices, a rise in labour wage significantly promotes crop diversification, whereas a rise in the prices of fertilizers, pesticides and animal power services favour specialization towards modern rice monoculture. Crop diversification is positively associated with farm size. However, tenancy and availability of irrigation significantly favour specialization, implying that owner operators and farmers with no irrigation facilities are more likely to choose crop diversification. Both education and farming experience are significantly positively associated with crop diversification. Adoption of a diversified cropping system is significantly higher in regions endowed with developed infrastructure and relatively better soil fertility. Share of non-agricultural income also
positively influence crop diversification. Therefore, adoption of a diversified cropping system could be promoted significantly by investing in rural infrastructure, farmer education, and soil conservation measures. Price policies aimed at improving labour wage and reducing fertilizers, pesticides, and animal power prices would also promote crop diversification. In addition, land reform policies focusing on delegating land ownership to landless and marginal farmers are noteworthy. Chapter 8 - Cattle production in the humid lowland tropics has been criticised for its extensive management system, low productivity and high burden on the environment. Dualpurpose cattle production systems have been preferred by small and medium sized farms in such regions due to low capital and technical demands with low risk for farmers. Intensification of existing dual-purpose cattle farms has been recognized as a key target to reduce deforestation in Central America. However, the details of complex farming systems using seasonal cattle movement as well as diversified grazing lands with pasture and naturally regenerated trees are not well known. The objective of the chapter is to examine dual-purpose cattle production systems with regard to herd management, productivity and land use pattern. Seventy-four farms in the semi-humid region of central Nicaragua were seasonally monitored and relations with land use patterns were examined. The study results showed that grazing lands were largely covered by tree cover (23% on average). Although cattle were frequently moved from and to the farms, stocking rates did not differ by season (P