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English Pages 1683 [1677] Year 2006
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Sixth Edition Edited by Cécile Lomer Vol. I Subject Index Author Index A – J
K · G · Saur München 2006
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Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the internet at http://dnb.ddb.de.
U Printed on acid-free paper © 2006 by K. G. Saur Verlag GmbH, München Printed in Germany All Rights Strictly Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher. The publisher does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions in African Books in Print whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause. Database capture and typesetting by Cécile Lomer Printed and Bound by Zrinski D.D., Cakovec, Kroatien ISBN-13: 978-3-598-11746-6 · ISBN-10: 3-598-11746-9 (2 volumes)
Contents Volume I Introduction to the sixth edition
Scope and arrangement
Key to country codes
Key to currency abbreviations
Key to language codes
Directory of publishers and their abbreviations
List of distributors
Deleted publishers
Subject index Author index A-J
1 555
Volume II Author index K-Z Title index
795 1117
Introduction to the sixth edition This sixth edition of African Books in Print (ABIP) lists 33,261 titles in print as at the end of 2005, from 893 publishers and research institutions with publishing programmes, in 45 African countries. This compares with 31,684 titles included in the 5th edition. This edition of ABIP comprises: 1 2
all books listed in the fifth edition (2000) that are still in print; all titles listed from volume 18, no. 1 (1992) through volume 32, no. 1 (2006) of the quarterly African Book Publishing Record (ABPR) (approximately 10,750 new titles from volumes 26, no.1 through volume 32/ 1) and, approximately 1,550 titles not previously listed in either ABIP or ABPR.
The objective of ABIP is to provide a systematic, reliable and functional reference resource and selection tool for African-published material currently in print and which aims to be as comprehensive as possible. The African book publishing industry is volatile and in the six years since the publication of the last edition of ABIP there have been some important changes and developments. The increased availability of access to the internet in terms of use of email and the creation of websites has changed the way African publishers can communicate and the way in which business is done. Even just in the past couple of years, the number of African publishers setting up their own websites - and even publishing directly online has increased enormously. So too has the quality of these sites. Another change can be seen in the growth of copublication where one or more publishers combine resources to publish texts together. Access to information in francophone Africa has been greatly facilitated by various internet initiatives sponsored by l’Agence de la francophonie in France. So, although there are many resources readily available to those who are interested in African publishing – catalogues, listings, websites, distributors – only African Books in Print (and its sister journal The African Book Publishing Record ) brings all these materials together to provide, in a clearly laid-out and easily accessible format, a comprehensive view of in-print material published in Africa in a single source. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information provided but it is clear that some information such as price, will already be out of date due to price changes or currency exchange fluctuation. Extensive revisions to the database have been made, with thousands of price changes noted and approximately 13,000 out-of-print titles, deleted. As at the end of 2005 the complete ABIP/ABPR database comprised more than 1,750 publishers, including commercial publishers, research institutions with publishing programmes, NGOs, professional associations, learned societies, university departments, institutes, or research centres producing occasional publications, or reports, etc. Of these publishers, about 1,350 had title records on file in the database, which have been
listed in ABPR and/or in earlier editions of ABIP. Data gathering and verification for the 6th edition Data gathering from Africa continues to be fraught with many difficulties. In theory, the boom in the use and ready availability of internet access in Africa improves access to information. In practice, although many publisher websites are attractive and easy to use, quite a large proportion are not updated at all frequently and many do not display sufficient bibliographic information for our purposes. Some have no prices, others no page extents and frequently they do not mention dates of publication. Nevertheless, the principal change in data collection for this new edition of ABIP is the wide use of publisher website information for checking and updating entries where necessary, sometimes at the request of publishers and often where a publisher has not responded to requests for information. Wars and civil strife continue to present serious problems at all levels throughout Africa. It seems unreasonable to expect a publisher in a country enmeshed in civil war and faced with dreadful daily conditions of life, to be very interested in the updating of material for ABIP. On the other hand, it is heartening to find some books coming out of Rwanda and an increasing number from Congo Democratic Republic. Unfortunately, although electronic communication may have improved, the same cannot be said of conventional postal services. Mailing services in Nigeria, for example, continue to be amongst the worst on the continent – one is never certain whether an item will arrive and if it does it can take months for a letter or package to reach its destination. Email is not exempt from problems either – publishers frequently change their addresses without letting us know and emails are buried in files just as easily as letters. Just a few days before final completion of ABIP, a well-known and respected publisher emailed to apologise for his lack of response and to ask if it were too late to be included. Happily this publisher has a website which had already proved useful. Every publisher with records on file was mailed or emailed a computer printout, listing all their titles currently on the database, together with detailed instructions. Publishers were asked to check the printout for accuracy and completeness, to indicate price changes and other amendments, delete out-of-print titles, etc., and were also requested to supply full bibliographic details for any titles that were missing from the database. Those who failed to respond by the closing date received at least one, follow-up mailing, fax or email reminder. We received a response from about 60% of publishers including a couple who had ceased trading and a handful of completely new publishers who had somehow heard about ABIP. Some of these publishers did as they were asked (but by no means all), some sent catalogues or referred us to their website. It seems that many (perhaps most) of the publishers who did not respond in any way are organisations who have only published one or two titles and are not publishers in any real sense. It is still the case however, that for some publishers, there is still some out-of-date or incomplete data. And it is also true that coverage for certain countries (Sierra Leone, Liberia,
___________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Libya, Mauritania) is completely absent, while for others (Rwanda, Burundi, Congo-Brazzaville, the Gambia) coverage is at best patchy and at worst quite unsatisfactory. The records of 460 publishers’ files were deleted in their entirety. These are the publishers who did not update and verify title data for the 5th edition of ABIP published in 2000, did not respond to our mailings and information update requests for the new 6th edition, have not contributed information to ABPR between 2000 and 2006, or have informed us (often rather sadly) that they have ceased trading. A complete list of these publishers is included as a supplementary publisher directory entitled ‘Deleted publishers ’ on p. xlv.
Acknowledgements The editor wishes firstly to acknowledge the invaluable contribution of Hans Zell, editor of ABPR from its inception until 2002 and editor of the first five editions of ABIP. His is the guiding hand behind both the conception of ABIP and the classification system used. Without his dedication to African publishing this current edition of ABIP could not exist. Secondly, the editor thanks all those publishers in Africa who undertook the time-consuming task of providing and updating bibliographic information, and without whom this edition of African Books in Print could not have been produced. Finally, the editor is grateful to Sylvie Lomer, Brigitte Trister and Marc Willgoss for their assistance with database entry, typesetting and proofreading. Cécile Lomer February 2006
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African Books in Print
Scope and arrangement
Based on data supplied by African publishers, African Books in Print/Livres Africains Disponibles (ABIP) provides an index to African-published material currently in print – by author, title, and by subject. It covers titles in English, French and in African languages, as well a few important titles in Portuguese (since 2003). ABIP does not cover material in Afrikaans or Arabic. In addition to books from commercial imprints, it includes publications from research institutions, learned societies, professional associations, NGOs, as well as publications available from university departments, libraries, or bookshops acting as distributors on behalf of university departments and institutes, and a few books selfpublished by authors. The sole criterion for inclusion of a title in ABIP, regardless of content, is that it must have been published on the African continent or any of its offshore islands. The titles of multinational firms operating in Africa are included, but are limited to those books actually published under the imprint of a local African subsidiary or branch. ABIP lists books, pamphlets, reports and series (including irregular series), but not serials other than yearbooks or annuals. Pamphlets or reports with a page extent of less than 10 pages are generally not included. This edition covers titles in print in early 2006. Three major indexes are provided: by subject (volume I), and by author and title (volume II). Arrangement throughout is alphabetical. The index of subject and area headings, with several form divisions as applicable, also appears in a straightforward alphabetical sequence, and includes a substantial number of cross-references. Data collection Information, both for ABIP and the quarterly African Book Publishing Record (ABPR), is collected by means of regular mailings both by traditional mail and by email (in English and French) to a roster of publishers and research institutions, which currently consists of over 1,750 names and addresses. These are accompanied by ‘Fact sheets for publishers’, which describe bibliographic details required, closing dates for submitting data, etc. Publishers who fail to reply, submit incomplete data, or who do not meet deadlines are sent reminders. Title data is cross-checked, edited, classified and entered into the database. The database used is the DOS-based Advanced Revelation 3.1, with word processing output to Microsoft Word. Typesetting was done in Adobe Pagemaker. Publishers were sent an individual computer printout/edit list, including all titles on file from the fifth edition of African Books in Print, together with all those cumulated from African Book Publishing Record. Publishers were requested to check the edit lists for accuracy, delete out-of-print titles, indicate price changes and new editions, and add details of any missing titles. Approximately 60% of the publishers contacted responded and returned the lists, many of them also submitting a considerable amount of new information. Another 15% of publishers have websites which were consulted. In cases where the publisher had not corrected the computer list but had provided catalogue information, all entries were cross-checked for duplications, changes and additions which was extremely painstaking and timeconsuming. However, this means that the bibliographic information from approximately 75% of publishers has been
checked and updated as far as possible, either from information provided directly by the publisher or from information provided on publisher websites. Unfortunately, there were also once again a substantial number of publishers who failed to return the edit lists. These publishers are flagged with an asterisk * symbol in the directory of publishers. It follows that the availability status of titles from these publishers and institutions is uncertain and that information provided may be neither current nor complete. Some publishers may be no longer in business and/or actively trading. New title records listed in ABPR volume 31 (2005), and volume 32, no. 1 (2006), were added to the merged database at final proofing stage, thus ensuring that the new 6th edition of ABIP is as up-to-date as possible. Deletions and availability More than 13,000 titles listed in the fifth edition were deleted from this sixth edition, following publishers’ notification that they were out-of-print, because they have failed to verify information and update their listings for this edition, nor the previous fifth edition of ABIP, or have not supplied information to ABPR within the last 6 years. All these publishers appear in a separate listing of names on page xli. Government and official publications Government and official publications generally are not included, except for titles from certain quasi-autonomous government bodies with publishing programmes, e.g. Museums, Central Statistical Offices, university departments etc., who distribute books independently and not through government printers and publications agencies. Classification and subject index The Sears List of Subject Headings (New York: H. W. Wilson Co.) is used as the main thesaurus of classification of titles, modified and expanded to suit the particular needs of ABIP. The ABIP subject authority list currently includes a total of 7,500 subject headings. We are reliant upon publishers’ original information or descriptive data for classifying titles and there may be a small number of entries with subject classifications that are not absolutely correct or entirely consistent. Sears provides no definite rules on subdividing by place or by subject, but the following classification policies generally apply: (i) Entries under subject, subdivided by place and/or form: Agriculture/Agricultural development (all aspects) Anthropology Archaeology Architecture Art/African art Arts and crafts Business, Management, Industry, Labor, Trade unions, Employment Church history, Christianity in Africa, Christian Missions Ecology/Environment
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Economics, Economic development, Finance Geology, Mining, Mines and mineral resources Health education, Public health, Nutrition Housing and urban planning Human rights Languages and linguistics Law (all areas) Leisure and entertainment Library sciences (other than bibliographies) Life sciences Medicine Philosophy Pure sciences Sports Technology, and applied sciences Wildlife and conservation (ii) Entries under place (i.e. geographic division, country or area) subdivided by subject and/or form: Bibliographies, national Demography Education (including Vocational education, etc.) Geography History Local government Natural history Politics and government Public administration Religion (other than Missions, Christian; and Church history) Rural development Social sciences (all areas) Theology Travel and travel guides General works on African topics are classified under subject first, regardless of their nature: for example, a book entitled Education in Africa today will appear under:
Grammar Guide books History and criticism Indexes Periodical indexes Pictorial works Poetry Social life and customs Statistics Study and teaching Study and teaching (Elementary) Study and teaching (Secondary) Study and teaching (Higher) Travel Yearbooks Biographical and autobiographical titles in the subject index appear in the direct form under the name of the person treated. Titles in the African languages are classified in a simplified form as explained below. Cross-references An extensive system of cross-references is included as part of the subject thesaurus, using the following: See also reference made to related form See reference made from unused form See also references are usually made from the general subject to more specific parts of it but there are exceptions. See also cross-references under country headings guide the user to individual ethnic groups of each country. Users of ABIP must also look for additional cross-references not only under general subject headings, but also under individual countries. Cross-references under certain African languages provide alternative orthographies or nomenclatures. African literature and creative writing This group is subdivided by the following form headings:
Education – Africa and not Africa – Education whereas a title on the Nigerian educational system will be listed under place first, i.e. Nigeria – Education The following form divisions are used in addition to subject or place headings: Addresses and essays Atlases and maps Autobiography Bibliography Bio-bibliography Biography Cartoons Catalogues Collections Conversation and phrase books Conversion tables Diaries, letters Dictionaries Directories Drama Economic aspects Encyclopaedias Examinations, questions Fiction Folklore
Bibliography Folklore (including oral literature) History and criticism Collections Fiction Drama Poetry Francophone African literature is listed separately under these headings, as African literature in French. There are several interpretations and definitions of just what is African literature and what makes an African writer ‘African’. In ABIP the sections on African literature include not only black African writing, but also fiction, drama, and poetry by white South African writers and what is generally termed as ’South African English literature’. In some cases works by North African authors writing in French have been classified, somewhat arbitrarily, as ’African’ literature, rather than as Arabic literature, for which there is also a separate heading. The sixth edition of ABIP provides details of about 2,500 African literature titles in English (including critical studies), plus a further 1,000 titles in French. Children’s books African Books in Print lists approximately 2,000 Africanpublished children’s books in English and French. These
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African Books in Print
are listed under the general heading Children’s literature and Children’s literature in French, with the majority appearing under Children’s literature, African or Children’s literature in French, African. The rule has been to classify, as far as ascertainable (and sometimes a bit arbitrarily), all those children’s books as ’African’ whose stories include an African setting.
Titles in African languages are not classified by subject, but by a simplified form of sub-divisions as follows:
Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between creative or imaginative writing, i.e. picture-story books, etc. and children’s books with a more pedagogical content such as supplementary readers for English language teaching. Usually the latter are classified under English language— Study and teaching (Elementary) or (Secondary).
Translations of titles in the African languages are given [in square brackets] wherever provided by publishers. Some publishers give descriptive rather than literal translations, since literal English translations are frequently difficult to provide. For technical reasons, it is not possible to print intonation marks and diacritic signs for titles in African languages. If there are typographical errors in the spelling of any material in African languages, we would be grateful if this could be brought to our attention, for correction in subsequent editions of ABIP.
ABIP lists a substantial number of children’s books in African languages, listed under their appropriate language heading, e.g. Zulu—School books, Readers, Children’s literature. Educational books, textbooks, and school books Most texts and educational books are identified by the form heading Study and teaching (Elementary) and Study and teaching (Secondary), however certain educational courses overlap in level between final year of elementary education and first-year secondary courses. Entries under these two headings are strictly school books, whereas those that appear with the form heading Study and teaching are, for the most part, for tertiary-level education, although the form heading Study and teaching (Higher) also exists. Another form heading, Examinations, questions is also used for selfstudy and examination guides. Titles of school texts can sometimes be ambiguous; for example, a series of books entitled Secondary economics for West Africa may not be specifically about West Africa, but merely designed for West African syllabus requirements. A textbook of this nature would appear under the general Economics – Study and teaching (Secondary) heading and not under Economics – Africa, West – Study and teaching (Secondary) African languages Works (in English or French) about the various African languages – dictionaries, grammars, etc. – appear under the direct expression with form headings as appropriate, for example: Amharic language – Dictionaries Hausa language – Grammar African ethnic groups Books dealing with aspects of the social life, customs, history, etc., of specific African ethnic groups appear under the direct expression, with the words African people added in parentheses, plus form headings where applicable, for example: Yoruba (African people) – Social life and customs Luo (African people) – Law, customary Books in African languages Books in over 140 African languages are listed, a total of more than 10,000 titles, which represents a substantial increase over ABIP 5th ed. Those most heavily represented are Swahili, Zulu, Xhosa, Setswana, Shona, Ndebele, and Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo to a lesser extent. There are still considerable lacunae in the listings of several African languages.
General and Non-fiction Schoolbooks, Readers, Children’s literature Fiction, Drama, Poetry Easy reading materials, Adult
Bibliographic data A complete entry may include the following information: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Author(s), Editor(s) or Compiler(s) with initials Title and subtitle Translated title (for titles in African languages) Translator note (if appropriate) Edition, if other than first ISBN (only for post 1998 titles) Series (given in parentheses, where available; but primarily confined to numbered series) Book, volume or part number, and total number of books, etc., in set Number of pages Details of illustrations, where included Binding (if other than paper/soft-cover) Price in local currency, and price(s), in US Dollars, UK Pound Sterling and/or Euros Publisher abbreviation Year of publication Country code Language code (if not in English)
Sample entries Africa, West—Sociology Fall, A.S., Sy, O.S., eds. Household economies in West Africa/Les économies domestiques en Afrique de l’Ouest. [Text in English and French.] ISBN: 2869781121 380pp. CODESRIA 2004 SG MUL African literature in French—Fiction Ka, M. L’automobile. ISBN: 284487133X 326pp. CFA4,500 NEI 2001 IV FRE Nutrition—Africa, Southern—Bibliography Geldenhuys, Z., comp. Food security in southern Africa 1974-1994. A select and annotated bibliography. (SAIIA bibliographic series, 27) 295pp. (£15.00) SA Inst Int Affairs 1994 SA Swahili—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Abbas, Y. Utenzi wa haki za watoto. [Poems on the rights of the child.] ISBN: 9987210376 28pp. T.shs.2,500 ($4.00/ £2.00) Readit 2003 TZ SWA
All entries in any of the African languages are identified by their language codes, a key to which appears on page xv.
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All bibliographic data and prices given are subject to change and availability of books cannot be guaranteed. All books are paperbound (soft-cover) unless otherwise indicated, i.e. “cd.” (cased). As publishers have submitted data on new titles in series over a period of time, the series description is not always consistent, and may contribute to occasional minor inconsistencies in style and/or abbreviations for citation of series. Every effort is made to provide the fullest possible information for each title, however bibliographic data is unfortunately incomplete for a small proportion of entries, due to publishers’ failure to supply complete bibliographic details, for example a number of titles appear without author initial(s). Prices/editions Prices are given in local currency, and a key to currency abbreviations follows this section, along with their approximate US Dollar, UK Pound Sterling and Euro equivalents. Prices indicated in local currency for those publishers who failed to update and verify information (marked with an * asterisk in the Directory of Publishers) are likely to have changed. This applies in particular to listings of African language titles published in the 1980s that have not been updated.
Overseas prices are given in parentheses. For commercial and trade directories, or annual economic surveys, the latest edition of which we were notified is given, but more recent editions may have been published meantime. For some other entries, there is merely an indication ’Annual’ together with a date when first published. Directory of publishers The majority of publishers’ names appear in a shortened/ abbreviated form and the directory of publishers provides full names and addresses, together with an identification of the abbreviation used. A number of publishers have changed their names or corporate structure (or have merged with other companies) since the fifth edition of ABIP was published. Titles from these publishers are listed with their new and current company names, but a number of crossreferences in the directory of publishers will guide the user to their former names. A small number of entries cover books published privately by their authors. The ordering addresses for these publications do not appear in the directory of publishers, but are given as part of the bibliographical data provided with the listing.
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African Books in Print
Abbreviations bk., bks. cd. comp., comps. distr. ed., eds. enl. Eur ex. only. fold. maps ill., col. ill. Inst. lec. occas. pp. p. pap. paps. photos. pl. pt., pts. rev. tr./trans.
book, books case bound/cloth/hardback compiler, compilers distributor, distributed editor(s) edited, edition, enlarged Euro (overseas prices) available on exchange only folding maps illustrations, colour illustrations Institute lecture occasional pages (British) pence (overseas prices) paperbound (limp, softbound) papers photographs plates part, parts revised translator, translated
Multi-volume or multi-part entries are listed as follows: 2, 6bks.
1, 4v. 2 of 3
indicates book 2 of a publication consisting of six books (mainly applies to school books). indicates volume 1 of a four-volume work. indicates volume or book 2 of three
Marketing restrictions are listed as follows: [Southern Africa only] [No US]
Key to country codes (in alphabetical order by country) code country
code country
Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Morocco Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Réunion Rwanda Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somali Republic South Africa Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Togo Tunisia Uganda Zambia
Algeria Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroun Central African Republic Chad Congo, People’s Republic Congo, Democratic Republic of the (formerly Zaire) Côte d’Ivoire Djibouti Egypt Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Kenya Lesotho Madagascar Malawi Mali
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Key to currency abbreviations (subject to fluctuations; rates as at 20 January, 2006; source: www.oanda.com) Country
£ sterling
US dollar
Algerian Dinar
Franc CFA
Burkina Faso
Franc CFA
Burundi Franc
Franc CFA
Central African Republic
Franc CFA
Franc CFA
Congo Brazzaville
Franc CFA
Congo Democratic Rep.
Franc CFA
Côte d’Ivoire
Franc CFA
Franc DJ
Egyptian Pound
Eritrea Birr
Franc CFA
C & pus.
Franc Guinea
Kenya Shilling
Franc Malgache
K & t.
Franc CFA
Mauritian Rupee
Namibian Dollar
Franc CFA
Franc Rwanda
Franc CFA
Seychelles Rupee
Somali Republic
Somali Shilling
South Africa
R & c.
Sudanese Dinar
E & c.
Tanzania Shilling
Franc CFA
Dinar Tunisien
Uganda Shilling
K & n.
Zimbabwe Dollar
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African Books in Print
Key to language codes (Other than English; in order of country code; please note that some languages listed here may not have records on file in this edition of ABIP. Alternative spellings and/or names are given in parentheses. See also references refer to dual usage in the classification system due to changes in linguistic terminology.)
Abidji Abron Abua Acholi (Acoli) Akwapim Amharic Arabic Asante Attié
Bambara Bamileke Basaa Baoulé Bemba Bini Bisi Bamanan Buli
Cewa Chewa see Chichewa Chichewa Ciyao Chitumbuka Chitonga see also Tonga Creole
Dagbani Dangme Dangaleat Dagaare Duala Dyula (Dioula)
Edo Efik Ekpeye Embu Engenni Epie Ewe Ewondo
Fante Fanagalo French Fulfulde see Pulaaar
Gâ Gbagyi Gokana Gonja
Hausa Herero
Ibani Ibibio Ido
Igala Igbo Ijo Ikalanga Ikwerre IsiXhosa see Xhosa Italian
Kalabari Kasem Karimoyong Kalenjin Kamba Kaonde Kavango Kabiye Khoekhoegowab Khana Kikuyu Kinyarwanda Kikongo Kiswahili see Swahili Kituba Kusaal Kwangali see also Rukwangali Kwanyama (Oshikwanyama)
Lingombe Limbum Lingala Losso Lozi Lugbara Luganda Lulogooli Lunda Luo Luvale Luhya (Luyia)
Mauritian Creole Manding Maasai Mbukushu Meru Malagasy Mandarin Mooré Multilingual works
Nama Ndebele Ndonga see also Oshindonga Nembe Northern Sotho see also Sepedi
Ogbia Ogha Okrika Oromigna Oshiwambo Oshindonga see Ndonga
Pendé Peul Pokot Pulaar (Fulfulde)
Rukwangali also Kwangali Runyankore Ronga Rugciricu Rukiga Rumanyo Runyoro
Sereer Sefwi Sehwi Senufo Sepedi see also Northern Sotho Sesotho (Sotho) Setswana (Tswana) Shona (Chishona) Silozi also Lozi Siswati Somali Soninke Sotho also Sesotho Sissali Sosso Swahili (Kiswahili)
Tangle Teso Thimbukushu Tigrinya Tonga see also Chitonga Tsoa also Tshwa Thswa Tsonga Tshivenda see Venda Tsotsitaal Tswana also Setswana Tumbuka Twi
Venda (Tshivenda)
Xhosa (isiXhosa)
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Directory of publishers and their abbreviations The full names and addresses of publishers whose titles are included in the sixth edition of African Books in Print/ Livres Africains Disponibles are listed below. Publishers’ abbreviations are indicated in bold. Publishers are listed in alphabetical order by publisher abbreviation. Information includes telephone and fax numbers, email addresses and websites (where available). Names and addresses of distributors are indicated by abbreviations given in parentheses in italics. Full address details of distributors are provided in a separate list at the end of this Directory on page xliv. An asterisk (*) symbol indicates that the publisher did not verify or update information and does not have a current website listing full bibliographic information. A separate listing of publishers, whose titles are not included in this edition of ABIP and for which all records have been deleted, appears on pages xlv-xlvii.
3rd World Info Third World Information Services Ltd (formerly Archlib Library and Information Services Ltd) UIPO Box 20492 Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Tel: +234-(0)803800/055 Email: [email protected] 5 Plus 5 Plus du Mardi 198 route Royale Beau Bassin Mauritius *AAPS African Association of Political Science PO Box MP 1100 Mount Pleasant Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-739023/5 Fax: +263-4-730403 Email: [email protected] Website: www.aaps.co.zw AAU Association of African Universities Press PO Box AN5744 Accra North Ghana Tel: +233-21-774495 Fax: +233-21-744821 Email: [email protected] Website: www.aau.org ABANTU ABANTU for Development Regional Office for Eastern & Southern Africa 31 Ngong Road PO Box 56241 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-579343 Fax: +254-2-570668 Email: [email protected] Website: www.abantu.org Abecedarius Abecedarius Books 61 Boundary Road Inanda Sandton 2196 South Africa Tel: +27-880 4202 Fax: +27-442 9413 Acacia Acacia Stantex PO Box 66853 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-443187 *Academic Bks Academic Books PO Box 567 Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-706729/704910 Fax: +263-702071 Academic Swazi Academic Publishers 8 Manzini Box 2223 Matsapha M202 Swaziland Email: [email protected]
Academy Science Publ Academy Science Publishers African Academy of Sciences PO Box 14798 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-884401/2/3/4 Fax: +254-2-884406 Email: [email protected] Website: www.oneworld.org/aas/aa01001.htm (African Books Collective) ACFODE Action for Development Plot 623/624 Acfode House Bukoto PO Box 16729 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256-41-532311 Fax: +265-41-530460 Email: [email protected] Website: www.mc.ug/acfode ACMF African Capital Markets Forum 4th Floor Trust Towers PO Box CT 5789 Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-701 0249/235421 Fax: +233-21-701 0248 Email: [email protected] Website: www.african-cap.org (African Books Collective) Acorn Acorn Books PO Box 4845 Randburg 2125 South Africa Tel: +27-11-880 5768 Fax: +27-11-880 5768 Email: [email protected] ACPDT Africa Community Publishing and Development Trust 59 Glenara Avenue North Highlands PO Box 7250 Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-794178/739186 Fax: +263-4-794178 Email: [email protected] Website: www.icon.co.zw/acpdt (African Books Collective) ACT AIDS Counselling Trust PO Box 7225 Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-792340 Email: [email protected] Actes Ed Actes Editions Institut Agronomique & Vétérinaire Hassan II BP 6202 Instituts 10101 Rabat Morocco Tel: +212-7-774351 Fax: +212-7-778135 Email: [email protected]
Action Mag Action Magazine PO Box 4696 Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-724401/724924 Fax: +263-4-795150 Email: [email protected] Acton Acton Publishers PO Box 74419 Nairobi Kenya Fax: +254-2-506700 Email: [email protected] ACTS - Kenya African Centre for Technology Studies PO Box 45917 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-521450/1/2/3/4/5 Fax: +254-521001 Email: [email protected] Website: www.acts.org.ke/outreach_pubs.htm ADAEX ADAEX Educational Publishers PO Box AO 252 Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-854188/89 Email: [email protected] Addis Ababa UP Addis Ababa University Press PO Box 1176 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251-1-239746 Fax: +251-1-243291 Email: [email protected] Adenauer - Uganda Konrad Adenauer Foundation for African Development PO Box 647 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256-41-259611 Adenauer - Kenya Konrad Adenauer Stiftung - Nairobi PO Box 66471 Nairobi Kenya Email: [email protected] Adwinsa Adwinsa Publications (Ghana) Ltd PO Box LG 92 Legon-Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-501567 Fax: +233-21-767351 *AED Adult Education for Development PO Box 38786 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-712003 Fax: +254-2-712003
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Aequatoria Aequatoria Aequatoria Publications Centre Aequatoria de Bamanya BP 276 Mbandaka Congo, Democratic Republic of Email: [email protected] Website: www.uia.ac.be/aequatoria (Aequatoria) AERC African Economic Research Consortium PO Box 62882 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-228057 Fax: +254-2-219308 Email: [email protected] Website: www.aercafrica.org AES-PUA AES-Presses Universitaires d’Afrique 22 Place Elig Essono BP 8106 Yaoundé Cameroon Tel: +237-220030 Fax: +237-222325 *AFARD Association des Femmes Africaines pour la Recherche sur le Développement BP 3304 Dakar Senegal Tel: +221-259822 Fax: +221-241289 Afram Afram Publications (Ghana) Ltd C184/22 Midway Lane Abofu-Achimota PO Box M18 Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-408080/412561 Fax: +233-21-778715 Email: [email protected] Website: www.aframpublications.com.gh (African Books Collective) AFREPREN African Energy Policy Research Network Biomass Research Groups PO Box 30979 00100 GPO Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-566032/571467 Fax: +254-2-561464/566231/740524 Email: [email protected] Website: www.afrepren.org Africa Book Serv Africa Book Services (E A) Ltd PO Box 45245 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-223641 Fax: +254-330272 (UK: Sanober Dar; N. America: Dars) Africa Christian Africa Christian Press PO Box AH 30 Achimota Ghana Tel: +233-21-244147/8 Fax: +233-21-220271 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) Africa Inst Africa Institute of South Africa PO Box 630 Pretoria 0001 South Africa Tel: +27-12-328 6970 Fax: +27-12-323 8153 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Website: www.ai.org.za (African Books Collective) African Coun Comm African Council for Communication Education Nairobi University PO Box 47495 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-215270 Fax: +254-2-216135 Email: [email protected] Website: www.africancouncilcomed.org (African Books Collective)
Directory of publishers African Dev Bank African Development Bank 01 BP 1387 01 Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire Tel: +255-2020 4444 Fax: +255-2020 4959 Email: [email protected] Website: www.afdb.org (Global Book Marketing)
Aka Aka, S.M.O. & Brothers Press 49 Efosa Street Uzebu Quarter Benin City Bendel State Nigeria Tel: +234-52-253462
Africawide Africawide Network PO Box 62480 Nairobi Kenya Fax: +254-20-341007 Email: [email protected]
ALP Africana Legacy Press Inc. 9 James Robertson Street Surulere Lagos Nigeria Tel: +1-201-244 0902 Fax: +1-201-224 9108 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective)
Akoma Editions Akoma Mba African Heritage BP 20189 African Heritage Press (formerly Africana Legacy Yaoundé Press) Cameroon 4 Nwafor Street Tel: +237-992 2955 Owerri Fax: +237-222 4343 Imo State Email: [email protected] Nigeria Tel: +234-1-497 2044 Akpagnon Fax: +1-715-836 5996 [US] Editions Akpagnon Email: [email protected] BP 3531 Website: www.africanheritagepress.com Lomé (African Books Collective) Togo Tel: +228-222 0244 African Renaissance Fax: +228-222 0244 African Renaissance Publishers Email: [email protected] BP 5336 (outside Africa:Y-E. Dogbe) Dakar Senegal ALA Email: [email protected] Ateso Language Association Website: www.africanrenaissance.com PO Box 824 (African Books Collective) Soroti Uganda African Rights Rwanda African Rights Publishing All Africa Conf Churches c/o PO Box 18368 All Africa Conference of Churches London EC4A 4JE Information Department UK PO Box 14205 (Global Book Marketing) Westlands Nairobi African Sun Kenya African Sun Press Tel: +254-2-444 1339/443242 PO Box 16415 Fax: +254-2-444 3241 Vlaeberg 8018 Cape Town Allgood South Africa All Goodbooks Ltd Tel: +27-461 1601 PO Box 10416 Fax: +27-461 1601 Accra-North Email: [email protected] Accra (David Philip Publishers) Ghana Tel: +223-21-664294/665629 Africana First Fax: +223-21-302993 Africana First Publishers Ltd Email: [email protected] (formerly Africana-FEP Publishers Ltd) Book House Trust Alma 1, Africana-FEP Drive Editions Alma PMB 1639 Onitsha John Kennedy Avenue Anambra State Floreal Nigeria Mauritius Tel: +234-46-485031 Fax: +230-240 8133
AFRIDIC AFRIDIC Editions 01 BP 269 01 Porto-Novo Benin Tel: +229-22 32 28 Email: [email protected] Afrique Ed Afrique Editions BP 9986 Kinshasa 1 Congo, Democratic Republic of Tel: +243-12-26541 Agoro Olapade Agoro Investment Company Ltd Olapade Agoro Estate Apata PMB 5404 Ibadan Nigeria Tel: +234-2-231 2363 Fax: +234-2-231 8804 Ahenpa Ahenpa Publishers Ltd PO Box 206 Nina Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-223817 Fax: +233-21-230759 AICLD Inland Church Publications Africa Inland Church Literature Department PO Box 125 Mwanza Tanzania
Alpha Editions Alpha BP 2685 Niamey Niger Tel: +227-722069 Email: [email protected] *Alyssa Alyssa Editions 7 rue H. Thameur Sidi Bou Said 2026 Tunisia Tel: +216-71-748051 Fax: +216-71-748051 Am Univ American University in Cairo Press 113 Sharia Kasr El Aini PO Box 2511 Cairo 11511 Egypt Tel: +202-357-6895/6889 Fax: +202-354-1440 Email: [email protected] Website: http://aucpress.com (Columbia University Press) Ama Ama Books PO Box AC 1066 Ascot Bulawayo Zimbabwe Tel: +263-9-283403/274341 Email: [email protected] (Africa Book Centre)
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African Books in Print
Directory of publishers Amaabooks Amaabooks Publications PO Box 919 Accra Ghana Aman Aman Publications PO Box 683 Teshie-Nungua Estates Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-669875 Fax: +233-21-669783 Ambik Ambik Press PO Box 5027 Benin City Edo State Nigeria Tel: +234-803-711 3845 Email: [email protected] AMD Publ AMD Publishers PO Box 98 Agodi Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Amevi Mensah Amevi Mensah Agebtsi Publishers BP 8072 Yaoundé Cameroon AMREF African Medical & Research Foundation Printing and Book Distribution Unit PO Box 27691-00506 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-(0)20-605220 Fax: +254-(0)20-609518 Email: [email protected] Website: www.amref.org Anansesem Anansesem Publications PO Box 39 TUC Post Office Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-225581 Fax: +233-21-231390 (Anansesem USA) Anansi Anansi Publishers PO Box 559 Durbanville 7551 South Africa Tel: +27-21-976 8411 Fax: +27-21-976 9698 Email: [email protected] ANC African National Congress (ANC) Department of Political Education PO Box 61884 Marshalltown 2107 South Africa Andersen I. Andersen Publishing PO Box 7004 Grahamstown North 6148 South Africa *Ano Ano Publications Company PO Box 2353 Port Harcourt Nigeria *Anthropos Anthropos Publishers PO Box 4258 Cresta 2118 South Africa Tel: +27-11-337 3120 Fax: +27-11-333 2028 Anvil Anvil Press PO Box 4209 Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-7399681/781770/771 Fax: +263-4-774876 Email: [email protected]
AP Express AP Express Publishers PO Box 602 Nilwerre Imo State Nigeria
ASSF Association Solidarité Sans Frontières BP 4260 Yaounde Cameroon Email: [email protected]
Apex Apex Books Ltd PMB 1004 Unilagos Post Office Akoba, Yaba Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234-803-308 3114 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective)
Assoc Namibian Publ Association of Namibian Publishers PO Box 5934 Ausspannplatz Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264-61-221 134 Fax: +264-61-235 279 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective)
APNET African Publishers’ Network Po Box 1176 Cantonments Accra Ghana Tel: +225-2021 1801/2/3 Email: [email protected] Website: www.apnet.org (African Books Collective)
Athar Editions Athar Porte no.9 Appartement no.7 Bardo Center 2000 Tunis Tunisia
*Aquilia Aquilia Publishers PO Box 4866 The Reeds 0158 South Africa Tel: +27-12-661 4827 Fax: +27-21-661 4827 Email: [email protected] *ARDC African Research and Documentation Centre Uganda Martyrs University Kampala Uganda *ARED & GIPLLN Associates in Research & Education for Development & Groupe d’Initiative pour la Promotion du Livre en Langues Nationales Villa 8253 Sacré Coeur 1 BP 10 737 Dakar Liberté Senegal Tel: +221-825 7119/824 5098 Fax: +221-824 7097 Email: [email protected] *Ars Terres Créoles Editions Ars Terres Créoles BP 211 97493 St Clothilde Cedex Réunion Art Reporter Artisan Reporter 79 rue d’Après 97400 Saint-Denis Réunion Tel: +33-(0)262-200653 mob. +33-(0)692-855263 Fax: +33-(0)262-200653 Email: [email protected] Website: www.artisanreporter.net *Artmania Artmania Publications PO Box 100 Gaborone Botswana ARTYPO Imprimerie ARTYPO rue Mokhtar Attia Tunis Tunisia ASAIB Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers PO Box 84088 Greenside Johannesburg 2034 South Africa Tel: +27-11-888 4936 Fax: +27-11-486 1527 Asempa Asempa Publishers Christian Council of Ghana PO Box 919 Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-221706/233084 Fax: +233-21-233130 Email: [email protected]
AWF African Wildlife Foundation Training and Institutional Development Programme PO Box 48177 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-710367 Fax: +254-2-710372 Azalea Azalea Publishers PO Box 6181 Pietersburg 0750 South Africa Tel: +27-152-297 0485 Fax: +27-152-297 2585 Bachudo Bachudo Science Company Ltd PO Box 3651 Unical PO Calabar Nigeria Bailey’s Bailey’s African Photo Archives PO Box 37 Lanseria 1748 South Africa Tel: +27-11-659 2615 Fax: +27-11-659 1470 Bakame Editions Bakame BP 4281 Kigali Rwanda Tel: +250-86365 Fax: +250-86365 Email: [email protected] Ball Jonathan Ball Publishers (Pty) Limited HarperCollins PO Box 33977 Jeppestown 2043 South Africa Tel: +27-21-423 3911 Fax: +27-21-423 3930 Email: [email protected] Website: www.boekenet.com/jball.html Bamboo Bamboo Books Lagos 70c Allen Avenue Nikky Africana Plaza PO Box 12130 Ikeja, Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234-803-702 0780 Fax: +234-1-345 3206 Email: [email protected] Baobab - Mayotte Editions du Baobab BP 18 97600 Mamoudzou Mayotte Tel: +269-61 13 21 Fax: +268-61 35 53 Email: [email protected] Website: www.archipel-mayotte.com
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Directory of publishers
Baobab-Zimb Baobab - Zimb Baobab Books 2 Pat Dunn Close PO Box 567 New Ardbennie Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-665187/661642/66151 Fax: +263-4-665155/759052 Email: [email protected] Website: www.mediazw.com/baobab/ (African Books Collective) Bay Bay Publishing PO Box 502426 Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267-306023 Fax: +267-3906023 Email: [email protected] BBA Bûku ti BêAfrika/BBA Editions BP 2347 Bangui Central African Republic Tel: +236-611591 Fax: +236-619192 BD Boom BD Boom - Gabon c/o SCAC BP 2103 Libreville Gabon Tel: +241-761120 Email: [email protected] Website: http://le-village.ifrance.com/festivalbd-gabon/bdboom.htm Beginners Publ Beginners Publishers PO Box 785 Cantonments-Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-503040 Email: [email protected] Bell-Roberts Bell-Roberts Publishing PO Box 16067 Vlaeberg 8018 South Africa Tel: +27-21-4-221100 Fax: +27-21-3-233135 Email: [email protected] Website: www.bell-roberts.com *Benedictine Benedictine Publications PO Box 1 Peramiho Tanzania Fax: +255-635 2917 BER Bureau for Economic Research PB X5050 Stellenbosch 7599 South Africa Tel: +27-21-887 2810 Fax: +27-21-883 9225 BERPS Bureau d’Etudes et de Recherches pour la Promotion de la Santé Centre de Promotion de la Santé BP 1800 Kangu-Mayumbe BC Congo, Democratic Republic of (CPSK, Belgium) *BESG Built Environment Support Group University of Natal PB X10 Dalbridge 4041 South Africa Tel: +27-31-260 2084 Fax: +27-31-260 1236 Email: [email protected] Besong Bate Besong Publishers c/o Barrister Charles Achaleke Taku Chambers PMB 114 Buea Cameroon Bible Soc Cameroon Bible Society of Cameroon BP 1133 Yaoundé Cameroon Tel: +237-223 1476
Bible Soc SA Bible Society of South Africa PO Box 6215 Roggebaai 8012 Western Cape Province South Africa Tel: +27-21-421 2040 Fax: +27-21-419 4846 Email: [email protected] Website: www.biblesociety.co.za (Europe: British & Foreign Bible Society) BIDPA Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis PB BR 29 Gaborone Botswana Email: [email protected] Biomed Biomed Publications PO Box 58510 Karenpark 0118 South Africa Tel: +27-12-529 4359 Fax: +27-12-529 4118 Black Eagle Black Eagle Publishing Devonshire Court 20 Devonshire Road Wynberg 7800 Cape Town South Africa Tel: +27-(0)21-762 2180 Fax: +27-(0)21-762 2246 Email: [email protected] Website: www.africageographic.com Black Mask Black Mask Limited PO Box CT 770 Cantonments Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-234577 Fax: +233-21-229968 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) *Black Sash Black Sash Trust 4th Floor 12 Plein Street Cape Town 8001 South Africa Tel: +27-21-246 7804 Fax: +27-21-461 8004 Email: [email protected] BLD Bibliothèque Lecture Développement BP 1046 RP Dakar Senegal Tel: +221-834 3494 Fax: +221-834 3495 Email: [email protected] Website: www.bld.sn Blue Mango Blue Mango Publishing PO Box 70045 Dar es Salaam Tanzania (Global Book Marketing) Bolabay Bolabay Publications PO Box 2547 Ikeja Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234-2-493 7670 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) Boldads Boldads Publishers 102 Simon Mazzorodze Road PO Box 1027 Southerton Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-621321/7 Fax: +263-4-621328 *Book Builders BookBuilders Ltd Awosika Avenue PO Box 20222 University of Ibadan Ibadan Nigeria Tel: +234-22-810 1113 Email: [email protected]
*Bookchat-SA Bookchat/IBBY South Africa PO Box 8407 Howard Place 7450 South Africa Tel: +27-21-674 1169 Fax: +27-21-671 2902 Email: [email protected] Website: www.bookchat.co.za BookCo The Book Company Ltd PO Box 1608 Shomolu Lagos State Nigeria Tel: +234-1-778316 Fax: +234-1-7780340 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) Bookcraft Bookcraft Ltd PO Box 16279 Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Tel: +234-22-810 3238 Fax: +234-22-510 3238 Email: [email protected] Website: www.bookcraftafrica.com (African Books Collective) *Bookhouse Bookhouse Publication BP 14013 Yaoundé Cameroon Bookseller-Zamb Booksellers and Publishers Association of Zambia Lottie House 6 Cairo Road PO Box 31838 Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260-1-222647 Fax: +260-1-225195 Bookworld Bookworld Publishers Ltd PO Box 32581 Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260-1-222688/235282 Fax: +260-1-225195 Email: [email protected] *Bosco Editions Bosco BP 1017 Lomé Togo Tel: +228-210493/268700 Fax: +228-221003 Botsotso Botsotso Publishing PO Box 23910 Joubert Park 2044 South Africa Tel: +27-11-4872112 Email: [email protected] Botswana Soc Botswana Society National Museum & Art Gallery Independence Avenue PO Box 71 Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267-391 9613 Fax: +267-391 9745 Email: [email protected] Website: www.botsoc.org.bw Bounty Bounty Press Ltd PO Box 23856 Mapo PO Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria BOZ Bank of Zambia Bank Square Cairo Road PO Box 30080 Lusaka Zambia Website: www.boz.zm *BRA Building Research Agency PO Box 1964 (BRA) Dar es Salaam Tanzania
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African Books in Print
Directory of publishers Brain Food Brain Food Company P O Box 91344 Auckland Park 2006 South Africa Tel: +27-(0)11-781 6866 Fax: +27-(0)11-781 6861 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.bigbrain.co.za
Centaur Bur Publ Theo Bureau des Publications Théologiques Facultés Catholiques de Kinshasa BP 1534 Kinshasa-Limete Congo, Democratic Republic of (Kalombo Diyoka)
Brenthurst Brenthurst Press (Pty) Ltd PO Box 87184 Houghton 2041 South Africa Tel: +27-11-646 6024 Fax: +27-11-486 1651 Email: [email protected]
Butterworth Butterworth Publishers (Pty) Ltd 8 Walter Place PO Box 4 Mayville 4058 South Africa Tel: +27-31-268 3111 Fax: +27-31-268 3110 Website: www.butterworths.co.za (UK: Butterworths; USA: Lexis Law Publishing)
*Bridgeford P & M Bridgeford PB 5021 Walvis Bay Namibia
*CAA Catholic AIDS Action PO Box 11525 Windhoek Namibia
*Brigand Brigand Selections Pty Ltd Suite 190 Private Bag X18 Rondebosch 7701 Cape Town South Africa (Global Book Marketing)
Cadicec CADICEC Uniapac-Congo Secrétariat General BP 3417 Kinshasa-Gombe Congo, Democratic Republic of Tel: +243-88-43268 Fax: +243-32-2-7065492 Email: [email protected]
Brighter Star Brighter Star Publishers Nigeria Ltd PO Box 29156 Secretariat PO Ibadan Nigeria Tel: +234-(0)2-241 2401/(0)80-3361 6551 Fax: +234-80-4210 8673 Brit Inst EA British Institute in East Africa PO Box 30710 Nairobi Kenya Email: [email protected] (Oxbow Books) Briza Briza Publications PO Box 56569 Arcadia 0007 South Africa Tel: +27-12-329 3896 Fax: +27-12-329 4525 Email: [email protected] Website: www.briza.co.za *BTEC BTEC Books Maaweel Street Hargeisa Somali Republic Email: [email protected] (James Currey ) *Buma Kor Buma Kor Publishing House BP 727 RCG 1602 Yaoundé Cameroon Tel: +237-230768 Fax: +237-230768 Email: [email protected] Bunda Alexander Gasiny Bunda Books PO Box 35352 Lusaka Zambia Email: [email protected] *Bur Ghana Lang Bureau of Ghana Languages PO Box 1851 Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-772151 Bur Market Research Bureau of Market Research PO Box 392 University of South Africa Pretoria 0003 South Africa Tel: +27-12-429 3070 Fax: +27-12-429 3170 Email: [email protected] Website: www.unisa.ac.za/dept/bmr
*CAFS Centre for African Family Studies International Planned Parenthood Federation Pamstech House, Woodvale Grove, Westlands PO Box 60054 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-448618 Fax: +254-2-448621 Email: [email protected] *Cairo Demographic Centre Cairo Demographic Centre Publications No 78 Street No 4 Hadhaba-el-Olya Mokattam 11571 Cairo Egypt Tel: +202-506 0735/0950/0735/0950 Fax: +202-506 2797 Email: [email protected] Website: www.frcu.eun.eg Caltop Caltop Publications (Nigeria) Limited GPO Box 1994 (Dugbe) Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Camerapix Camerapix Publishers International Ltd PO Box 45048 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-448923/4/5 Fax: +254-1-448926/7 Email: [email protected] Website: www.camerapix.com (Global Book Marketing) *Campbell Coll Campbell Collections and Centre for Oral Studies PB X10 Dalbridge 4014 South Africa Tel: +27-31-260 3043 Fax: +27-31-260 3033 *Capucines Editions Capucines 20 avenue des Capucines Quatre Bornes Mauritius Tel: +230-464 1563 *CASP Consortium for African Scholarly Publishing PO Box 45917 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254- 2565-173/569986 Fax: 254-2569-989 Email: [email protected] Catholic Publ Roman Catholic Church Publications PO Box 8315 Windhoek Namibia
CAUE Conseil en Architecture Urbanisme et Environnement 12 rue Monseigneur de Beaumont BP 868 97477 Saint Denis Cedex Réunion Tel: +33-(0)262-21 60 86 Email: [email protected] Website: www.caue974.com *CCF Cheetah Conservation Fund PO Box 1755 Otjiwarongo Namibia Tel: +264-67-306225 Fax: +264-67-306247 Email: [email protected] Website: www.cheetah.org CCFN Centre Culturel Franco-Nigérien BP 11413 Niamey Niger Tel: +227-734834 Fax: +227-734768 *CCJP-Zimb Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Zimbabwe PO Box CY284 Causeway Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-791053 Fax: +263-4-724971 *CDD Centre for Democratic Development PO Box 404 Legon Accra Ghana Email: [email protected] CEDA Editions CEDA Immeuble 60 Logements Abidjan Plateau 04 BP 541 Abidjan 04 Côte d’Ivoire Tel: +225-21-246510 Fax: +255-21-250567 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ceda-ci.com *CEDEP Centre for the Development of People CEDEP Women’s Forum PO Box 5601 Kumasi Ghana Email: [email protected] CEDI Centre Protestant d’Editions et de Diffusion BP 11398 Kinshasa Congo, Democratic Republic of Tel: +243-12-22202 CEEBA Centre d’Etudes Ethnologiques Institut de Culture Africaine de Bandundu BP 8631 Kinshasa Congo, Democratic Republic of Email: [email protected] Website: www.ceeba.at CEEST Centre for Energy, Environment, Science & Technology PO Box 5511 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tel: +255-51-667569 Fax: +255-51-666079 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ceest.com (African Books Collective) Centaur Centaur Publications Centaur House PO Box 371 Isando 1600 South Africa Tel: +27-11-974 1181 Fax: +27-11-974 4311
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Directory of publishers
Central Africana Central Africana Central Africana Ltd PO Box 631 Victoria Avenue Blantyre Malawi Tel: +265-(0)162 3227 Fax: +265-(0)162 0533 Email: [email protected] Website: www.centralafricana.com *Central Tanganyika Central Tanganyika Press PO Box 1129 Dodoma Tanzania Tel: +255-61-300012/304180 Fax: +255-61-324565 Centre Basic Res Centre for Basic Research Plot 15 Baskerville Avenue Kololo PO Box 9863 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256-41-342987 Fax: +256-41-235413 Centre Cult - Libreville Centre Culturel Libreville - SEPIA Centre de Documentation BP 2103 Libreville Gabon Tel :+241-761120 Fax :+241-746317 Email : [email protected] Website : www.ccfgabon.org Centre Litt Kwanja Centre de Littérature Kwanja BP 22 Bankim Cameroon *Centre Policy Stud Centre for Policy Studies PO Box 16488 Doornfontein 2028 Johannesburg South Africa Tel: +27-11-642 9820 Fax: +27-11-643 4654 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.cps.org.za *Centre Soc-Leg Stud Centre for Socio-Legal Studies The Media Publishing Unit University of Natal PB X10 Dalbridge 4014 South Africa Tel: +27-31-260 1291 Fax: +27-31-260 1540 Email: [email protected] Website: www.csls.org.za Centro Estudos Africanos Centro de Estudos Africanos Universidade Eduardo Mondlane CP 1993 Maputo Mozambique Tel: +258-1-490828 Fax: +258-1-491896 Email: [email protected] (English language titles only) Cérès Cérès Productions BP 56 Tunis Belvédère Tunisia Tel: +216-71-960980 Fax: +216-71-960977 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ceres-productions.com CERIST Centre de Recherche sur l’Information Scientifique et Technique 03 rue de Frères Aissa ben Aknoun Alger 16030 Algeria Fax:+213-2-912126 Email:[email protected] website: www.cerist.dz Chancellor Coll Chancellor College Publications PO Box 280 Zomba Malawi Tel: +265-522222 /149398 Fax: +265-522046 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective)
*Chantal Moreau Editions Chantal Moreau 46 rue Robert Rey Roches Brunes Mauritius Chinze Chinze Original Books 184 Ogui Road Dayspring House Enugu Nigeria Chrisley Chrisley Limited PO Box 76616 Nairobi 00508 Kenya Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) Christ Lit Assoc - Mal Christian Literature Association in Malawi PO Box 503 Blantyre Malawi Christian Lit Christian Literature for Africa 11 Jasmay Place Nahoon Valley East London 5421 South Africa Tel: +27-43-735 2953 Fax: +27-43-735 2953 Email: [email protected] Christon Christon International Company 177 Nnamdi Street PO Box 622 Awka Anambra State Nigeria Tel: + (0)804-312 3454 Email: [email protected] *CICBA Centre International des Civilisations Bantu BP 770 Libreville Gabon Tel: +241-704096/775090/775088/775084 Fax: +241-703449 Email: [email protected] *CIR Centre for Intellectual Renewal PO Box 2432 Kumasi Ghana CJL Children’s Joy to Learn PO Box 977 Kampala Uganda Clairafrique Editions Clairafrique 2 rue Sandiniery BP 2005 Dakar Senegal *Claripress Claripress Limited PO Box 46991 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-571614 Fax: +254-2-571857 Classiques Guinéens Les Classiques Guinéens - SOGUIGIP 545 rue KA 020 Boulbinet Guinea Tel: +224-413119 Fax: +224-414740 Email: [email protected] (Les Classiques Africaines) CLE Editions CLE BP 1501 Yaoundé Cameroon Tel: +237-222 3554 Fax: +237-223 2709 Email: [email protected] Website: http://wagne.net/cle
*CLMC Christian Learning Materials Centre PO Box 24345 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-882048/8826667 Fax: +254-2-882048 Clever Clever Books PO Box 13816 Hatfield 2206 South Africa Tel: +27-12-342 3263 Fax: +27-12-430 2376 Email: [email protected] Website: www.cleverbooks.co.za Cluster Cluster Publications PO Box 2400 Pietermaritzburg 3200 South Africa Tel: +27-33-345 9897 Fax: +27-33-345 9897 Email: [email protected] Website: www.hs.unp.ac.za/theology/ cluspub.htm CODESRIA Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop Angle Canal IV BP 3304 Dakar Senegal Tel: +221-825 9814/22/23 Fax: +221-824 1289/864 0143 Email: [email protected] Website: www.codesria.org (English language: African Books Collective; French titles: Karthala) Cogito Cogito Publishers PO Box 4203 Enugu Nigeria Tel: +234-42-250522 Email: [email protected] Website: www.cogitopublishers.net (African Books Collective) College Press - Nig College Press and Publishers Ltd ESC Campus 5A Baale Akintayo Road, Jericho GRA PO Box 30678 Secretariat Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Tel: +234-2-810 4165/810 5630 Fax: +234-2-810 4165/241 1339 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) College Press -Zimb College Press Publishers (Pvt) Ltd 15 Douglas Road Workington PO Box 3041 Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-754145/754255 Fax: +263-4-754256 Email: [email protected] Website: www.collegepress.co.zw *Colourprint Colourprint Limited SLP 44466 Nairobi Kenya *Comboni Comboni Missionaries PO Box 3872 Kampala Uganda COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Integration Research Network PO Box 30051 Lusaka Zambia
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African Books in Print
Directory of publishers *ComPress ComPress PO Box 12378 Millstreet 8010 Unit 3.3 Hills Building 160 Sir Lowry Road Cape Town 8001 South Africa Tel: +27-21-461 2986 Fax: +27-21-461 6337 Email: [email protected] Website: www.compress.co.za Compumetrics Compumetrics Solutions 114A Norman Williams Street SW Ikoyi PO Box 2267 Marina Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234-1-267 3285/269 6327 Email: [email protected] Website: www.compumetricsolutions.com (African Books Collective) *CONGOMA CONGOMA PO Box 480 Blantyre Malawi Email: [email protected] Website: www.congoma.org Connel Connel Publications PO Box 22015 University of Ibadan Post Office Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria *Cont Cult Studies Centre for Cultural and Media Studies University of Natal King George V Avenue Durban 4001 South Africa Tel: +27-31-260 2505 Fax: +27-31-260 1519 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nu.ac.za/und/ccms (UK & Europe: James Currey; N.America: Lake View Press) Couleur Locale Editions Couleur Locale BP 3500 Rue de Paris Djibouti Tel: +253-352121 Fax: +253-353996 Email: [email protected] *Covenant Covenant Publishers PO Box 63519 Nairobi Kenya Email: [email protected] *CPE Centre de Publications Evangéliques pour l’Afrique Francophone 08 BP 900 Abidjan 08 Côte d’Ivoire Tel: +255-444805 Fax: +255-445817 CPP Centre Pan-africain de Prospective Sociale/ Panafrican Social Prospects Centre BP 1501 Porto-Novo Benin Email: [email protected] albert (African Books Collective) *CPU-Tunisia Centre de Publication Universitaire Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur BP 255 1080 Tunis-Cedex Tunisia Tel: +216-1-874 426/000 Fax: +216-1-871 677 CRAC Editions du CRAC (Club de recherche et d’action culturelle) BP 8133 Yaoundé Cameroon Email: [email protected]
Double Storey *CREPLA Centre Régional de Promotion du Livre en Afrique - CREPLA Livre en Afrique BP 1646 Yaoundé Cameroon *Cri Editions Cri BP 93 Nouakchott Mauritania Tel: +222-525 9823 Fax: +222-525 9775 CSIR Council for Scientific & Industrial Research National Institute for Personnel Research PO Box 32410 Braamfontein 2017 South Africa Tel: +27-12-841 2000/841 4126 Fax: +27-12-841 2055/841 4916 Email: [email protected] Website: www.csir.co.za CSS CSS Bookshops Ltd Bookshop House 4th Floor 50/52 Broad Street PO Box 174 Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234-1-263 3081/263 7009/263 7023 Fax: +234-1-263 7089 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) *CSSALL Centre for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages University of Durban-Westville PB X54001 Durban 4000 South Africa *CUEA Catholic University of Eastern Africa PO Box 62157 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-891601/6 Fax: +254-891261 *Culture Eds Editions la Culture BP 22761 Dakar Senegal CUP-SA Cambridge University Press South African Office PO Box 50017 Victoria and Albert Waterfront Cape Town 8002 South Africa Tel: +27-21-419 8414 Fax: +27-21-419 8418 Email: [email protected] Website: www.cup.co.za (Book Promotions) Dar es Salaam UP Dar es Salaam University Press Ltd University of Dar es Salaam PO Box 35182 Uvumbuzi Road Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tel: +255-22-241300/093 Fax: +255-22-241 0137 Email: [email protected] Website: www.dup.co.tz (African Books Collective) Dattier Editions du Dattier 6 route Bois Cheri Moka Mauritius Tel: +230-425 2546 Email: [email protected] Dec Burkina Editions Découvertes du Burkina 06 BP 9237 06 Ouagadougou Burkina Faso Tel: +226-50-362238/70-254269 Email: [email protected] (Servedit, some titles)
Deka Deka Publications #103/29 Atili Street PO Box 10309 Jos Nigeria Tel: + (0)803-710 6760 Email: [email protected] Delta Delta Publications (Nigeria) Ltd 172 Ogui Road PO Box 1172 Enugu Enugu State Nigeria Tel: +234-42-253215 Demos Editions Demos BP 12257 Yaoundé Cameroon Tel: +237-222 1209/952 4223 Email: [email protected] Website: www.racinesculturelles.com Dept Sociology - Univ Lagos Department of Sociology Faculty of Social Sciences University of Lagos Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234-1-821180 Fax: +234-1-822644 *Dept Theology and Religious Stud Department of Theology & Religious Studies University of Botswana PB 00703 Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267-355 2628/2611 Fax: +267-356970 *Design House Design House Publishers PO Box 321 Limbe SW Province Cameroon *Dev Stud & Res Ctr Development Studies and Research Centre PO Box 321 University of Khartoum Khartoum Sudan Tel: +249-11-774029 Diasporas Editions de Diasporas 04 BP 792 Cotonou Benin Email: [email protected] Dokun Dokun Publishing House 48 Iwo Road PO Box 14552 University of Ibadan Post Office Ibadan Nigeria Tel: +234-2-810 4088 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) Donker Ad Donker Publisher/Jonathan Ball PO Box 33977 Jeppestown 2043 South Africa Tel: +27-11-622 2900 Fax: +27-11-622 7610 Donniya Editions Donniya Cité du Niger BP 1273 Bamako Mali Tel: +233-234599/234646 Fax: +233-219031 Email: [email protected] (Servedit, some titles) Double Storey Double Storey Books PO Box 24309 Lansdowne 7779 South Africa (Global Book Marketing)
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Directory of publishers
DPMF DPMF Development Policy Mangement Forum c/o UNECA/DMD PO Box 3001 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Email: [email protected] Website: www.dpmf.org (African Books Collective) *DPSAP Disabled People of South Africa Project PO Box 3467 Cape Town 8000 South Africa Tel: +27-21-422 0357 Fax: +27-21-422 0389 DRFN Desert Research Foundation of Namibia 7 Rossini Street PO Box 20232 Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264-61-229855 Fax: +264-61-230172 Email: [email protected] Website: www.drfn.org *Droit & Soc Editions Droit et Société 2 ave du Séminaire Quartier Gombele Zone de Lemba Kinshasa Congo, Democratic Republic of Email: [email protected] Dschang Univ Dschang University Press PO Box 96 Dschang Cameroon Dudu Nsomba Dudu Nsomba Publications Malawi Mailing address: c/o 4 Gailes Park Bothwell Glasgow G71 8TS UK Email: [email protected] Website: http://pamtondo.com Durano Durano Publishing Limited Bright MindsBookshop 51 Olowora Rd Olowora Kosofe Local Govt PO Box 2141 Somozu PO Somozu Lagos State Nigeria Tel: +234-1-804 5112 Fax: +234-1-803-704 5877 Email: [email protected] Dye Hard Dye Hard Press PO Box 783211 Sandton 2146 South Africa *Dzuka Dzuka Publishing Co Ltd PB 39 Blantyre Malawi Tel: +265-670855/650880 Fax: +265-670021/671114 Email: [email protected] E&D E & D Ltd PO Box 4460 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tel: +255-22-277 5361 Fax: +255-22-112345 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) E&V E & V Publications Ngumbe 27 Zaleva Road (M1) opposite GDC PO Box 131 Chileka Blantyre Malawi Tel: +265-9-919665 Fax: +265-1-640569 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective)
*EA-Nat Hist Soc Nature Kenya - The East Africa Natural History Society PO Box 44486 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-749957/746090 Fax: +254-2-741049 Email: [email protected] Website: www.museums.or.ke (UK: Natural History Book Service) EAEP East African Educational Publishers Ltd Mpaka Road Woodvale Grove PO Box 45314 - 00100 GPO Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-20-444700/445260 Fax: +254-20-448753/532095 Email: [email protected] Website: www.eastafricanpublishers.com (African Books Collective) *Ebert Ghana Friedrich Ebert Foundation PO Box 9722 Accra Ghana *Ebert - Kenya Friedrich Ebert Foundation - Kenya PO Box 48143 Nairobi Kenya *Ebert Friedrich Ebert Foundation PO Box 4472 Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264-51-119681 Fax: +264-51-119681 *Ebert - Zambia Freidrich Ebert Stiftung - Zambia PO Box 30554 Lusaka Zambia Eburnie Editions Eburnie 01 BP 1984 01 Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire Tel: +225-20-215758/216465 Fax: +225-20-214546 Email: [email protected] Ecofac Ecofac Editions BP 15 115 Libreville Gabon Tel: +241-732342/44/733489 Fax: +241-732345 Email: [email protected] Website: [email protected] Economic Res Unit Economic Research Unit University of Natal PB X10 Dalbridge 4014 South Africa Tel: +27-031 2602588 Fax: +27-031 2602587 *EDA Editions Démocraties Africaines Institut africain pour la démocratie BP 1780 Dakar Senegal Ediaction Edi’Action BP 867 Yaoundé Cameroon *EDICEF EDICEF Editions BP 575 N’Djamena Chad *EDICESA Ecumenical Documentation and Information Centre for Eastern and Southern Africa PO Box H 94 Hatfield Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-572979 Fax: +263-4-572979 Email: [email protected]
EDILIS Editions Livres du Sud 10 BP 477 Abidjan 10 Côte d’Ivoire Tel: +225-212-44650 Fax: +225-212-44651 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ci.refer.org/tur/edic (Servedit, some titles) *Edim Edim BP 21 Bamako Mali Tel: +223-229 30 00 Fax: +223-229 30 01 Email: [email protected] EDJA Editions Juridiques Africaines 18 rue Raffenel BP 22057 Dakar-Ponty Senegal Tel: +221-821 6689/823 0071 Fax: +221-823 2753 Email: [email protected] (EDJA Paris) EENAS Editions des Ecoles Nouvelles Africaines Sénégal BP 581 Dakar Senegal Tel: +221-864 05 44 Fax: +221-864 05 44 Email: [email protected] *Egan Egan Productions PO Box 74754 Nairobi Kenya Email: [email protected] *EHRCO Ethiopian Human Rights Council PO Box 2432 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251-514489/517704 EIIPD Ethiopian Institute of International Peace and Development PO Box 115 Area Code 1110/18528 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251-1-531955 Fax: +251-1-533398 Email: [email protected] Website: www.eiipd.org (African Books Collective) EISA Electoral Institute of Southern Africa PO Box 740 Auckland Park 2006 South Africa Tel: +27-11-482 5495 Fax: +27-11-482 6163 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Website: www.eisa.org.za *El Marif Dar El Marif Route de Tunis Km.131 Zone Industrielles Akouda-Sousse BP 215 Sousse 4000 Tunisia Tel: 03256235 Fax: 228 3256530 *Elcin ELCIN PB 2013 Ondangwa Oniipa Namibia Tel: +264-65-242011 Fax: +264-65-240536 *Elf G Elf Gabon BP 601 Port Gentil Gabon
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African Books in Print
Directory of publishers Elf Pub Elf Publishers PO Box 4106 Germiston South 1411 South Africa Tel: +27-11-873 1012 Fax: +27-11-825 4818 Email: [email protected] Website : www.teachingtoread.com and www.readucate.org Elias Elias Modern Publishing House 1 Kenisset El-Rum El Kathulik Street Daher 11271 Cairo Egypt Tel: +202-593 9544/590 3756 Fax: +202-588 0091 Email: [email protected] Website: www.eliaspublishing.com ELRU Early Learning Resource Unit PO Box 36353 Glosderry 7702 South Africa Tel: +27-21-762 7500 Fax: +27-21-762 7528 Email: [email protected] *Emancipation Press Emancipation Press & Publishers Flat B6 Umeano PO Box 396 Nsukka Nigeria Ena Ena Publications PO Box CT 3649 Cantonments Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-245606 ENDA ENDA Editions Département Diffusion 54 rue Carnot BP 3370 Dakar Senegal Tel: +221-8-224229/216027/236391 Fax: +221-8-235157/222695 Email: [email protected] Website: www.enda.sn/editions/accueil.html Enicrownfit Enicrownfit Publishers 23 Ireakori Street Mokola Roundabout PO Box 14580 UI Post Office Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Tel: +234-2-713312 Fax: +234-2-810 3043 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) EPA Eritrean Pharmaceutical Association PO Box 5145 Asmara Eritrea Epik Epik Books PO Box 5672 Festac Town Lagos Nigeria (African Books Collective) Epiphanie Editions L’Epiphanie BP 724 Kinshasa - Limete Congo, Democratic Republic of Email: [email protected] Equinym Equinym Publishing PO Box 13331 Cascades 3202 South Africa *ERU Employment Research Unit Vista University PB X613 Port Elizabeth 6000 South Africa Tel: +27-41-408 3150 Fax: +27-41-642553 Website: www.vista.ac.za
Focus ESRF Economic and Social Research Foundation 51 Uporoto Street Ursino Estates SLP 31266 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Email: [email protected] *Evangel Evangel Publishing House PB 28963 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-802033/4 Fax: +254-2-860840 *F&L Florence and Lambard (Nigeria) Ltd 202-204 Ikorodu Road PO Box 3012 Marina Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234-1-824629 Fax: +234-1-263 1782 Email: [email protected] *Fab Fab Educational Books Nigeria Ltd. PO Box 1234 Jos Plateau State Nigeria Tel: +234-73-613153 *Fac Catholiques Facultés Catholiques de Kinshasa BP 1534 Kinshasa-Limete Congo, Democratic Republic of Tel: +243-884 6961 Fax: +243-884 6961 Email: [email protected] *Fac Law - Univ KZN Faculty of Law University of KwaZulu-Natal King George Avenue Durban 4001 South Africa Fagbamigbe Olaiya Fagbamigbe Publishers PO Box 1176 Agodi Post Office New Ife Road Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Tel: +234-(0)803-381 1006 Falia Falia Editions Enfance BP 948 Dakar Senegal Tel: +221-827 6260 Fax: +221-823 2602 Email: [email protected] FAN Forest Action Network PO Box 380 Uhuru Gardens Nairobi Kenya Email: [email protected] Website: www.fanworld.org *FAO - Ghana Food and Agriculture Organization Regional Office for Africa PO Box 1628 Accra Ghana FAWE Forum for African Women Educationalists PO Box 53168 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-226590/330352 Fax: +254-2-210709/571920 Email: [email protected] Website: [email protected] FemartK Kenya Women Writers Foundation PO Box 1588 Kisumu Kenya
Femnet African Women’s Development & Communication Network PO Box 54562 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-741320/01 Fax: +254-2-732927 Email: [email protected] Website: www.africaonline.co.ke/femnet Femrite Femrite Publications Ltd Kira Road Plot 147 PO Box 705 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256-41-534943/77-783943 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) Fennec Editions le Fennec 89 bis boulevard d’Anfa Appartement 30 2000 Casablanca Morocco Tel: +212-2-209268/9314 Fax: +212-2-207702 Email: [email protected] (VILO-Diffusion) Fernwood Fernwood Press (Pty) Ltd PO Box 15344 Vlaeberg 8018 South Africa Tel: +27-21-794 8686 Fax: +27-21-794 8339 Email: [email protected] Website: www.fernwoodpress.co.za (Global Book Marketing) Figuier Le Figuier 151 rue 56 Semal BP E 2605 Bamako Mali Tel: +223-233211 Fax: +223-233211 Email: [email protected] (Servedit, some titles) FinMark FinMark Trust PO Box 61674 Marshalltown 2107 South Africa Tel: +27-11-370 3565 Fax: +27-11-836 5509 Email: [email protected] Firmament Editions Le Firmament 01 BP 3392 Ouagadougou 01 Burkina Faso Tel: +226-50-384425 Fax: +226-50-308186 Email: [email protected] Flamboyant Editions du Flamboyant BP 08-271 Cotonou Benin Tel: +229-310220 Fax: +229-350472 Email: [email protected] Flesch Flesch Publications 11 Peninsula Road Zeekoevlei 7941 PO Box 31353 Grassy Park 7888 South Africa Tel: +27-21-705 4317 Fax: +27-21-706 0766 Email: [email protected] *FMBM Familia za Maamkio ya BM SLP 796 Iringa Tanzania Focus Focus Publications Ltd PO Box 28176 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-(0)20-559296/315 Fax: +254-(0)20-559123 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective)
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Directory of publishers
Fontein Fontein Fontein Books PO Box 967 Parklands 2121 South Africa Tel: +27-11-880 3520 Fax: +27-11-880 6574 Footprints Footprints Educational Trust 7 Grotto Road Rondebosch 7700 Cape Town South Africa Tel: +27-(0)21-686 8426 Fax: +27-(0)21-685 8486 Email: [email protected] Forests Lesotho Forest Division - Lesotho PO Box 774 Maseru 100 Lesotho Found Ed Prod Foundation for Education with Production PO Box 20906 Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267-314311 Fax: +267-584296 (African Books Collective) Fountain Publ-Ug Fountain Publishers Ltd 55 Nkrumah Road PO Box 488 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256-41-259163/251112 Fax: +256-41-251160 Email: [email protected] Website: www.fountainpublishers.co.ug (African Books Collective) Fourth Dimension Fourth Dimension Publishing Co Ltd 16 Fifth Avenue City Layout PMB 01164 Enugu Enugu State Nigeria Tel: +234-42-459969/453739 Fax: +234-42-453298/456904 Email: [email protected] Website: www.fdpbooks.com (African Books Collective) Francolin Francolin Publishers (Pty) Ltd 5 Surbiton Road Rosebank 7700 Cape Town South Africa Tel: +27-21-686 8246 Fax: +27-21-686 8249 Email: [email protected] Free Market Found Free Market Foundation PO Box 785121 Sandton 2146 South Africa Tel: +27-11-884 0270 Fax: +27-11-884 5672 Email: [email protected] Website: www.freemarketfoundation.com Freedom Freedom Publications PO Box LG 313 University Post Office Legon Ghana Tel: +233-21-401737 Fax: +233-21-401737 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) FRI - Malawi Forestry Research Institute of Malawi PO Box 270 Zomba Malawi Tel: +265-(0)1-524866 Fax: +265-(0)1-524548 Email: [email protected] *FSS Forum for Social Studies PO Box 25864 Code 1000 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Email: [email protected] Website: www.fssethiopia/org
FTRSI Fondation Temimi pour la Recherche Scientifique et l’Information BP 50 Zaghouan 1118 Tunisia Tel: +216-2-676 446 Fax: +216-2-676 710 Email: [email protected] Website: www.refer.org/fondationtemimi Gaba Amecea Gaba Publications PO Box 4002 Eldoret Kenya Tel: +254-321-61218 Fax: +254-321-62570 *Gabumo Gabumo Publishing Company Ltd PO Box 50874 Falomo Ikoyi Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234-1-861159/860265/470 4954 Fax: +234-1-587 4479 Gacou Editions Gacou BP 10484 Dakar Senegal Galactic Galactic Publications PO Box 40251 Arcadia 0007 South Africa Tel: +27-12-804 3990 Fax: +27-12-804 1240 Email: [email protected] Galago Galago Publishing (Pty) Ltd PO Box 404 Alberton 1450 South Africa Tel: +27-11-907 2029/3405 Fax: +27-11-869 0890 Email: [email protected] Website: www.galago.co.za Gallery Gallery and HSP Publications PO Box 3181 Zanzibar Tanzania Email: [email protected] (Global Book Marketing) Gambidi Editions Gambidi 01 BP 5743 Ouagadougou 01 Espace culturel Gambidi Zogona Burkina Faso Tel: +226-50-365942/70-250732 Fax: +226-50-365942 Email: [email protected] Gamsberg Gamsberg Macmillan Publishers (Pty) Ltd 19 Faraday Street PO Box 22830 Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264-61-232165 Fax: +264-61-233538 Email: [email protected] Ganndal Editions Ganndal BP 542 Conakry Guinea Tel: +224-112-12350 Fax: +224-463507 Email: [email protected] Website: www.editionsganndal.com (Servedit, some titles) Garamond Garamond Publishers PO Box 924 Durbanville 7550 South Africa Tel: +27-21-975 4046 Fax: +27-21-962114
Gariep Gariep Publishing Company PO Box 24299 Lansdowne 7780 South Africa Tel: +27-21-797 5101 Fax: +27-21-762 4523 Email: [email protected] Website: www.juta.co.za *Gecko - SA Gecko Books PO Box 11684 Vorna Valley 1686 South Africa Tel: +27-11-805 8019 Fax: +27-11-805 3746 (Africa Book Centre) *Geol Survey - Ethiopia Geological Survey of Ethiopia PO Box 2302 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251-1-46 33 29 Fax: +251-1-46 33 26 Email: [email protected] Geol Survey - Zambia Geological Survey of Zambia Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development PO Box 50135 Lusaka 10101 Zambia Tel: +260-1-251655/251573/251570 Fax: +260-1-250174/250056 *Geol Surv - Zimb Zimbabwe Geological Survey PO Box CY210 Causeway Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-726342/3 Fax: +263-4-739601 Email: [email protected] Ghana Acad Arts & Scien Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences PO Box M32 Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-772002 Fax: +233-21-772032 Ghana UP Ghana Universities Press PO Box GP 4219 Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-761051 Fax: +233-21-513401-4 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) GIHRD Gambia Institute for Human Rights and Development PO Box 1896 Banjul Gambia Tel: +220-996 2280 Fax: +220-449 4178 Email: [email protected] Website: www.africaninstitute.org (Global Book Marketing) Golden Dawn Golden Dawn Publications 17 Osakpaore Street 3rd East Circular Road Benin City Edo State Nigeria *Goldland Goldland Business Company PO Box 2541 Yaba Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234-1-821203 Email: [email protected] Good Luck Good Luck Publishers SLP 3646 Zanzibar Tanzania Email: [email protected] *Good News - SA South Africa - The Good News PO Box 5796 Rivonia 2128 South Africa Tel: +27-11-537 4700 Fax: +27-11-327 2787 Website: www.goodnews.co.za
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African Books in Print
Directory of publishers *Gos-Sew Goswami-Sewtohul Publications 38 ave. des Talipots Quatre- Bornes Mauritius Grail Grail Publications PO Box 29334 Melville Johannesburg 2109 South Africa Email: [email protected] *Granny Fatima Granny Fatima Publishing 34 Ijaoye Street Jibowu Yaba Lagos Nigeria GTIB Graphic Technic International & Biomédical 01 BP 3230 01 Ouagadougou Burkina Faso Tel: +226-316769 Fax: +226-316769 Email: [email protected] (Servedit) Guidebook Pr Guidebook Press PO Box 30064 Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264-61-241936 Fax: +264-61-241183 Email: [email protected] Website: www.orusovo.com/yearbook *H.Grant H. Grant Publications PO Box 32965 4th Floor British Council Building Heroes Place, Cairo Road Lusaka Zambia HaHo Editions HaHo Centre d’Editions Evangéliques 1 rue du Commerce BP 378 Lomé Togo Tel: +228-221 4582 Fax: +228-221 2967 Email: ctce@café.tg (Karthala) Hakikazi Hakikazi Catalyst PO Box 781 Arusha Tanzania Email: [email protected] Hamaria Editions Hamaria 01 BP 6788 Ouagadougou 01 Burkina Faso Tel: +226-50-343804 Email: [email protected] Hanon Hanon Publishers Ltd 11 Maryland Crest Maryland PMB 21308 Ikeja Lagos State Nigeria Tel: +234-(0)1-497 8022/555 1246 Fax: +234-(0)1-497 8022 Email: [email protected] Heinemann Educ - Ib Heinemann Educational Books (Nigeria) Plc 1 Ighodaro Road Jericho Layout PO Box 5205 Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Tel: +234-2-241 2268/241 0943/241 3096 Fax: +234-2-241 1089/241 3237 Email: [email protected] Website: www.heinemannbooks.com (African Books Collective)
ICIPE *Heinemann-EdSA Heinemann Educational Publishers (Pty) Ltd PO Box 781940 Sandown 2146 South Africa Tel: +27-11-322 8600 Fax: +27-11-322 8717 Email: [email protected] Website: www.heinemann.co.za *Heko Heko Publishers Maktaba Street PO Box 707221 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tel: +255-22-170383 Fax: [email protected] Herodote Hérodote BP 7091 Yaoundé Cameroon Hibbard Hibbard Publications PO Box 40251 Arcadia 0007 South Africa Tel: +27-12-804 3990/1 Fax: +27-12-804 1240 Email: [email protected] *HIDRI HIDRI Publishers PO Box 1081 Asmara Eritrea Tel: +291-1-122904/120848 Email: [email protected] Hist Soc - Zimb History Society of Zimbabwe PO Box CY 35 Causeway Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-339175 Fax: +263-4-752283 Email: [email protected] *Holiday Africa Holiday Africa Publications PO Box 3777 Cape Town South Africa Tel: +27-21-534 2092 Fax: +27-21-535 2049 Email: [email protected] Website: www.zulupage.com Hope Hope Publications PO Box 22331 University Post Office Ibadan Nigeria Email: [email protected] *Horizon Horizon Books PO Box 47186 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-555811/530598/9/557517 Fax: +254-2-557815 *Horizon Publ Ghana Horizon Publications PO Box C 3382 Cantonments Accra Ghana HSRC Publ Human Sciences Research Council/HSRC Publishers 134 Pretorius Street PO Box 5556 Pretoria 0002 South Africa Tel: +27-12-302 2485/302 2330 Fax: +27-12-302 2933/302 2442 Email: [email protected] Website: www.hsrc.ac.za (Africa Book Centre) Hugo Hugo Books Publishers Nigeria PO Box 51743 Falomo Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234-1-473 0599/802-304 7317 Email: [email protected]
Hum & Soc Studies School of Human and Social Studies University of Natal PB X01 Scottsville 3209 Pietermaritzburg South Africa Tel: +27-33-260 5180 Fax: +27-33-260 5092 Email: [email protected] Hum Pub Humanities Publishers University of Ibadan PO Box 14177 Ibadan Nigeria Email: [email protected] Human and Rousseau Human & Rousseau (Pty) Ltd PO Box 5050 Cape Town 8000 South Africa Tel: +29-21-406 3033 Fax: +27-21-406 3812 Email: [email protected] Website: www.humanrousseau.com [a division of NB Publishers] (Europe: Global Book Marketing; N. America: IPG Books; SA: kalahari.net; On the Dot) *Human Rights - Kenya Kenya Human Rights Commission PO Box 41079 Nairobi Kenya Email: [email protected] *HURINET-U Human Rights Network Uganda PO Box 21265 Kampala Uganda Hybun Hybun Books ANA House 26 Oladipo Labinjo Crescent off Bode Thomas Street Surulere Lagos Nigeria Email: [email protected] *IANHRD Inter African Network for Human Rights and Development PO Box 31145 Lusaka Zambia (Global Book Marketing) Ibadan UP Ibadan University Press UI Post Office PMB 16 Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Tel: 234-2-810100/1/2/3/4 Fax: +234-2-8103043/8103118 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) *ICASSRT ICASSRT Publications BP 1862 Yaoundé Cameroon Tel: +237-223 4227 Fax: +237-22 1873 Email: [email protected] *ICCA Institute for Contemporary Christianity in Africa 7 Bezuidenhout Street Potchefstroom 2531 South Africa *ICIPE International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology ICIPE Science Press PO Box 72913 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-442009 Fax: +254-2-442469 Email: [email protected] Website: www.icipe.org
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Directory of publishers
ICRAF *ICRAF International Centre for Research in Agroforestry PO Box 30677 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-521450 Fax: +254-2-521001 Email: [email protected] Website: www.cgiar.org/icraf ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics BP 12404 Niamey Niger Idasa Idasa Publications Cape Town Democracy Centre 6 Spin Street Cape Town 8001 South Africa Tel: +27-21-671 7634 Fax: +27-21-671 7633 Email: [email protected] Website: www.idasa.org.za (African Books Collective) *Idehuan Idehuan Classic Books 49 Market Road PO Box 667 Ekpoma Edo State Nigeria Idodo Idodo Umeh Publishers Ltd 52 Ewah Road PO Box 3441 Benin City Edo State Nigeria IFAN Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Université Cheikh Anta Diop Département de l’information scientifique BP 206 Dakar Senegal *IFRA - Kenya Institut Français pour la Recherche en Afrique PO Box 58480 Nairobi Kenya Tel: 2219 22 Fax: 336252 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ifra-nairobi.org IFRA - Nig Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique University of Ibadan PO Box 21540 Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Tel: +234-2-810 4077 Fax: +234-2-810 4077 Email: [email protected] Website: www.skannet.com/ifra
*ILRI International Livestock Research Institute PO Box 30709 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254-20-422 3000 Fax: +254-20-422 3001 Email: [email protected] *Image Image Publishers Ltd PO Box 35033 Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260-1-295049 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) *Impact Kenya Impact Communications (K) Ltd PO Box 54063 Nairobi Kenya Email: [email protected] *IMS Institute of Marine Sciences University of Dar es Salaam SLP 668 Zanzibar Tanzania Email: [email protected] IMV International Millenium Ventures (Ghana) Ltd PO Box CT 2226 Cantonments Accra Ghana Tel: +233-24-311 2459 Fax: +233-21-502300 Email: [email protected] *Inades INADES 15 ave Jean-Mermoz Cocody 08 BP 2088 Abidjan 08 Côte d’Ivoire Tel: +225-441594/95 Fax: +225-448438 Email: [email protected] Website: www.refer.org/ivoir_ct/edu/sup/div/ inades *Inselberg Inselberg (Nig) Ltd PO Box 1823 Enugu Enugu State Nigeria Tel: +234-42-258548 Fax: +234-42-258546 *Inst Dev Stud Institute for Development Studies College of Humanities & Social Sciences University of Nairobi PO Box 30197 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-334244/338741 Fax: +254-2-222036 Email: [email protected]
*Ihem Davis Ihem Davis Press Limited 34 MCC/Uratta Road PO Box 287 Owerri Imo State Nigeria Tel: +234-83-233786/233770 Fax: +234-83-233786
*Inst Econ Aff - Ghana Institute of Economic Affairs PO Box Christianborg Djorwulu Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-244716/7010714 Fax: +233-21-222313 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ieaghana.org
IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Oyo Road PMB 5320 Ibadan Nigeria Tel: +234-2-241626 Fax: +234-2-241221 Email: [email protected] Website: www.cgiar.org/iita
Inst Global Democracy Institute for Global Democracy PO Box 32571 Braamfontein Johannesburg 2017 South Africa
*ILO International Labour Organisation - Area Office SLP 9212 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Email: [email protected] Website: www.ilo.org
Inst Ichthyology South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity PB 1015 Grahamstown 6140 South Africa Tel: +27-46-603 5800/636 1002 Fax: +27-46-622 2403 Email: [email protected] Website: www.saiab.ru.ac.za
Inst Kiswahili Res Institute of Kiswahili Research PO Box 35110 University of Dar es Salaam Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tel: +255-22-241 0757/0650 Email: [email protected] Website: www.udsm.ac.tz/tuki or www.udsm.ac..tz/ikr *Inst Natural Resources Institute of Natural Resources University of Natal PO Box 67239 Bryanston 2021 South Africa Tel: +27-11-883 7404 Fax: +27-11-783 8395 Email: [email protected] *Inst Planning Res Institute for Development Planning and Research University of Port Elizabeth PO Box 1600 Port Elizabeth 6000 South Africa Tel: +27-41-504 2336 Fax: +27-41-531769 Email: [email protected] Website: www.upe.ac.za/idpr Inst Reformational Studies Institute for Reformational Studies Potchefstroom University of Higher Education Private Bag X6001 Potchefstroom 2520 South Africa Tel: +27-18-299 1029 Fax: +27-28-299 2799 Email: [email protected] Website: www.puk.ac.za/irs/irs/htm Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho Institute of Southern African Studies National University of Lesotho PO Box Roma 180 Lesotho Tel: +266-223-40000/340247 Fax: +266-340004 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nul.ls/institutes/isas.htm (African Books Collective) Inst Soc & Econ Res - SA Institute of Social and Economic Research Rhodes University PO Box 94 Grahamstown 6140 South Africa Tel: +27-46-603 8550 Fax: +27-46-622 3948 Email: [email protected] Inst Soc Res Institute for Social Research - Rhodes University Cory Library for Historical Research Rhodes University PO Box 184 Grahamstown 6140 South Africa Tel: +27-46-603 8438 Fax: +27-46-622 3487 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ru.ac.za *Inst Study Engl Institute for the Study of English in Africa PO Box 94 Grahamstown 6140 South Africa Tel: +27-46-622 6093/603 8565 Fax: +27-46-603 8566 Email: [email protected] *Inst Supérieur de Doc Institut Supérieur de Documentation 10 rue de Kélibia BP 600 Tunis 1025 Tunisia Tel: +216-1-792 265/790 305 Fax: +216-1-794 117 *Inst Sust Dev Institute for Sustainable Development PO Box 30231 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251-1-204210 Fax: +251-1-552350 Email: [email protected]
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African Books in Print
Directory of publishers *Int Lib Afric Music International Library of African Music c/o I.S.E.R. Rhodes University PO Box 94 Grahamstown 6140 South Africa Tel: +27-46-603 8557 Fax: +27-46-622 4411 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ilam.ru.ac.za *Int Livestock Centre International Livestock Centre for Africa PO Box 5689 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251-1-613215 Fax: +251-1-611892 Email: [email protected] *Intnl Publ International Publishers Ltd GPO Box 41 Dugbe Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Intratex Intratex Holdings (Pty) Ltd 12 Caversham Road PO Box 1426 Pinetown 3610 South Africa Tel: +27-31-701 7021 Fax: +27-31-701 7036/8740 Email: [email protected] Website: www.brabys.co.za IPRA Institute of Policy Research and Analysis PO Box 45843 Nairobi Kenya IPRECO International Publishing and Research Company PO Box 1210 Festac City Lagos State Nigeria IR Info Information (I.R.) Surveys PO Box 2292 Rivonia 2128 South Africa Tel: +27-11-803 3537 Fax: +27-11-803 2971 Isis-WICCE Isis Women’s International Cross-Cultural Exchange Plot 23 Bukoto Street Kamwokya PO Box 4934 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256-41-543953 Fax: +256-41-543954 Email: [email protected] Website: www.isis.or.ug *ITDG-EA Intermediate Technology Development Group Eastern Africa Farmers Marginal Project PO Box 39493 Nairobi Kenya Email: [email protected] Ithemba Ithemba Publishing PO Box 1048 Auckland Park 2006 Gauteng South Africa Tel: +27-11-726 6529/482 4258 Fax: +27-11-726 6529 Email: [email protected] Website: www.icon.co.za/firechildren (UK: Africa Book Centre; Europe: by Basler Bibliographien Afrika; N. America: Lucretia Humphrey) IUCN-EA IUCN Eastern Africa Regional Office PO Box 68200 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-890605-12 Fax: +254-2-890615/890407 Email: [email protected] Website: www.iucnearo.org
Kenya Lit Bureau Jacana Jacana Media PO Box 2004 Houghton Johannesburg 2041 South Africa Tel: +27-11-648 3214 Fax: +27-11-428 7282 Email: [email protected] Website: www.jacana.co.za (UK: Global Book Marketing; N. America: Independent Publishers Group) *Jacaranda Jacaranda Designs Ltd PO Box 76691 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-744737 Fax: +254-2-749171 Email: Website: www.grace-notes.com/jacaranda.html (Jacaranda Designs, US) Jamana Editions Jamana Ave Cheick Zayed Porte 2694 Hamdalaye BP 2043 Bamako Mali Tel: +233-229 6289 Fax: +233-229 7639 Email: [email protected] Website: www.afrilivres.com or www.alliance-editeurs.org (Servedit, some titles) JANyeko JANyeko Publishing Centre Ltd PO Box 6699 Manzini Swaziland Tel: +268-604 7192 Email: [email protected] Website: www.geocities.com/janpcentre (African Books Collective) *Jemre Jemre Enterprises PO Box 11231 Accra-North Ghana Jhango Jhango Heinemann PO Box 1259 Blantyre Malawi Tel: +265-640787/642694 Fax: +265-640787/642694 Email: [email protected] Johannesburg Art Gallery Johannesburg Art Gallery Publications PO Box 23561 Joubert Park 2044 Johannesburg South Africa Tel: +27-11-725 3130/3180/3181 Fax: +27-11-720 6000 Email: [email protected] Jomo Kenyatta Found Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Enterprise Road Industrial Area PO Box 30533 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-(0)20-531965 Fax: +254-(0)20-531966 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) Jour Edition du Jour PO Box 13382 The Tramshed Pretoria 0126 South Africa Tel: +27-12-326 6454 Fax: +27-12-326 6456 Email: [email protected] *Jumbo Jumbo Publications PO Box 651 Auckland Park Johannesburg 2092 South Africa Tel: +27-11-482 1362 Fax: +27-11-482 1364 (Central Books)
Junkets Junkets Publisher 11 Winchester Road Mowbray 7700 South Africa Tel: +27-21-448 7186 Fax: +27-21-448 7186 Email: [email protected] (Salway, Mr Lance) Juta Juta & Company Ltd – includes Juta Academic, Juta Law, Juta Education PO Box 14373 Kenwyn 7790 South Africa Tel: +27-21-797 5101 Fax: +27-21-761 5861 Email: [email protected] Website: www.juta.co.za (academic titles, Book Representation and Distribution, UK; law titles Wm.W. Gaunt & Sons Inc, USA; academic titles International Specialized Book Services, USA) *Jyoti Jyoti Bindu Publishers PO Box 32295 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-565457 Fax: +254-2-578177 Kachere Kachere Series PO Box 1037 Zomba Malawi Tel: +265-1-524705 Fax: +265-1-524705 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sdnp.org.mw/kachereseries (African Books Collective) *KAI KAI Ltd PO Box 935 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Kairon Kairon Publishers PO Box 100 Kalk Bay 7990 South Africa Email: [email protected] Website: www.icon.co.za/kairon/ Kalombo Kalombo Diyoka Grands Livres BP 146 Kinshasa 1 Congo, Democratic Republic of Fax: +871-11-25125 *KANCO Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium PO Box 69866 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-717664 Kap Kaz Kapongo Kazadi Publications BP 14586 Matete Kinshasa 1 Congo, Democratic Republic of Email: [email protected] *Kapsel Kapsel Publications PO Box 100 Dar es Salaam Tanzania *Karma Karma Publishing Company PO Box 69664 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-219922 Fax: +254-219922 KENRIK Kenya Resource Centre for Indigenous Knowledge PO Box 40658 Nairobi Kenya *Kenya Lit Bureau Kenya Literature Bureau PO Box 30022 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-50614/3/8 Fax: +254-505903 Email:[email protected]
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Directory of publishers
Kenya Nat Lib Serv Kenya Nat Lib Serv Kenya National Library Service National Reference & Bibliographic Dept. PO Box 30573 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-718013/718177 Fax: +254-2-721749 Email: [email protected] Website: www.knls.or.ke Khol Khol Publishers PO Box 1763 Queenstown 5320 South Africa Khumalo Khumo Khumalo PO Box 91 Gaborone Botswana Kima Kima Global Publishers PO Box 374 Rondebosch 7700 South Africa Tel: +27-21-686 7154 Fax: +27-21-686 9066 Email: [email protected] Website: www.kimaglobal.co.za Kimaathi Kimaathi Publishing House 53 Harare Drive Greendale Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-244022 Email: [email protected] Website: www.kimaathipublishing.com (African Books Collective) Kimberley Africana Kimberley Africana Library PO Box 627 Kimberley 8300 South Africa Tel: +27-(0)52-830 6247 Email: [email protected] [email protected] *Kingdom Kingdom Publishing House PO Box 63519 Nairobi Kenya Email: [email protected] Kolawole Mary Kolawole Publications Department of English Obafemi Awolowo University 220005 Ile-Ife Nigeria Tel: +234-36-232365 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) Konk Konk Publishers 9 James Robertson Street Surulere Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234-1-833163 Email: [email protected] KPA Kenya Publishers Association PO Box 42767 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-573258/573259 Fax: +254-2-212179 (African Books Collective) Kraal Editions Kraal 01 BP 7045 Ouagadougou 01 Burkina Faso Kraft Kraft Books Ltd 6A Polytechnic Road Sango - Ibadan PO Box 22084 University of Ibadan Post Office Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Tel: +234-617-598 1048 x2228 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective)
Krut David Krut Publishing Co PO Box 892 Houghton Johannesburg 2041 South Africa Tel: +27-11-646 8595 Fax: +27-11-646 9932 Email: [email protected] Website: www.davidkrutpublishing.com (Cindy Bordeau Fine Art) KUO Kampala Urban Oasis PO Box 1753 Kampala Uganda Kwani Kwani Trust PO Box 2895 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Email: [email protected] Website: www.kwani.org (African Books Collective) Kwela Kwela Books PO Box 6525 Roggebaai Cape Town 8012 South Africa Tel: +27-21-406 3605 Fax: +27-21-406 3712 Email: [email protected] Website: www.kwela.com [a division of NB Publishers] (Europe: Global Book Marketing; N. America: IPG Books; SA: kalahari.net; On the Dot) La Muse Editions La Muse 01 BP 3531 Ouagadougou 01 Burkina Faso Tel: +226-50-430417 Email: [email protected] Lacaze Association Lacaze Palais Rontaunay 5 rue Rontaunay BP 271 97465 Saint Denis Cedex Réunion Tel: +33-(0)262-215547 Fax: +33-(0)262-418429 Lake Lake Publishers and Enterprises PO Box 1743 Kisumu Kenya Tel: +254-35-22291/22707 Fax: +254-35-22291/22707 Website: www.lakepublishers.com *Lang - Durban School of Languages and Literature University of Durban-Westville PB X54001 Durban 4001 South Africa Email: [email protected] *Law Hum Rights Lawyers for Human Rights 359 Visagie Street Democarcy Centre Pretoria 0001 South Africa Law Pubs The Law Publisher PO Box 201684 Durban North 4016 South Africa Tel: +27-11-463 7135 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.lawpublisher.co.za Law Soc-Lesotho Law Society of Lesotho Palace of Justice High Court Building PB A 289 Maseru 100 Lesotho Tel: +266-312188 Fax: +266-316243 (African Books Collective)
LawAfrica LawAfrica Publishing Ltd Co-op Trust Plaza 1st Floor Lower Hill Road PO Box 4260 - 00100 GPO Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-272 2579/80 Fax: +2254-2-272 2592 Email: [email protected] Website: www.lawafrica.com (African Boooks Collective) LDC LDC Publishers PO Box 7117 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256-41-543172 Fax: +256-41-532866 Led Pu Travayer Ledikasyon Pu Travayer 153 Main Road Grand River North West Port Louis Mauritius Tel: +230-208 2132 Fax: +230-208 5551 Lemba Editions Lemba BP 2351 Brazzaville Congo, Democratic Republic of Tel: +242-67 65 58 Fax: +242-81 00 17 Email: [email protected] (Servedit, some titles) Lentswe LL Lentswe La Lesedi PO Box 2365 Gaborone Botswana (African Books Collective) *LHRC Legal and Human Rights Centre SLP 75254 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Email: [email protected] *LIASA Library and Information Association of South Africa, The PO Box 1598 Pretoria 0001 South Africa Tel: +27-12-481 2871/2 Fax: +27-12-481 2873 Email: [email protected] Website: http://liasa.org.za *Lib Mixte Librairie Mixte 37 bis Araben’ny 26 jona BP 3204 Antananarivo Madagascar Lightbooks Lightbooks Publishers PO Box 2365 Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267-303994 Fax: +267-214017 mobile 71306835 Email: [email protected] Website: www.lightbooks.net (African Books Collective) Lionheart Lionheart Publishing PB X5 Constantia Cape Province 7848 South Africa Tel: +27-21-794 4923 Fax: +27-21-794 1487 Email: [email protected] Website: www.toltec-foundation.org and www.elusivehappiness.com *Lit Bur - Zimb Literature Bureau PO Box CY 749 Causeway Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-726929
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African Books in Print
Directory of publishers Literamed Literamed Publications (Nigeria) Ltd Plot 45 Alausa Bus Stop Oregun Road PMB 21068 Ikeja Lagos State Nigeria Tel: +234-(0)1-345 0751/345 1246 Fax: +234-(0)1-493 5258 Email: [email protected] LMC Lutheran Mission Cooperation Tanzania SLP 483 Arusha Tanzania Email: [email protected] Longhorn - Ken Longhorn Kenya Ltd Kenya Commercial Bank Building Funzi Road PO Box 18033 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-532579/80/81 Fax: +254-2-540037 Email: [email protected] Website: www.longhornbooks.co.ke *Longman - Bots Longman Botswana PO Box 1083 Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267-322969 Fax: +267-322682 Email: [email protected] Website: www.longman.info.bw *Longman - Namb Longman Namibia (Pty) Ltd PO Box 9251 Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264-61-231214 Fax: +264-61-224019
Mambo LP LP Publishers PO Box 201684 Durban North 4016 South Africa Tel: +27-31-573 2448 Email: [email protected] Website: http://lppub.port5.com LRF-Publ Legal Resources Foundation (LRF) Publications Unit PO Box 918 Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-72811/2 Fax: +263-4-72813 Lux Verbi Lux Verbi (Pty) Ltd PO Box 5 Wellington 7654 South Africa Tel: +27-873 3851 Fax: +27-873 7851 Email: [email protected] Website: www.luxverbi-bm.co.za M&G Mail & Guardian Books PO Box 434 Umdloti Beach 4350 South Africa Tel: +27-31-568 2920 Fax: +27-31-568 2922 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) Mabrochi Mabrochi International Co Ltd 143 Moshood Abiola Way, Ebute Metta (West) PO Box 1509 Surulere PO Lagos State Nigeria Email: [email protected]
*Longman - Nig Longman Nigeria Ltd 52 Oba Akran Avenue PMB 21036 Ikeja - Lagos State Nigeria Tel: +234-1-497 8925-9 Fax: +234-1-496 4370
Macckho-Ricckho Macckho-Ricckho Press & Publishing (An affiliate of Amoge Press) 185 Igbosere Road PO Box 51831 Falomo-Ikoya Lagos Nigeria Tel: +22 -(0)803-323 4651/482 7437 Email: [email protected]
*Longman - Zamb Longman Zambia Ltd PO Box 50496 Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260-129 2931 Fax: +260-129 4076 Email: [email protected]
Mace Mace Books Book House PO Box 7763 Ikeja Lagos Nigeria Email: [email protected]
*Longman - Zimb Longman Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd PO Box ST125 Southerton Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-621661/7 Fax: +263-4-621670 Email: [email protected] Website: www.longman.co.zw
*Macmillan - Bots Macmillan Botswana Publishing Co (Pty) Ltd PO Box 1155 Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267-391 1770 Fax: +267-391 1897 Email: [email protected]
Longman Penguin SA Longman Penguin Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd PO Box 751093 Gardenview 2047 South Africa Tel: +27-496 1730 Fax: +27-496 1117
Macmillan - Kenya Macmillan Kenya (Publ) Ltd PO Box 30797 Kijabe Street Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-220012/224485 Fax: +254-2-212179 Email: [email protected]
*Lovedale Lovedale Press PB X1346 Alice 5700 South Africa Tel: +27- 04-04-31135 Fax: +27-04-04-31871 Email: [email protected] Website : www.lovedale.co.za
*Macmillan - Mal Macmillan Malawi Ltd PB 140 Kenyatta Drive Chitawira Blantyre Malawi Tel: +265-675 773/676 499 Fax: +265-675751
Loyola Editions Loyola Collège Boboto BP 3615 Kinshasa Congo, Democratic Republic of
Macmillan - Nig Macmillan Nigeria Publishers Ltd PO Box 1463 Ibadan-Lagos Expressway Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Tel: 234-1-496 2185/496 1188 Fax: 234-1-962185 Email: [email protected]
Macmillan - SA Macmillan South Africa (Pty) Ltd PO Box 32484 Braamfontein 2017 South Africa Tel: +27-11-484 0916/0929 Fax: +27-11-484 3129 Email: [email protected] Website: www.macmillan.co.za Macmillan - Zamb Macmillan Publishers (Zambia) Ltd PB RW 348X Ridgeway Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260-1-223669 Fax: +260-1-223657/641018 Macmillan Academic Macmillan Academic, Southern Africa PO Box 31487 Braamfontein 2017 South Africa Tel: +27-11-484 0916 Fax: +27-11-484 6004 Email: [email protected] Website: www.panmacmillan.co.za Mahatma Gandhi Inst Mahatma Gandhi Institute Site Office Moka Mauritius Tel: +230-433 1277/78/79/433 2188 Fax: +230-433 2235 Email: [email protected] *Maiden Maiden Publishing House PO Box 50496 Lusaka Zambia Maillu Maillu Publishing House PO Box 20019 Nairobi Kenya Maiyati Maiyati Chambers Plot 310A Badagry Road Dolphin Estate Po Box 54209 Ikoyi Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234-(0)207-839 1244 Fax: +234-(0)207-7839 8746 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) Makerere UP Makerere University Press PO Box 7062 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256-41 531 530/ 532631 x290 Fax: +256-221961 Email: [email protected] Makumira Makumira Publications Research Institute of Makumira University College SLP 55 Usa River Arusha Tanzania Malthouse Malthouse Press Ltd 11b Goriola Street off Adeola Odeku St Victoria Island PO Box 500 Ikeja Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234-1-820358/773 5344/ 686263 Fax: +234-1-261 6779 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) Mambo Mambo Press Senga Road PO Box 779 Gweru Zimbabwe Tel: +263-54-24016/7/25807 Fax: +263-54-21991 Email: [email protected] Website: [email protected] (Africa Books Collective)
___________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Directory of publishers
Mangrove Mangrove Mangrove Publishers (formerly Hekima) PO Box 9792 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tel: + 255-(0)22-284629 Email: [email protected] Manhattan Manhattan Publications PO Box 5 Harare 30 Montgomery Road Highlands, Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-98206/442821 Fax: +263-4-42821 (Rita Sigel) *Map Stud Map Studio Struik Publishing Group (Map Studio Division) PO Box 1144 Cape Town 8000 South Africa Tel: +27-21-462 4360 Fax: +27-21-462 4739 Website: www.struik.co.za *Marianum Marianum Publishing Company Ltd PO Box 11 Kisubi Kenya (Global Book Marketing) Maskew Miller Longman Maskew Miller Longman (Pty) Ltd Education Division PO Box 396 Cape Town 8000 South Africa Tel: +27-(0)21-532 6000 Fax: +27-(0)21-531 0716 Email: [email protected] Website: www.mml.co.za (some titles Global Book Marketing) *Mazenod Inst Mazenod Institute/Mazenod Book Centre PO Box 18 Mazenod Lesotho Media Monitoring Media Monitoring Project 221 Fife Avenue Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-733486/734207 Fax: +263-4-733486 Email: [email protected] Website: www.icon.co.zw/mmpz Medialand Medialand Co. Ltd (formerly Mauritian Writer’s Association) 28 Labourdonnais Street Port Louis Mauritius Tel: +222-211 4231 Fax: +222-211 4133 Email: [email protected] Mediaspaul Médiaspaul BP 127 Limete Kinshasa Congo, Democratic Republic of Tel: +242-9999-12298 Email: [email protected] *Mega Mega Publishing Enterprise PO Box 22284 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251-1-120253 Fax: +251-1-518655 Email: [email protected] *Menaibuc Les Editions-Diffusion Menaibuc BP 11358 Yaoundé Cameroon Email: [email protected] [Also BP 18143, Douala, Central African Republic]
Metz Metz Press PO Box 2523 Hoheizen Bellville 7530 South Africa Tel: +27-21-913 7557 Fax: +27-21-913 5244 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Website: www.tafelberg.com *Mhasvi Roland Mhasvi Publishers c/o University of Zimbabwe PO Box MP 167 Mount Pleasant Harare Zimbabwe Minta Minta Publishers PO Box 36701 Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260-1-236002 Fax: +260-1-236003 Mobile: +260-(0)97- 631906 Email: [email protected] MISA Media Institute of Southern Africa PB 13386 Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264-61-232975 Fax: +264-61-248016 Email: [email protected] Website: www.misa.org *Mission Press - Ndola Mission Press PO Box 1581 Ndola Zambia Email: [email protected] MK Publishers MK Publishers (U) Ltd MK Book House Plot 1187 Entebbe Road PO Box 12385 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256-(0)41-269150 Fax: +256-(0)41-269150 Email: [email protected] Website: www.mkpublishers.com and www.educationinformation.net/mk
*Moi Univ Moi University Press Moi University PO Box 3900 Eldoret Kenya Tel: +254-321-43720/43620 Fax: +254-321-43047 Email: [email protected] Website: www.moiuniversity.ac.ke Monarch Monarch Books House 22 F Close 512 Road Festac Town Lagos Nigeria Email: [email protected] *Monitor Monitor Publications PO Box 12141 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256-41-347224 Fax: +256-41-232369 Website: www.monitor.co.ug Montfort Montfort Publications c/o PO Box 90428 Bangwe Malawi *Morija Morija Sesuto Book Depot PO Box 4 Morija Lesotho Morija Museum Morija Museum and Archives PO Box 12 Morija 190 Lesotho Tel: +266-2236 0308 Fax: +266-2236 0308 Email: [email protected] Website: www.morijafest.com *Morula Morula Publishers PO Box 401934 Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267-352199 Fax: +267-351299
Mkuki na Nyota Mkuki na Nyota Publishers PO Box 4246 6 Muhonda Street opposite RC Church Mission Quarter Kariakoo Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tel: +255-51-2180479 Fax: +255-51-2180479 Email: [email protected] Website: www.mkukinanyota.com (English language and some Kiswahili titles African Books Collective)
Motivation Co Motivation Company PO Box CY 1993 Causeway Harare Zimbabwe Email: [email protected] Website: www.innov8.co.zw
Mlalo Mlalo Publishers PO Box 70559 The Willows Pretoria 0041 South Africa Tel: +27-12-807 1356 Email: [email protected]
MPB Ent MPB Enterprises PO Box 70077 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tel: +255-74-133 4239 Fax: +255-74-433 4239 Email: [email protected]
Mmegi Mmegi Publishing House PB BR 298 Broadhurst PO Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267-352464/37484 Fax: +267-305508 Email: [email protected] Website: www.mmegi.bw
MSIRI Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Moka Road Réduit Mauritius Tel: +230-454 1061 Fax: +230-454 1971 Email: [email protected] Website: www.msiri.intnet.mu
*Mmookam Mmookam Publishers PB RW 618X Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260-(0)97-800672 Email: [email protected]
Moz Editora Moçambique Editora Maputo Mozambique Website: www.me.co.mz
*MSM Mauritius Stationery Manufacturers PO Box 610 Port Louis Mauritius Email: [email protected]
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African Books in Print
Directory of publishers Mthombothi Mthombothi Studios PO Box 1167 Southdale 2135 Gauteng South Africa Tel: +27-11-680 1816 Fax: +27-11-680 1816 Email: [email protected] Website: www.themba.net *Mture Mture Educational Publishers Ltd PO Box 75610 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Mulenga Kapwepwe Mulenga Kapwepwe Books PO Box 35549 Lusaka Zambia *Multi Media Africa Multi Media BP 60 Yaounde Cameroon Multimedia Multimedia Zambia Bishops Road Kabulonga PO Box 320199 Woodlands Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260-1-261193 Fax: +260-1-261193 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) Musonda Musonda Publications c/o Zambia National Commercial Bank PO Box 3311 Lusaka Zambia Myles Myles Publications PO Box 2212 Northcliff 2115 South Africa Tel: +27-11-678 1500 Email: [email protected] Website: www.mylespublications.co.za Nairobi UP Nairobi University Press 3rd Floor Jomo Kenyatta Memorial Library University of Nairobi PO Box 30197 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254-(0)20-334244 Fax: +254-(0)20-222235 Email: [email protected] Website: www.uonbi.ac.ke/comps_projects/ press (African Books Collective) Namibia Inst Demo Namibia Institute for Democracy PO Box 40161 Windhoek Namibia Email: [email protected] Namibia Scient Soc Namibia Scientific Society PO Box 67 Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264-61-225372 Fax: +264-61-226846 Email: [email protected] Napasvil Napasvil Ventures Ltd PO Box DS 1896 Dansoman Accra Ghana Tel: +233-(0)27-772 3057 Fax: +233-(0)21-776273 Email: c/o [email protected] (Andrew Anokye) *NARO National Agricultural Research Organisation Secretariat PO Box 295 Entebbe Uganda
Network *Nasionale Museum SA Nasionale Museum PO Box 266 Bloemfontein 9300 South Africa Tel: +27-51-479609 Fax: +27-51-479681 *Nat Arch - Malawi National Archives of Malawi PO Box 62 Zomba Malawi Tel: +265-522184 Fax: +265-522148-22 *Nat Arch Zimbabwe National Archives of Zimbabwe PB 7729 Causeway Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-792741 Fax: +263-4-792398 Nat Lib Mauritius National Library of Mauritius 1st & 2nd floors Fon Sing Building 12 Edith Cavell Street Port Louis Mauritius Tel: + 211 9891 Fax: + 210 7173 Email: [email protected] Website: http://ncb.intnet.mu/nlibrary/ index.htm Natal Mus Natal Museum Library PB 9070 Pietermaritzburg 3200 South Africa Tel: +27-33-345 1404 Fax: +27-33-345 0561 Website: http://www.nmsa.org.za NBI National Botanical Institute PB X101 Pretoria 0001 South Africa Tel: +27-12-804 3200 Fax: +27-12-804 3211 Website: www.nbi.ac.za *NBRI National Botanical Research Institute - Namibia PB 13184 Windhoek Namibia Email: [email protected] NCBAAC Nigerian Centre for Black and African Arts/ Civilisations National Theatre PMB 12794 Lagos Nigeria (Global Book Marketing) NCSW National Committee on the Status of Women c/o Dr Mario Nzomo IDIS PO Box 30197 Nairobi Kenya Ndanda Mission Ndanda Mission Press PO Box 4 Ndanda Via Mtwara Tanzania Ndzé Editions Ndzé BP 647 Bertoua Gabon Tel: +331-241-30362/434-42656 Fax: +331-434-42356 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ndze.com (Servedit) NEA - Togo Nouvelles Editions Africaines - Togo BP 4862 Lomé Togo Tel: +228-21661/527 Fax: +228-221003
NEAS Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Sénégal 10 rue A.Assane Ndoye BP 260 Dakar Senegal Tel: +221-821 1580/821 1381 Fax: +221-822 3604 Email: [email protected] (L’Harmattan) *Nehanda Nehanda Publishers Ltd PO Box UA 517 Union Avenue Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-746272 Fax: +263-4-721259 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) NEI Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes 1 Boulevard de Marseille 01 BP 1818 Abidjan 01 Côte d’Ivoire Tel: +225-212-40766/40825 Fax: +225-212-42456 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nei.co.ci (Présence Africaine) NELM National English Literary Museum PB X1019 Grahamstown 6140 South Africa Tel: +27-461-27042/27095 Fax: +27-461-22582 Website: www.rhodes.ac.za/nelm *Neluth Nel’uth Enterprises PO Box 75773 Nairobi Kenya NEPRU Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit PO Box 40710 Ausspannplatz 59 Bahnhof Street Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264-61-228284 Fax: +264-61-231496 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nepru.org.na *Neraso Neraso Publishers Ltd 108 Murtala Mohammed Way PO Box 5589 Benin City Bendel State Nigeria Tel: +234-52-259960 NEST Nigerian Environmental Study Action Team UI PO Box 22025 Bodija Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Neter Editions Neter 01 BP 7370 Abidjan 01 Côte d’Ivoire Tel: +225-25268 Fax: +225-25268 Email: [email protected] *Nets Nets Africa PO Box 9386 Kampala Uganda *Network Network Publishers PO Box 36689 Menlo Park 0102 South Africa Tel: +27-12-346 2168 Fax: +27-12-46 2571 Email: [email protected]
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Directory of publishers
New Africa Ed SA New Africa Ed SA New Africa Publishing PO Box 46962 Glosderry 7702 South Africa Tel: +27-21-674 4136 Fax: +27-21-674 3358 Email: [email protected] Website: www.newafricabooks.co.za [a division of New Africa Books] *New Generation New Generation Books PO Box 3472 Enugu Anambra State Nigeria Tel: +234-803-473 7947 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective ) New Gong, The 11 Abiona Close Off Falolu Road Surulere, Lagos Nigeria Email: [email protected] Website: www.newgong.com New Holland New Holland Publishers PO Box 1144 Cape Town 8001 South Africa Tel: +27-21-462 4360 Fax: +27-21-462 4379/461 9378 New Horn New Horn Press Ltd PO Box 4138 University Post Office Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Tel: +1-614-2920498 [USA] Fax: +1-614-2922293 [USA] Email: [email protected] [USA] (African Books Collective) New Namibia New Namibia Books (Pty) Ltd PO Box 21601 Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264-61-235796/221134 Fax: +264-61-235279 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) New People New People Media Centre PO Box 21681 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-577407/567229 Fax: +254-2-567230 Email: [email protected] New Readers-Univ Natal New Readers Project Dept of Adult and Community Education PB X10 Dalbridge 4041 South Africa Tel: +27-31-260 2568 Fax: +27-31-260 1168 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Website: www.und.ac.za/dace (Europe: Avanti Books; N. America Peppercorn Books & Press) Newprint Editions Newprint Immeuble Atelemec Route des Hydrocarbures Ankorandrano BP 7581 Antananarivo 101 Madagascar Tel: +261-20-223 3335 Fax: +261-20-223 6471 Email: [email protected] Website: www.newmagazine.mg *Newswatch Newswatch Communications Ltd PMB 21499 Ikeja Lagos State Nigeria Tel: +234-1-493 5654/496 0950 Fax: +234-1-493 5654 Website: www.afbis.com/newswatch
NHBRA National Housing and Building Research Agency PO Box 9132 Dar es Salaam Tanzania
*Now I Can Play Now I Can Play Publications PO Box BE 100 Belvedere Harare Zimbabwe
*NHCC National Heritage Conservation Commission PO Box 60124 Livingstone Zambia Tel: +260-3-320481 Fax: +260-3-324509
Npenvu Npenvu Press PO Box 1690 White River 1240 Mpumalanga South Africa (Central Books)
*NIDCR Directorate of Research & Development PB 0022 Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267-356364 Fax: +267-301523/301594
*NPI Nairobi Peace Initiative PO Box 14894 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-441444 Fax: +254-2-442533 Email: [email protected]
NIDD NIDD Publishing and Printing Ltd PO Box 26 Oyo Oyo State Nigeria Tel: +234-38-241091 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) NIIA Nigerian Institute of International Affairs 13/15 Kofo Abayomi Road Victoria Island, Lagos PMB 12750 Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234-1-615606/7/8/9/10 Fax: +234-1-611360 (African Books Collective) NISC National Inquiry Services Centre PO Box 377 Grahamstown 6140 South Africa Tel: +27-46-622 9698 Fax: +27-46-622 9550 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nisc.co.za Njogu Njogu Gitene Publications PO Box 72989 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-331078 NLN National Library of Namibia PB 13349 Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264-61-293 5305 Fax: +264-61-293 5321 Email: [email protected] Nobel Nobel Enterprises (Nigeria) PO Box 3122 Owerri Nigeria *Nolwazi Macmillan/Nolwazi Educational Publishers (Pty) Ltd PO Box 32718 Braamfontein 2017 South Africa Tel: +27-11-484 0916 Fax: +27-11-484 3129 Email: [email protected] Noni Noni’s Publicity National House Koinange Street PO Box 48746 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-732061 (African Books Collective) *Novalis Novalis Press PO Box 53090 Kenilworth Cape Town 7745 South Africa Tel: +27-21-797 1857/762 0214 Fax: +27-21-761 0057 Website: http://home.mweb.co.za/bo/novalis
Nsibidi Nsibidi Africana Publishers Nigeria c/o 11 Plantagenet Road Barnet EN5 5JG UK (Global Book Marketing) Ntomeni Ntomeni Publishers PO Box 113 Vrede 9835 South Africa Tel: +27-58-913 3894 Fax: +27-58-913 3894 Email: [email protected] *NUEW National Union of Eritrean Women PO Box 239 Asmara Eritrea Tel: +291-1-115172/119514 Fax: +291-1-120628 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nuew.org NUL National University of Lesotho PO Box Roma 180 Roma Lesotho Email: [email protected] Nyoike Chuhi Nyoike Publishers PO Box 40301 Nairobi Kenya Nyonyi Nyonyi Publishing Company Limited PO Box 8094 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256-534390 Email: [email protected] *Oakland Oakland Media Services PO Box 56919 Nairobi Kenya Obafemi Awolowo UP Obafemi Awolowo University Press Ltd PMB 004 OAU Post Office Ile-Ife Osun State Nigeria Tel: +234-(0)36-230 284 Fax: +234-(0)36-233 442 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) Océan Indien Ed Editions de l’Océan Indien Stanley Rose-Hill Mauritius Tel: +230-4646761/4643959/464352/4642955 Fax: +230-4643445 Email: [email protected] Oceanographic Res Inst Oceanographic Research Institute PO Box 10712 Marine Parade Kwa-Zulu Natal 4056 South Africa Tel: +27-31-337 3536 Fax: +27-31-337 2132 Email: [email protected] Website: www.seaworld.org.net
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African Books in Print
Directory of publishers Oceans Ed Océans Editions 305 rue Communauté Saint André Réunion Email: [email protected] Website: www.ocean-editions.fr ODR Observatoire du développement de la Réunion BP 722 Saint Denis Cedex 97474 Réunion Olive Olive Organisation, Development and Training 21 Sycamore Road Glenwood Durban 4001 South Africa Tel: +27-31-206 1534 Fax: +27-31-205 2114 Email: [email protected] Website: www.oliveodt.co.za *Omega Omega (Law) Publications PO Box 1408 Accra Ghana *ONUDI-Senegal Organisation des Nations Unies pour le Développement Industriel - Senegal BP 154 Dakar Senegal *Onward Onward Publishing Company Limited PO Box 244 Legon Ghana Tel: +233-21-775271 Onyoma Onyoma Research Publications 11 Orogbun Crescent GRA Phase II PO Box 8611 Federal Secretariat Post Office Port Harcourt Rivers State Nigeria Tel: +234-84-230 890 x2645 Email: [email protected] Website: www.onyoma.org (African Books Collective) Opon Ifa 49 Bourdillon Road Ikoyi Lagos Nigeria Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) *Options Publ Options Publishing PO Box 1588 Somerset West 7129 South Africa Tel: +27-21-852 4728/7134 Fax: +27-21-851 2592 Email: [email protected] Website: http://users.iafrica.com/o/op/optpub Org Civ Rights Organisation of Civic Rights PO Box 4787 Durban 4000 South Africa Tel: +27-31-304 6451 Fax: +27-31-301 0020 Oshun Oshun Books PO Box 1144 Cape Town 8000 South Africa Website: www.oshun.co.za [a division of New Holland Publishing] (Booksite Afrika) Osko Osko Associates Dept of Sociology University of Lagos Akoka Lagos Nigeria
PenPoint OSSREA Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa PO Box 31971 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251-11-123 9484/123 9317 Fax: +251-1-122 3921 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ossrea.net (African Books Collective) *OTAZI Oral Traditions Association of Zimbabwe OTAZI PB 7729 Causeway Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-792741 Fax: +263-4-792398 *OUP - Kampala Oxford University Press - Uganda PO Box 1980 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256-41-254763 Fax: +256-41-254763 OUP - Nairobi Oxford University Press - Kenya Waiyaki Way ABC Place 2nd floor PO Box 72532 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-440555/6/7/8 Fax: +254-2-443972 Email: [email protected] Website : www.oxford.co.ke OUP - SA Oxford University Press Southern Africa PO Box 12119 N1 City Cape Town 7460 South Africa Tel: +27-21-596 2300 Fax: +27-21-596 1228 Email: [email protected] Website: www.oup.com Out of Africa - Namibia Out of Africa (Pty) Ltd PO Box 21841 Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264-61-221494 Fax: +264-61-221270 Email: [email protected] Website: ooafrica.com.na Paari Editions Paari BP 1622 Brazzaville Congo - Brazzaville Tel: +242-518649 Email: [email protected] (Paari Diffusion) PAID-ESA Pan African Institute for Development - East & Southern Africa PO Box 80448 Kabwe Zambia *Pam Unique Publ Pam Unique Publishing PO Box 74 Uniport PO Uniport Campus Choba Port Harcourt Nigeria Tel: +234-84-2308909 Email: [email protected] Paragraph Paragraphics 79 Emenike Street Mile 1 Diobu PO Box 3874 Port Harcourt Nigeria Tel: +84-231493 Email: [email protected] PASA Publishers’ Association of South Africa PO Box 22640 Fish Hoek Western Cape 7974 South Africa Tel: +27-21-788 7677 Fax: +27-21-788 7679 Email: [email protected] Website: www.publishsa.co.za
Passerelle Passerelle-Univers Editions 01 BP 3713 Abidjan 01 Côte d’Ivoire Tel: +225-21-353535 Fax: +225-21-353545 Email: [email protected] Pathfinder Pathfinder International PO Box 48147 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-224154 Patron Patron Publishing House PO Box 598 Bamenda Cameroon Tel: +237-361742 Fax: +237-361742 Paulines Paulines Publications - Africa Daughters of St Paul PO Box 49026 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-02-442202/3 Fax: +254-02-442097 Email: [email protected] Website: www.paulinesafrica.org Paulines - DRC Paulines Editions BP 335 10 ème rue Limete Kinshasa Congo, Democratic Republic of Tel: +243-884 1670 Fax: +243-884 1670 Email: [email protected] PBPC Professional Books Publishers and Consultants Ltd PO Box 16603 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256-41-349118 Fax: +256-41-530958 *PDS Publishers Distribution Services Ltd PO Box 30080 Nairobi Kenya *Pearl Pearl Publications PO Box 0298 Osu Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-774907 Pearson Pearson Education SA Pty Ltd Head Office PO Box 396 Cape Town 8000 South Africa Tel: +-21-531-7750 Fax: +-21-532 0056 Email: [email protected] Website: www.pearsoned.co.za *Pen Comms The Pen Communications Ltd A division of O.C. Press PO Box 3868 Ikeja Lagos Nigeria Penguin SA Penguin Books (SA) PO Box 9 Parklands 2121 South Africa Tel: +27-11-327 3550 Fax: +27-11-327 3660 Email: [email protected] Website : www.penguinbooks.co.za PenPoint PenPoint Publishers International Pen Sierra Leone 14A Wallace Johnson Street Freetown Sierra Leone Tel: +232-22-76-665556/628345 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective)
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Directory of publishers
Per Ankh *Per Ankh Per Ankh (SARL) BP 7173 Soumbedioune Dakar Senegal Tel: +221-205036 Fax: +221-204913 Email: [email protected] Petits Génies Editions aux Petits Génies BP 3112 Lubumbashi Congo, Democratic Republic of Pharos Pharos Dictionaries PO Box 879 Cape Town 8000 South Africa Tel: +27-21-406 3033 Fax: +27-21-406 3812 Email: [email protected] Website: www.pharos.co.za [a division of NB Publishers] (Kalahari.net; On the Dot) Philip David Philip Publisher (Pty) Limited 3 Scott Road PO Box 23408 Claremont Cape Town 7735 South Africa Tel: +27-21-644136 Fax: +27-21-643358 Email: [email protected] Website: www.newafricabooks.com [a division of New Africa Books] *Phoenix Phoenix Publishers 3rd floor Coffee Plaza PO Box 18650 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-223262/222309 Fax: +254-2-339875 Email: [email protected] Picador Picador Africa (an imprint of Pan Macmillan) PO Box 411717 Craighall 2024 Johannesburg South Africa Tel: +27-11-325 5220 Fax: +27-11-325 5225 Email: [email protected] *Piglet Piglet Press 31 Benbow Street Kensington Johannesburg 2094 South Africa Tel: +27-11-614 3860 *Pineapple Pineapple Press c/o ISER Rhodes University PO Box 184 Grahamstown 6140 South Africa PJK PJ - Kenya (soon to be Joy Desktop Publishing) Daystar University PO Box 16 Athi River Kenya Tel: +254-2-723002-4 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) Plaatje Sol Plaatje Educational Trust 32 Angel Street Kimberley 8301 South Africa Tel: +27-53-833 2526 Fax: +27-53-833 2526 Email: [email protected] [Librarian] (Global Book Marketing) *Popular Publ Popular Publications PO Box 5592 Limbe Malawi Tel: +265-604542 Fax: +265-651171
*PPAG Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana PO Box 5756 Accra Ghana PPCC Publishing and Printing Consultancy Company Ltd PO Box 20910 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tel: +255-212 2765 Email: [email protected] *Press Univ Congo Presses Universitaires du DRC BP 1632 Kinshasa 1 Congo, Democratic Republic of *Press Univ Dakar Presses Universitaires de Dakar Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar BP 5713 Dakar-Fann Senegal Tel: +221-24 24 48 Email: [email protected] *Printemps Editions Le Printemps Ltd 4 Club Road Vacoas Mauritius Tel: +230-696 1017/2505 Fax: +230-686 7302 Email: [email protected] *Priority Priority Projects Consultancy Publishing Suite 9 Highfield Junction Complex Southerton PO Box 66856 Kopje Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-775968 Fax: +263-91-313682 Email: [email protected] Professional Publ Professional Publishers (Pty) Ltd. see Butterworth PROPELCA PROPELCA ANACLAC BP 1000 Yaoundé Cameroon Tel: +237-231 9143 Protea Protea Book House PO Box 35110 Menlo Park 0102 South Africa Tel: +27-12-362 5685/4/3 Fax: +27-12-362 5688 Email: [email protected] Website: www.proteaboekhuis.co.za *PSRI Population Studies and Research Institute PO Box 191 Nairobi Kenya PUA Presses Universitaires d’Afrique BP 8106 Yaoundé Cameroon Tel: +237-220030 Fax: +237-222325 Email: [email protected] *PUL Presses Universitaires de Lubumbashi BP 1825 Lubumbashi Congo, Democratic Republic of *Pula Pula Press c/o Botswana Book Centre PO Box 91 Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267-352931 Fax: +267-374315
Pyramid Pyramid Publishing PO Box 403092 Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267-390 2244 Fax: +267-565194 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) Queillerie Queillerie Publishers (Pty) Ltd PO Box 879 Cape Town 8000 South Africa Tel: +27-21-460 3326 Fax: +27-21-406 3111 Website: www.queillerie.com Quest Quest & Insight Publishers PO Box 59900 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-571944 Random House SA Random House South Africa PO Box 2263 Parklands 2121 South Africa Tel: +27-11-484 3538 Fax: +27-11-339 6344 Email: [email protected] Website: www.randomhouse.co.za (Africa Book Centre) Raponda Walker Editions Raponda Walker BP 7969 Libreville Gabon Tel: +241-72 30 51/77 48 25 Fax: +241-72 20 38 Email: [email protected] *RATN Regional AIDS Training Network PO Box 16035 00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-716009 Fax: +254-2-726626 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ratn.org *Ravan Macmillan/Ravan Press (Pty) Ltd PO Box 42484 Braamfontein 2017 South Africa Tel: +27-11-484 0916 Fax: +27-11-484 3129 Email: [email protected] (Central Books) Reach Out Reach Out Publishers (Pty) Ltd 234 Church Street PO Box 3376 Pietermaritzburg 3200 South Africa Tel: +27-33-394 8881 Fax: +27-33-342 7419 Email: [email protected] READ READ Educational Trust PO Box 30994 Braamfontein 2017 South Africa Tel: +27-11-339 5941/0 Fax: +27-11-403 2311 *Readers Digest SA Reader’s Digest Association South Africa (Pty) Ltd 130 Strand Street PB 4 Cape Town 8003 South Africa Tel: +27-21-440 5111 Fax: +27-21-440 5401 Email: [email protected] Readit Readit Books Msimbazi Street PO Box 20986 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tel: +255-22-218 4077 Fax: +255-22-218 4077 Email: [email protected]
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African Books in Print
Directory of publishers *Readwide Readwide Publishers PO Box 0600 Osu Accra Ghana *Red Sea/AWP Red Sea Press/Africa World Press Via Teferi Yazew 19-21 PO Box 48 Asmara Eritrea Tel: +291-1-120707 Fax: +291-1-120707 Email: [email protected] Website: www.africanworld.com Ren Africaine Editions Renaissance Africaine BP 7252 Yaounde Cameroon *Rift Valley Rift Valley Djibouti Distribution Librairie Couleur Locale BP 3500 Djibouti Tel: +253-352121 Fax: +253-353996 (Servedit, some titles) Riverside Riverside Communications PO Box 7390 Federal Secretariat Port Harcourt Nigeria Tel: +234-84-234042 Fax: +234-84-234042 Email: [email protected] (Riverside Communications, USA) *RLPT Réseau de Lecture Publique du Tchad BP 575 N’Djamena Chad Tel: +235-515014 Fax: +235-523736 *RLRDP Rural Libraries and Resources Development Programme PO Box QP 105 Queens Park Bulawayo Zimbabwe Tel: +263-9-64910 Fax: +263-9-75337 Rock Rock Publicity Ltd PO Box TU 140 TUC - Accra Ghana Roedurico Roedurico Trust PO Box 810 Somerset West 7129 South Africa Tel: +27-21-852 3104 Fax: +27-21-851 6874 Email: [email protected] (an imprint of CUP-SA) *Rôniers Les Rôniers Centre Spirituel les Rôniers BP 87 Sarh Chad Tel:+235-681424 Fax: +235-681413 Email: [email protected] Ronna Ronna Publishers PO Box 353 Community 2 Tema Ghana Tel: +233-22-301071 Fax: +233-22-312395 Email: [email protected] Rose Bleue Editions de la Rose Bleue BP 12 452 Lomé Togo Tel: +228-222 9339/9040162 Fax: +228-222 9669 Email: [email protected]
Saros Ruisseaux Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique BP 04-1154 C/2186 Kindonou Cotonou Benin Tel: +229-383186/947925 Fax: +229-383186 Email: [email protected] (Servedit)
*SAFEFOD Société Africaine d’Education et de Formation pour le Développement 4011 Allées Seydou Nouro Tall-Amitié II BP 5945 Dakar-Fann Senegal Tel: +221-824 406 Fax: +221-824 1549 Email: [email protected] Website: www1.cyg.sn
*S&P S & P Medical Care Publishers PO Box 50837 Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260-1-758833/250242
SAIDE South African Institute for Distance Education PO Box 31822 Braamfontein 2017 South Africa Tel: +27-11-403 2813 Fax: +27-11-403 2814 Email: [email protected] Website: www.saide.org.za
SA Inst Forestry Southern African Institute of Forestry Postnet Suite 329 PB X4 Menlo Park 0102 South Africa Tel: +27-12-348 1745 Fax: +27-12-348 1745 Email: [email protected] Website: www.saif.org.za *SA Inst Int Affairs South African Institute of International Affairs PO Box 31596 Braamfontein Johannesburg 2017 South Africa Tel: +27-11-339 2021 Fax: +27-11-339 2154 Website: www.wits.ac.za/saiia.html *SA Inst Race Relations South African Institute of Race Relations PO Box 31044 Braamfontein 2017 South Africa Tel: +27-11-403 3600 Fax: +27-11-403 3671 Website: www.pcb.co.za/sairr/ SA Nat Gall South African National Gallery PO Box 2420 Cape Town 8000 South Africa Tel: +27-21-451628 Fax: +27-21-461 0045 Email: [email protected] Website: www.mweb.co.za/ctonline/museums *Sached Sached Books PB 396 Cape Town 8000 South Africa Tel: +27-11-496 1730 Fax: +27-11-496 1117 Email: [email protected] *SACHES Southern African Comparative and History of Education Society PB 0022 Gaborone Botswana SADC Southern African Development Community Centre of Communication for Development FANR PO Box 4046 Harare Zimbabwe Fax: [email protected] Email: www.sadc.int SAEC Société Africaine d’Edition et de Communication BP 6826 Belle-Vue Commune de Dixinn Conakry Guinea Tel: +224-297141/423444 Email: [email protected] (Présence Africaine) *SAFAIDS Southern Africa AIDS Information Dissemination Service PO Box A509 Avondale Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-336193/307898 Fax: +263-4-336195 Email: [email protected] Website: www.safaids.org
*SAIMM South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy PO Box 61127 Marshalltown 2107 South Africa Tel: +27-11-834 1273/7 Fax: +27-11-838 5923/833 8156 Website: www.saimm.co.za SALDRU SALDRU School of Economics University of Cape Town PB Rondebosch 7700 South Africa Tel: +27-21-6502750 Fax: +27-21-6504053 *Sam Woode Sam-Woode Ltd PO Box AN 12719 Accra-North Ghana Tel: +233-21-305287 Fax: +233-21-310482 Email: [email protected] *SAMDEF Southern Africa Media Development Fund PB B02 398 Kgasa Close Extension 4 Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267-580951 Fax: +267-561199 Website: www.misanet.org Sankofa & Gurli Editions Sankofa & Gurli 01 BP 3811 Ougadougou 01 Burkina Faso Tel: +226-50-364344 Fax: +226-50-364344 Email: [email protected] (Maison de la Francophonie) Sankofa - Ghana Sankofa Educational Publishers PO Box C1234 Cantonments Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-777866 Fax: +233-21-778839 (African Books Collective) SAPES Southern Africa Printing & Publishing House/ SAPES Trust 109 Coverntry Road Workington PO Box MP 1005 Mount Pleasant Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-621681/6 Fax: +263-4-666061/621867 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sapes.co.za/webfiles/ sapes_books.htm (African Books Collective) Saros Saros International Publishers 24 Aggrey Rd PO Box 193 Port Harcourt Rivers State Nigeria Tel: +234-84-331763/335658 Fax: +234-84-331763 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective)
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Sasa Sema Sasa Sema Sasa Sema Publications Ltd PO Box 13956 Nairobi 00800 Kenya Tel: +254-2-542071 Fax: +254-2-522310 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sasasema.com (UK: Cana Publishing; N. America: Peppercorn Books & Press) *Sasavona Pub Sasavona Publishers Swiss Mission in South Africa PB X8 Braamfontein 2000 South Africa Tel: +27-11-403-339 2502 Fax: +27-11-403-339 7274 SATI South African Translators’ Institute PO Box 27711 Sunnyside Pretoria 0132 South Africa Tel: +27-11-803 2681 Fax: +27-11-803 2681 Email: [email protected] Website: www.translators.org.za *Save the Children Save the Children Fund PO Box 4689 Harare Zimbabwe Fax: +263-796535/795150 Email: [email protected] Website: www.scfuk.org.zw SBO SBO Publishers Ltd College of Medicine University of Lagos PMB 12003 Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234-1-492 2876 Email: [email protected] SCANUL-ECS Standing Conference of African National and University Libraries in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa c/o Main Library Makerere University PO Box 7062 Kampala Uganda *SCECSAL SCECSAL Secretariat c/o Namibian Information Workers Association PO Box 3060 Windhoek Namibia Scepter Scepter Ltd PO Box 28176 00200 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-600737 Email: [email protected] School Dev Studies-KZN School of Development Studies University of KwaZulu-Natal Howard College Campus Durban 4041 South Africa Tel: +27-31-260 1031 Fax: +27-31-260 2359 Email: masmith@[email protected] Website: www.sds.ukzn.ac.za/csds (No US. All post-1990 free download) *School Soc Work School of Social Work PB 66022 Kopje Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-751815 Fax: +263-4-751903 *SCS - Legon School of Communication Studies University of Ghana PO Box 25 Legon Ghana
SEATINI Southern and Eastern Trade Information and Negotiations Institute 20 Victoria Drive Newlands Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-788078/8 Fax: +263-4-776418 Email: [email protected] Website: www.seatini.org (African Books Collective) *Sebewie Sebewie Publishers PO Box 1745 Accra Ghana
Shuter & Shooter Shuter & Shooter (Pty) Ltd PO Box 109 Pietermaritzburg 3201 South Africa Tel: +27-33-394 8881 Fax: +27-33-342 7419 Email: [email protected] Website: www.shuter.co.za Siberink Siberink Books c/o Blue Weaver Marketing PO Box 30370 Tokai Cape Town 7966 South Africa (Global Book Marketing)
Sedco Sedco Publishing Ltd 5 Tabon Street off Ring Road Central North Ridge PO Box 2051 Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-221232 Fax: +233-21-220107 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective)
*Sigenu Sigenu Publications PO Box 1763 Queenstown 5320 South Africa
Sefer Sefer Books Ltd. 2 Alayande Street Bodija Estate Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria
Silence Editions du Silence BP 13822 Libreville Gabon Tel: +241-239797 Fax: +241-729548 Email: [email protected]
SEM SEM Financial Training Centre Ltd Suite 415 SSNIT Tower Block PO Box CT2069 Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-701 0250 Fax: +233-21-701 0251 Email: [email protected] Website: www.semfinancial.com (African Books Collective) *Sey Fish Authority Seychelles Fishing Authority PO Box 449 Victoria Mahé Seychelles Tel: +248-224597 Fax: +248-224508 Email: [email protected] *SGP SGP Communications Ltd PO Box 742 Mushin Lagos Lagos State Nigeria Shama Shama Books PO Box 8153 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251-1-553959 Fax: +251-1-553609 Email: [email protected] (New Line Transaction Publishers) Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Media 48 Rothesay Avenue Craighall Park 2196 Johannesburg South Africa Sherpa Editions Sherpa BP 241 Yaoundé Cameroon Email: [email protected] *Shiv Shiv Publications PO Box 11361 Nairobi Kenya Email: [email protected]
SIL Summer Institute of Linguistics BP 1299 Yaoundé Cameroon Tel: +237-230 6456
Silveira Silveira House PO Box 545 Harare Zimbabwe *Single Single Publishers PO Box 14451 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-531080 Fax: +254-2-744787 *Sister Namibia Sister Namibia Publications PO Box 40092 Windhoek Namibia Fax: +264-61-236371 Email: [email protected] *Skotaville Juta Skotaville Publishing PO Box 14373 Kenwyn 7790 Cape Town South Africa Tel: +27-21-797 5101 Fax: +27-21-762 7424 *Smartline Smartline Publishers PO Box CT 4436 Cantonments Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-810555 Fax: +233-21-810555 Email: [email protected] Snailpress Snailpress - Carapace 30 Firfield Road Plumstead 7800 South Africa Tel: +27-21-419 4174 Fax: +27-21-252519 Snowpeak Snowpeakhare Publishers PO Box 221 Nyeri Kenya Tel: 0722-834429 SODNET Social Development Network PO Box 63125 Nairobi Kenya Email: [email protected]
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African Books in Print
Directory of publishers
Tea Res Found
Soil Science Soc Soil Science Society of South Africa PO Box 65217 Erasmusrand 0165 South Africa
St Paul Imprimeries Saint-Paul BP 763 Yaounde Cameroon
Solitaire Edition le Solitaire 46 rue Robert Rey Roches Brunes Mauritius
*ST Promo ST Promotions PO Box 2622 Swakopmund Namibia
Sopecam Editions Sopecam BP 1218 Yaoundé Cameroon Tel: +237-2304147/2303689 Fax: +237-2304362 Email: [email protected] Website: www.cameroon.tribune.cm
*Standard Textbooks & Graphics Standard Textbooks Graphics and Publishing PO Box 31355 Nairobi Kenya
South African Lib National Library of South Africa PO Box 496 Cape Town 8000 South Africa Tel: +27-21-424 6320 Fax: +27-21-423 3359 Email: [email protected] Website: www.aleph.salib.ac.za Southern Afric Res & Docs Southern African Research & Documentation Centre 15 Downie Road Belgravia PO Box 5690 Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-791141/3 Fax: +263-4-791271 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sardc.net (African Books Collective) Southern Book Publ Southern Book Publishers (Pvt) Ltd PO Box 3103 Halfway House Midrand Gauteng 1685 South Africa Tel: +27-11-315 3633/3637 Fax: +27-11-315 3810 (New Holland Publishers) Souvenir Editions Souvenir BP 2589 Port-Novo Benin Tel: +229-884904/888013 Email: [email protected] *Space Sellers Space Sellers Ltd PO Box 47186 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-555811/557868/557869 Fax: +254-2-557815 Spanfield Spanfield Consultants PO Box 4100-00200 City Square Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-733-874096 Email: [email protected] Spearhead Spearhead PO Box 4692 Glosderry 7702 South Africa Tel: +27-(0)21-674 4136 Fax: +27-(0)21-674 3358 Email: [email protected] Website: www.newafricabooks.co.za [A division of New Africa Books] Spectrum Spectrum Books PMB 5612 Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Tel: +234-22-310145/311215/310058 Fax: +234-22-318502/312705 Email: [email protected] Website: www.spectrumbooksonline.com (African Books Collective)
Star Ed Star Editions 01 BP 367 Recette principale Cotonou Benin Tel: +229-601098/946628 Fax: +229-330529 Email: [email protected] Stat Pack SA Stat Pack PO Box 126 Florida Hills 1716 South Africa Tel: +27-11-763 3214 Fax: +27-11-472 4990 *State Lib - SA State Library PO Box 397 Pretoria 0001 South Africa Tel: +27-12-321 8931 Fax: +27-21-325 5984 STE STE Publishers 143 Hunter Street Bellevue East Johannesburg South Africa (Central Books) Stella Matutina Museum Agricole et Industriel Stella Matutina Allée des Flamboyants Piton Saint-Luc 97424 Réunion Tel: +33-(0)262-341624 Fax: +33-(0)262-342041 Email: [email protected] Website: www.réunionmuseo.com Stirling-Horden Stirling-Horden Publishers Ltd Gaaf Building 110-112 Orogun, Oyo Road Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Stonewall Stonewall Books 52 Main Road St James Cape Town 7945 South Africa (Global Book Marketing) Stormberg Stormberg Publishers PO Box 3191 Cape Town 8001 South Africa (Global Book Marketing) Struik Publ Struik Publishers (Pty) Ltd PO Box 1144 Cape Town 8000 South Africa Tel: +27-21-462 4360 Fax: +27-21-462 4379/461 9378 Email: [email protected] Website: www.struik.co.za [a division of New Holland Publishing] (Booksite Afrika) *Struik Winchester C Struik Winchester PO Box 3755 Cape Town 8000 South Africa
Studio Brian Studio Brian Communications PO Box KN 1885 Kaneshie-Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-688520 Fax: +223-21-688520 Email: [email protected] Sub-Saharan Sub-Saharan Publishers Ltd 9 Goodwill Building Koramake Ice Cream Building Kok Mlende PO Box 358 Legon Accra Ghana Tel: +233-21-233371 Fax: +233-21-234251 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) *Sunrise Sunrise Publications PO Box 18 Chiwamba Lilongwe Malawi SWVP Sudanese Women’s Voice for Peace PO Box 21123 Nairobi Kenya Syndicated Comm Syndicated Communications Ltd PO Box 2846 GPO Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Tafelberg Tafelberg Publishers Ltd PO Box 879 Cape Town 8000 South Africa Tel: +27-21-406 3033 Fax: +27-21-406 3812 Email: [email protected] Website: www.tafelberg.com [a division of NB publishers] (Europe: Global Book Marketing; N. America: IPG Books; SA: kalahari.net; On the Dot) Tandian Imprimerie Tandian Yof Layenn Dakar Senegal Tel: +221-8-8201181 *Tanz Comm Science Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology PO Box 4302 Kivukoni Front Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tel: +255-51-75155/8/75311/2/700745/6 Fax: +255-51-75313 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) *Tanz Publ House Tanzania Publishing House Ltd 47 Samora Machel Avenue PO Box 2138 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tel: +255-22-213 2164/5 Fax: +255-22-286 5987 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) Tanz Soc Animal Prod Tanzania Society of Animal Production Faculty of Agriculture & Forestry University of Dar es Salaam PO Box 643 Morogoro Tanzania TAWIRE Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute PO Box 661 Arusha Tanzania Email: [email protected] *Tea Res Found Tea Research Foundation of Kenya PO Box 820 Kericho Kenya Tel: +254-361-20598/20599 Fax: +254-361-29575
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Directory of publishers
Tell Tell Editions du Tell 3 rue des Frères Torki 09000 Blida Algeria Tel: +213-(0)25-311035 Fax: +2213-(0)25-311036 Email: [email protected] Website: www.editions-du-tell.com (Servedit) Tema Tema Publishers Company Ltd PO Box 63115 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tel: +255-22-211 0472 Fax: +255-22-211 0472 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) *Tencam Tencam Press Ltd PO Box 4437 Boanberri-Douala Cameroon TEPU Tanzania Educational Publishers Limited PO Box 1222 Simu Bukoba Tanzania Tel: +255-22-222 0833 Fax: +255-22-222 1285 TEPUSA Network of Technical Publications in Africa PO Box 20986 Dar es Salaam Simu 114876 Tanzania Fax: +255-51-112434 Teriya Editions Teriya BP 1677 Bamako Mali Tel: +233-224 1112 Email: [email protected] Textflow Textflow Limited PO Box 7053 Secretariat 20004 1 Main Avenue Idi Isin Jericho Reservation Ibadan Nigeria Tel: +234-(0)2-241 3076 Email: [email protected] Textpertise Textpertise Publishing PO Box MP 1456 Mount Pleasant Harare Zimbabwe Email: [email protected] website: www.textpertise.co.zw TFNC Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre SLP 2138 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Email: [email protected] *TGNP Tanzania Gender Networking Programme PO Box 8921 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tel: +255-51-43205 Fax: +255-51-43244 Email: [email protected] Thompson, C.F. Christina Forsyth Thompson Publishing PO Box 592 Mbabane H100 Swaziland Thomson Thomson Publications Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd PO Box 1683 Harare Zimbabwe *Thomson Int International Thomson Publishing PO Box 2459 Halfway House 1685 South Africa Tel: +27-11-805 4819 Fax: +27-11-805 3648 (a division of OUP-SA)
*Thorntree Thorntree Press PO Box 9243 Hillside Bulawayo Zimbabwe Tel: +263-9-41417 Tibeb Tibeb Printers Trading PO Box 8852 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251-1-60242/162466 Fax: +251-1-65080 Timbila Timbila Poetry Project PO Box 470 Elim Hospital 0960 Limpopo Province South Africa Email: [email protected] Tobacco TZ Tanzania Tobacco Board PO Box 227/616 Morogoro Tanzania Tornado Tornado Publications PO Box 01185 Osu Accra Ghana TPFLM Trano Printy Fiangonana Loterana Malagasy 9 rue Général Ramanantsoa BP 538 Antananarivo Madagascar Tel: +260-20-222 330/224569 Fax: +260-20-2262643 Email: [email protected] (Présence Africaine) *Travel Africa Travel Africa Services PO Box 22 Accra Ghana Tel: +27-576414 *Tsipika Editions Tsipika Antaninarenina Antananarivo Madagascar TTI TTI Publishers PO Box 7093 Manzini M200 Swaziland Email: [email protected] *TURP Trade Union Research Project Centre for Industrial and Labour Studies University of Natal PB X10 Dalbridge 4014 South Africa Tel: +27-31-260 2438 Fax: +27-31-260 1423 Email: [email protected] Website: www.turp.und.ac.za Typeco Typeco Publishers Limited c/o Dept. of Library and Archival Studies University of Ghana PO Box 60 Legon Ghana Typoprint Typoprint (Pty) Ltd PO Box 20374 Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264-228749/228777 Fax: +264-221401 UCAC Presses de l’Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale BP 11628 Yaoundé Cameroon Tel: +237-230 5508 Fax: +237-230 5501 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.pucac.com
UCT Press University of Cape Town Press PO Box 24309 Lansdowne 7779 South Africa Tel: +27-21-797 5101 Fax: +27-21-762 7854 Email: [email protected] Website: www.uct.ac.za.org/uctpress (Global Book Marketing) UEPA Union pour l’Etude de la Population Africaine/ Union for African Population Studies Stele Memoz Km. 7.5 ave. Cheikh Anta Diop BP 21 007 Dakar-Ponty Senegal Tel: +221-824 3528/825 5851 Fax: +221-825 5955 Email: [email protected] Website: www.uaps.org (African Books Collective) *UEPB Uganda Export Promotion Board PO Box 5045 Kampala Uganda *Ug Martyrs Uganda Martyrs University Press Nkozi PO Box 5498 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256-481-21906 Fax: +256-481-21898 Email: [email protected] Website: www.fiuc.org/iaup/ssi/PDF-doc/UMUdoc/mtafiti/bottom.html Uganda Soc Uganda Society PO Box 4980 Kampala Uganda Umdaus Umdaus Press PO Box 11059 Hatfield 0028 South Africa Tel: +27-11-880 0273 Fax: +27-11-788 1498 Email: [email protected] Website: www.succulents.net (Global Book Marketing) UmSinsi umSinsi Press 1 Hollings Road PO Box 28129 Malvern 4055 KwaZulu-Natal South Africa Tel: +27-31-464 1556 Fax: +27-31-464 1556 Email: [email protected] Website: www.umsinsi.com and www.dancingpencils.com UNAM University of Namibia Press University of Namibia Faculty of Education PB 13301 Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264-206 3312/3313 Fax: +264-61-206 3320 Email: [email protected] Website: www.unam.na (African Books Collective) *UNCHS United Nations Centre for Human Settlements - Habitat PO Box 30030 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-623331/623105 Fax: +254-2-623927/623692 Email: [email protected] Website : www.unchs.org *UNDP-Mauritius United Nations Development Programme Mauritius PO Box 253 Port Louis Mauritius Email: [email protected]
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Van Schaik
Directory of publishers *UNECA United Nations Economic Commission for Africa PO Box 3001 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Email: [email protected] Website: www.un.org *UNEP United Nations Environment Programme/ HABITAT PO Box 30552 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-2-623331/623105 Fax: +254-2-623927/623692 Email: [email protected] Website: www.unep.org (SMI) *UNESCO - Kenya United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation - Kenya PO Box 60592 Nairobi Kenya Email: [email protected] Website: www.unesco.org *UNICEF - Cameroun UNICEF Cameroun BP 1181 Yaoundé Cameroon *Unicef Ghana UNICEF - Ghana PO Box 5051 Accra Ghana *UNICEF-Mauritius UNICEF - Mauritius PO Box 253 Port Louis Mauritius Email: [email protected] Website: www.unicef.org Unimax Unimax Publishers Ltd PO Box 10722 Accra-North Ghana Tel: +233-21-227443 Fax: +233-21-225215 Email: [email protected] *Unique Unique Printers Commercial Avenue PO Box 592 Bamenda North West Province Cameroon Unisa UNISA Press University of South Africa PO Box 392 Muckleneut Pretoria 0003 South Africa Tel: +27-12-429 4491 Fax: +27-12-429 3449 Email: [email protected] Website: www.unisa.ac.za/dept/press/ index.html (African Books Collective) Unity Unity Publishing & Research Co Ltd PO Box 1210 Festac City Lagos State Nigeria *Univ Botswana University of Botswana PB 0022 Gaborone Botswana Website: www.ub.bw *Univ Calabar University of Calabar Press PO Box 3651 Unical PO Calabar Nigeria *Univ Durban-Westville University of Durban-Westville P.B. X54004 Durban 4000 South Africa Tel: +27-31-204 4111 Fax: +27-31-204 4383
Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr University Bookshop - Legon University of Ghana PO Box LG1 Legon Ghana Tel: +233-21-500398 Fax: +233-21-500774 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ug.edu.gh Univ KwaZulu Natal Press University of KwaZulu Natal Press PB X01 Scottsville 3209 South Africa Tel: +27-331-260 5225/6 Fax: +27-331-260 5801 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Website: www.unpress.co.za (US: International Specialised Book Services; Europe: Global Book Marketing) Univ Lagos Press University of Lagos Press Commercial Road PO Box 132 University of Lagos Post Office Akoka Yaba Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234-1-825048 Fax: +234-1-825048 Email: [email protected] Website: www.unilag.edu.ng (African Books Collective) Univ Natal Lib University of Natal Library PB X014 Scottsville 3209 Pietermaritzburg South Africa Tel: +27-331-260 5896 Fax: +27-331-260 5260 Email: [email protected] Univ Nigeria Press University of Nigeria Press University of Nigeria Nsukka Anambra State Nigeria Tel: +234-42-771911/20/39/41/51 (African Books Collective) Univ Port Harcourt Press University of Port Harcourt Press PMB 5323 East-West Rd Choba Port Harcourt Nigeria Tel: +234-84-300440 x376 Fax: +234-84-239193 (African Books Collective) Univ Press - Nig University Press plc Three Crowns Building Jericho PMB 5095 Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Tel: +234-2-241 2056 Fax: +234-2-241 2056 Email: [email protected] Website: www.universitypressplc.com (African Books Collective) Univ Press Lesotho NUL Publishing House National University of Lesotho PO Box Roma 180 Lesotho Tel: +266-340601 x2175 Fax: +266-34000 Univ Pretoria University of Pretoria Press 56 Rutland Avenue Craighall Park 2196 Johannesburg South Africa Tel: +27-(0)12-420 Website: www.up.co.za Univ Réunion Université de la Réunion Service commun de la documentation BP 7152 97715 St Denis Réunion Tel: +262-281873 Fax: +262-291700
*Univ West Cape University of the Western Cape Centre for Southern African Studies PB X17 Bellville 7535 South Africa Tel: +27-21-959 3040 Fax: +27-21-959 3041 (Africa Book Centre) Univ Witwatersrand Lib University of the Witwatersrand Library PB X1 Wits 2050 Johannesburg South Africa Tel: +27-11-716111 Fax: +27-11-716 8030 Website: www.wits.ac.za/wits/library/ *Univ Yaoundé Université de Yaoundé BP 1312 Yaoundé Cameroon Univ Yaoundé I University of Yaoundé I Department of African Languages and Linguistics Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences University of Yaoundé I Yaoundé Cameroon Tel: +237-775 8424 Univ Zambia University of Zambia Press Publications Office PO Box 32379 Lusaka 10101 Zambia Tel: +260-1-291777 Fax: +260-977-46904 Email: [email protected] Website: www.unza.zm (African Books Collective) Univ Zimbabwe University of Zimbabwe Publications PO Box MP 203 Mount Pleasant Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-303211 x 1236 Fax: +263-4-333407/335249 Email: [email protected] Website: www.uz.ac.zw/publications (African Books Collective) *Urb Prob Res Unit Urban Problems Research Unit University of Cape Town PB Rondebosch 7700 South Africa Tel: +27-21-650 3599 Fax: +27-21-650 3600 Urhobo Urhobo Historical Society c/o Nigerian International Biographical Institute Cedeli Towers 16 Wharf Road Apapa Lagos Nieria Fax: +1-716-691 0328 [USA] Email: [email protected] Website: www.waado.org *Uzima Uzima Press PO Box 48127 Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254-220239/216836 Email: [email protected] Valy Editions Valy BP 1156 Antananarivo Madagascar Van Schaik Van Schaik Publishers PO Box 12681 Hatfield 0028 South Africa Tel: +27-12-342 2765 Fax: +27-12-430 3563 Email: [email protected] Website: www.vanschaiknet.com (Africa Book Centre)
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Directory of publishers
Van Wyk Van Wyk Johan van Wyk 27 Oxford House Gillespie Street Durban 4001 South Africa Email: [email protected] Vantage Vantage Publishers (Int) Ltd PO Box 7669 Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Email: [email protected] [email protected] *Vieso Vieso Universal (Ghana) Ltd PO Box MA 150 Mampong-Akuapem Ghana Tel: -21-221254 *Village Village Publishers PO Box 53486 Falomo Lagos Nigeria *ViVa ViVa Books PO Box 28510 Kensington 2021 South Africa Tel: +27-11-616 2980/615 5250 Fax: +27-11-622 7169 Email: [email protected] Vivlia Vivlia Publishers and Booksellers (Pty) Ltd PO Box 1040 Florida Hills 1716 Gauteng South Africa Tel: +27-11-472 3912 Fax: +27-11-472 4904 (Central Books Ltd) Vizavi Editions Vizavi 9 rue St Georges Port-Louis Mauritius Tel: +230-208 0983 Fax: +230-211 3047 Email: [email protected] Website: www.dodokidsclub.com (Servedit) *WAEC&SRL West African Economic Consultants and Social Research of Lagos 22 Itolo Street Surulere Lagos Nigeria (Prosolve) WASI Writers Advisory Services International PO Box 317 Zomba Malawi Tel: +265-525289 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) *Wavah Wavah Books Ltd PO Box 5914 Kampala Uganda Email: [email protected] WCST Wildlife Conservation of Tanzania SLP 70919 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Email: [email protected] Weaver Weaver Press PO Box 1922 Avondale Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-308330 Fax: +263-4-339645 Email: [email protected] Website: www.weaverpresszimbabwe.com (African Books Collective)
WEFA-SA WEFA Southern Africa PB X12 Menlo Park 0102 South Africa Tel: +27-12-348 6861 Fax: +27-12-348 8151 Email: [email protected] Website: www.wefa.co.za
Wonak Wonak Investments Private Limited 13 Boston Avenue Eastlea-North Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-496737 Fax: +263-4-498695 Email: [email protected]
West John West Publications Ltd John West House Acme Road - Oqba Ikeja - PMB 21001 Nigeria
WordAlive WordAlive Publishers (formerly Cana Publishing House) PO Box 4547 00100 - GPO Nairobi Kenya Email: [email protected] Website: www.canapublishing.org
West African Bk West African Book Publishers Ltd 28/32 Industrial Avenue Ilupeju PO Box 3445 Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234-1-497 7700/0196/2757 Email: [email protected] (Hambleside) WGS-Buea Department of Women & Gender Studies, University of Buea Faculty of Social and Management Studies University of Buea PO Box 63 South West Province Cameroon Tel: +237-332 21 34 Fax: +237-332 22 72 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) Wimbum Wimbum Literacy Association PO Box 73 Nkambe Donga-Mantung Division North West Province Cameroon Email: [email protected] Witness Witness Newspaper, The 224 Longmarket Street Pietermaritzburg 3201 South Africa (Central Books) Witwatersrand UP Witwatersrand University Press 23 Junction Avenue Parktown PO Box Wits Wits 2050 South Africa Tel: +27-21-484 5906/7/10/13 Fax: +27-11-484 5971 Email: [email protected] Website: www.wits.ac.za (Global Book Marketing) WLEA Women and Law in East Africa PO Box 3478 Kampala Uganda WLSA-Botswana Women and Law in Southern Africa Research Project c/o National Institute of Development, Research and Documentation PB 0022 Gaborone Botswana WLSA-Zimb Women & Law in Southern Africa Research Trust PO Box UA 171 Union Avenue Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-253001/2/3 Fax: +263-4-252884 Email: [email protected] Website: www.wlsa.co.zw (African Books Collective) Woeli Woeli Publishing Services PO Box NT 601 Accra New Town Ghana Tel: +223-21-229294/227182/228611 Fax: +233-21-229294 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective)
*Wordsmith Wordsmiths 56 Chaucer Road Lombardy East 2090 Johannesburg South Africa Tel: +27-11-882 3940 Fax: +27-11-882 3940 Email: [email protected] World Vision World Vision Tanzania SLP 6070 Arusha Tanzania Writestuff Writestuff Publishing PO Box 87190 Houghton 2041 South Africa Tel: +27-11-440 3933/7169 Fax: +27-11-885 1594 Email: [email protected] Website: www.writestuff.co.za *Wusen Wusen Press Ltd 105 Yellow Duke Street PO Box 1961 Calabar Cross River State Nigeria Tel: +234-87-223465 Email: [email protected] Website: www.wusen.8m.com Xamal Editions Xamal BP 380 Saint Louis Senegal Tel: +221-96 11722 Fax: +221-961519 Email: [email protected] *Y Press Y Press Publishers PO Box 5138 Durban 4000 South Africa Tel: +27-31-252971 Fax: +27-31-252971 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ypress.co.za *Ya Solo Ya Solo Enterprises PO Box 14828 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Email: [email protected] Yomad Yomad Editions 28 rue Dayet Aoua Agdal Rabat Morocco Tel: +212-7-686430 Fax: +212-7-686431 Email: [email protected] *Z Promo Z Promotions (Pvt) Ltd PO Box 6109 Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-726795/972/725897/894 Fax: +263-4-726796 Website: www.africafilmtv.com
________________________________________________________________________________________________ xlii
African Books in Print
Directory of publishers Zapf Zapf Chancery Research Consultants and Publishers PO Box 4988 Eldoret Kenya Tel: +254-321-31413 Fax: +254-321-63043 Email: [email protected] *ZARD Zambia Association for Research and Development PO Box 37836 Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260-1-222883 Fax: +260-1-222883 *ZBDC Zimbabwe Book Development Council PO Box CY 1179 Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-749175/749176 Fax: +263-4-749190 ZBPA Zimbabwe Book Publishers Association 2 Harvey Brown Avenue Milton Park Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-796374 Fax: +263-4-796374 Email: [email protected] (African Books Collective) Zebra Zebra Press PO Box 1144 Cape Town 8000 South Africa Tel: +27-11-444 9473 Fax: +27-11-444 9472 Website: www.zebrapress.co.za [a division of New Holland Publishing] (Booksite Afrika) Zedcom Zedcom 01 BP 6459 Ouagadougou 01 Burkina Faso Tel: +226-30 89 49 Fax: +226-30 89 49 Email: [email protected] Website: www.zedcom.bf
ZWWA *ZEPH Zambia Educational Publishing House PO Box 32708 Chisango Road Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260-01-2229211 Fax: +260-01-225073
ZIPS Zimbabwe Information and Publications Systems PO Box BW 456 Borrowdale Harare Zimbabwe Fax: +263-4-303048
Zero Zero Publications Regional Network of Environmental Experts 158 Fife Ave, Greenwood Park PO Box 5338 Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-791333/700030/730230 Fax: +263-4-732858/720405 Email: [email protected] Website: www.zero.co.zw
Zoom Lens Zoom Lens Promotions Ltd PO Box 4834 Festac Town Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234-1-482 2541 Email: [email protected]
ZHR Forum Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum PO Box 5465 Harare Zimbabwe Email: [email protected] ZIBF Zimbabwe International Book Fair Trust PO Box CY 1179 78 Kaguvi Street Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-750282 Fax: +263-4-702129 Email: [email protected] Website: www.zibf.org.zw (African Books Collective) ZIDS Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies PO Box 880 Harare Zimbabwe *ZIMA Zambia Independent Media Association PO Box 32295 Lusaka Zambia Zimb Women Zimbabwe Women Writers 2 Harvey Brown Road Milton Park PB 256A Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-774261 Fax: +263-4-751202 Email: [email protected] (African Book Collective)
ZOS Zambian Ornithological Society PO Box 33944 Lusaka Zambia ZPC ZPC Publishing PO Box 34798 Lusaka Zambia ZPH ZPH Publishers (Pvt) Ltd PO Box GD 510 Greendale Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-497555-8/497548 Fax: +263-4-497554/738693 Email: [email protected] Website: www.grace-notes.com/apg (African Books Collective) ZWRCN Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network PO Box 2192 Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263-4-737435/702198 Fax: +263-4-720331 ZWWA Zambia Women Writers Association PO Box 38388 Lusaka Zambia Tel: +260-(0)97-848134 Email: [email protected]
___________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
List of distributors This list comprises addresses, email contact and website information where available, for distributors outside Africa.
Aequatoria Te Boelaerlei 11 B-2140 Borgerhout Belgium Africa Book Centre Preston Park Business Centre 36 Robertson Road Brighton BN1 5NL UK Website: www.africabookcentre.com African Books Collective Unit 13 King’s Meadow Ferry Hinksey Road Oxford OX2 0DP UK Website: www.africabookscollective.com African Books Collective, North America Michigan State University Press 1405 South Harrison Road 25 Manly Miles Buildings East Lansing MI 48823-5202 USA Website: msupress.msu.edu American Bible Society 1865 Broadway New York NY 10023 USA Website: www.americanbible.org Anansesem Publications 4260 Via Arbolada #213 Los Angeles CA 90042 USA Avanti Books 8 Parsons Green Boulton Road Pin Green Industrial Estate Stevenage SG1 4QG UK Basler Bibliographien Afrika Postfach 2037 CH 4001 Basel Switzerland Website: www.baslerafrika Central Books
99 Wallis Road London E9 5LN UK Website: www.centralbooks.com Classiques Africaines, Les 3 rue Porte du Buc BP 652 78006 Versailles France Columbia University Press 136 South Broadway Irvington NY 10533 USA Website: www.columbia.edu/cu/cup Dars 919 Blair Avenue Neenah WI 5495-2000 USA Y-E Dogbé 5 rue Tardieu 75018 Paris France
EDJA Paris Fax: +33-(0)1-43-370401 Email: [email protected] Global Book Marketing Preston Park Business Centre 36 Robertson Road Brighton BN1 5NL UK Website: www.globalbookmarketing.co.uk
Paari Diffusion 83 rue de Reuilly 75010 Paris France Email : [email protected] Peppercorn Books & Press PO Box 693 Snow Camp NC 27349 USA Website: www.peppercornbooks.com
International Specialized Book Services Inc 5804 NE Hassalo St. Portland OR 97213-3644 USA Website: www.isbs.com
Présence Africaine 25 bis rue des Ecoles 75005 Paris France
IPG 814 North Franklin Street Chicago IL 60610 USA Website: www.ipgbook.com
Prosolve 20 Elliott Road Thornton Heath Surrey CR7 &QA UK
James Currey Publishers 73 Botley Road Oxford OX2 0BS UK Website: www.jamescurrey.co.uk
Rita Sigel 15 Shelley Lane Great Neck NY 11023 USA
Karthala 22-24 boulevard Arago 75013 Paris France Website: www.karthala.com Lake View Press PO Box 578279 Chicago IL 60657 USA Website: www.lakeviewpress.com Lexis Law Publishing 701 East Water Street PO Box 7587 Charlottesville VA 22906 USA Lucretia Humphrey 3026 5th Avenue North Great Falls MT 59401 USA Maison de la Francophonie 74 rue Orfila 75020 Paris France Website : www.maisonfrancophonie.org Natural History Book Service, UK Website: www.nhbs.co.uk New Line Transaction Publishers Distributors 390 Campus Drive Somerset NJ 08873 USA New Holland Publishers Garfield House 86-88 Edgware Road London W2 2EA UK Website: www.newhollandpublishers.com
Riverside Communications 5575 Seminary Road Falls Church VA 22041 USA Salway, Mr Lance 120 Lenthay Road Sherborne DT9 6AG UK Sanober Dar 44 St Luke’s Road Old Windsor Berks SL4 2QJ UK Servedit 15 rue Victor Cousin 75005 Paris France Email: [email protected] SMI (Overseas) Ltd Stevenage Business Park Wedgwood Way Pin Green Stevenage SG1 4QT Herts UK Vilo-Diffusion 25 rue Ginoux 75015 Paris France Wm.W. Gaunt & Sons Inc Gaunt Building 3011 Gulf Drive Holmes Drive FL 34217-2199 USA
Oxbow Books Park End Place Oxford OX1 1HN UK Email: [email protected] Website: oxbowbooks.com
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African Books in Print
Deleted publishers This listing provides names of publishers by ABIP publisher abbreviation whose fileshave been deleted in their entirety. In some cases we have been formally notified by the publisher that they have ceased trading activities, and/or printouts of title data were returned as undeliverable. Most of these deletions relate to publishers who did not verify information for the previous (5th) edition of ABIP, who have not responded to ABPR mailings within the last two years and who did not verify or update data sent for the new edition. Deleted publisher files may be reinstated for future editions of ABIP if there is evidence of trading activity and if these publishers supply information to ABIP or ABPR—and subsequently confirm availability of their publications, and accuracy of our listings, by verifying information sent to them.
AALAE African Association for Literacy & Adult Education Kenya AAPAM African Association for Public Administration and Management Kenya ACARTSOD African Centre for Applied Research & Training in Social Development Libya Ace Comms Ace Communications Ltd. Kenya ACES ACES Press Kenya ACFODE Action for Development Uganda Acorn Acorn Books South Africa ACT AIDS Counselling Trust Zimbabwe Action Mag Action Magazine Zimbabwe Adenauer - Uganda Konrad Adenauer Foundation for African Uganda Advanced Legal Advanced Legal Publications Ghana Aflon Aflon Books Ltd Nigeria Africa Win Africa Window Botswana Agro-Economic Survey Agro-Economic Survey Publications 3 Malawi Ahfad Ahfad University for Women PO Box 167 Omdurman Sudan
Amaabooks Amaabooks Publications Ghana
CARE-Ethiopia CARE International Ethiopia
Aman Aman Publications Ghana
Catholic Publ Roman Catholic Church Publications Namibia
AMD Publ AMD Publishers Nigeria
CEDI Centre Protestant d’Editions et de Diffusion Congo, Democratic Republic of
Ammiz-Adnan Ammiz-Adnan Media Services Nigeria
Centaur Centaur Publications South Africa
Anansesem Anansesem Publications Ghana
Centre Cult - Libreville Centre Culturel Libreville - SEPIA Gabon
ANC African National Congress (ANC) South Africa
Centre Soc Res - Malawi Centre for Social Research Malawi
Anvil Anvil Press Zimbabwe
CEREVA Centre de Recherche des Valeurs Congo, Democratic Republic of
ARTYPO Imprimerie ARTYPO Tunisia
Chaka Editions Chaka Senegal
ASAIB Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers South Africa
Chamber Comm - Mal Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Malawi Malawi
Athar Editions Athar Tunisia
Chameleon Chameleon Press South Africa
AWF African Wildlife Foundation Kenya
CIDST Centre d’Information et de Documentation Scientifique et Technique Madagascar
Bailey’s Bailey’s African Photo Archives South Africa
Codat Codat Publications Nigeria
BBA Buku ti BêAfrika/BBA Editions Central African Republic
Crane Crane Publishers Uganda
Biomed Biomed Publications South Africa
CRLS Centre de Recherche Linguistique de Sarh Chad
Boldads Boldads Publishers Zimbabwe
CSA Centre for the Study of Adolescence Kenya
Bookseller-Zamb Booksellers and Publishers Association of Zambia Zambia
CCFN Centre Culturel Franco-Nigérien Niger Centre Soc Res - Malawi Centre for Social Research Malawi
Ahmadu Bello UP Ahmadu Bello University Press Nigeria
Bot Soc SA Botanical Society of South Africa South Africa
All Africa Conf Churches All Africa Conference of Churches Kenya
Braby Braby Publishers South Africa
Allgood All Goodbooks Ltd Ghana
Bur Publ Theo Bureau des Publications Théologiques Congo, Democratic Republic of
CIDST Centre d’Information et de Documentation Scientifique et Technique Madagascar
Alma Editions Alma Mauritius
Caltop Caltop Publications (Nigeria) Limited Nigeria
Codat Codat Publications Nigeria
Centro Estudos Africanos Centro de Estudos Africanos Mozambique
________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Deleted publishers
DAG DAG Development Action Group South Africa
Herma Herma Publications Ghana
Kagiso Kagiso Education (Pty) Ltd South Africa
Dancer Dancer Publications South Africa
HRDC Human Rights and Documentation Centre Namibia
Kamenyero Kamenyero Publishing Uganda
Défi-Af Editions Défi-Afrique Cameroon
Ibramud Ibramud (Nigeria) Limited Nigeria
KARI Kenya Agricultural Research Institute Kenya
Delsu Delsu Consult Publishing House Nigeria
IFNFS Institute of Food Nutrition and Family Sciences Zimbabwe
Know Un Knowledge Unlimited (Pty) Ltd. South Africa
Dept Book Ind Department of Book Industry Ghana
IIRR International Institute of Rural Reconstruction Kenya
Knowledge Res Knowledge Resources (Pty) Ltd South Africa
Dept Soil Science-Univ Nairobi Department of Soil Science Kenya
ILA - Univ Réunion Institut de Linguistique et d’Anthropologie Université de la Réunion Réunion
KUP Khartoum University Press Sudan
Dev Bank SA Development Bank of Southern Africa South Africa Diamond Diamond Publishers Ltd Tanzania DTP Unit Desktop Publishing Unit Kenya ECOL ECOL Publications Tanzania Edo State Edo State University Library Nigeria Educ Press & Manuf Educational Press & Manufacturers Ltd Ghana Educ Pub & Distr Educational Publishers and Distributors Tanzania EIN Publ Ecumenical Institute for Namibia Publications Namibia
Ile aux Images L’Ile aux Images Editions Mauritius Indicator Indicator South Africa South Africa Initiatives Initiatives Ltd Kenya INRAT Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie Tunisia INSRE Institut National de la Statistique et de la Recherche Economique Madagascar Inst Human Resources Dev Institute for Human Resources Development Kenya Inst Labour Stud - Les Institute of Labour Studies Lesotho
L’Arbre Editions de l’Arbre Tunisia Lab Law Unit Labour Law Unit South Africa Lallomohamud Lallomohamud Publications Mauritius Lantern Lantern Press Nigeria LARRI Labour Resource and Research Institute Namibia Lay-Tal Lay-Tal Communications Nigeria Lectern Lectern Publications Limited Kenya Lesotho Print & Publ Lesotho Printing & Publishing Co Lesotho
ENA-Niamey Ecole Nationale d’Administration Niger
Inst Nat Tchad Institut National Tchadien pour les Sciences Humaines Chad
Evans - Nig Evans Brothers (Nigeria Publishers) Ltd Nigeria
Inst Study of Man Institute for the Study of Man South Africa
Libriservice Libriservice Ltd Nigeria
Fafunwa Fafunwa Educational Foundation Nigeria
Inst Sup Ped Universidade Pedagogica Mozambique
Longman - Lesotho Longman Lesotho Lesotho
Faith Publ Faith Publishers Ghana
ISB-Univ Western Cape Institute for Small Business University of the Western Cape South Africa
LRGRU Law, Race and Gender Research Unit South Africa
Foresight Foresight Publications South Africa Fountain - Nig Fountain Publishers (Nigeria) Ltd Nigeria FPODB Fédération des Paysans Organisés du Département de Bakel Senegal FSG Farmer Support Group South Africa Gecko - Tanz Gecko Publishing Tanzania Graham Graham Publishing Co (Pvt) Ltd Zimbabwe Grassroots Educare Grassroots Educare Trust South Africa Hans Kirsten Hans Kirsten Publishers South Africa HarperCollins HarperCollins Publishers (Zimbabwe) Pty Ltd Zimbabwe
Isengi Isengi Communications Ltd. Nigeria ISSER - Legon Institute of Statistical Social & Economic Research Ghana Ivy Publ Ivy Publishing South Africa JARP Journal of African Religion and Philosophy Uganda Jidu Jidu Publishers Nigeria Joburg Public Lib Johannesburg Public Library South Africa K-REP Kenya Rural Enterprise Programme Kenya Kaffrarian Museum Kaffrarian Museum Publications South Africa
Lexicon Lexicon Publishers Ltd. South Africa
M & K M & K Publishers and Agencies Ltd Tanzania Malaika House of Malaika & Beacon Books Nigeria Manchichi Manchichi Publishers Malawi Martial Yvan Martial Publications Ltée Mauritius Matberry Matberry Research Centre Ghana Mayibuye Mayibuye Publications South Africa Med Res Coun Medical Research Council South Africa Minaj Minaj Publishers Nigeria Mines & Geol - Ken Mines and Geological Department Kenya
________________________________________________________________________________________________ xlvi
African Books in Print
Deleted publishers
Mosuro Mosuro Publishers Ltd Nigeria
Samdinesab Samdinesab Publications Ghana
Mzumbe Mzumbe Book Project Tanzania
SAMLA South African Music Libraries Association South Africa
NADICEST National Documentation & Information Centre for Science and Technology Nigeria
Sankore Sankore Publishers Ltd Nigeria
NARESA Network of AIDS Researchers of Eastern and Southern Africa Kenya Nat Arch - Namibia National Archives of Namibia Namibia Nat Comm Museum & Mon National Commission for Museums and Monuments Nigeria Nat Herb-Ethiopia National Herbarium - Ethiopia Ethiopia Natal Soc Natal Society South Africa NBF Nigerian Book Foundation Nigeria New Africa - Nigeria New Africa Publishing Co. Ltd Nigeria New Pen New Pen Publishing Company Ltd Nigeria Nooremac Nooremac Press Cameroon Ntataise Ntataise Trust South Africa Ntieyong Ntieyong Hall Nigeria Obobo Obobo Books Nigeria Odunjo Memorial J.F. Odunjo Memorial Lectures Nigeria Pandit Ramlakan Pandit Ramlakan Gossagne Publications Mauritius Phuthadikobo Mus Phuthadikobo Museum Botswana Porcupine Porcupine Press South Africa PPL Popular Publications Tanzania Promote Reading Promote the Reading Culture Nigeria Raose Raose Nigeria Ltd. Nigeria Rev Océan Indien Editions Revue de l’Océan Indien Madagascar Ro-Marong Ro-Marong Industries Ltd Sierra Leone SADCC SADCC Secretariat Botswana Sahélienne La Sahélienne Mali
Semences Africaines Editions Semences Africaines Cameroon Service Geol - Mad Service Géologique Madagascar Service Int Service & Service International Nigeria Shirikon Shirikon Publishers Ltd Kenya Sigma Sigma Press (Pty) Ltd South Africa Soc Int Ling Société Internationale de Linguistique Cameroon St Paul St Paul Publications Uganda Stat Pack SA Stat Pack South Africa Sud Ed Sud Editions Tunisia Survey & Map Surveying & Mapping South Africa Syndicated Comm Syndicated Communications Ltd Nigeria
Univ Tunis Fac Hum Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales Université de Tunis 1 Tunisia Univ Zambia - Bkshop University of Zambia Bookshop Zambia Usanga Tr Usanga Traders Tanzania Vatican Vatican Press Sierra Leone VerLoren Centre VerLoren van Themaat Centre for Public Law Studies South Africa Vibes Vibes Publications Ghana Vista Vista Books Ltd Nigeria ViVa ViVa Books South Africa WAND Women’s Association for National Development Sierra Leone WASN Women & AIDS Support Network Zimbabwe WCSZ Wildlife Conservation Society of Zambia Zambia Woollacott Robert Woollacott Publications Zimbabwe ZPC ZPC Publishing Zambia
Thakers Thakers Printers and Publishers Tanzania Thandi Thandi Art Press South Africa Thomson Thomson Publications Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd Zimbabwe Tibeb Tibeb Printers Trading Ethiopia Toma Toma Enterprises Ltd Sierra Leone Tonysguide Tonysguide Book Producing Enterprise Ghana Torch Torch Publishing Company Limited Nigeria Tropical Soil Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Programme Kenya UCA Uganda Cooperative Alliance Ltd Uganda UNESCO HOCU UNESCO Harare Office Culture Unit Zimbabwe UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for Women Kenya Univ Stellenbosch Lib University of Stellenbosch University Library South Africa
________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index Abdurahman, Dr. Abdullah—Biography Raynard, J.H., Adhikari, M., ed. Dr Abdurahman: a biographical memoir by J.H. Raynard. 96pp. R50.00 South African Lib 2002 SA
Cilliers, H.S., Roussouw, S., Faul, M.A., Mans, K.N. Group statements. 6th ed. ISBN: 0409103934 492pp. R222.30 Butterworth 1998 SA
Abidji language—Study and teaching Aka, M.L., N’Guessan, E.Y., N’Guessan, J. Syllabaire abidji. 159pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 1984 IV ABI
Cilliers, H.S., Roussouw, S., Mans, K.N., Bosman, A.J. Corporate financial reporting. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409071579 R302.10 Butterworth 1998 SA
Abrham, E.—Autobiography Abrham, E. Reminiscences of my life. 312pp. pl. Birr32.00 ($15.00) Addis Ababa UP 2000 ET Abron—General and Non-fiction Adoua, K., Djaban, K.T., Youssouf, A.D., Yeboua, J.K. Ahotie ni tranbia ni ahontie. [Hygiene and environment. Text in Abron.] ISBN: 2914867069 42pp. ill. CFA1,500 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2002 IV ABR Adoua, K., Djaban, K.T., Youssouf, D.A., Yeboua, K.J. Kouadie hon akoan moun. [Agricutural techniques. Text in Abron.] ISBN: 2914867077 61pp. ill. CFA2,000 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2002 IV ABR Adoua, K., Djaban, T.K., Dramane, Y.A., Yeboua, J.K. Apomtie. [The road to health. Text in Abron.] ISBN: 2914867030 45pp. ill. CFA1,500 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2002 IV ABR
du Plooy, S.M., Gilliland, U., van Rooyen, J.P. Accounting for attorneys. 274pp. R149.34 Butterworth 1997 SA Ekwa bis Isal, M. Vade-Mecum du gestionnaire de la PME. Initiation à la comptabilité et à la gestion. 2nd rev.ed. vol.2 108pp. ($3.20) Cadicec 1994 ZR FRE Faul, M.A. Financial accounting. 4th ed. ISBN: 0409103217 652pp. R193.80 Butterworth 1998 SA Faul, M.A., van Vuuren, S.J., du Plessis, P.C., Niemand, A., Koch, E. Fundamentals of cost and management accounting. 3rd ed. R188.10 Butterworth 1997 SA Faul, M.A., van Wyk, A.C., Smith, N. Accounting fundamentals. 2nd ed. 531pp. R182.40 Butterworth 1991 SA
Abua language—Dictionaries Gardner, I. Abua-English/English-Abua dictionary. 112pp. N2.50 ($3.75/£1.90) Univ Port Harcourt Press 1980 NR MUL
Hartley, C.F., Firer, C., Ford, J. Business accounting and finance for managers. An introduction. 3rd ed. 292pp. R89.95 Witwatersrand UP 1996 SA [Southern Africa only]
Abubakar, Sultan Sir Siddiq—Biography Boyd, T., Maisham, H. Sultan Siddiq Abubakar III. 160pp. N540.00 ($12.00/£10.00) Spectrum 1991 NR
Koen, M., Oberholster, J.G.I. Analysis and interpretation of financial statements. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702151823 128pp. R129.00 Juta 1999 SA
Accidents—Prevention van der Nest, M. D. Analysis of factors associated with 120 road accidents in Johannesburg. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 291) 62pp. R2.00 CSIR 1979 SA
Lay, P.M.Q. Control and audit of accounting information systems. 190pp. R87.00 Juta 1987 SA
van der Nest, M.D. The role of fatigue in the driving situation: a survey of literature on psychophysiological factors. (CSIR Contract Report, C/Pers 269) 35pp. R1.50 CSIR 1978 SA van der Nest, M.D. South African findings in the International Drivers’ Behaviour Research Association (IDBRA) cross-national attitudes and opinions survey. (CSIR Contract Report, C/Pers 271) 36pp. R1.50 CSIR 1978 SA Accounting see also Bookkeeping Afemikhe, S.S.O. The pursuit of value for money. ISBN: 9780294260 398pp. N4,200 Spectrum 2003 NR Bankole, J.O.T. The church and funds management. ISBN: 9782951277 ($3.99/£2.55) CSS 1998 NR Cilliers, H.S. Generally accepted accounting applications. R169.86 Butterworth 1996 SA Cilliers, H.S., et al. Company financial statements in perspective. 551pp. R188.10 Butterworth 1995 SA
Martens, A., De Caluwe, B. Le cadre comptable macroéconomique et les pays en développement. 258pp. CFA6,000 Jamana 2000 ML FRE Mensah, S. Securities, markets and investments. ISBN: 9988787812 241pp. ($41.95/ £24.95) SEM 2001 GH Ola, C.S. Accountancy for students and practitioners. 330pp. N10.00 Ibadan UP 1983 NR Opperman, H.R.B., Booysen, S.F., Binnekade, C.S., Oberholster, J.G.I. Accounting standards. 11th ed. ISBN: 0702166278 Juta 2005 SA Redelinghuis, A., et al. Quantitative methods for managerial decision making. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd rev.ed. 528pp. R188.10 Butterworth 1996 SA Sarraj, M. La comptabilité générale. D8.00 ($40.00) CPU-Tunisia 1996 TI FRE Accounting—Addresses and essays Adeyemo, M.A. Accounting and the development process. 51pp. ($2.50/£1.80) N5.00 Univ Lagos Press 1979 NR
Prinsloo, K.S. Accounting education and the corporate reporting function. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1982 SA Roberts, H.M. A review of company financial reports. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1960 SA Accounting—Africa, West Séré, S., Sawadogo, F.M. Droit comptable. Système comptable OHADA. Système comptable ouestafricain. ISBN: 2951603940 160pp. CFA12,000 Dec Burkina 2002 UV FRE Accounting—Dictionaries Everingham, G.K., Kleynhans, J.E., Posthumus, L.C. Juta’s concise dictionary of accounting terms. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702135887 144pp. R75.00 (£9.95) Juta 1998 SA Accounting—Examinations, questions Ashiq, H. Aid to passing CPA section 1: accounting 1. rev.ed. 184pp. K.shs.310.00 EAEP 1984 KE Brown, C.E., et al. Cost and management accounting questions and answers. ISBN: 0702132187 144pp. R100.00 Juta 1998 SA Cilliers, H.S., Roussouw, S., Faul, M.A., Mans, K.N. Group statements - examples and questions. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 359pp. R159.60 Butterworth 1994 SA Hussein, A. Aid to passing AIB stage 1: law 1. 176pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 1985 KE Hussein, A. Aid to passing CPA section 1: economics. 216pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 1984 KE Hussein, A. Aid to passing CPA section 2: accounting 2. Costing. 288pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 1985 KE Hussein, A. Aid to passing CPA section 2: statistics. 220pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 1985 KE Hussein, A. Aid to passing CPA section1: accounting 1. rev.ed. 184pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 1994 KE Hussein, A. Aid to passing CPA section1: law. rev.ed. 184pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 1985 KE Hussein, A. Aid to passing CPS section 1: economics. 176pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 1986 KE Hussein, A. Aid to passing CPS section 1: law 1. 200pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 1985 KE Hussein, A. Aid to passing KATC final level. K.shs.430.00 EAEP 1992 KE
Hussein, A. Aid to passing KATC intermediate level. 535pp. K.shs.690.00 EAEP 1992 KE Hustler, G.K., Pelle, P. Question bank for financial accounting. 2nd ed. bk.1 ISBN: 0195718925 360pp. R200.00 OUP - SA 2000 SA Hustler, G.K., Pelle, P.J.W. Question bank for financial accounting 1: graded in three degrees of difficulty. 2nd ed. 351pp. R99.95 Thomson Int 1994 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Accounting—Examinations, questions Kolitz, D.L., Jacques, J.G.M. Selected questions, exercises and problems in accounting. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702166375 R169.00 Juta 2005 SA Kolitz, D.L., Jacques, J.G.M. Selected questions, exercises and problems in accounting - introductory. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702166499 376pp. R89.00 Juta 2005 SA Quartey, F. Advanced accounting (RSA) Questions and answers. 98pp. C35.50 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1980 GH Russos, P. Multiple choice O- & A-level principles of accounts. 108pp. Z$8.36 Longman Zimb 1987[?] ZI Accounting—Nigeria Adesole, S.M. Public sector financial management and accounting. 210pp. ($15.95/£10.95) College Press - Nig 1995 NR Adewunmi, W., Ajayi, C. Accounting and finance for trade unions in Nigeria. 174pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Malthouse 1996 NR Asechemie, D.P.S. A history of accounting in Nigeria. 175pp. ($15.00/£8.50) Univ Port Harcourt Press 1992 NR Ibimeyi, J.A. Introduction to insolvency practice in Nigeria. ISBN: 9780290648 135pp. N540.00 Spectrum 2005 NR Ola, C.S. Accounting for inflation in Nigeria. ISBN: 9780291571 176pp. N780.00 Spectrum 2001 NR Accounting—South Africa Greer, G. The complete reporter. ISBN: 0702100000 Juta 2005 SA McLeary, F. Accounting and its business environment. 5th ed. ISBN: 0702151580 562pp. R249.00 Juta 2000 SA Accounting—South Africa—Addresses and essays Black, J.K. Some contemporary issues affecting the SA auditor. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1979 SA Surtees, P.G. Some controversial issues facing the accounting profession in South Africa. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1985 SA Accounting—Study and teaching Abrahams, J. Accounting ISBN: 0195780183 210pp. R375.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Asaolu, A. Financial accounting for school and colleges. ISBN: 9780295771 539pp. N1,140 Spectrum 2005 NR Avery, M. Auditing for accounting students. ISBN: 9783038056 N500.00 Ano 2000 NR Barlow, P., Helberg, S., Large, N.S., le Roux, K.F. The business approach to internal auditing. 3rd ed. 414pp. R154.00 Juta 1995 SA Bautista, I.V., Assad, M.J. Introductory financial accounting. 438pp. ($47.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ Becker, H. How to read financial statements. new ed. ISBN: 070216564X R69.00 Juta 2003 SA Bourne, P., Clayton, R., Jooste, R., Minter, T., Puttick, G. Graded tutorials on auditing. 6th ed. ISBN: 0702100000 Juta 2005 SA Bradshaw, J., Brooks, M. Business accounting and finance for managers and business students. 746pp. R142.00 Juta 1996 SA
Brown, C.E., et al. Cost and management accounting 1. Questions and answers. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 136pp. R49.00 Juta 1997 SA Cascarino, R., van Esch, S. Internal auditing: an integrated approach. ISBN: 0702166693 432pp. R450.00 Juta 2005 SA Chukwu, G.J. Basic accounting. ISBN: 9783038213 500pp. Ano 2001 NR Cilliers, H.S., Mans, K.N. Corporate financial reporting student’s edition. new ed. ISBN: 040910146X R228.00 Butterworth 1998 SA Cilliers, H.S., Mans, K.N., du Plessis, J.J. Financial statements essentials: a pictorial presentation. 168pp. R107.16 Butterworth 1997 SA Correia, C., Flynn, D.K., Uliana, E., Wormald, M. Financial management. 5th ed. ISBN: 0702160334 848pp. R565.00 Juta 2003 SA Dempsey, A. Introduction to financial accounting. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. 572pp. R182.40 Butterworth 1996 SA Dix, S. Basic accounting. Ravan 1997 SA
115pp. (£5.95)
Flynn, D. Understanding finance and accounting. 390pp. R159.60 Butterworth 1997 SA Flynn, D., Koornhof, C. Fundamental accounting. 4th ed. ISBN: 0702151807 968pp. R285.00 Juta 2000 SA Gibson, C., Golightly, K. Pass your matric accounting easily. 128pp. ill. R39.00 Struik Publ 1996 SA Gichira, R. A textbook of financial accounting. rev.ed. 376pp. K.shs.480.00 EAEP 1986 KE Hussein, A. Cost accounting made easy. 328pp. K.shs.575.00 EAEP 1997 KE Hussein, A. Financial accounting made easy. K.shs.575.00 EAEP 1997 KE
Inanga, E.L. Principles of accounting. 408pp. N358.40 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1986 NR Joubert, W.A., Viljoen, G. van N. A student’s guide to valuations. 5th ed. ISBN: 062702419X 108pp. R109.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA Kimuda, D. A textbook of bookkeeping and accounting. rev.ed. 220pp. K.shs.480.00 EAEP 1984 KE
Educational Support Services Trust Passport to accounting. R41.50 Nolwazi 1995 SA
Kimuda, D.W. A textbook of financial accounting. 376pp. K.shs.420.00 EAEP 1986 KE
Etuk-Udo, J.S. Key to principles of accounts for West Africa. bk.2 234pp. ill N16.00 Univ Press - Nig 1979 NR
Kolitz, D. Unlocking the accounting process. Concepts and practice. ISBN: 0702171557 342pp. R220.00 Juta 2005 SA
Etuk-Udo, J.S. Key to principles of accounts for West Africa. bk.1 234pp. N10.00 Univ Press - Nig 1979 NR Etuk-Udo, J.S. Principles of accounts for West Africa. new metric ed. bk.2 332pp. N18.50 Univ Press - Nig 1970 NR
Kolitz, D.L., Quinn, A.B. A concepts-based introduction to financial accounting. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702100000 Juta 2005 SA Koornhof, C., Koornhof, C. Fundamental accounting. 5th ed. ISBN: 0702100000 Juta 2005 SA
Etuk-Udo, J.S. Principles of accounts for West Africa. 2nd metric ed. bk.1 334pp. ill. N18.50 Univ Press - Nig NR
Lane, W.T.F. Principles of financial accounting. [Solutions manual available.] 562pp. ill. R149.95 Thomson Int 1995 SA
Everingham, G. Understanding company accounts. ISBN: 0958432740 R138.00 Siberink 2001 SA
Lotter, W.A., Le Roux, G.S. Basic principles of cost and management accounting. Student’s guide. Supplement to end 2004. ISBN: 0702160326 R155.00 Juta 2003 SA
Everingham, G., Kana, S. Corporate reporting. 7th ed. ISBN: 0702160474 396pp. R185.00 Juta 2005 SA Everingham, G.K., Kleynhans, J.E., Posthumus, L.C. Introductory generally accepted accounting practice. 4th ed. ISBN: 0702100000 Juta 2005 SA Everingham, G.K., Watson, A. Generally accepted accounting practice. A South African viewpoint. 13th ed. ISBN: 0702112917 718pp. R525.00 Juta 2002 SA Everingham, G.K., Watson, A. Generally accepted accounting practice. A South African viewpoint: students edition. educational edition ISBN: 0702156035 R320.00 Juta 2001 SA Everingham, G.K., Watson, A. Generally accepted accounting practice. Student’s edition. 12th ed. ISBN: 070214360X 211pp. R189.00 Juta 1998 SA Faul, M.A., Pistorius, C.W.I., Van Vuuren, L.M., Swanevelder, JJ. Accounting: an introduction. 5th ed. 641pp. R182.44 Butterworth 1993 SA Firer, C., Ford, J., Hartley, C.F. Business accounting and finance for managers. An introduction. 4th ed. ISBN: 1868143430 296pp. R135.00 Witwatersrand UP 2002 SA
Lovemore, F.C.H., Brummer, L.M. The ABC of financial management. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0627025293 249pp. R189.95 Van Schaik 2002 SA Lubbe, G., et al. Accounting GAAP principles trial edition. ISBN: 019576210X R150.00 OUP - SA 2004 SA Lukusa, A. Comptabilité avec logiciel Works. 200pp. ($12.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Lukusa, A. Comptabilité simple. 2001 ZR FRE
30pp. Kap Kaz
Lukusa, A. Faire des comptes avec le logiciel Works 4 sous Windows 95. 194pp. ($11.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Masasi, M. Dynamics of principles of accounts. vol.2 396pp. ($14.40) College Press Zimb 1998 ZI Okanu, D.C. School certificate accounts. Africana First 1973 NR
Ola, C.S. Accountancy for exams. 244pp. ($17.30) Univ Press - Nig 1986 NR Ola, C.S. Accountancy for higher exams. 270pp. ($17.30) Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Africa, Central—Sociology, Urban
Ola, C.S. A guide to accountancy and taxation law for business and government. cd. 175pp. N17.20k Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Olive Publications Simple bookkeeping. (How organisations work, 4) ISBN: 0620072687 91pp. R15.00 Olive 1999 SA
Kenya Institute of Education Accounting students’ book for form 3. 224pp. K.shs.188.00 ($3.40/£1.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1989 KE Kimuda, D.W. Accounting for secondary schools, forms 3 and 4. 318pp. K.shs.370.00 EAEP 1989 KE
Oppermann, H.R.B., Booysen, S.F., Binnekade, C.S., Oberholster, J.G.I. Accounting standards. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 10th ed. ISBN: 0702158437 1024pp. R349.00 Juta 2003 SA
Masasi, M. Dynamics of accounts: junior secondary accounts and book-keeping. ISBN: 1779004060 225pp. Z$100,150 ($20.20/ £13.40/Eur26.60) College Press -Zimb 2001 ZI
Pelle, P.J.W., Hustler, G.K., Struwig, J. Cost and management accounting for first and second-year students tutorial workbook. ISBN: 070216514X 232pp. R169.00 Juta 2004 SA
Masasi, M. Dynamics of accounts: principles of Olevel accounts. ISBN: 1779002289 396pp. ill. Z$340.00 ($9.70) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI
Puttick, G., van Esch, S.D. The principles and practices of auditing. 8th ed. ISBN: 0702156914 912pp. R290.00 Juta 2003 SA
Matindike, G. Principles of accounts (ZJC). 160pp. Z$10.95 Longman - Zimb 1987[?] ZI
Sims, S. Accounting by numbers. 172pp. ($4.30) K.shs.30.00 Uzima 1980 KE
Ramphul, S. A kit for accounting HSC. ‘A’ level. ISBN: 9990323755 247pp. Rs150.00 ($9.00/£5.62) Printemps 1999 MF
Sims, S. Called to give an account: an introduction to finance and accounts for Christian workers. 83pp. Uzima 1976 KE
Weaver, J.E. Shuters accounting grade 10, standard 8. 312pp. R76.66 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA
Spencer, N. A basic textbook of auditing principles. 208pp. K.shs.480.00 EAEP 1986 KE
Weaver, J.E. Shuters accounting grade 11, standard 9. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 460pp. R95.60 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA
Spencer, N. A textbook of business calculations. 240pp. K.shs.530.00 EAEP 1985 KE Spencer, N. A textbook of costing principles. rev.ed. 360pp. K.shs.420.00 EAEP 1986 KE van der Merwe, P. Pastel accounting. ISBN: 1868535843 416pp. ill. R89.00 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA van Lill, J.J. Practical accountancy. VAT ed. ISBN: 0702127450 R249.00 Juta 1998 SA van Rensburg, M., Evangelou, O., Ziemerink, T., Govender, B., Ambe, C., Koortzen, P. Cost and management accounting. ISBN: 0627025900 R229.95 Van Schaik 2005 SA van Wyk, A.C. Elementary financial accouting. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. 289pp. R87.78 Butterworth 1992 SA Watney, A., et al. Principals of financial management. ISBN: 0702152781 208pp. R169.00 Juta 2000 SA Weil, S.H., Noi, F.A. Introductory accounting skills for financial and management accounting students. ISBN: 0702155497 400pp. R149.00 Juta 2001 SA Zwart, J. Manuel du trésorier. CPE 1993 IV FRE Accounting—Study (Secondary) Adjetey-Solomon, Accounting - a 372pp. C3,000
40pp. CFA920
and teaching W. student’s companion. Onward 1988 GH
Booysen, W.A., et al. Shuters business economics. Grade 12, standard 10. ISBN: 0796010498 208pp. R68.67 Shuter & Shooter 1998 SA Ekwere, A.B. Contemporary auditing. 1991 NR
240pp. ill. Fab
Hattingh, M., de Klerk, J. Accounting in context. Grade 9. ISBN: 999161110X 200pp. ill. Longman - Namb 1998 SX Kenya Business Education Accounting students’ book for form 4. 260pp. K.shs.200.00 ($3.40/£2.05) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1991 KE
Achebe, Chinua—Biography Egejuru, P.A. Chinua Achebe. Pure and simple. An oral biography. ISBN: 978023148X 225pp. ($27.95/£16.95) Malthouse 2003 NR Ezenwa-Ohaeto Chinua Achebe. A biography. ISBN: 0852555466 cd. & 352pp. pl.maps (£25.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852555458 (£12.95 pap.) Philip 1998 SA [co-published with Fountain Publishers, Uganda; EAEP, Kenya; Heinemann Nigeria; no UK/US] Acholi language also known as Acoli Acholi—General and non-fiction Odonga, A.M. Ododo pa Acoli. [Acoli traditional stories.] vol.1 ISBN: 9970021729 ill. Fountain Publ-Ug 2000 UG ACH Odonga, A.M. Ododo pa Acoli. [Acoli traditional stories.] vol.2 ISBN: 9970022423 ill. Fountain Publ-Ug 2000 UG ACH Acholi language—Dictionaries Odonga, A., comp. Lwo English dictionary. ISBN: 9970024876 302pp. ($34.95/£19.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2005 UG MUL Ackerman, Raymond—Autobiography Ackerman, R., Prichard, D. Hearing grasshoppers jump. ISBN: 0864866623 R110.00 New Africa Ed SA 2004 SA Adedeji, Adebayo—Biography Sanmi-Ajiki Adebayo-Adedeji: a rainbow in the sky of time. 454pp. (£15.00) Newswatch 2000 NR Ademola II, Oba—Biography Delano, I.O. Oba Ademola II. (Makers of Nigeria, 2) 54pp. ill N5.00 Univ Press - Nig 1969 NR Adenubi, Mobolaji—Biography Adenubi, M. Splendid. [Story of a young Nigerian boy, a spastic and a paraplegic.] 238pp. ill.pl. ($10.00/£6.25) Spectrum 1995 NR Adetiloye, Joseph Abiodun—Biography Taiwo, C.O., ed. The visionary primate. ISBN: 9782951420 294pp. col.ill.pl. ($27.95/ £16.95) CSS 2000 NR
Advertising—Nigeria Amadi, Y. Introduction to advertising in Nigeria. ISBN: 9783038033 N500.00 Ano 2000 NR Advertising—South Africa Butterworth Publishers & Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa Code of advertising practice and procedural guide. ISBN: 0409010103 R124.26 Butterworth 1998 SA de Jager, C., Smith, E. Advertising and the law. Butterworth 1995 SA
162pp. R133.38
Independent Newspaper Gauteng The South African advertising book. 4th ed. ISBN: 1868640647 328pp. R240.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Aesthetics Bewaji, J.A.I. Beauty and culture: perspectives in black aesthetics. ISBN: 9780293515 270pp. pl. (£16.95) Spectrum 2003 NR Africa—Pictorial works Bussac, F-G., Arensma, T., Bouchez, J., Esnault, D. La chambre noire et la jeune femme. ISBN: 2842800648 cd. 63pp. pl. CFA15,000 (Eur23.00) Figuier 2003 ML FRE [co-published with Sepia, Paris] Gordon, R. Africa - a continent revealed. cd. 280pp. col.pl. R220.00 New Holland 1997 SA Magor, T. African warriors. ISBN: 000272183X cd. 256pp. col.pl. Galago 2002 SA Miller, E., Espelund, G., Strudsholm, J. Reality bites. An African decade. ISBN: 1919930221 144pp. col.pl. R175.00 Double Storey 2003 SA Pickford, P., Pickford, B. Forever Africa. ISBN: 0620310960 cd. 300pp. R250.00 ($60.00) Black Eagle 2004 SA Africa, Central—History Tindall, P.E.N. History of Central Africa. 356pp. ill. Z$19.95 Longman - Zimb 1968 ZI Africa, Central—History—Addresses and essays Were, G.S., Ogutu, M.A. Essays on the history of southern central Africa. (£1.80/$4.50) K.shs.20.40 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Africa, Central—Missions, Christian Lefebvre, P. Mission sans frontières. 151pp. (FB32.00) Epiphanie 1993 ZR FRE Africa, Central—Politics and government Formin, E.S.D., Forje, J., eds. Central Africa. Crises reform and reconstruction. ISBN: 2869781512 260pp. ($29.95/£19.95) CODESRIA 2005 SG Presses de l’Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale Droit à la démocratie en Afrique centrale. (Cahier Africain des Droits de l’Homme, 9) ISBN: 2911380703 356pp. UCAC 2003 CM FRE Africa, Central—Religion Turcotte, P-A. Le phénomène des sectes. 28pp. CFA900.00 (Eur1.37) UCAC 2002 CM FRE Africa, Central—Sociology Balibutsa, M. Une archéologie de la violence en Afrique des Grands Lacs. 420pp. CFA10,000 CICBA 2000 GO FRE Maugenest, D., Boukongou, J-D., eds. Vers une société de droit en Afrique centrale 1990-2000. ISBN: 2911380436 460pp. CFA15,000 (Eur22.86) UCAC 2001 CM FRE Africa, Central—Sociology, Urban Nkuete, J. Mécanismes de compensation en Afrique centrale. 215pp. CFA3,500 CRAC 1994 CM FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Africa, Central—Travel Africa, Central—Travel van der Post, L. Venture to the interior. SA SA
R42.99 Penguin
Africa, East see also under individual countries and as a sub-division under various subjects Osogo, J., Moore, B. Peoples of East Africa; a film strip with teachers’ notes. ill. (£8.50) K.shs152.50 EAEP 1972 KE Africa, East—Education Bogonko, S.N. Reflections on education in East Africa. 240pp. K.shs.458.00 OUP - Nairobi 1991 KE Court, D. Education as social control: the response to inequality in Kenya and Tanzania. (IDS discussion paper, 217) 40pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE Gakuru, O.N. Specialisation within secondary and higher education: the curtailment of proficiency and other implications. (IDS discussion paper, 223) 17pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE Mlama, P. ABC of gender responsive education policies: guidelines for analysis and planning. ISBN: 9666908927 24pp. ($5.00) FAWE 2001 KE Mlama, P. In search of an ideal school for girls: FAWE centres of excellence. ISBN: 9666908927 48pp. ($10.00) FAWE 2001 KE Mushi, P.A.K. Moving beyond the classroom. Expanding learning opportunities for marginalised populations in Ethiopia and Tanzania. ISBN: 9666908578 16pp. FAWE 2002 KE Ssekamwa, J.C., Lugumba, S.M.E. A history of education in East Africa. ISBN: 9970022415 196pp. ($20.95/ £12.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG Africa, East—Education, Adult Cliffe, L.R. The role of adult education in the development of East Africa. (IDS discussion paper, 26) 9pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1966 KE Africa, East—Geography Hargrave, K.J. Area studies in East African geography. ill.pl.maps K.shs.57.50 EAEP 1973 KE Odero, J., Waters, G. A geography of Kenya and the East African region. 252pp. ill. pl. maps K.shs.495.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1986 KE Africa, East—History Ayot, H.O. Historical texts of the lake region of East Africa. (£3.50/$8.75) K.shs.47.70 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Behrend, H. Alice Lakwena and the holy spirits. ISBN: 0852552475 224pp. K.shs.2,190 EAEP 1999 KE Hodges, G., ed. Kariakor. The Carrier Corps. The story of the military labour forces in the conquest of German East Africa, 1914-1918. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966846441 247pp. ill.pl. ($20.95/£12.95) Nairobi UP 2000 KE Maxon, R.M. East Africa: an introductory history. 304pp. K.shs.530.00 EAEP 1936 KE Ogot, B.A. , ed. Hadith 5: economic and social history of East Africa. 2nd 272pp. ($7.00/£3.35.) K.shs.28.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Ogot, B.A. , ed. Hadith 7: ecology and history in East Africa. 251pp. ($14.50) Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE
Ogot, B.A., Ochieng, W.R. Decolonization and independence in Kenya 1940-1993. 288pp. K.shs.870.00 EAEP 1996 KE [East Africa only] Okello, B. History of East Africa. ISBN: 9970022776 226pp. ill.maps ($27.95/ £16.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG Africa, East—History—Study and teaching (Secondary) Ayot, H.O. Topics in East African history 1000-1970. 2nd 152pp. ($4.60/£2.20.) K.shs.25.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE Africa, East—Nationalism Atieno-Odhiambo, E.S. SIASA: politics and nationalism in East Africa 1905-1939. 148pp. Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE Africa, East—Politics and government Aluoko, O. Old vision - new plans: stakeholders’ opinion on the revival of the East African Community. 80pp. ill. Adenauer - Kenya 2001 KE Barkan, J. Politics and public policy in Kenya and Tanzania. 297pp. K.shs.167.50 EAEP 1980 KE Barkan, J.D. Beyond capitalism versus socialism in Kenya and Tanzania. 312pp. K.shs.695.00 EAEP 1994 KE [East Africa only] Berman, B., Lonsdale, J. Unhappy valley: conflict in Kenya and Africa: state and class. vol.1 224pp. K.shs.2,240 EAEP 1992 KE [Kenya only] Berman, B., Lonsdale, J. Unhappy valley: conflict in Kenya and Africa: violence and ethnicity. vol.2 286pp. K.shs.2,220 EAEP 1992 KE [Kenya only] Bujra, A., Buthelezi, S., eds. Leadership, civil society and democratisation in Africa. Case studies from eastern Africa. ISBN: 0954203097 356pp. ($45.95/£27.95) DPMF 2002 ET Centre for Political Africa. Namibia
Conflict Resolution and electoral violence in East ISBN: 9966957480 21pp. Ebert 2001 SX
East African Law Society & Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Institutional framework for an East African Federation executive, judiciary, legislature. 77pp. Ebert - Kenya 2000 KE Mmuya, M., ed. The functional dimension of the democratization process: Tanzania and Kenya. With some experiences from former Eastern Europe. 148pp. ($18.00/ £9.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ Muhika, T., et al. The rise and fall of the East African community. new ed. ISBN: 9966466557 312pp. K.shs.660.00 EAEP 2001 KE Mvungi, S.E.A., ed. The draft treaty for the establishment of the East African community. A critical review. ISBN: 9976603665 117pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Dar es Salaam UP 2003 TZ Oyugi, W.O. Politics and administration in East Africa. 548pp. K.shs.710.00 ($38.00/£21.50) EAEP 1994 KE Salim, I.A. State formation in Eastern Africa. 272pp. K.shs.580.00 EAEP 1984 KE Shale, V.R. Ethnic conflict in the Horn of Africa. (EISA occasional papers, 19) R20.00 EISA 2004 SA Wambakha, O. The way to power. 2nd 204pp. ($4.70/ £2.30.) K.shs.16.80. Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE
Africa, East—Religion Anderson, K., Benson, P. Religions in East Africa. 214pp. K.shs.250.00 ($4.50) Evangel 1985 KE Hansen, H.B., Twaddle, M., eds. Religion and politics in East Africa. 278pp. K.shs.2,530 EAEP 1995 KE [Kenya only] Africa, East—Rural development Bergdall, A., Terry, D. Methods of active participation in rural development from East and Central Africa. 224pp. K.shs.498.00 OUP Nairobi 1992 KE Kempe, M.E., ed., Smith, L.D., eds. Strategies for improving rural welfare: proceedings of a workshop held at I.D.S., Nairobi, May, 1971. (IDS occasional papers, 4) 562pp. K.shs.500.00 Inst Dev Stud 1971 KE Africa, East—Social sciences Court, D. The idea of social science in East Africa: an aspect of the development of higher education. (IDS discussion paper, 272) 58pp. K.shs.102.00 Inst Dev Stud 1981 KE Africa, East—Sociology Bahemuka, J.M., Brockington, J., eds. East Africa in transition: communities, cultures and change. ISBN: 9966888519 318pp. Acton 2001 KE Crouch, M., ed. Economic and Social Research Foundation into the new millenium: phase II work programme, 1998-2002. ISBN: 9987610307 17pp. ESRF 1998 TZ Omari, C.K., Shaidi, L.P., eds. Social problems in East Africa. 161pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1991 TZ Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) Resource alienation, militarisation and development: case studies from East African drylands. ISBN: 0954203012 207pp. ($24.95/£14.95) OSSREA 2002 ET Africa, East—Sociology, Rural Fernando, P., et al. Discovering technologists: women and men’s work at village level in East Africa. ISBN: 9966931112 111pp. ill. ITDG-EA 2000 KE Africa, East—Sociology, Urban Burton, A., ed. The urban experience in eastern Africa c.1750-2000. ISBN: 187256626X 264pp. ill.pl.maps (£15.00) Brit Inst EA 2002 KE Africa, East—Travel McCallum, I. Thorns to Kilimanjaro. ISBN: 0864863594 206pp. (£8.95) Philip 2000 SA Africa, Francophone see also under individual countries and as a sub-division under various subject Bekono, G., Tchandeu, L., Kom, A. Les enjeux de la francophonie en Afrique. 40pp. CFA1,000 CRAC 1995 CM FRE Africa, Francophone—Education Cisse, S.Y. Education et pédagogie: à l’usage des maîtres et des candidats aux examens pédagogiques. 100pp. NEAS 1983 SG FRE Houenassou-Houangbe, K.D. Education africaine face à l’école coloniale. 154pp. CFA1,500 HaHo 1991 TG FRE Africa, Francophone—Geography Brasseur, G. L’A.O.F. (Initiations et Etudes Africaines, 13) 74pp. pl.maps CFA2,000 IFAN 1957 SG FRE Africa, Francophone—History Bâ, A.K. Sunjata fondateur de l’empire du Mali. 128pp. CFA750.00 NEAS 1983 SG FRE
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African Books in Print
Subject index Bouquillon, Y., Cornevin, R. David Boilat le précurseur. 128pp. CFA2,500 NEAS 1981 SG FRE de Benoist, J.R. La balkanisation de l’A.O.F. 2nd ed. 288pp. CFA2,000 NEAS 1994 SG FRE Mariko, K.A. Souvenirs de la bouche du Niger, 19531976. 178pp. CFA1,100 NEAS 1980 SG FRE van Bilsen, A.A.J. Vers l’indépendance du Congo et du Ruanda-Urundi. 2nd ed. 295pp. ($20.00) Z36.40 Press Univ Congo 1975 ZR FRE Africa, Francophone—Politics and government Akindès, F. Les mirages de la démocratie en Afrique subsaharienne francophone. 246pp. CODESRIA 1998 SG FRE Diouf, M. Libéralisations politiques ou transitions démocratiques: perspectives africaines. [Also available in English and Arabic.] 91pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1997 SG FRE Mbembe, A. Du gouvernement privé indirect. [Also available in English and Arabic.] 113pp. CODESRIA 1999 SG FRE Africa, Francophone—Sociology Moussirou-Mouyama, A. France Afrique et parfait silence. Essai sur les enjeux africains de la francophonie. ISBN: 2912123003 193pp. Silence 1999 GO FRE Africa, Lusophone—Bibliography Gowan, S.J. Portuguese-speaking Africa, 1900-1979: a select bibiography. vol.1(Bibliographic series, 9) 346pp. R25.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1981 SA Gowan, S.J., comp. Portuguese-speaking Africa: a select bibliography 1900-1979. vol.3: Portuguese Guinea Guinea Bissau, Cape Verde(Bibliographical series, 11) SA Inst Int Affairs 1983 SA Schoeman, E., comp. Portuguese-speaking Africa: a select bibliography 1900-1979. vol.4: United Nations documentation on Portuguesespeaking Africa. R25.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1983 SA Africa, Lusophone—Politics and government Minter, W. Apartheid’s contras. An inquiry into the roots of war in Angola and Mozambique. 320pp. R79.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA [Southern Africa only] Africa, Lusophone—Social sciences Gonçalves, J. The social sciences in Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and Sao Tome and Principe. [Also available in French.] 46pp. ($8.50/£4.95) CODESRIA 1992 SG Africa, North—Demography Shawky, G. Detecting changes in fertility in Algeria, Egypt and Yemen. (CDC working paper, 42) 37pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1999 UA Africa, North—History Abdel Rahim, A.R.A. The documents of the Egyptian courts related to the Maghariba (1604-1650). vol.3 ISBN: 9973719808 238pp. ($80.00) FTRSI 1998 TI Abdel Rahim, A.R.A. The documents of the Egyptian courts related to the Maghariba 1604-1650. vol.2(Sources inédites, 14) ISBN: 9973719809 ($72.00) FTRSI 1998 TI FRE Berque, J. Le Maghreb entre deux guerres. vol.2 ISBN: 9973195027 328pp. Cérès 2001 TI FRE
Africa, Southern—Atlases and maps Berque, J. Le Maghreb entre deux guerres. vol.1 ISBN: 9973195019 356pp. Cérès 2001 TI FRE Folayan, K. Tripoli during the reign of Yusuf Pasha Quaranmanli. cd. ($19.50/$10.20) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1979 NR Haidara, I.D. L’Espagne musulmane et l’Afrique subsaharienne. 144pp. CFA5,000 Donniya 1998 ML FRE Ilevbare, J.A. Carthage, Rome and the Berbers: a study of social evolution in ancient north Africa. 190pp. ($12.20/£5.10) N10.00 Ibadan UP 1981 NR Temimi, A. Etudes et documents d’histoire maghrébine à l’époque moderne. ISBN: 9973719921 346pp. ill.pl.maps ($58.00) FTRSI 1999 TI FRE Temimi, A. Mélanges Charles-Robert Ageron. 1150pp. pl.maps FTRSI 1996 TI FRE Temimi, A. Mélanges Halil Sahillioglu. [Text in English and French.] vol.2 308pp. ($135.00) FTRSI 1997 TI MUL Temimi, A. Mélanges Halil Sahillioglu. [Text in English and French.] vol.1 480pp. ($135.00) FTRSI 1997 TI MUL Temimi, A., comp. Actes du VIIe symposium international d’études ottomanes sur la société et l’état dans le monde ottomane. ISBN: 9973719794 634pp. ($272.00) FTRSI 1998 TI FRE Temimi, A., comp. Actes du VIII, symposium international d’études morisques sur: images des morisques dans la littérature et les arts. (Etudes d’histoire morisque, a7) ISBN: 9973719875 382pp. ill.pl.maps ($72.00) FTRSI 1999 TI FRE Temimi, A., comp. Chrétiens et musulmans à l’époque de la Renaissance. 273pp. ($70.00) FTRSI 1997 TI FRE Temimi, A., ed. La coopération scientifique entre l’Europe, le monde arabe et la Turquie en sciences humaines et sociales. ISBN: 9973719727 292pp. FTRSI 1998 TI FRE Temimi, A., ed. Méthodologie de l’histoire des mouvements nationaux au Maghreb. ISBN: 9973719786 424pp. FTRSI 1998 TI FRE Temimi, A., ed. Société et état dans le monde ottoman. ISBN: 9973719797 610pp. ($280.00) FTRSI 1998 TI FRE Africa, North—Politics and government Barghouti, M. I saw Ramallah. trans.f.t. Arabic by A. Soueif and E.W. Said ISBN: 9774244990 cd. 23pp. E£60.00 Am Univ 2000 UA Julien, C-A. L’Afrique du Nord en marche. vol.2 ISBN: 9973194055 328pp. Cérès 2001 TI FRE Julien, C-A. L’Afrique du Nord en marche. vol.1 ISBN: 9973195094 400pp. Cérès 2001 TI FRE Temimi, A., comp. Actes de la 1e table ronde arabo-turque sur le kémalisme et les kémalistes. (Monde arabe, Turquie et Afrique, 6) ISBN: 9973719867 314pp. ill.pl.maps ($60.00) FTRSI 1999 TI FRE Africa, Southern see also under individual countries and as a sub-division under various subjects
Bonner, P., ed. Working papers in southern African studies. vol.2 303pp. R12.99 Ravan 1981 SA Africa, Southern—Anthropology Dell, E. Evocations of the child. Fertility figures of the southern African region. ISBN: 0798138300 232pp. col.ill.col.pl. R150.00 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Draper, J.A., ed. Orality literacy and colonialism in southern Africa. ISBN: 1875053441 270pp. R90.00 ($16.00) Cluster 2003 SA Heinz, H.J., Maguire, B. The ethno-biology of the Ko Bushmen their ethno-botanical knowledge and plant lore. new ed. ill.pl.map P15.00 Botswana Soc 1996 BS Lewis-Williams, D., Dowson, T. Discovering southern African rock art. 2nd ed. 112pp. ill. R56.20 Philip 1996 SA Obenga, T., Souindoula, S. Racines Bantus. Bantu roots. [Text largely in French, but some contributions in English.] 276pp. ill.pl. CICBA 1992 GO MUL Africa, Southern—Anthropology— Bibliography Motlogi, A., Radiporo, V., eds. The Khoe and San. An annotated bibliography. vol.2 ISBN: 9991271325 136pp. ($29.95/£19.95) Lightbooks 2004 BS Willet, S., Monageng, S., Saugestad, S., Hermans, J., comps. The Khoe and San. An annotated bibliography. vol.1 ISBN: 9991271260 256pp. maps ($41.95/£24.95) Lightbooks 2002 BS Africa, Southern—Anthropology, Sociocultural Gordon, R.J. Picturing Bushmen. The Dever African expedition of 1925. 225pp. pl. R120.00 Philip 1997 SA Sanders, A.J.G.M., ed. Speaking for the bushmen: a collection of papers read at the 13th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Mexico City, July 29- August 5, 1993. 131pp. ill.maps P30.00 Ebert - Namibia 1995 SX Smith, A., Malherbe, C., Guenther, M., Berens, P. The bushmen of southern Africa: a foraging society in transition. ISBN: 0821413414 112pp. ill.map ($19.95) Philip 2000 SA [co-published with Ohio UP, USA]] Africa, Southern—Atlases and maps Casenove, S. Licensed to guide. ISBN: 1770090432 cd. 240pp. maps. R299.00 ($40.50/ £23.50) Jacana 2005 SA Cloud Publishing Oxford intermediate atlas teacher’s resource book. ISBN: 0195719913 64pp. maps R79.99 OUP - SA 2002 SA Hall, J. Touring atlas of southern Africa. ISBN: 0624038467 80pp. ill. R69.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA Map Studio Illustrated road atlas of southern Africa. [280x390mm; scale: 1:500 000] ISBN: 1868094316 R94.95 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio Road atlas of southern Africa. [297x215mm; scale:1: 500 000] ISBN: 1868094235 R69.95 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio Southern African frequent traveller. [297x215mm; scale: 1:1 00 000] ISBN: 1868093212 R54.95 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio Southern and central Africa. [Folded 210x124mm; sheet 624x992mm; scale 1:2 000 000] ISBN: 1868093964 R36.95 Map Stud 1999 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Africa, Southern—Atlases and maps Mountain, A., Brett, M. Touring atlas of southern Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 192pp. col.pl.maps R149.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA New Holland Publishers Globetrotter map of southern Africa. [Folded: 250x125mm (portrait); 1000x710mm (landscape); scale: 1:3,275,00.] R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Norwich, O. Maps of southern Africa. Donker 1995 SA
cd. R119.00
Octopus Publishing Oxford intermediate atlas for southern Africa. ISBN: 0195719948 64pp. maps R99.99 OUP - SA 2001 SA Reader’s Digest Illustrated atlas of southern Africa. cd. 232pp. R169.95 Readers Digest SA 1994 SA Africa, Southern—Bibliography Kruger, A., ed. Southern African bibliography of translation, interpreting, lexicography and terminology. R100.00 ($25.00) SATI 1996 SA Willet, S.M. A checklist of recent reference books on Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland. (Dept. of Librarianship, bibliographical, series, 1) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1971 SA Africa, Southern—Directories de Beer, M. Who did what in South Africa. cd. R79.95 Donker 1995 SA
Africa, Southern—Education Foundation for Education with Production Education, development and social transformation. 233pp. ($10.00/£5.00) P15.00 Found Ed Prod 1982 BS
Subject index Africa, Southern—Ethnography Wilmsen, E.N., ed. The Kalahari ethnographies (1896-1898) of Siegried Passarge: nineteenth century Khoisan and Bantu speaking peoples. (Research in Khoisan Studies, 13) ISBN: 3896451413 332pp. P120.00 Botswana Soc 1998 BS Africa, Southern—Guide books Carruthers, V. The wildlife of southern Africa. A field guide to the animals and plants of the region. ISBN: 1868724514 310pp. col.ill.col.pl. ($19.95) Struik Publ 2001 SA O’Hagan, T. Wild places of southern Africa. 310pp. col.pl.maps R89.95 Southern Book Publ 1996 SA Olivier, W., Olivier, S. Hiking trails of southern Africa. 2nd ed. 400pp. col.pl. R99.96 Southern Book Publ 1997 SA Reader’s Digest Places to visit in southern Africa. cd. 456pp. pl. R139.99 Readers Digest SA 1995 SA Stern, J. Adventure guide to southern Africa. 320pp. col.pl. R79.95 Southern Book Publ 1997 SA Africa, Southern—History Davies, C. The return of El Negro. The compelling story of Africa’s unknown soldier. ISBN: 0670047937 260pp. pl. R122.81 Penguin SA 2001 SA Hamilton, C., ed. The ‘Mfecane’ aftermath: reconstructive debates in southern African history. 512pp. R120.00 Witwatersrand UP 1998 SA
Foundation for Education with Production Education with culture for liberation in southern Africa. 126pp. ill. pl. ($10.00/ £5.00) Found Ed Prod 1981 BS
Huffman, T.N. Mapungubwe - ancient African civilisations on the Limpopo. ISBN: 1868144089 Witwatersrand UP 2005 SA
Institute for Reformational Studies Educational challenges in a Christianreformational perspective. Papers delivered at the IRS-conference, 29 November-2 December 1986. Inst Reformational Studies 1987 SA
Omer-Cooper, J.D. History of southern Africa. 292pp. K.shs.2,035 EAEP 1994 KE [Kenya only]
Makoni, S., ed. Improving teaching and learning in higher education. A handbook for southern African lecturers and tutors. ISBN: 1868143503 Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA [Southern African only] Marope, P.T.M. Education and national development in southern Africa. 141pp. SACHES 1996 BS Nonyongo, E.P. DEASA: learner support services: case studies of DEASA. 210pp. R65.00 ($24.60/£15.60/Eur21.50) Unisa 1998 SA Otaala, B., Opali, F. Teach your very best. Selceted proceedings of a regional conference for staff from tertiary institutions from SADC countries, 1-3 October 2001. ISBN: 9991659579 367pp. ($37.95/ £22.95) UNAM 2002 SX Ruperti, R.M. Education system in southern Africa. 180pp. R4.75 Van Schaik 1976 SA Tlhase, I. SARIPS/SAPES institutional and academic framework of the masters in policy studies: planning meeting, Harare 8-10 March 1995. (Travel and meeting reports, 13) 11pp. N$11.00 NEPRU 1995 SX van Rensburg, P., et al. Education and employment in southern Africa - defusing the time-bomb? 310pp. ill. pl. ($33.00/£18.50) Found Ed Prod 1990 BS
Parsons, N. A new history of southern Africa. 336pp. (£2.50) Macmillan - Bots 1982 BS Potenza, E. The broken string. An integrated approach to southern African history. 146pp. (£6.99) Maskew Miller Longman 1992 SA Reed, D. The siege of Southern Africa. cd. 264pp. photos R6.50 No U.S. Macmillan - SA 1974 SA Schleicher, H.G., Schleicher, I. Special flights to southern Africa. The GDR and liberation movements on South Africa. ISBN: 1779050712 267pp. ill.pl. ($17.00/£9.50) SAPES 1998 ZI Webb, F., et al. Adolphe Delegorgue’s travels in southern Africa. vol.2 R95.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1997 SA Africa, Southern—International relations Barratt, J. Southern Africa: intra-regional and international relations. 24pp. 30c SA Inst Int Affairs 1973 SA Botha, T., Tandy, P., Ismail, N. Report on intergovernmental relations in Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia. 100pp. Univ West Cape 1992 SA Bouwer, J.J. Interdependence - southern Africa. R2.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1984 SA Cleary, S. The conservative victory and its possible effect on British foreign policy towards southern Africa. 11pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1979 SA
Cockram, B. Seen from southern Africa: short studies of current international problems. 73pp. 50c SA Inst Int Affairs 1962 SA Rugumamu, S. Post cold war peace and security prospects in southern Africa. 37pp. ($5.75/£3.25) SAPES 1993 ZI Sidiropoulos, E., Games, D., Fabricius, P., Herbert, R., Hughes, T., Gibb, R., Mills, G., eds. SADC-EU relations: looking back and moving ahead. ISBN: 8779645623 154pp. R80.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA Africa, Southern—Pictorial works Dennis, N., Joyce, P., Knight, M. Kalahari - survival in a thirstland wilderness. cd. 168pp. col.pl. R179.00 Struik Publ 1997 SA Hall, M., Hall, H. Secrets of the ocean realm. ISBN: 1864364386 cd. 162pp. col.pl. R199.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Reader’s Digest Illustrated guide to southern Africa. 5th ed. 544pp. col.pl. R159.99 Readers Digest SA 1997 SA Africa, Southern—Politics and government Africa Institute of South Africa Towards a common defence and security policy in the Southern African Development Community. (African Century Publications Series, 17) ISBN: 0798301740 245pp. maps R120.00 ($30.00) Africa Inst 2004 SA Ajulu, C., ed. Effects of the Zimbabwean crisis on the SADC: the cases of South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, Namibia and Mozambique. (AISA research paper, 68) ISBN: 0798301686 54pp. R60.00 ($15.00) Africa Inst 2003 SA Albright, D.E. Soviet policy in southern Africa since Nkomati. 9pp. R4.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1985 SA Beaudet, P., dos Santos, D., Wood, B. Angola and southern Africa: uncertain futures. (Southern African Perspectives, 7) 17pp. R5.00 ($3.50) Univ West Cape 1991 SA Booth, K. A security regime in southern Africa: theoretical considerations. (Southern African perspectives: a working paper series, 30) 30pp. Univ West Cape 1994 SA Brews, A., Nupen, C. Handbook on conflict management for presiding officers and counting officers. R25.00 EISA 1999 SA Bujra, A., Buthelezi, S, eds. Leadership, civil society and democratisation in Africa. Case studies from southern Africa. ISBN: 0954203089 356pp. ($46.95/£27.95) DPMF 2002 ET Carim, X. Strategic perspectives for southern Africa’s security in the 1990’s: theoretical and practical considerations. (Southern African perspectives: a working paper series, 23) R8.50 ($7.00) Univ West Cape 1993 SA Clapham, C., Mills, G., Morner, A., Sidiropoulos, E., eds. Regional integration in southern Africa: comparative international perspectives. ISBN: 1919810196 239pp. R70.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2001 SA Cockram, B. Problems of southern Africa. SA Inst Int Affairs 1963 SA
64pp. 55c
Davies, R. Implications for southern Africa of the current impasse in the peace process in Mozambique. 14pp. ($3.50) R5.00 Univ West Cape 1991 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Davies, R. Key issues in reconstructing southsouthern African economic relations after apartheid. (Southern African Perspectives, 2) 21pp. R5.00 ($3.50) Univ West Cape 1990 SA Davies, R. A statistical profile of the SADCC countries in the 1980’s. (Southern African Perspectives, 3) 22pp. R5.00 ($3.50) Univ West Cape 1990 SA de Montbrial, T. The outlook for southern Africa: a view from Europe. (Occas. paps.) 12pp. SA Inst Int Affairs 1982 SA du Toit, P. State building and democracy in southern Africa: a comparative study of Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe. 455pp. R95.00 HSRC Publ 1995 SA Dundas, C., Ashton, H. Problem territories of southern Africa: Basutoland, Bechuanaland protectorate, Swaziland. 79pp. 75c SA Inst Int Affairs 1952 SA Egeland, L. Interdependence in southern Africa. 4pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1978 SA Electoral Institute of Southern Africa Launch conference of the SADC electoral commissions forum, Cape Town, 1998. (EISA conference proceedings, 8) R45.00 EISA 1998 SA Electoral Institute of Southern Africa Conference in the SADC electoral commission forum, Namibia, 1997. (EISA conference proceedings, 11) R45.00 EISA 1997 SA
Africa, Southern—Politics and government Good, K. Realising democracy and legitimacy in southern Africa. rev. entry 2nd ed. ISBN: 0798301716 R90.00 ($19.95/ £15.95) Africa Inst 2004 SA Hammerstad, A. Defending the state or protecting the people? SADC security integration at a crossroads. (SAIIA report, 39) ISBN: 1919969063 SA Inst Int Affairs 2003 SA Hunter, J., Lombard, C. Multi-party democracy, civil society and economic transformation in southern Africa. 223pp. ($15.00) EDICESA 1992 ZI Johnson, P., Martin, D., eds. Destructive engagement. Southern Africa at war. 400pp. pl.map ($30.00/£16.75) ZPH 1986 ZI Kabemba, C. Good guys and spoilers? The Lusaka accord and porspects for peace in the DRC. (CPS policy briefs, 14) 13pp. Centre Policy Stud 1999 SA Kabemba, C. The impact of democracy of public participation in the SADC region. (EISA occasional papers, 13) R20.00 EISA 2001[?] SA Karume, S. Party systems in the SADC region: in defence of the dominant party system. (EISA occasional papers, 16) R20.00 EISA 2004 SA Kasuto, E., Wehmhörner, A. The ombudsman in southern Africa: report of a sub-regional conference. 271pp. Gamsberg 1996 SX
Electoral Institute of Southern Africa Electoral systems roundtable, Cape Town, 1998. (EISA conference proceedings, 9) R45.00 EISA 1998 SA
Kethusegile, B.M., Molokomme, A., eds. SADC Beijing monitor. ISBN: 1779100035 44pp. Z$60.00 Southern Afric Res & Docs 1999 ZI
Electoral Institute of Southern Africa Handbook for conflict resolving. R30.00 EISA 1999 SA
Kumar, U. Southern African customs union: lessons for the southern African region. 25pp. Univ West Cape 1992 SA
Electoral Institute of Southern Africa NGO roundtable: strengthening democracy through civil society, Gaborone, 1997. (EISA conference proceedings, 12) R45.00 EISA 1997 SA
Landau, M. Archetypes, election, evolution. ISBN: 0958435928 178pp. ($9.95/£8.95) Kima 2002 SA
Electoral Institute of Southern Africa Principles for election management, monitoring and observation in the SADC region. (EISA handbooks, 13) R20.00 EISA 2004 SA
Landsberg, C. Democratisation, dominant parties and weak opposition: the southern African project. (EISA occasional papers, 22) R20.00 EISA 2004 SA
Electoral Institute of Southern Africa Roundtable proceedings on designing electoral systems, 1996. (EISA conference proceedings, 13) R45.00 EISA 1996 SA
Lee, M. Political economy of regionalism in southern Africa. ISBN: 191971376X R180.00 UCT Press 2003 SA
Electoral Institute of Southern Africa SADC election support network observer mission’s report, 1999-2000. R80.00 EISA 2000 SA Electoral Institute of Southern Africa SADC NGO network roundtable - the role of democratic elections in promoting regional stability and peace: the challenge for civil society, Dar es Salaam. R45.00 EISA 1999 SA Electoral Institute of Southern Africa Southern African elections forum conference report, 11-14 June 2000, Windhoek. R80.00 EISA 2001 SA Erasmus, M.G. The accord of Nkomati: context and content. R5.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1984 SA Gaidzwana, R.B., ed. Policy making issues in southern Africa. ISBN: 1779051034 146pp. ($20.95/ £12.95) SAPES 1998 ZI Geldenhuys, D. The constellation of southern African states and the southern African Development Co-ordination Council: towards a new regional stalement? 54pp. R3.50 SA Inst Int Affairs 1981 SA
Lodge, T., Kadima, D., Pottie, D., eds. Compendium of elections in southern Africa. ISBN: 1919814434 547pp. ($60.00) EISA 2002 SA Lundu, M., ed. The political economy of information on development, democracy and security in southern Africa. 204pp. ($18.00/£9.50) SAPES 1996 ZI Mafeje, A. The national question in southern African settler societies. (Southern African political economy series, 6) ISBN: 1779050593 19pp. ($6.95/£3.95) SAPES 2000 ZI Mandaza, I. Southern Africa in the 1990s. 33pp. ($5.75/£3.25) SAPES 1992 ZI Mandaza, I. Southern Africa in the year 2000. An overview and research agenda. 16pp. ($5.75/£3.25) SAPES 1993 ZI Mandaza, I., Holmes, P., Evans, D. SADC: the cost of non integration. ISBN: 1779050879 69pp. Z110.00 ($10.00) SAPES 1999 ZI Marias, C., Katjavivi, P., Wehmhörner, A. Southern Africa after elections: towards a culture of democracy. 142pp. N$60.00 Gamsberg 1996 SX
Matlosa, K. Electoral system reform, democracy and stability in the SADC region: a comparative analysis. (EISA research report, 1) ISBN: 1919814507 R20.00 ($5.00) EISA 2003 SA Matlosa, K. Interrogating challenges for intra-party democracy in southern Africa. (EISA occasional papers, 17) R20.00 EISA 2004 SA Matlosa, K. Survey of electoral systems and reform imperatives in the SADC region. (EISA occasional papers, 12) R20.00 EISA 2001[?] SA May, J. Changing people-changing laws. ($7.90) Mambo 1989 ZI
Mbeki, M. Profile of political conflicts in southern Africa. (Southern African Studies, 1) 87pp. Z$4.95 Nehanda 1987 ZI Melber, H., ed. Limits to liberation in southern Africa: the unfinished business of democratic consolidation. ISBN: 0796920257 231pp. R200.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA Mills, G., Clapham, C. Southern African security after apartheid : a framework for analysis. 10pp. ($3.50) R5.00 Univ West Cape 1991 SA Mills, G., ed. Southern Africa into the next millenium. ISBN: 1874890854 76pp. R50.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1998 SA Mills, G., et al., eds. Southern African scenarios 2015: renaissance, asymmetry or decline and decay. ISBN: 1919969020 125pp. R80.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2003 SA Mukherjee, S. Blame the rulers, not the rain: democracy and food security in Zambia and Zimbabwe. (SAIIA report, 32) ISBN: 1919969039 SA Inst Int Affairs 2003 SA Mwase, N. The future of TAZARA in a post-apartheid Southern Africa. (Southern African perspectives: a working paper series, 21) 28pp. R8.50 ($7.00) Univ West Cape 1993 SA Nathan, L., Williams, R. Riding the tiger: the integration of the armed forces and post-apartheid military. Back to the barracks: the SADF and the dynamics and transformation. 52pp. ($3.50) R5.00 Univ West Cape 1991 SA Nolutsungu, S.C. Southern Africa in a global context. Towards a southern African security community. 35pp. ($6.95/£3.75) SAPES 1994 ZI Ocaya-Lakidi, D. The effects of socio-economic conditions, refugees and demobilisation on peace, progress and stability in southern Africa. (Southern African perspectives: a working paper series, 22) 20pp. R8.50 ($7.00) Univ West Cape SA Ohlson, T., Stedman, S.J. Trick or treat? The end of bipolarity and conflict resolution in southern Africa. (Southern African Perspectives, 11) 30pp. ($5.00) R6.50 Univ West Cape 1991 SA Patel, H.H. Peace and security in a changing southern Africa: a frontline view. (Southern African Perspectives, 12) 22pp. ($5.00) R6.50 Univ West Cape 1992 SA Sachikonye, L., ed. Democracy, civil society, and the state. Social movements in southern Africa. 193pp. ($18.00/£9.95) SAPES 1995 ZI Sichone, O., ed. The state and constitutionalism in southern Africa. ISBN: 1779050771 90pp. ($13.75/£7.50) SAPES 1998 ZI
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Africa, Southern—Politics and government Simon, D., ed. South Africa in southern Africa. Reconfiguring the region. ISBN: 0852554125 cd. & 272pp. (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852554117 (£14.95 pap.) Philip 1998 SA [Southern Africa only] Sindano, J.L., Hinz, M.O., d’EnglebronnerKolff, F.M. Traditional authority and democracy in southern Africa. ISBN: 999163164X 327pp. ($30.00/£16.75) New Namibia 1999 SX Solomon, H. One step forward, two steps back: some reflections on the SADC organ on politics, defence and security cooperation. (SAIIA report, 33) ISBN: 1919969047 SA Inst Int Affairs 2003 SA Solomon, H. Towards a common defence and security policy in the Southern African Development Community. ISBN: 0798301740 253pp. maps R120.00 ($29.95/£18.95) Africa Inst 2004 SA South African Institute of African Affairs Southern African scenarios 2015: renaissance, asymmetry or decline and decay? ISBN: 1919969020 125pp. (£14.99) SA Inst Int Affairs 2003 SA Thornton, L. An analysis of the legal framework for elections. (EISA occasional papers, 3) R20.00 EISA 1998 SA Tomaselli, K., Dunn, H. Media, democracy and renewal in southern Africa. New approaches to political economy. ISBN: 1588681513 310pp. ($26.00) Cont Cult Studies 2002 SA Tötemeyer, G., Kadima, D. Handbook for election observer missions. (EISA handbooks, 3) R20.00 EISA 2000 SA van Dijk, R., Reis, R., Spierenburg, M., eds. The quest for fruition through Ngoma. The political aspects of healing in southern Africa. ISBN: 0852552629 cd. & 320pp. (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852552637 (£14.95 pap.) Philip 1999 SA [Southern Africa only] Vivlia Publishers Beyond the colour line. Pan-africanist disputations. 188pp. (£10.50) Vivlia 1997 SA Africa, Southern—Politics and government—Addresses and essays Mandaza, I., ed. Governance and human development in southern Africa. Selected essays. ISBN: 1779051018 246pp. ($24.95/ £14.95) SAPES 2001 ZI Africa, Southern—Politics and government—Bibliography Andor, L.E., comp. The small and the new in southern Africa. The foreign relations of Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland since their independence. 526pp. (£18.00) SA Inst Int Affairs 1993 SA Bohmer, E.W. Left-radical movements in South Africa and Namibia, 1900-1981: a bibliographical and historical study. 2 vols.(Grey Bibliography, 14) cd. 1,249pp. ($125.00) R125.00 South African Lib 1987 SA Schoeman, E., comp. The Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC). A selected and annotated bibliography. (Bibliographical series, 14) R25.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1986 SA Africa, Southern—Religion Chidester, D. Savage systems - colonialism and comparative religion in southern Africa. 352pp. R120.00 UCT Press 1996 SA Denis, P., ed. The making of an indigenous clergy in southern Africa. ISBN: 1975053069 211pp. R40.00 ($13.00) Cluster 1998 [?] SA
Gifford, P. The religious right in southern Africa. 118pp. Z$9.90 Univ Zimbabwe 1988 ZI Kauuova, W.R. The religions of southern Africa. A synopsis of their basic beliefs. (IRS study pamphlets, 352) 24pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1997 SA Kauuova, W.R. Religious pluralism. A challenge to the church in southern Africa. R45.00 ($10.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1997 SA Morran, E.S., Schlemmer, L. Faith for the fearful? 235pp. R20.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1983 SA Africa, Southern—Religion, traditional Mulago, G.C. La religion traditionelle des Bantus et leur vision du monde. 182pp. Z1.28 Press Univ Congo 1974 ZR FRE Africa, Southern—Rural development Erskine, J.M. Small scale water resources development in southern Africa: effective planning, delivery and management through an integrated rural development approach. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Development of Small Scale Water Resources in Rural Areas, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 21-25 May. (INR working paps., 50) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Erskine, J.M., Sangweni, S.S., Venn, A.C., Brewin, D.R. Feasibility study on a proposed Southern African Rural Development and Agricultural College. Phase 1 report. (INR working paps., 99) R27.50 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Africa, Southern—Social sciences Hugo, P., ed. Truth be in the field: social science research in southern Africa. 370pp. R75.00 ($24.60/£14.90) Unisa 1990 SA Africa, Southern—Sociology Balch, J., Cammack, D. et al. Transcending the legacy. Children in the new southern Africa. 242pp. ($27.00/ £14.95) Southern Afric Res & Docs 1997 ZI Hindson, D.C., ed. Working papers in southern African studies. vol.3 190pp. R12.50 Ravan 1983 SA Human, L. Contemporary conversations understanding and managing diversity in the modern world. 96pp. R49.00 Juta 1996 SA Luirink, B. Moffies. Gay life in southern Africa. ISBN: 0864864426 160pp. R110.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA McDonald, D.A. Destination unknown. Perspectives on the brain drain in southern Africa. ISBN: 0798301481 400pp. Africa Inst 2002 SA McDonald, D.A., ed. On borders: perspectives on international migration in southern Africa. ISBN: 1874864942 320pp. R89.95 Idasa 1999 SA Seidman, J. Teaching guide to: ‘In our own image.’ Cultural studies for southern Africa. 62pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Found Ed Prod 1995 BS Solomon, H. In search of Canaan: a critical evaluation of the causes and effects of migration in southern Africa. (Southern African perspectives: a working paper series, 24) 37pp. R8.50 ($7.00) Univ West Cape 1993 SA Tjale, A., de Villiers, L., eds. Cultural issues in health and health care. A resource book for southern Africa. ISBN: 0702163996 296pp. R185.00 Juta 2005 SA
Subject index van Rooy, J.A. The traditional world view of black people in southern Africa. (IRS study pamphlets, F1/30) 34pp. R1.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1978 SA Africa, Southern—Sociology, Rural Jeeves, A. Communities at the margin: studies in rural society and migration in southern Africa, 1890-1980. ISBN: 1868882268 268pp. maps R215.00 ($36.00/£21.95/ Eur31.00) Unisa 2002 SA Africa, Southern—Sociology, Urban Larson, A., ed. Gender and urban housing in southern Africa: emerging issues. ISBN: 9991131329 230pp. Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 2003 LO Pickard-Cambridge, C. Sharing the cities: residential desegregation in Harare, Windhoek and Mafikeng. 53pp. ($9.00/£6.00.) R10.00. SA Inst Race Relations 1988 SA Africa, Southern—Travel Delegorgue, A. Travels in southern Africa. trans.f.t. French by Fleur Webb vol.1 359pp. R80.00 (£16.95) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1997[?] SA Guhrs, V. The trouble with Africa. Stories from a safari camp. ISBN: 067004797X 220pp. col.ill. R157.89 Penguin SA 2001 SA Jacobson, D. The electronic elephant. Penguin SA SA
Olivier, S., Olivier, W Wilderness journeys, offroad: Mozambique, Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho, South Africa. ISBN: 1868727777 cd. 210pp. pl.maps (£13.99) New Holland 2004 SA Olivier, W. Overland through southern Africa. ISBN: 1868721051 176pp. col.pl.maps R139.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Africa, Southern—Yearbooks Hansohm, D., Peters-Berries, C., Breytenbach, W., Meyns, P. Monitoring regional integration in southern Africa yearbook. vol.1 (NEPRU book, 9) ISBN: 9991603433 139pp. N$39.50 NEPRU 2002 SX Hansohm, D., Peters-Berries, C., Breytenbach, W., eds. Monitoring regional integration in southern Africa yearbook. vol.2 ISBN: 9991604200 233pp. ill. N$39.13 Gamsberg 2002 SX Hansohm, D., Breytenbach, W., Hartzenberg, T., eds. Monitoring regional integration in southern Africa yearbook. vol.3 ISBN: 9991604340 272pp. ill. N$39.13 Gamsberg 2003 SX Africa, Southern—Zoology—Pictorial works Cornwallis Harris, W. Portraits of the game and wild animals of southern Africa. ISBN: 0947020047 cd. 144pp. ill.col.pl. Galago 1986 SA Africa, West—Anthropology, Socio-cultural Hounwanou, R. Le fâ, une géomancie divinatoire du Golfe du Bénin. 249pp. CFA5,000 NEA - Togo 1984 TG FRE Africa, West—Atlases and maps Editions Gacou Le Sénégal illustré. Carte routière et plan de Dakar and The Gambia touristique and Illustrated road map. maps ($9.95/ £5.95) Gacou 2002 SG MUL Africa, West—Bibliography Otutru, E.G. Niger delta bibliography. ISBN: 9783038058 120pp. Ano 2001 NR Africa, West—Demography Addo, N.O. et al. Symposium on implications of population trends for policy measures in West Africa. (Univ. Ghana, Population Studies, 3) 170pp. C18.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1969 GH
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African Books in Print
Subject index Africa, West—Directories Jakande, L.K. West Africa annual. [1991 ed.]. ($55.00) West 1991 NR
Africa, West—Sociology
Africa, West—Education Agbodeka, F. The West Africa examinations council (1953-2002). ISBN: 9964978855 366pp. ($44.95/£26.95) Woeli 2002 GH Africa, West—Ethnology Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Mélanges ethnologiques. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 23) 480pp. pl. maps CFA4,000 IFAN 1953 SG FRE Le Coeur, C. Dictionnaire ethnographique téda. [Reprint of ed. Paris 1950] (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 9) 213pp. ill. pl. map. col D.fl.65.00 IFAN 1950 SG FRE Urvoy, Y. Petit atlas ethno-démographique du Soudan entre Sénégal et Tchad. [Reprint of ed. Paris, 1942]. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 5) 40pp. ill. pl. maps D.fl.25.00 IFAN 1942 SG FRE Africa, West—Explorers and explorations, European Chailley, C. Les grandes missions françaises en Afrique occidentale. (Initiations et Etudes Africaines, 10) 145pp. CFA2,200 IFAN 1953 SG FRE Africa, West—Geography Gautier, E.F. L’Afrique noire occidentale: esquisses des cadres géographiques. 188pp. pl CFA4,000 IFAN 1935 SG FRE Richard-Molard, J. Afrique occidentale française. (Autres ouvrages vendus par l’IFAN, 11) 240pp. ill.pl. CFA3,000 IFAN 1949 SG FRE Udo, R.K. A comprehensive geography of West Africa. 324pp. N267.15 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1978 NR Urvoy, Y. Les bassins du Niger. [Reprint of ed. Paris, 1942]. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 4) 139pp. ill. pl. maps D.fl.4500 IFAN 1942 SG FRE Africa, West—Geography—Study and teaching (Secondary) Aso, C.A. A practical approach to map reading for West Africa. Practice book. 40pp. N240.00 ($.50/£3.50) Spectrum 1982 NR Aso, C.A. A practical approach to map reading for West Africa. Student’s book. 66pp. N250.00 ($4.50/£3.50) Spectrum 1982 NR Mbamalu, N.C. School certificate geography for West Africa: Regional geography of West Africa. 2, 2bks 176pp. maps ill. photos N2.00 Macmillan - Nig 1971 NR Africa, West—History Asiwaju, A.I. West African transformations: comparative impacts of French and British colonialism. ISBN: 9780231463 297pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Malthouse 2002 NR Bong Amazee, V. The eastern Nigerian crisis and the destiny of the British Southern Cameroons, 1953-1954. ISBN: 2911541421 127pp. ill. Univ Yaoundé 2000 CM Boyer, G., Rouch, J. Un peuple de l’ouest soudanais, les Diawara. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 29) 259pp. ill. pl CFA4,500 IFAN 1953 SG FRE de Benoist, J-R. L’Afrique occidentale française de 1944 à 1960. 2nd ed. 617pp. CFA2,500 NEAS 1994 SG FRE
Decraene, P. Lettres de l’Afrique Atlantique. 28pp. CFA1,300 NEAS 1976 SG FRE Deffontaine, Y. Guerre et société au royaume de Fetu (Efutu): des débûts du commerce atlantique à la constitution de la fédération Fanti (Ghana, Côte de l’Or, 1471-1720). 290pp. N120.00 IFRA - Nig 1993 NR FRE Macmillan Publishers The red book of West Africa. cd. 320pp. N830.00 ($27.50/23.00) cd. Spectrum 1993 NR Moraes, N.I. A la découverte de la Petite Côte au XVIIe siècle (Sénégal et Gambia). 4 vols.(Initiations et études africaines, 36) 822pp. ill. CFA12,000 4 vols. IFAN 1990 SG FRE Nugent, P. Smugglers, secessionists and loyal citizens on the Ghana-Togo frontier. The lie of the borderlands since 1914. ISBN: 0852554737 cd. 320pp. pl.maps (£45.00) ISBN: 0852554729 (£16.95) Sub-Saharan 2002 GH Sargent, R.A. Economics, politics and social change in the Benue Basin c. 1300-1700. A regional approach to pre-colonial West African history. ISBN: 9781564156 305pp. maps ($24.95/£14.95) Fourth Dimension 1999 NR Africa, West—History—Addresses and essays Hunwick, J.O. West Africa and the Arab world: historical and contemporary perspectives. (J.B. Danquah memorial series, 23) ($10.00) Ghana Acad Arts & Scien 1990 GH Africa, West—History—Indexes Chouin, G. Ecrits d’entre-deux mondes. Index analytique des sources manuscrites de l’histoire des Etats de la Côte de l’Or (Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana) dans les fonds de la Bibliothèque Nationales et des Archives Nationales de France (16341710). 62pp. IFRA - Nig 1996 NR FRE Africa, West—History—Study and teaching (Secondary) Buah, F.K. History notes — West Africa since A.D. 1000.Bk. 1: the people. 263pp. ill N1.60 Macmillan - Nig 1974 NR Oginni, F.G. An outline history of West Africa. 192pp. ill. maps N1.80 Macmillan - Nig 1973 NR Onwubiko, K.B.C. School certificate history of West Africa AD 1000-1800. 1, 2 vols. 234pp. N315.00 Africana First 1972 NR Onwubiko, K.B.C. School certificate history of West Africa, AD 1800 to present day. 2nd rev. ed. 2, 2 vols. 500pp. pl. maps N438.00 Africana First 1976 NR Africa, West—International relations Ngniman, Z. Nigeria Cameroun: la guerre permanente. 173pp. CLE 1996 CM FRE Africa, West—Local government Adamlekun, A., Olown, W., Olaleye, A., eds. Local government in West Africa. 360pp. ($18.00/£10.00) N25.00 Univ Lagos Press 1987 NR Adigwe, F. Essentials of government for West Africa. 390pp. N13.50k Univ Press Nig 1974 NR Africa, West—Politics and government Agyeman-Duah, B. Elections in emerging democracies: Ghana, Liberia and Nigeria. (CDD critical perspectives, 4) ISBN: 9988796978 58pp. C35,000 ($10.00/£7.00) CDD 2000 GH
Akindele, R.A., ed. Civil society, good governance and the challenges of regional security in West Africa. ISBN: 9788000398 383pp. (£16.99) Vantage 2003 NR ben Arrous, M. Coalition, dispersion. Un moment démocratique en Afrique de l’ouest ‘francophone’, 1988-1996. ISBN: 2869781210 153pp. ($29.95/£17.95) CODESRIA 2003 SG FRE Fawole, W.A. Military power and third party conflict mediation in West Africa: the Liberia and Sierra Leone case studies. ISBN: 9781361247 73pp. ($18.95/£10.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 2001 NR Ibezim, A. Government and politics of West Africa. 154pp. ($5.00) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Ibrahim, J. Democratic transition in anglophone West Africa. ISBN: 2869781229 79pp. ($24.95/£14.95) CODESRIA 2004 SG Maïga, M. Le fleuve Sénégal et l’integration de l’Afrique de l’Ouest en 2011. 245pp. CODESRIA 1995 SG FRE Olowu, D., et al., eds. Governance and democratisation in West Africa. ISBN: 2869780834 378pp. ($27.95/£16.95) CODESRIA 1999 SG Olukoshi, A. West Africa’s political economy in the next millenium: retrospect and prospect. (CODESRIA monographs, 2/2001) ISBN: 2869781040 34pp. ($11.95/£6.95) CODESRIA 2001 SG Omitoogun, W., Onigu-Otite, K. National conference as a model for democratic transition: Nigeria and Benin. 43pp. N150.00 ($8.00) IFRA - Nig 1996 NR Sesay, A., ed. Civil wars, child soldiers and post-conflict peace building in West Africa. ISBN: 9782194271 225pp. ($18.95/£10.95) College Press - Nig 2003 NR Africa, West—Politics and government— Examinations, questions Ibezim, T.I. Questions and answers on government and politics of West Africa. 240pp. (£7.00) N8.50 Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Africa, West—Religion Assimeng, M. Religion and social change in West Africa: an introduction to the sociology of religion. 328pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Ghana UP 1989 GH Goethe Institute, Accra Conflict. What has religion got to do with it? An African-European dialogue. ISBN: 9988626142 249pp. ill.pl. ($29.95/£17.95) Woeli 2004 GH Africa, West—Religion, traditional Amponsah, K. Topics on West African traditional religion. 2nd ed. 106pp. C1,000 Adwinsa 1988 GH Africa, West—Sociology Fall, A.S., Sy, O.S., eds. Household economies in West Africa/Les économies domestiques en Afrique de l’Ouest. [Text in English and French.] ISBN: 2869781121 380pp. CODESRIA 2004 SG MUL Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Première conférence internationale des africanistes de l’Ouest. Compte rendu sommaire (Publications diverses, 1) 43pp. IFAN 1945 SG FRE Koulibaly, M., ed. La pauvreté en Afrique de l’Ouest. ISBN: 2845860129 153pp. CFA9,000 ($20.00/£13.95) CODESRIA 2001 SG FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Africa, West—Sociology, Rural Africa, West—Sociology, Rural Brown, C.K., Thakur, A.P., eds. Rural sociology. A West African reader no.1: kinship, marriage and the family. (GUP rural sociology, 1) ISBN: 9964302002 126pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Ghana UP 1998 GH African art see also Arts and crafts Arenaut, B., ed. L’art contemporain Bantu. CICBA 1995 GO FRE
Subject index African art—Congo Democratic Republic Bissi, N., Makonda, A., Makonda, A.V. Gotène, artiste peintre. ISBN: 2914815018 32pp. col.ill. CFA3,500 (Eur10.00) Mokandart 2003 CF FRE Bissi, N., Makonda, A.V. Aurélie Diansayi, artiste peintre. ISBN: 2914815042 32pp. col.ill. CFA3,500 (Eur10.00) Mokandart 2003 CF FRE Bissi, N., Makonda, A.V. Bill Kouélany, artiste peintre. ISBN: 291481500X 32pp. col.ill. CFA3,500 (Eur10.00) Mokandart 2003 CF FRE
Atmose, A., Stancey, G. Black kingdoms, black peoples. cd. 128pp. ill. pl. col. pl N50.00 Fagbamigbe 1979 NR [Nigeria only]
Bissi, N., Makonda, A.V. Michel Hengo, peintre. ISBN: 2914815050 32pp. col.ill. CFA3,500 (Eur10.00) Mokandart 2003 CF FRE
Colloque Picasso Art nègre et civilisation de l’universel. 160pp. CFA500.00 NEAS 1975 SG FRE
Bissi, N., Makonda, A.V. Rémy Mongo Etsion. ISBN: 2914815026 32pp. col.ill. CFA3,500 (Eur10.00) Mokandart 2003 CF FRE
Donovan, A. My journey through African heritage. ISBN: 9966253394 409pp. col.ill.pl.maps ($49.95/£39.95) EAEP 2004 KE Essomba, J.M. L’art africain et son message. 76pp. F46.00 CFA1,650 CLE 1982 CM FRE Gwintsa, V., Maart, B. Boipelo ka setso. [Pride in African culture. Text in English.] ISBN: 0620294795 31pp. col.pl. R70.00 Johannesburg Art Gallery 2002 SA Kalombo Diyoka L’art plastique africain comme extension de l’art corporel, de l’art nègre à l’art africain. 258pp. ($88.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE Liking, W. Les statues colons. 88pp. pl.col.pl. CFA4,375 NEI 1987 IV FRE Mveng, E. L’art de l’Afrique noire. 160pp. CFA1,650 CLE 1974 CM FRE Niangoran Bouah, G. L’univers Akan des poids à peser l’or/The Akan world of gold weights. [Text in English and French.] vol.2: Les poids figuratifs/The figurative weights cd. 320pp. pl. CFA19,500 NEI 1985 IV MUL Nzuzi, F. La puissance du sacré. L’homme, la nature et l’art en Afrique noire. 2nd ed. 190pp. ($80.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE African art—Africa, Southern Leibhammer, N. Making links: a resource book on the traditional southern African collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery. 50pp. col.pl. Johannesburg Art Gallery 1996 SA Townley Johnson, R., Maggs, T. Major rock paintings of Southern Africa. 2nd ed. 96pp. ill. R130.00 Philip 1991 SA African art—Africa, West Adepegba, S. Decorative arts of the Fulani nomads. 48pp. ill. pl. ($13.75/£7.50) Ibadan UP 1987 NR Mauny, R. Gravures, peintures et inscriptions rupestres de l’ouest africain. (IFAN initiations et études africaines, 11) 93pp. pl.maps CFA2,500 IFAN 1954 SG FRE African art—Botswana Seidman, J. In our own image. 161pp. ill. pl. ($21.50/ £11.95) Found Ed Prod 1990 BS African art—Botswana—Catalogs Campbell, A., Grown, E. Botswana live 1993: an exhibition of art and association presented by the Botswana Society in association with National Museum, Monuments and Art Gallery. 52pp. ill.col.ill. ($15.00) Botswana Soc 1993 BS African art—Catalogs Mercier, P. Les Asé du musée d’Abomey. vol.1(IFAN catalogues et documents, 7) 77pp. pl CFA1,000 IFAN 1952 SG FRE
Bissi, N., Makonda, A.V. Trigo Piula, artiste peintre. ISBN: 2914815034 32pp. col.ill. CFA3,500 (Eur10.00) Mokandart 2003 CF FRE Hochegger, H. Sculptures nouvelles de Bandundu (Zaire). (CEEBA, série II, Mémories et Monographies, 61) 160pp. ill. pl. map (DM43.00) CEEBA 1980 ZR FRE Muyaga Gangambi Les masques pendé de Gatundo. (CEEBA. série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 22) 181pp. ill. map (DM39.00) CEEBA 1974 ZR FRE Ndambi Munamuhega Les masques pendé de Ngudi (Rép. du Zaire). (CEEBA publications, 1, 23) 341pp. map (DM44.00) CEEBA 1976 ZR FRE Ngolo Kibango Minganji, danseurs de masques pendé (Rép. du Zaire). (CEEBA Publications, 1,35/1) 51pp. map (DM18.00) CEEBA 1976 ZR FRE African art—Gabon Orango-Berre, R. Arts premiers du Gabon. Sculptures célèbres. ISBN: 2912776384 211pp. pl.col.pl. Raponda Walker 2002[?] GO FRE African art—Malawi Kulemeka, A., Strumpf, M. The art of Kay Chiromo. A memorial and a celebration of his work. 32pp. col.pl. K300.00 ($25.00/£11.00) Chancellor Coll 1997 MW African art—Mali Coulibaly, P.B. La gwandusu. Une forme de sculpture chez les Bamanan du Mali. Réponse à P.J. Imperato et à K. Ezra. ISBN: 2910454649 170pp. pl. CFA2,650 (Eur5.0) Jamana 2001 ML FRE Liking, W. Les marionnettes du Mali. 64pp. pl.col.pl. CFA3,650 NEI 1987 IV FRE African art—Morocco Qotbi, M. Qotbi. Peintures et écrits. 33pp. ill.pl. Dir50.00 Fennec 1996 MR FRE African art—Mozambique Navarro, J. Malangatana. trans.f.t. Portuguese by H.C. McGuire, Z.C. Nunes & W.P. Rougle ISBN: 9987686451 cd. 223pp. col.ill.col.pl. ($65.95/£39.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2003 TZ Sachs, A. Images of a revolution: mural art in Mozambique. 88pp. col.pl. Z$13.95 ZPH 1983 ZI African art—Nigeria Adepegba, C.O. Yoruba metal sculpture. 148pp. pl. ($27.00/£14.95) Ibadan UP 1991 NR Buraimoh, J. The heritage. My life and arts. ISBN: 9780290834 119pp. pl.col.ill. N1,800 ($30.95/£19.95) Spectrum 2000 NR
Chukueggu, C.C. Contemporary Nigerian art and its classifications. ISBN: 9782151009 290pp. ill. ($25.00/£13.95) Delsu 1998 NR Fatunsin, A. Yoruba pottery. 118pp. ill.pl.col.pl.maps ($35.00/£25.00) N225.00 Book Builders 1992 NR African art—Senegal Huchard, O.S. Viyé Diba. Plasticien de l’environnement. 62pp. col.pl. CFA500.00 NEAS 1994 SG FRE Lhote, H. Les gravures de l’Oued Mammanet. 432pp. CFA3,000 NEAS 1979 SG FRE Sankalé, S. Souleymane Keita. La représentation de l’absolu. 64pp. col.pl. NEAS 1994 SG FRE African art—South Africa Arnold, M. Women and art in South Africa. ISBN: 0864863071 240pp. col.pl. R170.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA [No UK, EC] Berman, E. Art and artists of South Africa. cd. 545pp. col.ill. R299.99 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA Botha, J.B., Venter, A.K. Characterization of the Nyongane Carvers Association’s membership history, profile and sales income distribution: PRA workshop proceedings. Workshop held at Hazyview, Eastern Transvaal. 4 July 1994. (INR occasional paps., 153) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Brodie, D., Maart, B. New strategies. ISBN: 0620294787 51pp. col.pl. R70.00 Johannesburg Art Gallery 2002 SA Cohen, L.S. Looking at contemporary South African sculpture. Jackson Hlungwane - a resource book. 40pp. ill. R30.00 Johannesburg Art Gallery 1993 SA Dawes, N. Sue Williamson: selected works. [Text in English, French and Flemish, includes CD-ROM] ISBN: 1919930248 103pp. (£25.00) Double Storey 2003 SA Fourie, C., Maunick, E.J. Splinters from the fire. Bushmen art. ISBN: 191982510X cd. 72pp. col.ill. R179.95 Protea 2000 SA Hobbs, P., Rankin, E. Printmaking in a transforming South Africa. ISBN: 0864863349 216pp. ill.col.pl. Philip 1998 SA Hodgins, R., et al. Robert Hodgins. ISBN: 0624040658 144pp. col.pl. R325.00 Tafelberg 2002 SA Keene, R., Becker, R. Art routes. A guide to South African art collections. ISBN: 186814349X 256pp. col.pl. R145.00 Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA Krut, D. William Kentridge. [CD-ROM] Krut 1998 SA
Langhan, D. The unfolding man: the life and art of Sefudi Rakgoathe. ISBN: 0864863705 200pp. pl.col.pl. R145.20 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Lewis-Williams, J.D., Dowson, T.A. Rock paintings of the Natal Drakensberg. 68pp. ill. R45.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1992 SA Manaka, M. Echoes of African art. A century of art in South Africa. cd. 112pp. ill.pl.col.pl. ($43.00/£24.00) Skotaville 1987 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
African culture—General works
Marschall, S. Community mural art in South Africa. ISBN: 1868881881 cd. 298pp. col.pl. R323.00 ($65.95/£39.95) Unisa 2002 SA
Williamson, S., Perryer, S. ArtThrob archive 1997-2003. [CD-ROM] ISBN: 1919930604 pl. R250.00 Double Storey 2004 SA
Miles, E. Current of Africa: the art of Selby Mvusi. 42pp. ill. Johannesburg Art Gallery 1996 SA
Winberg, M. My eland’s heart. Art of the Xun and Khwe. ISBN: 0864863756 144pp. col.pl. (£18.95) Philip 2002 SA
Miles, E. Ernest Mancoba: a resource book. 48pp. ill. R20.00 Johannesburg Art Gallery 1994[?] SA Miles, E. Land and lives: a story of early black artists. 192pp. R160.00 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Miles, E. Nomfanekiso who paints at night: the art of Gladys Mgudlandlu. ISBN: 1874950660 cd. 95pp. col.pl. (£20.00) Fernwood 2002 SA [published in association with Johannesburg Art Gallery] Murray, B. Carnet: Brett Murray. ISBN: 1770130306 cd. 24pp. pl. R49.95 Double Storey 2005 SA Rankin, E., Hobbs, P. Rorke’s Drift: empowering prints. 20 years of printmaking at the ELC Art and Craft centre, 1962-1982. ISBN: 1919930132 cd. 240pp. col.pl. R250.00 Double Storey 2003 SA Rose, T. Carnet: Tracey Rose. ISBN: 1770130314 cd. 24pp. pl. R49.95 Double Storey 2005 SA Schlosser, K. Black artists in South Africa. 53pp. Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1996 SA Schmahmann, B., ed. Troubled women, troublesome men. Narratives of love and power in appliqués by the Weya Collective. ISBN: 186814352X 128pp. col.ill. R110.00 Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA Scott, G. Ardmore. An African discovery. ISBN: 1874950393 cd. 80pp. col.pl. (£12.99) Fernwood 1998 SA Shoolman, S., ed. Maz’enethole.: a selection from the Nelson Mandela collection. 76pp. ill. Johannesburg Art Gallery 1997 SA Sihlali, D. Discovering my true identity. 40pp. col.pl. ($11.95/£9.50.) Skotaville 1989 SA Spiro, L. Gerard Sekoto: unsevered ties. 99pp. ill. Johannesburg Art Gallery 1989 SA Stevenson, M., Viljoen, D. Christo Coetzee: paintings from London and Paris, 1954-1964. ISBN: 1874950628 cd. 80pp. col.pl. (£22.50) Fernwood 2001 SA Tyrell, B., Jurgens, P. Black African mosaic. cd. 256pp. ill. col. pl R29.95 Macmillan - SA 1982 SA van de Waal, G.M., Hagg, G. A window on township art. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] (IRS study pamphlets, F1/284) 31pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1991 SA MUL Venter, A. Characterization of the Salubindza Original Art Association’s development needs and membership profile: workshop proceedings. Workshop held in the Eastern Transvaal, 19 May 1994. (INR occasional paps., 151) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Williamson, S. Carnet: Sue Williamson. ISBN: 1770130314 cd. 24pp. pl. R49.95 Double Storey 2005 SA Williamson, S., Jamal, A. Art in South Africa, the future present. ill.pl.col.pl. R169.00 Philip 1996 SA
African art—South Africa—Catalogs Proud, H., ed. George Milwa Mnyaluza Pemba. [Catalogue to the retrospective exhibition.] (Mayibuye history and literature series, 64) 108pp. R65.00 Mayibuye 1996 SA Unisa Art Gallery Kathe Kollwitz: printmaker, sculptor. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 48pp. R20.00 ($6.80/£4.30/Eur5.90) Unisa 1987 SA African art—Tanzania Ewel, M., Outwater, A., eds. From ritual to modern art. Tradition and modernity in Tanzanian sculpture. ISBN: 9976973853 cd. & 136pp. col.ill. ($74.95/ £44.95 cd.) ISBN: 9976973756 ($49.94/ £29.95 pap.) Mkuki na Nyota 2001 TZ African art—Zimbabwe Matenga, E. The soapstone birds of Great Zimbabwe. ISBN: 1779011350 88pp. ill.col.pl. ($18.00/£9.95) ZPH 1998 ZI Noy, I. The art of the Weya women. 184pp. col. pl. ($45.00/£25.00) Baobab - Zimb 1992 ZI Sultan, O. Life in stone. Zimbabwean sculpture birth of a contemporary art form. 2nd rev. ed. ISBN: 1779090234 116pp. ill.pl. ($38.00/£21.50) Baobab - Zimb 1999 ZI Winter-Irving, C. Pieces of time. An anthology on Zimbabwean stone sculpture. ISBN: 0869227815 224pp. ill.pl. ($32.95/£24.95) Mambo 2004 ZI African cinema Gugler, J. African film: re-imagining a continent. ISBN: 0852555628 cd. 210pp. pl. (£40.00) ISBN: 085255561X (£14.95) Philip 2003 SA [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, Oxford, UK; Indiana University Press, US & Canada] Guster, J. African film. ISBN: 996625561X 216pp. K.shs.2,400 EAEP 2003 KE Thackway, M. Africa shoots back. Alternative in subSaharan francophone African film. ISBN: 0852555768 240pp. pl. (£14.95) Philip 2003 SA [Africa only. Co-published with JAmes Currey, UK; Indiana University Press, US & Canada] African cinema—Directories Haddow, I. Africa film and TV yearbook/directory, 1999. [Annual] 196pp. pl.maps ($33.00) Z Promo 2000 ZI Honeyman, R.D., ed, Africa film and TV yearbook/directory 2001. 200pp. pl.maps ($35.00) Z Promo ZI African cinema—Egypt Darwish, M. Dream-makers on the Nile: a portrait of Egyptian cinema. ISBN: 977424249X 72pp. col.ill. E£35.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 1998 UA Shafik, V. Arab cinema: history and cultural identity. ISBN: 9774244753 263pp. ill. E£65.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1998 UA African cinema—Nigeria Balogun, F. Cinema in Nigeria. 144pp. N12.00 Delta 1987 NR Mgbejume, O. Film in Nigeria....development, problems and promise. (Africa Media Monograph Series, 7) 123pp. pl ($17.00/£9.50) African Coun Comm 1989 KE
African cinema—South Africa Davis, P. In darkest Hollywood. Exploring the jungles of cinema’s South Africa. 214pp. pl. R75.00 Ravan 1996 SA Tomaselli, K. The cinema of apartheid. cd. & 300pp. R70.00 ($29.95) cd. R60.00 ($11.95) Anthropos 1988 SA African cinema—Tunisia Gabous, A. Silence, elles tournent. Les femmes et le cinéma en Tunisie. new ed. ISBN: 9973193873 212pp. pl. Cérès 1998 TI FRE African culture—General works Ayisi, E.O. An introduction to the study of African culture. 2nd ed. 152pp. K.shs.260.00 EAEP 1992 KE Centre d’Etudes Egyptologiques Cheik Anta Diop (CEAD) Cheick Anta Diop et la signification de son oeuvre. cd. 47pp. ($52.00) Z24,000,000 Kalombo 1993 ZR FRE Institut Culturel Africain Essais sur le développement culturel. 160pp. CFA3,000 NEA - Togo 1986 TG FRE Institut Culturel Africain La fonction culturelle de l’information en Afrique: séminaire interafricain organisé par l’ICA à Accra du 6 au 9 Octobre 1981. 224pp. CFA4,250 NEA - Togo 1985 TG FRE lo Liyong, T. Culture is rutan. [Essays.]. 242pp. ($7.20) Longhorn - Ken 1991 KE Mammah-Popoola, M. Where in Africa: a cultural saga from Denver to Lagos. ISBN: 9783476157 100pp. pl.maps N400.00 Mace 2000 NR Mayibuye with UNESCO Looking backwards, looking forwards: culture and development conference, April-May 1993. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 55) 69pp. R20.00 Mayibuye 1995 SA Mbulamuanza, M.B. L’Afrique littéraire et artistique. 327pp. ($92.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE Motsei, M. Hearing visions seeing voices. ISBN: 1919931511 192pp. R139.95 ($11.00/ £11.00) ($19.00) Jacana 2004 SA Mutwa, C.V. African names. Reclaim your heritage. ISBN: 1868726851 96pp. R79.95 Struik Publ 2001 SA Ojo-Ade, F. Being black, being human. More essays on black culture. 332pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1996 NR Ojo-Ade, F. On black culture. 279pp. ($27.00/ £14.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1989 NR Pirzio-Biroli, D. Révolution culturelle africaine. trans.f.t. Italian by Chantal Tardy-Panit 304pp. NEAS 1983 SG FRE Shepherd, R. Invisible Africa. Contributions to a coming culture. rev.ed. ISBN: 0958388507 201pp. ill. R105.10 ($13.10/ £9.28) Novalis 1997 SA Stewart, J. Stewart’s quotable Africa. ISBN: 0143024574 555pp. R122.81 Penguin SA 2001 SA Vera, Y., et al. Images of the West. 96pp. ill.pl. ($27.00/£14.95) Baobab - Zimb 1996 ZI Zingani, W.T. From the phone booth. [on foreign influences on African culture.] 59pp. ($1.06/£0.72) Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1985 MW
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African culture—General works—Collections African culture—General works— Collections Barber, K. Readings in African popular culture. 184pp. K.shs.1,960 EAEP 1997 KE Huannou, A. Littératures art et société: journées d’études du GRELEF. Médias, littérature, art et société (Cotonou, 18-20 mars, 1999). 157pp. Flamboyant 1999 DM FRE African dance—Ghana Adinku, W.O. African dance education in Ghana. 76pp. ($7.95/£4.25) Ghana UP 1995 GH African dance—South Africa Tracey, H. African dances of the Witwatersrand gold mines. 156pp. pl. R3.00 Int Lib Afric Music 1952 SA African languages see also names of specific languages, e.g. Amharic language
Subject index
African languages—Nigeria Elugbe, B., Omamor, A. Nigerian Pidgin (background and prospects). 172pp. N211.35 ($12.50/ £6.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1992 NR Emenanjo, E.N. Multilingualism, minority languages and language policy in Nigeria. 312pp. ($30.00/£16.75.) Univ Port Harcourt Press 1990 NR Olatunji, S.A. Beyond the spoken word: an African language 60pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1993 NR African languages—Study and teaching Balibutsa, M. Le potentiel ontologique des langues bantu face à l’ontologie classique. 197pp. CFA10,000 (Eur15,24) CICBA 2000 GO FRE Webb, V., et al. African voices: an introduction to the language and linguistics of Africa. ISBN: 0195716817 400pp. R300.00 OUP - SA 2000 SA
Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Actes du second colloque international de linguistique négro-africaine. Dakar 12-16 avril 1962. (Autres ouvrages vendus par l’IFAN, 1) XX-203pp. ill CFA4,000 IFAN 1963 SG FRE
African languages—Togo Paaluki, T. Cours trilingue de langues nationales togolaises. CFA3,000 NEA - Togo 1997 TG FRE
Msimang, C.T. African languages and languages planning: the Nhlapo Alexander notion of harmonisation revisited. 20pp. map R12.00 ($2.95/£1.92) Hibbard 1992 SA
African literature—Addresses and essays Abimbola, W. The study of Yoruba literature. (Inaugural lec., 24) 15pp. ($3.00/£2.25) N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1977 NR
Prah, K.K., ed. Between distinction and extinction: harmonisation and standardisation of African languages. ISBN: 1868143309 318pp. R140.00 Witwatersrand UP 1998 SA
Clark, J.P. The hero as a villain. 19pp. ($2.50/ £1.80) N5.00 Univ Lagos Press 1979 NR
African languages—Addresses and essays Finlayson, R., ed. African mosaic: festschrift for J.A. Louw. ISBN: 1868881385 440pp. R124.00 ($24.00/£15.60) Unisa 1999 SA Fivaz, D. Towards explanation in African linguistics. (Inaugural lec.) 25pp. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1974 SA Légère, K., ed. African languages in basic education. Proceedings of the 1st workshop on African languages in basic education. 314pp. Gamsberg 1996 SX Olubunmi Smith, P.J. Tongue and mother tongue. ISBN: 0865439966 205pp. (£15.99) Red Sea/ AWP 2002 ER African languages—Africa, Central Hochegger, H. Le langage gestuel en Afrique centrale. (CEEBA série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 47) 226pp. ill. pl. maps (DM45.00) CEEBA 1978 ZR FRE African languages—Africa, West Igboanusi, H., ed Language attitude and language conflict in West Africa. ISBN: 9783422545 224pp. ($27.95/£16.95) Enicrownfit 2001 NR Prost, R.P.A. Contribution á l’étude de quelques langues voltaiques. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 70) 461pp. CFA5,400 IFAN 1964 SG FRE African languages—Congo Democratic Republic Motingea, M. Parlers riverains de l’entre Ubangi-Zaire: eléments se structure grammaticale. (Etudes Aequatoria, 8) 285pp. ($10.00) Aequatoria 1989 ZR FRE African languages—Ghana—Addresses and essays Amonoo, R.E. Language and nationhood: reflections on language situations with particular reference to Ghana. (J.B. Danquah Memorial series, 19) 56pp. ($10.00) Ghana Acad Arts & Scien 1989 GH
Mphahlele, E. The unbroken song: selected writings. (Staffrider Series, 9) 320pp. R17.95 Ravan 1981 SA Schreiner, O. Words in season. ISBN: 0143185411 R78.95 Penguin SA 2005 SA African literature—Bibliography Adetowun Ogunsheye, F. Bibliographic survey of sources for early Yoruba language and literature studies, 1820-1970. ISBN: 9781211288 376pp. ($30.95/£18.95) Ibadan UP 2002 NR Chimombo, S. Directory of Malawian writing. WASI 1992 MW
Driver, D., comp., Dry, A., MacKenzie, C., Read, J. Nadine Gordimer: a bibliography. 341pp. ill. R60.42 NELM 1993 SA Dubbeld, C.E. Reflecting apartheid: South African short stories in English with socio-political themes, 1960-1987: a select and annotated bibliography. (SAIIA Biblio. series, 21) R60.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1990 SA Gardner, S., Scott, P.E., comps. Bessie Head: a bibliography. (NELM bibliographic series, 1) 52pp. R5.95. NELM 1986 SA Goddard, K., Read, J. J.M. Coetzee: a bibliography. (NELM bibliographic series, 3) 103pp. R18.00. NELM 1990 SA Lindfors, B., comp. A bibliography of literary contributions to Nigerian periodicals 1946-1972. 231pp. N10.00 Ibadan UP 1975 NR Machingaide, E., et al., comps. Many people many voices. 161pp. ill.pl. ($10.00/£6.25) Academic Bks 1997 ZI MacKenzie, C., Woeber, C., comp. Bessie Head: a bibliography. 2nd ed. 105pp. R22.80 ($15.00) NELM 1992 SA Read, J., comp. Guy Butler. A bibliography. (NELM Bibliographic series, 5) 116pp. R26.22 NELM 1992 SA
Read, J., Gray, S. Athol Fugard: a bibliography. (NELM Bibliographies, 4) 336pp. R30.00. NELM 1991 SA Strauss, J. A select index to South African literature in English: 1990. (NELM Index, 1) 169pp. R31.92 NELM 1991 SA Strauss, J. A select index to South African literature in English: 1991. 203pp. R52.44 NELM 1992 SA Strauss, J., ed. A select index to South African literature in English: 1992. 218 NELM 1993 SA Woeber, C., Read, J., comps. Es’kia Mphahlele: a bibliography. (NELM bibliographic series, 2) 108pp. ill. R21.66 NELM 1989 SA African literature—Collections Achebe, C., ed., Okafor, D., ed. Don’t let him die. An anthology of memorial poems for Christopher Okigbo, 1932-67. 56pp. (£2.00) Fourth Dimension 1978 NR Adams, K. Suck the bone: a poetry anthology. 40pp. ($4.95/£3.50) Skotaville 1989 SA Adams, K., ed. Uncovered mirrors: a selection of contemporary South African stories by new and unpublished writers. ISBN: 062024531X 134pp. R50.00 Footprints 1999 SA African Writers Association The AWA collection. 100pp. ($6.50/ £4.25) Skotaville 1989 SA Agali, A., Osakwe, N. The end. ISBN: 978354621X 96pp. N100.00 Mace 2000 NR Akeh-Osu, L., ed. New Nigerian verse. 70pp. ($4.60) Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR Alkali, Z., Imfeld, A. Vultures in the air. Voices from Northern Nigeria. 150pp. ill. ($13.75/£7.50) Spectrum 1995 NR Anene, L.O.C., ed. Anthology of poems by five army officers. 42pp. ($7.50/£4.00) Fourth Dimension 1993 NR Barnabas, K.N. An anthology of East African plays. 150pp. ($5.40) Longhorn - Ken 1991 KE Barungi, V., ed. Words from a granary. ISBN: 9970700014 101pp. pl. ($11.95/£6.95) Femrite 2001 UG Becker, C. ‘Nobody ever said AIDS’ stories and poems from southern Africa. ISBN: 0795701845 191pp. R125.00 Kwela 2004 SA Beier, U., ed. Origin of life and death. 66pp. K.shs.245.00 EAEP 1966 KE [Kenya only] Benge, O., Bangirana, A., eds. Uganda poetry. Anthology 2000. ISBN: 9970022032 159pp. ($9.95/£5.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2000 UG Berold, R., ed. Aerial. Inst Soc Res 1997 SA Berold, R., Finlay, A., eds. Parking space. Poems from East Cape schools. 67pp. R20.00 ($8.00/£5.00) Inst Study Engl 1994 SA Biakule, E., Seboni, B. Poetry from Botswana - an anthology. 160pp. Morula 1999 BS Braun, E. Echoes from the wild. Fiction, fact, legend and myth of Africa’s favourite animals. [Also available in German.] ISBN: 9991622497 92pp. ill.pl.maps Out of Africa - Namibia 2003 SX
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12
African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature—Collections
British Council Youthful voices. Poems from Kenyan schools. 58pp. K.shs.180.00 Longhorn Ken 1992 KE
Diaw, A., Sutherland-Addy, E. Women writing Africa. West Africa and the Sahel. ISBN: 1868144283 Witwatersrand UP 2005 SA
Hadland, A. Childhood. South African recall their past. ISBN: 014302471X 220pp. R122.81 Penguin SA 2005 SA
Brown, D., van Dyk, B., eds. Exchanges: South African writing in transition. 124pp. pl. R50.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1991 SA
Dickinson, M., ed. When bullets begin to flower. new ed. 132pp. K.shs.360.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1989 KE
Henze, J., comp. More short stories. 2nd ed. 64pp. ill. ($2.00) Mission Press - Ndola 1985 ZA
Bruner, C.H., ed. Unwinding threads. 1985 ZI
Disabled People of South Africa Project On the road of hope. 100pp. DPSAP 2002 SA
224pp. Z$6.88 ZPH
Bunyan, D. 25/25: twenty-five years of English South African poetry: selected from “New Coin”, 1965-89. 239pp. R20.00 Inst Study Engl 1989 SA Caine Prize Discovering home: a selection of works from the Caine Prize for African writing 2002. ISBN: 1919931554 240pp. R174.95 ($24.00) (£14.00) Jacana 2003 SA Caine Prize Tenderfoots. A selection of works from the 2000 Caine Prize for African Writing. ISBN: 0958434042 184pp. ($13.95/£7.95) M&G 2001 SA Caine Prize for African Writing Timbuktu, Timbuktu. A selection of works from the Caine Prize for African Writing, 2001. ISBN: 1919931066 112pp. R110.00 ($15.00) (£9.00) Jacana 2002 SA Centre Culturel Français Jeune poésie kenyane/New poetry in Kenya. 21pp. ill. IFRA - Kenya 1995 KE MUL Chapman, M. New century South African short stories. ISBN: 0868522279 R169.95 Donker 2004 SA Chirambo, R. The unsung song: an anthology of Malawian writing in English. ISBN: 9990851344 296pp. (£13.99) Chancellor Coll 2001 MW
Dorras, J., Walker, P., Courtney, S. Chocolate elephants and other plays. 48pp. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI East African Literature Bureau Dare to die. 2nd ($5.00/£3.50) K.shs15.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE Editions de l’Océan Indien The sea and man. [Collection of short stories by Mauritian writers.] 194pp. ill. ($18.00/£9.95) Océan Indien Ed 1989 MF Emenyonu, E.N., et al. African literature for schools and colleges. 277pp. ($11.60) Univ Press Nig 1989 NR Emenyonu, E.N., Oguzie, B.E.C. African literature for secondary schools. 244pp. N12.50 Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR England, V., Lemmer, A. Way to go. Short story explorations. ISBN: 1868530175 160pp. R32.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1999 SA Forum for African Women Educationalists Listen to us. It’s time to act. [Collection of short stories and poems by girls. Text in English and French.] ISBN: 966690811X 24pp. FAWE 2002 KE MUL Frempong-Manson, Y. The African drum: a collection of touching and important stories from African perspective. ISBN: 9988603010 210pp. Rock 2000 GH
Chislett, D., ed. Urban 03. Collected new South African short stories. ISBN: 0864865619 R90.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA
Friedman, G., Blumenthal, R. A writer in stone. South African writers celebrate the 70th birthday of Lionel Abrahams. ISBN: 0864864280 269pp. R74.95 (£10.95) Philip 1998 SA
Chislett, D., ed. Urban 2: collected new South African short stories. ISBN: 0864865457 143pp. (£7.99) Philip 2002 SA
Garuba, H. Voices from the fringe: an anthology of new Nigerian poetry. 203pp. ($15.00/ £8.50) Malthouse 1989 NR
College Press A roof to repair. ISBN: 1779003684 102pp. Z$57,750 ($11.60/£7.70/Eur15.30) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI
Gecau, K., Dodgson, P., Ngara, E., eds. Coming home: poems of Africa. 136pp. ill. Z$65.98 ($8.50/£4.95) ZPH 1989 ZI
Cook, D., Rubadiri, D., eds. Poems from East Africa. 206pp. K.shs.300.00 ($4.95/£8.50) EAEP 1971 KE Cooper, B., ed. Stories fly. A collection of African fiction written in Europe and the USA. ISBN: 0864866089 208pp. (£8.95) Philip 2003 SA Dathorne, O.R. comp. African poetry for schools and colleges. 168pp. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1969 NR
Getecha, C., Chipika, J., eds. Zimbabwe women’s voices. 2nd ed. ISBN: 079741522X 173pp. pl. Z$1,100 ($20.00) ZWRCN 2002[?] ZI Gibbs, J., ed. Nine Malawian plays. (Malawian Writers series, 3) 172pp. K2.60 Popular Publ 1976 MW Goethe Institute, Accra Face to face. Poems and short stories about a virus. ISBN: 9988626088 101pp. ($19.95/£14.95) Woeli 2004 GH
David Philip Publishers (Pty) Ltd. A book of hope. 112pp. ill. R54.95 Philip 1992 SA
Gray, S. The Penguin book of contemporary South African short stories. 305pp. R52.99 Longman Penguin SA 1992 SA
Dawson, D., ed. Revival. [Poetry anthology.] 178pp. Z$101.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI
Gray, S., ed. Modern South African stories. cd. 256pp. R119.95 Donker 2002 SA
Daymond, M., et al., eds. Women writing Africa. The southern region. ISBN: 1868143945 584pp. R250.00 Witwatersrand UP 2003 SA
Gray, S., ed. Southern African short stories. Penguin SA SA
de Villiers, G. Close to the sun: stories from Southern Africa. 260pp. R2.95 Macmillan - SA 1979 SA de Villiers, G.E. Ravan: twenty-five years 1972-1997. A commemorative volume of new writing. 159pp. (£8.95) Ravan 1998 SA
Green, L., ed. Writing from here. ISBN: 0868103632 105pp. ill.map Inst Study Engl 1999 SA Gunner, L., Gwala, M. eds. Musho. Zulu popular praises. 250pp. R59.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA [Southern Africa only]
Hodge, N., Ramogale, M. To kill a man’s pride and other stories from southern Africa. 2nd ed. 266pp. (£10.99) Ravan 1995 SA Holland, H., Adams, R., eds. From Jo’burg to Jozi: stories about Africa’s infamous city. ISBN: 0143024191 258pp. R96.49 Penguin SA 2002 SA Houghton-Hawksley, H.S., comp. Storyflight. 168pp. R37.95 Tafelberg 1986 SA Indangasi, H., Odari, M., eds. Daisaku Ikeda and Africa: reflections by Kenyan writers. ISBN: 9966846492 195pp. col.pl. K.shs.550.00 ($13.75) Nairobi UP 2001 KE Isandla Institute Voices of the transition. ISBN: 0796209707 384pp. R239.95 HeinemannEdSA 2004 SA Kabira, W.M., Mbugua, W. eds. A collection of poems on women and girls. ($3.00) FAWE 1996 KE Kala, S., et al. Five plays. 272pp. N170.00 ($16.00/ £8.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Kamlongera, C., Mwanza, W.B. An anthology of Malawian literature for junior secondary. 112pp. (£2.00) Dzuka 1993 MW Kariara, J., Kitonga, E., eds. An introduction to East African poetry. 144pp. pl. K.shs.294.00 OUP - Nairobi 1977 KE Kenna, C., ed. Homecoming. The GDR kids of Namibia. ISBN: 9991631704 226pp. ($13.95/£7.95) New Namibia 1999 SX Kenya Institute of Education, ed. Chameleon’s second delivery: a short stories anthology. 187pp. ill. Kenya Lit Bureau 1985 KE King, B., Ogungbesan, K. Celebration of black and African writing. cd. & 304pp. N20.00 N25.90k cd. Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR Kitson, N. 1994 Zimbabwe women writers anthology. 252pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Zimb Women 1994 ZI Landau, J., ed. Journey to myself: writings by women from prison in South Africa. ISBN: 0620328002 80pp. R75.00 Footprints 2004 SA Lefanu, S., Hayward, S., eds. Colours of a new day: writing for South Africa. 360pp. R34.95. Ravan 1990 SA Longman Zimbabwe Short stories by Zimbabweans. 56pp. Z$4.50 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Luvai, A., Kabira, W., Muluka, B., eds. Tender memories. Poems and short stories. 104pp. K.shs.253.00 ($8.50/ £4.95) EAEP 1989 KE Luvai, A.I., ed. Boundless voices: poems from Kenya. 130pp. K.shs.315.00 ($7.95/£4.25) EAEP 1988 KE M & G Books Tenderfoots. ISBN: 0958434042 183pp. R79.95 M&G 2001 SA Mabala, R.S. Summons. Poems from Tanzania. 168pp. T.shs.1,200 Tanz Publ House 1980 TZ
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature — Collections
Subject index
Mabuza, L., comp. One never knows: anthology of black South African women writers in exile. 120pp. ($6.50/£4.25.) Skotaville 1989 SA
Mutloatse, M. Forced landing. Africa South; contemporary writings. (Staffrider series, 3) 208pp. R13.50 Ravan 1980 SA
MacKenzie, C. Transitions. Half a century of South African short stories. ISBN: 1868590488 R79.95 Francolin 1999 SA [Southern Africa only]
Mutloatse, M., ed. Reconstruction: 90 years of black historical literature. 320pp. R7.50 Ravan 1981 SA
Malan, R. Being here. Modern short stories from southern Africa. 323pp. R39.99 Philip 1994 SA Malan, R., comp. Explorings: a collection of poems for the young people of southern Africa. 195pp. R32.99 Philip 1988 SA Malan, R., comp. No place like and other stories by southern African women writers. ISBN: 9120722094 236pp. R89.95 Philip 1999 SA Malan, R., ed Inscapes: a collection of relevant verse. new ed. 228pp. R49.99 OUP - SA 1998 SA Malan, R., ed. The pick of Snailpress poems. ISBN: 0864863624 80pp. (£7.99) Philip 2001 SA Marti, T. Waters of the vultures. 130pp. ($3.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1991 TZ McLoughlin, T.O., ed. The sound of snapping wires. 132pp. Z$89.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI Medalie, D., ed. Encounters. An anthology of South African short stories. ISBN: 1868143252 272pp. R79.95 Witwatersrand UP 1998 SA Meyer, R., comp. Focus. [Short stories.] 240pp. R35.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1994 SA Mhiripiri, N., Chirere, M., Mupfudze, R., Mutiti, J., Masitera, L. A roof to repair. ISBN: 1779003684 102pp. Z$172.95 ($4.32) College Press Zimb 2000 ZI
Mutloatse, M., ed. Umhlaba Wethu: a historical indictment. 221pp. ill. ($17.50/£12.00) Skotaville 1989 SA Nazombe, A. The haunting wind: new poetry from Malawi. 130pp. (£2.50) K7.15 Dzuka 1990 MW Njoku, D., Okolo, M.S.C., comps. Little drops. An anthology of contemporary Nigerian short stories. ISBN: 9780291822 181pp. N410.00 ($11.95/£6.95) Spectrum 1999 NR Nwoga, D.I., ed. Rhythms of creation: an anthology of “Okike” poetry. 336pp. ($10.00/£6.75) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Nyamfukudza, S., comp. ed. New accents one: an anthology of new poetry. 100pp. Z$79.95 College Press Zimb 1993 ZI Nzuh, A.N. Tales from the grassland and the forest. [Also available in French.] 134pp. CFA2,000 (Eur9.00) CLE 1997 CM FRE Obiechina, E.N., ed. African creations. A decade of Okike short stories. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781561815 192pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR
Paton, A. Diepkloof, reflections of Diepkloof reformatory. Writings. ed by Clyde Broster. Collection of short stories, drama, poetry and autobiography. 112pp. R36.99 Philip 1986 SA Penguin Books Lynx: contemporary South African writing. 330pp. R49.99 Penguin SA 1989 SA Pereira, E. New university anthology of English poetry. 320pp. R190.00 OUP - SA 1993 SA Pereira, E. The unknown Pauline Smith. Unpublished and out of print stories, diaries and other prose writings (including her Arnold Bennett memoir). 233pp. R55.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1993 SA Perkins, K.A., comp. Black South African women: an anthology of plays. ISBN: 1919713158 204pp. pl. R105.00 UCT Press 1998 SA Pieterse, E., Meintjies, F., eds. Voices of the transition: the politics, poetics and practices of social change in South Africa. ISBN: 0796209707 cd. 366pp. (£35.00) Heinemann-EdSA 2004 SA Radebe, P., Khanyile, G., Cele, V., Gumede, B. The pen tells it all. ISBN: 1869005252 96pp. R95.00 ($16.00/£9.50) UmSinsi 2004 SA Rangaka, D., comp. & ed. The prophetess: a collection of short stories for secondary schools. 100pp. ($7.50/£5.00.) Skotaville 1989 SA
Obondo, T.O. Unearthing her story. [Stories by women.] ISBN: 9991271228 P20.00 Lentswe LL 2001 BS
Reid, D., Skinner, D.R. Roy Macnab/Douglas Reid Skinner. cd. & 58pp. R98.50 cd. R33.95 Philip 1981 SA
Odendaal, A., Field, R., eds. Liberation chabalala. The world of Alex La Guma. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 46) 223pp. pl. R60.00 ($15.00/ £9.50) Mayibuye 1993 SA
Roberts, A., Thloloe, J. Soweto inside out. Stories about Africa’s famous township. ISBN: 0143024590 237pp. R83.33 Penguin SA 2000 SA Rode, L., Bodenstein, H. comps. Another kind of one nation. Youth South African writing vol.1. 120pp. ill. R59.95 (£6.95) Kwela 1996 SA
Mkiva, Z., comp. Railway poetry. ISBN: 086980989X 64pp. Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA
Odendaal, A., Foreman, S., eds. Lionel Forman: a trumpet from the housetops. Selected writings. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 7) 256pp. R46.50 Mayibuye 1992 SA
Moore, B.T. Ebony dust. ISBN: 996472070X 122pp. ill. ($13.95/£7.95) Sedco 2001 GH
Okurut, M.K., et al., eds. A woman’s voice. ISBN: 9970901036 100pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Femrite 1998 UG
Rode, L., Bodenstein, H., comps. I, a living arrow - young South Africa writing 2. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0795700733 120pp. ill. R57.95 Kwela 1998 SA
Morgan, J. Long life: positive stories. ISBN: 1919930353 175pp. R165.00 Double Storey 2003 SA
Oliphant, A., comp. At the rendezvous of victory and other stories. ISBN: 0795700938 11 R110.00 (£8.99) Kwela 1999 SA
Rode, L., Bodenstein, H., comps. Up the down escalator. Young South African writing. 136pp. R65.00 Kwela 2001 SA
Morris, J. Short writings from Bulawayo I. ISBN: 0797425403 140pp. Z$40,000 (£8.00) Ama 2003 ZI
Oliphant, A.W., Vladislavic, I. Ten years of Staffrider, 1978-1988. vol.7, nos. 3 & 4 411pp. ill. R24.95 Ravan 1988 SA
Rode, L., Gerwel, J. In the rapids. New South African stories. ISBN: 079570125X 164pp. R74.95 Kwela 2001 SA
Morris, J. Short writings from Bulawayo II. ISBN: 0797428968 120pp. Z$50,000 (£5.00) Ama 2005 ZI
Opland, J. Xhosa poets and poetry. [Text in Xhosa and English.] ISBN: 0864864205 365pp. (£14.95) Philip 1998 SA MUL
Rode, L., Gerwel, J. comp. Crossing over - new writing for a new South Africa. 160pp. pl. R69.95 ($10.00/£7.00) Kwela 1995 SA
Mphahlele, E., Moffett, A. Seasons come to pass: a poetry anthology. 2nd ed. ISBN: 019578054x 296pp. R170.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA
Orford, M., Nicanor, N., eds. Coming on strong. Writing by Namibian women. 134pp. col.ill.pl. ($10.00/£6.25) New Namibia 1996 SX
Sallah, T., ed. New poets of West Africa. 236pp. ($11.50/£6.50) Malthouse 1995 NR
Mphande, L.J., Ngombe, J.L., eds. Namaluzi, 10 stories from Malawi. 105pp. K1.75 (£1.20) Dzuka 1984 MW
Orkin, M., ed. At the junction. Four plays by the Junction Avenue Theatre Company. 280pp. ill. R84.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA
Mtshiya, T., et al. 1998 Zimbabwe women writers poetry and short stories. 108pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Zimb Women 1998 ZI Muluka, B. EAEP literature guides to: African short stories. 74pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1991 KE Mumba, N., Sifuniso, M., eds. The heart of a woman: short stories from Zambia. 138pp. ZWWA 1997 ZA
Scheffler, B., Vosloo, C. A handful of life. ISBN: 1919769188 280pp. R39.95 Human and Rousseau 2001 SA
Oshun Books 180 degrees. ISBN: 1770070427 240pp. Oshun 2005 SA
Shava, P. Campus voices: an anthology of modern short stories. ISBN: 9991131272 112pp. M50.00 ($15.00/£10.00/Eur12.00) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 2002[?] LO
Patel, E., Couzens, T., eds. The return of the Amasi Bird, black South African poetry 1891-1981. 411pp. R19.95 Ravan 1982 SA
Silver Soul Dear Shakespeare 3. The one and only original duplicate. ISBN: 9990398321 100pp. Rs70.00 Silver Soul 2004 MF
Patel, E., ed. The world of Can Themba: selected writings. (Staffrider series, 18) 244pp. Ravan 1985 SA
Silver Soul Shades and shadows. ISBN: 9990398313 104pp. Rs70.00 Silver Soul 2004 MF
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14
African Books in Print
Subject index Silver Soul Whisper of love. ISBN: 9990398305 104pp. Rs70.00 Silver Soul 2004 MF Singano, E., Roscoe, A.A., eds. Tales of old Malawi. 2nd rev.ed.(Malawian Writers Series, 1) 106pp. K3.50 Popular Publ 1980 MW SOMAFCO If you want to know me: voices from SOMAFCO. ISBN: 086986159X 91pp. R56.40 Lovedale 1999 SA Staunton, I., Crowe, J., eds. Women and words: reading other worlds. ISBN: 1779220200 193pp. Weaver 2001 ZI Staunton, I., ed. Writing now. More stories from Zimbabwe. ISBN: 177822043X 320pp. ($31.95/£19.95) Weaver 2005 ZI Staunton, I., ed. Writing still: new stories from Zimbabwe. ISBN: 1779220189 272pp. ($27.95/ £16.95) Weaver 2003 ZI Style, C., Style, O. Mambo book of Zimbabwean verse in English. 417pp. ($15.60) Mambo 1986 ZI Sweeney, E. Another country. 128pp. (£3.50) Fourth Dimension 1980 NR Turkington, K. Time and again: a poetry anthology for secondary schools. 156pp. R29.65 ($7.29/£4.75) Hibbard 1995 SA umSinsi Felicity Keats in company. South African short stories. vol.4 ISBN: 1919721789 96pp. R85.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA van Niekerk, A., comp. The torn veil and other women’s short stories from Africa. 512pp. R89.95 Queillerie 1998 SA van Wyk Smith, M. Shades of adamastor, Africa and the Portuguese connection: an anthology of poetry. 214pp. ill. R15.96 NELM 1988 SA Vatsa, M.J. Voices from the trench. 154pp. (£2.50) Fourth Dimension 1978 NR
African literature—Drama Welz, D. Writing against apartheid: interviews with South African authors. (NELM Interviews series, 2) 69pp. pl. R12.00. NELM 1987, Repr. 1989 SA Zhuwarara, R. Introduction to Zimbabwean literature in English. ISBN: 1779003366 323pp. Z$145,650 ($29.20/£19.50/Eur38.50) College Press -Zimb 2001 ZI Zimbabwe International Book Fair Trust The book fair book. [Collection of poetry and prose by Zimbabwean writers.] 94pp. ill. ($10.00/£6.25) ZIBF 1993 ZI Zimunya, M., Kadhani, M. , eds. And now the poets speak. 178pp. ($10.40) Mambo 1987 ZI African literature—Drama Agbeyegbe, F. The king must dance naked. 68pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Malthouse 1990 NR Akerman, A. Dark outsider. Three plays. ISBN: 1868143554 176pp. pl. R54.95 Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA Alem, K. Aterrissage. ISBN: 2911464133 64pp. CFA4,000 (Eur8.00) Ndzé 2002 GO FRE Alot, M. Heat of the moment. 60pp. ($2.90/ £1.15) K.shs.11.30 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE Appasawmy, N. In dodoland. ISBN: 9990323593 104pp. Rs170.00 ($6.00/£3.75) Printemps 1998 MF Archibong, F.M. Boko. ISBN: 9780291105 59pp. N210.00 ($8.95/£4.95) Spectrum 2000 NR Arogbofa, S. Agidi sours. 84pp. N84.10 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1985 NR Arogbofa, S. Trapped. 46pp. ($7.00) Univ Press Nig 1983 NR Ayakoroma, B. Castles in the air. ISBN: 9780601481 59pp. N150.00 ($8.00/Eur6.00) Mace 2004 NR
Wainaina, B., ed. Kwani? 01. ISBN: 9966983600 293pp. ($16.95/£12.95) Kwani 2003 SA
Bailey, B. Plays of miracle and wonder. ISBN: 1919930205 200pp. pl. R250.00 Double Storey 2003 SA
Wainaina, B., ed. Kwani? 03. ISBN: 9966983643 416pp. col.ill.pl. ($16.95/£14.95) Kwani 2005 SA
Begho, P. Power of lions. 2001 NR
Wangusa, A.A., Barungi, V. Tears of hope. A collection of short stories by Ugandan rural women. ISBN: 9970700022 179pp. col.ill.col.pl. ($20.95/ £12.95) Femrite 2003 UG
ben Abdallah, M. The fall of Kumbi and other plays. 152pp. ($9.50/£6.50) C1,000 Woeli 1989 GH
Wanjala, C.L., ed. Singing with the night. Reprint of 1974 86pp. K.shs.16.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1983 KE Washington, C.T. The antelope woman: songs and fairy tales for a lifetime from West Africa. 44pp. ill. ($2.50/£1.50) C18.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1983 GH Webster, R. At the fireside. Volume 1: true South African Stories. [Also available in German.] ISBN: 0864864876 160pp. R108.85 New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA Webster, R. At the fireside. Volume 2: true South African stories. ISBN: 0864865368 192pp. R125.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Webster, R. At the fireside: true southern African stories. Volume 3. ISBN: 0864865589 198pp. Spearhead 2003 SA
98pp. N200.00 Monarch
ben Abdallah, M. Land of a million magicians. An abibigoro. 80pp. ($8.50/£5.00) Woeli 1993 GH Ben Abdallah, M. The trial of Mallam Ilya and other plays. 165pp. ($7.50/£5.00) C700.00 Woeli 1987 GH Besong, B. Beast of no nation. CM
75pp. Patron 1997
Besong, B. Requiem for the last Kaiser. A drama of conscientisation and revolution. 59pp. Besong 1998 CM Brook, M. The play for Yejide and other plays. 2nd ed. 104pp. N60.20 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1978 NR Bukenya, A. The bride: a play in four movements. new ed. 60pp. K.shs.200.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1987 KE Butake, B. Lake God and other plays. ISBN: 2723505001 CFA3,500 CLE 1999 CM
Butake, B., Doho, G. Zintgraff and the battle of Mankon. 96pp. CFA2,000 ($10.00/£4.50) Buma Kor 1999 CM Butler, G. Demea.
94pp. R44.95 Philip 1990 SA
Byabamazima, V. The school (a play). EAEP 1991 KE
98pp. K.shs.300.00
Chifunyise, S. Medicine for love and other plays. 112pp. ($5.40) Mambo 1984 ZI Chimombo, S. The caves of Nazimbuli. Popular Publ 1994 MW
48pp. K20.00
Chimombo, S. The rainmaker. A play. (Malawian Writers Series, 4) 51pp. K1.95. Popular Publ n.d. [1978] MW Chimombo, S. Sister. Sister. 32pp. K15.00 ($2.00/ £2.00) WASI 1995 MW Chipunza, A. Svikiro. [Text in English.] Longman - Zimb 1981 ZI
56pp. Z$2.25
Clark, J.P. The Bikoroa play. ISBN: 9780307168 132pp. ($9.30) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR Clarke, J.P. All for oil. ISBN: 9780231323 80pp. ($8.95/£4.95) Malthouse 2000 NR Courtney, S. Fallout. 37pp. Z$49.95 College Press Zimb 1990 ZI Coyne, F., Johaardien, A., Reisenhofer, H., Petersen, O. 2 + 2 plays: Glass roots, As the koekie crumbles, Coloured sonx, Suip. 228pp. R79.99 ComPress 2000 SA de Graft, J. Muntu. 90pp. K.shs.255.00 EAEP 1977 KE Dike, F. The first South African. (Ravan playscripts, 4) 43pp. R6.50 Ravan 1979 SA Diki, B. The tribe of graves. ISBN: 1779003404 180pp. Z$167.95 ($4.20) College Press Zimb 2000 ZI Dorras, J., Walker, P. The big wide world. 52pp. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1989[?] ZI Dorras, J., Walker, P. Chocolate elephants. 69pp. Z$6.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI Dorras, J., Walker, P. Different drums. 23pp. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI Dorras, J., Walker, P. Don’t cry little one and The tale of the mighty hawk and and the magic fish. 74pp. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1992 ZI Dorras, J., Walker, P. She can’t even cook. 32pp. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1989[?] ZI Dorras, K., Walker, P. She never knew and Like any other lovers. 89pp. Z$49.95 College Press Zimb 1992 ZI Dube, P. Love the chain of death. ISBN: 1869006763 65pp. R55.00 UmSinsi 2005 SA Egwuda, C.E.O. The slave and the children. ISBN: 9781420693 83pp. ill. N120.00 ($2.00/ £1.50) Literamed 2001 NR Fiawoo, F.K. The fifth landing stage. Sedco 1983 GH
88pp. (£2.50)
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature—Drama
Subject index
Fugard, A. The blood knot. 108pp. K.shs.276.00 OUP - Nairobi 1975 KE
Kahn, J. More market plays. 1995 SA
Fugard, A. Boesman and Lena. ISBN: 0195703316 120pp. R74.99 OUP - SA 1997 SA
Kahyegira, J. From the ground of hope. 53pp. K.shs.14.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE
Fugard, A. My children. My Africa, and selected shorter plays. 198pp. R39.95 Witwatersrand UP 1990 SA [Southern Africa only]
Kani, J. Nothing but the truth. ISBN: 1868814389 72pp. R95.00 Witwatersrand UP 2002 SA
Fugard, A. Playland. 81pp. R34.95 Witwatersrand UP 1992 SA [Southern Africa only]
R64.95 Donker
Kibwana, J. Grand race. (£1.45/$3.70) K.shs.14.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE
Fugard, A. The road to Mecca. 79pp. R43.85 Penguin SA 1992 SA
Kibwana, J.M. Utisi. (Comb Books in English, Drama, 1) 128pp. ($2.50) K.shs.12.50 Comb 1974 KE YOR
Fugard, A. Sorrows and rejoicings. ISBN: 1868143856 80pp. R89.00 Witwatersrand UP 2003 SA
Kunene, M. Emperor Shaka the Great: a Zulu epic. 434pp. K.shs.715.00 EAEP 1973 KE [Kenya only]
Fugard, A., et al. My life and valley song. 104pp. R29.95 Witwatersrand UP 1996 SA [Southern Africa only]
Lee, D-J. Jesus of gold crown. ISBN: 9780290907 53pp. N300.00 ($8.95/£4.95) Spectrum 1999 NR
Govender, R. Lahnees pleasure: a play. (Ravan Playscripts, 5) 42pp. R2.50 Ravan 1980 SA
MacPherson, M., ed. The cooking pan and other plays. 120pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 1979 KE
Gray, S. Schreiner: a one woman play. R33.95 Philip 1983 SA
Makotsi, J. She ate the female cassava. 108pp. K.shs.190.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1988 KE
Hagher, I.H. Mulkin mata. 76pp. N124.90 ($8.50/ £4.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1991 NR
Malan, R. The distance remains and other plays. 160pp. R74.99 OUP - SA 1996 SA
Henshaw, J.E. This is our chance: three plays in Africa. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9782965618 124pp. N190.00 Bounty 2005 NR
Manaka, M. Pula. 58pp. ($4.95/£2.75) Skotaville 1990 SA
Hoeane, M. Let my people play. Participatory theatre plays. 158pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1994 LO
Mann, C.Z. The sand labyrinth: a play. ISBN: 0868103713 30pp. Inst Study Engl 2001 SA
Hussein, E.N. Kinjeketile. (New Drama from Africa, 5) 64pp. K.shs.144 OUP - Nairobi 1970 KE
Maponya, M. Doing plays for a change. [Collection of five plays.] pl. R59.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA
Imbuga, F. Aminata. (Plays for Schools Series, 20) 84pp. K.shs.220.00 ($3.95/£3.00) EAEP 1988 KE
Marshall, B. Shadow of an eagle. rev.ed. ISBN: 996472232X 30pp. ill. ($9.95/£5.95) Sedco 2003 GH
Imbuga, F. Betrayal in the city. (Plays for Schools, 18) 66pp. K.shs.300.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1987 KE
Marshall, B. The son of Umbele. 84pp. C2,500 (£3.50) Sedco 1993 GH
Imbuga, F. The burning of rags. 70pp. K.shs.360.00 ($7.95/£4.25) EAEP 1989 KE
Marshall, B. Stranger to innocence. rev.ed. ISBN: 9964722338 34pp. ill. ($9.95/£5.95) Sedco 2003 GH
Imbuga, F. Echoes of silence. EAEP 1986 KE
Marz, A. A forest in Bohemia: a play in two acts. 76pp. 5 Plus 1996 MF
104pp. K.shs.245.00
Imbuga, F. The floods. (Plays for Schools, 21) 110pp. K.shs.360.00 ($7.95/£4.25) EAEP 1990 KE
Mda, Z. And the girls in their Sunday dresses: four works. 175pp. R37.95 Witwatersrand UP 1993 SA
Imbuga, F. Game of silence. EAEP 1977 KE
Mda, Z. Fools, Bells and The habit of eating. Three satires. ISBN: 1868143775 184pp. R125.00 Witwatersrand UP 2002 SA
Imbuga, F. Man of Kafira. EAEP 1984 KE
54pp. K.shs.290.00
72pp. K.shs.255.00
Irungu, J., Shimanyula, J. The black prophet. A play. Lit Bureau 1982 KE
67pp. Kenya
Johnson, R. The courts of queens. 66pp. ($8.50/ £4.95) Malthouse 1995 NR Junction Avenue Theatre Company Love, crime and Johannesburg. A musical. ISBN: 1868143546 128pp. pl. R39.95 Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA Junction Avenue Theatre Company Sophiatown. 96pp. R29.95 Witwatersrand UP 1993 SA
Mda, Z. Four plays. SA
158pp. (£7.95) Vivlia 1996
Mda, Z. The plays of Zakes Mda. R34.95. Ravan 1990 SA
Mda, Z. We shall sing for the fatherland, and other plays. (Ravan Playscripts, 6) 66pp. R7.50 Ravan 1980 SA
Meunier, P. John Briggs’ paradise. 66pp. N210.00 ($7.95/£4.25) Spectrum 1992 NR Meunier, P. The little kings. ISBN: 9780293000 183pp. N340.00 ($9.95/£5.95) Spectrum 2001 NR Meunier, P. The seven deadly sins. ISBN: 9780191683 226pp. N360.00 ($9.95/ £5.95) Spectrum 2001 NR Mhlanga, C.M. Workshop negative. 64pp. Z$49.95 ($3.40) College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI Mhlope, G. Have you seen Zandile? ISBN: 1869140028 80pp. Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2002 SA Mpesha, N. Mugasha: epic of the Bahaya. K.shs.245.00 EAEP 2000 KE
Mqayisa, K. Confused Mhlaba. A play in nine scenes. 42pp. R3.95 Ravan 1974 SA Msora, B. I will wait.
88pp. Z$46.40 ZPH 1984 ZI
Mujajati, G. The rain of my blood. Mambo 1991 ZI
104pp. ($5.40)
Mukulu, A. Thirty years of bananas. OUP - Nairobi 1993 KE
Mulaisho, K. Tragedy of pride. 29pp. ($4.00/£2.25) Multimedia 1988 ZA Mulwa, D. Clean hands. (New Drama from Africa series, 19) ISBN: 0195729900 54pp. OUP - Nairobi 2000 KE Mulwa, D. Glasshouses. (New Drama from Africa series, 20) ISBN: 0195729919 56pp. OUP - Nairobi 2000 KE Musengezi, H.G. The honourable MP. Mambo 1984 ZI
46pp. ($3.60)
Nataniël. Dancing with John. 56pp. R44.95 Human and Rousseau 1992 SA Nevin, T. African story theatre. [Adapted by N. Phillips and G. Mhlophe.] 160pp. ill. R45.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA Ngugi wa Thiongo. This time tomorrow: three plays. 2nd 56pp. (£1.50/$3.00) K.shs9.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Mugo, M.G. The trial of Dedan Kimathi. 85pp. K.shs.360.00 EAEP 1976 KE Ngugi wa Thiong’o, wa Mirii, N. I will marry when I want. 122pp. K.shs.265.00 EAEP 1982 KE Nnamani, O. Twists. 39pp. N100.00 Delta 1998 NR Nwankwo, A.E. Tatu. ISBN: 9782335501 44pp. N100.00 Delta 2004 NR Nyathi, F.S. The oracle of Cidino. A five act play. ISBN: 9991633896 80pp. (£9.99) Out of Africa - Namibia 2003 SX Nyati, S. God of women: a play in three acts. ISBN: 9991621253 34pp. Out of Africa Namibia 1998 SX
Meunier, P. The coffee party. ISBN: 9780292853 128pp. ($8.95/£4.95) Spectrum 2001 NR
Nyika, T. A rat on her back; a play. trans.f.t. Shona (Mambo Writers Series, English section, 24) 51pp. ($3.40) Mambo 1986 ZI
Meunier, P. Farin Dutse. ISBN: 9780293051 176pp. ($9.95/£5.95) Spectrum 2001 NR
Obi, P.O. Freedom denied. ISBN: 978233569X 64pp. N100.00 Delta 2000 NR
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16
African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature—Drama
Odaga, A.B. The fisherman: Nyamghondo, the son of Ombare. 61pp. K.shs.56.00 ($2.00) Lake 1993 KE
Onwueme, T. Tell it to women. An epic drama for women. 286pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1995 NR
Odaga, A.B. Simbi nyaima - the village that sank.(A play). 2nd ed. 61pp. K.shs.250.00 ($4.00/£1.80) Lake 1993 KE
Onyekuba, O. Into the world. ISBN: 9783248623 78pp. Macckho-Ricckho 2005 NR
Odaga, A.B. Simbi nyaimi - a play in English. ($2.00/ £1.65) K.shs.25.00 Lake 1982 KE Ogbe, A. Epitaph for Simon Kisulu. (£3.00) N3.50 Fourth Dimension 1984 NR Ogie, E. I am not a trickster. 3rd ed. 80pp. N200.00 Golden Dawn 2002 NR Ogie, E. Queen Idia. 45pp. N150.00 Golden Dawn 2002 NR Ogunleye, F. Nest in a cage. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0797800026 55pp. ($14.95/£9.95) TTI 2004 SQ
Onyekuba, O. Like father like son. ISBN: 9783248634 72pp. Macckho-Ricckho 2005 NR Onyekuba, O. Regal dance. ISBN: 9783248632 80pp. Macckho-Ricckho 2005 NR Osodo, F. Playwright’s lover. 90pp. K.shs.200.00 ($3.30) Lake 1991 KE Osofisan, F. Another raft. 86pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Malthouse 1988 NR Osofisan, F. Aringindin and the nightwatchmen. 80pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1991 NR
Ogunyemi, W. Eniyan: a morality play. 47pp. ($4.95/ £2.75) Ibadan UP 1987 NR
Osofisan, F. Birthdays are not for dying and other plays. 144pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Malthouse 1990 NR
Ogunyemi, W. Partners in business. 43pp. ($5.75/ £3.25) Univ Press - Nig 1991 NR
Osofisan, F. The chattering and the song. 57pp. ($6.50/£3.95) Ibadan UP 1977 NR
Ogunyemi, W. Queen Amina of Zazzau. ISBN: 978030567X 89pp. ($8.95/£4.95) Univ Press - Nig 2000 NR
Osofisan, F. Esu and the vagabond minstrels. 72pp. ($6.50/£3.50) New Horn 1991 NR
Okurut, M.K. The curse of the sacred cow. 65pp. U.shs.3,200 ($8.50/£4.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG Olagoke, D.O. Death in the forest: a play. 75pp. ($7.00) Univ Press - Nig 1982 NR Omoregie, F-K. Collected plays. Volume 1. ISBN: 9991295518 130pp. P130.00 Bay 2001 BS Omoregie, F-K. Collected plays. Volume 2. ISBN: 9991295526 132pp. P135.00 Bay 2001 BS Omoregie, O.S.B. The harrowed hare. Neraso 1992 NR
64pp. N20.00
Omoregie, O.S.B. The trials of Ogiso Owodo. 120pp. ($10.00/£3.00) N30.00 Neraso 1990 NR Omotoso, K. The curse. A play. 1976 NR
32pp. New Horn
Omtatah, O. Lwanda Magere. A play. 112pp. K.shs.275.00 ($10.00/£6.25) EAEP 1991 KE Onwueme, O.T. Then she said it. A play. ISBN: 0926886424 126pp. ($14.95/£8.95) African Heritage 2002 NR Onwueme, T. Ban empty bam and other plays. 152pp. N97.60 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR Onwueme, T. The desert encroaches. 94pp. ($7.95/ £4.25) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR Onwueme, T. Legacies (a play). 127pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1989 NR Onwueme, T. The missing face. ALP 1997 NR
64pp. ($7.95/£4.25)
Onwueme, T. Riot in heaven. 126pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1996 NR
Osofisan, F. Major plays 2. ISBN: 9783613634 199pp. ($16.95/£14.95) Opon Ifa 2005 NR Osofisan, F. Morountodun and other plays. 137pp. N2.30 Longman - Nig 1982 NR Osofisan, F. Once upon four robbers. 107pp. ($8.50/ £4.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1991 NR Osofisan, F. Yungba yungba and the dance contest. A parable for our times. 126pp. ($10.00/ £6.25) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1993 NR Osundare, N. Two plays. ISBN: 9780305688 77pp. ($11.60) Univ Press - Nig 2005 NR Oti, S. Dreams and realities. West 1978 NR
60pp. N1.50
Oti, S. The old masters. 95pp. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR OUP-Kenya The elephants. (New Drama from Africa, 6) 68pp. OUP - Nairobi 1972 KE Philander, F. The curse: a four act play on the Namibian struggle. 44pp. ($4.95/£2.75) Skotaville 1990 SA Rotimi, O. Akassa you mi. An historical drama. ISBN: 978232115X 150pp. ($13.95/£7.95) Onyoma 2001 NR Rotimi, O. The gods are not to blame. A play. 72pp. ($8.70) Univ Press - Nig 1992 NR Rotimi, O. Holding talks. An absurdist drama. 42pp. ($5.75/£3.25) Univ Press - Nig 1979 NR Rotimi, O. If...a tragedy of the ruled. 92pp. N81.30 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1983 NR Rotimi, O. Kurumi: a historical tragedy. 95pp. map N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1972 NR Rotimi, O. Our husband has gone mad again. new ed. ISBN: 9781540036 86pp. ($8.95/ £4.95) Univ Press - Nig 1999 NR
Rotimi, O. Ovonramwen Nogbaisi: a play. 81pp. N12.00 Univ Press - Nig 1974 NR Ruganda, J. Black mamba. (Plays for Schools, 22) 120pp. K.shs.245.00 ($7.95/£4.25) EAEP 1988 KE Ruganda, J. The burdens. (New Drama from Africa, 8) 88pp. K.shs.220.00 OUP - Nairobi 1972 KE Ruganda, J. Shreds of tenderness. (New Drama from Africa, 22) ISBN: 0195729544 134pp. OUP - Nairobi 2001 KE Saro-Wiwa, K. Basi and company. Four television plays. 82pp. ($6.50/£3.50) Saros 1988 NR Saro-Wiwa, K. Four farcical plays. (Saros Star series, 9) 96pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Saros 1989 NR Saros International Everything about Basi and Co. [About popular Nigerian TV series.] 33pp. pl. (£1.50) Saros 1987 NR Sarpong, P.K. The one honest man. Sedco 1984 GH
42pp. (£1.00)
Sibenke, B. My uncle Grey Bhonzo. 48pp. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1982 ZI Simon, B. Born in the RSA. Four workshopped plays. 224pp. pl. R39.95 Witwatersrand UP 1997 SA Sithebe, Z.G.T. Of heroes and men. 80pp. R46.62 Shuter & Shooter 1991 SA Slabolepszy, P. Mooi street and other moves. [Collection of six plays.] 360pp. pl. R79.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA Sofola, Z. Old wines are tasty: a play. 58pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Univ Press - Nig 1991 NR Sofola, Z. Song of a maiden. A play. Univ Press - Nig 1991 NR
52pp. ($7.00)
Sofola, Z. The sweet trap. 76pp. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Sowande, B. Tornadoes full of dreams. 108pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Malthouse 1990 NR Soyinka, W. Death and the King. ISBN: 9780293949 77pp. N300.00 Spectrum 2002 NR Soyinka, W. The deceptive silence of stolen voices. ISBN: 9780294422 18pp. N180.00 Spectrum 2003 NR Tagne, D.N. Mr Handlock. 105pp. CFA2,310 CLE 1985 CM FRE Taylor, J. Ubu and the Truth Commission - the play. 80pp. ill. R105.00 UCT Press 1998 SA Thomas, G. Avalon court. Dramatic scenes on the Cape Flats. 108pp. ($8.50/£5.00) Skotaville 1992 SA Typhis, J.R. Magic eyes of the blind witness. 129pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Océan Indien Ed 1993 MF Ukala, S. The log in your eye. 91pp. ($7.00) Univ Press - Nig 1986 NR Ukala, S. The slave wife: a play. 53pp. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1982 NR Ukoli, N. Out from the river: a three act play. 60pp. N4.00 Ibadan UP 1982 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature—Drama
Subject index
Uzoatu, U.M. Doctor of football. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9783068725 32pp. N120.00 Konk 1998 NR
Heron, G. EAEP literature guide to Okot p’Bitek’s Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol. 42pp. K.shs.305.00 EAEP 1975 KE
Abaidoo, K. Sealed scroll. ISBN: 9964702108 525pp. ($13.95/£7.95) Afram 2000 GH
Uzoatu, U.M. A play of ghosts. 1989 NR
Imbuga, F. EAEP literature guide to Austin Bukenya’s The bride. 33pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1985 KE
200pp. CFA3,000
46pp. N150.00 Konk
Walibora, K. Innocence long lost. ISBN: 9966951334 80pp. Kshs150.00 ($6.95) Sasa Sema 2005 KE Wandum, E.B. Passion’s fruits or the aftermath of spiritual imbalance. 80pp. Patron 1999 CM Wartemburg, N.K. The corpse’s comedy. 82pp. N6.50 Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Williams, M. The orphans of Qumbu. 140pp. ill.pl. R41.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1994 SA Zewi, M. Two fists in one mouth. 75pp. (£2.00) Fourth Dimension 1978 NR African literature—Examinations, questions Abrahams, B. Study guide to “Harvest of thorns”. 108pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Academic Bks 1993 ZI Ayertey, S.K. Notes on Vincent-Senanu’s “A selection of African poetry”. 44pp. C300.00 Adwinsa 1987 GH Bukenya, A. EAEP literature guide to: Coming to birth. 92pp. K.shs.320.00 EAEP 1988 KE Bukenya, A. EAEP literature guide to: Poems from East Africa. 92pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 1978 KE Bukenya, A. EAEP literature guide to: The chameleon’s second delivery. 53pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1982 KE Bukenya, A. EAEP literature guide to: The floods. 54pp. K.shs.360.00 EAEP 1986 KE Bukenya, A. Notes on “East African poetry”. K.shs.32.50 EAEP 1978 KE
Indangasi, H. EAEP literature guide to: Francis Imbuga’s Aminata. ISBN: 9966251499 54pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 2002 KE Kamwendo, G.H. Study notes on “Scarlet songs”. (£1.00) Dzuka 1993 MW
Kemoli, A., Mwanzi, H. EAEP literature guide to Joe de Graft’s: Muntu. 52pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1982 KE Kiru, D.H. EAEP literature guide to Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s “A grain of wheat”. 33pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1985 KE Kitonga, E. A study guide to John Ruganda’s play “The Burdens”. 48pp. K.shs.134.00 OUP - Nairobi 1977 KE Made, P., Abrahams, B. Study guide to, “In the fog of the season’s end”. 42pp. ($5.50/£2.95) Academic Bks 1993 ZI Makotsi, J. EAEP literature guide to “A walk in the night”. 34pp. K.shs.140.00 EAEP 1985 KE Mills, P. EAEP literature guide to Chinua Achebe’s “No longer at ease”. 32pp. K.shs.125.00 ($4.95/£2.75) EAEP 1974 KE Miruka, O. EAEP literature guide to: Looking for a rain god and other stories from Africa. 51pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 2000 KE Mwanzi, H. EAEP literature guide to Grace Ogot’s Land without thunder. 148pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1982 KE Okemwa, J.M. Self-determination and freedom in “The acting person”. 160pp. ($10.00) Paulines 1997 KE
Chakava, H. EAEP literature guide to: Kill me quick. 52pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 1976 KE
Roberts, J. Wilson Kayiyo’s, “Son of the soil”. 74pp. Z$4.25 Longman - Zimb 1988 ZI
Chesaina, C. EAEP literature guide to: Man of Kafira. 38pp. K.shs.225.00 EAEP 1984 KE
Sienaart, E., ed. Oral tradition and its transmission. The many forms of message. 356pp. col.pl. R62.00 ($28.00/£15.00) Campbell Coll 1994 SA
Duson, A.N. Comprehensive explanatory notes on “The African Child”. ISBN: 9783038038 25pp. N150.00 ($2.00/£1.50) Ano 1999 NR Erapu, L. EAEP literature guide to John Ruganda’s “The burdens”. 36pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1977 KE Erapu, L. EAEP literature guide to Wole Soyinka’s “The lion and the jewel”. 44pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1975 KE Erapu, L. EAEP literature guide to: Miguel Street. 44pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1979 KE Erapu, L., Sunkuli, O. EAEP literature guide to: Betrayal in the city. 46pp. K.shs.300.00 EAEP 1990 KE Gachukia, E. EAEP literature guide to Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s The river between. 32pp. K.shs.395.00 EAEP 1975 KE Githaiga, A. EAEP literature guide to Flora Nwapu’s Efuru. 44pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1979 KE
Abanasom, S.A. Son of the native soil. Patron 1998 CM
Abani, C. Graceland. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1770100083 330pp. R142.00 Picador 2004 SA [Southern Africa only] Abani, C. Masters of the board. 294pp. (£2.50) N4.50 Delta 1984 NR Abdul-Malik Giwa, A. Painful surrender. 114pp. N150.00 ($2.50/£1.75) Delta 1995 NR Abejo, B. Fools rush in. 117pp. N210.00 ($4.50/ £3.50) Spectrum 1982 NR Abejo, B. Lift to the stars. 144pp. N65.00 ($2.60) Spectrum 1982 NR Abiodun, M. Sentinels remain silent. African Bk 1987 NR
169pp. West
Aborisade, O. Adaku makes her choice. ISBN: 9783722026 56pp. N130.00 (£0.50) Durano 2005 NR Abrahams, L., ed. Bosman at his best. new ed. cd. 206pp. R64.95 Human and Rousseau 2001 SA Abrahams, P. Mine boy. 136pp. K.shs.380.00 EAEP 1964 KE [Kenya only] Abrahams, P. The path of thunder. new ed. 262pp. R49.99 Philip 1984 SA Abubakar, A.T. Without mercy. ISBN: 9780290494 77pp. N180.00 ($8.95/£4.95) Spectrum 1999 NR Achebe, C. Anthills of the Savannah. 234pp. K.shs.660.00 EAEP 1988 KE [Kenya only. Also published in Nigeria by Heinemann Educational Books] Achebe, C. Arrow of god. 230pp. K.shs.660.00 EAEP 1965 KE [Kenya only] Achebe, C. The last laugh and other stories. 88pp. N73.15 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR Achebe, C. A man of the people. 150pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 1968 KE [Kenya only]
Sienaert, E., Cowper-Lewis, M., Bell, N., eds. Selected proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Oral Tradition. University of Natal, Durban, 27-30 June 1994. 356pp. col.pl. R62.00 Campbell Coll 1994 SA
Achebe, C. No longer at ease. 154pp. K.shs.485.00 EAEP 1963 KE [Kenya only]
Soyinka, W. Art, dialogue and outrage. [Collected essays.] cd. 344pp. ($45.00/£25.00) New Horn 1988 NR
Acholonu, C.O. Nigeria in the year 1999. 96pp. N55.10 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR
Tekwani, A., Nhengu, D. “Matigari” - a study guide. Academic Bks 1996 ZI
Zhuwarara, R. Notes on Charles Mungoshi’s, “Coming of the dry season”. 46pp. ZPH 1991 ZI African literature—Fiction Abago, M. Sour honey. ISBN: 9970021478 122pp. U.shs.6,000 ($9.95/£5.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1999 UG Abaidoo, K. Black fury. A novel. 301pp. ($16.00/ £8.95) Woeli 1995 GH Abaidoo, K. The mad African. rev. entry ISBN: 1779003218 90pp. ($5.95) College Press -Zimb 1999 ZI
Achebe, C. Things fall apart. 152pp. K.shs.345.00 EAEP 1963 KE [Kenya only]
Acholonu, C.O. The trial of the beautiful ones. 104pp. N92.70 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1985 NR Adair, B. In Tangier we killed the blue parrot. ISBN: 1919931961 176pp. R139.00 ($13.00/£11.00) Jacana 2004 SA Adalla, C. Confessions of an AIDS victim. 84pp. K.shs.255.00 EAEP 1996 KE [[East Africa only]] Adams, N. Afternoon tea in heaven. ISBN: 1919855041 280pp. ill. R180.00 ($35.00/ £30.00) STE 2002 SA Adebambo, M.T. Koseemaani. 2nd ed. 160pp. N4.70 Spectrum 1985 NR
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 18
African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature—Fiction
Adebayo, A. I am directed. new ed. 135pp. ill. N300.00 ($8.50/£4.95) Spectrum 1999 NR
Aidoo, A.A. The girl who can and other stories. 160pp. col.ill. ($8.50/£4.95) Sub-Saharan 1997 GH
Adebayo, A. My village captured Hitler. 137pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Spectrum 1993 NR
Aikpitanyi, H. The unfaithful friend. ISBN: 9788000185 48pp. ill. N150.00 ($1.25/£0.90/Eur1.00) Vantage 2004 NR
Adebayo, A. White man in black skin. 104pp. N240.00 ($2.00) Spectrum 1985 NR
Ajayi, T. After a bad moon: A sh-to-vel. 224pp. N500.00 Granny Fatima 1995 NR
Adebiyi, B. The brothers. [?] NR
Ajayi, T. Eyes of the night. A volume of short stories. 124pp. N150.00 Granny Fatima 1991 NR
N7.00 Fagbamigbe 1981
Adebowale, B. Out of his mind. 152pp. N75.00 ($3.00/ £2.50) Spectrum 1983[?] NR Adebowale, B. The virgin. 124pp. N200.00 Bounty 1985 NR Adediran, W. Rainbows are for lovers. 2nd rev.ed. 211pp. N320.00 ($7.00/£3.95) Spectrum 1993 NR Adeleke, D. Adamu and his horse. ISBN: 9781425563 135pp. N150.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2004 NR Adeniyi, G. Barbwire. 94pp. ($4.00) Fourth Dimension 1997 NR Adeta, M. Hopes and betrayals. ISBN: 9781420618 244pp. ill. N150.00 ($2.00/ £1.50) Literamed 2001 NR Adewoye, S.A. The betrayer. (“Pacesetters”) 108pp. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1979 NR Adewumi, S. Points of disorder. 121pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Univ Press - Nig 1990 NR Adey, A. New word power. SA
R79.95 Donker 1996
Adiaffi, J.M. The identity card. trans.f.t. French by Brigitte Katiyo 120pp. Z$65.25 ZPH 1983 ZI Adichie, A.N. For love of Biafra. ISBN: 978029032X 112pp. N240.00 ($7.50/£6.00) Spectrum 1998 NR
Ajayi, T. The lesson. 132pp. N150.00 Granny Fatima 1991 NR Aka, S.M.O. Cheer up brother. ISBN: 9782268062 154pp. N200.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Aka 1998 NR Aka, S.M.O. College days of John Oyo. ISBN: 978226850X 151pp. N200.00 ($3.00/ £2.00) Aka 2004 NR Aka, S.M.O. Medicine for money. ISBN: 9782268127 140pp. N200.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Aka 1998 NR Aka, S.M.O. Mid-day darkness. ISBN: 9782268496 135pp. N200.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Aka 2004 NR Aka, S.M.O. My father’s car. 2nd ed. 83pp. ill. N200.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Aka 1996 NR Aka, S.M.O. Stories from an African village. ISBN: 9782268518 87pp. ill. N200.00 ($3.00/ £2.00) Aka 2003 NR Aka, S.M.O. The weeping undergraduate. 2nd ed. 150pp. N200.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Aka 1995 NR Akare, T. Twilight woman. 178pp. K.shs.240.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1986 KE Akinlade, K. Fabunmi: the great man of Ekiti. ISBN: 978245852X N160.00 ($1.00/£0.75/ Eur0.80) Vantage 2002 NR
Aloka, A. Iteo alive. ISBN: 9970021826 125pp. ($9.95/£5.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2000 UG Alot, M. A girl cannot go on laughing all the time. new ed.(Spear Books, 4) 152pp. K.shs.290.00 EAEP 1994 KE Aluko, T.M. Conduct unbecoming. 165pp. N213.50 ($7.95/£4.25) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1993 NR Amadi, E. The concubine. 110pp. K.shs.330.00 EAEP 1966 KE [Kenya only] Amadi, K. The sex war. 188pp. ($9.00/£6.00) N50.00 Delta 1993 NR Amadi, O. Far from freedom. ISBN: 978233505X 650pp. N1,000 Delta 2004 NR Amasiatu, A. Return of the lost platoon and other stories. ISBN: 9783476122 104pp. N200.00 Mace 2001 NR Amollo, R. A season of mirth. ISBN: 9970901060 117pp. ($9.95/£5.95) Femrite 1999 UG Anaagudo-Agu, O. Cry of a maiden. ISBN: 9783451065 49pp. N300.00 ($2.50/£1.50) Wusen 2001 NR Andersson, M. Bite of the banshee. ISBN: 1919855068 228pp. R140.00 ($30.00/£25.00) STE 2002 SA Andreas, N. The purple violet of Oshaantu. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0779220359 159pp. Weaver 2004 ZI [Zimbabwe only] Andrew, G. Sunrise story. 1995 SA
ill. R17.99 Gecko - SA
Anduru, A. A bed of roses and other writing. ($5.00) PPCC 2003 TZ Anduru, A. Temptation and other stories. ($5.00) PPCC 2003 TZ Anduru, A. This is living and other stories. ($5.00) PPCC 2003 TZ
Adio-Moses, A. Flashes of ideas and reflections. 136pp. N95.95 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR
Akinlade, K. Moremi: the brave woman of life. ISBN: 9782458211 48pp. ill. N160.00 ($1.50/ £1.00/Eur1.20) Vantage 2001 NR
Aniagolu, E. Black mustard seed. ISBN: 9781564873 312pp. ($19.95/£11.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR
Afrika, T. The innocents. 1994 SA
Akinlade, K. Murder in the hotel. ISBN: 9782965569 124pp. N160.00 Bounty 2004 NR
Aniebo, I.N.C. Rearguard actions. ISBN: 9781291923 180pp. N450.00 ($8.50/£4.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR
192pp. R44.99 Philip
Afrika, T. Tightrope. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 72) 295pp. R49.50 Mayibuye 1996 SA
Akpabio, M.J. A trip to the Atlantic. ISBN: 9781298427 72pp. N195.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR
Agamasu, K. Hope at sunset. A novel. ISBN: 9964978855 86pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Woeli 2002 GH
Akwani, O.O. March of ages. ISBN: 9781565403 263pp. ($23.95/£13.95) Fourth Dimension 2003 NR
Agbada, J.O.N. Taste of honey. 173pp. N200.00 Fagbamigbe 2000[?] NR
Ali, H. Destiny. new ed. 101pp. N10.00 Delta 1988 NR
Agbada, N. The forbidden fruit. ISBN: 9780309306 190pp. Univ Press - Nig 2005 NR
Aliagan, I. The scars of the moon. ISBN: 9780390227 108pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Kraft 2002 NR
Agu, C. No easy road. ISBN: 9782335584 240pp. N250.00 Delta 2001 NR Aidoo, A. Changes. A novel. 195pp. C8,550 SubSaharan 1994 GH [West Africa only] Aidoo, A.A. Daylight and darkness. 32pp. Z$39.95 ($2.30/£1.20) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI
Alkali, Z. Cobwebs and other stories. 126pp. (£3.95/$7.50) Malthouse 1997 NR Alladin, A. Short stories from Mauritius. ISBN: 9990370079 167pp. Rs95.00 ($5.75/ £5.28) Printemps 2001 MF Alobwed’Epie, D. Daughter of the upstream python. 156pp. CFA2,000 ($10.00/£5.50) Buma Kor 1999 CM
Anierobi, A. In us lies the fault. ISBN: 9781426195 152pp. N150.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2004 NR Anierobi, A.A. The inevitable price. ISBN: 979029287X 186pp. N360.00 ($9.95/£5.95) Spectrum 2001 NR Anokari, N.B. The crude mechanic. ISBN: 9783038008 34pp. N200.00 ($3.00/£2.50) Ano 1998 NR Ansah, W. The stench of khaki. A novel. 222pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Woeli 1994 GH Ansbeth-Ajagu, A. Maiden. ISBN: 9781425490 157pp. N150.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2004 NR Ansbeth-Ajagu, A. Nwayibuife. ISBN: 9781425784 64pp. N150.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2003 NR Anthony, F. The journey: the revolutionary anguish of comrade B. 232pp. R29.95 Ravan 1991 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature—Fiction
Subject index
Anyanwu, C.N.D. The days of terror. ISBN: 9780293272 354pp. N3,000 ($19.95/£11.95) Spectrum 2002 NR Appiah, Y.A. Bloody Saturday. ISBN: 9988626193 122pp. C50,000 Woeli 2004 GH
Ayoola, H. She died yesterday. 220pp. (£2.00) N4.50 Delta 1984 NR
Bellusci, D.C. Beating the drums. 1997 ZI
Ayoola, K. The running woman. ISBN: 978295196X 284pp. ($16.95/£9.95) CSS 2003 NR
Benadé, T. Kites of good fortune. ISBN: 0864866003 R130.00 New Africa Ed SA 2004 SA
($13.50) Mambo
Are, L. Always a loser. 132pp. ($9.30) Univ Press - Nig 1981 NR
Azasu, K. The slave raiders. rev.ed. ISBN: 9988823657 327pp. C60,000 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 2002 GH
Are, L. Challenge of the barons. new ed. ISBN: 9780302514 160pp. ($9.95/£5.95) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR
Azasu, K. The stool. 2nd rev.ed. ISBN: 9964303114 373pp. ($14.95/£9.95) Ghana UP 2004 GH
Aremu, A. Kill me gently. 158pp. N200.00 Fagbamigbe 2000[?] NR
Ba, M. So long a letter. trans f.t. French K.shs.235.00 EAEP 1981 KE
Areo, A. The director. (“Pacesetters”) N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1977 NR
Baffour, F. The crash of apartheid. £6.95) Afram 1996 GH
Areo, A. The hopeful lovers. (“Pacesetters”) 132pp. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1979 NR
Baingana, D. Tropical fish. ISBN: 1770070516 148pp. Oshun 2005 SA
Besong, B. Sawa boys and other plays. CFA3,000 Patron 1998 CM
Areo, A. Mother’s choice. 136pp. N190.00 Bounty 1992 NR
Banda, J.A.K. Best left unsaid. Publ 1991 MW
Besong, B. Why I write. 1998 CM
Areo, A. A paradise for the masses. N250.00 Bounty 1997 NR
Banda, J.A.K. The startling revelation. Popular Publ 1991 MW
Armah, A.K. The beautyful ones are not yet born. 184pp. K.shs.420.00 EAEP 1969 KE Armah, A.K. KTM: in the house of life: an epistemic novel. ISBN: 2911928067 350pp. ($25.90) Per Ankh 2002 SG Armah, A.K. Osiris rising. SG
($15.00) Per Ankh 1995
Aryeetey, S. Home at last. ISBN: 9964702140 446pp. ($13.95/£7.95) Afram 2000 GH Asante, K.B. Voice from afar. ISBN: 9988809735 192pp. C45,000 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 2003 GH Asong, L.T. The Akroma file. Patron 1995 CM Asong, L.T. Chopchair. 1997 CM
170pp. CFA3,000
120pp. CFA2,500 Patron
Asong, L.T. The crown of thorns. Patron 1993 CM Asong, L.T. How a people die. Patron 1998 CM
197pp. CFA2,000
700pp. CFA10,000
Asong, L.T. A legend of the dead. Patron 1993 CM
283pp. CFA2,000
Asong, L.T. No way to die. 228pp. CFA2,000 Patron 1993 CM Asong, L.T. Salvation colony. Patron 1995 CM
185pp. CFA2,000
Asong, L.T. Stranger in his homeland. 400pp. CFA5,000 Patron 1995 CM Assan, A. Christmas in the city. (“Pacesetters”) 112pp. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1978 NR Auld, R. Tight lines. 2000 SA
224pp. R74.95 ComPress
Aveh, M.A. Kidnappers in action. Adwinsa 1986 GH
50pp. C250.00
Awelewa, A. Dilemma of an African prince. ISBN: 9781423005 76pp. N150.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2004 NR
Berman, M. Remembering Irma. ISBN: 1919930272 192pp. R169.95 Double Storey 2003 SA
320pp. ($12.50/
63pp. K3.90 Popular
166pp. K6.50
Banda, S.S. Dead ends. Crime, cops and renaissance. ISBN: 9982838016 144pp. K20,000 ($7.00) S&P 2000 ZA Banda, S.S. Half a turn. The mayhem of university life. ISBN: 9982939024 83pp. K15,000 ($3.00) S&P 1999 ZA Banda, T. A bitter disapproval. 114pp. K4.95 Popular Publ 1987 MW Barnard, D. Thoza’s story. 104pp. ill. R44.95 (£5.95) Kwela 1996 SA Barnard, P. A brave errand. 40pp. Z$49.95 ($2.00/ £1.15) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI Barnard, P. A broken leg. 32pp. Z$49.95 ($2.00/ £1.15) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI Barnard, P. The deaf driver. 40pp. Z$49.95 ($2.00/ £1.15) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI Barret, L. Veils of vengeance falling. 178pp. ($5.00) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Barris, K. Evolution. ISBN: 1868722481 180pp. R79.95 Zebra 1998 SA Barungi, V. Cassandra. ISBN: 9970901044 256pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Femrite 1999 UG Bassey, E. Echoes of mercy. ISBN: 9781425873 182pp. N200.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2003 NR Bauer, K. Spite. ISBN: 1868729230 256pp. Oshun 2004 SA Bauer, K. The track. ISBN: 1919931139 168pp. R120.00 ($19.00/£11.00) Jacana 2003 SA Baumann, B. Without a conscience. 174pp. K.shs.255.00 ($7.95/£4.25) EAEP 1992 KE Baxter, A. Send and receive. ISBN: 1770070346 256pp. Oshun 2005 SA Beaumont, J.H. The great Karoo. Philip 1983 SA
Berger, I. Joshua. 92pp. Z$34.95 ($3.00) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI
new ed. 96pp. R44.99
Bertelsmann, H. So anyway. A novel. ISBN: 1868421856 R99.95 Ball 2004 SA Besong, B. Change Wake and his man Sawa Boy. ISBN: 2723502434 65pp. CLE 2001 CM FRE 200pp.
150pp. CFA3,000 Patron
Bialonwu, U. The long claws of fate. 185pp. N6.90. Longman - Nig 1988 NR Biobaku, S. When we were young. 171pp. ($31.80) Univ Press - Nig 1992 NR Bishak, A. Mrs President. 256pp. ($6.00/£3.95) N50.00 Delta 1993 NR Blackburn, D. A burgher quixote. With a new introduction by Stephen Gray. R49.49 Philip 1984 SA
343pp. ill.
Blackburn, D. Leaven: a black and white story. [new ed. of novel orig.publ. 1908.] 2nd ed. 220pp. pl. R50.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1991 SA Blacklaws, T. Blood orange. ISBN: 1919930965 224pp. R125.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Blacklaws, T. Karoo boy. ISBN: 1919930256 208pp. R110.00 Double Storey 2004 SA [Southern Africa only] Bloom, T. Krotoa-Eva: the woman from Robben Island. ISBN: 0795700881 248pp. R120.00 Kwela 1999 SA Boadicea, K. Innocence. ISBN: 0954804488 192pp. R115.00 ($17.00/£9.50) LP 2004 SA Boadicea, K. Sin. ISBN: 1868404496 188pp. R115.00 ($17.00/£9.50) LP 2004 SA Bodunde, A. Nectar pots. ISBN: 9781293411 112pp. N250.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR Boehmer, E. Bloodlines. ISBN: 0864863616 278pp. (£8.99) Philip 2000 SA Boisvert, R. Bakanja. 48pp. ($0.60) Paulines 1996 KE Bond, G. Shaka. 116pp. Z$2.95 Longman - Zimb 1982 ZI Borisade, A. Sweeter than honey. 215pp. N10.00 Univ Press - Nig 1988 NR Bosman, H.C. Best of Bosman. [Hard cover slip case.] ISBN: 0798142030 300pp. R150.00 Human and Rousseau 2002 SA Bosman, H.C. Boer war stories. ISBN: 0798140313 90pp. R49.95 Human and Rousseau 2000 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature—Fiction
Bosman, H.C. Cask of jerepigo. new ed. ISBN: 0798142766 208pp. (£9.95) Human and Rousseau 2002 SA Bosman, H.C. Cold stone jug. new ed. ISBN: 1798139811 199pp. (£8.99) Human and Rousseau 1999 SA Bosman, H.C. Idle talk: voorkamer stories. vol.1 ISBN: 079813982X 166pp. (£8.99) Human and Rousseau 1999 SA Bosman, H.C. Jacaranda in the night. anniversary ed. ISBN: 0798140844 213pp. R69.95 Human and Rousseau 2000 SA Bosman, H.C. Jacaranda in the night. 230pp. R54.95 Human and Rousseau 1991 SA Bosman, H.C. Jurie Steyn’s Post Office. 112pp. R49.95 Human and Rousseau 1991 SA Bosman, H.C. Mafeking Road and other stories. anniversary ed. ISBN: 0798139021 151pp. R49.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Bosman, H.C. Old Transvaal stories. anniversary ed. ISBN: 0798140852 132pp. R89.95 (£8.99) Human and Rousseau 2000 SA Bosman, H.C. Seed-time and harvest and other stories. anniversary ed. ISBN: 0798141867 132pp. R89.95 Human and Rousseau 2001 SA Bosman, H.C. Unto dust and other stories. new ed. ISBN: 0798142774 142pp. R89.95 Human and Rousseau 2002 SA Bosman, H.C. Willemsdorp. The anniversary edition. ISBN: 0798139013 216pp. R59.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Bosman, H.C. Young Bosman. ISBN: 0798143576 196pp. R110.00 Human and Rousseau 2003 SA
Brink, A. Pavane. 1992 SA
R49.95 Human and Rousseau
Britten, B., Britten, C. Hello sweet baby. ISBN: 9982300121 82pp. K5,000 ($1.70/£1.00) Multimedia 1998 ZA Brown, N. EAEP literature guide to: Kongi’s harvest. 28pp. K.shs.140.00 EAEP 1973 KE Brownlee, R. Garden of the plagues. ISBN: 0798145188 224pp. R125.00 Human and Rousseau 2005 SA Buckle, C. Litany bird. ISBN: 177900320X 168pp. ($5.95) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Bull, B. White rhino hotel. SA
R32.99 Penguin SA
Burgess, Y. Anna and the colonel. An alternative love story. ISBN: 0869755145 192pp. (£8.95) Ravan 1998 SA Burgess, Y. A life to live. new ed. ISBN: 0143024078 197pp. (£8.99) Penguin SA 2002 SA Burgess, Y. Measure of the night wind. ISBN: 0143024205 256pp. Penguin SA 2002 SA Burgess, Y. Say a little mantra for me. 2nd ed. 176pp. (£4.99) Ravan 1995 SA Burgess, Y. Two kinds of women. ISBN: 0143024892 64pp. R17.54 Penguin SA 2000 SA Burnett, B.B. The rock that is higher than I. Inst Soc Res 1997 SA
Byabamazima, V. Shadows of time. ISBN: 9970021486 171pp. U.shs.5,000 ($.9.5/£5.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1999 UG Cab-Addae, K. A lover’s dilemma. Adwinsa 1978 GH
84pp. C350.00
Boswinkel, W. Erina. ISBN: 079742539X 104pp. Z$30,000 (£6.00) Ama 2003 ZI
Camara, L. Le choix de l’Ori. 208pp. CFA2,500 (Eur6.00) Xamal 1997 SG FRE
Botes, A. Mountain of lost dreams. ISBN: 0670048011 320pp. R122.81 Penguin SA 2004 SA
Cassiem D’arcy, M. Rage of the sea wind. Tafelberg 1996 SA
Botes, A. Riddle child. ISBN: 0670047929 311pp. R122.81 Penguin SA 2003 SA Botha, D. A dreamer’s paradise. ISBN: 0795701195 208pp. R99.95 Kwela 2001 SA Bowie, B. Pedal me faster. 104pp. R29.95 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA Boyd, W. A good man in Africa. SA SA
R34.99 Penguin
Boyo, T.O. Somolu blues. 142pp. N7.00 Fagbamigbe 1981 NR Bragotti, J. Zeinab. 48pp. ($0.60) Paulines 1996 KE Breytenbach, B. Dog heart. ISBN: 0798138564 204pp. R59.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Breytenbach, B. The memory of birds in time of revolution. R64.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Briggs, D.S. AZ Mafia: the Namerian experience. ISBN: 9783615602 209pp. N500.00 ($6.00/£3.50) Pam Unique Publ 2002 NR
113pp. R29.95
Chabalala, S.A. Dida. 74pp. R12.00 Sasavona Pub 1994 SA Chahilu, B. The herdsman’s daughter. 228pp. K.shs.385.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1995 KE Chater, P. Streetwise. ISBN: 1779220294 117pp. (£7.99) Weaver 2004 ZI Chiazzo, C. The fugitives and other stories. (£5.99) Cogito 2000 NR
Chiazzo, C. Makinga. A fable about a journey to the self. ISBN: 9783430149 101pp. (£5.99) Cogito 2000 NR Chigero, F. In pursuit of dawn. 67pp. Z$5.95 Longman - Zimb 1990 ZI Chimeloane, R. Whose laetie are you? My Sowetan boyhood. ISBN: 0795701233 128pp. R69.95 Kwela 2001 SA Chimombo, S. The basket girl. Publ 1991 MW
136pp. K6.25 Popular
Chimombo, S. The bird boy’s song. ISBN: 9990848076 91pp. ($13.95/£7.95) WASI 2002 MW
Chimombo, S.B.M. The wrath of Napolo. WASI 2000 MW
599pp. MK800.00
Chininga, D.K. Come Karanda, return. Mambo 1990 ZI
92pp. ($4.80)
Chinodya, S. Can we talk and other stories. ISBN: 1779090196 115pp. ($9.22/£5.99) Baobab - Zimb 1998 ZI Chinodya, S. Chairman of fools. ISBN: 1779220413 192pp. ($14.95/£11.95) Weaver 2005 ZI Chinodya, S. Dew in the morning. Mambo 1980 ZI
288pp. ill. ($8.80)
Chinodya, S. Farai’s girls. 139pp. Z$79.95 College Press -Zimb 1984 ZI Chinodya, S. Harvest of thorns. 277pp. Z$12.00 Baobab - Zimb 1989 ZI Chinodya, S. Tale of Tamari. ISBN: 177922026X 68pp. (£7.99) Weaver 2004 ZI Chitabanta, S. Behind the closed door. 2nd ed. 226pp. K1,650 ($3.60/£1.65) ZEPH 1992 ZA Chitsike, B.C. Confrontation in the Church. Bur - Zimb 1996 ZI Chiume, M.W.K. The African deluge. Bureau 1978 KE
84pp. Lit
136pp. Kenya Lit
Christelis, P. Rabbit season. ISBN: 0958434959 229pp. R74.75 ($13.95/£7.95) M&G 2001 SA Chuka II, U. For the fairest. 305pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1991 UG Chukwu, B. Betrayal of Gloria. ISBN: 9781426276 140pp. N200.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2003 NR Chukwuma, U.M. The noble cop: a novel. ISBN: 9782517623 208pp. N450.00 ($5.00/ £2.50) Pam Unique Publ 2001 NR Chummun I remember. 148pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Océan Indien Ed 1993 MF Clark-Bekede, J. Song of a goat. 110pp. ($9.30) Univ Press - Nig 1993 NR Clark, J. The wive’s revolt. 62pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Univ Press - Nig 1991 NR Clement, O. A child with a child. ISBN: 9781292083 100pp. N255.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR Clingman, P. State of symmetry. 380pp. R96.00 Penguin SA 1996 SA Cochlovius, K. Desert varnish. ISBN: 0795701691 292pp. R120.00 Kwela 2003 SA Codjoe-Swayne, N.O. The dancing tortoise. 293pp. C9,500 ($12.50/£6.95) Afram 1994 GH Coetzee, J.M. Age of iron.
R39.99 Penguin SA SA
Coetzee, J.M. Dusklands.
R34.99 Penguin SA SA
Coetzee, J.M. Foe. 157pp. R39.99 Penguin SA 1986 SA Coetzee, J.M. In the heart of the country. R39.99 Penguin SA SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature—Fiction
Subject index
Coetzee, J.M. The life and times of Michael K. Penguin SA SA Coetzee, J.M. Waiting for the barbarians. Penguin SA SA
Cohen, D. People who have stolen from me. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0958470855 180pp. R142.00 Picador 2004 SA [Southern Africa only] Collen, L. The rape of Sita. 265pp. ($6.00) Led Pu Travayer 1993 MF Collins, D.T. Tales from Africa. 310pp. ill. ($13.75/ £7.50) EAEP 1995 KE
Dangor, A. The Z-town trilogy. Ravan 1990 SA Darfour, K. The village teacher. Adwinsa 1983 GH
180pp. R22.95
64pp. C250.00
Darko, A. Faceless. ISBN: 9988550502 232pp. ($19.95/£11.95) Sub-Saharan 2003 GH Dawood, Y.K. Behind the mask. 319pp. K.shs.360.00 Longhorn - Ken 1995 KE Dawood, Y.K. No strings attached. 142pp. K.shs.300.00 EAEP 1976 KE
Conton, W. The flights. 144pp. N97.60 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR
Dawood, Y.K. Off my chest. ISBN: 9966497125 K.shs.270.00 ($3.60) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE
Conyngham, J. Arrowing of the cane. 1995 SA
Dawood, Y.K. One life too many. 148pp. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 1987 KE
R89.95 Donker
Conyngham, J. Desecration of the graves. Donker 1995 SA Cope, J. Selected stories. 1986 SA
202pp. R44.99 Philip
Dawood, Y.K. The price of living. 176pp. K.shs.240.00 Longhorn - Ken 1983 KE Dawood, Y.K. Return to paradise. EAEP 2000 KE
280pp. K.shs.400.00
Cope, M. Ghaap. ISBN: 0795701950 R95.00 Kwela 2005 SA
Dawood, Y.K. Water under the bridge. 362pp. ($6.30) Longhorn - Ken 1991 KE
Cope, M. Intricacy. ISBN: 1770130217 320pp. R140.00 Double Storey 2005 SA
Dawood, Y.K. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. ISBN: 9966497935 K.shs.270.00 ($3.60) Longhorn - Ken 2000 KE
Cope, M. Spiral of fire. 1988 SA
163pp. R49.99 Philip
Cope, R. The years of Conquest. 176pp. R49.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1995 SA Couto, M. Last flight of the flamingo. ISBN: 1919930531 R95.95 Double Storey 2004 SA [Southern Africa only] Cowen, S. Waiting for Christopher. ISBN: 1770070443 240pp. Oshun 2005 SA Currer, B., Currer, N. Venus, planet of love. ISBN: 1919721797 92pp. R90.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Cuthbert, V. Dust and the shadow. 415pp. K.shs.150.00 ($5.00) Phoenix 1990 KE Cuthbert, V. The great siege of Fort Jesus. K.shs.160.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1988 KE Dako, K. The baobabs of Tete and other stories. ISBN: 9988550294 116pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Sub-Saharan 2002 GH Daly, J. Red monkey: the leaking cello case. ISBN: 1919930361 cd. 32pp. col.ill. R110.00 Double Storey 2003 SA Damane, E.M. Why bother. SA
177pp. (£6.95) Vivlia 1992
Dangana, M.J. The new dawn. ISBN: 9782335959 144pp. N175.00 Delta 2000 NR Dangarembga, T. Nervous conditions. ZPH 1988 ZI
208pp. Z$200.00
Dangor, A. Bitter fruit. ISBN: 0795700970 256pp. R120.00 Kwela 2001 SA Dangor, A. Kafka’s curse. 1997 SA Dangor, A. Waiting for Leila. Ravan 1995 SA
200pp. R120.00 Kwela
2nd ed. 140pp. R29.95
Driver, C.J. Elegy for a revolutionary. new ed. 189pp. R49.49 Philip 1984 SA Driver, J. Shades of darkness. ISBN: 186842197X R139.95 Ball 2004 SA du Plessis, M. Longlive. 255pp. R49.49 Philip 1989 SA du Plessis, M. A state of fear. 190pp. R49.99 Philip 1983 SA [South Africa only] du Plessis, P.G. The married man’s guide to adultery. ISBN: 0624036839 cd. 504pp. R99.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA du Preez, M. Of warriors, lovers and prophets. ISBN: 186872901X 288pp. Zebra 2004 SA Duchi, D. Assassins on safari. 168pp. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 1983 KE Duh, S.V. One more time. ISBN: 9964302622 232pp. ($9.95/£5.95) Ghana UP 1999 GH Duiker, K.S. The quiet violence of dreams. ISBN: 0795701209 312pp. R130.00 Kwela 2001 SA Duiker, K.S. Thirteen cents. ISBN: 0864862578 168pp. R108.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Durbach, A. Upington. SA
240pp. R89.95 Philip 1999
de Beer, M. E-mail from Jewish mother. new ed. ISBN: 0864863721 176pp. R110.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA
East African Literature Bureau The fourth trial: kisses of fate. 2nd ($2.75/£1.10) K.shs10.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE
De Santo, S. The American standard. 212pp. ill. K.shs.365.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1996 KE
Eba, N. The good foot. CM
De Villiers, W. Kitchen casualties. ISBN: 1919931120 212pp. R149.00 ($18.50/£12.00) Jacana 2003 SA de Waal, J. Machado. 1990 SA
161pp. R31.99 Penguin SA
Dean, H. The demolition team. 94pp. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI d’Epie, A. The death certificate. CFA6,000 (Eur17.00) CLE 2003 CM Dhlomo, R.R.R. 20 short stories. 86pp. R35.00 ($14.00/ £8.00) Inst Study Engl 1996 SA Dobrin, A. Malaika. ISBN: 9966221492 235pp. K.shs.275.00 ($6.00/£4.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1998 KE
CFA2,000 CLE 1999
Egberongbe, A. Reluctant step-father. ISBN: 9783722042 135pp. N200.00 (£0.90) Durano 2005 NR Egbuna, K. That war time. 96pp. N213.40 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1997 NR Egbuna, O. Black candle for Christmas. 172pp. ($6.00) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1980 NR Egbuna, O. The rape of Lysistrata. new ed. ISBN: 9781560959 192pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Egejuru, P. The seed yams have been eaten. 260pp. N300.75 ($10.00/£6.25) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1993 NR Eguda, P.I. The kidnap of an angel. 380pp. ($12.50/ £6.95) Spectrum 1995 NR
Dobrin, A. Salted with fire. 224pp. K.shs.322.00 OUP - Nairobi 1990 KE
Ekpiken, M.E. The betrayal. ISBN: 9782335500 138pp. N200.00 Delta 2004 NR
Donkor, W. A stab in my heart. 72pp. ill. C2.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1977 GH
Ekwensi, C. An African night’s entertainment. new ed. 96pp. ill. R16.95 Francolin 1996 SA [Southern Africa only. Also published by EAEP, Kenya; ISBN 996646770X]
Dow, U. Far and beyon’. ISBN: 9991274561 196pp. Longman - Bots 2000 BS Dow, U. Juggling truth. ISBN: 1919930418 184pp. R120.00 Double Storey 2004 SA [Southern Africa only] Dow, U. Screaming of the innocent. ISBN: 191993023X 224pp. R120.00 Double Storey 2003 SA [Southern Africa only] Dowling, F. What poets need. ISBN: 014302468X 250pp. R87.72 Penguin SA 2004 SA
Ekwensi, C. Burning grass. new ed.(EAEP secondary readers, 10) 118pp. K.shs.210.00 ($8.95/ £4.95) EAEP 1998 KE [Kenya only] Ekwensi, C. For a roll of parchment. 236pp. N146.30 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1986 NR Ekwensi, C. Iska. new ed. 222pp. N330.00 ($7.95/ £4.25) Spectrum 1981 NR Ekwensi, C. Jagua Nana. ISBN: 9966460050 284pp. K.shs.270.00 EAEP 1999 KE
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African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature—Fiction
Ekwensi, C. Jagua Nana. 247pp. N330.00 ($8.50/ £4.95) Spectrum 1986 NR Ellison, G. Chisi, a woman of courage. ISBN: 9982240102 129pp. K10,800 ($4.00/ £2.58) Bookworld 1998 ZA Emenyonu, E. Tales of our motherland. ISBN: 9781293527 163pp. ($3.95/£1.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 2000 NR Enekwe, O.O. Come thunder. new ed. ISBN: 9781561491 116pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Enosa, A. Another song. ISBN: 9966215190 64pp. K.shs.250.00 ($3.50) Paulines 2004 KE
Essop, A. Narcissus and other stories. ISBN: 1869170067 143pp. (£12.95) Ravan 2002 SA
Freeman, P. Rumours of Ophir. ISBN: 1779003145 220pp. ($6.95) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI
Essop, A. Noorjehan and other stories. R19.95 Ravan 1990 SA
Freemantle, R. Selected letters. 36pp. ill. R34.20 Snailpress 1998 SA
Essop, A. The visitation. 1980 SA
98pp. R7.95 Ravan
Evans, J. Punaku treasure. 104pp. N110.00 ($4.50/£3.50) Spectrum 1994 NR Fagbola, P. Kaduna mafia. 208pp. N113.80 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR
Ephson, I.S. Murder at the palace. 179pp. C5.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1976 GH
Fagunwa, D.O. Expedition to the mount of thought (The third saga). trans. f.t. Yoruba by Dapo Adeniyi 180pp. ill. ($7.95/£4.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1995 NR
Ephson, I.S. Tragedy of false friends. 191pp. C8.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1979 GH
Falemara, F.O. Reward of nature. Unity 1991 NR
Eppel, J. The Caruso of Colleen Bawn and other short stories. ISBN: 0797428305 80pp. Z$40,000 (£7.99) Ama 2004 ZI
Fanchette, R. A private journey. [Collection of prose and poetry in English and French.] 127pp. ($7.25/£4.25) Océan Indien Ed 1996 MF MUL
Eppel, J. The giraffe man. 118pp. R44.95 Queillerie 1994 SA Eppel, J. Songs my country taught me. ISBN: 1779220367 135pp. Weaver 2005 ZI Erapu, L. Queen of gems. EAEP 1979 KE
144pp. K.shs.220.00
Erasmus, B. Even with insects. ISBN: 014302485X 250pp. R83.33 Penguin SA 2005 SA Erasmus, B. Kaleidoscope. ISBN: 0143024885 212pp. R83.33 Penguin SA 2004 SA Erlwanger, B. Of man and lion. 120pp. ill. K.shs.275.00 ($7.50/£3.95) EAEP 1996 KE Escriva, J. Furrow. 2nd ed. ISBN: 996688209X col.ill.pl. ($5.00) Scepter 2004 KE Essien, J.E Giant of the cemetry. Delta 1985 NR
288pp. N4.50
Essien, J.E In the shadow of death. 186pp. N81.30 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR Essien, J.E. Nerissa four. Drums of faith. ISBN: 9781565187 242pp. ($16.95/9.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Essien, J.E. Nerissa one. The story of love. ISBN: 9781564814 208pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Essien, J.E. Nerissa three. Streams from the mountain. ISBN: 9781564822 164pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Essien, J.E. Nerissa two. A matter of conscience. ISBN: 9781564822 148pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Essilfi-Turkson, J. The agony of a jealous wife. C300.00 Adwinsa 1986 GH
Essop, A. The emperor. 2nd ed. 189pp. R32.95 Ravan 1995 SA Essop, A. The hajji and other stories. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1770100059 132pp. R95.00 Picador 2004 SA
144pp. ($12.00/£6.00)
Fanouris, M., Fanouris, L. Meskel. An Ethiopian family saga (19261981). 504pp. pl.col.pl. ($12.95/£7.99) Jacaranda 1995 KE Farah, N. Gifts. ISBN: 0795701284 280pp. R120.00 Kwela 2001 SA [South Africa only]
Fregona, C. The waiting place. ISBN: 1869003063 244pp. R102.00 (£7.00) UmSinsi 2001 SA Fugard, A. The captain’s tiger. 88pp. pl. R39.94 Witwatersrand UP 1997 SA [Southern Africa only] Fugard, A. Hello and goodbye. - SA 1994 SA Fugard, A. Marigolds in August. 1995 SA
96pp. R74.99 OUP
R30.95 Donker
Fugard, A. Tsotsi. ISBN: 0868522171 R69.95 Donker 1998 SA Fugard, S. Castaways. new ed. ISBN: 0868522252 R89.95 Donker 2002 SA Fuja, A. Fourteen hundred cowries. cd. 164pp. ill. N4.50k Univ Press - Nig 1962 NR Fulani, D. Flight 800. 112pp. N90.00 ($3.95/£3.00) Spectrum 1983 NR Fulani, D. No condition is permanent. 77pp. N65.00 ($2.60) Spectrum 1981 NR
Farah, N. Links. ISBN: 0795701535 304pp. R150.00 Kwela 2003 SA
Fulani, D. No telephone to heaven. 112pp. N65.00 ($2.60) Spectrum 1982 NR
Farmer, N. Tapiwa’s uncle. 85pp. Z$52.95 College Press -Zimb 1993 ZI
Fuller, A. Don’t let’s go to the dogs tonight. 4th ed. ISBN: 0770100024 320pp. R95.00 Picador 2004 SA [Southern Africa only]
Farmer, R. The pink pamaniensis. 82pp. Z$59.95 College Press -Zimb 1991 ZI Femrite Shock waves across the ocean. ISBN: 9970700030 176pp. Femrite 2004 UG Ferguson, M. Smacked. ISBN: 1770070486 320pp. Oshun 2005 SA Ferreira, J. Catharina. R59.95 Human and Rousseau 1995[?] SA Fig, D. Uranium road. ISBN: 1770090924 128pp. R95.00 ($13.00/£8.00) Jacana 2005 SA Finlay, A., Salafranca, A. Glass jars among trees. ISBN: 1919931236 188pp. R150.00 ($14.50/ £12.00) Jacana 2003 SA Fiore, R. This year’s black. ISBN: 1770070362 352pp. R99.95 Oshun 2004 SA Fitzpatrick, P. Jock of the bushveld. 1995 SA Fleischer, A. Children of Adamastor. Philip 1994 SA
R69.95 Donker
176pp. R43.95
Fleischer, A. Okavango gods. ISBN: 0864864108 224pp. R54.95 Philip 1998 SA Ford, F. Strange adventures. 68pp. Z$49.95 ($2.00/£1.15) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI Francis, F. A distant cry. 1996 SA
150pp. (£5.99) Vivlia
Fuller, A. Scribbling the cat. ISBN: 1770100016 258pp. R142.00 Picador 2004 SA [Southern Africa only] Fyle, C. Blood brothers. 299pp. K.shs.340.00 ($5.60/£3.50) Longhorn - Ken 1996 KE Fynn, R. W. The lost bone. 224pp. ill. ($7.60) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI Gakaara wa Wanjau Mau Mau author in detention. trans.f.t. Gikuyu by P.N. Njoroge 252pp. K.shs.375.00 ($18.00/£9.95) EAEP 1988 KE Gakwandi, A. Kosiya Kifefe. 298pp. K.shs.525.00 ($11.25/£6.25) EAEP 1998 KE Galgut, D. The beautiful screaming of pigs. ISBN: 0143024655 160pp. R83.33 Penguin SA 2002 SA [Southern Africa only] Galgut, D. The good doctor. ISBN: 0143024566 215pp. R83.33 Penguin SA 2003 SA [Southern Africa only] Galgut, D. The quarry. 193pp. R72.00 Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA Galgut, D. Small circle of beings. ISBN: 0143024663 180pp. R83.33 Penguin SA 2001 SA [Southern Africa only] Galgut, D. Strategy and siege. ISBN: 0143024876 64pp. R17.54 Penguin SA 2000 SA [Southern Africa] Gallmann, K. African nights.
R89.99 Penguin SA SA
Gallmann, K. I dreamed of Africa. SA SA
R37.99 Penguin
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature—Fiction
Subject index
Gateria, W. Black gold of Chepkube. 138pp. K.shs.300.00 EAEP 1984 KE
Githinji, S. Struggling for survival. Lit Bureau 1983 KE
Gazemba, S.A. The stone hills of Maragoli. ISBN: 9966917217 266pp. K.shs.320.00 ($5.50) Acacia 2002 KE
Goosen, J. Not all of us. 1994 SA
Gbadamosi, R. Behold my redeemer. 43pp. N8.00 Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR Gbadamosi, R. Sunset over Nairobi. 140pp. N203.20 ($7.95/£4.25) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1992 NR Genga-Idowu, F.M. Lady in chains. 204pp. K.shs.240.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1994 KE Genga-Idowu, F.M. My heart on trial. 186pp. K.shs.310.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1998 KE Genya, M. Links of a chain. 292pp. K.shs.475.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1995 KE Genya, M. The wrong kind of girl. ISBN: 9966252282 262pp. R400.00 EAEP 2004 KE Geteria, W. Nice people. 190pp. K.shs.290.00 ($7.95/£4.25) EAEP 1991 KE Ghalem, A. A wife for my son. 218pp. ($50.90) ZPH 1987 ZI [Southern Africa only] Gibbon, P. Margaret Harding. new ed. 344pp. R44.99 Philip 1983 SA Gicheru, M. Across the bridge. 176pp. K.shs.250.00 Longhorn - Ken 1979 KE Gicheru, M. The double-cross. K.shs.250.00 Longhorn - Ken 1983 KE Gicheru, M. The ivory merchant. EAEP 1976 KE
88pp. K.shs.220.00
Gicheru, M. The mixers. 220pp. K.shs.270.00 Longhorn - Ken 1991 KE Gicheru, M. Two in one. ISBN: 9966497870 K.shs.280.00 ($3.70) Longhorn - Ken 2002 KE
152pp. Kenya
168pp. R44.95 Queillerie
Gopaul, B. The changing pattern. (The old immigrant). 290pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Océan Indien Ed 1995 MF Gordimer, N. Burger’s daughter. SA
R42.99 Penguin SA
Gordimer, N. The conservationist. SA SA Gordimer, N. A guest of honour. SA
R29.99 Penguin
R42.99 Penguin SA
Gordimer, N. The house gun. ISBN: 0864864256 cd. 294pp. R99.95 Philip 1998 SA Gordimer, N. July’s people.
R42.99 Penguin SA SA
Gordimer, N. Jump and other stories. Penguin SA 1991 SA Gordimer, N. The late bourgeois world. Penguin SA SA
Gordimer, N. My son’s story. SA 1990 SA Gordimer, N. Selected stories. SA
278pp. R42.99 Penguin
R49.99 Penguin SA
Gordimer, N. Six feet of the country. Penguin SA SA
Gordimer, N. A soldier’s embrace. SA SA
R42.99 Penguin
Gordimer, N. Something out there. Penguin SA 1984 SA
203pp. R13.95
Gordimer, N. A sport of nature. 400pp. R49.99 Penguin SA 1987 SA Gordimer, N. Why haven’t you written? Penguin SA SA
Gimba, A. Innocent victims. 1988 NR
Gordimer, N. A world of strangers. SA SA
Gimba, A. Sunset for a mandarin. 294pp. N45.00 West African Bk 1991 NR Gimba, A. A toast in the cemetery. ISBN: 9782335691 190pp. N350.00 Delta 2002 NR Gimba, A. Trail of sacrifice. 1985 NR Gimba, A. Witnesses to tears. 1987 NR
256pp. N4.50 Delta
170pp. N5.00 Delta
Githae, C.K. Comrade Inmate. 304pp. K.shs.360.00 ($10.00/£6.25) EAEP 1993 KE Githae, C.K. A worm in the head. 305pp. K.shs.375.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1989 KE Githinji, S. Recovering without treatment. Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE
Gordimer, N. Loot. ISBN: 0864866321 cd. 256pp. R175.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA
Gimba, A. Footprints. ISBN: 9780230688 307pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Malthouse 1998 NR 155pp. N10.00 Delta
257pp. R34.99
R42.99 Penguin
Govender, R. At the edge and other Cato Manor stories. 159pp. map R48.95 ($9.75/£5.90) Hibbard 1996 SA Gray, S. My serial killer. ISBN: 1770090932 256pp. R95.00 ($13.00/£8.00) Jacana 2005 SA Groenink, E. Dulcie: a murder in Paris. ISBN: 0958434077 130pp. M&G 2001 SA Grosskopf, H. Artistic graves. A political thriller. 132pp. (£6.99) Ravan 1995 SA Guchu, W. Sketches of high density life. ISBN: 1779330316 72pp. Weaver 2004 ZI Gyamfuaa-Fofie, A. The agony of an African woman. 3rd ed. ISBN: 9964995148 91pp. C25,000 ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2004 GH Gyamfuaa-Fofie, A. Because she was a woman. 3rd ed. ISBN: 9964903855 106pp. C25,000 ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2000 GH
Gyamfuaa-Fofie, A. Desperate intervention. 3rd ed. ISBN: 9964995393 118pp. C25,000 ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2004 GH Gyamfuaa-Fofie, A. A dream come true. ISBN: 9964995407 178pp. C25,000 ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2001[?] GH Gyamfuaa-Fofie, A. The forbidden love. 4th ed. ISBN: 9964904207 144pp. C25,000 ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2004 GH Gyamfuaa-Fofie, A. The game is patience. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9964995032 115pp. ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2004 GH Gyamfuah-Fofie, A. Heaven will judge her differently. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9964995636 167pp. C25,000 ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2000 GH Gyamfuaa-Fofie, A. In search of revenge. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9964995288 106pp. C25,000 ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2004 GH Gyamfuaa-Fofie, A. Murder at sunset. 3rd ed. ISBN: 9964995412 97pp. C25,000 ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2005 GH Gyamfuaa-Fofie, A. One more chance. 3rd ed. ISBN: 996499527X 104pp. C25,000 ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2000 GH Gyamfuaa-Fofie, A. Only the fittest can survive. 3rd ed. ISBN: 9964904134 136pp. C25,000 ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2000 GH Gyamfuaa-Fofie, A. The price of jealousy. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9964995989 115pp. ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2004 GH Gyamfuaa-Fofie, A. Rest after labour. ISBN: 9964995520 140pp. ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2004 GH Gyamfuaa-Fofie, A. Suffered because of love. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9964995024 103pp. C25,000 ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2000 GH Gyamfuaa-Fofie, A. The tested love. 6th ed. ISBN: 9964995401 116pp. C25,000 ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2000 GH Gyamfuaa-Fofie, A. You can’t always win. 4th ed. ISBN: 9964995245 112pp. C25,000 ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2004 GH Gyamfuah-Fofie, A. Desperate intervention. 3rd ed. ISBN: 9964995393 118pp. C25,000 ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2004 GH Gyamfuah-Fofie, A. Heaven will judge her differently. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9964995636 167pp. C25,000 ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2000 GH Gyamfuua-Fofie, A. The game is patience. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9964995032 115pp. C25,000 ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2000 GH Gyamfuua-Fofie, A. The price of jealousy. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9964995989 115pp. C25,000 ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2000 GH Gyamfuua-Fofie, A. Rest after labour. ISBN: 9964995520 140pp. ($5.00) Beginners Publ 2004 GH Haastrup Eavesdropping, essays and travel notes. 129pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Bookcraft 1992 NR Habila, H. Prison stories. ISBN: 9783039725 136pp. ($9.95/£5.95) Epik 2001 NR Haden, R. The tin church. ISBN: 0864866356 240pp. R140.00 New Africa Ed SA 2004 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 24
African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature—Fiction
Hajji, A. The third prophecy. ISBN: 0958470863 156pp. R142.00 Picador 2004 SA
Hough, B. Dream chariot. 1993 SA
Hammond, S.N. In my father’s land. A song to the child. ISBN: 9964702418 170pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Afram 2000 GH
Hove, C. Ancestors. 200pp. Z$123.95 ($6.00/ £3.75) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI
Hampate Ba, A. The fortunes of Wangrin. trans.f.t. French by A.P. Taylor cd. 320pp. ($24.00/£13.50) New Horn NR Hanson, B. Takadini. ISBN: 0797418180 142pp. N250.00 ($2.00) Literamed 1997 NR [Also published by EAEP, Kenya ISBN 9966250654] Hart, L. Exploring our voices. ISBN: 0195781937 R215.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Hassim, A. The lotus people. ISBN: 1919855076 528pp. R160.00 ($30.00/£25.00) STE 2003 SA Hauwa, A. Victory.
105pp. N15.00 Delta 1989 NR
Haward, P. Do I have to kneel? ISBN: 9970024957 281pp. ($14.95) (£9.95) Fountain PublUg 2005 UG Head, B. The cardinals: with meditations and short stories. 192pp. R49.49 Philip 1993 SA Hein Paul and Virginie. 159pp. ($12.50/£6.25) Océan Indien Ed 1975 MF Heisey, N.R. Origen the Egyptian. ISBN: 9966215251 240pp. 420.00 ($6.00) Paulines 2000 KE Henson, P. Case closed. A detective story set in Zimbabwe. ISBN: 0869227734 150pp. ($17.95/£8.95) Mambo 2004 ZI Hetherington, I. The forgotten heroes. 126pp. ill. R40.00 Free Market Found 1994 SA Hewitt, M. Robbery at the dump. 27pp. ill. Z$39.95 College Press -Zimb 1993 ZI Heyns, M. The children’s day. ISBN: 1868421252 cd. R114.95 Ball 2002 SA Heyns, M. The reluctant passenger. ISBN: 1868421600 cd. R139.95 Ball 2004 SA Himunyanga-Phiri, T.V. The legacy. 58pp. Z$38.43 ($7.50/ £4.00) ZPH 1992 ZI Hirson, D. The house next door to Africa. R44.99 Philip 1986 SA
Hiyalwa, K. Meekulu’s children. ISBN: 9991631712 119pp. ($9.95/£6.95) New Namibia 2000 SX Hobbs, J. The telling of Angus Quain. R99.95 Ball 1997 SA
Hokororo, A.M. Salma’s spirit. 140pp. T.shs.3,000 ($7.50/£3.95) Mkuki na Nyota 1997 TZ Holi, D. Breaking chains. 208pp. K.shs.275.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1966 KE Holmes, T. Dawn is coming. ISBN: 9982210080 132pp. K8,000 ($3.00/£2.00) Bookworld 1997 ZA Horn, P. My voice is under control now. ISBN: 0795700865 120pp. R79.95 Kwela 1999 SA Horwitz, A.K. Un/common ground. ISBN: 0620297255 182pp. ill. Botsotso 2002 SA
96pp. R64.99 OUP - SA
Hove, C. Bones. 112pp. ill. ($8.50/£4.95) Baobab - Zimb 1988 ZI Hove, C. Rainbows in the dust. ISBN: 1779090013 61pp. ($6.50/£3.50) Baobab - Zimb 1998 ZI Hove, C. Shadows. 108pp. Z$16.00 Baobab Zimb 1991 ZI Hove, C. Shebeen tales. Messages from Harare. 128pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Baobab - Zimb 1997 ZI Hozo, G.G. Mind in turmoil. 1998 ZI
124pp. Z$80.00 ZBDC
Ike, C. Sunset at dawn. A novel of the Biafran war. 252pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Univ Press - Nig 1993 NR Ike, C. To my husband from Iowa. 268pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Malthouse 1996 NR Ike, C. Toads for supper. 192pp. ($11.60) Univ Press - Nig 1991 NR Ikejiani, O. Nkemdilim. ISBN: 9781565233 295pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Ikonne, C. Born twin. 98pp. ($2.60/£1.00) K.shs.16.00 Kenya Lit Bureau KE Imbuga, F. Miracle of Remera. ISBN: 9966818138 217pp. K.shs.300.00 Africawide 2002 KE Imbuga, F. The successor. EAEP 1979 KE
66pp. K.shs.255.00
Huggins, D. Stained earth. ISBN: 1779220324 161pp. Weaver 2004 ZI
Imbuga, F.D. Shrine of tears. 240pp. K.shs.300.00 Longhorn - Ken 1993 KE
Humphrey, D. The end of dark street. 191pp. N12.50 Longman - Nig 1992 NR
Imenda, S. Unmarried wife. 142pp. K.shs.415.00 ($7.50/£3.95) EAEP 1998 KE [East Africa only]
Idahosa, P. Truth and tragedy. 140pp. N105.70 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1989 NR Ifoegbuna, I. Born to lead. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781421932 130pp. ill. N120.00 ($2.00/£1.50) Literamed 2000 NR Ifoegbuna, I. A man’s destiny. ISBN: 9781424419 150pp. N200.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2003 NR Ifoegbuna, I. Trials of Kelechi. ISBN: 9781423811 135pp. N150.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2004 NR Igbo, O. Tiena. 88pp. ill.pl. N61.80 ($2.25/£1.50) Inselberg 1991 NR Igudia, O. No better chance. ISBN: 9781424923 230pp. N200.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR Igwe, B.C. Crime wave. ISBN: 9781565128 102pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Ijeh, C. State of chaos. Delta 1985 NR
160pp. (£1.75) N3.50
Ike, C. The bottled leopard. 172pp. ($14.50) Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR Ike, C. The chicken chasers. new ed. ISBN: 978030715X 186pp. ($9.95/£5.95) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR Ike, C. Expo ’77. new ed. ISBN: 9780302417 190pp. ($11.60) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR
Irungu, J. Circle of betrayal. 118pp. ill. K.shs.180.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1987 KE Irungu, J. The lost generation. 156pp. ill. K.shs.180.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1985 KE Isola, A. Madam Tinubu. The terror in Lagos. ISBN: 978129390X 132pp. N300.00 ($8.50/£4.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR Iyayi, F. Awaiting court martial. 255pp. ($10.00/ £6.25) Malthouse 1996 NR Jacana 7th street alchemy - Caine prize for African writing 2004. ISBN: 1770091459 232pp. R125.00 (£10.00) ($17.00) Jacana 2005 SA Jacana Discovering home - Caine prize for African writing 2002. ISBN: 1919931554 240pp. R174.95 (£14.00) ($24.00) Jacana 2005 SA Jacana A is for ancestors - Caine prize for African writing. ISBN: 1770090274 304pp. R129.00 (£10.50) ($17.50) Jacana 2004 SA Jackson, S. The great Barnato. 1989 SA
R26.98 Penguin SA
Jacobs, R. Confessions of a gambler. ISBN: 0795701608 R115.00 Kwela 2003 SA Jacobs, R. Eyes of the sky. 240pp. R94.95 (£13.95) Kwela 1996 SA
Ike, C. The naked gods. new ed. ISBN: 9780307141 254pp. ($11.60) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR
Jacobs, R. Postcards from South Africa. ISBN: 1919930612 208pp. R110.00 Double Storey 2004 SA
Ike, C. Our children are coming. 341pp. N390.00 ($12.50/£6.95) Spectrum 1990 NR
Jacobs, R. Sachs Street. ISBN: 0795701055 288pp. R115.00 Kwela 2001 SA
Ike, C. The potter’s wheel. 223pp. ($10.00/ £6.25) Univ Press - Nig 1993 NR Ike, C. The search. 260pp. N186.95 ($8.50/ £4.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1991 NR
Jacobs, R. The slave book. ISBN: 0795700784 300pp. R99.95 Kwela 1998 SA Jacobs, S. Light in a stark age. (Staffrider series, 25) 139pp. R12.50 Ravan 1984 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature—Fiction
Subject index
Jacobson, D. The trap and, A dance in the sun. new ed. 205pp. R47.50 Philip 1985 SA
Kala, V. Waste not your tears. 73pp. ($7.50/ £3.95) Baobab - Zimb 1994 ZI
Jacoby, A. Abimbolu. new ed. 112pp. N210.00 ($3.40/£2.50) Spectrum 1994 NR
Kalimugogo, G. Sandu the prince. Bureau 1982 KE
Jaffer, Z. Our generation. ISBN: 0795701489 164pp. pl. R110.00 Kwela 2003 SA
Kalitera, A. A prisoner’s letter. EAEP 1978 KE
Jaja The halt in society. 26pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Univ Lagos Press 1990 NR
Kalitera, A.E. A taste of business. 106pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1978 KE
Jamal, A. Love themes for the wilderness. 304pp. R89.95 (£13.95) Kwela 1996 SA
Kambikambi, C. A gem for the pasha. 215pp. K3,500 ($2.78/£1.82) ZEPH 1996 ZA
Jenkins, V. Hangman’s treasure. 123pp. Z$8.95 Longman - Zimb 1989 ZI
Kamkondo, D. Children of the lake. 103pp. K4.95 Popular Publ 1987 MW
Jhuboo, G. The nest and the nestlings. 121pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Océan Indien Ed 1993 MF
Kamkondo, D. For the living. 1989 MW
Jikong, S.G. I did so swear, but ... 48pp. CFA500.00 Univ Yaoundé 1985 CM
Kandakai, D.E.S. The village son. ISBN: 9964721773 144pp. ($9.95/£5.95) Sedco 2001 GH
Kimenye, B. Kalasanda. 1993 KE
Joel, L. Your roots, grandson and other stories. 144pp. ($4.00) PPCC 2003 TZ
Kanengoni, A. Echoing silences. 90pp. ($11.25/£6.25) Baobab - Zimb 1997 ZI
Kimenye, B. Kalasanda revisited. 104pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1994 KE
Johnson, K.A. A soldier’s testimony. Woeli 1999 GH
Kanengoni, A. Effortless tears. 114pp. ill. ($12.50/ £6.95) Baobab - Zimb 1993 ZI
Kimenye, B. The mating game. 138pp. ill. K.shs180.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1992 KE
Johnson, T. Murder at dawn. 126pp. N90.00 ($3.60) Spectrum 1995 NR
Kangende, K. The mistress. ISBN: 9982848038 88pp. ($5.00) Minta 2002 ZA
Kingsley, O. Sorrows of the wicked. 1996 NR
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Art and craft syllabus. 24pp. K.shs.3.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1976 KE
Kangende, K. Night whispers. ISBN: 9882848011 172pp. ($5.00) Minta 2000 ZA
Kingwill, P. The world we live in: fact finder. R54.99 OUP - SA 1995 SA
Jones, B. To dream again. ISBN: 0795701373 296pp. R120.00 Kwela 2002 SA
Karamagi, C. Bulemu the bastard. Bureau 1980 KE
Kirby, R. Songs of the cockroach. ISBN: 0864865252 419pp. Spearhead 2002 SA
Jones, H. The moon’s on fire. ISBN: 999160138X 83pp. N$33.00 Gamsberg 1998 SX
Karanja, D. The girl was mine. 282pp. K.shs.435.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1993 KE
Kiriamiti, J. My life in crime. EAEP 1980 KE
Jordan, A.C. Wrath of the ancestors. ISBN: 0868522287 R149.95 Donker 2004 SA
Karanja, N. The pygates. ISBN: 9966974113 344pp. Neluth 2002 KE
Kiriamiti, J. My life in prison. ISBN: 9966253424 292pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 2004 KE
Joseph, H. Side by side.
Karodia, F. Against an African sky and other stories. 168pp. R49.99 Philip 1995 SA
Kiriamiti, J. My life with a criminal: Milly’s story. 216pp. K.shs.300.00 ($7.50/£3.95) EAEP 1984 KE
258pp. C30,000
R79.95 Donker 1995 SA
Joubert, E. Isobelle’s journey. ISBN: 1868421333 cd. R119.95 Ball 2004 SA Joubert, E. The long journey of Poppie Nongena. ISBN: 1868421457 R119.95 Ball 2003 SA Kaberuka, J. Silent patience. ISBN: 9970901072 220pp. ($9.95/£5.95) Femrite 1999 UG Kabumba, I. Inidi kenyanje. 153pp. Ushs.8,000 ($4.00) Nyonyi 2000 UG Kabumba, I. The wedding ring and other stories. 232pp. U.shs.20,000 ($22.50) Nyonyi 1992 UG
185pp. Kenya Lit
140pp. K.shs.220.00
180pp. K10.50. Dzuka
201pp. Kenya Lit
Karodia, F. Boundaries. ISBN: 0143024329 285pp. R87.72 Penguin SA 2004 SA Katuliiba, P. Agony in her voice. 156pp. 90p. Macmillan - Kenya 1981 KE Kayira, B.M.C. Tremors of the jungle. 160pp. R59.95 (£6.95) Kwela 1996 SA Kempadoo, O. Buxton spice. ISBN: 086852218X R69.95 Donker 1998 SA Keshubi, H. Going solo. 70pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1997 UG
Kahari, T. Broken pillars. ISBN: 1779003781 133pp. Z$216.95 ($3.95/£2.71) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI
Khoza, M. Epics of the zebra pathways in black and white. ISBN: 1869006828 112pp. R100.00 UmSinsi 2005 SA
Kahiga, S. Dedan Kimathi: the real story. Longhorn - Ken 1990 KE
Khuzwayo, Z. Never been at home. new ed. ISBN: 0864866410 154pp. (£10.95) Philip 2004 SA
Kahiga, S. Flight to Juba. 208pp. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 1980 KE Kahiga, S. Lover in the sky. (Spear Books, 2) 84pp. K.shs.275.00 EAEP 1975 KE Kahiga, S. Paradise farm. 304pp. K.shs.300.00 Longhorn - Ken 1993 KE Kahiga, S. When the stars are scattered. ISBN: 9966497978 K.shs.230.00 ($3.20) Longhorn - Ken 2000 KE
Kibe, E. The old woman of the river and other stories. 111pp. ill. K.shs.30.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1986 KE Kibera, L., Kahiga, S. Potent ash. K.shs.220.00 ($6.00) Phoenix 1972 KE Kibera, N. The grapevine stories. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966882200 208pp. K.shs.260.00 ($8.00) Focus 2000 KE
Kibugi, W. Painful tears. 143pp. K.shs.140.00 ($2.35/£1.40) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1996 KE Kibugi, W. Three instead of one. 209pp. K.shs.228.00 ($3.80/£2.30) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1996 KE Kikamba, S. Going home. ISBN: 0795701772 256pp. R125.00 Kwela 2005 SA Kimani, J.K. The life and times of a bank robber. 198pp. K.shs.275.00 EAEP 1989 KE Kimani, P. Before the rooster crows. ISBN: 9966251553 174pp. K.shs.320.00 ($16.95/£9.95) EAEP 2002 KE Kimenye, B. Beauty queen. (Secondary readers, 8) 134pp. ill. K.shs.2000.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1997 KE 104pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP
144pp. Christon
72pp. K.shs.300.00
Kiriamiti, J. The sinister trophy. ISBN: 9966466835 192pp. K.shs.310.00 ($9.95/£5.95) EAEP 2000 KE Kiriamiti, J. Son of fate. 280pp. K.shs.415.00 ($12.50/£6.95) EAEP 1994 KE Kisiki, B. The kind gang. ISBN: 9970923411 75pp. Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG Kitching, G. Bracelet 12-005-35700. ISBN: 1869002849 155pp. R85.00 (£6.00) UmSinsi 2001 SA Kitereza, A. Mr Myombekere and his wife Bugonoka. Their son Ntulanalwo and daughter Bulihwali: the story of an ancient African community. trans.f.t. Kiswahili by Gabriel Ruhumbika ISBN: 9976686389 718pp. T.shs.25,000 ($49.95/£29.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2003 TZ Kiyeng, S. Echoes of two worlds. Bureau 1985 KE Kizito, L. Esther. CM
280pp. Kenya Lit
184pp. CFA1,500 Patron 1993
Koboekae, M. Taung Wells. ISBN: 079570187X 152pp. R110.00 Kwela 2004 SA Koin, N. The second chance. Bounty 1986 NR
128pp. N190.00
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26
African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature—Fiction
Krampah, D.E.K. A message to Anna. Adwinsa 1990 GH
Langa, M. The naked song and other stories. 160pp. R49.49 Philip 1996 SA
Louw, D. Love lasts. 1996 SA
Kriel, E. Close the door softly behind you ... ISBN: 1770070397 384pp. Oshun 2005 SA
Langa, M. Tenderness of blood. (ZPH Writers Series, 31) 427pp. Z$71.20 ($13.75/ £7.50) ZPH 1987 ZI
Lugya, J.M. Payment in kind. Bureau KE
Kriel, M. Rings in a tree. ISBN: 079570190X 260pp. R120.00 Kwela 2004 SA
Lang’at, K.P.A. No surrender. ISBN: 996644422X 80pp. Kenya Lit Bureau 2002 KE
Krüger, G. Zink. 96pp. R37.95 (£5.95) Kwela 1996 SA
Langha, K. Journal to Patricia. Patron 1998 CM
Krüger, K. All things wild and wonderful. 275pp. ill.col.pl. R87.72 Penguin SA 1996 SA
Langha, K. An ostrich in the rain forest. CFA3,000 Patron 1998 CM
Krukru, P. The weeping soul. Delta 1984 NR
Lanham, P., Mopeli-Paulus, A.S. Blanket boy’s moon. new ed. 320pp. R49.99 Philip 1984 SA
Lutterodt, G.D. The Asuogya gang. 72pp. ill. C3,500 ($4.00/£2.25) Afram 1992 GH
Kulet Ole, H.R. Daughter of Maa. 172pp. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 1987 KE
le Roux, W. Shadow bird. ISBN: 079570108X 192pp. R110.00 Kwela 2000 SA
Lux Verbi Gospel Road. ISBN: 0869976176 cd. R34.95 Lux Verbi 1998 SA
Kumassah, L.D. The roar of the thunder god. ISBN: 9964721560 361pp. ($11.95/£6.65) Sedco 2000 GH
Lee, H. Girl from the mountain. 136pp. R29.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1995 SA
Lwanda, J.L.C. The second harvest. ISBN: 0952223317 125pp. ($18.00/£10.00) Dudu Nsomba 1998 MW
48pp. C400.00
54pp. 85p. N2.50
Kunene, D.P. From the pit of hell to the spring of life. (Staffrider series, 26) 137pp. R10.50 Ravan 1986 SA Kurahchie, K.A. In search of vengeance. ISBN: 9964782691 76pp. C10,000 Asempa 2000 GH Kuzwayo, E. Call me woman. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0958470820 301pp. R95.00 Picador 2004 SA Kwei Armah, A. The healers. 2000 SG
352pp. ($17.00) Per Ankh
Kwei Armah, A. KMT: in the house of life. 352pp. ($17.00) Per Ankh 2002 SG Kwei Armah, A. Two thousand seasons. Per Ankh 2000 SG
317pp. ($16.00)
Kyererwaa, A. Kimberlite flame. ISBN: 9988550340 111pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Sub-Saharan 2002 GH Kyomuhendo, G. The first daughter. 113pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1996 UG Kyomuhendo, G. Secrets no more. ISBN: 9970901052 168pp. ($9.95/£5.95) Femrite 1999 UG la Guma, A. In the fog of the season’s end. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 1972 KE
la Guma, A. The stone country. new ed. 160pp. R49.99 Philip 1991 SA
230pp. CFA3,000
Leipoldt, C.L. Chameleon on the gallows. ISBN: 0798139986 248pp. (£10.99) Human and Rousseau 2000 SA Leipoldt, C.L. Stoomwrack. ISBN: 0798140399 304pp. (£12.50) Human and Rousseau 2000 SA Leipoldt, C.L. The valley. A trilogy comprising Gallows Gecko, Stormwrack and The Mask. ISBN: 0620278161 560pp. (£20.00) Stormberg 2002 SA Lema, E. Parched earth. ISBN: 9987622224 224pp. ($14.95/£8.95) E&D 2001 TZ Lemon, D. Killercat. ISBN: 1779003129 190pp. College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Leroux, E. Isis, Isis, Isis. cd. R54.95 Human and Rousseau 1969 SA
Luthuli, T. The spilling of blood. 1999 SA
488pp. Gariep
Mabura, L. The Pretoria conspiracy. ISBN: 9966882464 420pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Focus 2000 KE Macgoye, M.O. Chira. 175pp. K.shs.415.00 ($8.50/ £4.95) EAEP 1996 KE Macgoye, M.O. Coming to birth. EAEP 1986 KE
150pp. K.shs.320.00
Macgoye, M.O. Homing in. 212pp. K.shs.370.00 ($8.50/ £4.95) EAEP 1994 KE Macgoye, M.O. The present moment. 68pp. K.shs.475.00 EAEP 1983 KE Macgoye, M.O. Street life. 102pp. K.shs.235.00 ($6.50/ £3.50) EAEP 1987 KE
Macharia, D.N. The smasher. 1984 KE
Lewis, D.T. Negotiating in the 21st century. ISBN: 1868726576 184pp. Zebra 2002 SA
MacKenzie, C. The Rooinek and other Boer war stories. ISBN: 0798140313 86pp. ill. (£7.99) Human and Rousseau 2000 SA
Lewis, E. Wild deer. 1984 SA
new ed. 347pp. R47.50 Philip
Lilemba, J.M. Power is sweet. ISBN: 9991621989 67pp. (£5.99) Out of Africa - Namibia 2003 SX
Lipenga, K. Waiting for a turn. (Malawian Writers Series, 6) 122pp. K3.50 Popular Publ 1981 MW
Lambkin, D. The voyeur. ISBN: 0143024884 64pp. R17.54 Penguin SA 2000 SA
lo Liyong, T. The uniformed man and other stories. 2nd 68pp. ($2.00/£1.00) K.shs.8.70 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE
376pp. R84.95
Lupeng, M. Crackle at midnight. ISBN: 9781293470 164pp. N450.00 ($10.00/£6.25) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR
Lewis, C. The city kid. 2nd ed. 96pp. (£3.00) Africa Christian 1992 GH
Lambkin, D. Night jasmine man. ISBN: 014302437X 382pp. R83.33 Penguin SA 2002 SA [Southern africa only]
Langa, M. The memory of stones. Philip 2000 SA
Lunga, V. Desperate choices. ISBN: 1779011954 116pp. ZPH 2003 ZI
Macgoye, M.O. Victoria and murder in Majengo. 214pp. ill. K.shs.250.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1993 KE
Lindsay, R. Rachael - woman of the night. ISBN: 0795701705 246pp. R139.00 Kwela 2003 SA
Landsman, A. Devil’s chimney. ISBN: 1868420620 R69.95 Ball 1998 SA
175pp. Kenya Lit
Levy, B. Burning bright. ISBN: 0795701888 300pp. R120.00 Kwela 2004 SA
Lambkin, D. The hanging tree. 385pp. R85.00 Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA
Lambkins, D. Hanging tree. 382pp. R87.72R49.00 Penguin SA 1996 SA
160pp. R52.85 Lux Verbi
Lockwood A cry from the wild. 96pp. ($35.00/ £19.95) EAEP 1989 KE Lokko, C.O.E. Touch of love. 80pp. C2.95 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1977 GH Lötter, E. It’s me Anna. trans.f.t. Afrikaans by Marianne Thamm ISBN: 0795702027 224pp. R94.95 Kwela 2005 SA
154pp. Kenya Lit Bureau
Madanhire, N. Goatsmell. 116pp. K.shs.275.00 EAEP 1996 KE [East Africa only] Madanhire, N. If the wind blew. 108pp. ill. ($5.90) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Magajiza, S.S. Lady from America. PPCC 2004 TZ
82pp. ($3.00)
Magana, S. To my children’s children. [Autobiographical fiction.] 1990 SA
R44.99 Philip
Magona, S. Living, loving and lying awake at night. 196pp. Philip 1991 SA Magona, S. Mother to mother. ISBN: 0864864337 224pp. R59.95 Philip 1998 SA Magona, S. Push-push and other stories. R33.95 Philip 1996 SA
Mahamadou, H.S. Abboki. 57pp. CFA500.00 NEAS 1978 SG FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature—Fiction
Subject index
Maillu, D. Broken drum. [Africa’s longest novel.] 1121pp. K.shs.556.00 ($12.00/£7.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1991 KE Maillu, D.G. After 4.30. (Comb Books in English, 2) 220pp. ($3.00) K.shs.13.00 Comb 1974 KE Maillu, D.G. The Ayah. 178pp. K.shs.290.00 ($10.00/£6.25) EAEP 1986 KE Maillu, D.G. Ben Kamba 009. Operation DXT. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1985 KE
Maillu, D.G. Dear daughter. (Letters, 2) 59pp. ($1.20) K.shs.6.00 Comb 1976 KE Maillu, D.G. Dear Monika. (Letters, 1) 64pp. ($1.20) K.shs.6.00 Comb 1976 KE Maillu, D.G. Equatorial assignment. 156pp. 90p. Macmillan - Kenya 1981 KE Maillu, D.G. For Mbatha and Rabeka. 156pp. 90p. Macmillan - Kenya 1980 KE Maillu, D.G. Kadosa. (Comb Books in English, 12) 190pp. ($3.00) K.shs.15.00 Comb 1977 KE Maillu, D.G. The kommon man. bk.1(Comb Books in English, 5) 290pp. ($3.00) K.shs.15.00 Comb 1975 KE Maillu, D.G. The kommon man. bk.3(Comb Books in English, 7) 259pp. ($3.00) K.shs.15.00 Comb 1976 KE Maillu, D.G. The kommon man. bk.2(Comb Books in English 6) 300pp. ($3.00) K.shs.15.00 Comb 1975 KE Maillu, D.G. My dear bottle. (Comb Books in English, 1) 167pp. ($2.40) K.shs.12.00 Comb 1974 KE Maillu, D.G. No. (Mini Novels, 3) 148pp. ($2.00) K.shs.10.00 Comb 1976 KE Maillu, D.G. P.O. Box I love you, via my heart. 170pp. K.shs.58.00 Maillu 1991 KE Maillu, D.G. Thorns of life. 124pp. ill. Macmillan Kenya 1988 KE Maillu, D.G. Troubles. (Mini Novels, 2) 187pp. ($2.00) K.shs.10.00 Comb 1974 KE Maillu, D.G. Unfit for human consumption. (Mini Novels, 1) 93pp. ($1.20) K.shs.6.00 Comb 1973 KE Maillu, D.G. Untouchable. 204pp. K.shs.60.00 ($4.50) Maillu 1987 KE Maimane, A. Hate no more. ISBN: 0795701020 192pp. R120.00 Kwela 2000 SA Maina, A., Maillu, D.G. One by one. (Comb Books in English, 3) 125pp. ($2.40) K.shs.12.00 Comb 1975 KE Makarinqe, S. Pieces of a dream. 152pp. ill. R35.00 Penguin SA 1996 SA Makhalisa, B.C. The underdog and other stories. ($5.40) Mambo 1984 ZI
Makhoba, B. On the eve. (Skotaville series, 3) 101pp. ($6.50/£3.50) Skotaville 1986 SA Mak’Oloo, O. Times beyond. 242pp. K.shs.275.00 ($7.95/£4.25) EAEP 1988 KE
Makumi, J. End of the beginning. 38pp. ill. K.shs.60.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1989 KE
Mason, C. White mischief. 1995 KE
Malan, R. New beginnings. 144pp. ill. R74.99 OUP - SA 1995 SA
Mason, R. Us. ISBN: 0670915378 R140.00 Penguin SA 2004 SA [Southern Africa only]
Malan, R. Rebel angel. ISBN: 0620339500 160pp. R120.00 Junkets 2005 SA Malan, R. The sound of new wings. 92pp. R67.13 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Mamutse, E.O. The call up papers. 64pp. Z$5.95. Longman - Zimb 1988 ZI Mandao, M. Alone in the city. 2nd ed. 48pp. ill. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1984 GH Mangua, C. Kanina and I. 282pp. K.shs.435.00 ($10.00/£6.25) EAEP 1994 KE Mangua, C. Son of woman. new ed. 160pp. K.shs.300.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1986 KE Mangua, C. Son of woman in Mombasa. 212pp. K.shs.275.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1988 KE Mangua, C. A tail in the mouth. new ed. 276pp. K.shs.250.00 ($10.00/£6.25) EAEP 1988 KE Manji, A. A strange abduction. PPCC 2003 TZ
72pp. ($3.00)
Mansim, O. Chinelo. new ed. ISBN: 9781561947 168pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Marechera, D. The black insider. 127pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Baobab - Zimb 1990 ZI Marechera, D. House of hunger. 160pp. Z$8.00 ZPH 1982 ZI [Zimbabwe only] Marechera, D. Mindblast. 159pp. Z$87.95 College Press -Zimb 1984 ZI Marechera, D. Scrapiron blues. [Compiled and edited by Flora Veit-Wild.] 250pp. ill. ($21.50/ £11.95) Baobab - Zimb 1994 ZI Maredza, C. Harurwa. 52pp. Z$3.75. Longman Zimb 1987 ZI Marinho, T. The epidemic. 117pp. N156.70 ($5.75/ £3.25) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1992 NR Marinho, T. Nene and other stories. ISBN: 9782030252 414pp. Bookcraft 2005 NR Marsh, R. A serpent under. ISBN: 1919931481 213pp. R150.00 Jacana 2003 SA Marshall, B. Bukom. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9964720629 124pp. C8,000 Sedco 1998 GH Martin, S. Hot shots. ISBN: 9781565632 108pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Martins, S. The hellion. ISBN: 9781565012 122pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Martins, S. Our moment in time. ISBN: 9781565004 106pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Maseloma, T.N. Mixed signals. 189pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Skotaville 1993 SA
K.shs.540.00 Phoenix
Matchaba, P. Deadly profit. ISBN: 0864863608 179pp. (£7.99) Philip 2000 SA Matjila, A. Navachab gold. ISBN: 9991603816 186pp. (£14.99) Gamsberg 2002 SX Matshoba, M. Call me not a man. Ravan 1979 SA Matshoba, M. Seeds of war. 1981 SA
198pp. R19.95
105pp. R6.50 Ravan
Matthee, D. Circles in a forest. ISBN: 014318542X 353pp. R78.95 Penguin SA 2000 SA Matthee, D. Dreamforest. ISBN: 0143024515 250pp. R122.81 Penguin SA 2002 SA [Southern Africa only] Matthee, D. Driftwood. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0143024930 200pp. R122.81 Penguin SA 2005 SA Matthee, D. Fiela’s child. ISBN: 0143185438 359pp. R78.95R26.98 Penguin SA SA Matthee, D. The mulberry forest. SA SA
R24.90 Penguin
Matthee, M. Neither the colour nor the gender. R99.00 Options Publ 1997 SA Matthews, J. The park and other stories. R10.95 Ravan 1983 SA Matthews, J. The party is over. 1997 SA
200pp. R94.94 Kwela
Matthews, R. Innocent Africa. col.pl. R89.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Maumela, T.N. Mafangambiti: the story of a bull. (Staffrider series, 28) 102pp. ill. R9.95 Ravan 1986 SA May, N. My love, we are going home. ISBN: 0958435936 324pp. R130.00 ($18.00/ £12.99) Kima 2002 SA May, N. Orphanage of soulmates. ISBN: 0958449368 432pp. R130.00 ($20.00/ £10.95/Eur15.95) Kima 2003 SA Maya, H. The shadow and the substance. K.shs.450.00 Lake 1998 KE
Mayega, P.B. The people’s schoolmaster. ISBN: 9976983328 111pp. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) MPB Ent 2004 TZ Mazorodze, I.V. Silent journey from the east. 186pp. Z$69.24 ($8.50/£4.95) ZPH 1989 ZI Mazrui, A. Shadows of the moon. 122pp. K.shs.190.00 ($10.00/£6.25) EAEP 1991 KE Mbabu, E. From home guard to Mau Mau. 24pp. K.shs.405.00 ($7.50/£3.95) EAEP 1996 KE Mbachu, D. War games. ISBN: 9783842110 203pp. ($15.00/£9.00/Eur13.00) New Gong 2005 NR
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 28
African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature—Fiction
Mbuy-Beya, B. Woman, who are you. ISBN: 9966214100 160pp. K.shs.300.00 ($4.30) Paulines 1999 KE McClure, J. The caterpillar cop. SA
R34.99 Penguin SA
McClure, J. The gooseberry fool. SA SA
R34.99 Penguin
McClure, J. Snake. R34.99 Penguin SA SA McClure, J. The steam pig.
R34.99 Penguin SA SA
McKay, D. Passages, places and names. ISBN: 0868103551 R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA McLoughlin, T. Karima. 211pp. ($8.80) Mambo 1985 ZI Mda, Z. The heart of redness. ISBN: 0195714776 328pp. R145.00 OUP - SA 2000 SA Mda, Z. The madonna of excelsior. ISBN: 0195783158 288pp. R150.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Mda, Z. She plays with the darkness. R25.75 Vivlia 1995 SA
Mda, Z. Ways of dying. new ed. 256pp. R120.00 OUP - SA 1997 SA Mda, Z. The whale caller. ISBN: 0143024809 250pp. R131.58 Penguin SA 2004 SA Mdakane, Z.C. No way out. ISBN: 094744548X R100.00 ($20.00) Lang - Durban 2001 SA
Mhlongo, N. Dog eat dog. ISBN: 0795701799 240pp. R120.00 Kwela 2004 SA
M’Passou, D. A pig in the coffin. Publ 1991 MW
Mhlope, G. Love child. ISBN: 186914001X 180pp. Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2002 SA
Mpasu, S. Nobody’s friend. 278pp. Z$72.50 ($12.50/£6.95) ZPH 1995 ZI
Michie, C. The shallow grave and other true crime stories. ISBN: 1770071180 256pp. Zebra 2005 SA
Mpe, P. Welcome to our Hillbrow. ISBN: 0869809954 124pp. Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2001 SA
Mifetu, F. Love after an accident. 83pp. C5.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1979 GH
Mpesha, N. The happening. ($4.45/£1.80) K.shs.16.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE
Miles, J. Deafening silence. 298pp. R74.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA
Mphahlele, E. Chirundu. 2nd ed. 157pp. R29.64 Ravan 1994 SA
Miti, L. The prodigal husband. ISBN: 0795700857 200pp. R99.95 Kwela 1999 SA
Mphahlele, E. Down 2nd Avenue. 3rd ed. ISBN: 1770100075 211pp. R95.00 Picador 2004 SA
Mkamanga, E. The night stop. 47pp. ($1.50.) Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1990 MW
Mpina, E. Freedom avenue. Publ 1991 MW
Mngazifa, S.S. The last hero. 2004 TZ
Mpina, E. The low road to death. Popular Publ 1991 MW
156pp. ($5.00) PPCC
Moggotsi, I. The Alexandra tales. Ravan 1994 SA
172pp. R29.64
Mokae, G. The secret in my bosom. Vivlia 1995 SA Mokae, G. Short, not tall stories. Vivlia 1996 SA
98pp. (£6.95)
139pp. (£7.95)
Molope, A. Dancing in the dust. ISBN: 0195785266 192pp. R89.99 OUP - SA 2004 SA Momah, C. The shining ones. 343pp. ($12.70) Univ Press - Nig 2003 NR
Meadows, K. Sand in the wind. 514pp. Z$185.00 Thorntree 1997 ZI
Mommoh, T. Revolt of the new breed. (£3.00) N3.50 Fourth Dimension 1985 NR
Medalie, D. The shooting of the Christmas cows. 138pp. R49.49 Philip 1990 SA
Momplé, L. Neighbours. ISBN: 0435912097 134pp. Weaver 2001 ZI [Zimbabwe only]
Meguid, I.A. The other place. Univ 1997 UA
Moodley, P. The heart knows no colour. ISBN: 0795701594 268pp. R139.00 Kwela 2003 SA
316pp. E£75.00 Am
Melamu, M. Children of the twilight. Vivlia 1996 SA
181pp. (£7.99)
Melamu, M. Living and partly living. Vivlia 1996 SA
176pp. (£7.99)
Meniru, T.E. Footsteps in the dark. 97pp. ill. N1.35 Macmillan - Nig 1982 NR Mensah, R. Sexual agony of Akua Janet. 98pp. C5.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1979 GH Meunier, P. The comedy of marriages. ISBN: 9780290761 108pp. N240.00 ($8.95/ £4.95) Spectrum 1999 NR Meunier, P. The last slave traders. ISBN: 9780290702 98pp. N240.00 ($8.95/£4.95) Spectrum 1999 NR
Mooka-Mumbuna, M. He is mine. ISBN: 9982858009 123pp. ($5.00) Mmookam 2001 ZA Moore-King, B White man, black war. Zimb 1989 ZI
134pp. Baobab -
Morten, J. The great sea adventure. ISBN: 1779004508 348pp. Z$128,850 ($25.80/ £17.20/Eur34.00) College Press -Zimb 2002 ZI Mosedane, B. Silent bomb. ISBN: 9991279091 64pp. Macmillan - Bots 1999 BS Moss, R. The schoolmaster. 2nd ed. 239pp. R32.95 Ravan 1995 SA Mostert, N. Windwalker. ISBN: 177007046X 320pp. Oshun 2005 SA
Meunier, P. Zumji and Uchenna. ISBN: 9780290699 45pp. N180.00 ($6.95/£3.95) Spectrum 1999 NR
Mote, J. The flesh. bk. 1(Comb Books in English, 9) 361pp. ($5.00) K.shs.25.00 Comb 1975 KE
Mfon Edem, B. Winds against progress. ISBN: 9781421584 142pp. N200.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2001 NR
Motsitsi, C. Casey and company. Selected writings. New 133pp. R10.95 Ravan 1978 SA
Mhasvi, R.E. Time of the rupture. Mhasvi 1999 ZI
60pp. ($2.50/£1.50)
M’Passou, D. Murder in the interest of the church. 88pp. C500.00 ($4.00) Asempa 1985 GH
86pp. K5.00 Popular
180pp. K6.00 Popular
Mpofu, S. Shadows on the horizon. ZPH 1984 ZI
126pp. K6.00
136pp. Z$66.34
Msechu, R. The Pretorian agenda. ISBN: 9976101996 278pp. ($8.95/£5.95) Tanz Publ House 2000 TZ Mudida, F. The bottle friends. pt.1 111pp. K.shs.18.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE Muga, E. Robbery with violence. 128pp. ($3.40/ £1.35) K.shs.22.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE Mujajati, G. The sun will rise again. ISBN: 1779003420 116pp. Z$130.00 ($3.75) College Press -Zimb 1999 ZI Mujajati, G. Victory. 120pp. Z$75.95 College Press -Zimb 1993 ZI Mulilo, M. The changing tides. ZEPH 1998 ZA
303pp. (£5.99)
Muller, D. Whitey. 2nd ed. 120pp. R29.95 Ravan 1995 SA Mulwa, D. Master and servant. 206pp. K.shs.250.00 Longhorn - Ken 1979 KE Mulwa, D. Redemption. 119pp. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 1991 KE Mumba, M. The wrath of Koma. 218pp. K.shs.245.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1989 KE Mungoshi, C. Broken dream and other stories. ($5.40) Mambo 1987 ZI
Mungoshi, C. Coming of the dry season. (ZPH Writers Series, 2) 68pp. Z$43.50 ($6.50/£3.50) ZPH 1981 ZI Mungoshi, C. Some kinds of wounds and other short stories. 179pp. ($7.20) Mambo 1981 ZI Mungoshi, C. Waiting for the rain. (ZPH Writers Series, 1) 180pp. Z$78.95 ($8.50/£4.95) ZPH 1981 ZI Mungoshi, C. Walking still. 167pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Baobab - Zimb 1997 ZI Mungoshi, D. Stains on the wall. Mambo 1992 ZI
127pp. ($6.10)
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature—Fiction Munjanja, A.M. For the love of money. Lit Bur - Zimb 1994 ZI
Subject index Mwangi, M. The last plague. ISBN: 9966250646 456pp. ($9.95/£5.95) EAEP 2000 KE
Ndumo, P.M. Africa, my Africa. ISBN: 9991128069 122pp. ($4.50) Morija 2000 LO
Munthali, F. Yoranivyoto. Pick up the ashes. ISBN: 0953239608 (£8.00) Dudu Nsomba 1998 MW
Mwangi, M. The return of Shaka. ISBN: 9966498141 K.shs.310.00 ($4.10) Longhorn - Ken 2002 KE
Ndunguru, S.N. Divine providence. ISBN: 9976973535 118pp. T.shs.8,500 ($9.95/£5.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2000 TZ
Murungi, K. In the mud of politics. ISBN: 9966917160 208pp. K.shs.475.00 ($8.20) Acacia 2000 KE
Mwangi, M. Striving for the wind. new ed. ISBN: 9966468552 216pp. K.shs.385.00 ($9.95/ £5.95) EAEP 1990 KE
Ndunguru, S.N. Spared. ISBN: 9987417043 172pp. Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ
Musazitane, L. The chosen one. ISBN: 9781565217 148pp. ($11.99/£6.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR
Mwangi, M. Weapon of hunger. 229pp. K.shs.280.00 Longhorn - Ken 1989 KE
73pp. ($11.75)
Musenge, H.M. Changing shadows. 2nd ed. 300pp. K2,210 ($3.16/$2.21) ZEPH 1992 ZA Mushonga, S. Chipo. 78pp. Z$5.85 Longman - Zimb 1985 ZI Musonda, A. Maliongo’s hot-shots. ISBN: 9982847058 112pp. K10,000 ($3.45) Musonda 2000 ZA Musonda, A. The super tom-boys. ISBN: 998804704X 112pp. K10,000 ($3.45) Musonda 2000 ZA Mutahi, W. Doomsday. ISBN: 9966882375 315pp. col.ill.pl. ($8.00) Focus 2000 KE Mutahi, W. The house of doom. ISBN: 9966999396 171pp. K.shs.250.00 Africawide 2001 KE Mutahi, W. The jail bugs. 194pp. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 1992 KE Mutahi, W. Three days on the cross. 184pp. K.shs.275.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1991 KE
Mwangi, R. What a husband. 207pp. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 1974 KE Mwanzi, H. EAEP literature guide to: The winner and other stories. 108pp. K.shs.165.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1996 KE Mwashayeyi, E. Over my dead body. 156pp. Z$67.95 ($4.60) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI Mwaura, G. Portraits of the heart. ISBN: 9966992650 119pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Focus 2001 KE Mwaura, J. N. The price of sin. 196pp. ($4.85/£1.95) K.shs.30.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE Mwiwawi, A.M. The act. (Mini Novels, 4) 76pp. ($1.20) K.shs.6.00 Comb 1976 KE Mzamane, M.V. The children of the diaspora and other stories of exile. 178pp. (£8.95) Vivlia 1996 SA Namale, J.A. Honourable criminals. 120pp. K.shs.375.00 EAEP 1994 KE
Mutiso, G.C. A Kina. (£1.70/$4.25) K.shs.20.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE
Nanjala, E. The boyfriend. (Comb Books in English, 8) 140pp. ($2.40.) K.shs.12.00. Comb 1976 KE
Mutloatse, M. Mama Ndiyalila and other stories. (Staffrider series, 14) 163pp. R7.95 Ravan 1982 SA
Nash, J.S.R. Beware the ides of July and other South African tales. 211pp. R63.00 Options Publ 1997 SA
Mutswairo, S. Mapondera: soldier of Zimbabwe. 2nd ed. 116pp. Z$3.50 Longman - Zimb 1983 ZI
Nash, J.S.R. Drink to me only. Searching for a soulmate. 128pp. R54.00 Options Publ 1997 SA
Mututa, H. Aspirations of a black man. Bur - Zimb 1996 ZI
Nash, J.S.R. Ten fathoms tall and other tall tales. 89pp. R39.00 Options Publ 1995 SA
126pp. Lit
Mwambungu, O. Veneer of love. 2nd 160pp. ($3.80/ £1.80) K.shs.20.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE
Nataniel Tuesday. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798141891 164pp. R64.95 Human and Rousseau 2002 SA MUL
Mwangi, C. The operator. 169pp. K.shs.245.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1988 KE
Ndebele, N. Fools. new ed. 144pp. R59.95 Francolin 1997 SA [Southern Africa only]
Mwangi, M. Bread of sorrow. 400pp. K.shs.300.00 Longhorn - Ken 1987 KE
Nderitu, J.G. Nun in tragedy. ISBN: 9966971505 460pp. K.shs.600.00 ($15.00) Snowpeak 2001 KE
Mwangi, M. The bushtrackers. 208pp. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 1979 KE Mwangi, M. Carcase for hounds. 150pp. K.shs.405.00 EAEP 1974 KE [Kenya only] Mwangi, M. The cockroach dance. 383pp. K.shs.290.00 Longhorn - Ken 1979 KE Mwangi, M. Going down River Road. 246pp. K.shs.315.00 EAEP 1970 KE [Kenya only] Mwangi, M. Kill me quick. 178pp. K.shs.370.00 EAEP 1974 KE
Nderitu, J.G. The talking rat. ISBN: 9966971513 159pp. K.shs.200.00 ($5.00) Snowpeak 2002 KE Ndifor, P.N. When the going gets tough. ISBN: 2723501523 160pp. CFA2,800 (Eur4.27) CLE 2001 CM Ndii, A. A brief assignment. EAEP 1976 KE
90pp. K.shs.220.00
Ndii, A. Colour of carnations. 304pp. K.shs.435.00 ($10.00/£6.25) EAEP 1993 KE Ndlovu, V. For want of a totem. 80pp. ($7.50/ £3.95) Baobab - Zimb 1997 ZI
Ndwandwe, J.D. Releasing monkeys. ISBN: 1919882073 121pp. (£12.99) Skotaville 2003 SA Neba, N.J. The golden arrow. ISBN: 9956150002 172pp. Bookhouse 2000 CM Neophyte, K.S. Beautiful hope. 144pp. R42.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Ng’ang’a, D.S. Young today, old tomorrow. ($1.00/£0.60) Njogu KE
Ngcobo, L. And they didn’t die. A novel. ISBN: 0869809636 282pp. R95.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1999 SA Ngewa, E. Called by a special name. 84pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.30) Evangel 1997 KE Ng’ombe, J. Madala’s children. 164pp. K90.00 ($6.00) Jhango 1996 MW Ngombe, J.L. Madala’s grandchildren. ISBN: 9990845188 199pp. Jhango 2005 MW Ngombe, J.L. Sugarcane with salt. ISBN: 999084517X 124pp. Jhango 2005 MW Ngubiah, S.N. A curse from God. 2nd ($1.65/$4.15) K.shs.20.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Ngugi wa Thiong’o The black hermit. [Also available in Swahili.] 96pp. K.shs.430.00 EAEP 1968 KE Ngugi wa Thiong’o Devil on the cross. EAEP 1989 KE
262pp. K.shs.660.00
Ngugi wa Thiong’o A grain of wheat. 234pp. K.shs.455.00 EAEP 1968 KE [Kenya only] Ngugi wa Thiong’o Matigari. [Novel.] 3rd ed. 186pp. Z$14.50 ZPH 1990 ZI [Also published in Kenya by EAEP] Ngugi wa Thiong’o Matigari ma mjiruungi. 318pp. K.shs.265.00 EAEP 1986 KE Ngugi wa Thiong’o Petals of blood. 346pp. R660.00 EAEP 1979 KE [Kenya only] Ngugi wa Thiong’o The river between. EAEP 1966 KE
66pp. K.shs.395.00
Ngugi wa Thiong’o Secret lives. 144pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 1993 KE [Kenya only] Ngugi wa Thiong’o Weep not child. 136pp. K.shs.155.00 EAEP 1965 KE [Kenya only] Ngumy, J. Crocodile challenge. 61pp. ill. K.shs.175.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1997 KE Ngunguru, S.N. A wreath for Father Mayer of Masasi. 172pp. T.shs.3,000 ($7.95/£4.25) Mkuki na Nyota 1997 TZ Ngurukie, P.W. I will be your substitute. Lit Bureau 1984 KE
148pp. Kenya
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African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature—Fiction
Ngurukie, P.W. Tough choices. 112pp. K.shs.250.00 ($5.00/£2.80) Macmillan - Kenya 1991 KE Nguya, L.M. The first seed. 2nd 269pp. ($5.00/£2.00) K.shs.25.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Ngwabe, V. An echo from the past. Lit Bureau 1978 KE
154pp. Kenya
Ng’weno, H. The men from Pretoria. 172pp. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 1975 KE Nhema, A. Grandmother’s child. Bur - Zimb 1994 ZI Nhlapo, M. Beauty of pain. 2003 LO
38pp. Z$3.00 Lit
127pp. (£11.99) Morija
Nichol, M. Brave Henry. 96pp. R31.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA
Nwachukwu-Agbada, J.O.J. No need to cry. 190pp. N7.00 Fagbamigbe 1980 NR
Nyamnjoh, F.B. The convert. ISBN: 9991252509 120pp. Mmegi 2003 BS
Nwagboso, M. A message from the madhouse. (Saros Star series, 13) 136pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Saros 1991 NR
Nyasani, J., Oyugi, E. The club on the hill. Bureau 1983 KE
Nwakoby, M. A house divided. new ed. ISBN: 9781561513 128pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Nwakoby, M.A. A lucky chance. - Nig 1980 NR
96pp. N2.00 Macmillan
Nwankwo, A.A. The day of the long shadow. ISBN: 9781564350 221pp. ($13.95/£7.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Nwankwo, A.A. Reckoning at storm end. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781565063 120pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR
Nicol, M. Sea mountain, fire city. ISBN: 0795700989 R89.95 Kwela 2001 SA
Nwankwo, A.A. Sand-dunes and windblows. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781563753 162pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR
Nimako, A. Mutilated. ISBN: 9988791127 333pp. C35,000 ($6.95/£5.50/Eur6.95) Ronna 2001 GH
Nwankwo, A.A. Season of hurricane. 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781564245 257pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR
Niyi, O. Horses of memory. ISBN: 9781293470 148pp. N450.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR
Nwankwo, A.A. Shadow over breaking waves. 296pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Fourth Dimension 1993 NR
Njau, R. The hypocrite and other stories. ill. Uzima 1977 KE
Nwankwo, A.E. Oracles for heroes. ISBN: 9782335336 132pp. N250.00 Delta 2004 NR
Njoku, J. Great revelation. Hard to believe. 308pp. New Generation 1998 NR Njoku, J. Vengeance is sweet. new ed. ISBN: 9781562145 102pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Njoku, R. Withstand the storm. 306pp. N130.10 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1986 NR Njue, P.N. My lovely mother. (Comb Books in English, 11) 97pp. ($2.00.) K.shs.10.00 Comb 1976 KE
Nwankwo, K. Fatal greed. ISBN: 9781564768 116pp. ($11.75/£6.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Nwankwo, N. The scapegoat. new ed. ISBN: 9781561505 125pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Nwankwo, O. Children of poor god. Delta 1998 NR
47pp. N200.00
135pp. Kenya Lit
Nyaywa, K. Hearthstones. 206pp. K.shs.365.00 ($7.95/£4.25) EAEP 1962 KE [Kenya only] Nyika, O.P. Old Mapicha and other stories. ($4.80) Mambo 1983 ZI
Nyirongo, L. Dealing with darkness. A Christian novel on the confirmation with African witchcraft. 125pp. R40.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1999 SA Nyoike, C. Thoughts in a season: a journal? 64pp. K.shs.250.00 (£2.50) Nyoike 1998 KE Nzegwu, C.N. 33pp. N100.00 Chinze 2001 NR Nzekwe, A. A killer on the loose. new ed. ISBN: 978156203X 123pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Nzioka, E., Kabira, W., Karega, M. They’ve destroyed the temple. [Collection of poems and short stories by women writers.] new ed. ISBN: 9966498397 K.shs.200.00 ($2.70) Longhorn - Ken 2002 KE Nzube-Epie The song of Ibongdiad. 200pp. CFA2,000 Patron 1995 CM Obasa, Y.G. Confessions of a black vagabond: story from Africa. 186pp. Kenya Lit Bureau 1983 KE Obeng, R.E. Eighteen pence. 2nd rev.ed. ISBN: 9988550146 163pp. ($8.50/£4.95) SubSaharan 1998 GH Oberholzer, O. Beyond Bagamoyo. ISBN: 0602206705 cd. 160pp. R220.00 Double Storey 1996 SA
Nwankwo, V. The road to Udima. ($3.95/£3.00) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR
Obodomu, K. Die a little. ISBN: 978260187X 246pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Malthouse 1998 NR
Nkala, N. Drums and the voice of death. 218pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Fourth Dimension 1996 NR
Nwikwu, M. In the heart of the hereafter. 144pp. ($4.00/£2.50) N40.00 Delta 1993 NR
Obong, E. Garden house. cd. 228pp. ($18.00/ £10.00) N20.00 New Horn 1988 NR
Nkengasong, J. A stylistic approach to literary appreciation. 150pp. CFA3,000 Patron 1998 CM
Nwoga, C. The world she knew. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781563443 116pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR
Ocen, L.L. The alien woman. ISBN: 9970021818 145pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1999 UG
Nkosi, L. Mating birds. new ed. ISBN: 0795701713 140pp. R110.00 Kwela 2004 SA
Nwogu, P.C. Heart, body and soul. ISBN: 9782335210 204pp. N150.00 Delta 2002 NR
Ochieng’-Odero, J.P.R. Slow down my teacher. ISBN: 9966917225 108pp. K.shs.275.00 ($4.80) Acacia 2001 KE
Nwokolo, C. African tales at jailpoint. ISBN: 9782190022 Village 1999 NR
Ocwinyo, J. Fate of the banished. 136pp. ($7.50/ £3.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1997 UG
Nwosu, M. Alpha song. ISBN: 9783292552 228pp. N500.00 ($14.95/£8.95) Hybun 2002 NR
Ocwinyo, J. Footprints of the outsider. ISBN: 9970023438 165pp. maps ($13.95/£7.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG
Nkosi, L. Underground people. ISBN: 0795701500 264pp. R120.00 Kwela 2002 SA Nkwocha, J. War without end. Lens 1996 NR
134pp. N500.00 Zoom
Nnadi, A. Not by justification. ISBN: 9782951978 254pp. ($19.95/£11.95) CSS 2002 NR Nnamani, G.C. Mission to Alfador. ISBN: 9782335901 302pp. N400.00 Delta 2004 NR Nnamani, G.C. Wrong neck in the noose. ISBN: 9782335289 244pp. N250.00 Delta 2003 NR
Nwosu, M. Invisible chapters. ISBN: 9783584960 276pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Hybun 2002 NR Nyaku, F.K. The marriage experiment and other stories. 92pp. (£2.00) Sedco 1984 GH Nyamfukudza, S. Aftermaths. 80pp. Z$79.95 College Press -Zimb 1983 ZI
Noho, A. Let them bleed. ISBN: 0780271805 cd. & 299pp. N600.00 cd. N500.00 Hanon 1997 NR
Nyamfukudza, S. If God was a woman. A collection of short stories. 148pp. Z$83.95 College Press -Zimb 1991 ZI
Ntuli, F. Once upon a time ... tales of South Africa. 120pp. R36.00 ($7.15/£4.40) Hibbard 1997 SA
Nyamfukudza, S. The non-believer’s journey. 113pp. ($7.50/£3.50) ZPH 1994 ZI
Odaga, A.B. Between the years. 195pp. K.shs.250.00 ($4.00) Lake 1987 KE Odaga, A.B. A bridge in time. 2nd ed. 167pp. K.shs.250.00 ($4.00) Lake 1993 KE Odaga, A.B. Endless road. 2nd ed. 164pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.50/£3.00) Lake 1995 KE [Also published in Africa by Multimedia, Zambia] Odaga, A.B. Love ash, Rosa and other stories. 210pp. K.shs.200.00 ($4.00) Lake 1992 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature—Fiction
Subject index
Odaga, A.B. Riana. 171pp. K.shs.200.00 ($4.50) Lake 1991 KE Odaga, A.B. Secrets. 188pp. K.shs.450.00 ($6.00) Lake 1998 KE Odaga, A.B. Thu Tinda: stories from Kenya. K.shs.18.00 Uzima 1980 KE
Odimma, J. Harvest of shame. ISBN: 9780294376 84pp. N360.00 Spectrum 2003 NR Odinga, O. Not yet Uhuru. 212pp. K.shs.495.00 EAEP 1979 KE [Kenya only] Odwally, Y. The shocking story of the sleepers. ISBN: 9990323631 100pp. Rs80.00 ($4.80/£3.00) Printemps 1998 MF Ogali, O.A. Arrest my son. ISBN: 9781565039 106pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Ogali, O.A. The julu priest. new ed. ISBN: 9781560258 162pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Ogbu, O. The moon also sets. ISBN: 9966251510 308pp. K.shs.510.00 ($16.95/£9.95) EAEP 2002 KE Ogola, M.A. I swear by Apollo. ISBN: 9966992723 282pp. ($13.95/£7.95) Focus 2002 KE Ogola, M.A. The river and the source. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966882057 288pp. pl. ($8.00) Focus 2000 KE Ogot, G. The graduate. 72pp. ($1.80) K.shs.13.00 Uzima 1980 KE Ogot, G. The island of tears. Uzima 1980 KE
84pp. K.shs.50.00
Ogot, G. Land without thunder. new ed. 164pp. K.shs.410.00 ($10.00/£6.25) EAEP 1988 KE Ogot, G. The other woman and other stories. new ed. 252pp. K.shs.500.00 EAEP 1989 KE Ogot, G. The promised land. new ed. 250pp. ill. K.shs.400.00 ($10.00/£6.25) EAEP 1992 KE Ogot, G. The strange bride. trans.f.t. Dholuo by O.Okombo 154pp. K.shs.370.00 ($8.50/ £4.95) EAEP 1988 KE Ogu, J. The secrets of nothing. 202pp. N75.00 Longman - Nig 1993 NR Ogunleye, E.O. Wives and lovers. 157pp. N200.00 Fagbamigbe 2000[?] NR Ohaegbulam, D. The adventures of Api. new ed. ISBN: 9781561971 228pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Ohaeto, E. I wan bi President. 1988 NR
51pp. N10.00 Delta
Ohiaeri, A.E. Behind the iron curtain. new ed. ISBN: 9781562329 146pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Ohiaeri, A.E. Nwaulari. A human tragedy. new ed. ISBN: 9781562110 111pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Ohler, N. Ponte city. ISBN: 0864866291 212pp. R140.00 Philip 2003 SA
Ojaide, T. God’s medicine-men and other stories. ISBN: 9780231374 156pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Malthouse 2004 NR
Okoye, C. The paradox of being and other stories. ISBN: 9783524887 114pp. N250.00 ($4.00) Hope 2001 NR
Ojaide, T. Invoking the warrior spirit. ISBN: 9781293500 100pp. N230.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR
Okoye, I. The trial and other stories. ISBN: 0962886491 92pp. ($14.95/£11.95) African Heritage 2005[?] NR
Ojo-Ade, F. Black gods. A collection of short stories. ISBN: 0962886440 188pp. ($14.95/£8.95) African Heritage 2002 NR
Okoye, M. Ejinna, the observant young girl. ISBN: 9788000762 120pp. ill. N180.00 ($1.50/ £1.00/Eur1.20) Vantage 2002 NR
Ojo-Ade, F. Dear end. 151pp. ($10.00) College Press - Nig 2000 NR
Okri, B. Songs of enchantment. 1994 SA
Ojo-Ade, F. Home, sweet, sweet home. 123pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Univ Press - Nig 1987 NR
Okunoren, S. A gift to the troubled tribe. 121pp. N255.00 ($8.50/£4.95) Spectrum 1991 NR
Ojo-Ade, F. One little girl’s dream. ISBN: 9782194107 129pp. N150.00 ($7.00) College Press - Nig 1998 NR Ojogwu, Q.I. The precious child. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781561106 82pp. ($3.00) Fourth Dimension 1998 NR Ojomo, O. The young brides. 112pp. N1.65 Macmillan - Nig 1982 NR Okedira, W. The boys at the border. new ed. 135pp. N180.00 ($8.50/£4.95) Spectrum 2001 NR Okediran, W. Dreams die at twilight. ISBN: 9780230734 196pp. ($18.95/£10.95) Malthouse 2002 NR
304pp. Philip
Okurut, M.K. Child of a delegate. ISBN: 997041103X 109pp. U.shs.3,400 Monitor 1997 UG Okurut, M.K. The invisible weevil. ISBN: 9970901028 206pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Femrite 1998 UG Okurut, M.K. The official wife. ISBN: 9970024019 170pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2003 UG Okwor, E. Tokunbo. NR
144pp. N300.00 Delta 1998
Olafioye, T. Ubangiji. The conscience of eternity. ISBN: 9780231226 101pp. ($8.95/£4.95) Malthouse 2000 NR
Okei, K. The smugglers. (“Pacesetters”) 141pp. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1977 NR
Olanlokun, O. The dreamer. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9761425105 139pp. N150.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2005 NR
Okello, C. Kookolem. 73pp. ($2.90/£1.15) K.shs.11.35 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE SWA
Olanlokun, O. Fugitive in love. ISBN: 9781420456 139pp. N200.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2001 NR
Okello, K.L. For love of Florence. 96pp. (£3.00) Africa Christian 1987 GH
Olanlokun, O. Honey in the ivory tower. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781423536 126pp. N200.00 ($2.0) Literamed 2003 NR
Okinba, L. [pseud. for Osofisan, F.] Cordelia. 62pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Malthouse 1989 NR Oko, A. The secret of the sheik. 232pp. N113.80 ($8.50/£4.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1985 NR Okoboi, F. The eternal problem. 264pp. ($3.75/ £1.50) K.shs.25.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE Okoboi, F. The final blasphemy. (£2.20/$5.55) K.shs.26.10 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE Okoh, S. Not an easy route. ISBN: 9781424842 124pp. N150.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2004 NR Okolo, C. The scorpion. 176pp. (£1.75) N4.00 Delta 1985 NR Okolo, E. The blood of Zimbabwe. 160pp. (£2.25) Fourth Dimension 1979 NR Okonkwo, L. Destined to live. 128pp. N135.00 ($5.50/£4.50) Spectrum 1992 NR Okorie, U. Date with destiny. 180pp. ($11.60) Univ Press - Nig 1992 NR Okoro, A. Flying tortoise. ISBN: 9782335916 176pp. N300.00 Delta 2004 NR Okoro, A. Second great flood. ISBN: 9782335886 64pp. N150.00 Delta 2000 NR
Olanlokun, O. Queen of the night and other stories. ISBN: 978142236X 93pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2005 NR Olanlokun, O. Trouble in the dog kingdom. ISBN: 9781425571 53pp. N500.00 ($5.00) Literamed 2004 NR Olatunji, R. The wicked king. ISBN: 9781423722 69pp. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2004 NR Olayiwola, A. A clash of wills. ISBN: 9781422920 104pp. N150.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2004 NR Ole Kulet, H. Bandits of Kibi. ISBN: 9966498508 252pp. K.shs.300.00 ($7.50/£4.50) Longhorn - Ken 1999 KE Ole Kulet, H. The hunter. ISBN: 9966497900 K.shs.230.00 ($3.10) Longhorn - Ken 2002 KE Ole Kulet, H. Is it possible? ISBN: 9966497889 K.shs.210.00 ($2.80) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE Ole Kulet, H. To become a man. ISBN: 9966497897 K.shs.230.00 ($3.10) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Ole Kulet, H.R. Moran no more. 222pp. K.shs.270.00 Longhorn - Ken 1991 KE
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African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature—Fiction
Olosunde, K. Akinola, the squirrel. ISBN: 9788000924 72pp. ill. N150.00 ($1.20) (£0.75) Vantage 2004 NR
Oppel, M. I love that place Tdjouboegas. ISBN: 0795701780 112pp. R110.00 Kwela 2004 SA
Oloyede, S. I profess this crime. N7.00 Fagbamigbe 1981 [?] NR
Oppong-Brenyah, D. The friends. ISBN: 9988771622 72pp. ill. ($9.95/£5.95) Freedom 2001 GH
Olugbile, F. Batolica. 230pp. N250.00 ($11.50/ £6.50) Malthouse 1995 NR
Orefuja, T. Fruits of lust. ISBN: 9781423250 110pp. N150.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2004 NR
Olumhense, S. No second chance. 220pp. N2.50 Longman - Nig 1982 NR
Orewa, G.O. The unknown tomorrow. 139pp. N1.65 Macmillan - Nig 1982 NR
Omitogun, O.J. Butterfly cocoon and other stories. ISBN: 9782194018 70pp. N150.00 ($7.00) College Press - Nig 1999 NR
Orji, G. Baals of the Niger. 240pp. ($10.00/ £6.25) Fourth Dimension 1994 NR
Omobowale, T. The melting pot and other stories. 155pp. ($7.95/£4.25) Univ Press - Nig 1993 NR Omoegun, M. My story book on values for the Nigerian child. ISBN: 9781425008 66pp. N120.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2004 NR Omonode, B. Shattered dreams. ISBN: 9780308067 90pp. ($8.10) Univ Press - Nig 2003 NR Omonode, B. Try another leg. ISBN: 9780231803 100pp. ($17.95/£5.95) Malthouse 2004 NR Omoregie, O.S.B. The death of Alo. 2000 NR
73pp. ($2.50) Neraso
Omotoso, K. Just before dawn. [Historical fiction.] 452pp. N780.00 ($18.00/£9.95) Spectrum 1988 NR Omotoso, K. To borrow a wandering leaf. 155pp. N7.00 Fagbamigbe 1978 NR Onalo, P. The wretched ghost. ISBN: 996625045X 132pp. ill. ($9.95/£5.05) Popular Publ 2000 MW O’Neill, J.M. Commissar Connell. SA SA
R42.99 Penguin
Onuekwesi, J.A. A son among daughters. ISBN: 9781292407 52pp. N112.00 ($4.95/£2.75) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR Onwu, C.A. Triumph of destiny. ISBN: 9780291784 176pp. N390.00 Spectrum 2003 NR
Orji, G. Stirrings in Canaan. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781563060 305pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Oruche, J. Victims of circumstance. ISBN: 9781421959 201pp. N200.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2003 NR Osifo, G.N. Dizzy angel. 280pp. ($11.60) Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR Osofisan, F. Kolera kolej. 113pp. ($7.50/£5.00) New Horn 1975 NR Osofisan, S. Darkvisions. ISBN: 9780231439 158pp. ($18.95/£10.95) Malthouse 2002 NR Osofisan, S. The living and the dead. 57pp. N113.80 ($5.50/£2.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1991 NR Osundare, N. The word is an egg. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9780390197 92pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Kraft 2002 NR Osunkunle, E.L. Perspective of a veteran. 280pp. N698.75 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1996 NR Othman, A. The palm of time. ISBN: 9780231662 110pp. ($18.95/£10.95) Malthouse 2002 NR Othman, H. Babu: I saw the future and it works. 148pp. T.shs.8,000 E&D 2001 TZ Otiene, T.O. The missing links. ISBN: 9966250662 310pp. K.shs.465.00 ($9.95/£5.95) EAEP 2001 KE
Onwu, O. The village upstart. ISBN: 9782335711 192pp. N200.00 Delta 2000 NR
Otutei, A. The cross and the beast of the south. 272pp. C2,000 ($2.00) Asempa 1989 GH
Onwueme, O.T. Shakara. Dance-hall queen. ISBN: 9783515829 116pp. ($12.50/£6.95) ALP 2000 NR
Ousmane, S. God’s bits of wood. trans.f.t. French by P.N. Njoroge 244pp. K.shs.520.00 EAEP 1977 KE [Kenya only]
Onwueme, T. The broken calabash. 96pp. N73.15 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR
Ousmane, S. God’s bits of wood. trans.f.t.French by P.N. Njoroge 245pp. ZPH 1970 ZI [Southern Africa only]
Onwueme, T. Mirro for campus. 96pp. N103.95 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR Onwueme, T. The reign of Wazobia. 64pp. N81.30 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR Onyeama, D. The boomerang. 144pp. N300.00 ($3.75/£2.50) Delta 1998 NR Onyeama, D. Godfathers of voodoo. N4.50 Delta 1985 NR
288pp. (£2.00)
Opong, S.F. Around the African fire. 58pp. ill. C4,800 (£3.00) Sedco 1993 GH
Ousmane, S. Niiwan & Taaw. trans.f.t. French R49.99 Philip 1991 SA
Owino, H. O. A man of two faces. ($3.10/£1.25) K.shs.13.75 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Owino, R. Sugar Daddy’s lover. (Spear Books, 3) 76pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1975 KE Oyajobi, A. Nostalgia. 288pp. ($6.00/£3.95) N50.00 Delta 1993 NR Oyedepo, S. The greatest gift. 80pp. N125.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1997 NR
Oyono, F. Chemin d’Europe. 190pp. CFA5,800 (Eur21.00) CLE 1998 CM FRE Paamzoya, B. A souvenir for death. Adwinsa 1988 GH
76pp. C350.00
Partridge, N. To breathe and wait. Mambo 1986 ZI
242pp. ($7.70)
Paton, A. Ah, but your land is beautiful. Penguin SA SA Paton, A. Cry, the beloved country. Penguin SA SA Paton, A. Debbie go home. SA
R31.99 Penguin SA
Paton, A. Too late the pharalope. SA SA
R42.99 Penguin
Pauw, J. Into the heart of darkness. R99.95 Ball 1997 SA
p’Bitek., O. White teeth. 108pp. K.shs.255.00 ($7.95/£4.25) EAEP 1987 KE p’Bitek, O. The defence of Lawino. trans.f.t. Acholi by Taban lo Liyong ISBN: 9970022695 132pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2001 UG Pepetela [Artur Pestana dos Santos] Mayombe. trans.f.t.Portuguese by Michael Wolfers 192pp. Z$58.73 ZPH 1983 ZI [Southern Africa only] Phiri, G. Ticklish sensation. 2nd ed. 196pp. K2,500 ($3.56/£2.50) ZEPH 1994 ZA Pienaar, V. Jimmy’s place: a man’s pub is his castle. 137pp. ill. R37.98 Penguin SA 1993 SA Pifer, D. Innocents in Africa. SA
R82.99 Penguin SA
Pinnock, P. Skyline. 176pp. R74.95 Philip 2000 SA Pistorius, M. Strangers on the street. ISBN: 0141003561 316pp. pl. R96.49 Penguin SA 2002 SA Pitcher, D. The calabash child. 64pp. R36.95 Philip 1980 SA [Southern Africa only] Pitt, B. Unbroken wing. ISBN: 0795700717 328pp. R99.95 Kwela 1998 SA Plaatje, S.T. Mhudi. ISBN: 0143185403 200pp. R74.56 Penguin SA 2005 SA Plaatje, S.T. Mhudi. new ed. 192pp. pl.ill. R65.95 Francolin 1996 SA [Also published by Ad Donker, SA] Plaatje, S.T. Selected shorter writings. 125pp. R35.00 ($14.00/£8.00) Inst Study Engl 1995 SA Platter, E. A strange case of wine. Philip 1993 SA Plomer, W. Selected stories. 1984 SA Plomer, W. Turbott Wolfe.
180pp. R49.95
195pp. R16.95 Philip
R89.95 Donker 1995 SA
Plumbe, W. Cry of the fish eagle: adventures from initiation to deportation with an interlude in Morocco. ISBN: 0952223392 179pp. (£19.00) Dudu Nsomba 1998 MW Poland, M. Recessional for Grace. ISBN: 0670477864 302pp. R83.33 Penguin SA 2003 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature—Fiction Poland, M. Shades. ISBN: 0140244158 cd. 444pp. R78.95 Penguin SA 1993 SA [Southern Africa only] Popoola, D. A matter of upbringing. 138pp. ($7.00) Univ Press - Nig 1987 NR Powell, M.G. A place of return. ISBN: 996620131 145pp. ($9.95/£5.95) EAEP 2000 KE Press, K. Krotoa. 48pp. ill. R26.40 HeinemannEdSA 1989 SA Pwegoshora, P. The plight of succession. 146pp. ($7.95/ £4.25) Dar es Salaam UP 1993 TZ Rago, S. Summer. 208pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Océan Indien Ed 1992 MF Rajab, H. Rest in peace dear mother. 149pp. K.shs.24.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE Ralph, O. It never happened to me. ISBN: 9781291915 136pp. N275.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR Ramashau, R. Make choices in life. ISBN: 1869006755 68pp. R70.00 UmSinsi 2005 SA Ramgobin, M. Waiting to live. 1986 SA
240pp. R47.50 Philip
Reddy, J. On the fringe of dreamtime and other stories. 120pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Skotaville 1988 SA Rhys, N. Road to nowhere. ISBN: 1869003225 254pp. R102.00 (£7.00) UmSinsi 2001 SA Rive, R. Advance, retreat: selected short stories. ISBN: 0864860145 cd. R150.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Rive, R. Buckingham Palace district six. new ed. ISBN: 0864863039 216pp. R70.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Rive, R. Emergency. new ed. 251pp. R44.99 Philip 1988 SA Rive, R. Emergency continued. Philip 1990 SA
192pp. R49.49
Rive, R., ed. Olive Schreiner: diamond fields. rev.ed. 28pp. R20.00 Inst Study Engl 1995 SA Roberts, S. Purple yams. SA 2001 SA
244pp. R80.00 Penguin
Robson, J. Where shadows fall. 144pp. ($$.95) (£5.95) Kwela 1996 SA Rooke, D. Mittee. R42.99 Penguin SA SA Rose-Innes, H. The rock alphabet. ISBN: 0795701934 192pp. R120.00 Kwela 2004 SA Rose-Innes, H. Shark’s egg. ISBN: 0795701152 128pp. R99.95 Kwela 2000 SA Rosenberg, V. The von Veltheim file. 270pp. R74.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Rosenthal, J. Uncertain consolations. Snailpress 1993 SA
166pp. R39.90
Ross, C. The love book. ISBN: 1770070435 312pp. Oshun 2005 SA Rotimi, O. Hopes of the living dead. 128pp. N100.00 ($4.00/3.50) Spectrum 1988 NR
Subject index Rowan, D. The fire of Africa. 91pp. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1993 ZI Ruganda, J. Igereka and other African narratives. rev.ed. ISBN: 9966251073 160pp. K.shs.345.00 ($11.95/£6.95) EAEP 2001 KE Ruheni, M. The future leaders. 215pp. K.shs.435.00 EAEP 1973 KE [Kenya only]
Schoeman, K. This life. trans.f.t. Afrikaans by Elsa Silke ISBN: 0798145527 224pp. R125.00 Human and Rousseau 2005 SA Scholtz, A.H.M. A place called Vatmaar: a living story of a time that is no more. trans.f.t. Afrikaans by Chris van Wyk ISBN: 0795701047 376pp. R115.00 Kwela 2000 SA
Ruheni, M. The love root. 108pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1975 KE
Schreiner, O. The story of an African farm. [New ed. with an introduction by Richard Rive.] new ed. cd. 282pp. R89.95 Donker 1995 SA
Ruheni, M. The minister’s daughter. 186pp. K.shs.600.00 EAEP 1995 KE
Schreiner, O. Trooper Peter Halket of Mashon. Donker 1995 SA
Ruheni, M. The mystery smugglers. (Spear Books, 1) 114pp. K.shs.245.00 EAEP 1975 KE
Schroeder, B.W.A.K., Heale, J.P.W. Joseph Zulu. [Novel.] 2nd ed. 104pp. R37.96 Shuter & Shooter 1991 SA
Ryan, V. Strangers in Accra. ISBN: 9964703732 295pp. C70,000 Afram 2004 GH Said, W. Day of the baboons. 2nd ed. 283pp. K2,030 ($2.90/£2.03) ZEPH 1994 ZA
Schuster, A. Foolish delusions. ISBN: 1770090592 204pp. R105.00 ($13.50/£8.50) Jacana 2005 SA
Saidi, B. Gwebese’s wars. 232pp. Z$125.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI Saidi, W. The brothers of Chatima Road. 263pp. Z$1,221.95 ($14.95) College Press Zimb 1992 ZI Saidi, W. The old bricks live. Mambo 1988 ZI
184pp. ($47.20)
Saisi, F. The Bhang syndicate. 180pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1987 KE Sampson, L. Now you’ve gone ‘n killed me. ISBN: 1770070494 192pp. Oshun 2005 SA Samupindi, C. Death throes. 1990 ZI
44pp. ($3.40) Mambo
Scully, W.C. Transkei stories. Ed. by J. Marquard. 129pp. R49.99 Philip 1984 SA Seboni, B. Thinking allowed. 65pp. P20.00 ($8.00/ £4.00) Morula 1992 BS Seboni, B., ed. In the nitty gritty shebeen. 100pp. ($10.00/£5.00) Morula 2000 BS Seboni, B., ed. Songs, screams and pleas. 99pp. P10.00 ($4.00) Mmegi 1993 BS Sebuava, J. The inevitable hour. 2nd ed. 141pp. (£3.00) ($5.50/£3.75) C600.00 Woeli 1987 GH Seebaluck, B. Thorns and roses. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9990395128 93pp. Rs.100.00 Medialand 2003 MF
Samupindi, C. Pawns. 199pp. ($11.50/£6.50) Baobab Zimb 1992 ZI
Segun, O. The third dimple. 253pp. N268.20 ($5.75/£3.25) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1992 NR
Sankawulo, W. The rain and the night. ISBN: 9964721749 176pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Sedco 2001 GH
Sekyi, K. The blinkards - a comedy and The AngloFanti - a short story. 256pp. Readwide 1997 GH
Saro-Wiwa, K. Adaku and other stories. (Saros Star series, 8) cd. 174pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Saros 1989 NR
Sello Duiker, K. Thirteen cents. 2000 SA
Saro-Wiwa, K. Basi and company: a modern African folktale. (Saros Star series, 4) 216pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Saros 1987 NR Saro-Wiwa, K. A forest of flowers - short stories. (Saros Star series, 3) cd. & 150pp. ($21.50/£11.95 cd.) ($12.50/£6.95 pap.) Saros 1986 NR Saro-Wiwa, K. Pita Dumbrok’s prison. (Saros Star series, 15) 280pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Saros 1991 NR Saro-Wiwa, K. Prisoners of Jebs. (Saros Star series, 5) cd. & 180pp. ($25.00/£13.95 cd.) ($13.75/£7.50 pap.) Saros 1988 NR Saro-Wiwa, K. Sozaboy-a novel in rotten English. (Saros Star series, 2) cd. & 186pp. ($25.00/£13.95 cd.) ($13.75/£7.50 pap.) Saros 1985 NR Saunders, R. Dear Ludwig. 90pp. R34.90 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Schoeman, K. Promised land. ISBN: 1868421449 R139.95 Ball 2003 SA
168pp. R74.95 Philip
Semple, B. Adventures of first man. 68pp. Z$49.95 ($2.00/£1.15) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI Sepamla, S. Rainbow journey. 1996 SA
204pp. (£7.95) Vivlia
Sepamla, S. Third generation. (Skotaville series, 4) ($7.95/£4.25) R10.95 Skotaville 1987 SA Serote, M.W. Scatter the ashes. ISBN: 1869170040 364pp. (£12.99) Ravan 2002 SA Serote, M.W. To every birth its blood. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0958470847 299pp. R95.00 Picador 2004 SA Shafi’i, S. Dazzle.
150pp. N300.00 Delta 1997 NR
Sharp, C. In fool flight: yet more stories of a vet’s wife. ISBN: 0143024361 240pp. ill. R78.95 Penguin SA 2003 SA Sharra, S. Fleeing the war. 31pp. K65.00 (£2.60) Macmillan - Mal 1996 MW
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African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature—Fiction
Shaw, A. Kandaya: another time, another place. 209pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Baobab - Zimb 1993 ZI Sher, A. The indoor boy.
R31.99 Penguin SA SA
Sherry, S.P. The black wattle. cd. R50.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1971 SA Shukri, I. The silent minaret. ISBN: 177009069X R95.00 ($13.00/£8.00) Jacana 2005 SA Simushi, L.S. I nearly killed a president. ISBN: 9982301012 120pp. Multimedia 2000 ZA Sinyangye, B. Quills of desire. 171pp. ($12.50£6.95) Baobab - Zimb 1993 ZI Sitoe, B. Zabela. My wasted life. 43pp. ($5.75/ £3.25) Baobab - Zimb 1996 ZI Situma, J. Mpuonzi’s dream. ISBN: 9966999302 128pp. K.shs.250.00 ($2.54) Africawide 1999 KE Situma, J. The mysterious killer. ISBN: 9966999310 261pp. K.shs.350.00 ($13.00) Africawide 2001 KE Slabolepsky, P. Saturday night at the palace. Donker 1995 SA
Sokko, H. The gathering storm. 184pp. T.shs.1,200 Tanz Publ House 1977 TZ Soyinka, W. The beatification of area boy. new ed. ISBN: 9780290915 N240.00 ($6.00/ £5.00) Spectrum 1999 NR Sparg, M. Comrade Jack. The political lectures and diary of Jack Simons, Nova Catengue. ISBN: 1919855025 246pp. pl. R160.00 ($30.00/£25.00) STE 2001 SA Standa, E.M. Shades of life. Univ 1994 KE
81pp. K.shs.100.00 Moi
Stanford, P. Going home with chickens. 19pp. ill. R12.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1991 SA Stein, S. Second-class taxi. new ed. 209pp. R49.99 Philip 1983 SA Stewart, D. Chasing the wind. SA 1996 SA
96pp. R64.99 OUP -
Stiff, P. The rain goddess. Galago 2003 SA
new ed. ($25.00)
Strachan, H. Way up way out. ISBN: 0864863551 165pp. R44.95 (£6.99) Philip 1998 SA Sule, M. The delinquent. (“Pacesetters”) 130pp. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1979 NR Sule, M. The undesirable element. (“Pacesetters”) 121pp. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1977 NR Sweeny, E. Another country: the land of literature. 2nd ed. ISBN: 978156072X 112pp. ($18.95/£10.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Tacca, A. The naked hostage. 185pp. U.shs.5,000 ($4.50) Monitor 1999 UG Tacea, A. The naked hostage. ISBN: 9970411352 185pp. U.shs.5,000 ($4.50) Monitor 1999 UG Tamuno, T. Festival of songs and drums. ISBN: 9783083554 141pp. N500.00 ($10.00/ £10.00) Newswatch 1999 NR
Tanyi-Tang, A. Ewa and other stories. CM
128pp. CLE 2000
Umelo, R. The man who ate the money. 100pp. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR
Taylor, J. Of wild dogs. ISBN: 1919930841 255pp. R150.00 Double Storey 2005 SA
Umobuarie, D.O. Black justice. 195pp. N10.00 Univ Press - Nig 1976 NR
Taylor, P.J. Elijah and the messengers of death. ISBN: 1869002970 88pp. R65.00 (£4.50) UmSinsi 2001 SA
Urrio, T. The girl from Uganda. 138pp. K.shs.290.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1992 KE
Tembo, M. Touched by his grace: a Ngoni of tragedy and triumph. ISBN: 9990876312 84pp. ($14.95/£11.95) Kachere 2005 MW
Urson, M. Loaded. 96pp. R27.11 Shuter & Shooter 1991 SA
Themba, C. The will to die. new ed. R47.50 Philip 1983 SA [South Africa only] Theron, F. Morrison’s jetty: a novel. ISBN: 0143002416 257pp. Penguin SA 2002 SA Thesen, H. Bond of the sea. Philip 1991 SA Thesen, H. The way back. 1993 SA
128pp. ill. R64.95
168pp. ill. R47.50 Philip
Thorpe, V. The worshippers. 156pp. N1.40 Macmillan - Nig 1979 NR Tlali, M. Footprints in the Quag: stories and dialogues from Soweto. 184pp. R49.95 Philip 1994 SA [South Africa only] Tlali, M. Mihloti. (Skotaville series, 2) 120pp. ($7.95/£4.25) R3.95 Skotaville 1984 SA Tozora, S.S.M. Crossroads. 1985 ZI
200pp. ($7.50) Mambo
Tracy, H. The lion on the path and other African stories. Inst Soc Res 1991 SA Tredgold, A. Village of the sea. R64.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Tumubweine, H. When passion withers. Nyonyi 1998 UG
77pp. ($4.00)
Tunde, T. Fractured jail sentence. cd. 174pp. ($6.00) Fourth Dimension 1988 NR Tyson, H. A walk on the wild side. R44.95 Zebra 1995 SA
207pp. ill.
Uche, O. Tales from school. ISBN: 9781425555 139pp. N150.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2003 NR Udo, A. The document. 2nd ed. ISBN: 978142429X 172pp. N200.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR Udoh, I. Tears of opulence. ISBN: 9781422688 153pp. N150.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2004 NR Ugwu, T.C. A changed man. new ed. ISBN: 9781562064 211pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Uka, K. Colonel Ben Brim. 160pp. ($4.50/£3.25) Fourth Dimension 1978 NR Ukala, G. The broken bond. ISBN: 9780305335 256pp. ($12.70) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR Ulasi, A.L. The man from Shagamu. 123pp. N200.00 Fagbamigbe 2000[?] NR Umelo, R. Felicia. (“Pacesetters”) 126pp. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1978 NR
Usman, A. Shocking discovery. Delta 1994 NR
96pp. N75.00
Uwaifo, S.O. Fattening house. ISBN: 9783464914 276pp. N750.00 Hanon 2001 NR Uwaoma, N. A son at all costs. ISBN: 978251489X 148pp. N222.00 ($2.22/£1.39) Ihem Davis 1998 NR Uzoatu, U.M. Day of blood and fire. 1990 NR
110pp. Konk
Uzoatu, U.M. The missing link. 2nd ed. ISBN: 978306875X 135pp. N500.00 Konk 1998 NR Uzoatu, U.M. Satan’s story. 103pp. N300.00 Konk 1989 NR Uzukwu, M. Across cultures. 226pp. N250.00 ($4.10/£2.75) Delta 1995 NR van de Ruit, J. Spud. ISBN: 0143024841 250pp. R83.33 Penguin SA 2005 SA van der Post, L. A far off place.
R49.99 Penguin SA SA
van der Post, L. Flamingo feather. SA
R42.99 Penguin SA
van der Post, L. The hunter and the whale. Penguin SA SA van der Post, L. In a province.
R42.99 Penguin SA SA
van der Post, L. The seed and the sower. Penguin SA SA van der Post, L. A story like the wind. SA SA
R42.99 Penguin
van der Spek, P. No room for error. ISBN: 0864865554 122pp. Spearhead 2003 SA van der Vyfer, M. Entertaining angels. SA
R69.99 Penguin SA
van der Vyver, M. Short circuits. ISBN: 0624043282 220pp. R125.00 Tafelberg 2005 SA van der Vyver, M. Travelling light. ISBN: 0143024558 353pp. R83.33 Penguin SA 2004 SA [southern Afrca only] van der Walt, W. Lost boys. ISBN: 0195715187 128pp. R64.99 OUP - SA 1998 SA van Druten, R. Mbuzini breeze. 1996 SA van Heerden, E. Ancestral voices. SA
264pp. R49.95 Kwela
R42.99 Penguin SA
van Heerden, E. Casspirs and camparis. new ed. 538pp. R59.99 Penguin SA 1993 SA van Heerden, E. Kikuyu. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0795700792 300pp. R115.00 Kwela 1998 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature—Fiction
Subject index
van Heerden, E. Leap year. A novel. 367pp. (£8.95) Penguin SA 1997 SA van Heerden, E. Mad dog and other stories. R44.99 Philip 1992 SA
van Riel, F. Life with Darwin and other baboons. ISBN: 0143024248 225pp. col.pl. R96.49 Penguin SA 2003 SA van Staden, J. Showdown. 143pp. (£5.99) Vivlia 1992 SA van Straten, C. The warrior’s star. Queillerie 1995 SA
115pp. R39.95
van Wyk, C. Shirley, goodness and mercy. ISBN: 0958470871 333pp. R142.00 Picador 2004 SA van Wyk, C. The year of the tapeworm. R39.99 Ravan 1996 SA
van Wyk, C., Plenge, V. Post traumatic. New South African short stories. ISBN: 0620305002 240pp. Botsotso 2003 SA
Walker, A. The ghost of the Konigsberg. 400pp. K.shs.350.00 ($8.00) Longhorn - Ken 1993 KE Walters, J. The highway. ISBN: 1869005546 317pp. R118.00 ($19.00/£11.99) UmSinsi 2004 SA Wambakha, O. At the crossroads. 168pp. ($3.70/£1.45) K.shs.25.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE Wambakha, O. The closed road to Wapi. 275pp. ($7.34/ £3.00) K.shs.36.85 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE Wambugu, C.K. Out for a choice. 100pp. K.shs.25.00 Africa Book Serv 1984 KE Wa’Munga, O. Sunrise at midnight. 364pp. K.shs.300.00 Longhorn - Ken 1996 KE Wa’Mwangi, K. Silent death. ISBN: 9966855467 60pp. K.shs.150.00 Uzima 1998 KE Wandai, K. Mayor in prison. 188pp. pl. K.shs.290.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1993 KE
Williams, M. The eighth man. ISBN: 0195718348 220pp. R94.98 OUP - SA 2002 SA Williams, M. The secret song. 178pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA Williams, O. Lagos heat. ISBN: 9780291498 142pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Malthouse 2002 NR Williams, O. The triumvirate. 51pp. ($6.50/£3.50) Malthouse 1992 NR Williamson, M. Haunted corners. SA
R69.96 Donker 1995
Wina, S. The night without a president. 91pp. ($7.95/£4.25) Multimedia 1985 ZA Winterbach, I. The elusive moth. ISBN: 0798145625 192pp. R125.00 Human and Rousseau 2005 SA Wright, L., ed. Selected short stories of R.R.R. Dhlomo. Inst Soc Res 1996 SA Yari, L. Climate of corruption. new ed. ISBN: 9781560142 174pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR
van Wyk, J. Man bitch. 82pp. R50.00 ($20.00) Van Wyk 2001 SA
Wandum, E.B. Passion’s fruit. 1998 CM
Venter, J. A woman’s diary. ISBN: 0869977679 cd. 400pp. R49.95 Lux Verbi 1998 SA
Wangusa, A.A. Memoirs of a mother. ISBN: 997030101X 73pp. ($6.50/£3.50) Femrite 1998 UG
Yari, L. A house in the dark and other stories. new ed. ISBN: 9781561483 113pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR
Warren, C.J. When the going gets tough. 222pp. K35.00 Popular Publ 1993 MW
Yari, L. Man of the moment. 108pp. ($5.50/ £3.00) Fourth Dimension 1992 NR
Vera, Y. Nehanda. 118pp. ill. ($10.00/£6.25) Baobab - Zimb 1994 ZI
Watson, M. Moss. ISBN: 0795701810 151pp. R110.00 Kwela 2004 SA
Yeboah-Afari, A. The sound of pestles and other stories. 80pp. C3,000 Afram 1986 GH
Vera, Y. The stone virgins. ISBN: 1779220022 180pp. Weaver 2002 ZI
Watson, S. A writer’s diary. 175pp. R49.95 Queillerie 1997 SA
Yemitan, O. The bearded story-teller. Fagbamigbe 1980 NR
Vera, Y. Under the tongue. 114pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Baobab - Zimb 1996 ZI
Wa’Wamwere, K. A woman reborn. EAEP 1979 KE
Vera, Y. Why don’t you carve other animals? 96pp. ill. Baobab - Zimb 1994 ZI
Waweru, M. The siege. 1985 KE
Zeleza, P. Night of darkness and other stories. (Malawian Writers series, 2) 217pp. K3.00 Popular Publ 1976 MW
Vera, Y. Without a name. 103pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Baobab - Zimb 1994 ZI
Waweru, P.M. Judy the nun. 278pp. K.shs.270.00 Longhorn - Ken 1991 KE
Victor, K. On the run. 69pp. ($7.50/£3.95) New Namibia 1994 SX
Wende, H. The king’s shilling. ISBN: 1770090533 304pp. R95.00 ($18.50/£8.00) Jacana 2005 SA
Vera, Y. Butterfly burning. ISBN: 1779090161 135pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Baobab - Zimb 1998 ZI
Violet, J. Heartbeats of change. Gariep 2000 SA
130pp. R65.95
Vladislavic, I. The exploded view. ISBN: 0958446865 Random House SA 2004 SA Vladislavic, I. The folly. 152pp. R49.99 Philip 1993 SA Vladislavic, I. Propaganda by monuments and other stories. 192pp. R49.99 Philip 1996 SA Vladislavio, I. Missing persons. 1990 SA
128pp. R44.99 Philip
wa Gethui, M. Tales to tell. ISBN: 9966498222 K.shs.110.00 ($1.50) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE Wachira, H. Waiting for darkness. ISBN: 9966222565 216pp. K.shs.265.00 ($6.00/ £3.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1999 KE Wa’Kang’ethe, K. Mission to Gehenna. 130pp. K.shs.255.00 ($7.95/£4.25) EAEP 1989 KE
80pp. CFA3,000 Patron
72pp. K.shs.220.00
273pp. Kenya Lit Bureau
Wicomb, Z. David’s story. ISBN: 0795701098 228pp. R120.00 Kwela 2001 SA Wiese, S. Angels around us. ISBN: 0627022502 121pp. R49.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Wilhelm, P. Bayonet field. Selected stories. ISBN: 0868522201 R119.95 Donker 2000 SA Wilhelm, P. Mask of freedom. SA
R69.95 Donker 1995
William, J. Stolen holiday. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0795700555 36pp. ill. R32.95 (£3.95) Kwela 1998 SA Williams, A. The remains of the last emperor. 224pp. N190.00 ($7.50/£6.50) Spectrum 1994 NR Williams, B. Sugar daddy. 1998 IV
112pp. CFA1,500 NEI
Williams, M. Crocodile burning. 2nd ed 208pp. R69.98 OUP - SA 1997 SA
Zimunya, M.B. Nightshift and other stories. 92pp. Z$16.50 Longman - Zimb 1993 ZI Zondo, B. Gone to earth. ISBN: 1869002733 106pp. R51.00 ($6.00/£4.50) UmSinsi 2001 SA Zwi, R. The inverted pyramid. cd. & 185pp. R10.50 R13.50 cd. Ravan 1981 SA African literature—Folklore Adagala, K., Kabira, W.M., eds. Kenyan oral narratives. 90pp. K.shs.300.00 ($12.50/£6.95) EAEP 1985 KE Ademola, K. African proverbs. ISBN: 9782030201 cd. 58pp. ill. ($6.95/£3.95) Bookcraft 2000 NR Ademola, K. More African proverbs. ISBN: 9782030252 cd. 73pp. ($6.95/£3.95) Bookcraft 2000 NR Ahmed, S.B. Narrator as interpreter. Stability and variation in Hausa tales. ISBN: 9780291032 249pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Spectrum 2002 NR Akello, G. Iteso thought patterns in tales. 129pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1981 TZ Akivaga, S., Odaga, A. Oral literature: a school certificate course. 134pp. K.shs.405.00 EAEP 1992 KE
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African Books in Print
African literature—Folklore
Subject index Amadiume, S. Ilu ndi Igbo: vol. 2 A study of Igbo proverbs. Suitable proverbs for different occasions translated. 76pp. ($10.00/ £6.25) Fourth Dimension 1995 NR Andah, B. Oral tradition and African culture history. N55.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Azeze, F. Unheard voices: drought, famine and God in Ethiopian oral poetry. [Text in Amharic and English.] ISBN: 8290817142 224pp. Birr20.00 ($20.00) Addis Ababa UP 1998 ET Badji, L. Poèmes et contes diola de Casamance. [Bilingual text in French and Dyula.] (ENDA Collection Clair de lune, 5) 120pp. ENDA 2000 SG MUL Bali, E. Tarok folktales. 95pp. ill. ($5.50/£3.00) Spectrum 1991 NR Barra, G. 1000 Kikuyu proverbs. 3rd ($2.25/£1.02) K.shs.13.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE Bateman, G. Zanzibar tales told by the natives of East Africa. [Reprint of 1908 edition] 2nd ed. ISBN: 9987667058 cd. 160pp. ill. (£14.99) Gallery 2001 TZ Bergsma, H.R. Tales Tiv tell. 104pp. ill. N5.50k Univ Press - Nig 1969 NR Chesaina, C. Oral literature of the Embu and Mbeere. ISBN: 9966464077 228pp. K.shs.635.00 ($19.50/£11.00) EAEP 1998 KE Chesaina, C. Oral literature of the Kalenjin. 168pp. K.shs.355.00 ($18.00/£9.95) EAEP 1991 KE Dogbé, Y.E. Contes et légendes du Togo EwéFrançais. 280pp. CFA3,000 Akpagnon 1997 TG MUL Faal, G.A. Segoubali. Epopée des pêcheurs pulaar. trans.f.t. Fula by Amadou Abel Sy [Bilingual text in French in Fula.] (ENDA Collection Clair de lune, 4) 120pp. ENDA 1999 SG MUL Fochang, B.G. Wisdom of the ancients: some African proverbs, witty sayings, and their interpretations drawn mostly from Bali Nyongha in the North West Province of Cameroon. 43pp. Dschang Univ 2001 CM Gakuo, K., Ndekere, M., King, B., eds. Nyumba ya mumbi: the Gikuyu creation myth. 36pp. col.ill. ($8.95) K.shs.165.00 Jacaranda 1992 KE Gecau, R.M. Kikuyu folktales: their nature and value. 2nd 152pp. ill. ($3.30/£1.30) K.shs12.75 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE Godwin, D., ed. Folk tales from beyond the rainbow nation. ISBN: 0627024572 50pp. ill. R40.95 (£5.99) Van Schaik 2000 SA Hamutyinei, M.A., Plangger, A. Tsumo-Shumo: Shona proverbial lore and wisdom. 2nd rev. ed. 484pp. ($22.50) Mambo 1987 ZI MUL Hassanali Kirmani, M. Oral literature of the Asians in East Africa. ISBN: 9966250859 138pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 2002 KE Hochegger, H. Cendrillon en Afrique. Versions zairoises proches des contes de Grimm. (Traditions de 1006 à 1993). (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 107) 128pp. (DM35.00) CEEBA 1993 ZR FRE Hodza, A.C. Shona folk tales. Mambo 1987 ZI
151pp. ($6.30)
Ige, B. Golden quotes. ISBN: 9782030228 cd. 163pp. ($9.95/£5.95) Bookcraft 2000 NR
Mutwa, C. African proverbs. 80pp. col.ill. R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Kabira, W.M. The oral artist. 150pp. K.shs.245.00 ($12.50/£6.95) EAEP 1983 KE
Mutwa, C. Isilwane, the animal. Animal tales from Africa. 224pp. ill. R69.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Kaschula, R., ed. Foundations in southern African oral literature. (African Studies reprint, 2) 400pp. R79.95 Witwatersrand UP 1993 SA Kaschula, R.H. African oral literature: functions in contemporary contexts. ISBN: 1919876073 324pp. R129.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Kieti, M., Coughlin, P. Barking, you’ll be eaten: the wisdom of Kamba oral literature. ill. K.shs.60.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1990 KE Kipury, N. Oral literature of the Maasai. 234pp. K.shs.435.00 ($21.50/£11.95) EAEP 1983 KE Knappert, J. Myths and legends of the Swahili. 212pp. K.shs.520.00 EAEP 1965 KE [Kenya only] Knappert, J. Swahili proverbs. ISBN: 9976635095 176pp. T.shs.1,500 ($15.00) Ndanda Mission 1998 TZ [Tanzania only] Kuwabong, D. Naa Konga. A collection of Dagaaba folktales. 81pp. ($5.50/£3.00) Woeli 1992 GH Lawrence, M. Folk tales from Africa educator’s guide. [Also available in Setswana.] ISBN: 1958431117 125pp. ill. R70.20 Clever 2004 SA
Mwakasaka, C.S. The oral literature of the Banyakyusa. (£6.25/$2.50) K.shs.32.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Namibian Oral Tradition Project Muzimbikana and other Namibian adventures. ISBN: 999163150X 47pp. ill. ($5.75/£3.25) New Namibia 1997 SX Nester, H.B. 500 Haya proverbs. (£2.60/$5.80) Ks.shs.25.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Ng’osos, D. Tugen proverbs. K.shs.150.00 ($5.00) Phoenix 1997 KE Njururi, N. Gikuyu proverbs. 2nd ed. 136pp. ($2.16/£1.50) K.shs.30.00 OUP - Nairobi 1983 KE Nyembezi, C.L.S. Zulu proverbs. R78.47 Shuter & Shooter 1989 SA MUL Odaga, A.B. Yesterday’s today: the study of oral literature. 147pp. K.shs.350.00 ($6.00/ £4.00) Lake 1984 KE Ogutu, O., Roscoe, A.A. Keep my words: Luo oral literature. 2nd ed. 160pp. K.shs.360.00 ($10.00/£6.25) EAEP 1974 KE Okpewho, I., ed. The oral performance in Africa. 277pp. N540.00 ($30.00/£16.75) Spectrum 1990 NR
Lawrence, M. Folk tales from Africa reader one. Grade 4. [Also available in Setswana, Xhosa, Zulu.] bk.1 ISBN: 1958431125 96pp. col.ill. R47.95 Clever 2004 SA
Okwelume, O.C., comp. Drumbeats of black Africa. A collection of African proverbs. ISBN: 9780295046 183pp. ill. ($19.95/£6.95) Spectrum 2004 NR
Lawrence, M. Folk tales from Africa reader two. [Also available in Setswana.] bk.2 ISBN: 1958431133 96pp. col.ill. R47.95 Clever 2004 SA
Onwuamaegbu, M.O., Green, M.M. Igbo folk stories. 16pp. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1962 NR
lo Liyong, T. Women in folktales and short stories of Africa ISBN: 0620214651 110pp. ill. Azalea 2003[?] SA Lusweti, B.M. The hyena and the rock: a handbook of oral literature. (£6.00) Macmillan Kenya 1984 KE Manu, S.Y. Six Ananse stories. 48pp. ill. C3,500 (£2.50) Sedco 1993 GH Mbdulziz, A.H. 19th century Swahili popular poetry. (£3.15/9.40) K.shs.42.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Metger, F. The hyena’s laughter: Bushman fables. 112pp. ill. N$33.00 Namibia Scient Soc 1995 SX Miruka, O. Encounter with oral literature. 194pp. K.shs.470.00 ($17.00/£9.50) EAEP 1994 KE Miruka, O. Oral literature of the Luo. ISBN: 9966250867 200pp. K.shs.525.00 ($19.95/£11.95) EAEP 2001 KE Mohamed, A.A. Zanzibar ghost stories. ISBN: 9987893147 92pp. T.shs.5,500 ($7.00/ £6.00) Good Luck 2000 TZ Mukabi, W., wa Mutahi, K. Gikuyu oral literature. 168pp. K.shs.360.00 ($12.50/£6.95) EAEP 1988 KE
Onwueme, O.T. Why the elephant had no butt. ISBN: 966383729 168pp. ($9.95/£5.95) ALP 2000 NR Opland, J. Xhosa oral poetry: aspects of a Black South African tradition. 303pp. R22.50 Ravan 1983 SA p’Bitek, O. Acholi proverbs. 38pp. K.shs.135.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1985 KE Rycroft, D.K., Ngcobo, A.B. The praises of Dingana: Izibongo zikaDingana. 272pp. ill. R75.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1988 SA Saro-Wiwa, K. The singing anthill. Ogoni folktales. 144pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Saros 1991 NR Savory, P., Daniel, G. Best of African folklore. 112pp. ill. R85.95 Struik Publ 1991 SA Scarff, V. Folk tales from Africa educator’s guide. Grade 5. [Also available in Setswana.] ISBN: 1919870016 110pp. ill. R70.20 Clever 2004 SA Scarff, V. Folk tales from Africa educator’s guide grade 6. [Also available in Setswana.] ISBN: 1919870164 113pp. ill. R70.20 Clever 2004 SA Scarff, V. Folk tales from Africa reader one. Grade 5. [Also available in Setswana, Zulu, Xhosa.] ISBN: 1919870024 64pp. col.ill. R47.95 Clever 2004 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature—Folklore
Subject index
Scarff, V. Folk tales from Africa reader one grade 6. [Also available in Setswana, Zulu, Xhosa.] ISBN: 1919870172 64pp. col.ill. R47.95 Clever 2004 SA
African literature—Folklore—Dictionaries Sunkuli, L.O., Miruka, S.O. A dictionary of oral literature. 132pp. K.shs.300.00 ($15.00/£8.50) EAEP 1990 KE
Scarff, V. Folk tales from Africa reader two. Grade 5. [Also available in Setswana, Zulu, Xhosa.] ISBN: 1919870032 64pp. col.ill. R47.95 Clever 2004 SA
African literature—History and criticism Abimbola, W. Ifa: an exposition of Ifa literary corpus. cd. & 256pp. pl. N15.00k N20.80k cd. Univ Press - Nig 1976 NR
Scarff, V. Folk tales from Africa reader two grade 6. [Also available in Setswana, Zulu, Xhosa.] ISBN: 1919870180 64pp. col.ill. R47.95 Clever 2004 SA
Adejare, O. Language and style in Soyinka. A systematic textlinguistic study of a literacy idiolect. 207pp. N466.45 ($30.00/£16.75) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1994 NR
Schipper, M. Source of all evil. [Collection of proverbs.] 97pp. R16.50 Ravan 1992 SA [Southern Africa only] Schoffeleers, J.M., Roscoe, A.A. Land of fire. Oral literature from Malawi. 241pp. ($4.65) K10.50 Popular Publ 1985 MW Scholtz, P., Treweek, C. Tales of the Tokoloshe. ISBN: 1868729702 144pp. ill. R99.95 Struik Publ 2004 SA Sona Gisaangi Dieu nous a tout confié excepté cette forêt. Mythes mbala 4. Version Mbalafrançaise. (CEEBA. série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 12) 106pp. map. (DM26.00) CEEBA 1974 ZR MUL Sopoye, Y. Goye ki darrira (conversations dangaleat). 87pp. CFA500.00 Rôniers 1982 CD DAN Soyinka, W. The seven signposts of existence. Knowledge, honour, justice and other virtues. ISBN: 978203018X cd. 36pp. ill.pl. ($6.95/£3.95) Bookcraft 2000 NR The Oral Traditions Association of Southern Africa Proceedings of the second biennial seminar of the oral traditions association of Southern Africa. 210pp. Z$9.00 ($7.00/£3.00) OTAZI 1991 ZI Tumina Kikusa Fils, on n’épouse pas sa soeur. Mythes suku. Texte suku-français. (CEEBA. série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 16) 111pp. map. (DM26.00) CEEBA 1974 ZR MUL
Adelugba, D., ed. Before our very eyes. Tribute to Wole Soyinka, winner of the Nobel prize for literature. 213pp. N75.00 Spectrum 1987 NR Afolayan, A., ed. Yoruba language and literature. 315pp. maps ($27.00/£14.95) Univ Press - Nig 1982 NR Akachi Ezeigbo, T. Fact & fiction in the literature of the Nigerian civil war. 202pp. ($15.00/ £10.00) Unity 1991 NR Amadi, E. Ethics in Nigerian culture. 120pp. N109.65 ($16.00/£8.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1982 NR Amateshe, M. EAEP literature guide to Margaret Ogola’s The river and the source. ISBN: 9966250476 72pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 2000 KE Ambanasom, S.A. Education of the deprived: a study of four Camerounian playwrights. ISBN: 9956110051 162pp. Unique 2002 CM Angmor, C. Contemporary literature in Ghana 19111978. A critical evaluation. 239pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Woeli 1996 GH Anyidoho, K. The Pan African ideal in literatures of the black world. 49pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Ghana UP 1990 GH
Brown, D. Exchanges: South African writing in transition. 136pp. pl. R50.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1991 SA Brown, D. Voicing the text: South African oral poetry and performance. 288pp. R204.99 OUP - SA 1998 SA Bukenya, A., Kabira, W.M., et al., eds. Understanding oral literature. 102pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Nairobi UP 1995 KE Bunting, B., ed. S.P. Bunting. A political biography by Edward Roux. 2nd ed.(Mayibuye history and literature series, 47) 198pp. pl. R55.00 ($14.00/£9.00) Mayibuye 1993 SA Butler, G., Visser, N.W. The re-interment on Buffelskop. [On Olive Schreiner, containing extracts and excission from Olive’s husband Samuel Cronwright Schreiner’s diaries and writings.] 143pp. pl. R10.00 Inst Study Engl 1983 SA Chabal, P., ed. Post-colonial literature of lusophone Africa. 320pp. R94.95 Witwatersrand UP 1996 SA [Southern Africa only] Chapman, M. South African English poetry. A modern perspective. cd. 293pp. R83.95 Donker 1995 SA Chapman, M., ed. Southern African literatures. ISBN: 1869140281 R220.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2003 SA Chinweizu, Jemie, C.O., Madubuike, I. Toward the decolonisation of African literature. 2 vols. cd. & pap.(£6.50 pap.) (£12.50 cd.) Fourth Dimension 1980 NR Chiwome, E.M. A critical history of Shona poetry. 151pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Univ Zimbabwe 1996 ZI Chiwome, E.M. A social history of the Shona novel. ISBN: 0869227653 271pp. ($24.95/ £14.95) Mambo 2002 ZI
Asein, S.O., Asaolu, H. Studies on the African novel. 258pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Ibadan UP 1986 NR
Chukukere, G., ed. Gender voices and choices. Redefining women in contemporary African fiction. 341pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Fourth Dimension 1995 NR
Tutuola, A. Yoruba folktales. 54pp. ill. ($10.00/ £6.25) Ibadan UP 1987 NR
Asmal, K. South Africa’s Nobel laureates. ISBN: 1868422046 cd. R229.95 Ball 2004 SA
Chukwuma, H. Accents in the African novel. Generation 1991 NR
Ugonna, N. Mmonwu: A dramatic tradition of the Igbo. 226pp. ($18.00/£9.95) N15.00 Univ Lagos Press 1985 NR
Awodiya, M.P., ed. Excursions in drama and literature. Interviews with Femi Osofisan. 144pp. Kraft 1993 NR
Clark, E. Hubert Ogunde: the making of Nigerian theatre. cd. 170pp. pl. N14.70k Univ Press - Nig 1979 NR
van Waarden, C. Oral traditions of the Bakalanga and Bakhurustshe. 38pp. ($6.00/£3.00) P6.00 Botswana Soc 1988 BS
Banham, M., Gibbs, J., Osofisan, F., eds. African theatre: playwrights and politics. ISBN: 1868143678 300pp. pl. Witwatersrand UP 2001 SA [Southern Africa only]
Clingman, S.R. The novels of Nadine Gordimer: history from the inside. 276pp. R22.00 Ravan 1986 SA
Wako, D.M. The Western Abaluyia and their proverbs. 55pp. ill. Kenya Lit Bureau 1985 KE Zanji, B. Stories from Zambia. ISBN: 9982818767 41pp. ill. H.Grant 2000 ZA African literature—Folklore—Addresses and essays Oral Traditions Association of Zimbabwe Oral traditions association fora. 178pp. OTAZI 2000 ZI Saayman, W., ed. Embracing the baobab tree. vol.5 286pp. R85.00 ($14.90/£9.50/Eur13.10) Unisa 1997 SA African literature—Folklore—Bibliography Rooke, A.P., Msiska, A.W.C. Bibliography of oral literature projects in Zambia. vol.1 taped and transcribed projects.(Occas. paps., 1) 29pp. Univ Zambia - Bkshop 1981 ZA
Barsby, T. Olive Schreiner: an introduction. (NELM introduction series, 2) 54pp. ($7.00) NELM 1995 SA Benson, M. Athol Fugard and Barney Simon. Bare stage, a few props, great theatre. 162pp. R49.95 (£7.95) Ravan 1997 SA Berold, R., ed. South African poetry in the 1990s. Interviews from “New Coin”. ISBN: 1869140095 120pp. Gecko - SA 2002 SA Berold, R., ed. South African poets on poetry. ISBN: 1869140311 182pp. (£9.95) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2003 SA Bolland, J. Language and the quest for political and social identity in the African novel. 81pp. ($7.95/£4.25) Woeli 1996 GH Breitinger, E., ed. Uganda: the cultural landscape. ISBN: 9970021591 277pp. col.ill.pl. ($24.95/ £14.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2000 UG
95pp. New
Cooper, B. To lay these secrets open: evaluating African writing. 197pp. R58.95 Philip 1992 SA Couzens, T., Visser, N., eds. H.I.E Dhlomo: collected works. R26.95 Ravan 1985 SA
Daymond, M.J., Jacobs, J.U., Lenta, M., eds. Momentum: on recent South African writing. 336pp. R50.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1984 SA de Graft Hanson, J.O. The coming of the Trojans. 28pp. ($4.00/£2.25) Ghana UP 1994 GH de Kock, L., Tromp, I. The heart in exile: South African poetry in English, 1990-1995. R50.00 Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA de Witt, M.W., Booysen, M.I. Socialization of the young child - selected themes. [Also available in Afrikaans.] R69.00 Van Schaik 1995 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 38
African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature—History and criticism
Devereux, S. F.T.Prince interviewed. (NELM Interviews series, 3) 28pp. R9.12 (£1.70) NELM 1988 SA
Gikandi, S. EAEP literature guide ot: A house for Mr Biswas. 58pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1987 KE
Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique Mask, medium and form: the Nigerian performing arts in transition. 60pp. N200.00 ($6.00) IFRA - Nig 1998 NR
Diagne, S.B. Reconstruire le sens: textes et enjeux de prospectives africaines. (Etat de la littérature, 4/2000) 64pp. CODESRIA 2000 SG FRE
Gikandi, S. EAEP literature guide to Camara Laye’s The African child. 46pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1980 KE
Institute for the Study of English in Africa South African writing in English: English Academy of Southern Africa, conference, 7-11 July. R1.00 Inst Study Engl 1969 SA
Ebewo, P. Barbs: a study of satire in the plays of Wole Soyinka. ISBN: 997051003X 237pp. ($30.95/£18.95) JANyeko 2002 SQ Ebewo, P. A handbook of literary and critical terms for African students. 91pp. M25.00 ($10.00) Univ Press Lesotho 1997 LO Eilersen, G.S. Bessie Head: thunder behind her ears. 320pp. R85.00 Philip 1995 SA Ekwe-Ekwe, H. African literature in defence of history. An essay on Chinua Achebe. ISBN: 1903625106 193pp. ($24.95/£14.95) African Renaissance 2001 SG
Gikandi, S. Reading Chinua Achebe. 192pp. K.shs.750.00 EAEP 1991 KE Gikandi, S. Reading the African novel. 192pp. K.shs.545.00 EAEP 1987 KE Githae-Mugo, M. Visions of Africa. The fiction of Chinua Achebe, Margaret Laurence, Elspeth Huxley, Ngugi wa Thiongo. 198pp. Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE Goddard, K. Athol Fugard: a resource guide: English Olympiad, 1992. 47pp. ill. R11.40 NELM 1991 SA
Isola, A. The modern Yoruba novel. ISBN: 9781292741 184pp. N450.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR Izevbaye, D. In his own image: literature and the recreation man. 27pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1990 NR James, A. In their own voices: African women writers talk. 160pp. K.shs.1,510 EAEP 1990 KE [Kenya only] Jolly, R., Breytenbach, B., Coetzee, J.M. Colonization, violence and narration in white South African writing. 200pp. R98.95 Witwatersrand UP 1996 SA [Southern Africa only]
Emenyonu, E. Black culture and black consciousness in literature. 264pp. N252.00 ($25.00/ £13.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR
Goddard, K., Wessels, C., eds. Out of exile: South African writers speak: interviews with Albie Sachs, Lewis Nkosi, Mbulelo Mzamane, Breyten Breytenbach, Denis Brutus, Keorapetse Kgositsile. 91pp. ill. R21.66 ($10.00) NELM 1992 SA
Emenyonu, E. The rise of the Igbo novel. cd. & 212pp. N33.40k cd. N8.60 Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR
Gordimer, N. The essential gesture. Writing, politics and places. cd. 294pp. R42.99 Penguin SA SA
Emenyonu, E., ed. Critical theory and African literature. 320pp. ($33.00/£18.50) N295.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR
Gray, S., ed. Indaba: interviews with African writers. ISBN: 1869190890 225pp. R120.00 Protea 2005 SA
Emenyonu, E., ed. The essential Ekwensi. 96pp. N153.70 ($16.00/£8.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR
Green, M. Novel histories. Past, present and future in South African fiction. 344pp. R120.00 (£19.95) Witwatersrand UP 1997 SA
Emenyonu, E.N., ed. Literature and black aesthetics. 356pp. N482.80 ($33.00/£18.50) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR
Guma, S.M. The form, content and technique of traditional literature in Southern Sotho. R79.95 Van Schaik SA
Emenyonu, E.N. New women’s writing in Africa literature. ISBN: 0852555455 224pp. K.shs.2,240 EAEP 2004 KE [Kenya only]
Gunner, L., ed. Politics and performance. Theatre, poetry and song in southern Africa. 304pp. pl. R84.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA
Emenyonu, E.N. Studies on the Nigerian novel. 142pp. N432.30 ($18.00/£9.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1991 NR
Harrow, K.W., ed. Faces of Islam in African literature. 320pp. K.shs.990.00 EAEP 1991 KE
Kahari, G.P. Aspects of the Shona novel and other related genres. 214pp. ($15.60) Mambo 1986 ZI
Head, R., ed. A gesture of belonging. Letters from Bessie Head, 1965-1979. 240pp. ill. R49.95 Witwatersrand UP 1991 SA [Southern Africa only]
Kalonde, K. A special guide to the anthology of Malawian literature for junior secondary. ISBN: 9990842035 164pp. K420.00 ($8.99/£4.99) Sunrise 2000 MW
Helgesson, S. Writing in crisis: ethics and history in Gordimer, Ndebel and Coetzee. ISBN: 1869140443 274pp. R150.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2004 SA
Kalu, O., ed. Readings in African humanities. African cultural development. ISBN: 9781560282 ($34.95£20.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR
Hunter, E., MacKenzie, C. eds. Between the lines II. Interviews with Nadine Gordimer, Menán du Plessis, Zoë Wicomb, Lauretta Ngcobo. (NELM Interviews series, 6) 122pp. ill. R30.78 NELM 1993 SA
Kamau, K. EAEP literature guide to: Chinua Achebe’s A man of the people. ISBN: 9966251502 50pp. R335.00 EAEP 2002 KE
Emenyonu, E.N., ed. Literature and national consciousness. 244pp. ($33.00/£18.50) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1989 NR Erapu, L. EAEP literature guide to: The lion and the jewel. 44pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 1975 KE Ezenwa-Ohaeto, ed. Winging words. Interviews with Nigerian writers and critics. ISBN: 9780390901 172pp. ($24.95/£11.95) Kraft 2004 NR Fajenyo, E., Osunde, O. The writings of Abubakar Gimba. N150.00 Delta 1994 NR
Faqada Azaza Unheard voices: drought, famine, and God in Ethiopian oral poetry. ISBN: 8290817142 224pp. Addis Ababa UP 1998 ET Gachukia, E., Akivaga, S.K. The teaching of African literature. (£3.25/$8.10) K.shs.40.45 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE Gaidzanwa, R. B. Images of women in Zimbabwean literature. 99pp. Z$79.95 College Press -Zimb 1985 ZI Garbett, P. Techniques for studying English literature: “Maru”. [by Bessie Head] 2nd ed. 33pp. R22.00 ($5.41/£3.52) Hibbard 1993 SA
Ibitokun, B.M. African drama and the Yoruba world-view. 183pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Ibadan UP 1995 NR Ihekweazu, E., et al., eds. Eagle on Iroko. Selected papers from the Chinua Achebe International Symposium 1990. 557pp. ($43.00/£24.00) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1996 NR Iji, E.M. Understanding Brecht and Soyinka. 216pp. Kraft 1991 NR Ikonne, C., Oko, E., eds., Onsudinjo, P. African literature and African historical experiences. 136pp. N331.50 ($15.00/ £8.50) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1991 NR Indangasi, H. EAEP literature guide to: Romeo and Juliet. 46pp. R165.00 EAEP 1992 KE
Jones, E., Palmer, E., Jones, M., eds. The question of language in Africa: literature today. K.shs.785.00 EAEP 1995 KE [Kenya only] Jones, E., Palmer, E., Jones, M., eds. Women in African literature today. K.shs.785.00 EAEP 1995 KE Kabelle, D.B. Certificate guide to oral literature research. 40pp. ill. K.shs.80.00 ($3.00/ £2.00) Lake 1986 KE Kabongo, B. La littérature négro-africaine et ses problèmes. Press Univ Congo 1982 ZR FRE Kahari, G. The rise of the Shona novel. ($17.00) Mambo 1990 ZI
Kahari, G. The romances of Patrick Chakaipa. A study of thematic techniques and mythology. 100pp. ($7.90) Mambo 1994 ZI
Kearney, J.A. Representing dissension: riot, rebellion and resistance in the South African English novel. ISBN: 1868882357 366pp. pl. R184.00 ($32.20/£20.60/ Eur26.30) Unisa 2003 SA Kemoli, A. EAEP literature guide to Chinua Achebe’s Things fall apart. 44pp. K.shs.440.00 EAEP 1989 KE Kerr, D. African popular theatre. 288pp. K.shs.2,420 EAEP 1995 KE Kiiru, D.H. EAEP literature guide to: A grain of wheat. 34pp. R165.00 EAEP 1985 KE Killam, D., Rowe, R. The companion to African literature. ISBN: 0852555490 336pp. K.shs.1,125 EAEP 2000 KE [Kenya only]
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature—History and criticism Killam, G.D., ed. The writing of East and Central Africa. 276pp. K.shs.470.00 EAEP 1984 KE King’ei, K.G. Mwana Kupona: poetess from Lamu. [Text in English and Swahili.] ISBN: 9966951059 105pp. col.ill.maps K.shs.190.00 ($9.95) Sasa Sema 2000 KE MUL
Subject index Mortimer, M. Journey through the French African novel. ISBN: 085255526X 240pp. K.shs.1,005 EAEP KE [Kenya only] Mukoshy, S.S. Contribution of Nana Asma Bint. 150pp. Fourth Dimension NR
Kolawole, M.M.E., ed. Zulu Sofola. Her life and works. ISBN: 9783318799 95pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Kolawole 2000 NR
Mulokozi, M.M. The African epic controversy: historical, philosophical and aesthetic perspectives on epic poetry and performance. ISBN: 998768629X 570pp. ill. T.shs.25,000 ($49.95/£29.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2003 TZ
Koyani, S., ed. Sindiwe Magona the first decade. ISBN: 1869140605 224pp. (£14.95) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2004 SA
Mulokozi, M.M., Sengo, T.S.Y. History of Kiswahili poetry (AD 10002000). T.shs.3,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ
Kumene, D. Thomas Mofolo and the emergence of written Sesotho prose. 251pp. R49.95 Ravan 1989 SA
Muluka, B.O. Notes on J. de Grandsaigne and S. Nnamonu’s “African short stories (an anthology)”. 78pp. K.shs.45.00 EAEP 1991 KE
Kurtz, J.R. Urban obsessions, urban fears. The postcolonial Kenyan novel. ISBN: 0852555504 256pp. (£12.95) EAEP 1999 KE [East Africa only] Lamptey, V.A.O. Cognitive creativity and ontological dynamism in negrista poetry. ISBN: 9988041624 220pp. C130,000 Unimax 2004 GH Leveson, M. People of the book. Images of the Jew in South African English fiction (1890-1992). 260pp. R98.95 Witwatersrand UP 1996 SA Lindfors, B. Black African literature in English. 500pp. K.shs.14,290 EAEP 2003 KE lo Liyong, T. Another last word. 184pp. K.shs.240.00 ($18.00/£9.95) EAEP 1990 KE Lutalala, L.L. A literature guide for ‘O’ level on: Is it possible? and, Song of Lawino, and, Ocol ISBN: 9987671772 120pp. ill. T.shs.5,000 ($5.00) TEPU 2004 TZ Mackenzie, C. Bessie Head: an introduction. (NELM Introductions, 1) 52pp. pl. R6.50 NELM 1989 SA Mackenzie, C., Clayton, C., eds. Between the lines. Interviews with Bessie Head, Sheila Roberts, Ellen Kuzwayo, Miriam Tlali. (NELM Interviews series, 4) 85pp. pl. R21.66 NELM 1989 SA Masimba Women writers of Zimbabwe 2003. ISBN: 1779220243 160pp. Weaver 2003 ZI McLoughlin, T.O., Mhonyera, F.R. Insights: criticism of Zimbabwean and other poetry. 132pp. ($7.90) Mambo 1984 ZI McLuckie, C., Tyner, R. Arthur Nortje, poet and South Africa: new critical and contextual essays. ISBN: 1868882594 189pp. R139.00 ($21.70/ £13.80/Eur19.00) Unisa 2004 SA Midgley, P. Sol Plaatje: an introduction. NELM 1997 SA
Mills, P. EAEP literature guide to: No longer at ease. 32pp. K.shs.155.00 EAEP 1975 KE Milubi, N.A. Aspects of Venda poetry. ISBN: 0627021484 142pp. R65.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Miruka, O. Notes on Ian Gordon’s “Looking for a rain god and other short stories from Africa.” ISBN: 9966250573 47pp. EAEP 2000 KE Mokitimi, M.I.P. Lifela tsa litsamaea-naha poetry. A literary analysis. ISBN: 0627022410 222pp. R129.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA
Muponde, R., Maodzwa-Taruvinga, M., eds. Sign and taboo. Perspectives on the poetic fiction of Yvonne Vera. ISBN: 0852555849 256pp. (£14.95) Weaver 2003 ZI [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, UK; Stephan Phillips, South Africa] Muponde, R., Primorac, R., eds. Versions of Zimbabwe: new approaches to literature and culture. ISBN: 1779220367 280pp. ($32.95/£24.95) Weaver 2005 ZI Mwagiru, C. EAEP literature guide to Meja Mwangi’s Carcase for hounds. 52pp. K.shs.405.00 EAEP 1984 KE Mwanzi, H. EAEP literature guide to Leonard Kibera and Sam Kahiga’s Potent ash. 44pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1985 KE Nandwa, J., Bukenya, A. African oral literature for schools. 110pp. K.shs.250.00 Longhorn - Ken 1983 KE Nazareth, P. Literature and society in modern Africa. 2nd & cd. 236pp. ($9.00/£4.20 cd.) ($4.50/£1.80 pap.) K.shs30.00 K.shs45.00 cd. Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE Nesbit, R. EAEP literature guide to: Mine boy. 54pp. K.shs.380.00 EAEP 1975 KE
Ngara, E., Morrison, A. Literature, language and the nation: proceedings of the second General Conference of the Association of University Teachers of Literature and Language (ATOLL) held at the University of Zimbabwe 24-18 August, 1987. 250pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Baobab - Zimb 1989 ZI Ngugi wa Thiong’o Decolonising the mind, the politics of language in African literature. 128pp. K.shs.600.00 EAEP 1986 KE Ngugi wa Thiong’o Writers in politics. EAEP 1981 KE
152pp. K.shs.385.00
Nnolim, C. Critical approaches to the African novel: essays in analysis. (Saros Star series, 14) 192pp. (£8.95) Saros 1991 NR Nnolim, C., ed. Critical essays on Ken Saro-Wiwa’s “Sozaboy: a novel in rotten English”. 128pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Saros 1992 NR Nnolim, C.E. Approaches to the African novel: essays in analysis. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9782514594 253pp. N379.00 ($3.80/£2.38) Ihem Davis 1999[?] NR Nwankwo, C. The works of Ngugi wa Thiong’o. 201pp. N40.00 Longman - Nig 1992 NR Nwezeh, E.C. Africa in French and German fiction, 1911-1938. 122pp. ($7.50/£5.00) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1979 NR Nwoga, D., Azuonye, C., eds. The hero in Igbo life and literature. ISBN: 9781564776 486pp. ($49.95/ £29.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Nzegwu, F. Love, motherhood and the African heritage: the legacy of Flora Nwapa. ISBN: 1903625092 256pp. ($27.95/ £16.95) African Renaissance 2001 SG Nzewi, M. Drama scene in Nigeria. 240pp. ($10.00/ £6.75) N5.50 Fourth Dimension 1980 NR Obiechina, E.N. Theme and language in African literature. 420pp. N50.00 Univ Nigeria Press 1989 NR
Nesbit, R, EAEP literature guide to: The concubine. 44pp. K.shs.330.00 EAEP 1982 KE
Ogude, S.E. Genius in bondage: a study of the origins of African literature in English. 166pp. ($7.50/£5.00) N8.50 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1983 NR
Nesbitt, R. EAEP literature guide to “Mine boy”. 53pp. K.shs.125.00 Gaba 1975 KE
Ojaide, T. The poetry of Wole Soyinka. 140pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Malthouse 1994 NR
Nesbitt, R. EAEP literature guide to Elechi Amadi’s “The concubine”. 44pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1974 KE
Ojinmah, U. Chinua Achebe: new perspectives. 128pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Spectrum 1992 NR
Nespoulous-Neuville, J. Listen to Africa: a call from L.S. Senghor. trans.f.t. French by Pierre de Fontnouvelle ISBN: 1868880966 188pp. R96.00 ($15.50/£10.10) Unisa 1999 SA
Ojo-Ade, F. Colour and culture in literature. ($4.95/ £2.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1987 NR
Newell, S. Reading in African popular fiction. ISBN: 9966255644 216pp. K.shs.2,400 EAEP 2002 KE Ngalasso Mwatha Des langues pour dire/écrire la littérature au Zaïre. 236pp. ($89.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE
Oka Moh, F. Ben Okri. An introduction to his early fiction. ISBN: 9781564598 160pp. ($19.95/£11.95) Fourth Dimension 2001 NR Olafioye, T. The poetry of Tanure Ojaide. ISBN: 9780231250 175pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Malthouse 2000 NR
Ngara, E. Ideology and form in African poetry. 224pp. K.shs.1,870 EAEP 1990 KE
Omotoso, K. The form of the African novel. A critical essay. 74pp. N6.00 Fagbamigbe 1979 NR
Ngara, E. Teaching literature in Africa: principles and techniques. 128pp. Z$5.00 ZPH 1984 ZI
Otokunefor, H., Nwodo, O. Nigerian female writers: a critical perspective. 172pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Malthouse 1990 NR
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 40
African Books in Print
Subject index Owuor, E. A study guide to ‘Half a day and other stories’. ISBN: 9966951318 148pp. Kshs180.00 ($7.95) Sasa Sema 2005 KE Peterson, B. Monarchs, missionaries and African intellectuals. African theatre and the unmaking of colonial marginality. ISBN: 1868143287 312pp. R150.00 Witwatersrand UP 1999 SA Pongweni, A.J.C. Shona praise poetry as role negotiation. The battle of the clans and the sexes. 156pp. ($15.60) Mambo 1996 ZI Ricard, A. Ebrahim Hussein: Swahili theatre and individualism. ISBN: 9976973810 160pp. T.shs.7,000 ($14.95/£8.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2000 TZ Ricard, A. The languages and literatures of Africa. The sands of Babel. [Revised and updated English version of Littératures d’Afrique noire.] rev.ed. ISBN: 0852555822 cd. 288pp. pl.maps (£45.00) ISBN: 0852555814 (£15.95) Philip 2004 SA [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, UK; Africa World Press, US & Canada; EAEP, Kenya] Ricard, A. Wole Soyinka ou l’ambition démocratique. 79pp. CFA2,500 NEA - Togo 1988 TG FRE Ridgway, N., ed. The royal hunt of the sun by Peter Shaffer. [Annotated text.] ISBN: 1868881024 152pp. R92.00 ($17.00/ £11.10) Unisa 1999 SA Roche, M., Muskoya, V. A guide to The river and the source. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966882219 76pp. pl. K.shs.120.00 ($2.00) Focus 2000 KE Ruganda, J. Telling the truth laughingly. The politics of Francis Imbuga’s drama. 236pp. K.shs.675.00 ($17.00/£9.50) EAEP 1992 KE Schipper, M. Theatre and society in Africa. [Also available in French.] 170pp. R7.95 Ravan 1982 SA Schipper, M. Théâtre et société en Afrique. trans.f.t.Dutch [Also available in English.] 170pp. CFA2,000 NEAS 1984 SG FRE
African literature—Poetry Tindyebwa, G. African short stories. 96pp. K.shs.134.00 OUP - Nairobi 1993 KE Tindyebwa, G. The concubine. A study guide. 64pp. K.shs.134.00 OUP - Nairobi 1993 KE Traore, B. The black African theatre and its social functions. trans.f.t. French by D. Adelugba 130pp. N10.00 Ibadan UP 1972 NR Trump, M., ed. Rendering things visible: essays on South African literacy culture of the 1970’s and 1980’s. 401pp. R49.95 Ravan 1990 SA Udenta, U.O. Art, ideology and social commitment in African poetry: a discourse. 158pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Fourth Dimension 1996 NR Udenta, U.O. Revolutionary aesthetics and the African literary process. 155pp. ($15.00/£8.50) Fourth Dimension 1993 NR Ugbabe, K. Chukwumeka Ike. A critical reader. ISBN: 9780230432 226pp. ($20.95/ £12.95) Malthouse 2001 NR Uwatt, E.B., ed. Playwriting and directing in Nigeria. Interviews with Ola Rotimi. ISBN: 97821268092 206pp. ($20.05/£12.95) Apex 2002 NR Vambe, M.T. African oral story telling tradition and the Zimbabwean novel in English. ISBN: 1868883043 134pp. R86.00 ($14.90/ £9.50/Eur13.10) Unisa 2004 SA van Wyk, J. Constructs of identity and difference in South African literature. R40.00 ($17.00) CSSALL 1995 SA van Wyk Smith, M., Maclennan, D., eds. Olive Schreiner and after: essays on southern African literature in honour of Guy Butler. cd. 233pp. pl. R78.95 Philip 1983 SA Veit-Wild, F. Patterns of poetry in Zimbabwe. Z$411.30 Mambo 1988 ZI
Wagner, K. Rereading Nadine Gordimer. 320pp. R60.00 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA [Southern Africa only]
Senkoro, F.E.M.K. The prostitute in African literature. 96pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1982 TZ
Wanjala, C.L. For home and freedom. 266pp. ($9.15/ £3.60) K.shs.50.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE
Shava, P. A people’s voice: black South African writing in the 20th century. 120pp. Z$26.67. Baobab - Zimb 1989 ZI
Wilkinson, J. Talking with African writers. 224pp. K.shs.680.00 EAEP 1992 KE
Sienaert, M. The I of the beholder. Identity formation in the art and writing of Breyten Breytenbach. ISBN: 0795701411 136pp. R175.00 Kwela 2001 SA Smit, J.S., van Wyk, J., Wade, J.P. Rethinking South African literary history. 256pp. R95.00 Y Press 1996 SA Solberg, R. Alternative theatre in South Africa. Talks with prime movers since the 1970s. ISBN: 0869809504 269pp. R60.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1999 SA Solberg, R., Hacksley, M. Reflections. Perspectives on writing in post-apartheid South Africa. 122pp. R75.00 NELM 1996 SA Stephanou, I., Henriques, L., Sichel, A. Working with Barney Simon. ISBN: 0958434026 130pp. pl. M&G 2001 SA Taiwo, O. Social experiences in African literature. new ed. ISBN: 978156136X 173pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR
Wren, R. J.P.Clark. cd. 181pp. ($9.00/£6.00) N18.50 Univ Lagos Press 1986 NR Wylie, D. Savage delight. White myths of Shaka. ISBN: 0869809555 284pp. R145.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA Yankson, K.E. The rot of the land and the birth of the beautyful ones. The world of Ayi Kwei Armah’s novels. ISBN: 9964302606 19pp. ($6.95/£3.95) Ghana UP 2000 GH Zewi, M. Drama scene in Nigeria. ISBN: 9781565098 161pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Zinyamba, R.M. Zimbabwean drama: a study of Shona and English plays. 112pp. Z$6.65 Mambo 1986 ZI African literature—History and criticism— Addresses and essays Abejo, B. Love at first flight. 252pp. N300.00 ($6.50/£5.50) Spectrum 1986 NR
Adedeji, J.A. The theatre in an African university. Appearance and reality. 19pp. ($1.89/ 79p) N3.00 Ibadan UP 1980 NR Falola, T., Harlow, B., eds. Palavers of African literature. ISBN: 0865439923 399pp. (£21.99) Red Sea/ AWP 2002 ER Feuser, W., Aniebo, I.N.C. Essays in comparative African literature. ISBN: 9783004338 372pp. (£15.99) NCBAAC 2001 NR Smit, J.A., ed. Body, identity, sub-cultures and repression in texts from Africa. CSSALL 2000 SA
Smit, J.A., ed. The dancing dwarf from the land of the spirits. R50.00 CSSALL 2000 SA Zimbabwe International Book Fair Trust, ed. Indaba 2002. The impact of African writing on world literature. ISBN: 0797425411 199pp. ($29.95/£14.95) ZIBF 2003 ZI African literature—History and criticism— Africa, Southern Veit-Wild, F. Teachers, preachers, non-believers. [A social history of Zimbabwean literature.] 408pp. Baobab - Zimb 1993 ZI African literature—History and criticism— Directories Tabaire, B., ed. Ugandan creative writers directory. ISBN: 9707000006 94pp. ill.pl. ($19.95/ £11.95) Femrite 2000 UG African literature—Indexes Landman, D., comp. A select index to South African literature in English: 1993. (NELM index, 4) 247pp. R91.20 NELM 1994 SA Landman, D., comp. A select index to South African literature in English: 1994. (NELM index, 5) 271pp. R109.10 ($35.00/£20.00) NELM 1995 SA Landman, D., comp. A select index to South African literature in English: 1995. (NELM index, 6) 313pp. R140.20 NELM 1996 SA African literature—Poetry Abrahams, L. Chaos theory of the heart & other poems. ISBN: 1770090975 120pp. R95.00 ($13.00/£8.00) Jacana 2005 SA Abrahams, L. A dead tree full of live birds. R35.00 Snailpress 1995 SA
Acquah, K.E. The man who died. (Poems 1974-1979). 94pp. C5,000 ($5.00) Asempa 1984 GH Afrika, T. The angel and other poems. R40.00 Snailpress 1999 SA
Afrika, T. Nightrider. Selected poems. ISBN: 0795701675 110pp. R89.95 Kwela 2003 SA [co-published with Snailpress, Plumstead, South Africa] Afrika, T. Turning points. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 65) 115pp. R35.00 Mayibuye 1996 SA Agbeyegbe, F. This confused world. Malthouse 1988 NR
103pp. (£4.99)
Aidoo, A.A. Someone talking to sometime. 120pp. Z$83.95 College Press -Zimb 1985 ZI Aidoo, J. This turning face. 98pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Ghana UP 1991 GH Aig-Imoukhuede, F. Pidgin stew and sufferhead. 60pp. N81.30 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1982 NR Aiyejina, F. Letter to Lynda and other poems. (Saros Star series, 7) 35pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Saros 1988 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature—Poetry
Subject index
Ajayi, T. Images of lives: poems for everyone. 86pp. N50.00 Granny Fatima 1991 NR
Awoonor, K. Until the morning after. Woeli 1987 GH
Ajayi, T. Motions and emotions: fumes of poetic feelings. 86pp. N80.00 Granny Fatima 1992 NR
Azasu, K. Streams of thought. rev.ed. 102pp. C3,000 Sedco 1988 GH
Butler, G., Skotnes, C. Pilgrimage to Dias Cross: a narrative poem. 61pp. ill. Philip 1988 SA
Baderoon, G. The dream in the next body. ISBN: 0795701977 64pp. R95.00 Kwela 2005 SA
Bvuma, T.S. Every stone that turns. ISBN: 1779003412 64pp. Z$100.00 ($2.90) College Press -Zimb 1999 ZI
Banoobhai, S. Inward moon - outward sun. ISBN: 1869140044 64pp. Gecko - SA 2002 SA
Campbell, R. Selected poems of Roy Campbell. ISBN: 0868522309 R94.95 Donker 2004 SA
Akani, C. Tears of emotion. An anthology of poems. ISBN: 9782954411 80pp. Paragraph 1998 NR Alexander, R. Campbell collection works. R249.95 Donker 1995 SA
2 vols. cd.
Alford, G. The journey inside. ISBN: 0962886483 41pp. ($18.95/£10.95) African Heritage 2003 NR Alfred, M. Life in the suburbs. 1995[?] SA
R34.20 Snailpress
Amali, I. Generals without war. ISBN: 978023067X 72pp. ($8.95/£4.95) Malthouse 2000 NR Amissah, G.H. Africa speaks aloud. 12pp. 25pes. Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1975 GH Amissah, G.M. The living echoes of Kwame Nkrumah. 12pp. C10.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1975 GH Andanenga, A.A., Saidi, D. Diwani ya ustadh. Anthology of the famous blind poet. 118pp. T.shs.700.00 ($2.00) Ndanda Mission 1994 TZ Andersen, I. Excision. ISBN: 0868104116 R65.00 Andersen 2004 SA Anderson, E. A very far place. ISBN: 1874923299 ill. R34.20 Snailpress 1999 SA Anderson, P.R. In the country of the heart. ISBN: 1919931120 148pp. R135.00 ($19.00/ £11.00) Jacana 2004 SA Angira, J. Lament of the silent and other poems. ISBN: 9966253378 166pp. R400.00 EAEP 2004 KE Angira, J. Tides of time: selected poems. 168pp. K.shs.415.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1996 KE Anokari, N.B. Vicissitudes. More poems with notes. ISBN: 978303805X N500.00 Ano 1999 NR Anychie, G. A soldier’s arena. 1998 NR
38pp. N150.00 Delta
Anyidoho, K. Earthchild. 130pp. ill. ($5.50/£3.75) C600.00 Woeli 1985 GH Anyidoho, K. A harvest of our dreams with Elegy for the revolution. 96pp. ($4.50/£3.25) C600.00 Woeli 1985 GH Anyidoho, K. Praise song for the land. [Text and audio CD.] ISBN: 9988550456 cd. 113pp. ($27.95/£16.95) Sub-Saharan 2002 GH Arimoso, J. Homecoming. ISBN: 0797429719 52pp. Silveira 2005 ZI Asa, W.O. Poems for primary schools. 48pp. ill. K.shs.80.00 ($2.00) Lake 1991 KE Atima, M. Poems of sanity. ISBN: 9783476173 84pp. N150.00 Mace 2000 NR Aujayed, A. The struggle goes on. ISBN: 9990323623 106pp. Rs130.00 ($7.80/ £4.90) Printemps 1998 MF
216pp. (£5.00)
Banoobhai, S. Shadows of a sun-darkened land. R7.50 Ravan 1984 SA
Banoobhai, S., Cleare, J. Book of songs. ISBN: 1868143988 Witwatersrand UP 2004 SA Barlow, H. Building the nation and other poems. ISBN: 9970021915 117pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2000 UG Barris, K. An advertisement for art. Snailpress 1993 SA
47pp. (£5.00)
Barya, M.K. Men love chocolate but they don’t say. ISBN: 9780988808 96pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Femrite 2003 UG Bassey, N. Poems on the run. 1995 NR
100pp. (£6.25) Kraft
Berold, R. Rain across a paper field. ISBN: 1875011226 64pp. R70.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1999 SA Berold, R., ed. It all begins: poems from postliberation South Africa. ISBN: 1869140087 240pp. Gecko - SA 2002 SA Berry, A. Poetry for Africa. vol.2 96pp. ill. N130.00 Bounty 1998 NR Berry, A. Poetry for Africa. vol.1 79pp. ill. N130.00 Bounty 1998 NR Bezuidenhout, A. This and that and something else. ISBN: 1919721738 36pp. ill. R45.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Bialonwu, U. Our daughter is only twelve. N150.00 Delta 1997 NR
Biko, S. I write what I like. 3rd ed. ISBN: 1770100067 244pp. R95.00 Picador 2003 SA [Southern Africa only] Bila, V. In the name of Amandla. ISBN: 0958464022 120pp. Timbila 2004 SA Bookcraft Ltd., comp. Desiderata and other inspirational words for all seasons. ISBN: 9782030198 58pp. ill.pl. ($6.95/£3.95) Bookcraft 2000 NR Bosman, H.C. Wild seed. ISBN: 0798144092 176pp. R125.00 Human and Rousseau 2004 SA Brew, K. Return of no return and other poems. 47pp. ill. ($8.00/£4.95) Afram 1995 GH Breytenbach, B. Lady one: the CD. [Hard-cover booklet containing music CD.] ISBN: 0798142376 cd. 48pp. R129.00 Human and Rousseau 2002 SA
Butler, G. Guy Butler: collected poems. ISBN: 0864864396 212pp. Philip 1999 SA
Carlson, L.S. Sonnets sent from heaven. ISBN: 095842618X 120pp. ill. R115.00 ($14.95/ £8.00/Eur11.90) Kima 2003 SA Chapman, M. Selected poems of Douglas Livingstone. ISBN: 0868522309 R94.95 Donker 2004 SA Chapman, M., comp. New century South African poetry. ISBN: 0868522244 R169.95 Donker 2002 SA Chege, F. With our eyes in our own voices. ($5.00) FAWE 1997 KE chi Chiazo, E. The song of a foetus. Poems. Cogito 1997 NR
Chiazo, E.C. Lamentation at the shrine: quo vadis, Africa? Poems. 26pp. ($4.95/£2.75) Fourth Dimension 1995 NR Chimombo, S. The “vipya” poem. 58pp. K20.00 ($2.00/£2.00) WASI 1996 MW Chimombo, S. Breaking the beadstrings. 33pp. K15.00 ($2.00/£2.00) WASI 1995 MW Chimombo, S. The elections of the forest creatures. 46pp. K15.00 ($2.00/£2.00) WASI 1995 MW Chimombo, S. A referendum of the forest creatures. 36pp. K15.00 ($2.00/£2.00) WASI 1993 MW Chimombo, S. The return of the forest creatures. 31pp. K15.00 ($2.00/£2.00) WASI 1994 MW Chipamaunga, G.O.Z. Chains of freedom. ISBN: 1779011504 ($8.95/£4.95) ZPH 1998 ZI Chipasula, F. O earth, wait for me. (Staffrider series, 22) 84pp. R9.50 Ravan 1984 SA Chirikure, C. Hakurarwei. [We shall not sleep.] ISBN: 1779190072 65pp. ($6.50/£3.50) Baobab - Zimb 1998 ZI MUL Chukura, L. Archetyping. ISBN: 9780170553 70pp. ill.pl. ($8.95/£4.95) Univ Lagos Press 1999 NR Clark, J.P. A lot from paradise. Malthouse 1997 NR
42pp. ($7.50/£3.95)
Clark, J.P. Mandela and other poems. Longman - Nig 1988 NR Conn, S. At the aviary. 1995 SA
37pp. N4.00.
32pp. R30.00 Snailpress
British Council Search for a new tomorrow. 64pp. K.shs. Longhorn - Ken 1993 KE
Cronin, J. Even the dead: poems, parables and jeremiad. ISBN: 0864863365 44pp. R29.95 Philip 1997 SA
Brutus, D. Salutes and censures. 40pp. ($4.50/ £3.25) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR
Cronin, J. Inside. (Staffrider series, 21) 103pp. R9.95 Ravan 1983 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 42
African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature—Poetry
Cullinan, P. Selected poems 1961-1994. Philip 1994 SA
Cummiskey, G. Bog docks. ISBN: 062033553X Dye Hard 2005 SA Currey, R. Collected poems. ISBN: 0864863764 cd. 278pp. R157.25 Philip 2002 SA [copublished with James Currey, UK] Currey, R.N. Collected poems. ISBN: 0852555733 cd. 320pp. (£30.00) Philip 2001 SA Cussons, S. Poems - a selection. Tafelberg 1985 SA
84pp. R39.95
Dangor, A. Bulldozer. (Staffrider series, 17) 102pp. R7.50 Ravan 1983 SA Davids, J. Searching for words. (Mantis Poets, 3) 32pp. R22.95 Philip 1974 SA de Kock, L. Bloodsong. ISBN: 1874923396 R39.99 Snailpress 1998 SA de Kok, I. City in words: an anthology of Cape Town poems. ISBN: 0864863802 R65.96 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA de Kok, I. Terrestrial things. ISBN: 0795701462 64pp. R89.95 Kwela 2002 SA [copublished with Snailpress] de Kok, I. Transfer. ISBN: 1874923426 R45.60 Snailpress 1998 SA Dekutsey, W., Sackey, J., eds. An anthology of contemporary Ghanaian poems. ISBN: 9964978863 143pp. ($22.95/£14.95) Woeli 2004 GH Dendy, G. People crossing. 46pp. R34.20 Snailpress 1995 SA Dikeni, S. Guava juice. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 43) 85pp. R35.00 Mayibuye 1992 SA Dikeni, S. Telegraph to the sky. ISBN: 0869809784 56pp. R55.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA
Ezenwa-Ohaeto The chants of a minstrel. ISBN: 978039088X 106pp. ($17.95/£8.95) Kraft 2004 NR Ezenwa-Ohaeto The voice of the night masquerade. reissue ISBN: 9780391002 97pp. ($17.95/ £8.95) Kraft 2003 NR Farmer, H. The absence of elephants. 48pp. Z$63.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI Feinberg, B. Gardens of struggle. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 42) 87pp. R35.00 Mayibuye 1992 SA Ferguson, G. Arse poetica. Msuings on muse abuse. ISBN: 0795701616 56pp. R79.95 Snailpress 2003 SA
Horn, P. Walking through our sleep. Ravan 1974 SA
Hove, C. Up in arms.
Fregona, C. Moments with radiance. ISBN: 1919721010 R35.00 UmSinsi 1999 SA Garuba, H. Shadow and dream and other poems. (Opon Ifa series, 1) 50pp. ($7.50/£5.00) New Horn 1982 NR Geldenhuys, J.D.U. The third way. ISBN: 0620322659 R49.00 Dye Hard 2004 SA Gimba, A. Inner rumblings. 1998 NR
88pp. N200.00 Delta
Gimba, A. This land of ours. ISBN: 9782335908 176pp. N300.00 Delta 2001 NR Girigiri, K. The trench of liberty. NR
200pp. Ano 1999
Gottschalk, K. Emergency poems. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 41) 131pp. R35.00 Mayibuye 1992 SA Gray, S. Gabriel’s exhibition. ISBN: 0868083780 90pp. (£7.99) Mayibuye 1998 SA
Dladla, A. The girl who feared to sleep. ISBN: 0620277777 80pp. Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2001 SA
Gwala, M. No more lullabies. (Staffrider series, 15) 93pp. R7.50 Ravan 1982 SA
88pp. R49.95
Hacksley, M. Ruthless fidelity. Collected poems. ISBN: 0868522325 cd. R225.00 Donker 2004 SA Hanson, B.J. Just feelings. 116pp. Z$6.50. Longman - Zimb 1988 ZI
Doh, E.M. Wading the tide. Patron 1995 CM
120pp. CFA2,000
Haresnape, G. Mulberries in auntumn. ISBN: 1874923361 R39.99 Snailpress 1998 SA
Du Bois, W.E.B. Selected poems. UP 1964 GH
42pp. ($1.50) Ghana
Haring, P. A taste of salt. (Mantis Poets, 10) 32pp. R27.95 Philip 1976 SA
du Toit, B. Older women. ISBN: 187492337X R39.99 Snailpress 1998 SA
Harnett, R. Views from a window. The selected poems of Elias Pater. 159pp. R40.00 ($16.00/£10.00) Inst Study Engl 1992 SA
Ebereonwu The insomniac dragon. ISBN: 9780390359 62pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Kraft 2002 NR
Hawoldar Hymns from Beau Bois and other poems. 205pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Océan Indien Ed 1994 MF
Eguda, R. Prayer of the powerless. ISBN: 9781564652 128pp. ($18.95/£10.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR
Higgs, C. Halfborn woman. ISBN: 0620319755 R67.00 Dye Hard 2004 SA
71pp. R5.95
Hove, C. Blind moon. ISBN: 1779220197 60pp. (£9.95) Weaver 2003 ZI
Freeman, F. Bliss and other poems. Options Publ 1997 SA
78pp. R37.00
Horn, P. The rivers which connect us to the past. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 68) 88pp. R35.00 Mayibuye 1996 SA
Hove, C. Red hills of home. Mambo 1985 ZI
Gray, S. Selected poems 1960-92. Philip 1994 SA
Dogbé, Y-E. Selected poems. ISBN: 286427082X 82pp. CFA3,000 Akpagnon 2000 TG
Horn, P. Peter Horn: poems, 1964-1989. R34.95. Ravan 1991 SA
Ferguson, G. Light verse at the end of the tunnel. 48pp. R36.95 Philip 1996 SA
Dikobe, M. Dispossessed. (Staffrider series, 16) 116pp. R8.50 Ravan 1983 SA
Dogbé, Y-E. Choix de poèmes en anglais. ISBN: 2864270579 50pp. CFA2,500 Akpagnon 1998 TG FRE
Holland, R. Insights and outsights. 39pp. R33.95 Philip 1989 SA Holtzhausen, E.J. In the palm of my soul. ISBN: 1874923388 R39.99 Snailpress 1998 SA
68pp. ($3.40)
80pp. Z$2.95 ZPH 1982 ZI
Ibe Nwoga, D., ed. Rhythms of creation. A decade of Okike poetry. new ed. ISBN: 9781561912 368pp. ($32.95/£19.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Ifowodo, O. Homeland and other poems. ISBN: 9782081957 69pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Kraft 2002 NR Ingonga, L.I. Poems of life and living. 111pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Lake 1995 KE Ipere, T. Dance of the golden baby. ISBN: 9782335754 128pp. N300.00 Delta 2000 NR Ismail, F. Shadows. ISBN: 1869002903 60pp. R35.00 ($4.00/£3.00) UmSinsi 2001 SA Jensma, W. I must show you my clippings. Poems and graphics. 80pp. ill. R6.95 Ravan 1977 SA Jensma, W. Where white is the colour. R8.50 Ravan 1974 SA
pl. 94pp.
Johnson, R., et al. New poetry from Africa. 150pp. ($76.20) Univ Press - Nig 1996 NR Johnson, S. Personae. ISBN: 187492368X R90.00 Snailpress 2004 SA [co-published with the Centre for Creative Writing (UCT)] Jongwe, F. Sweet people. 37pp. K.shs.150.00 ($2.00) Lake 1998 KE Jonker, I. Selected poems. new ed. ISBN: 0798141786 64pp. R89.95 Human and Rousseau 2001 SA Kabumba, B. Whispers of my soul. ISBN: 9970403057 40pp. U.shs.3,000 ($1.72) Nyonyi 2001 UG Kagimu, J.K. Tired. (Poets of Africa, 13) ISBN: 9966250271 288pp. ill. K.shs.305.00 ($8.95/£4.95) EAEP 2000 KE Kahengua, K. Dreams. ISBN: 9991603891 79pp. pl. (£7.99) Gamsberg 2002 SX Kalonde, K. Progress after referendum. 90pp. K65.00 ($8.99/£4.99) Sunrise 1996 MW Kanouté, M. Songs of lonely river. 24pp. CFA1,000 ($2.50) Jamana 1989 ML Kantey, P. Stellar by starlight. 26pp. pl. R28.50 Snailpress 1993 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature—Poetry Karauri, M.A. Travelling gods: poems written by the author between 1972 and 1999. 153pp. Karma 2000 KE Kessey, K.O. The pages of time. 52pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Ghana UP 1991 GH Kgositsile, K. If I could sing. Selected poems. ISBN: 0795701268 104pp. R99.95 Kwela 2002 SA [co-published with Snailpress] Kgositsile, K. This way I salute you. ISBN: 0795701829 64pp. R89.95 Kwela 2004 SA Kiguli, S.N. The African saga. ISBN: 9970901001 61pp. ($8.95/£4.95) Femrite 1998 UG Kingha, N.T.E. First poems and random thoughts. ISBN: 9956110019 76pp. Patron 2000 CM Kittobe, J. Black Jesus and other poems. 58pp. (£1.30/$3.25) K.shs.13.10 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE Klopper, D., ed. Anatomy of dark: collected poems of Arthur Nortje. ISBN: 1869819100 468pp. R149.00 ($28.40/£18.50) Unisa 2000 SA
Subject index le Roux, W., White, A., comps. & eds. Voices of the San. ISBN: 0795701924 240pp. R280.00 Kwela 2004 SA
Mann, C. Mann alive. SA
lo Liyong, T. The cows of Shambat. 99pp. Z$58.00 ($8.50/£4.95) ZPH 1992 ZI
Mann, C. South Africans. A set of portrait poems. 2nd ed. 73pp. R52.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1998 SA
lo Liyong, T. Homage to Onyame. ISBN: 9780230440 103pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Malthouse 1998 NR lo Liyong, T. Words that melt a mountain. 150pp. K.shs.385.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1996 KE Lockett, C. Breaking the silence. 1995 SA Lovell, M. Departures. 1997 SA
R79.95 Donker
48pp. R45.60 Snailpress
Luvai, A.I. Poets of Africa: echoes across the valley. 264pp. K.shs.300.00 EAEP 2000 KE Luvai, A.I., Makokha, K., comps. Echoes across the valley. (Poets of Africa, 14) ISBN: 9966467394 288pp. ill. K.shs.368.00 ($14.95/£8.95) EAEP 1998 KE
Kombuis, K. Suburbia. ISBN: 1869190351 67pp. R79.95 Protea 2003 SA
Lwanda, J.L.C. Black thoughts from the disapora. ISBN: 095222325 60pp. ($8.00/£5.00) Dudu Nsomba 1998 MW
Komrij, G. Forgotten city and other poems. ISBN: 1874923574 R89.95 Queillerie 2001 SA
Mabuza, L. Letter to Letta. 154pp. ($8.50/£5.00) Skotaville 1991 SA
Kozain, R. This carting life. ISBN: 0795701985 116pp. R95.00 Kwela 2005 SA [copublished with Snailpress, South Africa]
Macgoye, M.O. Make it sing and other poems. (Poets of Africa, 12) ISBN: 9966466479 104pp. K.shs.305.00 ($7.95/£4.25) EAEP 1998 KE
Krog, A. Down to my last skin: poems. ISBN: 0958419558 119pp. R110.00 (£9.99) Random House SA 2000 SA Krog, A. Lady Anne. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0798144475 108pp. R120.00 Human and Rousseau 2005 SA Krog, A. Stars say ‘tsau’: /!Xam poetry of Dia.kwain, Kweiten ta //ken, /A.kunta, / Han=kass’o and //Kabbo. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0795701756 63pp. R99.95 (£9.95) Kwela 2004 SA
48pp. R33.95 Philip 1992
Mann, C., Skeen, J. The horn of plenty. cd. 77pp. col.ill. Inst Study Engl 1997 SA Marechera, D. Cemetery of mind. Collected poems of Dambudzo Marechera. Compiled and edited by Flora Veit-Wild. 222pp. ($11.50/£6.50) Baobab - Zimb 1992 ZI Marinho, T. Objection. [Satirical poems.] Book Builders 1989 NR
Mashile, L. In a ribbon of rhythm. ISBN: 1770070451 64pp. Oshun 2005 SA Matiwana, M. I lost a poem. ISBN: 0958454299 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2004 SA Maunick, E. Mandela dead and alive 1976-2001. Mandela mort et vif. [Dual language.] ISBN: 1919825584 71pp. ill. R64.95 Protea 2001 SA MUL Mbaka, A. Nigeria before the globe: caskets and the Ogoni 8. ISBN: 9783038013 64pp. N200.00 Ano 2000 NR Mbure, S. Lots of wonders. Selected poems. ill. K.shs.70.00 Phoenix 1990 KE
McClain, L. Desert detritus. 32pp. col.ill. ($5.50/ £3.00) New Namibia 1992 SX
MacKenzie, R. Gathering light. 68pp. R34.20 Snailpress 1992 SA
Metelerkamp, J. Into the day breaking, ISBN: 0869809776 112pp. R70.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA
MacLennan, D. The poetry lesson. 40pp. R34.20 Snailpress 1995 SA
Metelerkamp, J. Requiem. ISBN: 0958454213 123pp. Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2003 SA
Maclennan, D. Reckonings. SA
Meterlerkamp, J. Stone no more. 80pp. R39.95 ($20.00/ £7.50) Gecko - SA 1995 SA
41pp. R12.95 Philip 1983
Maclennan, D. Solstice. 38pp. R45.60 (£6.00) Snailpress 1997 SA
Meyer, S. Asa nisi masa. 47pp. ill. R34.20 Snailpress 1992 SA
Kudehinbu, A. Rainbow town. ISBN: 9782335247 76pp. N600.00 Delta 2001 NR
Madingoane, I. Africa, my beginning. new ed. ISBN: 0620249641 R35.00 Juta 1999 SA
Mhasvi, R.E. The flowers of yesterday. An anthology of poems. 60pp. Mhasvi 1996 ZI
Kunene, D.P. A seed must seem to die. (Staffrider Series, 10) 82pp. R6.50 Ravan 1981 SA
Malan, R. New inscapes. new ed. 324pp. R74.99 OUP - SA 1997 SA
Kuwabong, D. Visions of venom. Woeli 1995 GH
Malan, R. New outridings. SA 1997 SA
Ministry of Education The world of enchantment: poems from Kenya schools. 41pp. K.shs.50.00 ($0.85/£0.50) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1991 KE
94pp. ill. C8,000
144pp. R74.99 OUP -
Kyambalesa, H. The deadly love potion. ISBN: 0869227246 37pp. ($4.30) Mambo 1998 ZI
Malan, R., comp. Worldscapes: a collection of verse. ISBN: 0195714571 296pp. R84.99 OUP SA 1997 SA
Kyei, K.G. The lone voice: a collection of poems. 190pp. ($4.50) Ghana UP 1969 GH
Malan, R., ed. My African world. Poems for younger readers. 160pp. R39.99 Philip 1996 SA [Sub-Saharan Africa only]
Kyei, K.G., Schreckenbach, H. No time to die. 80pp. ill. C7.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1976 GH Lagan, C. Sandbird. ISBN: 0869861581 R50.70 Lovedale 1999 SA Launko, O. [pseud. for Femi Osofisan] Dream-seeker on divining chain. cd. & 133pp. ill. Kraft 1993 NR Launko, O., [pseud. for Femi Osofisan] Minted coins. 92pp. N81.30 ($5.50/ £2.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR Laurenson, H. Where the rainbow ends. OUP - SA 1994 SA
144pp. R69.98
Mkhize, M. One calabash, one gudu. 87pp. ($6.50/ £4/25) Skotaville 1990 SA Moetsabi, T. Fruits and other poems. 86pp. Z$60.40 ($8.50/£4.95) ZPH 1992 ZI Mogale, D.W. Prison poems. 1992 SA
58pp. R39.95 Donker
Maloko, T. The Nuremberg witness. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 70) 82pp. R35.00 Mayibuye 1996 SA
Moolman, K. Time like stone. ISBN: 0869809792 64pp. R55.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA
Maneniang’, M. The Lianja epic. ISBN: 9966467661 124pp. K.shs.300.00 ($8.95/£4.95) EAEP 1998 KE
Moore, G., Beier, U. The Penguin book of modern African poetry. R56.99 Penguin SA SA
Mann, C. Heartlands. ISBN: 1869140109 64pp. Gecko - SA 2002 SA Mann, C. Kites and other poems. Philip 1990 SA
46pp. R33.95
Morissey, N. Seasons. ISBN: 0869861565 22pp. pl. R25.00 Lovedale 1999 SA Morrissey, N. Seasons. ISBN: 0869861565 22pp. R28.20 Lovedale 2000 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 44
African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature—Poetry
Motsapi, S. Earthstepper. The ocean is very shallow. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1570270910 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2003 SA
Nwankwo, C. Voices from deep water. ISBN: 9780220513 89pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Malthouse 1998 NR
Mowah, F.U. Eating by the flesh. Kraft 1995 NR
Nwankwo, C. The womb in the heart and other poems. ISBN: 0962886416 116pp. ($18.95/ £10.95) African Heritage 2002 NR
132pp. (£6.25)
Moyo, P. A woman’s plea. ISBN: 1779011512 76pp. Z$79.85 ($8.95/£4.95) ZPH 1998 ZI
Nwankwo, L.O. Tropical rhymes. 112pp. ($4.00/£2.50) N30.00 Delta 1993 NR
Mtshali, M.O. Fireflames. 63pp. ill. R46.15 Shuter & Shooter 1980 SA
Nwosu, M. The suns of Kush. 74pp. N200.00 ($3.00) Mace 1996 NR
Mugo, M.C. My mother’s poem and other songs. Songs and poems. 86pp. K.shs.210.00 ($10.00/£6.25) EAEP 1994 KE
Nxumalo, K. Ten flapping elbows mama. ISBN: 0958454264 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2003 SA
Muila, I.M. Gova. [Book with CD recording] ISBN: 0620313951 R120.00 Botsotso 2004 SA
Nyamubaya, F. Dusk of dawn. 60pp. Z$69.95 ($4.70) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI
Mungoshi, C. The milk man doesn’t only deliver milk. rev. ed. ISBN: 1779090064 69pp. ($6.50/ £3.50) Baobab - Zimb 1998 ZI
Nyamubaya, F. On the road again. 1986 ZI
Muthadzwi, T. Life through poetry. ISBN: 1869003047 R25.00 UmSinsi 2001 SA Mutia, B. Coils of mortal flesh. Patron 1997 CM
75pp. CFA2,000
Mwagiru, M. Screams from a strangled soul. Poems. 96pp. ($2.80/£1.10) K.shs.15.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE Naidoo, M. Jailbirds and others. ISBN: 0620333995 98pp. R80.00 Botsotso 2004 SA Napal, D. Halo of truth. [Biography of Mahatma Gandhi in verse.] ISBN: 9990323860 254pp. Rs70.00 ($4.20/£2.65) Printemps 1999 MF Nazombe, A., ed. Operations and tears. A new anthology of Malawian poetry. ISBN: 9990876045 253pp. ($22.95/£9.95) Kachere 2004 MW Ndulute, C. The poetry of Shaaban Robert. [Collection of selected poems.] 179pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ
80pp. Z$5.49 ZPH
Nyeza, M. Song trials. ISBN: 0869809768 90pp. R70.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA
Nwangwu, K. Cock crow in Africa. 112pp. ($4.00/ £2.50) N35.00 Delta 1993 NR Nwankwo, A.A. Incarnation of hope. 166pp. ($10.00/ £6.25) Fourth Dimension 1993 NR Nwankwo, A.E. Minds of time. ISBN: 9782335681 144pp. N250.00 Delta 2004 NR
Omoniyi, T. Farting presidents and other poems. ISBN: 978039043X 101pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Kraft 2002 NR Onyeji, C. Polite questions and other poems. ISBN: 9781564458 70pp. ($5.50/£2.95) Fourth Dimension 1998 NR Onyenadum, A. My child has died. 40pp. ($5.50/£3.00) Fourth Dimension 1991 NR
Oryema-Lalobo, C. No hearts at home. ISBN: 9970901084 99pp. ($8.95/£4.95) Femrite 1999 UG
Oguibe, O. A gathering fear.
Osofisan, S. Darksongs. 46pp. N113.80 ($5.50/ £2.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1991 NR
(£6.45) Kraft 1992 NR
Ohaeto, E. If to say I bi soja. bk.1 85pp. N200.00 ($3.75/£2.50) Delta 1998 NR Ojaide, T. Daydream of ants and other poems. 79pp. ($4.95/£8.50) Malthouse 1997 NR Ojaide, T. Delta blues and home songs. ISBN: 9782081779 95pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Kraft 2002 NR
Ojaide, T. I want to dance and other poems. ISBN: 0962886459 90pp. ($14.95/£8.95) African Heritage 2003 NR
Nwamadi, D.O. The age of maggots. ISBN: 9780292934 84pp. N340.00 ($9.95/£5.95) Spectrum 2001 NR
92pp. Idehuan 1994
Ogbor Udop, O. The midnight sun. vol.1 ISBN: 9780510125 393pp. Wusen 2001 NR
Ngara, E. Songs from the temple. Mambo 1992 ZI
ill. K.shs.85.00
Omoifo, C.O. Winds of distress. NR
Opoku-Agyemang, K. Cape Coast Castle. A collection of poems. 104pp. (£3.75/$6.95) Afram 1996 GH
Ojaide, T. The fate of vultures and other poems. 99pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Malthouse 1990 NR
North Lewis, M. Safari reflections. Horizon 1990 KE
Omoifo, C.O. Narrative moon. Please remember me. ISBN: 9783162519 187pp. N270.00 ($10.00) Idehuan 1999 NR
Oculi, O. Song for the sun in us. ISBN: 9966250565 142pp. K.shs.305.00 ($8.95/ £4.95) EAEP 2000 KE
Ngalande, E. I cannot see. 144pp. col.pl. ($8.00) Mission Press - Ndola 1987 ZA
Nicol, M. This sad place. 48pp. R34.20 Snailpress 1993 SA
Olafioye, T. Ubangiji. The conscience of eternity. ISBN: 9780231226 101pp. ($8.95/£4.95) Malthouse 2000 NR
Onyenji, C. Polite questions and other poems. ISBN: 9781564458 88pp. ($6.95) Fourth Dimension 1999 NR
Ojaide, T. The endless song. 57pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Malthouse 1989 NR
Niangaly, L. Chant pour chant. 74pp. CFA1,500 ($3.75) Jamana 1992 ML FRE
Olafioye, T. A stroke of hope. ISBN: 9780231242 82pp. ($8.95/£4.95) Malthouse 2000 NR
Nzimande-Khoza, M.G. Epics of the zebra pathways in black and white. ISBN: 1869006828 112pp. R100.00 UmSinsi 2005 SA
Neubert, C. Zen frog and other poems. ISBN: 1874923434 R34.20 Snailpress 1998 SA
76pp. ($6.10)
Olafioye, T. A carnival of looters. ISBN: 9782081787 97pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Kraft 2002 NR
Ojienda, F. The native. (Comb Books in English, 4) 176pp. ($3.00.) K.shs.15.00. Comb 1975 KE Ojo-Ade, F. Exile at home. Publ 1998 NR
ISBN: 978342887X Intnl
Ojo, O. Little drops of water. NR
N1.00 Aka 1977
Oke, I. Where I was born. ISBN: 9781564997 132pp. ($18.95/£10.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Okome, O. Pendants.
88pp. Kraft 1993 NR
Okot p’Bitek, J. Song of farewell. 71pp. ill. ($8.50/£4.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG Olafioye, T. Arrowheads to my heart. ISBN: 9780230521 83pp. ($8.95/£4.95) Malthouse 1999 NR
Osundare, N. The eye of the earth. 64pp. N150.00 ($5.50/£2.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1986 NR Osundare, N. Midlife. 109pp. K.shs.340.00 EAEP 1995 KE [East Africa only] Osundare, N. Midlife. 109pp. N225.40 ($10.00/£6.25) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1993 NR Osundare, N. Moonsongs. 74pp. ill. N252.00 ($6.95/ £3.75) Spectrum 1988 NR Osundare, N. Song of the season. 160pp. N146.30 ($8.50/£4.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Osundare, N. Songs of the marketplace. (Opon Ifa series, 2) cd. 90pp. ($5.50/£3.75) New Horn 1987 NR Osundare, N. Village voices. Poems. 80pp. ill. K.shs.240.00 EAEP 1984 KE Osundare, N. Waiting laughters (a long song in many voices). 98pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Malthouse 1990 NR Oyebode, F. Selected poems. ISBN: 9782081795 108pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Kraft 2002 NR Palinkas, W. Kitchen tea verses. ISBN: 1919780610 R54.95 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Parenzee, D. Driven to work. (Staffrider series, 24) 69pp. R9.50 Ravan 1985 SA Patel, E.J. The bullet and the bronze lady. ($6.95/£3.75) Skotaville 1987 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature—Poetry
Subject index
Paton, A. Songs of Africa - Collected poems. cd. & 256pp. pl. R160.00 $70.00/£20.00 cd. R60.00 $30.00/£12.00 Gecko - SA 1995 SA p’Bitek, O. Horn of my love 182pp. K.shs.290.00 EAEP 1974 KE [Kenya only] p’Bitek, O. Song of Lawino. new ed. 98pp. ill. K.shs.305.00 EAEP 1993 KE [SubSaharan Africa only] p’Bitek, O. Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol. new ed. 225pp. K.shs.305.00 EAEP 1993 KE p’Bitek, O. Two songs. Song of prisoner and Song of Malaya. new ed. 184pp. K.shs.245.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1988 KE Pearce, J. Selected poems of Roy Campbell. ISBN: 0868522236 cd. R125.00 Donker 2001 SA Peté, M. Begin. SA
64pp. ill. R43.00 UmSinsi 2002
Pinnock, P.S. A gathering of madonnas and other poems. ISBN: 1874915148 46pp. R55.00 African Sun 2001 SA Pinnock, P.S. Saturday in Africa - living history through poetry. 70pp. pl. R35.00 African Sun 1996 SA Poona, S. In search of rainbows. 73pp. ill. ($7.95/£4.25.) Skotaville 1990 SA Press, K. The world on a hill and other plays. 192pp. R79.99 OUP - SA 1994 SA Pringle, T. African poems of Thomas Pringle. 204pp. R50.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1989 SA Raji, R. Webs of remembrance: poems. ISBN: 9780390456 75pp. Kraft 2001 NR Rampolokeng, L. The Bavino sermons. ISBN: 1875011234 120pp. R70.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1999 SA Rampolokeng, L. White-heart: prologue to hysteria, part one. ISBN: 095845423X Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2004 SA Ratshitanga, P. Views through poetry. ISBN: 1869001273 R20.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Robertson, H. Under the sun. 47pp. ill. R34.20 Snailpress 1991 SA Royston, E. One hundred and three poems. R7.50 Ravan 1973 SA
Rubadiri, D. An African thunderstorm and other poems. ISBN: 9966253386 60pp. K.shs.180.00 EAEP 2004 KE Rungano, K. A storm is brewing. 1984 ZI
104pp. Z$3.70 ZPH
Saro-Wiwa, K. Songs in a time of war. (Saros Star series, 1) 44pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Saros 1985 NR Seboni, B. The love collection. 80pp. P15.00 ($6.00/£3.50) Morula 1995 BS Seboni, B. Lovesongs. A collection of love poems. ISBN: 9991291202 76pp. ($5.00/£3.00) Morula 1999 BS Seboni, B. Windsongs of the Kalahari. 114pp. P24.95 Macmillan - Bots 1996 BS
Segun, M. Conflict and other poems. (Opon Ifa series, 3) 49pp. ($5.75/£3.25) New Horn 1987 NR Sepamla, S. The blues is you in me. (£5.99) Vivlia 1996 SA
new ed. 72pp.
Sepamla, S. From Goré to Soweto. 60pp. ($5.75/ £3.25) R10.95 Skotaville 1988 SA Sepamla, S. Scattered survival. 272pp. ($10.00/ £6.75) Skotaville 1989 SA Serote, M.W. Freedom, lament and song. R34.95 Philip 1997 SA
Serote, M.W. History is the home address. ISBN: 0795702837 68pp. R89.95 Kwela 2004 SA Serote, M.W. Third World express. Come and hope with me. 40pp. R39.50 Philip 1992 SA Shapiro, S. In a borrowed tent. 40pp. ill. R12.00 Snailpress 1995[?] SA Shoneyin, L. So all the time I was sitting on an egg. ISBN: 9780270264 68pp. (£7.95) Nsibidi 2001 NR Shoneyin, L. Song of a riverbird. ISBN: 9783658107 72pp. (£7.95) Nsibidi 2002 NR Silver Soul Stepping stones. [Text in English and French.] ISBN: 999035801X 100pp. Rs70.00 Silver Soul 2003 MF MUL Sitas, A. Slave trades and an artist’s notebook. ISBN: 0620250526 192pp. Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA Sole, K. The blood of our silence. Ravan 1988 SA
123pp. R17.95
Sole, K. Love that is night. ISBN: 187051117X 128pp. R70.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1998 SA Sole, K. Mirror and water gazing. ISBN: 0869809962 140pp. Gecko - SA 2001 SA Sole, K. Projections in the past tense. R44.00 Ravan 1992 SA
Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College If you want to know me: voices from Somafco. ISBN: 086986159X 91pp. pl. R50.00 Lovedale 1999 SA
Tromp, I. Setting out. 1994 SA
40pp. R34.20 Snailpress
Twum, M.K. Golden poems. ISBN: 9964702248 74pp. ($8.95/£4.95) Afram 2000 GH Uba, B. White date. ISBN: 9781564563 64pp. ($4.00) Fourth Dimension 1999 NR Udenta, U.O. 37 seasons before the tornadoes. 66pp. ($5.50/£2.95) Fourth Dimension 1997 NR Udeozo, O. Excursions. 126pp. ill. ($8.00/£4.95) Fab 1993 NR Udeozo, O. Stimulus and other poems. 151pp. ill. ($9.96/£6.00) Fab 1993 NR Ullman, P. Transformation. 35pp. R40.00 Snailpress 1999 SA Unene, H. An ounce of love. ISBN: 9983835009 46pp. K10,150 ($3.00/£2.07) Multimedia 1999 ZA Uzoatu, U.M. God of poetry. ISBN: 9783068784 62pp. N400.00 Konk 2004 NR van Heerden, E. The runner and the shadow. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] 99pp. R39.95 Tafelberg 1986 SA MUL van Wyk Smith, M. Drummer Hodge. The poetry of the Anglo-Boer war (1899-1902). 2nd ed. ISBN: 0620243392 cd. 354pp. R125.00 Protea 1999 SA Vatsa, M.J. A bird that sings for rain. 75pp. (£2.00) Fourth Dimension 1978 NR Vatsa, M.J. Ufuoma. 50pp. (£1.50) Fourth Dimension 1978 NR Vatsa, M.J. Will live forever. Poems. Dimension 1978 NR
35pp. Fourth
Vels, L. Handspun. ISBN: 1919721029 R35.00 UmSinsi 1999 SA Vilakazi, B.W. Zulu horizons. trans. into English verse by F.L. Friedman, from the literal translations of D.M. Malcolm and J.M. Sikakana new ed. cd. 144pp. ill R39.95 Witwatersrand UP 1973 SA Vulasi, D.L. Hope for a new generation. 9783038249 Ano 2001 NR
Soyinka, W. Ogun Abibiman: an epic poem dedicated to the fallen of Soweto. (Staffrider Series, 4) 24pp. R5.50 Ravan 1980 SA
Wa’Gethoi, M. A chequered serenade to mother Africa. 84pp. ill. K.shs.275.00 ($7.95/£4.25) EAEP 1996 KE
Strauss, P. Bishop Bernward’s door and other poems. 40pp. R33.95 Philip 1982 SA
Wa’Gethoi, M. Tales to tell. 90pp. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 1991 KE
Strauss, P. The owl and the moon. Snailpress 1999 SA
Walter, B. Baakens. ISBN: 0869861786 48pp. R40.00 Lovedale 2000 SA
30pp. R40.00
Swift, M. Testing the edge. ISBN: 1874923345 R39.99 Snailpress 1999 SA
Walter, B.. Tracks. ISBN: 0869861573 54pp. R40.00 Lovedale 1999 SA
Thembeka, A.K. Laduma. ISBN: 095847558X 178pp. R100.00 Dye Hard 2004 SA
Wangusa, T. A pattern of dust. Selected poems 19651990. 78pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG
Tichapondwa, S.M., Chihota, C. Before the next song and other poems. ISBN: 0869227327 70pp. ($7.20) Mambo 1998 ZI Toweett, T. Epitaph on colonialism and shorter poems. ($3.65/£1.45) K.shs.17.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE
Watson, S. In this city. Poems. 1986 SA
34pp. R32.95 Philip
Watson, S. Presence of the earth. New poems. 64pp. R43.95 Philip 1995 SA Woodward, W. Séance for the body. Snailpress 1994 SA
56pp. R34.20
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 46
African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature in French—Drama
Wosornu, L. Celestial bride and other poems. ISBN: 9964978847 120pp. C30,000 ($16.95/ £9.95) Woeli 2002 GH
Editions Ganndal et la Littérature de l’Oreille Le scribe et le griot - 1. Guide pédagogique. 2nd ed. bk.1 32pp. ill. GF3,000 Ganndal 1992 GV FRE
Bâ, T. Lat-dior, le chemin de l’honneur. Drama historique en huit tableaux. 104pp. ill. CFA1,250 NEAS 1987 SG FRE
Wosornu, L. Eté - a woman of Africa and other poems. 62pp. C5,000 Woeli 1995 GH
Editions Ganndal et la Littérature de l’Oreille Le scribe et le griot - 1. [With audio cassette] 2nd ed. bk.1 80pp. ill. GF5,000 Ganndal 1992 GV FRE
Banale, S. Campagne électorale à Akwé. 65pp. CFA2,500 (Eur3.81) Souvenir 2001 DM FRE
Editions Ganndal et la Littérature de l’Oreille Le scribe et le griot - 2. Guide pédagogique. bk.2 28pp. GF3,000 Ganndal 1993 GV FRE
Barrigah, N.B. Le trône royal. 52pp. CFA1,200 NEA Togo 1993 TG FRE
Wosornu, L. Journey without end and other poems. 119pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Woeli 1997 GH Writer’s Club The innermost explosion. Poems. 22pp. ($55.0/£2.95) New Namibia 1993 SX Wylie, D. The road out. ISBN: 187492327X R39.99 Snailpress 1998 SA Xaba, M. These hands. ISBN: 0958464081 55pp. Timbila 2005 SA ya Nangolo, M. Thoughts from exile. Namb 1992 SX
R10.25 Longman -
Yambo, M. Man without blood. 76pp. ($2.80/£1.30) K.shs.10.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1975 KE Zerbst, F. The small zone. ISBN: 1874923302 ill. R34.20 Snailpress 1999 SA
Editions Ganndal et la Littérature de l’Oreille Le scribe et le griot - 2. [With audio cassette] bk.2 77pp. ill. GF5,000 Ganndal 1993 GV FRE Editions Jamana 15 poètes contre l’apartheid. 40pp. CFA1,000 ($2.50) Jamana 1989 ML FRE Editions Jamana Concours de la meilleure nouvelle en langue française, 1991. 64pp. CFA1,500 ($3.75) Jamana 1994 ML FRE Editions Jamana Concours de la meilleure nouvelle en langue française, 1993. 77pp. CFA1,500 ($3.75) Jamana 1994 ML FRE
Bau Diyabanza, J. Halte à la malaria. [Educational theatre about how to stop malaria.] 32pp. (Eur2.60) BERPS 2004 ZR FRE Bau Diyabanza, J. Halte aux maladies. [Educational theatre.] 32pp. (Eur2.60) BERPS 2005 ZR FRE Bau Diyabanza, J. Jeunes, ne devenez pas père ou mère trop tôt. [Educational theatre about contraception.] 64pp. (Eur3.60) BERPS 2005 ZR FRE Bau Diyabanza, J. Monzeli, Makaya, Nzinga et les autres. Les jeunes à l’heure du sida. [Educational theatre about AIDS/HIV.] 32pp. (Eur2.60) BERPS 2004 ZR FRE
Zhuwao, P. Sunrise poison. ISBN: 0958454256 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2004 SA
Elolo, B. Anthologie de poésie de Bandundu. vol.1(CEEBA publications, serie II, Mémoires et Monographies, 85) 110pp. (DM26.00) CEEBA 1983 ZR FRE
Zhuwao, P., Finlay, A. The red laughter of guns in green summer rain. Chainpoems. ISBN: 0620295899 33pp. Dye Hard 2002 SA
Fall, N., Ndoye-Mbengue, M., Thioune, M.L. Sénégal culture 1982.-Deux nouvelles-Un poème. 72pp. CFA1,250 NEAS 1985 SG FRE
Bemba, S. Un foutu monde pour un blanchisseur trop honnête. 48pp. CFA1,135 CLE 1979 CM FRE
Zimunya, M. Kingfisher, Jikinya and other poems. 64pp. Z$2.25 Longman - Zimb 1982 ZI
Huamou, A. Trois poètes béninois. 110pp. CFA300.00 CLE 1979 CM FRE
Beye, A.B. Dialawali: terre de feu. 80pp. pl. CFA1,250 NEAS 1984 SG FRE
Zimunya, M.B. Perfect poise and other poems. 49pp. Z$63.95 College Press -Zimb 1993 ZI
Huannou, A. Anthologie de la littérature féminine d’Afrique noire francophone. 350pp. CFA4,000 Bognini 2000[?] IV FRE
Bèye, A.B. Nder en flammes. 90pp. CFA1,000 NEAS 1990 SG FRE
African literature in French—Collections Ahmed, G., et al. Nouvelles du pays. 120pp. R150.00 (£3.99) Alma 1995 MF FRE Awouma, J.M. Contes du Cameroun. vol. 4 150pp. CFA1,760 CLE 1979 CM FRE Benoit, N. Légendes et récits du terroir. ISBN: 9990303428 126pp. pl. Rs75.00 ($4.00) Océan Indien Ed 1999 MF FRE Beogo, J., Ky, L.M., Nana, R., Sanou, S., Traoré, B.J.C. Humus. new ed. ISBN: 2911740114 152pp. GTIB 2001 UV FRE Bokoko, S., Ndao, A., Turpin, M.R. 3 nouvelles: Mafouaou, Natu, HLM-P. CFA900.00 NEAS 1983 SG FRE Comhaire-Sylvain, S. Qui mange avec une femme. Contes zairois et haitiens. Textes lingala-français et créole-français. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 6) 310pp. (DM43.00) CEEBA 1973 ZR FRE Dogbé, Y.E. Anthologie de la poésie togolaise. 223pp. CFA2,900 Akpagnon 1980 TG FRE Dogbé, Y-E. Nouvelle anthologie de la poésie togolaise. ISBN: 2864270501 200pp. CFA4,000 Akpagnon 1998 TG FRE
Lamko Koulsy, H., Napon, S.O., Zongo, L.D. La mendiante et 9 autres nouvelles. 216pp. CFA2,000 La Muse 1994 UV FRE Les Classiques Guinéens Un assassin à l’école et autres nouvelles. ISBN: 2951583109 192pp. (Eur5.69) Classiques Guinéens 2000 GV FRE Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Sénégal Anthologie de la nouvelle sénégalaise 1970-1977. 188pp. NEAS 1997 SG FRE Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes J’ai l’honneur... 240pp. NEI 1996 IV FRE Tati-Loutard, J.B. Anthologie de la littérature congolaise d’express-française. 256pp. CFA1,000 CLE 1976 CM FRE African literature in French—Drama Abega, S.C. Le sein t’est pris. 92pp. CFA1,300 CLE 1993 CM Adamou, N.N. Dairou IV. 52pp. CFA450 CLE 1973 CM FRE Adjagnon, D. Le mari lubrique. trans.f.t. Gungbe by JB. Adjibi & J-C. Hounmènou ISBN: 291459402X 88pp. CFA4,000 (Eur10.00) AFRIDIC 2001 DM FRE
Editiona Jamana Poèmes d’içi. 93pp. CFA1,500 ($3.75) Jamana 1995 ML FRE
Aledji, O. Cadavre mon bel amant. ISBN: 291146415X 58pp. CFA5,900 (Eur10.00) Ndzé 2003 GO FRE
Editions CEDA Une histoire pour l’an 2000. ISBN: 2863943499 104pp. CFA3,750 CEDA 2000 IV FRE
Alemdjrodo, K. Chemins de croix ou chronique d’une mise à mort symbolique. 52pp. CFA900.00 NEA - Togo 1991 TG FRE
Editions CLE La littérature négro-africaine dans les années 1990. CFA3,500 CLE 2000 CM FRE
Alemdjrodo, K. Le saga des rois. 62pp. CFA1,100 NEA - Togo 1992 TG FRE
Bau Diyabanza, J. Si Hélène m’était contée. [Educational theatre about AIDS/HIV.] 32pp. (Eur2.60) BERPS 2004 ZR FRE
Bèye, A.B. Le sacre du cédo. 68pp. CFA900.00 NEAS 1982 SG FRE Bruneau, X. Roboa-Nat, le sorcier malgré lui. CFA815.00 CLE 1972 CM FRE
Codjo Kpadé, E. La terre brûle. ISBN: 9991941223 70pp. CFA40.00 Flamboyant 2001 DM FRE Compagnie Ngoti Le jeu de la vengeance. ISBN: 9956425060 224pp. col.pl. CFA4,500 ($10.71/Eur8.60) Sopecam 2004 CM Dadié, B.B. Assémien Dehylé. Roi du Sanwi. 48pp. CFA2,350 (Eur5.34) CEDA 1988[?] IV FRE Dadié, B.B. Les voix dans le vent. 4th ed. ISBN: 2844871321 144pp. NEI 2001 IV FRE [co-published with Editions Neter, Côte d’Ivoire] Diawara, A. Ballets de la mort pour Toumani Fadjigui. [Also available in Bambara.] 54pp. CFA2,500 Teriya 2003 ML FRE Diawara, A. L’ordre sans papier. Comédie en six actes. 72pp. CFA3,000 Teriya 2003 ML FRE Diawara, A. Traversant Johannesburg. 16pp. CFA1,250 Teriya 1999 ML FRE Diawara, G. Afrique ma boussole, suivi de: La terre et le pain. 186pp. CFA10,000 Teriya 1980 ML FRE Diawara, G. Bonjour liberté. [Adaptation of Ibsen’s A dolls house.] 92pp. CFA5,000 Teriya 1995 ML FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature in French—Drama Diawara, G. La grande panique, suivi de: Variations (poésie) ou la parole donnée (théâtre). 121pp. CFA5,000 Teriya 1983 ML FRE Diawara, G. L’heure de la choix. 70pp. CFA2,500 Teriya 1979 ML FRE Diawara, G. Théâtres et sociétés au Mali. 252pp. CFA15,000 Teriya 1999 ML FRE Diawara, G., Diawara, A. Femmes vêtues de nuit. Le théâtre du prochain millénaire. 54pp. CFA2,500 Teriya 1999 ML FRE Diop, A.A.M. Prisonnier de la vie. NEAS 1993 SG FRE
189pp. CFA2,500
Diop, B. L’os de Mor Lam. new ed. 40pp. CFA1,000 NEAS 1997 SG FRE Ditadi, M.T. Du boniment, toujours du boniment: comédie en 4 actes. ($1.00) BERPS 1987 ZR FRE Ditadi, M.T. Le testament de Matunda: comédie en 5 actes. ($2.00) BERPS 1987 ZR FRE Douala, R. Le seigneur de la terre. 48pp. CFA500.00 CLE 1979 CM FRE
Subject index Kafando, L.T. La femme de mon père n’est pas ma mère. 60pp. EDILIS 1995 IV Kanie, A. Le prince d’Assinie. CEDA 1985 IV FRE
CFA2,675 (Eur6.20)
Kanouté, M. Notes sur le théâtre. 38pp. CFA950.00 ($2.40) Jamana 1989 ML FRE Kebe, M.G. Le cri de notre sang. NEAS 1993 SG FRE
168pp. CFA1,750
Kwakwa, M. L’argent ne fait pas le bonheur. C4,000 Afram 1975 GH FRE
Mambu Lau, J.R. Procès Ngugi. [Educational theatre about mosquitoes and malaria.] 45pp. (Eur3.60) BERPS 2005 ZR FRE Menga, G. La marmite de Koka-Mbala, suivi de l’Oracle. 96pp. CFA1,295 CLE 1976 CM FRE Muzembe-Nyunyu, K. Le sorcier africain. CLE 1988 CM FRE
57pp. CFA1,025
Ndedi Penda, P. Le char des dieux. FRE
84pp. CLE 1999 CM
du Bois, W.B. Haïti. 116pp. CFA4,350 (Eur8.38) CEDA 1983 IV FRE
Ndedi Penda, P. Le caméléon suivi de Les épouses stériles. new ed. 116pp. CFA1,540 CLE 1988 CM FRE
Editions Ganndal La résurrection de Pompolipo suivi de Maudit soit Cham. ISBN: 2913326293 FG5,300 Ganndal 2001 GV FRE
Niamkey, L.B. La femme blanche de monsieur Aka. 72pp. CFA2,650 (Eur6.02) CEDA 1985 IV FRE
Fall, M. Aliin Sitoe Jata ou la dame de kabrousse (suivi de Adja la militante). 228pp. CFA2,500 NEAS 1996 SG FRE
Njock, M.M. La hargne des ballonnes. NEAS 1988 SG FRE
Fall, M. Chaka ou le roi visionnaire. 103pp. CFA1,250 NEAS 1984 SG FRE Fautah, A.K. Par quatre chemins (ou le mythe du diplome): piece théatrale en cinq actes. 115pp. CFA1,000 CLE 1990 CM FRE Foly-Bazi, E. Une fiancée à la barre. ISBN: 2864270722 120pp. CFA3,000 Akpagnon 2000 TG FRE Ghanty, Y. Clinton et Cleopatra. ISBN: 9990323879 330pp. Rs150.00 ($9.00/£5.65) Printemps 1999 MF FRE Gomez, K. Doguicimi ou la femme qui défi le roi, le prince et la mort. 86pp. CFA1,350 HaHo 1995 TG FRE Gomez, K. Gaglo ou l’argent cette peste. 83pp. CFA1,400 NEA - Togo 1991 TG FRE Guingané, J-P. Le cri de l’espoir. 128pp. CFA2,750 Gambidi 1991 UV FRE Guingané, J-P. Le fou. Pièce en trois actes. 78pp. CFA3,450 (Eur6.20) CEDA 1986 IV FRE Guingané, J-P. La grossesse de Koudbi. 108pp. CFA2,750 Gambidi 1996 UV FRE Guingané, J-P. Les lignes de la main. 84pp. CFA2,750 Gambidi 1997 UV FRE Guingané, J-P. Papa, oublie-moi. 80pp. CFA2,750 Gambidi 1990 UV FRE Guingané, J-P. La savane en transe. 90pp. CFA2,750 Gambidi 1996 UV FRE Hessou, F.E. La première dame. ISBN: 2911464176 62pp. CFA6,500 Eur10.00 Ndzé 2004 GO FRE
Zaourou, B.Z. Fer de lance. ISBN: 2844871267 176pp. NEI 2002 IV FRE [co-published with Editions Neter, Côte d’Ivoire] Zaourou, B.Z. La guerre des femmes suivie de: La termitière. ISBN: 2844871097 144pp. NEI 2000 IV FRE Zaourou, B.Z. La tignasse; suivi de: Kitanmadjo. 134pp. CFA3,350 (Eur7.55) CEDA 1984 IV FRE Zinsou, S.A. Le club. 232pp. CFA700.00 HaHo 1998 TG FRE Zinsou, S.A. On joue la comédie. HaHo 1984 TG FRE
62pp. CFA700.00
African literature in French—Examinations, questions Chirambo, R.M. Chanco study notes on Mariama Bâ’s “Scarlet song”. ISBN: 999085100X 56pp. K75.00 Chancellor Coll 1998 MW Fiangor, M. Comprendre: “Gaglo ou l’argent cette peste” de Koffi Gomez. 58pp. CFA1,650 NEA - Togo 1993 TG FRE African literature in French—Fiction Abanda, A.C. Fils de prélat. ISBN: 2723510671 194pp. CLE 2002 CM FRE Abassi, A. Tirza. 180pp. Cérès 1996 TI FRE Abega, S.C. La latrine: roman. 139pp. CFA1,750 NEAS 1988 SG FRE Abondio, J.D. Kouassi Koko ... ma mère. 188pp. CFA2,500 EDILIS 1993 IV FRE
Njoya, R. La dernière aimée. 60pp. CFA725.00 CLE 1980 CM FRE
Abotsi-Ahonsou, J. Une longue histoire. ISBN: 2864270544 180pp. CFA3,500 Akpagnon 1998 TG FRE
Oyono-Mbia, G. Jusqu’à nouvel avis. CLE 1975 CM FRE
Achebe, C. Le démagogue. trans.f.t. English 219pp. CFA1,400 NEAS 1978 SG FRE
3rd ed. CFA725.00
Oyono-Mbia, G. Trois prétendants...un mari. 6th ed. 128pp. CFA1,655 CLE 1975 CM FRE
Ade Adiaffi, J-M. Les naufragés de l’intelligence. CFA7,875 CEDA 2000 IV FRE
Oyono Mbia, G. Le bourbier. Pièce en trois actes. ISBN: 2723501698 109pp. (Eur10.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE
Adiaffi, A-M. Une vie hypothéquée. 144pp. CFA2,300 (Eur4.27) NEI 1984 IV FRE
Oyono Mbia, G. Notre fille ne se mariera pas. ISBN: 272350168X 183pp. CLE 2002 CM FRE Pliya, J. La secrétaire particulière. 96pp. CFA1,295 CLE 1973 CM FRE Sall, I. Le choix de Madior, suivi de, Le prophète sans confession. 95pp. CFA900.00 NEAS 1981 SG FRE Sall, I. La république, farce tragique. 83pp. CFA1,100 NEAS 1985 SG FRE Soyinka, W. Le lion et la perle. trans.f.t. English 4th ed. 96pp. CFA1,200 CLE 1974 CM FRE Tchakoute, P. Samba: tragédie coloniale en 5 actes. CFA1,295 CLE 1988[?] CM FRE Thiam, A.K. Ramsès II, le Nègre. 1993 IV FRE
102pp. EDILIS
Tidjani, A. 1789, et l’Isle Saint Louis du Sénégal. ISBN: 2913326013 FG6,500 Ganndal 1998 GV FRE Wade, A.M. La tragédie de l’indépendance. 107pp. CFA1,500 NEAS 1987 SG FRE
Adjoua, F.K. La valse des tourments. ISBN: 2911725298 224pp. NEI 1999 IV FRE Adotevi, A.J-B. La nuit des eunuques. Bosco 1997 TG FRE Adotevi, A.J.B. Sacrilège à Mandali. CLE 1980 CM FRE
328pp. CFA9,855
230pp. CFA1,680
Agbtiafa, K., Nambou, Y. Contes du Togo. 111pp. CFA1,200 NEA - Togo 1980 TG FRE Agokla, K.M. Aube nouvelle. 94pp. CFA1,500 NEA Togo 1982 TG FRE Ahizi, P. Une poignée de main. 44pp. CFA2,750 (Eur5.72) CEDA 1985 IV FRE Ahnee, G. Exils. 2nd ed. 181pp. Rs.200.00 ($15.00/£6.99) Alma 1996 MF FRE Ajiboye, T. Olurounbi ou le prix d’un pari. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9782965340 92pp. N160.00 Bounty 2004 NR Ajiboye, T. Le témoin. 60pp. ill. N140.00 Bounty 1997 NR FRE Aka Aman, M-G. Les haillons de l’amour. 124pp. CFA2,310 CEDA 1994 IV FRE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 48
African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature in French—Fiction
Aka, M-D. Le silence des déshérités. 144pp. CFA2,300 NEI 1998 IV FRE Akando, S. Viatiques. ISBN: 9991941155 98pp. CFA80.00 Flamboyant 2001 DM FRE Akouma, M. Dans le bus. ISBN: 2863943480 72pp. CFA1,750 CEDA 2000 IV FRE Aladji, V. Akossiwa mon amour. CLE 1971 CM FRE
52pp. CFA815
Aladji, V. La voix de l’ombre. 173pp. CFA1,500 HaHo 1985 TG FRE Amela, H.L. Odes lyriques. 112pp. CFA3,000 Akpagnon 1983 TG FRE Ami, G. Etrange héritage. 156pp. CFA2,400 NEA - Togo 1986 TG FRE
Bandama, M. Même au paradis on pleure quelquefois. ISBN: 2844870805 240pp. NEI 2000 IV FRE Bandiaman, M. La bible et le fusil. 184pp. CFA2,500 CEDA 1996 IV FRE Bandiaman, M. Une femme pour une médaille. Nouvelles. 112pp. CFA3,950 (Eur6.33) CEDA 1986 IV FRE Barry, A.A. Jeu de destins. ISBN: 2913326749 268pp. CFA4,900 (Eur15.00) Ganndal 2004 GV FRE Bassori, T. Grelots d’or. 220pp. CFA3,850 (Eur8.38) CEDA 1985 IV FRE Bayala, B.P. Une aventure planétaire. CFA2,500 Hamaria 1998[?] UV FRE
Amoi, A. Appelez-moi Bijou. 208pp. CFA3,250 (Eur6.50) CEDA 1997 IV FRE
Bayidikila, J-D. Les illusions de Kalana. ISBN: 2951921500 78pp. CFA5,280 (Eur9.50) Lemba 2001 ZR FRE
Amoi, A. Impasse. IV FRE
Bebey, F. Le roi Albert d’Effidi. CLE 1976 CM FRE
94pp. CFA1,350 CEDA 1987
Amon d’Aby, F.J La mare aux crocodiles. NEI 1973 IV FRE
8th ed. 128pp.
Bebey, F. Trois petits cireurs. 1972 CM FRE
196pp. CFA1,910
64pp. CFA815 CLE
Amrouche, T. Rue des tambourins. ISBN: 9973193792 364pp. Cérès 1998 TI FRE
Becheur, A. De miel d’aloès. 1989 TI FRE
Ananissoh, T. Lisahohé. ISBN: 2913736225 156pp. HaHo 2002 TG FRE
Becheur, A. Les rendez-vous manqués. Cérès 1994 TI FRE
Ananissoh, T. New London house: histoires. ISBN: 2913746063 90pp. HaHo 2000 TG FRE
Bedi, H. Divagations. ISBN: 2863943464 128pp. CFA3,750 CEDA 2000 IV FRE
Ananissoh, T. Serpent d’enfer. 1997 TG FRE
Befe Ateba, J. Yobo, la spirale de l’épreuve. ISBN: 2723501736 108pp. CFA3,500 (Eur14.00) CLE 2003 CM FRE
Ananissoh, T. Yeux ouverts. TG FRE
71pp. CFA2,000 HaHo
CFA2,785 HaHo 1994
Ananou, D. Le fils du fétiche. new ed. ISBN: 2864270617 200pp. CFA3,500 Akpagnon 1999 TG FRE Anghoura, D. Son excellence César Nambékan. ISBN: 2869344843 168pp. CFA2,950 (Eur6.02) CEDA 2004 IV FRE Anskey, J. Coeurs rebelles. 1998 IV FRE
144pp. CFA1,500 NEI
Anskey, J. Symphonie et lumière. 160pp. CFA1,500 NEI 1998 IV FRE Assaley, N. Love story à Abidjan. ISBN: 2844871437 152pp. NEI 2002 IV FRE Attia, A. Hayet ou La passion d’elles. ISBN: 9973195213 292pp. Cérès 2002 TI FRE Bâ, M. Un chant écarlat. new ed. ISBN: 2723614077 316pp. Eur4.57 NEAS 2003 SG FRE Bâ, M. Une si longue lettre. NEAS 1979 SG FRE
132pp. CFA1,500
Bâ, T. La route enchantée. Suivi de, La chanson des Kobis. 196pp. NEAS 1994 SG FRE Badiane, C. Aida Mbène ou les fantasmes de Mor Diop. CFA1,750 NEAS 1983 SG FRE Bailly, D. La fille du silence. NEI 1998 IV FRE
127pp. CFA2,200
212pp. D4,800. Cérès
Belhadj Yahya, E. L’étage invisible. 176pp. D5.95 ($5.95) Cérès 1996 TI FRE Bemba, S. Rêves portatifs. 208pp. CFA1,200 NEAS 1979 SG FRE ben Haj Yahia, E. Costume de la mer. TI FRE ben Yahia, T. Les exilés de Valence. 1996 TI FRE
192pp. Cérès 1996
192pp. Cérès
Benga, S. La balade du sabador. ISBN: 2723614743 632pp. CFA5,500 Eur8.40 NEAS 2004 SG FRE Benga, S. Waly Nguilane, le protégé de Roog. vol.1 ISBN: 2723615804 136pp. CFA2,000 Eur3.50 NEAS 2004 SG FRE
Bhély, Q.O. C’était à Tigony. ISBN: 2844870554 388pp. NEI 2000 IV FRE Bissan, M. Un mariage de raison. 209pp. CFA1,500 ($3.75) Jamana 1996 ML FRE Bocoum, J.F. Motus et bouche décousue. ISBN: 2844020437 72pp. CFA3,000 (Eur4.57) Xamal 2002 SG FRE Bolli, F. Djigbo. FRE
93pp. CFA530 CEDA 1978 IV
Bongolo, Z. L’enfant prodigue de Soweto. 139pp. CFA1,750 NEAS 1983 SG FRE Boni-Claverie, I. La grande dévoreuse. ISBN: 2844870392 176pp. NEI 1999 IV FRE Boni, T. Les baigneurs du lac rose. 142pp. CFA2,850 NEI 1995 IV FRE Boubacar, B.D. Murambi. Le livre des ossements. ISBN: 2844871240 224pp. NEI 2001 IV FRE Bouillat, V. Chez la mouche absente. 112pp. CFA1,800 NEI 1995 IV FRE Boutora-Takpa, D. Journal d’une bonne. ISBN: 2913746276 136pp. CFA1,200 HaHo 2002 TG FRE Bugul, K. Le baobab fou. new ed. 129pp. CFA1,500 NEAS 1997 SG FRE Cabon, M. Brasse-au-vent. 132pp. ill. Océan Indien Ed 1989 MF FRE Cadence, M. Le fils de shaitane. ISBN: 2911464184 342pp. CFA14,500 (Eur22.50) Ndzé 2004 GO FRE Cadence, M. La main de shaitane. ISBN: 2911464192 388pp. CFA13,000 (Eur20.00) Ndzé 2003 GO FRE Cadence, M. Ségalière. GO FRE
256pp. (Eur12.00) Ndzé 1999
Camara, L. Histoire d’Iyewa ou les pièges de l’amour. ISBN: 2844020135 144pp. CFA3,500 (Eur5.34) Xamal 1998 SG FRE Camara, L. Le tambour d’Orunmila. ISBN: 2723615529 166pp. CFA2,500 Eur3.80 NEAS 2004 SG FRE Camara, N. L’autre versant. ISBN: 2863945106 360pp. CFA4,950 (Eur9.07) CEDA 2004 IV FRE Camara, N. Révélation. IV FRE
199pp. CFA2,500 NEI 1995
Benga, S. Waly Nguilane, le protégé de Roog. vol.2 ISBN: 2723615812 156pp. CFA2,500 Eur3.80 NEAS 2004 SG FRE
Camara, N. Tourbillon. ISBN: 2844871569 208pp. CFA3,500 ($5.00/£5.34) NEI 2002 IV FRE
Berthelot, L. L’outre-mer, ou, Les eaux de Mériba, 149pp. ill. Océan Indien Ed 1996 MF FRE
Carlos, J. Les enfants de Mandela. 120pp. CFA4,250 (Eur7.39) CEDA 1988 IV FRE
Berthelot, L. Les temps de marée-noire. Contes et nouvelles. 110pp. Rs.90.00 Océan Indien Ed 1991 MF FRE
Carlos, J. Fleur du désert. 154pp. CFA4,150 (Eur9.91) CEDA 1990 IV FRE
Betina, B.B. Mysotis, l’amour énigmatique. 128pp. CFA4,500 (Eur11.00) Xamal 1997 SG FRE Beye, A.B. Les bourgeois de l’espoir. ISBN: 2723615251 59pp. Eur2.28 NEAS 2003 SG FRE
Carlos, J. Le miroir. 136pp. CFA3,500 EDILIS 1998 IV FRE Cataria, J-B.B. L’hôte des drance, suivi de, Une pensée pour la veuve. 176pp. Akpagnon 1983 TG FRE Charlotte Border line. ISBN: 9973758137 265pp. Alyssa 2001 TI FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature in French—Fiction
Subject index
Charlotte Le grand toboggan. ISBN: 997375817X 110pp. Alyssa 2001 TI FRE
Coulibaly, M. Secrets. ISBN: 2913942369 224pp. EDILIS 2001 IV FRE
Diakhaté, L. Prisonnier du regard. NEAS 1976 SG FRE
Charlotte Journal d’une nunuche. ISBN: 9973758232 365pp. Alyssa 2001 TI FRE
Coulibaly, M.S. Les murmures du vent. 61pp. CFA1,200 ($3.00) Jamana 1990 ML FRE
Diakhaté, L. Le sahélien de Lagos. NEAS 1984 SG FRE
Charlotte Meurtre à Sidi Bou Said. ISBN: 9973758230 260pp. Alyssa 2001 TI FRE
Couloubaly, P.B. Les angoisses d’un monde. new ed. ISBN: 2910454568 150pp. CFA1,500 ($3.00) Jamana 1998 ML FRE
Diallo, B. Forcé-bonté. SG FRE
Charlotte Tout feu ... tout femme. ISBN: 9973758235 275pp. Alyssa 2001 TI FRE Charlotte Les vacances du commissaire. ISBN: 9973758237 296pp. Alyssa 2001 TI FRE Chellal, K. Noujoumon.
107pp. NEAS 1996 SG FRE
Cherif, A.F. Le royaume de Sinaban. CLE 1973 CM FRE Chéry, R. Les blancs pâturages. NEAS 1994 SG FRE
64pp. CFA815
136pp. CFA2,000
Cissé, A. Zeyna. ISBN: 284408033X 104pp. CFA3,000 (Eur4.57) Xamal 2001 SG FRE Cissé, B. Contes et légendes du Kourmina. 127pp. CFA2,200 ($5.50) Jamana 1989 ML FRE Cissé, S. Chaleur d’enfance. 125pp. CFA3,500 (Eur5.34) Souvenir 2001 DM FRE Clavreul, J.Y. 70 petites histoires d’arbres en Afrique. 70pp. FG3,000 Ganndal 2001[?] GV FRE Cohen, J. L’inspecteur Kamal fait chou blanc. ISBN: 9954000100 144pp. Dir60.00 Fennec 1999 MR FRE Cohen, J. Les noces du commissaire. ISBN: 9954000569 224pp. Dir70.00 Fennec 2001 MR FRE Colbert, J.G. La défaite des demi-dieux. Nouvelles. 100pp. CFA3,250 (Eur7.24) CEDA 1985 IV FRE Comlan, G-B. A perdre haleine. 210pp. CFA5,000 (Eur7.62) Souvenir 2000 DM FRE Conink, F. Sénégal mon ami, les cinq étapes de Kaïdara. ISBN: 2723615561 81pp. Eur3.05 NEAS 2003 SG FRE Cossery, A. Mendiants et orgueilleux. ISBN: 9973194330 228pp. Cérès 2000 TI FRE Couao-Zotti, F. Le collectionneur de vierges. ISBN: 2911464206 76pp. (Eur10.00) Ndzé 2004 GO FRE Couao-Zotti, F. La diseuse de mal-espérance. 90pp. (Eur12.00) Ndzé 2001 GO FRE Couchoro, F. L’esclave. FRE
304pp. Akpagnon 1983 TG
Couchoro, F. L’héritage, cette peste. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2864270595 159pp. Akpagnon 1998 TG FRE Coulibaly, I.B. Les leçons d’amour de ma meilleure amie. 140pp. CFA2,500 Bognini 2000[?] IV FRE
Dadié, B. Carnet de prison. 335pp. CFA9.350 (Eur20.58) CEDA 1981 IV FRE Dadié, B.B. Légendes et poèmes. ISBN: 2844871356 288pp. CFA3,800 NEI 2002 IV FRE Dadié, B.B. Opinions d’un nègre. 192pp. CFA2,750 (Eur12.00) CLE 1980 CM FRE Dagbo, J.G. L’affaire Kragbé Gnagbé, un autre regard 32 ans après. 120pp. NEI 2002[?] IV FRE Dati, M.C. La carapace. FRE
CFA3,500 CLE 2000 CM
de Saint-Pierre, B. Paul et Virginie. 1989 MF FRE
162pp. Océan Indien Ed
de Saint Sauveur Foua, E. Le joker de Dieu. 88pp. CFA3,450 (Eur7.24) CEDA 1986 IV FRE de Tiera, S. Amour de granit. ISBN: 2844871442 112pp. CFA1,700 (Eur3.20) NEI 2002 IV FRE Degboé, N.M. Joseph Sorka est mort. 100pp. CFA1,750 NEAS 1996 SG FRE Dem, M.P. C’était hier. ISBN: 2913942296 172pp. ill. CFA5,500 (Eur15.00) EDILIS 2002 IV FRE Dem, T. Masséni. 3rd ed. 244pp. CFA500.00 NEI 1982 IV FRE Demanois, P. Une femme dans tous mes rêves. 128pp. NEI 1997 IV FRE Demanois, P. L’adieu au paradis. 104pp. CFA2,550 (Eur6.02) CEDA 1985 IV FRE Dembélé, A.K. Le satyre piégé. 123pp. CFA1,995 ($5.00) Jamana 1990 ML FRE Dembélé, S.G. Sinè. 34pp. CFA1,100 ($2.75) Jamana 1989 ML FRE Deme, A.D. Les échos du silence. SG FRE
71pp. NEAS 1999
Descroizilles, M., M£lnier, A. Bor’endan bor’déhor. ISBN: 2908578581 155pp. col.ill. Rs125.00 Ars Terres Créoles 1999 RF FRE [Published in collaboration with Editions de l’Océan Indien, ISBN 9990303355] Devi, A. La fin des pierres et des âges. Océan Indien Ed 1992 MF FRE
157pp. CFA1,750
CFA2,000. NEAS 1988
Diallo, B. Plus jamais ça. ISBN: 2913326005 140pp. FG3,500 Ganndal 1998 GV FRE Diallo, D.F. Les fous démocrates. ISBN: 2844020313 44pp. CFA5,000 (Eur7.62) Xamal 2001 SG FRE Diallo, D.F. Mon âme à l’envers. ISBN: 2844020224 48pp. CFA1,000 Xamal 2000 SG FRE Diallo, N.N. De Tilène au plateau. new ed. 133pp. CFA1,000 NEAS 1997 SG FRE Diallo, N.N. La princesse de Tiali. NEAS 1987 SG FRE
191pp. CFA1,750
Diarra, M.A. La nièce de l’Imam. 254pp. CFA2,500 ($6.25) Jamana 1994 ML FRE Diarra, M.A. Rapt à Bamako. ISBN: 2841296458 128pp. CFA2,800 (Eur4.27) Figuier 2000 ML FRE Diaur, M.L. Les épines de la rose. ISBN: 2726315014 168pp. Eur4.57 NEAS 2003 SG FRE Dick, G. Coeurs meurtris. 110pp. CFA1,500 Bognini 2000[?] IV FRE Dick, G. L’injure. Receuil de nouvelles. ISBN: 2863943324 94pp. CFA2,450 (Eur4.95) CEDA 1999 IV FRE Diegou, B. La traversée du guerrier. ISBN: 2863944533 192pp. CFA2,500 (Eur5.34) CEDA 2004 IV FRE Dieng, M.X. L’ombre en feu. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2723614352 433pp. Eur6.86 NEAS 2003 SG FRE Diop, A.A.M. L’ailleurs et l’illusion. NEAS 1983 SG FRE
159pp. CFA2,250
Diop, B. Contes et lavanes. 190pp. CFA2,750 (Eur12.00) CLE 1980 CM FRE Diop, B.B. Le cavalier et son ombre. 286pp. CFA3,500 NEI 1998 IV FRE Diouf, N.D. Retour d’un si long exil. ISBN: 2723611493 173pp. Eur3.81 NEAS 2003 SG FRE Djezou, P. Les mariés du CHU de Bellevie. ISBN: 2863943790 108pp. CFA2,350 CEDA 2001 IV FRE Dogbé, Y.E. L’homme de Bê. TG FRE
90pp. Akpagnon 1989
Devi, A. Le voile de Draupadi. ISBN: 9990323801 175pp. Rs200.00 ($12.00/ £7.50) Printemps 199 MF FRE
Dogbé, Y-E. L’incarceré. new ed. ISBN: 2864270064 204pp. (Eur18.00) Akpagnon 2004 TG FRE
Dia, I. Fureur noire à Kango. 1988 SG FRE
Dogbé, Y-E. Le messager de l’an 2000. ISBN: 286427051X 200pp. CFA3,500 Akpagnon 1998 TG FRE
CFA1,100. NEAS
Coulibaly, M. Embouteillages. Nouvelles. 144pp. CFA1,500 EDILIS 1993 IV FRE
Dia, M. Le balcon de l’honneur. 152pp. CFA1,750 NEAS 1985 SG FRE
Coulibaly, M. Les larmes de Cristal. EDILIS 1999 IV FRE
Diakhate, L. Chalys d’Harlem. 232pp. CFA1,200 NEAS 1979 SG FRE
300pp. CFA4,950
96pp. CFA550
Dogbé, Y.E. Le miroir. 181pp. CFA3,000 Akpagnon 1995 TG FRE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 50
African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature in French—Fiction
Dogbé, Y.E. La victime. 240pp. CFA2,500 Akpagnon 1979 TG FRE Dooh-Bunya, L. La brise du jour. 1978 CM FRE
350pp. CFA2,000 CLE
Dorsinville, R. Gens de Dakar. new ed. 77pp. CFA1,000 NEAS 1997 SG FRE Doubouya, M.F. Je l’aime encore. ISBN: 2844870511 232pp. NEI 2001 IV FRE Editions Akpagnon Contes, devinettes et jeux de mots des Seychelles. 160pp. ill. Akpagnon 1983 TG FRE Editions Ganndal Les batailles de l’eau. ISBN: 2913326927 176pp. CFA5,000 (Eur15.00) Ganndal 2003 GV FRE [co-published with Cérès Editions, Tunisia; Editions Charles Leopold Mayer, Switzerland]
Fofana, F. Les poèmes de la source Saniya; suivi de: Echos des ruines de Dikhuna. 94pp. CFA1,500 (Eur7.00) Donniya 1996 ML FRE Fofana, F. Souvenirs d’un chercheur d’or. 48pp. CFA1,000 ($2.50) Jamana 1993 ML FRE Fongang, D. Le bonheur immédiat. ISBN: 2723501469 166pp. CLE 2001 CM FRE Forget, P. Le marginal. 178pp. Océan Indien Ed 1993 MF FRE Forget, P. Pour l’honneur de Céline. Indien Ed 1994 MF FRE
201pp. Océan
Harouna, A. Le mal d’aimer. ISBN: 2911740130 164pp. ($4.29/Eur4.58) GTIB 2001 UV FRE Hazoumé, F. Cauchemars. 1994 IV FRE
144pp. CFA2,000 EDILIS
Hazoumé, F. Le crépuscule de l’homme. ISBN: 2863944282 200pp. CFA3,500 CEDA 2002 IV FRE Hazoumé, F. La vengeance de l’albino. 133pp. CFA2,300 EDILIS 1996 IV FRE Henry, L. Contes de Noel. ISBN: 9990370001 102pp. Rs95.00 ($6.00/£3.60) Printemps 1999 MF FRE
Forget, P. Quatre-épices. 181pp. Rs.200.00 ($15.00/£6.99) Alma 1996 MF FRE
Hessou, H.D. Les vipères de Kétou. 44pp. CFA700.00 NEA - Togo 1983 TG FRE
Editions Ganndal Les larmes de joie. ISBN: 2913326242 115pp. FG5,000 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE
Fred, M. Je suis vraiment de bonne foi. ISBN: 2991464109 140pp. (Eur9.48) Ndzé 2001 GO FRE
Hien, A.I. Au gré du destin. 132pp. CFA2,500 (Eur5.80) GTIB 1997 UV FRE
Editions Jamana Nouvelles d’içi. 107pp. CFA1,265 ($3.00) Jamana 1995 ML FRE
Gasiglia, R. Le soleil éclaté. 386pp. CFA10,000 Flamboyant 1994 DM FRE
Edorh, E. La fille de Nana-Benz. Akpagnon 1996 TG
112pp. CFA1,800
Ghanouchi, J. Tuer n’est pas jouer. ISBN: 9973758234 125pp. Alyssa 2001 TI FRE
Ekue, A.T. Le crime de la rue des Notables. 150pp. CFA1,500 NEA - Togo 1989 TG FRE
Goley, N.L. Gagné-gagné, perdu-perdu. 264pp. CFA3,750 (Eur7.55) CEDA 1999 IV FRE
Ekwa bis Isal, M. L’école trahie. 235pp. col.pl. ($10.00) Cadicec 2004 ZR FRE
Gomez, K. Opération marigot. 150pp. CFA1,500 NEA - Togo 1982 TG FRE
el Ocin, A. L’arme du crime. FRE
Gopal, R. De nos jours. ISBN: 9990323968 166pp. Rs120.00 ($7.25/£4.50) Printemps 1999 MF FRE
148pp. Alyssa 2000 TI
Equilbecq, F-V. La légende de Samba Guéladio Diegui, Prince du Fouta. new ed. 350pp. CFA2,000 NEAS 1997 SG FRE Evemba Njoku’A’Vembe Les morts de demain. CLE 1984 CM FRE
209pp. CFA2,000
Ewounde-Mombo, E. Le voyage abyssal. ISBN: 291332648X FG3,000 Ganndal 2002 GV FRE Faignant, E.F. Afin que tu te souviennes. 445pp. ($57.00) Kap Kaz 2004 ZR FRE Fall, M. La collégienne. new ed. ISBN: 2723608263 250pp. CFA1,750 NEAS 1998 SG FRE Fall, M. Le miroir. ISBN: 2723614948 152pp. Eur3.81 NEAS 2003 SG FRE Fall, M. La plaie. CFA2,750 (Eur12.00) CLE 1980 CM FRE Fandanh, K.D. Le défilé des innocents. 1996 IV FRE
88pp. EDILIS
Fassinou, A. Yémi ou le miracle de l’amour. 141pp. CFA6,000 (Eur9.15) Flamboyant 2001 DM FRE Fatunde, T. La calebasse cassée. ISBN: 9782030724 67pp. Bookcraft 2002 NR FRE Filali, A. Monsieur L... . ISBN: 9973193881 188pp. Cérès 1999 TI FRE Filali, A. Les vallées de lumière. ISBN: 9973194888 176pp. Cérès 2001 TI FRE Fofana, A. Mariage: on copie. 88pp. CFA1,500 ($3.25) Jamana 1994 ML
Gopaul, B. Beppo. ISBN: 9990391637 100pp. pl. Rs.180.00 ($14.00) Capucines 1998[?] MF FRE Guet, L. Un bonheur inattendu. NEI 1998 IV FRE Guet, L. Coeurs piégés. 1998 IV FRE
136pp. CFA1,500
136pp. CFA1,500 NEI
Guèye, T.Y. Rellâ ou les voies de l’honneur. NEAS 1983 SG FRE
Guingané, J-P. La musaraigne. 100pp. CFA2,750 Gambidi 1997 UV FRE Gungaloo, R. Letan lontan. ISBN: 9990323976 148pp. Rs200.00 ($12.00/£7.50) Printemps 1999 MF FRE Haidar, N. Le deserteur. 76pp. CFA1,750 NEAS 1983 SG FRE Haidar, N.A. Silence cimetière. 72pp. CFA700.00 NEAS 1979 SG FRE Haïdara, M. L’incompris. 155pp. CFA2,500 ($6.25) Jamana 1996 ML FRE Hampâté Bâ, A. Jésus vu par un musulman. 1993 IV FRE
63pp. NEI
Hampâté Bâ, A. Njeddo Dewa, mère de la calamité. 221pp. NEI 1994 IV FRE Hampâté Bâ, A. Petit Bodiel. 96pp. NEI 1993 IV FRE Hane, K. Le collier de paille. ISBN: 2911464141 238pp. CFA7,000 (Eur19.00) Ndzé 2002 GO FRE
Hien, A.I. Larmes de tendresse. GTIB 1996 UV FRE
200pp. CFA3,000
Hien, A.I. L’enfer au paradis. 2nd ed. 167pp. CFA2,000 EDILIS 1996 IV FRE Hien, A.I. Les trois jumeaux. 176pp. CFA2,500 GTIB 1996 UV FRE Hill, C. Parfums d’Assinié. NEI 1998 IV FRE
120pp. CFA1,500
Houtoundji, G. Une citronelle dans la neige. 158pp. CFA2,400 NEA - Togo 1986 TG FRE Huet de Froberville, B. Sidner ou les dangers de l’imagination. 190pp. Océan Indien Ed 1993 MF FRE Ilboudo, M. Murekatete. ISBN: 2842580064 75pp. CFA4,800 (Eur9.00) Figuier 2000 ML FRE Ilboudo, P-C. Le retour de Yembi. 192pp. CFA2,100 HaHo 1994 TG FRE [co-published with Editions CEDA] Imaksen, N. La troisième fête d’Ismaël. 208pp. Dir38.00 Fennec 1994 MR FRE Ipeko-Etomane, F-A. Le lac des sorciers. 48pp. CFA815.00 (Eur3.00) CLE 1972 CM FRE Jorgen, R. Taboo. 328pp. FMG46,000 TPFLM 1970 MG FRE Ka, A. A. Mal. 30pp. CFA400.00 NEAS 1975 SG FRE Ka, A.M. Brisure de vies. ISBN: 2844020046 79pp. Xamal 1998 SG FRE Ka, M. L’automobile. ISBN: 284487133X 326pp. CFA4,500 NEI 2001 IV FRE Kablan, A. Le temps de l’école. CEDA 1978 IV FRE
120pp. CFA930
Kabongo Kongo Kola Le pouvoir. [Fiction?] cd. 120pp. Z120.00 Press Univ Congo 1984 ZR FRE Kaboré, R.B. L’épopée de Boukary Koutou empereur des Moosé. 180pp. CFA2,500 Firmament 1997 UV FRE Kadel, Y. Un septembre noir. ISBN: 9990323577 130pp. Rs125.00 ($7.50/£4.70) Printemps 1998 MF FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature in French—Fiction Kagni, K-D. Au bout de l’inconnu. HaHo 1999 TG FRE
149pp. CFA2,750
Kakou, K. Le matin sera rouge. CLE 1980 CM FRE
145pp. CFA915.00
Kalla, J. Les erreurs de maman. ISBN: 284487035X 224pp. CFA2,800 (Eur 6.10) NEI 2000 IV FRE Kalmogo, L. Du fond du coeur. ISBN: 2911740076 160pp. CFA3,000 ($4.25/Eur4.58) GTIB 1999 UV FRE
Subject index Koffel, J.P.K. Pas de visa pour le paradis d’Allah. ISBN: 9981838497 344pp. Dir55.00 Fennec 1998 MR FRE
Kounta, A.O. Le fils de la folle et onze autres nouvelles. 126pp. Jamana 1996 ML FRE
Koffel, J.R. Rapt à Inezlane, la ceinture du ciel. ISBN: 9954000798 304pp. Dir55.00 Fennec 2001 MR FRE
Kpade, E.C. Facture de sang. 1999 DM FRE
Koffi, T. Terre de misère. ISBN: 2863944223 168pp. CFA3,150 CEDA 2001 IV FRE Koïta, I.S. Lueur d’espoir. 58pp. CFA1,500 ($3.75) Jamana 1990 ML FRE
Kane, A.E. Les cinq secrets de mon père. ISBN: 2723615537 174pp. CFA2,500 Eur3.80 NEAS 2004 SG FRE
Kokolo, V. Mariage horrible à Botana. ISBN: 9991996332 159pp. CFA4,500 (Eur8.00) Souvenir 2003 DM FRE
Kane, A.E. La maison au figuier. NEAS 1992 SG FRE
Konaté, M. Les saisons. 149pp. CFA2,950 ($8.00) Jamana 1989 ML FRE
Kane, H. Les gardiens du temple. 1996 IV FRE
150pp. CFA2,500
312pp. NEI
Kane, H. L’aventure amibiguë. CFA2,750 (Eur12.00) CLE 1980 CM FRE Kane, S. Un 10 mai sur la croisette. ISBN: 2723615596 480pp. CFA4,000 Eur4.55 NEAS 2004 SG FRE Kangni, K.D. Destins enchaînés. 68pp. CFA1,000 NEA - Togo 1988 TG FRE Kassé, A. Clair désir d’içi-bas. ISBN: 2844020348 88pp. CFA3,000 Xamal 2001 SG FRE Kaya, S. L’envol des tisserands. 158pp. CFA3,450 (Eur8.38) CEDA 1986 IV FRE Kaya, S. Le prix d’une vie. FRE Kayo, P. Les sauterelles. 1986 CM FRE
144pp. CEDA 1985 IV
80pp. CFA1,500 CLE
Kayo, P. Tout le long des saisons. ISBN: 2723501477 96pp. CFA2,500 (Eur10.00) CLE 2001 CM FRE Kéabou, R. Un bout de vie. ISBN: 2911541618 171pp. Univ Yaoundé 2001 CM FRE Kebe, M.G. Le blanc du nègre. 174pp. CFA2,750 (Eur12.00) CLE 1980 CM FRE Kébé, M.G. Le decret. 133pp. CFA1,750 NEAS 1984 SG FRE Keïta, F. Rebelle. FRE
232pp. CFA3,800 NEI 1998 IV
Khair-Eddine, M. Le déterreur. ISBN: 9973194861 136pp. Cérès 2001 TI FRE
Kondié Les braises de l’amour. ISBN: 2844871763 144pp. CFA1,700 (Eur3.20) NEI 2002 IV FRE Koné, A. Cèmandali Babilen. [Transcribed by Moussa Touré.] 40pp. CFA1,000 ($2.50) Jamana 1989 ML FRE Koné, A. Les coupeurs de têtes. 192pp. CFA3,350 (Eur6.86) CEDA 1997 IV FRE Koné, A. Cri de souffrance. 144pp. CFA2,950 EDILIS 1999 IV FRE Koné, A. Jusqu’au seuil de l’irréel. 143pp. CFA1,155 NEI 1983 IV FRE Koné, A. Les liens. 75pp. CFA2,650 (Eur6.48) CEDA 1980 IV FRE Koné, F. Cache-cache d’amour. 134pp. CFA1,500 NEI 1998 IV FRE Kouamé, J-B. Le complot des subversifs. ISBN: 2863944134 136pp. CFA2,550 CEDA 2001 IV FRE Kouevi, A.Z. Coup de foudre, coups de flèches. 199pp. CFA3,000 NEA - Togo 1993 TG FRE Koulibaly, I.B. Ah. Les femmes. 4th ed. CFA1,950 HaHo 1992 TG FRE Koulibaly, I.B. Ah. Les hommes. Nouvelles. new ed. 120pp. CFA1,800 HaHo 1991 TG FRE Koulibaly, I.B. Les deux amis. FRE
104pp. NEI 1997 IV
Koulibaly, I.B. Encore les femmes... toujours les femmes. 2nd ed. 232pp. CFA2,400 HaHo 1995 TG FRE
112pp. Flamboyant
Kpade, E.C. Méhinto ou les dieux étranglés. 60pp. CFA700.00 NEA - Togo 1989 TG FRE Kyelem, M. L’envers du décor. 1998[?] UV FRE
CFA2,500 Hamaria
Lagesse, M. Cette maison pleine de fantômes. ISBN: 9990370214 199pp. Rs250.00 Printemps 2001 MF FRE Lam, A.M. Le triomphe de Maât. 2000 SG FRE
156pp. Per Ankh
Lamboni, A. L’homme refusé. ISBN: 2864270498 160pp. CFA3,000 Akpagnon 1998 TG FRE Ledjou Gahi, A. Libellule enchaînée. ISBN: 2863943456 82pp. CFA2,5** CEDA 2000 IV FRE Legend, C. Ce regard de feu. NEI 1998 IV FRE
144pp. CFA1,500
Letaïef, A. L’oiseau de feu. ISBN: 997319490X 148pp. Cérès 2001 TI FRE Lo, S. De pourpre et d’hermine. ISBN: 2723615197 244pp. Eur5.33 NEAS 2003 SG FRE Lopes, H. La nouvelle romance. CLE 1976 CM FRE
196pp. CFA2,075
Lopes, H. Tribaliques. 2nd 104pp. CFA1,295 CLE 1975 CM FRE Loucou, J-N. En pays Baoulé. new ed. 110pp. CFA1,500 NEI 1998 IV FRE Madeke, C. Amours insolites. ISBN: 9991996346 132pp. CFA4,500 (Eur6.86) Souvenir 2003 DM FRE Mahet, M. L’emmurée. ISBN: 9990303347 72pp. Rs75.00 ($4.00) Océan Indien Ed 1999 MF FRE Maïga Ka, A. Brisures de vie. ISBN: 2844020046 80pp. CFA2,500 (Eur3.81) Xamal 1998 SG FRE Manckasa, C. Le chevalier de Soyo. ISBN: 2842200152 224pp. (Eur20.00) Paari 2005 ZR FRE Mandeleau, T. Signare Anna. 252pp. CFA5,500 (Eur8.38) Xamal 1998 SG FRE
Koulibaly, I.B. Merci l’artiste. ISBN: 2844870341 198pp. NEI 1999 IV FRE
Manguélé, E. La colline du fromager. CLE 1979 CM FRE
Khioud, S. Dans les griffes du cartel. ISBN: 2844871542 159pp. NEI 2002 IV FRE
Koulibaly, I.B. Sur le chemin de la gloire. ISBN: 2906718661 219pp. CFA2,850 HaHo 1999 TG FRE
Manoury, P. Le secret de Sushi. ISBN: 9990323198 158pp. Rs95.00 ($5.70/£3.60) Printemps 1999 MF FRE
Khioud, S. Le secret des christiantins. ISBN: 2844871534 207pp. NEI 2002 IV FRE
Koum Dokodjo, G. Hei-Dji. 178pp. CFA3,000 Akpagnon 1995 TG FRE
Masson, A. La divine condition. 356pp. Rs.100.00 Océan Indien Ed 1986 MF FRE
Khioud, S. Le tueur du remblai. ISBN: 2844871550 182pp. NEI 2002 IV FRE
Koundja, M-C. Al Istifakh ou “L’idylle de mes amis”. ISBN: 2723501299 146pp. CFA2,500 (Eur3.81) CLE 2001 CM FRE
M’bala, E.P. Lettre ouverte à soeur Marie-Pierre. 169pp. CFA1,200 CLE 1978 CM FRE
Khair-Eddine, M. Légende et vie d’Agoun’Chich. ISBN: 997319487X 184pp. Cérès 2001 TI FRE
Koffel, J-P. Des pruneaux dans le tagine. 414pp. Dir98.00 Fennec 1996 MR FRE Koffel, J-P. Nous l’appellerons Mehdi. 370pp. Dir62.00 Fennec 1996 MR FRE
Koundja, M.C. Le mariage de mon ami. CLE 2000 CM FRE
90pp. CFA1,100
Mbaye, A.S. Pour le sang du mortier. ISBN: 2844020305 106pp. CFA3,000 (Eur4.57) Xamal 2001 SG FRE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 52
African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature in French—Fiction
Mbazoo-Kassa, C.M. Sidonie. 120pp. Alpha 2001 NG FRE Mbengue, M.N. Parfums d’enfance. NEI 1995 IV FRE
125pp. CFA1,875
Mbock, C.G. La croix du coeur. 300pp. CFA2,000 CLE 1980 CM FRE Mbock, C.G. Et tu sera ma veuve. CLE 1999 CM FRE
266pp. CFA5,000
Mbock, C.G. Quand saigne le palmier. 144pp. CFA1,950 CLE 1978 CM FRE Me, T. La force de l’amour. ISBN: 2844871755 120pp. CFA1,700 (Eur3.20) NEI 2002 IV FRE Medetognon-Benissan, T. Tourbillons. 2nd rev.ed. 120pp. CFA1,565 HaHo 1995 TG FRE Medou-Mvomo, R. Afrika Ba’a. 184pp. CFA1,800 (Eur8.00) CLE 1979 CM FRE Meesha La féticheuse. ISBN: 2822871453 135pp. CFA1,700 (Eur3.20) NEI 2002 IV FRE Menga, G. Les aventures de Moni-Mambou. vol.3 62pp. CFA180.00 CLE 1974 CM FRE Mérimée, P. La vénus d’Ille et Colomba. ISBN: 9973190181 172pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE
Ndalla, C.E. Coeurs meurtris. 91pp. CFA3,480 (Eur6.50) Lemba 2001 ZR FRE
Nkouka, A. Deuxième bureau. 150pp. CFA815.00 CLE 1980 CM FRE
Ndao, C.A. Le marabout de la sècheresse. new ed. 71pp. CFA1,000 NEAS 1997 SG FRE
Nokan, Z.B. Les petites rivières. CEDA 1983 IV FRE
Ndaw, C.A. Lolli et Taataan: woy. (IFAN publication diverses, 7) 57pp. CFA1,000 IFAN 1990 SG FRE
Nokan, Z.G. Mon chemin débouche sur la grand-route. 128pp. CFA2,550 (Eur7.58) CEDA 1985 IV FRE
Ndi, T. L’examen. CM FRE
Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes Les plus belles lettres d’amour. ISBN: 2844971398 160pp. CFA2,000 NEI 2002 IV FRE
96pp. Univ Yaoundé 2000
Ndiaye, A.R. La graine de vermine. NEAS 1988 SG FRE
Ndiaye, S. Le serment. ISBN: 2844020534 184pp. CFA4,500 (Eur11.00) Xamal 2002 SG FRE
Obiang, L.E. Péronelle. GO FRE
Ndoye, M. Comme le bon pain. ISBN: 2844871364 192pp. NEI 2001 IV FRE
Ojo-Ade, F. Les paradis terrestres. ISBN: 9783693743 162pp. Dokun 2003 NR [copublished with African Heritage Press, Nigeria]
Ndoye, M. Soukey. ISBN: 2911725794 200pp. CFA4,000 NEI 1999 IV FRE N’doye M’Bengue, M. Sur des chemins pavoises. 76pp. CFA1,530 CEDA 1993 IV FRE
Ngom, M. La voix des champs. NEAS 1993 SG FRE
Midiohouan, G.O. Maraboutiques. Anthologie de nouvelles. ISBN: 2909130169 280pp. CFA100.00 Flamboyant 1999 DM FRE
Ngosso Kouo, G. Une femme, un jour... CEDA 1996 IV FRE
91pp. CFA1,750
144pp. CFA2,450
Ngouankeu, I.T. Autour du lac Tchad. 184pp. CFA1,500 (Eur1,500) CLE 1969 CM FRE Nguetse, M.J. D’amour et de flèches. 141pp. Passerelle 1998 IV FRE
Mkpatt, B. Les charognards. ISBN: 2723503305 100pp. ill. CLE 1999 CM FRE
N’Guetta, T.S. Destins croisés. ISBN: 2844871771 136pp. CFA1,700 (Eur3.20) NEI 2002 IV FRE
Mongo, P. Bogam Woup. 1980 CM FRE
N’Guetta, Y. Dis-moi mon rêve. NEI 1999 IV FRE
270pp. CFA3,800
Montplaisir, I. Le rire des singes verts. ISBN: 2844020542 192pp. CFA4,000 (Eur4.00) Xamal 2003 SG FRE
Niang, M. La sentence de l’amour. ISBN: 2723615057 166pp. CFA2,500 Eur3.80 NEAS 2003 SG FRE
M’Saknia, S. Regards de femme. ISBN: 9973758161 356pp. Alyssa 2001 TI FRE
Niantie, L.G. La graine stérile. 187pp. CFA4,500 EDILIS 1996 IV FRE
Nacef, H. Pu...rée d’époque. ISBN: 9973758128 90pp. Alyssa 2001 TI FRE
Niaré, S. Graine de chef. 1990 ML FRE
Nagal, M. a M. L’errance. 146pp. CFA1,025 CLE 1979 CM FRE
Nirsimloo-Anenden, A.D. Le poids des êtres. Contes et nouvelles. cd. & 182pp. Rs.75.00 cd. Rs.55.00 Océan Indien Ed 1987 MF
Nago, J. Quand les dieux s’en mêlent. Akpagnon 1990 TG FRE
Nanga, B. La trahison de Marianne. 158pp. CFA1,750 NEAS 1984 SG FRE Nangala, C. La ronde des hyènes. CEDA 2000 IV FRE
232pp. CFA5,040
Ndachi Tagne, D. Les amours fantômes. ISBN: 2863944827 112pp. CFA2,500 (Eur5.34) CEDA 2004 IV FRE
117pp. CFA1,750 NEAS
Ndione, A.F. Faubourienne. ISBN: 2723616053 67pp. Eur2.28 NEAS 2003 SG FRE
M’Fouilou, D. Les corbeaux. 240pp. CFA2,600 Akpagnon 1980 TG FRE
120pp. CFA1,465 CLE
Nyangoma, N. Mourir debout. 1983 SG FRE
Obiang, L.E. L’enfant des masques. 3rd ed. 160pp. (Eur12.00) Ndzé 2001 GO FRE
Ngandu, P. Le fils de la tribu. Roman. Suivi de La mulâtresse Anna. 190pp. NEAS 1983 SG FRE
Millogo, S. Récits de ma vallée. ISBN: 2912991041 CFA6,000 Sankofa & Gurli 2001 UV FRE
Nyama, J.D. Le bruit de l’héritage. ISBN: 2911464117 272pp. (Eur15.17) Ndzé 2002 GO FRE
Ndione, A. La vie en spirale. 175pp. CFA1,750 NEAS 1984 SG FRE
Mernissi, F. Rêves de femmes, contes d’une enfance au harem. 320pp. ill. Dir60.00 Fennec 1997 MR
Mikiele, M.M. Lianes d’amour. ISBN: 2911464052 162pp. (Eur10.43) Ndzé 2001 GO FRE
114pp. CFA1,290
85pp. ($2.25) Jamana
Nitiéma, O. Un voyage dans le monde. [Novel about AIDS.] 64pp. CFA2,500 Dec Burkina 2003 UV FRE Nkoa Atenga, C. Kameroona. Le hors-la-loi rebelle. 260pp. CLE 1995 CM FRE Nkoa Atenga, C. L’enfant de la révolte muette. ISBN: 2723503305 158pp. (Eur12.00) CLE 1999 CM FRE
52pp. (Eur10.00) Ndzé 2001
Okoumba, N. Adia. 144pp. Akpagnon 1985 TG FRE Opperi, S. Cercle de déchirures. ISBN: 2863943470 96pp. CFA3,350 CEDA 2001 IV FRE Orodiran, N. Le petit villageois. 48pp. ill. N130.00 Bounty 1998 NR FRE Ouagadougou, B. La femme au diable et autres histoires, suivies de L’écrivain que je suis. ISBN: 2951603967 170pp. CFA3,000 Dec Burkina 2003 UV FRE Ouattara, A.K. La cicatrice. ISBN: 2844871259 136pp. NEI 2002 IV FRE Ouédraogo, T. Soleils jaunes. 99pp. CFA1,500 (Eur4.00) Sankofa & Gurli 1998 UV FRE Oulaté, M. Le triomphe du peuple. ISBN: 2913942385 EDILIS 2002 IV FRE Ousmane, A. 15 ans ça suffit. 136pp. CFA1,750 NEAS 1985 SG FRE Oyono-Mbia, G. Chroniques de Mvoutessi, 1. 64pp. CFA500.00 CLE 1971 CM FRE Oyono-Mbia, G. Chroniques de Mvoutessi, 2. 64pp. CFA500.00 CLE 1971 CM FRE Oyono-Mbia, G. Chroniques de Mvoutessi, 3. 48pp. CFA500.00 CLE 1972 CM FRE Parrinder, E.G. Les vicissitudes de l’histoire de Kétu. 152pp. CFA5,000 Flamboyant 1997 DM FRE Pascaud-Junot, V. En souvenir d’eux .... ISBN: 2844020429 98pp. CFA3,000 (Eur4.57) Xamal 2002 SG FRE Paul, L.J. Le charbonnier du paradis. ISBN: 9990323763 42pp. Rs75.00 ($4.50/£2.90) Printemps 1999 MF FRE Peh, G-E. Maudit soit le jour. ISBN: 2844873333 144pp. NEI 2000 IV FRE Pfouma, O. Siang. 44pp. CFA815.00 CLE 1971 CM FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature in French—Fiction
Subject index
Philombe, R. Nnan Ndenn Bobo - conte politicophilosophique. 52pp. CFA1,000 CRAC 1994 CM FRE
Sène, F.D. Le chant des ténèbres. new ed. ISBN: 2723614018 248pp. CFA2,500 Eur3.80 NEAS 2003 SG FRE
Piette, A. L’île d’Amina. ISBN: 2844020410 168pp. CFA4,500 (Eur6.86) Xamal 2002 SG FRE
Sène, F.D. La momie d’Almamya. ISBN: 2723614891 264pp. CFA3,000 Eur4.55 NEAS 2004 SG FRE
Piette, A. Les mésaventures de Mor Kassé. ISBN: 2844870368 168pp. NEI 1999 IV FRE
Serhane, A. Messaouda. ISBN: 9973193288 220pp. Cérès 1998 TI FRE
Piette, A. Songes et mensonges. ISBN: 2844020240 128pp. CFA3,000 (Eur4.57) Xamal 2001 SG FRE
Sewa, A. Yamtchè. ISBN: 0863944665 136pp. CFA2,500 (Eur5.34) CEDA 2004 IV FRE
Pliya, J. L’arbre fétiche. 2nd ed. 92pp. CFA1,295 CLE 1975 CM FRE Prudencio, E.A. Le rêve étranglé. ISBN: 2909130681 144pp. CFA80.00 Flamboyant 1998 DM FRE Rault, M. La lune à midi. 12 rêvalisés 362pp. Océan Indien Ed 1994 MF FRE Robert, J-P. Maryam. Fille de Djibouti. ISBN: 2913551181 100pp. FDJ900.00 (Eur3.80) Couleur Locale 2003 DJ FRE Roumain, J. La montagne ensorcelée. 190pp. CFA2,750 (Eur12.00) CLE 1980 CM FRE Sabano, U.G. Conflit familial; suivi de Déchirement et liberté ambiguë. ISBN: 2723501779 88pp. ill. CFA3,000 (Eur12.00) CLE 2003 CM FRE Saboue, J.B. Halombo. CFA2,500 Hamaria 1998[?] UV FRE Sadamba, T-K. Femme infidèle. 144pp. CFA1,500 NEA - Togo 1988 TG FRE Sahnoun, M. Tsunami. ISBN: 9973195140 168pp. Cérès 2001 TI FRE Salamone, M. Pour un chant de vie. ISBN: 2844870155 104pp. CFA2,500 (Eur5.34) NEI 1999 IV FRE Sall, I. Les routiers de chimères. 143pp. CFA1,500 NEAS 1982 SG FRE Samb, M. Ces dames du silex. new ed. ISBN: 2723614026 264pp. CFA2,500 Eur3.80 NEAS 2004 SG FRE Samb, M. Ouly la fille de l’aveugle. 174pp. CFA10,000 (Eur15.00) EDJA 1995 SG FRE Samb, M. Le soleil, la folle et le taureau. ISBN: 2723614972 176pp. CFA2,500 Eur3.80 NEAS 2004 SG FRE Sangare, D.L. Sucre, poivre et sel. NEAS 1981 SG FRE
96pp. CFA700.00
Sankhare, O. La nuit et le jour. 110pp. CFA3,000 (Eur7.00) Xamal 1997 SG FRE Saturn, F. Choréographie d’amour. 160pp. CFA1,500 NEI 1998 IV FRE Savadogo, Y. La faute et le pardon. 120pp. CFA2,750 (Eur4.19) Firmament 2001 UV FRE Seck, A.B. Quand les génies entraient en colère. ISBN: 2723615189 286pp. CFA3,000 Eur4.55 NEAS 2004 SG FRE Senah, K. Les vautours. ISBN: 2906771270 102pp. CFA1,169 HaHo 1990 TG FRE
Stone, E. Aurore. FRE
120pp. CFA1,500 NEI 1998 IV
Sydol, F. Qui donc est mon prochain? new ed. ISBN: 2864270625 170pp. CFA3,500 Akpagnon 1999 TG FRE Tadjo, V. Champs de bataille et d’amour. CFA3,500 NEI 1998 IV FRE
Taher, A. Pêcheurs de l’ouest. 138pp. Rs100.00 (£3.75) Printemps 2001 [?] MF FRE
Seye, F. Les chants de la lagune. 144pp. CFA1,500 NEI 1998 IV FRE
Talakaena, L. La palmeraie de Roriba. ISBN: 2864270560 179pp. CFA3,500 Akpagnon 1998 TG FRE
Sèye, I. Un trou dans le miroir. NEAS 1983 SG FRE
Teteh, S. De l’enfer au paradis. 1998 TG FRE
138pp. CFA1,750
Sid, A. Grisgris, machettes et coconuts. ISBN: 9973758159 160pp. Alyssa 2001 TI FRE Sid, A. Rouges gorges et souris ravageuses. ISBN: 9973758129 120pp. Alyssa 2001 TI FRE Sijelmassi, A. Les plantes médicinales du Maroc. 5th ed. 344pp. Dir65.00 Fennec 1990 MR FRE Singou-Basseha, A. Des pieds et des mains pour un homme. ISBN: 2951921551 80pp. CFA3,240 (Eur7.50) Lemba 2003 ZR FRE Sirantou, H.F. Toute une vie. FRE
128pp. EDILIS 2001 IV
124pp. Akpagnon
Thiane, A.B.M. Les pèlerins du Camp de Transit. ISBN: 2844020127 80pp. CFA3,500 (Eur5.34) Xamal 1998 SG FRE Touré, A. Une vie de militant. ISBN: 2913352091 208pp. CFA2,500 Hamaria 2001 UV FRE Touré, K. Destins parallèles. NEI 1995 IV FRE
382pp. CFA4,950
Tra, L.E. Juste une illusion. ISBN: 2844871526 144pp. CFA1,700 (Eur3.20) NEI 2002 IV FRE Traoré, A. Les sanglots du Songhoy. 120pp. CFA1,400 ($3.50) Jamana 1995 ML FRE
Somé, J-B. Le miel amer. new ed. 112pp. ($3.58/ Eur3.82) GTIB 2000 UV FRE
Traoré, I.B. Au coin du feu. 94pp. CFA1,200 ($3.00) Jamana 1989 ML FRE
Souidi, D. Amastan Sanhaji, le serment de fidélité. vol.2 ISBN: 9961773144 226pp. DA400.00 (Eur15.00) Tell 2004 AE FRE
Traoré, S. Sentences et proverbes bamanan. 9th ed. 106pp. CFA1,950 ($5.00) Jamana 1995 ML FRE
Sow, A. Le revenant. 128pp. CFA850.00 NEAS 1976 SG FRE
Trime, J. Moika.
Sow, A. Les sacrifiés d’Alama. 156pp. CFA1,250 ($3.25) Jamana 1997 ML FRE Sow, C.C. Cycle de sècheresse. 1984 IV FRE Sow Fall, A. Douceurs du bercail. NEI 1998 IV FRE
160pp. CEDA
224pp. CFA3,800
Sow Fall, A. La grève des battu. new ed. 132pp. CFA1,500 NEAS 1997 SG FRE Sow Fall, A. L’appel des arènes. new ed. 140pp. CFA1,500 NEAS 1997 SG FRE Sow, M. La vie sans fin. ISBN: 2842580338 122pp. CFA5,000 (Eur7.62) Figuier 2000 ML FRE Sow, S. Le défi de la reine des sorciers. ISBN: 2844020259 208pp. CFA4,500 (Eur6.86) Xamal 2001 SG FRE Sow, S. Les élans brisés. ISBN: 2723615200 588pp. CFA5,000 Eur7.60 NEAS 2004 SG FRE Sow, S. Jusqu’au bout de l’espoir. ISBN: 2844020143 256pp. CFA5,500 (Eur8.38) Xamal 1998 SG FRE Sow, S. La lumière est en nous. ISBN: 2844020194 80pp. CFA1,250 Xamal 2000 SG FRE
32pp. ill. Akpagnon 1984 TG FRE
Tsange Vies de femmes. CM FRE
CFA1,295 CLE 1983
Tshibamba, L. Ngemena. 145pp. CFA1,000 CLE 1980 CM FRE Viramalay, L.J. Rose rouge. ISBN: 9990370036 146pp. Rs150.00 ($8.50/£5.65) Printemps 2001 MF FRE Walter, X. Monsieur Liu. ISBN: 2911464168 420pp. CFA13,000 (Eur19.00) Ndzé 2003 GO FRE Wezin, K. Contes de la mort qui n’existe pas, suivi de Sorcellerie, mythe ou réalité et de Mysticisme et la foi. ISBN: 2864270781 114pp. CFA4,000 Akpagnon 2000 TG FRE Yanou, E. L’homme dieu de Bisso. 156pp. CFA1,560 CLE 1974 CM FRE Yao, C.A. Piedra preciosa. ISBN: 2844871518 136pp. CFA1,700 (Eur3.20) NEI 2002 IV FRE Yaou, R. Aihui anka. Défi aux sorciers. CFA2,500 NEI 1998 IV FRE
Yaou, R. Histoires étranges. ISBN: 2910088103 104pp. ill. CFA2,000 Neter 2002 IV FRE Yaou, R. L’indésirable. ISBN: 2863944266 192pp. CFA3,750 CEDA 2001 IV FRE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 54
African Books in Print
Subject index Yaou, R. Le prix de la révolte. IV FRE
African literature in French—History and criticism 152pp. NEI 1997
Yaou, R. La révolte d’Affiba. 2nd ed. 240pp. CFA2,500 NEI 1997 IV FRE Yaya, D. Le diamant maudit. ISBN: 2723501582 113pp. (Eur14.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Yikam, J. Le devoir de justice. CFA5,000 (Eur15.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Zadi, B.Z. La guerre des femmes. ISBN: 2910088170 143pp. ill. CFA2,500 Neter 2001 IV FRE Zinsou, A. Moi aussi je fais parti de ce monde. 179pp. CFA5,000 (Eur7.62) Souvenir 2000 DM FRE Zoh, S. La voie de ma rue. ISBN: 2844870491 152pp. CFA3,800 ($5.40/£5.79) NEI 2002 IV FRE Zouari, F. Pour en finir avec Shahrazad. Cérès 1996 TI FRE
Zreik, I.G. La rose des vents. ISBN: 2863944371 106pp. CFA3,500 CEDA 2002 IV FRE African literature in French—Folklore Adalata, D. Contes dangaleat (Tyalo-Zoudou). 75pp. CFA1,000 Rôniers 1978 CD MUL Amadou, B.H. Kaydara. 2nd ed. 96pp. CFA1,100 NEI 1983 IV FRE Awouma, J.M. Contes et fables: étude et comprehension. 150pp. CFA1,760 CLE 1979 CM FRE Bâ, A.H. La poignée de poussière. 104pp. CFA1,850 NEI 1987 IV FRE Barry, K.M. Le partage du butin. Contes et récits. ISBN: 2913326315 56pp. ill. FG3,500 Ganndal 2002 GV FRE Barry, M. Une curieuse aventure. Ganndal 2000 GV FRE
63pp. FG3,500
Basuakuamba La fille du python: mythes Lulua. (CEEBA, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 52) 166pp. ill. map. (DM36.00) CEEBA 1979 ZR FRE Belinga, E. Ballades et chansons camerounaises. 56pp. CFA500.00 CLE 1975 CM FRE ben Abdallah, C. Khorafet. 170pp. Alyssa 2000 TI FRE Biton Koulibaly, I. La légende de Sadjo. CEDA 1978 IV FRE
63pp. ill. CFA495
Bongo, B. Textes et conservations dem. CFA500.00 Rôniers CD MUL Bouadi, K. Brakotto le mécontent. 63pp. ill. CFA660.00 CEDA 1977 IV FRE Bulundu & Pelende Il mit du poison dans le vin de ses frères. Mythes suku. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 30) 152pp. ill. map. (DM39.00) CEEBA 1977 ZR FRE Comhaire-Sylvain, S. Jetons nos couteaux. Contes des garçonnets de Kinshasa et quelques parallèles haitiens. Textes lingalafrançais, creole-français. (CEEBA. série II, Mémoiries et Monographies, 15) 223pp. (DM30.00) CEEBA 1974 ZR FRE Cooper Contes dari. 100pp. CFA1,000 Rôniers 1984 CD FRE
Danna, E. Contes dangaleat (texte français seul). 89pp. CFA700.00 Rôniers 1984 CD FRE
Ndao, C.A. Excellence, vos épouses. 139pp. CFA1,750 NEAS 1983 SG FRE
Darkowska, O. Théâtre populaire de marionnettes en Afrique Sud-Saharienne. (CEEBA, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 60) 259pp. ill. pl. (DM43.00) CEEBA 1980 ZR FRE
Ndzomo Malla, J.M. Proverbes, vrais ou faux? Crise et dangers du proverbe africain. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 81) 86pp. (DM21.00) CEEBA 1982 ZR FRE
Daye, A. Contes dangaleat (Tyalo-Ideba). 158pp. CFA1,250 Rôniers 1983 CD MUL Diagne, L.S. Contes sérères du Sine (Sénégal). (Initiations et etudes africaines, 35) 224pp. CFA3,500 IFAN 1989 SG FRE Dingamoudouel Proverbes ngambay. 94pp. CFA1,000 Rôniers 1978 CD MUL Djanan Textes et conservations day (Bangoul). CFA500.00 Rôniers CD MUL Djiraingue Prières du pays sar. 64pp. CFA500.00 Rôniers 1977 CD FRE Dogbé, Y.E. Contes et légendes du Togo. 2nd ed. ISBN: 160 Akpagnon 1984 TG FRE Dogbé, Y-E. Fables africaines. Suivi de “La puissance des mots”. 4th ed. 112pp. Akpagnon 1979 TG FRE Eno Belinga, S-M. La femme, le coq et les balafons - et autres chantefables: tirées du folklore camerounais. ISBN: 2911541197 74pp. ill. AES-PUA 1999 CM FRE Fombrun, O.R., ed. Contes africains (Kenya, Ouganda, Ethiopie & Madagascar). 127pp. CFA1,750 NEAS 1987 SG FRE Fortier, J. Proverbes mbay. 56pp. CFA700.00 Rôniers 1977 CD MUL Goswami-Sewtohul, K. Histoire des quatre cloches et autres contes mauriciens: textes en français et en créole mauricien. 78pp. Gos-Sew 1995 MF MUL Goswami-Sewtohul, K. Zistoire Prince Sabour et autres contes mauriciens: textes en français et en créole. 76pp. Gos-Sew 1995 MF MUL Honi Textes et conversations ngam (Maro). 136pp. CFA1,000 Rôniers 1978 CD FRE Kali Textes et conversations ngambay. 136pp. CFA1,000 Rôniers 1978 CD MUL Katende Cyovo Source. Traditions orales de la Zone de Gandajike. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 72) 136pp. ill. map (DM18.00) CEEBA 1981 ZR FRE Kesteloot, L., Mbodj, C. Contes et mythes wolof. 232pp. maps CFA4,000 NEAS 1983 SG FRE Loucou, J-N. La tradition orale africaine. 1994 IV FRE
124pp. Neter
Mamah, F. Contes Tem. 108pp. CFA1,000 NEA Togo 1987 TG FRE Médétognon-Benissan, T. Contes de la forêt magique. ISBN: 2906718955 127pp. CFA2,520 HaHo 1999 TG FRE Monsengo Osantwene Il ressuscita sa soeur. Mythes sakata. Textes sakata-français. (CEEBA. série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 31) 124pp. map. (DM28.00) CEEBA 1975 ZR MUL Muyay, T. Leur bouche crache du feu. Agressions verbales yansi. (CEEBA série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 46) 234pp. ill. pl. map. (DM39.00) CEEBA 1978 ZR FRE
Ngawu Wukweni Pourquoi ne suis-je pas né fille? Mythes mbala 3, texte Mbala-français. (CEEBA. série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 10) 133pp. map. (DM26.00) CEEBA 1974 ZR MUL Ngondo Iwanya Ma fille, tu pimenteras à l’excès. Mythes Wongo. (CEEBA, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 58) 141pp. ill.map. (DM35.00) CEEBA 1980 ZR FRE Nicolin, B. Pour dire l’ile Maurice. ISBN: 9990323186 83pp. Rs70.00 ($4.25/£2.75/ 27.00) Printemps 2000 MF FRE Olinga, M. La guerre de Mekemeze, précéde de l’Esclave au coeur de panthère. 135pp. CFA880.00 CLE 1981 CM FRE Olung, Lubanzim, Kisasi La fille désobéissante. Mythes mbun. Versions intégrales en trois parlers mbun avec traduction française. (CEEBA. série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 17) 251pp. map. (DM41.00) CEEBA 1976 ZR FRE Osantwene & Ipasso Le père qui ne voulait pas de fille. Mythes nkundu et téré. Langues locales et versions françaises. (CEEBA. série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 18) 203pp. map. (DM35.00) CEEBA 1976 ZR MUL Palayer, P. Proverbes marba.
Rôniers CD FRE
Ramharai, V., ed. Mocélé: anthologie de proses de Léoville l’Homme. cd. & 90pp. Rs.30.00 cd. Rs.27.00 Océan Indien Ed 1984 MF FRE Ritiy Mutz. Elle ne mangea que des oiseaux: mythes ruund. (CEEBA, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 51) 131pp. ill. map. (DM36.00) CEEBA 1979 ZR FRE Sagara, A.A. Légendes du Mali. 2nd ed. 106pp. CFA1,500 ($3.75) Jamana 1995 ML FRE Thomas, L.V. Et le lièvre vint. 259pp. CFA3,250 NEAS 1982 SG FRE African literature in French—History and criticism Actes Colloque Ecrire le Maghreb. 220pp. Cérès 1996 TI FRE Ade Adiaffi, J-M. Lire Henri Konan Bédié. La rêve de la graine. 286pp. CFA5,000 Neter 1996 IV FRE Ade, S., Oke, O. Themes in African literature in French. (Spectrum African literature series, 2) ISBN: 9780292063 342pp. N,1200 ($24.95/£14.95) Spectrum 2000 NR Avini, A. La magie du verbe. Essai. Remise en question de l’anthologie contemporaine. ISBN: 2723501558 271pp. (Eur22.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Bekkat, A., Bererhi, A. Mohammed Dib. ISBN: 9961773055 96pp. DA190.00 (Eur5.25) Tell 2003 AE FRE Bererhi, A., Chikhi, B. Algérie, ses langues, ses lettre, ses histoires. Balises pour une histoire littéraire. ISBN: 9961773004 254pp. DA400.00 (Eur11.50) Tell 2002 AE FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature in French—History and criticism Bererhi, A., ed. L’autobiographie en situation d’interculturalité. Actes du Colloque international des 9.10 et 11 décembre 2003 à Alger. vol.1 ISBN: 9961773128 272pp. DA350.00 Tell 2004 AE FRE Bererhi, A., ed. L’autobiographie en situation d’interculturalité. Actes du Colloque international des 9, 10 et 11 décembre 2003 à Alger. vol.2 ISBN: 9961773136 296pp. DA350.00 (Eur18.00) Tell 2004 AE FRE Brahimi, D., Trevarthen, A., CoquéryVidrovitch, C. Les femmes dans la littérature africaine. Portraits. ISBN: 2863943073 240pp. CFA5,500 (Eur11.43) CEDA 1998 IV FRE Brignot, F. Le temps perpetué. Réflexion de désordre général concernant la poésie. ISBN: 2914567020 104pp. CFA4,500 Rose Bleue 2003 TG FRE Chavanes, F. Albert Camus, tel qu’en lui même. ISBN: 9961773160 160pp. DA350.00 (Eur10.00) Tell 2005 AE FRE Chennoufi, A.M. Littérature d’idées. 200pp. D5,000. Cérès 1989 TI FRE Couraige, G. Continuité noire. 223pp. CFA1,200 NEAS 1978 SG FRE Dailly, C., Kotchy, N.B. Propos sur la littérature africaine. 264pp. CEDA 1984 IV FRE de Leusse, H. Des “Poèmes” au “Lettres d’hivernage”. 96pp. CFA400.00 NEAS 1976 SG FRE Diane, A-B. Notes sur Ethiopiques de Léopold Sédar Senghor. ISBN: 284402016X 137pp. CFA4,500 (Eur6.86) Xamal 1999 SG FRE Diop, A.O. Le théâtre traditionnel au Sénégal. CFA1,500. NEAS 1990 SG FRE Dufrenot, A.M. Des Antilles à l’Afrique. 135pp. CFA1,500 NEAS 1981 SG FRE Editions CEDA Anthologie de la littérature ivoirienne. 308pp. CFA5,225 (Eur10.67) CEDA 1983 IV FRE Editions CEDA Littérature et méthodologie. 92pp. CFA2,950 (Eur6.02) CEDA 1984 IV FRE Editions CEDA Variations sur le personnage. 94pp. CFA3,350 (Eur7.24) CEDA 1985 IV FRE Editions Jamana Tradition et modernité dans l’oeuvre de Fily Dabo Sissoko. ISBN: 2910454878 294pp. CFA1,000 Jamana 2001 ML FRE Fanchin, G. Pour lire: Mondo et autres histoires. ISBN: 9990323836 220pp. Rs125.00 ($7.50/£4.75) Printemps 1999 MF Fontaine, J. Histoire de la littérature tunisienne. De l’indépendence à nos jours. vol.3 ISBN: 9973194055 340pp. Cérès 1999 TI FRE Fontaine, J. Histoire de la littérature tunisienne. Des origines au XIIe siècle. vol.1 ISBN: 9973194039 340pp. Cérès 1999 TI FRE Fontaine, J. Histoire de la littérature tunisienne. Du XIII siècle à l’indépendence. vol.2 ISBN: 9973194047 252pp. Cérès 1999 TI FRE Fontaine, J. Regards sur la littérature tunisienne. 160pp. Cérès 1991 TI FRE Foolchand, J.M.G. AC: Le silence de la mer. ISBN: 9990323712 128pp. Rs80.00 ($4.80/ £3.00) Printemps 1999 MF FRE
Gaasch, J. La nouvelle sénégalaise, texte et contexte. ISBN: 2844020216 232pp. CFA7,500 (Eur11.43) Xamal 2000 SG FRE Galega, R. La cohérence de l’oeuvre poétique de Léopold Sédar Senghor. ISBN: 2844871062 112pp. NEI 2000 IV FRE Garrot, D. Léopold Sédar Senghor, critique littéraire. 155pp. CFA1,250 NEAS 1979 SG FRE Gassama, M. Kuma: interrogation sur la littérature Nègre de langue française. 320pp. CFA2,500 NEAS 1978 SG FRE Gnaoulé Oupoh, B. La littérature ivoirienne. ISBN: 2863948592 448pp. CFA5,500 CEDA 2000 IV FRE Hausser, M. Pour une poétique de la négritude. vol.1 410pp. CFA12,600 (Eur26.41) CEDA 1988 IV FRE Huannou, A. La question des littératures nationales. 200pp. CFA3,850 (Eur8.31) CEDA 1989 IV FRE Huannou, A. Le roman féminin en Afrique de l’Ouest. ISBN: 2738484573 CFA60.00 Flamboyant 2001 DM FRE Institut Culturel Africain Quel théâtre pour le développement en Afrique: stage-séminaire interafricain de theatre organisé à Abidjan du 20 juin au 20 juillet 1978. 149pp. CFA4,250 NEA Togo 1985 TG FRE Julie, C., Potage, P. AC: Une jeune femme au Mont Limon. ISBN: 9990323747 68pp. Rs80.00 ($4.80/£3.00) Printemps 1999 MF FRE Kabongo Bujitu La littérature négro-africaine et ses problèmes - questions de méthode. 157pp. ill. pl. Z40.00 Press Univ Congo 1982 ZR FRE Kane, M. Essai sur les contes d’Amadou Coumba. 2nd ed. 249pp. CFA3,000 NEAS 1981 SG FRE Kane, M. Roman africain et tradition. 517pp. CFA4,500 NEAS 1983 SG FRE Kiki, C. Vers une réforme de la littérature en Afrique. CFA7,000 CLE 2000 CM FRE Kimowi, I., Naaman, E. Le destin de la littérature négro-Africain ou problematique d’une culture. 270pp. Z6.20 Press Univ Congo 1975 ZR FRE
Mbuyamba, Guide de française ($70.00)
A. littérature zairoise de langue (1974-1992). cd. 190pp. Kalombo 1993 ZR FRE
Mbuyamba Kankolongo Mythes et contre-mythes dans le roman zaïrois de langue française. 205pp. ($79.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE Mendo Ze, G. La prose romanesque de Ferdinand Oyono. 256pp. CFA4,000 Univ Yaoundé 1984 CM FRE Moudileno, L. Littératures africaines francophones des années 1980 et 1990. ISBN: 2869781202 94pp. CFA4,000 ($14.95/ £9.95) CODESRIA 2003 SG FRE Ndaw, A. La pensée africaine recherche sur les fondements de la pensée négro-africaine. 284pp. CFA3,500 NEAS 1983 SG FRE Nidzgorski, D. Arts du spectacle africain. (CEEBA, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 48) 373pp. ill. pl. map (DM54.00) CEEBA 1980 ZR FRE Njage, J. EAEP literature guide to Mariama Bâ’s So long a letter. 36pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1984 KE Njoroge, P.N. EAEP literature guide to Sembene Ousmane’s God’s bits of wood. 68pp. K.shs.520.00 EAEP 1984 KE Nnomo, M. Lire et comprendre Sous la cendre, le feu d’Evelyne Mpoudi Ngolle. ISBN: 2912086353 122pp. free PUA 2001 CM FRE Oke, O., Ojo, A. Introduction to francophone African literature. (Spectrum African literature series, 1) ISBN: 9780291962 316pp. N1,200 ($24.95/£14.95) Spectrum 2000 NR Oloukpona-Yinnon, A. Notre place au soleil. HaHo 1985 TG FRE
184pp. CFA2,000
Osman, G.G. L’Afrique dans l’univers poétique de Léopold Sédar Senghor. 277pp. CFA2,500 NEAS 1979 SG FRE Paré, J. Ecritures et discours dans le roman africain francophone post-colonial. ISBN: 2912944007 218pp. CFA5,000 Kraal 1998 UV FRE Prosper, J-G. Histoire de la littérature mauricienne de langue française. 2nd ed. 362pp. Océan Indien Ed 1994 MF FRE
Koné, A. Du récit oral au roman. Etude sur les avatards de la tradition héroïque dans le roman africain. 152pp. CFA5,150 (Eur9.91) CEDA 1985 IV FRE
Salien, F. Articles critiques sur la littérature africaine d’expression française. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 106) 151pp. (DM31.00) CEEBA 1993 ZR FRE
Kotchi, B. La correspondance des arts dans la poésie de Senghor. ISBN: 2844871070 64pp. NEI 2000 IV FRE
Salien, F. Mélanges d’articles sur le roman Africain. (CEEBA publications, série II, 94) 216pp. CEEBA 1985 ZR FRE
Le Baut, R. Jean El Mouhoub Amrouche, mythe et réalité. ISBN: 9961773209 152pp. DA400.00 Tell 2005 AE FRE
Salien, F. La poésie de L.S. Senghor. Etudes des thèmes et analyses de textes. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 111) 248pp. (DM43.00) CEEBA 1993 ZR FRE
Le Pan, S. Yves-Emmanuel Dogbé: l’engagement d’un écrivain. ISBN: 2864270714 120pp. CFA3,000 Akpagnon 2000 TG FRE Les Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Senegal-ACCT Biennale des Lettres. Colloque international. “Aires culturelles et création littéraire en Afrique”. 210pp. NEAS 1990 SG FRE Marquet, M.M. Le métissage dans la poésie de Léopold Sédar Senghor. CFA3,500 NEAS 1983 SG FRE
Salien, F.O. Panorama du théâtre africain d’expression française. vol.1(CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 86) 218pp. (DM35.00) CEEBA 1983 ZR FRE Schipper de Leeuw, M. Les mots sont comme les oeufs. 1980 CM FRE
Serpos, N.T. Aspect de la critique africaine. 294pp. CFA2,500 HaHo 1987 TG FRE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 56
African Books in Print
Subject index
African literature in French—Poetry
Sissoko, S. Le Kòtèba et l’évolution du théâtre moderne au Mali. 59pp. CFA2,250 ($3.75) Jamana 1995 ML FRE Tillot, R. Le rythme dans la poésie de Léopold Sédar Senghor. 168pp. CFA1,250 NEAS 1979 SG FRE Umezinwa, A.W. La religion dans la littérature Africaine. 186pp. ($19.00) Z31.20 Press Univ Congo 1975 ZR FRE African literature in French—Poetry Abaroudi, F.C. Songes de hautes terres. 64pp. Dir120.00 Fennec 1990 MR FRE
Adjibi, J-B. Caiman insoluble. ISBN: 2914594062 112pp. CFA6,500 (Eur10.00) AFRIDIC 2003 DM FRE Agbo, B. Emois de femme. 47pp. CFA900.00 NEAS 1998 SG FRE 96pp. CFA730
Ahianyo, A.A. Au hasard de la vie. 111pp. CFA1,000 NEA - Togo 1983 TG FRE Akin, L. Chant pour manou. 68pp. CFA990 CEDA 1983 IV FRE Allogho Oke, F. Vitriol Bantu. ISBN: 2912776252 62pp. Raponda Walker 2001 GO FRE Alou, K.A.M. Aux confins de mon coeur. 2nd ed. 104pp. CFA1,540 HaHo 1996 TG FRE Amedekanya, B.K. La foi. Canon. Plumes. ISBN: 2864270706 40pp. CFA2,000 Akpagnon 1999 TG FRE Amedekanya, E.B. Ma patoie des autres. 1991 TG FRE Amela, H.L. Dea lyriques. FRE
64pp. Akpagnon
112pp. Akpagnon 1983 TG
Amoi, F., Clavreil, J.Y. Chaque aurore est une chance. [Poetry and photographs.] pl. CFA990 CEDA 1980 IV FRE Amoi, U. Les bruits du silence. CEDA 1987 IV FRE
86pp. CFA1,800
Analla, G. Morte saison. 47pp. CFA1,200 NEA Togo 1992 TG FRE Angui, J.G. Reflets 1. FRE
64pp. Akpagnon 1985 TG
Anouma, J. L’élytre incendiaire. FRE
88pp. NEI 1997 IV
Awono, J-C. Flux et reflux d’une foulée de fou. Univ Yaoundé 1999 CM FRE
Editions Ganndal Grains de soleil. ISBN: 2913326250 48pp. FG2,000 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE
Belinga, E. La prophétie de Joal, suivi de Equinoxes. 64pp. CFA300.00 CLE 1976 CM FRE
El Bachir Gologo, M. Mon coeur reste un volcan. ISBN: 2911741080 116pp. CFA3,500 (Eur5.34) Donniya 1999 ML FRE
Berger-Dupuy, F. Une kora disait... ISBN: 2844020593 96pp. CFA3,000 Xamal 2003 SG FRE Bissoonauth, M. Horizons bleus. 77pp. ill. pl. Océan Indien Ed 1985 MF FRE Boni, S.T. Labyrinthe. TG FRE
Adiaffi, J.M. La galerie infernale. 140pp. CFA2,800 (Eur6.40) CEDA 1985 IV FRE
Agbossahessou Les haleines sauvages. CLE 1972 CM FRE
Belinga, E. Masques nègres. 64pp. CFA500.00 CLE 1972 CM FRE
CFA2,000 Akpagnon 1984
Camara, B. Les vagues de nulle part. Poésie d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. 75pp. FG3,000 Ganndal 1998 GV FRE Coly, A.L. Karambakiin: fleuve viscéral. 30pp. CFA500.00 NEAS 1981 SG FRE Dali Bohui, J. Kostas Georgiu: ou la chanson du péril mercenaire. 108pp. CFA1,000 NEAS 1990 SG FRE Dali, J.B. Maïéto pour Zékia. A toi femme soleil. 62pp. CFA2,950 (Eur6.33) CEDA 1988 IV FRE d’Almeida, F. Provisoire lieu du poème. ISBN: 2911541251 100pp. Univ Yaoundé 1999 CM FRE d’Almeida, F. Traduit de je pluriel. 56pp. CFA600.00 NEAS 1980 SG FRE Dati, M.C. Les écarlates. 1992 CM FRE
88pp. CFA1,500 CRAC
de Lalle, M. Héritage. Poèmes. ISBN: 2913991092 34pp. CFA5,000 Sankofa & Gurli 2001 UV FRE Dervain, E. Une vie lisse et cruelle. 126pp. CFA5,000 EDILIS 1999 IV FRE Dia, H. Koumbi salah ou les pâturages de la vie. 43pp. CFA1,000 NEAS 1993 SG FRE Diop, L.S. Ciel de bas-fond. 1988 SG FRE
CFA900.00 NEAS
Diop, L.S. Poèmes au crépuscule. NEAS 1993 SG FRE
66pp. CFA1,000
Dogbé, Y.E. Le divin amour. 112pp. CFA1,900 Akpagnon 1979 TG FRE Dogbé, Y.E. Flamme blême. 85pp. CFA1,800 Akpagnon 1980 TG FRE Dogbé, Y-E. Le jardin intérieur. ISBN: 2864270528 100pp. CFA3,000 Akpagnon 1998 TG FRE Dogbé, Y.E. Morne soliloque, précéde de L’art de la nouvelle poésie. 184pp. Akpagnon 1982 TG FRE
Barry, A. Univers de femmes. ISBN: 291332603X 58pp. FG2,500 Ganndal 1998 GV FRE
Dogbeh, G.R. Maturité. 56pp. CFA500.00 NEA - Togo 1982 TG FRE
Bayidikila, J-D. Paroles sublimes. 61pp. CFA3,280 (6.00) Lemba 2000 ZR FRE
Dogbeh, R. Les eaux du Mono, suivi de Rives mortelles. ISBN: 2864270609 110pp. CFA3,000 Akpagnon 1999 TG FRE
Bebey, F. Nouvelle saison des fruits. 49pp. CFA600.00 NEAS 1980 SG FRE Belibi, V. Vers enivrants. 1987 CM FRE
114pp. CFA1,800 CLE
Dorkenoo, E.S. Sang d’escargot. 56pp. CFA1,600 ($36.00) NEA - Togo 1997 TG FRE Dorkenoo, E.S. Sitou. ISBN: 2914567006 72pp. CFA5,000 (Eur7.62) Rose Bleue 2002 TG FRE [co-published with Editions de la Rose Bleue, Togo]
Epée, V. Transatlantic blues. CLE 1972 CM FRE
64pp. CFA500.00
Ernest, A. Paroles d’or. ISBN: 9956425079 32pp. ill. CFA1,000 ($2.38/Eur1.91) Sopecam 2004 CM Eustache, P. Violence de la race. CLE 1980 CM FRE
145pp. CFA500.00
Ewombe-Moundo, E. Metusa. ISBN: 2913326617 28pp. ill. CFA2,000 (Eur7.00) Ganndal 2002 GV FRE Ewomsan, D. Marche vers toi. 36pp. CFA840.00 HaHo 1996 TG FRE Fall, K.K. Les élans de grâce. CLE 1979 CM
48pp. CFA650.00
Fall, M. Cri d’un assoiffé de soleil: poème en trois périodes. 38pp. CFA550 NEAS 1984 SG FRE Fame N’Dongo, J. Espaces de lumière: éloge de l’afritude. 140pp. Univ Yaoundé 2000 CM FRE Fiadjoe-Prince Agbodjan, J. Lumières sonores ... au coeur du silence. 46pp. CFA1,100 NEA - Togo 1992 TG FRE Flandrin, J-L. Poèmes de l’espoir et du désespoir. ISBN: 2911380320 148pp. CFA3,000 (Eur4.57) UCAC 2000 CM FRE Fumu’Nsamu, J-B.K.L. Clair obscur, suivi de Ces têtes sans cervelle. ISBN: 9991996311 118pp. CFA5,000 (Eur7.62) Souvenir 2002 DM FRE Fumu’Nsamu, J-B.K.L. Le sourire du sang. Les 7ème journées d’Utam’Si. Quand l’arme provoque les larmes. 81pp. CFA3,500 (Eur5.34) Souvenir 1999 DM FRE Guénané, J. Nativité. ISBN: 2951603932 64pp. CFA1,500 Dec Burkina 2002 UV FRE Guenou, C. Les maisons les nuages. 64pp. CFA1,000 HaHo 1989 TG FRE Guèye, A.K. Les portes étroites. 45pp. CFA1,000 NEAS 1997 SG FRE Gungaloo, R. D’une petite plume. ISBN: 9990370109 63pp. Rs150.00 ($8.50/£5.65) Printemps 2001 MF FRE Hodonou, D.A. Souffle poétiques. ISBN: 2909130711 90pp. CFA100.00 Flamboyant 1997 DM FRE Inawissi, N.T. Les grands jours. TG FRE
61pp. Akpagnon 1983
Kadel, Y. Surenchairs. ISBN: 9990323852 62pp. Rs70.00 ($4.20/£2.65) Printemps 1999 MF FRE Kakpo, M. Ce regard de la mer. ISBN: 9991992812 108pp. Diasporas 2001 DM FRE Kanté, B. A la recherche des étoiles filantes. ISBN: 2842580591 48pp. CFA3,000 (Eur4.57) Figuier 2000 ML FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
African literature in French—Poetry Kayo, P. En attendant l’aurore. CLE CM FRE
60pp. CFA1,500
Subject index Nokan, Z.G. Cri. 192pp. CFA4,250 (Eur10.29) CEDA 1989 IV FRE
Kayo, P., comp. Anthologie de la poésie camerounaise de langue française. ISBN: 2911541375 188pp. Univ Yaoundé 2000 CM FRE
Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Sénégal Receuil de poèmes et nouvelles. ISBN: 272361140X 169pp. CFA2,000 NEAS 2000 SG FRE
Keïta, I. Quand le vent souffle. ISBN: 2910454606 82pp. CFA1,250 ($2.50) Jamana 1998 ML FRE
Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Togo Croissance. 38pp. CFA500.00 NEA Togo 1982 TG FRE
Koly, S. Canicule. Poèmes. 64pp. CFA2,650 (Eur5.72) CEDA 1988 IV FRE
Ouédraogo, T. La fuite des reptiles. ISBN: 2911740149 96pp. ($2.86/Eur3.06) GTIB 2002 UV FRE
Konaté, M.K. Fresques intérieures. 58pp. CFA1,250 ($3.75) Jamana 1995 ML FRE
Sall, A.L. Comme un iceberg en flammes. CFA550 NEAS 1982 SG FRE
Koné, G. Poussière de mots et d’images. ISBN: 2911740106 136pp. CFA2,750 Dec Burkina 2000 UV FRE [co-published with Graphic Technic International & Biomedical, Burkina Faso]
Sall, A.L. Kamandalu: poèmes. NEAS 1990 SG FRE
Kounta, A.O. Sanglots et dédains. 135pp. CFA1,400 ($3.50) Jamana 1996 ML FRE Koutodjo, M., Awono, J-C. Deux poètes pour un poème. 106pp. CFA2,500 Amevi Mensah 2000 CM FRE Kpade, E.C. La mâchoire et le ventre. 51pp. Flamboyant 2000 DM FRE Lemoine, L. Veilleur de jour. 133pp. CFA2,000 NEAS 1980 SG FRE Liba, M. Le vin de palme: poèmes. ISBN: 2911541294 72pp. Univ Yaoundé 1999 CM FRE
108pp. CFA1,250
Sall, A.L. Mante des aurores. 28pp. CFA450 NEAS 1979 SG FRE Sanou, S. La clameur des cymbales. ISBN: 2913991009 54pp. CFA2,000 Sankofa & Gurli 1999 UV FRE Sengat-Kuo, F. Fleurs de latérite. 56pp. CFA300.00 CLE 1971 CM FRE Singou-Basseha, A. Les maux de la terre. 51pp. CFA3,280 (Eur6.00) Lemba 2001 ZR FRE Slaïmany, M.T. Tombouctou. Contes et poésie des Bérabich - tome 1. vol.1 93pp. CFA1,250 ($3.25) Jamana 1995[?] ML FRE
Liscano, J. Nouveau monde orénoque. 153pp. CFA1,000 NEAS 1979 SG FRE
Sokaté, G.M. Mal de mer à vingt ans. 76pp. CFA3,000 (Eur4.57) Souvenir 2000 DM FRE
Locoh-Donou, A.G. Les cauris sur le sable. 96pp. CFA1,100 NEA - Togo 1991 TG FRE
Sow, F.N. Fleurs du Sahel. SG FRE
Loye, L.J. Meditations. FRE
Soyinka, W. Idanre. trans.f.t. English 1982 SG FRE
40pp. TPFLM 1977 MG
Lutchumun, V. Volovan. ISBN: 9990323607 72pp. Rs125.00 ($7.50/£4.70) Printemps 1998 MF FRE Makouta-Mboukou, J.P. L’âme bleue. 112pp. CFA600.00 CLE 1971 CM FRE Mateso, L. Les falaises de la raison. ISBN: 2913326277 64pp. FG12,500 Ganndal 2001 GV FRE Mbourou, G., Ozoua, R., Jérent, F., Adjibi, J-B. La vie au fil des mots. ISBN: 2914594054 106pp. CFA5,000 (Eur15.00) AFRIDIC 2003 DM FRE Mveng, E. Balafon. CM FRE
100pp. CFA580.00 CLE 1972
Ndiaye, S.W. Miroir d’une ivresse avortée. 66pp. CFA1,000 NEAS 1993 SG FRE Ndouna-Depenaud Passages. suivi de Rêves à l’aube. ISBN: 2912776317 85pp. CFA4,500 Raponda Walker 2002 GO FRE N’Guessan, B.K. Olifant noir; suivi de: Chansons africaines. 36pp. CFA1,950 (Eur5.72) CEDA 1982 IV FRE Nkala, A. Le cri intérieur. ISBN: 999199632X 78pp. CFA4,000 (Eur6.10) Souvenir 2002 DM FRE Nocky, D. Nyamirambo. ISBN: 2842580674 51pp. (Eur6.64) Figuier 2000 ML FRE
CFA1,000 NEAS 1990
40pp. NEAS
Stephenson, E. Terres mêlées. 76pp. (F45.00) Akpagnon 1984 TG FRE Taïwé, K.D. Le Sahel: ses femmes et ses puits. 94pp. CLE 1996 CM FRE Tati-Loutard, J. Poèmes de la mer/Poems of the sea. trans. f.t. French by G. Moore (Opon Ifa series, 4) 70pp. ($7.50/£5.00) New Horn 1990 NR MUL Téodoro, T. Souffle de vie, désir d’amour. ISBN: 284220011X 96pp. (Eur13.00) Paari 2005 ZR FRE Théodore, J.G. Au nom de la mer. 120pp. R150.00 (£3.99) Alma 1996 MF FRE Traoré, B.K. La voix d’un regard. 120pp. CFA1,500 ($3.00) Jamana 1997 ML FRE Trime, J. Abaixo. FRE
28pp. ill. Akpagnon 1984 TG
Trublet-Descroizilles, J. Envol. Poèmes. Rs.34.00 Océan Indien Ed 1989 MF FRE Typamm, P.A. Rhythmes et cadences. 144pp. CFA2,400 Akpagnon 1980 TG FRE Verger, C. Intempérées. FRE
72pp. Akpagnon 1982 TG
Wezin, K. La puissance et l’éternité (chants initiatiques), précédé de L’empire du corps et suivi de Le mythe de DziYéhoué. 92pp. Akpagnon 1985 TG FRE Yao, C.A. Nafiassou. IV FRE
200pp. CFA2,500 NEI 1998
African music see also Music Songs Acquah, K.E. Music for a dream dance. Asempa 1989 GH
99pp. ($5.00)
Agré, B. Le sistre de la parole. vol.1 ISBN: 2847700343 480pp. CFA8,500 Eburnie 2003 IV FRE Akpabot, S.E. Form, function and style in African music. 145pp. N600.00 Macmillan - Nig 1998 NR Bankole, A. Sonata No.2 in C’ “The Passion” for piano. (Ife Music Editions, 7) cd. & 23pp. ($4.00/£2.50) cd. ($3.00/£1.50) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1978 NR Bankole, A. Three part-songs for female choir. (Ife Music Editions, 3) cd. & 20pp. ($3.00/ £1.50) ($3.50/£2.50) cd. Obafemi Awolowo UP 1974 NR Bankole, Three Music N2.00
A. songs for baritone and piano. (Ife Editions, 6) 15pp. ($4.00/£1.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1976 NR
Euba, A. Scenes from traditional life, for piano. (Ife Music Editions, 1) 18pp. ($3.00/ £1.50) ($3.50/£2.50) cd. Obafemi Awolowo UP 1974 NR Huweiler, K. Musical instruments of Africa. ISBN: 0869226142 156pp. col.ill.pl. ($29.95/ £14.95) Mambo 1995 ZI Jones, A.M., Kombe, L. The Icila dance, old style. 49pp. pl. 85c Int Lib Afric Music 1952 SA Kofie, N.N. Contemporary African music in world perspectives. 157pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Ghana UP 1994 GH Kwabena Nketia, J.H. Ethnomusicology and African music. Collected papers. Volume 1. Modes of inquiry and interpretation. ISBN: 9964704003 415pp. ill.pl.maps ($39.95/ £24.95) Afram 2005 GH Labi, G. Dialects - 2 for pianoforte: opus 21. 19pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Ghana UP 1989 GH Labi, G. Five dialects in African pianism. ($16.00/£8.95) Afram 1994 GH
Muller, C. Papers presented at the 10th symposium on ethnomusicology. 173pp. R35.00 ($22.00) Int Lib Afric Music 1991 SA Muller, C. Papers presented at the 11th symposium on ethnomusicology. 145pp. R35.00 ($22.00) Int Lib Afric Music 1993 SA Muller, C. Papers presented at the 13th and 14th symposium on ethnomusicology. 134pp. R45.00 ($22.00) Int Lib Afric Music 1996 SA Okelo, A. Kyrie from Missa Maleng for choir and African instruments. (Ife Music Editions, 4) 15pp. ($4.00/£1.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1976 NR Tracey, A. Papers presented at the 2nd symposium on ethnomusicology, 1981. 91pp. R3.50 Int Lib Afric Music 1982 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Tracey, A. Papers presented at the 6th symposium on ethnomusicology. 56pp. R30.00 ($18.00) Int Lib Afric Music 1987 SA Tracey, A. Papers presented at the 7th symposium on ethnomusicology. 55pp. R30.00 ($18.00) Int Lib Afric Music 1989 SA Tracey, A. Papers presented at the 8th and 9th symposium on ethnomusicology. 120pp. R40.00 ($22.00) Int Lib Afric Music 1990 SA Tracey, A. Papers presented at the symposium on ethnomusicology, 1980. 35pp. 80c. Int Lib Afric Music 1981 SA Tracey, A. Symposium of ethnomusicology, no. 15. (£20.00) Int Lib Afric Music 1999 SA Tracey, H. African music transcription library. Librarian’s handbook. 80pp. ill. cd. R1.00 Int Lib Afric Music 1950 SA Tracey, H., Kubik, G., Tracey, A. African music codification and textbook project. Practical suggestions for field research. 54pp. Int Lib Afric Music 1969 SA Turkson, A. Three pieces for flute and piano. (Ife Music Editions, 5) 6pp. ($4.00/£1.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1975 NR Zabana, K. African drum music - adowa. 32pp. C8,500 ($7.95/£4.25) Afram 1997 GH Zabana, K. African drum music - kpanlogo. 51pp. C8,500 ($7.95/£4.25) Afram 1997 GH Zabana, K. African drum music - slow agbekor. 58pp. C8,500 ($7.95/£4.25) Afram 1997 GH African music—Addresses and essays Fiagbedzi, N. Religious music traditions in Africa. 30pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1980 GH African music—Africa, East Jacaranda Designs Afri-kit musical instruments from East Africa. [Kit containing musical instruments and video with teacher’s guide.] 48pp. ill. ($295.00/£175.00) Jacaranda 1995 KE Mbabi-Katana African music for schools. ISBN: 9970022946 190pp. ill. ($34.95/£20.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG Mkuki na Nyota Publishers Mashindano: competetive music performance. ISBN: 9976973829 480pp. T.shs.16,000 ($44.95/£26.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2000 TZ African music—Cameroun Haafkens, I. Chants musulmans en Peul. 423pp. CFA5,400 CLE 1983 CM FRE African music—Catalogs Tracey, H., comp. Catalogue of the “Sound of Africa” series of 210 records. 1,2 vols. Indexes cd. 182pp. pl. Int Lib Afric Music 1973 SA Tracey, H., comp. Catalogue of the “Sound of Africa” series of 210 records. 2, 2 vols. Record listing cd. 479pp. pl. R35.00 Int Lib Afric Music 1973 SA African music—Congo Democratic Republic Katende Cyovo Je désire danser: chansons populaires de la zone de Gandajika, République du Zaire. (CEEBA, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 49) 120pp. ill. map. (DM32.00) CEEBA 1979 ZR FRE Katende Cyovo Voilà la nouvelle lune. Dansons. Chansons populaires de la zone de Gandajika. (CEEBA, Série II. Memoires et Monographies, 44) 184pp. ill. maps. (DM41.00) CEEBA 1977 ZR FRE
Afrika, Tatamkhulu—Autobiography Muller, A. La musique zaïroise aux services liturgiques. vol.1(CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 54) 556pp. (DM32.00) CEEBA 1980 ZR FRE Muller, A. La musique zaïroise aux services liturgiques. vol.2(CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 55) 556pp. (DM32.00) CEEBA 1980 ZR FRE African music—Ethiopia Falceto, F. Abyssinie swing: a pictorial history of modern Ethiopian music. [Text in English and French.] ISBN: 1931253099 120pp. pl. ($25.00) Shama 2001 ET African music—Gabon Matshanga, H.G. La chanson gabonaise d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. Cinquante ans de musique moderne gabonaise. ISBN: 2912776376 140pp. CFA5,000 Raponda Walker 2002 GO FRE African music—Kenya Kavyu, P.N. Traditional musical instruments of Kenya. 53pp. ill. map. Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE Senoga-Zake, G. Folk music of Kenya. 186pp. pl. K.shs.250.00 Uzima 1986 KE African music—Lesotho Moitse, S. The ethnomusicology of the Basotho. 128pp. ill.pl. ($21.50/£11.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1994 LO Wells, R.E. An introduction to the music of the Basotho. 345pp. ill. R90.00 ($20.00/ £12.00) Morija Museum 1994 LO African music—Malawi Kubik, G. Malawian music. A framework for analysis. 2nd ed. 100pp. ill. K300.00 ($25.00/£15.00) Chancellor Coll 1998 MW African music—Mozambique Tracey, A., Zantzinger, G. A companion to the films “Mgodo wa Mbanguzi” and “Mgodo wa Mkandeni”. 47pp. music. R4.50 Int Lib Afric Music 1976 SA African music—Nigeria Ajibola, J.O. Orin Yoruba-Yoruba songs. cd. & 120pp. N195.00 ($7.50/£3.00) N425.00 ($7.50/ £5.00) cd. Obafemi Awolowo UP 1973 NR YOR Akpabot, S. Foundation of Nigerian traditional music. 113pp. N75.00 ($13.75/£7.50) Spectrum 1985 NR Euba, A. Six Yoruba songs, arranged for voice and piano. (Ife Music Editions, 2) cd. & 14pp. N2.00 ($3.00/£1.25) N4.00 ($3.50/£2.50) cd. Obafemi Awolowo UP 1974 NR Omojola, B. Nigerian art music (with an introductory study on Ghanaian art music). 196pp. N400.00 ($20.00) IFRA - Nig 1995 NR African music—Senegal Sow Huchard, O. La Kora: objet-témoin de la civilisation mandingg. Essai organologique d’une parpeluth africaine. 539pp. ill. CFA25,000 Press Univ Dakar 2001 SG FRE African music—South Africa Ballantine, C. Marabi nights. Early South African jazz and vaudeville. [with audio cassette tape] 128pp. pl. R74.10 Ravan 1993 SA Breakey, B., Gordon, S. Beyond the blues. Township jazz of the 60s and 70s. 128pp. pl. R72.95 Philip 1994 SA Coplan, D.B. In the time of cannibals. The word music of South Africa’s Basotho migrants. 226pp. R84.95 Witwatersrand UP 1997 SA [Southern Africa only]
Coplan, D.B. In township tonight. Black city music and theatre in South Africa. 278pp. R25.00 Ravan 1985 SA Dube, J.L A Zulu song book (1911). [Written by Mr and Mrs Dube, transliterated by David Rycroft.] (Natal and Zululand series, 7) 56pp. R45.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1994 SA Huskisson, Y. Black composers of South Africa. 110pp. pl. R80.00 HSRC Publ 1992 SA James, D. Songs of the women migrants. Performance and identity in South Africa. ISBN: 186814366X 240pp. pl.maps R160.00 Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA Levin, C. A special gift. [Includes a cassette tape.] ISBN: 191972169X 20pp. R50.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Levine, L. Drumcafe’s traditional music of South Africa. ISBN: 1770090460 288pp. R220.00 ($30.00/£17.50) Jacana 2005 SA Macpherson, F. Hometalk with Mango Groove. R40.66 Ravan 1991 SA Molefe, Z.B. A common hunger to sing. R175.00 Kwela 1997 SA
86pp. pl.
128pp. pl.
Raynham, J., Winberg, M. Kulimatji nge: we tell our old songs. [Book with music CD.] ISBN: 1919930647 pl. R150.00 Double Storey 2004 SA Shaw, K. Mango Groove. 1991 SA
104pp. ill.pl. Ravan
Tracey, H. Lalela Zulu. 100 Zulu lyrics. 121pp. ill. R1.25 Int Lib Afric Music 1948 SA African music—Zimbabwe Jones, C. Making music. Musical instruments in Zimbabwe. Past and present. 183pp. ill.pl. ($16.00/£8.95) Academic Bks 1992 ZI Tracey, A. How to play the mbira (dza vadzimu). An instruction booklet for a Zimbabwean mbira. 25pp. R1.00 Int Lib Afric Music 1970 SA African studies—General works Centre Aequatoria. Africanistique au Zaire: actes du premier Colloque d’Aequatoria 10-13 octobre 1987. (Etudes Aequatoria, 7) 275pp. pl. maps ($10.00) Aequatoria 1989 ZR FRE Hansohm, D. 39th annual meeting of the African Studies Association, San Francisco, 2326 November 1996. (NEPRU travel and meeting report, 15) 9pp. N$10.00 NEPRU 1997 SX Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Première conférence internationale des africanistes de l’ouest Dakar. 2, 2 vols. 567pp. pl. CFA4,400 IFAN 1951 SG FRE Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Première conférence internationale des africanistes de l’ouest Dakar. 1, 2 vols. 531pp. CFA3,800 IFAN 1950 SG FRE Kimoni, I. Un image du noir et de sa culture. 152pp. ($45.00) Kapongo-Kazadi 1989 ZR FRE Zeleza, P.T. Manufacturing African studies and crises. 617pp. ($38.00/£21.50) CODESRIA 1997 SG Afrika, Tatamkhulu—Autobiography Afrika, T. Mr Chameleon. ISBN: 1770091041 424pp. R165.00 ($22.50/£13.00) Jacana 2005 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Afrikaans language—Addresses and essays Afrikaans language—Addresses and essays Smuts, J. A triangle of forces - language, religion and politics. 25pp. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1973 SA
Foote, R.J. Agricultural sector analysis: a guide to development of agricultural policy. 16pp. ($2.00) T.shs.50.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1980 TZ
Afrikaans language—Dictionaries Bosman, D.B., van der Merwe, I.W., Hiemstra, L.W. Bilingual dictionary. [English/Afrikaans] 8th rev.ed. cd. 1351pp. R175.00 Pharos 1997 SA MUL
Hartmans, E.H. Land development and management in tropical Africa. 21pp. ex. only IITA 1981 NR
Bosman, D.B., van der Merwe, L.W., Barnes, A.S.V. Bilingual pocket dictionary. [English/ Afrikaans.] 4th ed. 244pp. R37.95 Pharos 1998 SA MUL du Plessis, M. Bilingual learner’s dictionary. [English/ Afrikaans] 552pp. R52.95 Pharos 1997 SA MUL Joubert, P.A. Bilingual phrase dictionary. [English/ Afrikaans] cd. 352pp. R110.00 cd. R89.95 Pharos 1997 SA MUL Kritzinger, M.S.B., Kromhout, J. Little dictionary. [English/Afrikaans.] 13th ed. cd. 384pp. R32.95 Pharos 1998 SA MUL Kromhout, J., et al. School dictionary. [English/Afrikaans.] 33rd rev.ed. 663pp. R59.95 Pharos 1998 SA MUL Kromhout, J., Kritzinger, M.S.B. Mini dictionary. [English/Afrikaans] 5th rev.ed. 643pp. R27.95 Pharos SA MUL Pharos Pharos Afrikaans-English-EnglishAfrikaans dictionary. ISBN: 1868900444 cd. 1600pp. R450.00 Pharos 2005 SA MUL Terblanche, H.J. English-Afrikaans technical dictionary. [CD-ROM] 4th ed. ISBN: 1868900401 R250.00 Pharos 2005 SA MUL Terblanche, H.J. Tegniese woordeboek/Technical dictionary. [CD-ROM version.] 4th ed. ISBN: 1868900401 R250.00 Pharos 2003 SA MUL Afrikaans language—Study and teaching van Schalkwyk, H. Teach yourself Afrikaans. 250pp. ill. R59.95 Southern Book Publ 1988 SA MUL Afrikaans literature—Collections Toerien, B.J. Afrikaans literature in translation. ISBN: 0624036359 112pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Afro-American literature—History and criticism Dorsinville, M. Le pays natal. 193pp. CFA2,000 NEAS 1983 SG FRE Owona Ndouguessa, F-X. Espace littéraire africain-américain: pistes et repères. ISBN: 2911541391 177pp. ill. Univ Yaoundé 2000 CM FRE Agricultural development see also Rural development Berhan, T., Egziabher, G. A care for community rights. (IDS study report, 1) 68pp. Inst Sust Dev 1996 ET Westley, S.B., Johnston, B.F., eds. Proceedings of a workshop on farm equipment innovations for agricultural development and rural industrialisation. (IDS discussion paper, 16) 238pp. K.shs.50.00 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE Agricultural development—Africa Bourenane, N., Mkandawire, T., eds. The state and agriculture in Africa. cd. & 385pp. ($23.00/£18.50 pap.) ($71.00/ £39.50 cd.) CODESRIA 1987 SG
Igbozurike, U.M. Agriculture at the cross-roads. 116pp. ($12.00/£8.00) N5.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1978 NR Rasheed, S. Development’s last frontier. What prospects: four essays on African development. 144pp. K.shs.400.00 ($33.00) ICIPE 1994 KE Reid, W.V. Genetic resources and sustainable agriculture: creating incentives for local innovation and adaption. (Biopolicy international, 2) 31pp. ($7.50) ACTS Kenya 1992 KE Agricultural development—Africa, Francophone African Academy of Sciences Enhancement of agricultural research in francophone Africa. 155pp. ($13.75/ £7.50) Academy Science Publ 1991 KE Agricultural development—Africa, Southern Matowanyika, J.Z.Z., Marongwe, N. Land and sustainable development in southern Africa: exploitation of some emerging issues. 47pp. Z$80.00 ($10.00) Zero 1998 ZI Mkandawire, R., Matlosa, K., eds. Food policy and agriculture in southern Africa. 250pp. ($25.00/£13.95) SAPES 1993 ZI Osborn, E. Agriculture production and marketing in southern Africa. 65pp. maps ($8.00) R8.00 Africa Inst 1987 SA Prah, K.P., ed. Food security issues in southern Africa. (ISAS studies, 4) 233pp. ($8.50) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1988 LO Agricultural development—Africa, West Tshibaka, T. Structural adjustment and agriculture in West Africa. ISBN: 28697808X 333pp. ($27.00/£14.95) CODESRIA 1998 SG Agricultural development—Botswana Arntzen, J. Agricultural development and land use in eastern communal Botswana: the case of the Kgatleng District. (NIR working bibliographies) P4.00 NIDCR 1985 BS Morapedi, N.T. TGLP: the impact of commercial ranching and land allocation on people formally deriving their livelihood from those lands. (NIR working bibliographies) P4.89 NIDCR 1987 BS Morgan, G.R. Agricultural cooperatives in Botswana. (NIR working bibliographies) P2.15 NIDCR 1982 BS Ntseane, P.G. Socio-economic survey on the grapple plant (Harpagophytum procumbens DC): utilization and commercialization: Kweneng, Southern, Kgalagadi and Gantsi districts. (INR professorial lectures) P15.00 NIDCR 1993 BS Sandford, S. Keeping an eye on TGLP: a report prepared for the National Institute of Reseach (NIR) (Working Paper, 31) 83pp. NIDCR 1980 BS Sekhwela, M.B.M. Developing grapple plant (Harpagophytum procumbens DC): management strategies in Botswana: people’s agenda for effective and sustainable natural resource utilization and management. (INR research notes) P10.00 NIDCR 1994 BS
Agricultural development—Developing countries Schweigman, C., et al. Operations research problems in agriculture in developing countries. 376pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Tanz Publ House 1985 TZ Agricultural development—Ghana— Addresses and essays Swaminathan, M.S. Agricultural growth and human welfare. 95pp. ($7.95/£4.25) Ghana UP 1993 GH Agricultural development—Kenya Getachew, A. Resource allocation for small scale farmers of the star grass zone in Embu District, Kenya: a linear programming approach. (IDS discussion paper, 277) 15pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1985 KE Herren, U. The impact of wealth on small-stock production and utilization in a pastoral system: Mukugodo division, Laikipia district, Kenya. (IDS working paper, 467) 37pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1989 KE Hunter, G. The choice of methods for implementation of agricultural development policy. (IDS discussion paper, 212) 12pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Omosa, M. Rural household food security: a focus on small-scale farmers in Kwii district, Western Kenya. (IDS working paper, 510) 66pp. K.shs.70.00 ($2.59/£1.61) Inst Dev Stud 1996 KE Senga, W.M., Farugee, R., Ateng, B.A. Population growth and agricultural development in Kenya. (IDS occasional papers, 40) 58pp. K.shs.112.00 Inst Dev Stud 1980 KE Shen, T.Y. Organisation input and economic development. (IDS discussion paper, 194) 32pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Wachiira, K.K. Women’s use of off-farm and boundary lands: agroforestry potentials, final report. 139pp. ICRAF 1987 KE Agricultural development—Lesotho Mochebelele, M., Ranko, L. Rural dairy development and the role of agricultural development projects in Lesotho. (ISAS research reports, 26) 60pp. ($17.00) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1990 LO Agricultural development—Mozambique Wuyts, M. On the question of mechanisation of Mozambican agriculture today. (Research reports, 79/1) 34pp. Centro Estudos Africanos 1979 MZ Agricultural development—Namibia Adams, F. Namibia’s commercial farming sector on the eve of independence. (Southern African Perspectives, 5) 53pp. R5.00 ($3.50) Univ West Cape 1991 SA Agricultural development—Nigeria Ashraf, M., Balogun, P., Jibrin, A. A case study of on-farm adaptive research in the Bida agricultural development project - Nigeria. (OFR bulletin, 1) 29pp. ($1.00/£0.70) N3.00 IITA 1985 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Towards Nigeria’s success in agricultural development. (IITA Information Series, 7) 13pp. ex. only IITA NR Agricultural development—Nigeria— Addresses and essays Agboola, S.A. The spatial dimension in Nigeria agricultural development. (Inaugural lec., 22) 24pp. ($3.00/£2.25) N1.00 N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1978 NR
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African Books in Print
Subject index Fabiyi, Y.L. Land policy for Nigeria: issues and perspective. (Inaugural lectures, 99) 22pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1995 NR Agricultural development—Senegal Niang, M., ed. Participation paysanne et développement rural au Sénégal. ISBN: 2869781326 184pp. ill.maps CFA10,000 ($20.00) CODESRIA 2004 SG FRE Agricultural development—South Africa Breen, C.M., Auerbach, R.M.B., Little, A.M. Agricultural extension: a community development perspective. Address given at the AGM of the South African Society for Agricultural Extension (Natal Branch). Pietermaritzburg, 20 November. (INR working paps., 94) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Colvin, P.M. Port Natal territory (KFC): a reconnaissance socio-economic survey of selected target wards. (INR investigational report, 34) 34pp. R5.00 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Erskine, J.M. Designing research, training and extension programmes to meet farmers need in Natal/KwaZulu. (INR monographs, 7) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1985 SA Erskine, J.M. Farming support programmes: a historical perspective from developing agencies’ point of view. Paper presented at the Second Extension Conference for Developing States, Mmbatho, 3-5 March 1992. (INR occasional paps., 125) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Erskine, J.M. Marketing opportunities and possibilities for producers in Kwa Zulu with reference to agricultural and home industry products. Paper presented at the Annual Conference, KwaZulu Agricultural Extension Association, University of Zululand. (INR working paps., 10) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1986 SA Erskine, J.M. State and agriculture in the African rural areas: overcoming development inertia. Paper presented at the Biennial Conference, Development Society of Southern Africa, Cape Town. (INR working paps., 12) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1986 SA Heinsohn, D. The potential for cultivation of Juncus kraussii and other wetland species used for craftwork in Natal/KwaZulu. Report for the Department of Development Aid. (INR investigational reports, 63) R45.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA May, J. Transforming public expenditure on development: agricultural development intervention in the Bantustans. R15.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1992 SA Pollett, E.A., Cunningham, A.B., Erskine, J.M. Open space design for the greater Mariannhill structure plan: possible agricultural and sylvicultural systems. Report for the Physical Planning Directorate, Natal Provincial Administration. (INR investigational reports, 61) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Totman, D., Murphy, C.A., Pollett, E.A., A’Bear, D.R. The agri-villages concept: villages for farm workers in the context of rural settlement needs. Report prepared for the Natal Agricultural Union. (INR investigational reports, 82) R20.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Totman, D., Pollett, E.A., A’Bear, D.R., Murphy, C.A. The agri-village concept: rural settlements for farm workers: a guide for farmers. Report prepared for the Natal Agricultural Union. (INR working paps., 101) R5.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA
Agricultural industries—Namibia Agricultural development—Sudan de Jong-Boon, C. Modernising agriculture in the Third World: some ecological consequences and alternatives. (DSRC seminar series, 37) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1983 SJ
Agricultural extension work—Nigeria Obibuaku, L.O. Agricultural extension as a strategy for agricultural transformation. 119pp. ($5.00/£4.00) N12.00 Univ Nigeria Press 1983 NR
Elhiraika, A.B., Ahmed, S.A. Agricultural credit under economic liberalization and islamization in Sudan. (AERC research paper, 79) 29pp. AERC 1998 KE
Agricultural extension work—Zimbabwe Moyo, S., et al. An evaluation of agricultural extension services support to women farmers in Zimbabwe with special reference to Makonde District. 85pp. Z$8.00 ZIDS 1987 ZI
Hag Elamin, N.A., El Mak, E.M. Adjustment programmes and agricultural incentives in Sudan: a comparative study. (AERC research paper, 63) 51pp. AERC 1997 KE Shepherd, A. Agricultural capitalism and rural development in the Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 32) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1983 SJ Agricultural development—Tanzania Gerold, R. Sunnhemp “Marejea”, Crotalaria ochroleuca, freedom from hunger. ill. pl. maps ($3.00) T.shs.150.00 Benedictine 1989 TZ
Mbilinyi, M. Big slavery. 95pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1991 TZ Agricultural development—Tunisia Zarrad, T. Le développement agro-alimentaire de la Tunisie en question. 200pp. D10,000 Cérès 1994 TI FRE Agricultural development—Uganda Nsereko, J. Selected causes of agricultural problems in a peasant society, with examples from Uganda. ($5.40/£2.15) K.shs.27.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE Agricultural development—Zimbabwe Campbell, B.M., du Toit, R.F., Attwell, C.A.M. The save study: relationships between the environment and basic needs satisfaction in the save catchment, Zimbabwe. 21pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Univ Zimbabwe 1989 ZI Manzungu, E., van der Zaag, P. The practice of smallholder irrigation. Case studies from Zimbabwe. 235pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Univ Zimbabwe 1996 ZI Moyo, S. Economic nationalism and land reform in Zimbabwe. 30pp. ($6.95/£3.75) SAPES 1994 ZI Moyo, S., et al. Transport and farm machinery study for Makoni District Collective Co-operative Union Ltd. 39pp. Z$8.00 ZIDS 1988 ZI Rukuni, M., Eicher, C.K., eds. Zimbabwe’s agricultural revolution. 418pp. ($45.00/£25.00) Univ Zimbabwe 1994 ZI Rukuni, M., Jayne, T.S. Alleviating hunger in Zimbabwe: towards a national food security strategy. 62pp. ill. ($10.00/£6.25) Univ Zimbabwe 1995 ZI Agricultural engineering International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Le polyculteur: porte-outils à traction animale à roues. 12pp. ICRISAT 1985 NG FRE Agricultural engineering—Addresses and essays Buchele, W.F. No starving billions: the role of agricultural engineering in economic development. 35pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1969 GH Kabemba, C., Landsberg, C. Opportunity or opportunism? Behind the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act. (CPS policy briefs, 6) 22pp. Centre Policy Stud 1998 SA
Agricultural industries Brimah, A.K., ed. Efficacy and commercialization of neem products. ISBN: 9964978715 77pp. ($18.95/£10.95) Woeli 2000 GH Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II L’olivier et ses dérives. 28pp. R30.00 Actes Ed 1990 MR FRE Agricultural industries—Africa Otoo, J.A., Okoli, O.O., Ilona, P. Improved production of seed yam. (IITA research guide, 63) ISBN: 9781312017 21pp. IITA 2001 NR Agricultural industries—Africa, North Birouk, A., Ouhsine, A., Ameziane, T.E., eds. Constitution de réseaux thématiques de recherche agricole au Maghreb. 182pp. Actes Ed 1989 MR FRE Agricultural industries—Benin Brasseur-Marion, P., Brasseur, G. Porto-Novo et sa palmeraie. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 32) 132pp. CFA3,500 IFAN 1953 SG FRE Agricultural industries—France Zouggari, A. Stage en entreprise en France. Actes Ed 1991[?] MR FRE
Agricultural industries—Kenya Gsaenger, H.G., Schmidt, G. Decontrolling the maize marketing system in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 254) 18pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE Agricultural industries—Kenya—Directories Kindt, R., Muasya, S., Kimotho, J., Waruhiu, A. Tree seed suppliers directory. 411pp. free ICRAF 1997 KE Agricultural industries—Lesotho Mochebelele, M. The economics of milk production and marketing in Lesotho. Survey results. (ISAS research reports, 28) 120pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1990 LO Mokitimi, N. Analysis of the performance of the Lesotho grain marketing system. (ISAS research reports, 27) 93pp. ($12.50/ £6.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1990 LO Agricultural industries—Morocco Loussert, R., Moussaoui, H., Walali Loudiyi, D.M. L’amandier et sa culture au Maroc. 148pp. Dir150.00 Actes Ed 1989 MR FRE Agricultural industries—Namibia Amutenya, P. Notes on the present status of the rock lobster industry. (NEPRU working paper, 9) 12pp. N$12.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Auino, E., Kahuure, K., Namalambo, E., Vigne, P. Agricultural research, extension and training services in Namibia. (NEPRU research report, 3) 130pp. N53.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Rawlinson, J. The meat industry of Namibia 1835-1994. cd. 259pp. col.pl. N$75.00 Gamsberg 1994 SX
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Agricultural industries—South Africa Agricultural industries—South Africa Boguslavsky, A., Hunter, L., Trouve, J.P., Barraquet, O. Flax cultivation in South Africa: a feasibility study. 18pp. maps CSIR 1996 SA Agricultural industries—Tanzania Mbilinyi, S.M. Economics of peasant’s coffee production in Tanzania. cd. (£11.50/ $28.15) K.shs.135.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE Agricultural industries—Zimbabwe Cheater, A.P. The production and marketing of fresh produce among blacks in Zimbabwe. [Supplement to “Zambezia”.] 41pp. Z$2.88 Univ Zimbabwe 1979 ZI Agricultural pests see also Crops Insects Adesiyan, S., et al. Nematode pests of tropical crops. 124pp. ill. N235.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Akobundu, I.O., ed. Weeds and their control in the humid and sub-humid tropics: proceedings of a conference held at the IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, July 3-7, 1978. (IITA Proceedings Series, 3) 421pp. ($35.00) IITA 1980 NR Singh, S.R., Allen, D.J. Cowpea pests and diseases. [Also available in French and Spanish.] (IITA Manual Series, 2) 114pp. ex. only IITA 1980 NR Taylor, T.A. Crop pests and diseases. 70pp. ill. pl. N8.50k Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Agricultural pests—Africa Afreh-Nuamah, K. People’s participatory (bottom-up) approach to integrated pest management in Africa. Prospects and constraints. 20pp. ($4.00/£2.25) Ghana UP 1996 GH Herren, H.R., Hennessey, R.N., Bitterli, R., eds. Biological control and host plant resistance to control the cassava mealybug and green spider mite in Africa: proceedings of an international Workshop sponsored by IFAD, OAU/STRC and IITA, December 6-10, 1982. 154pp. ($10.00) N5.00 IITA 1987 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Biological control of cassava mealybug and green spider mites: IITA Africa-wide biological control project. 25pp. ($4.00) N3.00 IITA 1986 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Lutte biologique contre la cochenille et les acariens verts du manioc en Afrique. (Série Bulletin d’Information, 16) 25pp. ($4.00) N3.00 IITA 1986 NR FRE
Subject index Agricultural pests—Mauritius Ganeshan, S., Williams, J.R. A guide to insect pests of sugar cane in Mauritius. ISBN: 9990324166 49pp. col.pl. (£10.00) MSIRI 2001 MF Williams, J.R. Observations on parasitic protozoa in plant-parasitic and free living nematodes. (MSIRI occasional papers, 25) 6pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£1.00) MSIRI 1967 MF Agricultural pests—Tropics Akobundu, I.O. Weed science in the tropics: principles and practices. cd. 538pp. (£35.00) IITA 1987 NR International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics International workshop on sorghum stem borers, 17-20 Nov 1987 ICRISAT center, India. 188pp. ill. pl. map ICRISAT 1989 NG Agricultural pests—Zimbabwe Mundy, P.J., Jarvis, M.J.F., eds. Africa’s feathered locust: a study of the Quelea problem. 180pp. ill.pl. ($25.00/ £13.95) Baobab - Zimb 1989 ZI Agriculture see also Beekeeping Cattle Domestic animals Fish and fisheries Forests and forestry Gardening Land tenure Livestock Plants Poultry Vegetables Viticulture and under specific names of agricultural products, e.g. Rice, Sugar cane, Tobacco Anaman, K.A. An annual farm record book for small farm families. 40pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Ghana UP 1989 GH
Prudencio, Y.C. Systèmes de production agricole et technologies nouvelles. 216pp. pl.maps CFA6,000 NEA - Togo 1996 TG FRE Rejdali, M., Heywood, V.H., eds. Conservation des ressources végétales. 188pp. Actes Ed 1991 MR FRE Temple, M. Here’s how to become a farmer. ill. 15n Multimedia 1971 ZA
Xu Li Yu Alternatives to slash and burn agriculture. Proceedings of an international symposium held 6-16 March 1995, KunMing, China. 246pp. free ICRAF 1996 KE Agriculture—Addresses and essays Adegbola, A.A. All flesh is grass. (Inaugural lec., 3) 13pp. ($3.00/£2.25) N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1973 NR
Love, R.M. Agriculture and civilization. 17pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1972 GH
Auerbach, R.M.B., ed. Sustainable agriculture. Proceedings of a seminar hosted jointly by Institute of Natural Resources and Earthlife Africa. (INR working paps., 58) R7.50 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Bertenbreiter, W., Sadiki, M. Réhabilitation de Faba bean. Actes Ed 1996 MR FRE
Erskine, J.M. Achieving sustainable agriculture in less developed rural areas: introductory notes. Discussion/Mini-symposium group F4. XXI International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Tokyo, Japan, August. (Strelitzia, 99) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA
Agricultural pests—Ghana Forsyth, J. Agricultural insects of Ghana. cd. 163pp. ($6.00) Ghana UP 1966 GH
Kang, B.T., Wilson, G.F., Lawson, T.L. La culture en couloirs: un substitut d’avenir à la culture itinerante. 22pp. col.ill ($1.00/£0.70) N3.00 IITA 1984 NR FRE
Auerbach, R.M.B. The role of agriculture in sustainable development. Paper delivered at the University of Natal Senate Committee on Social Responsibility Forum on the rural/ urban interface, Durban, 31 October. (INR working paps., 96) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA
Saxeena, R.C., ed. Directory of neem workers in eastern and southern Africa. ISBN: 929064107X 30pp. ICIPE 1997 KE
Agricultural pests—Bibliography Ibekwe, G.O., Lawani, S.M. Mealybugs: abstracts of selected literature. 148pp. ex. only IITA 1977 NR
Kang, B.T., Wilson, G.F., Lawson, T.L. Alley cropping: a stable alternative to shifting cultivation. 22pp. col.ill. ($1.00/ £0.70) N3.00 IITA 1984 NR
La-Anyane, S. Agricultural fundamentalism: man and national development. 23pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1972 GH
Edwards, S., Tilahun, S. The movement for collective intellectual rights. Papers prepared for the 1996 Leipzig Conference on genetic resources for food and agriculture. 214pp. pl. ($10.00) Inst Sust Dev 1996 ET
Agricultural pests—Africa, East de Pury, J.M.S. Crop pests of East Africa. 244pp. ill. OUP - Nairobi 1968 KE
Johnston, R.M. Development or dependency: the transfer of agricultural technology to developing nations. (DSRC occasional paps., 4) 77pp. Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1979 SJ
Anyanzo, L. Farm equipment, machinery, structures and buildings. 232pp. K.shs.489.00 EAEP 1988 KE
Okello-Onen, J., Hassan, S.M., Essuman, S. Taxonomy of African ticks: an identification manual. ISBN: 9290641274 124pp. ($30.00) ICIPE 2001[?] KE
Yaninek, J.S., Herren, H.R., eds. Biological control: a sustainable solution to crop pest problems in Africa. 222pp. free IITA 1989 NR
Erskine, J.M. Strategies for transforming subsistence farming to small scale commercial agriculture. Report on Mini-Symposium F4. XXI Conference of Agricultural Economics. Tokyo, Japan, August. (INR working paps., 87) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA
Erskine, J.M. Report on an orientation study tour to the Agricultural Research Department (DLONL), the Wageningen Agricultural University (WAU), and other centres of interest in the Netherlands. (INR working paps., 155) R7.50 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA
Monu, E.D. Technology gap in agriculture: who is to blame?:inaugural lecture delivered at the University of Botswana. (INR professorial lectures) P10.00 NIDCR 1994 BS Williams, S.K.T. The application of science and technology to the agriculture of developing countries. (Univ. of Ife, Faculty of Arts Lecture Series, 2) 15pp. 60p./$1.40 75k ($3.00/£2.25) N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1974 NR Agriculture—Africa African Potato Association Potatoes for poverty alleviation: programme, abstracts and list of participants, 29-2 June 2000: fifth triennial congress of the African potato association. 94pp. NARO 2000 UG Alimi, T., Manyong, V.M. Partial budget analysis for on-farm research. (IITA research guide, 65) ISBN: 978121043X 53pp. free IITA 2000 NR Anaman, K.A. African farm management: principles and application with examples. 290pp. ill. ($13.75/£7.50) Ghana UP 1988 GH Badu-Apraku, B., Fakorede, M.A.B., Ouedraogo, M., Carsky, R.J. Impact, challenges and prospects of maize research and development in West and Central Africa. 525pp. N1,000 ($10.00/£10.00) IITA 2001 NR Botswana Society Conference on sustained production from semi-arid areas. 323pp. P10.00 ($12.00/£6.00) Botswana Soc 1971 BS
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African Books in Print
Subject index Cissé, A.M. Valorisation des potentialités des graminées pérennes et des espèces ligneuses. (Guide production soudanosahélienne, 2) ISBN: 2910454517 132pp. Jamana 1998 ML FRE Cleaver, K. The impact of price and exchange rate policies on agriculture in sub-saharan Africa. (IDS discussion paper, 279) 46pp. K.shs.108.00 Inst Dev Stud 1984 KE Collectif CRDI Stockage traditionnel du maïs. 62pp. CFA550 NEA - Togo 1991 TG FRE Colvin, P.M. Agropastoral systems research: a neglected dimension in developmental research. Paper presented at the Meeting Rangeland Challenges in Southern Africa Conference, Pretoria, 6-10 May. (INR working paps., 70) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Colvin, P.M. Welfare economics and African pastoralism. (INR monographs, 3) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1983 SA de Leeuw, P.N., Mohamed-Saleem, M.A, Nyamu, A.M., eds. Stylosanthes as a forage and fallow crop. 346pp. Int Livestock Centre 1994 ET Djiteye, M.A. Les légumineuses. (Guide production soudano-sahélienne, 1) ISBN: 2910454509 71pp. Jamana 1998 ML FRE Douthwaite, B., Langewald, J., Harris, J. Development and commercialisation of the green muscle biopesticide. ISBN: 9781311932 21pp. ill. N400.00 ($4.00) IITA 2001 NR Duncan, A., Howell, J., eds. Structural adjustment and the African farmer. 224pp. K.shs.2,500 EAEP 1992 KE Editions ENDA Epuration des eaux usées et l’agriculture urbaine. ISBN: 9291300411 354pp. ENDA 2002 SG FRE Emerton, L., Maganya, J., eds. Eastern and southern Africa regional biodiversity forum. Using biodiversity to strengthen livelihoods. ISBN: 2831705320 56pp. IUCN-EA 2000 KE International Livestock Research Institute ILRI 1998: elevage et gestion des ressources naturelles. 58pp. ILRI 1999 KE FRE Kim, S.K., Kling, J.G., Weber, G.K. Production de semences de maïs hybride. (IITA research guide, 59) ISBN: 9781311894 33pp. free IITA 2000 NR FRE Kwaje, S.L., Keter, J.K., eds. Proceedings of the first international workshop on capacity building in soil and water management in Africa. 131pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Academy Science Publ 1994 KE MUL Liggitt, B., Still, A. Organic farming: appropriate technology for African agriculture? Vols. 1&2. Report for the Valley Trust. (INR investigational reports, 10) R30.00 Inst Natural Resources 1984 SA Lorenz, R. Farmers first. Preaching the gospel of agriculture. ISBN: 9976636462 127pp. T.shs.2,000 ($10.00) Ndanda Mission 2002 TZ Manyong, V.M., Kling, J.G., Makinde, K.O., Ajala, S.O., Menkir, A. Impact of IITA-improved germplasm on maize production in West and Central Africa. ISBN: 978131186X 16pp. N400.00 ($4.00) IITA 2000 NR Mkandawire, T. Ajustement structurel et crise agraire en Afrique. [Also available in English.] 34pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1989 SG FRE
Agriculture—Botswana Mpepereki, S.M., Makonese, F.T. Harnessing biological nitrogen fixation in African agriculture. ISBN: 0908307586 270pp. Z$320.00 ($27.95/£16.95) Univ Zimbabwe 1998 ZI Pandey, S.J., ed. Agronomy training manual for agroservice agronomists. 416pp. IITA NR Rudebjer, P., Kasolo, W., Kwapata, M. Agroforestry education and extension links in Malawi and Uganda: a pilot study of extension workers’ experiences. (ICRAF technical report, 40) 32pp. 32 ICRAF 1997 KE Schulz, S. Farmer participation in research and development: the problem census and solving technique. [Also available in French.] (IITA research guide, 57) ISBN: 978131172X 22pp. free IITA 2000 NR Schulz, S. Participation des agriculteurs à la recherche et au développement: techniques et recensement de résolution de problèmes. [Also available in English.] (IITA research guide, 57) ISBN: 9781311886 25pp. free IITA 2000 NR FRE Sissoko, K., Couloubaly, A. La modélisation: outil de formulation et d’analyse des stratégies de développement rural. (Guide production soudano-sahélienne, 3) ISBN: 2910454533 102pp. Jamana 1998 ML FRE
Agriculture—Africa, Southern Erskine, J.M. Farming systems development: rhetoric and reality. Paper presented at the Southern African Association for Farming Systems Research - Extension Conference, Harare, Zimbabwe, 2-4 October 1995. (INR working paps., 135) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Erskine, J.M. Sustainable agricultural imperatives for farm households in southern Africa. Papers presented at the Southern African Association for Farming Systems Research-Extension Conference, Ezulweni, Swaziland, 1-3 June 1993. (INR occasional paps., 137) R5.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Zondi, S., ed. The crop conundrum: the GMO debate in perspective. (AISA research paper, 69) ISBN: 0798301694 54pp. R60.00 ($15.00) Africa Inst 2003 SA Agriculture—Africa, West Ahmad, N. Soil and agronomic factors influencing fodder production in the humid zone of West Africa. (PSD Working pap, Plant Science Div., B1) 37pp. Int Livestock Centre 1986 ET Ahmad, N. Soil and agronomic factors influencing fodder production in the semi-arid and arid zones of West Africa. (PSD Working pap, Plant Science Div., B3) 18pp. Int Livestock Centre 1986 ET
Temu, A.B., Rudebjer, P., Zulberti, E. Integrated land-use education in Africa: towards the 21st century. Proceedings of the 2nd general meeting of the African Network for Agroforestry education (ANAFE) held 24-25 July 1995, Nairobi, Kenya. (ICRAF technical report, 38) 26pp. free ICRAF 1996 KE
Carsky, R.J., Eteka, A.C., Keatinge, J.D.H., Manyong, V.M., eds. Cover crops for natural resource management in West Africa./Plantes de couverture et gestion des ressources naturelles en Afrique occidentale. ISBN: 9781311797 318pp. ill.maps N1,000 IITA 2000 NR MUL
Zoungrana, I., Temu, A.B. Land-use education in Africa: a comparative study of education systems. (TR-35) (ICRAF technical report, 35) 60pp. free ICRAF 1996 KE
Elbasha, E., Thornton, P.K., Tarawali, G. An ex-post economic assessment of planted forages in West Africa, (ILRI assessment series, 2) 61pp. ILRI 1999 KE
Agriculture—Africa—Directories Centre Mamou L’almanach des villages et des villes d’Afrique. 132pp. ($19.00) Mamou 2004 SG FRE Agriculture—Africa, East Babiker, M. Response alienation, militarisation and development: case studies from East African drylands. ISBN: 0954203011 207pp. Birr45.00 ($14.00) OSSREA 2002 ET Ivens, G.W. East African weeds and their control. 2nd ed. 264pp. ill. K.shs.605.00 OUP Nairobi 1972 KE Widgren, M., Sutton, J.E.G., eds. Islands of intensive agriculture in eastern Africa. ISBN: 0852554273 cd. 288pp. pl.maps (£45.00) ISBN: 0852554281 (£16.95) EAEP 2003 KE [co-published with The British Institute in Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya; James Currey, Oxford, UK & Ohio University Press, USA] Agriculture—Africa, East—Study and teaching Ngugi, D.N., Karau, P.K., Nguyo, W. East African agriculture. 272pp. K.shs.595.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1984 KE Agriculture—Africa, Francophone— Directories Environmental Development Action in the Third World & Agrecol Agriculture durable en Afrique francophone. Guide de ressources: livres, journaux, organismes. 223pp. CFA2,000 ENDA 1996 SG FRE
Heinemann Educational Books Small-scale farming in West Africa. 95pp. ($17.00/£9.50) Heinemann Educ Ib 1996 NR La-Anyane, S. The agricultural industry of Western Africa. 186pp. maps ($13.75/£7.50) Ghana UP 1988 GH Leventis Foundation Manual-small scale farming in West Africa. 112pp. N591.25 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1996 NR Perret, S., Mercoiret, M-R., eds. Supporting small-scale farmers and rural organisations: learning from experiences in West Africa. ISBN: 1919825924 320pp. ill. R120.00 Protea 2003 SA Tarawali, S.A., Peters, M., Schultze-Kraft, R. Forage legumes for sustainable agriculture and livestock production in subhumid West Africa. 118pp. ILRI 1999 KE Agriculture—Africa, West—Bibliography Francis, P., Bulfeta, G. Land and tree tenure in humid West Africa: a bibliography. 33pp. ($6.00) Int Livestock Centre 1987 ET Agriculture—Bibliography Scientific Research Commission Bibliography of agricultural research in Tanzania. 686pp. ($108.00/£60.00) Tanz Comm Science 1990 TZ Agriculture—Bibliography—Africa Bondole, L.B.M. Agroforesterie au Sahel: bibliographie annotée. vol.2 180pp. free ICRAF 1996 KE FRE Agriculture—Botswana Arntzen, J. Agriculture and resource utilisation, Mosomane, Kgatleng District, Botswana. (Research reports) P2.80 NIDCR 1982 BS
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Arntzen, J. Determinants of field location in Kgatleng. (Research reports) P2.40 NIDCR 1984 BS
Agriculture—Cameroun Kengue, J. La culture du safoutier. 2000 CM FRE
Arntzen, J. Firewood collection in Mosomane, Kgatleng District, Botswana. (Research reports) P2.00 NIDCR 1983 BS
Agriculture—Congo Democratic Republic Centre d’Etudes Ethnologiques Bandundu Agriculture et élevage dans l’entre Kwango-Kasai. (Rep. du Zaire) (CEEBA. série 1, Rapports et Comptes Rendus, 5) 288pp. maps (DM43.00) CEEBA 1973 ZR FRE
Arntzen, J. Rural agricultural activities and resource utilisation in Mmathubudukwane during a period of drought. (Research reports) P3.00 NIDCR 1984 BS Burghouts, T. Grapple plant project IV: water balance and productivity of the grapple plants, Harpagophytum procumbens DC: fourth progress report. (Research reports) P3.00 NIDCR 1985 BS Cownie, D. Arable lands development programme: a press clippings compendium covering the period 1979 to middle 1987. P8.15 NIDCR 1988 BS de Jong, F. Grapple plant project: further aspects of regeneration and productivity DC under havesting pressure: third progress report.of the grapple plant project Harpagophytum procumbens plant Harpogophytum procumbens DC under harvesting pressure: third rogress report. (Research reports) P2.40 NIDCR 1985 BS Inganji, F., Bakwena, S. Problems and prospects for foodgrain production in Botswana: dry land versus irrigation methods fr increasing food production. P2.20 NIDCR 1983 BS Kok, E. The grapple plant project: regrowth and tuber quality of juvenile grapple plants, harpagophytum procumbens, D.C. and their transpiration: fifth progress report. (NIR Research notes, 21) 53pp. NIDCR 1986 BS Leloup, S. Grapple plant project: an ecophysiological approach of the population dynamics of the Harpagophytum procumbens DC under harvesting pressure: second progress report. (Research reports) P2.40 NIDCR 1984 BS Sanford, S. Keeping an eye on the Tribal Grazing Land Policy (TGLP): a report prepared for the National Institute of Research (NIR). (NIR working bibliographies) P3.90 NIDCR 1980 BS Tietema, T., Merkesdal, E., Schroten, J. Seed germination of indigenous trees in Botswana. (Drylands research, 4) 106pp. ($10.00) ACTS - Kenya 1992 KE van Vegten, J.A. Man-made vegetation changes: an example from Botswana’s Savanna. (NIR working bibliographies) P2.15 NIDCR 1984 [?] BS Veenendaal, E.M. Grapple plant project: regeneration and productivity of the grapple plant Harpagophytum procumbens DC under harvesting pressure: first progress report. (Research reports) P2.40 NIDCR 1984 BS Agriculture—Botswana—Addresses and essays Zhou, Z.B. Research on land information systems. (INR professorial lectures) P25.00 NIDCR 1993 BS Agriculture—Botswana—Study and teaching Elliott, I. Agriculture: a practical course for Botswana. bk.1 172pp. pl. P37.51 Longman - Bots 1997 BS Elliott, I. Agriculture: a practical course for Botswana. bk.2 108pp. P33.88 Longman - Bots 1997 BS
CFA3,500 CLE
Agriculture—Dictionaries International Livestock Centre for Africa ILCA glossary of livestock and related terms, English-French. ($25.00) Int Livestock Centre 1996 ET MUL Agriculture—Economic aspects Olayide, S.O., Heady, E.O. Introduction to agricultural production economics. N25.00 Ibadan UP 1983 NR Raki, M. Agriculture et revenus. 1991 MR FRE
132pp. Actes Ed
van Reenen, M.J. Farm management. Financial planning analysis and control. ISBN: 0627018246 225pp. R209.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA Agriculture—Economic aspects—Africa Livingstone, I. Cowboys in Africa: the socio-economics of ranching. (IDS occasional papers, 17) 84pp. K.shs.130.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE Agriculture—Economic aspects—Kenya Hopcraft, P. Milk pricing in Kenya: the case of a bulky perishable commodity with seasonally varying production costs. (IDS discussion paper, 266) 15pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1978 KE Agriculture—Economic aspects—Malawi Owens, P., ed. When maize and tobacco are not enough: a church study of Malawi’s agroeconomy. (Kachere text, 3) 63pp. K75.00 ($5.00/£3.00) Kachere 1997 MW Agriculture—Economic aspects—Sudan Abdel Salam, M.M. The Gezira Scheme: some institutional aspect and future developments. (DSRC seminar series, 25) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Agriculture—Ethiopia Alemayehu Mengistu Conservation-based forage development for Ethiopia. 170pp. pl. ($12.00) Inst Sust Dev 1997 ET Asmerom, K. Real exchange rate price and agricultural supply response in Ethiopia: the case of perennial crops. (AERC research paper, 99) ISBN: 9966944168 43pp. AERC 1999 KE Bonger, T. The interface of agrarian structure, agricultural technology, reform and the problem of distribution and accumulation in Ethiopian agriculture (1966-1980). (CODESRIA monographs, 2/96) 98pp. ($17.00/£9.50) CODESRIA 1996 SG Egziabher, T.G. Rural-urban linkages under different farming systems. The cases of coffee and non-coffee growing regions in Ethiopia. (Social science research report, 21) 76pp. ($19.35/£11.95 set of three) OSSREA 2001 ET FARM Africa Incorporation of farmer participatory research in the southern region of Ethiopia: proceedings of a workshop held in Awassa (18th-19th March 1998). 112pp. ($8.00) Inst Sust Dev 1997 ET FARM Africa Review of experiences with participatory on-farm trials in the southern region of Ethiopia: proceedings of a workshop held in Soddo (17th-22nd May 1998). 288pp. pl. ($12.00) Inst Sust Dev 1999 ET
Gadamu, F., Kassa, G., Ado, S., Bibiso, B. Pastoralism in the Afar Region of Ethiopia. (Alarm working paper, 9) 83pp. U.shs.9,000 ($10.00) Centre Basic Res 1999 UG Gebissa, E. Leaf of Allah. Khat and agricultural transformation in Harerge, Ethiopia 18751991. ISBN: 0852554818 cd. & 256pp. pl.maps (£45.00 cd.) ISBN: 085255480X (£16.95 pap.) BTEC 2004 SO [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, UK and Ohio University Press, US] Getachew Gebru Evolving property institutions and access to feed resources in the highland mixed crop-livestock systems: a case of the Ethiopian highlands, Arsi, Oromia region. 99pp. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET Haile, M., Tsegaye, D., Teka, T., eds. Research and development on dryland husbandry in Ethiopia. ISBN: 1904855407 182pp. col.ill.pl.maps ($19.95/£11.95) OSSREA 2004 ET International Livestock Research Institute Report on a forage seed production workshop held at ILRI station in Debre Zeit, Ethiopia, 2-4 June 1998. 34pp. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET Jabbar, M.A., , Hailu Beyene, MohamedSaleem, M.A., Gebreselassie, S. Adoption pathways for new agricultural technologies: an approach and an application to vertisol managment technology in Ethiopia. (ILRI socioeconomic and policy research working paper, 23) 27pp. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET Agriculture—Examinations, questions Agusiobi, O.N. Agricultural science: revision questions and notes. 184pp. (£4.50) Fourth Dimension 1980 NR Anyanzo, L. Revision agriculture for K.S.C.E. K.shs.320.00 EAEP 1988 KE
Babatunde, G.M., Christie, A.C. School certificate agricultural science: objective tests. 81pp. ill. N5.00 Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR Daramola, O., et al. Exam focus agricultural science. ISBN: 1786978249 ($23.10) Univ Press - Nig 1998 NR Komolafe, K.F., Agbebi, D.A. School certificate objective tests in agricultural science. 156pp. ill. N1.20 Macmillan - Nig 1973 NR Wekesa, J., Otieno, A. Revision agriculture for KCPE. K.shs.37.50 EAEP 1988 KE
Agriculture—Ghana Amanquah, S.Y. A review of Kenaf research with special reference to Ghana. 17pp. ($1.50/£0.50) Ghana UP 1968 GH Amoah, J.E.K. The story of cocoa, coffee and sheanut: environmental issues and food values. (Cocoa outline series, 3) ISBN: 9988760027 122pp. col.ill. Jemre 2000 GH Balasubramanian, E.A. An appraisal of systems of the Ghana. 88pp.
V., Braide, J.A., Atayi, the present farming Atebubu district of IITA 1982 NR
Dotse, J.M. Shallot farming in Anloga, Ghana: casestudy in agricultural geography. 79pp. C12.50 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1980 GH Hodasi, J.K.M. Snails in the national economy. 41pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Ghana UP 1995 GH Opouka-Asiama, Y. Our silent enemies. ISBN: 9964302584 24pp. ($9.95/£5.95) Ghana UP 2000 GH
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African Books in Print
Subject index Rudebjer, P., Quashie-Sam, S.J. Post graduate agroforestry education in Ghana. Proceedings of a curriculum review workshop held 20-23 June 1995, University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. (ICRAF technical report, 36) free ICRAF 1996 KE Agriculture—India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Training needs for dryland agriculture. 48pp. ($6.70) ICRISAT 1986 NG Agriculture—Kenya Aldington, T.J. Producer incentives as a means of promoting agriculture development: a case study of cotton in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 105) 35pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1971 KE Aldington, T.J. Some aspects of the Kenyan beef economy. (IDS discussion paper, 70) 27pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1968 KE Barnes, C., ed. Harnessing research for production dissemination and utilisation. Proceedings of a workshop held 20-22 January 1972. (IDS occasional papers, 5) 184pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Boinick, B. Comparative harambee: history and theory of voluntary collective behaviour. (IDS discussion paper, 198) 25pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Gwyer, G.D. Labour in small-scale agriculture: analysis of the 1970/71 farm enterprise cost survey, labour and wage data. (IDS working paper, 62) 47pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Halake, J.D. The problem of land-use conflicts between pastoralism and the forms of land-use in Central Division of Marsabit District, Kenya. (Alarm working paper, 5) 21pp. U.shs.3,500 ($4.50) Centre Basic Res 1999 UG Handa, J. Some aspects of the political economy of agricultural societies. (IDS discussion paper, 182) 34pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE Handerson, G.R., Preston, P.T. Fodder farming in Kenya. 2nd (£1.75/ $4.40) Ks.shs.19.35 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE Heyer, J.U. The economics of small-scale farming in lowland Machakos. (IDS occasional papers, 1) 82pp. Inst Dev Stud KE Hopcraft, P.N., Ruigu, G.M. Dairy marketing and pricing in Kenya: are milk shortages the consequence of droughts or pricing policies? (IDS discussion paper, 237) 33pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE Intermediate Technology Development Group Community seed shows: cases of Maragwa and Gikingo in Tharaka District of Kenya. 44pp. col.ill. ITDG-EA 2000 KE Johnston, B.F. The agriculture industry continuum. (IDS discussion paper, 215) 16pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Leonard, D.K. The social structure of the agricultural extension services in the Western Province of Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 126) 19pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Migot-Adholla, S.E., ed. Significance and prospects of camel pastoralism in Kenya. (IDS occasional papers, 45) 211pp. K.shs.211.00 Inst Dev Stud 1985 KE Moock, P.R. The Vihige S.R.D.P. farm level survey: a preliminary report of findings. (IDS discussion paper, 111) 69pp. K.shs.108.00 Inst Dev Stud 1971 KE
Agriculture —Namibia Musimba, N.K.R., Nyariki, D.M., Ikutwa, C.K. Dryland husbandry for sustainable development in the southern rangelands of Kenya. ISBN: 1904855415 127pp. col.ill.pl.maps ($19.95) (£11.95) OSSREA 2005 ET [et al.]
Agriculture—Mauritius Arlidge, E.Z., Wong You Cheong, Y. Notes on the land resources and agricultural suitability map of Mauritius 1:50 000. (MSIRI occasional papers, 29) 138pp. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1975 MF
Mwangi, W.M. Alternatives for improving production employment and income distribution in Kenya agriculture. (IDS discussion paper, 273) 32pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1981 KE
Govinden, N. Guide de la production de coeurs de palmiers à Maurice. (MSIRI advisory bulletin, 8) ISBN: 9990324190 22pp. Rs.30.00 ($2.00) MSIRI 2004 MF FRE
Okech, B.A., Mitullah, W.V., Awiti, M.L., eds. Agriculture sector management reform and policy analysis: the Kenyan case. proceedings of the second workshop prganised for the training of Kenyan district agricultural officer held at Hotel Milimani, Nairobi 18-28 July 1996. (IDS occasional papers, 63) 188pp. K.shs.400.00 Inst Dev Stud 1996 KE Ole Karbolo, M.K. Facing modern land loss challenges: the Loita Maasai pastoralists and the recent controversy over the Naimina Enkiyio indigenous forest in Norak District. (Alarm working paper, 2) 36pp. U.shs.4,000 ($5.00) Centre Basic Res 1999 UG Omiti, J., Irungu, P. Institutional and policy issues relevant pastoral development in Kenya. ISBN: 9966948147 55pp. ill.maps IPRA 2002 KE Omiti, J., Obunde, P. Towards linking agriculture, poverty and policy in Kenya. ISBN: 9966948260 36pp. ill. IPRA 2002 KE Posner, R. Preliminary results of a survey of labour force on mixed farms in Trans-Nzoia. (IDS discussion paper, 57) 12pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1967 KE Roling, N., Chege, F., Ashcroft, J. Rapid development for Kenya’s small farms. (IDS discussion paper, 173) 29pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE Ruigu, G.M., Migot-Adholla, S.E. Issues on irrigation farming in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 287) 38pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1989 KE Ruigu, G.M., Schluter, M. Fertilizer and seed requirements in Kenya from 1982/83 to 1990/91. (IDS discussion paper, 280) 66pp. K.shs.108.00 Inst Dev Stud 1986 KE Schmidt, G. Maize and beans marketing in Kenya: the interaction and effectivenss of the informal and formal marketing systems. (IDS occasional papers, 31) 154pp. K.shs.180.00 Inst Dev Stud 1979 KE Schonherr, S., Mbugua, E.S. New extension methods to speed up diffusion of agricultural innovations. (IDS discussion paper, 201) 22pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Smith, L.D. Resource allocation, income redistribution and agricultural pricing policies in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 85) 8pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1969 KE Wangari, E. Land registration and its impact on smallscale farming in Kenya: the case of Mbere in Embu district. (IDS working paper, 464) 39pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1988 KE Agriculture—Lesotho Maes, Y.M., Andes, B.M. Agricultural studies for Lesotho. cd. 296pp. ill. R6.85 Mazenod Inst 1975 LO Agriculture—Malawi Ayoade, R.B. Improved vitamin A consumption through agricultural production. 32pp. ill. (£1.60) Dzuka 1993 MW
Govinden, N., et al. Growing groundnut. 12pp. pl. Rs30.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1994 MF Govinden, N., et al. Growing tomato. 11pp. Rs30.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1995 MF Manrakhan, J. History of agricultural research in Mauritius. 630pp. Océan Indien Ed 1997 MF Agriculture—Morocco Bendaou, K., ed. Impact des accords du GATT sur les exportations agricoles du Maroc. ISBN: 176 Actes Ed 1997 MR FRE Boujenane, I. L’agriculture à travers l’oraliture. ISBN: 9981801550 Dir100.00 ($10.00/£10.00) Actes Ed 2002 MR FRE Chafai el Alaoui, A., Bentassil, A., Mekkaoui, M. Pertes à la récolte des céréales dans un pays méditerranéen. 198pp. Actes Ed 1996 MR FRE Agriculture—Namibia Bank of Windhoek & AGRECONA Future agricultural trade and cooperation between new South Africa and Namibia. Papers presented to the Agricultural Outlook Conference, Windhoek, 10 March 1994. (NEPRU working paper, 40) N$35.00 NEPRU 1994 SX Elkan, W., et al. Namibian agriculture: policies and prospects. (NEPRU working paper, 5) 46pp. N$24.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Kakujaha-Matundu, O. Subsistence farmers’ perception of envirnmental problems and monetary estimates of agricultural and nonagricultural resources in the Okakarara area. (DRFN occasional pap., 5) 21pp. N$20.00 ($5.00) DRFN 1996 SX Kambatuku, J.R. Historical profiles of farms in former Damaraland. (DRFN occasional pap., 4) 58pp. N$20.00 ($5.00) DRFN 1996 SX Mupotola-Sibongo, M., ed. Workshop proceedings: the effects of liberalisation on the beef and maize sector in five SADC countries. (NEPRU working paper, 56) 100pp. N$42.00 NEPRU 1997 SX Mupotola-Sibongo, M., et al. Focus on the effects of liberalisation on the beef and maize sectors in five SADC countries. (NEPRU viewpoint, 9) free NEPRU 1997 SX Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit Country reports: the effects of liberalisation on the beef and maize sector in five SADC countries. (NEPRU working paper, 57) 166pp. N$65.00 NEPRU 1997 SX Presland, C., Pomuti, A The market for millet and millet products. (NEPRU working paper, 63) 30pp. N$21.00 NEPRU 1998 SX Schade, K., Kalili, N., Simpson, R. A survey of subsistence farmers in the Ohangwena region. (NEPRU research report, 19) 68pp. N$37.00 NEPRU 2000 SX Stengel, H.W. The black Nosob. [Also available in German and Afrikaans.] 60pp. ill.maps N$5.00 Namibia Scient Soc 1965 SX
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Agriculture —Namibia Van Antwerpen, E.G. Vegetable cultivation. 3rd ed. 128pp. ill. N$14.12 Longman - Namb 1993 SX Werner, W. Promoting development among farmworkers: some options for Namibia. (NEPRU research report, 24) 33pp. N$25.30 NEPRU 2001 SX Agriculture—Nigeria Adesimi Improving farmers’ management capability. 30pp. ($6.95/£3.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1995 NR Getahun, A. IITA/IDRC agro-forestry project: 1979 annual report. 78pp. ex. only IITA 1979 NR Kassey Garba, P. An analysis of the implementation and stability of Nigerian agricultural policies, 1970-1993. (AERC research paper, 101) ISBN: 9966944249 64pp. ill. AERC 2000 KE Kwanashie, M. Policy modelling in agriculture: testing the response of agriculture to adjustment policies in Nigeria. 54pp. ill. AERC 1997 KE Palada, M.C., Vogel, W.O., Mutsaers, H.J.W. Report on exploratory survey of IjaiyeImini pilot research area, Oyo State, Nigeria. (OFR Bulletin, 2) 56pp. ($1.00/ £0.70) N3.00 IITA 1985 NR Sanda, A.O. Managing irrigation projects in Nigeria. 152pp. N245.00 ($9.80/£8.00) Spectrum 1992 NR Agriculture—Nigeria—Atlases and maps Agboola, S.A. An agricultural atlas of Nigeria. cd. 248pp. maps N22.35k Univ Press - Nig 1979 NR Agriculture—Réunion Hoarau, S., Vallimé-Cally, J.C. Les spéculations agricoles traditionnelles. 53pp. ill. ODR 2000 RF FRE Agriculture—Social aspects—Africa Stiles, D., ed. Listening to the people: social aspects of dryland management. ($15.00) UNEP 1995 KE Agriculture—South Africa A’Bear, D.R., Louw, C.L. Makhathini operational study: phase 1 evaluation of farmers’ problems, needs and perceptions. Report prepared for Eksteen, van der Walt and Nissen. (INR working paps., 108) R7.50 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA A’Bear, D.R., Vaughan, A., Hudson, R., Ashton, D. Pilot training programme for small cane growers, contractors and facilitators: interim report on pilot training. Report prepared for the British Development Division South Africa. (INR investigational reports, 119) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Auerbach, R.M.B. A farming systems research evaluation of maize production practices in southern KwaZulu. (INR investigational reports, 80) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Auerbach, R.M.B. Mpumalanga community gardens flood reconstruction project. Phase 1 and 2 report. (INR working paps., 35) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Auerbach, R.M.B. On-farm research in practice: monitoring, analysis and evaluation. Paper delivered at the First Southern African Farming Systems Research and Extension Conference, Johannesburg, February. (INR occasional paps., 105) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA
Subject index Auerbach, R.M.B., Lea, J.D. Increasing your maize production: production strategies for small scale maize farmers in KwaZulu-Natal. [Also available in Zulu.] (INR working paps., 115) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Auerbach, R.M.B., Lea, J.D. Some maize production parameters for KwaZulu. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the SA Society for Crop Production, Stellenbosch. (INR working paps., 62) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Auerbach, R.M.B., Nichol, G.D., Gandar, M.V. The tractor as a multipurpose machine in KwaZulu. Report for the National Energy Council. (INR investigational reports, 44) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Breen, C.M. Closing the loop between research and implementation. Talk presented at the Department of Grassland Science, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 9 June. (INR occasional paps., 109) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Buchan, A.J.C. Grazing resources of the Makatini flats and Pongolo floodplain: production, use and significance in the local socioeconomy. (INR investigational report, 32) 81pp. R10.00. Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Erskine, J.M. Advancing the development of emerging small farmer operations through appropriate educational programmes. Paper presented at the Sustainable land reform conference, Johannesburg, 5-6 May 1997. (INR occasional paps., 183) R5.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Erskine, J.M. Agriculture in Natal/KwaZulu: development potential. (INR monographs, 1) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1982 SA Erskine, J.M. Creating the right conditions for optimal management of grazing livestock and sustainable use of grasslands in less developed areas of southern Africa. Paper presented at the First Symposium of the Developing Areas Branch of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa, Cathedral Peak, 16-18 September 1992. (INR occasional paps., 117) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Erskine, J.M. Farming support programmes as a vehicle for empowerment of farmers. Paper presented at the KwaZulu Department of Agriculture Extension Conference, University of Zululand, 14 July 1992. (INR occasional paps., 127) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Erskine, J.M. Peasant food crops on steep land. Paper presented at the Symposium of the South African Society for Agriculture Extension. (INR working paps., 11) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1986 SA Erskine, J.M. Reducing risks in African smallholder agriculture through agroforestry. Paper presented at the Agriculture Economics Association of South Africa, Bloemfontein. (INR working paps., 30) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Erskine, J.M. Scheepersdal Farm, Muden. A feasibility study into its development as a viable agricultural enterprise. (INR investigational reports, 8) R37.50 Inst Natural Resources 1983 SA Erskine, J.M. Sustainable land use and development in a changing South Africa. Paper presented at the XXI International Conference of Agricultual Economists, Tokyo, Japan, August. (INR working paps., 88) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA
Erskine, J.M. Towards profitable and sustainable agriculture in southern Africa. (INR working paps., 31) R0.75 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Erskine, J.M. Training for development in agriculture. Paper presented at the National African Farmers’ Union Conference, University of Natal, 29-30 June 1992. (INR occasional paps., 126) R7.50 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Gandar, M.V. A survey of labourers on farms near Nhlazatshe, Vryheid District, Natal. (INR investigational reports, 1) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1981 SA Henderson, C.M. Environmental evaluation of proposed crop irrigation schemes at Ndumu Farm, Ndumu. Report prepared for KwaZulu Department of Agriculture and Forestry. (INR investigational reports, 74) R30.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Integrated Planning Services and Institute of Natural Resources Zikhuliseni community programmes: agricultural training centres. Report prepared for Methodist Missions Department, Johannesburg. (INR investigational reports, 59) Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Jeeves, A., Crush, J. White farms, black labor. cd. & R135.00 cd. R99.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1997 SA Kirsten, J.F., et al. The agricultural democratisation of South Africa. ISBN: 1868590429 260pp. R150.00 Francolin 1998 SA Lea, J.D. Maize production in KwaZulu: a handbook for extension officers and farmers. (INR monographs, 9) R15.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Lea, J.D., Njokwe, B.J. The safe use of chemical weedkillers: with special reference to post emergence applications of gramoxone (paraquat) in maize. [Also available in Zulu] (INR working paps., 89) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Lyster, M. Introduction of a grain dehuller into KwaZulu. Report to KwaZulu Finance Corporation. (INR investigational reports, 28) R15.00 Inst Natural Resources 1987 SA Mander, M. An assessment of the carrying capacity and grazing requirements on the farm Mooibank, Ngotshe district. Report prepared for the Association for Rural Advancement. (INR working paps., 82) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Mander, M. Recommendations for land use on the farm Bambanani, Ladysmith. Report submitted to Legal Resources Centre, Durban. (INR investigational reports, 87) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Mander, M., Heinsohn, D., Mander, J. A manual for the cultivation of iNcema. (INR monographs, 11) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Nieuwoudt, L., Groenewald, J., eds. The challenge of change: agriculture, land and the South African economy. ISBN: 186914032X 209pp. (£17.95) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2003 SA Stavrou, S.E. The development of capitalism in South African agriculture: the restructuring of agrarian capitalism after 1950. (CDSC rural urban studies working papers, 14) 30pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1988 SA Tainton, N.M., ed. Pasture management in South Africa. ISBN: 0869809601 cd. & 374pp. R290.00 cd. ISBN: 0869809598 R230.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Agriculture—Study and teaching (Secondary)
van Rooyen, C.J. Agricultural policy reform in South Africa. ISBN: 1868590410 308pp. R175.00 Francolin 1998 SA
Sakira, W.A. O-level agriculture: principles and practice. 192pp. K.shs.330.00 OUP Nairobi 1981 KE
Nwabuisi, G.M., Adebayo, E.O. Agricultural science for primary schools. bk.3 workbook ISBN: 9781421711 24pp. ill. N75.00 ($1.00) Literamed 1999 NR
van Zyl, J., Kirsten, J., Binswanger, H.P. Agricultural land reform in South Africa: policies, markets, mechanisms. 2nd ed ISBN: 0195713850 640pp. R365.00 OUP - SA 1998 SA
Schekman, W. Focus on agriculture. bk.2 112pp. ill. pl. Z$79.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI
Nwabuisi, G.M., Adebayo, E.O. Agricultural science for primary schools. bk. 1 44pp. col. ill. N190.00 ($2.00) Literamed 1997 NR
Wilson, R.A. New crops for the KwaZulu smallholder. Report to Robertson’s Pty Ltd. (INR investigational reports, 25) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1987 SA Agriculture—Study and teaching Anyanwu, A.C., Anyanwu, B.O., Anwanwu, V.A. Textbook of agriculture for school certificate. 2nd ed. 440pp. pl. ill. N465.00 Africana First 1976 NR Anyanzo, L. Revision agriculture for primary teacher education. 246pp. K.shs.370.00 EAEP 1995 KE Ayoade, J.O. Introduction to agroclimatology. ISBN: 9780309527 223pp. ($32.30) Univ Press - Nig 2005 NR International Livestock Centre for Africa Forage seed production training manual. Int Livestock Centre 1994 ET International Livestock Centre for Africa & International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas Tropical forage seed production training module. Int Livestock Centre 1994 ET Kasolo, W., Niemela, R., Monare, L., Rudebjer, P. Integrating agroforestry into agriculture curriculum - the case of Lesotho Agricultural College. Proceedings of a curriculum review workshop held 3-7 April 1995, Lesotho Agricultural College, Leribe, Lesotho. (ICRAF technical report, 37) 40pp. free ICRAF 1996 KE Komolafe, M.F. Revision agricultural science for teachers’ colleges. 94pp. N5.50k Univ Press - Nig 1982 NR
Shanks, I.P. School gardening and agriculture. 180pp. ill. K.shs.55.00 OUP - Nairobi 1964 KE Temu, A., Kasolo, W., Rudebjer, P., et al. How to participate in agroforestry education and research activities. A guide for members of the African Network for Agroforestry Education. (ICRAF technical report, 28) 56pp. free ICRAF 1995 KE Temu, A.B., Kasolo, W., Rudebjer, P. Approaches to agroforestry curriculum development. (ICRAF technical report, 32) 32pp. free ICRAF 1995 KE Uguru, O.O. A guide to practical agricultural science for schools and colleges. 152pp. ill. N1.10 Macmillan - Nig 1965 NR Uwaezuoke, C. Agricultural science. 105pp. ($2.00/ £1.00) Literamed 1989 NR Agriculture—Study and teaching (Elementary) Addo-Quaye, A.A., Brese, G.K. Revising JSS agricultural science. bk.1 72pp. pl. C6,000 ($2.50) Sam Woode 1996 GH Addo-Quaye, A.A., Brese, G.K. Revising JSS agricultural science. bk.2 ISBN: 9964979428 88pp. pl. C6,000 ($2.50) Sam Woode 1998 GH Darmola, A.M., Ikotun, T. Agricultural science for junior secondary schools. workbook 1 36pp. ill. ($5.80) Univ Press - Nig 1986 NR Migwi, J. Macmillan primary agriculture, standard 4 & 5. rev. ed. 92pp. K.shs.195.00 ($4.00/£2.00) Macmillan - Kenya 1991 KE
Nwabuisi, G.M., Adebayo, E.O. Agricultural science for primary schools. bk. 2 50pp. col. ill. N190.00 ($2.00) Literamed 1997 NR Nwabuisi, G.M., Adebayo, E.O. Agricultural science for primary schools. bk. 3 28pp. N190.00 ($2.00) Literamed 1997 NR Nwabuisi, G.M., Adebayo, E.O. Agricultural science for primary schools. bk.4 workbook ISBN: 9781421711 18pp. ill. N75.00 ($1.00) Literamed 1999 NR Nwabuisi, G.M., Adebayo, E.O. Agricultural science for primary schools. bk.5 workbook ISBN: 9781421711 ill. N75.00 ($1.00) Literamed 1999 NR Nwabuisi, G.M., Adebayo, E.O. Agricultural science for primary schools. bk. 4 31pp. N200.00 ($2.00) Literamed 1997 NR Nwabuisi, G.M., Adebayo, E.O. Agricultural science for primary schools. bk. 5 40pp. N200.00 ($2.00) Literamed 1997 NR Nwabuisi, G.M., Adebayo, E.O. Agricultural science for primary schools. bk.6 workbook ISBN: 9781421711 ill. N75.00 ($1.00) Literamed 1999 NR Nwabuisi, G.M. et al. Lantern primary agricultural science. bks.1-6 50-150pp. pl. Literamed 1994 NR Wekesa, J., Otieno, A. Agriculture for primary school, standard 4. rev.ed. 68pp. ill. K.shs.190.00 EAEP 1998 KE Wekesa, J., Otieno, A. Agriculture for primary school, standard 5. rev.ed. 93pp. ill. K.shs.195.00 EAEP 1998 KE
Komolafe, M.K., et al. Agricultural science. 2nd ed. 228pp. ill. pl. N5.50k Univ Press - Nig 1979 NR
Migwi, J. Macmillan primary agriculture, standard 6. rev. ed. 97pp. ill. K.shs.210.00 ($4.20/ £2.50) Macmillan - Kenya 1991 KE
Komolafe, M.R., Joy, D.C. Practical agricultural science for West African schools and colleges. 142pp. ill. ($14.40) Univ Press - Nig 1981 NR
Migwi, J. Macmillan primary agriculture, standard 7. rev. ed. 105pp. ill. K.shs.220.00 ($4.50/ £2.50) Macmillan - Kenya 1991 KE
Nyanjom, A., K’Onyango, J. Certificate agriculture book 1. new ed. ISBN: 9966252096 176pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 2003 KE
Migwi, J. Macmillan primary agriculture, standard 8. rev. ed. 141pp. ill. K.shs.225.00 ($4.50/ £2.50) Macmillan - Kenya 1991 KE
Nyanjom, A., K’Onyango, J. Certificate agriculture book 2. new ed. ISBN: 9966252666 156pp. K.shs.210.00 EAEP 2003 KE
Migwi, J.K. Primary gold medal agriculture. 149pp. ill. K.shs.290.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1995 KE
Nyanjom, A., K’Onyango, J. Certificate agriculture book 2, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966252673 92pp. K.shs.210.00 EAEP 2003 KE
Morris, T. Farming fit. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046761 20pp. ill. R25.87 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Nyanjom, A., K’Onyango, J. Certificate agriculture book 3. ISBN: 9966253157 224pp. K.shs.305.00 EAEP 2004 KE
Musangi, K.K., et al. Agriculture for primary schools standard 5. pupil’s bk. 46pp. col.pl. K.shs.230.00 Longhorn - Ken 1981 KE
Nyanjom, A., K’Onyango, J. Certificate agriculture book 3, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966253165 104pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 2004 KE
Musangi, R.S., et al. Agriculture for primary schools standard 4. pupil’s bk. 46pp. pl. col. pl. K.shs.230.00 Longhorn - Ken 1979 KE
Adelekan, B.A., Laleye, A.O., Idowu, O.J. Spectrum agricultural science book 2 for JSS. bk.2 ISBN: 9780291598 104pp. N360.00 Spectrum 2000 NR
Nyanjom, A., K’Onyango, J. Certificate agriculture book 4. ISBN: 9966253912 K.shs.300.00 EAEP 2005 KE
Musangi, R.S., et al. Longman agriculture for primary schools. 75pp. ill. pl. K.shs.230.00 Longhorn - Ken 1987 KE
Adelekan, B.A., Laleye, A.O., Idowu, O.J. Spectrum agricultural science book 3 for JSS. bk.3 ISBN: 9780291601 71pp. N310.00 Spectrum 2000 NR
Nyanjom, A., K’Onyango, J. Certificate agriculture book 4, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966253920 K.shs.200.00 EAEP 2005 KE
Nwabuisi, G.M., Adebayo, E.O. Agricultural science for primary schools. bk.1 workbook ISBN: 9781421630 36pp. ill. N75.00 ($1.00) Literamed 1999 NR
Nyanjom, A., K’Onyango, J. Certificate agriculture book 1, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966252207 88pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 2003 KE
Nwabuisi, G.M., Adebayo, E.O. Agricultural science for primary schools. bk.2 workbook ISBN: 9781421711 39pp. ill. N75.00 ($1.00) Literamed 1999 NR
Adelekan, B.A., Taiwo, O. Spectrum agricultural science for senior secondary schools. bk.1 ISBN: 9087294554 179pp. N594.00 Spectrum 2004 NR
Wekesa, J., Otieno, A. Agriculture for primary school, standard 6. rev.ed. 78pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1998 KE Wekesa, J., Otieno, A. Agriculture for primary school, standard 7. rev.ed. 73pp. K.shs.210.00 EAEP 1988 KE Wekesa, J., Otieno, A. Agriculture for primary school, standard 8. rev.ed. 81pp. K.shs.210.00 EAEP 1998 KE Witt, D., Parker, S. Environment and agricultural science; grades 1-7 [10 pupils’ and teachers’ books; full details from publisher.] var.pp. ill. Z$3.14-Z$7.95 Longman Zimb ZI Agriculture—Study and teaching (Secondary) Adelekan, B.A., Laleye, A.O., Idowu, O.J. Spectrum agricultural science book 1 for JSS. bk.1 ISBN: 978029158 50pp. N280.00 Spectrum 2000 NR
Adelekan, B.A., Taiwo, O. Spectrum agricultural science for senior secondary schools. bk.3 ISBN: 9780294570 173pp. N540.00 Spectrum 2004 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Agriculture—Study and teaching (Secondary) Adelekan, B.A., Taiwo, O. Spectrum agricultural science for senior secondary schools. bk.2 ISBN: 9780294562 173pp. N540.00 Spectrum 2004 NR Are, L.A. Agricultural science for JSS. bk.3 96pp. ill. ($10.40) Univ Press - Nig 1988 NR Brazier, A. The schools and colleges permaculture programme. The SCOPE activity book. ISBN: 177900463X 119pp. ill. Z$98,960 ($20.00/£13.20/Eur26.40) College Press Zimb 2003 ZI Chard, P.G.D. Dynamics of agriculture. (Core section). ISBN: 1779002963 184pp. pl. Z$175.00 ($5.00) College Press -Zimb 1999 ZI Chard, P.G.D. Dynamics of agriculture: decorative gardening. Junior secondary. (Dynamics of Agriculture, 2) ISBN: 1779003897 107pp. ill. Z$57,600 ($11.60/£7.70/ Eur15.30) College Press -Zimb 2001 ZI Chard, P.G.D. Dynamics of agriculture: farm engineering. Junior secondary. (Dynamics of Agriculture, 5) ISBN: 1779003870 100pp. ill. Z$57,600 ($11.60/ £7.70/Eur15.30) College Press -Zimb 2002 ZI Chard, P.G.D. Dynamics of junior secondary agriculture option 1. Vegetable and fruit production. ISBN: 1779003471 109pp. Z$206.95 ($5.17) College Press -Zimb 2001 ZI Chard, P.G.D. Dynamics of junior secondary agriculture option 2. Decorative gardening. ISBN: 1779003471 107pp. Z$206.95 ($5.17) College Press -Zimb 2001 ZI Chard, P.G.D. Dynamics of junior secondary agriculture option 4. Crop production. ISBN: 1779003773 112pp. Z$206.95 ($5.17) College Press -Zimb 2001 ZI Chard, P.G.D. Dynamics of junior secondary agriculture: crop production. (Dynamics of Agriculture, 4) ISBN: 1779003773 112pp. ill. Z$57,600 ($11.60/£7.70/ Eur15.30) College Press -Zimb 2001 ZI Chard, P.G.D. Dynamics of junior secondary agriculture: small livestock. (Dynamics of Agriculture, 3) ISBN: 1779003889 84pp. ill. Z$57,600 ($11.60/£7.70/ Eur15.30) College Press -Zimb 2001 ZI Chard, P.G.D. Dynamics of junior secondary agriculture: vegetable and fruit production. (Dynamics of Agriculture, 1) 109pp. ill. Z$57,600 ($11.60/£7.70/ Eur15.30) College Press -Zimb 2001 ZI Chard, P.G.D. Dynamics of ZJC agriculture core section. ISBN: 1779002963 183pp. ill. Z$244.95 ($6.12) College Press -Zimb 1999 ZI Elliott, I. Agriculture: practical course for Botswana. bk.3 ISBN: 9991266933 180pp. ill.pl. P38.50 Longman - Bots 1998 BS Kolawole, D.O., Ayeni, D.A. Spectrum memory guide. Agricultural science. 160pp. N150.00 ($6.00/£5.00) Spectrum 1997 NR Kolawole, F.A., et al. SMG agricultural science for senior secondary certificate examination. 150pp. N240.00 Spectrum 1997 NR Laing, C.E., Mavovana, M.M. Study and master agricultural science 9/ 10. 170pp. pl. R34.00 Roedurico 1996 SA Moffett, W.A., Moore, C.A. Discovering agriculture. Grade 10, standard 8. 124pp. ill. R57.96 Shuter & Shooter 1986 SA
Moran, F., Nyamapfene, K. A secondary agricultural course. bk.1 116pp. ill. Z$4.50 Longman - Zimb 1985 ZI Moran, F., Nyamapfene, K. A secondary agricultural course. bk.2 112pp. ill. Z$4.50 Longman - Zimb 1985 ZI Muchira, S.G., Erneholm Agriculture for secondary schools. 2nd ed. 273pp. ill. pl. maps K.shs.240.00 EAEP 1987 KE Mudzuniti, D. Focus study aid: O-level agriculture. 208pp. Z$115.95 College Press -Zimb 1989 ZI Mwangi, M., Mwariri, J. Practical agriculture. ISBN: 9966466248 K.shs.375.00 EAEP 1998 KE Ngumy, J., Onyango, F. Agriculture in practice: projects for secondary schools. (£1.50) Macmillan Kenya 1984 KE Nkurunziza, P.C., Anyanzo, L. Comprehensive secondary agriculture: form 3. K.shs.340.00 OUP - Nairobi 1993 KE Nkurunziza, P.C., Anyanzo, L., Mulok-Baiga, S.L. Comprehensive secondary agriculture. K.shs.352.00 OUP - Nairobi 1990 KE Nkurunziza, P.C., Anyanzo, L., Mulok-Baiga, S.L. Comprehensive secondary agriculture. bk.1 145pp. ill. K.shs.340 OUP - Nairobi 1990 KE Nkurunziza, P.C., Anyanzo, L., Mulok-Baiga, S.L. Comprehensive secondary agriculture. bk.2 K.shs.340.00 OUP - Nairobi 1992 KE Owen, G.H., Ireri, E.K. Longman secondary agriculture: a senior course. 204pp. ill. pl. K.shs.350.00 Longhorn - Ken 1991 KE Parsond, B.J. Certificate agriculture for Zimbabwe. 213pp. Z$14.50 Longman - Zimb 1987[?] ZI University Press Agriculture for junior secondary schools. bk.1 48pp. pl. ill. ($12.70) Univ Press Nig 1984 NR Watson, M. Agriculture for Botswana. 256pp. P1.00 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Wekesa, J., Otieno, A. Peak revision. K.C.P.E. agriculture. 149pp. K.shs.275.00 EAEP 1998 KE Youdeowei, A. et al. Junior secondary agriculture for Nigerian schools. bk.1 58pp. ill. West African Bk 1986 NR Youdeowei, A. et al. Junior secondary agriculture for Nigerian schools. bk.2 99pp. ill. West African Bk 1986 NR Youdeowei, A. et al. Junior secondary agriculture for Nigerian schools. bk.3 86pp. ill. West African Bk 1987 NR Agriculture—Sudan Abdel Ati, A.A. The problem of the agricultural sector in Sudan: an account of policy gaps. (DSRC seminar series, 74) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1986 SJ Affan, K. On the role of the regions in National Development of Sudan: some thoughts on creation and mobilization of agricultural surplus. (DSRC seminar series, 41) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ Affan, K. Towards an appraisal of tractorization experience in rainlands of Sudan. (DSRC monograph series, 20) 105pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ
Subject index Ahmed, A.H. Efficient credit mechanisms to reach small farmers with special reference to Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 58) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ Ahmed, M.M.M., Idris, M.F.E., et al. Dryland husbandry in the Sudan. Grassroots experience and development. ISBN: 1904855431 121pp. col.ill.pl.maps ($19.95/£11.95) OSSREA ET Al Rahman, A.I. Population, environment and agricultural change: the example of the Rahad Scheme. (DSRC seminar series, 42) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ Awad, M.H. Why is the bread-basket empty? (DSRC seminar series, 40) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1983 SJ El Dishouni, S. Tradition and modernisations in Sudanese irrigated agriculture: lessons from experience. (DSRC monograph series, 36) 96pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1989 SJ Hassan, K.I. Agricultural cooperatives and their feasibility in the Rahad Scheme. (DSRC seminar series, 59) 410.00 Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1985 SJ Hassan, K.I. Production relations in the Sudanese agriculture. The case of the Gezira scheme. (DSRC seminar series, 54) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ Hesling, L. Participation by tenants in the new Halfa irigation scheme. (DSRC seminar series, 29) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1983 SJ Kursany, I. The dynamics and limits of capitalist development in Sudanese agriculture. Mechanized rainfed farming: Dura production and the limits to private capitalism. vol.2(DSRC seminar series, 17) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Kursany, I. The dynamics and limits of capitalist development in Sudanese agriculture. The Gezira scheme: cotton production and the limits to conservative state capitalism. vol.1(DSRC seminar series, 16) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Salih, S.A.M. Do government wheat policies create food insecurity in the Sudan? (DSRC seminar series, 52) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ Suliman, K.M. The dynamics of rural change in dry agriculture in Sudan. A case study from southern Kordofan. (Social science research report, 16) ISBN: 16086287 170pp. ($16.95/£9.95 set) OSSREA 2001 ET Agriculture—Tanzania Hakikazi Catalyst The shorter agricultural sector development strategy. free on-line Hakikazi 2005 TZ Lane, C. Strategy for the commons. 270pp. ($20.00) ACTS - Kenya 1994 KE Mwase, N. Economic liberalization and privatization of agricultural marketing and input supply in Tanzania: a case study of cashew nuts. (AERC research paper, 86) 30pp. AERC 1998 KE Spear, T. Mountain farmers. 272pp. T.shs.20,000 cd. T.shs.8,500 pap Mkuki na Nyota 1997 TZ [Tanzania only] Agriculture—Tanzania—Addresses and essays Uriyo, A.P. Farming systems and soil erosion hazards in Tanzania. (University of Dar es Salaam inaugural lec, 16) 19pp. ($2.50) T.shs.12.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1981 TZ
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 68
African Books in Print
Subject index
Agriculture—Tropics Gamble, W.K. Evolution of the program of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 1967-1980. 27pp. ex. only IITA 1980 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Annual report for 1977. 98pp. ex. only IITA 1978 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Annual report for 1978. 129pp. ex. only IITA 1979 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Annual report for 1979 152pp. ex. only IITA 1980 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Genetic resources for tropical agriculture. 32pp. free IITA 1988 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Genetic resources unit exploration, 1976. 51pp. ex. only IITA 1977 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Genetic resources unit exploration, 1977. 153pp. ex. only IITA 1978 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Genetic resources unit exploration, 1978. 287pp. ex. only IITA 1979 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Genetic resources unit exploration, 1979. 165pp. ex. only IITA 1980 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. IITA annual report 1988/89. 80pp. free IITA 1990 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. IITA annual report and research highlights. [Also available in French.] 150pp. free IITA 1989[?] NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture IITA research highlights for 1976. 157pp. ex. only IITA 1977 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture IITA research highlights for 1977. [Also available in French.] 72pp. ex. only IITA 1978 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture IITA research highlights for 1978. [Also available in French.] 65pp. ex. only IITA 1979 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture IITA research highlights for 1980. 64pp. ex. only IITA 1981 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Root and tuber improvement program, IITA: annual report 1985. 177pp. IITA 1986 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Tasks for the eighties: a long range plan. 60pp. ex. only IITA 1981 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Training opportunities at IITA. 12pp. free IITA 1988 NR Stifel, L.D. IITA research for sustainable agriculture in Africa. 28pp. free IITA 1990 NR Ward, W.B. The challenge of the tropics. ex. only IITA 1977 NR
32pp. ill.
Ward, W.B. Les tropiques: un défi. 32pp. ill. ex. only IITA 1977 NR FRE Agriculture—Tropics—Bibliography Akande, S.B., Lawani, S.M., comps. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture: record of publications, 19691980. vol.1 89pp. ex. only IITA 1981 NR Agriculture—Uganda Bibagambah, J.R. Marketing of smallholder crops in Uganda. 154pp. (£13.95/$25.00) Fountain Publ-Ug 1996 UG
Kafureka, B.M. The dynamics of land question and its impact on agriculture productivity in Mbarara District, Uganda. (CBR working paper, 25) 130pp. ($12.00) Centre Basic Res UG Mbabazi, P. Supply chain and liberalisation of the milk industry in Uganda. ISBN: 9970024949 144pp. ill.pl.maps ($24.95/£9.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2005 UG Muhereza, F. Regional workshop and fourth executive committee meeting of the arid lands and resource management (alarm) network, March 1997. (Alarm workshop reports, 1) ($9.50) Centre Basic Res 1997 UG Muhereza, F.E. Ranching, common property relations and the alienation of pastoral lands in Uganda: a study of the Buruli ranching scheme. (Alarm working paper, 10) 31pp. U.shs.4,000 ($5.00) Centre Basic Res 1999 UG National Agricultural Research Organisation Agriculture in Uganda. Crops. vol.2 ISBN: 9970022342 594pp. ($49.95/ £29.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG National Agricultural Research Organisation Agriculture in Uganda. General information. vol.1 ISBN: 9970022431 486pp. ($49.95/£29.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG National Agricultural Research Organisation Agriculture in Uganda. Livestock and fisheries. vol.4 ISBN: 9970022393 401pp. ($44.95/£26.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG Ocan, C. Pastoralism and crisis in North Eastern Uganda: factors that have determined social change in Karamoja. (CBR working paper, 20) 74pp. ($9.50) Centre Basic Res UG Okwi, P.O., Kaija, D. Valuing tropical grasslands. The case of overstocking in northeastern Uganda. (Social science research report, 24) ISBN: 0954203070 54pp. ($38.70/£23.70 set of six) OSSREA 2002 ET Opio-Odongo, J.M.A. Designs on the land: agricultural research in Uganda, 1890-1990. (Technology policy, 2) 144pp. ($17.00) ACTS - Kenya 1992 KE Opyene, J.E. Forms of peasant co-operatives in agriculture, case study in Lango, northern Uganda. (CBR working paper, 46) 72pp. ($10.50) Centre Basic Res UG Sabiti, E.N., Teka, T. Dryland husbandry in Uganda. Community participation and development. ISBN: 1904855423 105pp. col.ill.pl.maps ($19.95/£11.95) OSSREA 2005 ET Agriculture—Zambia Kwesiga, F. Improved fallow with Sesbania in eastern Zambia. Summary proceedings of a consultative workshop, 22-26 April 1996, Chipata, Zambia. 102pp. free ICRAF 1997 KE Agriculture—Zimbabwe Auret, D. From bus stop to farm village: the Farm Worker Programme in Zimbabwe. ISBN: 0797420681 136pp. ill. Save the Children 2000 ZI Bolding, A., Mutimba, J., van der Zaag, P., eds. Interventions in smallholder agriculture. Implications for extension in Zimbabwe. ISBN: 0908307527 351pp. ($34.95/ £17.95) Univ Zimbabwe 2004 ZI MacGarry, B. Double damage. [Effect of drought and market forces on peasant farmers.] 32pp. ($4.60) Mambo 1994 ZI Owen, R., Verbeek, K., Jackson, J., Steenhuis, T. Dambo farming in Zimbabwe. 194pp. Z$100.00 Univ Zimbabwe 1995 ZI
Weinmann, H. Agricultural research and development in southern Rhodesia, 1924-1950. (Series in Science, 2) 240pp. ill.pl. Z$17.76 Univ Zimbabwe 1975 ZI Weinmann, H. Agricultural research and development in southern Rhodesia under the rule of the British South African Company, 18901923. (Dept. of Agriculture Occas. pap., 4) 161pp. ill. Z$10.14 Univ Zimbabwe 1972 ZI Witoshynsky, M. The water harvester. ISBN: 9797421238 61pp. ill. ($18.95/£10.95) Weaver 2000 ZI AIDS Bakare, I. AIDS: prevention through education. 16pp. N40.00 ($1.90/£1.50) Spectrum 1996 NR Bureau d’Etudes et de Recherches pour la Promotion de la Santé Le SIDA, comment en parler à l’école. Notes sur le SIDA à l’intention des professeurs et des étudiants de l’école secondaire. 144pp. pl. ($11.00) BERPS 1997 ZR FRE Catholic Bishops of Africa and Madagascar Speak out on HIV and AIDS. ISBN: 9966119331 112pp. K.shs.160.00 ($2.00) Paulines 2004 KE Courtejoie, J., Kabeya, N. Le SIDA est là. Que faire? vol.1 64pp. ill. ($1.00) BERPS 1988 ZR FRE Dube, M.W., Kanyoro, M., eds. Grant me justice. HIV/AIDS and gender readings of the Bible. ISBN: 1570756007 210pp. Cluster 2004 SA Foster, G. Facts about AIDs: 100 questions and answers. 48pp. ill. ($3.40) Mambo 1988 ZI Hirmer, O. The killer called AIDS. ISBN: 9966216146 20pp. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2001 KE Hubley, J. The AIDS handbook. 3rd rev.ed. ISBN: 033394576X 152pp. Macmillan Academic 2002 SA Kenya Episcopal Conference Catholic Secretariat Commission for Education HIV/AIDs manual for facilitators/trainers. ISBN: 9966215557 120pp. K.shs.420.00 ($6.00) Paulines 2000 KE London, I.P.P. Dangerous love. [Educational AIDS cartoons.] 34pp. ill. ($2.75/£4.95) Baobab - Zimb 1990 ZI Muchiri, J. HIV/AIDS - breaking the silence. A guide book for pastoral caregivers. ISBN: 9966218467 80pp. K.shs.160.00 ($2.00) Paulines 2002 KE Muchiru, S., Fromch, J. HIV/AIDS. Home based care. ISBN: 9991279202 50pp. Macmillan - Bots 1999 BS Nakua, P. Le SIDA et les plantes médicinales. 126pp. CLE 1995 CM FRE Neequaye, A.R. AIDS - fact and fiction. 30pp. ($3.50/ £6.50) Ghana UP 1986 GH Nondo, C. Lethal virus. ISBN: 9991279105 P28.69 Macmillan - Bots 1998 BS Nwoye, A. AIDS - counselling and nutritional therapy. 541pp. ($60.00/£42.00) Fab 1994 NR O’Donohue, M., Vitillo, R.J. Caritas HIV-AIDS. 144pp. K.shs.250.00 ($5.00) Paulines 1997 KE Olajide, W.A. Awareness on HIV/AIDS. 9pp. ($4.10) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Olajide, W.A. Questions and answers on HIV/AIDS. [Also available in French.] 20pp. ($4.60) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR
Han, F. AIDS in Africa. How did it ever happen? ISBN: 999087624X 223pp. ($22.95/ £11.95) Kachere 2004 MW
Olajide, W.A. Questions et réponses sur le SIDA. [Also available English.] ISBN: 9780307796 17pp. ($4.10) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR FRE
Mumbe, A. Rays of hope. [HIV/AIDS care givers.] ISBN: 9966219366 176pp. K.shs.320.00 ($4.00) Paulines 2004 KE
Pick, S. HIV/AIDS. ISBN: 0796301344 96pp. R59.95 Lux Verbi 2003 SA Slattery, H. HIV/AIDS - a call to action. Responding as Christians. ISBN: 9966218203 112pp. K.shs.240.00 Paulines 2002 KE Southern Book Publishers My life with AIDS. 180pp. R54.95 Southern Book Publ 1997 SA St. Camillus Mission Hospital, Karungu Let us fight AIDS. ISBN: 996621545X 32pp. ill. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2000 KE van Arkel, J. de J. Living in an AIDS culture. 60pp. R15.90 ($14.00/£8.50) Unisa 1991 SA van Dyk, A. AIDS care and counselling. ISBN: 0636042103 R102.14 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA van Dyk, A. HIV AIDS care and counselling: a multidisciplinary approach. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868910784 442pp. R149.99 Pearson 2001 SA Whiteside, A. AIDS - socio-economic causes and consequences. ($10.00) Economic Res Unit 1993 SA Wilson, D., Naidoo, S., Bekker, L.G., Mark, M. Handbook of HIV medicine. ISBN: 0195781333 492pp. col.pl. R325.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA AIDS—Africa Achineku, I. The AIDS crisis in Africa. Our Christian responsibility. (IRS study pamphlets, 380) ISBN: 1868223507 44pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1999 SA Agadzi, V.K. AIDS. The African perspective of the killer disease. 206pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Ghana UP 1989 GH Ahwireng-Obeng, F., Akussah, G. The impact of HIV-AIDS on African economies. ISBN: 079830166X 78pp. Africa Inst 2003 SA Bajah, S.T., Adenike Oroge, S., Bello, O.O. AIDS: the wicked disease. 38pp. CSS 2000 NR Becker, C., Dozon, J-P., Obbo, C., Touré, M., eds. Vivre et penser le SIDA en Afrique. Experiencing and understanding AIDS in Africa. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 2865379450 712pp. CFA18,000 ($35.00/£20.00/Eur43.00) CODESRIA 1999 SG FRE CODESRIA/ORSTOM/AUPELF-UREF & CNLS Social sciences and AIDS in Africa/ Sciences sociales et SIDA en Afrique. [Text in English and French. CD-ROM.] CODESRIA 1998 SG MUL Courtejoie, J., Pfuti Mbodo, T.J. Le SIDA et la famille en Afrique. 176pp. pl. ($7.50) BERPS 1995 ZR FRE Dussey, R. L’Afrique face au SIDA. 60pp. CFA1,500 Bognini 2000[?] IV FRE Etchepare, C., Etchepare, M. SIDA en Afrique analysé par pays. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9291300098 585pp. ENDA 1998 SG FRE Guest, E. Children of AIDS. Africa’s orphan crisis. ISBN: 086980992X cd. 224pp. Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2001 SA [No UK]
Mupedziswa, R. AIDS in Africa: the social work response. ISBN: 0797419373 153pp. Z$60.00 ($24.00) School Soc Work 1998 ZI Mutangadura, G., Mukurazita, D., Jackson, H. UNAIDS: a review of household and community responses to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the rural areas of subSaharan Africa. free SAFAIDS 1999 ZI Ndongmo, M., ed. VIH/SIDA, corps médical et société: quels rapports? 64pp. CFA1,500 (Eur2.29) UCAC 2001 CM FRE Phiri, I.A., Haddad, B., Masenye, M. African women, HIV/AIDS and faith communities. ISBN: 1875053441 290pp. R70.00 ($14.00) Cluster 2003 SA Shorter, A., Onyancha, E. The church and AIDS in Africa. A case study: Nairobi city. ISBN: 996621384X 144pp. ($6.00) Paulines 1998 KE Skinner, D., et al. Defining orphaned and vulnerable children. (Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS and Health occasional papers, 2) ISBN: 0796920648 24pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Smart, R., Fincham, R.J. eds. Study tour of AIDS programmes in Zambia, Uganda and Kenya. Sponsored by UNICEF. (INR investigational reports, 83) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Toya, J-S. H. Le sida: perspectives africaines. ISBN: 2723501841 212pp. CFA3,500 (Eur14.00) CLE 2003 CM FRE van Niekerk, A.A. AIDS in context. Verbi 1991 SA
111pp. R21.45 Lux
Webb, D. HIV and AIDS in Africa. ISBN: 0864863411 272pp. Philip 1998 SA [Southern Africa only] Winiarski, M.G. Community-based counselling for people affected by HIV and AIDS. 96pp. UNAM 2004 SX AIDS—Africa, East Regional AIDS Training Network Secretariat Regional AIDS training network brochure. 5pp. free RATN 1999 KE Rwelamira, J.B. AIDS pandemic in East Africa: a moral response. ISBN: 9966909214 55pp. Kshs100.00 ($1.60) CUEA 1998 KE AIDS—Africa, East—Bibliography Regional AIDS Training Network Resource Centre The RATN bibliography. 80pp. free RATN 2001 KE Regional AIDS Training Network Secretariat Regional AIDS training network bibliography. [twice yearly] 149pp. free RATN 1999 KE AIDS—Africa, Southern Bate, S., ed. Responsibility in a time of AIDS: a pastoral response by Catholic theologians and AIDS activists in southern Africa. ISBN: 0620304820 R70.00 ($14.00) Cluster 2003[?] SA Byamugisha, G., Steinitz, L.Y., Williams, G., Zondi, P. Journeys of faith. Church-based responses to HIV and AIDS in three southern African countries. ISBN: 0954306007 110pp. R12.50 Cluster 2002 SA
Chirambo, K. Impact of HIV/AIDS on electoral processes in southern Africa. (EISA occasional papers, 20) R20.00 EISA 2004 SA Chirambo, K., Caesar, M. AIDS and governance in southern Africa: emerging theories and perspectives. ISBN: 1919798528 cd. 186pp. (£19.95) HSRC Publ 2003 SA Dlamini, P.K. A description of the selected interventions for the care of orphans and vulnerable children in Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe. ISBN: 0796920656 24pp. R50.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Dlamini, P.K., Skinner, D., Zungu-Dirwayi, N. HIV/AIDS in southern Africa. Report of the colloquium 26-27 November 2003. ISBN: 0796920680 22pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Institute of Development Studies Zimbabwe human development report 2003: redirecting our response to HIV and AIDS. ISBN: 0797427902 232pp. (£16.99) ZIDS 2003 ZI Martin, H.G. A comparative analysis of the financing of HIV/AIDS programmes in Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. ISBN: 0796920508 72pp. R100.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA Matjila, J. The Macmillan Boleswa AIDS awareness programme. Teachers guide junior secondary level. 26pp. R11.25 Macmillan - SA 1994 SA Matjila, J. The Macmillan Boleswa AIDS awareness programme. Teachers guide senior primary level. R11.25 Macmillan - SA 1993 SA Richter, L., Manegold, J., Pather, R. Family and community interventions for children affected by AIDS. ISBN: 0796920672 192pp. R135.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Stally, A., Fleet, M., Mhambi, K. Report on SAfAIDS regional media needs assessment. 29pp. free SAFAIDS 1999 ZI Visagie, C.J. The complete story of HIV and AIDS. A practical guide for the ordinary sexually active person. ISBN: 0627024157 72pp. R54.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA Whiteside, A. AIDS in southern Africa. A position paper by ERU and Development Bank of Southern Africa. (Special Series, 1) R5.00 Economic Res Unit 1990 SA Whiteside, A. Implications of AIDS for demography and policy in southern Africa. ISBN: 0869809407 158pp. R50.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1998 SA Zungu-Dirwayi, N., Shisana, O., Udjo, E., Mosala, T., Seager, J. An audit of HIV/AIDS policies. In Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. ISBN: 0796920664 99pp. R80.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA AIDS—Bibliography INADES Faire face au SIDA. Bibliographie commentée. 36pp. Inades 1994 IV FRE AIDS—Botswana Briscoe, A. Managing HIV and AIDS at work in Botswana. ISBN: 9991290273 P20.00 Morula 2001 BS Dingake, O.K. AIDS and human rights in Botswana. ISBN: 9991290273 P20.00 Morula 2000 BS
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Kwafo-Akoto, K. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), 4 January-21 December 1994. [Press cuttings] P10.00 NIDCR 1995 BS Kwafo-Akoto, K. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), 5 January-23 December 1993. [Press cuttings] P10.00 NIDCR 1995 BS Siandula, H. The Botswana schools HIV/AIDS information booklet. ISBN: 9991204040 P20.00 Artmania 2002 BS Ubombwa-Jaswa, P. Mass media and AIDS in Botswana: what the newspapers say and their implications. (Working papers, 63) P20.00 NIDCR 1993 BS AIDS—Botswana—Bibliography Esilaba, A., et al. HIV/AIDS in Botswana: an annotated bibliography. 117pp. Univ Botswana 2003 BS AIDS—Congo Democratic Republic Joinet, B., Mugolola, T. La flotille de l’espoir. 2nd ed. 124pp. ill. ($1.00) BERPS 2000 ZR FRE AIDS—Kenya Aliber, M., Walker, C., Machera, M., Kamau, P., Omondi, C., Kanyinga, K. The impact of HIV/AIDS on land rights. Case studies from Kenya. ISBN: 0796920540 224pp. R140.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium Kenya AIDS NGOs consortium. col.pl. KANCO 2002[?] KE
Kisubi, W.K., Omondi, C. Home-based care for people living with HIV/AIDS: home care handbook: supporting primary care givers. 39pp. ill. Pathfinder 2000 KE
Webb, D., Simon, D. Migrants, money and the military: the social epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in Ovambo, northern Namibia. (NEPRU occasional paper, 5) 38pp. N$21.00 NEPRU 1995 SX AIDS—Nigeria Adamu, H.Y. AIDS awareness. ISBN: 9780292543 194pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Spectrum 2002 NR AIDS—South Africa Brookes, H., Shisana, O., Richter, L. The national household HIV prevalence and risk survey of South African children. ISBN: 0796920559 64pp. R75.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Campbell, C. ‘Letting them die’. Why HIV/AIDS prevention programmes fail. ISBN: 0852558678 cd. 224pp. K.shs.1,940 (£40.00) ISBN: 0852558686 (£12.95) Double Storey 2003 SA [Africa only. Copublished with James Currey, Oxford, UK & Indiana University Press, USA] Crewe, M. AIDS in South Africa: the myth and the reality. 87pp. R21.99 Penguin SA SA Deacon, H., Stephney, I., Prosalendis, S. Understanding HIV/AIDS stigma. A theoretical and methodological analysis. ISBN: 0796921040 112pp. R140.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Desmond, C., Boyce, G. Assessing the costs of a rural prevention of mother-to-child transmission pilot study in the Eastern Cape. ISBN: 079692063X 32pp. R70.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Fox, J. Nkosi’s story. ISBN: 0864865333 303pp. col.pl. (£8.99) Spearhead 2002 SA
Onyango-Ajus, P. About AIDS and widow inheritance. ISBN: 996621948X 36pp. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2004 KE
Freeman, M., comp. Mental health and HIV/AIDS. Report on a round-table discussion March 2003. ISBN: 079692032X 148pp. R50.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA
St. Camillus Hospital, comp. I bought AIDS in a bar and other true stories. ISBN: 9966218068 56pp. K.shs.30.00 Paulines 2002 KE
Gennrich, D., ed. The church in an HIV+ world. A practical handbook. ISBN: 062031611X 190pp. R50.00 ($10.00) Cluster 2004 SA
AIDS—Namibia du Pisani, A., Otaala, B., eds. UNAM HIV/AIDS policy. ISBN: 9991659099 67pp. ($16.95/£9.95) UNAM 2002 SX Haihambo, C., Hayden, J., Otaala, B., Zimba, R. An assessment of services provided to children affected and infected by HIV/ AIDS in Windhoek, Namibia. 56pp. UNAM 2004 SX Iipinge, S., Hofnie, K., Friedman, S. The relationship between gender roles and HIV infection in Namibia. 54pp. UNAM 2004 SX Iipinge, S., Hofnie, K., Friedman, S. The relationship between gender roles and HIV infection in Namibia. ISBN: 9991663738 281pp. ($30.95/£18.95) UNAM 2004 SX Otaala, B., comp. & ed. HIV/AIDS: the challenge for tertiary institutions in Namibia. ISBN: 9991653469 209pp. ($30.95/£20.95) UNAM 2000 SX Otaala, B., ed. HIV/AIDS: government leaders in Namibia responding to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. ISBN: 9991663215 242pp. col.ill.col.pl. ($30.95/£18.95) UNAM 2003 SX Phororo, H. HIV/AIDS: who suffers in Namibia? (NEPRU working paper, 84) ISBN: 10269258 26pp. N$19.00 NEPRU 2002 SX
HSRC Child, Youth and Family Development Research Programme & Department of Social Development Fertility: current South African issues of poverty, HIV/AIDS and youth. ISBN: 0796920354 124pp. R80.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA Human Sciences Research Council Nelson Mandela/HSRC study of HIV/ AIDS: South African national HIV prevalence, behavioural risks and mass media. Household survey 2002. ISBN: 0796920079 121pp. ill.maps R125.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA Page, J., Louw, M., Pakkiri, D. Working with HIV/AIDS. ISBN: 0702171913 136pp. R120.00 Juta 2006 SA Rehle, T., Shisana, O. The impact of antiretroviral treatment on AIDS mortality. A study focusing on educators in South African public schools. ISBN: 0796921975 24pp. R50.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Rehle, T., Shisana, O., Glencross, D., Colvin, M. HIV positive educators in South African public schools: predictions for prophylaxsis and antiretroviral. ISBN: 0796921032 R75.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Shisana, O. Nelson Mandela/HSRC study of HIV/ AIDS. South African national HIV prevalence, behavioural risks and mass media household survey 2002. Executive summary. ISBN: 0796920184 36pp. R45.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA
Shisana, O., Hall, E., Maluleke, K.R. The impact of HIV/AIDS on the health sector. National survey of health personnel, ambulatory and hospitalised patients and health facilities 2002. ISBN: 1875017852 191pp. R145.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA Shisana, O., Mehtar, S. HIV risk exposure among young children. A study of 2-9 year olds served by public health facilities in the Free State. ISBN: 7096920990 112pp. R90.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Shisana, O., Pelzer, K., Zungu-Dirwayi, N., Louw, J. The health of our educators. A focus on HIV/AIDS in South African public schools. ISBN: 0796921016 200pp. R110.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Simbayi, L., Letlape, L., Zuma, K., Skinner, D. Workplace policies in public education. A review focusing on HIV/AIDS. ISBN: 0796921121 180pp. R120.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Smart, R., Webb, D., Fincham, R.J. HIV/AIDS: the longer term implications for commerce and industry. A discussion paper for the Pietermaritzburg Chamber of Commerce and Industries. (INR occasional paps., 130) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Strode, A., Grant, K.B., eds. Understanding the institutional dynamics of South Africa’s response to the HIV/ AIDS pandemic. ISBN: 1919798668 63pp. Idasa 2004 SA Walker, L., Reid, G. Waiting to happen. HIV/AIDS in South Africa. The bigger picture. ISBN: 1919930396 144pp. R150.00 Double Storey 2004 SA Webb, D. The social epidemiology of HIV and the development of HIV/AIDS prevention in New Hanover, Natal. (INR working paps., 92) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA AIDS—Study and teaching Babendreier, J. AIDS education for the youth. [Also available in Swahili.] ISBN: 9966882553 75pp. col.ill.pl. ($4.00) Focus 2000 KE Bajah, S.T., Oroge, S.A., Bello, O.O. AIDS: the wicked disease. ISBN: 9782951471 37pp. col.ill. ($11.95/£6.95) CSS 2002 NR van Dyk, A. HIV/AIDS care and counselling. A multidisciplinary approach. ISBN: 186891074 442pp. ill. (£16.99) Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Winkler, G., Bodenstein, M. Teaching about HIV and AIDS. ISBN: 1405031247 160pp. Macmillan Academic 2005 SA AIDS—Tanzania Tibandebage, P. Levels and determinants of expenditures on the treatment of HIV/AIDS in Tanzania. 27pp. ill. Dar es Salaam UP 1997 TZ AIDS—Uganda Damalie, N. Communication between mothers and their adolescent daughters on the subject of sexuality and HIV/AIDS in Uganda. (Gender issues research reports, 13) ISBN: 16086295 112pp. ($16.95/£9.95) OSSREA 2001 ET Fountain Publishers The Fountain youth survival kit for schools. A teacher’s handbook on HIV/ AIDS prevention in schools. part 3 ISBN: 9970023845 92pp. ill. ($49.95/ £29.95 set of 3) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG Fountain Publishers The Fountain youth survival kit for schools. Pupil’s resource book. part 1 ISBN: 9970023845 46pp. ill. ($49.95/ £29.95 set of 3) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
AIDS—Uganda Fountain Publishers The Fountain youth survival kit for schools. Student’s resource book. part 2 ISBN: 9970023845 68pp. ill. ($49.95/ £29.95 set of 3) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG Sentumbwe, S. Knowledge and sexual behavioural patterns related to HIV/AIDS among commercial sex workers in Kampala. (Gender issues research reports, 14) ISBN: 16086295 112pp. ($16.95/£9.95) OSSREA 2001 ET AIDS—Zimbabwe Hall, N., Stally, A. Report on regional editor’s workshop on HIV/AIDS. 45pp. free SAFAIDS 1999 ZI Iliff, P. Health for whom? Mother and child care in times of AIDS, poverty and ESAP. 73pp. ($4.10) Mambo 1995 ZI Jackson, H., Civic, D., comps. Family coping and AIDS in Zimbabwe: a study. (Research unit, 4) 72pp. Z$25.00 ($10.00) School Soc Work 1994 ZI Jackson, H., Mhambi, K., comps. AIDS home care: a baseline survey in Zimbabwe. (Research Unit series, 3) 48pp. School Soc Work 1992 ZI Kaniki, T. Perceptions of employers about HIV/ AIDS in micro and small enterprises employing women workers. A case study of Harare. ISBN: 1904855318 44pp. ($11.95/£6.95) OSSREA 2003 ET Moyo, C. Let’s learn about AIDS. 40pp. ill. Z$49.95 ($3.40) College Press -Zimb 1992 ZI Mutangadura, G., Mukurazita, D., Jackson, H., Rugalema, G. Responding to HIV/AIDS: technology development needs of African smallholder agriculture. 28pp. free SAFAIDS 1998 ZI Southern Africa AIDS Information Dissemination Service & Zimbabwe AIDS Network Zimbabwe AIDS directory: 1995. 126pp. SAFAIDS 1995 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Gender and HIV/AIDS: an analysis of Zimbabwe’s national policies and programmes on HIV/AIDS. 20pp. Z$1,400 ZWRCN 2002 ZI AIDS—Zimbabwe—Bibliography Mutsakani, B., Sendah, M., Kerhoven, R., Lindsey, D., comps. An annotated bibliography of research on STIs/HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe. vol.1: biomedical research free SAFAIDS 1998 ZI Mutsakani, B., Sendah, M., Kerkhoven, R., Lindsey, D., comps. An annotated bibliography of research on STIs/HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe. vol.2: epidemiological research free SAFAIDS 1998 ZI Mutsakani, B., Sendah, M., Kerkhoven, R., Lindsey, D., comps. An annotated bibliography of research on STIs/HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe. vol.3: clinical research free SAFAIDS 1998 ZI Mutsakani, B., Sendah, M., Kerkhoven, R., Lindsey, D., comps. An annotated bibliography of research on STIs/HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe. vol.4 free SAFAIDS 1998 ZI Mutsakani, B., Sendah, M., Kerkhoven, R., Lindsey, D., comps. An annotated bibliography of research on STIs/HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe. vol.5: bibliographic citations for vol.1-4 free SAFAIDS 1998 ZI AIDS—Zimbabwe—Directories Mhiti, C., Mkaronda, J. HIV/AIDS net: a directory of websites on HIV/AIDS relevant to southern Africa. ISBN: 0797419470 30pp. free SAFAIDS 2002 ZI
Subject index Airlines—Africa Camerapix Bringing Africa together: the story of an airline. [Pictorial volume on history of Ethiopian Airlines.] cd. 191pp. pl. col.pl. ($19.95) Camerapix 1989 KE Lessedjina Ikwame Ipu’ozia La coopération multilaterale interafricaine en aviation civile. Les institutions Africains relatives à l’aviation civile. 156pp. Z4.50 Press Univ Congo 1977 ZR FRE Airlines—South Africa Beckett, D. Jetlag. 240pp. R122.81 Penguin SA 2001 SA Ajibade, Kunle—Autobiography Ajibade, K. Jailed for life: a reporter’s prison notes. ISBN: 9781295597 228pp. ($27.95/ £16.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 2003 NR Ajibola, Reverend—Biography Oluwide, B. Half-a-century: Rev. Ajibola’s missionary life. cd. 237pp. pl. N200.00 ($7.50/ £5.00) WAEC&SRL 1984 NR Ajiki, Sanmi—Autobiography Ajiki, S. A rainbow in the sky of time. ISBN: 9783083589 cd. 454pp. N2,500/($25.00/ £20.00) ISBN: 9783083589 N2,000/ ($20.00/£15.00) Newswatch 2000 NR Akamba (African people)—Anthropology, Socio-cultural O’Leary, M. The Kitui Akamba: economic and social change in semi-arid Kenya. 144pp. K.shs.370.00 ($13.75/£7.50) EAEP 1984 KE Akan (African people)—Anthropology, Socio-cultural Ackah, C.A. Akan ethics: a study of morals and the moral behaviour of the Akan tribes of Ghana. 148pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Ghana UP 1988 GH Opoku, K.A. Hearing and keeping vol. 2 - Akan proverbs. 163pp. ($8.00) Asempa 1997 GH
Alberione, James—Biography Ugenti, A. Alberione. ISBN: 9966219463 136pp. Paulines 2004 KE Alcohol A’Syatakali’. Should we drink? 28pp. ill. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1972 GH Barnard, A. Sober. ISBN: 0864873883 104pp. R10.00 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Enslin, M.D. Problem drivers: the effects and after effects of alcohol on driver proficiency. (CSIR Special Report PERS, 222) 68pp. CSIR 1975 SA Pierre, B., Courtejoie, J., Mavinga, N. Alcoholism. trans.f.t. French 184pp. ill. pl. ($3.00) BERPS 1983 ZR Pierre, B., Courtejoie, J., Mavinga, N. Alcoolisme. [Also available in English.] 190pp. ($3.00) BERPS 1983 ZR FRE Alcohol—Africa—Bibliography Molamu, L., Gessesse, K. Alcohol and alcoholism in Africa: a bibliography. (NIR working bibliographies) P2.85 NIDCR 1988 BS Alcohol—Africa, East Willis, J. Potent brews. A social history of alcohol in East Africa 1850-1999. ISBN: 0852554710 cd. 320pp. ill.pl.maps (£45.00) ISBN: 0852554702 (£16.95) EAEP 2002 KE [co-published with The British Institute in East Africa, Nairobi, Kenya; Mkuki na Nyota, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Fountain Publishers, Kampala, Uganda; James Currey, Oxford, UK & Ohio University Press, USA] Algeria—Cities and towns Comité du Vieil Alger Feuillets d’El-Djezair. 2nd ed. 2 vols. ISBN: 9961773020 368pp. ill.maps DA820.00 (Eur23.50) Tell 2003 AE FRE Marçais, G. Tlemcen, ville d’art célèbre. [Also available in Arabic.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 9961773098 152pp. ill.maps DA520.00 (Eur14.70) Tell 2003 AE FRE
Akan (African people)—Bibliography Warren, D.M. The Akan of Ghana: an overview of the ethnographic literature. 80pp. ill. pl. ($5.00) C280.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1986 GH
Algeria—Guide books Ferdi, S. Tipasa et Cherchel. Brochure en français, anglais et arabe. ISBN: 9961773225 24pp. col.pl.maps DA45.00 Tell 2005 AE FRE
Akan (African people)—Folklore Asante, E.K.A. Akan proverbs. Their origins, meanings and symbolic representations. ISBN: 9964782799 92pp. C10,000 ($5.00) Asempa 2002 GH
Algeria—History Henry, J-R. L’Algérie et la France. Destins et imaginaires croisés. ISBN: 9961773233 48pp. col.pl. DA700.00 Tell 2005 AE FRE [Algeria only.]
Opuku, K.A. Hearing and keeping: Akan proverbs (Ghana). vol.2 186pp. R32.50 Unisa 1997 SA
Marçais, G. Villes et campagnes d’Algérie. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9961773179 152pp. col.pl. DA1,200 Tell 2005 AE FRE
Akan (African people)—Social life and customs Niangoran-Bouah, G. L’univers Akan des poids à peser l’or. Les poids non-figuratifs. vol.1 cd. 316pp. col.pl. CFA22,000 NEI 1984 IV MUL
Algeria—Politics and government El-Kenz, A., ed. Algeria. The challenge of modernity. [Also available in French.] cd. & 331pp. ($63.00/£39.50 cd.) ($33.00/£18.50 pap.) CODESRIA 1991 SG
Niangoran-Bouah, G. L’univers Akan des poids à peser l’or. Les poids dans la société. vol.3 328pp. col.pl. CFA25,000 NEI 1987 IV MUL Akani, Esther—Biography Akani, C. Esther. The pains of womanhood. ISBN: 9782954322 53pp. N500.00 Paragraph 1999 NR Akintola, R.—Biography Akintola, V. L. Akintola: the man and the legend. 144pp. ill. (£3.00) N4.00 Delta 1982 NR al Farid, Ibn—Biography Homerin, T.E. From Arab poet to muslim saint. ISBN: 9774246683 176pp. E£70.00 Am Univ 2001 UA
El Kenz, A., ed. L’Algérie et la modernité. [Also available in English.] 491pp. CFA1,000 ($10.00/ £5.00/Eur10.00) CODESRIA 1989 SG FRE Pondi, J.E. Comprendre la crise algérienne. 32pp. CFA1,000 CRAC 1995 CM FRE Alison—Autobiography Alison, Thamm, M. I have life. ISBN: 0140280790 275pp. col.pl. R83.33 Penguin SA 2002 SA [No UK, US, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Germany] American—Study and teaching—Africa Horn, A., Carter, G.E., eds. American studies in Africa. 133pp. ($4.95) M5.00 Univ Press Lesotho 1984 LO
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African Books in Print
Angola—Politics and government
Subject index American literature—Drama Miller, A. Death of a salesman. 144pp. K.shs.190.00 EAEP 1949 KE American literature—Examinations, questions Asein, S., Olagunju, O. Notes on Ernest Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea”. 72pp. N57.75 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1986 NR Langa, M. Carnet: Moshekwe Langa. ISBN: 1770130814 cd. 24pp. pl. R49.95 Double Storey 2005 SA American literature—Fiction Hunter, K. The soul brothers and Sisterlou. 249pp. Z$65.25 ZPH 1990 ZI
new ed.
American studies Indangasi, H., Mutoro, H., Munen, M., eds. American studies in eastern Africa. 132pp. ($3.40) Nairobi UP 1993 KE Amharic—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Bekele, D. Hiyaw fikir. [Immortal love.] 354pp. ($2.50) Mega 1996 ET AMH D., S., [Anon?] Qonjowochu. [The beautiful ones.] 303pp. Mega 1996 ET AMH Desta, G.K. Tsiwtsway. ET AMH
151pp. Birr8.45 Mega 1998
Dostoyevsky, F. Wonjel ena kitat. trans.f.t. Russian by Kassa Geberhiwot and Fantu Sahle [Crime and punishment.] ISBN: 1931253307 383pp. ($12.00) Shama 2005 ET AMH Gebregzabher, S. Hanos. [Romantic novel.] 459pp. Birr17.85 Mega 1998 ET AMH Gebregzabher, S. Tikusat. [Passion.] Mega 1998 ET AMH
281pp. Birr14.65
Gedamu, T. Andshi andlelit. [One thousand and one nights.] 169pp. pl. Birr8.80 Mega 1997 ET AMH Mega Publishing Enterprise Chikagina tel. [The fog and its shadow. A collection of short stories.] 287pp. Birr13.50 Mega 1998 ET AMH Nigusu, S. Yeqinat zar. [Obsessed by jealousy.] 283pp. Birr12.50 Mega 1996 ET AMH Retta, A. Gracha kachloch. [Novel.] ISBN: 1931253315 462pp. ($12.00) Shama 2005 ET AMH Serk, D. Konjowochu. [The beautiful ones.] 303pp. Birr.13.90 Mega 1996 ET AMH Amharic—General and Non-fiction Abrham, E. Yahlywete tizita. [Reminiscences of my life.] 312pp. col. ill. pl. Birr32.00 ($15.00) Addis Ababa UP 2000 ET AMH Debalke, G. Asnakech Worku. [Biography.] ISBN: 1931253226 72pp. ($8.99) Shama 2003 ET AMH Hailemariam, S. Yetalak sewoch ewnetegna yefikir tarikoch. [Romance of famous persons in the world.] 173pp. Birr9.50 Mega 1998 ET AMH Jembere, A. Abba gesset. [Biography of Abebe Aregay.] ISBN: 1931253242 175pp. ($8.99) Shama 2005 ET AMH Jembere, A. Bechagnaw sew. [Biography of Teferawork Kidanewold.] ISBN: 1931253250 107pp. ($8.99) Shama 2005 ET AMH
Mega Publishing Enterprise Terarochen yanketekete tiwld. [The generation that shook the mountains. Stories of patriots and political parties.] vol.3 376pp. Birr13.00 Mega 1998 ET AMH
Amu, Ephraim—Biography Agyemang, F. Amu the African, a study in vision and courage: biography of Dr Ephraim Amu. cd. & 208pp. pl. C2,000 ($10.00) cd. C1,000 Asempa 1989 GH
Mega Publishing Enterprise Terarochen yanketekete tiwld. [The generation that shook the mountains. Stories of patriots and political parties.] vol.1 253pp. Birr13.00 Mega 1998 ET AMH
Anaesthetics Coetzee, A., van der Merwe, W., ed. Introduction to anaesthesiology. new ed. ISBN: 0195713036 560pp. ill. R375.00 OUP - SA 1998 SA
Mega Publishing Enterprises Terarochen yanketekete tiwld. [The generation that shook the mountains. Stories of patriots and political parties.] vol.2 342pp. Birr15.00 Mega 1998 ET AMH Melka, G. Kemanawkachew alemat mistirawi inkisikasewoch. [Unidentified flying objects from outer space.] 215pp. Birr10.00 Mega 1996 ET AMH Neqniq, M. Tilqua Etyopia: yebizu negedotch mahibereseb. [Greater Ethiopia: the evolution of multi-ethnic society.] 224pp. maps Birr20.00 ($15.00) Addis Ababa UP 2001 ET AMH Triuzi, A. Yewallaga yetarik senedootch: Ke 18801920 (E.C.) [Documents for Wallaga history (1880s-1920s)] 380pp. ill. col. pl. maps Birr65.00 ($20.00) Addis Ababa UP 2004 ET AMH Amharic—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Abrham, Z. Mushrawa ayit. [The bride rat.] 16pp. col.ill. Birr3.40 Mega 1998 ET AMH Ayele, G. Tinchelu Petros. [Peter Rabbit.] 32pp. col.ill. Birr4.95 Mega 1998 ET AMH Amharic language—Dictionaries Abebe, B. Dictionnaire Amharique-Français. ISBN: 1931253323 351pp. ($17.00) Shama 2004 ET MUL Abebe, B. Dictionnaire Français-Amharique. ISBN: 193125320X 351pp. ($18.00) Shama 2003 ET MUL Gutt, E., Mohammed, H. Silte-Amharic-English dictionary. cd. 1015pp. Birr50.00 ($50.00) Addis Ababa UP 1997 ET MUL Leslau, W. Concise Amharic dictionary. ISBN: 1931253072 538pp. ($20.00) Shama 2001 ET MUL Amin, Idi—Biography Kyemba, H. A state of blood. The inside story of Idi Amin. 288pp. U.shs.8,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1997 UG Amin, Mohammed—Biography Nyutho, E. Mohamed Amin: the eyes of Africa. ISBN: 9966951024 86pp. col.ill. K.shs.180.00 ($9.95) Sasa Sema 2000 KE Smith, B. The man who moved the world. ISBN: 1874041997 cd. 300pp. pl. (£20.00) Camerapix 1998 KE Amira-Bournaz, Maherzia—Autobiography Amira-Bournaz, M. Maherzia se souvient. Tunis 1930. ISBN: 9973193865 184pp. Cérès 1999 TI FRE Amphibians Lambiris, A. Frogs and toads of the Natal Drakensberg. 72pp. R35.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1988 SA Amphibians—South Africa Channing, A. Amphibians of central and southern Africa. ISBN: 1919825630 cd. 448pp. ill.col.pl.maps R349.95 Protea 2001 SA
Oduntan, O. A handbook of anaesthetics for medical students and general medical practitioners. 156pp. N329.20 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR Anaesthetics—Africa Dobson, M. L’anésthésie à l’hôpital rural tropical. 191pp. pl. ($13.00) BERPS 1995 ZR FRE Anaesthetics—Study and teaching Wilson, I., Sinclair, R. Tutorials in anaesthesia. 182pp. K.shs.750.00 AMREF 1995 KE Anatomy Anibeze, C. Anatomy of the nervous system. ISBN: 9782335802 256pp. N450.00 Delta 2003 NR Kimani, J.K. A manual on microscopic anatomy. 249pp. ill. ($10.00) K.shs.120.00 Nairobi UP 1990 KE Anatomy—Addresses and essays Ashiru, O.A. Man know thyself and you shall obtain the healing power. 29pp. ($6.50/£3.50) Univ Lagos Press 1992 NR Anatomy—Study and teaching Allan, J., Kramer, B. Fundamentals of embryology. A student manual. ISBN: 1868143821 256pp. pl. R225.00 Witwatersrand UP 2002 SA de Clerck, M., Pierre, B. Anatomie - physiologie pour infirmiers africains. cd. 450pp. ill. (Eur24.00) BERPS 2005 ZR FRE Kieser, J., Allan, J. Practical anatomy. The human body dissected. ISBN: 1868143090 550pp. ill. R190.00 Witwatersrand UP 1999 SA Meiring, J.H., et al. Human anatomy. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0627024580 784pp. R429.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA Angling—Africa Hansford Steele, B. African fly fishing: a guide to freshwater and saltwater fly fishing in Africa. rev.ed. ISBN: 186872882X 472pp. col.pl.maps (£24.99) Struik Publ 2004 SA Lane, K., Lane, L. African fly-fishing safari. ISBN: 1868728404 cd. 176pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 2003 SA Angling—South Africa Crass, B. Trout fishing in South Africa. cd. 250pp. ill. col.ill. R24.95 Macmillan - SA 1986 SA Angola—Bibliography Strachan, B., comp. Angola: the struggle for power. The political, social and economic context 1980-1993. A select and annotated bibliography. (SAIIA bibliographic series, 28) R110.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1994 SA Angola—History Kake, I.B. Anne Zingha - Reine d’Angola, première résistante à l’invasion portugaise. (Coll. “Grandes figures africaines”) 112pp. CFA750.00 NEAS 1975 SG FRE Angola—Politics and government Bridgland, F. Jonas Savimbi: a key to Africa. 272pp. pl. R34.95 Macmillan - SA 1986 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Angola—Politics and government Campbell, H. War and peace in Angola. (IDS discussion paper, 17) 43pp. Z$30.00 ($7.00/£4.00) ZIDS 1995 ZI Campbell, H., ed. Humanitarianism, war and the recolonisation of Angola. (Southern African political economy series, 11) ISBN: 1779050550 45pp. ($6.95/£3.95) SAPES 2000 ZI Garuba, C.A. The challenge of peace. Reflections of a UN force commander in Angola. ISBN: 0010003724 cd. 240pp. col.pl. Gabumo 1999 NR Garuba, C.A. The United Nations peace mission in Angola. A personal odyssey. ISBN: 0010003600 cd. 170pp. col.pl.maps Gabumo 1999 NR Grobbelaar, N., Mills, G., Siridopoulos, E. Angola: prospects for peace and prosperity. ISBN: 1919810501 112pp. R80.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2003 SA Grobbelaar, N., Sidiropoulos, E. Observer or participant? The role of civil society in Angola. (SAIIA report, 27) ISBN: 1919810579 SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA Humbaraci, A. Portugal’s African wars. 2256pp. maps. T.shs.2,500 Tanz Publ House 1975 TZ [Africa only] Kaure, A.T. Angola. From socialism to liberal reforms. ISBN: 1779050836 69pp. Z$110.00 ($13.97/£7.95) SAPES 1999 ZI Matloff, J. Fragments of a forgotten war. (£8.95) Penguin SA 1997 SA
Sellström, T. Observer’s report on the Angolan elections, 29-30 September 1992. (NEPRU working paper, 19) 7pp. N$10.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Shaw, M., Nkosi, N. Angola: war without end? (SAIIA country report, 2) ISBN: 1919810307 SA Inst Int Affairs 2001 SA Sogge, D., comp. Sustainable peace; Angola’s recovery. 164pp. ill.pl. ($27.00/£15.00) Southern Afric Res & Docs 1992 ZI Soremekun, O. Angola. The road to independence. 252pp. ($21.50/£11.50) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1984 NR Wolfers, M., Bergerol, J. Angola in the front line. 256pp. Z$6.95 ZPH 1984 ZI [Southern Africa only] Animal science see also Cattle Domestic animals Livestock Veterinary science Zoology Boyazoglu, P.A., Goenwald, J.W. Animal nutrition. 2nd ed. 389pp. R204.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA Animal science—Dictionaries Boujenane, I., Srairi, M.T. Lexique des termes de productions animales. [Text in French, English, Arabic.] ISBN: 9981801488 112pp. Dir50.00 ($5.00/£5.00) Actes Ed 1998 MR FRE Osterhoff, D.R., Eksteen, L.C. Genetical and statistical dictionary for animal science. cd. 91pp. R44.95 Pharos 1997 SA MUL Ankrah, K.E.—Autobiography Ankrah, K.E. Development and the church of Uganda: mission, myths and metaphors. 197pp. K.shs.500.00 ($15.00) Acton 1999[?] KE
Subject index Ano (African people)—Social life and customs Deniel, R. Une société paysanne de Côte d’Ivoire: les Ano. Traditions et changement. 228pp. ill. CFA1,600 Inades 1976 IV FRE Antarctic regions Council for Scientific and Industrial Research South African Antarctic Research Programme, 1978-1982. 39pp. CSIR 1978 SA Antarctica—Travel Pinnock, D. Blue ice: travels in Antarctica. ISBN: 1770130136 224pp. R175.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Anthropology see also Archaeology Ethnology Evolution Museums works containing material on both Physical and Socio-Cultural Anthropology see also as a sub-division under names of specific countries or regions Coppens, Y. Lucy’s knee: the story of man and the story of his story. ISBN: 1919825894 176pp. ill. R120.00 Protea 2002 SA d’Errico, F. From tools to symbols. From early hominids to modern humans. ISBN: 1868144003 Witwatersrand UP 2005 SA Eitel, K. Transforming culture. ISBN: 9966850031 189pp. K.shs.100.00 Evangel 1998 KE Johanson, D., Edgar, B. From Lucy to language. cd. 272pp. col.pl. R195.00 Witwatersrand UP 1996 SA [Southern Africa only] Tobias, P.V. Dart, Taung and the “missing link”. 67pp. pl. R8.00 Witwatersrand UP 1984 SA Tomaselli, K.G. Appropriating images: the semiotics of visual anthropology. 332pp. pl. R170.00 ($32.00/£19.00) Cont Cult Studies 1996 SA Anthropology—Addresses and essays de Wet, C.J. No longer in their own place: anthropology in search of its subject-matter. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA Imam, M.M. The future of man. 21pp. pl. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1974 GH Mayer, P. Witches. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1954 SA McAllister, P., ed. Culture and the commonplace. Anthropological essays in honour of David Hammond-Tooke. ISBN: 1868143260 400pp. (£18.95) Witwatersrand UP 1998 SA Whisson, M.G. World views, joking and liberated women some reflections on the application of kinship theory. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1979 SA Anthropology—Africa Behrend, H., Luig, U., eds. Spirit possession, modernity and power in Africa. ISBN: 0852552599 cd. & 192pp. (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852552599 (£14.95 pap.) Fountain Publ-Ug 1999 UG [Uganda only. Also published by EAEP, Kenya] Benchekroun, M.F., et al. Les puissances du symbole. ISBN: 9981838489 144pp. Dir65.00 Fennec 2000 MR FRE
Dovonou, A.Z. Nature et grâce en fraternité pour une reconstruction de l’ethnicité. ISBN: 9991941282 92pp. CFA2,000 Flamboyant 2001 DM FRE Furniss, G., Gunner, L. Power, marginality and African oral literature. R98.95 Witwatersrand UP 1996 SA [Southern Africa only] Hodgson, D.L., ed. Rethinking pastoralism in Africa. Gender, culture and the myth of the patriarchal pastoralist. ISBN: 0852559127 cd. & 388pp. (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852559119 (£16.95 pap.) EAEP 2000 KE Ingoapele, M. Africa my beginning. new ed. ISBN: 0620249641 35pp. col.ill. R24.00 Skotaville 2000 SA Koyelongo, J.P. La mort africaine, idéologie funéraire en Afrique noire. 338pp. ($95.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE LeBeau, D., Gordan, R.J., eds. Challenges for anthropology in the ‘African Renaissance’. A southern African contribution. ISBN: 9991659420 332pp. ill.pl.maps ($39.95/£23.95) UNAM 2002 SX Mamdani, M., ed. Cultural transformations in Africa. ISBN: 0864864299 299pp. Philip 1998 SA Mariko, K.A. Le monde mystérieux des chasseurs traditionnels. 200pp. CFA1,200 NEAS 1982 SG FRE Mudiji, M. Le langage des masques africains. cd. 287pp. ($159.00) Kap Kaz 1999 ZR FRE Mveng, E., Lipawing, B.L. Théologie, libération et cultures africaines. Dialogue sur l’anthropologie négro-africaine. 232pp. CLE 1996 CM FRE Nchoji Nkwi, P., ed. The anthropology of Africa: challenges for the 21st century. Proceedings of the 9th annual conference of the Pan African Anthropological Association. ISBN: 9956140015 423pp. CFA10,000 ($25.00) ICASSRT 2000 CM Nchoji Nkwi, P., Socpa, A. The African anthropologist. ISBN: 9956140023 95pp. CFA5,000 ($10.00) ICASSRT 2001 CM Nkwi, P.N., ed. The anthropology of Africa: challenges for the 21st century: proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the Pan African Anthropological Association, Yaoundé, Cameroon, August 30September 2, 1999. ISBN: 9956140015 423pp. ill.maps ICASSRT 1999 CM Obenga, T., Souindoula, S. Les Bantu: langues peuples et civilisations. 2 vols. 375pp. CFA5,000 CICBA 2000 GO FRE Ombolo, J.P. Quand l’homme mangeait de l’homme. Le cannibalisme et son visage en Afrique noire. ISBN: 2912086205 90pp. PUA 2000 CM FRE Paulines Publications Ethnicity: blessing or curse. ISBN: 9966214575 88pp. K.shs.180.00 ($2.50) Paulines 1999 KE Serubibi, I. L’Afrique des peuples. Vers une synthèse éthnique sans pseudo-Etats ni faussenations? 396pp. ($68.00) Kalombo ZR FRE Shorter, A. African culture. An overview. Socioanthropology. (African church handbook, 7) ISBN: 9966244127 110pp. K.shs.270.00 ($5.00) Paulines 1998 KE Tchegho, J-M. A la découverte des mystères de la succession. ISBN: 9956411035 92pp. CFA3,000 (Eur8.00) Demos 2005 CM FRE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 74
African Books in Print
Subject index
Anthropology, Physical—Uganda
Anthropology—Africa, East Anderson, D.M., Broch-Due, V., eds. The poor are not us. Poverty and pastoralism in eastern Africa. ISBN: 0852552661 cd. & 288pp. maps K.shs.2,240 (£40.00) cd. (£14.95 pap.) EAEP 2000 KE [Kenya only] Anthropology—Africa, North Kurimoto, E., Simonse, S. Conflict, age and power in north east Africa. ISBN: 0852552513 270pp. K.shs.2,530 EAEP 1998 KE Temimi, A., ed. La culture arabo-islamique en Afrique au sud du Sahara: cas de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. 487pp. ($130.00) FTRSI 1997 TI FRE Anthropology—Benin Adandé, A., ed. Ouidah à travers ses fêtes et patrimoines familiaux. 82pp. pl. Flamboyant 1995 DM FRE Anthropology—Cameroun Abéga, S.C Adzala: espèces et espaces dans la forêt badjue. ISBN: 2911541278 115pp. ill. Univ Yaoundé 1999 CM FRE Abéga, S.C. Les choses de la forêt: les masques des princes Tikar de Nditam. ISBN: 2911380207 211pp. ill.pl. Univ Yaoundé 2000 CM FRE Abéga, S.C. Pygmées Baka: le droit à la différence. 151pp. ill. Univ Yaoundé 1998 CM FRE Anthropology—Congo Democratic Republic Buakasu, T.K.M. L’impensé du discours, Kindoki et Nkisi en pays Kongo du Zaire. 321pp. Z3.50 Press Univ Congo 1973 ZR FRE Hochegger, H. Anthroponymie d’origine rituelle. (CEEBA série III, 131) ISBN: 3902101184 158pp. CEEBA 2000 ZR FRE Hochegger, H. Le décepteur. Variantes zaïroises de 1905 à 1995. vol.3(CEEBA, série II, 115) 192pp. map CEEBA 1995 ZR FRE Hochegger, H. Le décepteur. Variantes zaïroises de 1906 à 1994. vol.1(CEEBA, série II, 113) 152pp. map CEEBA 1994 ZR FRE Hochegger, H. Le décepteur. Variantes zaïroises de 1906 à 1994. vol.2(CEEBA, série II, 114) 176pp. map CEEBA 1994 ZR FRE Hochegger, H. Mythes d’origine. Variantes zaïroises de 1906 à 1994. (CEEBA, série II, 112) 168pp. map CEEBA 1994 ZR FRE Mahaniah, K. La mort dans la pensée Kongo. cd. 63pp. Z25,000,000 ($35.00) Kalombo 1993 ZR FRE Radja, P.S. Kemet, berceau des civilisations modernes: introduction à l’afro-centrisme scientifique. 102pp. ill. PUL 2000 ZR FRE Anthropology—Côte d’Ivoire Niangoran-Bouah, G. Le trésor du Marahoué: sculptures lithiques de Gohitafla. 220pp. pl.maps EDILIS 1997 IV FRE Oulaté, M. Monaio - l’héritier. IV FRE
134pp. EDILIS 1997
Anthropology—Dictionaries Hochegger, H., ed. Dictionnaire des rites: abandon à adultère. vol.1(CEEBA publications, série I, 9) 516pp. (DM78.00) CEEBA 1984 ZR FRE
Anthropology—Kenya Bravman, B. Making ethnic ways. Communities and their transformations in Taita, Kenya, 1800-1950. ISBN: 0852556837 cd. & 224pp. maps (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852556330 (£15.95 pap.) EAEP 1999 KE [East Africa only]
Landman, C. Digging up our foremothers. 260pp. R106.00 ($38.00/£23.00) Unisa 1996 SA
Anthropology—Madagascar Larson, P.M. Becoming Merina in highland Madgascar. History and memory in the age of enslavement. ISBN: 0852556896 cd. & 256pp. (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 085255369X (£14.95 pap.) Philip 2000 SA
Lewis-Williams, D., Blundell, G. Fragile heritage. A rock art fieldguide. col.ill.col.pl. R95.00 Witwatersrand UP 1998 SA
Trautmann, R. La divination à la Côte des Esclaves et à Madagascar. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 1) 155pp. ill. D.fl.45.00 IFAN 1939 SG FRE Anthropology—Mauritius Dinan The Mauritian kaleidoscope. 74pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Océan Indien Ed 1990 MF Anthropology—Namibia Bollig, M. Production and exchange among the Himba of northwestern Namibia. (NEPRU book, 17) 36pp. N$16.00 NEPRU 1999 SX Botelle, A., Kowalski, K. Changing resource use in Namibia’s lower Kuiseb river valley. (GHEC working paper, 8) ISBN: 999113128 145pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1998 LO Helbig, L., Hillebrecht, W. The Witbooi. [History of the Orlam communities.] 68pp. pl.maps N$13.89 Longman - Namb 1992 SX Jacobson, M. Himba - nomads of Namibia. ISBN: 1868721302 144pp. col.pl. R139.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Scherz, A. Hair-styles, head-dresses and ornaments in Namibia and southern Angola. [Text in German, Afrikaans and English.] 2nd ed. cd. 110pp. pl. Gamsberg 1992 SX MUL Skotnes, P. Heaven’s things: a story of the !Xam; an extract from the story of Day-Heart Star, told to Lucy Lloyd in 1873 by //Kabbo. ISBN: 9991621679 51pp. Out of Africa Namibia 1999 SX [Published with UCT Press] Anthropology—Nigeria Alagoa, E.J. Okpu: ancestral houses in Nembe and European antiquities on the Brass and Nun rivers of the Niger Delta. ISBN: 9783507516 104pp. ill. ($10.95/£12.95) Onyoma 2001 NR Bello-Imam, I.B. An ethnographic survey of South Ibie clan of Etsako West local government, Edo State, Nigeria. 248pp. pl.maps N500.00 ($25.00/£15.00) Vantage 1995 NR Biobaku, S. Egba and their neighbours 1842-1872. 128pp. ($11.50/£6.50) Univ Press - Nig 1991 NR Dike, K. The Aro of south-eastern Nigeria. 386pp. ($12.70) Univ Press - Nig 1990 NR Spicer, E. The peoples of Nigeria. 71pp. ill. pl. 48k Longman - Nig 1962 NR Anthropology—South Africa Bassett, S.T. Rock paintings of South Africa. ISBN: 0864865007 cd. 144pp. col.pl. (£30.00) Philip 2002 SA Blundell, G., Smith, B.W. The art of the other world. Of hunters and gatherers. ISBN: 1868143422 cd. 144pp. ill.col.ill. ISBN: 1868143481 Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA
Lewis-Williams, D. Images of mystery. ISBN: 191993006X 128pp. col.pl. R250.00 Double Storey 2003 SA
Magubane, P. Vanishing cultures of South Africa. ISBN: 1868259676 cd. 168pp. col.pl.map R189.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Mountain, A. First people of the Cape. ISBN: 0864866232 102pp. (£12.95) Philip 2003 SA Ouzman, S. Hidden in the common gaze: collective and idiosyncratic rock paintings at Rose Cottage Cave, South Africa. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 13, no.6) 50pp. ill. Nasionale Museum SA 1997 SA Parkington, J., Skotnes, P. Kaggen’s grief and the marriage of meat. ISBN: 191971345X 210pp. col.pl. UCT Press 2000 SA Paulines Publications Inculturation in South African context. ISBN: 9966215417 152pp. K.shs.420.00 ($4.00) Paulines 2000 KE Skotnes, P., ed. Miscast. Negotiating the presence of the Bushmen. 380pp. ill.pl.col.pl. R275.00 UCT Press 1996 SA Smith, B.W. The revenge of Kholumolumo. The last chapter in South Africa’s rock art history. ISBN: 1868143414 240pp. ill. R115.00 Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA Anthropology—South Africa—Catalogs Morris, A.G. A master catalogue of Holocene human skeletons from South Africa. cd. & 176pp. R120.00 cd. R89.95 Witwatersrand UP 1992 SA Anthropology—Study and teaching Bate, S.C. Human life is cultural: introducing anthropology. ISBN: 187505328X 158pp. ill. R75.00 ($25.00) Cluster 2002 SA Anthropology—Sudan Ahmed, A.G.M. The state of anthropology in the Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 1) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1979 SJ Anthropology—Togo Agbetiafa, K. Les ancêtres et nous, analyse de la pensée religieuse des Bê de la commune de Lomé. 91pp. CFA2,500 NEA - Togo 1986 TG FRE Kouaovi, A.M. Yaka mia kin. 50pp. CFA1,800 NEA Togo 1986 TG FRE Anthropology—Zambia Sumaili, T. Shimunenga and the traditional culture of the Baila. 49pp. ill. K1,500 ($2.14/ £1.50) ZEPH 1994 ZA Anthropology—Zimbabwe Walker, N. The painted hills: rock art of the Matopos, Zimbabwe. 94pp. ill. ($24.00) Mambo 1996 ZI Anthropology, Linguistic—Study and teaching Metegue N’Nah, N. Principes de l’oralistique. Méthodologie des sources orales. ISBN: 2912776414 64pp. ($10.00/£10.00) Raponda Walker 2004 GO FRE Anthropology, Physical—Uganda Mafeje, A. Kingdoms of the Great Lakes region. Ethnography of African social formation. ISBN: 9970021397 150pp. U.shs.9,500 Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Anthropology, Socio-cultural Anthropology, Socio-cultural Cheater, A.P. Social anthropology: an alternative introduction. 288pp. ($9.50) Mambo 1986 ZI Faye, L.D. Mort et naissance: le monde sereer. 100pp. CFA1,750 NEAS 1983 SG FRE Marcel, E. Origines. IV FRE
110pp. CFA1,900 CEDA 1988
Perrin Jassy, M-F. Leadership. 2nd ed.(AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 153-154) ISBN: 9966836241 148pp. ($10.00) Gaba 2001 KE
Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 15. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 15) 642pp. ($25.00) Aequatoria 1994 ZR FRE Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 16. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 16) 655pp. ($25.00) Aequatoria 1995 ZR FRE Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 17. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 17) 495pp. ($25.00) Aequatoria 1996 ZR FRE Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 18. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 18) 610pp. ($25.00) Aequatoria 1997 ZR FRE
Rivière, C. Anthropologie religieuse des Ewe du Togo. 215pp. CFA3,500 NEA - Togo 1981 TG FRE
Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 19. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 19) 448pp. ($25.00) Aequatoria 1998 ZR FRE
Shorter, A. Practical fieldwork methods in social anthropology. ISBN: 9966215093 78pp. Paulines 2000 KE
Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 20. [Annual. Text in English and French.] (Etudes Aequatoria, 20) 535pp. Aequatoria 1999 ZR MUL
Sienaert, E.R. The anthropology of geste and rhythm. Studies in the anthropological laws of human expression and their application in the Galilean oral style tradition. cd. 750pp. R375.00 ($65.00/£39.00) Campbell Coll 1997 SA
Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 21. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 21) 490pp. Aequatoria 2000 ZR FRE
Tomaselli, K. Rethinking culture. 135pp. ill. pl. ($10.00) R12.95 Anthropos 1987 SA Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Africa Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 2. [Annual] (Kariba studies, 2) 157pp. Aequatoria 1981 ZR FRE Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 3. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 3) 198pp. Aequatoria 1982 ZR FRE Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 4. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 3) 188pp. Aequatoria 1983 ZR FRE Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 5. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 5) 184pp. Aequatoria 1984 ZR FRE Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 6. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 6) 220pp. Aequatoria 1985 ZR FRE Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 7. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 7) 371pp. Aequatoria 1986 ZR FRE Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 8. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 8) 462pp. Aequatoria 1987 ZR FRE Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 9. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 9) 330pp. Aequatoria 1988 ZR FRE Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 10. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 10) 391pp. Aequatoria 1989 ZR FRE Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 11. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 11) 560pp. ($25.00) Aequatoria 1990 ZR FRE Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 12. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 12) 672pp. ($25.00) Aequatoria 1991 ZR MUL Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 13. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 13) 590pp. ($25.00) Aequatoria 1992 ZR FRE Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 14. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 14) 660pp. Aequatoria 1993 ZR FRE
Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 24. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 24) 572pp. Aequatoria 2003 ZR FRE Centre Aequatoria Annales Aequatoria 25. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 25) 570pp. Aequatoria 2004 ZR FRE Etuk, U. Religion and cultural identity. ISBN: 9783654802 201pp. (£13.95) Hope 2002 NR Gyekye, K. African cultural values. - Ghana 1996 GH
194pp. Sankofa
Hulstaert, G. Annales Aequatoria 1: recueil Hulstaert, 1. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 1/1) 344pp. Aequatoria 1980 ZR FRE Hulstaert, G. Annales Aequatoria 1: recueil Hulstaert 2. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 1/2) 350pp. Aequatoria 1980 ZR FRE Hulstaert, G. Annales Aequatoria: recueil Hulstaert II catalogues. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 1/cat) 145pp. Aequatoria 1980 ZR FRE Mayi, T. L’univers de la parole, études et documents Africains. 106pp. CFA1,455 CLE 1983 CM FRE Meintjies, G., Moller, V. Traditional circumcision ritual: manhood at a price: socio-medical perspectives. ISBN: 0868103349 R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA Onyeka Nwanunobi, C. African social institutions. 258pp. ($21.50/£12.00) Univ Nigeria Press 1992 NR Perrin-Jassy, M.F. Leaders de communautés. Expériences africaines. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 40) 160pp. ill. (DM23.00) CEEBA 1977 ZR FRE Shorter, A. Celibacy and African culture. ISBN: 9966213813 48pp. ($2.00) Paulines 1998 KE Werbner, R., Ranger, T., eds. Post colonial identities in Africa. R92.00 UCT Press 1996 SA
Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Algeria Bamia, A.A. The graying of the raven. Cultural significance of Algerian folk poetry. ISBN: 9774246675 cd. 176pp. E£80.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 2001 UA
Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Botswana Datta, A., ed. Conflict and culture in Africa. Proceedings of an International Symposium held at Grand Palm Hotel in Gaborone, Botswana December 4-6, 1995. 109pp. NIDCR 1996 BS Dire, T.A.P. Pinagare. 136pp. P15.00 ($6.00) Mmegi 1995 BS Miller, D. The Tsodilo jewellery and metalwork of North Western Botswana. 352pp. R120.00 UCT Press 1996 SA Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Burkina Faso Badini, A. Naitre et grandir chez les Moosé traditionnels. 208pp. CFA3,500 Dec Burkina 1994 UV FRE Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Cameroun Abega, S.C. Les choses de la forêt. Les masques des princes Tikar de Nditam. ISBN: 2911380207 222pp. CFA9,000 (Eur13.72) UCAC 2000 CM FRE Christensen, T.G. La symbolique du salut à travers l’arbre Soré chez les Gbaya. 256pp. CLE 1998 CM FRE Collectif Changer le Cameroun Ethnies et développement national. 300pp. CFA3,500 CRAC 1994 CM FRE Fotso, E.F. Faut-il brûler les chefferies traditionelles? 102pp. CFA2,500 CRAC 1991 CM FRE Kago Lele, J. Tribalisme et exclusions au Cameroun. cd. 186pp. CFA3,500 CRAC 1995 CM FRE Safotso, G.T. Bandjoun: un peuple, une civilisation. 148pp. CFA3,500 CRAC 1995 CM FRE Vubo, E.Y. Itinerant craftsmen, highland farmers and royal herdsmen. ISBN: 9956260029 126pp. CFA5,000 Design House 2001 CM Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Congo Democratic Republic Centre d’Etudes Ethnologiques Bandandu L’organisation sociale et politique chez les Yansi, Teke et Boma. (CEEBA. série I, Rapports et Comptes Rendus, 4) 195pp. map. (DM35.00) CEEBA 1970 ZR FRE Centre d’Etudes Ethnologiques Bandandu Mort, funérailles, deuil et culte des ancêtres chez les populations du Kwango/ Bas-Kwilu. (CEEBA. série I, Rapports et Comptes Rendus, 3) 239pp. (DM37.00) CEEBA 1969 ZR FRE Centre d’Etudes Ethnologiques Bandundu Le mariage, la vie familiale et l’éducation coutumière chez diverses ethnies de la province de Bandundu. (CEEBA. série I, Rapports et Comptes Rendus, 1) 175pp. (DM29.00) CEEBA 1966 ZR FRE Comhaire-Sylvain, S., et al. Mai-Ndombe: paysages, histoire, culture. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 75) 226pp. ill.map (DM35.00) CEEBA 1982 ZR FRE Eleko Botuna, M. L’ABC de kabilisme. Kaz 2004 ZR FRE
99pp. ($74.00) Kap
Gutierrez, G. Antropologia cultural. (CEEBA, series II CD-ROM, 143) ISBN: 3902011181 248pp. ill. CEEBA 2003 ZR Henquet, M. Rituel ancestral de l’agonie et l’assistance chrétienne aux mourants (Zaire). (CEEBA publications, série, II,96) 68pp. (DM19.00) CEEBA 1987 ZR FRE Hermann, H., ed. Cendrillon en Afrique. Versions zaïroises proches des contes Grimm. (Traditions orales de 1906 à 1993) (CEEBA, série II, 109) 128pp. CEEBA 1993 ZR FRE
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African Books in Print
Subject index Hermans, R., N’Soko Swa-Kabamba, J. Misamu ye misaasu mya bayaka, récits et invocations yaka. [Text in Yaka and French.] (CEEBA, series II CD-ROM, 144) ISBN: 3902011351 308pp. CEEBA 2005 ZR MUL Hochegger, H. Le beau chemin mène à la perte. 32 variantes de contes congolais. (CEEBA, series II CD-ROM, 150) ISBN: 3902011297 115pp. map CEEBA 2004 ZR FRE Hochegger, H. Blessing rituals in Congolese tradition. (CEEBA, series II CD-ROM, 145) ISBN: 390201100X 304pp. map CEEBA 2003 ZR Hochegger, H. Congolese myths about beginnings. (CEEBA, series II CD-ROM, 155) ISBN: 3902011343 174pp. map CEEBA 2005 ZR Hochegger, H. Exorcising and chasing sorcers. Congolese rituals of liberation without murder. (CEEBA, series II CD-ROM, 147) ISBN: 3902011243 238pp. map CEEBA 2004 ZR Hochegger, H. Healing rituals in Congolese tradition. (CEEBA, series II CD-ROM, 148/2) ISBN: 3902011289 253pp. map CEEBA 2004 ZR Hochegger, H. Healing rituals in Congolese tradition. (CEEBA, series II CD-ROM, 148/1) ISBN: 3902011262 216pp. map CEEBA 2004 ZR Hochegger, H. The important diversity of performers of Congolese rituals. (CEEBA, series II CDROM, 151) ISBN: 3902011300 294pp. map CEEBA 2004 ZR Hochegger, H. Le langage des gestes rituels. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 66) 408pp. ill. pl. maps. (DM72.00) CEEBA 1981 ZR FRE Hochegger, H. Le langage des gestes rituels. vol.2(CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 67) 478pp. ill. (DM78.00) CEEBA 1982 ZR FRE Hochegger, H. La lune jalouse de son frère soleil. La rivalité entre frères et soeurs dans les contes congolais de 1905 à 2003. (CEEBA, series II CD-ROM, 140) ISBN: 3902011165 177pp. map CEEBA 2003 ZR FRE Hochegger, H. Offerings and libations in traditional Congolese religion. (CEEBA, series II CD-ROM, 152) ISBN: 3902011319 159pp. mao CEEBA 2005 ZR Hochegger, H. Planting rituals in Congolese tradition. (CEEBA, series II CD-ROM, 154) ISBN: 3902011335 229pp. map CEEBA 2005 ZR Hochegger, H. La polygamie dans les mythes sakata (Rép. du Zaire). (CEEBA publications, série I, rapports et comptes rendus, 37) 288pp. map. (DM44.00) CEEBA 1977 ZR FRE Hochegger, H. Ritual reconciliation in Congolese tradition. (CEEBA, series II CD-ROM, 146) ISBN: 3902011238 190pp. map CEEBA 2004 ZR Hochegger, H. Sacrifices and holocausts in traditional Congolese religion. (CEEBA, series II CD-ROM, 153) ISBN: 3902011327 181pp. map CEEBA 2005 ZR Hochegger, H. Le soleil ne se leva plus. Le conflit social dans les mythes buma. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 20) 245pp. ill, map. (DM42.00) CEEBA 1975 ZR FRE Hochegger, H. Les tribulations du polygame dans les contes congolais. Variants de 1905 à 2003. (CEEBA, series II CD-ROM, 142)
Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Kenya ISBN: 3902011211 173pp. map CEEBA 2003 ZR FRE Hochegger, H., ed. Banza-lute: toponymie, histoire, économie, société. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 89) 244pp. ill. (DM44.00) CEEBA 1984 ZR FRE Hulstaert, G. Etudes dialectologiques Mongo. 406pp. pl.maps ($10.00) Aequatoria 1993 ZR FRE Kazimierz, S. Compatibilité du mariage Ndengese avec le mariage chrétien. ISBN: 3902011006 218pp. CEEBA 2000 ZR FRE Korse, P., et al. Jebola: textes, rites et signification d’une thérapie traditionnelle. (Etudes Aequatoria, 6) 136pp. ($10.00) Aequatoria 1990 ZR FRE Machumbi, P.K. Les populations du Kivu et la loi sur la nationalité (vraie et fausse problématique). cd. 233pp. ($100.00) Kalombo 1993 ZR FRE Nkombe, O. Métaphore et métonymie dans les symboles parémiologiques l’intersubjectivité dans les proverbes Tétela. cd. 264pp. ($69.00) Kap Kaz 1999 ZR FRE Sense, I., et al. Symbolique verbale et rituelle chez les Sakata Lele, Wongo, Kuba, Lulua, Mbole et Vira. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 93) 135pp. (DM34.00) CEEBA 1984 ZR FRE Shanga, M., et al. Traditions verbales et rituelles des Lele, Kuba, Ding, Lulua, Komo et Nande. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 92) 180pp. (DM35.00) CEEBA 1984 ZR FRE Waswadi Kakule Valeurs démocratiques et développement dans le Kivu et les pays des grands lacs. 245pp. ($74.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE Wayikanga, et al. Mariage et vie familiale chez les Tetela. (CEEBA, série II, 118) CEEBA 1995 ZR FRE Wymeersch, P. Les Bin Kanyok: culture et traditions. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 85) 368pp. ill. (DM47.00) CEEBA 1983 ZR FRE Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Côte d’Ivoire Legre, O.H. Les conventions indigènes et la législation coloniale 1893-1946. Essai d’anthropologie juridique. 172pp. ill. CFA5,000 (18.29) Neter 1994 IV FRE Sanou, B.D. La dernière épouse. 1997 IV FRE
128pp. ill. EDILIS
Anthropology, Socio-Cultural— Dictionaries—Congo Democratic Republic Bisscheroux, G. Les expressions typiquement africaines dans le Dictionnaire des rites du CEEBA. (CEEBA, series II CD-ROM, 141) 65pp. CEEBA 2003 ZR FRE Hochegger, H. Dictionnaire des rites. Forêt à Insigne. (CEEBA publications, série I, rapports et comptes rendus, 24/16) 521pp. ill. CEEBA 1989 ZR FRE Hochegger, H. Dictionnaire des rites. Installation à match. (CEEBA publications, série I, rapports et comptes rendus, 25/17) 512pp. ill. CEEBA 1989 ZR FRE Hochegger, H., ed. Dictionnaire des rites. (CEEBA publications, série I, rapports et comptes rendus, 18/20) 528pp. (DM78.00) each CEEBA 1991-92 ZR FRE
Hochegger, H., ed. Dictionnaire des rites. vols. 4-6(CEEBA publications, série I, rapports et comptes rendus, 12,13,14) (DM78.00) each CEEBA 1986/87 ZR FRE Hochegger, H., ed. Dictionnaire des rites (Rép. du Zaire). vols.12-17(CEEBA publications, série I, rapports et comptes rendus, 20-25) 528 ea.pp. (DM78.00) each CEEBA 1989-91 ZR FRE Hochegger, H., ed. Dictionnaire des rites: adversaire à amitié. vol.2(CEEBA publications, série I, 10) 516pp. (DM78.00) CEEBA 1985 ZR FRE Hochegger, H., ed. Dictionnaire des rites: amont à arrière. vol.3(CEEBA publications, série I, 11) 516pp. (DM78.00) CEEBA 1985 ZR FRE Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Egypt Abu-Lughod, L. Veiled sentiments. Honour and poetry in a Bedouin society. new ed. 339pp. E£60.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1997 UA [Middle East only] Cuno, K.M. The Pasha’s peasants. Land, society and economy in Lower Egypt, 1740-1858. 291pp. E£60.00 ($25.00) Am Univ 1994 UA [Middle east only] Hobbs, J.J. Bedouin life in the Egyptian wilderness. 307pp. maps E£35.00 ($9.00) Am Univ 1990 UA [Middle East only] Sholkamy, H., Ghannam, F., eds. Health and identity in Egypt. Shifting frontiers. ISBN: 9774248333 128pp. E£80.00 ($22.50/£16.50) Am Univ 2004 UA Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Ethiopia Wasungu, P.A. Impressions d’Ethiopie. ISBN: 2914567049 120pp. CFA3,200 Rose Bleue 2003 TG FRE Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Ghana Amate, C.O.C. The making of Ada. ISBN: 9964978642 259pp. C30,000 ($24.95/£14.95) Woeli 2000 GH Kewi, E.A., et al. Teshi adminstrative and cultural practices. ISBN: 9988791178 104pp. C60,000 Ronna 2004 GH Kuada, J., Chachah, Y. Ghana. Understanding the people and their culture. ISBN: 996497860X 102pp. C15,000 ($16.95/£9.95) Woeli 2000 GH Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Guinea Kouyaté, S. Le cousinage à plaisanterie. Notre héritage commun. ISBN: 2913326609 27pp. CFA3,000 (Eur10.00) Ganndal 2003 GV FRE Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Haiti Comhaire-Sylvain, S. Les montagnards de la region de Kenscoff (Haiti). (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 91) 186pp. (DM36.00) CEEBA 1984 ZR FRE Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Kenya Glassman, J. Feasts and riots on the Swahili coast. 1856-1888 revelry, rebellion and popular consciousness. 304pp. K.shs.2,070 EAEP 1995 KE Heald, S. Praise poems of the Kuria. 104pp. K.shs.140.00 ($5.00) Phoenix 1997 KE Hedlund, H. Coffee co-operatives and culture: an anthropological study of a coffee cooperative in Kenya. 206pp. K.shs.416.00 OUP - Nairobi 1992 KE Ojwang, J.B., Mugambi, J.N.K. Death and burial in modern Kenya. 192pp. ($25.00) K.shs.120.00 Nairobi UP 1989 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Kenya O’Keragori, A. Totems of the Kisii. Jacaranda 1995 KE
46pp. col.ill.
Somjee, S. Material culture of Kenya. 116pp. ill.pl. K.shs.270.00 ($17.00/£9.50) EAEP 1993 KE Tablino, P. The Gabra: camel nomads of northern Kenya. trans.f.t. Italian by Paul Tablino (The African Church: inculturation, 4) ISBN: 9966214380 434pp. ill.maps ($8.00) Paulines 1999 KE Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Lesotho Casalis, E., Gill, S.J. The Basutos. Or twenty three years in South Africa. 2nd rev.ed. cd. 355pp. ill. R110.00 ($20.00/£14.00) Morija Museum 1997 LO Scott, C. Lesotho video herders project: explorations in visual anthropology. R70.00 ($16.60/£11.20) Anthropos 1994 SA Smith, E.W. The Mabilles of Basutoland. 382pp. pl.maps R100.00 ($20.00/£14.00) Morija Museum 1996 LO Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Malawi Lwanda, J. Politics, culture and medicine in Malawi. (Kachere thesis, 6) ISBN: 9990876134 380pp. ($39.95/£24.95) Kachere 2005 MW Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Mali Couloubaly, P.B. Rite et société à travers le Bafili. 66pp. CFA1,250 ($3.25) Jamana 1995 ML FRE N’Diaye, B. Contribution à la connaissance des us et coutûmes du Mali. 88pp. CFA1,500 ($3.75) Jamana 1997 ML FRE Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Mozambique van Koevering, H.E.P. Dancing their dreams. The lakeshore Nyanja women of the anglican diocese of Niasse. (Kachere thesis, 9) ISBN: 9990876216 170pp. maps ($22.95/£14.95) Kachere 2005 MW Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Nigeria Abdullahi, J. Self-concept and cultural change among the 139pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1986 NR Achebe, C. The world of Ogbanje. (£4.00) N8.00 Fourth Dimension 1986 NR Alagoa, E.J., ed. The land and people of Bayelsa State: Central Niger Delta. ISBN: 9783507508 411pp. Onyoma 1999 NR Darah, G.G., Akama, E.S., Agberia, J.T., eds. Studies in art, religion and culture among the Urhobo and Isoko people. ISBN: 9783615645 202pp. col.ill.col.pl. N2,500 Pam Unique Publ 2002[?] NR Eneje, J. A book of local custom. Delta 1988 NR
23pp. N3.00
Gwom, S.L. The Berom tribe of Plateau State of Nigeria. 304pp. ill. Fab 1992 NR Kpone-Tonwe, S. Youth and leadership. Training in the Niger Delta. The Ogoni example. ISBN: 9783612220 138pp. maps ($27.95/£16.95) Onyoma 2003 NR Nzewunwa, N. The masquerade in Nigerian history and culture: proceedings of a symposium. 513pp. ($30.00/£20.00) N14.00 Univ Port Harcourt Press 1983 NR Osaghae, E. Trends of migrant political organization in Nigeria: the Igbo in Kano. 112pp. N100.00 ($10.00) IFRA - Nig 1994 NR
Subject index Osaghae, E.E. Migrant ethnic empires in Nigerian cities: the case of the Igbo in Kano. 112pp. N100.00 ($12.00) IFRA - Nig 1994 NR Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Senegal Corréra, I. Samba Guéladio: épopée peul du Fuuta Tooro. [Text in Pulaar and French.] (IFAN initiations et études africaines, 37) 260pp. CFA3,500 IFAN 1990 SG MUL Girard, J. Genèse du pouvoir charismatique en basse Casamance (Sénégal) (IFAN initiations et études africaines, 27) 372pp. pl. CFA4,400 IFAN 1969 SG FRE Kesteloot, L. Guérisseurs et malades, sorciers et victimes, occultisme et religion. (IFAN publication diverses, 11) 10pp. CFA500.00 IFAN 1993 SG FRE Anthropology, Socio-cultural—South Africa Coombes, A.E. History after apartheid. Visual culture and public memory in democratic South Africa. ISBN: 1868144070 384pp. R220.00 Witwatersrand UP 2004 SA Hammond-Tooke, D. Imperfect interpreters. South Africa’s anthropologists 1920-1990. 252pp. pl. R69.95 (£12.95) Witwatersrand UP 1997 SA Karstel, M. The Basotho blanket: borrowed but traditional. 31pp. col.pl. R6.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1995 SA
Niwampa, M. Peoples and cultures of Uganda. 3rd rev ed. 166pp. ill.pl. U.shs.10,000 ($30.00/£16.75) Fountain Publ-Ug 1997 UG O’Donohue, J. Magic and witchcraft in Southern Uganda. (Gaba pastoral paper, 36) 50pp. K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1975 KE Okello-Ogwang, E. Popular cultural forms: a materialist critique of gender representation in the lang’o orature. (CBR working paper, 42) 70pp. ($10.50) Centre Basic Res UG Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Zambia Chondoka, Y.A. Traditional marriage in Zambia: a study in cultural history. 169pp. ill. map Mission Press - Ndola 1988 ZA Wele, P. Likumbi lyamize and other Luvale traditional ceremonies. ISBN: 998201174X 132pp. K3,000 ($1.00/£0.60) ZEPH 1998 ZA Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Zimbabwe Bourdillon, M.F.C. Where are the ancestors? Changing culture in Zimbabwe. 129pp. ill. ($13.75/ £7.50) Univ Zimbabwe 1993 ZI Dengu-Zvogbo, K. Inheritance in Zimbabwe: law, customs, and practice. 309pp. ill. WLSA-Zimb 1994 ZI
le Roux, M. The Lemba: a lost tribe of Israel in southern Africa? ISBN: 1868882837 328pp. R183.00 ($32.20/£20.50/ Eur28.20) Unisa 2003 SA
Ranger, T. Voices from the rocks. Nature, culture and history in the Matopos hills of Zimbabwe. ISBN: 0852556543 cd. & 230pp. pl.maps (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852556047 (£14.95 pap.) Baobab - Zimb 1999 ZI [Southern Africa only]
Niehaus, I. Witchcraft, power and politics. Exploring the occult in the South Africa lowveld. Philip 2001 SA
TaonezviVambe, M., ed. Orality and cultural identities in Zimbabwe. ISBN: 0869227645 134pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Mambo 2001 ZI
Schoeman, K. A debt of gratitude: Lucy Lloyd and the “Bushman work” of G.L. Stow. 145pp. R75.00 South African Lib 1997 SA Segar, J. Fruits of apartheid: experiencing independence in a Transkeian village. (Critical Studies in African Anthropology, 2) 145pp. maps ($9.00) R18.75 Anthropos 1989 SA
Antiquities—Catalogs Dietrich, B.C., Dietrich, A.C. Rhodes vases [Fascicles I]. Catalogue and handbook on Classics Department antiquities. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1966 SA Apartheid see also South Africa—Politics and government South Africa—Race relations
Tyrrell, B., Jurgens, P. African heritage. cd. 276pp. col.ill. R29.95 Macmillan - SA 1983 SA
Abraham, G. The Catholic Church and apartheid. 160pp. R24.95. Ravan 1989 SA
White, H. In the tradition of the forefathers. (£6.95) UCT Press 1996 SA
Alexander, P. Workers, war and the origins of apartheid. Labour and politics in South Africa. ISBN: 0852557663 cd. & 256pp. (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852557655 (£14.95 pap.) Philip 1999 SA [Southern Africa only]
Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Sudan Mohamed, M.A. Pastoralists in town: some recent trends in camel pastoralism, north-west Omdurman. (DSRC seminar series, 48) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Tanzania Maddox, G., Giblin, J., Kimambo, I.N., eds. Custodians of the land. cd. & 286pp. T.shs.20,000 cd T.shs.8,000 Mkuki na Nyota 1996 TZ [Tanzania only. Also published by EAEP, Kenya] Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Tunisia Idey, A. La tribu des fraichiches au XIXème siècle. [In Arabic with abstracts in French.] 208pp. maps FTRSI 1996 TI MUL Temimi, A., comp. Famille morisque: femmes et enfants. 438pp. ($80.00) FTRSI 1997 TI FRE Anthropology, Socio-cultural—Uganda Heald, S. Controlling anger. The anthropology of Gisu violence. ISBN: 0852552467 312pp. pl.map (£12.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG [East Africa only] Ngologoza, P. Kigezi and its people. new ed. ISBN: 9970021346 124pp. ($11.25/£6.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG
Balia, D.M. Christian resistance to apartheid: ecumenism in South Africa 1960-1987. 192pp. ($8.95/£6.25) Skotaville 1989 SA Bizos, G. No one to blame? A personal account of inquests into some deaths in detention under apartheid. ISBN: 0864863195 288pp. Philip 1998 SA Bonner, P., Delius, P., Posel, D., eds. Apartheid’s genesis 1935-1962. 465pp. R85.50 Ravan 1993 SA Boraine, A., Levy, J., Scheffer, R. eds. Dealing with the past: truth and reconciliation in South Africa. 175pp. R49.95 Idasa 1994 SA Buys, P.J. Calvinism does not teach apartheid. (IRS study pamphlets, 233) 18pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1987 SA Christopher, A.J. The atlas of apartheid. 212pp. R69.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA [Southern Africa only]
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Arabic language—Grammar
Coleman, M., ed. A crime against humanity. Analysing the repression of the apartheid state. ISBN: 0864864167 256pp. R97.85 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Davies, R. Integration or co-operation in a postapartheid southern Africa: some reflections on an emerging debate. 23pp. Univ West Cape 1992 SA de Wet, C., Whisson, C. From reserve to region - apartheid and social change. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1997 SA Frankel, P. An ordinary atrocity. Sharpeville and its massacre. ISBN: 1868143651 256pp. pl. Witwatersrand UP 2001 SA Gardner, J. Politicans and apartheid. Trailing in the people’s wake. 144pp. R125.00 HSRC Publ 1997 SA Harker, J., ed. The legacy of apartheid. cd. 200pp. pl. R89.99 Longman Penguin SA 1994 SA
Wilmot, P. F. Apartheid and African liberation: the grief and the hope. 197pp. Obafemi Awolowo UP 1980 NR Apartheid—Addresses and essays Tlhagale, B., Mosala, I. Hammering swords into ploughshares. Essays in honour of Archbishop Mpilo Desmond Tutu. 300pp. R18.95 Skotaville 1987 SA Appiah, Joseph—Autobiography Appiah, J. Joe Appiah - the autobiography of an African patriot. 374pp. ($18.00) Asempa 1997[?] GH Appropriate technology Ackah, G.A. Small scale industry. An appropriate technology. 22pp. ($1.00) Sefer 1991 NR Zie, G. Appropriate technology, productivity and employment: the case study of the Kibimba and Doho rice schemes. (CBR working paper, 13) 75pp. ($11.50) Centre Basic Res 1991 UG
Heldal, I.A., ed. From Cape to Cape against apartheid: Norwegian support for democracy in South Africa. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 61) 75pp. R20.00 Mayibuye 1996 SA
Appropriate technology—Africa Igwe, A. Indigenous technology: the development philosophy of Ogbonnaya Onu. 174pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Fourth Dimension 1994 NR
Kasrils, R. Armed and dangerous. From undercover struggle to freedom. ISBN: 1868420639 456pp. R99.95 Mayibuye 1998 SA
Appropriate technology—Kenya Abuodha, C. Technology, small and micro-enterprise (SME) development in western Kenya. (IDS working paper, 502) 99pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1995 KE
Lingle, C. A public choice perspective on apartheid and the post-apartheid political economy. ($7.50) Economic Res Unit 1989 SA Mallaby, S. After apartheid. 1996 SA
R49.99 Penguin SA
Mayibuye Centre Apartheid and the history of the struggle for freedom in South Africa. [CD-ROM. Academic edition, 550MB] R650.00 Mayibuye 1998 SA Maylam, P.R. History after apartheid. Soc Res 1993 SA
R10.00 Inst
Meyns, P. The historical process of change: political outlook and economic prospects in southern Africa - a view from the outside. 20pp. Univ West Cape 1992 SA
Appropriate technology—South Africa Breen, C.M. Appropriate technology in rural development: introductory comment. Paper presented at the South African International Conference on Environmental Management, Somerset West, 28-29 October. (INR working paps., 85) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Slabbert, T.J.C. Appropriate technology for the basic needs of South Africa. (Research reports, 28) R20.00 Inst Planning Res 1984 SA Aquaculture Cook, P.A., Uys, W. Proceedings of the Aquaculture Association of Southern Africa, no. 5, 1996. Inst Soc Res 1996 SA
Mwaga, D.Z. The crime of apartheid. 141pp. ($7.95/ £4.25) Dar es Salaam UP 1986 TZ
Walmsley, R.D., Botten, M.L., eds. Aquaculture ’88. (SANSP occas. rep., 37) 204pp. R50.00 CSIR 1988 SA
Ngcokovane, C. Demons of apartheid: a moral and ethical analysis of NGK, NP and Broederbond’s justification of apartheid. 250pp. ($12.50/£8.50.) Skotaville 1989 SA
Walmsley, R.D., Hecht, T., Bruton, M.N., eds. Water quality maintenance in intensive aquaculture. (SANSP occas. rep., 4) 46pp. CSIR 1986 SA
Posel, D. The making of apartheid. 1948-1961: conflict and compromise. 312pp. R130.00 OUP - SA 1997 SA Rock, B. Spirals of suffering. 323pp. R120.00 HSRC Publ 1997 SA Shear, M. Wits anniversary in the apartheid era. 392pp. pl. R74.95 Witwatersrand UP 1996 SA Smith, D., ed. The apartheid city and beyond. 334pp. R74.95 Witwatersrand UP 1992 SA [Southern Africa only] Sparks, A. Mind of South Africa. The story of the rise and fall of South Africa. ISBN: 1868421872 R179.95 Ball 2004 SA Turaki, Y. An African response to the question of apartheid. (IRS study pamphlets, 294) 22pp. R4.00 ($2.25) Inst Reformational Studies 1992 SA
Aquaculture—Africa Moehl, J.F., Coche, A.G., Sagua, V.O. Africa regional aquaculture review: proceedings of a workshop held in Accra, Ghana, 23-24 September 1999. A report prepared for the Fisheries Department Group (RAFI) of the FAO Regional Office for Africa, Accra, Ghana. [Text in English and French.] (CIFA occasional paper, 24) 50pp. ill.maps FAO - Ghana 2000 GH MUL Aquaculture—South Africa Hecht, T., Britz, P.J., ed. Aquaculture ’92. Inst Soc Res 1993 SA Hecht, T., Bruton, M.N., eds., Safriel, O. Aquaculture in South Africa. Symposium held at Cathedral Peak Hotel. (SANSP occas. rep., 1) 156pp. CSIR 1985 SA van As, J.G., Walmsley, R.D., eds. Proceedings of the aquaculture symposium held in July 1986 at Rand Afrikaans University. (SANSP occas. rep., 15) 194pp. CSIR 1987 SA
Aquariums Bailey, M., Dakin, N. The aquarium fish handbook. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 185368788X cd. 160pp. col.pl. R129.95 New Holland 1998 SA Jardine, A. The marine aquarium. A practical guide for the South African hobbyist. 138pp. ill. R49.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Arab peoples—History Temimi, A., comp. Actes du 2e congrès du forum d’histoire contemporaine sur cultures et conscience nationale dans le monde arabe contemporain. (Monde arabe, Turquie et Afrique, 7) ISBN: 9972719891 281pp. ill.pl.maps ($72.00) FTRSI 1999 TI FRE Temimi, A., comp. Histoire générale des arabes entre ambitions et échecs. (Monde arabe, Turquie et Afrique, 8) ISBN: 997371993X 226pp. ($218.00) FTRSI 1999 TI FRE Weiss, B.G., Green, A.H. A survey of Arab history. rev.ed. 330pp. maps E£40.00 ($22.50) Am Univ 1987 UA Arab peoples—Sociology Achour, Y.B. Politique, religion et droit dans le monde arabe. 276pp. D9,000 Cérès 1992 TI FRE Hopkins, N.S., Ibrahim, S.E. Arab society: class, gender, power, and development. ISBN: 9774244004 600pp. E£70.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 1998 UA Largueche, A., Largeuch, D. Marginales en terre d’islam. 185pp. pl. D6,500 Cérès 1993 TI FRE Najim, A.M. Théorie de l’amour chez les arabes. 200pp. D6,000 El Marif 1996 TI FRE Arabic language Ibrahim, Z., Kassagby, N., Aydelott, A., eds. Diversity in language: contrastive studies in English and Arabic theoretical applied linguistics. ISBN: 9774245784 cd. 256pp. E£90.00 ($2.50/£24.95) Am Univ 2000 UA Arabic language—Dictionaries Elias Modern Publishing House Elias dictionary of computing and the internet. English/Arabic. ISBN: 9773040666 384pp. ill. E£40.00 ($8.00) Elias 2003 UA MUL Elias Modern Publishing House Elias dictionary of computing and the internet. English/English/Arabic. ISBN: 9773040642 638pp. ill. E£80.00 ($15.00) Elias 2003 UA MUL Glasgow, K., Elias, E., eds. Elias illustrated junior dictionary. EnglishArabic [Text in English and Arabic.] cd. & 309pp. ill. E£45.00 cd. E£35.00 Elias 2000 UA MUL Lane, E.W. Arab-English lexicon. 3064pp. E£1,230 ($395) Am Univ 1984 UA Smith, I., Ama, M.T. Juba Arabic English dictionary./Kamuss ta Arabi Juba wa Ingliizi. ISBN: 9970024752 213pp. ($29.95/£12.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2005 UG MUL Stevens, V., Salib, M. A pocket dictionary of the spoken Arabic of Cairo. English-Arabic. 3rd rev.ed. ISBN: 9774248392 240pp. E£40.00 ($15.95/£11.95) Am Univ 2004 UA Arabic language—Egypt American University in Cairo Press Egyptian Arabic vocab clinic. [CD-ROM.] ISBN: 9774249100 ($59.00) Am Univ 2005 UA Salib, M. Spoken Arabic of Cairo. 387pp. ($13.75) E£35.00 Am Univ 1982 UA Arabic language—Grammar Puech, M., Samb, A. Grammaire arabe. CFA1,600 NEAS 1978 SG FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Arabic language—Study and teaching Arabic language—Study and teaching Al-Warraki, N.N., Hassanein, A.T. The connectors in modern standard Arabic. 210pp. E£30.00 ($22.50) Am Univ 1994 UA Atouj, H. L’arabe, langue vivante. vol.1 CFA1,750 NEAS 1978 SG FRE [Africa only] Awde, N., Samano, P. The Arabic alphabet: how to read and write it. 95pp. map E£25.00 ($8.00) Am Univ 1990 UA [Middle East only except Bahrain, Lebanon, Saudia Arabia, Syria, Turkey] Bosha, I. Influence of Arabic language on Kiswahili with a trilingual dictionary (Swahili - Arabic - English). 268pp. ($21.50/£12.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1993 TZ MUL Elgibali, A. Understanding Arabic: essays in contemporary Arabic linguistics in honor of El Said Badawi. cd. 336pp. E£80.00 ($39.50) Am Univ 1996 UA
Mahfouz, N. Voices from the other world. Acient Egyptian tales. trans.f.t.Arabic by Raymond Stock ISBN: 9774247582 cd.96pp.E£50.00 ($16.95/£14.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Arabic literature—Drama El-Ramly, L. In plain Arabic. A play in two acts. trans.f.t. Arabic by Esmat Allouba cd. 114pp. E£40.00 ($25.00) Am Univ 1994 UA Arabic literature—Fiction Abdel Meguid, I. The other place. trans.f.t. Arabic by Farouk Abdel Wahab cd. 316pp. E£65.00 ($29.95) Am Univ 1997 UA [Middle East only] Abdullah, Y.T. The mountain of green teas and other stories. trans.f.t. Arabic by Denys Johnson-Davies ISBN: 977424267X 125pp. E£30.00 ($14.95/£12.50) Am Univ 1999 UA
Bakr, S. The wiles of men and other stories. trans.f.t. by Denys Johnson-Davies 190pp. E£35.00 ($12.95) Am Univ 1997 UA [Middle East only] Barakat, H. The tiller of waters. trans.f.t. Arabic by Marilyn Booth ISBN: 977424690X cd. 192pp. E£70.00 ($18.95) Am Univ 2001 UA Binebine, M. Le sommeil de l’esclave. 130pp. Dir35.00 Fennec 1994 MR FRE Din ‘Attar, F. The speech of birds. trans.f.t. Arabic by Peter Avery ISBN: 0946621705 576pp. E£80.00 ($27.50) Am Univ 1998 UA [Middle East only] El-Bisatie, M. Clamor of the lake. trans.f.t. Arabic by Hala Halim ISBN: 977424852X cd. 144pp. E£60.00 ($17.95/£13.50) Am Univ 2004 UA
Hakim, J. Arabic primer. 110pp. ill. 40k Longman Nig 1971 NR ARA
Abouzeid, L. The last chapter. trans.f.t. Arabic by L. Abouzeid and J. Lichety ISBN: 9774245881 cd. 96pp. E£50.00 ($17.95) Am Univ 2000 UA
El-Bisatie, M. Houses behind the trees. trans.f.t. Arabic by Denys Johnson-Davies 96pp. E£35.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 1997 UA [Middle East only]
Jones, A. Arabic through the Qu’ran. ISBN: 0946621683 200pp. E£112.00 ($24.00) Am Univ 2001 UA MUL [Egypt only]
Addas, C. Quest for the red sulphur. trans.f.t. Arabic by Peter Kingsley 368pp. E£90.00 ($29.95) Am Univ 1993 UA
American University in Cairo Press Modern standard Arabic verb clinic. [CDROM.] ISBN: 9774249259 ($59.00) Am Univ 2005 UA
Al-Ghazali Al-Ghazali’s letter to a disciple. trans.f.t. Arabic by T.Meyer ISBN: 0946621632 E£40.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 1998 UA [Middle East only]
El-Bisatie, M. A last glass of tea. trans. f.t. Arabic by D. Johnson-Davies 145pp. E£25.00 ($10.00) Am Univ 1994 UA [No US, UK, Western Europe]
American University in Cairo Press Modern standard Arabic vocab clinic. [CD-ROM.] ISBN: 9774249089 ($59.00) Am Univ 2005 UA Woidich, M., Henein-Nasr, R. Kullu tamam. An introduction to Egyptian colloquial Arabic. [Book and CD-ROM] ISBN: 9774248422 320pp. E£120.00 ($27.50/£20.50) Am Univ 2004 UA Arabic language—Study and teaching (Elementary) Malik, S.H.A. Arabic language. bk.1 ISBN: 9780307516 57pp. ($9.30) Univ Press Nig 2002 NR Malik, S.H.A. Arabic language. bk.2 ISBN: 9780308555 36pp. ($9.30) Univ Press Nig 2003 NR Malik, S.H.A. Arabic language. bk.3 ISBN: 9780308571 86pp. ($9.30) Univ Press Nig 2004 NR Arabic language—Study and teaching (Secondary) Abubakar, M.A., et al. New simplified Arabic course for JSS. bk.1 ISBN: 9780293912 110pp. N355.00 Spectrum 2004 NR MUL Abubakar, M.A., et al. New simplified Arabic course for JSS. bk.2 ISBN: 9087293906 134pp. N355.00 Spectrum 2004 NR MUL Abubakar, M.A., et al. New simplified Arabic course for JSS. bk.3 ISBN: 9087293914 142pp. N390.00 Spectrum 2004 NR MUL Arabic literature—Bibliography Sakkut, H. The modern Arabic novel: bibliography and critical introduction, 1865-1995. 5 vols. ISBN: 9774245024 3200pp. ill. E£450.00 ($150.00) Am Univ 1999 UA Arabic literature—Collections Ghazoul, F. The hybrid literary text: Arab creative authors writing in foreign languages. ISBN: 9774245903 538pp. E£20.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 2000 UA Johnson-Davies, D., comp. Under the naked sky: short stories from the Arab world. ISBN: 9774246047 cd. 252pp. E£80.00 ($24.50/£20.50) Am Univ 2000 UA [No UK; no Western Europe]
Al-Hakim Qasim, A. Rites of assent. trans.f.t. Arabic by Peter Theroux 192pp. E£35.00 ($12.95) Am Univ 1997 UA [Middle East only] Al-Hakim, T. The prison of life. trans.f.t.Arabic by Pierre Cachia 228pp. E£35.00 ($10.00) Am Univ 1992 UA al-Kharrat, E. Rama and the dragon. trans.f.t. Arabic by Ferial Ghazoul and John Verlenden ISBN: 9774246764 cd. 340pp. E£80.00 ($24.50/£20.50) Am Univ 2003 UA Al Kafrawi, S. The hill of gypsies and other stories. trans.f.t. Arabic by Denys JohnsonDavies ISBN: 977424480X cd. 160pp. E£40.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 1998 UA Al Nasiri, B. Final night: short stories. trans.f.t. Arabic by Denys Johnson-Davies ISBN: 9774247337 cd. 120pp. E£50.00 ($17.95/ £14.95) Am Univ 2002 UA Al Qadir al Jilani, A. The secret of secrets. 169pp. E£60.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1994 UA Al-Tahawy, M. Blue aubergine. trans.f.t. Arabic by Anthony Calderbank ISBN: 9774247264 cd. 130pp. E£50.00 ($17.95/£14.95) Am Univ 2002 UA Al Tahawy, M. The tent. trans.f.t Arabic by Anthony Calderbank ISBN: 9774244737 cd. 140pp. E£40.00 ($19.50) Am Univ 1998 UA al Takarli, F. The long way. trans.f.t. Arabic by C. Cobham ISBN: 9774246462 cd. 388pp. E£80.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 2001 UA al Zayyat, L. The open door. trans.f.t. Arabic by M. Booth ISBN: 9774246039 cd. 380pp. E£70.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 2000 UA Aslan, I. The heron. trans.f.t. Arabic by Elliot Colla. ISBN: 9774249291 192pp. ($19.95) Am Univ 2005 UA Aslan, I. Nile sparrows. trans.f.t. Arabic by Mona El-Ghobashy ISBN: 9774248287 cd. 128pp. E£60.00 ($17.95/£13.50) Am Univ 2004 UA
El Badry, H. A certain woman. trans.f.t. Arabic by Farouk Abdel Wahab ISBN: 9774247876 cd. 248pp. E£80.00 ($22.50/£18.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Ghanem, F. The man who lost his shadow. trans.f.t. Arabic by Desmond Stewart cd. 352pp. E£70.00 ($40.00) Am Univ 1994 UA Hakki, Y. The lamp of Umm Hashim and other stories. trans.f.t. Arabic by Denys Johnson-Davies ISBN: 9774247884 cd. 96pp. E£50.00 ($17.95/£13.50) Am Univ 2004 UA Himmich, B. The polymath. trans.f.t. Arabic by Roger Allen ISBN: 977424821X cd. 160pp. E£80.00 ($22.50/£18.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Hussein, T. A man of letters. trans.f.t.Arabic by Mona El-Zayyat cd. 144pp. E£50.00 ($25.00) Am Univ 1994 UA Hussein, T. The sufferers. Stories and polemics. trans.f.t. Arabic by Mona El Zayyat 144pp. E£25.00 ($10.00) Am Univ 1993 UA Ibrahim, S. The committee. trans.f.t. Arabic by Mary St. Germain & Charlene Constable ISBN: 9774247167 174pp. E£40.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 2002 UA Ibrahim, S. Zaat. trans.f.t. Arabic by Anthony Calderbank new ed. ISBN: 9774248449 344pp. E£60.00 ($16.95/£12.50) Am Univ 2004 UA Idris, Y. City of love and ashes. trans.f.t.Arabic by R. Neil Hewison ISBN: 9774245016 cd. 175pp. E£60.00 ($17.95) Am Univ 1998 UA Jayyusi, L. The adventures of Sayf ben Dhi Yazan: an Arab folk epic. ISBN: 9774245326 336pp. E£50.00 ($17.95) Am Univ 1999 UA [Middle East only; no Israel] Kanafani, G. All that’s left to you. A novella and other stories. trans. by M. Jayyusi and J. Reed 140pp. E£15.00 Am Univ 1992 UA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 80
African Books in Print
Subject index Mahfouz, N. Adrift on the Nile. trans.f.t. Arabic by Frances Liardet cd. 176pp. E£45.00 ($20.00) Am Univ 1993 UA [Middle East only] Mahfouz, N. Akhenaten: dweller in truth. trans.f.t. Arabic by Tagried Abu Hassabo ISBN: 9774244702 cd. 180pp. E£50.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1998 UA Mahfouz, N. Arabian nights and days. trans.f.t. Arabic by Denys Johnson-Davies 239pp. E£40.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 1996 UA [Middle East only] Mahfouz, N. Autumn quail. trans.f.t. Arabic by R. Allen 146pp. E£25.00 ($8.00) Am Univ 1985 UA [Middle East only] Mahfouz, N. The beggar. trans.f.t. Arabic by Kirsten Walker and Nariman Khales Naili al Warraki 124pp. E£25.00 ($8.00) Am Univ 1986 UA [Middle East only] Mahfouz, N. The beginning and the end. trans.f.t. Arabic by Ramses Awad 379pp. E£50.00 ($15.00) Am Univ 1985 UA [Middle East only] Mahfouz, N. The complete Mahfouz library. The twenty fiction volumes of the Nobel laureate in English. ISBN: 9774246861 cd. E£800.00 ($200.00) Am Univ 2001 UA [ME only] Mahfouz, N. The day the leader was killed. trans.f.t. Arabic by Malak Hashem new ed. ISBN: 9774244540 cd. & 108pp. E£45.00 ($15.95/£13.50)cd. ISBN: 9774246853 E£25.00 ($12.50) Am Univ 2001 UA [Middle East only] Mahfouz, N. Echoes of an autobiography. trans.f.t. Arabic by Denys Johnson-Davies cd. 144pp. E£50.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1997 UA [Middle East only] Mahfouz, N. The Harafish. trans.f.t. by Arabic Catherine Cobham cd. 415pp. E£70.00 ($23.00) Am Univ 1994 UA [Middle East only] Mahfouz, N. The journey of Ibn Fattouma. trans.f.t. Arabic by Denys Johnson-Davies 159pp. E£25.00 ($8.00) Am Univ 1997 UA [Middle East only] Mahfouz, N. Khufu’s wisdom. trans.f.t. Arabic by Raymond Stock ISBN: 9774248066 cd. 168pp. E£80.00 ($22.50/£18.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Mahfouz, N. Midaq Alley. trans.f.t. Arabic by Trevor le Gassick 246pp. E£35.00 ($10.00) Am Univ 1985 UA [Middle East only] Mahfouz, N. Miramar. trans.f.t. Arabic by Fatma Moussa Mahmoud 157pp. E£25.00 ($8.00) Am Univ 1978 UA [Middle East only] Mahfouz, N. Mirrors. trans.f.t. Arabic by Roger Allen ISBN: 9774245334 cd. 183pp. ill. E£90.00 ($19.95/£16.95) Am Univ 2001 UA Mahfouz, N. Palace of desire. trans.f.t Arabic by William Maynard Hutchins, Lorne Kenny and Olive E. Kenny ISBN: 9774246829 cd. 430pp. E£55.00 ($17.95) Am Univ 2001 UA [Middle East only] Mahfouz, N. Palace walk. trans.f.t Arabic by William M. Hutchins and Olive E. Kenny rev.ed. ISBN: 9774244289 cd. 508pp. E£90.00 ($27.50) Am Univ 2001 UA [Middle East only]
Archaeology—Africa, East Mahfouz, N. Respected sir. trans.f.t. Arabic by Rasheed El-Enany new ed. ISBN: 9774241649 204pp. E£35.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 1998 UA [Middle East only; no Israel] Mahfouz, N. Rhadopis of Nubia. trans.f.t. Arabic by Anthony Calderbank ISBN: 9774248082 cd. 176pp. E£80.00 ($22.50/£18.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Mahfouz, N. The search. trans.f.t.Arabic by Mohamed Islam 126pp. E£25.00 ($8.00) Am Univ 1987 UA [Middle East only] Mahfouz, N. Sugar Street. trans.f.t. Arabic by William Maynard Hutchins and Angele Botros Samaan new ed. ISBN: 9774246837 cd. 320pp. E£55.00 ($17.95) Am Univ 2001 UA [Middle East only] Mahfouz, N. Thebes at Humphrey cd. 208pp. Univ 2003
war. trans.f.t. Arabic by Davies ISBN: 9774248074 E£80.00 ($22.50/£18.95) Am UA
Mahfouz, N. The thief and the dogs. trans.f.t. Arabic M.M. Badawi, Trevor Le Gassick rev.ed. ISBN: 9774240340 160pp. E£25.00 ($12.95) Am Univ 1999 UA [Middle East only] Mahfouz, N. The time and the place and other stories. Selected and trans. by Denys JohnsonDavies 161pp. E£35.00 ($10.00) Am Univ 1991 UA [Middle East only] Mahfouz, N. Wedding song. trans.f.t. Arabic by Olive E.Kenny 112pp. E£25.00 ($8.00) Am Univ 1984 UA [Middle East only] Mahfouz, N., Hafez, S. The Cairo trilogy. ISBN: 9774246888 cd. 1360pp. E£120.00 ($29.95) Am Univ 2001 UA [ME only] Manzalaoui, M., ed. Arabic short stories 1945-1965. 407pp. E£50.00 ($22.00) Am Univ 1985 UA [Egypt only]
Arabic literature—History and criticism Al-Ali, N.S. Gender writing/writing gender. The representation of women in a selection of modern Egyptian literature. cd. 138pp. E£45.00 ($30.00) Am Univ 1994 UA Fontaine, J. Le roman tunisien de langue arabe 19562001. ISBN: 9973195183 180pp. Cérès 2002 TI FRE Ghazoul, F.J. Nocturnal poetics. The Arabian nights in comparative context. cd. E£70.00 ($34.50) Am Univ 1996 UA Ghazoul, F.J., Harlow, Barbara eds. The view from within. Writers and critics on contemporary Arabic literature. cd. 304pp. E£70.00 ($40.00) Am Univ 1994 UA Malti-Douglas, F. Woman’s body, woman’s word. Gender and discourse in Arabo-Islamic writing. 218pp. E£40.00 ($15.00) Am Univ 1992 UA [Middle East only] Mehrez, S. Egyptian writers between history and fiction: essays on Naguib Mahfouz, Sonallah Ibrahim and Garnal al-Ghitani. ISBN: 9774243307 144pp. E£40.00 ($15.95) Am Univ 2005 UA Moncef, C. La crise personelle dans les récits de Hamadhani. 112pp. D3,000 El Marif 1996 TI FRE Salmawy, M. Naguib Mahfouz at Sidi Gaber: reflections of a Nobel laureate, 1994-2001 ISBN: 977424673X cd. 160pp. E£50.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 2001 UA Arabic literature—Poetry Lings, M., comp. Sufi poems. A medieval anthology. ISBN: 1903682177 112pp. E8130.00 ($15.50) Am Univ 2003 UA [Egypt only] O’Grady, D. The golden odes of love: Al Mu’Allaqat. [An English verse rendering.] 64pp. E£50.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1997 UA
Meguid, I.A. No one sleeps in Alexandria. trans.f.t. Arabic by Farouk Abdel Wahab ISBN: 9774246039 cd. 416pp. ill. E£80.00 ($24.50/£20.50) Am Univ 1999 UA
Archaeology see also Anthropology Antiquities Museums Paleontology
Mosteghanemi, A. Chaos of the senses. trans.f.t. Arabic by Baria Ahmar ISBN: 9774246705 cd. 240pp. E£80.00 ($22.50/£16.50) Am Univ 2004 UA
Archaeology—Africa Andah, B.W., Sowunmi, M.A. et al., eds. Africa: the challenge of archaeology. ISBN: 9781293462 370pp. ($35.00/ £19.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR
Mosteghanemi, A. Memory in the flesh. trans.f.t. Arabic by Baria Ahmar Sreib & Peter Clark [Also available in Arabic.] new ed. ISBN: 9774247345 262pp. (£11.50) Am Univ 2004 UA Qayyim al-Jawziyya, I. Medicine of the prophet. trans.f.t. Arabic by Penelope Johnstone ISBN: 0946621225 320pp. E£80.00 ($27.50) Am Univ 1998 UA [Middle East only] Ramadan, S. Leaves of Narcissus. trans.f.t.Arabic by Marilyn Booth ISBN: 9774247272 cd. 112pp. E£70.00 ($18.95/£15.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Taher, B. Love in exile. trans.f.t. Arabic by Farouk Abdel Wahab ISBN: 9774246721 cd. 264pp. E£80.00 ($24.50/£20.50) Am Univ 2002 UA Tzalas, H.E. Farewell to Alexandria. Eleven short stories. trans.f.t. Arabic by Susan E. Mantouvalou new ed. ISBN: 9774248104 224pp. ill. E£60.00 ($15.95/£11.95) Am Univ 2004 UA Arabic literature—Folklore Arnander, P., Skipwith, A. Unload your own donkey: Arabic sayings from Egypt and other countries. ISBN: 9774247078 cd. 90pp. ill. E£70.00 ($12.95) Am Univ 2002 UA [Egypt only]
Chami, F., Pwiti, G., Radimilahy, C. People, contacts and the environment in the African past. ISBN: 9976603444 190pp. ($29.95/£17.95) Dar es Salaam UP 2001 TZ Chami, F., Pwiti, G., Radimilahy, C., eds. Climate change, trade and modes of production in sub-Saharan Africa. (Studies in the African past, 3) ISBN: 9976603924 210pp. ($29.95/£17.95) Dar es Salaam UP 2003 TZ Hall, M. Archaeology Africa. 288pp. ill. R106.95 Philip 1996 SA [No UK] Pwiti, G., Soper, R. Aspects of African archaeology. 857pp. ill. ($75.00/£42.00) Univ Zimbabwe 1997 ZI Smith, A.B. Pastoralism in Africa. Origins and development ecology. 288pp. ill. R64.95 Witwatersrand UP 1992 SA [Southern Africa only] Archaeology—Africa, East Horton, M. Shanga: the archaeology of a Muslim trading community on the coast of East Africa. (BIEA memoir, 14) cd. 458pp. (£75.00) Brit Inst EA 1996 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Archaeology—Africa, East
Subject index
Schoenbrun, D.L. A green place, a good place. Agrarian change and social identity in the Great Lakes region to the 15th century. ISBN: 0852556810 cd. & 224pp. (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852556314 (£15.95 pap.) EAEP 1999 KE [East Africa only] Sutton, J. A thousand years of East Africa. 120pp. ill. K.shs.140.00 (£8.00) Brit Inst EA 1990 KE Sutton, J.C.G. Archaeological sites of East Africa: four studies. 169pp. ill.pl.maps ($30.00/ £15.00) Brit Inst EA 1998 KE Sutton, J.E.G. The growth of farming communities from the equator southwards. 350pp. (£25.00) Brit Inst EA 1996 KE Welsby, D.A., Daniels, C.M. Soba: archaeological investigations of a medieval capital on the Blue Nile. (BIEA memoir, 12) cd. 300pp. ill. (£40.00) Brit Inst EA 1991 KE Archaeology—Africa, North Fondation Temimi pour la Recherche Scientifique et l’Information Architecture des demeures, inscriptions funéraires et dynamique de resauration. Actes du 2ème Congrès du corpus d’archéologie ottomane dans le monde. ISBN: 9973719778 521pp. ($140.00) FTRSI 1998 TI FRE Temimi, A., comp. Actes du IIe congrès d’archéologie ottomane sur architectures des demeures, nscriptions funéraires et dynamique de restauration. (Archéologie ottomane, 2) ISBN: 9973719778 421pp. ($123.00) FTRSI 1998 TI FRE Temimi, A., comp. Corpus d’archéologie ottoman. ($70.00) FTRSI 1997 TI FRE
Temimi, A., comp. Mélanges Maria Soledad Carrasco Urgoiti. vol.1(Mélanges, 6) ISBN: 9973719840 300pp. ill.pl.maps ($76.00) FTRSI 1999 TI FRE Temimi, A., comp. Mélanges Maria Soledad Carrasco Urgoiti. vol.2(Mélanges, 6b) ISBN: 9973719859 492pp. ill.pl.maps 76 FTRSI 1999 TI FRE Temimi, A., comp. Mélanges Professeur Machid Kiel. (Mélanges, 7) ISBN: 9973719913 744pp. pl.maps ($400.00) FTRSI 1999 TI FRE Archaeology—Africa, Southern Chami, F., Pwiti, G., eds. Southern Africa and the Swahili world. (Studies in the African past, 2) ISBN: 9976603672 144pp. col.pl.maps ($29.95/ £17.95) Dar es Salaam UP 2002 TZ Dawson, T. Rock engravings of southern Africa. cd. 124pp. ill. col.pl. R160.00 Witwatersrand UP 1992 SA Dowson, T.A., Lewis-Williams, D., eds. Contested images. Diversity in southern African rock art research. 300pp. ill. R120.00 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA Wadley, L. Our gendered past. Archaeological studies of gender in southern Africa. ISBN: 1868143201 cd. 388pp. ill.maps R110.00 (£16.95) Witwatersrand UP 1998 SA Archaeology—Africa, West Chikwendu, V.E. The state of West African archaeology at the close of the twentieth century: the role of the Ganint Andah. ISBN: 9782783846 15pp. N100.00 ($10.00/ £5.00) Textflow 2002 NR Archaeology—Botswana Botswana Society Ditswa Mmung. The archaeology of Botswana. ISBN: 9991260390 cd. 264pp. ill.col.pl. P80.00 Botswana Soc 2000 BS [co-published with Pula Press]
Archaeology—Congo Democratic Republic Pieters, A. Quelques notions sur les parasoleraies de la région de Lodja (nord Sankuru), République Démocratique du Congo. 51pp. 60k Press Univ Congo 1968 ZR FRE Raymaekers, P., Van Moorsel, H. Dessins rupestres du Bas-Congo (Lovo) pl.map. 80k Press Univ Congo 1964 ZR FRE Archaeology—Egypt Agnese, G., Re, M. Ancient Egypt. Art and archaeology. [Also available in French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish.] ISBN: 9774247965 192pp. col.ill. E£50.00 ($16.95/£13.95) Am Univ 2003 UA [Middle East only] Bacharach, J.L. Fustat finds: beads, coins, medical instruments, textiles and other artifacts from the Awad collection. ISBN: 9774243935 cd. 264pp. ill.col.ill. E£150.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 2001 UA Bongioanni, A. Luxor and the Valley of the Kings. Art and archaeology. [Also available in French: ISBN 8854001287; German: ISBN 8854001295; Italian: ISBN 8854001279; Russian: ISBN 8854001309] ISBN: 9774248260 192pp. col.ill. E£70.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 2004 UA [Egypt only] Bourbon, F. The splendours of archaeology. ISBN: 9774244931 cd. 352pp. col.ill. E£190.00 ($59.50) Am Univ 1998 UA [Middle East only] Fagan, B., Garrett, K. Journey through an ancient land: Egypt of the Pharaohs. ISBN: 9774246624 cd. 288pp. col.pl. E£150.00 Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Hawass, Z. The golden age of Tutankhamun. ISBN: 9774248368 160pp. col.ill. E£120.00 ($27.50/£20.50) Am Univ 2004 UA Hawass, Z. Secrets from the sand. My search for Egypt’s past. ISBN: 9774248139 cd. 276pp. col.ill.col.pl. E£200.00 ($39.50) Am Univ 2003 UA [Middle East only] Hawass, Z., ed. The treasures of the pyramids. [Also available in French, Italian, Spanish.] ISBN: 9774247981 cd. 400pp. col.pl. E£300.00 ($59.50) Am Univ 2003 UA [Middle East only] Weeks, K. The lost tomb: the greatest discovery in the valley of the Kings since Tutankhamun. new ed. ISBN: 9774246314 cd. 344pp. ill.col.ill.maps E£45.00 ($15.95) Am Univ 2001 UA [Middle East only] Weeks, K.R., ed. Atlas of the valley of the kings. The Theban mapping project, part 1. Study edition. ISBN: 9774248201 104pp. maps E£200.00 ($39.50/£32.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Weeks, K.R., ed. KV5. A preliminary report on the excavation of the tomb of the sons of Ramesses II in the Valley of the Kings. ISBN: 9774245741 cd. 192pp. ill. E£90.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 2000 UA Zecchi, M. Abu Simbel, Aswan and the Nubian temples. Art and archaeology. [Also available in French: ISBN 8854001325; German: ISBN 8854001333; Italian: ISBN 8854001317; Russian: ISBN 8854001341] ISBN: 9774248279 192pp. col.ill. E£70.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 2004 UA [Egypt only] Archaeology—Ethiopia Munro-Hay, S.C. Excavations at Aksum: an account of research at the ancient Ethiopian capital directed in 1972-4 by the late Neville Chittick. (BIEA memoir, 10) cd. 359pp. ill.pl. maps (£30.00) Brit Inst EA 1989 KE
Phillipson, D., ed. The monuments of Aksum. 201pp. Birr30.00 ($30.00) Addis Ababa UP 1997 ET Phillipson, D.W. Archaeology at Aksum, 1993-97. 2 vols.(BIEA memoir, 17) ISBN: 1872566138 cd. ill.pl.maps (£95.00 set) Brit Inst EA 2002 KE Archaeology—Kenya Ardouin, C.D. Museums and archaeology in West Africa. 192pp. K.shs.2,300 EAEP 1997 KE Chittick, N. Manda, excavations at an island port on the Kenya coast. cd. 260pp. ill. (£25.00) Brit Inst EA 1984 KE Robertshaw, P., ed. Early pastoralists of south-western Kenya. (BIEA memoir, 11) 340pp. ill.maps K.shs.600.00 Brit Inst EA 1990 KE Archaeology—Mauritania—Dictionaries Vernet, R., ould Mohammed Naffe, B. Dictionnaire archéologique de la Mauritanie. 164pp. col.ill. ($24.96) CRIAA 2003 MU FRE Archaeology—Namibia Kinahan, J. Cattle for beads. The archaeology of historical contact and trade on the Namib Coast. (Studies in African Archaeology, 17) ISBN: 9150613359 119pp. col.pl. N$67.50 Namibia Scient Soc 2000 SX Kinahan, J. Pastoral nomads of the Central Namib desert. 167pp. ill.pl. ($30.00/£16.75) New Namibia 1992 SX Pager, S-A. A visit to the white lady of the Brandenberg. [Also available in German.] ISBN: 991675051 22pp. pl. N$27.00 Namibia Scient Soc 1999 SX Pager, S.A. A walk through prehistoric Twyfelfontein. ISBN: 9991675078 24pp. col.ill.maps Typoprint 2001 SX Sydow, W. Reports on some fossil human remains from Otjiseva/SWA. 48pp. ill. N$5.00 Namibia Scient Soc 1970 SX Archaeology—Nigeria Agbaje-Williams, B. Archaeological investigation of Itagunmodi potsherd pavement site, Ijesaland, Osun State, Nigeria (1991-92 season). 44pp. IFRA - Nig 1995 NR Archaeology—Senegal Thilmans, G., Ravise, A. Protohistoire du Sénégal: recherches archéologiques: les sites du Fleuve. 216pp. ill. CFA9,000 IFAN 1983 SG FRE Archaeology—South Africa Brink, J.S., Roussouw, L. New trail excavations at the CornelisUitzoek type locality. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 16/6) ISBN: 1868470571 R7.00 (£1.75) Nasionale Museum SA 2000 SA Deacon, H.J., Deacon, J. Human beginnings in South Africa. Uncovering the secrets of the stone age. ISBN: 0864864175 176pp. ill. Philip 1999 SA Loubser, J.H.N. Ndebele archaeology of the Pietersburg area. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 10/2) 85pp. ill.maps R.8.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1994 SA Mason, R. Origins of the African people of the Johannesburg area. 91pp. ill. pl. ($24.00/£13.50) R11.95 Skotaville 1987 SA Morris, A.G. The skeletons of contact. A study of protohistoric burials from the lower Orange River valley, South Africa. 228pp. ill. R74.95 Witwatersrand UP 1992 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 82
African Books in Print
Subject index
Architecture—South Africa
Rossouw, L. The extraction of opal phytoliths from the fossilised teeth of two bovid species from Florisbad. 11pp. ill. R4.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1996 SA Sampson, C.G. Atlas of stone age settlement in the central and upper Seacow Valley. (Memoirs van die Nasionale Museum, 20) 116pp. ill. Nasionale Museum SA 1985 SA
Archaeology—Zambia—Indexes Derricourt, R.M., ed. A classified index of archaeological and other sites in Zambia. Rev. ed.(Research publication, 3) 180pp. K5.00 NHCC 1978 ZA Archaeology—Zimbabwe Garlake, P.S. Great Zimbabwe described and explained. 64pp. ill. Z$45.50 ZPH 1982 ZI
Sampson, G. Middle stone industries of the Orange river scheme area. (Memoirs van die Nasionale Museum, 4) 111pp. R3.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1969 SA
Huffman, T.N. Snakes and crocodiles. Power and symbolism in ancient Zimbabwe. 240pp. ill.pl.maps R98.95 Witwatersrand UP 1996 SA
Sampson, G. The Smithfield industrial complex: further field results. (Memoirs van die Nasionale Museum, 5) 179pp. R3.50 Nasionale Museum SA 1970 SA
Huffman, T.N. Symbols in stone: unravelling the mystery of Great Zimbabwe. 52pp. R24.95 Witwatersrand UP 1987 SA
Sampson, G. The stone age industries of the Orange River scheme and South Africa. (Memoirs van die Nasionale Museum, 6) 288pp. R3.90 Nasionale Museum SA 1973 SA Schrire, C. Digging through darkness. Chronicles of an archaeologist. 285pp. ill.maps R89.95 Witwatersrand UP 1995 SA [Southern African only] Walton, James. Early Ghoya settlement in the Orange Free State. (Memoirs van die Nasionale Museum, 2) 40pp. R1.95 Nasionale Museum SA 1965 SA Archaeology—Tanzania Chittick, H.N. Kilwa: an Islamic city on the East African Coast. vol. 1: history and archaeology; vol.2: the finds(BIEA memoir, 5) 514pp. ill. pl. col. pl. (£42.00, 2 vols.) Brit Inst EA 1974 KE Archaeology—Tunisia Ennabli, A., Fradier, G., Perez, J. Carthage retrouvée. 160pp. col.pl. Cérès 1995 TI FRE Tloti, S. Cités antiques. 1970 TI FRE
72pp. D2,200. Cérès
Archaeology—Uganda Connah, G. Kibiro: the salt of Bunyoro, past and present. (BIEA memoir, 13) cd. 224pp. (£37.50) Brit Inst EA 1996 KE Archaeology—Zambia Derricourt, R.M. Man on the Kafue. 1984 ZA [No UK]
pl. (£25.00) NHCC
Huffman, T.N. Iron age migrations: the ceramic sequence in Southern Zambia excavations at Gundu and Ndonde. 80pp. R69.95 ($40.00/£20.00) Witwatersrand UP 1990 SA Phillipson, D.W. National monuments of Zambia: an illustrated guide. rev. ed. 110pp. pl. map K7.50 NHCC 1983 ZA Phillipson, D.W. Prehistoric rock paintings and engravings of Zambia. 95c./40.p 60n. NHCC 1972 ZA Phillipson, D.W. The prehistory of eastern Zambia. (BIEA memoir, 6) 218pp. pl.maps. K.shs.140.00 ($17.50/£9.50) Brit Inst EA 1976 KE Archaeology—Zambia—Bibliography Derricourt, R.M., comp. A supplementary bibliography of the archaeology of Zambia, 1967-1973. 15pp. ($1.00) 50n NHCC 1975 ZA Phillipson, D.W. An annotated bibliography of Zambian prehistory. 80c./35p. 50n. NHCC 1968 ZA
Soper, R. Nyanga: ancient fields, settlements and agricultural history in Zimbabwe. (BIEA memoir, 16) ISBN: 187256612X cd. ill.pl.maps Brit Inst EA 2002 KE Archer, Jack—Biography Baker, C. A fine chest of medals. The life of Jack Archer. (Kachere book, 15) ISBN: 9990816565 275pp. ($57.50/£31.65) Kachere 2003 MW Architecture see also Building Building materials Civil engineering Housing and urban planning CSIR National Building Research Institute A guide to special housing for aged people. (CSIR research reports, 245) 54pp. ill. CSIR 1967 SA CSIR School Buildings Committee 1200-pupil comprehensive high school: recommendations of the school building committee, report, 14. (CSIR research reports, 193) 48pp. CSIR 1964 SA CSIR School Buildings Committee Industrial art centres. (CSIR research reports, 192) 35pp. ill. CSIR 1962 SA CSIR School Buildings Committee School gymnasia African, English. (CSIR research reports, 191) 261pp. ill. CSIR 1963 SA CSIR Vocational School Buildings Committee Housecraft high schools. (CSIR research reports, 220) 19pp. CSIR 1965 SA CSIR Vocational School Buildings Committee Planning commercial high schools. (CSIR research reports, 194) 43pp. CSIR 1963 SA CSIR Vocational School Buildings Committee School hostels: English and African. (CSIR research reports, 206) 41pp. CSIR 1964 SA CSIR Vocational School Buildings Committee Technical high schools. (CSIR research reports, 207) 67pp. CSIR 1964 SA Fairbairn, D.G. A design concept for housing aged people. (CSIR research reports, 170) 13pp. CSIR 1960 SA Grobbelaar, C.S., Billingham, P.A. NBRI introductory guide to damp in buildings. (CSIR Building Guide, 5) 28pp. 75c. CSIR 1975 SA Joyce, P., Hartdegen, J., Hartdegen, P. The complete book of home planning in South Africa. ISBN: 1868257436 320pp. ill.col.pl. R169.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Katz, A. Extend your home. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868720845 112pp. col.ill. R69.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Righini, P. Thinking architecturally. An introduction to the creation of form and place. ISBN: 1919713298 336pp. ill. R195.00 UCT Press 1999 SA Architecture—Addresses and essays Adalemo, I.A. Design for development. (Inaugural lectures) ($6.95/£3.75) N5.00 Univ Lagos Press 1987 NR Architecture—Africa Anyamba, T.J.C., Adebayo, A.A. Traditional architecture: settlement, evolution and built form. 96pp. pl.maps K.shs.446.00 ($9.00/£6.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1994 KE Architecture—Africa, East Rickens-Körner, A., Engelbrecht, S Stone town styles of East coast Africa. 180pp. col.pl. R395.00 Bell-Roberts 2003 SA Architecture—Cameroun Malaquais, D. Architecture, pouvoir et dissidence au Cameroun. 100pp. CFA15,000 (Eur22.86) UCAC 2002 CM FRE Architecture—Egypt Dobrowolska, A. The building crafts of Cairo: a living tradition. ISBN: 9774249429 128pp. col.pl. ($24.95) Am Univ 2005 UA Fathy, H. Architecture for the poor. new ed. ISBN: 977424575X 366pp. ill. E£60.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 2000 UA Myntti, C. Paris along the Nile. Architecture in Cairo from the Belle Epoque. ISBN: 9774248120 cd. 112pp. pl. E£100.00 ($27.50/£22.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Steele, J. Hassan Fathi. An architecture for people. The complete works. 208pp. ill.col.ill. E£120.00 ($34.50) Am Univ 1997 UA Tamraz, N.S. Nineteenth century Cairene houses and palaces. ISBN: 9774243781 cd. 176pp. ill. E£60.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 1998 UA Architecture—Namibia Scott, T.W. Cooler houses in a warm climate. A South West African experiment. (CSIR research report, 311) 10pp. free CSIR 1973 SA Architecture—Réunion Borie, A. Jean Bossu - architectures 1950-1979. La Réunion. ISBN: 2912739047 48pp. col.pl. (Eur6.10) CAUE 2000 RF FRE CAUE de la Réunion Cases créoles des 24 communes de la Réunion. ISBN: 2912739063 col.pl. (Eur4.57) CAUE 2004[?] RF FRE Architecture—Senegal Ndoye, D. La réglementation de l’architecture au Sénégal. ISBN: 2878380401 115pp. CFA30,000 (Eur46.00) EDJA 2000 SG FRE Architecture—South Africa Bevis, L., Misselbrook, D. Home builder’s handbook on the national building regulations. R189.00 Juta 1997 SA Bremner, L. Johannesburg. One city, colliding worlds. ISBN: 1919855289 cd. 120pp. col.pl. R185.00 ($35.00/£30.00) STE 2004 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Building in the Cape. vol.1(CSIR reports, S106) 240pp. R10.00 CSIR 1975 SA Fisher, R.C., le Roux, S., Maré, E., eds. Architecture of the Transvaal. ISBN: 1868880397 340pp. R178.00 ($48.30/ £29.30) Unisa 1998 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Architecture—South Africa
Subject index
Fransen, H. Old buildings of the Cape. ISBN: 1868421910 cd. R699.00 Ball 2004 SA Herholdt, A. William White-Cooper. A contribution to South African architecture. (IDPR special publications, 16) R50.00 Inst Planning Res 1992 SA Lipman, A. Architecture on my mind: a critical reading in design. ISBN: 1868882411 266pp. ill. (£30.00) Unisa 2003 SA Marschall, S., Kearney, B. Opportunities for relevance. Architecture in the new South Africa. ISBN: 1868881288 cd. 234pp. ill.col.pl. R182.00 ($51.95/£34.95) Unisa 2000 SA Meiring, M. Hannes Meiring: my country in line and colour. ISBN: 1874950792 112pp. col.pl. (£20.00) Fernwood 2004 SA
Petrova, K., Kwafo-Akoto, K., Moahi, K.H., Baffour-Awuah, M. Report on the workshop on raw data archive, 16 May 1995, Gaborone, Botswana. P15.00 NIDCR 1995 BS Archives—Malawi National Archives of Malawi A manual of activities and operations of the National Archives of Malawi. 17pp. free Nat Arch - Malawi 1986 MW Archives—Zambia Hinfelaar, M., Macola, G. A first guide to non-governmental archives in Zambia. 121pp. Nat Arch Zambia 2004 ZA Armed forces Nkoa Atenga, C. Les dix règles en or du soldat, et les six obligations incontournables de l’armée. ISBN: 2723501299 148pp. CLE 2001 CM FRE St. Leger, S. Mounted infantry at war. ISBN: 0947020225 cd. 274pp. ill.col.ill. Galago 1986 SA
Radford, D. A guide to the architecture of Durban and Pietermaritzburg. ISBN: 0864865996 144pp. col.pl. R149.95 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Simons, P.B. Cape Dutch houses and other old favourites. ISBN: 1874950539 cd. col.pl.maps (£20.00) ISBN: 1874950474 Fernwood 2001 SA Viney, G. Colonial houses of South Africa. ISBN: 0947430059 cd. 288pp. col.pl. R400.00 New Holland 1987 SA
Vale, P.C.J., Kopp, W. A layman’s guide to arms and arms control: special study. 69pp. R8.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1982 SA Armed forces—Africa Akinyemi, A.B., et al. eds. Disarmament and development: the utilization of resources for military purposes in black Africa. 117pp. ($12.50/£8.50) N10.00 NIIA 1986 NR Brooks, D., Renou, X. Peacekeeping or pillage? Private military companies in Africa. ISBN: 0798301430 23pp. Africa Inst 2001 SA
Architecture—Study and teaching van Graan, A. Communication for architecture. ISBN: 0195781473 170pp. R154.99 OUP - SA 2003 SA Architecture—Sudan Moucktar Bah, T. Architecture militaire traditionelle, et poliorcétique dans le Soudan occidental du XVIIe a la fin du XIXe siècle. 310pp. ill. pl. CFA3,100 CLE 1985 CM FRE Architecture—Togo Marguerat, Y. L’architecture française au Togo. pl. CFA5,500 HaHo 2000 TG
Architecture—Zimbabwe du Toit, F. Musha. The Shona concept of home. (Aspects of Zimbabwe Architecture, IAZ monograph, 1) 15pp. ill Z$1.00 ZPH 1982 ZI Architecture, Islamic see also Art, Islamic
Hutchful, E., Bathily, A., eds. The military and militarism in Africa. new ed. ISBN: 2869780699 617pp. ($43.00/£24.00) CODESRIA 1998 SG Armed forces—Africa—Addresses and essays Kadzai, A. Shaka Zulu and Napoleon Bonaparte as military leaders: some lessons for African armed forces. (NIIA, lecture series, 8) 20pp. N5.00 NIIA 1976 NR Armed forces—Congo Democratic Republic Tshikaya, F. Armée et démocratie. 148pp. ($9.90) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Aromatherapy Maxwell-Hudson, C. Aromatherapy massage book. 112pp. R89.99 Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA Ranger, H. Everybody’s aromatherapy. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624039447 128pp. col.ill. R119.95 Tafelberg 2002 SA
Hillenbrand, R. Islamic architecture. new rev.ed. ISBN: 9774245431 640pp. ill. E£150.00 ($49.50) Am Univ 2000 UA Sakr, T.M.R. Early twentieth century Islamic architecture in Cairo. cd. 256pp. ill. E£50.00 ($20.00) Am Univ 1993 UA Architecture, Islamic—Bibliography Pearson, J.D., Scanlon, G.T., eds. A bibliography of the architecture, arts and crafts of Islam, supplement II, January 1972-January 1980. cd. 337pp. E£200.00 ($90.00) Am Univ 1984 UA Architecture, Islamic—Egypt Bacharach, J.L., ed. The restoration and conservation of Islamic monuments in Egypt. cd. 240pp. ill. E£75.00 ($35.00) Am Univ 1995 UA Behrens-Abouseif, D. Islamic architecture in Cairo: an introduction. 175pp. ill.pl. E£60.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 1989 UA Archives see also Libraries Library science
Struik Publishers A bouquet of aromatherapy. ISBN: 1853686670 cd. 96pp. col.ill. R49.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Art
see also African art Arts and crafts Painting Photography Fletcher, R. Magic of marbling. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 48pp. col.ill. R44.95 Tafelberg 1995 SA Hare, M. The sculptor and his sitter: Rodin’s bust of Eve Fairfax. 64pp. pl. R85.00 Johannesburg Art Gallery 1994 SA Lawal, B. Art for life’s sake: life for art’s sake. 38pp. ($4.95/£2.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1987 NR
Art—Addresses and essays Bradshaw, B. The culture plan: world techniques in uniformity. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1961 SA
p’Bitek, O. Artist the ruler: essays on art, culture and values. 144pp. K.shs.330.00 ($12.50/ £6.95) EAEP 1986 KE Art—Africa—Addresses and essays Seerveld, C., Snyman, J.J., Sempangi, K.F., Mangope,, R.K. Art in Africa. 36pp. R8.00 ($8.00/£5.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1993 SA Art—Africa, Southern—Catalogs Levy, D., comp. The Horstmann collection of Southern African art. 24pp. col.pl. R40.00 Johannesburg Art Gallery 1992 SA Art—Algeria Barrucand, V. Algeria and the orientalist painters. trans.f.t French by Mohamed Bensemmane [Also available in French.] ISBN: 9961773195 72pp. col.pl. DA4,500 (Eur56.00) Tell 2005 AE FRE Barrucand, V. L’Algérie et les peintres orientalistes. [Also available in English.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 996177308X 72pp. col.pl. DA4,500 (Eur56.00) Tell 2004 AE FRE Art—Catalogs Unisa Art Gallery The Molly van Loon collection of Buddhist art. 79pp. R28.00 ($7.80/£5.00/Eur6.80) Unisa 1989 SA Art—Egypt Behrens-Abouseif, D., ed. The Cairo heritage. Essays in honor of Layla Ali Ibrahim. ISBN: 9774245687 cd. 320pp. ill. E£80.00 ($27.50) Am Univ 2000 UA Boghiguian, A. Anna’s Egypt. An artist’s journey. ISBN: 9774247248 192pp. col.pl. E£120.00 ($29.50/£24.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Bonfils, P.F. In Arab lands: the Bonfils collection of the University of Pennsylvania Museum. ISBN: 9774245695 cd. 96pp. col.ill. E£120.00 ($39.50/£32.95) Am Univ 2000 UA Dobrowolska, A., Fahmy, K. Muhammad Ali Pasha and his sabil. ISBN: 9774248317 64pp. col.pl. ($12.95) Am Univ 2004 UA Gazio, P. Van Leo: portraits of glamour. 72pp. col.ill. E£35.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 1997 UA Hug, C. Margo Veillon: the bursting movement. cd. 260pp. ill.col.ill. E£350.00 ($125.00) Am Univ 1996 UA [Egypt only] Hug, C. Margot Veillon: Egyptian harvests. ISBN: 9774245806 168pp. ill.col.pl. E£120.00 Am Univ 2000 UA Karnuk, L. Contemporary Egyptian art. cd. 140pp. col.pl. E£100.00 ($49.50) Am Univ 1995 UA Roberts, D. De luxe print portfolio of ten lithographs. Am Univ 1997 UA Rodenbeck, E., Parry, J., eds. Egypt: the arts in view. (Arts and the Islamic World, 35) 72pp. col.ill. E£40.00 ($15.95) Am Univ 2002 UA [Egypt only] Ronfard, B., ed. Margo Veillon: painting Egypt. The masterpiece collection at the American University in Cairo. ISBN: 9774247213 cd. 224pp. col.pl. E£200.00 ($49.50/ £41.50) Am Univ 2003 UA Saad El Din, M. Gazbia Sirry: lust for colour. ISBN: 9774244052 cd. 234pp. ill.col.ill. E£125.00 ($39.50) Am Univ 1998 UA Veillon, M. Egyptian harvest. ISBN: 9774245806 168pp. col.ill. E£120.00 ($37.50) Am Univ 2000 UA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 84
African Books in Print
Subject index
Art—Study and teaching (Elementary)
Veillon, M. Nubia: sketches notes and photographs. cd. 168pp. ill.col.ill.pl. E£150 ($49.50) Am Univ 1995 UA Art—Egypt—Atlases and maps Prisse d’Avennes, E. Atlas of Egyptian art. new ed. ISBN: 9774245849 cd. 160pp. col.ill. E£120.00 ($44.50) Am Univ 2000 UA Art—Mauritius Decotter, G.A. L’art multiple de Serge Constantin. ISBN: 999037015X 139pp. Rs375.00 ($22.50/£14.00) Printemps 2000 MF Decotter, G.A. Panorama de la peinture Mauricienne. 220pp. col.ill. Rs270.00 Océan Indien Ed 1986 MF FRE Art—Middle East O’Kane, B. Studies in Persian art and architecture. cd. 334pp. ill. E£90.00 ($39.50) Am Univ 1995 UA Zuhur, S. Images of enchantment: visual and performing arts of the Middle East. ISBN: 9774244672 342pp. col.ill. E£70.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1998 UA Art—South Africa Atkinson, B. Jo Ratcliffe: artist’s book. [Text in English with French and Dutch translations.] (Taxi Artist, 1) ISBN: 0620264012 96pp. col.pl. R150.00 set of 2 Krut 2000 SA MUL Bedford, E., Bester, R. Fresh: Dorothee Kreutzfeldt. ISBN: 1874817286 32pp. col.pl. R45.00 SA Nat Gall 2001 SA Bedford, E., Bester, R. Fresh: Senzeni Marasela. ISBN: 1874817286 32pp. col.pl. R45.00 SA Nat Gall 2001 SA Bedford, E., Coombes, A.E. Fresh: Berni Searle. ISBN: 1874817286 32pp. col.pl. R45.00 SA Nat Gall 2001 SA Bedford, E., ed. Contemporary South African art. col.ill. SA Nat Gall 1997 SA
Grundy, K. The politics of the National Arts Festival. Inst Soc Res 1993 SA Hilton-Barber, B. John Meyer. ISBN: 0620311959 cd. 160pp. col.pl. R420.00 ($80.00/£65.00) STE 2003 SA Jamal, A., Press, K. Lien Botha: artist’s book. [Text in English with French and Dutch translations. Poetry by Karen Press.] (Taxi Artist, 5) ISBN: 0958449619 96pp. col.pl. R150.00 set of 2 Krut 2002 SA MUL Johannesburg Art Gallery Images of wood: aspects of the history of sculpture in 20th century South Africa. ill. pl. R56.00. Johannesburg Art Gallery 1989 SA Keene, R., Becker, R., ed. Visual heritage. A fieldguide to art and cultural collections in South Africa. ISBN: 186814349X 400pp. col.ill. Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA Maurice, E., ed. District six - image and representation. cd. 27pp. ill. R89.95 SA Nat Gall 1995 SA Mofokeng, S., Radithlalo, S. Santu Mofokeng: artist’s book. [Text in English with French and Dutch translations.] (Taxi Artist, 4) ISBN: 0620279494 96pp. col.pl. R150.00 set of 2 Krut 2001 SA MUL Perryer, S., ed. 10 years/100 artists - art in a democratic South Africa. ISBN: 1868729877 450pp. col.pl. Bell-Roberts 2004 SA Proud, H., ed. Hans Ludwig Katz. trans.f.t. German 127pp. col.pl. SA Nat Gall 1994 SA Richards, C., Smith, K., Lees, J., Gwintsa, V., Damsbo, M. Show me home. Exhibition catalogue. 52pp. col.pl. R35.00 Johannesburg Art Gallery 2003 SA Robbins, D. Keith Alexander: the artist in retrospect. ISBN: 1868421058 cd. col.pl. R350.00 Ball 2000 SA
Bedford, E., Hobbs, S. Fresh: Robin Rhode. ISBN: 1874817286 32pp. col.pl. R45.00 SA Nat Gall 2001 SA
Schmahmann, B. Through the looking glass. Representation of self by South African women artists. ISBN: 0958468850 cd. col.pl. R250.00 Krut 2004 SA
Bedford, E., Smith, K. Fresh: Usha Seejarim. ISBN: 1874817286 32pp. col.pl. R45.00 SA Nat Gall 2002 SA
Smith, K. Bonita Alice. Giving and not giving. Exhibition catalogue. 26pp. col.pl. R40.00 Bell-Roberts 2002 SA
Brooks, R.B. Inaugural exhibition: paintings, graphics, drawings and photographs. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1984 SA
Smith, K. Broadcast quality - the art of big brother. ISBN: 0620297751 72pp. col.pl. BellRoberts 2004 SA
Burr, G. The new look glass of the 1950s and 1960s. 43pp. col.pl. SA Nat Gall 1994 SA
South African National Gallery Harry Trevor/Hayden Proud. ISBN: 1874817219 8pp. col.ill. SA Nat Gall 1998 SA
Coates, K., Hobbs, S. Samson Mudzunga: artist’s book. [Text in English with French and Dutch translations.] (Taxi Artist, 2) ISBN: 0620270780 84pp. pl. R150.00 set of 2 Krut 2000 SA MUL
Stevenson, M. Art and aspirations: the Randlords of South Africa and their collections. ISBN: 1874950636 cd. 204pp. ill.pl. (£45.00) Fernwood 2001 SA
Daya, V., Matthews, T.H. Indian art: a study of selected items from private collections in the Durban area. (ISER Special publs., 5) Univ Durban-Westville 1988 SA Duggan, J-A., Maurice, E. Picturing our world. 16pp. col.pl. SA Nat Gall 1993 SA Emslie, A. The owl house. SA SA
col.ill. R102.99 Penguin
Frost, L. Jeremy Wafer: artist’s book. [Text in English with French and Dutch translations.] (Taxi Artist, 3) ISBN: 0620273801 96pp. col.pl. R150.00 set of 2 Krut 2000 SA MUL
Straughan, K., Becker, R., Press, K., ed. Noria Mabasa: artist’s book. [Text in English with French and Dutch translations.] (Taxi Artist, 7) ISBN: 0958449651 96pp. col.pl. R150.00 set of 2 Krut 2003 SA MUL Tadjo, V., Atkinson, B., ed. David Koloane: artist’s book. [Text in English with French and Dutch translations.] (Taxi Artist, 6) ISBN: 0958449627 96pp. col.pl. R150.00 set of 2 Krut 2002 SA MUL Tietze, A. The Alfred de Pass presentation to the South African National Gallery. 3rd ed. 64pp. col.pl. SA Nat Gall 1995 SA
Vergunst, N. Hoerikwaggo, images of Table Mountain. ISBN: 1874817278 96pp. col.pl. R230.00 SA Nat Gall 2001 SA Willemse, H., ed. More than brothers: Peter Clarke and James Matthews at seventy. ISBN: 0795700954 cd. 144pp. col.pl. R175.00 Kwela 2000 SA Art—South Africa—Catalogs Andersen, J., Hill, M., Mjoli, N. South African National Gallery Library news collection index. 300pp. SA Nat Gall 1997 SA Carman, J. 17th century Dutch and Flemish paintings in South Africa: a checklist of paintings in public collections. 120pp. pl. R110.00 Johannesburg Art Gallery 1994 SA Carman, J. The lace collection of the Johannesburg Art Gallery. 112pp. pl. R80.00 Johannesburg Art Gallery 1993 SA Heale, J. Castle times. [Catalogue of the collection at Castle Good Hope.] ISBN: 0958423725 32pp. ill. R20.00 ($4.00/£2.50) Bookchat-SA 1999 SA Unisa Art Gallery Battiss and the spirit of place. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 81pp. R25.00 col.pl. ($7.40/£4.70) Unisa 1989 SA Art—Study and teaching Croucamp, A. David Koloane. Educational supplement. (Taxi Artist, 6b) ISBN: 0958448643 16pp. pl. R150.00 set of 2 Krut 2002 SA Decotter, G.A. L’art et l’enfant. ISBN: 9990323828 132pp. Rs210.00 ($12.60/£8.00) Printemps 1999 MF FRE Digolo, O.O., Orchardson-Mazrui, E.C. Art and design for forms 1 and 2. 110pp. ill. pl. col.pl. K.shs.465.00 EAEP 1988 KE Hobbs, P. Jeremy Wafer. Educational supplement. (Taxi Artist, 3b) ISBN: 062027381X 20pp. ill. R150.00 set of 2 Krut 2001 SA Hobbs, P. Jo Ratcliffe. Educational supplement. (Taxi Artist, 1b) ISBN: 0620270772 16pp. pl. R150.00 set of 2 Krut 2000 SA Hobbs, P. Samson Mudzunga. Educational supplement. (Taxi Artist, 2b) ISBN: 0620270799 20pp. pl. R150.00 set of 2 Krut 2000 SA Hobbs, P. Santu Mofokeng. Educational supplement. (Taxi Artist, 4b) ISBN: 0620279508 20pp. pl. R150.00 set of 2 Krut 2001 SA Hobbs, P. Through the looking glass. Educational supplement. ISBN: 0958468869 col.pl. Krut 2004 SA Jamal, A., Press, K., Botha, L. Lien Botha. Educational supplement. (Taxi Artist, 5b) ISBN: 0958449627 16pp. pl. R150.00 set of 2 Krut 2002 SA MUL Keats, F. Watercolour painting with Alan Raubenheimer. ISBN: 1869002261 84pp. col.ill. R150.00 UmSinsi 2001 SA Msangi, K.F. Art handbook for schools. 124pp. ill. T.shs.600.00 Tanz Publ House 1975 TZ van Rensburg, W. Noria Mabasa. Educational supplement. (Taxi Artist, 7b) ISBN: 095844966X 16pp. pl. R150.00 set of 2 Krut 2003 SA Art—Study and teaching (Elementary) Barnard, E., Roberts, A. Arts and culture through issues learner’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974448 159pp. col.ill. R51.78 Clever 2004 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Art—Study and teaching (Elementary) Barnard, E., Roberts, A. Arts and culture through issues learner’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974464 135pp. col.ill. R52.87 Clever 2004 SA Barnard, E., Roberts, A. Arts and culture through issues learner’s book. Grade 6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974480 136pp. col.ill. R53.41 Clever 2004 SA Barnard, E., Roberts, A. Arts and culture through issues teacher’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974456 140pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA Barnard, E., Roberts, A. Arts and culture through issues teacher’s book. Grade 6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974499 157pp. ill. R70.68 Good Luck 2004 TZ Beyleveld, D., Mentz, W. Arts and culture through issues learner’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868976254 128pp. col.ill. R69.95 Clever 2005 SA Beyleveld, D., Mentz, W. Arts and culture through issues teacher’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868976262 207pp. ill. R84.95 Clever 2005 SA Fouché, A. Discovering arts and culture and life orientation grade 4 learner. ISBN: 0796025126 124pp. R39.56 Shuter & Shooter 2004 SA Fouché, A., et al. Discovering arts and culture ISBN: 0796025134 184pp. R76.14 Shuter & Shooter 2004 SA Fouché, A., et al. Discovering arts and culture grade 4 learner. ISBN: 1796023662 64pp. R33.42 Shuter & Shooter 2004 SA Fouché, A., et al. Discovering arts and culture grade 4 teacher. ISBN: 0796023689 80pp. R40.00 Shuter & Shooter 2004 SA Fouché, A., et al. Discovering arts and culture grade 6 learner. ISBN: 0796023700 88pp. R42.76 Shuter & Shooter 2004 SA Fouché, A., et al. Discovering arts and culture grade 6 teacher. ISBN: 0796023719 136pp. R55.48 Shuter & Shooter 2004 SA Fouché, A., et al. Discovering arts, culture and life orientation grade 5 learner. ISBN: 0796025142 160pp. R51.45 Shuter & Shooter 2004 SA Fouché, A., et al. Discovering arts, culture and life orientation grade 5 teacher. ISBN: 0796025150 192pp. R71.49 Shuter & Shooter 2004 SA
Subject index Solomon, L. Khula udweba. [Handbook about teaching art to children. Text in English.] new ed. 190pp. ill. R112.80 Nolwazi 1996 SA Art—Study and teaching (Secondary) Digolo, O.O., Orchardson-Mazrui, E.C. Art and design for forms 3 and 4. 123pp. K.shs.430.00 EAEP 1990 KE Huntley, M. Art in outline. Standard 6 & 7, grade 8 & 9. bk.1 ISBN: 0195706706 182pp. R195.00 OUP - SA 1997 SA
Bellingham, R., Glover, H., Hewitt, J. Quick and easy crafts: beadwork. ISBN: 1843306913 cd. 80pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 2004 SA Birkett, C. Contemporary cross stitch. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1875001573 112pp. R109.95 Tafelberg 2001 SA
Ogumor Certificate art for junior and senior schools. 189pp. ill. ($30.00) Univ Press - Nig 1990 NR
Boomer, T. Découpage. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1875001158 112pp. ill. R59.95 Tafelberg 2001 SA
Orchardson-Mazrui, E.C. A revision course in art and design for secondary schools. 228pp. K.shs.510.00 EAEP 1994 KE
Cable, S. The original memory album book. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1853689890 80pp. R89.95col.ill. Struik Publ 1998 SA
Wallace, M., Corbet, D. Colour in action. 16pp. ill. Z$66.30 ZPH 1987 ZI Art—Tunisia Beccer, T. Mahmoud Sehili. 82pp. pl. D21,000 Cérès 1986 TI FRE Duironaud, J. Jellel Ben Abdellah. Cérès 1983 TI FRE
92pp. pl. D21,000
Goujon, J. El Mekki ou le tentation du péché. 144pp. D21,000 Cérès 1980 TI FRE Guiga, C. Gorgi Abdelaziz. 72pp. pl. D21,000 Cérès 1985 TI FRE Maunick, M. Nja Mahdooui. 100pp. pl. D21,000 Cérès 1983 TI FRE Pelinq, L., Thuaudet, A. Le Hammam de Khadraoui. Cérès 1992 TI
66pp. col.pl.
Art, Islamic Ali, W. The Arab contribution to Islamic art: from the seventh to the fifteenth centuries. ISBN: 9774244761 176pp. ill.col.ill. E£90.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 1999 UA Art, Islamic—Egypt Yeomans, R. The art and architecture of Islamic Cairo. ISBN: 9774247221 cd. 272pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps E£200.00 ($49.50) Am Univ 2003 UA [Middle East only] Art, Islamic—Tunisia Fradier, G. Mosaiques romaines. 204pp. ill. D30,000. Cérès 1990 TI FRE
Fouché, A., et al. Discovering arts, culture and life orientation grade 6 learner. ISBN: 0796025169 172pp. R49.82 Shuter & Shooter 2005 SA Fouché, A., et al. Discovering arts, culture and life orientation grade 6 teacher’s guide. ISBN: 0796025177 224pp. R85.33 Shuter & Shooter 2005 SA
Arts—South Africa van der Walt, B.J., ed. A window on the arts. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] 492pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1994 SA MUL
McKenzie, J.C. Art teaching for primary schools in Africa. 64pp. ill. K.shs.276 OUP Nairobi 1966 KE
Arts and crafts see also African art Carpentry Needlework Woodwork
Roberts, A., Barnard, E. Arts and culture through issues teacher’s books. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974472 160pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA
Bell, V. Painting on ceramics. [Also available in Afrikaans.] rev. ed. 40pp. ill.col.pl. R34.95 Tafelberg 1996 SA
Huntley, M. Art in outline. Standard 8, grade 10. bk.2 ISBN: 0195708865 224pp. R200.00 OUP - SA 1997 SA
Art therapy—Study and teaching May, N. The language of light. Mind drawing through the higher self. ISBN: 0958449333 268pp. ill. R145.00 ($23.00/ £12.50/Eur12.50) Kima 2003 SA
Njoroge-Kamau, G.G. Foundations of creative work: a handbook for primary school art and craft. 169pp. K.shs.300.00 EAEP 1988 KE
Bell, D. Handprinting. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1989 SA
Bannister, J-A. Soap. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798143479 96pp. col.ill. R99.95 Human and Rousseau 2003 SA Beake, L. The bead book. ISBN: 0636064360 32pp. col.ill.col.pl. R39.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2005 SA
Calderwo, P. Rug-weaving. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1990 SA Cheek, M. Mosaics. ISBN: 1853688010 96pp. ill.col.pl. R89.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Collier, T. You can make saleable craft products. ISBN: 0702132381 11pp. R109.00 Juta 2001 SA Coss, M. The cross-stitch house. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624036375 168pp. col.ill. R99.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Coss, M. The handmade soap book. ISBN: 185368807X 80pp. col.pl. R89.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Cowlin, F. Rubber stamps. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA Craig, W. Stencils and stencilling. ISBN: 1868729680 128pp. col.pl. R129.95 New Holland 2004 SA de Haas, H. Handmade paper. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA de Villiers, J., Straw, L. Frames. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798140216 96pp. R79.95 Human and Rousseau 2000 SA Dickson, J. Potpourri. cd. 64pp. ill. R39.95 Tafelberg 1993 SA du Plessis, R. Science, crafts and knowledge. ISBN: 1919825868 cd. 130pp. pl. R180.00 Protea 2000 SA Entres, D. Decorative stitching. Tafelberg 1997 SA Furlonger, D. Did you hear? 1992 SA
80pp. ill. R69.95
96pp. R24.95 Tafelberg
Gardiner, N. Creative containers. ISBN: 1875001255 128pp. R55.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Giliomee, R. Ethnic knits. 1989 SA
48pp. ill. R44.95 Tafelberg
Golden, E. Beads and sequins. Tafelberg 1989 SA
32pp. ill. R34.95
Goldstein, A. Tie and dye. [Also available in Afrikaans.] rev.ed. 40pp. ill.col.pl. R34.95 Tafelberg 1996 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 86
African Books in Print
Subject index
Arts and crafts—Study and teaching
Hardy, M. YOU best knits. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798140380 112pp. col.pl. R84.95 Human and Rousseau 2000 SA Hogben, J. Women’s Value: favourite knits. ISBN: 0798138033 128pp. col.pl. R69.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Klopper, H. Creative crochet. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA Klopper, H. Crochet collection. Tafelberg 1991 SA
32pp. ill. R34.95
Klopper, H. Crochet variety. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1989 SA Klopper, H. Filet crochet. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA Louw, C. Creative frame-weaving. 80pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 1990 SA McKinley, J. Cute toys for kids. Tafelberg 1992 SA
32pp. ill. R34.95
Moore, A-M. Creative calligraphy. Donker 1997 SA
cd. R89.95
Muller, M. Baby boutique. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA Muller, M. Handpainted eggs. Tafelberg 1993 SA
32pp. ill. R34.95
Nel, M. Cuddly teddies - 15 teddy bear patterns. 64pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA Nel, M. Stained glass appliqué. Tafelberg 1990 SA
32pp. ill. R34.95
Oberholster, R. Novelty knits. 80pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 1990 SA Oberholster, R. Young knits. 1991 SA
80pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg
Ondori, A. Crochet lace with complete patterns. ISBN: 0624037282 136pp. ill. R79.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Ondori, A. Easy embroidery. ISBN: 0624037274 452pp. col.ill. R74.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Owen, C. Quick and easy crafts: glass painting. ISBN: 184330693X cd. 80pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 2004 SA Owen, C. Quick and easy crafts: greetings cards. ISBN: 1843306948 cd. 80pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 2004 SA Peacey, M. Cut it away. 1991 SA
48pp. ill. R44.95 Tafelberg
Philpott, L. Knots. A complete guide. ISBN: 1843304554 cd. 160pp. col.pl. New Holland 2004 SA Potgieter, E. Decorative paper. Tafelberg 1989 SA
32pp. ill. R34.95
Riedinger, A. Ceramics: a complete guide to creative potters. 80pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 1990 SA Roberts, N. Cloth dolls. 1989 SA
48pp. ill. R44.95 Tafelberg
Roberts, N. Clowns. 56pp. ill. R44.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA Rust, I. Kites. SA
48pp. ill. R44.95 Tafelberg 1992
Schimming, Z. Irish crochet made easy. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 80pp. ill. R59.95 Tafelberg 1994 SA Schimming, Z. Little princesses and their dolls. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 1993 SA
Slabbert, N. Crazy patchwork. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA Slabbert, N. Patterns for fabric collage. R34.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA
32pp. ill.
Smidt, W. Ceramic design. 64pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA Snyman, F. Cardboard craft. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1875001468 122pp. ill. R79.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA Stanley, M. Knitting: the complete guide for handknitters. cd. 282pp. ill. R69.96 Tafelberg 1990 SA Stapelberg, N. Beautiful baskets. [Also available in Afrikaans.] rev. ed. 40pp. ill. col.pl. R34.95 Tafelberg 1996 SA Steinmann, C. Flour fantasies. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA Strauss, J. Easy ribboncraft. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA Struik Publishers Creating a traditional Christmas. ISBN: 1843303973 64pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 2002 SA Teubes, A. Cosy cushions. 48pp. ill. R44.95 Tafelberg 1990 SA Teubes, A. Knick-knacks for a pretty home. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA
Teubes, A. Lovely lampshades. [Also available in Afrikaans.] rev.ed. 40pp. ill.col.pl. R34.95 Tafelberg 1996 SA Teubes, A. Pretty things for your home. R49.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA Teubes, A. Window treatments. Tafelberg 1990 SA
80pp. ill.
80pp. ill. R69.95
Tribelhorn, J. Stained glass. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1990 SA Valentine, C. Covers. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA
Potgieter, M. Bobbin lace for beginners. 48pp. ill. R44.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA
van Duyker, E. Designs for handicrafts. col.pl. R74.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA
Raxa, G., du Plessis, H., eds. Science, crafts and knowledge: understanding of science among artisans in India and South Africa - a crosscultural endeavour. ISBN: 191982586X 140pp. ill. R79.95 Protea 2002 SA
Waddington, A. The creative calligraphy source book. cd. 146pp. R84.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA Walker, J. The decorative Christmas. 72pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 1989 SA
Webber, M. Wool embroidery on canvas. R34.95 Tafelberg 1990 SA
32pp. ill.
Weightman, S. Quick and easy crafts: decorative painting. ISBN: 1843306921 cd. 80pp. col.ill. Struik Publ 2004 SA Wrigley, L., Gerstein, M. Stained glass design sourcebook. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1853687995 128pp. col.pl. R89.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA MUL Yates, B. Decorative boxes. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 96pp. col.pl. R64.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA Arts and crafts—Africa Bedford, E., ed. Ezakwantu beadwork from the Eastern Cape. 112pp. col.pl. SA Nat Gall 1993 SA Myeng, R.P.E. L’art et l’artisanat Africains. 206pp. ill. col. pl. F56.00 CFA2,000 CLE 1980 CM FRE Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes Le décor d’un collectionneur. IV FRE
134pp. NEI
Arts and crafts—Africa, Southern Schmahmann, B., ed. Material matters. Appliqués by the Weya women of Zimbabwe and needlework by South African collectives. ISBN: 186814352X 128pp. col.ill. R120.00 Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA Stevenson, M., Graham-Stewart, M., Klopper, S. South East African beadwork 1850-1910: from adornment to artefact to art. ISBN: 1874950520 cd. 192pp. col.pl.maps (£35.00) Fernwood 2000 SA [No US] Arts and crafts—Botswana Botswana Society Botswana live - art and craftwork catalogue. cd. 52pp. ill. P15.00 ($12.00/ £6.00) Botswana Soc 1993 BS Arts and crafts—Dictionaries Manani Kemoli, H. A dictionary of art and crafts, K.shs.130.00 EAEP 1994 KE
Arts and crafts—Kenya Barbour, J., Wandibba, S. Kenyan pots and potters. 140pp. cd. K.shs.936.00 OUP - Nairobi 1988 KE Arts and crafts—Nigeria Eicher, J. Nigerian handcrafted textiles. cd. 106pp. col.ill. pl. ($35.00/£19.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1976 NR Arts and crafts—South Africa Coetsee, E. Craft art in South Africa. ISBN: 1868727688 cd. 240pp. col.pl. (£19.99) Struik Publ 2003 SA Costello, D. Not only for its beauty: beadwork and its cultural significance ammong the Xhosaspeaking peoples. cd. 102pp. col.pl. R108.00 ($22.80/£14.50/Eur20.00) Unisa 1990 SA Sellschop, S., Goldblatt, W., Hemp, D. Craft South Africa. ISBN: 062029227X 192pp. R225.00 Picador 2002 SA Steyn, G.M., et al. An introduction to Zulu crafts and dance. ISBN: 0796024952 56pp. R77.67 Shuter & Shooter 2004 SA Arts and crafts—Study and teaching Bakare, C.G.M. Progressive colouring book. pupils’ bk.2b 64pp. ill. N97.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1976 NR Bakare, C.G.M. Progressive colouring book. pupils bk. 1b 64pp. ill. N95.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1976 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Arts and crafts—Study and teaching Bakare, C.G.M. Progressive colouring book: teacher’s guide 1-3. 42pp. N66.10 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1976 NR Fadahunsi, E.A., et al. Creative arts for the 3 year old. 24pp. ill. ($13.40) Univ Press - Nig 1987 NR Harper Collins Publishers Creative technology. 288pp. pl. R204.34 Shuter & Shooter 1993 SA Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Art and craft syllabus. 24pp. K.shs.350.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1976 KE Talabi, G. Art teaching in African schools. 128pp. N251.25 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR Uzoagba, I.N. Understanding art in general education. 135pp. ill. pl. N185.50 Africana First 1982 NR Webbo, E.B. Art and crafts: a teachers’ handbook. 84pp. K.shs.240.00 EAEP 1990 KE Arts and crafts—Study and teaching (Elementary) Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - art and crafts. 20pp. K.shs.4.05 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE Kenya Institute of Education Art and craft, teachers’ guide for Standard 1 to 3. 69pp. K.shs.172.00 ($2.90/£1.75) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1987 KE Kenya Institute of Education Art and craft teachers’ guide for Standard 4. 121pp. K.shs.154.00 ($2.60/£1.55) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1990 KE Kimwaki, J., Kariuki, E. Peak revision: K.C.P.E. art and craft. 164pp. K.shs.240.00 EAEP 1998 KE Kimwaki, J., Kariuki, E. Revision art and craft for KCPE. K.shs.85.00 EAEP 1990 KE
Mell, H., Fisher, E. Making pictures and patterns. 80pp. col.ill. K.shs.220.00 Africa Book Serv 1992 KE Mell, H., Fisher, E. Making things from odds and ends. 80pp. col.ill. K.shs.220.00 Africa Book Serv 1992 KE Mell, H., Fisher, E. Modelling, building and carving. 80pp. col.ill. K.shs.220.00 Africa Book Serv 1992 KE Mell, H., Fisher, E. Printing. 80pp. col.ill. K.shs.220.00 Africa Book Serv 1992 KE Mell, H., Fisher, E. Working with paper. 80pp. col.ill. K.shs.220.00 Africa Book Serv 1992 KE Njagi, S., Berluti, A. Macmillan art & craft, standard 5. 114pp. K.shs.285.00 ($5.70/£2.85) Macmillan - Kenya 1991 KE Njagi, S., Berluti, A. Macmillan primary art & craft, standard 6. 130pp. K.shs.285.00 ($5.70/£3.20) Macmillan - Kenya 1991 KE Njagi, S., Berluti, A. Macmillan primary art & craft, standard 7. 138pp. K.shs.295.00 ($6.00/£3.50) Macmillan - Kenya 1990 KE Njagi, S., Berluti, A. Macmillan primary art & craft, standard 8. 138pp. K.shs.295.00 ($6.00/£3.50) Macmillan - Kenya 1990 KE Thomson, R. Creative projects. 56pp. R83.24 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA
Subject index Arts and crafts—Study and teaching (Secondary) Bissoonauth, B. Practical guide to CPE picture composition. 68pp. Rs.40.00 Océan Indien Ed 1987 MF Volkmann, W. Shaping our world: craft and technology. Grade 7. ISBN: 9991601711 152pp. ill. Gamsberg 1999 SX Arts and crafts—Zimbabwe Ellert, H. Material culture of Zimbabwe. 144pp. pl. ill. Z$13.15 Longman - Zimb 1985 ZI Locke, M. The dove’s footprints. Basketry patterns in Matabeleland. 140pp. ill.pl. ($43.00/ £24.00) Baobab - Zimb 1995 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Bureau Traditional crafts from Zimbabwe. ill. Zimb Women 1984 ZI
Asante language also known as Twi Asante—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Amoako, B.O. Kyere me anwonsem. [Teach me poetry.] 56pp. C500.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1993 GH ASA Donkoh, A.E. Owuo agyaa. [Brother/father death.] 60pp. ill. C600.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1993 GH ASA Nii Abbey, H. Dee nti a kraman ye onipa adamfo pa. [Why dog is man’s best friend. Also available in English and Fante.] ISBN: 9988759053 32pp. ill. C14,700 ($6.00) Studio Brian 2004 GH ASA Obeng, S.G. Yeso yesee. [They say, they say.] 53pp. C600.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1993 GH ASA Asante—General and Non-fiction Manu, S.Y. Mmofra agoro. [Children’s pastime.] 48pp. ill. C500.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1992 GH ASA
Astronomy—Africa, Southern FitzGerald, M., ed. Stars of the southern skies. An astronomy fieldguide. ISBN: 1868143511 ill. Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA Astronomy—South Africa Mack, P. Struik pocket guide: night skies of southern Africa. rev.ed. 80pp. ill. R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA van der Westhuizen, P.J. National programme for remote sensing. Report, 1984. (South African National Scientific Programmes Report, 102) 47pp. CSIR 1985 SA Astrophysics Prout-Jones, D. Cracking the sky. A history of rocket science in South Africa. ISBN: 1868882039 207pp. R103.00 ($30.95/ £18.95) Unisa 2002 SA Athletics—South Africa Botha, H., Potgieter, G. Athletics 2000. 128pp. R59.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA Atlases and maps Adetunberu, J.O. Techniques of map reading and interpretation. ISBN: 9780306986 77pp. ($11.60) Univ Press - Nig 1999 NR Struik Publishers Student map: world. [Scale: 1:41,000 000; folded: 145x220mm.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868094510 map R24.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Atlases and maps—Africa Philip, G. Philip’s EAEP atlas. 136pp. K.shs.285.00 EAEP 1991 KE [Kenya only] Philip, G. Philip’s modern college atlas for Africa. 20th ed. 120pp. K.shs.1,099 EAEP 1996 KE [Kenya only] Zebra Press Illustrated road atlas of South, Central, East Africa. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868094316 map R92.95 Zebra 1998 SA
Asante—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Fori-Mankata, K. Anoma pekonekone. [The lonely bird.] 20pp. ill. C3,000 Afram 1998 GH ASA
Attié language—Study and teaching Hood, E., Kouachi, A.J., Kutsch, L.C. Syllabaire attié. 142pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 1984 IV ATT
O’Fori Mankata, K. Kontromfi mfemfem. [The baboon’s whiskers.] 24pp. C3,500 Afram 1996 GH ASA
Audiology—Addresses and essays Bakare, C.A. Clinical audiology. 108pp. ill. ($13.75/ £7.50) Ibadan UP 1992 NR
Asante (African people)—History Segbawu, C.K. Osei Bonsu - warrior king of Ashanti. 64pp. C3,500 Sedco 1993 GH Asia—Atlases and maps New Holland Publishers Globetrotter travel map to southeast Asia. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm (portrait); sheet: 1,000x710mm (landscape); scale: 1:6,500,000; English/ German/French.] new ed. col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA MUL Asia—Politics and government Campbell, R.K. South East Asia. 13pp. R4.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1985 SA Edmonds, M., Lee, C., Mills, G., eds. Arms and security in Asia. ISBN: 1919969144 202pp. R80.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2004 SA Goodall, B.B. Revolutionary warfare in Southeast Asia. (Research paper, 1) 103pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1966 SA Astronomy Monod, T. Contribution à l’établissement d’une liste d’accidents circulaires d’origine météorique (reconnue, possible ou supposée), crypto-explosive, etc. (IFAN catalogues et documents, 18) 93pp. map. CFA2,000 IFAN 1965 SG FRE
Australasia—Geography Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Geography for Kenya schools - Australia and New Zealand. 120pp. K.shs.11.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1973 KE White, R.G. Australia and New Zealand. Area studies for East African students. 72pp. K.shs.130.00 EAEP 1981 KE Australia—Atlases and maps Struik Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Sydney. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm (portrait); 1,000x715mm (landscape); scale: 1:250,000; English/German/French.] col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA MUL Australia—Guide books Elder, B. Globetrotter travel guide to Sydney. new ed. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Kïossler, R. That weird folly - love for work: on the coming about of industrial working attitudes. (NEPRU occasional paper, 7) 12pp. N$12.00 NEPRU 1996 SX New Holland Publishers Globetrotter travel guide to Australia. new ed. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Bambara language—Grammar
Oyebanji, O. Seven days in Australia. ISBN: 9782015903 49pp. N150.00 ($1.25/£1.00) Book Builders 2002 NR Authorship see also Dissertations, Academic Publishing and book industries Chaplin, J. Fiction writing: Africa Christian writers’ course. vol. 3 87pp. ill. 58c. 50t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1972 MW
Fagbamigbe, O., ed. Voice of reason: collected speeches of Chief Obafemi Awolowo. vol.1 221pp. N15.00 Fagbamigbe 1981 NR Fagbamigbe, O., ed. Voice of wisdom: collected speeches of Chief Obafemi Awolowo. vol.3 178pp. N15.00 Fagbamigbe 1981 NR Awolowo, Chief Obafemi—Biography Awolowo, O. My early life. 125pp. 50k West 1968 NR
Hart, N. Clear writing: Africa Christian writers’ course. vol.4 76pp. 52c. 45t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1972 MW
Makinde, M.A. Awo as a philosopher. ISBN: 9781361298 418pp. col.ill. col.pl. ($41.95/ £24.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 2002 NR
Houghton, J. Here’s how to be a writer. Multimedia 1971 ZA
Obefemi Awolowo Foundation His truth is marching on. A pictorial biography of Chief Obafemi Awolowo. 96pp. ($35.00/£19.95) Bookcraft 1997 NR
Houghton, J. Here’s how to write a play. Multimedia 1971 ZA
Krog, E.W. A Zimbabwean author’s guide. Lit Bur - Zimb 1982 ZI
60pp. ill.
McGregor, I.W.C. Research and reference techniques: a guide for college and high school students. 21pp. ($3.40) Mambo 1987 ZI Automobile drivers—Education Editions le Printemps Book of highway code. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 9990370028 149pp. Rs100.00 ($6.00/£3.75) Printemps 2001 MF Editions Le Printemps ELP book of the highway code. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 9990370028 149pp. ill. Rs100.00 ($6.00/£3.75) Printemps 2001 MF Editions Le Printemps ELP code de la route. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 999037003b 168pp. ill. Rs100.00 ($6.00/£3.75) Printemps 2001 MF FRE Automobiles Editions de l’Océan Indien Le code de la route. new ed. ISBN: 9990303037 104pp. Océan Indien Ed 1998 MF FRE Schnetler, F. A century of cars. ISBN: 0624036235 cd. 176pp. ill. R189.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Aviation Kemlo, D. Study aid: restricted radio licence for fixed-wing aircraft pilots. ISBN: 070215640X 96pp. R115.00 Juta 2001 SA Oberholzer, H. Pioneers of early aviation in South Africa. (Memoirs van die Nasionale Museum, 7) 119pp. R2.50 Nasionale Museum SA 1974 SA Worthington, G.D.P. The private pilot’s handbook. 14th ed. ISBN: 0949989770 cd. 480pp. ill.maps R119.00 ($24.00/£15.00) Flesch 1998 SA Worthington, G.D.P., Piggott, K. The helicopter pilot’s handbook. cd. 456pp. ill. R170.00 Flesch 1995 SA Aviation—Africa, East Mwebesa, M. East African weather for aviators. ($6.00/£2.50) K.shs.32.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE Aviation—Africa, Southern Illsley, J. In southern skies: a pictorial history of early aviation in southern Africa, 18161940. ISBN: 1868421686 cd. 362pp. pl.maps (£40.00) Ball 2003 SA Awolowo, Chief Obafemi—Addresses and essays Fagbamigbe, O., ed. Voice of courage: collected speeches of Chief Obafemi Awolowo. vol.2 190pp. N15.00 Fagbamigbe 1981 NR
Olanlokun, O. The legend: Chief Obafemi Awolowo. ISBN: 9781422060 86pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2003 NR Awolowo, H.I.D.—Autobiography Awolowo, H.I.D. A memoir of the jewel. ISBN: 9781361395 126pp. col.ill.col.pl. ($24.95/ £14.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 2004 NR Ayida, Allison Akene—Autobiography Kayode, F., Otobo, D., eds. Allison Akene Ayida. Nigeria’s quintessential public servant. ISBN: 9780231854 364pp. ill. pl. ($34.95/£20.95) Malthouse 2004 NRBâ, Hampaté— Biography Duvey, M. Hampâté Bâ. L’homme de la tradition. 192pp. CFA1,000 NEAS 1993 SG FRE Baard, Frances—Autobiography Baard, F. My spirit is not banned. [As told to Barbie Schreiner.] 96pp. ($10.00/£6.25) ZPH 1986 ZI
Bambara—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Bailleul, C. Dinekoroba. [Old as the world.] 26pp. CFA1,500 Donniya 1998 ML BAB Berthé, H. Fen bee fan. [All the eggs.] 24pp. CFA1,100 ($2.75) Jamana 1996 ML BAB Dunbiya, S., Sangare, B. An ka yele doonin. [Let’s laugh.] 78pp. CFA1,250 ($3.25) Jamana 1996 ML BAB Editions Jamana Maana ncinin nogondan sebenni bamanankan na, 1993. [competition for the best novel in Bambara, 1993] 75pp. CFA1,500 ($3.75) Jamana 1994 ML BAB Kanouté, M. Boloci. [Drama for sensitization in Bambara.] 29pp. Jamana 1990 ML BAB Tarawele, D. Nsiirin. [Malian folktales in Bamanan.] 72pp. CFA1,500 ($3.20) Jamana 1996 ML BAB Bambara—General and Non-fiction Diawara, A. Tumanin Fajigi Kone ka galomajiradon. [Ballets for the dead for Toumani Fadjigui Koné. Text in Bambara. Also available in French.] 67pp. CFA2,500 Teriya 2003 ML BAB Konaré, A.O. Sikasso tata. ISBN: 2910454576 111pp. ill. Jamana 1998 ML BAB Sussoko, M.M. Wagadu fo Sudan. vol.2 89pp. CFA1,000 ($2.50) Jamana 1988 ML BAB Bambara—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Associates in Research and Education for Development Donniya feere jategafe 1: danni, kafoli ni doboli karanni. Level one math for adults in Bamabara: numbers, addition and subtraction. 86pp. ill. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG BAB
Babenia, Natoo—Autobiography Babenia, N. Memoirs of a saboteur. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 58) 205pp. R60.00 Mayibuye 1995 SA
Associates in Research and Education for Development Donniya feere kalanjegafe 1. Level one reader for adults. 74pp. ill. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG BAB
Bacher, Ali—Biography Hartman, R. Ali Bacher: the authorised biography. ISBN: 0670047961 450pp. (£14.99) Penguin SA 2004 SA
Bailleul, C. Na magosa. 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,500 (Eur6.00) Donniya 1997 ML BAB
Bacteriology see also Microbiology Bailey, Jim—Biography Bailey, B. An eccentric marriage. Living with Jim. ISBN: 0624042960 pl. R175.00 Tafelberg 2005 SA Baines, Thomas—Biography Carruthers, J. The life and works of Thomas Baines. 3rd ed. ISBN: 1874950121 cd. 184pp. col.ill. (£35.00) Fernwood 2000 SA Bajowa, Olu—Autobiography Bajowa, O. Spring of a life. (An autobiography). 151pp. ill.pl. N360.00 ($12.50/£6.95) Spectrum 1992 NR Bakalanga (African people)—History van Waarden, C. The oral history of Bakalanga of Botswana. (Occas. paps., 2) 38pp. map Botswana Soc 1988 BS Bakiga (African people)—Religion, traditional Turyahikayo-Rugyema, B. Philosophy and traditional religion of the Bakiga in South West Uganda. 151pp. Kenya Lit Bureau 1983 KE Bako, George—Biography Ezebube, C. George Bako: Bishop of Lokoja. ISBN: 9782951382 269pp. col.ill.pl. ($20.95/ £12.95) CSS 2000 NR
Bailleul, C. Taa teri nini. ISBN: 291174134X 20pp. col.ill. CFA1,500 (Eur6.00) Donniya 2000 ML BAB Jabi, M. Ngonikoro bama. ISBN: 2910454800 36pp. CFA1,500 Jamana 2000 ML BAB Kulibali, S. Sensabana be nden na ...Ne ka kan ka mun ke? ISBN: 2910454681 21pp. CFA1,000 Jamana 2000 ML BAB Niaré, K.M. Matematiki. [Mathematics.] ISBN: 2915032556 43pp. Jamana 2005 ML BAB Bambara (African people)—Anthropology Couloubaly, P.B.F. Une société rurale bambara à travers des chants de femmes. (IFAN publication diverses, 10) 103pp. CFA500.00 IFAN 1990 SG FRE Bambara language—Dictionaries Bailleul, C. Dictionnaire bambara-français. ISBN: 2911741358 496pp. (Eur22.75) Donniya 2000 ML MUL Bailleul, C. Dictionnaire français-bambara. ISBN: 2911741048 380pp. (Eur22.75) Donniya 1998 ML MUL Bambara language—Grammar Niaré, K.M. Maben san 3-4. [Bambara grammar years 3-4.] ISBN: 291503253X 71pp. Jamana 2005 ML BAB
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Bambara language—Grammar Niaré, K.M. Maben san 5-6. [Bambara grammar, years 5-6.] ISBN: 2915032548 73pp. Jamana 2005 ML BAB
Subject index Banks and banking—Africa, Francophone Elisabeth, K.B. Tontines ou schwa, banques des pauvres. 131pp. CFA6,500 EDILIS 1998 IV FRE
Bambara language—Study and teaching Niaré, K.M. Karamogo demelan. [Teacher’s book.] ISBN: 2915032564 62pp. Jamana 2005 ML BAB
Banks and banking—Africa, West Dieng, A.A. Le rôle du système bancaire dans la mise en valeur de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. 140pp. CFA1,250 NEAS 1982 SG FRE
Bamileke—African people—Sociology Tchegho, J.M. La famille polygamique: une école supérieure de soldarité. Le cas des Bamiléké du Cameroun. 145pp. CFA5,000 ($13.00) Demos 2002 CM FRE
Banks and banking—Developing countries Association of African Central Banks Debt conversion schemes in Africa: lessons from the experience of developing countries. 160pp. K.shs.2,440 EAEP 1992 KE [Kenya only]
Tchegho, J.M. L’enracinement culturel en Afrique: une nécessité pour une développement durable. Le cas des Bamiléké du Cameroun. 145pp. CFA5,000 ($13.00) Demos 2001 CM FRE Bamileke (African people)—Anthropology, Socio-cultural Kouam, M., Ndongmo, M. Les funérailles en pays Bamiléké: quel signification aujourd’hui? Faut-il en parler comme d’une tradition de gaspillage. 108pp. CFA3,200 (Eur4.87) UCAC 2001 CM FRE Tchegho, J.M. La naissance et la mort en Afrique. Le cas des Bamiléké du Cameroun. 134pp. CFA5,000 ($13.00) Demos 2002 CM FRE Bananas—Bibliography Lawani, S.M., Devos, P., Odubanjo, M.O. A bibliography of plantains and other cooking bananas. 95pp. ex. only IITA 1977 NR Bananas—Tanzania Ngeze, P.B. Bananas and their management. [Also available in Swahili.] new ed. 120pp. col.pl.ill. T.shs.4,000 ($10.00) TEPU 1999 TZ
Banks and banking—Ghana Amin, T.E. Banking in Ghana. ISBN: 9965978677 270pp. C50,000 ($27.95/£16.95) Woeli 2000 GH Banks and banking—Kenya Jorgensen, N.O. The case for co-operative loan association in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 17) 22pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1965 KE Banks and banking—Namibia Hansohm, D., Keulder, C. Credit unions in Namibia: the critical issues. (NEPRU working paper, 46) 27pp. N$17.00 NEPRU 1995 SX Okeahalam, C.C., Adams, D.W. Banking and less formal forms of finance in Namibia: the challenges of microfinance. (NEPRU working paper, 71) 34pp. N$15.00 NEPRU 1999 SX Banks and banking—Nigeria Adewunmi, W. 25 years of merchant banking in Nigeria. vol.1 136pp. ($13.75/£7.50) N10.00 Univ Lagos Press 1985 NR Agu, C.C. Nigerian banking structure and performance. 240pp. N135.84 Africana First 1997 NR
Bandawe, Lewis—Biography Pachai, B., ed. Memoirs of a Malawian: the life and reminiscences of Lewis Bandawe, M.B.E. 160pp. pl. ($3.00) 70t Christ Lit Assoc Mal 1971 MW
Akintola-Arikawe, J.O. Central development banking and Nigerian manufacturing: the role of NIDB in regional development perspective. 209pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Univ Lagos Press 1990 NR
Bangladesh—Demography Badrud Duza, M. Fertility regulation in Bangladesh: policy evolution and execution. (CDC Working paps., 10) 30pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1985 UA
Birigeni, O.S. Law and practice of banking in Nigeria. ISBN: 9783038253 Ano 2001 NR
Banjo, Ayo—Autobiography Banjo, A. In the saddle: a vice-chancellor’s story. 191pp. N700.00 ($8.50/£4.95) Spectrum 1997 NR Banjo, Victor Adebukunola—Biography Ogunsheye, F.A. A break in the silence: Lt. Col. Victor Adebukunola Banjo. ISBN: 9780292888 141pp. N600.00 ($16.95/£9.95) Spectrum 2001 NR Banks and banking see also Finance Adewunmi, W., ed. Bank audit. 99pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Univ Lagos Press 1992 NR Ituwe, C.E. Elements of practical banking. 278pp. ($10.40) Univ Press - Nig 1983 NR Multimedia Publications Credit union. 60pp. ill. 15n Multimedia 1972 ZA Banks and banking—Africa Brownbridge, M., Harvey, C. Banking in Africa. The impact of financial sector reform since independence. ISBN: 0852551584 cd. & 242pp. K.shs.2,495 (£45.00) cd. ISBN: 0852551576 (£16.95 ) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG [Uganda only. Also published in Africa by IDPA, Botswana and EAEP, Kenya]
Ekezie, E.S. The elements of banking. 356pp. N813.00 Africana First 1997 NR Igweike, K.I. Law of banking and negotiable instruments. 256pp. N625.00 Africana First 1991 NR Nwanko, G. Prudential regulation of Nigerian banking. 94pp. ($7.95/£4.25) Univ Lagos Press 1990 NR Ojo, A., Adewunmi, J. Co-operative banking in Nigeria. 100pp. ($2.50/£1.80) N5.00 Univ Lagos Press 1981 NR Siminialayi, R.O. Comprehensive banking systems. ISBN: 9783038207 Ano 2001 NR Siminialayi, R.O. Practical banking operations. 9783038208 Ano 2001 NR
Sobodu, O.O., Akiode, P.O. Bank performance and supervision in Nigeria: analysing the transition to a deregulated economy. (AERC research paper, 71) 50pp. AERC 1998 KE Soyibo, A., Adenakye, F. The Nigerian banking system in the context of deregulation. (AERC research paper, 17) 31pp. AERC 1992 KE
Banks and banking—Senegal Lind, A. Free to speak up. Overall education of the National Literacy Programme in Namibia. 134pp. pl. N$48.60 Gamsberg 1996 SX Banks and banking—South Africa de Villiers, D. Do you know your bank? [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1875001093 144pp. R89.95 Tafelberg 2001 SA Goosen, W., van der Merwe, A., Pampalis, A., Mdluli, L. Banking in the new millenium. ISBN: 0702143995 304pp. R165.00 Juta 1999 SA Malan, F.R., Oelofose, A.N. South Afrcan banking legislation. R415.00 Juta 1991 SA
Stranex, M., ed. The business of banking and law. [Only available as pdf download.] new ed. ISBN: 095842361X 300pp. R1,270 Law Pubs 2003[?] SA Banks and banking—Sudan Abdalla Ali, S.A. The political economy of banking in the Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 11) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Ali, A.A. Economic policy and islamization of the banking system in Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 62) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1985 SJ Ali, A.A. How long is long enough: the World Bank and economic policy making in the Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 77) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1988 SJ Brown, R., El Fatih Shaa El Din, A. Towards an understanding of Islamic banking in the Sudan: the case of Faisal Islamic Bank. (DSRC monograph series, 21) 40pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1985 SJ Banks and banking—Uganda Buri, A., Kyazze, J. A compendium of laws on banking in Uganda. ISBN: 9970023616 241pp. ($29.95/£24.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2005 UG Baoulé—General and Non-fiction CIDT/ILA Korone sene. [Méthode culturale du coton.] 62pp. CFA5,000 EDILIS 1998 IV BAU Baoulé (African people)—Social life and customs Guerry, V. La vie quotidienne dans un village baoulé. 3rd ed. 151pp. CFA1,200 Inades 1975 IV FRE Baoulé (African poeple)—Ethnology Akissi, K.B. L’univers des noms et prénoms baoulé en Côte d’Ivoire. ISBN: 2844870910 112pp. CFA3,000 (Eur6.40) NEI 2000 IV FRE Baoulé language—Dictionaries Timyan, J., Kouadio N’guessan, J., Loucou, J-N. Dictionnaire Baoulé-Français. 610pp. NEI 2003 IV MUL Baoulé language—Study and teaching Kouadio, J. Syllabaire baoulé pour l’aphabétisation en langue maternelle. 96pp. CFA2,000 EDILIS 1998 IV MUL Kouadio, J.N., Koffi, A.K., Kouadio, K. Syllabaire baoulé. ISBN: 2913942830 104pp. ill. CFA2,500 (7.00) EDILIS 2002 IV MUL Barnard, Christiaan—Biography Logan, C. Celebrity surgeon. Christiaan Barnard - a life. ISBN: 1868421805 cd. R199.95 ISBN: 1868421635 R169.95 Ball 2003 SA Barnard, Deirdre—Autobiography Barnard, D. Fat, fame and life with father. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1919930345 256pp. R150.00 Double Storey 2003 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Barnor, M.A.—Autobiography Barnor, M.A., Osei, V.A. A socio-medical adventure in Ghana. The autobiography of Dr. M.A. Barnor. ISBN: 9988796021 345pp. pl. C50,000 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 2001 GH Barotse (African people)—History Sampson, R. The struggle for British interests in Barotseland. 158pp. ill. K3.50 Multimedia 1983 ZA Bartels, Francis L.—Autobiography Bartels, F. The persistence of paradox. Memoirs of F.L. Bartels. ISBN: 1904855296 652pp. ($44.95/£26.95) Ghana UP 2003 GH Basakata (African people)—Anthropology, Socio-cultural Hochegger, H. La polygamie dans les mythes Basakata. 2nd ed. 409pp. ($93.00) Kalombo 1996 ZR FRE Basakata (African people)—Social life and customs Mave Mbey Tradition et changements: les Basakata. (CCEEBA. serie II, memoires et Monographies, 25) 109pp. ill. maps. (DM27.00) CEEBA 1975 ZR FRE Basner, H.M.—Biography Basner, M. Am I an African? The political memoirs of H.M. Basner. 280pp. pl. R79.95 Witwatersrand UP 1993 SA Basotho (African people)—History Johannesson, B. The land the Basotho lost. 83pp. ill. R31.04 ($10.35/£6.21) Sached 1992 SA Machobane, L.B.B.J. Christianization and African response among the Barolong and the Basotho, 1820-1890. (ISAS occasional papers) 32pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1993 LO Basotho (African people)—Folklore Mokotimi, M.I. The voice of the people: proverbs of the Basotho (Lesotho/South Africa). vol.4 118pp. R27.00 ($7.70/£4.90/Eur6.70) Unisa 1997 SA Basotho (African people)—Religion, traditional Manyeli, T.L. Phenomenological perspective of Basotho religion. ISBN: 9991124357 299pp. R90.00 ($11.78/£7.90) Mazenod Inst 1995 LO Basotho (African people)—Social life and customs Mokhethi, P.S. Boitokisetso ba lenyalo har’a Basotho ba Bakriste. 252pp. R8.50 Mazenod Inst 1988 LO SES Batanga (African people)—Social life and customs Richard, M. Histoire, tradition et promotion de la femme chez les Batanga. (CEEBA. série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 2) 154pp. (DM36.00) CEEBA 1970 ZR FRE Bawumia, Alhaji Mumuni—Autobiography Bawumia, M. A life in the political history of Ghana. Memoirs of Alhaji Mumuni Bawumia. ISBN: 9964303351 279pp. col.ill.pl. C100,000 ($24.95/£17.95) Ghana UP 2004 GH Bayero, Nuhu Mohammadu—Autobiography Bayero, N.M. My life. 180pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Univ Lagos Press 1990 NR Bédié, Henri Konan—Biography Amouin, E. Henri Konan Bédié. Les photos d’une vie. 18pp. col.pl. Neter 1995 IV FRE Beekeeping Belkhadi, N., Tazi, S., Mohssine, E-M., Benamar, S. Elevage et produits de l’abeille. 172pp. Actes Ed 1997 MR FRE
Benin—History Mann, I. Bees are wealth [In English and Kiswahili]. Rev. 115pp. ill. ($3.60/£1.45) K.shs.15.30 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Beekeeping—Kenya Khayesi, M. Impacts of interventions in beekeeping and irrigation on household welfare in the Kerio Basin development zone, Kenya. (Social science research report, 17) 51pp. ($16.95/£9.95 set) OSSREA 2001 ET Beekeeping—Tanzania Hakikazi Catalyst People and bees. free on-line Hakikazi 2004 TZ Belgium—Education, Higher Paquet, J. Salaires et préhendres des professeurs de l’université de Louvain au XVe siècle. 38pp. 30k. Press Univ Congo 1958 ZR FRE Bell, Charles—Biography Brooke Simons, P. The life and work of Charles Bell. ISBN: 1874950342 cd. 176pp. col.pl. (£35.00) Fernwood 1998 SA Bello, Sir Ahmadu—Biography Olanlokun, O. The legend: Sir Ahmadu Bello. 2nd ed. ISBN: 978142401X 44pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2002 NR Bemba—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Chilayi, M.S. Chihandilu cha Kabuchi. [The life of Kabuchi.] 2nd ed. 60pp. K1,500 ($2.14/ £1.50) ZEPH 1994 ZA BEM Kauchingu, P.J. Hano hamavu kaheshi khekeko. [There is no mercy on earth.] 2nd ed. 40pp. K1,700 ($2.43/£1.70) ZEPH 1994 ZA BEM Kyakilika, L. Mwanalume kitoonzhi. [Mighty man.] 144pp. K2,000 ($2.86/£2.00) ZEPH 1994 ZA BEM Matoka, B. Sayitamba. 2nd ed. 132pp. K2,500 ($3.56/£2.50) ZEPH 1994 ZA BEM Mulomba, S. Bitobala byo bifwaana. [What is sweet kills.] 128pp. K2,100 ($3.00/£2.10) ZEPH 1994 ZA BEM Musonda, A. Imamba taifyala mamba mbiye. [The mysteries of heredity. Novel.] ISBN: 9982847031 112pp. K10,000 ($3.45) Musonda 2000 ZA BEM Musonda, A. Imisango yakwa shi-maini. [The weird life of a miner. Novel.] ISBN: 9982847082 112pp. K10,000 ($3.45) Musonda 2000 ZA BEM
Kambole, R.M. Ukufunda umwana kufikado. [You have to be thorough in teaching a child.] 2nd ed. 144pp. ill. K2,500 ($3.56/£2.50) ZEPH 1994 ZA BEM Kapwepwe, S. Icupo no buyantanshi. 182pp. K2,000 ($2.86/£2.00) ZEPH 1994 ZA BEM Mulendo, R. Icumfwano ca nganda. [Preparation for marriage.] 82pp. Multimedia 1971 ZA BEM Nalilungwe, M. Makololo kiba. [These are the Makololo people.] 2nd ed. 85pp. K1,600 ($2.29/ £1.60) ZEPH 1994 ZA BEM Tembo, V.M. Mvetsetso ndi cimangilizo m’cinyanja. 87pp. Multimedia 1989 ZA BEM Bemba—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Maiden Publishing Natulande. ISBN: 9982120506 Maiden 1998 ZA BEM Mwansa, B. Nkalamo, cimbwi na mbwa baalomba ifyo baabulilwe. [Lion, hyena and dog seek what they do not have.] 28pp. K3,200 (£1.28) Bookworld 1997 ZA BEM Bemba (African people)—Folklore Kapwepwe, M.M. A little book of omens: some superstitious beliefs of the Bemba people. ISBN: 9982030140 12pp. Mulenga Kapwepwe 2003 ZA Bemba (African people)—Social life and customs Kapwepwe, M.M. Times and seasons in Bemba. ISBN: 9982030124 18pp. Mulenga Kapwepwe 2003 ZA Kapwepwe, M.M. Traditional Bemba dress and adornment. ISBN: 9982030108 14pp. Mulenga Kapwepwe 2003 ZA Bemba language—Grammar Mann, M. An outline of IciBemba grammar. ISBN: 9982240145 56pp. K6,500 ($3.00) Bookworld 1999 ZA MUL Benin—Guide books Hodonou, C.T. Visage du Bénin. Guide tourisitique et des affaires. ISBN: 2909130466 350pp. CFA200.00 Flamboyant 2001 DM FRE Benin—History Akindele, A., Aguessy, C. Contribution à l’étude de l’histoire de l’ancien royaume de Porto-Novo. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 25) 168pp. ill. pl. CFA4,000 IFAN 1953 SG FRE
Musonda, A. Solo. [The delinquent.] ISBN: 9982847023 112pp. K10,000 ($3.45) Musonda 2000 ZA BEM
Berbain, S. Le comptoir français du Juda (Ouidah) au XVIII siècle. [Reprint of ed. Paris, 1942.] (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 3) 127pp. pl. D.fl.45.00 IFAN 1942 SG FRE
Musonda, A. Ukufiosama mukanwa ka mbushi. [How to hide in the goat’s mouth.] ISBN: 9982201039 112pp. K10,000 ($3.45) Multimedia 2000 ZA BEM
Codjo Kpadé, E., Piqué, F., Rainier, L.H. Les bas-reliefs d’Abomey. L’histoire racontée sur les murs. ISBN: 2909130150 116pp. ill. CFA6,000 (Eur9.15) Flamboyant 1999 DM FRE
Mwiinga, B. Kweema kwa nakalindu. [The cries of a divorce. Reflections of a young woman.] 2nd ed. 104pp. ill. K1,700 ($2.43/£1.70) ZEPH 1994 ZA BEM
Djivo, A. Guézo: La rénovation du Dahomey. 108pp. CFA350 NEAS 1978 SG FRE
Ndumba, J.N. Chiwano kuphili. [Meeting at the hill.] 196pp. K2,500 ($3.56/£2.50) ZEPH 1994 ZA BEM Tobecho, W. Natemwene umukashana. [I loved a girl.] 36pp. 23n Multimedia 1972 ZA BEM Bemba—General and Non-fiction Chitauka, A.W. Tulengwa twabasikale. [Customs of our ancestors.] 2nd ed. 44pp. K1,500 ($2.14/£1.50) ZEPH 1994 ZA BEM
Dunglas, E. Contribution à l’histoire du MoyenDahomey. (Royaumes d’Abomey, de Kétou et de Ouidah). 3 vols. var.pp. CFA2,000 per vol. IFAN 1958 SG FRE Lalinon, B.G. En marche vers la liberté. La période transitoire. vol.2 132pp. CFA1,500 (Eur4.00) Ruisseaux 1996 DM FRE Lalinon, B.G. En marche vers la liberté. Préludes ou renouveau démocratique. vol. 1 132pp. CFA1,500 (Eur2.29) Ruisseaux 1998 DM FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Benin (Kingdom) see also Nigeria 132pp. ill. Univ
Bible Bible Society of South Africa Good news Bible: today’s English version. [Available in other bindings.] 4th SA ed. 1,373pp. R60.00 Bible Soc SA 1995 SA
Benin (Kingdom)—History Egharevba, J. A short history of Benin. new ed. 100pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Ibadan UP 1991 NR
Bible Society of South Africa Good news Bible: today’s English version. [Available in other bindings.] 5th SA ed. ISBN: 0798214546 1,373pp. R50.00 Bible Soc SA 2004 SA
Sidahome, J.E. Stories of Benin empire. Press - Nig 1967 NR
Ugowe, C.O.O. Benin in world history. ISBN: 9783332813 29pp. Hugo 1997 NR Benson, M.—Autobiography Benson, M. A far cry. The making of a South African. 2nd ed. 264pp. pl. R44.95 Ravan 1996 SA Berber language Nicolas, F. La langue berbère de Mauritanie. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 33) CFA4,400 IFAN 1953 SG FRE Bernstein, Simeon—Biography Bernstein, H. A life of one’s own. ISBN: 1919931082 292pp. R160.00 ($22.00) (£15.00) Jacana 2002 SA Bété (African people)—Folklore Ila Contes bété. [Bilingual text in French and Bété.] 92pp. CFA2,150 (Eur5.72) CEDA 1980 IV MUL Bété language—Study and teaching Louoba, G., Botte Guere, B. Syllabaire bété. ISBN: 2913942857 96pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2003 IV MUL Téra, K., Botté, G.B. Guide du syllabaire bété. ISBN: 2914867662 19pp. ill. CFA500.00 (Eur3.00) EDILIS 2002 IV MUL Beti (African people)—Social life and customs Abega, S.C. Essana chez les béti. 397pp. CFA3,900 CLE 1987 CM FRE Beverages see also Coffee Tea Biggs, D. Classic cocktails. ISBN: 1843307103 cd. 80pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 2004 SA New Holland Make your own cocktails. 3rd ed. ISBN: 1770072373 128pp. col.pl. R79.95 New Holland 2005 SA Dickson, J. Make your own liqueurs. cd. 80pp. ill. R54.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA Dickson, J. Mixed drinks. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624036758 122pp. ill. R89.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Bews, John William—Biography Gale, G.W. John William Bews: a memoir. 140pp. ill. R50.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1954 SA Bezuidenhout, Evita—Biography Uys, P-D. Funigalore: Evita’s real-life adventures in wonderland. 265pp. col.pl. R89.95 Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA Uys, P-D., comp. The essential Evita Bezuidenhout. ISBN: 0864863497 cd. 80pp. R32.95 Philip 1998 SA Biayenda, Cardinale Emile—Biography Miekoumoutima, A. Cardinal Emile Biayenda, un bon pasteur. 104pp. pl. FB32.00 Epiphanie 1994 ZR FRE
Bible Society of South Africa Good news Bible: today’s English version with deuterocanonicals/apocrypha. [Available in other bindings.] 2nd SA ed. cd. 1,638pp. R55.00 Bible Soc SA 1996 SA Bible Society of South Africa The holy Bible containing the old and new testaments: King James version. [Available in other bindings.] 2nd SA ed. cd. 1,049pp. R50.00 Bible Soc SA 1982 SA Bible Society of South Africa Holy Bible: contemporary English version. [Available in other bindings.] 2nd SA ed. ISBN: 0798213388 cd. 1,565pp. R70.00 Bible Soc SA 2001 SA Bible Society of South Africa The revised English Bible. [Available in other bindings.] cd. 1,068pp. R50.00 Bible Soc SA 1989 SA Bible Society of South Africa The revised English Bible with the apocrypha. [Available in other bindings.] cd. 1,273pp. R55.00 Bible Soc SA 1989 SA Lux Verbi Our first picture Bible. ISBN: 0869978950 cd. 256pp. ill. R159.95 Lux Verbi 2000 SA Zinkuratire, V., Colacrai, A. The African Bible. ISBN: 996621450X 2176pp. ill. K.shs.700.00 ($10.00) Paulines 1999 KE Bible—Criticism, interpretation, etc. see also Bible—Study Annandale-Potgieter, J. Qumran in and around the Bible. A new perspective on the Dead Sea scrolls. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0627023525 112pp. R119.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA Draper, J.A., ed. Commentary on Romans by Bishop John William Colenso. ISBN: 1875053301 276pp. R120.00 ($24.00) Cluster 2003 SA Fuller, S.P. Rising out of chaos, the new heaven and the new earth. rev.ed. ISBN: 0958406545 ($16.95) Kima 2001 SA Galvan, M.E.G., Resende, F.M.O. An African journey through Mark’s gospel: a tool for small Christian communities. ISBN: 996621528X 160pp. Paulines 2000 KE Spangenberg, I. Perspectives on the Bible: God’s word in ordinary language. ISBN: 1869190238 133pp. R99.95 Protea 2002 SA Stott, J.R.W. The church in the new millenium: three studies on the acts of the apostles. ISBN: 9966963537 92pp. K.shs.200.00 ($8.00/£5.95) Zapf 2002 KE Bible—Examinations, questions Loglo, S. Advanced level model essays and context questions on the synoptic gospels. 140pp. C58.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1980 GH Bible—Stories Abunwa, E. The courage of Deborah. ISBN: 9781422424 45pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2003 NR
Agunabor, J. The virtuous Ruth. ISBN: 9781423080 62pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2003 NR Chukwu, B. The story of Isaac. ISBN: 9781425946 90pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2003 NR Médiaspaul Abraham et Isaac. ISBN: 2741402043 32pp. ($3.00) Mediaspaul 2004 ZR FRE Médiaspaul Adam et Eve, Caïn, Abel et Noé. ISBN: 274140192X 32pp. ($1.50) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Nothnagel, J. My very own read-to-me Bible. ISBN: 079630131X 228pp. R129.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA Oluniyi, S. The trials of Job. ISBN: 9781426829 45pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2003 NR Scandinavia My first let’s do-Bible. ISBN: 0796302111 448pp. R129.95 Lux Verbi 2004 SA Smit, L. The Bible for children. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 079814209X cd. 152pp. col.ill. R125.00 Human and Rousseau 2002 SA Bible—Study Africa Christian Press The Holy Spirit. (What the Bible Teaches Booklet, 3) 32pp. (£0.50) Africa Christian 1974 GH Africa Christian Press Jesus Christ. (What the Bible Teaches Booklets, 2) 32pp. (£0.50) Africa Christian 1974 GH Africa Christian Press The Trinity. (What the Bible Teaches Booklets, 4) 32pp. (£0.50) Africa Christian 1974 GH Ammerman, L.M., Maritim, J. Looking at the Old Testament. Job to Song of Songs. vol.3 211pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1983 KE Amponsah, K. Studies in the acts of the apostles. 168pp. C1,200 Adwinsa 1982 GH Amponsah, K. Studies in the Mark’s gospel. C1,200 Adwinsa 1982 GH
Amponsah, K., Boamah, J.J.A., Osei-Bonsu, A. Studies in Saint Luke’s gospel. 126pp. C1,200 Adwinsa 1978 GH Anderson, K., Benson, P. Old and New Testaments. 216pp. K.shs.200.00 ($4.50) Evangel 1984 KE Anderson, K., Benson, P. The theology of the Bible. 235pp. K.shs.250.00 ($4.50) Evangel 1983 KE Andrews, B., Andrews, S., McBride, J. Genesis 2. Chapters 24 to 50. 211pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1980 KE Auko, J., Ros, H., Ratz, C. Sept lettres. 286pp. CFA3,000 CPE 1977 IV FRE Baawobr, R. Gospel of Luke for Christian communities. ISBN: 9966215646 132pp. K.shs.140.00 ($2.00) Paulines 2000 KE Barrow, J., Holland, G. Romans. 249pp. K.shs.220 ($4.00) Evangel 1996 KE Baturi, S. Aperçu de l’ancien testament. vol.4 274pp. CFA2,500 CPE 1978 IV FRE Baturi, S., Maxwell, E., Maxwell, F. Looking at the Old Testament. Isaiah to Malachi. 270pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1976 KE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 92
African Books in Print
Subject index
Baxter, P. Talking with God. 1993 SA
80pp. R8.85 Lux Verbi
Bediako, G.M. Behold the son of God. A Bible study guide on the Gospel of Mark. 208pp. ($7.00) Asempa 1994 GH Binyon, P. A workbook of Old Testament history. 90k Macmillan - Nig 1973 NR Binyon, P. A workbook of the life of Christ and Book of Acts. N1.00 Macmillan - Nig 1973 NR Bissu, E. Nouveau testament. Introduction, texte et contexte. ISBN: 2723501663 268pp. CFA4,000 (Eur14.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Blackshaw, W. Moses. 64pp. R27.75 Lux Verbi 1992 SA Bombay, C.R. How to read your Bible. 32pp. K.shs.6.50 Evangel 1972 KE Bombay, C.R. The young Christian and the Bible. 2nd rev.ed. 96pp. K.shs.10.00 Evangel 1975 KE Bossert, C. La Bible et les témoins de Jehovah. 24pp. CFA700.00 CPE 1972 IV FRE Bossert, C. Bible et rosicruciens. CPE 1979 IV FRE
26pp. CFA800.00
Brown, P., Worsley Brown, K.M. Silas and Esther. 40pp. K.shs.90.00 Evangel 1997 KE Buckman, A., et al. Life of Christ. vol.2 242pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1978 KE Buetubela, B. L’identité de Jésus et Jean-Baptist en Mc 6, 14-29. 63pp. (FB135.00) Fac Catholiques 1991 ZR FRE Buetubela, P-M. Apprendre à lire l’évangile selon Marc. ISBN: 2741401810 48pp. ($2.50) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Burden, J.J., Prinsloo, W.S., eds. Dialogue with God. 2nd ed. 336pp. R129.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Burnott, J. The book of Acts of Apostles. 42pp. K50.00 Popular Publ 1998 MW Burnott, J. Book of Isaiah. Publ 1998 MW Burnott, J. New Testament. Publ 1998 MW
88pp. K60.00 Popular
36pp. K35.00 Popular
Burnott, J. Old Testament. Publ 1998 MW
59pp. K45.00 Popular
Burnott, J. St Luke gospel. Publ 1998 MW
102pp. K65.00 Popular
Burton, W.F.P. Teachings from the word of God. K.shs.8.00 Evangel 1969 KE
Butler, C., Kitambala, A. Revelation. 205pp. K.shs.220.00 Evangel 1996 KE Butler, C., Kitambas, A. Ufunuo. ISBN: 996685035X 235pp. K.shs.225.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1998 KE Centre de Littérature Evangélique Suis-moi. Catéchisme évangélique. 3rd ed. 40pp. CFA600.00 CLE 1970 CM FRE Centre de Publications Evangéliques Ce que la bible enseigne sur Dieu. CFA200.00 CPE 1977 IV FRE
Centre de Publications Evangéliques pour l’Afrique Francophone Etudions la Bible ensemble. Dieu et son peuple. 72pp. CFA1,050 CPE 1976 IV FRE Chantry, A., Howard, M.E. Youth sharing the Bible. bk.1 ISBN: 9966213929 72pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE Chantry, A. Youth sharing the Bible. bk.2 ISBN: 9966213929 72pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE Chauke, E., Beckelhymer, B. Aperçu du nouveau testament. De Timothée à l’Apocalypse. trans. f.t. English vol.3 244pp. CFA2,500 CPE 1985 IV FRE Chauke, E., Hymer, B.B. New Testament survey. bk.3 214pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1980 KE Chauke, E., Magee, K., Ouko, J. First Corinthians. 249pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1976 KE Colacrai, A. Treasures of the Bible. Paulines 1993 KE
80pp. ($0.50)
Combrink, H.J.B. Structural analysis of Acts 6:8-8:3. 36pp. R3.00 Lux Verbi 1997[?] SA Cox, G. Genesis 1. Chapters 1 to 23. 220pp. K.shs.220.00 Evangel 1980 KE Cummins, H., Kirkpatrick, V. Preaching from the Old Testament. 210pp. K.shs.220.00 Evangel 1983 KE Decorvet-Viala, N. Enseigner la bible aux enfants. CFA1,750 CPE 1979 IV FRE
Edmonds, P. Three portraits of Jesus: a study guide for Matthew, Mark and Luke. 135pp. ($414.20) Mambo 1994 ZI Educational Support Service Trust Passport to biblical studies. 78pp. R30.34 Nolwazi 1995 SA Efue, J.D. Handbook to the Synoptic Gospels. 240pp. N1.25 Macmillan - Nig 1971 NR Ejiwunmi, K. Baptism. 24pp. ill. (£0.50) Africa Christian 1980 GH Engel, J. Communiquer l’évangile efficacement. 173pp. CFA3,000 CPE 1992 IV FRE Engel, J.F. How to get your message across. 156pp. ill. (£3.00) Africa Christian 1988 GH Exell, V., Sangu, E., Riley, J. Aperçu de l’ancien testament. Les livres historiques. trans.f.t. English 352pp. CFA2,500 CPE 1986 IV FRE Exell, V., Sangu, E., Riley, J. Looking at the Old Testament. Joshua to Esther. vol.2 276pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1983 KE Eybers, I.H. Twelve theocratic testimonies. cd. 106pp. R9.00 Lux Verbi 1977 SA Filles de St Paul La naissance de Jésus. 2nd ed. 12pp. col.ill. FC200.00 ($1.50) Paulines - DRC 1998 ZR FRE Foulkes, F. God’s message to the nation. Africa Christian 1978 GH
Deist, F.E. Old Testament storytellers. bk.2 160pp. R129.95 Tafelberg 1987 SA
Foulkes, F. How the good news began. Study guide to Mark’s gospel. 255pp. (£3.00) Africa Christian 1986 GH
di Maria, L. Jésus est ressuscité. 2nd ed. 12pp. col.ill. FC200.00 ($0.45) Paulines - DRC 1999 ZR FRE
Foulkes, F. The threefold secret of life: study guide to 1, 2, 3 John. 131pp. (£3.00) Africa Christian 1983 GH
di Maria, L. Jésus fait des miracles. 12pp. col.ill. FC200.00 ($0.45) Paulines - DRC 1998 ZR FRE
Fourie, B.J. Biblical studies. Grade 12, standard 10. 2nd ed. 416pp. R71.61 Shuter & Shooter 1991 SA
Dickson, K.A. The gospel according to Luke. 216pp. maps C800.00 ($5.00) Asempa 1989 GH
Fowler, S. On being human: toward a Biblical understanding. (IRS study pamphlets, F1/168) 20pp. R1.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1981 SA
Dickson, K.A. The gospel according to Mark. 125pp. C1,200 ($5.00) Asempa 1988 GH Dickson, K.A. The gospel according to Matthew. 173pp. C1,500 ($7.00) Asempa 1991 GH Dominy, P. Aperçu du nouveau testament. vol.1 290pp. CFA2,500 CPE 1977 IV FRE Dominy, P. Looking at the Old Testament. Genesis to Deuteronomy. vol.1 222pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1974 KE Dossou, S., et al. Introduction à l’exégèse biblique de l’ancien et nouveau testament. CFA4,000 (Eur15.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Dunkerton, D., Humphries, T., Zondo, A. Letters to church leaders in hard places. 221pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1986 KE Ebeling, D.H. The greatest book. AICLD TZ
146pp. T.shs.5.00
Edmonds, P. A companion to the Sunday missal A.B.C. ISBN: 9966218599 208pp. K.shs.320.00 ($4.00) Paulines 2002 KE
Fox, M., et al. Les actes des apôtres. [Also available in English.] 1, 2 vols. 305pp. CFA2,500 CPE 1982 IV FRE Fox, M., Karo, D., Baturi, S., Maxwell, E. Acts of the apostles 1. Chapters 1 to 12. 246pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1978 KE France, R. God. (What the Bible Teaches Booklets, 1) 32pp. (£0.50) Africa Christian 1974 GH Fuller, S.P. Revelation III. The third book of the apocalypse. ISBN: 0620183675 ($5.95) Kima 2000 SA Gadzama, K., et al. Life of Christ. vol.1 259pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1978 KE Genheimer, R., Mfeka, E. Isaiah. 211pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1984 KE Getui, M.N., Holter, K., Zinkurature, V., eds. Interpreting the Old Testament in Africa. ISBN: 9966888144 246pp. Acton 2001 KE Getui, M.N., Maluleke, T., Ukpong, J., eds. Interpreting the New Testament in Africa. ISBN: 9966888020 311pp. ill. Acton 2001 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Glint Aventures dans le désert. student’s bk. 42pp. CFA350 CPE 1979 IV FRE
Glint Premières rois d’Israel. student’s bk. 44pp. CFA350 CPE 1979 IV FRE
Glint Aventures dans le désert. teacher’s bk. 68pp. CFA1,000 CPE 1979 IV FRE
Glint Premières rois d’Israel. teacher’s bk. 40pp. CFA1,000 CPE 1979 IV FRE
Glint Conquête de la terre promise. student’s bk. 44pp. CFA350 CPE 1981 IV FRE
Glint Rois et prophètes. teacher’s bk. 48pp. CFA1,000 CPE 1988 IV FRE
Glint Conquête de la terre promise. teacher’s bk. 54pp. CFA1,000 CPE 1981 IV FRE
Glint Rois et prophètes. student’s bk. 32pp. CFA350.00 CPE 1988 IV FRE
Glint Du commencement. teacher’s bk. 54pp. CFA1,000 CPE 1982 IV FRE
Gordon, R. Transforming psalms. ISBN: 9990816328 110pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Kachere 2000 MW
Glint Du commencement. student’s bk. 44pp. CFA350 CPE 1982 IV FRE Glint Histoire de David. teacher’s bk. 48pp. CFA1,000 CPE 1988 IV FRE Glint Histoire de David. student’s bk. 28pp. CFA350 CPE 1988 IV FRE Glint Histoire de Joseph. teacher’s bk. 40pp. CFA1,000 CPE 1974 IV FRE Glint Histoire de Joseph. student’s bk. 28pp. CFA350 CPE 1974 IV FRE Glint Histoire de Moïse. teacher’s bk. 47pp. CFA1,000 CPE 1974 IV FRE Glint Histoire de Moïse. student’s bk. 28pp. CFA350 CPE 1974 IV FRE Glint Histoire de Paul. student’s bk. 28pp. CFA350 CPE 1975 IV FRE Glint Histoire de Paul. teacher’s bk. 48pp. CFA1,000 CPE 1975 IV FRE Glint Histoires de l’ancien testament. teacher’s bk. 40pp. CFA1,000 CPE 1978 IV FRE Glint Histoires de l’ancien testament. student’s bk. 30pp. CFA350 CPE 1978 IV FRE Glint Jésus notre maitre. student’s bk. 50pp. CFA350 CPE 1975 IV FRE Glint Jésus notre maitre. teacher’s bk. 35pp. CFA1,000 CPE 1975 IV FRE Glint Jésus notre sauveur. student’s bk. 44pp. CFA350 CPE 1975 IV FRE Glint Jésus notre sauveur. teacher’s bk. 54pp. CFA1,000 CPE 1975 IV FRE Glint Paroles et oeuvres de Jésus. student’s bk. 28pp. CFA350 CPE 1978 IV FRE Glint Paroles et oeuvres de Jésus. teacher’s bk. 44pp. CFA1,000 CPE 1978 IV FRE Glint Première histoires de la bible. student’s bk. 28pp. CFA350 CPE 1973 IV FRE Glint Premières histoires de Jésus. teacher’s bk. 51pp. CFA1,000 CPE 1975 IV FRE Glint Premières histoires de Jésus. student’s bk. 28pp. CFA350 CPE 1975 IV FRE Glint Premières histoires de la bible. teacher’s bk. 61pp. CFA1,000 CPE 1973 IV FRE
Guillaume, J-M. Initiation à la Bible. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2914624042 160pp. ill. FC700.00 ($1.25) Paulines - DRC 2001 ZR FRE Guy, H.A. The church in the New Testament. 160pp. N1.90 Macmillan - Nig 1968 NR Howard, M.E., Chanty, A. Youth sharing the Bible. vol.3 112pp. ($1.00) Paulines 1997 KE Jay, B. Introduction au nouveau testament. 288pp. CFA2,345 CLE 1969 CM FRE Kato, B. Ce que la bible enseigne sur les esprits. 48pp. CFA200.00 CPE 1977 IV FRE Kernan, J. A look at Colossians. ISBN: 0620296763 40pp. ill. free Christian Lit 2003 SA Kernan, J. A look at Zephaniah. ISBN: 0620313005 16pp. ill. free Christian Lit 2003 SA Khumalo, A., Moalusi, E., Snook, S. New Testament survey. Matthew to Acts. bk.1 217pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1973 KE Kidner, D. The secret of wisdom, an introduction to the Old Testament’s Wisdom Books of Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes. 89pp. (£3.00) Africa Christian 1986 GH King, N. Setting the gospel free. Cluster 1995 SA
140pp. R30.00
Kuhn, M., et al. Les actes des apôtres. [Also available in English.] 2, 2 vols. 285pp. CFA2,500 CPE 1984 IV FRE Kuhn, M., Ishi, M., Olson, J., Venberg, R. Acts of the apostles. [Also available in French.] vol.2 225pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1979 KE Kure, S., Plueddermann, J. Powerful Bible teaching. 213pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1990 KE Kure, S., Plueddermann, J. Study the book of Mark for yourself. 213pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1990 KE Lout, J., Rungu, J.A., Nzuza, S., Stamm, F. Teachings in John. 240pp. K.shs.220.00 Evangel 1983 KE Lux Verbi The DO Bible. ISBN: 0796302103 cd. col.ill. R129.95 Lux Verbi 2004 SA Lux Verbi Postscards from Paul. Lux Verbi 1995 SA
48pp. R18.50
Lux Verbi Student G: life in Bible times. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0796300143 32pp. R37.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA Lux Verbi Student G: the world of the Bible. ISBN: 0796300070 32pp. R37.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA
Lux Verbi Student G: the atlas of the Bible. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0796300089 32pp. R37.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA Lux Verbi Student G: the story of the Bible. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0796300151 32pp. R37.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA Madany, B.M. The Bible and Islam. ISBN: 9966200312 70pp. K.shs.120.00 ($2.80) Evangel 1998[?] KE Mallia, C. The sacrament of reconciliation. ISBN: 9966214208 54pp. K.shs.70.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1999 KE Mallia, P. Jesus in the gospels. ISBN: 9966214666 80pp. K.shs.70.00 ($1.00) Paulines 2000 KE Marcel, L. Regard sur Jésus à la lumière de Saint Jean. 456pp. FC4,400 ($8.00) Paulines - DRC 2003 ZR FRE Médiaspaul La Bible en questions. ISBN: 2741401918 48pp. ($2.50) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Moalusi, E., Snook, S., Jordahl, R. New Testament survey. bk.2 226pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1977 KE Moyo, G.T. The Gospel of St. Mark. 84pp. Z$69.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI Mugaruka, R. Apprendre à lire l’évangile selon Matthieu. ISBN: 2741401853 32pp. ($2.50) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Mukenge, A.K. La parole se fait chair et sang. ISBN: 2741401770 176pp. ($7.50) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Murphy, C., et al. New Testament - family edition. 684pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($2.50) Paulines 1995 KE Murphy, C., et al. New Testament - standard edition. 706pp. ill K.shs.350.00 ($6.00) Paulines 1995 KE Ngalula, J. La mission chrétienne à la rencontre des langues humaines. ISBN: 274140190X 176pp. ($7.50) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Nothnagel, J. My very own Bible for toddlers. cd. 228pp. R94.95 Lux Verbi 1997 SA Nürnberger, M., ed. I will send you to Pharoah. ISBN: 0958314187 170pp. R23.50 ($8.00) Cluster 1998 SA Oduyoye, M. The alphabetical psalms. Sefer 1995 NR
59pp. ($5.00)
Oduyoye, M. Le-mah sabach-tha-niy? Lament and entreaty in the psalms. 99pp. ($10.00) Sefer 1995 NR Oduyoye, M. The longest psalm. Sefer 1994 NR
118pp. ($10.00)
Okorocha, C.C., Foulkes, F. Understanding the psalms. A devotional guide vol.1: psalms 1-41. 189pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Africa Christian 1995 GH Okure, T. To cast fire upon the earth. ISBN: 1875053190 248pp. R75.00 Cluster 1999 SA Osei-Mensah, G. God’s message to the churches. 87pp. (£3.00) Africa Christian 1985 GH
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 94
African Books in Print
Subject index
Biochemistry—Study and teaching
Ossom-Batsa, G. About how to read the Bible. ISBN: 9966218416 32pp. K.shs.50.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2002 KE Ouko, J., Ros, H., Ratz, C., Whit, I. Seven letters to all churches. 249pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1975 KE Owczarek, C. Sons of the most high. Love of enemies in Luke-Acts: teaching and practice. ISBN: 9966218408 360pp. K.shs.800.00 ($10.00) Paulines 2002 KE Ozrovech, S. My 366 best-loved Bible verses. ISBN: 0869977652 cd. 424pp. R79.95 Lux Verbi 1998 SA Paradza, B.V. The four gospels and the acts. ($9.50) Mambo 1993 ZI Paradza, B.V. A survey of the Old Testament. maps ($11.30) Mambo 1995 ZI
Paulines The gospels and the acts of the apostles. 386pp. ($1.00) Paulines 1996 KE Paulines Jesus, my Lord and my God. The gospel of Mark with a catechism on baptism. 144pp. ($1.00) Paulines 1997 KE Paulines Publications On the mercy of God. Paulines 1998 KE
48pp. ($1.00)
Poucouta, P. Apprendre à lire le livre de Daniel. ISBN: 2741401829 48pp. ($2.50) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Poucouta, P, Lectures africaines de la bible. ISBN: 2911380525 124pp. CFA6,000 (Eur9.15) UCAC 2002 CM FRE Ray, A. The synoptic gospels. 126pp. ($3.00) Fourth Dimension 1986 NR Roberts, J.H. The letter to the Ephesians. 2nd ed. cd. 192pp. R49.95 Lux Verbi 1995 SA Rotich, A. Come holy spirit. The gospel of Luke with a catechesis on confirmation. 136pp. ($1.00) Paulines 1997 KE Schaff, Y. Histoire et rôle de la Bible. 288pp. CFA1,685 HaHo 1994 TG FRE Shenk, D. Le saint livre de Dieu. trans.f.t.English 72pp. CFA500.00 CPE 1986 IV FRE Simson, P. Bible reflections. vol.3(AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 43) 69pp. K.shs.250.00 Gaba 1976 KE Simson, P. Biblical catechesis. vol.1: gospel miracles(Gaba pastoral paper, 34) 32pp. K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1974 KE Simson, P. Biblical catechesis. vol.2: authority and reconciliation(Gaba pastoral paper, 35) 38pp. K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1974 KE Sloan, W.W. What is the Old Testament? A view from Africa. 132pp. K1.00 Multimedia 1974 ZA Slokpo, M. Bible et christiannisme céleste. ISBN: 2910307212 54pp. CFA1,250 CPE 1998 IV FRE Smalley, S. Ce que la bible enseigne sur la Trinité. 32pp. CFA200.00 CPE 1977 IV FRE Smalley, S. Ce que la bible enseigne sur le SaintEsprit. 51pp. CFA200.00 CPE 1979 IV FRE
Smith, A.B. Bridging the gap: a handbook for promoting the biblical apostolate. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 46) K.shs.180.00 Gaba 1977 KE Snook, E., Snook, S., Poor, P. The letter to Hebrews. 235pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1986 KE Spagnolo, A. Seven minutes a day with Jesus. Meditations on the gospel of Mark - year B. ISBN: 996621853X 128pp. K.shs.160.00 ($2.00) Paulines 2002 KE Spagnolo, A. Seven minutes a day with Jesus. Meditations on the gospel of Matthew. ISBN: 9966218289 128pp. K.shs.160.00 ($2.00) Paulines 2002 KE Speckman, M.T. The Bible and human development in Africa. ISBN: 9966888977 311pp. ill. Acton 2001 KE Steyn, R. Bible activities for little ones. R17.85 Lux Verbi 1991 SA
Suggit, J.N. Poetry’s next-door neighbour. Inst Soc Res 1977 SA
Wendland, E. Buku loyera: an introduction to the new Chichewa Bible translation. (Kachere monograph, 6) ISBN: 9990816085 224pp. ill. K190 ($15.00/£10.00) Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1998 MW West, G. Biblical hermeneutics of liberation. Modes of reading the Bible in the South African context. 350pp. R40.00 Cluster 1995 SA West, G.O. The academy of the poor. Towards a dialogical reading of the Bible. ISBN: 1850757585 182pp. R100.00 ($33.00) Cluster 1999 SA [No UK] Wezin, K. Le chemin de la croix. Suivi de Douze psaumes. ISBN: 286427079X 66pp. CFA4,000 Akpagnon 2000 TG FRE Wheeler, A.C., ed. Answering the light. Sudanese witnesses to the gospel. (Faith in the Sudan, 6) ISBN: 9966214186 288pp. ($7.00) Paulines 1998 KE While, R. Ce que la bible enseigne sur JésusChrist. 39pp. CFA200.00 CPE 1977 IV FRE
Taylor, K.N. The new Bible in pictures for little eyes. ISBN: 0796301190 cd. R119.95 Lux Verbi 2004 SA
While, R. Ce que la bible enseigne sur la justification. 38pp. CFA200.00 CPE 1981 IV FRE
Theological-Historical Commission for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 The Eucharist. Official catechical text for the great jubilee of the year 2000. trans.f.t. Italian by Robert R. Barr ISBN: 9966214828 135pp. Paulines 1999 KE
White, R. Right with God (justification). (What the Bible Teaches booklets, 6) 32pp. ill. (£0.50) Africa Christian 1977 GH
Thorn, J. The Bible herald: today’s Bible news. ISBN: 0798138092 104pp. R44.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Van der Walt, B.J. The Bible as eye-opener on the position of women. (IRS brochures, F2/44) R6.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1988 SA Van der Walt, B.J. More precious than gold: discovering the real wealth of scripture. (IRS brochures, F2/38) 277pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1991 SA Van der Walt, B.J. Why the State? Bible study on Matthew 22, Romans 13 and Revelation 13. (IRS brochures, F2/18) 47pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1987 SA Van der Walt, T. Bible studies on the Kingdom of God. (IRS brochures, F2/28) 31pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1986 SA Verstraelen, F.J., et al. Rewriting the Bible. 312pp. ($10.15) Mambo 1993 ZI Voeltzel, R. Selon les écritures: nouveau testament. cd. & 820pp. CFA 4,835 CLE 1973 CM FRE Vonck, P. The parables - stories for retelling. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 66) 86pp. ($3.00) Gaba 1981 KE Vonck, P. Understanding 42 gospel parables. K.shs.170.00 Gaba KE Wallace, R.S. Elijah and Elisha. 2nd ed. 188pp. (£3.00) Africa Christian 1985 GH Walsh, J., ed. Reading and understanding the Bible from an African perspective. (Boleswa occasional papers in theology and religion, 1/6) 94pp. P10.00 ($10.00) Dept Theology and Religious Stud 1997 BS Wawa, R. Apprendre à lire le livre de la genèse. ISBN: 2741423189 48pp. ($2.50) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE
Wittenberg, G. I have heard the cry of my people. ISBN: 0958314144 77pp. R11.00 ($4.00) Cluster 1998 SA Bicycles and bicycling—South Africa du Toit, D., Engelbrecht, W., O’Connnor, J. Ride your best Argus ever. Expert advice for peak performance. ISBN: 0624037452 187pp. pl. R89.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Ribbens, H. Pedestrian and pedal cycle accidents on rural roads in South Africa. (RV, 24) 32pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA Biko, Steve—Biography Malan, R., comp. The essential Steve Biko. ISBN: 0864863454 cd. 80pp. R32.95 Philip 1998 SA Pampallis, J. Steve Biko. 58pp. pl. R19.04 Maskew Miller Longman 1992 SA Woods, D. Biko. R49.99 Penguin SA SA Biochemistry—Addresses and essays Asante, G.S. Biochemical education in perspective. 23pp. ($1.50/50p.) Ghana UP 1974 GH Biochemistry—Study and teaching Anekwe, G.A. Concise biochemistry. ISBN: 978030925X 238pp. Univ Press - Nig 2005 NR Diatewa, M. Tests et problemes de biochimie. 129pp. ($30.00) Press Univ Congo 1986 ZR FRE Ettalibi, M. Biochimie des saccharides. 584pp. Eur55.00 Actes Ed 2004 MR FRE Ettalibi, M. Biochimie pour tous. Expression et exploitation des gènes. ISBN: 9981801399 120pp. Actes Ed 1998 MR FRE Ettalibi, M. Biochimie pour tous. Glucides. ISBN: 9981801380 172pp. Actes Ed 1998 MR Ettalibi, M. Biochimie pour tous. Lipides. ISBN: 9981801429 288pp. ill. Actes Ed 2000[?] MR FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Biochemistry—Study and teaching Sitati, V.W. A handbook of clinical chemistry for laboratory technicians. 360pp. ($9.45/ £3.80) K.shs.48.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE Biography Gaiya, M.A.B. A portrait of a saint. ISBN: 9782023434 103pp. ill. Fab 1998 NR Moore, L.E. Well spent lives: true stories. 65pp. K.shs.120.00 ($3.75) Lake 1993 KE Biography—Dictionaries Gatwa, T., Tsala, G., eds. Dictionnaire des personnalités célèbres du monde négro-africain et autres. CFA5,000 (Eur15.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Biography—Egypt Fernea, E.W., ed. Remembering childhood in the Middle East. Memoirs from a century of change. ISBN: 9774247612 398pp. ill. E£80.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 2003 UA [Middle East only] Biography—Egypt—Dictionaries Goldschmidt, A. Biographical dictionary of modern Egypt. ISBN: 9774245792 cd. 312pp. E£90.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 2000 UA [Middle East only] Biology see also Biotechnology Botany Evolution Marine biology Natural history Zoology Bassir The metabolism of aflatoxins and other toxins. 166pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1989 NR Dixon Apartheid paradigm in the xenobiotic paradigm. 12pp. ($6.95/£3.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1996 NR Doyle, G.A., Moggi-Cecchi, J., Raath, M.A., Tobias, P.V., eds. Humanity from naissance to coming millenia. ISBN: 1868143740 416pp. R285.00 Witwatersrand UP 2001 SA Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Contribution à l’étude de l’air. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 10) 562pp. ill. pl. map. D.fl.160.00 IFAN 1950 SG FRE Waindi, E.N. A laboratory manual of cell biology. 99pp. K.shs.300.00 ($12.00) Nairobi UP 1994 KE Zaime, A. Biodiversity and adaptation. Actes Ed 1996 MR
258pp. pl.
Biology—Addresses and essays Hart, R.C. Plankton, fish and man: a triplet in limnology. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1986 SA Laing, E. The new biology, new hope, new threat or new dilemmas. 39pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Ghana UP 1989 GH Toye, S.A. Biological success: the arthropods’ claim. 26pp. ($1.89/79p) N3.00 Ibadan UP 1980 NR Biology—Africa James, W. Africa in the age of biology. ISBN: 0796920737 24pp. R50.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Tardieu-Blot et al. Mélanges biologiques. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 50) 169pp. pl. CFA4,000 IFAN 1957 SG FRE Biology—Africa, East Chowdhury, M.S. Biological nitrogen fixation studies in East Africa: potentials and limitations. 29pp. ($2.50) T.shs.12.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1980 TZ
Subject index Patel, M.S., ed. Biometry for development: proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Biometric Society, Kenya Group and East/Central African Network, Duduville, ICIPE-Kasarani, Nairobi, Kenya, April 2-6, 1990. 198pp. ill. ICIPE 1991 KE Biology—Examinations, questions Egunyomi, A. Revision notes in O-level biology. 96pp. ill. N5.50k Univ Press - Nig 1982 NR Egunyomi, A., et al. Exam focus biology. ISBN: 9782494666 187pp. ($23.10) Univ Press - Nig 1997 NR Ezeobi, O.E. 1005 objective questions and answers in biology. 148pp. ill. N250.00 Africana First 1990 NR Fagbemi, O.B. Jamb success biology. ISBN: 9780306986 272pp. ($20.80) Univ Press - Nig 2005 NR Kimera, D. O-level biology. Question papers and model answers. ISBN: 9976973500 48pp. T.shs.2,000 Mkuki na Nyota 1998 TZ Luboha, G.F. Biology test papers and worked out model answers for form four examination. ISBN: 9987671454 146pp. ill. T.shs.7,000 ($7.00) TEPU 2004 TZ
Akatsa, J.I., Njoroge, N. Longhorn secondary biology. Course book form 1. bk.1 ill. K.shs.230.00 Longhorn - Ken 2002 KE Akatsa, J.I., Njoroge, N. Longhorn secondary biology. Teachers guide book form 1. ill. K.shs.350.00 Longhorn - Ken 2002 KE Ayerst, P.W., et al. Data response exercises in biology. [Also available in Afrikaans.] R21.97 Shuter & Shooter 1990 SA Ayerst, P.W., et al. Discovering biology. Grade 11, standard 9. 3rd ed. 420pp. R108.82 Shuter & Shooter 1991 SA Ayerst, P.W., et al. Discovering biology. Grade 12, standard 10. 4th ed. ISBN: 0796011699 440pp. R119.66 Shuter & Shooter 1998 SA Ayerst, P.W., et al. Exploring biology. Grade 10, standard 8. 3rd ed. 304pp. R105.10 Shuter & Shooter 1990 SA Ayerst, P.W., et al. Exploring biology. Grade 11, standard 9. 4th ed. 420pp. R108.82 Shuter & Shooter 1991 SA Ayerst, P.W., et al. Exploring biology. Grade 12, standard 10. 4th ed. ISBN: 0796011680 440pp. R119.66 Shuter & Shooter 1998 SA
Okeke, B.S. Certificate practical biology revision guide. 135pp. (£4.00) Fourth Dimension 1979 NR
Aziz, A., Majani, M. Comprehensive secondary biology, form 3 and 4. 248pp. K.shs.275.00 OUP Nairobi 1993 KE
Soyibo, K. Objectives test in biology. 153pp. ($2.00/£1.00) Literamed 1992 NR
Clitheroe, et al. Focus on biology. Grade 10. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0636028313 240pp. ill.pl.maps R93.10 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA
Usua, E.J. Revision course in biology objective tests: with answers. 299pp. ill. N11.50k Univ Press - Nig 1967 NR Wright, J.M. Objective tests for school certificate biology. 144pp. C600.00 Adwinsa 1983 GH Biology—Nigeria—Addresses and essays Halstead, L.B. Ife and biology. (Inaugural lec., 4) 18pp. Obafemi Awolowo UP 1973 NR Biology—Senegal Institut Fondamental de l’Afrique Noir Recherches scientifiques dans les parcs nationaux du Sénégal. (IFAN memoir, 92) 366pp. ill. CFA5,000 IFAN 1982 SG FRE Biology—Study and teaching Abratt, V., et al. Practical biology. A classroom resource for teachers. ISBN: 1868590771 144pp. R86.95 Francolin 2002 SA Bouillon, A. Introduction à la biologie. 24pp. 30k Press Univ Congo 1963 ZR FRE Cossa, P.A. Exercicios de biologia 6a e 7a classes. ISBN: 4444440082 (Eur1.42) Moz Editora 2002 MZ POR Ibor, M.N. Methods in practical biology. ISBN: 978293300 cd. 60pp. Ano 1998 NR Osberg, D., ed. Biology skills. ISBN: 1868143279 256pp. R69.95 Witwatersrand UP 1998 SA Biology—Study and teaching (Elementary) Medi, I.K., Meredith, H. Junior certificate biology. ($6.50/£3.50) K13.40 Dzuka 1984 MW CHC Biology—Study and teaching (Secondary) Affa’a, F.M. La biologie humaine par l’exercice au BEPC. 106pp. CFA1,650 CLE 1984 CM FRE
Clitheroe, et al. Focus on biology. Grade 10. Teacher’s guide. ISBN: 063602900X 95pp. ill. R61.16 Maskew Miller Longman 2000 SA Clitheroe, et al. Focus on biology. Grade 11. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0636028402 288pp. ill.pl.maps R99.77 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Clitheroe, et al. Focus on biology. Grade 11. Teacher’s guide. ISBN: 0636028984 116pp. ill. R61.16 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Clitheroe, et al. Focus on biology. Grade 12. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0636028410 304pp. ill.pl. R96.74 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Clitheroe, et al. Focus on biology. Grade 12. Teacher’s guide. ISBN: 0636028992 160pp. ill. R72.54 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA Darwin, A. Focus on O-level biology. ISBN: 1779003161 236pp. ill. ($10.70) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Dent, R. Biology Malawi school certificate examination. Questions and model answers. 60pp. ill. K120.00 ($5.00/ £3.00) Chancellor Coll 1996 MW Dhunnoo, E.M., ed. Biology. A course for ‘O’ level. ISBN: 9810191715 398pp. Rs325.00 ($21.97/ £12.30) Printemps 2001 MF Diallo, Y.S. Biologie 7ème année. 68pp. ill.pl. FG7,500 Ganndal 1997 GV FRE Dilley, L. The cell, a workbook for biology students. 205pp. ill. pl. R13.95 Ravan 1986 SA Educational Support Services Trust. Passport to biology. 396pp. R55.95 Nolwazi 1995 SA Esuruoso, O.F., Samuel, P.S. New biology for O-level. bk. 1 ill. N1.15 Macmillan - Nig 1974 NR
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 96
African Books in Print
Subject index
Grachane, A.A., Muller, S. Biologica pela pratica 9a classe. ISBN: 1004309996 (Eur9.78) Moz Editora 2003 MZ POR Hanyuma, F., Lungu, M.M., Kateka, L., Mwale, R. Biology 11. pupils’ bk. 169pp. K8,000 ($3.87/£2.32) Mission Press - Ndola 1995 ZA Heinemann Educational Books CESAC biology. teacher’s guide bks. 13 N92.45 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1980 NR Heinemann Educational Books CESAC biology. bk.1 96pp. N169.30 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1980 NR Heinemann Educational Books CESAC biology. bk.2 N169.30 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1980 NR Heinemann Educational Books CESAC biology. bk.3 96pp. N169.30 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1980 NR Iloeje, S.O. Certificate practical biology. 96pp. ill. N1.44 Longman - Nig 1973 NR Imbamba, S.K., Okelo, O., Khatete, D.W. Biological sciences for schools. A practical manual. vol.1 119pp. ill. pl. K.shs.455.00 EAEP 1988 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP biology year 1 and 2. pupil’s bk. 216pp. K.shs.12.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1973 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP biology year 3. pupil’s bk. 128pp. K.shs.15.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1977 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP biology year 4. pupil’s bk. 96pp. K.shs.15.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1977 KE Kademi, J.M. Essential biology concepts for secondary schools 8-4-4, volume 1 for forms one and two. 400pp. ill. K.shs.250.00 ($4.00) Lake 1993 KE Kariuki, C., Bularaman, K. Longhorn secondary biology. Course book form 1. bk.1 ill. K.shs.280.00 Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE
Ogbonna, S.C. Foundation biology. (£10.00) Fourth Dimension 1986 NR Okemwa, E. Revision biology and biological sciences for K.C.S.E. with answers. 168pp. ill. K.shs.65.00 EAEP 1988 KE Ramalingham, S.T. Modern biology for secondary achools. 576pp. ill.col.pl. N900.00 Africana First 1993 NR Sequeira, L. Certificate biology book 1. new ed. ISBN: 9966468749 148pp. K.shs.365.00 EAEP 1998 KE Sequeira, L. Certificate biology book 2. ISBN: 9966468757 124pp. K.shs.410.00 EAEP 1998 KE Sequeira, L. Certificate biology book 3. ISBN: 9966251235 214pp. K.shs.485.00 EAEP 2002 KE Sequeira, L. Certificate biology book 4. ISBN: 9966251243 154pp. K.shs.520.00 EAEP 2002 KE Sequiera, L. Certificate biology. bk.2 ISBN: 9966468757 124pp. K.shs.320.00 EAEP 1998 KE Sequiera, L. Certificate biology. bk.3 ISBN: 9966251235 212pp. ill. K.shs.450.00 EAEP 2002 KE Sequiera, L. Certificate biology. bk.4 ISBN: 9966251243 161pp. ill. K.shs.450.00 EAEP 2002 KE Stone, R.H., Cozens, A.B. New biology for West African schools. 378pp. ill. pl. N3.74 Longman - Nig 1975 NR Taligoola, H.K. Advanced level biology. 1983 KE
136pp. Uzima
Usua, E.J. Handbook of practical biology. 62pp. ill. N6.50k Univ Press - Nig 1970 NR
Kariuki, C., Bularaman, K. Longhorn secondary biology. Teachers guide book form 1. bk.1 ill. K.shs.500.00 Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE
Usua, E.J. School Certificate biology for West Africa. 154pp. ill. N8.00 Univ Press Nig 1975 NR
Loforte, C.R. Biologia pela pratica 8a classe. ISBN: 1001209990 (Eur6.96) Moz Editora 2002 MZ POR
van Rensburg, N.P.J. Study and master biology 9. R39.00 Roedurico 1996 SA
Luboha, G.F. Biology test papers and worked out model answers for form two examination. ISBN: 9987671322 126pp. ill. T.shs.5,000 ($5.00) TEPU 2005 TZ Mackean, D.C. Introduction to biology. 224pp. N247.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1978 NR Mass, B., Thomson, N. Objective and structured questions in Olevel biology. 124pp. K.shs.195.00 EAEP 1982 KE Medi, I., Meredith, H. Senior certificate biology. K29.50. Dzuka 1989 MW
322pp. ill. pl.
Mwangi, R.W. Interpreting electron micrographs: biology and biological sciences for secondary schools. 44pp. ill. K.shs.90.00 ($3.00) Phoenix 1990 KE Mwangi, R.W., Seko, G.A.O. Practical biology for schools. 180pp. K.shs.420.00 Longhorn - Ken 1992 KE Njabili, A.F. O-level biology series 1. 80pp. ($5.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1981 TZ Obidiwe, J.B.C. Biology for the certificate year. ISBN: 978175348X 346pp. col.ill. N488.00 Africana First 2000 NR
207pp. pl.
van Rensburg, N.P.J., van Wyk, J.P., Roux, J.S., Mavovana, M.M. Study and master biology 10. 341pp. pl. R43.00 Roedurico 1996 SA Biotechnology Acharya, R. Intellectual property, biotechnology and trade: the impact of the Uruguay Round on biodiversity. (Biopolicy international, 4) 27pp. ($7.50) ACTS - Kenya 1992 KE Baark, E., Jamison, A. Biotechnology and culture: the impacts of public debates on government regulation in the United States and Denmark. (IFIAS Biopolicy series, 2) K.shs.50.00 ($7.50) ACTS - Kenya 1990 KE Henderson, C.M., Erskine, J.M. Biomass initiative production element evaluation report: Region 1. Report prepared for the Biomass Initiative Steering Committee, Pretoria. (INR investigational reports, 91) R30.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Juma, C. Biological diversity and innovation: conserving and utilizing genetic resources in Kenya. (ACTS Research series, 3) 139pp. K.shs.120.00 ($14.99/£7.50) ACTS - Kenya 1989 KE
Khalil, M., Reid, W.V., Juma, C. Property rights, biotechnology and genetic resources. (Biopolicy international, 7) 57pp. ($7.50) ACTS Kenya 1992 KE Porter, G. The United States and the biodiversity convention: the case for participation. (Biopolicy international, 12) 36pp. ($7.50) ACTS - Kenya 1993 KE Sassoon, A. Biotechnology and natural products: prospects for commercial production. (Technology policy, 4) 96pp. ($10.00) ACTS - Kenya 1992 KE Wood, D. Agrobiodiversity in global conservation policy. (Biopolicy international, 11) 44pp. ($7.50) ACTS - Kenya 1993 KE Biotechnology—Africa African Academy of Sciences Soil and water management and biotechnology in Africa. Report and the fact-finding mission. 87pp. K.shs.30.00 ($5.00) Academy Science Publ 1989 KE Dadzie, S. Biotechnology in sub-Saharan Africa: policy and institutional options. (ACTS science and technology policy discussion papers, 1) ISBN: 9966411143 38pp. ACTS - Kenya 2001 KE International Institute of Tropical Agriculture The use of biotechnology for the improvement of cassava, yams and plantain in Africa. 79pp. free IITA 1988 NR Kameri-Mbote, P., Wafula, D., Clark, N. Public/private partnerships for biotechnology in Africa: the future agenda. (ACTS/BIO-EARN occasional paper, 1) ISBN: 9966411151 43pp. ACTS Kenya 2001 KE Kgathi, D.L., et al. Biomass energy policy in Africa: selected case studies. cd. & 234pp. pl.maps AFREPREN 1997 KE Mugabe, J., Clark, N. Technology transfer and the convention on biological diversity: emerging policy and institutional issues. (Biopolicy, 18) 38pp. K.shs.100.00 ($8.00) ACTS Kenya 1996 KE Sanchez, C., Juma, C., eds. Biodiplomacy. 300pp. ($20.00) ACTS Kenya 1994 KE Biotechnology—Chile Moraga-Rojel, J.R. Biodiversity conservation in Chile: policies and practices. (Biopolicy international, 6) 20pp. ($7.50) ACTS Kenya 1992 KE Biotechnology—China Zhaoxiang, X., Yongchun, Z. Biotechnology in China: institutional reforms and technological innovation. (IFIAS Biopolicy series, 1) K.shs.100.00 ($8.00) ACTS - Kenya 1990 KE Biotechnology—Developing countries Clark, N., Juma, C. Biotechnology for sustainable development: policy options for developing countries. (IFIAS Research series, 10) 116pp. K.shs.100.00 ($12.00) ACTS - Kenya KE Biotechnology—Kenya Acharya, R., Spenser, S. Biotechnology and the mining industry: the bacterial connection. (IFIAS Biopolicy series, 3) K.shs.50.00 ($7.50) ACTS - Kenya 1990 KE Juma, C., Mugabe, J., eds. Coming to life. 250pp. ($20.00) ACTS Kenya 1994 KE Biotechnology—Mexico Casas, R. Biotechnology in Mexico: opportunities and constraints in the agroindustrial sector. (Biopolicy international, 9) 34pp. ($7.50) ACTS - Kenya 1993 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Biotechnology—Thailand Davis, C.H., et al. Biotechnology in Thailand, scientific capacity and technological change. (Biopolicy international, 10) 38pp. ($7.50) ACTS - Kenya 1993 KE
Newman, K. Newman’s birds of southern Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868127680 cd. col.pl.maps R135.00 cd. ISBN: 1868127575 R119.00 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA
Biotechnology—Zimbabwe Stokes, K. Intellectual property rights and the transfer of biotechnology to Zimbabwe. (Biopolicy, 20) ISBN: 996641102X 36pp. K.shs.100.00 ($8.00) ACTS - Kenya 1998 KE
Newman, K. Watching birds: bird field list. ISBN: 1868127591 22pp. ill. R15.95 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA
Birds Enticott, J., Tipling, D. Photographic handbook of the seabirds of the world. cd. 240pp. col.pl. R199.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Ogilvie, M., Young, S. Photographic handbook of the wildlife of the world. ISBN: 1853686255 176pp. col.pl. R199.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Rupert, R. All Everest’s birds. cd. pl. R37.95 Human and Rousseau 1990 SA Birds—Africa Kemp, A., Kemp, M. Sasol birds of prey of Africa and its islands. ISBN: 1859741002 348pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps R119.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Maclean, G.L. Ornithology for Africa: a text for users on the African continent. cd. & 294pp. ill. pl.col.pl. R125.00 cd. R80.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1990 SA Birds—Africa, East Richards, D. A photographic guide to birds of East Africa. 144pp. col.pl. R59.95 New Holland 1995 SA Vivero Pol, J.L. The endemic birds of Ethiopia and Eritrea. ISBN: 1931253137 79pp. col.pl. ($15.00) Shama 2001 ET Wium-Andersen, G. Birds of Dar es Salaam: common birds of coastal East Africa. ISBN: 8798758616 106pp. col.pl. WCST 2000 TZ Birds—Africa, Southern Cillié, B., Oberprieler, U. Pocket guide to southern African birds. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 062701979X 160pp. col.pl. R79.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Coetzee, P. Birds for beginners in southern Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798142197 96pp. col.pl. R79.95 Human and Rousseau 2002 SA Dennis, N. Birds of southern Africa. ISBN: 0624037940 cd. 112pp. col.pl. R99.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Hawthorne, T., Hockey, P. Sasol first field guide to common birds of southern Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868721205 56pp. col.pl. R19.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA McIlleron, W.G., Milstein, P., Ginn, P., eds. The complete book of southern African birds. cd. 760pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps R495.00 Struik Winchester 1989 SA Mebes, H.D. Notes on breeding biology of captured rosy-faced lovebirds. N$2.50 Namibia Scient Soc 1981 SX Newman, K. Birdlife in Southern Africa. rev. ed. cd. 260pp. pl. col. pl. R29.95 Macmillan - SA 1979 SA Newman, K. Birds of Southern Africa. Kruger National Park. [Also available in Afrikaans.] vol.1 cd. & 256pp. col. pl. R11.95 R16.95 cd. Macmillan - SA 1980 SA
Newman, K., Solomon, D. Watching birds: confusing birds. ISBN: 1868127516 80pp. ill. R59.95 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA Newman, K., Solomon, D., Johnson, D., Masterson, A. Watching birds: LBJs made easier. ISBN: 1868127508 136pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps R59.95 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA Oberprieler, U., Cillie, B. Raptor identification guide for southern Africa. ISBN: 0958419574 col.pl. Random House SA 2002 SA Sinclair, I. Common birds of southern Africa. Struik pocket guide. ISBN: 1868255050 64pp. col.ill. R39.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Sinclair, I. Field guide to the birds of southern Africa. rev.ed. 368pp. col.pl.maps R119.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Sinclair, I. Southern African birds: a photographic guide. [Also available in German.] 144pp. col.pl. R59.95 New Holland 1990 SA Sinclair, I. Struik pocket guide: birds of prey of southern Africa. 2nd ed. 64pp. col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1995 SA Sinclair, I., Hockey, P.A.R. Sasol - the larger illustrated guide to birds of southern Africa. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868257592 448pp. col.pl.maps R139.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA MUL Sinclair, I., Hockey, P.A.R, Tarboton, W. Sasol birds of southern Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. 448pp. col.pl. R119.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Tarboton, W., Erasmus, R. Sasol owls and owling in southern Africa. ISBN: 1868721043 88pp. R59.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Trendler, R., Hess, L. Attracting birds to your garden in southern Africa. cd. 208pp. col.pl. R139.95 Struik Publ 1994 SA Birds—Africa, Southern—Bibliography Brooke, R.K., comp. Bibliography of alien birds in southern and south-central Africa. (SANSP occas. rep., 14) 66pp. CSIR 1986 SA Birds—Africa, West Dekeyser, P.L., Derivot, J. Etude d’un type d’oiseau ouest-africain: Corvus albus. Généralités - ostéologie. (Initiations et Etudes Africaines, 16) 58pp. CFA800.00 IFAN 1958 SG FRE Birds—Africa, West—Atlases and maps Dekeyser, P.L., Derivot, J.H. Les oiseaux de l’ouest africain. Guide d’identification illustré, traitant de 1.160 especes. [Atlas.] 1 & 2, 3 vols.(Initiations et Etudes Africaines, 19) 507pp. ill.maps. CFA8,000 IFAN 1966 SG FRE Birds—Africa, West—Bibliography Dekeyser, P.L., Derivot, J.H. Les oiseaux de l’ouest africain. Sources bibliographiques, notes critiques. 3, 3 vols.(Initiations et Etudes Africaines, 19) 112pp. CFA1,400 IFAN 1968 SG FRE Birds—Botswana Newman, K. Green guide: birds of Botswana. ISBN: 1868127400 72pp. ill.maps R59.95 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA
Penry, H. Bird atlas of Botswana. cd. & 340pp. col.pl. R150 cd. R110 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1994 SA Birds—Egypt Bruun, B., Baha El Din, S. Common birds of Egypt. A practical guide. 66pp. col.pl.map E£15.00 ($15.00) Am Univ 1990 UA Birds—Ethiopia—Bibliography Urban, E.K. Bibliography of the avifauna of Ethiopia. 28pp. (£1.25/£0.45) Birr2.50 Addis Ababa UP 1970 ET Birds—Gabon ECOFAC Guide des oiseaux de la réserve de Lopé. 199pp. col.ill. CFA10,000 Ecofac 1994 GO FRE Elf Gabon Oiseaux du littoral, des lagunes et de la forêt du Gabon. 35pp. col.ill. Elf G 1999 GO FRE Birds—Indian Ocean Islands Sinclair, I., Langrand, O. Birds of the Indian Ocean Islands. ISBN: 1868720357 184pp. ill. R99.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Birds—Kenya Bennun, L., Njoroge, P. Important bird areas in Kenya. ISBN: 9966992111 318pp. ill.maps EA-Nat Hist Soc 1999 KE Bunde, B.G. Birds of Kamiti. 242pp. ill.pl. K.shs.275.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1991 KE Karmali, J. The beautiful birds of Kenya. 2nd ed. 128pp. col.pl. (£6.95) Camerapix 1989 KE Birds—Lesotho Bonde, K. Birds of Lesotho: a guide to distribution past and present. 108pp. ill. maps. col.pl. R50.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1993 SA Reichardt, M. Tourist guide to birds of Lesotho. 215pp. ill. R15.00 Mazenod Inst 1985 [?] LO Birds—Malawi Newman, K. Birds of Malawi. 120pp. col.ill. R54.95 Southern Book Publ 1994 SA Birds—Mauritius Michel Birds of Mauritius. 46pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Océan Indien Ed 1992 MF Birds—Middle East Porter, R., Cottridge, D. A photographic guide to birds of Egypt and the Middle East. ISBN: 9774246179 144pp. col.pl.maps E£40.00 ($15.95) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Birds—Namibia Sinclair, I., Sinclair, J. A photographic guide to birds of Namibia. [Also available in German.] 144pp. col.pl. R59.95 Struik Publ 1995 SA Birds—Nigeria Dike, V. Birds of our land. ill. (£2.00) N2.50 Fourth Dimension 1986 NR Birds—Sao Tome and Principe Christy, P., Clarke, W. Guide des oiseaux de São Tomé et Principe. 144pp. col.pl. CFA7,000 (£17.00) Ecofac 1998 GO FRE Birds—Seychelles Skerrett, A. The beautiful birds of Seychelles. 128pp. col.pl. (£6.95) Camerapix 1994 KE Birds—South Africa Allan, D. A photographic guide to birds of prey of southern, central and East Africa. 144pp. col.pl. R59.95 New Holland 1996 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 98
African Books in Print
Subject index Beukes, V. Keeping and breeding birds. A guide for South Africa. 112pp. R69.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA Brooke, R.K. South African red data book: birds. (SANSP Report, 97) 213pp. CSIR 1984 SA de Swart, D., Louw, S. v.d.M. The diet and foraging behaviour of Gurney’s sugarbird, Promerops gurneyi. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 10/5) 12pp. ill. R4.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1994 SA Earle, R.A. Aspects of the breeding biology of the whitebrowed sparrowweaver, Plocepasser mahali (Aves: Ploceidae). (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 4/7) 14pp. Nasionale Museum SA 1983 SA Earle, R.A. A description of the social, aggressive and maintenance behaviour of the South African cliff swallow Hirundo spilodera (Aves: Hirundinidae). (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 5/3) 14pp. ill. R1.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1985 SA Earle, R.A. Foraging behaviour and diet of the South African cliff swallow Hirundo spilodera (Aves: Hirundinidae). (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 5/4) 16pp. ill. R1.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1985 SA Earle, R.A. The nest of the South African cliff swallow Hirundo spilodera (Aves: Hirundinidae). (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 5/2) 18pp. ill. R1.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1985 SA Earle, R.A. Reappraisal of variation in the ground woodpecker Geocolaptes olivaceus (Gmelin) (Aves: Picidae) with notes on its moult. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 5,7) 12pp. ill. R1.50 Nasionale Museum SA 1986 SA Farkas, T. Bird communities of the false Upper Karoo. (Memoir, 16) 160pp. R3.50 Nasionale Museum SA 1981 SA Kopij, G. Breeding ecology of the fiscal shrike Lanius collaris in a peri-urban environment in Bloemfontein, South Africa. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 15/3) ISBN: 1868470482 R4.00 (£1.00) Nasionale Museum SA 1999 SA Kopij, G., de Swardt, D.H. Breeding biology of the little swift, Apus affinis, in Bloemfontein, South Africa. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 14,6) 16pp. ill. Nasionale Museum SA 1998 SA Liversidge, R. The birds around us. 487pp. col.ill. R175.75 Fontein 1991 SA Newman, K. Birds of the Kruger National Park. rev.ed. 256pp. col.pl. R29.99 Southern Book Publ 1988 SA Newman, K. Discover garden birds with Ken Newman. [CD-ROM] col.pl. R230.00 Southern Book Publ 1996 SA Newman, K. Newman’s garden birds of South Africa. 2nd 112pp. R11.95 Macmillan - SA 1982 SA Siegried, W.R., et al. South African red data book: Aves. (NSPU Report, 7) 108pp. CSIR 1976 SA Birds—Zambia Leonard, P. Birds of Lechwe Lodge and surrounding areas. 34pp. ill.maps ZOS 1999 ZA Birds—Zimbabwe Ginn, P. Birds of the highveld. 160pp. Z$4.95 Z$15.95 Longman - Zimb 1972 ZI
Botany Steyn, P. Hwange birds. col.ill. Z$17.95 Longman - Zimb 1974 ZI Birth control see also Demography Family planning Sex education Women, African—Social conditions Hirmer, O. The cry of unborn babies. ISBN: 9966216138 12pp. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2001 KE Birth control—Africa Achwal, I. Management of common contraceptive problems: a problem solving reference manual for service providers in Africa. 82pp. ill. Pathfinder 2000 KE Birth control—Ghana Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana The changing face of PPAG youth programmes. 11pp. col.ill. PPAG 2001[?] GH Birth control—Study and teaching Grobler, F. Contraception - theory and practice. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 4th ed. ISBN: 0627025021 184pp. R164.95 Van Schaik 2003 SA Bisi—General and Non-fiction Moubitang a Mepoui. Moise. 16pp. CFA100.00 CLE 1979 CM BIS Black studies Sansone, L. From Africa to Afro. Use and abuse of Africa in Brazil. 46pp. ($13.95/£7.95) CODESRIA 2000 SG Blind—Education Abosi, O.C., Ozoji, E.D. Educating the blind. 101pp. N90.00 ($5.00) Spectrum 1985 NR Blind—Nigeria Anumonye, A. Adaptation to blindness in Nigerian children: case study of the Pacelli School, Lagos. ($3.00/£2.00 ) N6.00 ($5.00/£3.50 cd.) N10.00 cd. Univ Lagos Press 1981 NR Blixen, Karen—Autobiography Blixen, K. Out of Africa. Penguin SA 1997 SA Blixen, Karen—Biography Thurman, J. Isak Dinesen: life of Karen Blixen. R62.99 Penguin SA 1997 SA Blundell, Michael—Autobiography Blundell, M. A love affair with the sun. A memoir of seventy years in Kenya. 229pp. ill.pl. ($24.00/£13.50) EAEP 1994 KE Book collecting and rare books—South Africa Bradlow, F.R., et al., eds. Bibliophila Africana V. Proceedings of the fifth South African Conference of Bibliophiles, South African Library, Cape Town, 19-22 November 1985. vol.5(General series, 8) 200pp. pl. R12.00 South African Lib 1986 SA Bookkeeping see also Accounting Multimedia Publications First steps in book-keeping. 30n Multimedia 1972 ZA
19pp. ill.
Bookkeeping—Study and teaching Berard, S.C. Bookkeeping for junior certificate. bk.1 95pp. R2.05. Mazenod Inst 1985 LO Berard, S.C. Bookkeeping for junior certificate. bk.2 109pp. R2.40. Mazenod Inst 1985 LO Berard, S.C. Bookkeeping for junior certificate. bk.3 76pp. R1.75. Mazenod Inst 1987 LO
Booli language Hulstaert, G. Esquisse linguistique des Booli (Rep. du Zaire). (CEEBA publications, série III, 12) 132pp. map CEEBA 1984 ZR FRE Booth, Joseph—Biography Langworthy, H., ed. Africa for the African. The life of Joseph Booth. 2nd ed. ISBN: 990816034 (Kachere monograph, 2) 520pp. pl. ($41.95/£24.95) Kachere 2002 MW Bosman, Herman Charles—Autobiography Bosman, H.C. My life and opinions. ISBN: 0798143541 208pp. ill. R115.00 (£15.95) Human and Rousseau 2003 SA Bosman, Herman Charles—Biography Gray, S. Life sentence: a biography of Herman Charles Bosman. ISBN: 0798144784 368pp. R165.00 Human and Rousseau 2005 SA Botany see also Herbs Natural history Plants Abudu, A.O. The pawpaw and its several uses. 50pp. C15,000.00 ($2.00) IMV 1996 GH Bayer, B. Haworthia update. Essays on Haworthia. vol.1 ISBN: 1919766219 64pp. col.pl. R190.00 ($45.00/£24.00/Eur35.00) Umdaus 2003 SA Benjilali, B., Ettabili, M., Ismaili-Alaoui, M., Zrira, S., eds. Plantes aromatiques et médicinales et leurs huiles essentielles. 548pp. Actes Ed 1997 MR FRE Birouk, A., Rejdali, M., eds. Ressources phytogénétiques et développement durable. 370pp. Actes Ed 1997 MR FRE Cunningham, A.B. Integrating local plant resources and habitat management. Paper presented at the Conference “From specimen to habitat management” held at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, September. (INR working paps., 111) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Dahlgren, R. Fabaceae - Papilionoidae - Crotalarieae (Aspalathus). (Flora of southern Africa, 16/3/6) 430pp. ill. maps R40.00 ($18.00) NBI 1988 SA Day, J.A., ed. Mineral nutrients in Mediterranean ecosystems. (South African National Scientific Programmes Report, 71) 159pp. CSIR 1983 SA Ellis, R.P., Linder, H.P. Atlas of the leaf anatomy in Pentaschistis (Arundineae: Poaceae). (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 60) 314pp. ill. R40.00 ($18.00) NBI 1992 SA Ellison, D., Ellison, A. Cultivated palms of the world. ISBN: 1875093257 cd. 264pp. col.pl. Briza 2000 SA Erskine, J.M. Seabuckthorn research and development programme: South Africa. Paper presented at the second meeting of the International co-ordination committee for the International Center of Research and Training on seabuckthorn (ICTRS), Turku, Finland, 25-29 August 1997. (INR occasional paps., 184) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Fish, L. Preparing herbarium specimens. (Strelitzia, 7) ISBN: 1919795383 cd. & 57pp. ill. R55.00 ($21.00) cd. R40.00 ($15.00) NBI 1999 SA Hall, A.V. Pest control in herbaria. (SANSP occas. rep., 27) 47pp. CSIR 1987 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Hammer, S., et al. Mesembs of the world. ISBN: 1875093133 cd. 408pp. col.pl. Briza 2000 SA
Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Icones plantarum africanarum. 2,7 vols.(Publications diverses, 4) pl CFA2,200 IFAN 1953 SG FRE
Jeppe, B. Irises. ISBN: 1919766111 95pp. col.ill. R310.00 ($65.00/£35.00/Eur50.00) Umdaus 1999 SA
Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Icones plantarum africanarum. 3,7 vols.(Publications diverses, 4) pl. CFA2,200 IFAN 1953 SG FRE
Liggitt, B. The biology, ecology and control of the weed, Chromolaena odorata. (INR working paps., 8) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1982 SA
Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Icones plantarum africanarum. 4,7 vols.(Publications diverses, 4) pl. CFA2,200 IFAN 1953 SG FRE
Norman, J.C. Tropical floriculture. ISBN: 9988582242 216pp. C60,000 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 2004 GH Pengelly, B.C., Maass, B.L., Hanson, J. Lalab pupureus: a photographic record of lablab collections. 266pp. ILRI 1999 KE Pichon, M. Monographie des landolphiées. Classification des apocynacées, XXXV. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 35) 437pp. pl. maps. CFA5,000 IFAN 1953 SG FRE Pitot, A. Récolte et préparations des collections botaniques. (IFAN instructions sommaires, 2) 43pp. ill. CFA1,000 IFAN 1950 SG FRE Rebelo, A.G., ed. A preliminary synthesis of pollination biology in the Cape flora. (SANSP Report, 141) 254pp. CSIR 1987 SA Rejdali, M., Birouk, A. Diversité biologique et valorisation des plantes médicinales. 256pp. Actes Ed 1996 MR FRE Roberts, M. The lavender book. ISBN: 1875093389 144pp. col.pl. R169.96 Briza 2004 SA Schnell, R., et al. Mélanges botaniques. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 75) 290pp. ill. CFA4,600 IFAN 1966 SG FRE Smith, G.F., et al. Mesembs of the world. ISBN: 1875093133 cd. 408pp. col.pl. R179.00 ($50.00) NBI 1998 SA Tesha, A.J. Developmental plant physiology. 91pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1993 TZ van Jaarsveld, E., Koutnik, D Cotyledon and tylecodon. ISBN: 1919766324 cd. 156pp. ill.col.pl. R520.00 ($103.00/£55.00/Eur79.00) Umdaus 2004 SA van Wyk, B-E., Wink, M. Medicinal plants of the world. ISBN: 1875093443 cd. 432pp. col.pl. R349.95 Briza 2003 SA Botany—Addresses and essays Odamtten, G.T. Fungi: man’s allies and enemies. 40pp. maps ($10.00/£6.25) Ghana UP 1988 GH Seagrief, S.C. Reading the signs. Res 1976 SA
R10.00 Inst Soc
Twyman, E.S. Some aspects of plant nutrition. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1974 SA Botany—Africa Bryant, C., Lomba, B. African trees. ISBN: 1919930760 cd. 176pp. R295.00 Double Storey 2004 SA Burrows, J., Burrows, S. Figs of southern and south-central Africa. ISBN: 1919766243 cd. 106pp. ill.col.pl. R690.00 ($139.00/£74.00/Eur106.00) Umdaus 2003 SA Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Icones plantarum africanarum. 1,7 vols.(Publications diverses, 4) pl. CFA2,200 IFAN 1953 SG FRE
Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Icones plantarum africanarum. 5,7 vols.(Publications diverses, 4) pl. CFA2,200 IFAN 1953 SG FRE Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Icones plantarum africanarum. 6,7 vols.(Publications diverses, 4) pl. CFA2,200 IFAN 1953 SG FRE Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Icones plantarum africanarum. 7,7 vols.(Publications diverses, 4) pl. CFA2,200 IFAN 1953 SG FRE Le Louérou, V., Le Houérou, J-Y. Plantes et jardins de l’Afrique tropicale. cd. 192pp. col.pl. CFA118,000 (Eur38.11) NEI 1987 IV FRE National Botanical Institute Flowering plants of Africa. Including five parasitic plants, an aloe, a gasteria and three orchids. (Flowering Plants of Africa, 53) pl. R85.00 ($30.00) NBI 1994 SA National Botanical Institute Flowering plants of Africa. Plates 21412060. (Flowering Plants of Africa, 56) ISBN: 1919795332 121pp. col.pl.map R120.00 ($40.00) NBI 1999 SA National Botanical Institute Flowering plants of Africa. [Includes : 7 sarcaulons, 2 pelargoniums and 3 new species of Crotalaria, Freylinia and Cyrtanthus] (Flowering Plants of Africa, 54) col.ill. R120.00 ($40.00) NBI 1995 SA Tardieu-Blot Les ptéridophytes de l’Afrique intertropicale française. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 28) CFA3,200 IFAN 1953 SG FRE Botany—Africa, East Kokwaro, J.O. Flowering plant families of East Africa. An introduction to plant taxonomy. 300pp. ill. K.shs.1,050 ($27.00/£14.95) EAEP 1994 KE Mshigeni, K.E. The Eucheuma seaweed story in the western Indian Ocean region: past, present and future. 26pp. Tanz Comm Science 1994 TZ Botany—Africa, Southern Baden, C., et al. Acanthaceae, Justiciinae. (Flora of southern Africa, 30/3) 71pp. ill. maps R50.00 ($23.00) NBI 1995 SA Brown, C.J., Macdonald, I.A.W., Brown, S.E. Invasive alien organisms in South Africa/ Namibia. (SANSP Report, 119) 74pp. CSIR 1985 SA de Vos, M.P., Goldblatt, P. Flora of southern Africa. Iridaceae. Part 2: Ixioideae. Fascicle 1: Ixieae. vol.7 ISBN: 1919795421 cd. & 179pp. ill. maps R150.00 ($41.00) cd. R135.00 ($35.00) NBI 1999 SA Ellis, R.P. Tannin-like substances in grass leaves. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 59) 80pp. pl. R20.00 ($9.00) NBI 1990 SA Gibbs, G.E., et al. Grasses of southern Africa. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 58) cd. 437pp. ill. R85.00 ($30.00) NBI 1990 SA
Giess, W. A preliminary vegetation map of South West Africa. [Map; folded 24cm.] 3rd rev.ed. ISBN: 001230134 112pp. ill. Namibia Scient Soc 1998 SX Glen, H. Cultivated plants of Southern Africa. ISBN: 1919931171 440pp. col.ill. R225.00 ($30.50) (£17.50) Jacana 2002 SA Goldblatt, P., Anderson, F. The moraeas of southern Africa. (Annals of Kirstenbosch Botanic Gardens, 14) cd. 224pp. ill. col.pl. maps R50.00 ($22.00) NBI 1986 SA Goldblatt, P., Manning, J. Gladiolus in southern Africa. ISBN: 1874950326 cd. 320pp. col.pl.ill. (£40.00) Fernwood 1998 SA Henderson, L. Barrier plants of southern Africa. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 55) 97pp. pl. R15.00 ($6.00) NBI 1987 SA Hilton-Taylor, C. Red data list of southern African plants. (Strelitzia, 4) 117pp. map R60.00 ($25.00) NBI 1996 SA Huntley, B.J. Botanical diversity in southern Africa. (Strelitzia, 1) 412pp. pl.maps R65.00 ($25.00) NBI 1994 SA Immelman, K.L., et al. Flora of southern Africa: SimaroubaceaeMalpighiaceae. vol.18, pt.3(Flora of southern Africa, 18) 76pp. ill. maps R40.00 ($18.00) NBI 1986 SA Leistner, O.A., ed. Seed plants of southern Africa: families and genera. (Strelitzia, 10) ISBN: 1919795510 800pp. R350.00 ($90.00) NBI 2000 SA Low, A.B., Rebelo, A.G. Vegetation of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. [Vegetation map & companion guide.] 85pp. map R15.00 ($7.00) NBI 1996 SA Magill, R.E. Bryophyta: mosses, GigaspermaceaeBartramiaceae. vol.1, fascicle 2 151pp. ill. maps R65.00 ($28.00) NBI 1987 SA Magill, R.E., van Rooy, J. Flora of southern Africa. Bryophyta. Part 1. Musci. Fascicle 3: Erpodiaceae Hookeriaceae. ISBN: 1874907331 178pp. ill. R80.00 ($35.00) NBI 1998 SA Mander, M., et al. Catchment action: growing and knowing muthi plants. (INR monographs, 13) R7.00 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Manning, J., Paterson-Jones, C. Southern African wildflowers. Jewels of the veld. ISBN: 1770070176 176pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps ($39.95) Struik Publ 2004 SA Meeuse, A.D.J., Welman, W.G. Convulvulaceae. (Flora of southern Africa, 28/1) ISBN: 1919795480 138pp. ill. R90.00 ($30.00) NBI 2000 SA Meeuse, A.D.J., Welman, W.G. Flora of southern Africa. Convulvulaceae. vol.28, 1 ISBN: 1919795480 cd. & 138pp. ill.maps R105.00 ($36.00) cd. R90.00 ($30.00) NBI 2000 SA Meyer, N.L., Mössmer, M., Smith, G.F. Taxonomic literature of southern African plants. (Strelitzia, 5) 164pp. R75.00 ($25.00) NBI 1997 SA Moffett, R.O. Anacardiaceae - Rhus. (Flora of southern Africa, 19/3) 129pp. R50.00 ($23.00) NBI 1993 SA Moll, E., Moll, G. Struik pocket guide: trees of southern Africa. 2nd ed. 64pp. col.pl. R39.94 Struik Publ 1994 SA Moll, E.J. Common trees of southern Africa. 64pp. ill.maps ZPH 1994 ZI
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African Books in Print
Subject index Obermeyer, A.A., Lewis, J., Faden, R.B. Xyridaceae - Juncaceae. (Flora of southern Africa, 4) 96pp. ill. maps R40.00 ($18.00) NBI 1985 SA Onderstall, J. SAPPI wild flower guide. 305pp. R110.00 (£9.00/$15.00) Jacana 1996 SA
Botany—Guinea Sekhwela, M.B.M. Grapple plant (Harpagophytum procumbens, DC) resource potential and management studies. 90pp. Univ Botswana 1994 BS
Palgrave, K.C. Palgrave’s trees of southern Africa. rev.ed. cd. 960pp. col.pl. R230.00 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Smith, G.F., van Jaarsveld, E.J., Arnold, T.H., Steffens, F.E., Dixon, R.D., Ratief, J.A. List of southern African succulent plants. ISBN: 1919766049 175pp. ill.maps R150.00 ($29.00/£16.00/Eur23.00) Umdaus 1997 SA
Palgrave, K.C. Trees of southern Africa. 3rd ed. ISBN: 1868723895 cd. 208pp. ill.col.pl.maps (£35.00) Struik Publ 2002 SA
Stewart, J., et al. Wild orchids of Southern Africa. cd. 308pp. ill. col. pl. R24.95 Macmillan - SA 1982 SA
Paterson-Jones, C. Beautiful wild flowers. rev.ed. 48pp. col.pl. R49.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Struik Publishers Indaba mini-curio wild flowers of southern Africa. ISBN: 1868721922 32pp. col.pl.map R27.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Perold, S.M. Flora of southern Africa. Hepatophyta. Part 1: Marchantiopsida. Fascicle 1: Marchantiidae. ISBN: 1919795448 cd. & 252pp. ill.pl.maps R200.00 ($46.00) cd. R185.00 ($40.00) NBI 1999 SA
van Oudtshoorn, F. Guide to grasses of southern Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1875093176 288pp. col.pl. R140.00 ($32.00) NBI 1999 SA
Duong-Huu-Thoi Etude préliminaire de la végétation du delta central nigérien. 100pp. CFA3,500 IFAN 1947 SG FRE Ivens, G.W., Moody, K., Egunjobi, J.K. West African weeds. 225pp. ill. N14.70k Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR Maire, R., Monod, T. Etudes sur la flore et la végétation du Tibesti. [Reprint of ed. Paris, 1950.] (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 8) 141pp. ill. pl. D.fl.50.00 IFAN 1950 SG FRE Monod, T. Hippidea et Brachyura ouest-africains. (IFAN memoir, 45) 674pp. ill. CFA5,500 IFAN 1956 SG FRE Botany—Botswana Barnes, J.E., Turton, L.M., comps. A list of the flowering plants of Botswana in the Herbaria at the National Museum, Sebele and University of Botswana. 65pp. map P10.00 Botswana Soc 1994 BS Bay Publishing Setshogo: common names of some flowering plants of Botswana. [Text in English and Setswana.] ISBN: 9991297014 113pp. R125.00 Bay 2002 BS
Pooley, E. Southern African green guide: flowers, grasses, ferns and fungi. ISBN: 1868127486 64pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps R49.95 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA
van Wyk, A.E., Smith, G.F. Regions of floristic endemism in southern Africa. ISBN: 1919766189 cd. 199pp. col.pl. R385.00 ($78.00/£41.00/Eur60.00) Umdaus 2001 SA
Pooley, E. Southern African green guide: trees. ISBN: 1868127478 56pp. ill. R49.95 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA
van Wyk, B., van Wyk, P., van Wyk, B-E. Photographic guide to trees of southern Africa. ISBN: 1875093249 352pp. col.pl.maps Briza 2000 SA
Blomberg-Ermatinger, V., Turton, L. Some flowering plants of south-eastern Botswana. cd. & 151pp. ill. ($30.00/ £17.00 cd.) ($7.50/£4.00 ) P12.00 Botswana Soc 1988 BS
Puff, C. Flora of southern Africa: Rubiaceae Rubioideae (second part) Paederieae, Anthospermeae, Rubieae. vol.31, pt.1, fascicle 2 79pp. ill. maps R40.00 ($18.00) NBI 1986 SA
van Wyk, B-E., Gericke, N. People’s plants. A guide to the useful plants of southern Africa. ISBN: 1875093192 cd. 349pp. col.pl. R190.00 ($48.00) NBI 2000 SA
Spinage, C. History and evolution of the fauna conservation laws of Botswana. (Occasional papers, 3) 118pp. P25.00 ($25.00/£15.00) Botswana Soc 1991 BS
van Wyk, P. Southern African trees - a photographic guide. ISBN: 1868253074 144pp. col.pl.maps R59.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Spokkreeff, S. Germination, establishment, and growth of some Kalahari grasses. (INR working paps.) P7.50 NIDCR 1993 BS
Rebelo, A.G., Cowling, R.M., Gibbs Russell, G.E., Hockey, P.A.R., Jarman, M.L., Boucher, C., Hilton-Taylor, C. Guidelines for the plant atlas of southern Africa. (SANSP occas. rep., 23) 29pp. CSIR 1987 SA Rebelo, T., Paterson-Jones, C., Page, N. Sasol proteas: a field guide to the proteas of southern Africa. new ed. ISBN: 1874950407 344pp. ill.col.pl.maps (£17.95) Fernwood 2001 SA Ross, J.H. Fabaceae part 1 Mimosoideae. (Flora of southern Africa, 5/1) 159pp. R20.00 ($9.00) NBI 1975 SA Ross, J.H. Fabaceae part 2 Caesalpinoidieae. (Flora of southern Africa, 5/2) 142pp. R20.00 ($9.00) NBI 1977 SA Ross, J.H., ed. Flora of southern Africa. Caesalpinoideae. (Flora of southern Africa, 16/2) 142pp. ill. map. R20.00 ($9.75) NBI 1977 SA Ross, J.H., ed. Flora of southern Africa. StangeriaceaeHydrocharitaceae. (Flora of southern Africa, 1) R10.00 ($5.00) NBI 1966 SA Ross, J.H., ed. Flora of southern Africa: CruciferaeHydrostachyaceae (Flora of southern Africa, 13) R20.00 ($9.00) NBI 1970 SA Ross, J.H., ed. Flora of southern Africa: Mimosoideae. (Flora of southern Africa, 16/1) R20.00 ($9.00) NBI 1975 SA Rutherford, M.C., Westfall, R.H. Biomes of southern Africa - an objective categorization. 2nd ed.(Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 63) 94pp. ill. R35.00 ($15.00) NBI 1994 SA Ryvarden, L., Piearce, G.D., Masuka, A.J. An introduction to the larger fungi of South Central Africa. 191pp. col.ill.pl. ($30.00/£16.75) Baobab - Zimb 1994 ZI Schelpe, E.A., Anthony, N.C. Flora of southern Africa: Pteridophyta. 292pp. ill. maps R40.00 ($18.00) NBI 1986 SA
van Wyk, P., van Wyk, B. Field guide to trees of southern Africa. 536pp. col.pl. R149.00 Struik Publ 1997 SA von Breitenbach, J., de Winter, B., Poynton, R., van den Berg, E., van Wyk, B., van Wyk, E. Pocket list of southern African indigenous trees. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1875093265 328pp. ill.maps R99.95 ($30.00) NBI 2001 SA Watson, J.P., Dippenaar, N.J. The species limits of Galerella sanguinea (Ruppell, 1836) G. pulverulenta (Wagner, 1839) and G.nigrata (Thomas, 1928) in southern Africa (Carnivora: Viverridae). vol.5, pt.14 414pp. ill. R6.50 Nasionale Museum SA 1987 SA Wehmeyer, A.S. Edible wild plants of Southern Africa. R100.00. CSIR 1986 SA Wiens, D., Tölken, H.R. Loranthaceae, Viscaceae. (Flora of southern Africa, 10) 59pp. ill. maps R20.00 ($9.00) NBI 1979 SA Botany—Africa, Southern—Bibliography Backer, A.P., Killick, D.J.B., Edwards, D. A plant ecological bibliography and thesaurus for Southern Africa. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 52) 216pp. R15.00 ($6.00) NBI 1986 SA Fourie, D.M.C. Guide to publications on the southern African flora. 2nd rev.ed. 69pp. R15.00 ($7.00) NBI 1995 SA Giess, W. Bibliography of South West African botany. R35.00 Namibia Scient Soc 1994 SX Botany—Africa, West Akobundo, I.O., Agyakwa, C.W. A handbook of West African weeds. ISBN: 9781311290 564pp. ($35.00) IITA 1998 NR
Botany—Côte d’Ivoire Centre d’Edition et de Diffusion Africaines Flore du Parc National de Taï. ISBN: 3925064281 320pp. ill. CEDA 2000 IV FRE Botany—Egypt Bircher, A.G., Bircher, W.H. Encyclopedia of fruit trees and edible flowering plants in Egypt and the subtropics. ISBN: 977424592X cd. 600pp. ill. E£180.00 ($49.50) Am Univ 2001 UA Boulos, L., el-Hadidi, M.N. The weed flora of Egypt. cd. 386pp. ill. E£70.00 ($40.00) Am Univ 1994 UA Boulos, L., Nabil el-Hadidi, M. The weed flora of Egypt. A practical guide. 163pp. ill. ($7.85) E£20.00 Am Univ 1984 UA Botany—Ethiopia Demissew, S., Nordal, I., Stabbetorp, O.E Flowers of Ethiopia and Eritraea: aloes and other lilies. ISBN: 1931253196 227pp. col.pl. ($15.00) Shama 2003 ET Vetter, S. GEISHO: its uses, production potential and problems in northern Tigray, Ethiopia. 47pp. ($3.00) Inst Sust Dev 1997 ET Botany—Gabon ECOFAC Guide de la végétation de la réserve de la Lopé. 224pp. col.pl. CFA17,000 Ecofac 1996 GO FRE Botany—Ghana Hall, J.B. Gazetteer of plant collecting localities in Ghana, cited in Flora of West Tropical Africa. 121pp. ($7.50) Ghana UP 1980 GH Botany—Guinea Schnell, R. Végétation et flore de la région montagneuse du Nimba (Afrique occidentale française) (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 22) 604pp. pl. CFA5,000 IFAN 1952 SG FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Botany—Kenya Botany—Kenya Agnew, A.D.Q., Agnew, S. Upland Kenya wild flowers. 2nd ed. 374pp. ill. K.shs.2,000 EA-Nat Hist Soc 1994 KE
Subject index Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Cératophyllacées. (MSIRI research reports, 169) Rs50.00 (Eur2.58) MSIRI 1985 MF FRE
Karmali, J. The beautiful plants of Kenya. 128pp. col.pl. (£6.95) Camerapix 1988 KE
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Composées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 109) Rs225.00 (Eur11.10) MSIRI 1993 MF FRE
Maundu, P.M., Ngugi, G.W., Kabuye, C.H.S. Traditional food plants of Kenya. ISBN: 9966986146 270pp. ill.pl. KENRIK 1999 KE
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Connaracées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 79) Rs200.00 (Eur9.91) MSIRI 1997 MF FRE
Ojiambo, J.A. The trees of Kenya. 105pp. ($5.03/ £2.01) K.shs.23.20 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Convulvulacées - Acanthacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 127-135) 97pp. ill. Rs200.00 (Eur33.54) MSIRI 2000 MF FRE
Botany—Lesotho Schmitz, M. The grasses of Lesotho. 113pp. ill. R2.50 Mazenod Inst 1984 LO Botany—Malawi Edwards, G., Darwin, T. Trees, shrubs and wood climbers of Zamba Botanic Garden. 32pp. ill. FRI Malawi 1983 MW Lane, S.S. The aloes of Malawi. ISBN: 1919766278 56pp. ill.col.pl. R180.00 ($43.00/£23.00/ Eur32.00) Umdaus 2004 SA Botany—Mauritius Bosser, J., et al. Flore des Mascareignes, la Réunion, Maurice, Rodrigues. col.ill. MSIRI 2000 MF FRE Fakim, A.G. Natural toxins and poisonous plants of Mauritius. ISBN: 9990323933 176pp. ill. Rs250.00 ($15.00/£9.50) Printemps 1999 MF FRE Guého, J. La végétation de l’Ile Maurice. 57pp. ill. col.ill. pl. maps Océan Indien Ed 1988 MF FRE Gurib-Fakim, A., Guého, J. Plantes médicinales de Maurice. vol.2 532pp. Rs300.00 (£15.00) MSIRI 1996 MF FRE Gurib-Fakim, A., Guého, J. Plantes médicinales de Maurice. vol.3 471pp. Rs300.00 (£15.00) MSIRI 1997 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Araliacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 106) Rs195.00 (Eur9.71) MSIRI 1990 MF FRE
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Eriocaulacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 201) Rs50.00 (Eur2.58) MSIRI 1984 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Euphorbiacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 160) Rs60.00 (£4.00) MSIRI 1982 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Goodéniacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 110) Rs10.00 (£1.00) MSIRI 1976 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Hydnoracées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 148) Rs150.00 (£6.00) MSIRI 1994 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Iridacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 117) Rs40.00 (Eur1.98) MSIRI 1978 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Joncacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 188) Rs40.00 (£3.00) MSIRI 1978 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Lauracées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 153) Rs60.00 (£4.00) MSIRI 1982 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Légumineuses. (Flore des Mascareignes, 80) Rs189.00 (Eur9.51) MSIRI 1990 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Malvacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 51) Rs75.00 (£4.00) MSIRI 1987 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Méliacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 69) Rs200.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1997 MF FRE
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Araucariacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 27) Rs60.00 (Eur2.97) MSIRI 1997 MF FRE
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Myoporacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 136) Rs150.00 (Eur7.35) MSIRI 1994 MF FRE
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Balsaminacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 64) Rs25.00 (Eur1.10) MSIRI 1979 MF FRE
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Oxalidacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 62) Rs75.00 (Eur3.77) MSIRI 1987 MF FRE
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Aristolociacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 149) 104pp. ill. Rs180.00 (Eur10.52) MSIRI 1998 MF FRE
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Palmiers. (Flore des Mascareignes, 189) Rs40.00 (Eur1.98) MSIRI 1984 MF FRE
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Broméliacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 176) Rs20.00 (Eur0.99) MSIRI 1983 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Burséracées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 68) Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1979 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Callitrichacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 89) Rs100.00 (Eur4.95) MSIRI 1997 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Campanulacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 111) Rs50.00 (Eur2.58) MSIRI 1981 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Caprifoliacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 07) Rs70.00 (Eur3.57) MSIRI 1989 MF FRE
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Pandanacées. 190. (Flore des Mascareignes, 190) ISBN: 2909915316 52pp. pl. Rs.350.00 MSIRI 2003 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Renonculacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 31) Rs65.00 (£4.00) MSIRI 1990 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Rhizophoracées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 90) Rs195.00 (£7.20) MSIRI 1990 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Rosacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 81) Rs100.00 (£5.00) MSIRI 1997 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Salvadoracées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 120) Rs50.00 (£3.00) MSIRI 1981 MF FRE
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Théacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 50) Rs65.00 (Eur3.17) MSIRI 1990 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Typhacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 191) Rs50.00 (£3.00) MSIRI 1984 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Urticacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 161) Rs50.00 (£3.00) MSIRI 1985 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Valérianacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 108b) Rs70.00 (£4.00) MSIRI 1989 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Zamiacées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 30b) Rs60.00 (£5.00) MSIRI 1997 MF FRE Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Zingibéracées. (Flore des Mascareignes, 171) Rs20.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1983 MF FRE Rochecouste, E., Vaughan, R.E. Ambrosia psilostachya DC. (Herbe solférino). (Weeds of Mauritius, 6) 3pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1962 MF Rochecouste, E., Vaughan, R.E. Argemone mexicana Linn. (Chardon). (Weeds of Mauritius, 6) 3pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1960 MF Rochecouste, E., Vaughan, R.E. Artemisia vulgaris Linn. (Brède chinois). (Weeds of Mauritius, 7) 3pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1961 MF Rochecouste, E., Vaughan, R.E. Bidens pilosa (Herbe Villebague). (Weeds of Mauritius, 1) 4pp. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1959 MF Rochecouste, E., Vaughan, R.E. Cassia occidentalis Linn. (Casse-puante). (Weeds of Mauritius, 2) 4pp. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1959 MF Rochecouste, E., Vaughan, R.E. Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. (Chiendent patte de poule, gros chiendent) (Weeds of Mauritius, 14) 6pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1965 MF Rochecouste, E., Vaughan, R.E. Heliotropium amplexicaule Vahl. (Herbe bleue, verveine sauvage). (Weeds of Mauritius, 8) 5pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1963 MF Rochecouste, E., Vaughan, R.E. Hydrocotyle bonariensis Lam. (Herbe bol, herbe tam-tam). 10: Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Lam. 11: Centella asiatics (L.) Urban. (Herbe boileau, bevilaqua). (Weeds of Mauritius, 7) 5pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1963 MF Rochecouste, E., Vaughan, R.E. Oxalis latifolia H.B.L. (Trèfle, oseille). 4: Oxalis debilis Kunth. (Trèfle, oseille). 5: Oxalis repens Thunb. (Petit trèfle, petite oseille). (Weeds of Mauritius, 3) 7pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1959 MF Rochecouste, E., Vaughan, R.E. Plantago lanceolata Linn. (Herbe caroline, plantain). (Weeds of Mauritius, 13) 5pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1964 MF Rochecouste, E., Vaughan, R.E. Setaria barbata (Lam.) Kunth. (Herbe bambou, herbe bassine). 16: Setria pallide-fusca (Schumach.) Stapf & C.E. Hubbard (Millet sauvage). (Weeds of Mauritius, 11) 6pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1966 MF Rouillard, G., Guého, J. Les plantes et leur histoire à l’ile Maurice. ISBN: 9990331065 752pp. col.ill.maps MSM 1999 MF FRE Tixier, P. Introduction to Mauritian bryology: a check list of mosses and liverworts. 233pp. pl.maps Rs300.00 (£16.00) MSIRI 1997 MF Vaughan, R.E. Laurentia longiflora (L.) Endl. (Lastron blanc). (Weeds of Mauritius, 14) 4pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1973 MF
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Botany—South Africa
Vaughan, R.E., Autrey, J.C. Ageratum conyzoides Linn. (Herbe bouc, Goat weed). Ageratum houstonianum Mill. (Weeds of Mauritius, 17) 5pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1973 MF Vaughan, R.E., McIntyre, G. Colocasia antiquorum Linn (Songe blanc). (Weeds of Mauritius, 15) 4pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1975 MF Vaughan, R.E., McIntyre, G. Cynodon dactylon (Linn.) Pers. (Chiendent, bermuda grass). (Weeds of Mauritius, 18) 5pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1979 MF Vaughan, R.E., McIntyre, G. Cyperus rotundus Linn. (Herbe à oignons, nut grass). (Weeds of Mauritius, 24) 5pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1979 MF Vaughan, R.E., McIntyre, G. Digitaria timorensis (Kunth) Balansa. (Meinki). 27: Digitaria horizontalis Willd. var. porrantha (Steud.) Henr. (Gros meinki). (Weeds of Mauritius, 19) 6pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1979 MF Vaughan, R.E., Autrey, J.C. Paederia tomentosa blume var. glabra Kurz. (Liane lingue). (Weeds of Mauritius, 19) 5pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1973 MF Vaughan, R.E., McIntyre, G. Paspalum paniculatum Lam. (Herbe duvet). 23: Paspalum commersonii Lam. (Herbe à épée). (Weeds of Mauritius, 16) 6pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1979 MF Williams, J.R. The position of the spear guiding ring in Xiphinema species. (MSIRI occasional papers, 54) 2pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£1.00) MSIRI 1966 MF Botany—Mauritius—Indexes Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Index to the proceedings of the international society of sugar cane technologists. vol.1-10 (1924-1959) 100pp. Rs40.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1961 MF Rochecouste, E., Vaughan, R.E., Autrey, J.C., McIntyre, G. Weeds of Mauritius, leaflets 1-19 (19591981): indexes and glossary. 27pp. ill. Rs50.00 (£3.00) MSIRI 1981 MF Botany—Morocco Benjalili, B., Zrira, S. Plantes aromatiques et médicinales. Atouts du secteur et exigences pour une valorisation durable. ISBN: 998180164X cd. 346pp. ill.col.pl. Actes Ed 2005 MR FRE Bertrand, P.Y. Les noms des plantes au Maroc. Actes Ed 1991 MR FRE
Birouk, A., Lewalle, J., Tazi, M. Le patrimoine végétal des provinces sahariennes du Maroc. 80pp. Actes Ed 1991 MR FRE Botany—Namibia Berry, C. Trees and shrubs of the Etosha National Park and in northern and central Namibia. 2nd rev.ed. ISBN: 9991640177 164pp. ill.col.ill.col.pl.fold map N$84.20 Namibia Scient Soc 2000 SX Clarke, N., Mannheimer, C. Cyperaceae of Namibia: an illustrated key. ISBN: 0869764853 96pp. ill.maps NBI 1999 SA Clarke, N.V., Klaassen, E.S. Water plants of Namibia: an identification manual. ISBN: 0869765205 185pp. ill.maps NBRI 2001 SX Botany—Nigeria Lowe, J., ed. The flora of Nigeria: grasses. 2nd rev.ed. 326pp. ill. ($50.00/£28.00) Ibadan UP 1990 NR Botany—Sao Tomé & Principe Stevart, T., de Oliveira, F. Guide des orchidées de Sao Tomé et Principe. 258pp. col.ill.col.pl. CFA12,000 ($18.29) Ecofac 2000 GO FRE
Botany—Senegal Daget, J. Révision des affinités phylogénétiques des Polyptéridés. (IFAN memoir, 11) 178pp. ill. CFA4,000 IFAN 1950 SG FRE Trochain, J. Contribution à l’étude de la végétation du Sénégal.[Reprint of ed. Paris, 1940]. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 2) 433pp. pl. D.fl.130.00 IFAN 1940 SG FRE Botany—Seychelles Skerrett, A., Skerrett, J. The beautiful plants of Seychelles. 128pp. col.pl. (£6.95) Camerapix 1991 KE Botany—South Africa Acocks, J.P.H. Veld types of South Africa (with separate wall map). 3rd ed.(Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 57) 146pp. pl. maps. R35.00 ($15.00) NBI 1988 SA
Cowling, R., Richardson, D., PatersonJones, C. Fynbos: South Africa’s unique floral kingdom. cd. 156pp. ill.col.pl.maps (£25.00) Fernwood 1995 SA Cunningham, A.B. Overexploitation of medicinal plants in Natal/KwaZulu: root causes. (INR working paps., 20) R0.75 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Cunningham, A.B. Underground botany. (INR working paps., 34) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Cunningham, A.B. Whose knowledge and whose resources? Ethnobotanists brokers between two worlds. Paper delivered at the 2nd International Society of Ethnobotany Congress, Kunming, China, October. (INR working paps., 82) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA
Aitken, R.D., Gale, G.W. Botanical survey of Natal and Zululand. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 2) 19pp. (£2.85/$4.55) R5.70 NBI 1921 SA
de Vos, M.P Iridaceae. Volume 2: Ixioideae fascicle 2 Ryringodea, Romulea. (Flora of southern Africa, 7) 76pp. R20.00 ($9.00) NBI 1983 SA
Anderson, J.M., Anderson, H.M. Molteno formation (Triassic): gymnosperms (excluding Dicroidium). vol.2 cd. 567pp. pl. R100.00 ($30.00) NBI 1989 SA
du Plessis, E., Candy, G. Flowering plants of Africa. vol.56 ISBN: 1919795332 cd. & 56pp. col.pl. R135.00 ($46.00) cd. R120.00 ($40.00) NBI 1999 SA
Arnold, M., ed. South African botanical art. Peeling back the petals. ISBN: 1874950547 cd. 216pp. col.pl. R295.00 (£35.00) Fernwood 2001 SA
Duncan, G. Growing South African bulbous plants. 31pp. ill. R29.00 ($10.00) NBI 1996[?] SA
Ashwell, A., comp. Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden. 49pp. R12.00 ($5.00) NBI 1994 SA
Duncan, G. The Lachenalia handbook. (Annals of Kirstenbosch Botanic Gardens, 17) 71pp. col.pl. R20.00 ($9.00) NBI 1988 SA
Barkhuizen, B.P. Trees, shrubs and birds of Unisarand. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] cd. 160pp. col.pl. Unisa 1984 SA MUL
Duncan, G.F. Grow clivias. ISBN: 1919684255 cd. & 48pp. col.pl. R51.50 ($16.00) cd. R36.50 ($10.00) NBI 1999 SA
Bayer, B. Haworthia revisited. A revision of the genus. ISBN: 1919766081 cd. 250pp. col.pl.maps R365.00 ($75.00/£40.00/ Eur57.00) Umdaus 1999 SA
Dyer, R.A. The genera of southern African flowering plants. Gymnosperms and monocotyledons. vol.2 cd. 284pp. R20.00 ($9.00) NBI 1976 SA
Bews, J.W., Aitken, R.D. Researches on the vegetation of Natal. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 8) 65pp. R10.00 ($5.00) NBI 1925 SA
Dyer, R.A. The vegetation of the divisions of Albany and Bathurst. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 17) 138pp. pl. R10.00 ($5.00) NBI 1937 SA
Borchers, H. Greening the KwaZulu-Natal coast. (Greening South Africa guides, 3) 58pp. R10.00 ($5.00) NBI 1995 SA
Dyson, A. Discovering indigenous healing plants. ISBN: 1919684093 65pp. ill. R15.00 ($7.00) NBI 1998 SA
Breen, C.M., Stormanns, C.H. Observations on the growth and production of Cyperus papyrus in a subtropical swamp. Paper presented at the 24th Congress of the International Association for Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Munich, 13-19 August. (INR working paps., 28) Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA
Esterhuyse, N., von Breitenbach, J., Söhnge, H. Remarkable trees of South Africa. ISBN: 1875093281 202pp. pl. R169.95 ($45.00) NBI 2001 SA
Bromilow, C. Problem plants of South Africa. rev.ed. ISBN: 1875093273 288pp. col.pl.maps Briza 2002 SA
Fourie, D. History of the Botanical Research Institute. ISBN: 1979795359 12pp. ill.pl. R30.00 ($9.00) NBI 1998 SA
Campbell, B.M. A classification of the mountain vegetation of the Fynbos Biome. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 50) 121pp. ill. pl. maps R15.00 ($6.00) NBI 1985 SA
Fourie, D.M.C. A preliminary list of plants for water conservation gardening in South Africa. 21pp. map R6.00 ($1.00) NBI 1984 SA
Capon, B. Botany for gardeners. ISBN: 1875093532 240pp. col.pl. R219.95 Briza 2005 SA Codd, L.E. Lamiaceae. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 28) 247pp. ill. maps R40.00 ($18.00) NBI 1985 SA Comins, D.M. The vegetation of the districts of East London and King William’s Town, Cape Province. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 33) 32pp. ill. pl. R10.00 ($5.00) NBI 1962 SA
Fabian, A., Germishuizen, G. Transvaal wild flowers. cd. 296pp. col.pl. R29.95 Macmillan - SA 1983 SA
Fourie, D.M.C., Wells, M.J., Henderson, L. Declared weeds and alien invader plants in South Africa. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] 167pp. ill. R12.00 ($5.00) NBI 1987 SA MUL Fraser, M., McMahon, L. A fynbos year. new ed. ISBN: 0864866445 162pp. (£22.95) Philip 2003 SA Funston, M., Borchert, P., van Wyk, B. Bushveld trees. Lifeblood of the Transvaal lowveld. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0958315493 cd. 120pp. ill.col.pl. (£25.00) Fernwood 2000 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Botany—South Africa Galpin, E.E. Botanical survey of the Springbok Flats (Transvaal). (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 12) 100pp. pl. R11.40 NBI 1926 SA Germishuizen, G., Clarke, B. Illustrated guide to wildflowers of northern South Africa. ISBN: 1875093397 224pp. col.ill. R149.95 Briza 2003 SA Goldblatt, P. The Genus Watsonia. (Annals of Kirstenbosch Botanic Gardens, 19) cd. 148pp. ill. R40.00 ($18.00) NBI 1989 SA Gordon-Gray, K.D. Cyperaceae in Natal. (Strelitzia, 2) 218pp. ill. R65.00 ($25.00) NBI 1995 SA Grant, R., Thomas, V. SAPPI tree spotting - Highveld and the Drakensberg. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1874955506 320pp. col.ill.col.pl. R190.00 ($26.00) (£15.00) Jacana 2002 SA Hancock, F.D., Lucas, A. Ferns of the Witwatersrand. cd. 94pp. ill. col. il. R19.95 Witwatersrand UP 1973 SA Henderson, L., Musil, K.J. Plant invaders of the Transvaal. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] 71pp. col.pl. R40.00 ($15.00) NBI 1987 SA MUL Hilliard, O. Flowers of the Natal Drakensberg: the lily, iris and orchid families and their varieties. 68pp. ill. R35.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1990 SA Hilliard, O. Grasses, sedges, restiads and rushes of the Natal Drakensberg. 2nd ed. ill. R35.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1996 SA Hilliard, O., Burtt, B. Streptocarpus. 400pp. ill. R120.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1971 SA Hilliard, O.M. Asteraceae: Inuleae: Gnaphaliinae. vol.1(Flora of southern Africa, 33/7) 325pp. ill. maps R40.00 ($18.00) NBI 1983 SA Hilliard, O.M. Trees and shrubs of the Natal Drakensberg. 2nd ed. 40pp. ill.pl. R55.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1993 SA Hilliard, O.M., Burtt, B.L. The botany of the southern Natal Drakensberg. (Annals of Kirstenbosch Botanic Gardens, 15) cd. 253pp. col.ill. R30.00 ($12.00) NBI 1987 SA Jacana SAPPI tree spotting lifer list. ISBN: 1770090363 107pp. R85.00 ($12.00/ £7.00) Jacana 2004 SA Joffe, P. Dassie trail. [A natural history guide.] 45pp. ill.map R15.00 ($6.00) NBI 1995 SA Joffe, P. Easy guide to indigenous shrubs. ISBN: 1875093400 128pp. col.pl. R159.95 Briza 2003 SA Joffe, P. Hardy highveld plants. (Greening South Africa guides, 4) 52pp. R12.00 ($5.00) NBI 1996 SA Leistner, O.A. Flowering plants of Africa. Includes a new species of Haneria. (Flowering Plants of Africa, 55) 113pp. col.ill. R110.00 NBI 1997 SA Liggitt, B. The invasive alien plant Chromolaena odorata, with regard to its status and control in Natal. (INR monographs, 2) R6.00pp. Inst Natural Resources 1982 SA Lowrey, T.K., Wright, S. The flora of the Witwatersrand. vol.1: the Monocotyledonae 368pp. ill. R49.95 Witwatersrand UP 1987 SA
MacDonald, D.J. The plant communities of Swartboschkloof, Jonkershoek. (SANSP Report, 104) 54pp. CSIR 1985 SA Macdonald, I.A.W., Jarman, M.L., Beeston, P. Management of invasive alien plants in the fynbos biome. (SANSPR, 111) 140pp. CSIR 1985 SA Magill, R.E., Schelpe, E.A. The bryophytes of southern Africa: an annotated checklist. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 43) 39pp. R15.00 ($12.00) NBI 1979 SA Manning, J. Photographic guide to the wildflowers of South Africa. ISBN: 1875093427 352pp. col.pl.maps Briza 2004 SA McCracken, D.P., McCracken, E.M. The way to Kirstenbosch. (Annals of Kirstenbosch Botanic Gardens, 18) 125pp. col.ill.pl. R5.00 ($1.00) NBI 1988 SA Mentis, M.T. Monitoring in South African grasslands. (SANSP occas. rep., 13) 39pp. CSIR 1986 SA Moffett, R. Grasses of the eastern Free State. ISBN: 0958420912 288pp. R65.00 ($25.00) NBI 1998 SA Mostert, J.W.C. Studies of the vegetation of parts of the Bloemfontein and Brandfort districts. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 31) 221pp. pl. R10.00 ($5.00) NBI 1958 SA National Botanical Institute. Myrsinaceae - Apocynaceae. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 26) 307pp. ill. maps R20.00 ($9.00) NBI 1963 SA Obermeyer, A.A., Immelman, K.L., Bos, J.J. Dracaenaceae, Asparagaceae, Luzuriagaeae, Smilacaceae. (Flora of southern Africa, 5/3) 90pp. ill. R65.00 ($25.00) NBI 1992 SA Paterson-Jones, C. The Cape floral kingdom. 144pp. col.pl.maps R139.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Paterson-Jones, C. A visitor’s guide to Kirstenbosch. pl. R25.00 ($9.00) NBI 1993 SA
Peden, M., Murphy, C., Dandala, R. Vetiver grass: taking root in the community. (INR working paps., 121) R5.00 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Perry, P.L. Bulbinella in South Africa. (Strelitzia, 8) ISBN: 1919795464 cd. & 78pp. col.pl. R100.00 ($36.00) cd. R85.00 ($30.00) NBI 1999 SA Pooley, E. A field guide to the wild flowers of KwaZulu-Natal and the eastern regions. ISBN: 0620215011 cd. & 630pp. ill.col.pl.maps R195.00/$50.00 cd. ISBN: 0620215003 R155.0/$35.00 NBI 1998 SA Powrie, F., comp. Grow South African plants. cd. & R80.00 ($31.00) cd. R65.00 ($25.00) NBI 2000 SA Puff, C. Rubiaceae part 1, fascicle 2 Rubioideae; part 2, Paederieae, Anthrospereae, Rubieae. (Flora of southern Africa, 31) 79pp. R40.00 ($18.00) NBI 1986 SA Retief, E., Herman, P.P.J. Plants of the northern provinces of South Africa: keys and diagnostic characters. 681pp. ($47.90) NBI 1997 SA Roberts, M. Edible and medicinal flowers. ISBN: 0864864671 168pp. col.pl. R160.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Roberts, M. Indigenous healing plants. cd. 285pp. ill. R125.00 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA
Ross, J.H. A conspectus of the African Acacia species. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 44) 155pp. ill. col.pl. R25.00 ($11.00) NBI 1979 SA Ross, J.H., ed. Flora of Natal. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 39) R10.00 ($5.00) NBI 1973 SA Ross, J.H., ed. Ochnaceae-Cactaceae (Flora of southern Africa, 22) 159pp. R20.00 ($9.00) NBI 1976 SA Rourke, J.P., ed. Wild flowers of South Africa. 128pp. col.pl. R89.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Roux, J.P. Cape Peninsula ferns. ($1.00) NBI 1979 SA
66pp. R5.00
Scheepers, J.C. Grassland biome project. Proceedings of the workshop on classification and mapping. 20 August 1985. (SANSP occas. rep., 16) 31pp. CSIR 1987 SA Scheepers, J.C. The vegetation of Westfalia Estate on the north-eastern Transvaal escarpment. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 41) 230pp. ill. pl. map. R15.00 ($7.00) NBI 1978 SA Schmidt, E., Lotter, M., McCleland, W. Trees and shrubs of Mupmalanga and the Kruger National Park. ISBN: 191977730X 702pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps R350.00 ($47.00) (£27.50) Jacana 2002 SA Schumann, D., Kirsten, G. Ericas of South Africa. cd. 272pp. col.pl. (£39.00) Fernwood 1992 SA Scott-Shaw, R. Rare and threatened plants of KwaZuluNatal and neighbouring relations. ISBN: 062024688X cd. 182pp. ill.col.pl. R100.00 ($30.00) NBI 1999 SA Smit, C.M., Bredenkamp, G.J, van Rooyen, N. The vegetation of the Upper Klip river valley in the north-eastern Orange Free State. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, vol.11/3) 21pp. ill. R4.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1995 SA Smit, N. Companion CD to the acacias of southern Africa. [CD-ROM] ISBN: 1875093222 col.pl.maps Briza 2002 SA Smit, N. Guide to the acacias of South Africa. ISBN: 187509315X 270pp. col.pl. R140.00 ($32.00) NBI 1999 SA Tainton, N.M., Bransby, D.I., Booysen, P. de V. Common veld and pasture grasses of Natal. 2nd ed. 198pp. ill. R102.62 Shuter & Shooter 1990 SA Taylor, H.C. Cederberg vegetation and flora. (Strelitzia, 3) 76pp. pl.maps R45.00 ($20.00) NBI 1996 SA Thomas, V., grant, R. Sappi tree spotting highveld and the Drakensberg. ISBN: 1874955506 320pp. col.pl.maps R190.00 ($26.00) (£15.00) Jacana 1998 SA Tidmarsh, C.E.M., Havenga, C.M. The wheel-point method of survey and measurement of semi-open grasslands and karoo vegetation in South Africa. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 29) 49pp. R10.00 ($5.00) NBI 1955 SA van Jaarsveld, E. Plectranthus handbook. ($6.00) NBI 1988 SA
21pp. R15.00
van Jaarsveld, E., van Wyk, B-E. Succulents of South Africa. ISBN: 0624038386 150pp. ill. R89.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104
African Books in Print
Subject index van Rooyen, N. Flowering plants of the Kalahari dunes. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0620273763 216pp. col.pl. R120.00 ($40.00) NBI 2001 SA van Wyk, B-E. Field guide to the wild flowers of the highveld. Also useful in adjacent grassveld and bushveld. ISBN: 1868720586 352pp. col.pl.maps R119.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Botswana—Directories Liggitt, B. Chromolaena odorata: annotated bibliography. (INR working paps., 3) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1982 SA Moran, V.C., Moran, P.M. Alien invasive vascular plants in South African natural and semi-natural environments: bibliography from 1830. (National Scientific Programmes Report, 65) 39pp. CSIR 1982 SA
Monageng, S., Moahi, K.H. Devindex-Botswana 1987: index to literature on economic and social development in Botswana. P10.00 NIDCR 1990 BS Monageng, S., Moahi, K.H. Devindex-Botswana 1988: index to literature in economic and social development in Botswana. P10.00 NIDCR 1990 BS
van Wyk, B-E., Smith, G. Guide to the aloes of South Africa. rev.ed. ISBN: 1875093419 302pp. col.pl.maps R160.00 ($40.00) Briza 2003 SA
Botany—South Africa—Dictionaries Diederichs, N. Dictionary of popularly traded plants in South Africa: Zulu/Xhosa, English/ Afrikaans, scientific name. 71pp. Inst Natural Resources 2002 SA MUL
Morton, B. Botswana Society bibliography of Botswana. Pre-colonial Botswana: an annotated bibliography and guide to the sources. vol.2 ISBN: 9991260234 Botswana Soc 1999 BS
van Wyk, B-E., van Heerden, F., van Oudsthoorn, B. Poisonous plants of South Africa. ISBN: 1875093303 cd. 288pp. col.pl.maps R299.95 ($45.00) Briza 2002 SA
Botany—Study and teaching Akinyemiju, O.A., et al. Laboratory manual for agricultural botany. ISBN: 9782783374 115pp. N650.00 ($6.00/£3.00) Textflow 2003 NR
National Institute of Development Research and Documentation Devindex-Botswana 1986: index to literature on economic and social development in Botswana. (NIR working bibliographies) P15.00 NIDCR 1986 BS
van Wyk, B-E., van Oudsthoorn, B., Gericke, N. Medicinal plants of South Africa. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1875093095 cd. 304pp. col.pl. ($31.00) Briza 2002 SA
Anoliefo, G.O. Introductory tropical plant biology. cd. 362pp. ill. N700.00 ($5.00/£2.80/Eur4.00) N450.00 (3.50/£1.80/Eur4.00) Ambik 2004 NR
van Wyk, P. Field guide to trees of the Kruger National Park. ISBN: 1868255085 272pp. col.pl. R99.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Rubaihayo, P.R. Basic concepts of plant breeding. 163pp. ill. K.shs.300.00 ($6.00/£3.75) Longhorn - Ken 1996 KE
Venter, F., Venter, J-A. Making the most of indigenous trees. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1875093338 320pp. col.pl.maps ($30.00) Briza 2002 SA
Botany—Study and teaching (Elementary) Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - plants in the classroom. 16pp. K.shs.3.05 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE
von Breitenbach, J., et al. Pocket list of southern African indigenous trees. ISBN: 1875093265 328pp. ill.maps R99.95 ($15.00) Briza 2002 SA
Botany—Zambia Bolnick, D. A guide to the common wild flowers of Zambia and neighbouring regions. 74pp. col.ill. Macmillan - Zamb 1995 ZA
Ward, C.J. The plant ecology of the Isipingo beach area, Natal, South Africa. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 45) 147pp. ill. map R10.00 ($5.00) NBI 1989 SA Weisser, P.J. A vegetation study of the Zululand dune areas: conservation priorities in the dune area between Richards Bay and Mfolozi mouth based on a vegetation survey. 64pp. maps R15.00 ($7.00) NBI 1978 SA Wells, M.J., et al. A catalogue of problem plants in southern Africa incorporating the National Weed List of South Africa. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 53) 658pp. R30.00 ($12.00) NBI 1986 SA Werger, M.J.A. A phytosociological study of the Upper Orange River valley. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 46) 98pp. ill. maps R10.00 ($5.00) NBI 1980 SA Whittaker, R.H., Morris, J.W., Goodman, D. Pattern analysis in savanna woodlands at Nylsvley, South Africa. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 49) 51pp. ill. R10.00 ($5.00) NBI 1984 SA Wild, H. Tiliaceae. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 21) 44pp. ill. maps R40.00 ($18.00) NBI 1984 SA Zietsman, P.C. Autogamy in Sesamum triphyllum var. triphyllum (Pedaliaceae). (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, vol.10/15) 12pp. ill. R4.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1994 SA Zietsman, P.C. Pollination biology of Cotyledon orbiculata L. var. Dactylopsis Toelken (Crassulacea). vol.14,4 ISBN: 1868470407 16pp. ill.pl. Nasionale Museum SA 1998 SA Botany—South Africa—Bibliography Bullock, A.A. Bibliography of South African botany (up to 1951). 194pp. R10.00 ($5.00) NBI 1978 SA
Botany—Zimbabwe Clarke, M. Nyanga flowers. cd. 184pp. col.ill.col.pl. ($71.00/£39.50) Baobab - Zimb 1991 ZI Botswana—Atlases and maps Botswana Society Botswana Society social studies atlas. 2nd ed. 48pp. P20.00 ($25.00/£15.00) Botswana Soc 1993 BS Map Studio Eazimap Botswana. [Map. Folded 146x106mm (portrait); flat 700x420mm (landscape).] R19.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA New Holland Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Botswana. [Map. Folded 250x125mm (portrait); flat 875x710mm(landscape); scale 1:1,600,000 col.pl.map R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Botswana—Bibliography Hudson, D.J., Isaksen, J. Botswana Society bibliography of Botswana. Selected bibliography on the quality of life in Botswana: an annotated bibliography on income distribution, social indicators, social welfare, and natural resources in Botswana. vol.4 ISBN: 9991260382 P20.00 Botswana Soc 1999 BS Kwafo-Akoto, K., Moahi, K.H., Monageng, S.B. Devindex-Botswana: index to literature on economic and social development in Botswana. 1992. (Indexes, 5) P15.00 NIDCR 1992 BS Kwafo-Akoto, K., Monageng, S.B. Devindex-Botswana: index to literature on economic and social development in Botswana, October 1993. 36pp. P15.00 NIDCR 1993 BS Mazonde, I.N. Bibliography on rural development in the communal areas of Botswana. (NIR working bibliographies) P3.00 NIDCR 1985 BS Monagene, S., Moahi, K.H. Devindex-Botswana 1989: index to literature on economic and social development in Botswana. P10.00 NIDCR 1990 BS
Parsons, Q.N. A consolidated checklist of theses and dissertations on Botswana. (IIR working bibliographies, 9) P1.35 NIDCR 1982 BS Rozemeijer, N., comp. Community-based natural resources managment in Botswana 1989-2002: a select and annotated bibliography and other stories. [Also available on-line.] (CBRNM support programme occasional paper, 11) 52pp. IUCN Bots 2003 BS Shaw, P.A., Nash, D.J. Botswana Society bibliography of Botswana. The geomorphology of Botswana: an annotated bibliography. vol.3 ISBN: 9991260374 43pp. P20.00 Botswana Soc 1999 BS van Waarden, C. Botswana Society bibliography of Botswana. The prehistory and archaeology of Botswana: an annotated bibliography with list of dates. vol.1 ISBN: 9991260412 Botswana Soc 1999 BS Botswana—Demography Gaisie, S.K., Majalantla, R.G. Demography of Botswana. ISBN: 9991291768 162pp. ($30.00) Mmegi 1999 BS MacIver, S. Gaborone migration survey follow-up. (Working Papers series, 9) P2.00 NIDCR 1984 [?] BS Nthoyiwa, D. Population distribution and its implications for socio-economic development in Botswana. (Working Papers series, 43) P1.35 NIDCR 1984 [?] BS van der Post, C. Fertility in three contrasting villages in Botswana. (NIR working bibliographies) P15.00 NIDCR 1992 BS Botswana—Directories Botlhole, M.I.C.K. Directory of on-going and completed research on Botswana 1984-1987. P10.00 NIDCR 1990 BS Botlhole, M.I.C.K. Directory of recent, on-going projects at the National Institute of Development Research and Documentation (NIR), 1978-1988. NIDCR 1990 BS Khutsoane, A.S. Directory of recent and on-going research in Botswana. P8.60 NIDCR 1983 BS Mabogo Dinku Advice Centre The directory of social services in Botswana. 53pp. ($10.19) Mabogo Dinku 2003 BS Qobose, E.N. Guide to theses and dissertations on Botswana. NIDCR 1995 BS Seboni, B. Botswana directory of culture. 120pp. P35.00 ($12.00/£8.50) Morula 1995 BS
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Subject index
Botswana—Education Botswana—Education Bayona, E.L.M. Botswana’s pregnancy related educational policies and their implications on expregnant girls’ education and productivity. (Abridged research report, 16) 22pp. Academy Science Publ 1996 KE Bayona, E.L.M., Vanqa, T.P. Resource book for teacher education in Botswana. P10.00 NIDCR 1995 BS Briscoe, A. Disciplinary action against teachers. ISBN: 9991290257 P20.00 Morula 2000 BS Briscoe, A. Lessons from Moeng on the explusion of students. ISBN: 9991295283 200pp. Morula 2002 BS Crowder, M. Education for development in Botswana 297pp. Botswana Soc 1983 BS Duncan, W.A. Schooling for girls in Botswana: education or domestication? (NIR working bibliographies) P4.00 NIDCR 1985 BS Kahn, M. Development, dependency and science education. (NIR working bibliographies) P7.50 NIDCR 1990 BS van Rensburg, P. Looking forward from Serowe. [A special supplement to the journal “Education with Production”] 137pp. ill. pl. Found Ed Prod 1984 BS Vanqa, T.P. The development of education in Botswana 1937-1987. The role of teacher’s organisation. ISBN: 9991271066 235pp. ill.pl. ($18.95/£10.95) Lightbooks 1999 BS Botswana—Education—Bibliography Kann, U., et al. Educational research in Botswana 19771986: an annotated bibliography. (NIR working bibliographies) 43pp. P5.40 NIDCR 1986 BS Kgathi, D.L., Parsons, Q.N., comps. The brigade movement in Botswana: an annotated bibliography. (NIR working bibliographies) 70pp. P3.40 NIDCR 1981 BS Botswana—Education, Adult—Bibliography Youngman, F. Adult education in Botswana 1960-1980: an annotated bibliography. (NIR working bibliographies) 135pp. P6.10 NIDCR 1981 BS Botswana—Education, Higher Datta, A.K., Avafia, K., Molema, L. University of Botswana research report, 1986-1988. P15.00 NIDCR 1990 BS Datta, A.K., Molema, L. University of Botswana research report, 1988-1990. 178pp. P20.00 NIDCR 1992 BS Datta, A.K., Petrova, K. University of Botswana research report, 1990-1992. P15.00 NIDCR 1993 BS Decalo, S. Hopes, fears and values of an emerging elite: an exploratory attitudinal analysis of Batswana and Swazi university graduates. (Working paper, 28) 93pp. NIDCR 1980 BS Prophet, R.B. Review of educational research in Botswana 1986-1991: policy, paradigms and possibilities. 54pp. P10.00 NIDCR 1994 BS Weimer, B. Proceedings of the workshop on outlining the Botswana research landscape held at the University of Botswana, Gaborone, 29-30 May 1978. NIDCR 1978 BS Botswana—Education, Higher—Directories Adeyimi, M.B. Directory of educational researchers in Botswana. P10.00 NIDCR 1996 BS
Botswana—Geography—Study and teaching May, D. Geography of Botswana. ISBN: 9991278257 204pp. P42.75 Macmillan Bots 1998 BS Botswana—Guide books Brough, A. Globetrotter travel guide to Botswana. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Main, M., Fowkes, J., Fowkes, S. Visitors’ guide to Botswana. cd. 176pp. ill. maps R59.95 Southern Book Publ 1988 SA Michler, I. Botswana: the insider’s guide. ISBN: 1868729966 192pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 2004 SA Botswana—History Larsen, T. Bayeyi of Ngamiland. 36pp. ill. P15.00 ($7.50/£4.00) Botswana Soc 1992 BS
Fawcus, P., Tilbury, A. Botswana: the road to independence. ISBN: 9991261680 240pp. Pula 2000 BS [Published in collaboration with Botswana Society, ISBN 9991260404] Holm, J., Molotsi, P., eds. Democracy in Botswana. 296pp. P25.00 ($25.00/£15.00) Botswana Soc 1989 BS Molomo, M.G., Mokopakgosi, B.T., eds. Multi-party democracy in Botswana. 72pp. ($10.00/£6.25) SAPES 1991 ZI Obeng, K.E. Institutions of democracy and government of Botswana. ISBN: 9991203508 P30.00 Lentswe LL 2001 BS Osei-Hwedie, B., Sebudubudu, D. Botswana country report. ISBN: 1919969021 SA Inst Int Affairs 2004 SA Sanders, A.J.G.M. Bechuanaland and the law in politicians’ hands. 50pp. ill. P20.00 Botswana Soc 1992 BS
Main, E. Man of Mafeking: the Bechuanaland years of Sir Hamilton Goold-Adams, 1884-1901. 205pp. ill.maps P40.00 Botswana Soc 1996 BS
Sebudubudu, D., Osei-Hwedie, Democratic consolidation in Botswana’s 2004 elections. research report, 11) R20.00 SA
Makhiwa, G. BagaMalete of Gabane: 1892-1966, their resistance to Bakwena supremacy. 31pp. Univ Botswana 1993 BS
Young, H., Cohen, D. Voters and candidates in the 1974 Botswana general election: two studies on the political and statistical aspects. (Working Paper, 22) 143pp. maps NIDCR 1979 BS
Parsons, J.W. The Livingstones at Kolobeng 1847-1852. ISBN: 9991261443 244pp. ill.maps (£25.00) Pula 1998 BS Parsons, Q.N., Crowder, M., eds. Monarch of all I survey. The Bechuanaland diaries of Sir Charles Rey. 282pp. P36.00 ($36.00/£21.00) Botswana Soc 1988 BS Prah, K.K. Notes and comments on aspects of Tswana feudalism in the pre-colonial period. (Working paper, 15) 16pp. NIDCR 1977 BS Ramsay, J., Morton, B., Mgadla, T. Building a nation. A history of Botswana from 1800-1910. 277pp. pl. (£14.95) Longman - Zimb 1996 ZI Rodgers, K., Molefi, K. A medical history of Botswana 18851966. 204pp. pl. P40.00 Botswana Soc 1996 BS Tlou, T., Campbell, A. History of Botswana. 393pp. P83.55 Macmillan - Bots 1997 BS Botswana—History—Bibliography Morton, B. Pre-colonial Botswana: an annotated bibliography and guide to the sources. 67pp. ill. P25.00 Botswana Soc 1994 BS Botswana—History—Study and teaching (Secondary) Morton, F., Ramsay, J., eds. Birth of Botswana. 206pp. pl. P36.61 Longman - Bots 1987 BS Botswana—Periodicals—Directories Modisakeng, T. Guide to periodical articles about Botswana (1965-1980). (NIR working bibliographies) P5.90 NIDCR 1982 BS Botswana—Pictorial works Joyce, P. This is Botswana. ISBN: 1853683760 cd. 176pp. col.pl. R129.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Botswana—Politics and government Brothers, S., Hermans, J., Nteta, D., comps. Botswana in the 21st century. 621pp. col.ill.maps P40.00 Botswana Soc 1994 BS Edge, W.A., Lekorwe, M.H., eds. Botswana. Politics and society. ISBN: 0627022316 548pp. R234.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA
Botswana—Public administration Wily, L. Official policy towards San (Bushmen) hunter-gatherers in modern Botswana: 1966-1978. (Working Papers, 23) 211pp. maps. NIDCR 1979 BS Botswana—Religion Amanze, J.N. Botswana handbook of churches. 308pp. P40.00 Pula 1994 BS Botswana—Rural development Chenaux-Repond, M., Kanengoni, S. Some strengths and weaknesses of Botswana’s development at local authority level. 79pp. ill. Ebert Namibia 1995 SX Cunningham, A.B. Botswana basketry resources: resource management of plants supporting the Ngamiland basket industry. (INR working paps., 40) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Economic Consultancies Study on possibilities for enhancing and promoting district level business promotion by assistance to existing local authority and decentralised structures. 160pp. ill. Ebert - Namibia 1995 SX Egner, E.B., Austice, J.B. Kweneng Rural Development Association: evaluation and project review. (NIR working bibliographies) P5.40 NIDCR 1980 BS Gobotswang, Z., Rakobong, K., Segale, M. Report of the pilot evaluation, Mahalapye Development Trust. (Research reports) P2.50 NIDCR 1982 BS Keakopa, S.M. The history of rural settlements in the Gantsi district: the case of West Hanchai, Kacgae, and Groot-Laagte 19661992. 49pp. Univ Botswana 1993 BS Mogotsi, B., Bok, S.D. Energy for rural development in Botswana. Proceedings of a national policy seminar. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 3) 50pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE Morapedi, N.T. Proceedings of the third congress and workshop of the Southern African Development Resarch Association, Gaborone, Botswana, 11-15 January 1988. P6.30 NIDCR 1988 BS Mpotokwane, M.A. Changes in land use in the river villages, Kgatleng District 1950-1982. (Research reports) NIDCR 1984 BS
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Building materials
Nteta, D., Hermans, J., eds. Sustainable rural development: proceedings of a workshop held by the Botswana Society in Gaborone, Botswana 13-15 April 1992. 280pp. ill. maps P25.00 ($25.00/£15.00) Botswana Soc 1992 BS Perrings, C. Which way Botswana? The role of the rural economy in the post-diamond era. (Professorial Inaugural Lecture series, 4) P7.50 NIDCR 1992 BS Snyder, L. The Botswelelo centre evaluation study of a project in a Botswana Paper, 25) 63pp. map
in Thamaga: an development village. (Working NIDCR 1979 BS
Botswana—Sociology Bruun, F.J., Mugabe, M., Coombes, Y., eds. The situation of the elderly in Botswana. Proceedings from an international workshop. 136pp. Univ Botswana 1994 BS Coombes, Y., Bruun, F.J., HolomboeOttesen, G., Mugabe, M. Progress report: workshop on the situation of the elderly in Botswana, 29/ 03/93 - 01/04/93, Gaborone, Botswana. NIDCR 1993 BS Coombes, Y., Bruun, F.J., HolomboeOttesen, G., Mugabe, M. Workshop on the situation of the elderly in Botswana. P6.50 NIDCR 1994 BS Hermans, J., Nteta, D. Barile: the peopling of Botswana. vol.2 90pp. col.ill.map P20.00 Botswana Soc 1995 BS Kann, U., Mugabe, M. Teenage pregnancies in Botswana: how big is the problem, and what are the implications. P10.00 NIDCR 1988 BS Kwafo-Akoto, K., Monageng, S.B. Press cuttings on teenage pregnancy in Botswana, covering the period 2 March 1985-21 February 1991. P20.00 NIDCR 1993 BS Lewycky, D., Nthomang, K. Oodi weavers: cooperative experience (equal shares). ISBN: 9991261699 172pp. col.ill.pl. Pula 2000 BS
Botswana—Sociology, Rural Arntzen, J. Changes in rural activities and utilisation of natural resources in the period 19791983: the case of Malolwane, Kgatleng Distict. P3.30 NIDCR 1984 BS Hitchcock, R.R., Smith, M.R., eds. Settlement in Botswana. 401pp. P40.00 ($25.00/£15.00) Botswana Soc 1982 BS Lewycky, D. Tapestry: report from Oodi weavers. (Working paper, 11) 287pp. pl. ex. only NIDCR 1977 BS Modungwa, A., Molefe, L., Ngwako, D. Report of the pilot evaluation on the Kanye Brigades Development Trust. (Research reports) P2.50 NIDCR 1982 BS Saugestad, S. Remote area development programme and regional development for Africa’s San population, January 1993-February 1994. P20.00 NIDCR 1994 BS Saugestad, S., Tsonope, J. Developing Basarwa research and research for Basarwa development: report from a workshop held at the University of Botswana 17-18 September 1993. 79pp. P10.00 NIDCR 1993 BS Botswana—Sociology, Urban Kalabamu, F. Changing gender and institutional roles in self-help housing in Botswana: the case of Lobatse. ISBN: 9991131388 198pp. Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 2003 LO Botswana—Tourist trade Botswana Society Tourism symposium. 412pp. P24.00 ($28.00/£15.00) Botswana Soc 1991 BS Pfotenhauer, L., ed. Tourism in Botswana. 415pp. col.ill.maps P40.00 Botswana Soc 1991 BS Botswana—Travel Degre, A., et al. Kalahari: rivers of sand. cd. 157pp. ill.col.pl. R64.99 Southern Book Publ 1989 SA Goosen, J. Wild Botswana. ISBN: 0624038874 cd. 112pp. col.ill. R129.00 Tafelberg 2000 SA
Mazonde, I.N. The enterprise of ranching in the Tuli block: a study of cultural adjustment and social change in Botswana. (NIR working bibliographies) P20.00 NIDCR 1991 BS
Bouvet, M.—Autobiography Bouvet, M. Capriciosa ou tranches de vie. 196pp. pl. Océan Indien Ed 1992 MF FRE
Mazonde, I.N., ed. Minorities in the millenium. Perspectives from Botswana. ISBN: 9991271244 146pp. ($29.95/£17.95) Lightbooks 2002 BS
Brazil—History Verger, P. Bahia and the West African trade, 15491851. 39pp. pl. map. N4.00 Ibadan UP 1970 NR
Molatole, T.V. The history of the prisons department 1966-1990. 42pp. Univ Botswana 1993 BS National Institute of Development Research and Documentation Report of the proceedings of a conference on teenage pregnancy in Botswana held at the Gaborone Sun Conference Centre, 9-10 February 1989. P10.00 NIDCR 1992 BS Preece, J., Mosweuyane, D. Perceptions of citizenship responsibility amongst Botswana youth. ISBN: 9991271333 128pp. ($24.95/£16.95) Lightbooks 2004 BS Saugestad, S. Indigenous peoples, national models, and recent international trends, December 1993. (INR working paps., 64) 30pp. NIDCR 1994 BS Botswana—Sociology—Addresses and essays Brown, M.J. Social work and society with some implications for Botswana. P3.00 NIDCR 1990 BS
Verger, P. Notes sur le culte des Orisa et Vodun à Bahia, la Baie de tous les Saints, au Brésil et à l’ancienne Côte des Esclaves en Afrique. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 51) 609pp. map. pl. IFAN 1957 SG FRE Brice, Harry J.—Autobiography Brice, H.J. African reflections: an autobiography. ISBN: 9966971076 148pp. pl. (£8.99) WordAlive 2002 KE Broadcasting see also Communication Journalism Mass media Press Lee, M. Techniques of radio production. (Africa Media Monograph series, 1) 144pp. ($16.00.) K.shs.100.00 African Coun Comm 1987 KE Broadcasting—Botswana Zaffiro, J. From police network to station of the nation. A political history of broadcasting in Botswana. 109pp. P18.00 ($12.00/ £6.00) Botswana Soc 1991 BS
Broadcasting—South Africa Tomaselli, R., et al. Currents of power: state broadcasting in South Africa, 1989. (Addressing the nation, 2) ($10.00) R21.60 Anthropos 1989 SA Buddhism Kruger, J.S. Buddhism from Buddha to Asoka. (Manualia Didactica, 9) 208pp. R107.00 ($17.50/£10.60) Unisa 1991 SA Building see also Architecture Building materials Civil engineering Housing and urban planning Built Environment Support Group Basic housing construction manual. 92pp. R60.00 (£6.00) BESG 1996 SA Choga, F. Focus on O-level building. ISBN: 1779003226 140pp. ill. ($8.95) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Choga, F., Mukova, V. Focus on ZJC building studies. 80pp. ($6.30) College Press -Zimb 1994 ZI Grussendorff, L.J.W. Building drawing 1. 2nd ed. 176pp. ill. R66.10 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Grussendorff, L.J.W., et al. Building science. bk.1 144pp. ill. R56.56 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Grussendorff, L.J.W., et al. Building science. bk.2 200pp. ill. R70.60 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Kirembu, B.K. Building construction management made easy. A handbook for members of the public. 3rd ed. ISBN: 9966965416 56pp. pl. K.shs.300.00 ($15.00/£10.00/ Eur12.00) Spanfield 2000 KE Kraukamp, F.W. Bricklaying 1. 80pp. ill. R30.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Kraukamp, F.W. Bricklaying and plastering theory 1. 160pp. ill. R66.10 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Mgoha, G.C. Managing a construction project in Tanzania: a contractor’s guide. (BRU working report, 69) ISBN: 9976975201 T.shs.3,500 (£3.88) BRA 2000 TZ Building—Study and teaching Choga, F., Mukova, V., Mushowo, B. Focus on ‘O’ level building studies. vol.2 ISBN: 1779003226 136pp. ill. Z$110,250 ($22.20/£14.70/Eur29.30) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI Building—Tanzania Bodoegaard, T. Climate and design in Tanzania. (BRU technical guidelines, 2) 52pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 (£4.44) BRA 1999 TZ Building materials CSIR National Institute for Road Research Hot storage of bituminous road-binders in the field. (CSIR research reports, 169) 13pp. ill. CSIR 1960 SA du Plooy, A.B.J. A survey of the edgewise compression strength of locally produced liner and fluting material. (CSIR Special Report, HOUT 447) CSIR 1986 SA Kaempfe, F., Van der Meulen, G.J.R. Investigations into South African raw materials for manufacturing expanded lightweight aggregates for concrete. (CSIR research reports, 217) 23pp. CSIR 1966 SA Kruger, J.E., Ven Rensburg, J.J.J. Influence of variation in moisture content on dimensional change characteristics of mortar made with a sand coated with organic matter. (CSIR research reports, 313) 9pp. ill. CSIR 1972 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Building materials Lubbe, W.F., Riekert, H. A survey of the status of timber frame construction and a brick and mortar construction. (CSIR Special Report, HOUT 439) CSIR 1986 SA Pieterse, J.J., Schmidt, E.R. The relationship between compressive strength and modulus of rupture of fired clay products. (CSIR research reports, 213) 10pp. CSIR 1964 SA United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Development of national technology capacity for production of indigenous building materials. 86pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE van Aardt, J.H.P., Nemeth, T.M., Visser, S. High alumina cement concrete. R5.00 CSIR 1982 SA van Aardt, J.H.P., Visser, S. Reactions between rocks and the hydroxides of calcium, sodium and potassium. Progress Report, 1 (CSIR Research Report, 574) 14pp. R15.50 CSIR 1982 SA van Aardt, J.H.P., Visser, S. Reactions between rocks and the hydroxides of calcium, sodium and potassium. Progress Report, 2 34pp. R30.00 CSIR 1982 SA Van Der Merwe, D.H. Experiments on the stabilization of collapsing sand with sodium silicate. (CSIR research reports, 188) 8pp. ill. CSIR 1962 SA van Rensburg, J.J.J., Kloppers, E.H.L., Krüger, J.E. Factors influencing in the bond strength between calcium silicate bricks and mortar. (CSIR Research Report, 340) 11pp. ill. CSIR 1978 SA van Rensburg, J.J.J., Krüger, J.E., Brooks, W.H.B. The dimensional change behaviour of expansive grouts. (CSIR Research Report, 337) 8pp. ill. CSIR 1978 SA von Eisenhart, D. Factors influencing fit and adhesion of glaze to earthenware bodies. (CSIR research reports, 276) 11pp. CSIR 1969 SA Building materials—Catalogs Council for Scientific and Industrial Research NBRI film catalogue, 1975. (CSIR reports, K22) 26pp. CSIR 1975 SA Building materials—Namibia Hansohm, D. Constructing and brick making in North Central Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 66) 24pp. N$18.00 NEPRU 1998 SX Building materials—Nigeria Agbazue, V.E. A guide to cement industry and quality control in Nigeria. 56pp. ill.pl. ($7.50/ £4.00) Fourth Dimension 1992 NR Building materials—South Africa Forbes, J.A., Westra, W.B., Oberholster, R.E. A survey of the sources, production, quality and cost of building sand used in the Durban metropolitan area. R9.00 CSIR 1983 SA Buli—General and Non-fiction Akanlig-Pare, G. Biisim noosika nyuenta. [Breast feeding.] 24pp. C4,000 ($2.50/£2.00) Adwinsa 1994 GH BUL Akanlig-Pare, G. Puuk zueyikka. [Teenage pregnancy.] 18pp. C4,000 ($2.50/£2.00) Adwinsa 1994 GH BUL Akanlig-Pare, G. Tueta lomika simsaga mobika wee. [Immunisation.] 20pp. C4,500 ($2.00/ £1.50) Adwinsa 1994 GH BUL Buma (African people)—Mythology Hochegger, H. Femme, pourquoi pleures-tu? Mythes buma. (CEEBA. série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 5) 215pp. map. (DM28.00) CEEBA 1972 ZR FRE
Subject index Buma (African people)—Social life and customs Hochegger, H. Normes et pratiques sociales chez les Buma (Rep. du Zaire). (CEEBA. série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 26) 519pp. maps pl. (DM58.00) CEEBA 1976 ZR FRE Buma language—Dictionaries Burssens, N. Dictionnaire Français-Buma (Rép. du Zaire). (CEEBA série III, 16) 189pp. maps (DM38.00) CEEBA 1989 ZR FRE Hochegger, H. Dictionnaire Buma-Français. (CEEBA. série III, Travaux linguistiques, 3) 236pp. map. (DM38.00) CEEBA 1972 ZR FRE Bunting, S.P.—Diaries, letters Bunting, B., ed. Letters to Rebecca: South African communist leader S.P. Bunting to his wife 1917-1934. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 67) 83pp. R35.00 Mayibuye 1996 SA Burkina Faso—Education Youl, L. Cours élémentaire. (Burkina Faso). ISBN: 2911740025 116pp. ill. ($1.72/ Eur1.84) GTIB 1999 UV FRE Burkina Faso—History Dacher, M. Histoire du pays gouin et de ses environs. 190pp. CFA3,500 Dec Burkina 1997 UV FRE Faure, A. Le pay bissa avant le barrage de Bagré. 312pp. CFA3,000 Dec Burkina 1996 UV FRE Merlet, A. Textes anciens sur le Burkina (18531897). 290pp. ill. CFA3,500 (Eur7.00) Dec Burkina 1995 UV FRE Burkina Faso—Politics and government Zagré, S.K. Le député burkinabè. ISBN: 2913991157 90pp. CFA6,000 (Eur13.73) Sankofa & Gurli 2001 UV FRE Burkina Faso—Sociology Ministère chargé de la culture Livre blanc sur la culture. ISBN: 2952603908 160pp. CFA2,500 (Eur3.81) Dec Burkina 2001 UV FRE Sissao, J. Alliances et parentés à plaisanterie au Burkina Faso. Mécanismes de fonctionnement et avenir. ISBN: 2913991076 186pp. CFA6,000 Sankofa & Gurli 2002 UV FRE Burkina Faso—Travel Découvertes du Burkina Découvertes du Burkina. Tome 1. 240pp. CFA3,500 Dec Burkina 1993 UV FRE Burombo, Benjamin—Biography Bhebe, N. Benjamin Burombo. 160pp. Z$74.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI Burundi—Politics and government Ndarubaye, L. Burundi, les origines du conflit Hutu-Tutsi. 68pp. ($60.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE Burundi—Sociology Ntirumenyerwa, L. Mariage chrétien et mariage traditionnel burundais. 210pp. ($86.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE Busia, Kofi Abrefa—Biography Danso-Boafo, K. The political biography of Dr Kofi Abrefa Busia. 179pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Ghana UP 1996 GH Business see also Accounting Banks and banking Bookkeeping Commerce Finance Industrial relations Industry Law, Commercial Management
Personnel management Salespeople and selling Akingboye, G.M. Fortune in the vault. ISBN: 9780293698 274pp. N300.00 Spectrum 2002 NR Amos, T., et al. Human resource management for a small business. [Book with CD.] ISBN: 0702151610 235pp. R145.00 Juta 2000 SA Belew, G. Applied business communication skills. 282pp. Birr16.50 Mega 1998 ET Blewett, S. The 3D view. Business and life strategies. ISBN: 0958435944 112pp. R50.00 ($8.95/£6.00) Kima 2002 SA Bookers (Malawi) Ltd. How to run a successful shop. 48pp. ill. pl. 55t Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1975 MW Bradshaw, P.F. What do you mean by this service? 122pp. R71.80 ($11.70/£7.40/Eur10.20) Unisa 1997 SA Büsser, T. Business training in the age of globalisation. (NEPRU occasional paper, 18) 31pp. N$38.00 NEPRU 2000 SX CADICEC L’apport du secrétaire dans l’entreprise. 63pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1989 ZR FRE CADICEC La secrétaire, épouse et mère. ($1.40) Cadicec 1987 ZR FRE Dorrian, P. Intensive customer care. Zebra 1996 SA
200pp. R69.95
Elegido, J.M. Business ethics in the Christian tradition. ISBN: 9780294279 462pp. N1,800 Spectrum 2003 NR Elegido, J.M. Fundamentals of business ethics. A developing country perspective. 416pp. N1,800 ($25.00/£13.95) Spectrum 1996 NR Evans, W. How to get new business in 90 days and keep it for ever. new ed. ISBN: 1868723690 256pp. Zebra 2001 SA Gichira, R., Dickson, D. A business of your own: how to start and manage it. new ed. 187pp. K.shs.410.00 EAEP 1998 KE Gist, P., Laidlaw, B. The privatisation experience. A global perspective. 40pp. R59.95 Francolin 1996 SA Henderson, D. Misguided virtue: false notions of corporate responsibility. (FMF monograph, 34) ISBN: 1874930562 126pp. R40.00 Free Market Found 2003 SA Ibitoye, S.O. Managing your working capital. 144pp. ($5.20) Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR Ifechukwu, J.A.O. How to prepare a feasibility report and establish your own business. 2nd ed. 96pp. ($20.00) Goldland 1992 NR Ifechukwu, M.N. The science of wealth: how the rich make money. ($10.00/£6.00) Goldland 1984 NR Joubert, D. Competetive firms thrive on instinct. 196pp. R79.95 Queillerie 1998 SA Kamwendo, M. It’s time to unleash your greatness. ISBN: 0797425837 Wonak 2003 ZI le Roux, P. Capital structure and the business cycle. (FMF monograph, 23) ISBN: 1874930317 55pp. ill. R20.00 ($11.50/£2.50) Free Market Found 1999 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Business—Congo Democratic Republic
Levin, A. How to run a business meeting. ISBN: 1875093060 40pp. ill. Briza 2002 SA Lutge-Smith, T. Make more money from your ideas. 156pp. R59.95 Zebra 1997 SA Lutge-Smith, T. Working from home. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 320pp. R59.95 Zebra 1997 SA Magliolo, J. How to draw up a business plan. R49.95 Zebra 1996 SA
Magliolo, J. Share analysis and company forecasting. 152pp. R59.95 Zebra 1997 SA Manning, T. Radical strategy. 2nd rev.ed. ISBN: 186872106X 184pp. R79.95 Zebra 1998 SA Moodie, B. Entrepreneurship made easy. ISBN: 1868723364 100pp. R59.95 Struik Publ 2000 SA Musonda, G. Effective entrepreneurship in expansive economies. ISBN: 9982829009 116pp. K15,000 Mission Press - Ndola 1998 ZA Ojo, A.T., ed. Business performance improvement through cost management. 182pp. ($24.00/£13.50) Univ Lagos Press 1992 NR
Fongang, D. La PME africaine face à la mondialisation. ISBN: 2912086248 140pp. CFA5,000 (Eur16.00) PUA 2001 CM FRE Kinuda-Rutashobya, L., Raphael, D., eds. African entrepreneurship and small business development. ISBN: 9976603177 319pp. ($27.95/£16.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1999 TZ Lejeune, M. Business ethics in the African context today. 192pp. Ug Martyrs 1996 UG Lessem, R., Nussbaum, B. Sawubona Africa - embracing four worlds in business. 288pp. R79.95 Zebra 1996 SA McCormick, D., Pedersen, P.O. Small enterprises: flexibility and networking in an African context. ill. K.shs.600.00 ($10.00/£6.25) Longhorn - Ken 1996 KE
Morikawa, J. Japan and Africa. Big business and diplomacy. 312pp. R89.95 Witwatersrand UP 1997 SA [Southern Africa only] Shelley, S. Doing business in Africa. ISBN: 1868729192 304pp. Zebra 2004 SA Woode, S.N. Ethics in business and public administration. 64pp. C3,000 ($5.00) Asempa 1994 GH
Oosthuizen, P., Köster, M., de la Rey, P. Goodbye MBA. ISBN: 1868640736 173pp. R114.95 Thomson Int 1998 SA
Zadi Kessy, M. Culture africaine et gestion de l’entreprise moderne. 252pp. CLE 2003 CM FRE
Owiredu-Yeboa, G. The 101 ways of becoming your own boss. 33pp. ($3.00) C80.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1985 GH
Zwingina, J. Capitalist development in an African context. 286pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Univ Press - Nig 1992 NR
Swart, N. Starting or buying your own business or a franchise. ISBN: 0702158410 66pp. R70.00 Juta 2002 SA Wariboko, N. Financial statement analysis. A handbook. 163pp. N540.00 ($16.00/ £8.95) Spectrum 1993 NR Waweru, E.M. Sources of funds and facilitating services for micro, small and medium scale enterprises. K.shs.540.00 ($7.20) Longhorn - Ken 2002 KE Wright, J. How to start and operate your own profitable business at home. 252pp. N11.50k Univ Press - Nig 1986 NR Zidel, D. Basic business calculations. ISBN: 0143024582 252pp. R83.33 Penguin SA 2001 SA [Southern Africa only] Business—Addresses and essays Staude, G.E. Qualified to exploit? Some thoughts on the social responsibility of business. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1980 SA Business—Africa Bela, L. Efficacité des firmes camerounaises et centrafricaines agrées au régime de la taxe unique. 67pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/ £5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1996 SG FRE Boettger, J. Breakfast with Leonard. ISBN: 1770090037 80pp. R90.00 ($12.50/£7.50) Jacana 2004 SA Boon, M. The African way. 1996 SA
244pp. R69.95 Zebra
Farlam, P., Gruzd, S. Working together: assessing publicprivate partnerships in Africa. [Available as download.] ISBN: 1919969179 SA Inst Int Affairs 2005 SA
Business—Africa, East Semboja, J., Therkildsen, O. Service provision under stress in East Africa. 256pp. T.shs.8,500 Mkuki na Nyota 1995 TZ [Tanzania only] Business—Africa North Celasun, M. State-owned enterprises in the Middle East and North Africa: privatization, performance and reform. ISBN: 977424589X 400pp. E£80.00 ($27.50) Am Univ 2001 UA Business—Africa, Southern Briscoe, A., ed. The promotion of small and microenterprises in southern Africa. 174pp. Ebert - Namibia 1995 SX Chinyamata, C., ed. Trade and investment in southern Africa. ISBN: 1779050763 118pp. Z$100.00 SAPES 1998 ZI Hansohm, D., Blaauw, L., Erastus-Sacharia, A. Co-operation and networking among SME service providers in southern Africa. (NEPRU working paper, 70) 33pp. N$22.00 NEPRU 2000 SX Jauch, H., Keet, D., Pretorius, L. Export processing zones in southern Africa. Economic, social and political implications. (Development & labour monographs, 2/96) 66pp. Ebert - Namibia 1996 SX Seidman, A. U.S. multinationals in southern Africa. 264pp. ill. maps. T.shs.2,500 Tanz Publ House 1977 TZ Business—Africa, Southern—Directories Intratex Holdings Braby’s southern African fax directory. (Annual, 1989-) ($100.00) Intratex 1998 SA Intratex Holdings SADC commercial directory. ($280.00) Intratex 1998 SA
1998 ed.
Business—Botswana Dumcombe, R. The role of information and communication technology in small and medium enterprise development in Botswana. ($10.00/£7.00/Eur9.00) BIDPA 1999 BS Ndzinge, S., Chinyoka, S.V. Small business. A guide. 100pp. Mmegi 1997 BS Business—Botswana—Directories Intratex Holdings Botswana business directory. (Annual, 1978-) 1998 ed. R70.00 Intratex 1998 SA Leepile, M., ed. SAMDEF roster of media and business experts. P50.00 SAMDEF 2002 BS Business—Brazil Bornstein, L. Coordinating production in a state of instability: the case of the Brazilian informatics sector. (CSDS working papers, 34) R20.00/R30.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2001 SA Business—Congo Democratic Republic CADICEC De l’artisanat à l’entreprise. Les facteurs d’incitation à la création et au développement de la P.M.E. Actes du colloque. 80pp. ($2.90) Cadicec 1997 ZR FRE CADICEC Les entreprises face aux multiples problèmes posés par le code du travail. 102pp. CFA100.00 ($2.90) Cadicec 2000 ZR FRE CADICEC Financement de petits projets économiques et conditions sociales des travailleurs. Actes du colloque. 95pp. ($2.90) Cadicec 1996 ZR FRE CADICEC Le financement des micro-entreprise. 48pp. ($2.90) Cadicec 1996 ZR FRE CADICEC Fixation et révision des salaires. ($1.40) Cadicec 1986 ZR FRE
CADICEC La gestion des conflits sociaux au sein de l’entreprise. 64pp. ($2.90) Cadicec 1997 ZR FRE CADICEC L’avenir des entreprises du portefeuille en République Démocratique du Congo. 91pp. ($3.00) Cadicec 2002[?] ZR FRE CADICEC L’entrepreneur - sa fonction économique, sa responsabilité sociale. 47pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1991 ZR FRE CADICEC Micro-enterprises et entrepreneuriat féminin au Congo: atouts et contraintes. 96pp. ($3.00) Cadicec 2002[?] ZR FRE CADICEC Micro-entreprise, stratégie de lutte contre la pauvreté. 96pp. CFA100.00 ($2.90) Cadicec 2000 ZR FRE CADICEC Les micro-entreprises crées par les emigrés congolais. 96pp. CFA100.00 ($2.90) Cadicec 2000 ZR FRE CADICEC La P.M.E. informelle à Kinshasa: quelques évidences empiriques. 48pp. ($2.90) Cadicec 1996 ZR FRE CADICEC Le pluralisme syndical dans les entreprises. L’imposition forfaitaire des P.M.E. 48pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1991 ZR FRE CADICEC Les PME face aux tracasseries adminstratives. 96pp. pl. ($6.00) Cadicec 2003 ZR FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Business—Congo Democratic Republic CADICEC Privatisation des entreprises publiques: impératifs, conditions et receuils. Actes du colloque. 64pp. ($2.90) Cadicec 1996 ZR FRE CADICEC La re-évaluation de l’actif immobilisé des entreprises. Le régime fiscal d’imposition forfaitaire des P.M.E. 48pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1991 ZR FRE CADICEC Traitement du courrier. Cadicec 1986 ZR FRE
47pp. ($1.40)
Ekwa bis Isal, M. Vade-Mecum du gestionnaire de la P.M.E. 2nd ed. vol.1: initiation à la législation fiscale et sociale 76pp. ($2.00) Cadicec 1991 ZR FRE Ghenda, J.L. Sociétés commerciales, sociétés civiles, sociétés mixtes et sociétés d’état. 568pp. ($75.00) Kap Kaz 2004 ZR FRE Kabwe, E. Vade-mecum du gestionnaire I: initiation à la législation fiscale. vol.1 122pp. ($13.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Kabwe, E. Vade-mecum du gestionnaire II: initiation à la comptabilité. vol.2 122pp. ($13.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Kabwe, E. Vade-mecum du gestionnaire III: créer et gérer une PME. vol.3 120pp. ($12.90) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Kinzonzi Mvutukidi, N.K. Inflation et reévaluation des bilans des entreprises au Zaïre. 137pp. Press Univ Congo 1979 ZR FRE Mulaya, D. Privatisation des entreprises. 112pp. ($9.20) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Mule, J. Les facteurs d’incitation à la création d’une PME. 180pp. ($10.10) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Business—Congo Democratic Republic— Directories Minada, D.W. Recueil d’information utiles à l’intention des promoteurs privés de projets dans le secteur des transports et communications en République Démocratique du Congo. 44pp. ($10.00) Cadicec 2004 ZR FRE Presses Universitaires du Zaire Vade-mecum des responables de la gestion financière et du patrimoine de l’UNALA. 45pp. Z90.00 Press Univ Congo 1973 ZR FRE Business—Dictionaries Eksteen, L.C. Major dictionary. 14th rev.ed. cd. 1,504pp. R175.00 Pharos 1998 SA MUL Geldenhuys, J.D.U., Viljoen, E.E. Business dictionary. [English/Afrikaans] 2nd ed. 201pp. R79.95 Pharos 1997 SA MUL Geldenhuys, J.D.U., Viljoen, E.E. New business dictionary/Nuwe sakewoordeboek. ISBN: 186890038X 312pp. R139.95 Pharos 2003 SA MUL Geldenhuys, J.D.U., Viljoen, E.E., MboweniMarais, K.D. Trilingual business dictionary: EnglishAfrikaans-Zulu. 3rd rev.ed. 296pp. R89.95 Pharos 1997 SA MUL Business—Examinations, questions Ashiq, H. Aid to passing CPA section 1: economics. rev.ed. 216pp. K.shs.310.00 EAEP 1984 KE Ashiq, H. Aid to passing KATC stage 1: commerce, bookkeeping, commercial arithmetic. 224pp. K.shs.85.00 EAEP 1984 KE Ashiq, H. Aid to passing KATC stage 2: auditing, office organisation, costing. 304pp. K.shs.85.00 EAEP 1984 KE
Subject index Hussain, A. Aid to passing C.P.A. section 2: accounting 2, costing. 288pp. K.shs.310.00 EAEP 1985 KE
Business—Ghana Awua, P.K. Turning fortunes. 77pp. C100,000 ($10.00) Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 2004 GH Hart, E., Gyimah-Boadi, E. Business associations in Ghana’s economic and political transition. (CDD critical perspectives, 3) ISBN: 9988796943 31pp. C35,000 ($10.00/ £7.00) CDD 2000 GH Osei, K.A. Analysis of factors affecting the development of an emerging capital market. (AERC research paper, 76) 73pp. AERC 1998 KE Business—Indian Ocean Islands— Directories Intratex Holdings Mauritius, Réunion, Seychelles business directory. 1998 ed. ($65.00) Intratex 1998 SA Business—Kenya Child, F.C., Kempe, M.E., eds. Small-scale enterprise. Proceedings of a conference held 26-27 February 1973. (IDS occasional papers, 6) 157pp. K.shs.160.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE Ghai, D.P. Strategy for a public sector wage policy in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 65) 13pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1968 KE Harper, M. A prototype experiment to test the possibility of a cost-effective extension service for small-scale general retailers. (IDS discussion paper, 193) 22pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Kamau, J. Problems of African business enterprises. (IDS discussion paper, 6) 11pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1965 KE Kimuyu, P. Micro level institutions and revenue generation: insights from Kenya’s small business sector. ISBN: 9966948023 22pp. IPRA 2002 KE Kimuyu, P., Omiti, J. Institutional impediments to access to credit by micro and small scale enterprises in Kenya. (IPRA discussion paper, 26/2000) ISBN: 9966948015 42pp. IPRA KE Kinyanjui, M.N. Ziwani and Kigandaini jua kali enterprise clusters: geographical proximity or clusters’ efficiency? (IDS working paper, 508) 31pp. K.shs.70.00 ($2.59/£1.61) Inst Dev Stud 1996 KE Ncebere, R. Doing business in Kenya. Publ 2003 KE
228pp. RN
Olago, S.O. Breaking into the 21st century: a business guide for Kenyans. 298pp. K.shs.550.00 Covenant 1998 KE Business—Lesotho—Directories Intratex Holdings Braby’s Lesotho business directory. (Annual, 1970-) 1998 ed. ($58.00) Intratex 1998 SA Business—Malawi Johnstone, F.M.I. The MCCI business review. Commerce, industry and tourism in the Malawi economy mid-1998. 63pp. col.pl. Central Africana 1998 MW Business—Namibia Erastus-Sacharia, A., Hansohm, D., Kadhikwa, G. Small enterprise support institutions in Namibia. (NEPRU research report, 17) 80pp. N$43.00 NEPRU 1999 SX
Hansohm, D. Renewal in Africa? The informal sector and its promotion in Namibia, San Francisco, 23-25 November 1996. (NEPRU working paper, 55) 28pp. N$17.00 NEPRU 1997 SX Hansohm, D., Erastus-Sacharia, A. Third SEPAC conference on small enterprise promotion in southern Africa, Gaborone, 31 October - 1 November 1996. (NEPRU travel and meeting report, 14) 12pp. N$11.00 NEPRU 1996 SX Hansohm, D., Erastus-Sacharia, A., Kadhikwa, G. Support institutions for small enterprises in Zambia and Zimbabwe. (NEPRU working paper, 67) 24pp. N$18.00 NEPRU 1998 SX Oranje, J.N. Namibian business climate: a survey in relation to SADC. (NEPRU working paper, 62) ISBN: 10269231 27pp. NEPRU 1998 SX Seiche, M. Scopes for policies towards the development of informal small business in Namibia. (NEPRU occasional paper, 3) 88pp. N$38.00 NEPRU 1995 SX Business—Namibia—Directories Intratex Holdings Braby’s Namibia business directory. (Annual, 1968-) 1998 ed. ($85.00) Intratex 1998 SA Moorsom, R. Namibian development services directory. (NEPRU working paper, 45) 138pp. N$56.00 NEPRU 1994 SX Business—Nigeria Forrest, T. The makers and making of Nigerian private enterprise. 316pp. N740.00 ($18.00/£15.00) Spectrum 1994 NR Iyanda, K., Bello, J., eds. Elements of business in Nigeria. 320pp. ($30.00/£16.75) N35.00 Univ Lagos Press 1987 NR Meredith The practice of entrepreneurship. 196pp. ($15.00/£8.50) Univ Lagos Press 1991 NR Obeleagu-Nzelibe, C.G. Management of small scale business in Nigeria. 173pp. ($12.50/£6.75) Fourth Dimension 1990 NR Odife, D. Nigerian securities market. 142pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Malthouse 1993 NR Olagunju, Y.A. Entrepreneurship and small scale business enterprise development in Nigeria. ISBN: 978030875X 244pp. Univ Press - Nig 2004 NR Sanni, A. An introduction to business law in Nigeria. With model questions & answers. ISBN: 9780231897 139pp. ($22.95/£14.95) Malthouse 2005 NR Spectrum Books National council on privatisation. 2nd ed. ISBN: 978029225X 69pp. col.pl. ($14.95/£8.95) Spectrum 2000 NR Teriba, O., Edozien, E.C., Kayode, M.O. The structure of manufacturing industry in Nigeria. 138pp. ($7.57/£3.14) N6.00 Ibadan UP 1981 NR Utomi, P. Managing uncertainty: competition and strategy in emerging economics. ISBN: 9780290028 465pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Spectrum 1998 NR Business—Nigeria—Directories Iginla, M.J.A. A dial call directory of business and service with some who is who in Festac City. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9782438065 57pp. pl.maps N250.00 ($5.00/£2.50/Eur3.00) IPRECO 2000 NR
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African Books in Print
Subject index Business—South Africa Alperson, M. Foundations for a new democracy. Corporate social investment in South Africa. 222pp. pl. R54.95 Ravan 1995 SA Armstrong, P., Segal, N., Davis, B. Corporate governance: South Africa, a pioneer in the field. ISBN: 1919969268 free download SA Inst Int Affairs 2005 SA Bank, L., et al. Small business development in Duncan village: towards a new development framework. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1996 SA Barnes, J., Morris, M. Improving operational competetiveness through firm-level clustering: a case study of the Kwa-Zulu-Natal Benchmarking Club. (CSDS working papers, 24) R15.00/R25.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2000 SA Bekker, F., Staude, G., eds. Starting and managing a small business. ISBN: 0702121282 572pp. R149.00 Juta 1998 SA Bosch, J.K. Empirical investigations into the goals of listed and unlisted firms. (IDPR occasional papers, 10) R15.00 Inst Planning Res 1988 SA Botha, J., Bothma, C., Geldenhuis, P. Managing e-commerce in business. A South African persepctive. ISBN: 0702158429 504pp. R275.00 Juta 2004 SA Clarke, A.G. Create your own business. From ideas to action. A practical workbook for South Africa. new rev. ed. ISBN: 0798141425 144pp. R89.95 Human and Rousseau 2002 SA Corporate 49 best Africa. R89.95
Research Foundation companies to work for in South ISBN: 1868721442 312pp. Zebra 1998 SA
Corporate Research Foundation The 50 most promising companies in South Africa. ISBN: 1868721434 312pp. R89.95 Zebra 1998 SA Davies, W.J. Survey of consumer behaviour and shopping patterns amongst Bantu in Port Elizabeth. (IDPR information bulletins, 5) Inst Planning Res 1972 SA Davies, W.J. Urban Bantu retail activities, consumer behaviour and shopping patterns: a study of Port Elizabeth. (IDPR special publications, 2) Inst Planning Res 1972 SA de Coning, T.J., et al. Black people’s access to entrepreneurial power in corporate South Africa. ISBN: 1868590259 48pp. R59.95 Francolin 1997 SA Erwee, J.A. Port Elizabeth shopping study: an analysis of the retail structure in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch. (IDPR information bulletins, 15) R15.00 Inst Planning Res 1980 SA Erwee, J.A. Port Elizabeth shopping study: inventory of retail and service establishments in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch. (IDPR information bulletins, 13) Inst Planning Res 1978 SA Erwee, J.A. Profile of Port Elizabeth’s black retail trade: a re-appraisal. (Research reports, 27) R20.00 Inst Planning Res 1983 SA Fabricius, M.P. Port Elizabeth retail analysis: business centres in Port Elizabeth and their trade areas. (Research reports, 33) R25.00 Inst Planning Res 1988 SA
Business—South Africa Fabricius, M.P. Port Elizabeth retail analysis: the structure of the northern area in Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage. (IDPR information bulletins, 19) R15.00 Inst Planning Res 1986 SA Fabricius, M.P. Port Elizabeth shopping study: the structure of the white areas in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch. (IDPR information bulletins, 18) R25.00 Inst Planning Res 1986 SA Fabricius, M.P. Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch: trends in retail location and floor space. (IDPR information bulletins, 17) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1985 SA Fabricius, M.P., Potgieter, F.E., Roussouw, A.M.M., van Wyk, A. Walmer Park shopping centre: consumer patterns. (IDPR occasional papers, 35) Inst Planning Res 1992 SA Fiske, S. Damage by debt. 157pp. R49.95 Free Market Found 1995 SA Games, D. The experience of South African firms doing business in Africa. (SAIIA report, 37) ISBN: 1919969098 SA Inst Int Affairs 2003 SA Geldenhuys, D., ed. The role of multinational corporations in South Africa. (Study Group Series, 2) 25pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1979 SA Gouws, A., Nieuwenhuizen, C. Export issues for entrepreneurs. [Book with CD-ROM.] ISBN: 070215654X 230pp. R189.00 Juta 2003 SA Hilliard, V.G. Performance improvement in the public sector. 81pp. R65.95 Van Schaik 1995 SA Hlophe, D., Mathoho, M., Reitzes, M. The business of blackness: the Foundation of African Business and Consumer Services, democracy and donor funding. (CPS research reports, 83) 87pp. Centre Policy Stud 2001 SA Illbury, C., Sunter, C. Games foxes play: planning for extraordinary times. ISBN: 1798145099 152pp. R169.95 Human and Rousseau 2005 SA International Labor Guide Starting a small business. SASB training of trainers guide. ISBN: 1869033140 56pp. R45.00 Juta 2004 SA International Labor Organisation Starting a small business. ISBN: 1869030192 116pp. R80.00 Juta 2004 SA International Labor Organisation Starting a small business. Directory of advice and assistance. ISBN: 1869033533 80pp. R52.00 Juta 2004 SA
Lipkin, M., Lascaris, R. Fire and water. 2nd ed. 160pp. R59.95 Zebra 1997 SA Loewen, J. Business e-volution. ISBN: 1868723615 304pp. Zebra 2001 SA Mackay, S., Shubane, K. Down to business: government-business relations and South Africa’s development needs. (CPS research reports, 69) 88pp. Centre Policy Stud 1999 SA MacLeod, G. Cultural considerations. A guide to understanding culture, courtesy and etiquette in South African business. ISBN: 0864865317 192pp. R150.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Mammatt, J., du Plessis, D., Everingham, G. The company director’s handbook. ISBN: 0958454094 R168.00 Siberink 2004 SA Manning, C. Informal manufacturing in the South African economy. (CSDS working papers, 11) 35pp. R14.00 (£2.80) School Dev Studies-KZN 1993 SA Markman, T., Vorkies, F. Consumer power in a free market. 151pp. R15.00 Free Market Found 1990 SA McGrath, S., ed. Skills development in very small and micro enterprises. ISBN: 0796920982 96pp. R110.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA McLeod, G. Starting your own business in South Africa. ISBN: 0195784847 288pp. R170.00 OUP - SA 2004 SA Mullins, E.N. Feasibility report on proposed shopping centres - East London. (IDPR occasional papers, 36) ISBN: \ Inst Planning Res 1993 SA Naidoo, P., Ligthelm, A.A., van Aardt, C.J. Linkages between the formal and informal sector in South Africa. An input-output table approach. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 339) ISBN: 1919789871 122pp. R300.00 Bur Market Research 2004 SA Naidoo, R. Corporate governance: an essential guide for South African companies. ISBN: 1919930086 202pp. (£16.95) Double Storey 2002 SA Nieman, G. The franchise option. How to franchise your business. ISBN: 0702143715 152pp. R145.00 Juta 1998 SA Nieman, G., Barber, J. How to franchise your business. ISBN: 0702143715 R155.00 Juta 1998 SA
International Labor Organisation Starting a small business. SASB trainers guide. ISBN: 1869033124 50pp. R45.00 Juta 2004 SA
Nieman, G., Pretorius, M. Entrepreneurship series: managing growth. A guide for new business ventures. ISBN: 070216125X R189.00 Juta 2004 SA
International Labor Organisation Starting a small business: SASB business plan. ISBN: 1869033132 32pp. R40.00 Juta 2004 SA
Nieman, G., Pretorius, M. Managing growth: a guide for new business ventures. ISBN: 070216125X 280pp. R189.00 Juta 2004 SA
Juul, I. The small business survival handbook. ISBN: 0864865953 192pp. R98.95 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA
Nieuwenhuizen, C., le Roux, E.E., Jacobs, J.W.S., Strydom, J.W. Entrepreneurship and how to establish your own business. 2nd ed. ISBN: 070215542X 200pp. R145.00 Juta 2001 SA
Kroon, J., et al. Entrepreneurship. Start your own business. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798653248 R112.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Lascaris, R., Lipkin, M. Revelling in the wild. 148pp. R49.95 Human and Rousseau 1993 SA
Pakes, T.K. Characteristics, problems and support structures for small and micro-enterprises with reference to specific key subsectors in the Port Elizabeth metropole. (Research reports, 61) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA
Lewis, D.T. Combat zone: selling in the 21st century. ISBN: 1868723739 144pp. Zebra 2001 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Business—South Africa Pakes, T.K. Characteristics, problems and support structures of small and micro-enterprises with reference to specific key subsectors in the Port Elizabeth metropole. Executive summary 1. (IDPR occasional papers, 53) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Pakes, T.K. Regional, metropolitan and area strategies for small and micro-enterprise development in the Port Elizabeth metropole - executive summary 4. (Research reports, 60) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Pakes, T.K. Toward identifying and encouraging black entrpreneurial potential in the Port Elizabeth metropole. (Research reports, 65) R60.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA Pakes, T.K. Training needs and available facilities of small and micro-enterprises with reference to specific key sub-sectors in the Port Elizabeth metropole. Executive summary 3. (IDPR occasional papers, 55) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Pakes, T.K. Training needs and available facilities of small and micro-enterprises with reference to specific key sub-sectors in the Port Elizabeth metropole. (Research reports, 63) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Pakes, T.K., Tokota, M.B. Black business in the Port Elizabeth metropole: the characteristics, problems and support structures of small and micro-enterprises with reference to specific key sub-sectors. (Research reports, 62) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Pakes, T.K., Tokota, M.B. Black business in the Port Elizabeth metropole: the characteristics, problems and support structures of small and micro-enterprises with reference to specific key sub-sectors. Executive summary 2. (IDPR occasional papers, 54) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Pinglé, V. Identity landscapes, social capital, and entrepreneurship: small business in South Africa. (CPS research reports, 70) 97pp. Centre Policy Stud 2001 SA Ravan Press. Consultative business movement national team managing change. A guide to the role of business in transition. 121pp. R44.00 Ravan 1993 SA Robbins, G., Todes, A., Velia, M. Firms at the crossroads: the NewcastleMadadeni clothing sector and recommendations on policy responses. (CSDS research reports, 61) R30.00/ R45.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2004 SA
Subject index van Aardt, C.J., Mosoueu, A.N. Behavioural aspects of users of ecommerce in South Africa. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 320) ISBN: 1919789677 75pp. R1,000 Bur Market Research 2003 SA van der Merwe, J., Appleton, R., Delport, D., Furney, R.W., Mahony, D.P., Koen, M. South African corporate business adminstration. [Annual. Filed up to date 2000] cd. 800pp. ISBN: 0702133264 R415.00 Juta 2000 SA van der Walt, B.J. Window on business ethics. A challenge to Christians. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] 221pp. R30.00 ($14.00/ £9.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1993 SA MUL van Niekerk, W.P. The retail structure of Port Elizabeth. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] (Research reports, 1) Inst Planning Res 1968 SA Velia, M., Valodia, I. Key features of the post-1994 pattern of trade of the KwaZulu-Natal province with the rest of the world: emerging trends and issues. (CSDS research reports, 57) R25.00/R50.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2003 SA Velia, M., Valodia, I. Where are the opportunities for the Dube tradeport? An assessment of the potential demand from some timesensitive and time-critical sectors. (CSDS research reports, 56) R25.00/ R50.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2003 SA Williams, W. South Africa’s war against capitalism. 181pp. R20.00 Free Market Found 1990 SA Zeelie, J., Nieuwenhuizen, C. Entrepreneurial skills. ISBN: 0702144207 153pp. R155.00 Juta 1998 SA Business—South Africa—Addresses and essays Motsuenyane, A. The development of black entrepreneurship in South Africa. (Lecture series, 51) 14pp. ($4.50/£3.25) NIIA 1989 NR Business—South Africa—Bibliography Edwards, J. A select bibliography on the question of foreign investment in South Africa. 15pp. ($3.00/£2.00) R5.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1975 SA Business—South Africa—Directories Hadland, A. Directory of politics and business in South Africa. 263pp. R59.95 Zebra 1995 SA
Sacks, A. Small business series: close corporations. Setting up and running a close corporation. ISBN: 1868723496 48pp. Zebra 2001 SA
Institute for Development Planning and Research An address list, updated in July 1993, containing the names and addresses of all manufacturing concerns in the Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage metropole. R150.00 Inst Planning Res 1993 SA
Sacks, A. Small business series: employer and employee. ISBN: 186872350X 64pp. Zebra 2001 SA
Intratex Holdings Braby’s Cape business directory. [Annual, 1957-] 1998 ed. ($150.00) Intratex 1998 SA
Sacks, A. Small business series: entrepreneur. How to start your own business. ISBN: 1868723488 128pp. Zebra 2001 SA
Intratex Holdings Braby’s Free State business directory. [Annual, 1915-] 1998 ed. ($75.00) Intratex 1998 SA
Sacks, A. Small business series: exporting. How to export your products. ISBN: 1868723518 48pp. Zebra 2001 SA
Intratex Holdings Braby’s Gauteng business directory. ($210.00) Intratex 1998 SA
Schoeman, E. Achieving success with super service. ISBN: 062702212X R59.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA Tustin, D.H. Small business skills audit in peri-urban areas of northern Tshwane. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 315) 68pp. R1,000 Bur Market Research 2003 SA
Intratex Holdings Braby’s KwaZulu-Natal business register. [Annual, 1976-] 1998 ed. ($150.00) Intratex 1998 SA Intratex Holdings Braby’s Mpumalanga business directory. [Annual, 1988-] 1998 ed. ($50.00) Intratex 1998 SA
Intratex Holdings Braby’s national classified directory of South Africa. [Annual, 1973-] 1998 ed. ($215.00) Intratex 1998 SA Intratex Holdings Braby’s northern areas business directory. [Annual, 1957-] 1998 ed. R270.00 Intratex 1998 SA Intratex Holdings Braby’s Northern Province buyer’s guide. [Annual, 1988-] 1998 ed. ($50.00) Intratex 1998 SA Intratex Holdings Braby’s Western Cape business register. [Annual, 1997-] 1998 ed. ($200.00) Intratex 1998 SA Intratex Holdings Cape Peninsula directory. [Annual] 1998/99 ed. ($200.00) Intratex 1998 SA Intratex Holdings National classified directory. [Annual] 1998 ed. ($200.00) Intratex 1998 SA Writestuff Publishing South Africa business guidebook. 232pp. Writestuff 2003 SA Business—South Africa—Statistics Ligthelm, A.A. Size, structure and profile of the informal retail sector in South Africa. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 323) ISBN: 1919789707 R1,500 Bur Market Research 2003 SA van Wyk, H. Business success factors of SMEs in Gauteng: a proactive entrepreneurial approach. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 311) 59pp. R500.00 Bur Market Research 2003 SA van Wyk, H. Constraints on growth and employment of large manufacturers: greater Johannesburg metropolitan area. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 298) 151pp. Bur Market Research 2003 SA Business—Study and teaching ABE Development Succeed in business series: course book. [Also available in Afrikaans and Xhosa.] ISBN: 0702147915 R125.00 Juta 1999 SA ABE Development Succeed in business series: succeed in business - educator’s guide. [Also available in Afrikaans and Xhosa.] ISBN: 0702148962 R90.00 Juta 1999 SA ABE Development Succeed in business series: succeed in business - workbook. ISBN: 0702148962 R90.00 Juta 1999 SA Abrose Nasio, J. Dynamics of business studies. Course book form 1. bk.1 ill. K.shs.280.00 Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Abrose Nasio, J. Dynamics of business studies. Teachers guide book 1. bk.1 ill. K.shs.450.00 Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Adam, A., Coward, V., Kobe, D., Lloyd, P., Naik, K., Young, D.A. Mathematical methods for business, finance and economics. rev.ed. ISBN: 0702162221 R250.00 Juta 2002 SA Agbadudu, A.B. Mathematical methods in business and economics. vol.1 cd. & 328pp. N35.00 ($50.00/£25.00) N25.00 ($18.00/£12.00) Univ Lagos Press 1987 NR Akata, G.O. Strategic performance management. ISBN: 9780294244 280pp. N1,800 Spectrum 2003 NR Avery, M. Small business management. Enterprises emphasis. ISBN: 9783038296 Ano 2001 NR Bull, L., Dix, S. Business English. Ravan 1997 SA
124pp. (£5.95)
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Cant, M. Introduction to retailing. ISBN: 0702151653 Juta 2005 SA
Oosthuizen, P., de la Rey, S., Koster, M. Goodbye MBA. ISBN: 1868640736 184pp. R200.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA
Coldwell, D., Herbst, F. Business research. ISBN: 0702166359 160pp. R139.00 Juta 2005 SA
Osuala, E.C. Introduction to business management: business methods. 191pp. ill. N275.00 Africana First 1983 NR
Dike, M. Principles of business administration. ISBN: 9783038028 Ano 2001 NR Diriyai, N. Essentials of effective business communication. ISBN: 9783038005 272pp. N600.00 Ano 2000 NR Dix, S. Business calculations. Ravan 1997 SA
107pp. (£5.95)
Elendu, O. Introduction to business management. 186pp. N20.00 Univ Press - Nig 1988 NR Hartley, C., Firer, C., Ford, J., eds. Business accounting and finance for managers: an introduction. 249pp. R34.95. Witwatersrand UP 1990 SA Hendrikse, J., Hendrikse, L. Business governance handbook. Principles and practice. [Book and CDROM.] ISBN: 0702164992 424pp. R385.00 Juta 2004 SA Hussain, A. A textbook of business finance. K.shs.420.00 EAEP 1989 KE
Inanga, E., Ojo, E.C. Spectrum business studies with workbook. bk.3 110pp. N528.00 ($9.00/ £7.50) Spectrum 1993 NR Inanga, E., Ojo, E.C. Spectrum business studies with workbook. bk.1 136pp. N528.00 ($7.50/ £6.50) Spectrum 1991 NR Inanga, E., Ojo, E.C. Spectrum business studies with workbook. bk.2 180pp. N528.00 ($7.95/ £6.50) Spectrum 1993 NR Johnson, B.B. Business mathematics. ISBN: 9783038211 207pp. N500.00 Ano 2001 NR Jude, B. Sell don’t tell. Eight steps to sales excellence. ISBN: 1868723550 148pp. Zebra 2002 SA Kenya Institute of Education Secondary business education. Commerce students’ book for form 4. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966221670 144pp. K.shs.200.00 ($3.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2000 KE Machado, R., Strydom, J.W., Cant, M.C. The foundations of business. ISBN: 0702144096 250pp. R125.00 Juta 1999 SA Marsden-Huggins, J., Marsden-Huggins, L. A training performance aid. 56pp. ($9.00) Mambo 1995 ZI Namusonge, G.S. Gold medal commerce. 165pp. K.shs.450.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1993 KE Nasio, J., Munywoko, G. Gateway revision business education. 128pp. K.shs.280.00 Longhorn - Ken 1989 KE Nieuwenhuizen, C., et al. Entrepreneurship series: basics of entrepreneurship. ISBN: 0702166448 424pp. R189.00 Juta 2004 SA Nieuwenhuizen, C., Le Roux, E.E., Jacobs, H., Strydom, J.W. Entrepreneurship series: entrepreneurship and how to establish your own business. 2nd ed. ISBN: 070215542X R155.00 Juta 2001 SA Offiongodon, A.M. Business cases for managers. Fab 1989 NR
Roussouw, D. Business ethics. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0195788494 170pp. R240.00 OUP - SA 2004 SA Roussouw, D. Business ethics in Africa. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195780825 149pp. R240.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Rudansky-Kloppers, S., ed. Business communication in perspective. ISBN: 1869280112 264pp. R159.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA Scholtz, A. Communication for business administration. ISBN: 0195781449 170pp. R145.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Smit, P.J. Strategic planning: readings. ISBN: 0702152048 R139.00 Juta 2000 SA Thompson, C., Benjamin, P. Succeed in business. Course book. [Also available in Xhosa and Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0702147915 220pp. R120.00 Juta 1999 SA Thompson, C., Benjamin, P. Succeed in business. Educator’s guide. [Also available in Xhosa and Afrkaans.] ISBN: 0702148962 64pp. R85.00 Juta 1999 SA Thompson, C., Benjamin, P. Succeed in business. Workbook. [Also available in Xhosa and Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0702148970 R45.00 Juta 1999 SA Varley, D. Business studies.
140pp. Juta 2005 SA
Venter, A. Advanced entrepreneurship. ISBN: 0195780574 170pp. R325.00 OUP - SA 2004 SA Welman, C., Kruger, F. Research methodology for the business and administrative sciences. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195780469 336pp. R250.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Business—Study and teaching (Secondary) Educational Support Services Trust Passport to business economics. R46.95 Nolwazi 1995 SA Ehiametalor, E.T. et al. WABP junior secondary business studies. bk.2 175pp. West African Bk 1987 NR Ehiametalor, E.T. et al. WABP junior secondary business studies. bk.3 166pp. ill. West African Bk 1987 NR Ehiametalor, E.T. et al. WABP junior secondary business studies. bk.1 101pp. ill. West African Bk 1986 NR Gichira, R. Business education for secondary schools, forms 1 and 2. 211pp. K.shs.230.00 EAEP 1988 KE Gichira, R. Business education for upper primary standards 6,7 & 8. 135pp. K.shs.275.00 EAEP 1995 KE Kenya Institute of Education Typewriting with office practice. student’s bk.3 175pp. K.shs.256.00 ($4.30/£2.60) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1993 KE Kimachui, M., Wekesa, G., Kibunja, D. Business studies for secondary schools form 4. ISBN: 9966253939 K.shs.325.00 EAEP 2005 KE Kimachui, M., Wekesa, G., Kibunja, D. Business studies for secondary schools form 4, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966253947 K.shs.200.00 EAEP 2005 KE
Mohamed, B.A. Commerce for secondary schools. 72pp. T.shs.950.00 ($1.50) TEPU 1993 TZ Mwalo, J.O., Wairu, P.M., Ochola, A.O., Onyango, P.O. Focus on business studies form 1. ISBN: 9966882766 240pp. col.ill.pl. ($7.00) Focus 2003 KE Mwalo, J.O., Wairu, P.M., Ochola, A.O., Onyango, P.O. Focus on business studies form 2. ISBN: 9966882820 262pp. col.ill.pl. ($7.00) Focus 2003 KE Mwalo, J.O., Wairu, P.M., Ochola, A.O., Onyango, P.O. Focus on business studies teacher’s guide for form 1. ISBN: 9966882774 76pp. col.ill.pl. ($2.50) Focus 2003 KE Mwalo, J.O., Wairu, P.M., Ochola, A.O., Onyango, P.O. Focus on business studies teacher’s guide for form 2. ISBN: 9966882820 82pp. col.ill.pl. ($2.50) Focus 2003 KE Ngure, J., Njoroge, J. Peak revision: K.C.P.E. business education. 184pp. K.shs.375.00 EAEP 1998 KE Ngure, J.M. Revision commerce for secondary schools. 208pp. K.shs.280.00 EAEP 1995 KE Ngure, M., Bitarahebo, J., Karonji, A.M. Revision business education for KCPE. With answers. 90pp. K.shs.170.00 EAEP 1987 KE Osuala, E.C. Business methods: ordinary level. 192pp. (£4.50) Fourth Dimension 1979 NR Rwabtuoga, R., et al. Business studies for secondary schools form 1. ISBN: 9966252134 K.shs.240.00 EAEP 2003 KE Rwabutoga, R., et al. Business studies for secondary schools form 1, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 996625224X 60pp. K.shs.135.00 EAEP 2003 KE Rwabutoga, R., et al. Business studies for secondary schools form 2. ISBN: 9966252584 188pp. K.shs.300.00 EAEP 2003 KE Rwabutoga, R., et al. Business studies for secondary schools form 2, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966252592 60pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 2003 KE Rwabutoga, R., et al. Business studies for secondary schools form 3. ISBN: 9966253297 172pp. K.shs.300.00 EAEP 2004 KE Rwabutoga, R., et al. Business studies for secondary schools form 3, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966253300 60pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 2004 KE Business—Sudan Ahmed, S.A. The role of small business in rural development policy reform. (DSRC seminar series, 93) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1991 SJ Awad, M.H. Privatisation: the Sudanese case debated. (DSRC seminar series, 85) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1990 SJ El Shazali Ibrahim, S.E-D.E-D. Potentials and constraints of small scale enterprises in the Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 93) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1991 SJ Umbadda, S. Import policy in Sudan 1960-1976. (DSRC monograph series, 17) 76pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Business—Swaziland—Directories Business—Swaziland—Directories Christina Forsyth Thompson Publishing Swaziland business year book. A commercial guide 2004. 164pp. col.pl.maps (£11.95) Thompson, C.F. 2004 SQ Intratex Holdings Braby’s Swaziland buyer’s guide. (Annual, 1986-) 1998 ed. ($40.00) Intratex 1998 SA Business—Tanzania Kida, H.N. Tanzanians, arise and get rich. ISBN: 9987887120 251pp. ill.maps KAI 1999 TZ Business—Zambia—Directories Intratex Holdings Zambia trade directory. (Annual, 1967-) 1998 ed. ($85.00) Intratex 1998 SA Business—Zimbabwe Katz, A. Mugabe - the view of American investors. (Manhattan monographs, 18) free Manhattan 2004 ZI Wild, V. Profit not for profit’s sake. History and business culture of African entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe. 324pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Baobab - Zimb 1997 ZI Butler, Guy—Addresses and essays Watson, S., ed. Guy Butler. Essays and lectures 19491991. 248pp. R72.95 Philip 1994 SA Butler, Guy—Autobiography Butler, G. Karoo morning: An autobiography (191835) 288pp. ill. R95.00 cd. R49.99 Philip 1981 SA Butler, G. A local habitation. An autobiography 1945-90. cd. 310pp. pl. R95.00 Philip 1991 SA Butler, James—Diaries, letters Garner, J., ed. Jim’s journal: the diary of James Butler. cd. 348pp. R89.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA Butterflies Condamin, M. Monographie du genre Bicyclus (Lepidoptera Satyridae) (Memoires de l’IFAN, 88) 324pp. CFA4,500 IFAN 1973 SG FRE Butterflies—Africa Pinhey, E. Some well-known African moths. 152pp. col. ill. Z$3.75 Longman - Zimb 1975 ZI Butterflies—Africa, Southern Henning, G.A., Henning, S.F., Joannou, J.G., Woodhall, S.E. Living butterflies of Southern Africa. vol. 1 cd. 397pp. col. ill. pl. R490.00 ($103.00/£55.00/Eur79.00) Umdaus 1997 SA Migdoll, I. Field guide: butterflies of southern Africa. 256pp. col.pl. R129.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Williams, M. Butterflies of southern Africa: a field guide. 303pp. col.ill. R69.95 Southern Book Publ 1994 SA Butterflies—Africa, Southern—Bibliography Cottrell, C.B. Aspects of the bibliography of southern African butterflies: revealed by an investigation of the nature of the Cape butterfly fauna. [Supplement to Zambezia, 1978.] 100pp. Z$6.48 Univ Zimbabwe 1978 ZI Butterflies—Egypt Larsen, T.B. The butterflies of Egypt. cd. 128pp. col.pl. map E£44.00 Am Univ 1990 UA [Egypt only] Butterflies—South Africa Claasens, D. Butterflies of the Cape Peninsula. ISBN: 0624038955 72pp. ill. R88.95 Tafelberg 2001 SA
Subject index Grei, E. An annotated check-list of the butterflies, hawk moths (Sphingidae) and emperor moths (saturniidae) of the Nylsvley Nature Reserve. (SANSP occas. rep., 47) 51pp. CSIR 1990 SA Henning, S. Southern African butterflies. cd. 100pp. col.pl. R19.95 Macmillan - SA 1984 SA Henning, S.F., Henning, G.A., eds. South African red data book: butterflies. (SANSP Report, 158) 176pp. CSIR 1989 SA Butterflies—Uganda Carder, N. Butterflies of Uganda: a field guide to butterflies and silk moths from the collection of the Uganda Society. 89pp. col.pl. Uganda Soc 2002 UG Cabon, Marcel—Autobiography Callikan-Proag, A. Cahier deuxième. Souvenir d’enfance de Marcel Cabon. ISBN: 9990323526 113pp. Rs150.00 (£5.65/$9.00) Printemps 1998 MF FRE Cachia, Anna & Pierre Cachia, A., Cachia, P. Landlocked islands: two alien lives in Egypt. ISBN: 9774245415 192pp. ill. E£60.00 ($19.95/£16.95) Am Univ 2000 UA
Wakai, N, Inside the fence. ISBN: 9986110000 CFA2,000 Patron 2000 CM Cameroun—International relations Abwa, D. Commissaires et hauts commissaires de la France au Cameroun. ISBN: 2911541146 442pp. CFA10,000 (Eur15.30) UCAC 2000 CM FRE [co-published with Presses Universitaires de Yaoundé] Pondi, J-E. The revolution of the mind. New dimensions in African international relations. 128pp. CFA4,500 ($20.95/ £10.50) Buma Kor 1999 CM Cameroun—Politics and government Collectif Changer le Cameroun Le 11 octobre 1992. Autopsie d’une élection présidentielle controversée. 220pp. CFA2,500 CRAC 1993 CM FRE Collectif Changer le Cameroun Le Cameroun éclaté? 600pp. CFA10,000 CRAC 1991 CM FRE Collectif Changer le Cameroun Changer le Cameroun 400pp. CFA3,500 CRAC 1990 CM FRE Friedrich Ebert Stiftung-Yaoundé - CREDDA Cameroun: enjeux et des défis de l’initiative PPTE. ISBN: 291208637X 211pp. free PUA 2001 CM FRE
Cameron, Edwin—Autobiography Cameron, E. Edwin Cameron. Witness to AIDS. ISBN: 0624041999 232pp. pl. R125.00 Human and Rousseau 2005 SA
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung-Yaoundé - CREDDA Elections municipales. Guide pratique. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 2912086337 69pp. free PUA 2001 CM FRE
Cameroun—Bibliography Chateh, P.N., Eno Belinga, T. Catalogue des mémoires soutenus à la Faculté des Sciences: 1962 - 1982. 47pp. CFA1,000ex. Univ Yaoundé 1982 CM FRE
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung-Yaoundé - CREDDA Practical guide on municipal elections. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 2912086361 69pp. free PUA 2001 CM
Cameroun—Cities and towns Tchuente, B.K. Développement communal et gestion urbaine au Cameroun. Les enjeux de la gestion municipale dans un système décentralisé. 219pp. CLE 1996 CM FRE Cameroun—Guide books Editions Wala Découvrez le Cameroun profond à votre rythme: guide pratique du voyageur./ Discover Cameroon in depth at your rhythm: practical traveller’s guide. [Bilingual text in French and English.] 291pp. maps Wala 2003 CM MUL Cameroun—History Ateba-Eyene, C. Cameroun: comment l’ancien palais preésidentiel a été pillé. 200pp. ill. Multi Media 2002 CM FRE Eno Belinga, S-M. Le Cameroun, mille siècles avant JésusChrist, ou, Les grands secret de la nature dans la merveilleuse histoire des sites touristiques du Cameroun. ISBN: 2911541227 44pp. maps Univ Yaoundé 1999 CM FRE Joseph, R., ed. Gaullist Africa: Cameroon under Ahmadu Ahidjo. new ed. ISBN: 9781560045 231pp. ($27.95/£16.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Kom, A. La malédiction francophone: défis culturels et condition postcoloniale en Afrique. (Littératures des peuples noirs, 2) ISBN: 3825845796 183pp. (Eur22.00) CLE 2000 CM FRE Lobe, I.K. Douala Manga Bell: héros de la résistance douala. 110pp. CFA350 NEAS 1978 SG FRE Njate, T.M. Contribution à l’histoire des Bamileké: le cas des Bamaha. 104pp. ill.maps Univ Yaoundé 2000 CM FRE Otoa, D.E. Le Cameroun libre avec les Français libres. 1940. ISBN: 291138038X 162pp. CFA7,500 (Eur11.40) UCAC 2000 CM FRE
GERDDES - Cameroun Guide de l’électeur et des municipales. 32pp. CFA1,000 CRAC 1995 CM FRE GERDDES - Cameroun Guide de l’observateur électoral et des scrutateurs. 20pp. CFA1,000 CRAC 1995 CM FRE GERDDES - Cameroun Guide des candidats et des partis politiques. 40pp. CFA1,000 CRAC 1995 CM FRE Mbock, C.G., ed. Pouvoir politique et pouvoir social en Afrique: le cas du Cameroun. [Text in French and English.] 236pp. Univ Yaoundé 2001 CM FRE Mbozo’o, S.E. Pratiques et procédures parlementaires. 131pp. Herodote 1999 CM MUL Mebu, J.C., et al. Cameroon stakes and challenges of the HIPC initiative. ISBN: 291208640X 202pp. PUA 2001 CM Mono Ndjana, H. L’idée sociale chez Paul Biya: essai de philosophie politique. 251pp. CFA4,500 Univ Yaoundé 1985 CM FRE Ndachi-Tagne, D. Ethnofascistes: la vérité du sursis. 80pp. CFA2,500 CRAC 1987 CM FRE Ndjoh-Mouelle, E. Député de la nation. ISBN: 2911380487 176pp. CFA9,000 (Eur13.72) UCAC 2001 CM FRE Ndongmo, M. Eglise et démocratie au Cameroun. 20pp. CFA450.00 (Eur69.00) UCAC 1999 CM FRE Ngniman, Z. Cameroun. La démocratie emballée. 318pp. CFA4,000 CLE 1993 CM FRE Nyamndi, N.B. Foreign interests in the British Cameroons plebiscites: selfdetermination without representation. 402pp. maps CFA6,500 ($25.00/£14.50) Buma Kor 1999 CM
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Richard, D. Practical guide on municipal elections: answers to some questions on the electoral process in Cameroon. ISBN: 2912086361 68pp. PUA 2001 CM Sindjoun, L. La politique d’affection en Afrique noire société de parenté, société d’état et libéralisation politique au Cameroun. (AAPS occasional papers, 2/1) 64pp. AAPS 1998 ZI Sindjoun, L., ed. Comment peut-on être opposant au Cameroun?: politique parlementaire et politique autoritaire. ISBN: 286978127X 350pp. CFA10,000 ($42.95/£27.95) CODESRIA 2003 SG FRE Sindjoun, L., ed. La révolution passive au Cameroun: état, société et changement. ISBN: 2869780826 425pp. CFA8,000 ($25.00/ £15.00/Eur23.00) CODESRIA 1999 SG FRE SOPECAM Anthologie des discours du chef de l’etat. 5 vols. CFA250,000 ($595.25/Eur477.10) Sopecam 2003 CM Tadadjeu, M. Démocratie de partage du pouvoir: pour le modèle P3 au Cameroun. 116pp. CFA2,500 ($12.50/£8.99) Buma Kor 1997 CM FRE Tchegho, J.M. La décentralisation, l’éducation, l’unité nationale et la lutte contre la pauvreté au Cameroun. ISBN: 9956411000 203pp. map CFA5,000 ($14.00/Eur16.00) Demos 2003 CM FRE Cameroun—Public administration Tekam, G.J. Statut général de la fonction publique de l’etat. ISBN: 2912086485 79pp. PUA 2002 CM FRE Cameroun—Religion, Christian Editions CLE L’évangile en action. L’expérience des commissions protestantes justice, paix et sauvegarde de la création dans l’ouestCameroun. CFA5,000 (Eur15.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Messina, J-P., Slageren, J., eds. Le christianisme au Cameroun. Histoire et perspectives écuméniques. CFA5,000 (Eur15.00) CLE 2003 CM FRE Cameroun—Sociology Atangana, F., ed. Une femme, un homme, un deuil et après? Informations pratiques sur le veuvage au Cameroun. 79pp. ASSF 2002 CM FRE Atangana, F., et al. Informations utiles sur le veuvage au Cameroun. 79pp. CFA2,000 (Eur3.00) ASSF 2000 CM FRE Gatsi, J. La société civile au Cameroun. ISBN: 2912086264 109pp. CFA3,000 (Eur12.00) PUA 2001 CM FRE Ngobesing Suh, R. Cameroon on the move. Ediaction 2001 CM
Okouawe Okeng, J., Ngue, W. Education civique de la famille à l’école. ISBN: 2912086280 42pp. PUA 2001 CM FRE Tchegho, J-M. L’enracinement culturel en Afrique: une nécessité pour un développement durable: le cas des Bamiléké du Cameroun. 134pp. Demos 2001 CM FRE Cameroun—Sociology, Urban Fodouop, K., Athanase, B. Un demi-siècle de recherche urbaine au Cameroun. ISBN: 2911541405 170pp. maps Univ Yaoundé 2000 CM FRE Okoa, A.C.E. Etre enfant aujourd’hui à Yaoundé. ISBN: 2911380215 128pp. CFA2,600 (Eur3.97) UCAC 1999 CM FRE
Canary Islands—Atlases and maps New Holland Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Canary Islands. [Map. Folded:250x125mm (portrait); sheet: 1,000x710mm (landscape); scale: 1:100,000 to 1:200,000; English/German/French.] col.map R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA MUL Cancer ben Salem, M. Dialogue avec mon cancer. Suivi de Un point, c’est tout. ISBN: 9973194373 172pp. Cérès 2000 TI FRE Ejeckam, G.C. Understanding cancer. 104pp. ($8.95/ £6.25) Fourth Dimension 1986 NR Ngala Kenda Le cancer, c’est quel? 80pp. ($13.00) Z19.50 Press Univ Congo 1976 ZR FRE Nyondo, F.Z. The cold hand of death: my struggle against cancer. 74pp. pl. K2.50 Multimedia 1982 ZA Nyondo, F.Z. New every morning. [Autobiographical account of cancer victim.] 90pp. ($8.50/ £5.00) Multimedia 1989 ZA Oji, C. Oral cancer. ISBN: 9782335800 335pp. N750.00 Delta 2001 NR Pervan, V., Cohen, L.H., Jaftha, T., eds. Oncology for health-care professionals. 824pp. R89.00 Juta 1995 SA Schlebusch, L. Psychological recovery from cancer. ISBN: 063604209X R89.95 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Serfontein, W. Beating cancer. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624040054 216pp. R99.95 Tafelberg 2002 SA Cancer—Ghana Ankra-Bandu, G. Cancer chemotherapy: the state of the art in Ghana. 25pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Ghana UP 1988 GH Cancer—Nigeria Solanke, T.F., et al. Cancer in Nigeria. 267pp. N25.00 Ibadan UP 1982 NR Cancer—Tropics Otu, A.A. Common cancers in the tropics. ISBN: 9780292101 89pp. N540.00 Spectrum 2000 NR Capitein, Jacobus—Biography Nii Anum Kpobi, D. The saga of a slave. Jacobus Capitein of Holland and Elmina. ISBN: 9988812108 110pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Sub-Saharan 2002 GH Cardiology Surrun, S.K. Handbook of the cardiac patient. 92pp. col.ill.pl. ($17.00/£9.50) Océan Indien Ed 1995 MF Yellon, D.M., Opie, L.H. Cardiology at the limits V. 5th ed. ISBN: 1919713700 184pp. R85.00 UCT Press 2002 SA Caribbean literature—Examinations, questions Gikandi, S. EAEP literature guide to George Lamming’s In the castle of my skin. 68pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1984 KE Caribbean literature—Fiction King-Aribisala, K. Our wife and other stories. 164pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Malthouse 1990 NR Caribbean literature—History and criticism Aventurin, E.F. Karukera ensoléillée. Guadeloupe échouée. 111pp. CFA1,200 NEAS 1980 SG FRE
Irele, A. Aimé Césaire. Cahier d’un retour au pays natal. [Annotated text.] 157pp. ($30.00/ £16.75) New Horn 1994 NR FRE Maunick, E.J. Toi laminaire (italiques pour Aimé Césaire). 59pp. Océan Indien Ed 1990 MF FRE Carpentry see also Woodwork Carpentry—Study and teaching Kwaira, P. Focus on ZJC woodwork. 136pp. Z$99.95 ($6.70) College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI Carter, Howard—Biography James, T.G.H. Howard Carter: the path to Tutankhamun. ISBN: 9774246136 464pp. ill. E£75.00 ($22.50) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Casely-Hayford, Joseph Ephraim— Biography Ofosu-Appiah, L.H. Joseph Ephraim Casely Hayford. The man of vision and faith. (The J.B. Danquah Memorial Lectures, 8) 31pp. C3.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1975 GH Cassava Hahn, N.D. In praise of cassava: proceedings of the interregional experts’ group meeting on the exchange of technologies for cassava processing equipment and food products International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Ibadan, Nigeria, 13-19 April, 1988. 249pp. ill. ($20.00/£15.00) N30.00 Book Builders 1989 NR Ikpi, A.E., Hahn, N.D., eds. Cassava: lifeline for the rural household. 158pp. ($10.00/£6.50.) N20.00. Book Builders 1989 NR James, B., et al. Comment démarrer un champ de manioc. ISBN: 9781311819 24pp. N250.00 ($2.50) IITA 2001 NR FRE James, B., et al. Lutte contre les ravageurs du manioc. ISBN: 9781311843 36pp. col.pl. N250.00 ($2.50) IITA 2001 NR FRE Manyong, V.M., Dixon, A.G.O., Makinde, K.O., Bokanga, M., Whyte, J. The contribution of IITA-improved cassava to food security in sub-saharan Africa: an impact study. ISBN: 9781311878 16pp. N400.00 ($4.00) IITA 2000 NR Melifonwu, A. Lutte contre les adventices dans les champs de manioc. ISBN: 9781311827 27pp. col.pl. N250.00 ($2.50) IITA 2001 NR FRE Msikita, W., et al. Lutte contre les maladies du manioc. ISBN: 9781311835 26pp. col.pl. N250.00 ($2.50) IITA 2001 NR FRE Nwanze, K.F., Leuschner, K., eds. Proceedings of the international workshop on the cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Mat.-Ferr. (Pseudococcidae), INERA-M’vuazi, Bas-Zaire, Zaire, June 26-29, 1977. (IITA Proceedings Series, 1) 85pp. ex. only IITA 1978 NR Odigboh, E.U. Mechanization of cassava production and processing. 52pp. ($8.50/£5.00) N10.00 Univ Nigeria Press 1985 NR Persley, G.J. Technical report of the IDRC Cassava bacteria blight project. 21pp. IITA 1977 NR Cassava—Bibliography Ibekwe, G.O. Cassava bacterial blight. Abstracts of literature. Supplement. 2,2 vols. 30pp. ex. only IITA 1978 NR Ibekwe, G.O., ed. Cassava bacterial blight. Abstracts of literature. 1,2 vols. 71pp. ex. only IITA 1978 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Cassava—Ghana Cassava—Ghana Doku, E.V. Cassava in Ghana. 57pp. pl. ($4.00) Ghana UP 1969 GH Cassava—Nigeria Leuschner, K., Terry, E.R., Akinlosotu, T. Field guide for identification and control of cassava pests and diseases in Nigeria. (IITA Manual Series, 3) 17pp. ex. only IITA 1980 NR Cattle see also Domestic animals Livestock Cattle—Tropics de Leeuw, P.N., Omore, A., Staal, S., Thorpe, W. Dairy production systems in the tropics: a review. (ILRI market-oriented smallholder dairy research working document, 5) 20pp. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET Cattle—Africa Freeman, H.A., Jabbar, M.A., Ehui, S.K., eds. Role of credit in the uptake and productivity of improved dairy technologies in sub-Saharan Africa. (ILRI socio-economic and policy research working paper, 22) 84pp. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET Mukasa-Mugerwa-E. A review of reproductive performance of female Bos Indicus (Zebu) cattle. (ILCA monograph, 6) 134pp. ill. map ($32.00) Int Livestock Centre 1989 ET Cattle—Africa, East Cattle—Botswana Spray, P.R. Botswana as beef exporter. (NIR working bibliographies) P2.20 NIDCR 1981 BS Cattle—Ethiopia Kiwuwa, G.H., et al. Crossbred dairy cattle productivity in Arsi Region, Ethiopia. (ILCA Research Report, 11) 29pp. map Int Livestock Centre 1983 ET Cattle—South Africa Cunningham, A.B., Zondi, A.S. Cattle owners and traditional medicines used for livestock. Report prepared for HSRC. (INR investigational reports, 69) R15.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Cattle—Sudan Saeed, A.M., et al. Characterisation of Kenana cattle at Um Banein, Sudan. (ILCA Research Report, 16) 46pp. pl. maps ($8.00) Int Livestock Centre 1987 ET Cattle—Uganda Infield, M. The names of Ankole cows. ISBN: 9970023934 119pp. col.ill.col.pl. ($27.95/ £16.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2003 UG Ocan, C. Pastoral crisis in Northern Uganda: the changing significance of cattle raids. (CBR working paper, 21) 43pp. ($9.50) Centre Basic Res UG Censorship see also Human rights Journalism Mass media Press Publishing and book industries Censorship Benchekroun, M.F., et al. Du droit à la parole. ISBN: 9954000666 144pp. Dir65.00 Fennec 2000 MR FRE Censorship—Botswana Briscoe, A. Freedom of expression in Botswana. ISBN: 9991295291 P20.00 Morula 2002 BS Censorship—South Africa Westra, P.E Freedom to read. The future of publications control and the free flow of information in South Africa. 78pp. R25.00 South African Lib 1994 SA
Subject index Censorship—South Africa—Bibliographies Merrett, C. A selected chronological bibliography on censorship and the freedom of information and expression in Soout Africa. 2nd ed.(University of Natal Library publication series, 12) ISBN: 1868405060 60pp. R50.00 Univ Natal Lib 2003 SA Central African Republic—History M’Bokolo, E. Mirambo de l’Afrique Centrale. 96pp. CFA250.00 NEAS 1976 SG FRE Central African Republic—Politics and government Benguenolet, I., ed. Les transitions démocratiques en République Centrafricaine. CODESRIA 1997 SG FRE Cewa—General and Non-fiction Multimedia Publications Credit union [in Cewa]. 56pp. ill. 20n Multimedia 1973 ZA CEW Chad—Atlases and maps Chauvet, J. Atlas de Sarh. 94pp. CFA500.00 Rôniers 1984 CD FRE Chad—Economic development Lorent, A. Aux sources de la démocratie, le mouvement associatif: une étude monographique de 25 associations et organisations de développement au Tchad. 291pp. ($39.**) CEFOD 2004[?] CD FRE Chad—History Fortier, J. Histoire du pays sar. 132pp. CFA500.00 Rôniers 1982 CD FRE Chad—Pictorial works Collomb, P-J. Regards de Sarh. 20pp. CFA500.00 Rôniers CD FRE Chad—Politics and government— Bibliography Centre d’Etude de Formation pour le Développement Histoire politique du Tchad: bibliographie chronologique. Troisième partie: 19821990. 77pp. ($22.90) CEFOD 2001 CD FRE Chakaipa, Patrick—Biography Kahari, G. The moral vision of Patrick Chakaipa. 141pp. ($13.50) Mambo 1997 ZI Chemical engineering Albertyn, C.H. Methods for the analysis of SO2, SO3 and H2S in flue gas and the calculation of the acid dew-point. (Report CENG 600) R5.25 CSIR 1986 SA de Bruyn, R. Pressure drop in air flow across banks of fin tubes with varying tube pitch and fin spacing. (CSIR Report CENG, 119) 20pp. CSIR 1976 SA Hamblyn, S.M.L., Hatton, T.A., Ascough, S.W. Computation of thermodynamic equilibrium of heterogeneous reaction systems by minimumization of the free energy. (CSIR Report, CENG 086) R2.50 CSIR 1975 SA Hatton, T.A. Calculation of thermodynamic equilibrium compositions of heterogeneous reaction systems. User’s guide to FORTRAN program HTGR. (CSIR Report, CENG 089) R2.50 CSIR 1975 SA Rushton, A., Dyson, R.H. Reproducibility of measurements of solute recovery in pilot scale rotary vacuum filtration using a tritium tracer. (CSIR Report, CENG 132) CSIR 1976 SA Chemical engineering—Addresses and essays Susu, A.A. On petroleum and aspects of hydrocarbon conversions. 47pp. ($7.50/ £3.95) Univ Lagos Press 1991 NR
Chemistry see also Chemical engineering Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Carter, R.M. Form factors in a hybrid chiral soliton model with continuous baryon density. (PKOMP, 8801) 146pp. CSIR 1988 SA Hassanali, A., Mengech, A.N. Chemistry and development in Africa. 376pp. ill. ($20.00) OUP - Nairobi 1994 KE Ikoku, C. Chemistry in national economy. (£6.00) N7.00 Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Chemistry—Addresses and essays Bacon, R.G.R. Chemistry and the community. (Inaugural lec., 21) 22pp. ($3.00/£2.25) N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1978 NR Kaye, P.T. Of molecules and men. Soc Res 1989 SA
R10.00 Inst
Letcher, T.M. Chemistry and the white knight. Inst Soc Res 1981 SA
Rivett, D.E.A. Adventures in natural product chemistry. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1982 SA Somorin, O. The curious molecules of nature. 20pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Univ Lagos Press 1991 NR Chemistry—Examinations, questions Addae-Mensah, I. O-level chemistry: model questions and answers. 46pp. C20.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1980 GH Addae-Mensah, I. Revision chemistry for KCSE. K.shs.305.00 EAEP 1989 KE
Adejumobi, A., et al. Jamb success chemistry. ISBN: 9780307036 ($20.80) Univ Press - Nig 2004 NR Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP chemistry reader - objective questions. 92pp. K.shs.9.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1976 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP chemistry reader - structured questions. 142pp. K.shs.9.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1976 KE Mjema, J. O-level chemistry. Question papers and model answers. ISBN: 9976973497 60pp. T.shs.2,500 Mkuki na Nyota 1999 TZ Musekara, Worked 2nd ed. Publ-Ug
C. examples in O-level chemistry. 103pp. ill. U.shs.5,000 Fountain 1996 UG
Mushema, A.R.J. Chemistry questions and worked out model answers for form one and two examinations. ISBN: 9987671292 66pp. ill. T.shs.3,500 ($3.50) TEPU 2004 TZ Mushema, A.R.J. Chemistry test papers and worked out model answers for form two examinations. ISBN: 9987671748 87pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 2004 TZ Ohia, G., et al. Comprehensive certificate chemistry. ISBN: 9781549475 464pp. ($45.00) Univ Press - Nig 2004 NR Ohia, G., et al. Exam focus chemistry. 187pp. ($23.10) Univ Press - Nig 1997 NR Chemistry—Study and teaching Anusiem, A.C.I. Principles of general chemistry: a programmed approach. cd. & 699pp. N250.00 ($55.00/£30.00) cd. N180.00 ($35.00/£20.00) Pam Unique Publ 1990 NR
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Chemistry, Analytical—Study and teaching
Clugston Chemistry. ISBN: 0195780817 210pp. R400.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA
Akusoba, E.U., Ewelukwa, G.O. Calculations in chemistry. 192pp. ill. N350.00 Africana First 1989 NR
Gambo, T. Quantitative/qualitative analysis first principles for SSS students secrets of chemistry practical IUPAC nomenclature. 152pp. ill. Fab 1996 NR
Anene, E. Chemistry for JAMB and SSC examinations. 128pp. N200.00 Africana First 1988 NR
Ikoku, C. Laboratory exercises in chemistry. 267pp. ill. ($5.00) Fourth Dimension 1982 NR Jumba, I., Likimani, T. Chemistry and its applications. ISBN: 9966846247 305pp. K.shs.450.00 ($11.50) Nairobi UP 2000 KE Khonje, P.R. Concepts in basic stereo chemistry. 92pp. T.shs.1,200 Tanz Publ House 1979 TZ McCormick, D., eds., Towes, P.J., eds. University chemistry teaching. Proceedings of the international conference on University Chemistry Teaching held at the University of Nairobi, Kenya, from 14th-18th December, 1971. cd. & 164pp. ($12.60/ £6.00 cd.) ($8.60/£4.20 ) K.shs.65.00 cd. K.shs.43.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1974 KE Nacro, M., Kouda, M. Cinétique chimique: notes de cours exercices corrigés. 128pp. CFA7,500 Hamaria 1998[?] UV FRE Njeru, M.E. Practical chemistry common problems and solutions. ISBN: 9966885897 123pp. ill. K.shs.350.00 Macmillan Kenya 1998 KE Selvaratnam, M. A guided approach to learning chemistry. ISBN: 0702142131 276pp. R115.00 Juta 1998 SA Chemistry—Study and teaching (Elementary) Ademba, M. Certificate chemistry form 3. ISBN: 9966253173 252pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 2004 KE
Bajah, S. A-Level volumetric analysis. 72pp. ill. N1.04 Longman - Nig 1974 NR Bajah, S., Godman, A. Chemistry: a New Certificate approach. New ill. pl.pp. N4.08 Longman - Nig 1975 NR Cocho, E.B. Quimica pela pratica 8a classe. ISBN: 1004709994 (Eur6.96) Moz Editora 2002 MZ POR Ewelukwa, G.O. Chemistry at a glance. Africana First 1992 NR
280pp. N250.00
Ewelukwa, G.O., Ekpeh, D.C. Organic chemistry for schools and colleges. 192pp. ill.pl. N171.34 Africana First 1993 NR Ewelukwa, G.O., Akusoba, E.U. Practical chemistry for senior secondary schools. 224pp. ill. N363.00 Africana First 1997 NR Fountain Publishers Limited Objective tests in O-level chemistry. 124pp. U.shs.5,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1996 UG Heinemann Educational Books CESAC chemistry. teacher’s guide bks. 1-3 176pp. N92.45 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1980 NR Heinemann Educational Books CESAC chemistry. bk.1 96pp. N169.30 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1980 NR Heinemann Educational Books CESAC chemistry. bk.2 120pp. N169.30 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1980 NR Heinemann Educational Books CESAC chemistry. bk.3 116pp. N169.30 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1980 NR
Ademba, M. Certificate chemistry form 3, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966253181 112pp. K.shs.115.00 EAEP 2004 KE
Jeffery, R.W., Oyewole, F. Advanced practical chemistry for tropical schools. 320pp. ill. N1.50 Macmillan Nig 1966 NR
Ademba, M. Certificate chemistry form 4. ISBN: 9966253815 K.shs.385.00 EAEP 2005 KE
Jeffery, R.W., Oyewole, F. Elementary organic chemistry for tropical schools. 128pp. ill. N1.00 Macmillan Nig 1969 NR
Ademba, M. Certificate chemistry form 4, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966253823 K.shs.385.00 EAEP 2005 KE
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP chemistry - year 1 teachers’ guide. 78pp. K.shs.15.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE
Mbasu, E. Certificate chemistry form 1. ISBN: 996625207X 192pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 2004 KE
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP chemistry - year 2 teachers’ guide. 122pp. K.shs.15.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE
Mbasu, E. Certificate chemistry form 1, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966252815 112pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 2004 KE
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP chemistry - year 3 and 4 pupil’s manual. 148pp. K.shs.15.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1976 KE
Mbasu, E. Certificate chemistry form 2. ISBN: 9966252762 228pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 2004 KE
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP chemistry - year 3 and 4 teachers’ guide. 110pp. K.shs.15.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1976 KE
Mbasu, E. Certificate chemistry form 2, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966252770 96pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 2004 KE
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP chemistry reader - chemical element. 24pp. K.shs.6.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1977 KE
Mwangi, H.M. School certificate chemistry form 3, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966253203 56pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 2004 KE
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP chemistry reader - copper in Uganda. 20pp. K.shs.7.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1977 KE
Twoli, N., Mbugua, D. School certificate chemistry form 3. ISBN: 996625319X 284pp. K.shs.340.00 EAEP 2004 KE
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP chemistry reader - data book. 52pp. K.shs.9.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1976 KE
Chemistry—Study and teaching (Secondary) Ababio, O.Y. New school chemistry. 2nd ed. 556pp. ill.col.pl. N900.00 Africana First 1990 NR
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP chemistry reader - fermentation and distillation. 28pp. K.shs.7.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1977 KE
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP chemistry reader - minerals of East Africa. 32pp. K.shs.4.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1977 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP chemistry reader - salt in East Africa. 24pp. K.shs.6.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1976 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP chemistry - year 1 and 2 pupil’s manual. 132pp. K.shs.12.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1974 KE Manyuchi, E.P. A-level chemistry practicals. 124pp. ($8.60) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI Massawe, J.E. O-level chemistry calculations made simple. 64pp. ($1.90) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ Mazengo, R. Comprehensive O-level chemistry. 552pp. ($15.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1992 TZ Musekura, C. Objective tests in O-level chemistry. 2nd ed. 124pp. ill. U.shs.5,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1996 UG Mushema, A.R.J. Chemistry for secondary schools. 96pp. ill. T.shs.1,500 ($2.38) TEPU 1993 TZ Neves da Silva, F. Quimica pela pratica 9a classe. ISBN: 1004809999 (Eur6.96) Moz Editora 2003 MZ POR Ngaruiya, C.B.M. Chemistry for secondary schools, forms 1 and 2. 160pp. K.shs.85.00 EAEP 1989 KE Ohia, G. Comprehensive certificate chemistry. 2nd ed. 464pp. ($45.00) Univ Press - Nig 2005 NR Olawuyi, A.O. et al. SMG chemistry for senior secondary certificate examination SSCE. 272pp. N384.00 Spectrum 1993 NR Oyewole, F. Introduction to chemistry. 440pp. photos. N2.90 Macmillan - Nig 1964 NR Oyewole, F., Faturoti, A. New chemistry for ‘O’ level. 144pp. ill. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1972 NR Twoli, N.W. Practical chemistry for school certificate. ISBN: 9966466398 148pp. K.shs.575.00 EAEP 2000 KE Venkateswaran, A. Practical chemistry for O-level WASC. N10.00 Fagbamigbe 1978 NR Yohanis, T. Experiments in high school chemistry. 101pp. Birr5.75 Mega 1998 ET Chemistry, Analytical Hua, W., Li, Z. Fusibilité et composants chimiques des cendres des charbons (Bassin houiller stéphanien des Cévennes, France). 59pp. Jamana 1997 ML FRE Murdoch, B.D. Ethyl alcohol and the electroencephalogram: immediate and longer term effects. (CSIR Contract Report C/PERS, 230) 18pp. CSIR 1975 SA Rose, W. Low intensity transport in porous solids. N10.00 Ibadan UP 1977 NR Simpkins, M.J. Methods and machinery for pulverizing solid wastes. (SANSP Report, 10) 29pp. CSIR 1976 SA Chemistry, Analytical—Study and teaching Vieux, I. Chimie analytique. 2 vol. ill. pl. ($28.30 set) Z60.00 set Press Univ Congo 1980 ZR FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Organic Lavendhomme, R. Théorie des ensembles visqueux et des ensembles floux. 72pp. 60k Press Univ Congo 1966 ZR FRE Chemistry, Organic—Study and teaching Nwadinigwe, C.A. Inorganic chemistry: a guide to IUPAC nomenclature. 88pp. (£5.00) N4.00 Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Chemistry, Organic—Study and teaching (Higher) Wong, Y.C., Wong, C.T., Onyiruka, S.O., Akpanisi, L.E. University general chemistry: inorganic and physical. ISBN: 9781754249 503pp. N1,563 Africana First 2002 NR Chemistry, Organic—Study and teaching (Secondary) Barker, A.L., Knapp, K.A. Secondary gold medal chemistry. 177pp. ill. K.shs.330 Macmillan - Kenya 1989 KE
Subject index Loga, J. Malipiro a dodolido. 68pp. K1.95 Popular Publ 1979 MW CHC Machado, I. Tonse sitigona. [Nobody will go to sleep.] 72pp. MK19.50 Dzuka 1994 MW CHC Mandao, M. Zowawa za ndalama. Money and its evils. 48pp. ill. 15t. Christ Lit Assoc Mal 1973 MW CHC Mangoche, V.K.M. Gumbusha alondola mkondo wazimu. [Chichewa poetry.] 155pp. K20.00 Popular Publ 1989 MW CHC Mindano, N. Adachiyana hilda. 66pp. K20.00 Popular Publ 1993 MW CHC Mindano, N. Chakonda muini mulekere. [Chichewa drama/poetry.] 88pp. K40.00 Popular Publ 1998 MW CHC
Cox, M., Saddler, J. Senior secondary guide chemistry. 416pp. ill. C19,500 Sedco 1996 GH
Mindano, N.D. Linda madzi apite. [Fiction.] 62pp. K2.50. Popular Publ 1990 MW CHC
Olawuyi, A.O. Spectrum memory guide. Chemistry. 288pp. N270.00 ($10.80/£9.00) Spectrum 1993 NR
Moto, F. Nzeru umatai zako nzokuuza. Fiction. 74pp. Popular Publ 1987 MW CHC
Chemistry, Physical—Study and teaching (Higher) Wong, Y.C, Wong, C.T., Onyiruka, S.O., Akpanisi, L.E. University general chemistry: inorganic and physical. ISBN: 9781754257 822pp. N2,688 Africana First 2002 NR Chemistry, Physical and theoretical— Addresses and essays Glasser, L. Order into chaos. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1969 SA Chemistry, Physical and theoretical—Study and teaching Akanni, A. Basic concepts in physical chemistry. ISBN: 9780308628 130pp. ($20.80) Univ Press - Nig 2004 NR Solomon, T. Physical chemistry I. 217pp. Birr20.00 ($20.00) Addis Ababa UP 1997 ET Chewa (African people)—Religion, traditional van Breugel, J.W.M. Chewa traditional religion. ISBN: 9990816344 288pp. ill.pl. ($20.95/£12.95) Kachere 2001 MW Chichewa also known as Cewa, Chewa, Chinyanja, Nyanja Chichewa—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Chadza, E.J. Kokha mcheperawakalulu. 126pp. K3.65 Popular Publ 1986 MW CHC Chimombo, S. Wachiona ndani? [Who saw it?] 26pp. (90c./50p.) 50t. Dzuka 1983 MW CHC Kalonde, K. Okongola sanyada. [The beautiful are never proud.] ISBN: 9990842027 123pp. K420.00 ($8.99/£4.99) Sunrise 2000 MW CHC Kamthunzi, W. Gadula wosamva. 55pp. ill. K4.95 Dzuka 1991 MW CHC Kamthunzi, W. Kuno kunja. 59pp. K25.00 Popular Publ 1996 MW CHC Kamthunzi, W. Tiferengi 71pp. K25.00 Popular Publ 1996 MW CHC Kamthunzi, W. Wachitatu nkapasule. [Fiction.] 50pp. K3.95 Popular Publ 1987 MW CHC La Rouche, M.B.R. Tiyendetse bwanji n’dalama m’banja. 37pp. K15.00 Popular Publ 1982 MW CHC
Murray, W.H. Choipa chitsata mwini ndi mbiri zine. [Evil to him who thinks evil and other stories.] 49pp. 29c. 30t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1972 MW CHC Mvula, E.S.T. Akoma akagonera. [Chichewa poetry.] 82pp. K25.00 Popular Publ 1981 MW CHC Ntaba, J.M. Akazi aphetsa. [Women can get you killed.] 102pp. (£2.00) Dzuka 1994 MW CHC Ntaba, J.M. Mtima sukhuta. 1985 MW CHC
K4.25 Popular Publ
Ntaba, J.M. Mwana wa mnzako. [Novel.] 229pp. K3.50 Popular Publ 1982 MW CHC Ntaba, J.M. Ndiwe wekha mlamu. 100pp. K9.95 Popular Publ 1985[?] MW CHC Paliani, R. Kuthamangira kalata. [Novel.] 115pp. K3.95 Popular Publ 1987 MW CHC Zingani, B. Ukaziputa limba. [Novel.] 79pp. K1.95 Popular Publ 1987 MW CHC Zingani, W. Idzani muone. [come and see.] 58pp. ($2.00) Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1990 MW CHC Zingani, W.T. Madzi akatayika. [When water is spilt. Novel.] 40pp. K3.25 Dzuka 1989 MW CHC Zingani, W.T. Ndaziona ine. 48pp. ill. 95t. Popular Publ 1981 MW CHC Zingani, W.T. Njala bwana. [Sir I am hungry, give me money for food.] 47pp. K1.50 Popular Publ 1984 MW CHC Zingani, W.T. Nkhondo siimanga mudzi. 54pp. K3.90. Popular Publ 1989 MW CHC Chichewa—General and Non-fiction Banda, R.M. Zolakwika m’chichewa. [Grammatical mistakes in the Chewa language.] 76pp. K1,700 ($2.43/£1.70) ZEPH 1994 ZA CHC Blake, R. Mbiri ya kale ya m’Mawu a Mulungu. Old Testament history. 133pp. ill. 35c. 80t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1970 MW CHC
Chadza, E.J. Tiphunzire Chichewa. [Lets learn Chichewa.] 123pp. ($2.35/£1.60) Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1985 MW CHC Chakanza, J.C. Utumiki wa amai mumpingo. [Ministry of women in the church.] ISBN: 9990876223 28pp. ($2.50/£1.38) Kachere 2005 MW CHC Christian Literature Association in Malawi Ukani. [Wake up.] bk. 1, 3 bks. 48pp. ill. 25t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1976 MW CHC Christian Literature Association in Malawi Ukani. [Wake up.] bk. 2, 3 bks. 48pp. ill. 30t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1976 MW CHC Christian Literature Association in Malawi Ukani. [Wake up.] bk 3, 3 bks. 48pp. ill. 30t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1976 MW CHC Christian Literature Association of Malawi Inu ndinu mboni zanga. [You are my witnesses.] 56pp. 15t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal MW CHC Christian Literature Bureau Maleredwe a ana a Akristu. [Bringing up children in Christian families.] 60pp. 25c. 35t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1971 MW CHC Hara, B. Pewani. [Safety/accident cartoons.] 2nd ed. 48pp. ill. K3.00 Dzuka 1990 MW CHC Jones Kaunjika, D. Maphunziro kudzera mmiyambi. [Lessons through proverbs.] ISBN: 9990858320 80pp. K100.00 Montfort 2004 MW CHC Kachaje, G.A. Kupitiriza chikondi cha m’banja. Improving love in marriage. 24pp. 15c. 20t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1972 MW CHC Kachere Series Mulungu wa chikondi ndi wa chifundo. [The God of love and compassion. A Christian meditation on AIDS. Also available in Tumbuka.] 9pp. ($1.25/ £0.69) Kachere 2000 MW CHC Kalonde, K. Mankhwala a zitsamba chithandizo chapafupi. [Herbal medicinal treatment is the best remedy.] vol.1 ISBN: 9990842043 109pp. K450.00 ($10.00/ £5.00) Sunrise 2000 MW CHC Kholowa, J.Y., Fiedler, K. Mtumwi Paulo ndi udindo wa amayi mumpingo. [The Apostle Paul and women’s role in the church.] (Mvunguti books, 6) ISBN: 9990816409 28pp. ($2.50/£1.38) Kachere 2001 MW CHC Khumbanyiwa, A.G. Kufa ndi ludzu mwendo uli m’madzi. [Dying of thirst while your legs are dipped in water.] (Mvunguti books, 15) ISBN: 9990817605 114pp. ($7.50/£4.13) Kachere 2004 MW CHC Makondesa, P. Moyo ndi utumiki wa Mbusa ndi Mayi Muocha wa Providence Industrial Mission. [The life and ministry of Mrs and Rev Muocha of Providence Industrial Mission.] (Mvunguti books, 3) ISBN: 9990816409 55pp. ($2.50/£1.38) Kachere 2000 MW CHC Makumbi, A.J. Maliro ndi miyambo ya achewa. [Burial rites and customs.] 3rd ed. 59pp. ill. K4.80 Dzuka 1982 MW CHC Manjakhonsi, G. Umasiye. 69pp. K15.00 Popular Publ 1996 MW CHC Manjam’khosi, B.G. Kodi ambuye mukunizunziranji? [Religion.] 64pp. K0.95 Popular Publ 1988 MW CHC Manjam’khosi, G.B. Kuzula mmera. [Religious tract.] 50pp. K0.95 Popular Publ 1988 MW CHC
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 118
African Books in Print
Subject index Mgawi, K. Ndingasankhe bwanji mnzanga wa chikwati. How can I choose my marriage partner? 16pp. 12c. 13t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1971 MW CHC Mgawi, K. Safunsa adadya phula. A guide to courtship and marriage for boys and girls. 16pp. 12c. 10t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1970 MW CHC Mgawi, K.J. Pemba udye nawo. 20pp. 40t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal MW CHC Montfort Missionaries Kodi malmulo a mulungu ndi ofunikabe? [Religion.] 92pp. K1.95 Popular Publ 1990 MW CHC Moyo, F., Ott, M., eds. Chikristu ndi chilengedwe. [Christianity and the environment. Also available in English.] (Mvunguti books, 10) ISBN: 9990816514 64pp. ($2.75/£1.51) Kachere 2003 MW CHC Mphawa, D.L. Andikwatire ndani. Who will marry me. 59pp. K1.20 Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1981 MW CHC Ncozana, S.S. Sangay: mtsogoleri wa sinodi ya Blantyre mumpingo wa CCAP. [Sangaya: a leader of Blantyre synod CCAP. Also available in English.] (Mvunguti books, 1) ISBN: 9990816174 76pp. ($14.95/£7.95) Kachere 2001 MW CHC Paas, S. Chikonzedwe cha mpingo: zosintha zazikulu za uzimu. [The reformation.] (Mvunguti books, 7) ISBN: 9990816476 116pp. ($6.25/£3.44) Kachere 2002 MW CHC Paas, S. Kaphunziridwe ka Baibulo. [Tool for Bible study groups.] (Mvunguti books, 14) ISBN: 9990876185 125pp. ($5.50/£3.03) Kachere 2004 MW CHC Paas, S. Mayankho odalirika. [Answers to live by. Dual language text in English and Chichewa.] (Mvunguti books, 12) ISBN: 9990816549 79pp. ($3.00/£1.65) Kachere 2003 MW CHC Paas, S. Mpingo wakale: mbirir ya m’zaka za 1500. [History of the old Church 1-500.] (Mvunguti books, 21) ISBN: 9990876371 124pp. ($6.25/£3.44) Kachere 2004 MW CHC Phalula, A. Banja la mskiwa. 53pp. K15.00 Popular Publ 1984 MW CHC Picardo, I. Anthu oyera mtima. trans. f.t. English [Sixty saints for boys and sixty saints for girls.] 99pp. K1.95 Popular Publ 1988 MW CHC Popular Publications Amayi oyera. trans.f.t. English [Scripture rosary.] 95pp. ill. Popular Publ 1979 MW CHC Popular Publications Kodi mwapulumukadi? trans.f.t. English [Are you saved?] 89pp. K1.95 Popular Publ 1988 MW CHC Popular Publications Kufufuza chipangano chakale. trans.f.t. English [Discovering the Bible.] 51pp. ill. K0.90 Popular Publ 1982 MW CHC Popular Publications Kuti mundikumbukire. trans.f.t. English [In memory of me.] 28pp. Popular Publ 1985 MW CHC Popular Publications Maria Woyera. trans.f.t.French [Holy Mary.] 48pp. ill. K1.95 Popular Publ 1987 MW CHC Popular Publications Mpingo wa katolika. trans.f.t. English [The Catholic church.] 24pp. Popular Publ 1985 MW CHC
Child study—Nigeria Popular Publications Ntchito ya munthu. trans.f.t. English [This is human work.] 65pp. K1.95 Popular Publ 1988 MW CHC Popular Publications Tiuzeni za Yesu. trans.f.t. French [Talking with Jesus.] 93pp. K1.50 Popular Publ 1987 MW CHC Popular Publications Ubwenzi ndi chikondi. trans.f.t. English [Love, friendship and girls.] 63pp. K0.90 Popular Publ 1986 MW CHC Popular Publications Ulendo wathu monga nbumba ya mulungu. 195pp. K10.00 Popular Publ 1992 MW CHC Popular Publications Utumwi wa akhristu eni ake. trans.f.t. English [This is the lay apostolate.] 43pp. K1.95 Popular Publ 1988 MW CHC Popular Publications Uwu ndiwo mpingo. trans.f.t. English [This is the church.] 99pp. K1.95 Popular Publ 1988 MW CHC Popular Publications Misa ya ana. trans.f.t. English [Young people’s mass book.] 74pp. ill. K1.50 Popular Publ 1987 MW CHC Pretorius, P.V., Retief, R.L., Pretorius, J.L. Thupi la munthu. The human body 74pp. ill. 26c. 23t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1969 MW CHC Saukila, W.S. Mankhwala opezera chuma. How to get rich quick. 36pp. ill. 17c. 22t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1970 MW CHC Smith, O.J. Mudzisankhire nokha. Choose for yourself - life or death 48pp. 22t Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1975 MW CHC Ursinus, Z., Olevianus, C. Katekisma wa Heidelberg. [Heidelberg catechism.] (Mvunguti books, 11) ISBN: 9990816530 66pp. ($2.75/£1.51) Kachere 2003 MW CHC Chichewa—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Baijer, K. Mikate isanu ndi nsomba ziwiri. trans.f.t. English [Five loaves and two fishes.] 100pp. ill. K1.80 Popular Publ 1986[?] MW CHC Gumbi, E.M.D. Tili tonse. [We are together. Folktales] 36pp. ill. K1.50 Popular Publ 1984 MW CHC Kamthunzi, W. Agnesi ndi mphunzitsi wake. 77pp. K4.50 Popular Publ 1990 MW CHC Kamthunzi, W. Njokaluzi. [Chichewa children’s story.] 34pp. K15.00 Popular Publ 1993 MW CHC Kamthunzi, W. Nyanga ya nasatsi. [Shame of parents.] 74pp. K3.20 Popular Publ 1991 MW CHC Kamthunzi, W. Sungani - mwana wolimba mtima. 66pp. K1.95 Popular Publ 1988 MW CHC Kumakanga, S.L. Nzeru za kale. [The wisdom of old times.] 4th ed. 56pp. K5.10 Dzuka 1982 MW CHC Manyeka, M. Mlereni mwana. Publ 1991 MW
66pp. K3.10 Popular
Mkobezi, M.E.G. Achagoda opanda maso. [Children’s Chichewa folktale.] 36pp. K10.00 Popular Publ 1988 MW CHC Nankwenya, I.A.J. Galamala wa Chichewa buku lachiwiri. [Chichewa grammar.] 80pp. K1.75 Dzuka 1979 MW CHC Ulanga, A.E. Chilape? Nachize. [Riddles.] 32pp. ill. 60t. Popular Publ 1979 MW CHC
Zingani, B. Nzeru za yekha. 49pp. K1.95 Popular Publ 1991 MW CHC Chichewa language—Dictionaries Paas, S. Chichewa-Chinyanja/English dictionary. (Mvunguti books, 13) ISBN: 9990816662 522pp. ($46.95/£30.95) Kachere 2004 MW MUL Paas, S., comp. & ed. English Chichewa-Chinyanja dictionary. 3rd rev.ed. ISBN: 9990876304 400pp. ($49.95/£29.95) Kachere 2005 MW MUL Zambezi Mission (rev. by Christian Literature Association in Malawi) The student’s English-Chichewa (Nyanja) dictionary. 173pp. ($1.67) K2.25 Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1972 MW Chichewa language—Study and teaching Mangoche, M.V.B., Mpanga, E.H. Chichewa guide for visitors. rev.ed. 60pp. map ($3.50/£2.60) K9.99 Dzuka 1990 MW Child study see also Education Bennani, J. Parcours des enfants. ISBN: 9954000119 152pp. Dir48.00 Fennec 2002 MR FRE Bennani, J. Le temps des ados. ISBN: 9954000828 184pp. Dir55.00 Fennec 2002 MR FRE Fourie, M. Break the silence barrier, ISBN: 1875001336 148pp. R69.95 Tafelberg 2001 SA Murdoc, B.D. The analysis of sleep EEGs for infants and young children. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 340) R2.00 CSIR 1982 SA Ndurumo, M.M. Exceptional children - developmental consequences and interventions. 352pp. ($7.50) Longhorn - Ken 1993 KE Pieterse, M. Clever talk. Develop your child’s listening capability. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1875001492 144pp. R69.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Child study—Africa Wanjohi, G. The child and his environment in Black Africa: studies in traditional education. 264pp. map. Kshs.80.00 OUP - Nairobi 1981 KE Child study—Africa, Southern Human Sciences Research Council The development, implementation and evaluation of interventions for the care of orphans and vulnerable children in Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe. ISBN: 0796920567 26pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Richter, L., Dawes, A., Higson-Smith, C. Sexual abuse of young children in southern Africa. [Also available as electronic edition.] ISBN: 0796920532 496pp. R180.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Child study—Ghana—Addresses and essays Nkrumah, F.K. The quality of child life and health. An indictment against society. 13pp. ($3.00/£1.75) Ghana UP 1992 GH Child study—Kenya Kayongo-Male, D. Children at work in Kenya. 197pp. map K.shs.670.00 OUP - Nairobi 1984 KE Child study—Middle East Fernea, E.W. Children in the Muslim Middle East. 496pp. E£70.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 1995 UA [Egypt only] Child study—Nigeria Family Support Programme Plateau State Girl child development on the plateau. 116pp. N698.75 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1997 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Child study—South Africa Child study—South Africa Donald, D., Dawes, A., Louw, J., eds. Addressing childhood adversity. ISBN: 0864864493 272pp. R125.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Swart-Kruger, J., ed. Growing up in Canaansland. Children’s recommendations on improving a squatter camp environment. ISBN: 0796919070 93pp. R105.00 HSRC Publ 2000 SA Child study—Zimbabwe—Directories Save the Children Directory of children’s service in Zimbabwe. ISBN: 079742069X cd. 101pp. Z$120.00 Save the Children 2000 ZI Children’ literature—Africa, North Jablonska, W. Un drôle d’oiseau. [Text in French and Arabic.] ISBN: 9973758369 12pp. col.ill. Alyssa 1999 TI MUL Children’s literature see also Children’s literature, African see note in introduction Alberts, P. YOU big book of blockbusters 3. 64pp. ill. R17.99 Human and Rousseau 1993 SA Aryee, J. Hello God (a book for children). 70p. Africa Christian 1989 GH
Consolata Sisters ABC activity book 1. 30pp. col.ill. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1996 KE Consolata Sisters ABC activity book 2. 28pp. col.ill. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1996 KE Consolata Sisters ABC activity book 3. 24pp. col.ill. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1996 KE Consolata Sisters Happy time 1. 32pp. col.ill. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1996 KE Consolata Sisters Happy time 2. 32pp. col.ill. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1996 KE Consolata Sisters Happy time 3. 28pp. col.ill. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1996 KE Consolata Sisters Learning is fun. bk.1 32pp. col.ill. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1996 KE Consolata Sisters Learning is fun. bk.2 32pp. col.ill. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1996 KE Consolata Sisters Learning is fun. bk.3 28pp. col.ill. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1996 KE de Benoit, C. It’s true. 60pp. ill. (£2.00) Africa Christian 1981 GH de Benoit, C. My shepherd. trans.f.t. French by G. Bourquin 48pp. col.ill. (£2.00) Africa Christian 1988 GH Floyer, E. The bird that swallowed the stool. grade 3(New Oxford supp. reader, 1) ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1987 NR Floyer, E. Going out in the car. grade 3(New Oxford supp. reader, 4) 16pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1970 NR Floyer, E. Tom’s big fish. grade 3(New Oxford supp. reader, 6) 16pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1970 NR Grimm & Andersen Famous tales. 16pp. col.pl. Dir500.00 El Marif 1999 TI Hanby, J., Bygott, D. Animals of the East African lakes. 28pp. ill. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 1994 KE
Hanby, J., Bygott, D Animals of the East African coast. 28pp. ill. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 1994 KE Haresnape, G. African tales from Shakespeare. Gariep 1999 SA
Horizon Books More bright spark puzzles. ill. K.shs.79.50 Horizon 1991[?] KE Hurrell, A. Nature stories for children. ($4.90) Mambo 1990 ZI
Ifoegbuna, I. A blessing in disguise. 50pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 1996 NR Ifoegbuna, I. Chidi’s bouncing future. 47pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 1996 NR Lovell, M.C., Guire, B., Nicholl, H.C. The animal bus. 24pp. R42.34 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA Lupatelli, A. 101 favourite nursery rhymes. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 64pp. col.ill. R54.95 Human and Rousseau 1989 SA Mathema, C. The book of two poems. [Children’s poems translated from the Russian.] 20pp. ill. Z$4.55 Nehanda 1987 ZI McClain Ridgeback Joe and the boy. 43pp. ($5.50/£2.95) New Namibia 1994 SX Munitich, B. A year on the farm. 24pp. col.ill. R9.99. Human and Rousseau 1989 SA Myrick, J. The town with a big heart. Mambo 1990 ZI
19pp. ($4.60)
Olanlokun, O. Moji and malaria. 50pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 1996 NR Oosthuysen, J. Grandma Duckitt and the intergalactic V919 supercomet. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798137371 68pp. col.ill. R27.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Oosthuysen, J. Grandma Duckitt and the Zeppelin. R27.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Oosthuysen, J. Professor Experimento’s frightening formulas. [Also available in Afrikaans.] col.ill. R24.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Oosthuysen, J. Sergeant Spoofer’s incredible lie detector. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798138688 56pp. col.ill. R27.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Oostuysen, J. Grandma Duckitt and the getaway car. R27.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Philip, M. Caravan caravel. cd. & 144pp. ill. R66.95 cd. R27.95 Philip 1973 SA Prokofiev, S. Peter and the wolf. trans.f.t. Russian and narrated by Nazih Girgis Book with audio cassette tape cd. 40pp. col.ill. E£50.00 ($25.00) Am Univ 1995 UA [Middle East only] Rankin, J. Hurry. Hurry. col.ill. R34.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Rowe, J. How many monkeys. cd. ill. R44.95 Human and Rousseau 1993 SA Rupert, R. They all wanted to see. 32pp. col.ill. R39.95 Human and Rousseau 1987 SA Sisson, T. Just nuisance AB. 152pp. ill. R53.00 ($7.00/£4.55) Flesch 1991 SA
Slingsby, P. Flood Sunday. 1992 SA
104pp. R32.95 Tafelberg
Spencer-Smith, T. The man who snarled at flowers. R54.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA Stander, S. The journeys of Josephine. R32.95 Tafelberg 1986 SA
Taylor, J. Grandma Duckitt and the Dreadnought mark III. R27.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Children’s literature—Africa—Bibliography African Publishers Network Children’s catalogue 1995-6. [Catalogue of over 400 African-published children’s titles from 61 publishers.] 45pp. ill. APNET 1995 IV Heale, J. From the bushveld to Biko. South African children’s literature from 1907 to 1992. 48pp. R20.00 ($5.00/£3.50) BookchatSA 1996 SA Children’s literature—South Africa Jenkins, E. Children of the sun. Selected writers and themes in South African children’s literature. 183pp. R38.50 Ravan 1993 SA Children’s literature—South AfricaBibliography Heale, J. Hooked on books. 2nd ed. 52pp. ill. R25.00 ($6.00/£4.00) Bookchat-SA 1997 SA Children’s literature, African Abbott, C. Intufi. cd. 128pp. ill. R8.95 Macmillan SA 1982 SA Abe Woode, P. All about me. ISBN: 9781530766 22pp. col.ill. (£1.25) West African Bk 2001 NR Abe Woode, P. Long, long ago. ISBN: 9781530074 22pp. col.ill. (£1.25) West African Bk 2001 NR Abunwa, E. The bravery of David. ISBN: 9781425474 82pp. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2004 NR Achebe, C. Chike and the river. 66pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1990 KE [East Africa only] Achebe, C. The drum. new ed. 34pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($3.50/£2.75) EAEP 1988 KE [First published in Nigeria by Fourth Dimension Publishing] Achebe, C. The flute. 40pp. col. ill. ($3.95/£3.00) Fourth Dimension 1978 NR [Also published in Kenya by EAEP] Achebe, C., Iroaganachi, J. How leopard got his claws. new ed. 25pp. col. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($4.95/£2.75) EAEP 1989 KE [East Africa only] Adams, N. My friend. ISBN: 1869000862 7pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Addo, A.A. Chickilena’s adventure. The chick who wanted a coat and a song. ISBN: 9964782888 24pp. ill. C7,500 ($3.00) Asempa 2002 GH Addo, E.T. O come Immanuel: a Christmas play for children with audience participation. 26pp. ill. pl. ($2.00) C200.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1986 GH Addo, G.O. ABC poetry. ISBN: 9964782829 20pp. ill. C10,000 ($4.00) Asempa 2002 GH Adebayo, A. Once upon a village. 116pp. N89.45 ($7.50/£3.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature, African
Adebiyi, B. Sparing the rod. 84pp. (£1.75) N2.10 Macmillan - Nig 1981 NR
Agbenu, E.K.M. Atsideke and the jujuman. 14pp. C200.00 Adwinsa 1987 GH
Adedeji, R. Stories my mother told me. 48pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1998 KE
Agunabar, J. Brume and the clique. ISBN: 9781421428 63pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00/ £0.75) Literamed 2001 NR
Ademola, K. Greedy wife and the magic spoon. 7pp. ill. ($3.00/£1.75) Malthouse 1992 NR Ademola, K. Ojeje trader and the magic pebbles. 12pp. ill. ($3.00/£1.75) Malthouse 1992 NR Ademola, K. Olurombi. 9pp. ill. ($3.00/£1.75) Malthouse 1992 NR Ademola, K. The princess and the woodcutter’s son. 11pp. ill. ($3.00/£1.75) Malthouse 1992 NR Ademola, K. The princess corn. 10pp. ill. ($3.00/ £1.75) Malthouse 1992 NR Ademola, K. Tortoise and bat’s secret. 13pp. ill. ($4.00/£2.25) Malthouse 1991 NR Ademola, K. Tortoise and the clever ant. 14pp. ill. ($4.00/£2.25) Malthouse 1991 NR Ademola, K. Tortoise and the pigeon. 15pp. ill. ($4.00/£2.25) Malthouse 1991 NR Ademola, K. Tutu and the magic gourds. 10pp. ill. ($3.00/£1.75) Malthouse 1992 NR Ademola, K. Why the tortoise is bald. 7pp. ill. ($4.00/ £2.25) Malthouse 1991 NR
Agunabor, J. Brume the captain. ISBN: 9781426667 75pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2003 NR
Akoa, F. Baby’s day. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 9956100056 24pp. col.ill. (Eur2.30) Akoma 2001 CM FRE Al-Hassan, S. Asana and the magic calabash. ISBN: 9964720114 23pp. ($4.95/£2.95) Sedco 1998 GH Al-Hassan, S. Issa and Amina. Sedco 1983 GH
32pp. ill. C2,500
Agunabor, J. The clique and the notorious three. ISBN: 9781426748 54pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2003 NR
Al Hakim, T. My parents. trans.f.t. Arabic by Pierre Cachia 64pp. E£3.00 ($1.95) Am Univ 1997 UA
Agunabor, J. The clique on holiday adventure. ISBN: 9781421509 74pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00/ £0.75) Literamed 2001 NR
Alberts, P. Tommy and Hango’s adventures in Oshana. ISBN: 0636049450 48pp. ill. R26.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Agwu, A.K. Spider’s land. 47pp. ill. K.shs.132.00 EAEP 1977 KE
Alembi, E. Andisi and the cat. ISBN: 996649123 24pp. col.ill. K.shs.120.00 ($3.00/£1.75) Longhorn - Ken 1999 KE
Agyemang, F., Nyaku, P. Amu the African. 70pp. C7,000 ($6.00) Asempa 1996 GH Agyepong, E.A. Talata’s party dress and other stories. 36pp. ill. (£2.00) Africa Christian 1992 GH Ahlschlager, K., House, C., Parr, S. The day the sun disappeared. ISBN: 063605912X 24pp. col.ill.pl. R30.78 Maskew Miller Longman 2003 SA Aidoo, A.A. Birds and other poems [for children]. 32pp. ill. Z$39.95 College Press -Zimb 1989 ZI
Alembi, E. Brave girls. ISBN: 9966498559 36pp. ill. Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE Alembi, E. Fine feathers. 29pp. K.shs.78.00 ($1.30/£0.80) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1995 KE Alembi, E. Mistaken identity. 22pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.25) Evangel 1997 KE Alembi, E. The scratching ogrets. 268pp. K.shs.115.00 EAEP 2000 KE
Aidoo, A.A. Winds that blow. 24pp. Z$39.95 ($2.30/ £1.20) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI
Alembi, E. Settling the score. 29pp. K.shs.78.00 ($1.30/£0.80) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1995 KE
Aig-Imoukhuede, E. The seven maidens and other stories. 125pp. N25.00 Delta 1989 NR
Alley, E. The praying mantis and other stories. 14pp. ill. P1.25 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS
Adibe, J. Fools paradise. 94pp. ($4.00) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR
Ajogu, I. It’s you or never. (£3.00) N3.50 Fourth Dimension 1986 NR
Adiku, N.K. Azasu. Son of the hunter. ISBN: 996472151X 110pp. ($9.95/£5.95) Sedco 2000 GH
Ajogu, I. Love trials of Edga. (£3.00) N3.50 Fourth Dimension 1986 NR
Alnam, B. Siyagruva: no problem, man. ISBN: 1869283430 R32.99 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA
Adepegba, K. Journey to the city. ISBN: 9781425717 50pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2004 NR
Adimora-Ezeigbo, A. Asa and the little stream. ISBN: 9781422440 85pp. N500.00 ($5.00) Literamed 2004 NR Adimora-Ezeigbo, A. Whisker the brave cat. ISBN: 9781422602 101pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2005 NR Afari, A. Dog and hen. ISBN: 9964702183 27pp. ill. C9,000 Afram 2000 GH Afenyo, W. Sharp the dog. Woeli 1991 GH
14pp. ill. ($4.00/£2.25)
Afolabi, K. The tale of the five fingers. ISBN: 9780231064 20pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.95) Malthouse 2000 NR Afram Publications (Ghana) Ltd. Afram ABC: my first reading book. C1,500 Afram 1986 GH Agambila, G.A. Solma. Tales from northern Ghana. ISBN: 9964302878 55pp. ($13.95/£7.95) Ghana UP 2002 GH Agbakoba, C. Ejiofor and his mother. 21pp. ill. N61.70 ($4.95/£2.75) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1992 NR Agbakoba, C. Mma and Nkita. 26pp. ill. N92.90 ($4.95/£2.75) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1992 NR
Ajogu, I. Victim of love. (£3.00) N3.50 Fourth Dimension 1986 NR Ajose, A. Emo and the Babalawo. 52pp. ill. ($7.00) Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR Akabor, M. The assorted collection. ISBN: 1869001923 44pp. R40.00 ($6.00/£4.00) UmSinsi 1999 SA Akabor, M. Changes. ISBN: 1869002091 39pp. R35.00 ($4.50/£3.50) UmSinsi 1998 SA Akabor, M. Seven. ISBN: 1869002237 52pp. R45.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Akabor, S. A great boy. ISBN: 1869000420 7pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Akinlade, K. The unwanted guest. 2nd ed. 32pp. ill. N110.00 ($0.70/£0.50/Eur0.60) Vantage 1997 NR Akinlade, K. Yemi and the beautiful princess. ISBN: 9782458384 40pp. ill. N110.00 ($0.70/ £0.50/Eur0.60) Vantage 2001 NR Akinsemoyin, K. The door, and other stories. 32pp. ill. col. ill. N1.20 West African Bk 1978 NR Akinwon, C. Joseph’s dream come true. ISBN: 9781420774 76pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00/ £0.75) Literamed 2000 NR
Alor, O. The magic udara tree. 32pp. ill. N6.00 Fourth Dimension 1991 NR Alumenda, S. How Thopo became a great n’anga. 30pp. ill. ($5.50/£2.95) Baobab - Zimb 1996 ZI Alumenda, S. Marita goes to school. 20pp. ill. ($5.50/ £2.95) Baobab - Zimb 1997 ZI Alumenda, S. Marita’s great idea. ISBN: 1779090145 28pp. ill. ($5.50/£2.95) Baobab - Zimb 1998 ZI Alumenda, S. Thandiwe’s spirit and the river. 20pp. ill. ($6.95/£3.75) Baobab - Zimb 1994 ZI Alumenda, S. Toko and the dog with one ear. 20pp. ill. K.shs.110.00 ($4.00/£2.25) EAEP 1996 KE Alumenda, S. Toko and the injured dove. 15pp. K.shs.100.00 EAEP 1998 KE Alumenda, S. Toko and the lost kittens. ISBN: 9966251707 19pp. col.ill. ($13.95/£7.95) EAEP 2004 KE Ambatchew, D.M. Bongani in Addis. ISBN: 1779050720 16pp. ill. Z$45.00 ($4.95/£2.95) SAPES 1998 ZI Amin, Q. Women and the veil. trans.f.t. Arabic by Samiha Sidhom Peterson 64pp. E£3.00 ($1.95) Am Univ 1997 UA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature, African Amin, R.H. Farhana and father’s birthday. ISBN: 9773040208 col.ill. E£36.00 ($12.00) set of 12 books Elias 1999 UA Amin, R.H. Farhana and the new baby. ISBN: 9773040194 col.ill. E£36.00 ($12.00) set of 12 books Elias 1999 UA Amin, R.H. Farhana cannot find her book. ISBN: 9773040062 col.ill. E£36.00 ($12.00) set of 12 books Elias 1999 UA Amin, R.H. Farhana enters Gauguin’s painting. ISBN: 9773040046 col.ill. E£36.00 ($12.00) set of 12 Elias 1999 UA Amin, R.H. Farhana fights with her friend. ISBN: 9773040038 col.ill. E£36.00 ($12.00) set of 12 books Elias 1999 UA Amin, R.H. Farhana plays football. ISBN: 9773040216 col.ill. E£36.00 ($12.00) Elias 1999 UA Amin, R.H. Farhana runs from the lion. ISBN: 9773040054 col.ill. E£36.00 ($12.00) set of 12 boooks Elias 1999 UA
Amori, P. The cats and the mice. 24pp. ill. N80.00 ($0.50/£0.40/Eur0.50) Vantage 1995 NR Amori, P. The Christmas turkey. 24pp. ill. N110.00 ($0.70/£0.50/Eur0.60) Vantage 1995 NR Amori, P. The little honest girl. 16pp. ill. N80.00 ($0.50/£0.40/Eur0.50) Vantage 1995 NR Amori, P. The tortoise and the dry bone. ISBN: 9788000339 32pp. ill. N110.00 ($0.70/ £0.50/Eur0.60) Vantage 2002 NR Amori, P. Where are they? 32pp. ill. N110.00 ($0.70/£0.50/Eur0.60) Vantage 1995 NR
Appiah, P. The rubbish heap and, The deserted village. ISBN: 9964782292 40pp. ill. C4,000 Asempa 1998 GH Appleby, S., Bala, B., Ciliza, Umoyana, the little wind. introduces the concept of of money.] 16pp. col.ill. SA 1996 SA
X., Galant, S. [Story the exchange R22.95 CUP-
Archery, A. Moving house. ISBN: 1869000536 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Arderne, R., van Riet, S. What is spring? ISBN: 0638048012 24pp. ill. R26.27 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Amran, A. Kobole’s misfortunes. 46pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1994 KE
Are, O. Friends for ever. ISBN: 9780309230 26pp. col.ill. ($14.95/£7.95) Univ Press Nig 2005 NR
Anametemfiok, E. The angry masquerades and other stories. 42pp. ill. ($7.00) Univ Press Nig 1992 NR
Are, O. Home of the brave. ISBN: 9780309268 27pp. col.ill. ($14.95/£7.95) Univ Press Nig 2005 NR
Andam, F. Ato Badu’s school days. 96pp. ill. (£3.00) Africa Christian 1975 GH
Are, O. The unexpected visitors. ISBN: 9780309241 30pp. col.ill. ($14.95/£7.95) Univ Press - Nig 2005 NR
Amin, R.H. Farhana teaches Nora courage. ISBN: 9773040240 col.ill. E£36.00 ($12.00) set of 12 books Elias 1999 UA
Anderson, E. The gun runners. ISBN: 9991273328 38pp. ill. P15.00 Longman - Bots 1998 BS
Amin, R.H. Farhana tells the truth. ISBN: 9773040232 col.ill. E£36.00 ($12.00) set of 12 books Elias 1999 UA
Anderson, E. Jealousy. 37pp. ill. P14.00 Longman Bots 1997 BS
Aryiku, M. Stranger in the lane. ISBN: 9964978831 27pp. ill. C10,000 ($9.95/£5.95) Woeli 2002 GH
Anderson, E. Johnny Townboy. ISBN: 9991273336 35pp. ill. P14.00 Longman - Bots 1998 BS
Asare, M. Children of the tree. ISBN: 9988550170 40pp. col.ill. ($8.95/£4.95) Sub-Saharan 2000 GH
Angus, M. Thandi and the honey bird. 14pp. ill. Z$2.25 Longman - Zimb 1988 ZI
Asare, M. Chipo and the bird on the hill. A tale of ancient Zimbabwe. new ed. ISBN: 9988550448 35pp. col.ill. ($11.95/£6.95) Sub-Saharan 2002 GH
Amin, R.H. Farhana’s attempt to fly. ISBN: 9773040259 col.ill. E£36.00 ($12.00) set of 12 books Elias 1999 UA Amin, R.H. Farhana’s dream to be Cinderella. ISBN: 9773040224 col.ill. E£36.00 ($12.00)set of 12 books Elias 1999 UA Amin, R.H. Farhana’s fancy dress. ISBN: 9773040267 col.ill. E£36.00 ($12.00) set of 12 books Elias 1999 UA Amoaku, J. The sparkling gem. Unimax 1989 GH
14pp. ill. C900.00
Amoaku, J. They call me black gold. 14pp. ill. C900.00 Unimax 1989 GH Amoi, A. The lost shell. [Also available in Zulu, Xhosa, Setswana.] ISBN: 1919876154 24pp. col.ill. R26.40 New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA [Southern Africa only] Amooti, N. What a country without animals. ISBN: 997002096X 30pp. col.ill.pl. ($5.50/£2.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Amooti, N. What a country without birds. ISBN: 9970020978 29pp. col.ill.pl. ($5.50/£2.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Amooti, N. What a country without grasslands. ISBN: 9970020986 23pp. col.ill.pl. ($5.50/ £2.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Amooti, N. What a country without trees. ISBN: 9970020994 27pp. col.ill.pl. ($5.50/£2.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Amooti, N. What a country without wetlands. ISBN: 9970021001 28pp. col.ill.pl. ($5.50/£2.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Amori, A. A “nutty” day and two other stories. ISBN: 9788000444 40pp. ill. N110.00 ($0.70/£0.50/Eur0.60) Vantage 1999 NR Amori, P. Bala, the village tinker. 24pp. ill. N110.00 ($0.70/£0.50/Eur0.60) Vantage 1996 NR
Aniakor, C. Ojadili. 20pp. ill. Fourth Dimension 1991 NR Anker, J., Daniel, G. The race. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046400 20pp. ill. R25.87 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Anker, J., Honey, H. I wear glasses. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046699 20pp. ill. R25.97 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Anker, J., van Riet, S. Time to ... 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046397 20pp. ill. R25.87 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Anno-Kwakye, V. My 123 colouring book. Afram 1980 GH
26pp. ill. C2,500
Anywar, P. The precious calabash. (Our heritage, 7) ISBN: 9970021265 23pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.75) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Appanach, K. Cats and dogs. ISBN: 1869000714 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Armstrong, W.H., Dupasquier, P. Sour land. R21.99 Penguin SA SA
Asare, M. Kwajo and the brassman’s secret. A tale of old Ashanti wisdom and gold. rev.ed ISBN: 998855043X 42pp. col.ill. ($11.95/ £6.95) Sub-Saharan 2002 GH Asare, M. Lizzie who liked oranges. ISBN: 0636049906 16pp. ill. R23.71 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Asare, M. The magic goat. 40pp. col.ill. ($8.50/ £4.95) Sub-Saharan 1997 GH Asare, M. Noma’s sand. A tale from Lesotho. ISBN: 9988550561 32pp. col.ill. ($11.95/ £6.95) Sub-Saharan 2002 GH Asare, M. Sousou’s call. 40pp. col.ill. ($8.00/ £4.95) Sub-Saharan 1997 GH Assan, A. Saafoa’s promise. ISBN: 9964702191 20pp. col.ill. ($6.95/£3.95) Afram 2000 GH
Appe, J. More stories from Uganda. 80pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1994 KE
Assegued, M. Diving for honey and other folktales from Ethiopia. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1931253129 cd. 40pp. ill. ($12.00) Shama 2001 ET
Appe, J. Stories from Uganda. 52pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1994 KE
Atkinson, H., Snaddon-Wood, J. What fish? ISBN: 0636052273 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA
Appel, C. The shoe. ISBN: 1869000110 10pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Atkinson, N. The broken promise and other traditional fables from Zimbabwe. 88pp. ill. Academic Bks 1994 ZI
Appiah, P. Busy body. GH
90pp. ($4.00) Asempa 1995
Appiah, P. A dreadful mistake. GH Appiah, P. Rattletat. 1995 SX
54pp. Unimax 1999
Auerbach, M. A spider in the library. Tafelberg 1996 SA
108pp. ill. R32.95
Ausbeth-Ajagu, A. The king’s verdict. ISBN: 978295165X 31pp. ill. ($11.95/£8.95) CSS 2001 NR
ill. N$18.00 New Namibia
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature, African
Awvince, J. The family that did not have any money. ISBN: 1869000900 7pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Azasu, K. Sweet justice. abridged ed. ISBN: 996497874X 40pp. ill. C10,000 ($8.95/ £4.95) Woeli 2002 GH Azuonye, M. The reward of labour. ISBN: 9781426586 35pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2003 NR Baasch, R. The olive tree. ISBN: 1919721584 15pp. col.ill. R45.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Baasch, R. Seal island. ISBN: 1869002344 16pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Baatoukuu, R. Konore yaa. ISBN: 9964702272 22pp. C9,000 Afram 2001 GH Babalola, R. Danladi and the lion. Bounty 1998 NR
26pp. ill. N115.00
Bachani, R. From rags to riches. 48pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.50/£0.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1998 KE Backlo, K., Sipalla, H. Grandma, please tell me the truth. ISBN: 9966219137 28pp. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2004 KE Backlo, K., Sipalla, H. I want to be a social worker. ISBN: 9966219250 40pp. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2004 KE Backlo, K., Sipalla, H. My uncle used to say. [Also available in Swahili.] ISBN: 9966219145 24pp. ill. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2004 KE Baddoo, B. At the beach. ISBN: 978153074X 46pp. col.ill. (£1.25) West African Bk 2001[?] NR Baddoo, B. Come and play. ISBN: 9781530685 46pp. col.ill. (£1.25) West African Bk 2001[?] NR Baddoo, B. Happy birthday. ISBN: 9781530707 46pp. col.ill. (£1.25) West African Bk 2001 NR Baddoo, B. Hello. ISBN: 9781530677 46pp. col.ill. (£1.25) West African Bk 2001[?] NR Baddoo, B. Wake up. ISBN: 9781530693 46pp. col.ill. (£1.25) West African Bk 2001[?] NR Badenhorst, C. The furious snail. ISBN: 1869002989 20pp. col.ill. R35.00 (£2.50) UmSinsi 2001 SA Badenhorst, C. The ladybird sisters. ISBN: 186900325X 20pp. col.ill. R35.00 (£2.50) UmSinsi 2001 SA Bagrathie, N. Halloween night. ISBN: 0869000390 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Bajah, S.T. Asan and Amiko kick polio out of Africa. 38pp. N150.00 CSS 2000 NR Bali, E. It’s story time. 22pp. ill. N170.00 ($4.95/£2.75) Spectrum 1991 NR Bali, E. Learn, join and colour. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9780291970 26pp. ill. ($3.95/£1.95) Spectrum 2000 NR Bali, E. More tales from Tarokland. 100pp. N100.00 ($4.00/£3.50) Spectrum 1991 NR Banda, J.A.K. Baba the hippo. Publ 1988 MW
42pp. K1.95 Popular
Barnard, P. Last minute luck. 28pp. ($3.40) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Barnard, P. The old man with a crutch. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1779003331 32pp. ill. Z$70.00 ($2.00) College Press -Zimb 1999 ZI Barnes, A., et al. The stories of a tree. 36pp. ill. Z$2.00. Lit Bur - Zimb 1988 ZI Barnes, B. The river horse and other stories. (Rainbow readers, 13) ISBN: 1779003064 62pp. Z$80.00 ($2.30) College Press Zimb 1998 ZI Barnes, B. Skipping stones and other stories. (Rainbow readers, 12) ISBN: 1779003072 64pp. Z$80.00 ($2.30) College Press Zimb 1998 ZI
Beake, L., Jackson, D. Diamonds. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046451 32pp. col.ill. R29.70 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Beake, L., Madingwane, J., Lugg, P. The naming of Kea. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636061108 32pp. ill. R30.19 Maskew Miller Longman 2004 SA Beake, L., Matthew, J. The last minute. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046184 32pp. ill. R28.50 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Beake, L., Rowley, V. Free to be me. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046079 24pp. ill. R28.56 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Beake, L., Walton, G. Bad John. ISBN: 0603047954 16pp. col.ill. R22.84 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Beattie, T. Tendayi and his friends. 51pp. Z$5.25 Longman - Zimb 1990 ZI Bedford Hall, L. Shaka: warrior King of the Zulu. 32pp. col.pl. R50.00 Struik Publ 1993 SA Beecham, Z. Uncle spider’s first law. ISBN: 9964702399 26pp. C9,000 Afram 2001 GH Beinhauer, H., Boothman, J., Weitzel, I. My eyes can hear, my hands can see. pl. N$18.00 New Namibia 1995 SX
Barnes, B. The small black pot. 2nd ed. ISBN: 177900334X 66pp. ill. Z$70.00 ($2.00) College Press -Zimb 1999 ZI
Bell, J. Chaos in the classroom. ISBN: 9966868224 20pp. col.pl. K.shs.150.00 ($2.60/£1.60) Space Sellers 1999 KE
Barnes, B. The two mice and other stories. ISBN: 1779003811 51pp. Z$113.95 ($2.85) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI
Bell, J. The clever trick. ISBN: 9966868208 20pp. col.pl. K.shs.150.00 ($2.60/£1.60) Space Sellers 1999 KE
Barongo, E.L.B., Mwayi, R.M. The African children’s stories. 26pp. K.shs.90.00 ($2.00/£1.50) Lake 1995 KE
Bell, J. The foolish python. ISBN: 9966868186 20pp. col.pl. K.shs.150.00 ($2.60/£1.60) Space Sellers 1999 KE
Beake, L. Bau and the Baobab tree. Tafelberg 1992 SA
32pp. R24.95
Beake, L. Detained at her Majesty’s pleasure: the journal of Peter David Hadden. 2nd ed. 88pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Beake, L. Harry went to Paris. SA SA Beake, L. Jakey. SA
R21.99 Penguin
132pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1997
Beake, L. Letters to Madiba. ISBN: 0636049736 96pp. ill. R75.55 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA Beake, L. Mandi’s wheels. 24pp. ill. ($3.00/£1.75) New Namibia 1992 SX
Bailey, D. The bus ride. 14pp. ill. P1.25 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS
Beake, L., Biesele, M., Snaddon-Wood, J. Waiting for the rain: the story of a Kalahari village. ISBN: 063604808X 32pp. ill. R35.59 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA
Bailey, D. Khetho. 108pp. R29.95 HeinemannEdSA 1994 SA
Beake, L., Fullalove, J. Hare helps. ISBN: 0636047911 16pp. ill. R23.71 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Bailey, D. Modise’s ball. 14pp. ill. P1.25 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS
Beake, L., Grobler, D. Hello? Hello? 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046214 32pp. ill. R28.50 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Bairagi, S. Dodos aren’t really stupid. ISBN: 1869000226 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Beake, L., Hinrichsen, N. Frog and dog. ISBN: 063604792X 16pp. ill. R23.71 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Beake, L., Grobler, D. Kubi the star. ISBN: 0636047873 16pp. ill. R23.71 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Bell, J. Naughty sparkle. ISBN: 9966868216 20pp. col.pl. K.shs.150.00 ($2.60/£1.60) Space Sellers 1999 KE Bell, J. The prisoner. ISBN: 9966868199 20pp. col.pl. K.shs.150.00 ($2.60/£1.60) Space Sellers 1999 KE Bell, J. Rhino rescue. ISBN: 9966868038 20pp. col.pl. K.shs.150.00 ($2.60/£1.60) Space Sellers 1999 KE Bell, J. Sparkle’s adventures in the game park. 18pp. K.shs.25.00 ($0.46/£0.28) Space Sellers 1992 KE ben Abdallah, M. Ananse and the golden drum. A play for children. 28pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.75) Woeli 1994 GH Bennett, J. Jamie. 146pp. R32.95 Tafelberg 1990 SA Bennett, M. Touching the heart. Paulines 1994 KE
126pp. ($1.80)
Berger, I. Blue magic. 95pp. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI Bergin, E. The slayer of shadows. 160pp. R39.95/ $9.99/£5.99 Gecko - SA 1996 SA Bgoya, W. The chameleon who could not change her colour. [Also available in Swahili.] ISBN: 9987686362 18pp. col.ill. T.shs.2,500 ($13.95/£7.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature, African Bgoya, W. The story of Katope boy created from dark brown earth. [Also available in Swahili.] ISBN: 9987686796 29pp. col.ill. ($11.95/£7.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2005 TZ Bgoya, W. The story of the crow and the crab. [Also available in Swahili.] ISBN: 9987417191 30pp. col.ill. ($11.95/£7.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2005 TZ Bgoya, W. The story of the crow and the frog. [Also available in Swahili.] ISBN: 9987686419 18pp. col.ill. T.shs.3,500 ($13.95/£7.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2003 TZ Blay, C. Esuon in the city. Sedco 1989 GH
16pp. ill. C2,200
Blay, C.E. Asibi and the game of chance. C2,200 Sedco 1994 GH
20pp. ill.
Blocksma, M. How the earth was satisfied. 47pp. col. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1971 NR Blomson, M., Beatle, S. Books are like children. ISBN: 063604789X 24pp. col.ill. R27.42 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Bock, I. Mbinda. [Text in French and English.] ISBN: 999162144X 16pp. col.ill. Out of Africa - Namibia 1998 SX MUL Bodenstein, H., Bodenstein, C., Rode, L., comps. Stories south of the sun. 28 South African read-aloud stories. [Also available in Zulu, Xhosa and Southern Sotho.] cd. 96pp. R49.95 Tafelberg 1996 SA Bond, F. The marula tree. [Also available in Afrikaans, Xhosa and Zulu.] 28pp. R34.84 Shuter & Shooter 1993 SA
Bosch, H. The elephant with small ears. ISBN: 1869002695 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2001 SA Bosonetto, G. Lapalebombo. 103pp. ill. R40.00 Penguin SA 1996 SA
Bregin, E. Bert the crusher. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 32pp. col.ill. R29.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA
Bothman, A., Lewis, I. Grandpa makes a toy. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046281 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Brew-Hammond, A. A boy called wiser-than-you and other tales. 24pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.75) Woeli 1994 GH
Boucher, S.J., Pienaar, K.M. Too small Themba. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 16pp. R31.83 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA
Breytenbach, B. Buffalo Bill. ill. R44.95 Human and Rousseau 1992 SA
Bow, J. The keeper of Kemp’s Kloof. R29.95 Tafelberg 1988 SA
Bowie, B. Mystery at Cove Rock. 3rd ed. 128pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Bowie, B. Play music. 92pp. R26.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1996 SA Bowler, K.C. Kali. ISBN: 9966200797 28pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.65) Evangel 1998 KE Boyd-Harvey, J. Tutti and the black iron. Ravan 1990 SA
151pp. R14.95
Boyd-Harvey, J. Tutti and the magic bird. cd. & 126pp. ill. R13.95 Ravan 1980 SA Bracey, D., Lieta, P. Crocodile stories. col.ill. K.shs.130.00 Longhorn - Ken 1979 KE Bracey, D., Lieta, P. Gum on the gate. (Longman Reading Scheme, 6) 50pp. ill. K.shs.130.00 Longhorn - Ken 1977 KE
Bond, G. The sunflower. 31pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.75) Z$4.40 Baobab - Zimb 1989 ZI
Bracey, D., Lieta, P. The party. (Longman Reading Scheme, 5) 21pp. ill. K.shs.110.00 Longhorn - Ken 1977 KE
Bond, G. The sunflower. [Text in English, Xhosa and Zulu.] 32pp. col.ill. R24.99 Philip 1994 SA MUL
Bracey, D., Lieta, P. The woman and the millet. (Longman Reading Scheme, 7) 24pp. ill. K.shs.130.00 Longhorn - Ken 1977 KE
Bond, G. The watermelon. [Text in English, Xhosa and Zulu.] 32pp. col.ill. R24.99 Philip 1994 SA MUL
Bradman, T. The sandal. SA
Bond, G. The watermelon. [Text in Shona, Ndebele and English.] 32pp. ill. Baobab - Zimb 1989 ZI MUL Boone, P. Zeitoun’s dream. 20pp. ill. Z$43.95 ($3.00) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI Boothman, J. Akola and the magic gourd. 34pp. ill. K.shs.40.00 ($2.00) Lake 1993 KE Boothman, J. Little chick. 10pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($1.80) Lake 1993 KE Boothman, J. The tortoise who wanted to fly. 35pp. ill K.shs.70.00 ($2.00) Lake 1993 KE Bordelon, A. The reflection. ISBN: 1869006984 8pp. col.ill. UmSinsi 2005 SA Bordelon, B. What’s behind that bush? ISBN: 1869006992 8pp. col.ill. UmSinsi 2005 SA Bordelon, Z. The three boys. ISBN: 186900700X 8pp. col.ill. UmSinsi 2005 SA Bornia Ommi Sissi. Conte tunisien. [Text in French and Arabic.] ISBN: 9973758250 10pp. col.ill. Alyssa 1999 TI MUL Boruett, W.K. Give the devil his due. 53pp. ill. K.shs.80.00 ($3.00) Phoenix 1988 KE
Braude, S. Mpho’s search. 3rd ed. 96pp. R64.99 OUP - SA 1994 SA
col.ill. R21.99 Penguin SA
Brain, H. Carmen Tutuka and the curse of Isis House. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798142014 128pp. R44.95 Human and Rousseau 2002 SA Brain, H. The new baby. ISBN: 1868402940 32pp. R26.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 2000 SA Brain, H. Tamara. ISBN: 0798135468 col.ill. R29.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Brain, H., Jones, N. Be quiet, sit still, don’t wriggle. ISBN: 0603052311 24pp. col.ill. R28.56 Maskew Miller Longman 2003 SA
Britten, S. Welcome to the Martin Tudhope show. ISBN: 0624036890 159pp. R54.95 Tafelberg 2002 SA Britten, S. The worst year of my life so far. ISBN: 0324039293 144pp. R44.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA Brown, A. J. Montgomery Tau leaves town. ill. R39.95 Tafelberg 1996 SA
Brown, A. Look again Lebogang. 46pp. ill. P14.00 Longman - Bots 1996 BS Brown, A. River ride. ISBN: 9991273794 30pp. ill. P13.00 Longman - Bots 1998 BS Brown, A. The secret of the hills. ISBN: 9991273352 43pp. ill. P14.00 Longman Bots 1998 BS Brown, L. Amy’s frog. ISBN: 1869000285 32pp. col.ill. R150.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Bruce-Okine, M. The finders go out again. ISBN: 9964721404 28pp. ill. Sedco 2000 GH Bruce-Okine, M. The lost boy. 1997 GH
28pp. ill. C2,900 Sedco
Buckle, C. Rusty velvet. Zimb 1988 ZI
92pp. Z$7.15 Longman -
Buckley, J. The poor girl and her family. ISBN: 1869000757 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Buder, K.F. The moon people and other Namibian stories. 32pp. ill. ($5.50/£2.95) New Namibia 1996 SX Buliro, T. Walk to recovery. (Weaverbird series, 6) ISBN: 9966491198 60pp. ill. K.shs.190.00 ($4.75/£3.10) Longhorn - Ken 2000 KE Buluma, M.O. Cheche and Taaka. 24pp. ill. ($5.50/ £2.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG Burchell, B., Calde, F. Going to school. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636045919 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Braithwaite, M.A., Munitich, B. Mbongeni goes to the store. 32pp. R17.78 Shuter & Shooter 1988 SA
Burkett, B., Burkett, B., Manning, D., Radasi, L. Yawning is catching. 16pp. col.ill. R22.95 CUP-SA 1996 SA
Brandt, M. Marcus star mouse. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798143738 152pp. R69.95 Human and Rousseau 2003 SA
Bustani, J. Adventure in Mombasa. 73pp. K.shs.125.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1988 KE
Brandt, M. The mealie-cob doll. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624036901 40pp. ill. R29.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA
Bustani, J. Adventures in Nairobi. 65pp. K.shs.125.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1990 KE
Bransby, L. The boy who counted to a million. ill. R36.95 Human and Rousseau 1994 SA
Bustani, J. Adventures in Nakuru. 66pp. K.shs.125.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1988 KE
Bransby, L. Outside the walls. 128pp. R30.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1995 SA
Buzdugan, V. Dimension: arthropod terra. ISBN: 1869000153 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 124
African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature, African
Buzdugan, V. Spider invasion. ISBN: 1869000161 11pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Chitsike, B.C. The baboons and the bells. 32pp. ill. Z$2.20 ($2.00) Lit Bur - Zimb 1989 ZI
Byrne, B. Thank you, mom. ISBN: 1869000641 7pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Chivaura, N. The magic tree. - Zimb 1994 ZI
Cadle, P.J. Nature poems and puzzles. 87pp. R35.79 Shuter & Shooter 1990 SA
Chom, M. In the jungle. ISBN: 1869002504 10pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA
Calder, F., Palm, G. Kids in the night. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636047709 16pp. ill. R22.84 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Chorn, G. A problem for everyone - Felicity’s Club. ISBN: 1919721606 11pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Cameron, A., Turkington, N. The Ngesi family fun run. ISBN: 0636059758 24pp. ill. R26.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2003 SA
Christensen, L. The tumbling of the Tumbulu. 86pp. col.ill. K.shs.100.00 ($3.50) Phoenix 1997 KE
Camp, L. Hippo’s river café. ISBN: 062403691X 28pp. ill. R39.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA
Chukwuka, J.I.N. Zandi and the wonderful pillow. 48pp. ill. R27.95 Francolin 1996 SA [Also published in Kenya by EAEP]
Campbell, J. Anno’s kite. 24pp. ill. ($6.50/£3.50) Woeli 1994 GH Cantey, R.A. Commissioner for jolof rice. (Adventures with Akoo-Kofi Series, 2) 18pp. ill. C250.00 Adwinsa 1980 GH Cantey, R.A. Waiting for Kwamina’s eyebrows. (Adventures with Akoo-Kofi Series, 1) 14pp. ill. C250.00 Adwinsa 1979 GH Carvalho, C. Zizi and !Xau: the eagle calls. col.ill. R19.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Casciola, J., Matthews, G. Under Ixopo stars. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046524 16pp. ill. R23.71 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
18pp. ill. Z$2.00 Lit Bur
Clanahan, M. Nama Kwa’s garden. ISBN: 1770070257 72pp. ($12.95) Struik Publ 2005 SA Coetzee, J. Accident on rocky pass. 15th ed. 90pp. R29.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Coetzee, J. Flint and the red desert. Tafelberg 1986 SA Coetzee, J. The message. 1990 SA
Collins, J. The magic pumpkins. 16pp. Z$2.15 Longman - Zimb 1988 ZI
Charles, F., ed. The Kiskadee queen. SA SA
Coombe, B., Moore, H., Slingsby, M. The day everything changed. ISBN: 0636059561 24pp. col.ill. R26.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2004 SA
Cheetah Conversation Fund The children of Namibia. The orphan calf and the magical cheetah. 77pp. col.ill. N$60.00 CCF 1996 SX Chette, C. The mutilators. ISBN: 1869000196 28pp. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Chetty, J. I’m not so different. ISBN: 1869000528 11pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Chiezey, T. Oji and the hen. 16pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1967 NR Chikelu, I. The hornbill and the tortoise. 16pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1967 NR Chikwe, N. The torn mind. NR
32pp. N7.50 Delta 1989
Chimombo, S. Tell me a story. 1992 MW
28pp. ill. (£1.00) Dzuka
Cullinan, G. The wild dogs of Madikwe. ISBN: 0636059359 24pp. ill. R26.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2004 SA Currer, B. The book of wisdom. ISBN: 1869002393 44pp. R45.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Currer, N. Thirteen white doves. ISBN: 1919721665 102pp. ill. R90.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Currer, N. We’ll meet again. ISBN: 1919721827 32pp. ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Dada, F., Mhlophe, G., Hofmeyr, L., Alberts, P. What’s love in your language? 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636050653 16pp. ill. R29.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA
Colvin, T. Textures. (Look and See, 2) 22pp. ill.pl. ($5.50/£2.95) Academic Bks 1992 ZI
12pp. col.ill.
Cullinan, G. Storks that fly south. ISBN: 0636064336 32pp. ill. R39.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2004 SA
72pp. R29.95 Tafelberg
Chaaban, M. The secret of Biri Forest. 100pp. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI
Chebet, E. The woman who met Jesus. ($0.40) Paulines 1996 KE
Crocker, N. It’s a secret . ISBN: 1919721568 6pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Dada, F., Hofmeyr, L., Mhlope, G. Horns only. ISBN: 0636050645 16pp. ill. R27.42 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA
Case, B. Wart. 137pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1995 SA
Chebet, E. Lomu the king. 32pp. col.ill. ($0.40) Paulines 1996 KE
Crippen, D. Two sides of the river. 32pp. ill. K.shs.10.50 Evangel 1978 KE [No US]
112pp. R32.95
Collins, K. Tuli’s sandwich. ISBN: 0636046478 16pp. ill. R22.84 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
R26.98 Penguin
Craig, C. The mystery of Tanawell. ISBN: 1869002474 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA
Coombe, J., Jacobs, M. Manuel and Luisa. Learning to count the way the ancestors did. ISBN: 0636061132 32pp. ill. R32.35 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Dadson, N. Suma went walking. 16pp. col.ill. ($4.95/ £2.75) Afram 1996 GH Dahal, C. The orange thieves. 2nd ed. 67pp. ill. K.shs.100.00 ($3.50) Phoenix 1992 KE Dakubu, M.E. Lizzie who liked oranges. 18pp. ill. C3,000 ($3.00) Sedco 1989 GH Dakubu, M.E. The yellow balloon. Adwinsa 1986 GH
16pp. ill. C250.00
Dalton, J., Perry, P. Animal babes. ISBN: 0636048101 24pp. col.pl. R27.42 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA
Cooper, B. Nations. Stories of the world for Africa. 182pp. (£4.95) Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA
Dalton, J., Perry, P. Animal families. ISBN: 0636047997 24pp. col.pl. R27.42 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA
Cope, J. Tales of the trickster boy. cd. 82pp. ill. R32.95 Tafelberg 1990 SA
Dalton, J., Perry, P. Animal signals. ISBN: 0636047989 24pp. col.pl. R25.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA
Coplans, P. Cat and dog. 26pp. col.ill. R32.95 Tafelberg 1995 SA Corneilse, J., Edwards, M., January, J., de Kock, S. The terrible graakwa. [Story introduces size, weight, symmetry and quantity.] 16pp. col.ill. R22.95 CUP-SA 1996 SA Cousins, C., Thebus, W., Jamnda, N., Hitchcock, E. Ntsiki’s surprise. [Story introduces the concepts of measurement, fractions and estimation.] 16pp. col.ill. R22.95 CUPSA 1996 SA
Dalton, J., Perry, P. Animals find water. ISBN: 0603047962 24pp. col.pl. R25.87 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA Dalton, J, Perry, P. Animals find food. ISBN: 0630048020 24pp. col.pl. R26.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA Daly, N. Jamela’s dress. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624037894 32pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA
Cowley, G. The hands of time. ISBN: 1869002423 60pp. R50.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA
Daly, N. Mama, Papa and baby Joe. new ed. ISBN: 1919888101 28pp. col.ill. R57.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA
Chinemo, W. Blindman’s bluff. 24pp. ill. ($2.00) Lit Bur - Zimb 1995 ZI
Cowley, G. Past dreamers. ISBN: 1869002253 44pp. R45.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA
Daly, N. Not so fast Songololo. cd. 32pp. col.ill. R18.99 Penguin SA 1988 SA
Chipeta, C. Down Sunset Avenue and other poems. ISBN: 9982301098 48pp. ($8.95/£4.95) Multimedia 2000 ZA
Cowley, G. The very hungry spider - Felicity’s club. ISBN: 1919721592 11pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Daly, N. Papa Lucky’s shadow. cd. & 36pp. col.ill. R44.99 cd. R36.99 Philip 1992 SA
Chirasha, B.S. The magic horn. 56pp. Z$19.75 Longman - Zimb 1992 ZI
Daly, N. A wanderer in Og. ISBN: 1770130101 cd. 32pp. col.ill. R135.00 Double Storey 2005 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Children’s literature, African
Subject index
Daly, N. Yebo, Jamela. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624039900 32pp. col.ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 2001 SA Daly, S. The deep dark forest - Felicity’s Club. ISBN: 1919721630 11pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Dammon, P. One windy night. ISBN: 1869000692 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA D’Angelo, A. Asmodeus: a forkful of tales from Devil’s Peak. 100pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA D’Angelo, A. Sannie Langtand rides again. ISBN: 0624036820 120pp. col.ill. R39.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA D’Angelo, A. The trouble with Sannie Langtand. R34.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA
Dankwah, O. Rhymes with animals. ISBN: 9964690794 50pp. pl. C3,500 ($1.40) Black Mask 1998 GH Dankyi, J.O. Ananse searches for a fool and other stories. 52pp. ill. Sedco 1994 GH Dankyi, J.O. The discovery of palm wine and other stories. 56pp. Sedco 1994 GH Dankyi, J.O. The incredible adventures of Wapi. Book 1. 55pp. ill. ($5.75/£3.25) Afram 1995 GH Dankyi, J.O. The incredible adventures of Wapi. Book 2. 43pp. ill. ($5.75/£3.25) Afram 1995 GH Dankyi, J.O. The incredible adventures of Wapi. Book 3. 47pp. ill. ($5.75/£3.25) Afram 1995 GH Dankyi, J.O. The incredible adventures of Wapi. Book 4. 37pp. ill. ($5.75/£3.25) Afram 1995 GH Dankyi, J.O. The pot of gold dust and other stories. 36pp. ill. Sedco 1994 GH Darmani, L. Stories from Africa 1. 40pp. ill. ($5.50/ £2.95) Africa Christian 1994 GH Darmani, L. Stories from Africa 2. 40pp. ill. ($5.50/ £2.95) Africa Christian 1994 GH Darmani, L. Stories from Africa 3. 37pp. ill. ($4.95/ £2.75) Africa Christian 1996 GH Darmani, L. Stories from Africa 4. 40pp. ill. ($4.95/ £2.75) Africa Christian 1996 GH Davidow, S. All Anna’s children. Tafelberg 1996 SA
111pp. R34.95
Davies, G. My jungle pop-up book. ISBN: 0798141808 cd. 10pp. col.ill. R79.95 Human and Rousseau 2001 SA Davies, J. Percy and the parrot. Abecedarius 1991 SA
24pp. ill. (£2.00)
Davis, J. Song of the Namib. 25pp. col.ill. ($8.50/ £4.95) New Namibia 1992 SX de Graft Hanson, J.O. Ancient Greek stories about Africa for the African child. 50pp. ill. C400.00 Adwinsa 1982 GH de Graft Hanson, J.O. The little rain cloud. Sedco 1989 GH
16pp. ill. C2,000
de Graft Hanson, J.O. The lizard on the wall. ISBN: 9964960638 26pp. pl. C3,500 ($1.40) Black Mask 1998 GH de Graft Hanson, J.O. The pear that would not drop. Sedco 1997 GH
26pp. ill.
de Graft Hanson, J.O. The shrine of the dwarfs. ISBN: 9964960719 54pp. pl. C3,500 ($1.40) Black Mask 1998 GH de Jager, J. The green towel. ISBN: 1869000099 11pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA de Jongh, M. Brahm and the angel. Tafelberg 1995 SA
158pp. R39.95
de Villiers, T. A coat’s life. ISBN: 186900056 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA de Villiers, T., Busse, A. I’ve got a skateboard. ISBN: 063604601X 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA
Devchand, T. The balloon disaster. ISBN: 1869000250 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA di Maria, L. I tell you the story of Jesus. 64pp. col.ill. ($0.40) Paulines 1994 KE Diagne, M.F. Doomi firawna bu fuul bi./La fille du pharaon noir. [Bilingual French/Wolof.] 18pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur7.62) BLD 2000 SG MUL Dijkstra, L. Missy my mousey. trans.f.t Afrikaans by Philip de Vos [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798143770 32pp. col.ill. R59.95 Human and Rousseau 2003 SA Dixon-Clarke, L. Gertie gecko loses her grip. (Kalahari Adventure, 1) ISBN: 9991255532 32pp. col.ill. ($9.95/£5.95) Pyramid 2004 BS Djoleto, A. Akos and the fire ghost. ISBN: 9964702086 19pp. col.ill. ($4.95/£2.95) Afram 1999 GH Dladla, M., Bond, K. Mboma. 48pp. 96c Ravan 1979 SA Dludla, V. Trapped in thunderhole. ISBN: 1869002628 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA
de Vincent, S., comp. The orphan calf and the magical cheetah. Cheetah poems, essays and illustrations by the Namibian people. 77pp. col.ill. ($13.75/£7.50) New Namibia 1996 SX
Doku, C.W., Amevor, D.K.H. Children’s delight. 18pp. ill. C1.80 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1973 GH
de Voss, P., Grobler, P. Carnival of the animals. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798138238 cd. 32pp. col.ill. R49.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Dee, A. Mindscapes of the nineties. ISBN: 1919721770 41pp. R45.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Donvé, K. Modjadji, the rain queen. [Also available in Xhosa, Zulu] 16pp. col.ill. R20.35 New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA Doolan, G. Go Prince Thabo go. 32pp. col.ill. (£4.50) Ravan 1997 SA Doolan, G. Prince Thabo becomes a star. 32pp. col.ill. (£4.50) Ravan 1997 SA
Deguffè, L. Korkoro boy. ISBN: 1931253277 45pp. col.ill. ($12.00) Shama 2005 ET
Doolan, G. Prince Thabo’s big test. 32pp. col.ill. (£4.50) Ravan 1997 SA
del Amo, M. The Nile’s embrace. new ed. ISBN: 9966882057 137pp. col.ill.pl. ($3.50) Focus 2003 KE
Doolan, G. Prince Thabo’s calling. 32pp. col.ill. (£4.50) Ravan 1997 SA
del Klopper, C. The rain dance. [Also available in Herero, Silozi, Kwanyama, Rumanyo, Timbukushu, German, Rukwangali, Oshindonga, Khoekhoegowab and Afrikaans.] ISBN: 9991622748 16pp. col.ill. Out of Africa - Namibia 2003 SX Delannoie, J. The adventures of Themba and Bizza. Bizza’s revenge. ISBN: 0620302496 36pp. col.ill. R83.95 Mthombothi 2003 SA Delannoie, J. The adventures of Themba and Bizza. The enchanted country. ISBN: 0620294841 36pp. col.ill. R83.95 Mthombothi 2003 SA Delannoie, J. The adventures of Themba and Bizza. The golden sceptre. ISBN: 0620315903 36pp. col.ill. R83.95 Mthombothi 2004 SA
Davis, J. Children in Etosha. Gamsberg 1996 SX
Delannoie, J. The adventures of Themba and Bizza. The seven Mthombothi beads. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 062028353X 36pp. col.ill. R83.95 Mthombothi 2002 SA
Davis, J. Monyenane. 28pp. ill. R23.00 Gamsberg 1992 SX
Denis, M. The rain dance. 32pp. col.ill. Z$39.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI
de Villiers, T., Walton, A. Don’t scratch. ISBN: 0636046532 32pp. col.ill. R30.19 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Davis The stolen water and other stories. 84pp. col.ill. ($13.75/£7.50) New Namibia 4993 SX 58pp. col.ill.map
Delannoie, J., Delannoie, J., Moles, J. The adventures of Themba and Bizza. The flight of the princess. ISBN: 0620340827 36pp. col.ill. R83.95 Mthombothi 2005 SA
du Plessis, C. Poems on nature. ISBN: 1919721525 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA du Toit, L.A. Kiki, Camoni, Chiara. Tafelberg 1994 SA
136pp. R29.95
Dube, P. Love, the chain of death. ISBN: 1869006763 56pp. R55.00 UmSinsi 2005 SA Durno, J. Eddie Ndlovu. 16pp. col.ill. R22.95 CUP-SA 1996 SA Eames, A. The adventures of cat, Emma and Duncan in the lost land. ISBN: 0797427422 212pp. col.ill. Textpertise 2003 ZI Early Learning Resource Unit Azhar. [Text in Sepedi, English, Zulu, Sesotho.] ISBN: 1870569275 36pp. pl. R22.00 ELRU 1999 SA MUL Early Learning Resource Unit Azhar. [Text in Xhosa, English, Tswana and Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1870569267 36pp. pl. R22.00 ELRU 1999 SA MUL
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature, African
Early Learning Resource Unit Koko. Koko. Knock. Knock. Qo. Qo. Qo. Koko. Koko. 40pp. col.pl. R18.00 ELRU 1997 SA MUL
Ekpa, A. Abo and the crocodile. ISBN: 978142043x 48pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00/ £0.75) Literamed 1999 NR
El Fotouh, N.A. Little hind. [Book and audio cassette.] ISBN: 9775040534 cd. 32pp. col.ill. E£150.00 box of 9 stories Elias 2002 UA
Early Learning Resource Unit The matchbox library. 30pp. col.ill. R40.00 ELRU 1997[?] SA MUL
Ekpa, A. Cathy and the chase, and The flight of Ekute. ISBN: 9781424257 52pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2001 NR
El Fotouh, N.A. My donkey lost its tail. [Book and audio cassette.] ISBN: 9773040569 cd. 32pp. col.ill. E£150.00 box of 9 stories Elias 2002 UA
Early Learning Resource Unit Nkqo. Nkqo. Knock. Knock. Tok. Tok. Tok. Koko. Koko. 40pp. col.pl. R18.00 ELRU 1997 SA MUL Ebiringa, C. God answers Okey’s prayer and, The great fight. ISBN: 9781422505 76pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2001 NR Eboh, B. Learn about taste. 16pp. ill. Fourth Dimension 1991 NR Eboh, B. What makes a plant grow? 18pp. ill. Fourth Dimension 1991 NR Economou, M. That rude tornado. ISBN: 1869000188 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA EDICEF Citronella. [Also available in Afrikaans, Zulu, Xhosa, Sesotho.] ISBN: 1919876081 32pp. ill. R24.00 EDICEF 2001 CD FRE EDICEF The lost shell. [Also available in Afrikaans, Zulu, Xhosa, Sesotho.] ISBN: 1919876154 32pp. ill. R24.00 EDICEF 2001 CD EDICEF Louba, the little soccer player. [Also available in Afrikaans, Zulu, Xhosa, Sesotho.] ISBN: 191987609X 32pp. ill. R24.00 EDICEF 2001 CD EDICEF Nana and the caterpillar. [Also available in Afrikaans, Zulu, Xhosa, Sesotho.] ISBN: 191987612X 32pp. ill. R24.00 EDICEF 2001 CD EDICEF When I grow up. [Also available in Afrikaans, Zulu, Xhosa, Sesotho.] ISBN: 1919876111 32pp. ill. R24.00 EDICEF 2001 CD EDICEF Why am I not in the photographs? [Also available in Afrikaans, Zulu, Xhosa, Sesotho.] ISBN: 1919876103 32pp. ill. R24.00 EDICEF 2001 CD Editions CLE Ambiguous freedom. 24pp. ill. CFA1,500 CLE 2003 CM Editions CLE Family conflict. CLE 2003 CM Editions CLE Torn apart. 2003 CM
24pp. ill. CFA1,500
24pp. il. CFA1,500 CLE
Editions Sherpa Portrait. Concours littéraire 2001. [Text in English and French.] ISBN: 9956290002 45pp. ill. CFA2,000 Sherpa 2001 CM MUL Edwards-Tack, A. Ngoni’s dream and other stories. ill. Z$2.26 ZPH 1984 ZI
Edwards, C. Pookie’s tale. 20pp. col.ill. ($5.50/£2.95) Baobab - Zimb 1994 ZI Egbe, J. Musa the market boy. 64pp. ill. ($7.00) Univ Press - Nig 1983 NR Egblewogbe, E.Y. The reward. 24pp. C250.00 Adwinsa 1988 GH Egwuda, C.E.O. The slave and the crown. ISBN: 9781420693 83pp. col.ill. N120.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2001 NR
Ekpa, A. Edidem Eyamba and the Edikang-Ikong soup. 88pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00/£0.75) Literamed 1996 NR Ekpa, A. Tortoise and the animal kingdom. ISBN: 9781424095 60pp. N100.00 ill. ($1.00) Literamed 2001 NR Ekpa, A., Dagogo, F. God sends Mfon a bird, and Ebiere and the snake pillow. ISBN: 9781420030 52pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 1998 NR Ekuka, G. Okot the unkind rainmaker. (Our heritage, 6A) ISBN: 9970020250 14pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.75) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Ekwensi, C. The boa suitor. 56pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1990 KE [East Africa only] Ekwensi, C. Coal camp boy. (English supp. readers, 2) 64pp. col. ill. 62k Longman - Nig 1973 NR Ekwensi, C. The drummer boy. new ed. 87pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1991 KE [East Africa only] Ekwensi, C. Gone to Mecca. 56pp. ill. N95.95 ($6.95/£3.75) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1992 NR Ekwensi, C. The great elephant bird. 68pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1990 KE [East Africa only] Ekwensi, C. Juju rock adventure. new ed. 110pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1990 KE [Kenya only] Ekwensi, C. The motherless baby. new ed. 96pp. K.shs.125.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1990 KE [East Africa only] Ekwensi, C. The passport of Mallam Ilia. new ed. 80pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1990 KE [Kenya only. Also published in Nigeria by Heinemann Educational Books] Ekwensi, C. The rainmaker and other stories. (African Reader’s Library, 6) 78pp. ill. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1990 KE [Kenya only] Ekwensi, C. Samankwe in the strange forest. ill. Longman - Nig 1981 NR Ekwensi, C. Tortoise and the brown monkey. N120.00 Literamed 2001 NR
Ekwensi, C. Trouble in form 6. 80pp. N110.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1966 NR El Bissati, M. On the brink. trans. f.t. Arabic by Denys Johnson-Davies 64pp. E£3.00 ($1.95) Am Univ 1997 UA [Middle East only] El Fotouh, N.A. The city of straw. [Book and audio cassette.] ISBN: 9775040577 cd. 32pp. col.ill. E£150.00 box of 9 stories Elias 2002 UA El Fotouh, N.A. The duck’s bag. [Book and audio cassette.] ISBN: 9773040585 cd. 32pp. col.ill. E£150.00 box of 9 stories Elias 2002 UA
El Fotouh, N.A. Naughty little dog. [Book and audio cassette.] ISBN: 9775040526 cd. 32pp. col.ill. E£150.00 box of 9 stories Elias 2002 UA El Fotouh, N.A. The princess’ gift. [Book and audio cassette.] ISBN: 9773040542 cd. 32pp. col.ill. E£150.00 box of 9 stories Elias 2002 UA El Fotouh, N.A. The secret of the white stone. [Book and audio cassette.] ISBN: 9775040550 cd. 32pp. col.ill. E£150.00 box of 9 stories Elias 2002 UA El Fotouh, N.A. The seller of marvels. [Book and audio cassette.] ISBN: 9775040518 cd. 32pp. col.ill. E£150.00 box of 9 stories Elias 2002 UA El Fotouh, N.A. Three hiding chickens. [Book and audio cassette.] ISBN: 977504050X cd. 32pp. col.ill. E£150.00 box of 9 stories Elias 2002 UA Elam, A. Classic nursery rhymes. ISBN: 9781426675 72pp. col.ill. N500.00 ($5.00) Literamed 2004 NR Elaturoti, D.F. Animal tales for children. 52pp. ill. ($4.00/£2.20) Univ Press - Nig 1993 NR Elliot, G. The hunter’s cave. New 174pp. ill. R5.95 Macmillan - SA 1981 SA Elliot, G. The long grass whispers. 132pp. ill. R4.95 Macmillan - SA 1981 SA Elliot, G. The singing chameleon. New 168pp. ill. R5.95 Macmillan - SA 1981 SA Elliot, G. Where the leopard passes. New 134pp. ill. R4.95 Macmillan - SA 1981 SA Ellison, A.M. Musapa and the giant tortoise. 16pp. ill. Z$2.95 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Ellison, A.M. Musapa and the old walls of silent stone. 24pp. ill. col.ill. Z$1.50 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Ellison, A.M. Musapa finds Gobvu. 32pp. ill. Z$1.50 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Ellison, A.M. Musapa finds the rainmaker. 32pp. ill. col.ill. Z$1.50 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Elwell, H. Jabu the traveller. ISBN: 1779003803 33pp. Z$113.95 ($2.85) College Press Zimb 2000 ZI Elwell, H. Runyararo road. 80pp. ill. ($43.95) College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI Elwell, H. Tongai the detective. 32pp. Z$49.95 ($2.00/£1.15) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI Elwell, H. Tongai the magician. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1779003382 28pp. ill. Z$70.00 ($2.00) College Press -Zimb 1999 ZI Elwell, H. Tongai, the policeman. 32pp. Z$49.95 ($2.00/£1.15) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Children’s literature, African
Subject index
Elwell, H. Tongai, the prisoner. 32pp. ($3.40) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI
Fagbamigbe, M.E. Understanding my stories. 46pp. N150.00 Fagbamigbe 2000[?] NR
Ema, E. The smart cat and the foolish cow. A satire and a fable. 26pp. ill. ($4.95/ £2.75) Fourth Dimension 1991 NR
Fargas, M. Les rats du musée. Bande dessinée. [comic strip.] 18pp. ill. CFA3,000 CICBA 1999 GO FRE
Emenyonu, E. Uzo and his father. ISBN: 9781293128 62pp. ill. ($3.95/£1.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 2000 NR
Farmer, N. The eye, the ear and the arm. 160pp. Z$68.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI
Emenyonu, E.N. Uzo remembers his father. 27pp. ill. N92.70 ($4.00/£2.25) Heinemann Educ Ib 1992 NR Emmanual, M. Shelly and the vase. ISBN: 1869000854 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Enahoro, H. Tales of tortoise and lion. 29pp. K.shs.115.00 EAEP 1994 KE Engelbreght, H. Mabue of the red dunes. ISBN: 0636059626 24pp. ill. R30.19 Maskew Miller Longman 2004 SA Englebrecht, J. Brian gets his special powers. ISBN: 186900020X 16pp. R30.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Enin, T.Y. The revenge of Kwagyam-Mirefi Adowa. 24pp. C250.00 Adwinsa 1987 GH Enwonwu, C. Tortoise goes to town. 61pp. ill. N94.20 ($5.75/£3.25) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1992 NR
Farmer, N. The warm place. 176pp. Z$71.95 ($4.80) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI Farrell, P. The flame tree market. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966470115 20pp. K.shs.80.00 Phoenix 2000 KE Farrell, P. Jessica. 120pp. K.shs.120.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1997 KE Farrell, P. Jessica the mountain slayer. 92pp. Z$55.10 ($7.50/£3.95) ZPH 1995 ZI Faulkner, K. Caterpillar’s dream. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798143312 cd. 16pp. col.ill. R79.95 Human and Rousseau 2003 SA Faulkner, K. What are you? A surprise pop-up book. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798141727 cd. 16pp. col.pl. R69.95 Human and Rousseau 2002 SA Fayemi, F. Master Krafty book of alphabet. ill. N5.00 Literamed 1986 NR
Enwonwu, C. Tortoise in exile. 76pp. ill. N115.20 ($5.75/£3.25) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1992 NR
Fernley, J. The saddest girl on earth. ISBN: 1919721843 16pp. col.ill. R45.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Enwonwu, C. Tortoise returns to the woods. 58pp. ill. N99,20 ($5.75/£3.25) Heinemann Educ Ib 1992 NR
Finlayson, R., comp. Imibono yethu. [Stories, dramas, poems in Xhosa and Zulu.] ISBN: 1868882349 120pp. R43.00 ($7.20/£4.60) Unisa 2002 SA MUL
Erlwanger, B. Monkey girl and other stories. 68pp. Z$3.50 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Erlwanger, B. A problem for Cathy. 68pp. Z$6.50 Longman - Zimb 1990 ZI Erlwanger, B.B. Tales from Kasama. ISBN: 998230108X 80pp. ill. ($8.95/£4.95) Multimedia 2000 ZA Essien, A. The adventure of Akpan Akan Uto. ISBN: 978142186x 56pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00/£0.75) Literamed 1998 NR Etokakpan, E. Force of superstition. 94pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1970 NR Etoori, D. Hippo and his family. ISBN: 9970022318 30pp. ill. ($8.95/£4.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2000 UG Etoori, D. The mlimbolimbo tree. ISBN: 9970021729 26pp. ill. ($8.95/£4.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2000 UG Ezeigbo, A. Alani the troublemaker and other stories. ISBN: 9781426500 120pp. N150.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2003 NR Ezeobi, T. Come to school. Nig 1979 NR
32pp. ill. Longman -
Ezike, P.U. Illustrated rhymes for children. 47pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.75) Malthouse 1996 NR Fadahunsi, A.A. Asabi the village girl. ISBN: 9780305599 31pp. ($7.00) Univ Press - Nig 1998 NR Fafunwa, B. Ibohayo - the story of a Nigerian boy. 31pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1988 NR
Fitter, R.S., Masoabi, M.M. My fun book of Lesotho. 72pp. R20.00 ($6.00) Morija Museum 1996 LO Floyer, E. The tortoise in the stream. (New Oxford supp. reader grade 3, 6) 16pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1970 NR Folarin, A., Folarin, M. The king of frogs. ISBN: 9780293280 23pp. N540.00 Spectrum 2001 NR Folarin, A., Folarin, M. The three birds from Olongo. ISBN: 9780293329 22pp. N540.00 Spectrum 2001 NR Ford, F. The deaf driver. 2nd ed. 40pp. ill. Z$70.00 ($2.00) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI Ford, F. The lost calf. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1779003390 40pp. ill. Z$70.00 ($2.00) College Press -Zimb 1999 ZI Ford, J. Drugs are for mugs. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798143657 R39.95 Human and Rousseau 2003 SA Ford, J. Goat expectations. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0978138602 64pp. R24.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Ford, J. The harbour adventure. 56pp. R24.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA Ford, J. Hello Jesus. 1996 ZI
81pp. ($12.40) Mambo
Ford, J. The Kalk Bay adventure. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 56pp. R22.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA
Ford, J. Vuyo to the rescue. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0978138580 64pp. R24.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Forrester, V. The kingdom about the earth. 102pp. R28.75 Heinemann-EdSA 1994 SA Fourie, C. Ganekwane and the green dragon. [Also available in Afrikaans.] cd. 64pp. ill. R29.95 Human and Rousseau 1992 SA Fourie, C. Tintinyane, the girl who sang like a magic bird. col.ill. R34.95 Human and Rousseau 1990 SA Frances, D. A journey to find treasure. ISBN: 1869002350 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Frances, K. The green thing. ISBN: 1869002385 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Frederikse, J. The diary without a key. 196pp. ill. R29.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1994 SA Frederikse, J. Helen Joseph. 60pp. R19.95 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA Fregona, T. The fairy without wings. ISBN: 1869002210 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Fregona, T. Ghost ship. ISBN: 1869002598 14pp. R25.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Fugard, A. Master Harold and the boys. R74.99 OUP - SA 1993 SA Fugard, A. People are living there. OUP - SA 1983 SA
104pp. R74.99
Fulani, D. The fearless four. 52pp. K.shs.125.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1997 KE [East Africa only] Fulani, D. The fearless four hijack. 52pp. K.shs.125.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1997 KE [East Africa only] Fulani, D., Kirby, P. Janjo and Shika and the battle for Mombasa. 48pp. col.ill. ($12.95/£7.99) Jacaranda 1995 KE Fullalove, J. January’s new year. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046109 12pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Fullalove, J., Tlaka, M.M. With love from Mom. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046516 24pp. ill. R26.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Fuller, C. The walking talking tree. ISBN: 1869000234 7pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Fyvie, K. Poems. ISBN: 1869002687 11pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2001 SA Gakuo, K., Cuthbert, V., Mbure, S. Beneath the rainbow: a collection of children’s stories and poems from Kenya. vol.1 48pp. col.ill. ($9.95) K.shs.175.00 Jacaranda 1992 KE Garisch, D. Not another love story. 136pp. R32.15 Heinemann-EdSA 1994 SA Garisch, D. Stoning the tree. 92pp. R28.75 Heinemann-EdSA 1995 SA Garnier, L. The giant’s garden. ISBN: 1869000676 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature, African
Gbado, B. Beautiful Deb. [Also available in Afrikaans, Zulu, Xhosa, Sesotho, Setswana.] ISBN: 1919876138 32pp. ill. R24.00 EDICEF 2001 CD Gerber, D. Captain Zero. ISBN: 1869000889 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Ghana National Association of Teachers The Danso family. 12pp. ill. (£1.20) Sedco 1982 GH Ghana National Association of Teachers Mansa and Asana. 28pp. ill. (£1.20) Sedco 1988 GH Gichuki, C. Hollow bridges. ISBN: 9966882987 121pp. col.ill.pl. ($5.00) Focus 2004 KE Gichuki, C. A punch on the face. ISBN: 9966882618 50pp. col.ill.pl. ($2.50) Focus 2001 KE Gichuki, C. The race of your life. ISBN: 996688260X 70pp. col.ill.pl. ($2.50) Focus 2000 KE Gichuki, C. Shadows in the mist. ISBN: 9966882995 171pp. col.ill.pl. ($5.00) Focus 2004 KE Gichuru, S. The fly whisk. 72pp. ill. K.shs.90.00 ($3.00) Phoenix 1988 KE Gigaba, V. Youth pressures. ISBN: 186900678X 60pp. R60.00 UmSinsi 2005 SA
Govender, C. The magical cat and other poems. ISBN: 186900065X 8pp. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Grobler, P. The rainbow birds. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046206 16pp. ill. R25.13 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Govender, T. My family. ISBN: 1919721983 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Groenewald, A., et al. Buzz sends messages. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1869030281 144pp. col.ill. R21.02 Gariep 1999 SA
Govindasamy, K. Feelings. ISBN: 186900244X 104pp. R75.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Govindasamy, K. The myth. ISBN: 1869002318 104pp. R75.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Govindasamy, K. Substitute friend. ISBN: 186900079X 24pp. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Govindsamy, K. Feelings. ISBN: 186900244X 101pp. R51.00 ($6.00/£4.50) UmSinsi 2001 SA Gqibitole, A., Taylor, N. Fun and adventure on the farm. (Childrens Book series, 1) 32pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.75) R6.95. Skotaville 1988 SA Graham, C. The slave raid that failed. 55pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1966 NR Grant, T. The little rascals. ISBN: 1869000943 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Greathead, F. Thami and Thandi. Tafelberg 1996 SA
64pp. ill. R34.95
Gitanguthi, G., Ndwiga, N. The wrong path. 63pp. K.shs.134.00 OUP - Nairobi 1987 KE
Greaves, N. When bat was a bird and other tales from Africa. ISBN: 1868729982 144pp. col.ill. ($12.95) Struik Publ 2004 SA
Gnahoré, Z.F. Come back and other stories. ISBN: 2909238960 87pp. ill. CFA1,800 (Eur5.00) EDILIS 2000 IV FRE
Greaves, N. When elephant was king. 144pp. col.pl. R59.95 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA [South Africa only]
Gnahoré, Z.F. The hat from the train and, football at school. ISBN: 2909238954 87pp. ill. CFA1,800 (Eur5.00) EDILIS 2000 IV
Greaves, N. When hippo was hairy. 144pp. col.pl. R59.95 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA [South Africa only]
Gnahoré, Z.F. Taloua. ISBN: 2909238970 80pp. ill. CFA1,800 (Eur5.00) EDILIS 2000 IV MUL
Greaves, N. When lion could fly. 144pp. col.ill. R59.95 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA [South Africa only]
Gonza, O. The cruel burden. Phoenix 1990 KE
Green, C. Paul visits the police station. ISBN: 1869000706 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
K.shs.100.00 ($3.00)
Goodrick, J. The pink pineapple. ISBN: 0868103683 27pp. col.ill. Pineapple 2000 SA Goosen, F. Rantuu and the donkey thieves. [Also available in Afrikaans.] col.ill. R24.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Gordon, M. Ikhubalo lika Madiba - nguni. [Text in Afrikaans, English, Zulu.] ISBN: 0624042405 144pp. col.ill. R169.95 Tafelberg 2002 SA MUL Gordon, M. Madiba magic. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624040739 144pp. col.ill. R169.95 Tafelberg 2002 SA Gordon, V. The adventure of Ngondo, Mungai and Wangari. K.shs.9.60pp. ($2.45/95p.) Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE
Gregorowski, C. Fly, eagle fly. ISBN: 9780293426 32pp. N900.00 Spectrum 2001 NR Gregorowski, C. Fly eagle fly. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 062403930X 32pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA Greyling, J. Having fun with a book of poems. ISBN: 1869000102 10pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Grimsdell, J. Kalinzu and the oxpeckers. ISBN: 1919888098 28pp. col.ill. R65.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA [Southern Africa only] Grizic, M. Heroine. ISBN: 1869002296 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA
Gorman, G. Bahoo the bouncing baboon. ISBN: 1919721673 24pp. col.ill. R55.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Grobler, M. Lulama’s magic blanket. ISBN: 0624035921 cd. 32pp. col.ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA
Gorman, G. The cat witches of Stinkfeet. ISBN: 191972172X 147pp. ill. R115.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Grobler, M. Musa’s journey. [Also available in Xhosa and Zulu.] ISBN: 0624035913 cd. 32pp. col.ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA
Gorman, G. The dog who lost its bark. ISBN: 1919721711 32pp. col.ill. R65.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Grobler, P. Please frog, just one sip. trans.f.t. Afrikaans by Kobus Geldenhuys ISBN: 0798142634 24pp. col.ill. Human and Rousseau 2002 SA
Groenewald, A., et al. Yoli makes a plan. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1869030346 150pp. col.ill. R21.02 Gariep 2000 SA Gule, N.M., Saville, P. Who big, brown egg? ISBN: 0636048071 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Gumede, S. The adventures of Babe. ISBN: 1869000404 8pp. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Gungah Damyanti and the treasure hunt. 64pp. ($6.95/£3.95) Océan Indien Ed 1986 MF Gutu, L. Shumba and the he-goat. Z$2.75 Mambo 1978 ZI
30pp. pl.
Gwazube, F., Khumalo, L., Pantsi, L., Yako, N. Crocodile’s sore tooth. 16pp. col.ill. R22.95 CUP-SA 1996 SA Haarhof, D., Jewiss, C. Space racer. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046656 32pp. ill. R29.70 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Haarhoff, D. Desert December. Philip 1991 SA
32pp. col.ill. R36.99
Haarhoff, D. Desert December reader. R31.49 Philip 1995 SA
48pp. ill.
Haarhoff, D. Legs, bones and eyes. A children’s trilogy. 31pp. ill. ($5.50/£2.95) New Namibia 1994 SX [Namibia only] Haarhoff, D. Water from the rock. 24pp. ill. ($4.00/ £2.25) New Namibia 1992 SX Haden, R., Prins, A. Dear Nkosi ... this is Sam. ISBN: 0636065723 48pp. col.ill. R39.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2005 SA Hall, M. Slaves, rings and rubbish. 115pp. ill. R42.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1995 SA Hanson, B.J. Imaginings and sensations. 201pp. Z$15.00 Lit Bur - Zimb 1993 ZI Hanson, J.O. de G. Amanfi’s gold. 133pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Ghana UP 1996 GH Hare, J. The fearless four and the graveyard ghost. 90pp. ill. R34.95 Penguin SA 1996 SA Hare, J. The fearless four and the smugglers. 94pp. ill. R34.95 Penguin SA 1996 SA Hargreaves, C. Kim. ISBN: 1869000609 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Harper, T. The angel who had no wings. ISBN: 1869000021 10pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Harris, W. Just my luck. ISBN: 186900034X 7pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Hartmann, W. All the magic in the world. ISBN: 1919888047 24pp. col.ill. R52.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA [No UK, EC] Hartmann, W. The black dog. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 48pp. R24.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Children’s literature, African
Subject index
Hartmann, W. Voices in the dark. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 48pp. R24.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Hartmann, W., de Villiers, T. Brother monster, 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046540 16pp. col.ill. R23.98 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Hartmann, W., Hornsey, S. Cats. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046419 12pp. col.ill. R23.98 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Harvey, A., ed. Faces in a crowd: poems about people. R26.98 Penguin SA SA Hauptfleisch, A-M. Roller-coaster. 116pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1994 SA Heale, J. African animal tales. ISBN: 1868727041 96pp. col.ill. R85.95 Struik Publ 2001 SA Heale, J. The best of Bookchat. Bookchat-SA 1997 SA
32pp. ill. R20.00
Heale, J., Busse, A. Not guilty. 2nd ed. ISBN: 063604663X 32pp. ill. R29.70 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Heale, J., comp. Storyland. [Stories by 22 South African authors of children’s books.] 160pp. ill. R39.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA Heale, J., Stewart, D. African myths and legends. ISBN: 186872705X 96pp. col.ill. R85.95 Struik Publ 2001 SA Heale, J., Watson, G. The boy who wanted to be famous. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046095 32pp. col.ill. R29.70 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Healy, M. Mojo the street boy. 144pp. K.shs.100.00 ($2.00) Paulines 1997 KE Heese, H. The sound of awakening. 2nd ed. 120pp. R32.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Hepker, S. Baby monkey’s bananas. [Story introduces subtraction and division.] 16pp. col.ill. R22.95 CUP-SA 1996 SA Hepker, S. Cheese. Yummy cheese. [Story introduces counting and size order.] 16pp. col.ill. R22.95 CUP-SA 1996 SA Hepker, S. A long way to Baba. [Story introduces the concepts of time, distance and speed.] 16pp. R22.95 CUP-SA 1996 SA Herbert, B. The will of hope. ISBN: 9781422262 90pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2002 NR Hichens, R. Everybody helps. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046435 12pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Hill, R. Child in darkness. 19th ed. 88pp. R29.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Hill, R. Forever in the land. Tafelberg 1991 SA
120pp. R34.95
Hlabangane, J. How the crocodile got its scales. 1919721746 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Hlabangane, J. Samson’s surprise. ISBN: 1919721193 14pp. col.ill. R20.00 ($3.00/£2.00) UmSinsi 1997 SA Hlabangane, J. The story of the alphabet. ISBN: 1919721827 10pp. col.ill. R20.00 ($3.00/ £2.00) UmSinsi 1998 SA
Hoath, R. Egyptian spring. 64pp. E£3.00 ($1.95) Am Univ 1997 UA Hobbs, J. Video dreams. 185pp. R26.00 Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA Hodson, C. Lizo’s song. SA 1996 SA
16pp. col.ill. R22.95 CUP-
House, C., Snaddon-Wood, J. Hanan the peanut seller. ISBN: 0636064190 32pp. ill. R34.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2004 SA House, C., Snaddon-Wood, J., Ahlschlager, K. Nyaminyami and the Kariba Dam. ISBN: 0636048616 32pp. ill. R33.43 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Hofmeyer, D. The magical mulberry blanket. 32pp. col.ill. R24.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA
House, C., Van Riet, S. Granny works too hard. ISBN: 0636052281 16pp. ill. R25.13 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA
Hofmeyr, D. Blue train to the moon. 94pp. R21.04 Maskew Miller Longman 1993 SA
House, J. Ivory at midnight. 135pp. Z$66.95 College Press -Zimb 1991 ZI
Hofmeyr, D. Boikie, you better believe it. 2nd ed. 136pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA
House, J. The two that got away. ISBN: 177900379X 81pp. Z$122.95 ($3.07) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI
Hofmeyr, D. Hic...hic...hiccups. CUP-SA 1996 SA
16pp. col.ill. R22.95
Hofmeyr, D. Mama Mabena’s magic. [Story introduces shapes and colour.] 16pp. col.ill. R22.95 CUP-SA 1996 SA Hofmeyr, D. A sudden summer. 4th ed. 80pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Hofmeyr, D. The waterbearer. ISBN: 062403982X 128pp. R49.95 Tafelberg 2002 SA Hofmeyr, D. When whales go free. new ed. 136pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA Hofmeyr, D. The yellow balloon. Tafelberg 1993 SA
32pp. R24.95
Hofmeyr, D., Daniel, G. Lights off Cape Town. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636047725 16pp. ill. R23.50 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Hofmeyr, D., Fullalove, J., Riley, A. Ship of secrets. ISBN: 0636064352 32pp. ill.pl. R39.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2005 SA Holden, I. The peace star. 1997 SA
32pp. R34.95 Tafelberg
Holden, I. The peace star/Naledi ya Kagiso. [Text in English and Setswana.] col.ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA MUL Holden, I., Pienaar, K. The peace star/INkanyezei Yoxolo. [Text in English and Zulu.] col.ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA MUL Holden, I., Pienaar, K. The peace star/INkwenkwezi yoXolo. [Text in English and Xhosa.] col.ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA MUL Holden, I., Pienaar, K. The peace star/Naledi ya khutso. [Text in English and Sepedi.] col.ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA MUL Holleman, M. Chameleon’s clever trick. 16pp. col.ill. R22.95 CUP-SA 1996 SA Holloway, M. Chloe’s granny. [Also available in Afrikaans] 32pp. col.ill. R29.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA Hood, D. The confused zebra. 32pp. col.ill. R37.95 ($7.00/£5.00) Gecko - SA 1997 SA
Hoveka, H., Midgeley, P. Vusi’s long wait. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046168 28pp. ill. R26.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Hoveka, H., Mntubu, S. Mekuta’s sons. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046559 16pp. ill. R23.71 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Hoveka, H., Rowley, M. The necklace. 2nd ed. ISBN: 063604646X 32pp. ill. R29.70 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Howes, C., Muller, Y. Maria. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636045994 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Howes, C., Stuart, L. Lost at the zoo. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636045897 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Hozo, G. Tapiwa and the black devil gang. ill. ($5.40) Mambo 1987 ZI
Hozo, G. Tapiwa and the computer wizard. ($4.90) Mambo 1991 ZI
Hozo, G. Tapiwa and the escaped prisoners. 104pp. ($5.80) Mambo 1993 ZI Hozo, G. Tapiwa and the kidnappers. ($4.60) Mambo 1982 ZI
Hufke, J. The Indian who could play soccer. ISBN: 1869000838 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Hughes, J.O., Agyeman, K.F. The tortoise and the Zomo the rabbit. 31pp. ill. Fab 1993 NR Huisman, M. Mustard city. ISBN: 191972170X 32pp. col.ill. R65.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Hully, L. Lucky people. ISBN: 1869000897 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Humavindu, J. Mbano, la chauve souris/Mbano the bat. [Text in English and French.] ISBN: 9991601657 16pp. ill. Gamsberg 1998 SX MUL Hunter, C. Anna the air hostess. 109pp. ill. K.shs.120.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1989 KE Hunter, C. Pamela the probation officer. 144pp. ill. K.shs.160.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1989 KE
Horizon Books The bright spark puzzle book. 40pp. ill. K.shs.79.50 Horizon 1990 KE
Hunter, C. The speck of gold. 52pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1988 KE
Horne, C. Which way, what to? ISBN: 186900230X 36pp. col.ill. R60.00 UmSinsi 2001 SA
Hunter, C. Truphena, city nurse. 117pp. ill. K.shs.120.00 ($3.50) Phoenix 1988 KE
Hough, B. My cat turns autumn. SA SA
Hunter, C. Truphena, student nurse. 123pp. ill. K.shs.120.00 ($3.50) Phoenix 1988 KE
R26.98 Penguin
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 130
African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature, African
Hunter, C. The vanishing potatoes. K.shs.60.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1992 KE Hurrell, A. Timoti and the chameleon. 32pp. col.ill. Z$39.95 ($4.95) College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI Hurrell, A.E. The magic stick and other stories. 32pp. Z$43.95 ($3.70) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI Hurst-Nicholson, J. Bheki and the magic light. 42pp. ill. R24.00 Penguin SA 1996 SA Hurst-Nicholson, J. Leon Chameleon PI and the case of the kidnapped mouse. 64pp. col.ill. R32.99 ($12.50/£3.99) Gecko - SA 1995 SA Hurst-Nicholson, J. Leon Chameleon PI and the case of the missing canary eggs. ill. R32.99 Gecko - SA 1995 SA Hurst, R. At the showground. ISBN: 0915729080 24pp. col.ill. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1998 KE Hurst, R. The big, big town. ISBN: 0915729021 16pp. col.ill. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1998 KE Hurst, R. Goat matata. ISBN: 0915729013 16pp. col.ill. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1998 KE Hurst, R. The greedy hyena. ISBN: 0915728998 16pp. col.ill. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1998 KE Hurst, R. Lost shorts. ISBN: 0915729056 16pp. col.ill. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1998 KE Hurst, R. Manga goes to school. ISBN: 0915729005 16pp. col.ill. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1998 KE Hurst, R. Mateno and Makumi. ISBN: 0915729072 24pp. col.ill. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1998 KE Hurst, R. The muddy, muddy wedding. ISBN: 0915729099 24pp. col.ill. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1998 KE Hurst, R. Seven little chicks. ISBN: 019572898X 16pp. col.ill. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1998 KE Hurst, R. Sipoi and the ogre. ISBN: 091572903X 16pp. col.ill. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1998 KE Hurst, R. Sorry, mother. ISBN: 0915729048 16pp. col.ill. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1998 KE Hurst, R. Stars in the air. ISBN: 0915729064 24pp. col.ill. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1998 KE Ibongia, J.M., Dobrin, L.M. The magic stone. 40pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1989 KE Ifaturoti, T. Akin’s holiday. 1981 NR
64pp. ill. Fagbamigbe
Ifezulike, C. Chima laughs last. ISBN: 9781422181 62pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2004[?] NR Ifezulike, C. One good turn... ISBN: 9781422343 74pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2002 NR
Ifoegbuna, I. Folake and her four brothers. 2nd ed. ISBN: 978142169X 36pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2003 NR
Jackson, D. The moon and the turtles. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046133 24pp. ill. R27.42 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Ifoegbuna, I. A king without a kingdom, and, Elephant’s bag of tricks. ISBN: 9781424516 77pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2003 NR
Jackson, D., Llewellyn, S. The cheetah’s tears. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046915 24pp. col.ill. R26.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Ifoegbuna, I. Letter from Sybil. ISBN: 9781420376 54pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00/£0.75) Literamed 2000 NR
Jebraj, S. Hope. ISBN: 1869006860 16pp. R25.00 UmSinsi 2005 SA
Ifoegbuna, I. A man for all seasons. ISBN: 9781422432 150pp. N200.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2003 NR Ifoegbuna, I. Obinna’s advice. ISBN: 9781425865 58pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2003 NR Ifoegbuna, I. Waiting for the Messiah. ISBN: 9781424338 55pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2001 NR Igun, M. The day school began. ISBN: 9780308601 39pp. ($25.40) Univ Press Nig 2003 NR Ikede, J. Jennie the dog. 27pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.75) New Horn 1988 NR Ikonne, C., Oko, E., Onwudinjo, P., eds. Children and literature in Africa. 219pp. N452.75 ($30.00/£16.75) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1992 NR Imbuga, F. Kagai and her brothers. 51pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1995 KE Imukat, D.P. Alira and the cannibals. 33pp. ill. ($4.00/ £2.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG Inyundo, J. Follow that footprint. 44pp. col.ill. K.shs.175.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1995 KE Inyundo, J. Honey brown and the bees. 48pp. ill. K.shs.145.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1995 KE Iroh, E. Without a silver spoon. 112pp. ill. N180.00 ($5.50/£2.95) Spectrum 1981 NR Iroh, E. Without a silver spoon in cartoon. 65pp. ill. N350.00 ($5.75/£3.25) Spectrum 1996 NR Irungu, D. The powerful magician. 40pp. ill. K.shs.60.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1988 KE Irvine, E., ed. Five women. 20pp. ill. 10t Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1974 MW Isoka, A.O. The girl who became chief. 40pp. K.shs.70.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1995 KE Iwuagwu, C. Uloma’s story. 31pp. ill. ($3.00/£1.75) Fourth Dimension 1992 NR
Jenkins, V. Sunrise reader: red book 1. 142pp. ill. Z$26.00 Longman - Zimb 1994 ZI Jenkins, V. Sunrise reader: red book 2. Longman - Zimb 1994 ZI
127pp. ill.
Jenkins, V. Sunrise reader: red book 3. 140pp. ill. Z$40.00 Longman - Zimb 1994 ZI Jermieson, A. Delmonico two o five. Tafelberg 1992 SA
132pp. R29.95
Jermieson, A. Rebecca’s horse. cd. 158pp. R49.95 Tafelberg 1988 SA Jeva, A. The naughty mouse. ISBN: 1869000552 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Jiiwah, C.A. The magic millet. ISBN: 9964702221 28pp. col.ill. ($4.95/£2.95) Afram 2000 GH Jjuuko, D.M. How lion became king. 19pp. ill. ($4.00/ £2.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1992 UG Joan & Jill Themba’s Christmas play. Mambo 1994 ZI
22pp. ($4.30)
Johannesson, B., et al. Diamonds and gold. 48pp. ill. R46.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1994 SA Johnston, H.A.S. The donkey and the hyena. (New Oxford supp. reader grade 3, 5) 48pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1967 NR Johnston, H.A.S. The squirrel and the lion. (New Oxford supp. reader grade 3, 6) 46pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1967 NR Jones, B. Dancing Baobabia. [Text in English combined with French, or Kiswahili, or Sesotho, or German, or Zulu.] cd. & 32pp. col.ill. R95.00 cd. R65.00 Ithemba 1997 SA MUL Jones, B. Moses the mighty miner. [Text in German-Zulu; also available in EnglishZulu, English-Xhosa, English-German.] 39pp. col.ill. R65.00 Ithemba 1996 SA MUL Jones, B. Utristani noThobe baya eGoli./Tristan and Thobe go to Jo’burg. [Text in English and Zulu.] 32pp. col.ill. R35.00 Ithemba 1994 SA MUL
Jacana Ntini’s Kruger activity book. ISBN: 1919931848 32pp. R34.95 (£3.00/$5.00) Jacana 2003 SA
Jones, B., Sikakane, S. UTristani noThobe baya esikoleni./Tristan and Thobe go to school. [Text in EnglishZulu; also available in Afrikaans-Sesotho, Afrikaans-Zulu, Afrikaans-Xhosa, EnglishSesotho, English-Xhosa.] 32pp. col.ill. R45.00 Ithemba 1995 SA MUL
Jacaranda Designs Beneath the rainbow. [Traditional stories.] vol.2 104pp. col. ill. ($14.95) Jacaranda 1994 KE
Jones, N., Hartmann, W. Patrick the pig. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046494 16pp. ill. R23.71 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Jacaranda Designs Legends of the Maasai. vol.3 72pp. ($15.95) Jacaranda 1994 KE
Jones, N., Stewart, D. The great escape. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046087 24pp. ill. R26.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Jacaranda Designs Mcheshi goes to the market. 2nd ed. 24pp. col.ill. K.shs.220.00 ($6.95/£4.59) Jacaranda 1992 KE MUL
Jones, N., Walton, A. Lying toad. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636047717 12pp. ill. R22.84 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Children’s literature, African
Subject index
Joubert, E. The four friends. 3rd ed. 80pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA
Kariuki, E.M. The irrigation puzzle. 28pp. pl. K.shs.110.00 Longhorn - Ken 1982 KE
Juta Publishers Mrs Lulu Langtree. ISBN: 0702148636 col.ill. R17.96 Juta 1999 SA
Kariuki, E.M. This country is my country. 35pp. ill. col.ill. K.shs.120.00 Longhorn - Ken 1981 KE
Kabambe, B. Hello children. 1994 MW
28pp. ill. (£1.00) Dzuka
Kabira, W., Karega, M., Nzioki, E., eds. Our secret lives. 125pp. K.shs.220.00 ($6.00) Phoenix 1991 KE Kabui, J. The coconut girl. 52pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1995 KE Kahn, R. Grandma’s hat. Philip 1989 SA
cd. 26pp. col.ill. R43.99
Kajee, F. Nightmares. ISBN: 1869000137 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Kakamba, N. Rurunga the orphan. 22pp. ill. ($4.00/ £2.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1993 UG Kalema, A.N. The bull with a calf. 24pp. ill. ($4.00/ £2.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1993 UG Kalokola, A. The roaring lion and other stories. ISBN: 9987671217 36pp. ill. T.shs.3,500 ($3.50) TEPU 2003 TZ Kalonde, K. Smiles round Africa. 32pp. ill. ($4.99/ £2.99) Sunrise 1996 MW Kamau, G.E.N. Adventures of Pongo and Uncle Talema. 61pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1994 KE Kamau, G.G.N. Little Wangui. 37pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1995 KE Kamau, G.N. How porcupine got his spines. ISBN: 9966251685 22pp. col.ill. ($13.95/£7.95) EAEP 2004 KE Kamau, G.N. Why beetles roll cowdung. ISBN: 9966251677 18pp. col.ill. ($13.95/£7.95) EAEP 2004 KE Kamkondo, D. Sivo and the cruel thief. Publ 1989 MW
47pp. Popular
Kamto, B. The man with an animal’s head. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 9956100072 24pp. col.ill. (Eur2.30) Akoma 2001 CM FRE Kamuli, E. Mwambu and the monster. 22pp. ill. ($4.00/£2.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1992 UG Karapan, C. Secrets in the journal. ISBN: 186900051X 10pp. ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Karega, M., Mwanzi, H., wa Mberia, K. The river without frogs. 118pp. ill. K.shs.120.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1989 KE Kariuki, E. Miraba and proud Vuno. ISBN: 9966470409 28pp. col.pl. K.shs.60.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1999 KE Kariuki, E. The Salem mystery. (EAEP secondary readers, 13) ISBN: 9966250252 136pp. ill. K.shs.245.00 ($8.95/£4.95) EAEP 2000 KE Kariuki, E.M. A car named Safari. 40pp. ill. K.shs.120.00 Longhorn - Ken 1981 KE Kariuki, E.M. The engine puzzle. 30pp. pl. K.shs.110.00 Longhorn - Ken 1982 KE Kariuki, E.M. The fire puzzle. 29pp. pl. K.shs.110.00 Longhorn - Ken 1982 KE
Kese-Amankwaa, B. The little honest girl. 13pp. ill. ($1.00/ 75p.) C10.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1983 GH Khan, N. Curious little Gilbert. ISBN: 1919721940 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Kariuki, E.M. The underground water puzzle. 29pp. pl. K.shs.110.00 Longhorn - Ken 1982 KE
Khanyile, K. Prince Rocky. ISBN: 0627022596 80pp. R49.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA
Kariuki, E.M. Ziki, my monkey boy. 30pp. ill. K.shs.120.00 Longhorn - Ken 1979 KE
Khatri, Y. Bunwas. ISBN: 9966498583 22pp. ill. Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE
Kasaven, K. Animal stories. ISBN: 1869002482 16pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA
Kiai, A. Koio and the dirty road. ISBN: 9966498532 28pp. ill. Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE
Kasinja, V. Joza. [Cartoon book.] Dzuka 1986 MW
122pp. ill. K2.65
Kassim, B.A. The ghosts of old barn’s castle. ISBN: 1869000412 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Kiai, A. Nana’s eyes. ISBN: 9966498540 30pp. ill. Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE Kibera, L.W. Children’s wisdom stories. Kenya Lit Bureau 1985 KE
73pp. ill.
Katz, K. My poems. ISBN: 1869000633 8pp. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Kibera, N. Lena and Dena. ISBN: 9966882227 60pp. col.ill.pl. ($3.00) Focus 2001 KE
Kavila, E. The three sons. 1989 KE
Kibera, N. Regi. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966882332 60pp. col.ill.pl. ($3.50) Focus 2001 KE
61pp. ill. ($3.00) Maillu
Kawegere, F. Inspector Rajabu investigates. 36pp. ill. K.shs.50.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1988 KE
Kigen, C. Jesus’ friends. ISBN: 9966213953 24pp. K.shs.20.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1998 KE
Keats, E. The sad puppy. ISBN: 1869007042 8pp. col.ill. UmSinsi 2005 SA
Kigen, C. My favourite saints. ISBN: 9966213945 24pp. K.shs.20.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1998 KE
Keats, F. Rose October. ISBN: 191972155X 95pp. ill. R85.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Keats, F. Rudolph’s valley. 96pp. R32.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA Keats, F. The wild swarm. 3rd ed. 80pp. R29.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA
Kilimo, R. The donkey who wanted to be a lion. ISBN: 9966251693 11pp. col.ill. ($13.95/ £7.95) EAEP 2003 KE Kilumanga, S.S. The pond that lies in my village. ISBN: 9987686559 17pp. col.ill. T.shs.2,500 ($13.95/£7.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ
Keats, M. A lot of animals in my back yard. ISBN: 186900965X 8pp. col.ill. UmSinsi 2005 SA
Kimani, G. Hugo Hippo’s colouring book of the east African coast. new ed. 32pp. ill. ($3.95/ £2.50) Jacaranda 1995 KE
Keegans, J. Kubuka and the magic calabash. ISBN: 1868729508 144pp. col.ill. R99.95 New Holland 2004 SA
Kimberley, A. Life is like that. ISBN: 9991273786 64pp. ill. P14.00 Longman - Bots 1998 BS
Keïta, F. The little blue boy. [Also available in French.] 24pp. CFA1,900 NEI 1996 IV
Kimberley, A. Thato’s flying adventure. 38pp. ill. P14.00 Longman - Bots 1997 BS
Keïta, F. The smile stealer. 1997 IV
Kimberley, A. The white dress. 30pp. ill. P13.00 Longman - Bots 1997 BS
32pp. CFA3,500 NEI
Kellaway, D. Summer of the wasps. Tafelberg 1995 SA
139pp. R34.95
Kimenye, B. The gemstone affair. 72pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1991 KE
Kellerman, A. Where the wild winds blow. ill. R27.95 Human and Rousseau 1994 SA
Kimenye, B. Kato’s house. 59pp. ill. K.shs.175.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1995 KE
Kelly, C. The strongest tree in the world. ISBN: 1869000927 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Kimenye, B. Moses. 88pp. K.shs.146.00 OUP Nairobi KE
Kemp, A. King Arthur and the dragon and other stories. ISBN: 1869002555 16pp. col.ill. R45.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Kemp, M. Jenny and the trouble of going to bed late. ISBN: 1869002563 16pp. col.ill. R45.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Kenmuir, D. The catch. 108pp. R21.04 Maskew Miller Longman 1993 SA Kese-Amankwaa, B. Kwaku and the snake. 14pp. ill. ($1.00/ 75p.) C10.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1983 GH
Kimenye, B. Moses and Mildred. 80pp. ill. K.shs.146.00 OUP - Nairobi 1968 KE Kimenye, B. Moses and the ghost. 88pp. ill. K.shs.146.00 OUP - Nairobi 1971 KE Kimenye, B. Moses and the gunman. ISBN: 9966466835 96pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1998 KE Kimenye, B. Moses and the kidnappers. 54pp. ill. K.shs.146.00 OUP - Nairobi 1968 KE Kimenye, B. Moses and the man from Mars. 73pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1991 KE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 132
African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature, African
Kimenye, B. Moses and the penpal. 80pp. ill. K.shs.146.00 OUP - Nairobi 1973 KE Kimenye, B. Moses in a mess. 92pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1991 KE Kimenye, B. Moses in a muddle. 72pp. K.shs.146.00 OUP - Nairobi 1980 KE Kimenye, B. Moses in trouble. 88pp. ill. K.shs.146.00 OUP - Nairobi 1968 KE Kimenye, B. Moses on the move. 82pp. ill. K.shs.146.00 OUP - Nairobi 1972 KE
Koombes, H., Gordon-Gentil, A. Mystery at the citadel. [Also available in French.] cd. 28pp. col.ill. Vizavi 2001 MF
Lamwaka, C. How chameleon avenged his father’s death. 22pp. ill. ($4.00/£2.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1992 UG
Koombes, H., Ritter, M. In Dodoland. [Also available in French, German, Italian.] cd. 28pp. col.ill. Vizavi 1998 MF
Lancaster, G. Bert and Co. SA
Koombes, M., Donzé, V. Tikulu in Rodrigues. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 9990337357 32pp. col.ill. (Eur14.22) Vizavi 2004 MF Koombes, M., Ritter, M. Tikulu’s treasure. [Also available in French.] cd. 28pp. col.ill. Vizavi 1999 MF
Kimenye, B. Moses the camper. 80pp. ill. K.shs.146.00 OUP - Nairobi 1973 KE
Koombes, M., Siew, P. Cyclone over Black River. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 9990337330 32pp. col.ill. (Eur14.22) Vizavi 2003 MF
Kimenye, B. Pretty boy, beware. 120pp. K.shs.220.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1997 KE
Koombes, M., Siew, P. Off to Nosy Boraha. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 9990337411 32pp. col.ill. (Eur14.22) Vizavi 2005 MF
Kimenye, B. The scoop. 1991 KE
Korama, A. Children’s conversations. 36pp. ill. C2,800 ($2.00/£1.00) Adwinsa 1995 GH
69pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP
Kimenye, B. The smugglers. new ed. 54pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1990 KE Kimenye, B. The winged adventure. 56pp. ill. K.shs.10.00 OUP - Nairobi 1970 KE Kimeto, K. The battle of Mogori. K.shs.60.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1993 KE King, B., Leggat, G., Marks, J., Miranda, R. The magic drum. Stories of Africa’s savannah, sea and skies. 72pp. col.ill. ($12.95/£7.99) Jacaranda 1995 KE King, G. Zolani goes to Yeoville. Tafelberg 1995 SA
48pp. ill. R29.95
King, T. Angels. ISBN: 1869000765 7pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Kistan, K. The mystical tree. ISBN: 1869000382 10pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Klipp, V. The hadeda who was afraid of storms. ill. R15.99 Gecko - SA 1995 SA Klopper, C-d. A mongoose tale. ISBN: 9991621822 10pp. ill. Out of Africa - Namibia 2000 SX Klopper, C-d. Namibian magic. ISBN: 9991622144 14pp. col.ill. Out of Africa - Namibia 2000 SX Kola, P. The cunning tortoise. 23pp. ill. K.shs.100.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1991 KE Kola, P. East African how stories. new ed. 44pp. ill. K.shs.115.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1991 KE Kola, P. East African when stories. new ed. 35pp. ill. K.shs.115.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1991 KE Kola, P. East African why stories. new ed. 44pp. ill. K.shs.115.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1991 KE Kola, P. The wise little girl. ISBN: 9966466703 23pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.75) EAEP 1998 KE Konotey-Ahulu, M. Oko and Akwele on the farm. C250.00 Adwinsa 1986 GH
14pp. ill.
Konotey-Ahulu, M. Oko and Akwele on the riverside. ill. C250.00 Adwinsa 1986 GH
Korama, A. The frog and the duck. 14pp. ill. C600.00 (£1.60) Sedco 1982 GH Korama, A. The lost button. 1990 GH
24pp. C300.00 Adwinsa
Korama, A. Poems for children. Adwinsa 1990 GH
24pp. C300.00
145pp. Reach Out 1996
Lanka, G. You can be normal. ISBN: 1869000366 16pp. R30.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Lawal-Solarin, O.M. Book of shapes. ISBN: 9781421436 18pp. ill. N80.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2001 NR Lawal-Solarin, O.M. Colouring book. ISBN: 9781421517 19pp. ill. N80.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2001 NR Lawal-Solarin, T. Lanre and the queen of the stream. ISBN: 9781425709 57pp. col.ill. N250.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2003 NR Lawal-Solarin, Y. Tortoise and mother hawk. (Reading is fun series, 8) 12pp. ill. N13.50 ($1.00/ £0.75) Literamed 1993 NR Lawson Brown, M. Zhou. The story of an elephant. Z$80.00 ZBDC 1998 ZI
Lawson, L. Down second avenue. The comic. [Based on Ezekiel Mphahlele’s novel.] 24pp. ill. R4.50 Ravan 1988 SA Layor, C.C. Break every rule. 1989 NR
47pp. N10.00. Delta
Korama, A. A surprise for mother. 24pp. ill. C1,400 ($1.20) Sedco 1984 GH
le Roux, B. Soccer wizard. 96pp. ill. R44.95 (£5.95) Kwela 1996 SA
Korama, A. A wish comes true. Adwinsa 1986 GH
Lee-Graham, H. The firecracker team. (Firecracker series, 1) 48pp. R25.04 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA
20pp. ill. C250.00
Kramer, S., Schermbrucker, R. The curry pot. ISBN: 0636049620 24pp. col.ill. R28.03 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA Krog, A. Account of a murder. trans.f.t. Afrikaans by Karen Press 48pp. R29.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1997 SA Kroll, V., Carpenter, N. Masai and I. R62.99 Penguin SA SA Kuguru, F.M. Kimi the joker. K.shs.90.00 ($3.00) Phoenix 1998 KE
Lee-Graham, H. Zinzi and the Blades gang. (Story teller series, 3) 32pp. E22.94 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA Lee-Graham, H. Zinzi, Nosipho and the rainmaker. (Story teller series, 2) 32pp. R22.94 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA Lee-Graham, H. Zinzi, the story teller. (Story teller series, 1) 68pp. R24.85 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA
Kuguru, P.N. The tales of Wamugumo. 73pp. ill. K.shs.90.00 ($3.00) Phoenix 1988 KE
Lee-Graham, H. Zinzi’s birthday gift. (Story teller series, 4) 32pp. R13.80 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA
Kuhne, K. Joey, Bobo and the one-eyed ostrich. cd. 64pp. R29.95 Tafelberg 1986 SA
Legatt, G. The car with three wheels. Macmillan - SA 1995 SA
Kukama, D. Butale’s new world. 1995 SA
Leggat, G. The eyes of the forest. 38pp. ill. P14.00 Longman - Bots 1997 BS
34pp. R17.25 Vivlia
Kunene, L., Land, S. Nazoke. [English-Zulu dual language text.] ISBN: 1868402967 64pp. R35.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 2000 SA MUL Kunene, V. My red cow. ISBN: 1868402924 20pp. R26.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 2000 SA
21pp. R24.95
Leggat, G. Trouble in the sky. 29pp. ill. P13.00 Longman - Bots 1997 BS Lemon, D. Maneater.
R26.98 Penguin SA SA
Lemon, D. Rhino. R24.99 Penguin SA SA
Kwesi Annoh, G. Ogozo Gozo and the trapped birds. ISBN: 9964702213 26pp. ill. ($6.95/£3.95) Afram 2000 GH
Leshoai, B.L. Isong le Nkhono: African folktales for children. rev.ed. 58pp. col.ill. ($4.50/ £3.25) Skotaville 1989 SA
Kyendo, K. Cock and lion. 24pp. K.shs.60.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1988 KE
Levin, C. Songs and poems for teachers and parents of young children. 110pp. ill. (£6.99) Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA
Lam, A.K., Kwei Armah, A. Hieroglyphics for babies. [Text in English and French.] 32pp. ill. %5.75 Per Ankh 1997 SG MUL
Lewin, H., Kopper, L. Jafta - the homecoming. Penguin SA SA
col.ill. R56.99
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Children’s literature, African Lewin, H., Kopper, L. Jafta and his mother. Penguin SA SA
cd. col.ill. R59.99
Lewis, D. Tunde on the run. 2nd ed. 68pp. ill. N190.00 Bounty 1997 NR Lewis, I. Our new home. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046389 20pp. ill. R27.42 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Lewis, I. Playing with shadows. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046273 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Lewis, I. Please save our trees. 2nd ed. ISBN: 063604632X 16pp. ill. R22.84 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Lewis, I., Fenemore, J. Sunshine. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046346 16pp. ill. R21.99 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Lewis, I., Hinrichsen, T. What keeps me warm? 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046680 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Lewis, I., Meyer, A. The new baby. 2nd ed. ISBN: 063604629X 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Subject index Lugg, P. Lungile. ISBN: 0636059642 12pp. ill. R22.84 Maskew Miller Longman 2003 SA Luthuli, M. The last son of Klinsoniax. ISBN: 1869000242 24pp. col.ill. R55.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Maartens, M. The ink bird. 1989 SA
Maillu, D. The last hunter. 29pp. K.shs.68.00 ($1.15/£0.70) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1992 KE
96pp. R32.95 Tafelberg
Maartens, M. Midnight cat. ISBN: 0624037215 cd. 32pp. col.ill. R39.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Mabaso, T. Gimba, the greedy taxi. 16pp. col.ill. R12.00 Sasavona Pub 1996 SA
Mabaso, T. The village rescuers. 66pp. ill. R26.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1994 SA
Maillu, D. The priceless gift. EAEP 1993 KE
Mabetoa, M. A visit to my grandfather’s farm. col.ill. R16.95 Ravan 1988 SA
Maillu, D. Princess Kalala and the ugly bird. K.shs.56.00 ($0.95/£0.60) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1993 KE
Mabetoa, M., Mzwakhe, J. Our village bus. cd. & 32pp. col.ill. R12.50 cd. R6.95 Ravan 1985 SA
Linden, A.M. One smiling grandma. cd. 32pp. col.ill. R32.99 Human and Rousseau 1992 SA
Macgoye, M.O. The black hand gang. 57pp. ill. ($5.50/ £2.95) EAEP 1997 KE
Littlewort, E., et al. Thuli’s mattress. [Story which introduces height and distance.] 16pp. col.ill. R22.95 CUP-SA 1996 SA
Machume, J.N. A voice from the baobab tree. ISBN: 9987671039 28pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2003 TZ
Llewellyn, S., Fullalove, J. Market day. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046923 16pp. ill. R23.71 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Mackintosh, R., Lockhart, H. A turtle’s journey. ISBN: 0636048063 24pp. ill. R28.56 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA
Llewellyn, S., Fullalove, J. The rainbird. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046974 16pp. ill. R23.98 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Maclennan, B. The professor’s garden. R33.99 Philip 1993 SA
Lombo, N. The elusive life of eloquent Carry Dawning. ISBN: 1869006887 48pp. R50.00 UmSinsi 2005 SA Lotz, K. The Chinese quest. ISBN: 1869000722 16pp. col.ill. R45.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Louis, M-B. I can colour shapes. ISBN: 9966882693 35pp. col.ill.pl. ($3.00) Focus 2002 KE Louis, M-B. Mandy’s word building book. ISBN: 9966882687 56pp. col.ill.pl. ($5.00) Focus 2002 KE Louw, D. The dustman. ISBN: 1869000331 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Lubega, B. Cry jungle children. 2nd 79pp. ill. ($2.90/£1.15) K.shs.11.10 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Luckett, K. Does your father snore? 16pp. col.ill. R22.95 CUP-SA 1996 SA Ludman, B. Take one: Max. 138pp. R26.00 Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA
Maillu, D. The lost brother. 39pp. K.shs.68.00 ($1.15/£0.60) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1994 KE Maillu, D. The orphan and his goat friend. 32pp. K.shs.56.00 ($0.95/£0.60) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1993 KE
Mabura, L. Ali the little sultan. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966882340 22pp. col.ill.pl. ($3.50) Focus 2002 KE
Lockhart, H. What lives in the sea? ISBN: 0636053415 24pp. ill. R28.56 Maskew Miller Longman 2003 SA
Maillu, D. The lion and the hare. 39pp. K.shs.68.00 ($1.15/£0.70) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1992 KE
Mabaso, T. The mosquito plot. 70pp. ill. R28.75 Heinemann-EdSA 1995 SA
Linde, F. The singing grass. trans.f.t. Afrikaans 116pp. ill. R29.95 Tafelberg 1984 SA
Llewellyn, S., Grobler, D. Midnight the bull. 2nd ed. ISBN: 063604615X 24pp. ill. R26.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Maillu, D. Journey into fairyland. 29pp. K.shs.56.00 ($0.95/£0.60) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1992 KE
32pp. ill.
Magadza, C. Gudo baboon and other Kariba stories. 54pp. ill. ($6.10) Mambo 1992 ZI Magwira, C. A visit to my uncle. ISBN: 1869002146 7pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Mahabel, K. The magical pair of shoes. ISBN: 1919721932 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Mahama, T. The leper and the princess. ISBN: 9781421487 62pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00/ £0.75) Literamed 2000 NR Mahanya, M. Takunda and Chipo in storyland forest. 92pp. ($5.40) Mambo 1994 ZI Mahimu, T. The leper and the princess. 40pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1996 KE [East Africa only] Mahlangu, J.N. Southern faces, southern places. [colouring book.] 40pp. ill. R30.00 Ithemba 1996 SA Mahlangu, L., Maseko, L., Rankin, J. Scary footsteps. [Story introduces number concepts.] 16pp. col.ill. R22.95 CUP-SA 1996 SA Maillu, D. The dancing zebra. 30pp. K.shs.112.00 ($1.90/£1.15) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1994 KE Maillu, D. The government’s daughter. 47pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.50/£0.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1996 KE
41pp. K.shs.125.00
Maillu, D. Sasa and Sisi. 18pp. K.shs.62.00 ($1.05/£0.65) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1994 KE Maillu, D. The survivors. ISBN: 9966951091 72pp. col.ill. Kshs150.00 ($6.95) Sasa Sema 2002 KE Maillu, D.G. Kisalu and his fruit garden. new ed. 41pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1989 KE Maillu, D.G. Mbengo and the princess. Maillu 1989 KE
56pp. ($3.00.)
Maillu, D.G. The poor child. 55pp. K.shs.125.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1988 KE Maina, L. The stories my grandmother told me. 32pp. K.shs.70.00 ($1.00) Lake 1998 KE Makaka, K. The old man of the waterfalls and other stories. 57pp. ill. R19.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA Makina, R. Baboon wants a wife. Mambo 1983 ZI
64pp. ($5.90)
Makotsi, J. The boys in Kakamega. 52pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($5.75/£3.75) EAEP 1996 KE Makotsi, J. Misa the precious cow. 53pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1994 KE Makotsi, M. Cat, dog and dove. (Sunbird readers, 8) ISBN: 9966466711 13pp. ill. ($3.00/£1.75) EAEP 1998 KE Makotsi, M. Monkey bought a bus. (Sparrow readers, 17) ISBN: 9966469107 30pp. ill. ($4.95/ £2.75) EAEP 1998 KE Makotsi, R. The boy who became frog. 30pp. ill. K.shs.115.00 EAEP 1999 KE Makotsi, R. Why mosquito bites man. 17pp. ill. K.shs.115.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1996 KE Makumi, J. Children of the forest. 35pp. K.shs.70.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1989 KE Makumi, J. The feather in the lake. 32pp. ill. K.shs.50.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1988 KE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 134
African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature, African
Makumi, J. Njaga the town monkey. 123pp. K.shs.130.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1990 KE
Marshall, B. The oyster man. ISBN: 996470223X 159pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Afram 2000 GH
Makura, T. Why the cock crows. rev.ed. 20pp. ill. ($5.50/£2.95) SAPES 1996 ZI
Martin, C.P., Ngoje, S. Russelas. A rhino in search of his horn. 88pp. col.ill. ($15.95/£9.99) Jacaranda 1995 KE
Malan, R. The story of lucky Simelane. ISBN: 1770090916 R95.00 ($13.00/£8.00) Jacana 2005 SA Mandao, M. The torn shorts. Uzima 1986 KE
14pp. col.ill K.shs.12.00
Mane, N. Humambi the lost princess. 96pp. ill. R29.95 ($5.95) Kwela 1997 SA Mangena, M. A twin world. 124pp. R66.03 Maskew Miller Longman 1996 SA Manji, A. The valley of the dead. 52pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1996 KE Mansure, L. Going home. ISBN: 996649121X 24pp. col.ill. K.shs.120.00 ($4.75/£3.10) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE
Masilela, J. We shall not weep. ISBN: 0795701470 132pp. R89.95 Kwela 2002 SA Masitera, L. The trail.
90pp. Now I Can Play 1999 ZI
Mathenge, J.W., Miranda, R. Mchechsi goes to school/Mcheshi aenda shuleni. [Text in English and Swahili.] ISBN: 9966884645 24pp. col.ill. ($7.95/ £4.99) Jacaranda 1998 KE MUL Mathews, T. Tales of the secret valley. 36pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1992 KE Matindi, A. The Kasiwes and their animals. K.shs.80.00 ($3.00) Phoenix 1988 KE Matindi, A. The lonely black pig. 32pp. K.shs.60.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1988 KE
Mansure, L. Mystery in Lamu. 109pp. ill. map K.shs.190.00 Longhorn - Ken 1990 KE
Matindi, A. The sun and the wind. 24pp. ill. K.shs.40.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1988 KE
Mansure, L. Sara and Isak. ISBN: 9966491201 24pp. col.ill. K.shs.120.00 ($3.00/£1.75) Longhorn - Ken 1999 KE
Matovu, G.G. Magulu and the gorilla. 38pp. ill. ($4.00/ £2.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG
Manu, S.Y. Abena and the monkey. 28pp. ill. C250.00 Adwinsa 1987 GH Manu, S.Y. The four seasons of Ananse. ISBN: 9964702205 22pp. ($4.95/£2.95) Afram 1998 GH Manu, S.Y. The golden cocoa pod. ISBN: 9964720122 29pp. C400.00 ($4.95/£2.95) Sedco 1999 GH Manu, S.Y. Kwaku Ananse and Abebe the grasshopper. 12pp. ill. C200.00 Adwinsa 1988 GH Manu, S.Y. Triumph after trial. 48pp. C4,500 ($3.00/£1.50) Adwinsa 1992 GH Manu, S.Y. Why frogs croak in water and other stories. 32pp. ill. C3,500 Sedco 1997 GH Manu, S.Y. Why the cat runs after the rat. 24pp. ill. C2,400 (£1.50) Sedco 1996 GH Marcus, S. Escape to the moors. ISBN: 1869002326 28pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Maree, K. Trial match. R34.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Marinho, A. Tell it to Mr. President. Literamed 2001 NR
44pp. N185.00
Marinho, T. Bobo learns to fly. 32pp. ill. N10.00 Book Builders 1991 NR Marinho, T. The fight. ISBN: 9780307680 18pp. ($4.10) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR Maritz, H., Mntubu, S. Sipho hides. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046117 24pp. ill. R26.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Marks, J. Shaka Zulu. 1993 KE
65pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP
Markwei, A. Rosalin’s special gift. 24pp. ill. C4,000 ($2.50/£1.50) Adwinsa 1995 GH
Matovu, G.M.M. How Namudiguli saved her sister. ISBN: 997002129X 10pp. ill. U.shs.2,000 ($9.95/ £5.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2003 UG Matross, V., et al. Vusirala the giant. [Story introduces multiplication, addition, weight, symmetry and quantity.] 16pp. col.ill R22.95 CUPSA 1996 SA Mattera, D. The five magic pebbles and other stories. 49pp. col. ill. ($7.95/£4.25) Skotaville 1992 SA Matthews, T. Tales of the secret valley. [Also available in Ndebele, Shona, and Tonga.] 40pp. col.ill. ($8.50/£4.95) Baobab - Zimb 1989 ZI [Also published in Kenya by EAEP] Mawutodzi, E. Friends of tomorrow. 30pp. ill. C4,000 ($2.00/£1.50) Adwinsa 1993 GH Maxwell, P., Fullalove, J. Sidima’s goal. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046575 16pp. ill. R23.71 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Maxwell, P., Harvey, J. Dizzie Lizzie disco dancer. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046427 16pp. col.ill. R22.84 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Maxwell, P., Henrichsen, T. Lindal’s little cow. ISBN: 0636047903 24pp. col.pl. R20.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Maxwell, P., Hichens, R. My mother hates television. ISBN: 0636047938 32pp. ill. R31.27 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Mayega, P.B. African children tour national parks. [Also available in Swahili.] ISBN: 9976983344 32pp. ill.col.pl.maps T.shs.3,500 MPB Ent 2005 TZ Mbanze, D.M. The berry basket. Three African folktales. ISBN: 0795701004 col.ill. R64.95 (£6.99) Kwela 1999 SA Mbanze, D.M. The magic pot. Three African folktales. ISBN: 0795700997 col.ill. R64.95 (£6.99) Kwela 1999 SA Mbugua, K. Mcheshi goes to the game park. 28pp. col.ill ($6.95) K.shs.130.00 Jacaranda 1992 KE MUL
McAllister, R. Wanda’s glowing wish socks. ISBN: 186900082X 7pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA McCartney, M. Telling the story. ISBN: 0797420894 cd. 49pp. Z$60.00 ($2.50) Save the Children 2000 ZI Mchunu, A. Jack, his father and the dolphin. ISBN: 1869000617 6pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA McKee, D. Tusk tusk. [Also available in Afrikaans.] cd. 32pp. col.ill. R27.95 Tafelberg 1994 SA McLaren, B. At the beach. ISBN: 1869002377 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Mcwabe, M. A busy week. ISBN: 1869000935 7pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Mda, Z. Melville 67. A novella for youth. ISBN: 1868670791 106pp. (£4.95) Vivlia 1998 SA Mdahoma, S. Child of clay. ISBN: 1931253218 39pp. ($12.00) Shama 2005 ET Mdahoma, S. Kaldi and the dancing goats. 2nd ed. ISBN: 193125317X 45pp. col.ill. ($12.00) Shama 2005 ET Mehta, P. Wolfen castle. ISBN: 186900017X 11pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Mellentin, K. Thank you God for all my friends. col.ill. R24.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Mendelowitz, B. Forgotten hero. ISBN: 0636063615 48pp. ill. R32.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2004 SA Mendonça, K. La plume magique/The magic feather. [Text in English and French.] ISBN: 9991601665 16pp. ill. Gamsberg 1998 SX MUL Mennen, I., Daly, N., Maritz, N. Ashraf of Africa. ISBN: 1919888055 32pp. col.ill. R48.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA [Southern Africa only] Mensah, I.D. Kano had his lesson. 52pp. ill. pl. ($3.50) C210.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1986 GH Mensah, I.D. The two hunter friends. 40pp. ill. pl. ($1.50) C180.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1991 GH Merchant, E. Caravel to the Cape. Tafelberg 1990 SA
144pp. R32.95
Merchant, E. Ghamka, man of men. 27th ed. cd. 116pp. R22.50 Tafelberg 1998 SA Mervyn Powell, G. A place of no return. 146pp. K.shs.310.00 EAEP 2000 KE Meth, D. The lonely donkey. ISBN: 1869000846 7pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Metzger, F. The hyena’s laughter. Bushman fables. 3rd ed. ISBN: 9991670343 112pp. ill. N$50.60 Namibia Scient Soc 1999 SX Metzger, F. Naro and his clan. [Also available in German.] R29.50 Namibia Scient Soc 1993 SX Meunier, P. Baobab and other stories. 24pp. ill. ($3.00) Fourth Dimension 1990 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Children’s literature, African
Subject index
Meyerowitz, B., Copans, J., Welch, T. My drum 2. Southern African poetry and stories for young people. 72pp. ill. (£5.00) Abecedarius 1991 SA Mhlope, G. The snake with seven heads. 32pp. col.ill. K.shs.115.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1993 KE [East Africa only] Mhlophe, G. How stories began. 27pp. col.ill. K.shs.125.00 ($2.50) EAEP 1996 KE
Molver, E. Tembu and the talking drums. col.ill. R24.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Molver, E., Munitich, B. Blue series - Thandi keeps her promise. Reader. ill. R17.50 Shuter & Shooter 1987 SA Molver, E., Munitich, B. Blue series - the accident. Reader. R17.50 Shuter & Shooter 1987 SA
Mhlophe, G. Nalohima the deaf tortoise. ISBN: 9991601649 39pp. ill. Gamsberg 1999 SX
Monde, G.M. Professor Kalulu. [Short story collection] 64pp. ill. ($2.00) Mission Press - Ndola 1987 ZA
Mhlophe, G. Queen of the tortoises. 19pp. col.ill. K.shs.115.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1993 KE
Moodie, F. Nabulela. [Also available in Sepedi, Setswana, Sotho, Xhosa, Zulu.] cd. 32pp. ill. R32.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA
Mhlophe, G. The singing dog. 33pp. col.ill. K.shs.125.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1992 KE [East Africa only]
Moodley, A. The butterfly that broke its wing. 1869000315 12pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Mhlophe, G. Stories of Africa. ISBN: 1869140354 cd. 64pp. col.ill. (£10.00) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2004 SA
Moodley, L. The naughty boys. ISBN: 1869000919 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Mhlophe, G. Tell us a story. ISBN: 0636064204 64pp. ill. R39.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2004 SA Mhlophe, G., Kinsler, J. Queen of Imbira. ISBN: 0636060500 32pp. ill. R32.35 Maskew Miller Longman 2003 SA Mhlophe, G., Pulles, E. Hi, Zoleka. 32pp. col.ill. R33.99 Philip 1994 SA Midiohouan, T. Afi and the magic drum. [Also available in Afrikaans, Zulu, Xhosa, Sesotho.] ISBN: 1919876162 32pp. ill. R24.00 EDICEF 2001 CD FRE Midiohouan, T. Afi and the magic drum. ISBN: 1919876162 24pp. col.ill. R26.40 New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA [Southern Africa only] Miles, P. When Wally lost his tock. ISBN: 1919721762 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Milne, A. Short cuts. ISBN: 0624036227 144pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Mkhize, A. Mandy and snowflake. ISBN: 1869000560 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Mkuti, L., ed. Breakfast of Sjamboks. 80pp. Z$35.38 ($7.95/£4.25) ZPH 1987 ZI Mlagala, M. Yasin in trouble. new ed. 35pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($4.95/£2.75) EAEP 1990 KE Mlakalaka, T.P., Saville, P. Kwanele comes home. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636048039 16pp. ill. R26.27 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Moloney, R. Themba and the crocodile. 80pp. ill. Z$2.85 Longman - Zimb 1984 ZI Molony, R. The raintree. 64pp. ill. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Molver, E. The back-to-front warthog and other stories. ill. R29.99 Gecko - SA 1995 SA Molver, E. Bethel and the bad thing. 75pp. col.ill. R32.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA Molver, E. The guardian of the mountain. R39.99 Penguin SA 1991 SA
cd. 89pp.
Moodley, O. A sorrowful tale. ISBN: 1869000587 11pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Moodliar, S. A farm boy who achieves his ambition. ISBN: 1869000498 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Moody, R. The evil queen and other stories. ISBN: 1869000668 7pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Moore, H., Snaddon-Wood, J. Count to ten and back again. ISBN: 0636050904 32pp. col.ill. R28.56 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA Moores, L. Stranger danger. ISBN: 1869002946 46pp. R45.00 ($5.00/£4.00) UmSinsi 2001 SA Moores, S. The cat’s paw. ISBN: 1869007018 8pp. col.ill. UmSinsi 2005 SA Morara, A. Hare and her lazy friends. 52pp. K.shs.100.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1989 KE Mordi, S. Ike in the evil bush. 52pp. ill. 90k. Longman - Nig 1979 NR Morgan, K. How the tortoise captured the elephant. grade 3(New Oxford supp. reader, 8) 43pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1966 NR Morgan, K. Legends from Yorubaland. 100pp. ill. N210.00 ($6.95/£3.75) Spectrum 1988 NR Morgan, K. More stories from Yorubaland. ISBN: 9966460123 54pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1998 KE Morgan, K. Stories from Yorubaland. ISBN: 9966460069 54pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1998 KE Morgan, K. The ungrateful hen and other stories. grade 3(New Oxford supp. reader, 6) 45pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1966 NR Morgan, M. Helpful Betty solves a mystery. ill. R24.95 Tafelberg 1994 SA Morgan, M. Helpful Betty to the rescue. R24.95 Tafelberg 1994 SA
30pp. ill.
Mornie, B. Mousy and the paper bag. 28pp. ill. Z$39.95 ($2.70) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI
Morris, T. Matthew’s money. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046338 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Morris, T., Daniel, G. Uncle Stanley’s dog. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046265 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Morris, T., Fenemore, J. Ready for school. ISBN: 0636046230 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Morris, T., Lewis, I., Eloff, L. Seasons. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046737 32pp. ill. R29.70 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Morris, T., Swanson, C. Nothing works. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046370 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Morris, T., Swanson, C. What can I do? 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046311 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Morrison, E. The whale. ISBN: 1869007034 8pp. col.ill. UmSinsi 2005 SA Morrow, B. Success. MW
16pp. pl. K1.20 Dzuka 1987
Mossi, Y. The mistaken identity. ISBN: 9964702493 41pp. C9,000 Afram 2002 GH Motsi, D. The beast of fame. 64pp. ill. Z$65.00 ($4.95/£2.75) ZPH 1987 ZI Moyana, H. The victory of chief Tangwena. 49pp. Z$3.25 Longman - Zimb 1987 ZI Moyo, J. Twins at Matopo’s. 22pp. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1987 ZI M’Passou, D. Stories with a sting. 28pp. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1974 MW Mpesha, N. Eleo the chameleon. (Sparrow readers, 14) ISBN: 9966466940 30pp. ill. ($4.95/ £2.75) EAEP 1998 KE Mpesha, N. The frog who jumped backwards. K.shs.115.00 EAEP 2000 KE
Mpesha, N. Junior pilot. 68pp. ill. ($3.50) Longhorn Ken 1991 KE Mpesha, N. The small cockroach. K.shs.80.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1998 KE Mpesha, N., et al. Voices. [Collection of short stories and poems by children.] ISBN: 9966882227 72pp. K.shs.295.00 ($5.00) Focus 2000 KE Mphidi, T. My wonderful book of stories. ISBN: 1869002202 16pp. col.ill. R45.00 ($3.50/ £4.50) Paulines 2004 KE Msengana-Ndele, L. Nokhaya goes to town. 1994 SA
Inst Soc Res
Msengana-Ndlela, L. Nokhaya and her baby. [Also available in Xhosa.] Inst Soc Res 1995 SA Msengana-Ndlela, L. Nokhaya remembers the great election of 1994. [Also available in Xhosa.] Inst Soc Res 1995 SA Mthembu, L. The three wishes. ISBN: 1869000269 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Mudenda, D., Nagunga, K., North, G. Syankombo. trans.f.t. Tonga by Joseph Sibanda and Justin Knife ISBN: 1779360053 20pp. col.ill.col.pl. ($16.95/ £9.95) ACPDT 2004 ZI
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 136
African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature, African
Mueller, M., Corkery, F., King, B. The secret of the mango grove. ill. K.shs.135.00 ($4.95/£3.29) Jacaranda 1994 KE SWA Mufute, R. The clever hen. - Zimb 1995 ZI
9pp. ill. ($1.50) Lit Bur
Mugure, W. God’s flower garden. ISBN: 9966219439 28pp. ill. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2004 KE Muhammed, A.A. The adventures of Faiz and Faiza. 43pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.75) Fourth Dimension 1992 NR Muhire, E. Wake up and open your eyes. 127pp. ill. K.shs.100.00 ($3.50) Phoenix 1989 KE Muir, B., Robinson, W. The chase. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046591 32pp. col.ill. R29.70 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Mujuru, E. Chamakanda. ISBN: 0797416900 14pp. col.ill. ($6.95/£3.95) ACPDT 1996 ZI Mukunyi, D. The pet snake. 40pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1988 KE Mulders, D. Nala - the happiest dog alive. ISBN: 1869002679 7pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2001 SA Müller, E. Match point. ISBN: 0624037126 132pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Müller, P. A rainbow for Christmas. cd. 32pp. ill. R27.95 Tafelberg 1990 SA Muloiwa, K. Pinny and her big family. ISBN: 1869002199 12pp. ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 2004 SA Muluka, B. Kandu and the lake. ISBN: 9966251650 40pp. col.ill. ($13.95/£7.95) EAEP 2004 KE Muluka, B. Why the dog left the forest. 24pp. ill. K.shs.115.00 ($5.75/£3.75) EAEP 1996 KE Muluka, B.O. When ogres lived. ISBN: 9966466584 32pp. ill. ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1997 KE Mulwa, D. Crocodile’s jaw. ISBN: 9966498575 44pp. ill. Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE Mungoshi, C. One day long ago. 64pp. N237.50 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1997 NR Mungoshi, C. One day, long ago. More stories from a Shona childhood. 63pp. col.ill. ($8.50/ £4.95) Baobab - Zimb 1991 ZI [Also published in Kenya by EAEP] Mungoshi, C. Stories from Shona childhood. 55pp. col.ill. K.shs.125.00 Baobab - Zimb 1989 ZI [Also published in Kenya by EAEP] Munitich, B. The scar. 6th ed. 72pp. R29.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Munitich, B. Thobani and the dog. 24pp. R15.89 Shuter & Shooter 1987 SA Munitich, B. Thobani and the thieves. 24pp. R15.89 Shuter & Shooter 1987 SA Munitich, B. Thoko. 104pp. R29.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA Munyavi, S. The village plantation. Longman - Zimb ZI
23pp. Z$3.95
Murcott, L. The winterman and other poems for children. cd. 24pp. R48.00 Piglet 1995 SA Mureithi, C.M. The adventures of Thiga. 69pp. ills. K.shs.90.00 ($3.00) Phoenix 1989 KE Murgatroyd, B.W. The warrior. 43pp. Z$43.95 College Press -Zimb 1994 ZI Murphy, J. Proximities. ISBN: 1919721851 36pp. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Musa, H. Potonjere and the nguru. Lit Bur - Zimb 1982 ZI
12pp. pl. 10c.
Musa Mao, M. Can hyena be trusted? A Somali tale. 32pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.99) Jacaranda 1995 KE Mutheiwana, M. The boy who was swallowed up. ISBN: 1869002121 12pp. col.ill. R25.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA
Naidoo, D. At the beach. ISBN: 1919721967 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Naidoo, D. My granny can read and write. [Also available in Afrikaans.] R24.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Naidoo, J. An exciting adventure. ISBN: 1869000307 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Naidoo, M. My excursion to Mitchell Park. ISBN: 1869000439 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Naidoo, M. No ordinary tree. ISBN: 1919721886 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Naidoo, P. Elana the lioness. ISBN: 1919721975 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Naidoo, P. My day. ISBN: 1919721959 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Muthoni, P. Nyanja’s choice. ISBN: 9966882626 38pp. col.ill.pl. ($2.50) Focus 2001 KE
Naidoo, R. Space adventures. ISBN: 1869002571 16pp. col.ill. R45.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA
Mutloatse, M. The boy who could fly. 24pp. col.ill. ($5.75/£3.25) Skotaville 1990 SA
Najjemba, E.N. How Busulwa became a street boy. ISBN: 9970417177 ($2.00) CJL 1998 UG
Mutswairo, S.M. Tagutapadare: poems for children. (ZPH Stories for Children, 2) 48pp. ill. Z$15.00 ZPH 1981 ZI
Nakitare, P. I shall walk alone. ISBN: 9966251189 140pp. K.shs.315.00 ($11.95/£6.95) EAEP 2002 KE
Mutua, J.A. Njogu the prophet. 46pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1988 KE
Namibia Oral Tradition Project Giliwe and Diliwe and other monster stories. 35pp. col.ill. ($7.95/£4.25) New Namibia 1996 SX
Mvenge, G., Masona, T. Growing in the shadows of Great Zimbabwe. 12pp. ill. ($1.50) Lit Bur Zimb 1995[?] ZI Mwangi, M. The hunter’s dream. 52pp. col.ill. K.shs.175.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1993 KE Mwangi, M. Mountain of bones. ISBN: 996646837X 72pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1998 KE Mwangi, R. A girl who could not keep quiet. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1993 KE
Mwanza, B. Jimmy the jeep. 52pp. K.shs.100.00 ($3.000) Phoenix 1995 KE Mwaura, D.M. The circle of revenge. 79pp. ill. K.shs.90.00 ($3.00) Phoenix 1988 KE Mwaura, D.M. The town tricksters. 86pp. ill. K.shs.100.00 ($3.50) Phoenix 1989 KE Mwene Mushanga, T. The battle at Kifunfu. ISBN: 9970021656 15pp. ill. ($6.95/£3.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2000 UG Mwesigwa, H.N. Jero visits Kasubi tombs. ($4.95/£2.75) Fountain Publ-Ug 1996 UG Nadasen, J. A dream has come true for a dying princess. ISBN: 1869000277 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Naicker, J. Teddy’s birthday surprise. ISBN: 186900048X 11pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Namibia Oral Tradition Project The secret of the crocodile and other animal stories from Namibia. 24pp. col.ill. ($7.95/£4.25) New Namibia 1996 SX Namibia Oral Tradition Project The tortoise who saw the world and other tortoise stories from Namibia. 31pp. col.ill. ($7.95/£4.25) New Namibia 1996 SX Narvaez, C.L. Mau the brave coward. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966882022 128pp. col.ill.pl. ($3.00) Focus 2004 KE Naude, R. I want the sun, the moon and the stars. ISBN: 1919721576 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Naude, R. Millenium computer bugs. ISBN: 1869002431 16pp. col.ill. R45.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Naya, K. The magic gourd. K.shs.70.00 ($1.50/ £1.15) Lake 1986 KE Ncube, B.S. Simba and the hyena. ISBN: 0869227165 17pp. ($4.60) Mambo 1998 ZI Ndala, D. Tawina and friends. 40pp. K1.95 Popular Publ 1991 MW Ndebele, N.S. Bonolo and the peach tree. 82pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1994 KE Ndhlala, G. Nyasha at the harvest feast. 22pp. ill. Z$4.35 Longman - Zimb 1985 ZI
Naicker, S. My scary night. ISBN: 1869000471 10pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Ndhlala, G. A present for Ambuya. 20pp. ill. Z$4.35 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI
Naicker, T. The duck and the lion. ISBN: 1919721916 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Ndirangu, E. The secret of the necklace. 74pp. K.shs.134.00 OUP - Nairobi 1987 KE Ndirangu, S. The story of a teenage girl. ISBN: 9966218246 56pp. K.shs.50.00 ($0.65) Paulines 2002 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Children’s literature, African Ndungu, F. Beautiful Nyakio. 32pp. ill. K.shs.50.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1988 KE
Subject index Njoku, S. The price. ISBN: 9782458414 32pp. ill. N110.00 ($0.70/£0.50/Eur0.60) Vantage 1999 NR
Ntibi Nkoane, F., Harvey, J. Cat finds the strongest hunter in the world. ISBN: 0636047946 24pp. col.pl. R20.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Njoku, S. The riddle. ISBN: 9782458554 32pp. ill. N80.00 ($0.50/£0.30) Vantage 1999 NR
Ntrakwah, A. My brother Yao. 14pp. ill. C350.00 Adwinsa 1986 GH
Negessa-Olweny, P. Kalulu the forest queen. (Our heritage, 6B) ISBN: 9970021273 12pp. ill. ($4.95/ £2.75) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG
Njoku, S. Under the orange tree. ISBN: 9782458759 32pp. ill. N110.00 ($0.70/ £0.50/Eur0.60) Vantage 1999 NR
Ntuli, D.B.Z., et al. The rainbow flute. 68pp. R42.51 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA
Nevin, T. Zamani. African tales from long ago. 80pp. col.ill. ($12.95/£7.99) Jacaranda 1995 KE
Njoku, S. You think you are smart. ISBN: 9782458937 28pp. ill. N110.00 ($0.70/ £0.50/Eur0.60) Vantage 1999 NR
Numan, A. The chameleon pet. (Sparrow readers, 13) ISBN: 9966466827 52pp. ill. K.shs.115.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1998 KE
Nevin, T.A. The king’s magic drum. [Also available in Afrikaans, Zulu, Xhosa and Sotho.] 30pp. Garamond 1996 SA
Njoku, S.C. Akula the black bird. 43pp. col.ill. N294.00 ($5.50/£2.95) Spectrum 1996 NR
Nwankwo, O. The lost heritage and other stories. 76pp. ill. N400.00 ($12.00/£10.00) Inselberg 2000 NR
Ngobese, F. I love my father. [Also available in Xhosa and Zulu.] 32pp. col.ill. R29.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA
Njoroge, J.K. The greedy host. 32pp. ill. K.shs.50.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1988 KE
Nwenu, B.L. The struggling boy. ISBN: 9783038004 N150.00 Ano 1999 NR
Njoroge, J.K. The proud ostrich. 48pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1988 KE
Nyaku, F.K. Why and how I learnt to read and write. ISBN: 9964720378 44pp. ill. C2,900 ($4.95/£2.95) Sedco 2000 GH
Neethling, S., Seed, J. Raging river adventure. ISBN: 0636063402 32pp. ill. R30.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2004 SA
Ngobese, F. I love my mother. [Also available in Xhosa and Zulu.] 32pp. col.ill. R29.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA Ngombe, J. How pig got his snout. 16pp. ill. K.shs.115.00 EAEP 1998 KE Ng’ombe, J.L. Chicken stew. Ng’ombe, J.L. The pig’s mouth. MW
44pp. Jhango 1995 MW 16pp. Jhango 1995
Ngonda, E.L. Begwani the beggar. ISBN: 996647031X 62pp. col.pl. K.shs.80.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1999 KE Ng’osos, D. Travels of a raindrop. 48pp. col. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1988 KE Ngubane, F. The big race of life. ISBN: 1869002741 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2001 SA Ngugi wa Thiong’o Njamba Nene and the flying bus. [Also available in Kikuyu.] (Adventures of Njamba Nene, 1) 36pp. col.ill. K.shs.125.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1986 KE Ngugi wa Thiong’o Njamba Nene’s pistol. (Adventures of Njamba Nene, 2) 36pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1986 KE Ngumy, J. Sunbird’s paradise. 67pp. ill. K.shs.175.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1995 KE Ngumy, J.G.D. The boy who ate a hyena. 32pp. ill. K.shs.145.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1992 KE Nhemi, S. Midnight blossoms. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966882359 62pp. col.ill.pl. ($3.00) Focus 2001 KE Nigerian Television Authority, ed. Tales by moonlight. ISBN: 9781298014 48pp. col.ill. ($11.95/£6.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 2002 NR Nii Abbey, H. Opinto and the kind snake. new ed 26pp. ill. c10,500.00 ($5.95) Studio Brian 2000 GH Nii Abbey, H. Why dog is man’s best friend. new ed. 20pp. c8,000.00 ($4.50) Studio Brian 2001 GH Njeri, C. The boy who hated school. ($0.40) Paulines 1995 KE
16pp. col.ill.
Njoku, I. The adventure. ISBN: 9780293396 51pp. N360.00 Spectrum 2001 NR
Njoroge, J.K. Tit for tat. 106pp. ill. K.shs.120.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1989 KE Njoroge, K. Magic from the city. 31pp. ill. K.shs.90.00 ($2.00/£1.50) Lake 1991 KE Nkala, N. Mezie, the Ogbanje boy. 78pp. (£1.75) N2.10 Macmillan - Nig 1981 NR Nkansa, G.A. Hassan, the clever beggar boy. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9782458058 96pp. N180.00 Vantage 1999 NR Nkoso, E. Abena, the fisherman’s daughter. ill. C250.00 Adwinsa 1986 GH Nkoso, E. The cock’s comb. Adwinsa 1986 GH
16pp. ill. C200.00
Nkoso, E. Kwaku Ananse the singer. 12pp. ill. C250.00 Adwinsa 1986 GH
90pp. ill. R29.95
Nydoo, R. The mysterious ringmaster. ISBN: 1869000803 16pp. col.ill. R45.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Nyotumba, G., Kimani, G. Mongoose and mouse. [Also available in Swahili.] 32pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.99) Jacaranda 1995 KE Nyotumba, G.Z.O. The three hunters. 40pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($5.50/£2.95) EAEP 1997 KE
Ocen, L.L. Ruins of a star. ISBN: 9970023802 68pp. ill. ($16.95/£9.95) Fountain PublUg 2003 UG
Nkoso, E. Kwaku Ananse in the well. 12pp. ill. C200.00 Adwinsa 1983 GH
Ochu, T. The squirrel and his mother. 16pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1966 NR cd.
Northcraft, M.M. Upon my mother’s back. 72pp. ill. Z$43.50 ($4.00/£2.25) ZPH 1989 ZI Nortje, P.H. The wild grape tree. Tafelberg 1984 SA
Nyaywa, K. The plague at my door. Ravan 1996 SA
16pp. ($4.30)
Obodoechi, G.C. Adventures of the tortoise and other stories. 84pp. ill. ($7.00) Univ Press Nig 1982 NR
Nkoso, E. How Ato killed the dragon. 10pp. ill. C200.00 Adwinsa 1983 GH
Norridge, R. Wonderful Mr Boon of the Bushveld. 68pp. ill. R29.95 Tafelberg 1986 SA
Nyawata, E. The Chimurenga war. Mambo 1982 ZI
176pp. R32.95
Norton, J. Babes, boys and deep deep trouble. 92pp. R21.04 Maskew Miller Longman 1993 SA
Ocita, J. The orphan boy. ISBN: 9970023829 63pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2003 UG Ocitti, M.A. How hare was caught stealing. ISBN: 9970021281 12pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.75) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Ocwinyo, J. The unfulfilled dream. ISBN: 9970023810 57pp. ill. ($16.95/£9.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2003 UG
Norton, J., Bergman, J. Tiny, tiny mouse. col.ill. ($5.60) Mambo 1995 ZI
Odaga, A. Ogilo and the hippo. 47pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1991 KE
Nott, K., ed. Living a better life. ISBN: 9991611347 45pp. ill. Longman - Namb 1998 SX
Odaga, A.B. The angry flames. 48pp. ill. K.shs.90.00 ($2.00) Lake 1989 KE
Nott, K., ed. Tangeni and Ndahafa in Oshana. ISBN: 9991611347 46pp. ill. Longman - Namb 1998 SX
Odaga, A.B. The cloud boy. 24pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($2.00) Lake 1993 KE
Nott, K., ed. Tommy and Hango’s adventures in Oshana. ISBN: 9991611371 45pp. ill. Longman - Namb 1998 SX N’thia, A. The titanic trio and the underground drug ring. ISBN: 9966470689 52pp. K.shs.80.00 Phoenix 2000 KE
Odaga, A.B. The diamond ring. 52pp. ill. K.shs.90.00 ($2.00) Lake 1968 KE Odaga, A.B. The hare’s blanket. 28pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($2.00) Lake 1967 KE
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature, African
Odaga, A.B. The honey river. 32pp. K.shs.100.00 ($2.00) Lake 1998 KE
Ofori-Mankata, M. The elephant and the crab. 30pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.75) Afram 1996 GH
Odaga, A.B. Jande’s ambition. 67pp. ill. K.shs.100.00 ($2.70) Lake 1966 KE
Ofori-Mankata, M. The golden forest. A Ghanaian folktale. 21pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.75) Afram 1996 GH
Odaga, A.B. Kenyan folktales. 36pp. ill. K.shs.120.00 ($3.00) Lake 1981 KE
Ofori-Mankata, M. Hohore. The magic bowl. 29pp. col.ill C9,000 ($4.95/£2.75) Afram 1995 GH
Odaga, A.B. Munde and his friends. bk.4 28pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($2.00) Lake 1987 KE
Ofori-Mankata, M. Yaa Foriwa. 29pp. ill. C9,000 ($4.00/ £2.25) Afram 1995 GH
Odaga, A.B. Munde goes to the market. bk.3 18pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($2.00) Lake 1987 KE
Ofori-Mensah, A., Asibey, E.O.A. Garbage, garbage everywhere. ISBN: 9988550154 34pp. col.ill. ($6.95/£3.95) Sub-Saharan 1998 GH
Odaga, A.B. My home. Book 1. 17pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($1.80) Lake 1983 KE Odaga, A.B. A night on a tree. 83pp. ill. K.shs.80.00 ($2.00/£1.20) Lake 1991 KE Odaga, A.B. The rag-ball. bk.2 15pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($2.00) Lake KE Odaga, A.B. The secret of the monkey rock. 31pp. ill. K.shs.100.00 ($2.70) Lake 1966 KE Odaga, A.B. The shade changes. K.shs.280.00 ($4.70) Lake 1984 KE Odaga, A.B. Silver cup. 25pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($2.00) Lake 1988 KE Odaga, A.B. Something for nothing. 60pp. K.shs.300.00 Lake 2001 KE
Ofori-Mensah, A., Asibey, E.O.A. Where have all the rivers gone? 27pp. col.ill. ($2.50/£1.60) Sub-Saharan 1997 GH Ofori-Mensah, A., Asibey, E.O.A. Where have all the trees gone? 37pp. col.ill. ($2.50/£1.60) Sub-Saharan 1997 GH Ofurum, H. Iheoma comes to stay. 96pp. ill. N1.50 Macmillan - Nig 1982 NR Ogbe, A. The belated bridegroom. (£3.00) N3.50 Fourth Dimension 1986 NR Ogunbiyi, O. Eternal bond. ISBN: 9781422114 64pp. N150.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2003 NR Ogunsola, A. Aunty Yetty. ISBN: 9780307850 13pp. ($4.10) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR
Odaga, A.B. The storm. 83pp. K.shs.110.00 ($1.50) Lake 1985 KE
Ohene, A.O. The frog’s band. new ed. ISBN: 9964702345 13pp. col.ill. ($3.95/£1.95) Afram 1999 GH
Odaga, A.B. Story time book. 70pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($2.00) Lake 1993 KE
Ohene, O. The concert. ISBN: 9964702361 16pp. col.ill. ($3.95/£1.95) Afram 1999 GH
Odaga, A.B. Sweets and sugar-cane 23pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($2.00) Lake 1988 KE
Ohene, O. The invitation. new ed. ISBN: 9964702353 9pp. col.ill. ($3.95/£1.95) Afram 1999 GH
Odaga, A.B. The villager’s son. 92pp. K.shs.120.00 ($3.00) Lake 1971 KE Odhiambo, N. Flying stones. 24pp. ill. K.shs.10.50 Evangel 1978 KE Oelke, J. From the heart of the fire. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 100pp. ill. R39.95 Tafelberg 1995 SA Oelofsen, V., Tyulu, U. Bad news and the beginning of a new life. ISBN: 0603049442 16pp. col.ill. R32.71 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA Ofori-Atta, A. Ananse and the crocodile. ISBN: 9964720882 29pp. col.ill. ($4.95/£2.95) Sedco 2000 GH Ofori-Atta, A. The hawk, the hen and the corn. ISBN: 9964721609 20pp. ill. ($11.95/£6.95) Sedco 2002 GH Ofori-Atta, A. The iguana and the mosquito. ISBN: 9964720769 38pp. col.ill. C5,400 ($6.95/ £3.95) Sedco 1999 GH Ofori-Atta, N.A. Kathy the monkey and Leo the dog. ISBN: 996497969X 16pp. col.pl. C3,000 ($2.00) Sam Woode 1998 GH Ofori-Mankata, M. Ananse and the squirrel. 30pp. ill. ($4.00/£2.25) Afram 1995 GH Ofori-Mankata, M. Ananse’s justice. Afram 1995 GH
25pp. ill. ($4.00/£2.25)
Ohuka, C. The return of Ikenga. 112pp. (£1.50) N2.30 Macmillan - Nig 1983[?] NR Okafor, J.N.J. The big fish. ISBN: 9781754516 52pp. ill. N150.00 Africana First 2004 NR Okara, G. An adventure to Juju island. 56pp. ill. K.shs.97.50 ($4.00/£2.25) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1992 NR Okara, G. Little snake and little frog. 16pp. col. ill. N83.00 ($3.00/£1.75) Heinemann Educ Ib 1992 NR Okekwe, P. The secrets of the palm kernel. (CSS young readers’ series, 3) ISBN: 9782951234 col.ill. ($2.99/£1.99) CSS 1998 NR Okekwe, P. Tales from Ashamza. (CSS young readers’ series, 1) ISBN: 9782951226 col.ill. ($2.99/£1.99) CSS 1998 NR Okekwe, P. A wife for Mr Mellow. (CSS young readers’ series, 2) ISBN: 978295120X col.ill. ($2.99/£1.99) CSS 1998 NR Okello, J. Hugo Hippo colouring book at the East Africa coast. 48pp. ill. ($4.95) Jacaranda 1994 KE Okello, J. Hugo Hippo’s fun book at the East African coast. 48pp. col. ill. ($8.95) Jacaranda 1994 KE Okello, M. Why the cat lives with people. K.shs.100.00 EAEP 1992 KE
Okereke, O. The old woman and the mushroom. 16pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1966 NR Okoro, A. Education is great. [Children’s rhymes in English, Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba]. (£2.50) Fourth Dimension 1986 NR MUL Okoye, I. No supper for Eze. 16pp. col. ill. ($3.50/ £2.75) Fourth Dimension 1980 NR Okoye, I. Only bread for Eze. 16pp. col. ill. ($3.50/£2.75) Fourth Dimension 1980 NR Okoye, M. Bola’s ambition. ISBN: 9782458118 40pp. col.ill. N100.00 ($1.00/£0.65) Vantage 2000 NR Okoye, M. Chidi and the big hat. 32pp. ill. N110.00 ($0.70/£0.50/Eur0.70) Vantage 1997 NR Okoye, M. Kukoro-koo. 88pp. ill. N1.50 Macmillan Nig 1982 NR Okoye, M. Ndidi learns a lesson. ISBN: 9782458201 36pp. col.ill. N80.00 ($0.50/ £.30) Vantage 2001 NR Okoye, M. Uzo visits his grandmother. ISBN: 9788000287 36pp. col.ill. N110.00 ($0.70/ £0.50/Eur0.60) Vantage 2000 NR Okurut, M.K. The adventurous sisters. 29pp. ill. ($4.00/£2.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1992 UG Okurut, M.K. Milking a lioness and other stories. 105pp. U.shs.5,000 ($4.50) Monitor 1999 UG Oladipo, Y. Happy times in Iju. 40pp. ill. ($7.00) Univ Press - Nig 1983 NR Olajide, W.A. Demi’s shoes. ISBN: 9780307540 16pp. ($42.50) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR Olalekan, A. Tinu’s troubles. ISBN: 9789000258 64pp. ill. N80.00 ($0.75/£0.50) Vantage 2000 NR Olanlokun, O. Aduke the kind mother and other stories. ISBN: 9782965340 40pp. N100.00 Bounty 2002 NR Olanlokun, O. The beautiful bride. ISBN: 9780293183 55pp. N234.00 Spectrum 2002 NR Olanlokun, S.O. The boy from Simpson street. ISBN: 9783722018 76pp. ill. N150.00 (£0.75) Durano 2005 NR Olanlokun, O. Chief Koko’s bicycle and the twin brothers. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781423935 76pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2001 NR Olanlokun, O. Children’s poetry for pleasure. ISBN: 9781426039 62pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2003 NR Olanlokun, O. Citizen Parrot and Tunde’s birthday party. ISBN: 9781420057 36pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00/£0.75) Literamed 2000 NR Olanlokun, O. City boy. ISBN: 9781422696 125pp. N150.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2004 NR Olanlokun, S.O. The dishonest servant. ISBN: 9780560722 28pp. ill. N100.00 (£0.40) Durano 2002 NR Olanlokun, O. Fatima. ISBN: 9781420219 52pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00/£0.75) Literamed 2001 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Children’s literature, African
Subject index
Olanlokun, O. The golden fish. (CSS young readers’ series, 6) ISBN: 9782951315 col.ill. ($2.99/£1.99) CSS 1998 NR Olanlokun, O. Hassan at the Durbar. (CSS young readers’ series, 7) ISBN: 9782951307 col.ill. ($2.99/£1.99) CSS 1998 NR Olanlokun, O. The invisible eye. ISBN: 9781421886 55pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2000 NR Olanlokun, O. The king’s daughter. 1994 NR
23pp. ill. Literamed
Olanlokun, O. Mother horse. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781420200 44pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2001 NR Olanlokun, O. My baby sister. ISBN: 9781424176 38pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2001 NR Olanlokun, O. The mystery woman of Aporo. N200.00 Literamed 2001 NR
Olanlokun, O. Ngozi and her son. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781426837 50pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2004 NR Olanlokun, O. Sade at the beach. ISBN: 9781421479 84pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 1999 NR Olanlokun, O. The singing night bird. (Reading is fun series, 7) 12pp. ill. N13.50 ($1.00/£.075) Literamed 1993 NR Olanlokun, O. Singing night birds and the king’s daughter. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781423773 80pp. col.ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2001 NR Olanlokun, O. The twin brothers. (Reading is fun series, 6) 12pp. ill. N13.50 ($1.00/£0.75) Literamed 1993 NR Olanlokun, S. O. Hope for the beloved. ISBN: 9780565981 85pp. ill. N180.00 (£0.85) Durano 2003 NR Olanlokun, S.O. The magic drum and other stories. ISBN: 9783722034 44pp. N130.00 (£0.50) Durano 2005 NR Olanlokun, S.O. Moonlight tales. ISBN: 9780565973 83pp. ill. N150.00 (£0.70) Durano 2002 NR Ole Sunkuli, L.O., ed. Sing me a song. 41pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1992 KE Oloro, N. The golden bangle. 53pp. ill. ($4.00/ £2.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1993 UG Oloro, N. Mother eats her son. 23pp. ill. ($4.00/ £2.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1993 UG Oludhe-Macgoye, M. Growing up at Lina School. new ed. 77pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1988 KE Olufunmilayo, O. Where is the princess? 36pp. N85.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1980 NR Oluleye, A. One day and one night. ISBN: 9781425067 100pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2003 NR Olunloye, O. The dragon who could not fly. (Reading is fun series, 5) 12pp. ill. N13.50 ($1.00/ £0.75) Literamed 1993 NR
Olunloye, O. Greedy tortoise gets a bald head. (Reading is fun series, 4) 12pp. ill. N13.50 ($1.00/£0.75) Literamed 1993 NR
Osu Library Fund, ed. Fati and the honey tree. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 9988550782 cd. 28pp. col.ill. ($16.95/£10.95) Sub-Saharan 2002 GH
Olunloyo, O. The greedy tortoise and other stories. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781423692 48pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2001 NR
Osuagwu, M.N.D. My manison book of animals for 3 year olds. 46pp. ill.pl. N50.00 ($0.60/£0.40) Inselberg 1989 NR
Olunloyo, O. The king’s new clothes. (Reading is fun series, 2) 12pp. ill. N13.50 ($1.00/£0.75) Literamed 1993 NR
Oswaggo, J., King, B., ed. Nyalgondho wuod-Ombare and the lost woman from Lake Victoria. 36pp. col.ill. ($7.95) K.shs.145.00 Jacaranda 1991 KE
Olunloyo, O. The king’s new clothes and other stories. 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781420111 52pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2001 NR
Otobo, J.U. Chief Koko’s bicycle. Literamed 1994 NR
28pp. ill.
Olunloyo, O. The lion and the mouse. 12pp. ill. N13.50 ($1.00/£0.75) Literamed 1993 NR [Also published in Kenya by EAEP]
Otto, N. Learn a lesson. ISBN: 1869005511 20pp. col.ill. R50.00 ($8.00/£5.00) UmSinsi 2004 SA
Olunloyo, O. The race. (Reading is fun series, 3) 12pp. ill. N13.50 ($1.00/£0.75) Literamed 1993 NR
Ova’a, C-D. Melo and his friends. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 995610003X 24pp. col.ill. (Eur2.30) Akoma 2001 CM
Omanga, C. The girl who couldn’t keep a secret. 34pp. ill. K.shs.50.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1988 KE
Owen, P. Little sparrow. ISBN: 0624036278 94pp. col.ill. R32.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA
Omolo, L.O. Onyango’s triumph. 47pp. K.shs.70.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1988 KE Omolo, L.O. The talking devil. 39pp. ill. K.shs.60.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1988 KE Omowale, D. A season of waiting. ISBN: 9966251197 146pp. K.shs.345.00 ($11.95/£6.95) EAEP 2001 KE Omulepu, I. The great girl. ISBN: 9966491295 40pp. ill. Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE Onalo, P.L. The wretched ghost. ISBN: 996625045X 136pp. K.shs.240.00 EAEP 2000 KE Onekpe, P.I. From forge to pulpit. CSS 2000 NR
55pp. N100.00
Owusu, J.O.K. How the tortoise attended a funeral on a tree. 16pp. ill. C250.00 Adwinsa 1987 GH Oyefeso, K. Ese’s trouble. (CSS young readers’ series, 4) ISBN: 9782951323 col.ill. ($2.99/£1.99) CSS 1998 NR Oyefeso, K. The wind and the tree. (CSS young readers’ series, 5) ISBN: 978029175X 19pp. col.ill. ($6.95/£3.95) Spectrum 2000 NR Oyefeso, K. The wind and the tree. ISBN: 978029175X 18pp. col.ill. ($6.95/£3.95) Spectrum 2000 NR Oyefoso, K. Goddess of the kitchen and other stories. ISBN: 9780291768 col.ill. N475.00 ($6.95/ £3.95) Spectrum 2000 NR
Onyekuba, O. Emeka and the Christmas party. ISBN: 9783248662 30pp. Macckho-Ricckho 2005 NR
Oyekanmi, A.O. The lion and the hare. 72pp. N87.70 ($6.95/£3.75) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR
Opong, S.F. Kwaw and the boatman. Adwinsa 1988 GH
Ozynski, J., Perlman, H. Equiano: the slave who fought to be free. 48pp. ill. R5.95 Ravan 1988 SA
16pp. C250.00.
Opong, S.F. Sam and his blue train. 16pp. ill. C2,000 (£1.50) Sedco 1988 GH
Pagden, B. Fudu’s tales. 40pp. ill. Z$43.95 ($3.00) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI
Oppong-Mensah, J. The boys who wanted bush meat. ISBN: 9964721005 24pp. ($6.95/£3.95) Sedco 2000 GH
Pagden, B. The stepping stone and other stories. 32pp. ill. Z$43.95 College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI
Orakutwe, K. Before it’s too late. 44pp. pl. N300.00 ($10.00/£7.00) Inselberg 2001 NR
Paige, D. Nightmares. 47pp. Z$43.95 ($3.00) College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI
Orchardson-Mazrui, E The adventures of Mekatilili. 130pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1998 KE
Pam, F. Amina the milkmaid. 23pp. col.ill. N5.00. Longman - Nig 1988 NR
Orford, M., CAmeron, A Hero of the cattle post. ISBN: 0636058344 32pp. ill. R32.35 Maskew Miller Longman 2003 SA
Pam, F. Hassan and Huseini. 14pp. ill. ($3.00/ £1.75) Malthouse 1996 NR
Orford, M., Wagner, L. Kazandu’s work. ISBN: 0636053385 24pp. ill. R28.56 Maskew Miller Longman 2003 SA Oruche, J. The beloved child. ISBN: 9781426187 82pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.00) Literamed 2003 NR Osafoa-Dankyi, J. Tortoise flies to a funeral and other stories. 42pp. ill. C3,500 ($1.90) Sedco 1990 GH
Pam, F. Mustapha and the magic jug. 16pp. ill. ($3.00/£1.75) Malthouse 1996 NR Pam, F. Mustapha in the desert. 23pp. ill. ($3.00/ £1.75) Malthouse 1996 NR Pam, F. Mustapha rescues the princess. 30pp. ill. ($3.00/£1.75) Malthouse 1996 NR Panday, A. The sun bird’s nest. ISBN: 186900261X 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature, African
Panday, P. Genna’s old toys. ISBN: 1869002601 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA
Pfotenhauver, L. Kagiso goes to school. 32pp. P1.25 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS
Pitcher, D. Catch me a river. cd. 64pp. ill. R29.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA
Parker, C. Willing workers and other stories. 90pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1970 NR
Pfotenhauver, L. Kagiso meets a hunter. 20pp. P1.25 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS
Parr, S. My name is Honoré. ISBN: 0636057496 32pp. ill. R33.43 Maskew Miller Longman 2003 SA
Pfotenhauver, L. Kagiso meets the music maker. 32pp. P1.25 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS
Pitcher, D. The mischief maker: African tales of Nogwaja the hare. cd. 64pp. ill. R34.95 Philip 1984 SA
Partridge, B. Opposites. (Look and See, 1) 22pp. ill.pl. ($5.50/£2.95) Academic Bks 1991 ZI Pascal, L. Higeldy-pigeldy. ISBN: 1869002547 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Pather, L. Daniel and the dinosaur. ISBN: 1919721908 11pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Pattinson, N. The fish that is always getting into trouble. ISBN: 1869002717 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2001 SA Paul, K. Adventures of pikanini Garu. 32pp. col.ill. (£1.50) Dzuka 1993 [?] MW Paulines Publications The adventures of Jack. 28pp. col.ill. ($0.40) Paulines 1996 KE Paulines Publications Grandma’s stories. Paulines 1996 KE Paulines Publications Grandpa’s stories. Paulines 1997 KE
24pp. col.ill. ($0.40)
28pp. col.ill. ($0.40)
Paulines Publications The poor man and the bird. ($0.40) Paulines 1996 KE
32pp. col.ill.
Payne, S-A. Aliens, UFOs, dinosaurs, bullies and other stories. ISBN: 1869006852 48pp. R24.99 ($3.90/£2.17) UmSinsi 2004 SA Payne, S.A. My five favourite stories. ISBN: 1869005562 78pp. col.ill. R80.00 ($13.00/£8.00) UmSinsi 2004 SA Peper, C.B. Contact. 99pp. R32.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA Perlman, S. Amber’s adventure. ISBN: 1869002415 28pp. R35.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Perreira, V. The rainbow butterfly. [Dual language text in English and Zulu.] ISBN: 1869003241 40pp. col.ill. R65.00 (£4.50) UmSinsi 2001 SA MUL
Pfotenhauver, L. Kagiso’s dream. - Bots 1983 BS
32pp. P1.25 Macmillan
Pfotenhauver, L. The story of the twins. 16pp. P1.25 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Phallas, D. A tale of two fathers. 96pp. ill. R44.95 (£5.95) Kwela 1996 SA Phillips, A.A. Kojo at home. GH
($2.00) Asempa 1997
Phiri, J.N. Dala and Ndi Chiwala. [Text in English and Chichewa.] 48pp. ill. (£1.00) K1.50 Dzuka 1985 MW MUL Pickard, C. The one-eared man. ISBN: 191976903X 132pp. col.ill. R29.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Pienaar-Louw, A., comp. Penny tales. Shirra goes to the dentist...and other stories. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 9991622721 60pp. col.ill. Out of Africa Namibia 2003 SX Pienaar, F., Witons, G. Pictures in my head. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636045862 16pp. ill. R25.13 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Pieterse, P. The price of a chicken. col.ill. R29.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Pillay, K. The sad flower. ISBN: 1869002334 7pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Pillay, Y. Clever cat. ISBN: 1869002288 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Pilossot, J. Mana posters and Mana colouring book. col.ill. ($3.00/£1.95) Z$4.40. Baobab Zimb 1989 ZI Pinetown Junior Primary Voices of eight. ISBN: 1869002660 36pp. col.ill. R60.00 UmSinsi 2001 SA Pinnock, D. Ruth First. 68pp. R19.95 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA
Perumal, K. The pretty butterfly. ISBN: 1869000463 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Pinnock, P.S. The king who loved birds. 28pp. col.ill. R35.00 African Sun 1992 SA
Pfotenhauver, L. An adventure for Kagiso. 24pp. P1.25 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS
Pinnock, P.S. Ouma’s autumn. 55pp. pl. R35.00 African Sun 1993 SA
Pfotenhauver, L. A hunter prints again. 32pp. P1.25 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS
Pinnock, P.S. Sing, Africa - poems and songs for young children. 3rd ed. 65pp. ill. R35.00 African Sun 1990 SA
Pfotenhauver, L. Kagiso and the hopping guinea fowl. 32pp. P1.25 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Pfotenhauver, L. Kagiso and the little calf. 24pp. P1.25 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Pfotenhauver, L. Kagiso and the trans-Kalahari road race. 16pp. P1.25 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Pfotenhauver, L. Kagiso at the lands. 32pp. P1.25 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Pfotenhauver, L. Kagiso gets a picture book. Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS
20pp. P1.25
Pinnock, P.S. Thobile and the tortoises. 24pp. col.ill. R35.00 African Sun 1992 SA Pinnock, P.S. Thobile’s dream. 2nd ed. 23pp. col.ill. R35.00 African Sun 1991 SA Pinnock, P.S. We call the whales. Ecological songs and poems for children. 43pp. col.ill. R35.00 African Sun 1993 SA Pitcher, D. The calabash child. 73pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1993 KE [East Africa only]
Pitt, B., Littlewort, L. The jewel in my heart. The diary of an AIDS orphan. ISBN: 0636060713 32pp. ill. R28.56 Maskew Miller Longman 2003 SA Poland, M. The bush shrike. cd. & 115pp. R14.50 cd. R11.00 Ravan 1982 SA Poland, M. The mantis and the moon. R13.50 Ravan 1979 SA
Poland, M. Marcus and the boxing gloves. cd. 42pp. ill. R27.95 Tafelberg 1995 SA Poland, M. Sambane’s dream. 0 SA
R31.99 Penguin SA
Poland, M. Shadow of the wild hare. R39.90 Philip 1986 SA Poland, M. The small clay bull. 1986 SA
88pp. ill.
66pp. col.ill Philip
Poland, M., Altshuler, S. The wood-ash stars. 63pp. col.ill. R45.95 Philip 1983 SA Pongo, R. The greedy boy. ISBN: 9964978693 12pp. col.ill. C25,000 ($8.95/£4.95) Woeli 2000 GH Porter, G. Hugo hippo’s ABC colouring book of Africa. 36pp. ill. ($3.95/£2.59) Jacaranda 1992 KE Porter, G.A., Miranda, R. The great greedy ogre. 24pp. col.ill. ($5.95) K.shs.80.00 Jacaranda 1992 KE Porter, G.A.C. The great greedy ogre mini book. 24pp. col.ill. ($2.95/£1.99) Jacaranda 1993 KE Prather, R. A colouring book for Kenya. 2nd ed.($3.55/£1.40) K.shs.10.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE Prather, R. A is for Africa. A colouring book of Africa. 2nd ill.pp. ($3.55/£1.40) K.shs.15.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE Preller, M. I am Simon. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 062404002X 32pp. col.ill. R59.95 Tafelberg 2003 SA Press, K. Let it come back. 96pp. R22.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Price, M. Stories for the very young. ISBN: 0624040186 60pp. R54.95 Tafelberg 2001 SA Pringle, M. Jimmy the dancing giraffe and other stories. 32pp. col.ill. Z$39.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI Pringle, M. The old blue bus and other stories. 32pp. col.ill. Z$39.95 College Press Zimb 1986 ZI Pringle, M. Socca field. 32pp. ill. Z$39.95 (£1.20) College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI Prins, A., Mhlope, G. An African Mother Christmas. ISBN: 0636049469 24pp. ill. R26.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA Prins, A., Turkington, N. Bongi on the bus. ISBN: 0636027970 32pp. col.ill. R30.19 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Children’s literature, African Prins, A., Weideman, G. Rubbish to riches. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046745 20pp. ill. R25.87 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Proctor, A. The school we made. 22pp. ill. ($5.50/ £2.95) Baobab - Zimb 1992 ZI Quail, E., Berry, A. Papaniki. 30pp. col.ill. R16.95 Ravan 1988 SA Ramantswana, M. Saved by a mamba. ISBN: 1869002180 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Ramgath, J. A very special day. ISBN: 1869000501 8pp. ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Rankin, J. Come quickly. 16pp. col.ill. R24.95 Tafelberg 1996 SA Rankin, J. Fat paws and pit wit. 16pp. col.ill. R24.95 Tafelberg 1996 SA Rankin, J. Sorry, I lost the baby. 16pp. col.ill. R24.95 Tafelberg 1996 SA Rao, C. Fingerprints of an angel. ISBN: 1869002644 32pp. R40.00 UmSinsi 2001 SA
Subject index Ridgway, D. Does Kakulu’s mother use magic? 29pp. ill. ($7.95/£4.25) New Namibia 1992 SX
Rwakasisi, R. The old woman and the shell. 29pp. ill. ($4.00/£2.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG
Ridgway, D. Kukurumbalumba’s magic calabash. 28pp. N$29.00 Gamsberg 1994 SX
Rwakasisi, R. Sunshine after rain. ISBN: 9970023837 51pp. ill. ($16.95/£9.95) Fountain PublUg 2003 UG
Ririani, R. The burning house. 28pp. ill. K.shs.40.00 Njogu KE Ririani, R. The lazy hyena. Njogu KE
20pp. ill. K.shs.40.00
Ririani, R. The naughty hyena. 20pp. ill. K.shs.40.00 Njogu KE Ririani, R. The sisters who were afraid. K.shs.60.00 Njogu KE
28pp. ill.
Roberts, A. Jesus of Nazareth and the little Jewish boy. ISBN: 1868975185 20pp. ill. R21.95 Clever 2004 SA Robson, J. Because pula means rain. ISBN: 0624039250 144pp. R44.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA Robson, J. Dark waters. 1995 SA
156pp. R34.95 Tafelberg
Rao, S.R. An embrace of hope. ISBN: 1869001559 30pp. R30.00 ($4.50/£3.00) UmSinsi 1999 SA
Robson, J. The denials of Kow-Ten. ISBN: 062403710X 142pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA
Rao, S.R. From my soul to yours. ISBN: 1869002652 29pp. R45.00 ($5.00/£4.00) UmSinsi 2001 SA
Robson, J. Don’t panic, mechanic. Tafelberg 1994 SA
Rao, S.R. Sleeping child. ISBN: 1869002636 22pp. R40.00 UmSinsi 2001 SA Rayner, R. The little elephant. 12pp. ill. ($4.00/ £2.25) Baobab - Zimb 1992 ZI Rayner, R. Tsoko. 124pp. ill. ($8.50/£4.95) Baobab - Zimb 1990 ZI Rayner, R. Umboko and the hamerkop. 19pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.75) Baobab - Zimb 1988 ZI Rayner, R. The valley of Tantalika. An African wild life story. 165pp. ill. ($12.50/£6.95) Baobab - Zimb 1990 ZI Readwide Publishers Educating Mansa. 22pp. C8,000 Readwide 2000 GH Reason, L. Adventures of Mr Tsuro. 28pp. Z$3.50 Longman - Zimb 1990 ZI Reddy, V. Book of poems. ISBN: 1869000595 16pp. col.ill. R45.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Reid, H. A piece of sun. A collection of poems, riddles and rhymes. ISBN: 0636059723 32pp. ill. R36.67 Maskew Miller Longman 2003 SA Reid, H. Poetry basket. ISBN: 0636059731 32pp. ill. R38.83 Maskew Miller Longman 2003 SA
160pp. R34.95
Robson, J. A good guide. ISBN: 9991273808 30pp. ill. P13.00 Longman - Bots 1998 BS Robson, J. Mellow yellow. 1994 SA
138pp. R29.95 Tafelberg
Robson, J. One magic moment. Tafelberg 1996 SA
135pp. R29.95
Robson, J. Towels for the twins. 30pp. ill. P13.00 Longman - Bots 1996 BS Robson, J. The warthog war. 30pp. ill. P13.00 Longman - Bots 1996 BS Rode, L. Tick tock, story clock. cd. 100pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA Rona, R. Runaway winter. trans.f.t.Afrikaans by Valerie Guy van Pittius 120pp. ill. R32.95 Tafelberg 1982 SA Rosenthal, J. Dora Tamana. 59pp. R17.99 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA Rosser, T., Burchell, B. My family. ISBN: 063604596X 16pp. ill. R22.84 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA Rothmann, A. The elephant shrew and company. R29.95 Tafelberg 1988 SA Round-Turner, D. My first book of birds. 32pp. ill. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1999 KE
Remi, A. Stories my mother told me. 64pp. N87.49 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1978 NR
Round-Turner, D. My second book of birds. 30pp. ill. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1999 KE
Reynolds, B. Valley of the rainbirds. 3rd ed. 128pp. R29.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA
Rudd, S. Dragon’s breath adventure. 21pp. col.ill. ($4.95/£2.75) New Namibia 1992 SX
Richardson, T.A. Kofi in the dentist’s chair. 40pp. ill. ($5.50/£2.95) Afram 1997 GH
Runyowa, G.T. Storytime. 84pp. Z$4.50. Longman Zimb 1987 ZI
Richardson, T.A. Kweku goes to the dentist. 40pp. ill. ($5.50/£2.95) Afram 1991 GH
Rwakasis, R. How friends became enemies. 27pp. ill. ($4.00/£2.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1993 UG
Saadien-Raad, K., Rosser, T. Abongile’s journey. ISBN: 0636059650 16pp. ill. R28.56 Maskew Miller Longman 2004 SA Sabakweba Our Mr Zulu. ZI Sackey, J.V. The twins. 1991 GH
54pp. ($4.60) Mambo 1995
54pp. ill. C1,700 Unimax
Sadiq, A. A difficult choice. 104pp. (£1.75) N2.10 Macmillan - Nig 1982 NR Safo, S. The Christmas story. Adwinsa 1983 GH
14pp. ill. C200.00
Sam-Woods, K. A for Africa. ill. C2,500 Afram 1987 GH Sanders, C. The talking parrots. ISBN: 1869000684 8pp. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Sandham, A., ed. Once upon a time: creative writing by the Grade Fours at Jeppe High Preparatory School, 1997. 39pp. R15.00 Piglet 1997 SA Sanusi, L. The longest story in the world. ISBN: 9783476181 96pp. N100.00 Mace 2000 NR Saro-Wiwa, K. A bride for Mr B. Saros 1993 NR
96pp. ($6.95/£3.75)
Saro-Wiwa, K. Mr B. (Saros Junior series, 1) 154pp. ill. ($6.95/£3.75) Saros 1987 NR Saro-Wiwa, K. Mr B. is dead. 144pp. ill. ($6.95/£3.75) Saros 1991 NR Saro-Wiwa, K. Mr B again. (Saros Junior series, 2) 143pp. ill. ($6.95/£3.75) Saros 1989 NR Saro-Wiwa, K. Mr B goes to Lagos. (Adventures of Mr B series, 1) 48pp. pl. ($4.00/£2.25) Saros 1989 NR Saro-Wiwa, K. Mr B’s mattress. Saros 1992 NR
45pp. ($4.00/£2.25)
Saro-Wiwa, K. Segi finds the radio. (Adventures of Mr B series, 3) 56pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.75) Saros 1991 NR Saro-Wiwa, K. A shipload of rice. Saros 1991 NR
56pp. ($4.95/£2.25)
Saro-Wiwa, K. Tambari. (English supp. readers, 4) 96pp. col. ill. Longman - Nig 1973 NR Saro-Wiwa, K. Tambari in Dukana. Nig 1973 NR
60pp. ill. Longman -
Saro-Wiwa, K. The transistor radio. (Adventures of Mr B series, 2) 48pp. pl. ($4.00/£2.25) Saros 1989 NR Sasa Sema Editors Moki and Monki go to the park. ISBN: 9966951261 32pp. ill. Kshs100.00 ($4.95) Sasa Sema 2004 KE Sasa Sema Editors Njeri visits grandmother. ISBN: 9966951253 32pp. Kshs100.00 ($4.95) Sasa Sema 2002 KE Satti, A. Amadi and Mariam. 30pp. ill. ($6.40) Univ Press - Nig 1991 NR
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 142
African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature, African
Saukila, W.S. Money. 48pp. ill. 18t Christ Lit Assoc Mal 1974 MW Saul, Z.W. The foolish tortoise and the friendly geese. ISBN: 0636048055 24pp. col.pl. R20.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Saunders, R. Sons of Anubis. ISBN: 0624037118 129pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Scarff, V. Bongani’s story: a message of coping with AIDS. [Also available in Setswana, Zulu and Xhosa.] ISBN: 1919870199 32pp. ill. R40.99 Clever 2004 SA Schermbrucker, R. Charlie’s house. SA
32pp. col.ill. Philip 1989
Schermbrucker, R. A child’s garden. 80pp. ill. R39.95 Tafelberg 1993 SA Schermbrucker, R. Lucky fish. ISBN: 1919931732 212pp. R129.00 ($17.50/£10.50) Jacana 2003 SA Schermbrucker, R. Uthini? [Text in Xhosa, English, Southern Sotho and Afrikaans.] 32pp. ill. R25.00 ELRU 1997 SA MUL Schermbrucker, R., Beatie, S. Say cheese. Say chillies. ISBN: 0636053377 16pp. ill. R26.27 Maskew Miller Longman 2003 SA Schermbrucker, R., Daly, N. Charlie’s house. new ed. ISBN: 1919888063 28pp. col.ill. R48.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA [Southern Africa only] Schermbrucker, R., Kramer, S. Antjie. [Text in Northern Sotho, English, Zulu, Southern Sotho.] 36pp. ill. R20.00 ELRU 1997 SA MUL Schermbrucker, R., Kramer, S. Antjie. [Text in Xhosa, English, Tswana and Afrikaans.] 36pp. ill. R20.00 ELRU 1997 SA MUL Schermbrucker, R., Kramer, S. Dress for Lien. ISBN: 0636053180 24pp. col.ill. R28.56 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA Schermbrucker, R., Kramer, S. The St Louis steel band. ISBN: 0636059774 32pp. pl. R30.78 Maskew Miller Longman 2003 SA Schlebusch, A. Knock, knock, who’s there? 80pp. R29.95 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA Schlebusch, A. Siyagruva: troubles, taxis and toilets. ISBN: 191987688X 60pp. R32.99 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Schreuder, U. Time for rhyme. ISBN: 0636051099 24pp. ill. R34.29 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA Schwanecke, U. Imagine you could fly. 16pp. col.ill. NS24.00 Gamsberg 1994 SX Scott, K. Diki the African blackfoot cat. 24pp. ill. Z$39.95 (£1.15) College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI Seboni, B., ed. Looking at tomorrow. 112pp. P20.00 ($8.00/£4.00) Morula 1994 BS Seed, J. Canvas city. 1983 SA
118pp. R10.00 Ravan
Seed, J. The hungry people. Tafelberg 1992 SA
94pp. ill. R32.95
Seed, J. Place among the stones. Tafelberg 1987 SA
96pp. R32.95
Seed, J. Prince of the bay. 152pp. R32.95 Tafelberg 1989 SA Seed, J. Stowaway to nowhere. 112pp. R32.95 Tafelberg 1990 SA Seed, J. The strange large egg. 40pp. ill. R29.95 ($6.95/£3.50) Gecko - SA 1996 SA
Sharouni, Y. Behind the secret doors. [Also available in Arabic.] ISBN: 0997304096 48pp. col.ill. E£50.00 ($17.00) Elias 2005 UA Sharouni, Y. The enchanted horse. [Also available in Arabic.] ISBN: 0997304104 48pp. col.ill. E£50.00 ($17.00) Elias 2005 UA
Seed, J., Berry, A. Ntombi’s song. 43pp. col.ill. R16.95 Ravan 1988 SA
Sharouni, Y. The pharoah’s bride. [Also available in Arabic.] ISBN: 0977304108 48pp. col.ill. E£50.00 ($17.00) Elias 2005 UA
Seedat, A. The fibber fish. ISBN: 1869000145 20pp. col.ill. R50.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Shem, J. Jonathan’s baby. 36pp. Z$3.75 Longman - Zimb 1987 ZI
Sefako, S.M. The bride who had nothing. ISBN: 0636048047 24pp. col.pl. R20.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Shenouda, S. Mona and the tree of Osiris. [Also available in Arabic.] ISBN: 9775028825 79pp. col.ill. E£9.00 ($2.50) Elias 2000 UA
Segun, M. Olu and the broken statue. 66pp. ill. ($5.50/£3.00) New Horn 1985 NR Segun, M. The twins and the tree spirits. 40pp. col.ill. N76.20 ($5.50/£2.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1992 NR Seid, S. First prize. ISBN: 1868402932 32pp. R26.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 2000 SA Semple, B. Strange adventures. 68pp. ($3.40) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Semple, I., Palm, G. Spider, spider. ISBN: 0636045935 16pp. col.pl. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Semple, I., stuar, A Sandwiches. ISBN: 0636045943 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Sene, S. Moussa, le vagabond. bk.1 36pp. ill. CFA500.00 NEAS 1987 SG FRE Sene, S. Moussa, le vagabond. bk.2 40pp. ill. CFA500.00 NEAS 1987 SG FRE Senne, D. Boitshoko. [Also available in Afrikaans, Sesotho, Zulu, Xhosa.] 32pp. ill. R17.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1995 SA Seomeng, J. Dimo and Chewelo. (Kalahari Adventure, 3) ISBN: 9991255524 24pp. col.ill. ($9.95/ £5.95) Pyramid 2004 BS Seomeng, J. Dimo and the little bush doctor. (Kalahari Adventure, 2) ISBN: 9991255516 24pp. col.ill. ($9.95/£5.95) Pyramid 2004 BS Servant, D. Khethiwe. [Also available in Afrikaans, Zulu and Xhosa.] 20pp. col.ill. R20.88 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA Servant, D. Nomsa’s story. 2nd ed. 32pp. col.ill. R34.26 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA Servant, D. Sizwe’s holiday. 56pp. R39.41 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA Sessions, L. The little dragonfly - Felicity’s Club. ISBN: 1919721614 11pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Shackleton, M. Georgina and her guardian angels. ISBN: 0958426198 98pp. col.pl. R80.00 ($10.95/£7.95) Kima 2001 SA Shadrack, G. Big eat them. 16pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($4.00/£2.25) EAEP 1997 KE Shapiro, S., Hichens, R. The unexpected friend. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046508 32pp. ill. R28.50 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Shenouda, S. Moody and the hieroglyphic gun. [Also available in Arabic.] ISBN: 9775028795 64pp. col.ill. E£9.00 ($2.50) Elias 2000 UA Shenouda, S. Solly and the sacred lake. [Also available in Arabic.] ISBN: 9775028817 70pp. col.ill. E£9.00 ($2.50) Elias 2000 UA Sherfield, P. More adventures of Sipho and the animals. 88pp. ill. Z$2.75 Longman Zimb 1986 ZI Sherfield, P. Sipho and the animals. 71pp. ill. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Shift, V., Dog, J. Zeke and the minesnake. ISBN: 0864863818 48pp. col.ill. R44.95 Philip 1998 SA Shija, P. Hyenas and the bell. 12pp. ill. ($4.00/ £2.25) Tanz Publ House 1996 TZ Shija, P. The proud kid and the stream. ISBN: 9987686974 14pp. ill. ($9.95/£4.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2005 TZ Shiri, S. The people of the elephant. ($4.30) Mambo 1982 ZI
Sibanda, L.N. Adventure at the falls. 38pp. Z$3.15 Longman - Zimb 1987 ZI Sidima, M. Why Themba stopped talking. col.ill. R29.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Sigogo, N.S. A visit to the Gods. (Dandaro Readers, 7) 56pp. ($4.90) Mambo 1987 ZI Sikuade, Y. Ehanna and friends. 96pp. N1.00 Macmillan - Nig 1978 NR Simba, D. The mystery door. ISBN: 9987417213 22pp. ill. ($9.95/£4.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2005 TZ Simiyu, F. The cow boy. ISBN: 186900003X 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Simons, P.B. Jock of the bushveld. new ed. 32pp. col.pl. R85.95 Struik Publ 1991 SA Singh, A. Betrayal of a father. ISBN: 1919721894 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Singh, A. The bravest dog in the world. ISBN: 1919721991 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Singh, A. The challenge. ISBN: 1869000420 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Singh, N. Secrets of nature. ISBN: 1869000323 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 19998 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Children’s literature, African Singh, Y. An adventure for Sandra. ISBN: 1869002245 16pp. R35.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Singh, Y. The candle and the fireplace. ISBN: 1869002466 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Singh, Y., Singh, S. Sisters are special. ISBN: 186900678X 40pp. R40.00 UmSinsi 2005 SA Singhateh, S. Christie’s crisis. (Sunbird readers, 10) ISBN: 9966468625 92pp. K.shs.200.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1998 KE Sisulu, E. The day Gogo went to vote. [Also available in Xhosa, Zulu, Setswana and Sotho.] 32pp. col.ill. R39.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA Slater, S. The dog, the bone and the wind. 30pp. ($7.50) Univ Press - Nig 1986 NR Slingsby, J., Goniwe, T. Miss Koti’s cats. ISBN: 0636049477 32pp. ill. R28.50 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA Slingsby, P. Jedro’s bane. ISBN: 0624035786 159pp. R54.95 Tafelberg 2002 SA Slingsby, P. The joining. 1996 SA
135pp. R29.95 Tafelberg
Smith, D. Play a part. A collection of plays and fables. ISBN: 0636064328 48pp. ill. R47.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2005 SA Smith, D. Tangeni and Ndahafa in Oshana. ISBN: 0636063399 48pp. ill. R25.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2004 SA Smith, D.H. The game hunters. 2002 GH
38pp. C9,000 Afram
Subject index Sooben The little koala and the pelican./ Le petit koala et le pelican. [Text in English and French.] 16pp. col.ill. ($5.50/£2.95) Océan Indien Ed 1995 MF MUL
Sswankambo, S. Njabala the lazy one. (Our heritage, 5) ISBN: 9970021230 14pp. ill. ($4.95/£2.75) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Staunton, I. Words in action. ZPH 1988 ZI
98pp. ($7.50/£3.95)
Taylor, A. Life stinks. ISBN: 1869002520 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA
Stewart, D. The zebra’s stripes and other African animal tales. ISBN: 1868729516 144pp. col.ill. R99.95 Struik Publ 2004 SA Stewart, D., Daly, J. The dove. new ed. [Also available in Xhosa, Zulu.] ISBN: 191988811X 32pp. col.ill. R48.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA [No UK, EC] Stewart, D., Pienaar, K.M. The mealie-cob children. & Shooter 1988 SA
Stewart, D., Senior, K. I went to market. ISBN: 0636052303 16pp. ill. R25.13 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA
120pp. R34.95
Strauss, G. Ducks in the drought. - SA 1995 SA
ill. R15.99 Gecko
Strauss, V. Mpho’s story: a message of hope, courage, strength and determination. [Also available in Zulu and Xhosa.] ISBN: 191987013X 32pp. ill. R40.99 Clever 2004 SA
Soi, E.K. The peacock and the snake. ill. K.shs.60.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1988 KE
Stuart, A. et al. Benji’s birthday bash. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1869030508 56pp. col.ill. R21.01 Gariep 1999 SA
Solaru, L. Konko. The naughty little monkey. 31pp. ($6.90) Univ Press - Nig 1991 NR
Stuurman, L. Lettie’s story. 40pp. ill. R26.40 Heinemann-EdSA 1995 SA
Solaru, L. Poor Akin. 30pp. N6.00 Univ Press Nig 1985 NR
Styer, C., Stryer, M. Double trouble. Caesar and Cleo. ISBN: 1919721835 44pp. ill.col.ill. R60.00 ($4.50/£3.50) UmSinsi 2000 SA
Solaru, L. Time for adventure. 124pp. ill. ($7.00) Univ Press - Nig 1983 NR Solaru, L. The twins are in trouble. 60pp. ill. ($11.60) Univ Press - Nig 1983 NR
Subramany, S. The piano player. ISBN: 1919721924 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Suleiman, L. The gold digger. 26pp. ill. col. ill. West African Bk 1977 NR
Taylor, B.W. Adventure at the balancing rocks. 18pp. ill. Z$1.50 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI
Taylor, J. An African ABC. ISBN: 1868727033 60pp. col.ill. R89.95 ($10.00) Struik Publ 2001 SA Taylor, J. A baobab is big and other verses from Africa. ISBN: 186872946X 144pp. col.ill. R99.95 ($11.95) Struik Publ 2004 SA Temar The foundling. 24pp. col.ill. ($0.40) Paulines 1995 KE
Stoltenkamp, T. Avie the golden saver. ISBN: 186900258X 40pp. R35.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Strauss, G. Busiswe goes to the graduation party. R17.99 Gecko - SA 1995 SA
Taylor, A. Welcome to the land of Drack. ISBN: 1869002229 16pp. col.ill. R45.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA
Taylor, F. Keep your dreams alive. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966882561 58pp. col.ill.pl. ($2.50) Focus 2001 KE
R20.75 Shuter
Smith, G. The throwaway kid. Tafelberg 1997 SA
Sobott-Mogwe, G. Thara meets the Cassipoohkaman. 24pp. ill. ($5.75/£3.25) Baobab - Zimb 1992 ZI
Tamakloe, A.W.W. Jogolo. 68pp. (£1.00) Sedco 1985 GH
Stewart, D. The gift of the sun. [Also available in Afrikaans, Xhosa and Zulu.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 0624038378 32pp. R49.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA
Stockil, A., Dalton, J. Shangani folk tales. 79pp. Z$2.95 Longman - Zimb 1987 ZI
Smith, K. Tinde in the mountains. 166pp. ill. map R11.50 Ravan 1987 SA
58pp. ($4.25) Mambo
Taylor, A. The haunted house and other stories. ISBN: 1869002539 16pp. col.ill. R45.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA
128pp. R34.95
101pp. R29.95 Tafelberg 1996
Tadjo, V. The lucky grain of corn. [Also available in French.] 24pp. col.ill. NEI 1996 IV FRE
Stewart, A., Walton, A. Making the teacher smile. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636045986 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Smith, G. The slowacki snoz. Tafelberg 1997 SA
Smith, G. Wheels. SA
Sutherland, E. Tahinta. [Book and audio cassette.] 19pp. C25,000 Afram 1968 GH
Tafeni, O.B. A turning point. 1991 ZI
Stewart, A. Our new principal. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636045951 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Stock, C. Armien’s fishing trip. 40pp. col.ill. R20.89 Philip 1991 SA
147pp. R34.95 Tafelberg
Sunkuli, L.O. The hero and the dream. ISBN: 9966251618 24pp. col.ill. ($13.95/£7.95) EAEP 2004 KE
Spiia, M., Ille, S. The croc. An Okavango adventure. ISBN: 9991255508 36pp. col.ill. ($9.95/ £5.95) Pyramid 2004 BS
Smith, G. Moongirl. 94pp. R26.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1996 SA
Smith, G. Way to go. 1995 SA
Suleiman, L. The king’s picture. 24pp. ill. col. ill. West African Bk 1977 NR
Temar The girl with a golden heart. ($0.40) Paulines 1995 KE
24pp. col.ill.
Temar The little fish who searched for water. ISBN: 9966216073 20pp. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2001 KE Temar The little merchant. Paulines 1995 KE
28pp. col.ill. ($0.40)
Tera, K. Cun cakica. [Bilingual text in Dioula and French. Early readers.] ISBN: 2909238687 92pp. ill. CFA3,000 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2002 IV MUL Tertrais, M. The clever young man and his mother, ISBN: 9966215050 24pp. col.ill. K.shs.70.00 ($1.00) Paulines 2000 KE Thatcher, M. Tselane - a legend of Lesotho. 2nd ed. cd. 64pp. R32.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Thembalihle DPWC Zibuya inhlazane. [Anthology of stories.] ISBN: 1869006844 80pp. R75.00 UmSinsi 2005 SA Theron, M. Dinosaurs. 64pp. ill. R16.95 (£1.99) Francolin 1996 SA Thesen, H. Strangers from the sea. R33.99 Philip SA
146pp. ill.
Thioune, M. New friends. [Bilingual text in English and French.] 32pp. ($6.00) Per Ankh 1996 SG MUL
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 144
African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature, African
Thoma, L. Megan’s diary - Felicity’s Club. ISBN: 1919721622 16pp. col.ill. R45.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Thomas, G. Spotty dog and other stories: stories for and of South African township children. 47pp. ill. ($4.50/£3.25) Skotaville 1988 SA Thomas, L. Google and Gronkle. ISBN: 1919721878 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Thompson, K. The wishing well. ISBN: 1869000013 16pp. col.ill. R45.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Thorn, G.W.P. Adventures of Jonathan. 60pp. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1966 NR
Tredgold, M.H. Tendai wins the jackpot. Baobab - Zimb 1994 ZI Tredgold, M.H. What Albie saw. Zimb 1994 ZI
12pp. col.ill.
12pp. col.ill. Baobab -
Tredgold, M.H. Why the bush fowl calls at sunrise. 12pp. ill. ($4.00/£2.25) Baobab - Zimb 1990 ZI Trethewey, T. The camp. ISBN: 1869002709 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2001 SA Trevor, L., Burchell, B. My new sister. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636045978 8pp. ill. R22.84 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Thorpe, M. Lucy’s games. 144pp. ill. R29.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA
Trevor, L., Busse, A. Hatching chickens. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046001 16pp. ill. R21.69 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Tillinger, M. The young dentist. ISBN: 1920050124 cd. 16pp. col.ill. R120.00 ($20.00/£10.40) Brain Food 2003 SA
Troskolanski, S. The tale catapult’s lost shoe - Felicity’s CLub. ISBN: 1919721649 15pp. col.ill. R45.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Tindyebwa, L.M. Recipe for disaster. new ed. ISBN: 9970020331 140pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2003 UG
Tsadidey, S.W.K. Sema’s family. 12pp. ill. ($5.50/£2.95) Woeli 1995 GH
Titlestad, M. The day the giant fell. 38pp. P14.00 Longman - Bots 1996 BS
Tsikikovhi, M. What if tomorrow never comes? ISBN: 186900213X 12pp. R25.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA
Tomaselli, M. Magic pot. ISBN: 9966219501 80pp. ill. K.shs.240.00 ($3.00) Paulines 2004 KE
Tsodzo, T.K. Tawanda, my son. 144pp. ill. Z$71.95 ($8.95) College Press -Zimb 1987 ZI
Toweet, T. Tears over a dead cow, and other stories. 63pp. ill. K.shs.48.00 Africa Book Serv 1970 KE
Tumusiime, J. The ungrateful mother. 23pp. ill. ($4.00/ £2.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1992 UG
Tredgold, M.H. The baobab children. 10pp. ill. ($4.00/ £2.25) Baobab - Zimb 1990 ZI Tredgold, M.H. The cucumber girls and the little nurse. 15pp. col.ill. Baobab - Zimb 1995 ZI Tredgold, M.H. The first ones. Nehanda and Chaminuka. ISBN: 0869227688 14pp. col.ill. ($8.95/ £5.95) Mambo 2002 ZI Tredgold, M.H. The flying chinguli and oher stories. 25pp. col.ill. Baobab - Zimb 1993 ZI Tredgold, M.H. The hare in the moon. 10pp. ($4.00/ £2.25) Baobab - Zimb 1990 ZI Tredgold, M.H. Hare runs a race with tortoise. col.ill. ($4.30) Mambo 1995 ZI Tredgold, M.H. How the hare lost his tail. ($4.30) Mambo 1995 ZI
5pp. col.ill.
Tredgold, M.H. How the hare rode on horseback. col.ill. ($4.30) Mambo 1995 ZI Tredgold, M.H. How the lizard lost his tail. Baobab - Zimb 1994 ZI Tredgold, M.H. Kalulu the hare on guard. ($4.30) Mambo 1995 ZI
10pp. col.ill.
8pp. col.ill.
Tredgold, M.H. Playing tricks. Tales of Africa. col.ill. Baobab - Zimb 1994 ZI
Tredgold, M.H. The riders and the baobab tree. 8pp. ill. ($4.00/£2.25) Baobab - Zimb 1990 ZI Tredgold, M.H. Street kid. Tales of Africa. 9pp. col. ill. ($3.00/£1.75) Baobab - Zimb 1993 ZI Tredgold, M.H. Tales of Africa retold. ISBN: 1779220219 56pp. Weaver 2003 ZI
Turkington, N. Beka’s best friend. col.ill. R24.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Turkington, N. The donkey cart carnival competition. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798138947 32pp. col.ill. R24.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Turkington, N. Matilda and Meggie. [Also available in Afrikaans.] col.ill. R24.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Turkington, N. Run, brother, run. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0978138467 32pp. col.ill. R24.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Turkington, N. The Toma tales. [Also available in Afrikaans.] col.ill. R29.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA Turkington, N., Daly, N. The dancer. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 32pp. col.ill. R44.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Turkington, N., Wilson, P. Rufaro’s great idea. ISBN: 0636053407 24pp. ill. R28.56 Maskew Miller Longman 2003 SA Turner, J., Rosser, T. Home is where you find it. ISBN: 0636049485 32pp. ill. R33.43 Maskew Miller Longman 2003 SA Tutto, B. Death trap. ISBN: 9966498524 196pp. ill. Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE Tuwangye, E. The paper umbrellas. 1986 KE
20pp. col.ill. Uzima
Uganden, A.R. My will your will. ISBN: 9780292845 46pp. N240.00 Spectrum 2001 NR Ukken, C. Bakhita. KE
80pp. ($0.60) Paulines 1994
Ukoli, N.M. Softly, softly and two folk tales. 62pp. (£1.75) N2.10 Macmillan - Nig 1981 NR Ukoli, N.M. The twins of the rain forest. (English supp. readers, 1) 66pp. 55k Longman Nig 1968 NR Ulanga, A.E. My grandfather’s stories. (£1.00) Dzuka 1994 MW
22pp. col.ill.
Uzodinma, O. Choice of stars. (English supp. readers, 5) 132pp. col. ill. 77k Longman - Nig 1973 NR van der Merwe, L. Heroes and lionhearts. 64pp. col.ill. R39.95 ($7.95/£4.50) Gecko - SA 1996 SA van der Schyff, H. Two victories for Dunbar. ISBN: 1869000218 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA van Harmelen, B. The road to Oshakati and other stories. ISBN: 9991601452 50pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX van Heerden, M. Good night, grandpa. cd. 32pp. col.ill. R29.95 Human and Rousseau 1990 SA van Hoepen, L. A poetry. ISBN: 0636064344 32pp. ill. R42.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2005 SA van Rooyen, N. Moon eggs. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 32pp. col.ill. R29.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA van Schalkwyk, M. Seastar and I. ISBN: 1869002725 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 2001 SA van Stockum, H. Mugo’s flute. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966882197 85pp. col.ill.pl. ($3.50) Focus 2003 KE van Straten, C. Huberta’s journeys. 3rd ed. 136pp. ill. R32.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA van Straten, C. Quest for the sacred stone. ISBN: 0195717791 128pp. R74.99 OUP - SA 2001 SA van Wyk, C., Diniso, G. Petroleum and the orphaned ostrich. cd. 48pp. col.ill. R16.95 Ravan 1988 SA van Zyl, P. George the cat. ISBN: 0869002369 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Vandial, E. Little Chris. ISBN: 1869000455 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Vandyke, O.A. After lights out. ISBN: 9964700903 16pp. C7,000 Afram 2001 GH Vatsa, M.J. ABC rhymes. 16pp. col. ill. N1.25 Fourth Dimension 1979 NR Vatsa, M.J. Children’s rhymes. 60pp. ill. (£2.00) Fourth Dimension 1978 NR Vatsa, M.J. Children’s stories and riddles in verse. 56pp. col. ill. (£2.00) Fourth Dimension 1978 NR Vatsa, M.J. Constitution. 16pp. col. ill. (£2.00) Fourth Dimension 1979 NR Vatsa, M.J. Solider’s children as poets. 32pp. col. ill. (£2.00) Fourth Dimension 1979 NR Vatsa, M.J. Stinger the scorpion. 16pp. col. ill. (£2.00) Fourth Dimension 1979 NR Vayssières, J-J. The amazing adventures of Equiano. ISBN: 1919888020 cd. col.ill. R59.40 ISBN: 1919888012 R42.90 New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA [Southern Africa only]
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Children’s literature, African Venter, L., Senior, C Grandfather’s drum. ISBN: 0636048004 24pp. ill. R28.56 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA Vere, C. Truth or death. ISBN: 1869000870 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Vermaak, A., Tillinger, M. The young astronomer. ISBN: 1920050116 cd. 16pp. col.ill. R119.50 ($20.00/£10.40) Brain Food 2003 SA Vermaak, A., Tillinger, M. The young chef. ISBN: 1920050108 cd. 16pp. col.ill. R119.50 ($20.00/£10.40) Brain Food 2003 SA Vermaak, A., Tillinger, M. The young forester. ISBN: 1920050140 cd. 16pp. col.ill. R119.50 ($20.00/£10.40) Brain Food 2003 SA Vermaak, A., Tillinger, M. The young journalist. ISBN: 1920050159 cd. 16pp. col.ill. R119.50 ($20.00/£10.40) Brain Food 2003 SA
Subject index Wako, F. Kenya fables. 41pp. ill. K.shs.134.00 OUP - Nairobi 1988 KE Wakoba, P.W. Together as one. ISBN: 9966218238 56pp. K.shs.50.00 ($0.65) Paulines 2002 KE Walker, R. The lonely boy. ISBN: 1869000749 7pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Walton, A. Sky lights. 32pp. col.ill. R29.95 ($12.50/£3.99) Gecko - SA 1995 SA Walton, A. We shouldn’t keep it. cd. & col.ill. R44.99 cd. R36.99 Philip 1991 SA Walton, A., Hinrichsen, T. The girl and the golden amulet. ISBN: 0702148768 col.ill. R15.95 Juta 1999 SA Wang, L. Poems. ISBN: 1869000129 14pp. ill. R45.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Vermaak, A., Tillinger, M. The young meteorologist. ISBN: 1920050132 cd. 16pp. col.ill. R119.50 ($19.40/£10.40) Brain Food 2003 SA
Wanjiko, J., R., Mirand Mcheshi goes on a journey. 24pp. col.ill. K.shs.220.00 ($7.95/£5.29) Jacaranda 1994 KE MUL
Vickers, H. Thank goodness for friends. ISBN: 1869003276 16pp. col.ill. R28.00 (£2.00) UmSinsi 2001 SA
Waskow, C. Vandje and the storm. 24pp. col.ill. ($4.00/£2.25) New Namibia 1992 SX
von Marees, N. Un rêve namibien/A Namibian dream. [Text in English and French.] ISBN: 9991621458 16pp. ill. Out of Africa Namibia 1998 SX MUL Vormawor, P.O. Anondi and the crocodile. 36pp. ill. C4,500 ($3.50/£1.00) Adwinsa 1996 GH Vormawor, P.O.N. ABC for beginners. Adwinsa 1982 GH
24pp. ill. C500.00
Vormawor, P.O.N. Afua and the magic calabash. C200.00 Adwinsa 1983 GH
16pp. ill.
Vormawor, P.O.N. Katey and his catapult. 16pp. ill C200.00 Adwinsa 1983 GH wa Mbugua, K. Inkishu. Myths and legends of the Maasai. 80pp. col.ill. ($15.95/£10.59) Jacaranda 1993 KE Waciuma, C. The golden feather. 52pp. ill. K.shs.80.00 ($3.00) Phoenix 1997 KE Waddington, K. Whistle when you call. Gecko - SA 1995 SA
ill. R29.99
Wade, M.D. Ngaari keewndi kaawissaji./Le taureau fantastique. [Bilingual French-Pulaar.] 28pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (Eur7.62) BLD 2003 SG MUL Wade, M.D. Yekk wu doy waar./Le taureau fantastique. [Bilingual French/Wolof.] 28pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (Eur7.62) BLD 2003 SG MUL Wadvalla, T. Ginger ball and big boy. ISBN: 1869003268 12pp. col.ill. R25.00 (£2.00) UmSinsi 2001 SA Wagener, A. Sandile and the silver city. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 56pp. R27.95 Tafelberg 1994 SA Waihiga, G. Bushbuck’s house. ISBN: 9966491317 24pp. col.ill. K.shs.120.00 ($2.00/£1.50) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Waihiga, G. Ndigiri and his friends. ISBN: 9966491325 26pp. col.ill. Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE
Watson, N. Kesewa the caterpillar. 21pp. col.ill. ($4.00/£2.25) Afram 1994 GH Watson, N. The story of the bean seed. 18pp. col.ill. ($4.00/£2.25) Afram 1997 GH Watson, N. Tetteh the tadpole. 19pp. col.ill. ($4.00/ £2.25) Afram 1994 GH Webster, L. The secret fairy garden - Felicity’s club. ISBN: 1919721533 12pp. col.ill. ($40.00) UmSinsi 1998 SA
Welch, R. The rain snake of Modipe. (Macmillan Zebra Reader, 1) 32pp. ill. P1.15 Macmillan - Bots 1980 BS Welch, R. The rat and the cat. (Macmillan Zebra Reader, 4) 32pp. ill. P1.15 Macmillan Bots 1980 BS Welch, R. Thunder and lightning. (Macmillan Zebra Reader, 12) 32pp. ill. P1.15 Macmillan Bots 1980 BS Welch, R. Water in Botswana. (Macmillan Zebra Reader, 5) 32pp. ill. P1.15 Macmillan Bots 1980 BS Wende, H. The quagga’s secret/Imfihlo yeQwahhashi. [Text in English and Zulu,] 32pp. col.ill. R29.95 ($12.50/£3.99) Gecko - SA 1995 SA MUL Wheatley, C.A. The chanting woman. ISBN: 1919721541 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA White, P. Donkey wisdom. 12pp. ill. (£0.40) Africa Christian 1978 GH White, P. Goat who wanted to become a lion. 12pp. ill. (£0.40) Africa Christian 1978 GH White, P. The great wall. ill. (£0.40) Africa Christian 1970 GH White, P. Helpfulness of hippo. 12pp. ill. (£0.40) Africa Christian 1978 GH White, P. Knots untied. 12pp. ill. (£0.50) Africa Christian 1978 GH White, P. Little leopards become big leopards. (£0.40) Africa Christian 1970 GH
Wegesa, B.S. Captured by raiders. 89pp. ill. K.shs.100.00 ($3.00) Phoenix 1988 KE
White, P. Monkey in a lion’s skin. 12pp. ill. (£0.40) Africa Christian 1978 GH
Weideman, G., Erasmus, R. Danger at the dump. ISBN: 0636046753 24pp. col.ill. R25.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
White, P. Monkey in the bog. Christian 1970 GH
Weir Taylor, B. The sacred mountain and other stories. 32pp. ill. col.ill. Z$2.25 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Welch, R. Diamond trip. (Macmillan Zebra Reader, 7) 32pp. ill. P1.15 Macmillan - Bots 1980 BS Welch, R. The elephant. (Macmillan Zebra Reader, 3) 32pp. ill. P1.15 Macmillan - Bots 1980 BS Welch, R. The giraffe. (Macmillan Zebra Reader, 2) 32pp. ill. P1.15 Macmillan - Bots 1980 BS Welch, R. Hunting in Botswana. (Macmillan Zebra Reader, 11) 32pp. ill. P1.15 Macmillan Bots 1980 BS Welch, R. The lightning bird. (Macmillan Zebra Reader, 8) 32pp. ill. P1.15 Macmillan Bots 1980 BS Welch, R. Lions. (Macmillan Zebra Reader, 6) 32pp. ill. P1.15 Macmillan - Bots 1980 BS Welch, R. The Okavango. (Macmillan Zebra Reader, 10) 32pp. ill. P1.15 Macmillan Bots 1980 BS Welch, R. Railways in Botswana. (Macmillan Zebra Reader, 9) 32pp. ill. P1.15 Macmillan Bots 1980 BS
ill. (£0.40) Africa
White, P. The monkey who didn’t believe in the crocodile. ill. (£0.40) Africa Christian 1970 GH White, P. Out on a limb. ill. (£0.40) Africa Christian 1970 GH White, P. Safe as poison. 12pp. ill. (£0.40) Africa Christian 1978 GH White, P. The sticky end. 12pp. ill. (£0.40) Africa Christian 1978 GH Whyte, E. The dancing Joromi. 20pp. col.ill. K.shs.15.00 Uzima 1986 KE Whyte, E. A match against juju. Uzima 1986 KE
20pp. col.ill.
Wilhelm, P. Summer’s end. cd. 149pp. ill. R11.50 ($7.95) Ravan 1984 SA Wilkins, V., McLean, G. Abena and the rock. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1870516087 24pp. col.ill.pl. ($7.00) Focus 2001 KE Will, S. From mom to mom. ISBN: 1869002407 6pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Williams, A. Dele’s travel and Sallah in Ilorin. 76pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1970 NR Williams, D. Bright rhymes. 30pp. ill. N12.00 Longman - Nig 1992 NR
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 146
African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature in French, African
Williams, D. Down by the dam. 21pp. ($7.00) Univ Press - Nig 1993 NR Williams, D. Rainbow rhymes for beginners. 40pp. ($4.95/£2.75) Univ Press - Nig 1992 NR Williams, E., Bosch, R. Mina mata. Mines kill. ISBN: 0636060497 32pp. ill. R32.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2004 SA
Worsley-Brown, P. Silas and Esther meet Jesus. ISBN: 9966200762 56pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.50) Evangel 1999 KE Woto, P. The bead skirt. ISBN: 9991273344 20pp. ill. R13.00 Longman - Bots 1998 BS Yankah, A.H.T. I am River Densu. 24pp. ill. ($6.50/ £3.50) Afram 1992 GH
Kipling, R. Le livre de la jungle. ISBN: 9973700449 190pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE La Fontaine, J. La cigale et la fourmi. Marif 1991 TI FRE
16pp. D0.35 El
La Fontaine, J. Le corbeau et le renard. Marif 1991 TI FRE La Fontaine, J. Le lièvre et la tortue. Marif 1991 TI FRE
Williams, G. My mother is gone. ISBN: 1869000544 12pp. col.ill. R40.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA
Yirenkyi, K. Animals and birds around us. C250.00 Adwinsa 1986 GH
Williams, L. A forest storm. ISBN: 186900227X 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA
Yirenkyi, K. The little black dog. Adwinsa 1986 GH
16pp. ill. C250.00
La Fontaine, J. Le lion et le rat. 1991 TI FRE
Williams, M. The genuine half-moon kid. R29.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA
Yirenkyi, K. My world of words. Adwinsa 1986 GH
16pp. ill. C200.00
La Fontaine, J. Le renard et la cigogne. Marif 1991 TI FRE
Williams, M. Hijack City. A Jake Mulligan mystery. ISBN: 0195715918 272pp. R94.98 OUP SA 1999 SA
18pp. ill.
Young, W. Thank you Sipho. col.ill. R27.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA
Williams, M. Into the valley. 160pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1990 SA
Zanella, A., Asimole, L. More stories from the lake. ISBN: 9966219455 24pp. ill. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2004 KE
Williams, M. The new year’s present. ISBN: 9780307974 12pp. ($4.60) Univ Press Nig 2001 NR
Zanella, A., Asimole, L. Stories from the lake. ISBN: 9966219420 24pp. ill. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2004 KE
Williams, M. Who killed Jimmy Valentine? R69.98 OUP - SA 1997 SA
Zola Primary DPWC Flowers of the nation. ISBN: 1869006811 44pp. R45.00 UmSinsi 2005 SA
Williams, P. The secrets of old Mukiwa. ISBN: 177900382X 87pp. Z$122.95 ($3.07) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI Wilson-Tagoe, N. Efiok begins again. 80pp. (£1.75) N2.10 Macmillan - Nig 1982 NR Wilson, R. A family that made a difference. ISBN: 1869000625 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Wimbush, D. Dangerous exchange. (Adventures in Africa, J3) 51pp. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR Wimbush, D. The kidnappers: wisdom of Mallam Faruku. 60pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press Nig 1968 NR Wimbush, D. The land of the crocodile’s teeth: Hassan and the spirits. 64pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1968 NR Wimbush, D. Professor Q’s secret. 90pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1971 NR Wimbush, D. A strange adventure and other stories. 68pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1969 NR Winter, J. Cool-cat alley. 112pp. R29.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Wiredu, A. The adventures of Dabodabo Akosua. [Also available in Twi.] 16pp. C250.00 Adwinsa 1982 GH Wiredu, A. The disobedient chicken. 13pp. ill. C250.00 Adwinsa 1982 GH Wirminghaus, G. Noah’s ark. ill. R19.99 Gecko - SA 1995 SA Woode, P.A. All about me. ISBN: 9964979673 24pp. col.pl. C4,000 ($2.50) Sam Woode 1998 GH Woode, P.A. Long long ago. ISBN: 9964979703 24pp. col.pl. C3,000 ($2.00) Sam Woode 1998 GH
Zwarts, M. Earthlings and aliens. ISBN: 1868972690 55pp. ill. R35.40 Clever 2004 SA Zwarts, M. Home language reader. Flights of fantasy. ISBN: 1868976505 ill. R39.95 Clever 2005 SA Children’s literature in French Andersen, H.C. Contes choisis d’Andersen. [trans.f.t. Danish] ISBN: 9990282007 189pp. Rs85.00 ($5.15/£3.20) Printemps 2001 MF FRE Andersen, H.C. La petite sirène. 1991 TI FRE
16pp. D0.35 El Marif
Brothers Grimm Le baron et les lutins. Marif 1991 TI FRE
16pp. D0.35 El
Comtesse de Ségur La fortune de Gaspard. ISBN: 9973190114 272pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE Comtesse de Ségur Les malheurs de Sophie. ISBN: 9973700465 180pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE Cullough, M.M. Niélé veut aller à l’école. ISBN: 2910454630 24pp. CFA1,500 ($3.00) Jamana 1998 ML FRE
16pp. D0.35 El
16pp. D0.35 El
16pp. D0.35 El Marif
16pp. D0.35 El
London, J. Croc blanc. ISBN: 9973290092 206pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE Perrault, C. Barbe bleue. TI FRE Perrault, C. Peau d’âne. TI FRE
16pp. D0.35 El Marif 1991
16pp. D0.35 El Marif 1991
Perrault, C. Le petit chaperon rouge. Marif 1991 TI FRE
16pp. D0.35 El
Twain, M. Les aventures de Tom Sawyer. ISBN: 9973190130 206pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE Verne, J. Cinq semaines en ballon. ISBN: 9973700422 276pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE Verne, J. Le tour du monde en 80 jours. ISBN: 9973190122 204pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE Children’s literature in French, African Abega, S.C. La hache des chimpanzés. ISBN: 2723500942 96pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur10.00) CLE 2001 CM FRE Abiathar, S.Y. Louba le petit footballeur. ISBN: 2841296229 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,800 EDICEF 1999 CD FRE Abondio, J. Le rêve de Kimi. ISBN: 2844870236 32pp. col.ill. CFA3,000 NEI 1999 IV FRE [co-published with Editions Neter, Côte d’Ivoire] Acaya, N. Deux légendes mahoraises. trans.f.t. Mahorian (Mayotte) by Hadrati Sinani (Archives orales, cahiers, 7 & 8) ISBN: 2908301148 60pp. col.ill. (Eur7.60) Baobab - Mayotte 1999 MY FRE Adegbilero, M. Le lauréat. ISBN: 9780308075 53pp. ($8.10) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR FRE
Dar El Maaref. Ali Baba. 16pp. D0.35 El Marif 1991 TI FRE
Adjaka, C., Fassinou, A. L’oiseau messager. 24pp. ill. (Eur2.84) Ruisseaux 2002 DM FRE
de Cervantes, M. Don Quichotte. 1991 TI FRE
Aka, M-D. Mificao. ISBN: 2844871607 32pp. col.ill. CFA2,200 (Eur4.57) NEI 2002 IV FRE
54pp. D2.50 El Marif
Defoe, D. Robinson Crusoé. ISBN: 9973190041 126pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE Grimm [Brothers] Blanche neige. 16pp. D0.35 El Marif 1991 TI FRE Grimm [Brothers] Les musiciens de Brême. El Marif 1991 TI FRE Hope, A. Le prisonnier de Zenda. Marif 1991 TI FRE
16pp. D0.35
88pp. D3.00 El
Akkari, M. Les invisibles attaquent. ISBN: 997375834X 80pp. col.ill. Alyssa 2001 TI FRE Akoa, F. La journée de bébé. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 9956100048 24pp. col.ill. (Eur3.10) Akoma 2001 CM FRE Akouete, C., Diallo, K. Quand je serais grand. ISBN: 2842580516 24pp. CFA2,200 (Eur3.35) Figuier 2000 ML FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature in French, African Akpaka, O., Midiohouan, T. Connais-tu Riga? 40pp. col.ill. CFA1,500 HaHo 1990 TG FRE
Assémian, A. Le secret de Lunelle. 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,950 (Eur4.00) CEDA 1988 IV FRE
Barkadieh, O.H. Arawelo la reine diabolique. Valley 1999 DJ FRE
Alamanou, J. La reine des poissons. CEDA 1980 IV FRE
Assémian, A. Yaya Assikongo et Krangba. ISBN: 2863943685 32pp. col.ill. CFA1,950 CEDA 2003 IV FRE
Barkadleh, O.H. Les aventures d’Igal Chidad. Valley 1998 DJ FRE
32pp. CFA290
Ali, O.Y. Bouti l’ogresse des temps anciens. 39pp. ill. FDJ900 Rift Valley 1997 DJ FRE Alou, K.A.M. Un enfant pas comme les autres. Contes du pays Kabyé. new ed. ISBN: 2741200327 117pp. CFA2,800 ($7.63/ £7.63/Eur6.40) NEA - Togo 2002 TG FRE Alumenda, S. Why snake has no legs. 32pp. col.ill. Rw200.00/CFA2,720 (Eur5.00) Bakame 1998[?] RW Alyssa Editions Les très filoutes. Histoires de Jha. ISBN: 9973758145 79pp. Alyssa 2000 TI FRE Amegankpoé, S., Bailleul, C. Les aventures véridiques de Fitini. ISBN: 2911741218 24pp. ill. (Eur5.69) Donniya 1999 ML FRE Amoi, A. La carapace perdue. ISBN: 2844870406 23pp. col.ill. CFA1,800 NEI 1999 IV FRE Amoi, A. La colère du roi des plantes. ISBN: 2911725735 24pp. col.ill. NEI 1999 IV FRE Amon d’Aby, F.J. Les aventures du coq. ISBN: 2863944339 48pp. col.ill. CFA1,950 (Eur5.00) CEDA 2003 IV FRE Angéli, M. Ali ceramiste à Tunis. [Also available in English, German and Italian.] 40pp. col.ill. Cérès 1991 TI FRE Angéli, M. Marcus mosaiste à Carthage. col.ill. Cérès 1991 TI FRE
Angéli, M. Saliha tisseuse à Kairouan. [Also available in English, German and Italian.] 40pp. col.ill. Cérès 1991 TI FRE Annick, A. L’aventure de Madame Banane. col.ill. NEI 1997 IV FRE
Anonyme Le prince de l’amour. 24pp. CFA2,200 (Eur3.35) Figuier 2000 ML FRE Anouma, J. Pain sucré. ISBN: 2747302547 28pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (Eur4.00) CEDA 2002 IV FRE [co-published with Hatier International, France] Asare, M. L’appel de Sosu. trans.f.t. English by Fatou Keita ISBN: 9988550480 37pp. col.ill. ($18.95/£10.95) Sub-Saharan 2002 GH FRE Assémian, A. Akissi reine d’une nuit. ISBN: 2863943383 31pp. col.ill. CEDA 1999 IV FRE Assémian, A. Un drôle de petit nuage. 32pp. col.ill. CFA1,950 (Eur5.50) CEDA 1997 IV FRE Assémian, A. Issa au pays fou. ISBN: 2863943367 26pp. col.ill. CFA1,850 (Eur4.00) CEDA 1999 IV FRE
Assémian, A., Coulibaly, M. Le prince et la souris blanche. 32pp. col.ill. CFA1,950 (Eur5.00) CEDA 1988 IV FRE Atiogue, B.N. Amina. 22pp. CFA1,000 (Eur5.00) CLE 1997 CM FRE Atoro, T.S., Bada, O.J.R.G. Le petit malin crapaud. ISBN: 2844871488 24pp. ill. NEI 2002 IV FRE Avimadjessi, D. Le jeu de Carlos. ISBN: 2906718998 42pp. CFA2,500 HaHo 1998 TG FRE Ba, A.M. alias Abdoul Ba L’affaire Dkhal Chi. [comic strip.] 44pp. col.ill. U1,100 (Eur3.00) Cri 2002[?] MU FRE Bâ, S. La balade en mer de lièvre et de ses compagnons. 20pp. CFA820 NEAS 1983 SG FRE Bacar, A. Ulysse et les délices de Jerba. 24pp. col.ill. (Eur10.00) Ganndal 2002 GV FRE [co-published with Cérès Editions, Tunisia; Graphic Technic & Biomedical, Burkina Faso; Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire; Editions Jamana, Mali; Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Benin; Editions Alpha, Niger; Editions du CRAC, Cameroun.] Baccar, A. Au pays des lotophages. Cérès 1996 TI FRE
24pp. col.ill.
Bachabi, A. Le pipi rouge. ISBN: 9991953051 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,000 (Eur4.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE Bada, O.J.R.G. Les belles noces de Faïma. ISBN: 284487147X 24pp. col.ill. NEI 2002 IV FRE Bada, O.J.R.G. Une cueillette ratée. ISBN: 284487164X 23pp. col.ill. CFA2,200 (Eur4.57) NEI 2002 IV FRE Bada, O.J.R.G. Mais qu’est-ce qu’il y a Dodo? ISBN: 2844870767 32pp. col.ill. CFA2,200 (Eur4.57) NEI 2000 IV FRE Bada, O.J.R.G. Le malin petit crapaud. ISBN: 2844871488 23pp. col.ill. CFA2,200 (Eur4.57) NEI 2002 IV FRE Bada, O.J.R.G. La statuette sacrée. ISBN: 2844871194 24pp. col.ill. NEI 2001 IV FRE Badjo, B.M. Les mensonges de la nuit. ISBN: 2844871232 166pp. ill. NEI 2003 IV FRE Bailleul, C. Le mariage de Sabou. ISBN: 2911741455 16pp. col.ill. CFA3,500 (Eur5.30) Donniya 2002 ML FRE Bailleul, C. La petite souris qui a perdu son enfant. 18pp. col.ill. CFA1,500 (Eur6.00) Donniya 1997 ML FRE
Assemian, A. L’aventure de Madame Mangue. ill. NEI 1995 IV FRE
Bailleul, C. Vieux comme le monde. Dinekoroba. 28pp. col.ill. CFA1,500 (Eur6.00) Donniya 1997 ML FRE
Assémian, A. L’aventure de Monsieur Ananas. ill. CFA2,300 NEI 1998 IV FRE
Bambote, M. Les randonnées de Daba. NEAS 1983 SG FRE
Assemian, A. Petit poussin mécanique. ISBN: 2863943375 32pp. ill. CFA1,850 (Eur3.81) CEDA 2000 IV FRE
ill. CFA425
Bari, O. Taali. Contes et légendes du Fouta Djallon. ISBN: 291332617X 64pp. ill. CFA1,600 (Eur6.00) Ganndal 2004 GV FRE
49pp. Rift
36pp. Rift
Barro, M. Cahier des souvenirs. 36pp. CFA600.00 La Muse 1994 UV FRE Barry, E.M. Une curieuse aventure. Contes et récits. ISBN: 2913326080 64pp. ill. FG3,500 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE Bawe, E.M. Nfo l’enfant qui n’en fait qu’à sa tête. ISBN: 2723504002 24pp. col.ill. CLE 1999 CM FRE BD Boom Explose la capote. Histoires d’une chaussette tropicale. 47pp. col.ill. BD Boom 1999 GO FRE Bebey, K. Dans la cour des grands. ISBN: 2863942972 86pp. ill. CFA1,500 (Eur4.00) CEDA 1999 IV FRE Bebey, K. Pourquoi je ne suis pas sur la photo? ISBN: 2723505607 23pp. col.ill. CFA1,800 CLE 1999 CM FRE Bek, L. La merveilleuse aventure de Joao. 39pp. col.ill. Ecofac 1998 GO FRE ben Milad, I. Contes fantastiques, candides, cruels et courts. ISBN: 9973758127 108pp. Alyssa 2000 [?] TI FRE ben Youssef, N. Le cap des tempêtes. ISBN: 9973758138 138pp. Alyssa 2000 TI FRE Benaïssa, Z. Le fils du vent. ISBN: 2910532068 36pp. ill. CFA1,500 Jamana 2002 ML FRE [co-published with] Benaïssa, Z. L’arc noir. ISBN: 2915032262 35pp. ill. CFA1,500 Jamana 2003 ML FRE Benaïssa, Z. L’époux de la souricette. ISBN: 2915032106 25pp. CFA1,500 Jamana 2002 ML FRE Benaïssa, Z. L’île. ISBN: 291503205X 23pp. ill. CFA1,500 Jamana 2002 ML FRE [copublished with Cérès Editions, Tunisia; Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Benin; Editions Ganndal, Guinea; Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire; Editions GTI, Burkina Faso; Editions du CRAC, Cameroun; Editions Alpha, Tunisia] Benaïssa, Z. Les pigeons de l’Impasse Catherine. ISBN: 2847700285 40pp. ill. CFA1,100 Eburnie 2002 IV FRE [co-published with Cérès Productions, Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Ganndal, Jamana, GTI, du CRAC, Alpha] Benaïssa, Z. Le singe et le pêcheur. ISBN: 2915032114 29pp. ill. CFA1,500 Jamana 2002 ML FRE [co-published with Cérès Editions, Tunisia; Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Benin; Editions Ganndal, Guinea; Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire; Editions GTI, Burkina Faso; Editions du CRAC, Cameroun; Editions Alpha, Tunisia] Benaïssa, Z. Sloughi et la panthère. ISBN: 2915032041 25pp. ill. CFA1,500 Jamana 2002 ML FRE [co-published with Cérès Editions, Tunisia; Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Benin; Editions Ganndal, Guinea; Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire; Editions GTI, Burkina Faso; Editions du CRAC, Cameroun; Editions Alpha, Tunisia] Bernos, C. Louba M’Bâ. ISBN: 2843901049 28pp. col.ill. CFA3,000 (Eur12.99) Ganndal 2002 GV FRE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 148
African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature in French, African
Bikoi, N. Vie d’enfant, 63pp. ill. CFA1,800 Passerelle 1998 IV FRE
Chaold-Kouli, P. Récitations. CFA1,200 NEA - Togo 1991 TG FRE
Boan Lou, C.I., Kouadio, B. Kayéli. ISBN: 2844870082 32pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (Eur5.34) NEI 2000 IV FRE
Cissé, A. N’Tolé la sorcière. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2864270439 34pp. ill. CFA2,500 Akpagnon 1998 TG FRE
Bognomo, J.E. Une merveilleuse grand-mère. ISBN: 9956100099 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,475 (Eur4.81) Akoma 2003 CM FRE Bogore, G. Les animaux veulent un roi. (Les albums du jeune soleil, série A, 5) 12pp. ill. CFA195 CEDA 1975 IV FRE Bogore, G. La chasse au serpent boa. (Albums du jeune soleil, B/7) 12pp. ill. CFA195 CEDA 1975 IV FRE Bogore, G. Nina, Doudou et l’hyène. (Les albums du jeune soleil, série B, 6) 12pp. ill. CFA195 CEDA 1975 IV FRE Bournaz, A.B. Elissa-Didon reine de Carthage. ISBN: 2915032297 30pp. ill. CFA1,500 Jamana 2003 ML FRE Brigitte Pour dire l’Ile Maurice. Contes pour les jeunes. ill. Printemps 1995 MF FRE Brown, A. Le papillon et l’arc-en-ciel. ISBN: 2844870430 32pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (Eur5.34) NEI 2000 IV FRE Camara, B. Chants d’espoir. 70pp. CFA8,000 (Eur12.00) EDJA 1994 SG FRE Carnas, E. Boyro, le génie de la fécondité. 32pp. col.ill. Rw200.00/CFA2,720 (Eur5.00) Bakame 1999 RW FRE Centre Culturel Français de N’Djamena Palabres du Tchad. 48pp. ill. RLPT 1996 CD FRE Centre Régional de Promotion du Livre en Afrique La curieuse aventure de Ndzana et autres contes. ISBN: 2723504809 163pp. CFA2,000 (Eur9.00) CLE 1999 CM FRE
Cissé, A.T. La bataille du chaudron. ISBN: 291332679X 64pp. ill. CFA2,000 (Eur8.00) Ganndal 2002 GV FRE Cissé, F.F. La blessure. FRE
80pp. col.ill. CEDA 2001 IV
Clair, A. L’amour d’Aïssatou. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2850699713 157pp. ill. (Eur2.90) NEI 1999 IV FRE [co-published with NEAS, Senegal; NEA, Togo; Edicef, Paris] Club Conteurs de Possotomè Zinsou et Sagbo. ISBN: 9991950273 24pp. CFA1,800 (Eur3.50) Ruisseaux 2003 DM FRE Collectif des écoles primaires tunisiennes L’époux de la souricette. ISBN: 2847700234 32pp. ill. CFA1,100 Eburnie 2002 IV FRE [co-published with Cérès Productions, Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Editions Ganndal, Editions Jamana, Editions GTI, Editions du CRAC, Editions Alpha] Collectif des écoles primaires tunisiennes Le singe et le pêcheur. ISBN: 2847700242 32pp. ill. CFA1,100 Eburnie 2002 IV FRE [co-published with Cérès Productions, Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Editions Ganndal, Editions Jamana, Editions GTI, Editions du CRAC, Editions Alpha] Conte, D. Le rêve de Loussa. Togo 1989 TG FRE
CFA1,045 NEA -
Couao-Zotti, F. Un enfant dans la guerre. ISBN: 2906718734 70pp. ill. CFA2,500 HaHo 1998 TG FRE Coulibaly, L.D. Si je mens que je me tranche la tête. ISBN: 291394292X 105pp. ill. CFA3,000 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2003 IV FRE
Centre Régional du Promotion du Livre en Afrique La jeune missive par les jeunes messagers. Concours littéraire 2000. [Collection of fiction written by young people on health, sport and the environment in letter form.] 92pp. CFA2,000 (Eur3.00) CREPLA 2000 CM FRE
Coulibaly, M. Le chien, la chatte et le tigre. 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,850 (Eur5.00) CEDA 1988 IV FRE
Centre Régional du Promotion du Livre en Afrique L’environnement. Concours littéraire 2002. [Collection of fiction on the environment written by young people.] 62pp. CFA2,000 (Eur3.00) CREPLA 2002 CM FRE
Coulibaly, M. Kaskou l’intrépide. ISBN: 2844871593 31pp. col.ill. CFA2,200 (Eur4.57) NEI 2002 IV FRE [ co-published with Edilis, Côte d’Ivoire]
Chabaane, B.B. Le mariage de la Khanfoussa. Alyssa 2000 TI FRE Chamoin, F-E. L’enfant aux semelles de rêve. Couleur Locale 1999 DJ FRE Chaold-Kouli, P. Boboutoro et le hibou. - Togo 1990 TG FRE
CFA950.00 NEA
Chaold-Kouli, P. Le caneton égaré. CFA950.00 NEA Togo 1986 TG FRE Chaold-Kouli, P. Djdili et Wédé à la ferme de Lama-Tessi au Togo. CFA950.00 NEA - Togo 1990 TG FRE Chaold-Kouli, P. Fala le redoutable. Togo 1986 TG FRE
CFA950.00 NEA -
Chaold-Kouli, P. Le missionnaire de Pessaré. NEA - Togo 1986 TG FRE
Coulibaly, M. Les confidences de Médor. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2909238474 72pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur8.00) EDILIS 2001 IV FRE
Coulibaly, M. Nan la bossue. 32pp. col.ill. CFA1,850 (Eur5.00) CEDA 1988 IV FRE Coulibaly, M. Santi, la perle noire. Photo-roman. ISBN: 2863942891 60pp. CFA1,250 (Eur3.81) CEDA 1998 IV FRE Cours préparatoire école de Loungou plage Mayotte Fatima et son ami. ISBN: 2908301156 10pp. col.ill. (Eur6.10) Baobab - Mayotte 1999 MY FRE CREPLA La curieuse aventure de Ndzana et autres contes. ISBN: 2723504805 166pp. CFA3,000 (Eur4.57) CLE 1999 CM FRE Dadonougbo, B. Joyeux anniversaire Gédéon. ISBN: 9999150206 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,800 (Eur3.50) Ruisseaux 2003 DM FRE [copublished with Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire] Dadonougbo, B.C. Djidogbé et le serpent-dieu. ISBN: 2909130908 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,800 Flamboyant 1999 DM FRE
Dao, M. La crêche du petit Mohammed. ISBN: 2863944355 69pp. ill. CFA1,500 (Eur2.50) CEDA 2002 IV FRE [copublished with Editions Hurtubise, Canada] Daour Wade, M. Ngaari Mawdi, le taureau fantastique. 26pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur7.50) BLD 2003 SG FRE Darboux, R. La marmite renversée. ISBN: 9991953035 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,000 (Eur4.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE Darboux, R. Tonton Marc. ISBN: 9991953140 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,000 (Eur4.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE Dargelos, P. Le petit crocodile. (Les albums du jeune soleil, série A, 3) 12pp. ill. CFA195 CEDA 1975 IV FRE David, C. Armand et Lucien. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2910822028 28pp. ill. (Eur9.00) Lacaze 2003 RF FRE David, C. Le petit volcan. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2910822001 28pp. ill. (Eur9.00) Lacaze 2002 RF FRE de Cavally, J. Bley et sa bande. new ed. ISBN: 9909238873 85pp. col.ill. CFA2,000 (Eur5.34) EDILIS 2000 IV FRE de Saint Sauveur Foua, E. Le sentier des rêves maudits. ISBN: 2863942948 256pp. col.ill. CFA3,850 (Eur8.38) CEDA 1998 IV FRE Delagone, D. Oumba et la luciole. (Les albums du jeune soleil, série B, 3) 12pp. ill. CFA195 CEDA 1975 IV FRE Delagone, D. Le petit lion. (Les albums du Jeune soleil, série A, 1) 12pp. ill. CFA195 CEDA 1975 IV FRE Dembélé, N.U. Le saga des fous. 135pp. CFA1,990 ($5.50) Jamana 1991 ML FRE d’Erneville, A.M. La bague de cuivre et d’argent. 22pp. ill. CFA600.00 NEAS 1983 SG FRE Diagne, M.F. La fille du pharaon noir. 18pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur7.62) BLD 2000 SG FRE Diagne Sene, F. Les deux amies de Lamtoro. ISBN: 2841299384 26pp. col.ill. CFA2,200 (Eur6.00) Falia 2003 SG FRE Diallo, K. L’invitation à un baptême. ISBN: 2911741145 22pp. ill. (Eur5.69) Donniya 1998 ML FRE Diallo, K. Le singe magique. Les aventures de Tidiane et Djénéba. ISBN: 2911741129 24pp. ill. (Eur5.69) Donniya 1998 ML FRE Diallo, K. Voyage en taxi brousse. ISBN: 2911741139 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,500 (Eur6.00) Donniya 1998 ML FRE Diallo, M. Le fils de l’aurore. ISBN: 2863943294 80pp. ill. CFA1,500 (Eur4.00) CEDA 1999 IV FRE Diallo, M. Le peintre maudit. ISBN: 289428246X 77pp. ill. CFA1,500 (Eur4.00) CEDA 1998 IV FRE [co-published with Editions Hurtubise, Canada] Diallo, M., N’Guessan, D. Hamid le petit porteur. 52pp. col.ill. CFA1,950 (Eur6.00) CEDA 1997 IV FRE Diane, M. L’interlocuteur. 17pp. ill. FG3,700 Ganndal 1997 GV FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Children’s literature in French, African Diarra, Y. La revanche du chasseur. ISBN: 2842580397 22pp. col.ill. Figuier 2001 ML FRE Dick, G. Un drôle de bienfaiteur. ISBN: 2863944363 71pp. ill. CFA1,500 (Eur3.00) CEDA 2002 IV FRE [copublished with Hurtubise, Canada] Dick, G. Un si méchant roi. ISBN: 2863943391 40pp. col.ill. CFA1,950 (Eur5.00) CEDA 1999 IV FRE Diop, H.N. L’épreuve de Noko. ISBN: 2841299368 26pp. col.ill. CFA2,200 (Eur6.00) Falia 2003 SG FRE Diop, N.H. Des djinns de toutes les couleurs. 29pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (EUR7.50) BLD 1997 SG FRE Do, B.T.A. Les vacances de Djonan. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2864270358 78pp. ill. CFA1,000 Akpagnon 1998 TG FRE Dogbe, A. Afi à la campagne. new ed. ISBN: 2864270668 30pp. col.ill. CFA3,500 Akpagnon 1999 TG FRE Dogbe, A. Diara et le soleil. ISBN: 2864270402 32pp. col.ill. CFA3,000 Akpagnon 1997 TG FRE Dossou Kpitime, P. Naïma n’a pas le sida. ISBN: 9991953124 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,000 (Eur4.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE Doumb-Fakoly Un mariage forcé. ISBN: 2863942980 80pp. ill. CFA990 CEDA 1999 IV FRE Doumbia, D. Le destin de Samba. 159pp. CFA1,850 ($5.00) Jamana 1989 ML FRE Doumbia, M., ed. Le prix de l’effort. ISBN: 2909238997 124pp. ill. CFA2,000 (Eur5.00) EDILIS 2000 IV FRE Dumestre, G. La geste de Ségou. 78pp. CFA2,475 (Eur6.02) CEDA 1977 IV FRE Editions Akoma Mba Shegue. [comic strip.] ISBN: 995610153X 56pp. CFA5,200 (Eur10.00) Akoma 2003 CM FRE
Subject index ENDA Editions Farafina express. ISBN: 9291300233 90pp. CFA1,000 ENDA 1999 SG FRE Ewombe-Moundo, E. Little toe et pebble. ISBN: 2913326234 24pp. ill. FG2,000 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE Fadiga, A. Komou le singe. (Les albums du jeune soleil, série A, 4) 12pp. ill. CFA195 CEDA 1975 IV FRE Fadiga, R. La case. (Les albums du jeune soleil, série B, 1) 12pp. ill. CFA195 CEDA 1975 IV FRE Fadiga, R. Le cotonnier de Moussa. (Les albums du jeune soleil, série B, 4) 12pp. ill. CFA195 CEDA 1975 IV FRE Fall, S. Sangomar. [comic strip.] NEAS 1989 SG FRE
Fanny Cissé, F. La blessure. ISBN: 2863944258 88pp. CFA1,500 CEDA 2002 IV FRE Fassinou, A., Adjaka, C. L’oiseau messager. ISBN: 2847700072 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,800 Eburnie 2002 IV FRE [co-published with Cérès Productions, Tunisia; Editions Ganndal, Guinea; Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Benin]
Gakwaya, F. Bakame, le lièvre futé. 32pp. col.ill. Rw200.00/CFA2,720 (Eur5.00) Bakame 1999 RW FRE Gayibor, N.L. Le genyi. 322pp. CFA3,500 HaHo 1988 TG FRE Gba, M. Un village dans les montagnes. 24pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur5.34) NEI 1995 IV FRE Gbado, A. Je voudrais redevenir bébé. ISBN: 9991953167 32pp. col.ill. CFA3,000 (Eur10.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE
Editions CEDA Sanaba. 88pp. CFA3,750 (Eur7.24) CEDA 1996 IV FRE
Gbado, B.L. Kouaba, le village en sursis. 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,800 (Eur5.00) Ruisseaux 1998 DM FRE
Ekue, T.C. Partir en France. 56pp. CFA1,350 HaHo 1996 TG FRE Elo-Mintsa, J. Premières lectures. 2nd ed. ISBN: 290671870X 42pp. CFA2,355 HaHo 1998 TG FRE Elose, J-J. Le grand Toumbou. CLE 2002 CM FRE
26pp. ill. CFA1,500
Hafnaoui, C. Aich Lella raconte. FRE
60pp. Alyssa 2001 TI
Hafnaoui, C. La couronne. Conte tunisien. trans.f.t. Arabic by A. Karoui [Dual language text in French and Arabic.] ISBN: 9973758285 24pp. col.ill. Alyssa 2000 TI MUL Haidara, M. Leïla ou la rage d’apprendre. ISBN: 2913213005 32pp. col.ill. CFA1,500 (Eur2.50) Edim 1999 ML FRE Hazoumé, F. Une vie de bonne. ISBN: 2863943286 80pp. ill. CFA1,500 (Eur4.00) CEDA 1999 IV FRE
Hien, A.I. Le conte de la Volta Noire. Contes Dagara. vol.2 ISBN: 2911740009 168pp. CFA2,500 (Eur5.8) GTIB 2000 UV FRE
Gbado, B.L. Chevaux fabuleux. 128pp. ill. (Eur2.84) Ruisseaux 1998 DM FRE
24pp. col.ill Eburnie 2004
Guenou, C. Emefa. ISBN: 2906718912 59pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 HaHo 1999 TG FRE
Fonta, E. Et si je devenais toi? 24pp. ill. CFA1,000 NEI 1998 IV FRE
Editions CEDA Racines no.2. 64pp. CFA1,420 (Eur3.81) CEDA 1981 IV FRE
Ekue, C.T. Djanta, le lion. IV FRE
Grimm [Brothers] L’oie d’or. 16pp. D0.35 El Marif 1991 TI FRE
Hien, A.I. Le cheval à la bouse d’or. ISBN: 2911740025 176pp. ill. GTIB 2000 UV FRE
Editions CEDA Racines no. 1. 64pp. CFA875.00 (Eur3.81) CEDA 1981 IV FRE
Editions HaHo Moi, enfant... [Poetry for children.] 25pp. col.ill. HaHo 1996 TG FRE
Gordon-Gentil, A., Koombes, H. Mystère à la citadelle. ISBN: 9990337268 32pp. col.ill. (Eur14.22) Vizavi 2001 MF FRE
Faye, A. Contes sereer. vol.2 ISBN: 9291300438 95pp. ENDA 2002 SG FRE [co-published with IFAN Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal]
Gbado, B.L. La belle debô. [Also available in English, Setswana, Xhosa, Zulu.] ISBN: 2909130916 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,800 Flamboyant 1999 DM FRE
Editions Donniya Les aventures véridiques de Fitini. ISBN: 2911741218 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,500 (Eur6.00) Donniya 1999 ML FRE
Gordon-Gentil, A., Koombes, H. Méli-mélo dans la mélasse. ISBN: 9990337284 32pp. col.ill. Rp200.00 (Eur15.00) Vizavi 2002 MF FRE
Gbado, B.L. Le rat et le serpent. ISBN: 9991990119 24pp. (Eur8.53) Ruisseaux 1999 DM FRE Gbonfou, E. Moustique et les lions. 25pp. CFA3,000 Akpagnon 2000 TG FRE Gbonfou, E.A. L’enfant et les animaux. ISBN: 2906718866 30pp. col.ill. CFA2,000 HaHo 2000 TG FRE Gigot, H. Les cinq sens de Zoul. ISBN: 9991953116 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,000 (Eur4.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE Gigot, H. Le livre des voyages. ISBN: 9991950176 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,800 (Eur3.50) Ruisseaux 2003 DM FRE [copublished with Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire]
Hien, A.I. Je veux la lune. ISBN: 291332634X 40pp. col.ill. CFA1,500 (Eur4.80) Ganndal 2001 GV FRE [Also published by HaHo, Togo and GTIB, Burkina Faso.] Hien, A.I. La nuit des tout-jeunes. Contes pour enfants. vol.2 ISBN: 2911740092 128pp. col.ill. CFA3,000 (Eur6.50) GTIB 2000 UV FRE Honomou, N-S. Un mari pour Luopou. ISBN: 2844870066 23pp. col.ill. CFA2,300 NEI 1999 IV FRE [Also published in Guinea by Editions Ganndal] Ila
La légende de Momondiéri. 78pp. CFA2,250 (Eur5.34) CEDA 1977 IV FRE
Jémy, R.B. Louis et Tritri. ISBN: 9991953132 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,000 (Eur4.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE Kabore, R.B. La princesse Yennega. NEAS 1983 SG FRE
ill. CFA475
Kafando, L.T. Laafi nooma ou la santé. ISBN: 2906718882 32pp. CFA2,500 HaHo 1999 TG FRE Kakpo, C. La moto de l’oncle Assa. ISBN: 9991953019 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,000 (Eur4.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE Kamto, B. Aboubakar et Sally. 117pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur10.00) CLE 2000 CM FRE Kamto, B. L’homme à la tête de phacochère. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 9956100064 24pp. col.ill. (Eur2.30) Akoma 2001 CM FRE Kanté, B. L’arbre qui portait des lunettes. 24pp. CFA2,200 (Eur3.35) Figuier 2000 ML FRE Kayo, P. Fables des montagnes. ISBN: 2723503406 74pp. CLE 1998 CM FRE
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature in French, African
Kebe, I., Ndoye, M. Jouons comme autrefois. ISBN: 2915104069 47pp. col.ill. CFA2,100 (Eur3.20) EENAS 2004 SG FRE [copublished with Editions Québec/Amérique, Canada]
Koombes, M., Donzé, V. Tikoulou à Rodrigues. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 9990337365 32pp. col.ill. (Eur14.22) Vizavi 2004 MF FRE
Lalinon, B.G. J’apprends à colorier. Les légumes et les condiments. bk.3 24pp. col.ill. CFA800.00 Ruisseaux 1995 DM FRE
Koombes, M., Ritter, M. SOS shark. [Also available in French.] cd. 28pp. col.ill. (Eur15.00) Vizavi 2000 MF FRE
Lalinon, B.G. Le jardin de Tanko et Jomo. ISBN: 9991953183 32pp. col.ill. CFA3,000 (Eur8.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE
Kéïta, F. Les billes de Karim. ISBN: 2844871224 32pp. NEI 2001 IV FRE
Koombes, M., Ritter, M. Le trésor de Tikoulou. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 9990337241 32pp. col.ill. (Eur14.22) Vizavi 1999 MF FRE
Lalinon, B.G. Kaïvi, l’enfant placé. ISBN: 9991997091 24pp. ill. (Eur2.84) Ruisseaux 2002 DM FRE
Keïta, F. Le boubou du père Noël. ISBN: 2844870759 32pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (Eur5.34) NEI 2000 IV FRE
Koombes, M., Siew, P. Cap sur Nosy Boraha. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 9990337403 32pp. col.ill. (Eur14.22) Vizavi 2005 MF FRE
Keïta, F. Le coq qui ne voulait plus chanter. ISBN: 2911725905 32pp. col.ill. CFA2,300 NEI 1999 IV FRE
Koombes, M., Siew, P. Cyclone sur Rivière Noire. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 9990337322 32pp. col.ill. (Eur14.22) Vizavi 2003 MF FRE
Lalinon, B.G. Les maisons de chez nous. J’apprends à colorier. bk.7 ISBN: 9991990134 24pp. ill. CFA800.00 (Eur2.00) Ruisseaux 2000 DM FRE
Kébé, M.G. Rondes: poèmes pour enfants. CFA350 NEAS 1979 SG FRE
Keïta, F. Kyatou cache ses dents. ISBN: 2844870562 32pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (Eur5.34) NEI 2000 IV FRE
Koombes, M, Ritter, M. SOS requin. ISBN: 9990337233 32pp. col.ill. (Eur14.22) Vizavi 2000 MF FRE
Keïta, F. Le petit garçon bleu. [Also available in English.] 24pp. col.ill. NEI 1996 IV FRE
Koulibaly, I.B. Ma joie en lui. 1998 IV FRE
Keïta, F. Le retour de la voleuse de sourires. ISBN: 2844870244 32pp. col.ill. NEI 1999 IV FRE
Kounta, A.O. Corbeille à paroles. Paroles pour les petits. 24pp. CFA1,200 ($3.00) Jamana 1996 ML FRE
Keïta, F. Sinabani. La petite dernière. 22pp. ill. CFA3,500 NEI 1998 IV FRE
Laabi, J. Douze malices du hérisson. ISBN: 9954000399 67pp. ill. Dir40.00 (Eur3.80) Yomad 2001 MR FRE
Keïta, I. Pourquoi le monde s’est-il divisé? ISBN: 2910454452 20pp. ill. Jamana 2001 ML FRE Keïta, I. Takana. 24pp. ill. CFA1,500 ($3.00) Jamana 1998 ML FRE Keith, F. La voleuse de sourires. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2864270587 38pp. ill. Akpagnon 1998 TG FRE Khim, J.M. Moussa et Amina au village. 24pp. ill. CFA1,000 NEI 1984 IV FRE Kibinza, F. La saison des criquets. ISBN: 2914815069 64pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (Eur5.00) Mokandart 2004 CF FRE Konaté, M., Zoromé, A. Métiers d’Afrique. La potière. ISBN: 2842580834 24pp. col.ill. CFA4,000 (Eur12.00) Figuier 2003 ML FRE Konaté, M., Zoromé, A. Métiers d’Afrique. La savonnière. ISBN: 2842580826 24pp. CFA4,000 col.ill. (Eur12.00) Figuier 2003 ML FRE Konaté, M., Zoromé, A. Métiers d’Afrique. La fileuse. ISBN: 2842580818 24pp. col.ill. CFA4,000 (Eur12.00) Figuier 2003 ML FRE Konaté, M., Zoromé, A. La teinturière. ISBN: 2842580796 24pp. (Eur11.70) Figuier 2001 ML FRE Konaté, M., Zoromé, A. Le tisserand. ISBN: 284258080X 24pp. (Eur11.70) Figuier 2001 ML FRE Kone, B. La houe magique. ISBN: 2913942261 105pp. ill. CFA3,000 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2003 IV FRE Koombes, H., Gordon-Gentil, A. Mystère à la citadelle. [Also available in English.] cd. 28pp. col.ill. Vizavi 2001 MF FRE Koombes, H., Schaub, A., Siew, P. Au pays du dodo. [Also available in English, German, Italian.] ISBN: 9990337136 32pp. 32 Vizavi 1998 MF FRE
182pp. CFA2,500 NEI
Lakoussan, A. Patou le zèbre. ISBN: 2844870058 22pp. col.ill. CFA2,000 NEI 1999 IV FRE Lalinon, B.G. Le bain de bébé. ISBN: 9991953175 32pp. col.ill. CFA3,000 (Eur8.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE
Lalinon, B.G. Bovi le petit cabri. ISBN: 9991950249 12pp. col.ill. CFA1,000 (Eur2.00) Ruisseaux 2003 DM FRE Lalinon, B.G. Bovi sait compter. ISBN: 9991950257 12pp. col.ill. CFA1,000 (Eur2.00) Ruisseaux 2003 DM FRE Lalinon, B.G. Course à pirogue. ISBN: 9991950184 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,800 (Eur3.50) Ruisseaux 2003 DM FRE [co-published with Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire] Lalinon, B.G. La cuisine de grand-mère. J’apprends à colorier. bk.8 ISBN: 9991990105 24pp. ill. CFA800.00 (Eur2.00) Ruisseaux 2000 DM FRE bk.3
Lalinon, B.G. Les formes et les couleurs. J’apprends à colorier. bk.4 ISBN: 9991990178 24pp. ill. CFA800.00 (Eur2.00) Ruisseaux 2000 DM FRE Lalinon, B.G. Ganvié en images. Coloriage. vol.2 24pp. col.ill. Ruisseaux 1995 DM FRE Lalinon, B.G. J’apprends à colorier. Les animaux domestiques. bk.2 ISBN: 9991990135 24pp. col.ill. CFA800.00 Ruisseaux 2000 DM FRE Lalinon, B.G. J’apprends à colorier. Les fruits. ISBN: 9991999013 24pp. col.ill. Ruisseaux 2000 DM FRE
Lalinon, B.G. Le rêve de Siba. ISBN: 999199193X 24pp. ill. (Eur2.84) Ruisseaux 2001 DM FRE Lalinon, B.G. Toutou et le sachet. ISBN: 9991950222 12pp. col.ill. CFA1,000 (Eur2.00) Ruisseaux 2003 DM FRE [co-published with Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire] Lalinon, B.G., Lalinon, V. La gifle. ISBN: 9991990143 48pp. CFA1,200 (Eur1.83) Ruisseaux 2000 DM FRE Lalinon, B.G., Lalinon, V. Le nénuphar de Bola. ISBN: 9991990186 48pp. (Eur1.90) Ruisseaux 2000 DM FRE Lalinon, B.G., Lalinon, V. Le planteur et la bague. ISBN: 9991997083 24pp. ill. CFA1,800 (Eur2.84) Ruisseaux 2002 DM FRE Laverdant, C. L’enfant, le griot et les danseurs. ISBN: 2914567065 56pp. CFA4,000 Rose Bleue 2004 TG FRE
Lalinon, B.G. Bovi et le miroir. ISBN: 9991950265 12pp. col.ill. CFA1,000 (Eur2.00) Ruisseaux 2003 DM FRE
Lalinon, B.G. Danse mon petit, danse. Coloriage. ISBN: 9991990100 20pp. col.ill. Ruisseaux 1999 DM FRE
Lalinon, B.G. La petite carpe dorée. ISBN: 9991997075 24pp. ill. CFA1,800 (Eur2.84) Ruisseaux 2002 DM FRE
Lokonon, I. Sessi et Toundé adoptent une chevrette. ISBN: 9991953191 32pp. col.ill. CFA3,000 (Eur8.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE Lombardo-Nohé, L., Touré, K., Boli, B. Kimboo contre la drogue. Les nouvelles aventures de Kimboo. ISBN: 2844870902 48pp. col.ill. NEI 2001 IV FRE Lombardo, L. Cap sur Tombouctou. ISBN: 2844870163 45pp. col.ill. CFA4,000 NEI 1999 IV FRE Loucou [Michel Alekpehanhou] La perruche, l’iroko et le chasseur. ISBN: 9991997229 23pp. col.ill. CFA2,000 (Eur4.00) Ruisseaux 2002 DM FRE [co-published with Editions HaHo, Togo] Lwanga, C.R. Kanyana. 48pp. ill. RFr Bakame 2002 RW Ly-Bek Défense d’ivoire. 32pp. col.ill. CFA5,000 Ecofac 2000[?] GO FRE Ly-Tio-Fane, K. Le monde merveilleux de Pou-ti-pas. 28pp. ill. col.ill. Rs.40.00 Océan Indien Ed 1985 MF FRE Mabrouk, A. Sombre histoire de cellules folles. ISBN: 997375834X 113pp. Alyssa 2001 TI FRE Makamba, M. A la maison. 16pp. ill. FC200.00 ($0.45) Paulines - DRC 1997 ZR FRE Malendoma, C. Le soleil d’une nuit. 53pp. col.ill. CFA1,950 (Eur4.00) CEDA 1997 IV FRE Mamet, M. L’enfant de possession. 72pp. Rs.50.00 Océan Indien Ed 1995 MF FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Children’s literature in French, African Mante, A. La piste des gorilles. ISBN: 2914815085 64pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (Eur5.00) Mokandart 2004 CF FRE Marinho, T. La bagarre. ISBN: 9780307710 18pp. ($4.10) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR FRE Marinho, T. Le devoir. ISBN: 9780307760 13pp. ($4.10) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR FRE Marzouki, I. Le dernier dinosaure. ISBN: 2915032122 22pp. ill. CFA1,500 Jamana 2002 ML FRE [co-published with Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire] Marzouki, I. Les évadés du futur. ISBN: 2915032300 26pp. ill. CFA1,500 Jamana 2003 ML FRE Marzouki, I. Le Robinson tunisien. ISBN: 284770020X 24pp. ill. CFA1,100 Eburnie 2002 IV FRE [co-published with Editions Jamana, Mali] Marzouki, I. Voyage sous la médina. ISBN: 2915032130 30pp. ill. CFA1,500 Jamana 2002 ML FRE [co-published with with Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire] Marzouki, S. L’aventure de la maison abandonnée. ISBN: 2915032092 25pp. ill. CFA1,500 Jamana 2002 ML FRE [co-published with Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire] Marzouki, S. L’inconnu à l’oeil de verre. ISBN: 2915932149 22pp. ill. CFA1,500 Jamana 2002 ML FRE [co-published with Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire] Marzouki, S. Le rocher dans la mer. ISBN: 2915032270 31pp. ill. CFA1,500 Jamana 2003 ML FRE Mastaki, G., Libanga, F. Au zoo, animaux sauvages. 32pp. col.ill. FC200.00 ($0.45) Paulines - DRC 1998 ZR FRE Matateyou, E. Les merveilleux récits de Tita Ki. 2723501353 63pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur10.00) CLE 2001 CM FRE
Mawa, L., Mawa, R. Les animaux. ISBN: 2914624115 24pp. ill. FC225.00 ($0.45) Paulines - DRC 2001 ZR FRE Mawa, L., Mawa, R. La création. ISBN: 2914624085 24pp. ill. FC225.00 ($0.45) Paulines - DRC 2002 ZR FRE Mawa, L., Mawa, R. Mon école. ISBN: 2914624107 24pp. ill. FC220.00 ($0.45) Paulines - DRC 2001 ZR FRE
Mayaba, H. Molie au port de pêche. ISBN: 2847700021 12pp. ill. CFA1,300 (Eur4.00) Eburnie 2002 IV FRE [copublished with Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Benin; Editions Ganndal, Guinea; Cérès Editions, Tunisia] Mayaba, H. Une plante qui soigne. ISBN: 9991953159 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,000 (Eur4.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE Mayaba, H. La robe de Ninie. ISBN: 9991997067 24pp. ill. CFA1,800 (Eur5.00) Ruisseaux 2002 DM FRE Mayaba, H. Souroukani. ISBN: 2844871631 23pp. col.ill. CFA2,200 (Eur4.57) NEI 2002 IV FRE Mayaba, H. Le syllabaire de Gadjo. ISBN: 9991997091 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,800 (Eur3.50) Ruisseaux 2003 DM FRE [copublished with Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire] Mayaba, H. Toutou, le petit cochon. ISBN: 9991997040 12pp. col.ill. CFA1,000 (Eur2.00) Ruisseaux 2003 DM FRE [copublished with Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire, Editions Ganndal, Guinea, Cérès Editions, Tunisia] Mayaba, H., Zannou, T. Toutou le petit chien. ISBN: 2847700056 12pp. ill. CFA1,300 (Eur2.00) Eburnie 2002 IV FRE [copublished with Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Benin; Editions Ganndal, Guinea; Cérès Editions, Tunisia] Mballa Elanga, E. Nzié va au marché. ISBN: 9956100005 24pp. CFA1,500 col.ill. (Eur4.81) Akoma 2003 CM FRE Mbaye, A. Picc l’oiseau et Lepp-Lepp le papillon. ISBN: 2723615065 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (Eur8.00) NEAS 2003 SG FRE Mbaye d’Erneville, A. Chansons pour Laîty. NEAS 1976 SG FRE
16pp. CFA325.00
Mbenga, S.M. Demande d’emploi. ISBN: 286394424X 80pp. CFA1,500 (Eur4.00) CEDA 2001 IV FRE Mbengue, M.N. La légende de Rufisque. 20pp. col.ill. CFA1,950 (Eur5.30) CEDA 1997 IV FRE McCullough, M.D., Sidibé, M. Niélé veut aller à l’école. ISBN: 2910454630 20pp. ill. Jamana 1999 ML FRE Meboutou, M.M. Aventure de Koulou-la-tortue. 64pp. CFA2,600 (Eur11.00) CLE 1972 CM FRE
Mawa, L., Mawa, R., Bertin, L. Dieu m’aime. ISBN: 2914624093 24pp. ill. FC225.00 ($0.45) Paulines - DRC 2001 ZR FRE
Menga, G. L’affaire du silure. new ed. ISBN: 2850692697 174pp. ill. (Eur3.05) NEAS 2001 SG FRE
Mayaba, H. Arouna le petit champion. ISBN: 9991950141 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,800 (Eur3.50) Ruisseaux 2003 DM FRE [copublished Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire]
Midiohouan, T. Afi et le tambour. ISBN: 2841296059 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,800 Flamboyant 1999 DM FRE
Mayaba, H. Les bulles de toutes les couleurs. ISBN: 2847700013 12pp. ill. CFA1,300 (Eur4.00) Eburnie 2002 IV FRE [copublished with Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Benin; Editions Ganndal, Guinea; Cérès Editions, Tunisia] Mayaba, H. Kokou devient sage. ISBN: 284770003X 12pp. ill. CFA1,300 (Eur4.00) Eburnie 2002 IV FRE [co-published with Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Benin; Editions Ganndal, Guinea; Cérès Editions, Tunisia]
Mokaddem, G.A. Le soleil a rendez-vous avec la lune. ISBN: 2915032289 30pp. ill. CFA1,500 Jamana 2003 ML FRE Monastri, Z. Les contes merveilleux de Ommi Aichoucha. ISBN: 9973758358 79pp. col.ill. (Eur6.80) Alyssa 2002 TI FRE Monkam, Y. Bindi-Bindi. ISBN: 2072350405 24pp. col.ill. CLE 2000 CM FRE Montmoulineix, S. Le dernier nomade et dix autres nouvelles. Des inédits 96 de R.F.I.A.C.C.T. 143pp. NEAS 1996 SG FRE
Moreau, C. Sirandanes sanpek de l’Ile Rodrigues. [Text in French and Creole.] 44pp. Rs100.00 Solitaire 2000 MF MUL Moreau, C.M. Sirandanes, Sampek de l’ile Rodrigues. (Solitaire, 2) ISBN: 9780395204 44pp. col.pl.map Rs100.00 Chantal Moreau 2000 MF FRE Moundounga, J. Super savon. La propreté c’est la santé. [comic strip.] 14pp. col.ill. CFA3,000 (Eur5.00) BD Boom 2001 GO FRE Moussa, A. Les sao. vol.1 49pp. col.ill. RLPT 2000[?] CD FRE Moussa, K. La caiman, le chasseur et le lièvre. Conte burkinabé. [Dual language text in Arabic and French.] ISBN: 9973758277 24pp. col,ill. Alyssa 2000 TI MUL Mpene Malela, V.L. Zozo de la rue. ISBN: 2914815077 64pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (Eur5.00) Mokandart 2004 CF FRE Mpiala, S.M. L’enfant de la guerre. ISBN: 2863942999 80pp. ill. CFA990 CEDA 1999 IV FRE Nachtmann Diarra, Y. Le choix de Bintou. ISBN: 9291300276 26pp. col.ill. ENDA 1999 SG FRE Nangala, C. Le cahier noir. ISBN: 2863942816 71pp. ill. CFA990 CEDA 1998 IV FRE Nangala, C. La poupée. ISBN: 2863942824 76pp. ill. CFA990 CEDA 1998 IV FRE Nardi, M., Alladaye, H. Coco taillé à la boule à zéro. ISBN: 2847700048 12pp. ill. CFA1,300 (Eur4.00) Eburnie 2002 IV FRE [copublished with Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Benin; Editions Ganndal, Guinea; Cérès, Tunisia] Ndiaye, A.N.B. Daxai l’aigle et Nielle le moineau. ISBN: 2723614840 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (Eur8.00) NEAS 2003 SG FRE Ndiaye, M. Papy et Cocori. 24pp. ill. (Eur5.69) Falia 2001 SG FRE Ndiaye, S.N., Kesteloot, L. Des contes Wolof ou la vie rêvée. ISBN: 9291300160 70pp. CFA1,100 ENDA 1996 SG FRE [co-published with IFAN, Senegal] Ndiaye Sow, F. Adorable Makan. ISBN: 2723614557 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (Eur8.00) NEAS 2003 SG FRE Ndiaye Sow, F. Comme Rama, je veux aller à l’école. ISBN: 2723614306 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (Eur8.00) NEAS 2003 SG FRE N’Diaye Sow, F. Le mouton d’Aminata. 1996 IV FRE
16pp. col.ill. NEI
N’Diaye Sow, F., Assémian, A. Takam Tikou. 32pp. CFA2,500 NEI 1997 IV FRE Ndiaye, T.N. Les deux royaumes de la rivière Quérifa. 19pp. ill. CFA520 NEAS 1984 SG FRE Ndiaye, T.N. La nature des choses: regards d’enfants. ISBN: 2906718858 51pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 HaHo 1999 TG FRE Ndiaye, T.N., Dioh, F. Gayki, le petit enfant du Sine (conte des tropiques). ISBN: 2915104042 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,100 (Eur3.20) EENAS 2004 SG FRE [co-published with Editions Québec/Amérique]
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African Books in Print
Children’s literature in French, African
Subject index Ndoye, M. La famille de Témour. ISBN: 2863943316 86pp. ill. CFA1,500 (Eur3.05) CEDA 1999 IV FRE [copublished with Editions Hurtubise, Canada] Ndoye, M. Le sceptre de justice. ISBN: 2863943405 31pp. col.ill. CEDA 1999 IV FRE Ngoh Nzuh, A. Les poussins têtus. ISBN: 2723502107 120pp. ill. CLE 1997 CM FRE Ngom, M. Le prix du pardon. 1983 SG FRE
ill. CFA475 NEAS
Ngom, M. Le procès du rat. ISBN: 2915104107 32pp. col.ill. CFA2,100 (Eur3.20) EENAS 2004 SG FRE [co-published with Editions Québec/Amérique, Canada] Ngom, M., Sow, F.N. Boubou Golo et les enfants. ISBN: 2912774829 24pp. col.ill. (Eur3.90) EENAS 2002 SG FRE Nikiema, H.P. L’histoire de Pendo, la petite fille paresseuse. 36pp. ill. CFA755 HaHo 1995 TG FRE Nikiema, R. Deux adorables rivales. 52pp. CFA1,000 (Eur5.00) CLE 1971 CM FRE Njeng, P.Y. Vacances aux village. 1996 CM FRE
24pp. ill. Akoma
Ova’a, C-D. Melo et les copains. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 9956100021 24pp. col.ill. (Eur2.30) Akoma 2001 CM FRE Pépin, E. La soufrière. ISBN: 2863944231 72pp. CFA1,500 CEDA 2001 IV FRE Peynet, I. Yakoum. L’enfant du bonheur. ISBN: 2914567030 40pp. CFA4,200 Rose Bleue 2003 TG FRE Pinguilly, Y. L’orange, folle de foot. ISBN: 291332682X 28pp. col.ill. CFA3,000 (Eur12.99) Ganndal 2003 GV FRE Pinguilly, Y., Seck, S. La fille de l’eau. ISBN: 2913326544 17pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (Eur8.00) Ganndal 2002 GV FRE Pinguilly, Y., Seck, S. La garçon qui mouillait les poules. ISBN: 2913326323 17pp. ill. FG5,000 Ganndal 2001[?] GV FRE Pinguilly, Y., Seck, S., Koenig, F. L’ananas, grand jusqu’au ciel. ISBN: 2913326838 28pp. col.ill. CFA3,000 (Eur12.99) Ganndal 2003 GV FRE Porquet, C. A l’aéroport. ISBN: 2844870929 32pp. col.ill. CFA3,000 (Eur6.40) NEI 2002 IV FRE Prosper, J. Mauricette. Contes de l’Ile Maurice pour enfants. 28pp. ill. Rs.25.00 Océan Indien Ed 1985 MF FRE
Njock, J. L’enfant et le forgeron. ISBN: 2723501310 78pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur7.00) CLE 2000 CM FRE
Py, N. La pintade. (Les albums du jeune soleil, série A, 2) 12pp. ill. CFA195 CEDA 1975 IV FRE
Njoya, I. La ruse.
Quao-Gaudens, P. Entre deux mondes. ISBN: 2863943308 88pp. CFA1,500 (Eur4.00) CEDA 1999 IV FRE
ill. Akoma 1996 CM FRE
Nkashama, P.N. Le fils du mercenaire. 1995 SG FRE
123pp. ill. NEAS
Nkili Abou, A.T. Mille poignées de terre. ISBN: 9956100145 64pp. CFA2,000 (Eur2.41) Akoma 2003 CM FRE Nkurunziza, D., Seminega, F. Le mil chanceux. 28pp. CFA2,720 (Eur4.15) Bakame 2000 RW FRE Nomo, V. L’arbre à merveilles. 24pp. CFA1,500 col.ill. (Eur5.00) Akoma 2002 CM FRE Nomo, V. Le vieux char. CM FRE
24pp. ill. Akoma 1996
Nsabimana, A. Byendagusetsa. 32pp. CFA2,720 (Eur4.15) Bakame 1998 RW FRE Okojie, A. Oziegbe docteur. ISBN: 978249190X ($4.60) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR FRE Olongo, P.E. Ngali, Pitou et la vielle veuve. ISBN: 2723501246 24pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur3.81) CLE 2001 CM FRE Onana, D. Une veille journée. ISBN: 9956100005 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (Eur6.50) Akoma 2002 CM FRE Onguene-Mirtil, L. Bella fait la classe. 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,475 (Eur6.50) Akoma 2000 CM FRE Orodiran, N. Le petit villageois. 48pp. ill. N130.00 Bounty 1998 NR FRE Osu Library Fund, ed. Fati et l’arbre à miel. trans.f.t. English by Fatou Keita ISBN: 9988550421 28pp. col.ill. ($16.95/£10.95) Sub-Saharan 2002 GH FRE
Ramanantsoa, C. Lamba. ISBN: 2912290120 40pp. ill. (Eur3.00) Tsipika 2000 MG FRE Rambinintsao, J. Le cadeau de Noel. KE FRE
col.ill. Uzima 1986
Rambinintsao, J. Le petit poussin jaune. Uzima 1986 KE FRE Ribes, P. Valentin le marin. SG FRE
20pp. col.ill
123pp. ill. NEAS 1996
Rochecouste-Collet, H. Elodie. ISBN: 9990390339 61pp. ill. Dattier 2000 MF FRE Saleh, K. Farafina express. ISBN: 9291300233 90pp. col.ill. CFA1,000 ENDA 1998 SG FRE Salo, J. Wambi. ISBN: 2913352081 15pp. ill. Hamaria 2001 UV FRE Samah, T. Qui habite par là? ISBN: 2864270803 26pp. col.ill. CFA3,000 Akpagnon 2001 TG FRE Sambu, K.C. Yennenga la princesse amazone. col.ill. Zedcom 1999 UV FRE
Semado, G., Sonon, H. Le caméléon de Codjo. ISBN: 2847700099 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,800 Eburnie 2002 IV FRE [co-published with Cérès Productions, Tunisia; Editions Ganndal, Guinea; Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Benin] Serrière, C. Le djembé jaune. ISBN: 2913323115 16pp. col.ill. CFA2,300 (Eur17.00) Ganndal 2004 GV FRE Serrière, C. Fatime, Fatou, Fatoumata. ISBN: 2913326455 16pp. col.ill. CFA2,300 (Eur7.00) Ganndal 2004 GV FRE Serrière, C. L’arbre à musique et l’arc musical. ISBN: 291332696X 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,300 (Eur8.00) Ganndal 2004 GV FRE [co-published with Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Benin; Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire; Cérès Editions, Tunisia] Serrière, C. Le plus vieux balafon du monde et la Kora qui traversait le temps. ISBN: 2913326464 32pp. col.ill. CFA2,300 (Eur8.00) Ganndal 2004 GV FRE [copublished with Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Benin; Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire; Cérès Editions, Tunisia] Serrière, C. Le tambour parleur et la corne et la lyre. ISBN: 2913326749 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,300 (Eur8.00) Ganndal 2004 GV FRE [co-published with Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Benin; Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire; Cérès Editions, Tunisia] Sharouni, Y. 1/4 histoire de Radobis. ISBN: 0997304105 48pp. col.ill. E£50.00 ($17.00) Elias 2005 UA FRE Sharouni, Y. Les ailes enchantées. ISBN: 0997304106 48pp. col.ill. E£50.00 Elias 2005 UA FRE Sharouni, Y. Reine des coeurs. ISBN: 0997304107 48pp. col.ill. E£50.00 (17.00) Elias 2005 UA Sidibé, M. La légende du Ouagadou Bida. ISBN: 2911741110 18pp. col.ill. (Eur9.40) Donniya 1999 ML FRE Singaré, B.S. Le boy diplômé. 196pp. CFA2,950 ($8.00) Jamana 1989 ML FRE Sobly, S. Le baobab, le perroquet et le jeune homme. ISBN: 2863943693 32pp. col.ill. CFA1.950 CEDA 2003 IV FRE Some, F. Elsa mon amie. 36pp. ill. CFA600.00 La Muse 1994 UV FRE Sonon, H. Abalo a le pau. ISBN: 9991950982 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,000 (Eur4.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE Sonon, H., Gbado, B. J’apprends à colorier: la mère et l’enfant. col.ill. Ruisseaux 1992 DM FRE Sotikon, G.E. Paysan et le palmier. HaHo 1997 TG FRE
46pp. CFA2,275
Sangaré, Y. Une carrière récompensée. 72pp. CFA1,850 HaHo 1996 TG FRE
Sow, F.N. Louty, l’enfant du village. ISBN: 2844871348 23pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (Eur3.80) NEI 2001 IV FRE
Sangaré, Y. Hôtes de marque. ISBN: 2906718904 41pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 HaHo 1998 TG FRE
Sow, F.N. Takam-takam: devine, mon enfant devine. 32pp. ill. CFA1,100 NEAS 1981 SG FRE
Sanou, F. Tiiga. 20pp. ill, CFA600.00 La Muse 1994 UV FRE
Sow Ndiaye, F. Mamita. ISBN: 2750100061 28pp. col.ill. CFA2,200 (Eur6.00) Falia 2003 SG FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Children’s literature in French, African Tadjo, V. Le bel oiseau et la pluie. ISBN: 2911725727 23pp. col.ill. NEI 1998 IV FRE Tadjo, V. La chanson de la vie et autres nouvelles. 128pp. CFA3,025 (Eur4.50) CEDA 1990 IV FRE Tadjo, V. Le grain de maïs magique. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 2910190633 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,200 (Eur4.57) NEI 1996 IV FRE Tadjo, V. Grand-mère Nanan. 1996 IV FRE
24pp. col.ill. NEI
Tadjo, V. Mamy Wata et le monstre. 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,350 NEI 1993 IV FRE Tadjo, V. Masque, raconte-moi... ISBN: 2841298337 24pp. col.ill. (Eur3.60) NEI 2002 IV FRE [co-published with Edicef, France] Tadjo, V. Le seigneur de la danse. NEI 1993 IV FRE
24pp. col.ill.
Télévision Ivoirienne Aujourd’hui...mais demain. 64pp. ill. CFA490 CEDA 1979 IV FRE Télévision Ivoirienne Bientôt des hommes. CEDA 1979 IV FRE
64pp. ill. CFA490
Télévision Ivoirienne Contes du père Voilà Pourquoi. CFA290 CEDA 1979 IV FRE
32pp. ill.
Télévision Ivoirienne D’une adventure à l’autre. 64pp. ill. CFA490 CEDA 1979 IV FRE Télévision Ivoirienne Eclats de vie. 64pp. ill. CFA490 CEDA 1979 IV FRE Télévision Ivoirienne Les enfants dans les pages. 32pp. ill. CFA290 CEDA 1979 IV FRE Télévision Ivoirienne Images au présent. 64pp. ill. CFA490 CEDA 1979 IV FRE Télévision Ivoirienne Les ruses m’amusent. CEDA 1979 IV FRE
32pp. ill. CFA290
Télévision Ivoirienne Sept enfants du monde. 64pp. ill. CFA490 CEDA 1979 IV FRE Télévision Ivoirienne Thiéni Gbanani. 64pp. ill. CFA490 CEDA 1979 IV FRE Télévision Ivoirienne Le timbre du voyage. CEDA 1979 IV FRE
32pp. ill. CFA290
Thiam, M. Cheikouyatou ou l’infirme danseuse. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2864270552 40pp. ill. Akpagnon 1998 TG FRE Thiam, M.H.N. Waas, la fille de laika ou le don de la sirène. ISBN: 2906718874 27pp. col.ill. CFA2,000 HaHo 1999 TG FRE Thioune, M. L’enfant et le varan. New friends: a story of caring and growth. [Text in French and English.] 25pp. col.ill. CFA3,000 Per Ankh 1996 SG FRE Tiendrebeogo, C.O. Escargoto. Conte. [Book and audio cassette.] ISBN: 2913991068 32pp. col.ill. CFA3,000 (Eur10.00) Sankofa & Gurli 2002 UV FRE Tinka, S. Qui habite par là? ISBN: 2864270803 26pp. CFA3,000 (Eur8.00) Akpagnon 2001 TG FRE
Subject index Tonakpa, C. Gloutou, les beignets et le mouches. ISBN: 9991950990 24pp. col.ill. CFA2,000 (Eur4.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE Touchard, J-B., Pouts-Lajus, S. Découvrir internet. ISBN: 2913326188 64pp. ill. CFA1,500 Ganndal 1999 GV FRE Touré, K. Les jumeaux de Diyakunda. [Text in French and Wolof. trans. into Wolof by Maa Daour Wade.] ISBN: 275010003 26pp. col.ill. CFA2,300 (Eur4.70) Falia 2002 SG MUL Touré, N-A. La chèvre paysanne. ISBN: 2910454665 18pp. ill. CFA1,500 (Eur3.05) Jamana 2002 ML FRE Touré, N-A. La petite potière. ISBN: 2915032173 30pp. ill. CFA1,500 (Eur3.05) Jamana 2002 ML FRE Traoré, A.D. Mille tisserands en quête de futur. ISBN: 2913213049 91pp. cd.pl. Edim 1999 ML FRE Traoré, I.S. Maïa et Taïa. [Also available in Bambara.] 20pp. CFA1,000 ($2.50) Jamana 1991 ML FRE Tre, Y. A la recherche de la belle Tella. 64pp. CFA875.00 (Eur3.81) CEDA 1987 IV FRE Tsala-Clemençon, G. Pico-Picori. Le poulet désobéissant. vol.1 ISBN: 2723501299 23pp. col.ill. CFA2,500 (Eur6.00) CLE 2000 CM FRE Tsala, G. Pico picori 2: littérature pour enfants. ISBN: 2723501299 26pp. CFA2,500 (Eur6.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE
Wade, M.D. Le taureau fantastique. BLD 2003 SG FRE
28pp. col.ill.
Westi, J.L., Westi, H. A la maison. Animaux domestiques. ISBN: 2914624816 32pp. col.ill. FC600.00 ($1.20) Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE White, P. Bouc qui voulait devenir lion. 12pp. CFA300.00 CPE 1980 IV FRE White, P. Ça finit mal. 12pp. CFA300.00 CPE 1981 IV FRE White, P. Crocodiles, ça n’existe pas. 12pp. CFA300.00 CPE 1981 IV FRE White, P. Du mauvais coté. 16pp. ill. CFA300.00 CPE 1976 IV FRE White, P. Le grand mur. 16pp. ill. CFA300.00 CPE 1976 IV FRE White, P. Inefficacité de l’hippopotame. CPE 1980 IV FRE
White, P. Les léopards grandissent. 16pp. ill. CFA300.00 CPE 1976 IV FRE White, P. Liens déliés. 1982 IV FRE
12pp. CFA300.00 CPE
White, P. Le marais maudit. CPE 1976 IV FRE
16pp. ill. CFA300.00
White, P. Parfaite sécurité. 12pp. CFA300.00 CPE 1982 IV FRE White, P. Sagesse d’âne. 1982 IV FRE
12pp. CFA300.00 CPE
Urbain, J-C.A. L’aurore. ISBN: 2844871208 24pp. ill. NEI 2002 IV FRE
White, P. Singe dans peau de lion. 12pp. CFA300.00 CPE 1982 IV FRE
Vandormael, J. Je me prépare à la lecture. 4th ed. 16pp. col.ill. FC625.00 ($1.25) Paulines DRC 2004 ZR FRE
White, P., Warne, C. Fossoyeur stupéfait. CPE 1985 IV FRE
Vandormael, J. Mes premiers mots. 2nd ed. 16pp. col.ill. FC375.00 ($.0.75) Paulines DRC 2000 ZR FRE Vera, B.M. Aventure dans les Bijagos. ISBN: 9991991948 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,800 (Eur5.00) Ruisseaux 2001 DM FRE Wabbès, M. Aujourd’hui pour demain. ill. free UNICEF - Cameroun 1996 CM FRE Wabbès, M. Des arbres pour le village. ISBN: 2845170246 24pp. col.ill. (Eur2.40) Afrique Ed 2002 ZR FRE Wabbès, M. Grand-mère a des poules. ISBN: 2845170254 24pp. col.ill. (Eur2.57) Afrique Ed 2002 ZR FRE Wabbès, M. Il nous faut une école. ISBN: 2845170289 24pp. col.ill. (Eur2.57) Afrique Ed 2002 ZR FRE Wabbès, M. L’eau du ciel. ISBN: 2845170270 24pp. col.ill. (Eur2.57) Afrique Ed 2002 ZR FRE Wabbès, M. La pêche sur le fleuve Congo. ISBN: 2845170276 24pp. col.ill. (Eur2.57) Afrique Ed 2002 ZR FRE Waberi, A.A. Bouh et la vache magique. ISBN: 2841298205 24pp. col.ill. (Eur3.66) Couleur Locale 2002 DJ FRE [copublished with Edicef, France]
17pp. CFA350
White, P., Warne, C. Plus facile à un chameau. 17pp. CFA350 CPE 1985 IV FRE Wisselman, N. Samba et le guinarou. NEAS 1976 SG FRE
16pp. CFA200.00
Zaddy, F.G. Taloua. ISBN: 2909238970 80pp. col.ill CFA1,000 (Eur3.00) EDILIS 2000 IV FRE Zangue, I. Le bout du tunnel. ISBN: 272350154X 67pp. ill. CLE 2002 CM FRE Zannou, P. Tadjin et les hirondelles. ISBN: 9991950192 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,800 (Eur3.50) Ruisseaux 2003 DM FRE [copublished with Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire] Zannou, T. Un cadeau pour maman. ISBN: 9991997091 24pp. col.ill. CFA1,800 (Eur3.50) Ruisseaux 2003 DM FRE [copublished with Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire] Zannou, T. Nous allons au zoo. ISBN: 9991950214 12pp. col.ill. CFA1,000 (Eur2.00) Ruisseaux 2003 DM FRE [co-published with Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire] Zannou, T. Toutou et la pluie. ISBN: 9991950230 12pp. col.ill. CFA1,000 (Eur2.00) Ruisseaux 2003 DM FRE Ze, G.M. La forêt illuminée. SG FRE
140pp. ill. NEAS 1996
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 154
African Books in Print
Subject index
Christian life
Zinsou, E.O. La plus belle maman. ISBN: 2913746020 62pp. col.ill. HaHo 2000 TG FRE
Adei, S., Adei, G. Passionate monogamy. ISBN: 9964879008 84pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Africa Christian 2000 GH
Zohoré, L. Le SIDA et autres afaires le concernant. ISBN: 2863942883 39pp. ill. CFA2,350 (Eur5.34) CEDA 1997 IV FRE
Adei, S., Adei, G. Seven keys to abundant living with no regrets. 2nd rev.ed. ISBN: 9964879024 77pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Africa Christian 1999 GH
Zoromé, A. L’imagier du caméléon vert. ISBN: 2842580729 24pp. CFA2,200 (Eur3.35) Figuier 2000 ML FRE Zotoumbat, R. Histoire d’un enfant trouvé. 60pp. CFA800.00 (Eur5.00) CLE 1971 CM FRE Chileshe, Safeli Hannock—Biography Chileshe, J. Alderman Safeli Hannock Chileshe: a tribute to the man, his life and history. ISBN: 9982070819 191pp. K30,000 Mission Press - Ndola 1998 ZA Chimeloane, Rrekgetsi—Autobiography Chimeloane, R. The hostel-dwellers - a first hand account. ISBN: 0795700806 108pp. R57.95 Kwela 1998 SA China—Armed forces Campbell, R.K. The military potential of the People’s Republic of China. 12pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1980 SA China—Politics and government— Addresses and essays Xiang, H. Chinese mobilization strategy. (NIIA, lecture series, 39) 32pp. ($5.00) N5.00 NIIA 1986 NR Chinyanja (African people)—Folklore Chakanza, J.C. Wisdom of the people. 2000 Chinyanja proverbs. ISBN: 9990816379 469pp. ($29.95/£17.95) Kachere 2000 MW Chipembere, Masauko—Autobiography Chipembere, M. Hero of the nation. Chipembere of Malawi: an autobiography ISBN: 9990816250 455pp. ill.pl.maps ($39.95/ £23.95) Kachere 2002 MW Chitonga also known as Tonga Chitonga language Hopgood, C.R. A practical introduction to Chitonga. [Text in English and Tonga.] 2nd ed. 320pp. ZEPH 1992 ZA MUL Chitumbuka—General and Non-fiction Campbell, G.H., Msiska, S.K. Twana Twizenge. Let the children come 20pp. ill. 12c. 10t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1969 MW CHH Mwale, J.S. Umoyo na nchito za mulala wa mpingo. The life and duties of a church elder 36pp. 23c. 20t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1970 MW CHM Christian life see also Bible—Study Christian tracts Family and home Missions, Christian Prayer books Religion, Christian Religious education Worship, Christian Abad, J., Fenoy, E. Marriage: a path to sanctity. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9711171074 col.ill. ($6.00) Scepter 2003 KE Abwao, K.A. How I survived a plane crash: he drew me out of many waters. ISBN: 9966201033 146pp. col.ill. Evangel 2000 KE Ackerman, D.M. After the locusts: letters from a landscape of faith. ISBN: 0864866046 216pp. R160.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA [Southern Africa only]
Alade, A.A. Caring in the house fellowship. Love: a soul-winning strategy. ISBN: 9788000525 120pp. N150.00 ($1.50/ £1.00) Vantage 2001 NR Alberione, J. The great prayers, daily meditations. ISBN: 996621786X 134pp. K.shs.300.00 ($4.00) Paulines 2004 KE
Adel, G. The joy of human love. ISBN: 9964879016 102pp. ($11.95/.£6.95) Africa Christian 2000 GH
Alberione, J. The great truths, daily meditations. ISBN: 9966217851 232pp. K.shs.450.00 ($6.00) Paulines 2004 KE
Africa Christian Press Being sure of salvation. (Way of Life Booklets, 2) 24pp. (£0.50) Africa Christian 1968 GH
Alberione, J. The great virtues, daily meditations. ISBN: 9966217878 184pp. K.shs.375.00 ($5.00) Paulines 2004 KE
Africa Christian Press Christian witness among Muslims. standard ed. 96pp. (£3.00) Africa Christian 1971 GH
Albisetti, V. Le dialogue peut-il sauver l’amour? ISBN: 2914624859 32pp. ill. FC650.00 (1.05) Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE
Africa Christian Press. Christian witness among Muslims. popular abbrev. ed. 32pp. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1972 GH
Albisetti, V. Les ingrédients de l’amitié. ISBN: 2914624654 32pp. ill. FC650.00 ($1.05) Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE
Africa Christian Press Growing in the Christian life. (Way of Life Booklets, 3) 24pp. (£0.50) Africa Christian 1968 GH
Albisetti, V. Le partenaire idéal existe-t-il? ISBN: 2913624700 32pp. ill. FC650.00 ($1.05) Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE
Africa Christian Press Knowing God’s guidance. (Way of Life Booklets, 6) 24pp. (£0.50) Africa Christian 1969 GH
Albisetti, V. Pour vivre avec les personnes jalouses. ISBN: 2914624751 32pp. ill. FC650.00 ($1.05) Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE
Africa Christian Press Leading a friend to Christ. (Way of Life Booklets, 5) 24pp. (£0.50) Africa Christian 1969 GH
Albisetti, V. S’aimer et ne pas se comprendre. ISBN: 2914624603 32pp. ill. FC650.00 ($1.05) Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE
Africa Christian Press Learning to pray. (Way of Life Booklets, 7) 24pp. (£0.50) Africa Christian 1969 GH
Aluko, S. An African pastor’s wife: roles and expectations. ISBN: 9782951293 ($6.00/ £3.99) CSS 1998 NR
Africa Christian Press Letters to a student. 48pp. ill. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1972 GH
AMECEA & IMBISA Communication in the church and society. 3rd ed. ISBN: 9966214569 175pp. K.shs.420.00 ($6.00) Paulines 1999 KE
Africa Christian Press More letters to Gabriel. 32pp. ill. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1973 GH Africa Christian Press Overcoming temptation. (Way of Life Booklets, 4) 24pp. (£0.50) Africa Christian 1968 GH Africa Christian Press Receiving Christ as saviour. (Way of Life Booklets, 1) 24pp. (£0.50) Africa Christian 1968 GH Africa Christian Press Réponses à vos questions. 52pp. CFA700.00 CPE 1973 IV FRE
Andrade, M.S. La délivrance des esprits impurs et des émotions nocives. ISBN: 2913942210 32pp. CFA1,000 (Eur3.00) EDILIS 2000 IV FRE Anfossi, J. You shall not commit adultery. ISBN: 9966213465 64pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE Angalia, J.F. St. Francis of Assisi. Paulines 1996 KE
128pp. ($1.80)
Africa Christian Press Stephen on holiday. 56pp. ill. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1969 GH
Arinze, F.A. Divine providence. Daily meditations. ISBN: 9966217916 80pp. K.shs.20.00 ($2.50) Paulines 2004 KE
Africa Christian Press This faith works. True stories of changed lives. 48pp. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1967 GH
Arthur, B. Safari into light. bk.1 ISBN: 9966200843 98pp. K.shs.150.00 ($2.75) Evangel 1998 KE
Africa Christian Press Trusting God’s word. (Way of Life Booklets, 8) 24pp. (£0.50) Africa Christian 1969 GH
Arthur, J.B. Safari into light. bk.2 ISBN: 9966200932 137pp. K.shs.200.00 ($3.50) Evangel 1999 KE
Africa Christian Press What is a Christian? (Way of Life Booklets, 10) 24pp. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1970 GH
Aryee, J. Discovering God’s creation (a book for children). 16pp. ill. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1988 GH
Africa Christian Press Your exams. (Way of Life Booklets, 9) 24pp. (£0.50) Africa Christian 1970 GH
Asem, A.K. Christ Jesus lifted up. 81pp. C5.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1979 GH
Africa Christian Press Your questions answered. Africa Christian 1967 GH
40pp. 50p.
Ashton, M., Ohene-Asanle, G. Dieu à un plan pour ta vie. 48pp. CFA700.00 CPE 1978 IV FRE
Agostoni, T. Every citizens handbook. Paulines 1997 KE
447pp. ($5.00)
Ashton, M., Ohene-Asante, G. God’s plan for your life. 2nd ed. 24pp. ill. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1988 GH
Ako-Nai, H.S. The benefits of fasting. 86pp. C3,500 ($5.00) Asempa 1994 GH
Atcho, M. Je cours vers le but. ISBN: 2863914541 120pp. CFA3,750 (Eur5.34) CEDA 2004 IV FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Christian life
Subject index
Atcho, M. La puissance de la prière aujourd’hui. ISBN: 286394455X 136pp. CFA2,500 (Eur5.34) CEDA 2004 IV FRE
Boston, F. Preparing for Christian initiation. (Gaba pastoral paper, 26) 90pp. K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1973 KE
Cejas, J.M. Montse: a fun loving teenager. ISBN: 0906138469 col.ill.pl. ($14.00) Scepter 1999 KE
Atcho, M. La puissance de la prière aujourd’hui. ISBN: 086394455X 136pp. CFA2,500 CEDA 2004 IV FRE
Botha, J. Work as calling and worship. ISBN: 0869979647 96pp. R49.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA
Celestine, C. Stations of the cross. Three ways to celebrate. ISBN: 9966215131 64pp. K.shs.70.00 ($1.20) Paulines 2000 KE
Atwood, R.A. The Christian and social science/work. [Text in Afrikaans and English.] (IRS study pamphlets, 370) ISBN: 186822323X Inst Reformational Studies 1998 SA MUL
Bowen, J.R. Healing. (What the Bible Teaches booklets, 7) 32pp. ill. (£0.50) Africa Christian 1977 GH
Cencini, A. Spiritual and emotional maturity. ISBN: 9966219765 192pp. K.shs.400.00 ($5.00) Paulines 2004 KE
Britten, B. Amour et mariage. [Also available in English.] 203pp. CFA2,000 CPE 1991 IV FRE
Centre de Publications Evangéliques Comment apprendre à prier. 30pp. CFA175 CPE 1983 IV FRE
Badibanga, J.M. Les bonnes manières 1. Règles générales de politesse. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2914624263 32pp. ill. FC650.00 ($1.25) Paulines DRC 2004 ZR FRE Badibanga, J.M. Les bonnes manières 2. Politesse dans la salutation. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2914624301 16pp. ill. FC650.00 ($1.05) Paulines DRC 2005 ZR FRE Badibanga, J.M. Les bonnes manières famille et en public. 291462431X 32pp. ill. Paulines - DRC 2005
3. Savoir parler en 2nd ed. ISBN: FC650.00 ($1.25) ZR FRE
Badibanga, J.M. Les bonnes manières 4. Acceuil et organisation de la maison. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2914624328 32pp. FC650.00 ($1.25) Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE Badibanga, J.M. Mal dans ma peau. 64pp. pl. FC500.00 Paulines - DRC 1999 ZR FRE Baher, K. Pour une sexualité responsable. CFA2,200 CPE 1996 IV FRE
Bakka, P. Talking to God. ISBN: 9966214402 70pp. K.shs.140.00 ($2.00) Paulines 1999 KE Bame Bame, M. Le chrétien face aux puissances du mal. 144pp. CFA2,500 HaHo 1995 TG FRE [co-published with Editions CEDA, Côte d’Ivoire] Banares, I.S. An apple a day. ISBN: 9966969631 col.ill.pl. ($2.00) Scepter 2002 KE Barry, D.H. They stayed on. ISBN: 0869227491 92pp. Mambo 2000 ZI Baxter, P. Precious moments with God. 2nd ed. 64pp. R7.77 Lux Verbi 1993 SA Baxter, P. Signs of love. 1997 SA
72pp. R26.50 Lux Verbi
Becker, H. Qui est mon prochain? 2000 CM FRE
CFA2,500 CLE
Bentum, Q.K. Tears for God. ISBN: 9988773048 137pp. C12,000 ($3.00/£2.00) Napasvil 2000 GH Betu, R. Jésus au micro. 2001 ZR FRE
98pp. ($7.50) Kap Kaz
Birru, D., Tsige, H., Heryui, T. The scholarship and other stories. 48pp. ill. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1975 GH Bisogno, F. La pharmacie de l’amour. ISBN: 2914624808 32pp. ill. FC650.00 ($1.05) Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE Bitrus, D. The extended family. 151pp. K.shs.350.00 CLMC 2000 KE Boff, A. Grandir dans l’amour. ISBN: 2741401845 32pp. ($0.25) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Boisvert, R. St. Maria Goretti. 96pp. ($1.80) Paulines 1996 KE
Britten, B., Britten, C. Love and marriage. [Also available in French.] new ed. ISBN: 0797900322 148pp. K.shs.200.00 ($3.65) Evangel 1998 KE Britten, B., Britten, C. Mariage et actes d’amour. 227pp. CFA3,500 CPE 1996 IV FRE Brother Gabriel The gospel of Brother Gabriel. ($1.00) Paulines 1995 KE Brouillet, O.M.I. God is nothing but love. Mazenod Inst 1989 LO
220pp. R6.10
Bujo, B. The impact of the Our Father on everyday life. ISBN: 9966218424 112pp. K.shs.240.00 ($3.00) Paulines 2002 KE Bujo, B. Le notre père. Son impact sur la vie quotidienne. ISBN: 2914624026 128pp. ill. CF525.00 ($1.05) Paulines - DRC 2001 ZR FRE Bull-Hansen, A. The good shepherd. ISBN: 9966855432 72pp. ill. K.shs.150.00 Uzima 1998 KE Burness, M. What would you say if ...? 44pp. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1981 GH Bybelkor Enjoy a happy marriage. ISBN: 0864874383 56pp. R12.80 Lux Verbi 2004 SA Bybelkor The holy spirit wants to control your life. ISBN: 0864874367 48pp. R2.17 Lux Verbi 2003 SA Bybelkor Show me the way Lord. ISBN: 0864870442 80pp. R15.75 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Campbell, G.H. Lonely warrior. 62pp. 60t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1975 MW Canova, F. Liberté et maître de soi. ISBN: 2741401837 32pp. ($0.50) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Caramazza, J. Be strong in your faith. Paulines 1993 KE
52pp. ($1.00)
Carmody, B. Window’s on life’s journey. ISBN: 996621562X 48pp. ill. K.shs.150.00 ($2.00) Paulines 2000 KE Carstens, C. Linked to Jesus. ISBN: 0869977687 404pp. R59.50 Lux Verbi 1998 SA Cascario, J.M. It is worthwhile. ISBN: 0906138417 col.ill.pl. ($14.00) Scepter 2000 KE Casterman, J.B. Les pièges de l’amour. Pour toi qui veut aimer et être aimé ISBN: 2913624506 48pp. ill. Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE Castiella, P. Confession guide. [Also available in Swahili.] ISBN: 9966882882 col.ill.pl. ($1.00) Scepter 2002 KE
Centre de Publications Evangéliques Comment avoir certitude de ton salut. 30pp. CFA175 CPE 1983 IV FRE Centre de Publications Evangéliques Comment conduire quelqu’un à Christ. 30pp. CFA175 CPE 1983 IV FRE Centre de Publications Evangéliques Comment faire configurer au Seigneur. 30pp. CFA175 CPE 1983 IV FRE Centre de Publications Evangéliques Comment progresser de la foi. 30pp. CFA175 CPE 1983 IV FRE Centre de Publications Evangéliques Comment recevoir Christ. 30pp. CFA175 CPE 1983 IV FRE Centre de Publications Evangéliques Comment triompher de la foi. 30pp. CFA175 CPE 1983 IV FRE Centre de Publications Evangéliques Deux chemins. 6pp. CFA300.00 CPE 1971 IV FRE Centre de Publications Evangéliques Les examens. 30pp. CFA175 CPE 1983 IV FRE Centre de Publications Evangéliques Gérer ce que Dieu nous confie. 412pp. CFA3,500 CPE 1996 IV FRE Centre de Publications Evangéliques Mariage avant et après. 102pp. CFA1,400 CPE 1987 IV FRE Centre de Publications Evangéliques Premiers pas vers la vie nouvelle. CFA600.00 CPE 1980 IV FRE
Centre de Publications Evangéliques Qu’est-ce qu’un chrétien. 30pp. CFA175 CPE 1983 IV FRE Centre de Publications Evangéliques Saynètes de noël. 89pp. CFA1,150 CPE 1993 IV FRE Centre de Publications Evangéliques Vie nouvelle pour tous. 40pp. CFA750.00 CPE 1983 IV FRE Chandler, D. Reasons for making a retreat. ($1.00) Scepter 2003 KE Chaplin, J., Shumaker, D. Le club des écrivains chrétiens. CFA2,250 CPE 1998[?] IV FRE Chapman, F.G. Guide des chrétiens. CPE 1977 IV FRE
72pp. CFA600.00
Charlton, T., ed. Spirituality for lay Christians at the dawn of the third millenium. ISBN: 9966215034 159pp. K.shs.350.00 ($5.00) Paulines 2000 KE Charlton, T., et al. Exploring our Christian life. 1994[?] KE
Christian Audio Visual Action What to do when you are ill. (IRS study pamphlets, 378) ISBN: 1868223493 25pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1999 SA Church, J. Jesus satisfies. 40pp. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1969 GH
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Christian life
Clifford, C.C. Hindrances to spiritual growth and prosperity. vol.4&5 ISBN: 9783038293 Ano 2001 NR Coder, S.M. Which way, Lord? 120pp. K.shs.190.00 ($3.50/£2.00) Njogu 1997 KE Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith On the collaboration of men and women in the church and in the world. ISBN: 996621951X 24pp. K.shs.40.00 ($0.50) Paulines 2004 KE Cook Communications LKG-God always loves me. ISBN: 0796301018 32pp. R25.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA Cook Communications LKG-God answers my prayers. ISBN: 0796301026 32pp. R25.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA Cook Communications LKG-God cares when I’m sad. ISBN: 0796301093 32pp. R25.95 Lux Verbi 2003 SA Cook Communications LKG-God knows what’s best for me. ISBN: 0796301034 32pp. R25.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA Cook Communications LKG-God sees me all the time. ISBN: 0796301107 32pp. R25.95 Lux Verbi 2003 SA Cook, D.C. Il était mort...mais il est revenu à la vie. 36pp. ill. CFA300.00 CPE 1981 IV FRE Coon, J., Simbiri, I., Simbiri, M. Christian family living: An evangelical programmed text. [Also available in French.] 259pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1979 KE Coon, J., Simbiri, I., Simbiri, M. La famille chrétienne. [Also available in ENglish.] 360pp. CFA3,000 CPE 1981 IV FRE
Demol, K.A. How should Christians think about music? (IRS study pamphlets, 377) ISBN: 1868223531 53pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1999 SA Deniel, R. Chemins de chrétiens. Croyants dans la ville. bk.7 CFA200.00 Inades 1982 IV FRE Deniel, R. Chemins de chrétiens africains. Des croyants accusés. bk.3 31pp. CFA200.00 Inades 1981 IV FRE Deniel, R. Chemins de chrétiens africains. Femmes et jeunes. bk. 10 44pp. CFA300.00 Inades 1982 IV FRE Deniel, R. Chemins de chrétiens africains. Jeunes communautés. bk.6 34pp. CFA200.00 Inades 1981 IV FRE Deniel, R. Chemins de chrétiens africains. Jeunes intellectuels en recherche. 2nd ed. bk.1 67pp. CFA200.00 Inades 1982 IV FRE Deniel, R. Chemins de chrétiens africains. La foi des premiers temps. bk.5 31pp. CFA200.00 Inades 1981 IV FRE
Deniel, R. Chemins de chrétiens africains. Une église de tous les jours. bk. 8 44pp. CFA300.00 Inades 1982 IV FRE di Maria, L. Jésus au temple. 2nd ed. 12pp. col.ill. FC200.00 Paulines - DRC 1999 ZR FRE
Cox, P. Why me? 68pp. ill. (£3.00) Africa Christian 1973 GH
Dias, M. Je deviens femme. ISBN: 2741402019 64pp. ($0.40) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE
Cressman, A. The pastor. 1968 KE
D’Souza, A. Being a leader. 222pp. ill. (£5.00) Africa Christian 1990 GH
D’Aria, D. You shall not bear false witness. ISBN: 9966213481 56pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE D’Aria, D. You shall not steal not covet your... ISBN: 9966213473 56pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE Darmani, L. Young and restless. ISBN: 9964782500 160pp. C10,000 Asempa 1999 GH Dayton, E.R. Que chacun puisse entendre. trans.f.t.English 80pp. CFA600.00 CPE 1986 IV FRE de Villiers, M. Unquenchable thirst. Verbi 1988 SA
40pp. R9.50 Lux
Deegbe, F. Building a Christian home. ISBN: 9964782616 40pp. C5,000 Asempa 2000 GH
Escriva, J. The way. ISBN: 9966969608 col.ill.pl. ($4.00) Scepter 2002 KE Escriva, J. The way of the cross. [Also available in Swahili.] col.ill.pl. ($6.00) Scepter 2003 KE Essien, I.M. Biblical teaching on children and parental guidance. ISBN: 9783451081 73pp. N400.00 ($2.70/£2.00) Wusen 2001 NR Fackerell, E.D. Teaching science in Christian perspective. (Series F2, 11) 31pp. R2.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1979 SA Fall, M. Entre dieu et satan. ISBN: 2723615227 452pp. Eur5.34 NEAS 2003 SG FRE
Finlay, M. Dieu qui parle aux hommes. vol.2 147pp. CFA800.00 CPE 1988 IV FRE
Diallo Falele, D. Mon âme à l’inverse. ISBN: 2844020232 45pp. Xamal 2000 SG FRE
Damiba, D. J’aime mes beaux-parents mais... CFA1,700 CPE 1997 IV FRE
col.ill.pl. ($7.00)
Deniel, R. Chemins de chrétiens africains. Sur les traces de Saint Jean. 2nd ed. bk.2 35pp. CFA200.00 Inades 1982 IV FRE
Cox, J.L. Changing beliefs and an enduring faith. 224pp. ($15.60) Mambo 1993 ZI
Escriva, J. In love with the church. Scepter 2003 KE
Fewogbola, M.D. The working of his mighty power. ISBN: 9782783722 36pp. N100.00 ($2.00/£1.00) Textflow 1999 NR
di Maria, L. Les paroles de Jésus. 2nd ed. 12pp. col.ill. FC 120.00 ($0.24) Paulines - DRC 1998 ZR FRE
Curran, T., et al. Spirituality and reconciliation. ($3.00) Paulines 1997 KE
Eschlimann, J.P. Naître sur la terre africaine. 152pp. ill. pl. CFA1,500 Inades 1982 IV FRE
Deniel, R. Chemins de chrétiens africains. Portraits de catéchistes. bk.9 CFA300.00 Inades 1982 IV FRE
Cotterall, K. I have accepted Jesus Christ. What now? ISBN: 99126194X P22.00 Pula 2002 BS
64pp. K.shs.20.00 Evangel
Ernest, G.E. Les mystères d’une vie pastorale. ISBN: 9990323615 240pp. Rs175.00 ($10.50/£6.60) Printemps 1998 MF FRE
Duque, H., Sierra, R. Les clés du succès. ISBN: 2741401780 32pp. ($0.50) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Duque, H., Sierra, R. Prépare ta réussite. ISBN: 2741401799 32pp. ($0.50) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Ebebe, C.O. Let’s go. ISBN: 9966214062 104pp. K.shs.60.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE Editions Filles de St. Paul En pleine action. 16pp. ill. FC200.00 ($0.45) Paulines - DRC 1998 ZR FRE Ela, J.M. Le message de Jean-Baptiste. 70pp. CFA1,750 CLE 1992 CM FRE [copublished with Editions HaHo, Togo] Ela, J.M. My faith as an African. trans.f.t. French by J.P. Brown and S. Perry ISBN: 9966888152 187pp. Acton 2001 KE Eone Eone, O. La paroisse et les conseils paroissaux: droit et pastorale. 32pp. CFA650.00 (Eur0.99) UCAC 1999 CM FRE Equipe du Nigéria Apporter la bonne nouvelle aux musulmans. 355pp. CFA3,250 CPE 1996 IV FRE
Fomum, Z. Discipleship at any cost. 82c. K.shs.6.00 Uzima 1978[?] KE Fondation David. C. Cook Abraham. [comic strip.] 24pp. ill. CFA300.00 CPE 1976 IV FRE Fondation David C. Cook Enfant envoyé de Dieu. [comic strip.] 24pp. ill. CFA300.00 CPE 1980 IV FRE Fondation David C. Cook Miryam. [comic strip.] 8pp. ill. CFA60.00 CPE 1990 IV FRE Fondation David C. Cook Non. Pas esclaves. [comic strip.] ill. CFA60.00 CPE 1990 IV FRE Fondation David C. Cook Petite servante. [comic strip.] CFA60.00 CPE 1990 IV FRE Fondation David C. Cook Samuel. [comic strip.] CPE 1990 IV FRE
8pp. ill.
8pp. CFA60.00
Forbes, F.A. Don Bosco. The friend of youth. ($1.80) Paulines 1995 KE
Foulkes, F. L’église du Dieu vivant. trans.f.t.English 130pp. CFA1,250 CPE 1986 IV FRE Foulkes, F. You could be rich. Christian 1968 GH
144pp. (£3.00) Africa
Fowler, S. Christian educational distinctives. (IRS series, 4) 120pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1984 SA Fowler, S. The Christian’s social calling. (IRS brochures, F2/38) 70pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1984 SA Fowler, S., van Brummelen, H., van Dyke, J. Christian schooling: education for freedom. R15.00 ($11.00/£6.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1991 SA Frimpong-Manso, Y. Religious and moral education. ISBN: 9964782780 108pp. ill.pl. C16,000 ($5.00) Asempa 2002 GH
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Christian life
Subject index
Galilea, S. About Catholics and the sects. ($0.40) Paulines 1996 KE
Hirmer, O. Marx, money and Christ. 152pp. ill. ($4.00) Mission Press - Ndola 1982 ZA
Galindo, E. Prepare your future. 177pp. K60.00 Popular Publ 1997 MW
Holland, G., Holland, F. Talking with God. 158pp. K.shs.220 ($4.00) Evangel 1988 KE
Getui, M.N., Theuri, M.M. Quests for abundant life in Africa. ISBN: 996688839X 239pp. Acton 2002 KE
Howusu, S.X.K. Body and spirit and soul. 1996 NR
Githinji, P.G.M. Responsibility and leadership. ($0.80) Paulines 1995 KE
Huber, J. Clusters of grapes. Sow a character and you reap destiny. 150pp. ill. ($9.10) Mambo 1984 ZI
Githinji, P.G.M. Transparency and accountability. ($0.80) Paulines 1995 KE
Githinji, P.G.M., Moloney, M. Unity and soldarity. 32pp. ($0.80) Paulines 1996 KE
130pp. Fab
Institute for Reformational Studies The precious gift of love. (IRS study pamphlets, 366) ISBN: 1868223108 39pp. R40.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1998 SA
Glint Dieu veut que tu deviennes. 15pp. CFA200.00 CPE 1975 IV FRE
International Theological Commission Memory and reconciliation. ISBN: 9966215255 54pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.30) Paulines 2000 KE
Glint Dieu veut que tu parles. 15pp. CFA200.00 CPE 1975 IV FRE
Irvine, C. Telephone to heaven. 24pp. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1969 GH
Glint Dieu veut que tu saches. 15pp. CFA200.00 CPE 1975 IV FRE
Janson, M. Seven days without sun. ISBN: 0869977385 112pp. R34.50 Lux Verbi 1998 SA
Glint Grandes leçons de Jésus. 42pp. CFA350 CPE 1998 IV FRE Gogan, C. Living the gospel. Daily meditations. ISBN: 9966217940 104pp. Paulines 2004 KE Gueresi, D. About vocation. 1996 KE
24pp. ($0.40) Paulines
Guinan, M.D. About fundamentalism. Paulines 1996 KE
44pp. ($0.40)
Gyane, D., Bamfo, G. Mr Mee escapes. 2nd ed. 28pp. ill. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1984 GH Gyane, D., Bamfo, G. Mr Mee runs a race. 28pp. ill. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1967 GH Gyane, D., Bamfo, G. Vers la lumière. 30pp. ill. CFA300.00 CPE 1969 IV FRE Gyane, D., Bamfo, G. Vers le but. 30pp. ill. CFA300.00 CPE 1969 IV FRE Hanekom, B. Leading children to God. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0796300488 100pp. R54.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA Haring, B. I have learned with wonder. ($3.00) Paulines 1994 KE
Haumann, M. Travelling with soldiers and bishops. ISBN: 9966219277 166pp. K.shs.640.00 ($8.00) Paulines 2004 KE Hearne, B. Seeds of unity. (Gaba pastoral paper, 41) 82pp. K.shs.10.00 Gaba 1976 KE Hearne, B., ed. An African Christmas? (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 77) K.shs.310.00 ($2.30) Gaba 1982 KE Hearne, B., ed. Revelation: the mystery of God communicating himself to humanity. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 57) K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1979 KE Hirmer, O. Fear, witchcraft and Christian healing. ISBN: 9966216154 12pp. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2001 KE Hirmer, O. Funerals: a big show - or what? ISBN: 9966216162 12pp. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2001 KE
Job, J. Watchman in Babylon. 102pp. (£3.00) Africa Christian 1983 GH Joinet, B. Basic facts about freedom. ($0.80) Paulines 1996 KE
Joinet, B. The challenge of modernity. ISBN: 9966213880 64pp. K.shs.140.00 ($2.00) Paulines 2000 KE
Kibwana, K., et al. The role of Christians in politics in Africa today. ISBN: 9966218335 87pp. Paulines 2002 KE Kihara, J. Ngai, we belong to you: Kenya’s Kikuyu and Meru prayer. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 89) 48pp. ($2.40) Gaba 1985 KE Kisembo, B., Magesa, L., Shorter, A. African Christian marriage. ISBN: 9966213821 256pp. K.shs.480.00 ($8.00) Paulines 1998 KE Kisseadoo, S.V.A. The climate of prayer for the victorious life. ISBN: 9964783000 96pp. C12,000 ($5.00) Asempa 2002 GH Kiura, J.M. Family life. Learning the faith together. 80pp. ($1.00) Paulines 1993 KE Kivengere, F. Laisse le saint-esprit agir dans ta vie. 77pp. CFA2,100 CPE 1996 IV FRE Kivengere, F. Love unlimited. 96pp. C2,000 ($2.00/ £1.00) Asempa 1982 GH Koen, G. Mother in a million. Verbi 1992 SA
32pp. R5.94 Lux
Kolajo, A.A. Holy pilgrimage to Israel. ISBN: 9780063633 42pp. N300.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Brighter Star 2003 NR Kouadio, A. Choix. 46pp. CFA700.00 CPE 1989 IV FRE Kouadio, A. Secrets de l’harmonie conjugale. CFA1,800 CPE 1995 IV FRE
Jones, H.O. Un jazzman devenu prédicateur. trans.f.t.English 64pp. CFA300.00 CPE 1984 IV FRE
Kreiger, M. A month with Mary. Daily meditations. ISBN: 9966219323 88pp. K.shs.280.00 ($3.50) Paulines 2004 KE
Kaberuka, J.A. Has God forgotten me? The cry of an accident victim. new ed. ISBN: 9966855123 144pp. col.ill. Uzima 2002 KE
Kroon, S. Entrepreneurial skills for your child. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0796301883 100pp. R49.95 Lux Verbi 2004 SA
Kabeya, M. Non, je ne mourrai pas je vivrai. ($9.50) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
Kachere Series Treasuring the gift: how to handle God’s gift of sex. (Mvunguti books, 8) ISBN: 9990876207 141pp. ($10.00/£5.50) Kachere 2004 MW Kalimugogo, P.M. The prodigal chairman. ($2.46) K.shs.18.00 Uzima 1978[?] KE Kapena, S. How to be a wise leader. Principles that work. ISBN: 9966215123 71pp. Paulines 2000 KE Kapena, S. Kind and free. ISBN: 9966215719 47pp. K.shs.150.00 ($2.00) Paulines 2000 KE Kapena, S. Le secret d’une vie épanouie. ISBN: 2914624069 80pp. CFA500.00 ($0.90) Paulines - DRC 2001 ZR FRE Karanja, M., Karanja, L. For a happy and stable marriage. ISBN: 9966213678 48pp. K.shs.20.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1998 KE Keïta, K. Un seul sacrifice. 88pp. ill. CFA1,150 CPE 1973 IV FRE Kerman, J. Communist or Christian: can the two become one? 16pp. free Christian Lit 1998 SA Ketterman, G. Ketterman: marriage first things first. ISBN: 0796300240 112pp. R44.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA
Kua Nzambi, M. The companion of my life. ISBN: 9966217509 72pp. K.shs.100.00 ($1.40) Paulines 2003 KE Kua Nzambi, M. Wake up, Catholic woman. ISBN: 9966752521 40pp. K.shs.80.00 ($1.00) Paulines 2003 KE Kua Nzambi, M. Women who believed. ISBN: 9966217533 64pp. K.shs.80.00 ($1.40) Paulines 2003 KE Kudadjie, J.N., Aboagye Mensah, R.K. The Christian and national politics. 84pp. C1,000 Asempa 1991 GH Kuira, J.M., Gitau, R., Kiura, A. On life and love. Guidelines for parents and educators. ISBN: 996621397X 248pp. Paulines 1999 KE Labrentz, A. The young Christian and science. 2nd rev.ed. 96pp. K.shs.10.00 Evangel 1975 KE Lageer, E. Guilty. 16pp. ill. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1973 GH Lantaame, M.K. Steps to Christian maturity. 99pp. C6,000 ($6.00) Asempa 1991 GH Leah & Becky Animals. ISBN: 9966213589 24pp. K.shs.20.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1998 KE Leah & Becky Creation. ISBN: 9966213546 24pp. K.shs.20.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1998 KE
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African Books in Print
Subject index Leah & Becky God loves me. ISBN: 9966213562 24pp. K.shs.20.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1998 KE Leah & Becky My family. ISBN: 9966213538 24pp. K.shs.50.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1998 KE Leah & Becky My friends. ISBN: 9966213554 24pp. K.shs.20.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE Leah & Becky My school. ISBN: 9966213570 24pp. K.shs.20.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE L’Equipe Centre de Publications Evangeliques Le manuel du pasteur et du responsable d’église. 36pp. CFA500.00 CPE 1985 IV FRE Liptak, E. Discipleship and ministry. ISBN: 9966215549 80pp. K.shs.140.00 ($2.00) Paulines 2000 KE Lumbala, K. Alliances avec le Christ en Afrique. 260pp. ($40.00) Kapongo-Kazadi 1988 ZR FRE Lumbala, S.L. Découverte de soi et idéal de vie religieuse. 128pp. FC1,575 ($3.15) Paulines - DRC 1999 ZR FRE Lux Verbi A gift of joy for a friend. ISBN: 0869976745 48pp. R24.95 Lux Verbi 1998 SA Lux Verbi A gift of joy for the bereaved. ISBN: 0869977733 cd. 48pp. R24.95 Lux Verbi 1998 SA Lux Verbi A gift of joy for the workplace. ISBN: 0869977741 cd. 48pp. R24.95 Lux Verbi 1998 SA Lux Verbi A gift of love. ISBN: 0869977725 cd. 48pp. R24.95 Lux Verbi 1998 SA Lux Verbi Therapy 3: be-good-to-your-marriage therapy. ISBN: 0869979450 68pp. R21.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Lux Verbi Therapy 3: keep-life-simple therapy. ISBN: 0869979442 68pp. R21.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Lux Verbi Therapy 3: one-day-at-a-time therapy. ISBN: 0869979493 68pp. R21.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Lux Verbi Therapy 3: self-esteem therapy. ISBN: 0869979493 68pp. R21.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Lux Verbi Therapy 3: self-help for being a good parent. ISBN: 0869979469 68pp. R21.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Lux Verbi Therapy 3: self-help for raising a teen. ISBN: 0869979477 68pp. R21.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Lux Verbi How to be a happy Christian. new ed. ISBN: 0908388209 32pp. R14.95 Lux Verbi 2004 SA Lux Verbi Therapy 1: be-good-to-yourself therapy. ISBN: 0869978888 80pp. R19.95 Lux Verbi 2000 SA Lux Verbi Therapy 1: friendship therapy. ISBN: 0869978896 80pp. R19.95 Lux Verbi 2000 SA Lux Verbi Therapy 1: new baby therapy. ISBN: 086997887X 80pp. R19.95 Lux Verbi 2000 SA
Christian life Lux Verbi Therapy 1: prayer therapy. ISBN: 0869978861 80pp. R19.95 Lux Verbi 2000 SA
Moreau, A.S. The world of the spirit. ISBN: 9966850910 221pp. K.shs.260.00 ($4.75) Evangel 1998 KE
Lux Verbi Therapy 1: stress therapy. ISBN: 0869978845 80pp. R19.95 Lux Verbi 2000 SA
Moretti, F., Pierli, F. Religious life and social ministry. ISBN: 996621822X 176pp. K.shs.400.00 ($5.00) Paulines 2002 KE
Lux Verbi Therapy 1: trust-in-God therapy. ISBN: 0869978853 80pp. R19.95 Lux Verbi 2000 SA
Moyo, J., Holland, G. Bringing people to Jesus. new ed. 203pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1987 KE
Lux Verbi Therapy 2: celebrate your womanhood therapy. ISBN: 0869979094 80pp. R21.95 Lux Verbi 2000 SA
Moyo, J., Holland, G. Comment conduire à Christ. 225pp. ill. CFA2,500 CPE 1974 IV FRE
Lux Verbi Therapy 2: garden therapy. ISBN: 0869979078 80pp. R21.95 Lux Verbi 2000 SA Lux Verbi Therapy 2: get well therapy. ISBN: 0869979051 80pp. R21.95 Lux Verbi 2000 SA Lux Verbi Therapy 2: gratitude therapy. ISBN: 0869979108 80pp. R21.95 Lux Verbi 2000 SA Lux Verbi Therapy 2: grief therapy. ISBN: 086997906X 80pp. R21.95 Lux Verbi 2000 SA Lux Verbi Therapy 2: happy birthday therapy. ISBN: 0869979086 80pp. R21.95 Lux Verbi 2000 SA Lynn, J.E. Stewardship of life. [A companion book to “Stewardship” by the same author.] ISBN: 9966200878 25pp. Evangel 1999 KE Lynn, J.E. Stewardship. new ed. ISBN: 9966850228 48pp. K.shs.50.00 Evangel 1998 KE Magalit, I.F. Start right. 1981 GH
54pp. pl. C2,000 Asempa
Mallia, C. Thank God I am a Christian. A better understanding of the sacrament of confirmation. 64pp. K.shs.100.00 ($2.00) Paulines 1997 KE Manella, A. Father Baldo. 1996 KE Matini, A. O. The gift of self.
128pp. ($0.60) Paulines
Paulines 1994[?] KE
Maugenest, D. Vivre en société l’enseignement de l’église au seuil du XXIè siècle. 56pp. CFA1,500 (Eur2.29) UCAC 2002 CM FRE Mbogori, E. Stress management. ISBN: 9966200827 22pp. ill. Evangel 1999 KE McGinnis, A.L. The balanced life. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0869979205 196pp. R69.95 Lux Verbi 2000 SA Menichelli, E., Crocetta, L. You shall not kill. ISBN: 9966213457 56pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE Miano, R. A girl asks why. 2nd ed. 28pp. ill. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1988 GH Moloney, M. Salvation is a journey. Paulines 1993 KE
40pp. ($1.00)
Montgomery, D. God’s will and your personality. ISBN: 9966219536 128pp. K.shs.320.00 ($4.00) Paulines 2004 KE
Mpongo, L. Célébrer noël en vérité. 2005 ZR FRE
85pp. Epiphanie
Munyi, S. Can dreams come true? 24pp. ill. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1971 GH Murray, A. Absolute surrender. 152pp. K.shs.190.00 ($3.50/£2.00) Njogu 1997 KE Murray, A. The spiritual life. The classic devotional. ISBN: 0796302251 cd. R109.95 Lux Verbi 2004 SA Muyiwa, A. Marriage and the Christian. ISBN: 9782015806 71pp. N250.00 ($2.50/£2.00) Book Builders 2002 NR Mwozomudo, A.N.C The unfaithful saint. ISBN: 2723501647 266pp. CFA5,000 (Eur20.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Nbuy-Beya, B., ed. Woman, who are you? A challenge. (Challenge series, 2) ISBN: 9966214100 158pp. ($6.00) Paulines 1998 KE Ndambi, Y. Femme blessée, femme libératrice. 104pp. ($9.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Ngaage, B.S. Visitors to the throne. ISBN: 9783038009 400pp. Ano 1999 NR Nicolaisen, J. Morale chrétienne. 262pp. FMG8,600 TPFLM 1990[?] MG FRE Njami Nwandi, S.B. Offrandes, jeûne et prière. CLE 2000 CM FRE
Njock, J.E. Le courage d’un enfant mutilé. ISBN: 2723501639 88pp. CFA2,500 (Eur10.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Njoh Mouelle, E. De la médiocrité à l’excellence. Essai. 174pp. (Eur14.00) CLE 21998 CM FRE Njoya, T. The divine tag on democracy. new ed. ISBN: 2723501760 370pp. CFA6,000 (Eur22.00) CLE 2003 CM Nkiere, P., Correig, M-I. Qu’as-tu fait de ton frère? Epiphanie 1997 ZR FRE
Norlén, G. The Christian and the ethical life: on being a Christian in a multicultural world. ISBN: 9987657044 397pp. T.shs.4,000 ($8.00) Makumira 2003 TZ Nothum, A. L’exclaustration et la vie fraternelle en communauté. (UCAC publication scientifique, 10) 20pp. CFA450.00 (Eur0.69) UCAC 1997 CM FRE Nunn, M. The parish finance. Uzima 1978[?] KE
($2.74) K.shs.20.00
Nwankpa, E. Redeeming the land. Interceding for the nations. 130pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Africa Christian 1994 GH
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Christian life
Subject index
Nyatsanza, W. Deathbed reflections of Bishop Chiginya. 80pp. ($4.80) Mambo 1993 ZI Odhiambo, B., Scott, J., Dass, S. Three colours of hate. 40pp. pl. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1981 GH Odua-Mensah, C.A. The stolen library. 32pp. ill. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1978 GH Oduna, C. Sais-tu justifier ta foi? bk.2 ISBN: 291462400X 128pp. ill. FC600.00 ($1.05) Paulines - DRC 2001 ZR FRE Odunaike, S.O. The young Christian and money. K.shs.10.00 Evangel 1972 KE
Oduro-Afriye, K. Delivered through rain. ISBN: 9964782578 88pp. C6,000 Asempa 1999 GH Oduyoye, M. Beads and strands. Reflections of an African woman on Christianity in Africa. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 2723501620 CFA3,500 (Eur14.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Okediji, O. Christian experience and responsibilities in politics. ISBN: 9780295161 138pp. N900.00 Spectrum 2005 NR Okiror, E. Enjoying God. ISBN: 996621108X 96pp. K.shs.75.00 ($1.00) Paulines 2001 KE Oliana, G. The gift of religious life. ISBN: 9966215573 200pp. K.shs.160.00 ($2.00) Paulines 2000 KE
Otabie, C. Dialogue with God. [Also available in French.] 24pp. ill. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1981 GH
Peil, M., et al. African cities and Christian communities. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 72) 88pp. ($3.00) Gaba 1982 KE
Otene, M. The spiritual journey of Anuarite. [Also available in French.] (Religious life in Africa, 3) ISBN: 9966214194 142pp. ($3.00) Paulines 1998 KE
Phiri, J. A Catholic? You must be crazy. 79pp. ($7.00/£3.50) K.shs.50.00 Paulines 1990 KE
Otsiemi, J. Tous les chemins mènent à l’autre. ISBN: 2911464095 112pp. CFA5,000 (Eur10.00) Ndzé 2002 GO FRE [copublished with Editions Raponda Walker, Gabon] Owura, B. Once upon a campus. 36pp. ill. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1980 GH Ozrovech, S. Choose life. 3rd ed. 328pp. R47.00 Lux Verbi 1995 SA Ozrovech, S. Everlasting arms. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0796300755 72pp. R34.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA Ozrovech, S. Filled with the Holy Spirit. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 079630100X cd. 400pp. R96.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA Ozrovech, S. Geared for life. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0796300801 72pp. R34.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA Ozrovech, S. God at your side. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0796300763 73pp. R34.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA
Ollenu, N.N. Prayerfulness. ISBN: 9964782667 34pp. C5,000 Asempa 2000 GH
Ozrovech, S. God in the golden years. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0796300836 72pp. R34.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA
Oloo, N.O. About drinking. ISBN: 9966213522 46pp. K.shs.20.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1998 KE
Ozrovech, S. Hope. ISBN: 0869977067 40pp. R19.95 Lux Verbi 1998 SA
Omodi, M. Jesus. ISBN: 9966213937 24pp. K.shs.20.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1998 KE
Ozrovech, S. In moments like these. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0796300798 72pp. R34.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA
Omodi, M. My rosary. ISBN: 9966213961 24pp. K.shs.20.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1998 KE Onwona, S.O. Shadows come to light, prayer as spiritual warfare. ISBN: 9964875304 286pp. ($18.95/£10.95) Africa Christian 2000 GH Onyango, S. Set free from demons. Evangel 1979 KE
Ozrovech, S. In quietness and trust. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0796300747 72pp. R34.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA Ozrovech, S. Love. ISBN: 0869977083 40pp. R19.95 Lux Verbi 1998 SA Ozrovech, S. On wings of faith. Lux Verbi 1997 SA
cd. 416pp. R69.95
Orkar, D. Vous serez mes témoins. 40pp. ill. CFA500.00 CPE 1972 IV FRE
Ozrovech, S. Prayers for a life in God. ISBN: 0796302375 R39.95 Lux Verbi 2004 SA
Orkar, D. Witnessing for Christ. 40pp. ill. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1969 GH
Ozrovech, S. A rainbow through my tears. new ed. ISBN: 0793600828 72pp. R37.95 Lux Verbi 2003 SA
Orobator, A.E. The church-as-family. ISBN: 9966215026 184pp. K.shs.350.00 ($5.00) Paulines 2000 KE Osborn, T.L. La guérison par Christ. ISBN: 2913942733 56pp. CFA3,000 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2002 IV FRE Osborn, T.L. Soul winning. ISBN: 9966850872 25pp. K.shs.390.00 ($6.50) Evangel 1999 KE Osborne, D. Dear Mudlick, series 1. 32pp. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1976 GH Osborne, D. Dear Mudlick, series 2. 40pp. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1977 GH Osei-Mensah, G. Dirigeant: patron ou serviteur. CFA2,250 CPE 1996 IV FRE
Ozrovech, S. Spirit of grace. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 079630081X 72pp. R34.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA Ozrovech, S. Spiritual growth. ISBN: 0869977105 40pp. R19.95 Lux Verbi 1998 SA Ozrovech, S. When you pray. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 079630078X 32pp. R34.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA Pastoral-Missionary Commission of the Central Committee for the great jubilee of the holy year 2000. Who do you say that I am? 64pp. ($2.00) Paulines 1997 KE Paulines Publications Africa Our Father your will be done. 160pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE
Plevoets, C.H. Le chrétien cohérent. 144pp. ill. (FB45.00) Paulines - DRC 1995 ZR FRE Plevoets, M. Guide pratique pour bien se confesser. ISBN: 2914624573 92pp. col.ill. FC750.00 ($1.50) Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE Pobee, J.S. Skenosis. ZI
176pp. ($11.30) Mambo 1992
Pontifical Council for Culture Towards a pastoral approach to culture. ISBN: 9966214593 52pp. K.shs.140.00 ($2.00) Paulines 1999 KE Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People The pilgrimage in the great jubilee. ISBN: 9966213902 40pp. ($1.20) Paulines 1998 KE Pope John Paul II The Christian meaning of human suffering. ISBN: 9966215069 32pp. K.shs.50.00 ($0.70) Paulines 2000 KE Pope John Paul II Journeying towards the third millenium. ISBN: 9966214259 24pp. K.shs.40.00 ($0.60) Paulines 1998 KE Pope John Paul II Rise, let us be on our way. ISBN: 9966219730 240pp. K.shs.560.00 ($7.00) Paulines 2004 KE Pope John Paul II Spirit and the bride. ISBN: 996621934X 15pp. K.shs.25.00 ($0.30) Paulines 2004 KE Ratz, C.C. The young Christian and witnessing. 112pp. K.shs.10.00 Evangel 1973 KE Regan, A. From school to city. (Gaba pastoral paper, 27) 48pp. K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1973 KE Robb, J. Connaître le groupe. CPE 1991 IV FRE
120pp. CFA1,500
Rochford, J. Zambian Christian reflections, with scripture readings. 154pp. Mission Press - Ndola 1978 ZA Rodrigo, M. The church in the neighbourhood. 124pp. ill. ($5.00/£2.50) K.shs.30.00 Paulines 1992 KE Roper, D.L. Our Christian task in the arts: some preliminary considerations. (Series F1, 138) 22pp. R1.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1979 SA Ryan, P. The model of church as family: meeting the African challenge. ISBN: 9966909222 61pp. K.shs.100.00 ($7.00/ £4.00) CUEA 1999 KE Ryan, P., et al., eds. Work and Christian living. ISBN: 9966212426 80pp. K.shs.200.00 ($2.50) Paulines 2000 KE Sackeyho, E.W.A. Steps to victorious Christian life. ISBN: 9964782675 42pp. C5,000 Asempa 2000 GH Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education A guide to formation to priestly celibacy. ISBN: 9955218181 96pp. K.shs.120.00 Paulines 2002 KE Salela, B. Conflits et identité. Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
134pp. ($8.70) Kap
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 160
African Books in Print
Subject index
Christian tracts
Salvodi, V. Behold the Man (Christ’s Passion in its making today). 100pp. col.pl. ($6.00) Mission Press - Ndola 1985 ZA
Tammi, P. Honour your father and your mother. ISBN: 9966213449 56pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE
Salvodi, V. Our journey of faith. Reflections. ISBN: 9966215492 80pp. K.shs.240.00 ($3.50) Paulines 2002 KE
Tammi, P. You shall not take the Lord’s name in vain. ISBN: 9966213384 40pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE
Sangaré, L. Paroles de nouvel an. 206pp. CFA2,500 ($6.25) Jamana 1990 ML FRE
Taylor, H.G. Faith seeks understanding. 60pp. 70t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1981 MW
Waruta, D.W. Caring and sharing. Pastoral counselling in the African perspective. ISBN: 996685536X 278pp. K.shs.500.00 Uzima 1998 KE
Sarah, R. Church leaders and Christian life. ISBN: 9966213732 128pp. K.shs.270.00 ($3.50) Paulines 2001 KE
Tettey, E.M.A. The quiet time. 1992 GH
Waterkant A day to remember. Lux Verbi 1994 SA
Sarazin, S., Duteil, A. We do love our children. ISBN: 9966217517 32pp. K.shs.80.00 ($1.00) Paulines 2003 KE Schaar, Y. Digérer à sa façon. 2000 CM FRE
CFA2,500 CLE
Schofield, R. Jubilee reflections. Rich and poor in Christian perspective. ISBN: 9990816425 89pp. ($18.95/£10.95) Kachere 2001 MW Scott, M. A Christian perspective on motivation. (Series Fl, 300) 15pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1992 SA Selfridge, J. Following Jesus. [Also available in French.] 232pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1975 KE Selfridge, J. Suivre Jésus. [Also available in English.] 231pp. CFA2,500 CPE 1978 IV FRE Senaldi, S. Holy trinity. Daily meditations. ISBN: 9966217959 88pp. K.shs.200.00 ($2.50) Paulines 2004 KE Sharkey, F., Welch, E. Modern Christian living. 256pp. K.shs.464.00 OUP - Nairobi 1979 KE Shodunke, G.Y. Children building: secrets for the church life. ISBN: 978303804X 66pp. N200.00 Ano 2000 NR Shorter, A. Religious poverty in Africa. ISBN: 996621447X 36pp. Paulines 1999 KE Slabber, L. On the death of my child. Lux Verbi 1989 SA
90pp. R11.55
Smit, N. Joyfully Jesus and you. ISBN: 0869977695 240pp. R44.50 Lux Verbi 1998 SA Smit, N. Underneath God’s rainbow. ISBN: 0796302278 400pp. R99.95 Lux Verbi 2004 SA Smith, A.B. Applying scripture to life. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 53) K.shs.240.00 Gaba 1978 KE Smith, J. You are very precious to God. ISBN: 0796300372 224pp. R54.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA Spagnolo, A. Jesus our friend. 80pp. K.shs.40.00 ($0.80) Paulines 1996 KE Ssengooba, D. The laity and the pastoral care of the sick. 48pp. ($1.60) Paulines 1996 KE Stephens, J.S.A. Streams of life. ISBN: 9964782705 72pp. C10,000 Asempa 2000 GH Sylvester, N. La victoire de pâques. Puissance de la résurrection. 56pp. ill. CFA1,000 CPE 1971 IV FRE
40pp. C400.00 Asempa
Tiboni, P. Father James Alberione. Paulines 1996 KE
80pp. ($3.00)
Tomasi, I. A love stronger than death. Women who gave their lives for Africa. ISBN: 9966215018 232pp. K.shs.450.00 ($6.50) Paulines 2000 KE
Wale Oke, F. Alone with God. ISBN: 9780295925 193pp. N600.00 Spectrum 2005 NR Wallace, H. Touching the fringe. ISBN: 0869978705 112pp. R39.95 Lux Verbi 2000 SA
cd. 384pp. R33.95
Wawa, R. Sept secrets de réussite pour les jeunes. ISBN: 2741402027 32pp. ($0.25) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Whitson, Chiko and Holland Honouring and worshipping God. K.shs.220.00 Evangel 1990 KE
Tshikaya, F. Serviteurs et témoins. 204pp. ($18.20) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
Wilkinson, B. The dream giver. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 0796302057 cd. 186pp. R99.95 Lux Verbi 2004 SA
Tshilanda, M. Ensemble serviteurs de la mission du Christ. 190pp. ($18.20) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
Wilkinson, B. The dream giver for leaders. ISBN: 0796302065 cd. 128pp. R59.95 Lux Verbi 2004 SA
Ugeux, B., Lefevbre, P. Small Christian communities and parishes. 68pp. ($2.00) Paulines 1995 KE
Wilkinson, B., Wilkinson, M. The dream giver for parents. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0796302057 cd. 128pp. R59.95 Lux Verbi 2004 SA
Ukken, G. We believe in love. ISBN: 9966215042 120pp. K.shs.280.00 ($4.00) Paulines 2000 KE van Belle, H.A. Two shall become. Reflections on dating, courtship and marriage. (IRS study pamphlets, 376) ISBN: 1868223434 48pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1999 SA van de Walt, B., Swanepoel, R., eds. Signposts of God’s liberating kingdom. Perspectives for the 21st century. vol.1 376pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1997 SA van der Merwe, W.J. The road ahead. 55pp. R2.50 Lux Verbi 1985 SA van der Walt, B.J. Being human, a gift and a duty: on the way to a Christian view of man for Africa. (F2: Brochures, 49) 89pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1990 SA van der Walt, B.J. Transformed by the renewing of your mind. shaping a biblical worldview and a Christian perspective on scholarship. ISBN: 1868223825 203pp. R50.00 ($18.00) ICCA 2001 SA van Niekerk, A. The status of prenatal life. 85pp. R19.50 Lux Verbi 1991 SA van Parys, J-M. L’état de droit, espoir des opprimés. 40pp. Epiphanie 1996 ZR FRE van Rensburg, J.J. The occult debate. ISBN: 0869978365 96pp. R45.00 Lux Verbi 1999 SA Venhagen, P., Ogola, J. The Y.E.S. retreat. Behaviour change retreat. 88pp. ($2.00) Paulines 1997 KE Vidil, F. Pour plus de justice et de solidarité. Epiphanie 1997 ZR FRE Villata, J. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s day. ISBN: 9966213430 56pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE Wachira, R.N. On life and love. What parents should know. ISBN: 9966214879 128pp. Paulines 2000 KE
Wright, T. A treasury of thoughts. Lux Verbi 1992 SA
52pp. R14.40
Xozwa, L.W.M. The healing of the sick land. 23pp. (£2.00) Africa Christian 1988 GH Yaluegbeghe, C.I. Spirit-controlled life. ISBN: 996478256X 79pp. C5,500 Asempa 1999 GH Yao Akassi, M. Dans le silence de la nuit. ISBN: 2909238733 112pp. CFA3,500 (Eur12.00) EDILIS 1999 IV FRE Christian life—Africa Bujo, B. African Christian morality at the age of inculturation. ISBN: 9966213872 112pp. ($6.00) Paulines 1998 KE Sarah, R. Culture, democracy and development in the light of centesmus annus. ISBN: 9966214909 64pp. Paulines 2000 KE Shorter, A. Religious obedience in Africa. ISBN: 9966214801 43pp. Paulines 2000 KE Christian life—China Chao, J. Christian community life in communist China. (Series F1, 148) 11pp. R1.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1980 SA Christian life—United States van Brummelen, H. The new Christian right and North American education. (IRS study pamphlets, F1/258) 31pp. ($1.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1989 SA Christian tracts Annorbah-Sarpei, J. Letters from Nima. 2nd ed. 72pp. C1,000 Asempa 1983 GH Barber, H.H. What is a protestant, an evangelical, a pentecostal? 16pp. K.shs.6.50 Evangel 1967 KE Bombay, C.R. Sin, sickness and God. 24pp. K.shs.6.00 Evangel 1969 KE Bombay, C.R. Who is this Jesus? Evangel 1970 KE
24pp. K.shs.6.50
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Christian tracts
Subject index
Centre de Publications Evangéliques Plus fort que les fétiches. 20pp. CFA300.00 CPE 1975 IV FRE
Woungly Massaga, L. Pas à pas avec Jésus. 2000 CM FRE
Cristiani, M. Sainte Marie Goretti. 39pp. 40k Chancellor Coll 1969 MW FRE Denis, P., ed. Facing the crisis. Selected texts of Archbishop D.E.Hurley. 282pp. Cluster 1997 SA
CFA2,500 CLE
Christianity in Africa see also Church history—Africa Missions, Christian Religion Religion, Christian Religious education Theology—Africa
Colenso, J.W. Commentary on Romans. ISBN: 1875053301 76pp. R120.00 ($24.00) Cluster 2003 SA Cummins, H. Starting new churches. Evangel 1980 KE
Etian, E.E. Qui es-tu Jésus? 58pp. CFA405.00 CLE 1973 CM FRE
Abasika, E.T. This black Jesus. 189pp. N160.00 ($16.00/£9.00) Newswatch 1993 NR
Evangel Publishing House Learning God’s truth. 40pp. K.shs.6.50 Evangel 1968 KE
African Ecclesial Review Empowering the marginalized through evangelization. (AFER, 41/1) 63pp. Gaba 1999 KE
Holland, G. How to talk with God. Evangel 1975 KE Kelchner, H.B. Living now. 1968 KE
32pp. K.shs.6.50
76pp. K.shs.10.50 Evangel
Kingston, N.R. Truth for God’s people. 48pp. K.shs.6.50 Evangel 1973 KE Kiongo, C., Welsh, J., Dougall, I. Life for God’s people. 96pp. K.shs.6.50 Evangel 1973 KE Magré, P. Le mariage chrétien. CLE 1972 CM FRE
48pp. CFA300.00
Miller, W.M., Khana, M.I. Puis-je connaitre Dieu. trans.f.t.English 24pp. CFA220.00 CPE 1982 IV FRE Morrow, A. God, the devil and you. 84pp. K.shs.10.00 Evangel 1975 KE M’Passou, D. Stories for the pulpit. Mal 1973 MW Odunaike, S.O. Jesus is coming. Evangel 1974 KE
Christ Lit Assoc -
32pp. K.shs.6.50
Otabie, C. Dialogue avec Dieu. trans.f.t.English 32pp. CFA700.00 CPE 1982 IV FRE Ouko, J.J. Bribery. It kills you and your nation. 48pp. K.shs.15.00 Evangel 1976 KE Pobee, J.S. Violence: a theological view-point from the Jesus-lane. 40pp. C1,000 Asempa 1986 GH Purdie, J.E. Five hundred and sixty seven Christian answers. 96pp. K.shs.7.50 Evangel 1969 KE Ratz, C.C. Light for God’s people. Evangel 1973 KE
70pp. K.shs.6.50
African Ecclesial Review Formation of agents of evangelization for the church-as-family of God. (AFER, 41/ 4-6) 150pp. Gaba 1999 KE Agoro, O. Contribution of women to gospel spread. ISBN: 9782257008 48pp. N150.00 Agoro 2002[?] NR Aguilar, M.I. And the call to deepen Christianity in Africa. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 148-150) ISBN: 9966836225 100pp. K.shs.600.00 ($28.00) Gaba 1998 KE AMECEA Pastoral Institute African ecclesial review. 1994 KE
265pp. Gaba
Association of Member Episcopal Conferences of Eastern Africa The local church with a human face. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 140-141) 120pp. K.shs.350.00 ($10.50) Gaba 1996 KE Babe, A. Eglises d’Afrique: quel avenir? (UCAC publication scientifique, 19) 16pp. CFA350.00 (Eur0.84) UCAC 1998 CM FRE Baur, J. 2000 years of Christianity in Africa 621998. [Also available in French.] rev.ed. 700pp. ($10.00) Paulines 1997 KE Bedaiko, K. Jesus in Africa. ISBN: 2673250610 128pp. CFA3,500 (Eur14.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Bediako, K. Jesus in African culture (a Ghanaian perspective). 49pp. C3,000 ($3.00) Asempa 1990 GH Bossert, C. Chrétien face aux sectes. 51pp. CFA950.00 CPE 1987 IV FRE Bourdillon, M., ed. Christianity south of the Zambezi. 2 219pp. ($10.55) Mambo 1976 ZI
Ratz, C.C. What do you think? Evangel 1975 KE
32pp. K.shs.6.50
Ratz, C.C. Words make a man. Evangel 1975 KE
Britten, B. We don’t want your white religion. pl. K3.00 Multimedia 1985 ZA
32pp. K.shs.6.50
Bujo, B. The ethical dimension of community: the African model and the dialogue between North and South. trans.f.t. German by C.N. Nganda ISBN: 9966213768 237pp. ($7.00) Paulines 1998 KE
Schnell, W.J. What are the Jehovah’s witnesses? 13pp. K.shs.2.00 Evangel 1970 KE Tilmann, K. Veux-tu le savoir? 2nd ed. 45pp. pl. K40.00 Chancellor Coll 1968 MW FRE Vittoz, P. Manuel de l’engagement chrétien. CFA300.00 CLE 1970 CM FRE Wachira, R.N. Searching for self-knowledge. ($1.80) Paulines 1996 KE Wagura, P.M. Why do people marry? Paulines 1996 KE
56pp. ($1.30)
Charo Ruwa, M. The church and self-reliance. Give God what is right and not what is left. ISBN: 9966218173 96pp. K.shs.160.00 ($2.00) Paulines 2002 KE
Byrne, T. The church and the development dilemma. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 50) K.shs.130.00 Gaba 1977 KE CADICEC Centième anniversaire de l’encyclique “Rerum novarum”. Le Saint Père aux dirigeants d’entreprise. 47pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1991 ZR FRE Cassidy, M., Verlinden, L., eds. Facing the new challenges. The message of PACLA. 670pp. ($9.50) K.shs.31.00 Evangel 1978 KE
Dachs, A., ed. Christianity south of the Zambezi. 1 210pp. ($10.35) Mambo 1973 ZI
Donfack, J.R. La guerre des croyances. ISBN: 9956320188 CFA2,500 ($10.00) Sherpa 2003 CM FRE Eone Eone, O. Le pouvoir des vicaires généraux et épiscopaux. (UCAC publication scientifique, 17) 28pp. CFA550.00 (Eur0.84) UCAC 1998 CM FRE Eone Eone, O. Le synode diocésain selon le droit canon. 20pp. CFA450.00 (Eur0.96) UCAC 1999 CM FRE Evangel Publishing House Taking the good news to muslims. K.shs.225.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1997 KE Fone Fone, O. La paroisse et les conseils paroissiaux: droit et pastorale. 32pp. CFA650.00 (Eur0.99) UCAC 1999 CM FRE Gerard, S., Lefebvre, P. Vivre de l’esprit, essai sur le discernement. 103pp. Epiphanie 1996 ZR FRE Gifford, P., ed. New dimensions in African Christianity. 260pp. Sefer 1993 NR Hearne, B., Radoli, A. Struggling for a new world. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 129) 80pp. K.shs.200.00 ($6.00/$4.62) Gaba 1993 KE Institute for Reformational Studies Signposts of God’s liberating kingdom. Perspectives for the 21st century. vol.2 R70.00 ($25.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1998 SA Institute for Reformational Studies Signposts of God’s liberating kingdom. Perspectives for the 21st century. vol.1 R70.00 ($25.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1998 SA Jonker, W.D. The Mary cult. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 30pp. R1.80 Lux Verbi 1979 SA Karotemprel, S. Following Christ in mission. 336pp. K.shs.300.00 ($6.00) Paulines 1995 KE Kasonga, L. Prêtre dans la rue. Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
106pp. ($8.20) Kap
Kasonga, L. Prêtre prisonnier de la tribu. 98pp. ($8.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Kealy, J.P., Shenk, D.W. The early church and Africa. 368pp. pl. K.shs.528.00 OUP - Nairobi 1976 KE Kelley, J.J. The church in the town: re-thinking the African urban apostolate. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 47) K.shs.140.00 Gaba 1977 KE Kenya Episcopal Conference Policy documents for Catholic education. ISBN: 9966215174 54pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.30) Paulines 2000 KE Keogh, R.M. St Patrick’s letter to Prosper. 189pp. ill. K.shs.330.00 ($7.50) Paulines 1995 KE
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African Books in Print
Subject index Khabela, M.G. The struggle of the Gods. ISBN: 0869861255 161pp. R46.00 Lovedale 1997 SA Kretzschmar, L. Privatization of the Christian faith. Mission, social ethics and the South African Baptists. (Ecclesial studies, 1) ISBN: 996478242X 430pp. Asempa 1998 GH Kyeyune, D. New trends for the empowerment of the people. 208pp. ($10.00) Paulines 1997 KE Lamont, V., Barrett, D. Graines d’évangile. 64pp. CFA500.00 CLE 1973 CM FRE Lapsley, M. Neutrality or co-option? Anglican Church and State from 1964 until the independence of Zimbabwe. (MissioPastoral series, 16) 106pp. ($5.20) Mambo 1986 ZI
Christianity in Africa Mukoso, N. Histoire du christianisme africain. cd. 319pp. ($79.00) Kap Kaz 1999 ZR FRE
Olengo, K. Catéchiser en Afrique aujourd’hui. 120pp. ($63.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE
Mulaya, D. Pour l’engagement de l’église dans la bataille. 190pp. ($8.50) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
Ollennu, N. Once upon a Friday: meditations on the seven words on the cross. 58pp. (£3.00) Africa Christian 1995 GH
Mungazi, D.A. The honoured crusade. Mambo 1991 ZI
Osborn, T.L. Quand Jésus a visité notre foyer. ISBN: 2913942755 79pp. CFA1,500 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2002 IV FRE
142pp. ($12.40)
Muthwadini, J.A. The word of God for Africa. (IRS study pamphlets, F1/271/272) 37pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1990 SA Mwoleka, C., Healey, J. eds. Ujamaa and Christian communities. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 45) 64pp. K.shs.170.00 Gaba 1976 KE Ncozana, S.S. The spirit dimension in African Christianity. ISBN: 999081614X 250pp. ($29.95/£17.95) Kachere 2002 MW
Lufulwabo, V. Prise en charge de l’Eglise par ses propres fidèles. 200pp. ($9.70) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
Ngada, N.H., Mofokeng, K.E. African Christian witness. African indigenous churches. ISBN: 1875053220 60pp. R29.00 ($9.00) Cluster 2001 SA
Lufulwabo, V. Valeur des religions africaines selon la Bible et Vatican II. 95pp. K25.00 Chancellor Coll 1968 MW FRE
Ngewa, S., Shaw, M., Tienou, T., eds. Issues in African Christian theology. ISBN: 9966467793 346pp. K.shs.550.00 EAEP 1998 KE
Magesa, L. Anatomy of inculturation. ISBN: 9966219390 311pp. ($10.00) Paulines 2004 KE
Ngi, F.M. Monnaie et reconstruction de l’eglise africaine. Réflexion théologique et éthique à la lumière de aggée 2:8. ISBN: 2723501825 214pp. CFA3,500 (Eur14.00) CLE 2003 CM FRE
Magesa, L. Le catholicisime africain en mutation. Modèles d’eglise pour un siècle nouveau. ISBN: 2723501604 202pp. (Eur14.00) CLE 2001 CM FRE Magesa, L. The church and liberation in Africa. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 44) 55pp. K.shs.140.00 Gaba 1976 KE Mana, K. Christians and churches of Africa. Envisioning the future: salvation in Christ and the building of a new African society. ISBN: 2723501388 CFA3,500 (Eur14.00) CLE 2002 CM Mana, K. Foi chrétienne, crise africaine et reconstruction de l’Afrique. 220pp. CFA2,950 CLE 1992 CM FRE [copublished with Editions HaHo, Togo] McGarry, C., ed. What happened at the African synod? 194pp. ($5.00) Paulines 1995 KE McGarry, C., Ruwaichi, J.T., Ryan, P., Mejia, R., Schonecke, W. New strategies for a new evangelization in Africa. ISBN: 9966218122 143pp. ($5.00) Paulines 2002 KE Messi Metogo, E. Dieu peut-il mourir en Afrique? 254pp. CFA9,000 (Eur13.77) UCAC 1997 CM FRE Messina, J-P. Evêques africains au concile Vatican II (1959-1965). ISBN: 2911380398 198pp. CFA9,000 (Eur13.77) UCAC 2001 CM FRE [Africa only. Co-published with Editions Karthala, Paris.] Mhagama, C. God bless Africa. Praying the gospel for Africa’s well being. 88pp. ($2.00) Paulines 1996 KE Milingo, E. The world in between. Christian healing and the struggle for spiritual survival. 138pp. ($9.50) Mambo 1985 ZI [No UK/ US] Mpagi, P.W. African Christian theology in the contemporary context. ISBN: 9970821024 250pp. (£12.95) Marianum 2002 KE Mugambi, J.N.K. Christianity and African culture. ISBN: 9966888756 218pp. ill. Acton 2002 KE
Njoroge, L. A century of Catholic endeavour. ISBN: 9966214607 240pp. K.shs.650.00 ($9.00) Paulines 1999 KE Njoroge wa Ngugi, J. Creation in the catechism of the Catholic Church. A basis for catechesis in postcolonial Africa. ISBN: 9966218491 320pp. K.shs.800.00 ($10.00) Paulines 2002 KE Ntedika, K., ed. Le synode africain (1994). Un appel à la conversion et à l’espérance. 280pp. (FB300.00) Fac Catholiques 1995 ZR FRE Nwenu, E.B.L. Welcome beloved holy spirit. ISBN: 9783038024 47pp. N150.00 ($2.00/£1.50) Ano 1998 NR Nyasulu, T. Missiology: a study of the spread of the Christian faith. (Kachere tools, 1) ISBN: 9990876347 108pp. ($19.95/£12.95) Kachere 2004 MW
Osei-Mensah, G. Wanted: servant leaders (the challenge of Christian leadership in Africa today). 73pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Africa Christian 1990 GH Pastoral-missionary Commission of the Central Committee for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 The spirit is Lord and gives life. 64pp. ($2.00) Paulines 1997 KE Paulines Publications. Historical Commission for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 Your spirit, Lord, fills the earth. Official catechetical text in preparation for the holy year 2000. 128pp. ($3.00) Paulines 1997 KE Perrin Jassy, M.F. La communauté de base dans les églises africaines. (CEEBA. série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 3) 231pp. map. (DM38.00) CEEBA 1970 ZR FRE Pontifical Council The shrine. ISBN: 9966214526 32pp. K.shs.85.00 ($1.20) Paulines 1999 KE Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity Prayer for Christian unity. ISBN: 9966214682 36pp. K.shs.50.00 ($0.70) Paulines 1999 KE Poucouta, P. Lettres aux églises d’Afrique. 288pp. (Eur13.77) UCAC 1997 CM FRE Presses de l’Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale Des prêtres noirs s’interrogent: 40 ans après, quelle actualité et quelle pertinence? (Conférence théologique, 4) ISBN: 2911380304 124pp. CFA2,500 (Eur3.81) UCAC 2000 CM FRE Presses de l’Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale Jésus-Christ et l’Afrique: hier, aujourd’hui et demain. (Conférence théologique, 5) ISBN: 2911380444 132pp. CFA3,000 (Eur4.57) UCAC 2001 CM FRE Radoli, A., ed. African ecclesial review. Personal commitment to Christ. (AFER, 6/36) Gaba 1994 KE
O’Donovan, W. Pour un christianisme biblique en Afrique. ISBN: 2910307182 526pp. CFA3,000 CPE 1998 IV FRE
Recchi, S. Droit canonique et église d’Afrique. 28pp. CFA550.00 (Eur.084) UCAC 1999 CM FRE
Oduyoye, M. Les colliers et les perles: refléxions d’une femme africaine sur le christianisme. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 2723501590 188pp. CFA3,500 (Eur14.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE
Recchi, S. Ecclesia in Africa: questions en suspens. (UCAC publication scientifique, 14) 132pp. CFA2,000 (Eur3.05) UCAC 1998 CM FRE
Okolo, C.B., Radoli, A. The African synod: hope for the continent’s liberation. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 130-131) 104pp. K.shs.280.00 ($8.50/£6.54) Gaba 1994 KE Okure, T., et al. Thirty two articles evaluating inculturation of Christianity in Africa. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 112-114) K.shs.310.00 ($12.00) Gaba 1990 KE Okwaro, E., Oiko, V.P. Christianity and the African myths. 150pp. K.shs.150.00 ($3.00) Lake 1987 KE Olapade-Agoro, O. Contribution of women to gospel spread. 42pp. Agoro 1996 NR
Recchi, S. L’exercice du pouvoir dans l’église: autorité et co-responsibilité. (UCAC publication scientifique, 15) 20pp. CFA450.00 (Eur0.69) UCAC 1998 CM FRE Rwiza, R.N. Formation of Christian conscience in modern Africa. ISBN: 9966211934 144pp. ($6.00) Paulines 2001 KE Ryan, P. African Christian studies. [Annual.] 16,16 vols. K.shs.575.00 each vol. ($86.00) CUEA 1999 KE Sarpong, P.K. People differ. An approach to inculturation in evangelisation. ISBN: 9988550383 119pp. ($24.95/£14.95) SubSaharan 2002 GH
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Christianity in Africa Shorter, A. The African contribution to world church and other essays. (Gaba pastoral paper, 22) 73pp. K.shs.9.00 Gaba 1972 KE Shorter, A. Christian family power in Africa. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 48) K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1977 KE Shorter, A. Christianity and the African imagination. the African synod, resources for inculturation. 100pp. ($4.00) Paulines 1996 KE Skillen, J.W. Christians organizing for political service. (IRS study pamphlets, 339) 57pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1996 SA Spykman, G.J., Hart, H. Rediscovery of the Church. vol.1(IRS study pamphlets, 341) 43pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1996 SA St. Paulines & Mambo Press The catechism of the Catholic Church. 736pp. ($10.00) Mambo 1994 ZI Stinton, D.B. Jesus of Africa. ISBN: 9966219528 304pp. ($10.00) Paulines 2004 KE Stirling, D.L. Heroes of the faith. Benedictine 1997 TZ
33pp. T.shs.480
Turaki, Y. Christianity and African gods. A method in theology. (IRS brochures, 75) ISBN: 1868223647 347pp. R60.00 ($30.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1999 SA Ugeux, B. Communautés de base et paroisse. 80pp. (FB26.00) Epiphanie 1993 ZR FRE Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale L’inculturation en débat. (Conférence théologique, 1) 64pp. CFA1,500 (Eur2.29) UCAC 1996 CM FRE van der Laan, H., de Graaff, A.H., van Brummelen, H.W. et al. The ideal of Christian schools. (IRS study pamphlets, 358) 80pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1997 SA van der Walt, B.J. Leaders with a vision. How Christian leadership can tackle the African crisis. R25.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1995 SA van der Walt, B.J. The liberating message. A Christian worldview for Africa. 650pp. R50.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1993 SA van der Walt, B.J., et al. Vision and mission: IRS - 25 years. [Also available in Afrikaans.] (F3: Collections, 35) 147pp. ($10.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1989 SA Verryn, T. D., ed. Church and marriage in modern Africa. 497pp. R5.00 Economic Res Unit 1975 SA Verstraelen-Guilhuis, G. A new look at Christianity in Africa. 120pp. ($11.330) Mambo 1992 ZI Verstraelen, F.J. Christianity in a new key. New voices and vistas through intercontinental communication. 322pp. ($22.50) Mambo 1996 ZI Verstraelen, F.J. History of Christianity in Africa in the context of African history. An assessment. ISBN: 0869227696 54pp. ($18.95/£10.95) Mambo 2002 ZI Verstraelen, F.J. Zimbabwean realities and Christian responses: contemporary aspects of Christianity in Zimbabwe. new ed. ISBN: 0869227297 160pp. ($14.00) Marianum 2004 ZI Vumuka-ku-Nanga, C. Eglise africaine et renouveau dans l’esprit. 84pp. (FB26.00) Epiphanie 1995 ZR FRE
Subject index Williams, M.D. Homosexuality, scripture and the body of Christ. (IRS study pamphlets, 360) 30pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1997 SA
Hochegger, H., ed. Banza-lute: 25 ans de présence chrétienne. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 90) 252pp. ill. (DM44.00) CEEBA 1983 ZR FRE
Zylstra, B., Vanderstelt, J.C. Rediscovery of the Church. vol.2(IRS study pamphlets, 343) 48pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1996 SA
Kimpianga, M. Le christianisme dans la vallée de Kimpese. 196pp. Kapongo-Kazadi 1988 ZR FRE
Christianity in Africa—Addresses and essays Cuthbertson, G., Pretorius, H., Robert, D., eds. Frontiers of African Christianity: essays in honour of Inus Daneel. 336pp. pl. R129.00 ($25.50/£16.20/Eur22.30) Unisa 2003 SA Christianity in Africa—Africa, East Gichuhi, G. The spirituality of small Christian communities in eastern Africa. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 85) 57pp. ($2.60) Gaba 1985 KE Okullu, H. Church and politics in East Africa. 86pp. ($1.50) K.shs.10.00 Uzima 1980 KE Radoli, A., ed. How is the local church? Small Christian communities and church in Eastern Africa. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 126-128) K.shs.400.00 ($20.00/£15.39) Gaba 1993 KE Spear, T., Kimambo, I.N., eds. East African expressions of Christianity. ISBN: 0852557574 cd. & 352pp. pl.map K.shs.2,240 (£40.00) cd. ISBN: 0852557582 (£14.95 ) Mkuki na Nyota 1999 TZ [Tanzania only. Also published in Africa by EAEP, Kenya] Christianity in Africa—Africa, Southern Institute for Reformational Studies Educational challenges in southern Africa in a Christian-Reformational perspective. (International Circular of the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 45, 46, 47) 375pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1987 SA Weller, J., Linden, J. Mainstream Christianity to 1980 in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. 224pp. maps ($14.70) Mambo 1984 ZI Christianity in Africa—Botswana Amanze, J.N. African Christianity in Botswana. The case of African independent churches. ISBN: 0869227130 264pp. pl. ($11.30/ £7.95) Mambo 1998 ZI Boschmann, D.R. The conflict between new religious movements and the state in the Bechuanaland protectorate prior to 1949. (Studies on the Church in southern Africa, 3) 46pp. Univ Botswana 1994 BS Christianity in Africa—Burundi Michel, J.C., Hochegger, H. L’eglise du Burundi en recherche de paix et de renouveau. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 136) ISBN: 3902011122 238pp. ill.map Eur20.20 CICBA 2001 GO FRE Christianity in Africa—Cameroun Messina, J-P. Témoins camerounais de l’évangile. ISBN: 2911380088 112pp. CFA5,000 (Eur7.65) UCAC 2001 CM FRE Christianity in Africa—Congo Democratic Republic de Saint Moulin, L. Oeuvres complètes du Cardinal Malula. 7 vols. cd. 1,800pp. ($300.00) Kap Kaz 1998 ZR FRE de Saint Moulin, L., comp. Oeuvres complètes du Cardinal Malula. Volume 1 introduction générale, tables et index. (Documents du christianisme africain, 1) 2208pp. (FB3,000) Fac Catholiques 1998[?] ZR FRE Hochegger, H., ed. Approches des rites et interdits de la Bible par le langage rituel zairois. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 29) 215pp. ill. (DM47.00) CEEBA 1993 ZR FRE
Ntedika, K. Les communautés ecclésiales de base et les valeurs africaines traditionnelles. Le propos d’une inculturation d’après les actes du synode diocésain de Kinshasa (1986-1988). 40pp. (FB80.00) Fac Catholiques 1995 ZR FRE Christianity in Africa—Egypt Meinardus, O.F.A. Coptic saints and pilgrimages. ISBN: 9774246926 cd. 122pp. col.pl. E£70.00 ($19.95/£16.95) Am Univ 2002 UA Christianity in Africa—Eritrea Catholic Bishops of Eritrea God loves this country. ISBN: 9966218106 40pp. K.shs.80.00 ($1.00) Paulines 2002 KE Christianity in Africa—Ghana Howell, A.M. The religious itinerary of a Ghanaian people. The Kasena and the Christian gospel. ISBN: 9964877070 414pp. pl.maps ($41.95/£24.95) Africa Christian 2002 GH Kudadjie, J.N. Moral renewal in Ghana. 94pp. C5,000 ($5.00) Asempa 1995 GH Christianity in Africa—Kenya Catholic Bishops of Kenya On self reliance. 12pp. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2001 KE Karanja, J. Founding an African faith. Kikuyu Anglican christianity 1900-1945. K.shs.200.00 Uzima 1997 KE Kariuki, O. A bishop facing Mount Kenya. (£3.00) Uzima 1985 KE
Christianity in Africa—Madagascar Vig, L. Croyances et moeurs des Malgaches. tr. fr. Norwegian. Ed. by E.O.C. Dahl. 2v. 66, 80pp. FMG500 set TPFLM 1977 MG FRE Christianity in Africa—Malawi Mijoga, H.B.P. Separate but the same gospel. Preaching in African Instituted Churches in southern Malawi. ISBN: 9990816233 208pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Kachere 2000 MW Moyo, F., Ott, M., eds. Christianity and the environment. [Also available in Chichewa.] (Kachere text, 13) ISBN: 9990816514 59pp. ($3.00/ £1.65) Kachere 2002 MW Msiska, S.K. Golden buttons: Christianity and traditional religion among the Tumbuka. (Kachere text, 4) 62pp. K50.00 ($5.00/ £3.00) Kachere 1997 MW Reijnaerts, H., Nielsen, A., Schoffeleers, M. Montfortians in Malawi. Their spirituality and pastoral approach. (Kachere text, 5) ISBN: 9990816093 496pp. pl. K300.00 ($30.00/£20.00) Kachere 1997 MW Ross, K.R. Christianity in Malawi. A source book. (Kachere series, 3) 255pp. ($13.50) Mambo 1996 ZI Wendland, E.R. Preaching that grabs the heart. ISBN: 9990816293 308pp. ($19.95/£11.95) Kachere 2000 MW Wendland, E.R. Sewero. Christian drama and the drama of Christianity in Africa. (Kachere monograph, 21) ISBN: 9990876266 294pp. ($33.95/£24.95) Kachere 2005 MW
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African Books in Print
Church history—Africa
Subject index Christianity in Africa—Mauritius de Bonne Terre, C. La prière de Shembaganur. 52pp. Rs.37.00 Océan Indien Ed 1987 MF FRE Christianity in Africa—Nigeria Kolajo, A.A. For such time as this. ISBN: 978029306X 159pp. ($19.95/£11.95) Spectrum 2002 NR Oduyoye, M.A. The Wesleyan presence in Nigeria, 18421962. 160pp. Sefer 1992 NR Olubummo, A. In a Christian college. 198pp. ill. pl. N11.45k Univ Press - Nig 1980 NR Christianity in Africa—South Africa Bate, S. Inculturation and healing. Coping-healing in South African Christianity. 340pp. R49.00 Cluster 1995 SA Catholic Institute of Education Learning for living. A Catholic contribution to the culture of learning and teaching in South Africa. ISBN: 0702146307 64pp. R35.00 Juta 1998 SA de Gruchy, J.W. Christianity and democracy. R75.00 Philip 1995 SA
de Gruchy, J.W. Christianity and the social history of South Africa. Volume 2: Christianity and the modernisation of South Africa. ISBN: 086486423X 288pp. Philip 1999 SA Denis, P., Mlotshwa, T., Mukuka, G. The Casspir and the cross: voices of black clergy in the Natal Midlands. ISBN: 1875053174 R40.00 Cluster 1999 SA du Toit, C.W. Sociopolitical changes and the challenge to Christianity in South Africa. (Miscellanea Congregalia, 48) 110pp. R30.00 ($16.60/£10.10) Unisa 1994 SA Elphick, R., Davenport, R. eds. Christianity in South Africa: a political, social and cultural history. 512pp. ill. R120.00 Philip 1996 SA Germond, P., De Gruchy, S. Aliens in the household of God. Homosexuality and Christian faith in South Africa. 325pp. R85.00 Philip 1997 SA Graaff, B. Modumedi Moleli: teacher, evangelist and martyr to charity: Mashonaland 1892-96. 135pp. ($7.50) Mambo 1988 ZI Kourie, C., Kretzschmar, L., eds. Christian spirituality in South Africa. ISBN: 1875053204 208pp. R80.00 Cluster 2000 SA Philpott, G. Jesus is tricky and God is undemocratic. The Kin-dom of God in Amawoti. ISBN: 0958380767 204pp. R22.00 ($7.00) Cluster 1993 SA Pieterse, H.J.C. Preaching in a context of poverty. ISBN: 1868881628 140pp. R70.00 ($11.30/£7.40) Unisa 2001 SA Suberg, O.M. The Anglican tradition in South Africa: a historical overview. ISBN: 1868880915 134pp. R85.00 ($14.20/£9.20) Unisa 1999 SA Thomas, D. Christ divided: liberalism, ecumenism and race in South Africa. ISBN: 1868881997 240pp. ill. R129.00 ($16.90/£10.80) Unisa 2002 SA van der Walt, B.J., ed. Christianity and democracy in South Africa. Christian responsibility for political service. 360pp. R70.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1996 SA Villa-Vicencio, C. Christianity and the social history of South Africa. Volume 1: Christianity and the colonisation of South Africa. ISBN: 0864864221 288pp. Philip 1999 SA
Walshe, P. Prophetic Christianity and the liberation movement in South Africa. 180pp. R40.00 Cluster 1995 SA Christianity in Africa—Sudan Barsello, G., Ayuso, G.M.A. Struggling to be heard: the Christian voice in independent Sudan, 1956-1996. (Faith in the Sudan, 4) ISBN: 9966213724 126pp. Paulines 1998 KE Brown, S.E., ed. Seeking an open society. Inter-faith relations and dialogue in Sudan today. (Faith in the Sudan, 2) 104pp. K.shs.200.00 Paulines 1997 KE Craig Harris, L. In joy and sorrow. ISBN: 9966214844 204pp. pl. K.shs.350.00 ($5.00) Paulines 2000 KE Craig Harris, L. Keeping the faith. ISBN: 9966214852 176pp. pl. K.shs.350.00 ($5.00) Paulines 2000 KE Diocese of Rumbeck The church in Sudan. Journeying towards justice and peace. ISBN: 9955211179 428pp. ($8.00) Paulines 2001 KE Nikkel, M.R. Dinka Christianity. ISBN: 9966216170 383pp. ($6.00) Paulines 2001 KE Parker, M. Children of the sun. ISBN: 9966215158 192pp. ill. K.shs.350.00 ($5.00) Paulines 2000 KE Persson, J. In our own languages. The story of Bible translation in Sudan. (Faith in the Sudan, 3) 52pp. K.shs.100.00 Paulines 1997 KE Wheeler, A., ed. The land of promise. Church growth in a Sudan at war. (Faith in the Sudan, 1) 152pp. K.shs.200.00 Paulines 1997 KE Christianity in Africa—Zambia Catholic Bishops of Zambia I was a stranger and you welcomed me. 11pp. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2001 KE M’Passou, D. Mindolo: a story of the ecumenical movement in Africa. 122pp. pl. K4.00 Multimedia 1983 ZA Zulu, J.N. Faith of our fathers. 1993 ZA
58pp. Multimedia
Christianity in Africa—Zimbabwe Gelfand, M. Godly medicine in Zimbabwe: a history of its medical missions. 302pp. ($10.50) Mambo 1988 ZI Gundani, P.H. Changing patterns of authority and leadership. Developments in the Roman Catholic church in Zimbabwe after Vatican II (1965-1985). ISBN: 0908307829 150pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Univ Zimbabwe 2002 ZI Hallencreutz, C.F., Moyo, A., eds. Church and state in Zimbabwe. ($24.00) Mambo 1988 ZI
Mambo Press Pope John Paul II in Zimbabwe: his collected speeches. 68pp. ill. ($7.00) Mambo 1989 ZI Mambo Press The Pope speaks to us. Mambo 1989 ZI
50pp. ($2.30)
Christianity in Africa—Zimbabwe— Directories Gweru Diocese Catholic directory of Zimbabwe. ($4.30) Mambo 1989 ZI
Church history see also Missions, Christian Anderson, K., Benson, P. Church history. 249pp. K.shs.250.00 ($4.50) Evangel 1984 KE
Brockman, N., Pescantini, U. A history of the Catholic church. ISBN: 9966210016 216pp. K.shs.300.00 ($3.75) Paulines 2004 KE Burki, B. La case des chrétiens. 128pp. CFA1,135 CLE 1973 CM FRE Burnham, B. Chronology. [History of the Church.] 132pp. K.shs.50.00 Evangel 1998[?] KE Dellagiacoma, R. David and Jildo. Martyrs of Paimol. ISBN: 9966219048 56pp. K.shs.80.00 ($1.00) Paulines 2004 KE Donovan, V.J. The church in the midst of creation. 169pp. ($13.30) Mambo 1990 ZI Gingrich, V.L. The church. 152pp. K.shs15.00 Evangel 1971 KE Hearne, B., ed. Change in the world and in the church. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 56) K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1979 KE John Paul II Bishops - shepherds of the Lord’s flock. ISBN: 9966217554 119pp. K.shs.225.00 ($3.00) Paulines 2003 KE Mfochive, J. Etre ancien de l’église. 59pp. CFA825.00 CLE 1985 CM FRE Olson, J. Histoire de l’église. Vingt siècles et six continents. 232pp. ill. CFA825.00 CLE 1972 CM FRE Oshitelu, G.A. The early church and the Roman empire. ISBN: 9788059007 186pp. map N600.00 ($10.00/£6.00) Sefer 2003 NR Paas, S. Digging out the ancestral church. Researching and communicating church history. ISBN: 9990816336 79pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Kachere 2000 MW Paas, S. From Galilee to the Atlantic: a history of the church in the West. (Kachere book, 17) ISBN: 9990816061 383pp. ($20.00/ £11.01) Kachere 2004 MW Pobee, J.S. Celebrating the jubilee of the World Council of Churches. 153pp. ($7.00) Asempa 1998 GH Russell, C. Glimpses of the church fathers. col.ill.pl. ($9.00) Scepter 2004 KE van der Walt, B.J. From Noyon to Geneva: a pilgrimage in the steps of John Calvin, 1509-1564. (Series F2, 10) 71pp. R3.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1979 SA Church history—Addresses and essays Cook, C.W. Enthusiasm re-visited. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1971 SA Hinchliff, P.B. Ecclesiastical history: its nature and purpose. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1960 SA Church history—Africa Alexander, F. Helping the church to grow. 205pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1981 KE Amanze, J. A history of the ecumenical movement in Africa. ISBN: 9991262717 320pp. P55.00 ($11.60) Pula 1999 BS Barrett, D.B., Padwick, T.J. Rise up and walk. 110pp. ill. K.shs.454.00 OUP - Nairobi 1990 KE Baur, J. 2000 ans de christianisme en Afrique. Une histoire de l’eglise africaine. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 2914624018 640pp. maps FC8,250 ($15.00) Paulines - DRC 2001 ZR FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Church history—Africa Contran, N. They are a target. 208pp. K.shs.250.00/ $5.00 Paulines 1996 KE Denis, P., ed. Dominicans in Africa. A history of the Dominican friars in sub-Sahara Africa. trans.f.t. French by Robert deViana ISBN: 1871552885 264pp. R80.00 ($16.00/£15.99) Cluster 2003 SA Hildebrandt, J. History of the church in Africa. A survey. rev.ed. ISBN: 0853523207 299pp. pl.maps ($27.95/£16.95) Africa Christian 1996 GH Kealotswe, O.N. An African independent church leader: Bishop Smart Mthembu of the head mountain of God Apostolic Church in Zion Botswana. (Studies on the Church in southern Africa, 5) 37pp. P10.00 ($10.00) Dept Theology and Religious Stud 1994 BS Kenny, J. The Catholic Church in tropical Africa, 1445-1850. 96pp. N6.00 Ibadan UP 1983 NR McGarry, C., Ryan, P., eds. Inculturating the church in Africa. Theological and practical perspectives. With the dogmatic constitution Lumen gentium. ISBN: 9966216006 270pp. ($6.00) Paulines 2001 KE Nicoliello, D.A. Our ancestors in faith. Paulines 1995 KE
156pp. ($2.00)
Nthamburi, Z. The African church at the crossroads. ISBN: 9966855145 152pp. K.shs.175.00 Uzima 1998 KE
Subject index England, F., Paterson, T., eds. Bounty in bondage: the Anglican church in Southern Africa: essays in honour of Edward King, Dean of Cape Town. 222pp. R20.00 Ravan 1989 SA
Nwankiti, B.C. The growth and development of the church of Nigeria. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9782514357 73pp. N109.50 ($1.00/£0.64) Ihem Davis 1998 NR
Setiloane, G.M., Peden, I.H.M., eds. Pangs of growth: a dialogue on church growth in Southern Africa. 229pp. pl. ($12.50/£6.75) R15.95 Skotaville 1988 SA
Nyeidah, B.T. Church administration and conflict resolution: issues and trends. ISBN: 9783038280 287pp. Ano 2001 NR
Church history—Botswana Amanze, J.N. The origin and development of the ecumenical movement in Botswana 19651994. (Studies on the Church in southern Africa, 4) 71pp. P10.00 ($10.00) Dept Theology and Religious Stud 1994 BS Boschman, D.R. The conflict between new religious movements and the state in the Bechuanaland protectorate prior to 1949. (Studies on the Church in southern Africa, 3) 46pp. map P10.00 ($10.00) Dept Theology and Religious Stud 1994 BS Fako, T.T. Churches in Botswana. (NIR working bibliographies) P3.60 NIDCR 1983 BS Church history—Cameroun Nyansako-ni-Nku, R. Journey in faith. The story of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon. 182pp. CFA2,500 ($10.95/£5.50) Buma Kor 1987 CM Van Slageren, J. Histoire de l’église en Afrique (Cameroun) (Cahier biblique, enseignement secondaire, 5) 152pp. CFA300.00 CLE 1969 CM FRE
Nthamburi, Z. From mission to church. ISBN: 9966855113 152pp. K.shs.175.00 Uzima 1998 KE
Church history—Ghana Asempa Publishers ed. The rise of independent churches in Ghana. 92pp. C5,000 ($5.00) Asempa 1990 GH
Nthamburi, Z.J. The pilgrimage of the African church: towards the twenty-first century. ISBN: 9966855602 155pp. Uzima 2000 KE
Atiemo, A. The rise of the charismatic movement in the mainline churches in Ghana. 88pp. ($4.00) Asempa 1993 GH
Oshitelu, G.A. The African fathers of the early church. ISBN: 9783575368 66pp. N500.00 ($10.00/£6.00) Sefer 2002 NR
Beeko, A.A. The trail blazers. Fruits of 175 years of the Presbyterian church of Ghana (18282003). ISBN: 996470349X 185pp. col.ill.maps ($24.95/£14.95) Afram 2004 GH
Paas, S. A conflict in authority in the early African church: Augustine of Hippo and the Donatists. (Kachere thesis, 19) ISBN: 999087607X 68pp. ($19.95/£11.95) Kachere 2005 MW Pheko, S.E.M. The early church in Africa (1-7 century) and today. 135pp. pl. maps K3.00 ($10.00/£6.25) Multimedia 1982 ZA Pope John Paul II The Church in Africa. Post-synodal apostolic exhortation “Ecclesia in Africa” of the holy father John Paul II. 104pp. ($7.70) Mambo 1997 ZI
Church history—Kenya Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) Panel Rabai to mumias. A short history of Anglican Church in Kenya 1844-1994. ISBN: 9966855327 189pp. K.shs.250.00 Uzima 1998 KE Church history—Malawi Khoza, A.E. Memorial history of Mulanje mission: Church of Central Africa Presbyterian in Malawi. [Also available in Xhosa.] ISBN: 9990891508 E & V 2002 MW
Taunyane, L.M. The methodist church of Africa. ISBN: 0796300178 84pp. R39.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA
Schoffeleers, M. In search of truth and justice. Confrontations between church and state in Malawi 1960-1994. ISBN: 9990816190 383pp. ($34.95/£20.95) Kachere 2000 MW
van Wyk, J.J. The historical development of the offices according to the presbyterian tradition of Scotland. ISBN: 9990876142 172pp. ($22.95/£15.95) Kachere 2005 MW
Sinclair, M., ed. Salt and light. The letters of Mamie and Jack Martin from Malawi 1921-1928. ISBN: 9990816484 358pp. ($37.95/ £22.95) Kachere 2003 MW
Verryn, T.D. A history of the Order of Ethiopia. 3rd ed. 193pp. pl. 70c Economic Res Unit 1973 SA Church history—Africa, East Barrett, T. Incarnating the church in Turkana. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 52) K.shs.160.00 Gaba 1978 KE Church history—Africa, Southern Brain, J., Denis, P. The Catholic church in contemporary southern Africa. ISBN: 1875053182 427pp. R66.00 Cluster 1999 SA
Church history—Namibia Isaak, P.J., ed. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia in the 21st century. ISBN: 9991602062 162pp. ill. Gamsberg 2000 SX Church history—Nigeria Atanda. The Baptist church in Nigeria. 318pp. ($5.20) Univ Press - Nig 1988 NR Daniel Adegoke Memorial Society A history of First Baptist Church, Fiditi (1910-2000). ISBN: 978800047X 48pp. pl. N150.00 ($1.50/£1.00) Vantage 2001 NR
Oduyoye, M.A. Leadership development in the methodist church, Nigeria, 1842-1962. 108pp. Sefer 1992 NR Ogundare, T.A. A history of the first Baptist church, Isokun-Oyo: 1958-1992. 256pp. N250.00 ($12.50/£10.00) Vantage 1993 NR Omenka, N.I. Bishop G.M.P. Okoye portrait of a founder and church leader. Proceeds of a symposium to mark the silver jubilee of Daughters of Divine Love Congregation. 128pp. ill.pl. ($10.00/£6.25) Fourth Dimension 1995 NR Omoyajowo, J.A. Makers of the church in Nigeria. cd. & pap.($14.99/£9.55 cd.) ($10.99/£6.99 ) CSS 1996 NR Oyemakinde, W. An introduction to Church missionary manuscripts. ISBN: 978311784X 154pp. ($27.95/£16.95) College Press - Nig 2002 NR Church history—South Africa Anderson, A. Zion and Pentecost: the spirituality and experience of Pentecostal and Zionist/ Apostolic churches in South Africa. ISBN: 1868881431 382pp. R119.00 ($23.40/£15.20) Unisa 2000 SA Cochrane, J. Servants of power. The role of the English-speaking churches, 1903-1930. 278pp. R20.00 Ravan 1987 SA Hofmeyr, J.W., Millard, J.A., Froneman, C.J.J. History of the church in South Africa. A document and source book. (Studia Composita, 11) 436pp. R137.50 ($47.00/ £28.50) Unisa 1995 SA Jardine, A.J. A fragment of church history at the Cape of Good Hope. (Reprint series, 8) cd. 89pp. R7.00 South African Lib 1979 SA Kotze, A. Bishopscourt and its residents. 64pp. col. pl. R35.00 cd. Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1992 SA
Verryn, T.D. The vanishing clergyman. A sociological study of the priestly role in South Africa. 208pp. 75c Economic Res Unit 1971 SA Xozwa, L.W.M. Methodist church in Africa: history of the church. (Cory Library Occas. paps., 2) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1989 SA Church history—Sudan Kayanga, S.E., Wheeler, A.C., eds. But God is not defeated. Celebrating the centenary of the Episcopal Church of the Sudan 1899-1999. ISBN: 9966214704 288pp. Paulines 1999 KE Werner, R., Anderson, W., Wheeler, A. Day of devastation, day of contentment. ISBN: 9966215298 688pp. pl.maps K.shs.900.00 ($12.50) Paulines 2000 KE Church history—Tanzania Ballini, M.R. Daughters of St. Paul in Tanzania. ISBN: 9966219374 78pp. K.shs.80.00 ($1.00) Paulines 2004 KE Church history—Togo Johnson, T.A.Y. Un centenaire bien portant: l’église évangélique du Togo. 112pp. CFA2,500 HaHo 1995 TG FRE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 166
African Books in Print
Subject index Church history—Uganda Tuma, A.D.T. Building a Uganda church: African participation in church growth and expansion in Busoga 1891-1940. 231pp. pl. map. ($10.80/£4.30) K.shs.60.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE Church history—Zambia Ariel, P. Lubwa: a presbyterian church and Eastern Bemba. (HAZ pamphlet, 7) 56pp. pl. map (£1.50) K3.50 Multimedia 1984 ZA Sampson, R. A toothbrush in his hat. cd. 158pp. K2.00 Multimedia 1972 ZA Church history—Zimbabwe Barr, F. Archbishop A. Chichester (1879-1962). 98pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1978 ZI McLaughlin, J. On the frontline. Catholic missions in Zimbabwe’s liberation war. 352pp. ($38.00/£21.50) Baobab - Zimb 1996 ZI Skelton, K. Bishop in Smith’s Rhodesia. Notes from a turbulent octave 1962-1970. (Missiopastoral series, 12) 152pp. ($7.70) Mambo 1985 ZI Cibane, Wilfred—Autobiography Cibane, W. Man of two worlds. ISBN: 0795700768 160pp. pl. R64.95 Kwela 1998 SA Cinema see also African cinema Olivier, B. Projections: philosophical themes on film. 191pp. ($9.75/£6.25) Inst Planning Res 1996 SA van Nierop, L., Galloway, N., de Reuck, T.L. Seeing sense. On film analysis. ISBN: 0627023258 240pp. R154.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Cissé, Moktar—Biography Costins, R.A. Moktar Cissé. Tome 1. 294pp. CFA6,850 (Eur15.09) CEDA 1988 IV FRE Costins, R.A. Moktar Cissé. Tome 2. 252pp. CFA7,150 (Eur15.85) CEDA 1988 IV FRE Cities and towns—Africa INADES Villes africaines d’hier, d’aujourd’hui et de demain. (Bibliographie commentée, 37) 51pp. CFA2,500 Inades 1998 IV FRE Swilling, M., ed. Governing Africa’s cities. R74.95 Witwatersrand UP 1996 SA Citizenship see also Civics Social sciences Byrne, T. Working for justice and peace (a practical guide). 154pp. ($2.00) Mission Press Ndola 1987 ZA Okouawe, J., Ngue, W. De la famille à l’école: éducation civique. 44pp. ($2.67) PUA 2001 CM FRE Snowsell, R.E. Character. 41pp. N6.00 Univ Press Nig 1969 NR Citizenship—Cameroun Toukam Manuel d’éducation civique et morale. 216pp. CFA4,000 CRAC 1994 CM FRE Citizenship—Examinations, questions Bassong, D. 154 questions au CEPE. 96pp. CFA1,650 CLE 1980 CM FRE Citizenship—Study and teaching Africa Community Publishing and Development Trust Building democracy, part 1: participation. 98pp. ill. Z$200.00 ACPDT 1998 ZI
Civil engineering Africa Community Publishing and Development Trust Building democracy, part 2: development. 104pp. ill. ACPDT 1998 ZI Citizenship—Study and teaching (Elementary) Ajose-Adeogun, H., Somoye, B., Ajose, W. Citizenship education for primary schools. bk.5 48pp. ill. N15.00 Longman - Nig 1992 NR Ajose-Adeogun, H., Somoye, B., Ajose, W. Citizenship education for primary schools. bk.6 52pp. ill. N15.00 Longman - Nig 1992 NR Citizenship—Study and teaching (Secondary) Murapa, R., Sithole, M. Junior secondary civics. 80pp. ill. pl. Z$6.55 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Citizenship—Zimbabwe Chihnyise, T. Let’s learn about our flag. 8pp. col.ill Z$3.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI Civics see also Citizenship Social sciences
Collectif Manuel d’éducation morale et civique 5e. 71pp. ill. CFA3,000 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 1994 IV FRE Civil engineering see also Architecture Building materials Highway engineering Hydraulic engineering Sanitary engineering Abbott, G.R. Nurses’ residences: briefing and design guide. (CSIR Research Report, 261) 179pp. ill. CSIR 1981 SA Apraku, M.K. Construction for schools. 49pp. ill. C3,000 Asempa 1992 GH Billingham, P.A. Energy saving in the home. Also available in Afrikaans. (Building Guide, BG8) 75c CSIR 1977 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Guidelines for factory building design. R15.00 CSIR 1983 SA
Community Publishing Process Civic concepts. ISBN: 079741827X 98pp. ill. ($65.95/£39.95) ACPDT 1997 ZI
CSIR National Building Research Institute Addendum to Dr. 3: termites wood-borers and fungi in buildings. (CSIR research reports, 48) ill.pp. R1.50 CSIR 1950 SA
Thompson, E.J.D. Governance and civic education. ISBN: 9966961216 123pp. ($6.00) AED 1997 KE
de Vos, T.J., Evenwel, J.K., Miners, T.W. Mechanization in the building industry. (CSIR research reports, 265) 72pp. ill. CSIR 1968 SA
Civics—Côte d’Ivoire Editions CEDA Le guide du citoyen ivoirien. 48pp. CFA1,850 (Eur5.34) CEDA 1997 IV FRE Civics—Study and teaching Oko, O., et al. Basic text in citizenship education. bk.1 ISBN: 9782514365 176pp. N300.00 ($3.00/£1.95) Ihem Davis 1999[?] NR Rekke, J., et al. Civic education. ISBN: 9780293213 43pp. N300.00 Spectrum 2001 NR Stuart, A., Going, L., James, S. Ubuntu. Live and learn. Grade 2. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1869030389 156pp. col.ill. R21.01 Gariep 1999 SA Civics—Study and teaching (Secondary) Collectif Cahier d’activités d’éducation civique et morale 3e. 44pp. ill. CFA1,500 (Eur5.00) EDILIS 1997 IV FRE Collectif Cahier d’activités d’éducation civique et morale 4e. 32pp. ill. CFA3,500 (Eur8.00) EDILIS 1997 IV FRE Collectif Cahier d’activités d’éducation civique et morale 5e. 20pp. ill. CFA1,500 (Eur5.00) EDILIS 1997 IV FRE Collectif Cahier d’activités d’éducation civique et morale 6e. 38pp. ill. CFA1,500 (Eur5.00) EDILIS 1996 IV FRE Collectif Guide pédagogique pour l’enseignement de l’éducation civique et morale 4e/3e. 120pp. ill. CFA5,000 (Eur8.00) EDILIS 1995 IV FRE Collectif Guide pédagogique pour l’enseignement de l’éducation civique et morale 6e/5e. 131pp. ill. CFA5,000 (Eur8.00) EDILIS 1994 IV FRE Collectif Manuel d’éducation civique et morale 6e. 108pp. ill. CFA3,500 (Eur8.00) EDILIS 1994 IV FRE Collectif Manuel d’éducation civique et morale 4e. 81pp. ill. CFA3,500 (Eur8.00) EDILIS 1995 IV FRE
Dobson, D.E. Building regulations: a review of the position in some Western countries. (CSIR research reports, 269) 163pp. CSIR 1968 SA Evenwell, J.K. Modern building methods. R3.00 CSIR 1971 SA
cd. 183pp.
Frank, D., Low, C., Vorster, O.C. Investigations into coatings for the protection of structural metal in southwest Africa. (CSIR research reports, 308) 20pp. CSIR 1971 SA Frank, D., Low, C., Vorster, O.C. Investigations into coatings for timber in Southwest Africa. (CSIR research reports, 304) 28pp. CSIR 1971 SA Frank, D., Low, C., Vorster, O.C. Investigations into the painting of wirebrushed steel. (CSIR research reports, 301) 35pp. CSIR 1971 SA Hrodeck, L. Quarry operations. 70pp. ($2.80) Dar es Salaam UP 1984 TZ Laurie, J. Hail and its effects on buildings. (CSIR research reports, 176) 12pp. CSIR 1960 SA Liebenberg, A.C. Arch action in concrete slabs. (CSIR research reports, 234) 35pp. ill. CSIR 1966 SA Lotz, F.J. The effect of dust on the efficacy of reflective metal foil used as roof/ceiling insulation. (CSIR research reports, 212) 8pp. CSIR 1964 SA Lotz, F.J. Thermal performance of lightweight structure. (CSIR research reports, 307) 27pp. CSIR 1971 SA Meese, G.B., et al. The effects of moderate cold and heat stress on the potential work performance of industrial workers. vol.2(CSIR Research Report, 381/2) 83pp. CSIR 1981 SA Miles, L.C. Hydraulic components of stormwater management. R2.50 CSIR 1984 SA Oba Elle, S. S’instruire avant de construire. CFA2,100 CLE 1986 CM FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Civil engineering
Subject index
Putterill, K.E., Oberholster, R.E. Investigation of different variables that influence the expansion of concrete caused by alkali-aggregate reaction under natural environmental conditions. (BRR, 626) R6.70 CSIR 1986 SA
Lotz, F.J., Richards, S.J. The influence of ceiling insulation on indoor thermal conditions in dwellings of heavy weight construction under South African conditions. (CSIR research reports, 214) 16pp. CSIR 1964 SA
Cocoa—Ghana Okali, C., Addy, P.L.N.A. Economics of cocoa production and marketing with special reference to Ghana. 150pp. C2,500 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1974 GH
Sehlke, K.H.L. A study of the thermal behaviour of blast-furnace slag by means of a heating microscope. (CSIR research reports, 239) 40pp. ill. CSIR 1966 SA
Oberholster, R.E., Brandt, M.P. Transmission and scanning electron micrographs of some selected phyllosilicates and inosilicates of Southern Africa. (CSIR Special Report, Bou 32) 27pp. CSIR 1975 SA
Coconut—Ghana Chona, B.L., Adansi, M.A. Coconut in Ghana. 20pp. ($8.00) Ghana UP 1970 GH
Van Deventer, E.N. Climatic and other design data for evaluating heating and cooling requirements of buildings. (CSIR research reports, 300) cd. 136pp. R5.00 CSIR 1971 SA Van Deventer, E.N. Tables and alignment charts for sunlight and shade design of buildings. (CSIR research reports, 262) cd. 317pp. R3.50 CSIR 1968 SA Visser, S., van Aardt, J.H.P. Corrosion products on galvanized steel pipes in hot and cold water systems, with special reference to the zinc hydroxide sulphate hydrates and zinc hydroxidesilicate hydrate (hemimorphite) (CSIR Research Report, 335) 28pp. CSIR 1977 SA Wentzel, J.D., Page-Shipp, R.J., Venter, J.A. The prediction of the thermal performance of buildings by the CRmethod. (CSIR Research report, 396) 25pp. pl. CSIR 1981 SA Wyon, D.P., et al. Background and experimental procedures. bk.1(CSIR Research Report, 381) 16pp. ill. pl. CSIR 1980 SA Civil engineering—Africa, Southern Clifford, J.M. The development and use of impact rollers in the construction of earthworks in southern Africa. (CSIR Research Report, 373) 53pp. pl. CSIR 1980 SA Civil engineering—Bibliography United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Bibliography on earth construction. 100pp. UNCHS 1989 KE
Wentzel, J.D., et al. Climatic design data: typical summer and winter design days for 23 stations and daily mean temperatures and temperature amplitudes for 113 stations in South Africa. (BOU, 73) R26.90 CSIR 1986 SA Civil engineering—South Africa—Statistics Beard, L.A., De Vos, T.J. Survey of building statistics. (CSIR research reports, 225) 148pp. CSIR 1964 SA Civil engineering—Study and teaching de Jager, C. Building and civil technology. N3. ISBN: 0636041786 ill. R99.18 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA van Amsterdam, E. Construction materials for civil engineering. [CD-ROM and booklet.] rev.ed. ISBN: 0702152137 ill. R110.00 Juta 2003 SA van Amsterdam, E. Construction methods for civil engineering. [CD-ROM and booklet.] rev.ed. ISBN: 0702152161 ill. R99.00 Juta 2003 SA van de Westhuizen, J.A. Drawing for civil engineering. ISBN: 0702152129 245pp. R79.00 Juta 2000 SA van Der Westhuizen, J.A. Drawing for civil engineering. [CD-ROM and booklet.] ISBN: 0702152129 ill. R99.00 Juta 2003 SA van der Westhuizen, J.A. Drawing for civil engineering. [CD-ROM] ISBN: 0702152129 R99.00 Juta 2002 SA
Civil engineering—Catalogs Council for Scientific and Industrial Relations NBRI film catalogue. 26pp. CSIR 1975 SA
Civil rights—South Africa Meer, S. Know your rights: fundamental rights under the new constitution. 27pp. ill. R7.95 Macmillan - SA 1995 SA
Civil engineering—Dictionaries SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns Building dictionary. cd. 464pp. R84.95 Pharos 1997 SA MUL
Civil service—Africa Bentil, M.A. 50 years of civil service reform experience in anglopohone Africa. ISBN: 9988825404 220pp. C100,000 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 2004 GH
Civil engineering—South Africa Calderwood, D.M. Native housing in South Africa. (CSIR research reports, 124) cd. R3.00pp. ill. CSIR 1953 SA Calderwood, D.M. Waterkloof primary school. (CSIR research reports, 171) 46pp. CSIR 1966 SA CSIR National Building Research Institute Research studies on the costs of urban Bantu housing. rev.ed. ill. R1.50 CSIR 1954 SA de Vos, T.J. An analysis of building and construction industry expenditure in the Republic, 1959 and 1960. (CSIR research reports, 221) 18pp. CSIR 1964 SA Glass, R., ed. Labour-intensive construction practices. Proceedings of seminar held at CSIR, Pretoria, 31 October 1985. 96pp. CSIR 1986 SA Kitcher, J.S., Scott, T.W. A guide to the design, selection of materials, construction, and performance of timber-frame brick veneer houses in South Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] R2.00 CSIR 1976 SA
Clarke, Austin—Autobiography Clarke, A. Growing up stupid under the union jack. new ed. ISBN: 1902669703 190pp. R215.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA [Southern Africa only] Classics Nonsenguve, P. La notion des Nomos dans le pentateuque Grec. 246pp. ($12.80) Z18.20 Press Univ Congo 1976 ZR FRE Classics—Addresses and essays Dietrich, B.C. The semantics of the soul. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1964 SA Dilke, O.A.W. Lucan: poet of freedom. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1961 SA Cocoa—Africa, West Acquaah, B. Cocoa development in West Africa. The early period with particular reference to Ghana. ISBN: 9964302525 187pp. ill. ($23.95/£13.95) Ghana UP 1999 GH Gwynne-Jones, G., Are, L.A. Cocoa in West Africa. 146pp. pl. N8.85k Univ Press - Nig 1974 NR
Coffee—Kenya Barnes, C. The introduction of coffee in Gusiiland Kenya, 1933-1942. (IDS discussion paper, 205) 26pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Westlake, M.J. Taxation and control of the Kenya coffee industry. (IDS discussion paper, 185) 17pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE Coffee—Malawi St J. Clowes, M., Nicoll, W.D., Shelley, R.S. Coffee manual for Malawi, 1989. 224pp. col.pl. ($50.00) Tea Res Found 1989 KE Coffee—Uganda Ssemogerere, G. Structural adjustment programmes and the coffee sector in Uganda. (AERC research paper, 1) 53pp. AERC 1990 KE Coka, Gilbert—Autobiography Mayibuye Publishers The autobiography of Gilbert Coka: 19101935. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 91/1) 60pp. R10.00 Mayibuye 1991 SA Colenso, John William—Biography Draper, J.A., ed. The eye of the storm. Bishop John William Colenso and the crisis of Biblical interpretation. ISBN: 1875053395 414pp. R120.00 ($24.00/£19.95) Cluster 2003 SA Comboni, Daniel—Biography Paulines Publications - Africa Daniel Comboni. 44pp. ($0.60) Paulines 1996 KE Comic strips—Kenya Gado Democrazy! ISBN: 9966960953 124pp. col.ill. K.shs.350.00 ($14.95) Sasa Sema 2000 KE Mulokwa, T. Komerera. The runaway bride. ISBN: 9966960996 K.shs.199.00 ($11.95) Sasa Sema 2000 KE Mwangi, A. The alien. ISBN: 9966960988 col.ill. K.shs.190.00 ($11.95) Sasa Sema 2000 KE Commerce see also Accounting Business Law, Commercial Management Typewriting Edun, B.A.A. Secretarial practice and office management today. 242pp. N12.50k Univ Press - Nig 1986 NR Parry, J. How to run a store. 2nd ed. 48pp. ill. Z$2.15 Longman - Zimb 1980 ZI Commerce—Examinations, questions Olajide, et al. Jamb success commerce. ISBN: 9780308687 184pp. ($20.80) Univ Press - Nig 2004 NR Commerce—Kenya—Study and teaching Gichira, R. Commerce for Kenya. K.shs.610.00 ($12.20/£6.80) Macmillan - Kenya 1983 KE Commerce—Nigeria Iyanda, K. Lagos chamber of commerce and industry 230pp. ($38.00/£21.50) Bookcraft 1989 NR
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Communication—Study and teaching
Commerce—South Africa van der Watt, P., Surtees, P. Commerce at Rhodes University. Soc Res 1995 SA
Commerce—Study and teaching Anderson, L. Commerce around us. new ed. 272pp. ill. Z$21.30 Longman - Zimb 1992 ZI Ezeaku, L.C. Revision commerce. 152pp. ($3.00) Fourth Dimension 1981 NR Gichira, R. A textbook of office practice and organization. rev.ed. 308pp. K.shs.450.00 EAEP 1993 KE
Turner, L. Office practice and procedures for Africa. 224pp. ill. N2.20 Macmillan - Nig 1973 NR Commerce—Study and teaching (Secondary) Ezeaku, L.C. Commerce for the certificate year. 304pp. (£3.50) Fourth Dimension 1980 NR Gillies, J. Money and living. new ed. 64pp. ill. Z$1.90 Longman - Zimb 1979 ZI Kenya Institute of Education Commerce. student’s bk.3 196pp. K.shs.168.00 ($2.80/£1.70) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1991 KE
Barker, R., Angelopulo, G. Integrated organisational communication. ISBN: 0702166642 455pp. R399.00 Juta 2005 SA
Bourges, H., Gritti, J. Le village planétaire : l’enjeu de la communication mondiale. CFA3,500 NEAS 1987 SG FRE Falconi, A. Histoire de la communication. ISBN: 2741401764 126pp. ($10.76) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Krügel, S.W. In a manner of speaking - public speaking made easy. ISBN: 1868881635 56pp. R60.00 ($5.30/£3.60) Unisa 2001 SA Lehnisch, J-P. La communication dans l’entreprise. ISBN: 9961773063 128pp. DA190.00 Tell 2005 AE FRE [Algeria only.] Makinde, M.A. Non-verbal communication in counselling. 39pp. ($7.50/£3.50) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1989 NR
Kenya Institute of Education Commerce. student’s bk.4 178pp. K.shs.212.00 ($3.60/£2.15) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1993 KE
Marais, T., Bell, S. Communication for engineering students. 208pp. R14.95 Macmillan - SA 1986 SA
Kubeketerya, J. Commerce for schools. ISBN: 9970020118 150pp. ill. U.shs.9,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Makore, S. O-level commerce practice book. 62pp. Z$6.75 Longman - Zimb 1987[?] ZI Matindike, G.A. Focus on commerce. bk.1 160pp. ill. pl. Z$92.95 College Press -Zimb 1987 ZI Matindike, G.A. Focus on commerce. 2nd ed. vol.2 260pp. Z$119.95 ($5.99/£3.70) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI Matindike, G.A. Focus study aid: O-level commerce revision. 192pp. ill. Z$99.95 College Press -Zimb 1989 ZI 59pp.
Odedokun, M.O., Udokogu, P.C., Oguji, C.O.N. Commerce for senior secondary schools. bk.3 88pp. map N30.00 Longman - Nig 1992 NR Owusu, S. Principles of commerce. 258pp. C8,000 ($3.50) Black Mask 1991 GH Commonwealth of Nations Atkinson, N.D. Educational co-operation in the Commonwealth: an historical study. (Series in Education Occas. , 1) 256pp. Univ Zimbabwe 1974 ZI Fryer, A.K. The Commonwealth structure of international relations. 16pp. 25c. SA Inst Int Affairs 1961 SA Paren, L., Coxon, C., Dorall, C. The commonwealth - a family of nations. ISBN: 079570173X 112pp. R99.95 Kwela 2004 SA South African Institute Affairs The Commonwealth meeting, Singapore, 43pp. 30c. SA Inst
AMECEA & IMBISA Basic human communication. ISBN: 9966214542 70pp. K.shs.210.00 ($3.00) Paulines 1999 KE
Bell, S., Marais, T. Communication for managers and secretaries. 3rd ed. ISBN: 1868640655 142pp. R109.95 Thomson Int 1998 SA
Rwabutonga, G., Spencer, N. A textbook of commerce. 464pp. K.shs.880.00 EAEP 1986 KE
Mazenod Institute Commerce for junior certificate 4. R1.75 Mazenod Inst 1984 LO
Communication Alemu, K. Digital and analogue communication systems. 522pp. ill. Birr60.00 ($20.00) Addis Ababa UP 2003 ET
of International heads of government January 1971. Int Affairs 1971 SA
Puth, G. The communicating manager. 0627019129 175pp. R99.95 Witwatersrand UP 1998 SA
Rensburg, R.S., Angelopulo, G. Effective communication campaigns. 101pp. R64.95 Thomson Int 1996 SA Simpkins, C. The Penguin concise communicator. 168pp. R85.00 Longman Penguin SA 1996 SA Simpkins, C. Presenting yourself and your ideas. 100pp. Longman Penguin SA 1994[?] SA Communication—Addresses and essays Ripley, J.M. Communication strategies to aid national development. 20pp. (£2.00) Ghana UP 1978 GH Communication—Africa Ansu-Kyeremeh, K., ed. Indigenous communication in Africa. Concept, application and prospects. ISBN: 9964303068 282pp. C110,000 ($24.95/£16.95) Ghana UP 2005 GH Crabbe, R.A.B., Megwa, E.G., Ayee, E.S.A., Kurasha, J. Communication in Africa. 31pp. R4.00 ($6.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1993 SA Etta, F.E., Parvyn-Wamahiu, S. Technologies de l’information et de la communication pour le développement en Afrique. Volume 2: l’expérience des télécentres communautaires. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 2869781164 234pp. ($24.95/£14.95) CODESRIA 2005 SG FRE James, T., ed. Information and communication technologies for development in Africa. Networking institutions of learning Schoolnet. [Also available in French.] vol.3 ISBN: 155250008X 294pp. ill. ($24.95/.14.95) CODESRIA 2004 SG Kizito, R.N., ed. Communication and human rights in Africa. ISBN: 996685519X 164pp. K.shs.350.00 Uzima 1998 KE
Ndiaye, A.R. Communication à la base. Enraciner et épanouir. 306pp. CFA3,500 ENDA 1994 SG Communication—Africa—Directories African Council on Communication Education. Education directory of communication training institutions in Africa. ACCED 1988. 66pp. ($16.00) K.shs.100.00 African Coun Comm 1988 KE Communication—Burkina Faso—Addresses and essays Editions Sankofa & Gurli Les grandes conférences du Ministère de la Communication et de la Culutre: 1999. 266pp. CFA5,000 Sankofa & Gurli 1999 UV FRE Communication—Dictionaries Mbianda, P. Lexique des termes de la communication d’entreprise. ISBN: 2911380665 264pp. CFA7,500 (Eur11.48) UCAC 2002 CM FRE Communication—Ghana Yankah, K. Language, the mass media and democracy in Ghana. ISBN: 9964950225 26pp. C15,000 Ghana Acad Arts & Scien 2004 GH Communication—South Africa Duncan, J. Between speech and silence: hate speech, pornography and the new South Africa. ISBN: 1874864292 241pp. R59.95 Idasa 1996 SA Emerick, N. The real digital divide: convergence and South Africa’s telecommunications and broadcasting policy. (FMF monograph, 36) ISBN: 1874930627 62pp. R40.00 Free Market Found 2003 SA Gerber, R., Braun, R. New connections - telecommunications in a changing South Africa. ISBN: 1919713190 260pp. R130.00 UCT Press 1998 SA Mills, G. The wired model. South Africa and globalisation. ISBN: 0624039218 368pp. R99.95 (£14.99) Tafelberg 2000 SA Moller, V., Schlemmer, L., Coughlin, T. The University of Natal’s communication with sections of the wider community - a survey evaluation. 73pp. R10.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1987 SA Communication—Study and teaching Bint, P. A university course in academic communication skills. Work book. 106pp. K.shs.200.00 ($10.00) Nairobi UP 1990 KE Bond-Stewart, K. Communication. Mambo 1986 ZI
128pp. ill. ($7.20)
Bosman, B. Communication for law. ISBN: 0195781481 252pp. R135.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Cleary, S. The communication handbook. A student guide to effective and efficient communication. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702159328 360pp. R139.00 Juta 2003 SA de Beer, F.C., Swanepoel, H.J. Communication for development. ISBN: 1868640523 150pp. R85.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA du Plessis, T. Communication for selling. ISBN: 0195781511 240pp. R154.99 OUP - SA 2003 SA du Plooy, G.M. Communication research. Techniques, methods and applications. ISBN: 0702156418 384pp. R165.00 Juta 2001 SA du Plooy, G.M., ed. Introduction to communication: communication research. bk.2 212pp. R130.00 Juta 1995 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Communication—Study and teaching du Toit, A.S., Grobler, H.D., Schenk, C.J. Person-centered communication. Theory and practice. ISBN: 1868640612 236pp. ill. R95.95 Thomson Int 1998 SA English, J., Fielding, M., Howard, E., van der Merwe, N. Professional communication: how to deliver effective written and spoken messages. ISBN: 0702156590 384pp. R175.00 Juta 2002 SA James, S. et al. Introduction to communication. 112pp. N360.00 ($8.00) Spectrum 1990 NR Olowe, J.H.O. Communication skills. 165pp. N220.00 Macmillan - Nig 1995 NR
Community life—Africa Pasinya, M. L’esprit communautaire africain. 304pp. ($70.00) Kapongo-Kazadi 1989 ZR FRE Perrin-Jassey, M.F. Dirigeants de communautés. Expériences africaines. (CEEBA, série II, Rapports et Comptes Rendus, 40) 184pp. ill. maps. DM39.00 CEEBA 1978 ZR FRE Community life—South Africa Jeppe, W.J.O. Community development - an African approach. 108pp. R18.00 R12.00 Africa Inst 1985 SA
Pfende, E. Communication and registers. 140pp. ($4.80) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI
Midgley, J.R., Wood, G.T. Grahamstown community safety project, September 1996. (IDPR occasional papers, 62) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA
Scheepers, T. Communication for personnel management. ISBN: 019578149X 192pp. R145.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA
Swanepoel, H. Community development - putting plans into action. 3rd ed. 240pp. R149.00 Juta 1997 SA
Schenck, C.J., du Toit, A.S., Grobler, H.D. Personcentred communication. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195780027 256pp. R190.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Shelly, B. Communication for science. ISBN: 0195781503 200pp. R145.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Slack, A. Communication for electrical engineering. ISBN: 0195781465 170pp. R125.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Steinberg, S. Communication studies: an introduction. ISBN: 0702150932 232pp. R110.00 Juta 1999 SA Steinberg, S. Introduction to communication: the basics. rev. ed. bk.1 158pp. R120.00 Juta 1995 SA Steinberg, S. Persuasive communications skills. ISBN: 0702152102 220pp. R125.00 Juta 2000 SA Stewart, G., de Kock, C., Sproat, R.B., Smit, M. Communicating for the professions. 260pp. R130.00 Juta 1996 SA Tichapondwa, S.M. Interactive communication and the teaching learning process. ISBN: 0869227580 53pp. Mambo 2000 ZI Truter, C. Communication and deportment N1. 212pp. R21.95 Juta 1987 SA Truter, C. Communication and deportment N2. 240pp. R26.35 Juta 1987 SA Truter, C. Communication and deportment N3. 208pp. R28.55 Juta 1987 SA Truter, C. Communication and deportment N4. 244pp. R30.75 Juta 1988 SA Truter, C. Communication and deportment N5. 328pp. R37.35 Juta 1988 SA Wyrley, D. Communication for health sciences. ISBN: 0195781430 164pp. R135.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Ziegler, F. Communication for mechanical engineering. ISBN: 0195781481 136pp. R135.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Community life see also Community organizations Family and home Kalilombe, S.P. Think twice.. [collection of articles from newspaper column]. v.1 145pp. K6.50. Popular Publ 1989 MW
Community life—Tanzania Ishumi, A.G.M. Community education and development. ($6.70/£2.65) K.shs.55.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE Community life—Zimbabwe Community Publishing Process Building whole communities. 681pp. ill.pl. ACPDT 1992 ZI
7 vols.
Community organizations Hope, A., Timmel, S., Hodzi, C. Training for transformation. A handbook for community workers. 2nd rev. ed. vol.1 177pp. ill. ($25.89) Mambo 1995 ZI Hope, A., Timmel, S., Hodzi, C. Training for transformation. A handbook for community workers. 2nd rev. ed. vol.2 133pp. ($25.89) Mambo 1995 ZI Hope, A., Timmel, S., Hodzi, C. Training for transformation. A handbook for community workers. 2nd rev. ed. vol. 3 204pp. ($25.89) Mambo 1995 ZI Hope, A., Timmel, S. Training for transformation: a handbook for community workers. [Set of three books] rev.ed. ill. ($25.89) Mambo 1995 ZI Olive Publications Filing. (Building organisations, 6) ISBN: 1874808201 67pp. R38.00 Olive 1999 SA Olive Publications Fundraising. (How organisations work, 7) ISBN: 0620091312 84pp. R15.00 Olive 1999 SA Shapiro, J. Contracting: how to contract outside providers or consultants to assist your organisation. vol.2 ISBN: 0620201282 56pp. R35.00 Olive 1996 SA Comoros Fincham, R.J., Beckett, C. Appraisal visit to the Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros. 20 April- 4 May. Report prepared for the Director General Foreign Affairs, Republic of South Africa [Also available in French as INR investigational reports 71.] (INR investigational reports, 70) R17.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Compaore, Blaise—Biography Nnaji, B.O. Blaise Compaore. The architect of Burkina Faso. 88pp. N360.00 ($3.95/ £3.00) Spectrum 1989 NR Computers and computing see also Internet Bradu, D. An alternative to ANOVA: a maximum likelihood approach. (PKOMP, 8808) 18pp. CSIR 1988 SA Clayton, P.G. Parallel computing: the story of the elves and the shoemaker. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1994 SA
Cronje, F., du Preez, M. Spreadsheets - easier than ever. 93pp. R45.00 Juta 1997 SA
3rd ed.
El-Bassiouni, M.Y., Osman, M.I. Using computers in teaching survey methodology course. 17pp. ill. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1997 UA Erwin, G.J., Blewett, C.N. Computing for a small business. ISBN: 070214388X 261pp. R155.00 Juta 1998 SA Fincham, R.J., Berjak, M. Computers and environmental management: paper presented at the ISM DP executive institute meeting, Sun City, Bophuthatswana. (INR working paps., 59) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Hahne, K., Welscheid, H., Pistorius, M.C. Outline of a data bank system for national and regional planning. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 181) 65pp. CSIR 1975 SA Hall, R.S. Program for inserting typesetting codes in text. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 305) 22pp. R3.00 CSIR 1980 SA Haupt, K. Computers are only human: a back-tobefore-basics guide. ISBN: 1875001638 160pp. R79.95 Metz 2002 SA Holroyd, S.G. Coastal engineering model hall dataacquisition system. 2 vols.(CSIR Research Report, 383/1, 383/2) 118,290pp. ill. maps. CSIR 1980 SA Jaiyesimi Programming the unprogrammable. 24pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1989 NR Kinyanjui, K. Systems theory analysis and design. 90pp. ($7.10) Longhorn - Ken 1991 KE Labuschagne, W. A user-friendly introduction to discrete mathematics for computer science. 304pp. R85.00 ($32.60/£19.80) Unisa 1993 SA Manene, J.S. Electronics communication techniques. 221pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Tanz Publ House 1996 TZ Mills, S.J. Autspan: a computer program for the automatic analysis of gamma-ray spectra. (CSIR research reports, 289) 40pp. CSIR 1969 SA Mills, S.J. Evap: a computer programme for the calculation of angular momentum distributions in neutron-evaporation reactions. (CSIR research reports, 282) 36pp. CSIR 1968 SA Mutakyahwa, R.G. Understanding and running microcomputers and MS-DOS. 132pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Tanz Publ House 1996 TZ Ojo, S.O. Introduction to computer science. 166pp. N160.00 Ibadan UP 1994 NR Okado, G. Introduction to electronic data processing. 185pp. K.shs.345.00 EAEP 1998 KE Onergan, A.T., Rudolph, H.E., Elphinstone, C.D., Fatti, L.P. User guide to the classification package IMCLAS. (PKOMP, 8807) 79pp. CSIR 1989 SA Scheepers, C.E. Animation in dynamic/motion graphics. (PKOMP, 8811) 15pp. CSIR 1988 SA Scheepers, C.F. Vector-based computer graphics in automated map compilation. (PKOMP, 8820) 16pp. CSIR 1988 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 170
African Books in Print
Subject index
Congo Democratic Republic—Demography
Sichona, F.J. Introduction to Pascal programming. 150pp. ($5.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ Sniedovich, M. The APL phenomenon. An operational research perspective. (PKOMP, 8812) 34pp. CSIR 1988 SA Sweet, R.J. A causal car ownership model. (PKOMP, 8802) 136pp. CSIR 1988 SA Trollip, M.A. A geostatistical approach to the linear estimation of spatially dependent data. (PKOMP, 9003) 37pp. CSIR 1990 SA van Deventer, E.N., Jacobson, D.H. Computer system selection. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 195) 17pp. CSIR 1976 SA van Jaarsveld, J. Developing medical expert systems: a knowledge acquisition perspective. (PKOMP, 8916) 15pp. CSIR 1989 SA van Jaarsveld, J. A frame- and rule-based approach for developing medical expert systems. (PKOMP, 8818) 15pp. CSIR 1988 SA van Jaarsveld, J. The practical potential of the expert systems technology. (PKOMP, 8915) 14pp. CSIR 1989 SA Weistroffler, R., Sniedovich, M. Toward a non-sequential and interactive approach in data processing. (PKOMP, 8819) 24pp. CSIR 1988 SA Westerink, A. Implementing PHIGS. (PKOMP, 9006) 32pp. CSIR 1990 SA Computers and computing—Addresses and essays Korsah, K. The computer revolution - its impact and application to national reconstruction. 37pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Ghana UP 1988 GH Koster, J.R. Computers-aid to development or part of the problems? 15pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1977 GH Williams, M.H. Software engineering. Res 1979 SA
R10.00 Inst Soc
Computers and computing—Africa Erwin, G.J. Business computing. An African perspective. 2nd ed. 800pp. R215.00 Juta 2002 SA Computers and computing—Botswana Dixon, D., Doherty, R. Computer literacy and awareness for Botswana. ISBN: 9991271074 P30.00 Lentswe LL 1999 BS Computers and computing—Dictionaries Elias Modern Publishing House Elias dictionary of computing, multimedia and the internet. 250pp. ill. Elias 2003 UA Computers and computing—Kenya Makau, B.M. New information technology and quality education in Kenya: the potential and problems of computers in schools. (IDS working paper, 461) 34pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1988 KE Computers and computing—South Africa Braae, M. Digital state space control theory. (£14.50) UCT Press 1997 SA Erwin, G. Look before you byte: selecting a PC in South Africa. 115pp. ill. R19.99 Southern Book Publ 1990 SA Manoim, I. Buying the right computer. R59.95 Zebra 1997 SA
Rogers, T. A basic guide to computer terms/’n basiese gids vir rekenaarterme/Incwadi eyisisekelo samagama ekhopityutha/ Hlahlo ya theo ka mareo a khomphuthara. [Text in English, Afrikaans, Zulu and Sepedi.] ISBN: 0627024343 95pp. R105.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA MUL Computers and computing—Study and teaching Afriyie, B.S. Introduction to computer. ISBN: 9988018878 244pp. C110,000 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 2003 GH Ale, S.O., Obewe, J., Maju, G. Comprehensive computer science for beginners. bk.1 ISBN: 9781426411 39pp. col.pl. N145.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2001 NR Ale, S.O., Obewe, J., Maju, G. Comprehensive computer science for beginners. bk.2 ISBN: 9781426497 44pp. col.pl. N145.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2001 NR Ale, S.O., Obewe, J., Maju, G. Comprehensive computer science for beginners. bk.3 ISBN: 9781426578 44pp. col.pl. N145.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2001 NR Ale, S.O., Obewe, J., Maju, G. Comprehensive computer science for beginners. bk.4 ISBN: 9781422661 36pp. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2001 NR Ale, S.O., Obewe, J., Maju, G. Comprehensive computer science for beginners. bk.5 ISBN: 9781422742 44pp. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2001 NR Ale, S.O., Obewe, J., Maju, G. Comprehensive computer science for beginners. bk.6 ISBN: 9781422823 32pp. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2001 NR Anigbogu, S.O. Introduction to computer science and programming languages. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9783248624 326pp. N750.00 Christon 2004 NR Barrow, J., Millar, L., Malan, K. Introducing Delphi programming: theory through practice. 4th ed. ISBN: 0195789113 576pp. R395.00 OUP - SA 2005 SA Bishop, J. Java gently. rev.ed. ISBN: 0201342979 R198.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Dhookit, L. L’informatique racontée à ma nièce. ISBN: 9990370311 126pp. Rs85.00 Printemps 2001 MF FRE du Preez, H.M., Heymans, D. Basic word processing - for Windows. ISBN: 0702145386 115pp. R82.00 Juta 1998 SA Eccles, M.G., et al. Principles of business computing. 5th ed. ISBN: 0702151572 584pp. R235.00 Juta 2000 SA Hahn, B.D. Basic for beginners. 2nd ed. 192pp. R41.00 Juta 1985 SA Hofmeyer, R.E., Hoole, G. The really, really, really easy step-bystep computer book. [Also available in Afrikaans.] bk.1 ISBN: 1868726827 80pp. ill. R95.95 New Holland 2001 SA Hoole, G. The really, really, really easy step-bystep computer. [Also available in Afrikaans.] bk.2 ISBN: 1868728994 136pp. col.ill. R99.95 New Holland 2004 SA INADES J’utilise textow Windows: manual autoformation. [Book and diskette.] 50pp. CFA10,000 Inades 1999 IV FRE
Manji, M. Computer science for schools. 96pp. ($3.00) PPCC 2003 TZ
Manji, M. Computer science for schools. 72pp. ($3.00) PPCC 2003 TZ
Mweza, C. Eléments d’informatique générale. ($120.00) Kap Kaz 1999 ZR FRE
Pepela, C. Foundations of computer studies 1. ISBN: 9966252827 240pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 2003 KE Pepela, C. Foundations of computer studies 1, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966252835 168pp. K.shs.95.00 EAEP 2004 KE Suanu, N., Bale, C., Dennis, L.T. ABC of computers. bk.1 ISBN: 9783038054 N150.00 Ano 2000 NR Verager A tenderfoot guide to word processing, using Microsoft Windows 97. [Includes CD-ROM] ISBN: 191972186X 100pp. R150.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Yellow, M. Computer operator lessons. ISBN: 9783038002 1,000pp. Ano 2000 NR Computers and computing—Study and teaching (Elementary) Adeniran, S.A. Computer for children. vol.1 ISBN: 9780307923 23pp. ($8.70) Univ Press Nig 2001 NR Adeniran, S.A. Computer for children. vol.2 ISBN: 9780307931 20pp. ($8.70) Univ Press Nig 2001 NR Adeniran, S.A. Computer for children. vol.3 ISBN: 978030794X 30pp. ($8.70) Univ Press Nig 2001 NR Computers and computing—Study and teaching (Secondary) du Plessis, A.L. Computer practice. Grade 8. ISBN: 9991621377 108pp. ill. Out of Africa Namibia 1998 SX Gough-Jones, V.J., et al. PASCAL standard 10, grade 12. [With diskette] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1878135284 408pp. ill. R113.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA Gough-Jones, V.J., et al. PASCAL standard 8, grade 10. [With diskette] 2nd ed. 592pp. ill. R86.25 Heinemann-EdSA 1994 SA Pienaar, et al. Focus on computyping. Grade 10. ISBN: 0636044106 216pp. ill.pl. R82.45 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Pienaar, et al. Focus on computyping. Grade 11. ISBN: 0636047768 105pp. ill.pl. R87.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA SOPECAM Informatique 6e. ISBN: 9656425052 96pp. ill. CFA2,500 ($5.25/Eur4.77) Sopecam 2004 CM Congo Democratic Republic—Demography Bodaka, B. Projections démographiques. 154pp. ($10.20) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE CADICEC La P.M.E., facteur d’équilibre entre la croissance démographique et la vie socio-économique des populations. Actes du colloque Cadicec-Fikin. 54pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1991 ZR FRE Muderwa, P. Perspectives démographiques. 124pp. ($10.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Ngalu, A. Recensement scientifiques. 98pp. ($8.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Congo Democratic Republic—Demography Putu, M. Totaux définitifs, groupements quartiers. 128pp. ($9.50) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Romaniuk, A. L’aspect démographique de la stérilité des femmes congolaises. 42pp. 45k Press Univ Congo 1971 ZR FRE Congo Democratic Republic—Education Delvaux, J.P. L’examen de l’intelligence des écoliers de Kinshasa. 220pp. Z2.50 Press Univ Congo 1970 ZR FRE
Hulstaert, G., et al. Mbandaka: hier et auhourd’hui. Essai historiographie locale. (Etudes Aequatoria, 10) 300pp. ($10.00) Aequatoria 1990 ZR FRE Longo Mbenza Kasa-Vubu, père de l’indépendance du Congo-Zaire. cd. 201pp. ($100.00) Z90,000,000 Kalombo 1993 ZR FRE Lumenghamaneso, A. Kinshasa, Genève et sites historiques. 267pp. ($95.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE
Mpinda Mukumbi La compétence des enseignants de Kinshasa. ($16.00) Z26.00 Press Univ Congo 1979 ZR FRE
Mbokolo, E. Affonso premier. Le roi chrétien de l’ancien Congo. 96pp. CFA750.00 NEAS 1976 SG FRE
Nkidiaka. L’enfant de faible poids de naissance. ($19.25) Z32.00 Press Univ Congo 1980 ZR FRE
M’Bokolo, E. M’Siri du Zaïre. 1976 SG FRE
Wohlgenannt, L. Ecoles du Zaire. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 56) 159pp. map. (DM36.00) CEEBA 1979 ZR FRE Congo Democratic Republic—Education, Higher Chizungu De la réforme des programmes scolaires au Zaire. Press Univ Congo 1982 ZR FRE Kakoma Sakatolo Zambeze De l’académie: gage de la participation de l’université à la reconstruction nationale. 152pp. PUL 1999 ZR FRE Mpinda Mukumbi, et al., eds. Profil des professions et des études en République du Zaire. Guide à l’intention des diplomés d’état. 109pp. 50k Press Univ Congo 1972 ZR FRE Mutamba, L. Université du Congo et perspectives d’avenir. 403pp. ($55.00) Kalombo 1998 ZR FRE Presses Universitaires du Zaire Recherche et publications scientifiques à l’Université Nationale de Zaire. 39pp. 20k Press Univ Congo 1972 ZR FRE Congo Democratic Republic—Education, Secondary CADICEC L’éducation permanente dans une perspective de travail, rapport d’activité. 32pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1984 ZR FRE Congo Democratic Republic—Family and home Houyoux, J. Budgets ménagers, nutrition et mode de vie à Kinshasa. 303pp. Z3.00 Press Univ Congo 1973 ZR FRE Kalala, T. La conception africaine de la famille et son incidence sur le droit traditionnel des successions. 221pp. ($68.00) Kalombo 1998 ZR FRE Congo Democratic Republic—History Centre Aequatoria Bamanya Annales aequatoria. A l’école au Congo belge. (Annales Aequatoria, 23) 595pp. Aequatoria 2002 ZR FRE Depelchin, J. De l’état indépendant du Congo au Zaïre contemporain (1885-1974): pour une démystification de l’histoire économique et politique. [Also available in English.] 232pp. CFA4,000 ($25.00/£14.00/ Eur23.00) CODESRIA 1992 SG FRE Depelchin, J. From the Congo Free state to Zaire (1885-1974). Towards a demystification of economic and political history. [Also available in French.] cd. & 235pp. ($30.00/£16.00 cd.) ($16.00/£8.95 ) CODESRIA 1992 SG Hulstaert, G., Bamala, L. Les ancêtres de Lianja: prolégomènes à l’épopées des Mongo. (Etudes Aequatoria, 5) 59pp. ($5.00) Aequatoria 1988 ZR FRE
96pp. CFA250 NEAS
Monyawangere, B. Histoire du district du Lac Leopold II, 1895-1960. 193pp. maps (DM32.00) CEEBA 1982 ZR FRE Mutamba, M. Histoire du Zaire par les textes. Kapongo-Kazadi 1988 ZR FRE
Neven, E. Notes sur l’organisation politique et administrative de l’Etat indépendant du Congo 1885-1908. Le pouvoir législatif du représentant du souverain. 61pp. 60k Press Univ Congo 1968 ZR FRE Orwa, D.K. The Congo betrayal: the UN-US and Lumumba. 241pp. Kenya Lit Bureau 1985 KE Sinda, M. André Matsoua: fondateur du mouvement de libération du Congo. 94pp. CFA750.00 NEAS 1978 SG FRE Sinda, M. Simon Kimbangu: prophète et martyr zaïrois. 111pp. CFA350 NEAS 1978 SG FRE Verhaegen, B., et al. Kisangani (ex Stanleyville) 1876-1976. 287pp. Z13.00 Press Univ Congo 1976 ZR FRE Congo Democratic Republic—History— Study and teaching Vellut, J.L. Guide de l’étudiant histoire du Zaire. 208pp. Z1.50 Press Univ Congo 1974 ZR FRE Congo Democratic Republic—International relations Kapstein, J. Zaire: continuing world headache. 12pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1980 SA Congo Democratic Republic—Politics and government Baregu, M., ed. Crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo. (SARIPS peace and security series, 3) ISBN: 1779050828 224pp. pl. ($19.95/£11.95) SAPES 1999 ZI Bekambo Beela, A. Tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur les élections. Stratégies d’organisation et d’observation des élections. ISBN: 2914624522 96pp. FC2,500 ($5.00) Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE Congo Democratic Republic—Politics and government—Directories Bonyeka, B. Le parlement congolais, sous le régime de la loi fondamentale. 477pp. (FB1,000) Press Univ Congo 1992 ZR FRE Congo Democratic Republic—Politics and government Buacia, K. Blancs et noirs face à la décolonisation du Congo Belge. cd. 209pp. ($97.00/ FB500.00) Kalombo 1992 ZR FRE Collectif chrétien pour les élections 2005 Elections en RDC, enjeux et stratégie d’organisation. 61pp. Epiphanie 2005 ZR FRE
Ekpebu, L.B. Zaire and the African revolution. 283pp. pl. ($63.00/£35.00) Ibadan UP 1989 NR Electoral Institute of Southern Africa Electoral perspectives and the process of democratisation in the DRC: lessons from the SADC countries. Conclusions. (EISA conference proceedings, 1) R45.00 EISA 2001 SA Kaba, M. Le processus de démocratisation en République Démocratique du Congo. Approche d’un politologue. 213pp. ($44.00) Kalombo 1998 ZR FRE Kabe, M. Les fondements culturels du fédéralisme au Zaire. cd. 150pp. ($55.00) Kalombo 1993 ZR FRE Kabemba, C. Democratic republic of Congo country report. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 1919969098 SA Inst Int Affairs 2005 SA Kabemba, C. Rapport sur la DRC. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 1919969403 SA Inst Int Affairs 2005 SA FRE Kabongo Kongo Kola Zaire: ascension d’une nation engagée. cd. 257pp. pl. Z400.00 Press Univ Congo 1983 ZR FRE Kadima, D., Kabemba, C., eds. Whither regional peace and security? The Democratic Republic of Congo after the war. ISBN: 0798301392 178pp. maps R90.00 ($27.95/£16.95) Africa Inst 2000 SA Kanyamachumbi, P. Société, culture et pouvoir politique en Afrique interlacustre (Hutu et Tutsi de l’ancien Rwanda). 349pp. ($118.00) Kalombo 1996 ZR FRE Katz, A. The recolonisation of the Congo: complete excerpts from the United Nation’s report on Zimbabwe’s involvement. (Manhattan Monograph, 13) 32pp. Z$1,200 ($12.00) Manhattan 2002 ZI Kayembe, F. Armée et démocratie. 1996 ZR FRE
56pp. Epiphanie
Kisimba Kimba, E., Ciakandu, J-P. Qui a assassiné Laurent-Désiré Kabila? 183pp. col.ill. Petits Génies 2002 ZR FRE Congo Democratic Republic—Politics and government—Directories Mamdani, M. Understanding the crisis in Kiwu: report of the CODESRIA mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo September, 1997. (CODESRIA monographs, 1/2001) ISBN: 2869781032 42pp. ($11.95/£6.95) CODESRIA 2001 SG Congo Democratic Republic—Politics and government Mandaza, I., ed. Reflections on the crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo. (SARIPS peace and security series, 4) ISBN: 1779050895 121pp. ($13.95/£7.95) SAPES 1999 ZI Massamba, J. Reconstruire la nation. 400 propositions pour bâtir la troisième République au Zaire. cd. 198pp. ($50.00) Z67,000,000 Kalombo 1993 ZR FRE Mbaya, K., ed. Le Zaire: vers quelles destinées? [Also available in English.] 392pp. CFA4,000 ($25.00/£14.00/Eur23.00) CODESRIA 1993 SG FRE Mbaya, K., ed. Zaire: what destiny? [Also available in French.] cd. & 376pp. ($63.00/£35.00 cd.) ($30.00/£16.75 ) CODESRIA 1993 SG
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Mills, G. Kabila is dead - long live Kabila? Prospects for stability and recovery in the DRC. (SAIIA country report, 7) ISBN: 1919810412 SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA Muderwa, P. Le Congo que nous voulons. 240pp. ($13.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Congo Democratic Republic—Politics and government—Directories Muderwa, P. Principes et règles d’organisation des élections libres et démocratiques. 174pp. ($8.70) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR Congo Democratic Republic—Politics and government Mukadi Boni Quelle sécurité sociale pour la troisième république au Zaire? Esquisse d’un modèle sur base des décisions et recommandations de la Conférence Nationale Souveraine. cd. 136pp. ($70.00) Z66,000,000 Kalombo 1993 ZR FRE Muzembe-Nyunyu, K. Guerre froide à l’occidentale: le Zaïre au coeur du débat. Défi-Af 1997 CM FRE Ngoy-Kangoy, K. Transition démocratique au Zaïre. 180pp. ($80.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE Nguya Ndila. Indépendance de la République Démocratique du Congo et les engagements internationaux antérieurs. 240pp. Z2.50 Press Univ Congo 1971 ZR FRE Nkulu Kilombo Plaidoyer pour une transition démocratique au Zaire. 262pp. ($68.00) Z75,000,000 Kalombo 1993 ZR FRE Pendi, J-E. Du Zaïre au Congo Démocratique: les fondements de la crise. 42pp. CRAC 1997 CM Solomon, H., Swart, G. Conflict in the DRC: a critical assessment of the Lusaka ceasefire agreement. (SAIIA report, 40) ISBN: 1919969179 SA Inst Int Affairs 2003 SA
Kasonga, P. Statuts du clergé diocésain au Zaïre (1936-1962-1980). cd. 127pp. ($64.00) Z56,000,000 Kalombo 1993 ZR FRE Tshibangu Tshisiku Itinéraire d’un africain de ce temps. Eglise et nation. cd. 154pp. ($53.00) Z43,000,000 Kalombo 1993 ZR FRE Congo Democratic Republic—Religion, Christian Lola, N. Un projet africain d’évangélisation pour un suivi du synode. 341pp. ($62.00) Kalombo 1998 ZR FRE Ma Mpolo, M. Le Saint Esprit interroge les esprits. CFA2,500 CLE 2000 CM FRE Congo Democratic Republic—Religion, traditional Basuakuamba et al. Croyances populaires concernant les épidémies. (CEEBA, série II, 117) 118pp. map CEEBA 1995 ZR MUL Boulanger, A. Yambe à l’aube des symboles. Essai d’anthropologie religieuse. (CEEBA. serie II, Mémoires et Monographies, 21) 145pp. map. (DM39.00) CEEBA 1975 ZR FRE Centre d’Etudes Ethnologiques Bandundu Dieu, idoles et sorcellerie dans la région Kwango/Bas-Kwilu. (CEEBA. série I, Rapports et Comptes Rendus, 2) 148pp. (DM26.00) CEEBA 1968 ZR FRE Hochegger, H. Le langage des gestes rituels. vol.3(CEEBA series, 2) 496pp. ill. CEEBA 1983 ZR FRE Thiel, J.F. La situation religieuse des Mbiem. (CEEBA. série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 1) 208pp. pl.map (DM45.00) CEEBA 1972 ZR FRE Congo Democratic Republic—Sociology CADICEC Développement humain durable, économie post-conflit et Code du travail. 96pp. ($6.00) Cadicec 2004 ZR
Usawa Démocratie au Zaïre, quelle démocratie? 293pp. ($99.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE
CADICEC Encadrement des artisans et des microentreprises congolais. Rapport des activités 2002 et programme d’activités 2003. 64pp. pl. ($6.00) Cadicec 2003 ZR FRE
Young, C. Introduction à la politique zairoise. ($28.00) Z58.50 Press Univ Congo 1979 ZR FRE
Centre Aequatoria Annales aequatoria. [Annual] (Etudes Aequatoria, 22/2001) 551pp. ($25.00) Aequatoria 2001 ZR MUL
Congo Democratic Republic—Public administration Ibula Mwana Katakanga. La consolidation du management public au Zaire. 333pp. ($60.00) Press Univ Congo 1987 ZR FRE Lufulwabo, V. Animer la société civile. Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Lufulwabo, V. Elaborer un projet. Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
152pp. 10.00
92pp. ($9.90) Kap
Lufulwabo, V. Evaluer un projet. 88pp. ($8.90) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Lufulwabo, V. Organiser une Assemblée Générale. 86pp. ($8.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Mulumba, M. Les dérives d’une gestion pédatrice. Le cas du Zaïre devenu R.D.C. 389pp. ($58.00) Kalombo 1998 ZR FRE Congo Democratic Republic—Religion CADICEC L’alternance: discours d’adieu de R.P. Charles Vincent et discours d’investiture du R.P. Ekwa bis Isal. 32pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1984 ZR FRE Kalombo Diyoka Le phénomène des sectes ou nouveaux mouvements religieux au CongoKinshasa: défi pastoral. 298pp. ($47.00) Kalombo 1998 ZR FRE
Delanaye, P. Les accusations de sorcellerie des enfants. 47pp. Epiphanie 2004 ZR FRE Kalemba, P. Lutte contre la pauvreté par l’épargne. 134pp. ($8.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Kanda, F. Stratégie de lutte contre la pauvreté. 106pp. ($9.20) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Kikata Ngina Prestations familiales au Zaire. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 65) 58pp. map. (DM18.00) CEEBA 1981 ZR FRE Lufulwabo, V. Existe-t-il une doctrine socio-politique de l’Eglise. 220pp. ($14.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Makoko Samba Projet d’une nouvelle société zaïroise. 205pp. ($86.00) Kalombo 1996 ZR FRE Mwabila Malela De la déraison à la raison (appel aux intellectuels zaïrois pour un nouveau débat sur la société). 126pp. ($50.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE Ngongo Landu Justice dans la bible et société zaïroise. 166pp. ($70.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE
Nsundi Vita Crise morale et vie économique au Zaïre. 183pp. ($75.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE Tshilanda, M. Sécurité par affiche. 102pp. ($8.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Congo Democratic Republic—Sociology, Urban Biaya, T.K. Les jeunes, la violence et la rue à Kinshasa: entendre, comprendre, décrire. (Série nouvelles pistes, 1/2000) 40pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 2000 SG FRE Kalala, E. Les zones urbaines et les collectivités rurales au service des citoyens. 128pp. ($9.90) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Kalemba, P. Pauvreté urbaine en Afrique sousaharienne: cas de Kinshasa. ($8.40) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
Kouvouama, A. La modernité en question. ISBN: 2842200047 118pp. (Eur14.00) Paari 2001 ZR FRE Consumer education—South Africa South Africa National Consumer Union Buy right - consumer guide for South Africa. 2nd ed. 88pp. R29.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Cook, Jimmy—Biography Cook, J., Cleary, F. The Jimmy Cook story: a career at the crease. cd. 220pp. pl. R84.98 Longman Penguin SA 1993 SA Cookery Adelhelm, M. “Woman’s Value” quiche and pizza. Plus all kinds of pies and pastries. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798138815 96pp. col.pl. R59.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Aldridge, S. Children’s party cakes. 30 easy-to-make cakes. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1859740588 88pp. col.ill.col.pl. R59.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Barton, P. Pat’s kitchen helper. col.pl. R49.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Barton, P., van Wyk, M. A taste for health. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798142987 153pp. col.pl. R149.95 Human and Rousseau 2003 SA Bedford Hall, L. The best of vegetarian cooking. rev.ed. 96pp. col.pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Bedford Hall, L. Lynn Bedford Hall’s nice’n easy cookbook. new ed. ISBN: 1868721515 96pp. col.pl. R69.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Biller, H., Peacock, J. Step-by-step cookbook. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868727742 224pp. col.pl. R129.95 New Holland 2003 SA Botes, K. My favourite recipes. col.pl. R32.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Bruton, C.J., Tarr, L. Ichthos recipe book. 104pp. ill. ($10.00) Inst Ichthyology 1987 SA Cato-Symonds, S., Zecchini, A. Sweet as...easy to make desserts and baked treats. ISBN: 1969660668 128pp. col.pl. New Holland 2004 SA Cheifitz, P., Friedmann, S. Meals for a month. cd. R49.98 Longman Penguin SA 1992 SA Cohen, E.W. Cook’s companion. col.pl. R99.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Coxon, A. Ready in minutes. ISBN: 1770070273 cd. 176pp. col.pl. R179.95 New Holland 2005 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Coxon, A.N. The single’s cookbook. Fusion for the new millenium. ISBN: 0642038947 96pp. ill. R69.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA
Oberholzer, G. Café food at home. ISBN: 1868727173 128pp. col.pl. R129.95 New Holland 2002 SA
de Villiers, S.J.A. Cook and enjoy it. cd. 256pp. col.pl. R84.95 Human and Rousseau 1992 SA
Pienaar, H. Too fresh to flop. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868727564 cd. 128pp. col.pl. R129.95 New Holland 2002 SA
Cookery—Africa, Southern Reader’s Digest Southern African quick and delicious cookbook. 400pp. col.ill. R139.99 Readers Digest SA 1996 SA
Ramsbottom, M. Cooking is fun. cd. col.pl. R44.95 Human and Rousseau 1990 SA
Cookery—Africa, West Boahene, C.J. A guide to West African cuisine. 244pp. ill. C6,000 ($2.50) Black Mask 1993 GH
Deacon, C. No-time party cakes. ISBN: 1853687979 cd. 80pp. col.pl. R89.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Dumhuura, A. Recipe aid. ZI
112pp. ($9.50) Mambo 1990
Durack, T. Yum. ISBN: 1864363517 cd. 312pp. col.pl. R89.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Erasmus, C. Healthy family fare. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 112pp. col.ill.col.pl. R64.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Franco, R. Dried fruit gifts. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1872001239 122pp. ill. R54.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA
Reader’s Digest Live longer cookbook. cd. 352pp. col.ill. R129.99 Readers Digest SA 1995 SA Schulman, M.R. Classic finger food. cd. col.pl. R94.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA Stock, D. One hundred home made dips. col.pl. R49.95 Human and Rousseau 1966 SA Vaccaro, S. The gourmet’s friend. 213pp. R7.50. Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1986 SA
Freyer, K. Cooking for beginners. col.pl. R69.96 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA
van Tonder, M. Sugar and spice. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624041557 col.pl. R119.00 Tafelberg 2003 SA
Goodman, N. The goodbook cook book. col.pl. R74.59 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA
Venter, K. Sugar art. 1990 SA
Hammond, E.W.S. Hamburgers and hotdogs. [Also available in Afrikaans.] cd. 38pp. ill. R39.95 Tafelberg 1980 SA
Venter, K. Sugar art collection. Tafelberg 1993 SA
Harper, S. The cool lunchbox. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868729745 104pp. col.pl. R99.95 New Holland 2005 SA Holst, S. Pasta cookbook. ISBN: 186436467X 120pp. col.pl. R69.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
95pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg
172pp. ill. R69.95
Venter, K., Borchers, E. Sugar modelling. 160pp. ill. R69.95 Tafelberg 1994 SA von Hirschberg, D. Microwave cooking step by step. cd. 128pp. pl. R64.95 Human and Rousseau 1992 SA
Human, A. Microwave winners - 200 best recipes. cd. 162pp. ill. R79.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA
Welgemoed, C. The seven-ingredient cookbook. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798138157 144pp. col.pl. R74.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA
Human, A. Microwave winners 2. cd. 202pp. ill. R69.95 Tafelberg 1993 SA
Wright, J. Creative chicken. cd. col.pl. R64.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA
Hume, T. The X diet cookbook. 92pp. Zebra 1999 SA
ISBN: 1868720802
Jardim, M. People’s food: Portuguese regional cooking. 200pp. col.pl. R120.00 Longman Penguin SA 1996 SA Johnson, O. About your cookery. 2nd ed. 144pp. ill. pl. N3.43 Longman - Nig 1979 NR Kossuth, P. Favourite dishes of the world. ill. R69.95 Tafelberg 1993 SA
cd. 96pp.
Lakhani, L. International cookery book. 96pp. K.shs.255.00 EAEP 1976 KE Lascaris, M. Holiday cookbook. col.pl. R64.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA McGrath, L. The collection cookbook. ISBN: 1868728420 cd. 188pp. col.pl. R250.00 New Holland 2003 SA Morris, J. Rude food, nude food, good food. ISBN: 079814405X 192pp. col.pl. R160.00 Human and Rousseau 2004 SA Ngubane, L. If you want to cook and bake. ISBN: 1869002512 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA Niehaus, C. YOU bread, rusks and muffins. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798138114 112pp. col.pl. R64.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA
Cookery—Africa Boahene, C.J. The best of our foods. ISBN: 9964703481 127pp. C40,000 Afram 2003 GH
Koeune, E. Cooking for the family in East Africa. 5th (£1.30/$3.20) K.shs.12.75 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE
Boahene, C.J. Recipes for West African cooking. 109pp. ill. C6,000 ($2.50) Black Mask 1993 GH Cookery—Congo Democratic Republic Sona Gisaangi La cuisine de Bandundu. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 63) 245pp. ill. pl. (DM45.00) CEEBA 1980 ZR FRE Cookery—Egypt Abdennour, S. Egyptian cooking and other Middle Eastern recipes. ISBN: 9774249267 240pp. col.pl. ($19.95) Am Univ 2005 UA Abdennour, S. Egyptian cooking: a practical guide. new ed. 207pp. ill. E£50.00 ($17.95) Am Univ 1997 UA Cookery—Guinea Editions Ganndal Goûts et saveurs de Guinée. ISBN: 2913326277 64pp. ill. FG12,500 Ganndal 2001 GV FRE Cookery—India Bharadwaj, M. The Indian pantry. cd. 240pp. col.ill.col.pl. R150.00 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Bhatia, K. Indian cook book. EAEP 1986 KE
166pp. K.shs.210.00
Cookery—Kenya Gardner, A. Karibu. Welcome to the cooking Kenya. 234pp. ill. ($13.75/£7.50) EAEP 1993 KE Hyder, S. Recipes from the coast 6-8. ISBN: 9966608813 ill. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn Ken 2000 KE Hyder, S. Recipes from the Kenya coast. 80pp. col. ill. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken KE
Grant, R. Classic African. Authentic recipes from an ancient cuisine. 64pp. col.pl. R59.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA
Karimbux, A., ed. A taste of Kenyan cookery. ISBN: 996646610X 144pp. ill. K.shs.420.00 ($11.25/£6.25) EAEP 1998 KE
Institute for Human Rights and Development A Pan-African cookbook. ISBN: 9983990717 58pp. (£9.99) GIHRD 2002 GM
Ominde, M. Mary Ominde’s African cookery book. 151pp. K.shs.410.00 EAEP 1975 KE
Ominde, M. African cookery book. 160pp. ill. K.shs.270.00 ($7.95/£4.25) EAEP 1975 KE Onabolu, A. Sweet cassava: a food for all seasons. 60pp. col.pl. Book Builders 1988 NR Sitole, D. Cooking from Cape to Cairo. A taste of Africa. ISBN: 0624038173 cd. 144pp. col.ill.col.pl. R139.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Cookery—Africa, East Jafferji, J. Safari living: recipes. ISBN: 9987667236 cd. 159pp. col.pl. (£16.99) Gallery 2003 TZ Kimenye, B. The modern African vegetable cook book. 96pp. ill. K.shs.250.00 ($6.95/£3.75) EAEP 1997 KE
St. Andrew’s Women’s Guild, Nairobi Kenya cookery book and household guide. 178pp. K.shs.255.00 ($10.00/ £6.25) EAEP 1994 KE Taabu, A. Alice Taabu’s cookery book. ISBN: 9966250212 120pp. ill. K.shs.495.00 ($20.95/£12.95) EAEP 2001 KE Cookery—Lebanon Maroun-Paladin, C. Foods of the Lebanon. ISBN: 1868722252 cd. 174pp. col.ill. R139.95 Zebra 1999 SA Cookery—Mauritius Félix, G. Genuine cuisine of Mauritius. [Also available in French.] 132pp. ill. col.pl. ($16.00/£8.95) Océan Indien Ed 1988 MF Félix, G. La vraie cuisine mauricienne. [Also available in English.] 68pp. Océan Indien Ed 1997 MF FRE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 174
African Books in Print
Subject index Issany, M. La cuisine mauricienne. [Text in English and French.] ISBN: 999037001X 218pp. col.pl. Rs299.00 ($18.00/£11.20) Printemps 2000 MF FRE Lenoir Exotic cuisine of Mauritius. 299pp. ($33.00/£18.50) Océan Indien Ed 1990 MF Lenoir, P. L’Ile Maurice à table. cd. & 338pp. col.ill. Rs.235.00 Rs.325.00 cd. Océan Indien Ed 1986 MF FRE Randera, Z. La cuisine “musulmane”. ISBN: 9990370087 232pp. col.pl. Rs350.00 ($20.00/£13.20) Printemps 2000 MF FRE Cookery—Middle East Abdennour, S. Middle Eastern cooking: a practical guide. 137pp. ill. E£40.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 1996 UA Cookery—Nigeria Anthonio, H.O., Isound, M. Nigerian cookbook. 180pp. ill.pl. col.pl. (£2.50) Macmillan - Nig 1982 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture IITA cookery book. 374pp. ill. N25.00 Ibadan UP 1987 NR Isoun, M., Anthonio, h.O. Nigerian cookbook. ISBN: 9783487590 266pp. N1,500 ($20.00/£10.00) Riverside 2002 NR Nigerian Television Authority and Food Specialities Family menu cookbook. 64pp. N350.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1986 NR Cookery—South Africa Abrahams, C. Cass Abrahams cooks Cape Malay. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1875001441 96pp. R49.95 Metz 2000 SA Basemzansi, B. South African indigenous foods. A collection of recipes of indigenous foods, prepared by generations of women. ISBN: 0620317728 104pp. col.pl.ill. (£14.95) STE 2004 SA Bedford Hall, L. Best of cooking in South Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 10th ed. ISBN: 1868725197 223pp. col.pl. R149.95 New Holland 2000 SA Bedford Hall, L. Fig jam and foxtrot. ISBN: 1868728684 192pp. ill. R129.95 New Holland 2003 SA Bedford Hall, L. Pick of the bunch. ISBN: 1868727122 160pp. col.pl. R139.95 New Holland 2002 SA Bedford Hall, L. Scrumptious. ISBN: 1868723089 208pp. col.pl. R139.95 New Holland 1999 SA Biller, H., Peacock, J. Tastes: thoughts on South African cuisine. ISBN: 1868722473 150pp. col.pl. R169.95 Zebra 1998 SA Brooke Simons, P. Meerlust: 300 years of hospitality. ISBN: 1874950679 cd. 176pp. col.pl. (£35.00) Fernwood 2004 SA
Cookery—South Africa de Koster, C. Art of cooking. ISBN: 0627021026 cd. 929pp. R245.00 Tafelberg 1998 SA
Niehaus, C. YOU let’s cook 2. cd. R224pp. pl. R59.99 Human and Rousseau 1993 SA
Denoy Young, C. La petite ferme. Country cuisine. ISBN: 1868727548 col.pl. R139.95 New Holland 2002 SA
Niehaus, C. YOU let’s cook 3. cd. col.pl. R84.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA
Eldridge, L. The South African illustrated cookbook. ISBN: 1868727181 80pp. col.ill. ($10.95) Struik Publ 2002 SA Ferreira, F. Home cooking. ISBN: 0798145315 176pp. col.pl. R140.00 Human and Rousseau 2005 SA Guy, S., Klinzman, M. The South African kettle braai cookbook. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 112pp. col.pl. R89.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Hall, J. The saffron pear tree and other kitchen memories. ISBN: 1770070389 392pp. col.ill. Oshun 2005 SA Hayward, M. Fat-free cooking in South Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868726223 96pp. col.pl. R105.95 New Holland 2001 SA Human, A. Seasonal menus. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798137827 176pp. col.pl. R89.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Human, A. Short-cut cookbook. From Hoogland’s farmhouse kitchen. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. cd. 144pp. col.pl. R79.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Human, A. Winning recipes 1 from Huisgenoot. bk.1 of 3 cd. 240pp. ill. col.ill R74.95 Human and Rousseau 1987 SA Human, A. Winning recipes 2 from Huisgenoot. new ed. bk.2 of 3 cd. col.pl. R74.95 Human and Rousseau 1994 SA Human, A. Winning recipes 3 from Huisgenoot. bk.3 of 3 cd. & 224pp. col.ill. col.pl. R27.95 R34.99 cd. Human and Rousseau 1989 SA Jacobson, S. Fields of flavour. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868726800 128pp. col.pl. R129.95 New Holland 2002 SA Jardim, M. Cooking the Portuguese way in South Africa. R59.99 Penguin SA SA Kirstein, C. Best South African braai recipes. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868254038 96pp. ill.col.pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Kossuth, P. South African supercook. cd. 168pp. col.pl. R24.95 Macmillan - SA 1984 SA Lagardien, Z. Everyday Cape Malay cooking. new ed. ISBN: 186872168X 96pp. col.pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Cheifitz, P. Cape Town food. ISBN: 1868727165 144pp. col.pl. R149.95 New Holland 2002 SA
Lategan, H. South African cookbook for allergies and food intolerance. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624042030 288pp. Tafelberg 2005 SA
Coulton, J. Take 40 fresh crayfish. ISBN: 0143024507 238pp. pl. R96.49 Penguin SA 2003 SA
Mullins, A. South Africa: pocket guide to food and wine. ISBN: 0624036286 126pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA
Davis, D.W. Braai buddy. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868728803 96pp. ill. R89.95 New Holland 2003 SA
Niehaus, C. YOU best recipes. ISBN: 0798140755 144pp. col.pl. R69.95 Human and Rousseau 2001 SA
de Angeli, D. Yum. ISBN: 1868728471 112pp. col.pl. R169.95 New Holland 2003 SA
Niehaus, C. YOU let’s cook 1. cd. col.pl. R74.95 Human and Rousseau 1991 SA
Niehaus, C. YOU let’s cook 4: favourites from South African kitchens. ISBN: 0798140739 240pp. col.pl. R155.00 Human and Rousseau 2002 SA Niehaus, C. YOU outdoor food. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798144424 176pp. col.pl. R139.95 Human and Rousseau 2004 SA Niehaus, C. YOU potjiekos. new ed. ISBN: 0798139714 128pp. col.pl. R69.95 Human and Rousseau 2001 SA Paarman, I. Cook with Ina Paarman. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868725855 140pp. R89.95 New Holland 2001 SA Paarman, I. The Ina Paarman all colour cookbook. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868724840 128pp. col.pl. R105.95 New Holland 1999 SA Paarman, I. West coast cookbook. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868728463 144pp. col.pl. R149.95 New Holland 2003 SA Palmer, E. Return to Camdeboo - a century’s Karoo foods and flavours. 318pp. R49.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA Pienaar, H. The Karan beef cookbook. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868728382 96pp. col.pl. R119.95 New Holland 2003 SA Pienaar, H. On the coals. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868723917 112pp. col.pl. R129.95 New Holland 2000 SA Pont, R. South African game cookbook. ISBN: 0798139358 144pp. col.ill. R99.95 Human and Rousseau 2001 SA Popper, L. Now food. A regional guide to indigenous food. ISBN: 0624038823 cd. 144pp. col.ill. R149.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA Reader’s Digest South African cookbook. cd. 399pp. col.ill. R139.99 Readers Digest SA 1995 SA Robins, M. Cape flavour. ISBN: 1868728412 160pp. col.pl. R159.95 New Holland 2003 SA Saleson, M. Sunday. ISBN: 0864865295 96pp. col.pl. R170.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Short, Y. Kitchen safari. ISBN: 177007127X cd. 242pp. col.pl. R220.00 New Holland 2004 SA Simson, S. Cape of good cooks. new ed. ISBN: 1919930337 144pp. col.pl. R169.95 (£15.95) Double Storey 2004 SA Stroebel, G. Modern South African cuisine. ISBN: 1868729885 192pp. col.pl. R289.00 New Holland 2004 SA Tait, D. Lunchbox food. For school, office and picnics. ISBN: 0798138416 128pp. col.pl. R69.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Tait, D. South African outdoor cooking. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798141204 144pp. col.pl. R89.95 Human and Rousseau 2001 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Cookery—South Africa Telian, J. The savoy cabbage cookbook. ISBN: 0864865260 120pp. col.pl. R150.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA van Dyk, R. 4x4 cookbook. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868724220 144pp. R95.95 New Holland 2000 SA van Heerden, W. The “Snowflake” book of baking. [Also available in Afrikaans.] new ed. ISBN: 1868722139 128pp. col.ill.col.pl. R89.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA van Tonder, H. Make your own biltong and droewors, including sausages and cured and smoked meats. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868252892 48pp. col.ill.col.pl. R69.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA van Wyk, M. The complete South African cookbook. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 3rd ed. ISBN: 1868727467 cd. 366pp. ill. R105.95 New Holland 2002 SA van Wyk, M. A taste of South Africa. col.pl. R79.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Veldsman, P. Flavours of South Africa. ISBN: 0624037150 cd. col.pl. R149.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Versveld, M. Food for thought. ISBN: 1919930949 120pp. R140.00 Double Storey 2004 SA Williams, F. The Cape Malay cookbook. rev.ed. 96pp. col.ill.col.pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Zetler, F. Freda’s second helpings. R58.00 Flesch 1995 SA
cd. 104pp. ill.
Cookery—Tanzania Jafferji, J., Pitcher, G. Zanzibar style: recipes. ISBN: 9987667228 cd. 144pp. col.pl. (£16.99) Gallery 2003 TZ
Cooperative societies—Congo Democratic Republic Mananiah, K. Les coopératives au Zaire. cd. 133pp. ($64.00) Z40,600,000 Kalombo 1993 ZR FRE Cooperative societies—Tanzania Kimario, A.M. Marketing cooperatives in Tanzania. Problems and prospects. 140pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1992 TZ Cooperative societies—Zimbabwe Shabalala, S., Moyo, S. An evaluation of the structures, goals and planning procedures and practices of the organisation of collective cooperatives in Zimbabwe. 58pp. ($5.00) Z$8.00 ZIDS 1986 ZI Copyright—Cameroun Société Civile Nationale du Droit d’Auteur Règlement de répartition. 38pp. CFA1,000 CRAC 1994 CM FRE Société Civile Nationale du Droit d’Auteur Règlement général. CFA1,000 CRAC 1994 CM FRE Société Civile Nationale du Droit d’Auteur Statuts. CFA1,000 CRAC 1994 CM FRE Copyright—Ghana Amegatcher, A.O. Ghanaian law of copyright. 190pp. C8,000 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1993 GH Copyright—South Africa Law Publisher Judgements on copyright. ISBN: 0620179163 700pp. R800.00 Law Pubs 1999 SA Smith, A. Copyright companion. Butterworth 1995 SA
191pp. R127.68
Stranex, M., ed. Judgements on copyright. [Cumulative. Also available in electronic format.] ISBN: 0620179163 800pp. R1,500 Law Pubs 2005 SA
Jafferji, Z. A taste of Zanzibar: chakula kizuri. [collection of Swahili recipes. Text in English and Swahili.] ISBN: 9987667023 96pp. col.pl. Gallery 2002 TZ MUL
Cosmetics Sijelmassi, A. Recettes de beauté des femmes de Maroc. ISBN: 9954000941 250pp. ill. Fennec 2001 MR FRE
Mohamed, A.A. Zanzibar traditional cookery. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9987893155 87pp. T.shs.6,000 ($7.00/£6.00) Good Luck 2000 TZ
Côte d’Ivoire—Education Editions CEDA Guide des préapprentissages. ISBN: 2863944134 256pp. CFA3,500 CEDA 2001 IV FRE
Sarakikya, E.P. Tanzania cookbook. 165pp. ($7.50/ £3.95) Tanz Publ House 1979 TZ Cookery—Tunisia Kaak, Z. La sofra. Cuisine traditionelle. Cérès 1995 TI FRE
220pp. ill.
Cookery—Uganda Gonahasa, J. Taste of Uganda. Recipes for traditional dishes. ISBN: 9970021680 ill. ($20.95/ £12.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG Cookery—Yoruba (African people) Mars, J.A., Tooleyo, E.M., eds. The Kudeti book of Yoruba cookery. rev.ed. ISBN: 9782951935 71pp. ($9.95/ £5.95) CSS 2002 NR Cookery—Zimbabwe Hayward, Y. Zimbabwe cookery book. Mambo 1967 ZI
32pp. ($3.60)
Mutasa, J. Cookery recipes for Zimbabwe. 160pp. ill. Z$9.50 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Naidu, R. Cooking with Radha Naidu. 130pp. col.ill.pl. ($8.50/£4.95) Baobab - Zimb 1998 ZI Cooperative societies—Africa Lombeya Bosongo. L’organisation cooperative et le dévéloppement rural. 173pp. ($43.00) Press Univ Congo 1985 ZR FRE
Hazoumé, F. Et si nous écoutions nos enfants. ISBN: 2863944320 64pp. CFA1,500 CEDA 2002 IV FRE
Okou, H.L. Les conventions indigènes et la législation coloniale 1893-1946. 174pp. Neter 1994 IV FRE Person, Y. Samori, fondateur de l’empire mandingue. 172pp. CFA750.00 NEAS 1976 SG FRE Côte d’Ivoire—Pictorial works Editions CEDA La Côte d’Ivoire, un pays à aimer. ISBN: 286294327X cd. col.pl. CFA19,500 CEDA 2000 IV FRE Côte d’Ivoire—Politics and government Adji, B. Dans les méandres d’une transition politique. ISBN: 2863943049 176pp. (Eur8.38) CEDA 1998 IV FRE Akindès, F. Les racines de la crise militaro-politique en Côte d’Ivoire. ISBN: 2869781350 58pp. CFA4,000 ($10.00) CODESRIA 2004 SG FRE Bédié, H.K. La Côte d’Ivoire: une nouvelle société aux frontières nouvelles du développement. 224pp. Neter 1995 IV FRE Bédié, H.K. Discours et messages de la campagne présidentielle 1995. 180pp. Neter 1995 IV FRE Bendjo, N.A. Demain la Côte d’Ivoire. ISBN: 2847701052 216pp. CFA5,000 Eburnie 2005 IV FRE Editions CEDA Actes atelier de Grand Bassam (reconciliation). ISBN: 2863944304 104pp. CFA2,800 CEDA 2001 IV FRE Editions CEDA Rapports sur les évènements 2000 en République Côte d’Ivoire. ISBN: 2863944347 200pp. CFA500.00 CEDA 2001 IV FRE Kamissoko, G. L’après Houphouet-Boigny: Bédié, l’héritage et l’avenir. 157pp. CEDA 1996 IV FRE Kone, K. Mésaventure 63: souvenirs des prisons d’Houphouet-Boigny. 131pp. CFA4,500 Passerelle 2000 IV Loucou, J-N. Le multipartisme en Côte d’Ivoire. 218pp. Neter 1992 IV FRE Naka, L. La démocratie économique en Côte d’Ivoire. Les idées de Félix HouphouëtBoigny et de Henri Konan-Bédié. 122pp. (Eur8.38) CEDA 1996 IV FRE
Côte d’Ivoire—Education, Elementary Editions CEDA Le quotidien du préscolaire (grande section). ISBN: 2863944210 136pp. CFA3,000 CEDA 2001 IV FRE
Côte d’Ivoire—Rural development Zadi Kessy, M. Développement de proximité et gestion des communautés villageoises. ISBN: 2847700756 192pp. Eburnie 2004 IV FRE
Editions CEDA Le quotidien du préscolaire (moyenne section). ISBN: 2863944297 104pp. CFA2,800 CEDA 2001 IV FRE
Côte d’Ivoire—Sociology Goli, K. La prostitution en Afrique. Un cas: Abidjan. 324pp. CFA7,875 NEI 1986 IV FRE
Editions CEDA Le quotidien du préscolaire (petite section). ISBN: 2863944193 74pp. CFA2,600 CEDA 2001 IV Côte d’Ivoire—Education, Higher— Yearbooks Université d’Abidjan Enseignement supérieur en Côte d’Ivoire, annuaire 1973/1974. CEDA 1974 IV FRE Côte d’Ivoire—History Ekra, M. Lumière sur l’abidjannaise. ISBN: 2863943650 16pp. CFA2,250 CEDA 2000 IV FRE Loucou, J-N. Histoire de la Côte d’Ivoire: tome 1. Peuples et ethnies. vol.1 ISBN: 2910088200 200pp. ill. CFA5,000 (Eur18.29) Neter 2002 IV FRE
Cotton—Zambia Multimedia Publications Cotton growing brings more money. 27pp. ill. 20n Multimedia 1973 ZA Counseling see also Psychology Vocational education Abbey Press Therapy4: Anger ISBN: 0869979787 80pp. R21.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Abbey Press Therapy4: be-good-to-your-body. ISBN: 0869979779 84pp. R21.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Abbey Press Therapy4: forgiveness. ISBN: 0869979795 68pp. R21.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 176
African Books in Print
Subject index Abbey Press Therapy4: making-sense-out-of-suffering. ISBN: 0869979760 80pp. R21.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Abbey Press Therapy4: self-help for overcoming depression. ISBN: 0869979795 80pp. R21.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Abbey Press Therapy4: slow-down. ISBN: 0869979752 80pp. R21.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Abbey Press Wat as reeks: help is here for facing fear. ISBN: 0869979558 32pp. R29.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Abbey Press Wat as reeks: mad isn’t bad. ISBN: 0869979531 32pp. R29.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Abbey Press Wat as reeks: sad isn’t bad. ISBN: 086997954X 32pp. R29.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Abbey Press Wat as reeks: when Mom and Dad divorce. ISBN: 0869979566 32pp. R29.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Ozrovech, S. Weathering the storm. ISBN: 0796300771 72pp. R34.95 Lux Verbi 2000 [?] SA Crabtree, Bill—Autobiography Crabtree, B. Came the fourth flag. cd. ($45.00) Galago 2003 SA Craven, Danie—Biography Clayton, K., Greyvenstein, C. The Craven tapes: Doc Craven tells all. 144pp. ill. R49.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA Créole language David, J.B., David, L., Seenyen, C. Parlez Créole (guide pratique pour touristes)/Speak Creole (a tourist guide). 118pp. Océan Indien Ed 1988 MF MUL Créole language—Dictionaries Albany, J. P’tit glossaire. Le piment des mots créoles. ISBN: 291082201X 182pp. (Eur15.10) Lacaze 2001 RF MUL Honoré, D. Dictionnaire d’expressions créoles. Semilo-mo. [Text in Créole and French.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 287863036X 424pp. (Eur25.00) Lacaze 2002 RF MUL Cricket Tainton, N., Klug, J. The cricket pitch and its outfield. ISBN: 0869809849 200pp. Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2001 SA Cricket—Namibia van Zyl, K., Millard, M., Matthee, C. Namibian cricket: a tale of guts and glory. ISBN: 9991604146 131pp. col.pl. (£12.00) Gamsberg 2002 SX Cricket—South Africa Alfred, L. Testing times: the story of the men who made South African cricket. ISBN: 0864865384 224pp. pl. R150.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA Chesterfield, T., McGlew, J. South Africa’s cricket captains. ISBN: 1868723763 352pp. Zebra 2003 SA Desai, A., Padayachee, V., Reddy, K., Vahed, G., eds. Blacks in whites: a century of cricket struggles in KwaZulu-Natal. ISBN: 1869140257 cd. 485pp. (£19.95) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2002 SA Griffiths, E. The captains. ISBN: 1868421139 cd. R169.00 Ball 2001 SA Murray, B., Merrett, C. Caught behind. Race and politics in Springbok cricket. ISBN: 1869140540 Witwatersrand UP 2004 SA
Crops Odendaal, A. The story of an African game: black cricketers and the unmasking of one of cricket’s greatest myths, South Africa, 1850-2003. ISBN: 0864866380 cd. 367pp. (£30.00) Philip 2003 SA Crime and criminals see also Law, Criminal Shaw, M. Democracy’s disorder? Crime, police and citizen responses in transitional societies. ISBN: 1919810501 70pp. R80.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA Stevens, R., Cloete, M.G.T. Introduction to criminology. 3rd ed. 100pp. R64.95 Thomson Int 1996 SA Crime and criminals—Africa Shaw, M. Crime as business, business as crime: West African criminal networks in southern Africa. ISBN: 1919810498 84pp. R80.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2003 SA South African Institute of International Affairs Crime as business, business as crime: West African criminal networks in southern Africa. ISBN: 1919810498 84pp. (£14.99) SA Inst Int Affairs 2003 SA Crime and criminals—Ethiopia Tesfaye, A. The crime problem and its correction. vol.1 380pp. Birr55.00 ($15.00) Addis Ababa UP 2004 ET Tesfaye, A. The crime problem and its correction. vol. 2 380pp. Birr55.00 ($15.00) Addis Ababa UP 2004 ET Crime and criminals—Nigeria Dawha, E.M.K. Yan daba, ‘yan banga and ‘yan daukar amarya. A study of criminal gangs in northern Nigeria. 30pp. N150.00 IFRA Nig 1996 NR Ozor-Esson, P.I. Patterns, trends and cases of female criminality in Nigeria. ISBN: 9780308849 ($39.30) Univ Press - Nig 2003 NR Crime and criminals—South Africa Cain, E.P. Crime in South Africa: its causes and solutions. 18pp. R3.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1997 SA Dixon, B., Schärf, W., van der Spuy, E. Crime and justice in transition. ISBN: 1919713719 320pp. R179.00 UCT Press 2003 SA Dixon, B., van der Spuy, E., Scharf, W. Justice gained? Crime and crime control in South Africa’s transition. ISBN: 1919713719 250pp. R185.00 UCT Press 2004 SA [Southern Africa only]
Mohamed, S.I., Naidoo, H. Crime survey: Overport CBD. ISBN: 0958430349 Org Civ Rights 2001 SA Mohamed, S.I., Naidoo, H Crime survey results: Durban’s inner city CBD “West Street precinct”. ISBN: 0958430365 Org Civ Rights 2001 SA Moorcraft, P., Cohen, M. Stander... bank robber. ISBN: 0947020055 192pp. pl. Galago 1984 SA Page, O., Moeketsi, P., Schurink, W., Molefe, L., Bruce, D. Crime and crime prevention on public transport. ISBN: 186888189X 394pp. R293.00 ($33.80/£23.30) Unisa 2001 SA Reader’s Digest Safe, secure and streetwise. The essential guide to protecting yourself, your home and your family from crime. 280pp. Readers Digest SA 1997 SA Schurink, W., Snyman, I., Krugel, W.F., Slabbert, L., eds. Victimization: nature and trends. 390pp. R385.00 HSRC Publ 1992 SA Steinberg, J., ed. Crime wave. The South African underworld and its foes. ISBN: 1868143686 256pp. R115.00 Witwatersrand UP 2001 SA Thompson, D., Graaf, J. Crime and deviance. ISBN: 0195780787 64pp. R90.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Tshiwula, L. Crime and juvenile delinquency. ISBN: 0798650931 R112.00 Maskew Miller Longman 2000 SA Vogelman, L. The sexual face of violence: rapists on rape. 214pp. R24.95 Ravan 1990 SA Crime and criminals—Sudan El-Tigani, M.M. Crime and problems of national development. (DSRC seminar series, 68) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1985 SJ Crime and criminals—Uganda Odoki, B.J. Criminal investigations and prosecutions. 3rd ed. 207pp. LDC 1999 UG Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza, L. Offences against the person: homicides and non-fatal assaults in Uganda. ISBN: 9970024779 170pp. ($24.95/£22.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2005 UG Crops see also Agricultural pests Agriculture Hahn, S.K. Tropical root crops: their improvement and utilization. 28pp. ill. ($1.00/£0.70) N3.00 IITA 1984 NR
Emmett, T. Behind the mask: getting to grips with crime and violence in South Africa. ISBN: 0796909585 332pp. R185.00 HSRC Publ 2000 SA
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Agrometeorology of sorghum and millet in the semi-arid tropics. 322pp. ($23.45) ICRISAT 1984 NG FRE
Glaser, C. Bo Tsotsi. The youth gangs of Soweto 1935-1976. ISBN: 085255690X cd. & 256pp. (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852556403 (£15.95 ) Philip 2000 SA
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Centre sahélien de l’ICRISAT. Rapport annuel 1983. [Also available in English.] 102pp. ICRISAT 1984 NG FRE
Hadland, A. In terror and in silence. An investigation into safety levels and standards at petrol stations. Petrol station 5 safety project, December 2002. ISBN: 0796920087 62pp. R105.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Cytogenetics of arachis. 191pp. ($17.00) ICRISAT 1985 NG
Kahn, E. Bloody hand. Wills and crime. ISBN: 0958454051 R150.00 Siberink 2003 SA
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Facility for growing plants in test tubes at ICRISAT. 8pp. ($4.30) ICRISAT 1984 NG FRE
Mohamed, S.I. Survey on crime levels/perception of SAPs in Durban’s inner city. Org Civ Rights 1999 SA
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICRISAT annual report 1983. 371pp. ($27.60) ICRISAT 1984 NG FRE
Mohamed, S.I., Naidoo, H. Crime survey: Albert Park. ISBN: 0958430357 Org Civ Rights 2001 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Crops International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICRISAT annual report 1985. 379pp. ($15.00) ICRISAT 1986 NG International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICRISAT at a glance. ($30.00) ICRISAT 1984 NG FRE International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Manuel d’identification et de lutte contre le striga. [Also available in English.] 52pp. ($5.90) ICRISAT 1984 NG FRE International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Phosphorus in Indian vertisols: summary proceedings of a workshop, 23-26 Aug 1988, ICRISAT Center. 36pp. ICRISAT 1988 NG International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Proceedings of the international pearl millet workshop. 366pp. ($18.30) ICRISAT 1987 NG International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Seed borne disease of chickpea. 32pp. ICRISAT 1986 NG International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Techniques for screening sorghums for resistance to striga. 18pp. ($5.00) ICRISAT 1985 NG International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics The tropicultor operator’s manual: field operations. 64pp. ($7.50) ICRISAT 1985 NG
Subject index International Institute of Tropical Agriculture World cowpea research conference, 5-9 November 1984. Country reports. [Special issue, Tropical Grain Legume Bull., no.32] 173pp. IITA 1986 NR
Crops—Bibliography Ibekwe, G.O. Le maïs: publications en langue française disponibles à la bibliothèque de l’IITA. 244pp. free IITA 1986 NR FRE
Kang, B.T., et al. Establishing and managing alley cropping plots. 7pp. ($1.00) IITA 1986 NR
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics An annotated bibliography of pigeonpea diseases, 1906-81. 111pp. ($7.50) ICRISAT 1985 NG
Reed, J.D., Capper, B.S., Neate, P.J.H., eds. Plant breeding and the nutritive value of crop residues: proceedings of a workshop held at ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 7-10 December 1987. 334pp. Int Livestock Centre 1988 ET Rossel, H.W., Thottappilly, G. Virus diseases of important food crops in tropical Africa. 61pp. ill. ($1.50/£1.10) N5.00 IITA 1985 NR
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Millet bibliography 1982. ($7.50) ICRISAT 1985 NG
Singh, S.R., Emechebe, A.M. World cowpea research conference held at the IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria: country reports. [Special Issue of Tropical Grain Legume Bulletin, 32] 173pp. ($10.00) N5.00 IITA 1986 NR
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Sorghum bibliography 1977-80. 523pp. ($7.00) ICRISAT 1984 NG FRE
Singh, S.R., Rachie, K.O., eds. Cowpea research, production and utilization. cd. 488pp. ($35.00) IITA 1985 NR Singh, S.R., Rachie, K.O., eds., Dashiell, K.E. Soybeans for the tropics: research, production and utilization. cd. 250pp. (£22.50) IITA 1987 NR Crops—Africa Ekwamu, A. African crop science manual. 80pp. ICIPE 1993 KE
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Uses of sorghum and millets. 36pp. ($5.40) ICRISAT 1988 NG
Institut International de Recherches sur les Cultures des Zones Tropicales Semi-Arides L’ICRISAT en Afrique. 60pp. ICRISAT 1986 NG FRE
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Cowpea research at IITA. rev. ed.(GLIP Research Monograph, 1) 23pp. free IITA 1989 NR
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses. 184pp. ($27.50) ($9.20) ICRISAT 1987 NG
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Grain legume improvement program, IITA: annual report, 1985. ($3.00) N5.00 IITA 1986 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Grain legume improvement program: recommendations for cowpea uniform cultivar trial, explanations on crop management practices, layout of trial and data collection. 18pp. ex. only IITA 1974 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Grain legume improvement program: recommendations for soybean uniform cultivar trial. ex. only IITA 1980 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Grain legume improvement program: results of the 1977 international cowpea trials. 34pp. ex. only IITA 1980 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Grain legume improvement program: results of the 1978 international cowpea trials, preliminary reports. 18pp. ex. only IITA 1979 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Maize research program, IITA: annual report 1985-Ibadan. 167pp. IITA 1986 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Selected methods for biochemical analysis of legumes, cereals and tubers. 27pp. ex. only IITA NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Soybean research at IITA. (GLIP Research Monograph, 2) 23pp. free IITA 1990 NR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Varietal improvement of cowpea/ L’amélioration variétale du niébé. [Text in English and French.] 28pp. ($4.00) N4.00 IITA 1986 NR MUL
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICRISAT in print: a cumulative record of publications, 1975-86. 134pp. ICRISAT 1987 NG
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Agricultural markets in the semi-arid tropics. ($24.00) ICRISAT 1985 NG International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Farming systems principles for improved food crop production and the control of soil degredation in the arid, semi-arid and humid tropics. 36pp. ($5.00) ICRISAT 1986 NG McCarthy, V.A., Steele, W.M., eds. Crop genetic resources in Africa: proceedings of a workshop jointly organized by the AAASA and the IITA held at IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, 4-6 January, 1978. 231pp. ex. only IITA 1980 NR Renard, C., ed. Crop residues in sustainable mixed crop/ livestock farming systems. 336pp. ($28.00) Int Livestock Centre 1997 ET Crops—Africa, East Kokwaro, J.O. Classification of East African crops. 89pp. ill. pl. maps. ($6.00/£3.45) K.shs.47.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE Crops—Africa, Southern International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Proceedings of the regional groundnut workshop for Southern Africa. 191pp. ($12.00) ICRISAT 1985 NG International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Proceedings of the second regional workshop for Southern Africa. ($24.60) ($8.20) ICRISAT 1987 NG Crops—Benin Adandé, A.S. Le maïs et ses usages au Bénin méridional. 95pp. CFA1,500 NEAS 1984 SG FRE
International Grain Legume Information Centre Cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L. walp): abstracts of world literature, 1890-1949. vol.2 194pp. ex. only IITA 1979 NR International Grain Legume Information Centre Cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L. walp): abstracts of world literature, 1950-1973. vol.1 343pp. ex. only IITA 1977 NR International Grain Legume Information Centre The winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonobolus) and other Psophocarpus species: abstracts of world literature, 1900-1977. (IITA Information Series, 2) 68pp. ex. only IITA 1978 NR Crops—Developing countries Thompson, J. Genes for Africa. Genetically modified crops in the developing world. ISBN: 1919713573 192pp. R145.00 UCT Press 2001 SA Crops—Ghana—Addresses and essays Doku, E.V. Improvement of food crops in Ghana: an inaugural lecture delivered at the University of Ghana, Legon on 6th February, 1986. (Inaugural lec.) 27pp. ($4.95/£2.75) Ghana UP 1987 GH Crops—India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Collaboration on genetic resources: summary proceedings of a workshop on germplasm exploration and evaluation in India, 14-15 November 1988, ICRISAT Center, India. 117pp. ICRISAT 1989 NG International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Fertiliser use in semi-arid tropical India. 76pp. ($9.00) ICRISAT 1985 NG International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Tank irrigation in semi-arid tropical India: economic evaluation and alternatives for improvement. 38pp. ($5.70/£1.90) ICRISAT 1987 NG Crops—Kenya Mbugua, E.S., Schonherr, S. Bean production in Kenya’s central and eastern provinces. (IDS occasional papers, 23) 69pp. K.shs.124.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE Crops—Mali Keïta, A. Guide pratique des banques de céréales au Mali. ISBN: 2910454738 125pp. col.pl. CFA2,000 Jamana 1999 ML FRE Crops—Morocco Actes Editions. Le secteur des légumineuses alimentaires au Maroc. 360pp. ill. Actes Ed 1992 MR FRE Boulet, C., Bouhache, M., Wahbi, M., Taleb, A. Les mauvaises herbes du Souss. 296pp. Actes Ed 1991 MR FRE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 178
African Books in Print
Subject index
Danjuma, Y.T., General—Biography
Crops—Nigeria International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Soybeans for good health: how to grow and use soybeans in Nigeria. 24pp. ill. ($5.00/£2.00) N2.00 Book Builders 1990 NR Cyprus—Atlases and maps Struik Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Cyprus. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm (portrait); sheet: 1,000x715mm (landscape); scale: 1:66,500; English/German/French.] col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA MUL Cyprus—Guide books Harcourt Davis, P. Globetrotter travel guide to Cyprus. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA Dagaare—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Anzagra, J.G. Yengangnaa. [Play in Dagari.] ISBN: 9964203985 21pp. ill. Bur Ghana Lang 1999 GH DGA Zakpaa, B.B. Dagaare sinsolong. [Folktales.] 48pp. pl. C200.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1977 GH DGA Dagaare—General and Non-fiction Mark Ali, K.K. Yooraa ne ngmah sooba. [Yooraa and the magic calabash.] 18pp. ill. C2,000 ($2.00/£1.00) Adwinsa 1996 GH DGA Yabang, C.K. Baalong pigibu kyogebo. [Childcare.] 36pp. C4,500 ($2.50/£2.00) Adwinsa 1994 GH DGA Yabang, C.K. Bie dang-dogebo. [Teenage pregnancy.] 20pp. C4,500 ($2.50/£1.50) Adwinsa 1994 GH DGA Yabang, C.K. Koomnyuri bonsong. [Drink good water.] 20pp. ill. C4,000 ($2.50/£2.00) Adwinsa 1994 GH DGA Zakpaa, B.B. Dagaaba sikpcgc. [Dagaaba proverbs.] 3rd ed. 28pp. C50.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1988 GH DGA Zakpaa, B.B. Te kocbo yele. [Dagaaba methods of farming.] 2nd ed. 30pp. pl. C50.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH DGA Dagbani—General and Non-fiction Abdulai., F.B. Bia moxisibu. [Breast feeding.] 24pp. ill. C3,500 ($2.00/£1.50) Adwinsa 1996 GH DAB Abdulai, F.B. Dan doylm. [Teenage pregnancy.] 24pp. ill. C4,000 ($2.00/£2.00) Adwinsa 1994 GH DAB Abdulai, F.B. Tihi sabu. [Tree growing.] 24pp. ill. C4,000 Adwinsa 1994 GH DAB Abudulai, Luntali of Naa Ghana
H.I. piligu dagbcn pul’ni. [Life history Lure.] 42pp. pl. C70.00 Bur Lang 1988 GH DAB
Andani, R.I. Pay kpuyibo dagbon pul’ni. Ghana Lang 1968 GH DAB
24pp. ill. Bur
Sugre, M. Behisun soya. [Good manners.] 2nd ed. 37pp. pl. C50.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH DAB Sulemana, T. Naa luro mini o bihi. 60pp. C50.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1968 GH DAB Sulley, M.D. Myumya ko’vielle din be kasi. [Drink good water.] 16pp. ill. C4,000 ($2.00/ £2.00) Adwinsa 1994 GH DAB Dagodun, Peter—Biography Barker, P. Peter Dagodun, man of God. 80pp. C2,000 ($2.00) Asempa 1983 GH
Dairying see also Cattle Livestock O’Connor, C.B. Traditional cheesemaking manual. Int Livestock Centre 1993 ET
O’Connor, C.B., Tripathi, B.R. Techniques de transformation du lait fermenté. 20pp. Int Livestock Centre 1993 ET FRE Steenkamp, W. Dairy farming. A practice manual. ISBN: 0627024459 184pp. R49.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Dairying—Africa Blick, P. Dairy farming in Africa. £7.50) EAEP 1986 KE
138pp. ($13.75/
Dairying—Africa, West Senait, S. Patterns of consumption of dairy products in West Africa. (Working document, 11) 52pp. free Int Livestock Centre 1988 ET Dairying—Kenya Baltenwick, I., et al. Intensification of dairying in the greater Nairobi milk-shed: spatial and household analysis. 37pp. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET Hopcraft, P.N., et al. An evaluation of the Kenya dairy improvement programme. (IDS discussion paper, 20) 221pp. K.shs.214.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE Nicholson, C.F., et al. Smallholder dairy technology in coastal Kenya: an adoption and impact study. (ILRI assessment series, 5) 59pp. ILRI 1999 KE Staal, S.J. Characterisation of dairy systems supplying the Nairobi milk market. A pilot survey in Kiambu district for the identification of target groups of producers. 85pp. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET Dairying—Tropics Falvey, L., Chantalakhana, C., eds. Smallholder dairying in the tropics. 447pp. ILRI 1999 KE Dams see also Electricity Energy Hydraulic engineering Water Olivier, H. Damit. cd. 192pp. ill. pl. R4.95 Macmillan - SA 1975 SA Dams—Ghana Obeng, L.E. Man-made lakes: the Accra symposium. cd. 398pp. pl.ill. ($15.00) Ghana UP 1969 GH
Dance—South Africa Allyn, J. Dawn Weller: portrait of a ballerina. cd. 168pp. pl. col.pl. R19.95 Macmillan - SA 1984 SA Glasstone, R. Dulcie Howes: pioneer of ballet in South Africa. cd. pl. R84.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Dangme—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Asare, A.L. Ke mawu goi mo c. [If God does not kill you.] 55pp. ill. C80.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1982 GH DAG Dosoo, J.M.T. Ajesiwo. 64pp. ill. Bur Ghana Lang 1977 GH DAG Dosoo, J.M.T. Koli. [Precious bead.] 216pp. ill. C400.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH DAG Kubi, G.A.N. Nye ko pee ye ya. [Don’t perform my funeral rites yet.] 60pp. ill. C70.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1981 GH DAG Narteh, L.A. Koko sika. 57pp. ill. C400.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1992 GH DAG Dangme—General and Non-fiction Abedi-Boafo, J. Dangme nyaii. [Pure Dangme.] 2nd ed. 144pp. C100.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1981 GH DAG Nanor, J.N. Dede yomo. 59pp. C700.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1992 GH DAG Pecku, M. E dcc nc lo? [Does it hurt?] 44pp. ill. C150.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1990 GH DAG Tetteh, E.N. Mo dem’ koo. [Tell me, please.] 79pp. ill. C300.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH DAG Dangme—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Ahulu, S.A., et al. Dede he sahe ko. 16pp. ill. C3,500 ($2.50/£2.00) Adwinsa 1994 GH DAG Dosoo, J.M.T. O nge leje o niine. [You were really there.] 76pp. ill. C80.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1982 GH DAG Tetteh, E.N. Blema ko c. [In the olden days.] bk.2 41pp. ill. C150.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1990 GH DAG Tetteh, E.N. Blema ko c. [In the olden days.] bk.1 37pp. ill. C120.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH DAG Tetteh, E.N. Ncmo Okleteye. [Old Okleteyo.] 64pp. ill. C250.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1990 GH DAG
Dams—South Africa Breen, C.M., Addo, P. Evaluability assessment (environment). Sub phase 1A. construction of Driekoppies Dam. Report prepared for Development Bank of Southern Africa. (INR investigational reports, 165) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA
Dangme language Bureau of Ghana Languages Dangme language guide. 4th ed. 53pp. C500.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1990 GH MUL
Dan Fodio, Othman—Biography Kâne, O. Othman Dan Fodio, fondateur de l’empire de Sokoto. 80pp. CFA250.00 NEAS 1976 SG FRE
Dangme language—Study and teaching Bolli, M., Flik, E., Oumple, J.D., Zongo, J.P. Syllabaire dan. 130pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 1982 IV DAG
Milsome, J.E. Usman Dan Fodio. (Makers of Nigeria, 5) ill. N5.00 Univ Press - Nig NR Dance Nahumck, N.C. Introduction to dance literacy: perception and notation of dance patterns. cd. 95pp. R10.00 Int Lib Afric Music 1978 SA
Kropp-Dakubu, M.E. Dangme language. Unimax 1987 GH
112pp. ill. C3,920
Daniels, Eddie—Autobiography Daniels, E. There and back. Robben Island 19641979. ISBN: 1868083802 251pp. R55.00 Mayibuye 1998 SA Danjuma, Y.T., General—Biography Barett, L. Danjuma: the making of a general. 128pp. (£3.00) Fourth Dimension 1980 NR
van Papendorp, J., Friedman, S. Teaching creative dance - a handbook. 140pp. pl. R79.95 Kwela 1997 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Dawood, Bibi—Biography Dawood, Bibi—Biography Jaffer, Z. The story of Bibi Dawood of Worcester. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 91/2) 30pp. R10.00 Mayibuye 1991 SA Dawood, Yusuf K.—Autobiography Dawood, Y.K. Nothing but the truth. The story of a surgeon with four wives. An autobiography. ISBN: 9966251227 357pp. ill.pl. K.shs.900.00 ($18.95/ £30.95) EAEP 2002 KE De Sa, Roger—Biography Landheer, E. Roger De Sa: man of action. ISBN: 0864864701 202pp. (£10.95) Spearhead 2002 SA de Wet, Christiaan—Biography Pretorius, F. The great escape of the Boer Pimpernel Christiaan de Wet. The making of a legend. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0869809806 300pp. R145.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA Deafness see also Handicapped Cornett, D.J. Communiquons avec les sourds (Rép. du Zaire). (II, 104) 244pp. ill. (DM43.00) CEEBA 1990 ZR FRE Delamere, Diana Lady—Biography Farrant, L. Diana, Lady Delamere and the Lord Erroll murder. 154pp. ill.maps PDS 1997 KE Demography see also Birth control Family planning and as a sub-division under names of specific countries Abdel-Hakim, S., ed. Studies in African and Asian demography: CDC annual seminar, 1989. (Research monograph series, 19) 1,051pp. ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1990 UA Barratt, J., Louw, M., eds. International aspects of overpopulation: proceedings of a conference held at Jan Smuts House, Johannesburg in 1970. cd. 334pp. (£4.50) R10.90 SA Inst Int Affairs 1972 SA Cairo Demographic Centre Population and development issues in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. (CDC research monograph, 23) 1173pp. ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1994 UA Cairo Demographic Centre Population issues and the challenges of the 21st century in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. (CDC research monograph, 24) 980pp. ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1995 UA Cairo Demographic Centre Population issues in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. (CDC research monograph, 26) 568pp. ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1997 UA Cairo Demographic Centre Population issues in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. (CDC research monograph, 22) 775pp. ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1993 UA Cairo Demographic Centre Population issues in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. (CDC research monograph, 27) 770pp. ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1998 UA Cairo Demographic Centre Population issues in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. (CDC research monograph, 25) 946pp. ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1996 UA Chandrasekaran, C. On two estimates of the number of events missed in a dual record system. (Working Papers Series, 6) 40pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1983 UA
Subject index Chriki, A. Genétique des populations. 182pp. D8,000 Cérès 1990 TI FRE El-Badry, M.A. Aspects of population change and development in some African and Asian countries: CDC annual seminars in 1978, 1979 and 1980. (CDC Research Monograph, 9) 742pp. pl. maps ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1984 UA El-Badry, M.A. Studies in African and Asian demography: CDC annual seminar 1983. (CDC Research Monograph, 12) 732pp. pl. maps ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1984 UA El-Badry, M.A. Studies in African and Asian demography: CDC annual seminar 1984. (CDC Research Monograph, 13) 624pp. ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1985 UA El-Badry, M.A. Studies in African and Asian demography: CDC annual seminar, 1986. (Research monograph series, 16) 693pp. pl. maps ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1987 UA ITPPD, UNFPA Global Programme at Cairo Demographic Centre Population and development. (CC/ UNFPA population & development research monograph, 1) 404pp. ($15.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1994 UA ITPPD, UNFPA Global Programme at Cairo Demographic Centre Population and sustainable development. (CC/UNFPA population & development research monograph, 5) 710pp. ($25.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1998 UA ITPPD, UNFPA Global Programme at Cairo Demographic Centre Population and sustainable development. (CC/UNFPA population & development research monograph, 2) 693pp. ($20.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1995 UA ITPPD, UNFPA Global Programme at Cairo Demographic Centre Population and sustainable development. (Boleswa occasional papers in theology and religion, 4) 914pp. ($25.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1997 UA ITTPPS, UNFPA Global Programme at Cairo Demographic Centre Population and sustainable development. (CC/UNFPA population & development research monograph, 3) 759pp. ($20.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1996 UA
Malu wa Kalenga Implications enérgétiques de l’exode rural et de l’éxplosion demographique en Afrique au Sud du Sahara. cd. 183pp. ($35.00) Press Univ Congo 1985 ZR FRE Otele, M. Celibacy and the African value of fecundity. (Spearhead Series, 65) 40pp. ($1.75) Gaba 1981 KE Udo, R.K., et al., eds. Population education source book for sub-Saharan Africa. 320pp. N773.50 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR [Also published in Kenya by EAEP] Demography—Africa—Bibliography Ahmed, S.A., ed African population annotated bibliography for northern Africa. 242pp. ($76.44) UEPA 1999 SG MUL Chimere-Dan, O. The population of southern Africa: an annotated bibliography, 1980-1997. 234pp. ($114.76) UEPA 1998 SG Demography—Africa—Statistics United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Habitat atlas: graphic presentation of basic human settlements statistics. 43pp. col.maps UNCHS 1996 KE Demography—Arab countries Cairo Demographic Centre Demographic aspects of manpower in Arab countries. (Research monograph series, 3) cd. 521pp. pl. maps. ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1972 UA Cairo Demographic Centre Fertility trends and differentials in Arab countries. (Research monograph series, 2) 398pp. maps. ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1971 UA Makhlouf, H., Abdelkader, M. The current status of research and training in population and health in the Arab region and the future needs: the case of Egypt. (CDC occasional paper, 7) 21pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1997 UA Demography—Developing countries Abdel-Hakim, S. Studies in African and Asian demography: CDC annual seminar, 1990. (Research monograph series, 20) 962pp. pl., maps ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1991 UA
Peron, J. Exploding population myths. 80pp. R24.95 Free Market Found 1995 SA
Abdel-Hakim, S., ed. Population policies in the Third World: issues and practice (CDC twenty-fifth Anniversary Commemorative Conference, 1988). cd. 373pp. ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1989 UA
Rashad, H., Kortam, F. Effect of nonstationary mortality on estimates of infant and childhood mortality. (Working Papers Series, 7) 17pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1983 UA
Abdel-Hakim, S., ed. Studies in African and Asian demography: CDC annual seminar, 1988. (CDC Research Monograph, 18) 768pp. ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1989 UA
Sayed, H.A. Studies in African and Asian demography: CDC annual seminar, 1987. (Research monograph series, 17) 823pp. pl. maps ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1988 UA
Cairo Demographic Center CDC 29th annual seminar on population, sustainable development in the beginning of the new millenium. (CDC research monograph, 29) 586pp. ($30.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 2000 UA
Sivamurthy, M., Seetharam, K.S. Handbook of indirect methods for morality estimation’. (CDC Occas. paps., 2) 120pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1980 UA
Cairo Demographic Center CDC 30th annual seminar on population, sustainable development and globalization challenges in developing countries. (CDC research monograph, 30) 576pp. ($30.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 2001 UA
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Population distribution and urbanization: a review of policy options. 95pp. UNCHS 1985 KE Demography—Africa Huzayyin, S.A., Acsadi, G.T., ed. Family and marriage in some African and Asiatic countries. (Research monograph series, 6) 570pp. pl. maps. ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1976 UA
Cairo Demographic Center Population and sustainable development. (CDC population and development series, 7) 646pp. ($30.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 2000 UA Cairo Demographic Centre Mortality trends and differentials in some African and Asian countries. (Research Monograph Series, 8) 692pp. ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1982 UA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 180
African Books in Print
Subject index Cairo Demographic Centre Studies in African and Asian demography. CDC annual seminar, 1982. (Research Monograph Series, 11) cd. 765pp. maps ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1983 UA Cairo Demographic Centre Urbanization and migration in some Arab and African countries. (Research monograph series, 4) 528pp. pl. maps. ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1973 UA El-Badry, M.A. Aging in developing countries: one more population problem? (CDC Working paps., 13) 15pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1986 UA El-Badry, M.A., ed. Determinants of fertility in some African and Asian countries. (Research monograph series, 10) 698pp. ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1982 UA Huzayyin, S.A., Smith, T.E., eds. Demographic aspects of socio-economic development in some Arab and African countries. (Research monograph series, 5) 425pp. pl. maps. ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1974 UA Demography—Study and teaching Manengo, K. Introduction à la démographie. 340pp. Kapongo-Kazadi 1988 ZR FRE Mostert, W.P., Horneyer, B.E., Oosthuizen, J.S., van Zyl, J.A. Demography: textbook for South African students. ISBN: 0796918805 253pp. R150.00 HSRC Publ 1998 SA Tchegho, J.M. Démographie pour tous: tome 1: homme, population et environnement. vol.1 56pp. pl.maps CFA3,000 ($8.00) Demos 1999 CM FRE Tchegho, J.M. Démographie pour tous: tome 2: mouvement de la population. vol.2 48pp. pl. CFA2,500 Demos 1999 CM Tchegho, J.M. Démographie pour tous: tome 3: politiques démographiques. Population et développement. vol.3 52pp. CFA2,500 ($6.00) Demos 1999 CM FRE Tchegho, J.M. Traité de démographie scolaire. 116pp. CFA3,000 ($8.00) Demos 1999 CM FRE Ziehl, S., Graaff, J. Population studies. ISBN: 0195780752 94pp. R90.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Dentistry Owen, P. Fundamentals of removable partial dentures. [with CD-ROM] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1919713611 R189.00 UCT Press 2001 SA Dentistry—Africa Halestrap, D. La santé des dents. Notions de soins dentaires en Afrique. 64pp. pl. ($7.50) BERPS 1997 ZR FRE Dermatology Saxe, N., Jessop, S., Todd, G. Handbook of dermatology for primary care. 230pp. ill.col.pl. R250.00 OUP SA 1998 SA van Hees, C. La peau et ses maladies. Notes de dermatologie. 124pp. col.pl. (Eur1.50) BERPS 2002 ZR FRE Dermatology—Africa Olumide, Y.M. Pictorial self-instructional manual on common skin diseases. (Where there is no dermatologist). 206pp. ill.pl. col.pl. N1,523 ($71.00/£39.50) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Desertification see also Drought
Development planning and economics—Nigeria Desertification—Africa African Academy of Sciences Environmental crisis in Africa: scientific response: proceedings of the International Conference on Drought, Desertification and Food Deficit in Africa, 3-6 June 1986, Nairobi, Kenya. 130pp. ill. K.shs.100.00 ($10.00) Academy Science Publ 1989 KE Darkoh, M.B.K. Man and desertification in tropical Africa. 51pp. ill. ($2.50) T.shs.50.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1980 TZ Lo, M., Diagne, Y., Seck, E. Contre la désertification: de la convention internationale à l’élaboration participative des programmes d’action nationaux. 104pp. CFA2,000 ENDA 1997 SG FRE United Nations Environment Programme/ Programme des Nations Unies pour l’Environnement Desertification control in Africa: actions. 126pp. free. UNEP 1985 KE Desertification—Africa—Directories United Nations Environment Programme/ Programme des Nations Unies pour l’Environnement Desertification control in Africa: directory of institutions. vol.2 260pp. free. UNEP 1985 KE Wasser, K.V., Hutchison, B.S. The directory of arid lands institutions 1995. 4th ed. 315pp. ($50.00) UNEP 1995 KE Desertification—Botswana Sekhwela, M.B.M., Dube, P.O. Desertification in the Ngamiland Communal First Development Area (CFDA). (NIR working bibliographies) P12.50 NIDCR 1991 BS Desertification—Kenya de Groot, P., Field-Juma, A., Hall, D.O. Taking root: revegetation in semi-arid Kenya. (Drylands research, 5) 105pp. ($10.00) ACTS - Kenya 1992 KE Desertification—Namibia Jobst, P., et al. Summer desertification project. (DERU, occ.paps, 2) 200pp. N$40.00 ($15.00) DRFN 1994 SX Seely, M.K. Namibia: drought and desertification. 20pp. ill.pl.col.pl. N$20.00 ($10.00) DRFN 1991 SX Desertification—Sudan El Din Awad, B. The role of the Fadi and the Dambari in environmental management and desertification control in northern Darfour, Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 108) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1997 SJ Development planning and economics see also Economic development Rural development Coetzee, J.K., Graaff, J., Hendricks, J.K., Wood, G. Development theory, policy and practice. ISBN: 0195719271 656pp. R365.01 OUP - SA 2001 SA Davies, W. Means and ends: the development forum. Inst Soc Res 1994 SA de Rivero, O. Le mythe du développement. ISBN: 2915032211 cd. 241pp. CFA6,500 Jamana 2003 ML FRE [co-published with Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire] Harrison, P. Inside the third world. SA SA
R56.99 Penguin
Henry, P-M., Kossou, B. La dimension culturelle du développement. 224pp. CFA3,000 NEA - Togo 1986 TG FRE Tayeb, T.E. Development countries and the Tokyo round. (DSRC occasional paps., 1) 52pp. Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1979 SJ
van Rooyen, E., Fox, W. Quest for sustainable development. ISBN: 0702166316 Juta 2004 SA Development planning and economics— Addresses and essays Fuggle, R.F., Rabie, M.A., eds. Environmental management in South Africa. With new postscript. 2nd ed. cd. 888pp. R315.00 Juta 1999 SA Development planning and economics— Africa Haines, R., Wood, G., eds. Africa after modernity: alternative perspectives. ISBN: 0869886673 184pp. R65.00 ($12.00/£10.00) Inst Planning Res 1998 SA Himmelstrand, U., Kinyanjui, K., Mbungu, E., eds. African perspectives on development. 352pp. Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG [Uganda only] Himmelstrand, U., Kiyanjui, K., Mbungu, E., eds. African perspectives on development. 352pp. T.shs.8,500 Mkuki na Nyota 1994 TZ [Tanzania only] Mandaza, I. Culture, history and science and technology based economic strategies in Africa: a view from political economy. ISBN: 1779050941 13pp. ($6.95/£3.95) SAPES 1999 ZI Mlawa, H.M., Green, R.H., eds. Through structural adjustment to transformation in sub-Saharan Africa. ISBN: 9976602901 420pp. ($29.95/ £17.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1999 TZ Schuftan, C. Beyond maldevelopment praxis in Africa. [Also available in Arabic.] (CODESRIA monographs, 1/98) ISBN: 8508895 66pp. ($9.95/£5.95) CODESRIA 1998 SG Westley, S.B., ed. Development and the environment in Africa. (IDS occasional papers, 15) 290pp. K.shs.256.00 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE Zondi, S. Regional integration for food security in southern Africa: an appraisal. (AISA research paper, 73) ISBN: 0798301775 46pp. maps R40.00 ($10.00) Africa Inst 2004 SA Development planning and economics— Africa—Study and teaching Abudu, A.O. Useful development economics for schools & colleges. 265pp. C45.000.00 ($12.75) IMV 1996 GH De Beer, F., Swanepoel, H. Introduction to development studies. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195718593 256pp. R240.00 OUP - SA 2000 SA Development planning and economics— Africa, Southern Barratt, J., et al., eds. Accelerated development in southern Africa: proceedings of a conference held at Jan Smuts House, Johannesburg in 1972. SA Inst Int Affairs 1973 SA Weimer, R. Proceedings of AFRO workshop on rural environment and development planning in Southern Africa. 515pp. ill. maps. ex. only NIDCR 1978 BS Development planning and economics— Nigeria Ayodele, S. Development and management of utilities in Nigeria. (CASS Occasional Monograph series, 9) 50pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Malthouse 1996 NR Onakomaiya, S.O., Oyesiku, O.O., eds. Environment, physical planning and development in Nigeria. ISBN: 9782194182 145pp. ($30.95/£18.95) College Press - Nig 2002 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Development planning and economics—South Africa Development planning and economics— South Africa Blignault, J., de Wit, M. Sustainable options: development lessons from applied environmental economics. ISBN: 1919713433 420pp. R240.00 UCT Press 2004 SA Chapman, D. Environment, income and development in Southern Africa: an analysis of the interaction of environment and macroeconomics. (ERU occasional paps., 23) ($6.00) Economic Res Unit 1992 SA Colvin, P.M. Background report on development planning for Nhlangwini ward, Enzumbe district, KwaZulu. (INR working paps., 19) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1987 SA Mirrilees, R.I., Forster, S.F., Williams, C.J. The application of economics to water management in South Africa. Report to the Water Research Commission. (INR investigational reports, 99) Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA
Subject index
South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Diamonds - source to use. Colloquium. (SAIMM sundry publications, 43) R171.00 SAIMM 2003 SA Dictionaries—Africa, Southern Grobler, G.M. Concise trilingual dictionary EnglishAfrikaans-Sotho. R59.95 Donker 1995 SA Jennings Concise multilingual dictionary. Donker 1995 SA
Jennings Concise trilingual dictionary. EnglishAfrikaans-Xhosa. R59.95 Donker 1995 SA MUL Le Roux, J. Concise trilingual English-AfrkaansTswana. R59.95 Donker 1995 SA Moeketsi, R.H. Concise trilingual English-AfrikaansSotho. R59.95 Donker 1995 SA
Pierce, D. Checking the risks? World bank urban development - policy choices for a transitional South African government. 19pp. R15.00 Centre Policy Stud 1993 SA
Oxford University Press Oxford junior primary dictionary for southern Africa. [Text in English, Afrikaans, Sesotho, Sepedi, Setswana.] ISBN: 0195706293 192pp. R69.98 OUP SA 2001 SA MUL
Schwabe, C.A. Information: the foundation of sustainable development. (Integrated Rural and Regional Development occasional papers, 7) 50pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA
Taljaard, P.C. Concise trilingual English-Afrikaans-Zulu. R59.95 Donker 1995 SA
Tokota, M.B. Institute for planning research: questionnaires. (IDPR occasional papers, 58) Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Development planning and economics— Tanzania Msambichika, L., Moshi, H. Summaries of the proceedings of international conference on development challenges and strategies for Tanzania: an agenda for the 21st century. 95pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ Development planning and economics— Togo Dogo, K. Togo 2000. Planification togolaise et voie africaine de développement. 380pp. CFA7,000 NEA - Togo 1982 TG FRE Dhlomo, H.I.E.—Biography Couzens, T. The new African: a study of the life and work of H.I.E. Dhlomo. 382pp. R21.95 Ravan 1985 SA Diabetes de Clerck, M. Bien connaître le diabète pour mieux le maîtriser. 2nd ed. 96pp. ($2.00) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE de Clerck, M. Le livre du diabétique. ISBN: 2741401497 64pp. ($1.10) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Mawji, K.G,D, Diabetes under control. A selfmanagement guide. 144pp. ill. ZPH 1991 ZI Owusu, S.K. Diabetes mellitus. 16pp. ($4.00/£2.25) Ghana UP 1990 GH Roberts, C., McDonald, J. Diabetes: eat and enjoy. new ed. ISBN: 1868721027 208pp. col.pl. R99.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Diamonds—South Africa Brooke Simons, P. Cullinan diamonds: dreams and discoveries. ISBN: 1874950725 128pp. col.ill.col.pl. (£12.50) Fernwood 2004 SA Reekie, W.D. Diamonds: the competetive cartel. ISBN: 1874930325 27pp. R20.00 ($11.50/£2.50) Free Market Found 1999 SA
Dictionaries (General works) Bosman, D.B., van der Merwe, I.W., Barnes, A.S.V. Bilingual school dictionary. [English/ Afrikaans.] 10th ed. 755pp. R59.95 Pharos 1998 SA MUL Bunting, J. Children’s visual dictionary. cd. col.ill. R59.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA de Cluver, A.D. A dictionary of language planning terms. (Studia Composita, 18) 78pp. R39.00 ($18.20/£11.00) Unisa 1993 SA EQA/CODE Dictionnaire visuel africain. 272pp. ill.pl. FG15,000 Ganndal 1995 GV FRE Marx, P., Harding, T. Dictionary skills. 52pp. ill. Baobab Zimb 1997 ZI Reader’s Digest Southern African wordpower dictionary. cd. 1357pp. R139.99 Readers Digest SA 1996 SA Upsall, P., Johnson, E. Super word finder. The complete reference book for crosswords, blockwords, Scrabble and other word games. 912pp. R79.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Diemont, Marius—Biography Diemont, M. Brushes with the law. cd. 320pp. R94.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA Diets and dieting see also Health education Nutrition Barton, P. The new complete kilojoule carbohydrate and fat counter. 3rd ed. ISBN: 1868727653 240pp. R75.95 New Holland 2002 SA Gers, M. Fat equals thin, the hidden power about being overweight. ISBN: 0958406537 ($13.95) Kima 2001 SA Hume, T. The 14-day X diet. ISBN: 1868726681 96pp. Zebra 2003 SA Hume, T. Women and food. Exposing the relationship between women, food and depression. ISBN: 1868723577 200pp. Zebra 2000 SA
Hume, T. The X diet. Exploding the diet myth ISBN: 1868722570 200pp. Zebra 1999 SA Protheroe, K. Skinny snacks. ISBN: 186872753X 128pp. R79.95 New Holland 2002 SA Steenkamp, G., Delport, L. Eat smart, stay slim. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624041891 256pp. R125.00 Tafelberg 2003 SA Struik Publishers The new complete South African kilojoule, calorie and carbohydrate counter. ISBN: 1868255328 176pp. R39.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Swainston, F. Get slim, stay slim - naturally. A healthy, herbal guide to permanent weight loss. 128pp. R59.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Diop, Cheikh Anta—Biography Samb, D. Cheikh Anta Diop. 144pp. CFA2,500 NEAS 1992 SG FRE Directories—Africa Esterhuysen, P., comp. Africa A-Z: continental and country profiles. new ed. ISBN: 079830135X R150.00 ($40.00) Africa Inst 2005 SA Disasters and disaster relief—Addresses and essays Van Landewijk, J.E. Disaster management. 20pp. Ghana UP 1989 GH Disasters and disaster relief—Africa UNCHS-HABITAT Risk & Disaster Management Unit Guidelines for the evaluation of post disaster programmes: a resource guide. HS/611/01E ISBN: 9211314682 74pp. col.pl. UNEP 2001 KE Dissertations, Academic Musiker, R., comp. Style guide for theses and dissertations. (Occas. paps., 7) 34pp. R2.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1980 SA Oluikpe, B.O.A. Thesis writing: form and style. 2nd ed. 117pp. N313.00 Africana First 1982 NR Schweppenhauser, M.A. Thesis guidelines for the sciences. 34pp. Z$25.00 Univ Zimbabwe 1998 ZI Djibouti Carton, V. Djibouti. 52pp. col.pl. FDJ5,000 (Eur23.00) Couleur Locale 1997 DJ FRE Pénel, J.D., Breger, A.M. Djibouti: invitation au voyage. 128pp. col.pl. Couleur Locale 1998 DJ FRE Djibouti—Geology Caminiti, A-M. Deux sites géologiques exceptionnels en République de Djibouti: le fossé d’Asal et le lac Abhé. ISBN: 2913551196 128pp. Couleur Locale 2000 DJ FRE Caminiti, A-M. Le fossé d’Asal et le lac Abhé. Deux sites géologiques exceptionnels en République de Djibouti. 132pp. pl. (Eur42.68) Couleur Locale 2001 DJ FRE Dogbé, Yves-Emmanuel—Biography Elaho, R. Yves-Emmanuel Dogbé ou le réveil des consciences. ISBN: 2864270447 110pp. (Eur15.00) Akpagnon 1998 TG FRE Kataroh, A.E. Yves-Emmanuel Dogbé: l’homme et l’oeuvre. 157pp. pl. CFA2,500 Akpagnon 1997 TG FRE Dogon (African people)—Anthropology Guindo, I., Zoromé, A. Nous, les Dogons. ISBN: 2842580729 40pp. pl. (Eur13.27) Figuier 2000 ML FRE Domestic animals see also Cattle Livestock
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 182
African Books in Print
Subject index
Drug problem—South Africa
Eyidi, N. Comment élever des porcs. 80pp. ill. CFA865.00 CLE 1973 CM FRE Domestic animals—Africa Loosli, J.K., Oyenuga, V.A., Babatunde, G.M. Animal production in the tropics. cd. 402pp. ill. N658.35 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1975 NR Domestic animals—Africa, East Cockburn, H. Poultry keeping in East Africa. 3rd ed. ($1.15/£2.90) K.shs.11.30 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Domestic animals—Ghana—Addresses and essays Dzakuma, J.M. Food animals in Ghana: under-utilized resources. 27pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Ghana UP 1989 GH Drama see also Theatre Cranwell, H. Let the children play. A beginner’s guide to creative play and playgroups. 32pp. ill.pl. 25t Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1975 MW Henderson, C. Understanding character through self. A little book of exercises and other exploration for the actor’s work. ISBN: 995632017X 95pp. pl. CFA2,000 ($8.00) Sherpa 2004 CM Hounsell, O. From drama to writing. 56pp. Z$3.25 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Iji, E.M. Three radical dramatists. Brecht, Artaud, Soyinka. 129pp. Kraft 1991 NR Robins, C. Drama for God: a handbook for Christian drama. 152pp. Uzima 1977 KE Drama—Africa, Southern Mda, Z. When people play people. Development communication through theatre. 280pp. R89.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA [Southern Africa only] Drama—Collections Masondo, M.M., et al. One-act plays. ISBN: 0868744867 86pp. R54.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Drama—Nigeria Banham, M., Mike, C., eds. African theatre: Soyinka. Blackout, blowout and beyond. ISBN: 0852555954 192pp. (£12.95) Philip 2004 SA [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, UK; Africa World Press, US & Canada] Drama—South Africa Coetzee, G. Happy natives. A play. ISBN: 1869140338 R50.00 (£6.95) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2003 SA
Multimedia Publications First steps in dress-making. 30n Multimedia 1973 ZA Pascoe, M. Activewear for kids. Tafelberg 1992 SA Peacey, M. Glorious garments. Tafelberg 1989 SA
Botswana Society Symposium on drought in Botswana. 305pp. P30.00 ($30.00/£15.00) Botswana Soc 1979 BS Drought—Kenya Campbell, D.J. Response to drought in Kenya Maasailand: pastoralists and farmers of the Loitokitok area, Kajiado district. (IDS discussion paper, 267) 44pp. K.shs.96.00 Inst Dev Stud 1979 KE
20pp. ill.
56pp. ill. R49.95
32pp. ill. R34.95
Driver education Amegashie, J.M.Y. Safe driving: rules of the road explained. ISBN: 9964978774 cd. & 133pp. col.pl. C70,000 cd. C60,000/($18.50) Woeli 2002 GH Busch, C. Easiguide to pass your learner’s. ISBN: 0624038866 64pp. R49.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA Gibson, C. Pass your driver’s easily. [Also available in Afrikaans.] new ed. 56pp. col.ill. R44.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Gibson, C. Pass your heavy duty licence first time. 48pp. R24.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Gibson, C., Hoole, G., Passchier, B. Pass your learner’s easily. [Text in English, Afrikaans, Xhosa and Zulu.] ed. ISBN: 1868720292 72pp. col.ill. R44.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA MUL
Gibson, Hoole & Passchier Pass your heavy duty licence easily. 2nd ed. 52pp. R44.95 Struik Publ 1991 SA Hughes, J., Agyeman, K. Accident, accident. 48pp. ill. Fab 1993 NR Ocran, A.K. Hints for accident free driving. C3,000 Asempa 1990 GH
Phiri, D. Here’s how to pass a driving test. Multimedia 1971 ZA
Seymore, H., Theron, N., Silverman, L. Pass the test - drivers. [Also available in Afrikaans.] rev.ed. 60pp. R44.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Seymore, H., Theron, N., Silverman, L. Pass the test - learners. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 112pp. ill. R59.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Struik Publishers The highway code. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 80pp. col.ill. R24.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Drama—Study and teaching Keuris, M. The play. A manual. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0627022057 96pp. R99.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Omoregie, F-K. Stage-craft: a guide to acting, directing, play-writing, lighting design, sound design, set design. ISBN: 999129550X 275pp. ill. P235.00 Bay 2001 BS Drawing see also Technical drawing Multimedia Publications First steps in blackboard drawing. ill. 30n Multimedia 1972 ZA
Hogben, J. Woman’s Value: modern children’s clothes. [Also available in Afrikaans.] col.pl. R64.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA
Dressmaking see also Needlework Bergh, R. The dressmaker’s handbook. A complete guide to techniques and materials. ISBN: 1853687103 160pp. col.pl. R99.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Struik Publishers Pass your learner’s easily. [Also available in Afrikaans, Zulu, Xhosa.] 72pp. col.ill. R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Struik Publishers Pass your learner’s easily. [Dual language English/Afrikaans.] new ed. 72pp. col.ill. R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA MUL Struik Publishers Pass your motor cycle licence first time. 48pp. R24.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Wisner, B., Mbithi, P.M. Drought in Eastern Kenya: comparative observations of nutritional status. (IDS discussion paper, 167) 28pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE Drought—Mali Wilson, R.T., de Leeuw, P.N., de Haan, C., eds. Recherches sur les systèmes des zones arides du Mali: résultats préliminaires. (CIPEA Rapport de recherches, 5) 189pp. maps ($12.00) Int Livestock Centre 1983 ET FRE Drought—Namibia Dealie, F., et al. Rainfall in Namibia: what is normal? 14pp. ill. N$10.00 ($3.00) DRFN 1993 SX Drought—Sudan El Amin, K.A. Drought: adjustments in economic activities. Changes in land use and tenure forms in Darfur, Sudan. (DSRC monograph series, 42) 95pp. ($5.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1999 SJ El Amin, K.A. Some environmental consequences of human responses to drought in Sudan, Darfur region. (DSRC monograph series, 40) 82pp. ($5.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1999 SJ Drought—Tropics Bidinger, F.R., Johansen, C., eds. Drought research priorities for the dryland tropics. 218pp. ICRISAT 1988 NG Drug problem Diassana, C.I. Face à la drogue. 73pp. CFA1,500 ($3.75) Jamana 1995 ML FRE Fiscian, C.E. Some facts about drugs and drug abuse. 27pp. ($4.00/£2.25) Ghana UP 1996 GH Githinji, P.G.M. Drug abuse and you. Paulines 1995 KE
40pp. ($0.80)
Drug problem—Africa, Southern South African Institute of International Affairs The illegal drug trade in southern Africa. ISBN: 187489079X 185pp. R60.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1998 SA Drug problem—Ghana Quantson, K.B. Cocaine hits drug family - mama don;t die. rev.ed. ISBN: 9988773056 167pp. Napasvil 2001 GH Drug problem—Kenya Karechio, B. Drug abuse in Kenya. rev.ed. 54pp. K.shs.100.00 Uzima 1994 KE Drug problem—South Africa Searll, A. Get high on life. new ed. ISBN: 1868726517 304pp. Zebra 2002 SA
Drought see also Desertification
Searll, A. Get high on life. Beating drugs together a guide for teenagers, parents and teachers. 279pp. pl. R59.95 Zebra 1995 SA
Drought—Botswana Cooke, H.J. The problem of drought in Botswana. (Working paper, 17) 25pp. ex. only NIDCR 1978 BS
Zervogiannis, F. The E in rave: a profile of young ecstasy users and its implications for educators. ISBN: 1868882357 147pp. R96.00 ($12.00/£7.70) Unisa 2003 SA
Kgathi, D.L., Opschoor, J.B. Drought impacts and adaptations: socioeconomic aspects of the 1979 Kgatleng drought. (Research Notes, 6) P1.30 NIDCR 1984 [?] BS
Drugs see also Medicine Pharmacology and pharmacy
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Mans, P.A. Drugs. ISBN: 0869978616 80pp. R34.95 Lux Verbi 2000 SA du Preez, Max—Autobiography du Preez, M. Pale native. ISBN: 1868729133 304pp. Struik Publ 2004 SA du Toit, Paul—Biography Martin, K. Paul du Toit: a painter’s journey. ISBN: 1874950768 112pp. col.pl. (£20.00) Fernwood 2004 SA Dube, Msizi—Biography Mshengu, T., Ndlovu, J., Fairbairn, J. Asinamali. The life of Msizi Dube. 76pp. ill. R25.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1992 SA Duff, Diana—Autobiography Duff, D. Leaves from the fig tree. ISBN: 1919930140 320pp. R120.00 Double Storey 2002 SA [Southern Africa only] Duncan, Patrick—Biography Driver, C.J. Patrick Duncan. South African and panAfrican. new ed. ISBN: 0852557736 352pp. pl. (£14.95) Philip 2000 SA [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, UK] Dutch literature—Examinations, questions Miller, J.X. Student/teacher notes to the Diary of Anne Frank. 32pp. K4.50 Dzuka 1990 MW Dyula also known as Dioula Dyula—General and Non-fiction Coulibaly, M., Kone, D. Seneketchogoya kouraou. [Agricultural techniques. Text in Dyula.] ISBN: 2914867328 111pp. CFA2,500 ill. (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2002 IV DYU Coulibaly, M., Kone, D. Siguiyoro saniya. [Hygiene and environment.] ISBN: 2914867260 60pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2002 IV DYU Editions CLE Nimele bolo. 134pp. CFA1,400 CLE 1979 CM DYU Sidibé, K.A. Yeelen ceya ni musoya kinkan. [Light on sex life. Also available in Moore] ISBN: 2913991025 90pp. CFA500.00 Sankofa & Gurli 1999 UV DYU Téra, K., Coulibaly, M. Misidaba n’a baarakecogo. [Agriculture.] ISBN: 2914867670 48pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur5.00) EDILIS 2002 IV DYU
Ecology see also Appropriate technology Insects Pollution Renewable energy Solar energy Wildlife and conservation Anderson, J., de Wit, M., Thackeray, F., van Wyk, B., eds. Gondwana alive. Biodiversity and the evolving terrestrial biosphere. ISBN: 1868143341 cd. 450pp. col.ill.col.pl. Witwatersrand UP 1999 SA Carson, R. Silent spring. 392pp. K.shs.615.00 EAEP 1995 KE [East Africa only] Chinnery, D.N.W. Solar water heating in South Africa. (CSIR research reports, 248) 79pp. ill. CSIR 1967 SA Clarke, R. The greenhouse gases. (UNEP/GEMS environment library, 1) 40pp. ill. col.ill. UNEP 1987 KE Clarke, R. The ozone layer. (UNEP/GEMS environment library, 2) 36pp. UNEP 1987 KE Cullinan, C. Wild law. ISBN: 0958441782 235pp. (£15.95) Siberink 2002 SA Dahl, K., Nabhan, G.P. Conservation of plant genetic resources: grassroots efforts in North America. (Biopolicy international, 5) 24pp. ($7.50) ACTS - Kenya 1992 KE Daneel, M.L. African earthkeepers. Volume 1: interfaith mission in earth-care. 340pp. R107.00 ($2.95/£15.00/Eur20.00) Unisa 1998 SA Daneel, M.L. African earthkeepers: environmental mission and liberation in Christian perspective. vol.2 ISBN: 1868881350 430pp. R135.00 ($25.00/£16.30) Unisa 2000 SA Erskine, J.M. Report on attendance at the second meeting of the International Society for Ecological Economics, Stockholm, Sweden, August 1992 and visits to rural development centres in Sweden and England. (INR occasional paps., 120) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA French Institute for Research in Africa Kenya Environment and natural resources. (Les cahiers d’IFRA, 22) 64pp. ill.maps IFRA Kenya 2002 KE
Dyula (African people)—Folklore Ila Contes Dioula. [Bilingual text in French and Dioula.] 186pp. CFA2,750 (Eur6.48) CEDA 1980 IV MUL
Gousmett, C., Chimuka, A.T. Responsibility for our natural environment. (IRS study pamphlets, 350) 34pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1997 SA
Dyula language—Study and teaching Coulibaly, M., Kone, D. Kénèya sira. [Mother and child health. Text in Dyula.] ISBN: 2914867328 75pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2002 IV DYU
Guèye, M.B. Connaissons - analysons - choissisons: MARP thématique pour la gestion des essources naturelles. 84pp. CFA1,500 ($3.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG FRE
Téra, K. Syllabaire dioula. ISBN: 2909238369 102pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2001 IV MUL Téra, K., Coulibaly, M. Guide du syllabiaire dioula. ISBN: 2914867484 19pp. ill. CFA550.00 (Eur3.00) EDILIS 2002 IV MUL Ebow, Daniel—Autobiography Daniel, E. Mr Registrar. The making of an amanuensis. ISBN: 9964978596 289pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Woeli 1999 GH Ebow, D. The making of an amanuensis. ill. C25,000 Woeli 1999 GH
Mwandosya, M.D. Technological and other options for the 167pp. ($12.50/£6.95) AFREPREN 1996 KE Mwandosya, M.D. Towards a strategy for the conservation 102pp. ($12.50/£6.95) AFREPREN 1997 KE Mwandosya, M.J. Survival emissions: a perspective from the south on global climate change negotiations. ISBN: 9976603134 178pp. ($20.95/£12.95) CEEST 1999 TZ Mwandosya, M.J., Luhanga, M.L., Mugurusi, E.K., eds. Environmental protection and sustainable development. ISBN: 9987612040 23pp. CEEST 2001 TZ Nyambok, I.O., Davies, T.C. Geosciences and the environment. 178pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Nairobi UP 1994 KE Ojwang, J.B. Environmental law and the constitutional order. (Ecopolicy, 3) 28pp. ($7.50) ACTS - Kenya 1993 KE Orford, M. Climate change. The Kyoto protocol’s clean development mechanism. ISBN: 1919930515 112pp. R140.00 Double Storey 2003 SA Rivett-Carnac, J.L. Biogas: a literature review. Anaerobic digestion with methane recovery as an integrated natural resource management system. (INR investigational reports, 3) R37.50 Inst Natural Resources 1982 SA Tukahirwa, E., Veit, P.G. Public policy and legislation in environmental management. (From the ground up, 5) 41pp. ($10.00) ACTS Kenya 1992 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Human settlements and natural disasters. 40pp. UNCHS 1989 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Improving the living environment for a sustainable future. 35pp. free UNCHS 1992 KE United Nations Environment Programme Environment assessment technical reports. Scanning the global environment: a framework and methodology for integrated assessment and reporting. ($15.00) UNEP 1995 KE United Nations Environment Programme Environmental aspects of wood preservation - technical guide. (UNEP technical report) 105pp. ($30.00) UNEP 1994 KE MUL [20] United Nations Environment Programme Bridging the gap. 12pp. free UNEP 1993 KE United Nations Environment Programme Environmental impact assessment. Information sources. 500pp. ($50.00) UNEP 1996 KE
Killick, H.J. Beginning ecology. 192pp. ill. N5.00 Ibadan UP 1971 NR
United Nations Environment Programme Global biodiversity. (UNEP environment library, 11) 40pp. ($7.00) UNEP 1993 KE
Kingfisher Larousse Rescue mission: planet earth. 92pp. K.shs.470.00 EAEP 1995 KE [Africa only]
United Nations Environment Programme An index to the decisions and resolutions of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme: the first through the thirteenth session, and the session of a special character (1982). (UNEP Library series C: UNEP doc., 5) 146pp. UNEP 1986 KE
Kruger, F.J., Miller, P.M., Miller, J., Oechel, W.C., eds. Simulation modelling of fynbos ecosystems: systems analysis and conceptual models. (SANSP Report, 105) 101pp. CSIR 1985 SA le Roux, P. Environment. (ERU research reports, 58) R45.00 ERU 1994 SA Manrakhan The challenge of biotechnology. 108pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Océan Indien Ed 1990 MF
United Nations Environment Programme INFOTERRA - 15 years of making a difference. 67pp. UNEP 1992 KE United Nations Environment Programme INFOTERRA - network. 16pp. UNEP 1992 KE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 184
African Books in Print
Subject index
Ecology—Africa, Southern—Directories
United Nations Environment Programme Register of international treaties and other agreements in the field of the environment. 291pp. UNEP 1993 KE
International Livestock Research Institute ILRI 1996. Out of Africa, into a global mandate. 68pp. pl.map Int Livestock Centre 1997 ET
United Nations Environment Programme Taking action. An environmental guide for you and your community. 260pp. ($12.00) UNEP 1996 KE
Karekezi, S., Ranja, T., Kimani, J. Proceedings of the AFREPREN/FWD/SEI RETs training workshop. (AFREPREN working paper, 165) 57pp. AFREPREN 1998 KE
United Nations Environment Programme UNEP’s new way forward: environmental law and sustainable development. 418pp. ($80.00) UNEP 1995 KE Westing, A.H., ed. Transfrontier reserves for peace and nature: a contribution to human security. ($15.00) UNEP 1993 KE Ecology—Addresses and essays Aladekomo, J.B. Replenish the earth and subdue it. (Inaugural lectures, 98) 28pp. ($6.95/ £3.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1995 NR Asmal, K. The Pastrana Borrero lecture. UNEP 2000 KE
25pp. ill.
Ecology—Africa AFREPREN/FWD Secretariat AFREPREN capacity building and training programme summary. (AFREPREN working paper, 233) 36pp. AFREPREN 1998 KE African Centre for Technological Studies. The Nairobi declaration on climatic change: international conference on global warming and climatic change: African perspectives 2-4 May 1990. 33pp. ACTS - Kenya 1990 KE Anderson, J.M. Towards Gondwana alive. Promoting biodiversity and stemming the sixth extinction. ISBN: 191979543X cd. & 139pp. col.ill.col.pl. R65.00 ($26.00) cd. R50.00 ($20.00) NBI 1999 SA Beinart, W., McGregor, J., eds. Social history and African environments. ISBN: 0852559518 cd. 288pp. (£45.00) ISBN: 085255950X (£18.95) Philip 2003 SA [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, UK; Ohio University Press, US & Canada] Caldwell, W.J., ed. Issues and responses: land use planning in eastern and southern Africa. ($24.95/ £14.95) Weaver 2000 ZI Clarke, H. The impact of climate change. pl.maps UNEP 1993 KE
Clarke, J. Coming back to earth. ISBN: 1919777938 374pp. col.ill.col.pl. R170.00 Jacana 2002 SA Dutfield, G. Can the Trips agreement protect biological cultural diversity? (Ecopolicy, 19) 49pp. K.shs.100.00 ACTS - Kenya 1997 KE Eriksen, S. Shared river and lake basins in Africa: challenges and co-operation. (Ecopolicy, 10) ISBN: 9966411038 52pp. K.shs.100.00 ($8.00) ACTS - Kenya 1998 KE Ewusie, J.Y. Phenology in tropical ecology. 109pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Ghana UP 1992 GH Ghaffar, A., Ahmed, M., Mlay, W. Environment and sustainable development in eastern and southern Africa: some critical issues, 1998. ($42.00) OSSREA 1998 ET Harrison, P. The greening of Africa. Breaking through in the battle for land and food. 380pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Academy Science Publ 1996 KE Hopcraft, P.N., Reining, P., Wesley, S.B., eds. Arid lands: economic, social and ecological monitoring. Report of a workshop held 28-29 June 1976. (IDS occasional papers, 22) 43pp. K.shs.106.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE
Karekezi, S., Tibwitta, A., Karanja, J. Proceedings of the second environment theme group meeting. (AFREPREN working paper, 159) 47pp. AFREPREN 1998 KE Mabogunje, A. Environmental challenges of sub-Saharan Africa. (CASS Occasional Monograph series, 7) 44pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Malthouse 1996 NR Mbote, P.K., ed. African women as environmental managers. [summary of ‘Groundwork’]. (Gender studies, 1) 34pp. ($7.50) ACTS Kenya 1992 KE Mwandosya, M.D. Environmental protection and sustainable 272pp. ($19.50/£11.00) AFREPREN 1996 KE Okidi, C.O. Environment and development in Africa: policy initiatives. (Ecopolicy, 5) 42pp. ($7.50) ACTS - Kenya 1993 KE Okoth-Ogend, H.W.O., Tumushabe, G.W. Governing the environment: political change in natural resources management in Eastern and Southern Africa. ISBN: 9966411046 328pp. K.shs.600.00 ($20.00) ACTS - Kenya 1999 KE Salau, A.T. Changements écologiques à l’échelle du globe: programme de recherche pour l’Afrique. 53pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/ Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1992 SG FRE Timberlake, L. Africa in crisis. The causes, the cures of environmental bankruptcy. 3rd ed. 224pp. K.shs.315.00 ($17.00/£9.50) EAEP 1985 KE [East Africa only] Ecology—Africa—Addresses and essays Bajinath, H., Singh, Y., eds. Rebirth of science in Africa: a shared vision for life and environmental sciences. ISBN: 1919766235 cd. 246pp. col.pl.maps ($68.00/£36.00) Umdaus 2002 SA Ecology—Africa—Directories United Nations Environment Programme Annotated directory of organizations dealing with desertification control and dryland development. 561pp. UNEP 1986 KE Ecology—Africa, Central Nchoji Nkwi, P., et al. Conserving and managing biodiversity in central Africa: global challenges and local situations. ISBN: 9956140007 222pp. pl.maps CFA7,000 ($15.00) ICASSRT 1999 CM Ecology—Africa, East AFREPREN/FWD Secretariat Energy efficiency, environment and climate change theme group meeting proceedings. (AFREPREN working paper, 221) 74pp. AFREPREN 1999 KE Forest Action Network Natural resource based conflicts in the greater Horn of Africa: experiences and strategies for intervention: workshop proceedings 27th-30th March 2000, Addis Ababa. Ethiopia. 166pp. FAN 2001 KE Ghaffar, A., Ahmed, M., Abdel Ati, H.A. Managing scarcity: human adaptation in East African drylands. ($10.00) OSSREA 1996 ET Karekezi, S., Kimani, J., Wangeci, J. AFREPREN regional policy seminar on renewables. Focus on regeneration. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 1) 50pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE
Kelbessa, W. Traditional Oromo attitudes towards the environment. An argument for environmentally sound development. (Social science research report, 19) 108pp. ($19.35/£11.95 set of three) OSSREA 2001 ET Kjekshus, H. Ecology control and economic development in East Africa. 252pp. T.shs.8,500 Mkuki na Nyota 1996 TZ [Tanzania only] Ecology—Africa, Southern Cadman, M. Wildcare. ISBN: 1919931538 128pp. R235.00 ($32.50/£18.50) Jacana 2003 SA Centre for Development Cooperation Services Successful natural resource management in northern Africa. 204pp. Gamsberg 1996 SX Chenje, M., ed. State of the environment in the Zambezi Basin 2000. ISBN: 1779100094 334pp. ill.pl. ($39.95/£23.95) SAPES 2000 ZI Chenje, M., ed. State of the environment in the Zambezi Basin 2000. Summary. ISBN: 1779100116 90pp. ($18.95/£10.95) SAPES 2000 ZI Chenje, M., Johnson, P., eds. State of the environment in southern Africa. 332pp. pl. ill. ($47.50/£26.50) Southern Afric Res & Docs 1994 ZI Erskine, J.M. Ecology and land usage in southern Africa. 60pp. maps ($8.00.) R8.00. Africa Inst 1987 SA Hattingh, J., Loz-Sisitka, H., O’Donoghue, R. Environmental education, ethics and action in southern Africa. ISBN: 079692001X 184pp. R110.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA Mander, M., Steytler, N. Evaluating Eden: assessing the impacts of community based wildlife management: the South African, Lesotho and Swaziland component. Phase 1. Report for the southern African sustainable use specialist group. (INR investigational reports, 157) R20.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA O’Connor, T.G. A synthesis of field experiments concerning the grasslayer in the savanna regions of southern Africa. (SANSP Report, 114) 126pp. CSIR 1985 SA South African Institute of International Affairs The use and protection of natural resources in southern Africa. Proceedings of a symposium held at Jan Smuts House, Johannesburg in 1971. SA Inst Int Affairs 1973 SA Tevera, D., Moyo, S. Environmental security in southern Africa. ISBN: 1779051018 236pp. ($24.95/£14.95) SAPES 2000 ZI van Wilgen, B.W., Andreae, M.O., Goldhammer, J.G., Lindesay, J.A. eds. Fire in southern African savannas. Ecological and atmospheric perspectives. cd. 256pp. ill.maps R120.00 Witwatersrand UP 1997 SA Ecology—Africa, Southern—Directories Gamble, F.M., comp. Environmental education in southern Africa. A directory of informal and nonformal activities. (SANSP occas. rep., 17) 226pp. CSIR 1987 SA Irwin, P.R. Rhodes directory of environmental education research in southern Africa. ISBN: 0868103578 R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Ecology—Africa, Southern—Directories Southern African Research and Documentation Centre & The World Conservation Union Directory of environmental information and organisations in southern Africa. SADC region, Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe. vol.1 163pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Southern Afric Res & Docs 1996 ZI
United Nations Environment Programme Wastes and their treatment. 1400pp. ($75.00) UNEP 1995 KE Ecology—Egypt Gomaa, S.S. Environmental policy making in Egypt. 114pp. E£40.00 ($15.95) Am Univ 1997 UA [Middle East only]
Ecology—Africa, Sub-Saharan Editions ENDA Pour une nouvelle approche de la lutte contre la dégradation des ressources naturelles en Afrique subsaharienne. 478pp. ENDA 2002 SG FRE
Ecology—Ghana Obeng, L.E. Environmental management and the responsibility of the privileged. 48pp. ($10.00) Ghana Acad Arts & Scien 1980 GH
Ecology—Africa, West Bonkoungou, E.G., Ayuk, E.T., Zoungrana, I. Les parcs agroforestiers des zones semiarides d’Afrique de l’ouest. free ICRAF 1995 KE FRE
Ecology—Ghana—Addresses and essays Lawson, G.W. Ecology and conservation in Ghana. 21pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1970 GH
Ecology—Benin Pollett, E.A., Addo, P. Report on a brief reconnaissance visit to Benin, West Africa to ascertain environment and development issues concerning potential timber production and agricultural projects. Prepared for Gotvil Group (Pty) Limited. (INR investigational reports, 168) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Ecology—Bibliography INADES Eco-développement. Un vrai développement respectueux de l’environnement. Bibliographie commentée. 42pp. Inades 1993 IV FRE Manders, P.T., Dicks, F.M., eds. A bibliography of fynbos ecology. 2nd ed.(SANSP Report, 166) 164pp. CSIR 1989 SA Ecology—Botswana Arntzen, J.W., Veenendaal, E.M. Profile of environment and development in Botswana. P15.00 NIDCR 1986 BS Atlhopheng, J., et al. Environmental issues in Botswana. A handbook. ISBN: 9991271058 174pp. ill.pl.maps ($20.95/£12.95) Lightbooks 1998 BS Campbell, A., Cooke, J., eds. The management of Botswana’s environment. 57pp. Botswana Soc 1987 BS Cooke, J., Campbell, A. Developing our environmental strategy. 50pp. Botswana Soc 1988 BS van Vaarden, C., ed. Kalanga retrospect and prospect. 113pp. P24.00 ($30.00/£17.00) Botswana Soc 1991 BS Ecology—Botswana—Bibliography Henderson, F.I., Opschoor, J.B., Phefo, P. Botswana’s environment: an annotated bibliography. (NIR working bibliographies) P5.10 NIDCR 1981 BS Veenedaal, E.M., Moahi, K.H. Botswana’s environment: a second bibliography. (NIR working bibliographies) P15.00 NIDCR 1989 BS Ecology—Cameroun Kuété, M. Les aspects physiques de l’environnement d’une bordure de socle tropical au fond du Golfe du Guinée. ISBN: 2911541480 210pp. ill.maps Univ Yaoundé 2000 CM FRE Ecology—Dictionaries United Nations Environment Programme INFOTERRA thesaurus of environmental terms. 4th ed. 200pp. ($30.00) UNEP 1996 KE Ecology—Directories United Nations Environment Programme ET worldwide. A periodic compendium of opportunities in environmental training. 100pp. UNEP 1996[?] KE United Nations Environment Programme INFOTERRA international directory of sources. [Also available on diskette @ $100.00] 8th ed. 1200pp. ($200.00) UNEP 1996 KE
Ecology—Kenya Anderson, D.M. Eroding the commons. Politics of ecology in Baringo, Kenya, 1890s-1963. ISBN: 0852554680 336pp. ill.maps (£16.95) EAEP 2002 KE [co-published with David Philip, South Africa; Ohio UP, USA] Barrow, E.G.G. Tree rights in Kenya: the case of Turkana. (Biopolicy international, 8) 26pp. ($7.50) ACTS - Kenya 1992 KE Godana, B.A., Gargute, P.W. The impact of insecurity on resource use and the environment in Northern Kenya: a case of Marsabit District. (Alarm working paper, 3) 19pp. U.shs.3,000 ($4.00) Centre Basic Res 1999 UG Hofstede, M., comp. Natural resource based conflict management: proceedings: results from the FTPP-ESA workshop held in Mombasa Kenya, April 12th-17th 1999. ISBN: 9966933131 100pp. maps FAN 2000 KE Jacaranda Designs The impact of wildlife-based enterprises on local livelihoods and conservation in Kenya. 32pp. maps Jacaranda 2001 KE Karekezi, S., Ranja, T. Renewables in Kenya. (AFREPREN working paper, 177) 33pp. AFREPREN 1998 KE Mugabe, J., Seymour, F., Clark, N. Environment adjustment in Kenya: emerging opportunities and challenges. 35pp. K.shs.100 ACTS - Kenya 1997 KE Mwichabe, S. Environmental problems in Kenya: surviving a spoiled environment. 86pp. col.ill.maps Adenauer - Kenya 2002 KE Ndambiri, J., Mathenge, L., Wamboi, J. On-farm forest products, marketing, and information systems: Mount Kenya case study. ISBN: 9966933840 40pp. ill.maps FAN 2001 KE Nyangema, W. Perspectives on poverty and environmental degradation. 35pp. Inst Dev Stud 2001 KE Obudho, R., Ojwang, J. Issues in resource management in Kenya: essays in honour of Professor Simeon Ominde. 376pp. K.shs.880.00 EAEP 1991 KE Ojwang, J.B. Environmental law and political change in Kenya. (Ecopolicy, 1) 30pp. ($7.50) ACTS - Kenya 1992 KE Place, F., et al. Lessons for natural resource management, technology, adoption and research. 14pp. ill. ICRAF 2001 KE Renfrew, M.P. Sedentarization in Turkana: social and ecological consequences (a proposal). (IDS working paper, 471) 17pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1990 KE Ecology—Lesotho Schmitz, G. Lesotho environment and management. vol.1 cd. 125pp. ill. R12.00 Mazenod Inst 1984 LO
Ecology—Malawi van Zegeren, K., Munyenembe, M.P. The Lake Chilwa environment. A report of the 1996 Ramsar site study. ISBN: 9990851026 170pp. maps K300.00 ($25.00/£15.00) Chancellor Coll 1998 MW Welbon, M.K. Environmental management in Malawi: lessons from failure. (Social science research report, 14) Birr20.00 ($6.00) OSSREA 2000 ET Ecology—Mali Mander, M. The utilisation of natural resources in Sadiola district, western Mali: economic importance and implications for village relocation. (INR investigational reports, 155) R3.50 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Ecology—Mauritania Dekeyser, P.L., Villiers, A. Contribution à l’étude du peuplement de la Mauritanie. Notations écologiques et biogéographiques sur la faune de l’Adrar. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 44) 222pp. pl. CFA3,500 IFAN 1956 SG FRE Ecology—Namibia Bravenboer, B. Walvis Bay, Namibia. Gamsberg 1994 SX
28pp. N$75.00
Kambatuku, J.R. Local level monitoring for enhanced decision making: a tool for improved decision making by farmers in Namibia. 32pp. pl. free DRFN 2003 SX Kamwi, J.A. Overview of environmental issues in former Damaraland. (DRFN occasional , 7) ISBN: 9991643303 56pp. maps N$15.00 ($5.00) DRFN 1998 SX Marais, A.L., Marais, C. Etosha experience. 102pp. col.ill. Gamsberg 1997 SX Marsh, A. Trees: threatened lifeline of northern Namibia - the people’s perspective. 72pp. col.pl. N$19.87 Gamsberg 1994 SX MUL Pallet, J. Understanding the Oshana environment. [Text in English and Oshiwambo.] 50pp. col.pl. N$19.87 Gamsberg 1994 SX MUL Tarr, P., ed. Namibia environment. 208pp. col.ill.maps Gamsberg 1996 SX Ecology—Nigeria Imevbore, A.M.A., Adegoke, O.S., eds. The ecology of Lake Kainji. cd. 256pp. pl.maps. (£5.60/$13.00) N7.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1974 NR Migbozurike, U., Okali, D.U.U., Salau, A.T. Land degradation. 40pp. N50.00 ($10.00) NEST 1992 NR Nigerian Environmental Study Action Team Nigeria’s threatened environment. A national profile. cd. & 288pp. ill.pl. maps N80.00 ($30.00) cd. N50.00 ($20.00) NEST 1991 NR Okpara, E.E. Mobilizing NGOs towards implementation of the convention to combat desrtification: proceedings of a subregional workshop, Kano, Nigeria. ISBN: 9783088963 54pp. NEST 1998 NR Owolabi, K.A. Because of our future. The imperative of environmental ethics for Nigeria. 47pp. IFRA - Nig 1996 NR Webb, J.E., Hill, M.H. The ecology of Lagos lagoon. N6.00 Ibadan UP 1960 NR
113pp. pl.
Ecology—Nigeria—Addresses and essays Imevbore, A.M.A. Man and environment: the Nigerian situation. (Inaugural lec., 5) 22pp. ($3.00/£2.25) N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1973 NR
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African Books in Print
Ecology—South Africa
Subject index Ecology—Senegal Adams, A. Quel avenir pour la vallée? 108pp. ill.maps CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 2000 SG FRE Sourie, R. Contribution à l’étude écologique des côtes rocheuses du Sénégal. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 38) 342pp. pl. CFA3,800 IFAN 1954 SG FRE Ecology—Somalia Miskell, J.E. An ecological and resource utilisation assessment of Gacaan Libaax, Somaliland. 18pp. col.ill.maps IUCN-EA 2000 KE Schleyer, M.H., Baldwin, R. Biodiversity assessment of the northern Somali coast east of Berbera. 42pp. maps IUCN-EA 1999 KE Ecology—South Africa A’Bear, D.R., Pollett, E.A. Summary report: workshop on conservation and other forms of land use on Lotzaba Forests land holdings at Lothair. (INR working paps., 66) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Archer, D. The environment in the context of development. An address given to the Natal Midlands JSB Sub-regional Development Conference, 2-3 August 1994. (INR occasional paps., 193) R1.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Archer, D. Twenty-twenty: towards a vision of an environmentally sustainable South Africa. An address to the NGO Renewable Energy Summit, New York, 20-21 May 1994. (INR working paps., 143) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Auret, E.W. Activities of the National Programmes for Ecosystem and Aquaculture Research, 1983-1985. (SANSP Report, 127) 68pp. CSIR 1986 SA Behrens, R., Watson, V. The bottom line. Industry and the environment in South Africa. ISBN: 1919713077 260pp. R120.00 UCT Press 1997 SA Bond, P., et al. Unsustainable South Africa: environment, development and social protest. ISBN: 0850365228 475pp. pl.ill.maps (£18.95) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2002 SA [No Europe] Borchers, H. Greening South Africa guide 5. Greening the KwaZulu-Natal midlands. 60pp. ill. R12.00 ($5.00) NBI 1996 SA Breen, C.M. Are property development and environmental conservation compatible? An environmentalist’s viewpoint. Paper presented at a seminar organised by the South African Property Owners Associations. Huletts Country Club, September. (INR working paps., 29) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Breen, C.M. Environmental management: is ecology contributing usefully? Paper presented at the 8th George Campbell Memorial Lecture, University of Natal, Durban, 24 October. (INR working paps., 83) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Breen, C.M. An idea whose time has come. Talk given at the 10th Anniversary dinner of the Institute of Natural Resources. (INR working paps., 35) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Breen, C.M. A new approach to the design and implementation of ecological research programmes in South Africa. Paper presented at the Bilateral South Africa Taiwan Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, 5-9 December 1994. (INR occasional paps., 148) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA
Breen, C.M. Wetlands. A valuable natural resource. (INR working paps., 15) R0.75 Inst Natural Resources 1987 SA Breen, C.M. Wetlands classification. Paper presented at the Wetlands Classification Workshop. Ecosystems Programme FRD, Pretoria, April. (INR working paps., 22) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Breen, C.M., et al. Designing a research programme to promote river basin management. Paper presented at the River Basin Management for Sustainable Development International Specialised Conference, Kruger National Park, 15-17 May 1995. (INR working paps., 160) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Breen, C.M., et al. The high road or the low road: environmental management and the transport industry. Talk given to The Institute of South African Association of Aquatics Scientists Conference, Grahamstown, 9-12 July. (INR working paps., 74) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Breen, C.M., et al. The integration of conservation and development. Paper presented at the Conference on Community Development and Research held at the University of Venda, 16-17 August. (INR working paps., 77) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Breen, C.M., Hornby, D., Little, A.M. Who can see the wood for the trees? [An address given at a Workshop titled Socioeconomic effects of changes in land use resulting from afforestation initiatives.] (INR occasional paps., 145) R1.75 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Breen, C.M., Little, A.M. Launching the Maidstone/Mount Edgecombe Environmental Committee: a time to dream and a time to act, June. (INR working paps., 72) R7.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Breen, C.M., Mander, M., Little, A.M. Environmental research and policy development: exploring the issues. (INR occasional paps., 142) R1.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Breen, C.M., Quinn, N.W., Holland, J.D. A rational base for the value and meaning of fresh water systems in South Africa. Paper presented at the Workshop organised by the Council for the Environment to address: A national policy and strategy for the fresh water systems of South Africa, Wilderness, 2-4 April. (INR working paps., 36) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Breen, C.M., Quinn, N.W., Mander, M. Otter conservation is not only about otters. (INR occasional paps., 135) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Bruton, M.N., Gess, F.W., eds. Towards an environmental plan for the Eastern Cape. 513pp. ill. ($30.00) Inst Ichthyology 1988 SA Breytenbach, G.J., Cunliffe, R.N., Cowling, R.M. Community structure and species interaction in the fynbos biome. (SANSP occas. rep., 12) 23pp. CSIR 1986 SA Campbell, B.M., et al. Structural characterization of vegetation in the Fynbos Biome. (South African National Scientific Programmes Report, 52) 19pp. CSIR 1982 SA Clarke, J. Our fragile land. South Africa’s environmental crisis. cd. 134pp. ill. photos. R5.95 Macmillan - SA 1974 SA Coastal & Environmental Services Eastern shores of Lake St. Lucia: Kingsa/ Tojan lease area: environmental impact assessment. Inst Soc Res 1992 SA Cooper, J., Avery, G. Historical sites at the Prince Edward Islands. (SANSPR, 128) 80pp. CSIR 1986 SA
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Environmental research perspectives in South Africa annual report to the National Committee for Environmental Sciences, July 1981 to June 1982. (National Scientific Programmes Report, 66) 39pp. CSIR 1982 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research The SANCOR estuaries programme 19821986. (South African National Scientific Programmes Report, 67) 42pp. CSIR 1983 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research A South African perspective on conservation behaviour: a programme description. (South African National Scientific Programmes Report, 76) 34pp. CSIR 1983 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research South African programme for the SCOPE project on the ecology of biological invasions. (South African National Scientific Programmes Report, 72) 25pp. CSIR 1983 SA Cowling, R.M. A description of the Karoo Biome Project. (SANSP Report, 122) 42pp. CSIR 1986 SA Cowling, R.M., Roux, P.W., eds. The Karoo biome: a preliminary synthesis. Vegetation and history. bk.2(SANSP Report, 142) 133pp. CSIR 1987 SA Cowling, R.M., Roux, P.W., Pieterse, A.J.H., eds. The Karoo biome: a preliminary synthesis. Physical environment. bk.1(SANSP Report, 124) 114pp. CSIR 1986 SA Deacon, H.J., Hendey, Q.B., Lambrechts, J.N.N., eds. Fynbos palaeoecology: a preliminary synthesis. (South African National Scientific Programmes Report, 75) 216pp. CSIR 1983 SA Duncombe-Rae C.M. Data report of the first cruise of the Marion off-shore ecological study (MOES) 1. (SANSP Report, 159) 384pp. CSIR 1989 SA Endrody-Younga, S. An annotated checklist of dungassociated beetles of the Savanna ecosystem project study area, Nylsvley. (National Scientific Programmes Report, 59) 34pp. CSIR 1982 SA Erskine, J.M. Environmental management and rural settlement: the human carrying capacity of South Africa’s less developed rural areas. Paper presented at the Conference on Population Growth and the Environment: our tomorrow, Technikon Natal, Durban, 16 June. (INR working paps., 48) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Erskine, J.M. Private sector involvement in and adjacent to conservation areas of KwaZulu. Asssessment of the implications with reference to environmental and conservation management aspects. Report to the Environmental Evaluation Unit, University of Cape Town. (INR working paps., 64) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Erskine, J.M. Putting South Africa’s natural resources to productive use. (INR working paps., 26) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Erskine, J.M. Report on a visit to Taiwan and Japan, 429 August. (INR working paps., 100) R12.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Erskine, J.M. Sabbatical leave tour report 1 April - 23 August 1994: visit to Nepal, India and Europe. (INR working paps., 163) R13.00 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Ecology—South Africa Ferrar, A.A., ed. Ecological flow requirements for South African rivers. (SANSP Report, 162) 121pp. CSIR 1989 SA Ferrar, P. The termites of the Savanna ecosystem project study area, Nylsvley. (National Scientific Programmes Report, 60) 42pp. CSIR 1982 SA Fincham, R.J. Report on the fourth Annual ERSI European Users Conference, Rome, October. (INR working paps., 37) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Fincham, R.J., et al. An assessment of environmental quality in the Durban functional region (DFR). Report prepared for the Natal Provincial Adminsitration. (INR investigational reports, 42) R55.00 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Friedman, M. Report for the INR on the World Women’s Congress for a Healthy Planet, Miami, Florida, 8-12 November. (INR working paps., 101) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Friedman, M., Mahlawe, N., Cousins, T., eds. Proceedings from the Four Group Discussions held at the Umgeni Water Education Workshop, June. (INR working paps., 43) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Frost, P.G.H. The regional landscape: Nylsvley in perspective. (SANSPR, 133) 30pp. CSIR 1987 SA Getz, W.M., Starfield, A.M. Sensitivity analysis of a simple linear model of a savanna ecosystem at Nylsvley. (SANSP occasional publ., 2) 18pp. CSIR 1975 SA Griffiths, T., Robin, L. Ecology and empire. R95.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1997 SA Hay, D., comp. Overview of proceedings: Environmental Management Workshop, 22 April 1993: Port of Richards Bay. (INR working paps., 103) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Hay, D., comp. Overview of proceedings: Environmental Management Workshop, 30 August 1993: Port of Durban. (INR working paps., 102) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Hay, D., ed. Environmental Policy Workshop, Ithala Game Reserve, June 1992: working and support documentation. (INR working paps., 77) R60.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Hay, D.G., Breen, C.M., eds. Disturbance and evolution as factors influencing the structure and functioning of estuaries. R30.00 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Heeg, J., Breen, C.M. Man and the Pongolo floodplain. (National Scientific Programmes Report, 56) 117pp. CSIR 1982 SA Henderson, C.M. Channelisation of the Sterkspruit River ar Inchanga, natal: environmental impacts and their mitigation. Report prepared for Van Niekerk, Kleyn and Edwards, Durban. (INR investigational reports, 54) R30.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Henderson, C.M. Environmental evaluation of the proposed N2 National Road in the catchment of the Siyaya Lagoon. Report prepared for the Department of Transport. (INR investigational reports, 52) R30.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Henderson, C.M. Preliminary environmental assessment of the proposed Jozini Wilderness Hotel and the Timeshare Resort. Report prepared for Midre Developments. (INR working paps., 62) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA
Subject index Henderson, C.M., Mander, J.J., Murphy, C.A. A review of the Idube International Raceway Development Application. (INR working paps., 67) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Henderson, P.G.W. Environmental laws of South Africa. 1, 2 vols. 1,144pp. R675.00 Juta 1996 SA
Kidd, M. Environmental law: a South African guide. 228pp. R125.00 Juta 1997 SA Koch, E., Cooper, D., Coetzee, H. Water, waste and wildlife: the politics of ecology in South Africa. R21.99 Penguin SA SA
Heydorn, A.E.F., ed. An assessment of the state of the estuaries of the Cape and Natal, 1985/ 86. (SANSPR, 130) 39pp. CSIR 1986 SA
Kotze, D.C., Breen, C.M. Agricultural land-use impacts on wetland functional values. Report to the Water Research Commission. (INR investigational reports, 105) Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA
Heymann, G., et al. Environmental impact assessment of the proposed emergency landing facility on Marion Island - 1987. (Available only from Department of Environment Affairs.) (SANSP Report, 140) 209pp. CSIR 1987 SA
Kotze, D.C., Breen, C.M., Klug, J.R. Wetland-use: a wetland management decision support system for the KwaZulu/ Natal Midlands. Report to the Water Research Commission. (INR investigational reports, 104) Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA
Hirst, S.M. Savanna ecosystem project. Progress report 1974/75. (SANSP occasional publ., 3) 27pp. CSIR 1975 SA
La Hausse de Lalouvière, P. A toponymic survey of the waterbodies of the uPhongolo (Pongolo) floodplain area, northern Zululand. (INR working paps., 24) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1987 SA
Hoffman, T., Ashwell, A. Nature divided. Land degradation in South Africa. ISBN: 1919713549 176pp. R110.00 UCT Press 2001 SA Holland, J.D., Alletson, D.J., Leitch, J.A., eds. Proceedings of a training course and case study on natural resource economics organised by the Institute of Natural Resources, 11-22 September 1989. (INR working paps., 39) R17.50 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Huntley, B., Siegfried, R., Sunter, C. South African environments into the 21st century. 128pp. R34.95 Human and Rousseau 1990 SA Huntley, B.J., ed. The Kuiseb environment: the development of a monitoring baseline. (SANSPR, 106) 138pp. CSIR 1985 SA Institute of Natural Resources A pilot study of the role of wetlands and land use in flood attenuation in the Klip River catchment above Ladysmith. Report prepared for Town and Country Planning Commission, Pietermaritzburg,. (INR working paps., 37) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Institute of Natural Resources The use of fiscal instruments in environmental management: a project aimed at influencing state and private sector environmental policy. (INR investigational reports, 93) Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Joffe, P. Greening South Africa guide 4. Hardy highveld plants. 52pp. ill. R12.00 ($5.00) NBI 1996 SA Johnson, P.A. A regional evaluation and environmental assessment of the proposed Bellpark holiday resort (Estcourt District). Report for Monte J. Rosenberg Inc. (INR investigational reports, 49) R30.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Johnson, P.A. Veld degeneration associated with an increase in Aristida junciformis (Trin. et Rupr.) dominant communities. (INR working paps., 28) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1987 SA Johnson, P.A. Veld degeneration associated with an increase in Aristida junciformis dominant communities. Final report to the National Programme for Environmental Sciences. Terrestrial Ecosystem Section 32. (INR investigational reports, 39) R20.00 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Johnson, P.A., Mander, J.J., Murphy, C.A. A resource assessment of the Ngcolosi, Maphepheta, Nyuswa, Embo, Qadini and Khumalo tribal areas. Report prepared for Environmental Advisory Services, Overport. (INR investigational reports, 51) R75.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA
Little, A.M. Coastal zone planning: an overview. Paper presented at the Natal Parks Board Annual Research Meeting, Pietermaritzburg, 12-14 June. (INR working paps., 73) R8.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Little, A.M. Environmental Policy Workshop, Ithala, June 1992: overview of proceedings. (INR occasional paps., 112) R15.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Little, A.M. Sustaining environmental quality. Paper presented at the Durban Environment Week: a first or third world environment? (INR working paps., 56) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Little, A.M., et al. Coastal planning in Natal/KwaZulu and the Durban Metropolitan Region: towards integration of key environmental issues. Paper presented at the Institute of Town and Regional Planners Biennial International Conference, Bloemfontein. (INR working paps., 57) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Lord, D.A., Geldenhuys, N.D. Richards Bay effluent pipeline. (SANSP Report, 129) 30pp. CSIR 1986 SA Louw, C., A’Bear, D.R. Greater Mhlatuze development plan: draft framework for rural development: concept proposals for a strategy of implementation within the GMDP area. Prepared for Seneque, Smit and Maughan-Brown.. (INR working paps., 119) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Macdonald, I.A.W., Crawford, R.J.M., eds. Long term data series relating to Southern Africa’s renewable natural resources. (SANSP Report, 157) 497pp. CSIR 1988 SA Mander, J., Quinn, N.W. Biomass assessment: contextual data sets for integrated energy planning. (INR investigational reports, 116) Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Mander, J., Quinn, N.W. Biomass assessment: Eastern Cape regional report. (INR investigational reports, 112) Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Mander, J., Quinn, N.W. Biomass assessment: Eastern Transvaal Regional Report. (INR investigational reports, 110) Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Mander, J., Quinn, N.W. Biomass assessment: Free State regional report. (INR investigational reports, 115) Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA
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African Books in Print
Ecology—South Africa—Bibliography
Subject index Mander, J., Quinn, N.W. Biomass assessment: KwaZulu-Natal regional report. (INR investigational reports, 113) Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Mander, J., Quinn, N.W. Biomass assessment: national overview report. (INR investigational reports, 108) Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Mander, J., Quinn, N.W. Biomass assessment: Northern Cape regional report. (INR investigational reports, 114) Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Mander, J., Quinn, N.W. Biomass assessment: Northern Transvaal Regional Report. (INR investigational reports, 109) Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Mander, J., Quinn, N.W. Biomass assessment: Northwest Regional Report. (INR investigational reports, 111) Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Mander, J.J Environmental impact assessment for the eastern shores of Lake St Lucia. Key issue 9: plans, policies and laws. Report prepared for CSIR Environmental Services. (INR working paps., 79) Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Mander, J.J. Greater Pietermaritzburg reconstruction project: environmental component: perspective phase. (INR investigational reports, 102) R40.00 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Mander, J.J. Sprayrocks: vegetation survey and environmental guidelines for development. (INR working paps., 83) R7.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Mander, J.J., et al. KwaShushu hotsprings development: environmental feasibility. Report submitted to Mtetwa and associates. (INR investigational reports, 154) R20.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Mander, J.J., Mander, M. Development of the Richards Bay Country Club Golf Course: environmental report. Report prepared for the Richards Bay Country Club Golf Course. (INR working paps., 68) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Mander, J.J., Mander, M. Open space planning: Clermont/ KwaDabeka. Report prepared for Gouws, Uys and White. (INR working paps., 61) Not available for purchase Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Mander, J.J., Quinn, N.W., Mander, M. Umhlali River catchment: rehabilitation pilot project. Report prepared for Umhlali/ Umvoti Conservation Committee and South African Association. (INR investigational reports, 77) R65.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Mander, M., Hines, C., Breen, C.M. Gamsberg Observatory: environmental impact study: preliminary assessment and scoping exercise. Report for Max Planck Institute for Astronomy. (INR investigational reports, 118) not available for purchase Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Mander, M., Mander, J., Makhaye, S. An assessment of losses incurred as a result of the destruction of indigenous vegetation on the property of Mr Protas Cele, Umlazi. (INR working paps., 118) R1.75 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Maughan-Brown, M. An investigation into issues related to the image of Umgeni Water in the area around Inanda Dam. (INR working paps., 58) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA McDonald, D.A. Environmental justice in South Africa. ISBN: 1919713662 280pp. R165.00 UCT Press 2002 SA
Mentis, M.T., Huntley, B.J., eds. A description of the Grassland Biome project. (National Scientific Programmes Report, 62) 29pp. CSIR 1982 SA Murphy, C.A., Johnson, P.A. Preliminary environmental assessment of four proposed dam sites on the Umvoti River. Report prepared for Chunnett, Fourie and Partners. (INR investigational reports, 50) R50.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Murphy, C.A., Johnson, P.A. A resource assessment and land use plan of an area of land near Port Shepstone owned by the Natal Portland Cement Factory. (INR investigational reports, 46) R15.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Noble, R.G., Hemens, J. Research on inland water ecosystems in South Africa. 150pp. CSIR 1978 SA O’Keeffe, J.H. Ecological research on South African rivers - a preliminary synthesis. (SANSP Report, 121) 121pp. CSIR 1986 SA Palmer, R. From conflict to negotiation: nature-based development on South Africa’s Wild Coast. ISBN: 0796919925 321pp. maps R265.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA Quinn, N.W., Breen, C.M. Ecological water requirements of the Mvoti River Estuary: a preliminary ecological perspective. Paper presented at a workshop on ecological water requireents of the Mvoti estuary organised by the Department of Water Affairs, Ballito Bay. (INR working paps., 55) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Quinn, N.W., Breen, C.M., Mander, J.J. The ecological implications of floods. Paper presented at the Floods in Perspective Symposium, Pretoria. (INR working paps., 19) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Scholes, R.J., ed. The application of landscape ecology concepts to problems in conservation biology. (SANSP occas. rep., 46) 19pp. CSIR 1990 SA Schwabe, C.A. The assessment, planning and management of the wetlands of the Maluti/Drakensberg catchment programme. Report to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Pretoria. (INR investigational reports, 38) R17.50 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Schwabe, C.A. A preliminary ecological evaluation of the vegetation at the site of the propsed small craft harbour and marina in Richard’s Bay. Report prepared for the borough of Richard’s Bay. (INR working paps., 50) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Schwabe, C.A. A preliminary environmental assessment of a proposed dolerite quarry on the farm Leliefontein in the Thornville district. Report prepared for Messrs. G. Tedder and K. Gallagher. (INR working paps., 45) R17.50 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Schwabe, C.A. A preliminary environmental assessment of the proposed Town Bush Valley stream realignment, Pietermaritzburg. Report prepared for Coreprop. (INR working paps., 49) R17.50 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Schwabe, C.A., Johnson, P.A. Environmental evaluation of the Pietermaritzburg by-pass. Phase 1: mapping of sensitive areas in the Pietermaritzburg region and the selection of a preferred corridor. Report prepared for Department of Transport. (INR investigational reports, 55) not available for purchase Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA
Schwabe, C.A., Nichol, G.D. An assessment of the environment value and agricultural potential of Hammonds Farm in the Verulam District. Report prepared for Metroplan. (INR working paps., 48) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Siegfried, W.R., Davies, B.R., eds. Conservation of ecosystems: theory and practice. (National Scientific Programmes Report, 61) 97pp. CSIR 1982 SA Siegfried, W.R., Field, J.G., eds. A description of the Benguela ecology programme, 1982-1986. (South African National Scientific Programmes Report, 54) 39pp. CSIR 1982 SA Slinger, J.H., Breen, C.M. Integrated research into estuarine management. Paper presented at the River Basin Management for Sustainable Development International Specialised Conference, Kruger National Park, 15-17 May 1995. (INR working paps., 159) R1.75 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Stormanns, C.H. An inventory and assessment of the conservation value of the Mkuze swamp system. Final report for Ecosystems Research, CSIR. (INR investigational reports, 36) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1987 SA Stormanns, C.H., Breen, C.M. Proceedings of the symposium and workshop on the Greater Mkuze swamp system. (INR investigational reports, 22) R17.50 Inst Natural Resources 1986 SA Swart, D.H., ed. The SANCOR programme on coastal processes April 1982-March 1988. (South African National Scientific Programmes Report, 68) 30pp. CSIR 1983 SA Tainton, N.M., ed. Veld management in southern Africa. 2nd ed. cd. & 200pp. maps R255.00 cd. R190.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1999 SA The South African National Scientific Programmes A description of the Savanna eco-system project, Nylsvley, South Africa. (SANSP occasional publ., 1) 24pp. CSIR 1975 SA Tinley, K.L. Coastal dunes of South Africa. (SANSP Report, 109) 293pp. CSIR 1985 SA Totman, D., Murphy, C.A., Pollett, E.A. A report on a brief preliminary environmental assessment of six dams sites on the Mvoti River. Report prepared for Chunnet, Fourie and Partners. (INR investigational reports, 86) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Totman, D., Pollett, E.A., Henderson, C.M., A’Bear, D.R. Report on a broad sloping exercise to identify major environmental issues concerning the proposed Midmar resort development project and to recommend further action required. (INR investigational reports, 85) R8.50 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Totman, D., Pollett, E.A., Murphy, C. An environmental scoping evaluation of the proposed compensation landfill site and three alternative sites in the coastal hinterland between Durban and Stanger. (INR investigational reports, 103) R8.75 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Wolff, B.B. Report on the First South African Annual Arc/Info User Conference, Pretoria, March. (INR working paps., 66) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Ecology—South Africa—Bibliography Geldenhuys, C.J. Annotated bibliography of South African indigenous evergreen forest ecology. (SANSPR, 107) 125pp. CSIR 1985 SA Huntley, B.J., Bosch, O.J.H., comps. Terrestrial ecology in South Africa: project abstracts for 1980-1981. (National Scientific Programmes Report, 64) 148pp. CSIR 1982 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Ecology—South Africa—Bibliography Jarman, M.L., et al. A bibliography of Fynbos ecology. (South African National Scientific Programmes Report, 53) 73pp. CSIR 1982 SA O’Keeffe, J.H., O’Keeffe, C. An annotated bibliography of ecological research on South African rivers. (SANSP occas. rep., 10) 184pp. CSIR 1986 SA Schirge, G.U., Penderis, A.H. Fire in South African ecosystems: an annotated bibliography. (SANSP, 33) 114pp. CSIR 1978 SA Tainton, N.M. A guide to the literature on research in the grassland biome of South Africa. (SANSPR, 96) 77pp. CSIR 1984 SA Ecology—Study and teaching Brown, L.R., ed. The world watch reader: on global environment issues. ISBN: 9966468811 K.shs.590.00 EAEP 1995 KE [East Africa only] du Toit, D., Sguazzin, T. Tools of the trade - skills and techniques for environmental education in Namibia. 206pp. ill. N$56.50 DRFN 1995 SX du Toit, D., Sguazzin, T., G£nster, A. Our growing wealth - an introduction to the plants we use. 88pp. N$22.50 DRFN 1995 SX Editions Ganndal Connaître son environnement. 114pp. FG3,000 Ganndal 1998 GV FRE Editions Ganndal Résoudre des problèmes de mon milieu. vol.2 85pp. FG3,000 Ganndal 1998 GV FRE Francis, J., Mwinuka, S., Richmond, M. A schoolteacher’s guide to marine environmental education in the eastern African region. ISBN: 998765102X 40pp. ill.maps UNEP 2000 KE Heese, S., Michie, T. Environment and social studies. bk.1 113pp. ill.pl. ($10.00/£6.00.) Found Ed Prod 1990 BS Heese, S., Michie, T. Environment and social studies. bk.2 99pp. ($10.00/£6.00) Found Ed Prod 1990 BS Irwin, P.R., van Rensburg, J. Evaluation in environmental education. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1992 SA Le Roux, K. Environmental education processes. Active learning in schools. ISBN: 0869809741 380pp. R130.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA Mhashu, F.G. Revision environmental science. Z$50.95 ZPH 1996 ZI
Muthoka, M., Rego, A., Rimbui, Z. Environmental education: essential knowledge for sustainable development. ISBN: 9966499075 376pp. K.shs.500.00 ($12.50/£7.50) Longhorn - Ken 1998 KE Opie, F., Schuil, M. The dawn years. An environmental resource manual for pre-primary and junior primary teachers. 137pp. ill. R21.89 Maskew Miller Longman 1993 SA Otiende, J.E., Ezaza, W., Boisvery, R. An introduction to environmental education. 270pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Nairobi UP 1991 KE Owen-Smith, N. Adaptive herbivore ecology. Student edition. ISBN: 1868144274 Witwatersrand UP 2005 SA Rego, A., Rimbui, Z., Muthoka, M. Environmental education: essential knowledge for sustainable development. ISBN: 9966499075 K.shs.500.00 ($6.70) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE
Udoh, S.U., Akpa, G.O. Environmental education for sustainable development - focus on Nigeria. 499pp. Fab 1997 NR Ecology—Study and teaching (Elementary) Darwin, A. New ventures in environmental science. Grade 5. 88pp. ($3.40) College Press Zimb 1997 ZI Groenewald, A., et al. Signs in the environment. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1869030362 154pp. col.ill. R21.01 Gariep 1999 SA Heberden, R. New ventures in environmental science. Grade 4. 72pp. ($3.20) College Press Zimb 1997 ZI Heberden, R. New ventures in environmental science. Grade 3. 64pp. ($3.10) College Press Zimb 1996 ZI Heberden, R. New ventures in environmental science. Grade 6. 96pp. ($3.50) College Press Zimb 1997 ZI House, M. New ventures in environmental science. Grade 1. 60pp. ($3.00) College Press Zimb 1996 ZI House, M. New ventures in environmental science. Grade 2. 60pp. ($3.00) College Press Zimb 1996 ZI Jordaan, V.A., et al. SPP JP environmental studies resource materials for teachers. Module 1. I am special. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 50pp. R88.36 Shuter & Shooter 1993 SA Jordaan, V.A., et al. SPP JP environmental studies resource materials for teachers. Module 2. My family. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 52pp. R88.36 Shuter & Shooter 1994 SA Jordaan, V.A., et al. SPP JP environmental studies resource materials for teachers. Module 3. My home. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 54pp. R88.36 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA Jordaan, V.A., et al. SPP JP environmental studies resource materials for teachers. Module 4. My school. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 51pp. R88.36 Shuter & Shooter 1994 SA Jordaan, V.A., et al. SPP JP environmental studies resource materials for teachers. Module 5. My town. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 53pp. R88.36 Shuter & Shooter 1994 SA Jordaan, V.A., et al. SPP JP environmental studies resource materials for teachers. Module 6. My country. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 36pp. R88.36 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA Mbava, C. Environmental science, Grade 3. bk. 44pp. Z$37.44 ZPH 1997 ZI
Mbava, C. Environmental science grade 3. teachers bk. 27pp. Z$41.26 ZPH 1997 ZI Mbava, C. Environmental science grade 5. pupils bk. 92pp. Z$47.65 ZPH 1998 ZI Mbava, C. Environmental science grade 5. teachers bk. 28pp. Z$49.95 ZPH 1998 ZI Mhashu, F.G. Environmental science grade 6. teachers bk. 41pp. Z$49.95 ZPH 1997 ZI Mhashu, F.G Environmental science grade 6. pupils bk. 108pp. Z$49.95 ZPH 1997 ZI Mhashu, F.G. Environmental science grade 7. teachers bk. 58pp. ($Z55.00) ZPH 1995 ZI
Moyana, F. Environmental science grade 4. teachers bk. 28pp. Z$41.32 ZPH 1997 ZI Moyana, F. Environmental science grade 4. pupils bk. 92pp. Z$40.18 ZPH 1997 ZI Sithole, A. Environmental science grade 1. teachers bk. 28pp. Z$39.93 ZPH 1995 ZI Sithole, A. Environmental science grade 1. pupils bk. 44pp. Z$33.32 ZPH 1995 ZI Sithole, A. Environmental science grade 2. pupils bk. 44pp. ($35.32) ZPH 1996 ZI Sithole, A. Environmental science grade 2. teachers bk. 30pp. Z$41.21 ZPH 1996 ZI Ecology—Study and teaching (Secondary) Darwin, A. New ventures in environmental science. Grade 7. 112pp. ($3.80) College Press Zimb 1996 ZI Doubell, S., Singleton, N. Life and earth, grade 7. learner’s bk. ISBN: 1868590496 64pp. ill. R29.95 Francolin 1999 SA Heberden, R. Ventures environmental science revision. Grade 7. 120pp. ($3.40) College Press Zimb 1998 ZI Muchina, S.J.M., Onyari, J.M. Introduction to environmental management. 180pp. K.shs.256.00 ($4.30/£2.60) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1995 KE Parker, S. Rural environment game. [boxed set]. cardspp. ill. Z$30.29 Longman - Zimb 1980 ZI Storm, J.K., comp. Natural economy Grade 11 and 12. ed. ISBN: 9991601460 455pp. ill. Gamsberg 1998 SX
University of Botswana Environmental Education Our land our life. ISBN: 9991273638 ill.pl. R38.30 Longman - Bots 1998 BS Ecology—Sudan El Din, E-F.S. The case for environmental movement in the Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 27) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1983 SJ Ecology—Tanzania Ali, F.H. Environment impact study for Pemba small scale irrigation project - Tanzania: URT/98/01M/EEC. 55pp. ill.maps ILO 2000 TZ Centre for Energy, Environment, Science and Technology Sources and sinks of greenhouse gases in Tanzania. (CEEST research report, 7) ISBN: 9987612091 213pp. ($21.50/ £11.95) CEEST 1998 TZ Kishimba, M.A. The potential of energy from sugar cane wastes in Tanzania: data and statistics compilation. (AFREPREN working paper, 255) 4pp. AFREPREN 2000 KE Misana, S.B. Deforestation in Tanzania: a development crisis? The experience of Kahama district. (Social science research report, 13) Birr20.00 ($6.00) OSSREA 1999 ET Mwandosya, M.J., Meena, H.E. Technological and other options for the mitigation of greenhouse gases in Tanzania. ISBN: 9987612059 CEEST 2002 TZ Mwandosya, M.J., Semesi, A.K., Parr, S. Towards a strategy for the conservation of coastal biological diversity of mainland Tanzania. ISBN: 9987612067 102pp. ($12.95/£6.95) CEEST 1998 TZ
Mhashu, F.G. Environmental science grade 7. pupils bk. 108pp. Z$54.95 ZPH 1996 ZI
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 190
African Books in Print
Subject index
Economic development
Mwandosya, M.K., Buruhani, S.N., Luhanga, M.L. The assessment of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change impacts in Tanzania. (CEEST book series, 11) ISBN: 9987612113 234pp. ($19.95/£11.95) CEEST 1998 TZ
Economic assistance Bournaz, J. Le commerce de la faim. La sécurité alimentaire sacrifiée à l’autel du libreéchange. ISBN: 2910454940 cd. 259pp. CFA6,500 Jamana 2002 ML FRE [copublished with Cérès Editions, Tunisia]
Outwater, A. Nature notes from Tanzania. ISBN: 9976973837 cd. & 132pp. ill. T.shs.16,000 ($39.95/£23.95) cd. ($19.95/£11.95 ) Mkuki na Nyota 2000 TZ
Bru, G. Départ en coopération., (Point de vue, 12) 108pp. CFA500.00 CLE 1972 CM FRE
Sikoyo, G.M. The impact of wildlife based enterprises on local livelihoods and conservation in Tanzania. 36pp. maps Jacaranda 2001 KE Ecology—Tropics Eno Belinga, S.M. Ecologie dynamique externe des pays tropicaux de la terre Afrique, Amérique, Asie: les paysages du fer. 306pp. CFA8,815 Univ Yaoundé 1983 CM FRE Ecology—Uganda Lwasa, S.L., Mwanje, E.E. A cost-effectiveness evaluation of water hyacinth control methods. The case of lakes Kyoga and Victoria ecosystems in Uganda. (Social science research report, 22) ISBN: 0954203070 40pp. ($38.70/ £23.70 set of six) OSSREA 2002 ET Mamdani, M., Kasoma, P.M.B., Katende, A.B. Karamoja: ecology and history. (CBR working paper, 22) 66pp. ($10.00) Centre Basic Res 1996[?] UG Opolot, S., Opyene, J. Regional workshop on public interest, environment, law and community based initiatives for sustainable natural resources management in East Africa, held at Colline Hotel, Mukono, August 1996. (CBR workshop reports, 5) 37pp. ($9.50) Centre Basic Res 1996 UG Pulkol, D. Knowledge, practice, institutions and natural resource management: a study of Rupa sub-County in Moroto District of Karamoja. (Alarm working paper, 11) 14pp. U.shs.3,000 ($4.00) Centre Basic Res 1999 UG Sikoyo, G.M. The impact of woldlife based enterprises on local livelihoods and conservation in Uganda. 31pp. maps Jacaranda 2001 KE Uganda Review Mission Uganda’s renewable natural resources: a background paper. Report prepared for the British Overseas Development Administration - Uganda Review Mission. (CBR consultancy reports, 4) 62pp. U.shs.4,500 ($5.00) Centre Basic Res 1999 UG Ecology—Zambia Fagbenie, R.O. Economic and environmental benefits of energy efficieny and conservation at the Bamangwato concession limited copper/ nickel mines. (AFREPREN working paper, 268) 21pp. AFREPREN 2000 KE Ecology—Zimbabwe Lopas, C., ed. Balancing rocks. Environment and development in Zimbabwe. 201pp. Z$100.00 ($18.00/£9.95) SAPES 1996 ZI Moreau, J. Advances in the ecology of Lake Kariba. 271pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Univ Zimbabwe 1997 ZI Moyo, N.A.G., ed. Lake Chivero. A polluted lake. 134pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Univ Zimbabwe 1997 ZI Moyo, S., ed. Zimbabwe’s environmental dilemma. Balancing resource inequities. 165pp. ($25.00/£13.95) SAPES 1991 ZI
Kleinenberg, M. Donors and non-government organisation ethics: the effect of the sudden withdrawal of grants and the imposition of donor values on fundraising management. 25pp. R15.00 Olive 1995 SA Lister, S. Notes on aid management, agriculture and rural development. (NEPRU working paper, 7) 16pp. N$13.00 NEPRU 1992 SX McGrath, S., King, S. Knowledge for development? Comparing British, Japanese, Swedish and World Bank Aid. ISBN: 0796920583 256pp. R160.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA [copublished with Zed Books, UK] Passet, R., Liberman, J. Mondialisation financière et terrorisme. La donne a-t-elle changée depuis le 11 septembre? ISBN: 2915032017 cd. 175pp. CFA7,500 Jamana 2002 ML FRE [co-published with Cérès Editions, Tunisia] Sogge, D. Les mirages de l’aide internationale. ISBN: 2915032203 330pp. CFA6,500 Jamana 2003 ML FRE [co-published with Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire] Economic assistance—Africa Dzietror, A. Food aid: a Trojan horse? 61pp. ($10.00/ £6.25) Ghana UP 1988 GH
Economic assistance—Tanzania Gran, T. Aid and entrepreneurship in Tanzania. 154pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1993 TZ Wangwe, S.M., ed. NEPAD at country level. Changing aid relationships in Tanzania. ISBN: 9987686281 158pp. ($30.95/£18.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2002 TZ Economic assistance—Zimbabwe Katz, A. The documented proof of the failure of the fast track program. Detailed abstracts of the UNDP report. (Manhattan Monograph, 7) 24pp. Z$700.00 ($7.00) Manhattan 2002 ZI Economic development see also Development planning and economics Economic assistance Rural development Anya, A.O. Science, development and the future. 90pp. ($5.00/£3.00) N15.00 Univ Nigeria Press 1982 NR Brickhill, P. The fundamentals of production. A practical approach. bk.2 141pp. ($18.00/ £10.00) Found Ed Prod 1993 BS Curry-Lindahl, K. Comprehensive planning of natural resources: present situation and factors to consider. (IDS discussion paper, 240) 27pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE Diagne, B., ed. La culture du développement. 134pp. CFA1,000 ($5.00/£5.00/Eur10.00) CODESRIA 1991 SG FRE Fox, W., van Rooyen, E. The quest for sustainable development. ISBN: 0702166316 216pp. R175.00 Juta 2004 SA
Nairobi Stock Exchange Donor and funding conditions in Africa. ISBN: 9966957243 41pp. Ebert - Namibia 2001 SX
Gaile, G.L. Notes on the concept of spread. (IDS discussion paper, 219) 29pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE
Presses de l’Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale La dette des pays du sud. (Cahier de l’UCAC, 5) ISBN: 2911380371 180pp. CFA6,000 (Eur9.15) UCAC 2000 CM FRE
Hallaves, D. Paper in the wind. Development finding money: who’s got it and where is it going? 12pp. R15.00 Olive 1995 SA
Economic assistance—Africa, Southern Dahl, J. Incentives for foreign direct investments: the case of SADC in the 1990s. (NEPRU working paper, 81) ISBN: 10269258 37pp. N$24.00 NEPRU 2002 SX Economic assistance—Kenya Lewis, S.R. The effects of protection on the growth rate and on the need for external assistance. (IDS discussion paper, 140) 18pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Economic assistance—Namibia Melber, H. The role of donors in transitional settings: the case of Namibia, 1990-1996. (NEPRU working paper, 68) 30pp. NEPRU 1998 SX Melber, H., Sellström, T., Tapscott, C. Swedish assistance to Namibia: an assessment of the impact of SIDA, 1990-1993. (NEPRU working paper, 29) 48pp. N$24.00 NEPRU 1994 SX Economic assistance—South Africa Bradlaw, D. South African worker and community groups and the operations of the World Bank: a programme of action. 18pp. R20.00 Olive 1996 SA Bratton, M., Landsberg, C. From promise to delivery: official development assistance to South Africa’s development needs. (CPS research reports, 68) 70pp. Centre Policy Stud 1999 SA
Hitchcock, R., Parsons, N., Taylor, J., eds. Research for development. 453pp. P40.00 ($30.00/£15.00) Botswana Soc 1990 BS Kaplinsky, R. Accumulation and the transfer of technology: issues of conflict and mechanisms for the exercise of control. (IDS discussion paper, 224) 59pp. K.shs.102 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE Killick, T. Structure, development and adaptation. (AERC special paper, 2) 46pp. AERC 1990 KE Kitikiti, N.D. Trade and environment: challenges for the developing economies. 20pp. Z$30.00 ($6.00) Zero 1998 ZI Kössler, R. Meanings of development. (NEPRU occasional paper, 14) 30pp. N$26.00 NEPRU 1999 SX Livingstone, I., Goodall, A.A. Economics and development: an introduction. 216pp. ill. K.shs.698.00 OUP - Nairobi 1970 KE Martinussen, J. Society, state and market. A guide to competing theories of development. reissue ISBN: 0796917957 402pp. R160.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Mills, G., Shelton, G., eds. Asia Pacific and Africa: realising economic potential. ISBN: 1919969128 85pp. (£14.99) SA Inst Int Affairs 2003 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Economic development O’Dowd, M.C. A better hope for the new millenium. ISBN: 1874930473 300pp. R95.00 Free Market Found 2001 SA Rist, G. The history of development. From western origins to global faith. ISBN: 0919713395 288pp. R98.00 UCT Press 1998 SA Swanepoel, H., de Beer, F. Introduction to development studies. 150pp. R79.95 Thomson Int 1997 SA United Nations Environment Programme Partnerships for sustainable development. 92pp. ($34.00) UNEP 1994 KE Vale, P.C.J. The Lomé conventions: from Sunday charity to a new international economic order. 15pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1980 SA Vale, P.C.J. North-South relations and the Lomé convention: treating the symptoms and not the cause. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1980 SA Economic development—Addresses and essays Black, P.A. Development economics: ‘trustee for the poor’ or ‘guardian of rationality’. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1987 SA McCusker, A. Speeches on development. Chagula. ISBN: 9976923112 171pp. pl. ($20.00/ £14.00) Tanz Comm Science 1999 TZ Sadowski, Z.L. Population growth and the strategy of economic development. 22pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1969 GH Samaratunga, Y.A.D.A. Accountancy, society and economic development. (Inaugural lec., 23) 26pp. ($5.00/£2.25) N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1977 NR Economic development—Africa Aboyade, O. Issues in the development of tropical Africa. cd. 125pp. N8.00 Ibadan UP 1976 NR Achebe, C., et al. Beyond hunger in Africa: conventional wisdom and an African vision. 310pp. K.shs.360.00 EAEP 1990 KE [East Africa only] Adela, B. The environmental question in global economics. The African story (Mtafiti Mwafrika monographs, 6/99) 60pp. Ug Martyrs 1999 UG Africa Institute of South Africa, ed. Africa’s development thinking since independence. A reader. ISBN: 0798301600 496pp. R44.95 (£26.95) Africa Inst 2002 SA Anamuah-Mensah, J. The race against underdevelopment: a mirage or reality. ISBN: 9964302568 32pp. ($13.95/£7.95) Ghana UP 2000 GH Anyang’ Nyongo’o, P., Coughlin, P., eds. Industrialization at bay. African experiences. 183pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Academy Science Publ 1992 KE Association of African Universities The political economy of development. An African perspective. 2 vols. ($50.00) AAU 1999 GH Atangana, N. Problématique du développement en Afrique tropicale. 112pp. CFA715.00 CLE 1978 CM FRE Bala, A., du Rand, A., Eliades, N, Fourie, G. The new partnership for Africa’s development: prospects and challenges. ISBN: 0798301643 11pp. Africa Inst 2003 SA
Subject index ben Hammouda, H. Les théories du post-ajustement: quelques pistes de recherche pour les économies africaines. [Also available in English.] 82pp. CFA2,500 ($5.00) CODESRIA 1998 SG FRE ben Hammouda, H. Post-adjustment theories. A few research trails for African economies. [Also available in French.] (State of the Literature, 2-2000) 101pp. ($18.95/£10.95) CODESRIA 2000 SG Catholic Development Commission Speaking the same language. Dialogue on structural adjustment programmes in Africa. 78pp. ($4.10) Mambo 1995 ZI Centre for Southern African Studies Extracts from economic crisis in Africa: final review of the implementation of the United Nations programme of action for African economic recovery and development. September 1991. (Backgrounder series, 5) 22pp. ($5.00) R6.50 Univ West Cape 1992 SA Centre for Southern African Studies Treaty establishing the African economic community. Organisation of African Unity, Abuja, Nigeria, June 1991. (Backgrounder series, 4) 80pp. ($5.00) R6.50 Univ West Cape 1992 SA Centre for Southern African Studies Treaty establishing the common market for Eastern and Southern Africa. (Southern African perspectives: Backgrounder, 10/11) 144pp. Univ West Cape 1993 SA Chigudu, H., ed. Composing a new song. Stories of empowerment from Africa. ISBN: 1779220154 202pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Weaver 2003 ZI [No Uganda/Ghana]
Hédi, J., ed. Population et développement en Afrique. [Text in French and English.] cd. 389pp. ($10.00) CODESRIA 1986 SG MUL Ikoku, E.U. Self-reliance: Africa’s survival. 384pp. (£8.00) Fourth Dimension 1980 NR INADES Quels défis pour l’Afrique de l’an 2000: 5 soirées FAP, compte rendu des conférences. 112pp. CFA2,000 Inades 1999 IV FRE Juma, C., Ojwang, J.B. Technology transfer and sustainable development: international policy issues. (Ecopolicy, 2) 40pp. ($7.50) ACTS Kenya 1992 KE Kaluwa, B. The structural adjustment programme. 61pp. ($6.95/£3.75) SAPES 1992 ZI Kamaté, E. Quel développement pour l’Afrique? 120pp. CFA2,000 ($5.00) Jamana 1997 ML FRE Kamto, M. L’urgence de la pensée. Refléxions sur une précondition du développement en Afrique. ISBN: 2910160009 210pp. CFA4,000 (Eur14.00) AES-PUA 2001 CM Kaumba, C. Afrique et développement. cd. 128pp. ($79.00) Kap Kaz 1999 ZR FRE
Chilesa, B., Mafela, L., Preece, J., eds. Educational research for sustainable development. ISBN: 9991271317 216pp. ($34.95/£20.95) Lightbooks 2003 BS Chileshe, J.H. Nothing wrong with Africa except... ed. 326pp. K30,000 ($14.51/£8.70) Mission Press - Ndola 1992 ZA
Hansohm, D. Economic policy research as an input to good governance in Africa. (NEPRU working paper, 91) ISBN: 1026-9258 15pp. N$13.04 NEPRU 2003 SX
Chivaura, V.G., Mararike, C.G., eds. The human factor approach to development in Africa. ISBN: 0908307748 240pp. ($17.00/£9.50) Univ Zimbabwe 1998 ZI Collectif Dialogue inter-congolais de l’état et de la nation, Afrique et développement. 13 Kinshasa 2002. 348pp. ($22.00) Fac Catholiques 2002 ZR FRE Coughlin, P., Begumisa, G.M.G. Tied aid, industrial dependence and new tactics for negotiations: observations from Kenya. (IDS working paper, 457) 28pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1988 KE Dahl, J., Shimilela, R. NEPAD and the African ‘resources gap’: a critical examination. (NEPRU working paper, 87) 42pp. N$26.00 NEPRU 2003 SX
Ki-Zerbo, J., ed. La natte des autres: pour un développement endogène en Afrique. 494pp. CODESRIA 1992 SG FRE Kisiedu, C.O., ed. Information for economic planning and development for the African region. Proceedings of a seminar held in Accra, Ghana, 24-28 July 1978. vol.1 160pp. C10.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1980 GH Kivaisi, R., Nikundiwe, A., Ulimwengu, G. Proceeding of the conference on basic sciences for development in eastern and southern Africa. 253pp. ($20.00/£14.00) Tanz Comm Science 1999 TZ Livingstone, I. Economic irrationality among pastoral people: myth or reality? (IDS discussion paper, 245) 21pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE Luape, B. Les concepts et les approches théoriques du phénomène de développement en Afrique. 405pp. ($65.00) Kalombo 1998 ZR FRE Maliyamkono, T.L., Ogbu, O., eds. Cost sharing in education and health. ISBN: 998725019X 274pp. ($27.95/ £16.95) Tema 1999 TZ
Diakité, G. Développement à la carte. 79pp. CFA800.00 NEAS 1979 SG FRE
Maloka, E., ed. Africa’s development thinking since independence. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0798301767 530pp. Africa Inst 2004 SA
Economic and Social Research Foundation New partnership for development: report of a seminar organised by SIDA and ESRF. 9pp. ESRF 1999 TZ
Maloka, E., le Roux, E., eds. Problematising the African renaissance. ISBN: 0798301376 92pp. R25.00 ($24.95/£14.95) Africa Inst 2000 SA
Ehui, F.T. L’Afrique noire n’était pas mal partie et pourtant... 256pp. NEI 2000 IV FRE
Mayer, R.E. Afin que l’Afrique noire aille mieux. ISBN: 2844871089 200pp. CFA5,000 NEI 2001 IV FRE
Ewing, A. Studies in the development of African resources: industry. (Studies in the Development of African Resources, 2) 64pp. pl. N4.75k Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR Feyide, M.O. Oil in world politics. 75pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Univ Lagos Press 1987 NR
Mbabazi, P., Taylor, I., eds. The potentiality of ‘developmental states’ in Africa. Botswana and Uganda compared. ISBN: 2869781644 186pp. ($24.95/£21.95) CODESRIA 2005 SG Mbaru, J. Transforming Africa: the new pathway to development. ISBN: 9966251731 549pp. K.shs.550.00 EAEP 2002 KE
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African Books in Print
Subject index Mensah, S., Seck, D., eds. African emerging markets. ISBN: 9988803028 244pp. ill. ($41.95/£24.95) ACMF 2001 GH Mkandawire, T., Soludo, C.C. Notre continent, notre avenir: les perspectives africaines sur l’ajustement structurel. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 2869780842 200pp. ($30.00) CODESRIA 1999 SG FRE Montiel, P. Financial policies and economic growth: theory, evidence, and country-specific experience from sub-Saharan Africa. 33pp. AERC 1995[?] KE Moussa Thiane, A.B. O.N.G. ... une panacée. 80pp. CFA3,500 (Eur8.00) Xamal 1996 SG FRE Mulinge, M., Mufune, P., eds. Debt relief initiatives and poverty alleviation. Lessons from Africa. ISBN: 0798301708 409pp. R120.00 ($42.95/ £25.95) Africa Inst 2004 SA Mwanza, A. The structural adjustment programme in Malawi: a case of successful adjustment? 47pp. ($6.95/£3.75) SAPES 1992 ZI Mwanza, A. Structural adjustment programmes in SADC; Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe. 126pp. ($18.00/£9.95) SAPES 1992 ZI Ndegwa, P., Mureithi, L.P., Green, R.H. Development options for Africa in the 1980’s and beyond. 260pp. K.shs.516.00 OUP - Nairobi 1985 KE Ndeshyo, R., Ntumba, L., Dhendongo, D. L’antidérive de l’Afrique en désarroi. 473pp. ($42.00) Press Univ Congo 1985 ZR FRE Ng’ethe, N., Ndua, G. The role of the informal sector: in the development of small and intermediate sized cities. (IDS occasional papers, 60) 73pp. K.shs.150.00 ($9.00/£4.50) Inst Dev Stud 1991 KE Nyong’o, P.A., ed. Regional integration in Africa. Unfinished agenda. 258pp. K.shs.150.00 ($10.00) Academy Science Publ 1990 KE Odhiambo, T.R., et al., eds. Hope born out of despair: managing the African crisis. 144pp. K.shs.400.00 ($13.75/£7.50) EAEP 1988 KE Okigbo, P. The African debt trap. 35pp. ($10.00/ £6.25) Univ Lagos Press 1989 NR Olusanya, G.O., Olukoshi, A.O., eds. The African debt crisis. (NIIA monograph series, 14) 141pp. ($10.00/£6.75.) NIIA 1989 NR Owa Mataze, N. Africa: a continent exiting and entering a century in a sick-bay. Part one: Africa’s development paralysis. (Uganda Martyrs University monograph, 2/99) 54pp. Ug Martyrs 1999 UG Sai, F.T. Humanising science and technology for national development. (J.B. Danquah Memorial Series, 6) 61pp. ($10.00) Ghana Acad Arts & Scien 1976 GH Sawyerr, A. The political dimension of structural adjustment programme in sub subSaharan Africa. 60pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Ghana UP 1990 GH Schmidt-Hebbel, K. Fiscal adjustment and growth: in and out of Africa. 53pp. AERC 1995 KE Shao, I. Structural adjustment in a socialist society. The case of Tanzania. 46pp. ($6.95/£3.75) SAPES 1992 ZI
Economic development—Africa, Francophone Todaro, M.P. Migration and economic development: a review of theory, evidence, methodology, and research priorities. (IDS occasional papers, 18) 105pp. K.shs.150.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE
Economic development—Africa, Central Mukawa, D.P., Tchouassi, G., eds. Afrique centrale. Crises économiques et mécanismes de survie. ISBN: 2869781547 353pp. ($39.95/£24.95) CODESRIA 2005 SG FRE
Touré, M. Migrations et urbanisation au sud du Sahara. [Also available in English.] 334pp. CFA4,000 ($27.00/£15.00/Eur 21.00) CODESRIA 1993 SG FRE
Economic development—Africa, East Campbell, D., Palutikof, J. Allocation of land resources in semi-arid areas: a simulation based on East African experience. (IDS discussion paper, 262) 54pp. K.shs.102.00 Inst Dev Stud 1978 KE
Touré, M., Fadayomi, T.O., eds. Migrations, development and urbanisation policies in sub-Saharan Africa. [Also available in French.] cd. & 312pp. ($47.50/£26.50 cd.) ($27.00/£14.95 ) CODESRIA 1993 SG Tuedt, T. Angels of mercy or development diplomats? ISBN: 0852558171 246pp. K.shs.2,495 EAEP 1998 KE Umo, J.U. Economics: an African perspective. ($35.00/£20.00) West 1992 NR
Wa Gakwandi Kubwimanga. L’extension des marchés comme condition de l’industrialisation de l’Afrique tropicale. 163pp. ($19.00) Z31.20 Press Univ Congo 1978 ZR FRE Economic development—Africa—Addresses and essays Aboyade, O. Selective closure in African economic relations. (Lecture series, 69) 21pp. ($4.95/£2.75) NIIA 1991 NR Adedeji, A. Africa in the nineteen-nineties. (Lecture series, 68) 40pp. ($4.95/£2.75) NIIA 1991 NR Beukes, E., et al. Development in Africa. (IRS study pamphlets, 315) 61pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1994 SA Head, I.L. International Development Research Centre: involvement in African research efforts. (Lecture series, 63) 18pp. ($4.95/£2.75) NIIA 1990 NR Kodjo, E. Africa today. 101pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Ghana UP 1989 GH Onimode, B., et al. African development and governance strategies in the 21st century. ISBN: 1842774093 R115.00 New Africa Ed SA 2004 SA [Southern Africa only] Onimode, B., Synge, R. Issues in African development. Essays in honour of Adebayo Adedeji at 65. 329pp. N639.65 ($27.00/£14.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1995 NR Onwuka, R.I. The anguish of dependent regionalism in Africa. 49pp. ($4.95/£2.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1991 NR Sautter, H. Economic and ethical aspects of the international debt problem. (Lecture series, 62) 28pp. ($4.95/£2.75.) NIIA 1990 NR Stern, E. Adjustment and the development process. (Lecture series, 70) 14pp. ($4.95/£2.75) NIIA 1991 NR Sunmonu, A.H.A. Strategies for development in Africa: an African worker’s view. (Lecture series, 60) 25pp. ($4.95/£2.75.) NIIA 1990 NR Economic development—Africa— Bibliography INADES Démocratie et développement en Afrique. Bibliographie commentée. 30pp. Inades 1994 IV FRE INADES Le dur chemin des privatisations en Afrique. Bibliographie commentée. 34pp. CFA1,700 Inades 1993 IV FRE
Obwona, M., Wangwe, S.M. East African community development strategy 2001-2005. 48pp. ESRF 2000 TZ Plesch, M. Integrated regional development. CUEA 2001 KE
Yieke, F.A., ed. East Africa. In search of national and regional renewal. ISBN: 286978144X 150pp. ($22.95/£14.95) CODESRIA 2005 SG Economic development—Africa, Francophone Bourdin, J. Monnaie et politique monétaire dans les pays africains de la zone franc. 64pp. CFA800.00 NEAS 1980 SG FRE Aliber, M. Poverty eradication and sustainable development. 50pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA Bond-Stewart, K. Capitalism, socialism and development: an introduction to the political economy of Southern Africa. 131pp. ill. ($7.20) Mambo 1986 ZI Centre for Southern African Studies. SADCC: towards economic integration. SADCC secretariat theme document, April 1992. (Backgrounder series, 6) 52pp. ($5.00) R6.50 Univ West Cape 1992 SA Centre for Southern African Studies Treaty of the Southern African Development Community. Treaty adopted at the SADC summit, Namibia, 1992. (Southern African perspectives: Backgrounder, 7) 26pp. R5.00 ($3.00) Univ West Cape 1992 SA Chipika, J.T., Chibanda, S., Kadenge, P.G. Effects of structural adjustment in southern Africa. The case for Zimbabwe’s manufaturing sector during phase 1 of ESAP 1991-1995. ISBN: 1779050992 118pp. ($19.95/£11.95) SAPES 2000 ZI Coetzee, J.K. Development is for people. 264pp. R24.95 Macmillan - SA 1986 SA Croeser, H. Funding the future: financing regional functions. (Policy issues and actors, 6/ 3) 13pp. R10.00 Centre Policy Stud 1993 SA Drimie, S., Mini, S. Food security and sustainable development in southern Africa. (Integrated Rural and Regional Development occasional papers, 6) ISBN: 0796920281 32pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA Euraque, D., Niemann, M. Regional economic integration in the periphery: a comparison of Central America and Southern Africa, 1870-1990. (Southern African perspectives: a working paper series, 31) 47pp. Univ West Cape 1994 SA Fair, T.J.D. Rural-urban balance: policy and practice in ten African countries. 2nd rev.ed. 56pp. ($5.00) R5.00 Africa Inst 1990 SA Fair, T.J.D. Towards balanced spatial development in southern Africa: the cases of Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi and Swaziland. 72pp. maps. ($10.00) R6.00 Africa Inst 1981 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Economic development—Africa, Francophone Heese, S., Michie, T., eds. Towards sustainable and socially equitable development. ISBN: 9991291024 96pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Found Ed Prod 1998 BS Institute of Southern African Studies Southern Africa in the 1980s and beyond. 296pp. maps ($25.00/£13.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1993 LO Mabin, A., ed. Organisation and economic change. (Working papers in Southern African studies, 5) 220pp. R22.95. Ravan 1989 SA Maboyi, B. Trade, environment and sustainable development: setting an agenda for southern Africa. Issues and insights from a workshop held from 16-17 May, 1996, Harare, Zimbabwe. 20pp. Z$20.00 ($6.00) Zero 1998 ZI Matlosa, K. Migration and development in southern Africa: policy reflections. ISBN: 1779051190 332pp. maps SAPES 2001 ZI Meyn, M. The TDCA and the proposed SACU-USA FTA: are free trade agreements with industrialised countries beneficial for SACU? (NEPRU working paper, 89) ISBN: 1026-9258 31pp. N$20.00 NEPRU 2003 SX Mhone, G.C.Z. Quest for regional cooperation in southern Africa. Problems and issues. 33pp. ($5.75/£3.25) SAPES 1993 ZI Mkandawire, T. The informal sector in the labour reserve economies of southern Africa with special reference to Zimbabwe. (ZIDS Working paps., 1) 25pp. ($3.50) Z$6.00 ZIDS 1985 ZI Naidu, S., Roberts, B Confronting the region. A profile of southern Africa. (Integrated Rural and Regional Development occasional papers, 8) ISBN: 0796920605 70pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Sejanamane, M., ed. From destabilisation to regional cooperation in southern Africa? 209pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1994 LO Shopo, T. The social (soft) sciences of social administration and the ‘population’ factor in African development studies. (Working paper, 7) 55pp. ($3.50) Z$6.00 ZIDS 1987 ZI Southern African Development Coordination Conference Secretariat SADCC: Towards economic integration. (Southern African perspectives: Backgrounder) 54pp. R5.00 ($3.00) Univ West Cape 1992 SA van Rensburg, P., et al. Another development for SADCC. Alternative development strategies for the SADCC countries. 182pp. ($18.00/ £9.95) Found Ed Prod 1987 BS Economic development—Africa, Southern— Bibliography Schoeman, E., comp. Economic interdependence in Southern Africa 1961-1989: a selected and annotated bibliography. (Bibliographical series, 20) 377pp. R60.00. SA Inst Int Affairs 1990 SA Economic development—Africa, West Akinyemi, A.B., Falegan, S.B., AlukoOlokun, I., eds. Readings and documents on ECOWAS. cd. 780pp. N15.00 ($50.00/£35.00) NIIA 1983 NR Annan-Yao, E., ed. Démocratie et développement en Afrique de l’ouest. Mythe et réalité. ISBN: 2869781636 208pp. ($29.95/£24.95) CODESRIA 2005 SG FRE
Subject index
Diallo, S. Le difficile pari des états de l’Afrique de l’ouest. 125pp. CFA1,895 ($4.70) Jamana 1993 ML FRE
Lister, S., ed. Aid, donors and development management. (NEPRU book) 184pp. N$25.00 NEPRU 1991 SX
Diejomach, V.P., Iyoha, M.A., eds. Industrialization in the economic community in West African states. cd. 564pp. N384.30 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1980 NR
National Institute of Development Research and Documentation AFREPREN: proceedings of the seventh workshop and policy makers seminar held at the Sheraton Hotel, Gaborone, 11-16 October 1992. P25.00 NIDCR 1993 BS
Goodison, P. The European community and Namibia: a user’s guide to the Lomé convention and the development resources of the EC annual budget. (NEPRU research report, 4) 63pp. N$29.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Laryea, A., ed. Proceedings of Ghana SCOPE’s conference on environment and development in West Africa. 172pp. ($30.00) Ghana Acad Arts & Scien 1974 GH Okpara, E.E. Post Rio realities of sustainable development in the Niger delta region of Nigeria. ISBN: 978308898X 206pp. N1,500 NEST 2004 NR Economic development—Africa, West— Bibliographies Irele, M. The Economic Community of West African states (ECOWAS): a bibliography and sourcebook. 221pp. ($30.00/£16.75) NIIA 1993 NR Economic development—Algeria Djeflat, A. L’Algérie: des principes de novembre à l’ajustement structurel. ISBN: 2869780737 362pp. CODESRIA 1999 SG FRE Economic development—Angola Henderson, L.W. Development of the church in Angola: Jesse Chipenda the trailblazer. ISBN: 9966888853 191pp. ill.maps Acton 2000 KE Hodges, T. Angola: anatomy of an oil state. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0852558740 256pp. (£12.95) Philip 2004 SA [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, UK and Indiana University Press, US] Economic development—Benin Adjovi, E., Sinzogan, C. Evaluation de l’impact des mesures d’incitation sur l’économie béninoise. 45pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1997 SG FRE Biaou, G. Coopérer et agir autrement pour un mieux-être. Stratégies et actions du Centre béninois pour le développement durable (CBDD). ISBN: 9991941134 354pp. CFA120.00 Flamboyant 2003[?] DM Economic development—Botswana Feddema, H. Survival through co-operation in Naledi. 55pp. P7.50 ($6.00/£2.50) Botswana Soc 1990 BS Gergis, A. Citizen economic empowerment in Botswana: concepts and principles. ($10.00/£7.00/Eur9.00) BIDPA 1999 BS Hulzelbos, E. The grapple plant project: fruit development and tuber production of a desert perennial Harpagophytum procumbens: sixth progress report. (Research notes, 23) P3.00 NIDCR 1987 BS Jones, K. Financing the first decade of development: an analysis of Botswana’s public development, 1966-1976. (Working paper, 13) 150pp. ex. only NIDCR 1977 BS Kgathi, D.L. Aspects of grapple trade: examples from two villages in Sanveld Botswana: seventh progress report. (Research notes, 24) P3.00 NIDCR 1987 BS
Rempel, H. Bankrupting the poor: international debt and the lower income classes, 1993. (Professorial Inaugural Lecture series, 5) P10.00 NIDCR 1993 BS Saugestad, S. Remote area development programme and related issues covering the period May to December 1992: press cuttings. P20.00 NIDCR 1993 BS Seidman, G. Working for the future. ISBN: 9991200016 100pp. Found Ed Prod 2001 BS Somolekae, G. The informal sector and small-scale enterprise development in Botswana. rev.ed.(NIR working bibliographies) P15.00 NIDCR 1992 BS Tsie, B. The political economy of Botswana in SADCC. 366pp. ($33.00/£18.50) SAPES 1995 ZI Economic development—Botswana— Addresses and essays Datta, A.K. Research for development and the development of research. P5.00 NIDCR 1990 BS Economic development—Botswana— Bibliography Nwako, A., Henderson, F. Botswana research directory II: a guide to recent and current projects. 199pp. P7.70 NIDCR 1981 BS Economic development—Cameroun Atangana, N. Travail et développement. (Point de vue, 4) 84pp. CFA1,500 CLE 1971 CM FRE Kamgnia, B. Impact de la réforme de la politique commerciale au Cameroun: recettes publiques et performance économique. 58pp. CODESRIA 1997 SG FRE Nkuete, J. Monnaie et finances comme moteur de dévéloppement. Exemple du Cameroun. CFA2,650 CLE 1980 CM FRE Economic development—Congo Democratic Republic Isaffo, J.R. La gestation des ressources humaines. 202pp. ($9.00) Cadicec 1990 ZR FRE Kayitengore wa Sangano. L’industrie de la construction et le développement. 240pp. ($19.75) Z35.10 Press Univ Congo 1978 ZR FRE Mahaniah, K. Développement ou sous-développement: l’expérience du développement économique en Afrique noire de 1945 à 1995. 96pp. Press Univ Congo 1999 ZR FRE Mbaya Mudimba Secteur informel au Congo-Kinshasa: stratégies pour un développement endogène. 223pp. Press Univ Congo 1999 ZR FRE Mulumba, M. Les banques commerciales face aux mutations structurelles de l’économie au Zaire. cd. 514pp. ($100.00) Kalombo 1994 ZR FRE Mumengi, D. Partenariat pour la paix et le codéveloppement de la réunion des GrandsLacs. 149pp. ($74.00) Kap Kaz 2004 ZR FRE
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Economic development—Kenya
Shomba Kinyamba, S. Dynamique social et sousdéveloppement en République Démocratique du Congo. 154pp. Press Univ Congo 2000 ZR FRE Yambua, P. Le développement de la RDC par la DGM. 77pp. ($19.90) Kap Kaz 2004 ZR FRE Economic development—Congo Democratic Republic—Directories Tshilanda, M. Répertoire de développment. 104pp. ($9.90) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Economic development—Côte d’Ivoire Fofana, M. Rêver le progrès. 251pp. CFA4,500 Neter 1997 IV FRE [co-published with Editions CEDA, Côte d’Ivoire] Ministère du Plan Côte d’Ivoire 2000. IV FRE
124pp. Neter 1994
Ministère du Plan Ivoirien Côte d’Ivoire 2025. Rapport de synthèse. ISBN: 2910088111 230pp. ill. CFA5,000 (Eur18.29) Neter 1997 IV FRE Economic development—Côte d’Ivoire— Directories INADES Côte d’Ivoire: sources d’informations pour le développement économique et social. CFA2,000 Inades 1999 IV FRE Economic development—Developing countries Andreau, P. Rural and development economics: lessons for developing nations. (£4.55/ $11.55) K.shs.58.40 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Okoye, M. The growth of nations. cd. 381pp. (£8.00) Fourth Dimension NR Rweyemamu, J.F. Third world options. Power, security and the hope for another development. 225pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Tanz Publ House 1992 TZ Tschirgi, D., ed. Development in the age of liberalization: Egypt and Mexico. cd. 400pp. E£75.00 ($34.50) Am Univ 1996 UA Economic development—Developing countries—Addresses and essays Olaloku, F.A. Debt, development and the Third World: the issues and the choices. 40pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Univ Lagos Press 1991 NR Economic development—Dictionaries Sachs, W., ed. The development dictionary. A guide to knowledge as power. 320pp. R69.95 Witwatersrand UP 1993 SA [Southern Africa only] Economic development—Egypt Giugale, M.M., Mobarak, H., eds. Private sector development in Egypt. cd. 208pp. E£70.00 ($39.50) Am Univ 1996 UA Economic development—Ethiopia Hansom, D., Shiimi, W. Senior policy workshop on stimulating and sustaining small and medium scale enterprises, Addis Ababa 14-18 November 1994. (NEPRU travel and meeting report, 12) 11pp. N$11.00 NEPRU 1995 SX Economic development—Ghana Aryeetey, E. Structural adjustment and aid in Ghana. 43pp. ill. Ebert - Namibia 1996 SX Baah-Nuakoh, A. Elements of Ghanaian industrial market structure. (Legon Economic Studies, 8201) 32pp. ($2.50/£1.50) C20.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1982 GH Baah-Nuakoh, A. Environment, informal sector and factor markets. (Studies on the Ghanaian Economy, 2) ISBN: 9964978936 322pp. ($30.95/£18.95) Woeli 2003 GH
Baah-Nuakoh, A. Non-competitive product market and technology choice in Ghanaian manufacturing. (Legon Economic Studies, 8102) 27pp. ($2.50/£1.50) C20.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1981 GH Baah-Nuakoh, A. The range of technologies: evidence of substitution possibilities in Ghanaian manufacturing. (Legon Economic Studies, 8101) 20pp. ($2.50/£1.50) C20.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1981 GH Dadzie, K.K.S. The outlook for development in the 1990s. 59pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Ghana UP 1994 GH Dordunoo, C.K., Donkor, A. Ghana: monetary targeting and economic development. (AERC research paper, 77) 43pp. AERC 1998 KE Gharty, A. Antecedents and significance of accountancy in development: the case of Ghana. 335pp. ill. ($21.50/£11.95) Ghana UP 1988 GH Economic development—Kenya Ackello-Ogutu, A.C., ed. Kenya’s rural research priorities: proceedings of a seminar held at Naivasha 28-30 April, 1988. (IDS occasional papers, 53) 117pp. K.shs.200 Inst Dev Stud 1989 KE Allen, H. The informal urban industrial sector and growth: some thoughts on a modern mythology. (IDS discussion paper, 259) 19pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE Bigsten, A. Distribution development: a survey of empirical evidence. (IDS discussion paper, 268) 35pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1979 KE Child, F.C. Employment, technology and growth role of the intermediate sector in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 19) 100pp. K.shs.142.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE Coughlin, P., Ikiara, G.K., eds. Industrialization in Kenya: in search of a strategy. 336pp. K.shs.765.00 EAEP 1988 KE Coughlin, P., Ikiara, G.K., eds. Kenya’s industrialisation dilemma. 403pp. K.shs.590.00 ($43.00/£24.00) EAEP 1991 KE Ferrand, D. A study of the missing middle in Kenya. (IDS working paper, 515) 44pp. K.shs.70.00 ($2.59/£1.61) Inst Dev Stud 1996 KE Godfrey, M. Education, training, productivity and income: A Kenyan case study. (IDS discussion paper, 253) 20pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE Grosh, B. Performance of financial parastatals in Kenya, 1964-1984. (IDS working paper, 449) 69pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1987 KE Herren, U. Pastoral peasants: household strategies in Mukogodo division, Laikipia district. (IDS working paper, 458) 33pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1988 KE Himbara, D. Kenyan capitalists, the state and development. 208pp. K.shs.510.00 ($21.50/£11.95) EAEP 1994 KE [Kenya only] Hunt, D.M. Growth versus equity: an examination of the distribution of economic status and opportunity in Mbere, Eastern Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 11) 61pp. K.shs.118.00 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE
Institute for Development Studies Institute for Development Studies research priorities: a report of a workshop on IDS research priorities held from January 29 to February 1, 1986 at Green Hills Hotel, Nyeri. (IDS occasional papers, 47) 77pp. K.shs.200.00 Inst Dev Stud 1986 KE Kinyanjui, K. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) contributions to development. (IDS occasional papers, 50) 75pp. K.shs.200.00 ($3.09/£1.97) Inst Dev Stud 1985 KE Kinyanjui, P.K., Ngethe, J.N. Training within underdevelopment: the case of Baringo development training centre (BDTG). An evaluation. (IDS occasional papers, 24) 93pp. K.shs.136.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE Leys, C. Underdevelopment in Kenya. new ed. 284pp. K.shs.880.00 EAEP 1994 KE Likimani, M.G. 10 years of Nyayo era. 1978-1988: Kenya silver jubilee, 25 years of development, 1963-1988. 155pp. ill. pl. K.shs.100.00. Noni 1988 KE Mudavadi, M. Rethinking development in the 21st century: the case study of Kenya. ISBN: 9966251715 K.shs.550.00 EAEP 2003 KE Mureithi, L.P. Elasticity of substitution, returns to scale and firm size: an analysis of Kenya data. (IDS discussion paper, 221) 16pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE Mwabu, G.M. Referral systems and health-careseeking behaviour of patients: an economic analysis. (IDS working paper, 446) 27pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1987 KE Ndung’u, N.S. Inflation in Kenya: an empirical analysis. (IDS working paper, 514) 34pp. K.shs.70.00 ($2.59/£1.61) Inst Dev Stud 1996 KE Ng’ethe, J., Wahome, J., Ndua, G. The rural informal sector in Kenya: a study of micro-enterprises in Nyeri, Meru, Uasin Gishu and Siaya districts. (IDS occasional papers, 54) 158pp. K.shs.172.00 Inst Dev Stud 1989 KE Njeru, G.R. Technical change and entrepreneurship in a marginal area: the case of agricultural innovators in Mbere, Eastern Kenya. (IDS working paper, 513) 49pp. K.shs.70.00 ($2.59/£1.61) Inst Dev Stud 1996 KE Njuguna, M.A.C. Development finance in Kenya’s industrial sector: a political economic approach. (IDS discussion paper, 499) 47pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1995 KE Obudho, R.A., Ojwang, J.B. Issues in resource management and development in Kenya. Essays in memory of Professor Simeon H. Ominde. ISBN: 9966250077 296pp. K.shs.880.00 ($29.95/£17.95) EAEP 2000 KE Ominde, S.H. Population and development in Kenya. 268pp. K.shs.640.00 EAEP 1984 KE Oucho, J.O., et al. Population and development in Kenya: essays in honour of S.H. Ominde. ISBN: 996697010X 302pp. ill. PSRI 2000 KE Raikes, P. Credit savings in rural Kenya: an example from Kisii. (IDS working paper, 466) 56pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1989 KE
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Economic development—Kenya Staudt, K.A. Inequities in the delivery of services to a female farm clientele: some implications for policy. (IDS discussion paper, 247) 21pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE Wachtel, E., Wachtel, A. Women’s co-operative enterprise in Nakuru. (IDS discussion paper, 250) 18pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE Weber, U., et al. Promoting economic development through the strategy of self-reliance. 61pp. CUEA 1999 KE Economic development—Lesotho Kahuika, S. SADC workshop on the productive sector, Mbabane, Swaziland, 1-4 November 1993. (Travel and meeting reports, 9) 10pp. N$11.00 NEPRU 1994 SX van Rensburg, P. Another development for Lesotho? Alternative development strategies for the Mountain Kingdom. 217pp. ($18.00/ £9.95) Found Ed Prod 1989 BS Wellings, P. Development by invitation? South African corporate investment in Lesotho. (CSDS development studies working papers, 11) 58pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1984 SA Economic development—Mauritius Alladin, I. Economic miracle in the Indian Ocean. Can Mauritius show the way? 204pp. ill.pl. ($21.50/£11.95) Océan Indien Ed 1993 MF United Nations Development Programme Common country assessment, Mauritius. 134pp. UNDP-Mauritius 2000 MF Economic development—Namibia Andima, J. Review of four UNDP base studies on Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 1) 19pp. N$14.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Ashipala, J., Haimbodi, N. The impact of public investment on economic growth in Nambia. (NEPRU working paper, 88) 41pp. N$27.50 NEPRU 2003 SX Brown, S. Assessment of popular participation in the formulation and implemenation of development policies and programmes: a case study of Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 20) 32pp. N$18.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Brunborg, H., Rögeberg, L., Simpson, L. Perspectives on the development of a statistical system for Namibia. (NEPRU research report, 7) 147pp. N$59.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Godana, T., Naimhwaka, E. Decentralisation of capital projects. (NEPRU working paper, 83) ISBN: 10269258 31pp. N$22.00 NEPRU 2002 SX Hansohm, D. Economic aspects of NEPAD in Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 90) 12pp. N$11.30 NEPRU 2003 SX Hansohm, D. The state of the informal sector in Namibia: role, characteristics, and prospects. (NEPRU working paper, 48) 23pp. N$16.00 NEPRU 1996 SX Hoffman, J. Review of FNDC projects in the Caprivi area. (NEPRU working paper, 3) 13pp. N$12.00 NEPRU 1992 SX International Development Consultancy Namibian regional resources manual. 2nd ed. 260pp. pl.maps N$145.00 Gamsberg 1997 SX Isaksen, J., Moorsom, R. Comments on papers prepared for the Donor Pledging Conference, June 1990. (NEPRU working paper, 5) 20pp. N$14.00 NEPRU 1992 SX
Subject index Isaksen, J., Shipoke, P. Some notes on an industrial policy for Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 11) 16pp. N$13.00 NEPRU 1992 SX
Fadahunsi, A. External aid and national development plans. (NIIA seminar series, 3) 31pp. N5.00 NIIA 1979 NR
Kadhikwa, G., Kangueehi, T., ErastusSacharia, A. Existing and potential entrepreneurs in Ondangwa, Oshakati, Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. (NEPRU working paper, 50) 45pp. N$23.00 NEPRU 1996 SX
Fadahunsi, A., Igwe, B.U.N., eds. Capital goods and technological change and accumulation in Nigeria. cd. & 204pp. ($45.00/£25.00 cd.) ($25.00/ £13.95 ) CODESRIA 1994 SG
Matongela, A.M. Explaining Namibia’s growth performance during 1970-1998: a two-gap approach. (NEPRU working paper, 92) 17pp. N$14.00 NEPRU 2004 SX Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit Walvis Bay: report of a fact finding mission. (NEPRU working paper, 13) 24pp. N$16.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Namibian Economic Policy Unit NEPRU. The first ten years 1990-2000. (NEPRU book, 8) 60pp. N$30.00 NEPRU 2000 SX Orford, J. Bilateral economic links between Namibia and South Africa. (NEPRU working paper, 14) 15pp. N$13.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Pendleton, W. Katutura, a place where we stay. pl. N$69.50 Gamsberg 1994 SX
Sherbourne, R. Export processing zones and their relevance to Namibia. (NEPRU research report, 8) 27pp. N$17.00 NEPRU 1993 SX Shipoke, P. Namibia’s external trade development prospects. (NEPRU working paper, 8) 29pp. N$18.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Tötemeyer, G., Tonchi, V., du Pisani, A. Namibia regional resources manual. 168pp. ill.col.pl.maps. Ebert - Namibia 1994 SX van der Linden, E. African Development Bank proposal: Namibia, trade policy reform study. An evaluation. (NEPRU working paper, 10) 7pp. N$10.00 NEPRU 1992 SX van der Linden, E. The informal sector in Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 33) 23pp. NEPRU 1993 SX Economic development—New Zealand Brash, D.T. New Zealand’s remarkable reforms. (FMF occasional paper, 2) ISBN: 1874930295 40pp. R35.00 ($18.00/£4.00) Free Market Found 1999 SA Economic development—Nigeria Afonja, A.A. The challenge of underdevelopment. ($6.95/£3.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1996 NR Aina, T.A., Salau, A.T., eds. The challenge of sustainable development in Nigeria. cd. & 248pp. N100.00 ($30.00) cd. N60.00 ($20.00) NEST 1992 NR Ajakaiye, D.O.I. Short-run macroeconomic effects of bank lending rates in Nigeria, 1987-91: a computable general equilibrium analysis. 48pp. ill. AERC 1995 KE Ayida, A.A. Reflections on Nigerian development. cd. 284pp. N298.90 Heinemann Educ Ib 1987 NR Ayo, E. Developing planning in Nigeria. 196pp. ($15.60) Univ Press - Nig 1988 NR Dean, E. Plan implementation in Nigeria, 19621966. cd. 294pp. N15.20k Univ Press Nig 1973 NR Dozie, P., Bickersteth, O., eds. Report on the first Nigerian economic summit. 128pp. ($45.00/£25.00) Spectrum 1993 NR
Gabriel, O., et al. Economic development and foreign policy in Nigeria. 264pp. ($15.00/£10.00) N30.00 NIIA 1988 NR Nnoli, O., ed. Dead-end to Nigerian development: an investigation on the social economic and political crises in Nigeria. cd. 350pp. ($50.00/£28.00 cd.) ($27.00/£14.95 ) CODESRIA 1993 SG Nwachukwu, I. Nigeria and the ECOWAS since 1985. Towards a dynamic regional integration. cd.& 258pp. ($47.50/£26.50 cd.) ($27.00/ £15.00 ) Fourth Dimension 1991 NR Nwosu, E.J., ed. Achieving even development in Nigeria. 2nd ed. (£13.00) N15.00 Fourth Dimension 1982 NR Odife, D. Privatization in Nigeria. 142pp. N128.15 ($9.50/£5.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR Odife, D. Structural adjustment and economic revolution in Nigeria. 260pp. N504.70 ($18.50/£12.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1989 NR Ogwumike, F.O., Omole, D.A. Mobilising domestic resources for economic development in Nigeria: the role of the capital market. (AERC research paper, 56) 54pp. AERC 1997 KE Ojo, F., Aderimto, A., Fashoyin, T. Manpower development and utilization in Nigeria. vol.1 240pp. ($18.00/£9.95) N15.00 Univ Lagos Press 1986 NR Ojo, J.A.T. Financial sector maladaption and Nigeria’s economic transformation problem. 49pp. ($5.75/£3.25) Univ Lagos Press 1992 NR Okigbo, P. Essays in the public philosophy of development. Change and crisis in the management of the Nigerian economy. vol.2 406pp. ($35.00/£19.75) Fourth Dimension 1993 NR Okigbo, P. Essays in the public philosophy of development. Growth and structure of the Nigerian economy. vol.3 286pp. ($35.00/£19.75) Fourth Dimension 1993 NR Okigbo, P. Essays in the public philosophy of development. Lectures on the structural adjustment programme. vol.4 292pp. ($35.00/£19.75) Fourth Dimension 1993 NR Okigbo, P. Essays in the public philosophy of development. Studies in the political economy of Africa. vol.5 395pp. ($35.00/£19.75) Fourth Dimension 1993 NR Olaniyan, O.R., Nwoke, C.N., eds. Structural adjustment in Nigeria: the impact of SFEM on the economy. 174pp. ($17.00/£9.50) NIIA 1990 NR Olasore, O. Perspectives on finance, banking and economic policy in Nigeria. 304pp. N410.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1989 NR Olofin, S.O. Modelling Nigeria’s economic development. 320pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Ibadan UP 1985 NR
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African Books in Print
Subject index Ologe, K.O., ed. Sustainable development in Nigeria’s dry belt: problems and prospects. 112pp. ill.pl. maps ($7.00) N20.00 NEST 1991 NR Olokoshi, A.O. Nigerian external debt crisis: its management. 250pp. ($33.00/£18.50) Malthouse 1990 NR Olowu, D., Bamidede Ayo, S., Akande, B., eds. Local institutions and national development in Nigeria. 142pp. ($16.00/ £8.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1991 NR Omotayo Olaniyan, R., Nwoke, C.N., eds. Structural adjustment in Nigeria: the impact of SFEM on the economy. 174pp. ($17.00/£9.50) NIIA 1990 NR Onosode, G. Three decades of development crises in Nigeria. Essays. 297pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Malthouse 1993 NR Orji, H.O. Regional banking and economic development in Nigeria. cd. 216pp. ($25.00/£16.75) Fourth Dimension 1987 NR Osifo, D.E., ed. The role of technology in the industrial development of Nigeria. 372pp. N576.15 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1982 NR Oyejide, T.A. Tariff policy and industrialization in Nigeria. (Ibadan Social Science Studies, 3) 118pp. ill. N10.00 Ibadan UP 1974 NR Oyejide, T.A., Soyode, A., Kayode, M.O. Nigeria and the IMF. 128pp. N82.00 ($13.75/£7.50) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1985 NR Soludo, C.C. Macroeconomic adjustment, trade, and growth: policy analysis using a macroeconomic model of Nigeria. 88pp. ill. AERC 1995 KE Spectrum Books Report on the seventh Nigerian economic summit. 15-17 October, 2000, Abuja. ISBN: 9780293124 312pp. ($41.95/ £24.95) Spectrum 2002 NR Uche, U.U. The law and the new international economic order. Reflections on Nigeria. (NIIA lecture series, 20) 72pp. N1.00 NIIA 1977 NR Wells, J.C. Agricultural policy and economic growth in Nigeria, 1962-1968. 490pp. N22.30k Univ Press - Nig 1974 NR Yesufu, T.M. The human factor in national development: Nigeria. ISBN: 9780292365 557pp. N1,500 ($18.75/ £10.95) Spectrum 2000 NR Economic development—Réunion Caparin, C., de la Grange, T., Hoarau, M.L. Que veulent les Réunionnais pour 2030: élément de prospective. 50pp. ill. ODR 2001 RF FRE Economic development—Senegal Bourgi, A. La politique française de coopéeration en Afrique, les cas du Sénégal. 375pp. CFA4,000 NEAS 1979 SG FRE Diaité, M. La gestion par défi et le défi de développement. 232pp. ill. Culture Eds 2001 SG FRE Economic development—Sierra Leone Davis, V. Ajustement structurel en Sierra Leone: analyse des mesures portant sur les PME. 45pp. CODESRIA 1998 SG FRE Economic development—South Africa Arkin, A.J. The contribution of the Indians to the South African economy 1860-1970. (I.S.E.R., 14) 358pp. ex. only Univ Durban-Westville 1981 SA
Economic development—South Africa Baker, P.H., Boraine, A., Krafchik, W. South Africa and the world economy in the 1990’s. 280pp. R54.95 Philip 1993 SA Baskin, J. Against the current. [Labour and economic policy in South Africa.] R54.95 Ravan 1996 SA Bond, P. Commanding heights and community control: new economics for a new South Africa. 100pp. Ravan 1990 SA Bornstein, L. From management standards to development practice: a study of the South African aid chain. (CSDS working papers, 33) R20.00/R30.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2001 SA Breen, C.M. Sustainable development. Presented at the Environmental Evaluation Unit Course “Economics, Politics and the Environment”, University of Cape Town, 6 December 1991. (INR occasional paps., 114) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA
Fabricius, M.P., et al. Southern Cape initiative. Development situation in the Southern Cape. A summary report. vol.2(IDPR special publications, 14/3) R40.00 Inst Planning Res 1992 SA Fabricius, M.P., et al. Southern Cape initiative. Strategic guidelines for development in the Southern Cape. vol.3(IDPR special publications, 14/4) R40.00 Inst Planning Res 1992 SA Fabricius, M.P., Heath, E.T. The coast line between the Kei and Chalumna Rivers: proposals for future development. (Research reports, 34) Inst Planning Res 1988 SA Fabricius, M.P., Heath, E.T., Nel, H., Christopher, A.J. A strategic development study for planning region 9 of development region D. (Research reports, 37) R50.00 Inst Planning Res 1990 SA Fitzgerald, P., McLennan, A., Munslow, B. Managing sustainable development in South Africa. 2nd ed. 632pp. ill. R300.00 OUP - SA 1997 SA
Coleman, K. Nationalisation. Beyond the slogans. 192pp. R29.68 Ravan 1991 SA
Gelb, S. South Africa’s economic crisis. R65.96 Philip 1991 SA
Consultative Business Movement Building a winning nation. Companies and the RDP. 103pp. R45.60 Ravan 1994 SA
Gwartney, J., Lawson, R., Emerick, N. Economic freedom of the world. 2003 annual report. SA ed. ISBN: 1874930619 181pp. R150.00 Free Market Found 2003 SA
Crosby, J.A., Minnaar, C.T. The Springs resort: a background for development. (Research reports, 38) R20.00 Inst Planning Res 1990 SA Cull, P., comp. Economic growth and foreign investment in South Africa. 118pp. R29.95 Idasa 1992 SA Davids, I., Theron, F., Maphunye, K. Participatory development in South Africa: a development management perspective. ISBN: 0627025994 R234.95 Van Schaik 2005 SA Davies, W.J. Principal distributional and structural characteristics of the Border region and some implications of the National Regional Development Policy. (Research reports, 16) Inst Planning Res 1976 SA de Beer, F.C., Swanepoel, H.J. Training for development. new ed. ISBN: 1868640183 112pp. R85.00 OUP SA 2002 SA Deininger, K., May, J. Is there scope for growth with equity? The case of land reform in South Africa. (CSDS working papers, 29) R15.00/ R25.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2000 SA Deng, L.A., Tjonneland, E.N. South Africa: wealth, poverty and reconstruction. 207pp. maps R59.00 Univ West Cape 1996 SA Elliot, G., ed. Beyond de-mining: capacity building and socio-economic consequences. ISBN: 1919810218 144pp. (£10.99) SA Inst Int Affairs 2000 SA Erskine, J.M. Creating incentives for sustainable use of natural capital in the less developed rural areas of South Africa. Paper presented at the Second Meeting of the International Society for Ecological Economics, Stockholm, Sweden. 3-6 August. (INR occasional paps., 115) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Fabricius, M.P. Southern Cape initiative: a memorandum of progress on phase 1: orientation. vol.4(IDPR special publications, 14/1) R50.00 Inst Planning Res 1991 SA Fabricius, M.P., et al. Southern Cape initiative. Development situation in the Southern Cape. vol.1(IDPR special publications, 14/2) R60.00 Inst Planning Res 1992 SA
Hay, D. Commercial development guidelines for the Klaserie private nature reserve. (INR investigational reports, 163) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Hill, T., Nel, E., eds. An evaluation of community-driven economic development, land tenure and sustainable environmental development in the Kat river valley. ISBN: 0796919488 251pp. R145.00 HSRC Publ 2000 SA Hurry, L. Development education: leapfrogging into the future. Paper presented at the EPPIC ’92 Conference on Poverty and the Environment, Eskom Training Centre, Glen Austin, Midrand, 28-29 September 1992. (INR occasional paps., 132) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Keet, D. Regional and international factors and forces in the development perspectives for southern Africa: issues and perspectives for international solidarity. (Southern African perspectives: a working paper series, 29) 22pp. Univ West Cape 1993 SA Khosa, M.M., ed. Empowerment through economic transformation. ISBN: 0796919720 489pp. R205.00 HSRC Publ 2001 SA Lloyd, H.R., Horn, G.S., Levin, M. Data D: a socio-economic development profile of the Eastern Cape Province. 15pp. R75.00 ERU 1995 SA Makinta, V., Schwabe, C. Development funding in South Africa 1998-1999. ISBN: 0796919445 157pp. R140.00 HSRC Publ 2000 SA Mullins, E.N. Regional economic development forum: Eastern Cape. An overview of developmental issues. (Research reports, 51) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Nel, E.L., ed. Local economic development in South Africa: a review of current policy and applied case-studes: proceedings of a workshop on local economic development held in Midrand in August 1995. Inst Soc Res 1995 SA
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Economic development—South Africa Pakes, T.K. Regional, metropolitan and area strategies for small and micro-enterprise development in the Port Elizabeth metropole. Executive summary 4. (IDPR occasional papers, 56) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA
Subject index Mpangala, G.P. Major issues in Tanzanian economic history. Part 1. Pre-colonial economy and social formations. 57pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1992 TZ
Gore, C., Katerere, Y., Moyo, S., eds. The case for sustainable development in Zimbabwe: conceptual problems, conflicts and contradictions. 180pp. Zero 1992 ZI
Pillay, P.N. The role of the state in economic development in South Africa. 73pp. Ebert - Zambia 2002[?] ZA
Msambichaka, L.A., Kilindo, A.A.L., Mjema, G.D. Beyond structural adjustment programmes in Tanzania. Successes, failures and new perspectives. 320pp. Dar es Salaam UP 1995 TZ
Potgieter, J.F. Overview of growth patterns and potential in Mossel Bay. (IDPR occasional papers, 29) Inst Planning Res 1991 SA
Nsekela, A.J. A time to act. Liberation and development in a Tanzanian context. 142pp. ($13.75/ £7.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1984 TZ
Jassat, E.M., Jirira, K. Industrial development in Zimbabwe: the case of women in the manufacturing activities. 195pp. Z$8.00. ZIDS 1987 ZI
Ravan Press Human resource development in the RDP. 103pp. R45.00 Ravan 1995 SA
Research and Analysis Working Group of the Poverty Monitoring System Poverty and human development report 2002. ISBN: 9987686397 119pp. Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ
Kaliyati, J.W.G. The iron and steel industry in Zimbabwe and regional co-operation in the SADCC context. (Consultancy report, 22) 42pp. ill. ZIDS 1991 ZI
Rugumamu, S., ed. Leading issues in development studies. A reader. vol.2 511pp. Ebert - Namibia 1996 SX
Kanyowa, L., ed. National workshop of OSSREA reports. Zimbabwe’s development strategies since 1980 and the way forward. vol.3 of 3(National Workshop of OSSREA, 3) ISBN: 0954203054 30pp. ($24.95/£19.95 set) OSSREA 2002 ET
Rogerson, C., Visser, G., eds. Tourism and development issues in contemporary South Africa. ISBN: 0798301627 494pp. R140.00 ($35.00) Africa Inst 2004 SA Smith, T., Bornstein, L. Northern NGOs in South Africa: programmes and partnerships. (CSDS research reports, 46) R20.00/R35.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2001 SA Sono, T. From poverty to property. Themba Sono’s five steps to real transformation. ISBN: 1874930260 56pp. R35.00 ($18.00/£4.00) Free Market Found 1999 SA Stuart, O. Economic prospects: information for business leaders in a changing South Africa. R295.00 BER 1994 SA Economic development—South Africa— Statistics Tustin, D.H. Constraints on growth and employment of large manufacturers: greater Johannesburg metropolitan area. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 298) 151pp. R800.00 Bur Market Research 2002 SA Economic development—Sudan Awad el Din, A.S. The IMF trade and foreign exchange policy: is it only a dogma, or a strategy for promoting capitalism? (DSRC seminar series, 78) 103pp. ($10 .00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1988 SJ El Hassan, M.M. Insurance and development in the Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 22) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ El Hussein, A.M. The administrative factor and economic development planning in the Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 72) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1986 SJ Nimeiri, S. An evaluation of the six year development plan of the Sudan. (DSRC monograph series, 7) 55pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1987 SJ Economic development—Swaziland Simelane, N., ed. Social transformation: the Swaziland case. cd. & 146pp. ($35.00/£19.95 cd.) ($18.00/£9.95 ) CODESRIA 1995 SG Economic development—Tanzania Bagachwa, M.S.D., ed. Poverty alleviation in Tanzania: recent research issues. 270pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ Bol, D., Luvanga, N., Shitundu, J., eds. Economic management in Tanzania. ISBN: 9987250149 285pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Tema 1997 TZ Campbell, H., Stein, H., eds. The IMF and Tanzania. The dynamics of liberalisation. 271pp. ($30.00/£16.75) SAPES 1991 ZI Havnevik, K.J. Tanzania: the limits to development. 344pp. Mkuki na Nyota 1993 TZ
Rwegasira, K.S.P. Financial analysis and institutional lending operations management in a developing country. 208pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1991 TZ Shao, I. The political economy of land reform in Zanzibar. 106pp. ($11.50/£6.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1992 TZ Economic development—Uganda Bibangambah, J.R. Africa’s quest for economic development. Uganda’s experience. ISBN: 9970022482 214pp. ($27.95/ £16.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2001 UG Hansen, H.B., Twaddle, M., eds. Developing Uganda. ISBN: 085255396X cd. 304pp. maps (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852553951 pp. (£14.95/U.shs.18,000 ) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG [East Africa only] Mamdani, M. Uganda: contradictions of the IMF programme and perspective. (CBR working paper, 5) 42pp. ($9.00) Centre Basic Res 1989 UG Economic development—Zambia Clarke, R., Freund, P., eds. Guidelines on project evaluation in Zambia. 181pp. ($8.00/£6.00) K8.00 Univ Zambia - Bkshop 1985 ZA Fair, T.J.D. Zambia: the search for rural/urban balance. A review. 42pp. col.maps ($6.00) R6.00 Africa Inst 1983 SA Kajoba, G.M., Momba, J.C. National workshop of OSSREA reports. Globalisation and development in Zambia. Challenges and prospects. vol.1 of 3(National Workshop of OSSREA, 1) ISBN: 0954203054 108pp. ($24.95/£19.95 set) OSSREA 2001 ET Shimwayi, M.M., ed. Zambia land and labour studies. vol.4(History Department, occas. paps., 1) 74pp. ($2.00) K2.00 Univ Zambia Bkshop 1983 ZA Sibanda, A.E. Foreign exchange auctioning as a measure of economic liberalisation for adjustment in Zambia: problems and prospects for African economics. 28pp. Z$6.00. ZIDS 1987 ZI Economic development—Zimbabwe Auret, D. A decade of development. Zimbabwe 1980-1990. 168pp. ill. maps. ($12.40) Mambo 1992 ZI Balleis, P. A critical guide to ESAP. Mambo 1993 ZI
64pp. ($4.50)
Chikowore, G., Manzungu, E., Mushayavanhu, D., eds. Managing common property in an age of globalisation. Zimbabwean experiences. ISBN: 1779220103 218pp. ($24.95/ £14.95) Weaver 2003 ZI
Jassat, E.M., Chakaodza, B. Socio-economic baseline study, Rushinga District (Mashonaland Province). 111pp. ill. ($5.00) Z$8.00 ZIDS 1985 ZI
MacGarry, B. Growth? Without equity? Mambo 1992 ZI
36pp. ($6.60)
Makumbe, J.M. Participatory development. The case of Zimbabwe. 142pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Univ Zimbabwe 1996 ZI Maya, R.S., Tongoona, H. Ownership structure of the manufacturing enterprises in Zimbabwe: brief documentation of data computerization. vol.1 8pp. Z$8.00 ZIDS 1989 ZI Maya, R.S., Tongoona, H. Ownership structure of the manufacturing sector. vol.2 42pp. Z$8.00 ZIDS 1989 ZI Moyo, S. The socio-economic status and needs of ex-combatants: the case of Masvingo Province. 109pp. ill. ($5.00) Z$8.00 ZIDS 1985 ZI Roussos, P. Zimbabwe: the economics of transformation. ($30.00/£16.75) Baobab - Zimb 1988 ZI Shopo, T.D. The social “soft” science of social administration and the “population” factor in African development studies. 55pp. Z$6.00. ZIDS 1987 ZI Simbi, T. Foreign exchange management and its effects on income distribution in Zimbabwe. 15pp. ($4.95/£2.75) SAPES 1994 ZI Zieroth, G., Maya, R. Zimbabwe charcoal utilization and marketing study. 75pp. Z$8.00 ZIDS 1988 ZI Zimunya, V., ed. Skilled manpower needs of NGOs in Zimbabwe. (Research unit series, 1) 27pp. School Soc Work 1992 ZI Zwizwai, B., et al. Coordinates African programme of technical assistance on services (CAPAS): a study on services in Zimbabwe. (IDS consultancy reports, 24) 134pp. Z$45.00 ($15.00/£10.00) ZIDS 1994 ZI Economics see also Agriculture—Economic aspects Business Commerce Development planning and economics Finance International trade Management Socialism and headings beginning with the word Economic
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African Books in Print
Subject index Agbobli, E.K.M. Histoire des faits économiques et sociaux de l’antiquité à nos jours. 220pp. CFA7,000 NEA - Togo 1995 TG FRE Agbobli, E.K.M. Précis des principes et techniques élémentaires de planification. 220pp. CFA7,000 NEA - Togo 1995 TG FRE Arkin, M. Economists and economic history. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1968 SA Asare-Bediako, K. Modern trends in performance appraisal: practical guide to goal-based performance appraisal. 60pp. C500.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1989 GH CADICEC L’économie au service de l’homme. 48pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1986 ZR FRE Familoni, K.A. Models of economic discrimination. 91pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Univ Lagos Press 1990 NR Fourie, F.C., Fourie, N.V. How to think and reason in macroeconomics. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702155489 412pp. R189.00 Juta 2001 SA Grant, R. Real money. ISBN: 1874930228 187pp. R85.00 ($43.00/£9.00) Free Market Found 1999 SA Gwartney, J.D., Lawson, R.A. Economic freedom of the world 1998/ 1999 interim report. ISBN: 1874930287 91pp. ill. R50.00 ($27.50/£6.00) Free Market Found 1999 SA [Southern Africa only] Gwartney, J.D., Lawson, R.A., Samida, D. Economic freedom of the world. 2000 annual report. South African ed. ISBN: 187493035X 245pp. R100.00 Free Market Found 2000 SA Hart, J. Is money real? An appraisal of Minsky’s financial instability hypothesis. ($9.00) Economic Res Unit SA Hattne, B. International political economy. ISBN: 9966466622 164pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1997 KE [East Africa only] Kayode, M.O. The art of project evaluation. 270pp. ($9.46/3.93) N25.00 Ibadan UP 1980 NR Khan, M.S., Villanueva, D. Macroeconomics policies and long-term growth: a conceptual and empirical review. (AERC special paper, 13) 39pp. AERC 1991 KE Leys, C. The rise and fall of development theory. 224pp. K.shs.1,940 EAEP 1996 KE [Kenya only] Limam, I., ed. Challenges and reforms of economic regulation in MENA countries. ISBN: 9774247960 244pp. E£90.00 ($27.50/ £22.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Livingstone, I. What do economists really know about population? Or the benefits of cost benefit. (IDS discussion paper, 222) 30pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE Madeley, J. Le commerce de la faim. La sécurité alimentaire sacrifiée à l’autel du libreéchange. ISBN: 9973195531 260pp. Cérès 2002 TI FRE Monsma, G.N. Economic theory and practice in biblical perspective. (IRS study pamphlets, 362) ISBN: 1868223043 26pp. R40.00 per annum Inst Reformational Studies 1998 SA
Economics—Africa Nattrass, N. Profits and wages. 63pp. R21.99 Penguin SA 1992 SA Nomvete, B.D., et al. Growth with equity. Francolin 1997 SA
80pp. R84.95
Nürnberger, K. Prosperity, poverty and pollution: managing the approaching crisis. ISBN: 1875053158 487pp. R100.00 Cluster 1999 SA Oyejide, T.A., Obadan, M.I. Applied economics and economic policy. 418pp. N350.00 Ibadan UP 1993 NR Peet, R. Unholy trinity. The IMF, World Bank and the WTO. ISBN: 1868143953 256pp. R180.00 Witwatersrand UP 2003 SA Röpke, W. A world without a world monetary order. 16pp. 25c. SA Inst Int Affairs 1963 SA Safadi, R., ed. MENA trade and investment in the new economy. The fourth Mediterranean development forum MDF4. ISBN: 9774247949 280pp. E£90.00 ($27.50/ £22.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Schuitema, J.A.F. Econosense: understanding your economic environement. 2nd ed. ISBN: 186864085X 120pp. R100.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Shen, J., Solomon, H. Asia’s ‘economic miracle’: lessons for NEPAD? (AISA peace & governance series, 71) ISBN: 0798301651 20pp. R40.00 ($10.00) Africa Inst 2003 SA Smal, C. The time value of money. In practice. ISBN: 0620226439 277pp. R99.95 Protea 1998 SA Sono, T. From poverty to property. Themba Sono’s five steps to real transformation. ISBN: 1874930260 56pp. R35.00 ($18.00/£4.00) Free Market Found 1999 SA ver Eecke, W. The limits of both socialist and capitalist economies. (IRS study pamphlets, 348) 12pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1996 SA Economics—Addresses and essays Aluko, S.A. Money in economic theory. (Inaugural lec., 8) 20pp. ($3.00/£2.25) N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1973 NR Dahrendorf, R. A new world order? UP 1980 GH
88pp. ($4.50) Ghana
Ekundare, R.O. Economic history as a critique of the theory and practice of economics. (Inaugural lec. 33) ($3.00/£2.25) N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1978 NR Nwikina, C.G., ed. Readings in economics. ISBN: 9783038018 N300.00 Ano 2000 NR Truu, M.L. Economics in the university. 25pp. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1974 SA Economics—Africa African Economic Research Consortium Forging links: economic research and policy making in sub-saharan Africa. AERC 1995 KE Ajayi, S.I. Graduate training economics in Nigeria and Ghana. (AERC special paper, 6) 45pp. AERC 1990 KE Ajayi, S.I., Kwanashie, M. Nigeria’s graduate training opportunities in economics. (AERC special paper, 11) 29pp. AERC 1991 KE Ajayi, S.I., Pegatienan, H.J., Mukras, M. Graduate training in economics for Africans: a joint report. (AERC special paper, 5) 34pp. AERC 1990 KE
Aryeetey, E. Filling the niche. Informal finance in Africa. 176pp. K.shs.425.00 ($13.75/ £7.50) EAEP 1995 KE Asante, S.K.B., Nwonwu, F.O.C., Muzvidziwa, V.N. Towards an African economic community. (Africa Institute research paper, 64) ISBN: 0798301473 64pp. R25.00 ($10.00) Africa Inst 2001 SA Atsain, A., Wangwe, S., Drabek, A.G. Economic policy experience in Africa: what have we learned? AERC 1995 KE Austen, R. African economic history. 294pp. K.shs.980.00 EAEP 1987 KE [Kenya only] ben Hammouda, H. Le post-ajustement en stratégies en Afrique. 54pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/ Eur8.00) CODESRIA 2000 SG FRE Bourenane, N., Mwanycky, S.W., et al. Economic cooperation and regional integration in Africa. 274pp. (£14.95/ $27.00) Academy Science Publ 1996 KE CADICEC La P.M.E., un effort vers l’augmentation du P.N.B. de l’Afrique subsaharienne. Colloque Uniapac-Afrique: Hôtel Intercontinental du 3,4,5 février 1989. 127pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1989 ZR FRE Degefe, B. Human capacity building of professionals in sub-saharan Africa: a case study of economists in Ethiopia. (AERC special paper, 17) AERC 1994 KE Fölscher, A., ed. Budget transparency and participation: five African case studies. ISBN: 1919798390 320pp. R150.00 Idasa 2002 SA Friedrich Ebert Stiftung APC/EU-SADC conference on the Cotonou agreement. 127pp. Ebert Namibia 2001 SX Green, J.E., Khan, M.S. The African debt crisis. (AERC special paper, 3) 28 AERC 1990 KE Gonçalves, J. Socio-économie des grand fleuves africains. 50pp. CFA3,000 ($8.00/ £5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 2003 SG FRE Hansohm, D. The economic policy framework for the promotion of small-and medium scale enterprises in Africa. (NEPRU working paper, 52) 14pp. N$12.00 NEPRU 1996 SX Hawkins, A.M. Economic policy and performance in Africa. What can South Africa learn? 56pp. R69.95 (£7.99) Francolin 1997 SA Henderson, D., Loxley, J. The African Economic Research Consortium: an evaluation and review. (AERC special paper, 25) 68pp. AERC 1997 KE Inanga, E.L., Emenuga, C. Institutitonal, traditional and asset pricing characteristics of African emerging capital markets. (AERC research paper, 60) 29pp. AERC 1997 KE Kobou, G., ed. Les économies réelles en Afrique: études de cas./Real economies in Africa: case studies. ISBN: 2869781261 332pp. ($39.95/£27.95) CODESRIA 2003 SG MUL Maasdorp, G.G., Holden, M., McCarthy, C. Impact of post-apartheid South Africa on regional economic integration. 56pp. COMESA 2001 ZA Martin, M., Mwega, F., Crouch, M. Revenue mobilisation in sub-Saharan Africa: AERC senior policy seminar IV. ISBN: 9966944516 25pp. AERC 2001 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Mkandawire, T., Soludo, C., eds. African voices on structural adjustment. A companion to: Our continent our futre. 2 vols. ISBN: 0865437785 cd. 512pp. ISBN: 0865437793 CODESRIA 2003 SG
Economics—Africa, Francophone Nkuete, J. Le franc CFA face aux mutations des grandes unités de compte. CFA2,200 CLE 1981 CM FRE
Mkandawire, T., Soludo, C.C., eds. Our continent our future. African perspectives on structural adjustment. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 2869780745 177pp. ($20.95/£12.95) CODESRIA 1999 SG
Economics—Africa, North Henry, C.M. The Mediterranean debt crescent. Money and power in Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, and Turkey. 356pp. E£75.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 1997 UA [Middle East only]
Muhumuza, J. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the private sector enterprises (PSEs): their role in strengthening economic integration in the COMESA region. ISBN: 9982260073 36pp. COMESA 2001 ZA Mwase, N.R.L. Coordination and rationalisation of subregional integration institutions in eastern and southern Arica. 36pp. COMESA 2001 ZA Njema, G.D., Shitundu, J.L.M. The role of non-governmetnal organisations in strenghtening economic integration. ISBN: 9982260030 38pp. COMESA 2001 ZA Nürnberger, K. Beyond Marx and market. Outcomes of a century of economic experimentation. ISBN: 1875649647 274pp. R50.00 ($8.00/£5.00) Cluster 1998 SA Oyejide, T.A. Supply response in the context of structural adjustment in sub-Saharan Africa. (AERC special paper, 1) 29pp. AERC 1990 KE Prah, K.K., Ahmed, A.G.M., eds. Africa in transformation. Political and economic transformation and sociopolitical responses in Africa. vol.1 ISBN: 1919799311 236pp. ($20.95/ £12.95) OSSREA 2000 ET Prah, K.K., Ahmed, A.G.M., eds. Africa in transformation. Political and economic transformation and sociopolitical responses in Africa. vol.2 ISBN: 191979932X 340pp. ($20.95/ £12.95) OSSREA 2000 ET
Economics—Africa, Southern Evans, D., et al. SADC; the cost of non-integration. ISBN: 1779050879 69pp. ($14.95/£8.95) SAPES 2000 ZI Grobbelaar, N., Tsotetsi, K. Africa’s first welfare state: the experience of South African firms doing business in Botswana. ISBN: 191996925X SA Inst Int Affairs 2005 SA Harvey, C. Macroeconomic policy convergence and a SADC free trade area. ($10.00/£7.00/ Eur9.00) BIDPA 1999 BS Hofmeyr, J.F. An analysis of African wage movements in southern Africa. (Monograph series, 9) ($30.00) Economic Res Unit 1993 SA Matsebula, M.S. The urban informal sector. 94pp. ($16.00/£8.95) SAPES 1996 ZI
Olukoshi, A.O., Olaniyan, R.O., eds. Structural adjustment in West Africa. cd. & 224pp. ($35.00/£28.50 cd.) ($21.50/£11.95 ) NIIA 1994 NR Om’te, D., Arya, P.L. Labour market in West Africa - economic theory and empirical analysis. 261pp. N800.00 ($65.50/£41.00) Idodo 2003[?] NR Economics—Africa, West—Examinations, questions Ezeaku, L.C. Revision guide for economics of West Africa. 72pp. (£5.00) Fourth Dimension 1978 NR Economics—Africa, West—Study and teaching (Secondary) Ezeaku, L.C. Introduction to the economics of West Africa. 128pp. (£6.50) Fourth Dimension 1978 NR Economics—Benin Bio Tchane, A. Lutter contre la corruption. Un impératif pour le développement du Bénin dans l’économie internationale. ISBN: 9991941053 324pp. CFA140.00 Flamboyant 2000 DM FRE Economics—Botswana Jefferis, K. The long term impact of structural economic change on government spending. ($10.00/£7.00/Eur9.00) BIDPA 1999 BS
Meth, C. Data problems in the manufacturing sector. (Monograph series, 6) ($40.00) Economic Res Unit 1992 SA
Kanyenze, G. Macro and micro economic performance of the Botswana economy (1980 to 19934). 37pp. ill. Ebert - Namibia 1995 SX
Mhone, G.C.Z., ed. The informal sector in southern Africa. An analysis of conceptual research and policy issues. 122pp. ($16.00/£8.95) SAPES 1996 ZI
Kgathi, D.L. Aspects of firewood trade between rural Kweneng and urban Gaborone (Botswana): a socio-economic perspective. (NIR working bibliographies) 51pp. P2.50 NIDCR 1984 BS
Mostert, J.W., Oosthuizen, A.G., Smith, P.C., van der Vyler, T.C. Macro-economics: a southern African perspective. ISBN: 0702156701 352pp. R199.00 Juta 2002 SA
Nteta, D., Hermans, J., Jezkova, P., eds. Poverty and plenty: the Botswana experience. 417pp. col.ill. P40.00 Botswana Soc 1997 BS
Roe, A.A., Griggs, J. Internal debt management in Afica. (AERC research paper, 4) 97pp. AERC 1990 KE
Robson, P. Economic integration between the Republic of South Africa and Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland. (IDS discussion paper, 54) 26pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1967 KE
Pelontle, M. The African growth and opportunity act: a preliminary analysis of the possible opportunities and limitations to Botswana exports. ($10.00/£7.00/Eur9.00) BIDPA 2002 BS
Roe, A.R. Instruments of economic policy in Africa. 256pp. K.shs.960.00 EAEP 1995 KE [East Africa only]
Smit, P. Economics - a southern African perspective. [Interactive: book + 3 disks.] Juta 1998 SA
Sunter, C. The casino model. 2nd ed. 108pp. R39.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA
Southern African Conference on Regional Economic Integration and the Globalisation Process Regional economic integration and the globalisation process: report on the proceedings of a southern African conference, Windhoek 10-13 June 1998. ISBN: 9991601738 132pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX
Salkin, J.S., et al., eds. Aspects of the Botswana economy. ISBN: 0852551592 592pp. (£19.95) Lentswe LL 1998 BS [Botswana only. Also published in Africa by David Philip Publishers, South Africa]
Villa-Vicencio, C., Verwoerd, W. Political economy of regionalism in South Africa. ISBN: 070211376X 389pp. R180.00 Juta 2003 SA Zeleza, P.T. A modern economic history of Africa. The nineteenth century. vol.1 cd. & 512pp. ($63.00/£35.00 cd.) ($38.00/ £21.50 ) CODESRIA 1997 SG [Also published in Kenya by EAEP] Economics—Africa—Bibliography INADES-Documentation L’intégration économique en Afrique. (Bibliographie commentée, 35) 43pp. CFA2,500 Inades 1996 IV FRE [Middle East only] Economics—Africa, Central CADICEC Produire Afrique centrale pour échanger et consommer Afrique centrale. Acte du colloque Cadicec-F.K.A.: Fikin 1990. 48pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1990 ZR FRE Economics—Africa, East—Study and teaching (Secondary) Livingstone, I., Ord, H., eds. Economics for eastern Africa. rev.ed. 472pp. K.shs.1,375 EAEP 1991 KE [Kenya only]
Stone, S., ed. Macroeconomic modelling in southern Africa: a comparative perspective. (NEPRU book, 4) 92pp. N$30.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Stuart, J. The economics of the common monetary area in southern Africa. (Monograph series, 7) ($20.00) Economic Res Unit 1992 SA van der Vyver, J.D., et al. Micro-economics. A southern African perspective. ISBN: 0702156930 232pp. R185.00 Juta 2002 SA Economics—Africa, West ben Hammouda, H., Kassé, M., eds. L’avenir de la zone franc: perspectives africaines. ISBN: 2845861842 515pp. CFA14,000 ($30.00/£16.750) CODESRIA 2001 SG FRE Obiozor, G.A., Olukoshi, A.O. et al. West African regional economic integration: Nigerian policy perspectives for the 1990s. 102pp. ($10.00/£6.25) NIIA 1995 NR
Economics—Cameroun Alangana, N. Comment fonctionne notre économie. 3rd ed. 112pp. CFA1,500 CLE 1972 CM FRE Amin, A.A. Cameroon’s fiscal policy and economic growth. (AERC research paper, 85) 40pp. AERC 1998 KE Kamgang, H. Le Cameroun au XXIeme siècle: quitter la CEMAC, puis oeuvrer pou une monnaie unique dans le cadre des Etats-Unis d’Afrique. 163pp. Ren Africaine 2000 CM FRE Mbome, F. Le contentieux fiscal camerounais. ISBN: 2912086191 322pp. PUA 2000 CM FRE Mussot, M. Fiscalité camerounaise. 1983 CM FRE
CFA2,290 CLE
Njinkeu, D. Politiques commerciales: cadres d’analyse et simulation en équilibre général pour le Cameroun. 55pp. CODESRIA 1997 SG FRE Economics—China Tobin, J. The economy of China: a tourist’s view. (IDS discussion paper, 150) 17pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE
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African Books in Print
Subject index Economics—Congo Democratic Republic Buabua wa Kayembe La fiscalisation de l’économie informelle au Zaïre. 191pp. ($83.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE CADICEC Inflation et fiscalité. 48pp. ($2.90) Cadicec 1996 ZR FRE CADICEC La P.M.E. dans l’économie du Zaïre selon les orientations actuelles du Conseil exécutif. Actes du colloque Cadicec: Fikin 1987. 38pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1987 ZR FRE CADICEC La PME congolaise et les effets de la mondialisation de l’économie. 96pp. CFA69.00 ($2.90) Cadicec 1999 ZR FRE CADICEC Pour l’engagement des églises dans la bataille du développement économique du Zaïre. Rapport du séminaire pour missionaires-employeurs. 48pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1990 ZR FRE CADICEC Quel type de PME pour la reconstruction de la République Démocratique du Congo? 128pp. ($6.00) Cadicec 2004 ZR CADICEC Valeurs chrétiennes et valeurs d’entreprise: vivre l’évangile dans les réalités économiques d’aujourd’hui. 45pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1990 ZR FRE Lwamba Katansi, T. Le contrôle financier des institutions politiques de la transition en RDC. 204pp. ($49.00) Kap Kaz 2004 ZR FRE Nzanda Buana Kalemba Economie zaïroise de demain: pas de navigation à vue (essai). Nécessité d’un modèle économique intégré. 165pp. ($80.00) Kalombo 1996 ZR FRE Nzinga, N. La persistance de la dollarisation au Congo-Kinshasa. Conséquence de l’hyperinflation ou de la déflation brutale? 345pp. ($56.00) Kalombo 1998 ZR FRE Nzinga, N. Votalité de la conjoncture économique du Congo-Kinshasa et nécessité de régulation. 289pp. ($43.00) Kalombo 1998 ZR FRE Songa, N.M. La criminalisation de l’économie congolaise. 312pp. ($59.00) Kalombo 1998 ZR FRE Economics—Côte d’Ivoire Kouassi, E. Effects of inflation on Ivoirian fiscal variables: an econometric investigation. (AERC research paper, 52) 20pp. AERC 1996 KE Kouassy, O., Bouabre, B. Consequences and limitations of recent fiscal policy in Côte d’Ivoire. (AERC research paper, 51) 34pp. AERC 1996 KE Kouassy, O., Bouhon, B. The determinants of fiscal deficit and fiscal adjustment of Côte d’Ivoire. (AERC research paper, 15) 26pp. AERC 1993 KE Economics—Developing countries Dostie, B., Cockburn, J., Decaluwe, B. Market structure and trade policy in developing countries: a general equilibrium approach. (AERC special paper, 24) 51pp. AERC 1996 KE Nabudere, D.W. The crash of international finance capital and its implications for the Third World. 160pp. ($13.75/£7.50) SAPES 1989 ZI Economics—Dictionaries Steenkamp, W.F.J., Reynders, H.J.J., eds. Ekonomiese bedryfswoordeboek: EngelsAfrikaans./Dictionary of economics and business: English-Afrikaans. 1,198pp. ($65.00) Pharos 2004 SA MUL
Economics—Kenya Economics—Egypt Assaad, R., ed. The Egyptian labor market in an era of reform. ISBN: 9774247124 280pp. E£90.00 ($27.50/£22.95) Am Univ 2002 UA El-Mikawy, N., Handoussa, H., eds. Institutional reform and economic development in Egypt. ISBN: 9774247027 211pp. E£90.00 ($27.50/ £22.95) Am Univ 2002 UA Harik, I. Economic policy reform in Egypt. ISBN: 9774244818 344pp. E£60.00 ($16.95) Am Univ 1998 UA Economics—Ethiopia Aredo, D. The informal and semi-formal financial sectors in Ethiopia: a study of hte iqqub, iddur and savings and credit cooperatives. (AERC research paper, 21) 68pp. AERC 1993 KE Degefe, B. Growth and foreign debt: the Ethiopian experience, 1964-1986. (AERC research paper, 13) 50pp. AERC 1992 KE Kidane, A. Exchange rate policy and economic reform in Ethiopia. (AERC research paper, 54) 37pp. AERC 1997 KE Kidane, A. A macroeconomic-demographic model for Ethiopia. (AERC research paper, 7) 18pp. AERC 1991 KE Economics—Examinations, questions Aderinto, A., et al. Exam focus economics. 162pp. ($23.10) Univ Press - Nig 1997 NR Akande, S.A. Jamb success economics. ISBN: 9780307125 164pp. ($20.80) Univ Press - Nig 2004 NR Chinyama, G. An examination passbook for A level economics (Q & A). 200pp. Z$11.50 Longman - Zimb 1987[?] ZI
Asamoa, A. Socio-economic development strategies of independent African countries. The Ghanaian experience. 248pp. ($21.50/ £11.95) Ghana UP 1996 GH Baah-Nuakoh, A. Studies in the Ghanaian economy. The pre-’revolutionary’ years, 1957-1981. vol.1 376pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Ghana UP 1997 GH Barnes, K. Economics of Volta River project. cd. 65pp. C4.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1966 GH Ewusi, K. Economic inequality in Ghana. 95pp. C8.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1977 GH Jebuni, C.D., Sowa, N.K., Tutu, K.S. Exchange rate policy and macroeconomic performance in Ghana. (AERC research paper, 6) 29pp. AERC 1991 KE Osei, B. Ghana: the burden of debt service payment under structural adjustment. 39pp. AERC 1995 KE Smith, G.J. Ghana’s economic objective and performance. (IDS discussion paper, 63) 49pp. K.shs.96.00 Inst Dev Stud 1968 KE Sowa, N.K., Kwakye, J.K. Inflationary trends and control in Ghana. (AERC research paper, 22) 32pp. AERC 1993 KE Economics—Kenya Adam, C.S. Recent development in econometric methods: an application to the demand for money in Kenya. (AERC special paper, 15) 54pp. AERC 1992 KE African Bishops On the economy of Kenya. ISBN: 9966214496 24pp. K.shs.25.00 ($0.30) Paulines 1999 KE
Dordunoo, C.K. Introductory economics: model plans, questions and answers. 355pp. Ghana UP 1990 GH
Catholic Bishops of Kenya On the economy of Kenya. Pastoral letter of the Bishops of Kenya, Nairobi, June 1999. ISBN: 9966214496 24pp. Paulines 1999 KE
Hussain, A. Aid to passing CPA section 1: law 1. rev.ed. 184pp. K.shs.310.00 EAEP 1984 KE
Harris, J.R. On the economics of law and order. (IDS discussion paper, 77) 11pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1969 KE
Hussain, A. Revision economics for KCSE (model questions and answers). 180pp. K.shs.65.00 EAEP 1989 KE
Killick, T. Papers on the Kenyan economy. K.shs.195.00 EAEP 1981 KE
Nwankwo, P.S. Objective questions in economics. (£5.00) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR
King, K. Jua kali in Kenya. 256pp. K.shs.2,240.00 EAEP 1996 KE [Kenya only]
Okoye, S.U. 1005 objective questions and answers in economics. 116pp. ill. N250.00 Africana First 1997 NR
Loxley, J. Building society instability in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 8) 20pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1965 KE
Sackey, O.I.A. Pocket economics for RSA, LCC and GCE students. 93pp. C20.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1978 GH
Masakhalia, Y.F.O. A simulation model of the Kenya national economy and its use as a guide to economic policy. (IDS discussion paper, 246) 19pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE
Economics—Ghana Agbodeka, F. An economic history of Ghana from the earliest times. 182pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Ghana UP 1993 GH Anin, T.E. Gold in Ghana. 238pp. C6,500 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1987 GH Aryeetey, E. The relationship between the formal and informal sectors of the financial market in Ghana. (AERC research paper, 10) 34pp. AERC 1992 KE Aryeetey, E., Harrigan, J., Nissanke, M. Economic reforms in Ghana. The reality and the mirage. ISBN: 0852551630 cd. & 320pp. (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852551649 (£16.95 ) Woeli 1999 GH [West Africa only]
Massell, B.F. Expenditure patterns in the Central Province of Kenya: a preliminary analysis. (IDS discussion paper, 29) 15pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1966 KE Mbugua, N. Mwai Kibaki: economist for Kenya. ISBN: 9966951202 85pp. col.ill. Kshs220.00 Sasa Sema 2003 KE Mwega, F.M., Nguguna, N., Olewe-Ochilo, K. Macroeconomic constraints and mediumterm growth in Kenya: a three-gap analysis. (AERC research paper, 23) AERC 1994 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Ndele, S.m. The effects of non-bank financial intermediaries on demand for money in Kenya. (AERC research paper, 5) 26pp. AERC 1991 KE Ndung’u, N.S. Price and exchange rate dynamics in Kenya: an empirical investigation (19701993). (AERC research paper, 58) 38pp. AERC 1997 KE
Chauvin, S. The monetary independence of Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 21) 18pp. N$14.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Gaomab, M. Consumer price index in Namibia: an evaluation and an analysis of its reliability. (NEPRU working paper, 51) 43pp. N$22.00 NEPRU 1996 SX
Rahim, A.A. Review of public enterprises and parastatal bodies in Namibia. (NEPRU research report, 14) 93pp. N$40.00 NEPRU 1996 SX Schade, K., et al. Namibia economic review and prospects 1999/2000. (NEPRU book, 4) 49pp. N$45.00 NEPRU 2000 SX
Omiti, J., et al. Poverty reduction efforts in Kenya: institutions, capacity and policy. ISBN: 9966948384 44pp. ill. IPRA 2002 KE
Gleichmann, C. Evaluation study of current methods of collecting trade statistics in Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 36) 46pp. N$13.00 NEPRU 1993 SX
Sellström, T. Some notes on the Namibian economy two years after independence. (NEPRU working paper, 18) 9pp. NN$11.00 NEPRU 1992 SX
Swainson, N. The development of corporate capitalism in Kenya 1918-1978. 320pp. K.shs.920.00 EAEP 1980 KE [Kenya only]
Hanhsom, D. Economic perspective in southern Africa. A view from a small country. (NEPRU working paper, 72) 54pp. N$31.00 NEPRU 2000 SX
Sherbourne, R. The social dimensions of monetary, currency and credit policy in Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 37) 24pp. N$16.00 NEPRU 1993 SX
Economics—Kenya—Statistics Vandermoortele, J. Income distribution and poverty in Kenya: a statistical analysis. (IDS discussion paper, 275) 21pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1982 KE
Hansohm, D., et al. Focus on the annual budget 1997-1998. (NEPRU viewpoint, 8) free NEPRU 1997 SX
Stone, S. The consumer price index and inflation in Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 16) 34pp. N$19.00 NEPRU 1993 SX
Hansohm, D., Mupotola-Sibongo, M., Motinga, J. Overview of the Namibian economy. (NEPRU book, 6) 10pp. ill. N$25.00 NEPRU 1998 SX
Stone, S., Gaomab, M. Poverty and income distribution in Namibia. Background paper for the NPC’s macro-economic issues paper. (NEPRU working paper, 31) 30pp. N$18.00 NEPRU 1993 SX
Economics—Lesotho Trimble, W.B.S. Basic economics for Lesotho. R2.50 Mazenod Inst 1976 LO
Wellings, P. What a waste of manna: aid, industry and the public accounts of Lesotho. (CSDS development studies unit staff papers, 1) 41pp. R6.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1983 SA Economics—Malawi Chipeta, C., Mkandawire, M.L.C. The informal financial sector and macroeconomic adjustment in Malawi. (AERC research paper, 4) 58pp. AERC 1991 KE Chipeta, C., Mkandawire, M.L.C. Links between the informal and formal/ semi-formal financial sectors in Malawi. (AERC research paper, 14) 39pp. AERC 1992 KE Mkandawire, M.L.C. Poverty and macro economic management in Malawi. ISBN: 1779050976 162pp. ($20.95/12.95) SAPES 2000 ZI Economics—Mali Touré, S. Le budget du Mali. Sa conception, ses fonctions. CFA5,900 ($14.75) Jamana 1993 ML FRE Economics—Middle East Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey Economic trends in the MENA region 2002. ISBN: 9774247175 122pp. E£90.00 ($27.50/£22.95) Am Univ 2002 UA Economic Research Forum for the Arab countries, Iran and Turkey Economic trends in the MENA region, 2004. ISBN: 9774248163 122pp. E£120.00 ($29.50/£24.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Hamdoussa, H., Tzannatos, Z., eds. Employment creation and social protection in the Middle East and North Africa: the third Mediterranean devlopment forum. ISBN: 9774247000 296pp. E£90.00 ($27.50/£22.95) Am Univ 2002 UA Sirageldin, I., ed. Human capital: population economics in the Middle East. ISBN: 9774247116 380pp. E£100.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 2002 UA [Middle East only] Economics—Namibia Bebi, H. The impact of fiscal deficits and public debt on real interest rate and investment in Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 74) 37pp. N$24.00 NEPRU 2000 SX Bebi, H. Sustainability of budget deficits: a case study of Namibia 1991-1999. (NEPRU working paper, 73) 33pp. N$15.00 NEPRU 2000 SX
Hansohm, D., Schade, K. Namibia economic review and prospects 1997/1998. (NEPRU book, 2) 50pp. N$45.00 NEPRU 1998 SX Hastings, T. The role of remittances in the Namibian economy. (NEPRU occasional paper, 15) 60pp. N$34.00 NEPRU 1999 SX Isaksen, J. Namibia and the Southern African Customs Union. (NEPRU research report, 1) 18pp. N$14.00 NEPRU 1992 SX
Uanguta, E.N. Determinants of private domestic savings in sub-Saharan Africa: the case study of Namibia, 1980-1998. (NEPRU working paper, 75) 45pp. N$27.00 NEPRU 2000 SX van der Linden, E. The role of the informal sector. Background paper for the NPC’s macroeconomic issues paper. (NEPRU working paper, 33) 17pp. N$13.00 NEPRU 1993 SX
Kahn, B., Motinga, D., Brits, A-M., MupotolaSbongo, M. Monetary options for Namibia. (NEPRU research report, 16) 109pp. N$45.00 NEPRU 1998 SX
van der Linden, E., Amutenya, P. The Namibia-Angola border fence and its socio-economic implications: report of a fact finding mission, 17-20 June 1992. (NEPRU working paper, 34) 24pp. N$15.00 NEPRU 1993 SX
Karvinen, T. Outlook of the Namibian economy: the role and funding of small and medium enterprises. (NEPRU occasional paper, 16) 73pp. N$33.00 NEPRU 1999 SX
Zeller, W. Interests and socio-economic development in the Caprivi Region from a historical perspective. (NEPRU book, 19) 82pp. N$44.00 NEPRU 2000 SX
Moorsom, R., Andima, J., Kahuika, S. Socio-economic survey of the southern communal areas 1992: summary. (NEPRU working paper, 25) 31pp. N$18.00 NEPRU 1993 SX Motinga, J., Werner, W. Off-shore resources and infrastucture in perspective. (NEPRU viewpoint, 15) free NEPRU 1998 SX Mupotola-Sibongo, M. Projects and opinions on economic and business prospects in Windhoek. (NEPRU working paper, 53) 57pp. N$27.00 NEPRU 1996 SX Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit The economics of the 1993/94 budget. (NEPRU working paper, 28) 16pp. N$13.00 NEPRU 1993 SX Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit Focus on the annual budget 1996-1997. (NEPRU viewpoint, 3) free NEPRU 1996 SX Odada, G.E.O., Kamwi, S.S., Eita, J.H. The savings-investment-growth in Namibia: a simultaneous equations evaluation. 25pp. col.ill. UNAM 2000 SX Orford, J., Sherbourne, R., van der Linden, E. Country report: Namibia’s trade and investment climate. (NEPRU working paper, 24) 50pp. N$25.00 NEPRU 1993 SX Purcell, R. Economic analysis of land reform options. NEPRU background paper for the Land Reform Conference. (NEPRU working paper, 41) 44pp. N$23.00 NEPRU 1994 SX
Economics—Namibia—Statistics van der Linden, E., Orford, J. An evaluation of current methods of collecting trade statistics in Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 35) 31pp. N$18.00 NEPRU 1993 SX Economics—Nigeria Adejoro, M.A. Understanding Naira trends for stability. 147pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1995 NR Aigbokhan, B.E. Poverty, growth and inequality in Nigeria: a case study. (AERC research paper, 102) ISBN: 9966944257 66pp. ill. AERC 2000 KE Ajayi, S.I. Capital flight and external debt in Nigeria. (AERC research paper, 35) 29pp. AERC 1995 KE Ajayi, S.I. Macroeconomic approach to external debt: the case of Nigeria. (AERC research paper, 8) 66pp. AERC 1991 KE Ajayi, S.I. Money in a developing economy: a portfolio approach to money supply determination in Nigeria. 107pp. N10.00 Ibadan UP 1978 NR Akindele, R.A., Vogt, M.A. Smuggling and coastal piracy in Nigeria. 93pp. ($3.00) N3.00 NIIA 1983 NR Akinjogbin, I.A., Osoba, S. Topics on Nigerian economic and social history. 234pp. maps. ($12.00/£8.00) N6.50 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1980 NR
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 202
African Books in Print
Subject index
Economics—South Africa
Ariyo, A. Quality of macroeconomic data in Africa: the case of Nigeria. (AERC special paper, 22) AERC 1996 KE Ayayi, S.I. The trapped economy. 154pp. N199.15 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Ayogu, M.D. Nigeria: towards an optimal macroeconomic management of public capital. (AERC research paper, 104) ISBN: 996694429X 29pp. AERC 2000 KE Dada, I.O. The Nigerian capital market: developments, issues and policies. ISBN: 9780293442 215pp. N1,140 ($41.95/£24.95) Spectrum 2003 NR Dozie, P., Bickersteth, O. Economic action agenda. 127pp. N600.00 ($45.00/£25.00) Spectrum 1993 NR
Okonjo, C. Nigeria in the first decade of the 21st century. Strategic insights for policy makers. ISBN: 978029127X 58pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Spectrum 2000 NR
Cling, J-P. From isolation to integration: the postapartheid South African economy. ISBN: 1919825347 207pp. ill. R125.00 Protea 2001 SA
Olayide, S.O. Scientific research and the Nigerian economy. cd. & 247pp. ($17.98/£7.46 ) ($37.86/£15.70 cd.) N22.00 N30.00 cd. Ibadan UP 1981 NR
Coleman, K. Nationalisation in South Africa: prospects and pitfalls. 300pp. Ravan 1991 SA
Onwioduokit, E.A. Revenue allocation for a stable democracy in Nigeria: options and challenges. ISBN: 9964875487 163pp. ($27.95/£16.95) Africa Christian 2002 GH Sodibo, A. The savings-investment process in Nigeria: an empirical study of the supply. (AERC research paper, 12) 40pp. AERC 1994 KE
Dozie, P., Bickersteth, O. Report on the second Nigerian Economic Summit 1995. 311pp. ($35.00/£19.95) Spectrum 1995 NR
Soyibo, A., Adekanye, F. Financial system regulation, deregulation and savings mobilization in Nigeria. (AERC research paper, 11) 32pp. AERC 1992 KE
Egwaikhide, F.O. Effects of budget deficits on the current account balance in Nigeria: a simulation exercise. (AERC research paper, 70) 33pp. AERC 1997 KE
Umoren, R. Economic reforms and Nigeria’s political crisis. ISBN: 9780292357 228pp. N720.00 ($24.95/£14.95) Spectrum 2001 NR
Ekpenyong, D.E., Nyong, M.O. Small and medium-scale enterprises in Nigeria. (AERC research paper, 16) 33pp. AERC 1992 KE
Utomi, P. Critical perspectives on Nigerian political economy and management, ISBN: 978029192X 321pp. N1,560 ($24.95/ £14.95) Spectrum 2000 NR
Ekpo, A.H., Ndebbio, J.E.U. Local government fiscal operations in Nigeria. (AERC research paper, 73) 41pp. AERC 1998 KE Expo, H.A., Ndebbio, J.E.U., Akapakpaw, E.B. Macro-economic model of the Nigerian economy. ISBN: 9783692518 cd. 160pp. N2,000 ($12.50/£10.00/Eur12.50) ISBN: 978369250X N1,500 ($15.50/£12.50/ Eur15.00) Vantage 2004 NR Kayode, M., Usman, Y., eds. Nigeria since independence: the first 25 years. Volume 2: the economy. vol.2 328pp. N645.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Kwanashie, M., Isaac, A., Garba, A. The Nigerian economy: response of agriculture to adjustment policies. (AERC research paper, 78) 48pp. AERC 1998 KE Nigerian Economic Summit Group Report on the fourth Nigeria Economic Summit. N2,000 ($8.00/£66.50) Spectrum 1997 NR Nigerian Economic Summit Group Report on the third Nigerian Economic Summit. 260pp. N2,000 ($80.00/ £66.50) Spectrum 1996 NR Nwankwo, G.O. Money and capital markets in Nigeria today. 75pp. ($10.00/£6.75) Univ Lagos Press 1991 NR Obadan, M. The Nigerian economy and the external sector. (CASS Occasional Monograph series, 8) 64pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Malthouse 1996 NR Odife, D.O. New perspectives on Nigerian economic reform: the challenges of economic policy analysis in a developing nation. 409pp. N2,500 ($45.00) Goldland 1994 NR Ogun, O. Real exchange rate movements and export growth: Nigeria. (AERC research paper, 82) 26pp. AERC 1998 KE Ogundipe, S.O. Second-tier foreign exchange markets in Nigeria. 96pp. N127.70 ($11.50/£6.50) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR Okongwu, C.S.P. The Nigerian economy. Dimension 1985 NR
Economics—Nigeria—Addresses and essays Aluko, S. Recent trends in federal finance. (NIIA, seminar series 2) 20pp. N5.00 NIIA 1976 NR Falegan, S.B. Management of Nigeria’s external reserve. (NIIA, lecture series 6) 23pp. N5.00 NIIA 1976 NR Udoji, J. Which way Nigeria? Selected speeches. ISBN: 9780290850 299pp. ($19.95/ £11.95) Spectrum 1999 NR Economics—Nigeria—Bibliography Coker, Q.F. IMF and Nigeria: a selected bibliography, 1960-1985. 94pp. ($5.95/£4.00) N5.00 NIIA 1986 NR Economics—Nigeria—Study and teaching Soyode, A. PhD education in economics in Nigeria: an overview of demand, supply and the collaborative idea. (AERC research paper, 31) 60pp. AERC 1998 KE Economics—Réunion Torit, S. Un diagnostique de territoire. ill.maps ODR 2001 RF FRE
Torit, S. Performance dynamisme et scénarios pour un territoire. 53pp. ill. ODR 2001 RF FRE Economics—Senegal Ferrié, J. Fiscalité sénégalaise en vue de sa modernisation. ISBN: 2912774802 72pp. CFA3,500 EENAS 1999 SG FRE Ndir, P.A. La nouvelle fiscalité sénégalaise. 184pp. CFA3,000 NEAS 1993 SG FRE Economics—South Africa Archer, D. Twenty-twenty: a vision and a campaign for a sustainable South Africa: a working report. (INR working paps., 111) R7.50 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Baskin, J. Labour and economic policy in South Africa. 216pp. Ravan 1996 SA Bruggemans, C. Change of pace. South Africa’s economic revival. ISBN: 1868143848 314pp. R175.00 Witwatersrand UP 2003 SA
Cunningham, P.W. Economic transformation. (IDPR occasional papers, 44) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Doxey, M. South Africa’s external economic relations: new initiatives in a changing environment. 18pp. 35c. SA Inst Int Affairs 1969 SA Fine, B., Rustomjee, Z. The political economy of South Africa. From minerals-energy complex to industrialisation. R110.00 Witwatersrand UP 1996 SA [Southern African rights] Hofmeyer, J.F. The rise in African wages in South Africa 1975-1985. (Monograph Series, No. 22) ($9.00) R9.00 Economic Res Unit 1990 SA Isaacs, S. South Africa in the global economy. 216pp. ill.maps R58.00 ($15.00/£10.00) TURP 1997 SA Jenkins, C. The effect of sanctions on South Africa. ($9.00) Economic Res Unit 1992 SA Kentridge, M. Turning the tanker: the economic debate in South Africa. (CPS research reports, 32) 31pp. R15.00 Centre Policy Stud 1993 SA Krafchik, W., Boraine, A., Baker, P., eds. South Africa and the world economy. 288pp. R69.95 Philip 1993 SA Lipton, M., Simkins, C., eds. State and market in post apartheid South Africa. 472pp. R69.95 Witwatersrand UP 1993 SA [No US] Little, A.M. Capacity building in environmental economics: Phase 1 Development. Vol. 1 Final project report; Vol. 2 Supporting documents. 2 vols.(INR investigational reports, 94) vol.1 R6.50 vol.2 R55.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA May, J.D., Stavrou, S.E. The informal sector: socio-economic dynamics and growth in the greater Durban metropolitan region. (CDSC rural urban studies working papers, 18) 48pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1989 SA Mhone, G.C.Z., ed. Development policy and economic crisis in southern Africa. 114pp. ($16.00/ £8.95) SAPES 1996 ZI Mills, G., Begg, A., van Nieuwkerk, A. South Africa in the global economy. R45.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1995 SA Mohr, P., ed. Economic indicators. rev.ed. ISBN: 1868881326 250pp. R129.00 ($25.00/ £16.20/Eur22.00) Unisa 2002 SA Moll, P. The great economic debate: the radical’s guide to the South African economy. 154pp. ($12.50/£6.75) Skotaville 1991 SA Nattrass, N. Macroeconomics. Theory and policy in South Africa. 284pp. R55.95 Philip 1997 SA Nattrass, N.J., Mpanza, Z. Mgaga: a socio-economic profile. (CDSC rural urban studies working papers, 17) 16pp. R5.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1988 SA Nel, H. Linkages in the Eastern Cape. (Research reports, 53) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Economics—South Africa Nicholson, J. Measuring change: South Africa’s economy since 1994. ISBN: 1868404277 78pp. ill. R40.00 TURP 2001 SA Padayachee, V. South Africa’s re-entry into the global economy: a review and critique of post1990 strategies of reintegration. (CSDS working papers, 14) R12.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1997 SA Parsons, R. Parsons’ perspective. Focus on the economy. ISBN: 1868421201 R119.95 Ball 2002 SA Roux, A. Everyone’s guide to the South African economy. 5th ed. 148pp. R59.95 Zebra 1997 SA Setai, B. The making of poverty in South Africa. ISBN: 1779051115 198pp. ($24.95/£14.95) SAPES 2001 ZI Smit, P.C., et al. Economics - a South African perspective. [Interactive: book + 3 disks.] ISBN: 0702134473 R249.00 Juta 1996 SA Tair, C.V.R. Economic profile of the Eastern Cape. (Research reports, 55) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Trade Union Research Project Our political economy: understanding the problems. R10.00 TURP 1992 SA
Subject index Martins, J.H. Income and expenditure patterns of households in the Durban metropolitan area, 2002. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 316) 120pp. R1,500 Bur Market Research 2003 SA Martins, J.H. Total expenditure of households in the Durban metorpolitan area by expenditure item and type of outlet. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 321) 120pp. R1,500 Bur Market Research 2003 SA Martins, J.H. Total household expenditure in South Africa by province, population group and product, 2003. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 322) 242pp. R3,000 Bur Market Research 2003 SA Pellissier, G.M. Trends: the BER handbook of economic statistics. R270.00 BER 1994 SA Roodt, J. Remuneration of graduates. ISBN: 0796919909 137pp. R55.00 HSRC Publ 2001 SA Tustin, D. Forecast of economic indicators and retail sales by product group for 2003. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 312) 101pp. R9,000 Bur Market Research 2003 SA
Trade Union Research Project A user’s guide to the South African economy. 112pp. R49.99 Y Press 1994 SA
Tustin, D.H. Forecast of economic indicators and formal retail sales by product group for 2005. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 340) ISBN: 191978988X 77pp. R2,000 Bur Market Research 2005 SA
van Wyk, H. de J. A forcast of economic and socio-political issues in South Africa. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 313) 167pp. R1,200 Bur Market Research 2003 SA
Tustin, D.H., comp. Economic growth prospects for SMMEs in the greater Johannesburg metropolitan area. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 284) 178pp. R800.00 Bur Market Research 2001 SA
Wait, C.V.R., Renders, V. Economic trends in the East Cape: a comparative study. (IDPR occasional papers, 3) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1981 SA
van Aardt, C.J. The projected economic impact of HIV/ AIDS in South Africa. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 325) ISBN: 1919789723 91pp. R3,000 Bur Market Research 2003 SA
Wilkins, N. Financial repression: do real interest rates determine savings and investment in South Africa. (Monograph series, 8) ($20.00) Economic Res Unit 1993 SA Economics—South Africa—Statistics Kershoff, G. Retail survey. R315.00 BER 1994 SA Ligthelm, A.A., comp. Regional economic structure and growth in South Africa, 1988-1994. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 234) R450.00 Bur Market Research 1996 SA Martins, J. Expenditure of households in the Cape Peninsula according to outlet. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 304) 114pp. R1,500 Bur Market Research 2003 SA Martins, J. Household income and expenditure in the Cape Peninsula by living standards measure group, 2000. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 309) 133pp. R1,500 Bur Market Research 2003 SA
van Wyk, H. National personal income of South Africa by income and population group, 19602005. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 299) 29pp. R850.00 Bur Market Research 2003 SA van Wyk, H. Trends in household expenditure in South Africa. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 306) 189pp. R1,500 Bur Market Research 2003 SA van Wyk, H. de J. An evaluation of economic and sociopolitical issues in 2004 and 2007 compared with 2003. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 328) ISBN: 1919789758 103pp. R1,500 Bur Market Research 2004 SA Whiteford, A. Poverty 96. A database of income poverty. [Includes disk.] R4,750 WEFA-SA 1999 SA Whiteford, A., van Seventer, D.E. Winners and losers. South Africa’s changing income distribution in the 1990s. 50pp. R456.00 WEFA-SA 1999 SA
Martins, J. Income and expenditure patterns of households in the Cape Peninsula. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 300) 173pp. R1,500 Bur Market Research 2003 SA
Economics—South Africa—Study and teaching Wangwe, S.M. Capacity in graduate economics training in South Africa: an AERC study. (AERC special paper, 23) AERC 1996 KE
Martins, J.H. Household income and expenditure in the Durban metropolitan area by living standards measure (LSM) group, 2002. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 318) 120pp. R1,500 Bur Market Research 2003 SA
Economics—Study and teaching Abubu, A.O. Useful basic economics for schools & colleges. 367pp. C50,000.00 ($14.75) IMV 1996 GH Abudu, A.O. Islamic economics for the layperson. 256pp. C30,000.00 ($9.99) IMV 1996 GH
Abudu, A.O. Model questions - rapid review of useful development economics. 65pp. C10,000.00 ($1.00) IMV 1996 GH Abudu, A.O. Model questions & answers for a rapid review of basic economics. 244pp. C25,000.00 ($9.95) IMV 1996 GH Abudu, A.O. Model questions for a rapid review of useful macroeconomics. 53pp. C10,000.00 ($1.00) IMV 1996 GH Abudu, A.O. Useful macroeconomics for schools & colleges. 241pp. C45,000.00 ($12.75) IMV 1996 GH African Economic Research Consortium Addressing gender bias: graduate training in economics. AERC 1994 KE Agiobene, F.T.G. Theoretical foundations of modern economics. ISBN: 9783038295 Ano 2001 NR Akello-Ogutu, N., Waelti, J.J. Basic concepts of microeconomics. 194pp. ($11.00) K.shs.110.00 Nairobi UP KE Akumpurira, A. Certificate economics, form 4. 356pp. ill. K.shs.562.00 OUP - Nairobi 1991 KE Diaw, A., ed. Analyse économique. ISBN: 2869780990 205pp. CFA7,500 ($10.00/ £10.00/Eur13.00) CODESRIA 2002 SG Doucouré, F.B. Econométrie: le modèle linéaire général. ISBN: 2869780990 236pp. CFA7,500 ($10.00/£13.00) CODESRIA 2001 SG FRE Haydam, N. The principles of microeconomics. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0627025528 263pp. R199.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Haydarn, N. The principles of macroeconomics. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0627025285 422pp. R244.95 Van Schaik 2002 SA Hussein, A. Aid to passing C.P.S. section 1: economics. 176pp. K.shs.310.00 EAEP 1986 KE Hussein, A. Economics made easy. 286pp. K.shs.510.00 EAEP 1997 KE Hussein, A. A textbook of economics. 364pp. K.shs.495.00 EAEP 1986 KE Kuma, N.N. Student’s companion in public finance. 68pp. C3.60 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1977 GH Mawo, J.G. Elementary economics for management science students. ISBN: 9783038028 cd. 121pp. N500.00 ($6.00/£5.00) Ano 1998 NR Mohr, P., Fourie, L. Economics for South African students. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 0627024769 654pp. R314.95 Van Schaik 2001 SA Mudida, R. Modern economics. ISBN: 9966882742 476pp. col.ill.pl. ($14.00) Focus 2003 KE Mukras, M.S. Elementary econometrics: theory, application and policy. 676pp. K.shs.1,235 EAEP 1993 KE Mukras, M.S. Elementary econometrics: theory, application and policy (A solution’s manual). 126pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 1993 KE [East Africa] Nwankwo, P.S. College economics. (£3.00) Fourth Dimension 1986 NR
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 204
African Books in Print
Subject index
Economics—Study and teaching (Secondary)
Nwikina, C.G. Introduction to monetary economics. ISBN: 9783038017 N600.00 Ano 2000 NR Oller, W. The international economy. (£4.95) Saros 1990 NR
Pape, J. Economics. An introduction for South African learners. ISBN: 0702152064 382pp. R139.00 Juta 2000 SA Presses Universitaires d’Afrique Economie d’entreprise. Tome 1. Premières B, G, ESF, IH de l’enseignement secondaire technique et professionnel et débutant d’études économiques générales (DEUG). vol.1 ISBN: 2912086272 244pp. CFA6,000 (Eur20.00) PUA 2001 CM FRE Sibuga, K. Basic agricultural economics. ($5.00) PPCC 2003 TZ
Smith Economics. ISBN: 0195781325 544pp. R350.00 OUP - SA 2005 SA United States Information Services Introductory economics. 490pp. N460.85 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Viljoen, R.P. Microeconomics. ISBN: 1868880958 246pp. R139.00 Unisa 2002 SA Economics—Study and teaching—Africa Fine, J.C. An African based doctoral programme in economics: summary report. (AERC special paper, 26) 33pp. AERC 1997 KE Fine, J.C., Lyakurwa, W., Drabek, A.G., eds. PhD education in economics in subsaharan Africa: lessons and prospects. 376pp. K.shs.510.00 ($21.50/£11.95) EAEP 1991 KE Hoffman, J. Linking economic research and policymaking: the role of AERC. (AERC special paper, 20) AERC 1995 KE Hubbard, M. Teaching economics in the southern African periphery. P5.10 NIDCR 1982 BS Kaljob, V.M. Prix et marges à la portée de tous. ISBN: 2911380651 164pp. CFA5,000 (Eur7.63) UCAC 2002 CM FRE Mukras, M.S. Graduate training in economics with particular reference to anglophone Africa (except Nigeria). (AERC special paper, 10) 42pp. AERC 1991 KE Mukras, M.S. The state of graduate training in economics in eastern and southern Africa. (AERC special paper, 8) 53pp. AERC 1990 KE Pegatienan, H.J. Graduate training in economics in francophone West and Central Africa. (AERC research paper, 7) 20pp. AERC 1990 KE Thorbecke, E. The AERC research programme: an evaluation. (AERC special paper, 21) AERC 1996 KE Economics—Study and teaching—Ghana Jebuni, C.D. The study of doctoral education in economics: Ghana case study. (AERC special paper, 29) 59pp. AERC 1998 KE Economics—Study and teaching (Elementary) de Klerk, J.W., Enslin, C., van der Westhuizen, R. Economic and management science through issues learner’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974561 119pp. ill. R51.78 Clever 2004 SA
de Klerk, J.W., Enslin, C., van der Westhuizen, R. Economic and management science through issues learner’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974596 141pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA de Klerk, J.W., Enslin, C., van der Westhuizen, R. Economic and management science through issues teacher’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 186897457X 158pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA de Klerk, J.W., Enslin, C., van der Westhuizen, R. Economic and management science through issues teacher’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974596 141pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA de Klerk, J.W., Enslin, C., van der Westhuizen, R. Economic and management sciences through issues learner’s book. Grade 6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 186897460X 132pp. ill. R53.41 Clever 2004 SA de Klerk, J.W., Enslin, C., van der Westhuizen, R. Economics and management science through issues teacher’s book. Grade 6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974618 159pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA Struwig, F. Economic and management science through issues learner’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975851 123pp. ill. R57.95 Clever 2005 SA Struwig, F. Economic and management sciences through issues teacher’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 186897586X 168pp. ill. R84.95 Clever 2005 SA
Asante, Y.O. Economics without tears for O-level students. 6th ed. 262pp. C6,000 ($6.60) Black Mask 1993 GH Asante, Y.O. Modern economics for senior secondary school. bk.1 150pp. ill. C8,000 ($3.50) Black Mask 1996 GH Asante, Y.O. Modern economics for senior secondary school. bk.2 ISBN: 9964960964 228pp. ill. C14,000 ($5.80) Black Mask 1998 GH Awosanmi et al. SMG economics for senior secondary certifacte examination SSCE. ISBN: 9780290184 203pp. N384.0 Spectrum 1999 NR Baumgardt, J., et al. Shuter’s economics and management science. Grade 7. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0796011966 R82.57 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA Baumgardt, J., et al. Shuter’s economics and management science. Grade 7. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796011958 R46.47 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA Booysen, W.A. Shuters business economics. Grade 11, standard 9. 192pp. R41.70 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA Kenya Institute of Education Economics students’ book 3. 194pp. K.shs.168.00 ($2.80/£1.70) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1990 KE Kenya Institute of Education Economics students’ book 4. 188pp. K.shs.296.00 ($4.95/£3.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1994 KE Levin, M., et al. Enjoy economics. Standard 10, grade 12. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 352pp. R62.10 Heinemann-EdSA 1994 SA
Trull, S., et al. Discovering economics and management grade 4 learner. ISBN: 0796018715 64pp. R29.08 Shuter & Shooter 2004 SA
Levin, M., et al. Enjoy economics. Standard 6, grade 8. 120pp. R46.25 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA
Trull, S.E. Discovering economics and management grade 5 teacher’s guide. ISBN: 079601874X 72pp. R49.52 Shuter & Shooter 2004 SA
Levin, M., et al. Enjoy economics. Standard 7, grade 9. 128pp. R48.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA
Trull, S.E. Discovering economics and management grade 6 teacher’s guide. ISBN: 0796018766 88pp. R52.85 Shuter & Shooter 2004 SA Trull, S.E., et al. Discovering economics and management grade 4 teacher’s guide. ISBN: 0796018723 88pp. R45.35 Shuter & Shooter 2004 SA Trull, S.E., et al. Discovering economics and management grade 5 learner. ISBN: 0796018731 80pp. R29.82 Shuter & Shooter 2004 SA Trull, S.E., Zeeman, A.L. Discovering economics and management grade 6 learner. ISBN: 0796018758 80pp. R32.46 Shuter & Shooter 2004 SA Economics—Study and teaching (Secondary) Adeniyi, A. Basic economics for West Africa. 132pp. ($8.70) Univ Press - Nig 1983 NR Aderinto, A. Comprehensive certificate economics. 326pp. N19.50 Univ Press - Nig 1988 NR Anyanwuocha, R.A.I. Economics for the certificate year. ISBN: 978175396X 210pp. N350.00 Africana First 2004 NR Anyanwuocha, R.A.I. Fundamentals of economics. 320pp. ill. N481.00 Africana First 1993 NR
Levin, M., et al. Enjoy economics. Standard 8, grade 10. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 268pp. R58.15 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Levin, M., et al. Enjoy economics. Standard 9, grade 11. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 216pp. R59.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA McGill, D.J. An introduction to economic and management sciences. Grade 8. Educator’s book. new ed. ISBN: 0796015899 120pp. R48.79 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA McGill, D.J. An introduction to economic and management sciences. Grade 8. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796015902 124pp. R44.74 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA Mupakati, F. Focus study aid: A level economics. 72pp. ill. Z$79.95 College Press -Zimb 1989 ZI Mupakati, F. Focus study aid: O-level economics. 64pp. ill. Z$69.95 College Press -Zimb 1989 ZI Olayide, S.O. Certificate economics for West Africa. 216pp. ill. N13.50k Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Olayide, S.O., Donaldson, P. Certificate economics for West Africa: revision and exercises. 131pp. N7.50k Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Economics—Study and teaching (Secondary) Oluwi, G.B., Adegoke, A.B. Nigerian economics for university, polytechnic and college of education students. 311pp. ill. Fab 1997 NR Paxton, P.A. Shuters business economics. Grade 10, standard 8. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. 252pp. R67.40 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA Smit, L., Trull, S.E. Shuter’s economics and management science. Grade 8. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0796014469 72pp. R97.85 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA Smit, L., Trull, S.E. Shuter’s economics and management science. Grade 8. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796014477 R47.13 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA Smit, L., Trull, S.E. Shuter’s economics and management science. Grade 9. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0790615538 R34.00 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA Smit, L., Trull, S.E. Shuter’s economics and management science. Grade 9. Learner’s book. ISBN: 079601552X 112pp. R32.00 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA Smith, T. An introduction to economic and management sciences. Grade 8. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796014809 55pp. R39.31 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA Udu, E. New system economics for senior secondary. 272pp. ill. N363.00 Africana First 1989 NR West, J. Focus on economics. ill. pl. Z$79.95 College Press -Zimb 1987 ZI Economics—Sudan Ahmed, M.M. The relevance of the concepts of economic surplus to economic development. 39pp. Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1988 SJ
Mahran, H. Economic expansion. Domestic distribution and North-South trade. (DSRC monograph series, 37) 36pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1991 SJ Salih, A.M.M. Economics stagnation and structural adjustment: IMF/World Bank: seven years of experimentation in the Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 94) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1991 SJ Salih, A.O.N. Principles for exchange in a primitive economy: the Nubian case. (DSRC seminar series, 26) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1983 SJ Umbadda, S. Education and the mismanagmeent of Sudanese economy and society 19541989. (DSRC seminar series, 86) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1990 SJ Economics—Tanzania Bagachwa, M.S.D., Mbelle, A.V.Y., eds. Economic policy under a multiparty system in Tanzania. 218pp. ($27.00/ £14.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1993 TZ Bagachwa, M.S.D., Naho, A. A review of recent developments in the second economy in Tanzania. (AERC special paper, 16) AERC 1994 KE ESRF & TBC The parallel economy in Tanzania: magnitude, causes and policy implications. 66pp. ESRF TZ Hyuha, M., Ndanshau, M.O., Kipokola, J.P. Scope, structure and policy implications of informal financial markets in Tanzania. (AERC research paper, 18) 38pp. AERC 1993 KE Kahama, G.C. Tanzania into the 21st century. cd. & 238pp. T.shs.8,000 ($12.00/£7.50) cd. T.shs.5,600 ($8.00/£7.50) Tema 1995 TZ Kilindo, A.A.L. Fiscal operation, money supply and inflation in Tanzania. (AERC special paper, 65) 40pp. AERC 1997 KE
Awad, M.H. The economics and geopolitics of Sudan oil. (DSRC seminar series, 31) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1983 SJ
Kim, R.S., Mabele, K.S., Schultheis, M.J. Papers on the political economy of Tanzania. 294pp. K.shs.510.00 EAEP 1979 KE
Doornbos, P. Some aspects of smuggling between Chad and Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 33) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1983 SJ
Mbiliza, J.F. A history of commodity production in Makuani 1600-1900. Mercantilist accumulation to imperial domination. 163pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1991 TZ
El-Sheikh, A. A consumption function for the Sudan. (DSRC monograph series, 15) 37pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1983 SJ El Fatih Shaa El Din, A. The evolution of the Sudanese economy up to 1950. (DSRC monograph series, 20) 58pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ El Sheikh, A. Structural analysis for the production function of the Sudan economy. (DSRC monograph series, 27) 47pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1986 SJ El Sheikh Ahmed, A., Fadlalla, B.M. A modelling approach to forecasting a critique of some essential aspects of the Sudanese six-year plan. (DSRC monograph series, 23) 117pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1985 SJ El Shibly, M. Monetisation, financial intermediation and self-financed growth in the Sudan 196061. (DSRC seminar series, 5) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Gadir Ali, A.A. Some aspects of the Sudan economy. 30pp. Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ Gordon, C.H. A survey of Sudanese economic legislation: a consistency or conflict? (DSRC seminar series, 57) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ
Moshi, H.P.B. Fiscal and monetary burden of Tanzania’s corporate bodies. The case of public enterprises. (AERC research paper, 75) 29pp. AERC 1998 KE Ndanshau, M.O.A. The behaviour of income velocity in Tanzania 1967-1994. (AERC research paper, 50) 54pp. AERC 1996 KE Nyoni, T.S. Foreign aid and economic performance in Tanzania. (AERC research paper, 61) 33pp. AERC 1997 KE Wangwe, S.M. Economic reforms and poverty alleviation in Tanzania. 80pp. ESRF 1997 TZ Wangwe, S.M. Exit procedures and economic transformation: the case of Tanzania. 56pp. ESRF 1996 TZ Wangwe, S.M. Social accounting: principles and application. 114pp. ($7.50/£4.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1983 TZ Wangwe, S.M., ed. National capacity assessment in Tanzania. Partnership for capacity building in Africa. (Tanzania political economy, 4) ISBN: 9976973985 100pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2002 TZ
Subject index Wangwe, S.M., Semboja, H.H., Tibandebage, P. Transitional economic policy and policy options in Tanzania. (Tanzania political economy, 1) ISBN: 9976973411 136pp. T.shs.6,500 ($18.00/£9.95) Mkuki na Nyota 1998 TZ Wangwe, S.M., Van Arkadie, B., et al., eds. Overcoming constraints on Tanzanian growth. Policy challenges facing the third phase government. (Tanzania Political Economy, 2) ISBN: 9976973780 121pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2000 TZ Economics—Uganda Mbelle, A., Mjema, G.D., Kilindo, A.A.L. The Nyerere legacy and economic policy making in Tanzania. ISBN: 9976603657 374pp. ($39.95/£23.95) Dar es Salaam UP 2002 TZ Mbire, B. Exchange rate policy and inflation: the case of Uganda. (AERC research paper, 53) 29pp. AERC 1997 KE Mbire, B. Growth and foreign debt: the Ugandan experience. (AERC research paper, 66) 40pp. AERC 1997 KE Economics—Zambia Bank of Zambia Issues on the Zambian economy. 9982870009 76pp. BOZ 2003 ZA
Economics—Zimbabwe Games, D. The Zimbabwe economy: how has it survived and how will it recover? (SAIIA report, 30) ISBN: 1919810633 SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA Mlambo, A.S. The economic structural adjustment programme. The case of Zimbabwe, 1990-1995. ISBN: 0908307721 105pp. Z$75.00 ($16.00/£8.95) Univ Zimbabwe 1998 ZI Mupindu, S., Masuku, L. Price control as a means of consumer protection in Zimbabwe: a review of the price formation system. (Working paper, 16) 35pp. ZIDS 1991 ZI Mwanza, A., ed. Social policy in an economy under stress: the case of Zimbabwe. ISBN: 1779050933 71pp. ($18.95/£10.95) SAPES 2000 ZI Edo—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Ogie, E. Kokoye. [A small collection of Edo traditional poetry.] 42pp. N150.00 Golden Dawn 2003 NR EDO Osemwegie, I. Poems in Bini. [The Bini language is also known as Edo.] 58pp. 30k Macmillan Nig NR EDO Edo—General and Non-fiction Egharevba, J. Itan edagbon mwe. Autobiography 92pp. N3.00 Ibadan UP 1972 NR EDO Edo—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Uwaifo., Osevbegie, I., Amayo, A. Ynunozedo, Ebe okaro. Primary Edo course. pupils bk. 1. 40pp. ill. 75k. Macmillan - Nig 1976 NR EDO Edo language—Study and teaching Ogie, E. Edo. Ebe ogie eva. [Edo language study.] 2nd ed. bk.2 48pp. ill. N150.00 Golden Dawn 2003 NR EDO Ogie, E. Edo. Ebo okaro. [Edo language study.] 2nd ed. bk.1 48pp. ill. N150.00 Golden Dawn 2003 NR EDO Education see also Child study Education, Adult Education, Elementary Education, Secondary Health education Literacy Physical education and training Religious education Research
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 206
African Books in Print
Subject index Students Study, Methods of Teachers—Training Vocational education and as a sub-division under names of specific countries or regions Abosi, C.O. et al. Psychological foundation of education. 216pp. N550.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1997 NR
Education Degato, C. A guide to semester/unit course system. 63pp. ($5.00) Ghana UP 1997 GH Editions CLE Réseau école et développement. CFA4,000 CLE 1999 CM FRE
Elliot, J. Let’s discuss education. 2nd ed. 210pp. pl. ($5.20) Univ Press - Nig 1981 NR
Lar, M.N. Principles and methods of teaching application to nomads. 103pp. Fab 1997 NR Lubisi, R.C. Assessment in education. Principles, practice and critique. ISBN: 0869809652 164pp. R95.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1999 SA
Adesina, S., et al. Educational administration. 226pp. ($15.60) Univ Press - Nig 1988 NR
Enobakhare, G.N.I. How shall we educate? 53pp. 45k Macmillan - Nig 1972 NR
Lumeka-Iwa-Yansenga. Introduction aux études de psychopédagogie. Z32.50pp. ($19.25) Press Univ Congo 1980 ZR FRE
Akinpelu, J.A. An introduction to philosophy of education. 252pp. Macmillan - Nig 1981 NR
Evangel Publishing House A manual for writers and designers of TEE study materials. 128pp. K.shs.200.00 Evangel 1992 KE
Maduewesi, E.J. General methodology for primary schools. 120pp. N250.00 Africana First 1990 NR
Amedzro, A.D.K. Globalization. Non-formal education and rural development. ISBN: 9966403424 155pp. ($$22.95/£16.95) Ghana UP 2005 GH
Fédry, J. Le travail intellectuel. ISBN: 2911380053 148pp. CFA4,500 (Eur6.84) UCAC 2002 CM FRE
Majasan, J.A. Qualitative education and development. ISBN: 9780290575 118pp. N390.00 ($14.95/£8.95) Spectrum 1998 NR
Fincham, R.J., A’Bear, D.R., Erskine, J.M. Forging the link between environmental education and development. Paper presented at the 1991 Environmental Education Workshop: environmental education in developing communities, West Coaost National Park, Geelbek. (INR working paps., 75) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA
Mbiti, D. An introduction to education: its meaning and significance to society. 96pp. K.shs.288.00 OUP - Nairobi 1981 KE
Flanagan, W., ed. Education studies learning guide. ISBN: 0702143553 120pp. R65.00 Juta 1997 SA
Musker, P. Outcomes-based education. Theory into practice, an introductory guide. 44pp. R19.95 Nolwazi 1997 SA
Freire, P. Pedagogy of the oppressed. Penguin SA SA
Mwiria, K., Wamahiu, S.P., eds. Issues in educational research in Africa. 208pp. K.shs.565.00 EAEP 1995 KE
Amedzro, A.D.K. Theory and practice of community education. A comparative study of Nordic, British, Canadian and Ghanaian experiments. ISBN: 9964303257 110pp. ($22.95/£16.95) Ghana UP 2005 GH Asgarally, I. Education et culture à l’aube du 3ème millénaire./Education and culture at the dawn of the 3rd millenium. [Text in English and French.] ISBN: 9990323844 198pp. Rs250.00 ($15.00/£9.50) Printemps 1999 MF FRE Barker, R.E. Philosophies of education: an introduction. 160pp. pl. Z$109.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI Bennaars, G.A., Otiende, J.E., Boisvert, B., eds. Theory and practice of education. 336pp. K.shs.770.00 ($30.00/£16.75) EAEP 1994 KE Bischoff, T., du Plessis, P., Smith, E. Effective school marketing. ISBN: 0627025757 R169.95 Van Schaik 2004 SA Bisschoff, T., Govender, C., Oosthuizen, P. Project management in education and training. ISBN: 0627025749 R174.95 Van Schaik 2004 SA Bocar, C. Devoirs de vacances: une école coranique que vous avez fréquentée. ISBN: 291045469X cd. 121pp. ill. CFA1,500 Jamana 1999 ML FRE Bond-Stewart, K. Education. 102pp. ill. ($7.20) Mambo 1986 ZI Bott, A. The future plan of a sample of 1976 matriculants. (IDPR fact papers, 20) Inst Planning Res 1977 SA Brickhill, P. The fundamentals of production. A practical approach. bk. 1 157pp. ill. pl. ($18.00/£10.00) Found Ed Prod 1992 BS Clum, A. Guideposts to learning. cd. & 192pp. ill. N2.30 N2.50 cd. Macmillan - Nig 1971 NR Coetzer, I.A., Van Zyl, A.E. History of education: a few contemporary educational issues. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] 192pp. R79.00 ($25.30/£15.40) Unisa 1989 SA MUL Collet, N., Engel, K. Lively learning. 64pp. ill. T.shs.50.00 Central Tanganyika 1975 TZ Cuvelier, P., du Plessis, T., Teck, L. Multilingualism, education and social integration. ISBN: 062702448X 210pp. R175.95 Van Schaik 2003 SA Davidoff, S., Lazarus, S. The learning school. An organisation development approach. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702156620 188pp. R145.00 Juta 2002 SA
Gravett, S. Adult learning. ISBN: 0627025862 R134.95 Van Schaik 2004 SA Harley, K., Bertram, C., Mattson, E. Classroom studies. Researching teacher roles in policy and practice. ISBN: 0869909628 208pp. R85.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1999 SA Harouchi, A. La pédagogie des compétences. ISBN: 9954000577 320pp. Dir100.00 Fennec 2001 MR FRE Holland, F. Teaching through TEE. 45pp. K.shs.80.00 ($1.50) Evangel 1975 KE Holland, F. Training TEE leaders. 108pp. K.shs.100.00 ($2.00) Evangel 1990 KE Institute for Reformational Studies Curriculum 2005. Life orientation, foundation phase, guide for Christian teachers. (IRS collections, 47) ISBN: 8682203027 165pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1998 SA Institute of Education, University of Ibadan Educational technology. 140pp. N112.65 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1981 NR Institute of Education, University of Ibadan Psychological foundations of education. 138pp. N148.50 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1981 NR Institute of Education, University of Ibadan Sociological and philosophical foundations of education. 208pp. N184.60 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1981 NR Kasambira, P. Education, administration and management. ISBN: 177900317X 224pp. Z$180.00 ($5.10) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Kraak, A., Young, M., eds. Education in retrospect: policy and implementation since 1990. ISBN: 0796919887 193pp. R150.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA Kruger, A.G., van Schalwyk, O.J., eds. Classroom management. 2nd rev.ed. ISBN: 0627022871 192pp. R139.94 Van Schaik 1998 SA
Metcalfe, M., Rule, P. Build your PTSA: a manual for organising parent-teaching-student associations. ill. R16.99 ($5.66/£3.40) Sached 1992 SA
National Institute of Development Research and Documentation Foundation for education with production: seminar on education, developmentand social transformation, 28 June - 2 July 1982. NIDCR BS Ngaroga, J.H. Revision professional studies for primary teacher education. 416pp. K.shs.410.00 EAEP 1996 KE Nkpa, N. Educational research for modern scholars. 119pp. (£9.50/$17.00) Fourth Dimension 1997 NR Ogbonna Ohuche, R. Continuous assessment for every learner. 154pp. N250.00 Africana First 1988 NR Ojerinde, D., Falayajo, W. Continuous assessment: a new approach. 124pp. ($5.20) Univ Press - Nig 1984 NR Okumbe, J.A. Educational management. Theory and practice. ISBN: 9966846425 276pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Nairobi UP 1998 KE Olatunji, S.A. Progress through evaluation. (Inaugural lectures, 93) 25pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1995 NR Olive Publications Teaching and learning. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1874808082 53pp. R38.00 Olive 1999 SA Olunloyo, O. Steps to quantitative reasoning. bks.1-6 50-150pp. pl. Literamed 1993 NR Onwuegbu, A. Discover teaching. 222pp. ill. ($6.00) Fourth Dimension 1979 NR Ozoji, E. Special education for the nonprofessional. 180pp. N250.00 Deka 1995 NR Prophet, R. A book of really useful knowledge for junior secondary science teachers. ISBN: 9991271287 276pp. P132.00 Lentswe LL 2002 BS [co-published with Lightbooks, Gaborone, Botswana]
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
SAIDE Understanding outcomes-based education. Learning guide. ISBN: 0195711602 144pp. R175.00 OUP - SA 1998 SA SAIDE Understanding outcomes-based education. Set 1. [Reader and audio cassette tape] ISBN: 0195716205 R345.00 OUP - SA 1998 SA SAIDE Understanding outcomes-based education. Set 2. [Learning guide, reader, audio and video cassette] ISBN: 0195716426 R515.00 OUP - SA 1998 SA SAIDE Understanding outcomes-based education. [Audio cassette tape] ISBN: 0195716191 R75.00 OUP - SA 1999 SA SAIDE Understanding outcomes-based education. [Reader] ISBN: 0195711610 120pp. R135.00 OUP - SA 1998 SA SAIDE Understanding outcomes-based education. [Video cassette] ISBN: 0195716183 R215.00 OUP - SA 1998 SA Scaillet, S. Notes de pédagogie. 2nd ed. 128pp. ($4.00) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Siaykwazi, B., Siyakwazi, P.D. Strategies in teaching and learning. (Southern African political economy series, 2) ISBN: 1779050852 92pp. ($14.95/£8.95) SAPES 1999 ZI Siyakwazi, B., Siyakwazi, P.D. Strategies in teaching and learning. ISBN: 1779050852 92pp. ($14.95/£8.95) SAPES 1999 ZI Snyder, C.W. Exploring the complexities of education: notes on research design and statistics. ISBN: 9991601899 242pp. Gamsberg 1999 SX Sterling, L., Davidoff, S. The courage to lead. ISBN: 0702151718 109pp. R105.00 Juta 2000 SA Taiwo, O. Agencies of education. 118pp. N1.40 Macmillan - Nig 1966 NR Ukeje, B.O. Education for social reconstruction. 184pp. N3.00 Macmillan - Nig NR
Oyedeji, L. Wisdom: the ultimate goal of education. 45pp. ($6.50/£3.50) Univ Lagos Press 1992 NR Education—Africa Abagi, J.O., Wamahiu, S. Household based factors and school participation of girls lessons from existing surveys. (Abridged research report, 6) 12pp. Academy Science Publ 1995 KE Ade Ajayi, J.F., Goma, L.K.H., Ampah Johnson, G. The African experience with higher education. AAU 1996 GH
Ajeyalemi, D., ed. Science and technology education in Africa. 194pp. ($18.00/£10.00) Univ Lagos Press 1992 NR
Kabira, W.M., Benaars, G.A. Girls education: an agenda for change. [Text in English and French.] 17pp. ($4.00) FAWE 1994 KE MUL
Benaars, G., ed. A new beginning for teenage mothers: alternative education in Africa. [Text in English and French.] 29pp. ($7.00) FAWE 1995 KE MUL
Kibukosya, S. Send your girl child to school. [Audio cassette in English, French, Kiswahili, Lingala, Xhosa, Zulu, Dinka, Fulani.] ($3.00) FAWE 1995 KE MUL
Camerini, M., Robertson, S. Education is important: the girls know it. [Video cassette/35mm film in English and French.] ($12.00) FAWE 1996 KE MUL
Kibukosya, S. Send your girl child to school. [Video cassette in English and French.] ($5.00) FAWE 1995 KE MUL
Camerini, M., Robertson, S. These girls are missing. [Video cassette in English and French.] ($12.00) FAWE 1995 KE MUL
Kiragu, F.W., Lange, R. Development of innovative methodology in educational research and development. (Abridged research report, 9) 11pp. Academy Science Publ 1996 KE
Castle, E.B. Principles of education for teachers in Africa. 168pp. K.shs.382.00 OUP Nairobi 1965 KE Chinapah, V. With Africa for Africa. Towards quality education for all. ISBN: 0796919615 134pp. free HSRC Publ 2000 SA [only available electronically at www.hsrcpress.ac.za] Court, D., Kinyanjui, K. Education and development in subSaharan Africa: the operation and impact of education systems. (IDS discussion paper, 286) 60pp. K.shs.102.00 Inst Dev Stud 1988 KE Diouf, M., Mamdani, M., eds. Liberté académique en Afrique. 400pp. CFA6,500 ($30.00/£23.00/Eur17.00) CODESRIA 1993 SG FRE
Verbeek, C. Do-look-think-learn: developing materials for public education: an insight from voter education. ISBN: 1919798021 R60.00 Idasa 2000 SA
Eastern and Southern African Universities Research Programme Technical education and labour market in eastern and southern African countries. 182pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Tanz Publ House 1993 TZ
Education—Addresses and essays A’Bear, D.R. Address given at the opening of the Tembalihle Early Learning Centre, Mbazwane on 15 May 1993. (INR occasional paps., 128) R1.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Gerber, J.J. New media in education. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1964 SA Jones-Quartey, K.A.B. Education and revolution. Ghana UP 1972 GH McCready, M.S. How educate for living? Ghana UP 1971 GH
30pp. ($1.50)
18pp. ($1.50)
Holland, G. Which way for a changing Africa. 159pp. K.shs.200.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1992 KE Igaga, J.M. A guide to teaching practice in Africa. 96pp. K.shs.238.00 OUP - Nairobi 1978 KE
Dogbé, Y.E. La crise de l’éducation. 186pp. CFA2,900 Akpagnon 1979 TG FRE
Wessels, M. Experiential learning. ISBN: 0702171204 228pp. R179.00 Juta 2005 SA
Higgs, P. African voices in education. ISBN: 0702151998 232pp. R150.00 Juta 2000 SA
Adesina, S., Fagbongbe, E.O., Talabi, J.K. Foundation studies in education. 196pp. ill. ($12.70) Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR
Ukeje, B.O. School and society. ($9.50/£6.50) Fourth Dimension 1986 NR
Verster, T.L., ed. A historical pedagogical investigation of infant education. (Manualia Didactica, P6) new ed. cd. 316pp. R134.00 ($46.30/ £28.10) Unisa 1992 SA
Govender, P., Gruzd, S., eds. Back to the blackboard: looking beyond universal primary education in Africa. [Available as download.] ISBN: 1919969160 SA Inst Int Affairs 2004 SA
Editions CLE Correspondances, vers une pédagogie de libération. ISBN: 2723505304 274pp. CFA4,000 (Eur16.00) CLE 2003 CM FRE ENDA Editions Education: alternatives africaines. ISBN: 9291300454 274pp. ENDA 2003 SG FRE Eteki’a Mbumua, W. Démocratiser la culture. 96pp. CFA1,000 CLE 1974 CM FRE Fafunwa, A.B. New perspectives in African education. cd. & 170pp. N2.50 cd. N2.00 Macmillan - Nig 1967 NR FAWE & EDI-World Bank Girls’ academic achievement: realizing the full potential. An aid for head teachers and teachers. [Text in English and French.] ($4.00) FAWE 1996 KE MUL Forum for African Women Educationalists Girls and African education: research and action to keep girls in school. [Text in English and French.] 24pp. ($7.00) FAWE 1995 KE MUL
Legault, M., Pallante, G. La conception démocratique de l’éducation. 64pp. CFA1,500 (Eur2.29) UCAC 2002 CM FRE Legault, M., Pallante, G. Une éducation libérale pour la démocratie. Jacques Maritain, pour une philosophie de l’éducation. 76pp. CFA1,500 (Eur2.29) UCAC 2000 CM FRE Mvogo, D. L’éducation aujourd’hui: quel enjeux? ISBN: 2911380614 152pp. CFA7,500 (Eur11.48) UCAC 2002 CM FRE Mwira, K., Wamahiu, S.P., eds. Issues in educational research in Africa. 208pp. K.shs.440.00 ($25.00/£13.95) EAEP 1995 KE Njau, W., Wamahiu, S. School drop out and adolescent pregnancy. ($5.00) FAWE 1994 KE Noumon, R.C. Financement et gestion financière de l’éducation en Afrique. 189pp. CFA5,000 ($10.00/£10.00/Eur12.00) CODESRIA 1999 SG FRE Nyambura, J. Girls education: trap of adolescent pregnancy. [Text in English and French.] 9pp. ($4.00) FAWE 1995 KE MUL Ocitti, J.P. African indigenous education. 2nd ed. ($4.30/£1.70) K.shs.25.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE Omari, I.M. Psychology and education in changing societies. 159pp. ($7.50/£4.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1982 TZ Onwuka, U. Curriculum development for Africa. 2nd ed. 544pp. ill. N701.60 Africana First 1996 NR Peresuh, M., Nhundu, T.J. Foundations of education for Africa. ISBN: 1779003374 184pp. Z$363.95 ($9.10) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI Pilon, M., Yaro, Y., eds. La demande d’éducation en Afrique. Etat des connaissances et perspectives de recherche. ISBN: 2910115208 219pp. ($30.95/£18.95) UEPA 2001 SG FRE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 208
African Books in Print
Subject index
Education—Study and teaching
Rasera, J.B, Jarousse, J.P., Noumon, C.R. Le financement dans les systèmes éducatifs d’Afrique subsaharienne. [Financing education in sub-Saharan Africa.] ISBN: 2869781563 200pp. ($24.95/£16.95) CODESRIA 2005 SG Sproule, S. Girls use of spatial perceptions and visual segmentation in solving visually oriented problems. (Abridged research report, 21) Academy Science Publ 1996 KE Thody, A., Kwaabe, E.S. Educating tomorrow: lessons from managing gorls’ education in Africa. ISBN: 0702152099 266pp. R99.00 Juta 2000 SA Thompson, E.J.D. Curriculum development in non-formal education. 111pp. ($8.00) AED 1995 KE Tienrebeogo, A. General overview of girls’ education in Africa. [Text in English and French.] ($5.00) FAWE 1994 KE MUL Wamahiu, S. Girls education: why, what, who and how. [Text in English and French.] 8pp. ($4.00) FAWE 1994 KE MUL Wamahiu, S. Issues in girls’ education: our thoughts in our own voices. [Text in English and French.] 8pp. ($4.00) FAWE 1996 KE MUL Wamahiu, S. The status of girls’ education in Africa: an overview under the theme ‘achievement’. [Text in English and French.] ($5.00) FAWE 1994 KE Wamahiu, S., ed. School drop out and adolescent pregnancy. African education ministers count the cost. A report on the Ministerial Consultation held from 15 to 18 September 1994. Mauritius. [Text in English and French.] 89pp. ($10.00) FAWE 1995 KE MUL Zietsmann, A. Girls understanding of concepts of thermal properties of matter. (Abridged research report, 22) Academy Science Publ 1996 KE Education—Africa—Addresses and essays African Academy of Sciences Education in Africa: resources and linkages. African training for leadership and advanced skills conference on education in Africa. May 16-20 1994, Windhoek, Namibia. 112pp. free Academy Science Publ 1994 KE Ampene, K.A. Education for what? Ghana UP 1986 GH
27pp. ($1.50)
Education—Africa—Bibliography Conhye, B., Coulibaly, M. Policies, procedures and strategies for the allocation of resources for education in sub-saharan Africa. A review of the literature. ISBN: 2869780850 80pp. ($13.95/£7.95) CODESRIA 1999 SG INADES Pour ou contre le travail productif de l’enfant en Afrique. (Bibliographie commenteé, 24) 34pp. ill. CFA1,700 Inades 1992 IV FRE Education—Benin Ahanhanzo, J., Zinsou, P., Gbaye, Y., Agbodgan, J., Codjia, A. Financement de l’éducation et réforme budgétaire au Bénin. ISBN: 2869780967 CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 2001 SG FRE Education—Examinations, questions Egblewogbe, E.Y. How to pass your exams. 62pp. ($4.00) Asempa 1993 GH
Education—Niger Gambo, M., et al. Le financement de l’éducation, problématique du partage des coûts et réformes budgétaires: le cas de l’enseignement primare et secondaire au Niger. ISBN: 2869780974 CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 2001 SG FRE Education—Study and teaching Agabi, O.G., Okorie, N.C., eds. Introduction to management of change in education: a book of readings. 220pp. ill. N800.00 ($8.00/£3.50) Pam Unique Publ 2002 NR Ali, A., et al. Educational research. 104pp. ill. N250.00 Africana First 1991 NR Bamwisho Mihia. Initiation à la méthodologie de la recherche en éducation. 140pp. ($14.00) Z22.10 Press Univ Congo 1979 ZR FRE Barker, R. Education and related concepts. 160pp. ($7.40) College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI Barker, R. Progressive teaching in primary schools. 180pp. ($7.40) College Press -Zimb 1993 ZI Bennaars, G.A. Ethics, education and development. An introductory text for students in colleges and universities. 132pp. K.shs.520.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1993 KE Carl, A.E. Teacher empowerment through curriculum development. Theory into practice. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702156612 288pp. R160.00 Juta 2002 SA Coutts, A. Multicultural education. 112pp. R69.95 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA Evert, et al. Oxford grade R teacher’s resource book term 1. ISBN: 0195784685 R150.00 ($23.43/£13.03) OUP - SA 2003 SA Evert, et al. Oxford grade R teacher’s resource book term 2. ISBN: 0195784693 160pp. R150.00 ($23.43/£13.01) OUP - SA 2003 SA Evert, et al. Oxford grade R teacher’s resource book term 3. ISBN: 0195784707 160pp. R150.00 ($23.43/£13.01) OUP - SA 2003 SA Evert, et al. Oxford grade R teacher’s resource book term 4. ISBN: 0195784715 160pp. R150.00 ($23.43/£13.01) OUP - SA 2003 SA Flanagan, W., et al., eds. Education studies. Core text. ISBN: 0702143545 120pp. R49.00 Juta 1998 SA Forum for African Women Educationalists A new beginning for teenage mothers: alternative innovative education in Africa, 1995. 29pp. ill. FAWE 1995 KE Leaf, C. Switch on your brain. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624042847 224pp. R125.00 Tafelberg 2005 SA Ministry of Education Handbook on pre-formal learning. ISBN: 1779003668 60pp. ill. Z$27,900 ($5.60/ £3.80/Eur7.40) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI Ministry of Education Handbook on preformal learning. Grade 1 teacher’s book. ISBN: 1779003668 60pp. Z$109.95 ($2.75) College Press Zimb 2000 ZI Mkpa, M.A. Foundations of education. 184pp. ill. N250.00 Africana First 1990 NR
National Institute for Community Education Trust The further education and training implementation handbook. ISBN: 0702132373 R50.00 Juta 2000 SA National Institute for Community Education Trust The further education and training implementation training manual. ISBN: 0702152773 R85.00 Juta 2000 SA National Institute for Community Education Trust The further education and training institutional readiness handbook. ISBN: 0702156981 R115.00 Juta 2001 SA Ogbue, R., et al. Special education: a reading text. 168pp. N292.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR Ohuche, R.O., et al. Basic measurement and evaluation. 108pp. N120.24 Africana First 1990 NR Ohuche, R.O., et al. Measurement and evaluation in education. 224pp. ill. N250.00 Africana First 1988 NR Orr, M.H., Heese, M. Practical guide to reading, thinking and writing skills. ISBN: 019571900X 320pp. R200.00 OUP - SA 2000 SA Ozoji, E. Special education for the beginner professionals. ISBN: 9783119907 315pp. N1,000 Deka 2003 NR Pieterse, M. School readiness through play. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1875001204 144pp. R69.95 Metz 2002 SA SAIDE Being a teacher: reader. ISBN: 0195711599 170pp. R125.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA SAIDE Curriculum. [Audio tape.] ISBN: 0195780604 R85.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA SAIDE Curriculum set: learning guide, reader and audio tape. ISBN: 0195780612 R425.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA SAIDE Curriculum: learning guide. ISBN: 0195719018 232pp. R215.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA SAIDE Curriculum: reader. ISBN: 0195719301 212pp. R150.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA SAIDE Getting practical: learning video. ISBN: 0195780094 408pp. R300.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA SAIDE Getting practical: set. ISBN: 0195780647 R415.01 OUP - SA 2003 SA SAIDE Getting practical: video. ISBN: 0195780639 280pp. R145.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA SAIDE Learners and learning set: learning guide, reader and audiotape. ISBN: 0195780701 R425.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA SAIDE Learners and learning: audio tape. ISBN: 019578068X R85.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA SAIDE Learners and learning: learning guide. ISBN: 0195780663 R245.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA SAIDE Learners and learning: readers. ISBN: 0195780671 180pp. R125.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA SAIDE Working in classrooms: learning guide. ISBN: 0195711564 R185.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Education—Study and teaching
Subject index
SAIDE Working in classrooms: set, learning guide, reader and video. ISBN: 0195711661 R340.00 OUP - SA 2005 SA SAIDE Working in classrooms: video. ISBN: 019571167X R145.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Sifuna, D.N., Otiende, J.E. An introductory history of education. 350pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Nairobi UP 1992 KE van Deventer, I., Kruger, A.G. An educator’s guide to school management skills. ISBN: 0627025307 296pp. R239.95 Van Schaik 2002 SA Winberg, C. Learning how to mentor. ISBN: 0702138916 112pp. R29.00 Juta 1998 SA Winberg, C. Learning how to research and evaluate. ISBN: 0702138924 112pp. R90.00 Juta 1999 SA Winberg, C. Learning how to study. bk.3 ISBN: 0702138894 112pp. R90.00 Juta 1999 SA
Education, Adult—Developing countries Brown, L., Okedara, J.T., eds. An introduction to the study of adult education: a multi-disciplinary and crosscultural approach for developing countries. 323pp. N17.75k Univ Press Nig 1981 NR Education, Elementary Bing, L. Cross curricular series: fire. R19.30 Shuter & Shooter 1995[?] SA Bing, L. Cross curricular topics: myself. Shuter & Shooter 1995[?] SA
Bing, L., Mitchell, B.A.P. Cross curricular series: my school. R19.30 Shuter & Shooter 1995[?] SA Blunt, R. Waldorf education. Theory and practice. ISBN: 0958388547 225pp. ill. R119.70 ($14.92/£10.57) Novalis 1999 SA Durojaiye, S.M. Practical methods for nursery schools. 156pp. ill. N7.50k Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR
Winberg, C. Learning how to study. bk.1 ISBN: 0702141143 112pp. R90.00 Juta 1998 SA
Flanagan, W., et al., eds. Junior primary studies learning guide. ISBN: 0702143588 125pp. R53.00 Juta 1998 SA
Winberg, C. Learning how to teach adults. bk.1 ISBN: 0702138703 88pp. R29.00 Juta 1998 SA
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Methodology in primary schools. 24pp. K.shs.3.75 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE
Winberg, C., Douglas, S., Watermeyer, B. Learning how to study. bk.2 ISBN: 0702140716 128pp. R29.00 Juta 1998 SA
Multimedia Publications Grade 1 agreed syllabus. 120pp. ill. K1.00 Multimedia 1972 ZA
Education—Study and teaching (Elementary) Grassroots Educare Trust Early childhood development: an active learning experience. R45.54 Macmillan SA 1997 SA Howgrave-Graham, D. Bear’s curiosity book. An adventure in early learning. ISBN: 0798140062 64pp. col.ill.col.pl. R49.95 Human and Rousseau 2000 SA Oxford University Press Oxford grade R teacher’s resource pack. ISBN: 0195787684 R540.00 ($84.34/ £46.85) OUP - SA 2003 SA Education, Adult Bwata, Y.D.M. Adult education methods. A guide for educators. 72pp. ($6.50/£3.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1990 TZ Land, S., Fotheringham, R. Teaching in adult basic education. 0869809709 264pp. R95.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1999 SA
Okedara, J.T. An introduction to the study of adult education. 324pp. N17.75k Univ Press - Nig 1981 NR Singh, M., McKay, V., eds. Enhancing adult basic learning. Training educators and unlocking the potential of distance and open learning. ISBN: 9282011356 414pp. R179.00 ($38.90/ £24.70/Eur34.00) Unisa 2004 SA Education, Adult—Addresses and essays Bown, L. Lifelong learning, prescription for progress. 30pp. ($2.50/£1.80) N5.00 Univ Lagos Press 1979 NR Education, Adult—Africa Akinpelu, J.A., Okedara, J.T., Omolewa, M.A., eds. Language and adult education: essays in memory of S.H.O. Tomori. 188pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Ibadan UP 1988 NR Hall, B.C., Remtulla, K. Adult education and national development. 2nd ($4.25/£1.70) K.shs.25.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE Okeem, E.O. Adult education in Ghana and Tanzania, 1945-75. 282pp. ($8.00/£5.00) N22.00 Univ Nigeria Press 1982 NR
National Centre for Early Childhood Education Early childhood education: a manual for pre-school teachers and the community. ISBN: 996625028X 84pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 2001 KE National Centre for Early Childhood Education Toys and materials for play and learning. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966250298 202pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 2000 KE Otiende, J.E., Malusu, J.M. Revision C.R.E. for primary teacher education. 120pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1994 KE Education, Elementary—Africa Yoloye, E.A., ed. Evaluation for innovation. African primary science programme evaluation report. 111pp. N6.00 Ibadan UP 1978 NR Education, Elementary—Examinations, questions Tchezoum, K., Ahyee, B. Epreuves aux examens de fin d’études du premier degré et entrée en sixième. Sujets. 2nd rev.ed. CFA4,500 NEA Togo 1994 TG FRE Education, Higher Bissell, C.T. Humanities in the university. 82pp. C2.50 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1977 GH Foutsantse, V. Comment aborder les études universitaires. ISBN: 2911380576 128pp. CFA3,000 (Eur4.57) UCAC 2002 CM FRE Kraak, A., ed. Changing modes: new knowledge production and its implications for higher education in South Africa. ISBN: 0796919607 189pp. R100.00 HSRC Publ 2000 SA Muchiri, M. Communication skills. A self-study course for universities and colleges. 160pp. K.shs.300.00 Longhorn - Ken 1993 KE Otaala, B., Mahlalela, P. Proceedings of the workshop on enhancement of leadership in higher education. 214pp. UNAM 2004 SX
Sayed, Y. The segregated information highway. Information literacy in higher education. ISBN: 1919713050 200pp. R95.00 (£15.95) UCT Press 1998 SA Snyders, S.M., comp. How to make higher education easier. ISBN: 1868910482 R91.20 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Education, Higher—Addresses and essays Adaralegbe, A. Efficiency in educational administration. (Inaugural lec., 34) ($3.00/£2.25) N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1978 NR Green, T.L. Selection, teaching and examining in universities. 24pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1971 GH Hangula, L. The rise and role of the university through the ages: an abridged overview. ISBN: 9991667415 53pp. UNAM 2005 SX Harvey, B.W. Freedom, university and the law. 93pp. ($2.50/£1.00.) Univ Lagos Press 1977 NR Watkins, M.O. The university’s role in a developing country. 21pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1972 GH Education, Higher—Africa Agyeman, K.D. Sociology of education for African students. 292pp. C8,000 ($3.50) Black Mask 1993 GH Ajeyalemi, D., ed. Science and technology education in Africa: focus on seven sub-Saharan countries. 132pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Univ Lagos Press 1990 NR Association of African Universities Adequate and sustainable funding of African universities. ($10.00) AAU 1995 GH Association of African Universities Creating the African university: emerging issues of the 1970s. ($15.00) AAU 1973 GH Association of African Universities Demand, access and equity issues in African higher education. ($10.00) AAU 1995 GH Association of African Universities The emerging role of African universities in the development of science and technology. ($10.00) AAU 1995 GH Association of African Universities Enhancing linkages between African universities, the wider society, the business community and governments. ($10.00) AAU 1995 GH Association of African Universities The future missions and roles of the African universities. ($10.00) AAU 1995 GH Association of African Universities Governance issues in African universities: improving management and governance to make African universities viable. ($10.00) AAU 1995 GH Association of African Universities L’évaluation de la formation universitaire: le point de vue des diplômés. ($10.00) AAU 2001 GH FRE Association of African Universities Post-genocide retructuring of higher education in Rwanda, an overview. ($10.00) AAU 1999 GH Association of African Universities Quality and relevance: African universities in the 21st century. ($10.00) AAU 1995 GH Association of African Universities The stories we tell and the way we tell them: and investigation into the institutional culture of the university of the North. ($10.00) AAU 2000 GH
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Subject index Association of African Universities Strategic planning at selected African universities. ($10.00) AAU 1996 GH Association of African Universities Towards the introduction and application of information and communication technologies in African universities. ($10.00) AAU 2001 GH Association of African Universities Universities in Africa: challenges and opportunities of international cooperation. ($10.00) AAU 1995 GH Association of African Universities Women in higher education and research in Africa. ($10.00) AAU 1999 GH Benneh, G., et al. African universities, the private sector and civil society. ISBN: 996430305X 167pp. C55,000 ($24.95/£18.95) Ghana UP 2004 GH Busia, N.K.A., Dgni-Sgui, R. et al. The state of academic freedom in Africa 1995. 189pp. ($27.00/£14.95) CODESRIA 1996 SG CODESRIA Les libertés intellectuelles en Afrique, 1995. [Also available in English.] 195pp. CFA6,500 ($25.00/£14.00/ Eur15.00) CODESRIA 1996 SG FRE Conference of Rector, Vice Chancellors and Presidents of African Universities Summary of the proceedings of the Conference of Rectors, Vice Chancellors and Presidents of African Universities (COVERIP ’99): revitalising universities in Africa: strategy for the 21st century. ISBN: 9988589018 48pp. Dar es Salaam UP 1999 TZ Diagne, S.B., Ossebi, H. The cultural question in Africa: issues, politics and research prospects. [Also available in French and Portuguese.] CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1996 SG Diagne, S.B., Ossebi, H. A questrao cultural em Africa: contextos, implicacoes e perspectivas de investigaçao. [Also available in English and French.] 64pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/ £5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1999 SG POR Ekong, D., Sawyerr, A. Higher education leadership in Africa: a casebook. ISBN: 0636042006 100pp. ill. AAU 1999 GH ESAURP Corrugations at universities. ISBN: 9987250173 60pp. T.shs.1,000 ($1.50/ £0.80) Tema 1998 TZ Kwapong, A.A. Higher education and development in Africa today. (J.B. Danquah Memorial Series, 9) 37pp. ($10.00) Ghana Acad Arts & Scien 1979 GH Lebeau, Y., Ogunsanya, M., eds. The dilemma of post-colonial universities./Formation des élites et restructuration de l’enseignement supérieur en Afrique sub-saharienne. ISBN: 9782015709 334pp. N900.00 ($19.00) IFRA - Nig 2000 NR MUL Mamdani, M., Diuof, M., eds. Academic freedom in Africa. [Also available in French.] 370pp. CFA8,500 ($63.00/£35.00) CODESRIA 1993 SG Mbwette, T.S.A., Ishumi, A.G.M., eds. Managing university crises. ISBN: 9976603290 247pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Dar es Salaam UP 2000 TZ Ngara, E. The African university and its mission. Strategies for improving the delivery of higher education institutions. 194pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1995 LO Odhiambo, D., ed. Improvement of university science education in Africa. 220pp. ($8.80/ £3.50) K.shs.48.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE
Egypt—Antiquities Presses de l’Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale Université et développement - quel projet universitaire pour l’Afrique. ISBN: 2911380363 148pp. CFA3,000 (Eur4.57) UCAC 2000 CM FRE Sewell, K.C. The idea of a free Christian university. (IRS study pamphlets, 334) 16pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1995 SA Sow, F. Elite transformation and the re-structuring of higher education in sub-Saharan Africa. ISBN: 9782015660 24pp. N150.00 ($6.00) IFRA - Nig 1999 NR Tshibangu Tshishiku La crise contemporaine, l’enjeu africain et l’université de l’an 2,000. 35pp. Z40.00 Press Univ Congo 1982 ZR FRE Wandira, A. The African university in development. 136pp. R15.35 cd. Ravan 1978 SA Yesufu, T.M., ed. Creating the African university: emerging issues of the 1970’s. 294pp. N12.35k Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR Zeleza, P.T., Olukoshi, A., eds. African universities in the 21st century. Liberalisation and internationalisation. vol.1 ISBN: 2869781245 332pp. ($49.95/ £29.95) CODESRIA 2004 SG Zeleza, P.T., Olukoshi, A., eds. African universities in the 21st century. Knowledge and society. vol.2 ISBN: 2869781253 350pp. CFA10,000 ($49.95/ £29.95) CODESRIA 2004 SG Education, Higher—Africa—Addresses and essays Twum-Barima, K. The relevance of university academic and research programmes to development. 27pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1977 GH Education, Higher—Africa—Directories Association of African Universities Guide to higher education in Africa. Directory. ($85.00) AAU 2004 GH Education, Higher—Réunion Torit, S. Portrait des étudiants de troisième cycle. 29pp. ill.maps ODR 2000 RF FRE Education, Secondary Bawmisho Mihia. Les adolescents et la compréhension des textes écrits. 2nd ed. 137pp. ($19.75) Z35.10 Press Univ Congo 1978 ZR FRE Eboule Ndoumbe, L. Guide de la lecture. CLE 1988 CM FRE
64pp. CFA2,120
Mbiti, D.M. Foundations of school administration. 152pp. K.shs.382.00 OUP - Nairobi 1975 KE Multimedia Publications Junior secondary school R.E. education syllabus. K2.00 Multimedia 1972 ZA Ogunkoya, T.O. St. Andrew’s College Oyo. 195pp. pl. N9.70k Univ Press - Nig 1979 NR Education, Secondary—Examinations, questions Oyelese, J.O. Common entrance and scholarship tests. 180pp. ill. N2.20 Macmillan - Nig 1974 NR Efik—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Edgang, E. Sidibe [Play]. 56pp. N6.00 Univ Press Nig 1974 NR EFI Nkana, E.E. Lidiana edimin nwed mbuk mutanda oyom namondo. 73pp. N500.00 Wusen 2000 NR EFI Efik—General and Non-fiction Efiom, T.A. Ansa udo enan. Efik tradition and culture. 72pp. N1.00 Macmillan - Nig 1978 NR EFI
Efik—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Ahamba, S.M., Nwoga, D.I., Osuagwu, B.I.N. Ogogo Igbo 4. Primary Efik course. pupils bk. 4. 104pp. ill. N1.30 Macmillan Nig 1976 NR IGB Edet, M.J. Obufa edikot nwed. Nwed-andikpep. Teachers’ guide to primary Efik. Course bks. 1-3 48pp. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1975 NR EFI Edet, M.J. Obufa edikot nwed. Nwed-utom ndito. Primary Efik course. Workbook 2. bk.2 32pp. ill. 65k Macmillan - Nig 1973 NR EFI Edet, M.J. Obufa Edikot nwed 1. Primary Efik course. pupils bk. 1. 36pp. ill. 73k. Macmillan - Nig 1976 NR EFI Edet, M.J. Obufa Edikot nwed 2. Primary Efik course. pupils bk. 2. 56pp. ill. 90k. Macmillan - Nig 1976 NR EFI Edet, M.J. Obufa Edikot nwed 3. Primary Efik course. pupils bk. 3. 78pp. ill. N1.05 Macmillan - Nig 1976 NR EFI Edet, M.J. Obufa Edikot nwed 4. Primary Efik course. pupils bk. 4. 80pp. ill. N1.10 Macmillan - Nig 1976 NR EFI Nigerian Educational Research Council. Nti edu ukpep ndito iko Efik. The essentials of Efik language teaching for student teachers. 134pp. ill. West African Bk 1987 NR EFI Udo-Ema, A.J., Anwan, O.E.E. Edikot nwed: pupils book I. 51pp. col. ill. N7.50k Univ Press - Nig 1972 NR BIN Udo-Ema, A.J., Anwan, O.E.E. Edikot nwed: teacher’s book I. 35pp. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1972 NR BIN Egbuna, O.—Autobiography Egbuna, O. Diary of a homeless prodigal. new ed. ISBN: 9781560126 127pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Egypt—Antiquities Bierbrier, M. The tomb-builders of the Pharaohs. 160pp. ill. E£35.00 ($15.00) Am Univ 1989 UA Dekker, W. Sports and games of ancient Egypt. trans.f.t. German by Alan Guttmann 224pp. ill. E£40.00 ($20.00) Am Univ 1993 UA [Middle East only] Eldamaty, M., Trad, M. Egyptian museum collections around the world. Studies for the centennial of the Egyptian museum, Cairo. 2 vols. ISBN: 9774247779 1408pp. ill. E£300.00 ($99.50/£83.50) Am Univ 2003 UA Goelet, O. The Egyptian book of the dead: the book of going forth by day. ISBN: 9774244346 176pp. col.ill. E£90.00 ($39.50) Am Univ 1998 UA [Middle East only] Hawass, Z. The secret of the Sphinx: restoration past and present. ISBN: 9774244923 64pp. col.pl. E£20.00 ($9.95) Am Univ 1998 UA Hawass, Z. Le tombeau de Memma. ISBN: 9773052788 150pp. ill.col.pl. E£90.00 ($27.50/£22.95) Am Univ 2003 UA FRE [Egypt only] Houlihan, P.F. The animal world of the pharoahs. cd. 262pp. col.ill. E£140.00 ($49.50) Am Univ 1996 UA [Middle East only] Ikram, S. Egyptian pyramids. 48pp. ill. E£25.00 ($12.95) Am Univ 1995 UA
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Egypt—Antiquities Ikram, S., Dodson, A. The mummy in ancient Egypt: equipping the dead for eternity. ISBN: 9774244885 cd. 352pp. col.ill. E£175.00 ($49.50) Am Univ 1998 UA [Egypt only] Ikram, S., Dodson, A. Royal mummies in the Egyptian Museum. 72pp. pl.col.pl. E£35.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 1997 UA Josephson, J., Eldamaty, M.M. Statues of the XXVth and XXVIth dynasties. Catalogue general of Egyptian antiquities nos. 48601-48649. ISBN: 9773051943 156pp. ill. E£140.00 ($42.50/ £35.50) Am Univ 2003 UA [Egypt only] Kamil, J. The ancient Egyptians: life in the old kingdom. rev. ed. cd. 212pp. col.ill. E£60.00 ($24.95) Am Univ 1996 UA Lehner, M. The complete pyramids. cd. 256pp. pl. col.pl. E£150.00 ($49.50) Am Univ 1997 UA [Egypt only] MacDonald, J.K. The tomb of Nefertiti: house of eternity. 120pp. ill.col.ill. E£90.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 1997 UA Miles, J. Pharaohs’ birds: a guide to ancient and present day birds in Egypt. ISBN: 9774244907 210pp. ill.col.ill.maps E£60.00 ($17.95) Am Univ 1998 UA [Egypt only]
Subject index Nosseir, A., comp. Arabic books published in Egypt between 1900 and 1925. cd. 581pp. E£40.00 ($25.00) Am Univ 1983 UA Nosseir, A.I. Arabic books published in Egypt between 1926-1940. cd. 330pp. E£40.00 ($25.00) Am Univ 1980 UA Egypt—Cities and towns Dobrowolski, J. The living stones of Cairo. ISBN: 9774246322 120pp. ill. E£80.00 Am Univ 2001 UA Haag, M. Alexandria illustrated. new rev. ed. ISBN: 9774248341 80pp. col.ill.maps E£70.00 ($19.95/£14.95) Am Univ 2004 UA Jodidio, P., ed. Cairo. Revitalising an historic metropolis. ISBN: 8842212350 cd. 256pp. col.ill. E£250.00 ($49.50) Am Univ 2004 UA [Egypt only] Raymond, A. Cairo: city of history. trans.f.t. Arabic by W. Wood ISBN: 9774246608 cd. 448pp. ill. E£100.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Warner, N. The monuments of historic Cairo. A map and descriptive catalogue. ISBN: 9774248414 cd. 294pp. ill.maps E£250.00 ($49.50/£36.50) Am Univ 2004 UA
Niwinski, A. The second find of Deir El Bahari. Catalogue general of Egyptian antiquities nos. 6069-6082. ISBN: 9773051927 136pp. E£140.00 ($42.50/£35.50) Am Univ 2003 UA
Egypt—Cities and towns—Pictorial works Raymond, A., ed. The glory of Cairo: an illustrated history. ISBN: 9774247299 cd. 492pp. col.pl. E£350.00 ($90.00) Am Univ 2002 UA [Middle East only]
Redford, D.B., ed. The Oxford encyclopedia of ancient Egypt. 3 vols. ISBN: 9774245814 cd. 2,000pp. ill.pl.maps E£990.00 ($365.00 set) Am Univ 2000 UA [Egypt only]
Egypt—Demography Abdel-Aziz Sayed, H., Mayone Sycos, J., Avery, R. The population and development program in Egypt: a problem in program impact measurement. (CDC Working paps., 8) 26pp. ($5.00.) Cairo Demographic Centre 1984 UA
Schultz, R., Seidel, M. Egypt: world of the pharaohs. [Also available in French and German.] ISBN: 3895089133 cd. 540pp. ill.col.pl.maps E£190.00 ($59.50) Am Univ 1998 UA [Middle East only except Israel] Strouhal, E., Forman, W. Life of the ancient Egyptians. cd. & 279pp. ill.col.ill. E£175/$42.50 cd. E£90.00/£29.50 Am Univ 1996 UA [Middle East only] Tiradritti, F., ed. The treasures of the Egyptian museum. [Also available in French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Spanish] ISBN: 9774245040 cd. 416pp. col.pl. E£250.00 ($59.50) Am Univ 1999 UA [Middle East only; no Israel] Trigger, B.G. Early civilisations. Ancient Egypt in context. 168pp. E£30.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1993 UA Weeks, K., ed. The treasures of the Valley of the Kings: tombs and temples of Theban west bank in Luxor. [Also available in French, German, Italian, Spanish.] ISBN: 9774246667 cd. 432pp. col.pl. E£250.00 ($59.50) Am Univ 2001 UA [Middle East only] Zebra Press Ancient wisdom for the New Age. Ancient Egypt. cd. 72pp. col.ill. R44.95 (£4.99) Zebra 1997 SA Egypt—Atlases and maps American University in Cairo Press Cairo: the practical guide maps 2000. [37 maps] ISBN: 977424687X 52pp. maps E£120.00 Am Univ 2001 UA Egypt—Bibliography Mansour, A., et al. Directory of Egyptian publications 19401956. cd. 440pp. E£40.00 ($25.00) Am Univ 1975 UA Nosseir, A. Arabic books published in Egypt in the nineteenth century. cd. 423pp. E£75.00 ($50.00) Am Univ 1983 UA
Bean, L.L., Zohry, A.G. Marriage and fertility in the Gulf region: the impact of pro-family, pro-natal policy. (CDC working paper, 36) 37pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1994 UA Chandrasekaran, C., Deming, W.E. On the correlation bias in the application of Chandra: Deming method for estimating vital events. (Working papers series, 2) 31pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1981 UA El-Badry, M.A. Demographic projections in historical perspective. (Working papers series, 1) 16pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1981 UA El-Deeb, B. Policies and programmes related to population development in Egypt. (CDC population and development series, 10) 40pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1994 UA El-Deeb, B.M. Contribution of various demographic components in fertility change: Egypt 1960-1986. (Working paper series, 20) 25pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1990 UA Elsaadani, S.M. International migration of females: case of Egypt. (CDC population and development series, 6) 32pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1994 UA Entwisle, B., Piccinino, L.J., Sayed, H.A. Components of family planning in rural Egypt. (CDC Working paps., 15) 50pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1988 UA Entwisle, B.E., Sayed, H.A. Estimation of use failure rates for the pill and IUD in Egypt: an assessment of life table and current status approaches. (CDC Working paps., 16) 34pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1989 UA
Fergany, N. Differentials in labour migration, Egypt 1974-1984. (Occasional paper series, 4) 74pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1987 UA Huzayyin, S.A., Acsadi, G.T., eds. Rural population and socio-economic changes in some African and Asian countries. (Research monograph series, 7) 486pp. pl. maps. ($40.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1977 UA Macrae, S. Childhood mortality estimates from nonrandom date. (Working papers series, 3) 19pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1982 UA Makhlouf, H., Ahmed, A-H.N, Moneim, A.M.A. Modelling the demographic impacts of fertility planning and socio-economic correlates. (CDC working paper, 27) 113pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1993 UA Makhlouf, H., Ibrahim, M.A. Selected demographic and scoioeconomic follow-up and evaluation indicators for the implementation of ICPD/POA recommendations. (CDC occasional paper, 10) 30pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1998 UA Makhlouf, H., Mostafa, M.S., Mohamed, A.M. On the compatibility of the results of Egyptian fertility surveys (1980) and Egyptian demographic and health survey. (CDC working paper, 45) 45pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1993 UA Makhlouf, H., Zaghloul, S., Ahmed, F.A. Population projections for socioeconomic development in Egypt. (CDC population and development series, 8) 37pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1994 UA Makhlouf, H., Zaghloul, S., Ahmed, F.A. Population trends in Egypt. (CDC working paper, 35) 23pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1994 UA Mostafa, M.M. Population development and environmental policies in Egypt. (CDC population and development series, 4) 61pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1994 UA Neupert, R. Socio-demographic patterns of residence in metropolitan Cairo. (Working Papers Series, 4) 19pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1983 UA Osheba, I. Fertility behaviour in rural Upper Egypt versus rural Lower Egypt. (Working paps., 17) 45pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1990 UA Osheba, I.K.T. The proximate determinants of fertility change in the regions of Egypt (1980-88). (CDC working paper, 26) 23pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1992 UA Osheba, I.K.T. Reproductive behaviour in rural upper Egypt (1980-1984). Is there a change? (Working paper series, 19) 37pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1990 UA Osheba, I.K.T., Sayed, H.A.A. The fertility impact of contraceptive use in Egypt: an aggregate analysis. vol.1(Working paper series, 23) 36pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1991 UA Osman, M.I. Sex preference in Egypt. (Working paps., 18) 21pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1990 UA Rashad, H. Analysis of recent fertility trends in Egypt: the life table approach. (CDC occas. paps., 3) 50pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1987 UA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Salman, O., Helmy, Y., Khamis, A., Yousef, W. An information system to monitor the implementation of ICPD programme of action. (CDC working paper, 37) 17pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1997 UA Sayed, H.A., Khalifa, N. Marital status analysis by incrementdecrement life tables: theory and application to Egyptian data. 60pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1989 UA Sayed, H.A.A., El-Tawila, S.I. Patterns of family life cycle and household structure in Egypt. vol.1(Occasional paper series, 6) 95pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1991 UA Shoeib, F., Naguib, M., Helal, A-G. Demographic factors and development planning in Egypt. (CDC population and development series, 7) 22pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1994 UA Soliman, S., et al. Population and development in Egypt. (CDC population and development series, 1) 164pp. ($10.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1994 UA Zaky, H.H.M. Intra-family decision interaction and completed family size: the case of Egypt. (Working paper series, 21) 17pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1991 UA Egypt—Education, Higher Murphy, L.R. The American University in Cairo, 19191987. cd. 296pp. ill. E£60.00 ($25.00) Am Univ 1987 UA Reid, D.M. Cairo University and the making of modern Egypt. 310pp. ill. E£40.00 ($15.00) Am Univ 1991 UA [Middle East only] Soliman, A. The current status of pre-university, education and its regional disparity in Egypt. (CDC population and development series, 9) 35pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1994 UA Egypt—Encyclopedias Ayoub-Geday P. et al. Egypt almanac 2002/3: the encyclopedia of modern Egypt. ISBN: 977589302 cd. 396pp. ill.col.oll.pl.col.pl.maps E£100.00 ($24.50/£20.50) Am Univ 2001 UA Biyogo, G. Encyclopédie du Mvett. vol.1 ISBN: 2911372298 232pp. Menaibuc 2002 CM FRE Egypt—Guide books Antoniou, J. Historic Cairo: a walk through the Islamic city. ISBN: 9774244974 112pp. maps E£55.00 ($16.95) Am Univ 1999 UA Ayoub-Geday, P., et al. Egypt almanac 2001: a yearly view of the Egyptian scene. ISBN: 9775893011 cd. 240pp. ill.maps E£90.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 2001 UA Bongioanni, A., Croce, M.S. The illustrated guide to the Egyptian museum. [Also available in French, German, Italian.] ISBN: 977424608X 631pp. col.pl. E£120.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 2001 UA [Middle East only; no Israel] Chittock, L. Cats of Cairo: Egypt’s enduring legacy. ISBN: 9775762014 cd. 96pp. col.ill. E£75.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Empereur, J-Y. Alexandria rediscovered. ISBN: 0714119210 cd. 256pp. ill. E£120.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 2002 UA [Middle East only] Fakhry, A. Siwa oasis. 226pp. maps E£40.00 ($17.00) Am Univ 1973 UA
Egypt—History Forster, E.M. Alexandria: a history and a guide. Pharos and Pharillon. ISBN: 9774248503 cd. 448pp. E£150.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 2004 UA [Egypt only] Francy, C., Mortenson, J., Nashed, M., comp. & ed. Cairo: the practical guide 2003 edition. new ed. ISBN: 9774247361 col.pl.ill.maps E£50.00 ($15.95/£13.50) Am Univ 2003 UA Gohary, J. Guide to the Nubian monuments on Lake Nasser. ISBN: 9774244621 161pp. ill.col.pl.maps. E£40.00 ($12.95) Am Univ 1998 UA Guadalupi, G., Mesturini, G. Coral and desert: the magic of the Red Sea. [Also available in German, Italian, Russian.] ISBN: 8880957090 220pp. col.pl. E£129.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Hamza, H. The northern cemetery of Cairo. ISBN: 9774246187 cd. 120pp. ill.maps E£120.00 Am Univ 2001 UA [Middle East only, except Israel, Turkey, Iran] Hawass, Z. The illustrated guide to the Cairo museum. ISBN: 977424608X 631pp. col.pl. E£120.00 ($29.00) Am Univ 2001 UA [Middle East only, except Israel] Ibrahim, S. Cairo: from edge to edge. ISBN: 9774244958 96pp. pl. E£55.00 ($16.95) Am Univ 1998 UA Jobbins, J. The Red Sea coasts of Egypt: Sinai and the Mainland. Am Univ 1989 UA Kamil, J. Coptic Egypt: history and guide. 165pp. ill.maps E£35.00 ($15.00) Am Univ 1990 UA Kamil, J. The monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai: history and guide. 121pp. ill.maps E£35.00 ($12.00) Am Univ 1991 UA Lababidi, L., Sabbahy, L. Cairo: the family guide. rev.ed. ISBN: 9774247914 280pp. ill.pl.maps E£60.00 ($17.95/£14.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Sattin, A., Franquet, S. Egypt: the explorer guide. ISBN: 9774244680 288pp. col.pl.maps E£75.00 ($22.00) Am Univ 2000 UA [Egypt only] Seif, O., Spencer, J. Khan al Khalili. A comprehensive mapped guide to Cairo’s historic bazaar. 92pp. ill.maps E£30.00 ($15.00) Am Univ 1991 UA Siliotti, A. Egypt pocket guides. Abu Simbel and the Nubian temples. [Also available in French, German, Italian, Russian.] ISBN: 9774245997 48pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps E£15.00 ($8.95/£7.50) Am Univ 2003 UA Siliotti, A. Egypt pocket guides. Alexandria and the northern coast. [Also available in French, German, Italian, Russian.] ISBN: 9774246381 48pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps E£15.00 ($8.95/£7.50) Am Univ 2003 UA Siliotti, A. Egypt pocket guides. Aswan. [Also available in French, German, Italian, Russian.] ISBN: 977424642X 48pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps E£15.00 ($8.95/£7.50) Am Univ 2003 UA Siliotti, A. Egypt pocket guides. Islamic Cairo. [Also available in French, German, Italian, Russian.] ISBN: 9774245989 48pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps E£15.00 ($8.95/ £7.50) Am Univ 2003 UA
Siliotti, A. Egypt pocket guides. Luxor, Karnak and the Theban temples. [Also available in French, German, Italian, Russian.] ISBN: 9774246411 48pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps E£15.00 ($8.95/£7.50) Am Univ 2003 UA Siliotti, A. Egypt pocket guides. Sinai. [Also available in French, German, Italian and Russian.] ISBN: 9774245970 48pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps E£15.00 ($8.95/£7.50) Am Univ 2003 UA Siliotti, A. Egypt pocket guides. The pyramids. [Also available in French, German, Italian, Russian.] ISBN: 9774246403 48pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps E£15.00 ($8.95/ £7.50) Am Univ 2003 UA Siliotti, A. Egypt pocket guides. The valley of the kings and the Theban tombs. [Also available in French, German, Italian, Russian.] ISBN: 9774245962 48pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps E£15.00 ($8.95/£7.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Siliotti, A. Guide to exploration of the Sinai. [Also available in French, German, Italian.] ISBN: 8880955276 68pp. col.ill. E£75.00 ($22.50) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Siliotti, A. Guide to the pyramids of Egypt. ISBN: 977424446X 168pp. col.ill E£75.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 1998 UA [Middle East only except Israel] Siliotti, A. Guide to the valley of the Kings: and to the Theban necropolises and temples. [Also available in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish.] ISBN: 9774247183 168pp. col.ill. E£60.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 2002 UA [Middle East only] Siliotti, A., Hawass, Z. The illustrated guide to the pyramids. 168pp. col.pl. E£75.00 ($22.50) Am Univ 2003 UA [Middle East only except Israel] Verner, M. Abusir: realm of Osiris. ISBN: 977424723X cd. 256pp. col.ill.maps E£180.00 ($49.50/£41.50) Am Univ 2002 UA Vivian, C. The western desert of Egypt. An explorer’s handbook. ISBN: 977424527X 368pp. ill.maps E£90.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 2000 UA Weeks, K.R. The illustrated guide to Luxor and the Valley of the Kings. ISBN: 9774248007 600pp. col.ill.col.pl. E£150.00 ($34.50) Am Univ 2003 UA [Middle East only except Israel] Williams, C. Islamic monuments in Cairo: the practical guide. 5th ed. ISBN: 9774246950 287pp. col.ill.col.pl. E£70.00 ($22.50/£18.95) Am Univ 2002 UA Egypt—History Abdel Ghani el Gamasy, M. The October war: memoirs of Field Marshal El Gamasy of Egypt. trans.f.t. Arabic by Gillian Potter, Nadra Morcos, Rosette Francis cd. 438pp. maps E£75.00 ($40.00) Am Univ 1993 UA Addas, C. Ibn ‘Arabi: the voyage of no return. ISBN: 0946621748 134pp. E£84.00 ($18.00) Am Univ 2000 UA [Egypt only] Beinin, J., Lockman, Z. Workers on the Nile: nationalism, communism, Islam and the Egyptian working class, 1882-1954. ISBN: 9774244826 488pp. E£80.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 1998 UA Biyogo, G. Aux sources égyptiennes du savoir. vol.2 ISBN: 2911372271 168pp. Menaibuc 2002 CM FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Egypt—History Biyogo, G. Kémit anti-démocrate? ISBN: 2911372255 114pp. Menaibuc 2002 CM FRE Capuani, M., Gabra, G., Meinardus, O.A., Rutschowscaya, M-H. Christian Egypt: Coptic art and monuments through two millenia. ISBN: 9774246756 cd. 272pp. ill.col.ill.pl.maps E£200.00 ($49.50) Am Univ 2002 UA [Middle East only] Dodson, A. Monarchs of the Nile. ISBN: 9774246004 256pp. ill. E£50.00 Am Univ 2000 UA Edwards, J., ed. Al-Alamein revisited: the battle of alAlamein and its historical implications. ISBN: 9774245717 72pp. maps E£35.00 ($14.95/£12.50) Am Univ 2000 UA Edwards, J., ed. Historians in Cairo: essays in honor of George Scanlon. ISBN: 9774147019 cd. 304pp. ill. E£75.00 ($19.95/£16.95) Am Univ 2002 UA Fahmy, K. All the Pasha’s men: Mehmed Ali, his army and the making of modern Egypt. ISBN: 9774246969 352pp. ill. E£90.00 ($24.50/£24.50) Am Univ 2002 UA Gabra, G. Coptic monasteries: Egypt’s monastic art and architecture. ISBN: 9774246918 cd. 160pp. col.pl. E£90.00 ($22.50/£18.95) Am Univ 2002 UA [Egypt only] Gayer-Anderson, R.G.J. Legends of the house of the Cretan woman. ISBN: 9774246012 96pp. col.pl. E£50.00 Am Univ 2001 UA Gran, P. Islamic roots of capitalism: Egypt, 17601840. ISBN: 9774245318 336pp. E£90.00 ($22.50) Am Univ 1999 UA [Middle East only] Hama, N. In praise of books. A cultural history of Cairo’s middle class, sixteenth to the eighteenth century. ISBN: 977424835X 224pp. E£80.00 ($22.50) Am Univ 2004 UA [Egypt only] Hamouda, S., Clement, C., eds. Victoria College: a history revealed. ISBN: 9774247566 cd. 396pp. ill. E£120.00 ($29.95/£24.95) Am Univ 2002 UA Hannah, N. Making big money in 1600: the life and times of Ismael Abu Taqiyya, Egyptian merchant. ISBN: 9774245083 224pp. maps E£65.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1998 UA [Middle East only] Hannah, N. The state and its servants: administration in Egypt from Ottoman times to the present. cd. 160pp. E£60.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 1995 UA Hassan, A. The queens of the fourth dynasty. ISBN: 9772357682 67pp. ill.pl. E£20.00 ($12.95/£10.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Hawass, Z. The mysteries of Abu Simbel: Ramesses II and the temples of the rising sun. ISBN: 9774246713 136pp. col.ill. E£35.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 2001 UA Hawass, Z., ed. Egyptology at the dawn of the twentyfirst century. Proceedings of the eighth international congress of Egyptologists, Cairo, 2000. vol.1 of 3 ISBN: 9774246748 cd. 1800 totalpp. E£150.00 ($49.50/£41.50) Am Univ 2002 UA Hawass, Z., ed. Egyptology at the dawn of the twentyfirst century. Proceedings of the eigth international congress of Egyptologists, Cairo, 2002. vol.2 of 3 ISBN: 9774247140 cd. 1800 totalpp. E£150.00 ($49.50/£41.50 each) Am Univ 2002 UA
Subject index Hawass, Z., ed. Egyptology at the dawn of the twentyfirst century. Proceedings of the eighth international congress of Egyptologists, Cairo, 2000. vol.3 of 3 ISBN: 9774247159 cd. 1800 totalpp. E£150.00 ($49.50/£41.50 each) Am Univ 2002 UA Hewison, R.N. The Fayoum: history and guide. ISBN: 9774246713 136pp. col.ill.maps E£40.00 Am Univ 2001 UA Hunter, F.R. Egypt under the Khedives, 1805-1879: from household government to modern bureaucracy. ISBN: 977424544X 288pp. ill. E£80.00 ($24.50/£20.50) Am Univ 1999 UA James, T.G.H. Ramesses the great. [Also available in French, German, Italian] ISBN: 9774246497 cd. 304pp. col.ill. E£250.00 ($59.50) Am Univ 2002 UA [Middle East only] James, T.G.H. Tutankhamun: the eternal splendor of the boy pharoah. ISBN: 9774245865 cd. 320pp. col.ill. E£250.00 ($59.50) Am Univ 2000 UA [Egypt only] Kitchen, K.A. Pharoah triumphant: the life and times of Ramesses II. 280pp. ill.maps E£50.00 ($22.00) Am Univ 1990 UA [Middle East only] Kubiak, W.B. Al Fustat. Its foundation and early urban development. 186pp. maps ($8.65) (£E25.00) Am Univ 1986 UA Kurth, D. Edfu temple. A guide by an ancient Egyptian priest. ISBN: 9774247647 96pp. ill. E£50.00 ($16.95/£12.50) Am Univ 2004 UA Lane, E.W. Lane’s description of Egypt. Notes and views in Egypt and Nubia, made during the years 1825-26,-27, and -28: chiefly consisting of a series of descriptions and delineations of the monuments, scenery, and etc. of those countries; the views, with few exceptions, made with the camera-lucida. ISBN: 9774245253 cd. 800pp. ill. E£125.00 ($39.50) Am Univ 2000 UA Lawson, F. The social origins of Egyptian expansionism during the Muhammad ‘Ali period. ISBN: 9774245377 231pp. maps E£80.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 1999 UA [Middle East only] MacKenzie, N.D. Ayyubid Cairo. A topographical study. 208pp. maps E£40.00 ($20.00) Am Univ 1992 UA MacLeod, R. The library of Alexandria: center of learning in the ancient world. ISBN: 9774247108 208pp. E£75.00 ($22.50) Am Univ 2002 UA [Middle East only] Manley, D., Abdel-Hakim, S., eds. Traveling through Egypt. From 450 BC to the twentieth century. ISBN: 9774248015 cd. 320pp. ill. E£120.00 ($27.50/£20.50) Am Univ 2004 UA Meinardus, O. The Holy Family in Egypt. 69pp. ill. map E£25.00 ($12.50) Am Univ 1986 UA Meinardus, O.F.A. Monks and monasteries of the Egyptian deserts. rev. ed. 259pp. maps (£E40.00.) ($20.00) Am Univ 1989 UA New Holland Publishers Ancient Egypt. ISBN: 1853689491 72pp. col.pl. R49.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Paulin, C.M.N. Essai sur le retour à l’Egypte. ISBN: 2911372247 202pp. Menaibuc 2002 CM FRE
Poole, S., Kararah, A., ed. The Englishwoman in Egypt. [Also available in Arabic.] ISBN: 977424799X cd. 304pp. E£120.00 ($29.50/£24.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Redford, D.B. Akhenaten: the heretic king. 281pp. ill. E£50.00 ($19.00) Am Univ 1989 UA [Middle East only] Reid, D.M. Whose pharoahs? Archaeology, museums and Egyptian national identity from Napoleon to World War I. ISBN: 9774246997 429pp. ill. E£90.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 2002 UA [Middle East only] Reimer, M.J. Colonial bridgehead. Government and society in Alexandria 1807-1882. 265pp. ill.maps E£70.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1997 UA [Middle east only] Rodenbeck, M. Cairo. The city victorious. ISBN: 9774245644 413pp. E£50.00 ($17.95) Am Univ 2000 UA [Middle East only] Serrino, F. Description de l’Egypte. Napoleon’s expedition and the rediscovery of ancient Egypt. ISBN: 9774247973 cd. 127pp. ill. E£100.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 2004 UA [Middle East only] Stewart, D. Great Cairo. Mother of the world. cd. 220pp. E£70.00 ($24.95) Am Univ 1996 UA The Supreme Council of Antiquities Proceedings of the First International Conference on Ancient Egypt Mining and Metallurgy. 416pp. ill.pl.maps E£120.00 ($34.50/£28.50) Am Univ 2003 UA [Egypt only] Warner, N. An Egyptian panorama: reports form the 19th century British press. cd. ill. E£50.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1994 UA Egypt—History—Adresses and essays Behrens-Abouseif, D. The Cairo heritage: essays in honor of Laila Ali Ibrahim. ISBN: 9774245687 cd. 350pp. ill. E£90.00 ($27.50/£22.95) Am Univ 2001 UA Egypt—History—Atlases and maps Baines, J., Malek, J. Atlas of ancient Egypt. rev.ed. ISBN: 9774247043 240pp. ill.col.ill.maps E£120.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 2002 UA [Middle East only] Weeks, K.R., ed. Atlas of the Valley of the Kings: the Theban mapping project, part I. ISBN: 9774245490 40pp. maps E£450.00 ($150.00/£125.95) Am Univ 2000 UA White Star Egypt The tomb of Nefertari. 3-D map. ISBN: 8854000582 col.ill.maps E£30.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 2004 UA [Egypt only] White Star Egypt The tomb of Sethi I & the tomb of Ramses VI. 3-D map. ISBN: 8854000531 col.ill.maps E£30.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 2004 UA [Egypt only] White Star Egypt The tomb of Tutankhamun. 3-D map. ISBN: 8854000639 col.ill.maps E£30.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 2004 UA [Egypt only] Egypt—History—Dictionaries King, J.W. Historical dictionary of Egypt. cd. 733pp. E£40.00 ($15.00) Am Univ 1989 UA [Middle East only] Shaw, I., Nicholson, P. The British museum dictionary of ancient Egypt. new ed. ISBN: 977424396X cd. 328pp. ill.col.ill. E£150.00 ($34.50) ISBN: 9774247620 E£75.00 (22.50) Am Univ 2002 UA [Egypt only] Egypt—History—Encyclopedias Arnold, D. The encyclopedia of ancient Egyptian architecture. ISBN: 9774246489 cd. 304pp. ill. E£150.00 ($49.50) Am Univ 2003 UA [Egypt only]
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African Books in Print
Subject index Egypt—History—Pictorial works Anderson, R., Fawzy, I., eds. Egypt revealed: scenes from Description de l’Egypte. cd. 200pp. pl. ($27.45) E£70.00 Am Univ 1987 UA Atiya, F. Pyramids of the fourth dynasty. ISBN: 9771709445 cd. 156pp. col.pl.maps E£180.00 ($34.50/£25.50) Am Univ 2004 UA [A Farid Atiya publication] de Flers, P., de Flers, P. Egypt: civilisation in the sands. ISBN: 3829054416 cd. 238pp. col.ill. E£150.00 ($39.50) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] de Luca, A. Ancient treasures. A portfolio of master photographs from the Egyptian museum in Cairo. ISBN: 9774247825 100pp. col.ill. E£100.00 ($39.50) Am Univ 2003 UA Doxiadis, E. The mysterious Fayum portraits. Faces from ancient Egypt. ISBN: 9774245733 247pp. ill.col.ill. E£125.00 ($39.50) Am Univ 2000 UA Hassan, H. In the house of Muhammad Ali. A family album, 1805-1952. ISBN: 9774245547 cd. 160pp. ill. E£75.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 2000 UA Hawass, Z. Silent images. Women in pharaonic Egypt. ISBN: 9774245458 cd. 141pp. col.ill. E£125.00 ($39.50) Am Univ 2000 UA Hawass, Z. The valley of the golden mummies. ISBN: 9774245857 cd. 211pp. col.ill. E£150.00 Am Univ 2000 UA [Middle East only except Israel] Khatib, H. Palestine and Egypt under the Ottomans. Paintings, books, photographs, manuscripts. ISBN: 9774247760 cd. 272pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps E£200.00 ($49.50) Am Univ 2003 UA [Egypt only] Mubarak, S., Weeks, K.R. The treasures of the valley of the Kings: tombs and temples of the Theban West bank in Luxor. ISBN: 9774246667 cd. 432pp. col.pl.maps E£250.00 Am Univ 2001 UA [Middle East only] Roehrig, C.H. Explorers and artists in the Valley of the Kings. ISBN: 9774247051 cd. 96pp. col.ill. E£100.00 ($29.50/£24.95) Am Univ 2002 UA Rosellini, I. The monuments of Egypt and Nubia. [Text by Franco Serino with Rosellini’s 19th century illustrations.] ISBN: 9774247892 cd. 128pp. col.pl. E£100.00 ($29.50/£24.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Schulz, R., Seidel, M. Egypt: the world of the pharoahs. ISBN: 9774246616 cd. 540pp. pl.maps E£180.00 ($39.50) Am Univ 2001 UA [Middle East only except Israel] Siliotti, A. Dwellings of eternity: the great tombs of the world’s ancient civilisations. ISBN: 9774245911 cd. 304pp. col.ill. E£250.00 ($59.50) Am Univ 2000 UA [Middle East only except Israel] Siliotti, A. Egypt: temples, men and gods. ISBN: 9774246160 cd. 292pp. ill. E£200.00 Am Univ 2001 UA [Middle East only except Israel] Egypt—Local government Mayfield, J.B. Local government in Egypt. cd. 432pp. E£80.00 ($34.50) Am Univ 1996 UA Egypt—Mythology Armour, R.A. Gods and myths of ancient Egypt. new ed. ISBN: 9774246691 224pp. ill. E£50.00 ($18.95) Am Univ 2001 UA
Egypt—Religion, traditional Egypt—Pictorial works Atiya, F., Jobbins, J. The silent desert I. ISBN: 9771708872 cd. 132pp. pl.maps E£180.00 ($34.50/ £25.50) Am Univ 2004 UA [A Farid Atiya publication] Attia, T. Mulid. Carnivals of faith. [Photographs by Sherif Sonbol.] ISBN: 9774245199 96pp. col.pl. E£65.00 ($19.95/£16.95) Am Univ 1999 UA Bertinetti, M., Croce, M.S., el Beltagui, M. In the eye of Horus: a photographer’s flight over Egypt. [Also available in French, German, Italian.] ISBN: 9774246365 cd. 320pp. col.pl. E£250.00 ($59.50/£49.95) Am Univ 2001 UA Bourbon, F. Egypt: yesterday and today. [Lithographs and diaries by David Roberts RA.] cd. 272pp. col.ill E£190.00 ($59.50) Am Univ 1996 UA [Middle East only except Israel, Kuwait, Turkey] Cross, M. Egypt. cd. 301pp. col.ill. E£225.00 ($60.00) Am Univ 1994 UA [Middle East only]
Novareiso, P., Guadalupi, G. The Sahara desert. From the pyramids of Egypt to the mountains of Morocco. ISBN: 9774247310 cd. 300pp. col.pl. E£200.00 ($49.50) Am Univ 2003 UA [Middle East only] Osman, C. Egypt: caught in time. ISBN: 9774245237 159pp. ill.col.ill. E£75.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 1999 UA Perrin, G. Women of Egypt. A photographic study. ISBN: 9774245768 80pp. ill. E£55.00 ($16.95) Am Univ 2000 UA Reeves, N. The complete Tutankhamun: the king, the tomb, the royal treasure. 224pp. ill.col.ill. E£75.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 1990 UA [Middle East only except Bahrain, Lebanon, Saudia Arabia, Syria, Turkey] Reeves, N., Wilkinson, R.H. The complete Valley of the Kings: tombs and treasure of Egypt’s royal burial site, cd. 224pp. col.ill. E£150.00 ($49.50) Am Univ 1996 UA [Egypt only]
de Luca, A. Egypt 2000: a calendar of Egyptian treasures for the millenium. 13pp. col.pl. E£75.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 1999 UA
Roberts, D., Croly, G. The Holy Land, Egypt and Nubia: limited collector’s edition. ISBN: 9774245954 cd. 640pp. col.pl. E£750.00 Am Univ 2000 UA [Middle East only except Israel]
Dogliani, S. Egypt unexpected. 1001 days in photographs. ISBN: 9774248511 250pp. col.ill. E£200.00 ($39.50/£28.95) Am Univ 2004 UA
Siliotti, A. The discovery of ancient Egypt. ISBN: 977424494X cd. 376pp. col.ill. E£190.00 ($59.50) Am Univ 1998 UA [Middle East only except Israel]
Doubilet, D., Ghisotti, A. The Red Sea. cd. 160pp. col.ill. E£125.00 ($45.00) Am Univ 1993 UA [Egypt only]
Silverman, D.P., ed. Ancient Egypt: the realm of the pharaohs, gods and goddesses, ceremony and myth, sacred architecture. ISBN: 9774245202 256pp. col.ill. E£90.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 1999 UA
Foster, J.L. The shipwrecked sailor: a tale from ancient Egypt. ISBN: 977424432X 40pp. ill.col.ill. E£25.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 1998 UA Friedlander, S. Rumi and the whirling dervishes. ISBN: 9774247957 160pp. ill. E£90.00 ($19.95/ £16.95) Am Univ 2003 UA [Egypt only] Frith, F. Frances Frith: photographs of Egypt and the Holy land. ISBN: 9774245164 84pp. ill. E£60.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1999 UA Gabra, G., Lyster, W. Be thou there: the holy family’s journey in Egypt. ISBN: 9774246063 cd. 176pp. col.pl. E£100.00 Am Univ 2001 UA Guadalupi, G. The discovery of the Nile. cd. 352pp. col.ill. E£190 ($59.50) Am Univ 1997 UA [Middle East except Kuwait and Israel] Haag, M. Alexandria. ISBN: 9774243390 64pp. col.pl.maps E£40.00 ($22.00) Am Univ 1998 UA Jahn, R., Jahn, W. Egypt: Nile, desert and people. trans.f.t. German by Manuela Kunkel and Ian Portman ISBN: 9774244664 cd. 192pp. col.ill. E£150.00 ($49.50) Am Univ 1998 UA [Egypt only] Jahn, W., Jahn, R. Sinai and the Red Sea. Through the land of the Bedouin to the Gulf of Aqaba. 128pp. E£140.00 Am Univ 1997 UA Marks, G., Morris, J. This is Egypt. ISBN: 1853688819 176pp. col.pl.maps R119.00 Struik Publ 1998 SA Neret, G. Descriptions de l’Egypte. ISBN: 9774244532 108pp. ill. E£125.00 ($39.50) Am Univ 1998 UA [Egypt only] Newby, P.H. The Egypt story, its art, its monuments, its people, its history. 259pp. col.ill. E£90.00 ($45.00) Am Univ 1984 UA [Egypt only]
Tiradritti, F., ed. The treasures of the Cairo museum. ISBN: 9774245040 cd. 416pp. col.pl. E£200.00 ($69.50) Am Univ 1999 UA Weins, C. Coptic life in Egypt. ISBN: 9774247868 128pp. col.pl. E£150.00 ($39.50/£32.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Egypt—Politics and government El Din, K.M. Memories of a revolution: Egypt 1952. cd. 295pp. ill. E£75.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 1995 UA El Mikawi, N. The building of consensus in Egypt’s transition process. ISBN: 9774244982 170pp. E£60.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1999 UA Gordon, J. Nasser’s blessed movement. Egypt’s free officers and the July revolution. 266pp. ill. E£60.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 1996 UA Ibrahim, S.E. Egypt, Islam and democracy: twelve critical essays. cd. 448pp. E£70.00 ($34.50) Am Univ 1996 UA Egypt—Religion, Christian Meinardus, O.F.A. Two thousand years of Coptic Christianity. new ed. ISBN: 9774247574 368pp. ill. E£70.00 ($22.50/£18.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Egypt—Religion, Christian—Pictorial works Cannuyer, C. Coptic Egypt. The Christians of the Nile. ISBN: 0500301042 144pp. col.ill. E£80.00 ($22.50) Am Univ 2004 UA [Egypt only.] Wiens, C.Y. Coptic life in Egypt. [A photographic portrait of Egypt’s Christians.] ISBN: 9774247868 128pp. col.pl. E£120.00 ($29.50/£24.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Egypt—Religion, traditional Wilkinson, R. The complete gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt. ISBN: 9774247817 cd. 256pp. pl. col.pl. E£150.00 ($39.50) Am Univ 2003 UA [Egypt only]
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Egypt—Sociology Egypt—Sociology Abdel-Khalek, G., Korayem, K. Fiscal policy measures in Egypt. Public debt and food subsidy. (Cairo papers in social science, 23/1) ISBN: 9774246276 E£15.00 ($16.95/£13.95) Am Univ 2002 UA Ali, K.A. Planning the family in Egypt. New bodies, new selves. ISBN: 9774247604 254pp. ill. E£80.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 2003 UA [Middle East only] Amin, G. Whatever else happened to the Egyptians? From the revolution to the age of globalization. ISBN: 9774248198 189pp. (£12.50) Am Univ 2004 UA Amin, G. Whatever happened to the Egyptians? Changes in Egyptian society from 1950 to the present. ISBN: 9774245598 cd. 224pp. E£75.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 2000 UA Ansari, H. Egypt: the stalled society. 322pp. E£22.00 Am Univ 1987 UA Assaad, R., Rouchdy, M. Poverty and poverty alleviating strategies in Egypt. (Cairo papers in social science, 1) ISBN: 9774245474 E£15.00 ($16.95/£13.95) Am Univ 2000 UA Barsoum, G.F. The employment crisis of female graduates in Egypt. An ethnographic account. (Cairo papers in social science, 25/3) ISBN: 9774248465 E£15.00 ($16.95/£12.50) Am Univ 2004 UA Cole, D., Altorki, S. Bedouin, settlers, and holiday makers: Egypt’s changing northwest coast. ISBN: 9774244842 266pp. maps E£60.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1998 UA Ghazaleb, P. Masters of the trade: crafts and craftspeople of Cairo, 1750-1850. (Cairo papers in social science, 22/3) ISBN: 9774245628 E£15.00 ($16.95/£13.95) Am Univ 2000 UA Hill, E., ed. Discourses in contemporary Egypt: politics and social issues. (Cairo papers in social science, 22/4) ISBN: 9774245636 E£15.00 ($16.95/£13.95) Am Univ 2000 UA Hopkins, N.S., ed. The new Arab family. (Cairo papers in social science, 24/1-2) ISBN: 9774247639 E£15.00 ($16.95/£13.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Kassas, M. Environment and social transformation. (CDC occasional paper, 8) 17pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1997 UA Lababidi, L., El Arabi, N., eds. Silent no more: special needs people in Egypt. ISBN: 9774246934 cd. 214pp. col.pl. E£80.00 ($19.95/£16.95) Am Univ 2002 UA Mahgoub, Y.M., Hussein, M.A. Regional urban-rural differentials of the educational impact on fertility in Egypt. (CDC working paper, 25) 31pp. ill. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1992 UA Shahd, L.S. Polygyny in rural Egypt. (Cairo papers in social science, 24/3) ISBN: 9774247663 E£15.00 ($16.95/£13.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Shami, S., Herrera, L. Between field and text: emerging voices in Egyptian social sciences. (Cairo papers in social science, 22/2) ISBN: 9774245482 E£15.00 ($16.95/£13.95) Am Univ 2000 UA Thompson, J., ed. Egyptian encounters. (Cairo papers in social science, 23/3) ISBN: 9774246284 E£15.00 ($16.95/£13.95) Am Univ 2002 UA
Subject index van Nieuwkerk, K. A trade like any other. Female singers and dancers in Egypt. 240pp. ill. E£60.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 1996 UA [Middle East only] Egypt—Sociology, Rural Blackman, W.S. The fellahin of upper Egypt. ISBN: 977424558X 352pp. ill. E£70.00 ($22.50) Am Univ 2000 UA Hopkins, N.S., Westergaard, K. Directions of change in rural Egypt. new ed. ISBN: 9774246632 412pp. ill.maps E£70.00 ($18.95) Am Univ 2001 UA Egypt—Sociology, Urban Hoodfar, H. Between marriage and the market: intimate politics and survival in Cairo. ISBN: 9774245008 272pp. E£70.00 ($16.95) Am Univ 1998 UA [Egypt only] Mahfouz, N., Theroux, P. Children of the alley. ISBN: 9774246659 462pp. E£55.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 2001 UA [Middle East only] Singerman, D. Avenues of participation. Family, politics, and networks in urban quarters of Cairo. 355pp. ill. E£60.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 1997 UA [Middle East only] Tekçe, B., Oldham, L., Shorter, F.C. A place to live: families and child health in a Cairo neighborhood. cd. 214pp. ill. E£60.00 ($35.00) Am Univ 1994 UA Egyptian literature—Collections Simpson, W.K. The literature of ancient Egypt. An anthology of stories, instructions, stelae, autobiographies and poetry. ISBN: 9774248171 544pp. E£120.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 2003 UA [Middle East only] Ejueyitchie, Jane—Autobiography Ejueyitchie, J. Reminiscences of a teacher. 258pp. ill.pl. ($13.75/£7.50) Malthouse 1996 NR Ekwa bis Isal, Martin—Biography Comité Organisateur du Jubilé Au service de Dieu et de l’homme: M. Ekwa bis Isal, S.J.: Prêtre, éducateur et formateur. 152pp. CFA500.00 ($10.00) Cadicec 2000 ZR FRE Ekwueme, Barth Nwoye—Autobiography Ekwueme, B.N. The face of destiny. ISBN: 9783521500 209pp. pl. N500.00 ($10.00/£7.00/ Eur7.00) Bachudo 2002 NR El Kanemi—Biography Milsome, J.E. El Kanemi. (Makers of Nigeria 4) 63pp. maps ill. N5.00 Univ Press - Nig 1968 NR Ele language—Dictionaries Bon, G., Nicolas, F.J. Grammaire l’élé; glossaire l’élé-français. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 24) 452pp. map CFA4,400 IFAN 1953 SG MUL Electrical engineering Alemu, K. Digital and analogue communication systems. 522pp. ill. Birr60.00 ($20.00) Addis Ababa UP 2003 ET Gutkowski, K.M. Refrigeration and airconditioning. 215pp. N500.00 ($8.00/£6.50) Spectrum 1996 NR Hicks, R.E., Mandersloot, W.G.B. The CSIR mark 3 electrodialysis unit. (CSIR research reports, 247) 38pp. ill. R3.80 CSIR 1966 SA Libomane Bolla, B. Pratique du schéma éléctrique. ISBN: 2912086396 89pp. PUA 2001 CM FRE Obuya, S.K. Electrical principles for technicians. vol.1 122pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 1990 KE Okoro, C. Fundamentals of energy conservation. 146pp. N500.00 ($20.00) Univ Lagos Press 1996 NR
Rennhackkamp, W.M.H. School lighting. (CSIR research reports, 209) 47pp. ill. CSIR 1964 SA Woldemariam, W-G. Principles of electrical and electronic instrumentation. 366pp. Birr55.00 ($20.00) Addis Ababa UP 2004 ET Electrical engineering—Study and teaching Bera, M.R. Introductory digital systems. [CD-ROM and booklet.] ISBN: 0702144053 ill. R99.00 Juta 2003 SA Bera, M.R. Introductory digital systems for engineering. [CD-ROM] ISBN: 0702144053 R99.00 Juta 2002 SA Constaninovici, D., Govinsamy, M. Basic circuit analysis for electrical engineering. [CD-ROM and booklet] rev.ed. ISBN: 0702152153 R95.00 Juta 2000 SA Gichia, E.K. Electrical technology for schools. bk.1 102pp. K.shs.255.00 EAEP 1987 KE Govinsamy, M., Constaninovici, L.D. TELP series. Basic circuit analysis for electrical engineering. ISBN: 0702152153 240pp. R65.00 Juta 2000 SA Ibe, C.A. Principles of tropical air conditioning. ISBN: 9780293655 270pp. N1,200 Spectrum 2003 NR Obuya, S.K. Electrical principles for technicians, vol. 2: theory, worked out examples and tutorial problems. 187pp. K.shs.500.00 EAEP 1993 KE Onditi Elias, G.D. Manual of diagnostic ultrasound. 78pp. ill. K.shs.270.00 ($15.00/£9.00) Moi Univ 1996 KE Oroge, C.O. Control system engineering (with notes and worked examples). 257pp. ($20.80) Univ Press - Nig 1986 NR Electricity see also Dams Electrical engineering Energy Public utilities Shaw-Hamilton, M. Applied electricity. 144pp. ill. C5,000 ($6.00) Asempa 1986 GH Electricity—South Africa Stavrou, S.E. Future directions for the electricity supply industry. (CSDS working papers, 4) 13pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1992 SA Electricity—Study and teaching Banda, E.J.K.B. Electricity and magnetism. 215pp. U.shs.13,000 Makerere UP 1996 UG van Tonder, D.J. Electricity. bk.1 104pp. ill. R30.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Woldemariam, W.G. Principles of electrical and electronic instrumentation. 366pp. Birr55.00 ($20.00) Addis Ababa UP 2004 ET Electricity—Tanzania Kulindwa, K. Residential electricity in Tanzania: the case of Dar es Salaam. 22pp. Dar es Salaam UP 1996 TZ Electricity—Zimbabwe Batidzirai, B. Cogeneration in Zimbabwe. A utililty perspective. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 19) ISBN: 9966918086 48pp. exch. AFREPREN 2002 KE Electronics see also Computers and computing
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African Books in Print
Subject index Aghdasi, F. Self-clocked asynchronous controllers. 109pp. ($17.00/£9.50) Univ Zimbabwe 1996 ZI De Jesus, A.S.M. The manufacture of germanium (lithium) detectors. (CSIR research reports, 283) 15pp. CSIR 1969 SA Neirynck, J. La génération des harmoniques impairs par les circuits de redresseurs. 52pp. ill. 60k Press Univ Congo 1959 ZR FRE Nelemans, C.J. Research and development aspects of the CSIR’s ‘in house’ microcircuit manufacturing facility (thin film technology) of interest to designers of thin film circuits. (CSIR research report, 318) 51pp. ill. free CSIR 1973 SA Electronics—Addresses and essays Williams, V.A. Electronics and technology. (Inaugural lec., 32) ($3.00/£2.25) N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1978 NR Electronics—Study and teaching Afullo, T.J.O. A laboratory manual in digital electronics. ISBN: 9966846476 182pp. K.shs.520.00 ($13.50) Nairobi UP 2001 KE Luhanga, P.V.C. Basic electronics. A textbook for physics students. ISBN: 9991203664 276pp. ill. P195.00 Bay 2001 BS Menkiti, A.I., Abuwere, O., Eze, F. Introduction to electronics. N630.00 ($10.00/£8.50) Spectrum 1996 NR Neirynck, J. Introduction à l’électronique. 15pp. 23k Press Univ Congo 1962 ZR FRE Podges, M. Introductory electronics for engineering. [CD-ROM and booklet.] ISBN: 0702152145 ill. R99.00 Juta 2003 SA Eleku language—Grammar Hulstaert, G. Esquisse de la langue des Eleku. (CEEBA publications, série III, 7) 69pp. (DM32.00) CEEBA 1982 ZR FRE Embryology Fasan, F. Textbook of medical embryology. 332pp. ill. pl. ($15.85) Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE Kramer, B., Rawdon, B.B., eds. Embryos, endocrine cells and the neural crest. A collection in honour of Professor Ann Andrew. 230pp. ill. R74.95 Witwatersrand UP 1995 SA Employment see also Labor and laboring classes Ajoyi, A.J. Techniques de recherche d’emploi. ISBN: 2913942377 68pp. ill. CFA2,000 (Eur3.00) EDILIS 2002 IV FRE Employment—Africa Boateng, K. Quality jobs or mass employment. ISBN: 996694415X 20pp. ill. AERC 1999 KE Grey-Johnson, C., ed. The employment crisis in Africa. Issues in human resources development policy. 194pp. ($45.00/£25.00) SAPES 1990 ZI International Labour Organisation. Jobs and Skills Programme for Africa The challenge of employment and basic needs in Africa. Essays in honour of Shyam B.L.Nigam and to mark the tenth anniversary of JASPA. 379pp. K.shs.550.00 OUP - Nairobi 1986 KE Vandamoortele, J. Employment issues in sub-Saharan Africa. (AERC special paper, 14) 41pp. AERC 1991 KE
Employment—Zambia Employment—Botswana Adeyimi, M.B. Survey of graduate unemployment in Botswana. (NIR working bibliographies) NIDCR 1996 BS Employment—Kenya Black, D.E. An employment and output projection model for Kenya and Nairobi. (IDS discussion paper, 172) 29pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE
Observatoire du Développement de la Réunion Les intérimaires. (Documents ODR, 46) (Eur19.15) ODR 2003 RF FRE Observatoire du Développement de la Réunion L’emploi lié à la fréquentation touristique. (Documents ODR, 48) (Eur14.57) ODR 2004 RF FRE
Fox Finding work. A practical guide for job hunters. K.shs.150.00 Horizon 1991 KE
Employment—Senegal Fall, B., ed. Ajustement structurel et emploi au Sénégal. 247pp. ($30.00/£16.75) CODESRIA 1997 SG FRE
Ghai, D.P. Employment performance, prospects and policies in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 99) 12pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1970 KE
Employment—South Africa Barker, F. The South African labour market. 4th ed. ISBN: 0627025331 345pp. R289.95 Van Schaik 2002 SA
House, W.J., Rempel, H. Determinant of and changes in the structure of wages and employment in the manufacturing sector of the Kenya economy, 1967-1972. (IDS discussion paper, 207) 30pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Mureithi, L.P. Demographic and technological variables in Kenya’s employment scene. (IDS discussion paper, 201) 22pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Power, J.H. Protection and employment: a macroeconomic approach. (IDS discussion paper, 151) 28pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Tobin, J. Note on search unemployment and wage differentials. (IDS working paper, 71) 6pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Tobin, J. Technological development and employment. (IDS discussion paper, 190) 30pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Employment—Kenya—Addresses and essays Ghai, D., Godfrey, M. Essays on employment in Kenya. (£2.70/$6.75) K.shs.35.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Employment—Namibia Gaomab, M. Fiscal policy and employment in Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 43) 23pp. N$16.00 NEPRU 1994 SX Moorsom, R. The private sector and employment: comments on aspects of the President’s inaugural speech to the National Council on 23 February 1993. (NEPRU working paper, 38) 16pp. N$13.00 NEPRU 1993 SX Orford, J., Bogosi, R. Report on the National Conference on Youth Employment Strategies, convened by the Ministry of Youth and Sport, Windhoek, 26-28 February 1992. (Travel and meeting reports, 3) 7pp. N$10.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Employment—Nigeria Okedara, J.T. Employment status of U.I. graduates, 1950-1971. 186pp. ($10.00) Ibadan UP 1984 NR Employment—Réunion Haorau, S. Mobilité et insertion professionnelle des jeunes. 54pp. ill. ODR 2001 RF FRE Observatoire du Développement de la Réunion Chômage et territoires. (Documents ODR, 44) (Eur112.00) ODR 2003 RF FRE Observatoire du Développement de la Réunion Les chômeurs de longue durée. (Documents ODR, 41) (Eur16.10) ODR 2002 RF FRE
Booyens, J.H., Pakes, T.K. Experiencing the world of work. A career guide. (IDPR occasional papers, 48) R40.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Greyling, J.J.C. Employment opportunities for university trained Indians. (I.S.E.R. 4) 178pp. free Univ Durban-Westville SA Kirsten, J., Tube, J. The march of progress? Job losses in agriculture. (CPS policy forum, 5) 22pp. Centre Policy Stud 1999 SA Landis, H., Grossett, L. Employment and the law: a practical guide for the workplace. ISBN: 0702166723 532pp. R235.00 Juta 2005 SA Marx, M., Herholdt, W. Employment equity in South Africa. A guide to affirmative action success. ISBN: 1868910342 R135.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Moleke, P. Finding work. Employment experiences of South African graduates. ISBN: 0796921059 48pp. R80.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Moleke, P. Inequalities in higher education and the structure of the labour market. ISBN: 0796921024 20pp. R55.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Moller, V. Unemployment and ill-being: a research note. 15pp. R5.00 School Dev StudiesKZN 1988 SA Moller, V. The unemployment blues: psychological effects of unemployment on the individual. (CSDS research reports, 30) 14pp. R6.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1992 SA Pakes, T.K. The nature of black unemployment in the Port Elizabeth metropole: what options for self-employment? (Research reports, 66) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA Pakes, T.K., Mullins, E.N. Towards and employment creation strategy for the Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage (PEU) metropole. (IDPR occasional papers, 45) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Sunter, C., Godsell, G. Climate change? Job creation through small and medium enterprises. (CPS policy forum, 6) 11pp. Centre Policy Stud 1999 SA Employment—South Africa—Bibliography Pakes, T.K., Mullins, E.N. A literature survey of job creation in the Eastern Cape. (IDPR memoranda, 1/93) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1993 SA Employment—Sudan Ibrahim, L.M. The state of the consultancy market in the Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 24) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Employment—Zambia Banda, A.D. A guide to employment law in Zambia. 51pp. Ebert - Ghana 1999 GH
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Employment—Zimbabwe Employment—Zimbabwe Hawkins, A.M., et al. Formal sector employment demand conditions in Zimbabwe. 52pp. ($4.95/ £2.75) Univ Zimbabwe 1988 ZI Mupedziswa, R. The informal sector and employment in Zimbabwe. (Occasional papers, 1) 53pp. Z$25.00/$10.00 School Soc Work 1994 ZI Energy see also Dams Electricity Hydraulic engineering Nuclear power Petroleum industry and trade Public utilities Renewable energy Solar energy Water Karekezi, S., Lata, K., Coelho, S.T. Traditional biomass energy: improving its use and moving to modern energy use. [Also available as electronic download.] (AFREPREN working paper, 308) 53pp. AFREPREN 2004 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Effects of energy conservation policies in the member countries of the economic commission for Europe on global energy supply in the long term. 128pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Energy audit manual. 54pp. UNCHS 1988 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Energy for low-income settlements. 100pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE Energy—Addresses and essays Mwandosya, M.J. Energy: the mutuality of science and technology. 67pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Dar es Salaam UP 1990 TZ Srinivasan, C. Energy, man and society. 44pp. ($1.89/ 79p) N3.00 Ibadan UP 1980 NR Energy—Africa AFREPREN African energy: issues in planning and practice. cd. & 157pp. maps AFREPREN 1990 KE AFREPREN/FWD Energy sector reform status and prospects. (AFREPREN working paper, 206) 23pp. AFREPREN 1999 KE AFREPREN/FWD The potential for energy generation from the municipal solid waste in Africa. (AFREPREN working paper, 214) 18pp. AFREPREN 1999 KE AFREPREN/FWD, Kimani, J., Waudo, A., Kibe, M. Proceedings of the second capacity building theme group meeting. (AFREPREN working paper, 162) 39pp. AFREPREN 1998 KE AFREPREN/FWD Secretariat Energy sector reform theme group meeting proceedings. (AFREPREN working paper, 220) 58pp. AFREPREN 1999 KE AFREPREN/FWD Secretariat Energy services for the urban poor theme group meeeting proceedings. (AFREPREN working paper, 226) 78pp. AFREPREN 1999 KE AFREPREN/FWD Secretariat Renewables and energy for rural development theme group proceedings. (AFREPREN working paper, 225) 95pp. AFREPREN 1999 KE AFREPREN/FWD Secretariat 2nd quarterly report. November 1999March 2000, preparatory phase. Status report for the special studies of strategic significance theme group. (AFREPREN working paper, 249) 22pp. AFREPREN 2000 KE
AFREPREN/FWD Secretariat AFREPREN trimestrial report OctoberJanuary 2001. Status report for the special studies of strategic significance theme group. vol.2(AFREPREN working paper, 275) 17pp. AFREPREN 1001 KE AFREPREN/FWD Secretariat AFREPREN trimestrial report: FebruaryJune 2001. vol.1(AFREPREN working paper, 289) 65pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE AFREPREN/FWD Secretariat AFREPREN trimestrial report: FebruaryJune 2001. vol.2(AFREPREN working paper, 290) 20pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE AFREPREN/FWD Secretariat AFREPREN trimestrial report: OctoberJanuary 2001. vol.4(AFREPREN working paper, 277) 55pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE AFREPREN/FWD Secretariat AFREPREN trimestrial report: OctoberJanuary 2001. vol.3(AFREPREN working paper, 276) 18pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE AFREPREN/FWD Secretariat Alternative meeting for the renewables and energy for rural development theme group and the energy sector reform theme group. (AFREPREN working paper, 284) 72pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE AFREPREN/FWD Secretariat Energy sector reform theme group proceedings, 2000. (AFREPREN working paper, 285) 122pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE AFREPREN/FWD Secretariat Status report for the special studies of strategic significance theme group quarterly report July-October, 1999. (AFREPREN working paper, 229) 32pp. AFREPREN 1999 KE Baguant, J., et al. Energy management in Africa. maps AFREPREN 1992 KE
Bhagavan, M.R., Karekezi, S. Energy for rural development. cd. & 258pp. maps AFREPREN 1992 KE Diphaha, J.B.S., et al. Biomass energy and coal in Africa. 196pp. pl.maps AFREPREN 1994 KE Elfaki Ali, G., Elgizouli, I.A.R., Okech, B.A. Energy utilities and institutions in Africa. cd. & 203pp. AFREPREN 1996 KE Girod, J., Sokona, Y. L’énergie en Afrique. Situation énergétique de 34 pays. 471pp. maps ENDA 1995 SG FRE Habtetsion, S., Tsighe, Z. Current energy utilisation and future options in rural areas. (AFREPREN working paper, 294) 61pp. AFREPREN 2002 KE Karekezi, S. The potential of renewable energy technologies in Africa. (AFREPREN working paper, 273) 18pp. AFREPREN 2000 KE Karekezi, S. Regional programs: case study of the African energy policy research network. (AFREPREN working paper, 279) 15pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE Karekezi, S., Kimani, J., Majoro, L., Kithyoma, W. African energy data and terminology handbook. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 13) 50pp. AFREPREN 2002 KE Karekezi, S., Kimani, J., Majoro, L., Kithyoma, W. African energy data and terminology handbook: year 2003-2004. [Also available as electronic download.] (AFREPREN occasional paper, 23) 34pp. AFREPREN 2004 KE Karekezi, S., Kimani, J., Wangeci, J. Power sector reform in Africa. Proceedings of a regional policy seminar. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 5) 50pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE
Karekezi, S., Mackenzie, G.A. Energy options for Africa environmentally sustainable sources. cd. & 184pp. maps AFREPREN 1993 KE Karekezi, S., Majoro, L. Energy and environment linkages in African cities. (AFREPREN working paper, 227) 25pp. AFREPREN 1999 KE Karekezi, S., Majoro, L., Kithyoma, W. Renewable energy technologies in Africa. An energy training course handbook. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 10) 50pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE Karekezi, S., Ranja, T. Renewable energy technologies in Africa. cd. & 269pp. maps AFREPREN 1997 KE Marandu, E., Kayo, D., Karekezi, S., Majoro, L., Muthui, J. AFREPREN strategic plan and guidelines (2003-2015). [Also available as electronic download.] (AFREPREN working paper, 313) 63pp. AFREPREN 2004 KE Mbewe, A., et al. Rural electrification in Africa. cd. & 182pp. maps AFREPREN 1992 KE Mutiso, D. Energy sector reform: the legal and regulatory frameowrk in Africa’s power sector. (AFREPREN working paper, 213) 28pp. AFREPREN 1999 KE Teferra, M., Karekezi, S. Capacity building for a reforming African power sector. 120pp. AFREPREN 2003 KE Energy—Africa—Study and teaching Deepchand, K. Opportunities for cogeneration in a reforming power sector. Proceedings of an energy training course. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 21) 35pp. AFREPREN 2003 KE Diallo, Y.S. Renewable energy sources. (KAWI Energy Science for Africa, 1) ISBN: 9982012844 cd. 52pp. ($10.00) APNET 1999 IV Gonthi, H.F., Nkhoma, W.N. Renewable energy uses. (KAWI Energy Science for Africa, 2) ISBN: 9982012952 cd. 54pp. col.ill. ($10.00) APNET 1999 IV Maphasa, N., Molapo, L. Renewable energy conversion. (KAWI Energy Science for Africa, 4) ISBN: 9982012879 cd. 54pp. col.ill. ($10.00) APNET 1999 IV Matula, J.A.P. Renewable energy storage. (KAWI Energy Science for Africa, 5) ISBN: 9982012887 62pp. col.ill. ($10.00) APNET 1999 IV Nyoroh, A.D.K. Renewable energy conservation. (KAWI Energy Science for Africa, 3) ISBN: 9982012860 cd. 56pp. col.ill. ($10.00) APNET 1999 IV Ollenu, A., Mensah Brande, D. Renewable energy challenges. (KAWI Energy Science for Africa, 6) ISBN: 9982012895 cd. 64pp. col.ill. ($10.00) APNET 1999 IV Energy—Africa, East Karekezi, S., Kimani, J., Mutiga, A., Amenya, S. Do the poor benefit from power sector reform? Evidence from East Africa. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 25) ISBN: 9966918140 108pp. exch. AFREPREN 2005 KE Energy—Africa, Southern Asamoah, J. Replacing coal with cleaner natural gas in southern Africa. The equity dimension. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 17) ISBN: 996691806X 34pp. exch. AFREPREN 2002 KE Moyo, S., Sill, M., O’Keefe, P. Energy policy and planning in southern Africa. ISBN: 1779050968 208pp. ($20.95/£12.95) SAPES 1999 ZI
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Energy—Africa, Sub-Saharan Mapako, M., Mbewe, A., eds. Renewables and energy for rural development in sub-Saharan. 120pp. AFREPREN 2003 KE
Teferra, M. Power sector reforms in Ethiopia: implication for rural electrification short term draft report. (AFREPREN working paper, 293) 59pp. AFREPREN 2002 KE
Energy—Africa, West Environmental Development Action in the Third World Stratégies d’utilisation rationnelle de l’énergie en Afrique de l’Ouest. 122pp. ENDA 1995 SG FRE
Woldemariam, W. The potential contribution of renewables in Ethiopia’s energy sector: an analysis of geothermal and cogeneration technologies. [Also available as electronic download.] (AFREPREN occasional paper, 24) 32pp. AFREPREN 2004 KE
Energy—Botswana Jellenic, N.E., van Vegten, J.A. Pain in the neck: the firewood situation in south western Kgatleng, Botswana. (Research reports) P2.50 NIDCR 1981 BS Kgathi, D.L. Conventional solutions adopted to alleviate the rural energy problem: the case of Botswana. (Research notes, 22) P3.00 NIDCR 1987 BS Kgathi, D.L. Energy and energy resources. (NIR Research notes, 22) 40pp. NIDCR 1987 BS Khupe, J.S. Energy from Botswana meat abattoir. (AFREPREN working paper, 251) 18pp. AFREPREN 2000 KE Mbaiwa, J.E. Domestic use versus income generating activities in delivering modern energy to rural Botswana. [Also available as electronic download.] (AFREPREN working paper, 312) 43pp. AFREPREN 2004 KE Mbaiwa, J.E. Renewables and rural energy development in Botswana. Proceedings of a national energy policy seminar. [Also available as electronic donwload.] (AFREPREN occasional paper, 22) 120pp. AFREPREN 2003 KE Energy—Eritrea Habtetsion, S. Current energy utilisation and future options in rural Eritrea. (AFREPREN working paper, 267) 14pp. AFREPREN 2000 KE Habtetsion, S. Energy for rural development in Eritrea. Proceedings of a national policy seminar. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 9) 50pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE Habtetsion, S. Sustainable energy in Eritrea. Proceedings of a national policy seminar. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 15) 50pp. AFREPREN 2002 KE Habtetsion, S., Tesfu, I., Gimay, B. Energy recovery from municipal solid waste: the case of Asmara. (AFREPREN working paper, 176) 37pp. AFREPREN 1998 KE Habtetsion, S., Tsighe, Z. Proceedings of the Eritrean national energy policy seminar. (AFREPREN working paper, 280) 38pp. AFREPREN 2002 KE Energy—Ethiopia Kebede, B., Kedir, E., Bekele, A. Patterns of domestic energy use and supply initiatives among the urban poor of Ethiopia. (AFREPREN working paper, 259) 19pp. AFREPREN 2000 KE Teferra, M. Capacity building in Ethiopia’s power sector. (AFREPREN working paper, 172) 62pp. AFREPREN 1998 KE Teferra, M. Ethiopia workshop procedings, 2000. (AFREPREN working paper, 286) 38pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE Teferra, M. Power sector reforms and promotion of renewable energy and efficiency in Ethiopia. [Also available as electronic download.] (AFREPREN working paper, 309) 54pp. AFREPREN 2004 KE
Gandar, M.V. The development of a low-cost fuelefficient wood-burning stove: social component and field trials. Report to the National Energy Council. (INR working paps., 41) R15.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Gandar, M.V. Integrated energy planning for Natal/ KwaZulu. Natal and Regional Planning Supplementary Report. vol.33 (INR working paps., 25) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA
Energy—Kenya Chikuvira, T. Energy efficiency at Ziscosteel: data and statistics. (AFREPREN working paper, 256) 7pp. AFREPREN 2000 KE
Gandar, M.V. Integrated energy planning for Natal/ KwaZulu: a position paper. (INR investigational report, 30) 62pp. R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA
Chikuvira, T. Energy utilization and energy efficiency at Ziscosteel: background report. (AFREPREN working paper, 258) 31pp. AFREPREN 2000 KE
Gandar, M.V., Udit, P. Evaluation of hotboxes in rural and periurban areas. Report to the National Energy Council. (INR investigational reports, 33) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA
Karekezi, S., Muthui, J., Kithyoma, W. Enabling activities for the preparation of initial national communications related to the UNFCCC. Kenya final draft report. [Also available as electronic download.] (AFREPREN working paper, 307) 76pp. AFREPREN 2003 KE Mariita, N. The social-economic and environmental impact of geothermal energy on the rural poor in Kenya. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 12) 50pp. AFREPREN 2002 KE Mogotsi, B. Proceedings of the national policy seminar on energy for rural development. (AFREPREN working paper, 278) 32pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE Okech, B., Nyoike, P. The case of the Kenyan power sector and legal and regulatory framework. (AFREPREN working paper, 260) 45pp. AFREPREN 2000 KE Okech, B.A., Nyoike, P.M. Appropriateness and performance of Kenyan energy sector institutions: case studies and comparative analysis of public, power, and petroleum sectors and implications to energy and environmental management. 140pp. ill. AFREPREN 1995 KE Energy—Lesotho Redeby, L.K., Makume, M., Khalema, A. An institutional assessment of the impact of the Lesotho highlands water project and hydro power development. (AFREPREN working paper, 277) 18pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE Redeby, L.K., Makume, T. An institutional assessment of the impact of Lesotho highlands water project. (AFREPREN working paper, 247) 23pp. AFREPREN 2000 KE Redeby, L.K., Makume, T.M., Motsoikha, T.J. Management and maintenance in the power sector of Lesotho. (AFREPREN working paper, 182) 49pp. AFREPREN 1998 KE Energy—Namibia van der Linden, E. Namibia’s energy sector: a country review. (NEPRU working paper, 23) 41pp. N$22.00 NEPRU 1993 SX Energy—Nigeria Iwayemi, A.P. Nigerian’s fractured development: the energy connection. (University of Ibadan, Inaugural lecture, 2000/2001) ISBN: 9788000509 54pp. ill. N125.00 ($1.25/£1.00) Vantage 2001 NR Energy—South Africa Clark, A., Drimie, S. Energy sustainability for South Africa’s poor: weighing up the alternatives. 31pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA
Hennessey, K., Smit, W. Poverty and power. Energy and the South African state. 252pp. R79.00 UCT Press 1995 SA McClintock, S.E. Integrated rural energy strategy for the Upper Tugela location, KwaZulu. (INR investigational reports, 35) 130pp. R37.50 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Roussouw, A.M.M., Tokota, M.B. Household use of paraffin in the districts of Queenstown, Lady Frere and Molteno. (IDPR occasional papers, 39) Inst Planning Res 1993 SA Walton, J. Windpumps in South Africa. ISBN: 079813805X 96pp. ill. R69.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Energy—Tanzania Katyega, M., Kahyonza, N., Wilson, A., Mtepa, M. Tanzania study on energy servics for the urban poor. (AFREPREN working paper, 262) 24pp. AFREPREN 2000 KE Katyega, M., Marandu, E. Power sector reform in Tanzania. Proceedings of a national policy seminar. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 7) 50pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE Katyega, M., Marandu, E. Tanzania national policy seminar proceedings. (AFREPREN working paper, 288) 43pp. AFREPREN 2000 KE Katyega, M.J.J., Marandu, E.E., Masala, I.L. Management and efficiency of the power sector in Tanzania. (AFREPREN working paper, 193) 71pp. AFREPREN 1998 KE Kishimba, M. Potential for electricity generation from landfilling in Tanzania. [Also available as electronic download.] (AFREPREN working paper, 311) 34pp. AFREPREN 2004 KE Kishimba, M.A. The potential of energy from sugar cane wastes in Tanzania. (AFREPREN working paper, 269) 22pp. ex.only AFREPREN 2000 KE Kishimba, M.A., Shechanmbo, F.C. The potential of energy from municipal solid waste in Tanzania: some environmental, technologicall and economic considerations. (AFREPREN working paper, 178) 92pp. AFREPREN 1998 KE Mwandosya, M.J., Kinyanjui, M., Sawe, E.N. Development and diffusion of wood energy conservation technologies in Tanzania. The experience of the energy 1 project. (CEEST research report, 5) ISBN: 9987612083 38pp. ($8.50/£4.95) CEEST 1998 TZ Mwandosya, M.J., Luhanga, M.L.P. Energy resources flows and end uses in Tanzania. 160pp. T.shs.50.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1983 TZ
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Energy—Tanzania Mwandosya, M.J., Mbowe, G.F., Young, P., eds. Competition policy and utility regulation. (CEEST research report, 6) ISBN: 9987612075 192pp. ($18.00/£9.95) CEEST 1998 TZ Mwihaya, N., Mbise, H.A. Status of power sub sector reforms and promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency in Tanzania. [Also available as electronic download.] (AFREPREN working paper, 310) 45pp. AFREPREN 2004 KE Energy—Uganda Kyokutamba, J. Power sector reform in Uganda. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 8) 50pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE Kyokutamba, J. Report of the first Ugandan national energy policy seminar. (AFREPREN working paper, 281) 35pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE Kyokutamba, J., ed. Energy services for small-scale enterprises in Uganda. Proceedings of a national policy seminar. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 17) ISBN: 996691806X 34pp. exch. AFREPREN 2002 KE Energy—Zambia Chandi, L., Mbewe, A., Mulenga, C. Zambia national policy seminar report. (AFREPREN working paper, 287) 44pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE Mbewe, D.J. Management and efficiency in Zambia’s power sector. (AFREPREN working paper, 183) 49pp. AFREPREN 1998 KE Energy—Zimbabwe Dube, I. Energy services for the urban poor: Zimbabwe country proposal. (AFREPREN working paper, 261) 18pp. AFREPREN 2000 KE Mapako, C.M. Zimbabwe national energy policy seminar proceedings. (AFREPREN working paper, 287) 26pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE Mapako, M. Zimbabwe’s policy on energy services for the urban poor. Proceedings of a national policy seminar. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 20) ISBN: 9966918094 39pp. exch. AFREPREN 2002 KE Mashange, K. An assessment of liquid fuel policies in Zimbabwe. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 16) 50pp. AFREPREN 2002 KE Maya, R.S. Analysis of a partial base transition for petroleum energy: from fossil oil to coal synthetics. 24pp. Z$6.00 ($3.50) ZIDS 1989[?] ZI ZERO Regional Environment Organisation Energy and sustainable rural industries. Issues from pilot studies in Tanzania, Zambia, Botswana, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. 44pp. free Zero 1998 ZI Engineering see also Agricultural engineering Chemical engineering Civil engineering Highway engineering Hydraulic engineering Mechanical engineering Sanitary engineering Technology Traffic engineering Gberesuu, P.B. Horizons of the engineer. ISBN: 9783038061 220pp. Ano 2001 NR Kavishe, F. Fracture mechanics. ISBN: 996622131X 235pp. pl. K.shs.300.00 ($6.00/£4.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1998 KE Myles, K., ed. Corrosion control. Principles and practice. ISBN: 0958394717 cd. 225pp. ill. R385.00 ($82.00/£49.20) Myles 1999 SA
Subject index Myles, K., ed. Wear control. Principles and practice. cd. 224pp. R385.00 Myles 1996 SA Susu, A. Principles of engineering thermodynamics. 230pp. N500.00 ($20.00) Univ Lagos Press 1996 NR Engineering—Namibia Kiangi, G.E. Engineering needs analysis for Namibia. 30pp. UNAM 1998 SX Engineering—Nigeria Okah-Avae, B.E. The science of industrial machinery systems maintenance. 196pp. N590.00 ($16.00/£8.95) Spectrum 1995 NR Engineering—South Africa Bozzoli, G.R. Forging ahead. South Africa’s pioneering engineers. 215pp. ill. R79.95 Witwatersrand UP 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E. Inter-Ject engine management optimising device feasibility study, July 1996. (IDPR special publications, 21) Inst Planning Res 1996 SA Engineering—Study and teaching Hendricks, A., Subramony, L., van Blerk, C. Physics for engineering. [CD-ROM and booklet.] ISBN: 0702144088 ill. R99.00 Juta 2000 SA Kavishe, E.P.L. Principles of ultrasonic testing. 127pp. ill. K.shs.650.00 ($23.60) Nairobi UP 1997 KE Koekemoer, P.J. Fitting and machining. [Also available in Afrikaans.] bk.1 132pp. ill. R64.00 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Koekemoer, P.J. Fitting and machining. [Also available in Afrikaans.] bk.2 164pp. ill. R68.32 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Koekemoer, P.J. Fitting and machining. [Also available in Afrikaans.] bk.3 144pp. ill. R79.60 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Moolman, C.L. Engineering science. 2nd ed. bk.2 136pp. ill. R62.00 Heinemann-EdSA 1994 SA Moolman, C.L. Engineering science. bk.4 ISBN: 1868535673 208pp. ill. R75.00 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA Ndiema, C.K.W. Calculations in engineering thermodynamics. ISBN: 9966854134 240pp. K.shs.360.00 ($14.40) Moi Univ 1998 KE Rousseau, P.G.C., Fourie, N.G. Engineering science. N4. ISBN: 0636037339 ill. R91.93 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Susu, A.A. Applications of engineering thermodynamics. 404pp. N750.00 Univ Lagos Press 1997 NR van Amsterdam, E. Construction materials. ISBN: 0702152137 R65.00 Juta 2000 SA English language Aldridge, M.V., Branford, W. Rhodes manual of old English. new rev. ed. 125pp. R2.10 Inst Study Engl 1975 SA English language—Addresses and essays Branford, W. New directions in the study of English. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1966 SA English language—Africa—Addresses and essays Walters, P.S. English in Africa 2000: towards a new millenium. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1988 SA
English language—Africa, West Galbraith, W. Notes on teaching English in West Africa. N4.55k Univ Press - Nig NR English language—Dictionaries Blacquiere, A., et al. Junior dictionary. 228pp. col.pl. C12,000 Sam Woode 1997 GH [West Africa only] Blacquiere, A., et al. Shuters junior dictionary. 216pp. R75.75 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA Chambers Schoolbag dictionary, including southern African usage and pronunciation. 136pp. R32.95 Philip 1986 SA Collins Dictionaries Collins dictionaries 4-in-1. Collins English dictionary, Collins thesaurus, Collins quotation finder, Collins cobuild pronunciation guide. [CD-ROM] ISBN: 1868900266 R349.00 Pharos 2002 SA Editions de l’Océan Indien Dictionnaire de situation. [English/French dictionary for primary school children]. 46pp. col.ill. Océan Indien Ed 1990 MF Editions Livres du Sud Password (Anglais - Français). English dictionary for speakers of French. 754pp. CFA2,500 EDILIS 1993 IV MUL [No US] Francolin Publishers English thesaurus. 256pp. R33.95 Francolin 1995 SA [Southern Africa only] Green, J. The word hunter’s companion. A first thesaurus. N10.00 Fagbamigbe NR Hawkins, J.M. The South African dictionary for adult learners. ISBN: 0195717805 576pp. R84.99 OUP - SA 1999 SA Hawkins, J.M. The South African Oxford school dictionary. 2nd ed. 576pp. R69.98 OUP - SA 2004 SA Hornby, P., Tomori, S.H.O. Oxford junior secondary dictionary for Nigeria. 378pp. ill. N25.00 Univ Press Nig 1978 NR Kirkpatrick, B. Dictionary of English usage. 256pp. R33.95 Francolin 1995 SA [Southern Africa only] English language—Easy reading materials, Adult Annecke, W. The diary of Thami the truck driver. 47pp. maps R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1992 SA Annecke, W. Mandla and the bull. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 46pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1991 SA Annecke, W. The trick. 37pp. pl. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1991 SA Annecke, W. What if it’s me? Help with AIDS. [Also available in Xhosa, Sotho and Zulu.] 30pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1995 SA Annecke, W. Why dogs chase goats. 19pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1991 SA Annecke, W., ed. No space to plant. 46pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1992 SA Annecke, W., Mangele, M. Growing together. 20pp. ill. R21.95 APNET 1992 IV Bila, F.V. Pension money. [Adult reading programme. Also available in Afrikaans, Sesotho, Tonga, Xhosa, Zulu] 32pp. ill. R16.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1997 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 220
African Books in Print
Subject index Block, J., ed. The tree man: the story of Robert Mazibuko. [Also available in Zulu.] 35pp. pl. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1996 SA Bouwer, A. Career path learning (ABET level 2) module 1. ISBN: 0868103365 ill. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA Bouwer, A. Career path learning (ABET level 2) module 2. ISBN: 0868103373 R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA Bouwer, A. Career path learning (ABET level 2) module 3. ISBN: 0868103381 R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA Bouwer, A. Career path learning (ABET level 2) module 4. ISBN: 086810339X R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA Bouwer, A. Career path learning (ABET level 2) module 5. ISBN: 0868103403 R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA Bouwer, A. Career path learning (ABET level 3) module 1. ISBN: 0868103411 R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA English Literacy Project Buying wisely. ISBN: 0636020002 58pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1992 SA English Literacy Project Check your payslip. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636019977 58pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1994 SA English Literacy Project English at work. ISBN: 0626020711 58pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA English Literacy Project Fill in forms. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636020029 58pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1994 SA English Literacy Project The future. ISBN: 0636020703 58pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1996 SA
English language—Easy reading materials, Adult English Literacy Project Your work. ISBN: 0636020304 58pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1993 SA Foster, E. The morning star shines brightly. [Also available in Afrikaans and Sesotho.] 32pp. col.ill. R32.95 Kwela 1997 SA Garisch, D. A quick trick. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 24pp. ill. R16.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA Garisch, D., Littlewort, L. Mbusi’s bad cold. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 32pp. ill. R16.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1995 SA Jack, E. Silinga. [Adult reading material. Also available in Afrikaans, Sesotho, Xhosa.] 64pp. ill. R19.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA Keyser, S., Purdon, B. Surviving rape. [Also available in Zulu.] 43pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1995 SA Kubayi, J. Love and money. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 16pp. ill. R17.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1997 SA Kutumela, W. Courage. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 32pp. ill. R17.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1997 SA Lawson, I. Gauteng days. Kwela 1996 SA
32pp. R32.95 (£4.95)
Lawson, I. Zacaria goes South. 32pp. R32.95 (£4.95) Kwela 1996 SA Lewis, L. Against the wind. Five South Africans follow their dreams. 42pp. pl. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1992 SA Lowen, C. Safe in the storm. A story about getting a house. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0795700741 48pp. ill. R32.95 (£4.95) Kwela 1998 SA
English Literacy Project Introduction to English grammar. ISBN: 0636020312 58pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1993 SA
Lyster, E. The Nkosi family. [Also available in Zulu, Xhosa, Sotho and Afrikaans.] 35pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1991 SA
English Literacy Project Make a date. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636020037 58pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1994 SA
Makhubela, K. Getting married in South Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 32pp. ill. R17.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA
English Literacy Project Money and shopping. ISBN: 0636019993 58pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1993 SA
Malala, J. Before the rains come. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 80pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA
English Literacy Project Past tense. ISBN: 0636020738 58pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA
Matshoba, M. Majola’s ancestor. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 48pp. ill. R18.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA
English Literacy Project Present tense. ISBN: 0636020738 58pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA English Literacy Project Read around the town. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636020045 58pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1994 SA English Literacy Project Reading stories. ISBN: 0636019950 58pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1994 SA English Literacy Project Speak English. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636020053 58pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1994 SA English Literacy Project Write on. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636020061 58pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1994 SA English Literacy Project Writing letters. ISBN: 0636019969 58pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1994 SA
Mda, L. Rainbow recipes. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 48pp. ill. R18.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA Mda, L. Stokvel stories: sexual harassment in the workplace. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 32pp. ill. R17.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA Mnisi, T. The 1987 floods. 13pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1991 SA Molteno Project Breakthrough to literacy. Occupation task book. ISBN: 0636022927 71pp. ill. R50.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1996 SA Molteno Project Breakthrough to literacy. Tutor’s manual. ISBN: 0630022935 89pp. ill. R95.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1996 SA
Sithole, S. Beer, songs and quarrels. [Also available in Zulu, Xhosa,and Sotho.] 48pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1991 SA Sitoe, D. The liars. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 32pp. ill. R16.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1997 SA Sranford, P. Going home with chickens. [Also available in Afrikaans, Sotho and Xhosa.] 10pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1995 SA Using Spoken & Written English Changing lives. Audio cassette. ISBN: 1868940569 R50.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Using Spoken & Written English Changing lives. Facilitator’s guide. ISBN: 1868940470 R75.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Using Spoken & Written English Changing lives. Workbook 1. ISBN: 1868940462 157pp. ill. R35.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Using Spoken & Written English Changing lives. Workbook 2. ISBN: 1868940187 144pp. ill. R35.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Using Spoken & Written English Changing lives. Workbook 3. ISBN: 1868940160 164pp. ill. R35.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Using Spoken & Written English Changing lives. Workbook 4. ISBN: 1868940179 144pp. ill. R35.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Using Spoken & Written English Leaner’s workbook: health. ISBN: 1868940292 39pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1997 SA Using Spoken & Written English Leaner’s workbook: work. ISBN: 1868940306 25pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1997 SA Using Spoken & Written English Living conditions. rev. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636032752 269pp. ill. R55.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1997 SA Using Spoken & Written English Teacher’s book: health. ISBN: 1868940268 114pp. ill. R55.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1997 SA Using Spoken & Written English. Teacher’s book: work. [Audio cassette and poster also available.] ISBN: 1868940276 92pp. ill. R45.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1997 SA Usings Spoken and Written English Doors of learning. Workbook. ISBN: 063601892X 295pp. ill. R90.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA van Aswegen, M. Dance, Tshipo, dance. [Also available in Afrikaans and Sesotho.] 32pp. col.ill. R35.95 Kwela 1997 SA van Wyk, C. Maria. [Adult easy reading material. Also available in English, Sesotho, Xhosa, Zulu.] 48pp. ill. R18.45 HeinemannEdSA 1996 SA van Wyk, C. Murder of Mrs. Mohapi. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 36pp. ill. R16.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1995 SA William, J. The dancing candidate. [Also available in Afrikaans and Xhosa.] 36pp. col.ill. R32.95 Kwela 1997 SA William, J. Dancing with joy. Kwela 1996 SA
32pp. R32.95 (£4.95)
Williams, J. Stolen house. 32pp. R32.95 (£4.95) Kwela 1996 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
English language—Easy reading materials, Adult Witthaus, G., et al. Win with words. Facilitators guide. ISBN: 0636027643 ill. R90.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Witthaus, G., et al. Win with words. Workbook 1. ISBN: 063602511X 64pp. ill. R30.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1997 SA Witthaus, G., et al. Win with words. Workbook 2. ISBN: 0636027716 64pp. ill. R30.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1997 SA Witthaus, G., et al. Win with words. Workbook 3. ISBN: 0636027635 64pp. ill. R30.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Witthaus, G., et al. Win with words. Workbook 4. ISBN: 0636027627 64pp. ill. R30.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA English language—Examinations, questions Aka, S.M.O. Answers to: A thousand errors in spoken and written English. 50pp. N1.50 Aka 1977 NR Aka, S.M.O. Objective tests for G.C.E. and school certificate English. 154pp. N2.50 Aka 1977 NR Aka, S.M.O. Pass English language without tears. N2.00 Aka 1979 NR Banjo, A. Common entrance English and verbal aptitude test. ISBN: 9781544538 39pp. ($14.50) Univ Press - Nig 2003 NR Banjo, A., et al. Exam focus English language. 186pp. ($5.06/£3.38) Univ Press - Nig 1997 NR Bolaji-Aremo, A. Exam focus English. ISBN: 9780308768 ($18.50) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR
Miller, S.J. Objective comprehension exercises: with answers. N5.00 Univ Press - Nig NR Mungai, J., Kamau, G., Odongo, R. Peak revision. KCSE English. new ed. ISBN: 9966250018 160pp. K.shs.435.00 EAEP 1998 KE Neizer, D.A. Exercises on English lexis and structure with answers. 64pp. C18.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1980 GH
Patel, M.S. English aid book 5 answers. K.shs.40.00 Jyoti 1984 KE
Patel, M.S. English aid book 6 answers. K.shs.40.00 Jyoti 1984 KE
Patel, M.S. English aid book 7 answers. K.shs.40.00 Jyoti 1988 KE
Patel, M.S. English aid book 8 answers. K.shs.40.00 Jyoti 1988 KE
de Klerk, V.A. Powerplay and the changing face of English. Inst Soc Res 1992 SA
Patel, M.S. English work aid standard 3. K.shs.65.00 Jyoti 1990 KE
Institute for the Study of English in Africa Towards a dictionary of South African English. 87pp. R1.00 Inst Study Engl 1972 SA
Russell, A. School certificate English practice: summary and composition. 75pp. K.shs.49.50 EAEP 1983 KE
Wright, L.S. English in South Africa: effective communication and the policy debate. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1993 SA
Tomori, S.H.O. Objective tests for school certificate English. 96pp. N239.65 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1968 NR
Curtis, A. Primary certificate English tests. 60pp. pl. K.shs.162.00 OUP - Nairobi 1983 KE
English language—Grammar Adebayo, O., Olamlokum, O. English grammar for beginners. ISBN: 9782965332 116pp. N200.00 Bounty 2002 NR
King, J.C. Focus study aids: O-level English revision. 120pp. Z$77.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI Kitonga, E. R.D. Cameron’s model English tests for school certificate: an answer book. 16pp. K.shs.25.00 OUP - Nairobi 1977 KE Lutalala, J., Sotta, C.M. Get ready for standard 4 English examination. ISBN: 9987883304 112pp. T.shs.5,000 ($5.00) TEPU 2000 TZ Lutalala, J.L., Sotta, C.M. Get ready for standard 4 English examination. 112pp. ill. T.shs.960.00 ($1.52) TEPU 1993 TZ
English language—South Africa Crighton, N. Why do we say that? R42.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA
Lanham, L.W., Langham, D., Blacquière, A., Wright, L. Getting the message in South Africa. Intelligibility, readability, comprehensibility. 28pp. R50.00 ($20.00/£12.50) Inst Study Engl 1995 SA
wa Chege, G. Revision English for KCPE. 217pp. K.shs.55.00 EAEP 1988 KE
Iyagba, D. The English examiners: a practical guide to WAEC and NECO. ISBN: 9783038062 N400.00 Ano 2000 NR
English language—Nigeria—Dictionaries Igboanusi, H. A dictionary of Nigerian English usage. ISBN: 9783422553 316pp. ($34.95/ £20.95) Enicrownfit 2002 NR
Russell, A. School certificate English practice: further summary and composition. 73pp. K.shs.47.50 EAEP 1981 KE
Cameron, R.W. Model English tests for school certificate. 144pp. OUP - Nairobi 1972 KE
Gathumbi, A.W. Certificate English: a revision course for KCSE with model examination papers and answers. 206pp. K.shs.150.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1989 KE
Jowitt, D. Nigerian English usage. An introduction. 277pp. Longman - Nig 1991 NR
Tomori, S.H.O. Objective tests for school certificate English: with answers. 96pp. N239.89 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1968 NR
Duson, A.N. Last minutes guide on how to pass English language in SSCE and GCE. The A-Z of essay writing. vol.1 ISBN: 9783038023 150pp. N150.00 Ano 1999 NR
Igboanusi, H. Igbo English in the Nigerian novel. ISBN: 9783422561 145pp. ($24.95/ £14.95) Enicrownfit 2002 NR
Patel, M.S. English aid book 4 answers. K.shs.40.00 Jyoti 1984 KE
Broster, C.C., King, M.A., Eaton, A.B.S. English highway test level. 144pp. R57.21 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA
Dawson, D. O-level English test papers. 132pp. Z$77.95 ($4.10/£2.50) College Press Zimb 1996 ZI
English language—Nigeria Banjo, A. Making a virtue of necessity: an overview of the English language in Nigeria. 167pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Ibadan UP 1996 NR
Adey, D. The new word power: the South African handbook of grammar, style and usage. 340pp. R73.00 Ball 1996 SA Aldridge, M.V., ed. Robert Lowth: A short introduction to English grammar (1762). R2.50 Inst Study Engl 1973 SA Branford, W. Manual of English sentence structure. R2.00 Inst Study Engl 1974 SA Fagbamigbe, O., Gragford, K. Objective test in English grammar. 198pp. N280.00 Fagbamigbe 2000[?] NR Mega Publishing Enterprise Mega book of modern grammar. Birr15.00 Mega 1998 ET Mshammad, M.A. English grammar. 2004 TZ
144pp. ($5.00) PPCC
Price, T. English grammar for African schools. 97pp. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1972 MW Rose, A.D.S., Purkiss, S.B. English grammar. 4th ed. 80pp. R51.61 Shuter & Shooter 1991 SA Tomori, S.H.O. The morphology and syntax of present day English- an introduction. 148pp. N432.30 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1978 NR
English language—South Africa— Dictionaries Crwys-Williams, J. The Penguin dictionary of South African quotations. 220pp. Longman Penguin SA 1994 SA Pearson, J., Kavanagh, K. South African concise Oxford dictionary. ISBN: 0195718046 cd. 1392pp. R320.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Soanes, C., Branford, W. South African pocket Oxford dictionary. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0195780682 1168pp. R175.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Walpole, E.W. My first bilingual dictionary/My eerste tweetalige woordeboek. ISBN: 0798142154 96pp. col.ill. R64.95 Human and Rousseau 2002 SA MUL English language—Study and teaching Adetugbo, A. Communicative English and study skills. N500.00 Univ Lagos Press 1997 NR Akaranga, J. Revision English for primary teacher education. 172pp. K.shs.330.00 EAEP 1997 KE Anokari, N.B. Better English language. ISBN: 9783038001 100pp. Ano 1997 NR Anokari, N.B. Standard English language. ISBN: 9783038022 38pp. N100.00 Ano 1997 NR Anokari, N.B. Standard English literature. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9783038002 N200.00 ($2.00/ £1.50) Ano 1998 NR Anyahuru, R.M., et al. English for beginners. set of 3bks. ISBN: 9782514632 39pp. N300.00 per set ($3.00/£1.95) Ihem Davis 1999 NR Banjo, A., Bissong, J.O. Developmental English. 196pp. N685.00 ($10.00) Spectrum 1985 NR Berger, I. Focus on English. Student’s book 3. bk.3 ISBN: 1779003439 240pp. ill. Z$98,250 ($19.70/£13.20/Eur26.00) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 222
African Books in Print
Subject index
English language—Study and teaching
Branford, W., Aldridge, M. Sourcebook for an introductory historical study of the English language: paradigms and glossary. 2,2 vols. 78pp. 50c Inst Study Engl SA Chukuruma, H., et al. English for academic purposes. 304pp. ill.pl. N475.00 Africana First 1997 NR Chukwudi, C.U., Fejoku, S.O. English. 82pp. ($2.00/£1.00) Literamed 1992 NR Curtis, H.A., Park, J.M. A guide to teaching English. 146pp. K.shs.224.00 ($3.75/£2.30) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1994 KE Davis, R. Reading English with understanding. (NIR working bibliographies) P20.00 NIDCR 1992 BS
Lawal-Solarin, O.M. First book of alphabet. ISBN: 9781421118 28pp. ill. N90.00 ($1.10) Literamed 2001 NR
Olunloyo, O. Steps to verbal reasoning. 4th ed. bk.4 ISBN: 9781423145 68pp. col.pl. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR
Lawal-Solarin, O.M. First book of English. ISBN: 9781421037 38pp. col.pl. N130.00 ($1.60) Literamed 2001 NR
Olunloyo, O. Steps to verbal reasoning. 4th ed. bk.5 ISBN: 9781423226 68pp. col.pl. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR
Lawal-Solarin, O.M. Second book of alphabet. ISBN: 9781421193 60pp. ill. N90.00 ($1.10) Literamed 2001 NR
Olunloyo, O. Steps to verbal reasoning. 4th ed. bk.6 ISBN: 9781423307 71pp. col.pl. N240.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR
Lawal-Solarin, O.M. Second book of English. ISBN: 9781420952 47pp. col.pl. N120.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2001 NR
Omoniyi, A. Step-by-step English. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9782965626 289pp. N400.00 Bounty 2005 NR
Lawal-Solarin, O.M. Workbook. ISBN: 9781421673 38pp. ill. N110.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2001 NR
Onuigbo, S. Oral English for schools and colleges. 2nd ed. 164pp. ill. N288.00 Africana First 1996 NR
Eyisi, J. Common errors in the use of English. ISBN: 9781754567 507pp. N750.00 Africana First 2004 NR
Mangosongo, E., et al. Post primary English stage one: a course for adults. 67pp. T.shs.800.00 Tanz Publ House 1977 TZ
Fountain Publishers English for life? Teaching English as a second language in sub-Saharan Africa with reference to Uganda. ISBN: 997002289X 218pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG
McGregor, G.P. English for life? Teaching English as a second language in sub-Saharan Africa with reference to Uganda. ISBN: 997002289X 208pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG
Gatugbe, E.M. Basic English (with questions and answers). ISBN: 9964978626 99pp. C18,000 Woeli 2001 GH
Mhundwa, P.H. Communico-grammatical strategies for teaching English as a second language: an applied linguistic approach. ISBN: 0869227270 154pp. ($9.50) Mambo 1998 ZI
Gebre, G., Tasew, A. English conversation. Mega 1996 ET
188pp. Birr10.00
Heale, J. Green toothpaste. [Ideas for English language teachers.] ISBN: 958423717 56pp. R25.00 ($6.00/£4.00) BookchatSA 1998 SA Hocking, B.D.W. All what I was taught and other mistakes: a handbook of common errors in English. 288pp. K.shs.640.00 OUP - Nairobi 1974 KE Ibe, C.U. Complete English course. ISBN: 9781754869 457pp. N550.00 Africana First 2004 NR Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Teaching written English (a method handbook) 140pp. K.shs.7.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1970 KE Jonker, J., Jeffery, B. English for everyone. ISBN: 1868910563 R280.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Juta Publishers English ASECA: workbook - unit 7: people in our community. ISBN: 0702134783 163pp. R25.00 Juta 1998 SA Kenya Institute of Education Teaching written English. 132pp. K.shs.108.00 ($1.80/£1.10) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1969 KE Kitfoil, W.R., van der Walt, C. Learn 2 teach. English language teaching in a multilingual context. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0627022219 342pp. R164.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Lawal-Solarin, O.M. Activity. bk.2 ISBN: 9781421835 22pp. ill. N90.00 ($1.10) Literamed 2001 NR Lawal-Solarin, O.M. Activity. bk.1 ISBN: 9781421754 21pp. ill. N90.00 ($1.10) Literamed 2001 NR Lawal-Solarin, O.M. Alphabet. ISBN: 9781422890 27pp. col.pl. N120.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2001 NR Lawal-Solarin, O.M. Copybook. bk.1 ISBN: 9781421592 23pp. ill. N100.00 ($1.20) Literamed 2001 NR
Moody, J.A. Working with English. Strategies for communication in southern Africa. bk.3 291pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Found Ed Prod 1995 BS Moody, J.A. Working with English. Strategies for communication in southern Africa bk.2 268pp. ill. ($17.00/£9.50) Found Ed Prod 1993 BS Moody, J.A. Working with English: strategies for communication in southern Africa. bk.1 243pp. ($17.00/£9.50) Found Ed Prod 1992 BS
Otagburuagu, E.J., et al. A university workbook of English and study skills. 156pp. N250.00 Africana First 1994 NR Paas, S. English lessons from the Bible. (Mvunguti books, 17) ISBN: 9990876282 156pp. ($5.50/£3.03) Kachere 2004 MW Pienaar, P.T. Developmental reading programme. R1.00 Inst Study Engl 1968 SA Pienaar, P.T. Double-up. SA
R1.00 Inst Study Engl 1968
Potenza, E. English for everyday. ill. R21.60 ($7.20/£4.32) Sached 1993 SA Rahman, M. A phonics handbook for primary school teachers. ill. Z$4.95 Longman - Zimb 1985 ZI Ridge, S.G.M., et al. Useful English. Grade 11, standard 9. 224pp. R63.93 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA Sabbagha, N.G., Kritzinger, M.S.B. English proverbs and expressions. R2.75 Van Schaik SA
Muller, C.H., Holland, R.W.H. Study guide for English skills. 118pp. R9.95 Macmillan - SA 1984 SA
Sackeyfio, N.A. English lexis and structure in context. 90pp. Ghana UP 1990 GH
Natal College of Education English in the classroom. an introduction to English language teaching in South African classrooms. ISBN: 1868590224 208pp. ill. R94.95 Francolin 1998 SA
Sasa Sema Editors Teacher’s guide to the lion books. ISBN: 9966951164 96pp. K.shs.140.00 ($9.95) Sasa Sema 2001 KE
Natal College of Education English in the classroom: listening exercises. [Audio cassette tape] ISBN: 1868590569 R50.95 Francolin 1998 SA Nimako, A. Mind your language. ISBN: 998879116X 194pp. C65,000 Ronna 2004 GH Nnoka, O. Guide to English for certificate students. ISBN: 9783038181 N300.00 Ano 2000 NR Obanye, P. Understanding and using English. 360pp. N313.00 Africana First 1987 NR Okafor, C.A., et al. English language for education students. 240pp. N250.00 Africana First 1990 NR Olunloyo, O. Steps to verbal reasoning. 4th ed. bk.1 ISBN: 9781422904 70pp. col.pl. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR Olunloyo, O. Steps to verbal reasoning. 4th ed. bk.2 ISBN: 978142298X 62pp. col.pl. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR Olunloyo, O. Steps to verbal reasoning. 4th ed. bk.3 ISBN: 9781423064 58pp. col.pl. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR
Schutte, J.P. Speakwell. English pronunciation and extended word power exercises. [Audio cassette] vol.3 ISBN: 0627024408 R76.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA Schutte, J.P. Speakwell. English pronunciation and extended word power exercises. [Audio cassette] vol.4 ISBN: 0627024416 R76.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA Schutte, J.P., comp. Speakwell. English pronunciation and extended word power exercises. [Audio cassette] vol.2 ISBN: 0627024394 R76.50 Van Schaik 1999 SA Schutte, J.P., comp. Speakwell. English pronunciation and extended word power exercises. [Audio cassette] vol.5 ISBN: 0627024424 R76.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA Schutte, J.P., comp. Speakwell. English pronunciation and extended word power exercises. [Audio cassette] vol.6 ISBN: 0627024432 R76.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA Schutte, J.P., comp. Speakwell. English pronunciation and extended word power exercises. [Audio cassette] vol.1 ISBN: 0627024386 R76.50 Van Schaik 1999 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
English language—Study and teaching Senanu, K., Williams, D. Creative use of language in Kenya. 156pp. K.shs.324.00 ($5.40/£3.30) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1995 KE Sharman, M.D. Use and abuse of English (including common errors). 173pp. Z$71.95 ($4.80) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI Uys, I. The macro English aid. Language and general knowledge for today. 2nd rev.ed. ISBN: 0627024602 288pp. R194.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA van der Walt, C., Nienaber, A.G. English for law students. ISBN: 0702145270 315pp. R119.00 Juta 2002 SA wa Chege, G. Word power spelling: an introductory. 39pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1998 KE Whitebread, R.M., Ajayi, D. Lexis and structure. 160pp. N360.00 ($7.50/£6.50) Spectrum 1984 NR Williams, D. English language teaching: an integrated approach. 354pp. ill. N540.00 ($4.50/ £3.90) Spectrum 1990 NR Wittenberg, H. Learning about English. ISBN: 0702138738 160pp. R90.00 Juta 1997 SA English language—Study and teaching (Elementary) see also English language—Study and teaching (Secondary) Adeniyi, F.A., et al. Language and communication skills for the 5 year old. 46pp. ($13.40) Univ Press - Nig 1987 NR Adjayeba, A. Read aloud colouring book - animals. 32pp. ill. C1,200 ($3.00/£2.50) Afram 1993 GH Afram Publications Afram ABC - colouring. Afram 1980 GH Afram Publications Afram ABC - reading. Afram 1978 GH
23pp. ill. C7,000
32pp. C5,000
Agunwa, C.O., Stitt, J. Primary English workbooks. stage 3. 28pp. ill. 35k Longman - Nig 1974 NR Agunwa, C.O., Stitt, J. Primary English workbooks. stage 5. 44pp. ill. 42k Longman - Nig 1974 NR Agunwa, C.O., Stitt, J. Primary English workbooks. stage 6. 44pp. ill. 42k Longman - Nig 1974 NR Agunwa, C.O., Stitt, J. Primary English workbooks. stage 4. 28pp. ill. 35k Longman - Nig 1974 NR Ajayi, C.A. Words I know. 42pp. ($13.40) Univ Press - Nig 1987 NR Aka, S.M.O. English language for senior primary and junior secondary. N2.00 Aka 1979 NR Amadi, P.S., et al. Lively English reading. bk.6 188pp. ill. ($11.60) Univ Press - Nig 1983 NR Amadi, P.S. et al. Lively English reading. workbk.4 77pp. ill. N1.65 O/EN5.00 N/EN6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Amadi, P.S. et al. Lively English reading. bk. 4. 142pp. ill. N2.45 Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Awua, M.A., Addu, J. Learning to write English. bk.3 72pp. pl. C5,500 ($2.50) Sam Woode 1993 GH Awua, M.A., Addu, J. Learning to write English. bk.4 ISBN: 9964979657 80pp. pl. C6,000 ($2.75) Sam Woode 1998 GH
Awua, M.A., Addu, J. Learning to write English. bk.1 64pp. pl. C5,000 ($2.50) Sam Woode 1993 GH Awua, M.A., Addu, J. Learning to write English. bk.2 64pp. pl. C5,000 ($2.50) Sam Woode 1993 GH Awua, M.A., Addu, J. Learning to write English. bk.5 ISBN: 9964979576 64pp. pl. C6,000 ($2.75) Sam Woode 1998 GH Baddoo, B. Learn your ABC. ISBN: 9781530731 46pp. col.ill. (£1.25) West African Bk 2001[?] NR Bali, E. Easy copybook 1. ISBN: 9780295161 36pp. N210.00 Spectrum 2005 NR Bali, E. Easy copybook 2. ISBN: 9780295178 23pp. N210.00 Spectrum 2005 NR Bali, E. Easy copybook 3. ISBN: 9780295161 36pp. N180.00 Spectrum 2005 NR Bali, E. Easy copybook 4. ISBN: 9780295321 36pp. N120.00 Spectrum 2005 NR Bali, E. Forward English. 58pp. ill. N138.00 ($2.00/£1.60) Spectrum 1991 NR Bali, E. Learning alphabet by pictures for beginners. pupil’s bk.1 30pp. ill. N50.00 ($2.00) Spectrum 1991 NR Bali, E. Learning alphabet by pictures for beginners. pupil’s bk.2 44pp. ill. N138.00 ($3.00) Spectrum 1991 NR Bam, J., et al. Integrated learner’s book grade 7. 196pp. Gariep 2000 SA Bannerman, N.F. Learning is pleasure. ISBN: 9965782438 51pp. C3,500 Asempa 1999 GH Barnes, B. Rainbow readers. teacher’s bk. 48pp. ill. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI Barnes, B. Rainbow readers. bk.2 40pp. col.ill Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI Barnes, B. Rainbow readers. bk.4 32pp. col.ill. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI Barnes, B. Rainbow readers. bk.3 48pp. col.ill. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI Barnes, B. Rainbow readers. bk.1 22pp. col.ill. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI Barnes, B. Rainbow readers: level 14. The famous tree and other stories. ISBN: 1779003307 86pp. ill. Z$112,470 ($22.50/ £15.00/Eur29.60) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI Barnes, B. Ventures English alive. Grade 1. pupil’s bk.1 32pp. ill. col.ill. Z$56.95 College Press -Zimb 1985 ZI Barnes, B. Ventures English alive. Grade 1. pupil’s bk.2 32pp. ill. col.ill. Z$56.95 College Press -Zimb 1985 ZI Barnes, B. Ventures English alive. Grade 1. pupil’s bk.3 32pp. ill. coll.ill. Z$56.95 College Press -Zimb 1985 ZI Barnes, B. Ventures English alive. Grade 2. pupil’s bk.1 ill. col.ill. Z$59.95 College Press Zimb 1986 ZI Barnes, B. Ventures English alive: teacher’s resource book. Grade 2 Z$10.95 College Press -Zimb 1987 ZI
Barnes, B. Ventures English alive: teacher’s resource book. Grade 1 148pp. Z$81.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI Barnes, B. Ventures rainbow readers, level 11. 56pp. ($3.40) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Barnes, B. Ventures rainbow readers, level 12. 64pp. ($3.40) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Barnes, B. Ventures rainbow readers, level 13. 64pp. ($3.40) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Barnes, B. Ventures remedial readers: keep going stage 2. ill. Z$59.95 College Press Zimb 1987 ZI Barnes, B. Ventures remedial readers: let’s begin again stage 1: pupil’s book. 80pp. ill. Z$59.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI Barnes, B. Ventures remedial readers: let’s begin again stage 1: teachers book. 40pp. Z$59.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI Benon, S.W. Children’s joy to learn, vocabulary for beginners. 48pp. U.shs.1,000 ($2.00) CJL 1998 UG Berger, I. Focus on English 3 teacher’s book. ISBN: 1779003676 156pp. Z$274.95 ($6.87) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI Botha, et al. Oxford successful English grade 1 big books pack. ISBN: 0195787595 R355.00 ($55.45/£30.80) OUP - SA 2003 SA Botha, et al. Oxford successful English grade 1 learner’s book. [Also available: workbook, teacher’s book & poster.] ISBN: 0195782046 64pp. R49.99 ($7.81/ £4.34) OUP - SA 2003 SA Botha, et al. Oxford successful English grade 1 storybooks pack A. ISBN: 0195784197 R69.99 ($10.93/£6.07) OUP - SA 2003 SA Botha, et al. Oxford successful English grade 1 storybooks pack C. ISBN: 0195784219 R69.99 ($10.93/£6.07) OUP - SA 2003 SA Botha, et al. Oxford successful English grade 2. [Series includes learner’s book, workbook, teacher’s book & Poster.] ISBN: various var.pp. var. OUP - SA 2003 SA Botha, et al. Oxford successful English grade 2 story books pack A. ISBN: 0195784227 R69.99 ($10.93/£6.07) OUP - SA 2003 SA Botha, et al. Oxford successful English grade 2 story books pack B. ISBN: 0195784235 R69.99 ($10.93/£6.07) OUP - SA 2003 SA Botha, et al. Oxford successful English grade 2 story books pack C. ISBN: 0195784243 R69.99 ($10.93/£6.07) OUP - SA 2003 SA Boucher, S. Jumbo readers series: teacher’s guide. ISBN: 0796018405 84pp. ill. R83.99 Shuter & Shooter 2002 SA Bracey, D., Lieta, P. Longman graded reading scheme. bk.1 16pp. col. ill. K.shs.95.00 Longhorn - Ken 1975 KE Bracey, D., Lieta, P. Longman graded reading scheme. bk.2 28pp. col. ill. K.shs.95.00 Longhorn - Ken 1975 KE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 224
African Books in Print
Subject index Bracey, D., Lieta, P. Longman graded reading scheme. bk.3 28pp. col.ill. K.shs.95.00 Longhorn - Ken 1975 KE Bracey, D., Lieta, P. Longman graded reading scheme. teacher’s bk. col. ill. K.shs.580.00 Longhorn - Ken 1975 KE Bracey, D., Lieta, P. Longman graded reading scheme. bk.4 28pp. col. ill. K.shs.95.00 Longhorn - Ken 1975 KE Breytenbach, L., et al. Discovering English grade 1 learner’s book. ISBN: 0796019282 64pp. R39.46 Shuter & Shooter 2003 SA Broster, C.C., During, C., Eaton, A.B.S. English highway. Level 2. 2nd ed. 208pp. R66.33 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA
English language—Study and teaching (Elementary) Comrie, B., et al. Integrated learner’s book grade 7. 196pp. Gariep 2000 SA Curtis, H.A. An English practice book. 103pp. K.shs.224.00 ($3.75/£2.25) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1993 KE Dar, T. My ABC reading book. 26pp. col. ill. K.shs.120.00 Africa Book Serv 1976 KE Dar, T. My ABC writing book. 40pp. K.shs.120.00 Africa Book Serv 1978 KE Dar, T. My first picture book. 30pp. col. ill. K.shs.120.00 Africa Book Serv 1978 KE Dar, T. Nursery rhymes. 28pp. K.shs.120.00 Africa Book Serv 1978 KE
Broster, C.C., Rees, M.A., Eaton, A.B.S. English highway. Level 1. 200pp. R59.64 Shuter & Shooter 1993 SA
Davies, S.C. Reading roundabout. 200pp. R77.23 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA
Broster, C.C., Russell, M., Eaton, A.B.S. English highway. Level 3. 2nd ed. 224pp. R66.33 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA
Dewing, D. ABC. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046613 32pp. ill. R28.56 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Cassidy, B. English in action: new primary syllabus course with phonics. pupil’s bk.1b 56pp. col.ill. Z$55.75 ZPH 1987 ZI
Educational Supplies Ltd. Wordwise pupils book. 48pp. R20.55 Shuter & Shooter 1993 SA
Cassidy, B. English in action: new primary syllabus course with phonics. pupil’s bk.1c 64pp. col.ill Z$55.75 ZPH 1987 ZI Cassidy, B. English in action: new primary syllabus course with phonics. pupil’s bk.1a 32pp. col.ill. Z$5.72 ZPH 1987 ZI Cassidy, B. English in action: new primary syllabus with phonics. teacher’s resource bk.1 96pp. ill. Z$76.95 (set) ZPH 1987 ZI Cassidy, B., et al. English in action grade 3. pupils bk. 177pp. Z$66.45 ZPH 1992 ZI Cassidy, B., et al. English in action grade 3. teachers bk. 252pp. Z$68.57 ZPH 1992 ZI Chifunyise, T. English in action grade 7. pupils bk. 106pp. Z$80.35 ZPH 1996 ZI Chimah, M.J., Chijioke, R.A., Eluwa, M.O. I can read. bk.2 52pp. ill. N12.00 Longman - Nig 1992 NR Chinodya, S. New grade 6 English practice book. 73pp. Z$1.95 Longman - Zimb 1985 ZI Chinodya, S. Z.J.C. English practice book. 140pp. ill. Z$4.75 Longman - Zimb 1985 ZI Cohen, B. Ventures new syllabus English. Grade one. bk.1 ISBN: 1779004249 34pp. ill. Z$60,300 ($12.20/£8.20/Eur16.10 set of 4 books) College Press -Zimb 2002 ZI Cohen, B. Ventures new syllabus English. Grade one. bk.3 ISBN: 1779004249 40pp. ill. Z$60,300 ($12.20/£8.20/Eur16.10 set of 4 books) College Press -Zimb 2002 ZI Cohen, B. Ventures new syllabus English. Grade one. bk.4 ISBN: 1779004249 36pp. ill. Z$60,300 ($12.20/£8.20/Eur16.10 set of 4 books) College Press -Zimb 2002 ZI Cohen, B. Ventures new syllabus English. Grade one. bk.2 ISBN: 1779004249 31pp. ill. Z$60,300 ($12.20/£8.20/Eur16.10 set of 4) College Press -Zimb 2002 ZI Comrie, B., et al. Get going with English. Grade 3 reader. 48pp. Gariep 2000 SA Comrie, B., et al. Get going with English grade 4, learner’s book. 144pp. Gariep 2000 SA
Ellis, R., et al. Let’s use English. Grade 1 learner’s book. ISBN: 186853605X 72pp. ill. R29.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA Ellis, R., et al. Let’s use English. Grade 1 teacher’s guide. ISBN: 1868536793 176pp. ill. R49.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA Ellis, R., et al. Let’s use English. Grade 2 learner’s book. ISBN: 1868536785 96pp. ill. R27.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA Ellis, R., et al. Let’s use English. Grade 2 learner’s workbook. ISBN: 1868537129 32pp. ill. R12.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA Ellis, R., et al. Let’s use English. Grade 2 teacher’s guide. ISBN: 1868536793 172pp. ill. R49.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA Eluwa, M.O., Chimah, M.J. My second language book. 38pp. ill. N12.50 Longman - Nig 1992 NR Fagbamigbe, M.E. Catch them young. ABC pictorial English. 40pp. ill. N6.00 Fagbamigbe 1987 NR Fagil, M. Fountain crusher English revision workbook. 128pp. U.shs.3,500 Fountain Publ-Ug 1996 UG Falvey, M. Lively English reading. teachers, bk. 4. 327pp. ill. N5.45 O/EN7.80k N/EN15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1976 NR Fisher, J. Lindiwe and Sizwe. Nolwazi 1996 SA
bk.8 13pp. R9.06
Floyer, E. Lively English reading course: pupil’s bk. 1, 6 bks. 40pp. col. ill. N7.50 Univ Press - Nig 1967 NR Floyer, E. Lively English reading course: pupil’s bk. 2, 6 bks. 81pp. ill. N2.00 N8.50 Univ Press - Nig 1968 NR Floyer, E. Lively English reading course: pupil’s bk. 3, 6 bks. 128pp. ill. N10.00 Univ Press Nig 1969 NR Floyer, E. Lively English reading course: teacher’s bk. 1, 6 bks. 255pp. ill. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1967 NR Floyer, E. Lively English reading course: teacher’s bk. 2, 6 bks. 291pp. ill. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1968 NR Floyer, E. Lively English reading course: teacher’s bk. 3, 6 bks. 235pp. ill. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1969 NR Floyer, E. Lively English reading course: workbk. 1, 6 bks. 32pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press Nig 1971 NR Floyer, E. Lively English reading course: workbk. 2, 6 bks. 49pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press Nig 1968 NR Floyer, E. Lively English reading course: workbk. 3, 6 bks 64pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press Nig 1971 NR Ford, F. My ABC book. EAEP 1992 KE
32pp. K.shs.100.00
Ford, F. My word book. EAEP 1994 KE
bk.2 52pp. K.shs.120.00
Ford, F. My word book. EAEP 1992 KE
bk.1 52pp. K.shs.120.00
Ford, F. My word book. EAEP 1994 KE
bk.3 52pp. K.shs.120.00
Ford, F. My word book. EAEP 1998 KE
bk.4 52pp. K.shs.140.00
Ford, F., Hegarty, M. Colour and read (Bobby bear). bk.1a 16pp. K.shs.18.50 EAEP 1989 KE Ford, F., Hegarty, M. Colour and read (Bobby can work). bk.2a 16pp. K.shs.18.50 EAEP 1989 KE Ford, F., Hegarty, M. Colour and read (Harry hippo). bk.1c 16pp. K.shs.18.50 EAEP 1989 KE Ford, F., Hegarty, M. Colour and read (Larry can drive). 16pp. K.shs.18.50 EAEP 1989 KE Ford, F., Hegarty, M. Colour and read (Larry lion). K.shs.18.50 EAEP 1989 KE
bk.1b 16pp.
Fisher, J. Sizwe. SA
bk.1 13pp. R6.78 Nolwazi 1997
Ford, F., Hegerty, M. Colour and read (Harry can cook). 16pp. K.shs.18.50 EAEP 1990 KE
Fisher, J. Sizwe. SA
bk.5 13pp. R9.06 Nolwazi 1997
Gachuhi, D. Read and learn standard 7. Nairobi 1982 KE
Fisher, J. Sizwe. SA
bk.3 13pp. R6.78 Nolwazi 1997
Ghana National Association of Teachers My ABC book. 58pp. C15.00 (£1.50) Sedco 1981 GH
Fisher, J. Sizwe and Lindiwe. Nolwazi 1996 SA
bk.7 13pp. R9.06
Fisher, J. Vuleka teacher’s guide. Nolwazi 1996 SA
100pp. R25.65
64pp. OUP -
Gimoi, W., et al. Primary English pupil’s book 1. ISBN: 9966221980 92pp. col.pl. K.shs.195.00 ($2.50/£1.70) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2001 KE Gimoi, W., et al. Primary English teachers’ guide for Standard One. ISBN: 9966222022 74pp. pl. K.shs.125.00 ($1.60/£1.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2001 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
English language—Study and teaching (Elementary) Grant, N. Active English form 4 learner’s book. ISBN: 9991273646 182pp. ill.pl. P37.50 Longman - Bots 1998 BS
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation A course for backward readers. 96pp. K.shs.7.25 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1968 KE
Kadeghe, M. A complete English course for form 5 and 6. 150pp. ($3.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ
Grant, N. Active English form 4 teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9991273514 130pp. P35.00 Longman - Bots 1998 BS
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Safari English course. teachers’ bk. 4, term 2 92pp. K.shs.19.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1973 KE
Kapuya, J. English in action grade 6. teachers bk. 114pp. Z$80.35 ZPH 1998 ZI
Grant, N. English in action grade 3. teacher’s bk. ISBN: 999127376X 112pp. P30.80 Longman - Bots 1998 BS
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Safari English course. teacher’s bk. 1, term 3 K.shs.17.35 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1968 KE
Hawkes, N., et al. New Zimbabwe primary English, grades 1-7. [14 pupils’ and teachers’ books; full details from publisher.] var.pp. ill. Z$6.23-Z$7.95 Longman - Zimb ZI
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Safari English course. children’s bk. 4 200pp. K.shs.11.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1973 KE
Heale, J.P.W. Listen and speak. 104pp. R46.00 Shuter & Shooter 1991 SA Heale, J.P.W. Listen and speak. [Audio cassette tape] R55.19 Shuter & Shooter 1991 SA Holmes, A., Nyren, P. English in action grade 4. teachers bk. 324pp. Z$76.95 ZPH 1994 ZI Holmes, A., Nyren, P. English in action grade 4. pupils bk. 292pp. Z$68.25 ZPH 1993 ZI Holmes, A., Nyren, P. English in action grade 5. teachers bk. 203pp. Z$80.35 ZPH 1995 ZI Holmes, A., Nyren, P. English in action grade 5. Z$69.15 ZPH 1995 ZI Horizon Books Sparkle alphabet book. Horizon 1990 KE
ill. K.shs.80.00
Horizon Books Sparkle colouring book. 32pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($1.20/£0.77) Horizon 1990 KE Houghton-Hawksley, H.S. Reading for enjoyment. OUP - SA 1986 SA
148pp. R84.99
Human Sciences Research Council et al. Wordwise reading programme. Level 1. [Complete box] R3.460 Shuter & Shooter 1993 SA Human Sciences Research Council et al. Wordwise reading programme. Level 2. [Complete box] R3,460 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA Idowu, O.O. Modern English language text for J.S.S. ISBN: 9788000533 152pp. N350.00 ($3.50/£2.50/Eur3.00) Vantage 2004 NR Imo State & Abia State Primary English today. teacher’s guide bk.2 N45.80 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR Imo State & Abia State Primary English today. teacher’s guide bk.1 96pp. N27.40 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR Imo State & Abia State Primary English today. pupil’s bk.2 152pp. N112.10 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR Imo State & Abia State Primary English today. workbook 2 76pp. N37.70 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR Imo State & Abia State Primary English today. pupil’s bk.1 68pp. N97.95 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR IMO Isaga, M. Peak revision P.L.E. English. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 1999 KE
Jenkins, V., Lewis, C. Sunrise reader/Sunrise reader blue book. [23 books; full details from publisher.] var.pp. ill. Z$4.75-Z$5.75 Longman Zimb ZI
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Safari English course. teachers’ bk. 2, term 3 102pp. K.shs.16.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1969 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Safari English course. children’s bk. 2 256pp. K.shs.11.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1969 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Safari English course. teachers’ bk. 4, term 1 96pp. K.shs.19.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1973 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Safari English course. teacher’s bk. 2, term 2 K.shs.16.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1969 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Safari English course. teachers’ bk. 1, term 1 142pp. K.shs.17.35 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1968 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Safari English course. children’s bk. 3 300pp. K.shs.11.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Safari English course. children’s bk. 1 238pp. K.shs.11.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1968 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Safari English course. teachers’ bk. 1, term 2 142pp. K.shs.17.35 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1968 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Safari English course. teachers’ bk. 2, term 1 K.shs.16.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1969 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Safari English course. teachers’ bk. 3, term 3 100pp. K.shs.17.35 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Safari English course. teachers’ bk. 3, term 2 106pp. K.shs.17.35 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Safari English course. teachers’ bk. 4, term 3 100pp. K.shs.19.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1973 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Safari English course. teachers’ bk. 3, term 1 K.shs.17.35 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Starting to read. pupil’s bk. 32pp. K.shs.7.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1968 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Starting to read. teachers’ notes 46pp. K.shs.11.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1970 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Teachmaster series of charts (standards 1, 2 & 3) 48pp. K.shs.75.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1968 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Workmaster series of charts (standards 4 - 7) 48pp. K.shs.75.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE
Kapuya, J., et al. English in action grade 6. pupils bk. 204pp. Z$69.15 ZPH 1997 ZI Kenya Institute for Education Progressive peak English course. teacher’s bk.1 104pp. K.shs.528.00 OUP - Nairobi 1975 KE Kenya Institute for Education Progressive peak English course, teacher’s notes. bk.3 156pp. K.shs.715.00 OUP - Nairobi 1976 KE Kenya Institute for Education Progressive peak English course: Hallo children series. 44pp. K.shs.208.00 OUP - Nairobi 1976 KE Kenya Institute for Education Progressive peak English course: new friends. bk.3 96pp. K.shs.230.00 OUP Nairobi 1976 KE Kenya Institute for Education Progressive peak English course: read with us pupil’s series. 96pp. K.shs.236.00 OUP - Nairobi 1976 KE Kenya Institute for Education Progressive peak English course: supplementary reader. bk.10 16pp. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1977 KE Kenya Institute for Education Progressive peak English course: supplementary reader. bk.12 16pp. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1977 KE Kenya Institute for Education Progressive peak English course: supplementary reader. bk.7 16pp. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1977 KE Kenya Institute for Education Progressive peak English course: supplementary reader. bk.8 16pp. K.shs.4.00 OUP - Nairobi 1977 KE Kenya Institute for Education Progressive peak English course: supplementary reader. bk.11 16pp. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1977 KE Kenya Institute for Education Progressive peak English course: supplementary reader. bk.9 16pp. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1977 KE Kenya Institute for Education Progressive peak English course: teacher’s notes. bk.2 192pp. K.shs.94.00 OUP - Nairobi 1976 KE Kenya Institute for Education Progressive peak supplementary reader. bk.6 16pp. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1976 KE Kenya Institute for Education Progressive peak supplementary reader. bk.5 16pp. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1976 KE Kenya Institute for Education Progressive peak supplementary reader. bk.4 16pp. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1976 KE Kenya Institute for Education Progressive peak supplementary reader. bk.3 16pp. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1976 KE Kenya Institute for Education Progressive peak supplementary reader. bk.2 16pp. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1976 KE Kenya Institute for Eudcation Progressive peak supplementary reader. bk.1 16pp. K.shs.84.00 OUP - Nairobi 1976 KE Kenya Institute of Education Primary English for pupils. bk.5 215pp. K.shs.190.00 ($3.20/£1.95) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1988 KE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 226
African Books in Print
Subject index Kenya Institute of Education Primary English for pupils. bk.7 205pp. K.shs.168.00 ($2.80/£1.70) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1989 KE Kenya Institute of Education Primary English for pupils. bk.6 220pp. K.shs.190.00 ($3.30/£2.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1988 KE Kenya Institute of Education Primary English for pupils. bk.4 167pp. K.shs.178.00 ($3.00/£1.80) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1986 KE Kenya Institute of Education Primary English for teachers. bk.5 179pp. K.shs.136.00 ($2.30/£1.40) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1987 KE Kenya Institute of Education Primary English for teachers. bk.7 174pp. K.shs.142.00 ($2.40/£1.55) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1990 KE Kenya Institute of Education Primary English for teachers. bk.8 105pp. K.shs.110.00 ($1.85/£1.15) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1987 KE Kenya Institute of Education Primary English for teachers. bk.4 118pp. K.shs.110.00 ($1.85/£1.15) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1986 KE Kiai, A., Odour, B., Owour, E. New horizons in English form 1. ISBN: 9966251987 230pp. R320.00 EAEP 2003 KE Kiai, A., Odour, B., Owour, E. New horizons in English form 2. ISBN: 9966252568 276pp. R350.00 EAEP 2003 KE Kiai, A., Odour, B., Owour, E. New horizons in English form 3. ISBN: 9966253254 272pp. R360.00 EAEP 2004 KE Kiai, A., Odour, B., Owour, E. New horizons in English form 4. ISBN: 9966253734 1152pp. K.shs.380.00 EAEP 2005 KE Kiai, A., Odour, B., Owour, E. New horizons in English teacher’s guide form 1. ISBN: 9966251995 152pp. K.shs.240.00 EAEP 2003 KE Kiai, A., Odour, B., Owour, E. New horizons in English teacher’s guide form 2. ISBN: 9966252576 164pp. K.shs.260.00 EAEP 2003 KE Kiai, A., Odour, B., Owour, E. New horizons in English teacher’s guide form 3. ISBN: 9966253262 164pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 2004 KE Kinyua, R.N. Learn to read English by sounds. Standards 1,2,3. ISBN: 9966985352 57pp. ill. K.shs.110.00 ($1.60/£1.00) Single 2000[?] KE Knowles, K. Oxford reading tree for southern Africa grade 1 teacher’s book. ISBN: 0195782941 R110.00 ($17.18/£9.54) OUP - SA 2003 SA Knowles, K. Oxford reading tree for southern Africa grade 1 workbook 1. ISBN: 0195782925 48pp. R26.99 ($4.22/£2.34) OUP - SA 2003 SA Knowles, K. Oxford reading tree for southern Africa grade 1 workbook 2. ISBN: 0195782933 48pp. R26.99 ($4.22/£2.34) OUP - SA 2003 SA Knowles, K. Oxford reading tree for southern Africa grade 2 teacher’s book. ISBN: 0195783069 96pp. R110.00 ($17.18/ £9.54) OUP - SA 2003 SA Knowles, K. Oxford reading tree for southern Africa grade 2 workbook. ISBN: 019578295X 64pp. R32.99 ($5.15/£2.86) OUP - SA 2003 SA
English language—Study and teaching (Elementary) Korama, A. Asempa supplementary reader. bk.1 48pp. ill. ($3.00) Asempa 1993 GH
Longman Nigeria Day-by-day-English course - South Eastern and Rivers States, Nigeria. pupils bk. 3, 6 bks. 128pp. col. ill. N1.05 Longman - Nig 1976 NR
Korama, A. Asempa supplementary reader. bk.2 40pp. ill. ($4.00) Asempa 1993 GH Korama, A. Asempa supplementary reader. bk.3 31pp. C4,500 ($4.00) Asempa 1998 GH Korama, A. Asempa supplementary reader. bk.4 ISBN: 996478287X 48pp. ill. C9,000 ($4.00) Asempa 2002 GH Lake Publishers My ABCD of African wildlife. 22pp. ill. K.shs.120.00 ($2.50) Lake 1991 KE Lake Publishers My word book. Lake 1991 KE
ill. K.shs.85.00 ($2.00)
Lawal-Solarin, O.M. Master Krafty basic concept series. ed. 20-30pp. pl. Literamed 1993 NR
Lawal-Solarin, Y. Master Krafty activity book: fun book. bk.3 12pp. ill. N4.00 Literamed 1982 NR Lawal-Solarin, Y. Master Krafty activity book: fun book. bk.4 12pp. ill. N4.00 Literamed 1982 NR Lawal-Solarin, Y. Master Krafty activity book: puzzles and fun. bk.2 10pp. ill. N4.00 Literamed 1982 NR
Longman Nigeria Day-by-day-English course - South Eastern and Rivers States, Nigeria. teachers bk. 2, 6 bks. 128pp. N2.30 Longman - Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day-English course - South Eastern and Rivers States, Nigeria. teachers bk. 1, 6 bks. 128pp. N1.75 Longman - Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day-English course - South Eastern and Rivers States, Nigeria. teachers bk. 3, 6 bks. 188pp. N1.05 Longman - Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day-English course - South Eastern and Rivers States of Nigeria. pupils bk. 1, 6 bks. col. ill. 70k Longman - Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English. new ed. bk. 6. 203pp. ill. N1.20 Longman - Nig 1975 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English. new ed. bk. 5. 153pp. ill. N1.00 Longman - Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English. new ed. bk. 4. 106pp. ill. 95k Longman - Nig 1976 NR
Lawal-Solarin, Y. Master Krafty activity book: puzzles and fun. bk.1 11pp. ill. N4.00 Literamed 1982 NR
Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - Eastern edition: pupil’s bk. 3, 6 bks. 128pp. col. ill. 90k Longman - Nig 1971 NR
Lawal-Solarin, Y. Master Krafty activity book: puzzles and fun. bk.5 12pp. ill. N4.00 Literamed 1982 NR
Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - Eastern edition: pupils’ bk. 6, 6 bks. 207pp. col. ill. N1.50 Longman - Nig 1967 NR
Lawal-Solarin, Y. Master Krafty book of colours: learning and fun. 10pp. ill. N3.50 Literamed 1982 NR
Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - Eastern edition: pupil’s bk. 1, 6 bks. 31pp. col. ill. 60k Longman - Nig 1976 NR
Lawal-Solarin, Y. Master Krafty book of patterns: colouring book. 10pp. ill. N3.50 Literamed 1982 NR
Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - Eastern edition: pupils’ bk. 5, 6 bks. 158pp. col. ill. 95k Longman - Nig 1971 NR
Lawal-Solarin, Y. Master Krafty colouring book. workbk.2 16pp. N4.00 Literamed 1982 NR
Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - Eastern edition: pupil’s bk. 4, 6 bks. 108pp. col. ill. 90k Longman - Nig 1966 NR
Lawal-Solarin, Y. Master Krafty colouring book. workbk.1 10pp. ill. N3.50 Literamed 1982 NR Lawal-Solarin, Y. Master Krafty first book of alphabets: colouring book. 32pp. ill. N.400 ($0.50/ £0.30) Literamed 1982 NR Lawal-Solarin, Y. Master Krafty second book of alphabets: read, write and colour. 26pp. ill. N40.00 ($0.70/£0.40) Literamed 1982 NR Lesotho English Teaching Scheme English reading work book. 3rd ed. 86pp. 75c Mazenod Inst 1975 LO Lesotho National English Panel Let’s use the dictionary. 3rd ed. 27pp. 20c Mazenod Inst 1975 LO Lewin, H. Alphabet for Africa. 56pp. ill. col.ill Z$200.00 ($4.95/£2.75) ZPH 1984 ZI Literamed Publications (Nigeria) Ltd. Master Krafty book of colours. 8pp. ill. N4.50 Literamed 1982 NR Literamed Publications (Nigeria) Ltd. Master Krafty flash cards ABC. 52pp. N6.00 Literamed 1990 NR Literamed Publications (Nigeria) Ltd. Master Krafty teaching frieze ABC. 28pp. ill. N7.50 Literamed 1989 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day-English course - South Eastern and Rivers States, Nigeria. pupils bk. 2, 6 bks. 78pp. col. ill. 92k Longman - Nig 1976 NR
Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - Eastern edition: pupil’s bk. 2, 6 bks. 80pp. col. ill. Longman - Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - Eastern edition: teacher’s bk. 4, 6 bks. 196pp. col. ill. N1.80 Longman - Nig 1972 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - Eastern edition: teacher’s bk. 1, 6 bks. 125pp. ill. N1.50 Longman - Nig 1971 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - Eastern edition: teacher’s bk. 2, 6 bks. 121pp. ill. N2.00 Longman - Nig 1975 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - Eastern edition: teacher’s bk. 3, 6 bks. 218pp. col. ill. N1.60 Longman - Nig 1972 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - Eastern edition: teacher’s bk. 5, 6 bks. 147pp. N1.00 Longman - Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - Eastern edition: teachers bk. 6, 6 bks. 117pp. 80k Longman - Nig 1967 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - MidWestern Nigeria: pupil’s bk. 6, 6 bks. 207pp. col. ill. N1.05 Longman - Nig 1971 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
English language—Study and teaching (Elementary) Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - MidWestern Nigeria: pupil’s bk. 4, 6 bks. 108pp. col. ill. 95k Longman - Nig 1971 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - MidWestern Nigeria: pupil’s bk. 1, 6 bks. 31pp. col. ill. 60k Longman - Nig 1971 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - MidWestern Nigeria: pupil’s bk. 2, 6 bks. 95pp. col. ill. 70k Longman - Nig 1970 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - MidWestern Nigeria: pupil’s bk. 5, 6 bks. 158pp. col. ill. 95k Longman - Nig 1971 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - MidWestern Nigeria: pupil’s bks. 3, 6 bks. 128pp. col. ill. 80k Longman - Nig 1975 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - MidWestern Nigeria: teacher’s bk. 5, 6 bks. 129 N1.05 Longman - Nig 1970 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - MidWestern Nigeria: teacher’s bk. 2, 6 bks. 126pp. ill. N1.60 Longman - Nig 1975 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - MidWestern Nigeria: teacher’s bk. 6, 6 bks. 117pp. ill. 38k Longman - Nig 1971 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - MidWestern Nigeria: teacher’s bk. 4, 6 bks. 196pp. ill. N1.80 Longman - Nig 1969 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course - MidWestern Nigeria: teacher’s bk. 1, 6 bks. 85k Longman - Nig 1971 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course: pupils’ bk. 6, 6 bks. 207pp. col. ill. N1.05 Longman - Nig 1970 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course: pupils’ bk. 3, 6 bks 123pp. col. ill. 80k Longman Nig 1972 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course: pupils’ bk. 2, 6 bks. 80pp. col. ill. 70k Longman Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course: pupils’ bk. 1, 6 bks. 31pp. col. ill. 60k Longman Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course: pupils’ bk. 5, 6 bks 149pp. col. ill. 90k Longman Nig 1970 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course: pupils’ bk. 4, 6 bks. 108pp. col. ill. 90k Longman Nig 1970 NR Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course: teacher’s bk. 2, 6 bks 171pp. col. ill. N2.00 Longman Nig 1975 NR
Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course: teacher’s bk., 3. 3, 6 bks 184pp. col. ill. N2.00 Longman - Nig 1975 NR Longman Nigeria Day by day English course. Workbook 6 32pp. ill. 92k. Longman - Nig 1982 NR Longman Nigeria Straight for English. new ed. pupil’s bk.6 224pp. ill. N2.86 Longman - Nig 1981 NR Longman Nigeria Straight for English - North: pupils’ bk. 5, 6 bks. 168pp. col. ill. N1.50 Longman - Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Straight for English - North: pupils’ bk. 2, 6 bks. 96pp. col. ill. N1.10 Longman Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Straight for English - North: pupils’ bk. 6, 6 bks. 182pp. col. ill. N1.60 Longman - Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Straight for English - North: pupils’ bk. 4, 6 bks. 204pp. col. ill. N1.50 Longman - Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Straight for English - North: pupils’ bk. 3, 6 bks. 123pp. col. ill. N1.40 Longman - Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Straight for English - North: pupils’ bk. 1, 6 bks. 49pp. col. ill. 80k Longman Nig 1975 NR Longman Nigeria Straight for English - North: teacher’s bk. 4, 6 bks. 112pp. col. ill. N2.30 Longman Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Straight for English - North: teacher’s bk. 2, 6 bks. 196pp. col. ill. N2.60 Longman - Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Straight for English - North: teacher’s bk. 6, 6 bks. 104pp. col. ill. N1.65 Longman - Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Straight for English - North: teacher’s bk. 5, 6 bks. 168pp. col. ill. N2.20 Longman - Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Straight for English - North: teacher’s bk. 1, 6 bks. 175pp. col. ill. N2.60 Longman - Nig 1976 NR Longman Nigeria Straight for English - North: teacher’s bk. 3, 6 bks. 299pp. col. ill. N3.00 Longman - Nig 1963 NR Lutalala, J.L. English comprehension exercises for primary schools. bk.1 ISBN: 9987671721 56pp. ill. T.shs.5,000 ($5.00) TEPU 2004 TZ Lutalala, J.L. English comprehensive exercises for primary schools. bk.2 ISBN: 998767173X 72pp. T.shs.5,000 ill. ($5.00) TEPU 2004 TZ Makocho, A. Revision English. 166pp. K43.75 Popular Publ 1992 MW
Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course: teacher’s bk. 6, 6 bks. 117pp. col. ill. N1.10 Longman Nig 1972 NR
Marokoane, R. Reading with Themba and Bizza. Grade 7 teacher’s guide, English, additional language. ISBN: 0620327057 48pp. col.ill. R49.00 Mthombothi 2004 SA
Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course: teacher’s bk. 4, 6 bks. 256pp. ill. N1.80 Longman - Nig 1972 NR
Matindike, G., McLoughlin, T. Ventures English grade 7 revision book. 80pp. Z$81.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI
Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course: teacher’s bk. 1, 6 bks 118pp. col. ill. N1.44 Longman Nig 1971 NR
Mawere, V., Ngorora, J. English in action. pupil’s bk.2 144pp. ill. Z$65.00 ZPH 1989 ZI
Longman Nigeria Day-by-day English course: teacher’s bk. 5, 6 bks. 106pp. ill. N1.00 Longman - Nig 1970 NR
Mawere, V., Ngorora, J. English in action: a new syllabus primary course with phonics. teacher’s resource bk.2 141pp. ill. Z$81.66 ZPH 1989 ZI
Subject index Meer, S., Fisher, J. Lindiwe: book 2. 13pp. R6.78 Nolwazi 1996 SA Meer, S., Fisher, J. Lindiwe: book 4. 13pp. R6.78 Nolwazi 1996 SA Meer, S., Fisher, J. Lindiwe: book 6. 13pp. R9.06 Nolwazi 1996 SA Mega Publishing Enterprise Mega primary English. 24pp. col.ill. Birr3.75 Mega 1998 ET Meij, M. I can think. (3-4 yrs.) ISBN: 0798137967 col.ill. R19.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Meij, M. I can think even better. (4-5 yrs.) ISBN: 0798137991 col.ill. R19.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Meij, M. I can think just right for school. 5-6 yrs. ISBN: 0798138025 col.ill. R19.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Meij, M. I can write. (3-4 yrs.) ISBN: 0789137959 col.ill. R19.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Meij, M. I can write even better. (4-5 yrs.) ISBN: 0789137983 col.ill. R19.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Meij, M. I can write just right for school. (5-6 yrs.) ISBN: 0798138017 col.ill. R19.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Midgley, P., Harvey, J. B for bullfrog. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0603046052 24pp. col.ill. R26.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Miller, D.C., et al. New Oxford English course Nigeria: pupils bk. 4th ed. 3, 6 bks. 139pp. ill. N12.00 Univ Press - Nig 1969 NR Miller, D.C., et al. New Oxford English course Nigeria: pupils bk. 4th ed. 5, 6 bks. 180pp. ill. N13.00 Univ Press - Nig 1970 NR Miller, D.C., et al. New Oxford English course, Nigeria: pupils bk. 3rd ed. 1, 6 bks. 60pp. col. ill. N8.50k Univ Press - Nig 1966 NR Miller, D.C., et al. New Oxford English course Nigeria: pupils bk. 4th ed. 6, 6 bks. 220pp. ill. N13.50 Univ Press - Nig 1972 NR Miller, D.C., et al. New Oxford English course Nigeria: pupils bk. 3rd ed. 2, 6 bks. 119pp. ill. N11.00 Univ Press - Nig 1968 NR Miller, D.C., et al. New Oxford English course Nigeria: pupils bk. 4th ed. 4, 6 bks. 179pp. ill. N12.00 Univ Press - Nig 1969 NR Miller, D.C., et al. New Oxford English course Nigeria: teacher’s bk. 4th ed. 3, 6 bks. 366pp. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1969 NR Miller, D.C., et al. New Oxford English course Nigeria: teacher’s bk. 4th ed. 2, 6 bks. 523pp. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1968 NR Miller, D.C., et al. New Oxford English course Nigeria: teacher’s bk. 4th ed. 4, 6 bks. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig NR Miller, D.C., et al. New Oxford English course Nigeria: teacher’s bk. 4th ed. 6, 6 bks. 332pp. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig NR Miller, D.C., et al. New Oxford English course Nigeria: teacher’s bk. 4th ed. 5, 6 bks. 347pp. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1971 NR
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 228
African Books in Print
Subject index
English language—Study and teaching (Elementary)
Miller, D.C., et al. New Oxford English course Nigeria: teacher’s bk. 1. 4th 1, 6 bks. 369pp. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1972 NR Miller, S.J. New Oxford English course: link bk. 1, 2 bks 32pp. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1970 NR Miller, S.J. New Oxford English course: link bk. 2, 2 bks. 47pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1969 NR Miller, S.J. Teaching the reading passage. 142pp. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1966 NR Miller, W.T., et al. English for primary schools. workbook 2 31pp. ill. ($5.20) Univ Press - Nig 1990 NR Miller, W.T., et al. English for primary schools. pupil’s bk.2 78pp. ill. ($16.15) Univ Press - Nig 1989 NR Miller, W.T., et al. English for primary schools. workbook 1 12pp. ill. ($5.20) Univ Press - Nig 1989 NR Miller, W.T., et al. English for primary schools. workbook 3 48pp. ill. ($5.20) Univ Press - Nig 1990 NR Miller, W.T., et al. English for primary schools. teacher’s bk.1 32pp. ill. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1989 NR Miller, W.T., et al. English for primary schools. pupil’s bk.1 36pp. ill. ($16.15) Univ Press - Nig 1988 NR Miller, W.T., et al. English for primary schools. pupil’s bk.3 86pp. ill. ($16.15) Univ Press - Nig 1989 NR Moody, K.W. Jingles with patterns. Press - Nig 1970 NR
60pp. N5.00 Univ
Moore, H. A-Z. ISBN: 0630052818 32pp. ill. R27.42 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA Moore, K. Sparkle dinosaur colouring activity book. 32pp. ill. K.shs.95.00 ($1.63/£1.05) Horizon 1990 KE Najjemba, E. Children’s joy to learn for beginners. 32pp. U.shs.1,000 CJL 1998 UG Najjemba, E. Children’s joy to learn reading for beginners. Primary two and three. ISBN: 9970417058 47pp. U.shs.1,000 ($2.00) CJL 1998 UG Nash, C. The Christmas story colouring and activity book. 24pp. ill. K.shs.120.00 ($2.00/£1.33) Horizon 1997 KE Ngeze, R.W. English primer, first step. ISBN: 9987671659 32pp. ill. T.shs.5,000 ($5.00) TEPU 2004 TZ Ngeze, R.W. English primer, second step. ISBN: 9987671667 28pp. ill. T.shs.5,000 ($5.00) TEPU 2004 TZ Ngeze, R.W. The number book for nursery and primary schools, first step. ISBN: 9987671640 28pp. ill. T.shs.5,000 ($5.00) TEPU 2004 TZ Ngeze, R.W. The number book for nursery and primary schools, second step. ISBN: 9987671764 24pp. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2003 TZ Ngwaru, C. English revision book. Grade 7. 80pp. Z$3.15 Longman - Zimb 1978 ZI
Nineham, J. Focus on English, student’s book 4. ISBN: 1779004028 260pp. ill. Z$100,200 ($20.20/£13.40/Eur26.60) College Press Zimb 2001 ZI Nineham, J. Ventures English alive. Grade 5. pupil’s bk. 240pp. ($4.70) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI Nineham, J. Ventures English alive. Grade 6. pupil’s bk. 244pp. ($4.70) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI Nott, K., ed. Day-by-day English for Namibia: learner’s book. Grade 3. ISBN: 9991610774 128pp. ill. Longman - Namb 1998 SX Nwokoye, A.R. Creative colouring book. 32pp. ill. (£2.00) N2.50 Fourth Dimension 1986 NR Obiri-Mainoo, M.P. Rhymes and repetitions for junior schools. 36pp. C500.00 Adwinsa 1982 GH
Okombo, O., Chege, G.W. EAEP primary English, standard 6. 186pp. K.shs.135.00 EAEP 1993 KE Okombo, O., Fonesca, G.M. EAEP primary English. bk.4 135pp. K.shs.59.50 EAEP 1990 KE Okombo, O., Fonseca, G. EAEP primary English. Teacher’s guide. bk.1 69pp. K.shs.185.00 EAEP 1996 KE Okombo, O., Fonseca, G.M. EAEP primary English. bk.2 128pp. K.shs.55.00 EAEP 1989 KE Okombo, O., wa Chege, G. EAEP primary English. Teacher’s guide. bk.7 62pp. K.shs.195.00 EAEP 1996 KE Okombo, O., wa Chege, G. EAEP primary English: teacher’s book 8. 79pp. K.shs.180.00 EAEP 2000 KE Okombo, O., wa Chege, G. EAEP primary English teacher’s guide. bk.5 51pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 2000 KE Okombo, O., wa Chege, G. EAEP primary English: teacher’s guide. bk.4 55pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 2000 KE
Odioko, E. Master Krafty opposites. 22pp. ill. N5.00 Literamed 1989 NR
Okombo, O., wa Chege, G. EAEP primary English: teacher’s guide. bk.3 30pp. K.shs.140.00 EAEP 2000 KE
Ofori-Panin, K. Read aloud colouring book transportation. 32pp. ill. C1,200 ($3.00/ £2.50) Afram 1003 GH
Okoth, O., Fonseca, G. EAEP primary English. bk.1 96pp. K.shs.49.50 EAEP 1989 KE
Ogbonne-Ohuche, E.A. Better English for primary schools. A revision course. ISBN: 9781753919 320pp. N400.00 Africana First 1998 NR
Olaiya, D. Read easy with phonetics. bk.2 ISBN: 978142172X 48pp. ill. N140.00 ($1.50/ £1.00) Literamed 2000 NR
Ogunseye, F.A. My alphabet reading book. 32pp. N90.00 ($3.50/£3.00) Spectrum 1993 NR
Olaiya, D. Read easy with phonetics. bk.3 ISBN: 978142172X 43pp. ill. N140.00 ($1.50/ £1.00) Literamed 2000 NR
Ogunsheye, F.A. My first alphabet book. 28pp. col.ill. N132.00 ($3.00/£1.75) Spectrum 1996 NR
Olaiya, D. Read easy with phonetics. ISBN: 9781423455 42pp. ill. N140.00 ($1.50/ £1.00) Literamed 2001 NR
Okedara, C.A., Awonuga, C.O., Adegbite, A.B., Ezeokoli, F.O. Comprehensive English for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.1 ISBN: 9781423803 110pp. col.ill. N400.00 ($3.50) Literamed 2004 NR
Olaiya, D. Read easy with phonetics. bk.5 ISBN: 9781423374 50pp. ill. N140.00 ($1.50/ £1.00) Literamed 2001 NR
Okedara, C.A., Awonuga, C.O., Adegbite, A.B., Ezeokoli, F.O. Comprehensive English for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.4 ISBN: 9781424044 208pp. col.ill. N450.00 ($4.50) Literamed 2004 NR Okedara, C.A., Awonuga, C.O., Adegbite, A.B., Ezeokoli, F.O. Comprehensive English for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.2 ISBN: 9781423889 188pp. col.ill. N400.00 ($3.50) Literamed 2004 NR Okedara, C.A., Awonuga, C.O., Adegbite, A.B., Ezeokoli, F.O. Comprehensive English for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.6 ISBN: 9781424206 248pp. col.ill. N450.00 ($4.50) Literamed 2004 NR Okedara, C.A., Awonuga, C.O., Adegbite, A.B., Ezeokoli, F.O. Comprehensive English for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.3 ISBN: 978142396X 174pp. col.ill. N450.00 ($4.50) Literamed 2004 NR Okedara, C.A., Awonuga, C.O., Adegbite, A.B., Ezeokoli, F.O. Comprehensive English for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.5 ISBN: 9781424125 214pp. col.ill. N450.00 ($4.50) Literamed 2004 NR Okemwa, R., Ottenyo, R. Let us read. bk.1 24pp. K.shs.140.00 EAEP 1990 KE Okemwa, R., Ottenyo, R. Let us read. bk.2 32pp. K.shs.140.00 EAEP 1992 KE Okombo, O. EAEP primary English, teacher’s guide. bk.6 83pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 1999 KE
Olaiya, D. Read easy with phonetics. bk.1 ISBN: 9781421568 22pp. ill. N140.00 ($1.50/ £1.00) Literamed 2000 NR Olaiya, D. Read easy with phonetics. bk.4 ISBN: 9781421800 46pp. ill. N140.00 ($1.50/ £1.00) Literamed 2000 NR Oluikpe, B.O., et al. Better English for primary schools. bk.2 104pp. col.ill. N338.00 Africana First 1994 NR Oluikpe, B.O., et al. Better English for primary schools. bk.4 224pp. col.ill. N373.00 Africana First 1995 NR Oluikpe, B.O., et al. Better English for primary schools. bk.5 304pp. col.ill. N398.00 Africana First 1995 NR Oluikpe, B.O., et al. Better English for primary schools. bk.6 264pp. col.ill. N475.60 Africana First 1996 NR Oluikpe, B.O., et al. Better English for primary schools. bk.1 104pp. col.ill. N313.00 Africana First 1994 NR Oluikpe, B.O., et al. Better English for primary schools. bk.3 204pp. col.ill. N360.00 Africana First 1994 NR Olurunmota, P. My world of words. bk.1 ISBN: 978029497X 28pp. N235.00 Spectrum 2005 NR Ongeri, M.R., Mutiso, N., Birgen, P. Keynote primary English. Pupils book 1. bk.1 ill. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 2002 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
English language—Study and teaching (Elementary) Ongeri, M.R., Mutiso, N., Birgen, P. Keynote primary English. Pupils book 5. bk.5 ill. K.shs.270.00 Longhorn - Ken 2002 KE Ongeri, M.R., Mutiso, N., Birgen, P. Keynote primary English. Teacher guide book 1. bk.1 ill. K.shs.320.00 Longhorn - Ken 2002 KE Ongeri, M.R., Mutiso, N., Birgen, P. Keynote primary English. Teacher guide book 5. bk.5 ill. K.shs.270.00 Longhorn - Ken 2002 KE Osuagwu, M.N.D. My manison book of alphabet for 3 year olds. 28pp. ill.pl. N50.00 ($0.60/£0.40) Inselberg 1989 NR
Sam-Woode, K.E. My ABC colouring book. 32pp. pl. C3,000 ($1.25) Sam Woode 1990 GH
wa Chege, G. Word power spelling. bk.2 75pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 1998 KE
Sam-Woode, K.E. My ABC writing book. 32pp. pl. C3,000 ($1.25) Sam Woode 1993 GH
Williams, Y. Language activity book. 44pp. ill. N12.00 Longman - Nig 1992 NR
Sam-Woode, K.E. New era colouring. bk.1 16pp. col.pl. C3,500 ($1.50) Sam Woode 1991 GH
Yirenkyi, K. My first ABC reading and workbook. 36pp. C450.00 Adwinsa 1989 GH
Sam-Woode, K.E. New era colouring. bk.4 ISBN: 9964979681 16pp. col.pl. C3,500 ($1.50) Sam Woode 1998 GH
Yirenkyi, K. Play with words. work bk.1 16pp. C200.00 Adwinsa 1986 GH
Sam-Woode, K.E. New era colouring book. bk.2 16pp. col.pl. C3,500 ($1.50) Sam Woode 1996 GH
Patel, M.S. English aid book standard 1. K.shs.80.00 Jyoti 1986 KE
Patel, M.S. English aid book standard 2. K.shs.80.00 Jyoti 1986 KE
Sam, D. Comprehensive English course. bk.1 118pp. pl. C10,000 ($3.00) Sam Woode 1997 GH
Patel, M.S. English aid book standard 3. K.shs.80.00 Jyoti 1983 KE
Sam, D. Revising JSS English. vol.2 88pp. pl. C6,000 ($2.50) Sam Woode 1991 GH
Patel, M.S. English aid book standard 4. K.shs.80.00 Jyoti 1984 KE
Sam, D. Revising JSS English. vol.1 88pp. pl. C6,000 ($2.50) Sam Woode 1991 GH
Patel, M.S. English aid book standard 5. K.shs.80.00 Jyoti 1984 KE
Sandhu, A.S. Key English standard 7. 148pp. K.shs.90.00 Jyoti 1982 KE
Patel, M.S. English aid book standard 6. K.shs.80.00 Jyoti 1984 KE
Sandhu, A.S. Key English standard 8. vol.1 103pp. K.shs.90.00 Jyoti 1982 KE
Patel, M.S. English aid book standard 7. K.shs.85.00 Jyoti 1987 KE
Sandhu, A.S. Key English standard 8. vol.2 136pp. K.shs.90.00 Jyoti 1982 KE
Patel, M.S. English aid book standard 8. K.shs.90.00 Jyoti 1988 KE
Sofenwa, L.A. Pictorial reader. 3 bks. 32pp. col. ill. N1.50 West 1978 NR
Patel, M.S. English work aid standard 1. K.shs.65.00 Jyoti 1990 KE
40pp. ill.
Patel, M.S. English work aid standard 2. K.shs.65.00 Jyoti 1990 KE
Patel, M.S. English work aid standard 6. K.shs.70.00 Jyoti 1990 KE
Patel, M.S. English work aid standard 7. K.shs.75.00 Jyoti 1990 KE
Stuart, A. Zonke 7: Meg and Zed get ahead grade 2. 64pp. Gariep 1999 SA
Patel, M.S. English work aid standard 8. K.shs.80.00 Jyoti 1990 KE
Stuart, A., et al. Zonke 8: Dizzy Lizzie busy body book grade 2. 64pp. Gariep 1999 SA
Stuart, A. Zonke 9: sweet river indaba grade 2. 72pp. Gariep 1999 SA
Patel, M.S. Nursery aid. bk.2 48pp. ill. K.shs.110.00 Jyoti 1990 KE Patel, M.S. Nursery aid book. bk.1 48pp. ill. K.shs.140.00 Jyoti 1990 KE Patel, M.S. Progress in English. Jyoti 1974 KE
116pp. K.shs.90.00
Pickering, W. Thumbs up for language. Level 2. 31pp. R28.00 Shuter & Shooter 1993 SA Porter, G.A., Okello, J. Hugo Hippo’s ABC fun book in Africa. 56pp. col.ill. ($8.95) K.shs.175.00 Jacaranda 1992 KE Russel, M. Notes on teaching reading and writing: supplement to New Oxford Course, bk. 1. Univ Press - Nig NR Sam-Woode, K. Learning to read English. bk.1 64pp. pl. C2,500 ($1.25) Sam Woode 1992 GH Sam-Woode, K. Learning to read English: primer. 32pp. pl. C3,000 ($1.00) Sam Woode 1992 GH Sam-Woode, K. My new ABC colouring book. 32pp. pl. C3,000 ($1.25) Sam Woode 1993 GH
Subject index
Stars of Africa My dictionary activity book. ISBN: 0636053393 48pp. ill. R13.68 Maskew Miller Longman 2004 SA Stars of Africa My personal dictionary activity book. ISBN: 0636061124 48pp. ill. R13.99 Maskew Miller Longman 2004 SA
Tanzania Educational Publishers Animals and birds according to the alphabet. ISBN: 9987671985 32pp. ill. T.shs.5,000 ($5.00) TEPU 2004 TZ
Yirenkyi, K. Play with words. bk.1 16pp. ill. C200.00 Adwinsa 1986 GH Yon, J., Musumhi, Hawkes, C.N. New Zimbabwe primary English, grade 5. pupils bk. 266pp. Z$14.50 Longman Zimb 1992 ZI Zimbabwe Publishing House Exercises for a first sentence dictionary. 64pp. ill. Z$1.70 ZPH 1984 ZI Zimbabwe Publishing House A first sentence dictionary. Z$4.50 ZPH 1984 ZI
208pp. ill.
English language—Study and teaching (Secondary) see also English language—Study and teaching (Elementary) Aderibigbe, T. A guide to the study of O-level English language. 118pp. bk.1 N5.00 bk.2 N6.00 bk.3 N7.00 Univ Press - Nig 1983 NR Aka, S.M.O. The “College days of John Ojo”: a supplementary reader. N1.50 Aka 1978 NR Aka, S.M.O. Model essays and letters from G.C.E. and school certificate English. 81pp. N2.00 Aka 1977 NR Aka, S.M.O. Summary and comprehension for G.C.E. and school certificate English. 144pp. N2.50 Aka 1977 NR Aka, S.M.O. A thousand errors in spoken and written English. 84pp. N1.75 Aka 1977 NR Angelil-Carter, S., et al. English in our lives. Grade 7. Learner’s book. ISBN: 1868535576 144pp. ill. R33.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA Angelil-Carter, S., et al. English in our lives. Grade 7. Teacher’s guide. ISBN: 1868536769 144pp. ill. R33.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA Asein, S.O., Ashaolu, A.O. Use of English. 164pp. N125.95 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1986 NR
Ter-Morshuizen, K.J. My English grade 2 kit. ISBN: 0796013322 R210.00 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA
Banjo, A., Miller, D.C. New Oxford secondary English course. 2nd ed. bk.1 168pp. ill. ($22.50) Univ Press - Nig 1983 NR
Vista University START reading. Level 1. 213pp. R83.31 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA
Branford, W., Aldridge, M. Sourcebook for an introductory historical study of the English language: old English. 1, 2 vols. 63pp. 50c Inst Study Engl SA
Vista University START reading. Level 2. 272pp. R83.31 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA Vista University START reading. Level 3. 272pp. R83.31 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA Vista University START reading. Level 4. 272pp. R83.31 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA Vista University START teacher’s manual. 112pp. R106.65 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA wa Chege, G. Word power spelling. bk.1 ISBN: 9966466096 56pp. K.shs.140.00 EAEP 1998 KE
Bukenya, A., Curtis, A., Park, J. The skills of English. student’s bk.3 230pp. K.shs.290.00 OUP - Nairobi 1989 KE Bukenya, A., Curtis, A., Park, J. The skills of English. student’s bk.4 230pp. K.shs.290.00 OUP - Nairobi 1989 KE Bukenya, A., Curtis, A., Park, J. The skills of English. student’s bk.1 230pp. ill. K.shs.290.00 OUP - Nairobi 1989 KE Bukenya, A., Curtis, A., Park, J. The skills of English. teacher’s bk.3 230pp. K.shs.276.00 OUP - Nairobi 1989 KE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 230
African Books in Print
Subject index
English language—Study and teaching (Secondary)
Bukenya, A., Curtis, A., Park, J. The skills of English. teacher’s bk.4 230pp. K.shs.276.00 OUP - Nairobi 1989 KE
Fotheringham, R.G., Rufashe, S.R. Outcomes in English. Grade 9. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0796016542 104pp. R72.26 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA
Hurry, B. English for communication. teacher’s bk.3 160pp. Z$99.50 College Press Zimb 1986 ZI
Bukenya, A., Curtis, A., Park, J. The skills of English. teacher’s bk.2 230pp. K.shs.276.00 OUP - Nairobi 1989 KE
Fotheringham, R.G., Rufashe, S.R. Outcomes in English. Grade 9. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796016550 128pp. R64.58 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA
Bukeyna, A., Curtis, A., Park, J. The skills of English. teacher’s bk.1 230pp. K.shs.276.00 OUP - Nairobi 1989 KE
Gakunga, M.N., Blackburn, D. Teaching English in secondary schools. 152pp. K.shs.124.00 ($2.10/£1.25) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1980 KE
Institute for the Study of English in Africa Secondary schools’ language project: developing the English option. Language resource pack for secondary schools. rev.ed. R25.00 ($10.00/£6.00) Inst Study Engl 1994 SA
Bukeyna, A., Curtis, A., Park, J. The skills of English. student’s bk.2 230pp. K.shs.290.00 OUP - Nairobi 1989 KE
Garford, R. O-Level English composition writing. 53pp. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1989 ZI
Chimwenje, C., et al. Secondary English. student’s bk.3 202pp. K25.00 Dzuka 1989 MW
Grant, N. English for Zimbabwe. 2nd ed. teacher’s bk.1 112pp. Z$4.95 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI
Jowitt, D. Oral English for secondary schools. 80pp. N300.00 ($5.50/£4.50) Spectrum 1996 NR
Grant, N. English for Zimbabwe students. Student’s bk.4 160pp. ill. Z$4.95 Longman - Zimb 1984 ZI
Justus, J., Tucker, P., Volbrecht, T. The basic English language skills book. 160pp. R24.99 Philip 1992 SA
Chinodya, S. Step ahead: new secondary English student’s book 1. Z$50.95 Longman Zimb 1996 ZI Cretchley, G., Stacey, J., eds. Read well: skills for better English 1. 220pp. R14.50 Ravan 1983 SA Cretchley, G., Stacey, J., eds. Write well: skills for better English 2. 220pp. R14.50 Ravan 1984 SA Curriculum Development Centre English 11, anthology of passages. 60pp. K1,500 ($1.19/£0.78) ZEPH 1995 ZA
Grant, N. English in action. teacher’s bk.1 127pp. P24.04 Longman - Bots 1997 BS Grant, N. English in action. student’s bk. 1 178pp. ill.pl. P36.30 Longman - Bots 1997 BS Grant, N. English in action. teacher’s bk.2 143pp. P31.46 Longman - Bots 1997 BS
Curriculum Development Centre English 11, pupil’s book. 152pp. K3,500 ($2.78/£1.82) ZEPH 1995 ZA
Grant, N. English in action. student’s bk.2 182pp. ill.pl. P33.88 Longman - Bots 1997 BS
Curriculum Development Centre English 11, teacher’s book. 134pp. K2,500 ($1.98/£1.30) ZEPH 1995 ZA
Grant, N. English in action. student’s bk.3 164pp. ill.pl. P33.00 Longman - Bots 1997 BS
Dawson, D. Structures and skills in English. 2nd ed. bk.2 208pp. ($6.60) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI
Grant, N. Secondary English. bk.4 160pp. ill.pl. (£5.60) Dzuka 1991 MW
Dawson, D. Structures and skills in English. 2nd ed. bk.1 224pp. ($6.60) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI Dawson, D. Structures and skills in English. 2nd ed. teachers’ ed. bk.1 208pp. ill. Z$69.95 College Press -Zimb 1976 ZI Dawson, D. Structures and skills in English. 2nd ed. bk.3 176pp. College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI Dawson, D. Structures and skills in English. 2nd ed. pupils’ ed. bk.1 208pp. ill. Z$97.95 College Press -Zimb 1976 ZI Dawson, D. Structures and skills in English. 2nd ed. bk.4 184pp. ($6.70) College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI Djoleto, S.A.A. English practice for the African student. 192pp. N1.05 Macmillan - Nig 1967 NR Dolphyne, F.A. A course in oral English. Sedco 1989 GH
200pp. (£4.00)
Educational Support Services Trust Passport to focus. 86pp. R23.50 Nolwazi 1995 SA Ellis, R., et al. Let’s use English. Standard 10, grade 12. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0435922416 160pp. ill. R54.00 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA England, V., et al. Outcomes in English. Grade 7. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796013438 154pp. R63.59 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA Fotheringham, R.G., et al. Outcomes in English. Grade 8. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0796014833 112pp. R115.11 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA
Grant, N., Bimha, J. English for Zimbabwe. teacher’s bk.2 96pp. Z$8.50 Longman - Zimb 1981 ZI Grant, N., Bimha, J. English for Zimbabwe. student’s bk.2 192pp. ill. Z$12.95 Longman - Zimb 1981 ZI Grant, N., et al. Secondary English. student’s bk.1 176pp. K21.00 Dzuka 1989 MW Grant, N., Mamutse, E. English for Zimbabwe. teacher’s bk.3 120pp. Z$4.50 Longman - Zimb 1983 ZI Grant, N., Mamutse, E. English for Zimbabwe. student’s bk.3 192pp. ill. Z$3.95 Longman - Zimb 1983 ZI Grant, N., Ndanga, H. English for Zimbabwe. student’s bk.1 176pp. ill. Z$3.20 Longman - Zimb 1981 ZI
Jegham, K. Progress in English. ISBN: 997216623X 32pp. col.pl. Dir3,500 El Marif 1999 TI Jossou, M.-C., Penrose, H. Thèmes anglais. 152pp. CFA3,000 NEA - Togo 1994 TG FRE
Kenya Institute of Education Integrated English student’s book 1. 194pp. K.shs.190.00 ($3.20/£1.95) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1987 KE Kenya Institute of Education Integrated English student’s book 3. 199pp. K.shs.200.00 ($.3.35/£2.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1989 KE Kenya Institute of Education Integrated English student’s book 4. 193pp. K.shs.178.00 ($3.00//1.80) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1989 KE Kenya Institute of Education Integrated English teacher’s book 1. 248pp. K.shs.224.00 ($3.75/£2.30) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1987 KE Kenya Institute of Education Integrated English teacher’s book 2. 218pp. K.shs.216.00 ($3.60/£2.20) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1988 KE Kenya Institute of Education Integrated English teacher’s book 3. 252pp. K.shs.254.00 ($4.25/£2.60) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1989 KE Lawrence, L., et al. Outcomes in English. Grade 8. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796014825 140pp. R57.75 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA Lawrence, L., Mkhize, T., Fotheringham, R.G. Outcomes in English. Grade 7. Educator’s book. ISBN: 079601342X R130.81 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA Lusweti, B.M. Revision English for standard 7: graded self test exercises. 158pp. K.shs.109.00 ($3.00) Lake 1993 KE Mandy, F. Fountain crusher English revision work book. 128pp. U.shs.3,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1996 UG
Grant, N., Ndanga, H. English for Zimbabwe. teacher’s bk.1 112pp. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1980 ZI
Miller, D. C. et al. New Oxford secondary English course. pupil’s bk. 3, 5 bks. 232pp. ill. N20.00 Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR
Grant, W., Bhima, J. English for Zimbabwe, teacher’s bk. 4. 108pp. Z$6.95 Longman - Zimb 1987[?] ZI
Miller, D.C. et al. New Oxford secondary English course. teacher’s bk. 1, 5 bks. 382pp. ill. N10.00 Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR
Humphrey, L. O-level English practice book. 160pp. Z$3.95 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI
Miller, D.C., et al. New Oxford secondary English course. pupil’s bk. 5 272pp. N22.00 N25.00 Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR
Hurry, B. English for communication. student’s bk.3 232pp. ill. pl. Z$99.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI Hurry, B. English for communication. 2nd ed. bk.2 216pp. ($6.40) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Hurry, B. English for communication. bk.1 212pp. ($6.60) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI
Miller, D.C., et al. New Oxford secondary English course. teacher’s bk.4 72pp. ($11.60) Univ Press - Nig 1980 NR Miller, D.C., et al. New Oxford secondary English course. teacher’s bk.5, 5bks. 34pp. ($11.50) Univ Press - Nig 1980 NR Miller, D.C. et al. New Oxford secondary English course. pupil’s, bk. 4. 339pp. ill. N22.00 Univ Press - Nig 1976 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
English language—Study and teaching (Secondary) Miller, D.C. et al. New Oxford secondary English course. pupil’s bk. 2, 5 bks. 236pp. ill. N20.00 Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR Miller, D.C. et al. New Oxford Secondary English course. pupil’s bk. 1, 5 bks. 262pp. ill. N18.50k Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR Miller, D.C., et al. New Oxford secondary English course. teacher’s bk. 3, 5 bks. 390pp. N10.00 Univ Press - Nig 1976 NR Miller, D.C. et al. New Oxford secondary English course. teacher’s bk. 2, 5 bks. 412pp. ill. N10.00 Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR
Subject index
O’Dell, F. Senior secondary guide core English. 312pp. C19,500 Sedco 1994 GH Odiaka, M.O. Mastering English. 233pp. N2.00 Macmillan - Nig 1974 NR Oguine, P. Communicative use of English. Fab 1990 NR
Sooben, C. A guide to the general paper. 308pp. Rs.100.00 Océan Indien Ed 1987 MF 171pp.
Ogundipe, P.A., Tregidgo, P.S. Practical English. new ed. 4,5 bks. 224pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1974 NR Ogundipe, P.A., Tregidgo, P.S. Practical English. new ed. 2,5 bks. 272pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1976 NR
Moody, K.W. Written English under control. 147pp. N6.30k Univ Press - Nig 1966 NR
Ogundipe, P.A., Tregidgo, P.S. Practical English. new ed. 3,5 bks. 260pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1976 NR
Muhwezi, L., et al. Step by step: Fountain English revision for PLE. 84pp. U.shs.3,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1997 UG
Okombo, O., wa Chege, G. EAEP primary English standard 7. 257pp. K.shs.295.00 EAEP 1995 KE
Mulila, V.D. English punctuation. 117pp. ($2.40) K.shs.12.00 Comb 1977 KE Mulila, V.D. English spelling and words frequently confused. 85pp. ($2.00) K.shs.10.00 Comb 1977 KE Musunsa, H. English structure and composition exercises, grade 8. 116pp. Multimedia 1987 ZA Mwagiru, C., Namai, G. An English course for secondary schools. bk.2 176pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 1992 KE Mwagiru, C., Oduol, J. An English course for secondary schools. bk.1 175pp. K.shs.240.00 EAEP 1992 KE Mwanga, A.K. Mastering 40 English structures. new ed. 80pp. T.shs.3,000 Tanz Publ House 1997 TZ Ndavu, E., Vikiru, L., Bochere, H. Practical secondary English. Course book form 1. bk.1 ill. K.shs.270.00 Longhorn - Ken 2002 KE Ndavu, E., Vikiru, L., Bochere, H. Practical secondary English. Teachers guide book form 1. bk.1 K.shs.450.00 Longhorn - Ken 2002 KE
Shuter and Shooters Outcomes in English. Grade 9. [Audiocassette.] ISBN: 0796016569 R56.47 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA
Stacey, J., Cretchley, G. The read well, write well exercise book. (Skills for better English, 3) 160pp. ill. pl. Ravan 1990 SA Stacey, J., eds. Teachers’ guide to read well and write well. 46pp. R8.50 Ravan 1983 SA Tomori, S.H.O. The teaching of composition writing. 17pp. N96.30 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1971 NR Tregidgo, P.S., Ogundipe, P.A. Practical English. new ed. teachers bk. 1 104pp. N1.53 Longman - Nig 1975 NR
Okombo, O., wa Chege, G. EAEP primary English standard 8. 324pp. K.shs.325.00 EAEP 1997 KE
Tregidgo, P.S., Ogundipe, P.A. Practical English course. new ed. bk. 1, 5 bks. 272pp. ill N1.70 Longman - Nig 1976 NR
Oluikpe, B.O., et al. Intensive English for junior secondary schools. bk.3 264pp. ill. N238.55 Africana First 1985 NR
Tregidgo, P.S., Ogundipe, P.A. Practical English course. new ed. bk. 5, 5 bks. 224pp. ill. N1.87 Longman - Nig 1976 NR
Oluikpe, B.O., et al. Intensive English for junior secondary schools. bk.2 240pp. ill. N488.00 Africana First 1985 NR
Ubahakwe, E., et al. Current English. pupil’s bk.3 192pp. N79.70 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1982 NR
Oluikpe, B.O., et al. Intensive English for junior secondary schools. bk.1 216pp. ill. N488.00 Africana First 1983 NR Oluikpe, B.O., et al. Intensive English for senior secondary schools. bk.2 336pp. ill. N494.00 Africana First 1988 NR Oluikpe, B.O., et al. Intensive English for senior secondary schools. bk.1 344pp. ill. N273.00 Africana First 1988 NR Oluikpe, B.O., et al. Intensive English for senior secondary schools. bk.3 256pp. ill. N494.00 Africana First 1988 NR Otagburuagu, E.J., et al. English for the certificate year. 144pp. N338.00 Africana First 1996 NR
Nesbitt, R. Practical English for Kenya school certificate with answers. 156pp. K.shs.230.00 EAEP 1976 KE
Ridge, S.G.M., et al. Useful English. Grade 10, standard 8. 208pp. R63.93 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA
Nesbitt, R. Practical English for Kenya school certificate without answers. 148pp. K.shs.230.00 EAEP 1976 KE
Ridge, S.G.M., et al. Useful English. Grade 12, standard 10. 208pp. R63.93 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA
Nesbitt, R. Practical English for the East African certificate. Teacher’s handbook 160pp. K.shs.50.00 EAEP 1976 KE
Rulka, C. An English course for West African secondary schools. 1, 2bks 282pp. N1.55 Macmillan - Nig 1959 NR
Nesbitt, R. Practical English for the East African Certificate. Without answers. 147pp. K.shs.52.50 EAEP 1976 KE
Rulka, C. An English course for West African secondary schools. 2, 2bks 320pp. N1.65 Macmillan - Nig 1959 NR
Nineham, J. Ventures. English alive grade 7. pupil’s bk. 264pp. Z$69.95 ($4.70) College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI
Sackeyfio, A.N. Comprehension with style. 233pp. ($10.00) Ghana UP 1988 GH
Noble, R.W. English lexis and structure. 144pp. N12.00 Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR
Seebhinijum, S. Proficiency in English for syllbus 1126. ISBN: 9990303029 220pp. Océan Indien Ed 1998 MF
Obasa, A., et al. Spectrum memory guide. English language. 164pp. N300.00 ($6.00/ £5.00) Spectrum 1995 NR
Sharman, M.D. Ventures test papers in English, grade 7. 116pp. Z$55.95 ($2.90/£1.75) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI
Obasa, A.O., et al. SMG English language for senior secondary certificate examination SSCE. 153pp. N300.00 Spectrum 1995 NR
Shuter and Shooter Outcomes in English. Grade 7. [Audio cassette.] ISBN: 0796013446 R62.12 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA Shuter and Shooter Outcomes in English. Grade 8. [Audio cassette.] ISBN: 0796014906 R55.44 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA
Unoh, S.O. Faster reading through practice. 158pp. N7.00 Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR Williams, D. English and verbal aptitude. 148pp. N140.00 Spectrum 1994 NR Williams, H.P. Revision English grammar for secondary schools. 189pp. ill. K.shs.240.00 EAEP 1988 KE Woolger, D., Ogungbesan, K. Images and impressions. 153pp. N12.50k Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR Woolger, D., Ogungbesan, K. Rhymes and rhythms. 155pp. N12.00 Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR English literature—Addresses and essays Davies, M.B. The novels of Benjamin Disraeli. 20pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1969 GH Hardie, A.M. Robert Burns and his myth. 39pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1971 GH Taylor, R.D. Commitment to criticism. (Inaugural lec., 30) N1.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1978 NR English literature—Bibliography Killam, G.D. Africa in English fiction, 1874-1939. cd. & 200pp. N8.00 cd. N6.00 Ibadan UP 1968 NR English literature—Drama Harris, J., ed. Playscripts. 120pp. R29.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1995 SA Shakespeare, W. Julius Caesar. [Abridged and modernised by W. Saunders.] 80pp. ill. R39.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1990 SA Shakespeare, W. Macbeth. [Abridged and modernised by W. Saunders.] 152pp. ill. R39.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA Shakespeare, W. The merchant of Venice. [Abridged and modernised by W. Saunders.] 112pp. ill. R39.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA Shakespeare, W. A midsummer’s night dream. [Abridged and modernised by W. Saunders et al.] 80pp. ill. R39.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1994 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 232
African Books in Print
Subject index
English literature—Study and teaching (Secondary)
Shakespeare, W. Othello. [Abridged and modernised by W. Saunders.] ISBN: 1868535940 124pp. ill. R39.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA
Agbo, A., ed. The merchant of Venice. ISBN: 978296526X 276pp. N200.00 Bounty 2000 NR
Shakespeare, W. Romeo and Juliet. [Abridged and modernised by W. Saunders.] 160pp. ill. R39.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA
Andersen, M.C., Byrne, D.C., Titelstad, M.F., eds. Heart of darkness by Joseph Conrad. [Annotated text.] ISBN: 186888084X 116pp. R85.00 ($10.00/£7.40) Unisa 1999 SA
Shakespeare, W. The tempest. [Abridged and modernised by W. Saunders et al.] 96pp. ill. R39.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1994 SA Shaw, G.B. Androcles and the lion. 46pp. K.shs.185.00 EAEP 1978 KE English literature—Examinations, questions Akivaga, K. EAEP literature guide to George Orwell’s Animal farm. 44pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1976 KE Ayertey, S.K. Notes on “Much Ado About Nothing”. 48pp. C300.00 Adwinsa 1988 GH Ayertey, S.K. Notes on twentieth century narrative poems. 28pp. C250.00 Adwinsa 1987 GH Hargreaves, R.A., Robins, P. Practice papers for advanced level English: prose and poetry. 128pp. K.shs.67.50 EAEP 1983 KE English literature—Fiction Atwood, M. Oryx and Crake. ISBN: 1844080285 R110.00 Penguin SA 2004 SA [Southern Africa only] Devlin, D. Catalpa tree. ISBN: 184488029X R140.00 Penguin SA 20042 SA [Southern Africa only] Haggard, R. King Solomon’s mines. 1995 SA
R59.99 Donker
Hancock, G., BAuval, R. Talisman. ISBN: 0718143159 cd. 576pp. R250.00 Penguin SA 2004 SA [Southern Africa only] Llewellyn, J. The love trainer. ISBN: 0141010452 R95.00 Penguin SA 2004 SA [Southern Africa only] Mayle, P. A good year. ISBN: 0316725439 R140.00 Penguin SA 2004 SA [Southern Africa only] Nichol, J.W. Midnight cab. ISBN: 1841954489 R140.00 Penguin SA 2004 SA [Southern Africa only] Roberts, N. Birthright. ISBN: 0749934492 R90.00 Penguin SA 2004 SA [Southern Africa only] Robotham, M. The suspect. ISBN: 0316726206 R140.00 Penguin SA 2004 SA [Southern Africa only] Saro-Wiwa, K. A month and a day. ISBN: 1841440000 N540.00 ($12.00/£10.00) Spectrum 1995 NR Slovo, G. Ice road. ISBN: 0316727482 R140.00 Penguin SA 2004 SA [Southern Africa only] Turkington, K. Doing it with Doris. ISBN: 0143024442 R83.33 Penguin SA 2004 SA [Southern Africa only] English literature—History and criticism Adelugba, D., ed. Studies on Synge. A collection of essays about the Anglo-Irish dramatist, John Millington Synge. 88pp. N6.00 Ibadan UP 1977 NR
Areo, A., ed. Twelfth night. ISBN: 9783302973 194pp. N200.00 Bounty 2000 [?] NR Bakker et al. Macbeth. 123pp. ill.pl. R21.92 Maskew Miller Longman 1996 SA Brink, A. Destabilising Shakespeare. 98pp. R50.00 ($20.00/£12.50) Inst Study Engl 1996 SA Campbell, R. Wyndham Lewis. With notes and introduction by Jeffrey Meyers. 80pp. R50.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1985 SA Egudu, R.N. The study of poetry. Press - Nig 1977 NR
91pp. N5.20 Univ
Fincham, G., Hooper, M. Under postcolonial eyes. Joseph Conrad after empire. 104pp. R96.00 UCT Press 1996 SA Gray, R., ed. A tribute to J.R.R. Tolkien. vol.1(Miscellanea Congregalia, 42) 112pp. R56.60 ($21.30/£12.90) Unisa 1992 SA Hofmeyr, I. The portable Bunyan. A transnational history of the Pilgrims’ Progess. ISBN: 1868144038 320pp. R180.00 Witwatersrand UP 2004 SA Indangasi, H. EAEP literature guide to Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”. 46pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1992 KE Kanu, S.H. A world of everlasting conflict. Critical study of the work of Joyce Cary. cd. & 300pp. N10.00. N3.00 Ibadan UP 1974 NR Maxwell, D.E.S., Bushrui, S.B., eds. W.B. Yeats 1865-1965: centenary essays on the art of W.B. Yeats. 252pp. pl. N8.00 Ibadan UP 1965 NR Park, J.M. Romeo and Juliet. A study guide. 90pp. K.shs.134.00 OUP - Nairobi 1991 KE Tindyebwa, G. EAEP literature guide to Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”. 52pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1980 KE Weinberg, A.M. The most unfailing herald: Percy Bysshe Shelley 1792-1992. R75.00 ($24.60/ £14.90) Unisa 1996 SA
Bursey, J., ed. The merchant of Venice. Macmillan - SA 1996 SA
187pp. R26.16
Bursey, J., ed. Romeo and Juliet. 219pp. R26.16 Macmillan - SA 1995 SA Campbell-Brown, C. Techniques for studying English literature: Julius Caesar. 2nd ed. 25pp. R22.00 ($5.41/£3.52) Hibbard 1993 SA Djoleto, S.A.A. Chaucer’s prologue and five stories. 112pp. C3,800 Sedco 1987 GH Horne, F., Heinemann, G. English in perspective. ISBN: 0195781945 280pp. R270.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Institute for the Study of English in Africa English as second language in primary schools: Creative verse writing: new voices. (Inst. for study of English in Africa proceedings, 3) Inst Study Engl 1967 SA Institute for the Study of English in Africa Second-language teaching in high schools: An approach to the novel: audiovisual aids. (Inst. for study of English in Africa proceedings, 2) Inst Study Engl 1965 SA Lagonikos, P. Techniques for studying English literature: Focus. 2nd ed. 52pp. R22.00 ($5.41/ £3.52) Hibbard 1993 SA Lemmer, A. Upgrading the study of Shakespeare in southern African schools. An interim report. 368pp. R45.00 ($17.00/£11.00) Inst Study Engl 1994 SA Turkington, K., Garbett, P. Techniques for studying English literature: “The wind at dawn”. 2nd ed. 58pp. R22.00 ($5.41/£3.52) Hibbard 1993 SA Ubahakwe, E. The teaching of English studies: readings for colleges and universities. 387pp. N10.00 Ibadan UP 1979 NR Walters, P.S., England, V. The teaching of English literature in black high schools. 741pp. R70.00 ($28.00/ £17.50) Inst Study Engl 1994 SA Wright, L. Teaching English literature in South Africa: twenty essays. 286pp. R30.00 Inst Study Engl 1990 SA English literature—Study and teaching (Elementary) Chirasha, B. Classroom plays for primary schools. 88pp. Z$2.95 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Kadeghe, M. Literature for forms 3 and 4. T.shs.2,600 PPCC 1998 TZ
81pp. pl.
Shem, J. David and the magic pigeon. 32pp. ill. Z$3.95 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI
Williams, A. EAEP literature guide to George Bernard Shaw’s Androcles and the lion. 46pp. K.shs.185.00 EAEP 1978 KE
Sosanya, O. Collected poems for primary schools. 2, 2bks 64pp. ill. 70k Macmillan - Nig 1965 NR
Zins, H. Joseph Conrad and Africa. Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE
Sosanya, O. Collected poems for primary schools. 1, 2bks 48pp. ill. 60k Macmillan - Nig 1965 NR
English literature—Poetry Plomer, W. Selected poems. R39.95 Donker 1995 SA Shakespeare, W. Sonnets. R39.95 Donker 1995 SA English literature—Study and teaching Bursey, J., ed. Julius Caesar. 173pp. R26.16 Macmillan - SA 1993 SA Bursey, J., ed. Macbeth. 175pp. R26.16 Macmillan SA 1994 SA
Taiwo, O. Poems for West African primary schools. 53pp. N8.50k Univ Press - Nig 1971 NR English literature—Study and teaching (Secondary) Ayertey, S.K. Chaucer’s Canterbury tales for GCE Olevel students. 20pp. C250.00 Adwinsa 1987 GH Educational Support Services Trust Passport to Animal Farm. 108pp. R43.50 Nolwazi 1996 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
English literature—Study and teaching (Secondary) Educational Support Services Trust Passport to Julius Caesar. R28.50 Nolwazi 1995 SA Educational Support Services Trust Passport to Macbeth. 146pp. R28.50 Nolwazi 1996 SA Educational Support Services Trust Passport to Maru. 50pp. R23.50 Nolwazi 1995 SA Educational Support Services Trust Passport to The Wind at Dawn. 102pp. R28.50 Nolwazi 1995 SA Jefferes, D.M. Chanco study notes on Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. ISBN: 9990851018 56pp. K75.00 ($2.50/£1.50) Chancellor Coll 1998 MW Krampah, D.E.K. Understanding and enjoying Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. 69pp. C450.00 Adwinsa 1982 GH Krampah, D.E.K. Understanding and enjoying Silas Marner. 2nd ed. 44pp. C5,000 ($3.00/£1.50) Adwinsa 1993 GH McLoughlin, T., Mhonyera, F. Storycraft two: introduction to fiction. ($6.15) Z$5.95 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Mukulu, E., Wakarangau, M. Narratives from Africa and India for secondary schools. 151pp. K.shs.178.00 ($3.00/£1.80) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1995 KE Robins, C., Hargreaves, J. A prose course for advanced level English in East Africa. 170pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 1981 KE Robins, P., Hargreaves, R. A poetry course for KCSE. 136pp. K.shs.365.00 EAEP 1981 KE Songoyi, E.M. Looking at language three. 53pp. ($2.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1990 TZ Spectrum Books Early birds: poems for junior secondary schools. bk.1 ISBN: 9087294510 100pp. N240.00 Spectrum 2004 NR Spectrum Books Early birds: poems for junior secondary schools. bk.2 ISBN: 9780294872 100pp. N290.00 Spectrum 2004 NR Spectrum Books Early birds: poems for junior secondary schools. bk.3 ISBN: 9780296306 100pp. N290.00 Spectrum 2004 NR Taiwo, O. Collected poems for secondary schools. 1, 2bks 56pp. ill. 90k Macmillan - Nig 1965 NR Taiwo, O. Collected poems for secondary schools. 2, 2bks 74pp. 90k Macmillan - Nig 1965 NR Umukoro, A. Exam focus literature in English. 316pp. ($42.10) Univ Press - Nig 1997 NR Entertaining—South Africa Kuhn, A. Planning the perfect wedding. R39.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA van der Nest, E. Simply entertaining. ISBN: 0624038300 cd. 144pp. R149.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA Equatorial Guinea—History Oto, J. Le drâme d’un pays. 136pp. CFA880.00 CLE 1980 CM FRE Equiano, Olaudah—Autobiography Equiano, O. Les fabuleuses aventures d’Equiano. [Equiano’s travels.] ISBN: 2913326285 60pp. FG7,500 Ganndal 2001 GV FRE Eritrea—Cities and towns—Pictorial works Sallinen, S., Bizen, H. Asmara beloved. ISBN: 0797426485 pl. ($45.00) Kimaathi 2005 ZI
Eritrea—Politics and government Henze, P. Eritrea’s war: confrontation, international response, outcome, prospects. ISBN: 1931253064 290pp. (£17.00) Shama 2001 ET Herbert, R. The end of the Eritrean exception? (SAIIA country report, 8) ISBN: 1919810420 SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA Eso, Kayode—Biography Ade Ajayi, J.F., Akinseye-George, Y. Kayode Eso. The making of a judge. ISBN: 9780293124 514pp. ($41.95/ £24.95) Spectrum 2002 NR
Subject index Jembere, A. Agony in the grand palace. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1931253145 168pp. ($25.00) Shama 2005 ET Legesse, A. Oromo democracy. ISBN: 1569021392 282pp. (£17.99) Red Sea/AWP 2001 ER Pankhurst, R. Ethiopian mysteries. ISBN: 1931253153 col.pl. ($35.00) Shama 2001 ET Prather, R. King of kings of Ethiopia, Menelik II. 91pp. ill. maps. K.shs.25.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE
Etche (African people)—Ethnology Alozie, P. Etche ethnic nationality. ISBN: 9783038042 N150.00 Ano 2001 NR
Rubenson, S. Acta Aethiopica. Correspondence and treaties, 1800-1854. vol.1 263pp. pl. col.pl. Addis Ababa UP 1987 ET [No US]
Ethics see also Philosophy
Rubenson, S., ed. Acta Aethiopica: Tewodros and his contemporaries. vol.2 cd. & 379pp. pl. Birr100.00 cd./Birr65.00 ($60.00 cd./ $50.00 ) Addis Ababa UP 1994 ET
Pontifical Council for Social Communications Ethics in communication. 28pp. K.shs.60.00 ($0.80) Paulines 2000 KE Ethiopia Deguefe, T. A tripping stone: Ethiopian prison diary, 1976-1981. 504pp. col. ill. pl. Birr40.00 ($20.00) Addis Ababa UP 2003 ET Ethiopia—Education FAWE & EDI-World Bank Girls’ academic achievement: the untold story - Ethiopia. ($4.00) FAWE 1996 KE Woldegerima, H., Mulugeta, E., Leka, W. Moving beyond the classroom. Expanding learning opportunities for marginalised populations in Ethiopia. ISBN: 9666908455 80pp. FAWE 2002 KE Ethiopia—Guide books Amin, M., Willetts, D., Lawrence, B. Spectrum guide to Ethiopia. 2nd ed. 364pp. col.pl.maps (£12.99) Camerapix 1996 KE Amin, M., Willetts, D., Tetley., B. Discovering Ethiopia. 2nd ed. 152pp. col.pl. (£7.95) Camerapix 1997 KE Ethiopia—History Balsvik, R.R. Haile Selassie’s students: intellectual and social background to revolution, 19521974. new ed. 386pp. Birr40.00 ($15.00) Addis Ababa UP 2005 ET Bekele, S., ed. An economic history of Ethiopia. Volume 1: The imperial era 1941-74. cd. & 334pp. ($50.00/£28.00 cd.) ($27.00/ £14.95 ) CODESRIA 1995 SG Crummey, D. Land and society in the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia. From the 13th to the 20th century. ISBN: 0852557639 cd. & 352pp. pl.maps (£45.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852557647 (£16.95 ) Addis Ababa UP 1999 ET [Ethiopia only] Eide, O.M. Revolution and religion in Ethiopia. The growth and persecution of the Mekane Yesus Church, 1974-85. ISBN: 0852558414 320pp. pl.maps (£14.95) Addis Ababa UP 2000 ET [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, Oxford, UK & Ohio University Press, USA] Francis, J. The battle of Adwa. [Text in English and Amharic.] ISBN: 1931253080 col.ill. ($5.00) Shama 2001 ET Getachew, I. The Emperor’s collection. 3 vols. ISBN: 193125303X cd. pl. ($110.00 boxed set) Shama 2001 ET Henze, P.B. Layers of time: a history of Ethiopia. ISBN: 1931253285 372pp. ($25.00) Shama 2004 ET
Zewde, B. A history of modern Ethiopia 1855-1991. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0852557868 320pp. ill.maps (£12.95) Addis Ababa UP 2001 ET [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, Oxford, UK; Ohio University Press, USA; EAEP, Kenya] Zewde, B. Pioneers of change in Ethiopia. The reformist intellectuals of the early twentieth century. ISBN: 0852554532 cd. 256pp. pl. (£45.00) ISBN: 0852554524 (£16.95) Addis Ababa UP 2002 ET [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, Oxford UK & Ohio University Press, USA] Ethiopia—History—Pictorial works Pankhurst, R. Historic images of Ethiopia. ISBN: 1931253153 pl. ($25.00) Shama 2005 ET Ethiopia—Pictorial works Balletto, B., Amin, M., Willetts, D. Ethiopia: a tourist paradise. 128pp. col.pl. (£6.95) Camerapix 1996 KE Hancock, G., Amin, M., Willetts, D. The beauty of Addis Ababa. 128pp. col.pl. (£6.95) Camerapix 1995 KE Hemsing, J., Tetley, B., Amin, M., Willetts, D. The beauty of historic Ethiopia. 128pp. col.pl. (£6.95) Camerapix 1994 KE Ethiopia—Politics and government Ethiopian Human Rights Council Report on zonal, woreda and kebele elections held on December 23 and 30 2001 in the southern nations, nationalities and peoples’ region. 31pp. col.ill. EHRCO 2002 ET Pausewang, S. Legal democracy and human security in Ethiopia: structural reasons for the failure of democratisation. (SAIIA report, 45) ISBN: 1919969306 SA Inst Int Affairs 2004 SA Ethiopia—Rural development Astatke, A. Building ponds with animal power in the Ethiopian highland. 38pp. ($11.00) Int Livestock Centre 1986 ET Teferra, M. Energy for rural development in Ethiopia. Proceedings of a national policy seminar. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 11) 50pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE Ethiopia—Social sciences Endalew, T. Conflict resolution through cultural tolerance. An analysis of the Michu institution in Metekkel region, Ethiopia. (Social science research report, 25) ISBN: 0954203070 43pp. ($38.70/£23.70 set of six) OSSREA 2002 ET Tolossa, D. Household seasonal food insecurity in Oromiya zone, Ethiopia: causes. (Social science research report, 26) ISBN: 0954203070 97pp. ($38.70/£23.70 set of six) OSSREA 2002 ET
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 234
African Books in Print
Subject index
Ewe—General and Non-fiction
Ethiopia—Sociology, Rural Gebre Egziabher, T.B. A case for community rights: study report 1. 68pp. ($3.00) Inst Sust Dev 1996 ET Kiros, F.G. The subsistence crisis in Africa: the case of Ethiopia. 224pp. K.shs.350.00 ($24.00) ICIPE 1993 KE Rahmato, D. The dynamics of rural poverty: case studies from a district in Southern Ethiopia. 70pp. ($8.50/£4.95) CODESRIA 1992 SG Ethiopia—Travel Amin, M., Willetts, D., Matheson, A. Journey through Ethiopia. cd. 192pp. col.pl. (£25.00) Camerapix 1995 KE Gozalbez, J., Cebrian, D. Touching Ethiopia. ISBN: 1931253188 cd. 400pp. ($65.00) Shama 2004 ET Graham, J. Ethiopia: off the beaten trail. ISBN: 1931253110 342pp. col.pl. ($25.00) Shama 2001 ET Hancock, G., Pankhurst, R., Willetts, D. Under Ethiopian skies. 3rd ed. 200pp. col.pl. (£14.95) Camerapix 1997 KE Henze, P. Ethiopian journeys: travels in Ethiopia 1969-72. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1931253102 col.pl. ($25.00) Shama 2001 ET Ethnology—Africa Centre d’Etudes Ethnologiques, Branche Anthropos Noms théophores d’Afrique. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 45) 141pp. ill. map. (DM26.00) CEEBA 1977 ZR FRE
Ethnology—Liberia Genevray, J. Eléments d’une monographie d’une division administrative Libérienne. (Grand Bassa County) (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 21) 135pp. ill. CFA3,500 IFAN 1952 SG FRE Holas, B. Mission dans l’est libérien. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 14) 566pp. pl. maps. CFA4,000 IFAN 1952 SG FRE Ethnology—Madagascar Randrianja, S., ed. Madagascar. Ethnies et ethnicités. ISBN: 2869781334 307pp. ill.maps ($39.95/£27.95) CODESRIA 2004 SG FRE
Nnoli, O. Ethnicity and democracy in Africa. Intervening variables. (CASS Occasional Monograph series, 4) 55pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Malthouse 1994 NR Osaghae, E. Ethnicity and its management in Africa. The democratization link. (CASS Occasional Monograph series, 2) 53pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Malthouse 1994 NR Samba, K. Phénomènes d’ethnicité et conflits ethnopolitiques en Afrique noire post-coloniale. 426pp. Z92.00 Press Univ Congo 1982 ZR FRE Stevenson, M., Graham-Stewart, M. Surviving the lens: photographic studies of South and East African people, 18701920. ISBN: 1874950598 cd. 144pp. (£35.00) Fernwood 2001 SA Ethnology—Africa, West Presses de l’Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale Ethnicité, identité et citoyenneté en Afrique centrale. (Cahier Africain des Droits de l’Homme, 6/7) ISBN: 2911380460 312pp. CFA7,500 (Eur11.48) UCAC 2002 CM FRE Ethnology—Congo, Democratic Republic Suntjens, M., Hoenen, F., Richard, M. Histoire et recherches du centre d’Etudes Ethnologiques de Bandundu (CEEBA). new ed.(CEEBA, series II CD-ROM, 124) 367pp. pl.map CEEBA 2002 ZR FRE Ethnology—Egypt Lane, E.W. An account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians. [reprint of 1860 edition] ISBN: 9774247841 cd. 619pp. col.ill. E£150.00 ($44.50/£37.50) Am Univ 2003 UA
Akotey, K. Ku di fo na wo. [The miraculous death of lovers.] 2nd ed. 178pp. pl. C400.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH EWE Anipa, K. Nutsu menya azi woklena kpo o. [Man is not groundnut to be cracked to see its content.] ISBN: 9964720246 96pp. ill. C6,000 Sedco 1998 GH EWE Ayeke, K. Hlcbiabia. [Retaliation.] 3rd ed. 97pp. pl. C450.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH EWE Bidi Setsoafia, H.K. Fia Taatsala. [The wanderings of a despotic chief.] 121pp. pl. C150.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1984 GH EWE Bidi Setsoafia, H.K. Tcgbi Kpeglo II. Chief Kpeglo II. 3rd ed. 147pp. pl. C600.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1990 GH EWE
Ethnology—Togo Froelich, J.C. La tribu Konkomba du nord-Togo. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 37) 255pp. pl. maps. CFA4,000 IFAN 1954 SG FRE
Fiawoo, F.K. Toko atolia. [The fifth landing stage.] 112pp. (£4.00) Sedco 1981 GH EWE
Etiquette see also Letter writing 4pp.
Ewe—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Akafia, S.Y. Ku le xome. [Death is in the room.] 178pp. C900.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1970 GH EWE
Ethnology—Madagascar—Pictorial works Champion, B. Visages d’Ambila: les âges de la vie./ Portraits of mMbila: the ages of man./ Endrti’Ambila: taonam-pianana. [Trilingual text in French, English and Malagasy.] ISBN: 2907064770 136pp. col.pl. (Eur38.00) Oceans Ed 2004 RF MUL
Ethnology—Zimbabwe Vambe, M.T., ed. Orality and cultural identities in Zimbabwe. ISBN: 0869227645 127pp. Mambo 2001 ZI
Fukui, K., Markakis, J., eds. Ethnicity and conflict in the horn of Africa. Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG Kassoro, G. Ethnies d’Afrique. La Côte d’Ivoire. CFA300.00 NEI 1998 IV FRE
Ethnology—Encyclopaedias—Congo, Democratic Republic Hochegger, H., ed. Encyclopedia of ritual symbolics. Topics: abandon to zither. [CD-ROM] 26 vols. ISBN: 3902011270 10,601pp. CEEBA 2004 ZR
Ezechi, N. Good manners and social etiquette. 128pp. ill. ($6.00/£4.50) N40.00 Delta 1993 NR Europe—Geography—Study and teaching (Secondary) Ojo, A. A geography course for secondary schools: North-West Europe and the U.S.S.R. 5, 5 bks 192pp. ill. N2.60 Macmillan - Nig NR European Economic Community Jackson, R. Whither the E.E.C. 19pp. 2.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1981 SA Strange, S. Europe 1992 - some personal observations. R0.50 SA Inst Int Affairs 1990 SA Vale, P.C.J. Direct elections to the European Parliament: is this the litmus test? 18pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1979 SA Evans-Anfom, Emmanuel—Autobiography Evans-Anfom, E. To the thirsty land. Autobiography of a patriot. ISBN: 996487717X 484pp. ill.pl. ($34.95/£20.95) Africa Christian 2003 GH Evolution see also Anthropology Genetics Paleontology Liebenberg, L. The art of tracking: the origins of science. 224pp. ill. Philip 1990 SA Evolution—Study and teaching James, W.G., Wilson, L., eds. Architect and the scaffold: evolution and education in South Africa. ISBN: 0796920036 159pp. R175.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA
Bonuedi, V.K. Azo ko. [At long last.] 51pp. ill. C600.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1993 GH EWE
Glakpe, V.K.A. Adela megblca wo kata o. [The hunter never reveals all his experience.] 3rd ed. 49pp. pl. C240.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH EWE Hoh, I.K., Hinidza, R.K., Kwasikuma, G. W.K. Henowo je gbe. [The singer’s voice.] 2nd ed. 210pp. pl. C800.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1986 GH EWE Kofi Nyaku, F. Amedzro etclia. [The third guest.] 2nd ed. 111pp. pl. C460.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH EWE Morny, F.C.A. Hakpananyawo. [Poems.] 2nd ed. 84pp. pl. C400.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH EWE Nyaku, F.K. Gli vovovowo. [Short stories.] C2,400 Sedco 1997 GH EWE
34pp. ill.
Obianim, S.J. Agbezuge fe nutinya. [Novel.] C4,800 Sedco 1990 GH EWE
Tsaxe Dzamefe, P.A.M. Fefehawo. [Play songs.] 34pp. ill. C500.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1991 GH EWE Ewe—General and Non-fiction Akude, V.B.K. Mina miyi uonudrofe. [Let us visit the court.] 122pp. ill. C800.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1993 GH EWE Dovlo, B.A. Belele na devi. [Taking care of your child.] 46pp. C2,500 Asempa 1983 GH EWE Glakpe, V.K.A. Dolele siwo dzi wody. [Diseases defeated.] ISBN: 9964720173 32pp. ill. C3,500 Sedco 1998 GH EWE Glakpe, V.K.A. Doyoyo monu boboe la. [A simple cure.] ISBN: 9964720165 27pp. ill. C3,500 Sedco 1998 GH EWE Glakpe, V.K.A. Feminizininyi. [Piggery.] 52pp. ill. C2,400 Sedco 1996 GH EWE Glakpe, V.K.A. Koklonyinyi. [Poultry farming.] 40pp. ill. C2,400 Sedco 1996 GH EWE Glakpe, V.K.A. Nimonia fe dzesiwo. [Symptoms of pneumonia.] ISBN: 9964720203 24pp. ill. C3,500 Sedco 1998 GH EWE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Ewe—General and Non-fiction Sedco Publishing Ltd. Xlem kpo. [Read me.] 2nd ed. 52pp. ill. C2,600 Sedco 1997 GH EWE Ewe (African people)—Anthropology, Sociocultural Gavua, K. A handbook of Eweland. The northern Ewe’s in Ghana. vol.2 ISBN: 9964978650 cd. & 220pp. C60,000 cd. C40,000 /($5.00) Woeli 2000 GH Ewe (African people)—Ethnology Agbodeka, F., ed. A handbook of Eweland volume 1: the Ewes of southeastern Ghana. (Eweland series, 1) cd. & 393pp. ($63.00/£35.00 cd.) ($35.00/£19.95 ) Woeli 1997 GH Anipah, J.K., Maréchal, S. Le sang de mon sang. Le peuple Evé dans la fratrie humaine. ISBN: 2914594040 288pp. CFA13,000 (Eur20.00) AFRIDIC 2003 DM FRE Ewe (African people)—History Amenumey, D.E.K. The Ewe in pre-colonial times. (£4.00) Sedco 1986 GH
Amenumey, D.E.K. The Ewe unification movement: a political history. 374pp. ($33.00/£18.50) Ghana UP 1989 GH Amenumey, D.E.K. Outstanding Ewes of the 20th century: profiles of fifteen firsts. cd. & pl. C50,000/($6.50) Woeli 2002 GH Ewe language—Dictionaries Adzomada, K.J. Dictionnaire Ewé/Français, Français/Ewe. 4th ed. 248pp. CFA3,500 HaHo 1992 TG MUL Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Togo Mon syllabaire Ewé. CFA580 NEA Togo 1987 TG FRE Ewe language—Grammar Bureau of Ghana Languages Ewe language guide. 6th ed. 53pp. C500.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1990 GH EWE Duthie, A.S. Introducing Ewe linguistic patterns. A textbook of phonology, grammar, and semantics. 191pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Ghana UP 1996 GH Fiaga, A. Grammaire Ewé. 2nd ed. 73pp. CFA2,000 HaHo 1998 TG FRE Nyaku, F.K. The writing and an elementary grammar of the Ewe language. 56pp. C500.00. Adwinsa 1990 GH Ewondo language Essono, J-M. L’Ewondo, langue bantu du Cameroun: phonologie-morphologie-syntaxe. ISBN: 2911380126 576pp. CFA15,000 (Eur22.86) UCAC 1999 CM FRE Examinations, questions Ajao, O.G. For board and fellowship examinations. ISBN: 9782015865 198pp. N950.00 ($20.00/£15.00) Book Builders 2002 NR Njabili, A.F. Examinations: legacy, performance, standards and power with particular reference to the international general certificate of secondary education (GCSE) in Namibia. ISBN: 9991653183 24pp. UNAM 2000 SX Peraza, C. Exam success tips. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966882189 78pp. col.ill.pl. ($4.00) Focus 2000 KE Fafunwa, A.B.—Autobiography Fafunwa, A.B. Memoirs of a Nigerian minister of education. ISBN: 9780182594 369pp. N700.00 ($7.00/£4.00) Macmillan - Nig 1998 NR Fairhead, Nigel—Autobiography Fairhead, N., Thamm, M. When all else falls away. ISBN: 0143024728 250pp. R96.49 Penguin SA 2005 SA
Family and home see also Community life Home economics Law, Family Marriage customs and rites Motherhood and child care Adamolekun, O.S.B. Sex and family education. N40.00 Delta 1990 NR
Adei, S. The secret of a happy marriage: communication. 158pp. (£3.00) Africa Christian 1991 GH Adei, S., Adei, G. The challenge of parenting. Principles and practice of raising children. 124pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Africa Christian 1991 GH Akande, S.T.O. For better; for worse. 148pp. ($1.50) N10.50 Vantage 1986 NR Arrazi, N., et al. Couples en question. [9 articles in French, 5 articles en Arabic.] 282pp. Dir58.00 Fennec 1992 MR MUL
Ifechukwu, J.A.O. Marriage management. ISBN: 9783003542 204pp. N300.00 ($20.00/ £12.00) Goldland 1998 NR Igwe, B. Comment choisir son conjoint. Peut-on se fier aux rêves? 36pp. CFA600.00 CPE 1986 IV FRE Igwe, B. How to choose your life partner. 32pp. (£1.00) Africa Christian 1982 GH Jackson, D. Discipline without anger or tears. 2nd ed. 88pp. R39.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Kaderli, A., Wilson, B. The au pair book. ISBN: 0627024335 130pp. R79.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Kerton, P. Fab dad. A man’s guide to fathering. ISBN: 0864864787 R79.95 Philip 2000 SA Kimatho, G. Pathway to marriage. Uzima 1983 KE
46pp. K.shs.75.00
Arthur, J.B. A theology of sexuality and marriage. ISBN: 9966855521 176pp. K.shs.350.00 Uzima 1998 KE
Kisseadoo, S.V.A. Why do we marry? and Who is the head of the home? ISBN: 9964782977 72pp. C10,000 ($4.00) Asempa 2002 GH
Backlo, K., Sipalla, H. I miss my mum and dad. ISBN: 9966217991 44pp. K.shs.50.00 ($0.70) Paulines 2004 KE
Kisuke, C. Raising today’s children. 100pp. K.shs.175.00 Uzima 1986 KE
Blum, W.G. Forms of marriage: monogamy reconsidered. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 105-107) 317pp. pl. Gaba 1989 KE Boisvert, R. Adolescents and parents talk about love. ISBN: 9966213643 56pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.50) Paulines 1998 KE Britten, B., Britten, C. Answers for your marriage. ISBN: 9966855165 206pp. K.shs.250.00 Uzima 1998 KE Burke, J. Preparing for marriage. ISBN: 9966214232 40pp. K.shs.70.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1999 KE Centres d’Etudes Ethnologiques Branche Anthropos Conflits familiaux et reconciliation. Rapport du Vle colloque de Bandundu (Rep. du Zaire) (CEEBA. série I, Rapports et comptes rendus, 6) 149pp. map. (DM35.00) CEEBA 1975 ZR FRE Coninx, A.J. Young man, prepare for your marriage. 76pp. ill. pl. ($4.00) Mission Press Ndola 1987 ZA Coon, J. Batir un foyer heureux. trans.f.t.English 168pp. CFA1,900 CPE 1980 IV FRE Dartey, D. Hints for a happy marriage. 32pp. C150.00 ($2.00) Asempa 1985 GH Dartey, D.A. How to make your marriage work. 48pp. ($2.00) C400.00 Asempa 1990 GH Emonyi, G. Preparing yourself for marriage. ISBN: 9966855440 118pp. K.shs.200.00 Uzima 1998 KE Ephson, I.S. Insecurity in happiness. 160pp. C5.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1977 GH
Kiura, J.M. About friendship. 28pp. ($0.40) Paulines 1995 KE Kiura, J.M. Good manners. 1995 KE
48pp. ($1.00) Paulines
Kuhn, A. Notebook for the home. [Also available in Afrikaans.] R27.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Kyere, O.K. Choosing your life partner and the place of sex in marriage. 68pp. C500.00 ($3.00) Asempa 1990 GH Ndegwa, R. Maids, blessing or blight? 150pp. K.shs.100.00 Uzima 1986 KE Njoroge, P.W. The desire of every heart. A happy family. rev.ed. ISBN: 9966855270 102pp. K.shs.225.00 Uzima 1998 KE Nkwocha, J., Nkwocha, J. 21 biggest problems in marriage and their solutions. ISBN: 9783318543 221pp. ill. N1,000 ($10.00/£8.00) Zoom Lens 2002 NR Nwoye, A. Marriage and family counselling. ill. Fab 1991 NR
Odunze, D. Successful family living. new ed. ISBN: 9966200460 146pp. K.shs.200.00 Evangel 1998 KE Ollennu, A.A. Single parenting. ISBN: 9964782640 64pp. ill. C6,000 Asempa 2000 GH Osuafor, T. Couple’s companion. Delta 1994 NR
64pp. N50.00
Osuafor, T.O.K. Major problems of marriage. Their prevention and management. 128pp. ill. ($9.00/£6.00) N75.00 Delta 1993 NR
Fuller, H. Conseils psychologiques. 60pp. ill. CFA1,000 CPE 1975 IV FRE
Sing, E. Guide pratique de l’économie familiale en milieu scolaire. 62pp. CFA605.00 CLE 1983 CM FRE
Genga-Idowu, F.M. Memories into marriage. 52pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.80) Paulines 1995 KE
Stenson, J.B. Fatherhood. ISBN: 9966969643 col.ill.pl. ($2.00) Scepter 2002 KE
Glennie, C.M. Single parent - double power. ISBN: 1868722538 176pp. R69.95 Zebra 1998 SA
Stone, R. Just kidding. Whole parents, complete children. ISBN: 0958435952 126pp. R115.00 ($12.95/£11.99) Kima 2002 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 236
African Books in Print
Subject index
Fante—General and Non-fiction
van der Walt, B.J., et al. Hope for the family. (IRS study pamphlets, 335) 54pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1995 SA Wachira, R.N. What parents should know. ISBN: 9966214879 128pp. K.shs.280.00 ($4.00) Paulines 2000 KE Yirenkyi, K. Talk about my family. Adwinsa 1986 GH
20pp. C250.00
Family and home—Africa Alley, E. Homes of Africa. 14pp. ill. P1.25 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Kiura, J. Success in marriage. Paulines 1997 KE
92pp. ($2.00)
Kiura, J.M., Gitau, R., Kiura, A. Guidelines for parents and educators. ISBN: 996621397X 248pp. ill. K.shs.550.00 ($7.80) Paulines 1999 KE Molewo, J.A. Pre-marital counseling in the parish: preventing future marital problems in families. ISBN: 3872142852 260pp. T.shs.3,500 ($8.00) Makumira 2002 TZ Obileye, M.O. Cradle rockers. 1992 NR
58pp. ($2.00) Sefer
Wagura, P. About Catholic/Muslim marriage. ($0.40) Paulines 1996 KE
Waswadi Kakule Responsabilités de la famille chrétienne en Afrique. 226pp. ($68.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE Family and home—Botswana Amanze, J.N. Marriage and family life in Botswana today. (Inter-faith dialogue in Botswana, 1) 64pp. P10.00 ($10.00) Dept Theology and Religious Stud 1996 BS Family and home—Nigeria Family Support Programme, Kebbi State The period of awakening. ISBN: 9781293020 92pp. N500.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR Family and home—South Africa Kimathi, G. Your marriage and family. R22.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1994 SA Niehaus, C. YOU budget beaters. R54.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA Family and home—Zambia Chulu, M.B., Chileshe, P.M., KasondeNg’andu, S. The changing family in Zambia. 194pp. K21,000 ($10.16/£6.09) Mission Press Ndola 1997 ZA Family planning see also Birth control Demography Baker, K., Ward, H. AIDS, sex and family planning: a Christian view. 92pp. ill. (£3.00) Africa Christian 1989 GH Delano, E. Guide to family planning. 128pp. K.shs.270.00 EAEP 1992 KE Delano, G.E. Family planning. 111pp. N75.00 ($3.00/ £2.50) Spectrum 1989 NR Nwangoro, S.K. A guide to family planning. 93pp. ill. ($5.20) Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR Ojo, O.A. Fertility regulation in developing countries. 82pp. ill.pl. ($17.90) Univ Press - Nig 1995 NR Roux, C.F. Fertility management. Contraception in practice. 2nd ed. 157pp. R65.00 Juta 1995 SA
Sayed, H.A., Waguih, M.M. A different single life table approach to study the dynamics of contraceptive use. vol.1(Working paps., 14) 31pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1987 UA
Sarma, R.S.S. The role of contraceptive substitution in the evaluation of family planning programs. (CDC working paper, 5) 35pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1983 UA
Wachira, R.N. I am pregnant, what shall I do? ISBN: 9966213600 32pp. K.shs.20.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1998 KE
Sayed, H.A.A. Services availability and family planning in Egypt. vol.1(CDC working paper, 24) 50pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1991 UA
Family planning—Africa Brown, R., Brown, J. Family planning clinic in Africa. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0333750942 120pp. ill.pl. Macmillan Academic 1998 SA Family planning—Africa—Bibliography du Pradal, P. Attitudes towards family planning and family size: an annotated bibliography of literature collected for the National Institute of Development Research and Documentation on African family planning programmes and KAP survey. (NIR working bibliographies) P3.00 NIDCR 1985 BS Family planning—Botswana du Pradal, P. Report on attitudes towards family planning and family size in Botswana. (NIR working bibliographies) P4.00 NIDCR 1985 BS Kgosidintsi, B.N., Mugabe, M. Botswana males and family planning. 82pp. Univ Botswana 1994 BS Family planning—Egypt Abel-Aziz Sayed, H., Way, P.O. Life table analysis of contraceptive continuation in rural Egypt. (CDC working paper, 12) 20pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1985 UA Ahmed, F.A-K. Effect of contraceptive use and other factors on infant and child survival. (CDC working paper, 33) 21pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1993 UA El-Deeb, B. Women status, fertility and family planning in Egypt. (CDC working paper, 30) 52pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1993 UA Eladawy, M., Ragab, A.R.A. Reproductive health: components and indicators with special reference to the Egyptian. (CDC working paper, 38) 35pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1997 UA Fouad, D.M. Extended use-effectiveness of contraception. (CDC working paper, 31) 29pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1993 UA Ibrahim, M.A-K. Levels, trends and determinants of the Kap-gap or the unmet need for contraception in Egypt. (CDC working paper, 32) 41pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1993 UA Khalifa, M.A. Family planning and sustainable development in Egypt. (CDC population and development series, 5) 30pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1994 UA Loza, S.F., Sayed, H.A.A., Potter, L.S. Oral contraceptive compliance and continuation in Egypt: complementary findings of EDHS (1988) and Focus group research. vol.1(CDC working paper, 22) 24pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1991 UA Naguib, M., Ahmed, A. A proposed method for estimating contraceptive effectiveness. (CDC working paper, 29) 16pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1993 UA Osheiba, I.K.T. Fertility in Egypt: an analysis of the proximate and socioeconomic determinants. (CDC working paper, 34) 36pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1993 UA
Family planning—Kenya Ascroft, J.R. The fertility behaviour differential: a methodological innovation in fertility research. (IDS discussion paper, 118) 17pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1971 KE Gachuci, J.M. Family planning in Kenya and the problem of drop-outs. (IDS discussion paper, 220) 13pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE Gachuhi, J.M. Family planning in Kenya: programme and problems. (IDS discussion paper, 175) 11pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE Family planning—South Africa Auerbach, R.M.B., McIntosh, A.C., Breen, C.M. Family planning and integrated community development. (INR working paps., 24) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Cunningham, P., Boult, B. Black teenage pregnancy in Port Elizabeth. (IDPR occasional papers, 26) R20.00 Inst Planning Res 1991 SA Fanagalo language—Dictionaries Bold, J.D. Fanagalo - phrase book, grammar, dictionary. 15th ed. 90pp. R22.95 Pharos 1997 SA FNG Fante—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Aggrey, J.E.K. Ebobo bra den. [However you may lead your life.] 85pp. ill. C600.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1992 GH FAN Akwa, K.G. Ao, m’akoma mu. 3rd ed. 64pp. C80.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1986 GH FAN Akwa, K.G. Twer Nyame. [Trust in God.] 3rd ed. 80pp. pl. C300.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1988 GH FAN Arthur, R. Scanntse. [Disobedience.] 2nd ed. 59pp. pl. C120.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1981 GH FAN Crayner, J.B. Yeehyiahyia oo. [We have met.] 2nd ed. 101pp. C450.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH FAN Krampah, D.E.K. Cbra wctc bo bc. [We have to take time in life.] 2nd ed. 103pp. pl. C450.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH FAN Krampah, D.E.K. Mbofra mfa adwen. [Children take decision.] 129pp. pl. C500.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1970 GH FAN Nii Abbey, H. Siantsir a bodom ye dasanyi ne nyenko pa. [Why dog is man’s best friend. Also available in English and Asante Twi.] ISBN: 9988759029 32pp. ill. C14,700 ($6.00) Studio Brian 2001 GH FAN Williams, J.A. Abowatsia komfo. [Fetish dwarf.] 54pp. pl. C70.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1981 GH FAN Fante—General and Non-fiction Bureau of Ghana Languages Fante language guide. 7th 52pp. C500.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1986 GH FAN Coleman, S.K. Hwe wo mba yie. [Childcare.] 39pp. ill. C5,000 ($3.00/£2.00) Adwinsa 1994 GH FAN
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Fante—General and Non-fiction Coleman, S.K. Myarba ho bambo. [Immunisation.] 16pp. C3,500 ($2.00/£1.50) Adwinsa 1994 GH FAN Crayner, J.B. Bcrbcr kunkumfi. [The Bcrbcr group.] 2nd ed. 129pp. C580.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH FAN Krampah, D.E.K. Mfantse kodzisem ho adzesun. [Studies on Fante literature.] 198pp. C7,500 Bur Ghana Lang 1997 GH FAN Martin, H.J. Ekumfi benada. 2nd ed. ill. C600.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1986 GH FAN Otoo, S.K. Nyame bekyere. [God will provide.] 2nd ed. 89pp. pl. C350.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH FAN
Subject index Schimmel, A. My soul is a woman: the feminine in Islam. ISBN: 9774244656 192pp. E£40.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 1998 UA [Middle East only] Feminism, Africa Arndt, S., ed. Dynamics of African feminism. ISBN: 0865438968 234pp. (£17.99) Red Sea/ AWP 2002 ER Finance see also Banks and banking Business Commerce Economic development Economics Insurance Law, Commercial Taxation
Zakpaa, B.B. Te koobo yele. 29pp. ill. C200.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1978 GH FAN
Abudu, A.O. How to prepare for a comfortable retirement. ISBN: 9988763557 147pp. C30,000.00 ($8.99) IMV 1999 GH
Fashion Gardiner, R. Focus on fashion fabrics. vol.1 160pp. ill. Z$99.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI
Cameron, B. Getting started: money matters for under-25s. ISBN: 1868726665 224pp. Zebra 2003 SA
Hoffman, P. Embroidered clothes to wear. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 112pp. ill.col.pl. R69.95 Tafelberg 1994 SA Hoffman, P. Overlocked clothes to wear. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 160pp. ill. col.pl. R69.95 Tafelberg 1994 SA Jobolingo, D.M. Dynamics of fashion and fabrics. vol.1 ISBN: 1779002742 168pp. Z$251.95 ($6.30) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI Mutasa, J. ZJC fashion and fabrics. 136pp. Z$12.95 Longman - Zimb 1987[?] ZI Piatkus, J. The colour and style file. cd. 130pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 1990 SA Fashion—Africa Blauer, E. African elegance. ISBN: 185368970X cd. 176pp. col.pl.map R199.00 Struik Publ 1999 SA
Cameron, B. Retire right. ISBN: 1868726584 304pp. Zebra 2004 SA Codrington, G., Fourie, L., Grant-Marshall, S. Mind over money. ISBN: 0143024094 256pp. R96.49 Penguin SA 2001 SA Gad Karim, H.A. Some theoretical aspects of foreign direct investment in third world countries. 46pp. Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1988 SJ Sacks, A. Get out of debt...stay out of debt. ISBN: 1868726614 64pp. Zebra 2003 SA Swart, N. How to plan your money matters after school and university. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 96pp. R54.00 ($11.10/ £7.00/Eur9.70) Unisa 1997 SA Toussaint, E. Your money or your life. The tyranny of global finance. ISBN: 745314120 352pp. Mkuki na Nyota 1998 TZ
Fashion—Photography—South Africa Boraine, J. Josie, you and me. ISBN: 0620308672 cd. pl. Bell-Roberts 2003 SA
Wariboko, N. Principles and practice of bank analysis and valuation. 190pp. N660.00 ($16.00/ £8.95) Spectrum 1994 NR
Fashion—South Africa Romano, C. Plan your wardrobe with Chata Romano. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1859740022 160pp. col.ill.col.pl. R145.00 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Zamblé-Bi, E.B. La bourse des valeurs: comment s’initier? ISBN: 2844870546 120pp. NEI 2000 IV FRE
Fatherhood and child care Kerton, P. Fab Dad 2: from walking to talking... and beyond. ISBN: 0864865546 R115.00 New Africa Ed SA 2004 SA Feinstein, Anthony—Autobiography Feinstein, A. In conflict. ISBN: 9991631690 156pp. ($11.50/£6.50) New Namibia 1999 SX Feminism see also Gender studies Philosophy Women, African Women’s studies
de Saba, A.A. Ohada, la protection du créancier dans la procédure simplifiée de recouvrement des créances civiles et commerciales. ISBN: 2914567057 296pp. CFA12,000 Rose Bleue 2004 TG FRE Dordunoo, C., et al. A comparative study of foreign exchange policy management in Ghana, Nigeria, and Uganda. (AERC special paper, 27) 70pp. ill. AERC 1997 KE
Friedman, M. Is feminist development appropriate and/ or possible in South Africa? Paper presented at the 1st Women and Gender in Southern Africa Conference, University of Natal, Durban, 30 January - 2 February. (INR working paps., 63) R7.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Jrad, N. Mémoire de l’oubli. TI FRE
Finance—Africa C.I.A.M. Rendez-nous notre argent. La dette international de l’Afrique. Epiphanie 1997 ZR FRE
220pp. Cérès 1996
Harvey, C. The prerequisites towards a single currency in COMESA. 126pp. col.ill. COMESA 2001 ZA Kasonga, R.A. The process of monetary integration in eastern and southern Africa. 64pp. COMESA 2001 ZA Mbaru, J. Transforming Africa. Selected papers on financial reforms and management. ISBN: 9966251731 560pp. K.shs.660.00 EAEP 2003 KE
Mwega, F.M., Ngola, S.M., Mwangi, N. Real interest rates and the mobilization of private savings in Africa. (AERC research paper, 2) 22pp. AERC 1990 KE Odotei, I.K. Sea power, money power. ISBN: 9988815085 130pp. C65,000 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 2003 GH Finance—Africa, East Kidane, A. Indices of effective exchange rates: a comparative study of Ethiopia, Kenya and the Sudan. (AERC research paper, 29) AERC 1994 KE Finance—Africa, Francophone M’bet, A., Niamkey, A.M. European economic integration and the franc zone: the future of the CFA franc after 1996. (AERC research paper, 19) 53pp. AERC 1997 KE Finance—Africa, North Izzeldin, I. The Kuwait fund for Arab economic development: an economic and financial analysis. (DSRC occasional paps., 3) 50pp. Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1979 SJ Finance—Africa, Southern Chipeta, C., Mukandwire, M.L.C. Monetary harmonization in southern Africa. (AERC research paper, 30) AERC 1994 KE FinMark Trust/NEPRU FinScope 2003: profiling demand for financial services in Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland. [Booklet with CD-ROM] 7pp. ill. N$86.96 FinMark 2003 SA Harvey, C. The impact on southern Africa of the financial crises in Asia and Russia. ($10.00/£7.00/Eur9.00) BIDPA 1999 BS Jefferis, K., Okeahalam, C., Matome, T. International stock market linkages in southern Africa. ($10.00/£7.00/Eur9.00) BIDPA 1999 BS Moyo, J.N. Politics of the national purse. 37pp. ($10.00/£6.25) SAPES 1993 ZI Finance—Africa, West Presses de l’Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale Plan de comptes et états financiers dans le système comptable OHADA. ISBN: 2911380401 60pp. CFA1,500 (Eur2.29) UCAC 2001 CM FRE Finance—Botswana Kgakge, G.G. Determinants of non-mining private investment in Botswana. ($10.00/£7.00/ Eur9.00) BIDPA 2002 BS Lister, S. Budgets and plans: possible lessons from Botswana. (NEPRU working paper, 6) 6pp. N$10.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Finance—Cameroun Amin, A.A. The effects of exchange rate policy on Cameroon’s agricultural competitiveness. (AERC research paper, 42) AERC 1996 KE Finance—Congo Democratic Republic CADICEC Relations entre banques et les P.M.E. 47pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1991 ZR FRE Ghenda, L. Faillite, concordate et banqueroute. 626pp. ($88.00) Kap Kaz 2004 ZR FRE Leclercq, H. Principes pour l’orientation d’une politique fiscale au Congo. 52pp. 45k Press Univ Congo 1959 ZR FRE Sakanta, M. Les science des finances publiques. 309pp. ($93.00) Kap Kaz 2004 ZR FRE Finance—Developing countries Abdalla Ali, U.A. Some thoughts on the IMF’s relations with Third World countries. (DSRC seminar series, 30) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1983 SJ
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African Books in Print
Subject index Sebahi, I. Some a priori considerations on the effects of financial development on saving in LDCs. (DSRC seminar series, 3) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Finance—Ghana Aryeetey, E., Gockel, F. Mobilizing domestic resources for capital formation in Ghana: the role of informal financial markets. (AERC research paper, 3) 67pp. AERC 1991 KE Dordunoo, C.K. The foreign exchange market and the Dutch auction system in Ghana. (AERC research paper, 25) AERC 1994 KE Jebuni, C.D., Oduro, A.D., Tutu, K.A. Trade, payments liberalization and economic performance in Ghana. (AERC research paper, 27) AERC 1994 KE Osei, K.A. Foreign exchange bureaus in the economy of Ghana. (AERC research paper, 45) AERC 1996 KE Sowa, N.K. Policy consistency and inflation in Ghana. (AERC research paper, 43) AERC 1996 KE Finance—Ghana—Directories InFocus PR Financial directory. 74pp. ($45.00) InFocus 2002 GH Finance—Guinea Cmara, M. Quarante ans de gestion socialiste et libérale de la monnaie. ISBN: 2913326471 172pp. CFA5,000 (Eur15.00) Ganndal 2004 GV FRE Finance—Kenya Dillon, K.B. Financial institutions in Kenya: 19641971: a preliminary analysis. (IDS working paper, 61) 41pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Johnson, G.E., Whitelaw, W.E. Urban-rural income transfers in Kenya: estimated remittances function. (IDS discussion paper, 137) 9pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Jorgensen, N.O. ICDC: its purpose and performance. (IDS discussion paper, 47) 19pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1967 KE Kim, K.S. Foreign loans and repayment problems. (IDS working paper, 22) 11pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE King, J.R. Financial policy in Kenya: the background to the reserve crisis of 1971. (IDS discussion paper, 187) 45pp. K.shs.96.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE Ngugi, R.W., Kabubo, J.W. Financial sector reforms and interest rate liberalization: the Kenya experience. (AERC research paper, 72) 45pp. AERC 1998 KE Osoro, N.E. Public spending, taxation, and deficits. (AERC research paper, 62) 30pp. AERC 1997 KE Powell, R.P. The stock of fixed capital in Kenya in the monetary economy 1964-1971. (IDS occasional papers, 9) 73pp. K.shs.130.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE
Finance—South Africa Vinnai, V. The role of the development finance company of Kenya in the industrialisation process. (IDS discussion paper, 180) 18pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE Finance—Kenya—Bibliography Lury, D.A. National accounts bibliography for East Africa, 1962-1964. (IDS discussion paper, 9) 5pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1965 KE Finance—Malawi Silumbu, E.B.D. The role of exchange rate and monetary policy in the monetary approach to the balance of payments: evidence from Malawi. (AERC research paper, 37) AERC 1995 KE Finance—Mali Coulibaly, A.B. Le système du budget programmé en République du Mali. 111pp. CFA5,500 Jamana 2004 ML FRE Finance—Namibia Chauvin, S. Problems with the establishment of a national currency and an independent monetary policy for a LDC. The Namibian case. (NEPRU occasional paper, 10) 37pp. N$19.00 NEPRU 1997 SX Goabab, N. Expenditure data and analysis on the Central Revenue Fund and the SecondTier Authorities. (NEPRU working paper, 2) 80pp. N$35.00 NEPRU 1994 SX Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit Production and investment. (NEPRU viewpoint, 1) free NEPRU 1995 SX Orford, J. Namibia’s nominal and real multilateral exchange rate. (NEPRU occasional paper, 5) 26pp. N$17.00 NEPRU 1995 SX Sherbourne, R. Should the Namibian dollar be devalued? (NEPRU occasional paper, 6) 28pp. N$17.00 NEPRU 1995 SX Finance—Nigeria Adesole, S.M. Nigerian public finance for public financial managers: a summary. 220pp. ($15.95/ £10.95) College Press - Nig 1993 NR Ajakaiye, O., Ojowu, O. Exchange rate depreciation and the structure of sectoral prices in Nigeria under an alternative pricing regime, 198689. (AERC research paper, 25) AERC 1994 KE Akpokodje, G. The effect of exporting earnings fluctuations on capital formation in Nigeria. (AERC research paper, 103) ISBN: 9966944273 33pp. ill. AERC 2000 KE Areago, R. The Nigerian stock exchange: Genesis, organization, and operations. 158pp. N318.65 ($13.75/£7.50) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Ayogu, M.D. Empirical studies of Nigeria’s foreign exchange parallel market 1: price behaviour and rate determination. (AERC research paper, 41) AERC 1995 KE
Rozental, A.A. Metropolitan revenue sources: the Nairobi case. (IDS discussion paper, 191) 13pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE
Egwaikhide, F., Chete, L., Falokun, G. Exchange rate depreciation, budget deficit and inflation - the Nigerian experience. (AERC research paper, 26) AERC 1994 KE
Social Development Network Understanding and influencing the budget process in Kenya. 48pp. SODNET 1999 KE
Ekpo, A.H., Ndebbio, J.E.U. Fiscal operations in a depressed economy: Nigeria, 1960-90 (AERC research paper, 44) AERC 1996 KE
Vinnai, V. Exchange control system in less developed countries. (IDS working paper, 49) 13pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE
Falegan, S.B. Redesigning Nigeria’s financial system: a study of Nigeria at the financial crossroad in applied financial intermediation. 440pp. ($17.90) Univ Press - Nig 1987 NR
Fasipe Nigeria’s external debt. 133pp. ($18.00/ £9.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1990 NR Ibi Ajayi, S. Capital flight and external debt in Nigeria. (AERC research paper, 35) AERC 1995 KE Inanga, E.L., Emenuga, C. Taxation of financial assests and capital market development in Nigeria. (AERC research paper, 47) AERC 1996 KE Nwikina, C.G. Business finance and investment in Nigeria. ISBN: 9783038214 104pp. Ano 2001 NR Odife, D. Understanding the Nigerian stock market. 142pp. N213.60 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1984 NR Odubogun, K. Institutional reforms and the management of exchange rate policy in Nigeria. (AERC research paper, 36) AERC 1995 KE Ogiogio, G.O. A statistical analysis of foreign exchange rate behaviour in Nigeria’s auction. (AERC research paper, 49) AERC 1996 KE Ogun, O., Adenikinju, A. Money supply mechanisms in Nigeria, 1970-1988. (AERC research paper, 39) AERC 1995 KE Ola, C.S., Adeyemo, A.J. Public finance in Nigeria. [with questions and answers.] ISBN: 978295134X ($6.99/£4.99) CSS 1998 NR Soyibo, A. The transmission of savings to investment in Nigeria. (AERC research paper, 48) AERC 1996 KE Uma, I.K. Nigeria’s foreign exchange markets: management and development. ISBN: 9780290192 323pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Spectrum 1999 NR Umo, J.O., Fakiyesi, T. Profiles and determinants of Nigeria’s balance of payments: the current account component. (AERC research paper, 40) AERC 1995 KE Finance—South Africa A’Bear, D.R., Crawford, D. The flip-cheque financial control system. Paper presented at the 3rd WEDC conference, Durban, 1-5 September 1997. (INR occasional paps., 180) R1.75 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Abedian, I.A. & Biggs, M., eds. Economic globalization and fiscal policy in South Africa. ISBN: 019571685X 576pp. R375.00 OUP - SA 1999 SA Abedian, I., Ajam, T., Walker, L. Promises, plans and priorities: South Africa’s emerging fiscal structures. 180pp. R49.95 Idasa 1997 SA Alexander, R. Futures and options. Zebra 1996 SA
100pp. R59.95
Andrews, A. Who moved my share price. ISBN: 1868421309 R79.95 Ball 2002 SA du Toit, G.S., Newland, E.W., Oost, E.J. Capital investment decisions, principles and applications. R124.00 ($31.00/ £18.80) Unisa 1997[?] SA Falkena, H.B., Fourie, L.J., Kok, W.J. Student guide to the South African financial system. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195718755 376pp. R265.00 OUP - SA 1999 SA Fourie, L.J., Falkena, H.B., Kok, W.J., eds. Student guide to the South African financial system. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868640922 360pp. R139.95 Thomson Int 1999 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Finance—South Africa Gildenhuys, J.S.H. Introduction to the management of public finance. A South African perspective. ISBN: 0627022499 192pp. R49.95 Witwatersrand UP 1998 SA Gildenhuys, J.S.H. Public financial management. ISBN: 0627018483 cd. 638pp. R289.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Grant, R.J. The real reason for the fall of the Rand. (FMF occasional paper, 13) ISBN: 1874930600 48pp. Free Market Found 2002 SA Grieve, C. Aspire. Unit trust: a timing guide for South African investors. ISBN: 0864864884 152pp. R115.00 New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA Holden, M. Definitions and calculations of real exchange rates: an application to South Africa. ($7.50) Economic Res Unit 1988 SA Holden, M. Exchange rate policy for a small open economy in a world of floating rates: the case of South Africa. ($3.00) Economic Res Unit 1985 SA Hurt, K., Budlender, D. Money matters: women and the government budget. 108pp. pl. R64.95 Idasa 1998 SA Magliolo, J. A guide to AltX. ISBN: 1868729044 240pp. Zebra 2004 SA Magliolo, J. The millionaire portfolio. Your guide to making money on the stock market. ISBN: 1868726568 216pp. Zebra 2002 SA Marsh, D., Saran, N. Access to credit for the poor. The borrower’s perspective. 65pp. Black Sash 1999 SA
Subject index Devonport, T. Poor no more. Creating financial and emotional wealth. ISBN: 0143024086 R70.18 Penguin SA 2004 SA Diallo, P. Ingéneurie financière: cas pratiques et corrigés. 96pp. ill. Clairafrique 2001 SG FRE du Plessis, P.G., ed. The investment decision. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 4th ed. ISBN: 0627022863 359pp. R229.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Eramus Management of public finance. ISBN: 0195718623 350pp. R265.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Fourie, C.M.W., Conradie, W.C. Basic financial management for entrepreneurs. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702151777 256pp. R139.00 Juta 2002 SA Posthumus, L.C., Basson, N., Olivier, P., Watney, A. Principles of financial management. 4th ed. ISBN: 0702100000 Juta 2005 SA Reid, J. Seven fundamentals for effective financial management. ISBN: 0702164941 80pp. R89.00 Juta 2003 SA Swart, N. Investing your package: all you need to know. rev.ed. ISBN: 186888256X 329pp. R92.00 ($15.50/£10.00) Unisa 2002 SA Swart, N. Personal financial management. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702155144 432pp. R240.00 Juta 2002 SA Finance—Sudan Abdallah al Sheikh, F.R. Compensation paid to foreign nationalized banks and companies in the Sudan. (DSRC monograph series, 14) 52pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1983 SJ
Marx, J., Nortje, A., de Swardt, C. Financial management in southern Africa. ISBN: 1868910334 R180.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA
Ahmed, M.M. The institutionalization of capital accumulation in the Sudan. (DSRC monograph series, 38) 53pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1991 SJ
McDonald, D.A., Pape, J. Cost recovery and the crisis of service delivery in South Africa. ISBN: 0796919976 208pp. R135.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA
Awad, M.H. The IMF relations with Sudan and Egypt: a comparative study. (DSRC seminar series, 90) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1990 SJ
Porteous, D., Hazelhurst, E. Banking on change. ISBN: 191993085X 256pp. R150.00 Double Storey 2004 SA
Awad, M.H. The increasing irrelevance of the IMF. (DSRC seminar series, 89) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1990 SJ
Spitz, B.K., ed. Exchange control encyclopaedia 1997. R294.12 Butterworth 1997 SA Standing, G., Samson, M. Basic income grant for South Africa. ISBN: 1919713867 R120.00 UCT Press 2003 SA Swart, N. Manage your money. Basic financial life skills for South Africans. ISBN: 0627025692 207pp. R174.95 Van Schaik 2003 SA van Zyl, C., Botha, Z., Skerritt, P. Understanding South African financial markets. ISBN: 062702534X 413pp. R314.95 Van Schaik 2002 SA Finance—South Africa—Addresses and essays Parsons, R. Manuel, markets and money. Essays in perspective and persuasion. ISBN: 1919930590 cd. 256pp. R170.00 Double Storey 2004 SA Finance—Study and teaching Binnekade, C.S., Booysen, S.F., Doussy, F., Oppermann, H.R.B., van Rooyen, A.A. Consolidations. Selected questions and solutions. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 6th ed. ISBN: 0627024653 380pp. R274.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA Cameron, B. Financial freedom for women. ISBN: 186872347X 256pp. Zebra 2002 SA
Awad, M.H. The Sudanese and the IMF. Stud & Res Ctr 1992 SJ
193pp. Dev
Azhar, B.A. Development budgeting in the Sudan. (DSRC monograph series, 4) 45pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1977 SJ El-Shibly, M. Monetisation, financial intermediation and self financial growth in the Sudan. (DSRC monograph series, 18) 62pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ El Rayah Mohamed, A.R. The Sudan IMF and the devaluation of Sudanese pounds. (DSRC seminar series, 55) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ Onour, I.A. Unification of dual foreign exchange markets. ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1998 SJ Finance—Tanzania Othman, H. Tanzania’s debt problem and the world economy. 142pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1990 TZ Finance—Uganda Barungi, B.B. Exchange rate policy and inflation: the case of Uganda. (AERC research paper, 59) 25pp. ill. AERC 1997 KE
Finance—Zimbabwe Dhiliwayo, R. The balance of payments as a monetary phenomenon: an econometric study of Zimbabwe’s experience. (AERC research paper, 46) AERC 1996 KE First aid Hobbs, J. First aid for the family. 128pp. ill. R22.74 Southern Book Publ 1988 SA Irabor, B. Emergency first aid. 128pp. ill. ($6.00/ £4.50) N40.00 Delta 1993 NR Leary, M. Don’t die in the bush. A guide to outdoor emergencies and survival techniques. 144pp. ill. R49.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Malaba, T.T. Let’s learn about first aid. 32pp. ill. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1992 ZI McManners, H. Complete survival manual. 192pp. col.pl. R130.00 Southern Book Publ 1995 SA Schultz, E.V. Medical emergency at sea: a training manual. ISBN: 0702152110 cd. 320pp. R250.00 Juta 2001 SA Struik Publishers The South African first aid manual. 3rd ed. 224pp. col.ill. R79.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA First aid—South Africa Knight, S., Clarke, M., Prozesky, D. Health for all: first aid. ISBN: 0702157066 Juta 2004 SA South African Red Cross Society Essential first aid: level 1 manual for South Africa. ISBN: 0702157015 168pp. R90.00 Juta 2002 SA Fischer, Bram—Biography Clingman, S. Bram Fischer: Afrikaner revolutionary. ISBN: 0864863187 cd. 511pp. pl. R125.00 (£25.00) Philip 1998 SA Meredith, M. Fischer’s choice: a life of Bram Fischer. ISBN: 1868421317 164pp. pl. R139.95 (£16.99) Ball 2002 SA Fish and fisheries see also Angling Marine biology Oceanography Amaoka, K., Randall, J.E. Epinephelus suborbitalis, a new species of grouper (Perciformes: Serranidae) from the Kyushu-Palau Ridge, Western Pacific. (Special publ., 49) 9pp. ill. pl. Inst Ichthyology 1990 SA Anderson, E., Heemstra, P.C. Systematics and osteology of the Zaorcidae (Teleostei: Perciformes). (Ichthyological bull., 60) 120pp. ill. Inst Ichthyology 1994 SA Ben-Tuvia, A., Kissil, G.W. Fishes of the family Mullidae in the Red Sea, with a key to the species in the Red Sea and the eastern Mediterranean. (Ichthyological bull., 52) 16pp. pl. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1988 SA Castle, P.H.J. The Congrid eels of the western Indian ocean and the Red Sea. (Ichthological bull., 33) 42pp. pl. ($6.00) Inst Ichthyology 1968 SA Castle, P.H.J. A contribution to a revision of the Moringuid eels. (Special publ., 3) 29pp. ill. ($3.00) Inst Ichthyology 1968 SA Castle, P.H.J., Williamson, G.R. Systematics and distribution of eels of Muraenesox group (Anguilliformes, Muraenesocidae) (Special publ., 15) R1.50 Inst Ichthyology 1975 SA Eakin, R.R. A new species of Pogonophryne (Pisces: Artedidraconidae) from Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. (Special publ., 45) 4pp. ill. ($2.50) Inst Ichthyology 1988 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Fraser, T.H. Comparative osteology of the shallow water cardinal fishes (Perciformes : Apogonidae) with reference to the systematics and evolution of the family. (Ichthyological bull., 34) 105pp. ill. pl. ($9.00) Inst Ichthyology 1972 SA Fraser, T.H. The deepwater fish Scombrosphyraena oceanica from the Caribbean sea with comments on its possible relationships. (Special publ., 8) 7pp. ill. ($3.00) Inst Ichthyology 1971 SA Fraser, T.H. Evolutionary significance of Holapogon a new genus of Cardinal fishes (Apogonidae) with a redescription of its type-species Apogon maximus. (Special publ., 10) 7pp. ill. ($3.00) Inst Ichthyology 1973 SA Fraser, T.H., Randall, J.E., Lachner, E.A. A review of the Red Sea cardinal fishes of the Apogon badanensis complex, with a description of a new species. (Institute of Ichthyology special publication, 63) ISBN: 00752088 13pp. ill. Inst Ichthyology 1999 SA Gon, O., Allen, G.R. A new luminous cardinal fish of the genus Apogon (Perciformes: Apogonidae) from the western Pacific Ocean. (Institute of Ichthyology special publication, 62) ISBN: 00752088 9pp. ill. Inst Ichthyology 1999 SA Greenwood, P.H. The taxonomonic status and phylogenetic relationships of Pseudocrenilabrus Fowler (Teleostei, Cichlidae). (Ichthyological bull., 54) 16pp. ill. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1989 SA Heemstra, P.C., Hecht, T. Dinopercidae, a new family for the percoid marine fish genera Dinoperca Boulenger and Centrarchops Fowler (Pisces: Perciformes). (Ichthological bull., 51) 20pp. ill. ($6.00) Inst Ichthyology 1986 SA Hoese, D.F. Description of two new species of Hetereleotris (Pisces: Gobiidae) from the Western Indian ocean, with discussion of related species. (Special publ., 41) 25pp. ($4.00) R2.50 Inst Ichthyology 1986 SA Holleman, W. Ucla xenogrammus, a new genus and species of Indo-pacific fishes (Perciformes: Tripterygiidae). (Special publications, 55) 10pp. Inst Ichthyology 1993 SA Lubbock, R. Fishes of the family Pseudochromidae (Perciformes) in the Northwest Indian ocean and Red Sea. (Ichthyological bull., 35) 43pp. pl. ($6.00) Inst Ichthyology 1977 SA McCosker, J.E. A new snake eel, Ophichthus benettae (Pisces: Ophichthidae). (Special publ., 39) 4pp. ill. ($2.00) Inst Ichthyology 1986 SA Monod, T. Le complexe urophore des poissons téléostéens. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 81) 705pp. ill. CFA6,000 IFAN 1968 SG FRE Randall, J.E., Anderson, R.C. Annotated checklist of the epipelagic and shore fishes of the Maldive Islands. (Ichthyological bull., 59) 48pp. pl. Inst Ichthyology 1993 SA Randall, J.E., Goren, M. A review of the Gobioid fishes of the Maldives. (Ichthyological bull.) 38pp. pl. Inst Ichthyology 1993 SA Randall, J.E., Pyle, R.M. A new species of anthiine fish of the genus Rabaulichthys (Perciformes: Serranidaie) from the Maldive Islands. (Special publ., 47) 7pp. col.pl. Inst Ichthyology 1989 SA
Fish and fisheries—Africa, Southern Smith, J.B.L. Studies in carangid fishes no.5: the genus Chroinemus Cuvier, 1831 in the western Indian Ocean. (Occas. paps., 17) 12pp. pl. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1970 SA Smith, J.L.B. The Indian genus Bathymyrus Alcock, 1889 with description of a new species from Vietnam. (Occas. paps., 2) 11pp. pl. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1965 SA Smith, J.L.B. Kaupichthys diodontus schultz, in the western Indian Ocean: a problem in systematics. (Occas. paps., 5) 10pp. pl. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1965 SA Smith, J.L.B. Studies in carangid fishes no.1: naked thoracic areas. (Occas. paps., 12) 5pp. pl. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1967 SA Stein, D.L., Tompkins, L.S. New species and records of rare Antartic Paraliparis fishes (Scorpaeniformes: Liparididae). (Ichthological bull, 53) 8pp. ($3.50) Inst Ichthyology 1989 SA Watt, R., de Kock, S. Living jewels. Koi keeping in South Africa. ISBN: 0908387830 R249.95 Donker 2003 SA Fish and fisheries—Addresses and essays Eyeson, K.N. The fishes, our aquatic ancestors. 26pp. ($4.00/£2.25) Ghana UP 1994 GH Kusemiju, K. Fishes, man and the aquatic environment. 37pp. ($6.50/£3.50) Univ Lagos Press 1992 NR Fish and fisheries—Africa Geheb, K., Sarch, M-T., eds. Africa’s inland fisheries. The management challenge. ISBN: 9970022938 306pp. ($27.95/£16.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG Glantz, M. The impacts of climate on fisheries. 36pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps UNEP 1994 KE Gon, O. The taxonomic status of the cardinalfish species Apogon niger, A. nigripinnis, A. pharaonis, A. sialis, and related species (Perciformes: Apogonidae). (Institute of Ichthyology special publication, 65) Inst Ichthyology 2000 SA Gon, O., Randall, J.E. A review of the cardinal fishes (Perciformes: Apogonidae) of the Red Sea. (Smithiana, Publications in Aquatic Biodiversity) 48pp. ill.pl.col.pl. Inst Ichthyology 2003 SA Knapp, L.W., Imamura, H., Sakashita, M. Onigocia bimaculata, a new species of flathead fish (Scorpaeniformes: Platycephalidae) from the Indo-Pacific. (Institute of Ichthyology special publication, 64) Inst Ichthyology 2000 SA Randall, J.E., Greenfield, D.W. A preliminary review of the Indo-Pacific gobiid fishes of the genus Gnatholepsis. (Ichthyological bull., 69) Inst Ichthyology 2001 SA Skelton, P.H. An African heritage of fishes. Inst Soc Res 1997 SA
Skelton, P.H., Teugels, G.G. Neotype description for the African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) (Pisces: Siluroidei: Clariidae). (Special publs., 56) 10pp. ill. Inst Ichthyology 1992 SA Winterbottom, R., Anderson, R.C. A revised checklist of the epipelagic and shore fishes of the Chagos Archipelago, central Indian Ocean. (Ichthyological bull., 66) 28pp. ill. Inst Ichthyology 1997 SA
Fish and fisheries—Africa, East Hensley, D.A. A new species of the flatfish genus Chascanopsetta (Pleuronectiformes: Bothidae), from the coasts of Kenya and Somalia with comments on C. lugubris. (Special publications, 59) 16pp. ill. Inst Ichthyology 1997 SA Morgans, J.F.C. Serranid fishes of Tanzania and Kenya. (Ichthyological bull., 46) 44pp. pl. ($8.00) Inst Ichthyology 1982 SA Nielsen, J.G. A review of the species of the genus Neobythites (Pisces: Ophidiidae) from the Western Indian Ocean, with descriptions of seven new species. (Ichthyological bull., 62) 19pp. ill. Inst Ichthyology 1995 SA Fish and fisheries—Africa, Southern Anderson, M.E., Leslie, R.W. Review of the deep-sea anglerfishes (Lophiiformes: Ceratoidei) of southern Africa. (Ichthyological bull., 70) Inst Ichthyology 2001 SA Anderson, M.E., Pequeno, G. Studies on the Zoarcidae (Teleostei: Perciformes) of the southern hemisphere. VIII. A new species of the genus Dieidolycus from Tierrs del Fuego. (Special publications, 61) 6pp. ill. Inst Ichthyology 1998 SA Andrew, T.G., Hecht, T., Heemstra, P.C., Lutjeharms, J.R.E. Fishes of the Tristan da Cunha group and Gough Island, South Atlantic ocean. (Ichthyological bull., 63) 43pp. ill. col. pl. Inst Ichthyology 1995 SA Bass, A.J., D’Aubrey, J.D., Kistnasamy, N. Sharks of the east coast of southern Africa, 4: the families Odontaspididae, Scapanorhynchidae, Isuridae, Cetorhinidae, Alopiidae, Orectolobidae and Rhiniodontidae. (Investigational Reports, 39) Oceanographic Res Inst 39 SA Compagno, L.J.V., Heemstra, P.C. Himantura draco, a new species of stingray (Myliobatiformes:Dasyatidae) from South Africa, with a key to the Dasyatidae and the first record of Dasyatis kuhlii (Muller & Henle 1841) from southern Africa. (Special publs., 33) 17pp. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1984 SA de Freitas, A.J. The Penaeoidea of southeast Africa, 1: the study area and key to the southeast Africa species. (Investigational Reports, 56) Oceanographic Res Inst 1984 SA de Freitas, A.J. The Penaeoidea of southeast Africa, 2: the families Aristeidae and Solenoceridae. (Investigational Reports, 57) Oceanographic Res Inst 1985 SA Gon, O. The cardinal fishes (Perciformes; Apogonidae) collected in the Maldive Islands during the Xarifa Expedition (1957/58). (Special publ. 42) 18pp. pl. ($4.00) Inst Ichthyology 1987 SA Gon, O. The fishes of the genus Bathylagus of the southern Ocean. (Special publ., 43) 22pp. ill. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1987 SA Gon, O., Heemstra, P.C. Fishes of the southern ocean. cd. 480pp. col.pl. maps. ($120.00) R226.00 Inst Ichthyology 1990 SA Goren, M. A review of the southern African gobiid fish genus Caffrogobius Smitt, 1900. (Special publications, 57) 28pp. ill. Inst Ichthyology 1996 SA Greenwood, P.H. Latimeria chalumnae - the living coelocanth. Inst Soc Res 1993 SA
Smith, J.B.L. Studies in carangid fishes no.4: the identity of Scomber sansun: Forsskal 1775. (Occas. paps., 15) 12pp. pl. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1968 SA
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Fish and fisheries—Africa, Southern Griffiths, M.H., Heemstra, P.C. A contribution to the taxonomy of the marine fish genus Argyrosomus (Perciformes: Sciaenidae), with descriptions of two new species from southern Africa. (Ichthyological bull., 65) 40pp. ill. Inst Ichthyology 1995 SA Heemstra, P., Heemstra, E. Coastal fishes of southern Africa. ISBN: 1920033017 512pp. col.ill.maps R250.00 ($40.00) NISC 2004 SA Hoese, D.F., Reader, S. A new Gobiid fish, Fusigobius duospilus, from the tropical Indo-Pacific. (Special publ., 36) 9pp. ($3.00) Inst Ichthyology 1985 SA Iwamoto, T., Heemstra, P.C. Review of the grenadiers (Teleostei: Gladiformes) of Southern Africa, with descriptions of four new species. (Ichthyological bull., 61) 28pp. ill. Inst Ichthyology 1994 SA King, D. Reef fishes and corals. East coast of Southern Africa. new ed. 128pp. col.pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Randall, J.E., Bruce, R.W. The parrot fishes of the subfamily Scarinae of the western Indian ocean with descriptions of three new species. (Ichthyological bull., 47) 39pp. col. pl. ($10.00) Inst Ichthyology 1983 SA Randall, J.E., Heemstra, P.C. Acanthurus trustis, a valid Indian ocean surgeonfish. (Perciformes: Acanthuridae). (Special publs., 54) 8pp. col. pl. Inst Ichthyology 1993 SA
Subject index Tyler, J.C. Records of fishes of the family Triacanthodidae (Tetraodontiformes) from the western Indian Ocean off East Africa. (Special publs., 31) 13pp. ($3.00) Inst Ichthyology 1983 SA van der Elst, R. A guide to the common sea fishes of southern Africa. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868253945 400pp. ill.col.pl. R139.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA van der Elst, R. Struik pocket guide: common fishes of southern Africa. 2nd ed. 64pp. col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1993 SA Van der Elst, R.P., Collette, B.B. Game fishes of the east coast of Southern Africa, 2: biology and systematics of the queen mackerel Scomberomorus plurilineatus. (Investigational Reports, 55) Oceanographic Res Inst 1984 SA Whitfield, A.K. The biology and ecology of fishes in southern Africa estuaries. ISBN: 0868103330 R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA Fish and fisheries—Africa, West Daget, J. Les poissons du Niger supérieur. (IFAN memoir, 36) 391pp. ill. CFA5,500 IFAN 1951 SG FRE Skelton, P.H. Descriptions of two new species of West African Amphilid catfishes (Siluroidei: amphilidae). (Special publ., 48) 12pp. ($2.00) Inst Ichthyology 1989 SA
Randall, J.E., Heemstra, P.C. A review of the squirrelfishes of the subfamily Holocentrinae from the Western Indian Ocean and Red Sea. (Ichthyological bull., 49) 29pp. col.pl. ($8.00) Inst Ichthyology 1985 SA
Fish and fisheries—Cameroun Bamou, E. Impact des incitations économiques sur la pêche au Cameroun: simulations à l’aide d’un MCEG. 70pp. CODESRIA 1997 SG FRE
Randall, J.E., Smith, M.M., Aida, K. Notes on the classification and distribution of the Indo-Pacific soapfish, Belonoperca chabanaudi (Perciformes: Grammistidae). 8pp. ill. pl. ($3.00) Inst Ichthyology 1980 SA
Fish and fisheries—Côte d’Ivoire Daget, J., Iltis, A. Poissons de Cote d’lvoire (eaux douces et saumâtres) (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 74) 385pp. CFA5,400 IFAN 1965 SG FRE
Russell, B.C. Nelabrichthys, a new genus of labrid fish (Perciformes:Labridae) from the southern Indian and Atlantic Oceans. (Special publs., 27) 7pp. pl. ($2.50) Inst Ichthyology 1983 SA Seret, B. Halaelurus clevai, SP.N., a new species of catshark (Scyliorhinidae) from off Madagascar, with remarks on the taxonomic status of the genera Halaelurus gill and Galeus rafinesque. (Special publ., 44) 27pp. ill. pl. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1987 SA Skelton, P. A complete guide to freshwater fishes of southern Africa. cd. 388pp. col.ill. R99.96 ($33.00) Southern Book Publ 1994[?] SA Skelton, P., Heemstra, P. Scientific and common names of southern African freshwater fishes. Soc Res 1993 SA
Skelton, P.H., et al. The fishes of the Okavango drainage system in Angola, South Africa and Botswana: taxonomy and distribution. 21pp. ill. ($8.00) Inst Ichthyology 1985 SA Smale, M., Watson, G., Hecht, T. Otolith atlas of southern African marine fishes. (Ichthyological monograph, 1) 253pp. pl. R120.00 ($50.00/£50.00) Inst Ichthyology 1995 SA Smith-Vaniz, W.F. Opistognathus margaretae, a new species of jawfish (Perciformes: Opistognathidae) from the Indian Ocean, with notes on O. nigromarginatus Ruppell and O. muscatensis Boulenger. (Special publs., 30) 10pp. ($3.00) Inst Ichthyology 1983 SA
Fish and fisheries—Egypt Lieske, E., Myers, R. Coral reef fishes. [Also available in German.] cd. 400pp. col.pl. E£120.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 2002[?] UA [Egypt only] Fish and fisheries—Kenya Mitullah, W.V. Collective efficiency in the fish industry: lessons from Uhanya Beach census. (IDS discussion paper, 509) 29pp. K.shs.70.00 ($2.59/£1.61) Inst Dev Stud 1996 KE Okidi, C.O. Kenya’s marine fisheries: an outline of policy and activities. (IDS occasional papers, 30) 42pp. K.shs.106.00 Inst Dev Stud 1979 KE Okidi, C.O., Westley, S.B., eds. Management of coastal and offshore resources in Eastern Africa. Papers presented at a workshop held 26-29 April 1977. (IDS occasional papers, 28) 255pp. K.shs.255.00 Inst Dev Stud 1978 KE Fish and fisheries—Malawi Eccles, D.H., Digby, D.S.C. A taxonomic study of the genus Lethrinops Regan (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi. vol.3(Ichthyological bull., 38) 25pp. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1979 SA Eccles, D.H., Digby, D.S.C. A taxonomic study of the genus Lethrinops Regan (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi. vol.2(Ichthyological bull., 37) 25pp. R4.50 Inst Ichthyology 1979 SA Eccles, D.H., Digby, D.S.C. A taxonomic study of the genus Lethrinops Regan (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi. vol.1(Ichthyological bull., 36) 12pp. ($3.50) Inst Ichthyology 1979 SA
Lewis, D.S.C. Problems of species definition in Lake Malawi cichlid fishes (Pisces: Cichlidae). (Special publs., 23) 4pp. ($2.00) Inst Ichthyology 1982 SA March, A.C. A taxonomic study of the fish genus Petrotilapia (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi. (Ichthyological bull., 48) 14pp. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1983 SA Tweddle, D., Lewis, D.S.C., Willoughby, N.G. The nature of the barrier separating the Lake Malawi and Zambezi fish faunas. (Ichthological bull., 39) 9.pp. ($4.00) Inst Ichthyology 1979 SA Tweddle, D., Lewis, D.S.C., Willoughby, N.G. The nature of the barrier separating the Lake Malawi and Zambezi fish faunas; Part 2, An annotated checklist of the fish fauna of the River Shire south of Kapachira Falls, Malawi. vol.1(Ichthyological bull., 39) 12pp. ($4.00) Inst Ichthyology 1979 SA Tweddle, D., Willoughby, N.G. The distribution and identification of mormyrid fishes in Malawi, with notes on the synonymy of Marcusenius nyasensis and M.livingstonii (Mormyriformes:Mormyridae). (Special publs., 24) 9pp. ($3.00) Inst Ichthyology 1982 SA Fish and fisheries—Morocco Aba Bouch, L.H. Assurance de la qualité en industrie halieutique. 214pp. Dir300.00 Actes Ed 1995 MR FRE Fish and fisheries—Mozambique Dawson, C.E. Halicampus zavorensis and H. marquesensis, new species of pipefishes (Syngathidae) from Mozambique and the Marquesas Islands. (Special publs., 34) 17pp. ($3.00) Inst Ichthyology 1983 SA Hensley, D.A. A new species of Bothus (Pleuronectiformes: Bothidae) from Mozambique. (Special publications, 58) 8pp. ill. Inst Ichthyology 1997 SA Fish and fisheries—Namibia Erastus, A.N. The development of Namibianisation policy in the hake subsector, 1994-1999. (NEPRU working paper, 82) ISBN: 10269258 40pp. N$26.00 NEPRU 2002 SX Manning, P. The distributive aspects of Namibia’s fisheries policy. (NEPRU research report, 21) 81pp. N$43.00 NEPRU 2000 SX Moorsom, R. An analysis of the fishing capacity of the Namibian fleet in quota-limited fisheries: a methodological summary. (NEPRU working paper, 39) 61pp. N$29.00 NEPRU 1994 SX Moorsom, R., Goodison, P., eds. A fisheries agreement between the European Community and Namibia: workshop report, Windhoek, 25 March 1993. (NEPRU working paper, 26) 92pp. N$40.00 NEPRU 1993 SX Smith, J.L.B. New records and descriptions of fishes from southwest Africa. (Occas. paps., 3) 10pp. pl. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1965 SA Fish and fisheries—Nigeria Anibeze, C. Fish farming in Nigeria. 96pp. N100.00 Delta 1995 NR Idodo-Umeh, G. Freshwater fishes of Nigeria. Taxonomy, ecological notes, diet and utilisation. ISBN: 9788032010 232pp. ill. N1,000 ($90.00/£56.00) Idodo 2003[?] NR Fish and fisheries—Senegal Daget, J. Les poissons du Fouta Djalon et de la basse Guinée. (IFAN memoir, 65) 120pp. pl. CFA4,500 IFAN 1962 SG FRE
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African Books in Print
Subject index Insitut Fondamentale de l’Afrique Noire Mélanges ichthyologiques, dédiés à la mémoire d’Achille Valenciennes 17941865. (IFAN memoir, 68) 485pp. pl. CFA5,000 IFAN 1963 SG FRE van Dyk, A. The history of nursing in Namibia. trans f.t. Afrikaans by C. Searle 208pp. Gamsberg 1997 SX
Fish and fisheries—South Africa Azemia, R., Boulle, D.P. Seychelles artisanal fisheries statistics for 1997. (SFA technical report, 45) 99pp. ill. Sey Fish Authority 1998 SE
Butterworth, D.S., et al. A manual of mathematical techniques for line fish assessment. (SANSP Report, 160) 89pp. CSIR 1989 SA
Bautil, B.R.R. Results of a spiny lobster survey around Mahé Island during September and October 1991. (SFA technical report, 21) 43pp. Sey Fish Authority 1992 SE
Christensen, M.S. Pavoclinus maye a new species of clinid fish (Perciformes: Blennoidei) from South Africa, with a note on the identity of P. graminis and P. Laurentii and a key to the known species of Pavoclinus. (Special publ., 18) 16pp. R3.00 Inst Ichthyology 1978 SA
Fish and fisheries—Senegal—Catalogs Daget, J. Catalogue de la collection des poissons d’eau douce de l’IFAN (IFAN catalogues et documents, 3) 59pp. CFA1,500 IFAN 1949 SG FRE
Domingue, G. Spiny lobster fishery around the Mahé Plateau: results and analysis presentation, November 1995-January 1996. (SFA technical report, 40) 48pp. Sey Fish Authority 1996 SE
Fish and fisheries—Seychelles Bach, P. Activité des embarcations impliquées dans la pêche à la ligne à main aux Seycehlles. (SFA technical report, 10) 25pp. Sey Fish Authority 1990 SE FRE
Grandcourt, E. Pêcheur breton: an analysis of data relating to a mothership dory fishing operation in and around the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Seychelles from October 1992 to May 1993. (SFA technical report, 37) 76pp. Sey Fish Authority 1995 SE
Bach, P., Chauvelon, P. Relation entre la densité des microsties et le rayon de l’otolithe compatible avec le modèle de von Bertanlanffy: application - Lutjanus sebas (Cuvier, 1928) aux Seychelles. (SFA technical report, 27) 26pp. Sey Fish Authority 1993 SE FRE Boubllé, D.P. Seychelles krab ziraf (Ranina ranina) fishery: the status of the stock. 39pp. ill.maps Sey Fish Authority 1995 SE Grandcourt, E. Biomass, stock density and the maximum sustainable yield available to a line fishery for Pristipomoides filamentosus (Valenciennes, 1830) on the northwestern submarine promontory of Saya de Malha bank. (SFA technical report, 38) 12pp. Sey Fish Authority 1996 SE Jacques, R.M. Results of the spiny lobster fishery for November and December 1992. (SFA technical report, 25) 44pp. Sey Fish Authority 1993 SE Jacques, R.M. The spiny lobster fishery around the Mahé Plateau, November-December 1993: presentation, results, and analysis. 61pp. ill.maps Sey Fish Authority 1994 SE Payet, R. Net fishing and its management in Seychelles. (SFA technical report, 43) 13pp. Sey Fish Authority 1997 SE Seychelles Fishing Authority Seychelles Fishing Authority: annual report 1990. 17pp. Sey Fish Authority 1991 SE Seychelles Fishing Authority Seychelles Fishing Authority: annual report 1992. 19pp. Sey Fish Authority 1993 SE Seychelles Fishing Authority Seychelles Fishing Authority: annual report 1993. 19pp. ill. Sey Fish Authority 1994 SE Seychelles Fishing Authority Seychelles Fishing Authority: annual report 1994. 32pp. ill. Sey Fish Authority 1995 SE Seychelles Fishing Authority Seychelles Fishing Authority: annual report 1995. 32pp. ill. Sey Fish Authority 1996 SE Seychelles Fishing Authority Seychelles Fishing Authority: annual report 1997. 44pp. ill. Sey Fish Authority 1998 SE Fish and fisheries—Seychelles— Bibliography Confait, J. Seychelles fisheries: a bibliography. 85pp. Sey Fish Authority 1997 SE Fish and fisheries—Seychelles—Statistics Azemia, R. Seychelles artisanal fisheries statistics for 1996. (SFA technical report, 42) 89pp. Sey Fish Authority 1997 SE
Grandcourt, E. Seychelles artisanal fisheries statistics for 1993. (SFA technical report, 29) 93pp. ill. Sey Fish Authority 1994 SE Mees, C.C. Pêcheur breton: an analysis of data relating to a mothership dory fishing operation in Seychelles waters from March 1991 to June 1992. (SFA technical report, 23) 83pp. Sey Fish Authority 1992 SE
Compagno, L.J.V. Sharks of the Eastern Cape coast. (Ichthos field guide, 1) 27pp. ill. ($3.00) Inst Ichthyology 1986 SA Compagno, L.J.V., Smale, M.J. Paragaleus leucolomatus, a new shark from South Africa, with notes on the systematics of Hemigaleid sharks (Carcharhiniformes: Hemigaleidae). 21pp. ill. ($5.00.) Inst Ichthyology 1985 SA Cowley, P.D., Whitfield, A.K. Ichthyofaunal characteristics of a typical temporarily open/closed estuary on the southeast coast of South Africa. (Ichthyological bull., 71) Inst Ichthyology 2001 SA D’Aubrey, J.D. Preliminary guide to the sharks found off the east coast of South Africa. (Investigational Reports, 8) Oceanographic Res Inst 1964 SA
Mees, C.C. Seychelles artisanal fisheries statistics for 1990. (SFA technical report, 16) 94pp. Sey Fish Authority 1990 SE
de Kock, S., Watt, R. First workshop of the South African koi breeder’s foundation. Inst Soc Res 1995 SA
Mees, C.C. Seychelles demersal fishery: an analysis of data relating to four key demersal species. (SFA technical report, 21) 43pp. Sey Fish Authority 1992 SE
Eschmeyer, W.N. A new species of fish genus Pontinus (Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae) from off Natal South Africa. (Special publ., 28) 4pp. ($2.00) Inst Ichthyology 1983 SA
Mees, C.C., Grandcourt, E. Seychelles artisanal fisheries statistics for 1991. (SFA technical report, 22) 95pp. ill. Sey Fish Authority 1992 SE Montadouin, X. Analyse des données collectées lors des embarquements à bord des senneurs bas, aux Seychelles (1986-1989). (SFA technical report, 14) 33pp. Sey Fish Authority 1990 SE FRE Payet, R. Artisanal fishing boats in Seychelles. (SFA technical report, 41) 25pp. Sey Fish Authority 1996 SE Sabadach, B, Hallier, J.P. Analyse des données collectées lors des embarquements à bord des senneurs basés aux Seychelles (1986-1991). (SFA technical report, 24) 43pp. Sey Fish Authority 1993 SE FRE Fish and fisheries—South Africa Anderson, M.E. A late cretaceous (Maastrichtian) galaxiid fish from South Africa. (Special publications, 60) 12pp. Inst Ichthyology 1998 SA
Fielding, P.J., et al. Transkei coastal fisheries resources: report on the survey of fisheries resources on the Transkei coast which was carried out by the Oceanographic Research Institute and the University of Transkei, April 1993. (Special publications, 3) 175pp. R20.00 ($20.00) Oceanographic Res Inst 1994 SA Fraser, T.H. The fish Elops machnata in South Africa. (Special publ., 11) 6pp. ($2.50) Inst Ichthyology 1973 SA Garratt, P.A. The offshore linefishery of Natal, 1: exploited population structures of the sparids Chrysoblephus puniceus and Cheimerius nufar. (Investigational Reports, 62) Oceanographic Res Inst 1985 SA Garratt, P.A. The offshore linefishery of Natal, 2: reproductive biology of the sparids Chrysoblephus puniceus and Cheimerius nufar. (Investigational Reports, 63) Oceanographic Res Inst 1985 SA
Anderson, M.E., Gosztonyi, A.E. Studies on the Zoarcidae (Teleostei: Perciformes) of the southern hemisphere IV new records and a new species from the Magellan Province of South America. (Ichthyology Bulletin, 55) 16pp. Inst Ichthyology 1991 SA
Garratt, P.A. The offshore linefishery of Natal, 3: food and feeding of the sparids Chrysoblephus puniceus and Cheimerius nufar. (Investigational Reports, 64) 17pp. R2.00 Oceanographic Res Inst 1987 SA
Avni, W. A mean-mouthed, hook-jawed, bad news son-of-a-fish. 160pp. col.pl. R69.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Gomon, J.R., Taylor, W.R. Plotosus nkunga, a new species of catfish from South Africa, with a redescription of Plotosus limbatus Valenciennes and key to the species of Plotosus (Siluriformes: Plotosidae) (Special publs., 22) 16pp. pl. ($4.00) Inst Ichthyology 1982 SA
Bennett, B.A. Clinus spatulatus, a new species of clinid fish (Perciformes : Blennoidei) from South Africa, with a modified definition of the genus Clinus. (Special publ., 29) 9pp. ($2.50) Inst Ichthyology 1983 SA Britz, P., Kok, S., eds. The South African ornamental fish trade. Inst Soc Res 1994 SA
Goren, M. A new coryogalops species (Pisces:gobiidae) from South Africa. (Special Publication series, 52) 7pp. Inst Ichthyology 1991 SA
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Fish and fisheries—South Africa Grobler, L. Subfamily Pseudotocepheinae (Acari; Oribatida; Otocepheidae): Constrictocepheus gen. nov. and new Pseudotocepheus species from South Africa. vol.13, pt.1 ISBN: 1868470369 44pp. ill.pl. Nasionale Museum SA 1998 SA Harrison, T.D., Whitfield, A.K. Fish community structure in three temporarily open/closed estuaries on the Natal coast. (Ichthyological bull., 64) 80pp. Inst Ichthyology 1995 SA Hauck, M., Snowman, M. Waves of change. Coastal fisheries comanagement in South Africa. ISBN: 1919713808 368pp. R150.00 UCT Press 2002 SA Heemstra, P., Wright, J.E. Two new species of Clinid fishes (Perciformes: Clinidae) from South Africa. (Special publ., 40) 11pp. ill. pl. ($3.50) Inst Ichthyology 1986 SA Heemstra, P.C. Apolemichthys kingi, a new species of angelfish (Pomacanthidae) from South Africa, with comments on the classification of angelfishes and a checklist of the Pomacanthids of the western Indian ocean. (Special publs., 35) 17pp. col.pl. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1984 SA Heemstra, P.C. A revision of the Zeid fishes (Zeiformes: Zeidae) of South Africa. (Ichthyological bull., 41) 17pp. pl. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1980 SA Heemstra, P.C., Smith, M.M. Hexatrygonidae, a new family of stingrays (Myliobatiformes: Batoidae) from South Africa, with comments on the classification of batoid fishes. (Ichthyological bull., 43) 17pp. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1980 SA Heemstra, P.C., Smith, M.M. A new species of the triggerfish genus Xenoblistes Matsuura (Tetraodontiformes: Balistidae) from South Africa. (Special publs., 26) 5pp. ($2.00) Inst Ichthyology 1983 SA Hocutt, C.H., Skelton, P.H. Fishes of the Sak River, South Africa with comments on the nomenclature of the smallmouth yellowfish, Barbus aeneus (Burchell, 1822). (Special publs., 32) 11pp. ($3.00) Inst Ichthyology 1983 SA Joubert, C.S.W. Aspects of the biology of five species of inshore reef fishes on the Natal Coast, South Africa. (Investigational Report, 51) 16pp. R1.60 Oceanographic Res Inst 1981 SA La Hausse de Lalouvière, P. A brief review of the state of knowledge of the fish and fishery of the Pongolo floodplain, northern Zululand. (INR working paps., 33) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Lotz, L.N. The description of the male of Latrodectus menavodi (Araneae: Theridiidae) from Madagascar with new records from the Comoros. (Ichthyological bull., 14/3) ISBN: 1868470393 6pp. ill.pl. Nasionale Museum SA 1998 SA Mann, B.Q., ed. South African marine linefish status reports. (South African Association for Marine Biological Research, special pubs., 7) 257pp. Oceanographic Res Inst 2000 SA Nelson, J.S. Pteropsaron heemstrai and Osopsaron natalensis (Perciformes: Percophidae), new fish species from South Africa, with comments on Squamicreedia obtusa from Australia and on the classification of the subfamily Hemerocotinae. (Special publs., 25) 11pp. ($3.00) Inst Ichthyology 1982 SA
Subject index Randall, J.E. Pomacanthus rhomboides (Gilchrist and Thompson), the valid name for the South African angelfish previously known as Pomacanthus striatus. (Special publ., 46) 7pp. col.pl. ($3.50) Inst Ichthyology 1988 SA Skelton, P.H. The new Barbus species (Pisces, Cyprinidae) from the Olifants River system, Western Cape Province, South Africa. (Special publ., 13) 12pp. ill. ($3.00) Inst Ichthyology 1974 SA Skelton, P.H. South African red data book: fishes. (SANSP Report, 137) 199pp. CSIR 1987 SA Skelton, P.H., Lutjeharms, J.R.E., eds. The J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology - 50 years. 320pp. ill. Inst Ichthyology 1997 SA Smith, J.L.B. Certain rare fishes from South Africa with other notes. (Occas. paps., 7) 16pp. pl. R1.50 Inst Ichthyology 1966 SA Smith, J.L.B. Interesting fishes from South Africa. (Occas. paps., 8) 12pp. pl. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1966 SA Smith, J.L.B. The lizard shark Chlamydoselachus anguineus Garman in South Africa. (Occas. paps., 10) 10pp. pl. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1967 SA Smith, J.L.B. New records and new species of fishes from South Africa, chiefly from Natal. (Occas. paps. 4) 16pp. pl. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1965 SA Smith, J.L.B. A new squalid shark from South Africa with notes on the rare Atractophorus armatus, Gilchrist. (Occas. paps. 11) 20pp. pl. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1967 SA Smith, J.L.B. The rare big-eye Pristigenys niphonia (C & V) in South Africa. (Occas. paps. 9) 6pp. pl. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1966 SA Smith, M., Heemstra, P.C. Smith’s sea fishes. 2nd ed. cd. 1200pp. pl. R165.00 Macmillan - SA 1986 SA Smith, M.M. A review of the South African Cheilodactylid fishes (Pisces: Perciformes) with descriptions of two new species. (Ichthyological bull., 42) 14pp. pl. ($5.00) Inst Ichthyology 1980 SA van der Elst, R.P. Marine recreational fishing: resource usage, management and research. (SANSP Report, 167) 126pp. CSIR 1990 SA Vorwerk, P.D., Whitfield, A.K., Cowley, P.D., Paterson, A.W. A survey of selected eastern Cape estuaries with particular reference to the ichthyofauna. (Ichthyological bull., 72) 53pp. Inst Ichthyology 2001 SA Wallace, J.H., van der Elst, R.P., eds. Marine linefish programme priority species list. (South African National Scientific Programmes Report, 70) 113pp. CSIR 1983 SA Whitfield, A.K., Kok, H.M. Recruitment of juvenile marine fishes into permanently open and seasonally open estuarine systems on the Southern coast of South Africa. (Ichthyological bull., 57) 39pp. Inst Ichthyology 1992 SA Winterbottom, R. Notes on South African gobies possessing free upper pectoral fin rays (Pisces: Gobiidae) (Special publ. 16) 11pp. ill. ($3.00) Inst Ichthyology 1976 SA
Zsilavecz, G. Pavoclinus caeroleopunctatus, a new species of clinid fish (Percifromes: Clinidae) from South Africa. (Institute of Ichthyology special publication, 66) Inst Ichthyology 2001 SA Fish and fisheries—Tropics Institut Fondamental de l’Afrique Noire Réunion de spécialistes C.S.A. sur les crustacés. (IFAN memoir, 77) 648pp. ill. CFA5,000 IFAN 1967 SG FRE Moses, B.S. Introduction to tropical fisheries. 2nd ed. 133pp. ill.pl. ($18.00/£9.95) Ibadan UP 1992 NR Fish and fisheries—Zimbabwe Bourdillon, M.F.C., Cheater, A.P. Studies of fishing in Lake Kariba. 185pp. ($8.75) Mambo 1985 ZI Fishing Hansford-Steele, B. African fly fishing handbook. 3rd ed. ISBN: 186872882X 472pp. col.pl. R250.00 New Holland 2004 SA Riphagen, D. The South African fly-fishing handbook. ISBN: 1859741010 192pp. ill.col.pl. R149.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Fishing—Africa, Southern Meintjes, M. Southern African flyfisher’s companion. ISBN: 177007256X 176pp. col.pl. R129.95 New Holland 2002 SA Fishing—South Africa Crous, H. Saltwater fishing in South Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] rev.ed. 208pp. ill.col.pl.maps R105.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Hansford-Steele, B. Pocket guide flies for South African waters. ISBN: 1868128008 84pp. col.pl. R69.95 New Holland 1999 SA Riphagen, D. Stillwater trout. ISBN: 1868729672 192pp. col.pl. R275.00 New Holland 2004 SA Floristry Flemming, J. Practical handbook of floristry. 123pp. col.pl. R49.99 Penguin SA 1990 SA Folklore—Africa Stewart, D. Wisdom from Africa. A collection of proverbs. ISBN: 1770070265 160pp. col.ill. R99.95 ($12.95) Struik Publ 2005 SA Folklore—Africa, East Kirmani, M.H., Kirmani, S. Oral literature of the Asians in East Africa. (Oral literature, 4) ISBN: 9966250859 138pp. ($24.95/£14.95) EAEP 2002 KE Mwombeki, R.A., Kamanzi, G.B. Folk tales from Buhaya. ISBN: 9976890877 381pp. Tanz Publ House 1999 TZ Folklore—Africa, Southern Brown, D., ed. Oral literature and performance in southern Africa. ISBN: 0852555598 cd. & 320pp. (£35.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852555547 (£14.95 pap.) Philip 1999 SA [Southern Africa only] Jordan, A.C Tales from southern Africa. new ed. ISBN: 0868622295 262pp. (£16.99) Ball 2004 SA Larson, T.J. Bayeyi and Hamubukushu tales from the Okavango. cd. 114pp. col.ill. P35.00 Botswana Soc 1994 BS Folklore—Burkina Faso Kaboré, R.B. Au clair de lune. Contes et proverbes du Burkina. 146pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur3.81) Firmament 1999 UV FRE
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Forests and forestry
Folklore—Côte d’Ivoire N’Guessan, M.A. Contes Agnis de l’indénié. 258pp. CFA6,450 (Eur15.17) CEDA 1988 IV FRE Folklore—Gabon Okoumba-Nkoghé Nzebi: une épopée du Gabon. ISBN: 2912776279 80pp. Raponda Walker 2001 GO FRE Folklore—Madagascar Rabearison Contes et légendes de Madagascar. 200pp. FM30,000 TPFLM 1999 MG FRE Folklore—Mauritius Seewoochurn, C.S. Hindu festivals in Mauritius. 159pp. ill.pl. ($18.00/£9.95) Océan Indien Ed 1995 MF Folklore—Mozambique do Rosario, L. Contos moçambicanos do vale do Zambeze. ISBN: 1004209991 (Eur8.70) Moz Editora 2003 MZ POR Folklore—Namibia Schmidt, S., comp. Tsi ge ge hahe. [Series of 10 books of traditional Nama/Damara folktales.] ill. N$12.00 New Namibia 1995 SX
Food industries and trade—Addresses and essays Cook, H.L. Big food processors: saints or sinners? (Univ. of Ife, Inaugural Lecture Series 11) 18pp. ($3.00/£2.25) N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1974 NR Howat, G.R. Not by bread alone. (Inaugural lec. 1) 13pp. ($3.00/£2.25) 30k N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1973 NR Food industries and trade—Botswana Khupe, J.S. Data for Botswana meat commission. (AFREPREN working paper, 252) 6pp. AFREPREN 2000 KE Food industries and trade—Kenya Schluter, M. Constraints on Kenya’s food and beverage exports. (IDS occasional papers, 43) 118pp. K.shs.240.00 Inst Dev Stud 1984 KE Food industries and trade—Nigeria Ay, P. Women in food processing: traditional palm oil production and changes through the introduction of appropriate technology: a case study of Jago, Nigeria, 1989. 52pp. ill. pl. map ($7.50) N10.00 Book Builders 1990 NR
Olayide, S.O. The food problem: tractable or the mere chase of the mirage? 22pp. N3.00 Ibadan UP 1975 NR Food science and technology—Zimbabwe Gomez, M.I. A resource inventory of indigenous and traditional foods in Zimbabwe. 21pp. ($4.00/£2.25) Univ Zimbabwe 1989 ZI Fo’Odong Kana II, Paul—Biography Tsalefac, M., Djoumessi, O., Nguoghia, J. Dr. Paul Fo’Odong Kana II. 112pp. CFA2,000 CRAC 1994 CM FRE Football—Senegal Ndoye, D., Sakho, A. Gestion sportive et gestion financière du football. 63pp. CFA8,000 (Eur12.00) EDJA 1997 SG FRE Forbes, Gordon—Autobiography Forbes, G. A handful of summers. 330pp. R43.00 Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA Forbes, G. Too soon to panic. cd. 220pp. Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA Forensic science Ejeckam, G.C. Essentials of medico-legal autopsy. 79pp. ill.pl. ($10.00/£6.25) Fourth Dimension 1992 NR
Folklore—Réunion Honoré, D. Légendes créoles. vol.1 ISBN: 2878630149 128pp. (Eur14.00) Lacaze 2002 RF FRE
Erinosho, L., Bello-Imam, I.B. Perspectives on small scale food processing and distribution industries in Nigeria. 156pp. ($20.00/£12.50) N80.00 Vantage 1991 NR
Honoré, D. Légendes créoles. vol.2 ISBN: 2878630165 118pp. (Eur14.00) Lacaze 2002 RF FRE
Food industries and trade—Tanzania Bryceson, D.F. Liberalizing Tanzania’s food trade. 320pp. T.shs.8,500 Mkuki na Nyota 1993 TZ [Tanzania only]
Baumer, M. Amènagement des bassins versants: le rôle potentiel de l’agroforesterie. (ICRAF Working paper, 57) 52pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1989 KE
Food industries and trade—Zimbabwe Batezat, E., et al. The working conditions of female workers in the food processing industry in Zimbabwe (with special reference to canneries). 61pp. Z$6.00 ZIDS 1986 ZI
Baumer, M. Vocabulaire, notamment écologique utilisé dans le projet RD 1-A6 Agroforesterie et production animale. (ICRAF Working paper, 54) 62pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1989 KE FRE
Nyabeze, W., Mbizvo, C. Beer brewing: improvements to existing technologies for beer brewing industries in Zimbabwe. Training manual. [Also available in Shona.] 11pp. ill. Z$20.00 ($6.80) Zero 1994 ZI
Bester, A.B. The influence of different stacking techniques on the quality of kiln-dried timber. (CSIR Special Report, HOUT 87) 14pp. R5.00 CSIR 1974 SA
Honoré, D. Proverbes réunionnais. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2979630378 316pp. (Eur25.00) Lacaze 2002 RF FRE Folklore—Senegal Kesteloot, L. Contes et mythes du Sénégal. 146pp. CFA2,500 IFAN 2001 SG FRE Folklore—South Africa Goldstuck, A. The leopard in the luggage. 309pp. R49.99 Penguin SA 1993 SA Goldstuck, A. The rabbit in the thorn tree. 216pp. R42.99 Penguin SA 1991 SA Grobbelaar, P.W. Famous South African folktales. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798142650 cd. 224pp. R135.00 Human and Rousseau 2003 SA Hofmeyr, I. We spend our years as a tale that is told. Oral historical narrative in a South African chiefdom. 344pp. R74.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA [Southern Africa only] Folklore—Study and teaching Kirman, S., Kirman, M. Oral literature of the Asians. ISBN: 9966250859 210pp. R465.00 EAEP 2000 KE Folklore—Zambia Kangende, K. Zambian myths and legends of the wild. ISBN: 9982848003 201pp. ill. Minta 2001 ZA Sumbwa, N. Zambian proverbs. new ed. ISBN: 9982020471 87pp. ($19.95/£11.95) Multimedia 2004 ZA Food industries and trade see also Food science and technology Hotels and catering Nutrition Oloo, N. Food production. 1997 KE
48pp. ($1.00) Paulines
Nyabeze, W., Mbizvo, C. Breadmaking: improvements to existing technologies for breadmaking industries in Zimbabwe. Training manual. [Also available in Shona.] 21pp. ill. Z$20.00 ($6.80) Zero 1994 ZI Food science and technology see also Food industries and trade de la Perrière, R.A.B. Graines suspectes. Les aliments transgéniques: une menace pour les moins nantis. ISBN: 2910454959 cd. 202pp. CFA6,500 Jamana 2002 ML FRE [co-published with Cérès Editions, Tunisia] Nottingham, S. Eat your genes. How genetically modified food is entering our diet. ISBN: 1919713506 224pp. R89.90 UCT Press 1999 SA Seda, P. Food processing and preservation. ed. ISBN: 9966468218 680pp. K.shs.880.00 EAEP 2001 KE
United Nations Environment Programme The contamination of food. (UNEP/ GEMS environment library) 36pp. ($7.00) UNEP 1992 KE [5] Food science and technology—Addresses and essays Chheda, H.R. Plant breeding and the conquest of hunger. N3.00 Ibadan UP 1977 NR Duckworth, R.B. A food scientist looks at water. (Inaugural lec.) 17pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1978 GH
Forests and forestry see also Lumber and lumbering
Bester, A.B. Kiln design - a development study. (CSIR Subject Survey, O/HOUT 17) 38pp. R5.00 CSIR 1975 SA Breen, C.M., Mander, M. Sustainable forestry: an international perspective. Paper prepared for Timbermech Africa Seminar on Sustainable Forestry, Pietermaritzburg, 15 June, 1995. (INR working paps., 157) R1.75 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Burley, J. Global needs and problems of the collection, storage and distribution of multipurpose tree germplasm. (Science & practice of agroforestry, 2) 179pp. ICRAF 1985 KE Erskine, J.M. Agroforestry: its role in sustainable livestock production systems. Paper presented at the Annual Symposium of the South African Society of Animal Production (Developing Areas Branch), Golden Gate National Park, October. (INR working paps., 90) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Hoekstra, D.A. Gathering socio- and bio-economic information for agroforestry projects. (ICRAF Working paper, 50) 26pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1987 KE Hoekstra, D.A. The use of economics in diagnosis and design of agroforestry systems. (ICRAF Working paper, 29) 85pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1985 KE Huxley, P.A. The basis for selection, management and evaluation of multipurpose trees: an overview. (ICRAF Working paper, 25) 85pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1984 KE
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Forests and forestry Huxley, P.A. Rationalizing research on hedgerow intercropping - an overview. (ICRAF Working paper, 40) 140pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1986 KE Huxley, P.A., Mead, R. An ecological approach to on-farm experimentation. (ICRAF Working paper, 52) 39pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1988 KE Huxley, P.A., Westley, S.B., eds. Multipurpose trees: selection and testing for agroforestry. 120pp. map ($5.00.) ICRAF 1989 KE Huxley, P.A., Wood, P.J. Technology and research considerations in ICRAF’s “diagnosis and design” procedures. 49pp. ill. ICRAF 1984 KE Labelle, R. Agroforestry: general concepts, early work and current initiatives—a review of the literature. (ICRAF Working paper, 46) ($3.00) ICRAF 1987 KE Labelle, R. Bibliographic information management using microcomputers: the experience of the International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF). (ICRAF Working paper, 45) 21pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1987 KE Labelle, R. A preliminary agroforestry word list, with definitions. (ICRAF working paper, 8) 30pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1983 KE Mol, S. Agroforestry and small farmers: some issues on risk and uncertainty. (ICRAF Working paper, 56) 14pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1989 KE Nair, P.K.R. Agroforestry systems in major ecological zones of the tropics and subtropics. (ICRAF Working paper, 47) 43pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1987 KE Nair, P.K.R. Fruit trees in tropical agroforestry systems. (ICRAF Working paper, 32) 47pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1985 KE Nair, P.K.R. Soil productivity aspects of agroforestry. (Science and practice of agroforestry, 1) 95pp. ill. ($5.00) ICRAF 1984 KE Nkaonja, R.S.W. Provenance trial results of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn and comparison between volume production of the best provenances and of Gmelina arborea (L) Roxbs. (Forest Research Record, 58) 22pp. K3.00. FRI - Malawi 1979 MW Nouvelles Editions Africaine du Togo La forêt tropicale. 48pp. CFA1,000 NEA - Togo 1991 TG FRE Powell, W. A revised checklist of forest coleoptera in the reference collection at the Forestry Research Institute of Malalwi. (Forest Research Record, 59) 32pp. K3.00. FRI - Malawi 1986 MW Raintree, J.B. La ‘D & D’ manuel de l’utilisateur. [Also available in English.] 130pp. ill. ($12.50) ICRAF 1989 KE FRE Raintree, J.B., comp. and ed. D&D user’s manual: an introduction to agroforestry diagnosis and design. [Also available in French.] 110pp. ill. ($12.50) ICRAF 1987 KE Raintree, J.B., Torres, F. Agroforestry research in farming systems perspective: the ICRAF approach. (ICRAF Working paper, 39) 30pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1986 KE Ramsay, S.A. Job grading in a forestry company. (CSIR Contract Report, C/PERS 270) 27pp. R1.50 CSIR 1978 SA
Subject index Reifsnyder, W.E., Darnhofer, T.O., eds. Meteorology and agroforestry: proceedings of an International Workshop on the Application of Meteorology to Agroforestry Systems Planning and Management, Nairobi, 9-13 February 1987. ill. maps ($25.00) ICRAF 1989 KE Rocheleau, D.E. Criteria for re-appraisal and re-design: intra-househousehold and betweenhousehold aspects of FRSE in three Kenyan agroforestry projects. (ICRAF Working paper, 37) 21pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1985 KE Rocheleau, D.E. Land-use planning with rural farm households and communities: participatory agroforestry research. (ICRAF Working paper, 36) 21pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1985 KE Rudebejer, P., Temu, A.B., eds. Curriculum development in agroforestry: proceedings of the First Interregional Workshop for Africa, Asia, and Latin America: 30 May-3 June 1994, Nakuru, Kenya. 65pp. ill. ICRAF 1994 KE Scherr, S.J. Methods for participatory on-farm agroforestry research. Summary proceedings of an international workshop. 72pp. ($10.00) ICRAF 1991 KE Scherr, S.J. Planning national agroforestry research and development: guidelines for land-use system description. (ICRAF Working paper, 48) 74pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1987 KE Scherr, S.J. Setting priorities for agroforestry research and development: potential contributions of economics research. (ICRAF Working paper, 51) 20pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1987 KE Steppler, H.A., Nair, P.K.R., eds. Agroforestry: a decade of development. cd. 344pp. ill. pl. ($30.00) ICRAF 1987 KE Tietema, T. Current and planned research in relation to reafforestation, woodlots and firewood. P2.30 NIDCR 1985 BS von Carlowitz, P.G. Multipurpose tree and shrub seed directory. 256pp. ill. ($20.00) ICRAF 1987 KE von Carlowitz, P.G. Multipurpose trees and shrubs: opportunities and limitations. (ICRAF Working paper, 17) 28pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1984 KE Wolf, G.V., Roger, J.H., Scherr, S.J. Assessing multi-product tree yields from linear agroforestry technologies. (ICRAF Working paper, 55) 68pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1990 KE
Forests and forestry—Africa Clavreul, J-Y., Diané, M. Petites histoires d’arbres en Afrique. Les arbres: un moyen efficace de lutte contre la pauvreté. ISBN: 2913326757 200pp. ill. CFA4,500 (12.00) Ganndal 2002 GV FRE Delvingt, W., van Marsenille, C. La forêt des hommes: terroirs villageois en forêt tropicale africaine. 286pp. col.ill. Ecofac 2001 GO FRE International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Agroforestry research in the semi-arid tropics. 60pp. ($7.00) ICRISAT 1986 NG Kasolo, W.K. Agroforestry education at the technical level: status and potential in eastern, central, and southern Africa. 30pp. ill. ICRAF 1995 KE Kwaje, S.L., Mwaura, F.B., eds. Proceedings of the first international workshop on capacity building in forestry research in Africa. 115pp. ($13.75/ £7.50) Academy Science Publ 1994 KE Maliehe, T.M. Report on the ICRAF/DSO training course on agroforestry research for development, Nairobi, May. (INR working paps., 46) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Mogaka, H. Economic aspects of community involvement in sustainable forest management in eastern and southern Africa. 151pp. IUCN-EA 2001 KE Ng’eny-Mengech, A., ed. Supporting capacity building in forestry research in Africa. Proceedings of the first international symposium held at ICFRAF headquarters Nairobi, Kenya 28 June-1 July 1994. 503pp. ($35.00/ £19.75) Academy Science Publ 1996 KE Place, F., Waruhiu, A. Options for biodiversity in eastern and southern Africa: a report on a regional workshop on mainstreaming agriculture into forestry. Towards systemic biodiversity policies: ICRAF headquarters, Nairobi 21-22 November 1999. 34pp. ICRAF 2000 KE Rocheleau, D., Weber, F., Field-Juma, A. Agroforestry in dryland Africa. (Science and Practise of Agroforestry, 3) 312pp. ill. maps ($12.00) ICRAF 1988 KE von Carlowitz, P.G. Multipurpose trees and shrubs. Sources of seeds and inoculants. 328pp. ($25.00) ICRAF 1991 KE Wood, P.J. Mixed systems of plant production in Africa: past, present and future. (ICRAF Working paper, 20) 18pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1984 KE
Wood, P.J., Burley, J. A tree for all reasons: the introduction and evaluation of multipurpose trees for agroforestry. (Science and practice of Agroforestry, 5) 168pp. ill. ($10.00) ICRAF 1991 KE
Forests and forestry—Africa—Bibliography Munyua, H., Bundole, B.M., Majisu, L., comps. Agroforestry literature: a selected bibliography on sub-Saharan Africa. 120pp. ($6.50) ICRAF 1989 KE
Young, A. An environmental database for agroforestry. (ICRAF working paper, 5) 60pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1983 KE
Forests and forestry—Africa, Southern Erskine, J.M. Agroforestry research and development in southern Africa: co-ordination needs and priorities. Paper presented at the Conference on African Agroforestry with emphasis on southern Africa, Nelspruit, 19-22 August. (INR working paps., 89) R12.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA
Young, A. Land evaluation for agroforestry: the tasks ahead. (ICRAF working paper, 24) 54pp. ICRAF 1984 KE Young, A. The potential of agroforestry as a practical means of sustaining soil fertility. (Working paper, no. 34) 28pp. ill. ICRAF 1985 KE Zulberti, E. Agroforestry in education and training programmes: an overview. (ICRAF Working paper, 53) 34pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1989 KE
Erskine, J.M. Agroforestry: its development as a sustainable, productive land-use system for low resource farmers in southern Africa. International Conference on Agrofroestry: principles and practice. University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 2328 July. (INR working paps., 32) Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Forests and forestry—South Africa
Maghembe, J.A., Ntupanyama, Y., Chirwa, P.W., eds. Improvement of indigenous fruit trees of the miombo woodlands of southern Africa: proceedings of a conference held on 23-27 January 1994 at Club Makokola, Mangochi, Malawi. 138pp. ill.map ICRAF 1995 KE Maliehe, T.M. Agroforestry research in southern Africa with particular refernce to the work of the Institute of Natural Resources. Paper prepared for the workshop on the status of plant sciences in southern Africa, Maputo, Mozambique, 7-14 February. (INR working paps., 47) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Maliehe, T.M. A case for the so-called “weedy” exotics in southern African agroforestry. Paper presented at the Conference on African Agroforestry, with emphasis on southern Africa, Nelspruit, 19-22 August. (INR working paps., 84) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA McCullum, H., ed. Biodiversity of indigenous forests and woodlands in southern Africa. ISBN: 1779100124 272pp. ill.pl.maps ($34.95/ £20.95) Southern Afric Res & Docs 2000 ZI Mwabumba, L., Ngulube, M.R. Proceedings of the inaugural eco-regional meeting of SADC Afornet node. 56pp. K.shs.200.00 FRI - Malawi 1999 MW Owen, D.L. South African forestry handbook 2000. 4th ed. 2 vols. ISBN: 0620064390 734pp. col.pl. R250.00 ($75.00) SA Inst Forestry 2000 SA Forests and forestry—Bibliography Harwood, C.E. Grevillea robusta: an annotated bibliography. 124pp. ($6.50) ICRAF 1989 KE Labelle, R., Majisu, L., Munyua, H., comps. Agroforestry literature: a selected bibliography. 276pp. ($6.50) ICRAF 1989 KE Müller, E.U., Scherr, S.J. Technology monitoring and evaluation in agroforestry projects: an annotated bibliography. 192pp. ($6.50.) ICRAF 1989 KE Swinkels, R.A., Scherr, S.J. Economic analysis of agroforestry technologies: an annotated bibliography. 216pp. ($6.50) ICRAF 1991 KE Forests and forestry—Cameroun Logo, P.B., ed. La gestion alternative des conflits liés à la gestion des ressources naturelles. ISBN: 2911380541 32pp. CFA2,000 (Eur3.50) UCAC 2002 CM FRE Forests and forestry—Côte d’Ivoire Rougerie, G. Le façonnement actuel des modèles en Côte d’Ivoire forestière. (IFAN memoir, 58) 542pp. ill.pl. CFA5,000 IFAN 1960 SG FRE Sattler, D., Aké Assi, L. Bois de Côte d’Ivoire. Précis de reconnaissance des arbres commercialisés. 388pp. pl. CFA9,500 (Eur41.62) CEDA 1997 IV FRE Forests and forestry—Dictionaries Geldenhuys, C.J., Knight, R.S., Russell, S., Jarman, M.L., eds. Dictionary of forest structural terminology. (SANSP Report, 147) 70pp. CSIR 1988 SA Huxley, P., van Houten, H. Glossary for agroforestry. ICRAF 1997 KE
108pp. free
Forests and forestry—Ethiopia von Carlowitz, P.G. Recommendations for the design and establishment of demonstration trials at the Ethiopian Centre for Community Forestry and Soil Conservation. (ICRAF Working paper, 41) 89pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1986 KE
Forests and forestry—Gabon Gunther, M., et al. La réserve du Dja: à la découverte de la forêt tropicale. 55pp. col.ill. CFA6,500 Ecofac 2002 GO FRE Forests and forestry—Kenya Buck, L.E., Teel, W. Kenya agroforestry tree seed project report. (ICRAF working paper, 4) 121pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1983 KE Hoekstra, D.A. Agroforestry systems for the semi-arid areas of Machakos District, Kenya. (ICRAF working paper, 19) 28pp. ill. ICRAF 1984 KE International Centre for Research in Agroforestry A selection of useful trees and shrubs for Kenya. Notes on their identification, propogation and management for use by agricultural and pastoral communities. 226pp. ill. ($20.00) ICRAF 1992 KE Kamg’ethe, L., Ontita, E., Mwangi, E. Forestry and food security in Kenya. The case of southwest Mau forest. ISBN: 9966933727 46pp. ill. FAN 2000 KE Kilewe, A.M., Kealey, K.M., Kebaara, K.K., eds. Agroforestry development in Kenya: proceedings of the Second Kenya National Seminar on Agroforestry. ill. ($15.00) ICRAF 1989 KE Matiru, V. Forest cover and forest reserves in Kenya: policy and practice. (Forest and social perspectives in conservation, working papers, 5) 58pp. IUCN-EA 2000 KE Forests and forestry—Kenya—Bibliography Getahun, A., Reshid, K., Munyua, H. Agroforestry for development in Kenya: an annotated bibliography. 228pp. ($6.50) ICRAF 1991 KE Forests and forestry—Lesotho May, E.D. The indigenous trees and taller shrubs of Lesotho as grown in the forest arboretum: their distinguishing characteristics, distribution and initial growth. [Text in English with some Sotho.] 112pp. Forests Lesotho 2001 LO MUL Forests and forestry—Malawi Atuanene, S.K.N. Proceedings of the first national planning workshop on improvement and strengthening of forestry institute in Malawi. cd. 144pp. K.shs.750.00 FRI Malawi 1991 MW Coote, C. The distribution uses and potential for development of Moringa oleifera in Malawi. 40pp. K.shs.200.00 FRI Malawi 1997 MW Forestry Research Institute of Malawi Research records. [Full details and prices upon request from publisher.] FRI - Malawi MW Hardcastle, P.D. Preliminary silvicultural classification of Malawi. 194pp. maps ($8.13) K6.50 FRI - Malawi 1977 MW Majawa, A.O. A revised checklist of forest lepidoptera in the reference collection at the Forestry Research Institute of Malawi. 29pp. ($1.88) K1.50 FRI - Malawi 1980 MW Mwabumba, L. Project promotion training course document. 137pp. K1,000 FRI - Malawi 1998 MW Ngulube, M. Evaluation to multipurpose trees for social forestry in Malawi. cd. 129pp. K.shs.800.00 FRI - Malawi 1992 MW Ngulube, M. Suitable eucalyptus species for afforestation of lateritic soils at Kasunga Flue Cured Tobacco Authority Estates. (Forest Research Record, 64) 37pp. ill. FRI - Malawi 1990 MW
Ngulube, M., et al., eds. Proceedings of national forestry research symposium to mark the 30th anniversary (1957-1987) of Forestry Research Institute of Malawi. 262pp. ill. FRI Malawi 1990 MW Ngulube, M.R., Chiriwa, P.W., Mwabumba, L., Kayambazinthu, D. Progress report for the 1995-1998 forestry research programme and profiles for the approval 1998-2001. 142pp. K.shs.800.00 FRI - Malawi 1998 MW Ngulube, R.M., Mwabumba, L., Chirwa, P.W. Community-based management of miombo woodlands in Malawi. cd. 251pp. K1,500 FRI - Malawi 1998 MW Forests and forestry—Malaysia Hoekstra, D.A. An ex-ante economic analysis of proposed mixed and zonal agroforestry systems for Batu Arang Forest Reserve, Malaysia. (Working paper, 16) 18pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1984 KE Forests and forestry—Morocco Chlyeh, G., Fraval, A., Nadori, J., Villemant, C. A la decouverté de la forêt de la Mamora. 148pp. col.ill. Actes Ed 1990 MR FRE Forests and forestry—Mozambique Mander, M., Pollett, E.A. Initial issues report on the Mosa Florestal Afforestation Project in southern Mozambique. Report prepared for Sappi Forests (Pty) Ltd. [Also available in Portuguese] (INR investigational reports, 122) R5.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Pollett, E.A. Mosa Florestal afforestation project, Moçambique: main report: draft environmental impact assessment. (INR working paps., 123) R60.00 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Pollett, E.A., Mander, M. Mosa Florestal afforestation project, Moçambique: report on preliminary field visits and scoping workshops held at Maputo, Zitundo and Ponta do Oura to identify potential environmental issues. (INR working paps., 116) Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Forests and forestry—Nigeria Adeyoju, S.K. Forestry and the Nigerian economy. 308pp. N12.00 Ibadan UP 1975 NR Egboh, E.O. Forestry policy in Nigeria. 246pp. ($27.00/£15.00) N25.00 Univ Nigeria Press 1985 NR Forests and forestry—Philippines Torres, F., Raintree, J.B. Agroforestry systems for the smallholder upland farmers in a land reform area of the Philippines: the Tabango case study. (ICRAF Working paper, 18) 25pp. ($3.00) ICRAF 1984 KE Forests and forestry—South Africa A’Bear, D.R, Friedman, M., Pollett, E.A. Small scale timber growers . A report prepared for the Physical Planning Department, Natal Provincial Administration. (INR investigational reports, 65) R5.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Argent, S., Loedolff, J. Discovering indigenous forests at Kirstenbosch. 128pp. col.ill. R79.00 (£6.95) UCT Press 1997 SA Cairns, R.I. Small grower commercial timber schemes in KwaZulu. (CSDS research reports, 6) 73pp. R40.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1995 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Getting more out of our timber resources. (CSIR reports, S99) 232pp. R15.00 CSIR 1974 SA de Villiers, L. Afforestation in the Elands River Catchment: a preliminary environmental evaluation. (INR working paps., 43) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA
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Forests and forestry—South Africa Erskine, J.M. Agroforestry in Natal/KwaZulu. Paper presented at seminar. Southern Africa Institute of Forestry, Pietersburg. (INR working paps., 5) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1985 SA Erskine, J.M. Creating sustainable livelihood opportunities through communit forestry in South Africa. Paper presented at the X1 world forestry congress, Antalya, Turkey, 13-22 October 1997. (INR occasional paps., 185) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Erskine, J.M. Farm forestry: introducing tree planting into agriculture. Paper presented at the Trees for Africa Workshop on Small Farm Forestry, Pietermaritzburg, 2 November. (INR working paps., 54) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Erskine, J.M., ed. The physical, social and economic impacts of large-scale afforestation in Natal/KwaZulu. Proceedings of the Forestry Impacts Workshop organised by the Institute of Natural Resources on behalf of Town and Regional Planning Commission, Pietermaritzburg, 8 May. (INR working paps., 40) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Friedman, M. Commercial timber production and basic needs: economic and organisational potential of small growers in KwaZulu: lessons from an integrated rural development (IRD) project. (INR working paps., 42) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Gandar, M.V. Wood as a source of fuel in South Africa. (INR monographs, 4) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1983 SA Geldenhuys, C.J., ed. Biogeography of the mixed evergreen forests of Southern Africa. (SANSP occas. rep., 45) 208pp. CSIR 1990 SA Grant, R., Thomas, V. Sappi tree spotting - Lowveld. 2nd ed. 360pp. col.pl. R220 Jacana 1997 SA Institute of Natural Resources Agroforestry workshop. Proceedings of the Workshop held at the University of Natal, Durban, 28-29 November 1988. (INR working paps., 21) R50.00 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Institute of Natural Resources. Papers presented at the agroforestry workshop, University of Natal, Durban, 28-29 November 1988. (INR occas.paps., 21) 188pp. R15.00. Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Lawes, M., Feeley, H., Shackelton, C., Geach, B., eds. Indigenous forests and woodlands in South Africa. People, policy and practice. cd. col.pl.maps R295.00 ($59.95) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2004 SA Mander, J.J. Environmental evaluation of the proposed commercial afforestation in the Mbazwana Area. Volume 1 main report. Volume 2 supplementary report. Report prepared for Mondi forests, Kwambonambi. (INR investigational reports, 53) R75.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Mirrilees, R.I., Mander, M. Economic cost effectiveness analysis: development proposal for Mhlanga Forest Estate, Hawaan Forest and Ohlanga floodplain. Report prepared for Tongaat Hulett Properties. (INR working paps., 110) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Muir, D. Forest utilisation in KwaZulu: a case study of Hlatikulu Forest Reserve, Maputaland. Final report to the KwaZulu Bureau of Natural Resources. (INR investigational reports, 48) R45.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA
Subject index Murphy, C., Peden, M., Gandar, M. Consultation for SAPPI forests environmental management system: report recording workshops and interviews held with interested and affected parties. Prepared for Sappi forests. (INR working paps., 161) R22.00 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Peden, M. Tree utilisation in KwaZulu and the future provision of tree products. (INR working paps., 88) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Peden, M., Trench, T. Citrus, cycads and leucaena: an evaluation report on the Gold Fields/ Southern African Nature Foundation Agroforestry Project. Janauary 1992-May 1995. (INR working paps., 122) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Southern African Institute of Forestry South African forestry handbook. R285.00 ($85.00) SA Inst Forestry 2005 SA Teie, W. Fire manager’s handbook on veld and forest fires. R342.00 ($70.00) SA Inst Forestry 2005 SA Forests and forestry—Tanzania Hakikazi Catalyst People and trees. free on-line Hakikazi 2004 TZ Klem, G.S. Forestry research in Tanzania. 25pp. ($2.00) T.shs.50.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1980 TZ Sangster, R.G. Forestry in Tanzania. Lit Bureau 1968 KE
K.shs.3.00 Kenya
Forests and forestry—Tropics Nair, P.K.R. Agroforestry in the context of land clearing and development in the tropics. (Working paper, 33) 41pp. ICRAF 1985 KE Nwoboshi, L.C. Tropical silviculture. Principles and tenets. cd. 330pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Ibadan UP 1983 NR Opeke, L.K. Tropical commodity tree crops. 342pp. N1,140 ($10.80/£9.00) Spectrum 1982 NR Forests and forestry—Uganda Hamilton, A.C. Deforestation in Uganda. 120pp. K.shs.90.00 OUP - Nairobi 1984 KE Kasolo, W., Rudebjer, P. Agroforestry education in Uganda: proceedings of the First National Workshop on Agroforestry education: 2529 July 1994, Mukono, Uganda. 64pp. ICRAF 1995 KE National Agricultural Research Organisation Agriculture in Uganda. Forestry. vol.3 ISBN: 9970022407 123pp. ($20.95/ £12.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG Forests and forestry—Zimbabwe Marisa, L. The impact of commercial forest areas on nearby rural communities in the eastern highlands of Zimbabwe. ISBN: 190485558X 77pp. ($19.95/£11.95) OSSREA 2005 ET France—Atlases and maps Struik Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Brittany. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm; scale: 1:350,000.] col.map R39.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA Struik Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Paris. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm; sheet: 1,000x710mm; scale: 1:170,000 (area map), 1:20,000 (town plan).] new ed. col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA MUL France—Guide books Shales, M. Globetrotter travel guide to Paris. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA
Wooldridge, M. Globetrotter travel guide to Brittany. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA France—History Britwum, A., ed. Issues in the French revolution. 36pp. ($5.50/£2.95) Ghana UP 1993 GH Francophone literature—History and criticism Tabti, M., ed. Littérature canadienne. Impression de lecture. ISBN: 9961773187 136pp. DA350.00 (Eur10.00) Tell 2005 AE FRE Fraser, A.G.—Biography Ward, W.E.F. Fraser of Trinity and Achimota. cd. 328pp. pl. ($7.00) Ghana UP 1965 GH Fraser, Ian—Autobiography Fraser, I. My own private orchestra. 157pp. R37.99 Penguin SA 1993 SA French Guyana—History Hurault, J. Les noirs réfugiés Boni de la Guyane française. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 63) 362pp. ill. CFA5,000 IFAN 1961 SG FRE French language Ajiboye, T. Introduction to practice to oral French. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9782965324 116pp. N250.00 Bounty 2003 NR Kuttin-Mensah, A. A French vocabulary for everyday use. 75pp. C4,000 ($1.60) Black Mask 1987 GH Kwofie, E.N. An introduction to the description of the varieties of French in Africa. 126pp. N300.00 Univ Lagos Press 1997 NR French language—Addresses and essays Mbuko, L. French essays on culture and civilisation for schools and colleges. ISBN: 9782965227 225pp. ill.pl. N250.00 Bounty 2001 NR French language—Dictionaries Harrap French/English dictionary. ISBN: 9780291687 536pp. N1,314 Spectrum 2000 NR MUL French language—Easy reading materials, Adult EDILIS Savoir lire, un plaisir. ISBN: 2909238938 104pp. ill. CFA3,000 (Eur5.00) EDILIS 2000 IV FRE Editions Livre du Sud Lisons tous. teacher’s bk. 52pp. CFA3,000 EDILIS 1998 IV FRE Editions Livre du Sud Lisons tous. bk.2 76pp. CFA2,500 EDILIS 1998 IV FRE Editions Livres du Sud Lisons tous. bk.1 72pp. CFA2,500 EDILIS 1998 IV FRE Service Autonome d’Alphabétisation Cahier d’activité. Savoir lire, un plaisir. ISBN: 2913942997 90pp. ill. CFA2,000 (Eur3.00) EDILIS 2004 IV FRE Service Autonome d’Alphabétisation Cours de calcul pour l’alphabétisation, niveau 2. ISBN: 2913942687 46pp. CFA1,500 ill. (Eur3.00) EDILIS 2004 IV FRE Sombo, N.I. Cahiers d’activité. Lisons tous. vol.1 ISBN: 2913942180 61pp. ill. CFA2,000 (Eur3.00) EDILIS 2004 IV FRE Sombo, N.I. Cahiers d’activité. Lisons tous. vol.2 ISBN: 2913942199 78pp. ill. CFA2,000 (Eur3.00) EDILIS 2004 IV FRE Téra, K. Guide de préalphabétisation. ISBN: 2909238911 48pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur5.00) EDILIS 2004 IV FRE
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African Books in Print
Subject index Téra, K. Manuel de pré-alphabétisation [pour faciliter l’accès des adultes à la lecture, à l’écriture et au calcul). ISBN: 2909238504 81pp. ill. CFA3,000 EDILIS 2002 IV FRE French language—Examinations, questions Diallo, A.S. Prébac (SB) tome 1. 130pp. CFA2,500 ($6.25) Jamana 1992 ML FRE Dogbé, Y-E. Annales CEPD. Sujets. Corrigés ISBN: 2864270077 100pp. CFA2,500 Akpagnon 2000 TG FRE Dogbé, Y-E. Annales CEPD. Sujets. Corrigés. Leçons. ISBN: 2864270076 100pp. CFA2,500 Akpagnon 2000 TG FRE Dogbé, Y-E., ed. Annales CEPD. Sujets - corrigés. Français. vol.1 ISBN: 286427074X 100pp. CFA2,500 Akpagnon 2000 TG FRE Gbikpi, R. Le commentaire composé. BAC séries A C D E F et G. 100pp. CFA2,500 Akpagnon 2000 TG FRE Kataroh, A.E. Dictée-questions au B.E.P.C. 179pp. CFA2,000 Akpagnon 1996 TG FRE Obanya, P. French extracts and exercises for school certificate. 72pp. N52.80 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR Pekpeli, A. La dissertation française au lycée. ISBN: 2864270633 200pp. CFA4,000 Akpagnon 1999 TG FRE Salako, K.S., Amaizo, F., Adognon, F.D., Atsu, K. Le contrôle orthographique. CE corrigés. CFA500.00 NEA - Togo 1982 TG FRE Salako, K.S., Amaizo, F., Adognon, F.D., Atsu, K. Le contrôle orthographique. CE sujets. CFA650.00 NEA - Togo 1982 TG FRE
French language—Study and teaching (Elementary) Editions Jamana Grammaire française par l’observation. 179pp. CFA1,500 ($3.75) Jamana 1993 ML FRE Médiaspaul Répertoire des verbes français et leur conjugation. 6th ed. ISBN: 2741400385 144pp. Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE French language—Study and teaching Abioye, J.O., Diya, O.J. French for beginners. 3rd ed. bk.3 ISBN: 9781420588 41pp. col.ill. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR Abioye, J.O., Diya, O.J. French for beginners. 3rd ed. bk.1 ISBN: 9781423862 46pp. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR Abioye, J.O., Diya, O.J. French for beginners. 3rd ed. bk.2 ISBN: 9781420421 34pp. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR Abioye, J.O., Diya, O.J. French for beginners. 3rd ed. bk.4 ISBN: 9781421142 47pp. col.ill. N230.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR Abioye, J.O., Diya, O.J. French for beginners. 3rd ed. bk.5 ISBN: 9781421223 38pp. col.ill. N230.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR Abioye, J.O., Diya, O.J. French for beginners. 3rd ed. bk.6 ISBN: 9781424265 34pp. col.ill. N230.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR Ajiboye, T. Nouvel horizon. Teacher’s guide. Bounty 1999 NR FRE
CLE-Spectrum On y va. bk.2 ISBN: 2090334770 98pp. N780.00 Spectrum 2003 NR CLE-Spectrum On y va. bk.1 ISBN: 2090334760 96pp. N780.00 Spectrum 2003 NR FRE CLE-Spectrum On y va. bk.3 ISBN: 2090335750 100pp. N780.00 Spectrum 2003 NR
Salako, K.S., Amaizo, F., Adognon, F.D., Atsu, K. Le contrôle orthographique. CM2 corrigés. CFA600.00 NEA - Togo 1981 TG FRE
Editions Ganndal/SNA Syllabaire premier degré. Français. ISBN: 2913326366 120pp. FG4,000 Ganndal 2001[?] GV FRE
Salako, K.S., Amaizo, F., Adognon, F.D., Atsu, K. Le contrôle orthographique CM2 sujets. CFA800.00 NEA - Togo 1982 TG FRE
Iluromi, P.B. Short comprehension passages for beginners of French. ISBN: 9782965316 58pp. ill. N140.00 Bounty 2001 NR
Uély, A., Dzissenu, B., Dogbe, Y-E. Annales C.E.P.D. Sujets. Corrigés. Français. vol.1 ISBN: 286427074 100pp. CFA2,500 Akpagnon 2000 TG FRE
Ministère de la Promotion des Jeunes et de la Culture Civique Lisons tous. vol.2 ISBN: 2909238628 76pp. ill. CFA3,000 (Eur8.00) EDILIS 2001[?] IV FRE
Uély, A., Dzissenu, B., Dogbé, Y-E. Annales C.E.P.D. Sujets. Corrigés. Leçons. vol.3 ISBN: 286427076 100pp. CFA2,500 Akpagnon 2000 TG FRE
Ministère de la Promotion des Jeunes et de la Culture Civique Lisons tous. vol.1 ISBN: 290923827X 72pp. ill. CFA3,000 (Eur8.00) EDILIS 2001[?] IV FRE
Uély, A., Dzissenu, B., Dogbé, Y-E. Annales C.E.P.D. Sujets. Corrigés. Rédactions. vol.4 ISBN: 286427077 100pp. CFA2,500 Akpagnon 2000 TG FRE French language—Grammar Ajiboye, T. Common errors in French. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781360178 170pp. N300.00 Bounty 2000 NR
Tchezoum, K., Ahyee, D.C., Ananou, Y. De la construction de prases au paragraphe. 128pp. CFA3,500 NEA Togo 1986 TG FRE Téra, K., Tchagbalé, Z., Ouédraogo, B.M.R., Sombo, I. Guide parlons français. ISBN: 2913942245 182pp. ill. CFA6,000 (Eur15.00) EDILIS 2001 IV FRE
Bacha, J., Huet, J., Leeman, D. Méthodes en grammaire. Les modalités des phrases. Les catégories verbales. La phrase complexe. ISBN: 9973193482 284pp. Cérès 1998 TI FRE
Téra, K., Tchagbalé, Z., Ouedraogo, B.M.R., Sombo, I. Parlons français. vol.2 ISBN: 2913942237 78pp. ill. CFA3,000 (Eur8.00) EDILIS 2001 IV FRE
Couronne, M., Couronne, L. Le français en form 4. 136pp. Océan Indien Ed 1997 MF FRE
Téra, K., Tchagbalé, Z., Ouedraogo, B.M.R., Sombo, I. Parlons français. vol.1 ISBN: 2913942229 90pp. ill. CFA3,000 (Eur8.00) EDILIS 2001 IV FRE
Couronne, M., Dijacques, C. Grammaire cours complet. Forms 1 & 2. 212pp. Océan Indien Ed 1997 MF FRE Editions Jamana Grammaire française 5ème et 6ème années. 179pp. CFA2,500 ($6.25) Jamana 1997 ML FRE
French language—Study and teaching— Africa Fondation pour le Développement Communautaire Livre de lecture. Parlons aussi français dans le Keogo. 5th ed. ISBN: 2913991033 68pp. Sankofa & Gurli 2002 UV FRE Kwokie, E.N. French language teaching in Africa: issues in applied linguistics. ($5.00/ £3.50) N10.00 Univ Lagos Press NR French language—Study and teaching (Elementary) Abioye et al. Lantern primary French. bks.1-6 50100pp. pl. Literamed 1994 NR Agbekponou, A. La rédaction au cours moyen. 92pp. CFA3,000 NEA - Togo 1986 TG FRE Akono, M.T. Mon abécédaire. ISBN: 2723501493 32pp. col.ill. CFA3,000 (Eur8.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Balladon, F. Cahier d’exercices. ISBN: 0869809415 112pp. maps R45.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1998 SA FRE Coulibaly, A.M. Dictée et questions. 9è année. ISBN: 2910454778 70pp. CFA2,000 Jamana 2000 ML FRE Coulibaly, A.M. Rédaction. 9è année. ISBN: 2910454789 45pp. CFA2,000 Jamana 2000 ML FRE EDILIS Je veux apprendre, grande section. ISBN: 2909238288 48pp. ill. CFA3,000 EDILIS 2000 IV FRE EDILIS Je veux apprendre, moyenne section. ISBN: 2909238296 44pp. CFA2,500 ill. (Eur5.00) EDILIS 2000 IV FRE EDILIS Je veux apprendre, petite section. ISBN: 2909238202 46pp. ill. CFA3,000 (Eur8.00) EDILIS 2000 IV FRE Editions Ganndal Apprendre à communiquer. Manuel de l’apprenant. 92pp. FG3,000 Ganndal 1998 GV FRE Editions Ganndal and INRAP de Conakry Cahier d’activités multimatières. Première année (CP1). ISBN: 2913326080 96pp. ill. FG2,000 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE Editions Ganndal and INRAP de Conakry Cahier d’activités multimatières. Sixième année (CM2). ISBN: 2913326137 96pp. ill. FG2,000 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE Editions Ganndal and INRAP de Conakry Cahiers d’activités multimatières. Cinquième année (CM1). ISBN: 2913326129 96pp. ill. FG3,000 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE Editions Ganndal and INRAP de Conakry Cahiers d’activités multimatières. Deuxième année (CP2). ISBN: 2913326099 96pp. ill. FG3,000 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE Editions Ganndal and INRAP de Conakry Cahiers d’activités multimatières. Guide pédagogique. Cours élementaire. ISBN: 2913326153 86pp. FG2,000 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE Editions Ganndal and INRAP de Conakry Cahiers d’activités multimatières. Guide pédagogique. Cours moyen. ISBN: 2913326161 88pp. FG2,000 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE Editions Ganndal and INRAP de Conakry Cahiers d’activités multimatières. Guide pédagogique. Cours préparatoire. ISBN: 2913326145 74pp. FG2,000 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE Editions Ganndal and INRAP de Conakry Cahiers d’activités multimatières. Guides pédagogiques. Cours élémentaire. ISBN: 2913326153 86pp. ill. FG2,000 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
French language—Study and teaching (Elementary) Editions Ganndal and INRAP de Conakry Cahiers d’activités multimatières. Première année (CP1). ISBN: 2913326080 96pp. ill. FG3,000 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE Editions Ganndal and INRAP de Conakry Cahiers d’activités multimatières. Quatrième année (CE2). ISBN: 2913326110 96pp. ill. FG3,000 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE Editions Ganndal and INRAP de Conakry Cahiers d’activités multimatières. Sixième année (CM2). ISBN: 2913326137 96pp. ill. FG3,000 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE Editions Ganndal and INRAP de Conakry Cahiers d’activités multimatières. Troisième année (CE1). ISBN: 2913326102 96pp. ill. FG3,000 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE Editions Jamana Coloriage - initiation. ISBN: 2910454479 16pp. CFA500.00 Jamana 1998 ML FRE Editions Jamana Coloriage 1. 17pp. ill. CFA1,000 ($2.50) Jamana 1996 ML FRE Editions Jamana Coloriage 2. 17pp. ill. CFA1,000 ($2.50) Jamana 1997 ML FRE Editions Jamana Mon premier cahier d’écriture. 28pp. ill. CFA650 ($1.62) Jamana 1997 ML FRE Editions Livre du Sud Somala. Graphisme à la maternelle. bk.1 64pp. CFA2,000 EDILIS 1998 IV FRE Editions Livre du Sud Somala. Guide maitre. EDILIS 1998 IV FRE
16pp. CFA2,500
Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique Grains et ficelles. Maternelle grande section 6-7. ISBN: 9991953213 48pp. col.ill. CFA1,500 (Eur4.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique Grains et ficelles. Maternelle petite section 2-3 ans. 48pp. col.ill. CFA1,500 (Eur4.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique Grains et ficelles. Maternelles moyenne section 4-5ans. ISBN: 9991953191 48pp. col.ill. CFA1,500 (Eur4.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE Lalinon, B.G. J’apprends à colorier. Les fleurs et les papillons. bk.6 24pp. ill. CFA800.00 (Eur2.00) Ruisseaux 1997 DM FRE Lalinon, B.G. J’apprends à colorier. Les instruments de musique. bk.5 24pp. ill. CFA800.00 (Eur2.00) Ruisseaux 1997 DM FRE Max, M. Beginners French. Afram 1980 GH
56pp. ill. C4,000
Medetognon, B., Amegan, K.M. Je m’entraîne à la rédaction. 164pp. CFA2,800 NEA - Togo 1986 TG FRE Nouelles Editions Africaines du Togo Mon troisième livre de lecture. CFA1,600 NEA - Togo 1986 TG FRE Nouvelles Edition Africaines du Togo Mon deuxième livre de lecture. CFA1,600 NEA - Togo 1984 TG FRE Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Togo Les aventures de Finagnon. 3e année primaire. NEA - Togo 1984 TG FRE Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Togo Les aventures de Finagnon. 4e année primaire. NEA - Togo 1985 TG FRE Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Togo Les aventures de Finagnon. 5e année primaire. NEA - Togo 1987 TG FRE Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Togo Les aventures de Finagnon. 6e année primaire. NEA - Togo 1988 TG FRE
Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Togo Mon cinquième livre de lecture. CFA1,750 NEA - Togo 1986 TG FRE Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Togo Mon premier livre de lecture. CFA1,150 NEA - Togo 1984 TG FRE Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Togo Mon quatrième livre de lecture. CFA1,750 NEA - Togo 1986 TG FRE Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Togo Mon sixième livre de lecture. CFA1,800 NEA - Togo 1988 TG FRE
Subject index Grandsaigne, J.D. France-Afrique: a French course for Africa: pupil’s bk. 1, 5bks. 144pp. ill. N1.15 Macmillan - Nig 1969 NR FRE Grandsaigne, J.D. France-Afrique: a French course for Africa: pupils’ bk. 3, 5 bks. 192pp. ill. N1.40 Macmillan - Nig 1972 NR FRE Grandsaigne, J.D. France-Afrique: a French course for Africa: work bk. 1, 2 bks. 62pp. ill. 90k Macmillan - Nig 1969 NR FRE
Rakotondranaivo, A. Livre de français en T3. 113pp. ill. FMG900 TPFLM 1978 MG FRE
Grandsaigne, J.D. France-Afrique: a French course for Africa: work bk. 2, 2 bks. 160pp. ill. 90k Macmillan - Nig 1970 NR FRE
Ratoejanahary, M. La pratique du français. Education de base. bk.5 292pp. ill. FMG975.00 TPFLM 1977 MG FRE
Grandsaigne, J.D., Brachet, M.L. France-Afrique: a French course for Africa: pupil’s bk. bk. 4, 5 bks. 208pp. ill. N1.80 Macmillan - Nig 1975 NR FRE
Tchezoum, K., Ahyee, D.C., Ananou, Y. Mon cahier de construction de phrases no 1. CE1. 32pp. CFA3,500 NEA - Togo 1985 TG FRE
Gut, Y., ed. Plaisir de lire: recueil de textes littéraires pour les écoles secondaires. ISBN: 1919825738 211pp. R40.00 Protea 2002 SA FRE
Tchezoum, K., Ahyee, D.C., Ananou, Y. Mon cahier de construction de phrases no 2. CE2. 36pp. CFA1,500 NEA - Togo 1985 TG FRE Vandormael, J. J’apprends à écrire. 16pp. ill. FC375.00 (0.75) Paulines - DRC 2000 ZR FRE Vandormael, J. J’écris mes premières lettres. ISBN: 2914624417 16pp. col.ill. FC900.00 ($1.80) Paulines - DRC 2004 ZR FRE French language—Study and teaching (Secondary) Ajiboye, T. Nouvel horizon student’s workbook 2. ISBN: 9782965243 46pp. ill. N150.00 Bounty 2001 NR Ajiboye, T., Obenege, L., Ojelade, K. Nouvel horizon student’s workbook 1. ISBN: 9782965235 52pp. ill. N150.00 Bounty 2001 NR Ajiboye, T., Ogbenege, L., Ojelade, K. Nouvel horizon workbook 3. ISBN: 9782965251 64pp. ill. N170.00 Bounty 2001 NR Ajiboye, T., Ojelade, K., Baa, M. Nouvel horizon 4: an integrated course for senior secondary French. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9782965103 228pp. ill. N490.00 Bounty 2000 [?] NR Ajiboye, T., Ojelade, K., Obenege, L. Nouvel horizon 1: an integrated course for junior secondary French. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9782965065 88pp. ill. N300.00 Bounty 2005 NR Ajiboye, T., Ojelade, K., Obenege, L. Nouvel horizon 2: an integrated course for junior secondary French. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9782965081 82pp. ill. N320.00 Bounty 2005 NR Ajiboye, T., Ojelade, K., Ogbenege, L. Nouvel horizon book 3: an integrated course for junior secondary French. 2nd ed. ISBN: 978296509X 96pp. ill. N320.00 Bounty 2005 NR Boateng, A. France Afrique. La famille Tano. French reader for years 2 and 3 of secondary schools in West Africa. 32pp. ill. 70k Macmillan - Nig 1975 NR Boateng, A. Le village de Papa Mensah. 48pp. C2,000 Afram 1975 GH FRE Brachet, M.L. Deux enfants en vacances. 60pp. ill. 80k Macmillan - Nig 1970 NR Coomber, A.A., Bessey, A., Barthas, M. France Afrique. Douze contes africains. A French reader for year 2 of secondary schools in West Africa. 56pp. ill. 80k Macmillan - Nig 1975 NR FRE Grandsaigne, J.D. France-Afrique: a French course for Africa: pupils’ bk. 5, 5 bks. 148pp. ill. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1970 NR FRE
Mbuko, L. Model essays in French for secondary schools. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9782965499 56pp. ill. N150.00 Bounty 2004 NR Obanya, P., et al. Français fonctionnel. teacher’s guide 3 32pp. N46.55 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR FRE Obanya, P., et al. Français fonctionnel. pupil’s bk.1 140pp. N138.15 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR Obanya, P., et al. Français fonctionnel. workbook 2 64pp. N46.55 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR FRE Obanya, P., et al. Français fonctionnel. workbook 3 64pp. N46.55 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR FRE Obanya, P., et al. Français fonctionnel. teacher’s guide bks. 1-2 46pp. N13.80 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1978 NR Obanya, P., et al. Français fonctionnel. workbook 1 16pp. N46.55 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR Shihema, J., Odhiambo, J., Simekha, J. Entre copains. Teacher’s guide. bk.1 ISBN: 9966252037 K.shs.180.00 EAEP 2003 KE FRE Shihemi, J., Odhiambo, J., Simekha, J. Entre copains. Teacher’s guide. bk.2 ISBN: 996625269X 72pp. K.shs.290.00 EAEP 2003 KE FRE Shihema, J., Odhiambo, J., Simekha, J. Entre copains. Teacher’s guide. bk.3 ISBN: 9966253122 56pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 2004 KE FRE Shihemi, J., Odhiambo, J., Simekha, J. Entre copains. bk.1 ISBN: 9966252029 K.shs.350.00 EAEP 2003 KE FRE Shihemi, J., Odhiambo, J., Simekha, J. Entre copains. bk.2 ISBN: 9966252681 144pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 2003 KE FRE Shihema, J., Odhiambo, J., Simekha, J. Entre copains. bk.3 ISBN: 9966253114 132pp. K.shs.450.00 EAEP 2004 KE FRE Shihema, J., Odhiambo, J., Simekha, J. Entre copains. bk.4 ISBN: 9966253971 K.shs.650.00 EAEP 2005 KE FRE Shihemi, J., Odhiambo, J., Simekha, J. A French course for secondary. Teacher’s book. bk.4 ISBN: 996625398X K.shs.450.00 EAEP 2005 KE MUL French literature de Balzac, H. Eugénie Grandet. ISBN: 9973191013 184pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE
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African Books in Print
Subject index de Maupassant, G. Bel ami. ISBN: 9973700503 376pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE de Maupassant, G. Une vie. ISBN: 9973193636 206pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE Dumas, A. La tulipe noire. ISBN: 9973102416 236pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE Flaubert, G. Madame Bovary. ISBN: 9973193628 378pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE Flaubert, G. Salammbô. ISBN: 9973191405 340pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE
Gandhi, Mahatma—Biography Nwaozuzu, B.S.C. The intellectual orbit of La Fontaine. 102pp. ($8.00/£6.00) N15.00 Univ Nigeria Press 1985 NR Wakerley, I.C. Les amours de Ronsard (pour Cassandra et Hélène): étude comparative. (Dept. of Modern Languages Occas. pap., 1) 40pp. Z$2.58 Univ Zimbabwe 1971 ZI FRE
Gâ—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Arries-Tagoe, A.A. Jeee anaanu. [The spider.] 27pp. ill. C500.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1992 GH GAA
French literature—Study and teaching (Secondary) Fornacciari, M.F., Mercier., M., Kane Thèmes et travaux. Littérature française (1750-1850). CFA2,100 NEAS 1975 SG FRE
Gâ language Bureau of Ghana Languages Gâ language guide. rev.ed. 50pp. C500.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1961 GH GAA
Fournier, A. Le grand Meaulnes. ISBN: 9973700473 228pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE
French literature in English—Fiction Verne, J. Star of the South. new ed. ISBN: 186919022X cd. 252pp. ill. R160.00 (£25.00) Protea 2003 SA
Lewis, R.A. La cloche fêlée. [Supplement to Zambezia, 1976.] 27pp. Z$1.80 Univ Zimbabwe 1976 ZI FRE
Fruit see also Forests and forestry Gardening
Molière L’avare. ISBN: 9973190777 168pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE
Fruit—Morocco Basler, A., et al. Le secteur des rosacées fruitières au Maroc. 432pp. Actes Ed 1995 MR FRE
Molière Le médécin malgré lui. ISBN: 9977190866 148pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE Stendhal Le rouge et le noir. ISBN: 9973700430 544pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE Victor Hugo Cosette (Les misérables). ISBN: 9973190106 296pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE Victor Hugo Fantines (Les misérables). ISBN: 9973191072 332pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE Voltaire Candide. ISBN: 9973190963 168pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE Voltaire Zadig. ISBN: 997319070X 120pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE Zola, E. Germinal. ISBN: 9973190971 484pp. Cérès 2001[?] TI FRE French literature—Collections Dogbé, Y-E., ed. Textes à lire. vol.1 100pp. CFA2,500 Akpagnon 2000 TG FRE Dogbé, Y-E., ed. Textes à lire. vol.3 180pp. CFA3,500 Akpagnon 2000 TG FRE Lederlin, F.E., Sienaert, E.R., eds. Receuil de nouvelles françaises. 224pp. R57.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1995 SA FRE Sienaert, E., Lederlin, F., de Ravel, A. Poésie de langue français: anthologie thematiqué. 200pp. R45.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1985 SA FRE French literature—History and criticism Bal, W. La comparaison. Son emploi dans ‘Gaspard des Montagnes,’ d’Henri Peurrat. 60pp. 40k Press Univ Congo 1958 ZR FRE Daudet, A. Lettres de mon moulin. Notes et commentaires de L. David. 170pp. Océan Indien Ed 1997 MF FRE Kwofie, E.N. L’usage syntaxique du Français, Au XIXe siècle d’apres les romanciers. cd. & N16.00 ($8.00/£5.50 cd.) N10.00 ($5.00/£3.50 pap.) Univ Lagos Press 1981 NR FRE Lamouchi, N. Un maître-préfacier. Jean-Paul Sartre et l’autre colonisé. ISBN: 9973195175 152pp. Cérès 2002 TI FRE
Amartey, A.A. Ga kasemc vii. [Learning advanced Ga.] 2nd ed. 120pp. pl. C800.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1992 GH GAA
Fugard, Athol—Autobiography Fugard, A. Cousins: a memoir. 112pp. R60.00 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA [Southern Africa only] Fulani language—Dictionaries Gaden, H. Dictionnaire Peul-Français. Publication du fichier Gaden des manuscrits de l’IFAN, enrichi par une équipe de chercheurs du Fuuta-Tooro et du Fuuta-Dyallo. 2 vols.(IFAN catalogues et documents, 22) 226pp. CFA3,800 IFAN 1972 SG FRE Fulani language—Study and teaching Sylla, Y. Syntaxe peule. Contributions à la recherche sur les universaux du langage. 350pp. CFA2,500 NEAS 1993 SG FRE Fungi see also Mycology Fungi—Africa, Southern van der Westhuizen, G., Eicker, A. Field guide: mushrooms of southern Africa. 208pp. col.pl.maps R129.95 Struik Publ 1994 SA Gâ—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Ababio, E.S.T. Jenba he ehia. [Good character pays.] 4th ed. 94pp. pl. C170.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1988 GH GAA Abbey, J.C. Nakai Ameyoo. [So they are.] 48pp. C600.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1992 GH GAA Amartey, A.A. Namcale. [Who can foretell.] 2nd ed. 79pp. pl. C130.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1985 GH GAA Amartey, A.A. Otswa te otswa ohienaa. [You’ve singed your own beard.] 3rd ed. 62pp. pl. C250.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1988 GH GAA Nanor, J.N. No ko ye jen. [The world is mysterious.] rev.ed. 77pp. ill. C700.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1968 GH GAA Tartey, S. Mojawe. [House of blood.] 3rd ed. 25pp. pl. C120.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1988 GH GAA Gâ—General and Non-fiction Adokwei, E.A. Kwemo ogbomotso jogbann. [Take good care of yourself. Against AIDS.] 48pp. ill. C4,500 ($2.50/£2.00) Adwinsa 1994 GH GAA Adokwei, E.A. Muu mu kpakpa. [Drink good water.] 16pp. ill. C3,000 ($2.00/£1.00) Adwinsa 1994 GH GAA
Gabon—Ethnography Mba, L. Ecrits ethnographiques. Les Pahouins du Gabon du XIXe siècle à l’aube du XXè siècle. Suivi de Essais de droit coutumier Pahouin. ISBN: 2912776252 127pp. ill. CFA5,500 Raponda Walker 2002 GO FRE Gabon—History Clist, B. Gabon: 100,000 ans d’histoire. 1998 GO FRE
M’Bokolo, E. Le roi Denis du Gabon. 96pp. CFA150.00 NEAS 1976 SG FRE Rossatanga-Rignault, G. L’état au Gabon: histoire et institutions. ISBN: 2912776198 485pp. Raponda Walker 2000 GO FRE Gabon—Politics and government Ondo, B-F. Au service de l’état. ISBN: 2912123097 324pp. Silence 2002 GO FRE Gabon—Sociology Ngowet, L. Petites misères et grand silence. Culture et élites au Gabon. 149pp. CFA6,000 (Eur10.00) Raponda Walker 2001 GO FRE Games House, C. It’s your turn now. An A to Z of African games. ISBN: 0636058352 48pp. ill. R39.91 Maskew Miller Longman 2004 SA Games—Côte d’Ivoire Ballou, K. Règles et stratégies du jeu awalé. [Also available in English and German.] 2nd ed. 64pp. NEI 1978 IV FRE Kanga, B. A guide for playing the game of Woaley. 36pp. CFA1,365 NEI 1984 IV Games—Mali Dembélé, S. Jeux traditionnels. 89pp. CFA1,950 ($5.00) Jamana 1991 ML FRE Gamley, Anthony M.—Biography Cluster Publishers Anthony M. Gamley. A portrait by friends. ISBN: 1875053298 192pp. R75.00 ($25.00) Cluster 2001 SA Gandah, S.W.D.K.—Autobiography Gandah, S.W.D.K. The silent rebel. ISBN: 9988550723 288pp. C125,000 Sub-Saharan 2004 GH Gandhi, Mahatma—Biography Brown, J.M., Prozesky, M. Gandhi and South Africa. Principles and politics. 131pp. pl. R65.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1996 SA Hardiman, D. Gandhi in his time and ours. The global legacy of his ideas. ISBN: 1869140346 R155.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2004 SA Itzkin, E. Gandhi’s Johannesburg. Birthplace of Satyagraha. ISBN: 1868143619 144pp. col.ill. R140.00 Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA Pampallis, J. Mohandas Gandhi. 68pp. pl. R19.04 Maskew Miller Longman 1994 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Gandhi, Manilal—Biography Gandhi, Manilal—Biography Dhupelia-Mesthrie, U. Gandhi’s prisoner? The life of Gandhi’s son Manilal. ISBN: 0795701764 cd. 420pp. pl. R175.00 Kwela 2004 SA Gardening see also Fruit Herbs Horticulture Plants Vegetables Eliovson, S. The complete gardening book. cd. 297pp. photos. col. photos. R22.50 Macmillan - SA 1974 SA Hall, D. A garden of plenty: growing vegetables in your backyard. 54pp. pl. R36.99 Philip 1988 SA Harris, D. Hydroponics: gardening without soil. 232pp. pl. R69.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Kessler, J. Fuschias. 1992 SA
32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg
Simpson, J. Flowering shrubs. 32pp. ill. R29.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA Simpson, J. Foliage shrubs. 32pp. ill. R29.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA Soudi, B. Compostage des déchets ménagers et valorisation du compost: cas des petites et moyennes communes au Maroc. ISBN: 998180147X 104pp. ill. free Actes Ed 2001 MR FRE Soudi, B., Eisa, M. Household solid waste composting and valorisation of compost. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 9981801550 ill. Actes Ed 2003 MR Theron, B. Climbers. 1992 SA
32pp. ill. R29.95 Tafelberg
Theron, B. Ground covers. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA Uys, M. Shortcut to easy gardening. R24.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA Young, M. Lawns. SA
32pp. ill. R29.95 Tafelberg 1992
Gardening—Africa Bader, J. The African bonsai collection. ISBN: 0864865198 112pp. col.pl. R149.95 Philip 2001 SA Parrot, D. Jardins tropicaux. 1974 CM FRE
80pp. CFA1,200 CLE
Gardening—Africa, East Raymer, D. Down to earth. ISBN: 9966868151 cd. 314pp. ill.col.ill. K.shs.2,500 ($44.00/ £28.00) Horizon 1998 KE Gardening—Africa, Southern Barnhoorn, F. Growing bulbs in southern Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] cd. 144pp. col.ill. R89.95 Southern Book Publ 1997 SA Eliovson, S. Garden design for southern Africa. cd. 224pp. ill. col.pl. R29.95 Macmillan - SA 1983 SA Geldenhuys, E. Growing roses with Esther Geldenhuys. All you need to know about roses in southern Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] new ed. ISBN: 1868720659 104pp. col.ill.col.pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Subject index Glen, H. Cultivated plants of southern Africa. Names, common names, literature. 32pp. col.pl. R39.95 R10.00 NBI 2002 SA la Croix, I.F. Growing scented plants in Southern Africa. 168pp. col.pl. R11.95 Macmillan - SA 1984 SA Pienaar, K. Gardening with indigenous plants. Easyto-grow southern African plants for your garden. new ed. 96pp. col.pl. R89.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Sheat, B., Schofield, G. Complete gardening in southern Africa. rev.ed. 488pp. ill.col.pl. R220.00 Struik Publ 1997 SA Gardening—Lesotho Phororo, H. Home gardens in Lesotho. (ISAS working papers, 14) ISBN: 9991131221 59pp. ill.pl. ($14.95/£8.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho LO Gardening—South Africa Adam, R. Bonsai in South Africa. The art of growing and styling in South Africa. cd. 167pp. col.ill. R82.99 Struik Publ 1993 SA Bloom, H. Growing roses in South Africa. 160pp. col.pl. R11.95 Macmillan - SA 1984 SA Brooks, S., Friedman, M. Community gardens in KwaZulu: a pilot study. Report prepared for the HSRC. (INR investigational reports, 68) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Brown, J.A. A year in a cottage garden. 128pp. ill.col.pl. R69.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Brown, Jamieson & Botha Grow restios. ISBN: 1919684115 36pp. col.pl. R29.95 ($9.00) NBI 1998 SA Brown, Kotze & Botha Grow proteas. ISBN: 1919684453 36pp. col.pl. R29.50 ($9.00) NBI 1998 SA Brown, N., Jamieson, H., Botha, P. Grow restios. ISBN: 1919684115 34pp. col.pl. R39.95 ($10.00) NBI 1998 SA Donaldson, J., Winter, J. Grow cycads. ISBN: 1919684131 36pp. col.pl. R29.50 ($9.00) NBI 1998 SA Duncan, G. Grow agapanthus. ISBN: 191968414X 64pp. col.pl. R42.50 ($15.00) NBI 1998 SA Duncan, G. Grow nerines. ISBN: 1919684336 35pp. col.pl. R39.95 ($10.00) NBI 2002 SA Duncan, G. The Kirstenbosch gardening series. ISBN: 191968414X 36pp. col.pl. R29.50 ($9.00) NBI 1998 SA Duncan, G.D. Grow bulbs. ISBN: 1919684263 32pp. col.pl. R39.95 ($18.00) NBI 2000 SA Eliovson, S. Garden beauty of South Africa. cd. 152pp. col. pl. R17.50 Macmillan - SA 1979 SA Eliovson, S. Proteas for pleasure. 5th ed. cd. 252pp. col. pl. R15.00 Macmillan - SA 1979 SA Eliovson, S. South African wildflowers for the garden. 5th ed. cd. 306pp. col. ill. photos. R16.50 Macmillan - SA 1973 SA Gardiner, N. Colour in your garden. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1875001212 128pp. ill. R99.95 Tafelberg 2001 SA Gobold-Simpson, J. Annuals and perennials. Creating a South African flower garden. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868720861 64pp. col.pl. R69.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Hadfield, J. The A-Z of vegetable gardening in South Africa. rev ed. 153pp. col.ill.col.pl. R99.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Henderson, D. Roses. 32pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA Hey, B. A celebration of herbs for the South African garden and home. cd. 96pp. col. ill. R51.99 Struik Publ 1993 SA Hill, D. Growing bonsai in South Africa. 180pp. ill. pl. col.pl. R44.95 Southern Book Publ 1988 SA Hönig, M.A., Ivey, P., Shaide, A., van der Walt, L. Water-wise gardening in the summer rainfall regions. ISBN: 0621287261 24pp. col.ill. R12.00 ($5.00) NBI 1998 SA Hönig, M.A., Ivey, P., Shaide, A., van der Walt, L. Water-wise gardening in the winter rainfall regions. ISBN: 0621287261 24pp. col.ill. R12.00 ($5.00) NBI 1998 SA Huw Smith, A. The Brenthurst gardens. cd. 78pp. pl. col.pl. R36.50 Brenthurst 1990 SA Joffe, P. Creative gardening with indigenous plants. A South African guide. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 187509329X 372pp. col.pl. ($33.00) Briza 2001 SA Joffe, P. The gardener’s guide to South African plants. [Also available in Afrikaans.] cd. 368pp. col.ill. R149.95 Tafelberg 1993 SA Johnson, D., Johnson, S. Gardening with indigenous trees and shrubs. ISBN: 1868127664 194pp. col.pl. R135.00 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA Johnson, L.V. A-Z of garden maintenance. ISBN: 1875093508 128pp. col.pl. R169.95 Briza 2005 SA Kirsten, K. Keith Kirsten’s gardening solutions. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798141360 cd. 160pp. col.pl. R150.00 Human and Rousseau 2002 SA Kirsten, K., Reid, O. Keith Kirsten’s guide to garden plants. A comprehensive South African handbook. 2nd ed. 128pp. col.ill.col.pl. R89.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Kruger, P. Trees for small gardens. Tafelberg 1992 SA
32pp. R29.95
Oliver, I. Grow succulents. ISBN: 1919684077 36pp. col.pl. R29.95 ($9.00) NBI 1998 SA Palmer, E. A gardener’s year. Tafelberg 1995 SA
204pp. col.ill. R69.95
Palmer, E. Under the olive. cd. 130pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 1989 SA Rattray, J. In a country garden. ISBN: 086486468X col.ill. R149.95 Philip 2000 SA Reader’s Digest Your gardening questions answered. cd. 464pp. col.ill. R129.99 Readers Digest SA 1996 SA Reid, J. Butterfly gardening in South Africa. ISBN: 1875093214 112pp. col.ill. Briza 2000[?] SA Schoeman, A.S. A guide to garden pests and diseases in South Africa. ISBN: 1868727106 160pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 2002 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 252
African Books in Print
Subject index Simpson, J. Outdoor palms. 1992 SA
Gender studies—Kenya 32pp. R29.95 Tafelberg
Uys, M. Grow your own vegetables and herbs. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 079813643X 176pp. col.pl. R69.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA van Jaarsveld, E. Wonderful waterwise gardening. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624038408 cd. 144pp. ill. R159.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA
Tanzania Gender Networking Programme Budgeting with a gender focus. 46pp. TGNP 1999 TZ Tanzania Gender Networking Programme Structural adjustment and gender empowerment or disempowerment. 87pp. T.shs.2,000 TGNP 1994 TZ Gender studies—Africa AAWORD/AFARD Africa: gender, globalization and resistance. 167pp. ($8.00) AFARD 1999 SG
Gardening—Zambia Quainoo Vegetable growing in Zambia. 86pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Multimedia 1991 ZA
Abantu for Development The gender implications of peacekeeping and reconstruction in Africa, May 2000. ISBN: 1899805087 ($10.00) ABANTU 2002 KE
Gastroenterology Russu, M. Gastroentérologie. ill. pl. ($24.60) Z46.80 Press Univ Congo 1979 ZR FRE
Abraham, K.N., et al., eds. Reflections on gender issues in Africa. ISBN: 1779050844 111pp. ($14.95/£8.95) SAPES 1999 ZI
Gawaine, John—Autobiography Gawaine, J. The diamond seeker. cd. 184pp. pl. (£3.95) R8.50 Macmillan - SA 1976 SA
Annan-Yao, E., Bashaw, Z.N., Ishengoma, C.G. Gender, economies and entitlements in Africa. (CODESRIA gender series, 2) ISBN: 2869781393 188pp. ($22.95/ £14.95) CODESRIA 2004 SG
Gazalé, Midhat J.—Autobiography Gazalé, M. Pyramids road. An Egyptian journey. ISBN: 9774248325 cd. 224pp. col.ill. E£90.00 ($24.50/£17.95) Am Univ 2004 UA Gender studies AAWORD/AFARD AAWORD/AFARD: deconstructing research and development for gender equality. 103pp. ($7.00) AFARD 1999 SG Endeley, J.B., Ardener, S., Goodridge, R., et al. New gender studies from Cameroon and the Caribbean. (Gender Issues in Development.1) ISBN: 0954538463 165pp. ($24.95/£14.95) WGS-Buea 2004 CM Friedman, M. Report from the National Gender and Development Workshop held at Africa Enterprise. (INR occasional paps., 113) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Gachukia, E. Gender, education and training: a case for affirmative action. ($5.00) FAWE 1994 KE Haider, R. Gender and development. 184pp. E£40.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1995 UA Hodgson, D.L., McCurdy, S. ‘Wicked’ women and the reconfiguration of gender. ISBN: 0852556950 cd. 352pp. pl.maps (£40.00) ISBN: 0852556454 (£16.95) Philip 2001 SA Kabira, W.M., Masinjila, M. ABC of gender analysis. FAWE 1995 KE
25pp. ($7.00)
Mares, T. The quest for maleness. ISBN: 1919792074 ill. R86.00 ($12.95/£7.99) Lionheart 1999 SA Nikoi, G. Gender and development. 1993 Kwame Nkrumah memorial lectures. ISBN: 9964302576 122pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Ghana UP 1998 GH Orford, J., Bogosi, R. Report on the workshop on gender and research methodology, convened by the Development Cooperation Office of the Swedish Embassy, Windhoek, 9-13 March 1992. (Travel and meeting reports, 4) 4pp. N$9.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Sithole Fundine, S., Zhou, A., Larsson, A., Schlyter, A. Gender research on urbanization, planning, housing and everyday life. 240pp. Z$75.00 ($20.00/£13.00) ZWRCN 1995 ZI Smith, C. Gender in archaeology. ISBN: 9782783498 43pp. N250.00 ($3.00/£1.50/ Eur3.00) Textflow 2005 NR
Arnfred, S., Bakare-Yusuf, B., Waswa Kisiang’ani, E. African gender scholarship: concepts, methodologies and paradigms. (CODESRIA gender series, 1) ISBN: 2869781385 107pp. ($16.95/£9.95) CODESRIA 2005 SG Chandi, L. Renewable energy for rural development with a gender perspective: draft short term study report. (AFREPREN working paper, 292) 67pp. AFREPREN 2002 KE Cornwall, A., ed. Readings in gender in Africa. ISBN: 9966258716 264pp. K.shs.2,240 EAEP 2005 KE [Keny aonly] Fick, G. Recognising gender equality and its implications for free and fair elections. R45.00 EISA 1999 SA Imam, A., Mama, A., Sow, F., eds. Genre et sciences sociales en Afrique. 180pp. CFA10,000 ($20.00/£20.00/ Eur20.00) CODESRIA 2004 SG FRE Iman, A.M., Mama, A., Sow, F. Sexe, gendre et société. Engendrer les sciences sociales africaines. trans.f.t. English by A. Sow, A. Bathily & M. Ka [Also available in English.] ISBN: 2845861117 470pp. ($49.95/£34.95) CODESRIA 2004 SG FRE Kolawole, M., ed. Gender perceptions and development in Africa. ISBN: 9783318705 288pp. ($18.95/£10.95) Kolawole 1998 NR Mbow, P., ed. Hommes et femmes entre sphères publiques et privées. (CODESRIA gender series, 5) ISBN: 2869781415 188pp. ($24.95/£19.95) CODESRIA 2005 SG FRE McFadden, P., ed. Reflections on gender issues in Africa. ISBN: 1779050844 116pp. Z120.00 ($11.00) SAPES 1999 ZI Morgan, R., Wieringa, S. Tommy boys, lesbian men & ancestral wives: femail same-sex practices in Africa. ISBN: 1770090932 336pp. R125.00 ($17.00/£10.00) Jacana 2005 SA Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa OSSREA gender issues research report. vols.20-21 ISBN: 1904855563 35, 66pp. ($16.95/£9.95) OSSREA 2005 ET OSSREA OSSREA gender issue research report series. [15 papers available as a set.] ($60.00/£35.00 set) OSSREA 2001 ET Oyekanmi, F., ed. Men, women and violence. ISBN: 286978077X 187pp. ($20.95/£12.95) CODESRIA 2000 SG
Saur, M., Semu, L., Ndau, S.H. Nkhanza. Listening to people’s voices. ISBN: 9990876428 90pp. ill. ($14.95/ £10.95) Kachere 2005 MW Sigot, A. Towards common ground. Gender and natural resource management in Africa. 122pp. K.shs.350.00 ($18.00) ACTS Kenya 1995 KE Gender studies—Africa, East Gopal, G., Salim, M. Gender and law: Eastern Africa speaks. ISBN: 9966925139 229pp. ill. Quest 2001 KE Gender studies—Africa, Southern Hall, L. The use of drawing in the development of a gender sensitive participatory training methodology in the Natal/KwaZulu area. Paper presented at the 1st Women and Gender in Souther Africa Conference, University of Natal, Durban, 30 January - 2 February. (INR working paps., 64) R7.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Kethusegile, B.M., et al., comps. SADC gender monitor. ISBN: 1779100035 44pp. ($9.95/£5.95) SAPES 1999 ZI Lopi, B., Gumble, S., Johnson, P., comps. Reporting gender in southern Africa. A media guide. ISBN: 1779100043 168pp. ($16.95/£9.95) SAPES 1999 ZI Mapetla, M., Hall, D. Changing gender relations in southern Africa: issues of urban life. ISBN: 9991131213 336pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1998 LO McFadden, P., Chiriga, J., et al., eds. Southern Africa in transition: a gendered perspective. ISBN: 1779050674 148pp. ($16.00/£8.95) SAPES 1998 ZI Morrell, R., ed. Changing men in southern Africa. ISBN: 0869809830 300pp. R140.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA Gender studies—Bibliography Ahikire, J. Gender and labour in sub-Saharan Africa: an annotated bibliography. 55pp. ($9.50) Centre Basic Res 1997 UG Gender studies—Botswana Mulinge, M.M. The perceived nature and extent of gender discrimination in the teaching profession in Botswana. (Gender issues research reports, 18) ISBN: 0954203062 123pp. ($18.95/£10.95) OSSREA 2002 ET Gender studies—Egypt Ahmed, L. Women and gender in Islam: historical roots of a modern debate. 304pp. E£40.00 ($15.00) Am Univ 1993 UA [Egypt only] Badran, M. Feminists, Islam and nation: gender and the making of modern Egypt. 368pp. E£60.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 1995 UA [Egypt only] El Katsha, S., Watts, S. Gender, behavior and health: schistosomiasis transmission and control in rural Egypt. ISBN: 9774247280 244pp. E£75.00 ($22.50/£16.95) Am Univ 2002 UA Gender studies—Ghana Tsikata, D. Gender training in Ghana. Politics, issues and tools. ISBN: 9964978766 458pp. ($38.00/£21.50) Woeli 2001 GH Gender studies—Ghana—Bibliography Ardayfio Schandorf, E. Bridges of development: a compendium of gender and the Ghanaian family. ISBN: 9988626177 624pp. ($44.95/ £35.00) Woeli 2004 GH Gender studies—Kenya Maina, W. Gender and democracy: an analysis of Kenya’s political parties manifestos. 74pp. Ebert - Namibia 1996 SX
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Gender studies—Kenya Nzomo, M., ed. The gender dimension of electoral politics in Kenya: capacity building of women candidates for 1997 and beyond. 85pp. Ebert - Namibia 1997 SX Ongile, G. Gender and agricultural supply response to structural adjustment programmes: a case study of smallholder tea production in Kericho. (IDS working paper, 507) 31pp. K.shs.70.00 ($2.59/£1.61) Inst Dev Stud 1996 KE Gender studies—Lesotho Dyer, K. Gender relations in the home and workplace: a case study of the gener implications of Lesotho’s current economic development strategy for the clothing industry. ISBN: 9991131288 32pp. M35.00 ($8.00/£5.00) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 2001 LO Letuka, P., Mateliso, A., Matashane-Marite, K. Gender and elections in Lesotho: perspectives on the 2002 elections. (EISA research report, 4) R20.00 EISA 2003 SA Pule, N., Matlosa, K. The impact of retrenched returnees on gender relations in rural Lesotho. (Gender issues research reports, 10) Birr20.00 ($6.00) OSSREA 2000 ET Gender studies—Malawi Sour, M., Semu, L., Hauya, N.S. Nkhanza: listening to people’s voices: a study of gender-based violence nkhanza in three districts of Malawi. (Kachere text, 21) ISBN: 9990876428 90pp. ($8.75/ £4.82) Kachere 2005 MW Gender studies—Namibia Iipinge, E.M., Phiri, F.A., Njabili, A.F., eds. The national gender study. 2 vols. ill. UNAM 2000 SX Gender studies—Nigeria Omonubi-McDonnell, M. Gender inequality in Nigeria. ISBN: 9780293728 244pp. ill.maps ($24.95/ £9.95) Spectrum 2003 NR Gender studies—South Africa Auerbach, R.M.B., Murphy, C.A., Dlamini, M.D. Gender and agriculture: profile of a southern KwaZulu community. Paper presented at the Annuual Conference of the SA Society of Crop Production, Stellenbosch, January. (INR working paps., 61) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Fick, G. Gender checklist for free and fair elections: South Africa. R25.00 EISA 1999 SA Fick, G., Meintjies, S., Simons, M. One woman, one vote. The gender politics of the South African elections. ISBN: 1919814426 220pp. R120.00 ($15.00) EISA 2002 SA Friedman, M. Gender and development. A literature review. (INR working paps., 23) R7.50 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Hassim, S. Gender, social location and feminist politics in South Africa. 18pp. R5.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1991 SA
Subject index Skinner, C. Securing livelihoods: a gendered analysis of suppoer interventions available to street traders in the Durban metropolitan area. (CSDS research reports, 34) R20.00/R35.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2000 SA Walker, L., Reid, G. Men behaving differently. South African men since 1994. ISBN: 1919930981 256pp. R140.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Gender studies—South Africa— Bibliography Ballington, J. South African gender and elections bibliography. R25.00 EISA 1999 SA
Esat, R., Morrison, A., Norton, J. Get sharp: advanced reading, thinking and writing skills. 280pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1991 KE Gachuhi, D. Read and learn standard 6. OUP - Nairobi 1981 KE
64pp. ill.
Hoffman, A. The don’t worry be happy exam helper. 74pp. ill. ($6.95/£3.75) Academic Bks 1992 ZI
Gender studies—Sudan Munzoul, M.A. The process of displacement and its impact on gender roles and relations: a study of El Salam displaced Omdurman. (DSRC seminar series, 104) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1997 SJ
Mensah, R. Master pieces of reality. 78pp. C1.95 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1977 GH
Gender studies—Tanzania Bendera, S.J., Mboya, M.W., eds. Gender education in Tanzanian schools. ISBN: 9976603061 153pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1999 TZ
Phiri, D.D. Hints to private students. 2nd ed. 70pp. ($1.50/60p.) K.shs3.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1966 KE
Geiger, S. TANU women, gender and culture in the making of Tanganyikan nationalism, 1955-1965. ISBN: 0852556799 cd. & 240pp. pl.maps (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852556292 (£15.95 pap.) Mkuki na Nyota 1998 TZ [East Africa only] Mukangara Women and gender studies in Tanzania. 245pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1995 TZ Gender studies—Uganda Basirika, E.I. Gender, democratic practice and member control in agricultural primary cooperative societies in Uganda. (Gender issues research reports, 16) ISBN: 0954203062 44pp. ($18.95/£10.95 set) OSSREA 2001 ET Kasente, D.H. Processes influencing gender differences in access to post secondary institutions in Uganda. (Abridged research report, 1) 20pp. Academy Science Publ 1995 KE Kyamereku, P.T.K. A literature review and documentation of gender issues in education in Uganda. (Abridged research report, 4) 32pp. Academy Science Publ 1995 KE Manyire, H. Gender and housing development in the low income suburbs of Jinja municipality, Uganda. (Gender issues research reports, 17) ISBN: 0954203062 67pp. ($18.95/£10.95 set) OSSREA 2002 ET Matembe, M. Miria Matembe: Gender, politics and constitution making in Uganda. ISBN: 9970023372 315pp. ($34.95/£20.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG Opolot, S.J., Ssenkumba, J. Report of a workshop organised by CBR on a dialogue on gender dimensions of agricultural policy in Uganda, held at Fairway Hotel, Kamapala, May 3-4 1996. (CBR workshop reports, 6) 58pp. ($9.50) Centre Basic Res 1996 UG
Manona, C., McAllister, P. Gender, households and environmental changes in informal settlements in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Inst Soc Res 1995 SA
Gender studies—Zambia Chandi, L. Gender and energy in Zambia. (AFREPREN occasional paper, 14) 50pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE
Morrell, R. From boys to gentlemen. Settler masculinity in colonial Natal 1880-1920. ISBN: 1868881512 340pp. ($49.95/ £29.95) Unisa 2001 SA
Gender studies—Zimbabwe Barnes, T.A. We women worked so hard. Gender, urbanization and social reproduction in colonial Harare, Zimbabwe 1930-1956. ISBN: 0852556861 cd. & 224pp. (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852556365 (£15.95 pap.) Baobab - Zimb 1999 ZI
Murphy, C.A. Gender constraints to increased agricultural production - a case study of women in rural KwaZulu. Paper presented at the 1st Woman and Gender in Southern Africa Conference, University of Natal, Durban, 30 january - 2 February. (INR working paps., 65) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA
General knowledge Abolade, J.O. Secondary school candidates companion. 192pp. West African Bk 1987 NR
Gaidzwana, R. Gender, women and electoral politics in Zimbabwe. (EISA research report, 8) R20.00 EISA 2003 SA
Ombok, R. Revision CRE for KCPE. 65pp. K.shs.170.00 EAEP 1986 KE
Reader’s Digest Illustrated encyclopedia of essential knowledge. cd. 608pp. col.ill.maps R159.99 Readers Digest SA 1996 SA Robertson, S., Robertson, S-A. Exploring ideas. The physical world. 80pp. ill. R39.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA Toweett, T. 100 daily essays for Junior and General Certificates of Education. 200pp. ($5.00) Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE General knowledge—Examinations, questions Benhura, M.A.N. A guide to passing examinations. 20pp. Z$15.00 Univ Zimbabwe 1996 ZI Groenewegen, T., Wanjala, T. Revision CRE for KCSE (with answers). 199pp. K.shs.65.00 EAEP 1989 KE Mtetwa, S.M. Revision in action grade 7 general paper. pupil’s bk. 80pp. ill. maps Z$58.95 ZPH 1990 ZI Mtetwa, S.M. Revision in action grade 7 general paper, teacher’s bk. 94pp. ill. maps Z$60.00 ZPH 1990 ZI Genetics Mugabe, J., et al. Managing access to genetic resources. Towards strategies for benefit-sharing. (ACTS biopolicy international, 17) 32pp. ACTS - Kenya 1996 KE Soodyall, H. A walk in the Garden of Eden. Genetic trails into our African past. ISBN: 0796920214 15pp. free HSRC Publ 2003 SA [only available electronically at www.hsrcpress.ac.za] Genetics—Addresses and essays Laing, E. A geneticist’s apology: thoughts on genetic teaching and research. 32pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1985 GH Genetics—Study and teaching Ezeonu, I. Understanding the genetics of microorganism. ISBN: 978156461X 104pp. ($5.00) Fourth Dimension 2000 NR Laing, E., Addy, M., Markwei, C. Genetic demonstrations. 24pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1980 GH Winship, W. Handbook of genetic and congenital syndromes. ISBN: 0195786882 264pp. R335.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Genetics—Study and teaching (Secondary) Frank, S., Meyer, R. Basic genetics for schools and colleges. 144pp. K.shs.34.50 EAEP 1975 KE
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African Books in Print
Geography—Study and teaching
Subject index Geography see also Atlases and maps Explorers and explorations, European and as a sub-division under names of specific countries or regions Faniran, A. Landform and man. A Geomorphologist’s view. 57pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1993 NR Fincham, R.J., Piper, S.E. Cinderella no more? Moving beyond GIS to spatial decision support systems. Paper presented at the EDIS/SAGIS 91 Conference, Pretoria, 16-18 July. (INR working paps., 81) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Fincham, R.J., Wolff, B.B. Handling geographic information for resource management and development planning: the role of ARC/Info at the Institute of natural resources. Paper presented at the First South African Annual ARC/Info User Conference, Pretoria, 19 March. (INR working paps., 80) R7.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Mander, M., Piper, S.E. An investigation into the suitability of panchromatic SPOT satellite imagery for mapping rural landcover. (INR working paps., 78) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Okunrotifa, P.O. Evaluation in geography. 138pp. ill. N9.50k Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Osakwe, E. Geography: its history, thought and teaching. 92pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Fourth Dimension 1995 NR Geography—Addresses and essays Daniel, J.B.M. The challenge and the response. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1972 SA Ojo, A. The cultural dimension in geography. (Inaugural lec. 10) 23pp. ($3.00/£2.25) N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1973 NR Geography—Africa Agbobli, E.K. Géographie et structures économiques de l’Afrique. 295pp. CFA6,000 NEA - Togo 1982 TG FRE Faniran, A. African landforms. 376pp. N374.40 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1986 NR Thompson, B.W. Studies in the development of African resources: The climatic background. (Studies in the Development of African Resources, 1) 72pp. pl. N5.40k Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR Geography—Africa—Study and teaching (Elementary) Gucho, J.O. A geography of Africa for beginners. 95pp. ill. maps. (£1.70/$4.40) K.shs.21.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Geography—Africa—Study and teaching (Secondary) Diley, et al. Focus on geography. Grade 12. ISBN: 0636045765 256pp. ill.pl.maps R89.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Irandu, E.M. Target secondary geography form 2 students’ book. ISBN: 9966491198 168pp. ill.pl.maps K.shs.325.00 ($8.20/ £5.20) Longhorn - Ken 2000 KE Mandila, T., Dinda, J. Focus on geography form 1. ISBN: 9966882868 164pp. col.ill.pl. ($7.00) Focus 2003 KE Mandila, T., Dinda, J. Focus on geography teacher’s guide for form 1. ISBN: 9966882868 44pp. col.ill.pl. ($2.50) Focus 2003 KE Minns, W.J. A geography of Africa. new ed. K.shs.720.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1984 KE
Ojo, A., Ola, K. A geography course for secondary schools: our homeland. 2, 5bks 128pp. ill. N2.10 Macmillan - Nig 1969 NR
Armando, D., Augusto, J. Exercicios de geografia 5a classe. ISBN: 1003809995 (Eur4.35) Moz Editora 2002 MZ POR
White, R. Africa: studies for East African students. new rev.ed. 192pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1982 KE
Burton, M.S.W., Pitt, I.J. South African mapcraft. 112pp. R107.38 Shuter & Shooter 1993 SA
Geography—Examinations, questions Aderinto, A., et al. Exam focus geography. ISBN: 9780304975 224pp. ($23.10) Univ Press - Nig 1999 NR Amponsah, G. Objective tests in geography for middle schools. 88pp. C250.00 Adwinsa 1983 GH Bengesi, E.K.B. Geography test papers and worked out model answers for form two examination. vol.1 ISBN: 9987671586 105pp. ill. T.shs.6,000 ($6.00) TEPU 2003 TZ Bengesi, E.K.B. Geography test papers and worked out model answers for form two examination. vol.2 ISBN: 9987671594 120pp. ill. T.shs.6,000 ($6.00) TEPU 2005 TZ Magu, M.W. Revision geography for KCSE (with answers). 268pp. K.shs.75.00 EAEP 1989 KE Ofosu-Amaah, P.K. Objective questions in school certificate geography. 176pp. ill. N1.15 Macmillan - Nig NR Ogunyemi, M.A. Objective texts for school certificate geography: with answers. 66pp. ill. N87.60 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1969 NR Ojo, A. Objective questions in school certificate and G.C.E. Ordinary level geography. 1, 2 bks 160pp. ill. N1.60 Macmillan - Nig NR Ojo, A. Objective questions in school certificate and G.C.E. ordinary level geography. 2, 2bks 196pp. ill. N1.70 Macmillan - Nig NR Omotoso, O. 1005 objective questions and answers in geography for senior secondary schools. 216pp. ill.maps N250.00 Africana First 1997 NR Rulka, K. Objective questions and answers in geography: Africa. 1, 2bks 64pp. maps. 50k Macmillan - Nig NR Rulka, K. Objective questions and answers in geography: the world. 2,2bks 48pp. maps. 40k Macmillan - Nig NR Udo, R.K. Examination guidelines for school certificate geography. 80pp. ill. N57.50 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1970 NR Geography—Study and teaching Adeleke, B.O., Leong, G.C. Certificate physical and human geography. 353pp. ill. pl. 0/EN20.00 N/ EN35.00 Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR Adetoro, J.E. A geography course for junior secondary schools in Nigeria. rev.ed. 1, 3 bks. ill. N1.20 Macmillan - Nig 1969 NR Adetoro, J.E. A geography course for junior secondary schools in Nigeria. rev.ed. 2, 3 bks. ill. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1969 NR Adetoro, J.E. A geography course for junior secondary schools in Nigeria. rev.ed. 3, 3 bks. ill. N1.45 Macmillan - Nig 1969 NR Ajaegbu, H.L., Faniran, A. A new approach to practical work in geography. 128pp. N682.70 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1973 NR
Burton, M.S.W., Pitt, I.J. South African mapcraft answers. 112pp. R43.12 Shuter & Shooter 1993 SA Duru, R.C. Mapwork and laboratory geography. 230pp. ill. ($5.00) Fourth Dimension 1983 NR Fanrian, A., Ojo, O. Man’s physical environment. 352pp. N570.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1980 NR Ferguson, A., et al. Fieldwork and data analysis in geography. 128pp. maps. K.shs.540.00 Macmillan Kenya 1981 KE Hughes, P. Europe: studies for East African students. 89pp. K.shs.130.00 EAEP 1977 KE Kiguru, J. Map reading and photo interpretation for O level. K.shs.385.00 ($7.70/£4.30) Macmillan - Kenya 1983 KE Magu, M.W. A geography course for secondary schools, form 3. 228pp. K.shs.228.00 EAEP 1991 KE Mahumane, C.R., Augusto, J.M., Firmino, R.C. Exercicios de geografia 6a e 7a classes. ISBN: 1002309999 (Eur6.30) Moz Editora 2003 MZ POR Makumba, P., Lukongo, V. Geography, history and civics. bk.3 88pp. K.shs.95.00 EAEP 1993 KE Michie, W. Map reading for Zimbabweans. pl. Longman - Zimb 1982 ZI
64pp. ill.
Nhandara, E., et al. Geography today. rev.ed. 176pp. pl. maps Z$129.95 ZPH 1989 ZI Ogonda, R.T. Techniques in geography. 144pp. ill. K.shs90.00 ($6.00) Nairobi UP 1991 KE Ojo, A. A geography course for secondary schools: elements of physical and world human geography. 3, 5bks 312pp. ill. N2.50 Macmillan - Nig 1969 NR Ojo, A. A geography course for secondary schools: North America and Monsoon Asia. 4, 5bks 192pp. ill. N1.80 Macmillan - Nig 1969 NR Ojo, A., Ola, K. A geography course for secondary schools: geography for us. 1, 5bks 120pp. ill. N1.40 Macmillan - Nig 1969 NR Okon, E.E. School certificate geography for West Africa: general geography. 1, 2bks 160pp. maps ill. photos. N2.20 Macmillan - Nig 1971 NR Treadaway, J. Geography for development. A handbook for geography teachers. 296pp. maps K.shs.660.00 EAEP 1995 KE Treadway, J. Geography for development. A handbook for development. 300pp. K.shs.510.00 EAEP 1985 KE Udoh, G.H. Map reading for secondary schools. 2nd rev. 44pp. maps ill. N1.30 Macmillan Nig NR Watson, J. Physical geography for secondary schools. 162pp. K.shs.72.50 EAEP 1988 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Geography—Study and teaching
Subject index
Weiss, P. Focus on geography - the physical environment of Southern Africa. bk.3 284pp. ill. Z$123.95 College Press -Zimb 1991 ZI
Kenya Institute of Education Geography history and civics pupils’ book 4, Central Province. 57pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.50/£0.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1990 KE
Irandu, E.M. Target secondary geography form 1 students’ book. ISBN: 9966496254 198pp. ill.pl.maps K.shs.300.00 ($7.50/ £4.40) Longhorn - Ken 1999 KE
Weiss, P., et al. Focus on geography. bk.1 120pp. ill. pl. Z$85.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI
Kenya Institute of Education Geography history and civics pupils’ book 4, Coast Province. 55pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.50/£0.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1990 KE
Kimani, F.W., Kimei, M.N. A geography course for secondary schools, form 1. 232pp. K.shs.230.00 EAEP 1989 KE
Weiss, P., Newsome, S. Focus on geography. bk.2 288pp. ill. pl. maps Z$115.95 College Press -Zimb 1989 ZI Geography—Study and teaching (Elementary) Bester, M. This is my world. ISBN: 1868975231 55pp. ill. R28.63 Clever 2004 SA Butler, E. The earth and its wonders. bk.1 84pp. ill. pl. maps R1.20 Mazenod Inst 1982 LO Butler, E. The earth and its wonders. bk.2 108pp. ill. pl. maps R1.70 Mazenod Inst 1983 LO Butler, E., Dylak, T. The earth and its wonders - for the children of Africa. bk. 3 129pp. ill. maps. R1.40 Mazenod Inst 1976 LO Chilambo, M.N. Primary geography teacher’s guide, 5. 252pp. pl. K4.50 Dzuka 1987 MW Duze, M. A primary geography for Nigeria. 1, 2bks 112pp. maps ill. N1.10 Macmillan Nig 1963 NR Duze, M. A primary geography for Nigeria. 2, 2bks maps ill. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1963 NR Duze, M. A primary geography for Nigeria: teacher’s bk, 1. 48pp. maps ill. 50k Macmillan - Nig 1963 NR Iloeje, N.P. A primary school geography for Nigeria. 2, 3bks 152pp. ill. maps. N1.70 Macmillan - Nig 1966 NR
Kenya Institute of Education Geography history and civics pupils’ book 4, Eastern Province. 67pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.50/£0.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1990 KE Kenya Institute of Education Geography history and civics pupils’ book 4, Nairobi Province. 50pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.50/£0.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1990 KE Kenya Institute of Education Geography history and civics pupils’ book 4, North-Eastern Province. 42pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.50/£0.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1990 KE Mabonga, J.W.S., Ang’lenda, E.O., Ochieng’, G.G. Geography, history and civics. Standard 4 Nyanza Province. 142pp. K.shs.240.00 EAEP 1994 KE
Karuggah, R., Kubasu, J. Certificate geography, form 4. 240pp. ill.maps K.shs.329.00 OUP - Nairobi 1991 KE Kenya Institute of Education Geography history and civics pupils’ book 1. 34pp. K.shs.70.00 ($1.20/ £0.70) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1988 KE Kenya Institute of Education Geography history and civics pupils’ book 2. 38pp. K.shs.74.00 ($1.25/ £0.75) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1988 KE Kenya Institute of Education Geography history and civics pupils’ book 3. 55pp. K.shs.84.00 ($1.40/ £0.85) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1988 KE
Kimei, M., Khabongo, L. School certificate geography 2, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966252754 48pp. R95.00 EAEP 2003 KE
Kimei, M., Wanjau, D. School certificate geography 3, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966253289 56pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 2004 KE
Nash, C. Our Kenya. 28pp. pl. K.shs.120.00 ($2.06/£1.33) Horizon 1996 KE
Leong, G.C. Certificate physical and human geography. (Nigerian adaptation) maps Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR
Oboli, H.O.N. Beginning geography in Eastern Nigeria. 106pp. ill. pl. 95k Longman - Nig 1965 NR Oboli, H.O.N. Beginning geography: class six. 108pp. col. ill. 90k Longman - Nig 1969 NR
Oluguna, D. Introducing geography for class six. 2, 2 bks 96pp. ill. pl. 90k Longman - Nig 1971 NR
Karuggah, R., Kubasu, J. Certificate geography, form 2. 160pp. ill. K.shs.362.00 OUP - Nairobi 1993 KE
Kimei, M., Khabongo, L. School certificate geography 2. ISBN: 9966252746 256pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 2003 KE
Morrison, K. Geography now. Standard 3, grade 5. Learner’s book. 114pp. ill. R36.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1995 SA
Innes, L.M. MapTrix. A self-instruction programme for learning to read the 1:50 000 topographic map of South Africa. [Set of cards, poster and booklet.] ISBN: 0702155519 50pp. col.ill.maps R375.00 box Juta 2003 SA
Karugaba, J., Olley, C. Fountain school mathematics for Uganda secondary schools. bk.3 331pp. ill. U.shs.11,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG
Kimei, M., Khabongo, L. School certificate geography 1, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966252231 112pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 2003 KE
Kimei, M., Wanjau, D. School certificate geography 3. ISBN: 9966253270 284pp. K.shs.340.00 EAEP 2004 KE
Oluguna, D. Introducing geography for class five. 1, 2 bks 96pp. ill. pl. 68k Longman - Nig 1971 NR
Kadzombe, E.D. Primary geography for standard 7. 72pp. K2.95 Dzuka 1981 MW
Kimei, M., Khabongo, L. School certificate geography 1. ISBN: 9966252126 260pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 2003 KE
Ministère de l’Education Géographie. 7è année. ISBN: 2910454983 68pp. CFA2,000 Jamana 2004 ML FRE
Iloeje, N.P. A primary school geography for Nigeria. 3, 3bks 139pp. maps ill. N1.70 Macmillan - Nig 1966 NR
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Primary school geography syllabus. 24pp. K.shs.3.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE
Kimani, F.W., Kimei, M.N. A geography course for secondary schools, form 4. 236pp. K.shs.375.00 EAEP 1994 KE
Ranby, P. Exciting geography. Standard 3, grade 5. Learner’s book. 2nd ed. 96pp. ill. R32.15 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Udoh, G.H. A primary school geography for Nigeria. 1, 3bks 96pp. maps ill. N1.50 Macmillan - Nig 1966 NR Walters, P.S.W., Quinn, L., Wilmot, D. Resource pack for open schools: geography. Inst Soc Res 1995 SA Geography—Study and teaching (Secondary) Blackbeard, A. Mapwork made easy. Standards 8-10, grades 10-12. Learner’s book. 118pp. ill. R49.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA Chinguku, K.O.J. Physical geography for advanced level students. ISBN: 9976671695 491pp. T.shs.10,000 ($10.00) Benedictine 2003[?] TZ
Magu, M.W. Peak revision KCSE geography. ISBN: 996646000X 248pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 2000 KE Makutsa, P., Kyalo, J. Geography, history and civics. Standard 4 Coast Province. rev.ed. 140pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 1990 KE Mbugua, N. Geography, history and civics. Standard 4 Nairobi Province. rev.ed. 135pp. K.shs.160.00 EAEP 1991 KE Molla, A. High school mathematical geography. 169pp. maps Birr11.25 Mega 1998 ET Nkuubi, M. Geography, history and civics. Standard 4 Western Province. rev.ed. 158pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 1990 KE Nyamweru, C., Omwega, A. Geography for form 1. 278pp. K.shs.390.00 ($6.50/£3.95) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1988 KE Omyoyo, F., Akivaga, P. Comprehensive geography. Course book form 1. ill. K.shs.230.00 Longhorn Ken 2001 KE Omyoyo, F., Akivaga, P. Comprehensive geography. Teacher book form 1. ill. K.shs.280.00 Longhorn Ken 2002 KE Swiegers, A., Nel, L., Fölscher, P. Far and wide: geography for Grade 10 Namibian learners. ISBN: 9991601479 166pp. ill.maps Gamsberg 1998 SX
Educational Support Services Trust Passport to geography. R35.50 Nolwazi 1995 SA
Watson, J. A geography course for secondary schools form 2. 168pp. K.shs.230.00 EAEP 1987 KE
Institute for the Study of English in Africa Secondary schools’ language project: developing the English option. Language resource pack for geography. R25.00 ($10.00/£6.00) Inst Study Engl 1995 SA
Weiss, P. Focus on ‘O’ level geography teacher’s book. ISBN: 1779003706 156pp. Z$305.95 ($7.65) College Press -Zimb 2001 ZI
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 256
African Books in Print
Subject index Weiss, P. Focus study aids: O-level geography revision and integrated exercises. 172pp. ($8.00) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Geology Ako, B. Applied geophysics: the subsurface ($3.75/£6.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1996 NR Bartholomé, P. The Gore mountain garnet deposit, New York. Structure and petrography. 32pp. ill. pl. 35k Press Univ Congo 1958 ZR Bartholomé, P. On the paragenesis of copper ores. 32pp. ill. 30k Press Univ Congo 1958 ZR Eelman, M. Natural phenomena: waterfalls and rapids. ISBN: 1853686964 80pp. col.pl. R89.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Lemmer, I.C., Schaum, H., CamisaniCalzolari, F.A.G.M., eds. APCOM ’87. Geostatistics. vol.3(SAIMM symposium series, 9) cd. 363pp. ill. ($64.00) SAIMM 1987 SA Meijer, P. Natural phenomena: volcanoes and thermal springs. ISBN: 185368628X 80pp. col.pl. R89.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Ortlepp, W.D., ed. Rock fracture and rockburst: an illustrative study. (SAIMM monograph, 9) 98pp. ill. ($55.00) SAIMM 1997 SA Peters, J. Natural phenomena: changing coastlines. ISBN: 1853686921 80pp. col.pl. R89.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Roberts, J.L. A photographic guide to minerals, rocks, and fossils. ISBN: 1853689548 128pp. col.pl. R59.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Handbook on hard-rock strata control. (SAIMM special publications, 6) cd. 152pp. ill. ($60.00) SAIMM 1995 SA van der Meer, J. Natural phenomena: glaciers and icecaps. ISBN: 1853686956 80pp. col.pl. R89.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Vancompernolle, G. Titration des argiles en milieux nonaqueux. 52pp. ill. 65k Press Univ Congo 1959 ZR FRE Vreede, F.A. A general slip model for use in geomechanics. 15pp. CSIR 1983 SA Zevenhuizen, A., et al. Natural phenomena: erosion and weathering. ISBN: 1853687464 80pp. col.pl. R89.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Geology—Africa Bruce, R., McCarthy, T., eds. Planet earth. The four billion year story of life in southern Africa. ISBN: 1868143805 R195.00 Witwatersrand UP 2002 SA Monod, T., ed. Contributions à l’étude du Sahara occidental. Vol.1 Roches éruptives et métamorphiques. Vol.2 Phanérogames. Vol.3 La langue azer. 343pp. ill. CFA4,000 IFAN 1939 SG FRE Geology—Africa, Southern Cairncross, B. Field guide to rocks and minerals of southern Africa. ISBN: 1868729850 288pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 2004 SA Rowntree, K.M., ed. Southern African Association of Geomorphologists: biennial conference. Proceedings. ISBN: 0868103454 R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA Geology—Africa, Southern—Bibliography Boelhouwers, J. Periglacial geomorphology in southern Africa: a bibliography. (Occasional papers, 8) ISBN: 0868103489 R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA
Geology—Zambia Dollar, E.S.J. Fluvial geomorphology in southern Africa: a bibliography. (Occasional papers, 7) ISBN: 0868103470 R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA Dollar, E.S.J. Paleofluvial geomorphology in southern Africa: a bibliography. (Occasional papers, 5) ISBN: 0868103519 R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA Olivier, M.J. Coastal geomorphology in southern Africa: a bibliography. (Occasional papers, 4) ISBN: 0868103500 R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA Sumner, P.O. Weathering and slope processes in southern Africa: a bibliography. (Occasional papers, 6) ISBN: 0868103527 R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA Watson, H.K. Erosion, sediment yield and sediment transport in southern Africa: a bibliography. (Occasional papers, 3) ISBN: 0868103497 R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA Geology—Cameroun Eno Belinga, S.M. Géologie du Cameroun: introduction géodynamique externe, géologie historique, géologie du pétrole à l’usage des étudiants cycle de licence. ill. pl. maps CFA4,500 Univ Yaoundé 1984 CM FRE Geology—Egypt Sampsell, B.M. A traveler’s guide to the geology of Egypt. ISBN: 977424785X 272pp. col.pl.maps E£70.00 ($22.50/£18.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Geology—Ethiopia ETHIONOR Mineral Resources Programme, Geological Survey of Ethiopia Mineral wealth at the horn of Africa, Ethiopia. ISBN: 8273851028 12pp. ill.col.pl.map Geol Survey - Ethiopia 2002 ET Heldal, T., Walle, H. Building stones of Ethiopia. ISBN: 8273851028 cd. 61pp. col.ill.col.pl.map Geol Survey - Ethiopia 2002 ET Teferra, M., Chernet, T., Haro, W. Explanation of the geological map of Ethiopia. 2nd ed. 79pp. ill.maps Birr50.00 Geol Survey - Ethiopia 1996 ET Geology—Ethiopia—Bibliography Demessie, M. Bibliography of Ethiopian geology. 266pp. ($40.00) Geol Survey - Ethiopia 1994 ET Geology—France Hua, W. Analyses géologiques du bassin houiller stéphanien des Cévennes (France). 254pp. CFA5,250 ($13.12) Jamana 1997 ML FRE Geology—Ghana—Addresses and essays Smit, A.F.J. Aspects of geological practice and education in Ghana. 25pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1970 GH Geology—Lesotho Schmitz, G. Lesotho geology, geomorphology and soil. 204pp. ill. R29.50 Mazenod Inst 1987 LO Geology—Nigeria Ekwueme, B.N. The precambrian geology and evolution of the southeastern Nigerian basement complex. ISBN: 9870070109 135pp. ill.pl.maps N500.00 ($10.00/£7.00/ Eur7.00) Univ Calabar 2003 NR Geology—Nigeria—Addresses and essays Adegoke, O.S. Ancient seaways, sediments and their recorded history in Nigeria. (Inaugural lec., 31) ($3.00/£2.25) N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1978 NR
Cooray, P.G. The geological sciences in the service of Nigeria. (Inaugural lec., 2) 14pp. ($3.00/ £2.25) N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1973 NR Geology—South Africa Anderson, J.M. The biostratigraphy of the Permian and Triassic. A review of Gondwana Permian palynology with particular reference to the northern Karoo Basin, South Africa. vol.3(Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 41) 67pp. ill. pl. maps. R20.00 ($9.00) NBI 1977 SA Compton, J. Compton rocks. ISBN: 1919930701 112pp. col.pl.maps R135.00 Double Storey 2004 SA Compton, J.S. Rocks and mountains of Cape Town. ISBN: 1919930701 112pp. R135.00 Double Storey 2004 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research A list of South African spatio-temporal databases of relevance to the international geosphere-biosphere programme. (SANSP occas. rep., 43) 56pp. CSIR 1989 SA Fleming, B.W. Depositional processes in Saldanha Bay and Langebaan Lagoon. (CSIR Research Report, 362) 212pp. ill. maps. CSIR 1980 SA Gay, N.C., Wainwright, E.H. Rockbursts and seismicity in mines. (SAIMM symposium series, 6) cd. 508pp. ill. ($80.00) SAIMM 1986 SA Grobler, N.J., Loock, J.C. The Florisbad mineral springs: its characteristics and genesis. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 5/17) 13pp. R2.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1988 SA Lewis, C.A. Field guide to the quaternary glacial, periglacial and colluvial features of the East Cape Drakensberg. Inst Soc Res 1994 SA Lewis, C.A. The geomorphological evolution of the area between Grahamstown and the Indian Ocean. Inst Soc Res 1994 SA Loock, J.C., Grobler, N.J. The regional geology of Florisbad. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 5/6) R2.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1988 SA Geology—Study and teaching Anker, J., Ahlschlager, K. Earthquakes and volcanoes. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046710 32pp. ill. R33.43 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Geology—Zambia Abell, R.S. The geology of the Lukomezi River area: explanation of degree sheet 1526, NW quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 33) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1976 ZA Abell, R.S. The geology of the Nansenga River area: explanation of degree sheet 1526, NE quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 25) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1970 ZA Amin, V.D., Mungusa, W.M., Malinda, J. Comparative study of western province sand and Leighton Buzzard sand. (Dept. Geological Survey, technical reports, 99) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1986 ZA Appleton, J.D. The geology of the Kabompo Gorge area: explanation of degree sheet 1225, NW quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 40) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1978 ZA Arthurs, J.W. The geology of the Solwezi area: explanation of degree sheets 1226, NW quarter and 1126, part of SW quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 36) ($20.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1974 ZA
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Subject index
Barr, M.W.C., Drysdall, A.R. The geology of the Sasare area: explanation of degree sheet 1131, SW quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 30) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1972 ZA
Keppie, J.D. The geology of the Mukubwe area: explanation of degree sheet 1327, SE quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 48) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1977 ZA
Simpson, J.G. The geology of the Mwembeshi River area: explanation of degree sheet 1527, NE quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 11) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1962 ZA
Brown, A.G. The geology of the Chikankata area: explanation of degree sheet 1628, NW quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 22) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1967 ZA
Klinck, B.A. The geology of the Kabompo Dome area: explanation of degree sheet no. 1224 NE quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 44) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1977 ZA
Smith, A.G. The geology of the Monze area: explanation of degree sheet 1627, NW quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 18) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1966 ZA
Brown, A.G. The geology of the Monze area: explanation of degree sheet 1627, NW quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 17) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1965 ZA
Klinck, B.A. Vein quartz at Naluama. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 41) K415.00 Geol Survey - Zambia 1973 ZA
Stillman, C.J. The geology of the Musofu River and Mkushi areas: explanation of degree sheet 1329, part of NW quarter, and SW quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 12) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1965 ZA
Cairney, T. The geology of the Leopards Hill area: explanation of degree sheet 1528, SE quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 21) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1967 ZA Ciken, M., Drysdall, A.R. The geology of the country north-west of Mumbwa (the Big Concession): explanation of degree sheet 1426, SE quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 26) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1972 ZA Cikin, M. A preliminary report on the geology and ore reserves of the Hippo Mine, Kafue National Park. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 19) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1968 ZA Clarke, D.A. The Kankomo clay deposit. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 49) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1978 ZA Cordiner, R.J. The geology of the Chitambo Mission area: explanation of degree sheet 1230 SE quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 54) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1977 ZA Cvetkovic, D. The geology of the Mita Hills area: explanation of degree sheet 1429, NW quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 34) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1973 ZA De Swardt, A.M.J., Drysdall, A.R. Precambrian geology and structure in central Northern Rhodesia. (Dept. of Geological Survey, memoirs, 2) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1964 ZA Drysdall, A.R. Graphite of the Petauke district Eastern province. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 14) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1960 ZA Edwards, R.A. The geology of the West Lunga River area: explanation of degree sheet 1224, NW quarter, and part of degree sheet 1223, NE quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 43) ($20.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1974 ZA
Legg, C. The geology and mineralisation of the Mkushi copper mine. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 38) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1978 ZA Marten, B.E. The geology of the Chalabesa Mission area: explanation of degree sheet 1131, NW quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 23) ($20.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1968 ZA Molak, B. An investigation of ceramic and refactory clays at Solwezi. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 57) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1979 ZA Moore, T.A. The geology of the Chisamba area: explanation of degree sheet 142, SW quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 5) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1964 ZA Moore, T.A. The geology of the Ndola and Bwana Mkubwa areas: explanation of degree sheets 1228, part of SE quarter, and 1328, part of the NE quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 20) ($20.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1967 ZA Newton, A.R. The geology of the country between Choma and Gwembe: explanation of degree sheet 1627, SW and SE quarters. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 8) ($20.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1963 ZA Newton, A.R. The geology of the country between Magoye and Gwembe: explanation of degree sheet 1627, NE quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 7) ($20.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1960 ZA Page, T.C. The geology of the Chama area: explanation of degree sheet 1133, NW quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 57) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1978 ZA Phillips, K.A. The geology of the Lusandwa River area: explanation of degree sheet 1331, SE quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 13) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1964 ZA
Felton, D.R. The geology of the Machinje Hills area: explanation of degree sheet 1332, NW quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 35) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1973 ZA
Phillips, K.A. The geology of the Petauke and Mwaanawantu areas: explanation of degree sheet 1431, NW quarter and part of SW quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 15) ($20.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1965 ZA
Gair, H.S. The Karroo system of the western end of the Luano valley. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 6) ($20.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1960 ZA
Phillips, K.A. The geology of the Sinda area: explanation of degree sheet. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 9) ($20.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1961 ZA
Garrard, P. The geology of the Chainama Hills area: explanation of degree sheet 1528, NE quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 24) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1968 ZA
Reichwalder, P., Brandon, A. The geology of the Luano Valley area: explanation of degree sheet 1429, SW and SE quarters. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 61) ($20.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1977 ZA
Hickman, A.C.J. The geology of the Luanshya area: explanation of degree sheet 1328, NW quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 46) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1973 ZA
Simpson, J.G. The geology of the Chinyunyu area: explanation of degree sheet 1529, NW quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 19) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1967 ZA
Stohl, J. The Pamba iron ore deposit. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 45) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1977 ZA Tavener-Smith, R. The geology of the Mapanza Mission area: explanation of degree sheet 1527, NE quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 11) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1961 ZA Thieme, J.G. The geology of the Mansa area: explanation of degree sheet 1128, parts of NW quarter and NE quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, Reports, 26) K10.00 Geol Survey - Zambia 1970 ZA Thieme, J.G. The geology of the Musonda Falls area: explanation of degree sheet 1028, SE quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 32) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1972 ZA Vavrda, I. The geology of the Chipata area: explanation of degree sheet 1332, SE quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 41) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1974 ZA Vavrda, I. The geology of the Mtetezi River area: explanation of degree sheet 1332, SW quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 42) ($20.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1974 ZA Vrana, S. The geology of the area south of the Lukanga swamp: explanation of degree sheet 1427, SE quarter. (Dept. of Geological Survey, reports, 28) ($20.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1976 ZA Wroblicki, J. Building and industrial minerals in the area of the Mwambashi Valley. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 34) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1978 ZA Geology—Zambia—Bibliography Lynam, A.P. Annotated bibliography and index of the geology of Zambia, 1972-1973. ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1977 ZA von Bornemann, J., Howels, F., Kershaw, M. Annotated bibliography and index of the geology of Zambia, 1970-1971. ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1977 ZA Geology—Zimbabwe Geological Survey, Zimbabwe Annals of the Geological Survey. vol.7 (1981) Z$20.00 Geol Surv - Zimb 1981 ZI Geological Survey, Zimbabwe Annals of the Geological Survey. vol.8 (1982) Z$20.00 Geol Surv - Zimb 1982 ZI Geological Survey, Zimbabwe Annals of the Geological Survey. vol.10 (1984) Z$20.00 Geol Surv - Zimb 1984 ZI Geological Survey, Zimbabwe Annals of the Geological Survey. vol.11 (1985) Z$20.00 Geol Surv - Zimb 1985 ZI
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African Books in Print
Subject index Geological Survey, Zimbabwe Annals of the Geological Survey. vol.12 (1986) Z204.00 Geol Surv - Zimb 1986 ZI Geological Survey, Zimbabwe. Annals of the Geological Survey. vol.13 (1987) Z$20.00 Geol Surv - Zimb 1987 ZI Geological Survey, Zimbabwe. Annals of the Geological Survey. vol.14 (1988-89) Z$20.00 Geol Surv - Zimb 1989 ZI Geological Survey, Zimbabwe Annals of the Geological Survey. vol.15 (1990) Z$20.00 Geol Surv - Zimb 1990 ZI Geological Survey of Zimbabwe Annals of the Geological Survey. vol.17 (1992-93) Z$40.00 Geol Surv - Zimb 1993 ZI Geological Survey of Zimbabwe Annals of the Geological Survey. vol.18 (1994-96) Z$100.00 Geol Surv - Zimb 1996 ZI Nyamapfene, K. Soils of Zimbabwe. 179pp. ill.col.pl. ($16.00) Nehanda 1991 ZI
Ghana—Education, Higher Maczka, L., Cap, M. Brick clays in the Kasama area with particular reference to the Lukashya deposit. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 48) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1976 ZA Maczka, L., Cap, M. The Mkushi river illite clays. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 30) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1972 ZA Newman, D., Matheson, G.D. The economic potential of limestones near Lusaka. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 10) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1966 ZA Wroblicki, J. The Kapiri Mposhi glass sand. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 24) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1970 ZA Geometry see also Mathematics Singh, S.P. Differential geometry: three dimensional. ISBN: 9966846433 333pp. K.shs.1,200 ($32.00) Nairobi UP 2000 KE
Geology, Economic—Addresses and essays Lamb, A. Mineral exploitation: an historian’s view. 14pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1972 GH
Geriatrics Hattingh, S., van der Merwe, M., van Rensburg, G., Dreyer, M. Gerontology. A community perspective. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868640086 284pp. R150.00 OUP - SA 1999 SA
Geology, Economic—Zambia Bailey, D.K. Carbonatites of the Rufunsa valley, Feira District. (Dept. of Geological Survey, bulletins, 5) ($15.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1960 ZA
German language—Study and teaching— Nigeria Feuser, W.F. Twenty years of German studies in Nigeria. 48pp. Univ Port Harcourt Press 1980 NR
Barr, M.W.C. Limestone of the Lusaka South Forest Reserve and adjacent areas. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 25) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1970 ZA Clarke, D.A. Prospecting for brick clay in the Chipata area. (Dept. Geological Survey, technical reports, 79) ($15.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1976 ZA Dawson, A.L. Comparative geochemical data for regional prospecting programme. (Dept. Geological Survey, technical reports, 90) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1980 ZA Drysdall, A.R. The clays of Central Brickfields, Broken Hill. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 8) 415.00 Geol Survey - Zambia 1965 ZA Drysdall, A.R. The limestone of Morton limeworks, Lusaka. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 3) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1964 ZA Drysdall, A.R., Simpson, J.G. The Kankomo clay deposit, Kitwe District. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 11) ($15.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1966 ZA Hickman, A.C.J. The Chalimbana clay deposit, Lusaka. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 21) ($15.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1969 ZA Hickman, A.C.J. Clay deposits of the Lusaka area. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 18) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1967 ZA Johns, C.C. 1982 coal investigations in the western Luano Valley. (Dept. Geological Survey, technical reports, 86) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1985 ZA Johns, C.C. 1983 coal investigations along the western margin of the Luangwa Valley between approximately 11 S and 12 S. (Dept. Geological Survey, technical reports, 95) ($15.00) Geol Survey Zambia 1985 ZA
German literature—Drama Brecht, B. The Caucasian chalk circle. 128pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 1985 KE German literature—History and criticism Les Nouvelles Editions Africaines Négritude et germanité l’Afrique noire dans la littérature d’expression allemande. Colloque de Dakar 288pp. CFA3,000 NEAS 1983 SG FRE Germany—International relations— Addresses and essays Winter, H. Current issues in the GDR’s domestic and foreign policies. (Lecture series, 61) 14pp. NIIA 1990 NR Germany—Politics and government Myers, S. Berlin: free city in a communist country. (Research paper, 4) 84pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1966 SA Ghana Agbodeka, F. Ghana in the twentieth century. 152pp. maps. ($10.00) Ghana UP 1972 GH Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences Academy proceedings. [full details from publisher.] vols.1-15 var.pp. ($15.00 ea.) Ghana Acad Arts & Scien GH Ward, W.E.F. My Africa. [Autobiographical reminscences of life in Ghana.] 267pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Ghana UP 1991 GH Ghana—Armed forces Aboagye, F.B. The Ghana army: a concise contemporary guide to its centennial regimental history, 1897-1999. ISBN: 9964720750 441pp. Sedco 1999 GH Ghana—Biography Vieta, K.T. The flagbearers of Ghana. Profiles of one hundred distinguished Ghanaians. vol.1 ISBN: 998800138X 133pp. Ena 1999 GH Ghana—Cities and towns Grove, D., Huszar, L. The towns of Ghana. cd. 99pp. maps. ($8.00) Ghana UP 1964 GH Korsah, A. Cape Coast: “Aboodzen Kurow Mu”. The town of romanticised finesse. ISBN: 998802214X 110pp. C100,000 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 2004 GH
Mills-Tettey, R., Adi-Dako, K., eds. Visions of the city. Accra in the 21st century. ISBN: 996497891X 166pp. pl.maps C50,000 ($24.95/£14.95) Woeli 2002 GH Ghana—Community life Woode, S.N. Values, standards and practices in Ghanaian organisational life. 83pp. C8,500 ($5.00) Asempa 1997 GH Ghana—Demography Addo, N.O. et al. Symposium on population and socioeconomic development in Ghana. (Ghana Population Stud., 2) cd. & 162pp. C4.50 cd. C3.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1969 GH Engmann, E.V.T. Population of Ghana 1850-1960. 300pp. maps ($25.00/£13.95) Ghana UP 1986 GH Ghana—Education Abban, J.B. Prerequisites of manpower and educational planning in Ghana. 144pp. ($5.50) C450.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1986 GH Abosi, C.O., Brookman-Amissah, J. Introduction to education in Ghana. 304pp. C17,500 (£17.00) Sedco 1993 GH Amezdro, A.D.K., Youdeowei, A. Non-formal education for training in integrated production and pest management in farmer field schools. ISBN: 9964303149 130pp. ($22.95/ £16.95) Ghana UP 2005 GH Antwi, M.K. Education, society and development in Ghana. 282pp. ill. C9,520 Unimax 1992 GH Bame, K.M. Teacher motivation and retention in Ghana. 212pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Ghana UP 1991 GH Bening, R.B. A history of education in northern Ghana, 1907-1976. 284pp. ($33.00/£18.50) Ghana UP 1990 GH Odamtten, S.K. Indigenous and western educational systems in Ghana. 25pp. ($4.00/£2.25) Ghana UP 1996 GH Pecku, N.K. Introduction to guidance for training colleges. 2nd rev.ed. 124pp. ($12.50/ £6.95) Ghana UP 1991 GH Setse, T.K. Current issues in Ghanaian education. 29pp. C5.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1974 GH Setse, T.K. Foundations of nation-building: the case of Achimota School. cd. & 53pp. map. C5.00 cd. C1.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1974 GH Tamakloe, E.K. An evaluation of the National Conference on Teacher Education 1986. 92pp. ($11.25/£6.25) Ghana UP 1997 GH Ghana—Education—Directories University of Ghana Alumni directory 1951-1980. 335pp. C60,000 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 2004 GH Ghana—Education, Adult Dorvlo, L.K.T. Adult literacy teaching in Ghana. Adapting the Freirean approach and technique. 162pp. ill. ($18.00/£13.95) Ghana UP 1993 GH Ghana—Education, Higher Dugbenoo, E. Task force: students serve the nation. 112pp. ill. C1,000 ($6.00) Asempa 1983 GH Kufuor, F.A. The universities in a nation at crisis. 22pp. ($2.20/£1.00) Ghana UP 1983 GH
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Ghana—Geography Ghana—Geography Dotse, J.M. Study in geography education. 64pp. C12.50 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1980 GH Ghana—Geography—Study and teaching Dotse, J.M. Application of some curriculum theories to the teaching of map work to secondary school geography teachers in Ghana: study in geography education. 64pp. C12.50 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1980 GH Ghana—Guide books Accra City Council Accra city handbook. 242pp. C10.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1977 GH Daniel, E. A tale of Cape Coast. ISBN: 9988626231 269pp. C100,000 Woeli 2004 GH Ghana Information Services Department Ghana: an official handbook [Annual]. Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr GH Ghana—History Addae, S. The Gold Coast and Achimota in the Second World War. ISBN: 9964722494 181pp. ($29.95/£14.95) Sedco 2004 GH Adu Boahen, A. Yaa Asantewaa and the Asante-British war of 1900-1. rev.ed. 182pp. pl.maps (£9.95) Sub-Saharan 2004 GH Affrifah, K. The Akyem factor in Ghana’s history 1700-1875. ISBN: 9964302614 259pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Ghana UP 2000 GH Agyeman-Duah, I. The Asante monarchy in exile: (the exile of King Prempeh I and the Yaa Asantewaa war of 1900). 53pp. ill. CIR 1999 GH Agyeman-Duah, I., Mahoune, J.C.P. The Asante monarchy in exile: sojourn of King Prempeh I and Nana Yaa Asantewaa in Seychelles. 24pp. ill. CIR 2000 GH Allman, J. I will not eat stone. A women’s history of colonial Asante. ISBN: 0852556918 cd. & 256pp. (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852556411 (£14.95 pap.) Philip 2000 SA Amenumey, D.E.K. Coming of age in the second half of the twentieth century: the case of Ghana. ISBN: 9964302630 42pp. ($9.95/£5.95) Ghana UP 2000 GH Anti, A.A. Ancient Asante king. 75pp. C2.50 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1974 GH Arhin, K. Traditional rule in Ghana: past and present. 174pp. (£4.00) Sedco 1985 GH Awoonor, K. Ghana - a political history. 326pp. ($22.50/£15.00) Woeli 1989 GH Babatope, E. The Ghana revolution. From Nkrumah to Jerry Rawlings. new ed. ISBN: 9781562102 127pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Bagulo Bening, R. Ghana regional boundaries and national integration. ISBN: 9964302592 379pp. ($29.95/£17.95) Ghana UP 1999 GH Berry, S.S. Chiefs know their boundaries. Essays on property, power and the past in Asante, 1896-1996. ISBN: 0852556942 cd. 272pp. (£40.00) ISBN: 0852556446 (£16.95) Philip 2001 SA Boahen, A.A. Ghana: evolution and change in the nineteeenth and twentieth centuries. ISBN: 9988788401 296pp. Sankofa Ghana 2000 GH Boahen, A.A. Mfantsipim and the making of Ghana: a centenary history, 1876-1976. 541pp. ($45.00/£25.00) Sankofa - Ghana 1996 GH
Subject index Boahen, A.A. Yaa Asantewaa and the Asante-British war of 1900-1. ISBN: 0852554435 192pp. pl.maps (£9.95) Sub-Saharan 2003 GH [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, UK; Michigan State University Press, US & Canada] Brempong, A. Transformations and traditional rule in Ghana (1951-1996). ISBN: 9964721730 160pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Sedco 2002 GH Historical Society of Ghana Transactions of the historical society of Ghana. vol.16, no.1 292pp. ($18.00) Ghana UP 1995 GH Parker, J. Making the town. Ga state and society in early colonial Accra. ISBN: 0852556934 cd. 304pp. ill.maps (£40.00) ISBN: 0852556438 (£16.95) Philip 2001 SA [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, Oxford, UK & Heinemann, North America] van Dantzig, A. Forts and castles of Ghana. new ed. ISBN: 9964720103 96pp. ($9.95/£5.95) Sedco 1999 GH van Kessel, I., ed. Merchants, missionaries and migrants. 300 years of Dutch Ghanaian relations. ISBN: 9988550774 160pp. ($49.95/ £29.95) Sub-Saharan 2002 GH [No US/ Netherlands] Wilks, I. One nation, many histories. Ghana past and present. 66pp. (£4.95/$8.50) Ghana UP 1996 GH Ghana—History—Addresses and essays Adu-Boahen, A. The Ghanaian sphinx: reflections on the contemporary history of Ghana. (J.B. Danquah Memorial series, 21) 76pp. ($10.00) Ghana Acad Arts & Scien 1989 GH Ghana—International relations Asante, K.B. Foreign policy making in Ghana: options for the 21st century. 114pp. Ebert Namibia 1997 SX Dumor, E.K. Ghana, OAU and Southern Africa. An African response to apartheid. 290pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Ghana UP 1991 GH Ghana—Local government Brown, C.K., Ghartey, N.K.T., Ekumah, E.K. Women in local government in Ghana: a case study of central region. 78pp. Ebert - Namibia 1996 SX Ghana—Politics and government Abbey, H.N. Kofi Antubam and the myth around Ghana’s presidential seat. 128pp. col. ill. pl. c130,000.00 ($14.00) Studio Brian 1997 GH Agyeman, D.K. Ideological education and nationalism in Ghana under Nkrumah and Busia. 91pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Ghana UP 1988 GH
Aye, J.R.A. Deepening democracy in Ghana politics of the 2000 elections. vols.1&2 ISBN: 9988771630 202pp. ($49.95/£29.95) Freedom 2002 GH Badu, K.A., Larvie, J. Elections in Ghana 1996, part 1. Ghana UP 1996 GH
Boahen, A.A. Ghanaian sphinx: reflections on the contemporary history of Ghana, 19721987. 76pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Sankofa Ghana 1992 GH Boateng, E.A. Government and the people: outlook for democracy in Ghana. 228pp. Inst Econ Aff - Ghana 1996 GH Centre for Democracy and Development Ghana Elite attitudes to democracy and markets in Ghana: a report on a survey conducted in August 2000. (CDD research paper, 3) 20pp. CDD 2000 GH Centre for Democratic Development Civil-military relations in a constitutional democracy: proceedings of a nationwide public forum. ISBN: 9988614039 36pp. col.ill. CDD 2001 GH Centre for Democratic Development Public opinion on national reconciliation in Ghana: survey evidence: a report on a national survey conducted in May-June 2001. ISBN: 9988805098 36pp. col.ill. CDD 2001 GH Centre for Democratic Development, Ghana Civil-military relations in Ghana. (CDD research paper, 9) ISBN: 9988805039 33pp. C45,000 ($11.50/£8.00) CDD 2000 GH Centre for Democratic Development, Ghana Corruption and other constraints on the land market and land administration in Ghana: a preliminary investigation. (CDD research paper, 4) ISBN: 9988796994 78pp. C45,000 ($11.50/ £8.00) CDD 2000 GH Centre for Democratic Development, Ghana Popular attitudes to democracy and markets in Ghana. (CDD research paper, 2) ISBN: 9988796900 84pp. C45,000 ($11.50/£8.00) CDD 1999 GH Centre for Democratic Development, Ghana Public opinion on national reconciliation in Ghana: survey evidence. (CDD research paper, 10) ISBN: 9988805098 61pp. C45,000 ($11.50/£8.00) CDD 2001 GH Centre or Democratic Development Workshop on democratic control of th military: lessons from the USA. ISBN: 9988614020 57pp. CDD 2001 GH Danquah, J.B. The Ghanaian establishment. 417pp. ($35.00/£18.50) Ghana UP 1997 GH
Akyeampong, J.K. Busia. A symbol of democracy. 33pp. C4.50 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1979 GH
Dquaye, M., Katsriku, B., eds. Government and NGO relations in Ghana: proceedings of a conference organised by the Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare (Government of Ghana) in collaboration with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation 10-11 October, 1996. 115pp. Ebert - Namibia 1996 SX
Armah, B.K., et al. eds. Assessment of government’s performance on selected indicators. AprilJune 2002. ISBN: 9988584288 24pp. Inst Econ Aff - Ghana 2002 GH
Gyimah-Boadi, E., ed. Ghana under the PNDC rule 1982-1989. cd. & 320pp. ($47.50/£26.50 cd.) ($25.00/£13.95 pap.) CODESRIA 1993 SG
Armah, K. Peace without power. Ghana’s foreign policy 1957-1966. ISBN: 9964303009 217pp. ($29.95/£18.95) Ghana UP 2004 GH
Gyimah-Boadi, E., Oquaye, M. Civil society and domestic policy environment in Ghana. (CDD research paper, 7) ISBN: 9988805020 26pp. C45,000 ($11.50/£8.00) CDD 2000 GH
Asiamah, A.E.A. The mass factor in rural politics. The case of the Asafo revolution in Kwahu political history. ISBN: 9964301898 204pp. ($27.95/£16.95) Ghana UP 2000 GH
Gyimah-Boadi, E., Oquaye, M., Drah, K. Civil society organizations and Ghanaian democratization. (CDD research paper, 6) ISBN: 9988805012 37pp. C45,000 ($11.50/£8.00) CDD 2000 GH Hansen, E. Ghana under Rawlings. Early years. 157pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Malthouse 1991 NR
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 260
African Books in Print
Subject index Hansen, E., Ninsin, K.A., eds. The state, development and politics in Ghana. cd. & 280pp. ($50.00/£28.00 cd.) ($26.00/£14.95 pap.) CODESRIA 1989 SG Hearn, J. Foreign political aid, democratization and civil society in Ghana in the 1990s. (CDD research paper, 5) ISBN: 9988805004 26pp. C45,000 ($11.50/ £8.00) CDD 2000 GH Hutchful, E. Ghana’s adjustment experience: the paradox of reform. ISBN: 9964978758 268pp. C100,000 ($12.50) Woeli 2002 GH Jackson, K.A. When gun rules. A soldier’s testimony of the events leading to June 4 uprising in Ghana and its aftermath. ISBN: 996497857X 249pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Woeli 1999 GH Kasanga, K. Land policy and national development in Ghana. ISBN: 9988796951 21pp. C35,000 ($10.00/£7.00) CDD 2000 GH Mahama, I. Ethnic conflicts in northern Ghana. ISBN: 9988611099 262pp. C120,000 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 2003 GH Mazrui, A. Nkrumah’s legacy and Africa’s triple heritage between globalization and counter terrorism. ISBN: 9964302967 62pp. ($19.95/£9.95) Ghana UP 2005 GH Mbonjo, P.M. The political thought of Kwame Nkrumah. A comprehensive presentation. ISBN: 9780179386 193pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Univ Lagos Press 1998 NR Mclean-Amissah, G. Living echoes of Kwame Nkrumah. 32pp. C400.00 Adwinsa 1981 GH Meyer, H.E. Dr Nkrumah’s last journey. The sensational Viet-Nam U.S. war. 143pp. pl. C200.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1984 GH Mills, G., Handley, A Ghana after Rawlings. (SAIIA country report, 1) ISBN: 1919810269 SA Inst Int Affairs 2001 SA Ninsin, K.A. Ghana’s political transition 1990-1993. Selected documents. 177pp. ($18.00/ £9.95) Freedom 1996 GH Ninsin, K.A. The informal sector in Ghana’s political economy. 64pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Freedom 1991 GH Ninsin, K.A., Drah, F.K., eds. Ghana’s transition to constitutional rule. 124pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Ghana UP 1991 GH Ninsin, K.A., Drah, F.K., eds. Political parties and democracy in Ghana’s fourth republic. 258pp. ($27.00/ £15.00) Woeli 1993 GH Ninsin, K.A., ed. Ghana: transition to democracy. ISBN: 2869780915 252pp. ($25.00/£13.95) CODESRIA 1998 SG [Ghana only] Nugent, P. Big men, small boys and politics in Ghana. 306pp. C15,000 ($18.00) Asempa 1995 GH Nzongola-Ntalaja, G., Lee, M.C. The state and democracy in Africa. Ghana’s 1996 general elections: a postmortem. vol.1 ($20.00) AAPS 1997 ZI Ocran, E.B. Welbeck: Nkrumah’s propaganda secretary par excellence. ISBN: 9964700911 257pp. ill. Afram 2000 GH Ohene-Darko, I.E. Government and politics in Ghana (18501972). 157pp. C10.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1977 GH
Ghana—Sociology, Rural Oquaye, M. Politics in Ghana, 1972-1979. C30.00 Tornado 1980 GH
286pp. ill.
Oquaye, M. Politics in Ghana 1982-1992. Rawlings, revolution and populist democracy. ISBN: 9988786816 626pp. ($29.99/ £19.99) Tornado 2004 GH Osew, E.A. Attributes of the chief executive of the state. 13pp. C2.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1979 GH Pobee, J.S. Kwame Nkrumah and the church in Ghana. 216pp. pl. C1,500 ($8.00) Asempa 1988 GH Quantson, K.B. Ghana: national security...the dilemma. ISBN: 9988814208 296pp. C85,000 ($8.00/£6.00) Napasvil 2002[?] GH Quantson, K.B. Ghana: peace and stability. Chapters from the intelligence sector. rev.ed. ISBN: 998877303X 319pp. C40,000 ($7.00/£5.00) Napasvil 2000 GH Quarm, S.E. Diplomatic offensive. An overview of Ghana’s diplomacy under Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. 77pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Afram 1997 GH Sandbrook, R., Oelbaum, J. Reforming the political kingdom: governance and development in Ghana’s fourth republic. (CDD critical perspectives, 2) ISBN: 9988000731 60pp. C35,000 ($10.00/£7.00) CDD 1999 GH Smith, D.A. The structural underpinnings of Ghana’s December 2000 elections. (CDD critical perspectives, 6) ISBN: 9988805047 46pp. C35,000 ($10.00/£7.00) CDD 2001 GH Tetteh, M.N. Anatomy of rumour mongering in Ghana. Factors contributory to the overthrow of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. 60pp. ill. Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1976 GH Yankah, K. Woes of a Kwatriot: reflections on the Ghanian situation. 127pp. ill. ($10.00/ £6.75) Woeli 1990 GH Ziorklui, E.D. Ghana: Nkrumah to Rawlings: historical sketch of some major political events in Ghana from 1957-1981. 338pp. pl. C1,950 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1988 GH Ghana—Politics and government— Addresses and essays Akyeampong, H.K. Ghana’s struggle for democracy and freedom. Speeches 1957-1969 by Dr K.A. Busia. 300pp. C30.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1979 GH Atta, W.O. Ghana, a nation in crisis. (J.B. Danquah Memorial series, 18) 36pp. ($10.00.) Ghana Acad Arts & Scien 1988 GH Gadzekpo, A., Karikari, K. Going to town. The writings of P.A.V. Ansah. 280pp. ill.pl. ($18.00/£9.95) Ghana UP 1996 GH Sai, F.T. Technology, human dignity and national division. 61pp. C5.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1976 GH Twum-Barima, K. The cultural basis of our national development. (J.B. Danquah Memorial series, 15) 55pp. ($10.00) Ghana Acad Arts & Scien 1985 GH Ghana—Public administration Bentsi-Enchil, K. Institutional challenges of our time. (J.B. Danquah Memorial Series, 1) 27pp. ($10.00) Ghana Acad Arts & Scien 1971 GH Scott, G.K. Management and control of public funds. ISBN: 9988813201 140pp. C40,000 ($5.00/£3.00) Napasvil 2002[?] GH
Woode, S.N. Making the district assembly work. 48pp. C350.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1989 GH Ghana—Religion Pobee, J.S. Religion and politics in Ghana. 150pp. (£6.00) C1,500 Asempa 1991 GH Ghana—Religion—Addresses and essays Pobee, J.S. Religion and politics in Ghana. A case study of the Acheampong era. 25pp. ($5.75/£3.25) Ghana UP 1992 GH Ghana—Rural development Brown, C.K., ed. Rural development in Ghana. 325pp. ill. ($25.00/£13.95) Ghana UP 1986 GH Dorvlo, L.T. Integrated approach to rural development: a critical examination of some policy issues arising from Ghana’s youth and rural development programme. 79pp. C7.50 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1980 GH Ghana—Social sciences Benneh, G. Basic social studies atlas for Ghana. 50pp. pl. maps C18,000 ($6.00/£5.00) Sedco 1987 GH Ghana—Sociology Abotchie, C. Social control in traditional southern Eweland of Ghana. Relevance for modern crime prevention. 154pp. (£9.95/$18.00) Ghana UP 1997 GH Ardayfio-Schandorf, E. Family and development in Ghana. 163pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Ghana UP 1994 GH Asamoa, A.K. The syndrome of primary contradiction and development. The Ghanaian experience. 22pp. ($6.50/£3.50) Ghana UP 1996 GH Gockel, A.F. The formal social security system in Ghana. 109pp. Ebert - Namibia 1996 SX Nukunya, G.K. Tradition and change in Ghana. An introduction to sociology. 283pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Ghana UP 1993 GH Odei Adei, M. Indigenous knowledge systems and good governance in Ghana: the traditional Akan socio-political example. (IEA occasional papers, 30) ISBN: 9988584393 64pp. Inst Econ Aff - Ghana 2001 GH Schandorf, E.A. The changing family in Ghana. 245pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Ghana UP 1996 GH UNICEF-Ghana Situation analysis of children and women in Ghana 2000. 181pp. col.ill. Unicef Ghana 2001[?] GH Ghana—Sociology—Addresses and essays Assimeng, M. Salvation, social crisis and the human condition. 44pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Ghana UP 1995 GH Dickson, K.B. The urban-rural contrast in Ghana and its implication for development. (J.B. Danquah Memorial series, 16) 53pp. ($10.00) Ghana Acad Arts & Scien 1984 GH Nukunya, G.K. Tradition and change: the case of the family. 34pp. ($5.75/£3.25) Ghana UP 1992 GH Ghana—Sociology, Rural Ewusi, K. Planning for the neglected rural poor in Ghana. 157pp. Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1978 GH Sefa Dei, G.J. Hardships and survival in rural West Africa: a case study of a Ghanaian community. [Also available in French.] 142pp. ($13.75/£7.50) CODESRIA 1992 SG
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Ghana—Sociology, Rural
Subject index
Sefa Dei, G.J. Les stratégies de survie du monde rural ouest-africain face aux crises: étude de cas d’une collectivité ghanéenne. [Also available in English.] 159pp. CFA3,000 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1992 SG FRE Ghana—Sociology, Urban Amarteifio, G.W., Butcher, D.A.P., Whitham, D. Tema Manhean: a study of resettlement. (Planning research stud., 3) cd. 97pp. pl. ($8.00) Ghana UP 1966 GH Muhammed, D. Kumasi. Portrait of a model RSM. ISBN: 9780101209 cd. & 231pp. pl. N200.00 ($15.00/£10.00) cd. ISBN: 978010108X N100.00 ($10.00/£7.00) Gabumo 1997 NR Ghana—Vocational education Oppong, S. Career awareness. 32pp. ill. Sam Woode 1996[?] GH Gibbs, Herschelle, Herman—Biography Bryden, C. Herschelle: a biography. ISBN: 0864865201 208pp. (£12.00) Spearhead 2003 SA Gisimba, Daniel Mutezintare—Biography Rwanda African Rights Publishing The Gisimba Memorial Centre: no place for fear. A tribute to Daniel Mutezintare Gisimba. 21pp. (£4.95) African Rights 2003 RW Gokana—General and Non-fiction Ano Publications Kpasol lela ebe naata. [Perpetual praise, the apostolic church song book and hymns.] ISBN: 9783038292 100pp. Ano 2001 NR GOK Gomwalk, J.D.—Biography Goyol, A. J.D. Gomwalk - a man of vision. ill. Fab 1996 NR
Gonja—General and Non-fiction Afari-Twako, H.K. Fea ndibi. [Tree planting.] 24pp. ill. C4,500 ($2.50/£2.00) Adwinsa 1994 GH GON Afari-Twako, H.K. Kudurnuu jagajaga. [Drug abuse.] 16pp. ill. C4,500 ($2.00/£1.50) Adwinsa 1994 GH GON Afari Twako, H.K. Muu hchu lela. [Drink good water.] 16pp. ill. C3,500 ($2.00/£2.00) Adwinsa 1994 GH GON Zakariah, S. Kayeshen turbi. [Comprehension exercises.] 64pp. pl. C250.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH GON Gonja language—Study and teaching Bureau of Ghana Languages Gonja language guide. 2nd ed. 54pp. C120.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH MUL Gourmantche language—Grammar Chantoux, A., Gontier, A., Prost, A. Grammaire gourmantché. (Initiations et Etudes Africaines, 23) 160pp. CFA2,000 IFAN 1968 SG MUL Great Britain—Atlases and maps Struik Publishers Globetrotter travel map of London. [Map. Folded 250x125mm (portrait); sheet:1,000x710mm (landscape); scale: 1:19,000; English/German/French.] col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA MUL Great Britain—Guide books Hanna, N. Globetrotter travel guide to London. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Great Britain—History Storrar, P. George Rex. Death of a legend. cd. 232pp. photos. R9.60 Macmillan - SA 1974 SA
Great Britain—International relations— Addresses and essays Raison, T. Britain, Europe and Africa. (Lecture series, 65) 21pp. ($4.95/£2.75) NIIA 1990 NR
Guéré (African people)—Social life and customs Schwartz, A. La vie quotidienne dans un village Guéré. 2nd ed. 84pp. ill. pl. CFA1,600 Inades 1975 IV FRE
Greece—Atlases and maps Struik Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Corfu. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm; sheet: 1,000x710mm; scale: 1:66,500] col.map R39.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA
Guide books—Sao Tomé and Principe Christy, P. Parc National d’Odzala. Carnet de voyage. 54pp. col.pl.map CFA6,500 ($6.50) Ecofac 1999 GO FRE
Struik Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Crete. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm; sheet: 1,000x710mm; scale:1:300,000] col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA Struik Publishers Globetrotter travel map of the Greek islands. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm (portrait); sheet: 1,000x710mm (landscape); scale: 1:1,600,000; English/ French/German] col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA MUL Greece—Guide books Harcourt Davies, P. Globetrotter travel guide to the Greek Islands. new ed. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Green, Michael—Autobiography Green, M. Around and about. Memoirs of a South African newspaperman. ISBN: 0864866607 220pp. R140.00 New Africa Ed SA 2004 SA Grey, Lady Barbarina Charlotte—Diaries, letters, journals Harington, A.L., ed. My dear Maria. The Cape letters and journal of Barbarina Charlotte, Lady Grey, 1857-1860. 96pp. R55.00 South African Lib 1996 SA Grobler, E.R.—Biography Haasbroek, J. E.R. Grobler, Adminstrator of the Orange Free State 1924-1929. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 10/14) 38pp. pl. R6.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1994 SA Groundnut International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Collaborative research on groundnut rosette virus. 27pp. ($5.20) ICRISAT 1986 NG International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Coordinated research on groundnut rosette virus disease. 36pp. ($5.40) ICRISAT 1988 NG International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Early and late leaf spots of groundnut. ICRISAT 1985 NG International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics First coordinators’ meeting on peanut stripe virus: summary proceedings of the first meeting to coordinate research on peanut stripe virus disease of groundnut. 26pp. ICRISAT 1988 NG International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Groundnut rust disease: proceedings of a discussion group meeting. cd. & 210pp. ($31.80 cd.) ($10.60 pap.) ICRISAT 1987 NG International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Summary and recommendations of the international workshop on aflatoxin contamination of groundnut. 44pp. ($6.60) ICRISAT 1988 NG Groundnut—Bibliography International Grain Legume Information Centre Bambara groundnut (Voandzeia subterranea thouars): abstracts of world literature, 1900-1978. (IITA Information Series, 3) 55pp. ex. only IITA 1978 NR
Wilme, L. São Tomé et Principe. Balade sur deux jeunes îles du plus vieux continent. 56pp. col.pl.maps CFA6,500 (£6.50) Ecofac 2001 GO FRE Guinea—Cities and towns—Pictorial works Editions Ganndal Quand tu aimes, il faut partir. Conakry. ISBN: 2913326269 col.pl. FG13,000 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE Guinea—Education FAWE & EDI-World Bank Girls’ academic achievement: the untold story - Guinea. [Text in French.] ($4.00) FAWE 1996 KE FRE Guinea—Geography Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Le massif des Monts Loma. vol. 1(Mémoires de l’IFAN, 86) 419pp. maps. CFA4,500 IFAN 1971 SG FRE Guinea—Guide books Diané, M. Mon beau pays, la Guinée. SAEC 1998 GV FRE
60pp. ill.
Niane, D.T. La république de Guinée. 198pp. pl.maps FG17,000 SAEC 1998 GV FRE Richard, A., Tompapa, E., Bah, M.A. Conakry, porte de la Guinée. ISBN: 2913326021 143pp. col.ill. FG30,000 Ganndal 1998 GV FRE Guinea—History Bah, T.M. Histoire du Fouta Djallon. 182pp. pl. FG15,000 SAEC 1998 GV FRE Barry, B. Bocar Biro. 96pp. CFA250.00 NEAS 1976 SG FRE Diallo, T. Les institutions au 19e siècle. Africaines, 28) IFAN 1972 SG
politiques du Fouta Djalon (Initiations et Etudes 277pp. pl.maps CFA3,800 FRE
Eanes de Zurara, G. Chronique de Guinée. trans.f.t. Portuguese by L. Bourdon (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 60) 301pp. maps. CFA4,000 IFAN 1960 SG FRE Ewombe-Moundo, E. Le voyage abyssal. ISBN: 2914575017 66pp. SAEC 2002 GV FRE Lanceau, Y. Mémoire de Guinée. ISBN: 2951583125 56pp. pl. (Eur18.96) Classiques Guinéens 2001 GV FRE Monod, T., Mauny, R., Duval, G. De la première découverte de la Guinée, récit par Diogo Gomes. 89pp. ill. CFA1,600 IFAN 1959 SG FRE Roussier, P. L’établissement d’Issiny 1687-1702. 243pp. pl. CFA3,000 IFAN 1935 SG FRE Guinea—Politics and government Editions Ganndal 45 années dans le sillage de Sékou Touré. ISBN: 2913326307 64pp. FG2,000 Ganndal 2001 GV FRE Kéïta, S.K. Des complots contre la Guinée de Sékou Touré 1958-1984. ISBN: 2951583117 240pp. CFA15,000 (Eur22.87) Classiques Guinéens 2002 GV FRE Guinea—Religion, traditional Holas, B. Le culte de zié. Eléments de la religion kono (Haute Guinée française). (IFAN memoir, 39) 275pp. ill. IFAN 1954 SG FRE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 262
African Books in Print
Subject index Guinea—Sociology Bailly, O. Circus Baobab. ISBN: 2913326781 24pp. pl. CFA3,500 (Eur5.50) Ganndal 2003 GV FRE Guinea—Sociology, Rural Editions Ganndal Le crédit rural de Guinée. Du projet à l’institution, une construction sociale progressive. ISBN: 2913326609 360pp. CFA7,000 (Eur18.00) Ganndal 2002 GV FRE Gulama, Ella Koblo—iBIography Lucan, T.A. The life and times of Paramount Chief Madam Ella Koblo Gulama. ISBN: 1904855342 66pp. col.ill.pl. ($20.95/ £12.95) PenPoint 2004 SL Gynaecology and obstetrics Driessen, F. Obstetric problems. 2nd ed. 275pp. ill. K.shs.750.00 AMREF 1991 KE Makin, S.M. La femme et sa santé. Notions de gynécologie. 124pp. ill.pl. (Eur1.50) BERPS 2001 ZR FRE Marinho, T. A handbook of obstetrics and gynaecology. 72pp. ($5.20) Univ Press - Nig 1984 NR Odendaal, H.J., Schaetzing, A.E., Kruger, T.F., eds. Clinical gynaecology. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702155616 575pp. ill. R298.00 (£25.00) Juta 2002 SA Sellers, P.M. Midwifery. 2 vols. 1,950pp. R395.00 Juta 1993 SA Sende, P. Principes de pathologie obstétricale en pays tropicaux. 193pp. ill. CFA3,300 CLE 1985 CM FRE Gynaecology and obstetrics—Africa Massawe, F. Gynaecology and obstetrics. 248pp. K.shs.900.00 AMREF 1984 KE Gynaecology and obstetrics—Africa, Southern Cronjë, H.S., Grobler, C.J.F. Obstetrics in southern Africa. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0627025374 758pp. R439.95 Van Schaik 2003 SA Gynaecology and obstetrics—South Africa Jaff, N. Menopause today. A complete guide for South African women today. ISBN: 0143024493 180pp. R105.26 Penguin SA 2005 SA Gynaecology and obstetrics—Study and teaching de Clerck, M. Soins et techniques en gynécologie. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2741401454 64pp. ($1.80) Mediaspaul 2004 ZR FRE Everett, J. Obstetric emergencies. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966874607 36pp. K.shs.500.00 AMREF 1999 KE Klein, S. A book for midwives. ISBN: 0333750934 528pp. ill. Macmillan Academic 1999 SA Nolte, A.G.W., ed. A textbook for midwives. ISBN: 0627022464 552pp. R204.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Soeters, R., Dehaeck, K. Basic principles of gynaecological and obstetrical surgery. ISBN: 1919713212 125pp. col.pl. (£14.95) UCT Press 1998 SA van der Spuy, Z., Anthony, J. Handbook of obstetrics and gynaecology. ISBN: 0195780795 464pp. R275.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Gynaecology and obstetrics—Tropics Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. Maternité et santé. Notions d’obstétrique tropicale. 5th ed. 462pp. ($10.00) BERPS 1999 ZR FRE
Hausa—General and Non-fiction Gynaecology and obstetrics—Zambia Kwesha, E.C. Factors contributing to the high maternal complications in Kalulushi district: report on field work one testing selected areas in Kalulushi District, Northwest region. 38pp. PAID-ESA 1997 ZA Haggard, H.Rider—Diaries, letters Rider Haggard, H. Diary of an African journey. The return of Rider Haggard. ISBN: 0869809814 cd. & 284pp. R240.00 cd. ISBN: 0869809547 R150.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA Hahn, Emma Sarah—Diaries, letters Guedes, D., ed. The letters of Emma Sarah Hahn. Pioneer missionary among the Herero. [Reprint of 1879 edition.] 489pp. pl.maps R45.00 Namibia Scient Soc 1994 SX Hairdressing and hairstyles—Congo Democratic Republic Tayeye Mayanga Coiffures du Zaire. (CEEBA, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 53) 304pp. ill. pl. (DM49.00) CEEBA 1979 ZR FRE Hamilton, Ann—Biography Schoeman, K. A thorn bush that grows in the path: the missionary career of Ann Hamilton, 18151823. 94pp. pl. R45.00 South African Lib 1994 SA Hamilton, Steve—Autobiography Hamilton, S. I want my life back. ISBN: 0143024035 384pp. R83.33 Penguin SA 2003 SA Handicapped see also Deafness Courtejoie, J. Les handicapés. Comment mieux vivre avec son handicap? 156pp. ill. pl. ($4.00) BERPS 1987 ZR FRE Handicapped—Botswana Mazonde, I.N. A study of attitudes towards the disabled in Botswana. (NIR working bibliographies) P2.88 NIDCR 1988 BS
Torit, S. La prise en charge des personnes handicappées. 49pp. ill.maps ODR 2002 RF FRE Handicapped—South Africa Booyens, M.G. Survey into the nature and extent of disability in the northern areas of Port Elizabeth (IDPR occasional papers, 14) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1989 SA Rowland, W. Nothing about us without us: inside the disability rights movement of South Africa. ISBN: 1868882596 183pp. pl. R79.00 ($14.20/£9.00/Eur14.40) Unisa 2003 SA Handicapped—Zimbabwe Chimedza, R., Peters, S/, eds. Disability and education in an African context: putting theory into practice from the perspective of different voices. ISBN: 1779004222 212pp. ill. College Press -Zimb 2001 ZI Farquhar, J. Jairos Jiri, the man and his work, 19211982. 94pp. pl. ($5.70) Mambo 1987 ZI Handwriting see also Writing Maxwell, M. Oxford handwriting teacher’s pack levels 1-4. ISBN: 0195786777 R135.00 ($1.09/ £11.71) OUP - SA 2003 SA Maxwell, M. Oxford handwriting workbooks levels 1-4. [Also available in packs of 10.] ISBN: various 32 eachpp. R26.99 ($4.22/£2.34) each OUP - SA 2003 SA Hani, Chris—Biography Mali, T. Chris Hani: the sun that set before dawn. 101pp. pl. R18.80 ($6.27/£3.76) Sached 1994 SA Hart, Sue, Dr.—Autobiography Hart, S. Dr. Sue. A vet in Africa. 212pp. pl. (£12.99) Ravan 1995 SA
Handicapped—Dictionaries—Mali Pinsonneault, D. Lexique des signes utilisés par les sourds au Mali. ISBN: 2911741307 224pp. CFA5,000 (Eur7.62) Donniya 1999 ML FRE
Hastings, Beatrice—Biography Gray, S. Beatrice Hastings: a literary life. ISBN: 0670048003 729pp. col.pl. R157.89 Penguin SA 2004 SA [Southern Africa only]
Handicapped—Education Abang, T.B. Handbook of special education. 178pp. N8.50k Univ Press - Nig 1986 NR
Hausa—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Hakim, T.A. Mutanen kogo. [Play.] 105pp. N7.00 Univ Press - Nig 1976 NR HAU
Handicapped—Education—Nigeria Abang, T.B. Handbook of special education for educators in developing countries. 323pp. ill. Fab 1992 NR Handicapped—Kenya Owuor, E. My life as a paraplegic. 208pp. K.shs.410.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1995 KE Handicapped—Namibia Bruhns, B-I., Murray, A., Kanguehi, T., Nuukuawo, T. Disability and rehabilitation in Namibia: a national survey, 1995. (NEPRU research report, 9) 170pp. N$67.00 NEPRU 1995 SX Handicapped—Réunion Observatoire du Développement de la Réunion L’allocation personnalisée d’autonomie: premier bilan. (Documents ODR, 52) (Eur19.15) ODR 2004 RF FRE Observatoire du Développement de la Réunion Vivre avec son handicap. (Documents ODR, 53) (Eur209.15) ODR 2005 RF FRE Torit, S. Entreprises et travailleurs handicappés. 57pp. ill.maps ODR 2000 RF FRE
Kwantagora, S. Yula. [Play.] 47pp. ($5.80) Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR HAU Yahaya, I.Y., ed. Wakokin hikima. [Collection of Hausa poems.] 99pp. N5.45k Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR HAU Hausa—General and Non-fiction Augi, A.R., Lawal, S.U. Nazari a kan, tarilum aal’ummar kasar zuru. 227pp. ($5.00) Fourth Dimension 1991 NR HAU Kirk-Greene, A.H.M. Hausa ba dabo Bane. Hausa proverbs 84pp. N3.75k Univ Press - Nig 1966 NR HAU Kwantagora, S. Gama Gari - ruwan dare. 79pp. N6.50k Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR HAU Nkana, E.E. Mutanda oyom namondo. [King Mutanda. The search for his missing son Namondo.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 9780520001 83pp. ill. N500.00 ($3.50/£2.70) Wusen 2001 NR HAU Pedraza, L. Borriobola-Gha. N1.05 Univ Press - Nig 1969[?] NR HAU Vatsa, M.J. Koyo da hoto. 8pp. ($3.00) Fourth Dimension 1986 NR HAU
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Hausa—General and Non-fiction
Subject index
Yahaya, I.Y. Da koyo akan iya. [Oxford Hausa course.] 1, 3 bks. 49pp. N8.00 Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR HAU
Yahaya, I.Y. Tatsuniyoyi da wasanni: littafi na biyu. 2, 6 bks 40pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press Nig 1971 NR HAU
Asogwa, S.E. A guide to occupational health practice in developing countries. cd. 200pp. (£8.00) Fourth Dimension 1980 NR
Hausa—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Ahamadu Bello University/UNESCO Hausa primary science. [Text in Hausa.] teacher’s bk.1 80pp. ill. pl. N2.22 Longman - Nig 1979 NR HAU
Yahaya, I.Y. Tatsuniyoyi da wasanni: littafi na daya. 1, 6 bks ill.pp. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig NR HAU
Bala Dossogne, M., van der Heyden, A., Courtejoie, J. Statistique et santé. 208pp. ill. ($13.00) BERPS 1990 ZR FRE
Yahaya, I.Y. Tatsuniyoyi da wasanni: littafi na hudu. 4, 6 bks 55pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press Nig 1971 NR HAU
Bernstein, C. Health seekers. A formula for living a healthier and longer life. ISBN: 1868670805 256pp. ill. (£10.95) Vivlia 1999 SA
Baker, R.L. Littafin Malamai teacher’s notes. 89pp. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1963 NR HAU Baker, R.L. Oxford Hausa reader: Aliyu da fadimatu. 1, 3 bks 29pp. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1957 NR HAU Baker, R.L. Oxford Hausa reader: Matafiya. 3, 3 bks. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig NR HAU Baker, R.L. Oxford Hausa reader: Ranar Kasuwa. 3 bks. 32pp. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1957 NR HAU
Galadanci, M.K.M., et al. Hausa don kananan makarantun sakandare. [Hausa for junior secondary schools.] bk.1 104pp. ill. pl. N25.00 Longman - Nig 1992 NR HAU Galadanci, M.K.M, et al. Hausa don kananan makarantun sakandare. [Hausa for junior secondary schools.] bk.2 108pp. ill. N25.00 Longman - Nig 1992 NR HAU Institute of Education, Ahmadu Bello University Litaffin yara na farko. [Hausa primary science course.] 8pp. ill. 22k Longman - Nig 1977 NR HAU Lawal-Solarin, Y. Master Krafty: Hausa. [ABC in Hausa.] 28pp. ill. N5.50 Literamed 1982 NR HAU Muhammad, L. Mu fara karatu. 1, 3 bks. 47pp. ill. 83k Longman - Nig 1971 NR HAU Muhammad, L. Mu fara karatu. [Language text.] 2, 3 bks. 46pp. ill. 90k Longman - Nig 1973 NR HAU Nuhu, A.R. Labarun musulunci guda goma. [Hausa story book for upper primary schools.] 62pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1974 NR HAU Oxford University Press - Nigeria Sabon lissafi na Oxford. [Oxford primary mathematics.] pupil’s bk. 2 173pp. N8.50k Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR HAU Oxford University Press - Nigeria Sabon lissafi na Oxford. [Oxford primary mathematics.] teacher’s bk. 2 139pp. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR HAU Vatsa, M.J. Bikin suna. [Narrates traditional Hausa naming ceremony of a newborn baby.] 24pp. (£2.50) Fourth Dimension 1978 NR HAU Yahaya, I.Y. Da koya a kan lya. 3, 3 bks. 83pp. N10.00 Univ Press - Nig NR HAU Yahaya, I.Y. Da koyo akan iya. 2, 3 bks ill.pp. N9.00 Univ Press - Nig 1971 NR HAU Yahaya, I.Y. Labarun gargajiya. [Hausa story book for secondary schools.] bk.2 116pp. ill. N6.50k Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR HAU Yahaya, I.Y. Labarun gargajiya. [Hausa story book for secondary schools.] bk.1 94pp. ill. N10.50k Univ Press - Nig 1974 NR HAU Yahaya, I.Y. Tatsuniyoyi da wasanni: littafi na biyar. 5, 6 bks. 58pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press Nig 1971 NR HAU
Yahaya, I.Y. Tatsuniyoyi da wasanni: littafi na shida. 6, 6 bks 58pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press Nig 1972 NR HAU Yahaya, I.Y. Tatsuniyoyi da wasanni: littafi na uku. 3, 6 bks 62pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1971 NR HAU Hausa language—Dictionaries Caron, B., Amfani, A.H. Dictionnaire Français-Haoussa. 412pp. N2,000 ($48.00) IFRA - Nig 1997 NR MUL Newman, P. Modern Hausa-English dictionary. 151pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Univ Press - Nig 1992 NR Oxford University Press - Nigeria Modern Hausa-English dictionary. 154pp. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Skinner, N. Hausa-English pocket dictionary. 3rd ed. 107pp. 75k Longman - Nig 1969 NR Hausa language—Grammar Galadanci, M.K.M. An introduction to Hausa grammar. 128pp. N1.70 Longman - Nig 1976 NR HAU Hausa language—Study and teaching Dan Kano, G.A. Hanyar koyon karatu da rubutu. 12pp. N60.00 Spectrum 1981 NR HAU Garba, C.Y. Sana’o’in gargajiya a kasar Hausa. 128pp. N60.00 Spectrum 1991 NR HAU Hare, J. Karanta ka rubuta littafi na biyu. 48pp. N180.00 Spectrum 1980 NR HAU Hare, J. Karanta ka rubuta littafi na daya. 48pp. N180.000 Spectrum 1980 NR HAU Hare, J., Bamali, N. Karanta ka rubuta littafi na hudu. 48pp. N180.00 Spectrum 1982 NR HAU Hare, J., Bamali, N. Karanta ka rubuta littafi na uku. 48pp. N180.00 Spectrum 1981 NR HAU Health education see also AIDS Alcohol Motherhood and child care Nutrition Physical education and training Public health Abile, W. Basic principles of public health. ($4.15/ £1.65) K.shs.20.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE Ademuwagun, D.H., Oduntan, S.O. A school health education handbook. 198pp. ill. pl. ($5.20) Univ Press - Nig 1986 NR Alexander, J. The five minute healer, The busy person’s guide to health. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624039358 160pp. R89.95 Tafelberg 2001 SA Amponsem, N.B. Grooming and personal hygiene. 69pp. ill. C7,000 ($3.00) Black Mask 1993 GH
Bhardwaj, P. Body and mind. 110pp. K.shs.180.00 ($3.30/£2.00) Space Sellers 1991 KE Boerma, J.T. Health information for primary health care. 25pp. ill. K.shs.750.00 AMREF 1979 KE Brink, H.I. Research methodology for health care professionals. ISBN: 0702137198 228pp. R153.00 Juta 1996 SA Brown, J., Brown, R. La lutte contre la malnutrition: un guide au niveau de la communauté. 143pp. pl. BERPS 1984 ZR FRE Brown, R., Zinga, N. Les maladies sexuellement transmissibles. Quel traitement? 96pp. pl. ($2.00) BERPS 1998 ZR FRE Bureau d’Etudes et de Recherches pour la Promotion de la Santé La diarrhée. Son traitement, sa prévention. 96pp. pl. ($2.00) BERPS 1998 ZR FRE Bureau d’Etudes et de Recherches pour la Promotion de la Sante. L’apiculture (l’élevage d’abeilles). 114pp. pl. ($5.00) BERPS 1991 ZR FRE Bureau d’Etudes et de Recherches pour la Promotion de la Santé. La pisciculture familiale. 114pp. pl. ($5.00) BERPS 1991 ZR FRE Butler, E., Dylak, T. You and your health: health, cleanliness and happiness. 1, 3 bks. 100pp. ill. R1.20 Mazenod Inst 1977 LO Christiaan, D. Lifetime health. ISBN: 0624039455 320pp. R99.95 Tafelberg 2001 SA Courtejoie, J., et al. Santé et maladie. Hygiène - volume 1 éducation sanitaire: notre corps, le milieu ou nous vivons. 120pp. ill.pl. ($3.00) BERPS 1990 ZR FRE Courtejoie, J., et al. Santé et maladie. Hygiéne - volume 2 éducation sanitaire: notions élémentaires sur la propreté et notre corps. 120pp. ill.pl. ($3.00) BERPS 1990 ZR FRE Courtejoie, J., et al. Santé et maladie. Hygiène - volume 3 éducation sanitaire: la santé et les maladies. 140pp. ill.pl. ($4.00) BERPS 1990 ZR FRE Courtejoie, J., Rotsart de Hertaing, I. L’éducateur nutritionnel: comment améliorer l’alimentation des enfants pour l’éducation. (Protection et éducation de la jeunesse, 32) 48pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Courtejoie, J., Rotsart de Hertaing, I. L’éducation de la santé à l’école. Expérience pratique de Kangu-Mayumbe. (Protection et éducation de la jeunesse, 5) 32pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Courtejoie, J., Rotsart de Hertaing, I. Petits problèmes de pharmacologie et d’éducation sanitaire. 90pp. ill. ($3.00) BERPS 1991 ZR FRE Courteney, H., Zeal, G. 500 health tips. ISBN: 1868729494 320pp. Struik Publ 2004 SA Darwish, D.H., Nwanko, C.I. Promoting women’s health. 130pp. ill. N7.80k Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 264
African Books in Print
Subject index
Health education
de Glanville, H. The hand: infections and soft tissue injuries. (Rural Health Series Manuals, R8, Rural health, 8) 25pp. K.shs.150.00 AMREF 1979 KE de Glanville, H., Schilling, R.S.F., Wood, C.H. Occupational health. (Rural Health Series Manuals, R11) 259pp. K.shs.500.00 AMREF 1979 KE de Paoli, C. Massage and bodywork for health. [Also available in Afrikaans.] pl. R79.95 Human and Rousseau 1995[?] SA Dilayen Dilamutung-a-Ngya, Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. Les médicaments à la maison. Quelques informations sur la pharmacie familiale et son usage. (Protection maternelle et infantile, 15) 28pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Ehlers, V., ed. Teaching aspects of healthcare. ISBN: 0702142123 142pp. R69.00 Juta 1998 SA Etoundi Essomba Many Ewondo Précis d’immunologie et vaccination. CFA1,200 CLE 1983 CM FRE Fountain, D., Courtejoie, J. Infirmier comment bâtir la santé. Manuel de santé communautaire en régions tropicales. 2nd ed. 700pp. pl. ($20.00) BERPS 1995 ZR FRE Fritz, V., Penn, C., eds. Stroke: caring and coping. 232pp. pl. R49.95 Witwatersrand UP 1992 SA Gilbert, L., Selikow, T., Walker, L. Society, health and disease. An introductory reader for health professionals. 203pp. pl. R90.00 Ravan SA Groenewald, A., et al. Get healthy with Max. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1869030524 48pp. col.ill. R21.01 Gariep 1999 SA Groenewald, A., et al. It’s fun to be special and healthy. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1869030540 152pp. col.ill. R21.01 Gariep 1999 SA Isely, R.B., Courtejoie, J. La mère, l’enfant et la santé: manuel de santé maternelle et infantile. (Manuels pour infirmièrs et enseignants, 90) 214pp. pl. ($5.00) BERPS 1987 ZR FRE
Maxwell & Ojo Spectrum health science for SSS. bk.2 116pp. N354.00 ($3.50/£3.00) Spectrum 1992 NR
Reader’s Digest South African great health hints and handy tips. cd. 400pp. col.ill. R149.99 Readers Digest SA 1996 SA
Morley, D., Parent, M. Le chemin de la santé: comment suivre la croissance de l’enfant. 250pp. pl. ($6.00) BERPS 1984 ZR FRE
Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. Le dispensaire et sa nouvelle orientation: les responsabilités nouvelles du technicien de la santé. (Orientation nouvelle de l’action médicale, 24) 40pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE
Mounlom, D., Jato, H. L’infirmier et la santé communautaire en Afrique. [Text in French and English.]. 350pp. CFA3,730 CLE 1979 CM MUL Mvuezolo Bagwanga, Courtejoie, J., Rotsart de Hertaing, I. L’éducateur sanitaire. Un enseignant ou un infirmier peut-il devenir un bon éducateur sanitaire? (Orientation nouvelle de l’action médicale, 27) 64pp. pl. ($2.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Nel, J.A.P., et al. Total fitness. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 140pp. R63.26 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA Nwegu, C.O.E. My first health book for nursery schools. 68pp. ill.pl. N313.00 Africana First 1995 NR Nyagura, S. Let’s learn about immunisation. 20pp. ill. Z$39.95 College Press -Zimb 1992 ZI Nyamwaya, D., Oduol, E., eds. Health education. An essential text for schools. 128pp. ill. K.shs.860.00 AMREF 1993 KE Nzungu Mavinga, Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. L’éducation sanitaire. Quelques principes de base. (Orientation nouvelle de l’action médicale, 12) 40pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Nzungu Mavinga, Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. On ne trouve rien au dispensaire...et pourtant, je suis malade. Quelques informations sur les maladies psychosomatiques. (Protection et éducation de la jeunesse, 16) 48pp. pl. ($2.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Nzungu Mavinga, Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. Santé et tradition: proverbes et coutumes relatifs à la santé. (Orientation nouvelle de l’action médicale, 17) 70pp. pl. ($2.00) BERPS 1991 ZR FRE
Johnson, L. How to escape your comfort zones: the secrets of unbundling your life. 284pp. R50.00 Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA
Nzungu Mavinga, Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. Les vers intestinaux à l’école: prise de conscience par la jeunesse. (Protection et éducation de la jeunesse, 6) 52pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE
Joseph, F.G. Eating and living right. 157pp. ill. col. ill. Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE
Ojiambo, H. You and your health. 148pp. K.shs.330.00 EAEP 1986 KE
Karanja, S. About abortion. 1994 KE
Oloo Otieno, N. Hygiene. 64pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE
28pp. ($0.40) Paulines
Kawuma, M. Before you see a doctor. Understanding your body and it’s ailments. 103pp. U.shs.5,000 ($13.75/£7.50) Fountain Publ-Ug 1997 UG Kplomedo, S. Some common diseases of women. 112pp. ($5.00) Asempa 1993 GH Laoye, J.A. Principles and practice of health education. 256pp. photos. N2.60 Macmillan - Nig 1966 NR Mabuntana, P., McDonald, H. Helping people to good health. new ed. ISBN: 9966200770 257pp. K.shs.225.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1998 KE Maxwell & Ojo Spectrum health science for SSS. bk.1 136pp. N354.00 ($3.50/£3.00) Spectrum 1991 NR Maxwell & Ojo Spectrum health science for SSS. bk.3 371pp. N354.00 ($3.50/£3.00) Spectrum 1993 NR
O’Reid, J.V. Malnutrition. 2nd ed. 16pp. ($3.00/£2.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1971 SA Orr, N., Patient, D. Positive health. ISBN: 1919930922 124pp. R35.00 Double Storey 2004 SA Patient, D., Orr, N. The healer inside you. ISBN: 1919930566 256pp. R160.00 Double Storey 2004 SA Pépin, J. Comment éviter les maladies sexuellement transmises (MST). 144pp. pl. ($2.00) BERPS 1999 ZR FRE Petit, P.L. Management schedules for dispensaries and clinics. (Rural Health Series Manuals, R10) 424pp. K.shs.200.00 AMREF 1980 KE Raff, R., Bunce, G. Understanding your body. ISBN: 1868724468 120pp. ill. R59.95 Struik Publ 2000 SA
Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. Le don du sang. Quelques informations sur le don du sang et la transfusion sanguine. (Protection et éducation de la jeunesse, 13) 36pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. Laboratoire et santé: techniques usuelles de laboratoire. 164pp. ill.pl. ($2.00) BERPS 1992 ZR FRE Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. La lèpre aujourd’hui. Conceptions récentes de la lutte contre la lèpre. (Protection de la santé, 23) 44pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1991 ZR FRE Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. L’infirmier et la santé publique: notions de prophylaxie et de lutte contre les maladies sociales. (Orientation nouvelle de l’action médicale, 28) 32pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. Ma maison et ma santé. Comment la maison peut-elle favoriser la santé de ma famille? (Protection de la santé, 29) 52pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. La médecine à l’école: comment améliorer les contacts entre les écoles, les hôpitaux et les dispensaires. (Protection et éducation de la jeunesse, 4) 24pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. Les médicaments et le tabac sont-ils dangereux? Quelques informations sur l’usage des médicaments et leurs abus: l’alcool, la drogue, le tabac. (Protection de la santé, 22) 52pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. Peut-on éviter les accidents? Quelques informations sur les accidents et leur prévention. (Protection de la santé, 20) 44pp. pl. ($2.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. Le sang et l’anémie. Qu’est-ce que l’anémie SS? Quelques informations sur l’importance du sang et les maladies qui peuvent l’abîmer. (Protection et éducation de la jeunesse, 19) 52pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. La tuberculose aujourd’hui. Conceptions récentes de la lutte contre la tuberculose. (Protection de la santé, 9) 36pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. La tuberculose: l’évolution de la maladie et sa prévention par l’éducation sanitaire. 240pp. ill.pl. ($5.00) BERPS 1976 ZR FRE Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J., van der Heyden, A. Comment bien se nourrir? Quelques informations sur les meilleurs aliments. (Protection de la santé, 21) 64pp. pl. ($2.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J., van der Heyden, A. Santé, meilleure source de progrès. 2nd rev.ed. 271pp. ill. pl. ($8.00) BERPS 1987 ZR FRE Setidisho, N.O.H. Primary health education. K2.75 Dzuka 1986 MW
bk.5 62pp. pl.
Shimali, I. Hand splinting. 56pp. pl. ($2.67) K.shs.150.00 AMREF 1988 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Health education Sotomi, T. Health and civic guides for the young. 36pp. col.ill. N60.00 Y Press 1987 SA Sutcliffe, J. The body maintenance. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624037436 144pp. ill. R89.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Thadila Masiala, Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. L’infirmier face au malade. Comment favoriser la guérison par un contact authentique? (Orientation nouvelle de l’action médicale, 30) 48pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Udoh, C.O., et al. Fundamentals of health education. 296pp. N254.25 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR van der Heyden, A., Courtejoie, J. L’écolier et la santé. 256pp. pl. ($5.00) BERPS 1988 ZR FRE van der Heyden, A., Courtejoie, J. Santé personnelle et communautaire. 128pp. pl. ($4.00) BERPS 1988 ZR FRE van der Heyden, A., Courtejoie, J., Rotsart de Hertaing, I. Les vers intestinaux: cycles évolutifs des vers intestinaux et moyens de prévention. 144pp. ill.pl. ($5.00) BERPS 1974 ZR FRE van der Merwe, A. Health and happiness. The way to wellness for mind, body, emotions and soul. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624037797 pl. R89.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA van Elfen, J., Metelerkamp, P. Your breasts. Everything you need to know. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624037487 164pp. pl. R89.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA West African Book Publishers You and your health. 3rd ed. 100pp. ill. West African Bk 1975 NR Williams, G. The health of the executive. ISBN: 978153057X 119pp. (£2.36) West African Bk 2001[?] NR Wood, C.H., Vaughan, J.P., de Glanville, H. Community health. 2nd ed.(Rural Health Series Manuals, R12) 472pp. K.shs.900.00 AMREF 1997 KE Wosornu, L. The casebook of Dr. O. P. Asem. 186pp. (£4.00) Sedco 1985 GH Health education—Addresses and essays Coker, W.Z. The medical entomologists contribution towards health for all by the year 2000. 51pp. ($2.00) Ghana UP 1986 GH Health education—Africa Fehrsen, S. Health in Africa. (Series F1, 308) 34pp. R4.00 ($6.00/£4.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1993 SA Health education—Congo Democratic Republic Centre d’Etudes Ethnologies La lutte contre la trypanosomiaise qui se répand dans la ville de Bandundu (Rép. du Zaire). 93pp. CEEBA 1988 ZR FRE Mahaniah, K. La maladie et la guérison en milieu Kongo. cd. 211pp. Z82,000 ($89.00) Kalombo 1993 ZR FRE Schaepdryver, A.P. Guide du centre de santé. 162pp. pl. ($2.00) BERPS 1991 ZR FRE Health education—Malawi Jones Kaunjika, D. Health education and you today. ISBN: 9990858339 80pp. K100.00 Montfort 2004 MW Health education—Nigeria Akinyanju, O.O., ed. Non-communicable diseases in Nigeria. A manual for primary health care workers. 76pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Spectrum 1993 NR
Subject index Health education—South Africa Fine, D. A special bond. Building a healthy family in the new South Africa. 108pp. ill. R30.00 Ravan 1995 SA Hennessey, K., Smit, W. The perils of progress: the health and environmental hazards of modern technology and what you can do about them. ISBN: 1919713409 368pp. R105.00 UCT Press 1999 SA Peters, D. Total health. Essential family guide to conventional and complementary medicine. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624036944 cd. 314pp. R159.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Southern Book Publishers Complete South African health guide. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 550pp. ill. R130.00 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA Health education—South Africa—Study and teaching Natal College of Education Health education in the classroom. An introduction to health education in South African schools. ISBN: 1868590445 80pp. ill. R63.95 Francolin 1999 SA Health education—Study and teaching Amri, M., et al. Guide for training teachers of health workers. ISBN: 9966874038 182pp. K.shs.700.00 AMREF 1993 KE Maxwell-Ojo, B. Spectrum health science for SSS. bk.1 132pp. N360.00 Spectrum 1991 NR Shilton, D., Cross, T. Advancing my health. Grade 7. Learner’s book. ISBN: 1875048782 172pp. R39.32 Nolwazi 2000 SA van der Walt, J. Advancing my health. Grade 7. Teacher’s notes. ISBN: 1919762760 64pp. R34.95 Nolwazi 2000 SA Health education—Study and teaching (Elementary) Bajah, S.T., et al. Health science: AIDS. (Early learning science series for Africa, 3j) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR Bajah, S.T., et al. Health science: chicken-pox. (Early learning science series for Africa, 3g) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR Bajah, S.T., et al. Health science: cholera. (Early learning science series for Africa, 3b) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR Bajah, S.T., et al. Health science: diarrhoea. (Early learning science series for Africa, 3c) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR Bajah, S.T., et al. Health science: guineaworm. (Early learning science series for Africa, 3d) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Health education—Sudan Saeed, A.A.A. The effect of health education on women and health workers about breast concern, Merawi Province 1996. (DSRC seminar series, 110) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1997 SJ Hebrew language—Grammar Bangsund, J.C. Biblical Hebrew: a simplified grammar. ISBN: 998765701X 299pp. T.shs.9,000 ($12.00) Makumira 2001 TZ Helman, Cecil—Autobiography Helman, C. Suburban shaman. A journey through medicine. ISBN: 1919930767 cd. 224pp. R150.00 Double Storey 2004 SA Herbs Bremness, L. The complete book of herbs: a practical guide to growing and using herbs. new ed. cd. ill. R130.00 Southern Book Publ 1997 SA [Southern Africa only] Hey, B. Herbs. SA
32pp. ill. R29.95 Tafelberg 1992
Roberts, M. Herbal beauty for healthy living. ISBN: 0864865503 128pp. col.pl. New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA Roberts, M. Herbal teas for healthy living. ISBN: 1919780629 64pp. col.pl. R65.95 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Herbs—Ghana Dokosi, O.B. Herbs of Ghana. ISBN: 9964302169 746pp. ill. ($57.95/£34.95) Ghana UP 1998 GH Herbs—South Africa Hey, B. A celebration of herbs for the South African garden and home. cd. 96pp. col. ill. R51.99 Struik Publ 1993 SA Roberts, M. The essential Margaret Roberts: my 100 favourite herbs. ISBN: 0864864817 148pp. col.pl. R185.00 New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA Machanik, A. Growing herbs in South Africa. 144pp. col.pl. R11.95 Macmillan - SA 1984 SA Struik Publishers A garden of herbal remedies. ISBN: 1853686700 cd. 96pp. col.ill. R49.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Herero also known as Otsiherero Herero—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Diescho, J. Omevo weputi: ehungi serekarerwa. [Troubled waters. Also available in English, Herero, Kwanyama] ISBN: 9991602887 139pp. Gamsberg 2001 SX HER
Bajah, S.T., et al. Health science: kwashiorkor. (Early learning science series for Africa, 3i) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Mbai, A.U. Ete katji twa enda nao.: Ondarama ndja tjangererwe oratio. [Radio drama.] ISBN: 0868488844 191pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX HER
Bajah, S.T., et al. Health science: malaria. (Early learning science series for Africa, 3a) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Mukonge, M. Ounongo wOvaherero. [Herero poetry.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 0868487237 41pp. Gamsberg 2001 SX HER
Bajah, S.T., et al. Health science: measles. (Early learning science series for Africa, 3e) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Mukonge, M Ourenga weraka. [Poetry.] ISBN: 9991600272 107pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX HER
Bajah, S.T., et al. Health science: mumps. (Early learning science series for Africa, 3f) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Tjingaete, O.M. Ouye otjivingurura. [Novel.] 55pp. Longman - Namb 1997 SX HER
Bajah, S.T., et al. Health science: whooping cough. (Early learning science series for Africa, 3h) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
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African Books in Print
Subject index Herero—School books, Readers, Children’s literature del Klopper, C. Ovindombera vyOmbura. trans.f.t. English by Angelika Tjoutuku [The rain dance. Children’s story book in Herero. Also available in English, Afrikaans, German, Khoekhoegowab, Kwanyama, Oshindonga, Rukwangali, Rumanyo, Silozi, Thimbukushu.] ISBN: 9991622780 16pp. col.ill. Out of Africa - Namibia 2003 SX HER Komarek, K. Omatemeno waKapenda. [The book with the tortoise.] ISBN: 9991602968 24pp. ill. Gamsberg 2001 SX HER Highway engineering see also Traffic engineering Transportation Bester, C.J. Congestion and vehicle operating cost in rural road modelling. (DPVT, 72) 24pp. R10.00 CSIR 1989 SA Bester, C.J., Kennedy, D.A. CLIM - A computer program to evaluate climbing lanes in mountainous terrains. (DPVT, 45) 29pp. R10.00 CSIR 1988 SA Bester, C.J., Kennedy, D.A. Layout and warrants for intersections on two-lane two-way rural roads. (DPVT, 44) 30pp. R15.00 CSIR 1988 SA Bickley, B.M. Typical construction and maintenance costs of infrastructure in Kwandebele. (DPVT, 70) 37pp. R15.00 CSIR 1989 SA Booth, A.R. Collapse settlement in compacted soils. (CSIR Research Report, 324) 34pp. ill. CSIR 1977 SA Brink, W., Semmelink, C.J. Compaction equipment performance - a field investigation. (DPVT, 95) 18pp. R15.00 CSIR 1989 SA Brink, W., Wright, B.G. The design, construction and performance of an experimental rollcrete pavement. (DPVT, 139) 47pp. R30.00 CSIR 1990 SA Burton, R.W., Slavik, M.M. Economic analysis methods for road engineering projects. (Technical Manual, NITRR, K27) 61pp. CSIR 1976 SA Coetzee, C.H. Road markings: General review and recommendations. (DPVT, 67) 53pp. R20.00 CSIR 1989 SA Coetzee, C.H., du Plessis, H.W. Accelerated testing of thin jointed concrete pavements. (DPVT, 8) 89pp. R35.00 CSIR 1989 SA Computer Information Centre for Transportation Stresses and strains in layered pavements under dual wheel loads: MECDE1 (NITRR Manual, P5) 34pp. CSIR 1977 SA Computer Information Centre for Transportation Stresses and strains in layered systems: CHEV 4. (NITRR Manual, P4) 26pp. CSIR 1977 SA Coster, J. A literature survey of investigations performed to determine the skid resistance/accident risk relationship. (RP, 37) 40pp. R20.00 CSIR 1987 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Computer applications in highway engineering, proceedings of symposium, Pretoria 12-14 February 1975. (NITRR Special Report, PAD 36) 218pp. CSIR 1977 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Construction of road embankments. (Technical Recommendations for Highways, TRH 9) 45pp. CSIR 1978 SA
Highway engineering Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Geometric design of rural roads. Technical recommendations for highways. (TRH, 17) 108pp. CSIR 1984 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Geotechnical and soil engineering mapping for roads and the storage of materials data. (Technical recommendations for Highways, NITRR, TRH 2) 34pp. CSIR 1978 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Limits on the axle loads of vehicles for the protection of roads. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] (CSIR Special Report, PAD 27) 12 + 12pp. CSIR 1976 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Nomenclature and methods for describing the condition of asphalt pavements. Technical recommendations for highways. (TRH, 6) 72pp. CSIR 1985 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Review of a number of road priming experiments carried out between August 1961 and March 1964. (CSIR research reports, 256) 24pp. ill. CSIR 1967 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Selection and design of hot-mix asphalt surfacings for highways. (Technical Recommendations for Highways, NITRR, TRH 8) 47pp. CSIR 1978 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Slope stability analysis by Bishop’s method (circular slip) SLOP 2. (Computer Information Centre for Transportation, NITRR Manual P1) 24pp. CSIR 1976 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Slope stability analysis by Morgenstern’s method (general slip) SLOP 3. (Computer Information Centre for Transportation, NITRR Manual P2) 30pp. CSIR 1976 SA Curtayne, P.C. A system of pavement management concepts. (RP, 7) 57pp. R20.00 CSIR 1985 SA David, M., Hopcraft, P.N. Labour intensive road construction and the S.R.D.P. (IDS discussion paper, 28) 28pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE Davidson, J.C. Lane hazard warning system. (DPVT, 149) 20pp. R10.00 CSIR 1990 SA De Beer, E.J.H. Speed control at roadworks. (DPVT, 152) 37pp. R40.00 CSIR 1990 SA De Beer, E.J.H., Brafman Bahar, G. Roadside hazards and vehicle encroachments on rural dual-carriageway freeways. (DPVT, 112) 36pp. R25.00 CSIR 1990 SA De Beer, M. Aspects of erodibility of lightly cementitious materials. (DPVT, 39) 88pp. R35.00 CSIR 1989 SA De Beer, M. Compression failure of lightly cementitious materials. (DPVT, 36) 49pp. R20.00 CSIR 1989 SA De Beer, M. Dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) aided evaluation of the behaviour of pavements with lightly cementitious layers. (DPVT, 37) 56pp. R30.00 CSIR 1989 SA De Beer, M. Permanent deformation behaviour of pavements with lightly cementitious layers. (DPVT, 35) 72pp. R30.00 CSIR 1989 SA De Beer, M. Photographic record of heavy vehicle simulator (HVS) tests on pavements with lightly cementitious layers. (DPVT, 40) 32pp. R15.00 CSIR 1989 SA
De Beer, M. Resilient response of pavement with lighly cementitious layers. (DPVT, 38) 67pp. R30.00 CSIR 1989 SA Dehlen, G.L. Analysis of the transport environment 1988. Part 1: Environment scan. (DPVT, 31) 24pp. R10.00 CSIR 1988 SA Duncan, M.A.G. A procedure for the section of critical effects and spans to be used for the assessment of abnormal load vehicles on road bridges. (DPVT, 20) 104pp. R30.00 CSIR 1988 SA Fieldwick, R., De Beer, E.J.H. The short-term prediction of road traffic collisions and fatalities. (DPVT, 97) 24pp. R10.00 CSIR 1989 SA Fossberg, P.E. The treatment of gravel roads with waste sulphite lye. (CSIR research reports, 243) 36pp. ill. CSIR 1966 SA Francis, V.C., Freeme, C.R., Servas, V.P. The economic benefits of HVS testing on roads. Proceedings of the annual transportation convention (ATC 1985), Pretoria 1985. 20pp. CSIR 1985 SA Gill, L.M. Rollcrete: Literature survey and recommendations for local research. (DPVT, 15) 70pp. R30.00 CSIR 1988 SA Green, C.A. Principles for the planning of activity streets. (DPVT, 113) 66pp. R35.00 CSIR 1990 SA Hattingh, J. B. Triangular hybrid plate element for the evaluation of bending moments and shear forces in bridge decks. (CSIR Research Report, 374) 188pp. CSIR 1980 SA Havell, D.F. Road markings and roadstuds: recent developments in Europe. (DPVT, 3) 18pp. R10.00 CSIR 1988 SA Horak, E. Aspects of a deflection based mechanistic overlay design approach for flexible pavements. (RP, 20) 39pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA Horak, E. Measurement and data processing of deflection basins. (RP, 23) 44pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA Jamieson, I.L. The development of PVC modified tars for use in surface treatments. (CSIR Research Report, 393) 67pp. CSIR 1981 SA Jordaan, G.J. An assessment of the TRRL surface deflection method for pavement rehabilitation design. (DPVT, 54) 27pp. R10.00 CSIR 1989 SA Jordaan, G.J. The classification of pavement rehabilitation design methods. (DPVT, 5) 35pp. R15.00 CSIR 1988 SA Jordaan, G.J. Guidelines towards the use of the Asphalt Institutes method for pavement rehabilitation design. (DPVT, 55) 33pp. R15.00 CSIR 1989 SA Jordaan, G.J. HVS-aided rehabilitation investigation on a strongly cemented base pavement. (RP, 14) 19pp. R10.00 CSIR 1985 SA Jordaan, G.J. An investigation of the design method of pavement rehabilitation recommended in the 1983 draft TRH12 document. (DPVT, 51) 45pp. R20.00 CSIR 1989 SA Kekwick, S.V. Derivation of pavement relative damage coefficient from Heavy Vehicle Simulator testing: methods and accuracy. (RP, 17) 12pp. R10.00 CSIR 1985 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Highway engineering Lockwood, D.N., Kruger, A.J. Ramp control: a case study of the Western Freeway, Durban. Proceedings of the Annual Transportation Convention (ATC 1985), Pretoria, 1985. (NITRR Reprint, RR428) 14pp. CSIR 1986 SA MacCarron, C.M. TPA/NITRR/BKS study of surface cracking in asphalt. The laying of fullscale trials on route N1 at Uncle Charlie’s interchange. (RP, 3) 35pp. R10.00 CSIR 1985 SA Morris, N., van der Reis, A.P. Guidelines on the use of qualitative techniques in cross-cultural research. Paper presented at the 87th ESOMAR seminar on Qualitative Methods of research, Amsterdam, February 1986. (NITRR Reprint, 424) 17pp. CSIR 1986 SA
Subject index Rust, F.C. A detailed description of the working of the crack-activity meter (CAM). (RP, 36) 37pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA
Van der Reis, A.P. The use of rating scales in cross-cultural attitude surveys. (DPVT, 42) 58pp. R20.00 CSIR 1988 SA
Rust, F.C. State of the art of rehabilitating reflection cracking in cemented pavements. (RP, 29) 49pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA
Van Kralingen, W.N. Proposed framework for a mobile radio SOS-system for rural and urban road users. (DPVT, 18) 32pp. R15.00 CSIR 1988 SA
Sampson, L.R. A reproducibility of Atterberg limits determined by the Casagrande methods and by an extended British cone penetrometer method. (RP, 5) 48pp. R20.00 CSIR 1985 SA Sampson, L.R. A study of the precision limits of the wet/ dry brushing durability test for cementstabilized materials. (RP, 26) 27pp. R15.00 CSIR 1986 SA
Naudé, C.M. Updated market prices for program Costdata - August 1989. (DPVT, 86) 21pp. R10.00 CSIR 1989 SA
Sampson, L.R., Roux, P.L. The durability mill test for the assessment of unstabilized aggregates. (RP, 31) 10pp. R10.00 CSIR 1987 SA
Naudé, C.M. The updating of program Costdata for the 1989/90 Financial year. (DPVT, 127) 23pp. R10.00 CSIR 1990 SA
Sator, W.H.J. Accelerated natural weathering tests of road sign material: Preliminary report. (DPVT, 147) 45pp. R25.00 CSIR 1990 SA
Nordengen, P.A. A comparison of transverse moments generated by abnormal vehicles and design loadings on beam-and-slab bridge decks. (DPVT, 30) 56pp. R30.00 CSIR 1989 SA Nordengen, P.A. Models for the determination of maximum positive and negative bending moments in beam and slab bridge decks. (DPVT, 21) 106pp. R30.00 CSIR 1988 SA Paige-Green, P. The economic optimisation of unpaved roads by improved material selection and construction techniques: Background. (DPVT, 91) 18pp. R5.00 CSIR 1989 SA Paige-Green, P. The economic optimisation of unpaved roads by improved material selection and construction techniques: final report. (DPVT, 106) 24pp. R10.00 CSIR 1990 SA Paige-Green, P. Further studies on the long-term durability of lime-treated soils. (DPVT, 126) 10pp. R10.00 CSIR 1990 SA Paige-Green, P. The maintenance and rehabilitation of unpaved roads. (DPVT, 77) 21pp. R10.00 CSIR 1989 SA Paige-Green, P. A revised method for the sieve analysis of wearing course gravels for unpaved roads. (DPVT, 82) 15pp. R10.00 CSIR 1989 SA Paige-Green, P. Specifications for wearing course materials for unpaved roads. (DPVT, 75) 47pp. R20.00 CSIR 1989 SA Paige-Green, P. A structural design procedure for unpaved roads. (DPVT, 76) 20pp. R10.00 CSIR 1989 SA Paige-Green, P., Lockwood, D.N., De Franca, V.M.P. Econopt: A computer program to optimise the material selection and construction procedures for unpaved roads on an economic basis. (DPVT, 105) 45pp. R20.00 CSIR 1990 SA Rassalski, K.Z. The effect of bridge space on transverse distribution. (DPVT, 19) 44pp. R20.00 CSIR 1989 SA Rassalski, K.Z., Duncan, M.A.G. Distribution of the support reactions in bridge decks subjected to vehicular loading. (DPVT, 61) 27pp. R10.00 CSIR 1989 SA Rassalski, K.Z., Duncan, M.A.G. The effect of bridge continuity on the transverse distribution of longitudinal moments. (DPVT, 62) 35pp. R15.00 CSIR 1989 SA
Sator, W.H.J. The comprehensibility of overhead direction signs. (DPVT, 73) 25pp. R10.00 CSIR 1989 SA Sator, W.H.J. Dew on road signs: Preliminary report. (DPVT, 144) 10pp. R10.00 CSIR 1990 SA
van Zyl, N.J.W., Sweet, R.J. Distribution and modal split patterns of inter-regional travel. (DPVT, 138) 36pp. R15.00 CSIR 1990 SA Wigglesworth, D. Comparison of dead, live, prestress and thermal load effects in bridge decks with permissible values. (RP, 15) 87pp. R20.00 CSIR 1985 SA Wigglesworth, D., Rassalski, K. The optimization of type NA loading to check the flexural strength of bridge decks of slab construction. (RP, 18) 32pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA Wigglesworth, D.G., Rassalski, K.Z., Nordengen, P.A. Bridge deck analysis using the GSC System - worked examples. (DPVT, 12) 368 3 vols.pp. R40.00, vol.1; vol.2, R35.00; vol.3,R25.00 CSIR 1988 SA Williamson, R.H. The thermal environment and its effects on road pavements. (CSIR research reports, 320) 75pp. ill. pl. CSIR 1976 SA Wolhuter, K.M. Headways on rural two-lane roads. (DPVT, 56) 36pp. R10.00 CSIR 1989 SA
Sator, W.H.J. Durability of road signs: field survey. (DPVT, 78) 45pp. R20.00 CSIR 1989 SA
Wolhuter, K.M. Speeds on rural two-lane roads. (DPVT, 71) 25pp. R10.00 CSIR 1989 SA
Sator, W.H.J. Road signs: The legibility of three styles of lettering. (DPVT, 41) 30pp. R15.00 CSIR 1988 SA
Wolhuter, K.M., Kennedy, D.A. Flow characteristics on four-lane undivided rural roads. (DPVT, 110) 46pp. R20.00 CSIR 1990 SA
Sator, W.H.J. Safety of delineator plates at roadworks. (DPVT, 114) 13pp. R10.00 CSIR 1990 SA Semmelink, C.J. Findings of research on the rational design of single and double seals. (RP, 1) 40pp. R20.00 CSIR 1985 SA Semmelink, C.J. A laboratory study of the aggregate spread rates of seals. (RP, 19) 37pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA Shaw, I.S. Introduction into the design of digital filters. (RP, 2) 116pp. R30.00 CSIR 1985 SA Skutil, V. Operation of high occupancy vehicle lanes. (DPVT, 33) 53pp. R20.00 CSIR 1989 SA Slavik, M.M. Economic analysis in road engineering, BENC 03. (Computer Information Centre for Transportation, NITRR Manual P3) 3pp. CSIR 1976 SA Szendrei, M.E., Freeme, C.R. Dynamic techniques for testing pavement structures. (CSIR research reports, 295) 19pp. CSIR 1970 SA Tarboton, D.G., Curtayne, P.C. A methodology for the economic evaluation of pavement maintenance and rehabilitation options. (RP, 13) 30pp. R20.00 CSIR 1985 SA Van der Merwe, C.J. A laboratory evaluation of soil/geotextile compatibility for road subsurface drainage systems. (DPVT, 93) 63pp. R30.00 CSIR 1989 SA Van der Merwe, C.J. Recommended tests and tentative criteria for geotextiles in road subsurface drainage applications. (DPVT, 92) 25pp. R10.00 CSIR 1989 SA
Highway engineering—Africa, Southern Clifford, J.M. Segmental block paving in southern Africa: a review and structural design guide. (RP, 27) 92pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA Paige-Green, P.P. Deterioration relationships for unpaved roads in Southern Africa: Use in the Maintenance and Design System (MDS). (DPVT, 34) 23pp. R10.00 CSIR 1989 SA Highway engineering—South Africa Bester, C.J. The effect of road geometry on accidents on rural roads in Cape Province. (DPVT, 24) 22pp. R10.00 CSIR 1988 SA Bester, C.J., Kennedy, D.A. Effects of the Huguenot Tunnel. (DPVT, 68) 27pp. R10.00 CSIR 1989 SA Crous, W.W. The MEPLAN land use model and its application in Cape Town. (DPVT, 88) 51pp. R20.00 CSIR 1989 SA De Beer, E.J.H. Lane drops on South African freeways. (DPVT, 74) 43pp. R20.00 CSIR 1989 SA De Beer, M. HVS testing at Marianhill, N3/1 - detailed report (RP, 11) 114pp. R30.00 CSIR 1985 SA Fieldwick, R. Factors associated with the mean speed of vehicles on Transvaal rural roads between 1974 and 1986. (DPVT, 101) 17pp. R5.00 CSIR 1990 SA Harrison, R., Visser, A.T. Preliminary investigations into the applicability of available vehicle operating cost relations to South African conditions. (PR, 8) 136pp. R30.00 CSIR 1985 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Horak, E., Paige-Green, P., Sampson, L.R., Visser, A.T. Guidelines for the design and maintenance of low volume residential streets in developing communities. (DPVT, 102) 54pp. R20.00 CSIR 1988 SA Jordaan, G.J. Guidelines towards the use of a rehabilitation design method based on dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) measurements as developed in South Africa. (DPVT, 43) 39pp. R15.00 CSIR 1989 SA MacCarron, C.M. TPA/NITRR/BKS study of surface cracking in asphalt. The laying of fullscale trials on the Soweto highway. (RP, 6) 22pp. R10.00 CSIR 1985 SA Nordengen, P.A. Vehicle overloading statistics in Natal, 1988 and 1989. (DPVT, 150) 30pp. R15.00 CSIR 1990 SA Nyasulu, D.T.G. Geometric guidelines for developing areas. (DPVT, 17) 67pp. R35.00 CSIR 1989 SA Ribbens, H. Proposed guidelines for pedestrian islands on urban and rural roads. (DPVT, 47) 63pp. R30.00 CSIR 1989 SA Skutil, V. Ramp-weave areas operation on South African freeways. (DPVT, 23) 65pp. R30.00 CSIR 1988 SA Upton, A.H. Case study: the intersection of Old Main Road and Crompton Street, Pinetown. (DPVT, 10) 35pp. R15.00 CSIR 1988 SA Wright, B.S., du Plessis, H.W. A laboratory study of roller-compacted concrete (RCC) for road use in South Africa. (DPVT, 111) 46pp. R20.00 CSIR 1989 SA Hindi language—Mauritius Bhuckory, S. Hindi in Mauritius. 2nd ed. 137pp. Océan Indien Ed 1988 MF Hindi language—Study and teaching Rungoo, G. Hindi ou Hindoustani en 24 jours. 147pp. Rs.40.00 Océan Indien Ed 1985 MF MUL Hinduism Sangeelee, M. Tiroukkoural de Tirouvallouvar ou code moral universel. 269pp. ill. Océan Indien Ed 1988 MF FRE Hinduism—South Africa Diesel, A., Maxwell, P. Hinduism in Natal: a brief guide. 120pp. col.ill.col.pl. R50.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1993 SA Hirson, Baruch—Autobiography Hirson, B. Revolutions in my life. 292pp. pl. R89.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA History see also Archaeology Ethnology Explorers and explorations, European Politics and government and as a sub-division under names of specific countries or regions, e.g. Africa, West—History; Tanzania—History Al-Haytami, A. Les liens du sang et de parenté comme valeurs précieuses. ISBN: 9973719033 414pp. ($65.00) FTRSI 1998 TI FRE Cope, R. The ploughshare of war. 282pp. map R75.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1999 SA Guaitoli, M.T., Rambaldi, S., eds. Lost cities from the ancient world. ISBN: 8880958275 cd. 336pp. col.ill. E£250.00 ($59.50) Am Univ 2002 UA [Egypt only]
History—Africa Hommel, M., ed. The contribution of non-European peoples to world civilization. 200pp. ($15.00/ £8.50) R15.00 Skotaville 1989 SA Magubane, B.M. The Round Table movement. Its influence on the historiography of imperialism. 36pp. ($6.95/£3.75) SAPES 1994 ZI Omotunde, J-P. Les racines africaines de la civilisation européenne. ISBN: 291137228X 262pp. Menaibuc 2002 CM FRE Peacock, H.L. A history of Modern Europe 1788-1981. 7th ed. 528pp. K.shs.945.00 EAEP 1982 KE [Kenya only] Southern Minorities Movement Report of the commission appointed to enquire into the fears of minorities and hte means of allaying htem: presented to parliament by the secretary of state for hte colonies by command of Her Majesty, July 1958. Colonial office. 121pp. N1,500 ($12.00/£6.00) Riverside 1996 NR Viljoen, L. Unisa medieval studies. vol.5(Miscellanea Congregalia, 49) 157pp. R28.00 ($16.20/£9.80) Unisa 1995 SA History—Addresses and essays Davenport, T.R.H. Tenses in turmoil. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1977 SA Evans, R.J. Questioning reputations: essays on nine Roman republican politicians. ISBN: 1868881989 230pp. R181.00 Unisa 2003 SA Hobsbawn, E. On history. ISBN: 0349110506 403pp. Mkuki na Nyota 1997 TZ Oloruntimehin, O.B. History and society. (Inaugural lec., 18) 30pp. N2.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1976 NR Spies, S.B. The historian’s net. 24pp. R26.00 ($15.80/£9.60) Unisa 1987 SA History—Africa Adu Boahen, A. African perspectives on colonialism. 134pp. K.shs.520.00 EAEP 1995 KE [Kenya only] Adu Boahen, A., ed. UNESCO: a general history of Africa. vol.7 352pp. K.shs.1,950 EAEP 1990 KE Adu Boahen, A., ed. UNESCO: a general history of Africa. vol.8 1,072pp. K.shs.2,500 EAEP 1999 KE Adu Boahen, A., ed. UNESCO: a general history of Africa. Africa under colonial domination. vol.4 384pp. K.shs.560.00 EAEP 1990 KE Akakpo, A. L’Afrique romaine. 220pp. CFA2,000 NEA - Togo 1980 TG FRE Atanda, J.A. Tarikh. [Economic history of pre-colonial Africa]. vol.10 64pp. ill. maps. N15.00 Longman - Nig 1992 NR Babatope, E. Coups: Africa and the barrack revolts. new ed. ISBN: 9781560541 189pp. ($27.95/£16.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Barkindo, B., Omolewa, M., Maduakor, E.N. History of Africa and the wider world. vol.2 192pp. pl. maps N30.00 Longman Nig 1992 NR Catchpole, B. A map history of Africa South of the Sahara. maps. Z$64.50 Longman Zimb 1992 ZI
Cisternino, M. Passion for Africa. Missionary and imperial papers on the evangelisation of Uganda and Sudan, 1848-1923. ISBN: 9970024205 691pp. col.ill.pl.maps ($44.95/£30.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2004 UG Croegeart, L. African continent. ISBN: 9966214410 336pp. K.shs.700.00 ($10.00) Paulines 1999 KE Davidson, B. The black man’s burden. 368pp. K.shs.815.00 EAEP 1993 KE [Kenya only] Davidson, B. The lost cities of Africa. 384pp. K.shs.1,995 EAEP 1987 KE [Kenya only] Davidson, B. The search for Africa: a history in the making. 384pp. K.shs.1,840 EAEP 1994 KE [Kenya only] Ekeh, P. Colonialism and social structure. 27pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1983 NR Gavin, R.J., Betley, J.A., comps. The scramble for Africa: documents on the Berlin West African conference and related subjects, 1884-1885. 429pp. map. N12.00 Ibadan UP 1973 NR Ghagbo, L. Reflexions sur la conférence de Brazzaville. 77pp. CFA1,000 CLE 1978 CM FRE Hallet, R. Africa since 1875. EAEP 1975 KE
880pp. K.shs.760.00
Hrbek, I., ed. UNESCO: a general history of Africa. Africa from the seventh to eleventh century. vol.3 400pp. K.shs.560.00 EAEP 1990 KE Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Les Afro-Américains. [Reprint of ed. 1953]. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 27) 268pp. ill. IFAN 1953 SG FRE July, R.W. A history of the African people. new ed. 608pp. K.shs.780.00 EAEP 1992 KE Kange Ewane, F. Semence et moisson coloniales. CFA2,500 CLE 1985 CM FRE Kimambo, I.N. Three decades of production of historical knowledge at Dar es Salaam. 21pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Dar es Salaam UP 1993 TZ Ki-Zerbo, J., ed. Africa from 12th to 16th century. ISBN: 9966250670 294pp. K.shs.660.00 EAEP 2000 KE Ki-Zerbo, J., ed. UNESCO: a general history of Africa. Methodology and African prehistory. abridged ed. vol.1 352pp. K.shs.395.00 EAEP 1990 KE Martin, P.M., O’Meara, P. Africa. 3rd ed. 470pp. K.shs.2,445 EAEP 1995 KE [Kenya only] Maylam, P. The history of the African people of South Africa. From the early iron age to the 1970s. 3rd ed. 272pp. R73.95 Philip 1995 SA Mokhtar, G., ed. UNESCO: a general history of Africa. Ancient civilisations of Africa. vol.2 404pp. K.shs.560.00 EAEP 1990 KE Mudimbe, V.Y., Twaddle, M. The idea of Africa. 256pp. K.shs.2,090 EAEP 1995 KE [Kenya only] Musambachime, M.C.C. The weight of history and its contribution to democracy and the democratisation process in Africa. ISBN: 9991653191 13pp. UNAM 2000[?] SX
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
History—Africa Nicholson, C. Papwa Sewgolum. From pariah to legend. ISBN: 1868144119 Witwatersrand UP 2005 SA Nyirenda, H.D. Lessons in African history. vol.2 71pp. T.shs.2,600 ($4.50) PPCC 1997 TZ Ogutu, M.A. An introduction to African history. 310pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Nairobi UP 1991 KE Okoth, A. History of Africa, 1855-1914. 808pp. ill. K.shs.715.00 ($10.00/£6.75) EAEP 1979 KE Okoth, G.P., ed. Africa at the beginning of the 21st century. ISBN: 996684646 433pp. K.shs.900.00 ($34.95/£20.95) Nairobi UP 2000 KE Prah, K.K. Jacobus Eliza Johannes Captein 17171747: a critical study of an 18th century African. 122pp. ill. pl. ($9.50/£6.50) Skotaville 1989 SA Quaido, P.K.K. Africa my native land. 143pp. ($13.75/ £7.50) Ghana UP 1988 GH Seheri, O.M. Africa past and present. 3rd ed. 119pp. ill. pl. maps R1.90 Mazenod Inst 1983 LO Smith, K., Nöthling, F.J. North of the Limpopo - Africa since 1800. (Manualia Didactica, 20) 516pp. R168.00 ($45.70/£27.80) Unisa 1993 SA Vansina, J. Les anciens royaumes de la Savane. 256pp. ($15.05) Z24.70 Press Univ Congo 1976 ZR FRE Vansina, J. Oral tradition as history. 258pp. K.shs.380.00 EAEP 1985 KE History—Africa—Addresses and essays Alagoa, E.J. The python’s eye: the past in the living present. (Univ Port Harcourt, Inaugural lec series, 1) 38pp. ($3.50/£1.80) N2.00 Univ Port Harcourt Press 1981 NR Ejituwu, N.C., ed. The multi-disciplinary approach to African history. Essays in honour of Ebiegberi Joe Alagoa. ISBN: 9782321907 390pp. Univ Port Harcourt Press 1998 NR Omosini, O. Evolution of African historiography: an overview. (Inaugural lectures, 97) 21pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1995 NR History—Africa—Biography Timothy, B. Yesterday’s Africans. 128pp. (£3.00) N4.00 Delta 1982 NR History—Africa—Study and teaching Henia, A., comp. Histoire sociale et informatique: problèmes de méthode et applications thématiques. 204pp. ($50.00) FTRSI 1997 TI FRE Houndtondji, P., ed. Les savoirs endogènes - pistes pour une recherche. [Also available in English.] 356pp. CFA6,500 ($30.00/£23.00/ Eur17.00) CODESRIA 1994 SG FRE Hountondji, P., ed. Endogenous knowledge: research trails. [Also available in French.] 376pp. ill. ($35.00/£19.95) CODESRIA 1997 SG J L van Schaik JLVS history reference library. [CDROM] ISBN: 0627024270 col.ill. R359.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA Mukanya, S. Dynamics of history. bk.4 264pp. Z$123.95 College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI
Subject index Obenga, T. La dissertation historique en Afrique. A l’usage des étudiants de première année d’université. 111pp. CFA2,000 NEAS 1981 SG FRE Okoth, A. Essays on advanced level history. Africa: 1855-1914. 96pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1986 KE Olubomehin, O.O., ed. Issues in historiography. ISBN: 9782194131 153pp. ($20.95/£12.95) College Press - Nig 2001 NR Uya, O., Erim, J. Perspectives and methods of studying African history. ($6.50/£4.25) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR History—Africa—Study and teaching (Elementary) Roberts, A. The great Zimbabwe. ISBN: 1862975444 35pp. ill. R28.63 Clever 2004 SA History—Africa—Study and teaching (Secondary) Institute of Curriculum Development Secondary history. bk.1 122pp. ($7.50/ £4.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1981 TZ Institute of Curriculum Development Secondary history. bk.2 140pp. ($2.80) Dar es Salaam UP 1988 TZ Institute of Curriculum Development Secondary history . bk.3 130pp. ($2.60) Dar es Salaam UP 1990 TZ Mlambo, A.S. Focus on history. bk.4 264pp. ill.maps Z$119.95 (£3.30) College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI Mukanya, S. Dynamics of history. bk.1 152pp. ($6.10) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Mukanya, S. Dynamics of history. bk.2 148pp. ($6.10) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Phimister, I., et al. People and power. bk.11 177pp. ill. Academic Bks 1993 ZI Prew, M., Mswaka, W., Nyabadza, B. A-level African history - essay writing skills. 98pp. Z$29.95 Longman - Zimb 1993 ZI Sibanda, M., Moyana, H. The African heritage: history for junior secondary schools. bk.2 158pp. ($12.50/£6.95) ZPH 1985 [?] ZI Sibanda, M., Moyana, H., Gumbo, S. The African heritage: history for junior secondary schools. bk.1 128pp. ill. pl. maps ($10.00/£6.25) ZPH 1982 ZI Wanyande, P., Kivuitu, P., Ondieki, C. Gateway secondary revision: history and government. 382pp. ill. K.shs.450.00 ($9.00/£5.60) Longhorn - Ken 1996 KE History—Africa, West Ochieng, W., ed. Historical studies and social change in western Kenya. Essays in memory of Professor Gideon S. Were. ISBN: 9966251529 432pp. K.shs.990.00 EAEP 2002 KE History—Examinations, questions Amponsah, G. Objective tests in history for middle schools. 80pp. C250.00 Adwinsa 1983 GH Buah, F.K., Asante, S.A. Common entrance objective tests in history and civics. 64pp. ill. 50k Macmillan - Nig NR d’Almeida, S., Dossou, G. Annales: histoire-géographie. 1ère partie du baccalauréat. Sujets-corrigés. CFA1,500 NEA - Togo 1986 TG FRE Gbedemah, S.Y.G., Goga, K.D. Les épreuves d’histoire et de géographie bac I et bac II (toutes séries). ISBN: 2906718262 178pp. CFA17,000 HaHo 2000[?] TG FRE
History—Pictorial works Cattaneo, M., Trifoni, J. The world heritage sites of UNESCO: the treasures of art. ISBN: 8880958291 432pp. col.ill. E£250.00 ($59.50) Am Univ 2002 UA [Egypt only] History—Study and teaching Ayot, H.O. New approach in history teaching in schools. 159pp. Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Bhana, S., ed. The problem in history teaching at the tertiary level. (ISER Occas. paps., 13) 144pp. Univ Durban-Westville 1985 SA Buah, F.K. The world since 1750. 2nd rev.ed. N1.70 352 ill. maps photos. Macmillan - Nig 1975 NR Clowes, L., van der Spuy, P. Learning about history. bk.2 ISBN: 0702138746 128pp. R29.00 Juta 1998 SA Mutebi, M., Matovu, L. A new approach to history as a social study in secondary schools. 220pp. ($5.20/£2.05) K.shs.40.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE Phimister, I., Walker, M. History revision guide for O-level. ill. Academic Bks 1997 ZI
Winberg, C., Mbude, P. Learning about history. bk.1 ISBN: 1875075097 152pp. R29.00 Juta 1998 SA History—Study and teaching (Elementary) Adetoro, J.E. A primary history for Nigeria. 3, 4 bks. 80pp. ill. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1965 NR Adetoro, J.E. A primary history for Nigeria. 2, 4 bks. 64pp. col. ill. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1965 NR Adetoro, J.E. A primary history for Nigeria. 1, 4 bks. 48pp. col. ill. N1.15 Macmillan - Nig 1965 NR Adetoro, J.E. A primary history for Nigeria. 4, 4 bks. 90pp. ill. N1.40 Macmillan - Nig 1965 NR Bam, J. My new world in history. Teacher’s guide. Grade 4. ISBN: 1869030133 col.ill. R35.04 Gariep 1999 SA Bam, J., et al. My new world in history. Grade 4. ISBN: 186903001X 96pp. col.ill. R30.66 Gariep 1999 SA Bam, J., et al. My new world of history. Grade 7. 252pp. Gariep 2000 SA Bam, J., et al. My new world of history. Grade 7. Educator’s guide. 214pp. Gariep 1999 SA Beach, D. Ventures history of the world. 120pp. ill. pl. maps Z$33.50 College Press -Zimb 1987 ZI Cookey-Gam, S.E. Beginning history, elementary 4. ill. 72k Longman - Nig 1965 NR
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Primary history syllabus. 28pp. K.shs.1.30 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1973 KE Kivuitu, P., Njoka, G. Milestones in history and government. Course book 1. bk.1 ill. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 2002 KE Kivuitu, P., Njoka, G. Milestones in history and government. Teachers guide book 1. bk.1 ill. K.shs.300.00 Longhorn - Ken 2002 KE
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Home economics—Examinations, Questions
Makong’o, J., Maina, E., Oboka, W. History and government form 1. ISBN: 9966251901 128pp. K.shs.190.00 EAEP 2003 KE
Sieborger, R., et al. Making history. Standard 4, grade 6, learner’s book. 136pp. ill. R39.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1997 SA
Parson, N. Focus on history. bk.4 264pp. pl.maps Z$160.00 ($4.60) College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI
Makong’o, J., Maina, E., Oboka, W. History and government form 1, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966252223 28pp. K.shs.80.00 EAEP 2003 KE
Yates, R., et al. Pictures from the past. 64pp. ill. R25.00 Heinemann-EdSA 1994 SA
Parsons, N. Focus on history. bk.3 232pp. pl.maps Z$115.95 ($5.00/£3.10) College Press Zimb 1995 ZI
Makong’o, J., Maina, E., Oboka, W. History and government form 2. ISBN: 9966253335 176pp. K.shs.360.00 EAEP 2003 KE Makong’o, J., Maina, E., Oboka, W. History and government form 2, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966253416 48pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 2003 KE Makong’o, J., Maina, E., Oboka, W. History and government form 3. ISBN: 9966253408 240pp. K.shs.270.00 EAEP 2004 KE Makong’o, J., Maina, E., Oboka, W. History and government form 3, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966253343 36pp. K.shs.315.00 EAEP 2004 KE Makong’o, J., Maina, E., Oboka, W. History and government form 4. ISBN: 9966253890 K.shs.315.00 EAEP 2005 KE Makong’o, J., Maina, E., Oboka, W. History and government form 4, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966253904 K.shs.80.00 EAEP 2005 KE Ministère de l’Education Histoire. 7è année. ISBN: 2915032009 82pp. CFA2,000 Jamana 2004 ML FRE Ministère de l’Education Histoire. 8è année. ISBN: 2915032025 89pp. CFA2,500 Jamana 2004 ML
History—Study and teaching (Secondary) Adetoro, J.E. A history course for junior secondary schools in Nigeria. rev.ed. 3, 3 bks. 208pp. ill. maps. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1964 NR Adetoro, J.E. A history course for junior secondary schools in Nigeria. 2, 3 bks. 226pp. ill. maps. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1964 NR Adetoro, J.E. A history course for junior secondary schools in Nigeria. 1, 3 bks. 196pp. ill. maps. N1.20 Macmillan - Nig 1964 NR Barnes, T., et al. People making history. O-level history. bk.3 260pp. Z$119.95 ($13.75/£7.50) ZPH 1991 ZI Beach, D.N. Ventures: history of the world: resource book for social studies and environmental science, grade 7. vol.1: pt.1 118pp. ill. pl. Z$33.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI Buah, F.K. The world since 1750. 1, 3 bks 183pp. maps photos. ill. N1.10 Macmillan - Nig 1966 NR Buah, F.K. The world since 1750. 3, 3 bks 224pp. ill. maps photos. N1.70 Macmillan - Nig 1969 NR
Ministère de l’Education Histoire. 9è année. ISBN: 2915032033 141pp. CFA2,500 Jamana 2004 ML FRE
Buah, F.K. The world since 1750. 2, 3bks 246pp. maps ill. photos. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1967 NR
Muchanga, K., Makongo, J. Peak revision KCSE history and government. ISBN: 9966250344 256pp. K.shs.495.00 EAEP 2002 KE
Kallaway, P., et al. History alive. Grade 11, standard 9. 2nd ed. 352pp. R98.23 Shuter & Shooter 1989 SA
Okoro, E.N. A primary history for Nigeria. 1, 3 bks ill. N1.20 Macmillan - Nig NR
Kallaway, P., et al. History alive. Grade 12, standard 10. 2nd ed. 600pp. R99.59 Shuter & Shooter 1989 SA
Okoro, E.N. A primary history for Nigeria. 2, 3 bks ill. N1.20 Macmillan - Nig NR Okoro, E.N. A primary history for Nigeria. 3, 3 bks ill.pp. N1.20 Macmillan - Nig NR Parsons, N. Focus on history. bk.1 120pp. ill.pl. Z$69.95 College Press -Zimb 1984 ZI Roberts, A. The ancient Chinese. ISBN: 1868975258 36pp. ill. R28.63 Clever 2004 SA Roberts, A. The ancient Egyptians. ISBN: 1868975320 36pp. ill. R28.63 Clever 2004 SA Roberts, A. The ancient Greeks. ISBN: 1868975339 40pp. ill. R28.63 Clever 2004 SA Roberts, A. The ancient Indians. ISBN: 1868975266 36pp. ill. R28.63 Clever 2004 SA Roberts, A. The ancient Japanese. ISBN: 186897538X 36pp. ill. R28.63 Clever 2004 SA Roberts, A. The ancient Romans. ISBN: 1868975274 48pp. ill. R28.63 Clever 2004 SA Roberts, A. The Vikings. ISBN: 1868975398 40pp. ill. R28.63 Clever 2004 SA Sieborger, R., et al. Making history. Standard 3, grade 5, learner’s book. 132pp. ill. R37.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA
Machin, I.M., et al. History alive. Grade 10, standard 8. 2nd ed. 288pp. R83.57 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA Miller, C. Painting the map red. ISBN: 0869809393 557pp. ill.maps R150.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1998 SA Mlambo, A.S. Focus study aids: O-level history revision. ISBN: 1779003579 216pp. Z$170.00 ($4.90) College Press -Zimb 1999 ZI Mukanya, S. Dynamics of history. bk.3 264pp. pl.maps Z$119.95 ($6.00/£3.75) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI Muronda, T. O-level history practice book. Longman - Zimb 1992 ZI
Okoth, A., Moya, O. History and government, form 4. 144pp. K.shs.315.00 EAEP 1994 KE Otiende, J.E., Karugu, A.M. History and government form 1. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 1991 KE
Otiende, J.E., Karugu, A.M. History and government form 2. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 1992 KE
Otiende, J.E., Okello, G.A., Aseka, E.M. Revision history and government for KCSE. 238pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 1989 KE Pape, J., et al. Making history. Standard 10, grade 12. South Africa 1948-1996. ISBN: 1868535762 364pp. ill. R76.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA
Seleti, Y., et al., eds. Looking into the past. Grade 10. ISBN: 0636036081 251pp. col.ill.maps (£10.95) Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Seleti, Y., et al., eds. Looking into the past. Grade 11. ISBN: 0636039315 285pp. col.ill.maps (£10.95) Maskew Miller Longman 2000 SA Seletsi, Y., et al., eds. Looking into the past. Grade 12. ISBN: 0636039323 360pp. (£10.95) Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Sieborger, R., et al. Making history. Standard 5, grade 7, learner’s book. 138pp. ill. R40.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1995 SA Sieborger, R., et al. Making history. Standard 6, grade 8, learner’s book. ISBN: 1868531058 160pp. ill. R42.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA Wandibba, S., Karega-Munene, . History and government, form 3. rev.ed. 175pp. K.shs.315.00 EAEP 1995 KE Wanyande, P. Themes in world history. bk.2 146pp. pl. maps K.shs.340.00 Longhorn - Ken 1991 KE Hobhouse, Emily—Biography Fockens, J. Emily Hobhouse. ISBN: 0620220430 39pp. ill. R29.95 Protea 1997 SA Hobhouse, Emily—Diaries, letters van Reenen, R., ed. Emily Hobhouse Boer War letters. ISBN: 0798139285 564pp. R120.00 Human and Rousseau 2000 SA Home economics see also Cookery Family and home Interior decorating Needlework Baker, R. The home advisor: your guide to problem solving in and around the house. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798142324 cd. 160pp. col.pl. R160.00 Human and Rousseau 2002 SA Johnston, R.O. A handbook for teachers of home economics. 112pp. ill. N1.10 Macmillan - Nig 1966 NR Marshall, R.M. The teaching of home management: a handbook for teachers. 83pp. ill. Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE Ogunbiyi, O. Laundry work. 66pp. ill. N87.85 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1969 NR Reader’s Digest Book of skills and tools. cd. 360pp. col.ill. R119.99 Readers Digest SA 1997 SA Reader’s Digest Quick and easy DIY. cd. 384pp. col.ill. R149.99 Readers Digest SA 1997 SA Reader’s Digest South African practical problem solver. cd. 448pp. col.ill. R129.99 Readers Digest SA 1994 SA Visser, T. Spot on. Household hints and tips. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 168pp. R49.95 Tafelberg 1995 SA Home economics—Examinations, questions Anyakoha, E.U. 1005 objective questions and answers in home management. 120pp. ill. N250.00 Africana First 1991 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Home economics—Examinations, Questions Boahene, C. Objective & revision exercises in life skills and home economics. 116pp. C5,000 ($6.50) Sedco 1989 GH
Kulumba, E.K. Home science for primary schools. pupil’s bk.8 93pp. pl. K.shs.240.00 Longhorn - Ken 1986 KE
Mugo, C.K. Revision home science for KCPE (with answers). 69pp. K.shs.170.00 EAEP 1987 KE
Mahachi, B., Kufa, E. Ventures primary home economics. Grade 2. 56pp. ($2.30) College Press Zimb 1998 ZI
Home economics—Study and teaching Bissoonauth, K., ed. Wake up to home economics sections 1 & 2. ISBN: 9814110523 184pp. Rs150.00 ($9.10/£5.66) Printemps 2001 MF
Mahachi, B., Kufa, E. Ventures primary home economics. Grade 3. 60pp. ($2.30) College Press Zimb 1998 ZI
Carpenter, E.E. Home management and house care. 191pp. K.shs.310.00 EAEP 1992 KE Cartwright, D. How to wash and iron things for your family. ISBN: 9966608112 K.shs.170.00 ill. ($2.30) Longhorn - Ken 2000 KE Olabisi, A. Home making today. ISBN: 9780308326 cd. 174pp. ($25.40) ISBN: 9780308547 ($17.80) Univ Press - Nig 2003 NR Home economics—Study and teaching (Elementary) Chege, J., et al. Home science form 1. ISBN: 996625210X 144pp. K.shs180.00 EAEP 2003 KE Chege, J., et al. Home science form 1, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966252215 64pp. K.shs.120.00 EAEP 2003 KE Chege, J., et al. Home science form 2. ISBN: 9966252649 188pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 2003 KE Chege, J., et al. Home science form 2, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966252657 112pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 2003 KE Chege, J., et al. Home science form 3. ISBN: 9966253238 288pp. K.shs.300.00 EAEP 2004 KE Chege, J., et al. Home science form 3, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966253246 148pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 2004 KE Eke, N. Primary home economics. pupil’s bk.4 88pp. ill. pl. N2.04 Longman - Nig 1981 NR Gweme, F. Ventures primary home economics. 68pp. ($3.00) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Janda, et al. Ventures primary home economics, grade 3 primary. 60pp. ill. Z$39.95 ($2.30/ £1.35) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI Jobolingo, M. Ventures primary home economics, grade 5. 72pp. Z$45.95 ($2.90/£1.80) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI Jobolingo, M. Ventures primary home economics, grade 6 pupil’s book. 96pp. ill. Z$49.95 ($3.00/£1.80) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI Jobolingo, M. Ventures primary home economics, grade 6 teachers’ book. 96pp. ill. Z$49.95 ($3.20/£1.95) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - cooking. 10pp. K.shs.2.90 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE Kioko, M., Mugambi, R. Home science form 4. ISBN: 9966253939 K.shs.320.00 EAEP 2005 KE Kioko, M., Mugambi, R. Home science form 4, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966253947 K.shs.300.00 EAEP 2005 KE
Muchina, P. Home science for primary schools. pupil’s bk.6 77pp. pl. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 1987 KE Muchina, P. Home science for primary schools. pupil’s bk.5 90pp. pl. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 1987 KE Mugo, C.K. Primary home science, standard 4. 50pp. K.shs.120.00 EAEP 1987 KE Mugo, C.K. Primary home science, standard 5. 58pp. K.shs.130.00 EAEP 1987 KE Mugo, C.K. Primary home science, standard 6. 66pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 1987 KE Mugo, C.K. Primary home science, standard 7. 92pp. K.shs.160.00 EAEP 1985 KE Mutasa, J. Ventures primary home economics. Grade 1. 48pp. ($3.40) College Press Zimb 1998 ZI Ogunjimi, R.A., Ibe, P.C., Amodu, A.A. Comprehensive home economics for primary schools. bk.6 ISBN: 9781425482 58pp. col.ill. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2003 NR Ogunjimi, R.A., Ibe, P.C., Amodu, A.A. Comprehensive home economics for primary schools. bk.5 ISBN: 9781425407 36pp. col.ill. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2003 NR Ogunjimi, R.A., Ibe, P.C., Amodu, A.A. Comprehensive home economics for primary schools. bk.3 ISBN: 9781425245 38pp. col.ill. N200.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2993 NR Ogunjimi, R.A., Ibe, P.C., Amodu, A.A. Comprehensive home economics for primary schools. bk.2 ISBN: 9781425164 21pp. col.ill. N200.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2003 NR Ogunjimi, R.A., Ibe, P.C., Amodu, A.A. Comprehensive home economics for primary schools. bk.1 ISBN: 9781425083 33pp. col.ill. N200.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2003 NR Ogunjimi, R.A., Ibe, P.C., Amodu, A.A. Comprehensive home economics for primary schools. bk.4 ISBN: 9781425326 31pp. col.ill. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2003 NR Home economics—Study and teaching (Secondary) Anyakoha, E.U. Home economics for junior secondary schools. 360pp. col.ill. N438.00 Africana First 1997 NR Ghana Home Science Association. Home economics for schools. vol.1 112pp. ill. pl. C14,000 ($10.00) Afram 1990 GH Ghana Home Science Association. Home economics for schools. vol.3 112pp. ill. pl. C14,000 ($10.00) Afram 1990 GH Ghana Home Science Association. Home economics for schools. vol.2 144pp. ill. pl. C14,000 ($10.00) Afram 1990 GH Gweme, F. Ventures primary home economics grade 7, pupil’s book. 100pp. ill. Z$49.95 ($3.00/£1.85) College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI
Subject index Gweme, F. Ventures primary home economics, grade 7 teacher’s book. 100pp. ill. Z$51.95 ($3.20/£1.95) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI Iga, W., Ngalombi, S., Nanyonjo, R. Home economics, house craft. ISBN: 9970020382 142pp. ill. U.shs.7,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Malawi Home Economics Association Home economics in Malawi. bk.2 130pp. ill. (£2.45) Dzuka 1994 MW Mugambi, R., Mbuthi, O., Meme, M., Chege, A., Kamau, J. Focus on home science form 2. ISBN: 9966882846 122pp. col.ill.pl. ($7.00) Focus 2003 KE Mugambi, R., Mbuthia, O., Meme, M., Chege, A. Focus on home science teacher’s guide for form 1. ISBN: 9966882839 76pp. col.ill.pl. ($2.50) Focus 2003 KE Mugambi, R., Mbuthia, O., Meme, M., Chege, A., Kamau, J. Focus on home science form 1. ISBN: 9966882839 184pp. col.ill.pl. ($7.00) Focus 2003 KE Mugambi, R., Mbuthia, O., Meme, M., Chege, A., Kamau, J. Focus on home science teacher’s guide for form 2. ISBN: 9966882846 78pp. col.ill.pl. ($2.50) Focus 2003 KE Muhanji, Home forms EAEP
E., Khasavuli, S. science for secondary school, 1 and 2. 185pp. K.shs.250.00 1988 KE
Ojiambo, J. Home science for schools and colleges. 178pp. ill. K.shs.250.00 ($4.30) Lake 1993 KE Vincent, A. Food and nutrition. - Nig NR
ill.pp. 45k Macmillan
Homeopathy Bloch, R., Lewis, B. Homeopathy for the home. ISBN: 1868728439 256pp. R129.95 New Holland 2003 SA Horses and horse racing Bakkoury, M., Prentis, R.A. Working equines. 412pp. Dir200.00 Actes Ed 1994 MR Tibary, A., Bakkoury, M. Reproduction équine. La jument. ill.pl. Actes Ed 1995 MR FRE
Wright, E.L.C. From start to finish. cd. 176pp. photos. R6.50 Macmillan - SA 1974 SA Horticulture see also Botany Fruit Gardening Herbs Plants Vegetables Sunadurai, S. Vegetable cultivation. 208pp. C6,000 ($8.00) Asempa 1992 GH Tokota, M.B. Greening project workshop. (IDPR special publications, 20) R25.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA Horticulture—Zimbabwe Jackson, J.E., Turner, A.D., eds. Smallholder horticulture in Zimbabwe. 207pp. (£14.95/$27.00) Univ Zimbabwe 1997 ZI Hospitals see also Nurses and nursing Abbott, G.R. General ward: briefing and design guide. (CSIR Research Report, BRR 601) 130pp. ill. R11.50 CSIR 1983 SA Cooke, B.V., Fairbairn, D.G. The hospital laundry and linen service: hospital design 8. (CSIR research reports, 258) 16pp. CSIR 1967 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Housing and urban planning
Cowan, D. A method of estimating the number of operating theatres required in a general hospital. (CSIR research reports, 201) 8pp. CSIR 1963 SA George, F. The hospital central sterile supply department: a background to procedures, organization and planning. (CSIR research reports, 187) 20pp. CSIR 1962 SA Hospitals—Africa Courtejoie, J., Rotsart de Hertaing, I. L’hôpital rural en zone tropicale: pour une orientation nouvelle des hôpitaux vers le progrès de la santé. (Orientation nouvelle de l’action médicale, 1) 32pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Courtejoie, J., Rotsart de Hertaing, I. Vers un éclairage nouveau de quelques problèmes de santé: l’attitude des techniciens de la santé en face de leurs nouvelles responsabilités. (Orientation nouvelle de l’action médicale, 3) 28pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Montacute, C., Montacute, M. Administration of health services. 142pp. K.shs.20.00 Uzima 1980 KE
United Nations Centre for Human Settlement Communication development and women’s participation in human settlements management. 64pp. UNCHS 1988 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlement Community leadership and low-income housing. 43pp. UNCHS 1986 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Community-based finance institutions. 69pp. UNCHS 1984 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Community credit mechanisms. UNCHS 1989 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Community participation for improving human settlements. 66pp. UNCHS 1983 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Community participation in low-cost sanitation. 79pp. UNCHS 1986 KE
Hospitals—Ghana Korle Bu Hospital Korle Bu Hospital, 1923-1973. (Golden Jubilee Souvenir) 144pp. ill. pl. C5.50 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1975 GH
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Compendium of information on selected low-cost building materials. 106pp. UNCHS 1988 KE
Hotels and catering see also Cookery
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Danida/UNCHS: training module on community credit mechanisms. 44pp. UNCHS 1989 KE
Gordon-Davis, L. Hospitality industry handbook on hygiene and safety. ISBN: 0702146773 208pp. R145.00 Juta 2004 SA Gordon-Davis, L., van Rensburg, L. The hospitality industry handbook on nutrition and menu planning. ISBN: 0702155780 280pp. R159.00 Juta 2002 SA Henning, R., de Koster, C., Willemse, C. Your own guest house. ISBN: 0627024076 192pp. R99.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Hotels and catering—Study and teaching Allan, T. Marketing hospitality. ISBN: 1875093087 88pp. ill.col.ill.col.pl. Briza 2002 SA Budu Smith, G., Sakara, J., Kwafoa, M., Mantey, D.E. Introduction to catering (JSS 1-3). ISBN: 9964782969 126pp. ill. C35,000 ($12.00) Asempa 2002 GH Dalton, T. The food and beverage handbook. ISBN: 0702166391 R159.00 Juta 2004 SA Gordon-Davies, L., Howell, A. Hospitality studies. Grade 10. ISBN: 0102166200 280pp. R95.00 Juta 2005 SA Gordon-Davis, L., Cumberlege, P. Hospitality industry handbook: legal requirements for South African students and practitioners. ISBN: 0702151742 R185.00 Juta 2004 SA Houphouet-Boigny, Felix—Biography Houphouet-Boigny, F. Mes premiers combats. NEI 1994 IV FRE Housing and urban planning see also Architecture Sociology, Urban Basson, J.A. Energy conservation in houses. CSIR 1982 SA
Stewart, T.J. Conceptual form of model for town planning policy designs. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 175) 15pp. CSIR 1975 SA
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Development of the construction industry for low-income shelter and infrastructure. 44pp. UNCHS 1987 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Energy for building. 114pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Evaluation of experience with initiating enabling shelter strategies. 74pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Evaluation of relocation experience. 114pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Global strategy for shelter to the year 2000. Subregional seminars to support national action. 157pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Global strategy for shelter to the year 2000: implementation of the first phase. 184pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Guide for designing effective human settlements training programmes, training materials series. 164pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Guide for managing change for urban managers and trainers. 149pp. UNCHS 1989 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements A guide to national training needs assessment for human settlements: a competency-based approach. 112pp. free UNCHS 1992 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Guidelines for planning of rural settlements and infrastructure: a methodology. 295pp. UNCHS 1984 KE
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Guidelines for planning of rural settlements and infrastructure: using automated geographic information systems in rural network planning. 30pp. UNCHS 1985 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Guidelines for regional planning as an effective means to link national development and human settlements planning. UNCHS 1985 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Housing finance mobilization of finance resources for lending to low-income groups. 96pp. UNCHS 1989 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements How people can afford shelter. UNCHS 1988 KE
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Human settlements development through community participants. 59pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Human settlements in arid lands: report of an ad hoc expert group meeting on human settlements planning in arid and semi-arid areas. 108pp. UNCHS 1984 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Improving shelter: actions by nongovernmental organizations. (NGO’s). 189pp. free UNCHS 1992 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements The management of revolving funds for house improvement loans, training materials series. 135pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Micro-computer based GIS 1991. free UNCHS 1991 KE
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements National human settlements institutional arrangements: selected case studies. UNCHS 1985 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements A new agenda for human settlements. 24pp. UNCHS 1988 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Planning for human settlements in disaster-prone areas. 29pp. UNCHS 1982 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Planning settlements in arid lands: satisfying information needs for planning with mathematical models and computer technology. 44pp. UNCHS 1983 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Problem-solving and decision-making. Basic principles. vol.1 48pp. UNCHS 1989 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Problem-solving and decision-making. Conflict management. vol.3 43pp. UNCHS 1989 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Problem-solving and decision-making. Leadership. vol.2 41pp. UNCHS 1989 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Promotion of non-conventional approaches to housing finance for lowincome groups. 54pp. UNCHS 1984 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Housing and urban planning United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Report of the international workshop on building-maintenance strategy. 22pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Report of the Regional Congress of Local Authorities for development of human settlements in Asia and the Pacific, 9-16 June 1982, Yokohama, Japan. 105pp. UNCHS 1984 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements A review of technologies for the provision of basic infrastructure in low-income settlements. 83pp. UNCHS 1984 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements The role of small and intermediate settlements in national development. 97pp. UNCHS 1985 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Solid waste management in low-income housing projects: the scope for community participation. 58pp. UNCHS 1989 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Spontaneous settlement formation in rural regions. 192pp. UNCHS 1985 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Stormwater drainage and land reclamation for urban development. 85pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Technology in human settlements: role of construction. 91pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Urban development for the conservation and rehabilitation of the historic city of Plovdiv. 39pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Water supply in low-income housing projects: the scope for community participation. 66pp. UNCHS 1989 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Women and human settlements. UNCHS 1985 KE
Weitz, R. Economic growth values and physical planning. R1.00 CSIR 1982 SA Housing and urban planning—Africa Built Environment Support Group Towards the right to adequate housing. ISBN: 187507306X 45pp. ill. R50.00 ($7.80/£4.95) BESG 1999 SA Gaye, M. Entrepreneurial cities. Public services at the grassroots. 164pp. CFA2,000 ($18.00/£9.95) ENDA 1996 SG Mabogunje, A.L. Cities and African development. 131pp. ill. pl. N4.50k Univ Press - Nig 1976 NR United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Decentralization policies of human settlements development. 160pp. UNCHS 1989 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements HABIRES: on going research data base in the field of human settlements. 123pp. UNCHS 1986 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Human settlements policies and institutions: issues, options, trends and guidelines. 148 UNCHS 1984 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Human settlements policy issues in the ESCAP region. 43pp. UNCHS 1984 KE
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements The management of secondary cities in sub-Saharan Africa: traditional and modern institutional arrangements. 154pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements The role of women in the execution of low-income housing projects: training module. 64pp. ill. UNCHS 1986 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Supporting the informal sector in lowincome settlements. 44pp. UNCHS 1988 KE Housing and urban planning—Africa— Directories United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Habitat directory in the field of human settlements. 377pp. UNCHS 1986 KE MUL Housing and urban planning—Africa, Southern Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit, Werner, W., Schade, K., Blaauw, L. Focus on urbanisation, migration and regional policy. (NEPRU viewpoint, 5) free NEPRU 1996 SX Wilsenach, A. Housing policies and strategies in the BLS countries. 91pp. maps ($15.00) R15.00 Africa Inst 1988 SA Housing and urban planning—Africa, West Donzo, F. Des villes et de leurs problèmes sanitaires en Afrique occidentale. ISBN: 2913326072 267pp. CFA4,000 (Eur9.00) Ganndal 1999 GV FRE Housing and urban planning— Bibliography United Nations Centre for Human Settlements UNCHS bibliographic notes, August 1992: urban and metropolitan management. vol.21 10pp. free UNCHS 1992 KE Housing and urban planning—Cameroun Pettang, C. Habitat et amènagement urbain. ISBN: 2911541286 200pp. AES-PUA 1999 CM FRE Housing and urban planning—Developing countries Faniran, A., Onibokun, A., Abumere, S.I., eds. Urban and regional planning policy formulation in developing countries. 272pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Ibadan UP 1987 NR United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Basic documents on human settlements for developing countries. 127pp. UNCHS 1985 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Energy efficiency in housing construction and domestic use in developing countries. 47pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Housing-finance manual for developing countries, a methodology for designing housing-finance institutions, training materials series. 134pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Integrating housing finance into the national finance systems of developing countries: exploring the potentials and the problems. 93pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Rural settlement development in developing countries, selected case studies. 77pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Shelter, infrastructure and services for the poor in developing countries: some policy options. 32pp. UNCHS 1987 KE
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Transportation strategies for human settlements in developing countries. 79pp. UNCHS 1984 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements The use of selected indigenous building materials with potential for wide application in developing countries. 70pp. UNCHS 1985 KE Housing and urban planning—Developing countries—Directories United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Directory of human settlements management and development training institutions in developing countries. 172pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE Housing and urban planning—Egypt Ishak, M.G. The development of housing charcteristics in Egypt: an environmental outlook. (CDC population and development series, 3) 24pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1994 UA Housing and urban planning—India United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Report of the inter-regional workshop on integration of housing finance into the national finance systems of developing countries, Goa, India 10-14 June 1991. 66pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE Housing and urban planning—Kenya Ghaidan, U., ed. Lamu. A study in conservation. 169pp. photos. maps. col. maps. ($16.20/£7.80) K.shs.85.60 Kenya Lit Bureau 1976 KE Harris, J.R. Some thoughts on a housing policy for Nairobi. (IDS discussion paper, 78) 15pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1969 KE Mitullah, W.V. State policy and urban housing in Kenya: the case of low income housing in Nairobi. (IDS working paper, 485) 61pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1992 KE Obudho, R.A. Urbanization and development planning in Kenya. 372pp. pl. ($13.05/£5.20) K.shs.65.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE Rodriguez-Torres, D. Le développement urbain à Nairobi hier et aujourd’hui: espace et société des bidonvilles. (Travaux et Documents, 13) 41pp. ill. IFRA - Kenya 1992 KE FRE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Case study of sites and services schemes in Kenya: lessons from Dandora and Thika. 94pp. UNCHS 1987 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Mutual aid: house construction through building groups: training module. 57pp. ill. UNCHS 1986 KE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Strategies to combat homelessness. HS/ 599/00E ISBN: 9211314585 202pp. ill. UNCHS 2000 KE Housing and urban planning—Morocco Boukroute, A. Arbres et espaces verts urbains: du chercheur au gestionnaire. ISBN: 9981801593 170pp. col.pl.maps Dir120.0 ($12.00/£12.00) Actes Ed 2002 MR FRE Housing and urban planning—Namibia Andima, J. Notes on the National Housing Seminar, Windhoek, 19-20 April 1990. (Travel and meeting reports, 1) 9pp. N$11.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Bogosi, R. Notes on the housing situation and housing policy in Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 15) 5pp. N$9.00 NEPRU 1992 SX
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Housing and urban planning—South Africa
Seckemann, A. Low-income housing projects in Windhoek, Namibia. A contribution to sustainable urban development. (NEPRU occasional paper, 9) 41pp. N$21.00 NEPRU 1997 SX Tvedten, I., Mupotola, M. Urbanisation and urban policies in Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 47) 41pp. N$17.00 NEPRU 1995 SX Housing and urban planning—Nigeria Adeyemo, R. Access to shelter by the poor through community participation. 16pp. N25.00 ($3.00) IFRA - Nig 1994 NR Ola, C.S. Town and country planning and environmental laws in Nigeria. 2nd ed. 296pp. ($8.‘0) Univ Press - Nig 1984 NR Uyanga, J. Towards a Nigerian national urban policy. cd. & 211pp. N15.00 N18.00 cd. Ibadan UP 1982 NR Housing and urban planning—Pakistan United Nations Centre for Human Settlements The incremental-development scheme, a case study of Khuda-ki-basti in Hyderadad, Pakistan, training materials series. 43pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE Housing and urban planning—Réunion CAUE de la Réunion Construire à la Réunion. ISBN: 291273908X 87pp. ill. (Eur10.00) CAUE 2003 RF FRE CAUE de la Réunion Espace public, espace de vie. Palmarès espaces publics 2000. Ile de la Réunion.. ISBN: 1912739055 35pp. col.pl. CAUE 2000 RF FRE Haorau, S. Le tri sélective à domicile. 46pp. ill.maps ODR 2002 RF FRE Housing and urban planning—South Africa Barnes, N. Do retail centres enhance township economic development? Lessons from Khayelitsha, cape Town. (Working papers, 57) ISBN: 0799219509 75pp. R31.00 Urb Prob Res Unit 1998 SA Basson, J.A. CLEEHP: an energy conservation project. R1.50 CSIR 1982 SA Behrens, R., Watson, V. Making urban places. Principles and guidelines for layout planning. 260pp. R130.00 UCT Press 1996 SA Behrens, R., Watson, V., Wilkinson, P. Housing provision in metropolitan Cape Town: an exploration of strategic and institutional issues. (Working papers, 56) ISBN: 0799219150 55pp. R26.00 Urb Prob Res Unit 1998 SA Boyce, C.F., Cowan, D. Housing for the aged and retirement villages. (BOU, 1362) R6.00 CSIR 1986 SA Built Environment Support Group The right to adequate housing. BESG 2000[?] SA
6pp. free
Clark, C. Study of property transfer processes in formal and informal areas of metropolitan Durban. 106pp. R95.00 (£9.50) BESG 1996 SA Crawford, D.J. Community based cleansing services. Report on a workshop convened by the Council for the Environment and held in Johannesburg on 29 March 1994. (INR occasional paps., 139) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Crous, W.W., Price, F.G. Core city planning in South Africa: 2. Current land use planning approaches and new directions. (DPVT, 143) 46pp. R25.00 CSIR 1990 SA Davies, W.J. Development planning for symbiotic communities. (IDPR fact papers, 26) Inst Planning Res 1978 SA
de Jager, C. Building and construction. BER 1994 SA
du Toit, A.S., Roger, D.B. Flat preferences and requirements in Port Elizabeth. (IDPR information bulletins, 1) Inst Planning Res 1971 SA du Toit, A.S., Roger, D.B. Structural analysis of flats in Port Elizabeth. (IDPR information bulletins, 2) Inst Planning Res 1971 SA Erwee, J.A. Trends in property sales and valuations in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, 1969-1971. (IDPR fact papers, 4) Inst Planning Res 1972 SA Erwee, J.A. Trends in property sales in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, January-June 1972. (IDPR fact papers, 5) Inst Planning Res 1973 SA Erwee, J.A. Trends in property sales in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, July 1973-June 1974. (IDPR fact papers, 11) Inst Planning Res 1974 SA Erwee, J.A. Trends in property sales in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, July 1976 June 1977. (IDPR fact papers, 23) Inst Planning Res 1977 SA Erwee, J.A., Barnard, J. Trends in property sales in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, Juy 1972-June 1973. (IDPR fact papers, 7) Inst Planning Res 1973 SA Erwee, J.A., Davies, W.J. The Port Elizabeth metropolitan area: an appraisal of terrain, land use and possible future development patterns. (Research reports, 13) maps Inst Planning Res 1973 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Distribution of dwelling units (whites) in Port Elizabeth, with reference to growth trends 1967-1970. (IDPR fact papers, 1) Inst Planning Res 1971 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in property sales in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, July 1974-June 1975. (IDPR fact papers, 14) Inst Planning Res 1975 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in property sales in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, July 1975 June 1976. (IDPR fact papers, 17) Inst Planning Res 1976 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in property sales in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, July 1977 June 1978. (IDPR fact papers, 27) Inst Planning Res 1978 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in property sales in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, July 1978 June 1979. (IDPR fact papers, 33) Inst Planning Res 1979 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in property sales in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, July 1980 June 1981. (IDPR fact papers, 43) Inst Planning Res 1981 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in property sales in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, July 1982 June 1983. (IDPR fact papers, 50) Inst Planning Res 1983 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in property sales in Port Elizabeth/ Uitenhage and Despatch, July 1981 June 1982. (IDPR fact papers, 47) Inst Planning Res 1982 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in residential property sales in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, July 1983 - June 1984. (IDPR fact papers, 55) Inst Planning Res 1984 SA
Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in residential property sales in Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and Despatch, July - December 1984. (IDPR fact papers, 58) Inst Planning Res 1985 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units (whites) in Port Elizabeth, July 1969. (IDPR fact papers, 3) Inst Planning Res 1971 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units (whites) in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, 1970-1976, including additions and alterations. (IDPR fact papers, 19) Inst Planning Res 1977 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units (whites) in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, 1970-1981, including additions and alterations. (IDPR fact papers, 44) Inst Planning Res 1982 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units (whites) in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, 1970-1973, including additions and alterations. (IDPR fact papers, 10) Inst Planning Res 1974 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units (whites) in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, 1970-1975, including additions and alterations. (IDPR fact papers, 15) Inst Planning Res 1976 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units (whites) in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, 1970-1974, including additions and alterations. (IDPR fact papers, 13) Inst Planning Res 1975 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units (whites) in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, 1970-1972, including additions and alterations. (IDPR fact papers, 6) Inst Planning Res 1973 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units (whites) in Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and East London/King Williams’ Town regions, 1970-1984: including additions and alterations. (IDPR fact papers, 56) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1985 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units (whites) in the Port Elizabeth and East London metropolitan regions, 19701978. (IDPR fact papers, 29) Inst Planning Res 1979 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units (whites) in the Port Elizabeth/ Uitenhage and East London/King william’s Town regions, 1970-1983: including additions and alterations. (IDPR fact papers, 52) Inst Planning Res 1984 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units (whites) in the Port Elizabeth/ Uitenhage and East London/King William’s Town regions. (IDPR fact papers, 48) Inst Planning Res 1983 SA Erwee, J.A., Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwellings units (whites) in the Port Elizabeth/ Uitenhage and East London/King William’s Town regions, 1970-1980, including additions and alterations. (IDPR fact papers, 40) Inst Planning Res 1981 SA Erwee, J.S., Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units (whites) in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, 1970-1977, including additions and alterations. (IDPR fact papers, 24) Inst Planning Res 1978 SA Evenwell, J.K., De Vos, T.J. Housing requirements in South Africa. 20pp. R2.00 CSIR 1969 SA Friedman, S. The elusive “community”: the dynamics of negotiated urban development. (CPS research reports, 29) 65pp. R15.00 Centre Policy Stud 1993 SA
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Housing and urban planning—South Africa Greyling, J.J.C., Bailey, J.P., eds. Innovation in the provision of housing. Proceedings of seminar organised by Institute for Social and Economic Research. (I.S.E.R., 5) 97pp. free Univ Durban-Westville 1977 SA Harrison, P., Huchermeyer, M., Mayekiso, M. Confronting fragmentation. Housing and urban development in a democratising society. ISBN: 1919713735 R155.00 UCT Press 2003 SA Hay, D., comp. The development of a conceptual basis for the environmental management of the port of Durban. A research project conducted for PORTNET and the Southern African Nature Foundation. (INR investigational reports, 78) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Hay, D., comp. Development of a conceptual basis for the environmental management of the Port of Richards Bay. A research project conducted for PORTNET and the Southern African Nature Foundation. (INR investigational reports, 79) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Hendler, P. Paths to power (the challenge of meeting black housing needs). 53pp. ($9.00/ £7.00) R10.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1989 SA Hendler, P. Urban policy and housing: case studies on negotiation in PMV townships. 46pp. ($8.00/£5.00) R8.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1988 SA Horn, G.S., Lloyd, H.R., Levin, M. Overview of housing and infrastructural services in the Eastern Cape Province: 1995-1996. 63pp. R45.00 ERU 1996 SA Khan, F., Thring, P., eds. Housing policy and pratice in postapartheid South Africa. ISBN: 0796207860 486pp. (£40.00) HeinemannEdSA 2003 SA Levin, M., Sofisa, T.N. Housing and services. (ERU research reports, 55) ERU 1994 SA Little, A.M. The planning response to social responsibility since the 1950’s. Paper presented at the Southern African Association for Farming Systems Research-Extension Conference, Ezulweni, Swaziland, 1-3 June 1993. (INR occasional paps., 136) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Mashabela, H. Mekhukhu: urban African cities of the future. 53pp. ($12.00/£7.00) R15.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1990 SA McLachlan, G. Mossel Bay: an urban planning and urban design study. (IDPR special publications, 12/4) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1989 SA Mohamed, S.I. Grassroots perspective of tenants’ rights in South Africa. 35pp. R35.00 Org Civ Rights 1994 SA Mohamed, S.I. Preliminary discussion on the rights and obligations of tenants and landlords. Org Civ Rights 1996 SA Mohamed, S.I. Report on rental survey and profile of buildings in Albert Park. ISBN: 0958388695 Org Civ Rights 1999 SA Mohamed, S.I. Report on rental survey and profile of buildings in Warwick Avenue. Org Civ Rights 1999 SA Mohamed, S.I. Tenant and landlord in South Africa: a guide to the rights, duties and responsibilties of tenant and landlord of residential dwellings. ISBN: 0958461015 106pp. R90.00 Org Civ Rights 2003 SA
Mohamed, S.I., Hoosen, S. Durban’s homeless community, survey 1993. 2nd ed. 19pp. R25.00 Org Civ Rights 1994 SA Mohamed, S.I., Mohamed, S.S. Handbook on tenants’ rights. 27pp. ill. R12.00 Org Civ Rights 1994 SA Moller, V., Schlemmer, L. Aspirations, experience and needs in informal housing: survey observations in a spontaneous settlement near Durban. 152pp. R10.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1980 SA Myrdal, M. Trends in residential property sales in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, january - June 1985. (IDPR fact papers, 60) Inst Planning Res 1985 SA Myrdal, M. Trends in residential property sales in Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and Despatch. (IDPR fact papers, 78) R15.00 Inst Planning Res 1989 SA Myrdal, M. Trends in residential property sales in Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and Despatch, January - June 1986. (IDPR fact papers, 65) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1986 SA Myrdal, M. Trends in residential property sales in Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and Despatch, January - June 1987. (IDPR fact papers, 70) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1987 SA Myrdal, M. Trends in residential property sales in Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and Despatch, January - June 1989, and George/Mossel Bay from 1987, including additions and alterations. (IDPR fact papers, 80) R15.00 Inst Planning Res 1989 SA Myrdal, M. Trends in residential property sales in Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and Despatch, January - June 1990 and George/Mossel Bay from 1987. (IDPR fact papers, 85) Inst Planning Res 1990 SA Myrdal, M. Trends in residential property sales in Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and Despatch, January - June 1991 and George/Mossel Bay from 1987. (IDPR fact papers, 90) R20.00 Inst Planning Res 1991 SA Myrdal, M. Trends in residential property sales in Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and Despatch, July- December 1987. (IDPR fact papers, 73) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1988 SA Myrdal, M. Trends in residential property sales in Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and Despatch, July - December 1985. (IDPR fact papers, 63) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1986 SA Myrdal, M. Trends in residential property sales in Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and Despatch, July - December 1989 and George/ Mossel Bay from 1987. (IDPR fact papers, 1990) Inst Planning Res 1990 SA Myrdal, M. Trends in residential property sales in Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and Despatch, July - December 1990 and George/ Mossel Bay. (IDPR fact papers, 88) R20.00 Inst Planning Res 1991 SA Myrdal, M. Trends in residential property sales in Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and Despatch, July - December 1986. (IDPR fact papers, 68) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1987 SA Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units (whites) in the Port Elizabeth/ Uitenhage and East London/King William’s Town regions, 19070-1985 including addtitions and alterations. (IDPR fact papers, 61) Inst Planning Res 1986 SA
Subject index Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units (whites) in the Port Elizabeth/ Uitenhage and East London/King William’s Town regions, 1970-1986. (ERU research reports, 67) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1987 SA Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units in Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and East London/King William’s Town regions. (IDPR fact papers, 71) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1988 SA Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units in Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and East London/King William’s Town regions, 1970-1988 and George/Mossel Bay 1988, including additions and alterations. (IDPR fact papers, 76) R15.00 Inst Planning Res 1989 SA Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units in Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and East London/King William’s Town regions, 1970-1989, and George/Mossel bay 19871989, including additions and alterations. (IDPR fact papers, 80) R15.00 Inst Planning Res 1989 SA Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units in the Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and East London/King William’s Town regions, 1970-1990, and George/Mossel Bay 19871990, including additions and alterations. (IDPR fact papers, 86) Inst Planning Res 1991 SA Potgieter, J.F. Trends in the construction of dwelling units in Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and East London/King William’s Town regions, 1970-1991, and George/Mossel Bay 19871991, including additions and alterations. (IDPR fact papers, 91) R20.00 Inst Planning Res 1992 SA Potgieter, J.F., Myrdal, M. Trends in the construction of dwelling units (whites) in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and East London/King William’s Town regions, 1970-1979, including additions and alterations. (IDPR fact papers, 35) Inst Planning Res 1980 SA Rust, K., Rubenstein, S. A mandate to build. Developing consensus around a national housing policy in South Africa. 274pp. R68.40 Ravan 1996 SA Schwabe, C.A., Johnson, P.A., Henderson, C., Pollett, E.A. Environmental evaluation of the Pietermaritzburg by-pass. Phase II: scoping report. Report prepared for Department of Transport. (INR investigational reports, 60) R15.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Smit, W. Towards a housing strategy for metropolitan Cape Town. 66pp. maps R20.00 Urb Prob Res Unit 1994 SA Smit, W., Mbona, D. Low-income housing consolidation processes in metropolitan Durban. R95.00 (£9.50) BESG 1996 SA
Sowman, M., Urquhart, P. A place called home. Environmental issues and low cost housing. ISBN: 1919713182 220pp. R135.00 UCT Press 1998 SA Swift, P., Goodbrand, V., Szymanowski, J. The complete book of owner building in South Africa. 3rd ed. ISBN: 1868728935 cd. 208pp. R189.95 New Holland 2003 SA Tomlinson, R. Urban development planning: lessons for the economic reconstruction of South Africa’s cities. 272pp. R69.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index van Tonder, M.A., Henderson, C.M., Mander, J.J. National Route 2 Tugela River crossing: environmental and planning review. Final report prepared for the Department of Transport. (INR investigational reports, 64) R30.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Watson, V., et al. Sub-letting: towards an appropriate policy response. 44pp. R18.00 Ravan 1995[?] SA Housing and urban planning—South America United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Housing for the poor in Latin America: preliminary considerations. 25pp. UNCHS 1989 KE Housing and urban planning—Sudan Ahmed, A.G.M., Mustafa, A. Urbanisation and exploitation: the role of small centres. (DSRC monograph series, 11) 45pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1979 SJ Babiker, F. The political economy of urbanisation: the housing question. (DSRC seminar series, 20) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Kamier, E.W.M., el Bakri, Z.B. Corruption and capital accumulation: the case of urban land in Khartoum. (DSRC monograph series, 29) 44pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1987 SJ Omer, B. Urbanization and the growth of urban areas. (DSRC seminar series, 10) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Sorbo, A. How to survive development: the story of New Haifa. (DSRC monograph series, 6) 52pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1977 SJ Housing and urban planning—Tanzania Mahanga, M.M. Urban housing and poverty alleviation in Tanzania. ISBN: 9976603436 260pp. ($30.95/£18.95) Dar es Salaam UP 2002 TZ Mpuya, M.L.L., et al. Housing conditions in Tanzania. 98pp. ill.maps T.shs/1,950 ($3.90/£2.43) Penguin SA 1990 SA Housing and urban planning—Vietnam United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Human settlements sector review Socialist Republic of Vietnam. 107pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE Housing and urban planning—Zambia Knauder, S. Shacks and mansions: an analysis of the integrated housing in Zambia. 144pp. maps K4.50 Multimedia 1982 ZA United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Community participation in Zambia, the Danida/UNCHS training programme. 56pp. free UNCHS 1992 KE van den Berg, L., ed. In the shadow of Lusaka. (Studies in Zambian Society, 6) 116pp. ($2.00) K2.00 Univ Zambia - Bkshop 1982 ZA Housing and urban planning—Zimbabwe Auret, D. Urban housing: a national crisis? Overcrowded and inadequate housing and the social and economic effects. 126pp. Z$45.00 ($9.50) Mambo 1995 ZI Mutizwa-Mangiza, N.D. Planning suburban service centres in Harare, Zimbabwe [Supplement to ‘Zambezia’, 1991. The journal of the University of Zimbabwe]. 169pp. ill.pl. ($21.50/£11.95) Univ Zimbabwe 1992 ZI Zinyama, L.M., Tevera, D.S., Cumming, S.D., eds. Harare. The growth and problems of the city. 193pp. ill. maps ($30.00/£16.75) Univ Zimbabwe 1992 ZI
Human rights—Africa Human rights Bankie, B.F., Marias, C., Namiseb, J.T., comps. Towards creating a sustainable culture of human rights. ISBN: 9991601681 125pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX Bischoff, P. Peace, nationalism and the state of human rights. 64pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1990 LO English, K., Stapleton, A. The human rights handbook a practical guide to monitoring human rights.. 308pp. R167.50 Juta 1997 SA Farron, S. Prejudice is free, but discrimination has costs: the holocaust and its parallels. (FMF monograph, 35) ISBN: 1874930589 96pp. R40.00 Free Market Found 2002 SA Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique Universal declaration of human rights. [With a foreword by Wole Soyinka. In English, French, Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba.] 56pp. N20.00 ($2.00) IFRA Nig 1993 NR MUL Lacabe, L. Les droits de l’homme. 456pp. ($190.00) Kapongo-Kazadi 1989 ZR FRE Manxaile, A. Abortion. A human right? ISBN: 0869861794 354pp. R75.00 Lovedale 2000 SA Ndiaye Sow, F. Des droits pour les enfants. 57pp. col.ill. free UNICEF - Cameroun 1998 CM FRE Nzeba, N. Dignité et droits de l’homme. 120pp. ($9.50) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Nzombe, S. Democracy, human rights and constitutional democracy. 11pp. ($4.95/ £2.75) SAPES 1992 ZI Okpara, C.N. Democratic and human rights awareness manual (DAHRAM). ISBN: 9783088971 22pp. N300.00 NEST 1999 NR Partridge, A.C. Human rights: their origin, validity and implementation. 14pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1978 SA Rembe, N. The system of protection of human rights. 53pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1991 LO Sidiropoulos, E., ed. A continent apart: Kosovo, Africa and humanitarian intervention. ISBN: 1919810226 274pp. R80.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2001 SA Ward, M., Sakala, E. Yes, you do count. A comprehensive training programme on human rights. [Also available in Shona and Ndebele.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 0797420088 193pp. ($10.00/£7.50) CCJP-Zimb 1999 ZI Human rights—Addresses and essays Wade, W. Human rights and judicial power. (Lecture series, 71) 23pp. ($4.95/£2.75) NIIA 1991 NR Human rights—Africa Aguda, T.A. Human rights and the right to development in Africa. (Lecture series, 55) 34pp. ($4.50/£3.50) NIIA 1989 NR Amnesty International & CODESRIA Monitoring and investigating: death in custody. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 2869780877 46pp. CFA5,000 ($10.00/£10.00/Eur12.00) CODESRIA 2001 SG Amnesty International & CODESRIA Monitoring and investigating: excssive use of force. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 2869780907 49pp. CFA5,000 ($10.00/£10.00/Eur12.00) CODESRIA 2001 SG
Amnesty International & CODESRIA Monitoring and investigating: political killings. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 2869780869 52pp. CFA5,000 ($10.00/£10.00/Eur12.00) CODESRIA 2001 SG Amnesty International & CODESRIA Monitoring and investigating: sexual violence. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 2869780893 55pp. CFA5,000 CODESRIA 2001 SG Amnesty International & CODESRIA Monitoring and investigating: torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and prison conditions. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 2869780855 69pp. CFA5,000 ($10.00/£10.00/Eur12.00) CODESRIA 2001 SG Amnesty International & CODESRIA Surveiller et enquêter en matière de: assassinats politiques. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 2869781059 49pp. CFA5,000 ($9.95/£12.00) CODESRIA 2001 SG FRE Amnesty International & CODESRIA Surveiller et enquêter en matière de: décès en détention. [Also available in English,] ISBN: 2869781083 49pp. CFA5,000 ($9.95/£12.00) CODESRIA 2001 SG FRE Amnesty International & CODESRIA Surveiller et enquêter en matière de: torture, traitements cruels, inhumains ou dégradants, et conditions de détention. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 2869781091 49pp. CFA5,000 ($9.95/ £12.00) CODESRIA 2001 SG FRE Amnesty International & CODESRIA Surveiller et enquêter en matière de: usage excessif de la force. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 2869781075 49pp. CFA5,000 ($9.95/£12.00) CODESRIA 2001 SG FRE Amnesty International & CODESRIA Surveiller et enquêter en matière de: violence sexuelle. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 2869781067 49pp. CFA5,000 ($9.95/£12.00) CODESRIA 2001 SG FRE Amnesty International & CODESRIA Ukweli: manuel relatif à la surveillance et à la documentation des violations des droits humains en Afrique. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 2869780923 88pp. CFA12,000 ($20.95/£13.00) CODESRIA 2001 SG FRE Amnesty International and CODESRIA Monitoring and documenting human rights violations in Africa. 5 vols. ISBN: 2869780796 ($27.95/£16.95 set) CODESRIA 2000 SG APDHAC Presse et droits de l’homme en Afrique centrale. (Cahier Africain des Droits de l’Homme, 5) ISBN: 2911380355 236pp. UCAC 2000 CM FRE Bukumba, T. La Charte Africaine des droits de l’homme et des peuples. 202pp. ($12.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Eze, O.C. Human rights in Africa: some selected problems. cd. 315pp. ($15.00/£10.00) N15.00 NIIA 1983 NR Fanana, A.M. Measures of safeguards under the Banjul charter on human and people’s rights: a comparative study. (Human and peoples’ rights monograph, 15) ISBN: 999113106X 62pp. ($22.95/£12.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 2004 LO Fitzpatrick, B. Documenting to make a difference: refugees, human rights violations, emergency situations: report of the EDICESA/HURIDOCS documentation and information handling course held in Windhoek, 1-10 February 1997. 54pp. ill. EDICESA 1997 ZI Fofana, M.L. L’universalité des droits de l’homme et sa portée en Afrique. 131pp. CFA30,000 (Eur46.00) EDJA 1997 SG FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Human rights—Africa Gambia Institute for Human Rights and Development Compilation of decisions on communications of the African commission on human and peoples’ rights. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 9983990709 432pp. (£24.95) GIHRD 2002 GM Goldman, C. Human rights and the migratory labour (Human and peoples’ rights monograph, 3) 114pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1988 LO Jinadu, L.A. Human rights and US African policy under President Carter. (Monograph Series, 5) 120pp. N5.00 NIIA 1980 NR Kakule, K. La problématique des droits de l’homme et des peuples en Afrique. 398pp. ($79.00) Kalombo 1998 ZR FRE Moshoeshoe-Chadzingwa, M., Kimane, I., Molumeli, J.M., eds. Human rights documentation in Africa. 186pp. Univ Press Lesotho 1996 LO Mubiala, M. Le système de protection des droits de l’homme. ISBN: 2911380533 220pp. CFA7,500 (Eur11.48) UCAC 2002 CM FRE Mugo, M. African orature and human rights. (Human and peoples’ rights monograph series, 10) 44pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1991 LO Muyebe, S., Muyebe, A. The African bishops on human rights. A resource book. ISBN: 9966210555 327pp. ($6.00) Paulines 2001 KE Ndila, N. L’individu face à la justice en Afrique. 279pp. ($70.00) Kalombo 1998 ZR FRE Pougoué, P-G. Penser et réaliser les droits de l’homme en Afrique centrale. (Cahier Africain des Droits de l’Homme, 4) 266pp. UCAC 2000 CM FRE Segui, R.D. Les droits de l’homme en Afrique noire francophone. ISBN: 286394410X 344pp. CFA8,450 (Eur20.58) CEDA 2001 IV FRE
Subject index Fischer-Buder, K., ed. Cultivating co-operation amongst human rights institutions in the UNITWIN network in southern Africa, Windhoek 1996. ISBN: 9991631607 209pp. ill. New Namibia 1998 SX
Human rights—Lesotho Murray, A.C. Peoples rights: the case of Bayeni seperatism. (Human and peoples’ rights monograph, 7) 44pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1990 LO
Fischer-Buder, K., ed. Human rights and democracy in southern Africa. Papers presented at the conference: cultivating co-operation amongst human rights institutions in the UNITWIN network in southern Africa. ISBN: 9991631607 273pp. ($27.00/ £14.95) New Namibia 1999 SX
Human rights—Namibia University of Namibia Human rights education and advocacy in Namibia in the 1990s - a tapestry of perspectives. N$55.00 New Namibia 1995 SX
Goldman, C., Steven, N. Human rights in Botswana, Lesotho and Zambia. 97pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1986 LO Grobbelaar, N., ed. Mine action in southern Africa: instrument of development? ISBN: 191996911X 207pp. R80.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2003 SA Makambe, E. Marginalising the human rights camp. 73pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1992 LO
Bouard, P. African rights and the 1986 parliamentary session. 11pp. ($5.00/£3.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1986 SA
Human rights—Botswana Women and Law in Southern Africa Botswana No safe place: incest and defilement in Botswana. ISBN: 9991271279 136pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Lightbooks 2002 BS
Calland, R., Tilley, A. The right to know, the right to live: access to information and socioeconomic justice. ISBN: 1919798420 160pp. R139.99 ($16.26) Idasa 2002 SA
Human rights—Cameroun Presses de l’Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale Intégrité physique et dignité humaine. (Cahier de l’UCAC, 1) ISBN: 2911380142 174pp. CFA4,500 (Eur6.85) UCAC 2001 CM FRE Human rights—Congo Democratic Republic Bukumba, T. Démocratie et droits de la personne humaine Kinshasa. 230pp. ($12.50) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Deguirini, P. Les droits des citoyens congolais. ($9.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
Idzumbuir, J. La justice pour les mineurs au Zaïre (réalités et perspectives). 139pp. ($86.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE
Université Catholique de l’Afrique Centrale Dignité humaine en Afrique. (Cahier de l’UCAC, 1) 256pp. CFA6,000 (Eur9.15) UCAC 1996 CM FRE
Kalambayi, C. Les crimes contre l’humanité en droit congolais. ($9.50) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
Presses de l’Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale Impunité en Afrique centrale. (Cahier de l’UCAC, 3) ISBN: 291138024X 124pp. CFA2,000 (Eur3.05) UCAC 2000 CM FRE Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale Droits de l’homme en Afrique Centrale. Actes du colloque de Yaoundé sur les droits de l’homme en Afrique centrale (novembre 1994). 284pp. CFA7,000 (Eur10.67) UCAC 1995 CM FRE Human rights—Africa, Southern Bankie, B.F., Marias, C., Namiseb, J.T., comps. The southern African human rights reader: towards creating a sustainable culture of human rights. ISBN: 9991601681 124pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX
Human rights—South Africa Appolis, T., Galdhari, F., Grobler, P., Nawa, N., Tadjo, V. The rights of a child. [Childrens’s book on the rights of the child. Text in Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Xhosa, Zulu, Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, Siswati, Venda, Tsonga] ISBN: 0795701624 cd. 28pp. col.ill. R69.95 Kwela 2004 SA MUL
Nangati, F. Human rights and labour relations in southern Africa. 75pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1993 LO
Shivji, I.G. The concept of human rights in Africa. cd. & 126pp. ($30.00/£16.75 cd.) ($18.00/£9.95 pap.) CODESRIA 1989 SG
Human rights—Africa, Central Presses de l’Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale Dynamique citoyenne et dignité humaine en Afrique centrale. (Cahier Africain des Droits de l’Homme, 8) ISBN: 2911380584 264pp. CFA6,000 (Eur9.15) UCAC 2002 CM FRE
Human rights—Nigeria Nwankwo, O. Civil resource development and documentation centre (CIRDDOC) public education series. 11 vols. ISBN: 9781564644 302pp. ($41.95/£24.95 set) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR
Human rights—Ghana African Women and Child Feature Service Rights of the child: facts and figures. ISBN: 9966963227 65pp. ill. Ebert Ghana 2000 GH Mensa-Bonsu, H.J.A.N., DowuonaHammond, C., eds. The rights of the child in Ghana perspectives. 122pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Woeli 1994 GH Human rights—Kenya Gutto, S.B.O. Human rights from humanitarian perspectives: an international comparative apparaisal of state laws on and practices of abortion and sterilization as means of family planning. (IDS discussion paper, 269) 35pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1980 KE Kibwana, K. Fundamental rights and freedoms in Kenya. K.shs.256.00 OUP - Nairobi 1990 KE Salvadori, C. The forgotten people revisted: human rights abuses in Marsabit and Moyale districts. ISBN: 9966941053 184pp. maps Human Rights - Kenya 2000 KE
Crush, J., ed. Beyond control: immigration and human rights in a democratic South Africa. 180pp. R54.95 Idasa 1997 SA Davel, C.J., ed. Children’s rights in a transitional society. ISBN: 062024626X 156pp. R99.95 Protea 1999 SA Davis, D., Cheadle, H., Haysom, N. Fundamental rights in the constitution, commentary and cases. ISBN: 0702136360 666pp. R250.00 Juta 1998 SA de Waal, J., Currie, I., Erasmus, G. The bill of rights handbook. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702151459 594pp. R145.00 ($24.00) Law Hum Rights 2000 SA Dlamini, C.R.M. Human rights in Africa: which way South Africa? 167pp. R148.20 Butterworth 1995 SA Gutto, S.B.O., ed. A practical guide to human rights in local government. 203pp. R52.44 Butterworth 1995 SA Majodina, Z., ed. The challenge of forced migration in southern Africa. ISBN: 079830152X 225pp. ($34.95/£20.95) Africa Inst 2001 SA Ndung’u, S.K. The right to dissent. Freedom of expression, assembly and demonstration in South Africa. ISBN: 1919855246 144pp. pl. R120.00 ($25.00/£20.00) STE 2003 SA Nel, F., Bezuidenhout, J., comps. Policing and human rights. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. 472pp. R220.00 Juta 1997 SA Patel, E.M., Watters, C. Human rights: fundamental instrument and documents. cd. 531pp. R200.64 Butterworth 1994 SA Reader’s Digest You and your rights. cd. 560pp. ill. R119.00 Readers Digest SA 1997 SA Sibanyoni, C. Directory of human rights organisations. ISBN: 0796919054 184pp. R110.00 HSRC Publ 1999 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Igbo—Fiction, Drama, Poetry
Truth and Reconciliation Commission TRC reports: volume 6. Victims. ISBN: 0702158763 R150.00 Juta 2003 SA Truth and Reconciliation Commission TRc reports: volume 7. Victims. ISBN: 0702158771 R220.00 Juta 2003 SA Tsotsi, W. Human rights in the homelands of South Africa. 167pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1992 LO Tsotsi, W.M. Human rights in the tribal homeland of South-Africa - a case of Transkei. (Human and peoples’ rights monograph series, 4) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1991 LO United Nations South Africa human development report 2003. ISBN: 0195784189 320pp. R245.00 OUP - SA 2004 SA Human rights—Study and teaching Editions Jamana Comprendre les droits humains. Manuel d’éducation aux droits humains. trans.f.t. English cd. 413pp. Jamana 2004 ML FRE Scheffer, T. Teaching equality. 1998 SA
112pp. R95.00 Juta
Human rights—Tanzania Shivji, I. State coercion and freedom in Tanzania. (Human and peoples’ rights monograph, 6) 107pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1990 LO Human rights—Uganda Oloka-Onyango, J. Armed conflict, political violence and the human rights monitoring of Uganda: 1971-1990. (CBR working paper, 12) 33pp. ($9.00) Centre Basic Res 1991 UG Human rights—Zambia Chanda, A. Non-formal education for human rights in Zambia. ISBN: 1779050682 156pp. Z150.00 ($15.00) SAPES 1999 ZI Mudenda, G., ed. Nchekelako: an afronet reader on corruption in Zambia. ISBN: 9982320041 97pp. (£6.99) IANHRD 2002 ZA Human rights—Zimbabwe Children’s Collective We are also human beings. ($10.00) ACPDT 2000 ZI
d’Engelbronner-Kolff, M., ed. The provision of non-formal education for human rights in Zimbabwe. ISBN: 1779050666 143pp. ($16.00/£8.95) SAPES 1998 ZI Legal Unit - Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Organised violence and torture in Zimbabwe in 2000. 21pp. ZHR Forum 2001 ZI Masala, G.B., et al., eds. Our right to be heard. ISBN: 0797421831 cd. 30pp. ill. Z$75.00 ($3.00) Save the Children 2000 ZI Save the Children & Human Rights Research and Documentation Trust of Southern Africa These are our rights. ISBN: 0797421386 cd. 97pp. Z$180.00 ($5.00) Save the Children 2000 ZI Zimbabwe Human Rights Forum Political violence report. 2 vols. ill. ZHR Forum 2001 ZI Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum The unleashing of violence. A report on political violence in Zimbabwe. 3 vols. ZHR Forum 2000 ZI Hunting—Africa Wynne-Jones, A. Hunting on safari in East and Southern Africa. cd. 180pp. ill. R22.50 Macmillan - SA 1980 SA
Hunting—South Africa Merrett, P.L., Butcher, R. Robert Briggs Struthers hunting journal, 1852-1856: in the Zulu kingdom and the Tsonga regiona. 150pp. pl. map R85.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1991 SA Hurley, Archbishop Denis—Biography Gamley, A.M. Denis Hurley. A portrait by friends. 2nd rev.ed. ISBN: 1875053298 192pp. R75.00 ($15.00) Cluster 2002 SA Hussein, Taha—Autobiography Hussein, T. The days: his autobiography in three parts. trans.f.t. Arabic by E.H. Paxton and H. Wayment new ed. ISBN: 9774246357 412pp. E£45.00 ($15.95) Am Univ 2001 UA Huxley, Elspeth—Autobiography Huxley, E. The flame trees of Thika. R42.99 Penguin SA SA Huxley, E. The mottled lizard. SA
R49.99 Penguin SA
Hydraulic engineering see also Dams Energy Water Kluger, J.W. Investigation of the generation of regular waves by a sliding valve pneumatic wave generator. (CSIR Research Report, 553) 40pp. pl. CSIR 1982 SA Myles, K., ed. Fluid flow and control. Principles and practice. cd. 224pp. R385.00 Myles 1997 SA Myles, K., ed. Fluids handling. Principles and practice. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0620274603 cd. 233pp. ill. R385.00 ($82.00/£49.20/Eur76.00) Myles 2003 SA Myles, K., ed. Knowing more about valves. ISBN: 0620255331 cd. 224pp. ill. R385.00 ($82.00/£49.20/Eur76.00) Myles 2000 SA
Zwamborn, J.A., van Niekerk, M. Additional model tests: dolosse packing density and effect of relative block density. (CSIR Research Report, 554) 54pp. CSIR 1982 SA Zwamborn, J.A., Van Niekerk, M. Survey of dolosse structures. (CSIR Research Reports, 385) unpagedpp. ill. maps CSIR 1981 SA Hymn books Asempa Publishers Asempa hymns. 192pp. ($10.00) Asempa 1979 GH Asempa Publishers Ghana praise [music.] Asempa 1979 GH
170pp. ($8.00)
Asempa Publishers L’Afrique chante. [Africa sings.] ($3.00) Asempa 1981 GH MUL
Ibibio—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Essien, O., et al. Edikood nwed ke iko ibibio nwed. bk.4 69pp. ($4.70) Univ Press - Nig 1990 NR IBI Essien, O., et al. Edikood nwed ke iko ibibio nwed. bk.3 62pp. ($4.70) Univ Press - Nig 1988 NR IBI Essien, O., et al. Edikood nwed ke iko ibibio nwed. [Ibibio language, teaching and study.] bk.2 41pp. ($4.70) Univ Press - Nig 1988 NR IBI Ibibio (African people)—Anthropology, Socio-cultural Offiong, D.A. Witchcraft, sorcery, magic and social order among the Ibibio of Nigeria. 146pp. N8.50 ($12.50/£6.75) Fourth Dimension 1991 NR Ibibio language—Grammar Essien, O. A grammar of the Ibibio language. 171pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Univ Press - Nig 1979 NR
Myles, K., ed. Pipes and pipelines. Principles and practice. ISBN: 0620219602 cd. 224pp. ill. R385.00 ($82.00/£49.20/Eur76.00) Myles 1999 SA
Ibn ‘Ajiba, Ahmad—Autobiography Ibn ‘Ajiba, A. Autobiography of a Moroccan Sufi saint. trans.f.t. Arabic by Jean Louis Michon and David Streight ISBN: 188775220X 200pp. E£100.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 2000 UA [Middle East only]
Myles, K., ed. Pumping and processing. Principles and practice. ISBN: 0620270764 cd. 224pp. ill. R385.00 ($82.00/£49.20/Eur76.00) Myles 2001 SA
Ibn Battuta—Biography Akoloy, L. Ibn Battouta, prince des voyageurs. ISBN: 9981838675 344pp. Dir65.00 Fennec 1998 MR FRE
Myles, K., ed. Pumps. Principles and practice. 4th ed. ISBN: 0620284501 cd. 224pp. ill. R385.00 ($82.00/£49.20/Eur76.00) Myles 2002 SA
Ibrahim, Sir Kashim—Biography Osuntokun, A. Power broker: a biography of Sir Kashim Ibrahim. 149pp. N50.00 (£4.95) Spectrum 1987 NR
Nelson, R.C. The effect of bed slope on wave characteristics. (CSIR Research Report, 372) 156pp. ill. CSIR 1981 SA Scholtz, D.J.P., Zwamborn, J.A. Effect of the waist thickness on stability of dolosse. (CSIR Research Report, 556) 33pp. ill. CSIR 1983 SA Swart, D.H. The nature and analysis of random waves in shallow water. Appendices. vol.2(CSIR Research Report, 388/2) 224pp. CSIR 1982 SA Swart, D.H. The nature and analysis of random waves in shallow water. Text and figures. vol.1(CSIR Research Report, 388/1) 68pp. pl. CSIR 1982 SA van Leperen, M.P. Characteristics of wave fields at Walvis Bay, L£deritz, Mossel Bay and the weather ship: a preliminary survey. (CSIR Research Report, 344) 10pp. maps CSIR 1975 SA Zwamborn, J.A. Dolosse for coastal works. (CSIR Research Report, 347) 45pp. ill. pl. CSIR 1976 SA
Igala—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Etu, Y., Miachi, T. Igala ekoche. pupil’s bk.1 48pp. N72.60 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR IGA Etu, Y., Miachi, T. Igala ekoche. pupil’s bk.2 48pp. N81.10 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR IGA Okwoli, P.E., Odoma, M.S.A., Etubi, S.U. Otakada ukoche alu Igala. [Primary Igala course.] pupils bk. 1 48pp. ill. 75k. Macmillan - Nig 1976 NR IGA Okwoli, P.E., Odoma, M.S.A., Etubi, S.U. Otakada ukoche alu Igala. [Primary Igala course.] pupils bk. 2 ill. 90k. Macmillan - Nig 1976 NR IGA Igbo—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Achara, D.N. Ala Bingo. [A story.] 38pp. col. ill. Longman - Nig 1972 NR IGB Akoma, E. Obidiya. Play. 90pp. N7.50 Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR IGB Bell-Gam, L. Ije Odumodu jere. [The adventures of Odumodu.] 53pp. col. ill. Longman - Nig 1963 NR IGB
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Igbo—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Chukuezi, A.B. Aku fechaa. 84pp. ($7.00) Univ Press Nig 1980 NR IGB Chukuezi, A.B. Udo Ka Mma [Play.] 94pp. N10.00 Univ Press - Nig 1974 NR IGB Ekechukwu, R.M., ed. Akpa uche. [An anthology of modern Igbo verse.] 102pp. N8.50k Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR IGB Eneore, W. Echi di ime. Play. 72pp. N1.00 Macmillan - Nig 1979 NR IGB Gbuijie, C.O. Oguamalam. Play. 64pp. N1.00 Macmillan - Nig 1979 NR IGB Igwe, G.E. Onye turu ikoro waa ya eze. [A book of Igbo proverbs.] ill. N8.45k Univ Press Nig 1986 NR IGB Iroaganachi, J.O. Oka mgba. [The great wrestler.] 120pp. col. ill. Longman - Nig 1973 NR IGB Maduekwe, J.C. Nka okwu. [Igbo poetry.] 104pp. ill. N2.51 Longman - Nig 1979 NR IGB Maduekwe, J.C. Otu mkpisi aka. 102pp. ill. Longman Nig 1980 NR IGB
Subject index Madubuike, I. Ighota abu Igbo. [Understanding Igbo poetry.] 80pp. ($19.60) Univ Press Nig 1981 NR IGB
Nwametu, O.C., et al. Okwu Igbo nke mbu. [Igbo language course.] bk. 1 48pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1976 NR IGB
Nwadike, I.U. Agumagu odinala Igbo. [Igbo oral literature.] ISBN: 9781754508 156pp. N170.00 Africana First 2004 NR IGB
Nwametu, O.C., et al. Okwu Igbo nke abuo. [Igbo language course.] bk.2 80pp. ill. col. ill. N1.60 Longman - Nig 1977 NR IGB
Nzeako, J.U.T. Omenala ndi Igbo. [Igbo customs.] 212pp. ill. N2.70 Longman - Nig 1979 NR IGB
Nwametu, O.C., et al. Okwu Igbo. [Primary Igbo course.] bk.4 112pp. ill. N2.18 Longman - Nig 1981 NR IGB
Osuagwu, B.I.N. Ndi Igbo na omenala ha. Igbos and their customs. 108pp. N2.20 Macmillan - Nig 1979 NR IGB
Nwametu, O.C., et al. Okwu Igbo. [Primary Igbo course.] bk.5 128pp. ill. N2.20 Longman - Nig 1981 NR IGB
Ugochukwu, C.N., Meniru, T., Oguine, P. Omalinze. [A book of Igbo folktales.] 200pp. N16.50k Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR IGB
Nwametu, O.C., et al. Okwu Igbo. [Primary Igbo course.] bk.6 48pp. ill. N2.42 Longman - Nig 1982 NR IGB
Igbo—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Achara, D.N. Elelia na ihe o mere. [Language text.] new ed. 122pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1974 NR IGB Achinivu, K. Akwukwo nke mbu. [Primary Igbo course book 1.] bk. 1 40pp. col. ill. 32k Longman - Nig 1971 NR IGB
Nwana, P. Omenuko. 94pp. col. ill. Longman - Nig 1972 NR IGB
Achinivu, K. Akwukwo nke mbu. [Primary Igbo course book 3.] bk. 3 80pp. 50k Longman - Nig 1963 NR IGB
Nzeako, J.U.T. Aka ji aku. [A wealthy man.] 72pp. ill. N1.00 Longman - Nig 1975 NR IGB
Agwubuilo, V.C., et al. Igbo sekondri, ukwa V. (£4.00) N5.00 Fourth Dimension 1985 NR IGB
Obodo, N.B. Uwadiegwu. [Novel.] 112pp. ill. N2.70 Longman - Nig 1980 NR EGB
Ahamba, S.M., Nwoga, D.I. Ogugu Igbo. Primary Igbo course pupil’s bk. 1 46pp. ill. 85k Macmillan Nig 1974 NR IGB
Odunke Artists Ojaadili. [Play.] 65pp. N7.50k Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR IGB Odunke, O. Onukwube. [Let them say. Play.] 54pp. ill. ($5.80) Univ Press - Nig 1986 NR IGB Ogbalu, F.C. Ngbem na eguwu Igbo. Igbo poems and songs. 214pp. N1.75 Macmillan - Nig 1978 NR IGB Okoro, A., Chukwura, N. Akuko ufodu Shakespeare koro. Ndi tughariri ha n’asusu Igbo bu. [Some stories told by Shakespeare.] ISBN: 9871565179 142pp. ($24.95/£12.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR IGB Oraka, N. Ahubara eze ama. [Novel.] 89pp. N8.50k Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR IGB Ubesie, T. Isi akwu dara N’ala. [Novel.] 206pp. N9.00 Univ Press - Nig 1974 NR IGB Ubesie, T. Juo obinna. [Novel.] 175pp. N9.50k Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR IGB
Ahamba, S.M., Nwoga, D.I. Ogugu Igbo. Primary Igbo course pupil’s bk.2 54pp. ill. N1.10 Macmillan Nig 1975 NR IGB Ahamba, S.M., Nwoga, D.I., Osuagwu, B.I.N. Ogogo Igbo. Primary Igbo course. pupil’s bk. 3. 96pp. ill. N1.13 Macmillan Nig 1976 NR IGB Ahamba, S.M., Nwoga, D.I., Osuagwu, B.I.N. Ogugu Igbo. Primary Igbo course. pupil’s bk. 5. 80pp. N1.10 Macmillan Nig 1977 NR IGB Alio, E.O. Graded Igbo course. [Igbo reader.] pupil’s bk.3 128pp. ill. N3.03 Longman Nig 1979 NR IGB Anizoba, O.M., et al. Igbo sekondri. bk.2 (£4.00) N5.00 Fourth Dimension 1985 NR IGB Emenanjo, E., Nolue, N., Austin, O. Igbo maka sekondiri. [Igbo secondary course.] bk.1 74pp. ill. ($11.50) Univ Press - Nig 1980 NR IGB
Ubesie, T. Mmiri oku e ji egbu mbe. [Set a thief to catch a thief.] 90k Longman - Nig 1973 NR IGB
Emenanjo, E.N., Njubigbo, A.O., Ezikeojiaku, P.A. Igbo maka sekondiri. [Igbo for Secondary 2.] bk.2 64pp. ill. ($11.50) Univ Press - Nig 1983 NR IGB
Ubesie, T. Ukpana Okpoko buuru. [Novel.] 94pp. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR IGB
Ezikeojiaku, P.A., et al. Igbo sekondri. bk.3 (£4.00) N5.00 Fourth Dimension 1985 NR IGB
Ubesie, T. Ukwa ruo oge ya. [Novel.] 88pp. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR IGB
Ike, C. Anu ebu nwa. [The bottled leopard.] ISBN: 9780309063 194pp. ($8.70) Univ Press - Nig 1999 NR IGB
Ugonna, N. Abu Igbo. [Poetry.] 248pp. ill. N4.54 Longman - Nig 1980 NR IGB Igbo—General and Non-fiction International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Agwasoya maka ahu ike. [Soybeans for good health.] 24pp. ill. ($5.00/£2.00) N2.00 Book Builders 1990 NR IGB
Lawal-Solarin, Y. Master Krafty: Igbo. [ABC in Igbo.] 32pp. ill. N5.50 Literamed 1982 NR IGB Maduekwe, J.C. Dinta. Igbo reader. 107pp. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR IGB Nwadike, I.U., et al. Igbo sekondri. bk.4 (£4.00) N5.00 Fourth Dimension 1985 NR IGB
Nzeako, J.U.T. Nkoli. [Language text.] ill.pp. 90k Longman - Nig 1973 NR Nzeako, T. Jouchi. 104pp. (£2.42) N2.90 Macmillan - Nig 1981 NR IGB Obi, G. Amamihe. [A revision course in Ibgo.] 86pp. N12.50k Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR IGB Obi, S.N.C. Okwu igbo nke mbu. [Igbo course.] 3rd ed. 46pp. ill. 22k Longman - Nig 1965 NR Ogbonna, C. Uchendu. [Thought of life.] 44pp. ($5.80) Univ Press - Nig 1986 NR IGB Okonkwo, J.I. Igba oriko ndu ... 16pp. ($2.00) Fourth Dimension 1994 NR IGB Oraka, L.N., et al. Igbo sekondri, nta 1. (£4.00) N5.00 Fourth Dimension 1985 NR IGB Oraka, L.N., et al. Igbo sekondri, ukwa 6. (£4.00) N5.00 Fourth Dimension 1986 NR IGB Oraka, L.N., et al. Igbo sekondri ukwu 4. [Igbo for senior secondary.] bk.4 (£6.00) N7.00 Fourth Dimension 1985 NR IGB Ubesie, T. Odinala ndi Igbo. [Post-secondary language reader.] 254pp. ill. N18.00 Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR IGB Ukairo, G.U. Olu Igbo. [Igbo primary course.] rev. ed. pupil’s bk.6 67pp. ill. ($8.70) Univ Press - Nig 1988 NR IGB Ukairo, G.U. Olu Igbo. [Igbo primary course.] pupil’s bk. 1 48pp. ill. N7.50k Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR IGB Ukairo, G.U. Olu Igbo. [Igbo primary course.] pupil’s bk. 3 80pp. ill. N9.00 Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR IGB Ukairo, G.U. Olu Igbo. [Igbo primary course.] pupil’s bk. 2 120pp. ill. N8.00 Univ Press - Nig 1974 NR IGB Ukairo, G.U. Olu Igbo. [Igbo primary course.] rev. ed. pupil’s bk.5 67pp. ill. ($8.70) Univ Press - Nig 1988 NR IGB Ukairo, G.U. Olu Igbo. [Igbo primary course.] teacher’s bk. 1 17pp. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR IGB Ukairo, G.U. Olu Igbo. [Igbo primary course.] rev. ed. pupil’s bk.4 78pp. ill. N10.00 Univ Press - Nig 1988 NR IGB Ukairo, G.U. Om Igbo. [Igbo primary course.] pupil’s bk.5 86pp. ill. ($8.70) Univ Press - Nig 1979 NR IGB
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 280
African Books in Print
Subject index Ukairo, G.U., Ugwumadu, P.C. Olu Igbo. [Igbo primary course.] pupil’s bk. 4 81pp. ill. N10.00 Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR IGB Ukairo, G.U., Ugwumadu, P.C. Olu Igbo nke ise. [Igbo languge text.] 86pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1979 NR IGB Igbo (African people)—Anthropology, Socio-cultural Anigbo, O.A.C. Igbo elite and western Europe. 164pp. N375.00 Africana First 1993 NR Anyanwu, U. The Igbo and the tradition of politics. ISBN: 9781563664 324pp. ($24.95/ £14.95) Fourth Dimension 2001 NR Ejiofor, L.U. Igbo kingdoms: power and control. 358pp. map N375.00 Africana First 1982 NR Ejizu, C. Ofo: Igbo ritual symbol. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2781562684 212pp. ($24.95/£15.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Ifemesia, C. Traditional humane living among the Igbo. An historical perspective. new ed. ISBN: 9781560622 141pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Ogbalu, F. Igbo language and culture. vol.2 237pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Univ Press - Nig 1987 NR Okafor, F. Igbo philosophy of law. ISBN: 9781561343 107pp. ($20.95/£11.95) Fourth Dimension 2001 NR Okpara, E.E. Perspectives in settlement processes in Igboland. 200pp. N70.00 Nobel 1990 NR Igbo (African people)—Architecture Aniakor, C.C. Igbo architecture: a study of forms, functions and typology. cd. 504pp. ill. Fourth Dimension 1991 NR
Industrial relations—Nigeria Igbo language Ogbalu, F. Igbo language and culture. vol.1 216pp. ($38.00/£21.50) Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR Oluikpe, B.O. English in Igboland: a contrastive study of English and Igbo syntax. 198pp. N313.00 Africana First 1982 NR Igbo language—Dictionaries Echeruo, M.J.C. Igbo-English dictionary: a comprehensive dictionary of the Igbo language with an English-Igbo index. ISBN: 9780264744 283pp. (£16.95) Longman - Nig 2001 NR MUL Igwe, G.E. Igbo-English dictionary. ISBN: 9780304177 845pp. ($74.95/£44.95) Univ Press - Nig 1999 NR MUL Igbo language—Examinations, questions Ezeaku, E. 1005 objective questions and answers in Igbo. 112pp. N250.00 Africana First 1997 NR IGB Igbo language—Grammar Emenanjo, N. Elements of modern Igbo grammar. 234pp. ($33.00/£18.50) Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR Igwe, G.E., Green, M.M. A short Igbo grammar. 60pp. N4.75k Univ Press - Nig 1964 NR Okonkwo, M.N. A complete course in Igbo grammar. 198pp. N2.30 Macmillan - Nig 1974 NR Oluikpe, B.O. Igbo transformational syntax: the Ngwa dialect example. 243pp. N313.00 Africana First 1982 NR Igbo language—Study and teaching Alio, E.O. Graded Igbo course. pupil’s bk.1 112pp. ill. N1.70 Longman - Nig 1977 NR Carnochan, J., Iwuchukwu, B. Igbo revision course. 168pp. N8.50k Univ Press - Nig 1963 NR
Igbo (African people)—Folklore Amadiume, S. Ilu ndi Igbo: vol. 1. A study of Igbo proverbs. Translation, explanation and usage (with a comparison with some Hausa proverbs). 100pp. ($11.50/£6.50) Fourth Dimension 1995 NR
Igwe, G.E., Green, M.M. Igbo language course. 2, 3 bks. 70pp. N7.85k Univ Press - Nig 1967 NR
Igbo (African people)—History Afigbo, A.E. Ropes of sand: studies in Igbo history and culture. cd. 387pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Univ Press - Nig 1981 NR
Igwe, G.E., Green, M.M. Igbo language course. 1, 3 bks. 159pp. N7.85k Univ Press - Nig 1967 NR
Chukwujindu, N., Nsoedo, E. Nnewi in history 1924-2004. The portrait of L.N.E. Nsoedo (Ide Nnewi). ISBN: 9780294864 281pp. col.ill.pl. ($24.95/ £14.95) Spectrum 2005 NR Ofomata, G.E.K. A survey of the Igbo nation. ISBN: 9781752939 cd. & 727pp. N3,000 cd. Africana First 2004 NR Igbo (African people)—Religion, traditional Aguwa, J.C.U. The Agwu deity in Igbo religion. A study of the patron spirit of divination and medicine in an African society. new ed. ISBN: 9781563990 ($20.95/£12.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Igbo (African people)—Social life and customs Dike, A. The resilience of Igbo culture. Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Ejiofor, L.U. Dynamics of Igbo democracy. 240pp. ($10.40) Univ Press - Nig 1981 NR Ofomata, G.E.K. The Nsukka environment. cd. 523pp. ill. ($25.00/£15.00) N40.00 Univ Nigeria Press 1985 NR
Igwe, G.E., Green, M.M. Igbo language course. 3, 3 bks. 181pp. N7.85k Univ Press - Nig 1970 NR
Ighodaro, —Autobiography Ighodaro A life of service. 275pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Malthouse 1994 NR Ijaw language—Study and teaching Egberipou, O.A., Williamson, K. Izon tolumo. 82pp. N1,000 ($7.00/ £3.50) Riverside 1994 NR IJA Ijo language Jenewari, C.E.W. Defaka: Ijo’s closest linguistics relative. (Delta Series, 2) 54pp. map Univ Port Harcourt Press 1983 NR Ikalanga language—Study and teaching Chebanne, A.M., Rodewald, M.K., Pahlen, K.W. Ngatikwaleni Ikalanga: a manual for writing Kalanga as spoken in Botswana. 93pp. P15.00 Botswana Soc 1995 BS IKA Immunology Chemtai, A.K. Immunology. 154pp. K.shs.446.00 ($7.50/£4.50) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1998 KE Osunkoya, B.O. Immunology of common acute infections in Africa. cd. & 259pp. N30.00 cd. N25.00 Ibadan UP 1984 NR
India—Politics and government Voges, C. India: a tiger in the making. (SAIIA country report, 9) ISBN: 1919810455 SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA Indian literature—Collections Hazareesingh, K. A rich harvest. The complete Tagore/ Elmhirst correspondence and other writings. cd. 207pp. ill. pl. ($35.00/ £19.95) Océan Indien Ed 1992 MF Indian literature—Examinations, questions Mutahi, W. Notes on Mulk Raj Anand’s “Coolie”. 51pp. K.shs.27.50 EAEP 1984 KE Indian Ocean Islands—History Chan Low, J. La VOC T’Eylandt, Mauritius et Rodrigues: avec le voyage de Wolfert Harmenz vers les iles Rodrigues et Maurice, 1601. ISBN: 9990372039 118pp. col.ill.maps ($20.00) Nat Lib Mauritius 2001 MF FRE Fuma, S. Un exemple d’impérialisme économique dans une colonie française au XIXe siècle. L’Ile de la Réunion et la société du Crédit foncier colonial. 156pp. Univ Réunion 2001 RF FRE Indian Ocean Islands—Travel Soufflet, O. La route des Indes I. Voyage en Afrique australe, à Madagascar. vol.1 ISBN: 2951695810 160pp. pl. (Eur15.00) Art Reporter 2004 RF FRE Soufflet, O. La route des Indes II. Voyage à l’île Maurice, à la Grande Comore, aux Seychelles et à Sri Lanka. vol.2 ISBN: 2951695829 152pp. pl. (Eur15.00) Art Reporter 2004 RF FRE Indonesia—Atlases and maps New Holland Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Indonesia. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm; sheet: 1,000x710mm; scale: 1:6,500,000; English/French/German.] new ed. pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1995 SA MUL Indonesia—Guide books Martyr, D. Globetrotter travel guide to Indonesia. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1995 SA Industrial relations see also Industry Labor and laboring classes Management Personnel management Trade Unions Yesufu, T.M. The dynamics of industrial relations. 250pp. N20.00 Univ Press - Nig 1981 NR Industrial relations—Developing countries Akpala, A. An industrial relations model for developing countries. 240pp. (£13.50) Fourth Dimension 1981 NR Industrial relations—Ghana Obeng-Fosu, P. Industrial relations in Ghana. The law and practice. 152pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Ghana UP 1991 GH Industrial relations—Nigeria Damachi Industrial relations: a development dilemma. 40pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Univ Lagos Press 1985 NR Otobo, D. State and industrial relations in Nigeria. 203pp. (£8.00) Malthouse 1988 NR Otobo, D., ed. Further readings in Nigerian industrial relations. 198pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Malthouse 1993 NR Otobo, D., Omole, M. Readings in industrial relations in Nigeria. 300pp. Malthouse 1987 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Industrial relations—South Africa Industrial relations—South Africa Adler, G., ed. Engaging the state and business. The labour movement and codetermination in contemporary South Africa. ISBN: 186814360 304pp. Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA Adler, G., ed. Public service labour relations in a democratic South Africa, 1994-1998. ISBN: 1868143597 320pp. Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA Bendix, S. Industrial relations. 4th ed. ISBN: 070215279X 872pp. R220.00 Juta 2001 SA Bendix, S. Industrial relations in South Africa. [Interactive: book + 3 disks.] 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702134538 R169.00 Juta 1998 SA Bluen, S.D., Godsell, G., Malherba, J.L. A survey of industrial relations in the Transvaal. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 322) 96pp. R3.00 CSIR 1981 SA Cooper, C. Strikes in South Africa. ($7.00/£4.00) R5.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1983 SA Cunningham, P.W. The transformation of industrial relations in South Africa: new technology. (IDPR occasional papers, 43) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Piron, J. Recognition or rejection? An introduction to the practice of recognition in South African industrial relations. 2nd 200pp. R19.95 Macmillan - SA 1984 SA Pons, A., Deale, P. The labour relations handbook. A practical guide on effective relations, policies, procedures and practices for South African managers. ISBN: 0702123013 272pp. R434.50 Juta 2000 SA Sahne, S. Industrial relations in the Port Elizabeth/ Uitenhage region: some observations. (CSIR NIPR Special Report, 353) R1.50 CSIR 1983 SA Industry see also Industrial relations United Nations Environment Programme Cleaner production in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Region. 41pp. free UNEP 1994 KE United Nations Environment Programme Company environmental reporting: a measure of the progress of business and industry. (UNEP technical report) 118pp. ($50.00) UNEP 1994 KE MUL [24] United Nations Environment Programme From regulations to industry compliance: building institutional capabilities. (UNEP technical report) 63pp. ($40.00) UNEP 1992 KE MUL [11] United Nations Environment Programme Landfill of hazardous industrial waste - a training manual. (UNEP technical report) 315pp. ($65.00) UNEP 1994 KE [17] Industry—Africa Fosu, A.K., Nsouli, S.M., Varoudakis, A., eds. Policies to promote competetiveness in manufacturing in sub-Saharan Africa. ISBN: 9264187057 142pp. ill.maps CASP 2001 KE McCormick, D., Rogerson, C.M. Clothing and footwear in African industrialisation. ISBN: 0798301627 646pp. R140.00 ($35.00) Africa Inst 2004 SA Sibanda, A. Industrial relations and structural adjustment programmes in Africa: problems and prospects. ISBN: 0797419802 301pp. ill. ZIRA 2000 ZI
Subject index Industry—Africa, Francophone Leunde, E. Comptabilité des entreprises commerciales et industrielles selon le plan OCAM. 230pp. CFA4,436 CLE 1984 CM FRE Organisations des Nations Unies pour le Développement Industriel Conférence sur le partenariat industriel et l’investissement en Afrique. 74pp. ONUDI-Senegal 2000 SG FRE Industry—Africa, Southern Maasdorp, G., Puschra, W. Industrial decentralisation in southern Africa: policy and practice. ($10.00) Economic Res Unit 1985 SA Mackenzie, G., McLoughlin, A., Twiss, G. The security handbook. ill.pl. ($5.60/ £3.60) Fennec 1983 MR Whiteside, A.W., ed. Industrialization and investment incentives in southern Africa. 256pp. K.shs.2,440 EAEP 1989 KE Industry—Africa, West Diomande, K. Avantages comparatifs révélés et spécialisation industrielle dans l’UMOA. 14pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1996 SG FRE Industry—Benin Fagnisse, S., Djagba, A., Bada, A. Protection, incitation et avantages comparatifs de l’industrie du Bénin. 45pp. CODESRIA 1998 SG FRE Industry—Botswana Hansohm, D., Shiimi, W. Two sub-regional workshops on micro and small enterprises promotion; Gaborone 25 1994. (Travel and meeting reports, 11) 11pp. N$11.00 NEPRU 1995 SX Inganji, F. Industry and technology in Botswana: press cuttings, 7 January 1981- 19 October 1982. P3.60 NIDCR 1984 BS Industry—Burkina Faso Gamsoré, F.L. Evaluation et répartition des gains de production des entreprises burkinabé. 43pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1998 SG FRE Kaboré, F., Koanda, M. Les politiques industrielles et les incitations au Burkina Faso. 46pp. CODESRIA 1996 SG FRE Industry—Cameroun Nguidjol, E. Analyse de l’incidence des mesures d’incitation sectorielles sur les secteurs manufacturiers au Cameroun. 51pp. CODESRIA 1998 SG FRE Noumba, I. Evolution et déterminants des exportations industrielles au Cameroun. 45pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1996 SG FRE Industry—Congo Democratic Republic CADICEC Industrie manufacturière zaïroise et ajustement structurel. 63pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1989 ZR FRE CADICEC Nouveau processus d’embauche dans les entreprises. 47pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1986 ZR FRE CADICEC Première table ronde sur l’intégration de l’industrie nationale. 47pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1986 ZR FRE Kalanda, C. Dessins sur la fabrication du savon. 98pp. ($7.90) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Industry—Côte d’Ivoire Bouaré, B., Kouassy, O. Performance des entreprises industrielles en Côte d’Ivoire: analyse des impacts des institutions le long des filières agroindustrielles. 36pp. CODESRIA 1995 SG FRE
Industry—Kenya Abuodha, C. The building of an industrial society: change and development in Kenya’s informal (jua kali) sector 1972-1991. (IDS discussion paper, 292) 100pp. K.shs.126.00 ($2.86/£1.83) Inst Dev Stud 1991 KE Baily, M.A. Capital utilisation in Kenya manufacturing industry: summary of main conclusions. (IDS discussion paper, 206) 20pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Baily, M.A. Capital utilisation rates in Kenya manufacturing: an interim report. (IDS working paper, 66) 33pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Gershenberg, I. The performance of multinationals and other firms in less economically developed countries: a comparative analysis of Uganda data. (IDS discussion paper, 234) 23pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE Hopcraft, P.N. Outward looking industrialisation: the promotion of manufactured exports from Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 141) 22pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE House, W.J. Market structure and industry performance: the case of Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 116) 19pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1971 KE Institute for Development Studies The structure of industrial training in Kenya and the role of the directorate of industrial training. (IDS discussion paper, 248) 48pp. K.shs.96.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE Krishna, K.G.V. The industrial sector in Kenya’s plan. (IDS discussion paper, 3) 14pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1965 KE McCormick, D. Risk and firm growth: the dilemma of Nairobi’s small-scale manufacturers. (IDS discussion paper, 291) 44pp. K.shs.96.00 Inst Dev Stud 1993 KE Onjala, J.O. Total productivity in Kenya: the link with trade policy. (IDS working paper, 511) 39pp. K.shs.70.00 ($2.59/£1.61) Inst Dev Stud 1996 KE Pack, H. Employment and productivity in Kenyan manufacturing. (IDS discussion paper, 149) 25pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Snowden, P.N. Preliminary report of company savings in Kenya’s manufacturing sector. (IDS discussion paper, 113) 25pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1971 KE Industry—Malawi Chipeta, M. Rural industries in Malawi. £3.75) SAPES 1996 ZI
56pp. ($6.97/
Industry—Mali Coulibaly, M., Diarra, A. Indicateurs d’incitation dans l’industrie textile du Mali. 43pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/ £5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1996 SG FRE Industry—Namibia Amutenya, P., Orford, J., Sherbourne, R. Report on the national workshop on industrial policy. (Travel and meeting reports, 5) 29pp. N$18.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Industry—Niger Assogba, A., Lama, J., Maman, A.H., Woba, A. Analyse des politiques de protection et d’incitation industrielle au Niger (projet pilote). 41pp. CODESRIA 1995 SG FRE Industry—Nigeria Omo, H.C. Industrialisation in Nigeria. The way forward. ISBN: 9782951986 199pp. ($19.95/£11.95) CSS 2002 NR
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African Books in Print
Subject index Industry—Senegal Fall, B., et al. Système de protection et d’incitation industrielle au Sénégal sous la nouvelle politique industrielle. 69pp. CODESRIA 1995 SG FRE Sokol, E.J. Le manuel du code. Guide d’application du code international de commercialisation des substituts du lait maternel. ISBN: 9839075020 400pp. ENDA 1999 SG FRE Industry—South Africa Allen, R.D.J. Black commitment to work and advancement in South African industry. 239pp. R20.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1984 SA Ballard, R. Exporting and upgrading in South African leather industries. (CSDS research reports, 55) R25.00/R50.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2002 SA Ballard, R. A preliminary study on the bovine leather chain in South Africa. (CSDS research reports, 40) R25.00/R40.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2001 SA Barnes, J. The competitiveness of the South African automobile industry: findings from the 1999 follow-up study. (CSDS research reports, 27) R20.00/R35.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2000 SA Barnes, J. Domestic market pressures facing the South African automotive components industry. (CSDS research reports, 33) R20.00/R35.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2000 SA Barnes, J. Driving in the fast lane: competitiveness progress in the South African automotive components industry. (CSDS research reports, 41) R25.00/R40.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2001 SA Barnes, J. Facing up to the global challenge: the state of KwaZulu-Natal’s automotive components industry. (CSDS research reports, 11) R40.00 School Dev StudiesKZN 1997 SA Barnes, J. International customer perceptions of South African automotive component manufacturer performance levels. (CSDS research reports, 32) R20.00/ R35.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2000 SA Barnes, J. Up, up and away or a bubble that is likely to burst? A value chain analysis of the key exporting sub-sectors of the South African automotive components industry. (CSDS research reports, 51) R25.00/ R40.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2002 SA Barnes, J., Morris, M. An analysis of the endogenous and exogenous factors impacting on the success of the motor industry development programme. (CSDS working papers, 27) R15.00/R25.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2000 SA Bethelehem, L., Goldblatt, M. eds. The bottom line. Industry and the environment in South Africa. 260pp. R130.00 UCT Press 1997 SA
Industry—Zimbabwe Dunne, N. Trends and relationships: building an understanding of the South African furniture industry. (CSDS research reports, 28) R16.00/R26.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2000 SA
Moodley, S., Reid, K. Clothing manufacturer’s survey: exploring the export orientation and business performance question. (CSDS research reports, 36) R20.00/R35.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2001 SA
Erwee, J.A. Secondary industry in the Port Elizabeth/ Uitenhage region: an analysis of industrial location and land use patterns in Port Elizabeth. (Research reports, 4) Inst Planning Res 1970 SA
Pakes, T.K. The formal manufacturing sector in the Port Elizabeth metropole. Its relationship with the formally employed, the unemplpyed and the self employed. (Research reports, 64) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA
Fakude, G. Export linkage - upgrading or downgrading furniture firms? (CSDS research reports, 38) R20.00/R35.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2001 SA
Phillips, B.D., de Coning, C. Secondary industry in the Port Elizabeth/ Uitenhage region: an employment study. (Research reports, 2) Inst Planning Res 1969 SA
Fakude, G. Informalisation in KwaZulu-Natal’s clothing sector. (CSDS research reports, 37) R20.00/R35.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2000 SA
Renders, V. An analysis of location factors for the manufacturing industry in the East London/King William’s town region. (Research reports, 23) R20.00 Inst Planning Res 1982 SA
Granerud, L. Obstacles to performance in the South African auto-components industry: a firm level perspective on internal learning and organisational behaviour. (CSDS working papers, 37) R15.00/R25.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2003 SA
Renders, V. Industrial change in the East London/King William’s Town and Port Elizabeth/ Uitenhage metropolitan regions. (IDPR information bulletins, 10) Inst Planning Res 1976 SA
Harrison, P., Futter, M., Meth, F. An industry in distress. Pietermaritzburg’s footwear sector. (CSDS research reports, 10) R50.00 School Dev StudiesKZN 1997 SA Kaplinsky, R., Morris, M. The formulation and implementation of industrial policy in South Africa: a view from the edge. (CSDS working papers, 15) R30.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1997 SA Laubscher, P. Manufacturing survey. 1994 SA
R275.00 BER
le Roux, C. An input-output analysis of the manufacturing industry in the George/ Mossel Bay region: a preliminary report. (IDPR special publications, 12/5) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1989 SA
Renders, V. An input-output analysis of the manufacturing industry in the Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage appraisal. (Research reports, 21) R20.00 Inst Planning Res 1980 SA Renders, V., Oberholzer, J.L. Industrial land use in the East London/ King William’s Town metropolitan region. (IDPR fact papers, 31) Inst Planning Res 1979 SA Renders, V., Oberholzer, J.L. Industrial land use in the Port Elizabeth/ Uitenhage metropolitan region. (IDPR fact papers, 32) Inst Planning Res 1979 SA Industry—Sudan El Din El Tayeb, G. Capitalism and the organisation of industrial pace: the Sudan’s case. (DSRC seminar series, 26) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ
Ligthelm, A.A. Manufacturing development potential of the Mpumalanga lowveld. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 231) R150.00 Bur Market Research 1996 SA
Hassan, F.M.A. Resource allocation, monopoly and welfare loss: the case of the Sudanese industrial sector. (DSRC seminar series, 82) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1980 SJ
Lorentzen, J. It’s R@D, stupid. The absorptive capacities of southern African automotive component suppliers. (CSDS working papers, 40) R15.00/R25.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2004 SA
Umbadda, S. Domestic resource costs for Sudanese manufacturing industry. (DSRC seminar series, 21) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ
Miller, J. A report on a case study for the tinned fruit and vegetable industry. (IDS discussion paper, 55) 29pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1967 KE Moodley, S. E-business and supply chain management in the automotive industry: preliminary findings from the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal benchmarking club pilot surveys. (CSDS research reports, 35) R30.00/R50.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2001 SA
Bhorat, H., Cassim, R. Industry and trade policy: is it jobfriendly? (CPS policy forum, 4) 23pp. Centre Policy Stud 1999 SA
Moodley, S. E-business and the changing terms of competition and trade in the South African apparel industry. (CSDS research reports, 43) R25.00/R40.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2001 SA
Dunne, N. International trends in the timber furniture industry and the implications for South African furniture exporters. (CSDS working papers, 25) R15.00/R25.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2000 SA
Moodley, S. E-business in a low tech sector: the case of the South African wooden furniture value chain. (CSDS research reports, 42) R25.00/R40.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2001 SA
Industry—Uganda Carasco, J. Survey of safety and health conditions of work in our industries in Uganda. (CBR working paper, 39) 5pp. ($9.50) Centre Basic Res 1997 UG Industry—Zimbabwe Halimana, M.C. The role of small-scale industrial enterprises in Zimbabwe. (IDS research paper, 7) 95pp. Z$40.00 ($10.00/£6.00) ZIDS 1993 ZI Mlambo, A.S., Pangeti, E.S., Phimister, I. Zimbabwe: a history of manufacturing, 1890-1995. ISBN: 0908307845 138pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Univ Zimbabwe 2000 ZI Nyabeze, W., Mbizvo, C. Brickmaking: improvements to existing technologies for brickmaking industries in Zimbabwe. Training manual. [Also available in Shona] 18pp. ill. Z$20.00 ($6.80) Zero 1994 ZI ZERO Regional Environment Organisation Constraints and opportunities in rural industries in selected countries of the SADC: some policy recommendations. 24pp. free Zero 1998 ZI
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Information sciences Information sciences see also Internet Libraries Library science
Subject index Levey, L.A., Young, S., eds. Rowing upstream: snapshots of pioneers of the information age in Africa. [Book and CD-ROM.] ISBN: 0620289139 126pp. col.pl. Sharp Sharp 2002 SA
Behrens, S.J., Olen, S.I.I., Machet, M.P. Mastering information skills. ISBN: 1868881067 336pp. R119.00 ($22.10/ £14.40) Unisa 1999 SA
Mchombu, K.J. Information needs and seeking patterns for rural people’s development in Africa. 185pp. Univ Botswana 1993 BS
Berger, G., Clayton, L., eds. Freedom of information: proceedings of conference. Inst Soc Res 1995 SA
Snyman, R., ed. SCECSAL 2000. From Africa to the world - the globalisation of indigenous knowledge systems. Proceedings of the 15th standing conference of Eastern, Central and Southern African Library and Information Associations 2002. ISBN: 0620288760 342pp. LIASA 2002 SA
Chaumier, J. Les techniques documentaires. ISBN: 9961773071 128pp. DA190.00 Tell 2005 AE FRE [[Algeria only]] Negha, J. Rapport sur le séminaire international de formation en sciences de l’information, Rabat : 1er septembre - 6 octobre 1978. (Etudes et recherches en bibliothéconomie, 11) 23pp. CFA500.00 Univ Yaoundé 1979 CM FRE Pellissier, R. Searching for the quantum organisation: the IT circle of excellence. ISBN: 0702156388 304pp. R245.00 Juta 2001 SA Sainsbury, M. Information systems and creative responses. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1993 SA Shah, M.M., Schaap, A.D., de Man, E. Information systems for development planning: an introductory paper. (IDS discussion paper, 261) 20pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE Vallance, H., Barrett, C. How to be information literate. ISBN: 1868910369 R98.50 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Winberg, C. Learning about libraries and media. ISBN: 0702138851 112pp. R29.00 Juta 1998 SA Information sciences—Africa Aina, L.O. Library and information science text for Africa. ISBN: 9783283618 365pp. (£25.00) 3rd World Info 2004 NR Aina, L.O. Research in information science. An African perspective. ISBN: 9780320539 217pp. N1,500 (£15.00) Stirling-Horden 2002 NR Ebam Etta, F., Parvyn-Wamahiu, S., eds. Information and communication technologies for development in Africa. The experience with community telecentres. [Also available in French.] vol.2 ISBN: 2869781156 226pp. CFA10,000 ($24.95/£14.95/Eur20.00) CODESRIA 2003 SG James, T., ed. Information and communication technologies for development in Africa. Networking institutions of learning. [Also available in French.] vol.3 ISBN: 2869781172 150pp. CODESRIA 2003 SG James, T., ed. Technologies de l’information et de la communication pour le développement en Afrique. Vol. 3. La mise en réseau d’institutions d’apprentissage - SchoolNet. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 2869781695 308pp. ($34.95/£24.95) CODESRIA 2005 SG FRE Kenya Library Association The development of information systems: the African approach. Proceedings of the Third International Standing Conference of Eastern Central and Southern African Librarians held in Nairobi in August/September 1978. cd. & 120pp. K.shs.60.00 K.shs.45.00 Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1979 KE Kenya Library Association Information for sustainable development in the 21st century: proceedings of the 13th Standing Conference of Eastern, Central and Southern African Librarians (SCECSAL). ISBN: 9966963804 ($15.00) Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1998 KE
Stilwell, C., Leach, A., Burton, S. Knowledge, information and development: an African perspective. ISBN: 0620266392 247pp. R136.80 Hum & Soc Studies 2001 SA Thioune, R.M. Technologies de l’information et de la communication pour le développement en Afrique. Potentialités et défis pour le développement communautaire. [Also available in English.] vol.1 ISBN: 1552500004 136pp. CFA10,000 ($29.95/ £17.95/Eur20.00) CODESRIA 2003 SG FRE Thioune, R.M., ed. Information and communication technologies for development in Africa. Opportunities and challenges for community development. [Also available in French.] vol.1 ISBN: 1552500012 117pp. ($29.95/£17.95) CODESRIA 2004 SG Woherem, E. Information technology in Africa: challenges and opportunities. (Technology policy, 5) 180pp. ($18.00) ACTS - Kenya 1993 KE Zimbabwe International Book Fair Trust, comp. Access to information. Proceedings of the ZIBF Indaba 1997, Harare, Zimbabwe, 2/3 August 1997. 232pp. ($16.00/£8.95) ZIBF 1997 ZI Information sciences—Botswana Aina, L.O. Local government policy makers in Botswana and their information environment: a pilot project by Lenrie O. Aina and Balulwami Grand. 34pp. Univ Botswana 1993 BS Dube, P.O., Mazonde, I., Sekwhela, M.B.M. Proceedings of a workshop on N.I.R. research award schemes: a strategy for developing national research capacity, 3rd-7th August 1992. 167pp. P12.00 NIDCR 1992 BS Information sciences—Namibia Stork, C., Aochamub, A. Namibia in the information age. (NEPRU research report, 25) 130pp. ill.maps N$63.00 NEPRU 2003 SX Information sciences—Nigeria Compumetrics Solutions Nigerian information and communications technology. ISBN: 0954538463 354pp. ($205.00/£125.00) Compumetrics 2003 NR Woherem, E.E. Information technology in the Nigerian banking industry. ISBN: 9780291695 267pp. N960.00 ($20.95/£12.95) Spectrum 2000 NR Information sciences—South Africa Benjamin, P. The universal service agency’s telecentre programme 1998-2000. (Surveys, Analysis, Modelling and Mapping occasional papers, 2) ISBN: 079692029X 26pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA Currie, I., Klaaren, J. The promotion of access to information act commentary. ISBN: 0958441721 R225.00 Siberink 2002 SA
Fincham, R.J., Mander, J.J., Martin, C. Assessment of information needs for strategic planning in Natal/KwaZulu. Proceedings of a Workshop hosted by Eskom Western Natal Region, Pietermaritzburg, 7 November 1990. (INR working paps.) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Writestuff Publishers All about IT & telecoms. A handbook for South African managers. 192pp. Writestuff 2003 SA Information sciences—Study and teaching Olivier, M.S. Information technology research. A practical guide for computer science and informatics. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0627025625 147pp. R142.95 Van Schaik 2004 SA Insects see also Agricultural pests Butterflies Mosquitoes Coetzee, L. The antarctic mite genus Maudheimia (Acari, Oribatida). 135pp. ill. Nasionale Museum SA 1997 SA Irish, J. The species of Comicus brunner V. Wattenwyl (Orthoptera: Schizodactylidae) with a discussion of their origin. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 5/10) 23pp. ill. R2.50 Nasionale Museum SA 1986 SA Kayumbo, H.Y. Insect and man. 24pp. ill. ($2.50) T.shs.50.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1980 TZ Louw, S. Revision of the Microcerinae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) with an analysis of their phylogeny and zoogeography. (Memoirs van die Nasionale Museum, 21) 331pp. ill. R17.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1986 SA Rathore, M.P.S. Insect pests in agroforestry. (ICRAF working paper, 70) 80pp. free ICRAF 1995 KE Youdeowei, A. A laboratory manual of entomology. 208pp. ill. N6.90k Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Insects—Africa Bouillon, A. Etudes sur les termites Africains. Distribution spatiale et la dispersion des espèces du genre apricotermes (Termitinae) 35pp. maps. 45k Press Univ Congo 1962 ZR FRE International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology ICIPE 5-year plan: research and capacity building plan for the period 1996-2000. ISBN: 9290641045 132pp. ICIPE 1996 KE Ledger, J., ed. African insect life. 2nd ed. cd. 280pp. col.pl. R199.95 Struik Publ 1979 SA Musisi, F.L., Dolan, T.T., eds. Tick and tick-borne disease control in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa, 1991-1994: proceedings of a joint OAU, FAO and ILRAD workshop held in Lilongwe, Malawi, 25-28 April, 1994. 150pp. ILRI 1999 KE Paulian, R. Les Corylophidae d’Afrique (Coleoptera). (IFAN memoir, 12) 126pp. ill.maps CFA3,000 IFAN 1950 SG FRE Tango Muyay Les insectes comme aliments de l’homme. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 69) 177pp. ill. map (DM38.00) CEEBA 1981 ZR FRE Villiers, A. Hemiptères de l’Afrique noire (punaises et cigales). (Initiations et Etudes Africaines, 9) 256pp. ill. CFA2,500 IFAN 1952 SG FRE
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African Books in Print
Subject index Insects—Africa, Southern Holm, E. Insects of southern Africa. Struik pocket guide. ISBN: 1868258319 64pp. col.ill. R39.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Holm, E. Synonymic notes on African Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): genus Xelom Kraatz, including Sisyraphora Kraatz and Pseudoprotaetia Kraatz. vol.6/1 18pp. ill. R2.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1988 SA Irish, J. The southern African genera Stethomezium Hinton, Meziomorphum Pic and Lepimedozium Bellés (Coleoptera, Ptinidae, Gibbiinae). 18pp. R4.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1996 SA Insects—Africa, West Alibert, H. Les insectes vivant sur le cacaoyers en Afrique occidentale. (IFAN memoir, 15) 174pp. ill.pl. CFA4,000 IFAN 1951 SG FRE Malaka, S.L.O. Termites in West Africa. 165pp. ill. ($18.00/£9.95) Univ Lagos Press 1996 NR Monod, T., Nickles, M., Moll, F. Xylophages et pétricoles ouest-africains. (IFAN catalogues et documents, 8) 154pp. pl. CFA2,000 IFAN 1952 SG FRE Risbec, J. Les Chalcidoïdes d’AOF.II. Les microgaesterinae d’AOF. (IFAN memoir, 13) 473pp. ill.maps CFA3,500 IFAN 1950 SG FRE Villiers, A. Les lépidoptères de l’Afrique noire occidentale. Introduction: structure, moeurs, récolte, conservation, classification. 1,4 vols.(Initiations et Etudes Africaines, 14) 84pp. ill. CFA2,500 IFAN 1957 SG FRE Insects—Bibliography—Mascarene Islands Mamet, J.R. Bibliographie de l’entomologie des iles Mascareignes, 1771-1990. 318pp. Rs500.00 (£15.00) MSIRI 1992 MF FRE Insects—Ghana Kumar, R. Research in tropical insect science: a Ghanaian perspective. 18pp. C6.50 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1980 GH Insects—Guinea Villiers, A. Mission P.L. Dekeyser et A. Villiers en Guinée et en Côte d’Ivoire (1946) Insectes. vol.1(IFAN catalogues et documents, 5) 90pp. ill. CFA1,000 IFAN 1949 SG FRE Insects—Kenya International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology ICIPE annual report. 56pp. ICIPE 1997 KE Sithanantham, S., Kamau, G.M., Wekesa, E., Mwangi, K., comps. Improved insect pest management for maize, sorghum and cowpea production in cosatal Kenya: technology handbook for extentionists. 12pp. ICIPE 1996 KE Insects—Malawi Esbjerg, P. Field handbook of Malawi forest insects. 62pp. ill. FRI - Malawi 1976 MW Majawa, A.O. Phoracantha beetle in Malawi. (Forestry Research leaflet, 4) 14pp. ill. K1.50. FRI - Malawi 1981 MW Powell, W. A revised checklist of forest coleoptera in the reference collection at the Forestry Research Institute of Malalwi. (Forest Research Record, 59) 32pp. K3.00. FRI - Malawi 1986 MW Insects—Mauritius Ganeshan, S., Williams, J.R. Entomological parasitoid-host records from Mauritius. 2nd rev.ed.(MSIRI occasional papers, 36) ISBN: 9990324158 45pp. ill. Rs75.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 2000 MF
Interior decorating—South Africa Mamet, J.R., Williams, J.R. The recorded foodplants of Mauritian insects. (MSIRI occasional papers, 35) 202pp. Rs150.00 (£7.00) MSIRI 1993 MF
Insurance—Africa, West Collectif Code CIMA. L’assurance dans les pays membres de la CIMA. 202pp. C40,000 (Eur61.00) EDJA 1996 SG FRE
Williams, J.R., comp. Entomological parasite-host records from Mauritius. rev.ed.(MSIRI occasional papers, 32) 39pp. Rs50.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1980 MF
Insurance—Nigeria Elechi, I. Theory and principles of property and pecuniary insurance. ISBN: 9783038015 N3,500 Ano 2000 NR
Insects—Namibia Louw, S. Periodicity in and ecological equivalence between the ground-living Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera) in the southern Namib and Kalahari ecosystems with notes on phylogenetic relationships. 324pp. ill. R3.50 Nasionale Museum SA 1987 SA Insects—Nigeria Davies, H. Tsetse flies in Nigeria. 3rd ed. 340pp. ill. N47.95k Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Youdeowei, A. Our common insects. 45pp. ill. col. ill. N4.00 Ibadan UP 1975 NR Insects—Nigeria—Addresses and essays Youdeowei, A. Insects and Nigerians: the struggle for existence. 33pp. ($1.89/79p) N3.00 Ibadan UP 1980 NR Insects—South Africa Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Ecological notes and annotated checklist of the grasshoppers of the Savanna ecosystem project study area. (South African National Scientific Programmes Report, 74) CSIR 1983 SA Griffiths, C., Picker, M., Weaving, A. Field guide to insects of South Africa. ISBN: 1770070613 440pp. col.ill.col.pl. ($32.95) Struik Publ 2002 SA Grobler, L. A new Brasilobates Perez-Inigo & Baggio, 1980 from South Africa. (Acari: Oribatei: Oribatuloidea: Xylobatidae). (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 7/5) R3.50 Nasionale Museum SA 1991 SA Grobler, L. Two Otocepheid genera (Acari, Oribatida) from South Africa: Longocepheus Balogh & Mahunka and Trichocepheus Balogh & Mahunka. 40pp. ill. R6.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1995 SA Irish, J. Biogeography and systematics of South African - Lepistimatidae (Thysanura, Insecta) I. The Orange Free State. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 10/11) 42pp. ill.maps R7.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1994 SA Irish, J. Biogeography and systematics of South African Hepismatidae (Thysanura, Insecta) II. The central Karoo biome. 44pp. ill. R7.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1996 SA Louw, S. Species composition and seasonality of pitfall trapped Coleoptera at a site in the central Orange Free State, South Africa. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 5/15) 453pp. ill. R4.50 Nasionale Museum SA 1987 SA Samways, M., Whiteley, G. Dragonflies of the Natal Drakensberg. (Ukhahlamba, 6) 80pp. R45.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1997 SA Insects—Tropics Osuji, F. Outlines of stored products entomology for the tropics. 96pp. (£4.00) N6.00 Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Insurance Akintayo, L.A. Introduction to general insurance underwriting. ISBN: 9782951242 ($16.99/£10.99) CSS 1998 NR Elechi, I.U., Amussah, M.K. Understanding insurance. ISBN: 9783038298 300pp. Ano 2001 NR
Irukwu, J.O. The state, the individual and insurance. 244pp. ($17.50/£12.00) Fourth Dimension 1989 NR Insurance—South Africa Davis, D.M. Gordon and Getz: South African law of insurance. 4th ed. R295.00 Juta 1993 SA Reinecke, M.F.B., van der Merwe, S.W.J. General principles of insurance. Lawsa student text. 323pp. R140.22 Butterworth 1989 SA Insurance—Study and teaching Elechi, I. Introduction to insurance. ISBN: 9783038012 N500.00 Ano 2000 NR Fiiwe, J.L. Risk and insurance for beginners. ISBN: 9783038018 111pp. N500.00 Ano 2000 NR Intellectual property Social Cohesion and Integration Research Pregramme Intellectual property streetwise. What people in the creative industries need to know about intellectual property. ISBN: 0796920850 20pp. free HSRC Publ 2004 SA [available only electronically at www.hsrcpress.ac.za] Interior decorating see also Carpentry Needlework Woodwork Bell, V. Your own home. 80pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA Margolius, M. Create a stylish home - from flats to mansions. [Also available in Afrikaans.] cd. 128pp. col.pl. R89.95 Tafelberg 1994 SA MUL New Holland Publishers Ancient wisdom for the New Age: Feng Shui. ISBN: 1853689742 72pp. col.ill. R49.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Steyn, Z. Fun rooms for kiddies. Tafelberg 1989 SA
64pp. ill. R49.95
Interior decorating—South Africa Baraitser, M., Obholzer, A. Cape antique furniture. ISBN: 1868729377 cd. 432pp. col.pl. R250.00 New Holland 2004 SA Colvin, M. Touches of style. ISBN: 1875001522 144pp. ill. R89.95 Tafelberg 2001 SA de Villiers, J., Straw, L. Plascon paint effects. new ed. ISBN: 079814100X 144pp. col.pl. R99.95 Human and Rousseau 2000 SA Duncan, P. Down south. Home and interiors in South Africa. ISBN: 1868421961 cd. R325.00 Ball 2004 SA Hennigs, L., Niven, M. Decorative paint finishes. Over 15 paint effects to use in your home. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1853687790 128pp. col.pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Kench, J. Cottage furniture in South Africa. cd. 176pp. col.pl. R139.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Lanning, M., Roake, N., Horning, G. Life. Soweto style? ISBN: 1868728447 cd. 160pp. col.pl. R220.00 New Holland 2003 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Interior decorating—South Africa Luke, H. Decorative details. ISBN: 1853689432 80pp. col.ill.col.pl. R59.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Nel, M. Decorate with motifs. ISBN: 0798141352 112pp. col.ill. R79.95 Human and Rousseau 2001 SA Roos, K. Eight styles. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868725669 144pp. col.pl. R139.95 New Holland 2002 SA Roos, K., Meintjes, A. Outdoor living. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868725677 144pp. col.pl. R1139.95 New Holland 2001 SA Spaarwater, E. Interior decorating in South Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] cd. col.ill. col.pl. R94.95 Human and Rousseau 1984 SA Strauss, P. Africa style in South Africa. R159.95 Ball 1995 SA
Straw, L., de Villiers, J. Plascon homecare guide: how to maintain and decorate all interior and exterior surfaces. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 079814176X 144pp. col.pl. R99.95 Human and Rousseau 2002 SA Taylor, L. Design and decorate interiors. ISBN: 1853687952 192pp. col.pl. R139.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Teubes, A. Make your house a home. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624038319 128pp. ill. R99.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA International relations see also Commonwealth of Nations Politics and government and as a sub-division under names of specific countries Abraham, G., et al. A new world order? The implications of 11 September 2001. ISBN: 1919810404 119pp. R70.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA Anouma, R-P. UNESCO: principe et prix FHB. ISBN: 2863943669 254pp. CFA7,250 CEDA 2001 IV FRE Bowao, C.Z. La mondialité? Une prospective du sens historique. (Série nouvelles pistes, 2/ 2000) 71pp. CODESRIA 2000 SG FRE Draper, P., Mills, G., White, L. Much ado about something? Assessing the potential of the India-Brazil-SA forum. (SAIIA report, 46) ISBN: 1919969012 SA Inst Int Affairs 2004 SA Edmonds, M., Heine, J., eds. Looking sideways: the specifics of South-South co-operation. ISBN: 1874890838 145pp. R60.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1998 SA Edmonds, M., Lee, C., Mills, G., eds. New security paradigms. ISBN: 1919810374 187pp. R70.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2001 SA Fafowora, F. Pressure groups and foreign policy. 220pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Heinemann Educ Ib 1990 NR Guyatt, N. Another American century? The US and the world after 2000. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 1856497801 260pp. Weaver 2001 ZI [Zimbabwe only] INADES La mondialisation. (Bibliographie commentée, 36) 48pp. CFA2,500 Inades 1998 IV FRE Macrae, J., Zwi, A. War and hunger. Rethinking international responses to complex emergencies. 252pp. R84.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA [distr. in South Africa for Zed Books]
Subject index Mamdani, M. Good Muslim, bad Muslim: America the Cold War and the roots of terror. ISBN: 2869781342 320pp. ($20.95/£14.95) CODESRIA 2004 SG
Afana, D. France-Afrique(s): histoire d’ami-tiers: séduction mutuelle, mais usage différentiel. 157pp. Sherpa 2001 CM FRE
Meye, A.L. Seattle: la fin de la régionalisation des échanges. ISBN: 2912123054 86pp. Silence 2002 GO FRE
Ake, C. The marginalization of Africa. Notes on a productive confusion. 47pp. ($6.95/ £3.75) Malthouse 1996 NR
Mills, G., Siridopoulos, E., eds. New tools for reform and stability: sanctions, conditionalities and conflict resolution. ISBN: 1919969101 200pp. R80.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2004 SA
Akin Aina, T. Mundializaçao e politica social em Africa: questoes e pistas de investigaçao. [Also available in English and French.] 104pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1999 SG POR
Mills, G., Stremlau, J., eds. The commonwealth in the 21st century. ISBN: 1979810110 88pp. R50.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2000 SA Mulomba, P. Les enjeux de la mondialisation. ($11.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
Nel, P., Jordaan, E. Power, wealth and global order. Workbook. ISBN: 1919713468 320pp. R159.00 UCT Press 2000 SA Nel, P., McGowan, P.K. Power, wealth and global equity. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1919713646 388pp. R245.00 UCT Press 2002 SA Northedge, F.S. East-West relations, détente and after. (Univ. of Ife, Inst. of Administration Monograph Series, 4) 160pp. ($8.25/ £3.50) N4.25 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1975 NR Nwankwo, G.O. The new international economic order and the world monetary system. (NIIA, lecture series, 15) 40pp. N5.00 NIIA 1976 NR Pienaar, S. Gorbachev’s appointment and change in the USSR. 12pp. R4.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1985 SA Pieterse, E. Local activism in a global era: emerging debates for CBOs and NGDOs. 26pp. R20.00 Olive 1995 SA Schroeder, A. Rio to Jo’burg and beyond: the World Summit on sustainable development. (SAIIA report, 25) ISBN: 1919810528 SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA South African Institute of International Affairs Resolutions of the third conference of non-aligned states. 46pp. 30c. SA Inst Int Affairs 1971 SA von Habsburg, O. European unity. 11pp. 30c. SA Inst Int Affairs 1971 SA White, L. Argentina’s flight of Icarus. (SAIIA country report, 11) ISBN: 1919810536 SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA Yao-N’Dré, P., Schraepler, H.A. Organisations internationales. Le système des Nations Unies. vol.1 ISBN: 2911725921 320pp. NEI 1999 IV FRE
Aning, E.K. The United States and Africa’s new security order. (CDD critical perspectives, 7) ISBN: 9988614012 70pp. C35,000 ($10.00/£7.00) CDD 2001 GH Asiwaju, A.I., ed. Partitioned Africans. 350pp. maps ($11.50/£6.50) N25.00 Africa only Univ Lagos Press 1985 NR Awad, M.H. The East-West rapprochement: implications for Africa. (DSRC seminar series, 86) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1990 SJ Eastern and Southern African Universities Research Programme The cost of peace. Views of political parties on the transition to multiparty democracy. 166pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Tanz Publ House 1994 TZ Ejiofor, L.U. Africa in world politics. 154pp. N375.00 Africana First 1981 NR Eyinla, B.M. The foreign policy of West Germany towards Africa. 206pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Ibadan UP 1996 NR Gleijeses, P. Conflicting missions: Havana, Washington, Pretoria. ($45.00) Galago 2003 SA Kanyandogo, P., et al., eds. Marginalised Africa: an international perspective. ISBN: 9966218165 200pp. K.shs.400.00 ($5.00) Paulines 2002 KE Karlsson, M. For a genuine partnership with emerging Africa: a view from Sweden. ISBN: 9988584032 19pp. Inst Econ Aff - Ghana 1999 GH Labonte, R., Schrecker, T., Sanders, D., Meeus, W. Fatal indifference. The G8, Africa and global health. ISBN: 1919713840 400pp. R220.00 UCT Press 2004 SA [No SA. Co-published with International Development Research Centre.] Liniger-Goumaz, M. L’Eurafrique, utopie ou réalité? 114pp. CFA560.00 CLE 1972 CM FRE Maloka, E., le Roux, E. African foreign policies in the 21st century: working papers towards an African economic community. ISBN: 0790301422 R90.00 Africa Inst 2001 SA
Yao-N’Dré, P., Schraepler, H.A. Organisations internationales. Les organisations africaines. vol.2 ISBN: 2911725689 324pp. NEI 1999 IV FRE
Mills, G. Morocco and South Africa: globalisation, development and pivotal states. (SAIIA report, 29) ISBN: 1919810587 SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA
Yao-N’Dré, P., Schraepler, H.A. Les organisations internationales. Les organisations internationales d’intérêt africain. vol.3 ISBN: 2844870023 256pp. NEI 1999 IV FRE
Mills, G., Mutschler, C., eds. Exploring South-South dialogue: Mercosur in Latin America and SADC in southern Africa 1999. ISBN: 1874890978 198pp. R70.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1999 SA
International relations—Addresses and essays Ajomo, M.A. International peace and security. (NIIA, lecture series, 46) 21pp. ($4.50/£3.25) NIIA 1987 NR
Mills, G., Stremlau, J., eds. The reality behind the rhetoric: the United States, South Africa and Africa. ISBN: 191981020X 140pp. (£10.99) SA Inst Int Affairs 2000 SA
International relations—Africa Adebajo, A., Lansberg, C. Africa’s international relations. ISBN: 1919713000 UCT Press 2005 SA
Mills, M.P., Stremlau, J. Putting people first: African priorities for the UN millennium assembly. ISBN: 1919810145 129pp. R70.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2000 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Munene, M. The Truman administration and the decolonisation of sub-Saharan Africa. 242pp. ($19.50/£11.00) Nairobi UP 1996 KE Munene, M., Olewe Nyunya, J.D., Adar, K. The United States and Africa. 328pp. K.shs.760.00 EAEP 1995 KE Nabudere, D.W. The impact of East-West rapprochement on Africa. 77pp. ($4.00/£2.25) SAPES 1994 ZI Nwankwo, A.A. The African possibility in global power struggle. 2nd ed. ISBN: 978156394X cd. 312pp. ($47.50/£26.50) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Nwankwo, A.A. Perestroika and glasnost: their implications for Africa. 65pp. ($10.00/ £6.25.) Fourth Dimension 1990 NR Obiozor, G.A., Ajala, A. Africa and the UN system: the first 50 years. 276pp. N525.00 NIIA 1998 NR Offiong, D. Globalisation: post neodependency and poverty in Africa. ISBN: 978156475X 264pp. ($41.95/£24.95) Fourth Dimension 2001 NR Oluagbi, S. Japanese relations with Africa 1868-1978. 153pp. ($17.00/£9.50) Ibadan UP 1992 NR Owoeye, J. Japan’s policy in Africa. 200pp. ($15.95/ £10.95) College Press - Nig 1995 NR Rodney, W. How Europe underdeveloped Africa. 316pp. K.shs.1,320.00 EAEP 1989 KE [Kenya only] Semboja, J., Mwapachu, J., Jansen, E. Local perspectives on globalisation: the African case. ISBN: 9976873896 106pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2002 TZ Sindjoun, L. Les relations internationales africaines: entre états en crise et flux transnationaux. 95pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 2002 SG FRE Skidmore, N. Taiwanese development aid in Africa. (SAIIA report, 43) ISBN: 1919969209 SA Inst Int Affairs 2004 SA Swart, G. After 11 September 2001: an African perspective on US foreign policy. (AISA peace & governance series, 69) ISBN: 0798301635 20pp. R40.00 ($10.00) Africa Inst 2003 SA Tandon, Y., ed. Readings in African international relations. vol. 2 270pp. ($7.10/£3.40) K.shs.34.75 Kenya Lit Bureau 1974 KE Tandon, Y., ed. Readings in African international relations. vol. 1 cd. ($16.25/£6.50) K.shs.85.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1972 KE Tawfic, R. Reviewing good governance towards a methodology for the African peer review mechanism. (SAIIA report, 41) ISBN: 1919969195 SA Inst Int Affairs 2004 SA Zormelo, D., Mayer, P. Peace-keeping and peace-making: changes in international politics and implications for peace in Africa. 182pp. Ebert - Namibia 1996 SX International relations—Study and teaching Gaa, S.O. International relations in the 20th century in relation to the 8-4-4 syllabus. 111pp. K.shs.350.00 ($5.00) Lake 1993 KE McGowan, P.J., Nel, P. Power, wealth and global equity. An international relations textbook for Africa. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1919713646 408pp. R245.00 UCT Press 2002 SA
International trade—Africa, Southern International trade Ghai, D.P. The implications of E.E.C. enlargement for the Asian commonwealth countries. (IDS discussion paper, 187) 24pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Hough, J. Global business environments and strategies. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195718526 448pp. R338.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Kummer, K. Transboundary movements of hazardous wastes at the interface of environment and trade. (UNEP environment & trade, 7) 98pp. ($7.00) UNEP 1994 KE Ncube, P., Hartzenber, T., Tekere, M., eds. Emerging trade relations in the 21st century. ISBN: 1779051425 230pp. ill. SAPES 2002 ZI Twum-Barima, R. Protecting the ozone layer through trade measures: reconciling the trade provisions of the Montreal protocol and the rules of the GATT. (UNEP environment & trade, 6) 124pp. ($7.00) UNEP 1994 KE White, L., ed. Doing business in Latin America. ISBN: 1919969209 88pp. R80.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2005 SA Wirth, D.A. The role of science in the Uruguay round and NAFTA trade disciplines. (UNEP environment & trade, 8) 70pp. ($7.00) UNEP 1994 KE International trade—Africa Avafia, T., Hansohm, D. Political conditions in the Cotonou Agreement: economic and legal implications. (NEPRU working paper, 93) ISBN: 1026-9258 27pp. N$18.00 NEPRU 2004 SX Besada, H. Glimpse of hope in West Africa. The experience of South African firms doing business in Ghana. [Available as download.] ISBN: 1919969217 SA Inst Int Affairs 2005 SA Carrim, Y. The preferential trade area for Eastern and Southern Africa and COMESA: a call for suspension. (Southern African perspectives: a working paper series, 32) 33pp. Univ West Cape 1994 SA Chirwa, J.C. The impact of cross-border trade on price, production and inter-COMESA trade in eastern and southern Africa: an empirical analysis. 42pp. col.ill. COMESA 2001 ZA Draper, P., ed. Reconfiguring the compass. South Africa’s African trade diplomacy. 132pp. SA Inst Int Affairs 2005 SA Games, D. The experience of South African firms doing business in Africa: a preliminary survey and analysis. [Available as download.] ISBN: 1919969217 SA Inst Int Affairs 2004 SA Games, D. An oil giant reforms. The experience of South African firms doing business in Nigeria. [Available as download.] ISBN: 1919969284 SA Inst Int Affairs 2004 SA Gibb, R., Hughes, T., Mills, G., Vaahtoranta, T., eds. Charting a new course: globalisation, African recovery and the new African initiative. ISBN: 1919810447 214pp. R70.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA Grobbelaar, N. Every continent needs an America. The experience of South African firms doing buisness in Mozambique. [Available as download.] ISBN: 1919969233 SA Inst Int Affairs 2004 SA Kagira, B.M. The effects of regional integration on the performance of industry trade in eastern and southern Africa. ISBN: 9982260022 36pp. COMESA 2001 ZA
Kahuika, S. Ministerial meeting on crossborder trade, investment and payments in eastern and southern Africa and the Indian Ocean Area, Kampala, Uganda, 27 August 1993. (Travel and meeting reports, 8) 10pp. N$11.00 NEPRU 1994 SX Kallungia, S.K. Impact of informal cross-border trade in eastern and southern Africa. col.ill. 69 COMESA 2001 ZA Lee, M.C. America’s trade adventure in Africa: AGOA and the implications of a USSACU free trade agreement. (Africa Institute occasional paper, 73) ISBN: 0798301791 30pp. map R50.00 Africa Inst 2004 SA Lyakurwa, W.M. Trade policy and promotion in subSaharan Africa. (AERC special paper, 12) 67pp. AERC 1991 KE Mensah, S., ed. African capital markets in a global context. Proceedings of the international conference of the African capital markets forum 23-25 August, 1999. ISBN: 9988803001 199pp. ($41.95/£24.95) ACMF 2000 GH Mills, G., Skidmore, N., ds. Towards China Inc? Assessing the implications for Africa. ISBN: 1919969268 70pp. R80.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2004 SA Muroyi, R. The general agreement on trade in services (GATS): an overview of concerns for southern Africa. ISBN: 0797423516 87pp. SEATINI 2001 ZI Musonda, F. Intra-industry trade between members of hte PTA/COMESA regional trading arrangement of east, central and southern Africa. (AERC research paper, 64) 62pp. AERC 1997 KE Oyejide, T.A. Regional integration and trade liberalization in sub-Saharan Africa: an AERC collaborative research project. (AERC special paper, 28) 48pp. AERC 1997 KE Sunny, G. A common market for eastern and southern Africa: costs and benefits. ISBN: 9982360065 80pp. col.ill. COMESA 2001 ZA White, L. Driving SACU-Mercosur: trans-Atlantic co-operation in the automotive industry. (SAIIA report, 34) ISBN: 1919969055 SA Inst Int Affairs 2003 SA International trade—Africa, Francophone Bamou, E. Trade liberalization and economic performance of Cameroon and Gabon. ISBN: 9966944133 50pp. ill. AERC 1999 KE International trade—Africa, Southern Bertelsmann-Scott, J., Mills, G., Sidiropoulous, E. The EU-SA agreement. South Africa, southern Africa and the European Union. ISBN: 1919810129 138pp. SA Inst Int Affairs 2000 SA Blaauw, L., Hansen, M., Motinga, J. Focus on the SADC free trade area. (NEPRU viewpoint, 17) free NEPRU 1998 SX Centre for Southern African Studies Extracts from PTA trade and development strategy. Zambia,1992. (Southern African perspectives: Backgrounder, 9) 46pp. R5.00 ($3.00) Univ West Cape 1992 SA Chipeta, C., ed. Trade and investment in southern Africa. Towards regional economic co-operation and integration. ISBN: 1779050763 151pp. ($18.95/£10.95) SAPES 1998 ZI
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
International trade—Africa, Southern Hartzenberg, T., ed. SADC-EU trade relations. (Southern African political economy series, 12) ISBN: 1779050984 36pp. ($24.95/£14.95) SAPES 2000 ZI Kangueehi, T. Report on avoiding marginalisation: can South and southern Africa become globally competetive? (Travel and meeting reports, 10) 6pp. N$10.00 NEPRU 1995 SX International trade—Africa, West Isemede, J.O. Exporting in West Africa. A practical guide. ISBN: 9780231145 401pp. ($37.95/£22.95) Malthouse 2003 NR Ogunkola, E.O. An empirical evaluation of trade potential in the economic community of West African states. (AERC research paper, 84) 40pp. AERC 1998 KE International trade—Benin Balaro, G. Analyse des contraintes d’offre dans la baisse des performances à l’exportation du Bénin. 37pp. CODESRIA 1998 SG FRE International trade—Botswana Jeske, J. Botswana’s external trade in the light of the Lomé Convention 30-31 October 1978. NIDCR 1978 BS International trade—Congo Democratic Republic CADICEC Activités du CADICEC 1987. 48pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1987 ZR FRE CADICEC Le commerce extérieur et la relance économique du Zaïre. Actes du séminaire-Cadicec: Fikin 1985. 79pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1986 ZR FRE CADICEC Commerce international et valeur d’entreprise, appui indispensable de la croissance économique. Actes du colloque Cadicec-F.K.A.: Fikin 1989. 48pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1990 ZR FRE CADICEC La micro-entreprise congolaisee et la mondialisation: enjeux et perspectives. 80pp. CFA100.00 ($2.90) Cadicec 2000 ZR FRE CADICEC Nouvelle C.C.A. et nouvelles mesures douanières. 48pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1987 ZR FRE CADICEC Les ONG et le développement du Zaïre. 48pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1987 ZR FRE CADICEC La P.M.E. face aux marchés étrangers. 48pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1987 ZR FRE CADICEC P.M.E. zaïroise. Quels marchés avec S.N.E.L.? 63pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1989 ZR FRE CADICEC La P.M.E.congolaise et les effets de la mondialisation de l’économie. Actes du colloque. 96pp. ($2.90) Cadicec 1997 ZR FRE CADICEC Les quatre journées euroafricaines de la P.M.E. pour une redynamisation du partenariat euroafricain. 57pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1989 ZR FRE Kela, A. Entreprises congolaises et la mondialisation: enjeux et perspectives. 202pp. ($18.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Mule, J. Commerce international et valeur d’entreprise. 140pp. ($9.90) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE International trade—Ghana Fosu, K.Y. The real exchange rate and Ghana’s agricultural exports. (AERC research paper, 9) 87pp. AERC 1992 KE
International trade—Kenya Clarke, J.R. Foreign investment and economic growth: the case of Mr. Newman. 5pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1966 KE Herman, B. Some basic data for analysing the political economy of foreign investment in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 112) 19pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1971 KE
International trade—Tanzania Mbogoro, D.A.K. Global trading arrangements and their relevance to Tanzania economic development: challenges and prospects. 138pp. Ebert - Namibia 1996 SX Musonda, F.M. Tanzania’s trade with TA countries: a special emphasis on non-traditional products. (AERC research paper, 31) AERC 1995 KE
Hopcraft, P. Toward a protectionist economy? Some reactions to the import bans and controls recently imposed by the Kenya government. (IDS working paper, 29) 10pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE
International trade—Uganda Ssemogerere, G., Kasekende, L.A. Constraints to the development and diversification of non-traditional exports in Uganda, 1981-90. (AERC research paper, 28) AERC 1994 KE
Porter, R.C. Estimating the efficiency of export by means of brief business interviews. (IDS working paper, 68) 19pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE
Internet see also Computers and computing Information sciences
Power, J.H. A note on protection and the processing of primary commodities. (IDS working paper, 60) Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Vinnai, V. Kenya’s African trade 1964-1970. (IDS working paper, 30) 30pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE
Atwood, R.A. Transforming the Internet. Toward a reformed ontology of human technics. (IRS study pamphlets, 368) ISBN: 1868223205 Inst Reformational Studies 1998 SA Berger, G. The internet: a goldmine for editors and reporters. Inst Soc Res 1996 SA
Vinnai, V. Kenya’s external trade, 1964-71. (IDS discussion paper, 165) 34pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE
Goldstuck, A. The art of business on the Internet. A South African handbook. 183pp. Zebra 1996 SA
Wasow, B. Measuring protection and its effects in Kenya. (IDS working paper, 37) 34pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE
Goldstuck, A. Hitchhiker’s guide to the Internet. 3rd ed. ISBN: 1868720721 336pp. R68.95 Zebra 1998 SA
International trade—Namibia Schade, K. Namibia’s trade with Angola. (NEPRU working paper, 64) 22pp. N$17.00 NEPRU 1998 SX
Naidoo, K. African journalism for 2000: an Internet handbook for African journalists. ISBN: 0868103357 R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA
International trade—Nigeria Chibundu, V. NICAF goes to Guangzhou. ISBN: 9780294414 28pp. N240.00 Spectrum 2003 NR
Naidoo, K. Travelling the data highway. ISBN: 086810356X R50.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA
Garba, P.K. The Nigerian foreign exchange market: possibilities for convergence in exchange rates. (AERC research paper, 55) 35pp. AERC 1997 KE Osuntogun, A., Edordu, C.C., Oramah, B.O. Potentials for diversifying Nigeria’s nonoil exports to non-traditional mrkets. (AERC research paper, 68) 36pp. AERC 1997 KE International trade—South Africa Bond, P. Against global apartheid. South Africa meets the World Bank, IMF and International finance. rev. ed. ISBN: 1919713565 302pp. R149.00 UCT Press 2002 SA Ligthelm, A.A. The impact of South Africa’s foreign trade on the country’s spatial development. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 269) 273pp. Bur Market Research 1999 SA Ligthelm, A.A. Linking South African foreign trade with manufacturing developments. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 137) ISBN: 1919789642 137pp. R1,500 Bur Market Research 2003 SA Mhone, G., Edigheji, O. Governance in the new South Africa: the challenges of globalisation. ISBN: 1919713875 R159.00 UCT Press 2003 SA Mills, G. Nyet and the nomenklature. South Africa and shipbuilding in the Ukraine. (SAIIA report, 31) ISBN: 1919810625 SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA
Pontifical Council for Social Communications The church and internet and ethics in internet. ISBN: 9966218300 40pp. Paulines 2002 KE Silber, G. The PC parent: you and your kids in the age of computers. 200pp. R59.95 Zebra 1997 SA United Nations Environment Programme INFOTERRA Internet guide to environment and development. 500pp. ($30.00) UNEP 1996 KE Internet—Africa—Directories Young, L. The all-Africa Internet guide. ISBN: 0958434069 336pp. col.ill. R94.95 ($18.95/£10.95) M&G 2001 SA Internet—Directories Fleet, M., Mhambi, K. MediaLink: a media directory of email and WWW sites for southern Africa. 41pp. free SAFAIDS 1999 ZI Internet—South Africa Buys, R., ed. Cyberlaw SA. The law of the Internet in South Africa. [Book and CD-ROM.] ISBN: 0627024513 501pp. R299.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA Erwin, G., Blewett, C.N. E-commerce: a handbook. ISBN: 0702158429 120pp. Juta 2003 SA Goldstuck, A. The hitchhiker’s guide to going wireless. The South African handbook of mobile technology. ISBN: 1770130349 176pp. R100.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Meyer, D., Cilliers, L. The M-web companion: get the best out of your service provider. ISBN: 0624038831 148pp. ill. R79.95 Tafelberg 2002 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Iran—Politics and government Bayat, A. Street politics: poor people movements in Iran. ISBN: 9774244710 258pp. E£55.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1998 UA [Middle East only] Ireland—Pictorial works Haines, T. The house at the edge of the world. ISBN: 0958434085 130pp. pl. M&G 2001 SA Iron industry and trade—Congo Democratic Republic Nkundikije, B. Le développement de l’industrie sidérurgique et son intégration en Afrique Centrale. 83pp. Z80.00 Press Univ Congo 1982 ZR FRE Islam see also Architecture, Islamic Art, Islamic Law, Islamic Abu Madyan The way of Abu Madyan. trans.f.t Arabic by Vincent J. Cornell 208pp. E£80.00 ($29.95) Am Univ 1996 UA Aisha Lemu, B. Animals in Islam. 40pp. ill. N138.00 ($4.95/£2.75) Spectrum 1993 NR Al-Iskanderi, I.A.A. The key to salvation. trans.f.t. Arabic by Mary Ann Koury-Danner 288pp. E£80.00 ($27.85) Am Univ 1996 UA [Middle East only] Al-Nawawi Al-Nawawi’s forty hadith. trans.f.t. Arabic by Ezzedin Ibrahim and Denys Johnson-Davies 131pp. E£60.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1997 UA [Middle East only] Al-Nawawi Al-Nawawi’s manual of Islam. 148pp. E£40.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 1996 UA [Middle East only] al-Sayyib, A-W. Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya in the invocation of God. trans.f.t. Arabic by M. Abdurrahman Fitzgerald and Youssef Slitine ISBN: 0946621772 202pp. E£112.00 ($24.00) Am Univ 2000 UA [Egypt only] Al Ghazali Al Ghazali on invocations and supplications. trans.f.t. Arabic by Kojiro Nakamura 174pp. E£60.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1990 UA Al Ghazali Al Ghazali on spiritual discipline. trans.f.t. Arabic by T.J. Winter 375pp. E£90.00 ($29.95) Am Univ 1992 UA Al Ghazali Al Ghazali on the ninety nine beautiful names of God. trans.f.t. Arabic by D. Burrell and N. Daher 224pp. E£80.00 ($27.95) Am Univ 1992 UA Al Ghazali Al Ghazali on the remembrance of death and the afterlife. trans. f.t. Arabic by T.J. Winter 174pp. E£90.00 ($29.95) Am Univ 1989 UA Al Rahman Azzam, A. The eternal message of Muhammad. 320pp. E£60.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1993 UA American University in Cairo Hadith literature: its origin development and special features. trans.f.t. Arabic by Muhammad Zubair Siddiqui 191pp. E£70.00 ($24.95) Am Univ 1993 UA Ar-Rahman as-Sulami, A.A. Early Sufi women. trans.f.t. Arabic by Rkia Elaroui Cornell ISBN: 1887752064 270pp. E£125.00 ($24.95) Am Univ 2000 UA [Middle East only] Bakar, O. The history and philosophy of Islamic science. ISBN: 0946621837 278pp. E£112.00 ($24.00) Am Univ 1999 UA [Egypt only]
Islam Bello, et Belief ISBN: Press
al. and practices of a pious Muslim. 9780307214 41pp. ($5.80) Univ - Nig 2001 NR
ben Jelloun, T. Islam explained. trans.f.t. French by Franklin Philip ISBN: 1919931457 120pp. R135.00 Jacana 2003 SA [SA only] Burrell, D. Al-Ghazali’s faith in unity and trust in divine providence. trans.f.t. Arabic ISBN: 1887752358 180pp. E£95.00 ($18.95) Am Univ 2001 UA [Middle East only] Burrell, D. Al-Ghazali’s path to Sufism. trans.f.t. Arabic ISBN: 1887752307 115pp. E£65.00 ($12.95) Am Univ 2001 UA [Middle East only] Centre de Publications Evangéliques Incha-allah. 5pp. CFA30.00 CPE 1979 IV FRE Centre de Publications Evangéliques Islam et salut. 7pp. CFA30.00 CPE 1992 IV FRE Dicko, S.O. Hamallah, le protégé de Dieu. ISBN: 2910454703 cd. 162pp. pl. CFA6,000 Jamana 1999 ML FRE du Pasquier, R. Unveiling Islam. trans.f.t. French by T.J. Winter 168pp. E£40.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 1992 UA Eaton, G. Remembering God: reflections on Islam. ISBN: 0946621845 242pp. E£105.00 ($22.00) Am Univ 2000 UA [Egypt only] Esposito, J.L. Political Islam. Revolution, radicalism or reform? 280pp. E£65.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1997 UA [Middle East only] Finlay, M. Dieu qui parle aux hommes. vol.1 78pp. CFA800.00 CPE 1988 IV FRE Fondation Cheikh Yacouba Sylla Cheikh Yakouba Sylla ou le sens d’un combat. ISBN: 2913942318 112pp. pl. CFA6,000 (Eur12.00) EDILIS 2002 IV FRE Guenena, N. The ‘Jihad’: an Islamic alternative. (Cairo papers in social science, 9/3) 104pp. ($7.50) E£20.00 Am Univ 1986 UA Henry, G., Baker, R., eds. Merton and Sufism: the untold story. ISBN: 1887752072 342pp. E£130.00 ($25.95) Am Univ 2000 UA [Middle East only] Humphreys, R.S. Islamic history. A framework for enquiry. 415pp. E£60.00 ($16.00) Am Univ 1992 UA [Egypt only] Johnson-Davies, D. Al-Ghazali on the manners relating to eating. trans.f.t. Arabic ISBN: 094662173 96pp. E£91.00 ($19.00) Am Univ 2000 UA [Egypt only] Kamali, M.H. Freedom of expression in Islam. 360pp. E£90.00 ($29.95) Am Univ 1997 UA Kateregga, B., Shenk, D. Islam and Christianity. 208pp. K.shs.250.00 Uzima 1980 KE Le Gai Eaton, C. Islam and the destiny of man. 242pp. E£70.00 ($24.95) Am Univ 1984[?] UA Lings, M. Muhammad: his life based on the earliest sources. 361pp. E£90.00 ($29.95) Am Univ 1995 UA Lings, M. A Sufi saint of the twentieth century: Shaikh Ahmad Al ‘Alawi. 368pp. E£70.00 ($24.95) Am Univ 1993 UA
Lings, M. What is Sufism? 133pp. E£40.00 ($14.95) Am Univ 1993 UA Littlejohn, H.T. Al-Ghazali on patience and thankfulness. trans.f.t. Arabic ISBN: 0946621896 146pp. E£175.00 ($37.00) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Madany, B.M. The Bible and Islam: sharing God’s word with a Muslim. 81pp. ($5.50) Inst Reformational Studies 1987 SA Mazrui, A.A. Islam between globalization and counterterrorism. ISBN: 0852558848 352pp. (£14.95) EAEP 2005 KE [co-published with James Currey, UK and Africa World Press, USA & Canada] McCarthy, R. Al-Ghazali ‘s deliverance from error. ISBN: 1887752277 333pp. E£150.00 ($29.95) Am Univ 2000 UA [Middle East only] Moloney, M. Dialogue with Islam. ISBN: 9966213333 62pp. K.shs.40.00 ($0.80) Paulines 1998 KE Nasr, S.H. Ideal and realities of Islam. ISBN: 094662187X 236pp. E£91.00 ($19.00) Am Univ 2001 UA [Middle East only] Nasr, S.H. Islam and the plight of man. ISBN: 1903682045 312pp. E£105.00 ($22.00) Am Univ 2000 UA [Egypt only] Nasr, S.H. Science and civilisation in Islam. 394pp. E£60.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1987 UA Nasr, S.H. A young Muslim’s guide to the modern world, or through the veil obscurely. 270pp. E£60.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1994 UA Nettler, R.L. Sufi metaphysics and Qur’anic prophets: Ibn ‘Arabi’s thought and method in the Fusu al-Hikam. ISBN: 1903682061 160pp. E£126.00 ($27.00) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Segdwick, M. Sufism. The essentials. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9774248236 104pp. E£50.00 ($17.95/ £14.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Shaker, A.F. Al-Ghazali on intention, sincerity and truthfulness. trans.f.t. Arabic ISBN: 0946621918 174pp. E£105.00 ($22.00) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Shaker, A.F. Al-Ghazali on poverty and abstinence. ISBN: 0946621764 146pp. E£112.00 ($24.00) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Siraj al Din, A.B. The book of certainty: the Sufi doctrine of faith, vision and gnosis. 100pp. E£30.00 ($9.95) Am Univ 1992 UA Skellie, W.J., trans. Al-Ghazali’s marvels of the heart. ISBN: 1887752315 E£120.00 ($24.95) Am Univ 2001 UA [Middle East only] Talbi, M. Plaidoyer pour un islam moderne. ISBN: 9981838837 Dir45.00 Fennec 1998 MR FRE Temimi, A. Etudes sur les relations islamochrétiennes. [In Arabic and French.] 232pp. FTRSI 1996 TI MUL Van Gerpen, E. Notes sur l’Islam. 124pp. CFA1,600 CPE 1992 IV FRE Zanned, T. Symboliques corporelles & espaces musulmans. 154pp. D3,000. Cérès 1984 TI FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Islam—Addresses and essays Islam—Addresses and essays Abdullah, T., O’Kane, B., Sakkut, H., Serag, M. Arab and Islamic studies in honor of Marsden-Jones. cd. 272pp. ill. E£80.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 1997 UA Islam—Africa Alkali, N., et al. Islam in Africa. Proceedings of the Islam in Africa conference. 454pp. ($33.00/ £18.50) Spectrum 1993 NR de Wall, A. Islamism and its enemies in the Horn of Africa. ISBN: 1931253293 279pp. ($20.00) Shama 2004 ET Diagne, S.B. Islam et société ouverte: la fidélité et le mouvement dans la pensée de Muahmmad Iqbal. ISBN: 2706814721 108/pp. CFA9,000 ($20.00/£13.95/ Eur20.00) CODESRIA 2001 SG FRE Hunwick, J.O. Study of Muslim Africa: retrospect and prospect. 55pp. C1.50 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1976 GH Levtzon, N., Pouwels, R.L. The history of Islam in Africa. ISBN: 086486454X cd. & 592pp. ($75.00 cd.) ($26.95 pap.) Philip 2000 SA [Southern Africa only. Also published by EAEP, Kenya] Naude, J.A. Islam in Africa. 8pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1978 SA Islam—Africa, East Safari, J.F. The making of Islam in East Africa. 120pp. T.shs.700.00 ($2.00) Ndanda Mission 1994 TZ Islam—Africa, West Fondation Temimi pour la Recherche Scientifique et l’Information La culture arabo-islamique en Afrique au Sud du Sahara: cas de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. 487pp. FTRSI 1997 TI FRE
Islam—Study and teaching al Din Ahmad ibn Taymiyya, T. The goodly word. trans.f.t. Arabic by Ezzeddin Ibrahim and Denys JohnsonDavies [Bi-lingual text in English and Arabic.] ISBN: 1903682150 E£130.00 ($15.50) Am Univ 2003 UA MUL [Egypt only] Islam, I.K. Revision I.R.E. for K.C.P.E. (with answers). 152pp. K.shs.190.00 EAEP 1991 KE La Salandra, T. About Islam. ISBN: 9966217762 48pp. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2004 KE Lemu, B.A. A student’s introduction to Islam. 104pp. ill. N1.05 Macmillan - Nig 1972 NR Maududi, A.A. Guide to Islam. 1969 NR
179pp. N1.00 West
Nelson, K. The art of reciting the Qur’an. ISBN: 97742459X6 272pp. E£80.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 2001 UA Norlén, G. Islam and its world. ISBN: 9987657028 280pp. T.shs.3,500 ($8.00) Makumira 2001 TZ Ozigboh, I.K. An introduction to the religion and history of Islam. new ed. ISBN: 9781563125 166pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Islam—Study and teaching (Secondary) Balogun, M.A., Muhammed, F.I., Nasiru, W.D.A. Islamic studies for junior secondary schools. bk.3 200pp. ill. N30.00 Longman - Nig 1992 NR Islam—Sudan Awad, M.H. Economic islamization in the Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 50) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ
Islam—Dictionaries Opeloye, M.O. A dictionary of peoples and places in the Qu’ran. ISBN: 9781530391 180pp. pl. (£3.69) West African Bk 2001[?] NR
Awad, M.M. Economic islamization in Sudan II: Islamization of the agrarian system (DSRC seminar series, 92) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1991 SJ
Islam—Examinations, questions Olayede, et al. Exam focus Islamic studies. ISBN: 9780308199 245pp. ($18.50) Univ Press - Nig 2003 NR
Islam—Uganda Kanyeihamba, G.W. Reflections on the Muslim leadership questions in Uganda. ISBN: 9970021508 159pp. ($19.50/£11.00) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG
Islam—Malawi Bone, D.S., ed. Malawi’s muslims. Historical perspectives. ISBN: 9990816158 219pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Kachere 2000 MW Islam—Morocco Alami, A., et al. Femmes et Islam. ISBN: 9981838632 182pp. Dir60.00 Fennec 1998 MR FRE Sebit, F. Vivre musulmane au Maroc - guide des droits et des obligations. ISBN: 9981838608 152pp. Dir40.00 Fennec 1998 MR FRE Islam—Senegal Diaw, M. Qui est Cheikh Saa’d Bouh, Boroom Nimzat? ISBN: 2844020097 174pp. CFA5,000 (Eur7.62) Xamal 1998 SG FRE Monteil, V. Esquisses sénégalaises (Wâlo, Kayor, Dyolof, Mourides, un visionnaire) (Initiations et Etudes Africaines, 21) 243pp. ill. CFA2,700 IFAN 1966 SG FRE Islam—South Africa Haron, M. Muslims in South Africa. 211pp. R95.00 South African Lib 1997 SA
Kayunga, S.S. Islamic fundamentalism in Uganda: a case of the Tabligh Youth Movement. (CBR working paper, 37) 92pp. ($11.550) Centre Basic Res UG Kazosi, A.B. The spread of Islam in Uganda. 152pp. K.shs.276.00 OUP - Nairobi 1986 KE Islam—Zimbabwe Mandivenga, E.C. Islam in Zimbabwe. Mambo 1983 ZI
81pp. ($7.70)
Israel—Atlases and maps New Holland Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Israel. [Folded: 250x125mm; sheet: 1000x750mm; scale: 1:2,500,000. Text in English, French and German.] ISBN: 1853685763 map R39.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Israel—Guide books Bryant, S. Globetrotter travel guide to Israel. ISBN: 1853685712 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Israel—History Ogunde, R.A. An outline history of Israel. 128pp. ill. N1.20 Macmillan - Nig 1972 NR
Israel—Pictorial works Bourbon, F. The Holy Land: yesterday and today. [Lithographs and diaries by David Roberts RA.] cd. 272pp. col.ill. E£190 ($59.50) Am Univ 1996 UA [Middle East only except Israel, Kuwait and Turkey] Osman, C. Jerusalem: caught in time. ISBN: 9774245229 159pp. col.ill. E£75.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 1999 UA Iteso (African people)—Anthropology, Socio-cultural Omusolo, F.B. Iteso survival rites on the birth of twin children. ISBN: 9966963588 32pp. K.shs.120.00 ($7.00/£5.00) Zapf 2001 KE Izon language—Dictionaries Williamson, K., Timitimi, A.O., eds. Short Izon-English dictionary. (Delta Series, 3) 222pp. Univ Port Harcourt Press 1983 NR Jabavu, D.D.T.—Biography Higgs, C. The ghost of equality. The public lives of D.D.T. Jabavu of South Africa, 18851959. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 69) 276pp. R99.95 Mayibuye 1997 SA Jabavu, Noni—Autobiography Jabavu, N. The ochre people. 2nd ed. 261pp. R11.50 Ravan 1982 SA Jamaica—International relations Green, I. The effect of the population explosion on Jamaica’s international relations. (Research paper, 3) 85pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1966 SA Jardine, Bill—Biography van Wyk, C. Now listen here. The life and times of Bill Jardine. ISBN: 1919855084 260pp. pl. R175.00 ($35.00/£30.00) STE 2003 SA Jaxaaw language Diop, A. F. Les nominaux en sereer-siin: parler de Jaxaaw. 175pp. CFA1,500 NEAS 1980 SG FRE Jeevanjee, Alibhai Mulla—Biography Patel, Z. Alibhai Mulla Jevanjee. ISBN: 9966251111 90pp. ill.pl. K.shs.320.00 ($14.95/£8.95) EAEP 2001 KE Patel, Z. Jeevanjee: rebel of the empire. ISBN: 9966951075 86pp. col.ill. Kshs210.00 ($9.95) Sasa Sema 2002 KE Jennings, G.—Autobiography Jennings, G. Franschhoek memories. ISBN: 1919930795 224pp. R130.00 Double Storey 2004 SA Jithoo, Urmila—Autobiography Jithoo., U. From the table of my memory. ISBN: 1919930213 160pp. pl. R165.00 Double Storey 2003 SA John Paul II—Biography Filles de St Paul Jean Paul II, souvenirs et testaments aux africains. ISBN: 2914624409 48pp. ill.pl. FC750.00 ($1.50) Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE Jordan—Travel Amin, M., Willetts, D., Kiley, S. Journey through Jordan. cd. 192pp. col.pl. (£25.00) Camerapix 1994 KE Journalism see also Censorship Communication Mass media Press Publishing and book industries Bonnah Koomson, A.K. Journalism and ethics. Ghana 1997 GH
77pp. Ebert -
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 290
African Books in Print
Subject index
Kamungu, Leonard—Biography
Chiamuta, L.O. Public journalism and globalization of communication. ISBN: 9783186329 252pp. N2,200 ($25.00/£23.50) Pen Comms 2002 NR
Journalism—Nigeria Agbese, D. Style: the Newswatch style book. 152pp. N500.00 ($10.00/£10.00) Newswatch 1996 NR
Davies, P. Chasing the game. Sporting tails from Jo’burg to Jamaica. 200pp. R79.95 Zebra 1997 SA
Journalism—South Africa Beckett, D. Redeeming features. ISBN: 0143024469 221pp. R87.72 Penguin SA 2001 SA
du Preez Bezdrob, A.M. Sarajevo roses: war memoir of a peacekeeper. ISBN: 1770070311 384pp. R129.95 Oshun 2004 SA Eby, O. News writing: Africa Christian writers’ course. vol.1 47pp. 40c. 35t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1972 MW Fielding, M., English, J., Howard, E., van der Merwe, N. The universal journalist. 2nd ed. ISBN: 191971359X 224pp. R120.00 UCT Press 2000 SA Ghana Journalists Association Boundaries of privacy and public interest. 117pp. C1,500 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1994 GH Greer, G. A new introduction to journalism. ISBN: 070214374X 240pp. R145.00 Juta 1999 SA Kwame Boafo, S.T., ed. Module on development communication. bk.1(Communication teaching and study materials. 3) 66pp. ($5.00) K.shs.7.00 African Coun Comm 1991 KE Kwame Boafa, S.T., ed. Module on development communication. bk.2(Communication teaching and study materials, 4) 72pp. ill. ($5.00) K.shs.7.00 African Coun Comm 1991 KE Kwame Boafo, S.T., ed. Module on specialized reporting. (Communication teaching and study materials, 2) 66pp. ($5.00) K.shs.7.00 African Coun Comm 1991 KE Peters, M. Beyond Lobengula Street. ISBN: 0864865473 224pp. pl. New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA Somonsson, B. Feature writing: Africa Christian writers’ course. vol.2 34pp. 35c. 30t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1972 MW Journalism—Africa Kaba, M. Nouvelles d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. 206pp. CFA2,500 ($6.25) Jamana 1991 ML FRE Kasoma, F.P. Journalism ethics in Africa. 275pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Ravan 1993 SA [Also published in Kenya by African Council for Commission] Naidoo, K. Networking journalism trainers for the digital era. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1997 SA Okigbo, C. Reporting politics and public affairs. 369pp. ($30.00/£16.75) African Coun Comm 1994 KE Ponthieu, G., Barrot, P. The art of journalism. Thirty questions and answers. trans.f.t. French by K. Sesana ISBN: 9966215301 144pp. ($7.50) Paulines 2002 KE Journalism—Cameroun Lingo, C. Feuilles au vent. CFA3,500 CLE 2000 CM FRE Journalism—Kenya Caramazza, G. News reporting and broadcasting. 144pp. K.shs.250.00 ($6.00/Eur5.00) New People 2002 KE Mworia, H. I, the Gikuyu and the white fury. 187pp. K.shs.510.00 ($17.50/£9.50) EAEP 1994 KE
Goldstuck, A. Making money from freelance journalism. 209pp. R49.99 Penguin SA 1992 SA Grobler, J. The war reporter at large. ISBN: 1868421864 R249.95 Ball 2004 SA Hadland, A., ed. The fourth estate: essays in South African journalism. ISBN: 0796920974 256pp. ill. R180.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Kruger, F. Black, white and grey: ethics in South African journalism. ISBN: 1919930957 288pp. R175.00 Double Storey 2005 SA La Brie, H. On the education of minority journalists: the experience in the United States and South Africa. 48pp. ($3.50/£2.00) R1.50 Cont Cult Studies 1985 SA Landman, R. Ruda Landman off camera. ISBN: 1919930191 224pp. pl. R120.00 Double Storey 2003 SA Macfarlane, D., ed. Mail & Guardian bedside book. ISBN: 0620262451 167pp. ($20.75/£12.95) M&G 2001 SA Manoim, I. You have been warned. 217pp. pl. R120.95 Penguin SA 1996 SA Mulholland, S. Another voice II. ISBN: 0864865422 208pp. R150.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Randall, D. The universal journalist. 2nd ed. ISBN: 191971359X R135.00 UCT Press 2000 SA Sampson Drum. The making of a magazine. ISBN: 1868422119 R159.95 Ball 2005 SA Shaw, G. The Cape Time: an informal history. ISBN: 0864864043 cd. 378pp. Philip 1999 SA Stein, S. Who killed Mr Drum? (Mayibuye history and literature series, 93) ISBN: 1868084515 245pp. R67.50 Mayibuye 1999 SA Younghusband, P.L. Every meal a banquet. Every night a honeymoon. Unforgettable African experiences. ISBN: 1868421678 R139.95 Ball 2004 SA Journalism—Study and teaching Ansell, G. Introduction to journalism. ISBN: 1770090797 296pp. R145.00 ($20.00/ £11.50) Jacana 2005 SA Greer, G. Introduction to journalism. ISBN: 070214374X 136pp. R135.00 Juta 2002 SA Keats, F. Introducing journalism, in four easy lessons. A creative approach. ISBN: 1919721223 56pp. R35.00 ($4.50/£3.50) UmSinsi 1998 SA Judaism Theron, B. Ancient Israelite literature in context. ISBN: 1919825452 239pp. R89.95 Protea 2001 SA
Ju’hoan (African people)—Anthropology, Socio-cultural Biesele, M. Women like meat. Ju/’hoan Bushman folklore and foraging ideology. 196pp. ill. R69.95 Witwatersrand UP 1992 SA [Southern Africa only] Kabiye—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Nouvelles Editiona Africaines du Togo Mon syllabaire kabye. CFA450 NEA Togo 1987 TG FRE Kabiye language—Dictionaries Paaluki (Balouki) Léxique bilingue kabyè-français/françaiskabyè. 71pp. CFA1,250 HaHo 1995 TG MUL Kaggia, Bildad—Biography Mwangi, E. Bildad Kaggia: voice of the people. ISBN: 9966951040 112pp. col.ill. K.shs.190.00 ($9.95) Sasa Sema 2001 KE Kaggwa, Julius—Autobiography Kaggwa, J. From Juliet to Julius. 115pp. ($6.50/ £3.50) Fountain Publ-Ug 1997 UG Kailembo, Andrew Mtagwaba—Biography Gona, G. Andrew Mtagwaba Kailembo: the life and times of a South African trade unionist. ISBN: 9966909257 226pp. ill. (£14.95) CUEA 2002 KE Kalenjin—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Jolly, R. Atindonikab Betusiechu. [Stories of today.] 1, 2 bks. ill. ($1.25/50p.) K.shs.1.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1958 KE KAL Jolly, R. et al. Atindonikab Betusiechu. [Stories of today.] 2, 2 bks. ill. ($1.25/50p.) K.shs.1.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1958 KE KAL Kalenjin language Toweett, T. A study of Kalenjin linguistics. 472pp. ($20.85/£8.35) K.shs.120.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Kalenjin language—Dictionaries Towet, T.A. English, Swahili, Kalenjin nouns pocket dictionary. 97pp. (£2.00/$5.00) K.shs.25.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Kamau, Aloys—Biography Mina, G. Aloys Kamau. Teacher and martyr. ISBN: 9966219064 136pp. K.shs.140.00 ($1.80) Paulines 2004 KE Kamba also known as Kikamba Kamba—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Stevenson, R.L. Kithamani kya uthwii. [Treasure Island.] 2nd ed. 53pp. ill. ($1.25/50p.) K.shs.1.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1958 KE KAM Kamba—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Maillu, D. Kaana ngya. [The poor child.] 40pp. K.shs.100.00 EAEP 1983 KE KAM Ndundu, P. Ngo ugonda ngundi mu bwifi bukudia. Le glouton léopard tu sa mère. [Text in French and Kiswahili.] 40pp. col.ill. Loyola 1992 ZR MUL Kamba language—Dictionaries Mbithi, S.J. English-Kamba vocabulary. 2nd K.shs.8.40pp. ($1.65/65p.) Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE Kamungu, Leonard—Biography Weller, J.C. Priest from the lakeside: the story of Leonard Kamungu of Malawi and Zambia. 69pp. map. 30t. 35c. Christ Lit Assoc Mal 1971 MW
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Kano, Aminu—Biography Kano, Aminu—Biography Fiestein, A. The Africa revolutionary - Amino Kano. 406pp. ill. ($15.00) Fourth Dimension 1987 NR Kanu, Genoveva—Autobiography Kanu, G. Genoveva: the amazing story of Genoveva Kanu. cd. & 240pp. ill. N10.00 (£12.00) cd. N5.50 (£5.95) Delta 1985 NR Kaonde also known as Chikaonde Kaonde—General and Non-fiction Ganly, J.C. Kaonde proverbs. [Text in Kaonde with English translation and comments.] 140pp. ill. ($6.00) Mission Press - Ndola 1987 ZA MUL Kasem—General and Non-fiction Wemonnu, A.A. Nccn’kwi taam. [Kasem idiomatic expressions.] 32pp. C50.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1980 GH KAE Wojeo, M. Kapua yeizura tomo. [Healthcare.] 16pp. ill. C3,500 ($2.00/£1.50) Adwinsa 1994 GH KAE Kathrada, Ahmed—Autobiography Kathrada, A. Memoirs. ISBN: 1868729184 416pp. Struik Publ 2004 SA Kaujeua, Jackson—Biography Kaujeua, J. Tears over the deserts. 124pp. ill.pl. ($10.00/£6.25) New Namibia 1994 SX Kaunda, Kenneth—Bibliography Musiker, N., comp. Kaunda’s Zambia 1964-1991. R90.00 (£18.00) SA Inst Int Affairs 1993 SA Kaunda, Kenneth—Biography Kabwe, T.C., comp. Kenneth David Kaunda: perspectives on his exit from office. ISBN: 1779050658 104pp. ill.pl. ($16.00/£8.95) SAPES 1998 ZI Keïta, Salif—Biography Keïta, C.M.C. Salif Keïta. L’oiseau sur le fromager. ISBN: 2842580737 123pp. col.pl. (Eur12.40) Figuier 2001 ML FRE Keitetsi, China—Autobiography Keitetsi, C. Child soldier: fighting for my life. ISBN: 1919931198 218pp. (£12.99) Jacana 2003 SA [SA only] Keitseng, Fish—Biography Keitsing, F., Ramsay, J., Morton, B. Comrade Fish: memories of a Motswana in the ANC underground. ISBN: 9991260702 367pp. col.pl. P45.00 ($9.50) Pula 2000 BS Kenya Karoki, J. The land is ours. 2nd 255pp. ($3.95/ £1.55) K.shs.26.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE Wegulo, F., Ondieki, C. Our nation, Kenya. 2nd ed. ISBN: 996649331X 200pp. ill.pl.maps K.shs.270.00 ($6.75/£4.00) Longhorn Ken 1999 KE Kenya—Atlases and maps Jacana Amboseli map the national park & dispersal area. ISBN: 1770090681 R65.00 ($9.00/£5.50) Jacana 2004 SA Jacana Mara triangle map. ISBN: 1919931902 maps. R65.00 (£5.50/$9.00) Jacana 2004 SA Jomo Kenyatta Foundation The first Kenya atlas. Standards 3 & 4. rev. ed. 36pp. K.shs.11.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1966 KE New Holland Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Kenya. [Map. Folded 250x125mm (portrait); flat 1000x710mm (landscape); scale 1:1,300,000.] new ed. R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Philips The Philips E.A.E.P Kenya atlas. 50pp. maps K.shs.250.00 EAEP 1996 KE Philips, G. EAEP atlas. 1991 KE
136pp. K.shs.750.00 EAEP
Kenya—Bibliography African Academy of Sciences and Association of African Women for Research and Development Infobank of gender and gender-related institutions in Kenya. ISBN: 9966240373 1137pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Academy Science Publ 1998 KE Evanson, W., Ndungu, R., Mutitu, M., Chepkwony, J.K. Kenya national bibliography 1991. 57pp. K.shs.300.00 Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1996 KE
Kenya—Demography Ghai, D.P. Population growth, labour absorption and income distribution. (IDS discussion paper, 183) 21pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Heisel, D.F. The rate of population change as a variable in development planning. (IDS discussion paper, 24) 18pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1966 KE Kirori, G.N., Ali, J. Macroeconomic implications of demographic changes in Kenya. (AERC research paper, 83) 55pp. AERC 1998 KE Ndeti, K., Ndeti, C. Cultural values and population policy in Kenya. 184pp. ($5.00/£2.00) K.shs.30.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE
Kenya National Library Service Kenya national bibliography 1980. ($15.50) K.shs.165.00 Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1984 KE
Ominde, S.H. Kenya’s population growth and development to the year 2000. K.shs.965.00 EAEP 1988 KE
Kenya National Library Service Kenya national bibliography 1995. 78pp. K.shs.300.00 ($20.00) Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1997 KE
Prazak, M. Demography and economy in a rural community. (IDS working paper, 466) 23pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1989 KE
Kenya National Library Service Kenya national bibliography 1996. ISBN: 9966926003 86pp. K.shs.300.00 ($24.00) Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1998 KE Kenya National Library Service Kenya periodicals directory 1986-1996. 66pp. K.shs.240.00 ($25.00) Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1996 KE Mulaha, A.R. Subject guide to information sources in Kenya. 207pp. K.shs.50.00. Africa Book Serv 1984 KE Ndungu, E. Kenya national bibliography 1993. ($20.00) Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1993 KE Ndungu, E., Ngugi, J., Chepkwony, J.K., eds. Kenya national bibliography 1992. ($20.00) Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1992 KE Ndungu, E., Ngugi, J., Chepkwony, J.K., eds. Kenya national bibliography 1994. ($20.00) Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1994 KE Ndungu, E., Ngugi, J., Chepkwony, J.K., eds. Kenya national bibliography 1995. ($20.00) Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1995 KE Ndungu, E., Ngugi, J., Chepkwony, J.K., eds. Kenya national bibliography 1996. ($20.00) Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1996 KE Ngang’a, J. Kenya: a subject index. A selected bibliography of articles 1967-1976. 195pp. K.shs.120.00 Africa Book Serv 1977 KE Ngang’a, J. Theses and dissertations on Kenya: an international bibliography. 272pp. K.shs.250.00 Africa Book Serv 1983 KE FRE Ogada, A., ed. Kenya national bibliography 1985. 57pp. ($9.00) K.shs.100.00 Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1990 KE Kenya—Citizenship—Study and teaching (Elementary) Kanjoya, J.N., Mulima, S. Our home and school. 44pp. ill. K.shs.190.00 Longhorn - Ken 1989 KE Kanjoya, J.N., Mulima, S. Our location. 44pp. ill. K.shs.190.00 Longhorn - Ken 1989 KE Kenya—Communication Alot, M. People and communication in Kenya. 221pp. Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE Boafo, S.T.K., George, N.A. Communication research on Africa: issues and perspectives. 161pp. K.shs.150.00 ($16.00) African Coun Comm 1992 KE
Rempel, H. An analysis of the information on interdistrict migration provided in the 1969 Kenya census. (IDS discussion paper, 244) 92pp. K.shs.126.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE Sarma, R.S.S. Parity specific birth probabilities by duration of marriage: a method of estimation and its application to Kenya. (CDC Working paps., 11) 26pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1985 UA Kenya—Demography—Atlases and maps Fox, R.C. Population atlas of Kenya. Inst Soc Res 1995 SA Kenya—Directories Impact Communications Kenya Contacts Kenya 2001. 22pp. Impact Kenya 2001 KE Parchment Media Services NGOs Kenya 2000. 79pp. Parchment 2000 KE Target Mail & Services The first Kenya fax directory. K.shs.500.00 Horizon [Annual] 1997- KE Kenya—Education Abagi, J.O., Wamahiu, S. Household based factors as determinants of school participation of girls in Kenya. (Abridged research report, 20) Academy Science Publ 1996 KE Abreu, E. The role of self-help on the development of education in Kenya, 1900-1973. 271pp. ($9.70/£3.90) K.shs.73.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE Court, D. An inventory of research on education in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 108) 35pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1971 KE Eshiwani, G.S. Education in Kenya since independence. 236pp. K.shs.660.00 ($21.50/£12.00) EAEP 1993 KE Fields, G.S. The educational system of Kenya: an economist’s view. (IDS discussion paper, 103) 47pp. K.shs.96.00 Inst Dev Stud 1971 KE Gichuhi, L.P.W. Choice between family size and child schooling: the Kenyan case. (Abridged research report, 8) Academy Science Publ 1995 KE Hopcraft, P.N. Educational investment. Rural urban migration: some notes. (IDS working paper, 73) 20pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE
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African Books in Print
Subject index Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Curriculum guide. vol.1, 2 vols. cd. & 372pp. K.shs.34.00 cd. K.shs.22.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Curriculum guide. vol.2, 2 vols. cd. & 292pp. K.shs.34.00 cd. K.shs.22.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Education celebrates Uhuru. 96pp. K.shs.9.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Educational structure in Kenya. 56pp. K.shs.5.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Karagu, K. Educational administration and management. ISBN: 9966467211 120pp. K.shs.395.00 EAEP 1998 KE Keller, E.J. Education manpower and development: the impact of educational policy in Kenya. ($11.25/£4.50) K.shs.62.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE
Kenya—History Orora, J.H.O. Educational management in Kenya: case studies. ISBN: 9966992545 92pp. K.shs.200.00 ($10.00/£6.00) Zapf 1998 KE Otiende, J.E., Wamahiu, S.P., Karugu, A.M. Education and development in Kenya: a historical perspective. 208pp. K.shs.608.00 OUP - Nairobi 1991 KE Shiundu, J.S., Omulando, S.J. Curriculum: theory and practice in Kenya. 368pp. K.shs.560.00 OUP - Nairobi 1992 KE Sifuna, D.N. Short essays on education in Kenya. 172pp. ($7.50/£3.00) K.shs.40.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE Somerset, H.C.A. Aptitude tests, socio-economic background and secondary school selection: the possibilities and limits of change. (IDS discussion paper, 249) 28pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE
Kenya Institute of Education Guidelines for pre-school education in Kenya. 66pp. K.shs.56.00 ($0.95/ £0.60) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1984 KE
Wachtel, A. Aspects of the performance of Nakuru schools on the certificate of primary education. (IDS discussion paper, 238) 13pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE
Kinyanjui, K. The distribution of educational resources and opportunities in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 208) 30pp. K.shs.96.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE
Were, P. The Kenyan we want: an approach to social education and ethics. 148pp. ill. K.shs.290.00 ($12.50/£6.95) EAEP 1987 KE
Kinyanjui, K. Education, training and employment of secondary school leavers in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 138) 34pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE
Kenya—Education—Directories Koech, I.K. Technical institutions in Kenya: a directory. (Zapf school guide, 1) 89pp. K.shs.120.00 ($12.00) Zapf 1997 KE
Kinyanjui, K. Secondary school strikes: the art of blaming the victim. (IDS discussion paper, 243) 33pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE
Kenya—Education, Elementary Anderson, J.E. Primary school leavers in rural areas. (IDS discussion paper, 39a) 23pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1966 KE
Kipkorir, B.E. Non-formal education in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 211) 30pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Kwamboka, E. A study on the role of religious institutions on female education in Kenya. (Abridged research report, 3) 9pp. Academy Science Publ 1995 KE Labrentz, A.J. TEE in Kenya. 100pp. K.shs.70.00 ($1.50) Evangel 1985 KE Makau, B.M. Improving teacher effectiveness in the schools of Kenya: approaches to quality learning through cost-saving professsional management. (IDS discussion paper, 281) 84pp. K.shs.120.00 Inst Dev Stud 1986 KE Ministry of Education Education in Kenya: an information handbook. 109pp. K.shs.162.00 ($2.70/ £1.65) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1994 KE Ministry of Education Report of the third teachers education conference. 209pp. K.shs.325.00 ($5.45/£3.30) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1995 KE Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Education in Kenya: an information handbook. 109pp. K.shs.162.00 ($3.00/ £2.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1999 KE Ndua, G., Ng’ethe, N. Jua kali: education, raining and welfare in the informal sector: a study of carpentry and metal work in the Eastlands of Nairobi, Kenya. (IDS occasional papers, 55) 93pp. K.shs.160.00 Inst Dev Stud 1992 KE Ondiek, P.E. Curriculum development: alternative in education theory and practice. 139pp. K.shs.340.00 ($7.00) Lake 1986 KE
Kinyanjui, K. Regional and class inequalities in provision of primary education in Kenya. (IDS occasional papers, 37) 86pp. K.shs.140.00 Inst Dev Stud 1981 KE Kenya—Education, Higher Association of African Universities Revitalizing financing of higher education in Kenya: resource allocation in public universities. ($10.00) AAU 1998 GH
Somerset, H.C.A. Who goes to secondary school, efficiency. Equity and relevance in secondary school selection. (IDS discussion paper, 184) 35pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE Kenya—Geography Ojanyi, F.F., Ogendo, R.B. Kenya: a study in physical and human geography. cd. 229pp. pl. maps. K.shs.500.00 Longhorn - Ken 1974 KE Kenya—Geography—Study and teaching Odhiambo, A. Kenya and the world. ISBN: 9966493514 240pp. ill.pl.maps K.shs.300.00 ($7.50/ £4.50) Longhorn - Ken 1999 KE Wegulo, F., Ondieki, C. Kenya and her neighbours. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966493336 156pp. ill.pl.maps K.shs.280.00 ($7.00/£4.00) Longhorn Ken 1999 KE Kenya—Guide books Amin, M., Willetts, D., Eames, J. The beauty of the Kenya coast. 128pp. col.pl. (£6.95) Camerapix 1986 KE Amin, M., Willetts, D., Tetley, B. Journey through Kenya. [Also available in German, French, Italian and Swedish.] 7th ed. cd. 192pp. col.pl. (£25.00) Camerapix 1993 KE Amin, M., Willetts, D., Tetley, B. Spectrum guide to Kenya. [Also available in German and Italian.] 3rd ed. 396pp. col.pl.maps (£12.99) Camerapix 1997 KE Briggs, P. Visitors’ guide to Kenya and East Africa. 236pp. maps R59.95 Southern Book Publ 1995 SA Horizon Books A guide to Lakes Baringo and Bogoria. ISBN: 9966868178 ill.col.pl. Horizon 1998 KE Martin, K. Historic Nairobi address book. 114pp. col.pl. K.shs.700.00 ($12.00/£7.77) Horizon 1994 KE Martin, R. 1993 diary: historic Nairobi. Sellers 1992 KE
Ndung’u, E.G. Names guide book. ISBN: 9966968601 300pp. K.shs.120.00 ($1.55/£1.00) Egan 2000 KE
Court, D. Village polytechnic leavers: the Maseno story. (IDS working paper, 72) 14pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE
North Lewis, M. Come on a journey. 134pp. col.ill.maps K.shs.600.00 ($10.34/£6.66) Horizon 1994 KE
Hughes, R. Some equity and efficiency implications of the expansion of higher education in Kenya: the results of a tracer study of University of Nairobi graduates. (IDS discussion paper, 288) 57pp. K.shs.102.00 Inst Dev Stud 1988 KE
North Lewis, M. Escape routes. 74pp. ill. col.pl. maps K.shs.250.00 Horizon 1990 KE
Mondoh, H.O. The impact of pay-as-you-eat on university education in Kenya. A case study of Egerton University, Njoro. (Social science research report, 23) ISBN: 0954203070 59pp. ($38.70/£23.70 set of six) OSSREA 2002 ET Onsongo, J. Factors affecting women’s participation in university management in Kenya. ISBN: 1904855571 74pp. ($19.95/£11.95) OSSREA 2005 ET Kenya—Education, Secondary Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Manual for the heads of secondary schools in Kenya. 88pp. K.shs.7.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Kinyanjui, K. Secondary school education girls in Kenya: the need for a more sciencebased curriculum to enhance women’s greater participation in development. (IDS working paper, 459) 30pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1988 KE
North Lewis, M. A guide to Lake Baringo and Lake Bogoria. ISBN: 9966868178 172pp. col.pl. K.shs.600.00 ($10.85/£6.70) Space Sellers 1999 KE Kenya—History Aseka, E. Makers of Kenya’s history 1: Jomo Kenyatta. 2nd ed. 101pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 2002 KE Aseka, E. Makers of Kenya’s history 2: Ronald Ngala. 32pp. K.shs.220.00 ($5.25/ £3.75) EAEP 1993 KE Atieno Odhiambo, E.S., Lonsdale, J., eds. Mau Mau and nationhood. Arms, authority & nationhood. ISBN: 0852554788 cd. 320pp. map (£45.00) ISBN: 0852554842 (£16.95) EAEP 2003 KE [Africa only. Copublished with James Currey, Oxford, UK & Ohio University Press, USA] Bennet, G. Kenya: a political history, the colonial period. 204pp. K.shs.24.00 OUP Nairobi 1980[?] KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Bogonko, S.N. Kenya 1945-1963: a study in African national movements. 318pp. ($8.00/ £4.00) K.shs.55.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE Furedi, F. The Mau Mau war in perspective. K.shs.610.00 EAEP 1990 KE
Gimode, E. Makers of Kenya’s history: Tom Mboya. 56pp. K.shs.320.00 ($6.50/£3.50) EAEP 1996 KE Kanogo, T. Makers of Kenya’s history: Dedan Kimathi. 34pp. K.shs.245.00 EAEP 1992 KE Kanogo, T. Squatters and the roots of Mau Mau 1905 - 1963. 224pp. K.shs.710.00 EAEP 1987 KE Kenyanchui, S. Makers of Kenya’s history: Nabongo Muliro. 52pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1992 KE Kershaw, G. Mau Mau from below. 384pp. K.shs.2,225 Popular Publ 1997 MW [Kenya only] Kipkorir, B.E., ed. Biographical essays on imperialism and collaboration in colonial Kenya. 247pp. ($8.00/£3.50) K.shs.48.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE Kitching, G. Historical association pamphlet. vol.3 80pp. ($2.65/£1.05) K.shs.15.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE Lewis, J. Empire state building. War and welfare in Kenya. ISBN: 0852557906 cd. & 320pp. pl.maps (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 085255785X (£14.95 pap.) EAEP 2000 KE Likimani, M. The passbook number F:47927. Women and Mau Mau in Kenya. ISBN: 9966967206 173pp. ($19.95/£11.95) Noni 2000 KE
Odhiambo, E.S.A., Lonsdale, J., eds. Mau Mau and nationhood. Arms, authority and narration. ISBN: 0852554788 cd. & 320pp. map (£45.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852554842 (£16.95 pap.) EAEP 2003 KE [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, UK and Ohio University Press, US]
Hemsing, J., Amin, M., Willetts, D. The beauty of Samburu, Shaba and Buffalo Springs. 128pp. col.pl. (£6.95) Camerapix 1997 KE
Ombudo, O. Harambee, its origin and use. 2nd ed. 67pp. pl. K.shs.25.00 Africa Book Serv 1975 KE
Pluth, D., Amin, M., Mercer, G. Kilimanjaro: the great white mountain of Africa. ISBN: 1874041644 192pp. col.pl.maps Camerapix 2001 KE
Simiyu, V.G. Makers of Kenya’s history: Elijah Masinde. 88pp. K.shs.220.00 ($6.50/ £3.50) EAEP 1997 KE
Round-Turner, D., Amin, M., Willetts, D. The beauty of the Maasai Mara. 128pp. col.pl. (£6.95) Camerapix 1994 KE
Throup, S.W. Economic and social origins of Mau Mau, 1945-53. 304pp. K.shs.570.00 EAEP 1988 KE [Kenya only] Wachanga, H.K. The swords of Kirinyaga. The fight for land and freedom. 2nd 206pp. ($5.80/ £2.80) K.shs.25.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE Wandibba, S. J.M. Kariuki. ISBN: 9966250956 90pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 2001 KE Wandibba, S. Makers of Kenya’s history: Masinde Muliro. 56pp. ill. K.shs.220.00 ($6.50/ £3.50) EAEP 1996 KE Wegulo, F., Ondieko, C. Our nation, Kenya. 145pp. pl. K.shs.270.00 Longhorn - Ken 1987 KE Kenya—History—Study and teaching (Elementary) Kanjoya, J.K., Mulima, S. Our district. 44pp. ill. K.shs.190.00 Longhorn - Ken 1989 KE Kenya—International relations Musambayi, C.I. The politics of regime consolidation and entrenchment: Moi’s foreign policy, 19781994. (IFRA working papers, 23) 56pp. IFRA - Kenya 1995 KE
Macgoye, M.O. The story of Kenya: the making of a modern nation. 120pp. pl. K.shs.40.00 OUP - Nairobi 1986 KE
Kenya—Local government Akivaga, S.K., Kulundu-Bitonye, W., Opi, M.W. Local authorities in Kenya. 92pp. K.shs.190.00 ($7.95/£4.25) EAEP 1985 KE
Makila, F.E. An outline history of Babukusu of western Kenya. (£3.20/$7.95) K.shs.39.60 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE
Smoke, P. Local government finance in developing countries: the case of Kenya. 184pp. K.shs.850.00 OUP - Nairobi 1994 KE
Maloba, W.O. Mau Mau and Kenya. An analysis of a peasant revolt. 244pp. K.shs.545.00 ($21.50/£11.95) EAEP 1994 KE [Kenya only]
Kenya—Non-governmental organizations Mamdani, M., Otim, P. Non-governmental organisations in East Africa: report of a survey of training needs. 19pp. R15.00 Olive 1995 SA
M’Imanyara, A.M. The restatement of Bantu origin and Meru history. 170pp. Longhorn - Ken 1992 KE
Kenya—Pictorial works Amin, M., Willetts, D., Eames, J. The last of the Maasai. [Also available in German and Swedish.] cd. 192pp. col.pl. (£22.50) Camerapix 1987 KE
Moi, D.T.A. Kenya African nationalism. cd. & 192pp. pl. K.shs.600.00 cd. K.shs.420.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1986 KE Ochieng, W.R. History of Kenya. 168pp. pl. maps K.shs.550.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1985 KE
Amin, M., Willetts, D., Tetley, B. The beautiful animals of Kenya. 128pp. col.pl. (£6.95) Camerapix 1989 KE Amin, M., Willetts, D., Tetley, B. The beautiful people of Kenya. 128pp. col.pl. (£6.95) Camerapix 1989 KE
Joyce, P. Beautiful Kenya. 48pp. col.pl. R49.95 Struik Publ 1995 SA
Kenya—Politics and government Alila, P.O. Kenya’s parliamentary election: ethnic politics in two rural constituencies in Nyabza. (IDS discussion paper, 282) 37pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1986 KE Berman, S. Control and crisis in colonial Kenya: the dialectic of domination. 488pp. K.shs.770.00 EAEP 1990 KE Chweya, L., ed. Electoral politics in Kenya. ISBN: 9966915419 239pp. Claripress 2002 KE Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Shades of federalism in Kenya. 24pp. Ebert - Namibia 2001 SX
Godfrey, M. E., Mutiso, G. S. M. Politics, economics and technical training: a Kenyan case study. K.shs.30.00pp. ($6.25/£2.50) Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Grignon, F. Le multipartisme au Kenya? Reproduction autoritaire, légitimation, et culture politique en mutation (1990-1992). (Travaux et Documents, 12) 81pp. IFRA Kenya 1993 KE FRE Grignon, F. Understanding multi-partyism in Kenya: the 1990-1992 years. (IFRA working papers, 19) 45pp. IFRA - Kenya 1994 KE Harbeson, J.W. The Kenya little general election: a study in problems of urban political. (IDS discussion paper, 52) 24pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1967 KE Kariuki, G.G. Illusions of power. Reflections on fifty years on Kenya politics. ISBN: 996625109X 176pp. ($24.95/£14.95) EAEP 2002 KE Kenyatta, J. Facing Mount Kenya: school edition. 169pp. pl. ill. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 1971 KE Kibwana, K. Democracy, the law, and political parties in Kenya. [Also available in Swahili.] 52pp. ill. Claripress 1996 KE Kibwana, K. Demokrasia, sheria na vyama vya kisiasa Kenya. [Democracy, law and political parties in Kenya. Also available in English.] (Mjadala kuhusu katiba, 6) 56pp. K.shs.150.00 ($6.00/£4.00) Claripress 1996 KE SWA
Ochieng, W.R., ed. Themes in Kenyan history. 252pp. map K.shs.715.00 EAEP 1990 KE
Amin, M., Willetts, D., Tetley, B. The beauty of Kenya. 128pp. col.pl. (£6.95) Camerapix 1984 KE
Kibwana, K., Wanjala, S., Owiti, O., eds. The anatomy of corruption in Kenya: legal political and socio-economic perspectives. 324pp. K.shs.725.00 ($16.00/£11.00) Claripress 1996 KE
Ochieng, W.R., Maxon, R.M., eds. An economic history of Kenya. 472pp. K.shs.860.00 ($43.00/£24.00) EAEP 1992 KE
Amin, M., Willetts, D., Tetley, B. On God’s mountain: the story of Mount Kenya. cd. 192pp. col.pl. (£22.99) Camerapix 1991 KE
Macharia, R. The truth about the trial of Jomo Kenyatta. 316pp. ($8.00) Longhorn Ken 1991 KE
Odhiambo, E.S.A. History and government of Kenya. bk.2 186pp. pl. K.shs.300.00 Longhorn - Ken 1989 KE
Bailey, J. Kenya: the national epic. 332pp. ill. pl. ($35.00/£19.75) EAEP 1993 KE
Mazrui, A.A., Mazrui, A.M. Swahili state and society. the political economy of an African language. ISBN: 9966468234 172pp. K.shs.565.00 EAEP 1995 KE
Brett, M. Kenya the beautiful. cd. 168pp. col.pl.maps R189.95 Struik Publ 1998[?] SA Hemsing, J., Amin, M., Willetts, D. The beauty of Amboseli. 128pp. col.pl. (£6.95) Camerapix 1993 KE
Mboya, T. Challenges of nationhood. 566pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 1993 KE [Kenya only]
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African Books in Print
Subject index Mboya, T. Freedom and after. 285pp. K.shs.425.00 ($13.75/£7.50) EAEP 1986 KE Msekwa, P. Reflections on Tanzania’s first multi-party parliament 1995-2000. ISBN: 9976603339 164pp. ($19.95/£11.95) Dar es Salaam UP 2000 TZ National Christian Council of Kenya A Christian view of politics in Kenya: love, peace and unity. 80pp. Uzima 1983 KE Ngugi wa Thiong’o Detained: a writer’s prison diary. 228pp. K.shs.750.00 EAEP 1981 KE [Kenya only] Pugliese, C. Gikuyu political pamphlets and hymn books, 1945-1952. (Travaux et Documents, 11) IFRA - Kenya 1993 KE Rutten, M., Mazrui, A., Grignon, F., eds. Out for the count. The 1997 general elections and prospects for democracy in Kenya. ISBN: 9970022490 669pp. ($41.95/£24.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2001 UG Shiroya, O.J.E. Dimensions of nationalism. 114pp. K.shs.274.00 ($4.60/£2.80) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1994 KE Slater, M. The trial of Jomo Kenyatta. 256pp. pl. K.shs.375.00 EAEP 1975 KE Throup, D.W., Hornsby, C. Multi-party politics in Kenya. The Kenyatta and Moi states and the triumph of the system in the 1992 election. ISBN: 0852558090 cd. & 672pp. pl. K.shs.2,990 (£50.00) cd. (£19.95 pap.) EAEP 1998 KE [Kenya only] Wanjala, S., Kibwana, K. Democratization and law reform in Kenya. ISBN: 9966960287 532pp. ill. Claripress 1998 KE Kenya—Politics and government— Directories Parchment Media Services Kenya elections 2002 and who is who in Kenya politics today. 3rd ed. 28pp. Parchment 2003 KE Kenya—Public administration Leonard, D.K., ed. Rural administration in Kenya. 166pp. ($3.90/£2.00) K.shs.16.75 Kenya Lit Bureau 1973 KE Ng’ethe, N., Mitullah, W., Ngunyi, M. Non-governmental organization: (NGO’s): local capacity building and community mobilization: a research proposal. (IDS occasional papers, 469) 31pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1990 KE Oyugi, E., et al., eds. Corruption: a survey of the extent of and attitudes towards corruption in service delivery in Kenya covering the areas of education, health, land, judicial service and police force. 68pp. col.ill. SODNET 2000 KE Thompson, E.J.D. The prince of AALAE: corruption and mismanagement in an African NGO. ISBN: 9966961208 151pp. ($10.00) AED 1997 KE Kenya—Religion Shorter, A., Onyancha, E. Secularism in Africa. A case study: Nairobi City. 144pp. ($6.00) Paulines 1997 KE Kenya—Religion, traditional Were, G.S. Essays on African religion in Western Kenya. (£1.40/$3.55) K.shs.15.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Kenya—Rural development Alila, P.O., Kinyanjui, K., Wanjohi, G. Rural landlessness in Kenya: dynamics, problems and policies. 2nd ed.(IDS occasional papers, 57) 85pp. K.shs.150.00 Inst Dev Stud 1993 KE
Kenya—Sociology Almy, S.W. Economic wealth, social cohesion and health as factors in accelerating rural development. (IDS working paper, 67) 39pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Ascroft, J.R., Chege, F.E., Kariuki, J.F., Roling, N.G. Accelerating the flow of new ideas to rural people: a proposal for a pilot extension training project in Nyeri. (IDS discussion paper, 13) 48pp. K.shs.96.00 Inst Dev Stud 1971 KE Belshaw, D., Bjorio, T.J., Shah, M.M. Hierarchical systems formulation of the rural development process in developing countries. (IDS discussion paper, 166) 21pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE Belshaw, D., Chambers, R. A functional review sequence for rural development programmes: a procedure for recurrent management. (IDS working paper, 24) 16pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Belshaw, D., Chambers, R. PIM: a practical management system for implementing rural development programmes and projects. (IDS discussion paper, 162) 39pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE Campbell, D., Migot-Adholla, S.E. The development of Kenya’s semi-arid lands. (IDS occasional papers, 35) 244pp. K.shs.244.00 Inst Dev Stud 1981 KE Chitere, O., Mutiso, R. eds. Working with rural communities. A participatory action research in Kenya. 2nd ed. 206pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Nairobi UP 1994 KE Evans, H.E., Ruigu, G.M., eds. Approaches to rural-urban development. Proceedings of a workshop organised by the Institute of Development Studies, University of Nairobi. (IDS occasional papers, 46) 43pp. K.shs.106.00 Inst Dev Stud 1985 KE Hopcraft, P.N. Integration, decentralisation and implementation in rural development programming. (IDS discussion paper, 252) 19pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE IDS Second overall evaluation of the Special Rural Development Programme. (IDS occasional papers, 12) 602pp. K.shs.442.00 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE Institute for Development Studies An overall evaluation of the special rural development programme. (IDS occasional papers, 8) 327pp. K.shs.330.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE Institute for Development Studies Second overall evaluation of the special rural development programme. (IDS occasional papers, 12) 602pp. K.shs.120.00 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE Kabagambe, D., Westley, S.B., eds. The informal sector in Kenya. Papers presented at a workshop held at the University of Nairobi 21-23 September 1977. (IDS occasional papers, 25) 195pp. K.shs.200.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE Kariuki, J. Informal leadership and rural development. (IDS working paper, 18) 21pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Killick, T. Strengthening Kenya’s development strategy: oppportunities and constraints. (IDS discussion paper, 239) 41pp. K.shs.96.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE Kinyanjui, K. Education for rural development in Kenya: a critical note. (IDS discussion paper, 264) 18pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1979 KE
Lele, U. Designing rural development programmes: lessons from past experience in Africa. (IDS discussion paper, 213) 29pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Mbithi, P.M. Innovation in rural development. (IDS discussion paper, 158) 17pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Mbithi, P.M., Barnes, G. Content inventory of development programmes and projects in Kenya: daily newspapers articles 1970 and 1971. (IDS working paper, 51) 33pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Ng’ethe, N., ed. Popular participation and rural development. (IDS occasional papers, 38) 230pp. K.shs.450.00 Inst Dev Stud 1981 KE Okidi, C.O. Development and the environment in Kagera Basin under the Rusumo Treaty. (IDS discussion paper, 284) 113pp. K.shs.138.00 Inst Dev Stud 1986 KE Okidi, C.O., ed. Natural resources and the development of Lake Victoria Basin of Kenya. (IDS occasional papers, 34) 608pp. K.shs.608.00 Inst Dev Stud 1979 KE Okoth-Ogendo, H.W.O. The adjudication process and the special rural development programme. (IDS discussion paper, 227) 15pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE Okoth-Ogendo, H.W.O. Property theory and land-use analysis. (IDS discussion paper, 209) 22pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Ruigu, G.M., ed. Integration of nutrition into agricultural and rural development projects. Proceedings of inter-country seminar held from 2nd to 7th September 1985 at Sirikwa Hotel, Eldoret, Kenya. (IDS occasional papers, 48) 390pp. K.shs.500.00 Inst Dev Stud 1985 KE Shen, T.Y. A comparative analysis of development planning. (IDS working paper, 63) 19pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Thomas, B. Rural development through local initiatives: observations on Kenya’s experience with Harambee projects in selected rural communities. (IDS discussion paper, 270) 37pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1980 KE Von Pischke, J.D. A critical survey of approaches to the role of credit in smallholder development. (IDS discussion paper, 233) 21pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE Wallis, M.A.H. The community development assistant. A study of administration and rural development. (IDS discussion paper, 231) 28pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE Kenya—Schools Martin, R. Anthem of bugles. A history of Starehe Boys’ Centre and school. cd. & K.shs.70.00 cd. K.shs.65.00 EAEP 1978 KE Kenya—Social sciences—Bibliography Norgaard, O. Kenya in the social sciences: an annotated bibliography, 1967-1979. 376pp. ($15.00/£6.00) K.shs.70.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE Kenya—Sociology Collier, V.C., Rempel, H. The divergence of private from social costs in rural-urban migration: a case study of Nairobi, Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 181) 20pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Kenya—Sociology Cowen, M., Kinyanjui, K. Some problems of a capital and class in Kenya. (IDS occasional papers, 26) 99pp. K.shs.140.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE Gachuhi, J.M. Social characteristics of patients seeking venereal disease treatment in public health centres. (IDS discussion paper, 202) 19pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Huntington, H.G. An empirical study of ethnic linkages in Kenyan rural-urban migration. (IDS discussion paper, 260) 30pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE Macharia, K. Social networks: ethnicity and the informal sector in Nairobi. (IDS working paper, 463) 25pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1988 KE Mehra, C. Corruption: dealing with the devil. ISBN: 996696780X 175pp. ill. Shiv 2000 KE Mulwa, F.W. Changing the poor people’s vision of reality: the church’s response. rev.ed. 114pp. ill. Gaba 2000 KE Oucho, J.O. Urban migrants and rural development in Kenya. 172pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Nairobi UP 1996 KE Steinhart, E.I. Black poachers, white hunters. A social history of hunting in colonial Kenya. cd. & 320pp. pl.maps (£45.00 cd./£16.95 pap.) EAEP 2005 KE [co-published with James Currey, UK and Ohio University Press, USA & Canada] Kenya—Sociology, Rural Alila, P.O. Informal and formal credit in rural Kenya: a case study of western Kenya. (IDS occasional papers, 62) 56pp. K.shs.500.00 Inst Dev Stud 1992 KE Dolan, C. Contested terrain: gender, labour and religious dynamics in horticultural exporting, Meru district, Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 501) 35pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1995 KE Maina, J., et al. Particpatory rural appraisal case study: Olkinos and Kisaju areas, Kaajiado district Kenya. ISBN: 9966933484 66pp. ill.maps FAN 2000 KE Norman, D.W. The organisational consequences of social and economic constraints and policies in dry-land areas. (IDS discussion paper, 214) 19pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Ponsi, F.T. Sex and birth order selective under enrolment in the primary schools of Kenya’s arid and semi-arid districts and the “Kepyiong” phenomenon. (IDS working paper, 462) 40pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1988 KE Kenya—Sociology, Urban Elkan, W. Is a proletariat emerging in Nairobi? (IDS discussion paper, 168) 16pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE Muyia, N. The forgotten workers. The case of public service vehicle drivers in Eldoret Town, Kenya. (Social science research report, 18) ISBN: 16086287 48pp. ($16.95/£9.95 set) OSSREA 2001 ET Pierli, F., Abeledo, Y., eds. The slums. A challenge to evangelization. (Tangaza occasional papers, 14) ISBN: 9966218343 152pp. ($3.20) Paulines 2002 KE Shorter, A., Onyancha, E. Street children in Africa. A Nairobi case study. ISBN: 9966214488 120pp. K.shs.350.00 ($5.00) Paulines 1999 KE
Subject index Kenya—Tourist trade Migot-Adholla, S.E., Mkangi, K.G.C., Mbindyo, J. Study of tourism in Kenya: with emphasis on the attitude of residents of the Kenya coast. (IDS consultancy reports, 7) 154pp. K.shs.172.00 Inst Dev Stud 1982 KE Kenya—Travel Jacana Masai Mara visitor guide. ISBN: 1770090045 20pp. maps. R75.00 ($10.50/£6.00) Jacana 2004 SA Kenya—Urban development Stren, F.E. Urban development in Kenya and Tanzania: a comparative analysis. (IDS discussion paper, 233) 30pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE Wachtel, A. Changing attitudes towards urban redevelopment in Kenya: the old Bondeni redevelopment schemes. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 242) 35pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE Kenya—Vocational education Godfrey, E.M. Technical and vocational training in Kenya and the Harambee institutes of technology. (IDS discussion paper, 169) 58pp. K.shs.102.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE Rharade, A. Education scolaire et apprentissage: les itinéraires des apprentis à Nairobi. 24pp. IFRA - Kenya 1995 KE FRE Kenyatta, Jomo—Autobiography Kenyatta, J. Facing Mount Kenya. new unabridged ed. 168pp. K.shs.825.00 EAEP 1971 KE Kenyatta, Jomo—Biography Kabaji, E. Jomo Kenyatta: father of Harambee. ISBN: 9966951016 94pp. col.ill.maps K.shs.199.00 ($9.95) Sasa Sema 2000 KE Khama, Seretse—Biography Parsons, N., Henderson, W., Tlou, T. Seretse Khama 1921-1980, with an epilogue by Julius Nyerere. 467pp. ill.map P90.00 Botswana Soc 1995 BS Pula Press Marriage of inconvenience. ISBN: 9991261958 cd. 223pp. pl.maps P120.00 ($17.88/£12.54) Pula 2002 BS Khoekhoegowab—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Dirkse, F.I. Gamda ra. [Short story collection in Khoekhoegowab.] ISBN: 9991602224 39pp. Gamsberg 2000 SX KHO Gamsberg Macmillan A da gaipe. [Khoekhoegowab poems.] ISBN: 9991602186 53pp. Gamsberg 2001 SX KHO Goraseb, M.G.A. Khowe-Aob. [Khoekhoegowab novel.] ISBN: 9991602216 53pp. Gamsberg 2000 SX KHO Jones, H. Khab ge ra huwi. [The moon’s on fire. trans.f.t. English by L. Namaseb.] ISBN: 9991601746 88pp. Gamsberg 2001 SX KHO Linde, F. Nais /kha Namib ‘oa. [The grass is singing.] new ed. ISBN: 0868480452 101pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX KHO Khoekhoegowab—School books, Readers, Children’s literature del Klopper, C. Tu#naab. trans.f.t English by L. Davids [The rain dance. Children’s story book in Khoekhoegowab. Also available in Afrikaans, English, German, Kwanyama, Oshindonga, Rukwangali, Rumanyo, Silozi, Thimbukushu.] ISBN: 9991622772 16pp. col.ill. Out of Africa - Namibia 2003 SX KHO
Komarek, K. Tsaurab di gan gasasib. [The book with the tortoise.] ISBN: 9991602925 24pp. ill. Gamsberg 2001 SX KHO Namaseb, L. Khoekhoegowab di tsedi he Khoekhoegowab .na ra llgamhe. [Khoekhoegowab folk tales told in Khoekhoegowab.] ISBN: 9991621431 32pp. col.ill. Out of Africa - Namibia 2003 SX KHO Khoekhoegowab language—Dictionaries Haacke, W.G. Khoekhoegowab-English, EnglishKhoekhoegowab glossary. ISBN: 999160172X 278pp. Gamsberg 1999 SX MUL Haacke, W.H.G., Eiseb, E. Khoekhoegowab dictionary. [Bilingual dictionary English/Khoekhoegowab.] ISBN: 9991604014 740pp. (£25.00) Gamsberg 2002 SX MUL Khoikhoi (African people)—History Malherbe, V.C. Krotoa, called ‘Eva’: a woman between. (Communications, 19) 59pp. CAFS 1990 KE Smith, A.B., Malherbe, C., Boonzaier, E., Berens, P. The Cape herders. A history of the Khoikhoi of southern Africa. 192pp. ill. R74.95 Philip 1996 SA [No US] Kibira, Bishop Josia—Biography Larsson, P. Bishop Josia Kibira of Bukoba. 105pp. pl. T.shs.500.00 Central Tanganyika 1993 TZ Kifipa—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Rupia, S.J. Methali za Kifipa. [Proverbs in Kifipa. English translation and Swahili explanations.] 136pp. T.shs.1,300 Ndanda Mission 1996 TZ MUL Kihoro, Wanyiri—Autobiography Kihoro, W. Never say die. The chronicle of a political prisoner. ISBN: 9966468994 315pp. K.shs.435.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1998 KE Kikongo language Hochegger, H. Dictionnaire Francais - Kikongo ya leta. (CEEBA publications, série III, 9) 277pp. (DM44.00) CEEBA 1983 ZR FRE Hulstaert, G. Les parlers Losikongo. (CEEBA publications, série III, 10) 87pp. CEEBA 1984 ZR FRE Kikongo language—Grammar Hochegger, H. Grammaire du Kikongo ya Leta. 108pp. (DM28.00) CEEBA 1981 ZR FRE Kikuyu also known as Gikuyu Kikuyu—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Bunyan, J. Rugendo rua mugendi. [Pilgrim’s progress.] 3rd ed. (£1.15/$2.90) K.shs.10.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE KIK Gitene, N. Wigirie mathori. [Wipe away your tears.] 58pp. K.shs.30.00 Njogu 1970 KE KIK Munene, A.W. Mutaarani mugikuyu. [The gikuyu counsellor.] 166pp. K.shs.495.00 EAEP 1995 KE KIK Ngugi wa Thiong’o Caitaani mutharaba-ini. [Devil on the cross.] 262pp. K.shs.365.00 EAEP 1980 KE KIK Ngugi wa Thiong’o, et al. Mutiiri njaranda ya miikarire: manja 3.Iruta 3. 146pp. K.shs.315.00 EAEP 1994 KE KIK Ngugi wa Thiong’o, et al Mutiiri njaranda ya miikarire: manja I. Iruta 1. 146pp. K.shs.315.00 EAEP 1994 KE KIK
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Kwanja language—Study and teaching
Ngugi wa Thiong’o, et al. Mutiiri njaranda ya miikarire: manja I. Iruta 1. 146pp. K.shs.315.00 EAEP 1994 KE KIK Ngugi wa Thiong’o, wa Mirii, N. Ngaahika ndeenda. Ithaako ria ngerekano. [I will marry when I want.] 30pp. K.shs.245.00 EAEP 1982 KE KIK Kikuyu—General and Non-fiction Gakahu, B.M. Mugure wa cege. K.shs.80.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1988 KE KIK Gathigira, S.K. Miikarire ya agikuyu. K.shs.80.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1993 KE KIK Mugia, D. K. Urathi wa cege wa kibiru. ($4.20/1.70) K.shs.20.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE KIK Mwema, I. C. Mwana mwagi. ($2.70/£1.10) K.shs.10.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE KIK Parish, N. Mokunguiri ma miaki. 88pp. ($2.00) Paulines 1995 KE KIK Sadler, W. Uhoro wa Jesu. The story of Jesus 2nd 56pp. ($1.25/70p.) K.shs1.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE KIK Wanjau, G. Mwandiki wa mau mau ithamirio-ini. [Mau Mau author in detention.] 190pp. K.shs.155.00 EAEP 1983 KE KIK Kikuyu—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Gitene, N. Mami hingurira. [Mummy open the door for me.] 24pp. ill. K.shs.30.00 Njogu 1970 KE KIK Ng’ang’a, D.S. Ewe mla gizani. [One who eats in the dark.] ill. K.shs.60.00 ($1.00/£0.60) Njogu 1972 KE KIK
Ngambu, N. Initiation dans les sociétés traditionnelles africaines: le cas Kongo. 228pp. ($22.00) Z40.30 Press Univ Congo 1981 ZR FRE
Kimani, John Kiggia—Biography Kimani, J.K. Prison is not a holiday camp. 152pp. K.shs.310.00 ($7.95/£4.25) EAEP 1994 KE
Ryckmans, A. Droit coutumier africain. Proverbes judiciaires Kongo. (Etudes Aequatoria, 11) 400pp. pl.maps ($10.00) Aequatoria 1994 ZR FRE
Kimathi, Dedan—Biography Njeng’ere, D. Dedan Kimathi: leader of the Mau Mau. ISBN: 9966951180 83pp. col.ill. Kshs210.00 ($9.95) Sasa Sema 2003 KE Kinyakyusa language—Dictionaries Felberg, K. Kinyakyusa-English-Kiswahili dictionary. 304pp. T.shs.5,000 ($35.00/£19.95) Mkuki na Nyota 1995 TZ MUL Kipimbi (African people)—Anthropology, Socio-cultural Verbeek, L. Mythe et cultes de Kipimpi. (Shaba, Zaire) (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 80) 237pp. ill. map (DM36.00) CEEBA 1982 ZR FRE Kisukuma—General and Non-fiction Inland Publishers of Africa Inland Church Tanzania Mimbo. [Hymns with tonic solfas.] T.shs.45.00 AICLD 1980 TZ KIS Inland Publishers of Africa Inland Church Tanzania Mimbo. [Hymns without tonic-solfas.] T.shs.30.00 AICLD 1980 TZ KIS Kiwanuka, Benedicto—Biography Bade, A. Benedicto Kiwanuka. The man and his politics. 164pp. ill.pl. ($16.00/£8.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1996 UG Koch, Blaise—Autobiography Koch, B. In, around, through and out: an actor’s life. ISBN: 0864865287 320pp. R150.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA
Ngugi wa Thiong’o Bathitoora ya Njamba Nene. [Njamba Nene’s pistol.] 33pp. ill. K.shs.80.00 EAEP 1984 KE KIK Ngugi wa Thiong’o Njamba Nene na cibu king’ang’i. [Njamba Nene and the cruel chief.] 22pp. K.shs.100.00 EAEP 1986 KE KIK Ngugi wa Thiong’o Njamba Nene na mbaathi i mathagu. [Njamba Nene and the flying bus. Also available in English.] 118pp. col.ill. K.shs.140.00 EAEP 1980 KE KIK Njai, M.W. Mapenzi gani haya? [What kind of love is this?] ill. K.shs.60.00 ($1.00/£0.60) Njogu 1972 KE KIK Kikuyu (African people)—Folklore Wanjohi, G.J., ed. Under one roof. Kikuyu proverbs. ISBN: 9966216219 238pp. K.shs.600.00 ($8.00) Paulines 2001 KE Kikuyu (African people)—History Muriuki, G. A history of the Kikuyu, 1500-1900. & 200pp. maps. K.shs.65.00 cd. K.shs.47.00 OUP - Nairobi 1974 KE
Kikuyu language—Study and teaching Leakey, L.S. The first lessons in Kikuyu. 2nd (£0.85/ $2.10) K.shs.7.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE
Kikuyu (African people)—Religion, traditional Bottignole, S. Kikuyu traditional culture and Christianity: self examination of an African church. 248pp. K.shs.105.00 ($18.00/£9.95) EAEP 1984 KE Kikuyu (African people)—Social life and customs Mugo, E.N. Kikuyu people: a brief outline of their customs and traditions. 44pp. ($1.80/ 70p.) K.shs.10.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE Wanjohi, G.J. The wisdom and philosophy of the Gikuyu proverbs. The Kihooto world-view. 272pp. ($8.00) Paulines 1997 KE
Koenig, Jules—Autobiography Koenig, J.A. Jules Koenig. Une vie pour la justice. 2nd ed. 103pp. Océan Indien Ed 1992 MF FRE Kolping, Adolph—Biography Feldmann, C. Adolph Kolping. ISBN: 9966214445 112pp. K.shs.270.00 Paulines 1999 KE Konaré, A.—Autobiography Konaré, A. Ces mots que je partage. ISBN: 2910454592 298pp. CFA6,000 ($12.00) Jamana 1999 ML FRE Kongo-kiTuba language—Dictionaries Swartenbroeck, P. Dictionnaire Kongo/kiTuba-Français. (CEEBA. série III, Travaux linguistiques, 2) 815pp. map. (DM89.00) CEEBA 1973 ZR MUL Kongo (African people)—Anthropology, Socio-cultural Hochegger, H. La complainte des femmes auprès de Dieu. Variantes de tradition orale de 1906 à 1997. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 132) ISBN: 3902011114 130pp. map Eur18.45 CICBA 2000 GO FRE Hochegger, H. L’interdit de dévoiler un secret enfermé.Variantes congolaises de 1906 à 1995. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 135) ISBN: 0902011130 143pp. ill.map Eur19.68 CICBA 2001 GO FRE Hochegger, H. Mon mari mange mes enfants. Rôles antagonistes entre géniteurs. Variantes congolaises de 1905 à 1997. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 137) ISBN: 3902011149 154pp. map Eur19.70 CICBA 2002 GO FRE
Kongo (African people)—Folklore Hochegger, H. Le conflit père-fils dans les traditions orales de l’entre Kwango-Kasai (Congo). Variantes de 1906 à 1997. (CEEBA série III, 126) 122pp. ill.pl.map CEEBA 1999 ZR FRE Hochegger, H. Manières de table. Risques er périls pour les insolents. Récits congolais de tradition orale de 1906 à 1997. (CEEBA série III, 130) ISBN: 390201105X 218pp. map CEEBA 1999 ZR FRE Lisimba, M. Kongo proverbs and the origins of Bantu wisdom. 251pp. pl.maps K30,000 ($10.30/£6.00) CICBA 1999 GO Korea Mono Ndjana, H. Regard sur la Corée: pays mysterieux de l’Orient. 136pp. ill. CFA1,000 Univ Yaoundé 1985 CM FRE Kotane, Moses—Biography Bunting, B. Moses Kotane South African revolutionary. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 87) ISBN: 1868083799 325pp. R59.50 Mayibuye 1998 SA Koulango language—Study and teaching Yao, K., Koffi, J.F. Syllabaire koulango. ISBN: 2913942849 88pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2002 IV MUL Kpelle language—Grammar Casthelain, R.P.J., Lassort, P. La langue guerzé; grammaire guerzé. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 20) 423pp. CFA4,000 IFAN 1952 SG FRE Krige, Corné—Autobiography Bills, P. The right place at the wrong time. The autobiography of Corné Krige. ISBN: 1770070974 224pp. Zebra 2005 SA Krige, François—Biography Fox, J. The life and art of François Krige. ISBN: 1874950482 cd. 144pp. col.pl. (£35.00) Fernwood SA Krüger, Kobie—Autobiography Krüger, K. Mahlangeni: stories of a game ranger’s family. new ed. ISBN: 0140242937 248pp. ill. R87.72 Penguin SA 2001 SA [Southern Africa] Kruiper, Belinda—Biography Bregin, E., Kruiper, B. Kalahari rainsong. ISBN: 1869140524 pl. R145.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2004 SA Kusaal—General and Non-fiction Machinaba, B. Bi-dum du siak doa ka morpuug. 20pp. ill. C4,500 ($2.00/£1.50) Adwinsa 1996 GH KUS Machinaba, B. Fu na mal siem ka ba-aas ku gbae fu bii ga. [Immunisation.] 16pp. ill. C4,000 ($2.50/£2.00) Adwinsa 1994 GH KUS Kwanja language—Study and teaching Centre de Littérature Kwanja Manuel à lire et à écrire en Kwanja/Tanda mi nyanda too Kwanja. [Text in Kwanja and French.] 50pp. ill. Centre Litt Kwanja 2000 CM MUL Kwanyama also known as Oshikwanyama
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Kwanyama—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Kwanyama—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Diescho, J. Omevo a nyenganyengifwa: onovele. [Troubled waters. Also available in English, Herero, Rukwangali] ISBN: 9991600310 158pp. Gamsberg 2000 SX KWY Haileka, N.O. Nadula. [Novel.] new ed. ISBN: 0868488402 137pp. Gamsberg 1999 SX KWY Haimbodi, A. Ounyuni wandifyanalye. [Novel dealing with AIDS.] ISBN: 999160071X 111pp. Gamsberg 2000 SX KWY Hangala, H.O.S. Nghishimwene shamutumbo a dja nelao medimo. [Novel.] ISBN: 0868489964 72pp. Gamsberg 1999 SX KWY Hashipala, G.N. Happy Eume Laleo. [Oshikwanyama drama.] ISBN: 9991600337 164pp. Gamsberg 1999 SX KWY Komarek, K. Oshiholekwa shakaulinge. [The book with the tortoise.] ISBN: 9991602917 24pp. ill. Gamsberg 2000 SX KWY Mukumangeni, P. Ohambo yakatyatyala. [The cattlepost for Katyatyala.] 94pp. N23.80 Longman - Namb 1996 SX KWY Munyika, V. Kaxuxwena okuhada. [Poetry.] Gamsberg 1997 SX KWY
Odjombala, W.T. Shixutuka. [Kwanyama novel.] ISBN: 9991600590 136pp. Gamsberg 1999 SX KWY Paulines Publications - Africa James Alberione. 72pp. ($1.00) Paulines 1994 KE Paulus, S.N. Nghiyoonanye yanghalipo: odrama. [Drama about a boy.] reprint ISBN: 0868489840 128pp. Gamsberg 2001 SX KWY Shemuvalula, L.M. Nanghali koshi nangobe kombada. ISBN: 9991600582 105pp. ill. Gamsberg 1998 SX KWY Shinyala, J. Shihomena. 91pp. N23.00 Longman Namb 1996 SX KWY Yandakomhani, L.N. Okanya komaunongo: omadina oinyandwa. ISBN: 9991601813 110pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX KWY Kwanyama—School books, Readers, Children’s literature del Kopper, C. Oudano wodula. trans.f.t English by Aleta Shikukumwa [The rain dance. Children’s story book in Kwanyama. Also avaliable in Afrikaans, English, German, Herero, Khoekhoegowab, Oshindonga, Rukwangali, Rumanyo, Silozi, Thimbukushu.] ISBN: 9991622802 16pp. col.ill. Out of Africa - Namibia 2003 SX KWY Ndeutepo, E.S. Tuyoleni: omahokololo maxupi. [Let us all laugh.] ISBN: 9991602178 67pp. Gamsberg 2000 SX KWY Nghifikua, A.L. Omatavelo 3. Ondodo 8-10. [Collection of Oshikwanyama poems for school use.] ISBN: 999160037X 126pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX KWY Nghifikua, A.L. Omatevelo. Ondodo 11-12. [Collection of Oshikwanyama poems for school use.] ISBN: 9991600388 183pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX KWY Nghifikua, A.L. Omatevelo 1. Ondodo 1-4. [Collection of Oshikwanyama poems for school use.] ISBN: 9991600345 62pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX KWY
Subject index Nghifikua, A.L. Omatevelo 2. Ondodo 5-7. [Collection of Oshikwanyama poems for school use.] ISBN: 9991600353 106pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX KWY Shakespeare, W. Julius Caesar. trans.f.t. English by Hans D. Namuhuja new ed. ISBN: 9991600450 112pp. Gamsberg 1999 SX KWY Williams, V. Omukulunhu keshe okwa li okaana. trans.f.t. English by Rauna Ndinoshiho [Every adult was once a child.] ISBN: 9991622624 48pp. col.ill. Out of Africa Namibia 2003 SX KWY Kwanyama language—Grammar Zimmermann, W., Hasheela, P. Oshikwanyama grammar. ISBN: 0868488208 155pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX MUL La Guma, Jimmy—Biography La Guma, A. Jimmy La Guma. A biography. 87pp. R35.00 South African Lib 1997 SA Lababidi, Lesley Kitchen—Autobiography Lababidi, L.K. Paddle your own canoe. An American woman’s passage into Nigeria. 168pp. N750.00 ($13.75/£7.50) Spectrum 1997 NR Labor and laboring classes see also Employment Industrial relations Management Miners and mining Socialism Trade Unions Chege, J. Workers’ situation. Paulines 1995 KE
36pp. ($0.80)
Labor and laboring classes—Africa Adesina, J. Labour movements and policy-making in Africa. 57pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/ Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1992 SG Beckman, B., Sachikonye, L.M. Labour regimes and liberalization. ISBN: 9083078888 195pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Univ Zimbabwe 2001 ZI Gonzo, W., Plattner, E. Unemployment in an African country: a psychological perspective. ISBN: 9991663207 110pp. ($24.95/£14.95) UNAM 2003 SX Webster, E. Cast in a racial mould. Labour process and trade unionism in the foundries. 299pp. pl. R18.00 Ravan 1985 SA Zache, J. Traditional communal labour and development: examples from Africa South of the Sahara. (DSRC seminar series, 49) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ Labor and laboring classes—Africa, Southern Christie, S., Madhuku, L., eds. Labour dispute resolution in southern Africa. 134pp. Ebert - Namibia 1996 SX Crush, J., Ambier, C. Liquor and labour in southern Africa. 448pp. R130.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1992 SA Harries, P. Work, culture and identity. Migrant laborers in Mozambique and South Africa, c. 1860-1910. 320pp. R79.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA [Southern Africa only] Paton, B. Labour export policy in the development of southern Africa. 397pp. Z$250.00 Univ Zimbabwe 1995 ZI Sachikonye, L., ed. Labour and migration in southern Africa. ISBN: 1779050704 130pp. ($16.95/£9.95) SAPES 1998 ZI
Labor and laboring classes—Botswana Hosia, T. A study of trade unionism in Bechuanaland 1940-1960. 30pp. Univ Botswana 1993 BS Moya, N.P. Notes on industrial relations at Bamangwato Concessions Limited (BCL), Selebi-Pikwe. (Working paper, 18) 38pp. ill. ex. only NIDCR 1978 BS Labor and laboring classes—Egypt Toth, J. Rural labor movements in Egypt and their impact on the state: 1961-1992. ISBN: 9774245172 336pp. ill. E£80.00 ($89.50) Am Univ 1999 UA [Middle East only] Labor and laboring classes—Kenya Mikkelsen, B. Formation of an industrial labour force in Kenya: experiences of labour training in the metal manufacturing industries. (IDS discussion paper, 49) 139pp. ill. K.shs.200 Inst Dev Stud 1987 KE Stichter, S. Women and the labour force in Kenya, 1895-1964. (IDS discussion paper, 258) 26pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE Stiglitz, J.E. Alternative theories of wage determination and unemployment in LDCs: I - the labour turn-over model. II the efficiency wage model. rev.ed. 77pp. K.shs.114.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Labor and laboring classes—Lesotho Manyeli, T.L. Drop-outs, migrant laborers, and curriculum policy in Lesotho. 155pp. ($5.00) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1994 LO Van Der Wiel, A.C.A. Migratory wage labour. 111pp. ill. maps. R2.00 Mazenod Inst 1977 LO Labor and laboring classes—Malawi Manda, A.Z. The state and the labour movement in Malawi. ISBN: 0952223368 100pp. (£6.00) Dudu Nsomba 1999 MW Labor and laboring classes—Namibia Bauer, G. Labor and democracy in Namibia 19711996. ISBN: 0852557531 cd. 240pp. (£40.00) ISBN: 0852557523 (£14.95) Philip 1998 SA [Southern Africa only] Hishongwa, N.S. The contract labour system and its effects on family and social life in Namibia: a historical perspective. 116pp. ill. map. Gamsberg 1992 SX IUF-FIAN-FES Improving working conditions in the cutflower industry. 152pp. Ebert Namibia 2001 SX Motinga, D., Mohamed, G. On the causes and consquences of globalisation: what are the implications for the Namibia labour market? (NEPRU working paper, 85) 34pp. N$22.00 NEPRU 2002 SX Ostreng, D. Domestic workers’ daily lives in postapartheid Namibia. (NEPRU occasional paper, 11) 102pp. N$43.00 NEPRU 1997 SX van Rooyen, J.W.F. Portfolio of partnership. An analysis of labour relations in a transitional society. Namibia 302pp. Gamsberg 1996 SX Labor and laboring classes—Nigeria Adesina, J. Labour in the explanation of an African crisis. cd. & 131pp. ($30.00/£16.75 cd.) ($18.00/£9.95 pap.) CODESRIA 1995 SG National Salaries, Incomes and Wages Commission Labour compensation in Nigeria. 160pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Malthouse 1996 NR Otobo, D., ed. Labour relations in Nigeria. vol.1 236pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Malthouse 1993 NR
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African Books in Print
Subject index Tokunboh, M.A. Labour movement in Nigeria. N15.00 Literamed 1985 NR
Labor and laboring classes—South Africa 168pp.
Labor and laboring classes—Réunion Haorou, S., Huet, F. Les demandeurs d’emploi reclassés. 53pp. ill. ODR 2000 RF FRE Labor and laboring classes—Senegal Tidjani, B. Mouvements ouvriers et crise économique: les syndicats sénégalais face à l’ajustement structurel. (CODESRIA monographs) 81pp. CFA3,000 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1995 SG FRE Labor and laboring classes—South Africa Anstey, M., ed. Employee participation and workplace forums. 216pp. R119.00 Juta 1997 SA Antonides, H. A Christian perspective on work and labour relations. (IRS study pamphlets, 254) 25pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1989 SA Antonides, H. Reclaiming our daily work. (IRS study pamphlets, 330) 11pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1995 SA Baskin, J. Corporatising: some obstacles facing the South African labour movement. (CPS research reports, 30) 38pp. R15.00 Centre Policy Stud 1993 SA Baskin, J. Summary of a seminar on the causes of job losses. (CPS policy forum, 2) 12pp. Centre Policy Stud 1999 SA Bekker, S.B. State control over the labour market. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1980 SA Booth, D. Measuring the ‘success’ of employment creation strategies in the apartheid state. (CDSC rural urban studies working papers, 13) 37pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1988 SA
Griesel, H., Schlemmer, L. Black school-leavers in the urban industrial work environment: disadvantage and alienation. R20.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1985 SA Grossett, M., Venter, R. Labour relations in South Africa. 2nd rev.ed. ISBN: 0195789199 560pp. R300.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Haines, R., Wood, G. Aspects of the Eastern Cape labour market: perceptions, hopes and survival strategies. (IDPR occasional papers, 51) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Huber, M., Sack, P. Employing a domestic worker. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 187500159X 144pp. R69.95 Metz 2002 SA James, W.G. Our precious metal: African labour in South Africa’s gold industry 1970-1990. 220pp. R64.95 Philip 1992 SA Jones, R.A. Collective bargaining in South Africa. 2nd 104pp. R7.95 Macmillan - SA 1984 SA Jutastat The labour library. [CD-ROM] Juta 1996 SA
Kallaway, P., Pearson, P. Johannesburg: Images and continuities; a history of working class life through pictures, 1885-1935. 124pp. pl. R19.50 Ravan 1986 SA Katz, E. The white death. Silicosis on the Witwatersrand gold mines 1886-1910. 300pp. R74.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA Kraak, A. An overview of South African human resources development. ISBN: 0796920427 104pp. R110.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA
Brand, J., Lötter, C., Mischke, C., Steadman, F. Labour dispute resolution. 1,302pp. R193.00 Juta 1997 SA
Langley, E. Employees assistance programme, a 21st century performance solution. ISBN: 1869006801 40pp. R40.00 KENRIK 2005 KE
Budlender, G. Incorporation and exclusion: recent developments in labour law and influx control. 6pp. ($4.00/£2.00) R3.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1984 SA
le Roux, E., et al. The unemployment rate of blacks in the Orange Free State goldfields (Thabong): 1994. (ERU research reports, 49) R45.00 ERU 1994 SA
Cooper, C. Bophuthatswana’s Industrial Conciliation Act. ($3.00/£2.00) R3.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1984 SA
Levin, M. Employment creation aimed at the (urban) poor. (ERU research reports, 51) R45.00 ERU 1994 SA
Cooper, C. The labour relations amendment act. 7pp. ($3.00/£2.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1984 SA
Levin, M. The extent of salary and wage indexation in South Africa. (IDPR fact papers, 37) Inst Planning Res 1980 SA
du Toit, D., et al. Protecting workers or stifling enterprise? Industrial councils and small business. 90pp. R50.16 Butterworth 1995 SA
Lundall, P. Apprenticeship training in South Africa. Recasting the boundaries. (Southern African labour monographs, 2) 36pp. Ebert - Namibia 1995 SX
Erasmus, J. Coping strategies of the unemployed. ISBN: 0796919224 107pp. R95.00 HSRC Publ 1999 SA Finnemore, M. Introduction to labour relations in South Africa. 5th rev.ed. 293pp. R90.06 Butterworth 1997 SA Geldenhuys, D., ed. The South African labour scene in the 1980s. (Study Group Series, 3) 61pp. R3.50 SA Inst Int Affairs 1980 SA Gilbert, A.J. Inter-group conflict in the work situation in South Africa: a review of underlying factors and change strategies. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 307) 104pp. R3.00 CSIR 1980 SA
Makgetla, N. Labour relations and transformation in the public sector. (CPS policy forum, 8) 22pp. Centre Policy Stud 2000 SA Makhoba, M. The sun shall rise for the workers. Ilanga lizophumela abasebenzi. 38pp. R1.00 Ravan 1984 SA Maller, J. Conflict and co-operation. R38.50 Ravan 1991 SA
McCann, M.G., Albertyn, C., eds. Alcohol, employment and fair labour practice. 252pp. R98.00 Juta 1993 SA McCulloch, J. Asbestos blues. Labour, capital, physicians and the state in South Africa. ISBN: 0852558635 cd. 256pp. pl. (£40.00) ISBN: 0852558627 (£12.95) Double Storey 2002 SA [Africa only. Copublished with James Currey, Oxford, UK & Indiana University Press, USA]
Meth, C. Sorry, wrong number: a critical examination of African labour forces estimates, 1970-1987. (Economic Research Unit res. mono., 4) 228pp. ($20.00) Economic Res Unit 1988 SA Miles, M. Guide to labour relations for small business. [Also available in Afrikaans.] student’s ed. 98pp. R79.80 Butterworth 1997 SA Moller, V. Images of retirement: an exploratory study among black domestic and service workers. 182pp. R20.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1984 SA Mpanza, Z. An investigation of unemployment among African seeking work at the labour bureaux. (CDSC rural urban studies working papers, 1) 41pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1984 SA Mpofu, E. The labour history of South Africa in source materials (1806-1940). ISBN: 0908307810 148pp. ill.pl.maps ($19.95/ £14.95) Univ Zimbabwe 2005 ZI Nattrass, N.J. Economic and socio-logical approaches to unemployment. (CDSC rural urban studies working papers, 19) 18pp. R6.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1989 SA Padayachee, M., Vawda, S., Tichmann, P. Indian workers and trade unions in Durban: 1930-1950. (ISER Report, 20) 227pp. Univ Durban-Westville 1985 SA Phillips, B.D. The manpower resources of the Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage region. Inst Planning Res 1972 SA Pillay, P. The determinants of earning and occupational attainment in the South African labour market. ($10.00) Economic Res Unit 1993 SA Potgieter, J.F. The cost of basic needs of the migrant worker and his family in the National States of Bophuthatswana, Kwazulu, Transkei and Ciskei as calculated by means of the household subsistence level survey technique. (Research reports, 24) R25.00 Inst Planning Res 1983 SA Rautenbach, F. In all labour profit: reinventing industrial relations in South Africa. 186pp. R59.95 Queillerie 1994 SA Reitzes, M. Community of interests: lessons for southern Africa from international labour migration regimes. (CPS research reports, 71) 100pp. Centre Policy Stud 2000 SA Reitzes, M. Nice work if you can get it? Foreign workers and the job market. (CPS policy briefs, 8) 33pp. Centre Policy Stud 1998 SA Schlemmer, L., Stopforth, P. A guide to the coding of occupations in South Africa. 96pp. R10.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1979 SA Shane, S., Sakinofsky, I.G. A study of South African strike data: 1960-1982. (CSIR, NIPR Special Report PERS 352) R15.00 CSIR 1983 SA Skinner, C. Understanding formal and informal economy labour market dynamics: a conceptual and statistical review with reference to South Africa. (CSDS research reports, 50) R25.00/R40.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2002 SA Smit, J., Grobler, C. Domestic labour practice. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868722287 104pp. R59.95 Zebra 1998 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Labor and laboring classes—South Africa Sutcliffe, M., Wellings, P. Strike action in the South African manufacturing sector: a socio-spatial analysis. (CSDS development studies working papers, 13) 50pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1985 SA Labor and laboring classes—South Africa— Bibliography Edwards, J., comp. Migrant labour: a select bibliography. 35pp. ($7.00/£5.00) R5.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1975 SA Esau, F. A South African labour market bibliography. R184.00 SALDRU 1997 SA Labor and laboring classes—South Africa— Dictionaries Barker, F., Hotlzhausen, M. South African labour glossary. 195pp. R118.50 Juta 1996 SA Labor and laboring classes—South Africa— Directories Julyan, A., van Wyk, H. de J. The guide to associations and employee/ employer organisations. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 257) 487pp. Bur Market Research 1998 SA Labor and laboring classes—Sudan Affan, K. An analytical framework for the relationship between migration to mechanized farming and aggregate peasant labour supply in Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 39) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1983 SJ Ahmed El Basir, A.S. The labour force in Sudanese agriculture. (DSRC monograph series, 22) 42pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ Al Rahman, A.R. The state and labour migration from Western Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 76) S£400.00 Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1987 SJ Badri, B. Conflict of difference in perceptions: a case study of labour shortage in Assalaya Sugar Scheme. (DSRC seminar series, 9) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ El Badawi, I. The Sudan demand for international reserve: a case of a labour-exporting country. (DSRC seminar series, 56) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ El Bashir, A.S.A. Is there surplus labour in rural Sudan? (DSRC seminar series, 23) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ El Beshir, Z.A.E., Ahmed, S.M. Sudanese labour mobility: a statistical investigation. (DSRC monograph series, 9) 87pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1978 SJ Gore, P.W. Some aspects of labour migration in Renk. (DSRC seminar series, 38) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1983 SJ Maglad, N.A. Female labour supply in Sudan. (AERC special paper, 30) 27pp. AERC 1998 KE Labor and laboring classes—Uganda Barya, J-J.B. Workers and the law in Uganda. (CBR working paper, 17) 76pp. ($11.00) Centre Basic Res 1991 UG Josephine, A. Workers struggle, the labour process and the question of control: the case of United Garment Industry Limited. (CBR working paper, 16) 63pp. ($10.50) Centre Basic Res 1991 UG Mamdani, M., ed. Uganda studies in labour. 359pp. ($30.00/£16.25) CODESRIA 1996 SG Okwe, A. Capital and conditions of fisher-labourers of lakes Kyoga and Victoria canoe fisheries. (CBR working paper, 3) 65pp. ill. ($11.00) Centre Basic Res 1989 UG
Subject index
Rubanga, E., Barya, J.B. Workers control: the struggle to take over MULCO textile factory in Uganda. (CBR working paper, 19) 37pp. ($10.00) Centre Basic Res 1991 UG Rutabajuka, S. The condition of migrant labour in Masaka district 1900-1962. The case of coffee shamba labourers. (CBR working paper, 7) 40pp. ($10.00) Centre Basic Res 1989 UG Rutanga, M. Conditions of labour on commercial dairy farms in Kabale district. (CBR working paper, 1) 53pp. ($10.50) Centre Basic Res 1989 UG Labor and laboring classes—Zimbabwe Cheater, A.P. The politics of factory organization: a case study in independent Zimbabwe. (Zambeziana, 18) 156pp. ($11.10) Mambo 1987 ZI Mugwetsi, T., Balleis, P. The forgotten people. Mambo 1994 ZI
32pp. ($3.60)
Raftopoulos, B. Striking back: the labour movement and the post-colonial state in Zimbabwe 19802000. ISBN: 0797422862 344pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Weaver 2001 ZI Raftopoulos, B., Phimister, I. Keep on knocking. A history of the labour movement in Zimbabwe 1900-97. 164pp. ill.pl. ($16.00/£8.95) Baobab Zimb 1997 ZI Shop, T., Moyo, S. Vulnerable working households in Zimbabwe’s segmented labour markets. (Working paper, 5) 117pp. ($3.50) Z$6.00 ZIDS 1987 ZI Land tenure—Africa, East Galaty, J.G. Property in the strict sense of the term: the theory and practical rhetoric of land tenure in East Africa. (Alarm working paper, 4) 21pp. U.shs.3,500 ($4.00) Centre Basic Res 1999 UG Land tenure—Africa, Southern Lee, M.C., Calvard, K., eds. Unfinished business. The land crisis in southern Africa. ISBN: 0798301724 437pp. ($49.95/£29.95) Africa Inst 2004 SA Land tenure—Botswana Dickson, W.L. Land tenure and management in a developing country: the case of Botswana 1966-1985. (NIR working bibliographies) P15.00 NIDCR 1990 BS Morapedi, N.T. Individual land tenure. (NIR Working pap., 51) 92pp. NIDCR 1987 BS Land tenure—Kenya Aketch, J.M.M. Rescuing indigenous tenure from the ghetto of neglect: inalienability and the protection of customary land rights in Kenya. (ACTS ecopolicy series, 11) ISBN: 9966411119 31pp. ACTS - Kenya 2001 KE Alila, P.O. Dynamics, problems and policies rural landlessness in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 57) 85pp. K.shs.150.00 ($3.09/ £1.97) Inst Dev Stud 1985 KE Karuga, J.G. Land transaction in Kiambu. (IDS working paper, 58) 39pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Lukudu, C., et al. Alienation of public land in Kenya. 45pp. CUEA 2000 KE [co-published with Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Uganda] Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace Towards a better distribution of land. ISBN: 9966213759 48pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.50) Paulines 1998 KE Land tenure—Namibia Werner, W. From communal pastures to enclosures: the development of land tenure in Herero reserves. (NEPRU working paper, 60) 29pp. N$17.00 NEPRU 1997 SX
Werner, W. Land reform in Namibia: the first seven years. (NEPRU working paper, 61) 21pp. N$14.00 NEPRU 1997 SX Land tenure—Nigeria Adigun, K. Third workshop on the land use act. 150pp. ($35.00/£24.00) Univ Lagos Press 1991 NR Omotola, J.A. Cases on the land use act. 3rd ed. 184pp. ($30.00/£20.00) Univ Lagos Press 1991 NR Omotola, J.A. Essays on the land use act, 1978. 64pp. ($7.50/£5.00) N15.00 Univ Lagos Press 1981 NR Omotola, J.A., ed. The land use act: report of a national workshop held at the University of Lagos, May 25-28, 1981. 178pp. ($12.50/£8.50) N25.00 Univ Lagos Press 1982 NR Oretuyi Title to land in Nigeria: past and present. 37pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1996 NR Land tenure—South Africa Brown, M., et al. Land restitution in South Africa: a long way home. ISBN: 1874864810 125pp. R55.95 Idasa 1998 SA de Klerk, M., ed. A harvest of discontent: the land question in South Africa. R54.95 273 Idasa 1991 SA Letsoala, E.M. Land reform in South Africa - a black perspective. ($10.00/£6.25) Skotaville 1987 SA May, J. Ranching and redistribution after apartheid. 10pp. R5.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1992 SA Msimang, R.W., comp. Natives land act 1913. Specific cases of evictions and hardships. etc. 32pp. ($8.00) South African Lib 1996 SA Land tenure—Tanzania Hakikazi Catalyst Land and natural resources law and policy studies. free on-line Hakikazi 2004 TZ Land tenure—Uganda Bazaara, N. Land policy and the evolving forms of land tenure in Masindi district, Uganda. (CBR working paper, 28) 72pp. ($10.50) Centre Basic Res UG Bikaako, W. Land to tillers or tillers to land: the existing forms of land tenure systems in Mpigi district. 44pp. ($10.00) Centre Basic Res 1996 UG Centre for Basic Research CBR memorandum on the proposed land tenure and control bill. (CBR working paper, 33) 14pp. ($8.00) Centre Basic Res 1996 UG Ddungu, E. The other side of land issues in Buganda: pastoral crisis and the squatter movement in Sembabule sub-district. (CBR working paper, 43) 49pp. ($9.50) Centre Basic Res 1997 UG Ddungu, E. A review of the MISR-Wisconsin land tenure centre study on land tenure and agricultural development in Uganda. (CBR working paper, 11) 21pp. ($8.50) Centre Basic Res 1991 UG Kaggwa, J.B. Land tenure and land use in Kampala district. (CBR working paper, 45) 67pp. ($10.00) Centre Basic Res 1996 UG Mugisha, R. Emergent changes and trends in land tenure and use in Kabale and Kisoro district. (CBR working paper, 26) 70pp. ($10.50) Centre Basic Res 1997 UG
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 300
African Books in Print
Subject index Muhereza, F. Land tenure and peasant adaptations: some reflections on agricultural production in Luwero district. (CBR working paper, 27) 110pp. ($11.50) Centre Basic Res 1997 UG Muhereza, F.E. Mailo land tenure system, customary land rights and claims in Buganda: a case of Nakasongola. (CBR working papers, 51) 84pp. U.shs.4,500 ($5.50) Centre Basic Res 1998 UG Namara, A., Kimbowa, E. The fate of a pastoralist in a state of resources (land tenure) insecurity: a case study of Nyabushozi County. (Alarm working paper, 6) 19pp. U.shs.3,000 ($4.00) Centre Basic Res 1999 UG Opyene, J.E. Recent trends in the Lango land tenure system. (CBR working paper, 36) 66pp. ($10.50) Centre Basic Res 1997 UG Otim, P.O. Aspects of the land question in Mbale district. (CBR working paper, 35) 47pp. ($5.50) Centre Basic Res 1997 UG Ssenkumba, J. The land question and the agrarian crisis: the case of Kalangala district, Uganda. (CBR working paper, 34) 52pp. ($9.50) Centre Basic Res 1997 UG Land tenure—Zimbabwe Buckle, C. African tears: the Zimbabwe Lan invasions. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868421406 243pp. R119.95 (£10.99) Ball 2002 SA Katz, A. Fast track land resettlement. An opportunity lost. (Manhattan monographs, 1) 10pp. Z$1,500 ($15.00) Manhattan 2000 ZI Maposa, I. Land reform in Zimbabwe. An inquiry into the land acquisition act (1992) combined with A case study analysis of the resettlement programme. 220pp. Z$55.00 CCJP-Zimb 1995 ZI Moyo, S. The land question in Zimbabwe. 333pp. ($30.00/£16.75) SAPES 1995 ZI Langridge, W.—Autobiograpy Langridge, W. The whistling thorns. 197pp. K.shs.224.00 ($3.75/£2.25) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1993 KE Language and languages see also African languages Linguistics Deprez, K., du Plessis, T., Teck, L., eds. Multilingualism, the judiciary and security services. ISBN: 0627025080 193pp. maps R175.95 Van Schaik 2001 SA Obemeata Language and the intelligence of the black 42pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1992 NR
Language and languages—Study and teaching (Elementary) Mazrui, A.A., Mazzrui, A.M. The power of Babel. Language and governance in the African experience. ISBN: 0852558082 cd. 240pp. (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852558074 (£12.95 pap.) EAEP 1998 KE [Kenya only. Also published in Africa by Fountain Publishers, Uganda] Language and languages—Africa, Southern Legere, K., Fitchat, S., Akindele, F.D., eds. Talking freedom: language and democratisation in the SADC region ISBN: 9991603948 265pp. maps (£9.99) Gamsberg 2002 SX Mthembu-Salter, L. Call me by my name. More than 2000 Xhosa, Zulu, Swazi and Ndebele names. ISBN: 0795701314 100pp. R79.95 Kwela 2001 SA MUL Language and languages—Botswana Anderson, L.G., Janson, T. Languages in Botswana: language ecology in southern Africa. 204pp. P36.30 Longman - Bots 1997 BS Nyati-Ramahobo, L. The national language: a resource or a problem? ISBN: 9991261559 199pp. pl. P65.00 ($13.74) Pula 1999 BS Tsonope, J., Jenson, T. Birth of a national language. NIDCR 1991 BS
Language and languages—Cameroun Tchoungui, G. Bilingualism in Cameroon: its relationship with education. 84pp. CFA1,500 Univ Yaoundé 1980 CM Language and languages—Congo Democratic Republic Nsuka zi Kabuki Receuil de littérature orale Kongo. 195pp. ($55.00) Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA FRE Language and languages—Gabon Idiata, D.F. Il était une fois les langues gabonaises. ISBN: 2912776287 111pp. ill. Raponda Walker 2002 GO FRE Language and languages—Ghana Dako, K. Ghanaianisms: a glossary. ISBN: 9964303017 234pp. (£16.95) Ghana UP 2003 GH Kropp Dakubu, M.E. Language and community. A view from Accra. 31pp. ($5.50/£2.95) Ghana UP 1996 GH Language and languages—Namibia Legere, K., ed. Regional workshop on cross-border languages, Okhandja, 1996. ISBN: 9991601584 236pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX Maho, J.F. Few people, many tongues. The languages of Namibia. ISBN: 9991600868 222pp. N$45.00 Gamsberg 1998 SX
Pearson, H. The teaching of language skills. 104pp. K.shs.27.50 OUP - Nairobi 1981 KE
Language and languages—South Africa Erasmus, M., ed. Liaison interpreting in the community. ISBN: 0527024483 314pp. R219.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA
Vieyra-King, M., Calteaux, K., eds. Language assessment and the national qualifications framework conference proceedings. R35.00 HSRC Publ 1996 SA
Kaschula, R.H., Anthonissen, C. Communicating across cultures in South Africa. Towards a critical language awareness. 128pp. R46.95 Witwatersrand UP 1995 SA
Language and languages—Addresses and essays Herbert, A. A gift of tongues. 10pp. ($2.50/£1.00) N5.00 Univ Lagos Press 1978 NR
Mesthrie, R. Language in indenture. A sociolinguistic history of Bhojpuri-Hindi in South Africa. cd. 346pp. ill. R89.95 Witwatersrand UP 1991 SA
Language and languages—Africa Herbert, R.K., ed. Language and society in Africa. The theory and practice of sociolinguistics. 336pp. ill. R74.95 Witwatersrand UP 1991 SA
Moeketsi, R. Discourse in a multilingual and multicultural courtroom. A court interpreter’s guide. ISBN: 0627024149 200pp. R129.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA
Manigaraba Balibutsa Le potentiel ontologique des langues Bantu face à l’ontologie classique. 194pp. CFA10,000 CICBA 2000 GO FRE
Language and languages—Study and teaching Azikiwe, U. Language teaching and learning. ISBN: 9781753390 272pp. ill. N250.00 Africana First 1998 NR Barkhuizen, G.P. So what’s it like to be a language teacher?: hearing our voices. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1996 SA Basson, H.N., Milne, L. Rainbow wordbook. [Text in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa.] 44pp. R64.55 Shuter & Shooter 1993 SA MUL Brock-Utne, B., Kofi Hopson, R. Languages of instruction for African emancipation: focus on postcolonial contexts and considerations.l ISBN: 9987417361 220pp. ($34.95/£19.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2005 TZ Inglis, M., Thomson, C., Macdonald, A. Language in learning and teaching. ISBN: 0869809679 224pp. R120.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA Orsmond, C., Gildenhuys, C. Smart moves. Moving into language. ISBN: 0798649232 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Rooney, L. New perceptions. ISBN: 0636036669 R84.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Sprosty, L. Teaching the language arts. ($11.30) Mambo 1995 ZI
107pp. ill.
Wessels, M. Practical guide to facilitating language learning. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195781287 440pp. R240.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA Winberg, C. Learning about language. ISBN: 1875075089 96pp. R29.00 Juta 1998 SA Language and languages—Study and teaching (Elementary) Barnard, C., Bester, M., Zwarts, M. First additional language through issues learner’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975894 151pp. ill. R57.95 Clever 2005 SA Barnard, C., Bester, M., Zwarts, M. First additional language through issues teacher’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975908 184pp. ill. R84.95 Clever 2005 SA Barnard, C., Bester, M., Zwarts, M. Home language through issues learner’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868976270 165pp. ill. R57.95 Clever 2005 SA Barnard, C., Bester, M., Zwarts, M. Home language through issues teacher’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrkaans.] ISBN: 1868976289 204pp. ill. R84.95 Clever 2005 SA Struwig, F. Life orientation through issues learner’s book. Grade 6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974960 123pp. col.ill. R53.41 Clever 2004 SA Struwig, F. Life orientation through issues learner’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975770 140pp. ill. R59.95 Clever 2005 SA Struwig, F. Life orientation through issues teacher’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975290 173pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA Struwig, F. Life orientation through issues teacher’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975789 190pp. ill. R84.95 Clever 2005 SA Struwig, F. Life orientation through issues teacher’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974979 173pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Language and languages—Study and teaching (Elementary) Zwarts, M. Home language through issues learner’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 186897524X ill. R51.78 Clever 2004 SA Zwarts, M. Home language through issues teacher’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974758 213pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA Zwarts, M., Bester, M., Barnard, C. First additional language through issues learner’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975355 103pp. ill. R52.87 Clever 2004 SA Zwarts, M., Bester, M., Barnard, C First additional language through issues teacher’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974820 120pp. ill. R51.78 Clever 2004 SA Zwarts, M., Bester, M., Barnard, C. First additional language through issues teacher’s book. Grade 6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975037 175pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA Zwarts, M., Bester, M., Barnard, C. First additional language through isues teacher’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975347 160pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA Zwarts, M., Bester, M., Barnard, C. First additional languages through issues learner’s book. Grade 6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975029 111pp. ill. R53.41 Clever 2004 SA Zwarts, M., Bester, M., Barnard, C. Home language through issues learner’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975312 131pp. ill. R52.87 Clever 2004 SA Zwarts, M., Bester, M., Barnard, C. Home language through issues learner’s book. Grade 6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974944 93pp. ill. R53.41 Clever 2004 SA Zwarts, M., Bester, M., Barnard, C. Home language through issues teacher’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975034 191pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA Zwarts, M., Bester, M., Barnard, C. Home language through issues teacher’s book. Grade 6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974952 136pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA Zwarts, M., Bester, M., Barnard, G. First additional language through issues learner’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974820 120pp. ill. R51.78 Clever 2004 SA Language and languages—Zambia Helen Grant Publishing Zambian phrase book. [Phrases in Bemba, Kaonde, Lozi, Lunda, Luvale, Nyanja and Tonga.] ISBN: 9982845004 167pp. (£4.50) H.Grant 2000 ZA MUL Language and languages—Zimbabwe Hachipola, S.J. A survey of the minority languages of Zimbabwe. ISBN: 0908307667 126pp. Z$120.00 ($16.95/£9.95) Univ Zimbabwe 1998 ZI Latin language—Dictionaries Gonin, H.L., Lubbe, W.J.G. Lexicon - Latin-English. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] cd. 330pp. R119.00 ($41.20/£25.00) Unisa 1987 SA MUL Latin language—Study and teaching Lubbe, W.J.G. Latin for law. 2nd ed. vol.3 cd. 368pp. R30.00 ($19.50/£11.36) Unisa 1988 SA Law see also Crime and criminals Land tenure Law, Administrative Law, Commercial Law, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Family
Law, International Law, Islamic Law, Maritime Taxation Aderimi, P.O. Modern digest of case law. ISBN: 978029094X 158pp. N900.00 ($19.95/ £11.95) Spectrum 2000 NR Bâ, N. Les dangers de la circulation par l’image. 63pp. CFA250 NEAS 1978 SG FRE Bhalla, R.S. Concepts of jurisprudence. 188pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Nairobi UP 1990 KE Bradfield, G., van der Merwe, D., eds. Meaning in legal interpretation. ISBN: 0702147990 354pp. R230.00 Juta 1998 SA Hussain, A. Principles of English law including mercantile law. 276pp. K.shs.100.00 EAEP 1982 KE Kuloba, R. Principles of injunctions. 240pp. K.shs.740.00 OUP - Nairobi 1987 KE Lubbe, G., Murray, C. Farlam and Hathaway: contract - cases, materials and commentary. 3rd ed. R211.00 Juta 1988 SA Mihyo, P.B. The development of legal philosophy. (£1.80/$4.50) K.shs.22.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Nding, D. Civilisation et science juridique dans le monde. 150pp. CFA1,600 CLE 1979 CM FRE Scott, S., ed. Sessie in securitatem debiti - quo vadis? [Text in English and Afrikaans.] 204pp. R35.00 ($17.50/£10.60) Unisa 1989 SA MUL Spiller, P. A manual of Roman Law. 262pp. R148.20 Butterworth 1985 SA Stack, L., Ntlokonkulu, L. Understanding policy implementation: an exploration of research areas in the justice sector. (CPS research reports, 72) 76pp. Centre Policy Stud 2001 SA van der Merwe, D.P. Computers and the law. R16.95 Juta 2002 SA
new ed. 154pp.
Ndoye, D. OHADA acte uniforme portant l’organisation des sûretés. ISBN: 2878380568 74pp. CFA20,000 (Eur30.00) EDJA 1998 SG FRE Pougoué, P-G., Tchakoua, J-M., Fénéon, A. Droit de l’arbitrage dans l’espace OHADA. ISBN: 2912086221 506pp. AES-PUA 2000 CM FRE Takirambudde, P.N. Legal order in Africa: the current crisis and future prospects: inaugural lecture delivered at the University of Botswana: inaugural lecture delivered at the University of Botswana. P5.00 NIDCR 1991 BS Yakubu, A. Harmonisation of laws in Africa. ISBN: 9780230955 107pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Malthouse 1999 NR Law—Africa, East East Africa Law Society Compendium of codes of legal practice, conduct, ethics and etiquette in East Africa. (EALS practice manual, 1) ISBN: 1904855547 173pp. col.ill.pl. ($29.95/ £9.95) Afram 2004 GH Law—Africa, Southern Loewenson, R. Occupational health and safety legislation in southern Africa: current trends. (Development & labour monographs, 1/ 96) 32pp. Ebert - Namibia 1996 SX Law—Africa, West Mbacke, M.M. La cour de justice de l’Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine (UEMOA). Son organisation, ses compétences et ses règles de procédure. ISBN: 2878380894 118pp. CFA30,000 (Eur46.00) EDJA 1999 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Code des douanes du Sénégal complété par le code des douanes des pays de l’UEMOA. ISBN: 2878380304 349pp. (Eur91.47) EDJA 2004 SG FRE Ndoye, D. OHADA. Acte uniforme des procédures simplifiées de recouvrement et des voies d’exécution. Annoté. 205pp. CFA30,000 (Eur46.00) EDJA 1998 SG FRE Law—Botswana Acquah-Dadzie, K. The law and procedure for the trial of rape and other common sexual offences in Botswana. ISBN: 9991261753 101pp. Pula 2000 BS
van Zyl, D.H. History and principles of Roman private law. 471pp. R246.24 Butterworth 1983 SA
Butterworth Publishers Legiserve: Botswana. ISBN: 0702117439 R216.60 Butterworth 1998 SA
von Seidel, M. Intellectual property. The John and Kernick guide. ISBN: 1868420647 R89.95 Ball 1998 SA
Dow, U., ed. The citizenship case: the attorney general of the Republic of Botswana versus Unity Dow. 229pp. Lentswe LL 1995 BS
Law—Addresses and essays Franchesi, L.G., Ritho, A.M., eds. Legal ethics and jurisprudence in nation building. ISBN: 9966703446 330pp. ($44.95/£34.95) LawAfrica 2005 KE Kerr, A.J. The courts and the law. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1969 SA McKerron, R.G. Some modern extensions of liability for negligence. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1956 SA Law—Africa Esiemokhai, E.O. The colonial legal heritage. cd.& 78pp. N25.00 cd. N8.00 Fagbamigbe 1986 NR Ndoye, D. Le nouveau droit du chèque, de la carte de crédit, de la lettre de chance et du billet à ordre dans les pays de l’UMOA. ISBN: 2878380886 89pp. CFA30,000 (Eur46.00) EDJA 1999 SG FRE Ndoye, D. La nouvelle cour de cassation des pays de l’OHADA. ISBN: 2878380797 126pp. CFA30,000 (Eur46.00) EDJA 1998 SG FRE
Otshogile, B. A history of the higher courts of Botswana. 139pp. pl. P60.00 ($22.00) Mmegi 1994 BS Quansah, E.K. Introduction to the Botswana legal system. 3rd ed. ISBN: 9991261907 136pp. P30.00 ($4.47/£3.14) Pula 2001 BS Law—Burkina Faso Lompo, M.B. Les tribunaux départementaux et les tribunaux d’arrondissement au Burkina Faso. 106pp. CFA2,500 (Eur4.00) Sankofa & Gurli 1995 UV FRE Law—Cameroun Anoukaha, F. Le droit des sûretés dans l’acte uniforme OHADA. ISBN: 291208606X 164pp. AES-PUA 1998 CM FRE Anoukaha, F., Tjouen, A.D. Les procédures simplifiées de recouvrement et les voies d’exécution OHADA. ISBN: 2912086167 193pp. CFA7,000 (Eur22.00) PUA 1999 CM FRE
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African Books in Print
Subject index Lekane, E. Annales d’économie/droit. ISBN: 2912086329 99pp. PUA 2001 CM FRE Leunde, E. Legislation camerounaise du travail. 89pp. CFA1,815 CLE 1983 CM FRE Ndachi Tagne, D., comp. Textes juridiques sur la communication au Cameroun. 154pp. CRAC 1997 CM FRE Ngadjui, N. Annales de droit. ISBN: 2912086310 59pp. PUA 2001 CM Ngadjui, N., Tchokwalieu, S. Annales de législation. ISBN: 2912086302 54pp. PUA 2001 CM FRE Nyama, J-M. Eléments de droit des affaires, Cameroun-OHADA. ISBN: 2911380347 268pp. CFA7,500 (Eur11.48) UCAC 2002 CM FRE
Law—Ghana—Addresses and essays CADICEC Le régime juridique des ASBL en République Démocratique du Congo. 96pp. CFA69.00 ($2.90) Cadicec 1999 ZR FRE Deguirini, P. Comment fonctionne la justice au Congo. 96pp. ($8.50) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Ghenda, J.K. Droit civil - les biens. 1183pp. ($199.00) Kap Kaz 2004 ZR FRE Kalala, E. Des lois pour les jeunes. Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
154pp. ($9.00)
Kalambayi, C. Des lois que nul ne peut ignorer. ($9.50) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
Nzazi, M. Code du travail. (Mesures d’application). vol.2 208pp. ($14.40) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Ognimba, A. Les comportements anti-sociaux en droit traditionnel congolais. ISBN: 2844170102 CFA40,000 (Eur45.73) EDJA 2001 SG FRE Rubbens, A. Le droit judiciaire zaïrois. 346pp. Press Univ Congo 1978 ZR FRE wa Kayembe, B. Traité de droit fiscal zaïrois. 278pp. (FB1,000) Press Univ Congo 1993 ZR FRE
Kalambayi, C. La formation des parajuristes. 190pp. ($9.30) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
Law—Côte d’Ivoire Editions CEDA Code de la nationalité. ISBN: 2863943480 56pp. CFA500.00 CEDA 2002 IV FRE
Nyama, J-M. Régime foncier et domanialité publique au Cameroun. ISBN: 2911380452 504pp. CFA15,000 (Eur22.86) UCAC 2001 CM FRE
Kalongo Mbikayi Reponsabilité civile et socialisation des risques en droit zaïrois et comparé. 364pp. ($20.00) Z36.40 Press Univ Congo 1976 ZR FRE
Law—Dictionaries Claassen, C.J. Claassen’s dictionary of legal words and phrases. R1,219.80 Butterworth 1997 SA
Oumarou, A. Code de lois pénales. ISBN: 2912086108 481pp. AES-PUA 1998 CM FRE
Kanyinda, W. Le régime juridique des ASBL en République Démocratique du Congo. 102pp. ($8.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
Pougoué, P.G. L’organisation des procédures collectives d’apurement du passif OHADA. [Text in French and English.] ISBN: 2912086140 232pp. AES-PUA 1999 CM FRE
Kashama, R. Chroniques judiciaires. ZR FRE
Pougoué, P-G. Présentation générale et procédure en OHADA. ISBN: 2912086078 90pp. AESPUA 1998 CM FRE Pougoué, P.G., Fénéon, A., Tchakoua, J.N. Droit de l’arbitrage dans l’espace OHADA. ISBN: 2912086221 507pp. PUA 2000 CM FRE Twengembo, M. Formulaires d’actes usuels de procédure et des voies d’exécution OHADA. ISBN: 2912086183 246pp. (Eur16.00) PUA 1999 CM FRE Law—Commonwealth of Nations Elias, T.O. The judicial process in Commonwealth Africa. 124pp. ($6.00) Ghana UP 1980 GH Elias, T.O. Judicial processes in the newer Commonwealth. 288pp. ($33.00/£18.50) Univ Lagos Press 1990 NR Law—Congo Democratic Republic Azama, L. Manuel des exercices pratiques à l’usage des étudiants et des praticiens du droit fiscal. 177pp. CFA531 ($20.00) Cadicec 1999 ZR FRE Bompaka Nkayi Droits et devoirs des parents, droit zairois et droit comparé. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 73) 290pp. map (DM39.00) CEEBA 1982 ZR FRE CADICEC Code du travail. Mesures d’application textes officiels depuis le 9 août 1967 jusqu’en 1994. 16th ed. vol.2 177pp. ($35.20) Cadicec 1994 ZR FRE CADICEC Code du travail. Textes revus et corrigés. 17th ed. 63pp. ($9.20) Cadicec 1996 ZR FRE CADICEC Législation sociale, taxes et gestion. Rapport du séminaire pour missionaireemployeur. 64pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1985 ZR FRE CADICEC La P.M.E. zaïroise (enquête-législationformation-encadrement). Actes du colloque Cadicec-Opez: Fikin 1986. 64pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1986 ZR FRE
Kifuabala, J.P. Les droits réels. Kaz 2004 ZR
vol.1 PUL 2001
476pp. ($98.00) Kap
Kis, K. Droit aérien congolais. Considérations sur l’exploitation des lignes aériennes et responsables des hors porteurs. 187pp. ($60.00) Kalombo 1998 ZR FRE Kisusa, M.N. Les arrêts en matière de travail. ($92.00) Kap Kaz 2004 ZR FRE
Lamy, E. Le droit privé zaïrois. vol.1 285pp. Z7.04 Press Univ Congo 1975 ZR FRE Likulia Bolongo Méthode d’approche de la qualification des faits en droit pénal. 42pp. Z50.00 Press Univ Congo 1982 ZR FRE Likulia Bolongo Les méthodes d’approche de qualifications des faits juridiques. Univ Congo 1983 ZR FRE
Lumpungu, G.K. Droit civil. Régime foncier et immobilier. vol.2 ISBN: 9106411014 105pp. Press Univ Congo 1999 ZR FRE Lumpungu, K. Droit civil/régime général des biens. 272pp. Press Univ Congo 1984 ZR FRE Muderwa, P. Chroniques d’une société civile au SudKivu. 124pp. ($9.90) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
Deguirini, P. Petit dictionnaire des infractions. ($9.20) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
Jutastat Trilingual legal dictionary. [Available on diskette and CD-ROM. Text in English, Afrikaans and Latin.] 3rd ed. R160.00 Juta 1996 SA MUL Kolajo, A.A. Law dictionary. ISBN: 9780062629 67pp. N350.00 ($5.00/£4.00) Brighter Star 2002 NR Law—Examinations, questions Ajomo, M.A., ed. General principles of law for professional examinations. 450pp. ($25.00/£13.95) N45.00 Univ Lagos Press 1987 NR Heaton, J., de Jong, M. Examination workbook for family law. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 214pp. R49.00 ($10.40/£6.60/Eur9.10) Unisa 1997 SA Hussain, A. Aid to passing AIB stage 1: law 1. 176pp. K.shs.310.00 EAEP 1985 KE Law—France Derine, R. Le droit de propriété en France et en Belgique au 19e siècle: droit absolu et quasi illimité? 68pp. 55k Press Univ Congo 1959 ZR FRE Law—Ghana Brobbey, S.A. Practice and procedure in the trial courts and tribunals of Ghana. Volume 1: the district courts and community tribunals. vol.1 ISBN: 9964960921 cd. 727pp. ($65.95/£39.95) Black Mask 2000 GH Djan, K.A. Public tribunals and justice in Ghana. 16pp. ($0.50) C50.00 Asempa 1988 GH
Mulumba Katchy. Le droit au nom en droit Zairois et en droit comparé. ($21.00) Z39.00 Press Univ Congo 1979 ZR FRE
Institute of Economic Affairs The protected public interest disclosure bill, 2001 (draft). (IEA occasional papers, 32) ISBN: 9988584652 15pp. Inst Econ Aff - Ghana 2003 GH
Mulumba Lukoji Succession d’états au droits patrimoniaux. vol.2 ($21.00) Z39.00 Press Univ Congo 1979 ZR FRE
Woodman, G.R. Customary land law in the Ghanaian courts. 495pp. ($71.00/£39.50) Ghana UP 1996 GH
Mwene Songa, N. La criminalisation de l’économie zairoise. 34pp. ($5.00) Droit & Soc 1996 ZR FRE Nyabirungu mwene Songa Responsabilité pénale et civile du médecin en droit zaïrois. 68pp. Droit & Soc 1995 ZR FRE Nzazi, M. Code du travail. vol.1 236pp. ($14.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
Law—Ghana—Addresses and essays Daniel, W.C.E., Woodman, G.R., eds. Essays in Ghanaian law: supreme court centenary publication 1876-1976. cd. 273pp. C10.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1976 GH Turkson, R.B. The law relating to hire-purchase in Ghana: an appraisal. 17pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1978 GH
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Law—Kenya Law—Kenya Jackson, T. Guide to the legal profession in Kenya. 57pp. K.shs.40.00 ($8.00) Africa Book Serv 1980 KE Kabeberi, J. The child, custody, care and maintenance. 64pp. K.shs.256.00 OUP - Nairobi 1990 KE Kibwana, K. An introduction to law and legal systems. (Paralegals handbook, 3) ISBN: 9966925036 K.shs.150.00 ($6.00/£4.00) Claripress 2000[?] KE Kibwana, K. An introduction to the constitution of Kenya. (Paralegals handbook, 4) ISBN: 9966915044 K.shs.150.00 ($6.00/£4.00) Claripress 2000[?] KE Kibwana, K., ed. A handbook on paralegal training and paralegal work. (Paralegals handbook, 1) ISBN: 996691501X K.shs.250.00 ($8.00/ £5.00) Claripress 2000[?] KE Kimondo, G.K. Family law and succession. (Paralegals handbook, 8) ISBN: 9966915089 K.shs.150.00 ($6.00/£4.00) Claripress 2000[?] KE Kimondo, G.K. An introduction to civil law and procedure. (Paralegals handbook, 14) ISBN: 9966915149 K.shs.150.00 ($6.00/£4.00) Claripress 2000[?] KE Kuloba, R. Judicial hints on civil procedure. 2nd rev ed. ISBN: 9966703403 392pp. ($44.95) LawAfrica 2005 KE Kuloba, R.A. Courts of justice in Kenya. ISBN: 0195727274 K.shs.500.00 OUP - Nairobi 1998 KE Maema, W.I. An introduction to criminal law and procedures. (Paralegals handbook, 13) ISBN: 9966915139 K.shs.200.00 ($7.00/ £5.00) Claripress 2000[?] KE Maisel, P., Greenbaum, L. Introduction to law and legal skills. ISBN: 0409041084 238pp. R175.00 Butterworth 2001 SA Mitullah, W.V., Mute, L.M., Kibwana, K., Wanjala, S., eds. The case for an ombudsman in Kenya. K.shs.450.00 ($11.00/£8.00) Claripress 1996 KE Mkangi, K., Mwasaru, M. The paralegal worker and community development. (Paralegals handbook, 2) ISBN: 9966915028 K.shs.150.00 ($6.00/ £4.00) Claripress 2000[?] KE Mute, L. Environmental law in Kenya. (Paralegals handbook, 6) ISBN: 9966915069 K.shs.150.00 ($6.00/£4.00) Claripress 2000[?] KE Mutunga, W. The rights of an arrested and an accused person. 104pp. OUP - Nairobi 1990 KE Mwangi, P. The black bar: corruption and political intrigue within Kenya’s legal fraternity. 187pp. Oakland 2001 KE Ojwang, J. The S.M. Otieno case. Death and burial. 192pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Nairobi UP 1989 KE Ojwang’, J.B., Kabereri, J., eds. Law and the public interest: proceedings of a conference held at Kisumu. (IDS occasional papers, 52) 68pp. K.shs.150.00 Inst Dev Stud 1986 KE Okidi, C.O., Okoth-Ogendo, H.W.O. Reflections on law and development. (IDS occasional papers, 29) 149pp. K.shs.172.00 Inst Dev Stud 1978 KE
Subject index Okoth-Ogendo, H.W.O. Tenants of the crown: evolution of agrarian law and institutions in Kenya. (ACTS Legal Studies series, 2) 212pp. K.shs.150.00 ($18.00) ACTS - Kenya 1991 KE Oloka-Onyango, J., Kibwana, K., Peter, C.M. Law and the struggle for democracy in Kenya. ISBN: 996696021X 787pp. K.shs.1,450 ($20.00/£13.00) Claripress 1998 KE Onalo, P. Land law and conveyancing in Kenya. 300pp. K.shs.895.00 ($27.00/£14.95) EAEP 1986 KE Owiti, O. The rights of an employee in Kenya. 75pp. K.shs.256.00 OUP - Nairobi 1990 KE Wanjala, S. Land law and disputes in Kenya. 92pp. K.shs.256.00 OUP - Nairobi 1990 KE Wanjala, S.C. Essays on land law: the reform debate in Kenya. ISBN: 9966915303 278pp. K.shs.525.00 ($13.00/£9.00) Claripress 1999 KE Law—Lesotho Matoonane, T., The Lesotho 1999-2000. Soc-Lesotho
Mohau, K.K., eds. law reports and legal bulletin 576pp. ($65.96/£39.95) Law 2002 LO
Law—Lesotho—Indexes Kukubo, R.J.W. Cumulative index to the statute law of Lesotho, 5 March 1960 to 31 December 1982. 351pp. ($22.50) Univ Press Lesotho 1986 LO Law—Mali Editions Jamana Le procès crimes de sang. 69pp. CFA1,000 ($2.50) Jamana 1992 ML FRE Law—Mali—Study and teaching Tapo, A.G. Cours de droit des obligations. 126pp. CFA4,700 ($11.12) Jamana 1996 ML FRE Law—Namibia Hubbard, D. Introduction to Namibian law. (Law for all, 1) ISBN: 9991622233 38pp. ill. Out of Africa - Namibia 2001 SX van Rooyen, J.W.F. Implementing affirmative action in Namibia: a summarised guide to the Affirmative Action (Employment) Act (Act 29 of 1998). 3rd rev.ed. ISBN: 9991675140 53pp. ill. Namibia Inst Demo 2000 SX Law—Netherlands van Niekerk, J.P. The development of the principles of insurance law in the Netherlands from 1500 to 1800. 2 vols. ISBN: 0702149209 1,546pp. R500.00 Juta 1998 SA Law—Nigeria Abdulrazaq, M.T. Nigerian revenue law. ISBN: 9780231900 266pp. ($29.95/£20.95) Malthouse 2005 NR Achike, O. Groundwork of military law and military rule in Nigeria. cd. 260pp. (£8.50) Fourth Dimension 1978 NR Adah, C.E. The Nigerian law of evidence. ISBN: 9780231072 342pp. ($29.95/£17.95) Malthouse 2000 NR Adeniran, M.O. Essays on tribunals and inquiries in Nigeria. ISBN: 9780308652 157pp. ($18.50) Univ Press - Nig 2004 NR Adesanya, S.A. Laws of matrimonial causes. new ed. 294pp. N45.00 Ibadan UP 1980 NR
Adesola, S.M. Income tax law and administration in Nigeria. 253pp. ($19.50/£13.50) N20.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1986 NR Adewoye, A. The legal profession of Nigeria. 240pp. pl. N3.00 Longman - Nig 1977 NR Aguda, T.A. The judiciary in the government of Nigeria. 183pp. ($32.00) N9.50 N20.00 New Horn 1983 NR Aguda, T.A. Law of evidence. 426pp. N1,140 ($20.00) Spectrum 1989 NR Aguda, T.A., ed. Nigerian current law review, 1985. cd. 206pp. N164.30 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1986 NR Ahamba, M.I. Twin pillars of unity (freedom & justice). 93pp. (£6.25/$10.00) Fourth Dimension 1990 NR Akanki, E.O., ed. Essays on company law. 348pp. ($35.00/£19.95) Univ Lagos Press 1992 NR Akpata, E. Nigerian arbitration law in focus. ISBN: 9781530448 206pp. (£5.67) West African Bk 2001[?] NR Aluko, O. Cases and material on negligence and accident. ISBN: 9780063382 92pp. N600.00 ($6.00/£5.00) Brighter Star 2003 NR Aluko, O. Cases and materials on interlocutory reliefs in courts. ISBN: 9780064591 95pp. N700.00 ($5.30/£4.67) Brighter Star 2004 NR Aluko, O. Civil procedure of the superior courts in Nigeria. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9780060235 205pp. N685.00 ($18.00/£15.00) Brighter Star 2001 NR Aluko, O. Interpretation of statutes and documents. ISBN: 9780662622 80pp. N700.00 ($10.00/£8.00) Brighter Star 2005 NR Aluko, O. The law of real property and procedure. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9780060278 193pp. N685.00 ($18.00/£15.00) Brighter Star 2001 NR Aluko, O. Lawyer’s companion on law. ISBN: 9780060308 283pp. N800.00 ($20.00/ £17.00) Brighter Star 2001 NR Aluko, O. Principles of damages. ISBN: 9780061975 133pp. N800.00 ($8.00/ £7.00) Brighter Star 2002 NR Apara, A. The law is for all. 144pp. (£5.25) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Balewa, B.A.T. Common law and sharia in Nigeria: an unresolved problem of coexistence. ISBN: 9781565144 116pp. ($20.95/ £12.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Benue State Law Reports Commission Benue state law reports. vol.1 260pp. ($20.00) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Ejike Ume, F. The courts and the administration of law in Nigeria. new ed. ISBN: 9781562811 399pp. ($41.95/£24.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Ekwo, I.E. Incorporated trustees law for churches and religious associations. ISBN: 978006303X 201pp. N1,500 ($15.00/ £12.00) Brighter Star 2003 NR Elegido, J.M. Jurisprudence. 417pp. N1,440 ($20.00/ £16.50) Spectrum 1994 NR
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African Books in Print
Subject index Emiola, A. Public servant and the law. 243pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1986 NR Eso, K. The mystery gunman. [On the evolution of the rule of law and democracy in Nigeria.] 313pp. ill.pl. N1,020 ($30.00/ £16.75) Spectrum 1995 NR Fabunmi, J.O. Equity and trusts in Nigeria. 350pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1986 NR Karibi-Whyte, A.G. The Federal High Court: law and practice. 360pp. ($27.50/£18.50) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Kasumu, A.B., ed. The Supreme Court of Nigeria 1956-70. cd. 264pp. N386.05 Heinemann Educ Ib 1978 NR Kodilinye, A. An introduction to equity in Nigeria. 254pp. N400.00 ($16.00) Spectrum 1990 NR Kodilinye, A. Nigeria law of torts. 319pp. N500.00 ($20.00) Spectrum 1990 NR Kolajo, A.A. Case law on religious organisation. ISBN: 9780064583 85pp. ($4.55/£4.00) Brighter Star 2003 NR Kolajo, A.A. Laws for the layman. ISBN: 9780291075 118pp. N480.00 ($16.95/ £9.95) Spectrum 1999 NR Kolajo, A.A. Layman’s guide to criminal law and anticorruption law. ISBN: 9780293388 102pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Spectrum 2002 NR Mahmood, Y., ed. Sharia law reports of Nigeria (1961-1989). vol.1 231pp. N780.00 ($27.00/£14.95) Spectrum 1993 NR Nkuzi Nnam, M. Anglo-American and Nigerian jurisprudence (a comparison and contrast in legal reasoning and concept of law). 192pp. ($10.00/£6.75) Fourth Dimension 1989 NR Nnaemeka-Agu, P. Manual of brief writing in the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Nigeria. 156pp. ($17.00/£9.50) Fourth Dimension 1991 NR Nwankwo, A.A. Justice. [On sedition charge, conviction, and acquittal of Chief Arthur Nwankwo.] (£7.00) N8.00 Fourth Dimension 1986 NR Nweze, C.C., et al. Imprints on law and jurisprudence. 192pp. ($10.00) Fourth Dimension 1996 NR Nweze, C.C., Nnamani, G.C. Justice Philip Nnaemeka-Agu: imprints on law and jurisprudence. 162pp. (£7.50/ $13.75) Fourth Dimension 1996 NR Nwogugu, E.I., ed. Current legal problems in Nigeria: proceedings of the Anambra State law conference, 1986. 286pp. ($12.50/ £8.50) Fourth Dimension 1988 NR Obi-Okoye, J. Essays in civil proceedings. vol.2 96pp. (£13.00) Fourth Dimension 1980 NR Obi-Okoye, J. Essays on civil proceedings. vol.3 96pp. (£13.00) Fourth Dimension 1980 NR Obilade, O. The Nigerian legal system. 294pp. N500.00 ($20.00) Spectrum 1990 NR Odinkalu, A.C. Justice denied. The area courts system in the northern states of Nigeria. 157pp. Kraft 1992 NR
Law—Senegal Ogundere, J.D. The Nigerian judge and his court. 800pp. ($127.00) Univ Press - Nig 1995 NR Ogwuche, A.S., ed. Compendium of laws under the Nigerian legal system. ISBN: 0954538404 510pp. ($57.95/£34.95) Maiyati 2002 NR Ojo, J.D. Law and university administration in Nigeria. 200pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Malthouse 1990 NR Okany, M.C. Law of property in Nigeria. 2nd ed. cd. 828pp. Fourth Dimension 1991 NR Okany, M.C. Nigerian law of property. new ed. ISBN: 9781562277 ($24.00) Fourth Dimension 2000 NR Ola, C.S., Ola, A.O. Mens Rea in the statutory offences in Nigeria. 116pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Malthouse 1990 NR Olowofoyeku, A.A., Aguda, A., eds. Law of judicial immunities in Nigeria. 247pp. N780.00 ($30.00/£16.75) Spectrum 1992 NR Oluyede, P.A. Nigerian law of conveyancing. cd. 334pp. N30.00 Ibadan UP 1978 NR Oluyede, P.A.E. Nigerian conveyancing practice, drafting and precedents. cd. & 609pp. N1,225.50 ($90.00/£49.50) cd. ($43.00/£24.00 pap.) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1994 NR Omotola, J.A. Law and land rights: wither Nigeria? (Inaugural lec. ser.) cd. & 38pp. ($10.00/ £5.00) N5.00 ($2.50/£1.80) Univ Lagos Press 1988 NR PLSLRC Plateau law report. vol.3 411pp. ($20.00) Fourth Dimension 1980 NR Rivers State Law Reports Commission Rivers State law report. vol.1 276pp. ($12.00) Fourth Dimension 1980 NR Sagay, I. Nigerian law of contract. 587pp. N1,320 ($22.00) Spectrum 1995 NR Sanda, A.A. Justice delayed is justice denied. ISBN: 9780292519 63pp. N420.00 Spectrum 2001 NR Thompson Reminiscences at the bar. 273pp. ($33.00/£18.50) Bookcraft 1991 NR Tobi, N. A case book on the law of evidence in Nigeria. ISBN: 9781564628 144pp. ($39.95/£23.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Ume, F.E.O. The courts and administration of law in Nigeria. 399pp. ($37.50/£25.00) Fourth Dimension 1989 NR Umoh, P.U. Precedent in Nigerian courts. new ed. ISBN: 9781560177 362pp. ($39.95/ £32.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Utama, A.A., ed., Ibru, G.M., ed. The law of trusts and their uses in Nigeria. ISBN: 9780231749 92pp. ($19.95/£12.95) Malthouse 2004 NR Yakubu, J.A. Administration of justice in Nigeria. Essays in honour of the Honourable Justice Mohammed Lawal Uwais. ISBN: 9780230998 276pp. ($20.95/£17.95) Malthouse 2000 NR Law—Nigeria—Addresses and essays Mbanefo, L. The role of the judiciary in Nigeria: now and in the future. (NIIA, lecture series, 9) 9pp. N5.00 NIIA 1976 NR
Nweze, C.C., ed. Justice in the judicial process. Essays in honour of Honourable Justice Eugene Ubaezonu. ISBN: 9781564938 584pp. ($49.95/£29.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Umezulike, I.A., Nweze, C.C., eds. Perspectives in law and justice (essays in honour of the Chief Justice of Enugu State). 320pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Fourth Dimension 1996 NR Law—Nigeria—Indexes Fawehinmi, G. Digest of Western State Court of Appeal: civil cases 1967-1969. 125pp. N5.00 West 1973 NR Olaitan, M.O., ed. Nigeria: index to law reports 1880-1990. 4 vols. cd. ($1,500/£1,000) F&L 1999 NR Law—Senegal Boye, A.E.K. L’acte de nationalisation. 214pp. CFA2,600 NEAS 1979 SG FRE Boye, A.K. Les mariages mixtes en droit international privé sénégalais. 144pp. CFA1,500 NEAS 1982 SG FRE Coly, P.M. Droit social en chiffres. 191pp. CFA15,000 EENAS 1997 SG FRE Coly, P.M. Le nouveau code du travail au Sénégal. 190pp. CFA5,000 EENAS 1997 SG FRE Editions Juridiques Africaines Nouveau code des obligations civiles et commerciales du Sénégal annoté. ISBN: 2878380142 637pp. CFA60,000 (Eur91.00) EDJA 2001 SG FRE Issa-Sayegh, J. Droit du travail sénégalais. NEAS 1987 SG FRE
Martin, D. Droit civil et commercial sénégalais. 249pp. CFA2,750 NEAS 1982 SG FRE Ministère de la Justice, Sénégal Code du travail et code de la sécurité sociale du Sénégal. 185pp. CFA4,250 NEAS 1981 SG FRE Ndiaye, D. Nouveau code du travail au Sénégal. Loi no. 97.17 du 1er décembre 1997. ISBN: 2878380061 234pp. CFA40,000 (Eur61.00) EDJA 2001 SG FRE Ndir, A. Code général des impôts annoté du Sénégal. 2nd ed. 900pp. CFA30,000 EDJA 1995 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Les avocats au Sénégal. new rev.ed. ISBN: 2878380711 (Eur60.98) Southern Book Publ 2005 SA FRE Ndoye, D. Code de procédure du Sénégal. Annoté. ISBN: 2878380919 479pp. (Eur91.47) EDJA 2004 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Code des drogues du Sénégal. ISBN: 2878380312 155pp. (Eur60.98) EDJA 2000 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Code général des impôts annoté. Les textes annotés et commentés. Jurisprudence des cours et tribunaux. ISBN: 2878380428 229pp. CFA150,000 (Eur229.00) EDJA 2002 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Code pénal annoté. Les textes et la jurisprudence. ISBN: 2878380215 251pp. CFA40,000 (Eur61.00) EDJA 2000 SG FRE Ndoye, D. La convention collective nationale interprofessionnelle du Sénégale. Annoté. ISBN: 2878380835 80pp. CFA30,000 (Eur45.73) EDJA 2000 SG FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Law—Senegal Ndoye, D. La cour de cassation. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2878380673 67pp. (Eur45.73) EDJA 2005 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Le droit de la propriété foncière. Les textes du décret du 26 juillet 1932 annoté. ISBN: 287838038X 206pp. CFA30,000 (Eur46.00) EDJA 2000 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Droit et responsabilité de juges au Sénégal. La doctrine et le statut des magistrats. ISBN: 2844170056 131pp. CFA40,000 EDJA 2001 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Droit foncier domanial et immobilier du Sénégal. Textes mis à jour, annotés et commentés. 360pp. CFA150,000 (Eur229.00) EDJA 1997 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Le juge d’instruction et les libertés individuelles au Sénégal. ISBN: 2844170021 117pp. CFA40,000 (Eur61.00) EDJA 2001 SG FRE Ndoye, D. L’avocat sénégalais et la procédure du pourvoi en cassation devant la cour commune de justice de l’OHADA. ISBN: 2878387005 51pp. CFA12,000 (Eur18.00) EDJA 1998 SG FRE Ndoye, D. La liberté d’opinion et d’expression au Sénégal. La doctrine et les textes. ISBN: 288417003X 135pp. CFA40,000 (Eur61.00) EDJA 2001 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Les magistrats au Sénégal. 1995 SG FRE
70pp. EDJA
Ndoye, D. Nouveau code de la famille du Sénégal annoté. Les textes et la jurisprudence. ISBN: 2878380274 363pp. CFA60,000 (Eur91.00) EDJA 2000 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Nouveau code des drogues au Sénégal. Classification et réglementation. ISBN: 2878380312 142pp. CFA30,000 (Eur46.00) EDJA 2000 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Les officiers ministériels. Les textes annotés du Sénégal. new rev.ed. ISBN: 287838072X 292pp. (Eur91.47) EDJA 2005 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Le pouvoir judiciaire au Sénégal face aux autres pouvoirs. ISBN: 2844170048 171pp. CFA40,000 (Eur61.00) EDJA 2001 SG FRE
SAFEFOD Dekere 80-26 mo 10 marse 1980 ciinudo njubbudi lappi oordudi e sardiiji kuutorogol durnirde. [Text in Pulaar in French.] 34pp. CFA450.00 SAFEFOD 2000 SG MUL SAFEFOD Dekere 86-275 bi aju ci doxalinu tabbal furyeer bayyima yiy weraalu. [Text in French, Wolof and Wolof Arabic script.] 16pp. CFA450.00 SAFEFOD 1997 SG MUL SAFEFOD Dekere 86-275 ciynudo sardi furyeer ooroori piltori. [Text in French, Pulaar and Pulaar Arabic script.] 14pp. CFA450.00 SAFEFOD 1997 SG MUL Sock, M.T. La corruption, la politique et le droit au Sénégal. La doctrine politique et les textes commentés. ISBN: 2844170080 116pp. CFA40,000 (Eur45.73) EDJA 2001 SG FRE Law—South Africa Ajibola, B., van Zyl, D. The judiciary in Africa. ISBN: 0702146730 272pp. R280.00 Juta 1998 SA Albertyn, C., Goldblatt, B., Roerderer, C. Introduction to the promotion of equality and prevention of unfair discrimination Act no.4 2000. ISBN: 1868143732 160pp. R99.95 Witwatersrand UP 2003 SA
SAFEFOD Code des collectivités locales. [Also available in Wolof and Pulaar.] 60pp. CFA1,000 SAFEFOD 1997 SG FRE
Butterworth Publishers Butterworth legislation service: national building regulations and building standards act 103 of 1977. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014400 R108.30 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths court tariffs, fees and jurisdictional amounts 1997/98. ISBN: 0409016233 R52.44 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers The Butterworths legal practice handbook series. vol.5 ISBN: 040902998X R75.24 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers The Butterworths legal practice handbook series. vol.2 ISBN: 0409029971 R75.24 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers The Butterworths legal practice handbook series. vol.4 ISBN: 0409029963 R75.24 Butterworth 1998 SA
Butterworth Publishers The Butterworths legal practice handbook series. vol.3 ISBN: 0409029955 R75.24 Butterworth 1998 SA
Barrow, O.J., Erasmus, H.J. The Supreme Court Act 59 of 1959 and the Magistrate’s Court Act 32 of 1944. 12th ed. ISBN: 0702149837 100pp. Juta 2004 SA
Butterworth Publishers The Butterworths legal practice handbook series. vol.6 ISBN: 0409029939 R75.24 Butterworth 1998 SA
Beaumont, M. Beaumont wise. ISBN: 0409011878 R2,280 Butterworth 1998 SA Beek, C.Z.A., ed. Aviation legislation in South Africa. vol.2 ISBN: 0409012076 R387.60 Butterworth 1998 SA
Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: credit agreements act 75 of 1980. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014141 R95.76 Butterworth 1998 SA
Benjamin, P., Thompson, C. The occupational health and safety act. ISBN: 0702122659 R285.00 Juta 2000 SA Boshoff, E., Morkel, P. Juta’s education law and policy handbook. ISBN: 0702148156 400pp. R260.00 Juta 1999 SA Botha, A., ed. Association of law societies practice manual. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409006440 R391.02 Butterworth 1998 SA Botha, C. Street law South Africa educator’s manual. Practical law for South Africans. ISBN: 0702166685 335pp. R215.00 Juta 2005 SA Boulle, L., Rycroft, A. Mediation: principles, process and practice. 288pp. R166.44 Butterworth 1997 SA Brand, H. Gambling laws of South Africa. R495.00 Juta 1997 SA
Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: administration of estates act 66 of 1965. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014044 R95.76 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: constitutional court. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 040901463X R95.76 Butterworth 1998 SA
Beek, C.Z.A., ed. Aviation legislation in South Africa. vol.3 ISBN: 0409012092 R615.60 Butterworth 1998 SA
Behrens, R. Legal issues for the entrepreneur. 0702160369 280pp. Juta 2003 SA
Ndoye, D. Les systèmes non juridictionnels de règlements des conflits au Sénégal. La doctrine et le droit positif. ISBN: 2844170064 163pp. CFA40,000 (Eur61.00) EDJA 2001 SG FRE
Butterworth Publishers Basic conditions of employment act 75 of 1997. 56pp. R45.60 Butterworth 1997 SA
Anderson, F., van Wyk, J. Labour law in action. A hands-on guide to the LRA. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636041859 R99.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA
Ndoye, D. La prévoyance retraite du secteur privé du Sénégal. ISBN: 2878380487 151pp. (Eur45.73) EDJA 2005 SG FRE
Ndoye, D. La représentation et la défense de l’état devant le juge au Sénégal. La doctrine politique et textes. ISBN: 2844170013 68pp. CFA40,000 (Eur61.00) EDJA 2001 SG FRE
420pp. R28.50 Butterworth
Butterworth Publishers The Butterworths legal practice handbook series. vol.1 ISBN: 0409029947 R75.24 Butterworth 1998 SA
Beek, C.Z.A., ed. Aviation legislation in South Africa. vol.1 ISBN: 0869849625 R214.00 Butterworth 1998 SA
Ndoye, D. La règlementation de l’architecture au Sénégal et la jurisprudence des cours et tribunaux. ISBN: 287838041X 115pp. (Eur45.73) EDJA 2000 SG FRE
Burns, Y.M. Media law. 1990 SA
292pp. R125.00
Alexander, M.S. Occupational health and safety act legislation manual. ISBN: 0409010634 R207.48 Butterworth 1998 SA
Ndoye, D. La prévoyance maladie du secteur privé. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2878380843 83pp. (Eur45.73) EDJA 2005 SG FRE
Ndoye, D. La règlementation de la profession d’avocat au Sénégal. 105pp. EDJA 1995 SG FRE
Burchell, J. Principles of delict. Juta 1993 SA
Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: criminal procedure act 51 of 1977. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014087 R108.30 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: deeds registries act of 1937. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014095 R108.30 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: estate duty act 45 of 1955. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014117 R101.46 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: insolvency act 24 of 1936. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014176 R101.46 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: insurance act 27 of 1943. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014206 R123.12 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: labour relations act 66 of 1995. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014591 R111.72 Butterworth 1998 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 306
African Books in Print
Subject index Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: land survey act 9 of 1927. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014524 R101.46 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: liquor act 27 of 1989. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014605 R108.30 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: magistrates’ courts act 32 of 1944. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014265 R108.30 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: motor vehicle accidents act 84 of 1986. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014338 R95.76 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: multilateral motor vehicle accidents fund act 93 of 1989. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014346 R95.76 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: pension funds act 24 of 1956. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014362 R95.76 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: restitution of land act 22 of 1994 and expropriation act 63 of 1975. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014613 R108.30 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: road accidents fund act 56 of 1996. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014583 R108.30 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: road transportation act 71 of 1977. [Also available in Afrkiaans.] ISBN: 040901429X R101.46 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: sectional titles act 95 of 1986. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014710 R101.46 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: share blocks control act 59 of 1980. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014680 R95.76 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: stamp duties act 77 of 1968. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014354 R101.46 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: supreme court act 59 of 1959. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014389 R108.30 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: transfer duty act 40 of 1949. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014419 R95.76 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths legislation service: usury act 73 of 1968. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409014427 R108.30 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths procedural timetables and prescription periods 1997-98. 81pp. R50.16 Butterworth 1997 SA Butterworth Publishers Consolidated chief registrar of deeds circulars and conference resolutions. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409034282 R151.62 Butterworth 1998 SA
Law—South Africa Butterworth Publishers Juridata property laws. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409034347 R1,938 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Juridata transfer and bond costs. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] 69pp. R41.38 Butterworth 1997 SA Butterworth Publishers Labour relations act 1995. 2nd rev.ed. 163pp. R53.58 Butterworth 1997 SA Butterworth Publishers & Board of Sheriffs Sheriffs’ handbook. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] ISBN: 040902192X R587.10 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers (Pty) Ltd Butterworths court tariffs and fees. R30.00 Butterworth 1993 SA Butterworths Editorial Staff Butterworths guide to the statutes of South Africa/Butterworths gids tot die wette van suid-Afrika 1910-1997. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] Butterworth 1998 SA MUL Butterworths Editorial Staff Butterworths legislation service - road accidents fund act 56 of 1996. ISBN: 0409014583 R78.66 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworths Editorial Staff Cumulative index to the government gazette/Kumulatiewe indeks tot die staatkoerant. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] cd. Butterworth 1998 SA MUL Butterworths Editorial Staff Quickguide - Butterworths guide to the statutes of South Africa. ISBN: 0409015733 Butterworth 1998 SA Calland, R., comp. The statute book. Idasa 1995 SA
vol.1 60pp. R24.95
Campbell, M., ed. Butterworths survey of South African law 1997. ISBN: 0409004669 cd. 500pp. R275.88 Butterworth 1998 SA
de Villiers van Winsen, L., Cilliers, A.C., Loots, C. The civil practice of the Supreme Courts of South Africa. 4th ed. cd. 1428pp. R170.00 Juta 1997 SA de Waal, M., Schoeman, M.C., Wiechers, N.J. Law of succession. 2nd ed. Students handbook. 217pp. R120.00 Juta 1996 SA Delport, H. South African property practice and the law. [Annual] 524pp. R315.00 Juta 1997 SA Divaris, C., Stein, M.L. Silke on South African income tax. 11th ed. vols.1 & 2 2000pp. R684.00 Juta 1991 SA du Plessis, L., du Plessis, A.G. An introduction to law. trans.f.t. Afrikaans by Edwin Hees [Also available in Afrikaans.] 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702149195 250pp. Juta 1999 SA du Plessis, L.M. The interpretation of statutes. R149.34 Butterworth 1986 SA
du Toit, D., et al. The labour relations act of 1995: a comprehensive guide. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0409012815 R185.82 Butterworth 1998 SA Edwards, A.B. The history of South African law. An outline. 101pp. R75.24 Butterworth 1996 SA Eieselen, S., Pienaar, G. Unjustified enrichment. A casebook. 658pp. R213.18 Butterworth 1993 SA Ellenberger, E.L. Valuers’ manual. ISBN: 0409059188 R258.78 Butterworth 1998 SA Ellum, P. Legal aid developments in South Africa, July 1973-June 1975. 72pp. R1.25 Fac Law - Univ KZN 1977 SA
Cilliers, A.C. The law of costs. 3rd ed. R319.20 Butterworth 1997 SA
Erasmus, H., et al. The civil practice of the magistrates’ courts in South Africa. The rules. 9th ed. vol.2 R425.00 Juta 1997 SA
Claassen, N.J.B., Verschoor, T. Medical negligence in South Africa. 158pp. R137.94 Butterworth 1992 SA
Erasmus, H.J., de Waal, M.J. The South African law of succession. 197pp. R45.00 Butterworth 1989 SA
Cooper, W.E. Delictual liability in motor law. cd. 584pp. R465.00 Juta 1996 SA
Erasmus, H.J., et al. Workbook for civil procedure. [Also available in Afrikaans.] new ed. ISBN: 1868320065 185pp. R83.22 Butterworth 1998 SA
Cooper, W.E., ed. Landlord and tenant. 2nd ed. 438pp. R210.00 Juta 1994 SA Cronjé, D.S.P., Roos, A. Casebook on the law of succession./ Efregvonnisbundel. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] 4th ed. ISBN: 1868882365 694pp. R193.00 ($30.00/£19.40) Unisa 2002 SA MUL Dalton, R., Abrahams, L., Morkel, G., eds. Juta’s statutes of South Africa: 1997. 7 vols. ISBN: 0702145955 8,700pp. R1,385 Juta 1998 SA Dalton, R., ed. Juta’s statutes of South Africa. R169.00 Juta 1995 SA
Dalton, R., ed. Juta’s statutes of South Africa: register 1994. R169.00 Juta 1995 SA Daniel, N. Research on popular conceptions of justice: interaction between state justice and popular justice. 18pp. R14.00 (£2.80) School Dev Studies-KZN 1993 SA Daniels, H. MMR-RAF: the practitioner’ guide. R267.90 Butterworth 1994 SA de Beer, C., ed. Butterworths forms and precedents. 10 vols. R399.00 each Butterworth 1990 SA
Faculty of Law, University of Natal Legal aid in South Africa. Proceedings of a conference held in the Faculty of Law, University of Natal, Durban, from 2nd6th July, 1973. cd. 272pp. R5.00 Fac Law - Univ KZN 1974 SA Faris, J.A., Kelbrick, R.A., Hurter, E. Butterworths key to knowledge: the student handbook for civil procedure. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. 260pp. R108.30 Butterworth 1995 SA Finsen, E. The building contract. A commentary on the JBCC agreements. new ed. ISBN: 0702150592 370pp. R225.00 Juta 2006 SA Fisher, D.S., comp. Juta’s index and annotations to the South African law reports 1993-1996. cd. 1,400pp. R430.00 Juta 1997 SA Forsyth, C.F. Private international law. The modern Roman-Dutch law including the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. 3rd ed. R240.00 Juta 2003 SA Fourie, D.R. Conveyancing practice guide. R123.12 Butterworth 1992 SA
Geach, W.D. Handbook for executors, trustees and curators. 518pp. R185.00 Juta 1993 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Law—South Africa Glazewski, J., Bradfield, G. Environmental justice and the legal process. ISBN: 0702150762 350pp. R255.00 Juta 1999 SA Goosen, E.J. Agriculture products standards act and regulation. 500pp. R150.00 Aquilia 1995 SA Goosen, E.J. Allied health professions act, 1982. [Ring binder, looseleaf.] 5th ed. ISBN: 186908005X 170pp. R160.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Atmospheric pollution prevention act 1965. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 4th ed. ISBN: 187509637X 100pp. R140.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Atmospheric regulations. Afrikaans.] Aquilia 1997
pollution prevention. Act and [Text in English and 4th ed. 188pp. R120.00 SA MUL
Goosen, E.J. Child care act 1983. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] ISBN: 1875096884 200pp. R150.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Chiropractors, homeopaths and allied health service professions act and regulations. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] 3rd ed. ISBN: 1875096264 218pp. R140.00 Aquilia 1999 SA MUL Goosen, E.J. Compendium of South African laws on land reform, occupation, tenure and housing. vol.1 ISBN: 1875096469 180pp. R250.00 Aquilia 1998 SA Goosen, E.J. Compendium of South African laws on land reform, occupation, tenure and housing. vol.2 ISBN: 1875096469 530pp. R230.00 Aquilia 1998 SA Goosen, E.J. Compendium of statute law for health workers. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1869080327 280pp. R235.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Compendium of statute law relating to broadcasting. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 3rd ed. ISBN: 186908036X 220pp. R245.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Compendium of veterinary and animal statute law. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 2 vols. ISBN: 1869080394 350pp. R290.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Conservation of agricultural resources act 1983. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1869080440 150pp. R125.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Co-operatives act, 1981. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 5th ed. ISBN: 1875096949 200pp. R160.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Cross-border road transport act 1998. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1975096957 150pp. R250.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Dental technicians. Act and regulations. [Also in English and Afrikaans.] 8th ed. ISBN: 1875096698 484pp. R150.00 Aquilia 2000 SA MUL Goosen, E.J. Domestic violence act 1998. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] ISBN: 1869090092 100pp. R150.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Employment equity act 1998. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1869080351 130pp. R160.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Environment conservation act 1989. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 11th ed. ISBN: 1869080505 176pp. R140.00 Aquilia 2002 SA
Subject index Goosen, E.J. Fertilizers, farm feeds, agricultural remedies and stock rememdies act 1947. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 3rd ed. ISBN: 1869080017 130pp. R130.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Financial intelligence centre act 2001. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] ISBN: 1869080432 140pp. R190.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Forests act and regulations. R150.00 Aquilia 1995 SA
Goosen, E.J. Nursing act 1978. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 3rd ed. ISBN: 1869080459 140pp. R170.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Occupational diseases in mines and works act 1973. [Also available in Afrikaans. Ring binder, loose leaf.] 4th ed. ISBN: 1875096590 120pp. R140.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Pharmacy act 1974. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] ISBN: 1869080173 130pp. R180.00 Aquilia 2002 SA
Goosen, E.J. Hazardous substances act 1973. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 9th ed. 2 vols. ISBN: 1869060521 400pp. R220.00 Aquilia 2002 SA
Goosen, E.J. Public finance management act 1999. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] ISBN: 1869080548 110pp. R160.00 Aquilia 2002 SA
Goosen, E.J. Health act 1977. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1869080327 130pp. R120.00 Aquilia 2002 SA
Goosen, E.J. Skills development act 1998. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1869080270 90pp. R160.00 Aquilia 2002 SA
Goosen, E.J. Health professions act 1974. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 3rd ed. 2 vols. ISBN: 1869080291 400pp. R390.00 Aquilia 2002 SA
Goosen, E.J. Small claims courts act and rules. ed. 80pp. R50.00 Aquilia 1995 SA
Goosen, E.J. Immigration act 2002. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] ISBN: 1869080416 300pp. R250.00 Aquilia 2002 SA
Goosen, E.J. South African laws on land reform, occupation, tenure and housing. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 2 vols. 320pp. R280.00 Aquilia 2002 SA
Goosen, E.J. Justices of the peace and commissioners of oaths act. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] 4th ed. ISBN: 1875096515 98pp. R55.00 Aquilia 1998 SA MUL
Goosen, E.J. South African medicines and medical devices regulatory authority. Act and regulations. ISBN: 1875096604 170pp. R140.00 Aquilia 1999 SA
Goosen, E.J. Liquor products. Act and regulations. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. 438pp. R114.00 Aquilia 1997 SA MUL
Goosen, E.J. South African qualifications authority act 1995. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] ISBN: 1875096922 80pp. R120.00 Aquilia 2002 SA
Goosen, E.J. Maintenance act 1998. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] ISBN: 1869080084 120pp. R170.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Medical schemes. Act and regulations. ISBN: 1875096523 144pp. R110.00 Aquilia 1998 SA MUL Goosen, E.J. Medical schemes act, 1998 including council for medical schemes levies act 2000. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 5th ed. ISBN: 1869080483 120pp. R150.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Medicines and related substances control act 1965. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1875096973 130pp. R130.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Mental health act 1973. [Also available in Afrikaans. Ring binder, loose leaf.] ISBN: 1875096426 120pp. R140.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. National environmental management act 1998. ISBN: 1869080513 85pp. R140.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. National forests act 1998 including national veld and forest fire act 1998. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] ISBN: 1869080262 190pp. R150.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. National water act 1998. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 4th ed. 3 vols. ISBN: 1869080203 600pp. R330.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Non-profit organisations. Act and regulations. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1875096493 90pp. R50.00 Aquilia 1998 SA MUL Goosen, E.J. Nuclear energy act and regulations. 80pp. R100.00 Aquilia 1998 SA
Goosen, E.J. Telecommunications act 1996. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 13th ed. 3 vols. ISBN: 1869080378 1000pp. R395.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Trade metrology act 1973. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 6th ed. ISBN: 1869080025 400pp. R200.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Goosen, E.J. Water act, 1956 and regulations. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] 3rd ed. vols.1&2 900pp. R156.50 Aquilia 1996 SA MUL Grogan, J. Workplace law. 6th ed. ISBN: 0702149136 278pp. R145.00 Juta 2005 SA Harms, L.T.C. Amler’s precedents of pleadings: harms. 4th ed. cd. 420pp. R296.40 Butterworth 1993 SA Harms, L.T.C. Civil procedure in the Supreme Court. ISBN: 0409029505 R359.10 Butterworth 1998 SA Harms, L.T.C. Civil procedure in the Supreme Court student’s edition. 430pp. R116.28 Butterworth 1995 SA Harms, L.T.C., ed. Civil procedure in magistrates’ courts. R433.20 Butterworth 1997 SA Hewett, M., ed. Matthaeus’ “de criminibus”. [Text in English and Latin.] vol.4 456pp. R205.00 Juta 1996 SA MUL Hoffman, I.M. Lewis and Kyrou’s handy hints on legal practice. 348pp. R152.76 Butterworth 1997 SA Horrell, M., comp. Laws affecting race relations in South Africa, 1948-1976. 529pp. ($11.00/ £6.00) R12.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1979 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 308
African Books in Print
Subject index
Law—South Africa
Hosten, W.J., et al. Introduction to South African law and legal theory. 2nd ed. cd. 1,500pp. R277.02 Butterworth 1995 SA
Jutastat Jutalex - provincial legislation service Mpumalanga. [CD-ROM] R900.00 Juta 1997 SA
McKenzie, H.S., McKenzie, S.D. The law of building and engineering contracts and arbitration. new ed. cd. 384pp. R355.00 Juta 1994 SA
Isaacs, I. Beck’s theory and principles of pleading in civil actions. [includes supplement.] 5th ed. 358pp. R296.40 Butterworth 1982 SA
Jutastat Jutalex - provincial legislation service North West. [CD-ROM] R900.00 Juta 1997 SA
McQuoid-Mason, D., et al. Street law: practical law for South Africans. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702167185 468pp. R195.00 Juta 2004 SA
Jutastat Jutalex - provincial legislation service Northern Cape. [CD-ROM] R900.00 Juta 1997 SA
McQuoid-Mason, D.J. Legal aid and law clinics in South Africa: proceedings of a conference held in the Faculty of Law University of Natal, Durban, from 11th-13th July 1983. 163pp. R10.00. Fac Law - Univ KZN 1985 SA
Isaacs, L. The law of collision in South Africa. ed. ISBN: 0409034223 R210.90 Butterworth 1998 SA
Johnson, D., Pete, S., du Plessis, M. Jurisprudence. A South African perpective. ISBN: 0409034126 275pp. R250.00 Butterworth 2001 SA Jordaans, R.A., Davel, C.J. Law of persons sourcebook. [Text in English/Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. 506pp. R170.00 Juta 1997 SA MUL Joubert, R., Prinsloo, S. Education law. A practical guide for educators. ISBN: 0627024823 296pp. R119.95 Van Schaik 2001 SA Joubert, W.A., ed. The law of South Africa, 32 vols. [more details from publisher] Butterworth 1977 SA Juta Law Pocket statutes. Employment equity act 55 of 1998, skills development act 97 of 1998 and skills development levies act 9 of 1999. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702153745 272pp. R42.50 Juta 2000 SA Juta Publishers Juta legislation service. Criminal procedure act of 1977. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] R137.50 Juta 1977 SA MUL Juta Publishers Juta legislation service. Deeds registries act 47 of 1937. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] R137.50 Juta 1944 SA MUL Juta Publishers Juta legislation service. Magistrates Courts Act 32 of 1944. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] R137.50 Juta 1944 SA MUL Juta Publishers Juta legislation service. Sectional titles act 95 of 1986. R137.50 Juta 1986 SA Juta Publishers Juta legislation service. Supreme Court Act 59 of 1959. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] R137.50 Juta 1959 SA MUL Juta Publishers Labour relations act. [updated 1999] ISBN: 0702147931 344pp. R37.50 Juta 1999 SA Juta Publishers Motor industry bargaining council consolidated agreements. [Annual. Text in English and Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0702122637 R235.00 Juta 1998 SA MUL Juta Publishing Juta’s statutes of South Africa 1996. 6 vols. & index R1,260 Juta 1997 SA Jutastat Jutalex - 5 or more provinces. [CDROM] R4,000 Juta 1997 SA Jutastat Jutalex - provincial legislation service Eastern Cape. [CD-ROM] R900.00 Juta 1997 SA Jutastat Jutalex - provincial legislation service Free State. [CD-ROM] R900.00 Juta 1997 SA Jutastat Jutalex - provincial legislation service Gauteng. [CD-ROM] R900.00 Juta 1997 SA Jutastat Jutalex - provincial legislation service Kwazulu-Natal. [CD-ROM] R900.00 Juta 1997 SA
Jutastat Jutalex - provincial legislation service Northern Province. [CD-ROM] R900.00 Juta 1997 SA Jutastat Jutalex - provincial legislation service Western Cape. [Also available on CDROM.] 700pp. R900.00 Juta 1997 SA Jutastat Road traffic legislation. [Annual. CDROM and diskette] R620.00 Juta 1996 SA Jutastat The South African law reports 1947 to date. [CD-ROM] R14,300 Juta 1997 SA Jutastat The South African law reports 1990 to date. [CD-ROM] R3,200 Juta 1997 SA Kahn, E., ed. The quest for justice. Essays in honour of Michael McGregor Corbett, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of South Africa. cd. 380pp. pl. R280.00 Juta 1995 SA Kellaway, E.A. Principles of legal interpretation: statutes, contracts and wills. cd. 780pp. R288.42 Butterworth 1995 SA Kilbourn, L., ed. Butterworths property law digest. ISBN: 0409068919 R213.18 Butterworth 1998 SA Kleyn, D.G., Boraine, A. The law of property. 3rd ed. 612pp. R209.76 Butterworth 1992 SA Kok, J.H., Morrison, B.G., van der Merwe, N.J. The South African law reports translations 1996. vols.1&2 R230.00 Juta 1997 SA Kritzinger, K., Kahn, E. Principles of the law of mortgage, pledge and lien. ISBN: 070214813X 78pp. R94.00 Juta 1999 SA Landman, A., van Niekerk, A. Practice in the labour courts. Practice and procedure in the Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court of South Africa. [Annual] ISBN: 0702146706 556pp. R425.00 Juta 1998 SA Lane, W., Hoffe, D., Dison, D., Tatham, C. Kelsey Stuart’s: the newspaperman’s guide to the law. 5th ed. cd. & 352pp. R197.22 cd. R178.98 Butterworth 1990 SA Law Publisher Executive summary 1999. 33pp. R100.00 Law Pubs 1999 SA
Meyer, J. Local government law. new ed. ISBN: 040902063X R176.70 Butterworth 1998 SA Neethling, J., et al. Workbook for the law of delict. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 0409045756 R96.90 Butterworth 1998 SA Neethling, J., Potgieter, J.M., Scott, T.J. Case book on the law of delict. [Annual. Text in English and Afrikaans.] 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702151238 985pp. R245.00 Juta 1999 SA MUL Neethling, J., Potgieter, J.M., Visser, P.J. Law of delict. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 417pp. R182.40 Butterworth 1994 SA Nina, D. Remaking justice in South Africa: popular justice in transition. (CSDS working papers, 8) 25pp. R12.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1992 SA Olivier, N.J.J., Bekker, J.C., Olivier, W.H. Indigenous law. Lawsa student text. 288pp. R117.42 Butterworth 1995 SA Pace, R.P., van der Westhuizen, W.M. Wills and trusts. R182.40 Butterworth 1995 SA Paterson, T.J.M. Eckard’s principles of civil procedure in the magistrates’ courts. 5th ed. 400pp. R299.00 Juta 2004 SA Prest, C.B. The law and practice of interdicts. 462pp. R295.00 Juta 1996 SA Pretorius, J.P. Cross-examination in South African law. cd. & R319.20 cd. R267.90 Butterworth 1997 SA Pretorius, J.T., Forsyth, C.F. Caney’s the law of suretyship in South Africa. new ed. 246pp. R167.00 Juta 2002 SA Rabie, P.J. The law of estoppel in South africa. & 130pp. Butterworth 1992 SA
Rautenbach, F., ed. Labour litigation. A practical guide to procedure and tactics. 213pp. R99.00 Juta 1993 SA Saner, J. Prescription in South African law. R196.08 Butterworth 1996 SA
Law Publisher Sureties - the latest law. ISBN: 0958404437 36pp. R80.00 Law Pubs 1999 SA
Scheepers, T. A practical guide to law and development. An introduction to the law applicable to development and the development management process in South Africa. ISBN: 0702153664 400pp. R235.00 Juta 2000 SA
Law Publisher The usury act - through the cases. ISBN: 0958404445 40pp. R90.00 Law Pubs 1999 SA
Schwikkard, P.J., Skeen, A. St. Q., van der Merwe, S.E. Principles of evidence. 500pp. R140.00 Juta 2002 SA
Leveson, I. The law of collisions in South Africa. ed. ISBN: 0409034223 R210.90 Butterworth 1998 SA Loubser, M.M. Extinctive prescription. R237.50 Juta 1996 SA
cd. 269pp.
Sharrock, R., Kidd, M. Understanding cheque law. R78.00 Juta 1993 SA
Smart, D., Nysschen, E., Bosman, M. Guide to motor law. 241pp. R101.46 Butterworth 1994 SA South African Institute of Race Relations The State versus the Dean of Johannesburg. 40pp. ($4.00/£2.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1972 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Law—South Africa
Subject index
Stern, M., ed. South African legislation. Volume 1: legislation. Volume 2: annual amendment. 2 vols. R239.00 Juta 1994 SA Tager, L. Negotiable instruments. Lawsa student text. 2nd ed. 136pp. R101.46 Butterworth 1996 SA Taylor, M., comp. The statute book. Idasa 1996 SA
vol.2 57pp. R24.95
Taylor, M., comp. The statute book. Idasa 1997 SA
vol.3 112pp. R42.95
Thomas, P.J., Stoop, B.C., van der Merwe, C.G. Historical foundations of South African private law. ISBN: 0409058408 422pp. R163.02 Butterworth 1998 SA Thompson, C., Benjamin, P. South African labour law. [Annual] 3rd ed. 2 vols. ISBN: 0702132460 1,860pp. R755.00 Juta 2000 SA van Aswegen, A., ed. The future of the South African private law. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 132pp. R54.00 ($11.10/£7.00/Eur9.70) Unisa 1994 SA van Blerk, A.E. Jurisprudence, an introduction. R111.72 Butterworth 1996 SA
van Blerk, P., ed. Legal drafting: civil proceedings. ISBN: 0702145785 128pp. R98.00 Juta 1998 SA van der Merwe, D.P., Terblanche, S.S., Swart, E.D. The law of evidence. Cases and statutes. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 383pp. R235.00 Juta 2005 SA van der Merwe, S., et al. Contract - general principles. new ed. 468pp. R59.00 Juta 2004 SA van der Walt, A.J., Pienaar, G.J. Introduction to the law of property. [Also available in Afrikaans.] new ed. ISBN: 0702151114 392pp. R169.00 Juta 1999 SA van der Walt, H. Casebook on the law of property. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702142212 R139.00 Juta 1998 SA van der Walt, J. Law and sacrifice. Towards a postapartheid theory of law. ISBN: 1868144089 Witwatersrand UP 2005 SA van der Walt, J.C., Midgley, J.R. Delict: principles and cases. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 444pp. R155.04 Butterworth 1997 SA van Heerden, F.J., Crosby, A.C. Butterworths key to knowledge: interpretation of statutes. 110pp. R82.08 Butterworth 1996 SA van Miekerk, S.J., Geyer, H.F., Mundell, A.R.G. Summary judgement: a practical guide. ISBN: 040906047X R254.00 Butterworth 1998 SA Visser, P.J., Potgieter, J.M. Estoppel: cases and materials. R186.96 Butterworth 1995 SA
Woudberg, T. Basic sectional title. bk.1 117pp. R101.36 Butterworth 1994 SA Woudberg, T. Basic sectional title. Butterworth 1996 SA
bk.2 R101.36
Law—South Africa—Addresses and essays Joubert, J.J., ed. Essays in honour of S.A. Strauss. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] cd. 356pp. R105.50 ($30.10/£18.30) Unisa 1995 SA MUL van Wyk, C.W., ed. Nihil obstat. Essays in honour of W.J. Hosten. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] 291pp. R121.98 Butterworth 1996 SA MUL Zimmerman, R., Visser, D., eds. Southern cross. [Essays written by some of South Africa’s leading lawyers.] cd. 900pp. R325.00 Juta 1996 SA Law—South Africa—Bibliography Cowley, J., comp. Catalogue of early law books in the University of Witwatersrand Law Library. 147pp. R25.00. Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1987 SA Law—South Africa—Directories Butterworth Publishers Butterworth’s law directory. cd. 302pp. R114.00 Butterworth 1997 SA Law—South Africa—Indexes Barrow, O., ed. Juta’s index and annotations to the South African criminal law reports: 1990-1993. 256pp. R138.00 Juta 1994 SA Blomkamp, P. Butterworths index to constitutional cases 1994-1996. R103.74 Butterworth 1997 SA Burger, D., comp. Juta: State Library index 1998. new ed. ISBN: 0702150681 cd. & R395.00 Juta 2003 SA Burger, D., ed. Juta: State Library index to the government gazette: 1997 annual edition. cd. 287pp. R395.00 Juta 1997 SA Butterworth Publishers Cumulative index to the government gazette. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] cd. Butterworth 1998 SA de Villiers, A., ed. Juta: State Library index to the government gazette: 1994 composite volume. 383pp. R298.00 Juta 1995 SA de Villiers, A., ed. Juta: State Library index to the government gazette: 1995 annual edition. 365pp. R298.00 Juta 1995 SA Fisher, D.S., James, A. Juta’s index and annotations to the South African law reports, 1980-1986. cd. 1100pp. R125.00 Juta 1987 SA Grogan, J. Butterworths arbitration law reports. ISBN: 040900846X R684.00 Butterworth 1998 SA Juta and Company Ltd. Juta’s index to the government and provincial gazettes 1910-1989 (formerly the Windex). 722pp. R244.00 Juta 1990 SA
Visser, P.J., Potgieter, J.M. Law of damages through the cases. ISBN: 0702145289 R198.00 Juta 2004 SA
Juta Publishers Juta-State Library index to the Government Gazette: 1997 annual edition. R365.00 Juta 1997 SA
Visser, P.J., Potgieter, J.M., Steynberg, L., Floyd, T.B. Law of damages. 544pp. R137.50 Juta 2003 SA
Juta Publishers Juta’s index and annotations to the South African criminal law reports: 1990-1994. 463pp. R165.00 Juta 1995 SA
Wiechers, N.J., Vorster, I. Administration of estates. ISBN: 0109063835 R288.42 Butterworth 1998 SA
Juta Publishers Juta’s index and annotations to the South African criminal law reports: 1990-1995. 608pp. R245.00 Juta 1996 SA
Woker, T. Advertising law in South Africa. ISBN: 0702148571 250pp. R185.00 Juta 1998 SA
Juta Publishers Juta’s index and annotations to the South African law reports: 1993-1994. 273pp. R129.0 Juta 1995 SA
Juta Publishers Juta’s index and annotations to the South African reports: 1987-1992. 1063pp. R239.00 Juta 1993 SA Law Publisher Cumulative index (1992-1999) of the commercial law digest/reports. ISBN: 0958404461 102pp. R250.00 Law Pubs 1999 SA Stranex, M., ed. Cumulative index (1992-2005) of the commercial law digest/reports. ISBN: 0958404461 120pp. R450.00 Law Pubs 2005 SA van der Walt, A.C., et al., eds. THRHR consolidated index 1937-1994. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] cd. R192.66 Butterworth 1996 SA MUL van der Walt, J.C., Malan, F.R. Index to the southern African law reports 1828-1946. Natal. vol.3 R264.48 Butterworth 1997 SA van der Walt, J.C., Malan, F.R., eds. Index to the southern African law reports 1828-1946. Appellate Division. vol.6 R224.58 Butterworth 1997 SA van der Walt, J.C., Malan, F.R., eds. Index to the southern African law reports 1828-1946. Cape. vol.2 R297.54 Butterworth 1997 SA van der Walt, J.C., Malan, F.R., eds. Index to the southern African law reports 1828-1946. Noter-up. vol.7 R303.24 Butterworth 1997 SA van der Walt, J.C., Malan, F.R., eds. Index to the southern African law reports 1828-1946. Orange Free State. vol.4 R297.54 Butterworth 1997 SA van der Walt, J.C., Malan, F.R., eds. Index to the southern African law reports 1828-1946. Transvaal. vol.1 R264.48 Butterworth 1997 SA van der Walt, J.C., Malan, F.R, eds. Index to the southern African law reports 1828-1946. Eastern Districts. vol.5 R297.54 Butterworth 1997 SA Law—Study and teaching Adigun, O. Cases and texts on equity, trusts and administration of estates. re-issue ISBN: 9783103423 385pp. N750.00 ($25.00/£16.00) Mabrochi 2003 NR Botha, C. Statutory interpretation - an introduction for students. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 4th ed. ISBN: 0702138568 190pp. R185.00 Juta 2005 SA Church, J., et al. Workbook for the introduction to the law. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 0409018228 R68.40 Butterworth 1998 SA Cronjé, H.C., et al. Workbook for the law of succession. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 0409067091 R106.02 Butterworth 1998 SA Davel, C.J., Jordaan, R.A. Law of persons students’ textbook. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0702148954 199pp. R125.00 Juta 2000 SA Davel, C.J., Pienaar, P. Workbook for the law of persons. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868320340 R11.40 Butterworth 1998 SA Gatsi, J. Méthodologie juridique. Comment réussir son année de droit? ISBN: 2912086531 162pp. CFA4,000 (Eur14.00) PUA 2002 CM FRE Hussein, A. Aid to passing C.P.S. section 1: law 1. 200pp. K.shs.310.00 EAEP 1985 KE Hussein, A. Law made easy. EAEP 1997 KE
240pp. K.shs.510.00
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 310
African Books in Print
Subject index
Law, Administrative—South Africa
J L van Schaik JLVS educational law. [CD-ROM] ISBN: 0627024262 R199.00 Van Schaik 1999 SA
Mugambwa, J.T. Principles of land law in Uganda. ISBN: 9970022873 196pp. ($37.95/£22.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG
Kleyn, D., Viljoen, F. Beginner’s guide for law students. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0702144746 318pp. R120.00 Juta 2002 SA
Mugambwa, J.T. Source book of Uganda’s land law. ISBN: 997002881 322pp. ($49.95/£29.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG
Nzazi, M. Les exercices du droit fiscal. 128pp. ($10.40) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Ofei, S. Law and philosophy. 262pp. N700.00 ($60.00/£37.50) Idodo 2003[?] NR Olivier, N.J., Peinaar, G., Van Der Walt, A.J. Law of property - student’s textbook. 2nd ed. 332pp. R99.00 Juta 1992 SA Oosthuizen, I.J., Roussouw, J.P., de Wet, A. Introduction to education law. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0627025811 R119.95 Van Schaik 2004 SA Schmidt, C.W.H., et al. Workbook for the law of evidence. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0869849913 R68.40 Butterworth 1998 SA Scott, S. Cession for students. Juta 1997 SA
128pp. R75.00
Scott, S. Workbook for the law of things. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868320405 R84.36 Butterworth 1998 SA Tobi, N. Justice Tobi’s law student’s companion: law of ocntract. 2nd ed. 227pp. ($25.00/ £18.00) Mabrochi 2001 NR van der Walt, A.J. Law of property casebook for students. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] new ed. ISBN: 0702151009 342pp. R154.00 Juta 2002 SA Law—Sudan Al Galil, M.A. From native courts to people’s local courts: the politics of judicial administration in Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 47) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ El Rhaman Abdalla el Shaikh, F. The Turiff case: a commentary on the dispute and the settlement 1979. (DSRC seminar series, 1b) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1979 SJ Law—Swaziland Butterworth Publishers Legiserve: Swaziland. Butterworth 1998 SA
Law—Tanzania Fimbo, G.M. Essays in land law in Tanzania. 138pp. ($8.50/£5.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1992 TZ Gondwe, Z.S. Manual for transfers of rights of occupancy. ISBN: 9976973888 137pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2001 TZ
Wengi, J.O., ed. The law of succession in Uganda: women, inheritance laws, and practices: essays and cases. 131pp. WLEA 1994 UG Law—United States Higginbotham, A.L. Race, values and the early American legal process. 30pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Univ Lagos Press 1987 NR Law—Zambia Patel, S. Conveyancing. 112pp. K3,000 ($4.29/ £3.00) ZEPH 1994 ZA
Legal Resources Foundation Index to the legislation in force in Zimbabwe on the 12th July 1996. 258pp. LRF-Publ 1996 ZI Law, Administrative—Botswana Dingake, O.K. Administrative law in Botswana. Cases, materials and commentaries. 328pp. Mmegi 1996 BS
Law—Zambia—Bibliography Msiska, A.W.C. Law and justice in Zambia: a bibliography. 75pp. Univ Zambia - Bkshop 1986 ZA Law—Zimbabwe Cutshall, C.R. Justice for the people. Community courts and legal transformation in Zimbabwe. 342pp. ($33.00/£18.50) Univ Zimbabwe 1991 ZI
Law, Administrative—Congo Democratic Republic Masamba Makela, R. Droit économique. (Cadre juridique du développement au Zaïre). 342pp. ($95.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE
Feltoe, G. A guide to sentencing in Zimbabwe. 215pp. ($50.00) Z$26.00 LRF-Publ 1990 ZI Feltoe, G. A guide to the Zimbabwean law of delict. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0908312636 183pp. ill. LRF-Publ 2000 ZI Feltoe, G., Nyapadi, T.J. Law and medicine in Zimbabwe. 141pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Baobab - Zimb 1989 ZI Kayo, D. Tariff and licensing laws in Zimbabwe: implications for private sector participation. [Also available as electronic download.] (AFREPREN working paper, 314) 50pp. AFREPREN 2004 KE Legal Resources Foundation The thirteenth annual report of the legal resources foundation. Year ended 30th June 1997. 36pp. LRF-Publ 1998 ZI Legal Resources Foundation The twelfth annual report of the Legal Resources Foundation. Year ended 30th June 1996. 34pp. LRF-Publ 1997 ZI Mbizvo, C., Mohamed, J. The institutional and legal framework for natural resource management. 45pp. Z$10.00 ($6.00) Zero 1993 ZI Moyo, S. NGO advocacy in Zimbabwe: systematising an old function or inventing a new role? 15pp. Z$10.00 ($6.00) Zero 1991 ZI Nzombe, S. Labour law in Zimbabwe. Publ 1992 ZI
180pp. LRF-
Sarla, K. The judicial institution in Zimbabwe. ISBN: 1920025022 R57.00 Siberink 2004 SA
Shivji, I.G. Law, state and the working class in Tanzania. 288pp. K.shs.900.00 EAEP 1975 KE [Kenya only]
Tsanga, A.S. Taking law to the people: gender, law reform and community legal education in Zimbabwe. ISBN: 1779220138 304pp. maps (£29.95) Weaver 2003 ZI
Law—Uganda Bakibinga, D.J. Revenue law in Uganda. ISBN: 9970413052 400pp. U.shs.20,000 PBPC 1998 UG
Law—Zimbabwe—Indexes Gillespie, M.J., ed. Consolidated index to the Zimbabwe law reports (1964-1983). 609pp. ($120.00) Z$60.00 LRF-Publ 1987 ZI
Law, Administrative—Cameroun Owona, J. Droit administratif spécial de la Republique du Cameroun: fonction publique, expropriation, biens publics, marchés publics, contentieux administratif. 256pp. CFA5,550 Univ Yaoundé 1985 CM FRE
Itemba, J.M. The law relating to bail in Tanzania. 78pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1991 TZ
Tanzania Law Reports Board Tanzania law reports 1983-1997. 15 vols. ISBN: 10289186 cd. 4331pp. ($800.00/ £500.00) Mkuki na Nyota 2000 TZ
Law—Zimbabwe—Bibliography Bennett, T.W., Phillips, S. A bibliography of African law with special reference to Rhodesia. 291pp. Z$16.26 Univ Zimbabwe 1975 ZI
Tshuma, L. A matter of (in)justice: law, state and the agrarian question in Zimbabwe. 184pp. ($17.00/£9.50) SAPES 1997 ZI Welsh, M. The civil practice handbook. 632pp. Z$584.00 ($87.00) LRF-Publ 1997 ZI
Monso, G.Z. Fiscalité des entités administratives décentralisées au Congo-Zaïre. Appel à la rélecture. 209pp. ($40.00) Kalombo 1998 ZR FRE Law, Administrative—Côte d’Ivoire Degni-Segui, R. Droit administratif général. Tome 3: le contrôle juridictionnel de l’administration. vol.3 ISBN: 2863945041 512pp. CFA14,000 (Eur26.68) CEDA 2003 IV FRE Segui, R.D. Droit administratif général. Tome 1. vol.1 ISBN: 2863944754 272pp. CFA12,000 CEDA 2002 IV FRE Segui, R.D. Droit administratif général. Tome 2. L’action administrative. vol.2 ISBN: 2863944967 344pp. CEDA 2003 IV FRE Law, Administrative—Nigeria Iluyomade, B.O., Eka, B.U. Cases and materials on administrative law in Nigeria. 2nd rev. ed. 628pp. ($80.00/£45.00) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1992 NR Oluyede, P.A.O. Nigerian administrative law. 3rd ed. 628pp. N1,500 Univ Press - Nig 1995 NR Law, Administrative—Senegal Ndoye, D. Code des collectivités locales du Sénégal. Annoté. ISBN: 2878380353 335pp. (Eur91.47) EDJA 2004 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Les experts - syndics et adminstrateurs judiciaires - les contrôleurs techniques. new rev.ed. ISBN: 2878380541 350pp. (Eur91.47) EDJA 2005 SG FRE Law, Administrative—South Africa Beukes, P., et al. Workbook for administrative law. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0869849662 R11.40 Butterworth 1998 SA Burns, Y.M. Administrative law under the 1996 constitution. ISBN: 0409021814 372pp. R182.40 Butterworth 1998 SA Corder, H., van de Vijver, L. Realising administrative justice. ISBN: 0958441758 R120.00 Siberink 2002 SA Currie, I., Klaaren, J. The promotion of administrative justice act benchbook. ISBN: 0958432783 R210.00 Siberink 2001 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Law, Administrative—South Africa Erasmus, H.J., et al. Superior Court practice. The definitive commentary on the rule of the Supreme Court. 910pp. R198.00 Juta 1994 SA Goosen, E.J. Fund-raising act and regulations. R50.00 Aquilia 1994 SA
Goosen, E.J. Justices of the Peace and Commissioners of Oaths act and regulations. 100pp. R55.00 Aquilia 1996 SA Grant, B. Administrative law through the cases. ISBN: 0702145742 120pp. R68.00 Juta 1998 SA Lange, C., Wessels, J. The right to know. South Africa’s promotion of adminstrative justice and accesss to information acts. ISBN: 0958454086 R185.00 Siberink 2004 SA Wiechers, M. Administrative law. 378pp. R199.50 Butterworth 1985 SA
Law, Commercial—Congo Demcocratic Republic—Dictionaries Nguyen Chanh, T., Dar Tois, P., Simon, C. Léxique de droit des affaires Zairoises. 293pp. Z3.50 Press Univ Congo 1972 ZR FRE Law, Commercial—Congo Democratic Republic Masamba Makela, R. Droit des affaires. (Cadre juridique de la vie des affaires au Zaïre). 415pp. ($125.00) Kalombo 1996 ZR FRE Law, Commercial—Kenya Ghai, D.P., Hollen, C. The industrial court in Kenya: an economic analysis. (IDS discussion paper, 73) 22pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1968 KE Hussein, A. General principles and commercial law of Kenya. 306pp. K.shs.80.00 EAEP 1978 KE Hussein, A. A textbook of company law in Kenya. 200pp. K.shs.530.00 EAEP 1980 KE
Law, Administrative—Zimbabwe Feltoe, G. A guide to Zimbabwean administrative law. 2nd ed. 68pp. LRF-Publ 1991 ZI
Hussein, A. A textbook of general principles and commercial law of Kenya. 308pp. K.shs.680.00 EAEP 1978 KE
Law, Commercial Kamuwanga, M.B. Negotiating investment contracts. Investment law in the context of development. 184pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Multimedia 1995 ZA
Mpaka, C., Mutunga, W., Waiyaki, N. Consumer protection. 138pp. K.shs.256.00 OUP - Nairobi 1992 KE
Law, Commercial—Addresses and essays Beuthin, R.C. The range of a company’s interests. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1969 SA Law, Commercial—Africa Irukwu, J.O. The company, the shareholder, the director and the law. 218pp. ($25.00/ £13.95) Fourth Dimension 1994 NR Ndoye, D. La sécurité juridique des affaires en Afrique. Le traité. La jurisprudence constitutionnelle. La doctrine. ISBN: 2844170072 101pp. CFA40,000 (Eur45.73) EDJA 2001 SG FRE Law, Commercial—Africa, West Ndoye, D. OHADA. Acte uniforme relatif au droit des sociétés commerciales et du groupement d’intérêt économique. ISBN: 2878380886 205pp. CFA30,000 (Eur46.00) EDJA 1998 SG FRE Law, Commercial—Botswana Briscoe, A. Labour law survey. ISBN: 9991295224 P20.00 Morula 2001 BS
Mweseli, T.O.A. An introduction to commercial law. (Paralegals handbook, 10) ISBN: 9966915109 K.shs.200.00 ($7.00/£5.00) Claripress 2000[?] KE Mweseli, T.O.A. An introduction to the law of business associations. (Paralegals handbook, 11) ISBN: 9966915119 K.shs.150.00 ($6.00/ £4.00) Claripress 2000[?] KE Mweseli, T.O.A. An introduction to the law of contract. (Paralegals handbook, 9) ISBN: 9966915099 K.shs.200.00 ($7.00/£5.00) Claripress 2000[?] KE Law, Commercial—Kenya—Study and teaching Hussain, A. A textbook of company law in Kenya. 200pp. K.shs.420.00 EAEP 1980 KE Law, Commercial—Nigeria Abdulrazaq, M.T. Nigerian revenue law. ISBN: 9780231900 266pp. ($29.95/£20.95) Malthouse 2005 NR Achike, O. Commercial law in Nigeria. 500pp. ($35.00/£19.75) Fourth Dimension 1992 NR
Briscoe, A. The law of fair and unfair dismissal in Botswana. vol.1 ISBN: 9991295216 200pp. Morula 2001 BS
Bakibinga, D.J. Nigerian law of partnership. 174pp. ($33.00/£18.50) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1990 NR
Briscoe, A. The law of fair and unfair dismissal in Botswana. vol.2 ISBN: 9991299297 200pp. Morula 2001 BS
Barnes, K.D. Cases and materials on Nigerian company law. 462pp. ($71.00/£39.50) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1994 NR
Kiggundu, J. Company and partnership law in Botswana. ISBN: 9991290281 P20.00 Morula 2000 BS
Fogam, P.K., ed. Nigerian law of contract simplified. ISBN: 9780230610 124pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Malthouse 1998 NR
Law, Commercial—Cameroun Ngadjui, N. Législation du travail. ISBN: 2919086299 166pp. PUA 2001 CM FRE Pougoué, P-G. Le droit des sociétés commerciales et du groupement d’intérêt économique OHADA. ISBN: 2912086124 630pp. CFA15,000 (Eur45.00) AES-PUA 1998 CM FRE Tchokomakoua, V., Kenfack, P.E. Droit du travail camerounais. ISBN: 2912086213 265pp. PUA 2000 CM FRE
Igweike, K.I. Nigerian commercial law - agency. 193pp. Fab 1993 NR Igweike, K.I. Nigerian commercial law - sale of goods. 265pp. Fab 1992 NR Igweike, K.I. Sale of goods. ISBN: 9780230742 304pp. ($30.95/£18.95) Malthouse 2002 NR Okany, M.C. Nigerian commercial law. Africana First 1992 NR
804pp. N2,004
Uvieghara, E.E. Sale of goods (and hire purchase) law in Nigeria. 245pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Malthouse 1996 NR Law, Commercial—Senegal Ndoye, D. Acte uniforme portant sur le droit commercial général. ISBN: 2878380576 130pp. CFA30,000 (Eur46.00) EDJA 1998 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Le bail à usage d’habitation du Sénégal. 183pp. CFA10,000 EDJA 1991 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Code des obligations de l’administration et la nouvelle reglementation des marchés publics annoté (Sénégal). ISBN: 2878380355 285pp. (Eur60.98) EDJA 2004 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Code d’investissement du Sénégal. 41pp. CFA5,000 EDJA 1993 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Codes des obligations civiles commerciales du Sénégales. Annoté. new rev.ed. ISBN: 2878380142 379pp. (Eur91.47) EDJA 2004 SG FRE Ndoye, D., Camara, I. Le statut juridique de la contrefaçon des phonogrammes. 114pp. EDJA 1993 SG FRE Ndoye, D., Sakho, A., Diouf, N., Sane, O. Code de procédure curle annoté du Sénégal. 2nd ed. 321pp. CFA20,000 EDJA 1994 SG FRE Sakho, A. Le règlement des changes et des relations financière avec l’étranger. 37pp. CFA5,000 EDJA 1993 SG FRE Law, Commercial—South Africa Beuthin, R.C. Beuthin’s basic company law. 2nd ed. 409pp. R165.80 Butterworth 1992 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths business contracts compendium. R376.20 Butterworth 1996 SA Butterworth Publishers JSE listings requirements. Butterworth 1995 SA
Butterworth Publishers JSE rules and related legislation. R300.96 Butterworth 1996 SA Christie, R.H. Butterworths key to knowledge: the law of contract. 152pp. R28.50 Butterworth 1995 SA Christie, R.H. The law of contract in South Africa. 3rd ed. 761pp. R239.40 Butterworth 1996 SA Cillers, H.S., et al. Close corporations law. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0409019917 335pp. R204.20 Butterworth 1998 SA Cilliers, H.S., Benade, M.L., Henning, J.J., du Plessis, J.J. Corporate law. 2nd ed. 816pp. R193.80 Butterworth 1993 SA Cilliers, H.S., et al. Close corporations law. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0409063924 335pp. R205.20 Butterworth 1998 SA Cilliers, H.S., et al. Entrepreneurial law. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 460pp. R148.20 Butterworth 1993 SA Cronje, H.C. Customs and excise service. ISBN: 040902063X R285.00 Butterworth 1998 SA du Plessis, J.S., Fouché, M.A., Jordaan, B., van Wyk, M.W. A practical guide to labour law. 2nd ed. 359pp. R208.62 Butterworth 1996 SA Fouché, M.A., et al. Legal principles of contracts and negotiable instruments. 3rd ed. 358pp. R115.14 Butterworth 1995 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 312
African Books in Print
Subject index
Law, Constitutional—Africa
Fouché, M.A., et al. Workbook for mercantile law. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 0409028096 R100.32 Butterworth 1998 SA Gering, L. Handbook on the law of negotiable instruments. new ed. ISBN: 0702145262 R175.00 Juta 1998 SA Gering, L. Leading cases on insolvency . R173.28 Butterworth 1994 SA
Goosen, E.J. Co-operatives act and regulations. ed. R120.00 Aquilia 1996 SA
Grogan, J., ed. Employment law. R416.10 1998 subscription Butterworth 1998 SA Grové, N., et al. Workbook for the law of contract. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0869849794 R17.10 Butterworth 1998 SA Grové, N., Otto, J.M. Basic principles of consumer credit law. new ed. 112pp. R75.00 Juta 2002 SA Havenga, P., et al. General principles of commercial law. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 5th ed. ISBN: 0702143928 472pp. R245.00 Juta 2005 SA Hawthorn, L., Lotz, J. Contract law casebook for students. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702145329 303pp. Juta 1999 SA Hyman, A. Engineering construction contracts. R251.94 Butterworth 1992 SA
Meskin, P.M., et al., eds. Henochsberg on the Companies Act. 5th ed. 2 vols. R621.30 Butterworth 1985 SA Neethling, J. Unlawful competition. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] 170pp. R65.70 ($17.50/ £10.60) Unisa 1990 SA MUL Otto, J.M. Credit law service. [Set of 3 volumes.] R412.68 Butterworth 1997 SA Otto, J.M., et al. Workbook for commercial law. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 3rd ed. vol.1 ISBN: 0409061336 R76.38 Butterworth 1998 SA Otto, J.M., et al. Workbook for commercial law. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 3rd ed. vol.2 ISBN: 0409061344 R76.38 Butterworth 1998 SA Pretorius, J.T., Delport, P.A., Havenga, M., Vermaas, M. Hahlo’s South African company law through the cases. 6th ed. ISBN: 0702151424 680pp. R245.00 Juta 1999 SA Pretorius, J.T., Delport, P.A., Havenga, M., Vermaas, M. Student casebook on business entities. 3rd ed. ISBN: 070216724X 240pp. R195.00 Juta 2004 SA Sharrock, R., et al. Hockly’s insolvency law casebook. ISBN: 0702149829 434pp. R140.00 Juta 2002 SA
van Rensburg, R., Mitchell, G., Rennie, R., Rosmarin, K. Participation and progress: labour relations in South Africa. ISBN: 040906081X R173.28 Butterworth 1998 SA Visser, C., Pretorius, J., Mischke, C., Sharrock, R. Gibson’s South African mercantile and company law. 7th ed. 777pp. R210.00 Juta 2004 SA Wallis, M.J.D. Labour and employment law. ISBN: 0409062839 R207.48 Butterworth 1998 SA Williams, R.C. Concise corporate and partnership law. 2nd ed. R171.00 Butterworth 1997 SA Wixley, T., Everingham, G. Corporate governance. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0958471266 R195.00 Siberink 2005 SA Law, Commercial—Study and teaching Ogola, J.J. Business law. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9977882360 432pp. ill.pl. ($14.00) Focus 2003 KE Ogola, J.J. Company law. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966882073 489pp. col.ill.pl. ($14.00) Focus 2002 KE Law, Commercial—Uganda Bakibinga, D.J. Commercial law in a liberalised economy: the case of Uganda. 94pp. Makerere UP 2002 UG
Smith, C. The law of insolvency. 3rd ed. 491pp. R17.10 Butterworth 1988 SA
Bakibinga, D.J. Company law in Uganda. ISBN: 997002244X 330pp. ($49.95/£29.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2001 UG
Stranex, M. Commercial law digest. [Annual; in ring binder] 900pp. (£195.00) Law Pubs 1996 SA
Bakibinga, D.J. Law of contract in Uganda. ISBN: 9970022458 220pp. ($44.95/£26.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2001 UG
Juta Publishers Labour relations act. (As amended.) new ed. ISBN: 0702150673 344pp. R37.50 Juta 1999 SA
Stranex, M. Commercial law reports. cd. & 800pp. R552.90 R655.50 cd. Law Pubs 1997 SA
Juta Publishers Metal and engineering industries bargaining council consolidated agreements. R225.00 Juta 1987 SA
Stranex, M. Current commercial cases. [Annual; in ring binder] 130pp. (£176.00) Law Pubs 1996 SA
Fountain Publishers comp. Compendium of commercial laws in Uganda. ISBN: 9970023624 348pp. ($39.95/£27.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2005 UG
Kahn, E., Lotz, J., Havenga, P., Havenga, M. Principles of the law of sale and lease. ISBN: 0702145769 120pp. R94.00 Juta 1998 SA
Stranex, M. The usury act - through the cases. 32pp. R79.80 Law Pubs 1997[?] SA
Juta Publishers Basic conditions of employment act (as amended) and regulations. new ed. ISBN: 0702150622 176pp. R32.00 Juta 1999 SA
Kerr, A.J. The law of sale and lease. 2nd ed. 499pp. R208.62 Butterworth 1996 SA Kerr, A.J. The principles of the law of contract. 5th ed. ISBN: 0409037524 cd. & R336.30 cd. ISBN: 0409037486 R258.78 Butterworth 1998 SA Kopel, S. Guide to business law. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195718550 288pp. R260.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA Kopel, S. Student guide to business law. R94.95 Thomson Int 1997 SA
Loots, P.C. Construction law and related issues. 1100pp. R630.00 Juta 1994 SA
Loubser, A. Case book on the law of partnership, company law and insolvency law. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] rev.ed. 264pp. R105.00 Juta 1992 SA MUL Malan, F.R., Pretorius, J.T. Malan on bills of exchange, cheques and promissory notes in South African law. 3rd ed. 570pp. R231.42 Butterworth 1997 SA McQuoid-Mason, D., et al. Consumer law in South Africa. R199.50 Juta 1997 SA
Stranex, M., ed. Executive summary 2002. [Annual.] 48pp. R85.00 Law Pubs 2003 SA Stranex, M., ed. Insolvency judgements - a review. new ed. ISBN: 0958404453 150pp. R390.00 Law Pubs 2003 SA Stranex, M., ed. Sureties. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0958404437 225pp. R390.00 Law Pubs 2005 SA Strydom, E.M.L. Company legislation handbook 1998. 11th ed. 488pp. R103.74 Butterworth 1997 SA Swanepoel, J.P.A., Makins, C.T., Lapping, S.J., Reynecke, J.J. Introduction to mercantile law. 2nd ed. 206pp. R125.40 Butterworth 1994 SA Tinarelli, S. Employer’s guide to the employment equity act. ISBN: 0627024726 237pp. R145.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA van der Merwe, C.G., Butler, D.W. Sectional titles, share blocks and timesharing. 2nd ed. R303.24 Butterworth 1995 SA van Jaarsveld, S.R., van Eck, B.P.S. Principles of labour law. ISBN: 0409060240 472pp. R193.80 Butterworth 1998 SA
Law, Commercial—Zimbabwe Bampton, I., Drury, D. Introduction to business law in Zimbabwe. 2nd ed. 200pp. LRF-Publ 1992 ZI Christie, R.H. Business law in Zimbabwe. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702149217 632pp. R98.00 Juta 1999 SA Manase, A., Madhuku, L. A handbook on banking law in Zimbabwe. ISBN: 0908307772 86pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Univ Zimbabwe 1999 ZI Manase, A.J., Madhuku, L. A handbook on commercial law in Zimbabwe. 90pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Univ Zimbabwe 1996 ZI Law, Constitutional Kenney, H. The calculus of consent and Madisonian democracy. (FMF monograph, 33) ISBN: 1874930546 40pp. R40.00 Free Market Found 2002 SA Law, Constitutional—Addresses and essays Carpenter, G., ed. Essays on the constitution pesented to Marinus Wiechers. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409063878 280pp. R210.90 Butterworth 1998 SA Law, Constitutional—Africa Oloka-Onyango, J., ed. Constitutionalism in Africa. ISBN: 9970022717 345pp. ($41.95/£24.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2001 UG Owona, J. Droit constitutionnel et regimes politiques africaines. (Mondes en devenir: série travaux de recherche de l’Université de Yaoundé, 3) 410pp. CFA5,750 Univ Yaoundé CM FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Law, Constitutional—Africa, East Law, Constitutional—Africa, East Kibawana, K., Peter, C.M., Bazaara, N. Constitutionalism in East Africa. Progress, challenges and prospects in 1999. ISBN: 9970022865 79pp. ($18.95/ £10.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2001 UG
Law, Constitutional—Namibia Naldi, G. Constitutional rights in Namibia. A comparative analysis wuth international human rights. 134pp. R165.00 Juta 1995 SA
Law, Constitutional—Congo Democratic Republic Kalala, E. Une constitution pour quoi faire? 186pp. ($9.30) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
Law, Constitutional—Nigeria Aihe, D.O. Selected essays on Nigerian constitutional law. 264pp. N800.00 ($65.00/£40.00) Idodo 2003[?] NR
Mabanga Monga Mabanga Le contentieux constitutionnel congolais. ISBN: 2910641112 Press Univ Congo 1999 ZR FRE Law, Constitutional—Ghana Namasivayam, S. The drafting of legislation. cd. 158pp. ($5.00) Ghana UP 1967 GH Prempeh, H.K. The Ghanaian judiciary and the 1992 constitution: a problem of asymmetrical jurisprudence. (CDD critical perspectives, 1) ISBN: 9988000723 32pp. C35,000 ($10.00/£7.00) CDD 1999 GH Law, Constitutional—Kenya Bhalla, R.S. Property relations in Kenyan constitutional law. (Ecopolicy, 4) 21pp. ($7.50) ACTS - Kenya 1993 KE Centre for Law and Research International We the people: a citizen’s guide to constitutional reform. ISBN: 996691529X 66pp. K.shs.225.00 ($8.00/ £5.00) Claripress 2000 KE CLARION/RECAP We are the government. 2nd ed.(Constitutional debate, 3) 148pp. K.shs.350.00 ($9.00/£6.00) Claripress 1997 KE Kibwana, K. Making our constitution: questions and answers. ISBN: 996691532X 68pp. K.shs.225.00 ($8.00/£5.00) Claripress 2000 KE Kibwana, K. Readings in constitutional law and politics in Africa: a case study of Kenya. ISBN: 9966915222 712pp. K.shs.1,450 ($20.00/ £13.00) Claripress 1998 KE Kibwana, K. Sowing the constitutional seed in Kenya. 251pp. K.shs.525.00 ($13.00/£9.00) Claripress 1996 KE Kibwana, K., Kimondo, G.K., Gathii, J.T. The citizen and the constitution. (Constitutional debate, 1) 109pp. K.shs.200.00 ($7.00/£5.00) Claripress 1996 KE Kibwana, K., Maina, C., Onyango, P.O., Onyango, J.O. In search of freedom and prosperity: constitutional reform in East Africa. 472pp. K.shs.750.00 ($17.00/£11.00) Claripress 1996 KE Kibwana, K., Mutunga, W., Akivaga, S.K., Wanjala, S. Towards a national citizen’s charter and agenda. 48pp. K.shs.150.00 ($6.00/ £4.00) Claripress 1997 KE Mitullah, W.V. The peoples’ voice: what Kenyans say. (Constitutional debate, 9) 308pp. K.shs.575.00 ($17.00/£11.00) Claripress 1997 KE Okondo, P.H. A commentary on the constitution of Kenya. 406pp. K.shs.400.00 ($12.00) Phoenix 1995 KE Onyango, J.O., Kibwana, K., Peter, C.M., eds. Law and the struggle for democracy in East Africa. 787pp. K.shs.2,450 ($48.00/£33.00) Claripress 1996 KE Wanjala, S., Kibwana, K. Time to change: an open letter to Kenyans. (Constitutional debate, 7) 62pp. K.shs.150.00 ($6.00/£4.00) Claripress 1997 KE
Aihe, D.O., Oluyede, P.A. Cases and materials on constitutional law in Nigeria. cd. 274pp. N40.00 Univ Press - Nig 1979 NR Mowoe, K. Constitutional law in Nigeria. vol.1 ISBN: 9780231668 242pp. ($27.95/ £16.95) Malthouse 2003 NR Nwabueze, B.O. Ideas and facts in constitution making. cd. & 296pp. N780.00 ($18.00/£15.00) cd. N400.00 ($16.00/£13.50) Spectrum 1993 NR Nwabueze, B.O. Military rule and constitutionalism in Nigeria. 368pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Spectrum 1992 NR Oluyede, et al. Cases and material on constitutional law in Nigeria. ISBN: 9780302786 832pp. ($127.00) Univ Press - Nig 2003 NR Udoma, U. History and the law of the constitution of Nigeria. 414pp. ($35.00/£19.95) Malthouse 1994 NR Law, Constitutional—Senegal Ndoye, D. Le conseil d’état du Sénégal. new rev.ed. ISBN: 2878380681 53pp. (Eur45.73) EDJA 2005 SG FRE Ndoye, D. La constitution du Sénégal et le conseil constitutionnel. 81pp. EDJA 1992 SG FRE Ndoye, D. La constitution sénégalaise du 7 janvier 2001 commentée et ses pactes internationaux annexés. ISBN: 2878380258 214pp. CFA40,000 (Eur61.00) EDJA 2001 SG FRE Ndoye, D. La nouvelle constitution sénégalaise du 7 janvier 2001 commentée. 219pp. (Eur60.98) EDJA 2001 SG FRE Law, Constitutional—South Africa Andrews, P., Ellmann, S. The post-apartheid constitutions. Perspectives on South Africa’s basic law. ISBN: 1868142457 600pp. R145.00 Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA Burchell, J.M. Personality rights and freedom of expression: the modern actio injuriarum. ISBN: 0702148105 448pp. Juta 1999 SA Butterworth Publishers Bill of rights compendium Butterworth 1996 SA
Butterworth Publishers Butterworths guide to the statutes of South Africa 1910-1997. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Butterworths statutes of South Africa 1998. cd. 409pp. R1,311 Butterworth 1998 SA Butterworth Publishers Quickguide: guide to the statutes of South Africa. ISBN: 0409015733 Butterworth 1998 SA Carpenter, G., et al. Workbook for constitutional law, [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0869849344 111pp. R84.36 Butterworth 1998 SA Chakalson, M., et al. Constitutional law of South Africa. [Annual] original ed. 904pp. R480.00 Juta 1996 SA
Corder, H. Democracy and the judiciary. R34.95 Idasa 1989 SA
Dalton, R., ed. Juta’s statutes of South Africa. 5th ed. 6 vols. R169.00 each Juta 1995 SA Davis, D.M. Democracy and deliberation. Transformation and the South African legal order. ISBN: 0702151416 210pp. R140.00 Juta 1999 SA de Ville, J., Steytler, N.C., eds. Voting in 1999: choosing an electoral system. 140pp. R85.50 Butterworth 1996 SA de Waal, J., Currie, I. The bill of rights handbook. new ed. ISBN: 0702149233 648pp. Juta 2005 SA de Wet, E. The constitutional enforceability of economic and social rights. 181pp. R142.50 Butterworth 1997 SA Devenish, G.E. A commentary on the South African constitution. R153.90 Butterworth 1997 SA Ebrahim, H. Soul of a nation: constitution making for South Africa. ISBN: 0195715055 720pp. R489.99 OUP - SA 1998 SA Goosen, E.J. Trilogy of constitutional laws comprising: 1. Promotion of access to information act 2000; 2. Promotion of equality and prevention of unfair discrimination act 2000; 3. Promotion of administrative justice act 2000. [Ring binder, loose leaf.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1869080408 120pp. R180.00 Aquilia 2002 SA Gutto, S.B.O. Property and land reform: constitutional and jurisprudential perspectives. 104pp. R52.44 Butterworth 1995 SA Juta Publishers Juta’s statutes of South Africa. new ed. ISBN: 0702150118 cd. 9,000pp. R1,495 Juta 2005 SA Legal Resource Centre Know your national holidays. Nolwazi 1997 SA Legal Resources Centre Know your constitution. Nolwazi 1997 SA
28pp. R13.62
Legal Resources Centre Know your constitution: a summary of the interim constitution. 36pp. ill. R7.95 Macmillan - SA 1995 SA Legal Resources Centre Know your rights. 28pp. R13.62 Nolwazi 1997 SA Liebenberg, S. The constitution of South Africa from a gender perspective. 248pp. R69.95 Philip 1995 SA Malan, R. Fundamental rights: themes and trends. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] R303.24 Butterworth 1996 SA MUL Meyerson, D. Rights limited. Freedom of expression, religion and South African constitution. ISBN: 0702143960 216pp. R90.00 Juta 1998 SA Motala, A. Constitutional law. ISBN: 0195717260 544pp. R400.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Rautenbach, I.M., Malherbe, E.F.J. Constitutional law. 2nd rev.ed. 374pp. R165.30 Butterworth 1997 SA Rwelmira, M.R., Werle, G. Confronting past injustices. 138pp. R151.62 Butterworth 1996 SA Seleoane, M. Socio-economic rights in the South African constitution. Theory and practice. ISBN: 079691981X 169pp. R125.00 HSRC Publ 2001 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Smit, E.J.P., Naudé, A.V. Law, government and people. R70.68 Butterworth 1997 SA
Law, Criminal—South Africa 88pp.
Strydom, H.L. International human rights standards. Volume 1: adminstration of justice. 358pp. R135.66 Butterworth 1997 SA van der Walt, A. Constitutional property clauses. A comparative analysis. ISBN: 0702151106 cd. 628pp. R575.00 Juta 1999 SA van der Walt, A. Constitutional property law. ISBN: 070213693X cd. 628pp. Juta 1999 SA Venter, F., Vorster, J.M., Prozesky, M. An evaluation of the new South African constitution. [Text in Afrikaans and English.] (IRS study pamphlets, 347) 26pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1996 SA MUL Viljoen, F., Nienaber, A., eds. Plain legal language for a new democracy. ISBN: 1919825533 180pp. R99.95 Protea 2001 SA Law, Constitutional—Tanzania Shivji, I.G. Tanzania: the legal foundation of the Union. 113pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1990 TZ Shivji, I.G., Majamba, H.I., Makramba, R.V. Constitutional and legal system of Tanzania. A civics sourcebook. ISBN: 9987417310 330pp. ($44.95/£34.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ Law, Constitutional—Tunisia Association Tunisienne de Droit Constitutionnel et le Centre d’Etudes, de Recherches et de Publications La justice constitutionelle. D10.00 ($50.00) CPU-Tunisia 1996 TI FRE Law, Constitutional—Uganda Barya, J-J. The making of Uganda’s 1995 constitution: achieving census by law? (CBR working papers, 57) 52pp. U.shs.4,000 ($5.00) Centre Basic Res 2000 UG Barya, J-J. Reconstituting Ugandan citizenship under the 1995 constitution: a conflict of nationalism, chauvinism and ethnicity. (CBR working papers, 55) 55pp. U.shs.4,000 ($5.00) Centre Basic Res 2000 UG Barya, J-J.B. Popular democracy and the legitimacy of the constitution: some reflections on Uganda’s consitution-making process. (CBR working paper, 38) 42pp. ($9.50) Centre Basic Res UG Barya, J-J.B. Reconstituting Ugandan citizenship under the 1995 constitution: a conflict of nationalism, chauvinism, and ethnicity. (CBR workshop reports, 55) 49pp. Centre Basic Res 2000 UG Bernt Hansen, H., Twaddle, M. From chaos to order: the politics of constitution making in Uganda. 194pp. pl.maps ($18.00/£9.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG Odoki, B.J. The search for a national consensus. The making of the Uganda constitution. ISBN: 9970024914 384pp. ill.pl. ($34.95/ £26.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2005 UG Oloka-Onyango, J. Judicial power and constitutionalism in Uganda: an historical perspective. (CBR working paper, 30) 73pp. ($10.50) Centre Basic Res UG
Pretorius, J.T. Companies act 61 of 1973 and close companies act 69 of 1984. 8th ed, ISBN: 070216092X R169.00 Juta 2003 SA Schoeman, T., Geach, W.D. Guide to the companies act and regulations. ISBN: 0702104663 R395.00 Juta 2000 SA Law, Criminal Hatchard, J., Ndulo, M. A casebook on criminal law. 425pp. ($25.00) K25.00 Univ Zambia - Bkshop 1983 ZA Hewett, M., Stoop, B., eds. Matthaeus: de criminibus. [pages 1-139 of the original Latin text in English transl.; parallel Latin/English text.] vol.1 cd. 313pp. R64.00 Juta 1987 SA Law, Criminal—Botswana Frimpong, K., McCall-Smith, A. Criminal law of Botswana. 170pp. R75.00 Juta 1992 SA Nsereko, D.D.N. Criminal procedure in Botswana. ISBN: 9991261613 506pp. P80.00 ($16.90) Pula 1998 BS Law, Criminal—Cameroun Eyike-Vieux, A. Code d’instruction criminelle et pratique judiciaire camerounaise. ISBN: 2912086175 473pp. PUA 1999 CM FRE Law, Criminal—Congo Democratic Republic Mwene Songa, N. Droit pénal général zairois. 2nd ed. 389pp. ($30.00) Droit & Soc 1995 ZR FRE Mwene Songa, N. Traité de droit pénal général congolais. 542pp. ($50.00) Droit & Soc 2001 ZR FRE Samba, D. Les grands principes de droit pénal. 88pp. ($8.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Law, Criminal—Ghana Amissah, A.N.E. Criminal procedure in Ghana. cd. & 388pp. (£21.00) (£30.00) Sedco 1982 GH Mensa-Bonsu, H.J. Annotated criminal code of Ghana. 182pp. C20,000 ($8.50) Black Mask 1994 GH Mensa-Bonsu, H.J.A.N. The annotated criminal procedure code of Ghana: act 30. ISBN: 9964960883 321pp. Black Mask 1999 GH Mensa-Bonsu, H.J.A.N. The general part of criminal law. A Ghanaian casebook. vol.2 of 2 ISBN: 9964960999 cd. 628pp. ($57.95/£34.95) Black Mask 2001 GH Mensa-Bonsu, H.J.A.N. The general part of criminal law. A Ghanaian casebook. vol.1 of 2 ISBN: 9964960999 cd. 548pp. ($57.95/£34.95) Black Mask 2001 GH Law, Criminal—Kenya Bwonwong’a, M. Procedure in criminal law in Kenya. 320pp. K.shs.580.00 ($30.00/£16.75) EAEP 1994 KE Bwonwonga, M. Procedures in criminal law. 170pp. K.shs.730.00 EAEP 1994 KE Vyas, Y. The law of torts. (Paralegals handbook, 7) ISBN: 9966915079 K.shs.200.00 ($7.00/£5.00) Claripress 2000[?] KE
Law, Constitutional—Zimbabwe Limington, G. Constitutional law of Zimbabwe. [Ringbinder.] ISBN: 090831261X 702pp. LRFPubl 2001 ZI
Law, Criminal—Namibia Conradie, L. Criminal law. (Law for all, 2) ISBN: 9991622241 28pp. ill. Out of Africa Namibia 2001 SX
Law, Corporate—South Africa Geach, W.D., Schoeman, T. Guide to the close corporations act and regulations. [Annual] ISBN: 0702115509 R355.00 Juta 2000 SA
Law, Criminal—Nigeria Adesiyan, D.O. An accused person’s rights in Nigerian criminal law. 176pp. N134.40 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1996 NR
Aguda, A., Okagbue, I. Principles of criminal liability in Nigerian law. N960.00 ($33.00/£18.50) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Dambazau, A.B. Law and criminality in Nigeria: an analytical discourse. 106pp. ($30.00/ £16.75) Univ Press - Nig 1995 NR Karibi-Whyte, A.G. History and sources of Nigerian criminal law. 281pp. N960.00 ($30.00/£16.75) Spectrum 1993 NR Ofori-Amankwa, E.H. Selected essays in criminal justice. 166pp. N700.00 ($50.00/£31.50) Idodo 2003[?] NR Okonkwo, L. Criminal law in Nigeria. 389pp. N1,320 ($26.00/£21.00) Spectrum 1990 NR Owoade, M.A. Law of homicide in Nigeria. 353pp. ($43.00/£24.00) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1990 NR Yakubu, J.A., Oyewo, A.T. Criminal law and procedure in Nigeria. ISBN: 9780231056 309pp. ($29.95/ £17.95) Malthouse 2000 NR Law, Criminal—Senegal Fall, N. Le droit pénal africain à travers le système sénégalais. 552pp. (Eur91.47) EDJA 2003 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Code de procédure pénale. ISBN: 2878380223 503pp. (Eur91.47) EDJA 2005 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Code pénal du Sénégal. new ed. ISBN: 2878380215 265pp. (Eur91.47) EDJA 2005 SG FRE Law, Criminal—South Africa Barrow, O., ed. Juta’s index and annotations to the South African criminal law reports 1990-1996. cd. 750pp. R330.00 Juta 1997 SA Barrow, O.J. Criminal procedures act 51 1977. new ed. ISBN: 0702149845 200pp. R135.00 Juta 2003 SA Burchell, J.M. South African criminal law and procedure vol.1. General principles of criminal law. 3rd ed. cd. 736430pp. R322.00 Juta 1997 SA Burchell, J.M., Milton, J. Principles of criminal law. 3rd ed. 1,200pp. R450.00 Juta 2005 SA Burchell, J.M., Milton, J.R.L. Cases and materials on criminal law. 2nd ed. 752pp. R195.00 Juta 1997 SA Gauntlett, J.J. The quantum of damages in bodily an dfatal injury cases. [Annual] vol.1 cd. 123pp. R366.00 Juta 1995 SA Hiemstra, V.G. Introduction to the law of criminal procedure. 2nd ed. 125pp. R112.86 Butterworth 1985 SA Hunt, P.M.A. South African criminal law and procedure: common-law crimes. 2, 4vols. cd. R30.00 Juta SA Joubert, S.J.J., et al., eds. Criminal procedure handbook. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 4th ed. ISBN: 0702151130 438pp. R169.00 Juta 2003 SA Jutastat The South African criminal law reports. [CD-ROM] R1,430 Juta 1996 SA Milton, J.R.L. South African criminal law and procedure. Common law crimes. 3rd ed. vol.2 cd. 849pp. R395.00 Juta 1997 SA Milton, J.R.L., Cowling, M.G. South African criminal law and procedure. Statutory offences. 2nd ed. vol.3 cd. R395.00 Juta 1988 SA
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Law, Criminal—South Africa
Subject index
Schmidt, C.W.H., Zeffert, D.T., van der Merwe, D.P. Evidence. rev.ed. 192pp. R101.46 Butterworth 1997 SA
Law, Family—Addresses and essays Schafer, I.D. The burgeoning family law and joint custody. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1986 SA
Juta Publishers Juta legislation service. Family law. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] vol.1 R137.50 Juta 1944 SA MUL
Schwikkard, P.J. Presumption of innocence. ISBN: 0702151440 215pp. R165.00 Juta 1999 SA
Law, Family—Botswana Quansah, E.K. Introduction to family law in Botswana. ISBN: 9991261915 248pp. P36.00 ($4.47/£3.14) Pula 2001 BS
Juta Publishers Juta legislation service. Family law. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] vol.2 R137.50 Juta 1944 SA MUL
Snyman, C.R. Criminal law. 3rd ed. 590pp. R216.60 Butterworth 1995 SA Snyman, C.R. Workbook for criminal law. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868320383 R84.36 Butterworth 1998 SA Steytler, N. Constitutional criminal procedure. ISBN: 0409056650 552pp. R269.90 Butterworth 1998 SA van Zyl Smit, D. South African prison law and practice. cd. & 464pp. R259.92 cd. R217.74 Butterworth 1992 SA Visser, P.J., Maré, M.C. General principles of criminal law through the cases. 3rd ed. 776pp. R200.64 Butterworth 1990 SA Zeffert, D.T. The South African law of evidence. 4th ed. 753pp. R192.66 Butterworth 1988 SA Law, Criminal—South Africa—Indexes Fisher, D. Juta’s index and annotations to the South African criminal law reports 1990-1992. 256pp. R110.81 Juta 1993 SA Law, Criminal—Zambia Hatchard, J., Ndulo, M. Readings in criminal law and criminology in Zambia. 182pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Multimedia 1994 ZA Law, Criminal—Zimbabwe Feltoe, G. Guide to the criminal law of Zimbabwe. 2nd ed. 280pp. LRF-Publ 1997 ZI Rowland, J.R. Criminal procedure in Zimbabwe. Z$460.00 LRF-Publ 1997 ZI
Law, Customary—Africa University of Ife. Faculty of Law Integration of customary and modern legal systems in Africa. 461pp. N8.40 NR only Obafemi Awolowo UP 1971 NR Law, Customary—Africa, Southern Mqeke, R. The basic approaches in problem solving in customary law. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1997 SA Law, Customary—Kenya Cotran, E. Casebook on Kenya customary law. 348pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Nairobi UP 1995 KE Law, Customary—Nigeria Anyebe, A.P. Customary law. ($9.50/£6.50) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Kolajo, A.A. Customary law in Nigeria through the cases. ISBN: 9780291415 264pp. N1,020 ($24.95/£14.95) Spectrum 2000 NR Okany, M.C. The role of the customary courts in Nigeria. new ed. ISBN: 9781562544 274pp. ($30.95/£18.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Law, Customary—Zimbabwe Women and Law in Southern Africa Research Trust Inheritance in Zimbabwe. Law, customs and practices. rev.ed. 309pp. WLSAZimb 1996 ZI Law, Family Keshavjee Do it yourself will pack. ISBN: 9966868127 16pp. K.shs.500.00 ($8.60/ £5.55) Horizon 1995 KE
Law, Family—Congo Democratic Republic Kalala, E. Que dit le code de la famille. 150pp. ($8.50) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Lusonso, G.K. Protection en droit congolais de l’enfant en milieu familial. ISBN: 2914624492 124pp. Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE Law, Family—Ghana Kom, E.D. Kofi Mensah and the law I. Inheritance, marriage and divorce. 119pp. C1,500 Asempa 1993 GH Law, Family—Kenya Gutto, S.B.O., ed. Children and the law in Kenya. (IDS occasional papers, 35) 116pp. K.shs.150.00 Inst Dev Stud 1979 KE
Keightley, R., ed. Children’s rights. 2000 SA
220pp. R235.00 Juta
Kernick, L.A. Administration of estates and drafting of wills. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702145874 364pp. Juta 1998 SA Neethling, J., Potgieter, J.M., Visser, P.J. Neethling’s law of personality. 348pp. R165.30 Butterworth 1996 SA Robinson, J.A., ed. The law of children and young persons in South Africa. 408pp. R165.30 Butterworth 1997 SA Schafer, I. The law of access to children. R103.74 Butterworth 1993 SA
Sinclair, J., Heaton, J. The law of marriage. cd. 577pp. R465.00 Juta 1996 SA
Law, Family—Lesotho Maqutu, C.W.M. Contemporary family law in Lesotho. 389pp. M60.00 ($25.00) Univ Press Lesotho 1992 LO
Skelton, A. Children and the law. ISBN: 0620225432 250pp. col.pl. R55.00 ($10.00/£6.00) Law Hum Rights 1998 SA
Law, Family—Namibia Hubbard, D. Family law. (Law for all, 3) ISBN: 999162225X 30pp. ill. Out of Africa Namibia 2001 SX Law, Family—Nigeria FIDA Law and family. 96pp. ($3.00) Fourth Dimension 1994 NR Nwogugu, E.I. Family law in Nigeria. new ed. ISBN: 9781292946 441pp. (£16.99) Heinemann Educ - Ib 2001 NR Law, Family—Senegal Editions ENDA Parenté conjointe: plaidoyer au Sénégal. (ENDA Etudes et Recherches, 221) 85pp. ENDA 2001 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Code de la famille du Sénégal. Annoté. new rev.ed. ISBN: 2878380274 385pp. (Eur91.47) EDJA 2004 SG FRE Law, Family—South Africa Bedil, S. Juta legislation service: family law legislation. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] vol.1: children R86.00 Juta 1989 SA MUL
van Heerden, B., et al. Boberg’s law of persons and the family. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702151165 cd. 1052pp. R675.00 Juta 1999 SA Visser, P.J., Potgieter, J.M. Introduction to family law. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702143898 cd. R135.00 Juta 1998 SA Law, Family—Zimbabwe Ncube, W. Family law in Zimbabwe. 228pp. ($50.00.) Z$25.00. LRF-Publ 1989 ZI Law, International Hachem, M.A. Leçons de droit international privé: les règles matérielles conditions des étrangers et conflits de juridiction. D10.00 ($60.00) CPU-Tunisia 1996 TI FRE Kombi, N.M. Comprendre les impératifs du droit international. 24pp. CFA1,000 CRAC 1995 CM FRE Kombi, N.M. Les impératifs du droit international. 24pp. CFA1,000 CRAC 1995 CM FRE
Boberg, P.Q.R. The law of persons and the family. 820pp. R135.00 Juta 1976 SA
Ndiaye, T.M. Matières premières et droit international. 359pp. CFA4,000 NEAS 1992 SG FRE
Bosman-Swanepoel, H.M., Fick, H.M., Strydom, N. Custody and visitation disputes: a practical guide. ISBN: 0409057940 164pp. R153.90 Butterworth 1998 SA
Nguya Ndila Malengana Droit international public (Introduction générale et sources du droit). 210pp. ($80.00) Kalombo 1996 ZR FRE
Bosman-Swanepoel, H.M., Wessels, P.J. A practical approach to the child care act. 191pp. R125.40 Butterworth 1995 SA Cameron, E., et al. Honoré: South African law of trusts. 1992pp. R175.00 Juta 1992 SA
Cope, J. A matter of choice: abortion law reform in apartheid South Africa. 192pp. pl. R65.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1993 SA Cronjé, D.S.P. The South African law of persons and family law. 3rd ed. 362pp. R149.34 Butterworth 1994 SA Cronjé, D.S.P., Heaton, J. Casebook on the South African law of persons and family law. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. 628pp. R120.84 Butterworth 1994 SA
Njenga, E.X. International law and world order problems. ISBN: 9966854177 350pp. Moi Univ 2000[?] KE Oduntan, G. The law and practice of the international court of justice (1945-1996): a critique of the contentious and advisory jurisdictions. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781564482 260pp. ($39.95/£23.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR O’Shea, A. International law and organisation: a practical analysis. ISBN: 0409047147 208pp. R145.92 Butterworth 1998 SA Sagay, I. Racial discrimination in international law. 175pp. ($18.50/£11.50) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1981 NR Umozurike, U.O., Aguda, A., eds. Introduction to international law. 261pp. N1,200 ($30.00/£16.75) Spectrum 1993 NR
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African Books in Print
Subject index Law, International—Addresses and essays Ajomo, M.A. The Entebbe affair: intervention in international law. (NIIA, lecture series, 13) 28pp. N5.00 NIIA 1976 NR Law, International—Africa Njenga, F.X. International law and world order problems. ISBN: 9966854177 370pp. K.shs.640.00 ($25.00/£18.00) Moi Univ 2002 KE Nyang’oro, J.E., ed. Discourses on democracy. Africa in comparative perspective. 311pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Dar es Salaam UP 1996 TZ Oyebode, A. International law and politics. An African perspective. ISBN: 9783172743 365pp. ($49.95/£29.95) Bolabay 2004 NR Tshiabo, M.K. Emergence des états nouveaux et droit international. 265pp. Press Univ Congo 1984 ZR FRE Law, International—Namibia Sagay, I. The legal aspects of the Namibian dispute. cd. 464pp. ($19.00) (£8.50) N10.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1975 NR Law, International—Nigeria Okeke, C.N. The theory and practice of international law in Nigeria. ($19.50/£13.50) Fourth Dimension 1986 NR Yakubu, A. Limits to the application of foreign laws. ISBN: 9780230823 101pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Malthouse 1999 NR Law, International—Nigeria—Addresses and essays Ijalaye, D.A. Nigeria and international law. (Inaugural lec., 29) ($3.00/£2.25) N1.00 N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1978 NR Law, Islamic Abudu, A.O. The Islamic system of inheritance. ISBN: 9988763549 IMV 1999 GH Al-Azami, M.M. On Schact’s origin’s of muhammadan jurisprudence. 256pp. E£70.00 ($24.95) Am Univ 1996 UA [Middle East only] An-Na’im, A.A. Toward an Islamic reformation. Civil liberties, human rights and international law. 271pp. E£40.00 ($22.00) Am Univ 1992 UA [Middle East only] Bambale, Y.Y. Crimes and punishments under Islamic law. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9780231595 133pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Malthouse 2003 NR Guèye, M. Le droit chemin dans la pratique islamique parfaite. 208pp. CFA600.00 NEAS 1978 SG FRE Kamali, M.H. Islamic commercial law: an analysis of futures and options. ISBN: 0946621799 262pp. E£1333.00 ($28.00) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Kamali, M.H. Principles of Islamic jurisprudence. ISBN: 0946621829 500pp. E£230.00 ($27.50) Am Univ 2003 UA [Egypt only] Ramic, S.H. Language and the interpretation of Islamic law. ISBN: 0946621861 300pp. E£133.00 ($28.00) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Law, Islamic—Nigeria Ostien, P., ed., Nasir, J.M., Kogelmann, F. Comparative perspectives on shari’ah in Nigeria. ISBN: 978029547X 444pp. ($39.95/£27.95) Spectrum 2005 NR Law, Islamic—Study and teaching Nasril Islam, J. Understanding Sharia. ISBN: 9780292624 260pp. N1,140 Spectrum 2001 NR
Lele language—Dictionaries Law, Labor—Kenya Mute, L., Onyango, P. Labour law and relations. (Paralegals handbook, 12) ISBN: 9966915129 K.shs.150.00 ($6.00/£4.00) Claripress 2000[?] KE Law, Labor—Nigeria Uvieghara, E.E. Labour law in Nigeria. ISBN: 9782601160 552pp. ($31.95/£19.95) Malthouse 2001 NR Uvieghara, E.E. Nigerian labour laws: the past, present and the future. 49pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Univ Lagos Press 1990 NR Law, Labor—Senegal Ndiaye, P.M. La sauvegarde de la liberté du travail et le droit sénégalais. ISBN: 2878380877 159pp. CFA30,000 (Eur60.98) EDJA 1999 SG FRE Ndoye, D. Code du travail du Sénégal. Annoté. new rev.ed. ISBN: 2878380061 247pp. (Eur60.00) EDJA 2005 SG FRE Law, Labor—South Africa Jordaan, B. Labour arbitration. ISBN: 0958454019 R165.00 Siberink 2002 SA Jordaan, B., Stander, U. Dismissal: principles, checklists and forms. ISBN: 1920025014 R148.00 Siberink 2004 SA Todd, C. Collective bargaining law. ISBN: 1958454078 R185.00 Siberink 2004 SA Todd, C. Contracts of employment. ISBN: 0958454079 R125.00 Siberink 2001 SA van Niekerk, A. Employing a domestic worker. ISBN: 0958454035 R90.00 Siberink 2003 SA van Niekerk, A. Unfair dismissal. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0958471223 R165.00 Siberink 2004 SA Law, Land—Kenya Wanjala, S. Land law in Kenya. (Paralegals handbook, 5) ISBN: 9966915052 K.shs.150.00 ($6.00/£4.00) Claripress 2000[?] KE Law, Land—Senegal Ndoye, D. Droit des terres du domaine national et du domaine de l’état au Sénégal. ISBN: 2878380398 203pp. (Eur45.73) EDJA 2000 SG FRE Law, Maritime Diallo, I.K. Le contentieux maritime devant le juge. 348pp. EDJA 1992 SG FRE Kumar, U. Developing countries and the law of the sea. 30pp. ($2.00) T.shs.10.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1978 TZ Mills, G., ed. Maritime policy for developing nations. 299pp. R50.00 ($20.00/£10.00) SA Inst Int Affairs 1995[?] SA Law, Maritime—Africa, West—Addresses and essays Rowny, K. West African contribution to the law of international watercourses. (Univ. of Ife, Inaugural Lecture Series, 14) 18pp. 35p./ 80c. 45k ($3.00/£2.25) N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 197j NR Law, Maritime—Congo Democratic Republic Bula Bula, S. Le nouveau droit de la mer dans le contexte économique du Zaïre. 2nd ed. cd. 110pp. ($55.00) Z39,000,000 Kalombo 1993 ZR FRE Law, Maritime—Senegal Ndoye, D. Codes de la marine marchande et de la pêche maritime. Annotés. 1,113pp. CFA150,000 (Eur229.00) EDJA 1990 SG FRE
Ndoye, D. Droit maritime du Sénégal. EDJA 1992 SG FRE
ISBN: 1018
Law, Maritime—South Africa Hare, J. Shipping law and admiralty jurisidiction in South Africa. ISBN: 0702148121 cd. & 1120pp. R995.00 cd. R795.00 Juta 1999 SA Stranex, M., ed. Shipping cases of South Africa. [Cumulative 1989-2005. Also available in electronic format.] 3rd ed. ISBN: 0958404429 700pp. R1,500 Law Pubs 2005 SA Leadership April, K., Macdonald, R., Vriesendorp, S. Rethinking leadership. ISBN: 1919713530 160pp. R125.00 UCT Press 2000 SA Coats, K. Everything I know about leadership I learnt from the kids. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0143024671 160pp. R78.95 Penguin SA 2001 SA Malan, F.R. Ethics and leadership in business and politics. ISBN: 0702151696 320pp. R179.00 Juta 2001 SA Manning, T. Discovering the essence of leadership. ISBN: 1868726592 104pp. Zebra 2002 SA Perrin Jassy, M.F. Leadership. (Gaba pastoral paper, 32) 100pp. K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1974 KE Snowsell, R.E. Leadership. 34pp. N6.00 Univ Press Nig 1966 NR Leadership—Africa D’Souza, A. Leaders for today, hope for tomorrow, empowering and empowered leadership. ISBN: 9966217983 456pp. K.shs.520.00 ($7.00) Paulines 2004 KE Hagher, I. Leading Africa out of chaos. A Godcentred approach to leadership. ISBN: 9780293264 330pp. ($27.95/£16.95) Spectrum 2002 NR Liefde, W.H.J. Lekgotla. The art of innovative leadership through dialogue. ISBN: 1919931473 132pp. R255.00 Jacana 2003 SA [No North America] Ngara, E. Christian leadership, a challenge to the African church. ISBN: 9966217967 96pp. K.shs.200.00 ($2.70) Paulines 2004 KE Leakey-Hofmeyr, A.—Autobiography Leakey-Hofmeyr, A. Beyond violence. 91pp. K.shs.168.00 ($2.80/£1.70) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1990 KE Lebanon—Politics and government Kanj, M.A. Lebanon, ten years of blood and tears. 176pp. pl. maps C275.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1985 GH Lebanon—Travel Kerr, A.Z. Come with me from Lebanon: an American family odyssey. 344pp. E£65.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1997 UA [Egypt only] Lebu (African people)—Anthropology, Socio-cultural Syllan, A. Le lébou de la presqu’ile du Cap-Vert. 135pp. CFA2,750 NEAS 1992 SG FRE Leisure Visker, T.L., Hoffman, S.J. Leisure, play, game and sport in a Christian perspective. (IRS study pamphlets, 354) 36pp. R6.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1997 SA Lele language—Dictionaries Weibegue Léxique lele. 112pp. CFA500.00 Rôniers 1982 CD FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Lema, Mengistu—Autobiography Lema, Mengistu—Autobiography Lemma, M. Mengistu Lemma. The good-looking writer. An autobiography of the late poet, playwright and scholar Mengistu Lemma. [In Amharic.] 267pp. Birr10.50 Mega 1996 ET AMH Lembede, Anton Muziwakhe—Diaries, letters Edgar, R., Ka Msumza, L., eds. Freedom in our lifetime: the collected writings of Anton Muziwakhe Lembede. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 63) 220pp. R75.00 Mayibuye 1996 SA Lesotho—Bibliography Ambrose, D. Lesotho annotated bibliography. A brief survey. 2nd ed. 12pp. NUL 2000 LO Ambrose, D. Lesotho annotated bibliography. Aloe polyphylla. Section 228. 10pp. ($16.65) NUL 2000 LO
Ellenberger, D.F., MacGregor, J.C., Gill, S.J. History of the Basuto: ancient and modern. rev.ed. cd. 400pp. maps R140.00 ($30.00/£20.00) Morija Museum 1997 LO Gill, S.J. A short history of Lesotho. rev.ed. 266pp. ill. R90.00 ($16.00/£10.00) Morija Museum 1997 LO Kimble, J.M., ed. Migrant labour and colonial rule in Basutoland, 1890-1930. (ISER Monograph, 1) R150.00 Inst Soc Res 2000 SA Lelimo, M.M. The question of Lesotho’ conquered territory: it’s time for an answer. ISBN: 9991163204 224pp. maps R75.00 ($20.00/£12.00) Morija Museum 1998 LO
Ambrose, D. Lesotho annotated bibliography. Groundwater. Section 234. 34pp. NUL 2001 LO
Maloka, E. Basotho and the mines: a social history of labour migrancy in Lesotho and South Africa c. 1890-1940. ISBN: 2869781288 272pp. ($47.95/£28.95) CODESRIA 2004 SG
Ambrose, D. Lesotho annotated bibliography. Lozi. Section 192. 15pp. ($16.95) NUL 2002 LO
Maqutu, C.W.M. Contemporary constitutional history of Lesotho. 241pp. M25.00 ($10.00) Univ Press Lesotho 1990 LO
Ellenberger, D.F. Catalogue of the Masitise archives. 72pp. ill. R40.00 ($10.00) Morija Museum 1987 LO
McCall Theal, G. Basutoland records. Volume 6, 1871-72. ISBN: 9991131299 cd. 305pp. ill.pl. ($41.95/£24.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 2002 LO
Lesotho—Cities and towns—History Ambrose, D. Maseru. An illustrated history. cd. 256pp. col.ill. pl. maps. R100.00 ($25.00/ £16.00) Morija Museum 1993 LO Lesotho—Education Bam, E. Structured play for fostering precognitive and prelinguistic skills of Basotho pre-primary children. (ISAS research reports, 23) 38pp. Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1991 LO Manyali, T. Dropouts, migrant labour and curriculum policy in Lesotho. 155pp. M35.00 ($15.00) Univ Press Lesotho 1995 LO Stuart, J.S. Classroom action-research: case studies in development studies teaching in Lesotho classrooms. (ISAS research reports, 9) 137pp. ($10.00) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1985 LO Lesotho—Education, Higher Ambrose, D., Talukdor, S. Know your campus: 1-40. NUL 2001 LO
44pp. ill.map
Lesotho—Explorers and explorations, European Arbousset, T. Missionary excursion into the Blue Mountains; being an account of King Moshoeshoe’s expedition from ThabaBosiu to the source of the Malibamatso river in the year 1840. Ed. and transl. and with an introduction by David Ambrose and Albert Brutch. 219pp. ill.pl.maps R75.00 ($16.00/£10.00) Morija Museum 1991 LO Lesotho—Guide books Gill, S.J. A guide to Morija. 36pp. pl.maps R12.00 ($5.00/£3.00) Morija Museum 1995 LO Turco, M. Visitors’ guide to Lesotho. 176pp. maps R59.95 Southern Book Publ 1995 SA Lesotho—History Couzens, T. Murder at Morija. ISBN: 0968446822 474pp. pl. (£25.00) Random House SA 2003 SA Eldredge, E. A South African kingdom. The pursuit of security in nineteenth-century Lesotho. 272pp. maps R84.95 Witwatersrand UP 1993 SA [Southern Africa only]
McCall Theal, G., comp. Basutoland records. Volume 4, 1868. ISBN: 9991131299 cd. 286pp. ill.pl. ($41.95/£24.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 2002 LO McCall Theal, G., comp. Basutoland records. Volume 5, 1869-70. ISBN: 9991131299 cd. 360pp. ill.pl. ($41.95/£24.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 2002 LO Mohapeloa, J.M. Tentative British imperialism in Lesotho, 1884-1910. ISBN: 9991163212 cd. 467pp. pl.maps R200.00 ($40.00/£20.00/ Eur30.00) Morija Museum 2002 LO Sanders, P. The last of the queen’s men. A Lesotho experience. ISBN: 1868143538 160pp. map Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA Theal, G.M., Thabane, M. Basutoland records. vol.5 cd. 326pp. maps M190.00 ($32.00/£12.00) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 2002 LO Theal, G.M., Thabane, M. Basutoland records. vol.6 cd. 270pp. maps M160.00 ($38.00/£18.00) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 2002 LO Theal, G.M., Thabane, M. Basutoland records. vol.4 cd. 228pp. maps M150.00 ($30.00/£10.00) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 2002 LO Lesotho—History—Study and teaching (Elementary) Mazenod Institute History course for Lesotho primary schools. 3rd ed. vol. 4: From foreign rule to self-government.(Standard 7) 134pp. ill. R1.00 Mazenod Inst 1975 LO Mazenod Institute History course for Lesotho primary schools. 3rd ed. vol. 1: Lesotho mehleng ea khale/Lesotho in the olden days.(Standard 4) 115pp. ill. R3.00 Mazenod Inst 1975 LO Mazenod Institute History course for Lesotho primary schools. 3rd ed. vol. 2: From slavery to colonization.(Standard 5) 117pp. ill. 90c Mazenod Inst 1975 LO Mazenod Institute History course for Lesotho primary schools. 3rd ed. vol. 3: From colonization to full nationhood.(Standard 6) 126pp. ill. 95c Mazenod Inst 1975 LO
Lesotho—Politics and government Kabemba, C. From military rule to multiparty democracy: political reforms and challenges in Lesotho. (EISA research report, 2) ISBN: 1919814523 R20.00 ($5.00) EISA 2003 SA Machobane, L.B.B.J. The king’s knights: military governance in the kingdom of Lesotho 1986-1993. ISBN: 9991131264 244pp. M65.00 ($30.00/£20.00) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 2001 LO Mairot, F. Marena a Lesotho, 1983. Nomenclature of chiefs of the Kingdom of Lesotho 80pp. pl. ($5.00) M1.50 Mazenod Inst 1983 LO MUL Matlosa, K. The 1993 elections in Lesotho and the challenges for the new government. (Southern African perspectives: a working paper series, 27) 22pp. R8.50 ($7.00) Univ West Cape 1993 SA Nkiwane, T. My brother’s keeper: the Lesotho crisis in perspective. (AAPS occasional papers, 1/3) 18pp. AAPS 1997 ZI Olaleye, W. Democratic consolidation and political parties in Lesotho. (EISA occasional papers, 15) R20.00 EISA 2003 SA Pule, N.W., Thabane, M. Essays on aspects of the political economy of Lesotho, 1500-2002. 286pp. NUL 2002 LO Rule, S. Lesotho elections. (EISA electoral observer reports, 12) R30.00 EISA 1998 SA Shale, V.R. Demarcating local authorities’ boundaries for good governance versus people-topeople relations: a case study of Lesotho. (EISA occasional papers, 28) R20.00 EISA 2005 SA Weisfelder, R.F. Political contention in Lesotho 1952-1965. ISBN: 999113123X 171pp. ($18.95/ £10.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 2000 LO Lesotho—Public administration Machobane, L.B.B.J. The political dilemma of chieftaincy in colonial Lesotho with reference to the administration and courts reforms of 1938. (ISAS occasional papers, 1) 36pp. ($3.00) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1986 LO Van Tilburg, P. The role of local institutions in district development planning: the case of Thaba Tseka, Lesotho. (ISAS research reports, 19) 64pp. map Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1987 LO Lesotho—Rural development Phororo, H., Prasad, G. Vegetable marketing study for Semonkong rural development project. (ISAS working papers, 7) 61pp. ($7.95/ £4.25) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1996 LO Lesotho—Sociology May, J., Roberts, B., Krige, D., Mochebelele, M., Mokitimi, N. Towards a poverty monitoring system in Lesotho. (CSDS research reports, 44) R30.00/R50.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2001 SA May, J., Roberts, B., Moqasa, G., Woolard, I. Poverty and inequality in Lesotho. (CSDS working papers, 36) R15.00/ R25.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2002 SA Mokhethi, P. Lesotho’s challenge: the irregular marital unions. 55pp. ill. Mazenod Inst 1988 LO Rule, S., Mapetla, N., eds. Lesotho 2000: public perceptions and perspectives. ISBN: 079691978X 228pp. maps R135.00 ($24.95/£14.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 2001 LO
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Libraries—South Africa
Shale, V.R. Decentralisation, development and conflict: challenges awaiting local authorities in Lesotho. (EISA occasional papers, 21) R20.00 EISA 2004 SA Wellings, P. A case of mistaken identity: the squatters of Lesotho. (CSDS development studies working papers, 4) 44pp. R8.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1983 SA Lesotho—Sociology, Urban Muzvidziwa, V.N. Gender and urban housing in Mafeteng district: life experiences of Basotho women tenants. ISBN: 9991131345 246pp. Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 2003 LO Letter writing see also Etiquette Writing Durhan, B. Here’s how to write better letters. 15n Multimedia 1971 ZA
Frankel, H. Letters from Africa. 118pp. ill.col.pl. R110.00 Penguin SA 1996 SA Sokoya, J.A.F. Letter writing for Nigerian students. 60pp. N200.00 Fagbamigbe 2000[?] NR Lewin, Hugh—Autobiography Lewin, H. Bandiet. Seven years in a South African prison. 224pp. Z$3.65 ZPH 1982 ZI [Zimbabwe only. also published by David Philip Publishers, South Africa] Lewin, H. Bandiet: out of jail. new ed. ISBN: 0958446814 264pp. R150.00 (£14.95) Random House SA 2003 SA Lewsen, P.—Autobiography Lewsen, P. Reverberations: a memoir. 228pp. R88.00 UCT Press 1998 SA Liberia—Politics and government Aboagye, F.B. ECOMOG. A sub-regional experience in conflict resolution, management and peackeeping in Liberia. ISBN: 9964721412 458pp. Sedco 1999 GH Brehun, L. Liberia. The war of horror. Adwinsa 1991 GH
156pp. pl.
Nasa, I.A. A study in internal conflicts: the Liberian crisis and the West African Peace Initiative. ISBN: 9781564555 354pp. ill.pl. ($24.95/£14.95) Fourth Dimension 2000 NR Nass, I.A. A study in internal conflicts: the Liberian crisis and the West African peace initiative. ISBN: 9781564555 354pp. ill.pl. ($16.95/£9.95) Fourth Dimension 2000 NR Ogunleye, B. Behind rebel line: anatomy of Charles Taylor’s hostage camps. 152pp. ill. N550.00 ($15.00/£8.50) Delta 1995 NR Osaghae, E.E. Ethnicity, class and the struggle for state power in Liberia. (CODESRIA monographs, 1/96) 112pp. ($18.00/£9.95) CODESRIA 1996 SG Umoden, G.E. The Liberian crisis. A photographic expedition. 111pp. col.pl. N2,000 Gabumo 1997 NR Vogt, M.A. The Liberian crisis and ECOMOG: a bold attempt at regional peacekeeping. ISBN: 9780100482 cd. & 461pp. maps N400.00 ($20.00/£15.00) cd. ISBN: 9780100369 N300.00 ($15.00/£10.00) Gabumo 1997 NR Libraries see also Archives Information science Library science
Libraries—Africa Abbott, C. Les indicateurs de performance: un outil de formation pour le personnel des bibliothèques universitaires. 135pp. ill. free BLD 2003 SG FRE Alemna, A.A. Issues in African librarianship. C5,000 Typeco 1996 GH
Alemna, A.A. Libraries information and society. ISBN: 9964302703 41pp. ($9.95/£5.95) Ghana UP 2000 GH Association of African Universities The role of university libraries in African universities. ($10.00) AAU 1999 GH Chisenga, J., Chitambo, A., comps. Information 2000: a vision for the SCECSAL 2000 region. Proceedings of the 14th standing conference of Eastern, Central and Southern African Librarians (SCECSAL 2000), 10-15 April 2000, Windhoek, Namibia. ISBN: 9991675211 ($15.00) SCECSAL 2000 SX Chisenga, J., comp. Sustainable financing of national and university libraries: proceedings of the 4th Standing Conference of African National and University Libraries in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (SCANUL-ECS), government office park auditorium, 10-11 April 2000, Windhoek, Namibia. ISBN: 999167523X ($15.00) SCECSAL 2000 SX Chiware, E., Hadebe, B., Hikwa, L. A manual for rural libraries. rev.ed. ISBN: 0797420002 96pp. ill. Z$250.00 ($80.00/£20.00) RLRDP 1999 ZI Nawe, T. Human resource for library and information services: east, central and southern Africa. ISBN: 997660341X 208pp. Dar es Salaam UP 2001 TZ Okee, O. Where there is no librarian. Everyone’s guide to use of library. ISBN: 978251457X 137pp. N200.00 ($2.00/ £1.30) Ihem Davis 2000[?] NR Willemse, J. Library funding: adequate financial support for African university libraries. ISBN: 190292813X 64pp. (£6.00) SCANUL-ECS 2002 UG [co-published and distributed by INASP, Oxford, UK] Libraries—Africa—Directories Aina, L.O., ed. Who’s who in library and information science training institutions in Africa. 2nd ed. 66pp. N150.00 ($15.00) 3rd World Info 1995 NR Libraries—Africa, North Temimi, A., ed. Actes de la sixième réunion de l’Arab Federation of Libraries and Information, les bibliothèques nationales et publiques et leur rôle dans l’élaboration des systèmes nationaux d’information. 377pp. FTRSI 1996 TI FRE Libraries—Africa, West—Directories Banjo, A.O. Social science libraries in West Africa: a directory. 64pp. ($15.00/£10.00) NIIA 1987 NR
Libraries—Cameroun Chateh, P.N., Negha, J. Aperçu général sur la Bibliothèque Universitaire. 40pp. Univ Yaoundé 1982 CM FRE Libraries—Ghana Alemna, A.A. Libraries and information provision in Ghana. 113pp. C5,000 Typeco 1994 GH Libraries—Ghana—Directories Alemna, A.A. Directory of libraries in Ghana. 40pp. C5,000 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1996 GH Libraries—Kenya—Directories Ndungu, E., Chepkwony, J.K., Ngugi, J., eds. Kenya periodicals directory 1986-96. 66pp. Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1996 KE Njuguna, J.R. Directory of libraries in Kenya. 102pp. K.shs.25.00 Africa Book Serv 1977 KE Robins, K., Mulaha, A.R., eds. Subject guide to information sources in Kenya. 207pp. K.shs.50.00 Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1984 KE Libraries—Mauritius National Library of Mauritius Customer charter. 16pp. Nat Lib Mauritius 2003 MF National Library of Mauritius Strategic plan 2000-2002. ISBN: 9990372012 21pp. Nat Lib Mauritius 2000 MF National Library of Mauritius Strategic plan for the National Library (2003-2005). 28pp. Nat Lib Mauritius 2003 MF Libraries—Mauritius—Directories Chan Kam Lay, Y., ed. Directory of libraries, documentation centres and bookshops in Mauritius. ISBN: 9990372004 R200.00 Nat Lib Mauritius 2000 MF Libraries—Namibia Ministry of Education and Culture Directory of Namibian libraries, publishers and booksellers, 1992. N$20.00 NLN 1993 SX Libraries—Nigeria Aiyekepu Developing information for development. 26pp. ($6.95/£3.25) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1993 NR Libraries—Senegal—Catalogs Thomassery, M. Catalogue des périodiques d’Afrique noire francophone (1858-1962) conservés à l’IFAN. (IFAN catalogues et documents, 19) 117pp. CFA2,000 IFAN 1965 SG FRE Libraries—South Africa Musiker, R. Aspects of Wits library history. (Occas. pubs., 10) 32pp. R2.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1982 SA Musiker, R., comp. Purchasing guide for South African libraries. 3rd ed.(Occas. paps., 2) 23pp. R2.50 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1980 SA
Libraries—Belgium—Catalogs Silvestre, H. Les manuscrits de Bède à la Bibliothèque Royale de Bruxelles. 32pp. 30k Press Univ Congo 1959 ZR FRE
Musiker, R., comp. A visitor’s guide to the University of the Witwatersrand library. (Occas. paps., 5) 27pp. R2.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1979 SA
Libraries—Botswana—Directories Mushonga, G.L.B. Directory of libraries in Botswana. (Working paper, 12) 55pp. ex. only NIDCR 1977 BS
Musiker, R., ed. Know your library: a guide to the services and resources of the University libraries. (Occas. paps., 6) R2.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1980 SA
Libraries—Botswana—Periodical indexes Mushonga, B.L.B., Mbaakanye, D.M., Kwelagobe, T. Periodicals in Botswana libraries. (Working paper, 16) 93pp. ex. only NIDCR 1978 BS
Musiker, R., ed. The University of the Witwatersrand library in the late seventies. (Occas. paps., 4) 35pp. R2.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1978 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Libraries—South Africa—Catalogs Libraries—South Africa—Catalogs Cowley, J.M., comp. Catalogue of early printed books, 14711600 in the University of the Witwatersrand library. 115pp. R3.50 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1978 SA Cowley, J.M., comp. Highlights of the Ernest Oppenheimer Portuguese collection of the University of the Witwatersrand Library. 35pp. ill. R5.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1980 SA Cunningham, A.M., comp. The Ballinger papers. 137pp. pl. R5.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1982 SA Cunningham, A.M., comp. Guide to the archives and papers in the University of the Witwatersrand Library. 3rd ed. 161pp. R5.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1975 SA Cunningham, A.M., comp. Guide to the archives and papers: cumulative supplement 1975-1979. [University of the Witwatersrand Libraries.] 100pp. R3.50 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1980 SA
Libraries—Study and teaching Lawal, O.O. Professional education for librarianship: international perspectives. ISBN: 9780294255 212pp. N840.00 (£13.95) Spectrum 2003 NR Libraries—Zambia Simui, M., Kanyengo, C. An investigation into the funding of university libraries in Zambia. ISBN: 1902929245 60pp. (£6.50) SCANUL-ECS 2004 UG [co-published with INASP, Oxford, UK] Libraries—Zambia—Catalogs Msiska, A.W.C., Mukelebai, V.B., comps. Subject guide to theses held by the University of Zambia Library, Lusaka Campus. (Occas. paps., 2) 102pp. Univ Zambia - Bkshop 1981 ZA Libraries—Zimbabwe Made, S. Library and information services in Zimbabwe. ISBN: 177900365X 118pp. Z$436.95 ($10.92) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI
Cunningham, A.M., comp. Guide to the archives of the church of the Province of South Africa. 144pp. R12.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1985 SA
Libraries—Zimbabwe—Directories National Archives of Zimbabwe. Directory of libraries in Zimbabwe, 1986. new ed. ($15.00) Nat Arch Zimbabwe 1987 ZI
Cunningham, A.M., comp. The J.H. Hofmeyr papers, 1891-1950. (Historical & Literary Papers: Inventories of Collections, 13) 86pp. R6.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1985 SA
Library science Alegbereye, G.O. Indexing of newspapers. A manual for librarians and archivists. 28pp. N30.00 ($1.50) Spectrum 1985 NR
Cunningham, A.M., comp. Records of the Joint Council of Europeans and Africans, 1921-1973. (Historical & Literary Papers: Inventories of Collections, 12) 103pp. R8.50 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1984 SA
Behrens, S. Bibliographic control and information sources. 3rd ed. ISBN: 1868881334 468pp. R135.00 ($23.50/£15.30) Unisa 2000 SA
Cunningham, A.M., ed. Guide to the archives and papers. 5th ed. 244pp. R15.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1986 SA Dick, A.C. Index to Friis, the public library in South Africa. (Dept of Librarianship, special pub., 1) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1971 SA Garson, Y., comp. Guide to audio-visual material held in departments of the University of Witwatersrand. [with supplement, 1979]. (Occas, publs., 3) 49pp. free Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1977 SA Isaacson, I., comp. Catalogue of Hebrew printed books in the J.L. Landau collection. 188pp. free. Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1974 SA Jacobson, M., comp. The Silas T. Molema and Solomon T. Plaatje papers. (Historical & Literary Papers: Inventories of Collections, 7) 76pp. ill. R3.50 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1978 SA Lodemann, M., Roukens de Lange, A., comps. Catalogue of the parapsychology collection in the University of Witwatersrand Library. 32pp. free Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1981 SA Musiker, N., comp. Calendar of the C.P. Crewe papers. 182pp. R10.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1978[?] SA Musiker, R. The Africana collections of the University of Witwatersrand library. (Occas. paps., 1) 21pp. ill. R1.50 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1977 SA Thurgood, M.A., comp. Select catalogue of the H.H. Paine collection in the physical sciences library. [University of the Witwatersrand] free Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1980 SA Libraries—South Africa—Periodical indexes State Library Index to South African periodicals. [CDROM] [Also available in Afrikaans.] State Lib - SA 1995 SA
Chateh, P.N. Library and documentation in library research. 8pp. CFA500.00ex. Univ Yaoundé 1981 CM FRE Edu-Uwem, F., Etim, E. Basic library and computer skills for primary schools. ISBN: 978129311X 70pp. Heinemann Educ - Ib 2002 NR Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Introducing and running class libraries. 54pp. K.shs.6.25 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1968 KE Liyai, H.A., Ayaka, B.N., Thomas, R., eds. Proceedings of the international conference on education and training for agricultural library and information work. Nairobi, Kenya, 7 - 12 March 1983. 352pp. Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1984 KE Makura, T. All about library manuals. Lit Bur - Zimb 1980 ZI
16pp. pl. 50c
Makura, T. First visit to a school library. 22c Lit Bur - Zimb 1981 ZI
18pp. pl.
Musiker, R., ed. Come and take choice: essays in honour of Ken Scholes. (Occas. pubs., 11) 85pp. R3.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1984 SA Obi, D.S. A manual for school libraries on small budgets. 135pp. N5.75k Univ Press Nig 1977 NR Ocholla, D.N., Ojiambo, J.B. Issues in library and information studies. 166pp. K.shs.210.00 ($10.00/£7.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1993 KE Olanlokun, S.O., Salisu, T.M. Understanding the library. A handbook on library use. 2nd rev.ed. 174pp. ($18.00/ £10.00) Univ Lagos Press 1993 NR Olën, S. Cataloguing and classification for school media centres. 2nd ed. 164pp. R129.00 ($19.20/£11.70) Unisa 1996 SA Scott, P.E. Cataloguing monographs. A manual illustrating the Anglo-American cataloguing rules, British text, 1975. 2nd ed.(Dept. of Librarianship, special pub., 4) 103pp. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1976 SA
Scott, P.E. Facsimile title pages; to accompany cataloguing monographs, a manual...etc. 88pp. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1976 SA University of the Witwatersrand Library An introduction to law librarianship. (Occas. pubs., 9) 121pp. R3.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1982 SA Wambugu, C.K. The computer in libraries. 53pp. K.shs.30.00 Africa Book Serv 1983 KE Wambugu, C.K. The library manager and the functions of a library system. 40pp. K.shs.35.00 Africa Book Serv 1984 KE Wambugu, C.K. Studies in management with reference to libraries. 109pp. K.shs.60.00 ($9.50) Africa Book Serv 1982 KE Library science—Addresses and essays Ogunsheye, F.A. The records of civilizations. 40pp. N3.00 Ibadan UP 1976 NR Library science—Africa Chateh, P.N. Proceedings sixth standing conference of African University libraries western area held in Yaoundé, 29/3/82 to 20/4/82 sixième conférence permanente des bibliothèques universitaires africaines zone occidentale, tenue à Yaoundé du 29/ 3/82 - 2/4/82. CFA3,500 Univ Yaoundé 1982[?] CM MUL Chateh, P.N. Rapport sur le séminaire intensif sur la gestion des bibliothèques universitaires d’Afrique et de l’Océan Indian tenu à l’EBAD de Dakar (Sénégal) du 11 au 23 Decembre 1978. CFA600.00ex. Univ Yaoundé 1979 CM FRE INADES Administrer un centre de documentation en Afrique: manuel. 85pp. CFA1,500 Inades 1989 IV FRE INADES Organiser et gérer un centre de documentation en Afrique. 86pp. ill. Inades 1988 IV FRE Kenya Library Association Designing a curriculum for in-service training of certified library assistants working in special libraries. Proceedings of the Pre-Conference Workshop of the Third International Standing Conference of Eastern, Central and Southern African Librarians held in Nairobi in August 1978. cd. & 60pp. K.shs.40.00 cd. K.shs.30.00 Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1979 KE Kenya Library Association Training course for library assistants working in special libraries: a manual for course organizers and tutors. K.shs.60.00 Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1980 KE Library science—Africa, Southern Inganjii, F. Information and documentation services for development of Africa: a case for Southern Africa. (NIR working bibliographies) 80pp. P3.60 NIDCR 1982 BS South African Library Books in peril. Proceedings of the symposium on the preservation of library and archival materials in southern Africa held at the South African Library, Cape Town, 19-21 November 1986. (South African Library general series, 11) 196pp. R22.50 South African Lib 1987 SA Library science—Africa, Southern— Bibliography Nkabinde, T. Library and information science: annotated bibliography of theses and dissertations on Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland. (ISAS research reports, 21) 72pp. ($10.00) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1989 LO Library science—Bibliography Musiker, R. Library science literature, 1970/1971. (Dept of Librarianship, occas. paps. 5) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1972 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 320
African Books in Print
Subject index
Literacy—Africa, West
Library science—Botswana Monageng, S. Devsis-Botswana: report of a seminar held in Gaborone, Botswana 4-5 June 1990. P10.00 NIDCR 1991 BS
Kingudi, R.M. Mwese 1, mbongwana mpe komisalisa. [Conversion and taking care.] 48pp. ill. FC200.00 ($0.45) Paulines - DRC 1998 ZR LIN
Library science—Cameroun Bessala, M.J. Performance en bibliographie médicale à Yaoundé. 45pp. ex. only Univ Yaoundé 1980 CM FRE
Kingudi, R.M. Mwese 2, mbongwana mpe komisalisa. [Conversion and looking after.] 80pp. ill. FC200.00 ($0.45) Paulines - DRC 2001 ZR LIN
Chateh, P.N. What librarian for our university libraries? 47pp. Univ Yaoundé 1985 CM Fokoug, M. Guide pratique de l’étudiant et du chercheur camerounais. (Etudes et recherches en bibliothéconomie, 13) 64pp. CFA1,500 Univ Yaoundé 1979 CM FRE Library science—Kenya Musembi, M. Archives management: the Kenyan experience. 116pp. K.shs.90.00 Africa Book Serv 1985 KE Library science—South Africa Tietz, R.M. Suggestions for the cataloguing of photographs of South African interest in museum and library collections. (Dept. of Librarianship, occas. paps., 2) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1970 SA University of the Witwatersrand Library The planning and promotion of library resources: manpower, materials, money in 1982. (Occas. pubs., 8) 165pp. R3.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1982 SA Library science—Zimbabwe Chiware, E.R.T., Matsika, K. A handbook for teacher-librarians in Zimbabwe. 81pp. ZIDS 1989 ZI Limbum—General and Non-fiction Bible Society of Cameroon Nwae nyue; lii’ fi. [The Bible; new testament.] 669pp. CFA1,500 ($29.26/ £13.23/Eur23.96) Bible Soc Cameroon 2003 CM LIM Ngah, S., Bradley, V. Nsun mboenmbon ce Joen ae m san aemboe jisoes. [The gospel of John.] cd. 71pp. CFA1,350 ($7.26/£3.28/ Eur5.94) cd. CFA1,000 ($6.52/£2.95/ Eur5.34) Bible Soc Cameroon 1997 CM LIM Ngange, E.T. Rbi Jisoes. [The birth of Jesus.] 16pp. ill. CFA500.00 ($2.00/£0.90/Eur1.63) Wimbum 1982 CM LIM Ngange, E.T. Ye’ni a rbe ker san Limbum/Learn to read and write Limbum. [Dual language text in Limbum and English.] 2nd ed. 62pp. CFA1,000 ($5.68/£2.57/Eur4.65) Wimbum 1999 CM MUL Webe, C., Shey, S.A. Nwae Jaems. [The book of James.] cd. 12pp. ill. CFA850.00 ($2.73/£1.25/ Eur2.25) Bible Soc Cameroon 1979 CM LIM Lingala—General and Non-fiction Filles de St Paul Bobokoli mabata oyo nde esengo. [Raising ducks is fun. Also available in French.] 16pp. ill. FC5.00 Paulines DRC 1995 ZR LIN Filles de St Paul Bokolongonu o kati ya nzungu na Kikalakasa. [Health in the plate with Kikalakasa. Also available in French.] 16pp. ill. Paulines - DRC 1995 ZR LIN Filles de St Paul Bopeto nzela ya bokolongonu. [Cleanliness is the first rule of health. Also available in French.] 16pp. ill. Paulines - DRC 1995 ZR LIN Filles de St Paul Losambo la Maria, mibombamo mya rosario. [The most beautiful prayers to Mary. All the mysteries of the rosary. Also available in English.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 2914624247 96pp. ill. FC500.00 ($1.00) Paulines - DRC 2004 ZR LIN
Lingala—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Filles de St Paul Bobokoli sombiliki. 24pp. Paulines DRC 1997 ZR LIN Lingala language Muyunga Yacioko, K. Lingala and Ciluba speech of audiometry. ($16.00) Z26.00 Press Univ Congo 1980 ZR Lingala language—Grammar Bwantsa Kafungu Esquisse grammaticale de Lingala. Z1.40 Press Univ Congo 1970 ZR MUL Lingombe language—Grammar Motingea, M. Grammaire du Lingombe. (Etudes Aequatoria, 3) 84pp. map ($5.00) Aequatoria 1988 ZR MUL Linguistics see also African languages Language and languages Massamba, D.P.B. Phonological theory: history and development. 212pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1996 TZ Ndimele, O-M. Semantics and the frontiers of communication. 143pp. ($11.50/£6.50) Univ Port Harcourt Press 1997 NR Linguistics—Addresses and essays Ellis, J.O. Linguistics in a multilingual society. 26pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1971 GH Evans, H.G.J. Culture and civilization. Ibadan UP 1976 NR
22pp. N3.00
Kassabgy, N., Ibrahim, Z., Aydelott, S., eds. Contrastive rhetoric. Issues, insights and pedagogy. ISBN: 9774248295 288pp. E£90.00 ($24.50/£17.95) Am Univ 2004 UA Linguistics—Africa Bojanse et al. Le langage des chants d’oiseaux selon les langues maternelles. (Ntomba, Sakata et Yansi) (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 110) 110pp. (DM35.00) CEEBA 1994 ZR FRE Emenanjo, E.’N., Ndimele, O. eds. Issues in African languages and linguistics: essays in honour of Kay Williamson. 397pp. ($33.00/£18.50) Univ Port Harcourt Press 1995 NR Hlongwane, J.B., ed. Some issues in African linguistics. Festschrift A.C. Nkabinde. ISBN: 0627023029 96pp. R54.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Linguistics—Africa, Southern Herbert, R.K., ed. Foundations in southern African linguistics. (African Studies reprint, 1) 312pp. R79.95 Witwatersrand UP 1993 SA Herbert, R.K., ed. Not with one mouth. Continuity and change in southern African language studies. 162pp. R69.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA Kotzé, E.F., comp. SA Linguistics 1995/SA Linguistiek 1995. Papers presented at the 31st annual congress of the Linguistics Society of Southern Africa (LSSA), University of Port Elizabeth 5-7 July 1995. 96pp. ($10.95/£6.99) Inst Planning Res 1996 SA MUL
Linguistics—Egypt Youssef, A. From Pharoah’s lips. Ancient Egyptian language in the Arabic of today. ISBN: 9774247086 96pp. ill. E£50.00 ($17.95/ £14.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Linguistics—South Africa Mesthrie, R. English in language shift. The history, structure and sociolinguistics of South African Indian English. 368pp. R84.95 Witwatersrand UP 1992 SA [Southern Africa only] Linguistics—Study and teaching Bal, W. Introduction à la linguistique. 20pp. 30k Press Univ Congo 1962 ZR FRE Lipkin, Mike—Autobiography Lipkin, M. Lost and found: my journey through hell and back. 160pp. R59.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA Literacy see also Education, Adult Reading Abuso, P.A. A traditional history of the Abakuria C.A.D. 1400-1914. 195pp. maps K.shs.36.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE Asiedu, K., Oyedeji, L. An adult functional literacy manual. 148pp. ($8.10) Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR Oyedeji, O., Lekan, K., Asiedu, K., eds. Manual for functional literary instructions. 144pp. Longman - Nig 1983 NR Unoh, S.O. Reading for literary awareness. (RAN monographs series, D1) 88pp. N100.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR Unoh, S.O. Reading to remember. Press - Nig 1970 NR
N3.00 Univ
Unoh, S.O., ed. Learning to read. (RAN monographs series, A1) 64pp. N87.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1985 NR Unoh, S.O., ed. Reading for career and development. (RAN monographs series, C1) 72pp. N82.45 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR Unoh, S.O., ed. Reading for leisure and recreation. (RAN monographs series, E1) 80pp. N95.15 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR Unoh, S.O., ed. Reading to learn. (RAN monographs series, B1) 72pp. N96.75 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1985 NR Wedepohl, L. Group leaders notes: a guide for literacy teachers. 80pp. ill. R21.99 Philip 1988 SA Wedepohl, L. Learning from a literacy project. ill. pl. R25.99 Philip 1988 SA
Weideman, A. Academic literacy. Prepare to learn. ISBN: 0627025412 242pp. R179.95 Van Schaik 2003 SA Literacy—Africa Omoding-Okwalinga, J. Withdrawal from literacy classes: a study of adult male samples from Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, February 1994. 18pp. NIDCR 1994 BS Perry, K., ed. Literacy for all in Africa. Vol.1. Teaching reading in African schools. ISBN: 9970025201 350pp. ($39.95/£24.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2005 UG Literacy—Africa, West Oyedeji, O., Omolewa, M., Asiedu, K., eds. A handbook of literacy education for West Africa. 117pp. N5.50 Longman Nig 1982 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Literacy—Kenya Literacy—Kenya Gakuru, O.N., Somerset, H.C.A., Wallis, M. The Kenya functional literacy programme: an appraisal. (IDS discussion paper, 226) 45pp. K.shs.96.00 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE Iga, K.H. Factors affecting women’s participation in adult literacy programs in Mpigi district. (Abridged research report, 4) 32pp. Academy Science Publ 1995 KE Literacy—Nigeria Adeola, O.A., et al. Literacy primer (Learners primer for numeracy). 61pp. N40.00 ($10.00/ £7.50) Ibadan UP 1993 NR Okedara, J.T. Concepts and measurements of literacy, semi-literacy and illiteracy. 62pp. ($3.30/£1.42) N3.00 Ibadan UP 1981 NR Okedara, J.T. The impact of literacy education in Ibadan. 51pp. ($2.84/£1.18) N3.00 Ibadan UP 1981 NR Literacy—South Africa Angélil-Carter, S., ed. Access to success. Literacy in academic contexts. Using language in academic development. ISBN: 1919713174 205pp. ill. R95.00 (£14.95) UCT Press 1998 SA Block, C.S. Chloe’s story - first steps into literacy. 41pp. R59.00 Juta 1997 SA Kerfoot, C., ed. We came to town. [Collection of migrant workers’ writings about their experience of life]. 74pp. pl. R9.50 Ravan 1985 SA Literacy—Study and teaching Ostrowiak, R. Teach any child or adult to read, reading book. The alphabet. bk.1 ISBN: 0620205492 32pp. ill. R18.00 Elf 2004 SA Ostrowiak, R. Teach any child or adult to read, reading book. bk.2 ISBN: 0620025506 32pp. ill. R22.00 Elf 2004 SA Ostrowiak, R. Teach any child or adult to read, reading book. bk.3 ISBN: 062002545X 34pp. ill. R22.00 Elf 2004 SA Ostrowiak, R. Teach any child or adult to read, reading book. bk.4 ISBN: 0620025514 33pp. ill. R18.00 Elf 2004 SA Ostrowiak, R. Teach any child or adult to read, reading book. bk.5 ISBN: 0620025530 36pp. ill. R18.00 Elf 2004 SA Ostrowiak, R. Teach and child or adult to read, teaching guide. The alphabet. bk.1 ISBN: 0620025441 55pp. ill. R22.00 Elf 2004 SA Ostrowiak, R. Teach any child or adult to read, teaching guide. bk.2 ISBN: 062002545X 34pp. ill. R22.00 Elf 2004 SA Ostrowiak, R. Teach any child or adult to read, teaching guide. bk.4 ISBN: 0620025476 54pp. ill. R22.00 Elf 2004 SA Ostrowiak, R. Teach any child or adult to read, teaching guide. bk.5 ISBN: 0620025484 55pp. ill. R22.00 Elf 2004 SA Literacy—Tanzania Kossam, Y.O. Illiterate no more: the voices of new literates from Tanzania. 82pp. T.shs.800.00 Tanz Publ House 1979 TZ Malya, S. Creating literacy surroundings in Tanzania. 64pp. map. K.shs.16.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE
Subject index Literacy—Uganda Parry, K, ed. Language and literacy in Uganda. Towards a sustainable reading culture. ISBN: 9970022024 117pp. ($18.95/ £10.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2000 UG Literacy—Zimbabwe Moyana, R. Reading literacy at junior secondary school level in Zimbabwe. ISBN: 090830790X 206pp. ($23.95/£13.95) Univ Zimbabwe 2000 ZI Moyana, R. The Zimbabwean national report on the IEA reading literacy research study at form 2 level. ISBN: 090830790X Z$375.00 ($27.95/£21.50) Univ Zimbabwe 2000 ZI Literature see also African literature English literature German literature Persian literature Russian literature Scandinavian literature Poetry Chodkiewicz, M. Seal of the saints. trans. by Liadain Sherrard 200pp. E£80.00 ($27.95) Am Univ 1993 UA Gengoux, J. Qu’est-ce que la littérature. 33pp. 40k Press Univ Congo 1963 ZR FRE Hendry, J.O. Your friendly guide to literary terms. 128pp. ill. R45.00 Wordsmith 1997 SA Mbole, M., ed. Viewpoints: essays on literature and drama. 110pp. ($7.35/£2.90) K.shs.22.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE Literature—Addresses and essays Brink, A.P. Why literature? R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1980 SA Erbe, H. The violet in the crucible: on translating poetry. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1964 SA Okanlawon, T., Igwe, P.O.E., eds. Comparative literature and foreign languages in Africa today. Collection of essays in honour of Willfried F. Feuser. 2nd rev.ed. ($20.00/£12.00) N80.00 Pam Unique Publ 1992 NR Literature—History and criticism Ahmed, S., ed. Literature and the sacred. (Alif, 23) ISBN: 9774248228 500pp. E£20.00 ($19.95/£16.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Brink, A. The novel - language and narrative from Cervantes to Calvino. ISBN: 191971314x 376pp. R130.00 UCT Press 1998 SA Iwuchukwu, C. The mastery of literature. vol.2 of 5 ISBN: 9783445944 136pp. MacckhoRicckho 2004 NR Iwuchukwu, C. The mastery of literature. vol.3 of 5 184pp. Macckho-Ricckho 2005 NR Iwuchukwu, C. The mastery of literature. vol.1 of 5 ISBN: 9783445936 156pp. MacckhoRicckho 2005 NR Lloyd, D., ed. Renaissance writing. ISBN: 1868881474 264pp. R103.00 ($20.20/£13.20) Unisa 2002 SA Seebaluck, B. Mahabharat: the eternal conflict. ISBN: 999039511X 126pp. Rs.100.00 Medialand 2002 MF Simpson, M-H., ed. Renaissance writing: the anthology. ISBN: 1868881504 268pp. R103.00 ($20.20/£13.20) Unisa 2002 SA
Thielmann, P. Hotbeds: black-white love in novels from the United States, Africa and the Caribbean. (Kachere monograph, 19) ISBN: 9990876231 384pp. ($36.95/ £23.95) Kachere 2004 MW Literature—Study and teaching Amimiuwu, A. Poetry for schools and colleges. bk. 1 65pp. (£2.00) N3.00 West 1981 NR Bukenya, A.S., Gachanja, M. Oral literature: a junior course. 127pp. ill. K.shs.220.00 ($3.00/£1.90) Longhorn - Ken 1996 KE Bukenya, A.S., Gachanja, M., Nandwa, J. Oral literature, a senior course. 145pp. K.shs.250.00 Longhorn - Ken 1997 KE Muller, C.H., ed. Explorations in the novel. 154pp. R14.95 Macmillan - SA 1984 SA Literature—Study and teaching (Secondary) Mapara, V. Literature for lower secondary. bk.1 ISBN: 999032350X 94pp. Rs50.00 ($3.00/£3.00) Printemps 1998 MF Livestock see also Cattle Domestic animals Veterinary science Amine, M., ed. Ley farming. MR
180pp. ill. Actes Ed 1991
Bruns, E., Berhane, H., Zewdie, S. LIMS: livestock information management system: introductory guide. 36pp. ILRI 1999 KE Chavhunduka, D.M. Cattle production. Mambo 1985 ZI
183pp. pl. ($7.20)
Devendra, C., Smalley, M.E., Li Pun, H., eds. Global agenda for livestock research. Proceedings of a conference on development of livestock research priorities in Asia, National Institute of Animal Husbandry, Hanoi, Vietnam, 13-15 May 1997. 49pp. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET Imaizumi, E., ed. JIRCAS/ILRI joint workshop report. International contribution of Japan and ILRI to world animal production research. 45pp. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET International Livestock Research Institute 2001 annual report. The poor and livestock mapping: targeting research for development impact. ISBN: 9291461261 78pp. ILRI 2002 KE International Livestock Research Institute CGIAR system-wide livestock programme. Annual report 1997-98. 49pp. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET International Livestock Research Institute Proceedings of the planning workshop on the crop-animal systems project, IRRI, Los Banos, the Philippines, 1-4 June 1999. 117pp. ILRI 1999 KE Nicholson, M.J. A guide to condition scoring of zebu cattle. [Also available in French.] 29pp. ill. ($5.00) Int Livestock Centre 1986 ET Rege, J.E.O., ed. Economic valuation of animal genetic resources: proceedings of an FAO/ILRI workshop held at FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy, 15-17 March 1999. 72pp. ILRI 1999 KE Thomson, E.F., von Kaufmann, R., Li-Pun, H., Treacher, T., van Houten, H., eds. Global agenda for livestock research: proceedings of a consultation on setting livestock research priorities in West Asia and North Africa (WANA) region, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria, 12-16 November 1997. 163pp. ILRI 1999 KE Livestock—Africa Baumer, M. L’agroforesterie pour les productions animales. 340pp. free ICRAF 1997 KE FRE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 322
African Books in Print
Subject index Delgado, C., Rosegrant, M., Steinfeld, H., Ehui, S., Courbois, C. Livestock to 2020: the next food revolution. (IFPRI food, agriculture, and the environment discussion paper, 28) 72pp. ILRI 1999 KE Diarra, L., Breman, H. La supplémentation du bétail en zone soudano-sahélienne: une nécessité en saison sèche. ISBN: 2910454525 84pp. Jamana 1998 ML FRE Ehui, S., Lipner, M.E., eds. Livestock and resource management policy: issues and priorities for research. 161pp. Int Livestock Centre 1993 ET Haque, I., Jutzi, S., Neate, P.J.H., eds. Contribution potentielle des légumineuses fourragères aux systèmes agraires de l’Afrique au sud du Sahara. 32pp. free Int Livestock Centre 1987 ET FRE Hill, D.H., ed. Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) in sheep and goats. Proceedings of the International Workshop held at IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria 24-26 September 1980. 104pp. ill. ($15.00) Int Livestock Centre 1983 ET Hoste, C.H., et al. Trypanotolerant livestock in West and Central Africa. A decade’s results. vol.3(ILCA Monograph series, 2) 206pp. Int Livestock Centre 1992 ET Ibrahim, H. Feed resources for ruminant livestock. 36pp. ILRI 1999 KE Ibrahim, H. Using cattle for draft power and transport. (ILRI slide series, 2) 29pp. ILRI 1999 KE Ibrahim, H., Tembely, S., Roger, F. Diseases of economic importance in small ruminants in sub-saharan Africa. (ILRI slide series, 3) 37pp. ILRI 1999 KE International Livestock Centre for Africa ILCA annual report 1989. 144pp. pl. Int Livestock Centre 1990 ET International Livestock Centre for Africa. ILCA’s long-term strategy, 1993-2010. 114pp. Int Livestock Centre 1993 ET International Livestock Centre for Africa ILCA’s strategy and long term plan. [Also available in French.] 100pp. free Int Livestock Centre 1987 ET International Livestock Centre for Africa ILCA’s strategy and long term plan: a summary. [Also available in French.] 28pp. free Int Livestock Centre 1987 ET International Livestock Centre for Africa Improving livestock production in Africa. Evolution of ILCA’s programme 1974-94. 212pp. Int Livestock Centre 1994 ET International Livestock Centre for Africa Sustainable production from livestock. ILCA’s medium-term plan, 1994-98. 217pp. Int Livestock Centre 1993 ET International Livestock Centre for Africa Sustainable production from livestock. ILCA’s medium-term plan, 1994-98. Executive summary. 18pp. Int Livestock Centre 1993 ET International Livestock Research Institute Annual programme meeting report, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 20-24 September 1999. var.pp. ILRI 1999 KE International Livestock Research Institute ILRI 1995. Annual project report. 220pp. Int Livestock Centre 1996 ET International Livestock Research Institute ILRI 1995: building a global research institute. [Also available in French and Spanish.] 78pp. Int Livestock Centre 1996 ET International Livestock Research Institute ILRI 1996. Annual project report. 248pp. Int Livestock Centre 1997 ET International Livestock Research Institute ILRI 1997. Livestock, people and the environment. ISBN: 9291460370 61pp. ill. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET
Livestock—Africa, East International Livestock Research Institute ILRI annual progress reports 1998. 266pp. ILRI 1999 KE International Livestock Research Institute ILRI annual workplans 1999. 159pp. ILRI 1999 KE International Livestock Research Institute ILRI medium-term plan 1998-2000. 88pp. Int Livestock Centre 1997 ET International Livestock Research Institute Medium-term plan 2000-2002: improving the productivity of smallholder livestock systems and protecting the natural resources that support them. 60pp. ILRI 1999 KE International Livestock Research Institute Proceedings of the conference on livestock and sustainable nutrient cycling in mixed farming systems of subSaharan Africa. ($47.50) Int Livestock Centre 1995[?] ET International Livestock Research Institute Strategic planning process, 1999: focus group workshops’ reports. 138pp. ILRI 1999 KE International Livestock Research Institute ILRI 1998: linking livestock and natural resource management. [Also available in French.] 58pp. ILRI 1999 KE Kategile, J.A., Mubi, S., eds. Future of livestock industries in east and southern Africa. 227pp. Int Livestock Centre 1993 ET King, J.M. Livestock water needs in pastoral Africa in relation to climate and forage. [Also available in French.] (ILCA Research Report, 7) 95pp. map ($18.00) Int Livestock Centre 1983 ET Konandreas, P.A., Anderson, F.K. Cattle herd dynamics: an integer and stochastic model for evaluating production alternatives. [Also available in French] (ILCA Research Report, 2) 95pp. map ($10.00) Int Livestock Centre 1982 ET Kristjanson, P., Rowlands, J., Swallow, B., Kruska, R., de Leeuw, P., Nagda, S. Using the economic surplus model to measure potential returns to international livestock research: the case of trypanosomiasis vaccine research. (ILRI assessment series, 4) 36pp. ILRI 1999 KE Kristjanson, P.M., Zerbini, E. Genetic enhancement of sorghum and millet residues fed to ruminants: an exante assessment of returns to research. (ILRI assessment series, 3) 44pp. ILRI 1999 KE le Houerou, H.N. Browse in Africa: the current state of knowledge. [Also available in French.] 491pp. ($56.00) Int Livestock Centre 1983 ET Leak, S.G.A. Tsetse biology and ecology: their role in the epidemiology and control of trypanosomosis. 568pp. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET [Africa only] Little, D.A., Said, A.N., eds. Utilization of agricultural by-products as livestock feeds in Africa. 179pp. ($26.00) Int Livestock Centre 1987 ET Manger, L., Ahmed, A.G.M., eds. Pastoralists and environment: experiences from the Greater Horn of Africa. 240pp. Birr50.00 ($12.00) OSSREA 2000 ET McCarthy, N. An economic analysis of the effects of production risk on the use and managment of common-pool rangelands. (ILRI socio-economic and policy research working paper, 24) 42pp. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET Metz, T., Asfaw, M.D. LIMS: livestock information management system: database for livestock performance data, version 1.2. var.pp. ILRI 1999 KE
Mozaria, S., Williamson, S., eds. Live vaccines for Theileria parva: deployment in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa: proceedings of an FAO/ OAU-IBAR/ILRI workshop, held at ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya, 10-12 March 1997. 157pp. ILRI 1999 KE Ndikumana, J., de Leeuw, P. Sustainable feed production and utilisation for smallholder livestock enterprises in sub-Saharan Africa. Proceedings of the second African feed resources network (AFRNET), Harare, Zimbabwe, 6-10 December 1993. 210pp. Int Livestock Centre 1996 ET Osuji, P.O., Nsahlai, I.V., Khalili, H. Feed evaluation. 36pp. Int Livestock Centre 1993 ET Preston, T.R., Nuwanyakpa, M.Y., eds. Towards optimal feeding of agricultural by-products to livestock in Africa. 180pp. ($26.00) Int Livestock Centre 1986 ET Rowlands, G.J., ed. Enhancement of capacity in applied biometry in east and southern Africa: proceedings of an ILRI workshop held at ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya, 7-9 December 1999. ISBN: 9291460796 101pp. ill. ILRI 2000 KE Thornton, P.K. Ecoregional research at ILRI: proceedings of a workshop, ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 5-8 October 1998. 197pp. ILRI 1999 KE Trail, J.C.M., et al. Productivity of Boran cattle maintained by chemoprophylaxis under tryanosomiasis risk. [Also available in French.] (ILCA Research Report, 9) 76pp. pl. ($10.00) Int Livestock Centre 1985 ET Tsumbu, M., Phambu, K. L’élevage du lapin en milieu rural africain. ($3.00) BERPS 1992[?] ZR FRE Williams, T.O. Impact of livestock pricing policies on meat and milk output in selected subsaharan African countries. [Also available in French.] 88pp. Int Livestock Centre 1993 ET MUL Zerbini, E. Technology transfer: multi-purpose cows for milk, meat, and traction in smallholder farming systems: proceedings of an expert consultation held at ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 11-14 September, 1995. ISBN: 9291460400 281pp. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET Livestock—Africa—Bibliography Abeba, D. Trypanosomiasis and tsetse flies (19071979)/Les trypanosomiases et les glossines (1907-1979). [Text in English and French.] (Quick bibliography series, 1) free Int Livestock Centre 1988 ET MUL International Livestock Centre for Africa Trypanosomiasis and tsetse flies (19801988)/Les trypanosomiases et les glossines (1980-1988). vol.2(Quick bibliography series, 2) 104pp. free Int Livestock Centre 1988 ET MUL O’Connor, C., Sahlu, M. Production and processing of milk from cattle in sub-Saharan Africa: a bibliography/Bibliographie sur la production et la transformation du lait de vache en Afrique subsaharienne. 102pp. Int Livestock Centre 1990 ET MUL Livestock—Africa—Statistics International Livestock Centre for Africa Handbook of African livestock statistics. 63pp. Int Livestock Centre 1993 ET Livestock—Africa, East International for Livestock Research Institute ILRI annual project progress reports 1997. 295pp. col.pl. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET International Livestock Research Institute ILRI annual workplans 1998. 224pp. col.pl. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Livestock—Africa, East International Livestock Research Institute Medium-term plan 1999-2001. Improving the productivity of smallholder livestock systems and protecting the natural resources that support them. 51pp. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET Ndikumana, J. Research strategy and programmes 1998-2003. 3 vols. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET Thornton, P.K., Odero, A.N., ed. Compendium of ILRI research impact and adoption, 1975-1998. 127pp. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET Livestock—Africa, Southern Coetzer, J.A.W. Infectious diseases of livestock. 2nd ed. 3 vols. ISBN: 019578202X 650pp. e.vol. R3,500 set OUP - SA 2005 SA Livestock—Africa, West Ahmad, N. Soil and agronomic factors influencing fodder production in the sub-humid zone of West Africa. (PSD Working pap.Plant Science Div., B2) 64pp. pl. map Int Livestock Centre 1986 ET Sumberg, J.E., Cassaday, K. Sheep and goats in humid West Africa. Proceedings of the workshop on small ruminant production systems in the humid zone of West Africa, held in Ibadan, Nigeria, 23-26 January 1984. 74pp. ill. ($12.00) Int Livestock Centre 1985 ET
Subject index Livestock—Congo Democratic Republic Peeters, G. Essai sur l’économie de l’élevage du bovidé au Congo. 28pp. 30k Press Univ Congo 1960 ZR FRE
Boujenane, I. Les ressources génétiques ovines au Maroc. ISBN: 9981801410 136pp. pl. Dir100.00 ($10.00/£10.00) Actes Ed 1999 MR FRE
Livestock—Developing countries— Statistics International Livestock Research Institute Handbook of livestock statistics for developing countries. (ILRI socioeconomic and policy research working paper, 26) ISBN: 9291460753 289pp. ILRI 2000 KE
Guessous, F. Productions fourragères et systèmes animaux. 120pp. Actes Ed 1991 MR FRE
Livestock—Ethiopia Alemayehu Mengistu The Borana and the 1991-92 drought: a rangeland and livestock resources study. 90pp. pl. ($10.00) Inst Sust Dev 1998 ET Coppock, D.L. The Borana plateau of southern Ethiopia: synthesis of pastoral research, development and change, 1980-91. Executive summary. (ILCA systems study, 5) 20pp. Int Livestock Centre 1993 ET Debrah, S., Anteneh, B. Dairy marketing in Ethiopia: markets of first sale and producers’ marketing pattern. (ILCA Research Report, 19) 21pp. map Int Livestock Centre 1991 ET Edwards, S., et al., eds. Conference on pastoralism in Ethiopia 4-6 February 1993. 99pp. Inst Sust Dev 1996 ET
Livestock—Benin—Bibliography International Livestock Centre for Africa Index des documents microfichés au Bénin. 73pp. ($9.50) Int Livestock Centre 1986 ET FRE
FARM-Africa Goat types of Ethiopia and Eritrea. Physical description and management systems. 76pp. Int Livestock Centre 1996 ET
Livestock—Bibliography Assefa, M., comp. Index des documents microfichés au Mali. (ILCA-MP/ML, 1337/91) 238pp. Int Livestock Centre 1991 ET FRE
O’Mahony, F. Rural dairy technology: experience in Ethiopia. 60pp. ($13.00) Int Livestock Centre 1988 ET
Starkey, P., Teklu, S., Goe, M.R. Animal traction: an annotated bibliographic database. 204pp. ($24.00.) Int Livestock Centre 1991 ET Sumberg, J.E. Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Steud: a selected bibliography. 18pp. ($4.00) Int Livestock Centre 1986 ET Livestock—Botswana Hitchcock, R.K. Botswana’s first livestock development project and its future implications. NIDCR 1982 BS Konandreas, P.A., Anderson, F.M., Trail, J.C.M. Economic trade-offs between milk and meat production under various supplementation levels in Botswana. (ILCA Research Report, 10) 52pp. map ($10.00) Int Livestock Centre 1983 ET Morapedi, N.T. Food comes first - seminar proceedings on livestock production, marketing, training and development. P6.30 NIDCR 1985 BS Motsomi, A. Analysis of council livestock boreholes in the Kgatleng District. (Research reports) P2.50 NIDCR 1983 BS White, R. Livestock development and pastoral production on communal rangeland in Botswana. 72pp. P20.00 ($25.00/ £15.00) Botswana Soc 1993 BS Livestock—Botswana—Bibliography International Livestock Centre for Africa Index to livestock literature microfiched in Botswana. ($16.00) Int Livestock Centre 1985 ET Livestock—Burkina Faso—Bibliography Mekonnen, A., comp. Index des documents microfichés au Burkina Faso. 105pp. Int Livestock Centre 1994 ET FRE
Livestock—Ethiopia—Bibliography Assefa, M., comp. Index to livestock literature microfiched in Ethiopia. (MP/ET-2790/90) 237pp. ($21.00) Int Livestock Centre 1990 ET Livestock—Ghana Ahunu, B.K. Livestock improvement: force or farce. 34pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Ghana UP 1988 GH Livestock—Malawi Agyemang, K., Nkhonjera, L.P. Evaluation of the productivity of crossbred dairy cattle on smallholder and government farms in the Republic of Malawi. (ILCA Research Report, 12) 39pp. map ($8.00) Int Livestock Centre 1986 ET Livestock—Malawi—Bibliography International Livestock Centre for Africa Index to livestock literature microfiched by the ILCA/ADRC team in Malawi. 72pp. ($9.50) Int Livestock Centre 1984 ET Mekonnen, A., comp. Index to livestock literature microfiched in Malawi. 139pp. Int Livestock Centre 1993 ET Livestock—Mali Wagenaar, K.T., Diallo, A., Sayers, A.R. Productivity of transhumant Fulani cattle in the inner Niger delta of Mali. [Also available in French.] (ILCA Research Report, 13) 57pp. map ($10.00) Int Livestock Centre 1986 ET Wilson, R.T. Livestock production in central Mali: long term studies on cattle and small ruminants in the agropastoral system. [Also available in French.] (ILCA Research Report, 14) 111pp. pl. ($14.00) Int Livestock Centre 1986 ET Livestock—Morocco Boujenane, I. Les races bovines au Maroc. ISBN: 9981801526 144pp. pl. Dir100.00 ($10.00/£10.00) Actes Ed 2002 MR FRE
Livestock—Namibia Keulder, C., Werner, W. Livestock buying and quarantine management in Caprivi. (NEPRU working paper, 59) 46pp. N$23.10 NEPRU 1997 SX Liagre, L., et al. Cattle marketing in northern Namibia. A commodity chain approach. (NEPRU research report, 20) 134pp. N$60.00 NEPRU 2000 SX Livestock—Niger—Bibliography International Livestock Centre for Africa Index des documents microfichés au Niger. 149pp. ($16.00) Int Livestock Centre 1987 ET FRE Livestock—Nigeria Babatunde, G.M. The tottering Nigerian livestock sector. 42pp. ($6.95/£3.25) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1993 NR Ikede, J. The Nigerian livestock industry. Assets. 96pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1989 NR International Livestock Centre for Africa. Livestock systems research in Nigeria’s subhumid zone. Proceedings of the second ILCA/NAPRI symposium held in Kaduna, Nigeria, 29 October-2 November 1984. 484pp. ill. maps ($56.00) Int Livestock Centre 1986 ET Livestock—Nigeria—Bibliography Teklu, S., comp. Index to livestock literature on Nigeria. 279pp. ($16.00) Int Livestock Centre 1992 ET Livestock—Rwanda Murayi, Th., Sayers, A.R., Wilson, R.T. La productivité des petits ruminants dans les stations de recherche de l’Institut des Sciences Agronomiques du Rwanda. (Research Reports, 15) 58pp. ($10.00) Int Livestock Centre 1987 ET FRE Livestock—Senegal Fall, A., et al. Evaluation of the productivities of Djallonke sheep and N’Dama cattle at the Centre of Recherches Zootechniques, Kolda, Sénégal. [Also available in French.] (ILCA Research Report, 3) 70pp. map ($10.00) Int Livestock Centre 1982 ET Livestock—South Africa Boyazoglu, P.A. Animal nutrition. Concepts and applications. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0627022480 320pp. R138.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA Colvin, P.M., De Jager, P., Zacharias, P. Southern Maputaland livestock development survey. Volume 1. The report. Volume 2. Appendices and maps. Final report to the Department of Development Aid. (INR investigational reports, 40) R30.00 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Gandar, M.V. Livestock and drought in KwaZulu. (INR occasional paps., 1) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1982 SA Mander, M., Pollett, E.A. Cattle husbandry and settlement options on the Hlelo Estate, Piet Retief. Report prepared for Farm Workers Research and Resource Project. (INR investigational reports, 84) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Livestock—Sudan Sulieman, A.H., Sayers, A.R., Wilson, R.T. Evaluation of Shugor, Dubasi and Watish subtypes of Sudan Desert sheep at the El-Huda National Sheep Research Station, Gezira Province, Sudan. (ILCA Research Report, 18) 30pp. pl. map Int Livestock Centre 1990 ET
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Luo—School books, Readers, Children’s literature
Livestock—Tanzania Omore, A.O., Staal, S., Thorpe, W. The Tanzanian dairy sub-sector: a rapid appraisal. 3 vols. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET
Lomongo language—Dictionaries Hulstaert, G. Complément au dictionnaire LomongoFrançais. (Etudes Aequatoria, 2) 463pp. ($10.00) Aequatoria 1987 ZR MUL
Livestock—The Gambia—Bibliography International Livestock Centre for Africa Index to livestock literature microfiched in The Gambia. 41pp. ($7.00) Int Livestock Centre 1987 ET
Lomongo language—Grammar Hulstaert, G. Supplément à la grammaire Lomongo. (Etudes Aequatoria, 4) 124pp. ($5.00) Aequatoria 1988 ZR MUL
Livestock—Togo—Bibliography International Livestock Centre for Africa Index des documents microfichés au Togo. 51pp. ($7.50) Int Livestock Centre 1987 ET FRE
Lomwe (African people)—History Boeder, R. The silent majority: a history of the Lomwe in Malawi. 88pp. ($6.00) R6.00 Africa Inst 1984 SA
Livestock—Uganda Muhereza, F., Otim, P. Pastoral resource competition in Uganda. Case studies into commercial livestock ranching and pastoral institutions. ISBN: 9057270412 192pp. (£20.00) OSSREA 2002 ET [co-published with International Books, Utrecht; distr. by Central Books, UK]
Londengese language Hulstaert, G., Goemaere, A. Grammaire du Londengese (Rep. du Zaire). (CEEBA publications, série III, 11) 90pp. map CEEBA 1985 ZR FRE
Livestock—Uganda—Bibliography Assefa, M., comp. Index to livestock literature microfiched in Uganda. (ILCA-MP/UG- 652/92) 83pp. Int Livestock Centre 1992 ET Livestock—Zimbabwe Ndlovu, L.R., Francis, J. Performance and nutritional management of draught cattle in smallholder farming in Zimbabwe. 99pp. ($11.50/£6.50) Univ Zimbabwe 1997 ZI Livestock—Zimbabwe—Bibliography International Livestock Centre for Africa Index to livestock literature microfiched in Zimbabwe (parts 1 & 2). 243pp. ($21.00) Int Livestock Centre 1986 ET Lobi (African people—Social life and customs) Labouret, H. Nouvelles notes sur les tribus du rameau Lobi, leurs migrations, leur évolution, leurs parlers et ceux de leurs voisins. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 54) 295pp. maps. CFA4,500 IFAN 1958 SG FRE Local government see also Law, Administrative Housing and urban planning Public administration and as a sub-division under names of specific countries Observatoire du Développement de la Réunion Les petits états et territoires insulaires. (Documents ODR, 51) (Eur112.20) ODR 2004 RF FRE Local government—Africa, Southern Briscoe, A., ed. Local government financing in southern Africa. 156pp. Ebert - Namibia 1995 SX Briscoe, A., ed. Small business promotion by local government in southern Africa. 133pp. Ebert - Namibia 1995 SX Gerber, B. Voter registration and demarcation in local government. (EISA occasional papers, 4) R20.00 EISA 1998 SA Reddy, P.S. Local government financing and development in southern Africa. ISBN: 0195781929 304pp. R300.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Local government—Asia United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Training manual on urban local government finance for South Asian countries. 174pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE Lomongo language De Rop, A. Eléments de phonétique historique du lomongo. 60pp. 40k Press Univ Congo 1958 ZR MUL Vinck, H. Terminologie chrétienne en Lomongo. 55pp. (DM18.00) CEEBA 1983 ZR MUL
Losso—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Talakaena, A.B. Yon’ taba. [Are we rivals? Play.] ISBN: 286427065X 112pp. CFA3,000 Akpagnon 1999 TG LOS Lottering, Agnes—Autobiography Lottering, A. Winnefred and Agnes. The true story of two women. ISBN: 0795701136 248pp. R120.00 Kwela 2002 SA Lozi—General and Non-fiction Muwindwa, T. Bupilo bwa eleaza sikatana. [A short life of Eleazar.] 24pp. Multimedia 1972 ZA LOZ Lozi (African people)—Social life and customs Lisimba, M. Lozi names in language and culture. 320pp. pl. K30,000 ($10.30/£6.00) CICBA 2000 GO Lubowski, Anton—Biography van der Vyver, M. Anton Lubowski: paradox of a man. ISBN: 1874901082 cd. 147pp. R54.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA Luganda also known as Ganda Luganda—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Kasirye, D.K. Eddaame lya nsimbi. [Poems.] Nets 2001 UG LUG
Masembe, H. Engero zaffe. [Collection of folktales.] 266pp. U.shs.10,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1996 UG LUG Luganda—General and Non-fiction Mpalanyi, S.E.K. Ndikumma okulya. (£1.10/£2.80) K.shs.10.75 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE LUG Mpalanyi, S.E.K. Tugige Oluganda. Teachers handbook. K.shs.7.15pp. (£0.85/$2.15) Kenya Lit Bureau 1977 KE LUG Luganda—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Bagunywa, A. Muyizza Akumma. [A visit to Europe.] 2nd ed. 67pp. ($1.75/70p.) K.shs.3.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1969 KE LUG Luganda—Study and teaching Sekamwa, J.C. Ebisoko n’engero ez’amakulu amakusike. [Luganda idioms.] 279pp. U.shs.10,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1995 UG LUG Luganda language—Dictionaries Nanfuka, M. Luganda-English phrase book for tourists. 49pp. ($4.95/£2.75) Fountain Publ-Ug 1995 UG Lugbara (African people)—Folklore Dalfovo, A. Lugbara wisdom (Uganda and CDR). vol.3 166pp. R35.00 ($8.70/£5.50/ Eur7.50) Unisa 1997 SA Lugbara language—Dictionaries Ongua Iga, P. A simplified Lugbara-English dictionary. ISBN: 9970021052 71pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1999 UG MUL
Lugha—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Zani, T.K. Mwanzo wa masomo ya msingi. (Lugha.) 40pp. K.shs.25.00. EAEP 1989 KE LUG Lumber and lumbering see also Forests and forestry Paper making and trade Ball, C.P. Moulded wood particle products: report no.2, preliminary evaluation of three moulding systems. (CSIR Special Report, Hout 121) CSIR 1977 SA Cameron, F.S., Pizzi, A. Minimum curing temperatures of coldsetting and fast-setting ‘honeymoon’ laminating adhesives. (CSIR Special Report, HOUT 212) R5.00 CSIR 1981 SA Kubel, H., Pizzi, A. Protection of wood surfaces with metallic oxides. (CSIR Special Report, HOUT 210) R5.00 CSIR 1980 SA van Wyk, J.L. Mechanization of timber harvesting and timber transport systems, based on an overseas study tour, March - June, 1975. (CSIR Special Report, HOUT 100) 17pp. R5.00 CSIR 1975 SA van Wyk, J.L. Review of saw-milling techniques in Europe and North America based on an overseas study tour, March-June 1975. (CSIR Special Report, HOUT 99) 34pp. R5.00 CSIR 1975 SA White, M.D., Crawford, C.E., Scholtz, J.C. Stocklam market survey. (CSIR Special Report, HOUT 90) 24pp. R5.00 CSIR 1975 SA Lumumba, Patrice—Biography de Witte, L. The assassination of Lumumba. ISBN: 1919931155 226pp. R160.00 Jacana 2002 SA [SA only] Luo also known as Dholuo, Lwo Luo—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Malo, S. Sigend Luo maduogo chuny. 42pp. ill. K.shs.80.00 ($2.00) Lake 1990 KE LUO Moore, E. Sigendni ma gaso ji. K.shs.85.00 ($2.00) Lake 1993 KE LUO Odaga, A.B. Kisera. [Courtship.] 90pp. K.shs.350.00 ($5.00) Lake 1998 KE LUO Odaga, A.B. Nyamgondho wuod ombare. K.shs.80.00 ($1.70) Lake KE LUO Odaga, B.A. Poko nyar migumba: gi sigend Luo Mamako. [Luo folktale.] 56pp. ill. K.shs.70.00 ($2.00) Lake 1978 KE LUO Odido, S.A. Othung’a gi nyiero. Lake KE LUO
K.shs.60.00 ($1.50)
Ogot, G. Miaha. [The strange bride.] 142pp. K.shs.185.00 EAEP 1983 KE LUO Omolo, L.O. Wasomuru sigana mamit. Book 1. 23pp. ill. K.shs.45.00 ($1.00) Lake 1967 KE LUO Omolo, L.O. Wasomuru sigana mamit. Book 2. 48pp. ill. K.shs.45.00 ($1.00) Lake 1967 KE LUO Luo—General and Non-fiction Onyango, S.A. Chakruok Luo. K.shs.180.00 ($2.50) Lake 1987 KE LUO Luo—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Odaga, A.B. Ogilo nungo piny kirom. [A Dholuo children’s story.] 42pp. K.shs.110.00 EAEP 1983 KE LUO
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Luo—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Okola, Z. Timbe Luo. KE LUO
K.shs.80.00 ($2.00) Lake
Owino, H. Som koda. pupil’s bk. ($1.50) Lake KE LUO
ill. K.shs.60.00
Owino, H. Som koda. teacher’s bk. ($1.50) Lake KE LUO
Luo (African people)—Anthropology, Sociocultural Odaga, A.B. Luo sayings. 80pp. K.shs.200.00 ($4.00) Lake 1993 KE Odhiambo, E.S.A. Siaya: the historical anthropology of an African landscape. 152pp. K.shs.560.00 EAEP 1989 KE Luo (African people)—History Ayot, H.O. A history of the Luo Abasuba. (£2.95/ $7.40) K.shs.3.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Luo language Odaga, A.B. Luo-English phrases. 67pp. K.shs.200.00 ($4.00) Lake 1993 KE MUL Luo language—Dictionaries Kokwaro, J.O., Johns, T. Luo biological dictionary. ISBN: 9966468412 280pp. col.ill.pl. K.shs.485.00 ($29.95/£17.95) EAEP 1998 KE LUO Odaga, A.B. Dholuo-English dictionary. 290pp. K.shs.500.00 ($8.00) Lake 1998 KE MUL Odaga, A.B. English-Dholuo dictionary. 1997 KE MUL
202pp. Lake
Odago, A.B. Luo-English, English-Luo dictionaries. K.shs.400.00 ($7.00) Lake 1987 KE MUL Luvale (African people)—Social life and customs Wele, P. Likumba lya mize and other Luvale traditional ceremonies. 132pp. K1,730 ($2.47/£1.73) ZEPH 1993 ZA Luyt, Louis—Biography du Preez, M. Louis Luyt: unauthorised. ISBN: 1868723712 248pp. Zebra 2001 SA Lyons, Sister Hilary—Autobiography Lyons, H. Old watering holes. ISBN: 0952223384 (£8.00) Dudu Nsomba 2002 MW Maasai—General and Non-fiction Sankan, S. S. O. In tepen e Maasai. ($3.35/£1.35) K.shs.15.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE MAS Maasai (African people)—Land tenure Galaty, J.G. The rhetoric of rights: construing Maasai land claims. (Alarm working paper, 7) 16pp. U.shs.3,000 ($4.00) Centre Basic Res 1999 UG Ole Simel, J. Pre-mature land subdivision, encroachment of rights and manipulation in Masaailand. The Keekonyokie clan section. (Alarm working paper, 8) 16pp. U.shs.3,000 ($4.00) Centre Basic Res 1999 UG Maasai (African people)—Social life and customs Jacaranda Designs Afri-kit Maasai attire and adornments. [Kit containing traditional outfits and teacher’s guide.] 48pp. ill. ($225.00/ £135.00) Jacaranda 1995 KE Murago-Munene, J. Enkishon: the Maasai child in Kenya. [Video cassette] Jacaranda 1995 KE
Sankai, S.S. The Maasai. 3rd ed. ($3.70/£3.05) K.shs.16.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1881 KE Spear, T., Waller, R., eds. Being Maasai. 336pp. K.shs.2,420 EAEP 1993 KE [Kenya only] Mabena, Alvord—Biography Nyathi, P. Alvord Mabena: the man and his roots. ISBN: 0797420665 253pp. col.ill.maps Priority 2000 ZI Machel, Samora—Biography Christie, I. Machel of Mozambique. 181pp. pl. ($16.00/£8.95) ZPH 1988 ZI Machobane, J.J.—Biography Machobane, J.J., Berold, R. Drive out hunger: the story of J.J. Machobane of Lesotho. 110pp. R120.00 ($19.00) (£11.00) Jacana 2003 SA Madagascar—Guide books Schuurman, D., Ravelojaona, N. Globetrotter travel guide to Madagascar. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Turco, M. Visitors’ guide to Madagascar. 200pp. maps R59.95 Southern Book Publ 1995 SA Madagascar—History Larson, P.M. History and memory in the age of enslavement. Becoming Merina in highland Madagascar. ISBN: 0852556896 cd. 448pp. pl.maps (£40.00) ISBN: 085255639X (£16.95) Philip 2000 SA [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, Oxford, UK & Heinemann North America] Molet, L. Le bain royal à Madagascar. 240pp. FMG13,700 TPFLM 1956 MG FRE Munthe, L. La tradition Arabico Malgache vue à travers le manuscrit a-6 d’Oslo et d’autres manuscripts disponibles. 328pp. FMG2,750 TPFLM 1982 MG FRE Randrianja, S., ed. Histoire et identités plurielles, Madagascar. ISBN: 2869781334 CFA10,000 ($20.00/£20.00/Eur20.00) CODESRIA 2004 SG FRE Razi, G.M. Sources d’histoire Malgache aux EtatsUnis (1792-1882) 76pp. TPFLM 1978 MG FRE Madagascar—International relations Herbert, R. Madagascar: avoidable disaster, test case for African diplomacy. (SAIIA country report, 10) ISBN: 1919810552 SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA Magona, Sindiwe—Autobiography Magona, S. Forced to grow. 236pp. R49.99 Philip 1992 SA Mahalingam, Nachimuthu—Biography Alladin, I. Nachimuthu Mahalingam: a living legend. ISBN: 9990323518 cd. 110pp. Rs400.00 ($24.00/£15.00) Printemps 1998 MF Maine, Kas—Biography van Onselen, C. The seed is mine. The life of Kas Maine, a South African sharecropper, 1894-1985. cd. & 672pp. ill. R140.00 cd. R89.00 Philip 1996 SA Maisels, Isie—Autobiography Maisels, I. Life at law. The memoirs of I. Maiselo, QC. ISBN: 1868420817 R129.00 Ball 1999 SA Majikenda (African people)—History Spear, I.T. The Kaya complex: a history of the Majikenda people of the Kenya Coast to 1900. (£3.15/$9.90) K.shs.42.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE
Subject index Makanya, Katie—Biography McCord, M. The calling of Katie Makanya. R59.95 Philip 1995 SA
272pp. ill.
Malagasy—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Andriamalala, E.D. Antso. [Novel in Malagasy.] 71pp. Lib Mixte 2000 MG MLA Andriamalala, E.D. Fofombadiko. [Novel in Malagasy.] 222pp. Lib Mixte 1999 MG MLA Andriamalala, E.D. Hetraketraka. [Novel in Malagasy.] vols. Lib Mixte 2000 MG MLA
Andriamalala, E.D. Taolambalo. [Novel in Malagasy.] 159pp. Lib Mixte 1999 MG MLA Andriamalala, E.D. Zazavavindrano. [Novel in Malagasy.] 142pp. Lib Mixte 1999 MG MLA Andriamanantena, G. Voninkazo adaladala. [Unconscious flower. Poetry] 180pp. Ar.15,000 Newprint 2002 MG MLA Anonymous Anganon’ ny ntaolo. 296pp. FMG14,500 TPFLM 1971 MG MLA Asiniony Akom-piainana. [Poems in Malagasy.] 91pp. Tsipika 1999 MG MLA Rado Sedra. [Poems.] 2001 MG MLA
75pp. ill. Newprint
Rado Zo: amboaran-tononkalo. [Poems.] 228pp. Newprint 2001 MG MLA Rakotonandrasana, L. de G. Tantsaha. [Novel in Malagasy.] ISBN: 2912290147 186pp. Tsipika 2000 MG MLA Malagasy—General and Non-fiction Anonyme Heviteny amin’ ny epistily nosorantan’ i Paoly. 300pp. FMG9,350 TPFLM 1987 MG MUL Fety, M. Nahoana no avondrona no fokonolona. 80pp. FMG200 TPFLM 1979 MG MLG Fiangonana Loterana Malagasy Firaketana ny syboda jeneraly faha-10 natao tao morondava by 8-17 Septambra 1976. 240pp. TPFLM 1977 MG MLA Gyldenvand, L. Martin Lotera: “Ngezalahin’ ny finaona”. 32pp. ill. FMG2,900 TPFLM 1983 MG MLA Odland, S. Hevi-teny amin’ ny filazantsara nosorantan’ i Matio. 292pp. FMG12,900 TPFLM 1987[?] MG MLA Rakotondranaivo, A. Fianarana Manoratra teny Malagasy: Tsipelin-teny Dingana I sy II. Natona fanindiminy. 72pp. FMG385 TPFLM 1977 MG MLA Rakotondranaivo, A. Fiaraha-monina: fanabeazana fototra. [Coexistence: basis for study.] 178pp. TPFLM 1976 MG MLA Ranaivohariveony, B. Torolalana momba ny fifdiamama solombavambahoaka eto madagasikara. [Civic duties.] 23pp. Valy 1998 MG MLA Randriamamonjy, E. Angano kanto. 200pp. col.ill. FMG30,000 TPFLM 1999 MG MLA Randrianarivelo, L.E. Ratany (1856-1944). [Biography of Ratany - a teacher at the Queen’s palace.] vol.1 1,526pp. ill.pl. Ar.96,000 (2 vols.) Newprint 2004 MG MLA Randrianarivelo, L.E. Ratany (1856-1944). [Biography of Ratany - a teacher at the Queen’s palace.] vol.2 1,528pp. ill.pl. Ar.96,000 (2 vols.) Newprint 2004 MG MLA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Rasameclina, R. Tantaran’ny fifonazana eto Madagasikara. 264pp. FMG800 TPFLM 1981 MG MLG Rasoanasy, Jeanne. Menalamba sy tanindrazana: ny lasan’i Madagasikara. [Rebels and the fatherland.] 316pp. TPFLM 1976 MG MLA Raza, C. Vako-drazana nohavaozina. TPFLM 1977 MG MLA
Stavaas, O.P. Heviteny amin’ ny epistily nosoratan’ i Jakoba. [Exegesis on James’ letter to the Jews.] 126pp. FMG2,500 TPFLM 2001 MG MLA Stavras, O.P. Heviteny tsotra amin’ ny epistily ho an’ ny Hebreo. 90pp. FMG7,500 TPFLM 1978 MG MLA Trano Printy Loterana Vehivavy kristiana mpiara-mivavaka Faha-20 Taona (1957-1977) 119pp. TPFLM 1978 MG MLA Malagasy—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Garrigues, A. Ny contabiliten’ny tantsaha. 66pp. TPFLM 1978 MG MLA Rakotondranaivo, A. Fahalalana tsotra. Boky I Natonta fanindiminy. bk. 3 119pp. ill. FMG600 TPFLM 1977 MG MLA Rakotondranaivo, A. Fanabeazam-boho ny teny sy fanazarana hiteny. 310pp. FMG1,500 TPFLM 1982 MG MLG Rakotondranaivo, A. Sary zava-boanary. 34pp. ill. FMG1,550 TPFLM 1982 MG MLA Rakotoson, P. Ohabolana tantsiraka. TPFLM 1980 MG MLG
168pp. FMG500
Rakototondranaive, A. Malagasy tokana. 175pp. FMG650 TPFLM 1981 MG MLG Rakototondranaivo, A. Kajy fototra T4T5. Malagasy language text. 303pp. FMG1,000 TPFLM 1979 MG MLG Trano Printy Loterana Vahandanitra. Fahendrena Fito. (Coll. Llanto, 1) 24pp. ill. TPFLM 1977 MG MLA Malagasy language—Dictionaries Centre d’Informations Technique et Economique de Madagascar Dictionnaire des affaires: FrançaisMalgache-Anglais. 2nd ed. (Eur4.00) CITE 2000 MG MUL Editions Tsipika Voambolana momba ny fanabeazana sy ny fanofanana: Malagasy-Fransay/ Vocabulaire de l’éducation et de la formation: français-malgache. [Text in French and Malagasy.] ISBN: 291229021X 253pp. Tsipika 2000 MG MUL Editions Tsipika Voambolana momba ny zahatany: Malagasy-Frantsay/Vocabulaire du tourisme: français-malgache. ISBN: 2912290236 223pp. Tsipika 2000 MG MUL Editions Tsipika Voambolana ny riaka sy ny morony: Malagasy-Frantsay/Vocabulaire mer et littoral: français-malgache. ISBN: 2912290228 291pp. Tsipika 2000 MG MUL Hallanger, F.S. Diksionera Malagasy-Englisy. 104pp. FMG7,200 TPFLM 1992 MG MUL Hallanger, F.S. Diksionera Malagasy-Frantsay. 98pp. FMG7,200 TPFLM 1999 MG MUL Kingzett, J.C., Sims, J. Dictionnaire Sims. 364pp. FMG43,200 TPFLM 1969 MG MUL Trano Printy Loterana English-Malagasy dictionary. 160pp. FMG7,200 TPFLM 1999 MG MUL
Malagasy language—Study and teaching Rajaobolina, P. Parler Malgache. 96pp. FMG500 TPFLM 1977 MG FRE Malaria Gilles, H. Le paludisme. Le traitement du paludisme grave et de ses complications. 70pp. ($2.00) BERPS 1995 ZR FRE Gilles, H.M. Le paludisme grave en milieu tropical. 94pp. pl. ($7.50) BERPS 1997 ZR FRE Maurel, M. A layman’s guide to malaria. ISBN: 1868726479 144pp. ill.maps R75.95 New Holland 2001 SA van der Heyden, A., Courtejoie, J., Rotsart de Hertaing, I. La malaria: cycle évolutif du parasite du paludisme et mesures préventives. 128pp. ill.pl. ($5.00) BERPS 1974 ZR FRE Malaria—Africa Wéry, M., Coosemans, M., d’Alessandro, U. Le paludisme en Afrique tropicale. new ed.170pp. (Eur10.00) BERPS 2002 ZR FRE Malaria—Botswana Mazonde, I.N. Malaria epidemiological case study: an assessment of the attitudes of the risk population towards curative chloroquin tablets in Ngamiland North-Western Botswana. (Working papers, 52) P2.88 NIDCR 1988 BS Malaria—Study and teaching Bajah, S.T. Stop malaria, stop, science drama. ISBN: 978295151X 29pp. ill. ($11.95/ £6.95) CSS 2002 NR Jamieson, A., Maurel, M., Toovey, S. A layman’s guide to malaria. ISBN: 1868726479 144pp. ill. Struik Publ 2001 SA Malawi—Atlases and maps Dzuka Publishing School atlas for Malawi. 49pp. pl. maps K11.25 Dzuka 1987 MW Malawi—Bibliography Ambali, O.W. Malawi national bibliography. List of publications deposited in the library of the national archives. K200.00 ($20.00/ £10.00) Nat Arch - Malawi 2000 MW Drew, J.D.C. Malawi national bibliography. List of publications deposited in the Library of the National Archives, 1968. 12pp. K1.50 Nat Arch - Malawi 1969 MW Drew, J.D.C. Malawi national bibliography. List of publications deposited in the Library of the National Archives, 1967. 10pp. K1.50 Nat Arch - Malawi 1968 MW Drew, J.D.C. Malawi national bibliography. List of publications deposited in the Library of the National Archives, 1969. 8pp. K1.50 Nat Arch - Malawi 1971 MW Drew, J.D.C. Malawi national bibliography. List of publications deposited in the Library of the National Archives, 1970. 14pp. K1.50 Nat Arch - Malawi 1973 MW
Mwiyeriwa, S.S., ed. Malawi national bibliography. List of publications deposited in the library of the National Archives, 1974. 9pp. K1.50 Nat Arch - Malawi 1975 MW Mwiyeriwa, S.S., ed. Malawi national bibliography. List of publications deposited in the library of the National Archives, 1976. 19pp. K1.50 Nat Arch - Malawi 1977 MW Mwiyeriwa, S.S., ed. Malawi national bibliography. List of publications deposited in the Library of the National Archives, 1977-1978. 20pp. K1.50 Nat Arch - Malawi 1979 MW Najira, D.D. Malawi national bibliography. List of publications deposited in the library of the National Archives, 1983. K5.00 Nat Arch - Malawi 1983 MW Najira, D.D., comp. Malawi national bibliography. List of publications deposited in the library of the National Archives, 1982. 15pp. K5.00. Nat Arch - Malawi 1983 MW Najira, D.D., comp. Malawi national bibliography. List of publications deposited in the Library of the National Archives, 1979-1980. 16pp. K1.50 Nat Arch - Malawi 1981 MW Najira, D.D., comp. Malawi national bibliography. List of publications deposited in the library of the National Archives, 1986. 36pp. Nat Arch - Malawi 1988 MW Najira, D.D., ed. Malawi national bibliography. List of publications deposited in the library of the national archives 1984-1990. 114pp. MK50.00 ($20.00/£10.00) Nat Arch Malawi 1994 MW Malawi—Citizenship Jere, N.S., Mkandawire, D.Z. An outline of our government. 112pp. pl. K3.40 Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1982 MW Malinki, L.A.H., Mkomawanthu, F. Civics for Malawi schools. 50pp. ill. pl. K2.00 Dzuka 1981 MW Malawi—Conversion tables Christian Literature Association in Malawi Pocket ready reckoner. 140pp. K1.75 Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1975 MW Malawi—Directories Chikoti, T., ed. Donor directory. 3rd ed. 49pp. ($14.93) CONGOMA 2000 MW Malawi—Education Banda, K.N. A brief history of education in Malawi. 154pp. K4.00 Dzuka 1982 MW Malawi—Education, Higher—Directories Gomile, A.F. Polytechnic research directory. (Kachere tools, 2) ISBN: 9990876193 44pp. ($12.50/£6.88) Kachere 2004 MW Malawi—Guide books Cole-King, P.A. Historical guide to Blantyre. 28pp. pl. K1.00 Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1974 MW Douglas, J., White, K. Spectrum guide to Malawi. ISBN: 1874041555 384pp. col.pl.maps (£13.99) Camerapix 2002 KE
East, J.W., comp. Malawi national bibliography. List of publications deposited in the library of the National Archives, 1981. 14pp. K5.00. Nat Arch - Malawi 1982 MW
Garland, V. Blantyre and the southern region of Malawi: an official guide. 163pp. ill.pl. col.pl.map ($15.00) Central Africana 1990 MW
Mwiyeriwa, S.S., comp. Malawi national bibliography. List of publications deposited in the library of the National Archives, 1971-73. 38pp. K1.50. Nat Arch - Malawi 1974 MW
Stuart-Mogg, D. A guide to Malawi. 105pp. col.pl.maps Central Africana 1994 MW
Mwiyeriwa, S.S., ed. Malawi national bibliography. List of publications deposited in the library of the National Archives, 1975. 11pp. K1.50 Nat Arch - Malawi 1976 MW
Malawi—History Bafael, B.R. A short history of Malawi. 120pp. ill. maps K3.95 Popular Publ 1980 MW
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Malawi—History Lwanda, J. Kamuzu Banda of Malawi: a study in promise, power and paralysis. Malawi under Banda 1961-1993. ISBN: 0952223309 (£17.50) Dudu Nsomba 1999 MW Lwanda, J. Living my destiny: a medical and historical narrative. ISBN: 0952223333 130pp. ill. (£19.00) Dudu Nsomba 1999 MW Phiri, D.D. From Nguni to Ngoni. 187pp. ill. K3.50 Popular Publ 1982 MW Ross, A.C. Blantyre mission and the making of modern Malawi. (Kachere monograph, 1) 216pp. K130.00 (£10.00) Kachere 1996 MW Shepperson, G., Price, T. Independent African. John Chiembwe and the Nyasaland rising of 1915. new ed. ISBN: 9990816269 592pp. ill.pl.maps ($39.95/£23.95) Kachere 2000 MW Smith, G.W., Pachai, B., Tangri, R.K., eds. Malawi past and present: selected papers from the University of Malawi history conference, 1967. cd. 160pp. pl. map. ($3.45) K1.00 Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1971 MW Malawi—Local government Baker, C. The evolution of local government in Malawi. (Univ. of Ife, Inst. of Administration Monograph Series, 3) 62pp. ($2.75/£1.10) N1.50 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1975 NR Malawi—Pictorial works Ferrar, S., Johnston, F. Malawi: the warm heart of Africa. cd. 127pp. col.ill.col.pl. (£29.99) Central Africana 2002 MW Johnston, F., Ferrar, S. Malawi. The warm heart of Africa. ISBN: 9990814112 cd. 127pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps ($49.95/£29.95) Central Africana 2003 MW Malawi—Politics and government Chimombo, S., Chimombo, M. The culture of democracy. Language, literature, the arts and politics in Malawi, 1992-94. 202pp. K.shs.100.00 ($30.00/ £25.00) WASI 1996 MW Electoral Institute of Southern Africa EISA election observer mission report: Malawi parliamentary and presidential elections 10 May 2004. (EISA electoral observer reports, 15) R30.00 EISA 2004 SA Englund, H., ed. A democracy of chameleons. (Kachere book, 14) ISBN: 9990816492 208pp. ($60.95/£60.95) Kachere 2002 MW Hughes, T. Malawi: the erratic pulse at the warm heart of Africa. (SAIIA country report, 5) ISBN: 191981034X SA Inst Int Affairs 2001 SA Hussein, M. Malawi country report. ISBN: 191996908X SA Inst Int Affairs 2004 SA Immink, B., Lembani, S., Ott, M., Barries, C.P., eds. From freedom to empowerment. ISBN: 9990858268 252pp. ($11.25/£6.19) Kachere 2003 MW Khembo, N.S., ed. Elections and democratisation in Malawi: an uncertain process. (EISA research report, 1) R20.00 EISA 2003 SA Lwanda, J.L.C. Kamuzu Banda of Malawi: a study in promise, power and paralysis - Malawi under Dr. Banda 1961-1993. ISBN: 0952223309 230pp. ($32.00/£17.50) Dudu Nsomba 1998 MW Lwanda, J.L.C. Promises, power, politics and poverty. Democratic transition in Malawi, 19611999. 315pp. (£20.00) Dudu Nsomba 1996 MW
Subject index Martin, O., Immink, B., Mhango, B., Berries, C.P., eds. The power of the vote: Malawi’s 2004 parliamentary and presidential elections. (Kachere book, 14) ISBN: 9990876584 332pp. ($33.95/£24.95) Kachere 2005 MW Mhone, G.C.Z., ed. Malawi at the crossroads. The postcolonial political economy. 380pp. ($30.00/£16.75) SAPES 1992 ZI Mpasu, S. Political prisoner 3/75 of Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda of Malawi. 130pp. Z$68.00 ($7.95/£4.25) ZPH 1995 ZI Nzunda, M.S., Ross, K.R. Church, law and political transition in Malawi 1992-94. (Kachere series, 1) 170pp. ($12.40) Mambo 1995 ZI Ott, M., Phiri, K.M., Patel, N., eds. Malawi’s second democratic elections. ISBN: 9990816158 227pp. ($24.95/ £14.95) Kachere 2000 MW Phiri, K., Kandoole, B.F. Malawi - 25 years of independence. cd. 116pp. col.pl. K69.00 cd. Dzuka 1989 MW Phiri, K.M., Ross, K.R., eds. Democratization in Malawi: a stock-taking. (Kachere monograph, 4) 400pp. K180.00 ($20.00/£15.00) Kachere 1998 MW Ross, K.R., ed. God, people and power in Malawi. Democratization in theological perspective. (Kachere monograph, 3) 272pp. ill. K180.00 ($15.00/£10.00) Kachere 1996 MW Malawi—Religion Chakanza, J.C. Voices of preachers in protest: the ministry of two Malawian prophets: Elliot Kamwana and Wilfred Gudu. (Kachere monograph, 7) ISBN: 9990816069 120pp. K100.00 ($10.00/£6.25) Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1998 MW Schoffeleers, M. Religion and the dramatisation of life. Spirit beliefs and rituals in southern and central Malawi. (Kachere monograph, 5) ISBN: 9990816077 165pp. pl.maps K110.00 ($10.00/£6.25) Kachere 1997 MW Malawi—Religion—Bibliography Chakanza, J.C., Ross, K.R., eds. Religion in Malawi: an annotated bibliography. (Kachere text, 7) ISBN: 9990816131 160pp. K120.00 ($12.00/ £7.00) Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1998 MW Malawi—Religion, traditional Amanze, J.N. African traditional religion in Malawi. The case of the Bimbi cult. ISBN: 9990816387 220pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Kachere 2002 MW Chakanza, J.C. African ancestor’s religion: Chipembedzo cha makolo achikuda. (Sources for the Study of Religion in Malawi, 21) ISBN: 9990876398 50pp. ($10.50/£5.78) Kachere 2004 MW Chakanza, J.C. Research in African traditional religion: initiation rites for boys in Lomwe society and other essays. (Sources for the Study of Religion in Malawi, 23) ISBN: 9990876436 86pp. ($13.75/£7.57) Kachere 2005 MW Malawi—Sociology Khumbanyiwa, A.G. Better days around the corner: restoration of hope, self-confidence and the desire to succeed. ISBN: 9990876053 102pp. ($27.95/£16.95) Kachere 2004 MW White, Kamanga, Kachika, Chiweza, Chidyaonga Dispossessing the widow. (Kachere text, 14) ISBN: 9990816557 112pp. ($16.95/ £13.95) Kachere 2003 MW
Malawi—Sociology, Rural Mwanza, A., ed. Social policy in an agricultural economy: Malawi. ISBN: 1779050860 144pp. Z$140.00 ($14.95/£8.95) SAPES 1999 ZI Malawi—Vocational education Mik, J. A career guide for Malawi. 84pp. ill. K100.00 ($2.50/£1.50) Chancellor Coll 1998 MW Malaysia—Atlases and maps Struik Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Malaysia. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm; sheet: 1,000x710mm; scale: 1:1,000,000; English/French/German.] new ed. pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA MUL Malaysia—Guide books Oon, H. Globetrotter travel guide to Malaysia. new ed. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA Malaysia—Travel Human and Rousseau Malaysian experience. R54.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Maldives—Guide books Amin, M., Willetts, D., Marshall, P. Journey through Maldives. [Also available in Italian, German, Swedish.] ISBN: 1874041202 cd. 192pp. col.pl.maps (£25.00) Camerapix 1999[?] KE Amin, M., Willetts, D., Marshall, P. Spectrum guide to Maldives. [Also available in German.] 320pp. col.pl.maps (£12.99) Camerapix 1993 KE Lamberti, S. Globetrotter travel guides to Maldives. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Mali—Cities and towns—Pictorial works Diarra, A., Sogodogo, Y., Chick Soumaré, A.B. Portrait(s). ISBN: 2911741439 100pp. pl. CFA10,000 (Eur15.24) Donniya 2002 ML FRE Mali—Education Sanankoua, B., Brenner, L., comps. L’enseignement islamique au Mali. 151pp. CFA2,390 ($5.90) Jamana 1991 ML FRE Mali—Geography Daveau, S. Recherches morphologiques sur la région de Bandiagara. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 56) 120pp. ill. maps pl. CFA3,500 IFAN 1959 SG FRE Mali—History Bâ, A. Histoire du Sahel occidental malien. 244pp. CFA1,995 ($4.95) Jamana 1992 ML FRE Brunet-Jailly, J. Djenné, d’hier à demain. ISBN: 291174117X 206pp. (Eur18.96) Donniya 1999 ML FRE Haïdara, I.D. Les juifs à Tombouctou. Receuil de sources écrites relatives au commerce juif à Tombouctou au XIXè siècle. ISBN: 2913321161 148pp. CFA8,500 (Eur13.72) Donniya 1999 ML FRE Haïdara, I.D. Recueil de sources écrites relatives au commerce juif à Tombouctou au XIXe siècle. ISBN: 2911741161 148pp. (Eur13.27) Donniya 1999 ML FRE Kaba, L. Sonni Ali-Ber: fondateur de l’empire Songhay. 108pp. CFA350 NEAS 1978 SG FRE Kaké, I.B. Salou Casais. Une idylle franco-songhay au XVème siècle. CFA250 NEAS 1976 SG FRE Keïta, B. Kita dans les années 1910. 160pp. CFA1,800 ($4.50) Jamana 1989 ML FRE
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African Books in Print
Subject index Konaré, A.O. Le tata de Sikasso. ISBN: 2910454576 111pp. CFA2,000 ($4.00) Jamana 1998 ML FRE
Akinyele, G. A handbook of management consulting. 314pp. N436.80 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR
Samaké, G. Le chemin de l’honneur. ISBN: 2910454584 71pp. CFA2,750 ($5.50) Jamana 1998 ML FRE
Asare-Bediako, K. How to manage your time: a manager’s guide to time management. 50pp. C500.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1989 GH
Susoko, M-M. Wagadu fo Sudan. vol.1 89pp. CFA1,000 Jamana 1991 ML FRE Touré, A.H. Le message du tarick de Tombouctou. 130pp. CFA4,000 ($10.00) Jamana 1997 ML FRE Urvoy, Y. Histoire du Bornou. [Reprint of ed. Paris, 1949]. (Mémoires de I’IFAN, 7) 166pp. ill. maps. D.fl.50.00 IFAN 1949 SG FRE Mali—Pictorial works Cullman, O. Les mondes de l’école. ISBN: 2842580494 36pp. pl. (Eur9.48) Figuier 1998 ML FRE Mali—Politics and government Africa Leadership Forum, CERDES-Mali, Coalition Mondiale pour l’Afrique. Le processus démocratique malien de 1960 à nos jours. 220pp. CFA5,000 (Eur12.20) Donniya 1996 ML FRE Cissoko, S.M. Un combat pour l’unité africaine: la fédération du Mali. ISBN: 272361557X 257pp. Eur8.38 NEAS 2003 SG FRE Drabo, G. Le chemin des orages. Chroniques parues dans l’Essor 1991-1995. ISBN: 2911741390 350pp. (Eur17.06) Donniya 2001 ML FRE Editions Donniya Le Mali dans le XXIe siècle. 134pp. CFA2,500 (Eur12.20) Donniya 1996 ML FRE N’Diaye, A.A. L’urne et le glaive. 418pp. CFA7,500 ($15.00) Jamana 1997 ML FRE Mali—Press Kéita, M.K. La presse écrite au Mali. 123pp. CFA1,750 ($4.40) Jamana 1995 ML FRE Mali—Sociology Coulon, G., de Noray, M-L., Orange, D. Delta. Vivre et travailler dans le Delta intérieur du fleuve Niger au Mali. ISBN: 2911741323 116pp. CFA15,000 (Eur22.87) Donniya 2000 ML FRE Malinke (African people)—Anthropology Camara, S. Gens de la parole: essai sur la condition et le rôle des griots dans la société Malinké. 376pp. SAEC 1998[?] GV FRE Mambwe language—Dictionaries Halemba, A. Mambwe-English dictionary. 984pp. Mission Press - Ndola 1994 ZA MUL Management see also Business Commerce Industrial relations Industry Labor and laboring classes Law, Commercial Personnel management Trade Unions Abedian, I. The budget book: choice, challenge and change. ISBN: 1874864136 34pp. R29.95 Idasa 1996 SA Adebayo, B.A., Ibraheem, K.A., eds. Production management. 188pp. N179.55 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR Adey, A.D., Andrew, M.G. Getting it right. The manager’s guide to business communication. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702146749 440pp. R129.00 Juta 2001 SA
Associates in Research & Development Stratégies pour une gestion alternative des conflits. ISBN: 2842400410 156pp. ill. CFA7,000 ($12.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1999 SG FRE Boolaky, M., Gokhool, D., Seebaluck, A. Management, concepts and applications. ISBN: 9990303371 208pp. R190.00 ($8.00) Océan Indien Ed 1999 MF Coetzee, E. Spend and deliver: an easy guide to medium-term expenditure framework. ISBN: 1874864888 24pp. R29.95 Idasa 1999 SA Cousins, T., Friedman, M., CrawfordCousins, C. Holding the space: explanations of power and control in training and development. 34pp. R15.00 Olive 1994 SA de Beer, A.A., et al. Focus on supervision in general management. ISBN: 0702143847 270pp. R135.00 Juta 1998 SA Ezejebue, A.C., et al. Basic principles of managing research projects. 176pp. N315.00 Africana First 1990 NR Faull, N. Competetive capabilities. A novel strategy for re-engineering. ISBN: 0702143693 256pp. R126.00 Juta 1998 SA Ferreira, E., Erasmus, A., Groenewalt, D., Ngcobo, M., Marsh, C., Peens, D. Administrative management. ISBN: 0702165077 R235.00 Juta 2003 SA Flanagan, N., Finger, J. Management in a minute. 203pp. ill. R41.99 Struik Publ 1993 SA Flederman, P. Managing change and transition: some US models. 19pp. R15.00 Olive 1997 SA Flederman, P. Managing diversity. 1996 SA
17pp. R15.00 Olive
Fox, W., Maas, G. Entrepreneurship and public management. ISBN: 0702138320 134pp. R108.00 Juta 1997 SA Grant, J. Information for industry: a study in communications. (CSIR research reports, 229) CSIR 1964 SA Grove, P. Of mice and management. transform your organization. ISBN: 0958426155 96pp. R59.95 ($8.90/£5.95) Kima 2000 SA Guidy Wandja, J. Recherche opérationnelle. cd. 231pp. CFA5,000 EDILIS 1993 IV FRE Ifechukwu, J.A.O. Business management: principles and practice. 2nd ed. 282pp. N1,000 ($25.00) Goldland 1994 NR Jensen, P.M., Jansen, F.M. Doing participation. 50pp. R20.00 Olive 1998 SA Kahn, W.A. Facilitating and undermining organizational change: a case study. 23pp. R20.00 Olive 1999 SA Kaplan, A. Capacity building. Shifting the paradigms of practice. 10pp. R15.00 Olive 1997 SA
Kaplan, A. Leadership and management. 41pp. R20.00 Olive 1998 SA Kisseadoo, S.V.A. Conflict resolution and agreement. ISBN: 9964782993 80pp. C10,000 ($4.00) Asempa 2002 GH Maart, L., Soal, S. From political to developmental practice: facing the challenges of fieldworker development and training. 34pp. R20.00 Olive 1996 SA Malangalila, F.F.A. The concepts of successful management. 120pp. T.shs.150.00 Ndanda Mission 1989 TZ Manning, T. Making sense of strategy. ISBN: 1868723534 64pp. Zebra 2001 SA Mbogori, E. Conflict management. ISBN: 9966200924 50pp. K.shs.120.00 ($2.00) Evangel 1999 KE Mol, A. Help. I’m a manager. cd. & 32pp. R59.95 cd. R34.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA Mucai-Kattambo, V., Mutunga, W., Waiyaki, N. Co-operatives: formation, management and settlement of disputes. 142pp. OUP - Nairobi 1992 KE Nambudiri, A. Management for development. 28pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Univ Lagos Press 1987 NR Odaga, J.C. The supervisor and the shop steward. 37pp. K.shs.120.00 ($2.00) Lake 1993[?] KE Olive Publications Basic structures. (How organisations work, 1) ISBN: 0620069570 73pp. R15.00 Olive 1999 SA Olive Publications Constitutions. (Action notes, 6) 43pp. R12.00 Olive 1988 SA Olive Publications Dealing with the press. (Action notes, 7) 27pp. R12.00 Olive 1990 SA Olive Publications Effective and efficient meetings: facilitator’s guide. 20pp. R20.00 Olive 1999 SA Olive Publications Effective and efficient meetings: participants’ manual. 54pp. R20.00 Olive 1999 SA Olive Publications Executive committees. (Building organisations, 2) ISBN: 1874808074 39pp. R25.00 Olive 1999 SA Olive Publications Groupwork. (Building organisations, 1) ISBN: 1874808066 42pp. R25.00 Olive 1999 SA Olive Publications Planning a public meeting. (Action notes, 1) 16pp. R12.00 Olive 1986 SA Olive Publications Preparing a budget. (Action notes, 4) 40pp. R12.00 Olive 1988 SA Olive Publications Supervision. (The organisation as an employer, 4) ISBN: 1874808104 58pp. R38.00 Olive 1996 SA Olive Publications Time management. (Action notes, 5) 40pp. R12.00 Olive 1988 SA Paulicevic, B. Good governance: challenge to non-profit boards. 100pp. R30.00 Olive 1996 SA Ramgutty-Wong, A. Understanding organisational culture. ISBN: 9990303398 136pp. Rs150.00 ($7.00) Océan Indien Ed 1999 MF
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Management Shapiro, J. Evaluation: judgement day or management tool? A manual on planning for evaluation in a non-profit organisation. ISBN: 0620195371 105pp. R38.00 Olive 1996 SA Shapiro, J. Financial management for self-reliance: a manual on managing the finances of a non-profit organisation. ISBN: 0640195363 122pp. R38.00 Olive 1995 SA Shapiro, J. Managing a department. (The organisation as an employer, 8) ISBN: 0620195355 89pp. R38.00 Olive 1996 SA Steenkamp, R., van Schoor, A. The quest for quality of work life. A TQM approach. ISBN: 0702151904 216pp. R140.00 Juta 2001 SA Tassiopoulos, D. Event management. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702100000 Juta 2005 SA Thaw, D. Ideas for a change. Overview: ways of seeing organisations. vol.5 59pp. R43.00 Olive 1998 SA Thaw, D. Ideas for a change: approaching change. vol.3 49pp. R43.00 Olive 1998 SA Thaw, D. Ideas for a change: organisation diagnosis. vol.2 62pp. R43.00 Olive 1997 SA Thaw, D. Ideas for a change: working with resistance. vol.4 35pp. R43.00 Olive 1999 SA Thaw, D., Petersen, R. Ideas for change: strategic processes. 2nd ed. vol.1 ISBN: 10284729 39pp. R42.00 Olive 1999 SA Thaw, D., Randel, M., eds. Project planning for development. ISBN: 0620228849 87pp. R65.00 Olive 1998 SA Udom, U.E. Adminisprudence. A behavioural approach to managing ourselves and others. ISBN: 9780290079 605pp. N1,440 ($35.00/£19.95) Spectrum 1998 NR van der Waldt, G., Knipe, A. Project management for strategic change and upliftment. ISBN: 1868640892 240pp. R89.95 Thomson Int 1998 SA Voortman Global logistics management. ISBN: 0702166413 R149.00 Juta 2004 SA Walker, L., Mengistu, B. Spend and deliver: a guide to mediumterm expenditure framework. ISBN: 187486487X 120pp. R79.95 Idasa 1999 SA Management—Addresses and essays Fubara, B.A. Organisations as reflections of management: inaugural lecture delivered at the University of Botswana, 5 April 1993. (INR professorial lectures) P6.50 NIDCR 1994 BS Management—Africa Ifechukwu, J.A.O., Okenimkpe, M.N. African approach to management. ISBN: 9783003585 383pp. N1,500 ($25.00/£17.00/Eur17.00) Goldland 2002 NR Laflamme, M., Akpaki, V. Le management pour cadres africains. 138pp. CFA3,000 NEA - Togo 1992 TG FRE Muzvidziwa, V.N., Gundani, P., eds. Management and the human factor: lessons for Africa. ISBN: 1779200102 158pp. Univ Zimbabwe 2003 ZI Ndegwa, P., Mureithi, L.P., Green, R.H. Management development. Priority themes in Africa today. 212pp. K.shs.454.00 OUP - Nairobi 1986 KE
Subject index Redeby, L.K., Mariam, H., Mbewe, A., Ramasedi, B. Planning and management in the African power sector. ISBN: 1856495515 cd. 302pp. ISBN: 1856495523 AFREPREN 1998 KE Management—Africa, Southern Brink, A., Berndt, A. Customer relationship management and customer service. A handbook for southern Africa. ISBN: 0702161241 216pp. R159.00 Juta 2004 SA Lenneiye, N.M. Quest for a corporate African leadership. Public sector cases from southern Africa. ISBN: 090830515X 568pp. ($49.95/ £29.95) Nehanda 2002 ZI Management—Congo Democratic Republic CADICEC Evaluation de la formation de gestionnaires des P.M.E. informelles 1987-1991. 80pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1992 ZR FRE van Ypersele de Strihou, J. Variations des coefficients de fabrication dans une entreprise congolaise et équilibre économique 1931-1958. 50pp. 45k Press Univ Congo 1961 ZR FRE Management—Kenya Belshaw, D., Chambers, R. A management systems approach to development. (IDS discussion paper, 161) 34pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE Chabala, H.H.A., Kiru, D.H., Mukuna, S.W. An evaluation of the programming and implementation management system. (IDS discussion paper, 192) 25pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Chege, M. Systems management and the plan implementation process in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 179) 22pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Owino, W. Cost recovery strategies by community pharmacies in Kenya: institutional and financial management issues. ISBN: 9966948376 38pp. ill. IPRA 2001 KE Schonnerr, S., Mbugua, E.S. Managing extension staff: two experiments in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 230) 30pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE Waweru, E.M. Management of human resources in Kenya. 174pp. Kenya Lit Bureau 1984 KE Management—Mauritius Appanah, V. The challenge of productivity. Océan Indien Ed 1997 MF Management—Nigeria Ejiofor, P.N. Management in Nigeria. Africana First 1982 NR
294pp. N500.00
Ejiofor, P.N., ed. Managing government-owned companies. 267pp. ($17.50/£12.00) Fourth Dimension 1989 NR Nwachukwu, C.C. The practice of entrepreneurship in Nigeria. 232pp. N313.00 Africana First 1990 NR Pita, N.D.E. Management in Nigeria: theories and issues. 295pp. N8.00 Africana First 1981 NR Udo-Aka, U., Alike, H.I., Kayode, M.O. Management development in Nigeria. cd. & 279pp. N21.50k cd. N9.30 Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Management—South Africa Adendorff, S.A., de Wit, P.W.C., eds. Production and operations management. A South African perspective. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. 349pp. R154.95 Thomson Int 1997 SA
Clarke, H. Successful sales management in South Africa. ISBN: 1868720772 192pp. R79.95 Zebra 1998 SA Court, P., Welman, J., Sha, S. Strategic management for the entrepreneur. ISBN: 0702160466 280pp. Juta 2003 SA Cronjé, et al. Introduction to business management. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 4th ed. 469pp. R179.95 Thomson Int 1997 SA Erasmus, B.J. Training management in South Africa. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0195781317 328pp. R215.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Flanagan, N. Management in a minute. An essential tool for South African managers. new ed. 206pp. R59.95 Zebra 1997 SA Flanagan, N., Finger, J. Just about everything a manager needs to know in South Africa. ISBN: 1868722392 416pp. R139.99 Zebra 1998 SA Kagan, J. MBA South Africa. A strategic guide to selecting your MBA programme and school. ISBN: 1868723666 288pp. Zebra 2003 SA Kritzinger, A.A.C., Fourie, C.M.W., Conradie, W.C., eds. Basic principles of financial management for entrepreneurs. 2nd ed. 256pp. R69.00 Juta 2002 SA Lessing, N. Project management. ISBN: 0702100000 Juta 2005 SA Liebenberg, S., Stewart, P., eds. Participatory development management and the RDP. 236pp. R139.00 Juta 1997 SA Loewen, J. The power of strategy: a practical guide for South African managers. 200pp. R79.95 Zebra 1997 SA Manning, T. Competing through value management. ISBN: 1868726738 144pp. Zebra 2003 SA Marx, S., van Rooyen, D.C., Bosch, J.K., Reynders, H.J.J., eds. Business managmeent. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 0627023193 797pp. R319.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Roussouw, A.M.M. Communication in the work environment of Telkom management staff: East Cape. (Research reports, 59) Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Taylor, T.R. The construction of two scales of managerial style. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 235) 28pp. R1.50 CSIR 1976 SA van Aardt, I., van Aardt, C. Entrepreneurship and new venture management. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195718518 304pp. R265.00 OUP - SA 2000 SA van Niekerk, W.P. Investigation into the managerial training needs in the motor trade. (IDPR special publications, 17) R47.00 Inst Planning Res 1992 SA Wright, C., Phillips, B. Successful small business management in South Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 152pp. R59.95 Zebra 1997 SA Management—Study and teaching April, K. Knowledge management praxis. ISBN: 0702165131 R165.00 Juta 2004 SA Avery, M. Practice of management. ISBN: 9783038212 250pp. Ano 2001 NR Avery, M. Understanding the principles and practice of management. ISBN: 9783038035 N500.00 Ano 2000 NR
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 330
African Books in Print
Subject index
Manding—General and Non-fiction
Briers, S. A new language of risk: a foundation for enterprise-wide risk management. ISBN: 1868882039 256pp. R161.00 ($21.70/ £14.00) Unisa 2002 SA
Nel, W.P. Management for student engineers, technologists and scientists. ISBN: 0702152757 430pp. R170.00 Juta 2000 SA
Charney, C. The instant manager. Practical ideas on the most important topics facing South Africa’s managers today. new ed. ISBN: 1868722198 196pp. Zebra 2000 SA
Nkovadu, O. Government in business: theories and practice. ISBN: 9782517399 254pp. pl. N700.00 ($7.00/£3.00) Pam Unique Publ 2001 NR
Coleman, L. Developing workplace skills. ISBN: 0702153206 87pp. R54.00 Juta 2000 SA
Nwachukwu, C.C. Management: theory and practice. 320pp. N473.33 Africana First 1988 NR
Cronje, G., du Toit, G. Introduction to business management. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 6th ed. ISBN: 0195781295 585pp. R325.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA
Nzangi, L., Elkana, H., Kangethe, S. Essential office organisation and practice: questions and answers. ISBN: 9966499172 K.shs.200.00 ($2.70) Longhorn - Ken 2000 KE
de Beer, A.A., et al. The entrepreneurship series. Management for entrepreneurs. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702155438 248pp. R155.00 Juta 2002 SA
Nzuve, S.N.M. Elements of organizational behaviour. ISBN: 9966846433 120pp. K.shs.350.00 ($9.50) Nairobi UP 1999 KE
de Villiers, G., Linford, P. Business logistics management. ISBN: 0195780116 170pp. R275.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Dolton, N. Self-management. The key to unleashing your mindpower. ISBN: 0636041956 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Dolton, N. Self-management. The key to unleashing your mindpower workbook. ISBN: 0636041964 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Falowitz, J., et al. Discover business management. Grade 10. 184pp. R42.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Falowitz, J., et al. Discover business management. Grade 8. 136pp. R35.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Falowitz, J., et al. Discover business management. Grade 9. 196pp. R37.65 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Finger, J., Flanagan, N. The management Bible. SA ed. ISBN: 1868729052 cd. 640pp. Zebra 2004 SA Hellriegel, D., et al. Management. ISBN: 0195719204 512pp. R375.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA Hugo, W., Badenhorst-Weiss, H., van Biljon, E. Supply chain management: logistics in perspective. ISBN: 0627025048 450pp. R299.95 Van Schaik 2003 SA Jooste, K. Leadership in health services management. An African perspective. ISBN: 0702164003 R195.00 Juta 2003 SA Kimuda, D. A textbook of office practice and organisation. rev.ed. 308pp. K.shs.520.00 EAEP 1993 KE Manning, T. Tony Manning’s management toolkit. 144pp. Struik Publ 2004 SA Marx, J. Investment management. ISBN: 0627025358 251pp. R239.95 Van Schaik 2002 SA Mischke, C. Management for entrepreneurs. ISBN: 0702155438 224pp. R145.00 Juta 2002 SA Mol, A. Student workbook for introduction to business management. 218pp. R64.95 Thomson Int 1997 SA Muzamani, J.T. Essentials of financial management. ISBN: 0908307713 387pp. Z$980.00 ($61.75/£47.50) Univ Zimbabwe 2000 ZI
Malgee, et al. Focus on business management. Grade 11. ISBN: 0636046966 160pp. pl. R73.65 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Malgee, et al. Focus on business management. Grade 12. ISBN: 0636038335 178pp. pl. R75.81 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Management—Tunisia ben Turkia, M. La culture du management en Tunisie. D12.00 ($60.00) CPU-Tunisia 1996 TI FRE Management—Uganda Centre for Basic Research Non governmental organisations in East Africa; report of a survey on training needs, prepared for MS/Danish association for international cooperation, February 1994. (CBR consultancy reports, 1) 59pp. ($10.00) Centre Basic Res 1994 UG
Ogunbameru, O.A. Organisational dynamics. ISBN: 978029483X 592pp. N2,400 Spectrum 2004 NR
Mancagne language—Grammar Trifkovic, M. Le mancagne. (IFAN initiations et études africaines, 26) 218pp. CFA2,400 IFAN 1969 SG FRE
Olive Organisation, Development and Training Planning for monitoring and evaluation. ISBN: 0958435014 R80.00 Olive 2002 SA
Mandarin—Study and teaching Hau-Yaan, L. Practical Mandarin for beginners. 345pp. ill. R129.00 ($47.90/£29.10) Unisa 1997 SA MND
Osuala, E.C. Introduction to business management. 208pp. N250.00 Africana First 1982 NR
Mandela, Nelson—Biography Benson, M. Nelson Mandela. R34.99 Penguin SA 1996 SA
Riegg, L. Commandes et comptabilité. 17pp. CFA300.00 CPE 1975 IV FRE Roussouw, D., Lessing, N. Focus on general management. 0702100000 Juta 2005 SA
Sagimo, P.O. Management dynamics: towards efficiency, effectiveness, competence and productivity. ISBN: 9966468161 484pp. K.shs.1,320 EAEP 2001 KE Smit, P.J. Strategic implementation readings. ISBN: 0702155470 152pp. R139.00 Juta 2000 SA Smit, P.J., Cronjé, G.J. de J. Management principles. A contemporary edition for Africa. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702155454 528pp. R250.00 Juta 2002 SA Spoelstra, H.I.J., Pienaar, W.D. Negotiation. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0172150665 cd. 282pp. R149.00 Juta 1999 SA Staude, G., Amos, T., Klopper, H.B., Louw, L., Oosthuizen, T. Management. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195788478 432pp. R375.00 OUP - SA 2004 SA Terreblanche, N. Retail management. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195784170 R265.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA van de Waldt, Z.C. Project management for strategic change and upliftment. ISBN: 0195780914 256pp. R175.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA van der Waldt, G., et al. Managing for excellence. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702152021 R210.00 Juta 1999 SA van Loggerenberg, B.J., Steenkamp, R.J., de Wit, P.W.C., Arangies, J., Botes, P.S., Adendorff, S.A. Production and operations management. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195718429 368pp. R295.00 OUP - SA 2000 SA Vrba, M.J., Brevis, T. A guide to passing general management. ISBN: 1869280016 144pp. R65.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA Management—Study and teaching (Secondary) Malgee, et al. Focus on business management. Grade 10. ISBN: 0636033074 152pp. pl. R73.65 Maskew Miller Longman 2000 SA
Cachalia, C., Suttner, M. Long walk to freedom. Special Mandela 80th birthday. abridged ed. 122pp. R23.37 Nolwazi 1998 SA Callinicos, L. The world that made Mandela. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1919855017 cd. 340pp. col.pl. R450.00 ($80.00/£65.00) ISBN: 1919855017 R350.00 ($65.00/£50.00) STE 2004 SA Crwys-Williams, J. In the words of Nelson Mandela. ISBN: 0140270493 98pp. R35.09 Penguin SA 2001 SA Hagemann, A. Nelson Mandela. Fontein 1996 SA
168pp. pl. R24.95
House, C. Nelson Mandela: fighter for humanity. ISBN: 9966951083 122pp. Kshs250.00 ($9.95) Sasa Sema 2002 KE Malan, R., comp. The essential Nelson Mandela. ISBN: 0864863446 cd. 80pp. R32.95 Philip 1998 SA Mpahlele, E. Mandela: echoes of an era. 161pp. pl. R62.99 Penguin SA 1990 SA Nelson Mandela Foundation A prisoner working in the garden. Inside the Mandela archive. ISBN: 0143024957 160pp. pl. R157.89 Penguin SA 2005 SA Smith, C. Mandela: in celebration of a great life. ISBN: 1868727285 cd. 184pp. ($29.95/ £18.99) Struik Publ 2004 SA van Pampallis, et al. They fought for freedom. Nelson Mandela. [Also available in Xhosa.] ISBN: 0636043290 80pp. pl.maps R36.34 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA Mandela, Winnie—Biography du Preez Bezdrob, A.M. Winnie Mandela. A life. ISBN: 1868726622 cd. 320pp. ISBN: 1868729265 Zebra 2004 SA Manding also known as Mandinka, Maninka, Malinke Manding—General and Non-fiction Editions Jamana Makan Sunjata - Manden buruju. [The history of the Mandé.] 182pp. CFA2,000 ($5.00) Jamana 1997 ML MAN
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Manding—General and Non-fiction Service National d’Alphabétisation Nako fennu. [Literacy text in Maninka.] ISBN: 2913326382 FG3,000 Ganndal 2001 GV MAN Manding—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Associates in Education and Research for Development Londoo firoo yaatee kitaabu 1. Level 1 math book for adults in Mandinka: numbers, addition and subtraction. 86pp. ill. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1994 SG MAN
Subject index Günster, A., du Toit, D., Sguazzin, T. Lets look at seaweed. 98pp. N$10.50 DRFN 1995 SX Hennig, H.F.K.O. Flux of cadmium through a laboratory food chain (media-algae-mussel) and its effects. (CSIR Research Report, 389) 174pp. CSIR 1981 SA Köhler, A., Köhler, D. The underwater explorer: secrets of a blue universe. 160pp. col.pl. R129.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Associates in Research & Education for Development Karan kitaabu 1. [Reading book 1.] 60pp. ill. CFA750.00 ($1.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1994 SG MAN
Macdonald, I.A.W. Advances in our understanding of alien invasions of the fynbos biome: 19801985. (SANSP occas. rep., 19) 14pp. CSIR 1987 SA
Associates in Research & Education for Development Karan kitaabu 2. [Reading book 2.] 40pp. ill. CFA750.00 ($1.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1994 SG MAN
Mitchell, D.T., Stock, W.D., JongensRoberts, S.M. Nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in the fynbos biome. (SANSP occas. rep., 18) 26pp. CSIR 1987 SA
Dunbiya, S. Walenumandonbaliya. [Moral tale.] 17pp. CFA500.00 ($1.12) Jamana 1997 ML MAN
Mojetta, A. The barrier reefs: a guide to the world of corals. 168pp. col.pl. E£80.00 ($22.50) Am Univ 1995 UA [Egypt only]
Manding language Prost, R.P.A. Les langues mandé-sud du groupe manabusa. (IFAN memoir, 26) 183pp. maps CFA4,000 IFAN 1953 SG FRE Manding language—Study and teaching SAFEFOD Karano. 54pp. CFA1,500 SAFEFOD 1998 SG MAN SAFEFOD Yaatee 1. vol.1 88pp. CFA1,500 SAFEFOD 1998 SG MAN Mang’anja—General and Non-fiction Chafulumira, E.W. Mbiri ya amang’anja. [The history and culture of the Mang’anja.] 42pp. K2.55 Dzuka 1987 MW MNG Manji, Madatally—Autobiography Round-Turner, D., ed. Madatally Manji, memoirs of a biscuit baron. cd. & 174pp. col.ill.pl. ($16.00/ £8.95 cd.) ($10.00/£6.25 pap.) EAEP 1995 KE Marais, Eugene—Biography Rousseau, L. Dark stream. The story of Eugene Marais. ISBN: 1868420760 R99.95 Ball 1999 SA Marengo, Jakob—Biography Masson, J. Jakob Marengo. An early resistance hero of Namibia. ISBN: 9991622373 64pp. ill.pl.col.pl.maps. Out of Africa - Namibia 2002 SX Margo, Cecil—Autobiography Margo, C. Final postponement. 298pp. R170.00 Ball 1998 SA Mariko, Amidou—Autobiography Boilley, P., Mariko, A. Mémoires d’un crocodile. Du sujet français au citoyen. ISBN: 2911741331 200pp. CFA5,000 (Eur7.62) Donniya 2001 ML FRE Marine biology see also Fish and fisheries Oceanography Eagle, G.A. The sublethal effects of some trace metals, particularly cadmium, copper, mercury and lead, on various marine organisms. (CSIR Research Report, 382) 49pp. CSIR 1980 SA
Mojetta, A. Sharks: history and biology of the lords of the sea. 168pp. col.ill. E£125 ($25.00) Am Univ 1997 UA [Egypt only] O’Keeffe, J.H., Danilewitz, D.B., Bradshaw, J.A. The river conservation system. (SANSP occas. rep., 9) 89pp. CSIR 1986 SA Steene, R. Coral seas. ISBN: 1859740391 cd. 288pp. col.pl. R250.00 Struik Publ 1998 SA Marine biology—Africa—Catalogs Marche-Marchad, I. Nouveau catalogue de la collection de mollusques testacés marins de l’IFAN. (IFAN catalogues et documents, 14) 64pp. CFA1,000 IFAN 1958 SG FRE Marine biology—Africa, East Nyika, E., Francis, J., comps. Bibliography of the coastal and marine environment of the western Indian Ocean. 192pp. IMS 1999 TZ Marine biology—Africa, Southern Appleton, C.C. A guide to the freshwater molluscs of southern Africa with a chapter on bilharzia and its snail hosts. 64pp. col.ill. R60.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1996 SA Benayahu, Y., Schleyer, M.H. Corals of the south-west Indian Ocean III. Alcynonacea (Octocorallia) of Bazaruto Island, Mozambique, with a redescription of Cladiella australis (Macfadyen, 1936) and a description of Cladiella kashmani spec.nov. (Investigational reports, 69) 22pp. ill. Oceanographic Res Inst 1996 SA Berry, P.F., Heydorn, A.E.F. A comparison of the spermatophoric masses and mechanisms of fertilization in southern African spiny lobsters (Palinurdae). (Investigational Reports, 25) Oceanographic Res Inst 1970 SA Bond, G.M., Griffiths, C.L., Branch, M.L., Beckley, L.E. Two oceans. A guide to the marine life of southern Africa. cd. 372pp. col.ill. R165.00 Philip 1994 SA Branch, M., Branch, G. The living shores of southern Africa. ISBN: 0869771159 cd. 272pp. col.ill.col.pl. R199.00 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Gilfillan, T.C. Comparison of three diversity indices relative to single cone dredge samples. (PKOMP, 8805) 36pp. CSIR 1988 SA
Cockcroft, V., Joyce, P. Whale watch: a guide to southern Africa’s marine mammals. ISBN: 1868721639 104pp. col.ill.col.pl. R59.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Gilfillan, T.C. Concentration limits for water column and sediment variables off Richard’s Bay. (PKOMP, 8804) 29pp. CSIR 1988 SA
de Moor, I., Bruton, M.N. Atlas of alien and translocated aquatic animals in southern Africa. (SANSP Report, 144) 320pp. CSIR 1988 SA
Fraser, S. Sasol first field guide to sharks, whales and dolphins of southern Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868721256 56pp. ill.col.pl. R19.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Griffiths, C., Griffiths, R. Struik pocket guide: seashore life in southern Africa. 2nd ed. 64pp. col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1994 SA Hennig, H.F. Review of metal concentrations in southern African coastal waters, sediments and organisms. (SANSPR, 108) 140pp. CSIR 1985 SA Schleyer, M.H. Chaetonaths as indicators of water masses in the Agulhas Current system. (Investigational Reports, 61) Oceanographic Res Inst 1985 SA van der Elst, R. Struik pocket guide: sharks and rays. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868722111 64pp. col.pl. R44.95 Struik Publ 1999 SA Marine biology—Africa Southern— Bibliography Bruton, M.N., Merron, S.V. Alien and translocated aquatic animals in southern Africa: a general introduction, checklist and bibliography. (SANSP Report, 113) 71pp. CSIR 1985 SA Marine biology—Africa, West Edmunds, J. Sea shells and other molluscs found on West African coast and estuaries. 146pp. ill. ($7.50) Ghana UP 1978 GH Marine biology—Egypt Mojetta, A. Shells: guide to the jewels of the sea. [Also available in Italian.] ISBN: 888095413X 168pp. col.pl. E£75.00 ($22.50) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Würtz, M., Repetto, N. Dolphins and whales. [Also available in Italian.] ISBN: 8880954210 168pp. col.pl. E£75.00 ($22.50) Am Univ 2000 UA [Egypt only] Marine biology—Kenya Moorjani, S., Simpson, B. Seaweeds of the Kenya coast. 140pp. pl. K.shs.528.00 OUP - Nairobi 1988 KE Marine biology—Mauritius Michel, C. Marine molluscs of Mauritius. 2nd ed. 92pp. ill. col.pl. ($30.00/£16.75) Océan Indien Ed 1988 MF Marine biology—Pictorial works Knight, A.R. The world is your oyster. ISBN: 1741101670 54pp. col.pl. New Holland 2004 SA Marine biology—Senegal Guermeur, P. Diatomées de l’A.O.F. (Première liste: Sénégal) (IFAN catalogues et documents, 12) 137pp. pl. CFA2,000 IFAN 1954 SG FRE Ndiaye, P. Catalogue de la collection des mollusques bivalves du laboratoire de biologie marine de l’IFAN. (IFAN catalogues et documents, 23) 64pp. ill. CFA1,000 IFAN 1998 SG FRE Marine biology—South Africa Badenhorst, P. Effect of dredging on estuarine environments alternative disposal sites and dredging guidelines. (NRIO Technical Report T/SEA 8613) CSIR 1986 SA Baird, D., Marais, J.F.K., Martin, A.P., eds. The Swartkops Estuary. Proceedings of a symposium held on 14-15 September at the University of Port Elizabeth. (SANSP Report, 156) 107pp. CSIR 1988 SA Berry, P.F. Reproduction, growth and production in the mussel Perna perna (Linnaeus) on the east coast of South Africa. (Investigational Report, 48) 28pp. R3.00 Oceanographic Res Inst 1978 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 332
African Books in Print
Subject index Borchardt, T. Effects of sewage effluent on the colony growth rate of Eirene viridula (Hydrozoa). (CSIR Research Report, 555) 18pp. pl. map CSIR 1983 SA Bowmaker, A.P., van der Zee, D., Ridder, H., eds. Marine research in Natal. (SANSP Report, 139) 184pp. CSIR 1987 SA Branch, G.M., Shackleton, L.Y., eds. Research needs in the Transkei and Ciskei coastal zone. Report on a workshop held at Mpekweni, Ciskei on 3 March 1988. (SANSP Report, 155) 56pp. CSIR 1988 SA Braune, E., Rogers, K.H. The Vaal River catchment: problems and research needs. (SANSP Report, 143) 36pp. CSIR 1987 SA Breen, C.M., et al. Aquatic sciences in a changing South African environment. Paper presented at the South African Association of Aquatic Scientists Conference, Grahamstown, 9-2 July. (INR working paps., 75) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Brown, A.C. The effects of crude oil pollution on marine organisms. A literature review in the South African context: conclusions and recommendations. (South African National Scientific Programmes Report, 99) CSIR 1985 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Report on workshop “marine biogeochemical cycles” held at the University of Cape Town on 22 and 23 February 1989. (SANSP occas. rep., 42) CSIR 1989 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research The SANCOR marine pollution research programme, 1986-1990. (SANSPR, 112) 16pp. CSIR 1985 SA Cowling, R.M., et al., eds. Disturbance and the dynamics of fynbos communities. (SANSP Report, 135) 70pp. CSIR 1987 SA Fricke, A.H. Report on the ecological impact of the shipwreck Goel 1 off Robben Island. (CSIR Research Report, 349) 8pp. CSIR 1976 SA Gardner, B.D., et al. South African marine pollution survey report 1976-1979. (South African National Scientific Programmes Report, 73) 105pp. CSIR 1983 SA Heydorn, A.E.F., Grindley, J.R. Estuaries of the Cape. Synopses of available information on individual systems: Uilkraals. (CSIR Research Report, 408) 37pp. pl. col.pl. maps. CSIR 1982 SA Heydorn, A.E.F., Grindley, J.R. Estuaries of the Cape: part II, Synopses of available information on individual systems. (CSIR Research Report, 415) 51pp. col.pl. maps CSIR 1982 SA Heydorn, A.E.F., Grindley, J.R. Estuaries of the Cape: part II, Synopses of available systems. (CSIR Research Report, 413) 70pp. ill. col.pl. maps CSIR 1982 SA Heydorn, A.E.F., Grindley, J.R. Estuaries of the Cape: synopses of available information on dividual systems. pt.2(CSIR Research Report, 405) 28pp. pl. col.pl. map. CSIR 1981 SA Heydorn, A.E.F., Grindley, J.R. Estuaries of the Cape: synopses of available information on individual systems. bk.2(CSIR Reserach Report, 407) 34pp. ill. pl. col. pl. CSIR 1982 SA Heydorn, A.E.F., Grindley, J.R. Estuaries of the Cape: synopses of available information on individual systems. pt.2(CSIR Research Report, 404) 28pp. ill. pl. col. pl. CSIR 1981 SA
Heydorn, A.E.F., Grindley, J.R. Estuaries of the Cape: synopses of available information on individual systems: Gamtoos. pt.2(CSIR Research Report, 406) 40pp. pl. col. pl. maps. CSIR 1981 SA Heydorn, A.E.F., Grindley, J.R., eds. Estuaries of the Cape, part II: synopses of available information on individual systems. (CSIR Research Report, 410) 54pp. pl. col.pl. maps CSIR 1982 SA Heydorn, A.E.F., Grindley, J.R., eds. Estuaries of the Cape: part II synopses of available information on individual systems. (CSIR Research Report, 414) 54pp. pl. col.pl. CSIR 1982 SA Heydorn, A.E.F., Grindley, J.R., eds. Estuaries of the Cape: part II synopses of available information on individual systems. (CSIR Research Report, 416) 39pp. col.pl. maps CSIR 1982 SA Heydorn, A.E.F., Tinley, K.L. Estuaries of the Cape. Synopsis of the Cape Coast. Natural features, dynamics and utilization. pt.1(CSIR Research Report, 380) 97pp. pl. col. pl. map. CSIR 1980 SA Heydron, A.E.F., Grindley, J.R., eds. Estuaries of the Cape: part II synopses of available information on individual systems. Buffels (Wes) (CSW 1) Elsies (CSW 2) Sir Lowry’s Pass (CSW) 8), Steenbras (CSW 9) and Buffels (OOS) CSW 11) (CSIR Research Report, 411) 72pp. pl. col.pl. maps CSIR 1982 SA
Watling, R.J., comp. A manual of methods for use in the South African marine pollution monitoring programme. (South African National Scientific Programmes Report, 44) 82pp. CSIR 1982 SA Marine biology—South Africa— Bibliography Brown, A.C. Bibliography of marine biology in South Africa. A supplement to the 1980 edition. (SANSPR, 103) 83pp. CSIR 1985 SA Darracott, D.A., Brown, A.C. Bibliography of marine biology in South Africa. (South African National Scientific Programmes Report, 41) 250pp. CSIR 1982 SA Marius, Gaius—Biography Evans, R.J. Gaius Marius. A political biography. cd. 261pp. R159.00 ($41.70/£25.30) Unisa 1994 SA Marketing Cant, M. Branding. SA
ISBN: 0702100000 Juta 2005
Cant, M. Marketing success stories. 4th ed. ISBN: 0195780477 400pp. R275.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Cant, M., Brink, A., Jooste, C., Machado, R. Essentials of marketing. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702165107 216pp. R149.00 Juta 2003 SA
Heydron, A.E.F., Grindley, J.R., eds. Estuaries of the Cape: part II Synopses of available information on individual systems. GROOT (WES) (CMS 23) and SOUT (CMS 22) (CSIR Research Report, 19) 54pp. col.pl. maps CSIR 1983 SA
Clarke, H. Secrets of successful selling. R49.95 Zebra 1997 SA
Kilburn, R., Rippey, E. Sea shells of Southern Africa. cd. 256pp. ill. col.pl. R39.95 Macmillan - SA 1982 SA
Dorrian, P. Marketing magic. ISBN: 1868722414 244pp. R69.95 Zebra 1998 SA
NIWR The limnology of Hartbeespoort Dam. (SANSP Report, 110) 269pp. CSIR 1985 SA Norris, R.E. The marine red algae of Natal, South Africa: Order Geliadales (Rodophyta). (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 61) 43pp. ill.pl. R20.00 ($9.00) NBI 1992 SA O’Keeffe, J.H., ed. The conservation of South African rivers. (SANSP Report, 131) 117pp. CSIR 1986 SA Potter, C.M. Aspects of the biology of Natal Littorinidae, 1: population dispersion and microhabitat selection. (Investigational Reports, 65) Oceanographic Res Inst 1987 SA Seagrief, S.C. A catalogue of South African green, brown and red marine algae. (Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 47) 72pp. R10.00 ($5.00) NBI 1984 SA Smale, M.J. Migration, growth and feeding in the Natal rock lobster Palinurus homarus (Linnaeus) (Investigational Report, 47) 56pp. R3.00 Oceanographic Res Inst 1978 SA Struik Publishers Living shores of South Africa. cd. 272pp. ill.pl. R199.95 Struik Publ 1981 SA Swart, D.H. Physical environmental interactions in the Sondags River/Schelmhoek area. (CSIR Research Report, 568) CSIR 1986 SA Walmsley, R.D. A description of the Research Programme for Westlands. (SANSP Report, 145) 26pp. CSIR 1988 SA
Courtenay, B., Kennedy, I. The power of one to one. Zebra 1996 SA
292pp. R79.95
Iyanda, O., ed. Marketing theory for practioners. 312pp. N410.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR Lipkin, M. Abracadabra. How to sell anything to anyone, anytime, anywhere. 160pp. R59.95 Zebra 1997 SA Machado, R., Cassim, S. The entrepreneurship series. Marketing for entrepreneurs. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702155446 240pp. R155.00 Juta 2002 SA Panjay, S., Wolf, T. Marketing for non-profit organisations. 24pp. R20.00 Olive 1996 SA Quarshie, F.K. Questions and answers in marketing. vol.1 174pp. C9,000 ($8.00) Asempa 1997 GH Wegner, T. Quantitative methods for marketing decisions. new ed. ISBN: 0702146757 864pp. R230.00 Juta 2000 SA Marketing—Africa Ouattara, A. Marketing en Afrique. Concepts et applications. ISBN: 9991947558 266pp. CFA8,500 (Eur21.34) Star Ed 2003 DM FRE Marketing—Africa, Southern du Plessis, P.J. Buyer behaviour. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0195784316 176pp. R325.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Marketing—Dictionaries Gilmour, B., comp. Glossary of definitions and bilingual terms in marketing research. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 229) R50.00 Bur Market Research 1996 SA MUL Marketing—Kenya Aldington, T.J., Wilson, F. The marketing of beef in Kenya. (IDS occasional papers, 3) 302pp. Inst Dev Stud 1968 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Chege, F.E. Marketing farm supplies in rural areas. (IDS working paper, 48) 18pp. Inst Dev Stud 1972 KE Klemm, H. Some aspects of milk marketing in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 21) 35pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1966 KE Massel, B.F., Heyer, J.U. Household expenditure in Nairobi: a statistical analysis of consumer behaviour. (IDS occasional papers, 2) 12pp. Inst Dev Stud 1969 KE Mukui, J.T., ed. Price and marketing controls in Kenya. Papers presented at a workshop held at IDS, March 1979. (IDS occasional papers, 32) 231pp. K.shs.220.00 Inst Dev Stud 1979 KE Wilson, F.A. Some economic aspects of the structure and organisation of small-scale marketing systems. Marketing of fruits and vegetables in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 176) 13pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973 KE Marketing—South Africa Blewett, S. Practical marketing and sales - for South African businesses. new ed. ISBN: 0702152404 103pp. R87.00 Juta 2000 SA Brink, A. The marketing perceptions of township retailers in Gauteng. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 263) 151pp. Bur Market Research 1999 SA Burgess, S. The new marketing. Building strong marketing in South Africa today. ISBN: 1868721426 328pp. R89.95 Zebra 1998 SA Cant, M., Bothma, C., Drotsky, A., du Toit, M. Personal selling. ISBN: 0702166367 Juta 2004 SA Clarke, H., Clarke, R. Successful network marketing. R59.95 Zebra 1996 SA
du Plessis, P.J., Rousseau, G.G. Buyer behaviour. A multi-cultural approach. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868640949 436pp. ill. R149.95 Thomson Int 1999 SA Feldmann-Laschin, G.R. Income and expenditure patterns of urban Bantu households (Port Elizabeth/ Uitenhage survey) (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 17) 218pp. R5.00 Bur Market Research 1967 SA Ligthelm, A.A. Characteristics of Spaza retailers: evidence from a national survey. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 305) 173pp. R1,500 Bur Market Research 2002 SA Ligthelm, A.A. Liquid fuel consumption in South Africa as a spatial growth indicator. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 308) 173pp. R1,125 Bur Market Research 2002 SA Lyster, M. Agricultural marketing in KwaZulu: a farm household perspective. Final report to the KwaZulu Department of Agriculture and Forestry. (INR investigational reports, 26) R50.00 Inst Natural Resources 1987 SA Martins, J. Household expenditure by province, population group and product, 1999. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 261) 185pp. Bur Market Research 1999 SA Martins, J. Trends in household expenditure in South Africa. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 306) 197pp. R1,125 Bur Market Research 2002 SA
Martins, J.H. Household expenditure in South Africa by area, population group and product, 1993. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 205) R800.00 Bur Market Research 1993 SA Martins, J.H. Income and expenditure patterns of households in Gauteng. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 290) 170pp. R2,000 Bur Market Research 2001 SA Martins, J.H. Marketing research: a South African approach. rev.reprint ISBN: 0869819410 cd. 624pp. R133.30 ($21.10/£14.50) Unisa 1999 SA Martins, J.H., comp. Expenditure of households in the Durban metropolitan area according to outlet. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 268) 142pp. R1,000 Bur Market Research 1999 SA Martins, J.H., comp. Income and expenditure patterns of households in the Durban metropolitan area. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 267) 170pp. R950.00 Bur Market Research 1999 SA Radder, L. The marketing strategy of the small retailer with particular reference to small clothing retailers in Port Elizabeth. (Research reports, 26) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1983 SA Theron, D., Cant, M. Industrial marketing. 4th ed. ISBN: 0702100000 Juta 2001 SA Tustin, D.H. Marketing communication strategies in support of brand image building in South Africa. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 303) 204pp. R1,500 Bur Market Research 2002 SA Tustin, D.H. A study on current and future SMME skills needs: Eastern Free State. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 286) 153pp. R800.00 Bur Market Research 2001 SA van Wyk, H. de J., comp. Personal disposable income by population group and district, 1985-1994. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 226) R800.00 Bur Market Research 1996 SA Marketing—South Africa—Statistics Martins, J.H. Income and expenditure patterns of households in Gauteng, 2003. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 327) ISBN: 191978974X 175pp. R1,800 Bur Market Research 2003 SA Martins, J.H. Total expenditure of households in Gauteng by expenditure item and type of outlet 2003. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 329) ISBN: 1919789766 141pp. R1,800 Bur Market Research 2003 SA Martins, J.H. Total household expenditure in South Africa by income group, life plane, life stage and product. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 326) ISBN: 1919789731 175pp. R3,500 Bur Market Research 2004 SA Tustin, D.H. Forecast of economic indicators and formal retail sales by product group for 2004. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 324) ISBN: 1919789715 90pp. R1,500 Bur Market Research 2004 SA Marketing—Study and teaching Bennett, J.A., Strydom, J.W. Introduction to travel and tourism marketing. ISBN: 0702156361 R179.00 Juta 2001 SA Blem, B.N. Achieving excellence in selling. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195719182 339pp. R300.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA
Dogbeh, S. Marketing et action commerciale. ISBN: 9991950858 260pp. CFA8,000 (Eur18.29) Star Ed 2004 DM FRE Fisher, K. Simply successful selling. ISBN: 0627025730 R174.95 Van Schaik 2004 SA Hofmeyr, J., Rice, B. Commitment-led marketing. The key to brand profits is in the customer’s mind. ISBN: 0702162159 320pp. R235.00 Juta 2003 SA [Southern Africa only] Koekemoer, L., van der Westhuizen, B., Skinner, C., Bird, S., Duckles, R., Blem, N. Marketing communication. ISBN: 0702165093 480pp. R269.00 Juta 2004 SA Lamb, C., et al. Marketing. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195786815 432pp. R375.00 OUP - SA 2004 SA Lovett, M. Prendre contact et vendre. 10pp. CFA300.00 CPE 1973 IV FRE Ngbor, P.G. Essentials of industrial purchasing and materials management. ISBN: 9783038060 cd. 195pp. N500.00 ($5.00/ £4.50) Ano 1998 NR Pitt, L.F. Marketing for managers. A practical approach. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702159336 344pp. R140.00 Juta 2002 SA Pitt, L.F., Nel, D. South African marketing cases for decision makers. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702155527 376pp. R153.00 Juta 2000 SA Quarshie, F.K. Questions and answers in marketing. vol.2 174pp. C9,000 ($9.00) Asempa 1997 GH Strydom, J.W. A guide to passing marketing. ISBN: 1869280075 128pp. R65.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA Strydom, J.W., Cant, M., Jooste, C.J., van der Walt, A. Marketing management. 5th ed. ISBN: 0702100000 R265.00 Juta 2005 SA Strydom, J.W., Cant, M.C., Botha, J.A.R., Brink, A. Introduction to marketing. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702165115 Juta 2004 SA Tustin, D.H. Marketing research smart cards. ISBN: 1868883299 cd. 749pp. R289.00 ($52.60/ £33.50/Eur46.10) Unisa 2004 SA Tustin, D.H., Martins, J.H., van Wyk, H. de J., eds. Marketing research in practice. [Book and CD-ROM] ISBN: 1868883337 100pp. R59.00 ($11.70/£7.40/Eur10.20) Unisa 2004 SA Marketing—Tanzania Mbula, J., Brockington, J.L. East Africa in transition communities, cultures and change. 39pp. Acton 2000 KE Marketing—Zimbabwe Smout, M.A.H. Commercial growth and consumer behaviour in suburban Salisbury, Rhodesia. (Series in Social Studies Occas. pap., 1) 69pp. ill. Z$4.32 Univ Zimbabwe 1974 ZI Markgraaff, André—Autobiography Markgraaff, A., Dobson, P. André Markgraaff: the truth revealed. ISBN: 0798138378 256pp. R64.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Marriage customs and rites see also Anthropology Ethnology Family and home Kimathi, G. Courting in marriage. Uzima 1983 KE
100pp. (£1.50)
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 334
African Books in Print
Subject index
Mass media—Ghana
Marriage customs and rites—Africa Banzikiza, C.R. The pastoral approach to African traditional values of fecundity and marriage. 155pp. Gaba 1995 KE Marriage customs and rites—Africa, Southern Kimpinde, D. Vitalité des structures matrimoniales africaines bantoues. 126pp. K18.00 Chancellor Coll 1967 MW FRE Mascarene Islands—Bibliography Safla, R. Iles du sud-ouest de l’Océan Indien: acquisitions de juin 1990 à juin 1993. Supplément à la 4e édition. 189pp. Univ Réunion 1994 RF FRE Safla, R. Iles du sud-ouest de l’Océan Indien: catalogue des monographies. 4th rev. ed. 349pp. Univ Réunion 1991 RF FRE
Fardon, R., Furniss, G. African broadcast cultures. Radio in transition. ISBN: 0852558295 cd. & 256pp. (£40.00) ISBN: 0852558287 (£14.95) Philip 2000 SA [Africa only. Copublished with James Currey, UK and Praeger, US & Canada] Jibo, M. Politics, mass media and national development. 181pp. ($17.00/£9.50) Malthouse 1996 NR Kariithi, N., Kareithi, P., eds. Untold stories. Economics and business journalism in African media. ISBN: 1868144143 320pp. Witwatersrand UP 2005 SA Kwame Boafo, S.T. Media and environment in Africa: challenges for the future. 111pp. ($18.00/£9.95) African Coun Comm 1993 KE
Masilela, Johnny—Autobiography Masilela, J. Deliver us from evil. Scenes from a rural Transvaal upbringing. 79pp. pl. R59.95 (£8.95) Kwela 1996 SA
Linard, A., Scirpo, B. Law and ethics of the media. trans.f.t. French by M. Mwangi ISBN: 9966214429 144pp. ($7.50) Paulines 2002 KE
Masinde, Elijah—Biography Alembi, E. Elijah Masinde: rebel with a cause. ISBN: 9966951008 69pp. col.ill. K.shs.180.00 ($14.95) Sasa Sema 2000 KE
Observatoire du Développement de la Réunion Les jeunes et les médias. (Documents ODR, 31) (Eur19.15) ODR 2000 RF FRE
Mass media see also Broadcasting Communication Journalism Press Publishing and book industries
Ochola, F.W. Aspects of mass communication and journalism research on Africa. 103pp. K.shs.67.50 Africa Book Serv 1983 KE Ogunleye, F., ed. African video film today. ISBN: 0797829318 175pp. ($24.95/£16.95) Swaziland Academic Serv 2003 SQ
Berger, G. New tricks of the newspaper trade: an old watchdog needs press freedom and the information age. Inst Soc Res 1996 SA
Okigbo, C., ed. Media and sustainable development. 506pp. ($35.00/£16.75) African Coun Comm 1995 KE
Dick, A.L. The philosophy, politics, and economics of information. ISBN: 1868882020 179pp. R139.00 ($37.95/£22.95) Unisa 2002 SA
Ronning, H. Media and democracy. Theories and principles with references to an African context. (Seminar paper, 8) 20pp. ($6.95/ £3.75) SAPES 1994 ZI
Kurchen-Pilkman, F. De Gutenberg à Internet. CLE 2000 CM FRE
Olive Publications Using media. (Building organisations, 4) ISBN: 1874808163 93pp. R38.00 Olive 1999 SA Ponthieu, G., Barrot, P. Law and ethics in the media. ISBN: 9966214429 144pp. K.shs.600.00 Paulines 2002 KE Vargaftig, M. Media and cultural pluralism in Europe. International seminar on culture and development. 106pp. UNESCO HOCU 1994 ZI Mass media—Africa Alkali, N., Domatob, J., Abubakar, J. African media issues. 170pp. N40.00 Delta 1990 NR Association des Femmes Africaines pour la Recherche sur le Développement Women and the mass media in Africa. 220pp. AFARD 1992 SG Copin, N. Liberté de la presse, vie démocratique. 28pp. CFA800.00 (Eur2.22) UCAC 2002 CM FRE de Vreede, M. Video for development. (Africa Media Monograph series, 8) 98pp. ($17.00/ £9.50) African Coun Comm 1991 KE Domatob, J. Mass communication in Africa. N20.00 Delta 1988 NR
Domatob, J., Jika, A., Nwosu, I. Mass media and the African society. (Africa Media Monograph Series, 4) 388pp. ($27.00/£14.95) African Coun Comm 1987 KE
Mass media—Africa—Bibliography INADES-Documentation Liberté de la presse et démocratie en Afrique. Bibliographie commentée. 30pp. Inades 1996 IV FRE Kwame Boafo, S.T., ed. Bibliography of teaching and study materials on African communication and media systems. (Communication teaching and study materials, 5) 11pp. ($1.00) K.shs.7.00 African Coun Comm 1991 KE Kwame Boafo, S.T., Gatura, K., Gatura, R. Communication studies in Africa: a bibliography. 75pp. ($18.00/£9.95) African Coun Comm 1994 KE Ochola, F.W. Mass communication: journalism dissertations and theses on black Africa, 1960-1980. 69pp. K.shs.24.50 Africa Book Serv 1983 KE Mass media—Africa—Directories Honeyman, R. Africa film and TV yearbook/directory, 1997. [Annual] 200pp. (£20.00) Z Promo 1997 ZI Mass media—Africa, North Cérès Editions L’information au Maghreb. D9,000 Cérès 1992 TI
Mass media—Africa, Southern Chenje, M., ed. Reporting the southern African environment: a media handbook. ISBN: 1779100027 272pp. ($18.95/£10.95) Southern Afric Res & Docs 1998 ZI Lush, D., comp. So this is democracy? Report on media freedom in southern Africa, 1994. 84pp. ill. MISA 1995 SX
Mutambo, S., et al. Trends in commercial and private radio stations in southern Africa. ISBN: 9991293485 P50.00 SAMDEF 2002 BS Titus, Z., Hopwood, G., Branco, R., Correia, R. So this is democracy? State of the media in southern Africa, 2002. ISBN: 9991662065 336pp. (£15.00) MISA 2003 SX Mass media—Africa, Southern—Directories Libongani, E. Southern African media directory 200405: country profiles. 136pp. MISA 2004 SX Media Institute of Southern Africa Southern African media directory, 1999. ISBN: 9991672842 76pp. MISA 1999 SX Southern Africa Media Development Fund Samdef roster of media and business experts 1999. ISBN: 099929340X 247pp. SAMDEF 1999 BS Mass media—Africa, West—Directories Bop, C. Répertoire des médias en Afrique de l’ouest. [Also available online.] 591pp. ($42.12) IPAO 2004 SG FRE Mass media—Botswana Leepile, M., ed. Botswana’s media and democracy: selected papers from the seminar on the media in a democracy. 128pp. Mmegi 1996 BS Webb, F.F. Feedback in media production in Botswana: an annotated bibliography. (NIR working bibliographies) P5.10 NIDCR 1981 BS Mass media—Cameroun Herbert, B. The state of the media in Cameroon. ISBN: 2911208102 238pp. Ebert Namibia 1998 SX Tchebetchou, G.R. Médias et élections: guide pratique/Media and election: practical guide. [Bi-lingual; text in French and English.] ISBN: 2912086469 29pp. PUA 2001 CM MUL Mass media—Ghana Ampaw, A. Legislation on media, speech and expression in Ghana. A source book. ISBN: 998879018X 1193pp. C400,000 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 2004 GH Centre for Democracy and Development Balanced political reporting and democratic development in Ghana. Proceedings of workshop for media practitioners: September 24-26, 1999. ISBN: 9988796927 32pp. CDD 1999 GH Centre for Democratic Development Ghana Media coverage of the 2000 elections. (CDD research paper, 8) ISBN: 9988805055 40pp. C45,000 ($11.50/ £8.00) CDD 2001 GH da Rocha, B.J., et al. The right to information, and freedom of the media in Ghana’s fourth republic. (IEA occasional papers, 18) ISBN: 9988584393 55pp. Inst Econ Aff - Ghana 1999 GH Karikari, K., ed. Independent broadcasting in Ghana. Implications and challenges. 129pp. ($17.00/£9.50) Ghana UP 1994 GH Karikari, K., Kumado, K., eds. The law and the media in Ghana. ISBN: 9988802005 220pp. SCS - Legon 2000 GH Kyeremeh, K.A. Communication, education and development. Exploring an African cultural setting. 2nd rev. ed. 145pp. ($17.00/£9.50) Ghana UP 1997 GH Yankah, K. Free speech in traditional society. The cultural foundations of communication in contemporary Ghana. ISBN: 996430255X 46pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Ghana UP 1998 GH
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Mass media—Namibia
Subject index
Mass media—Namibia Erastus-Sacharia, A., Franz, J. Media training in Namibia. (NEPRU research report, 12) 152pp. N$61.00 NEPRU 1995 SX
Mayibuye and Weekly Mail Limits of liberty: obscenity, blasphemy and hate speech. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 45) 62pp. R25.00 Mayibuye 1993 SA
Mass media—Nigeria Anokari, N.B. History of Nigerian mass media. ISBN: 9783038297 148pp. N400.00 Ano 2001 NR
Mpofu, A., Manhando, S., Tomaselli, K. Public service broadcasting in South Africa: policy directions towards 2000. 298pp. R55.00 ($25.00) Anthropos 1996 SA
Anokari, N.B. Media power and press advocacy. Writing for the mass media. ISBN: 9783038210 120pp. Ano 2001 NR Bojuwade, D. The press and public policy. A guide 53pp. ($8.10) Univ Press - Nig 1991 NR Nkwocha, J. Effective media relations: issues and strategies. ISBN: 9783318535 203pp. N1,000 ($10.00/£8.00) Zoom Lens 1999 NR Nwuneli, O. Mass communication in Nigeria. ($15.00/£10.00) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Odunlami, I.S. Media in Nigeria’s security and developmental vision. ISBN: 9780291083 198pp. N820.00 ($14.95/ £8.95) Spectrum 1999 NR Ogbondah, C.W. State-press relations in Nigeria 19931998. Human rights and democratic development. ISBN: 9780293752 206pp. Spectrum 2003 NR Ugboajah, F.O., Nwosu, I.E., Adaba, T., eds. Communication training and practice in Nigeria: issues and perspectives. (Africa Media Monograph series, 3) 244pp. pl. ($16.00) K.shs.100.00 African Coun Comm 1987 KE Mass media—Réunion Torit, S. Diffusion usages et image des nouvelles technologies grand public. 57pp. ill. ODR 2002 RF FRE Mass media—South Africa Bernstein, J., Cunningham, P. Students perceptions of SABC-TV at the University of Port Elizabeth. (IDPR occasional papers, 60) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Bernstein, J., Cunningham, P.W. Student perceptions of SABC-TV at the University of Port Elizabeth. (IDPR occasional papers, 60a) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA de Beer, A.S., ed. Mass media towards the millenium. The South African handbook of mass communication. ISBN: 062702323X 544pp. R299.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA du Plooy, G.M. Understanding television. Guidelines for visual literacy. 115pp. R67.00 Juta 1989 SA Duncan, J., Seleoane, M. Media and democracy in South Africa. ISBN: 0796918546 253pp. R140.00 HSRC Publ 1998 SA Hadland, A. The people’s voice. The development and current state of the South African small media sector. ISBN: 0796920591 143pp. R90.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Louw, P.E. South African media policy: debates of the 1990s. 380pp. R73.50 ($19.95) Anthropos 1993 SA Louw, R. Handbook on the media and electoral law: a guide for print and broadcast editorial personnel. R40.00 EISA 2000 SA Matshikiza, T., Matshikiza, J. With the lid off. 224pp. R94.95 M&G 2000 SA
Oosthuizen, L. Media ethics in the South African context. An introduction overview. ISBN: 0702156574 184pp. R169.00 Juta 2002 SA O’Toole, S., Constant, M., Dodd, A., Smith, K., Sey, J. Broadcast quality. The art of big brother II. ISBN: 0620297751 72pp. col.pl. R185.00 Bell-Roberts 2002 SA Pakes, T.K. Measures of support for a UPE campus radio station. (IDPR occasional papers, 57) Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Tleane, C., Duncan, J. Public broadcasting in the era of cost recovery; a critique of the South African Broadcasting Corporation’s crisis of accountability. ISBN: 1919855254 219pp. R120.00 ($25.00/£20.00) STE 2003 SA Tomaselli, K., et al. Myth, race and power. South Africans imaged on film and TV. 126pp. pl. ($9.00/£6.00) Cont Cult Studies 1986 SA van Zyl, J., ed. Community radio: the people’s voice. ISBN: 060312378 119pp. Sharp Sharp 2004 SA Mass media—Study and teaching Brosseau, J-M., Soncin, J. The art of radio. trans.f.t.French by Giuseppe Caramazza 136pp. ($8.00) Paulines 2001 KE Clear, A., Weideman, C. Dynamics of public relations and journalism. A practical guide for media studies. 2nd ed. ISBN: 070215637X 224pp. R145.00 Juta 2001 SA Fourie, P.J. Media studies. Content, audiences and production. vol.2 ISBN: 0702156566 616pp. R295.00 Juta 2002 SA Fourie, P.J. Media studies. Institutions, theories and issues. vol.1 ISBN: 0702156558 664pp. R295.00 Juta 2002 SA Fra, D., Ngangué, E. The art of publishing a newspaper. trans.f.t.French by B.A. Kodi 159pp. ($8.00) Paulines 2001 KE Retief, J. Media ethics. ISBN: 0195781376 320pp. R200.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Mass media—Tanzania Ng’wanakilala, N. Mass communication and development of socialism in Tanzania. 149pp. ($13.75/ £7.50) Tanz Publ House 1982 TZ Sturmer, M. The media history of Tanzania. ISBN: 9976635923 348pp. T.shs.3,500 ($10.00) Ndanda Mission 1999 TZ Mass media—Uganda Gariyo, Z. The media, constitutionalism and democracy in Uganda. 64pp. ($10.00) Centre Basic Res UG Onyango-Obbo, C. Uganda’s poorly kept secrets. 57pp. ill. ($5.75/£3.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1997 UG Mass media—Zimbabwe Mathema, N.C.G. Newspapers in Zimbabwe. ISBN: 998230111X 100pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Multimedia 2001 ZA
Media Monitoring Preject Zimbabwe Media under siege. Report on media coverage of the 2002 presidential and mayoral elections in Zimbabwe. ISBN: 0797427368 203pp. ($15.00) Media Monitoring 2003 ZI Media Monitoring Project Zimbabwe Election 2000. The media war. ISBN: 0797422161 116pp. Z$100.00 ($2.00/ £1.50) Media Monitoring 2000 ZI Waldahl, R. Politics and persuasion. Media coverage of Zimbabwe’s 2000 election. ISBN: 0779220278 150pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Weaver 2004 ZI Mathematics see also Geometry Statistics Bradu, D., Kass, G.V. Detecting outliers in multiple regression. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 249) 22pp. CSIR 1977 SA Colombo, S. Etudes des transcendantes intervenant dans la résolution des équations intégrales de voltera à noyaux logarithmiques. 42pp. ill. 60k Press Univ Congo 1964 ZR FRE Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Continuous operators in Lp and generalized random processes a kernel representation. (CSIR Special Report WISK, 177) 18pp. CSIR 1975 SA de Jongh, D.C. Structure and prediction in “The limits to growth”. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 219) 18pp. CSIR 1976 SA de Vries, M.A. An aid for controlling the structure of a graded manpower system. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 241) 111pp. CSIR 1977 SA Gerdes, P. Lusona. Recreaçoes geometricas de Africa. ISBN: 8881004607 (Eur8.70) Moz Editora 2003 MZ POR Getz, W.M. Mathematical models: a vital tool for the utilization and preservation of the renewable resources of Southern Africa. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 164) 17pp. CSIR 1975 SA Getz, W.M. Modelling and control of birth-and-death processes. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 196) 153pp. CSIR 1976 SA Getz, W.M. A non-linear multiple migration process. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 182) 19pp. CSIR 1975 SA Joos de ter Beerst, T. Calcul analogique. 61pp. 80k Press Univ Congo 1967 ZR FRE King, M.C.F. The use of relational theory as a design tool. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 262) 36pp. CSIR 1977 SA Kutt, H.R. On the numerical evaluation of finite-part integrals involving an algebraic singularity. (CSIR Special Report WISK, 179) 169pp. CSIR 1975 SA Kutt, H.R. Quadrature formulae for finite-part integrals. (CSIR Special WISK, 178) 156pp. CSIR 1975 SA Laudelot, H., Cheverry, C., Calvet, R. Modélisation mathématique des processus pédologiques. 264pp. Dir200.00 Actes Ed 1994 MR FRE Laurie, D.P. Automatic step-size control in parabolic partial differential equations. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 166) 14pp. CSIR 1975 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 336
African Books in Print
Subject index Lubinsky, D.S., Ziegler, Z. Coefficient bounds in the Lorentz representation of a polynomial. (PKOMP, 8815) 12pp. CSIR 1988 SA
Mathematics—Study and teaching Ungar, A. The propagation of elastic waves from moving normal point loads in layered media. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 211) 31pp. CSIR 1976 SA
Eshiwani, G.S., Parker, K.D. Objective questions in E.A.C.E. modern mathematics, with answers. 156pp. ($10.80/£4.30) K.shs.60.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1976 KE
Ungar, A. Response of an elastic half-space to a moving normal point load. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 189) 28pp. CSIR 1975 SA
Gendah, D.K. Specimen and exam papers. A-level mathematics syllabus 9200. 100pp. Océan Indien Ed 1997 MF
Mangalo, N., Nencu, E. Eléments de calcul des probabilités. 249pp. Z8.04 Press Univ Congo 1976 ZR FRE
Vuma, D. Functions of a complex variable. ISBN: 0908307691 96pp. Z$100.00 Univ Zimbabwe 1998 ZI
Igbokwe, A., et al. Exam focus maths. ISBN: 9780308180 ($26.60) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR
Meidan, R. Reproducing-kernel Hilbert spaces of distributions, and generalized stochastic processes. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 229) 20pp. CSIR 1976 SA
Weilenmann, J. An alternative approach to the normal frequencies of a randomly disordered linear chain. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 254) 32pp. CSIR 1977 SA
Meiden, R. On the connection between ordinary and generalized stochastic processes. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 256) 15pp. CSIR 1977 SA
Weilenmann, J. Continuity properties of fractional powers, of the logarithm and of holomorphic semi-groups. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 204) 30pp. CSIR 1976 SA
Mangalo, C.Y. Y., Radu, G. Algèbre homologique. Les modules sur un anneau commutatif. vol.1 229pp. ($11.35) Z15.90 Press Univ Congo 1974 ZR FRE
Mubenga Kampotu. Eléments d’analyse infinitesimale. vol.1 384pp. Z7.33 Press Univ Congo 1976 ZR FRE Naudé, G. Introduction to category theory in automata and systems. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 202) 159pp. CSIR 1976 SA Naude, G. On the adjoint situations between behaviour and realization. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 221) 22pp. CSIR 1976 SA Navon, I.M. Algorithms for solving scalar and blockcyclic tridiagonal systems of linear algebraic equations. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 265) 29pp. CSIR 1977 SA Navon, I.M., Alperson, Z. Application of fourth-order accurate differences to a three-parameter baroclinic model of the atmosphere. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 225) 34pp. CSIR 1976 SA Pachter, M. An explicit pole-assigning feedback formula, with application to dead-beat feedback construction in discrete linear systems. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 226) 8pp. CSIR 1976 SA Pachter, M., Jacobson, D.H. Conditions for the controllability of constrained linear autonomous systems on time intervals of arbitrary length. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 210) 23pp. CSIR 1976 SA Pachter, M., Jacobson, D.H. Control with conic control constraint set. (CSIR Special report, WISK 257) 6pp. CSIR 1977 SA Roesel, R. Basic concepts of rational continuum mechanics. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 190) 20pp. CSIR 1975 SA Stewart, T.J. Criterion for optimality of design of EVOP-type experiments. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 207) 57pp. CSIR 1976 SA Stewart, T.J. A secretary problem with learning. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 251) 13pp. CSIR 1977 SA Stewart, T.J. Selection of the best from a sequence of options with imperfect information. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 267) 17pp. CSIR 1977 SA Thowsen, A. On pointwise degeneracy, controllability and minimal time control of linear dynamical systems with delays. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 180) 36pp. CSIR 1975 SA Torr, D.G., Laurie, D.P., Torr, M.R. Algorithm for the solution of the general ionospheric reaction-rate equations. (CSIR research reports, 309) 4pp. ill. CSIR 1971 SA
Mathematics—Addresses and essays Abrahamson, B. The nature of modern mathematics. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1959 SA
Ilori, J.O. Exam focus mathematics for SSCE and JME. 272pp. ($26.50) Univ Press - Nig 1997 NR Inspection de Mathématiques Annales Bac A. 96pp. CFA2,000 Hamaria 1998[?] UV FRE Inspection de Mathématiques Annales BEPC. 88pp. CFA2,000 Hamaria 1998[?] UV FRE Lassa, P.N. Revision objective and aptitude test for Oxford primary maths. ISBN: 0195752546 ($14.50) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR
Cruise, S.E. The place of geometry in university mathematics. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1963 SA
Mathot, G.B. Junior certificate mathematics revision notes. 36pp. R0.70 Mazenod Inst 1986 LO
Kenku, M.A. The driving force of mathematics. 20pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Univ Lagos Press 1991 NR
Muze, M.S. Multiple choice questions in secondary mathematics. 108pp. T.shs.1,000 Tanz Publ House 1981 TZ
Kotze, W.J. The mathematical experience. Inst Soc Res 1984 SA
Nwosu, A.D. 1005 objective questions and answers in mathematics. ISBN: 9781753757 176pp. ill. N250.00 Africana First 1998 NR
Schutte, H.J. Ontological commitment and mathematics. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1969 SA Sinha, S.K. Probability, statistics and inference: inaugural lecture delivered at the University of Botswana, 24 November, 5 April 1993. (INR professorial lectures) P8.50 NIDCR 1994 BS Mathematics—Africa—Study and teaching Korvin, L.M. Teaching of maths in teacher training colleges in Kenya and other African countries. 71pp. ill. K.shs.180.00 ($3.00) Lake 1993 KE Mmari, G.R.V. Recent trends in mathematics education. 22pp. ill. ($2.00) T.shs.50.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1980 TZ Mathematics—Dictionaries National Terminology Services Mathematics dictionary: EnglishAfrikaans/Afrikaans-English. cd. 176pp. R89.95 Pharos 1997 SA MUL Mathematics—Examinations, questions Armar, T.Q. Objective questions and answers in arithmetic: decimal currency and metric edition. N1.97 Macmillan - Nig 1959 NR
Nyamakuru, A. Peak revision. KCSE mathematics. ISBN: 9966250026 270pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 2001 KE Nyamwihura, J. O-level basic mathematics. Question papers and model answers. 52pp. T.shs.2,000 Mkuki na Nyota 1991 TZ Patel, M.S. Maths aid book 4 answers. 24pp. K.shs.40.00 Jyoti 1988 KE Patel, M.S. Maths aid book 5 answers. 24pp. K.shs.40.00 Jyoti 1988 KE Patel, M.S. Maths aid book 6 answers. 24pp. K.shs.40.00 Jyoti 1988 KE Patel, M.S. Maths aid book 7 answers. 24pp. K.shs.40.00 Jyoti 1988 KE Patel, M.S. Maths aid book 8 answers. 24pp. K.shs.40.00 Jyoti 1988 KE Robinson, R.L. Modern mathematics. Multiple choice questions. bk.1 153pp. ill. 80c Mazenod Inst 1975 LO
Chacko, V.G. School certificate revision notes: Mathematics. 112pp. ill. N1.05 Macmillan - Nig 1975 NR
Uély, A., Dzissenu, B., Dogbe, Y-E. Annales C.E.P.D. Sujets. Corrigés. Calculs. vol.2 ISBN: 286427075 100pp. CFA2,500 Akpagnon 2000 TG FRE
Chukwuma, G. Revision paper in general maths. 245pp. ($3.00) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR
Unnuth, P.K. Mathematics ‘A’ level. Revision papers 1,2 & 4. ISBN: 9990370117 240pp. Rs175.00 ($10.60/£6.61) Printemps 2000 MF
Dogbé, Y-E. Annales CEPD. Sujets. Corrigés. Volume 2 calculs. ISBN: 2864270075 100pp. CFA2,500 Akpagnon 2000 TG FRE Dogbé, Y-E., ed. Annales CEPD. Sujets - corrigés. Maths. vol.2 ISBN: 284627075X 100pp. CFA2,500 Akpagnon 2000 TG FRE Dube, P., Stockmayer, S. Solutions. 28pp. ill. Z$3.95 Longman Zimb 1985 ZI
Uppal, S.M. Revision test papers in mathematics for KCSE. 173pp. K.shs.190.00 ($3.20/ £1.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1993 KE Mathematics—Study and teaching Adeniran, T.M. Foundations of university mathematics. 341pp. pl. K.shs.430.00 ($9.00/£6.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1997 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Mathematics—Study and teaching
Subject index
Amazigo, J.C., et al. Introductory university mathematics. vol.2 276pp. ill. N563.00 Africana First 1995 NR
Machava, B., Tembe, D.A., Litsuge, J.F. Exercicios de matematica 6a e 7a classes. ISBN: 1002509998 (Eur7.39) Moz Editora 2003 MZ POR
Amazigo, J.C., et al. Introductory university mathematics. vol.1 296pp. ill. N450.00 cd. Africana First 1991 NR
Madera, S. Revision mathematics for primary teacher education. 159pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 1997 KE
Botha, M. Student-friendly basic mathematics. ISBN: 0627022820 292pp. R119.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA
Masenge, R. Numerical analysis. 120pp. ($6.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ
Uppal, S.M., Kamau, J.A., Gicharu, S.N., Humphreys, H.M. Applied mathematics for craft engineering. 258pp. K.shs.446.00 ($7.45/£4.50) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1996 KE Vithal, R., Adler, J., Keitel, C, eds. Researching mathematics education in South Africa. Perspectives, practices and possibilities. ISBN: 0796920478 368pp. R230.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA
Mavinga Panzu. Cours d’algèbre. Deuxième partie. 120pp. ($11.00) Z14.30 Press Univ Congo 1974 ZR FRE
Vivier, F.L., Swanepoel, A. Basic mathematics for economic and management sciences. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0627019919 261pp. R129.95 Van Schaik 1994 SA
Cappitt, D. Mathematical analysis. 2nd ed. 130pp. ($6.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ
Meyfarth, K. Teaching mathematics in secondary schools. 164pp. Z$109.95 ($7.40) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI
Wegner, T. Basic mathematics: a revision primer for management students. ISBN: 0702166405 R129.00 Juta 2004 SA
Chirindiza, F., Elija, L. Exercicios de matematica de 5a classe. ISBN: 1002409993 (Eur5.22) Moz Editora 2002 MZ POR
M’Imanyara, A.M., M’Imanyara, M.M. Common mistakes in mathematics and how to avoid them. 151pp. K.shs.180.00 EAEP 1991 KE
Cowen, R.J., Were, J.H., Vaz, P.T. An introduction to calculus. 269pp. ($12.00) K.shs.120.00 Nairobi UP 1990 KE
Miquel Smith, M.T. Exercicios de ciencias maturais 5a classe. ISBN: 1003309992 (Eur5.22) Moz Editora 2002 MZ POR
de Wet, J.B., et al. Mathematics. bk.1 ISBN: 1868138060 224pp. R59.00 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA
Multi Maths Marketing Multi maths tables. 2nd ed. 34pp. R12.95 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA
Breen, C.J., et al. Mathematics education for in service and pre service teachers. 416pp. R153.93 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA
de Wet, J.B., et al. Mathematics. bk.3 ISBN: 1868531465 304pp. R66.98 Heinemann-EdSA 1999 SA de Wet, J.B., et al. Mathematics. 2nd ed. bk.4 ISBN: 1868536696 320pp. R68.00 HeinemannEdSA 1998 SA Dinwiddy, C.L. Elementary mathematics for economists. 370pp. K.shs.546.00 OUP - Nairobi 1967 KE Dubin, P. Algèbre pour économistes et gestionnaires. ISBN: 2911380061 142pp. CFA2,600 (Eur3.97) UCAC 1998 CM FRE Dubin, P., Nantchouang, R. Analyse mathématiques pour gestionnaires et économistes. ISBN: 2911380223 296pp. CFA7,500 (Eur11.48) UCAC 2000 CM FRE Early Learning Resource Unit Di bofelele mmogo. String together. Hlanganisa. Di bofelle mmoho. 24pp. col.ill.col.pl. R15.00 ELRU 1996 SA MUL Early Learning Resource Unit Dibanisa kunye. String together. Snoer saam. Golaganya. 24pp. col.ill.col.pl. R15.00 ELRU 1996 SA MUL Fletcher, J.E. Enjoying mathematics in the primary school a handbook of teaching methods for primary school teachers. 270pp. ill. N237.15 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1975 NR Ilori, S.A., Akinyele, O. Elementary abstract and linear algebra. 464pp. N30.00 Ibadan UP 1987 NR Indimuli, J., Mushira, N., Kuria, P., Ndungu, R., Waichanguru, S. Teaching primary mathematics. ISBN: 9966221743 251pp. K.shs.260.00 ($3.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2000 KE John, F. Lectures in analysis and applied mathematics. (CSIR Special Report, WISK 185) 103pp. CSIR 1975 SA Lavendhomme, R. Introduction à la mathématique. 28pp. 45k Press Univ Congo 1962 ZR FRE Lungu, E., Cowen, R. Introductory concepts of mathematics. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9991203719 284pp. ill. P220.00 Bay 2001 BS
Naidoo, A., Smit, S.L., van Heerden, J.R. Mathematics didactics theory (college series). 72pp. R48.89 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA Nyamwihura, J. Mathematical tables. Logarithmic, trigonometric, financial, statistical and other tables. 56pp. T.shs.2,000 Mkuki na Nyota 1988 TZ Olubummo, A. Introduction to real analysis. 200pp. N92.20 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR Olunloyo, O. Steps to quantitative reasoning. 4th ed. bk.4 ISBN: 9782881794 86pp. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR Olunloyo, O. Steps to quantitative reasoning. 4th ed. bk.5 ISBN: 9782881840 84pp. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR Olunloyo, O. Steps to quantitative reasoning. 4th ed. bk.1 ISBN: 9782881769 58pp. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR Olunloyo, O. Steps to quantitative reasoning. 4th ed. bk.6 ISBN: 9782881859 89pp. N240.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR Olunloyo, O. Steps to quantitative reasoning. 4th ed. bk.3 ISBN: 9782881786 74pp. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR Olunloyo, O. Steps to quantitative reasoning. 4th bk.2 ISBN: 9782881778 67pp. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2004 NR Oredugba, C.F. Guidelines for the teaching of primary school mathematics. bk. 1. 145pp. ill. N5.75k Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Pretorius, A. Galactic guide: geometry theorems. [Also available in Afrikaans]. 96pp. ill. R25.00 ($6.14/£4.00) Galactic 1996 SA Reid, K.D. Getting to know your tables. 52pp. R59.06 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA Tinuoye, M.A. Foundations of university mathematics. 341pp. K.shs.430.00 ($7.20/£4.35) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1998 KE Underhill, L.G., Barr, G. Commath. 3rd ed. 290pp. R155.00 Juta 1996 SA
Mathematics—Study and teaching (Adult education) English Literacy Project Adding. ISBN: 0636020630 74pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1994 SA English Literacy Project Counting. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636020010 74pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1994 SA English Literacy Project Dividing. ISBN: 0636020673 74pp. ill. R25.00 Lovedale 1996 SA English Literacy Project Measuring. ISBN: 063602072X 74pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA English Literacy Project Multiplying. ISBN: 063602069X 74pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA English Literacy Project Subtracting. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636029985 74pp. ill. R25.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1996 SA Hallendorff, E. Basic numeracy. Workbook 1. ISBN: 1868940519 201pp. ill. R55.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Hallendorff, E. Basic numeracy. Workbook 2. ISBN: 1868940527 241pp. ill. R55.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Hallendorff, E. Basic numeracy. Workbook 3. ISBN: 1868940535 254pp. ill. R40.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Hallendorff, E. Functional numeracy. ISBN: 186892056X 250pp. ill. R57.50 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Hallendorff, E. Functional numeracy. Workbook 1. ISBN: 1868940551 215pp. ill. R57.50 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Hallendorff, E. Functional numeracy. Workbook 3. ISBN: 1868940578 120pp. ill. R40.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Mathematics—Study and teaching (Elementary) Adae-Nkromah. ABC of arithmetic for nursery classes. 45pp. ill. N6.00 Fagbamigbe 1986 NR Ademba, C., Njagi, F., Njoroge, S., Gatonye, A. Excel in mathematics. ISBN: 9966882642 235pp. col.ill.pl. ($8.00) Focus 2002 KE Ademba, C., Njagi, F., Njoroge, S., Gatonye, A. Excel in mathematics answer book. ISBN: 9966882642 50pp. pl. ($1.00) Focus 2002 KE Adeniji, D.A. et al. Oxford arithmetic course (Nig.): pupils bk. 3rd ed. 4, 6 bks N7.50k Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR Adeniji, D.A. et al. Oxford arithmetic course (Nig.): pupils bk. 3rd ed. 2, 6 bks. 64pp. ill. N6.50k Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Mathematics—Study and teaching (Elementary)
Adeniji, D.A. et al. Oxford arithmetic course (Nig.): pupils bk. 3rd ed. 5, 6 bks. N6.50k Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR
Agadzi, M.A. Primary school mathematics. bk.3b 56pp. pl. C4,500 ($2.00) Sam Woode 1997 GH
Adeniji, D.A. et al. Oxford arithmetic course (Nig.): pupils bk. 3rd ed. 3, 6 bks. 185pp. N7.00 Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR
Agadzi, M.A. Revising JSS mathematics. vol.1 80pp. pl. C6,000 ($2.50) Sam Woode 1991 GH
Arithoppah, B., ed. Maths count 4. ISBN: 9810191499 280pp. Rs135.00 ($8.18/£5.10) Printemps 2000 MF
Agadzi, M.A. SWL getting ready for mathematics: kindergarten (ages 4-5). Sam Woode 1996[?] GH
Arithoppah, B., ed. Maths count 5. ISBN: 9180191308 392pp. Rs165.00 ($10.00/£6.22) Printemps 2000 MF
Agadzi, M.A. SWL getting ready for mathematics: nursery 1 (ages 3-4). Sam Woode 1996[?] GH
Badenhorst, D.D., et al. Exciting mathematics. Standard 3, grade 5. 248pp. R33.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA
Agadzi, M.A. SWL getting ready for mathematics: nursery 2 (ages 3-5). Sam Woode 1996[?] GH
Badenhorst, D.D., et al. Exciting mathematics. Standard 4, grade 6. 296pp. R39.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA
Agadzi, M.A. SWL getting ready for mathematics: revision exercises (ages 4-5). Sam Woode 1996[?] GH
Badenhorst, D.D., et al. Exciting mathematics. Standard 5, grade 7. 264pp. R44.85 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA
Agadzi, M.A. SWL getting ready for mathematics:creche (ages 2-3). Woode 1996[?] GH
Bali, E. Fundamental mathematics . bk.1 52pp. N180.00 ($3.95/£3.00) Spectrum 1993 NR
Adeniji, D.A. et al. Oxford arithmetic course (Nig.): pupils bk. 3rd ed. 1, 6 bks. 64pp. ill. N6.50k Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR Adeniji, D.A. et al. The Oxford arithmetic course for Nigeria. workbook 4. 33pp. ill. N3.10k. Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Adeniji, D.A. et al. The Oxford arithmetic course for Nigeria. workbook 5. 33pp. ill. N3.10 Univ Press Nig 1977 NR Adeniji, D.A. et al. The Oxford arithmetic course for Nigeria. workbook 6. 31pp. ill. N3.10 Univ Press Nig 1977 NR Afram Publications Afram 123 - colouring. Afram 1988 GH
32pp. ill. C7,000
Agadzi, M.A. Getting ready for mathematics: beginners (ages 2-3). teacher’s bk. 32pp. pl. C3,000 ($1.25) Sam Woode 1994 GH Agadzi, M.A. Getting ready for mathematics: beginners (ages 2-3). pupil’s bk. 32pp. pl. C3,000 ($1.25) Sam Woode 1994 GH Agadzi, M.A. Getting ready for mathematics: kindergarten (ages 4-5). 2nd ed. teacher’s bk. 56pp. pl. C4,000 ($1.75) Sam Woode 1995 GH Agadzi, M.A. Getting ready for mathematics: kindergarten (ages 4-5). 2nd ed. pupil’s bk. 56pp. pl. C4,000 ($1.75) Sam Woode 1995 GH Agadzi, M.A. Getting ready for mathematics: nursery 1 (ages 3-4). 2nd ed. pupil’s bk. 32pp. pl. C3,000 ($1.25) Sam Woode 1994 GH Agadzi, M.A. Getting ready for mathematics: nursery 2 (ages 3-4). 2nd ed. teacher’s bk. 32pp. pl. C3,000 ($1.25) Sam Woode 1995 GH Agadzi, M.A. Primary school mathematics. bk.3a 48pp. pl. C4,500 ($2.00) Sam Woode 1997 GH Agadzi, M.A. Primary school mathematics. bk.1a 44pp. pl. C4,000 ($1.75) Sam Woode 1996 GH Agadzi, M.A. Primary school mathematics. bk.3c 44pp. pl. C4,500 ($2.00) Sam Woode 1997 GH Agadzi, M.A. Primary school mathematics. bk.2c 40pp. pl. C4,000 ($2.00) Sam Woode 1996 GH Agadzi, M.A. Primary school mathematics. bk.1c 48pp. pl. C4,000 ($1.75) Sam Woode 1996 GH Agadzi, M.A. Primary school mathematics. bk.1b 48pp. pl. C4,000 ($1.75) Sam Woode 1996 GH Agadzi, M.A. Primary school mathematics. bk.2a 48pp. pl. C4,000 ($1.75) Sam Woode 1996 GH Agadzi, M.A. Primary school mathematics. bk.2b 56pp. pl. C4,000 ($1.75) Sam Woode 1996 GH
Agadzi, M.A., Homiah, J. Revising JSS mathematics. vol.2 64pp. pl. C6,000 ($2.50) Sam Woode 1991 GH Agyarkwa-Amponsah, A. Can you count? bk.2 16pp. C250.00 Adwinsa 1987 GH Anaman, B. Afram graded exercises primary maths. rev. bk.4 119pp. C25,000 Afram 1996 GH Anaman, B. Afram graded exercises primary maths. rev. bk.2a 51pp. C12,000 Afram 1996 GH Anaman, B. Afram graded exercises primary maths. rev. bk.5 121pp. C25,000 Afram 1996 GH Anaman, B. Afram graded exercises primary maths. bk.3 118pp. C18,000 Afram 1996 GH Anaman, B. Afram graded exercises primary maths. bk.2 76pp. C15,000 Afram 1996 GH Anaman, B. Afram graded exercises primary maths. rev. bk.4 119pp. C25,000 Afram 1996 GH Anaman, B. Afram graded exercises primary maths. rev. bk.6 131pp. C25,000 Afram 1996 GH Anaman, B. Afram graded exercises primary maths. rev. bk.2b 47pp. C12,000 Afram 1996 GH
Anaman, B. Afram graded exercises primary maths. bk.1 81pp. C15,000 Afram 1996 GH
Bali, E. Fundamental mathematics. bk.2 76pp. N190.00 ($4.00/£3.50) Spectrum 1992 NR Bali, E. Fundamental mathematics for Nigerian nursery schools. 75pp. N168.00 ($2.80) Spectrum 1994 NR Bowara, L.C., Steamer, W.N. Maths in action. teacher’s bk.1 80pp. ill. Z$49.95 ZPH 1986 ZI Bowora, L.C. Maths in action grade 4. teacher’s bk. 99pp. Z$75.00 ZPH 1994 ZI Bowora, L.C., Ngwata, W.S. Maths in action grade 5. pupil’s bk. 257pp. Z$60.45 ZPH 1994 ZI Bowora, L.C., Ngwata, W.S. Maths in action grade 5. teacher’s bk. 151pp. Z$76.85 ZPH 1994 ZI Bowora, L.C., Steamer, W.N. Maths in action. pupil’s bk.3 184pp. ill. Z$57.45 ZPH 1989 ZI Bowora, L.C., Steamer, W.N. Maths in action. teacher’s bk.2 112pp. ill. Z$8.60 ZPH 1986 ZI Bowora, L.C., Steamer, W.N. Maths in action. pupil’s bk.2 80pp. ill. Z$52.75 ZPH 1987 ZI Bowora, L.C., Steamer, W.N. Maths in action. teacher’s bk.3 120pp. ill. Z$75.00 ZPH 1989 ZI Bowora, L.C., Steamer, W.N. Maths in action grade 4. pupil’s bk. 221pp. Z$57.45 ZPH 1993 ZI
Anaman, B. Afram graded exercises primary maths. rev. bk.3 127pp. C25,000 Afram 1996 GH
Bowora, L.C., Steamer, W.N. Maths in action: a new syllabus primary course. pupil’s bk.3 186pp. ill. ZPH 1989 ZI
Anaman, B. Afram graded exercises primary maths. bk.4 108pp. C18,000 Afram 1996 GH
Brown, B.A. Revision arithmetic for common entrance examinations (with objective test papers) 148pp. ill. N1.45 Longman - Nig 1973 NR
Anaman, B. Afram graded exercises primary maths. rev. bk.1a 41pp. C12,000 Afram 1996 GH
Brown, L.C., Steamer, W.N. Maths in action grade 1. pupil’s bk. 77pp. Z$49.95 ZPH 1986 ZI
Anaman, B. Afram graded exercises primary maths. rev. bk.1b 50pp. C12,000 Afram 1996 GH
Chantler, E., et al. Oxford successful numeracy grade 2 workbook. ISBN: 0195782453 48pp. R24.99 ($3.90/£2.17) OUP - SA 2003 SA
Anaman, B. Afram graded exercises primary maths. bk.6 108pp. C18,000 Afram 1996 GH
Chantler, E.D., et al. Oxford successful numeracy grade 2 teacher’s book. ISBN: 0195782461 96pp. R74.99 ($11.71/£6.77) OUP - SA 2003 SA
Anaman, B. Afram graded exercises primary maths. bk.5 ISBN: 9964700695 80pp. C18,000 Afram 1999 GH
Chukwuma, G. Intermediate general mathematics. 502pp. ($7.00) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Mathematics—Study and teaching (Elementary) Dada, F., Hofmeyr, L., Mhlope, G. 3. ISBN: 0636049604 16pp. ill. R26.27 Maskew Miller Longman 2003 SA
Editions Livre du Sud Somala. Mathématique à la maternelle. 64pp. CFA2,000 EDILIS 1998 IV FRE
Dar, T. My first counting book. 28pp. col. ill. K.shs.120.00 Africa Book Serv 1976 KE
Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique Petits génies. Mathématique. Maternelle grande section 5-6 ans. ISBN: 9991953221 32pp. col.ill. CFA1,500 (Eur4.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE
David-Osuagwu, M., et al. Understanding mathematics for Nigeria. 2nd ed. bk.1 112pp. col.ill. N374.90 Africana First 1998 NR David-Osuagwu, M., et al. Understanding mathematics for Nigeria. 2nd ed. bk.2 128pp. col.ill. N374.90 Africana First 1998 NR David-Osuagwu, M., et al. Understanding mathematics for Nigeria. bk.4 160pp. col.ill. N431.00 Africana First 1978 NR David-Osuagwu, M., et al. Understanding mathematics for Nigeria, 2nd ed. bk.3 148pp. col.ill. N374.00 Africana First 1998 NR David-Osuagwu, M., et al. Understanding mathematics for Nigeria. bk.6 176pp. N431.00 Africana First 1978 NR David-Osuagwu, M., et al. Understanding mathematics for Nigeria. bk.5 160pp. N215.80 Africana First 1978 NR de Graft Johnson, O.A. Learning to count 1, 2, 3. Adwinsa 1988 GH
16pp. C350.00
Doura, A., et al. Les maths SBT (série D). ISBN: 2910454754 cd. 160pp. CFA2,000 Jamana 2000 ML FRE Doura, A., et al. Les maths SET (série C). ISBN: 2910454762 cd. 314pp. CFA3,000 Jamana 1999 ML FRE Downes, L.W., Paling, D. Oxford arithmetic course (Nig): pupils bk. 3rd ed. 6, 6 bks. N8.50k Univ Press Nig 1973 NR Downes, L.W., Paling, D. Revision, objective and aptitude tests for Oxford primary mathematics course. 98pp. ill. N7.00 Univ Press - Nig 1974 NR Downes, L.W., Smithies, A., Paling, D. Oxford arithmetic course (Nig.): teacher’s bk. 3rd ed. 4, 6 bks. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig NR Downes, L.W., Smithies, A., Paling, D. Oxford arithmetic course (Nig.): teacher’s bk. 3rd ed. 3, 6 bks. 185pp. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR Downes, L.W., Smithies, A., Paling, D. Oxford arithmetic course (Nig.): teacher’s bk. 3rd ed. 6, 6 bks. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig NR
Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique Petits génies. Mathématique. Maternelle moyenne section 4-5 ans. ISBN: 9991933205 32pp. col.ill. CFA1,500 (Eur4.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique Petits génies. Mathématique. Maternelle petite section 2-3 ans. ISBN: 9991953183 32pp. col.ill. CFA1,500 (Eur4.00) Ruisseaux 2004 DM FRE Essien, E.S. The teaching of mathematics in elementary schools: decimal currency and metric edition. 1, 2bks 172pp. N1.20 Macmillan - Nig 1967 NR Essien, E.S. The teaching of mathematics in elementary schools: decimal currency and metric edition. 2, 2bks 220pp. N1.20 Macmillan - Nig 1967 NR Esther, E.N. Counting for beginners. ISBN: 9970417067 ($2.00) CJL 1998 UG Flanagan, W., Laing, J., Slonimsky, L., Lombard, A., eds. Junior primary mathematics. ISBN: 070214357X 166pp. R65.00 Juta 1998 SA Ford, F. Colour and count. bk.1 36pp. K.shs.120.00 EAEP 1991 KE Ford, F. Colour and count. bk.2 36pp. K.shs.120.00 EAEP 1992 KE Foroma, J. Revision in action maths with answers. Z$79.95 ZPH 1989 ZI Foroma, J. Revision in action maths without answers. Z$75.00 ZPH 1989 ZI Gibson, C., Richardson, J. Pass your maths standards 6-8 easily. 84pp. ill. R39.00 Struik Publ 1996 SA Gitau, N. Certificate mathematics for 4, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966253785 K.shs.300.00 EAEP 2005 KE Grobler, D. 1 2 3. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0636046141 24pp. ill. R26.33 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Gwara, D. Grade 5 mental mathematics. 100pp. Z$3.05 Longman - Zimb 1985 ZI
Downes, L.W., Smithies, A., Paling, D. Oxford arithmetic course (Nig.): teacher’s bk. 3rd ed. 5, 6 bks. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig NR
Halim, E.C. Primary mathematics: pupil’s book. 1, 5 bks. 48pp. col. ill. Longman - Nig 1967 NR
Downes, L.W., Smithies, A., Paling, D. Oxford arithmetic course (Nig.): teacher’s bk. 3rd ed. 2, 6 bks. 136pp. ill. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR
Halim, E.C. Primary mathematics: pupil’s book. 5,5 bks. 134pp. col. ill. Longman - Nig 1972 NR
Downes, L.W., Smithies, A., Paling, D. Oxford arithmetic course (Nig.): teacher’s bk. 3rd ed. 1, 6 bks. 142pp. ill. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR
Halim, E.C. Primary mathematics: pupil’s book. 4,5 bks. 137pp. col. ill. Longman - Nig 1971 NR
Editions CEDA Mathématiques. ISBN: 2863924711 190pp. CFA4,000 CEDA 2002 IV FRE
Halim, E.C. Primary mathematics: pupil’s book. 2,5 bks. 64pp. col. ill. Longman - Nig 1972 NR
Editions CEDA Mathématiques. Livre maître. ISBN: 2863944274 64pp. CFA4,250 CEDA 2002 IV FRE Editions Ganndal Résoudre des problèmes de mon milieu. vol.1 129pp. FG3,000 Ganndal 1998 GV FRE
Halim, E.C. Primary mathematics: pupil’s book. 3,5 bks. 92pp. col. ill. Longman - Nig 1972 NR Halim, E.C. Primary mathematics: teacher’s book. 3, 5 bks. 64pp. col.ill. Longman - Nig 1971 NR
Subject index Halim, E.C. Primary mathematics: teacher’s book. 2, 5 bks. 66pp. col. ill. Longman - Nig 1971 NR Halim, E.C. Primary mathematics: teacher’s book. 1, 5 bks. 78pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1965 NR Halim, E.C. Primary mathematics: teacher’s book. 4, 5 bks. 48pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1969 NR Halim, E.C. Primary mathematics: teacher’s book. 5, 5 bks. 32pp. Longman - Nig 1971 NR Halim, E.C., Adelaja, S., Igboko, P. Modern primary mathematics. pupils bk. 4. 95k. Longman - Nig 1976 NR Halim, E.C., Osibodu, B.M. Modern primary mathematics. teacher’s bk. 2. 112pp. ill. N2.30 Longman - Nig 1974 NR Halim, E.C., Osibodu, B.M. Modern primary mathematics. pupils bk. 3. 98k. 8kk. Longman - Nig 1975 NR Halim, E.C., Osibodu, B.M. Modern primary mathematics. pupil’s bk. 2. 64pp. ill. 85k Longman - Nig 1974 NR Hartslief, W.J., et al. SPP JP mathematics worksheets resource materials for teachers. Blue set. 58pp. R105.19 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA Hartslief, W.J., et al. SPP JP mathematics worksheets resource materials for teachers. Red set. 61pp. R105.19 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA Horizon Books Sparkle number book. 32pp. ill. K.shs.80.00 ($1.37/£0.88) Horizon 1990 KE Horne, K. Kiki activity book. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ill. R11.00 ($2.70/£1.76) Galactic 1994 SA Horne, K. Kiki activity charts: maths lessons. [Also available in Afrikaans.] R259.95 ($63.87/£41.61) Galactic 1994 SA Horne, K. Kiki maths activity book. 68pp. ill. R11.00 ($2.65/£1.85) Galactic 1994 SA Horne, K. Kiki maths cards level 2. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ill. R186.00 ($45.70/ £29.77) Galactic 1994 SA Horne, K. Kiki transparencies: maths lessons. [Also available in Afrikaans.] R259.95 ($63.87/£41.61) Galactic 1994 SA Institut de Linguistique Appliquée/Société Internationale de Linguistique Cours de calcul pour la préalphabétisation 4+5=9. ISBN: 2909238407 62pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur3.81) EDILIS 2001[?] IV FRE Jaji, G. Grade 4 mathematics revision book. 36pp. ill. Z$0.96 Longman - Zimb 1980 ZI Jaji, G. Grade 4 mental mathematics. 84pp. ill. Z$2.99 Z$3.00 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Jaji, G. Grade 7 mental mathematics. 112pp. ill. Z$1.65 Longman - Zimb 1984 ZI Jaji, G. Let’s do maths, grade 5 tests. 70pp. Z$10.75 Longman - Zimb 1992 ZI Jaji, S., Lawton, O. Let’s do mathematics, grades 1-7. (22 pupils’ and teachers’ books, and tests; full details from publisher.) var.pp. ill. Z$2.50-Z$9.95 Longman - Zimb ZI
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 340
African Books in Print
Subject index Jarvis, A. Grade 5 maths practice book. 112pp. Z$2.95 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Jenkins, T., et al. Classroom mathematics. Numeracy: outcomes-based education for Grade 1. Learner’s book. ISBN: 1868535584 144pp. R29.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA Jenkins, T., et al. Classroom mathematics. Numeracy: outcomes-based education for Grade 1. Teacher’s handbook. ISBN: 1868535908 48pp. R34.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1999 SA Jenkins, T., et al. Classroom mathematics. Numeracy: outcomes-based education for Grade 2. Learner’s activity book. ISBN: 1868547005 32pp. R17.95 HeinemannEdSA 1998 SA Jenkins, T., et al. Classroom mathematics. Numeracy: outcomes-based education for Grade 2. Learner’s workbook. ISBN: 1868536971 96pp. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA Jenkins, T., et al. Classroom mathematics. Numeracy: outcomes-based education for Grade 2. Teacher’s handbook. ISBN: 1868536963 80pp. R49.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary mathematics. pupil’s bk.6 188pp. K.shs.12.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary mathematics. pupil’s bk.7 178pp. K.shs.12.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1976 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary mathematics. pupil’s bk. 2 156pp. K.shs.9.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1968 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary mathematics. teacher’s bk.3 228pp. K.shs.30.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1972 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary mathematics. pupil’s bk. 3 156pp. K.shs.10.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1970 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary mathematics. pupil’s bk.4 152pp. K.shs.11.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1973 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary mathematics. pupils’ bk.5 166pp. K.shs.11.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1974 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary mathematics. teacher’s bk.1 160pp. K.shs.20.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1970 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary mathematics. teacher’s bk.4 215pp. K.shs.25.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1974 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary mathematics. teacher’s bk.2 188pp. K.shs.24.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1972 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary mathematics. pupil’s bk.1 64pp. K.shs.4.90 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1970 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary mathematics. teacher’s bk.7 176pp. K.shs.30.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1976 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary mathematics. teacher’s bk.5 154pp. K.shs.25.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary mathematics. teacher’s bk.6 227pp. K.shs.25.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1976 KE
Mathematics—Study and teaching (Elementary) Karaimu, E.W. Primary gold medal mathematics. 231pp. ill. K.shs.370.00 Macmillan Kenya 1995 KE
Kenya Institute of Education Primary mathematics. rev.ed. teacher’s bk.1 181pp. K.shs.190.00 ($3.35/£2.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1996 KE
Karuhije, E., et al. Fountain primary mathematics. A simplified approach. bk.5 U.shs.4,800 Fountain Publ-Ug 1997 UG
Kenya Institute of Education Primary mathematics. rev.ed. pupil’s bk.1 83pp. K.shs.124.00 ($2.10/£1.25) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1995 KE
Karuhije, E., et al. Fountain primary mathematics. A simplified approach. bk.6 U.shs.5,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1997 UG
Kenya Institute of Education Primary mathematics. rev.ed. teacher’s bk.4 184pp. K.shs.180.00 ($3.00/£1.85) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1996 KE
Karuhije, E., et al. Fountain primary mathematics. A simplified approach. bk.7 U.shs.5,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1997 UG
Kenya Institute of Education Primary mathematics. rev.ed. pupil’s bk.6 200pp. K.shs.186.00 ($3.10/£1.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1997 KE
Karuhije, E., et al. Fountain primary mathematics. A simplified approach. bk.4 U.shs.4,500 Fountain Publ-Ug 1997 UG
Kenya Primary Maths Group EAEP primary maths book 5: teacher’s guide. 171pp. K.shs.270.00 EAEP 1998 KE
Karuhije, E., et al. Fountain primary mathematics. A simplified approach. bk. 2 ISBN: 9970021079 U.shs.4,500 Fountain PublUg 1998 UG
Kenya Primary Maths Group EAEP primary maths standard 7: teacher’s guide. 204pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 1998 KE
Karuhije, E., et al. Fountain primary mathematics. A simplified approach. bk.1 ISBN: 9970021060 U.shs.4,500 Fountain PublUg 1998 UG Karuhije, E., et al. Fountain primary mathematics. A simplified approach. bk. 3 ISBN: 9970021087 U.shs.4,500 Fountain PublUg 1998 UG Kawooya, M. Complete primary mathematics for Uganda. rev.ed. 212pp. ill. U.shs.8,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1993 UG
Kenya Primary Maths Group EAEP primary maths standard 8: teacher’s guide. 159pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 1998 KE Kiggundu-Mukasa, D. Peak revision P.L.E. mathematics. 271pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 1999 KE Kinyua, R.N. Exercises for standard 1 mathematics. ISBN: 9966985379 109pp. K.shs.150.00 ($2.00/£1.50) Single 1996 KE Kwayie, A. My first number book. Adwinsa 1986 GH
16pp. C200.00
Kenya Institute of Education Primary mathematics. rev.ed. teacher’s bk.8 107pp. K.shs.162.00 ($2.70/£1.65) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1997 KE
Laridon, P.J., et al. Classroom mathematics. Standard 5, grade 7. 400pp. R47.95 HeinemannEdSA 1993 SA
Kenya Institute of Education Primary mathematics. rev.ed. teacher’s bk.2 207pp. K.shs.190.00 ($3.20/£1.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1996 KE
Laridon, P.J., et al. Classroom mathematics. Standard 6, grade 8. 480pp. R54.50 HeinemannEdSA 1994 SA
Kenya Institute of Education Primary mathematics. rev.ed. pupil’s bk.7 177pp. K.shs.196.00 ($3.30/£1.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1997 KE
Lassa, P.N., et al. Oxford primary mathematics. pupil’s bk.6, 6 bks. 136pp. ill. N14.50k Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR
Kenya Institute of Education Primary mathematics. rev.ed. pupil’s bk.4 204pp. K.shs.186.00 ($3.10/£1.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1996 KE
Lassa, P.N. et al. Oxford primary mathematics 1. pupils’ bk. 3, 6 bks 96pp. ill. N12.50k Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR
Kenya Institute of Education Primary mathematics. rev.ed. pupil’s bk.2 85pp. K.shs.124.00 ($2.10/£1.25) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1995 KE
Lassa, P.N. et al. Oxford primary mathematics 1. pupils’ bk.2, 6 bks 72pp. ill. N11.00 Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR
Kenya Institute of Education Primary mathematics. rev.ed. pupil’s bk.3 83pp. K.shs.124.00 ($2.10/£1.25) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1995 KE
Lassa, P.N. et al. Oxford primary mathematics 1. pupils’ bk. 4, 6 bks 96pp. ill. N13.50k Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR
Kenya Institute of Education Primary mathematics. rev.ed. teacher’s bk.7 89pp. K.shs.160.00 ($2.70/£1.65) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1996 KE
Lassa, P.N. et al. Oxford primary mathematics 1. pupils’ bk. 5, 6 bks 136pp. ill. R14.50k Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR
Kenya Institute of Education Primary mathematics. rev.ed. teacher’s bk.6 90pp. K.shs.156.00 ($2.60/£1.60) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1996 KE
Lassa, P.N. et al. Oxford primary mathematics 1. teachers’ bk. 1 120pp. ill. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR
Kenya Institute of Education Primary mathematics. rev.ed. pupil’s bk.5 188pp. K.shs.186.00 ($3.10/£1.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1997 KE
Lassa, P.N. et al. Oxford primary mathematics 1. pupils’ bk. 1, 6 bks. 64pp. ill. N10.00 Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR
Kenya Institute of Education Primary mathematics. rev.ed. pupil’s bk.8 179pp. K.shs.196.00 ($3.30/£2.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1997 KE
Lawal-Solarin, O.M. First book of mathematics. ISBN: 9781421274 24pp. ill. N90.00 ($1.10) Literamed 2001 NR
Kenya Institute of Education Primary mathematics. rev.ed. teacher’s bk.3 207pp. K.shs.200.00 ($3.35/£2.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1996 KE
Lawal-Solarin, O.M. Numbers and calculations. ISBN: 9781423218 35pp. col.ill. N130.00 ($1.60) Literamed 2001 NR
Kenya Institute of Education Primary mathematics. rev.ed. teacher’s bk.5 116pp. K.shs.240.00 ($4.00/£2.45) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1996 KE
Lawal-Solarin, O.M. Second book of mathematics. ISBN: 9781421355 22pp. ill. N90.00 ($1.10) Literamed 2001 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Mathematics—Study and teaching (Elementary) Lawal-Solarin, O.M. Telling the time. ISBN: 9781422815 23pp. col.ill. N110.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2001 NR Lawal-Solarin, O.M. Times table. ISBN: 9781423293 23pp. ill. N110.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2001 NR Lawal-Solarin, Y. Master Krafty first book of numbers: colouring book. 8pp. ill. N3.50 Literamed 1982 NR Lawal-Solarin, Y. Master Krafty first book of shapes: colouring book. 8pp. ill. N3.50 ($0.45/ £0.25) Literamed 1982 NR Lawal-Solarin, Y. Master Krafty second book of numbers: count, write and colour. 12pp. ill. N4.00 Literamed 1982 NR Lawal-Solarin, Y. Master Krafty second book of shapes: learning and fun. 11pp. ill. N3.50 Literamed 1982 NR Lawton, O. Longman primary maths. New fourth steps. teacher’s bk. 124pp. ill. Z$2.20 Longman - Zimb 1971 ZI Lawton, O. Longman primary maths. New fourth steps. pupil’s bk. 128pp. ill. Z$1.45 Longman - Zimb 1971 ZI Lawton, O. Longman primary maths. New third steps. teacher’s bk. 132pp. ill. Z$1.05 Longman - Zimb 1970 ZI Lawton, O. Longman primary maths. New third steps. pupil’s bk. 112pp. ill. Z$1.45 Longman - Zimb 1970 ZI Lawton, O., Walton, J. Longman primary maths. New fifth steps. teacher’s bk. 192pp. ill. Z$2.30 Longman - Zimb 1972 ZI Lawton, O., Walton, J. Longman primary maths. New fifth steps. pupil’s bk. 112pp. ill. Z$1.40 Longman - Zimb 1971 ZI Lawton, O., Walton, J. Longman primary maths. New first steps: sets and shapes. teacher’s bk. grade 1 120pp. Z$1.10 Longman - Zimb 1967 ZI Lawton, O., Walton, J. Longman primary maths. New first steps: sets and shapes. pupils’ bk. grade 1 40pp. 70c. Longman - Zimb 1967 ZI Lawton, O., Walton, J. Longman primary maths. New second steps: numbers and measures. pupil’s bk. 40pp. 75c. Longman - Zimb 1968 ZI Lawton, O., Walton, J. Longman primary maths. New second steps: numbers and measures. teacher’s bk. grade 2 132pp. R$1.10 Longman - Zimb 1968 ZI Lawton, O., Walton, J. Longman primary maths. New seventh steps. teacher’s bk. 128pp. ill. Z$2.50 Longman - Zimb 1974 ZI Lawton, O., Walton, J. Longman primary maths. New seventh steps. pupil’s bk. 128pp. ill. Z$1.75 Longman - Zimb 1973 ZI Lawton, O., Walton, J. Longman primary maths. New sixth steps. teacher’s bk. 176pp. ill. Z$3.50 Longman - Zimb 1973 ZI Lawton, O., Walton, J. Longman primary maths. New sixth steps. pupil’s bk. 128pp. ill. Z$1.55 Longman - Zimb 1972 ZI Learners Press What time is it Kitty? 26pp. K.shs.120.00 EAEP 1997 KE Lijoodi, B. My number work book. teacher’s bk. 36pp. K.shs.160.00 EAEP 1992 KE
Subject index
Lijoodi, B. My number work book. 32pp. K.shs.160.00 EAEP 1991 KE
Mbugua, C., et al. Certificate mathematics form 2. ISBN: 9966252797 K.shs.150.00 EAEP 2004 KE
Lijoodi, B.S. My number work book activities. teacher’s guide 87pp. K.shs.160.00 EAEP 1993 KE Literamed Publications Master Krafty book of numbers. ill. N4.50 Literamed 1986 NR Literamed Publications Master Krafty flash cards 123. N6.00 Literamed 1990 NR Literamed Publications Master Krafty sizes. Literamed 1987 NR
Mbugua, C., et al. Certificate mathematics form 2. ISBN: 9966252789 K.shs.350.00 EAEP 2004 KE
26pp. ill. N5.00
Literamed Publications Master Krafty teaching frieze 123. N7.50 Literamed 1989 NR
Literamed Publications Master Krafty times table. 22pp. ill. N4.50 Literamed 1986 NR Loots, L. Study and master mathematics 6. 218pp. R32.00 Roedurico 1997 SA Male, H.K., Nderitu, S.W., Kihara, J.M., Ong’uti, S.M. Understanding mathematics primary 1. ISBN: 9966492046 92pp. col.ill. K.shs.185.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Longhorn Ken 2001 KE Male, H.K., Nderitu, S.W., Kihara, J.M., Ong’uti, S.M. Understanding mathematics primary 2. ISBN: 9966492054 92pp. col.ill. K.shs.185.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Longhorn Ken 2001 KE Male, H.K., Nderitu, S.W., Kihara, J.M., Ong’uti, S.M. Understanding mathematics primary 3. ISBN: 9966492062 99pp. col.ill. K.shs.190.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Longhorn Ken 2001 KE Male, H.K., Nderitu, S.W., Kihara, J.M., Ong’uti, S.M. Understanding mathematics primary 4. ISBN: 9966492070 232pp. col.ill. K.shs.295.00 ($4.50/£3.00) Longhorn Ken 2001 KE Male, H.K., Nderitu, S.W., Kihara, J.M., Ong’uti, S.M. Understanding mathematics, teacher’s guide for primary 1. ISBN: 9966492119 125pp. col.ill. K.shs.185.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Male, H.K., Nderitu, S.W., Kihara, J.M., Ong’uti, S.M. Understanding mathematics, teacher’s guide for primary 2. ISBN: 9966492127 133pp. col.ill. K.shs.185.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Male, H.K., Nderitu, S.W., Kihara, J.M., Ong’uti, S.M. Understanding mathematics, teacher’s guide for primary 3. ISBN: 9966492135 117pp. col.ill. K.shs.210.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Male, H.K., Nderitu, S.W., Kihara, J.M., Ong’uti, S.M. Understanding mathematics, teacher’s guide for primary 4. ISBN: 9966492143 196pp. col.ill. K.shs.245.00 ($3.50/£2.50) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Manful, et al. Afram maths handbook. 2nd ed. 64pp. C3,500 Afram 1979 GH Matindike, G. Grade 6 maths revision book. 2nd ed. 96pp. Z$2.00 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Mbugua, C., et al. Certificate mathematics form 1. ISBN: 9966252045 356pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 2004 KE Mbugua, C., et al. Certificate mathematics form 1, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966252053 200pp. K.shs.300.00 EAEP 2004 KE
Mbugua, C., et al. Certificate mathematics form 3. ISBN: 9966253351 320pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 2004 KE Mbugua, C., et al. Certificate mathematics form 3, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 996625336X 80pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 2004 KE Mbugua, C., et al. Certificate mathematics form 4. ISBN: 9966253777 K.shs.360.00 EAEP 2005 KE McDermott, M., McDermott, D. Mathematics through issues learner’s book. Grade 4. ISBN: 1868974502 148pp. ill. R51.78 Clever 2004 SA McDermott, M., McDermott, D. Mathematics through issues learner’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974529 170pp. ill. R52.87 Clever 2004 SA McDermott, M., McDermott, D. Mathematics through issues learner’s book. Grade 6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974545 197pp. ill. R53.41 Clever 2004 SA McDermott, M., McDermott, D. Mathematics through issues teacher’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974510 214pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA McDermott, M., McDermott, D. Mathematics through issues teacher’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974537 175pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA McDermott, M., McDermott, D. Mathematics through issues teacher’s book. Grade 6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974553 192pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA McDermott, M., McDermott, M. Mathematics through issues learner’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975754 240pp. ill. R57.95 Clever 2005 SA McDermott, M., McDermott, M. Mathematics through issues teacher’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975762 273pp. ill. R94.50 Clever 2005 SA Meij, M. I can count. (3-4 yrs.) ISBN: 0798137940 col.ill. R19.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Meij, M. I can count even better. (4-5 yrs.) ISBN: 0798137975 col.ill. R19.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Meij, M. I can count just right for school. (5-6 yrs.) ISBN: 0798138009 col.ill. R19.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Ministère de la Famille et de la Promotion de la Femme Je couds, j’écris, je calcule. [6 vols.] 64pp. ill. CFA1,500 each EDILIS 1995 IV Ministry of Education, Botswana. Curriculum Development and Evaluation Department Dipalo/Mathematics, work book, standard 1. 144pp. P2.00 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Mtetwa, S.M., Ngwata, W.S. Maths in action grade 6. pupils bk. 230pp. Z$62.75 ZPH 1994 ZI Musa, K. Complete primary maths for Uganda. 212pp. U.shs.8,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1993 UG
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 342
African Books in Print
Subject index
Mathematics—Study and teaching (Elementary)
Najjemba, E.N. Adding for beginners. ISBN: 9970417076 ($2.00) CJL 1998 UG Nderitu, S.W., Kihara, J.M., Ong’uti, S.M. Understanding mathematics 1. rev.ed. 95pp. col.ill. K.shs.200.00 ($2.60/£1.53) Longhorn - Ken 1997 KE Nderitu, S.W., Kihara, J.M., Ong’uti, S.M. Understanding mathematics 2. rev.ed. 100pp. col.ill. K.shs.210.00 ($2.60/£1.63) Longhorn - Ken 1997 KE Nderitu, S.W., Kihara, J.M., Ong’uti, S.M. Understanding mathematics 3. rev.ed. 102pp. col.ill. K.shs.220.00 ($2.60/£1.63) Longhorn - Ken 1997 KE Ngure, J., Achola, C., Sabwa, D., Toka, P. Success primary maths 1. (New syllabus). ISBN: 9966251820 164pp. K.shs.240.00 EAEP 2003 KE Ngwaru, C. Mathematics revision book. Grade 7. Z$3.10 Longman - Zimb 1978 ZI Nott, K., Maths ISBN: Namb
van Rhyn, M. in context: workbook, grade 1. 9991610553 96pp. ill. Longman 1998 SX
Nzewi, E.N., et al. Mathematical skills for the 4 year old. 46pp. ($13.40) Univ Press - Nig 1987 NR Odaga, J.E. Count and colour. Lake 1991 KE
12pp. ill. K.shs.45.00
Odaga, J.E. My first number book. 16pp. ill. K.shs.85.00 ($2.00) Lake 1987 KE Odaga, J.O. Count and write. 12pp. ill. K.shs.60.00 ($1.50) Lake 1991 KE Odioko, E. Master Krafty simple calculations. ill. N5.00 Literamed 1989 NR Odioko, E. Master Krafty telling the time. N5.00 Literamed 1989 NR
23pp. ill.
Ogunsheye, F.A. My first number book. 14pp. col.ill. N138.00 ($3.00/£1.75) Spectrum 1996 NR Okuku, D. Practise your arithmetic: green workbook. 92pp. ill. K.shs.60.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1990 KE Okuku, D. Practise your arithmetic: pink workbook. 93pp. K.shs.90.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1990 KE Okuku, D. Practise your arithmetic: yellow workbook. 92pp. ill. K.shs.60.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1990 KE Oluoch, C., Atonga, M., Njoroge, S., Ogola, E. Comprehensive mathematics pupils’ book 2. 2nd ed. bk.2 ISBN: 9966882394 104pp. col.ill.pl. ($5.00) Focus 2003 KE Oluoch, C., Atonga, M., Njoroge, S., Ogola, E. Comprehensive mathematics pupils’ book 3. 2nd ed. bk.3 116pp. col.ill.pl. ($6.00) Focus 2002 KE Oluoch, C., Atonga, M., Njoroge, S., Ogola, E. Comprehensive mathematics pupils’ book 4. 2nd ed. bk.4 ISBN: 9966882413 184pp. col.ill.pl. ($6.00) Focus 2003 KE
Oluoch, C., Atonga, M., Njoroge, S., Ogola, E. Comprehensive mathematics pupils’ book 7. 2nd ed. bk. 7 ISBN: 9966882448 232pp. col.ill.pl. ($7.00) Focus 2004 KE
Parry, T. Number wise outcomes-based education grade 2. Learner’s optional workbook. ISBN: 1868537145 32pp. R12.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1999 SA
Oluoch, C., Atonga, M., Njoroge, S., Ogola, E. Comprehensive mathematics pupils’ book 8. 2nd ed. bk.8 ISBN: 9966882456 248pp. col.ill.pl. ($7.00) Focus 2002 KE
Patel, M.S. Maths aid book standard 1. 80pp. K.shs.80.00 Jyoti 1987 KE
Oluoch, C., Atonga, M., Njoroge, S., Ogola, E. Comprehensive mathematics teachers’ guide for book 1. 2nd ed. bk.1 60pp. ill. ($2.00) Focus 2002 KE Oluoch, C., Atonga, M., Njoroge, S., Ogola, E. Comprehensive mathematics teachers’ guide for book 2. 2nd ed. bk.2 62pp. ill. ($2.00) Focus 2003 KE Oluoch, C., Atonga, M., Njoroge, S., Ogola, E. Comprehensive mathematics teachers’ guide for book 3. 2nd ed. bk.3 64pp. ill. ($2.50) Focus 2003 KE Oluoch, C., Atonga, M., Njoroge, S., Ogola, E. Comprehensive mathematics teachers’ guide for book 4. bk.4 66pp. ill. ($2.50) Focus 2000 KE Oluoch, C., Atonga, M., Njoroge, S., Ogola, E. Comprehensive mathematics teachers’ guide for book 5. bk.5 84pp. ill. ($2.00) Focus 2000 KE Oluoch, C., Atonga, M., Njoroge, S., Ogola, E. Comprehensive mathematics teachers’ guide for book 6. bk.6 70pp. ill. ($2.50) Focus 2000 KE Oluoch, C., Atonga, M., Njoroge, S., Ogola, E. Comprehensive mathematics teachers’ guide for book 7. bk.7 72pp. ill. ($2.50) Focus 2000 KE Oluoch, C., Atonga, M., Njoroge, S., Ogola, E. Comprehensive mathematics teachers’ guide for book 8. bk.8 74pp. ill. ($2.50) Focus 2000 KE Oluoch, C., Atonge, M., Njoroge, S., Ogola, E. Comprehensive mathematics pupils’ book 1. 2nd ed. bk.1 ISBN: 9966882381 102pp. col.ill.pl. ($5.00) Focus 2002 KE Oppong-Amponsah, K. Can you count? bk.1 20pp. C250.00 Adwinsa 1986 GH Oredugba, C.F., et al. Longman primary mathematics. rev.ed. pupil’s bk.3 96pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1994 NR Oredugba, C.F., et al. Longman primary mathematics. rev.ed. pupil’s bk.2 85pp. N80.00 Longman - Nig 1994 NR Orudega, C.F. Longman primary mathematics teacher’s guide 1-3. rev.ed. 47pp. N100.00 Longman - Nig 1994 NR Osuagwu, M.N.D. My manison book of number for 3 year olds. 28pp. ill.pl. N50.00 ($0.60/£0.40) Inselberg 1989 NR
Patel, M.S. Maths aid book standard 2. 88pp. K.shs.80.00 Jyoti 1988 KE Patel, M.S. Maths aid book standard 3. 96pp. K.shs.80.00 Jyoti 1988 KE Patel, M.S. Maths aid book standard 4. 120pp. K.shs.90.00 Jyoti 1988 KE Patel, M.S. Maths aid book standard 5. 156pp. K.shs.90.00 Jyoti 1988 KE Patel, M.S. Maths aid book standard 6. 152pp. K.shs.90.00 Jyoti 1988 KE Patel, M.S. Maths aid book standard 7. 232pp. K.shs.120.00 Jyoti 1988 KE Patel, M.S. Maths aid book standard 8. 220pp. K.shs.120.00 Jyoti 1988 KE Paulines Counting. 1997 KE
40pp. col.ill. ($1.00) Paulines
Prah, M. Count and colour. Sedco 1986 GH
12pp. ill. (£1.20)
Press, K., et al. Heinemann foundations numeracy grade 1. Learner’s book. [Also available in Sepedi.] ISBN: 1868534790 96pp. R22.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA Press, K., et al. Heinemann foundations numeracy grade 2. Learner’s activity book. ISBN: 1868536882 144pp. R29.95 HeinemannEdSA 1998 SA Press, K., et al. Heinemann foundations numeracy grade 2. Learner’s workbook. ISBN: 1868536904 32pp. R12.95 HeinemannEdSA 1998 SA Press, K., et al. Heinemann foundations numeracy grade 2. Teacher’s handbook. ISBN: 1868536890 144pp. R39.95 HeinemannEdSA 1998 SA Primary Mathematics Group EAEP primary mathematics. K.shs.39.50 EAEP 1989 KE
bk.1 78pp.
Primary Mathematics Group EAEP primary mathematics answers. bk.7 55pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 1995 KE Primary Mathematics Group EAEP primary mathematics answers. bk.8 35pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1995 KE Primary Mathematics Group EAEP primary mathematics answers. bk.6 57pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 1995 KE Primary Mathematics Group EAEP primary mathematics answers. bk.5 50pp. K.shs.170.00 EAEP 1995 KE
Osuagwu, M.N.D. My manison number book for four year olds. 28pp. ill.pl. N50.00 ($0.60/£0.40) Inselberg 1989 NR
Primary Mathematics Group EAEP primary mathematics standard 1. rev.ed. 78pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1997 KE
Oluoch, C., Atonga, M., Njoroge, S., Ogola, E. Comprehensive mathematics pupils’ book 5. 2nd ed. bk.5 ISBN: 9966882421 206pp. col.ill.pl. ($7.00) Focus 2002 KE
Parry, T. Number wise outcomes-based education grade 1. Learner’s book. [Also available in Sepedi and Tsonga.] ISBN: 1868535924 160pp. R39.05 HeinemannEdSA 1998 SA
Primary Mathematics Group EAEP primary mathematics standard 2. rev.ed. 94pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1997 KE
Oluoch, C., Atonga, M., Njoroge, S., Ogola, E. Comprehensive mathematics pupils’ book 6. 2nd ed. bk.6 ISBN: 9966882431 218pp. col.ill.pl. ($7.00) Focus 2003 KE
Parry, T. Number wise outcomes-based education grade 2. Learner’ activity book. ISBN: 1868536912 144pp. R29.95 HeinemannEdSA 1998 SA
Primary Mathematics Group EAEP primary mathematics standard 3. rev.ed. ISBN: 9966469028 110pp. K.shs.240.00 EAEP 1998 KE Primary Mathematics Group EAEP primary mathematics standard 4. teacher’s bk. 119pp. K.shs.240.00 EAEP 1997 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Mathematics—Study and teaching (Elementary) Primary Mathematics Group EAEP primary mathematics standard 5. rev.ed. 227pp. K.shs.260.00 EAEP 1994 KE Primary Mathematics Group EAEP primary mathematics standard 7. rev.ed. 336pp. K.shs.260.00 EAEP 1994 KE Primary Mathematics Group EAEP Primary mathematics standard 8. rev.ed. 281pp. K.shs.275.00 EAEP 1994 KE Primary Mathematics Group EAEP primary maths. bk.1, teacher’s bk. 86pp. K.shs.240.00 EAEP 1997 KE Primary Maths Group EAEP primary mathematics. bk.3 125pp. K.shs.62.50 EAEP 1990 KE Primary Maths Group EAEP primary mathematics. K.shs.45.00 EAEP 1990 KE
bk.2 94pp.
Skinner, D. Ventures topmaths. Grade 3. 164pp. ($4.10) College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI Skinner, D. Ventures topmaths. Grade 4. 172pp. ($4.30) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI Skinner, D. Ventures topmaths. Grade 5. 184pp. ($4.30) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI Skinner, D. Ventures topmaths. Grade 6. 212pp. ($4.50) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Skinner, D. Ventures topmaths. Grade 7 pupil’s book. ISBN: 1779003242 244pp. ill. Z$75,450 ($15.20/£10.20/Eur20.00) College Press Zimb 2000 ZI Smit, S.L. Mathematics didactics for primary schools applications: geometry. 72pp. R42.97 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA
Primary Maths Group EAEP primary mathematics standard 2. teacher’s bk. 76pp. K.shs.240.00 EAEP 1997 KE
Ukeje, B.O., et al. Comprehensive mathematics for primary schools. 200pp. ($4.00/£2.00) Literamed 1999 NR
Primary Maths Group EAEP primary mathematics standard 6: teacher’s guide. 182pp. K.shs.340.00 EAEP 1998 KE
Ukeje, B.O., et al. Lantern comprehensive mathematics for primary schools. bk.1 132pp. col.ill. N185.00 ($2.00) Literamed 1999 NR
Rakotonarivo, P. Mathematiques. Class de première A.C.D. 155pp. FMG1,325 TPFLM 1977 MG FRE
Ukeje, B.O., et al. Lantern comprehensive mathematics for primary schools. bk.2 ISBN: 978142107X 138pp. col.ill. N185.00 ($2.00) Literamed 1999 NR
Rivers State Book Development Project Rivers elementary mathematics. pupil’s bk.2 112pp. N87.35 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR Rivers State Book Development Project Rivers elementary mathematics. teacher’s guide bk.1-3 N150.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR Rivers State Book Development Project Rivers elementary mathematics. pupil’s bk.3 128pp. N100.50 Heinemann Educ Ib 1979 NR Rivers State Book Development Project Rivers elementary mathematics. pupil’s bk.1 96pp. N79.70 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1978 NR Sam-Woode, K.E. Getting ready for mathematics: revision exercises (ages 4-5). pupil’s bk. 32pp. pl. C3,000 ($1.25) Sam Woode 1990 GH Sam-Woode, K.E. Getting ready for mathematics: revision exercises (ages 4-5). teacher’s bk. 32pp. pl. C3,000 ($1.25) Sam Woode 1990 GH Scheiber, J., et al. Classroom mathematics. Standard 2, grade 4. 340pp. R42.95 HeinemannEdSA 1994 SA Scheiber, J., et al. Classroom mathematics. Standard 3, grade 5. 312pp. R45.95 HeinemannEdSA 1994 SA Service Autonome d’Alphabétisation Cours de calcul pour l’aphabétisation, niveau 1. ISBN: 2913942679 45pp. ill. CFA2,000 (Eur4.00) EDILIS 2002 IV FRE Setidisho, N.O.H., Oyelese, J.O. Introduction to graphs: arithmetical graphs. 112pp. 72k Macmillan - Nig 1963 NR Shuter and Shooter Publishers Discovering mathematics. Teacher’s resource book. Grade 3, standard 1. 68.90 R59.11 Shuter & Shooter 1989 SA Skinner, D. Top maths Grade 5. pupil’s bk. 184pp. Z$63.95 College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI Skinner, D. Top maths Grade 5. teacher’s bk. 141pp. Z$79.95 College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI
Ukeje, B.O., et al. Lantern comprehensive mathematics for primary schools. bk.3 ISBN: 9781411150 194pp. col.ill. N250.00 ($2.50) Literamed 1999 NR Ukeje, B.O., et al. Lantern comprehensive mathematics for primary schools. bk.4 ISBN: 9781421231 299pp. N250.00 Literamed 1999 NR Ukeje, B.O., et al. Lantern comprehensive mathematics for primary schools. bk.5 ISBN: 9781411312 238pp. col.ill. N250.00 Literamed 1999 NR Ukeje, B.O., et al. Lantern comprehensive mathematics for primary schools. bk.6 ISBN: 9781411378 268pp. col.ill. Literamed 1999 NR Ukeje, B.O., Nna, E.C., Azuka, B.F., Babafemi, T.O., Rahman-Olatunji, Y. Comprehensive mathematics for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.1 ISBN: 9781422513 144pp. col.il. N400.00 ($3.50) Literamed 2004 NR Ukeje, B.O., Nna, E.C., Azuka, B.F., Babafemi, I.O., Rahman-Olatunji, Y. Comprehensive mathematics for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.2 ISBN: 9781422599 141pp. col.ill. N400.00 ($3.50) Literamed 2004 NR Ukeje, B.O., Nna, E.C., Azuka, B.F., Babafemi, I.O., Rahman-Olatunji, Y. Comprehensive mathematics for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.3 ISBN: 978142267X 218pp. col.ill. N500.00 ($4.50) Literamed 2004 NR Ukeje, B.O., Nna, E.C., Azuka, B.F., Babafemi, I.O., Rahman-Olatunji, Y. Comprehensive mathematics for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.4 ISBN: 9781422750 211pp. col.ill. N500.00 ($4.50) Literamed 2004 NR Ukeje, B.O., Nna, E.C., Azuka, B.F., Babafemi, I.O., Rahman-Olatunji, Y. Comprehensive mathematics for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.5 ISBN: 9781422831 230pp. col.ill N500.00 ($5.00) Literamed 2004 NR Ukeje, B.O., Nna, E.C., Azuka, B.F., Babafemi, I.O., Rahman-Olatunji, Y. Comprehensive mathematics for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.6 ISBN: 9781422912 254pp. col.ill. N500.00 ($4.50) Literamed 2004 NR
Subject index Vandormael, J. Je compte de 1 à 10. 5th ed. 24pp. col.ill. FC500.00 ($0.90) Paulines - DRC 2000 ZR FRE Zepp, R., Burmeister, J. Cours de calcul pour la préalphabétisation 4+5=9. 62pp. CFA2,000 EDILIS 1998 IV FRE Mathematics—Study and teaching (Higher) Thiong, H.S., Chiang, T.Y., Meng, K.K., Ezekute, G.O. College mathematics. vol.2 ISBN: 9781754168 681pp. N1,188 Africana First 2002 NR Thong, H.S., Chiang, T.Y., Meng, K.K., Ezekute, G.O. College mathematics. vol.1 ISBN: 978175415X 600pp. N1,063 Africana First 2002 NR Mathematics—Study and teaching (Secondary) Adelaja, S.O., et al. Oxford secondary mathematics for Nigerian secondary schools, with answers. pupil’s bk.1 176pp. N17.00 Univ Press - Nig 1980 NR Adelaja, S.O., et al. Oxford secondary mathematics for Nigerian secondary schools, without answers. pupil’s bk.2 144pp. N18.00 Univ Press - Nig 1980 NR Adeyegbe, S.O. Chemical arithmetic for SSS. ISBN: 978129826X 120pp. N350.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR Assiamoua, K. L’épreuve de mathématique au bac. CFA1,700 HaHo 1994 TG FRE Babalola, M.I. SMG mathematics for senior secondary cerificate examination SSCE. 466pp. N690.00 Spectrum 1996 NR Babalola, M.I., et al. Spectrum memory guide for SSS and GCE mathematics. 480pp. N690.00 ($14.00/£11.50) Spectrum 1996 NR Badenhorst, D.D., et al. Exciting mathematics. Standard 6, grade 8. 408pp. R55.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Badenhorst, D.D., et al. Exciting mathematics. Standard 7, grade 9. 324pp. R61.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Badenhorst, D.D., et al. Exciting mathematics. Standard 8, grade 10. 488pp. R66.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1994 SA Bekele, A. Mathematical formulae part A. Mega 1996 ET
Bicknell, E., ed. Project in secondary mathematics. bk.4 342pp. P12.00 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Bicknell, E., ed. Project in secondary mathematics. Workbk.4 72pp. P1.50 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Bicknell, E., ed. Project in secondary mathematics. Teacher’s guide 4 264pp. P7.50 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Boruett, W.K. K.C.P.E. revision mathematics. K.shs.300.00 ($10.00) Phoenix 1992 KE Branton, M., Ranc, O., Toly, O. Mathématique. Collection I.R.E.M. Dakar, classe de 4e. 318pp. CFA1,600 NEAS 1976 SG FRE Buckwell, G.D., Githua, B.N. Secondary gold medal mathematics. 222pp. ill. K.shs.495.00 Macmillan Kenya 1989 KE Budge, V.B., et al. Geometry workbooks. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868134059 64pp. R34.50 HeinemannEdSA 1999 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Carvalho, R.F., Martins, Z.A. Matematica pela pratica 8a classe. ISBN: 0800109996 (Eur6.96) Moz Editora 2003 MZ POR Carvalho, R.F., Martins, Z.A. Matematica pela pratica 9a classe. ISBN: 0900109998 (Eur6.96) Moz Editora 2002 MZ POR Channon, et al. Revision arithmetics. 2nd ed. 172pp. ill. N2.42 Longman - Nig 1981 NR Channon, Smith New general mathematics for West Africa. metric ed. bk.2 352pp. ill. N2.38 Longman - Nig 1973 NR Channon, Smith New general mathematics for West Africa. metric ed. bk.3 456pp. ill. N2.72 Longman - Nig 1974 NR Channon, Smith New general mathematics for West Africa. metric ed. bk.4 352pp. ill. N2.04 Longman - Nig 1974 NR Channon, Smith New general mathematics for West Africa. metric ed. bk.1 318pp. ill. N2.13 Longman - Nig 1973 NR Clarke, L.H., Ife Babalola, M., Norton, F.G.J. Mathematics for junior secondary schools. new West African ed. bk.3 304pp. N122.55 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1986 NR Clarke, L.H., Ife Babalola, M., Norton, F.G.J. Mathematics for junior secondary schools. new West African ed. bk.2 304pp. N116.10 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1985 NR Clarke, L.H., Ife Babalola, M., Norton, F.G.J. Mathematics for junior secondary schools. new West African ed. bk.1 320pp. N103.20 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1984 NR
Mathematics—Study and teaching (Secondary) Educational Support Service Trust Passport to geometry and trigonometry. 206pp. R41.50 Nolwazi 1995 SA Educational Support Services Trust Passport to algebra. 228pp. R47.65 Nolwazi 1995 SA Ema, E.B.U., et al. New school mathematics, junior secondary one. bk.1 240pp. N375.00 Africana First 1984 NR Ema, E.B.U., et al. New school mathematics, junior secondary three. bk.3 N375.00 Africana First 1986 NR Ema, E.B.U., et al. New school mathematics, junior secondary two. bk.2 293pp. N375.00 Africana First 1985 NR Eshiawani, G.S., Chege, A.N. Secondary mathematics book 1. 353pp. K.shs.238.00 ($4.00/£2.40) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1992 KE Eshiawani, G.S., Chege, A.N. Secondary mathematics book 2. 405pp. K.shs.240.00 ($4.00/£2.45) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1992 KE Eshiawani, G.S., Chege, A.N. Secondary mathematics book 3. 433pp. K.shs.250.00 ($4.20/£2.55) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1992 KE Eshiawani, G.S., Chege, A.N. Secondary mathematics book 4. 268pp. K.shs.254.00 ($4.25/£2.55) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1992 KE Ezeilo, J.O.C., et al. Everyday mathematics. bk.1 (£7.75) N9.00 Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Ezeilo, J.O.C., et al. Everyday mathematics. bk.2 (£7.75) N9.00 Fourth Dimension 1985 NR
Halim, E.C. Modern school mathematics: teacher’s book. 3, 3 bks 129pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1963 NR Halim, E.C. Modern school mathematics: teacher’s book. 2, 3 bks. 129pp. ill. Longman Nig 1963 NR Hay, J., ed. Project in secondary mathematics. bk.1 376pp. P10.00 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Hay, J., ed. Project in secondary mathematics. teacher’s guide 1 272pp. P7.50 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Hay, J., ed. Project in secondary mathematics. workbk.1 104pp. P1.10 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Hiddleston, P., McAdams, P., Ryder, E. Mathematics Malawi school certificate examination questions and model answers. 120pp. K120.00 ill. ($5.00/ £3.00) Chancellor Coll 1996 MW Hyde, J.M. Vectors and introductory mechanics. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9991299534 379pp. ill. P185.00 Bay 2001 BS Inspection de Mathématiques Faso exos 6ème. 82pp. CFA2,000 Hamaria 1998[?] UV FRE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Fundamental concepts of mathematics. vol.1 382pp. K.shs.18.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1973 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Fundamental concepts of mathematics. vol.2 262pp. K.shs.19.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1974 KE
Fawdry, J. Additional maths. 208pp. ill. K120.00 ($5.00/£3.00) Chancellor Coll 1994 MW
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Fundamental concepts of mathematics. Teacher’s guide. bk.1 280pp. K.shs.25.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE
Cross, S.A. Shuter’s mathematics. Grade 9. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0790615910 88pp. R50.11 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA
Ferrandi, N.C.H., Kambule, T.W. Discovering mathematics. Grade 12, standard 10. 256pp. R74.78 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya advanced mathematics project. vol.3 176pp. K.shs.12.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1973 KE
Cross, S.A., Cross, J., Gull, G.L. Shuter’s mathematics. Grade 8. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0790615074 R49.88 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA
Gatsinzi, J-B. Selected exercises in elementary number theory. ISBN: 9991203435 79pp. P50.00 Bay 2000 BS
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya advanced mathematics project. vol.1 186pp. K.shs.12.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1972 KE
Cross, S.A., Cross, J.J. Shuter’s mathematics. Grade 9. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0790615929 160pp. R48.79 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA
Gendah, D.K. Pure mathematics for A-level. Océan Indien Ed 1997 MF
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya advanced mathematics project. vol.2 324pp. K.shs.12.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1972 KE
Cross, S.A., Cross, J.J., Gull, G.L. Shuter’s mathematics. Grade 8. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0790615082 96pp. R78.27 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA Dada, S.A., Josiah, M.O. Essential mathematics. pupil’s bk.3 304pp. N90.15 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1982 NR Dada, S.A., Josiah, M.O. Essential mathematics. pupil’s bk.2 328pp. N84.10 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR Dada, S.A., Josiah, M.O. Essential mathematics. pupil’s bk.1 244pp. N80.50 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR David-Osuagwu, M.N., Anomelu, C., Onyeozili, I. New school mathematics for senior secondary schools. ISBN: 9781754796 765pp. N875.00 Africana First 2004 NR Demisie, M. Understanding secondary school mathematics - algebra. 504pp. Birr18.50 Mega 1998 ET Diouf, M., Toly, O. Mathématique. Collection I.R.E.M. Dakar, classe de 5e. 192pp. CFA1,480 NEAS 1976 SG FRE
Guidy Wandja, J. Mathématiques PC1 - MPT1 - MPTC1. vol.1 cd. 231pp. CFA5,000 EDILIS 1993 IV FRE Gunsaru, C., et al. Secondary mathematics. bk.2 282pp. ill.pl. (£5.70) Dzuka 1991 MW Gunsaru, C., et al. Secondary mathematics. bk.1 with answers 256pp. ill. pl. K26.75 Dzuka 1990 MW Gunsaru, C., et al. Secondary mathematics with answers. bk.4 264pp. ill. pl. (£6.00) Dzuka 1991 MW Halim, E.C. Modern school mathematics: pupil’s book. 2,3 bks. 184pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1963 NR Halim, E.C. Modern school mathematics: pupil’s book. 3rd ed. 1,3 bks. 198pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1961 NR Halim, E.C. Modern school mathematics: pupil’s book. 3,3 bks. 248pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1963 NR Halim, E.C. Modern school mathematics: teacher’s book. 1, 2 bks. 73pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1961 NR
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya advanced mathematics project option 1. 90pp. K.shs.10.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1974 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya advanced mathematics project option 2. 136pp. K.shs.10.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1974 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya advanced mathematics project option 3. 118pp. K.shs.10.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1974 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya advanced mathematics project option 4. 86pp. K.shs.10.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1973 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya advanced mathematics project option 5. 100pp. K.shs.10.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1973 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya advanced mathematics project transitional text. 64pp. K.shs.10.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation The metric system. teacher’s guide 32pp. K.shs.2.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1969 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Mathematics—Study and teaching (Secondary)
Subject index
Kalejaiye, A.O. et al. Senior secondary mathematics. bk.2 198pp. ill. N45.00 Longman - Nig 1992 NR
Lewis, J.S. Focus on maths. students bk.1 ISBN: 1779001762 244pp. Z$180.00 ($5.10) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI
Kalejaiye, A.O., et al. Further mathematics. bk.3 312pp. ill. N45.00 Longman - Nig 1992 NR
Lewis, J.S. Focus on maths. students bk.2 ISBN: 177900236X 244pp. Z$180.00 ($5.10) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI
Karugaba, J. Mathematics revision course for UCE. 353pp. U.shs.6,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1991 UG Karugaba, J., Olley, C. Fountain school mathematics for Uganda secondary schools. bk.1 270pp. ill. U.shs.10,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1993 UG
Lewis, J.S. Focus on maths. students bk. 4 ISBN: 1779003609 396pp. Z$326.95 ($8.17) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI Loots, L. Study and master mathematics 7. 218pp. R32.00 Roedurico 1996 SA
Karugaba, J., Olley, C. Fountain school mathematics for Uganda secondary schools. bk.2 355pp. ill. U.shs.11,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1993 UG
Macmillan, Nigeria Introduction to decimal currency and metric units for teachers and parents. 32pp. ill. 30k Macmillan - Nig 1972 NR
Karugaba, J., Olley, C. Fountain school mathematics for Uganda secondary schools. bk.3 331pp. ill. U.shs.11,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG
Malewezi, F. et al. Secondary mathematics. bk.3, with answers 256pp. ill. pl. K24.50. Dzuka 1990 MW
Karugaba, J., Olley, C. Fountain school mathematics for Uganda secondary schools. bk.4 256pp. ill. U.shs.11,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1995 UG
Masenge, R.W.P. Basic numerical methods. 232pp. ($5.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1988 TZ
Kayizzi, A. Modern approach to secondary school mathematics. ($9.55/£3.80) K.shs.60.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE Kenya Mathematics Teachers Group EAEP secondary mathematics. bk.1 with answers 225pp. K.shs.290.00 EAEP 1987 KE Kenya Mathematics Teachers Group EAEP secondary mathematics. bk.1 225pp. K.shs.280.00 EAEP 1987 KE Kenya Mathematics Teachers Group EAEP secondary mathematics. bk.3 298pp. K.shs.280.00 EAEP 1990 KE Kenya School Mathematics Group. Secondary school mathematics. bk.1 201pp. K.shs.60.00. EAEP 1988 KE Kihara, S.W., Kihara, J.M., Ong’uti, S.M. Understanding mathematics 8. 268pp. col.ill. K.shs.250.00 ($5.00/£3.20) Longhorn - Ken 1996 KE Kinyua & Njoroge Certificate mathematics. K.shs.275.00 ($9.00) Phoenix 1991 KE Kitto, A., et al. Additional mathematics: options standard 9 & 10. 352pp. R66.95 HeinemannEdSA 1994 SA Laoye, A.O. Mathematics and quantitative aptitude. 416pp. N714.00 ($4.00/£11.50) Spectrum 1997 NR Laridon, P.J., et al. Classroom mathematics. Outcomesbased education for grade 7. Learner’s book. ISBN: 1868534812 320pp. R45.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA Laridon, P.J., et al. Classroom mathematics. Standard 10, grade 12. 596pp. R69.95 HeinemannEdSA 1994 SA Laridon, P.J., et al. Classroom mathematics. Standard 7, grade 9. 2nd ed. 420pp. R58.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Laridon, P.J., et al. Classroom mathematics. Standard 7, grade 9. 2nd ed. teacher’s guide 280pp. R55.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Laridon, P.J., et al. Classroom mathematics. Standard 8, grade 10. 488pp. R63.50 HeinemannEdSA 1994 SA Laridon, P.J., et al. Classroom mathematics. Standard 9, grade 11. 528pp. R66.50 HeinemannEdSA 1994 SA
Mathematics Teachers Group EAEP secondary mathematics. bk.2 233pp. K.shs.280.00 EAEP 1989 KE Mathematics Teachers Group EAEP secondary school mathematics. bk.4 245pp. K.shs.330.00 EAEP 1992 KE Mbugua, J., Njagi, Comprehensive form 1. ISBN: col.ill.pl. ($7.00)
F., Muchomba, B. secondary mathematics 9966882752 224pp. Focus 2003 KE
Mbugua, J., Njagi, Comprehensive form 2. ISBN: col.ill.pl. ($7.00)
F., Muchomba, B. secondary mathematics 9966882882 286pp. Focus 2003 KE
Mbugua, J., Njagi, F., Muchomba, B. Comprehensive secondary mathematics teacher’s guide for form 1. ISBN: 9966882782 88pp. cd.ill.pl. ($2.50) Focus 2003 KE Mbugua, J., Njagi, F., Muchomba, B. Comprehensive secondary mathematics teacher’s guide for form 2. ISBN: 9966882882 86pp. col.ill.pl. ($2.50) Focus 2003 KE
Nyamakuru, A. Revision mathematics for KCSE. 443pp. K.shs.120.000 EAEP 1991 KE Ofosu, J.B. Afram graded exercises in junior secondary school maths. bk.1 ISBN: 9964703058 97pp. C25,000 Afram 2002 GH Ofosu, J.B. Afram graded exercises in junior secondary school maths, bk.2 ISBN: 9964703066 111pp. C25,000 Afram 2002 GH Ofosu, J.B. Afram graded exercises in junior secondary school maths. bk.3 ISBN: 9964703074 147pp. C28,000 Afram 2002 GH Ofosu, J.B. Elective maths. bk.2 ISBN: 9964702477 345pp. C65,000 Afram 2001 GH Ofosu, J.B. Intensive maths for junior secondary school. bk.1 201pp. C30,000 Afram 1997 GH Ofosu, J.B. Intensive maths for junior secondary school. bk.2 229pp. C30,000 Afram 1998 GH Ofosu, J.B. Intensive maths for junior secondary school. bk.3 248pp. C30,000 Afram 1998 GH Ofosu, J.B. Senior secondary school core maths. bk.1 248pp. C30,000 Afram 1996 GH Ofosu, J.B. Senior secondary school core maths. bk.2 324pp. C35,000 Afram 1996 GH Ofosu, J.B., Lutterodt, A. Maths and stats tables and formulae. 85pp. C20,000 Afram 1978 GH Ohuche, R.O., et al. Everyday mathematics. bk.3 (£7.75) N9.00 Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Okpoti, C.A. Mathematics for common entrance and middle schools. 72pp. C350.00 Adwinsa 1986 GH
Naidoo, R., et al. Shuter’s mathematics. Grade 7. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0790616268 R75.49 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA
Onyia, J.O.E., et al. Revision mathematics for JSC examinations. ISBN: 9781752181 176pp. ill. N313.00 Africana First 1998 NR
Naidoo, R., et al. Shuter’s mathematics. Grade 7. Learner’s book. ISBN: 079601261X R62.87 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA
Oyelese, J.O. Common entrance arithmetic: decimal currency and metric edition. N1.60 Macmillan - Nig 1966 NR
Nderitu, S.W., Kihara, J.M., Ong’uti, S.M. Understanding mathematics 7. 260pp. col.ill. K.shs.290.00 ($4.80/£3.00) Longhorn - Ken 1996 KE
Raman, R., Bhoyroo, Y. School certificate mathematics form 4 & 5. Syllabus D. rev.ed. 310pp. Océan Indien Ed 1997 MF
Ngoya, V. Essential KCPE revision maths and practice with answers. 100pp. ill. K.shs.150.00 ($2.50) Lake 1993 KE
Raman, R., Ramsamy, S.M. Additional pure mathematics. Océan Indien Ed 1997 MF
Ngure, J., Mutoro, P. Peak revision: K.C.P.E. mathematics. 215pp. K.shs.300.00 EAEP 1998 KE Ngwaru, C.J., Zunguze, M. Ventures maths revision: including test papers, grade 7. pupil’s bk. 80pp. Z$59.95 ($3.00/£1.80) College Press Zimb 1995 ZI Ngwaru, C.J., Zunguze, M. Ventures maths revision: including test papers, grade 7. teacher’s bk. 82pp. Z$59.95 ($3.20/£1.90) College Press Zimb 1995 ZI Nyamakuru, A. Revision mathematics for K.C.P.E. 145pp. K.shs.182.00 EAEP 1985 KE Nyamakuru, A. Revision mathematics for K.C.S.E. with answers. 337pp. K.shs.280.00 EAEP 1991 KE
Ramaswami, S., Radipotsane, B., Selerio, L. Revision mathematics junior secondary. ISBN: 999127362X 137pp. ill. P30.00 Longman - Bots 1998 BS Rhodes-Houghton, R., et al. Additional mathematics: calculus standard 9 & 10. 148pp. R72.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Scheiber, J., et al. Self-study mathematics. Standard 9. Lower grade. 416pp. R60.96 Heinemann-EdSA 1994 SA Shayo, L.K., ed. Advanced level mathematics. vol.1 662pp. ($20.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1993 TZ Shuter and Shooter Publishers Discovering mathematics. Answer book. Grade 11, standard 9. 112pp. R43.61 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Shuter and Shooter Publishers Discovering mathematics. Grade 12, standard 10. 120pp. R43.61 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA Shuter and Shooter Publishers Discovering mathematics answer book. Grade 9, standard 7. R14.20 Shuter & Shooter 1989 SA Simiyu, D., ed. Iten mathematics series. 84pp. K.shs.160.00 ($2.80/£1.70) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1995 KE Skinner, D.B. Top maths grade 7 pupil’s book. ISBN: 1777903242 244pp. ill. Z$187.95 ($4.70) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI Skinner, D.B. Top maths grade 7 teacher’s resource book. ISBN: 1779003250 178pp. Z$218.95 ($5.47) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI Speed, B. Senior secondary guide core maths. 282pp. ill. C19,500 Sedco 1995 GH Stakesby, L. Focus on mathematics. bk.1 264pp. Z$93.95 ($5.80/£3.65) College Press Zimb 1997 ZI Stakesby, L. Focus on mathematics. bk.2 244pp. Z$93.95 ($5.99/£3.70) College Press Zimb 1997 ZI Stakesby, L. Focus on mathematics. bk.3 360pp. ($8.50) College Press -Zimb 1999 ZI Matthews, Frieda—Autobiography Matthews, F. Remembrances. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 54) 151pp. R50.00 Mayibuye 1995 SA Matthews, Z.K.—Biography Saayman, W.A. A man with a shadow: a missiological interpretation in context of the life of Z.K. Matthews. 122pp. pl. R60.60 ($18.30/£11.10) Unisa 1996 SA Mauritania—Geography Toupet, C. Etude du milieu physique du massif de l’Assaba (Mauritanie). Introduction à la mise en valeur d’une région sahélienne. (Initiations et Etudes Africaines, 20) 142pp. CFA2,700 IFAN 1966 SG FRE Mauritania—History Ould Hamidoun, M. Précis sur la Mauritanie. 72pp. map CFA2,500 IFAN 1952 SG Mauritania—Politics and government Salem, Z.O.A., ed. Les trajectoires d’un etat-frontière. Espaces, évolution politique et transformations sociales en Mauritanie. ISBN: 2869781369 342pp. ($42.95/ £27.95) CODESRIA 2005 SG FRE Mauritian Créole—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Colleen, L. Misyon garson. [Boy’s mission.] 235pp. Rs250.00 Led Pu Travayer 1996 MF CRE Virahswamy, D. Galileo Gonaz. [Three act play.] Led Pu Travayer 1996 MF CRE Virahswamy, D. Petal ek pikan, parsi-parla. Travayer 1996 MF CRE
45pp. Led Pu
Mauritius Ramaud, P. Pour une même bâtardise. 176pp. R150.00 (£3.99) Alma 1995 MF FRE Mauritius—Atlases and maps de Blic, P. Carte pédologique de l’Ile Rodrigues à 1;20 000 accompagnée d’une Notice explicative simplifiée. (MSIRI occasional papers, 34) 24pp. map Rs200.00 (£10.00) MSIRI 1985 MF FRE
Editions Le Printemps Tourist map of Mauritius and Rodrigues. [map; 50x60cm; recto & verso] ISBN: 9990370184 Rs70.00 ($8.24/£5.99) Printemps 2001 MF New Holland Publishers Globetrotter carte touristique de l’Ile Maurice. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm; sheet: 1,000x710mm; scale: 1:80,000; English/German/French.] col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA MUL New Holland Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Mauritius. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm (portrait); sheet 1,000x710mm (landscape); scale: 1:80,000; English/French/German.] new ed. col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA MUL
Ramdoyal, R. L’Ile Maurice à travers ses fêtes. trans.f.t. English cd. 167pp. pl. Océan Indien Ed 1993 MF FRE Turco, M. Visitors’ guide to Mauritius and Réunion. 200pp. maps R59.95 Southern Book Publ 1995 SA Mauritius—History Addison, J., Hazareesingh, K. A new history of Mauritius. 116pp. pl. maps ($18.00/£9.95) Océan Indien Ed 1989 MF Balkee, R. Harman Dahl’s legacy. ISBN: 9990304009 144pp. Océan Indien Ed 2001 MF
Struik Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Mauritius. rev.ed. col.pl.maps R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Benoît, N. La vie ou les aventures de J.B. Tabardin dans ses voyages. 296pp. col.ill. Vizavi 1993 MF FRE
Willaime, P. Carte pédologique de l’Ile Maurice 1:50 000, accompagnée d’une notice explicative simplifiée. (MSIRI occasional papers, 33) 24pp. map Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1984 MF FRE
Berthelot, L. Mahébourg, ville virtuelle: la capitale d’antan. 187pp. ill.maps Océan Indien Ed 2000 MF FRE
Mauritius—Bibliography Chan Kam Lay, Y., ed. National bibliography of Mauritius/ Bibliographie nationale de Maurice 19962000. ISBN: 9990372047 R200.00 Nat Lib Mauritius 2002 MF Chan Kam Lay, Y., ed. National bibliography of Mauritius/ Bibliographie nationale de Maurice 20012003. ISBN: 9990372055 362pp. Nat Lib Mauritius 2005 MF Ramharai, V. Bibliographie de la littérature féminine à Maurice, XIXème-XXème siècle. 109pp. ($16.00) Océan Indien Ed 2000[?] MF FRE Mauritius—Education Suddhoo, A., Dabee, R., et al. The financing and cost of education in Mauritius. ISBN: 2869781008 131pp. ($24.95/£14.95) CODESRIA 2001 SG UNICEF-Mauritius Education for development. 34pp. col.ill.maps UNICEF-Mauritius 2000 MF Mauritius—Education, Higher Manrakhan, J. The university in search of past and future. 90pp. ($35.00/£19.95) Océan Indien Ed 1990 MF Mauritius—Guide books Amin, M., Willetts, D. Spectrum guide to Mauritius. [Also available in German and French.] 362pp. col.pl.maps (£12.99) Camerapix 1997 KE Ankiah National monuments of Mauritius. Port Louis district. vol.1 138pp. pl. ($18.00/ £9.95) Océan Indien Ed 1988 MF Bhuckory Mauritius guide with street maps. 125pp. ($13.75/£7.95) Océan Indien Ed 1989 MF Decotter, G.A. Port-Louis. Visions d’artistes. 292pp. col.ill. Océan Indien Ed 1991 MF FRE Editions de l’Océan Indien Découvrez l’Ile Maurice. Indien Ed 1997 MF FRE
95pp. Océan
Maurel, M. Globetrotter travel guide to Mauritius. [Text in English and French.] 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1995 SA MUL Moreau, C. A la découverte de Rodrigues. 3rd ed. ISBN: 9990301522 120pp. col.pl.maps Océan Indien Ed 1999 MF FRE Ramdoyal, R. Festivals of Mauritius. [Also available in French.] 169pp. pl. ($38.00/£21.50) Océan Indien Ed 1991 MF
Bissoondoyal, U. Promises to keep. Ed 1990 MF
258pp. Océan Indien
de St. Pierre, B., Pitot, T., Ducrocq, L’Abbé Voyage et controversés. 228pp. Rs350.00 ($17.00/£10.99) Alma 1996 MF FRE Guého, J., Owadally, A.W. Histoire naturelle et sciences connexes à Maurice: bibliographie couvrant quatre siècles de publication des Hollandais à nos jours (1598-1998). 448pp. Rs600.00 (£25.00) MSIRI 1998 MF FRE Moreau, C. Histoire maritime de l’Ile Rodrigues. 46pp. col.pl. ($4.00/£3.00) Solitaire 1999 MF FRE Moreau, C. Le solitaire de l’Ile Rodrigues. ISBN: 9990355029 20pp. col.pl.map ($4.00/ £3.00) Solitaire 1999 MF FRE North-Coombes, A. The vindication of François Leguat. First resident and historian of Rodrigues (16911693). 2nd ed. 306pp. ($33.00/£18.50) Océan Indien Ed 1991 MF Pingré, Abbé A.-G. Courser Venus. Voyage scientifique à l’Ile Rodrigue, 1761. 123pp. Océan Indien Ed 1993 MF FRE Pitot, G. The Mauritian Shtetl. The story of Jewish detainees in Mauritius, 1940-1945. ISBN: 9990337128 272pp. Vizavi 1998 MF Pitray The Post Office Mauritius and its legend. 40pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Océan Indien Ed 1990 MF Quénette, L.R. Le Réduit: 1748-1998. ISBN: 9990323739 117pp. Rs450.00 ($27.00/ £16.90) Printemps 1998 MF FRE Richon, E. Histoires d’un tableau. L’aide mauricienne aux réunionnais durant l’épidémie de choléra de 1859. ISBN: 9990303320 48pp. col.pl. Rs100.00 ($5.00) Océan Indien Ed 1999 MF FRE Selvon, S. Ramgoolam. 178pp. Rs.65.00 Océan Indien Ed 1986 MF FRE Unnuth, A. A portrait of Professor Basdeo Bissoondoyal: an English version. [English version by L.P. Ramyead.] 103pp. pl. Océan Indien Ed 1988 MF Valaydon, V. Le mythe de “Paul et Virginie” dans les romans mauriciens d’expression française et dans “Le chercheur d’or” de J.M.G. le Clezio. 89pp. Océan Indien Ed 1992 MF FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Ward, S. Prisoners in paradise. 72pp. Rs.30.00 Océan Indien Ed 1985 MF Mauritius—Local government Dukhira, C.G. Grass roots democracy for national development. A study of local government and management in five countries, with focus on Mauritius. 367pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Océan Indien Ed 1994 MF Dukhira, C.G. Mauritius and local government management. 372pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Océan Indien Ed 1992 MF Mauritius—Pictorial works Editions Vizavi Glimpses of XXth century Mauritius./ Maurice images d’un siècle. [Text in English and French.] ISBN: 9990337209 157pp. col.ill. Vizavi 1999 MF MUL Fanchette, R., Bossu-Picat, C. Mauritius, light and space. cd. 144pp. col.pl. Océan Indien Ed 1993 MF Koo Sin Lin, E. Port-Louis, Ile Maurice. ISBN: 9990337071 56pp. ill. Vizavi 1997 MF FRE Mountain, A. This is Mauritius. [Also available in French.] cd. 160pp. col.pl. R129.95 New Holland 1995[?] SA Reid, D., Proust, A. Beautiful Mauritius. [Text in English, German and French.] 48pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Mauritius—Politics and government Burrenchoby, D. Let the people think: a compilation of the thoughts of Sir Dayendranath Burrenchoby. ISBN: 9990303770 313pp. ill. Océan Indien Ed 2000 MF Darga, L.A. Mauritius electoral reform process. (EISA occasional papers, 24) R20.00 EISA 2004 SA Electoral Institute of Southern Africa Mauritius election observation mission report. R80.00 EISA 2000 SA Gentil, A.G. L’incarné du voyage. 1996 MF FRE
200pp. pl. Vizavi
Jugnauth, A. Peace, development and self reliance, 1982-1985. 90pp. Rs40.00 Océan Indien Ed 1986 MF Mathur Parliament in Mauritius. 321pp. ($35.00/ £19.95) Océan Indien Ed 1991 MF Napal, G. Disclosing corruption: a move towards transparency in Mauritius. ISBN: 9990370176 170pp. ill. ($18.00/£9.50) Printemps 2001 MF Mauritius—Sociology Cader Raman, A. Not a paradise. I love you Mauritius. 485pp. ($38.00/£21.50) Océan Indien Ed 1991 MF Lingayah, S. A comparative study of Mauritian immigrants in two European cities: London and Paris. An investigation into the problems of adaptation. 162pp. Rs135.00 ($18.00/£9.95) Océan Indien Ed 1991 MF Ramdin, S. Namkaran. 1997 MF
243pp. Océan Indien Ed
Mauritius—Tourist trade Manoury, P. Guide des restaurants. ISBN: 999032396X 110pp. Rs125.00 ($7.50/ £4.70) Printemps 1999 MF FRE Mauritius—Travel Bolton, P.M. L’ile Maurice à la plume. ISBN: 9990323569 53pp. Rs160.00 ($9.60/ £4.70) Printemps 1998 MF FRE
Fanchette, R. Impressions de voyage. ISBN: 999032381X 116pp. Rs125.00 ($7.50/ £4.75) Printemps 1999 MF FRE Fleuriau, P. Aventures en mer. ISBN: 9990370222 185pp. pl. Rs210.00 ($12.65/£7.90) Printemps 2001 MF FRE Le Breton, A. Emmenez-moi à l’ile Maurice. ISBN: 9990370095 203pp. Rs225.00 Printemps 2002 MF FRE Mbala (African people)—Social life and customs Lumbwe Mudindaambi Objets et techniques de la vie quotidienne mbala. vol.1(CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 32) 167pp. ill. map. (DM28.00) CEEBA 1977 ZR FRE Lumbwe Mudindaambi Objets et techniques de la vie quotidienne mbala. vol.2(CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 33) 169pp. ill. map (DM29.00) CEEBA 1977 ZR FRE Mbala language Lumbwe Mudindaambi Berceuses Mbala. Textes Mbala-Français. (CEEBA, série II, 116) 122pp. ill.map CEEBA 1995 ZR MUL Mbala language—Dictionaries Lumbwe Mundindaambi Dictionnaire Mbala-Français. 1025pp. map. (DM152.00) CEEBA 1981 ZR MUL Mbeki, Thabo—Addresses and essays Mbeki, T. Africa: the time has come. Selected speeches of Thabo Mbeki. ISBN: 0624037339 cd. 300pp. Tafelberg 1998 SA Mbeki, Thabo—Biography Hadland, A. They fought for freedom. Thabo Mbeki. ISBN: 0636043630 64pp. pl.maps R35.20 Maskew Miller Longman 2000 SA Mathebe, L. Bound by tradition: the world of Thabo Mbeki. ISBN: 1868881695 239pp. ill.pl. R97.00 ($34.95/£20.93) Unisa 2001 SA Mbele, Cosbie—Autobiography Mbele, C. Lady Africa in America. 119pp. (£5.99) Vivlia 1995 SA Mbire, Tereza—Autobiography Mbire, T. Shaping a destiny. An African woman’s story of challenges, perseverance and triumph. ISBN: 9970024868 134pp. ill.pl. ($20.95/£13.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2004 UG Mboya, Tom—Biography Goldsworthy, D. Tom Mboya: the man Kenya wanted to forget. 308pp. K.shs.145.00 ($6.50/ £3.50) EAEP 1983 KE Mbukushu—General and Non-fiction Kupembona, M.K. Yithimwa yaKamene. Maria Kamene Kupembona. [Biography of a young girl.] ISBN: 9991601320 35pp. ill. Gamsberg 1998 SX THI Mechanical engineering see also Engineering Hunt, M.S. Work capsule for lightweight hydrostatic machines. (CSIR Research Report, 581) 10pp. CSIR 1983 SA Johannsen, A. A review of development and application of heat pump technology. (CSIR Research Report, 585) 59pp. CSIR 1984 SA Meintjes, H.A.C. An engineering description of the CSIR shearbox. (CSIR Research Report, 583) 19pp. ill. CSIR 1983 SA
Myburgh, I.S. The effect of a BP formulated light diesel fuel on the performance and durability of an ADE 236 diesel engine. (CSIR Research Report, 584) 82pp. ill. pl. CSIR 1983 SA Mechanical engineering—Study and teaching Adekola, A.O. Principles of structural mechanics. ISBN: 9780176144 Univ Lagos Press 1999 NR Etkind, R. The mechanics manual. Z$75.00 ZPH 1988 ZI
200pp. ill.
Fawkes, H. Mechanics for engineering. [CD-ROM and booklet.] ISBN: 070214407X ill. R99.0 Juta 2003 SA Oguaah, R.K. Automative mechanics. 288pp. ill. C25,000 Afram 1980 GH Medicine see also AIDS Anatomy Bacteriology Cancer Cardiology Dentistry Dermatology Embryology Gastroenterology Gynaecology and obstetrics Health education Homeopathy Hospitals Immunology Malaria Medicine, alternative Medicine, traditional Microbiology Neurology Nurses and nursing Opthalmology Orthopaedics Paediatrics Parasitology Pathology Pharmacology and pharmacy Physiology Psychiatry Rheumatism and arthritis Sickle cell disease Speech disorders Surgery Akinkubge, O.O. More communicable diseases. Series 2. bk.2 80pp. N100.00 ($44.00/£3.50) Spectrum 1993 NR Akpata, E.S., ed. Medical ethics. cd. 173pp. N10.00 ($5.00/£3.50) cd. Univ Lagos Press 1984 NR Biritwum, R.B. Use of models in estimating disease prevalance. 13pp. ($4.00/£2.25) Ghana UP 1996 GH Brown, R. Les maladies sexuellement transmissible, quel traitement? 2nd ed. 90pp. ill. (Eur3.00) BERPS 2004 ZR FRE Caldwell, J.P. Sleep. The complete guide to sleep disorders. ISBN: 1868722376 272pp. R89.95 Zebra 1998 SA Couloubaly, S. Mon enfant à la polio. Que faire? [Also available in Bambara and English.] 21pp. CFA850.00 ($2.15) Jamana 1990 ML FRE Crofton, J., Horne, N., Miller, F. Clinical tuberculosis. 2nd ed. ISBN: 033724305 238pp. ill. Macmillan Academic 1999 SA de Clerck, M. Désinfection, stérilisation, hygiène. 3rd ed. ISBN: 2741400849 80pp. ($1.10) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Dunmore, C.W., Fleischer, R.M. Medical terminology. Exercises in etymology. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0620237570 305pp. ill. R249.50 Protea 1998 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Falase, A.O., Akinkugbe, O.O. A compendium of clinical medicine. 961pp. N3,000 Spectrum 2000 NR Fourie, D.P. Hypnosis in treatment: an ecosystemic approach. ISBN: 1868880419 140pp. R104.20 ($16.30/£10.40/Eur14.30) Unisa 1998 SA Gitau, W. Thyroid diseases. ($4.50/£1.80) K.shs.22.20 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE Goodman, M., Katz, B., eds. Cerebral palsy: caring and coping. ISBN: 1868143295 94pp. ill. R69.95 Witwatersrand UP 1998 SA Kabakele-Kasonga, M.K. Contribution au diagnostic précoce de l’ostéonécrose drépanocytaire. 142pp. ($13.75) Z21.10 Press Univ Congo 1974 ZR FRE Kabemba, B.W.M., Mutshipay, N. Notions fondamentales d’électronique médicale 1981. 175pp. ($19.00) Z30.00 Press Univ Congo 1981 ZR FRE Lee, K. Passport to hands on healing. A step-bystep guide. ISBN: 0958426171 120pp. ill. R115.00 ($16.95/£11.90) Kima 2000 SA Mash, R. Handbook of family medicine. ISBN: 0195718658 376pp. R275.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA Mennen, U., ed. The hand book. A practical approach to common hand problems. rev.ed. R109.95 Van Schaik 1995 SA Nicholson, N.W. Medicine: non-communicable diseases. 383pp. ill. K.shs.900.00 AMREF 1985 KE
Medicine—Nigeria Ibadan University Press Foundation and roots. The Fourth Alexander Brown Memorial lecture. N3.00 Ibadan UP 1975 NR
Kriel, J.R. Removing medicine’s Cartesian mask: the problem of humanising medical education. (IRS study pamphlets, F1/ 245) 18pp. ($1.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1988 SA Ogunbi, O. Man and respiratory viruses. ($2.50/ £1.80) N5.00 Univ Lagos Press 1979 NR Owusu, S.K. Man, microbes, machines and medicine. 24pp. ($5.50/£2.95) Ghana UP 1996 GH Medicine—Africa Clifford, G., ed. Health and disease in Africa: the community approach. 2nd 540pp. ($18.00/£8.50) K.shs.95.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE Courtejoie, J. La maladie du sommeil. La lutte contre la trypanosomiase humaine en Afrique. 160pp. pl. ($5.00) BERPS 1995 ZR FRE de Clerck, M. Les antibiotiques. Du bon usage des antibiotiques, antipaludiques, antiparasitaires. unpaged BERPS 1993 ZR FRE de Clerck, M. Urgences médicales en milieu tropical. 224pp. pl. ($13.00) BERPS 1994 ZR FRE Ellis, C. Communicating with the African patient. ISBN: 0869140397 144pp. col.ill. (£6.95) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2005 SA
Obel, A.O. High blood pressure. 246pp. K.shs.450.00 ($40.00) ICIPE 1993 KE
Nordberg, E., ed. Communicable diseases. 3rd ed. ISBN: 9966874593 343pp. K.shs.1,100 AMREF 1999 KE
Osuafor, T. A compendium of common medical diseases. 171pp. N600.00 Delta 1998 NR
Pépin, J. Comment traiter les maladies sexuellement transmises. 96pp. ill. ($1.00) BERPS 1999 ZR FRE
Picardo, G.A. Companion to ECG. 104pp. ill. N375.00 Africana First 1993 NR
Tukei, P.M., Njogu, A.R., eds. Diseases of the tropics. Trends in research with special emphasis on leishmaniasis. Proceedings of the 2nd annual medical scientific conference Nairobi, Kenya, 1981. 244pp. K.shs.250.00 Africa Book Serv 1983 KE
Prescott, C. Handbook of ENT for primary care. ISBN: 0195715853 228pp. R250.00 OUP - SA 1998 SA Reader’s Digest Your medical questions answered. cd. 432pp. ill. R139.99 Readers Digest SA 1994 SA Schoeman, E. Patients are people who need me. ISBN: 0627024866 128pp. R99.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA Serfontein, W. Did your doctor tell you? ISBN: 1868729656 176pp. R119.95 New Holland 2004 SA Shipton, E.A. Pain. Acute and chronic. 312pp. col.pl. R84.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA Werner, D. Là oû il n’y a pas de docteur. trans.f.t. English 3rd. rev. ed. ISBN: 929130011X 600pp. ill. ENDA 2002 SG FRE Williams, G. House doctor. ISBN: 9781530421 167pp. (£2.85) West African Bk 2001[?] NR Medicine—Addresses and essays Amorin, J.E.K. Concepts of disease causation throughout the ages. 20pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1971 GH Harrison, C.V. Medical advances and their implications. (Univ of Ife, Inaugural Lecture Series, 12) 10pp. 35p./80c 45k ($3.00/£2.25) N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1974 NR
Medicine—Africa—Bibliography Barton, T.G. Sexuality and health in sub-Saharan Africa: an annotated bibliography. cd. & 674pp. K.shs. 900.00 ($30.00) cd. K.shs.395.00 ($14.60) AMREF 1991 KE Stanfield, J.P., Brown, C.A. Medicine and health in Africa: a bibliography with critical abstracts 19871988. vol.3 654pp. K.shs.1,200 AMREF 1991 KE Medicine—Africa, Central Sonnet, J. Les maladies de l’oesophage, de l’estomac et du duodenum. Avec une référence particulière à la pathologie de l’Afrique centrale. 140pp. 90k. Press Univ Congo 1964 ZR FRE Medicine—Africa, East Iliffe, J. West African doctors. A history of the modern profession. ISBN: 9970023039 350pp. ill.maps ($34.95/£20.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG Medicine—Africa, West—Addresses and essays Archampong, E.Q. Medical research and the practice of medicine in West Africa. 23pp. ($6.95/ £3.75) Ghana UP 1989 GH Medicine—Bibliography Adler, C., ed. A descriptive catalogue of early medical books in the Adler Museum of the History of Medicine and the University of the Witwatersrand Medical Library. 147pp. ill. free Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1982 SA
Murdoch, R.W. The electroencephalogram in aircrew selection and aviation medicine: a survey of literature. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 268) 40pp. R1.50 CSIR 1977 SA Medicine—Congo Democratic Republic Kakoma Sakatolo Zambeze Du médecin zaïrois au médecin congolais: profil académique et défi temporel. 23pp. PUL 1999 ZR FRE Mwene Songa, N. Ethique médicale, 1996. 89pp. ($6.00) Droit & Soc 1996 ZR FRE Université Kinshasa. Faculté de la Médecine et de Pharmacie Annales de médécine et de pharmacie. vol.2 160pp. ill. ($15.00) Press Univ Congo 1987 ZR FRE Medicine—Dictionaries Courtejoie, J., Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Pierre, B. Léxique médical: le vocabulaire médical à la portée de tous. 144pp. ($2.00) BERPS 1990 ZR FRE Delano, G.E. Common terms on sexual and reproductive health. ISBN: 9780292438 131pp. N204.00 Spectrum 2000 NR Pierre, B., Pierre, G. Dictionnaire médical pour les régions tropicales. ($12.00) BERPS 1989 ZR FRE Medicine—Ethiopia Werner, D., Hodes, R. Where there is no doctor: for Ethiopia. ISBN: 1931253048 492pp. ill.pl. ($10.00) Shama 2001 ET Medicine—Ghana Addo, E.A. Requirements for a successful private medical practice in Ghana: a study of the organization and administrative policies and practices of 44 private clinics. 113pp. C10.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1976 GH Medicine—Ghana—Addresses and essays Archampong, E.Q. Medical education and national development in Africa. (J.B. Danquah Memorial series, 22) ($10.00) Ghana Acad Arts & Scien 1990 GH Ashitey, G.A. Disease control in Ghana. 34pp. ($8.50/ £4.25) Ghana UP 1994 GH Medicine—Malawi Mulfawu, W. The first medical school of Malawi. ISBN: 9990842051 116pp. K500.00 ($12.00/£6.00) Sunrise 2000 MW Medicine—Mali Editions Donniya Formulaire thérapeutique national. ISBN: 2911741153 480pp. CFA8,500 (Eur12.96) Donniya 1998 ML FRE Medicine—Mauritius Rajkoomar, T. Medical services in Mauritius: a brief retrospect. ISBN: 999030369X 104pp. col.ill.maps Océan Indien Ed 2000 MF Medicine—Nigeria Adeboye, A. African pioneers of modern medicine: Nigerian doctors of the nineteenth century. 267pp. pl. ($8.10) Univ Press Nig 1985 NR Adeboye, A. Early medical schools in Nigeria. ISBN: 9781298189 116pp. N350.00 ($17.00/ £9.50) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR Adeboye, A., ed. Nigerian pioneers of modern medicine: selected writings. cd. & 299pp. N10.00 N15.00 cd. Ibadan UP 1977 NR de Cola, F.D., Shoyinka, P.H., comps. Three decades of medical research at the College of Medicine, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1948-1980. 208pp. (£13.00) N10.00 Ibadan UP 1984 NR Obionu, C.N. Primary health care. ISBN: 9782335096 256pp. N600.00 Delta 2001 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Medicine—Nigeria Songonugu Winning or losing the battle against cholera. 58pp. ($4.95/£2.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1987 NR Medicine—South Africa Hattingh, S., Acutt, J. Occupational health. Management and practice for health practitioners. 3rd ed. ISBN: 070215699X R245.00 Juta 2003 SA Joubert et al., G. Epidemiology: a manual for South Africa. 256pp. R265.00 OUP - SA 1997 SA Medicine—Study and teaching Birrell, K., Birrell, G. Diagnosis and treatment. A training manual for primary health care workers. ISBN: 0333722116 264pp. ill. Macmillan Academic 2000 SA de Clerck, M. Comment donner les médicaments. ISBN: 2741400571 64pp. ($2.40) Mediaspaul 2004 ZR FRE Fripp, P.J. An introduction to human parasitology: with reference to southern Africa. 176pp. ill. pl. R9.50 Macmillan - SA 1979 SA Nicol, A., Steyn, E. Handbook of trauma. ISBN: 0195780809 360pp. R300.00 OUP - SA 2004 SA Nwako, F.A. Basic clinical diagnosis. 250pp. (£10.00) N15.00 Fourth Dimension 1986 NR
Subject index Fenn, C. A guide to complementary therapies in South Africa. ISBN: 1868721183 144pp. R59.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Helman, C. The healer inside you. ISBN: 1919930566 256pp. R160.00 Double Storey 2004 SA McKenna, J. Alternatives to antibiotics. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868721450 160pp. R59.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA New Holland Publishers A compendium of oriental healing. ISBN: 1853686697 cd. 96pp. col.ill. R49.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA New Holland Publishers A cornucopia of aphrodisiacs. ISBN: 1853686689 cd. 96pp. col.ill. R49.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Shariff, Z.U. Modern herbal therapy for common ailments. (Spectrum Natural Pharmacy series, 1) ISBN: 9780292500 103pp. col.ill. ($20.95/£12.95) Spectrum 2002 NR Medicine, traditional Addae-Mensah, I. Towards a rational scientific basis for herbal medicine. A phytochemists twodecade contribution. 63pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Ghana UP 1994 GH
Ovuga, E.B.L., Buga, J.W. Epilepsy. 59pp. U.shs.5,000 Makerere UP 1996 UG
Derwent, S., Mander, M. Traditional medicines: whither our biodiversity? Endangered wildlife, ecotourism and the environment: a vision. R1.75 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA
Sofola, O.A. A revision text in medical physiology. 3rd ed. 110pp. ill. N500.00 ($15.00/ £10.00) SBO 1998 NR
Mshigeni, K.E., ed. Traditional medicinal plants. 365pp. ($38.00/£21.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1991 TZ
Tucker, R., ed. Methodology of biomedical subjects. 127pp. T.shs.130.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1984 TZ
Ody, P. Home herbal. cd. 144pp. col.pl. R79.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA
van den Berg, R. Communicable diseases. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0636042065 R174.42 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Vasuthevan, S., Viljoen, M. Educating for better health. A handbook for healthcare professional. ISBN: 0702160393 128pp. R35.00 Juta 2002 SA Ziady, L.E., Small, N., Louis, A.M.J. Control and prevent infection. Application made easy. ISBN: 0702167908 Juta 2005 SA Medicine—Tanzania Kilama, W.L. The war against mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases in Tanzania. Some lost battles. 25pp. ($5.50/£2.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ Medicine—Tropical Falase, A.O. An introduction to clinical diagnosis in the tropics. 3rd ed. 202pp. ill.pl. N7,200 ($27.00/£14.95) Spectrum 2001 NR Ngu, J.L. Kidney diseases in the tropics. CFA2,500 CLE 2000 CM Owusu, S.K. Questions and answers on tropical medicine and infectious diseases. 110pp. ($15.00/£11.25) Ghana UP 1997 GH Schull, C.R. Common medical problems in the tropics. rev. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0333679997 536pp. Macmillan Academic 1999 SA Medicine, alternative Bhardwaj, P.P. Body and mind. A guide to healthy alternatives. 106pp. ill. K.shs.180.00 Horizon 1991 KE
Medicine, traditional—Addresses and essays Ayitey-Smith, E. Prospects and scope of plant medicine in health care. 32pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Ghana UP 1989 GH Dodu, S.R.A. Our heritage: the traditional medicine of mankind. 14pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1972 GH Twumasi, P.A. Social foundations of the interplay between traditional and modern medical systems. 33pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Ghana UP 1989 GH Medicine, traditional—Africa Almeida, T. L’Afrique et son médecin. 64pp. CFA815.00 CLE 1974 CM FRE Fortin, D., Lô, M., Maynart, G. Plantes médicinales du Sahel. 280pp. CFA4,000 ENDA 1997 SG FRE
van den Bergh, C.K. The healing practices of Bishop Joseph Matuwane. 20pp. pl. R4.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1995 SA Medicine, traditional—Ghana Evans-Anfom, E. Traditional medicine in Ghana: practice, problems and prospects. (J.B. Danquah Memorial series, 17) 65pp. ($10.00) Ghana Acad Arts & Scien 1986 GH Medicine, traditional—Mauritius Gurib-Fakim, A., Guého, J. Plantes médicinales de l’Ile Rodrigues. 580pp. ill. Océan Indien Ed 1994 MF FRE Gurib-Fakim, A., Guého, J. Plantes médicinales de Maurice. vol.1 495pp. ill. Rs300.00 (£15.00) Océan Indien Ed 1995 MF FRE Lafont, J.P. Votre pharmacie familiale traditionnelle chinoise. ISBN: 9990303959 180pp. ill. Océan Indien Ed 2001 MF FRE Medicine, traditional—Nigeria Shariff, Z.U. Herbal first aid kit. A book for the family. (Spectrum Natural Pharmacy series, 3) ISBN: 9780292551 56pp. col.ill. ($9.95/ £5.95) Spectrum 2002 NR Ubrurhe, J.O. Urhobo. Traditional medicine. ISBN: 9780294066 186pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Spectrum 2004 NR Medicine, traditional—South Africa Cocks, M., Dodd, T. An Eastern Cape materia medica: a guide to the Fort Cox medicinal plant garden. ISBN: 0868103705 60pp. ill. Inst Soc Res 2000[?] SA Cunningham, A.B. African medicinal plants: setting priorities at the interface between conservation and primary health care. Consulting report for Worldwide Fund for Nature. (INR investigational reports, 57) R17.50 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Cunningham, A.B. An investigation of the herbal medicine trade in Natal/KwaZulu. (INR investigational reports, 29) R37.50 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Cunningham, A.B., Zondi, A.S. Use of animal parts for the commercial trade in traditional medicines. Report prepared for the HSRC. (INR working paps., 76) R12.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Hutchings, A., et al. Zulu medicinal plants. cd. & 450pp. R395.00 cd. R250.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1996 SA [co-published with National Botanical Institute & University of Zululand] Mander, M. The marketing of indigenous medicinal plants in South Africa: a case study in KwaZulu-Natal. Report prepared for HSRC, FAO and Durban City. (INR investigational reports, 164) Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA
Nyamwaya, D. African indigenous medicine. An anthropological perspective for policy makers and primary health care managers. 44pp. ill. K.shs.400.00 AMREF 1992 KE
Mander, M., McKean, S., McKechnie, J.P., Makhaye, S. The potential for harvesting and cultivation of medicinal and craftwork plants: Muden land reform farms. (INR investigational reports, 162) R7.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA
Sindiga, I., Nyaigotti-Chacha, C., Kanunah, M.P. Traditional medicine in Africa. 212pp. K.shs.440.00 ($30.00/£16.75) EAEP 1995 KE
van Wyk, B-E., van Oudtshoorn, B., Gericke, N. Medicinal plants of South Africa. ISBN: 1875093095 cd. 304pp. col.pl. Briza 1997 SA
Medicine, traditional—Africa, Southern Normann, H., Snyman, I., Cohen, M. Indigenous knowledge and its uses in southern Africa. R195.00 HSRC Publ 1996 SA Schuster Campbell, S. Called to heal: traditional healing meets modern medicine in southern Africa today. ISBN: 1868722406 176pp. R89.95 Zebra 1998 SA
Medicine, traditional—Tanzania Dery, B.B., Otsyina, R., Ng’atigwa, C. Indigenous knowledge of medicinal trees and setting priorities for their domestication in Shinyanga Region, Tanzania. ISBN: 9290591331 87pp. col.ill.maps ICRAF 1999 KE Medicine, traditional—Zimbabwe Chavunduka, G.L. Traditional medicine in modern Zimbabwe. 115pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Univ Zimbabwe 1994 ZI
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African Books in Print
Subject index Mediterranean studies Cerp-Isprom-Cem Les zones protégées en Méditerranée. Espèces, espaces et instruments d’application des conventions et protocoles de la Méditerranée. D10.00 ($50.00) CPU-Tunisia 1995 TI FRE Cerp-Isprom-Cem Les zones protégées en Méditerranée. Table ronde. D8.00 ($50.00) CPUTunisia 1996 TI FRE Meer, Fatima—Diaries, letters Meer, F. Prison diary. One hundred and thirteen days, 1976. rev. entry ISBN: 0795701306 216pp. R110.00 Kwela 2001 SA Meer, Ismail—Autobiography Meer, I. A fortunate man. ISBN: 1868726649 cd. 368pp. Zebra 2002 SA Mehr, Olda—Biography Friedman, G. The piano war. A true story of love and survival. ISBN: 0864866437 R160.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA [Southern Africa only] Meru—General and Non-fiction Nyaga, D. Miikarire na miturire ya amiru. [Meru life and customs.] 102pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1980 KE MER Meru (African people)—Social life and customs Nyaga, D. Customs and traditions of the Meru. 168pp. ill. K.shs.400.00 ($13.75/£7.50) EAEP 1991 KE Metallurgy Breen, R.J., Breen, C.M. The aluminium signal: new dimensions to mechanisms of aluminium tolerance. Invited plenary paper. Second International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions at low pH, Beckley, West Virginia, 25-29 June. (INR working paps., 60) Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA
Microbiology Stanley, G.G., ed. The extractive metallurgy of gold in South Africa. (SAIMM monograph, 7) cd. 1132pp. ill. ($172.00) SAIMM 1987 SA Metallurgy—Addresses and essays Abdul, N.A. Metal in the service of man. 55pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Univ Lagos Press 1991 NR Afonja, A.A. Materials, energy and the environment. 52pp. ($4.95/£2.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1991 NR Metalwork—Study and teaching (Elementary) Nganga, A.C. Metalwork for primary schools, standard 6, 7 and 8. 132pp. K.shs.310.00 EAEP 1988 KE Metalwork—Study and teaching (Secondary) Chimwayange, C. Focus on ZJC metal-work. 120pp. ($6.60) College Press -Zimb 1994 ZI Green, J.N. Metal work theory for school certificate/ GCE. 88pp. N300.00 ($7.00) Spectrum 1984 NR Masuha, J.R. Principles of metal cutting. 336pp. ($13.40) Dar es Salaam UP 1992 TZ Mathangani, F. Metalwork for secondary schools, forms 1 and 2. 84pp. K.shs.235.00 EAEP 1987 KE Mathangani, F.D. Metalwork: for secondary schools. 88pp. ill. Z$75.25 ZPH 1988 ZI Mathangi, F.D. Metalwork for secondary schools forms 3 and 4. 168pp. K.shs.465.00 EAEP 1989 KE McDonald, J.W.J. Metalworkers’ theory N1. 176pp. R65.00 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA
King, R.P., Barker, I.J., eds. APCOM ’87. Metallurgy. vol.2(SAIMM symposium series, 9) cd. 341pp. ill. ($60.00) SAIMM 1987 SA
Njuguna, F.M. Metalwork with related technical drawing, forms 1 & 2. 156pp. ill. K.shs.338.00 OUP - Nairobi 1991 KE
Okitaudji Lokoho, G. Travaux pratiques de métallogénie. 150pp. ($18.00) Z28.60 Press Univ Congo 1978 ZR FRE
Potgieter, M.J. Metalwork 1. 72pp. R30.95 HeinemannEdSA 1993 SA
South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Bacterial oxidation for the recovery of metals. Colloquium. (SAIMM sundry publications, 27) R39.90 SAIMM 2000 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Developments in iron and clean steel. School and technological development and future trends in iron and steel production. (SAIMM sundry publications, 28) R39.90 SAIMM 2000 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Developments in the metallurgical processing in the platinum industry. (SAIMM sundry publications, 33) R136.80 SAIMM 2001 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Mould powders for continuous casting. (SAIMM sundry publications, 46) R39.90 SAIMM 2004 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Process dynamics of oxygen steelmaking. (SAIMM sundry publications, 45) R39.90 SAIMM 2004 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Pyrometallurgy; current issues and future trends. (SAIMM sundry publications, 31) R85.50 SAIMM 2000 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Refractories school. (SAIMM sundry publications, 47) R39.90 SAIMM 2004 SA
Meteorology Ette, A.I.I. Facts and fallacies about lightning and rain. 64pp. N150.00 ($5.50/£3.50) Textflow 1993 NR Mwebesa, M. Basic meterology. (£2.30/$5.75) K.shs.27.20 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Torr, D.G., Torr, M.R. An investigation into the effect of temperature change on the F-region electron density distribution in the south Atlantic geomagnetic anomaly. (CSIR research reports, 263) 15pp. CSIR 1967 SA Torr, M.R., Torr, D.G. A theoretical investigation of the F-region of the ionosphere. (CSIR research report, 271) 86pp. CSIR 1969 SA Vugts, H. Natural phenomena: wonders of weather. ISBN: 1853686948 80pp. col.pl. R89.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Meteorology—Addresses and essays Ette, A.I.I. On lightning, thunder and rain. 34pp. ($1.89/79p) N3.00 Ibadan UP 1980 NR Meteorology—Africa Ominde, S.H., Juma, C., eds. A change in the weather: African perspectives on climatic change. (ACTS Environmental Policy series, 1) 220pp. K.shs.175.00 ($18.00) ACTS - Kenya 1991 KE
Meteorology—Africa, Southern Tyson, P.D., Preston-Whyte, A. The weather and climate of southern Africa. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195718062 403pp. R360.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA Meteorology—Africa, West Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Etudes météorologiques sur l’Afrique occidentale français. 95pp. ill. CFA2,200 IFAN 1937 SG FRE Meteorology—Mali International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Agrométéorologie de l’Afrique de l’Ouest: le Mali. 294pp. ($27.00) ICRISAT 1985 NG FRE Meteorology—Nigeria—Addresses and essays Balogun, E.E. Scientific challenges and the importance of weather prediction in Nigeria. 42pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1991 NR Meteorology—Senegal Nicolas, J.P. Bioclimatologie humaine de Saint Louis du Sénégal. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 57) 340pp. ill. CFA4,000 IFAN 1959 SG FRE Meteorology—South Africa Carte, A.E. Hailstorms in Johannesburg, Pretoria and surroundings on January 15 and 16, 1964. (CSIR research reports, 228) 26pp. ill. CSIR 1964 SA Carte, A.E., Basson, I.L. Hail in the Pretoria-Witwatersrand area 1962-1969. (CSIR research reports, 293) 28pp. CSIR 1969 SA Carte, A.E., Held, C. Hailstorms in 1970/71. (CSIR research reports, 312) 45pp. ill. CSIR 1972 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research National programme for weather, climate and atmosphere research: annual report 1984/85. (South African National Scientific Programmes Report, 95) 28pp. CSIR 1984 SA Theron, M.J., Matthews, V.L., Neethling, P.J. The importance of the weather and weather services to the South African agricultural sector. A Delphi survey. (CSIR research report, 321) 134pp. free [microfiche] CSIR 1973 SA van Zyl, D. South African weather and atmospheric phenomena. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 187509332X 160pp. col.pl. ($25.00) Briza 2002 SA Meteorology—Togo Binguitcha-Faré, K.I. Analyse des averses au Togo. ISBN: 2741200572 74pp. CFA5,200 ($14.18/ £8.10/Eur11.89) NEA - Togo 2003 TG FRE Meteorology—Tropics Ayoade, J.O. Introduction to climatology for the tropics. 258pp. N600.00 ($8.00) Spectrum 1988 NR Mexico—History Ngou-Mve, N. L’Afrique bantu dans la colonisation du Mexique. 224pp. ill. CFA5,000 CICBA 1998 GO FRE Mhlaba, Raymond—Biography Mufamadi, T. Raymond Mhlaba’s personal memoirs. Reminiscing from Rwanda and Uganda. ISBN: 0796919747 210pp. R130.00 HSRC Publ 2001 SA Microbiology see also Bacteriology Parasitology Andrews, R.J., et al. Report of the task group on fermentation technology. (SANSP, 31) 16pp. CSIR 1978 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Fawore, M.D., Oso, B.A. A laboratory manual of microbiology. 155pp. pl. N420.00 ($16.00) Spectrum 1985 NR Okafor, N. Aquatic and waste microbiology. (£12.50) N14.50 Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Scott, D.B. The genus Eupenicillium ludwig. (CSIR research reports, 272) 150pp. ill. CSIR 1968 SA Microbiology—Addresses and essays Abioye, A.A. Microscopic view of life and death. 24pp. (£1.89/79p) N3.00 Ibadan UP 1980 NR Mhalu, F.S. The impact of microbiology in human development. 22pp. ($4.95/£2.75) Dar es Salaam UP 1991 TZ Woods, D.R. Genes, microbes and man. 25pp. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1973 SA Microbiology—Study and teaching Van Pee, W. Précis pratique de microbiologie générale. Techniques générales. 52pp. 90k Press Univ Congo 1965 ZR FRE Middle East Press, Z. The prospects of a regional organisation in the Middle East. (Research paper, 4) 110pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1966 SA Middle East—History Bourbon, F. Petra: art, history and itineraries in the Nabatean capital. [Also available in French, German, Italian, Spanish] ISBN: 8880954253 168pp. col.pl. E£75.00 ($22.50) Am Univ 2000 UA [Egypt only] Goldschmidt Jr., A. A concise history of the Middle East. 5th ed. 465pp. maps E£75.00 ($24.95) Am Univ 1997 UA [Middle East only] Redford, D. Egypt, Canaan and Israel in ancient times. 512pp. ill. E£60.00 ($25.00) Am Univ 1993 UA [Middle East only] Tucker, J. In the house of law: gender and Islamic law in Ottoman Syria and Palestine. ISBN: 9774245342 233pp. map E£80.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 1999 UA [Egypt only] Middle East—Politics and government Fischbach, M.R. Records of dispossession. Palestinian refugee property and the Arab-Israeli conflict. ISBN: 9774248538 520pp. E£120.00 ($27.50) Am Univ 2004 UA [Middle East only] Haddad, A. Pistes de réflexion sur les conflits dans les états arabo-islamiques. 179pp. ill.maps PUL 2002 ZR FRE Hamdy, I. Elections in the Middle East. What do they mean? (Cairo papers in social science, 25,1) ISBN: 9774248023 E£15.00 ($16.95/£13.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Hirschmann, D. Middle East cease-fire and the Jordanian civil war. 34pp. 30c. SA Inst Int Affairs 1970 SA Humphreys, R.S. Between memory and desire: the Middle East in a troubled age. ISBN: 9774245938 319pp. ill.map E£70.00 Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Lankin, E. The Middle Eastern outlook. SA Inst Int Affairs 1982 SA
12pp. R2.00
Oncü, A., Keyder, C., Ibrahim, S.E., eds. Developmentalism and beyond. Society and politics in Egypt and Turkey. cd. 335pp. E£75.00 ($40.00) Am Univ 1994 UA
Richards, A. A political economy of the Middle East: state, class, and economic development. 511pp. map E£45.00 ($25.00) Am Univ 1991 UA [Middle East only] Safadi, R. Opening doors to the world: a new trade agenda for the Middle East. ISBN: 9774244966 412pp. E£80.00 ($24.50) Am Univ 1998 UA [No US/Europe] Weiss, E.S. Palestinian and Israeli nationalism. Identity politics and education in contested Jerusalem. (Cairo papers in social science, 25/4) ISBN: 9794248473 E£15.00 ($16.95/£12.95) Am Univ 2004 UA Middle East—Politics and government— Addresses and essays Ibrahim, S.E. Egypt, Islam and democracy: critical essays. new ed. ISBN: 9774246640 284pp. E£60.00 ($19.95/£16.95) Am Univ 2002 UA Middle East—Sociology Hill, E., ed. New frontiers in the social history of the Middle East. (Cairo papers in social science, 23/2) ISBN: 9774246292 E£15.00 ($16.95/£13.95) Am Univ 2002 UA Middleton, Jean—Autobiography Middelton, J. Convictions. A woman political prisoner remembers. ISBN: 0869754742 135pp. pl. (£8.99) Ravan 1998 SA Military see also Armed forces War Yavin, Y. Evaluation of the effectiveness of openloop evasion strategies in a pursuitevasion problem. (PKOMP, 8912) 30pp. CSIR 1989 SA Yavin, Y. On a pursuit-evasion problem where the pursuer is in its coasting phase. (PKOMP, 8911) 30pp. CSIR 1989 SA Yavin, Y. On open-loop evasion strategies in a pursuit-evasion problem in a reduced state space (PKOMP, 9002) 26pp. CSIR 1990 SA Yavin, Y. On optimal launch conditions: an optimal stochastic control problem. (PKOMP, 8904) 31pp. CSIR 1989 SA Yavin, Y., de Villiers, R. Applications of stochastical differential games to the evaluation of thrust-mass profiles in medium-range pursuit performance. (PKOMP, 8903) 22pp. CSIR 1989 SA Yavin, Y., de Villiers, R. On the probability of penetrating a protected site: a three dimensional case. (PKOMP, 8816) 18pp. CSIR 1988 SA Yavin, Y., de Villiers, R. Planar pursuit-evasion differential games with the pursuer motion subjected to control energies constraint. (PKOMP, 8813) 33pp. CSIR 1988 SA Yavin, Y., de Villiers, R., Miloh, T. On the optimal steering of an angletracking antenna: a stochastic differential game. (PKOMP, 8810) 26pp. CSIR 1988 SA Military—Africa Hutchful, E. Les militaires et le miltarisme en Afrique. [Also available in English.] 27pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1989 SG FRE Hutchful, E. Military and militarism in Africa. [Also available in French.] 23pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1989 SG
Parsons, T.H. The African rank-and-file. Social implications of colonial military service in the King’s African rifles 1902-1964. ISBN: 085255687X cd. & 320pp. pl.maps (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852556373 (£14.95 pap.) EAEP 2000 KE [co-published by David Philip, South Africa and Fountain Publishers, Uganda] Military—Nigeria Adekanye, J.B. The retired military as emergent power factor in Nigeria. ISBN: 9781294345 228pp. ($18.95/£10.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1999 NR Military—South Africa Nortje, P. 32 battalion. The inside story of South Africa’s elite fighting unit. ISBN: 1868729141 352pp. ($45.00) Zebra 2004 SA Miners and mining see also Labor and laboring classes Mines and mineral resources Budvari, S., ed. Rock mechanics in mining practice. (SAIMM monograph, 5) cd. 282pp. ill. ($45.00) SAIMM 1983 SA Fauconnier, C.J., Kersten, R.W.O., eds. Increased underground extraction of coal. (SAIMM monograph, 4) cd. 345pp. ill. ($45.00) SAIMM 1982 SA Glen, H.W., ed. Infacon ’74. (SAIMM symposium series, 4) cd. 1025pp. ill. ($80.00) SAIMM 1974 SA Hangi Environmental impacts of small scale mining. 58pp. ($11.25/£6.25) AFREPREN 1996 KE King, R.P., ed. Principles of flotation. (SAIMM monograph, 3) cd. 268pp. ill. ($45.00) SAIMM 1982 SA Salamon, M.D.G., Lancaster, F.H., eds. Application of computer methods in the mineral industry. (SAIMM symposium series, 3) 441pp. ill. ($28.00) SAIMM 1972 SA South African Institute of Mines and Metallurgy Deep and high stress mining. (SAIMM symposium series, 37) R240.00 SAIMM 2003 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy APCOM 2003. (SAIMM symposium series, 31) R570.00 SAIMM 2003 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Coal preparation. Colloquium. (SAIMM sundry publications, 29) R85.50 SAIMM 2000 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Gravity concentration. Seminar. (SAIMM sundry publications, 38) R85.50 SAIMM 2002 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Gravity gold workshop. (SAIMM sundry publications, 34) R136.80 SAIMM 2002 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Human technology in the mining, metals and minerals industry: state of the art. Colloquium. (SAIMM sundry publications, 37) R85.50 SAIMM 2002 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy INFACON X. [Also available on CDROM.] (SAIMM symposium series, N2) R1,140 SAIMM 2003 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy International minerals processing congress. 3 vols.(SAIMM symposium series, N1) R2,850 SAIMM 2003 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 352
African Books in Print
Subject index South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy ISRM 2003. (SAIMM symposium series, 33) R1,140 SAIMM 2003 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Modeling and control of mineral and metal processing operations. Colloquium. (SAIMM sundry publications, 26) R39.50 SAIMM 2000 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Molten slags and fluxes. (SAIMM symposium series, 36) R1,140 SAIMM 2003 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy The need to re-define enterprise resource planning boundaries. (SAIMM sundry publications, 32) R85.50 SAIMM 2001 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy New rockbreaking technologies for the underground mining industry. Colloquium. (SAIMM sundry publications, 35) R136.80 SAIMM 2002 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Surface support liners: thin sprayed liners, shotcrete mesh. Seminar. (SAIMM sundry publications, 36) R200.00 SAIMM 2002 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Underground lateral transport. Colloquium. (SAIMM sundry publications, 25) R85.50 SAIMM 2000 SA South Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Heavy minerals 2003. (SAIMM symposium series, 34) R342.00 SAIMM 2003 SA Miners and mining—Africa, Southern Jourdan, P.P., ed. The mining sector in southern Africa. 117pp. ($16.00/£8.95) SAPES 1995 ZI South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Tunnelling and development in southern Africa. Colloquium. (SAIMM sundry publications, 44) R39.90 SAIMM 2003 SA Miners and mining—Ghana Minerals Commission and Environmental Protection Council Ghana’s mining and environmental guidelines. 36pp. C1,800 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1994 GH Miners and mining—Mali Pollett, E.A., Davion, R.J. Social impact assessment of the proposed gold mione at Loulo, Republic of Mali. Prepared for Digby Wells & Associates and Randgold. (INR investigational reports, 160) maps R70.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Pollett, E.A., Ferendinos, A.M. Resettlement action plan: Sadiola and Farabakouta villages, Sadiola Hill gold mine, Mali. (INR investigational reports, 170/2b) R90.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Pollett, E.A., Ferendinos, A.M. Resettlement action plan: Sadiola and Farabakouta villages, Sadiola Hill gold mine, Mali. Appendices. Supporting data, survey and reports. (INR investigational reports, 170/2a) R90.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Pollett, E.A., Ferendinos, A.M. Resettlement action plan: Sadiola and Farabakouta villages, Sadiola Hill gold mine, Mali. Main report. (INR investigational reports, 170/1) R50.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Pollett, E.A., Ferendinos, A.M. Resettlement action plan: Sadiola and Farabakouta villages, Sadiola Hill gold mine, Mali. Records of meetings held in the preparation of the resettlement action plan. (INR investigational reports, 170/3) R50.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA
Mines and mineral resources —Congo Democratic Republic Pollett, E.A., Mkhize, B.N. Evaluation of the socio-economic impacts of a proposed gold mine at Sadiola, Republic of Mali. Report prepared for New Mining Business Division, Anglo American Corporation of South Africa Ltd. (INR investigational reports, 95) R37.50 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Miners and mining—Mozambique Centro de Estudos Africanos Mozambican miners in South Africa. (Research reports, 79/4) 26pp. ($5.00) M20.00 Centro Estudos Africanos 1979 MZ Miners and mining—South Africa Crush, J., James, W. Crossing boundaries: mine migrancy in a democratic South Africa. 255pp. R49.95 Idasa 1995 SA Krige, D.G. Lognormal-De Wijsian geostatistics for ore evaulation. 2nd ed.(SAIMM monograph, 1) cd. 51pp. ill. ($24.50) SAIMM 1981 SA Moodie, T.D., Ndatshe, V. Going for gold. Men, mines and migration. 364pp. R84.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA South Africa Institute of Mining and Metallurgy AITES-ITA 2000 - tunnels under pressure. (SAIMM symposium series, 24) R570.00 SAIMM 2000 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Coal - the future. (SAIMM symposium series, 26) R342.00 SAIMM 2001 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy E-procurement in the South African mining industry. Colloquium. (SAIMM sundry publications, 30) R85.50 SAIMM SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Gravity gold workshop. (SAIMM sundry publications, 34) R136.80 SAIMM 2002 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Human technology in the mining, metals and minerals industry: state of the art. Colloquium. (SAIMM sundry publications, 37) R85.50 SAIMM 2002 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy INFACON 6 (incorporating INCSAC 1). 2 vols.(SAIMM symposium series, 11) cd. 556pp. ill. ($200.00) SAIMM 1992 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy International deep mining conferences set. 2 vols.(SAIMM symposium series, 10) cd. 1443pp. ill. ($180.00) SAIMM 1990 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Mine closure for sustainable development. Colloquium. (SAIMM sundry publications, 41) R39.90 SAIMM 2003 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Mine hoisting. (SAIMM symposium series, 25) R342.00 SAIMM 2001 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Mine mechanisation and automation. (SAIMM symposium series, 28) R342.00 SAIMM 2001 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy RSIM 5 - dynamic rock mass response mining. (SAIMM symposium series, 27) R570.00pp. SAIMM 2001 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Safety in mines. (SAIMM symposium series, 35) R570.00 SAIMM 2003 SA
South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Surface mining. [Also available on CDROM.] (SAIMM symposium series, 30) R342.00 SAIMM 2002 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Sustainable SHEQ management in the mining industry. (SAIMM sundry publications, 39) R85.50 SAIMM 2003 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Underground loading and hauling. (SAIMM sundry publications, 42) R85.50 SAIMM 2003 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy XVth CMMI Congress Publications. Mining. vol.1(SAIMM symposium series, S14) 370pp. ill. ($69.00) SAIMM 1994 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy XIV international preparation congress and exhibition. (SAIMM symposium series, 29) R570.00 SAIMM 2002 SA Miners and mining—Zambia Ohadike, P.O. Development and factors in the employment of African migrants on the copper mines of Zambia, 1940-66. (Zambian paps., 4) 24pp. (£3.50) K3.00 Univ Zambia 1969 ZA Miners and mining—Zimbabwe Chiwawa, H. Women on cooperative mines in Zimbabwe. (IDS research paper, 9) 17pp. Z$25.00 ($5.00/£3.00) ZIDS 1993 ZI Save the Children Children in the informal mining sector in Zimbabwe. ISBN: 0797421637 cd. 50pp. Z$100.00 ($3.50) Save the Children 2000 ZI van Onselen, C. Chibaro. African mine labour in Southern Rhodesia 1900-1933. 326pp. R12.50 Ravan 1980 SA Mines Boulden, L.H., Edmonds, M. The politics of de-mining. Mine clearance in southern Africa. ISBN: 1874890927 190pp. R60.00 ($15.00) SA Inst Int Affairs 1999 SA Mines and mineral resources see also Miners and mining Saggerson, E.P. Handbook of minerals under the microscope. 64pp. ill. R50.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1986 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Measurement, control and optimization in mineral processing. (SAIMM special publications, 5) 408pp. ill. ($106.00) SAIMM 1994 SA Mines and mineral resources—Africa Khennas, S., ed. Industrialisation, ressources minières et énergie en Afrique. [Also available in English.] 348pp. CFA4,000 ($25.00/ £14.00/Eur24.00) CODESRIA 1993 SG FRE Khennas, S., ed. Industrialization, mineral resources and energy in Africa. [Also available in French.] cd. & 340pp. ($47.50/£26.50 cd.) ($27.00/£14.95 pap.) CODESRIA 1993 SG Mines and mineral resources—Congo Democratic Republic Bartholomé, P. Les minérais cuprocobaltifères de Kamoto (Katanga-Ouest). vol.1: Pétrographie 40pp. pl. 85k Press Univ Congo 1962 ZR FRE Bartholomé, P. Les minérais cuprocobaltifères de Kamoto (Katanga-Ouest). vol.2: Paragenèse 24pp. ill. 25k Press Univ Congo 1962 ZR FRE
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Mines and mineral resources —Congo Democratic Republic Mutshipayi, M. Comment apprécier les entreprises minières. ISBN: 440 Press Univ Congo 1988 ZR FRE Mines and mineral resources—Kenya Okech, B.A. Coal supply situation: availability for substitution in the Kenyan economy. (IDS discussion paper, 289) 54pp. K.shs.102.00 Inst Dev Stud 1988 KE Mines and mineral resources—South Africa Bierman, J. Undermining mineral rights: an international comparison. (FMF occasional paper, 10) ISBN: 1874930538 50pp. R40.00 Free Market Found 2001 SA Deetlefs, J.P., ed. The planning and operation of open pit and strip mines. (SAIMM symposium series, 7) cd. 508pp. ill. ($80.00) SAIMM 1986 SA Gaffner, G., ed. Industrial uses of gold. vol.3(SAIMM symposium series, 8) cd. 112pp. ill. ($24.00) SAIMM 1986 SA Glen, H.W., ed. Proceedings twelfth CMMI congress, 1982. (SAIMM symposium series, 5) cd. 1025pp. ill. ($80.00) SAIMM 1982 SA Kaplan, M., Dale, M.O. A guide to the minerals act 1991. cd. & 295pp. R39.90 cd. R28.50 Butterworth 1992 SA Lenahan, W.C., Murray-Smith, R. de L. Assay and analytical practice in the South Africa mining industry. (SAIMM monograph, 6) 640pp. ill. ($80.00) SAIMM 1986 SA Rendu, J-M.M. An introduction to geostatistical methods of mineral evaluation. 2nd ed.(SAIMM monograph, 2) 100pp. ill. ($24.50) SAIMM 1981 SA Rushton, A. Centrifugal recovery of coal from South African fine-coal slurries. (CSIR reports, CENG 083) 2.00 CSIR 1975 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy APCOM ’87 set. 3 vols.(SAIMM symposium series, 9) cd. 1118pp. ill. ($172.00) SAIMM 1987 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Backfill in South African mines. (SAIMM special publications, 2) cd. 630pp. ill. ($95.00) SAIMM 1988 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy COREX symposium 1990. (SAIMM special publications, 4) cd. 104pp. ill. ($32.00) SAIMM 1991 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Heavy minerals. (SAIMM symposium series, 17) cd. 270pp. ill. ($150.00) SAIMM 1997 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Hidden wealth. (SAIMM symposium series, 186) 186pp. ill. ($69.00) SAIMM 1996 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Minefill 93. (SAIMM symposium series, 13) cd. 408pp. ill. ($150.00) SAIMM 1993 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Treatment and re-use of water in the mineral industry. (SAIMM special publications, 3) cd. 144pp. ill. ($40.00) SAIMM 1989 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy XVth CMMI Congress Publications. Metals technology and extractive metallurgy. vol.2(SAIMM symposium series, 14) 458pp. ill. ($69.00) SAIMM 1994 SA
van Rensburg, W.C.J. Reserves as a leading indicator to future mineral production. 25pp. R4.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1975 SA Wade, L., Cutland, J.R., eds. APCOM ’87. Mining. vol.1(SAIMM symposium series, 9) cd. 414pp. ill. ($68.00) SAIMM 1987 SA Wagner, H., ed. Gold mining technology. vol.1(SAIMM symposium series, 8) cd. 420pp. ill. ($56.00) SAIMM 1986 SA Wollacott, L.C., Eric, R.H. eds. Mineral and metal extraction - an overview. (Monograph series, M8) cd. 412pp. ill. ($70.00) SAIMM 1994 SA Mines and mineral resources—Zambia Drysdall, A.R., et al. Coal resources of the Zambezi valley. vol.3: Siankondobo - the northern part of the Kazinza basin.(Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 15) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1967 ZA Drysdall, A.R., Langevad, E.J. The mines and minerals act, 1969, and the mineral tax act, 1970. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 26) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1970 ZA Newman, D. An occurrence of high-grade limestone west of Lusaka. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 6) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1964 ZA Newman, D., Drysdall, A.R. The tin mineralisation of Chimwami mine, Choma district. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 2) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1964 ZA Radosevic, B. The coal resources of the Zambezi valley. Mulungwa coalfield. A preliminary report. vol.6(Dept. of Geological Survey. Economic Reports, 20) K4.00 Geol Survey - Zambia 1969 ZA Simpson, J.G. The Nchoncho bismuth prospect, Central Province. (Dept. of Geological Survey, economic reports, 7) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1964 ZA Tavener-Smith, R. The Karroo System and coal resources of the Gwembe District, south-west section. (Dept. of Geological Survey, bulletins, 4) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1960 ZA Mines and mining—Tanzania Hang, A.Y. Environmental impact assessment of small scale mining: a case study of Merelani, Kahama, Nzega, Geita and Musoma. ISBN: 9987612024 CEEST 2000 TZ Kulindwa, K., Mashindano, O., Shechambo, F. Mining for sustainable development in Tanzania. ISBN: 9976603908 187pp. ($27.95/£16.95) Dar es Salaam UP 2003 TZ Mines and mining resources—Nigeria— Addresses and essays Elueze, A.A., Ikelionwu, C.J. NMGS annual lecture series. vol.1 ISBN: 9780288228 77pp. maps N500.00 ($80.00) SAIMM 1999 SA Missions—Africa, West Ustorf, W. Bremen missonaires in Togo and Ghana. 1847-1900. ISBN: 996478290X 528pp. C75,000 ($30.00) Asempa 2002 GH Missions, Christian see also Christian life Christianity in Africa Church history de Gruchy, S. Changing frontiers: the mission of the UCCSA. ISBN: 9991261729 330pp. col.pl. P60.00 ($12.68) Pula 1999 BS Hastings, A. Church and ministry. (Gaba pastoral paper, 25) 52pp. K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1972 KE
Subject index Kernan, J. Farewell, Mary B ... 2nd ed. 44pp. ill. free Christian Lit 1994 SA Pierli, F. Be my witness. Spirituality of mission. 256pp. ($6.00) Paulines 1996 KE Pobee, J.S. Ministerial formation for mission today. 132pp. ($7.00) Asempa 1993 GH Tebaldi, G. Consolata missionaries in the world. ISBN: 9966210237 320pp. K.shs.600.00 ($8.00) Paulines 2001 KE Missions, Christian—Africa Aboagbe-Mensah, R.K. Mission and democracy in Africa. 164pp. C8,000 ($10.00) Asempa 1994 GH Aguilar, M.I. Ministry to social and religious outcasts in Africa. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 138-139) 91pp. ($10.00) Gaba 1995 KE Bosch, D.J. Dynamique de la mission chrétienne. 776pp. CFA9,000 HaHo 1995 TG FRE Cummins, H. A guide book for starting new churches. ISBN: 9966850338 51pp. K.shs.70.00 Evangel 1998 KE Doerr, L. In the service of the missionary church. vol.1 300pp. T.shs.4,000 Benedictine 1998 TZ Doerr, L. In the service of the missionary church. vol.2 246pp. T.shs.3,500 Benedictine 1998 TZ Doerr, L. In the service of the missionary church. vol.3 260pp. T.shs.3,500 Benedictine 1998 TZ Donders, J.G. Gathering all nations. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 101) 44pp. ($2.80) Gaba 1988 KE Editions CLE Défis à la mission chrétienne en Afrique aujourd’hui. CFA3,500 CLE 2000 CM FRE Eglise Evangélique Presbytérienne du Togo La mission de Dieu, notre mission. 40pp. CFA350 HaHo 1997 TG FRE Galilea, S. La mission dans l’évangile. Epiphanie 1994 ZR FRE
Gerloff, R., ed. Mission is crossing frontiers. Essays in honour of Bongani Mazibuko. ISBN: 1875053379 574pp. R120.00 ($24.90/ £15.00) Cluster 2003 SA Lucas, D., ed. Toward adult Christian community. Report on the AMECEA Catechetical Congress, Nairobi, Kenya, 1973. (Gaba pastoral paper, 29) 62pp. pl. K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1973 KE Mana, K. La nouvelle évangélisation en Afrique. CFA10,000 CLE 2000 CM FRE Millard, J.A. Malihambe: let the word spread. ISBN: 1868880524 R65.00 ($6.30/£4.30) Unisa 1999 SA Onwubiko, O.A. The church in mission. ISBN: 9966213149 472pp. K.shs.800.00 ($10.00) Paulines 2001 KE Onwubiko, O.A. The church in mission in the light of ecclesia in Africa. ISBN: 9966211439 472pp. ($7.00) Paulines 2002 KE Paulines Publications Africa Collaborative ministry. ISBN: 9966216227 88pp. K.shs.180.00 ($2.50) Paulines 2001 KE
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African Books in Print
Subject index Paulines Publications Africa Ministry to youth and young adults. ISBN: 9966212353 80pp. K.shs.200.00 ($2.50) Paulines 2001 KE Paulines Publications Africa Missionary ministry and missiology in Africa today. 76pp. ($2.00) Paulines 1995 KE Paulines Publications Africa Social ministry. 112pp. K.shs.200.00 ($4.00) Paulines 1997 KE Poucouta, P. L’église dans la tourmente, la mission dans l’apocalypse. 112pp. (FB32.00) Epiphanie 1996 ZR FRE Salvoldi, V., Sesana, R.K. Africa: the gospel belongs to us. Problems and prospects for an African council. 187pp. K6.00 Mission Press Ndola 1986 ZA Zolli, F. La mission, dieu visite son peuple, la mission dans les écrits de Luc. 79pp. (FB26.00) Epiphanie 1996 ZR FRE Missions, Christian—Africa, East Abraha, A.A. Saint Justin de Jacobis. His missionary methodology in Eritrea and Ethiopia. 120pp. ($5.00) Paulines 1995 KE de Jong, A.H. Mission and politics in eastern Africa. Dutch missionaries and African nationalism in Kenya, Tanzania and Malawi 1945-1965. 352pp. Paulines 2000 KE
Missions, Christian—Zimbabwe Missions, Christian—Ghana Schweizer, P.A. Survivors on the Gold Coast. The Basel missionaries in colonial Ghana. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9988600011 213pp. ill.pl.col.pl.maps ($29.99/£19.99) Smartline 2001 GH Yambasu, S.J. Dialectics of evangelization. ISBN: 9964782861 304pp. C50,000 ($15.00) Asempa 2002 GH Missions, Christian—Kenya Barrett, D.B., et al., eds. Kenya churches handbook. The development of Kenyan Christianity, 1498-1972. [includes directory of churches and Christian organisations, plus bibliography]. cd. & 350pp. col. maps. K.shs.20.00 cd. K.shs.15.00 Evangel 1974 KE Lang’at, R.K. Evangelizers or colonizers: missionary movement among the Kipsigis in Kenya. (Zapf African Dissertation Series, 1) ISBN: 996699257X cd. & 190pp. K.shs.460.00 ($70.00/£42.00) cd. K.shs.370.00 ($50.00/£30.00) Zapf 1998 KE Missions, Christian—Malawi Booth, J. Africa for the African. 114pp. pl. K90.00 ($7.00/£4.50) Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1996 MW Christian Literature Association in Malawi The Blantyre Synod centenary. 20pp. pl. 30t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1976 MW CHC
Lucas, D., ed. Development projects: church involvement in eastern Africa. (Gaba pastoral paper, 18) 65pp. map. K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1971 KE
Matemba, H.Y. Matandani: the second adventist mission in Malawi. (Kachere thesis, 1) ISBN: 9990876002 80pp. ($14.95/£12.95) Kachere 2004 MW
Missions, Christian—Botswana Mgadla, P.T. Missionaries and western education in the Bechuanaland protectorate 1859-1904. The case of the Bangwato. 2nd ed.(Studies on the Church in southern Africa, 2) 50pp. P10.00 ($10.00) Dept Theology and Religious Stud 1994 BS
McCracken, J. Politics and christianity in Malawi 18751940. The impact of the Livingstonia Mission in the Northern Province. 2nd rev.ed. ISBN: 9990816245 376pp. maps ($36.95/£21.95) Kachere 2000 MW
Mignon, A. The 19th century Lutheran Mission in Botswana. ISBN: 9991260285 50pp. ill. P25.00 Botswana Soc 1998 BS Potter, J. The origins and development of Methodist mission work in the area of present day Botswana. (Studies on the Church in southern Africa, 6) 83pp. P10.00 ($10.00) Dept Theology and Religious Stud 1995 BS Missions, Christian—Cameroun Messina, J-P. La mission catholique de Mvolyé. ISBN: 291138041X 104pp. CFA4,300 (Eur6.55) UCAC 2001 CM FRE Onambele, R. Mrg. Vogt: circulaire à ses missionnaires. 250pp. Univ Yaoundé 1973 CM FRE Van Slageren, J. Les origines de l’église évangélique du Cameroun. Missions européennes et christianisme autochtone. 300pp. maps. CFA4,500 CLE 1972 CM FRE Missions, Christian—Congo Democratic Republic Kimpinde, M., ed. Stefano Kaoze: prêtre d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. 272pp. K35.00 Chancellor Coll 1983 MW FRE Michalek, A. Dialogue interreligieux. Nouvelle exigence de la mission. (CEEBA série III, 127) 120pp. pl. CEEBA 1999 ZR FRE Ng’ekeb, F.M. Les origines et les débuts de la mission au Kwango (1879-1994). cd. 658pp. ($120.00) Kalombo 1994 ZR FRE
Strohbehn, U. Pentacostalism in Malawi. A history of the Apostolic Faith Mission 1931-1994. ISBN: 9990876258 203pp. ill.pl.maps ($24.95/£14.95) Kachere 2005 MW Thompson, J. Livingstonia centenary: 100th anniversary of the Livingstonia Mission of the Church of Central African Presbyterian - CCAP - in Malawi. 16pp. 20t Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1975 MW Thompson, T.J. Touching the heart: Xhosa missionaries to Malawi, 1876-1888. ISBN: 1868881407 230pp. R96.00 ($20.20/£13.20) Unisa 2000 SA Missions, Christian—Namibia Hellberg, C-J. Mission, colonialism and liberation: the Lutheran church in Namibia 1840-1966. 324pp. N$116.00 ($38.00/£21.50) New Namibia 1997 SX Mutorwa, J. The establishment of the Nyangana Roman Catholic mission studies during the reign of Hompa Nyangana: an historical inquiry. 52pp. pl.maps N$42.66 Gamsberg 1996 SX Williams, C.A. Remembering St. Therese. ISBN: 9991622888 80pp. pl.maps Out of Africa - Namibia 2003 SX Missions, Christian—Rwanda C.I.A.M. Dieu nous parle au Rwanda. Epiphanie 1996 ZR FRE
Gatwa, T. Rwanda: eglises victimes ou coupables. CFA2,500 CLE 2000 CM FRE Overdulve, C.M. A l’écoute de la parole. 2000 CM FRE
CFA3,500 CLE
Missions, Christian—South Africa Bredekamp, H. Missions and Christianity in South African history. 272pp. R120.00 Witwatersrand UP 1995 SA de Kock, L. Civilising barbarians. Missionary narrative and African textual response in nineteenth-century South Africa. 240pp. R98.95 Witwatersrand UP 1996 SA Duncan, G.A. Lovedale: coercive agency. Power and resistance in mission education. ISBN: 1875053360 428pp. R120.00 ($25.00) Cluster 2003 SA Saayman, W.A. Christian mission in South Africa, political and ecumenical. (Manualia Didactica, 11) 128pp. R49.00 ($12.30/£7.50) Unisa 1991 SA Schoeman, K. The early mission in South Africa/Die vroeë sending in suid-Afrika. [Dual language text.] ISBN: 1919825428 cd. 272pp. R160.00 Protea 2004 SA Schoeman, K. The Griqua mission at Philippolis 18221837. ISBN: 1869190173 R99.95 Protea 2005 SA Schoeman, K., ed. The mission at Griquatown, 1801-1821: an anthology. vol.6 153pp. R42.50 South African Lib 1997 SA Missions, Christian—Sudan Hart, N. La paix au Soudan. 34pp. pl. CFA100.00 CLE 1972 CM FRE Pierli, F., Ratti, M.T., Wheeler, A.C. eds. Gateway to the heart of Africa: missionary pioneers in Sudan. (Faith in the Sudan, 5) ISBN: 9966213740 160pp. ($4.00) Paulines 1998 KE Missions, Christian—Tanzania Fiedler, K. Christianity and African culture: conservative German protestant missionaries in Tanzania. (Kachere monograph, 9) ISBN: 9990816242 248pp. ($29.95/£20.95) Kachere 1999 MW Lutheran Mission Cooperation Assembly Harmony: working together in the new millenium. 224pp. ill. LMC 2001 TZ Magesa, L. The prophetic role of the church in Tanzania today. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 115) K.shs.140.00 Gaba 1991 KE Napachihi, S.W. The relationship between the German missionaries of the congregation of St. Ottilien and the German colonial authorities in Tanzania: 1887-1907. ISBN: 9976635605 228pp. T.shs.2,000 ($20.00) Ndanda Mission 1998 TZ Perrin Jassy, M.F. Forming Christian communities. Evaluation of pastoral experimentation based on sociological research in northern Tanzania. (Gaba pastoral paper, 12) 76pp. K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1970 KE Missions, Christian—Uganda Tiberondwa, A.K. Missionary teachers as agents of colonialism in Uganda. 2nd rev. ed. ISBN: 997002073X 116pp. ($11.25/£6.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Missions, Christian—Zambia Ipenburg, A.N. Lubwa: the Presbyterian mission and the East Bemba. (HAZ pamphlets, 7) 50pp. ill. Multimedia 1984 ZA O’Shea, M. Missionaries and miners. A history of the beginnings of the Catholic Church in Zambia, with particular reference to the Copperbelt. 376pp. maps ($10.00) Mission Press - Ndola 1986 ZA Missions, Christian—Zimbabwe Dove, S.J. John Bradburne of Mutemwa. Three wishes fulfilled. 24pp. pl. ($3.40) Mambo 1985 ZI
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Missions, Christian—Zimbabwe Presler, T.L. Transfigured night: mission and culture in Zimbabwe’s vigil movement. ISBN: 1868880516 350pp. R96.00 ($20.00/ £13.50) Unisa 1999 SA Zvogbo, C.J.M. A history of Christian missions in Zimbabwe 1890-1939. 412pp. ($25.00) Mambo 1996 ZI Zvogbo, C.V. The Wesleyan Methodist mission in Zimbabwe. 169pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Univ Zimbabwe 1991 ZI Mkandawire, Austin C.—Autobiography Mkandawire, A.C. Living my destiny; an autobiographical, medical and historical narrative. ISBN: 0952223333 130pp. ill. ($35.00/£19.00) Dudu Nsomba 1998 MW Mkandawire, Austin Chuma—Biography Mkandawire, A.C. Yuraia Chatonda Chirwa: the faithful servant. ISBN: 0953239624 68pp. pl. (£7.00) Dudu Nsomba 2003 MW Mkandawire, Chiswakhata—Biography Mkandawire, O.I. Chiswakhata Mkandawire of Livingstonia. ISBN: 9990816395 79pp. ill.pl. ($18.95/ £10.95) Kachere 2002 MW Mkandawire, O.—Autobiography Mkandawire, O. Face to face with my life. (Kachere text, 18) ISBN: 9990876320 106pp. ($10.00/ £5.50) Kachere 2004 MW Mmasi, Alois Samia—Autobiography Mmasi, A.S. Satanic tortures. ISBN: 9976603126 106pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1999 TZ Modisane, W.B.—Autobiography Modisane, W.B. Blame me on history. R89.95 Donker 1995 SA Mojapelo, Jimmy—Autobiography Mojapelo, J. The unknown hero. [Autobiography and essays by a black South African poetmusician-comedian.] ($10.00/£6.25) R9.95 Skotaville 1987 SA Moloi, Godfrey—Autobiography Moloi, G. My life. The godfather of Soweto. 1868420787 R89.95 Ball 1999 SA Moloi, G. My life. Volume 1. Ravan 1987 SA
220pp. pl. R11.95
Momah, Sam—Autobiography Momah, S. Technology is power: memoirs of a soldier, scholar, strategist, engineer in government. ISBN: 9780291334 172pp. N780.00 ($19.95/£11.95) Spectrum 1999 NR Money Grant, R. Real money. ISBN: 1874930228 187pp. R85.00 ($43.00/£9.00) Free Market Found 1999 SA
Subject index Moré language Alexandre, R.P. La langue Moré. [Reprint of ed. 1953]. 2 vols(Mémoires de l’IFAN, 34) 407 & 506pp. CFA5,500 2 vols. IFAN 1953 SG FRE Morocco—History Burckhardt, T. Fez, city of Islam. trans.f.t. Arabic by William Stoddart 175pp. E£80.00 ($27.95) Am Univ 1992 UA Doumou, A., ed. L’etat marocain dans la Durée (18501985). [Also available in English.] 172pp. CFA5,000 ($10.00/£5.00/ Eur10.00) CODESRIA 1987 SG FRE Doumou, A., ed. The Moroccan state in historical perspective 1850-1985. [Also available in French.] 174pp. ($25.00/£13.95) CODESRIA 1990 SG Morocco—Politics and government Akesbi, N. L’impôt, l’état et l’ajustement. 472pp. Actes Ed 1993 MR FRE Morocco—Sociology Bennani-Chraïbi, M. Soumis et rebelles. Les jeunes au Maroc. 376pp. Dir90.00 Fennec 1996 MR FRE Roussillon, A. Réforme sociale et identité. Fennec 1998 MR FRE
Morosova, Olga Danilovna—Autobiography Morozova, O.D. Living a delusion: a memoir from Soviet Russia. trans.f.t. Russian by Olga Morozova and Roger Cartwright ISBN: 1770070338 Oshun 2004 SA Mosquitoes see also Malaria Parasitology Sanitary engineering Asimeng, E.J. Mosquitoes and human health. ISBN: 9966854169 178pp. K.shs.500.00 ($20.00) Moi Univ 2000 KE Mossi (African people)—Folklore Canu, G. Contes mossi actuels. Etude ethnolinguistique. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 82) 361pp. CFA6,000 IFAN 1969 SG FRE Mossi language—Terminology Houis, M. Les noms individuels chez les Mosi. (Initiations et Etudes Africaines, 17) 141pp. CFA2,000 IFAN 1963 SG FRE Motherhood and child care see also Birth control Child study Family and home Health education Paediatrics
Mongo (African people)—Folklore Hulstaert, G. Berceuses Mongo. 2nd ed. 390pp. ($86.00) Kalombo 1996 ZR FRE
Barker, K. Lively little people. 18-24 months. ISBN: 0636048330 46pp. col.pl. R39.95 Pearson 2002 SA
Mongo (African people)—Social life and customs Hulstaert, G. Petit léxique des croyances Mongo: notes sur la yebola. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 70) 126pp. (DM27.00) CEEBA 1981 ZR FRE
Barker, K. Nurture your newborn. Birth to six months. ISBN: 0636048357 32pp. col.pl. R39.95 Pearson 2001 SA
Mooré—General and Non-fiction Sidibe, K.A. Venegr poglem la raoolem weege. [Light on sex life.] ISBN: 2913991017 90pp. CFA500.00 Sankofa & Gurli 1999 UV MOR Moraitis, John—Biography Germany, E. Ethiopia my home: the life of John Moraitis. ISBN: 1931253056 104pp. pl. ($25.00) Shama 2001 ET
de Clerck, M. La consultation prénatale et la surveillance du travail. 80pp. ($3.35) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE de Jager, M. Babygym. ISBN: 0798143258 96pp. ill. R79.95 Human and Rousseau 2004 SA de Kock, J., van der Walt, C., eds. Maternal and newborn care: a complete guide for midwives and other health professionals. ISBN: 070216402X 680pp. ill. (£25.00) Juta 2005 SA Editions St. Paul A toi jeune maman. 48pp. ill. col. ill. K15.00 Chancellor Coll 1974 MW FRE Ekuma-Nkama, E.N. Young mother. Pregnancy and after. 102pp. ill. ($11.50/£6.50) Fourth Dimension 1991 NR Everett, J., McMahon, R. Caring for mothers: a manual for rural health workers. 188pp. ill. K.shs.900.00 AMREF 1994 KE Feldman, W., ed. The 3 a.m. handbook. The most commonly asked questions about your child’s health. ISBN: 1868722260 232pp. R89.95 Zebra 1998 SA Gichinga, E. Unmarried mothers. A counselling guide. ISBN: 9966855394 117pp. K.shs.220.00 Uzima 1998 KE Hobbs, J. Babies and toddlers. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 368pp. R79.95 Zebra 1997 SA Jackson, D. Parenting with panache. ISBN: 0620284234 160pp. ill. R70.00 Wordsmith 2002 SA Lamprecht, C. Every child a winner. A motivation guide for every parent. 80pp. R39.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA Margow, R. Successful single parenting. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1919713360 136pp. R65.00 UCT Press 1999 SA Matundu Nzita., Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. La santé de vos enfants: comment protéger la santé des enfants depuis la naissance jusqu’à leur entrée à l’école. (Protection maternelle et infantile, 14) 52pp. pl. ($2.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Oniang’o, R.K. Feeding the child. 147pp. ill. K.shs.430.00 ($13.75/£7.50) EAEP 1988 KE
Barker, K. Busy babies. 6-12 months. ISBN: 0636048349 45pp. col.pl. R39.95 Pearson 2002 SA
Barker, K. Talented toddlers. 12-18 months. 0636048322 45pp. col.pl. R39.95 Pearson 2002 SA
Chigbu, A.E. Motherhood, pregnancy and child care. 240pp. pl.ill. N313.00 Africana First 1990 NR
Brock, B. Education à la vie. 1: période prénatale. 12th ed. vol.1 ISBN: 274140091X 126pp. ($5.00) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Bullen, S. Hey baby. ISBN: 1770070354 256pp. Oshun 2005 SA
Otte, T. The illustrated guide to pregnancy and birth. [Also available in English and Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868259722 144pp. col.ill.col.pl. R99.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA MUL Otte, T. Tina Otte’s pregnancy and birth book. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 256pp. col.ill.col.pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Paulines Publications - Africa Adolescence and pregnancy. ($0.80) Paulines 1994 KE
Picton, H. Hyperactive children. 164pp. ill. R74.95 Witwatersrand UP 1996 SA Roberts, M. Pregnancy and child care for healthy living. ISBN: 0864865511 128pp. col.pl. R75.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. La malnutrition de l’enfant et ses conséquences. (Protection maternelle et infantile, 8) 64pp. pl. ($2.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Mugabe, Robert—Biography
Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. La maternité et promotion de la santé. Le rôle de l’infirmière-accoucheuse dans la médecine promotionnelle. (Protection maternelle et infantile, 31) 56pp. pl. ($2.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE
Motherhood and child care—Zimbabwe Gelfand, M.W. Midwifery in tropical Africa: the growth of maternity services in Rhodesia. [Supplement to Zambezia, 1978.] 87pp. ill. pl. Z$6.48. Univ Zimbabwe 1978 ZI
Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. Pour que mon bébé naisse en bonne santé. Quelques informations sur les consultations prénatales et leur importance pour la mère et l’enfant. (Protection maternelle et infantile, 18) 48pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE
Motherhood and childcare—Ghana Tettey, E.R. Motherhood. An experience in the Ghanaian context. ISBN: 9964302800 85pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Ghana UP 2002 GH
Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. Pourquoi vacciner vos enfants? Quelques informations sur le rôle des vaccins dans la défense contre les maladies. (Protection maternelle et infantile, 26) 40pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Savage King, F. Helping mothers to breastfeed. 2nd ed. 180pp. ill. K.shs.650.00 AMREF 1992 KE Sende, P. Guide pratique de la maternité. cd. & 180pp. ill. CFA2,462 CLE 1988 CM FRE Stoppard, M. Baby and child healthcare. South African edition new ed. ISBN: 1868721280 336pp. col.ill.col.pl. R99.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Stoppard, M. New baby care book. A practical guide to the first three years. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 384pp. col.ill.col.pl. R99.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Stoppard, M. Pregnancy and birth. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 3rd ed. 240pp. pl.ill. R89.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Tafelberg Publishers Back to baby basics. ISBN: 0627019374 R19.95 Tafelberg 1995 SA Thompson, J. Toddlercare. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624039129 96pp. R89.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA Uyterlinde, J. Hearts desire. [Also available in Dutch.] ISBN: 1919930302 cd. 144pp. R120.00 Double Storey 2003 SA [Southern Africa only] Wachira, R.N. Child care. ISBN: 9966213375 56pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE Wachira, R.N. Parents and teenagers. Bridging the gap. 68pp. ($1.80) Paulines 1995 KE West African Book Publishers You and your baby. 7th ed. 84pp. ill. West African Bk 1975 NR Wickins, L. Invincible spirit. ISBN: 014302423X 233pp. col.pl. R96.49 Penguin SA 2002 SA Williams, F. Babycare for beginners. 96pp. col.ill.col.pl. R69.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Motherhood and child care—Nigeria Hake, J.M. Child-rearing practices in Northern Nigeria. 142pp. pl. N8.00 Ibadan UP 1972 NR Motherhood and child care—South Africa Nicholson, T. Your pregnancy diary. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624037525 cd. 116pp. R89.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Roberts, M. Pregnancy and child care for healthy living. ISBN: 0864865511 128pp. col.pl. R75.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA Motherhood and child care—Tanzania Segall, M.M., Hamza, M.H. Care of the newborn baby in Tanzania. new ed. 48pp. ill. T.shs.1,200 Tanz Publ House 1980 TZ
Mountaineering Hattingh, G. The climber’s handbook. ISBN: 1853687170 cd. 160pp. ill. R129.95 New Holland 1998 SA O’Dowd, C. Everest: free to decide. R89.95 Zebra 1997 SA
301pp. col.pl.
Mountaineering—South Africa Pearse, R., Byron, J. Dragon’s wrath - disasters and rescue operations in the Natal Drakensberg. cd. 272pp. pl. maps R39.95 Macmillan - SA 1986 SA Mozambique—Bibliography Gowan, S.J., comp. Portuguese-speaking Africa: a select bibliography 1900-1979. vol.2: Mozambique(Bibliographical series, 10) R25.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1982 SA Mozambique—Guide books Slater, M. Globetrotter travel guide to Mozambique. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Slater, M. Guide to Mozambique. 176pp. ill.col.pl.maps R119.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Mozambique—History Isaacman, A., Isaacman, B. Mozambique: from colonialism to revolution. 256pp. Z$15.60 Southern Africa only ZPH 1984 ZI
Lodge, T. Handbook of electoral laws and regulations, Mozambique elections. (EISA handbooks, 11) R20.00 EISA 1999 SA Machel, S. Mozambique: sowing the seeds of revolution. 64pp. Z$2.25 ZPH 1981 ZI Martin, D. Peace and reconstruction. Interview President Joaquim Alberto Chissano. 32pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Southern Afric Res & Docs 1997 ZI Naidu, S. Mozambique: a lasting peace? (SAIIA country report, 4) ISBN: 1919810285 SA Inst Int Affairs 2001 SA Pereira, J., Shenga, C. Moçambique, relatorio do pais. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 1919969373 SA Inst Int Affairs 2005 SA POR Pereira, J., Shenga, C. Mozambique country report. [Also available in Portuguese.] ISBN: 1919969144 SA Inst Int Affairs 2005 SA Southern African Research and Documentation Centre Mozambique in the Commonwealth. 28pp. ill. ($6.95/£3.75) Southern Afric Res & Docs 1997 ZI Vieira, S. War and peace in southern Africa: the Mozambican reply to Pretoria’s undeclared war. 16pp. ($2.75) M350.00 Centro Estudos Africanos 1989 MZ Mozambique—Politics and government— Bibliography Strachan, B., ed. Mozambique: the quest for peace. The political, social and economic context 1980-1994. A select and annotated bibliography. (SAIIA bibliographic series, 31) R125.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1996 SA
Newitt, M. A history of Mozambique. 600pp. ill.maps R120.00 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA [Southern Africa only]
Mozambique—Sociology Bornstein, L. Tension and conflict impact assessment in community development: Cheringoma and Gorongosa districts, Mozambique. (CSDS research reports, 45) R20.00/ R35.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2001 SA
Penvenne, J.M. African workers and colonial racism. Mozambican strategies and struggles in Lourenço Marques 1877-1962. 242pp. ill.maps R89.95 Witwatersrand UP 1995 SA [Southern Africa only]
Mozambique—Sociology, Rural Wuyts, M. Peasants and rural economy in Mozambique. (Research reports, 78/2) 204pp. ($5.00) Centro Estudos Africanos 1978 MZ
Mozambique—Maps and atlases Map Studio Eazimap: Mozambique. [Map. Folded 146x106mm (portrait); flat 700x420mm (landscape).] R19.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Mozambique—Travel Fox, J. With both hands waving. A journey through Mozambique. ISBN: 0795701446 208pp. pl. R125.00 (£8.95) Kwela 2002 SA
New Holland Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Mozambique. [Map. Folded 250x125mm (portrait); flat 1000x710mm landscape; scale :2,000,000.] col.pl.map R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Mpalweni, George—Biography Thema, D. Kortboy. A Sophiatown legend. ISBN: 0795710102 R110.00 (£8.95) Kwela 1999 SA
Mozambique—Natural history Kalk, M., ed. The natural history of Inhaca Island, Mozambique. new ed. ill.pl.col.pl. R120.00 Witwatersrand UP 1995 SA Mozambique—Politics and government Electoral Institute of Southern Africa Handbook of Mozambique’s electoral laws. 2004 general elections. [Also available in Portuguese.] (EISA handbooks, 14) R20.00 EISA 2004 SA Fauvet, P., Mosse, M. Carlos Cardoso: telling the truth in Mozambique. ISBN: 1919930310 368pp. R150.00 Double Storey 2003 SA Haines, R., Wood, G. Mozambique’s democratic transition: the 1994 elections and beyond. (IDPR occasional papers, 50) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Kadima, D. Mozambique elections observer mission report. R80.00 EISA 1999 SA
Mpeke, Simon (Baba Simon)—Biography Cador, G. On l’appelait Baba Simon. ISBN: 2911380290 254pp. CFA7,500 (Eur11.48) UCAC 2000 CM FRE Mphahlele, Es’kia—Autobiography Mphahlele, E. Africa my music. 2nd ed. 258pp. (£6.99) Ravan 1995 SA Mphahlele, Es’kia—Biography Manganyi, N.C. Exiles and homecomings: a biography of Es’kia Mphahlele. 314pp. R15.00 Ravan 1983 SA Mphahlele, Letlapa—Autobiography Mphahlele, L. Child of this soil. The life of a freedom fighter. ISBN: 0795701497 216pp. R100.00 (£9.95) Kwela 2003 SA Mugabe, Robert—Biography Katz, A. The real Robert Mugabe. (Manhattan Monograph, 10) 32pp. Z$1,000 ($10.00) Manhattan 2002 ZI
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Mugabe, Robert—Biography Katz, A. Robert Mugabe: a psychological profile. (Manhattan Monograph, 8) 32pp. Z$500.00 ($5.00) Manhattan 2002 ZI
Subject index Music—Addresses and essays Mayr, R. The nonsense of music. 25pp. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1973 SA
Brown, S. Ventures rhythm and song: pupil’s book. Grade 7 72pp. ill. music Z$51.95 College Press -Zimb 1987 ZI
Muluzi, Bakili—Autobiography Muluki, B. Mau Anga: the voice of a democrat past present and future. ISBN: 1919882081 191pp. pl. (£19.95) Skotaville 2002 SA
Music—Algeria Boukari, R. Cheikh Mohamed Bourahla et le style kheloui. ISBN: 9961773101 112pp. pl. DA200.00 Tell 2004 AE FRE
Brown, S. Ventures rhythm and song: pupil’s book. Grades 1 & 2 64pp. ill. music Z$39.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI
Mungai, Joseph M.—Autobiography Mungai, J.M. From simple to complex. The journey of a herdsboy. An autobiography. ISBN: 9966251537 287pp. ill.pl. K.shs.700.00 ($30.95/£18.95) EAEP 2002 KE
Music—Arabic Danielson, V. The voice of Egypt. Umm Kulthum, Arabic song and Egyptian society in the twentieth century. 299pp. pl. E£70.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1997 UA [Middle East only]
Museums see also Anthropology Archaeology Egypt—Antiquities Museums—Egypt Hawass, Z. Hidden treasures of the Egyptian musuem ISBN: 9774247787 112pp. col.pl. E£100.00 ($27.50/£22.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Hawass, Z., ed. Biblioteca Alexandrina. The archaeology museum. ISBN: 9773053261 141pp. col.pl. E£34.50 ($34.50/£28.95) Am Univ 2003 UA [Egypt only]
Music—Caribbean Ojo, A. Bob Marley. Songs of redemption. ISBN: 9780321188 169pp. ($23.95/ £13.95) Malthouse 2000 NR Music—Encylopaedias Ainsley, R. The ultimate encyclopaedia of classical music. R130.00 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA Music—Examinations, questions Karonji, R.M., Akuno, E. Revision music for K.C.P.E. (with answers). 99pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1992 KE
Museums—Namibia Tötemeyer, A-J. The state of museums in Namibia and the need for training for museum services. ISBN: 094743318X 526pp. N$200.00 UNAM 1999 SX
Music—South Africa Abrahams, R. Spinning around. The South African music industry in transition. (Social Cohesion and Integration occasional paper, 3) 37pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA
Museums—Nigeria Joubert, H. Les musées du Nigéria, (rapport d’enquêtes). 75pp. N300.00 ($18.00) IFRA - Nig 1995 NR FRE
Titlestad, M. Making the changes: jazz in South African literature and reportage. ISBN: 1868882918 274pp. R119.00 ($24.20/ £15.40/Eur21.20) Unisa 2004 SA
Museums—South Africa Deacon, H., Mngqolo, S., Prosalendis, S. Protecting our cultural capital: a research plan for the heritage sector. (Social Cohesion and Integration occasional paper, 4) ISBN: 0796920346 66pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA Oberholzer, H. Administrasie van nasionale museums in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika/ Administration of national Museums in the Republic of South Africa. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] (Memoir, 17) R3.50 Nasionale Museum SA 1982 SA MUL van der Bank, D.A. National Museum, part III. A.C. Hoffman as director, 1951-1969. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 16/5) ISBN: 1868470555 R15.00 (£3.00) Nasionale Museum SA 2000 SA Museums—Tunisia—Catalogs ben Abed ben Khader, A. Mosaïques du musée du Bardo. [Also available in English, German and Italian.] ISBN: 9973193555 72pp. col.pl. Cérès 1998 TI FRE Music see also African music Hymn books Songs Mears, C. Music for today. - SA 1978 SA
Music—South Africa—Dictionaries Ottermann, R., Smit, M. South African music dictionary. ISBN: 1868900193 R69.95 Pharos 2000 SA Music—Study and teaching Abwao, B., Nyacheio, D. Revision music for primary teacher education. 252pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 1996 KE
Mofta, R. The Coptic orthodox liturgy of St. Basil with a complete musical transcription. ISBN: 9774244370 cd. 748pp. E£150.00 ($49.50) Am Univ 1998 UA Nowotny, N.W. Satchintananda: meditation and dance around the still point, in the form of a raga performance for piano solo. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1989 SA Thomas, N. Modern choir management. Principles and practice. ISBN: 9783038294 178pp. Ano 2001 NR
Brown, S. Ventures rhythm and song: teacher’s resource book. Grade 3 and 4 80pp. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1987 ZI Brown, S. Ventures rhythm and song: teacher’s resource book. Grade 5, 6 and 7 80pp. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1987 ZI Gatigwa, R.K., Banda, C. K.C.P.E. revision music. K.shs.120.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1992 KE Inanga, A. Music for schools. bk.2 145pp. N135.00 ($5.50/£4.50) Spectrum 1991 NR Inanga, A. Music for schools. bk.1 136pp. N135.00 ($5.50/£4.50) Spectrum 1991 NR Inanga, A. Music for schools. bk.3 124pp. N135.00 ($5.50/£4.50) Spectrum 1991 NR Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Primary school music syllabus. 12pp. K.shs.2.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Kabelle, D.B. Basic music theory. 110pp. K.shs.95.00 ($1.50) Lake 1993 KE Kabelle, D.B. KCPE revision music. 101pp. ill. K.shs.100.00 ($2.50) Lake 1989 KE Maree, D. Guitar - teach yourself. Tafelberg 1995 SA
72pp. ill. R46.95
Mensah, I.T. Understanding music. bk.2 88pp. N288.00 Africana First 1990 NR
Akuno, E. Music for schools standard 4. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 1994 KE
Akuno, E. Music for schools standard 5. K.shs.160.00 EAEP 1994 KE
Mensah, I.T. Understanding music. bk.3 124pp. N800.00 Africana First 1990 NR
Akuno, E. Music for schools standard 6. K.shs.170.00 EAEP 1995 KE
Mensah, I.T. Understanding music. bk.1 80pp. ill. N250.00 Africana First 1990 NR
Akuno, E. Music for schools standard 7. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1995 KE
Mugochi Music education in schools. 187pp. Z$25.00 Longman - Zimb 1987[?] ZI
Akuno, E. Music for schools standard 8. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1994 KE
Nzioki, S. Music time: basic music knowledge. 145pp. K.shs.370.00 EAEP 1990 KE
Oehrle, E. A new direction for South African music education. 2nd ed. 82pp. R33.82 Shuter & Shooter 1988 SA
Awuor, O. Introduction to basic theory of music. ISBN: 9966855357 66pp. K.shs.140.00 Uzima 1998 KE cd. 144pp. R9.50 OUP
Brown, S. Ventures rhythm and song: pupil’s book. Grade 6 72pp. ill. music Z$48.95 College Press -Zimb 1987 ZI
Bourne de Lange, C.M. Theory of music. Grade 1. 28pp. ill. music R5.91 Shuter & Shooter 1980 SA Bourne de Lange, C.M. Theory of music. Grade 2. Shuter & Shooter 1981 SA
Brown, S. Ventures rhythm and song: pupil’s book. Grade 5 72pp. ill. music Z$47.25 College Press -Zimb 1987 ZI Brown, S. Ventures rhythm and song: pupil’s book. Grade 3 64pp. ill. music Z$39.95 College Press -Zimb 1987 ZI Brown, S. Ventures rhythm and song: pupil’s book. Grade 4 64pp. ill. music Z$41.95 College Press -Zimb 1987 ZI
Rees, E. Pathway to music. new ed. bk.3 60pp. R15.50 Shuter & Shooter 1980 SA Rees, E. Pathway to music. new ed. bk.2 24pp. R10.20 Shuter & Shooter 1980 SA Rees, E. Pathway to music. new ed. bk.1 24pp. R19.25 Shuter & Shooter 1980 SA Muthoni, Field Marshal—Biography Warimu Karani, R. Field Marshal Muthoni: Mau Mau heroine. ISBN: 9966951350 53pp. Kshs150.00 ($9.95) Sasa Sema 2005 KE Muzenda, Simon—Biography Bhebe, N. Simon Vengayi Muzenda & the struggle for, and liberation of Zimbabwe. ISBN: 0869227807 308pp. col. ill. pl. maps ($24.95/£14.95) Mambo 2004 ZI
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African Books in Print
Subject index Mveng, Engelbert—Biography Messina, J-P. Engelbert Mveng. La plume et le pinceau: un message pour l’Afrique du IIIè millénaire (1930-1995). ISBN: 2911380681 196pp. CFA12,000 (Eur18.26) UCAC 2003 CM FRE Mwanakatwe, John—Autobiography Mwanakatwe, J. Teacher, politician, lawyer. My autobiography. ISBN: 9982240218 515pp. Bookworld 2003 ZA Mycology see also Fungi Salako, E.A. Principles of general mycology. ISBN: 9782458279 140pp. ill. N350.00 ($3.20/ £2.10) Vantage 1999 NR Myn Kong, René—Autobiography Myn Kong, R. A travers le pays de mes souvenirs ou combats d’un jeune aveugle. ISBN: 2723501795 176pp. CFA4,000 (Eur16.00) CLE 2003 CM FRE Mynhardt, Patrick—Autobiography Mynhardt, P. Boy from Bethulie. An autobiography. ISBN: 186814397X 448pp. R235.00 Witwatersrand UP 2003 SA Mysticism Merrington, N. I died young. Mike speaks from the afterlife. ISBN: 0958435960 146pp. R90.00 ($12.95/£11.99) Kima 2002 SA Mutwa, C. African signs of the zodiac. 80pp. col.ill. R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Namibia—Guide books Zindela, T. Ndazana: the early years of Nat Nakasa. 36pp. ($4.95/£2.75) Skotaville 1990 SA Nama language Rust, F. Nama Wörterbuch (Dictionary of the Nama language). (new rev. ed. of J.G. Krönlein’s “Wortschatz der Khoi-Khoin”, 1889.) cd. 400pp. R50.00 (£10.75) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1969 SA Namhila, Ellen Ndeshi—Autobiography Namhila, E.N. The price of freedom. 200pp. ($11.25/ £6.25) New Namibia 1997 SX Namibia Pottas, M. The Namibian way. [Practical guide to life in Namibia.] R21.00 New Namibia 1991 SX Namibia—Atlases and maps Map Studio Eazimap Namibia. [Folded: 146x106mm; flat: 420x700mm; no scale given.] R19.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Mendelsohn, J., Jarvis, A., Roberts, C., Robertson, T. Atlas of Namibia: a cartographic profile of modern Namibia. ISBN: 0864865163 cd. 200pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps (£30.00) Philip 2003 SA Stols, C. New Namibian school atlas. 2nd ed. 72pp. col.ill. N$46.98 Gamsberg SX Namibia—Bibliography Association of Namibian Publishers Namibian books in print 1994. Preliminary list - 25 July, 1994. 26pp. Assoc Namibian Publ 1994 SX
Mutwa, C. African symbols of goodwill. 80pp. col.ill. R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Hillebrecht, W., comp. Namibian books in print 1996/1997. 2nd ed. 131pp. Assoc Namibian Publ 1996 SX
New Holland Publishers Ancient wisdom for the New Age: I Ching. ISBN: 1853689815 72pp. col.ill. R49.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Hillebrecht, W., comp. Namibian books in print, 1999/2000. 3rd ed. ISBN: 9991672338 114pp. ($19.95/ £11.95) Assoc Namibian Publ 2000 SX
New Holland Publishers Ancient wisdom for the New Age: numerology. ISBN: 1853689831 72pp. col.ill. R49.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
National Library of South Africa Namibia national bibliography 1996-1998. ISBN: 999167375X 236pp. ex. price on application NLN 2002 SX
New Holland Publishers Ancient wisdom for the New Age: palmistry. ISBN: 1853689777 72pp. col.ill. R49.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Rheeders, K. Master your number, master your life. ISBN: 0958435979 220pp. R115.00 ($14.95/£11.99) Kima 2002 SA Swain, J. Heaven’s gift, conversations beyond the veil. ISBN: 0958406529 ($10.95) Kima 2001 SA Vos, D. Dancing under an African moon. ISBN: 1868726533 272pp. Zebra 2002 SA Zebra Press Ancient wisdom for the New Age. Chinese astrology. 72pp. col.ill. (£4.99) Zebra 1997 SA Zebra Press Ancient wisdom for the New Age. Runes. 72pp. col.ill. (£4.99) Zebra 1997 SA Zebra Press Ancient wisdom for the New Age. Tarot. cd. 72pp. col.ill. (£4.99) Zebra 1997 SA Naba, Mogho—Biography Bretout, F. Mogho Naba du royaume Mossi. 96pp. CFA250.00 NEAS 1976 SG FRE Naidoo, Indres—Autobiography Naidoo, I. Island in chains. ISBN: 0140295356 296pp. R96.49 Penguin SA 2000 SA Nakasa, Nat—Biography Patel, E. The world of Nat Nakasa. 2nd ed. 206pp. R29.95 Ravan 1995 SA
Namibia—Community organizations Aitchison, J. Training of trainers: participatory training for development. ISBN: 9991621342 114pp. ill. Out of Africa - Namibia 1998 SX Dodge, A. Training development workers: participatory training for development. ISBN: 9991621334 151pp. ill. Out of Africa - Namibia 1998 SX Weyers, H. Community learning: participatory training for development. ISBN: 9991621326 78pp. ill. Out of Africa - Namibia 1998 SX Namibia—Demography Amutenya, P., Andima, J., Melber, H. Population distribution and migration. (NEPRU working paper, 22) 18pp. N$14.00 NEPRU 1993 SX
Aula, R. In search of excellence in education in Namibia. 75pp. UNAM 1999 SX Brits, A.M., Franz, J., Uanguta, E. An assessment of training needs in Omaheke. (NEPRU research report, 13) 135pp. ill.maps N$54.00 NEPRU 1996 SX Cohen, C. Administering education in Namibia: the colonial period to the present. (£17.00) Namibia Scient Soc 1994[?] SX [distr. outside Namibia by Cynthia Cohen, 2832 Avenue Marceau, 92400 Courbevoie, France] Dahlström, L., comp. Namibian educators research their own practice: critical practitioner inquiry in Namibia. 153pp. Gamsberg 2000 SX Dahlström, L., ed. Perspectives on teacher education and transformation in Namibia. 50pp. ill. Gamsberg 2000 SX Kasanda, C.D., ed. Enhancing learner performance in five school subjects through a teacher inservice workshop. ISBN: 9474339026 117pp. UNAM 1998 SX Katzao, J.J. Lessons to learn: a historical, sociological and economic interpretation of education provision in Namibia. ISBN: 9991621369 120pp. Out of Africa - Namibia 1999 SX Longman Namibia Namibia national conference in the implementation of the language policy for schools. R19.95 Longman - Namb 1992 SX Ministry of Education and Culture How much do Namibia’s children learn in school? Findings from the 1992 national learner baseline assessment. 116pp. ($18.00/£9.95) New Namibia 1995 SX Snyder, C.W., Friedhelm, G.G.V., eds. Inside reform. Policy and programming considerations in Namibia’s basic education reform. ISBN: 9991601576 279pp. N$55.00 Gamsberg 1998 SX Zimba, R.F. Namibian secondary school teachers’ understanding of student misbehaviour. rev.ed. 56pp. UNAM 1997 SX Namibia—Education, Higher Hangula, L., Mshigeni, K., Chitambo, A. The first ten years of the University of Namibia. (UNFPA publication, 7) ISBN: 999166341X UNAM 2003 SX Ministry of Higher Education, Vocational Training, Science, and Technology Investing in people, developing a country: higher education for development in Namibia. ISBN: 9991601996 154pp. ill. Gamsberg 1999 SX Namibia—Geography Simon, D. What’s in a map? Regional restructuring and the state in independent Namibia. (NEPRU occasional paper, 8) 35pp. pl.maps N$22.00 NEPRU 1996 SX
Andima, J., Kahuika, S., Melber, H. Population issues in Namibia. Background paper for the NPC’s macro-economic issues paper. (NEPRU working paper, 32) 30pp. N$15.00 NEPRU 1993 SX
Namibia—Guide books Amin, M. Spectrum guide to Namibia. [Also available in German.] 364pp. col.pl.maps ($12.99) Camerapix 1994 KE
Melber, H. Population and development: a background report on the Third Africa Population Conference at Dakar, Senegal, 7-12 December 1992, with special reference to the Namibian situation. (Travel and meeting reports, 6) 8pp. N$10.00 NEPRU 1993 SX
Bridgeford, P. Cape cross: past and present. ISBN: 9991650709 44pp. ill.maps Bridgeford 2002 SX
Namibia—Education Amukogo, E.M. Education and politics in Namibia. Past trends and future prospects. 2nd rev.ed. ISBN: 0868489211 237pp. N91.70 Gamsberg 1998 SX
Cowley, C., ed. Namibia guidebook. Clive Cowley’s journey into Namibia. [Annual.] 13th ed. ISBN: 9991674896 ($20.00) Guidebook Pr 2004 SX Cowley, C., ed. Namibia guidebook. Clive Cowley’s journey into Namibia. [Annual.] 12th ed. ISBN: 9991674888 ($20.00) Guidebook Pr 2003 SX
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Namibia—Guide books Joyce, P. Indaba mini-curio: Namibia. Land of contrast. [Also available in German.] 32pp. col.pl.map R29.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA Olivier, W., Olivier, S. African adventurer’s guide: Namibia. ISBN: 1868127524 213pp. maps R69.95 Southern Book Publ 1999 SA Olivier, W., Olivier, S. A guide to Namibian game parks. 248pp. R43.85 Longman - Namb 1993 SX Namibia—History Dierks, K. Chronology of Namibian history: from pre-historical times to independent Namibia. 2nd ed. 484pp. Namibia Scient Soc 2002 SX Dierks, K. Khauxa Nas. [An account of the discovery of the ruins of Khauxa Nas.] 80pp. pl.maps N$15.20 Longman - Namb 1992 SX Diescho, J. Troubled waters. [Also available in Herero, Kwanyama, Rukwangali] 195pp. N$27.00 Gamsberg 1993 SX Fisch, M. The Caprivi Strip during the German colonial period 1890 to 1914: with a chapter on the boundary dispute up to the present. [Also available in German.] ISBN: 9991621768 151pp. ill.maps Out of Africa - Namibia 1999 SX Fisch, M. The secessionist movement in the Caprivi. A historical perspective. [Also available in German.] ISBN: 9991640215 48pp. pl.maps N$33.80 Namibia Scient Soc 1999 SX Gewald, J-B. Herero heroes. A socio-political history of the Herero of Namibia 1890-1923. ISBN: 085255754X cd. & 320pp. (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852557493 (£14.95 pap.) Philip 1998 SA [Southern Africa only] Hayes, P. Speak for yourself. 80pp. pl. N$15.20 Longman - Namb 1992 SX Hayes, P., Silvester, J., Wallace, M., Hartmann, W. eds. Namibia under South African rule. Mobility and containment 1915-46. ISBN: 0852557485 cd. & 352pp. (£45.95 cd.) ISBN: 0852557477 (£15.95 pap.) Out of Africa - Namibia 1998 SX [Namibia only. Also published in Africa by David Philip, South Africa] Kangula, L. The international boundary of Namibia. 161pp. pl. N$37.00 Gamsberg 1993 SX Marais, C. Swakopmund. Our heritage. [In Afrikaans, English and German.] cd. 80pp. col.ill.map Gamsberg 1996 SX MUL Martin, H. The sheltering desert: Robinson Crusoes in the Namib. 243pp. ill. R19.95 Namibia Scient Soc 1976 SX Namuhuja, H.D. The Ondonga royal kings. ISBN: 9991622349 70pp. ill.pl. Out of Africa Namibia 2002 SX Reiner, P. UNTAG - a postal history. 143pp. R29.00 Namibia Scient Soc 1990 SX Namibia—Local government Bebi, H., Blaauw, L., Nias, P. Training needs assessment strategy programme for local authorities in Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 58) 66pp. N$30.00 NEPRU 1997 SX Namibia—Pictorial works Cubitt, G., Joyce, P. This is Namibia. [Also available in German.] rev.ed. cd. & 160pp. col.pl. R129.95 cd. R99.95 Struik Publ 199 SA
Subject index Dreschler, T. Scenic Namibia. ISBN: 0624038416 cd. 112pp. col.ill. R129.00 Tafelberg 2000 SA Joyce, P. Beautiful Namibia. [Text in English, German and French.] 48pp. col.pl. R49.95 Struik Publ 1994 SA MUL Namis, S. Sossusvlei. Gateway to planet Namib. ISBN: 9991622306 108pp. pl. Out of Africa - Namibia 2002 SX Rothmann, S. Journey through western Namibia: a photo companion to the attractions of the Namib desert. ISBN: 9991650458 127pp. col.pl.maps ST Promo 2001 SX Rothmann, S. A walk on the wildside in western Namibia: more than grains grains of sand. A photo companion to the attractions of the Namib desert. ISBN: 9991650458 126pp. col.ill.maps. ST Promo 2001 SX Namibia—Politics and government Alagoa, E.J. The uses of hindsight as foresight. Reflections on Niger Delta and Nigerian history. ISBN: 9783612271 182pp. ($14.95) Onyoma 2004 NR Barratt, J. The Namibian dilemma: factors preventing a settlement. 14pp. SA Inst Int Affairs 1982 SA Barratt, J., et al. The future of South West Africa/Namibia: a symposium. 14pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1977 SA du Pisani, A. Namibia since Geneva. 21pp. R2.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1982 SA du Pisani, A. South West Africa/Namibia: the South African government’s response to the UN Secretary-General’s report on the implementation of the western proposals and an analysis. 9pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1978 SA Harlech-Jones, B. A new thing? The Namibian independence process, 1989-1990. ISBN: 9991673253 212pp. ($15.00) UNAM 1998 SX Hastings, T. Namibia since independence: lessons from the East Asian “miracle”. (NEPRU occasional paper, 13) 36pp. N$23.00 NEPRU 1998 SX Hinz, M.O., Amoo, S.K., van Wyk, D., eds. The constitution at work: ten years of Namibian nationhood. ISBN: 1868882454 400pp. ($39.95/£23.95) UNAM 2002 SX Jemibewon, D.M. The military, law and society: reflections of a general. ISBN: 978029001X cd. & 404pp. N950.00 ($38.00/£31.50) cd. N750.00 ($30.00/£25.00) Spectrum 1998 NR Keulder, C. State, society and democracy. A reader in Namibian politics. 3211pp. ill. Gamsberg 2000 SX Kössler, R. Towards greater participation and equality? Some findings on the 1992 regional and local elections in Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 27) 10pp. N$11.00 NEPRU 1993 SX Kössler, R. From reserve to homeland: South African “native” policy in southern Namibia. (NEPRU occasional paper, 12) 68pp. N$30.00 NEPRU 1997 SX Leistner, E., Esterhuysen, P., eds. Namibia 1990; an Africa Institute country survey. 240pp. ($55.00) R55.00 Africa Inst 1990 SA Lodge, T. Namibia elections report. 1999 SA
R80.00 EISA
Lush, D. Last steps to Uhuru. An eyewitness account of Namibia’s transition to independence. 346pp. ill. pl. ($33.00/ £18.50) New Namibia 1993 SX Melber, H., et al. Namibia. A decade of independence: 1990-2000. 211pp. N$120.00 NEPRU 2000 SX Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit Focus on poverty and government policy. (NEPRU viewpoint, 2) free NEPRU 1996 SX Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit Seven years independence. Current developments and future prospects in Namibia - some topical highlights. (NEPRU working paper, 54) 48pp. N$24.00 NEPRU 1997 SX Simon, D. Strategic territory and territorial strategy: the geopolitics of Walvis Bay’s integration into Namibia. (NEPRU occasional paper, 1) 65pp. N$30.00 NEPRU 1995 SX South African Institute of International Affairs South West Africa/Namibia: where do we go from here? Proceedings of a corporate seminar, 1 April, 1981. 34pp. R2.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1981 SA Tötemeyer, G. Détente or aggression - South Africa’s Namibian policy. 14pp. SA Inst Int Affairs 1985 SA Tötemeyer, G., Wehmhörner, A., Weiland, H. Elections in Namibia. 252pp. col.pl. N$60.00 Gamsberg 1996 SX ya-Otto, J. Battlefront Namibia. (Zimbabwe Writers series, 5) 160pp. Z$3.75 ZPH 1982 ZI Namibia—Politics and government— Bibliography Schieman, E., comp. South West Africa: Namibia: an international issue 1920-1977 a select bibliography. (Bibliographical series, 3) 161pp. R8.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1978 SA Namibia—Politics and government— Directories National Assembly, National Council & National Democratic Institute for International Affairs Namibian parliamentary directory 1996/ 97. 93pp. ill.pl. ($27.00/£14.95) New Namibia 1997 SX Namibia—Public administration Melber, H., Twedten, I. Twinning for development: cooperation between public institutions in Norway and Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 65) 26pp. N$17.00 NEPRU 1998 SX Nathan, L. Marching to a different drum: a description and assessment of the formation of the Namibian police and defence force. (Southern African Perspectives, 4) 42pp. R5.00 (£3.50) Univ West Cape 1991 SA Namibia—Rural development Marsh, A., Seely, M., eds. Oshanas: sustaining people environment and development. 52pp. N$50.00 ($15.00) DRFN 1992 SX Oates, P., Vigne, P. Rural development priorities in northern Namibia. (NEPRU research report, 2) 50pp. N$25.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Yaron, G., Janssen, G., Maaberua, U., et al. Rural development in the Okavango region of Namibia: an assessment of needs, opportunities and constraints. 245pp. ill. maps. Gamsberg 1992 SX Namibia—Social sciences Prah, K.K., ed. Social science research priorities for Namibia. 251pp. CODESRIA 1993 SG
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 360
African Books in Print
Subject index Namibia—Sociology Gebhardt, M., Munkanda, W., Seibes-Bock, B., Nakakuwa, H., de Klerk, H. Socio-cultural and operational research approach to adolescents’ and youth sexual and reproductive health. (UNFPA publication, 9) ISBN: 9991663894 UNAM 2004 SX Hansohm, D. Structural adjustment and poverty alleviation in southern Africa - what support can Europe offer? An economic point of view. (NEPRU working paper, 69) 24pp. NEPRU 1999 SX Hansohm, D., Motinga, D., Schade, K., Werner, W., Wiig, A. Policy, poverty and inequality in Namibia: the cases of trade policy and land policy. (NEPRU research report, 18) 98pp. N$51.00 NEPRU 1999 SX Hansohm, D., Motinga, D., Werner, W. Elements of medium-term research programme on poverty, livelihood and employment. (NEPRU research report, 23) 54pp. N$36.80 NEPRU 2001 SX Jauch, H.M. Affirmative action in Namibia. Redressing the imbalances of the past? ISBN: 9991631550 173pp. ($18.00/£9.95) New Namibia 1999 SX Melber, H. Urbanisation and internal migration: regional dimensions in post-colonial Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 48) 38pp. N$20.00 NEPRU 1996 SX Nengomasha, C., Toivo, K., Hadinua, G., Kabunga, F. Socio-cultural research on adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health: Ohangwena region. (UNFPA publication, 11) ISBN: 9991663908 UNAM 2004 SX
Ndebele—Fiction, Drama, Poetry National liberation movements—Angola Andrade, M. de, Ollivier, M. The war in Angola. 140pp. maps. T.shs.3,000 Tanz Publ House 1975 TZ National liberation movements— Mozambique Instituto Naçional do Livro et do Disco A history of Frelimo. 32pp. pl. Z$1.00 Longman - Zimb 1982 ZI Nationalism—Africa Kössler, R., Melber, H. The concept of civil society and the process of nation-building in Africa. (NEPRU working paper, 44) 13pp. N$12.00 NEPRU 1994 SX Tidy, M., Mazrui, A. Nationalism and new states. 432pp. K.shs.185.00 EAEP 1984 KE Nationalism—Africa—Addresses and essays Atangana, J. Chemins d’Afrique. 176pp. CFA815.00 CLE 1973 CM FRE Davidson, B. African nationalism and the problems of nation-building. (NIIA, lecture series, 42) 20pp. ($4.50/£3.25) NIIA 1987 NR Nationalism—Africa, West Okonkwo, R. Heroes of West African nationalism. 176pp. ill. (£3.95) N6.00 Delta 1985 NR Natural history see also Biology Botany Ecology Geology Marine biology Mycology Plants Wildlife and conservation
Pottas, M. Namibian guide to modern living. 3rd ed. ISBN: 999160183X 237pp. Gamsberg 1999 SX
Heese, S., Michie, T., eds. The physical environment and the origins of life. ISBN: 9991291008 113pp. col.ill. ($13.75/£7.50) Found Ed Prod 1998 BS
Shapumba, T., Apollus, F., Wilkinson, W., Shifiona, N., Karirao, J. Socio-cultural research on adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health: Oshana region. (UNFPA publication, 10) ISBN: 9991663916 UNAM 2004 SX
Natural history—Africa Stuart, C., Stuart, T. Africa: a natural history. cd. 176pp. col.pl.maps R149.00 Southern Book Publ 1996 SA
Winterfeldt, V., Fox, T., Mufune, P., eds. Namibia. Society. Sociology. ISBN: 9991659412 397pp. ($57.95/£34.95) UNAM 2002 SX Namibia—Sociology, Urban Seckelmann, A. Development of urban settlements in independent Namibia. (NEPRU occasional paper, 20) 114pp. N$58.00 NEPRU 2001 SX Namibia—Travel Amin, M., Willetts, D., Shah, T. Journey through Namibia. cd. 192pp. col.pl. (£25.00) Camerapix 1994 KE Namibia—Vocational education Franz, J. Financing the Namibian vocational training system. (NEPRU research report, 11) 95pp. N$41.00 NEPRU 1995 SX National liberation movements see also as a sub-division under specific countries or regions Kunert, D. The Kremlin, the world revolutionary process and African national liberation movements. 18pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1977 SA Kunert, D. Wars of national liberation, the superpowers and the Afro-Asian region. R2.50 SA Inst Int Affairs 1977 SA National liberation movements—Africa, Southern—Addresses and essays Shamuyarira, N.M. Essays on the liberation of southern Africa. 2nd ed.(Univ. Dar es Salaam, Studies in Political Science, 3) 112pp. T.shs.1,200 Tanz Publ House 1975 TZ
Tingay, P. Wildest Africa. cd. 240pp. col.pl.maps R220.00 Struik Publ 1997 SA Natural history—Study and teaching (Elementary) Adebimpe, S.O. Revision notes in nature study and hygiene for Nigerian Schools. 2nd rev.ed. 60pp. ill. 50k Macmillan - Nig 1966 NR Alley, E. Food from plants. 14pp. ill. P1.25 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Bailey, D. What do they do? 14pp. ill. P1.25 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Bailey, D., Christian, D. Ants. 14pp. ill. P1.25 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Bailey, D., Christian, D. Rain. 14pp. ill. P1.25 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Dylak, M.T., Butler, E. The living earth. bk.1 100pp. ill. pl. R3.00 Mazenod Inst 1983 LO Dylak, M.T. The living earth. bk.2 103pp. ill. pl. R2.30 Mazenod Inst 1983 LO Dylak, M.T. The living earth. bk.3 104pp. ill. pl. R2.30 Mazenod Inst 1985 LO Eboh, B.C. Things we get from the palm tree. A nature study book for nursery schools. 17pp. ill. ($3.00/£1.75) Fourth Dimension 1993 NR
Hortop, S. Themes for enquiring minds. Book 1: Dinosaur workbook. [Also available in Zulu, Xhosa and Afrikaans.] ill. R69.99 Gecko - SA 1995 SA MUL Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - ask the ant lion. 32pp. K.shs.7.05 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - exploring nature. 26pp. K.shs.6.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1972 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - mosquitoes. 24pp. K.shs.6.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - small animals. 39pp. K.shs.9.55 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Ofori-Mensah, A., Asibey, E.A.O. Where have all the elephants gone? 22pp. col.ill. C1,500 ($4.00/£2.25) SubSaharan 1993 GH Ofori-Mensah, A., Asibey, E.A.O. Where have all the pythons gone? 25pp. col.ill. C1,500 ($2.50/£1.60) SubSaharan 1993 GH Ofori-Mensah, A., Asibey, E.A.O. Where have all the rhinos gone? 34pp. C1,500 ($2.50/£1.60) Sub-Saharan 1993 GH Ofori-Mensah, A., Asibey, E.A.O. Where have all the vultures gone? 21pp. col.ill. C1,500 ($2.50/£1.60) SubSaharan 1993 GH Ofori-Mensah, A., Asibey, E.O.A. My first book of birds. 60pp. col.ill. C1,500 ($4.00/£2.25) Sub-Saharan 1994 GH Ofori-Mensah, A., Asibey, E.O.A. My first book of mammals. 60pp. col.ill. C1,500 ($4.00/£2.25) Sub-Saharan 1994 GH Ofori-Mensah, A., Asibey, E.O.A. My second book of birds. 60pp. col.ill C1,500 ($4.00/£2.25) Sub-Saharan 1994 GH Ofori-Mensah, A., Asibey, E.O.A. My second book of mammals. 48pp. col.ill. C1,500 ($4.00/£2.25) SubSaharan 1994 GH Rukarwa, W. Living things in Zimbabwe. 40pp. ill. Z$3.95 Longman - Zimb 1983 ZI Natural history—Study and teaching (Secondary) Pangeti, G. Animals in Zimbabwe. 32pp. ill. Z$3.95 Longman - Zimb 1983 ZI Naudé, Beyers—Biography Villa-Vicencio, C., Niehaus, C., comps. Many cultures, one nation: a festschrift for Beyers Naudé. 184pp. R69.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA Ndebele—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Hlubayo, M., et al. Imisebe yelanga. [Rays of the sun. Ndebele poetry.] ISBN: 1779003951 157pp. Z$75,450 ($15.20/£10.20/ Eur20.00) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI NDE Giyane, D.M. Abangazi. [They don’t know me.] 67pp. R17.95 Van Schaik 1995 SA NDE Jiyane, D.M., Skhosana, P.B., Masango, B.D. Uzangenzani. [Short stories.] 80pp. (£4.95) Maskew Miller Longman 1994 SA NDE Khiyaza, G.M. Izimanga ziyenzeka. [Wonders do happen.] 115pp. ($4.30) Mambo 1978 ZI NDE Khiyaza, G.M.P. Ngiphilelani. [Spare the rod and spoil the child.] 140pp. ($7.70) Mambo 1978 ZI NDE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Ndebele—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Khumalo, D. Umuzi kawakhiwa kanye. 80pp. Z$3.15 Longman - Zimb 1970 ZI NDE Khumalo, G.N. Umzilikazi. [Drama.] 149pp. Z$12.95 Longman - Zimb 1989 ZI NDE Khumalo, J.L. Okukhulunywa ngabantu. 84pp. ($4.20) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI NDE Longman Zimbabwe Giya mthwakazi. [Poetry collection.] 208pp. Z$13.95 Longman - Zimb 1990 ZI NDE Mabuza, V.R. Inzondo engela mkhawulo. [Hatred without limits.] 120pp. ($5.20) Mambo 1988 ZI NDE
Mathsma, N.C.G. Ulimi lwami. [My tongue. Ndebele poetry.] ISBN: 1779003196 48pp. ($1.99) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI NDE Mazibuko, L. Umzenzi kakhalelwa. (ZPH Writers Series, 6) 128pp. Z$53.07 ZPH 1982 ZI NDE Mele, N.M. Impi. [War.] 118pp. ($5.00) Mambo 1987 ZI NDE Mhlabi, S. Ibuzwa kwabaphambili. (Zimbabwe writers series.) 136pp. Z$1.95 Longman - Zimb 1981 ZI NDE
Ndebele, J.P. Sisemhlabeni. [Collection of short stories.] 88pp. Z$61.95 College Press Zimb 1990 ZI NDE Ndebele, P.F. Lokhu akupindwa. [The pains of regret.] 207pp. pl. ($4.80) Mambo 1984 ZI NDE Ndlovu, B.D. Laphuma elinye lingakathsoni. ISBN: 1779003455 72pp. Z$90.00 ($2.60) College Press -Zimb 1999 ZI NDE Ndlovu, B.D. Uchithwa ngowakho. [Play.] 96pp. ($4.40) Mambo 1990 ZI NDE Ndlovu, B.D. Umzila kawulandelwa. [A track not to follow.] 141pp. ($6.10) Mambo 1990 ZI NDE
Magagula, D.N. Sasiseneveni. [Life in terror.] 121pp. Z$13.14 Lit Bur - Zimb 1991 ZI NDE
Mhlabi, S.J. Sizwe elikantulo. Iqoqo lezinanekwane. [A collection of folktales.] ISBN: 1779003846 142pp. Z$235.95 ($5.90) College Press -Zimb 2001 ZI NDE
Mahlangu, C.J., Mahlangu, M.A. Iimbongo zabarholi banamhlanje. [Ndebele poetry.] 2nd ed. 56pp. R33.37 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA NDE
Mhlanga, C. Ngakade ngisazi. [Collection of short stories.] 96pp. Z$61.95 College Press Zimb 1990 ZI NDE
Mahlangu, J.K. Ihloya. [Pure thin milk.] ISBN: 0627025102 R48.95 Van Schaik 2002 SA NDE
Mlilo, S.O. Bantu beHadlana. [You people of Hadlana.] 232pp. ($8.10) Mambo 1977 ZI NDE
Mahlangu, P. Uncagu kaMbena. 120pp. Z$1.20 Longman - Zimb 1974 ZI NDE
Mlilo, S.O. Lifile. [The old order has changed.] 144pp. ($13.30) Mambo 1975 ZI NDE
Ndlovu, T.M. Ithemba kalibulali. [Hope does not kill.] 142pp. pl. ($6.10) Mambo 1973 ZI NDE
Makalima, E. Ukhethwe yimi. [My choice.] ($6.80) Mambo 1987 ZI NDE
Mnkandla, S. Izindatshana zabantwana. 11pp. pl. 21c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1983 ZI NDE
Ndlovu, T.P. Lakamye wangeza. [You have put me into trouble. Play in Ndebele.] ISBN: 0869227564 60pp. Mambo 2000 ZI NDE
Makhalisa, B. Umendo. [Marriage.] Mambo 1977 ZI NDE
136pp. pl. ($6.00)
Moyo, A.C. Kuridza ngoma nedemo. [Novel.] Z$33.93 ZPH 1984 ZI NDE
Makhalisa, B. Umhlaba lo. [What a world.] 88pp. pl. ($5.00) Mambo 1977 ZI NDE
Moyo, C.M.M. Babukhwa bubili. [Double betrothal.] 79pp. pl. ($4.50) Mambo 1975 ZI NDE
Makhalisa, B.C. Qilindini. [You crafty person.] Longman - Zimb 1974 ZI NDE
Moyo, M.D., et al., eds. Intandane kaBaba. [The orphan - short stories.] 90pp. ($4.30) Mambo 1983 ZI NDE
Malaba, G. Ulunguza. 128pp. 90c. Longman - Zimb 1968 ZI NDE Mambo Press. Ezivusa usinga. [Impulsive poetry. Collection of Ndebele poems.] 253pp. ($10.50) Mambo 1989 ZI NDE Manyimbiri, F. Rudo runotuma asingarambi. [Everybody is love’s slave.] 104pp. ($5.40) Mambo 1994 ZI NDE Masango, B.D. Umuntu akahlobokwa. [Every person has something good in them.] 100pp. R29.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA NDE Masango, B.D. Zithabeseni ngeenkondlo 1. [Enjoy poetry.] 68pp. R30.35 HeinemannEdSA 1992 SA NDE Masango, B.D. Zithabeseni ngeenkondlo 2. 92pp. R31.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA NDE Masimula, S.N. Umraro wamasokana. [Problems of a young man.] 62pp. R30.30 HeinemannEdSA 1992 SA NDE Masiye, A.V. Koze kokufice lawe. Zimb 1970 ZI NDE
Z$4.35 Longman -
Masiye, A.V. Wangithengisela umntanakhe. [He sold his daughter to me.] 71pp. pl. ($3.00) Mambo 1972 ZI NDE Mathe, K.N. Ameva omendo. [Thorns of marriage.] ISBN: 1779003854 79pp. Z$190.95 ($4.77) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI NDE Mathema, N.C.G. Ulimi lwami. [My language.] ISBN: 1779003196 48pp. Z$80.00 ($2.30) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI NDE
Moyo, N. M. Ngakutshela. [I told you.] 104pp. pl. Z$1.20 Longman - Zimb 1980 ZI NDE Moyo, N.M. Emgwagweni wemathimbeni. [At the sawmills road.] 76pp. pl. ($4.50) Mambo 1982 ZI NDE Moyo, N.M. Omehlomehlo, N.M. [Novel.] ($3.40) Mambo 1985 ZI NDE
55pp. pl.
Ndlovu, D. Kusasa ku yizolo. [What happens today may happen tomorrow.] 48pp. Z$3.94 Longman - Zimb 1980 ZI NDE Ndlovu, E.M. Okungatshayelwa mathambo. [Play.] 80pp. pl. ($3.40) Mambo 1985 ZI NDE Ndlovu, I. Sivela kude. [Novel.] Mambo 1993 ZI NDE
100pp. ($5.90)
Ndlovu, T.P. Umkhunjulwa ufelokwakhe. [Mkhunjulwa on the spiteful hand.] 69pp. pl. ($5.00) Mambo 1983 ZI NDE Ndoda, D.E. Indabikhona. [Something amiss.] ($4.40) Mambo 1988 ZI NDE
Ndoda, D.E., ed. Isidlodlo sikamthwakazi. [Collection of 80 poems by 22 poets.] 122pp. ($5.50) Mambo 1984 ZI NDE Ngulube, J.N. Ozeleyo ulomlandu. [Novel.] ($5.10) Mambo 1984 ZI NDE
Ngwenya, M.N. Hawu madoda ngadilikelwe ngumuzi. [Hey people. my family is disintegrating.] 25pp. pl. 25c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1981 ZI NDE
Moyo, N.M. Uthando luyingozi. 96pp. Z$1.90 Longman - Zimb 1971 ZI NDE
Ngwenya, M.N. Ndoda zibonele. [Novel.] 109pp. Z$65.95 College Press -Zimb 1984 ZI NDE
Mpofu, I. Imingcele yothando. [Boundaries of love.] 80pp. Z$3.55 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI NDE
Ngwenya, M.N. Umhaso zhi mthakathi. [Operation kill the wizard.] 76pp. pl. Z$56.95 College Press -Zimb 1980 ZI NDE
Mpofu, I.N. Akusoka lingenasici. [Novel.] 72pp. Z$2.50 Longman - Zimb 1958 ZI NDE
Ngwenya, M.N. Umhluzi wenkunzi. 161pp. Z$74.95 College Press -Zimb 1993 ZI NDE
Mpofu, I.N. Wangithembisa lami. [You also promised me.] 104pp. ($4.40) Mambo 1972 ZI NDE
Ngwenya, M.N. Ungcingci kandoyi. [A beautiful girl. Novel.] 120pp. Z$2.95 Longman - Zimb 1982 ZI NDE
Mpofu, J.N. Umaweni. [Maweni’s experiences.] 128pp. ($5.40) Mambo 1985 ZI NDE
Ngwenya, N.M. Ilifa lidliwa ngumninilo. [Heritage goes to the heir.] 94pp. ill. ($4.50) Mambo 1982 ZI NDE
Mpofu, P. Kusile mbongi zohlanga. [Poetry.] 80pp. Z$2.60 Longman - Zimb 1969 ZI NDE Mthethwa, E. Kutheni. [What is the matter.] 109pp. pl. Z$65.95 College Press -Zimb 1980 ZI NDE Mthimumye, E.S., Malobola, J.N. Ephasini. [Ndebele short stories.] 76pp. R35.53 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA NDE Ncube, N.M. Ukungazi kufana lokufa. [Ignorance is like death.] 78pp. pl. ($4.60) Mambo 1973 ZI NDE
Ngwenya, O. Yini le mthwakazi. [What is this?] ISBN: 1779003838 62pp. Z$145.95 ($3.65) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI NDE Nhliziyo, E.J. Izandla ziyagezana. [One good turn deserves another.] 16pp. pl. 18c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1981 ZI NDE Nhondo, M.B. Inyala Emsilabhuntu. [Disgrace is at Emsilabhuntu.] 100pp. ($5.10) Mambo 1982 ZI NDE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 362
African Books in Print
Subject index Nkala, B., ed. Vus’ inkophe. ZI NDE
Ndebele—School books, Readers, Children’s literature 234pp. Zimb Women 1996
Ntuli, M.S. Isililo senghwani. [Ndebele poetry.] ISBN: 062702260X 80pp. R45.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA NDE Nyoni, C. Umhlaba. [Novel.] 72pp. Z$2.65 Longman - Zimb 1982 ZI NDE Nyoni, C., et al. Imbongi zalamhla layizolo. [Poets of today and yesterday.] Z2.50 Longman - Zimb 1976 ZI NDE Rhodesia Literature Bureau Ugqozi Iwezimbongi. [The poet’s inspiration.] 156pp. ($7.00) Mambo 1973 ZI NDE
Sigogo, N.S. Umhlaba umangele. [The world trembles.] 174pp. ($7.00) Mambo 1984 ZI NDE Sigogo, N.S. Umuntu kaziwa. 180pp. ($6.00) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI NDE Sigogo, N.S. Usethi ebukhweni bakhe. [Sethi’s place of betrothal.] 136pp. ($5.90) Mambo 1970 ZI NDE Sigogo, N.S. Yeyeni madoda. Benzani Lababantu. [Novel.] 155pp. Z$73.95 College Press -Zimb 1982 ZI NDE Sigogo, N.S., ed. Inkundla yezimbongi. [Poetry collection.] 180pp. ($6.80) Mambo 1979 ZI NDE
Rider Haggard, H. Imigodi yenkosi uSolomon. trans.f.t. English [King Solomon’s mines.] 88pp. pl. Z$1.25 Longman - Zimb 1977 ZI NDE
Sithole, N. Umvukela wamaNdebele. [Ndebele rebellion.] new ed. 60pp. ill. Z$2.50 Longman - Zimb 1982 ZI NDE
Sibanda, A. Wangikholisa. [You have put me into trouble.] 72pp. ($4.40) Mambo 1968 ZI NDE
Siwela, C. Isalakutshelwa sibona ngomopho. [Refusing advise often leads one into death and injury.] 95pp. pl. ($4.30) Mambo 1972 ZI NDE
Sibanda, E. Maye sidanisile. [Ndebele fiction.] 120pp. Z$59.95 ($4.00) College Press Zimb 1996 ZI NDE
Skhosana, P.B. Isimemo sami. [My invitation.] 64pp. R17.95 Van Schaik 1995 SA NDE
Sibanda, E. USithembene uphiwa indoda. [A husband is given to Usithembene.] 80pp. Z$2.25 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI NDE
Sokana, E.M. Dzubhula ngesilulwini. [Help yourself from the grain store.] 196pp. R45.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA NDE
Sibanda, J. Kusempilweni. [It happens in life.] 142pp. ill. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1982 ZI NDE
Tshuma, F. P. Ugogo majuba. [Folklore.] 12pp. pl. 5c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1980 ZI NDE
Sibanda, M. Sesitshaye kwazwela. [We have hit them hard.] 149pp. pl. ($7.00) Mambo 1981 ZI NDE Sibanda, M. Umbiko kamadlenya. [Mbiko the son of Madlenya.] 156pp. pl. ($6.60) Mambo 1981 ZI NDE Sibanda, S. Inxeba lendoda alihlekhwa. [Don’t laugh at another’s misfortunes.] 54pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1984 ZI NDE Sidambe, L.C. Okunje akuzange kwenzakale. [This has never happened before.] 46pp. pl. ($3.40) Mambo 1977 ZI NDE Sigogo, N.S. Akugobo lingeqondiswe. [No problem is beyond solution.] 107pp. pl. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1982 ZI NDE Sigogo, N.S. Akulazulu emhlabeni. [There is no heaven on earth.] 126pp. pl. ($6.60) Mambo 1971 ZI NDE Sigogo, N.S. Asazi-ke. [Psychological novel.] 172pp. Z$89.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI NDE Sigogo, N.S. Gudlindlu Mntanami. [Steal away.] 128pp. ($5.40) Mambo 1977 ZI NDE Sigogo, N.S. Indlalifa ngubani. [Who is the heir?] 112pp. pl. ($5.00) Mambo 1976 ZI NDE Sigogo, N.S. Iziga zalintombi. [The peculiarities of this lady.] 134pp. ($12.00) Mambo 1997 ZI NDE Sigogo, N.S. Lapho ontsha isivukile. ISBN: 1779003463 96pp. Z$100.00 ($2.90) College Press -Zimb 1999 ZI NDE Sigogo, N.S. Ngenziwa ngumumo welizwe. [Novel.] 238pp. ($7.90) Mambo 1986 ZI NDE Sigogo, N.S. Umdumo wezinkondlo. [The sound of poetry.] 187pp. pl. ($8.50) Mambo 1983 ZI NDE
Tshuma, M.S. Awu bakithi. [Detective story.] ($5.20) Mambo 1984 ZI NDE
Tshuma, M.S. Indlela yesikhwele. [The course of jealousy.] 63pp. pl. ($4.20) Mambo 1983 ZI NDE Tshuma, M.S. Inhliziyo iyakhohlisa. [Detective story.] 55pp. ($3.40) Mambo 1984 ZI NDE Zimbabwe Women Writers Inkondlo. 60pp. Zimb Women 1998 ZI NDE Ndebele—General and Non-fiction Chavhunduka, D.M. Kasifuyeni imivundla. [Lets breed rabbits.] 56pp. ill. ($7.20) Mambo 1982 ZI NDE Chavunduka, D.M. Inkomo egulayo. [Cattle diseases.] 136pp. pl. ($5.70) Mambo 1971 ZI NDE Chavunduka, D.M. Ukufuya izimvu. [Sheep keeping.] 72pp. ill. ($4.50) Mambo 1987 ZI NDE Chavunduka, D.M. Ukufuywa kwenkukhu. [Poultry keeping.] 80pp. ill. ($4.50) Mambo 1972 ZI NDE J L van Schaik Incwadi encazana ephethe iindaba ezikulu. Ikwelleka ngokondiiwa komphakathi Esewula Afrika. [The tiny little book that tackles great big issues. A guide to social security in South Africa.] 112pp. R64.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA NDE Jiyane, D.M. Ququmbela. [Ndebele folklore.] ISBN: 0627022995 R43.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA NDE Mahlangu, P.S. Umthwakazi. [The origin of Ndebeles.] 84pp. Z$1.30 Longman - Zimb 1978 ZI NDE Mambo Press Izigigaba zempi yenkululeko. [An account of what happened during the liberation war.] 292pp. ($9.90) Mambo 1984 ZI NDE
Matshakayile-Ndlovu, T, ed. Ikuhluzwa kwamanoveli esiNdebele. Aka 1956 kusiyafika ku 1971. [Study of the Ndebele novel and novelists 1956-1971.] ISBN: 0908307951 118pp. Univ Zimbabwe 2001 ZI NDE McNab, A.P. Ukufuywa kwengulube. [Pig keeping.] 49pp. pl. ($4.50) Mambo 1971 ZI NDE Mnkandla, P.N. Abaseguswini lezothamlilo. [People and animals.] 80pp. 60c Longman - Zimb 1974 ZI NDE Mnkandla, P.N. Ilifa labobaba. [The heritage of our fathers.] 84pp. ($4.10) Mambo 1970 ZI NDE Mnkandla, P.N. Ulimi iwethu. [Our language.] ($9.90) Mambo 1978 ZI NDE
163pp. pl.
Mpofu, A.M. Izaga. [Proverbs.] 127pp. pl. ($10.50) Mambo 1976 ZI NDE Ncube, B.S. Ukuhlaziya lokucubungula izinkondlo. [A critical guide to Ndebele poetry.] 86pp. ($7.90) Mambo 1994 ZI NDE Ndlovu, T.M., Ndlovu, D.N., Ncube, B.S. Imikhuba lamasiko AmaNdebele. [The traditions and culture of the AmaNdebele.] 203pp. ($11.40) Mambo 1995 ZI NDE Ndlukulo, N. P. Imvelo lolimi LweSindebele. [Natural state and Ndebele language.] 169pp. pl. ($10.50) Mambo 1980 ZI NDE Ngulube, J.N. Amaphupho lencazelo zawo. [300 common dreams.] 83pp. ($5.80) Mambo 1984 ZI NDE Nkomo, N.P. IsiNdebele esiphezulu. [Advanced Ndebele language.] 279pp. ($10.20) Mambo 1974 ZI NDE Nyathi, P. Uchhuku olungelandiswe: imbali yamandebele: 1893-1895. ($22.00) Mambo 1996 ZI NDE Sibanda, J. Isikithi. [Ndebele culture.] ISBN: 1779001371 174pp. ill.maps College Press -Zimb 2002 ZI NDE Zvarevashe, I.M. Tsumo chimbo na madimikira. [Idioms and proverbs.] 76pp. pl. Z$2.15 Longman - Zimb 1984 ZI NDE Ndebele—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Chateuka, K. Mbuya Mabhena. [Mama Mabena’s magic.] ISBN: 0521658136 16pp. col.ill. Baobab - Zimb 1998 ZI NDE Chateuka, K. Netsai atishayisa hope. [One dark, dark night.] ISBN: 0521658244 16pp. col.ill. Baobab - Zimb 1998 ZI NDE Chateuka, K. Rwaivhi aenda kupi? [Chameleon’s clever tricks.] ISBN: 0521658268 16pp. col.ill. Baobab - Zimb 1998 ZI NDE Chirikure, C. Munkhiwi. [Hic..hic..hiccups.] ISBN: 0521658152 16pp. col.ill. Baobab - Zimb 1998 ZI NDE Chirikure, C. Zamura ndizamurewo. [Yawning is catching.] ISBN: 0521658160 16pp. col.ill. Baobab - Zimb 1998 ZI NDE Chirikure, C. Zino ragarwe. [Crocodile’s sore tooth.] ISBN: 052165825X 16pp. col.ill. Baobab Zimb 1998 ZI NDE Dlamini, S.M. Izinja ezazilomnyama. [Dogs which were unfortunate.] 12pp. pl. 15c. Lit Bur Zimb 1983 ZI NDE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Ndebele—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Dube, N.M., Matindike, S. Ilifa lesizwe. [Ndebele course.] bk.5 160pp. Z$59.95 ZPH 1984 ZI NDE Dube, N.M., Matindike, S. Ilifa lesizwe. [Ndebele course.] bk.7 160pp. Z$68.95 ZPH 1984 ZI NDE
Muthibela, M. Ukurhonona kuyabulala. [Ndebele school book. Grades 1-3.] ISBN: 1868404013 36pp. R26.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 2000[?] SA NDE
Dube, N.M., Matindike, S. Ilifa lesizwe. [Ndebele course.] bk.6 160pp. Z$65.00 ZPH 1984 ZI NDE
Ndlovu, B.D. Akwaziwa okwanonisa ingulube. [What made the pig fat.] ISBN: 1779003714 28pp. Z$129.95 ($3.25) College Press Zimb 2000 ZI NDE
Ingwenya Mission Pupils Izindaba zabancane. [Children’s stories.] 15pp. pl. ill. 22c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1981 ZI NDE
Nkala, B. Uneka uya emakethi. [Neka goes to market.] ISBN: 0949229598 16pp. ill. Academic Bks 1998 ZI NDE
Keyi, S.B., Seula, P.J. Ezabancane qha. [For children only. Nursery rhymes.] 53pp. pl. ($3.60) Mambo 1972 ZI NDE
Nkala, B. Uyise kaManuweli. [Emmanuel’s father.] ISBN: 094922961X 16pp. ill. Academic Bks 1998 ZI NDE
Khiyaza, G. M. Amawala kandwangu. [Impatience of baboon.] 8pp. pl. 5c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1980 ZI NDE
Sibanda, J.G., Khumalo, J., Mnkandla, P., et al. IsiNdebele isigaba, grades 1-7 [Ndebele school text; 14 pupils’ and teachers’ books; full details from publisher. var.pp. ill. Z$4.50-Z$6.95 Longman Zimb 1982 ZI NDE
Mahlanga, J. Umuntu ongaziwa. [Ndebele school book. Grades 1-3.] ISBN: 1868404021 28pp. R26.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 200[?] SA NDE Masango, B.D. Ngifanele ukuzenzela. [I am supposed to do things for myself.] 100pp. R29.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA NDE Masimula, S.N., Masimula, A.S. Iziga zephasi. [The world is never short of surprises.] 78pp. R29.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA NDE Mathema, N.C.G. Kusihlwa. [In the evening.] ISBN: 1779004443 29pp. Z$20,100 ($4.20/ £2.70/Eur5.60) College Press -Zimb 2002 ZI NDE Mnguni, S., Kabini, P. Amakghono wokuphila. Workbook. [Successful life skills.] ISBN: 0195785924 R49.99 ($7.81/£4.34) OUP SA 2003 SA NDE Mnguni, S., Kabini, P. Amakghono wokuphila. Workbook. [Successful life skills grade 2.] ISBN: 0195785940 48pp. R24.99 ($3.90/£2.17) OUP - SA 2003 SA NDE Mnkandla, S. Imidlalo yabatwana. [Children’s games.] 39pp. Lit Bur - Zimb 1992 ZI NDE Moyo, N.M. Ubukhosi ngamazolo. [Glory evaporates like dew.] 80pp. Z$2.15 Longman Zimb 1975 ZI NDE Moyo, S. Ingilosi eyatshontsha imali. [The angel who wore shoes.] ISBN: 0949229512 27pp. ill. Academic Bks 1998 ZI NDE Moyo, S. Ukhulekani uvuka isipoko. [The ghost of Ratemo.] ISBN: 0949229555 16pp. ill. Academic Bks 1998 ZI NDE Mpofu, I.N. Ulimi LweSindebele [Ndebele school text; 8 pupils’ and teachers’ books; full details from publisher]. var.pp. ill. Z$7.95Z$9.95 Longman - Zimb ZI NDE Mthimunye, J. Ukufika kwam’ ekhaya? [Ndebele school book. Grades 1-3.] 48pp. R26.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 2000[?] SA NDE Mtsweni, J.S. Isikethu (Ibanga 5). bk.5 148pp. ill. R46.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1991 SA NDE Mtsweni, J.S., et al. Isikethu (Ibanga 7). bk.7 256pp. ill. R50.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA NDE Mukandla, S. Imidlalo lengoma zabantwana. [Children’s games and songs.] ISBN: 1779003919 80pp. Z$129.95 ($3.25) College Press Zimb 2000 ZI NDE
Sibanda, S. S. Umangoye logundwane. [A cat and a mouse.] 8pp. pl. 5c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1980 ZI NDE Tshuma, L. Asikhoiseni Usihle loFiso. [Let’s enjoy: Suhle and Fiso.] ISBN: 1779003722 13pp. Z$117.95 ($2.95) College Press Zimb 2000 ZI NDE Tshuma, L. Asikholeni bala ezimnandi. [Let’s enjoy: read interesting stories.] ISBN: 1779003757 11pp. Z$117.95 ($2.95) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI NDE
Pelling, G.M. A practical Ndebele dictionary. new ed. ISBN: 058261435X 154pp. Longman Zimb 2001 ZI MUL Ndebele language—Study and teaching Mtsweni, J.S. Isikethu (Ibanga 6). bk.6 236pp. ill. R48.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1991 SA NDE Pelling, J.N. Lessons in Ndebele. 216pp. Z$12.15 Longman - Zimb 1974 ZI Pelling, P. Ndebele work book. re-issue ISBN: 1904855377 198pp. ($19.95/£9.95) Mambo 2004 ZI NDE Ndengese (African people)—Anthropology, Socio-cultural Goemaere, A. Notes sur l’histoire, la religion, les institutions sociales et la jurisprudence chez les Ndengese et les Ohendo (Rep du Zaire). 139pp. CEEBA 1988 ZR FRE Szmczycha, K. Compatibilité du mariage Ndengese avec le mariage chrétien. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et monographies, 134) ISBN: 3902011106 187pp. col.pl. map (Eur19.70) CICBA 2000 GO FRE Ndima, Dial—Autobiography Ndima, D. The law of commoners and king: narratives of a rural Transkei magistrate. ISBN: 1868882861 151pp. R79.00 ($14.20/£9.00/Eur12.40) Unisa 2004 SA Ndonga—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Itembu, J. Iitewo yoshindonga. 2nd rev. ed. 138pp. Gamsberg 1996 SX NDO
Tshuma, L. Asikholiseni lapha ke? [Let’s enjoy: how about here?] ISBN: 1779003749 15pp. Z$117.95 ($2.95) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI NDE
Legere, K., Amakali, P. Nalenale okwa li ...: omahokololo gaadonga yonalenale. [Collection of traditional Ndonga stories.] 205pp. ill. Gamsberg 1998 SX NDO
Tshuma, L. Isibane somfundi, students book 1. [Secondary Ndebele.] ISBN: 1779004303 104pp. ill. Z$44,700 ($9.00/ £6.00/Eur11.90) College Press -Zimb 2002 ZI NDE
Negumbo, E.E. Egongeluungo. 2nd rev. ed. ISBN: 0868489719 66pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX OSH
Ndebele (African people)—Anthropology, Socio-cultural Nyathi, P. Lawo magugu: material culture of the Ndebele. ISBN: 1868511944 89pp. ill. pl. R84.71 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA Ndebele (African people)—Folklore Pelling, J.N., ed. & comp. Ndebele proverbs and other sayings. new ed. ISBN: 0869220888 133pp. ($19.95/£9.95) Mambo 2004 ZI MUL Ndebele (African people)—History Bhebe, N. Lobengula. ill. ($7.50/£3.95) ZPH 1984 ZI Nyathi, P. Igugu likamthwakazi. Imbali yamaNdebele 1820-1893. [The history of the Ndebele people.] 150pp. ($9.00) Mambo 1994 ZI NDE Rasmussen, R.K. Mzilikazi. [Account of the departure of the Ndebele from Zululand and their settlement in Zimbabwe.] ill. Z$2.89 ZPH 1984 ZI Ndebele (African people)—Social life and customs Bozongwana, W. Ndebele religion and customs. 56pp. pl. ($4.80) Mambo 1983 ZI Derwent, S. Africa in colour: Ndebele. ISBN: 1868721124 24pp. col.pl.map R34.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Ndebele language—Dictionaries Hadebe, S., ed. Isichazamazwi sesiNdebele: Ndebele dictionary. [Text in Ndebele.] ISBN: 1779004044 558pp. (£16.99) College Press -Zimb 2001 ZI NDE
Ndonga—General and Non-fiction Irving, T.F. Okutonatela ehala lyomeya nolyuulithilo moNamibia: Okuvelai, itopolwa yOhangwena, omusati, Oshana, nOshikoto. [Managing water points and grazing areas in Namibia.] ISBN: 9991643249 102pp. N$30.00 DRFN 1998 SX NDO Lehtonen, L. Ondjokonona yoosikola mowambo 18701970. [A history of schools in Ovamboland.] 1173pp. ill. Elcin 1998 SX NDO Needlework see also Arts and crafts Dressmaking Home economics Interior decorating Adams, P. Quiltmaking made easy. cd. 136pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA Boakye-Yiadom, H. Crochet guide. ISBN: 9964701632 22pp. C10,000 Afram 2003 GH Campbell, J.M.B. Attractive embroidery stitches. (£0.80) Sedco 1983 GH
54pp. ill.
Cowles Creative Publishing & Singer Upholstery basics. ISBN: 0624037754 128pp. col.pl. R79.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Fouché, L. Strip patchwork. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA Giliomee, R. Creative machine knitting. 80pp. ill. col.ill. R24.95 Tafelberg 1986 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 364
African Books in Print
Subject index
Nigeria—Armed forces—Dictionaries
Henning, A. Dolls’ clothes: a book of patterns. 20pp. col.pl. R44.95 Human and Rousseau 1989 SA
Hermans, J. Shadow appliqué. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1989 SA Hoffman, P. Cut and sew for knits. cd. 144pp. ill. R69.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA Hoffman, P. Sew easy. 1993 SA
164pp. ill. R69.95 Tafelberg
Ishaque, L. Stylish napkins. 5-minute ideas to transform your table. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1853688096 64pp. col.pl. R49.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Lake Publishers Common needlework stitches. K.shs.100.00 ($2.00) Lake KE Lehner, L. Gingham smocking. Tafelberg 1991 SA
32pp. ill. R34.95
Lehner, L. Lattice smocking. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA Luke, H. Design and make loose covers. ISBN: 1853688703 80pp. col.ill.col.pl. R59.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Moreira, H. Pregnancy patterns. Tafelberg 1990 SA
80pp. ill. R49.95
Nel, M. The complete quilt book. col.pl. R84.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Nel, M., Cilliers, S. Ribbon embroidery. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 72pp. col.pl. R59.95 Tafelberg 1995 SA Oberholster, R. Wild flowers in cross-stitch. R34.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA
32pp. ill.
Okon, F. A handbook for needlework teachers. 48pp. ill. 50k Macmillan - Nig 1966 NR Pearcey, M. Indian chain stitch. Tafelberg 1991 SA
48pp. ill. R44.95
Perkins, M. Using the sewing machine. Z$9.35 ZPH 1988 ZI Robinson, L. Ethnic embroidery. Tafelberg 1989 SA
72pp. ill.
32pp. ill. R34.95
Schwabe, A. Enjoy your overlocker. 3rd ed. 48pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Schwabe, A. Projects for your overlocker. 2nd ed. 96pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Snyman, F. Making kids clothes. Easy to follow projects. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1875001530 96pp. ill. R89.95 Metz 2001 SA Steenkamp, R. Cross-stitch samplers. 48pp. col.pl. R49.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA Steyn, Z. Fun clothes for kids. Tafelberg 1991 SA
32pp. ill. R34.95
Tafelberg Publishers 1001 creative patchwork patterns. R34.95 Tafelberg 1989 SA Teubes, A. Animals in cross-stitch. Tafelberg 1989 SA
32pp. ill. R34.95
van Da, M. Folded log cabin. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1992 SA
van Da, M. Quilt art. 1990 SA
80pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg
van der Walt, J. Practical sewing. 80pp. ill. R49.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA Wilkinson, R. The weekend quilter. cd. 144pp. col.ill.col.pl. R85.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Negritude see also Philosophy, African Dogbé, Y.E. Négritude, culture et civilisation. Essai sur la finalité des faits sociaux. 275pp. CFA3,200 Akpagnon 1980 TG FRE Nellmapius, Alois Hugo—Biography Kaye, H. The tycoon and the president: the life and times of Alois Hugo Nellmapius. 136pp. pl. R4.95 Macmillan - SA 1978 SA Nembe—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Monigha, J.I., Oruwari, L.T., Waribugo, L. Owoma kalc Aa Bi Di aaumo. [Children’s ABC songs.] ISBN: 978361228X Onyoma 2005 NR NEM
Niger—Geography Tricart, J., Guerra de Macedo, N. Rapport de la mission de reconnaissance géomorphologique de la vallee moyenne du Niger. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 72) 196pp. CFA3,200 IFAN 1965 SG FRE Niger—History Institut Fondamental de l’Afrique Noire In memoriam, Charles Le Coeur. 160pp. CFA2,500 IFAN 1953 SG FRE Izuegbu, I. Utagba-Uno: a political history (AD 16002001). ISBN: 9780294295 311pp. col.ill.pl. N1,200 ($41.95/£24.95) Spectrum 2003 NR Niger—Politics and government Ousmane, M. Refonder la gouvernance démocratique au Niger. ISBN: 2914567014 176pp. CFA3,000 (Eur8.75) Rose Bleue 2002 TG FRE Nigeria see also Benin (Kingdom) Adalemo, I.A., Baba, J.M. Nigeria: giant in the tropics. vol.1 ISBN: 978010156X cd. 496pp. col.pl. N4,000 ($100.00/£75.00) Gabumo 1998 NR
Nepal—Travel Amin, M., Willetts, D., Tetley, B. Journey through Nepal. [Also available in Italian, German, Swedish.] ISBN: 1874041563 cd. 192pp. col.pl.maps (£25.00) Camerapix 1999[?] KE
Ajaegbu, H.I., St. Matthew-Daniel, B.J., Uya, O.E., eds. Nigeria. A people united, a future assured. A compendium. vol.1 ISBN: 9780104208 cd. 624pp. ill.col.pl.maps Gabumo 2000 NR
Netherlands—Atlases and maps New Holland Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Amsterdam. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm (portrait); sheet size 1000x710mm (landscape); scale: 1:16,000; English/German/French.] col.map Struik Publ 1996 SA
Alagoa, E.J., Tamuno, T.N. Land and people of Nigeria: Rivers State. 253pp. ill. ($27.00/£15.00) Univ Port Harcourt Press 1989 NR
Netherlands—Guide books Gauldie, R. Globetrotter travel guide to Amsterdam. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Neurology de Beer Kaufman, P.M., Mendelow, A.D. Wright’s fibre systems of the brain and spinal cord. 3rd ed. cd. 98pp. ill. col.ill. Witwatersrand UP 1981 SA Ngala, Ronald—Biography Momanyi, C. Ronald Ngala: teacher with a mission. ISBN: 9966951067 86pp. Kshs210.00 ($9.95) Sasa Sema 2001 KE Sofoluwe, G.O., Schram, R. et al., eds. Principles and practice of public health in Africa. 2nd rev.ed. vol.1 530pp. ill.pl. ($47.50/£26.50) Univ Press - Nig 1997 NR Ngambay language Vandame, R.P. Le Ngambay-Moundou. Phonologie, grammaire et textes. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 69) 211pp. map. CFA3,500 IFAN 1963 SG FRE Ngoni (African people)—Social life and customs Dzuka Publishing Onani angoni. [Look at the Ngoni tribe.] 72pp. K5.50 Dzuka 1986 MW CHC Ngoyi, Lilian—Biography Stewart, D. Lilian Ngoyi. 60pp. (£4.95) Maskew Miller Longman 1996 SA Niasse, Moustapha—Biography Agne, A.E. Moustapha Niassé, sa vie et son combat: essai biographique. ISBN: 2844020208 216pp. CFA5,500 (Eur8.38) Xamal 2000 SG FRE Nicoli, Jean—Biography Arzalier, F., Nicoli, F. Jean Nicoli. Un instituteur républicain de la colonie à la résistance, 1925-1943. ISBN: 2911741315 224pp. (Eur21.80) Donniya 2000 ML FRE
Awojobi, A.O. Nigeria today. 98pp. (£1.70) N3.00 West 1980 NR Chukwudum, A.M. Nigeria: the country in a hurry. N1.00 West 1981 NR
de Montclos, M-A. Le Nigéria. 323pp. N1,250 ($10.00) IFRA - Nig 1994 NR FRE Ekeh, P., Ashiwaju, G., eds. Nigeria since independence: the first 25 years. Culture. vol.7 272pp. N645.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Mamman, A.B., Oyebanji, J.O., Petters, S.W., eds. Nigeria. A people united, a future assured. Survey of states. vol.2 ISBN: 9780104321 cd. 740pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps Gabumo 2000 NR Ogakwu, I., et al. Focus on Enugu State/the coal city state. 46pp. ill.pl.maps N400.00 ($5.00/£3.34) Inselberg 1996 NR Petters, S.W., Iwok, E.R., Uya, O.E. Akwa Ibom State. The land of promise. 532pp. col.pl. N4,000 Gabumo 1997 NR Segun, M. Friends, Nigerians, countrymen. 74pp. ill. N5.00 Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Udo, R.K., Mamman, A.B. Nigeria: giant in the tropics. vol.2 ISBN: 9780101683 cd. 598pp. col.pl. N4,000 ($100.00/£75.00) Gabumo 1998 NR Ugowe, C.O.O. Nigeria. Her cities, towns and peoples. ISBN: 9783332821 145pp. maps Hugo 1997 NR Nigeria—Armed forces Alli, M.C. The federal republic of Nigerian army. The siege of a nation. ISBN: 9780231277 406pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Malthouse 2002 NR Nigeria—Armed forces—Dictionaries Dambazau, A.B. Military law terminologies. 117pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Spectrum 1991 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Nigeria—Atlases and maps Nigeria—Atlases and maps Bartholomew Ltd. Spectrum road map Nigeria. [Scale: 1:1,500,000; folded] 9th rev.ed. N1,140 ($9.95/£5.95) Spectrum 1999 NR Duze, M. Primary atlas for Lagos state. 45pp. maps. N1.10 Macmillan - Nig 1965 NR Duze, M. Primary atlas for Oyo, Ogun and Ondo states of Nigeria. 33pp. maps. N1.10 Macmillan - Nig 1965 NR Duze, M. Primary atlas for the Bendel state of Nigeria. 41pp. maps. N1.10 Macmillan Nig 1965 NR Duze, M., ed., Menakaya, J.C., ed. Nigeria school atlas. 18pp. maps. N1.10 Macmillan - Nig 1972 NR Ikuponiyi, I.A. An atlas for the Northern states of Nigeria. 25pp. maps. 80k Macmillan Nig 1968 NR Menakaya, J.C., Floyd, B.N. Junior atlas for Nigeria. 64pp. maps. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1965 NR University Press Nigerian primary atlas for Nigeria. 48pp. ill. maps. N8.60k Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Nigeria—Bibliography Harris, J. Books about Nigeria: a select reading list. 5th ed. 83pp. N4.00 Ibadan UP 1969 NR Nigerian Publishers Association Nigerian books in print, 1996. 456pp. ($55.00/£28.00) Fourth Dimension 1996 NR Osiobe, S.A., ed. Nigerian universities dissertation abstracts: a comprehensive listing of dissertations. vol.1: 1960-1975 467pp. ($70.00/£47.50) Univ Port Harcourt Press 1989 NR Stanley, J.L., comp. Nigerian government publications, 19661973. A bibliography. cd. 204pp. ($19.00) (£8.50) N10.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1975 NR Tamuno, O.G., Alabi, G.A., comps. Nigerian publications 1950-1970. [Cumulative volume.] 433pp. N10.00 Ibadan UP 1977 NR Toye, B.O. Nigerian theses. A list of theses on Nigerian subjects and of theses by Nigerians. 2nd ed. 257pp. ($50.00/ £28.00) Ibadan UP 1992 NR Nigeria—Biography Ugowe, C.O.O. Eminent Nigerians of the twentieth century. ISBN: 978333293X 320pp. Hugo 2000 NR Nigeria—Biography—Directories Kedei, P., Pyegbara, S. Who is who in Bodo. ISBN: 9783038020 500pp. Ano 2001 NR Nigeria—Brewing industry Jeje, L.K., ed. The history of the International Breweries Limited, Ilesa 1969-85. cd. 104pp. N600.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR Nigeria—Cities and towns Aderibigbe, A.B., ed. Lagos: the development of an African city. 276pp. pl. Longman - Nig 1976 NR Elegbede-Fernandez, A.D. Lagos: a legacy of honour. 203pp. col.pl. ($16.00/£8.95) Spectrum 1992 NR
Subject index Nigeria—Cities and towns—History Adelugba, D., et al. Ibadan Mesiogo. A celebration of a city, its history and people. ISBN: 9782030279 216pp. ill.pl. ($16.95/£9.95) Bookcraft 2000 NR Nigeria—Cities and towns—Sociology Watson, R. ‘Civil disorder is the disease of Ibadan’: chieftaincy and civic culture in a Yoruba city. ISBN: 0852554540 192pp. pl.maps (£16.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 2003 NR [co-published with James Currey, UK; Ohio University Press, USA] Nigeria—Citizenship Kurfi, A. Nigerian general elections 1951-2003. My roles and reminiscences. ISBN: 9780295445 194pp. N710.00 ($19.95/ £15.95) Spectrum 2005 NR Osadebay, D.S. Building a nation. cd. & 315pp. N4.00 N8.00 cd. Macmillan - Nig 1978 NR Nigeria—Demography Yahaya, I.A., Dan-Ali, M.A. Breaking the myth. Shehu Musa and the 1991 census. 140pp. N540.00 ($13.75/ £7.50) Spectrum 1997 NR Nigeria—Directories Eleazu, U.O., ed. Nigeria: the first 25 years. [General information resource.] cd. & 608pp. ill.pl.col.pl.maps N1,631.15 ($45.50/ £26.50) cd. N1,365 Heinemann Educ Ib 1988 NR Iginla, M.J.A., ed. A dial call directory of business and services with some who is who in Festac City. 57pp. ($20.00/£15.00) IPRECO 1995 NR Makinde, B. Newswatch who’s who in Nigeria. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9782704121 1,387pp. N5,000 ($37.00/£32.00) Newswatch 2001 NR Nigeria—Directories—Associations and organisations Civic Resource Development and Documentation Centre A directory of non-governmental organisations in eastern Nigeria. ISBN: 9781564709 150pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Fourth Dimension 2001 NR Nigeria—Education Adaralegbe, A., ed. A philosophy for Nigerian education. 384pp. N1,389 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1972 NR Adebayo, A. One leg, one wing. ISBN: 9780291407 143pp. N480.00 ($18.95/£10.95) Spectrum 2001 NR Adeoti, E.O. Alayande as educationist 1948-1983. 308pp. N850.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1997 NR Adesina, S. The development of modern education in Nigeria. 364pp. ($33.00/£18.50) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR Adesina, S. Educational management. new ed. ISBN: 9781563400 296pp. ($34.95/ £20.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Adima, E.E., et al. Fundamentals of special education. 264pp. N180.80 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR Aiyepeku, T.F. Inspection of schools and colleges. 406pp. N282.10 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR
Ogionwo, W. The city of Port Harcourt. 208pp. ill. pl. N183.45 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR
Ajayi, K., Ajayi, T. New perspectives in Nigerian education. 208pp. ($25.00/£15.00) N100.00 Vantage 1990 NR
Onyia, A.C. Towns and development: an Amokwe perspective. 192pp. pl.maps N400.00 ($5.00/£3.34) Inselberg 1997 NR
Akani, C.U. Deepening crisis in Nigerian educational system. 73pp. N500.00 Paragraph 1990 NR
Akinkugba, O.O., ed. Nigeria and education: the challenges ahead. The second Obafemi Awolowo Foundation dialogue. 383pp. N870.00 ($33.00/£18.50) Spectrum 1994 NR Akinseye, A.F. Basic principles of curriculum development. 197pp. Fab 1987 NR Alaezi, O. Fundamentals of relevant curriculum and instruction in Africa - focus on Nigeria. 211pp. Fab 1987 NR Alaezi, O. Groundwork of teaching strategies in Nigeria. 179pp. Fab 1990 NR Anih, S. Looking for meaning. ISBN: 9782335803 128pp. N300.00 Delta 2003 NR Dada, A., ed. Mass failure in public examinations. 318pp. N255.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR Edem, D.A. Introduction to educational administration in Nigeria. 160pp. pl. N300.00 ($3.80) Spectrum 1982 NR Ehundero, O.J. The school and curriculum evolution in Nigeria. 103pp. N300.00 ($12.00/£5.50) Textflow 1994 NR Etim, J., ed. Relevance in Nigerian education. 384pp. N20.00 Univ Press - Nig 1988 NR Fafunwa, A.B. Up and on. A Nigerian teacher’s odyssey. 299pp. ($15.00) West 1990 NR Fafunwa, B., et al. Education in mother tongue. Univ Press - Nig 1989 NR
ill. N20.00
Fagbemi, J.A.O. Practical strategies for school administration under austerity. 88pp. ($5.20) Univ Press - Nig 1986 NR Fajana, A. Education in Nigeria 1842-1939: an historical analysis. 291pp. pl. (£3.90) Longman - Nig 1978 NR Fawehinmi, G. People’s right to free education at all levels. 92pp. N1.00 West 1974 NR Ifelunni, I. School and home factors as correlates of academic achievement of Nigeria female teenagers in mathematics. (Abridged research report, 24) Academy Science Publ 1996 KE Lar, M. Aspects of nomadic education in Nigeria. 197pp. ill. Fab 1989 NR Mokwunye, E. Cultural activities in Nigerian schools. 71pp. ill. N5.70k Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR Ndagi, J.O. Essentials of research methodology for Nigerian educators. 136pp. ($12.70) Univ Press - Nig 1984 NR Nduka, O. Western education and Nigerian cultural background. 168pp. N6.65k. cd. Univ Press - Nig 1964 NR Nwabueze, B.O. Crises and problems in education in Nigeria. 212pp. N690.00 ($16.00/ £13.50) Spectrum 1995 NR Nwachuku, D.N. Guidance and counselling practicum. In pre-primary, primary and secondary schools. A guide to guidance counsellors: methods, skill, techniques and competencies. ISBN: 9781564601 212pp. Fourth Dimension 2000 NR Ogunranti, A. Problems and prospects of educational technology in Nigeria. 344pp. N294.90 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 366
African Books in Print
Subject index Ogunsola, A.F. Legislation and education in northern Nigeria. cd. & 112pp. N3.00 N6.65k cd. Univ Press - Nig 1974 NR Okeke, A.N. Administering education in Nigeria. N230.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1986 NR Okojie, C.E.E. Gender gap in access to education in Nigeria: focus group discussion with adult men and women in Du, Plateau State. (Abridged research report, 10) 20pp. Academy Science Publ 1996 KE Okojie, C.E.E. Gender gap in access to education in Nigeria: focus group discussion with adult men and women in Nsugbe, Anambra State of Nigeria. (Abridged research report, 17) 16pp. Academy Science Publ 1996 KE Okojie, C.E.E. Gender gap in access to education in Nigeria: focus group discussions with adult men and women. (Abridged research report, 11) 28pp. Academy Science Publ 1996 KE Okojie, C.E.E. Gender gap in access to education in Nigeria: focus group discussions with adult men and women in Beji, Niger State. (Abridged research report, 13) 14pp. Academy Science Publ 1996 KE Okojie, C.E.E. Gender gap in access to education in Nigeria: focus group discussions with adult men and women in Itagbolu, Ondo State. (Abridged research report, 14) 16pp. Academy Science Publ 1996 KE Okojie, C.E.E. Gender gap in access to education in Nigeria: report of focus group sessions with children 12-22 years old. (Abridged research report, 15) 26pp. Academy Science Publ 1996 KE Okojie, C.E.E. Gender gap in access to education in Nigeria: report of focus sessions in Okha Village, Edo State. (Abridged research report, 12) 11pp. Academy Science Publ 1996 KE Okojie, C.E.E. Gender gap in access to education in Nigeria: report of household surveys. (Abridged research report, 18) Academy Science Publ 1996 KE Okon, E.E., Anderson, A.L. The school and Nigerian society. 172pp. ill. N11.40k Univ Press - Nig 1982 NR Okonjo, C. The quiet revolution. On creating an information-age education system for Nigeria. ISBN: 9780291288 536pp. ($29.95/£17.95) Spectrum 2000 NR Taiwo, C.O. Henry Carr: an African contribution to education. cd. 208pp. N13.80k Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR Tamuno, T., Atanda, J., eds. Nigeria since independence: the first 25 years. Education. vol.3 338pp. N645.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Uchendu, P.K. Perspective in Nigerian education. 109pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Fourth Dimension 1993 NR Uchendu, P.K. Politics and education in Nigeria. 174pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Fourth Dimension 1995 NR Ukeje, B.O., et al. Educational administration: principles, policies, practical problems and prospects. 371pp. ($35.00/£19.75) Fourth Dimension 1991 NR Yoloye, E.A. Developing and under-developing in education. 87pp. ($7.57/£3.14) N5.00 Ibadan UP 1980 NR
Nigeria—Encyclopaedias Nigeria—Education—Addresses and essays Gwan, L.C., Taiwo, C.O. Henry Carr: lectures and speeches. cd. 79pp. N13.80k Univ Press - Nig 1969 NR Nduka, O.A. In the Socratic tradition. (Inaugural lec., 1985-86 series, 2) 30pp. Univ Port Harcourt Press 1986 NR Osiyale, A. Teacher preparation and participation in curriculum improvement. 53pp. ($6.95/ £3.75) Univ Lagos Press 1992 NR Solarin, T. Education for greatness. Selected speeches of Dr Tai Solarin. ISBN: 9780474722 266pp. col.pl. N1,000 ($24.95/£14.95) SGP 2001 NR Taiwo, O. Reading and writing for national development: the Nigerian experience. 24pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Univ Lagos Press 1991 NR Nigeria—Education—Directories Jakande, L.K. Nigerian education directory. 2nd ed. cd. & pap. ($60.00 cd.) ($55.00 pap.) West 1990 NR John West Publications Nigerian education directory. 4th ed. 276pp. ($10.00.) West 1989[?] NR Salami, A., ed. National education, training and research directory. 643pp. ($88.00) INDAA 2002 NR Nigeria—Education, Adult Anyanwu, C.N. Developing adult education in Nigeria. 198pp. ($11.60) Univ Press - Nig 1987 NR Oduaran, A.B., Eheazu, B.A., eds. Issues in Nigerian adult and community development education. 236pp. Ambik 1987 NR Nigeria—Education, Elementary Kolawole, D.O. Nursery and early primary classes in Nigeria. 282pp. ill. pl. ($30.00/£20.00) N120.00 Vantage 1990 NR Nigerian Educational Research Council. Training manual for the primary science teacher in Nigerian schools. 61pp. ill. West African Bk 1987 NR Oyedeji, O., Lekan UPE: its implications for national development. 120pp. Longman - Nig 1983 NR Oyediji, L. Universal primary education in Nigeria. 142pp. ($5.00/£3.50) N10.00 Univ Lagos Press 1983 NR Nigeria—Education, Higher Aderibigbe, A.B., Gbadamosi, T.G.O., eds. A history of the University of Lagos, 1962-87. 600pp. ill.pl. ($104.00/£58.00) Univ Lagos Press 1987 NR Ajayi, J.F.A., Tamuno, T.N., eds. The University of Ibadan 1948-1973: a history of the first twenty-five years. cd. & 436pp. map pl. N10.00 Ibadan UP 1973 NR Ajayi, O.A., ed. Structure of instructional programmes in technological institutions. 292pp. N350.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1982 NR Akani, C. Political economy of secret cults in Nigerian universities. 124pp. Paragraph 1996 NR Akintoye, S.A. Ten years of the University of Ife, 19621972. cd. & 78pp. pl.map N2.25 (£1.50/ $4.00) N4.00 (£3.00/$7.95) cd. Obafemi Awolowo UP 1973 NR Amuwo, K. Confronting the crisis of the university in Africa. Nigerian academics and their many struggles. (AAPS occasional papers, 3/2) 36pp. AAPS 1999 ZI
Association of African Universities An innovative approach to undergraduate education in Nigeria. ($10.00) AAU 2000 GH Association of African Universities Management styles in Nigerian universities under military rule and the challenges of democracy. ($10.00) AAU 2001 GH Fafunwa, A.B. A history of Nigerian higher education. cd. & pap. 320pp. N6.00 cd. N3.00 pap. Macmillan - Nig 1971 NR Feuser, W.F., ed. The story of an installation. [On the installation of the first Vice-Chancellor at the University of Port Harcourt.] ($14.00/£6.00) N5.00 Univ Port Harcourt Press 1983 NR Iheoma, E.O. Moral education for colleges and universities. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781564121 200pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Ike, V.C. University development in Africa: the Nigerian experience. cd. 232pp. N28.30k Univ Press - Nig 1976 NR Isoun, T.T. Evolution of science and technology in Nigeria: the experience of the Rivers State University of science and technology. cd. 312pp. ($12.00/£9.00) N30.00 Riverside 1987 NR Mellanby, K. The birth of Nigeria’s university. pl. N10.00 Ibadan UP 1974 NR
Mojuetan, B.A., ed. Ibadan at fifty (1948-1999). Nigeria’s premier university in perspective. ISBN: 9781212691 470pp. ($49.95/£29.95) Ibadan UP 2000 NR Nwaogu, J.I. Economy and administration of education in Nigeria. 102pp. ($15.00/£8.50) N15.00 Univ Nigeria Press 1985 NR Ojo, F. Nigerian universities and high-level manpower development. 135pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Univ Lagos Press 1984 NR Okafor, F.C. Nigeria teacher education: a search for new direction. 173pp. ($9.50/£6.50) Fourth Dimension 1988 NR Omolewa, M., Adekanmbi, G. University initiatives in adult education. 161pp. N150.00 ($20.00/£15.00) Ibadan UP 1994 NR Sanda, A.O. Managing the Nigerian universities. 101pp. N200.00 ($8.00/£6.50) Spectrum 1992 NR Tamuno, T.N. Ibadan voices: Ibadan University in transition. cd. & 409pp. N18.00 ($23.66/ £9.81) N25.00 ($12.30/£13.74) cd. Ibadan UP 1981 NR Ukoli, F.M.A. A state university is born: throes of birth, ordeals of growth. 300pp. N700.00 ($60.00/£45.00) Textflow 1996 NR Nigeria—Education, Secondary Balogun, R., Garg, S.I. A guide to National Common Entrance examinations to secondary schools. 408pp. N375.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR Nwaogu, J.I. A guide to effective supervision of instruction in Nigerian schools. 320pp. (£6.50) Fourth Dimension 1979 NR Nigeria—Encyclopaedias Nigeria. Presidential Panel on Nigeria Since Independence History Project Nigeria since independence: the first 25 years. 10 vols. N,1000 set 10 vols. Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR
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Nigeria—Explorers and explorations Nigeria—Explorers and explorations Clarke, W. Travels and explorations in Yorubaland, 1854-1858. cd. & 297pp. maps ill. N12.00 cd. N8.00 Ibadan UP 1972 NR Nigeria—Geography Adejuyigbe, J.O. Boundary problems in Western Nigeria: a geographical analysis. 226pp. maps. ($10.00/£4.75) N6.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1975 NR Iloeje, N.P. A new geography of Nigeria. 216pp. ill. pl. N6.40 Longman - Nig 1981 NR Oguntoyinbo, et al. A geography of Nigerian development. 468pp. N441.95 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1978 NR Udo, R.K. Geographical regions of Nigeria. 224pp. ill. maps.pl. N658.35 Heinemann Educ Ib 1970 NR Nigeria—Geography—Study and teaching Faniran, A., Okunrotifa, P.O., eds. A handbook of geography teaching for schools and colleges. 408pp. ill. maps. N160.10 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1981 NR Perkins, W.A., Stembridge, J.H. Nigeria: a descriptive geography. 3rd ed. 184pp. pl. maps. N20.00 Univ Press - Nig 1966 NR Nigeria—Guide books Ammann, R. Lagos walking tours. ISBN: 9783122657 56pp. ill.maps N250.00 ($5.00/£2.50) Riverside 1994 NR Brandler, J.L. Out of Nigeria. 388pp. N900.00 ($20.00/£16.50) Spectrum 1993 NR Cox, E., Anderssen, E. Survive Lagos. 143pp. ill.pl. ($16.00/ £8.95) Spectrum 1984 NR Nason, I. Enjoy Nigeria. (A travel guide). 2nd ed. 135pp. col.ill.pl. ($17.00/£9.50) Spectrum 1993 NR Nigeria—History Achuzia, J.O.G. Requiem of Biafra. 357pp. ($10.00) Fourth Dimension 1991 NR Adediran, A.O. The frontier states of western Yorubaland, ca 1600-1889: state formation and political growth in an ethnic frontier zone. 304pp. N180.00 ($28.00) IFRA - Nig 1993 NR Adefuye, A., Agin, B., Osuntokun, J., eds. History of the people of Lagos State. 378pp. N30.00 Literamed 1987 NR Akinjogbin, A., ed. War and peace in Yorubaland 1793-1893. ISBN: 9781294973 526pp. ($45.00/ £25.00) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR Alagoa, E.J. Beke you mi. Nembe against the British Empire. ISBN: 9783507567 27pp. Onyoma 2001 NR Alagoa, E.J., ed. Harold Dappa-Biriye. His contributions to politics in Nigeria. ISBN: 9783731408 276pp. col.ill.pl.maps ($29.95/£19.95) Onyoma 2003 NR Alagoa, E.J., Fombo, A. A chronicle of Grand Bonny. ISBN: 9783507591 144pp. ill.maps ($18.95/ £10.95) Onyoma 2001 NR Aluko, J.O. Osomalo: the early exploits of the Ijesa entrepreneur. [On early debt collection methods.] 75pp. pl. map ($7.50/£3.00) N50.00 Book Builders 1993 NR
Subject index Augi, A.R., et al. The history of Zuru Emirate. 210pp. ($6.00) Fourth Dimension 1991 NR
Ofuru, J.O. History of Elele-Alimini. ISBN: 9783038000 100pp. Ano 2001 NR
Augi, A.R., Lawal, S.U., eds. Studies in the history of the people of Zuru emirate. new ed. ISBN: 9781563109 208pp. ill.pl. ($27.95/£16.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR
Ogbudinkpa, R. The economics of the Nigerian civil war and its prospects for national development. new ed. ISBN: 9781562803 101pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR
Babarinsa, D. House of war. The story of Awo’s followers and the collapse of Nigeria’s second republic. ISBN: 978029385X 335pp. N1,200 ($34.95/£20.95) Spectrum 2003 NR Bajona, J.O. Ikale. 190pp. N300.00 ($20.00/£10.00) Newswatch 1993 NR
Okoro, I. Building on the debris of a great past. ISBN: 9781564466 66pp. ($4.00) Fourth Dimension 1998 NR Okpoko, J. The Biafran nightmare. Delta 1987 NR
76pp. N6.00
Dappa-Biriye, H.J.R. Minority politics in pre- and postindependence Nigeria. 67pp. ($7.50/ £3.95) Univ Port Harcourt Press 1995 NR
Olaniyan, R.A., ed. The amalgamation and its enemies. An interpretive history of modern Nigeria. ISBN: 9781361344 265pp. ill.maps ($30.95/£18.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 2003 NR
Dyson, S., comp. Nigeria. The birth of Africa’s greatest country. new ed. vol. 1 of 2 ISBN: 9780290001 291pp. ill.pl. N4,200 3 vols. ($35.00/£19.95) Spectrum 1998 NR
Oluwide, B. A political history of Nigeria, 1939-1950: part 1 of the Imoudu biography. 556pp. N750.00 ($40.00/£22.50) WAEC&SRL 1993 NR
Dyson, S., comp. Nigeria. The birth of Africa’s greatest country. new.ed. vol. 2 of 3 ISBN: 9780290141 262pp. ill.pl. ($35.00/£19.95) Spectrum 1998 NR
Onajite, A.R.H. Urhobo kingdoms; political and social systems. 140pp. N700.00 ($75.00/ £50.00) Textflow 1977 NR
Enegwea, G., Umoden, G. NYSC: twenty years of national service. cd. & 342pp. col.pl. Gabumo 1993 NR Erin, E. The Idoma nationality 1600-1900. Problems of studying the origin and development of ethnicity. new ed. ISBN: 9781561823 217pp. maps ($30.95/ £18.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Eze & Ors The Wawa struggle. ISBN: 9782335762 390pp. N500.00 Delta 1999 NR Fajana, A., Biggs, B.J. Nigeria in history. 230pp. col. ill. N1.50 Longman - Nig 1970 NR Hogben, S.J. An introduction to the history of Islamic states of Northern Nigeria. cd. & 351pp. pl.maps N6.90k cd. N5.20k Univ Press - Nig 1967 NR Idrees, A.A., Ochefu, Y.A., eds. Studies in the history of central Nigeria area. vol.1 ISBN: 9782951900 791pp. ($57.95/£34.95) CSS 2002 NR Ikime, O., ed. Groundwork of Nigerian history. new ed. ISBN: 9781299541 615pp. ill. ($39.95/ £23.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1999 NR Kabo, M. Brief history of Lapai Emirate. 36pp. ($3.00) Fourth Dimension 1981 NR Madiebo, A.A. The Nigerian revolution and the Biafran war. new ed. ISBN: 9781561173 423pp. ill.pl.maps ($34.95/£20.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Makar, T. The history of political change among the Tiv in the 19th and 20th centuries. new ed. ISBN: 9781563893 276pp. maps ($34.95/£20.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Niven, C.R. Short history of Nigeria. 3rd ed. 294pp. N1.25 Longman - Nig 1971 NR Njoku, H. The Nigeria-Biafra war: tragedy without heroes. ($15.00/£10.00) N14.00 Fourth Dimension 1986 NR
Anokari, N.B. Fragments of Gokana history. new ed. ISBN: 9783038099 45pp. Ano 2001 NR
Nwankwo, A.A. How Jim ruled Anambra State. 92pp. ($3.00) Fourth Dimension 1982 NR
Anyebe, A.P. Men of courage and character. The Ogbuloko war in colonial Idomaland. ISBN: 9781563613 213pp. ($24.95/ £14.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR
Odogwu, B. No place to hide. Crises and conflicts inside Biafra. new ed. ISBN: 978156198X 271pp. ($34.95/£20.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR
Onwukwe, S.O. Rise and fall of Arochukwu. 56pp. pl. ($2.00) Fourth Dimension 1996 NR Onyegbula, G.A. The Nigerian-Biafran bureaucrat. An account of life in Biafra and within Nigeria. ISBN: 9780295488 294pp. col.ill.pl. ($24.95/£18.95) Spectrum 2005 NR Orji, O.O. Inside Aso rock. ISBN: 978029418X 235pp. col.ill.pl. N1,120 ($30.95/£18.95) Spectrum 2003 NR Ottenberg, S. Farmers and townspeople in a changing Nigeria: Abakaliki during colonial times (1905-1960). ISBN: 978029533X 394pp. ill.pl.maps N3,000 ($39.95/£24.95) Spectrum 2005 NR Saro-Wiwa, K. On a darkling plain: an account of the Nigerian civil war. (Saros Star series, 10) cd. & 268pp. ill. pl. ($35.00/£19.95 cd.) ($21.50/£11.95 pap.) Saros 1989 NR Tamuno, T., Ukpabi, S., eds. Nigeria since independence: the first 25 years. The civil war years. vol.6 310pp. N645.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Tamuno, T.N., Alagoa, E.J. Eminent Nigerians of the Rivers State. 184pp. ill. N48.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1980 NR Togun, K. Dele Giwa: the unanswered questions. ISBN: 9783625519 214pp. Bamboo 2002 NR Nigeria—History—Addresses and essays Alagoa, E.J., Derefaka, A.A., eds. The land and people of Rivers State: Eastern Niger delta. ISBN: 9783507559 621pp. maps Onyoma 2002 NR Nigeria—History—Examinations, questions Thomas, H. Practical exercises in Nigerian history. 104pp. N2.65k Univ Press - Nig 1966 NR Nigeria—International relations Adefuye, A. Culture and foreign policy: the Nigerian example. cd. & 230pp. ($35.00/£19.75 cd.) ($27.00/£15.00 pap.) NIIA 1992 NR Akinbobola, A. Should Nigeria be in OPEC? (NIIA monograph series, 3) 18pp. N3.00 NIIA 1979 NR
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Subject index Akindele, R.A., Ate, B.E. Selected readings on Nigeria’s policy and international relations. (NIIA Enlightenment Course series, 1) ISBN: 9788000223 cd. 218pp. N750.00 ($8.85/ £5.00) ISBN: 9788000215 N250.00 ($7.65/£4.50) Vantage 2000 NR Akindele, R.A., Bassey, E. Nigerian economic relations with the major developed market economy countries, 1960-1985. cd. 294pp. ($29.50/£19.75) N40.00 NIIA 1988 NR Akinterinwa, B.A. Nigeria and France, 1960-1995: the dilemma of thirty-five years of relationship. 282pp. N1,500 Vantage 1999 NR Akinyemi, A.B., ed. Economic cooperation between Nigeria and Eastern Europe. 210pp. ($12.50/ £8.50) N10.00 NIIA 1986 NR Akinyemi, A.B., ed. Foreign policy and the constitution. (NIIA monograph series, 4) 72pp. N5.00 NIIA 1979 NR Akinyemi, A.B., ed. Nigeria and the world. cd. 152pp. N29.95k Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR Akinyemi, B., Agbi, S., Otubanjo, F., eds. Nigeria since independence: the first 25 years. International relations. vol.10 294pp. N645.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Ate, B.E. Decolonization and dependence: the development of Nigerian-US relations, 1960-1984. 300pp. ($35.00) N35.00 NIIA NR Ate, B.E. Nigerian forum. Special issue on the national workshop on cross-border armed banditry in the North-East zone of Nigeria. vols. 9-10 40pp. N200.00 ($50.00) NIIA 1999 NR Babalola, A.S. Towards an interpretation of the notion of “pax nigeriana” in relation to Nigerian foreign policy. ISBN: 9780020314 82pp. NIIA 1998 NR Campbell, K. Nigerian foreign policy and the economic community of West African States (ECOWAS): two essays. 11pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1978 SA Chibundu, V.N. Nigeria-China foreign relations (19601999). ISBN: 9780291644 110pp. N680.00 ($16.95/£9.95) Spectrum 2000 NR Garba, J. Diplomatic soldiering. The conduct of Nigerian foreign policy, 1975-1979. 2nd ed. 238pp. N600.00 ($18.00/£9.95) Spectrum 1991 NR Jacob, H.J., Omar, M. France and Nigeria. Issues in comparative studies. 180pp. N120.00 ($15.00) IFRA - Nig 1992 NR Obiozor, G.A. Nigeria’s participation in the United Nations. (£8.00) N16.00 Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Obiozor, G.A. The politics of precarious balancing: an analysis of contending issues in Nigerian domestic and foreign policy. 283pp. ($25.00/£13.95) NIIA 1995 NR
Nigeria—Politics and government Ogwu, U.J., Olaniyan, R.O., eds. Nigeria’s international economic relations: dimensions of dependence and change. 309pp. ($38.00/£21.50.) NIIA 1989 NR
Nigeria—Politics and government Abubakar, S. Laimbe of Fombina. 190pp. ($65.00/ £4.50) Univ Press - Nig 1997 NR
Olaniyan, R.O. Nigerian diplomacy: the burden of history. 28pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1996 NR
Achebe, C. The trouble with Nigeria. new ed. ISBN: 9781561475 148pp. K.shs.130.00 ($8.95/ £4.95) Fourth Dimension 1983 NR
Olusanya, G.O., Akindele, R.A. Nigeria’s external relations: the first twenty five years. cd. & 577pp. N45.00 ($42.00/£28.00) cd. N35.00 NIIA 1986 NR
Adamolekun, L. Politics and administration in Nigeria. 2nd ed. 203pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Spectrum 1993 NR
Olusanya, G.O., Akindele, R.A. The structure and processes of foreign policy making and implementation in Nigeria 1960-1990. cd. & 580pp. ($120.00/£75.00 cd.) ($90.00/£60.00 pap.) N220.00 cd. N180.00 Vantage 1991 NR Olusanya, G.O., Akindele, R.A., eds. The structure and processes of foreign policy making and implementation in Nigeria, 1960-1990. cd. 562pp. ($63.00/ £35.00 cd.) NIIA 1990 NR Owoeye, J., ed. Nigeria in international institutions. 2nd ed. ISBN: 978219400X 217pp. College Press -Zimb 1999 ZI Sinclair, M. An analysis of Nigerian foreign policy: the evolution of political paranoia. (Occas. paps.) 18pp. SA Inst Int Affairs 1983 SA Nigeria—International relations—Addresses and essays Balogun, O. Cultural policies as instrument of external image building. (NIIA, lecture series, 37) 20pp. ($4.50/£3.25) N5.00 NIIA 1986 NR Kadzal, A. Nigeria’s global strategy. (NIIA, lecture series, 4) 25pp. N5.00 NIIA 1976 NR Nigeria—Local government Adamolekun, N.K., Rowland, L. The new local government system in Nigeria. 312pp. N169.75 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR Adedeji, A., Rowland, L., eds. Management problems of rapid urbanization in Nigeria: the challenge to governments and local authorities. cd. 368pp. (£8.00/$12.00) N4.95 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1973 NR Bello-Imam, I.B. Local government finance in Nigeria. 336pp. ($20.00/£12.50) N80.00 Vantage 1990 NR Bello-Imam, I.B. Local government in Nigeria. Evolving a third tier of government. 218pp. N650.00 IFRA - Nig 1996 NR Delta Publications Udi local government council. ISBN: 9782335335 60pp. N200.00 Delta 2001 NR Gboyega, A. Political values and local government in Nigeria. 212pp. (£9.95) Malthouse 1987 NR Nzelibe, C.G.O., ed. Current issues in public and local government administration. 352pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Fourth Dimension 1991 NR
Obiozor, G.A. Uneasy friendship: Nigeria/US relations. 247pp. ($18.00/£10.00) Fourth Dimension 1992 NR
Orewa, G.O. An introduction to local government accounts in Western and Mid-Western Nigeria. 207pp. N9.70k cd. Univ Press - Nig 1966 NR
Obiozor, G.A. The United States and the Nigerian Civil War: an American dilemma in Africa, 1966-1970. 105pp. ($12.50/£6.95) NIIA 1993 NR
Suberu, R.T. The 1991 state and local reorganisations in Nigeria. (Travaux et Documents, 41) 40pp. N50.00 ($6.00) IFRA - Nig 1994 NR
Ogwu, U.J. Nigerian foreign policy: alternative futures. 206pp. ($15.00/£10.00) N10.00 NIIA 1986 NR
Umoren, E.E. Principles and practice of local government in Nigeria. 250pp. Fab 1994 NR
Adamolekun, L., Osunkunle, L. Nigeria ombudsman system. 120pp. N87.85 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1982 NR Adebayo Adejugbe, Perspectives on republic. ISBN: ($24.95/£14.95)
M., ed. Nigeria’s fledgling fourth 078023151X 164pp. Malthouse 2002 NR
Adebo, A. Our international years. 281pp. ($21.50/ £11.95) Spectrum 1988 NR Adejumobi, S., Momoh, A., eds. The political economy of Nigeria under military rule: 1984-1993. 359pp. ($30.00/ £16.75) SAPES 1995 ZI Adewunmi, P.S. A season of order. ISBN: 9780294317 215pp. N960.00 Spectrum 2003 NR Agbagha, M. Pressure group politics (never say die). ISBN: 9780294333 194pp. N1,200 ($27.95/£16.95) Spectrum 2003 NR Agbese, D. Fellow Nigerians. ISBN: 9783508725 cd. & 167pp. N1,500/($27.00/£22.00) cd. N1,000/($17.00/£12.00) Newswatch 2000 NR Aguda, A. Flashback. 152pp. pl. N240.00 ($3.00/ £2.50) Spectrum 1989 NR Aguwa, J.C.U. Religious dichotomy in Nigerian politics. 32pp. ($4.00/£2.25) Fourth Dimension 1993 NR Ajayi, J.F.A., Ikara, B. Evolution of political culture in Nigeria: proceedings of a national seminar organized by the Kaduna State Council for Arts and Culture. 227pp. map ($10.40) Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR Ajibola, W.A. Foreign policy and public opinion; a case study of British foreign policy on the Nigeria civil war. 213pp. N15.00 Ibadan UP 1978 NR Ajulo, S.B. The office of the secretary to the government of the federal republic of Nigeria. ISBN: 9782458953 192pp. col.pl. N1,500 ($7.50/£6.00/Eur7.00) Vantage 1998 NR Akani, C. My ordeal. A prison memoir of a student activist. ISBN: 9782954489 168pp. Paragraph 2000 NR Akani, C., ed. Corruption in Nigeria. The Niger delta experience. ISBN: 9781564857 112pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Akinola, A.A. Rotational presidency. 79pp. ($12.50/ £6.75) Spectrum 1996 NR Akinterinwa, B.A. Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the struggle for true federalism: perspectives problems and prospects. ISBN: 9788000290 cd. 342pp. N1,000 ($9.40/£6.50) ISBN: 9788000282 N750.00 ($6.45/£4.95) Vantage 2000 NR Akinyemi, A.B. The British press and the Nigerian Civil War. 102pp. N13.80k Univ Press - Nig 1979 NR Akinyemi, A.B., Cole, P.O., Ofonagoro, W. Readings on federalism. cd. & 144pp. N10.00 N20.00 cd. NIIA 1979 NR
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Nigeria—Politics and government Alagoa, E.J. The Ijaw nation in the new millenium. A lecture given at the 4th convention of the Ijaw National Congress at Yengoa, Bayelsa State on the 31st March 2000. ISBN: 9783507522 26pp. Onyoma 2000 NR Aluko, O. Abiola in the political history of Nigeria. ISBN: 9782783609 80pp. N350.00 ($10.00/£6.00) Textflow 1998 NR Aminu, J. Observations. 1988 NR
140pp. N20.00 Delta
Aminu, L.S. Nigeria’s weapons procurement process: it’s implications for her defence policy. 64pp. ($6.50/£3.50) NIIA 1993 NR Amuwo, K., et al., eds. Federalism and political restructuring in Nigeria. ISBN: 9780290095 363pp. N.720.00 ($27.00/£14.95) Spectrum 1998 NR Aniagolou, A.N. The making of the 1989 constitution of Nigeria. 307pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Spectrum 1993 NR Anokari, N.B. A dynamic nation. My ideas and contributions to the development of the country. ISBN: 9783038087 70pp. N400.00 Ano 2001 NR Anokari, N.B. KPOR politics and culture. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9783038006 36pp. N200.00 ($3.00/£2.50) Ano 1998 NR Anokari, N.B. The Ogoni struggle and Nigerian revolution. ISBN: 9783038066 150pp. N500.00 ($6.00/£6.00) Ano 2000 NR Anyaoku, E. The missing headlines: selected speeches. vol.1 ISBN: 9781293220 584pp. N1,500 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1999 NR Anyaoku, E. The missing headlines: selected speeches. vol.2 ISBN: 9781293332 588pp. N2,500 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1999 NR Asia, G.O. Nigeria: in search of balance. ISBN: 9788000363 cd. 162pp. maps ISBN: 9788000371 Vantage 2001 NR Asiegbu, J.U.J. A political survival agenda for Nigeria: repositioning the IVACs as logical units local government and foundations of sustainable national development. ISBN: 9783646958 124pp. N700.00 ($12.00/£5.50) Pam Unique Publ 2003 NR Awojobi, A.O. Nigeria in search of a political order. 58pp. (£2.25) N4.00 West 1981 NR Awolowo, O. The people’s republic. cd. 356pp. N30.35k Univ Press - Nig 1968 NR Awolowo, O. The strategy and tactics of the People’s Republic of Nigeria. cd. & 144pp. N5.50 cd. N1.20 Macmillan - Nig 1970 NR Awolowo, O. Thoughts on the Nigerian constitution. 196pp. map. N5.00 Univ Press - Nig 1966 NR Awolowo, O. Voice of reason. 1982 NR
N15.00 Fagbamigbe
Ayida, A.A. The rise and fall of Nigeria. 68pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Malthouse 1990 NR Azikiwe, N. Ideology for Nigeria. cd. & N5.00 Macmillan - Nig 1980 NR Babatope, E. The Abacha years. What went wrong? ISBN: 9783001410 234pp. ($30.95/ £18.95) CSS 2002 NR
Subject index Babatope, E. Inside Kirikiri (prison memoirs of a politician). 134pp. ($8.95/£6.25) Fourth Dimension 1989 NR Bailey, J.R.A. Nigeria: the birth of Africa’s greatest country. vol.1 ISBN: 9780290001 299pp. 2 vols. N2,500 (£83.50) Spectrum 1998 NR Bailey, J.R.A. Nigeria: the birth of Africa’s greatest country. vol.2 ISBN: 9780290141 268pp. 2 vols. N2,500 (£83.50) Spectrum 1998 NR Balewa, A.T., Epele, S. Nigeria speaks. cd. & 178pp. N3.00 cd. N1.58 Longman - Nig 1964 NR Balewa, B.A.T. Governing Nigeria. 383pp. ($35.00/ £19.95) Malthouse 1994 NR Banjoko, O.O. Universal democracy (holocracy): the rule by all parties. ISBN: 9780294171 270pp. ($29.95/£16.95) Spectrum 2004 NR Barret, L. Agbada to khaki. Reporting a change of government in Nigeria. ($6.50/£4.25) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Beer, C. The politics of peasant groups in Western Nigeria. cd. & 276pp. maps. N12.00 cd. N9.00 Ibadan UP 1976 NR Cole, P., Ekeh, P., Olusanya, G., eds. Nigeria since independence: the first 25 years. Politics and constitutions. vol.5 306pp. N645.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Dike Ogu, I. The long shadows of Biafra. ISBN: 978350827X 193pp. pl.maps N600.00 ($8.00/£5.00) AP Express 2001 NR Ekeh, P., Osaghae, E. Federal character and federalism in Nigeria. 472pp. N853.35 ($33.00/ £18.50) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1989 NR Ekoko, A.E., Vogt, M.A. Nigerian defence policy: issues and problems. 351pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Malthouse 1990 NR Ekwensi, C. Divided we stand. 244pp. ($6.00) Fourth Dimension 1980 NR Fafowora, O., Adeniran, T., eds. Nigeria: in search of leadership. Proceedings and policy recommendations of the 3rd Obafemi Awolowo Foundation dialogue. 366pp. ($33.00/£18.50) Spectrum 1995 NR Fawole, W.A. Nigeria’s external relations and foreign policy under military rule 1966-1999. ISBN: 9781361352 266pp. ($30.95/ £18.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 2004 NR Forsyth, F. Emeka. [About Igbo leader Chukwuemeka Ojukwu.] 2nd rev.ed. 153pp. N420.0 ($7.95/£4.25) Spectrum 1992 NR Garba, J.M. The time has come. 423pp. N1,020 ($19.50/£11.00) Spectrum 1989 NR Garuba, C.A. The making of a state. Reflections on the rural development programme in Bauchi State. ISBN: 0010003368 cd. 163pp. col.pl. Gabumo 1999 NR Gbulie, B. Nigeria’s five majors. 166pp. ill. N6.50 Africana First 1981 NR Gumi, S.A., Tsiga, I.S. Where I stand. 2nd ed. 220pp. col.pl. N900.00 ($16.00/£8.95) Spectrum 2002 NR
Guyer, J. Representation without taxation. An essay on democracy in rural Nigeria 1952-1990. (CASS Occasional Monograph series, 3) 60pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Malthouse 1994 NR Ibrahim, J., ed. Expanding democratic space in Nigeria. ISBN: 2869780680 278pp. ($27.95/ £16.95) CODESRIA 2000 SG Idang, G.J. Nigeria: internal politics and foreign policy, 1960-1966. (Ibadan Political and Administrative Studies, 3) 171pp. N10.00 Ibadan UP 1974 NR Ifechukwu, M.N. Formula for political stability in Nigeria. ($5.00/£3.00) Goldland 1983 NR Ige, B. People, politics and politicians of Nigeria (1940-1979). 423pp. N1,250 ($35.00/ £19.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1995 NR Iginla, M.J.A. Hauyorubia: the people of the three springs - in search of ideology and true freedom. 97pp. ($10.00/£7.00) IPRECO 1991 NR Igwe, O. Nigeria: the new socialist manifesto: with some lessons for other African and Third World countries. 230pp. N30.00 Emancipation Press 1989 NR Ikara, B.A. The greater future of Nigeria. N7.50 Literamed 1989 NR
Ikejiani, O., Ikejiani, M. Nigeria: political imperative (Desiderata for nationhood and stability). N18.00 ($9.50/£6.50) Fourth Dimension 1986 NR Ikoku, S.G. Nigeria’s fourth coup d’état. ($10.00/ £6.75) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Jakande, L.K. The trial of Chief Obafemi Awolowo. 354pp. N4.50 West 1966 NR Jemibewon, D.M. A combatant in government. cd. 208pp. N182.10 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1978 NR Kalu, V.E. The Nigerian condition: Arthur Nwankwo’s viewpoints and blueprints. (Issues in Nigerian Development Series, 4) cd. 248pp. ($22.50/£15.00) Fourth Dimension 1987 NR Kukah, M.H. Democracy and civil society in Nigeria. ISBN: 9780290168 323pp. N780.00 ($24.95/£14.95) Spectrum 1999 NR Kurfi, A. Election contest: a candidate’s companion. 101pp. N300.00 ($3.50/ £2.00) Spectrum 1989 NR Mba, N.E. Ayo Rosiji. Man with vision. cd. & 232pp. ill.pl. ($30.00/£16.75 cd.) ($17.00/ £9.50 pap.) Spectrum 1992 NR Mbadiwe, K.O. Rebirth of a nation. cd. & 306pp. ($33.00/£18.50 cd.) ($18.00/£10.00 pap.) Fourth Dimension 1991 NR Nwabueze, B.O., Aguda, A., eds. Military rule and social justice in Nigeria. 310pp. N780.00 ($30.00/£16.75) Spectrum 1993 NR Nwankwo, A.A. African dictators. The logic of tyranny and lessons from history. new ed. ISBN: 9781564423 202pp. ($24.95/ £14.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Nwankwo, A.A. Before I die: Olusegun Obasanjo-Arthur Nwankwo correspondence on the oneparty state. 219pp. ($12.50/£8.50) Fourth Dimension 1989 NR Nwankwo, A.A. Can Nigeria survive? 120pp. ($5.50/ £3.75) N1.75 Fourth Dimension 1980 NR
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Subject index Nwankwo, A.A. Civilianised soldiers. Military/civilian government in Nigeria. ($4.50/£3.25) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Nwankwo, A.A. Corruption in Anambra State. 160pp. ($3.00) Fourth Dimension 1982 NR Nwankwo, A.A. Igbo leadership and the future of Nigeria. 88pp. ($4.00) Fourth Dimension 1986 NR Nwankwo, A.A. The military option to democracy: class, power and violence in Nigerian politics. (Issues in Nigerian Development Series, 7) cd. 202pp. ($19.50/£13.50) Fourth Dimension 1987 NR
Nigeria—Politics and government Obe, A’O. A new dawn. vol.3 ISBN: 9780295267 434pp. N1,800 Spectrum 2004 NR Obi, C.I. Structural adjustment, oil and popular struggles: the deepening crisis of state legitimacy in Nigeria. 48pp. CFA3,000 ($8.00) CODESRIA 1998 SG Obianyido, A. Igbo-Yoruba politics. 180pp. Fab 1998 NR
ISBN: 9782023671
Obiozor, G.A., ed. Basic issues in Nigerian foreign policy: IBB’s foreign policy pronouncements (1986-1991). 88pp. ill.pl. ($18.00/£10.00) NIIA 1992 NR
Nwankwo, A.A. National consciousness. 74pp. ($3.00) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR
Odekunle, F., ed. Nigeria: corruption in development. ($27.00/£14.95) Ibadan UP 1983 NR
Nwankwo, A.A. The nationality question in Nigeria: the class foundation of conflicts. cd. 133pp. ($22.50/£15.00 pap.) Fourth Dimension NR
Odetola, O. Guns, pens and words: the military, the 27pp. ($4.95/£2.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1986 NR
Nwankwo, A.A. Nigeria: my people, my vision. 104pp. ($3.00) Fourth Dimension 1979 NR Nwankwo, A.A. Nigeria: the challenge of Biafra. 3rd ed. 117pp. ($5.50/£3.75) Fourth Dimension 1978 NR Nwankwo, A.A. Nigeria: The political transition and the future of democracy. 223pp. ($33.00/ £18.50) Fourth Dimension 1993 NR Nwankwo, A.A. Nigeria: the stolen billions. ISBN: 9781564571 326pp. ($19.95/£11.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2000 UG Nwankwo, A.A. Nigerians as outsiders: military dictatorship and Nigeria’s destiny. 240pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Fourth Dimension 1996 NR Nwankwo, A.A. On the brink of disaster: Nigerian ethos and meaning of the tragic state. 170pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Fourth Dimension 1997 NR Nwankwo, A.A. Political danger signals. The politics of federalism, census, blanket ban and national integration. 200pp. ($15.00/ £8.50) Fourth Dimension 1991 NR Nwankwo, A.A. Retreat of power. The military in Nigeria’s third republic. new ed. ISBN: 9781564431 144pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Nwankwo, A.A. Terminus: power, hegemony and endgame. ISBN: 9781564369 265pp. ($15.00) Fourth Dimension 1998 NR Nwankwo, A.A. Thoughts on Nigeria. (Issues in Nigerian Development Series, 1) cd. 198pp. ($22.50/£15.00) Fourth Dimension 1986 NR Nzeribe, A. Nigeria: the turning point: a charter for stability. (Issues in Nigerian Development series, 8) cd. 128pp. ($15.00) ($15.00/£10.00) Fourth Dimension 1986 NR Nzongola-Ntalaja, G., Lee, M.C. The state and democracy in Africa. Oil conflict and security in rural Nigeria: issues in the Ogoni crisis. vol.2 ($20.00) AAPS 1997 ZI Obasanjo, O. My command: an account of the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-70. ISBN: 9966250158 192pp. K.shs.640.00 EAEP 1999 KE Obe, A’O. A new dawn. A collection of speeches of President Olusegun Obasanjo. vol.2 ISBN: 9780293205 328pp. N1,140 ($27.95/£16.95) Spectrum 2002 NR
Odumegwu-Ojukwu, E. Because I am involved. 200pp. N540.00 (£6.00) Spectrum 1989 NR Ogbemudia, S.O. Years of challenge. 271pp. ill.pl. N494.00 ($16.00/£8.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1992 NR Ogwu, U.J., Olukoshi, A. The economic diplomacy of the Nigerian state. 237pp. ($30.00/£20.00) N120.00 Vantage 1992 NR Ojiako, J.O. Nigeria: yesterday, today, and...? 405pp. ill. pl. N375.00 Africana First 1981 NR Ojo, J.D. The development of the executive under the Nigerian constitutions, 1960 - 81. 189pp. ($12.70) Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR Ojo, J.D. Students’ unrest in Nigerian universities: a legal and historical approach. 110pp. N330.00 ($18.00) IFRA - Nig 1995 NR Oka Ore-wa, G. We are all guilty: the Nigerian crisis. 215pp. N600.00 ($18.00/£9.95) Spectrum 1997 NR Okadigbo, C. Consciencism in African political philosophy. ($9.50/£6.50) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Okadigbo, C. Power and leadership in Nigeria. (Issues in Nigerian Development Series, 6) cd. 165pp. ($15.00/£10.00) Fourth Dimension 1987 NR Okafor, F.U., ed. New strategies for curbing ethnic and religious conflicts in Nigeria. 291pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Fourth Dimension 1997 NR Okigbo, P. Essays in the public philosophy of development. vol.1 cd. 322pp. ($29.50/ £19.75) Fourth Dimension 1987 NR Okila, M. Nigeria: the search for political stability. 182pp. ($6.00/£5.00.) N40.00. Riverside 1989 NR Okwudiba, N. Ethnic politics in Nigeria. cd. 308pp. ($8.00) Fourth Dimension 1978 NR Olagunju, T., Jinadu, A., Oyovbaire, S. Transition to democracy in Nigeria (19851993). 278pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Spectrum 1993 NR Olowu, D. Bureaucracy and the people: the Nigerian 49pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1996 NR
Olowu, D. Constitutionalism and development in Nigeria: Lagos State, governance, society and economy. 191pp. (£8.50) Malthouse 1990 NR Olowu, D., Soremekun, K., Williams, A., eds. Governance and democratisation in Nigeria. 171pp. N720.00 ($16.00/£8.95) Spectrum 1995 NR Oluleye, J.J. Military leadership in Nigeria, 1966-1979. 258pp. pl. ($10.40) Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR Olurode, L. L.K.J. in the eye of the people. [on L.K. Jakande] 2nd ed. ($5.00) West 1992 NR Olurode, L. A political economy of Nigeria’s 1983 elections. ($12.00/£8.00) West 1990 NR Oluwide, B. Imoudu. A biography. Political history of Nigeria, 1939-1950. 566pp. N750.00 ($40.00/£22.50) WAEC&SRL 1993 NR Oluwide, B. People’s democracy: an analysis of Awo’s thoughts. 2nd ed. 87pp. pl. N100.00 ($3.75/£2.50) WAEC&SRL 1968 NR Omoboriowo, A. Nigeria and the social reformer. (£1.00) N1.50 West 1978 NR
Onoge, O.F., ed. Nigeria: the way forward. Proceedings and policy recommendations of the first Obafemi Awolowo Foundation dialogue. 156pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Spectrum 1994 NR Onovo, N.J. To hell with democracy? 196pp. ($13.75/ £7.50) Fourth Dimension 1997 NR Onuoha, B., Fadakinte, M.M., eds. Transition politics in Nigeria 1970-1999. ISBN: 9780231501 392pp. ($34.95/ £20.95) Malthouse 2002 NR Onyeama, D. A message to my compatriots. 42pp. N100.00 ($2.00/£1.50) Delta 1996 NR Onyeama, D. Modern messiah: the Jim Nwobodo story. (£2.75) N3.50 Delta 1983 NR Osuafor, T. The death and resurrection of Nigeria. 44pp. N150.00 Delta 1997 NR Otite, O., Alber, I.O., eds. Community conflicts in Nigeria. Management, resolution and transformation. ISBN: 9780291059 387pp. N960.00 ($20.95/£12.95) Spectrum 2001 NR Oyediran, O. Survey of Nigerian affairs 1975. cd. & 347pp. N10.00 N20.00 cd. NIIA 1978 NR Oyediran, O., Agbaje, A., eds. Nigeria: politics of transition and governance, 1986-1996. ISBN: 2869780710 340pp. ($27.95/£16.95) CODESRIA 1999 SG Oyediran, O., ed. Survey of Nigerian affairs 1976-1977. 312pp. NIIA 1981 NR Oyelaran, S. Obafemi Awolowo. The end of an era? 977pp. ($71.00/£39.50) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1988 NR Oyovbaire, S., Olagunju, T. eds. Crisis of democratization in Nigeria: selected speeches of IBB. vol. 3. cd. & 357pp. ill.pl. ($47.50/£26.50 cd.) ($27.00/ £14.95 pap.) Malthouse 1997 NR Randle, J.K. The godfather never sleeps. [Newspaper articles, and satire on life in Nigeria.]. cd. 456pp. (£8.95) West African Bk 1980 NR
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Nigeria—Politics and government Randle, J.K. Who is fooling who? 235pp. (£8.95) West African Bk 1985 NR Saro-Wiwa, K. Genocide in Nigeria. The Ogoni tragedy. 103pp. ill.pl. ($12.50/£6.95) Saros 1992 NR Saro-Wiwa, K. Nigeria: the brink of disaster. (Saros Star series, 12) 131pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Saros 1991 NR Saro-Wiwa, K. Similia: essays on anomic Nigeria. 200pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Saros 1991 NR Solarin, T. A message for young Nigerians. Macmillan - Nig 1980 NR
Soyinka, K. Diplomatic baggage, Mossad and Nigeria: the Dikko story. cd. & 286pp. N500.00 (£10.00) N700.00 (£25.00) cd. Newswatch 1994 NR Soyinka, W. The man died. 309pp. N600.00 ($7.50/ £6.00) Spectrum 1988 NR Spectrum Books Limited Nigeria. Twenty years of independence. 148pp. N25.00 ($2.00) Spectrum 1981 NR
Subject index Ehusani, G. Nigeria: years eaten by the locust. ISBN: 9780390561 227pp. (£11.99) Kraft 2002 NR
Etuk, E. The Nigerian public service: in search of creative excellence. 257pp. ($30.00/ £16.75) Spectrum 1992 NR
Garuba, C. Statecraft, peace and security. Selected speeches and writings of Major General Chris Garuba. ISBN: 0010003244 cd. 325pp. map Gabumo 1998 NR
Nwigbo, T.S. Theory and practice of public administration. ISBN: 9783038067 420pp. N500.00 Ano 2001 NR
Hagher, I. Weapons of mass instructions. Selected speeches and essays on politics, art and leadership. ISBN: 9780294937 263pp. ($24.95/£10.95) Spectrum 2004 NR Ikoku, S.G. Nigeria’s fourth coup-d’état. Options for modern statehood. new ed. ISBN: 9781562781 186pp. ($27.95/£16.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Kano, A.A. Politics and administration in post military era in Nigeria. (NIIA, lecture series, 1) 15pp. N5.00 NIIA 1976 NR Ogunsanwo, A. The transformation of Nigeria: scenarios and metaphors. 36pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Univ Lagos Press 1991 NR Oladipo, O. Beyond survival. ISBN: 9783459651 156pp. N300.00 ($4.00) Hope 1999 NR
Nwosu, H. Political authority and the Nigerian civil service. new ed. ISBN: 9781560061 cd. 184pp. ($27.95/£16.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Nwosu, H.N., ed. Problems of Nigerian administration: a book of readings. new ed. ISBN: 9781561041 344pp. ($39.95/£23.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Olowu, D. Lagos State: governance, society & economy. 177pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Malthouse 1990 NR Olowu, D., Ayo, D., eds. Managing the Nigerian federal system: issues and policy options. 24pp. ($2.50/ £1.80) Univ Lagos Press 1985 NR Omopariola, O. Government budgeting in Nigeria: principles, policies and practices. ISBN: 978136131X 227pp. ($30.05£18.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 2003 NR
Suberu, R.T. Ethnic minority conflicts and governance in Nigeria. new ed. ISBN: 9780291199 98pp. N350.00 ($13.95/£7.95) Spectrum 1999 NR
Oyedeji, B., ed. Economy and governance in Nigeria. Selected speeches and articles of Chief T.A. Akinleye. ISBN: 9782951811 490pp. ($34.95/£20.95) CSS 2002 NR
Tamuno, T., Atanda, J., eds. Nigeria since independence: the first 25 years. Government and public policy. vol.4 300pp. N645.00 Heinemann Educ Ib 1990 NR
Ramphal, S.S. Keynote address at the opening of the International Conference on Federalism, Lagos May, 1976. (NIIA, lecture series 7) 19pp. N5.00 NIIA 1976 NR
Phillips, D. Development management and government bureaucracy in Nigeria. (Lecture series, 1) 38pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Univ Lagos Press 1988 NR
Nigeria—Politics and government— Directories Orekoya, T., Agbugba, T., eds. Local government administration in Nigeria: incorporating contemporary issues in governance and national directory of Nigerian local government councils. 2 vols. 636pp. Pure Lang 2001 NR
Taribo, A. Manual for protocol officers. ISBN: 9783038036 36pp. N200.00 Ano 2000 NR
Ubah, C.N. Government and administration of Kano Emirate. 225pp. ($27.00/£15.00) N15.00 Univ Nigeria Press 1985 NR Ugochukwu, B. The judiciary and democratic transition in Nigeria. ISBN: 9780473971 156pp. N750.00 ($20.95/£12.95) SGP 2000 NR Uko The rock ‘n’ rule years. A satirist’s view 175pp. ($12.50/£6.95) Bookcraft 1992 NR Ukwu, U.I. Government, business and people. ISBN: 978233501X 288pp. N500.00 Delta 2004 NR Umenyiora, V.I. Nigeria: survival or disintegration. 169pp. N18.00 Delta 1988 NR Umoden, G.E. The Babangida years. ISBN: 9780100849 cd. & 507pp. col.pl. N750.00 ($25.00/£15.00) cd. ISBN: 9780100725 N400.00 ($15.00/£10.00) Gabumo 1997 NR Vaughan, O. Indigenous political struggles and governance in Nigeria. ISBN: 9782030268 374pp. ($41.95/£24.95) Bookcraft 2004 NR Vogt, M.A., Ekoko, A.E., eds. Nigeria in international peace-keeping 1960-1992. 352pp. ($35.00/£19.75) Malthouse 1993 NR Nigeria—Politics and government— Addresses and essays Agbaje, A.A.B., Diamond, L., Onwudiwe, E., eds. Nigeria’s struggle for democracy and good governance. A festschrift for Oleleye Oyediran. ISBN: 9781214007 492pp. ($42.95/825.95) Ibadan UP 2004 NR Akpata, T. In pursuit of nationhood. Selected writing on politics in Nigeria. ISBN: 9780231358 cd. & 362pp. ($44.95/£26.95 cd.) ISBN: 9780231358 ($24.95/£14.95 pap.) Malthouse 2000 NR
Nigeria—Politics and government—Study and teaching (Secondary) Anokari, N.B. Essential ideals and issues in modern government and politics. ISBN: 9783038218 300pp. Ano 2001 NR Nigeria—Public administration Adamokekun, L., Gboyega, A., eds. Leading issues in Nigerian public services. Proceedings of a national symposium. 255pp. ($12.00/£8.00) N6.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1980 NR Adamolekun, L. Nigerian public administration 1960-1980: prospects and problems. 408pp. N282.40 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1985 NR Adebayo, A. Principles and practice of public administration in Nigeria. 193pp. N720.00 ($11.00) Spectrum 1981 NR Adebayo, A. Public administration in Nigeria. 220pp. N190.00 ($8.00) Spectrum 1989 NR Aliyu, J., Gboyega, A., Abubakar, Y., eds. Nigeria since independence: the first 25 years. Public administration. vol.8 282pp. N645.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Allen, J.G.C. A handbook of basic administration and civil service procedure in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 94pp. N7.80k Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR Balogun, M.J. Public administration in Nigeria: a developmental approach. 308pp. (£5.95) Macmillan - Nig 1983 NR Balogun, M.J., ed. Managerial efficiency in the public sector. Patterns and problems in Nigeria. 315pp. ($17.50/£8.00) N8.50 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1980 NR
Oshiami, K. Government accounting and financial control. 231pp. N540.0 ($30.00/£16.75) Spectrum 1992 NR
Umezuruike, N.O. The land use decree, 1978 - a critical analysis. 155pp. Fab 1989 NR Nigeria—Public welfare Obikeze, D.S., Mere, A.A. Children and the Nigerian civil war. 208pp. ($21.50/£12.00) N15.00 Univ Nigeria Press 1985 NR Nigeria—Religion Ajayi, J.A. Crowther’s attitude to other faiths. Press - Nig 1973 NR
Atanda, J., Ashiwaju, G., Abubakar, Y., eds. Nigeria since independence: the first 25 years. Religion. vol.9 206pp. N645.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Enwerem, I.M. A dangerous awakening. The politicization of religion in Nigeria. 288pp. N450.00 IFRA - Nig 1995 NR Kukah, M.H. Religion, politics and power in Northern Nigeria. 280pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Spectrum 1993 NR Obianyido, A. Christ or devil. 1987 NR
136pp. N12.00 Delta
Olupona, J.K., ed. Religion and peace in multi-faith Nigeria. 203pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1992 NR Nigeria—Religion, Christian Apochi, M.E. Hints for the implementation of the Ecclesia in Africa. 157pp. Fab 1997 NR Okwonkwo, J.I. Pastorial language and evangelism. ISBN: 978156444X 110pp. ($5.00) Fourth Dimension 1998 NR Nigeria—Rural development Ajaegbu, H. Urban rural development in Nigeria. N495.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1972 NR
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African Books in Print
Subject index
North America—Guide books
Idachaba, F.S. Rural infrastructures in Nigeria. cd. 1,003pp. maps ($108.00/£60.00) Ibadan UP 1986 NR
Oyedipe, F.P.A. Adjustment to resettlement. cd. & 168pp. pl. maps ($5.20 cd.) N9.00 Univ Press - Nig 1983 NR
Makinwa, P.K. Internal migration and rural development in Nigeria. 248pp. maps N164.30 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR
Tibenderana, P.K. Education and cultural change in northern Nigeria 1906-1966. A study in the creation of a dependent culture. ISBN: 9970023748 242pp. ($39.95/£23.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2003 UG
Olayide, S.O., et al. Elements of rural economics. cd. & 344pp. N15.00 ($17.98/£7.46) N22.00 ($22.72/£9.42) cd. Ibadan UP 1981 NR Omu, F.I., Makinwa, P.K., eds. Integrated rural development in Nigeria and women’s role. 322pp. N282.10 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR Williams, S.K.T. Rural development in Nigeria. 129pp. ($15.00/£9.00) N5.50 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1978 NR Nigeria—Schools Solarin, T. Mayflower: the story of a school. 102pp. 40k West 1970 NR Nigeria—Sociology Adekanye, J.’B. Military occupation and social stratification. 60pp. N120.00 ($7.50/ £5.50) Vantage 1994 NR Aina, O., Odebiyi, A., Sesay, A., eds. Cultism and youth violence in Nigerian universities. (CEDCOMS, 2) ISBN: 095453848X ($16.95/£9.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 2003 NR Akinyele, I.O., Onifade, I.O. Trends and social behaviour among secondary school adolescents in Ibadan. 38pp. N130.00 ($8.00) IFRA - Nig 1996 NR Anikpo, M. Poverty and the democratic process: the new face of mass poverty in Nigeria. 47pp. ($6.50/£3.50) Univ Port Harcourt Press 1995 NR Ayandele, E.A. The educated elite in the Nigerian society. cd. & 177pp. N10.00 cd. N6.00 Ibadan UP 1974 NR FIDA Society and the child. 64pp. ($3.00) Fourth Dimension 1993 NR Iginla, M.J.A. Moderacism in Hauyorubia. A scientific discovery of a new ideology for Nigeria. 85pp. ($10.00/£7.00) IPRECO 1998 NR Imobighe, T.A., Bassey, C.O., Asuni, J.B. Conflict and instability in the Niger delta. The Warri case. ISBN: 9780293701 249pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Spectrum 2002 NR Imobighe, T.A., ed. Civil society and ethnic conflict management in Nigeria. ISBN: 9780294848 341pp. maps ($34.95/£18.95) Spectrum 2003 NR Kpoobari, E. In family support and unity. ISBN: 9783038097 88pp. N200.00 ($5.00/£4.50) Ano 1998 NR Munoz, L.J. Living tradition. ISBN: 9782030716 272pp. Bookcraft 2005 NR Nwabueze, N., Oyekanmi, F.A.D. Social problems and social policy in Nigeria. 255pp. N500.00 (£15.00) Osko 1992 NR Nwankwo, A.A. The power dynamics of the Nigerian society. 235pp. ($7.00) Fourth Dimension 1988 NR Offiong, D. Secret cults in Nigerian tertiary institutions. ISBN: 9781565926 173pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Fourth Dimension 2003 NR Olurode, L., Soyombo, O. Readings in campus violence. ISBN: 9783635077 287pp. N750.00 ($12.00) West 2004 NR
Trager, L. Migration and rural-urban linkages: implications for rural development, poverty alleviation and gender relations. (Centre for Gender, Governance and Development, Distinguished lecture series, 1) ISBN: 9788000182 30pp. N125.00 ($1.50/£1.00) Vantage 2001 NR Usman, Y.B., ed. Nigeria since independence: the first 25 years. The society. vol.1 256pp. N645.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Nigeria—Sociology—Addresses and essays Awojobi, A. Nigeria in search of a social order. (NIIA, lecture series, 12) 55pp. N5.00 NIIA 1976 NR Nigeria—Sociology, Rural Awa, E.O., ed. The transformation of rural society: a study of rural development in the eastern states of Nigeria. 183pp. ($18.50) Fourth Dimension 1988 NR Olatunbosun, D. Nigeria’s neglected rural majority. cd. N20.75 Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR Otite, O., Okali, C., eds. Readings in Nigerian rural society and rural economy. 478pp. N960.20 ($35.00/£19.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 1989 NR Nigeria—Sociology, Rural—Addresses and essays Williams, S.K.T. Rural poverty to rural prosperity: a strategy for development in Nigeria. (Univ. of Ife, Inaugural Lecture Series, 15) 25pp. 35p/80c. 45k ($3.00/£2.25) N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1974 NR Nigeria—Sociology, Urban Agbola, T. The architecture of fear. Urban design and construction reaction to urban violence in Lagos, Nigeria. 138pp. N350.00 ($18.00) IFRA - Nig 1997 NR Albert, I.O. Inter-ethnic relations in a Nigerian city. A historical perspective of the Hausa-Igbo conflicts in Kano 1953-1991. 20pp. N25.00 ($2.00) IFRA - Nig 1993 NR Albert, I.O., Awe, T., Hérault, G., Omitoogun, W. Informal channels for conflict resolution in Ibadan Nigeria. 108pp. IFRA - Nig 1995 NR Di Domenico, C., Di Domenico, M. Metaphorical islands. Expatriate communities in Ibadan, Nigeria. (African Humanities Monographs, 16) ISBN: 9780480102 40pp. N200.00 ($7.50/£5.00) Book Builders 2001 NR Hérault, G., Adesanmi, P., eds. Jeunes, culture de la rue et violence urbaine en Afrique. Actes du symposium international d’Abidjan 5-7 mai 1997. Youth, street culture and urban violence in Africa. Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Abidjan, 5-7 May 1997. 417pp. N1,000 ($30.00) IFRA Nig 1997 NR MUL Ogionwo, W. Social survey of Port Harcourt. 272pp. N300.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR Onibokun, A.G., Faniran, A. Urban research and urban environment in Nigeria: the state of the art. 206pp. N420.00 ($20.00) IFRA - Nig 1995 NR Sada, P.O., Oguntoyinbo, J.S. Urbanisation processes and problems in Nigeria. 202pp. ($12.30/£4.93) N18.00 Ibadan UP 1981 NR
Smah, S.O. Juvenile delinquency and juvenile violence in Jos. N150.00 ($8.00) IFRA - Nig 1997 NR Nigeria—Statistics Adamu, A.A. The Nigerian statistical system. Ibadan UP 1977 NR
Nigeria—Travel Rodd, F., Kidd, J., Cohen, W., et al. Around and about Abuja. ISBN: 9780295259 339pp. col.ill.pl.maps ($29.95/£19.95) Spectrum 2005 NR Nile river Mohamed, O.H.A. A new model for a Nile waters treaty. (DSRC seminar series, 45) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ Nkrumah, Kwame—Addresses and essays Obeng, S., comp. Selected speeches of Kwame Nkrumah. vol.1 247pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Afram 1997 GH Obeng, S., comp. Selected speeches of Kwame Nkrumah. vol.2 174pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Afram 1997 GH Obeng, S., comp. Selected speeches of Kwame Nkrumah. vol.3 168pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Afram 1997 GH Obeng, S., comp. Selected speeches of Kwame Nkrumah. vol.4 152pp. C18,000 ($17.50/£8.95) Afram 1997 GH Obeng, S., comp. Selected speeches of Kwame Nkrumah. vol.5 194pp. C18,000 ($18.50/£8.95) Afram 1997 GH Nkrumah, Kwame—Biography Arhin, K. The life and work of Kwame Nkrumah. 396pp. C4,950 (£10.00) Sedco 1991 GH Arhin, K. A view of Kwame Nkrumah, 1909-1972. 52pp. C1,800 (£2.00) Sedco 1990 GH Donkoh, C.E. Mother Africa mourns Kwame Nkrumah. 67pp. C6.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1978 GH Kanu, G. Nkrumah the man: a friend’s testimony. 160pp. ill. (£2.00) N3.75 Delta 1982 NR Mensah-Bonsu, K. The trial of Kwame Nkrumah. 58pp. C6,000 ($2.50) Black Mask 1986 GH Sherwood, M. Kwame Nkrumah. The years abroad 1936-1947. 202pp. ill.pl. ($17.00/£9.50) Freedom 1996 GH Nkumbula, Harry Mwaanga—Biography Mwangilwa, G.B. Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula: a biography of the old ‘lion’ of Zambia. 157pp. pl. ($10.00/£6.25) K5.00 Multimedia 1982 ZA Nkwenkwe, Nontetha—Biography Edgar, R.R., Sapire, H. African apocalpyse. The Story of Nontetha Nkwenkwe, a twentieth-century South African prophet. ISBN: 1868143376 pl. R130.00 Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA [Africa only] N’Oba Erediauwa, Omo [Prince Akenzua]— Autobiography N’Oba Erediauwa, O. I remain, sir, your obedient servant. ISBN: 9780293825 354pp. ill.pl. ($34.95/ £19.95) Spectrum 2004 NR Non-governmental organizations Olive Publications Public relations for non-profit organisations. (Building organisations, 5) ISBN: 1874808188 53pp. R38.00 Olive 1999 SA North America—Guide books Leech, M. Globetrotter travel guide to New York City. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
North America—Guide books Sinclair, M. Globetrotter travel guide to California. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA Northern Sotho language—Bibliography Bothma, C.P., comp. Bibliokrafi ya Sesotho sa Leboa go fihla ka 1993/Northern Sotho bibliography to the year 1993. (Bibliographies of the State Library, 36) 211pp. R140.00 State Lib - SA 1994 SA MUL Norton, Peggy—Autobiography Norton, P. Found in my mouth. The journal of Peggy Norton. 85pp. R50.00 Options Publ 1997 SA Nthunya, M.M.—Autobiography Nthunya, M.M. Singing away the hunger: stories from a life in Lesotho. 194pp. pl. R60.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1996 SA Nuclear power see also Energy Nuclear power—Africa Malu Wa Kalenga Les utilisations de l’énergie nucléaire. Cas de l’Afrique. 217pp. ($22.50) Z42.90 Press Univ Congo 1977 ZR FRE Nuclear power—South Africa Pollett, E.A., Murphy, C.A., Erskine, J.M. Eskom’d nuclear power station site investigation programme. Natal North coast regional study. vols.1-5(INR investigational reports, 41) R30.00 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Nujoma, Sam—Autobiography Nujoma, S. To free Namibia. The life of the first president of Namibia. ISBN: 085255379X cd. & 320pp. pl. (£35.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852553781 (£11.95 pap.) New Namibia 1999 SX [Southern Africa only] Numismatics White, K.D. Historical Roman coins illustrating the period 44 B.C. to A.D. 55: a selection from the departmental coin collection. 69pp. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1958 SA Numismatics—Catalogs Carney, T.F. A catalogue of the Roman and related foreign coins in the collection of Sir Stephen Courtland at the University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. cd. 69pp. pl. Z$10.62 Univ Zimbabwe 1963 ZI Pollard, G. A catalogue of the Greek coins in the collection of Sir Stephen Courtauld at the University College of Rhodesia. cd. 92pp. pl. Z$10.26 Univ Zimbabwe 1970 ZI Nurses and nursing see also Health education Hospitals Motherhood and child care Fountain, D., Courtejoie, J. Infirmier comment traiter votre malade. 2nd ed. 670pp. pl. ($20.00) BERPS 1996 ZR FRE Mkumbwa, L.A.J. Instructional programme on nursing process and care plans. 70pp. ill. K.shs.200.00 ($4.00/£2.50) Longhorn Ken 1996 KE Ndirangu, S. Operating theatre nursing manual. 150pp. ill. pl. ($5.35) Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE Sanga, P., ed. Basic nursing care - msingi wa uuguzi. cd. 480pp. T.shs.8,000 ($10.00) Ndanda Mission 1995 TZ Stevenson, J.C. The auxiliary nurse’s guide. R180.00 Juta 2004 SA
Vlok, M.E. Manual of nursing. Basic nursing. 9th rev.ed. vol.1 914pp. R245.00 Juta 1992 SA
Subject index Vlok, M.E. Manual of nursing. Special subjects. 9th ed. vol.2 914pp. R245.00 Juta 1992 SA
Dind, Y., Bay, L. Manuel de soins infirmiers. 560pp. (Eur24.00) BERPS 2004 ZR FRE
Nurses and nursing—Addresses and essays Akiwumi, A. Higher education for nurses. 14pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1971 GH
Dreyer, M., Hattingh, S., Lock, M. Fundamental aspects of community nursing. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195719964 185pp. R150.00 OUP - SA 2000 SA
Nurses and nursing—Africa, Southern African Policy Dialogue Review Challenges of nursing in southern Africa. 86pp. Z$524.00 ($8.00) Nehanda 2001 ZI
du Toit, D.A. Nursing sociology. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0627025951 R179.95 Van Schaik 2005 SA
Nurses and nursing—Dictionaries Juta Academic Publishing Blackwell’s dictionary of nursing. rev.ed. 814pp. ill. R135.00 Juta 1994 SA Rompel, D. Nurses’ dictionary: English-Afrikaans. R22.75 Tafelberg 1975 SA Nurses and nursing—Kenya Ndirangu, S. A history of nursing in Kenya. pl. Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE
Nduba, S., van Acker, H.I. Home based care training manual. ISBN: 9966874631 210pp. ill. AMREF 2005 KE Nurses and nursing—Nigeria Adelowo, E.O. The nursing profession in Nigeria. 329pp. ($5.70/£3.00) N45.00 Literamed 1988 NR Agu, T.N. Revision aid for nurses. 2nd ed. 148pp. ill. N313.00 Africana First 1992 NR Akinsanya, J.A. An African ‘Florence Nightingale’: a biography of Kofoworola A. Pratt. cd. 224pp. pl. ($2.50) N19.50 Vantage 1987 NR Nurses and nursing—South Africa Booyens, S.W. Dimensions of nursing management. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702142115 719pp. R235.00 Juta 1998 SA Booysen, L., Erasmus, H.M., van Zyl, M.D. The auxiliary nurse. ISBN: 070216643X 424pp. pl.ill. R180.00 Juta 2005 SA Bouwer, M.J., Zeelie, S.C.D., Herselman, S., Lock, M.V.L.H., Dreyer, J.M. Contemporary trends in community nursing. new ed. ISBN: 1868640094 164pp. R165.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA Dennill, K., King, L. Public health nursing in practice: a handbook for South Africa. ISBN: 0702137198 228pp. R153.00 Juta 2002 SA Hall, B.A. Short-term validation of a selection procedure for student nurses for the general diploma in nursing. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 318) R2.00 CSIR 1980 SA Mymin, J. The assistant nurse: a South African manual. 154pp. ill. R9.95 Macmillan SA 1984 SA Pera, S.A., van Tonder, S., eds. Ethics in nursing practice. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 243pp. R119.00 Juta 1996 SA Verschoor, T., Fick, G.H., Jansen, R-M., Viljoen, D.J. Nursing and the law. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 184pp. R119.00 Juta 1997 SA Vlok, M.E. Manual of community nursing and communicable diseases. 5th ed. 838pp. R245.00 Juta 1996 SA Nurses and nursing—Study and teaching Beekman, L. Problem solving and decision making strategies and skills. A co-curriculum teaching thinking skills for nursing students. ISBN: 0627024556 106pp. R104.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA
Mogotlane, S.M., Mokoena, J.D., Chauke, M.E., Manaka-Mkwanazi, I. Juta’s manual of nursing. Volume 2. Practical manual. ISBN: 0702156663 352pp. R195.00 Juta 2004 SA Mulder, M., ed. Practical guide for general nursing science. [Also available in Afrikaans.] pt.2 ISBN: 0636042022 R218.40 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Mulder, M., ed. Practical guide for general nursing science. [Also available in Afrikaans.] pt.1 ISBN: 0798635703 R235.30 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Uys, L.R. Home-based HIV/AIDS care. ISBN: 0195781988 224pp. R165.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Uys, L.R., Mulder, M. Fundamental nursing. ISBN: 0636024081 R149.99 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA van Staden, S.J. Nursing sociology. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 3rd ed. ISBN: 0627025951 280pp. R179.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Young, A. Juta’s manual of nursing. Volume 3. Health care priorities. ISBN: 0702166510 Juta 2005 SA Young, A., Niekerk, C.F., Mogotlane, S. Juta’s manual of nursing. vol.1 ISBN: 0702156655 776pp. R290.00 Juta 2003 SA Nutrition see also Diets and dieting Food industries and trade Health education Plants Abudu, A.O. Eat for health and long life. ISBN: 9988763573 319pp. ($14.75) IMV 2005 GH Abudu, A.O. Use water as your medicine. new rev.ed. ISBN: 9964980558 239pp. C35,000 ($11.95) IMV 2004 GH Bartel, P.R. Long-term electrocerebral sequelae of kwashiorkor. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 244) 151pp. CSIR 1976 SA Batel, P.R. Long-term effects of kwashiorkor on psychomotor ability. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 256) 33pp. R1.50 CSIR 1977 SA Courtejoie, J. Nutrition et santé. Manuel de l’animation nutritionnel et de l’infirmière. 260pp. pl. ($3.00) BERPS 1999 ZR FRE Editions de l’Océan Indien Nourrissons mieux notre famille. Océan Indien Ed 1988 MF FRE
Fincham, R.J., Gibson, C., Jinabhai, C.C., Krige, D. Targeting and nutritional surveillance within food aid programmes. Paper delivered at the Regional Drought Conference, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, May 1992. (INR occasional paps., 123) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Gaté, G. Good food for men. ISBN: 185974043X 230pp. R89.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Nyanja language—Dictionaries
Jackson, T. It’s not what you’re eating, it’s what’s eating you. 194pp. col.ill.pl. ($21.50/ £11.95) Baobab - Zimb 1997 ZI Nyamuda, M., Mpofu, G. Focus on food and nutrition. vol.2 304pp. ill. col.pl. Z$179.95 College Press -Zimb 1989 ZI Okonkwo, P.O., ed. Grains and capsules. 107pp. ($15.00/ £10.00) Fourth Dimension 1986 NR Reader’s Digest Foods that harm foods that heal. cd. 400pp. col.ill. R149.95 Readers Digest SA 1997 SA Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. L’éducation nutritionnelle. Quelques principes de base et recommandations pratiques. (Protection maternelle et infantile, 7) 36pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. La nutrition. L’éducation nutritionnelle dans la pratique jornalière. 288pp. ill.pl. ($6.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Serfontein, W. New nutrition. ISBN: 0324040046 320pp. R99.95 Tafelberg 2001 SA Steenkamp, G., Delport, L. Eating for sustained energy. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624038661 128pp. col.ill. R99.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA Steenkamp, G., Delport, L. Eating for sustained energy 2. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 0624041255 128pp. col.pl. R115.00 Tafelberg 2005 SA Van der Heyden, A., Courtejoie, J. Nourriture saine, meilleure santé: cours de diététique à l’usage des infirmiers et des enseignants des regions tropicales. 200pp. pl. ($5.00) BERPS 1976 ZR FRE Nutrition—Addresses and essays Evans, E.V. The world of food and nutrition. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1970 GH
Isoun, T.T. Animal protein, malnutrition and the science of disease. 32pp. ($1.89/79p) N3.00 Ibadan UP 1980 NR Macgregor, D.R. Non-traditional food sources for feeding increasing populations. 12pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1972 GH Nutrition—Africa Devereux, S., Maxwell, S., eds. Food security in sub-Saharan Africa. ISBN: 1869140273 R195.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2003 SA Latham, M.C., Westley, S.B., eds. Nutrition planning and policy for African countries. Summary report of a seminar held 2-19 June, 1976. (IDS occasional papers, 21) 115pp. K.shs.148.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE Oloo, N. Healthy eating. 1997 KE
32pp. ($1.00) Paulines
Williams, T., Moon, A., Williams, M. Alimentation et santé en Afrique. 179pp. pl. ($13.00) BERPS 1996 ZR FRE Nutrition—Africa, Eastern Burgess, A., et al. Community nutrition for eastern Africa. 279pp. K.shs.1,000 ($7.50) AMREF 1994 KE Nutrition—Africa, Southern Erskine, J.M. Background document on the technical approach to be employed in arranging and presenting the proposed regional policy seminar on food security. (INR working paps., 128) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA
Nutrition—Africa, Southern—Bibliography Geldenhuys, Z., comp. Food security in southern Africa 19741994. A select and annotated bibliography. (SAIIA bibliographic series, 27) 295pp. (£15.00) SA Inst Int Affairs 1994 SA
Nutrition—South Africa Fincham, R.J., Gibson, C. Nutritional survey of Izingolweni and Nkandla: a nutritional survey conducted as part of the Farmer Support Programme. (INR working paps., 105) R8.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA
Nutrition—Bibliography United Nations Children’s Fund Human nutrition and tropical food crops: linking production and utilization to smallholder agricultural systems: an annotated bibliography, 1970-88. 125pp. Book Builders 1989 NR
Fincham, R.J., Harrison, D., Khosa, M. Nutrition: the issues behind intervention: discussion document. Paper submitted to the Stellenbosch Economic Project Workshop on nutrition intervention and its financing. (INR occasional paps., 131) R5.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA
Nutrition—Congo Democratic Republic Centre d’Etudes Ethnologies L’approvisionnement alimentaire de la ville de Bandundu (Rep. du Zaïre). (CEEBA publications, série, II,97) 57pp. (DM16.00) CEEBA 1987 ZR FRE
Fincham, R.J., Harrison, D., Khosa, M., Le Roux, I. Nutrition and health in South Africa: the state of nutrition and the development of nutrition policy. Report presented to the World Bank as part of the Project for Statistics on Living Standards and Development. (INR investigational reports, 89) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA
Nutrition—Developing countries King, M., et al. Nutrition for developing countries. 240pp. ill. K.shs.546.00 OUP - Nairobi 1973 KE Nutrition—Examinations, questions Erondu, C.I. 1005 objective questions and answers in food and nutrition. 152pp. ill. N250.00 Africana First 1989 NR Nutrition—India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics The determinants of individual diets and nutritional status in six villages of southern India. 140pp. ($14.00) ICRISAT 1985 NG Nutrition—Kenya Hoorweg, J., Niemeijer, R. Intervention in child nutrition: evaluation studies in Kenya. 173pp. K.sh.300.00 AMREF 1990 KE Johnston, B.F. Objectives and scope of a food and nutrition policy. (IDS discussion paper, 210) 30pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE
Fincham, R.J., Saunders, D., Jinabhai, N. Major issues in the establishment of a National Surveillance System (NSS). Paper presented at the National Conference on the establishment of a National Nutrition Surveillance System in South Africa, Johannesburg, 8-9 August 1992. (INR occasional paps., 124) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Kassier, S. Don’t do it all to get it all. ISBN: 0864865309 244pp. col.pl. R135.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Nutrition—Study and teaching Tandu Umba, E. Nutrition de la théorie à la pratique. 271pp. ($37.00) Kap Kaz 2004 ZR FRE Nutrition—Sudan Salih, S.A.M. Theoretical and methodological issues on food demand analysis in less developing countries. 24pp. Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1986 SJ
Johnston, B.F., Meyer, A.J. Nutrition, health and population in strategies for rural development. (IDS discussion paper, 238) 45pp. K.shs.96.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE
Nutrition—Tanzania Mwikongi, S., et al. Assessment of regional and councils experiences and framework for implementation of the national food and nutrition policy. 36pp. ill. TFNC 2002 TZ
K’okul, R.N.O. Food security in Katolo: household analysis and the search for remedial policies. A research proposal. (IDS working paper, 500) 51pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1995 KE
Nutrition—Zimbabwe Chitsiku, I.C. Nutritive value of foods of Zimbabwe. [Reprinted from ‘Zambezia’, vol.16,1, 1989.] 31pp. ($4.00/£2.25) Univ Zimbabwe 1991 ZI
Kuria, E. An investigation of the services provided by extension workers to women farmers on food storage/preservation and nutrition in Bungoma District. (Abridged research report, 25) Academy Science Publ 1996 KE
Nuttall, Michael—Autobiography Nuttall, M. Number two to Tutu. A memoir. ISBN: 1875053344 178pp. R70.00 ($14.00) Cluster 2003 SA
Latham, M.C. Health strategies for the control of childhood malnutrition. (IDS discussion paper, 228) 18pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1976 KE Mwangi, W.M. Low income food systems in Kenya: a case study of Kangemi peri-urban area. (IDS discussion paper, 278) 45pp. K.shs.96.00 Inst Dev Stud 1988 KE Westley, S.B., Johnston, B.F., David, M., eds. Summary report of a workshop on a food and nutrition strategy for Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 14) 40pp. K.shs.106.00 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE Nutrition—Nigeria Olayide, S.O. Food and nutrition crisis in Nigeria. 172pp. N10.00 Ibadan UP 1982 NR Oyenuga, V.A. Nigeria’s foods and feeding-stuffs: their chemistry and nutritive value. 3rd 99pp. N6.00 Ibadan UP 1968 NR Nutrition—Réunion Chan, K. Les tendances alimentaires. ODR 2000 RF FRE
Nwankiti, Rev. Benjamin—Biography Emenyonu, E. A good shepherd. The biography of the Most Reverend Dr Benjamin Nwankiti. ISBN: 0962886475 169pp. ($24.95/ £14.95) African Heritage 2003 NR Nwankwu, Lady Regina Obiageli— Biography Nwankwu, M.N. The sermon we saw: Lady Regina Obiageli Nwankwu. 148pp. ill. pl. ($13.75/£7.50) Fourth Dimension 1992 NR Nwankwu, Sir Joe-Biography Asogwa, J. Sir Joe Nwankwu: the man, his business. 355pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Fourth Dimension 1993 NR Nyanja language see also Chinyanja Nyanja language—Dictionaries Dzuka Publishing Mtanthauzira mawu Chinyanja: Chinyanja dictionary. ISBN: 9990817812 366pp. (£22.00) Dzuka 2000 MW MUL
40pp. ill.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Nyanja language—Grammar Nyanja language—Grammar Lehmann, D. Outline of ciNyanja grammar. 47pp. (£7.99) Bookworld 2002 ZA MUL Mateene Kahombo. Essai de grammaire générative et transformationnelle de la langue Nyanga. ($26.00) Z$50.00 Press Univ Congo 1980 ZR FRE Nyarango, Peter M.—Autobiography Nyarango, P.M. Sunset in Africa. Childhood memories. 250pp. K.shs.220.00 ($10.00/£6.25) EAEP 1994 KE Nyerere, Julius K.—Addresses and essays Drum Magazine Julius Nyerere. Africa’s elder statesman. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9976973527 199pp. Mkuki na Nyota 1998 TZ Nyerere, Julius K.—Biography Legum, C., Mmari, G., eds. Mwalimu: the influence of Nyerere. 224pp. K.shs.1,885 EAEP 1995 KE Mwakikagile, G. Nyerere and Africa: end of an era, the biography of Julia Kambarage Nyerere (1922-1999), President of Tanzania. ISBN: 1931768749 472pp. (£20.99) Protea 2002 SA Smith, W.E. Nyerere of Tanzania. Z$4.57 ZPH 1981 ZI
208pp. map.
Smyth, A., Seftel, A., eds. Tanzania. The story of Julius Nyerere. ISBN: 9970021532 299pp. ill.pl. ($31.95/ £19.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1999 UG Nyoro (African people)—Religion Byaruhanga-Akiiki, A.B.T. Religion in Bunyoro. 272pp. ill. pl. ($10.10/£4.05) K.shs.76.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE Nzema—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Aboagye, P.A.K. Ekyia a enee wcze. [A man in trouble is like a madman.] 3rd ed. 62pp. ill. C500.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1990 GH NZE Ampoe-Kaku, A.K. Nzema edweke edwendole. [Poetry.] 2nd ed. 25pp. pl. C50.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1988 GH NZE Blay, J.S. Adawu edodo. [Short stories.] 2nd ed. 68pp. pl. C50.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1980 GH NZE Crosby-Annan, J. Avo nee Koasi Ama Ekyi. [Avo and Koasi Ama Ekyi.] 106pp. pl. C50.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1981 GH NZE Essuah, J.A. Fa edweke kye. [Forgiveness.] 3rd ed. 61pp. pl. C50.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1980 GH NZE Nzema—General and Non-fiction Aboagye, P.A.K. Nzema edweke-nzcho. [Nzema smiles.] 3rd ed. 30pp. C50.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH NZE Aboagye, P.A.K. Sukoa Nzema. [Learn the Nzema customs.] 3rd ed. 62pp. pl. C220.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH NZE Asilijoe, P.A.K. Duma nee mgbayele. [A name and appellation.] 56pp. C500.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1992 GH NZE Essien, P. Mo mzukpa. [Drink good water.] 16pp. ill. C3,500 ($2.00/£1.50) Adwinsa 1996 GH NZE Essien, P. Myile mgbane mgbane enonle. [Drug abuse.] 18pp. ill. C3,500 ($2.00/£1.50) Adwinsa 1994 GH NZE Essien, P. Silibole. [Immunisation.] 16pp. ill. C3,500 ($2.00/£1.50) Adwinsa 1996 GH NZE
Subject index Ezenrane, N.E. Ebelalekonle. [Life is war.] 120pp. ill. C750.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1992 GH NZE Kwesi, G.E. Fa bie dielie. [A book of humour.] 3rd ed. 35pp. pl. C50.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1980 GH NZE Nzema—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Mensah, A.K. Bedie me nwora ko o’. [Story telling.] 28pp. pl. C50.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1980 GH NZE Nzema language Bureau of Ghana Languages Nzema language guide. C500.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1961 GH NZE Nzema language—Dictionaries Aboagye, P.A.K. Nzema nee nrelenza edwebohilel buluku. [Nzema and English dictionary.] 2nd ed. 304pp. pl. C650.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1990 GH MUL Nzeogwu, Chukwuma—Biography Obasanjo, O. Nzeogwu. ISBN: 9780291342 pl. N540.00 ($14.95/£8.95) Spectrum 1999 NR Nzeribe, Francis Arthur—Biography Onyeama, D. African legend: the incredible life story of Francis Arthur Nzeribe. cd. & 170pp. ill. N10.00 (£9.95) cd. N4.50 (£4.95) Delta 1984 NR Obasanjo, Olusegun—Biography Ojo, O.A. Olusegun Obasanjo in the eyes of time. 207pp. ill.pl. ($21.50/£11.95) ALP 1997 NR Occult sciences—Dictionaries Kernan, J. An introductory dictionary of the occult. 10pp. free Christian Lit 1991 SA Oceanography see also Ecology Fish and fisheries Marine biology Natural history Bass, A.J. Analysis and description of variation in the proportional dimensions of scyliorhinid, carcharhinid and sphyrind sharks. (Investigational Reports, 32) 28pp. R1.20 Oceanographic Res Inst 1973 SA Berry, P.F. The biology of Nephrops andamanicus Wood-Mason (Decapoda: Reptantia). (Investigational Reports, 22) 55pp. R1.20 Oceanographic Res Inst 1969 SA Berry, P.F. Mating behaviour, oviposition and fertilization in the spiny lobster Palinurus homarus (Linnaeus). (Investigational Reports, 24) 16pp. R1.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1970 SA Bosman, D.E., Scholtz, D.J.P. Model study on wave absorbers for application at pneumatic wave generators in models. (CSIR Research Report, 390) 47pp. CSIR 1981 SA Davies, D.H. Shark attack and its relationship of temperature, beach patronage and the seasonal abundance of dangerous sharks. (Investigational Reports, 6) 43pp. R1.20 Oceanographic Res Inst 1963 SA Davies, D.H., Lochner, J.P.A., Smith, E.D. Preliminary investigations on the hearing of sharks. (Investigational Reports, 7) 10pp. R1.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1963 SA Fearnhead, E.A., Fabian, B.C. The ultrastructure of the gill of Monodactylus argenteus (a Euryhaline teleost fish) with particular reference to morphological changes associated with changes in salinity. (Investigational Reports, 26) 39pp. R1.20 Oceanographic Res Inst 1971 SA
Hughes, G.R. The sea turtles of south-east Africa, 2: the biology of the Tongaland loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta Linnaeus, with comments on the leatherback turtle Dermochelys coriacea Linnaeus, and the green turtle Chelonia mydas Linnaeus in the study region. (Investigational Reports, 36) 96pp. R1.70 Oceanographic Res Inst 1974 SA Lenhoff, L. Beach sediment sampling methods. (CSIR Research Report, 366) 52pp. ill. CSIR 1979 SA Nicholson, J.M.C. A three-dimensional finite difference model of the transport of suspended sediment. (CSIR Research Report, 359) 94pp. CSIR 1979 SA Steffens, F.E., D’Aubrey, J.D. Regression analysis as an aid to shark taxonomy. (Investigational Reports, 18) 16pp. R1.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1967 SA Swart, D.H. Vocoidal water wave theory. Derivation. vol.1(CSIR Research Report, 357) 152pp. ill. pl. CSIR 1978 SA Swart, D.H., Loubser, C.C. Vocoidal water wave theory. vol.2(CSIR Research Report, 360) 130pp. ill. CSIR 1979 SA van Wyk, A.V. Wave power study: an estimate of the wave power potential of the South West African and South African coastal waters. (CSIR Research Report, 358) 76pp. CSIR 1978 SA Wallace, L. Reactions of the sharks Carcharhinus leucas (Muller & Henle) and Odontaspis taurus Refinesque to gill net barriers under experimental conditions. (Investigational Reports, 30) 24pp. R1.20 Oceanographic Res Inst 1972 SA Oceanography—Africa, Southern Bass, A.J., D’Aubrey, J.D., Kistnasamy, N. Sharks of the east coast of southern Africa, 1: the genus Carcharhinus (Carcharhinidae). (Investigational Reports, 33) 168pp. R2.60 Oceanographic Res Inst 1973 SA Bass, A.J., D’Aubrey, J.D., Kistnasamy, N. Sharks of the east coast of southern Africa, 2: the families Scyliorhinidae and Pseudotriakidae. (Investigational reports, 37) 63pp. R1.20 Oceanographic Res Inst 1975 SA Bass, A.J., D’Aubrey, J.D., Kistnasamy, N. Sharks of the east coast of southern Africa, 3: the families Carcharhinidae (excluding Carcharhinus and Mustelus) and Sphyrnidae. (Investigational Reports, 38) 100pp. R2.40 Oceanographic Res Inst 1975 SA Berry, P.F. The biology of the spiny lobster Palinurus homarus Linnaeus off the East coast of southern Africa. (Investigational Reports, 28) 75pp. R2.40 Oceanographic Res Inst 1971 SA Berry, P.F. The spiny lobsters (Palinuridae) of the east coast of southern Africa: distribution and ecological notes. (Investigational Reports, 27) 23pp. R1.20 Oceanographic Res Inst 1971 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research South African Southern Ocean Research Programme: SASCAR. (SANSPR, 134) 58pp. CSIR 1986 SA de Freitas, A.J. The Penaeoidea of southeast Africa versus the family Sicyoniidae. (Investigational Reports, 60) Oceanographic Res Inst 1985 SA Hughes, G.R. The sea turtles of south-east Africa, 1: status, morphology and distributions. (Investigational Reports, 35) 144pp. R3.00 Oceanographic Res Inst 1974 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Miller, D.G.M., ed. SIBEX-II: report of the South African study in the sector 48-64 degrees East of the southern Ocean. (SANSPR, 132) 47pp. CSIR 1986 SA Mitchell-Innes, B.A. Primary production studies in the southwest Indian Ocean, 1961-1963. (Investigational Reports, 14) 20pp. R1.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1967 SA Smith, J.L.B. New and interesting fishes from deepish water off Durban, Natal and southern Mozamibique. (Investigational Reports, 19) 30pp. R1.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1968 SA Springer, S., D’Aubrey, J.D. Two new scyliorhinid sharks from the east coast of Africa with notes on related species. (Investigational Reports, 29) 19pp. R1.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1972 SA Wallace, J.H. The batoid fishes of the East coast of Southern Africa: sawfishes and guitarfishes. Vol.1(Investigational Reports, 15) Oceanographic Res Inst 1967 SA Wallace, J.H. The batoid fishes of the East coast of southern Africa: manta, eagle, duckbill, cownose, butterfly and sting rays. vol.2(Investigational Reports, 16) 56pp. R1.20 Oceanographic Res Inst 1967 SA Wallace, J.H. The batoid fishes of the East coast of southern Africa: skates and electric rays. vol.3(Investigational Reports, 17) 62pp. R1.20 Oceanographic Res Inst 1967 SA Oceanography—Dictionaries Lutjeharms, J.R.E. Dictionary of oceanology: EnglishAfrikaans, Afrikaans-Engels. 334pp. ($29.95) Pharos 2004 SA MUL Oceanography—South Africa Bang, N. On estimating the oceanic mass flux budget of lateral and cross circulations of the southern Benguele upwelling system. (CSIR Research Report, 351) 17pp. CSIR 1976 SA Berry, P.F. The biology of the spiny lobster Palinurus delagoae Barnard, off the coast of Natal, South Africa. (Investigational Reports, 31) 27pp. R1.20 Oceanographic Res Inst 1973 SA Berry, P.F. Biomass and density of detritivores on a littoral rocky reef on the Natal coast, with an estimate of population production for the ascidian Pyura stolonifera. (Investigational Reports, 53) 12pp. R1.50 Oceanographic Res Inst 1982 SA
Oceanography—South Africa Carter, R.A. The distribution of calanoid copepoda in the Agulhas current system off Natal, South Africa. (NRIO Professional Research series, 3) 165pp. CSIR 1978 SA Chapman, P. Oil concentrations in seawater following dispersion with and without the use of chemical dispersants: a review of published data. (Special Report, 2) 23pp. Oceanographic Res Inst 1985 SA D’Aubrey, J.D. A carchariid shark new to South African waters. (Investigational Reports, 9) 16pp. R1.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1964 SA D’Aubrey, J.D., Davies, D.H. Shark attack off the east coast of South Africa, 1st February 1961. (Investigational Reports, 5) 5pp. R1.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1961 SA Davies, D.H. The miocene shark fauna of the southern St. Lucia area. (Investigational Reports, 10) 16pp. R1.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1964 SA Davies, D.H. Shark attack off the east coast of South Africa, 22nd January 1961. (Investigational Reports, 4) 6pp. R1.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1961 SA
Joubert, C.S.W. A survey of shore anglers’ catches at selected sites on the Natal Coast, South Africa. (Investigational Report, 52) 13pp. R1.30 Oceanographic Res Inst 1981 SA Joubert, L.E.S. A preliminary report on the Penaeid prawns of Durban Bay. (Investigational Reports, 11) 32pp. R1.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1964 SA Joubert, L.E.S., Davies, D.H. The Penaeid prawns of the St. Lucia Lake system. (Investigational Reports, 13) 40pp. R1.20 Oceanographic Res Inst 1966 SA Lundie, G.S.H. An analysis of fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and wind over the coastal areas of Natal, Transkei and South East-Cape. (CSIR Research Reports, 355) 69pp. ill. maps. CSIR 1977 SA Lutjeharms, J.R.E. The influence of the Agulhas current. (CSIR Research Report, 376) 15pp. pl. CSIR 1980 SA Lutjeharms, J.R.E. Interaction between the Agulhas current and the suptropical convergence. (CSIR Research Reports, 384) 39pp. pl. maps. CSIR 1981 SA
Davies, D.H. Shark attack on fishing boat in South Africa. (Investigational Reports, 1) 4pp. R1.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1961 SA
Lutjeharms, J.R.E. Sea level in the southern ocean. A catalogue of measurements. (CSIR Research Report, 365) 206pp. ill. maps. CSIR 1980 SA
Davies, D.H., D’Aubrey, J.D. Shark attack off the east coast of South Africa, 6 January 1961. (Investigational Reports, 3) 7pp. R1.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1961 SA
Lutjeharms, J.R.E., Fromme, G.A.W., Duncan, C.P. Large scale motion in the south west Indian ocean. (CSIR Research Report, 375) 22pp. CSIR 1980 SA
Davies, D.H., Joubert, L.E.S. Tag evaluation and shark tagging in South African waters. (Investigational Reports, 12) 36pp. R1.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1966 SA
Pearce, A.F. Agulhas current off Richards Bay. (CSIR Research Report, 348) 21pp. CSIR 1976 SA
Davis, D.H., D’Aubrey, J.D. Shark attack off the east coast of South Africa, 24 December 1960, with notes on the species of shark responsible for the attack. (Investigational Reports, 2) 10pp. R1.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1961 SA Eagle, G.A. Investigation of the beach around the A.E. & C.I. factory outfall Somerset West on 1 April 1976. (CSIR Research Report, 354) 4pp. CSIR 1976 SA Eyberg, I. The biology of Parablennius cornutus and Scartella emarginata Günther, Teleostei: Blenniidae on a Natal reef. (Investigational Reports, 54) 16pp. R1.50 Oceanographic Res Inst 1984 SA
Pearce, A.F. The gross features of the east coast shelf circulation. (CSIR Research Report, 346) 18pp. CSIR 1976 SA Pearce, A.F. Seasonal variations in sea temperature and salinity off Richards Bay. (CSIR Research Report, 350) 33pp. CSIR 1976 SA Pearce, A.F. Seasonal variations in the inshore currents along the east coast. (CSIR Research Report, 345) 16pp. CSIR 1976 SA Pearce, A.F. The shelf circulation off the east coast of South Africa. (CSIR Research Report, 361) 220pp. map. CSIR 1977 SA
Berry, P.F. Palinurid and scyllarid lobster larvae of the Natal coast, South Africa. (Investigational Reports, 34) 44pp. R1.20 Oceanographic Res Inst 1974 SA
Fromme, G.A.W. Establishment of a standard relationship between settling velocity and grain size of coastal sand. (CSIR Research Report, 356) 61pp. CSIR 1977 SA
Buchan, P.R., Smale, M.J. Estimates of biomass, consumption and production of Octopus vulgaris: cuvier off the east coast of South Africa. (Investigational Report, 50) 9pp. R1.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1981 SA
Heydorn, A.E.F., Grindley, J.R., eds. Estuaries of the Cape. Part II: synopses of available information on individual systems, report no.1 Spoeg (CW5) (CSIR Research Report, 400) 26pp. pl. col.pl. maps. CSIR 1981 SA
Burchall, J. An evaluation of primary productivity studies in the Continental Shelf region of the Agulhas Current near Durban. (19611966) (Investigational Reports, 21) 44pp. R1.20 Oceanographic Res Inst 1968 SA
Heydorn, A.E.F., Grindley, J.R., eds. Estuaries of the Cape. Part II: synopses of available information on individual systems, report no.2 Buffels (CW3) (CSIR Research Report, 401) 32pp. col.pl. maps. CSIR 1981 SA
Burchall, J. Primary production studies in the Agulhas current region off Natal. (Investigational Reports, 21) 16pp. R1.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1968 SA
Heydorn, A.E.F., Grindley, J.R., eds. Estuaries of the Cape. Part II: synopses of available information on individual systems, report no.4 Swartlint Jies (CW4) (CSIR Research Report, 403) 28pp. col.pl. maps. CSIR 1981 SA
Wallace, J.H. The estuarine fishes of the east coast of South Africa, 1: species composition and length distribution in the estuarine and marine environments, 2: seasonal abundance and migrations. (Investigational Reports, 40) 72pp. R2.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1975 SA
Jackson, L.F. Aspects of the intertidal ecology of East coast of South Africa. (Investigational Report, 46) 72pp. R2.20 Oceanographic Res Inst 1976 SA
Wallace, J.H. The estuarine fishes of the east coast of South Africa, 3: reproduction. (Investigational Reports, 41) 51pp. R1.60 Oceanographic Res Inst 1975 SA
Burchall, J. Primary production studies in the Agulhas current region off Natal - June 1965. (Investigational Reports, 20) Oceanographic Res Inst 1968 SA
Pearce, A.F. The surface structure of the Agulhas current off Durban. (CSIR Research Report, 353) 17pp. CSIR 1976 SA Snyman, C.G. Automatic data acquisition systems on board the research vessel ‘Meiring Naude’. (CSIR Research Report, 352) 26pp. CSIR 1976 SA Thorrington-Smith, M. Phytoplankton studies in the Agulhas Current region off the Natal coast. (Investigational Reports, 23) 24pp. R1.10 Oceanographic Res Inst 1969 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Oceanography—South Africa
Subject index
Wallace, J.H. The estuarine fishes of the east coast of South Africa, 4: occurrence of juveniles in estuaries, 5: ecology, estuarine dependence and status. (Investigational Reports, 42) 63pp. R1.90 Oceanographic Res Inst 1975 SA Zwamborn, J.A. Measuring techniques, dolosse packing density and effect of relative block density. (CSIR Research Report, 378) 92pp. ill. CSIR 1980 SA Odinga, Jaramogi Oginga—Biography Odhiambo, E.S.A. Makers of Kenya’s history: Jaramogi Oginga Odinga. 112pp. K.shs.220.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1997 KE Ogba (African people)—History Ellah, F.J. Ali-Ogba. A history of the Ogba people. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781564008 240pp. ill.maps ($20.95/£12.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Ogbe, Hilda—Autobiography Ogbe, H. The crumbs off the wife’s table. ISBN: 0780293175 302pp. ill.pl. ($20.95/£12.95) Spectrum 2001 NR Ogoni (African people)—Anthropology, Socio-cultural Vobnu, S. Origins and languages of Ogoni people. ISBN: 9783038251 121pp. Ano 2001 NR Okpara, Iheonukara—Biography Offodile, C. Doctor M.I. Okpara: a biography. 128pp. (£3.50) Fourth Dimension 1980 NR Olashore, Oladele Oba—Autobiography Olashore, O.O. Joy of service: an autobiography. ISBN: 9782951269 ($21.99/£13.99) CSS 1998 NR ole Mbatian, Olonana—Biography Ndege, P. Olonana ole Mbatian. (Makers of Kenya’s History, 12) ISBN: 9966250948 90pp. ill.pl. K.shs.220.00 ($20.95/£12.95) EAEP 2003 KE Olivier, Michael—Autobiography Olivier, M. Michael Olivier. ISBN: 1919930876 144pp. R185.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Oluleye, James J.—Autobiography Oluleye, J.J. Architecturing a destiny. ISBN: 9780292861 252pp. ill.pl. N1,440 ($20.95/ £12.95) Spectrum 2001 NR Olusanya, G.O.—Autobiography Olusanya, G.O. Memoirs of a disillusioned patriot. 9188059058 336pp. col.pl. N1,500 ($20.00/£12.00) Sefer 2003 NR
Opthalmology—Addresses and essays Olurin, O. Looking through the window. 33pp. ($1.89/79p) N3.00 Ibadan UP 1980 NR
Manasse, R. Tekamo. [Collection of short stories.] ISBN: 9991621806 136pp. Out of Africa Namibia 2000 SX OSH
Opthalmology—Ghana Quarcoopome, C.O. In search of good sight. (Eye care service in a developing country) 15pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1980 GH
Nakawa, P.H. Uusiku noontedha. [Collection of Oshindonga poems.] ISBN: 9991603026 72pp. Gamsberg 2001 SX OSH
Opthalmology—Study and teaching Odjmogbo, E.S. Understanding common eye problems. 206pp. Univ Press - Nig 2004 NR Organization for African Unity Mononi, A.N., Koli, E.M. L’Organisation de l’Unité Africaine: vingt ans après des espoirs déçus? 209pp. ($30.00) Press Univ Congo 1988 ZR FRE Ntumba, N. La stratégie de l’Organisation de l’Unité Africaine pour le développement: le cadre institutionnel. 80pp. ($15.00) Z25.00 Press Univ Congo 1981 ZR FRE O’Riain, Bearnard—Autobiography O’Riain, B. Running to stand still. ISBN: 1770090789 392pp. R145.00 ($20.00/ £11.50) Jacana 2005 SA Oromigna language—General and Nonfiction Bescha, W. Kori hamba. [Proverbs, riddles and figurative speech in Oromigna.] 120pp. Birr6.50 Mega 1998 ET ORO Oromo (African people)—Folklore Cotter, G. Ethiopian wisdom: proverbs and sayings of the Oromo people. vol.1 268pp. R49.00 ($10.40/£6.60/Eur9.10) Unisa 1997 SA Orthopaedics Gaiatto, M.E. Motor disabilities: a short textbook of orthopaedic and physiotherapy for rural health workers. 112pp. ill. pl. T.shs.1,200 Tanz Publ House 1983 TZ Osborne, John—Autobiography Osborne, J. A guiding son. ISBN: 0797428291 196pp. pl. Osborne 2004 ZI Oshikwanyama—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Heileka, N.O. Ondali imwe mepando. [Novel.] 147pp. R15.20 Gamsberg 1992 SX OSH Oshindonga—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Achebe, C. Okambiri kondenya. trans.f.t English by E. Tjiramba and J.Kambona [Things fall apart. Novel.] ISBN: 9991622462 152pp. Out of Africa - Namibia 2002 SX OSH
Ndeshimona, R.N. Oluzigo. [Drama in Oshindonga.] 9991620540 50pp. Out of Africa Namibia 2000 SX OSH
Shikalepo, P.P. Hedha popepi: embo lyuutewo wOshindonga. [Collection of Oshindonga poetry.] ISBN: 9991603042 58pp. Gamsberg 2001 SX OSH Shikongo, V.A. Mohango. [Novel.] ISBN: 9991600248 44pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX OSH Shivute, F.T. Oshihakanwa shonkalamwenyo. [Oshindonga novel.] ISBN: 9991600264 131pp. Gamsberg 2000 SX OSH Taapopi, S. Shila otatu shi kanga. [Oshindonga poems.] ISBN: 9991602208 38pp. Gamsberg 2000 SX OSH Tauya, H.N. Uunkatu uushona: okambo kuutewohokololo wuunona. [Oshindonga poems.] ISBN: 9991602305 40pp. Gamsberg 2000 SX OSH Yandakomhani, L.N. Okana kuunongo: omadhina giinyandwa; Iita, Malalapaipi, Onda li kondungu yondungu, YaToivo. [Four plays.] ISBN: 9991600361 101pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX OSH Oshindonga—General and Non-fiction Amakali, L.S. Osho sha li. [Collection of traditional Oshindonga folktales and fairy tales.] ISBN: 0868489700 76pp. ill. Gamsberg 1998 SX OSH Amakali, P. Embugalopo. [Desertification.] ISBN: 9991601872 32pp. Gamsberg 2000 SX OSH Catholic AIDS Action Esiloshisho lyaanegumbo moNamibia: embo lytilonga lyaadheulwa aayiyambi. [Home based family care in Namibia: a practical manual for trained volunteers.] ISBN: 9991674454 75pp. ill. Gamsberg 2001 SX OSH Catholic AIDS action Okulya iitungithilutu kantu mboka taya lumbu nomukithi goAIDS. [Healthy eating for people living with AIDS.] 62pp. ill. CAA 2000 SX OSH
Olympio, Sylvanus—Biography Agbobli, A.K. Sylvanus Olympio. Un destin tragique. 190pp. NEAS 1992 SG FRE
Amunyela, P. Ndilimani omutotiitewo. [Oshindonga poetry.] ISBN: 999160040X 177pp. Gamsberg 1999 SX OSH
Namuhuja, H.D. Filemon Elifas. rev.ed. ISBN: 9991601347 118pp. Gamsberg 1999 SX OSH
O’Malley, Patrick—Autobiography O’Maille, P. [Patrick O’Malley] Living dangerously: a memoir of political change in Malawi. ISBN: 0953239616 (£8.00) Dudu Nsomba 2002 MW
Amutse, M. Etapati. [A dew of melon seeds. Humorous Oshindonga stories.] ISBN: 9991621695 68pp. ill. Out of Africa Namibia 2002 SX OSH
Onyeama, Chief Dilibe—Autobiography Onyeama, D. Nigger at Eton. New 112pp. pl. (£2.50) N3.00 Delta 1982 NR
Amutse, M. Omithitu nomakuya ga ka nale. [Forest of the ancestry. Oshindonga novel.] ISBN: 9991621415 112pp. Out of Africa Namibia 2002 SX OSH
Shawana, L. Mokathepo kOshindonga: embo lyomayeletumbulo niipopiwamayele. [Collection of Oshindonga idiomatic expressions and proverbs.] ISBN: 9991602703 45pp. Gamsberg 2001 SX OSH
Onyeama, D. Notes of a so-called Afro-Saxon. N10.00 Delta 1988 NR
Onyeama, Chief Dilibe—Biography Onyeama, D. Chief Onyeama: the story of an African God. 144pp. ill. (£3.00) N4.00 Delta 1982 NR Opthalmology—Africa Kelecom, J. La santé des yeux. Notions sur les soins aux yeux en Afrique. 160pp. pl. ($13.00) BERPS 1997 ZR FRE
Angula, A.D. Entamena metiti: okambo kuutewo kondondo 1-4. [Oshindonga poems.] ISBN: 9991602135 46pp. Gamsberg 2000 SX OSH Idhwenga, L. Moskola hwepo. [Novel.] ISBN: 9991600256 52pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX OSH Kwedhi, J. Shalongo. [Novel.] rev.ed. 86pp. ill. Gamsberg 1996 SX OSH
Oshindonga—School books, Readers, Children’s literature del Klopper, C. Vudhnao womvula. trans.f.t. English by K. Ausiku [The rain dance. Children’s story book in Oshindonga. Also available in Afrikaans, English, German, Herero, Khoekhoegowab, Kwanyama, Oshindonga, Rukwangali, Rumanyo, Silozi, Thimbukushu.] ISBN: 9991633799 16pp. col.ill. Out of Africa - Namibia 2003 SX OSH Komarek, K. Oshiholkwa shashali. [The book with the tortoise.] ISBN: 9991602976 24pp. ill. Gamsberg 2001 SX OSH
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 378
African Books in Print
Subject index
Paper making and trade
Mbenzi, P.A. Elongo lyuunamambo: ondondo 10-12. [Ndonga literature guide for secondary schools.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 9991637087 40pp. Out of Africa - Namibia 2000 SX OSH Mpanda, L. Olamba meke lyomunona: omahepu, omatotwahokololo gomunyoli mwene nomahokololo ga tolokwa noga opalekululwa nawa. [Oshindonga short stories.] ISBN: 9991602593 55pp. Gamsberg 2000 SX OSH Williams, V. Omukuluntu kehe okwa li okanona. trans.f.t. English by Shiimi yaShiimi. [Every adult was once a child.] ISBN: 9991622616 48pp. col.ill. Out of Africa Namibia 2004 SX OSH Oshindonga language—Grammar Fivaz, D. A reference grammar of Oshindonga. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9991622357 192pp. map Out of Africa - Namibia 2003 SX MUL Otetela language—Dictionaries Hagendorens, J. Dictionnaire Otetela-Français. (CEEBA. série III, Travaux linguistiques, 5) 419pp. (DM79.00) CEEBA 1976 ZR MUL Otiende, Joseph Daniel—Biography Wanyande, P. Joseph Daniel Otiende. (Makers of Kenya’s History, 11) ISBN: 9966251561 77pp. ill.pl. K.shs.220.00 ($14.95/£8.95) EAEP 2002 KE Otunga, Cardinal—Biography Ogola, M., Roche, M. Cardinal Otunga. A gift of grace. (Challenge series, 3) ISBN: 9966214267 143pp. ($5.00) Paulines 1999 KE Paediatrics see also Motherhood and child care Adekile Handbook of paediatric drug therapy. 255pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1990 NR Bartel, P.R., Griesel, R.D., Burnett, L.S. Psychometric assessment of the longterm effects of kwashiorkor. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 261) 33pp. R1.50 CSIR 1977 SA Donald, P.R., Fourie, F.B., Grange, J.M. Tuberculosis in childhood. ISBN: 0627024084 208pp. R199.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Harrison, V.C. Handbook of paediatrics. 6th ed. ISBN: 0195716904 612pp. R325.00 OUP - SA 2004 SA Harrison, V.C. The newborn baby. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 4th ed. ISBN: 0702156647 336pp. R198.00 Juta 2002 SA Huckstep. La poliomyélite: un guide simple. pl. ($3.00) BERPS 1990 ZR
Iloeje, S.O. Neurologic emergencies in children. ISBN: 9782840238 176pp. pl.maps N500.00 ($6.25/£4.20) Inselberg 1999 NR Iloeje, S.O. Primary care for the child with epilepsy and convulsions. 104pp. ill.pl. N240.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Inselberg 1996 NR Kozlowski, G. Rebel without pause. Guidelines on hyperactivity and associated problems. ISBN: 0627024246 32pp. R54.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA Krol, J. La poliomyélite. Comment aider l’enfant par la chirurgie. 153pp. pl. ($7.50) BERPS 1995 ZR FRE Murdoch, B. D. Criteria for the assessment of abnormality in the sleep electrocephalograms in infants and young children. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 304) 13pp. R1.00 CSIR 1980 SA
Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. L’enfant et la santé. Notions de pédiatrie tropicale. 480pp. ill. ($10.00) BERPS 1991 ZR FRE
Van Moorsel, H. Atlas de préhistoire de la plaine de Kinshasa. 287pp. Z3.60 Press Univ Congo 1968 ZR FRE
Shija, J.K. Paediatric surgical care for developing countries: a handbook for doctors, nurses and students. 154pp. K.shs.580.00 ($21.50/£11.95) EAEP 1989 KE
Van Moorsel, H. Paléolithique ancien à Léopoldville. 24pp. ill. 35k Press Univ Congo 1959 ZR FRE
Paediatrics—Africa Fischer, P. L’enfant, ses maladies, sa santé. Pédiatrie pratique. 164pp. pl. (Eur1.50) BERPS 2001 ZR FRE Shariff, Z.U. Herbal paediatrics. A handbook for all mothers. (Spectrum Natural Pharmacy series, 2) ISBN: 9780292535 20pp. col.ill. N960.00 ($9.95/£5.95) Spectrum 2001 NR Paediatrics—Developing countries Coovadia, H.M., Loening, W.E.K. Paediatrics and child health. A handbook for professionals in the Third World. 5th ed. ISBN: 0195784057 768pp. ill. R375.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Page, Colleen-Joy—Autobiography Page, C-J. My life as an apple tree. A true story of courage, inspiration and life changing power. ISBN: 1869160029 247pp. R149.00 Double Storey 2004 SA Pagé, Lucie—Autobiography Pagé, L. Conflict of the heart. ISBN: 0864866194 400pp. R175.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA Painting see also Art Drawing Breytenbach, B. Painting the eye. 1994 SA
Palaeontology—South Africa Rubidge, B.S., Brink, J.S. Palaeontology. Preliminary survey of the extent and nature of the Pleistocene sedimentary deposits at Florisbad, South Africa. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 5/5) 10pp. ill. R1.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1985 SA Palaeontology—Zambia Drysdall, A.R., Kitching, J.W. A re-examination of the Karroo succession and fossil localities of part of the upper Luangwa valley. (Dept. of Geological Survey, memoirs, 1) ($15.00) Geol Survey - Zambia 1963 ZA Palm oil—Africa Dissou, M. Economie de la culture du palmier à huile au Bénin et en Côte d’Ivoire, approche comparative des politiques agricoles en Afrique. 210pp. CFA3,000 NEA - Togo 1988 TG FRE Palmistry Natarajan, P.S. Read your palm. 172pp. ($6.00) Multimedia 1984 ZA Pan Africanism see also International relations—Africa Organization for African Unity Esedebe, P.O. Pan Africanism: the idea of movement. 285pp. ($7.00) Fourth Dimension 1963 NR
80pp. R42.95 Philip
Grogan, T. Between the Cape and Cairo: Tony Grogan paints Malawi. cd. 160pp. col.pl. K.shs.1,000 Central Africana 1995 MW Pairault, Claude—Autobiography Benoist, J., Pairault, C. Portrait d’un jésuite en anthropologue. ISBN: 2845861486 210pp. CFA6,500 (Eur7.67) UCAC 2001 CM FRE [Africa only. Co-published with Editions Karthala, Paris] Pakistan—Travel Amin, M. Journey through Pakistan. [Also available in Italian and German.] ISBN: 1874041636 cd. 256pp. col.pl.maps (£25.00) Camerapix 1999[?] KE Palaeontology Rubidge, B.S. The cranial morphology and palaeoenvironment of Eodicynodon Barry (Therapsida: Dictynodontia). (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 4/14) R1.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1984 SA Rubidge, B.S. The cranial morphology of a new species of the genus Eodicynodon (Therapsida, Dicynodontia). (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 7/2) R2.50 Nasionale Museum SA 1990 SA Rubidge, B.S. Redescription of the cranial morphology of Eodicyn odon oostuizerii. (Therapsida: dicynodontia). (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 7/1) 25pp. R2.50 Nasionale Museum SA 1990 SA Palaeontology—Africa, West Halle, N. Monographie des hippocrateacées d’Afrique occidentale. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 64) 245pp. ill. CFA4,500 IFAN 1962 SG FRE Palaeontology—Congo Democratic Republic De Ploey, J. Quelques indices sur l’évolution morphologique et paléoclimatique des environs du Stanley Pool (Congo) 16pp. 35k Press Univ Congo 1963 ZR FRE
Tanzania Publishing House Resolutions and selected speeches from the 6th Pan African Congress. 228pp. T.shs.2,000 Tanz Publ House 1977 TZ Uya, O.E. African diaspora and the black experience in new world slavery. 176pp. ($15.00/ £10.00) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Paper crafts see also Arts and crafts Ferreira, C. Paper projects. 32pp. ill. R34.95 Tafelberg 1989 SA Kim, D. Paperworks. Fun to make cards, models and mobiles. [Also available in Afrikaans.] cd. 80pp. col.pl. R54.95 Tafelberg 1995 SA Krige, L. Creative cards. Make your own cards, paper and wrapping. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 079813660X 128pp. col.pl. R59.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Ospina, M. Pergamano parchment craft. ISBN: 1853688207 80pp. col.ill.col.pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Steenkamp, R. Corrugated cardboard. [Also available in Afrikaans.] rev.ed. 40pp. ill.col.pl. R34.95 Tafelberg 1996 SA Steenkamp, R. Mobiles. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 40pp. ill.col.pl. R34.95 Tafelberg 1996 SA Paper making and trade see also Lumber and lumbering Publishing and book industries Burger, R., Gonin, C.R. A proposed method to evaluate sugarcane bagasse for useful fibre. (CSIR Special Report, HOUT 110) 32pp. R5.00 CSIR 1975 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Paper making and trade
Subject index
Gonin, C.P. World survey on bagasse pulping. (CSIR Special Report, HOUT 82) 14pp. R5.00 CSIR 1974 SA
Ketterman, G. Ketterman: fathering a practical guide. ISBN: 079630033X 120pp. R44.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA
Kes, E.W.G. The manufacture of glulam. (CSIR Special Report, HOUT 97) 15pp. R5.00 CSIR 1975 SA
Ketterman, G. Ketterman: mothering a practical guide. ISBN: 0796300356 120pp. R44.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA
Venter, J.S.M. Summary of pulp and paper research at the Timber Research Unit during the period 1964-1974. (CSIR Special Report, HOUT 102) 36pp. R5.00 CSIR 1975 SA
Ketterman, G. Ketterman: preparing for parenthood. ISBN: 0796300224 112pp. R44.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA
Venter, J.S.M., Arbuthnot, A. The utilization of sugar cane bagasse in the pulp and paper industry - soda and NSSC pulping. (CSIR Special Report, HOUT 88) 51pp. R5.00 CSIR 1974 SA Venter, J.S.M., Arbuthnot, A. The utilization of sugar cane bagasse in the pulp and paper industry - soda semichemical pulping. (CSIR Special Report, HOUT 108) 21pp. R5.00 CSIR 1975 SA Venter, J.S.M., Gonin, C.P. The utilization of sugar cane bagasse in the pulp and paper industry: sulphate pulping. (CSIR Special Report, HOUT 81) 25pp. R5.00 CSIR 1974 SA White, M.D., Riekart, H. Waste paper recovery: an introductory survey. (CSIR Special Report, HOUT 83) 100pp. R5.00 CSIR 1974 SA White, M.D., Riekert, H. Waste paper recovery. Additional quantities still available for collection. bk.2(CSIR Special Report, HOUT 91) 45pp. R5.00 CSIR 1975 SA Parasitology see also Bacteriology Microbiology Bozech, V., Mason, P. The chemotherapy of human parasitic disease. 220pp. ($27.00/£15.00) Univ Zimbabwe 1992 ZI Courtejoie, J., ed. Parasitologie médicale. Techniques de base pour le laboratoire. 180pp. ($3.00) BERPS 1998 ZR FRE Marchand, B. Les animaux parasitaires. Biologie et systèmatique. 296pp. CFA3,000 NEAS 1994 SG FRE Ukoli, F. Prevention and control of parasitic insects. 199pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Univ Press - Nig 1992 NR Parasitology—Africa Ukoli, F.M.A. Introduction to parasitology in tropical Africa. 2nd ed. 464pp. N600.00 ($70.00/£32.00) Textflow 1990 NR Parasitology—Africa, North Dakkak, A. Maladies parasitaires et infectieuses chez le dromadaire. ISBN: 9981801461 164pp. ill. Actes Ed 2000 MR FRE Parasitology—Ghana—Addresses and essays Chinery, W.A. Impact of socio-economic development on populations of some parasites and vectors in Ghana - its medical implications. 55pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Ghana UP 1993 GH Parasitology—Kenya Okelo, G.B.A. Hydatid disease: with special reference to Kenya. 84pp. ill. map. ($17.00/£9.50) Nairobi UP 1991 KE Parasitology—Tropical Oyerinde, J.P.O. Essentials of tropical medical parasitology. ISBN: 9780176152 435pp. ill. ($29.95/£17.95) Univ Lagos Press 2000 NR Parent and child see also Family and home Motherhood and child care
Patents—South Africa Burrell, T.D. South African patent law and practice. 2nd ed. 699pp. R383.04 Butterworth 1986 SA van Heerden, H.J.O., Neethling, J. Unlawful competition. 377pp. R186.96 Butterworth 1995 SA Webster, G.C. The South African law of trade marks. 4th ed. R638.40 Butterworth 1986 SA Pathology Fenuku, R.I.A. A handbook of clinical chemical pathology for students in tropical Africa. 232pp. ($27.00/£15.00.) Ghana UP 1989 GH Horton, G. De la maladie...vers la santé. Notions de pathologie tropicale. 448pp. pl. ($18.00) BERPS 1997 ZR FRE Rippey, J.J. General pathology. Illustrated lecture notes. 2nd ed. ISBN: 186814240X 364pp. ill. R98.95 Witwatersrand UP 1999 SA Paton, Alan—Autobiography Paton, A. Journey continued: an autobiography. 308pp. pl. R45.00 Penguin SA SA [No UK/US] Paton, A. Towards the mountain. SA
Penguin SA 1996
Paton, Alan—Biography Alexander, P. Alan Paton, a biography. 2nd ed ISBN: 019571365 528pp. R150.00 OUP - SA 1998 SA Paton, Anne—Autobiography Paton, A. Some sort of job: my life with Alan Paton. cd. 266pp. pl. R84.98 Penguin SA 1992 SA Peace studies Adam, H. Peace-making in divided societies: the Israel-South Africa analogy. 74pp. maps R40.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA Adams, H., Moodley, K. Seeking Mandela. Peacemaking between Israelis and Palestinians. ISBN: 1868144267 Witwatersrand UP 2005 SA African Community Development Forum Trust Peacebuilding: an introduction for communities. 72pp. ill. ACPDT 2002 ZI Dogbé, Y-E. La paix dans le monde: utopie ou probabilité? ISBN: 2864270854 22pp. (Eur3.00) Akpagnon 2003 TG FRE Garuba, C.A. Statecraft, peace and security. ISBN: 0010003244 344pp. Gabumo 1998 NR Hanlon, J. Peace without profit. 176pp. K.shs.1,685 EAEP 1996 KE Shaw, M. Crying peace where there is none: the functioning and future of local peace committees. (CPS research reports, 31) 31pp. R15.00 Centre Policy Stud 1993 SA
Peace studies—Africa Anyang’Nyongo’o, P., ed. Arms and daggers in the heart of Africa. Studies on internal conflicts. 364pp. ($33.00/£18.50) Academy Science Publ 1993 KE Ate, B.E. Nigerian forum. Special issue on the management of African security in the 21st century. vols.5-6 36pp. N200.00 ($50.00) NIIA 1999 NR Campbell, H.G. The U.S. security doctrine and the Africa crisis response initiative. ISBN: 0798301414 48pp. R40.00 ($10.00) Africa Inst 2001 SA Erskine, E.A. Peace keeping techniques for Africa’s conflict management. ISBN: 9964702094 255pp. 23.95/£13.95 Afram 2000 GH Field, S., ed. Peace in Africa: towards a collaborative security regime. ISBN: 1919697675 282pp. (£14.95) Inst Global Democracy 2004 SA Hizkias, A. Peace and reconciliation as a paradigm: a philosophy of peace and its implications on conflict, governance and economic growth in Africa. [Also available in French and Portuguese.] 52pp. K.shs.200.00 ($5.00) NPI 1993 KE Mills, G. From Angola to Zimbabwe: conflict resolution and governance in Africa. (SAIIA report, 22) ISBN: 1919810463 SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA Mills, G., Cilliers, J. eds. Peacekeeping in Africa. 246pp. R50.00 ($20.00/£10.00) SA Inst Int Affairs 1995 SA Mwagiru, M. Conflict management in Africa. Lessons learnt and future strategies. (Working papers on conflict management, 1) 35pp. ill. Ebert - Kenya 2001 KE Nairobi Peace Initiative - Africa Peacebuilding in Africa: lessons, challenges and aspirations. 38pp. NPI 2002 KE Nairobi Peace Initiative - Africa & National Council of Churches of Kenya. Strategic and responsive evaluation of peacebuilding: towards a learning model. ISBN: 9966990526 32pp. ill. NPI 2002 KE Ngwane, G. Settling disputes in Africa. Traditional bases for conflict resolution. 250pp. CFA5,000 ($40.00/£17.50) Buma Kor 1995 CM SECAM-CLELAM Peace. Fruit of reconciliation. ISBN: 9966211748 160pp. ($2.00) Paulines 2001 KE Solomon, H., ed. Towards sustainable peace: reflections on preventive diplomacy in Africa. ISBN: 0798301678 313pp. ill.maps ($42.95/ £25.95) Africa Inst 2003 SA Southall, R., Bentley, K. An African peace process. Mandela, South Africa and Burundi. ISBN: 0796920907 216pp. R120.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Vogt, M.A., Aminu, L.S., eds. Peace keeping as a security strategy in Africa: Chad and Liberia as case studies. 2 vols. 622pp. ($47.50/£26.50) Fourth Dimension 1996 NR Peace studies—Africa, Southern Baregu, M., ed. Preventive diplomacy and peace building in southern Africa. ISBN: 177905081X 86pp. Z270.00 ($27.00) SAPES 1999 ZI Davis, R. Destabilization and regional security. 82pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1991 LO
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Personnel management—Nigeria
Institute of Development Studies Report of proceedings of the seminar on peace and security in the southern Africa region. (IDS special paper, 8) 54pp. Z$240.00 ($8.00/£5.00) ZIDS 1992 ZI
Crawford-Nutt, D.H. The symco test: research report and guide to its administration and scoring. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 265) 69pp. R2.00 CSIR 1977 SA
Mandaza, I., ed. Peace and security in southern Africa. 187pp. ($18.00/£9.95) SAPES 1996 ZI
Hall, R.S. An introduction to statistical methods for NIPR staff. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 216) 179pp. CSIR 1974 SA
Peace studies—Africa, West Biaya, T.K. Acteurs et médiations dans la résolution et la prévention des conflits en Afrique de l’Ouest. 137pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/ £5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1999 SG FRE Peace studies—Congo Democratic Republic Campbell, H. The Lusaka peace agreement: the conceptual crisis in understanding peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo. ISBN: 9966990518 71pp. NPI 2002 KE Peace studies—South Africa van der Merwe, H.W. Peacemaking in South Africa. A life in South Africa. ISBN: 0624039137 216pp. R89.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA Pendé—General and Non-fiction Nzamba Mundende Gandanda. Initiation et mythes pendé. Texte pendé, sans traduction. (CEEBA. série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 4) 118pp. map. (DM19.00) CEEBA 1974 ZR PEN Nziata Mulenge Pour la guérir, il faut ton coeur. Mythes pendé. Texte pendé-français. (CEEBA. série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 9) 105pp. map (DM26.00) CEEBA 1974 ZR MUL
Hewson, M.G.A. Cognitive representations: an exploratory study with regard to the role of cultural metaphors in concept formation. (CSIR, NIPR Special Report, PERS 366) R2.00 CSIR 1983 SA Hunter, D., Bailey, A., Taylor, B. Co-operacy. A new way of being at work. ISBN: 1868722325 272pp. R79.95 Zebra 1998 SA Jarvis, D. Making sense of workplace restructuring. 190pp. R40.00 SADC 1999 ZI Kanyinda, W. Gérer les ressources humaines. ($9.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
Lewis, W.M. The design of basic pay structures. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 315) R2.00pp. CSIR 1980 SA Mallinson, B.R., Murdoch, B.D. Pattern reversal visual evoked potentials and reaction time. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 354) R1.50 CSIR 1983 SA Mann, I. Managing with intent. How to get staff to do what has to be done and keep them happy and motivated. ISBN: 186872655X 104pp. Zebra 2001 SA
Pendé (African people)—Anthropology Ndambi Munamuhega Les masques pendé. 2nd ed. 415pp. ($110.00) Kalombo 1996 ZR FRE
Odaga, J.C. The boss and the secretary. 43pp. K.shs.120.00 ($2.00/£1.95) Lake 1985 KE
Pendé (African people)—Social life and customs Lengelo Guyigisa Mukanda, l’école traditionnelle pendé. (CEEBA publications, serie II, Mémoires et Monographies, 59) 188pp. ill. map (DM36.00) CEEBA 1980 ZR FRE
Odaga, J.C. Conciliation as an art in collective bargaining. 43pp. K.shs.100.00 ($2.50) Lake 1986 KE
Pendé language—Dictionaries Gusimana, B. Dictionnaire Pendé-Français. (CEEBA. série III, Travaux linguistiques, 1) 236pp. (DM42.00) CEEBA 1972 ZR MUL Persian literature Gibran, K. The prophet. R39.95 Donker 1995 SA Khayyam, O. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Donker 1995 SA
Personnel management Associates in Research and Education for Development Techniques de médiation. ISBN: 2842400437 66pp. CFA3,000 ($6.00) ARED & GIPLLN 2000 SG FRE Bendix, S. Basics of labour relations. ISBN: 070215167X 256pp. R149.00 Juta 2000 SA Boeyens, M.J. A model for the prediction of effectiveness as a research leader. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 326) R3.00 CSIR 1981 SA
Odaga, J.C. Personnel management: tips on human factor. 43pp. K.shs.120.00 ($2.00) Lake 1986 KE Olive Publications Paying your staff. (The organisation as an employer, 7) ISBN: 1874808171 72pp. R38.00 Olive 1993 SA Olive Publications Staff development and training. (The organisation as an employer, 6) ISBN: 1874808139 50pp. R38.00 Olive 1992 SA Raubenheimer, L. Career change: considerations to counselling. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 301) 58pp. R2.00 CSIR 1979 SA Rooth, E. Lifeskills: a resource book for facilitators. 190pp. ill. R44.95 Macmillan - SA 1995 SA Smit, E., ed. Strategic human resource management. ISBN: 0798635592 R172.48 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Spoelstra, H.I.J., Pienaar, W.D. Negotiation - theories, strategies and skills. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702153613 282pp. R170.00 Juta 1999 SA
CADICEC La perception, la gestion et le règlement des conflits sociaux au sein d’une organisation. 96pp. ($3.00) Cadicec 2002 ZR FRE
Taylor, J.M. Short term validation of a selection battery for trainee engineering technicians. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 270) 188pp. R3.00 CSIR 1978 SA
CADICEC Les relations interpersonnelles dans l’entreprise. 48pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1985 ZR FRE
Taylor, T.R., Werbeloff, M., Ebertsohn, M.R. The programming and validation of the computerised version of the intermendiate mental alertness test. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 339) R3.00 CSIR 1982 SA
CADICEC La relève du personnel dans l’entreprise. 48pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1987 ZR FRE
Theunissen, T. Task analysis: an experimental technique to determine the dimensional composition of task demands in mechanical jobs. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 262) 34pp. R1.50 CSIR 1977 SA van Dyk, P.S., et al. Training management: a multidisciplinary approach to human resources development in South Africa. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0195719212 504pp. R365.01 OUP - SA 2001 SA van Rooyen, J., Sakinofsky, I. Assessment of managerial behaviour: experimental application of an in-basket test. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 346) R1.50 CSIR 1982 SA Vester, M.A. Installation of general testing programme for the selection and classification of workers. rev. ed.(CSIR Special Report, PERS 266) 65pp. R2.00 CSIR 1976 SA Werbeloff, M., Taylor, T.R. Development and validation of the high level figure classification test. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 338) R2.00 CSIR 1982 SA Personnel management—Africa Bruneteaux, J-B. Gestion des ressources humaines. ISBN: 291138069X 224pp. CFA9,000 (Eur13.72) UCAC 2003 CM FRE Shonhiwa, S. Signposts to service excellence. The African paradigm. ISBN: 1868881687 159pp. R103.00 ($30.95/£18.95) Unisa 2001 SA Personnel management—Bibliography Golding, A.P. Differential accident involvement: a literature survey. (CSIR NIPR Special Report, PERS 356) R2.00 CSIR 1983 SA Personnel management—Botswana Briscoe, A. Acting appointments in public sector. ISBN: 9992196816 P20.00 Morula 2002 BS Briscoe, A. Conducting interviews at work in Botswana. ISBN: 9991299246 P20.00 Morula 2001 BS Briscoe, A. Dealing with accidents. ISBN: 9991299254 P20.00 Morula 2001 BS Briscoe, A. Disciplinary proceedings against senior staff. ISBN: 9991295267 P20.00 Morula 2002 BS Briscoe, A. Grievance procedures at work. ISBN: 9991299106 P20.00 Morula 2001 BS Briscoe, A. Managing safety at work in Botswana. vol.1 ISBN: 9991299297 200pp. Morula 2001 BS Briscoe, A. Managing safety at work in Botswana. vol.2 ISBN: 9991299262 200pp. Morula 2001 BS Briscoe, A. More case studies on discipline and dismissal in Botswana. ISBN: 9991299246 P20.00 Morula 2001 BS Briscoe, A. The termination of a teacher’s probationary appointment. ISBN: 9991295259 P20.00 Morula 2002 BS Personnel management—Nigeria Baadom, S. Fundamentals of small business management in Nigeria. ISBN: 9783038053 N300.00 Ano 2000 NR Monsi, N.G. Human relations management. Basic principles and concepts for decision making. ISBN: 9783038014 N300.00 Ano 2000 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Personnel management—South Africa Personnel management—South Africa Alberts, E.M. Human resources management textbook for Technikon students. ISBN: 1868640906 148pp. ill. R99.95 Thomson Int 1998 SA Anstey, M. Managing change: negotiating conflict. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702150665 399pp. R185.00 Juta 2000 SA April, K. Diversity management. ISBN: 0702100000 Juta 2004 SA Brewster, C., et al. Contemporary issues in human resource management. 2nd ed ISBN: 0195782011 235pp. R335.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA
Subject index Lombard, R.B., Rendall, M.E. The use of psychological tests for the selection of coloureds as mine workers. Conducted at Black Mountain Mine. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 290) 10pp. R1.00 CSIR 1979 SA Mackay, M. Aspects of movement of a group managers. 313) 59pp.
upward occupational of blacks. Part II: experience of upwardly mobile black (CSIR Special Report, PERS R2.00 CSIR 1980 SA
Mischke, C. Labour relations handbook. ISBN: 0702141569 302pp. R160.00 Juta 1997 SA
Carrell, M.R., et al. Human resource management in South Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868910644 R267.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA
Murdoch, B.D. Hold/don’t hold subtest differences in normal Afrikaans and English speaking groups using the South African Wechsler adult intelligence scale. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 264) 20pp. R1.00 CSIR 1977 SA
Charlton, G. Human habits of highly effective organisations. ISBN: 0627024599 208pp. R219.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA
Murdoch, B.D. The pattern reversal evoked potential in multiple sclerosis. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 337) 19pp. R1.00 CSIR 1981 SA
Cheminais, J., Bayat, S., van der Waldt, G., Fox, W. The fundamentals of public personnel management. ISBN: 0702143790 286pp. R140.00 Juta 1998 SA
Nel, P., Swanepoel, B.J., Kirsten, M., Erasmus, B.J., Tsabidi, M.J. South African employment relations. Theory and practice. 5th ed. ISBN: 0627025617 R259.95 Van Schaik 2004 SA
Coldwell, D.A.L. Role conflict and job satisfaction: a review with implications regarding urban employed black workers. (CSIR Special Report PERS, 228) 30pp. CSIR 1975 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Personality assessment and the evaluation of black people for responsible positions. (CSIR Special Report, 152) 117pp. R3.00 CSIR 1977 SA Gerber, P.D., Sono, T. Human resources management. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 5th ed. ISBN: 0195719190 656pp. R228.07 OUP - SA 2001 SA Gilbert, A.J. Determinants of the progress of black workers in the work situation: an exploratory study of a theorectical model. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 293) 121pp. R3.00 CSIR 1979 SA Godsell, G. Work value differences in South Africa: an introduction. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 320) 38pp. R1.50 CSIR 1981 SA Grobler, P.A., Marx, M., van der Schyf, S., Coetzee, M. Human resource management in South Africa. Workbook. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868910645 R67.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Grossett, P. Discipline and dismissal. A practical guide for South African managers. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195784162 R225.00 OUP SA 2002 SA Hall, B.A. Interim validation of a selection procedure for black medical technologists. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 289) 54pp. R2.00 CSIR 1979 SA Kellerman, M.C. Black worker’s comprehension problems in industrial training programmes. [Also available in Afrikaans.] (CSIR Special Report, PERS 347) R2.00 CSIR 1982 SA Lätti, V.I., Breger, R.A. Job grading procedure for selection and placement of workers at the lower levels. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 237) 17pp. CSIR 1976 SA Lätti, V.I., Verster, M.A. National Institute for Personnel Research tests for the assessment of blacks. (CSIR Special Report Pers, 230) 44pp. R2.00 CSIR 1975 SA
Retief, T. Development and training of black employees in industry. NIPR symposium: Instructs 80, held at Rand Afrikaans University. 4 vols. 582pp. R8.00 set CSIR 1981 SA Schwella, E., Fox, W., Burger, J., Miller, J.J. Public resource management. 368pp. R165.00 Juta 1996 SA Slabbert, J.A., Prinsloo, J.J., Backer, W., Swanepoel, B.J. Managing employment relations in South Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0409041610 R438.90 Butterworth 1998 SA
Personnel management—South Africa— Bibliography Mackay, M. Aspects of upward occupational movement of blacks. Part 1: problems experienced by both upwardly mobile individuals and management: a brief review of relevant literature. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 303) 38pp. R1.50 CSIR 1980 SA Personnel management—Study and teaching Amos, T., Ristow, A. Human resource management. Virtual book. [CD-ROM] ISBN: 0702155403 R280.00 Juta 2002 SA Amos, T., Ristow, A., Ristow, L. Human resource management. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702166324 384pp. R189.00 Juta 2005 SA Botes, P.S. Aspects of supervision. ISBN: 1868125122 150pp. R165.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Cloete, J.J.N. Personnel administration and management. 4th rev.ed. ISBN: 0627022693 264pp. R184.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA D’Souza, A. Leadership I. Etre leader. [Also available in English.] vol.1 of 3 ISBN: 2914624204 180pp. ill. FC5,000 ($10.00) 3 vols. Paulines - DRC 2002 ZR FRE D’Souza, A. Leadership II. Conduire les autres. [Also available in English.] vol.2 of 3 ISBN: 2914624212 224pp. ill. FC5,000 ($10.00) 3 vols. Paulines - DRC 2001 ZR FRE D’Souza, A. Leadership III. Diriger avec efficacité. [Also available in English.] vol.3 of 3 ISBN: 2914624220 176pp. ill. FC5,000 ($10.00) Paulines - DRC 2001 ZR FRE Fielding, M. Effective communication in organisations. Preparing messages that communicate. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702100000 Juta 2005 SA
Slabbert, J.A., Swanepoel, B.J. Introduction to employment relations management. ISBN: 0409054488 260pp. R171.00 Butterworth 1998 SA
Meyer, M. Effective facilitation. ISBN: 1869280091 R119.00 New Africa Ed SA 2004 SA
Stillerman, E.D. Comprehension of ISO industrial safety signs among white, black literate and black illiterate industrial workers. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 253) 74pp. R2.00 CSIR 1976 SA
Oxford University Press - South Africa Communicating @ work. ISBN: 0195781996 170pp. R245.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA
Swanepoel, B.J., Erasmus, B.J., van Wyk, M.W., Schenk, H. Human resource management in South Africa. Guidelines and practice. ISBN: 0712133302 842pp. R189.00 Juta 1998 SA van der Waldt, G. Managing performance in the public sector. ISBN: 0702165166 412pp. R235.00 Juta 2000 SA van der Westhuizen, E.J., Wessels, J.S. Human resource management for the public sector. ISBN: 0702166332 Juta 2004 SA van Niekerk, A.M. The black employee’s understanding of abstract concepts regarding the human factor in industry. (CSIR NIPR Special Report, PERS 344) R1.50 CSIR 1982 SA van Rooyen, J. Female career commitment: a life-span perspective. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 327) 307pp. R4.00 CSIR 1981 SA van Rooyen, J. Management of personnel: an overview. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 282) 63pp. R2.00 CSIR 1980 SA Writestuff Publishing All about human capital management. A handbook for South African managers. 182pp. Writestuff 2003 SA
Ratele, K., Suffla, S. Inter-group relations and conflicts. ISBN: 0702100000 Juta 2005 SA Schultz, H., ed. Organisational behaviour. ISBN: 0627025366 R219.95 Van Schaik 2003 SA Swanepoel, B., ed., Erasmus, B., van Wyk, M., Schenk, H. South African human resources management. Theory and practice. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702158453 920pp. R315.00 Juta 2003 SA Petroleum industry and trade Deshpande, B.G. The story of petroleum. 30pp. ill. ($2.00) T.shs.10.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1978 TZ Petroleum industry and trade—Nigeria Ibeanu, O. Oil, conflict, and security in rural Nigeria: issues in the Ogoni crisis. 27pp. map AAPS 1997 ZI Nwankwo, A.A. After oil, what next? 80pp. ($3.00) Fourth Dimension 1982 NR Obi, C.I. The oil paradox: reflections on the violent dynamics of petro-politics and (mis)governance in Nigeria’s Niger Delta. (Africa Institute occasional paper, 74) ISBN: 0798301813 36pp. map R50.00 Africa Inst 2004 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Omorogbe, Y. Oil and gas law in Nigeria. ISBN: 9780231331 222pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Malthouse 2003 NR Oremade, T. Petroleum operations in Nigeria. cd. 287pp. N60.00 West African Bk 1986 NR Schatzl, L.H. Petroleum in Nigeria. 257pp. maps. N11.55k Univ Press - Nig 1969 NR Ukeje, C., Odebeyi, A., Sesay, A., eds. Oil and violent conflict in the Niger delta. (CEDCOMS, 1) ISBN: 0954538471 53pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 2003 NR Petroleum industry and trade—Nigeria— Directories Jakande, L.K. Nigerian oil directory. cd. & pap. ($70.00 cd.) ($65.00 pap.) West 1990 NR Petroleum industry and trade—Sudan El Awaf Glal El Din, M. Some aspects of Sudanese migration to the oil producing Arab countries during the 1970s. (DSRC monograph series, 24) 52pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1985 SJ Petrology see also Geology Shapiro, A., Delport, J.L. Statistical analysis of jointed rock data. (PKOMP, 8902) 27pp. CSIR 1989 SA Peul (African people)—Anthropology, Sociocultural Bâ, C. Les peuls du Sénégal. 394pp. CFA5,500 NEAS 1987 SG FRE Peul (African people)—History Ngaide, M.L. Le vent de la razzia ou les aventures de Amadou Sam Polel de Goumalel, deux récits épiques peul. (IFAN publication diverses, 5) 164pp. CFA2,800 IFAN 1983 SG FRE Pharmacology and pharmacy see also Drugs Herbs Medicine Medicine, alternative Medicine, traditional Courtejoie, J., de Hertaing, R., Pierre, B. Notions de pharmacologie pour les régions tropicales. ($8.00) BERPS 1989 ZR FRE Juma, F.D. Essentials of clinical pharmacology. ISBN: 9966855017 322pp. K.shs.350.00 Uzima 1998 KE Mapunda, C.P. Organic drug synthesis. 150pp. ($7.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ Morton, D.J. Pharmaceutics: theoretical and practical aspects of dosage form development. 300pp. Univ Zimbabwe 1999 ZI Scott, L., Scott, K. Natural home pharmacy. A concise reference guide to natural therapies and self-help treatments for you and your family. ISBN: 1853687898 144pp. ill.pl. R89.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Sofowora, A. Antihypertensive agents from natural sources. 81pp. ($12.00/£5.00) N4.50 Obafemi Awolowo UP NR Pharmacology and pharmacy—Addresses and essays Adjepong-Yamoah, K.K. Variability in drug response in man. 22pp. ($5.50/£2.95) Ghana UP 1990 GH Ayitey-Smith, E. Drugs and the fate of humanity. 37pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Ghana UP 1988 GH
Philosophy Ogunlana, E.O. Quality drug and the consumer. (Inaugural lec., 20) 21pp. ($3.00/£2.25) N1.00 N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1978 NR Okpako, D.T. Good drugs don’t grow on trees, or, do they? 30pp. ($5.50/£2.95) Ibadan UP 1994 NR Pharmacology and pharmacy—Africa Hostettmann, K., Chinyanganya, F., eds. Chemistry, biological and pharmacological properties of African medicinal plants. Proceedings of the first international IOCD symposium, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, February 25-28 February, 1996. 336pp. ($38.00/£21.50) Univ Zimbabwe 1996 ZI Janssens, P., Courtejoie, J. Aide-mémoire pour le dispensaire. Quelques médicaments courants et leurs usages en Afrique. 128pp. pl. ($7.50) BERPS 1997 ZR FRE Njau, E. Pharmacology and therapeutics. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966874577 349pp. K.shs.1,000 AMREF 2002 KE Sofowora, A., ed. African medicinal plants. Proceedings of a conference. 200pp. ill. pl. ($13.00/ £6.00) N7.50 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1980 NR Pharmacology and pharmacy—Developing countries Pierre, B. Pharmacologie pour les régions tropicales. 300pp. ($16.00/Eur13.00) BERPS 2003 ZR FRE
ben Achour, Y. Leçons sur normes, foi, loi. Cérès 1993 TI FRE
Benmakhlouf, A. Routes et déroutes de l’universal. ISBN: 9981838616 180pp. Dir40.00 Fennec 1998 MR FRE Benmakhlouf, A., ed. La raison et la question des limites. ISBN: 9981838451 336pp. Dir80.00 Fennec 2001 MR FRE Benmakhlouf, A., Bennani, J., Büttgen, P., Zhiri, O. Le voyage des théories. ISBN: 9981838802 104pp. Dir40.00 Fennec 2002 MR FRE Bidja Ava, R. La méthode philosophique. ISBN: 2912086388 117pp. free PUA 2001 CM FRE Bilombo Samba, J.B. Elégies libertaires. ISBN: 2951921519 142pp. CFA5,240 (Eur11.00) Lemba 2003 ZR FRE Borruso, S. The art of thinking. Chats on logic. ISBN: 9966213856 142pp. Paulines 1998 KE Bowao, C.Z La mondialité entre histoire et avenir. ISBN: 2842200101 Eur12.50 Paari 2004 ZR FRE Bunda, A.G. Prisoners of hope. From hopelessness to inheriting a promise. ISBN: 9198573039 82pp. Bunda 2003 ZA
Pharmacology and pharmacy—Eritrea Famasatikawi Mahbar Eretra Constitution of the Eritrean Pharmaceutical Association (ERIPA)/ Qewam Famasatikawi mahbar eretra (FaMae) [Text in English and Tigrinya.] 2nd rev.ed. 56pp. EPA 2001 ER MUL
Carecci, C. Mélancolie. 178pp. ill. D4,500 Cérès 1988 TI FRE
Pharmacology and pharmacy—Nigeria— Directories Lawal-Solarin, Y. Medipharm. 2 vols. 200 & 404pp. pl. N65.00 ($4.00/£2.00) Literamed 1991 NR
Collectif Sept invitations à philosopher. (UCAC publication scientifique, 28) 72pp. CFA1,500 (Eur2.29) UCAC 1999 CM FRE
Pharmacology and pharmacy—Study and teaching Aguwa, C.N. A handbook of pharmacology for nursing and allied health professions. ISBN: 978175317X 272pp. ill. N438.00 Africana First 1998 NR Heinemann Educational Books Laboratory manual of pharmacology. 142pp. ($5.00) Fourth Dimension 1982 NR Nhachi, C.F.B. Lecture notes on pharmacodynamics. ISBN: 0908307756 64pp. ill. Z$110.00 Univ Zimbabwe 1999 ZI Schellack, G. Pharmacology in clinical nursing practice. Application made easy. [Book with CDROM] ISBN: 0702164011 192pp. ill. R175.00 Juta 2004 SA Philosophy see also Ethics Feminism Negritude Philosophy, African Socialism Adewole, A. Ethics and the educational community. 157pp. Fab 1989 NR Agostoni, T. May the state kill? A challenge to the death penalty. ISBN: 9966215670 144pp. K.shs.240.00 ($3.00) Paulines 2002 KE Bansikiza, C. Restoring moral formation in Africa. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 155) ISBN: 996683625X 100pp. ($9.50) Gaba 2001 KE
Chatterjee, P., ed. Our modernity. 20pp. ($7.95/£4.25) CODESRIA 1997 SG
Crahay, F. Humanisme communautaire, idéologie bien portante? 20pp. 30k Press Univ Congo 1962 ZR FRE Crahay, H. La diversité des sciences dans l’unité du savoir. 24pp. 30k Press Univ Congo 1963 ZR FRE Datey, D.A. Glimpses of ideas and vision. ISBN: 088809743 111pp. C40,000 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 2004 GH Dembelé, S. Rêves. 44pp. CFA950.00 CPE 1978 IV FRE Diagne, S., ed. Gaston Berger. Introduction à une philosophie de l’avenir. 183pp. CFA1,200 NEAS 1997 SG FRE Djaha, B. Cors et cris. 64pp. CFA3,350 (Eur6.33) CEDA 1985 IV FRE Dogbé, Y-E. L’essentialisme est aussi un humanisme. ISBN: 286427048X 160pp. CFA3,500 Akpagnon 1998 TG FRE Dogbé, Y-E. Réflexions sur le bien-être. Essais philosophiques. 68pp. Akpagnon 1994 TG FRE du Toit, C.W. New modes of thinking on the eve of a new century. R63.50 ($22.50/£13.70) Unisa 1997[?] SA Dussey, R. Une vie sans vie. 172pp. CFA1,500 Bognini 2000[?] IV FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Editions CLE Ethique et développement. 344pp. CFA8,500 CLE 1995 CM FRE Gichure, C.W. Basic concepts in ethics. ISBN: 9966882170 238pp. K.shs.495.00 ($15.00) Focus 1998 KE Githinji, P.G.M. Justice in our midst. Paulines 1995 KE
52pp. ($0.80)
Mares, T. Shadows of wolf fire. The Toltec teachings. vol.4 ISBN: 1919792058 cd. ill. R140.00 ($24.95/£15.95) ISBN: 191979204X R86.00 ($18.95/£12.95) Lionheart 2000 SA Mavouangui, D. Jean-Paul Sartre. Introduction à sa philosophie de l’existence. ISBN: 2842200020 58pp. (Eur11.00) Paari 2001 ZR FRE
Grasso, E. L’Afrique et la rationalité: une approche missiologique. 28pp. CFA500.00 (Eur0.78) UCAC 2000 CM FRE
Mbolokala, I. La thérapeutique philosophique: mythe ou réalité. cd. 111pp. ($84.00) Kap Kaz 1999 ZR FRE
Gray, W. Exorcising the tree of evil. How to use tree of life to recognise and reverse negative energy. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0958449317 252pp. R130.00 ($15.00/ £8.00/Eur12.00) Kima 2003 SA
Megre, V. Anastasiya. The ringing cedars of Russia. ISBN: 0958449341 240pp. R130.00 Kima 2003 SA
Higgs, P. Rethinking truth. new ed. ISBN: 702156531X 160pp. R139.00 Juta 2002 SA Janson, E. How near Armageddon? ISBN: 0624038297 424pp. R149.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Kane, O. Intellectuels non europhones. 71pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 2003 SG FRE Kok, J.H. Patterns of the western mind. A reformed Christian perspective. (IRS brochures, 64) 242pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1996 SA
Menyomo, E. Les philosophes antiques et l’idée de démocratie. 28pp. CFA1,000 (Eur1.52) UCAC 2001 CM FRE Mulomba, P. Philosophie et destinée. Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
206pp. ($13.50)
Njoh Mouelle, E. La philosophie est-elle inutile? Six essais autour du principe d’utilité. ISBN: 2723501604 111pp. CLE 2002 CM FRE Nnadi, J.E. Visions de l’Afrique dans l’oeuvre de Baudelaire. CFA1,200 CLE 1980 CM FRE O’bweng-Okwess, K. Introduction à la pensée de Pierre Mulele. 44pp. PUL 1999 ZR FRE
Kornblum, A. Rules of creation. From a parallel universe. ISBN: 0958480079 312pp. Kima 2005 SA
O’Dowd, M.C. Liberal reflections. ISBN: 1874930333 62pp. R20.00 ($11.00/£2.50) Free Market Found 1999 SA
Kouam, M., Mbonda, E-M. Eléments de méthodologie philosophique. 60pp. CFA1,500 (Eur2.29) UCAC 2003 CM FRE
Ohia, C.P. The nature and metaphysics of the word. ISBN: 9783615661 300pp. N1,500 ($18.00/£9.00) Pam Unique Publ 2002 NR
Kouvouama, A., Cochart-coste, D. Modernités transversales. Citoyenneté, politique et religion. ISBN: 2842200098 126pp. (Eur23.00) Paari 2003 ZR FRE
Okediji, O. Life after death. ISBN: 9780294481 29pp. N255.00 Spectrum 2003 NR
Krämer, G. Responsabilité, égalité, pluralisme. ISBN: 9954000089 128pp. Dir28.00 Fennec 2000 MR FRE
Oniang’o, C.M.P. An introduction to philosophy. 140pp. K.shs.350.00 ($12.50/£6.95) EAEP 1994 KE
Kriel, J.R. Viagra and the mind-body problem. Philosophical implications of a pharmaceutical innovation. (IRS study pamphlets, 372) ISBN: 1868223310 Inst Reformational Studies 1998 SA
Onigbinde, A. The human exploration: an introduction to philosophy. 209pp. N450.00 ($10.00/ £6.25) Hope 1996 NR
Lauer, H. Tradition versus modernity. Reappraising a false dichotomy. (Hope Library of Liberal Arts, 2) ISBN: 9783701843 41pp. Hope 2003 NR Lutchmeenaraidoo, S. Le sentier spirituel. Ed 1997 MF FRE
58pp. Océan Indien
Osundare, N. Cautious paths through the bramble. A critical classification of style theories and concepts. (Hope Library of Liberal Arts, 1) ISBN: 9783701835 40pp. Hope 2003 NR Pairault, C. Qu’est-ce que la réalité? 20pp. CFA450.00 (Eur0.68) UCAC 2000 CM FRE
Macnamara, M., ed. Meaning in life. 174pp. R16.95 Donker 1978 SA
Pickover, M. Animal rights. ISBN: 1919930906 cd. 288pp. R150.00 Double Storey 2005 SA
Mares, T. The cry of the eagle. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1919792147 cd. & 417pp. R180.00 ($28.95/£18.95) cd. ISBN: 1919792139 R135.00 ($22.95/£14.95) Lionheart 2002 SA
Presses de l’Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale Mondialisation et humanisme. (Cahier de l’UCAC, 6) ISBN: 2911380673 378pp. CFA9,000 (Eur13.77) UCAC 2001 CM FRE
Mares, T. The mists of dragon lore. ISBN: 1919792015 cd. ill. R110.00 ($24.95/ £15.95) Lionheart 1998 SA
Ramsewak, D. The Gita - a song of all time. 72pp. Rs30.00 Océan Indien Ed 1986 MF
Mares, T. Return of the warriors. The Toltec teachings. 3rd ed. vol.1 ISBN: 1919792082 277pp. ill. R80.00 ($16.95/ £10.95) Lionheart 2000 SA
Rauche, G.A. Theory and practice in philosophical argument. (ISER Special publs., 1) 303pp. Univ Durban-Westville 1985 SA Ross, D., ed. What people want. The concept of utility, from Bentham to game theory. ISBN: 1919713328 392pp. R165.00 UCT Press 1999 SA
Rousseau, L. Eugène Marais and the Darwin syndrome. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1919825290 cd. 122pp. ill. R99.95 Protea 2000 SA Samb, D. Les premiers dialogues de Platon. Structure dialectique et ligne doctrinale. 204pp. CFA5,000 NEAS 1997 SG FRE Sangeelee, M. Viveka Sintamani. Traite de morale. 114pp. Océan Indien Ed 1991 MF FRE Smet, A. Histoire de la philosophie contemporaine. cd. 299pp. ($91.00) Kap Kaz 1999 ZR FRE Sumner, C. La philosophie de l’homme. cd. 96pp. ($66.00) Kap Kaz 1998 ZR FRE Thielmann, P. Love and other improbabilities. (Kachere book, 21) ISBN: 999087638X 71pp. ($17.50/£9.63) Kachere 2004 MW Thompson, L. Song of the angels. 238pp. ($18.00/ £9.95) Bookcraft 1992 NR Todd, L. Working with angels and nature spirits. ISBN: 0958406596 R79.95 ($11.95) Kima 2000[?] SA Tshilanda, M. Les conditions du progrès humain. 184pp. ($10.00) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Tucker, L. Children of the sun god: a journey with the white lions into the heart of human. ISBN: 0958440212 cd. 400pp. col.ill. R234.95 ($29.95/£17.95) M&G 2001 SA Umeasiegbu, R. The gift of life. 1998 NR
112pp. N300.00 Delta
van der Merwe, M. Meditation: a path to consciousness. 112pp. pl. R49.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA van der Walt, B.J., Cornelis, W.A.S., Samuel, V. Corruption/Korrupsie. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] (IRS study pamphlets, 363) ISBN: 1868223051 20pp. R40.00 per annum Inst Reformational Studies 1998 SA Vanhoutte, M. La notion de liberté dans ‘Gorgias’ de Platon. 43pp. 35k Press Univ Congo 1957 ZR FRE Verger, C. Laclos, les milieux philosophiques et le mal. 208pp. Akpagnon 1985 TG FRE Villa-Vicencio, C., de Gruchy, J. Doing ethics in context. 241pp. R55.95 Philip 1994 SA Woode, S.N. Ethical dilemmas and moral temptations: cased in administration. ISBN: 9964782551 168pp. C15,000 Asempa 1998 GH Worsnip, M., van der Water, D. We shall overcome. Spirituality for liberation. ISBN: 0958314128 139pp. R22.00 ($7.00) Cluster 1998 SA Za’abe, J. Fondements philosophiques des droits de l’homme. 36pp. CFA900.00 UCAC 2000 CM FRE Philosophy—Addresses and essays Dadié, B.B. Cailloux blancs. ISBN: 0863945114 136pp. CFA2,950 (Eur6.02) CEDA 2004 IV FRE Edition Paari Ethique et politique. Ve semaine congolaise de philosophie. ISBN: 284220008X 256pp. (Eur28.00) Paari 2004 ZR FRE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 384
African Books in Print
Subject index
Philosophy, African
Fadahunsi, A., ed. Philosophy and society. ISBN: 9783459644 77pp. N250.00 ($4.00) Hope 1999 NR
Mojola, A.O. Introductory ethics for college students and teachers. 46pp. K.shs.120.00 EAEP 1988 KE
Coetzee, P.H. Philosophy from Africa: a text with readings. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195782038 667pp. (£25.00) OUP - SA 2003 SA
Kabumba, I. On hope and other essays. 85pp. U.shs.5,000 ($2.87) Nyonyi 2001 UG
Mordi, E., ed. Introductory philosophy and logic: general studies series no. 2. ISBN: 9781564539 128pp. ($6.95) Fourth Dimension 1999 NR
Collectif Philosophie africaine: bilan et perspective, acte de la 15ème semaine philosophique. Kinshasa 2002. ($20.00) Fac Catholiques 2002 ZR FRE
N’Guema-Nzoghe, J. Esquisse d’une philosophie du commandement. 122pp. CFA2,800 NEA - Togo 1992 TG FRE
Graness, A., Kresse, K., eds. Sagacious reasoning. 268pp. K.shs.550.00 EAEP 1999 KE [East Africa only]
Njoroge, G. Philosophy in education. ISBN: 9966466843 120pp. K.shs.395.00 EAEP 1998 KE
Gyekye, K. The unexamined life - philosophy and the African experience. 40pp. ($10.00/ £6.25) Ghana UP 1988 GH
Norlén, G. A history of ideas: three areas of western philosophy. ISBN: 9987657036 210pp. T.shs.3,500 ($8.00) Makumira 2002 TZ
Hountondji, P.J. Combats pour le sens. Un itinéraire africain. ISBN: 290213055X 300pp. CFA8,000 Flamboyant 1997 DM FRE
Nwigwe, B.E. Elements of philosphy. ISBN: 9782517488 220pp. N700.00 ($12.00/ £5.50) Pam Unique Publ 2001 NR
Houtondji, P.J. Sur la philosophie africaine. 260pp. CFA2,600 CLE 1980 CM FRE
Oosthuizen, D.C.S. The sceptical chemist and the unwise philosopher. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1960 SA Sowunmi, C.O.A. In quest of creativity. 24pp. ($1.00/ £0.45) Book Builders 1996 NR Philosophy—Africa Aneke, E. Africa blames God. ISBN: 978029211X 103pp. N235.00 Spectrum 2000 NR Bah, T., ed. Intellectuels, nationalisme et idéal panafricain. Perspective historique. ISBN: 268978161X 195pp. ($24.95/ £22.95) CODESRIA 2005 SG FRE Oguejiofor, J.O., ed. Philosophy, democracy and responsible government in Africa. ISBN: 978233542X 670pp. N2,000 Delta 2004 NR Philosophy—Africa, North Boukous, A. Dominance et différence. Essais sur les enjeux symboliques. ISBN: 9918138748 140pp. Dir40.00 Fennec 1999 MR FRE Philosophy—Arab peoples Kamali, M.H. The dignity of man: an Islamic perspective. ISBN: 1903682002 96pp. E£91.00 ($19.00) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Kenny, P. La philosophie du monde arabe. new ed. cd. 64pp. ($71.00) Kap Kaz 1998 ZR FRE Philosophy—Middle East Macfie, A.L. Orientalism: a reader. ISBN: 9774246225 382pp. E£90.00 Am Univ 2000 UA Philosophy—Nigeria Otakpor, N. Moral crisis in Nigeria. ISBN: 9782335509 96pp. N150.00 Delta 2000 NR Philosophy—South Africa Kretzschmar, L., Hulley, L., eds. Questions about life and morality. Christian ethics in South Africa today. ISBN: 0627023584 280pp. R164.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Mphahlele, E. Es’kia. ISBN: 0795701519 cd. 512pp. R300.00 ISBN: 0795701527 R185.00 Kwela 2002 SA Prozesky, M. Frontiers of conscience: exploring ethics in a new millenium. ISBN: 1874976104 117pp. (£14.99) Equinym 2003 SA Philosophy—Study and teaching Benmakhlouf, A., ed. Tout est-il relatif? Dual language text in French and Arabic. ISBN: 9954000704 38pp. Dir38.00 Fennec 2001 MR FRE Clare, J., Matison, L., Savage, M., Stofberg, K. Philosophy. 2nd ed. 106pp. ill. R33.00 Juta 1996 SA
Odera Oruka, H. Ethics. A basic course for undergraduates. 149pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Nairobi UP 1990 KE Sawadogo, S.R.K. La dissertation philosophique. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2952101205 124pp. CFA5,000 (Eur14.30) Descendues du Ciel 2003 UV Sowunmi, C.O.A. Practical creativity. Creative tools for everyday living. ISBN: 978201592X 86pp. ill. N350.00 ($7.00/£4.00) Book Builders 2002 NR Vorhies, F. Comprehending Karl Marx. R37.00 Juta 1990 SA
Philosophy—Study and teaching (Secondary) Kuakuvi, K.M. L’épreuve de philosophie. 156pp. CFA1,700 HaHo 1991 TG FRE Philosophy, African see also Negritude Bang, J. Message perdu. 1987 CM FRE
68pp. CFA820 CLE
Beyaraza, E. The African concept of time: a comparative study of various theories. (Makerere University Press series, 12) 154pp. Makerere UP 2000 UG Bodunrin, W. Philosophy from Africa. Trends and perspectives. 280pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1986 NR Bowao, C.Z. La mondialité entre histoire et avenir. ISBN: 2842200101 (Eur12.50) Paari 2004 ZR FRE Buakasa Tuendi Religion, spiritualité et pensée africaine. 198pp. ($68.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE Buassa, M. Père Smet et philosophie africaine. 128pp. ($60.00) Kap Kaz 1999 ZR FRE Buyu, E. Philosophie et politique en Afrique. 200pp. ($13.40) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
Fonlon, B. The genuine intellectual. 152pp. CFA2,500 ($10.96/£5.50) Buma Kor 1997 CM
Chindji, K. Négritude, philosophie et mondialisation. ISBN: 2723501515 328pp. CFA9,000 (Eur13.72) CLE 2001 CM FRE
Johnson-Hill, J. Seeds of transformation. Discerning the ethics of a new generation. ISBN: 1875053115 232pp. R70.00 ($15.00/ £7.00) Cluster 1998 SA
Chukwu, C.N. Introduction to philosophy in an African perspective. ISBN: 9966963596 340pp. K.shs.700.00 ($35.00/£25.00) Zapf 2001 KE
Mavouangui, D. Emmanuel Kant: introduction à sa philosophie critique. ISBN: 2842200012 160pp. Eur23.00 Paari 2004 ZR FRE
Coetzee, P., Roux, A. Philosophy from Africa. ISBN: 1868640078 475pp. R139.95 Thomson Int 1998 SA
Igwe, A. Nnamdi Azikiwe. The philosopher of our time. 286pp. ($21.50/£12.00) Fourth Dimension 1992 NR Igwe, A. Zik: the philosopher of our time. 302pp. ($10.00) Fourth Dimension 1992 NR Jhuboo, G. The nestlings and the flight. Océan Indien Ed 1995 MF
Kakpo, M. Créations burlesques et déconstruction chez Ken Bugul. ISBN: 9991992804 76pp. Diasporas 2001 DM FRE Katshi Muntu et sa pensée. [Philosophie bantu.] 76pp. Z1.50 Press Univ Congo 1974 ZR FRE Kiese, M., Mawa-Kiese, M. Hommage à Cheikh Anta Diop. ISBN: 2842200136 82pp. (Eur10.00) Paari 2004 ZR FRE Krauthemer, C., Srebalus, J., Meyer, M. Wisdom for changing times. Learning from culture, ecology and psychology. Resource book. ISBN: 9966218432 120pp. K.shs.120.00 ($1.50) Paulines 2002 KE Lieke Mahoya Authenticité: idéologie de l’actualisation ou de l’authentification humaine. 32pp. 45k Press Univ Congo 1973 ZR FRE Macgoye, M.O. Moral issues in Kenya: a personal view. 87pp. K.shs.150.00 Uzima 1996 KE Mafeje, A. African philosophical projections and prospects for the indigenisation of political and intellectual discourse. 29pp. Z$217.00 ($4.95/£2.75) SAPES 1992 ZI Masola, D.A. African philosophy in search of identity. 312pp. K.shs.500.00 EAEP 1995 KE [Africa only] Mensah, R. Philosophy of life and thinking of the modern students. 124pp. C5.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1979 GH Mudimbe, V.Y. The invention of Africa: gnosis, philosophy and the foundation of knowledge. 242pp. K.shs.950.00 EAEP 1941 KE [Kenya only] Ngoma-Binda, P. La philosophie africaine contemporaine analyse historico-critique. cd. 258pp. ($99.00) Kalombo 1994 ZR FRE Njoh-Mouelle, E. Jalons II - l’Africanisme aujourd’hui. (Coll. Point de Vue, 16) 80pp. CFA1,000 CLE 1976 CM FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Philosophy, African
Subject index
Nwaka, T.U. Igbo philosophy. 265pp. N10.00 Literamed 1985 NR Odera Oruka, H. Practical philosophy. In search of an ethical minimum. 328pp. K.shs.640.00 ($21.50/£11.95) EAEP 1997 KE Odera Oruka, H., ed. Philosophy, humanity and ecology. Philosophy of nature and environmental ethics. vol.1 367pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Academy Science Publ 1995 KE Oguejiofor, J. Africa: philosophy and public affairs. 408pp. N850.00 Delta 1998 NR Oguejiofor, O. Philosophy and the African predicament. ISBN: 9783598120 160pp. N400.00 ($5.00) Hope 2001 NR Ogundowole, O. Self reliancism.
($8.00) West 1988 NR
Ogunmodede, F. Of history and historiography in African philosophy. ISBN: 9783524895 45pp. N250.00 ($3.00) Hope 2001 NR Okola Okenda W’Oleko. Pour une philosophie de la culture et du dévéloppement/recherches d’hermineutique et de praxis Africaines. 120pp. ($30.00) Press Univ Congo 1986 ZR FRE Okoudjou, P-C. A. Philosophie et développement. 9991941193 128pp. CFA60.00 Flamboyant 2001 DM FRE
Oladipo, O. The idea of African philosophy. ISBN: 9783524836 151pp. N350.00 ($4.00) Hope 2000 NR Oladipo, O. Philosophy and the African experience: the contributions of Kwasi Ihiredu. 117pp. N250.00 ($8.50/£4.95) Hope 1996 NR Olago, S.O. Who are you, African? ISBN: 9966965866 90pp. K.shs.150.00 ($5.99/ £3.99/Eur5.99) Kingdom 2002 KE Onyewuenyi, I.C. The African origin of Greek philosophy: an exercise in afrocentrism. 320pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Univ Nigeria Press 1994 NR Osha, S. Kwasi Wiredu and beyond: the text, writing and thought in Africa. ISBN: 2869781504 240pp. ($24.95/£16.95) CODESRIA 2005 SG Osundare, N. Dialogues in African philosophy monographs. K.shs.70.00 EAEP 1995 KE Owomoyela, O. The African difference. Discourses on Africanity and relativity of cultures. R135.00 Witwatersrand UP 1996 SA [Southern Africa only] Presbey, G.M., et al., eds. Thought and practice in African philosophy: selected papers from the 6th annual conference of the international society for African philosophy and studies. 324pp. ill. Adenauer - Kenya 2002 KE Roux, A.P.J., Coetzee, P.H. Culture in retrospect: essays in honour of E.D. Prinsloo. ISBN: 1868881660 388pp. R75.00 ($18.20/£11.80) Unisa 2001 SA Shutte, A. Philosophy for Africa. UCT Press 1993 SA
186pp. R85.00
Shutte, A. Ubuntu. An ethic for a new South Africa. ISBN: 1875053239 228pp. R80.00 ($25.00) Cluster 2001 SA
Smet, A.J. Autour de la philosophie africaine. Textes choisis, pro manuscrito. 400pp. Z3.00 Press Univ Congo 1974 ZR FRE
Oberholzer, O. Raconteur road: shots into Africa. ISBN: 0864863683 cd. 179pp. col.pl. (£30.00) Philip 2000 SA
Smet, A.J. Philosophie africaine. Textes choisis. vol.2 340pp. ($19.00) Z31.20 Press Univ Congo 1976 ZR FRE
Webb, J. Zanzi bar: Africa through the lens. ISBN: 0864864825 128pp. pl.col.pl. R150.00 New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA
Sogolo, G. Foundations of African philosophy. A definitive analysis of conceptual issues in African thought. 223pp. ($33.00/ £18.50) Ibadan UP 1993 NR
Photography—Guinea Le Goff, Y., Dago, A.L. Ananias Leki Dago - photographe. ISBN: 2913326846 24pp. col.pl. CFA3,500 (Eur5.50) Ganndal 2003 GV FRE
Sylla, A. La philosphie morale des wolof. CFA3,000 IFAN 1993 SG FRE
Photography—Namibia du Plessis, J. Desertscapes of Namibia. ISBN: 1868726932 cd. 112pp. col.pl. (£19.99) Struik Publ 2002 SA
Taik-Nzuji, C. Enigmes lubas. 169pp. Z2.00 Press Univ Congo 1970 ZR FRE Thompson, D. They are Africans - who worked toward liberation, unity and solidarity. ISBN: 0795701101 cd. 83pp. pl. R150.00 ISBN: 0795701039 R120.00 Kwela 2000 SA [Africa only] Tidjiani-Serpos, N. Archéologie du savoir négro-africain: création esthétique et littérature. ISBN: 2914594089 136pp. (Eur18.00) AFRIDIC 2004 DM FRE Van Parys, J.M. Une approche simple de la philosophie africaine. cd. 213pp. ($99.00) Kalombo 1993 ZR FRE Venter, S., ed. A free mind: Ahmed Kathrada’s notebook from Robben Island. ISBN: 1770091246 136pp. R95.00 ($13.00/£8.00) Jacana 2005 SA Wiredu, J.F., Oyeleye, A.L. Philosophy and society. ISBN: 9783459694 134pp. N300.00 ($4.00) Hope 1998 NR Wiredu, K. Conceptual decolonization in African philosophy. 73pp. N250.00 ($4.00) Hope 1995 NR
Hartmann, W., Silvester, J., Hayes, P., eds. The colonising camera. Photographs in the making of Namibian history. ISBN: 1919713220 228pp. pl. R195.00 (£40.00) UCT Press 1998 SA Photography—Nigeria Smart-Cole The photography of Sunmi Smart-Cole 100pp. ($45.00/£25.00) Bookcraft 1991 NR Photography—South Africa Alberts, P. YOU photo blockbuster 1. pl. R24.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Badenhorst, P. Plaas. ISBN: 0620317663 64pp. col.pl. Bell-Roberts 2004 SA Croquet, P. Us. ISBN: 0620291990 cd. 144pp. pl. Bell-Roberts 2003 SA Grundligh, K. Lines of sight. Perspectives on South African photography. Exhibition catalogue. ISBN: 1874817308 112pp. col.pl. R140.00 SA Nat Gall 2001 SA Myersfeld, M. Gaze. ISBN: 0620290668 cd. 220pp. col.pl. Bell-Roberts 2003 SA
Philosophy, African—Bibliography Ngoma Binda Philosophies d’Afrique noire. Bibliographie sélective et commentée. 327pp. ($98.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE
Nicol, M. The invisible line. The life and photography of Ken Oosterbroek. ISBN: 0795700695 cd. 144pp. pl.col.pl. R250.00 (£25.00) Kwela 1998 SA
Philosophy, Egypt Biyogo, G. Origine égyptienne de la philosophie. ISBN: 2911372263 128pp. Menaibuc 2002 CM FRE
Oberholzer, O. The Hotazel years. ISBN: 1919930027 cd. 132pp. pl. (£24.95) Double Storey 2002 SA
Photography see also Art
Schadeberg, J. Witness: 52 years of pointing lenses at life. ISBN: 186919067X cd. 143pp. pl. R250.00 Protea 2005 SA
Bâ, A. Alioune Bâ. Photographies. ISBN: 2842580508 30pp. pl. (Eur9.48) Figuier 1998 ML FRE
South African National Gallery Through a lens darkly. Six South African photographers. 39pp. col.pl. SA Nat Gall 1993 SA
du Toit, R. Essential wildlife photography. ISBN: 1868726096 96pp. col.pl. ($12.95) Struik Publ 2002 SA
Waller, B. A bigger picture. A manual of photojournalism in southern Africa. ISBN: 0702152080 350pp. pl. R190.00 Juta 2000 SA
Köhler, A., Köhler, D. The underwater photography handbook. ISBN: 1853686417 cd. 160pp. col.pl. R119.00 Struik Publ 1998 SA Oro, E. Basic course in photography. ($5.00) N3.00 IITA 1986 NR
Stuart, U. The soul thinks in images. ISBN: 0864865228 cd. 182pp. col.pl. (£29.95) Spearhead 2002 SA Photography—Africa Good, D., Collins, M. Journey. ISBN: 0958483515 120pp. col.pl. Bell-Roberts 2004 SA Magubane, P., Klopper, S. African renaissance. ISBN: 1868724131 168pp. col.pl. R220.00 Struik Publ 2000 SA
Weinberg, P. Travelling light. cd. pl. R245.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2004 SA Physical education and training see also Health education Sports Duhu, R. Tests and evaluations in physical fitness programmes. 192pp. (£5.00) Fourth Dimension 1978 NR Ekperigin, N.I., Uti, J.O. A handbook of physical education. 128pp. ill. N1.20 Macmillan - Nig 1971 NR Institute of Education, University of Ibadan Test manual to physical and health education. 142pp. N87.60 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1986 NR
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 386
African Books in Print
Subject index Keegan, J. Basic physical education for boys. 96pp. photos. N1.00 Macmillan - Nig NR Nwegbu, C.O.E. Physical education handbook. 138pp. ill. pl. N122.84 Africana First 1958 NR Physical education and training— Examinations, questions Amin, J.J. Revision questions in physical science for junior secondary. 144pp. K.shs.22.50 ($37.50) EAEP 1976 KE Physical education and training—Study and teaching (Elementary) Adiuku, T.I. A handbook of physical education for elementary schools. 148pp. N1.50 Macmillan - Nig NR Barker, R.E. Primary physical education: a games skills approach. 152pp. ($7.40) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Egenege, A., et al. Physical education for JSS. bk.2 ISBN: 9781296420 124pp. N200.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR
Physics—Study and teaching Hengstberger, F., Thain, E., Turner, R. A new measuring system for realizing photometric and radiometric scales. (CSIR Research Report, 332) 40pp. ill. pl. CSIR 1977 SA Kok, C.J. Comparison of extraterrestrial and earthbased solar spectral irradiance results. (CSIR Research Report, 342) 10pp. CSIR 1979 SA Kok, C.J., Chalmers, A.N. Spectral irradiance of daylight at Durban. (CSIR Research Report, 339) 19pp. CSIR 1978 SA Lubinsky, D.S. On uniform convergence of rational, Newton Padé interpolants of type (n.n) with free poles as n tends to infinity. (PKOMP, 8803) 25pp. CSIR 1988 SA Meyer, B.R., Steyn, J., Conard, H.M.P. Standardization of 109cD revisited. (CSIR Research Report, 588) 21pp. CSIR 1983 SA
Mutiso, S.M. Revision physics and physical sciences for K.C.S.E. (with answers). 147pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1989 KE Nyarko, S.O. Model answers for physics GCE advanced level examination. vol.1 110pp. C60.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1981 GH Nyarko, S.O. Model answers for physics GCE advanced level examination. vol.2 93pp. C60.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1981 GH Otuka, A., et al. Exam focus physics. ISBN: 9782494992 272pp. ($23.10) Univ Press - Nig 1998 NR Oyedele, J.A. Worked examples in basic university physics. 183pp. ($10.00/£6.70) N10.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1985 NR
Noakes, G.R., Harris, B.K. Physics problems. 96pp. N1.50 Macmillan - Nig NR
Ryan, O., Ashworth, A.E. School certificate revision course: Physics. 112pp. N1.05 Macmillan - Nig 1975 NR
Egenege, A., et al. Physical education for JSS. bk.3 ISBN: 9781296420 124pp. N200.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR
Omondi Orata, D. Basic concepts in phase equilibria. 84pp. K.shs.200.00 ($10.00) Nairobi UP 1994 KE
Schandorf, C. Hints for physics practicals for level students. 36pp. C500.00 Adwinsa 1988 GH
Gamba, I.I. Physical education for primary school 13. ISBN: 9780292977 45pp. N300.00 Spectrum 2002 NR
Owongo, W.M. Analysis of statically determinate structures. 323pp. K.shs.300.00 ($10.00) Nairobi UP 1993 KE
Gamba, I.I. Physical education for primary school 46. ISBN: 9780292985 80pp. N388.00 Spectrum 2002 NR
Scholtz, M.T., Brouckaert, C.J. Modelling of the flow of stable air over a complex region. Initial theoretical analysis of Richards Bay data. (SANSP Report, 9) 42pp. CSIR 1976 SA
Kenya Institute of Education Physical education for standard 1 to 3 teachers’ guide. 32pp. K.shs.140.00 ($2.35/£1.40) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1986 KE Kenya Institute of Education Physical education for upper primary teachers’ guide. 133pp. K.shs.168.00 ($2.80/£1.70) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1988 KE Laoye, J.A., Ackland, J.W. Principles of physical education of Nigerian teachers’ colleges. 220pp. ill. N9.45k Univ Press - Nig 1981 NR Oduyale, A.T., Amuchie, F.A. Junior secondary physical education. bk.3 96pp. ill. pl. N20.00 Longman - Nig 1992 NR Otieno, J. Physical education for primary schools. K.shs.47.50 EAEP 1986 KE Uti, J.O., Ojeme, E.O. Comprehensive physical education for junior secondary schools. 248pp. ill.pl. N385.00 Africana First 1997 NR Physics Bierbaum, P. Interaction between ultrasonic surface waves and conduction electrons in thin metal films. (CSIR research report, 317) 148pp. free CSIR 1973 SA Diop, C.A. Le laboratoire de radiocarbone de l’IFAN. (IFAN catalogues et documents, 21) 110pp. CFA2,200 IFAN 1968 SG FRE Greben, J.M., Lindsay, R. Momentum-dependent nucleon-nucleus forces on the deuteron folding model. (PKOMP, 8809) 19pp. CSIR 1988 SA Hengstberger, F. The absolute radiometer at the National Physical Research Laboratory. (CSIR Research Report, 331) 29pp. ill. pl. CSIR 1977 SA Hengstberger, F. A fresh look at the lead-heating effect in absolute radiometry. (CSIR Research Report, 333) ill.pp. CSIR 1977 SA
Steyn, J., Oberholzer, P., Botha, S.M. Accurate disintegration-rate measurement of 55Fe by liquid scintillation counting. (CSIR Research Report, 371) 15pp. CSIR 1979 SA Physics—Addresses and essays Alabi, B. From vibrations to fractals: excitement at the frontiers of knowledge. (University of Ibadan, Inaugural lecture, 2001) ISBN: 9788000660 48pp. ill. N125.00 ($1.25/ £1.00) Vantage 2001 NR Birks, J.B. The nature and development of modern physics. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1952 SA Gledhill, J.A. The threshold of space. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1956 SA Physics—Bibliography Taylor, T.R. A multivariate approach to the prediction of behaviour towards attitude objects. Literature survey. vol.1(CSIR Special Report, PERS 287) 166pp. R3.00 CSIR 1979 SA Physics—Examinations, questions Anyabolu, C. 1005 objective questions and answers in physics for senior secondary schools. 196pp. ill. N250.00 Africana First 1997 NR Ashworth, A.E. School certificate physics objective tests. 137pp. ill. N8.50k Univ Press Nig 1976 NR Ette, A.I.I. Success tips for SSC examination in physics. 105pp. N300.00 ($12.00/ £5.50) Textflow 1997 NR Johnson & Briggs A student’s guide to practical examination in physical science. 60pp. K.shs.175.00 EAEP 1977 KE Mkichwe, A.S. O-level physics. Question papers and model answers. ISBN: 9976973489 60pp. T.shs.2,500 Mkuki na Nyota 1999 TZ
Physics—Study and teaching Awe, O., Ette, A., Maduemezia, A. Introductory university physics. 178pp. N300.00 ($3.95/£3.00) Spectrum 1996 NR Bouhenna, A. Electricité. Volume 2: électrocinétique et réseaux électriques. 110pp. ill. Dir231.00 ($18.00) CERIST 1999 AE FRE Charette, J. Introduction à la physique. 28pp. 45k Press Univ Congo 1962 ZR FRE Ekpunobi, A.J., Okolo, C., Ekwo, P., Anazodo, C.C. Mechanics for science, engineering and medical students. ISBN: 9783099901 230pp. ill. N500.00 Christon 2004 NR Evwaraye, A.O., Inyang, A.E. Introduction to mechanics and properties of matter. 2nd ed. 276pp. ill. N425.00 Africana First 1993 NR Evwaraye, A.O., Mgbenu, E.N. Electromagnetism and modern physics for physical sciences. 295pp. N540.00 ($15.00/£12.50) Spectrum 1993 NR Maalem, M. Electricité. Volume 1: électrostatique dans le vide. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9961929055 122pp. ill. Dir231.00 ($18.00) CERIST 1999 AE FRE Maalem, M. Eléctricité. Volume 3: magnétostatique, phénomènes d’induction et courant alternatif. ISBN: 9961929012 163pp. ill. Dir232.00 ($17.50) CERIST 1996 AE FRE Maalem, M. Mécanique des fluides. Volume 1: étude des liquides (l’hydrostatique, l’hydrodynamique et les solutions binaires). ISBN: 996192908X 110pp. ill. Dir220.00 ($17.00) CERIST 1998 AE FRE Maalem, M. Mécanique des fluides. Volume 2: étude de l’état gazeux. 110pp. ill. Dir232.00 ($17.50) CERIST 2002 AE FRE Maalem, M. Mécanique générale. Volume 3: système matériel (chocs et collisions, dynamique et statistique des solides et dynamique et statique des fluides). ISBN: 9961929004 162pp. ill. Dir232.00 ($17.50) CERIST 1996 AE FRE Maalem, M. Optique. Volume 1: l’optique géométrique et ses applications. ISBN: 9961929020 188pp. ill. Dir275.00 ($22.75) CERIST 1997 AE FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Physics—Study and teaching Maalem, M. Optique. Volume 2: l’optique physique. 188pp. ill. Dir275.00 ($22.75) CERIST 2002 AE FRE Maalem, M. Rayonnements. Volume 1: rayonnements ionisants. ISBN: 9961929020 188pp. ill. Dir275.00 ($22.75) CERIST 1997 AE FRE Maalem, M. Thermodynamique. Volume 1: thermométrie et dilatation. 188pp. ill. Dir275.00 ($22.75) CERIST 2002 AE FRE Maalem, M. Thermodynamique. Volume 2: principes de la thermodynamique et applications. 188pp. ill. Dir275.00 ($22.75) CERIST 2002 AE FRE Maalem, M., Bouhenna, A. Mécanique générale. Volume 1: cinématique du point. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9961929039 110pp. ill. Dir185.00 ($13.50) CERIST 1997 AE FRE Maalem, M., Bouhenna, A. Mécanique générale. Volume 2: dynamique et énergie du point matériel. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9961929047 146pp. ill. Dir235.00 ($17.55) CERIST 1997 AE FRE Mgbenu, E.N., et al. Waves, optics and thermal physics. 196pp. ill. N388.00 Africana First 1995 NR Nguyen Dang Hund Eléments d’élasticité. cd. 95pp. ill. Z60.00 Press Univ Congo 1983 ZR FRE Nsowah-Nuamah, N.N.N. A first course in probability theory. vol.1 452pp. ($35.00) Ghana UP 1998 GH Obi, C. Introduction to thermal physics. 184pp. N285.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1989 NR Okeke, C. Preliminary physics. 104pp. ill. ($3.00) Fourth Dimension 1987 NR Okeke, C.E., et al. Electromagnetism and modern physics for life sciences. 106pp. 3600.00 ($8.00/£6.85) Spectrum 1993 NR Okeke, P.N., et al. Mechanics and properties of matter for life sciences. 96pp. ill. N350.00 Africana First 1995 NR Okeke, P.N., et al. Preliminary practical physics manual. 288pp. ill. N288.00 Africana First 1991 NR O’Leary, J.S. Physics. 161pp. K.shs.295.00 ($15.00) Nairobi UP 1993 KE Rabari, J.A. Foundation physics. 220pp. K.shs.306.00 ($5.10/£3.10) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1996 KE Torongey, P., Amulele, G., Mwamburi, M., Anderson, R. Physics laboratory manual. 2nd ed. 160pp. K.shs.320.00 Moi Univ 1994 KE UNESCO First year university physics: mechanics. new ed. ISBN: 996649541X K.shs.195.00 ill. ($2.60) Longhorn - Ken 2000 KE Physics—Study and teaching (Elementary) Ferland, C. Physical science junior certificate examination questions. 110pp. ill. K150.00 Chancellor Coll 1994 MW Kalibwanji, O.B. Physical science junior certificate. 110pp. ill. K150.00 ($5.00/£3.00) Chancellor Coll 1994 MW Mutoro, P. Peak revision KCSE physics. ISBN: 9966250417 300pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 2000 KE
Subject index Orodho, J.A. Elements of physics forms 1 and 2. 247pp. K.shs.90.00 EAEP 1988 KE
Folivi, L.E., Godman, A. New certificate physics. 640pp. ill. pl. N4.63 Longman - Nig 1977 NR
Waititu, M., et al. Certificate form 1, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966252616 84pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 2003 KE
Heinemann Educational Books CESAC physics. bk.1 90pp. N11.50 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1980 NR
Waititu, M., et al. Certificate physics form 1. ISBN: 9966252061 188pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 2003 KE Waititu, M., et al. Certificate physics form 2. ISBN: 9966252606 156pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 2003 KE Waititu, M., et al. Certificate physics form 2, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966252177 56pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 2003 KE Waititu, M., et al. Certificate physics form 3. ISBN: 9966253130 320pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 2004 KE Waititu, M., et al. Certificate physics form 3, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966253149 60pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 2004 KE Waititu, M., et al. Certificate physics form 4. ISBN: 9966253793 K.shs.370.00 EAEP 2005 KE Waititu, M., et al. Certificate physics form 4, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966253807 K.shs.250.00 EAEP 2005 KE Physics—Study and teaching (Higher) Yong, P.L., Anyakoha, M.W., Okeke, P.N. University physics. vol.1 ISBN: 9781754176 517pp. N1,438 Africana First 2002 NR Yong, P.L., Anyakoha, M.W., Okeke, P.N. University physics. vol.2 ISBN: 9781754397 651pp. N1,688 Africana First 2002 NR Physics—Study and teaching (Secondary) Ahuche, B.O. Practical physics for school and colleges. 144pp. ill. N344.00 Africana First 1994 NR Anyakoha, M.W. New school physics. ISBN: 9781753374 512pp. N900.00 Africana First 1998 NR Anyakoha, M.W. Physics at a glance. 352pp. ill. N275.00 Africana First 1991 NR Awe, O., Okunola, O.O. Comprehensive certificate physics. 468pp. N35.00 Univ Press - Nig 1984 NR Cupane, A.F., Fagilde, S.A.M. Fisica pela pratica 8a classe. ISBN: 1002209994 (Eur6.96) Moz Editora 2003 MZ POR du Toit, L., Ashley, A. Focus on ‘O’ level physical science. ISBN: 1779004311 336pp. ill. Z$116,400 ($23.40/£15.60/Eur30.80) College Press Zimb 2002 ZI Duncan, T. Physics for today and tomorrow. 256pp. N191.85 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1978 NR Educational Support Services Trust Passport to physical science. 276pp. R55.95 Nolwazi 1995 SA Ette, A.I.I. A guide to solving SSC physics problems. ISBN: 9782783137 300pp. N1,250 ($10.00/£6.00) Textflow 2003 NR Ewelukwe, G.O. Calculations in physics. Africana First 1996 NR
240pp. N325.00
Ferland, C. Physical science Malawi school certificate examination. Questions and model answers. 172pp. ill. K150.00 ill. ($5.00/£3.00) Chancellor Coll 1996 MW
Heinemann Educational Books CESAC physics. bk.2 168pp. N169.30 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1980 NR Heinemann Educational Books CESAC physics. bk.3 128pp. N169.30 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1980 NR Heinemann Educational Books CESAC physics. teacher’s guide bks. 13 208pp. N92.45 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1980 NR Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP physics - pupil’s manual year 1. 116pp. K.shs.12.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1973 KE Keighley, H.J.P. Secondary gold medal physics. 155pp. ill. K.shs.330.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1989 KE Mwanje, J. Essentials of ordinary level physics. 232pp. Uzima 1983 KE Nelkon, M., Ogborn, J.M. Advanced level practical physics. K.shs.830.00 EAEP 1995 KE Njau, E. O-level physics: students’ companion. 210pp. ($7.60) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ Noakes, G.R. New intermediate physics. N8.40 Macmillan - Nig NR
Noakes, G.R., Harris, B.K. Foundations of physics. cd. & 672pp. N4.70 cd. N2.55 Macmillan - Nig NR Obwaka, A.M. Integrated secondary physics. ISBN: 9966221794 452pp. K.shs.475.00 ($6.00/ £4.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2000 KE Oyewole, D. New physics for ‘O’ level. bk. 2 249pp. ill. N1.80 Macmillan - Nig 1974 NR Oyewole, D. New physics for ‘O’ level. bk. 3,3 240pp. ill. N2.90 Macmillan - Nig 1975 NR Oyewole, F. Introduction to physics. 460pp. photos. N2.90 Macmillan - Nig 1964 NR Oyewole, F. Practical physics for secondary schools. 1, 3bks 136pp. ill. N1.35 Macmillan - Nig 1970 NR Oyewole, F. Practical physics for secondary schools. 2, 3bks 136pp. ill. N1.35 Macmillan - Nig 1970 NR Oyewole, F. Practical physics for secondary schools. 3, 3bks 128pp. ill. N1.35 Macmillan - Nig 1970 NR Palfreyman, K., Amartey-Amarh, S. Senior secondary guide physics. ISBN: 9964721331 419pp. ill. C19,500 Sedco 1998 GH Ryan, J.O., Olarewaju, W. Physics for school certificate. bk.1 98pp. ill. pl. N11.50k Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Ryan, J.O., Olarewaju, W. Physics for school certificate. pupil’s bk.2 110pp. ill. pl. N11.50k Univ Press Nig 1979 NR Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP physics - pupils’ manual year 2. 160pp. K.shs.11.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1974 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP physics - pupils’ manual year 3. 160pp. K.shs.12.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 388
African Books in Print
Subject index
Police—South Africa
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP physics - pupils’ manual year 4. 120pp. K.shs.12.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE
Comaroff, J.L., ed. The Boer War diary of Sol T. Plaatje: an African at Mafeking. cd. 214pp. pl.map (£5.25) R6.60 Macmillan - SA 1973 SA
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP physics - year 1 teachers’ guide. 132pp. K.shs.15.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE
Plants see also Botany Ecology Gardening Herbs Natural history Vegetables Wildlife and conservation
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP physics - year 2 teachers’ guide. 184pp. K.shs.15.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP physics - year 3 teachers’ guide. 148pp. K.shs.15.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1974 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP physics - year 4 teachers’ guide. 168pp. K.shs.15.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1976 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation SSP physics reader - motor car. 24pp. K.shs.7.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1977 KE Wallis, K. Physical science for Malawi. MSCE book 1. 2nd ed. 238pp. K225.00 ($7.00/ £4.00) Chancellor Coll 1995 MW Wallis, K. Physical science for Malawi. MSCE book 2. 2nd ed. 190pp. K225.00 ($7.00/ £4.00) Chancellor Coll 1995 MW
Mukoko, M. Les plantes et leurs valeurs nutritives. 156pp. Kapongo-Kazadi 1988 ZR FRE
Poetry—Study and teaching Hendry, J.O. Rhythm and muse: your friendly guide to English poetry. ISBN: 0620228822 212pp. ill. R59.00 Wordsmith 1998 SA
Plants—Africa, Southern Hobson, N.K. Veld plants of southern Africa. cd. 312pp. ill. pl. col. pl. R25.00 Macmillan SA 1975 SA Vahrmeijer, J. Poisonous plants. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. ill.col.pl.maps R59.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Plants—Africa, West Lawson, G.W.L. Plant life in West Africa. 138pp. pl. maps ($21.50/£11.95) Ghana UP 1986 GH
Physiology—Addresses and essays Kojo Addae, S. Some physiological problems of the tropical environment: inaugural lecture delivered at the University of Ghana, Legon on Thursday, 13th November 1980. (Inaugural lec.) 12pp. ($4.95/£2.75) Ghana UP 1986 GH
Plants—Ghana Hall, A. Common plants of the Volta Lake. 123pp. ill. ($7.50) Ghana UP 1976 GH
Masesa, P.C. Human physiology: the endocrine and reproductive system. 270pp. ($22.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ Meyer, B.J., van Papendorp, D.H., Meij, H.S., Viljoen, M. Human physiology. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702151734 634pp. ill. R285.00 Juta 2002 SA Mitchell, G. A course in medical physiology. R8.50 Macmillan - SA 1981 SA
Plaatje, Solomon Tshekisho—Biography de Villiers, G.E. Servant of Africa: the life and times of Sol T. Plaatje. 120pp. Stimela 2000 SA Rail, M. Peaceable warrior. The life and times of Sol Plaatje. ISBN: 0620290986 cd. 314pp. pl. (£25.00) Plaatje 2003 SA Willan, B. Sol Plaatje: a biography. Ravan 1984 SA
436pp. R22.50
Willan, B. Sol Plaatje: selected writings. 484pp. ill. R120.00 Witwatersrand UP 1996 SA [Southern African only] Plaatje, Solomon Tshekisho—Diaries, letters Comaroff, J. The Mafeking diary of Sol T. Plaatje. rev.ed. ISBN: 0852557809 216pp. (£11.95) Philip 1999 SA
Plants—Lesotho Schmitz, M. Flowering plants of Lesotho. 123pp. ill. R7.00 Mazenod Inst 1976 LO Plants—South Africa Eliovson, S. Namaqualand in flower. cd. 184pp. col. ill. R12.50 Macmillan - SA 1972 SA Eliovson, S. Wild flowers of Southern Africa: how to grow and identify them. 6th cd. 320pp. col. pl. R25.00 Macmillan - SA 1980 SA Gardiner, N. The South African book of house plants. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 186872090X 112pp. col.pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Hall, A.V., Veldhuis, H.A. South African red data book: plantsfynbos and karoo biomes. (SANSP Reports, 117) 160pp. CSIR 1985 SA
Podbrey, Pauline—Autobiography Podbrey, P. White girl in search of the party. 214pp. pl. R59.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press SA Poetry see also Literature
Plants—Ethiopia Edwards, S. Some wild flowering plants of Ethiopia: an introduction. 80pp. col. pl. maps. ($3.60/ £1.50) B5.00 Addis Ababa UP 1976 ET
Laubser, P.J., Huisman, H.W. Practical physiology. 158pp. R76.00 ($18.80/£12.00/Eur16.50) Unisa 1996 SA
Plomer, William—Autobiography Plomer, W. The South African autobiography. new ed. 185pp. R44.99 Philip 1984 SA
Eliovson, S. Shrubs, trees and climbers. cd. 320pp. col. pl. R25.00 Macmillan - SA 1975 SA
Physiology Mitchell, G. Medical physiology: objectives and multiple choice questions. 2nd ed. 153pp. R12.95 Macmillan - SA 1984 SA
Physiology—Study and teaching Ibu, J. Testing one’s skills in medical physiology. (£9.50) N11.00 Fourth Dimension 1985 NR
Tredgold, M. H. Food plants of Zimbabwe with old and new ways of preparation. 153pp. ill. ($15.60) Mambo 1986 ZI
Macdonald, I.A.W., Jarman, M.L., eds. Invasive alien plants in the terrestrial ecosystems of Natal, South Africa. (SANSP Reports, 118) 88pp. CSIR 1985 SA Stewart, J., Hennessy, E.F. Orchids of Africa: a select review. cd. 176pp. ill. col.pl. R35.00 Macmillan - SA 1981 SA Plants—Zimbabwe Drummond, R., et al. Common trees of the highveld. 99pp. col. ill. Z$17.95 Longman - Zimb 1973 ZI Linley, K., et al. Flowers of the veld. 120pp. col. ill. R$19.50 Longman - Zimb 1972 ZI Plowes, D., et al. Wild flowers of Zimbabwe. cd. 176pp. col. ill. Z$16.00 Longman - Zimb 1976 ZI Standing Conference of National Voluntary Youth Organizations in Zimbabwe Bundu book one: trees, flowers and grasses. new ed. 136pp. col. ill. Z$5.75 Z$17.95 Longman - Zimb 1972 ZI
Malan, R. Poetry works. 1995 SA
128pp. R49.99 Philip
Osakwe, M. Poetrymate. A guide to poetry teaching and learning. 108pp. ($7.95/£4.25) Fourth Dimension 1996 NR Strauss, P. Talking poetry: a guide for students, teachers and poets. 216pp. R53.95 Philip 1993 SA Ullyatt, A.G. A profusion of choices. A manual. ISBN: 0527022227 66pp. R65.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Police—Cameroun Pondi, P. Histoire de la police au Cameroun: naissance et evolution. cd. & CFA 2,650 CLE 1988 CM FRE Police—Dictionaries du Toit, I.E. Bilingual police dictionary. [English/ Afrikaans] 469pp. R69.95 Pharos 1997 SA MUL Police—Ghana Safari, S.J. Ghana police affairs. ISBN: 9988022700 98pp. C50,000 ($10.00) Napasvil 2004 GH Police—Nigeria Jemibewon, D.M. The Nigeria police in transition: issues, problems and prospects. ISBN: 9780293078 280pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Spectrum 2002 NR Rotimi, K. The police in a federal state. The Nigerian experience. ISBN: 9782194158 302pp. ($30.95/£18.95) College Press - Nig 2001 NR Police—South Africa Chaza, G.A. Bhurakuwacha. Black policeman in Rhodesia. ISBN: 1779000375 126pp. College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Fox, W., van Wyk, B., Fourie, M. Police management in South Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0702146765 206pp. R145.00 Juta 1998 SA Reynecke, F., Fourie, M. Police management beyond 2000. ISBN: 0702152692 286pp. R175.00 Juta 2001 SA Shaw, M. Marching to a different tune: political change and policing transformation in South Africa and Northern Ireland. ISBN: 1919810250 109pp. R70.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2001 SA Stevens, P., Yach, D.M. Community policing in action. A practitioner’s guide. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 158pp. R69.00 Juta 1995 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Politics and government Politics and government see also International relations Law, Constitutional Law, International Local government National liberation movements Organization for African Unity Peace studies Public administration Socialism and as a sub-division under names of specific countries or regions Adamolekun, N.K. Introduction to government. 208pp. N1.70 Macmillan - Nig 1971 NR Ake, C. The new world order. A view from the South. 62pp. ($7.95/£4.25) Malthouse 1992 NR Bottomore, T. Political sociology. 2nd ed. 136pp. R33.00 Ravan 1992 SA [Southern Africa only]
Subject index Gutteridge, W. Prospects for arms control and disarmament. (Occas. paps.) SA Inst Int Affairs 1982 SA Hettne, B. International political economy. ISBN: 9966466622 164pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1998 KE Higgs, P. Rethinking our world. ISBN: 0702152013 160pp. R130.00 Juta 2000 SA Igwe, O. A modern introduction to strategic studies. 282pp. N65.00 Emancipation Press 1989 NR Jacobs, S., Power, G., Calland, R. Real politics: the wicked issues. ISBN: 1919798323 90pp. R79.95 Idasa 2002 SA Khamis, L. Imperialism today. 196pp. ($13.75/ £7.50) Tanz Publ House 1983 TZ
Camara, M. Questions brulantes pour démocratie naissante. 137pp. CFA2,000 NEAS 1998 SG FRE
Khor, M. Globalisation and the South - some critical issues. ISBN: 9780293248 115pp. N600.00 Spectrum 2001 NR
Carli, G. Policy differences within the industrialised world. R2.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1985 SA
Killick, J. The total onslaught: how does it look from Moscow? (Occas. paps.) 10pp. SA Inst Int Affairs 1983 SA
Centre for Southern African Studies Tenth conference of head of state or governemnt of non-aligned countries. Draft final document: global issues, Jakarta,1992. (Southern African perspectives: Backgrounder, 8) 28pp. R5.00 Univ West Cape 1992 SA
Kössler, R. The collapse of state socialism in eastern Europe - lessons for southern Africa? (NEPRU occasional paper, 2) 22pp. N$15.00 NEPRU 1995 SX
Chomsky, N. Power and terror. ISBN: 1919931597 160pp. R145.00 Jacana 2003 SA [SA only] Chomsky, N. World orders old and new. cd. 319pp. E£70.00 ($25.00) Am Univ 1994 UA [Middle East only] Chung, F. Socialism, education and development. 148pp. ($18.00/£9.95) ZPH 1995 ZI Community Publishing Process Choosing the future. Elections and leadership. 144pp. ill. ($20.95/£12.95) ACPDT 2001 ZI Dakovic, V. Anticapital. 190pp. Z$60.00 ($18.00/ £9.95) SAPES 1994 ZI de Villiers, B., Delmartino, F., Alen, A., eds. Institutional development in divided societies. ISBN: 0796918597 396pp. R160.00 HSRC Publ 1998 SA Deprez, K., du Plessis, T., eds. Multilingualism and government. Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, former Yugoslavia, South Africa. ISBN: 0627024785 179pp. R175.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA Edmonds, M., Lee, C., Mills, G., eds. Preventing insecurity: lessons from and for East Asia. ISBN: 1919969012 178pp. R70.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2003 SA ESAURP The road to democracy. ISBN: 9987250165 148pp. T.shs.2,000 ($3.00/ £1.80) Tema 1998 TZ Fasoro Understanding democracy. 140pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Bookcraft 1992 NR Fowler, S. The deceptive morality of power. (IRS study pamphlets, F1/280) 18pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1991 SA Grant, R.J. Nationalisation: how governments control you. 68pp. R26.27 Free Market Found 1994 SA
Mabena, W., Voges, C., Glinzler, M. Lessons from Taiwan. (SAIIA report, 26) ISBN: 191981051X SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA Mampuya, K.T. La désuétude du système de sécurité collective. 287pp. ($40.00) Press Univ Congo 1986 ZR FRE Mathema, C. Wealth and power: an introduction to political economy. 41pp. ill. Z$30.45 ZPH 1988 ZI Mazrui, A.A. Cultural forces in world politics. K.shs.1,970 EAEP 1990 KE
McClure, D.H. Negotiations on security and co-operation in Europe: Helsinki to Belgrade. 7pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1978 SA Mills, G. The security intersection. The paradox of power in an age of terror. ISBN: 1868144127 Witwatersrand UP 2005 SA Mills, G., ed. New tools for reform and stability: sanctions, conditionalities and conflict resolution. ISBN: 1919969101 200pp. (£15.95) SA Inst Int Affairs 2004 SA
Perlas, N. Shaping globalization. Civil society, cultural power and threefolding. ISBN: 095838858X 278pp. ill. R147.50 Novalis 2000 SA Pipes, D. The Gulf crisis. R0.50 SA Inst Int Affairs 1991 SA Quantsom, K.B. Bogus informants: nation-wreckers. ISBN: 9988814216 114pp. C60,000 ($10.00) Napasvil 2004 GH Savigear, P. Terrorist activity in western Europe. (Occas. paps.) 14pp. SA Inst Int Affairs 1982 SA Sindjoun, L. La formation du patrimoine constitutionnel commun des sociétés politiques. Eléments pour une théorie de la civilisation politique internationale. 63pp. CODESRIA 1998 SG Sithole, M. Democracy and the one-party state democracy. 5pp. ($4.95/£2.75) SAPES 1992 ZI Szawlowsky, R. Political, security and economic relations in the Eastern Bloc. 11pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1978 SA Tandon, Y. In defence of democracy. 61pp. ($6.95/ £3.75) Dar es Salaam UP 1993 TZ Thomashausen, S. Humanitarian intervention in an evolving world order: the cases of Iraq, Somalia, Kosovo and East Timor. (African Century Publication, 11) ISBN: 0798901570 159pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Africa Inst 2003 SA van der Walt, B.J., ed. Confessing Christ in doing politics. Essays on Christian political thought and action. 621pp. R65.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1995 SA Politics and government—Addresses and essays Anyanoku, E. The racial factor in international politics. (NIIA, lecture series, 19) 67pp. N5.00 NIIA 1977 NR Beard, T.V.R. Capitalism and natural rights: Marx, Locke and the moral justification of capitalism. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1979 SA Dudley, B.J. Scepticism and political virtue. N3.00 Ibadan UP 1975 NR
Freymond, J. International co-operation in a changing world. (NIIA, lecture series, 5) 33pp. N5.00 NIIA 1976 NR
Neuland, E.W., Olivier, G.C., Venter, D.J. 11 September 2001. Strategic implications of the World Trade Center attack. ISBN: 1919825754 Protea 2002 SA
Musambachime, M.C.C. The weight of history and its contribution to democracy and the demcoratisation process in Africa. (UNAM inaugural lecture proceedings, 5) ISBN: 9991253191 31pp. UNAM 1999 SX
Niewmeijer, L.J. Negotiation: methodology and training. 2nd rev. ed. 190pp. R80.00 HSRC Publ 1992 SA
Northedge, F.S. Order and the system of international politics. (NIIA, lecture series, 3) 94pp. N5.00 NIIA 1976 NR
Nürnberger, K. Capitalism versus socialism - where to now? 256pp. R85.00 Y Press 1996 SA
Okecha, S.A. War chemicals and world peace. (Lecture series, 72) 30pp. ($4.95/£2.75) NIIA 1991 NR
Nwabueze, B.O. Democratisation. 304pp. ($30.00/ £16.75) Spectrum 1993 NR Obiozor, G.A. Power, principle and pragmatism in international politics. ISBN: 9780020322 44pp. NIIA 1998 NR Oyediran, O. Autonomy of communes in Africa and German-speaking countries in Europe. 108pp. N180.00 ($10.00/£7.50) Vantage 1994 NR
Okoh, P.B. The nature and character of contemporary international conflicts. (NIIA, seminar series, 1) 17pp. N5.00 NIIA 1976 NR Pillay, G., ed. Voices of liberation: Albert Luthuli. 171pp. R90.00 HSRC Publ 1993 SA Soyinka, W. Climate of fear. ISBN: 9782030643 152pp. Bookcraft 2005 NR
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 390
African Books in Print
Subject index
Politics and government—Africa
Politics and government—Africa Abraham, K. The African quest. The transition from the OAU to AU and NEPAD imperatives. A political and economic history of modern Africa and the drive for the African renaissance. ISBN: 1145120032 714pp. ($49.95/£29.95) EIIPD 2004 ET Abwa, D. Colloque sur les dynamiques régionale en Afrique centrale. French with some English.] ISBN: 291154160X 256pp. ill. CM MUL
d’intégration [Text in 2 vols. PUA 2000
Adar, K., Nkosi, N., eds. The state of readiness of African parliaments on the eve of the pan-African parlianent. (AISA research paper, 72) ISBN: 0798301732 101pp. ill.maps R60.00 ($24.95/£13.95) Africa Inst 2004 SA Adeyemo, T. Is Africa cursed? CLMC 2001 KE
143pp. K.shs.350.00
Adji, B. L’Afrique à la croisée des chemins. ISBN: 2847700331 216pp. col.ill. CFA5,000 Eburnie 2003 IV FRE African Community Publishing and Development Trust, ed. The rainbow encircling the people. An African guide to democracy. ISBN: 079741820X 223pp. ill. ($41.95/£24.95) ACPDT 2003 ZI Aina, T.A. Mondialisation et politique sociale en Afrique: questions et pistes de la recherche. [Also available in English and Portuguese.] 104pp. CODESRIA 1997 SG FRE Ajala, A. Seminar on the role of non-alignment: Africa in a changing world. (NIIA, reprint series, 1) 12pp. N1.00 NIIA 1979 NR Ake, C. Democracy and development in Africa. ISBN: 9780293391 183pp. N900.00 Spectrum 2001 NR Ake, C. Democratization of disempowerment in Africa. (CASS Occasional Monograph series, 1) 23pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Malthouse 1994 NR Ake, C. Is Africa democratizing? 27pp. ($5.75/ £3.25) Malthouse 1996 NR Akin Aina, T., Chachage, C.S.L., Annan-Yao, E. Globalization and social policy in Africa. new ed. ISBN: 286978130X 347pp. ($20.95/£14.95) CODESRIA 2004 SG Akindele, R.A., Ate, B.E., eds. Beyond conflict resolution: managing African security in the 21st century. ISBN: 9788000401 228pp. N2,000 ($10.50/£7.50/Eur8.00) ISBN: 9788000426 cd. N1,500 ($8.50/£6.25/ Eur7.20) Vantage 2001 NR Akinterinwa, B.A., ed. Nigeria and the development of the African Union. ISBN: 9783692593 344pp. N2,500 ($17.50/£12/Eur20.00) Vantage 2005 NR Akopari, J. The OSU, AU, NEPAD and the promotion of good governance in Africa. (EISA occasional papers, 14) R20.00 EISA 2002[?] SA Amin, S., Mamdani, M., Sow, F. CODESRIA 10th General Assembly distinguished lectures, Kampala 2002. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 2869781490 51pp. ($12.95/£9.95) CODESRIA 2004 SG Amin, S., Mamdani, M., Sow, F. Conférences spéciales de la 10ème Assemblée générale du CODESRIA, Kampala 2002. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 286971482 58pp. ($12.95/£9.95) CODESRIA 2004 SG FRE
Ampofo, D.D. Afriaconism. 48pp. C4.00 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1977 GH
Boahen, A.A. Clio and nation-building in Africa. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1975 GH
Anokari, N.B. Writers and politics in Africa. ISBN: 9783038088 80pp. N400.00 ($5.00/£4.00) Ano 2000 NR
Boateng, E.A. African unity: the dream and the reality. (J.B. Danquah Memorial Series, 8) 66pp. ($10.00) Ghana Acad Arts & Scien 1978 GH
Anyang’ Nyong’o, P., ed. 30 years of independence in Africa: the lost decades? 254pp. ($15.00/£8.50) Academy Science Publ 1992 KE Aseka, E.M. Africa in the 21st century. 59pp. K.shs.100.00 ($9.00) Zapf 1996 KE Asiwaju, A.I., Adeniyi, P.O., eds. Borderlands in Africa. A multidisciplinary and comparative focus on Nigeria and West Africa. 436pp. ($45.00/£25.00) Univ Lagos Press 1989 NR Asiwaju, A.I., Bach, D.C. Transfrontier regionalism: perspectives on the European Union and post-colonial Africa with special reference to Borgu. Followed by The revival of regional integration in Africa. ISBN: 9782015652 77pp. N250.00 ($14.00) IFRA - Nig 1999 NR Assefa, H., Wachira, G., eds. Peace making and democratisation in Africa. Theoretical perspectives and church initiatives. 265pp. K.shs.640.00 ($25.00/£13.95) EAEP 1997 KE Assefa, T., Rugumamu, S., Ahmed, A.G.M. Globalization, democracy and development in Africa: challenges and prospects. ISBN: 095212694X cd. 380pp. ($15.00) OSSREA 2002 ET Atenga, N. Réflexion sur la stratégie de la défense en Afrique. 132pp. CFA850.00 CLE 1980 CM FRE Awoonor, K.N. Africa. The marginalized continent. 184pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Woeli 1994 GH Balleis, P. L’argent ... ou l’homme? La politique de la banque mondiale. 39pp. (FB17.00) Epiphanie 1996 ZR FRE Banjo, A. Election monitoring and observation in Nigeria and South Africa: a decade review. (EISA occasional papers, 23) R20.00 EISA 2004 SA Bayat, J.F., et al. The criminalization of the state in Africa. ISBN: 0852553927 126pp. K.shs.1,685 EAEP 1999 KE ben Arrous, M. Beyond territoriality. A geography of Africa from below. [Also available in Afrikaans, French, Portuguese.] (CODESRIA working paper, 4/96) 45pp. ($4.95/£2.75) CODESRIA 1996 SG ben Arrous, M. L’état ses dissidences et leur territoires: la géographie par les bas en Afrique. [Also available in English, Afrikaans, Portuguese.] 64pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/ £5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1996 SG FRE ben Arrous, M. O estado, as suas dissidencias e os seus territorios: a geographia pelo baixo em Africa. [Also available in French, Afrikaans, English.] 64pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1999 SG POR ben Hammouda, H., Kassé, M., eds. Repenser Bretton-Woods. Réponses africaines. ISBN: 2845861931 316pp. CFA14,000 ($30.00/£27.00/Eur25.00) CODESRIA 2003 SG FRE
Botha, R.F. The development of Africa and the role of outside powers. (Occas. paps.) 8pp. SA Inst Int Affairs 1982 SA Bremath, A.S. The Mazruiana collection. ISBN: 9966250152 362pp. K.shs.170.00 EAEP 2001 KE Bujra, A., Adejumobi, S., eds. Breaking barriers, creating new hopes. Democracy, civil society and good governance in Africa. ISBN: 0954538498 376pp. ($37.95/£22.95) DPMF 2003 ET Burger, A.P., ed. Ubuntu. Cradles of peace and development. ISBN: 0798642645 127pp. R39.00 Tafelberg 1999 SA Centre Culturel Jean XXIII Les neuveux d’abord. 16pp. ill. CFA300.00 ENDA 1996 SG FRE Centre for Conflict Resolution Borders, frontiers and conflict in Africa. 25pp. Ebert - Namibia 2001 SX Centre for Southern African Studies. Conference on security, stability, development and co-operation in Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 1990. (Backgrounder series, 1) 56pp. ($5.00) R6.50 Univ West Cape 1992 SA Centre for Southern African Studies. Report on the tenth ministerial conference of the non-aligned movement, Accra, Ghana, Sept 1991. (Backgrounder series, 2) 51pp. ($5.00) R6.50 Univ West Cape 1992 SA Chiamuta, L.O. Sustaining democratization in Africa. 140pp. Pen Comms 1997 NR Chole, E., Ibrahim, J. Democratisation processes in Africa: problems and prospects. 147pp. ($18.00/£9.95) CODESRIA 1995 SG Chole, E., Ibrahim, J., eds. Processus de démocratisation en Afrique: problèmes et perspectives. 150pp. CODESRIA 1995 SG FRE Cilliers, J., Mills, G., eds. From peacekeeping to complex emergencies: peace support missions in Africa, 1999. ISBN: 1874890994 176pp. R70.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1999 SA Clapham, C., ed. African guerillas. ISBN: 0852888163 cd. & 224pp. (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852558155 (£12.95 pap.) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG [East Africa only] Cleaver, K.M., Donovan, W.G. Agriculture, pauvreté et réforme des politiques en Afrique sub-saharienne. 49pp. FG3,500 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE Development Policy Managment Forum DPMF occasional papers. 12 vols. ISBN: 190485530X 307pp. ($74.95/£44.95 set of 12) DPMF 2004 ET Diop, M.C., ed. Les figures de politique en Afrique. Des pouvoirs hérités au pouvoirs élus. ISBN: 2865379647 461pp. CFA14,000 ($30.00/£16.75) CODESRIA 1999 SG FRE
Berman, B., Eyoh, P., Kymlicka, W., eds. Ethnicity and democracy in Africa. ISBN: 0852558600 cd. 352pp. (£45.00) ISBN: 0852558619 (£17.95) Philip 2004 SA
Diouf, M. Political liberalisation or democratic transition? African perspectives. [Also available in French and Arabic.] (CODESRIA New Path series, 1) ISBN: 8506736 83pp. ($13.95/£7.95) CODESRIA 1998 SG
Bigala, J.C.B. A framework of political socialization. 135pp. (£2.15/$4.40) K.shs.27.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE
Do-Nascimento, J., Mawa-Kiese, M., eds. La renaissance africaine et sa prospective. ISBN: 2842200004 350pp. (Eur30.00) Paari 2001 ZR FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Politics and government—Africa
Subject index
Donders, J.G. War and rumours of war: an action report on war and peace in Africa. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 94) 51pp. pl. maps Gaba 1986 KE
Hyslop, J., ed. Always something new. African democracy in the era of globalisation. ISBN: 1868143317 560pp. R150.00 Witwatersrand UP 1998 SA
Maloka, E., ed. A united states of Africa? (African Century Publications Series, 8) ISBN: 0798301465 465pp. R120.00 ($49.95/ £29.95) Africa Inst 2001 SA
Doo-Kingué, M. Quelle démocratie en Afrique. ISBN: 2723611272 336pp. CFA5,000 NEAS 1999 SG FRE
Ijomah, B.I.C. Afrocracy. Basis for national stability (partyless democracy). 194pp. N500.00 ($48.50/£30.40) Idodo 2003[?] NR
Maloka, E., Hugo, P., eds. The state of Africa. ISBN: 0798301783 Africa Inst 2004 SA
Eboussi Boulaga, F. Lignes de résistance. ISBN: 2723504506 295pp. (Eur24.00) CLE 1999 CM FRE
Jackson, G.S. Outside insights: quotations for contemporary Africa. 216pp. R59.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA
Ehui, F.T. L’Afrique noire: de la super puissance au sous-développement. ISBN: 2844871380 176pp. CFA5,000 (Eur10.67) NEI 2002 IV FRE
Jerome, A. National agrarianism: Africa in search of an ideology. vol. 1 cd. & 209pp. ($4.90/ £2.50 pap.) ($6.00/£2.95 cd.) K.shs.18.00 K.shs.48.70 cd. Kenya Lit Bureau 1973 KE
Ellis, S., ed. Africa now: people, policies and institutions. 320pp. K.shs.1,840 EAEP 1995 KE [Kenya only] Enda Editions Une Afrique s’invente. Recherches populaires et apprentissages de la démocratie. ISBN: 2845861559 321pp. CFA6,000 (Eur20.00) ENDA 2001 SG FRE [co-published with Editions Karthala,Paris] Fowler, S. The oppression and liberation of modern Africa. Examining the powers shaping today’s Africa. 177pp. R35.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1995 SA Friedrich Ebert Foundation Problems and prospects of democratic governance in Africa: proceedings of a synmposium organised by the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences in collaboration with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation held in Accra from 3-5 June 1996. 116pp. Ebert - Namibia 1996 SX
Jinadu, L.A. Fanon. In search of the African revolution. new ed. ISBN: 9781561181 270pp. ($24.95/£24.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Jinadu, L.A. The political economy of peace and security in Africa: ethnocultural and economic perspectives. ISBN: 0797421122 251pp. ($20.00) AAPS 2000 ZI Joinet, B. Step by step towards democracy. ($2.00) Paulines 1997 KE
Kabongo Makanda Mwadiavita Armées et politique en Afrique Noire au Sud du Sahara. 209pp. ($24.00) Z45.50 Press Univ Congo 1979 ZR FRE Kambudzi, A.M. Africa’s peace fiasco from 1960-1995. ISBN: 908307659 79pp. ($13.95/£7.95) Univ Zimbabwe 1998 ZI
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung-Yaoundé Ce n’est pas ça la corruption? [Also available in English.] ISBN: 291208623X 70pp. free PUA 2000 CM FRE
Kange Ewane, F. Défi aux africains du IIIe millénaire. ISBN: 2723500888 (Eur20.00) CLE 2000 CM FRE
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung-Yaoundé Is this not corruption? [Also available in French.} ISBN: 2912086256 70pp. free PUA 2001 CM
Kum’a Ndumbe III. L’Afrique relève le défi (projet pour partage communautaire moderne). 67pp. CFA500.00 Univ Yaoundé 1985 CM FRE
Genge, M., Kornegay, F., Rule, S. African union and a pan-African parliament: working papers. ISBN: 0798301406 40pp. R25.00 ($10.00) Africa Inst 2000 SA
Lawal, B., Olugbade, K. Issues in contemporary African social and political thought (readings for colleges and schools). vol.1 248pp. ($8.00/£3.50) N40.00 Vantage 1989 NR
Goldstein, W. African souls talk. When politics is not enough. ISBN: 1919931546 248pp. R175.00 ($24.00) (£14.00) Jacana 2003 SA
Leistner, E. African predicament. Africa wavering between past and modern time. 100pp. R45.00 Eur15.00 Mlalo 2003 SA
Guèye, S.P. Du bon usage de la démocratie en Afrique. Contribution à une approche éthique et pédagogique du pluralisme politique. ISBN: 2723614824 280pp. CFA5,000 (Eur16.00) NEAS 2003 SG FRE Heuvel, M.C. Rebuilding our nation. Participating in the political process from the perspective of a biblical Christian worldview. (IRS brochures, 71) ISBN: 1868223345 96pp. R40.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1999 SA Hugo, P., Maloka, E., eds. The state of Africa. An annual review 2003/4. (Africa Institute occasional paper, 72) Africa Inst 2004 SA Hugo, P., Maloka, E., eds. The state of Africa 2003-2004: a thematic and factual review. ISBN: 0798301783 180pp. col.ill.maps ($24.95/£17.95) Africa Inst 2004 SA Hyden, G., Venter, D., eds. Constitution-making and democratisation in Africa. ISBN: 079830149X 236pp. R90.00 ($34.95/£20.95) Africa Inst 2001 SA
Lukusa, A. La démocratie et le développement en Afrique. 480pp. ($106.00) KapongoKazadi 1998 ZR FRE Ly, A. La gauche africaine devant ses anciens mots d’ordre clés sur le projet de société. ISBN: 2844020267 286pp. CFA5,500 (Eur8.38) Xamal 2001 SG FRE Mafeje, A. In search of an alternative. A collection of essays on revolutionary theory and politics. 121pp. ($16.00/£8.95) SAPES 1992 ZI Makgetlaneng, S. Continental political governance and regional integration: from the Lagos plan of action to the new partnership for Africa’s development. (AISA research paper, 66) ISBN: 0798301619 54pp. R40.00 ($15.00) Africa Inst 2003 SA Makgopa, W.M. African renaissance: the new struggle. ISBN: 062403805X cd. 500pp. R79.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Maliyamkono, T.L., Kanyongolo, F.E. When political parties clash. ISBN: 9987250351 331pp. ($41.95/£24.95) Tema 2004 TZ
Maloka, E., le Roux, E., eds. Africa in the new millenium. ISBN: 0798301457 143pp. R60.00 ($27.95/ £16.95) Africa Inst SA Manji, F., Burnett, P., eds. African voices on development and social justice. Editorials from Pambazuka news 2004. (Editorials from Pambazuka News, 1) ISBN: 9987417353 307pp. ($34.95/£17.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2005 TZ Masterson, G. An analysis of the implementation of the African Peer Review Mechanism in Ghana, Kenya and Mauritius. (EISA occasional papers, 29) R20.00 EISA 2005 SA Masterson, G. Governance quality and government commitment to the NEPAD African peer review mechansim. (EISA research report, 5) R20.00 EISA 2003 SA Matambalya, F.A.S.T. The new EU-ACP partnership: consequences for eastern and southern Africa. ISBN: 9976973845 82pp. T.shs.8,500 ($34.95/£20.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2001 TZ Mbembe, A. On private indirect government. (State of the Literature, 1-2000) 117pp. ($18.95/ £10.95) CODESRIA 2000 SG Mesfin, R., Assefa, T., eds. Promoting good governance and wider civil society participation in eastern and southern Africa. Report of a regional conference. ISBN: 0954203038 128pp. ($24.95/£14.95) OSSREA 2001 ET Middleton, N., O’Keefe, P., Moyo, S. Tears of the crocodile: from Rio to reality in the developing world. 228pp. K.shs.640.00 EAEP 1993 KE [East Africa only] Mills, G., Clapham, C., Herbst, J., eds. Big African states. ISBN: 1868144259 Witwatersrand UP 2005 SA Mills, G., Stremlau, J., eds. The privatisation of security in Africa 1999. ISBN: 1874890943 130pp. R50.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1999 SA Mkandawire, T., Olukoshi, A. Between liberalisation and oppression. The politics of structural adjustment in Africa. cd. & 430pp. ($63.00/£35.00 cd.) ($35.00/£19.95 pap.) CODESRIA 1995 SG Moyo, J.N. The politics of administration. 151pp. ($21.50/£11.95) SAPES 1992 ZI Mukoma wa Ngugi Conversing with Africa. Politics of change. ISBN: 0797425616 230pp. ($30.95/£18.95) Kimaathi 2003 ZI Nabudere, D.W., ed. Globalization and the African post-colonial state. ISBN: 0797421106 273pp. ($20.00) AAPS 2000 ZI Nathan, L. Towards a conference on security, stability, development and co-operation in Africa. (Southern African Perspectives, 13) 50pp. ($5.00) R6.50 Univ West Cape 1992 SA Nchoji Nkwi, P., et al. Democracy, decentralisation, media and good governance. 135pp. CFA5,000 ($10.00) ICASSRT 1999 CM Ndegwa, P., Green, R.H. Africa to 2000 and beyond. Imperative political and economic agenda. 172pp. K.shs.425.00 ($18.00/£9.95) EAEP 1994 KE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 392
African Books in Print
Subject index N’Diaye, A.S. L’Afrique palabre.
Politics and government—Africa—Bibliography Eburnie 2002 IV FRE
Ngugi wa Thiong’o Moving the centre: the struggle for cultural freedom. 204pp. K.shs.550.00 EAEP 1993 KE Ngware, S., Dzimbiri, L., Ocharo, R.M. Multipartism and people’s participation. ISBN: 9987250203 152pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Tema 2000 TZ Nnoli, O. Ethnic politics in Africa. (AAPS Books Project series, 1) 268pp. ($10.00/£7.50) N80.00 Vantage 1990 NR Nnoli, O., ed. Ethnic conflicts in Africa. ISBN: 2869780702 417pp. ($30.00/£16.75) CODESRIA 1998 SG Nnoli, O., ed. Government and politics in Africa. A reader. ISBN: 0797421270 819pp. ($20.00) AAPS 2000 ZI Nweke, A. African security in the nuclear age. ($9.50/£6.50) Fourth Dimension 1985 NR Nzongola-Ntalaja, G. The African crisis: the way out. ($4.95/£2.75) SAPES 1992 ZI
Nzongola-Ntalaja, G. Nation building and state building in Africa. 39pp. ($5.75/£3.25) SAPES 1993 ZI Obi, C. Our struggle: a political analysis of the problems of peoples struggling for true freedom. 76pp. ($8.95/£6.25) Fourth Dimension 1986 NR Offiong, D.A. Imperialism and dependency. Obstacles to African development. new ed. ISBN: 9781561114 316pp. ($34.95/£24.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Ogene, F.C. The politics of scarcity: African resources and international politics. (NIIA seminar series, 4) 70pp. N1.00 NIIA 1979 NR Ojo, O.A. Africa and the Middle East: the politics 17pp. ($6.95/£3.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1997 NR Okoth, P.G., Ogot, B.A. Conflict in contemporary Africa. ISBN: 9966221786 268pp. K.shs.475.00 ($6.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2000 KE Oladipo, O., ed. Remaking Africa: challenges of the twenty-first century. ISBN: 9783459600 296pp. N600.00 ($17.00) Hope 1998 NR Omotoso, K. Season of migration to the South: Africa’s crises reconsidered. 146pp. R44.95 Tafelberg 1994 SA Onyebadi, U. African government and politricks. The art of mismanaging Africa’s affairs. ISBN: 9966982507 118pp. ($19.95) Chrisley 2004 KE Osaghae, E., ed. Between state and civil society in Africa. cd. & 281pp. ($47.50/£26.50 cd.) ($25.00/£13.95 pap.) CODESRIA 1994 SG Oyugi, W.O. The teaching and research of political science in Eastern Africa. 272pp. OSSREA 1989 ET Oyugi, W.O., Gitonga, A., eds. Democratic theory and practice in Africa. 216pp. K.shs.630.00 EAEP 1987 KE Palmberg, M., ed. National identity and democracy in Africa. ISBN: 0796919011 352pp. R155.00 HSRC Publ 1999 SA Pienaar, S. The Horn of Africa. 11pp. R4.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1985 SA
Raftopoulos, B. The left and crisis in Africa. ZIDS 1989 ZI
8pp. Z$8.00
Rankhumise, S.P., Mahlako, A., eds. Defence, militarism, peace building and human security in Africa. ISBN: 0798301945 96pp. ill.maps ($22.95/ £14.95) Africa Inst 2005 SA Rosemann, P.W. Africa as “other” of the West: problems, challenges, chances. (Monograph series, 1) 34pp. Ug Martyrs 1999 UG Rugumamu, S.M. Globalization, liberalization and Africa’s marginalization. (AAPS occasional papers, 3/1) 24pp. AAPS 1999 ZI Rurihose, N. Le système d’integration Africaine. 182pp. Press Univ Congo 1984 ZR FRE Ryan, P., et al., eds. The role of Christians in politics in Africa today. ISBN: 9966218335 88pp. K.shs.160.00 ($2.00) Paulines 2002 KE Safari, J.F. The new art of leadership for Africa 2000. 117pp. T.shs.1,500 ($3.00) Ndanda Mission 1996 TZ Saul, J.S. Millenial Africa: capitalism, socialism, democracy. ISBN: 0865439508 293pp. ($24.95) Red Sea/AWP 2001 ER
van der Vyver, J.D., Potgieter, P.J.J.S., Sithole, M., Theron, D. Democracy in South Africa. (IRS study pamphlets, F1/304) 68pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1993 SA van der Walt, B.J. Understanding and rebuilding Africa; from desperation today to expectation for tomorrow. ISBN: 1868224198 566pp. R125.00 ($35.00) ICCA 2002 SA Vaughan, O., ed. Indigenous political structures and governance in Africa. ISBN: 9788059066 cd. 435pp. ill. N3,500/ ($45.00/27.00) ISBN: 9788059031 N2,000/($25.00/£15.00) Sefer 2003 NR Were, E., Amutabi, M. Nationalism and democracy for peoplecentred development in Africa. ISBN: 9966854150 177pp. K.shs.360.00 ($14.40) Moi Univ 2000[?] KE Williams, G. Fragments of democracy. Nationalism, development and the state in Africa. (Democracy and Governance occasional papers, 3) ISBN: 0796920265 62pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA Politics and government—Africa— Addresses and essays Ake, C. The feasibility of democracy in Africa. [Keynote address.] 10pp. N10.00 ($1.00) IFRA - Nig 1992 NR
Seppala, P., Koda, B., eds. The making of a periphery. ISBN: 9976973403 344pp. T.shs.5,000 Mkuki na Nyota 1998 TZ [Tanzania only]
Anokari, N.B. Ano and the African challenge. ISBN: 9783038003 75pp. N300.00 Ano 2001 NR
Serapiao, L., et al., eds. African foreign policies in the 21st century: working papers. ISBN: 0798301422 78pp. R40.00 ($10.00) Africa Inst 2001 SA
Frimpong, K., Jacques, G., eds. Corruption, democracy and good governance: essays on accountability and ethical behaviour. ISBN: 9991271147 278pp. ($41.95/£24.95) Lightbooks 1999 BS
Shivji, I.G. Fight my beloved continent: new democracy in Africa. 2nd rev. ed. 40pp. ($6.50/£3.50) SAPES 1992 ZI Shivji, I.G. State and constitutionalism: an African debate on democracy. 287pp. ($30.00/ £16.75) SAPES 1991 ZI Sichone, O.B., Turok, B., Mbeki, T., Sejanamane, M., et al. Africa and the new world order. (IRS study pamphlets, 320) 36pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1994 SA South African Institute of International Affairs Foreign powers and Africa: socioeconomic dimensions papers delivered on the second day of the SAIIA’s second International Outlook Conference on September 7, 1982. 92pp. R10.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1983 SA Southall, R. Democracy in Africa. Moving beyond a difficult legacy. (Democracy and Governance occasional papers, 2) ISBN: 0796920176 69pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA Spectrum Books The African Union and the challenges of cooperation and integration. ISBN: 9780293418 cd. N1,020 Spectrum 2002 NR Tadadjeu, M. Confédération des Etats-Unis africaine. 165pp. CFA4,000 ($30.00/£14.50) Buma Kor 1996 CM FRE Taku, C.A. Africa: hopes and aspirations crucified. Tencam 1999 CM Tévoédjrè, A. Winning the war against humiliation. Report of the independent commission on Africa and the challenges of the third millenium. ISBN: 9991946004 192pp. ($24.95/£14.95) CPP 2002 DM Tshiwula, J.M.M. La conférence nationale en Afrique et les secrets mystiques. cd. 188pp. ($98.00) Kalombo 1994 ZR FRE
Ki-Zerbo, J. A quand l’Afrique? ISBN: 2847700325 cd. 206pp. CFA3,000 Eburnie 2003 IV FRE [co-published with Editions d’En Bas, Editions de l’Aube, Editions Ganndal, Guinea; Editions Jamana, Mali; Presses Universitaires d’Afrique, Cameroun; Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Benin; Editions Sankofa et Gurli, Burkina Faso] Ngaage, B.S. Essays on polemic: political and social issues. ISBN: 9783038007 65pp. N350.00 ($2.00/£1.50) Ano 1999 NR Nyerere, J.K. Reflections on Africa and its future. (NIIA, lecture series, 41) 14pp. NIIA 1987 NR Okoye, M. Embattled men: profiles in social adjustment. 256pp. (£8.50) Fourth Dimension 1981 NR Shivji, I.G. Intellectuals at the Hill: essays and talks 1969-1993. 270pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Dar es Salaam UP 1993 TZ Soyinka, W. The blackman and the veil, and Beyond the Berlin wall. 80pp. Sedco 1993 GH Politics and government—Africa—Atlases and maps Griffiths, I.L.L. Atlas of African affairs. 2nd ed. 233pp. R84.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA [Southern Africa only] Politics and government—Africa— Bibliography Coker, Q.F., Dada, A.S., Oni, J.A. Commonwealth in Africa, governance and democracy: a select bibliography. (NIIA bibliography series, 21) 126pp. ($42.00) NIIA 2004 NR INADES De la bonne gouvernance en Afrique, bibliographie commentée. 276pp. CFA2,500 (Eur8.00) Inades 2001 IV FRE INADES-Documentation Ethnies et pluralisme démocratique. 26pp. Inades 1995 IV FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Politics and government—Africa—Bibliography INADES Démocratisation en Afrique. Bibliographie commentée. 58pp. CFA1,700 Inades 1992 IV FRE Mandaza, I., ed. The peace and security databank project report. ISBN: 1779050755 114pp. ($19.95/£11.95) SAPES 2000 ZI Politics and government—Africa—Statistics Esterhuysen, P., comp., le Roux, E., ed. Africa at a glance. Facts and figures 2001/2002. new ed. ISBN: 0798301562 104pp. R100.00 ($20.00/£24.95) Africa Inst 2002 SA Politics and government—Developing countries Amuzu, J.K.A. First World Third World: a collection of essays on science, energy, and nuclear threat in the Third World. 94pp. ($12.50/ £6.95) Ghana UP 1988 GH Green, N. Third World destiny. R49.95 Human and Rousseau 1988 SA South-South Commission Majukumu ya nchi za kusini. [The challenge to the South.] pl. T.shs.6,000 Tanz Publ House 1993 TZ SWA South South Commission Challenge to the South. 340pp. ill. ($10.00) Fourth Dimension 1993 NR Politics and government—Developing countries—Addresses and essays Akinyemi, B. Contemporary constraints on peace roles of the Third World. (NIIA, reprint series, 2) 19pp. NIIA 1976 NR Politics and government—Dictionaries Brits, J.P. The Penguin concise dictionary of historical and political terms. 285pp. R51.00 Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA Politics and government—Study and teaching Adamolekun, N.K., Osuntokun, B. Government and politics for West African students. 298pp. N123.10 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1977 NR Afori-Geyan, K. Understanding politics. 109pp. C5,000 ($8.00) Asempa 1991 GH Akindele, S.T., Obiyan, A.S., Owoeye, J. The subject matter of political science. ISBN: 9782194077 162pp. N300.00 ($10.00) College Press - Nig 1998 NR Anifowose, R., Enemuo, F., eds. Elements of politics. ISBN: 9780230580 394pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Malthouse 1999 NR Bond-Stewart, K. Government and social organization. 144pp. ill. ($7.20) Mambo 1986 ZI Cloete, F., Wissink, H., eds. Improving public policy. ISBN: 0627024793 316pp. R219.95 Van Schaik 2001 SA Gildenhuys, J.S.H., Knipe, A., eds. The organisation of government. An introduction. ISBN: 0627024807 321pp. R249.95 Van Schaik 2001 SA Kapiyo, J.A., Owing, A. The evolving world: a history and government course, form 1. 90pp. OUP - Nairobi 1996 KE Kapiyo, J.A. The evolving world: a history and government course, form 2. 156pp. ill. maps OUP - Nairobi 1997 KE Oke, M. The nature of political concepts and ideologies. ISBN: 9783524860 61pp. N200.00 ($3.00) Hope 2001 NR Oladipo, O. Government: nature, functions and principles. ISBN: 9783524879 33pp. N150.00 ($2.00) Hope 2001 NR
Schulte, C. Talking politics and being understood. 152pp. pl. U.shs.8,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1997 UG Politics and government—Study and teaching (Secondary) Aluko, F., Ojo, M. Government for senior secondary school and O-level students: a revision guide. 144pp. N87.60 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1988 NR Okoli, E.F., Okoli, F.C. Foundations of government and politics. 256pp. N275.00 Africana First 1990 NR Olisa, M., et al. Government for senior secondary. 284pp. N375.00 Africana First 1990 NR Pollution see also Ecology Sanitary engineering Global Environment Monitoring System A global programme for urban air quality and assessment. 16pp. free UNEP 1993 KE MUL Global Environment Monitoring System Guidelines for GEMS/AIR collaborative reviews. (GEMS/Air methodology review handbook) 62pp. ($15.00) UNEP 1995 KE [5] Global Environment Monitoring System Measurement of suspended particulate matter in ambient air. (GEMS/Air methodology review handbook) 42pp. ($15.00) UNEP 1994 KE [3] Global Environment Monitoring System Passive and active sampling methodologists for measurement of air quality. (GEMS/Air methodology review handbook) 80pp. ($15.00) UNEP 1995 KE [4] Global Environment Monitoring System Primary standard calibration methods and network intercalibration for air quality monitoring. (GEMS/Air methodology review handbook) 40pp. ($15.00) UNEP 1994 KE [2] Global Environment Monitoring System Quality assurance in urban air quality monitoring. (GEMS/Air methodology review handbook) 40pp. ($15.00) UNEP 1994 KE [1] Pauli, G., Mshigeni, K.E. ZERI first five years of action: the Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives 19941999. 28pp. ill. UNAM 1999 SX United Nations Environment Programme Chemical pollution: a global overview. 116pp. ($10.00) UNEP 1992 KE MUL United Nations Environment Programme Storage of hazardous materials. (UNEP technical report) ($20.00) UNEP 1990 KE [3] United Nations Environment Programme Hazardous waste policies and strategies a training manual. (UNEP technical report) ($65.00) UNEP 1992 KE MUL [10] United Nations Environment Programme IRPTC legal file 1992/1993. Regulations and guidelines on chemicals. An extract of the IRPTC data bank. 3 vols. 2,000pp. UNEP 1993 KE Pollution—Addresses and essays Lewis, R.A. Pollution of the internal environment. 20pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1971 GH Pollution—Botswana Segosebe, E.M., van der Post, C. Urban industrial solid waste pollution in Botswana: practice, attitudes and policy recommendations. (NIR working bibliographies) P10.00 NIDCR 1991 BS Pollution—Ghana Akuffo, S.B. Pollution control in a developing economy. A study of the situation in Ghana. 2nd rev.ed. ISBN: 9964302290 128pp. col.ill.pl. ($16.95/£9.95) Ghana UP 1999 GH
Subject index Pollution—Kenya Mwandosya, M.D. Pollution in the manufacturing sector in 73pp. ($11.25/£6.25) AFREPREN 1996 KE Onjala, J.O. Pollution by sugar industries in Kenya: the damage to communities along the River Nyando. (IDS working paper, 512) 57pp. K.shs.70.00 ($2.59/£1.61) Inst Dev Stud 1996 KE Pollution—South Africa Cloete, C.E., Oliff, W.D. South African marine pollution survey report 1974-1975. (SANSP Report, 8) 60pp. CSIR 1976 SA Mullins, E.N. Plastic waste recycyling in Port Elizabeth: a socio-economic and environmental assessment. (Research reports, 58) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Noble, R.G. Solid wastes research in South Africa. (NSPU Report, 4) 13pp. CSIR 1976 SA Nurse, R.H., et al. Recycling and disposal of plastics waste in South Africa. (NSPU Report, 6) 35pp. CSIR 1976 SA Pollution—South Africa—Bibliography Darracott, D.A., Cloete, C.E. Bibliography on marine pollution in South Africa. (NSPU Report, 5) 131pp. CSIR 1976 SA Pollution—Tanzania Mwandosya, M.D., Luhanga, M.L., eds. Pollution in the manufacturing sector in Tanzania. ISBN: 9987612016 CEEST 2000 TZ Portugal—Atlases and maps New Holland Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Algarve. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm (portrait); sheet size: 1,000x710mm (landscape); scale: 1:175,000; English/French/ German.] new ed. col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Portuguese language—Dictionaries Moçambique Editora Dicionaro universal de lingua Portuguesa mais gramatica. ISBN: 1004409990 (Eur5.22) Moz Editora 2003 MZ POR Portuguese language—Grammar Moçambique Editora Gramatica basica de lingua Portuguesa. ISBN: 8881004909 (Eur7.83) Moz Editora 2002 MZ POR Moçambique Editora Gramatica facil de lingua Portuguesa. ISBN: 1000309991 (Eur5.22) Moz Editora 2003 MZ POR Portuguese language—Study and teaching D’Silvas Filho, A. Prontuario facil de lingua Portuguesa. ISBN: 4444440058 (Eur1.51) Moz Editora 2002 MZ POR Poultry see also Agriculture Chavunduka, G.M. Poultry keeping. 1983 ZI
60pp. ($3.40) Mambo
de Pascal, P. Comment élever les poules. 289pp. CLE 1996 CM FRE
new ed.
Poultry—Africa, East Cockburn, H. The complete East African poultry book. ($5.45/£2.15) Kshs.25.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE Ngugi, J.B.M. Chicken production. Mains breeds, breeding and management. 120pp. ill. K.shs.25.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE Poultry—Morocco Ait Boulahsen, A., El Houadfi, M., Guessous, F. Le point sur l’aviculture au Maroc. 186pp. Dir200.00 Actes Ed 1994 MR FRE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 394
African Books in Print
Subject index Prayer books see also Christian life Babendreier, J., Castiella, P., Mimbi, P. A question and answer catechism. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966882138 137pp. col.ill.pl. ($2.00) Focus 2002 KE Banga, J.F. S’initier à la prière avec Jésus. ISBN: 2914624123 80pp. FC1,000 ($2.00) Paulines - DRC 2002 ZR FRE Baudena, P., Gichuhi, J.B. Prayer in an African context. With an anthology of African traditional prayers. ISBN: 9966212353 120pp. K.shs.320.00 ($4.00) Paulines 2002 KE Botha, A. Exam prayer. new ed. ISBN: 086997792X R2.95 Lux Verbi 2000 SA Bujo, B. The power of the word of God. Daily meditations. ISBN: 9966219722 80pp. K.shs.240.00 ($3.00) Paulines 2004 KE Carstens, C. Exam prayer. ISBN: 0869977946 R2.85 Lux Verbi 1998 SA
Press—South Africa—Indexes Médiaspaul Prions avec l’eglise. Les psaumes de la semaine. ISBN: 2741400679 32pp. ($1.50) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Paulines Editions J’aime Jésus, mon premier livre de prières. ISBN: 2914624727 48pp. ill. FC650.00 ($1.25) Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE Peter, C.B. Our Father: an exposition of the Lord’s prayer. ISBN: 9966992537 80pp. K.shs.140.00 ($7.00/£4.20) Zapf 1998 KE Pope John Paul II The Lord’s day. ISBN: 9966213988 64pp. K.shs.100.00 ($2.00) Paulines 1998 KE Richards, W., Richardson, J. Prayers for today. cd. & 112pp. ($1.50 pap.) K.shs.10.00 K.shs.15.00 cd. Uzima 1980 KE Roberts, M. Animal prayers. ISBN: 0864865570 cd. 112pp. R80.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA
Castiella, P. Christian devotions and hymns. 3rd ed. cd. ill.pl. ($8.00) Scepter 2004 KE
Tutu, D.M. An African prayer book. ISBN: 1919930639 139pp. R50.00 Double Storey 2004 SA
Dale, D. Celebrating prayers for religious. ISBN: 9966213767 80pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE
Wawa, R. 10 neuvaines pour toutes les nécessités. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2741401756 176pp. ($3.50) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE
Dufour, P. Veillez et priez. ISBN: 2844871666 CFA3,000 ($4.30/£4.57) NEI 2003 IV FRE
Witwicki, R. The angelus. trans. by Silvano Borruso ISBN: 9966216081 32pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 2001 KE
Filles de St Paul Mes prières quotidiennes. ISBN: 291462462X 48pp. pl. FC650.00 ($1.25) Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE
Precious stones Sweeney, J. Gemmology. 112pp. col. ill. maps. Longman - Zimb 1971 ZI
Filles de St Paul Les plus belles prières à Marie. tous les mystères du rosaire. [Also available in Lingala.] ISBN: 2914624352 96pp. ill. FC1,250 ($2.50) Paulines - DRC 2003 ZR FRE
Press see also Broadcasting Censorship Communication Journalism Mass media Publishing and book industries
Jacobs, L. Exam prayer. ISBN: 0796300100 R3.95 Lux Verbi 2003 SA Jean-Paul II Les 20 mystères du rosaire. ISBN: 2741401681 32pp. ($0.50) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Jean-Paul II Chemin de la croix. ISBN: 2741401802 32pp. ($0.75) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE Kuma, A. Jesus of the deep forest: prayers and praises of Afua Kuma. 56pp. ill. pl. C200.00 ($1.00) Asempa 1981 GH Longanghe, M. Neuvaine de prières avec les psaumes 1. Action de grâce et appel au secours. ISBN: 2914624425 80pp. ill. FC1,000 ($1.80) Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE Longanghe, M. Neuvaine de prières avec les psaumes 2. Moment de détresse et de découragement. ISBN: 2914634433 80pp. ill. FC1,000 ($1.80) Paulines DRC 3005 ZR FRE Longanghe, M. Neuvaine de prières avec les psaumes 3. Chemin de délivrance et de libération. ISBN: 2914624441 80pp. ill. FC1,000 ($1.80) Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE Longanghe, M. Neuvaine de prières avec les psaumes 4. Situation d’amertume et de lamentation. ISBN: 2914624573 80pp. ill. FC1,000 ($1.80) Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE Médiaspaul Prier avec Marie dans les moments difficiles. ISBN: 2741401950 32pp. ($1.50) Mediaspaul 2003 ZR FRE
Press—Africa Makunile, E.C., ed. Christian press in Africa: voice of human concern. cd. 61pp. 70n Multimedia 1973 ZA Ochs, M. The African press. 155pp. ($5.90) E£15.00 Am Univ 1986 UA Press—Kenya Abuoga, J.B. The history of the press in Kenya. (Africa Media Monograph Series, 5) 116pp. ($16.00) K.shs.100.00 ACPDT 1988 ZI Press—Nigeria Jose, I.B. Walking a tight rope: power play in Daily Times. 421pp. pl. ($12.70) Univ Press Nig 1987 NR Yakubu, A. Press law in Nigeria. ISBN: 978023098X 124pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Malthouse 1999 NR Press—South Africa South African Library The South African Commercial Advertiser, no.1, January 7, 1824 no.18, May 5, 1824, together with facts connected with the stopping of the South African commercial advertiser. (S.A. Library reprint series, 6) 158pp. R12.50 South African Lib 1978 SA Tomaselli, K.G., Louw, P.E. The alternative press in South Africa. 180pp. Anthropos 1991 SA Press—South Africa—Catalogs Coetzee, J.C., comp. South African newspapers on microfilm. 2nd ed.(Bibliographies of the State Library, 35) State Lib - SA 1991 SA
Press—South Africa—Indexes Bruce, M., Merrett, C., Physick, S., comps. Weekly Mail index: prisoners of conscience, 1986-1989. 16pp. Univ Natal Lib 1990 SA Merrett, C. Mail and Guardian index, 1994. (University of Natal Library Publication series, 2K) 23pp. R11.40 (£3.00) Univ Natal Lib 1995 SA Merrett, C. Mail and Guardian index, 1995. (University of Natal Library Publication series, 2L) 25pp. R11.40 (£3.00) Univ Natal Lib 1996 SA Merrett, C. Mail and Guardian index 1996. (University of Natal Library Publication series, 2M) 23pp. R11.40 (£3.00) Univ Natal Lib 1997 SA Merrett, C. Mail and Guardian index 1998. (University of Natal Library publication series, 2P) ISBN: 1868403289 18pp. R25.00 Univ Natal Lib 1998 SA Merrett, C. Mail and Guardian index 1997. (University of Natal Library Publication series, 2N) ISBN: 1868402665 20pp. R11.40 (£3.00) Univ Natal Lib 1998 SA Merrett, C. Mail and Guardian index 1999. (University of Natal Library publication series, 2Q) ISBN: 1868403661 17pp. R25.00 Univ Natal Lib 2000 SA Merrett, C. Mail and Guardian index 2000. (University of Natal Library publication series, 2R) ISBN: 1868404390 20pp. R25.00 Centre Policy Stud 2001 SA Merrett, C. Mail and Guardian index 2002. (University of Natal Library publication series, 2T) ISBN: 1868405087 17pp. R25.00 Univ Natal Lib 2003 SA Merrett, C. Mail and Guardian index 2003. (University of Natal Library publication series, 2U) ISBN: 1868405338 20pp. R25.00 Univ Natal Lib 2004 SA Merrett, C. Mail and Guardian index 2004. (University of Natal Library publication series, 2V) ISBN: 1868405710 R25.00 Univ Natal Lib 2005 SA Merrett, C., comp. Weekly Mail index, 1987. Natal Lib 1988 SA
44pp. Univ
Merrett, C., comp. Weekly Mail index, 1988. Natal Lib 1989 SA
24pp. Univ
Merrett, C., comp. Weekly Mail index, 1989. Natal Lib 1990 SA
26pp. Univ
Merrett, C., comp. Weekly Mail index, 1990. Natal Lib 1990 SA
38pp. Univ
Merrett, C., comp. Weekly Mail index, 1990-1991. Univ Natal Lib 1992 SA
Merrett, C., comp. Weekly Mail index, 1992. (Publication series, 2H) 16pp. R11.40 (£3.00) Univ Natal Lib 1993 SA Merrett, C., comp. Weekly Mail index, 1993. 19pp. R5.70 ($2.00/£1.00) Univ Natal Lib 1994 SA Merrett, C., Nel, C., comps. Weekly Mail index, 1986. Natal Lib 1987 SA
42pp. Univ
Merrett, C., Sukram, P., comps. Weekly Mail index, 1985. 29pp. Univ Natal Lib 1986 SA Soyizwapi, L. Business Day index, 1995. (Publication series, 10) 50pp. R11.40 (£3.00) Univ Natal Lib 1995 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Press—South Africa—Indexes Soyizwapi, L. Business Day index, 1996. (Publication series, 10B) 26pp. R11.40 (£3.00) Univ Natal Lib 1996 SA Press—Zambia Banda, F. Elections and the press in Zambia: the case of the 1996 polls. 68pp. K4,500 ($2.18/£1.30) ZIMA 1997 ZA Chirwa, C.H. Press freedom in Zambia. 71pp. K4,500 ($2.18/£1.30) ZIMA 1998 ZA Kasoma, F.P. The press in Zambia: the development role and control of national newspapers in Zambia 1906-1982. 340pp. pl. ($12.50/ £6.75) K12.50 Multimedia 1985 ZA Printing see also Paper making and trade Publishing and book industries Robinson, A.M.L. From monolith to microfilm: the story of the recorded word. 50pp. ill. R6.00 South African Lib 1979 SA Psychiatry see also Psychology Human and Rousseau To remember and to heal. R79.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Keeny, B.P., Ross, J. Mind in therapy - constructing systemic family therapies. (Manualia Didactica, 18) 222pp. R79.00 ($36.50/£22.20) Unisa 1992 SA Olayinka, M.S. Guidance and counselling. 282pp. pl. N70.00 ($4.25/£2.25) Literamed 1993 NR Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. Comment aider la personne découragée ? comment comprendre et aider ceux qui ont des difficultés personnelles. 73pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1988 ZR FRE Twining, L. The home care of mental patients. 2nd (£0.70/$1.70) K.shs.4.40 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE Psychiatry—Addresses and essays Edwards, D.J.A. The play of surface and depth in the art of psychotherapy for anxiety and depression. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1987 SA Psychiatry—Africa Asuni, T., Schoenberg, F. Mental health and disease in Africa. 2nd rev.ed. 330pp. N720.00 ($30.00/£16.75) Spectrum 1994 NR Erinosho, O.A., Bell, N.W., eds. Mental health in Africa. 266pp. N15.00 Ibadan UP 1982 NR Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. Comment aider par un contact authentique. Manuel de psychiatrie africaine. 2nd ed. 398pp. pl. ($18.00) BERPS 1994 ZR FRE Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. En parler pour en sortir. Notions de psychiatrie africaine. 400pp. pl. ($16.00) BERPS 1997 ZR FRE Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. Notions de psychiatrie Africaine. 385pp. pl. ($12.00) BERPS 1988 ZR FRE Psychiatry—Africa—Study and teaching Forster, E.F.B. Clinical psychiatry for medical student in tropical Africa 1997. 361pp. ($35.00) Ghana UP 1997 GH Psychiatry—Dictionaries Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. A l’écoute de la personne découragée (léxique du psychothérapeute). 103pp. pl. ($3.00) BERPS 1986 ZR FRE
Subject index Psychiatry—Nigeria Mbanefo, S.E. Psychiatry in general medical practice in Nigeria. 194pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Ibadan UP 1992 NR Psychiatry—South Africa Baumann, S.E. Psychiatry and primary health care. ISBN: 0702142077 525pp. R185.00 Juta 1999 SA Levin, A. Whither psychiatry in our changing society? R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1994 SA Uys, L., Middleton, L. Mental health nursing: a South African perspective. 4th ed. ISBN: 0702166421 784pp. R275.00 Juta 2004 SA Psychiatry—Study and teaching Allwood, C.W., Gagiano, C.A. Handbook of psychiatry for primary care. ISBN: 0195711823 336pp. R275.00 OUP - SA 1998 SA Robertson, B., Gagiano, C.A. Handbook of child psychiatry for primary care. ISBN: 0195713729 376pp. R250.00 OUP - SA 1998 SA Robertson, B.A., Allwood, C., Gaginao, C. Textbook of psychiatry for southern Africa. ISBN: 0195719263 464pp. R385.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA Psychology see also Psychiatry Abudu, A.O. Make your child truly intelligent. new rev.ed. ISBN: 9988763565 280pp. C40,000 ($14.95) IMV 2005 GH Allen, R. Assess your personality. ISBN: 062303688X 224pp. R84.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Allen, R. MENSA. Assess your personality. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 062403688X 224pp. R69.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Arabindan, K. A Christian perspective on hypnosis. (IRS study pamphlets, F1/243) 23pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1987 SA
Eprile, T. The persistence of memory. ISBN: 177013011X 288pp. R180.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Frank, E. The book of dreams. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798143967 192pp. R99.95 Human and Rousseau 2004 SA Friedman, M. My life, your life. Steps to heal the heart. ISBN: 1919855130 248pp. R120.00 ($25.00/£20.00) STE 2004 SA Gadd, A. Healing habits. Keys to understanding your emotional issues. ISBN: 095844935X 280pp. R130.00 ($15.95/ £8.00/Eur12.00) Kima 2003 SA Garrett, F. Body, mind and spirit. Paulines 1996 KE
144pp. ($5.00)
Gerdes, L. Bringing up parents and children. ISBN: 1868880648 240pp. R96.00 Unisa 1998 SA Goel, B.S. Psychanalyse et méditation. 326pp. CFA5,390 HaHo 1997 TG FRE Greaves, S. Making the big leap. Coach yourself to create the life you really want. ISBN: 1868729168 176pp. Oshun 2004 SA Grove, P. I am complete. Coaching to be what you never thought possible. 248pp. R84.95 ($14.95/£9.99) Kima 1998 SA Grove, S. Thank you, brain. 189pp. R69.95 Human and Rousseau 1992 SA Hook, D., Eagle, G., eds. Psychopathology and social prejudice. ISBN: 1919713670 280pp. R165.00 UCT Press 2002 SA Hudleston, S. Face of courage. ISBN: 1770130055 224pp. R150.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Igbo, O. Greatness through positive reasoning. ($6.00/£3.99) CSS 1996 NR
Blecher, J. Unity consciousness. Enlightenment experiences. ISBN: 0958435987 88pp. R80.00 ($9.95/£8.95) Kima 2002 SA
Isaacs, D. Character building: a guide for parents and teachers. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966882146 262pp. ill.pl. ($8.00) Focus 2002 KE
Borruso, S. The art of total living. An introduction to personal and social ethics. 160pp. ($5.00) Paulines 1996 KE
Joinet, B., de Baulny, V. The ideal husband. A study in adolescent psychology. (Gaba pastoral paper, 11) 64pp. K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1970 KE
Borruso, S. Psychology for all. ISBN: 9966213856 142pp. K.shs.250.00 ($5.00) Paulines 1998 KE
Jude, B. Live for life. Avoid the stress mess. ISBN: 1868722333 164pp. R69.95 Zebra 1998 SA
Castillo, G. Teenagers and their problems. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966882154 127pp. col.ill.pl. K.shs.165.00 ($6.00) Focus 2003 KE
Jude, B. The psychology of customer service. ISBN: 1868722317 148pp. R69.95 Zebra 1998 SA
Chukwuma, U.M. Noble facts: a guide to facts of life you need to know. ISBN: 9783615688 198pp. N300.00 ($5.00/£2.50) Pam Unique Publ 2002 NR
Jude, B. Thirteen attributes of success. ISBN: 1868722546 R69.95 Zebra 1998 SA
Codrington, G., Grant-Marshall, S. Mind the gap. ISBN: 0143024450 332pp. R96.49 Penguin SA 2002 SA Dana, D. Managing differences. 1997 SA
R53.95 Ball
Kamwendo, M. Dance and pursue your dreams. ISBN: 0797426973 120pp. Motivation Co 2004 ZI Kamwendo, M. It’s time to unleash your greatness. ISBN: 0797425837 124pp. Motivation Co 2003 ZI
de Jager, M. Braingym. A personal programme for improving your quality of life. 144pp. R79.95 Human and Rousseau 2001 SA
Kamwendo, M. Let the lion in you roar. ISBN: 0797430148 162pp. Motivation Co 2005 ZI
de Rocha Chevalley, M. Holographic psychology. Relearning your wholeness. ISBN: 0958449325 R180.00 ($17.95/£12.90) Kima 2003 SA
Kapena, S. Brighten your life. ISBN: 996621366X 72pp. K.shs.120.00 ($2.00) Paulines 1998 KE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 396
African Books in Print
Subject index Kapena, S. How to succeed. ISBN: 9966219404 160pp. K.shs.160.00 ($2.00) Paulines 2004 KE Kapena, S. Towards better living. Practical advice for effective living. 72pp. ($2.00) Paulines 1996 KE Kruger, D. Dreams and how to understand them. ISBN: 1770130373 176pp. R110.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Kruger, S.J., Smit, E., le Roux, W.L. du P. Basic psychology for human resource practitioners. [Also available in Afrikaans.] rev.ed. 278pp. R180.00 Juta 1996 SA le Roux, R. Emotional intelligence for children and teens. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798143223 104pp. R99.95 Human and Rousseau 2003 SA le Roux, R., de Klerk, R. Emotional intelligence. The all-in-one workbook for optimal personal growth. ISBN: 0798141557 144pp. R89.95 Human and Rousseau 2001 SA Leaf, C. Switch on your brain. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624042847 224pp. R125.00 Tafelberg 2005 SA Lipkin, M. Mampodi. 100 mindsparks to light up your head, heart, body and soul. ISBN: 0798138998 116pp. R39.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Little, I. Life talk for a daughter. Advice on 60 issues from passion to success. ISBN: 177007032X 256pp. Oshun 2004 SA Mackenzie, R. Emotional connections. ISBN: 0958480087 160pp. Kima 2005 SA Mares, T. This darned elusive happiness. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1919792120 R110.00 ($14.95/ £12.00) Lionheart 2001 SA Melbourne, D.F. The dream oracle. ISBN: 1853689750 176pp. ill. R69.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Mol, A. Let’s both win. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0624040356 166pp. R89.95 Tafelberg 2002 SA Morrison, K., Whelligan, F. Like chocolate for women. ISBN: 1919930108 169pp. R160.00 Double Storey 2003 SA Muchinsky, P.M., Kriek, H.J., Schreuder, D. Personnel psychology. ISBN: 1868640744 342pp. R149.95 Thomson Int 1998 SA Muiti, G.K. Moving towards maturity. 265pp. K.shs.600.00 Evangel 1997 KE Mwiti, P.R. Understanding grief as a process: an innovative journey towards healing, growth, and reconciliation. 50pp. Uzima 1999 KE
Psychology—South Africa Painter, A., Murdoch, B.D. The Reitan-Indiana neuropsychological test battery for children (5-8 years) and the Halstead neuropsychological test battery for children (9-14 years): normative data. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 243) 27pp. CSIR 1976 SA Peraza, C. Life’s little secrets. ISBN: 9966882669 141pp. col.ill.pl. ($8.00) Focus 2002 KE Pistorius, M. Catch me a killer. ISBN: 0140297227 253pp. col.pl. R96.49 Penguin SA 2000 SA Pistorius, M. Fatal females. ISBN: 014302440X 298pp. pl. R96.49 Penguin SA 2000 SA Polakow, E.S. Your soular system: meaning, selfanalysis and soul - a path to personal growth and evolution. ISBN: 0864864655 R89.95 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Prescott, S. Realizing the self within. Expressing your spiritual self in everyday life. ISBN: 0958426163 200pp. R104.95 ($14.95/ £10.95) Kima 2000 SA Raath, H. The new paradise. Making intimacy real. ISBN: 1919930973 ill. Double Storey 2004 SA Ratele, K., Duncan, N., Hook, D., Mkhize, N. Social psychology: identities and relationships. ISBN: 1919713832 R240.00 UCT Press 2003 SA Recherche Action en Alcoolage Soif d’alcool ou soif d’amour. ISBN: 2914624670 52pp. ill. FC1,500 ($3.00) Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE
van Rensburg, C. Your dreams. ISBN: 062403875D 200pp. R89.98 Tafelberg 2001 SA Verster, J.N. Human cognition and intelligence: towards an integrated theoretical perspective. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 350) R4.50 CSIR 1983 SA Vetten, L., Ludsin, H. Spiral of entrapment - July 2005. ISBN: 1770090541 R95.00 ($13.00/£8.00) Jacana 2005 SA von Krosigk, B. Mind mapping - psychopathology. 16pp. R38.00 ($9.00/£5.80/Eur7.90) Unisa 1997 SA Wood, S., Fox, P. Dying. A practical guide for the journey. ISBN: 1770120179 208pp. R120.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Psychology—Addresses and essays Woodruff, A.B. Psychology: that nasty little subject of the science of rescue. 16pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1971 GH Psychology—Africa Autra, R. L’interprétation des rêves dans la tradition africaine. ISBN: 284487097X 216pp. NEI 2001 IV FRE Biswalo, P.M. An introduction to guidance and counselling in diverse African contexts. 107pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1997 TZ
Romero, J. How to beat stress. 152pp. ($11.30) Mambo 1993 ZI [Southern Africa only]
Bosch, A.E. One woman walking. ISBN: 1770090649 192pp. R145.00 ($20.00/£11.50) Jacana 2005 SA
Ronis, D. Soulful love. The search for the self. ISBN: 0958426112 228pp. R115.00 ($14.95/£11.90) Kima 2002 SA
Emtcheu, A. Psychologie et révélation: du fétichisme à la foi en Afrique noire. ISBN: 9956320056 125pp. Sherpa 2001 CM FRE
Schlebusch, L. Mind shift. Stress management and your health. ISBN: 0869809563 228pp. R95.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA
Hill, M., Bagge, R., Miersma, P. Healing the wounds of trauma. ISBN: 9966217924 112pp. K.shs.240.00 ($3.00) Paulines 2004 KE
Shantall, T. The quest for destiny: a logotherapeutic guide to meaning-centred living, therapy and counselling. ISBN: 1868882772 138pp. R139.00 ($21.70/£18.30/ Eur28.00) Unisa 2004 SA Shefer, T., Kiguwa, P., Boonzaaier, F. Gender and psychology. ISBN: 1919713000 UCT Press 2005 SA Silbert, B. A survival kit for the hereafter. ISBN: 1770130098 288pp. R140.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Sunter, C. Home truths. What we’ve got to do. ISBN: 062403724X 224pp. R44.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA
Nairn, R. Diamond mind. Psychology of meditation. ISBN: 095841663X 112pp. R80.00 ($15.00) Kairon 1998 SA
Swartz, L., Gelman, T., eds. Reflective practice: psychodynamic ideas in the community. ISBN: 0796919968 124pp. R100.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA
Ngangula, S.M. Dreams within dreams. ISBN: 9982301055 248pp. ($18.95/£10.95) Multimedia 2001 ZA
Taylor, T.R. Human information processing: neurological substrate. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 331) R2.00 CSIR 1981 SA
Okediji, O. On madness - a Biblical perspective. ISBN: 9780293035 90pp. N660.00 Spectrum 2002 NR
Taylor, T.R., Gerber, N., Rendall, M.E. The programming of psychological tests on the PLAID system. (CSIR Contract Report, C/PERS 303) 58pp. R2.00 CSIR 1981 SA
Page, C-J. Teachings from the apple tree: the nine keys to your life purpose. ISBN: 1770130063 176pp. R140.00 Double Storey 2005 SA
van Niekerk, M. Monster busting: assisting children with emotional problems. ISBN: 1898880370 192pp. R119.00 ($19.20/£12.20/ Eur16.80) Unisa 1998 SA
van Niekerk, E.C. Paradigms of mind. Personality perspectives in context. ISBN: 1868640221 280pp. R225.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA
Nicholas, L.J., ed. Psychology and oppression: critiques and proposals. 245pp. ($21.00/£11.95) Skotaville 1994 SA Tucker, L. Mystery of the white lions. ISBN: 0620314095 cd. 400pp. ill.col.pl. (£21.95) Npenvu 2004 SA Psychology—Africa, Southern Hook, D., Watts, J., Cockcroft, K. Developmental psychology: psychoanalytic, cognitive and psychosocial theory for southern African application. ISBN: 0919713689 460pp. R199.00 UCT Press 2002 SA Psychology—Congo Moukouta, C.S. Maladie mentale. Représentations, itinéraires thérapeutiques au Congo ISBN: 2842200128 196pp. (Eur20.00) Paari 2004 ZR FRE Psychology—Nigeria Chizea, O. Coping with stress in Nigeria. £3.60) Goldland 1989[?] NR
Psychology—Senegal Gounongbé, A. Dans la tempête du Joola. ISBN: 2844020569 112pp. CFA3,000 (Eur8.00) Xamal 2003 SG FRE Psychology—South Africa Gobodo-Madikizela, P. A human being died that night. A story of forgiveness. ISBN: 0864866305 272pp. R140.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Psychology—South Africa
Subject index
Grové, S. The brain dance. 192pp. R69.95 Human and Rousseau 1994 SA
Lar, C.T., Okpede, O.D., Bulus, I. New perspectives in guidance and counselling. 316pp. Fab 1992 NR
Brews, A. The capacity building debate. R10.00 Olive 1994 SA
Manganyi, N.C. Treachery and innocence. Psychology and racial difference. 192pp. Ravan 1991 SA [Southern Africa only]
Louw, D.A., van Ede, D.M., Louw, A.E., eds. Human development. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 0798647086 R222.88 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA
Cannon, L. Life beyond aid: twenty strategies to help make NGOs sustainable. ISBN: 062023900X 135pp. R90.00 Olive 1999 SA
Owen, K. The role of psychological tests in education in South Africa. Issues, controversies and benefits. ISBN: 0796918813 121pp. R52.00 HSRC Publ 1998 SA
Nicholas, L. Introduction to psychology. ISBN: 1919713794 600pp. R295.00 UCT Press 2003 SA
Pistorius, M. Profiling serial killers and other crimes in South Africa. ISBN: 0143024825 250pp. R87.72 Penguin SA 2005 SA
Novello, A., ed. Abnormal psychology. new ed. ISBN: 186864010X 250pp. R175.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA
Sachs, W. Black Hamlet. 328pp. R98.95 Witwatersrand UP 1996 SA [Southern Africa only]
Nwankwo, O.C., Kemjika, O.G., Ekeh, P.U. Introduction to educational psychology. ISBN: 9783039237 96pp. N250.00 ($1.00/£0.80) Pam Unique Publ 2002 NR
Stead, G.B., Watson, M.B., eds. Career psychology in the South African context. ISBN: 0627024041 236pp. R175.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA
Nwoye, A. Counselling psychology for Africa. 420pp. Fab 1990 NR
Swartz, L. Culture and mental health. South African perspective. ISBN: 0195709810 336pp. R255.00 OUP - SA 1998 SA Tustin, C., et al. Labour relations: the psychology of conflict and negotation. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195718631 272pp. R250.00 OUP - SA 2000 SA Psychology—Study and teaching Akinsola, H.Y. Behavioural science for nurses, perspectives from medical sociology and psychology. 2nd ed. 152pp. ill. P105.00 Bay 2001 BS Bergh, Z. Psychology in the work context. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195781279 540pp. R395.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Chiroro, P., Tredoux, C. Cognitive psychology. ISBN: 1919713000 Juta 2005 SA Donald, D., Lazarus, S., Lolwana, P. Educational psychology in social context challenges of development, social issues and special need in Southern Africa, a teacher’s resource. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195780515 368pp. ill.pl. R275.00 OUP SA 2002 SA
Olatawura, M.O. Psychology and psychiatric. ISBN: 9780293523 310pp. N1,020 Spectrum 2002 NR Pallante, G. Enjeux d’une compréhension éducative de la mémoire. 28pp. CFA550.00 (Eur0.84) UCAC 2000 CM FRE Rono, R.C., Ndambuki, P., Ingule, F. An introduction to educational psychology. 480pp. K.shs.560.00 EAEP 1996 KE Ross, E., Deverell, A. Psychological approaches to health, illness and disability. A reader for health care professionals. ISBN: 0627025676 288pp. R274.95 Van Schaik 2004 SA Russell, M., Coetzee, C. Truth extraction: how to read between the lines. ISBN: 0864864647 R98.95 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Swartz, L. Counselling and coping. ISBN: 0195718682 152pp. R125.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Swartz, L. Psychology: an introduction. ISBN: 0195781368 576pp. R350.00 OUP - SA 2004 SA
Ebersöhn, L., Eloff, I. Life skills and assets. ISBN: 0627025323 127pp. R429.95 Van Schaik 2002 SA
Tredoux, C., Foster, D., Allan, A., Cohen, A., Wassernaar, D. Psychology and law. ISBN: 0721066626 450pp. R285.00 Juta 2005 SA
Eke, E., et al. Introduction to educational psychology. 116pp. ill. N119.98 Africana First 1992 NR
Tredoux, C., Foster, D., Allan, A., Wassenar, D., Cohen, A. Psychology for legal practitioners. ISBN: 1919713000 UCT Press 2005 SA
Eloff, I., Ebersohn, L. Keys to education psychology. ISBN: 0919713441 R230.00 UCT Press 2005 SA
van Niekerk, E. Paradigms of mind. Personality perspectives in context. 263pp. R134.95 Thomson Int 1997 SA
Foxcroft, C.D., Roodt, G. Introduction to assessment in the South African context. ISBN: 0195718569 352pp. R300.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA
van Schalkwyk, G. Human development study guide. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798657391 R68.40 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA
Hook, D., Mkhize, A., Collins, A., Burman, E., Parker, I. Critical psychology. ISBN: 1919713883 672pp. R320.00 UCT Press 2004 SA Huysamen, G.K. Psychological measurement. An introduction with South African examples. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 3rd rev.ed. ISBN: 0627021786 160pp. R109.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Ingule, F.O., Rono, R. Introduction to educational psychology. 445pp. ($35.00/£19.95) EAEP 1997 KE Kirembu, B.K. Understanding character. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966965432 92pp. pl. K.shs.300.00 ($15.00/£10.00/Eur12.00) Spanfield 2003 KE
Zindi, F., Peresuh, M. Psychology for the classroom. 172pp. ($7.40) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI Public administration see also Administrative law Housing and urban planning Local government Taxation and as a sub-division under names of specific countries Biggs, S.D., Neane, A. NGOs negotiating room for manoeuvre: reflections concerning autonomy and accountability within the new policy agenda. 22pp. R15.00 Olive 1994 SA
Cloete, F. At full speed the tiger cubs stumbled. Lessons from South East Asia about sustainable public service delivery. ISBN: 0796919291 209pp. R145.00 HSRC Publ 2000 SA Gibson, K. Becoming self-sufficient: the experience of US non-governmental organisations in achieving sustainability. 14pp. R10.00 Olive 1995 SA Hallaves, D. Of partners and patrons: NGO perceptions of funders. 16pp. R15.00 Olive 1995 SA Hallaves, D. Organisation, skills and power: user views on organisation development and training. 15pp. R10.00 Olive 1994 SA Hallaves, D. What is it worth? Certification and the training of organisation development workers. 9pp. R10.00 Olive 1994 SA Harding, D. From global to local: issues and challenges facing NGOs. 46pp. R25.00 Olive 1994 SA Helfenbein, H., N’Dong Obiang, M. La conduite des services dans le pays neufs. 189pp. CFA5,000 NEA - Togo 1985 TG FRE Kaplan, A. NGOs, civil society and capacity building: towards the development of a strategy. 19pp. R20.00 Olive 1994 SA Mann, P. Magic, prayer and ignorance: training and accreditation of organisational development. 16pp. R10.00 Olive 1994 SA Narsoo, M. The rhythm of saints and scoundrels: an attempted identikit of service and organisations. 34pp. R20.00 Olive 1996 SA Nell, M., Shapiro, J. Enabling the individual, empowering communities, facilitating development. Report on the provision of raiing for community development facilitators with an emphasis on the welfare sector. 27pp. R15.00 Olive 1995 SA Olive Publications The funding battle: NGOs and the RDP selected articles from South African print media. May 1994-February 1995. 23pp. R15.00 Olive 1995 SA Olive Publications Selected articles focusing on NGOs organisation development and training June 1993-March 1994. 18pp. R10.00 Olive 1994 SA Pieterse, E. An NGO response to SANCO’s position paper: making people-driven development work. 13pp. R15.00 Olive 1996 SA Srinivas, K., et al. What is organisational development and how does it travel: two articles. 12pp. R15.00 Olive 1996 SA Thaw, D. From adnocracy to coherence: building the organsiation development and training sector. 22pp. R15.00 Olive 1994 SA Ticehurst, D. Monitoring and evaluation. Too much ‘E’, not enough ‘M’. 17pp. R15.00 Olive 1996 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Public health—Developing countries
Vossen, J. Capacity building: two views perspectives from a donor and a nongovernment organsiation. 21pp. R15.00 Olive 1996 SA
Folmer, H., Moynifran, M., Schothorst, P. L’évaluation du manuel de santé. Comment rendre le maatériel éducatif pour la santé plus utile. 96pp. pl. ($7.50) BERPS 1996 ZR FRE
Westoby, P. Soulful approach to community development: how to invoke depth and meaning into our vocation and our communities. R20.00 Olive 1997 SA
Gobbers, D. La recherche en santé au service du développement. ISBN: 2863944167 440pp. CFA4,750 CEDA 2001 IV FRE
Public administration—Addresses and essays Baker, C., Balogun, M.J., eds. Ife essays in administration. 240pp. N4.50 ($8.75/£3.60) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1975 NR Public administration—Africa Adamolekun, L., ed. Public administration in Africa. Main issues and selected country studies. ISBN: 0813336538 434pp. N1,800 ($41.95/£24.95) Spectrum 2002 NR Mukandala, R.S., ed. African public administration. A reader. ISBN: 0777421114 363pp. ($20.00) AAPS 2000 ZI Ouattara, L.G. Partir en mission et gagner. ISBN: 2844871372 104pp. CFA3,000 (Eur6.40) NEI 2002 IV FRE Public administration—Dictionaries Cloete, J.J.N. Public administration glossary. 104pp. R49.95 Van Schaik 1995 SA Fox, W., Meyer, I.H. Public administration dictionary. ISBN: 0702132195 152pp. R95.00 Juta 1995 SA Public administration—Study and teaching Brynard, P.A., Hanekom, S.X. Introduction to research in public administration and related academic disciplines. ISBN: 062702288X 76pp. R89.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA
Kotze, A.J., ed. Occupational health for the nurse and other health workers. 2nd ed. R185.00 Juta 1997 SA Muller, M., Jooste, K., Bezuidenhout, M. Healthcare service management. ISBN: 0702171368 576pp. R285.00 Juta 2005 SA Pera, S.A., van Tonder, S. Ethics in health care. ISBN: 0702166790 288pp. R175.00 Juta 2005 SA Rifkin, S.B., Pridmore, P. Health care services and management. Partners in planning. Information, participation and empowerment. ISBN: 0333792661 Macmillan Academic 2001 SA Spencer, I.W.F. Community health. 100pp. ill. R67.88 Shuter & Shooter 1982 SA Young, A., van Niekerk, K., Mogotlane, S.M. Leadership in health services management. ISBN: 0702164003 368pp. R195.00 Juta 2003 SA Public health—Africa African Medical and Research Foundation Assessing district health needs, services and systems. 172pp. K.shs.900.00 AMREF 1991 KE Goudjo, R.B. La santé de la reproduction. Promotion humaines ou nouvel impérialisme économique. ISBN: 9991941126 232pp. CFA5,000 Flamboyant 2001 DM FRE
Chung, F. Basic principles of administration. 72pp. ill. Z$94.95 College Press -Zimb 1988 ZI
Kanani, S. Health service management. Learning materials. vol.1 324pp. AMREF 1984 KE
Hanekom, S.X., et al. Key aspects of public administration. new ed. ISBN: 0195780019 258pp. R175.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA
Mace, C., Moulo, D. Guide des examens de laboratoire au niveau d’un centre de santé. ISBN: 2911380509 132pp. CFA2,000 (Eur3.05) UCAC 2002 CM FRE
Public health see also Birth control Health education Hospitals Pollution Sanitary engineering Water Bureau d’Etudes et de Recherches pour la Promotion de la Santé La santé, la maladie dans la famille et dans la communauté. Manuel de l’agent de santé communautaire. 508pp. pl. ($18.00) BERPS 1997 ZR FRE Child-to-Child Trust & World Health Organisation Children for health. ISBN: 1405010290 224pp. Macmillan Academic 2005 SA de Villiers, L., Tjale, A. Cultural issues in health and health care. ISBN: 0702163996 296pp. R185.00 Juta 2004 SA Engelbrecht, S. Comment gérer une case de santé. 90pp. ill. CFA2,500 ($5.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1998 SG FRE Engelbrecht, S. Guide de matrone 1: la consultation prénatale. 177pp. ill. CFA3,500 ($7.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1998 SG FRE Engelbrecht, S. Guide de matrone 2: consultation postnatale. 95pp. ill. CFA2,500 ($5.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1998 SG FRE Engelbrecht, S. Implantation d’une case de santé. 55pp. ill. CFA2,000 ($4.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1998 SG FRE
Maneno, J., Schluer, P., Sjoerdsma, A.C., Vogel, L.C., Savage King, F. Guideline for the management of hospital outpatient services. 237pp. AMREF 1982 KE Petit, P.L., Janmohamed, N., Wood, C.H., Bennet, E.J. Clinical management for health centres and dispensaries. ISBN: 9966874151 298pp. AMREF 1995 KE Schilater, P., et al. Health project management guide. rev.ed. 86pp. K.shs.900.00 AMREF 1998 KE Shaffer, R. Beyond the dispensary. 1984 KE
90pp. AMREF
Shaffer, R. Dr Amref radio talks. 209pp. ill. K.shs.450.00 AMREF 1990 KE Sofoluwe, G.O., Schram, R. et al., eds. Principles and practice of public health in Africa. 2nd rev.ed. vol.2 ISBN: 9780300325 917pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Univ Press - Nig 1998 NR Stanfield, P., Balldin, B., Versluys, Z., eds. Child health. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966874070 525pp. K.shs.900.00 AMREF 1999 KE Wood, E., ed. Community health worker’s manual. ed. ISBN: 9966874585 379pp. K.shs.900.00 AMREF 1998 KE Public health—Africa, East Carter, J., Lema, O. Practical laboratory manual for health centres in Eastern Africa. 312pp. ill. K.shs.1,000.00 AMREF 1994 KE
Rukunga, G.K. Environmental health for East Africa. ISBN: 9966974542 280pp. K.shs.1,000 AMREF 2001 KE Public health—Africa, Southern Bezuidenhout, M.C., Garbers, C.J., Potgieter, S. Managing for healthy labour relations. A practical guide for health services in southern Africa. ISBN: 0627023894 436pp. R249.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Dennill, K., King, L., Swanepoel, T. Aspects of primary health care, community health care in southern Africa. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868640949 436pp. ill. R149.95 Thomson Int 1999 SA Public health—Botswana Fako, T.T. Decade of health issues in local Botswana newspapers: volume 1: the 1960s. P21.00 NIDCR 1984 BS Fako, T.T. Decade of health issues in local Botswana newspapers: volume 2: the 1970s. P31.00 NIDCR 1985 BS Fako, T.T., ed. Health illness and the socio-cultural background. 151pp. P5.80 NIDCR 1980 BS Gobotswang, K., et al., eds. From food security to nutrition security in Botswana. 61pp. Lentswe LL 1996 BS Public health—Botswana—Bibliography Mugabe, M., Moahi, K., eds. Health in Botswana. An annotated bibliography. 164pp. Univ Botswana 1994 BS Mugabe, M., Moahi, K.H. Health/illness and health care services in Botswana: an annotated bibliography. P20.00 NIDCR 1994 BS Public health—Congo Democratic Republic CADICEC Hygiène et sécurité industrielle. 48pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1986 ZR FRE Nickson, P. La santé c’est notre affaire. La définition par la communauté de ses propres priorités et besoins sanitaires en Afrique. 64pp. ($2.20) BERPS 1995 ZR FRE Public health—Côte d’Ivoire Editions CEDA Santé en capitales. La dynamique des systèmes de santé des capitales ouestafricaines. ISBN: 2863943081 389pp. CFA5,500 (Eur12.96) CEDA 1999 IV FRE Public health—Developing countries Booth, B., Martin, K., Lankester, T. Urban health and development. A practical manual for use in developing countries. ISBN: 0333679342 200pp. ill. Macmillan Academic 2001 SA King, M.H. Medical care in developing countries. 540pp. ill. K.shs.75.00 OUP - Nairobi 1966 KE Lankester, T. Setting up community health programmes. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0333679334 336pp. Macmillan Academic 2000 SA Oluwande, P.A. Cheap sewage disposal in developing countries. 72pp. N6.00 Ibadan UP 1978 NR United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Refuse collection vehicles for developing countries. 53pp. UNCHS 1988 KE Witter, S., Ensor, T., Jowett, M., Thompson, R. Health economics for developing countries. A practical guide. ISBN: 0333752058 256pp. Macmillan Academic 2000 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Public health—Ghana—Addresses and essays Public health—Ghana—Addresses and essays Pobee, J.O.M. Journey from the womb to the tomb. 72pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Ghana UP 1989 GH Public health—Kenya Nyamwaya, D., et al. A guide to health promotion through water and sanitation. 75pp. ill. K.shs.750.00 AMREF 1994 KE Owino, W. Governance of the district health systems: a focus on the health management boards and human resource development issues. (IPRA discussion papers, 027/2001) ISBN: 9966948252 36pp. ill. IPRA 2001 KE Public health—Lesotho Malalhleha, G., Hall, D. Health and family services in Lesotho: the people’s perspectives. 82pp. M15.00 ($3.00) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1989 LO Wellings, P. Modelling access to a basic need: the provision of health care in rural Lesotho. (CSDS development studies working papers, 3) 45pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1983 SA
Cunningham, A.B., Peiser, S.J. KwaMhlabuyalingana primary health care booklet. (INR working paps., 75) R7.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA de Haan, M. The health of southern Africa. 9th ed. ISBN: 0702100000 R180.00 Juta 2005 SA de Villiers, L.S. A blueprint for better health. A dietary guide to counteract disease. ISBN: 0798137487 192pp. R49.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Dennill, K., et al. Aspects of primary health care. 2nd ed. 146pp. R79.95 Thomson Int 1999 SA Fincham, R.J. Health as a component of integrated development. Paper presented at the Rural Health Conference, KwaNzimela Conference Centre, Melmoth, 17-18 August. (INR working paps., 95) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Kark, S.L., Kark, E. Promoting community health. History of a South African initiative. ISBN: 1868143163 264pp. ill. R89.95 Witwatersrand UP 1999 SA
Subject index Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of primary health care status for Ginsberg, King William’s Town. (IDPR special publications, 18/28) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of primary health care status for King’s Flats - Grahamstown. (IDPR special publications, 18/26) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of primary health care status for Lingelihle, Cradock. (IDPR special publications, 18/29) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of primary health care status for Pefferville, East London. (IDPR special publications, 18/30) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the health care status for Port Alfred location. (IDPR special publications, 18/5) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Motherwell NU11 clinic, Port Elizabeth. (IDPR special publications, 18/40) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA
Public health—Nigeria Akinkugbe, O.O. Nigeria’s health in the nineties. 260pp. N450.00 ($18.00/£15.00) Spectrum 1995 NR
Kibel, M.A., Wagstaff, L.A., Lowenstein, P., Lowenstein, S. Child health for all. 3rd ed. ISBN: 019571928X 592pp. R375.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA
Akinkugbe, O.O. Priorities in national health planning. 340pp. N75.00 ($3.00/£3.50) Spectrum 1981 NR
Kirsch, B., Skorge, S., Matsiliza, N. An English-Xhosa companion for healthcare professionals. 558pp. R105.00 Juta 1996 SA MUL
Ekunwe, E. Nigerian primary health care delivery system. The challenge of implementation. ($10.00) Univ Lagos Press 1996 NR
Knight, S., Clarke, M., Prozesky, D. Health for all: home care. ISBN: 0702158151 Juta 2004 SA
Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Beacon Bay - East London. (IDPR special publications, 18/ 16) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA
Krige, D. The basic needs approach to development: the question of health care for black people in Natal. 13pp. R5.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1990 SA
Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Bhofolo - Fort Beaufort. (IDPR special publications, 18/22) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA
Levin, M., Potgieter, F.E. Welfare and health. (ERU research reports, 56) R45.00 ERU 1994 SA
Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Cwili - Kweimond. (IDPR special publications, 18/11) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA
Obionu, C.N. Synopsis of occupational and environmental health. ISBN: 978233542X 44pp. N300.00 Delta 2004 NR Okunade, A.O. The undevelopment of health care system in Nigeria. ISBN: 9788000517 44pp. N250.00 ($2.00/£1.50) Vantage 2001 NR Public health—Réunion Observatoire du Développement de la Réunion Le tri sélectif des déchets. (Documents ODR, 40) (Eur17.62) ODR 2002 RF FRE Public health—South Africa Abedian, I., Strachan, B., Ajam, T. Transformation in action. Budgeting for health service delivery. ISBN: 1919713263 208pp. R135.00 UCT Press 1998 SA Baldwin-Ragaven, L., de Gruchy, J., London, L. An ambulance of the wrong colour. Health professionals, human rights and ethics in South Africa. ISBN: 1919713484 R135.00 UCT Press 1999 SA Beattie, A., Rispel, L., Booysen, M. Problems and prospects for health sector links in the Southern African region: The role of South Africa. (Southern African perspectives: a working paper series) 21pp. R8.50 ($7.00) Univ West Cape 1993 SA Brink, H. Fundamentals of research methodology for health care professionals. 2nd ed. 240pp. R195.00 Juta 2006 SA Chimere-Dan, G.C. Community involvement in urban health programmes. 109pp. R59.95 Thomson Int 1996 SA Crawford, D.J. Sanitation in rural South Africa. Report prepared for the Independent Development Trust. (INR working paps., 106) R8.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA
Lund, F.J. The community-based approach to development: a description and analysis of three rural community health projects. 162pp. R40.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1987 SA Murphy, C. The implementation phase of the Ximba/ Mayavu pilot sanitation project: Phase 2 monitoring and evaluation. (INR investigational reports, 96) R20.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Murphy, C., Olën, B., Fincham, R.J. Situational analysis of social, economic and environmental factors for the implementation phase of the Ximba/ Manyavu pilot sanitation project: Phase 1 Baseline survey. (INR investigational reports, 92) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Myrdal, M., Potgieter, F.E. Port Elizabeth health planning project: a survey of attitudinal, perception and usage patterns of Motherwell residents towards health services and facilities. (IDPR special publications, 15/3) R35.00 Inst Planning Res 1992 SA Pollett, E.A., Fincham, R.J. Primary health care: a rural development perspective. Paper presented at the Congress of the National Society for Community Health Nurses of South Africa, Bloemfontein, 21-23 April. (INR occasional paps., 122) R5.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Khanyisa - Pearston. (IDPR special publications, 18/20) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA
Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Asperanza view, East London. (IDPR special publications, 18/ 32) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA
Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Emtonjeni - Keiroad. (IDPR special publications, 18/12) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Eureka - Burgersdorp. (IDPR special publications, 18/24) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Fort Grey. (IDPR special publications, 18/18) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 995 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Francisvale, Vosloodal and Westview - Somerset East. (IDPR special publications, 18/17) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Gompo Town - East London. (IDPR special publications, 19) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Hillside - Fort Beaufort. (IDPR special publications, 18/25) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Imazu Yethu clinic, Patensie. (IDPR special publications, 18/ 43) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Khayeltisha Queenstown. (IDPR special publications, 18/15) R30.0 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 400
African Books in Print
Subject index
Public health—Sudan
Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Kubusie, Stutterheim. (IDPR special publications, 18/33) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA
Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Umasizakhe - Graaff Reinet. (IDPR special publications, 18/ 14) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA
Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Kwanobuhle - Despatch. (IDPR special publications, 18/6) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA
Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Veeplass clinic. (IDPR special publications, 18/39) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA
Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Kwanojoli - Somerset. (IDPR special publications, 18/7) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA
Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Venerstad clinic. (IDPR special publications, 18/42) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA
Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Kwanonzame-Middleburg. (IDPR special publications, 18/19) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA
Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Walmer 8th Avenue clinic, Port Elizabeth. (IDPR special publications, 18/34) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA
Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Lingelethu - Adelaide. (IDPR special publications, 18/10) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Lotusville - Aberdeen. (IDPR special publications, 18/13) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Lukhanyiso, Addo clinic. (IDPR special publications, 18/48) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Masakhane, Hankey. (IDPR special publications, 18/41) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Masakhe, Sterkstroom. (IDPR special publications, 18/36) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Mavuya, Indwe. (IDPR special publications, 18/37) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Mzamomhle. (IDPR special publications, 18/23) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Mzamomhle - Gonubie. (IDPR special publications, 18/8) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Mziwibom clinic, Marselle. (IDPR special publications, 18/45) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Nyarha, Bedford. (IDPR special publications, 18/27) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Qumrha. (IDPR special publications, 18/21) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for Sonwabile. (IDPR special publications, 18/38) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for the Nolukhanyo clinic, Bathurst. (IDPR special publications, 18/ 46) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status for the Soweto clinic, Port Elizabeth. (IDPR special publications, 18/ 35) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA
Potgieter, F.E. A baseline survey of the primary health care status of Paterson clinic. (IDPR special publications, 18/47) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E. A follow up baseline survey for A.D. Keet clinic, Jeffreys Bay. (IDPR special publications, 23) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E. A follow up baseline survey for Kwanjoli, Somerset East. (IDPR special publications, 24) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1977 SA Potgieter, F.E. A follow up baseline survey for Kwanjoli, Somerset East. (IDPR special publications, 18/7a) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E. A follow up baseline survey of the primary health care status for Dukathole, Aliwal North. (IDPR special publications, 18/2a) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E. A follow up baseline survey of the primary health care status for Kwanebuhle clinic, Despatch. (IDPR special publications, 18/6a) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E. A follow up baseline survey of the primary health care status for Masibambane, Elliot. (IDPR special publications, 18/1a) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E. A follow up baseline survey of the primary health care status for Midros, Middelburg. (IDPR special publications, 18/4a) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E. A follow up baseline survey of the primary health care status for Port Alfred township. (IDPR special publications, 18/ 5a) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E. A follow up baseline survey of the primary health care status for Thembalisizwe, Aberdeen. (IDPR special publications, 18/3a) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E. Port Elizabeth health planning project: workshop proceedings - planning health services for the future. (IDPR special publications, 15/6) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Potgieter, F.E. The primary health care status of the Aloes community, Port Elizabeth. (IDPR special publications, 22) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Potgieter, F.E., Elliott, B.L. A baseline survey of primary health care status for Alphendale, East London. (IDPR special publications, 18/31) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA
Potgieter, F.E., Myrdal, M. Port Elizabeth health planning project: inventory of facilities and organisational structure. [Also available in Afrikaans.] (IDPR special publications, 15/1) R35.00 Inst Planning Res 1991 SA Potgieter, F.E., Myrdal, M. Port Elizabeth health planning project: usage patterns of health services in Port Elizabeth for 1990. (IDPR special publications, 15/4) R40.00 Inst Planning Res 1992 SA Potgieter, F.E., Myrdal, M., Ferreira, C.L. Port Elizabeth health planning project: an executive summary. (IDPR special publications, 15/5) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1993 SA Reekie, W.D. Health-care options for South Africa: lessons from the UK and the US. 118pp. R34.95 Free Market Found 1995 SA Rivett-Carnac, J.L. Sanitation for peri-urban and rural communities in Natal/KwaZulu. (INR monographs, 5) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1984 SA Romani, J., Anderson, B. Development, health and the environment. Factors influencing infant and child survival in South Africa. 29pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA Stack, L., Ndletyana, M. Understanding policy implementation: an exploration of research areas in the health sector. (CPS research reports, 74) 67pp. Centre Policy Stud 2001 SA van Rensburg, H.C.J., Fourie, A., Pretorius, E. Health care in South Africa. Structure and dynamics. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0627025633 438pp. R429.95 Van Schaik 1998[?] SA Public health—Study and teaching Booyens, S.W. Introduction to health services management. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702155608 432pp. R210.00 Juta 2001 SA Ehlers, V. Teaching aspects of health care. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702157007 145pp. R135.00 Juta 2002 SA Knight, S., Prozesky, D., Clarke, M., van Rensburg, C. Health care for all. Preventing diseases. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0702158135 96pp. ill. Juta 2002 SA Knight, S., Prozesky, D., Clarke, M., van Rensburg, C. Health care for all. Reproductive health. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0702158143 96pp. ill. Juta 2004 SA Knight, S., Prozesky, D., Clarke, M., van Rensburg, C. Health for all. A guide for community health care workers. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0702157058 96pp. ill. R89.00 Juta 2002 SA Knight, S., Prozesky, D., Clarke, M., van Rensburg, C. Health for all. Child health. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0702157074 96pp. ill. R79.00 Juta 2002 SA McCusker, J. Epidemiology in community health. rev.ed. ISBN: 9966874550 232pp. K.shs.1,000 AMREF 2001 KE Public health—Sudan Al Bagi Babiker, M. The impact of liberalization policies on health. Some evidence from Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 100) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1996 SJ Bayouni, A. The history of Sudan health services. 351pp. ill. maps. (£4.00/$10.00) K.shs.55.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Public health—Sudan Suliman, A.H.E. Health care financing under structural adjustment. Some reflections on the health insurance experience of Khartoum state, Sudan. (Social science research report, 27) ISBN: 0954203070 45pp. ($38.70/£23.70 set of six) OSSREA 2002 ET Public health—Tanzania Tibandebage, P. Managing and regulating mixed health care systems. A Tanzanian case study. vo.1-4 ISBN: 9987610358 ill. ESRF 2002 TZ Public health—Uganda de Torrente, N., Mwesigye, F. The evolving nature of the state, donors and NGOs providing health services in a liberal environment: some insights from Uganda. (CBR occasional papers, 2) 66pp. U.shs.3,500 ($4.50) Centre Basic Res 1999 UG Kisubi, M., Mugaju, J. Rural health providers in south-west Uganda. ISBN: 9970021648 180pp. ($19.95/£11.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1999 UG Public health—Zambia Kalunga, L.W. A study of the factors contributing to the low immunisation coverage of measles in the under five years old children in Solwezi district. 44pp. ill.maps PAIDESA 1999 ZA Macwan’gi, M., Kamwanga, J., Mulikelela, D.M. Revitalization of primary health care in Zambia: exploratory phase. 91pp. Univ Zambia 1996 ZA Public health—Zimbabwe Nhaci, C.F.B., Kasilo, O.M.J. Pesticides in Zimbabwe. Toxicity and health implications. 115pp. ($13.75/ £7.50) Univ Zimbabwe 1996 ZI Willmore, B., Hall, N. Health manpower issues in relation to equity in and access to health services in Zimbabwe: edited proceedings of a workshop held in Harare, Zimbabwe, 8/9 June 1989. 22pp. School Soc Work 1989 ZI Zimunya, V., ed. Student health and services at the school of social work. A survey. (Research Unit series, 2) 33pp. School Soc Work 1992 ZI Public relations see also Communication Personnel management Ngoma Ngambu Les relations publiques. 79pp. ($15.00) Press Univ Congo 1985 ZR FRE Public relations—South Africa Goldman, G. Managing perceptions. Succeeding in public relations. ISBN: 1868723623 144pp. Zebra 2001 SA Skinner, C., Von Essen, L. Handbook of public relations. 5th ed. ISBN: 1868640841 488pp. ill.maps R154.95 Thomson Int 1999 SA Public relations—Study and teaching du Plessis, D. Introduction to public relations and advertising. ISBN: 0702155578 160pp. R135.00 Juta 2001 SA Mersham, G., Skinner, C., von Essen, L. Handbook of public relations. 6th ed. ISBN: 0195780558 448pp. R325.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Public utilities—Nigeria Uwaifo, S.O. Electric power distribution planning and development. The Nigerian experience. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9783464906 380pp. N1,000 Hanon 1998 NR Uwaifo, S.O. That Nigeria may survive. (Public utilities watch.) ISBN: 9783464922 forthcoming Hanon 2005 NR
Subject index Public welfare see also Hospitals Public administration Public health
McCartney, M., ed. African rights Indaba. Edited proceedings of the conference held in Harare, 1994. 56pp. ($10.00/£6.00) (free to African publishers) APNET 1995 IV
de Vos, A.S., ed. Research at grass roots. A primer for the caring professions. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0627021735 448pp. R274.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Okoye, N., et al. Fundamentals of guidance and counselling. 268pp. N225.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Public welfare—Africa Tessier, R., ed. Seeking social justice in Africa. ($2.00) Gaba 1981 KE
Nyeko, J.A. The ABC of book publishing: a training manual for NGOs in Africa. ISBN: 9970510012 106pp. ill. ($10.50) JANyeko 1999 SQ 47pp.
Publishing and book industries see also Authorship Censorship Literacy Paper making and trade Printing for listings of national books-in-print, see under country, e.g.Zimbabwe— Bibliography Mambo Press. An editor’s manual. Mambo 1992 ZI
McCartney, M., ed. National book policies for Africa: proceedings of the Zimbabwe International Book Fair Indaba 96 Harare, Zimbabwe, 26-27 July 96. 83pp. ($30.00/£15.00) ZIBF 1996 ZI
84pp. pl. ($11.30)
Moyo, P. Editorial functions and procedures. ISBN: 079742511X 60pp. APNET 2002 IV Munjanja, A.M. Author’s profile. [Guide for authors.] 66pp. Z$10.00 Lit Bur - Zimb 1994 ZI Sakupwanya, L.T. Professional skills for publishers. ISBN: 0797425101 64pp. APNET 2002 IV Smith, D. A guide to book publishing. 268pp. ($24.00/£13.50) Univ Lagos Press 1990 NR [Africa only] Zimbabwe Book Publishers Association, and Curriculum Development Unit, Ministry of Education and Culture Making books. A handbook for textbook evaluators. 36pp. ($7.50/£3.95) ZBPA 1993 ZI Publishing and book industries— Addresses and essays Kitinya, I.O. The book and newspaper trade for Africa. 91pp. pl. ($5.50) K.shs.30.00 Africa Book Serv 1981 KE Oluwasanmi, E., McLean, E., Zell, H.M. Publishing in Africa in the seventies. Proceedings of an international conference, held at the University of Ife, Ife-Ife, Nigeria, 16-20 December, 1973. cd. & 412pp. Obafemi Awolowo UP 1974 NR Publishing and book industries—Africa Abukutsa, J.L., ed. The role of books in development. Proceedings of the fifth biennial conference of the Kenya Library Association Nairobi, 25-29 September, 1972. 141pp. K.shs.60.00 Kenya Nat Lib Serv 1974 KE Chakava, H. Publishing in Africa. One man’s perspective. 200pp. K.shs.640.00 EAEP 1997 KE Dogbé, Y.E. Reflexions sur la promotion du livre africain. 110pp. ill. CFA50.00 Akpagnon 1984 TG FRE Hanson, B. Trade directory. 84pp. col.ill.map ($15.00) APNET 2003 IV
Nyeko, J.A. Book marketing, sales and distribution. ISBN: 0797425098 44pp. ($10.00) APNET 2003 IV Paulines Publications - Africa Publishing at the service of evangelization. Proceedings of the seminar of the Catholic publishers in Africa. Nairobi, 12-20 February 1996. 192pp. Paulines 1996 KE Zimbabwe International Book Fair Trust Books and children. Proceedings of the ZIBF Indaba 1998, Harare, Zimbabwe, 1/ 2 August 1998. ISBN: 079741925X 260pp. ($16.00/£8.95) ZIBF 1998 ZI Zimbabwe International Book Fair Trust Indaba 2000. Millenium marketplace. [Papers on book marketing and promotion.] ISBN: 0797422587 272pp. ($19.95/£11.95) ZIBF 2000 ZI Publishing and book industries—Africa— Directories African Publishers Network APNET consultants register. ISBN: 10297618 94pp. ($16.95/£9.95) APNET 1998 IV African Publishers Network APNET rights catalogue. 4th ed. 88pp. ($10.00) APNET 2003 IV Priestley, C. Development directory of indigenous publishing 1995. 199pp. ($30.00/£20.00) APNET 1995 IV Zimbabwe International Book Fair Trust African periodicals exhibit 1995. 38pp. ZIBF 1995 ZI Publishing and book industries—Africa— Training manuals Boers, M. Sworn translation. ISBN: 062032368X 108pp. ($25.00/Eur20.00) SATI 2004 SA Dorance, S. Du manuscrit au lecteur. Guide de l’éditeur. ISBN: 291045486X 183pp. ill. Jamana 2001 ML FRE Dorance, S., Fagerberg-Diallo, S., Frings, A. Du manuscrit au texte définitif. Guide du secrétaire de rédaction. ISBN: 2842400615 158pp. ill. ARED & GIPLLN 2001 SG FRE Marchand, P. Texte et image, la mise en forme du livre. Guide du maquettiste PAO. ISBN: 2842400631 152pp. ill. ARED & GIPLLN 2001 SG FRE Pieters, J. Techniques et coûts de fabrication du livre. Le guide du fabricant. ISBN: 2911741374 153pp. ill. Donniya 2001 ML FRE Publishing and book industries—Africa, East Hart, N, ed. The lively word: Christian publishing and broadcasting in East Africa. 68pp. Popular Publ 1975 MW
Makotsi, R., Musonda, F. Pour le développement du commerce du livre à travers l’Afrique: l’étude des obstacles actuels et des potentiels futurs. [Also available in English.] ISBN: 1901830209 125pp. APNET 2002 IV FRE
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African Books in Print
Subject index Publishing and book industries— Cameroun Schaarf, Y. Bible, mission et littérature écrite: l’Afrique digère à sa façon: l’histoire et la place actuelle des Editions CLE et de l’Alliance biblique du Cameroun dans la communication par la parole imprimée en Afrique d’expression française. ISBN: 2723501345 228pp. ill. CLE 2001 CM FRE Publishing and book industries—Egypt Rodenbeck, J., ed. Reading Egypt: literature, history and culture: 40 years of publishing at the American University in Cairo Press. ISBN: 9774245466 240pp. E£40.00 ($15.95/£13.50) Am Univ 2000 UA Publishing and book industries—Ghana Bureau of Ghana Languages The Bureau of Ghana Languages at a glance. 24pp. Bur Ghana Lang 1996 GH Publishing and book industries—Kenya Chege, J.W. Copyright law and publishing in Kenya. 160pp. Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE Makotsi, R., Nyariki, L. Publishing and book trade in Kenya. new ed. 192pp. K.shs.640.00 ($21.50/£11.95) EAEP 1996 KE [Kenya only] Publishing and book industries—Namibia Reiner, P., Hillebrecht, W., Katjavivi, J. Books in Namibia. Past trends and future prospects. 39pp. pl. Assoc Namibian Publ 1994 SX Publishing and book industries—Nigeria Adaba, A.T., Ajia, O., Nwosu, I. Communication industry in Nigeria: the crisis of publications. (Africa Media Monograph Series, 6) 287pp. ($19.50/ £11.00) African Coun Comm 1988 KE Adesanoye, A. The book in Nigeria: some current issues. 175pp. ($19.50/£11.00) Ibadan UP 1995 NR Mammah, R. History and prospects of the Nigerian book. ISBN: 9788033792 94pp. N300.00 ($7.00/£7.00) Mace 2002 NR Mammah, R. The Nigerian books directory, 2002. ISBN: 9788033806 58pp. N200.00 ($5.00/£5.00) Mace 2002 NR Mammah, R. The Nigerian books directory and guide: 2003-2004. ISBN: 9788033822 223pp. N500.00 ($20.00/Eur15.00) Mace 2003 NR Publishing and book industries—Nigeria— Catalogs Mace Books Lagos Book Fair 2000 catalogue. ISBN: 978347619X 46pp. N100.00 Mace 2000 NR
Pulaar—General and Non-fiction Publishing and book industries—South Africa—Bibliography Rossouw, F., comp. South African printers and publishers, 1795-1925: from a South African bibliography to the year 1925. cd. 253pp. R35.00 ($35.00) South African Lib 1987 SA Publishing and book industries—South Africa—Directories National Library of South Africa Directory of South African Publishers. [Title in English and Afrikaans.] 11th ed. ISBN: 0798914114 194pp. South African Lib 1999 SA MUL
Pubishers’ Association of South Africa The PASA directory of freelancers 2002. 3rd ed. ISBN: 062028434X R59.95 PASA 2002 SA
Kane, H. Inta aanniinde. [Amibiguous adventure.] 200pp. CFA1,440 ($3.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1990 SG PUL
Publishers’ Association of South Africa The PASA directory 2002. 5th ed. ISBN: 0620284331 R89.95 PASA 2002 SA
Ndiaye, M. Jeewti Fuladu. [Stories from Fuladu.] 48pp. CFA800.00 ($1.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG PUL
Roberts, F., comp. A writer’s guide to South African magazines. 120pp. R54.00 Options Publ 1996 SA State Library Directory of South African publishers. 10th ed.(Contributions to Library Science, 43) ISBN: 0798914041 173pp. R96.00 State Lib - SA 1998 SA State Library ISBN & ISSN manual. [Annual 1995-] 40pp. State Lib - SA 2004 SA Publishing and book industries—Tanzania Ngeze, P.B. Communication peace and transformation: essays on book development and production. 56pp. T.shs.3,500 ($3.50) TEPU 1989 TZ Publishing and book industries— Zimbabwe Zimbabwe International Book Fair Trust Indaba 2003. History and cultures in Afica: the movement of ideas, people and books. ISBN: 0797427554 118pp. ZIBF 2004 ZI Zimbabwe International Book Fair Trust Indaba 2001. Changing lives: promoting a reading culture in Africa. ISBN: 0797423354 310pp. ZIBF 2001 ZI Publishing and book industries— Zimbabwe—Directories Stringer, R., Rider, D., comps. The directory of Zimbabwe publishers, 1992. 33pp. ($10.00/£6.25) ZBPA 1992 ZI Zimbabwe Publishers’ Association Directory of Zimbabwe Publishers 1995. 2nd ed. 21pp. ($10.00/£6.25) ZBPA 1994 ZI
Heale, J. South African authors and illustrators. 48pp. ill. R20.00 (£5.00) Bookchat-SA 1994 SA
Demmba, P.A. Maayo Kumbe. [The river Kumbe.] 95pp. CFA1,250 ($3.25) Jamana 1996 ML PUL
Kromberg, S., Govender, M., Birrell, N., Sibanyoni, M., eds. Publishing for democratic education. 182pp. R39.00 Sached 1993 SA
Diallo, Z.K. Pellun gondhi. [Hill of sadness.] 46pp. ill. FG2,500 Ganndal 1996 GV PUL
van Rooyen, B. How to get published in South Africa: a guide for authors. 2nd ed. 266pp. R59.95 Southern Book Publ 1996 SA
Jallo, Y.D. Silaamaka e Pullooru. [The epic story of Silamaaka and Pullooru.] rev.ed. 108pp. CFA1,300 ($2.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG PUL Kah, F.S. Sammba Gelaajo Jeegi. [The epic tale of Samba Geladio Diegi.] ISBN: 2842400429 110pp. ill. CFA1,400 ($3.00) ARED & GIPLLN 2000 SG PUL
Pulaar—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Dem, A. Tinndi e Pulareeje. [Traditional stories and proverbs.] rev.ed. 58pp. CFA800.00 ($1.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1995 SG PUL
van Rooyen, B. Get your book published in 30 (relatively) easy steps. ISBN: 0143024949 250pp. R131.58 Penguin SA 2005 SA
Jallo, Y.D. Nuguurndam neddanke. [Human life.] 88pp. CFA1,500 ARED & GIPLLN 1995 SG PUL
Options Publishing The South African writing and publishing guide 1999/2000. 200pp. Options Publ 1999 SA
Publishing and book industries—South Africa Evans, N., Seeber, M., eds. The politics of publishing in South Africa. ISBN: 0953726215 306pp. ($42.00/ £28.00) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA
South African Library Book publishing in South Africa for the 1990s. (South African Library, General series, 17) 117pp. ($25.00/£12.00) R38.00 South African Lib 1991 SA
Jallo, Y.D. Ndikkiri joom moolo. [The eldest with a violin.] 2nd ed. 204pp. CFA1,800 ($3.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1994 SG PUL
Dieng, M.Y. Aawo bi. (IFAN publication diverses, 8) 72pp. CFA1,000 IFAN 1992 SG PUL Goupe d’Initiative pour la Promotion du Livre en Langues Nationales Tinndi, cifti e pulareeje. [Stories, riddles and proverbs.] 2nd ed. 60pp. ill. CFA480 ARED & GIPLLN 1995 SG PUL Jallo, Y.D. Binndande nguurndam neddanke. [Short storiesof the human condition.] 88pp. CFA1,500 ($3.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1994 SG PUL
Ndiaye, S.N. Mbaggu lenol. [Collection of poems in Pulaar.] (IFAN publication diverses, 13) 46pp. CFA1,000 IFAN 1993 SG PUL Pulaar—General and Non-fiction Adams-Sow, A., ed. Liddi ee awo e nder maayo Senegaal. [Fish and fishing in the Senegal river.] 104pp. CFA1,500 ($3.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG PUL Alharkan, M.A. Sardiyeeji wirwirndeeji e lislaam. Burial customs according to Islam. 32pp. CFA600.00 ($1.25) ARED & GIPLLN 1995 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Peeje daranagol luure pewjidangol. [Alternative methods of conflict management.] ISBN: 2842404022 156pp. ill. CFA400.00 ($7.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1999 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Piindi ganndal: hiisa janngoowo. [Basic math for students.] ISBN: 2842400364 100pp. ill. CFA750.00 ($1.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1999 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Faawru nguura: peeje mooftugol e senaare. [Maintaining a cereal store.] 14pp. ill. CFA300.00 ARED & GIPLLN 1992 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Jubbannde e sariya Senegaal. [Overview of justice in Senegal.] 2nd ed. 96pp. ill. CFA1,500 ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Kaatane bakkere. [Better kilns.] 14pp. ill. CFA300.00 ($0.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1992 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Laawol oogirgol humpito. [Active methods for participative research.] 80pp. ill.pl. CFA1,500 ($3.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1995 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Doosgal ngonka dowla Senegaal. [Overview of the constitution of Senegal.] 2nd ed. 64pp. ill. CFA1,500 ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Kuulal jeyi-ngenndi. [The law concerning land tenure.] 72pp. CFA1,500 ($3.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1994 SG PUL
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Pulaar—General and Non-fiction Associates in Research and Education for Development Laawol oogirgol humpito: kabirde. [Manual of participatory rural appraisal tools.] 75pp. CFA1,500 ($3.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1995 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Njoobaari goomu jande. [Guide for a community literacy committee.] ISBN: 2842400534 128pp. ill. CFA2,000 ($4.00) ARED & GIPLLN 2000 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Peeje newnirde kaaldigal. [Mediation strategies.] ISBN: 2842400445 66pp. CFA2,000 ($4.00) ARED & GIPLLN 2000 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Sifaa hajju celludo. Performing the pilgrimage correctly. 54pp. CFA900.00 ($1.75) ARED & GIPLLN 1993 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Tiidtinirde taro: binndande taro e ekkorde celluka. [Reinforcing reading skills: reading texts and grammatical exercises.] ISBN: 2842400526 104pp. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 2000 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Tiidtinirde taro: deftere janngoowo. [Reinforcing reading skills: a book for students.] ISBN: 2842400496 100pp. CFA750.00 ($1.00) ARED & GIPLLN 2000 SG PUL Barry, B. Bookar Biro: almaami mawdo sakkitoro on Fouta Djallon. [Bokar Biro: the last great Almami of Fouta Djallon.] 99pp. CFA840 ($0.75) ARED & GIPLLN 1990 SG PUL Dem, A. Caldi joyi lislaam. [The five pillars of Islam.] 2nd ed. 48pp. CFA720 ($1.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1994 SG PUL Dem, A., Ka, F., Jallo, Y.D. Saggitorde fannuyankoore: demal ngaynaaka, taariindi. [Pulaar thematic dictionary: agriculture, livestock, environment.] 270pp. CFA2,400 ($4.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1993 SG PUL Diallo, S.O. Sòrò yiriwa. 59pp. CFA500.00 ($1.15) Jamana 1989 ML PUL Diop, A.T., Richard, D., Babene, D. Peewnugol mooftirde nguura: hudo hesaako yoornaa. [How to dress haystacks.] 32pp. ill. CFA750.00 ($1.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1993 SG PUL Diwaan, Komiin e Kominote Riiral Dakar Sariya tummbe. [Also available in French and Wolof.] 54pp. CFA1,000 SAFEFOD 2000 SG PUL Engelberg, G. SIDA, cadeele renndo men. AIDS, our common problem. 90pp. ill. CFA1,700 ($3.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1993 SG PUL Engelbrecht, S. Dowirde narwinoowo 1: yeewtagol cellal banndu debo-reedu. Guide for a midwife 1: post-natal care. 95pp. ill. CFA3,500 ($7.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1998 SG PUL Engelbrecht, S. Dowirde narwinoowo 2: yeewtagol cellal banndu jibindo. Guide for a midwife 2: post-natal care. 95pp. ill. CFA2,500 ($5.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1998 SG PUL Engelbrecht, S. Dowirde narwinoowo: yeewtagol cellal banndu deboreedu. [A guide for birth atendants: prenatal care.] ISBN: 2842400382 188pp. ill. CFA3,000 ($5.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1999 SG PUL Engelbrecht, S. Dowirde narwinoowo: yeewtagol cellal banndu jibindo. [A guide for birth attendants: post-natal care.] ISBN: 2842400399 98pp. ill. CFA2,000 ($3.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1999 SG PUL
Subject index Engelbrecht, S. Suudu safrirdu 1: hol no darnirtee? Setting up a village health hut. 55pp. ill. CFA2,000 ($4.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1998 SG PUL
Kâ, F. Saggitorde fannuyankoore: lekde e pudi. A thematic dictionary in Pulaar: trees and plants. 104pp. ill. CFA2,000 ($4.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1997 SG PUL
Engelbrecht, S. Suudu safrirdu 2: hol no hisnirtee? Managing a village health hut. 98pp. ill. CFA2,500 ($5.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1998 SG PUL
Kanté, B. Dowla laawol. [A nation based on law.] 64pp. CFA1,250 ($2.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1995 SG PUL
Freudenberger, M., Schoonmacher, K. Lebte ngaynaala hannde. [Pastoralism in peril.] 63pp. CFA900.00 ($1.75) ARED & GIPLLN 1993 SG PUL Fulo, G., Diine, W.D. Hadiseeje annabi cellude. [The hadith traditions of the Prophet.] 32pp. CFA800.00 ($1.75) ARED & GIPLLN 1994 SG PUL Gise, L.M. Jihaadi seyku Umar Taal. [The holy war of Umar Taal.] 2nd ed. 33pp. CFA500.00 ARED & GIPLLN 1995 SG PUL Guèye, M.B. Buren anndude nokku men: LOHU kisnal ngaluuji tawaadi. [Exploring our territory: a thematic PRA for natural resource management.] 75pp. ill. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG PUL Guèye, M.B. Cilen, cubo-den: peeje men e sifaa njubbudi men. [Community participation in planning: analyzing and selecting alternative actions.] 44pp. ill. CFA800.00 ($1.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1994 SG PUL Guèye, M.B. Luure e musidaagal hakkunde remoobe e aynaabe: ladde Fanndeen. [Conflicts and alliances between cereal growers and livestock farmers: the case of Fannde.] 24pp. CFA500.00 ($1.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1995 SG PUL Horowitz, M., Salem-Murdock, M. Palol worgo daande maayo Senegaal: caggal uddooji. [Report on the activity of the Senegal River basin.] 93pp. pl. CFA900.00 ($1.75) ARED & GIPLLN 1991 SG PUL Hoskins, F. Deftere nate jibingol huubtidinnde. [The universal story of childbirth.] 100pp. CFA1,500 ($1.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1994 SG PUL Jabiir, A. Dewle sunna. [Marriage according to Islam.] 81pp. CFA1,200 ($2.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1997 SG PUL Jallo, Y.D. Daarol Maamuudu Mbuuldi Jallo. [The epic tale of Maamuudu Mbuuldi Jallo.] 44pp. CFA800.00 ($1.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1995 SG PUL Jallo, Y.D. Deftere gaynaako: nabbuuji na’i. [Guide for Peul shepherds: cattle diseases.] 2nd ed. CFA1,200 ($2.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1994 SG PUL Jallo, Y.D. Deftere gaynaako: nguurndam ferlankoobe. [Guide for Peul shepherds: the life of the inhabitants of Ferlo.] 2nd ed. 170pp. CFA1,500 ARED & GIPLLN 1994 SG PUL Jallo, Y.D. Dewle Fulbe. [Traditional marriage amongst the Fulbe.] ISBN: 284240047X 72pp. CFA1,400 ($3.00) ARED & GIPLLN 2000 SG PUL Jallo, Y.D. Nguurndam njulliibe. [The traditional rite of circumcision amongst boys.] ISBN: 2842400488 40pp. CFA800.00 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 2000 SG PUL Kâ, A., et al. Yeruuji kuutoragol leydi. [Case studies of the application of land tenure law.] 108pp. CFA1,500 ($3.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1995 SG PUL
Kanté, B. Kaaldigal e konseyee riiraal. [Discussions with a rural counsellor.] ISBN: 284240050X 56pp. col.ill. CFA2,000 ($4.00) ARED & GIPLLN 2000 SG PUL Kanté, B. Rencontre avec un conseiller rural. ISBN: 2842499518 48pp. col.ill. CFA2,000 ($4.00) ARED & GIPLLN 2000 SG PUL Kanté, B. Wullitanngo taynande laamuyankooje. [Defending citizen rights against official acts by the administration.] 92pp. CFA1,500 ($3.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1995 SG PUL Konate, A.F., Dem, A. Kuutoragol masin gunoowo. [Maintenance of millet mills.] 16pp. ill. CFA300.00 ($0.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1992 SG PUL Ly, B.U. Fitirla ndonu e nder lislaam. Inheritance according to Islam. 28pp. CFA2,000 ($4.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1995 SG PUL Mueller, B. Kuutoragol lekde jawdi. [Medicines used by auxiliary veterinarians.] ISBN: 2832400399 68pp. ill. CFA900.00 ($1.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1999 SG PUL Njaay, M. Fuladu hanki. [History of Fuladu.] rev.ed. 28pp. CFA600.00 ($1.25) ARED & GIPLLN 1994 SG PUL SAFEFOD Ballal ngam bamtaare. [Also available in French and Wolof.] 24pp. CFA600.00 SAFEFOD 1997 SG PUL SAFEFOD Dowirde konseyee riiraal. [Also available in French and Wolof.] 45pp. CFA750.00 SAFEFOD 2000 SG PUL SAFEFOD Duttingol baawde laamu. [Also available in French and Wolof.] 42pp. CFA750.00 SAFEFOD 2000 SG PUL SAFEFOD Heblo nelaabe tummbe sariyaaji kuubtidindi. [Also available in French and Wolof.] 36pp. CFA750.00 SAFEFOD 1997 SG PUL Schaeffer, J., Seydi, M. Ndiyam fooraas, hol njaru mum? At what cost water? 82pp. CFA1,300 ($2.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1997 SG PUL Soh, A. Nehirdi, tutiri ledde. [Maintaining a tree nursery.] 14pp. ill. CFA300.00 ($0.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1992 SG PUL Sy, M. Sardi ladde. [The forestry code.] 117pp. CFA1,500 ($3.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG PUL Thébaud, B., Diallo, S., von Lossau, A. Yellitaare ngaynaaka e nder Saahal. [The case for sustainable development of herding in the Sahel.] 40pp. CFA800.00 ($0.75) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG PUL Thébaud, B., Grell, H., Miehe, S. Jabtugol wonde ngaynaaka ganni buri: ko ngaynaaka ndewindaaka Wiido Cinngooli holliri koo. Recognizing the efficieny of traditional pastoralist herding systems: lessons learned from an experiment with controlled rangelnads in Widou Thingoly. 52pp. CFA800.00 ($1.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG PUL Touré, O., et al. Widto to tunndu Kelkoom (mbege). [A study of the classified forest of Khelcom.] 87pp. CFA1,200 ($2.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1995 SG PUL
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African Books in Print
Subject index USAID Janngo Daande Maayo Senegaal. 16pp. col.pl. CFA1,250 ($2.50) ARED & GIPLLN 2000 SG PUL Pulaar—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Associates in Research & Education for Development Piindi ganndal taro 2: binndol laabtungol, lelngo konngi, mbildi kelme. [Level 2 reader for adults: sentence, syntax, and word morphology.] 80pp. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1994 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Piindi ganndal binndol: alkule, kijjande, kelme, konngi. [Level 1 writing skills for adults: forming letters, syllables, words and sentences.] 48pp. CFA800.00 ($1.50) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Piindi ganndal hiisa 1: jande limande, beyondiral, ustugol. [Level 1 mathfor adults: numbers from 0 to 1.000.000, addition and subtraction.] rev.ed. 86pp. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Piindi ganndal hiisa 2: jande limande mawde, cowgol e peccugo. [Level 2 math for adults: large numbers, multiplication and division.] 102pp. ill. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Piindi ganndal hiisa toowka: betirde ayaawo. [Advanced math: geometry.] 74pp. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Piindi ganndal hiisa toowka: betuuji. [Advanced math: the metric system.] 64pp. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Piindi ganndal ngooroondi hiisa toowka. [The basics of advanced math for adults.] 60pp. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Piindi ganndal njoobaari jannginoowo: kabirde udditirde dudal & rewindo e beto dudal. A teacher’s guide: how to open and evaluate and adult literacy class. 60pp. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Piindi ganndal: hiisa 1. [Teaching arithmetic.] 2nd ed. 96pp. ill. CFA1,000 ARED & GIPLLN 1992 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Piindi ganndal: taro 1. [Level 1 reader for adults.] 3rd ed. 80pp. ill. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1992 SG PUL Associates in Research and Education for Development Taro 1. [Level 1 reader.] rev.ed. 84pp. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG PUL Njaay, M. Taali taalanaadi cukalel pulel. [Stories for a Peul child.] 2nd ed. 50pp. ill. CFA600.00 ($1.25) ARED & GIPLLN 1996 SG PUL Service National d’Alphabétisation Demal naako. [Literacy text in Pulaar.] ISBN: 2913326374 FG3,000 Ganndal 2001 GV PUL Pulaar language also known as Fulfulde, Fula Labouret, H. La langue des Peuls ou Foulbé. (IFAN memoir, 16) 286pp. CFA4,000 IFAN 1952 SG FRE
Real estate—Senegal Pulaar language—Dictionaries Doumbouya, M.B. Syllabaire Adjami. 58pp. CFA2,000 Ganndal 1998 GV MUL Pulaar language—Grammar Associates in Research & Education for Development Piindi ganndal jubbannde celluka e mbinndiin. [Grammar and spelling in Pulaar.] 2nd ed. 96pp. ill. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1994 SG PUL Sylla, Y. Grammaire moderne du pulaar. 233pp. CFA3,250 NEAS 1982 SG FRE Pulaar language—Study and teaching SAFEFOD Hiisa 1. vol.1 80pp. CFA1,5000 SAFEFOD 1997 SG PUL SAFEFOD Taro. 68pp. CFA1,500 SAFEFOD 1997 SG PUL Puzzles and games Alberts, P. YOU big book of block busters 4. R24.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA Alberts, P. YOU big book of blockbusters 1. R24.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA Alberts, P. YOU big book of blockbusters 2. R24.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA Bloemhof, F. K-TV holiday fun book. ISBN: 079813562X ill. R29.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA van Lill, D. The big family quiz book. R64.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Quarm, S.E.—Autobiography Quarm, S.E. Diplomatic servant. Reflections of a pioneer in Ghana’s diplomatic service. 66pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Afram 1995 GH Race relations see also Apartheid Ethnology Negritude Philosophy, African Politics and government and as a sub-division under names of specific countries e.g. South Africa—Race relations Auerbach, F.E. The ABC of race. rev.ed. 59pp. maps pl. ($5.00/£3.00) R5.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1976 SA Race relations—Africa, Southern Mandaza, I. Race, colour and class in Southern Africa. cd. 838pp. ($90.00/£49.50) SAPES 1997 ZI Racism—Africa Nantang Jua, B., Nchoji Nkwi, P. Combattre le racisme, l’ethnicité et les différentes formes de discrimination en Afrique. [Also available in English.] 34pp. CFA5,000 ($10.00) ICASSRT 2001 CM FRE Nantung Jua, B., Nchoji Nkwi, P. Levelling the playing field: combatting racism, ethnicity and different forms of intolerance in Africa. [Also available in French.] 34pp. CFA5,000 ($10.00) ICASSRT 2001 CM Racism—South Africa Dubow, S. Illicit union. Scientific racism in modern South Africa. 340pp. R89.95 Witwatersrand UP 1995 SA [Southern Africa only] Eyber, C., Dyer, D., Versfeld, R Resisting racism: a teacher’s guide to equality in education. 71pp. R29.95 Idasa 1997 SA Railroads—Kenya—Pictorial works Patience, K. Steam in East Africa, a photo-history of East African railways. cd. 128pp. pl. K.shs.130.00 ($21.50/£11.95) EAEP 1976 KE
Railroads—Nigeria Jaekel, F. The history of the Nigerian railway. Network and infrastructures. vol.2 ISBN: 9782463310 cd. 3 vols. 1249pp. ill.pl. ($200.00/£125.00 set) Spectrum 1998 NR Jaekel, F. The history of the Nigerian railway. Opening the nation to the sea, air and road transportation. vol.1 ISBN: 9782463140 cd. 3 vols 1249pp. ill.pl. ($200.00/£125.00 set) Spectrum 1998 NR Jaekel, F. The history of the Nigerian railway. Organisation, structure and related matters. vol.3 ISBN: 9782463329 cd. 3 vols.1249pp. ill.pl. ($200.00/£125.00 set) Spectrum 1998 NR Ramphele, Mamphele—Autobiography Ramphele, M. A life. 256pp. pl. R72.95 Philip 1995 SA Ransome Kuti, Josiah—Biography Delano, I.O. Josiah Ransome Kuti. (Makers of Nigeria, 1) 71pp. ill. N5.00 Univ Press Nig 1968 NR Rastafarians Campbell, H. Rasta and resistance. 364pp. ($21.50/ £11.95) Tanz Publ House 1985 TZ Reading see also Education, Africa Literacy Bedaysee, S. Reading for pleasure. 1996 MF
91pp. Capucines
Eboule, L. Guide d’initiation à la lecture. 64pp. ill. CFA2,120 CLE 1988 CM FRE Kalu, H., Nwankwo, V.U. My diary of reading. ISBN: 9781564652 16pp. ($4.995/£2.95) Fourth Dimension 2001 NR Kenya Institute of Education Starting to read. 32pp. K.shs.100.00 ($1.70/£1.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1969 KE Okeem, O. Reading for joy. 31pp. ill. ($2.00) Fourth Dimension 1983 NR Paulines Publications - Africa Reading. 40pp. col.ill. ($1.00) Paulines 1997 KE Sprosty, L. Teaching reading in the primary school. 172pp. ill. ($15.00) Mambo 1993 ZI Warner, A. About books: some notes on books and reading for the English student and the general reader. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1972 SA Reading—Nigeria Olanlokum, S.O. Look and read. bk 1 ISBN: 978372200X 28pp. ill. N250.00 (£1.00) Durano 2004 NR Reading—South Africa Machet, M. Young people’s reading in South Africa: a pilot project. R60.00 Unisa 2001 SA Real estate—Congo Democratic Republic Kalala, E. Comment procéder pour acheter une parcelle? louer une maison? 132pp. ($9.40) Kap Kaz 2001 ZR FRE Real estate—Kenya Syagga, P.M. Real estate valuation handbook with special reference to Kenya. 231pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Nairobi UP 1994 KE Real estate—Senegal Ndoye, D. Le problème des biens immobiliers de la collectivité Léboue à Dakar: l’organisation foncière des Lébous. ISBN: 2878380665 53pp. (Eur18.29) EDJA 2005 SG FRE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Real estate—South Africa Real estate—South Africa Nel, H. Jones: conveyancing in South Africa. 4th ed. 576pp. R281.00 Juta 1991 SA Refugees see also Peace studies War Refugees—Africa Adisa, J. The comfort of strangers. The impact of Rwandan refugees in neighbouring countries. 110pp. N350.00 ($18.00) IFRA - Nig 1996 NR Chidowore, R., Cammack, D. Protection of the African refugees and internally displaced persons. 42pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Southern Afric Res & Docs 1997 ZI
Subject index Ash, D. Activation for ascension. ISBN: 0958406553 ($6.90) Kima 2000[?] SA Ash, D. God the ultimate paradox. 232pp. R74.95 ($14.95/£9.99) Kima 1998 [?] SA Ash, D.A. Beware of God, the ultimate paradox. ISBN: 0958426120 R89.95 ($14.95/ £9.99) Kima 2001 SA Bavinck, H. The certainty of faith. (IRS study pamphlets, 364) ISBN: 186822306X 46pp. R40.00 per annum Inst Reformational Studies 1998 SA Boison, C.D. Spiritual militants. Ahenpa 1996 GH
111pp. C5,500 ($4.75)
Donders, J., Smith, S. Refugees are people, an action report on refugees in Africa. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 88) 40pp. ($2.30) Gaba 1985 KE
Briggs, D.S. Reincarnation and the concept of being ‘born again’. ISBN: 9783615602 77pp. ill. N300.00 ($2.50/£1.80) Pam Unique Publ 2002 NR
Jesuit Refugee Services Displaced in Africa. 52pp. ($0.80) Paulines 1995 KE
Chatteris, C. Between a rock and a hard place. Discernment in the search for justice. Some concrete issues. 120pp. R30.00 Cluster 1995 SA
Mupedziswa, R. Uprooted refugees and social work in Africa. Z$50.00 ($20.00) School Soc Work 1993 ZI Mwereke, T. A Christian ethic on refugees in Africa south of the Sahara. 30pp. CUEA 1996 KE Refugees—Directories Hall, N., ed. Directory of NGOs involved with Mozambican refugees in Zimbabwe and Malawi. Z$15.00 ($6.00) School Soc Work 1992 ZI PARinAc - Tanzania & UNHCR, Tanzania Partnership in action. Profiles of member organisations of PARinAc - Tanzania. ISBN: 9987686311 70pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2002 TZ United Nations Environment Programme Refugees and the environment. Information sources. 500pp. ($50.00) UNEP 1996 KE Refugees—Pictorial works Grondahl, M. In hope and despair. Life in the Palestinian refugee camps. ISBN: 9774248112 144pp. col.pl. E£150.00 ($34.50/£28.95) Am Univ 2003 UA Refugees—South Africa Adams, K., ed. We came for Mandela: the cultural life of the refugee community in South Africa. ISBN: 0620275472 104pp. ill.pl. R150.00 Footprints 2001 SA Reitz, Deneys Reitz, D. Commando. ISBN: 1868420663 R89.95 Ball 1998 SA Religion see also Bible Buddhism Christian life Christianity in Africa Church history Hinduism Islam Missions, Christian Rastafarians Religion, traditional Religious education Theology Worship, Christian and as a sub-division under specific countries Agoro, O. Jesus Christ resurrection, the much awaited by Jews, Christians and Muslims. ISBN: 1972257010 148pp. Agoro 2002 NR Alou, K.A.M. Dieu au quotidien. 1994 TG FRE
CFA2,130 HaHo
Cox, J.L. Expressing the sacred. An introduction to the phenomenology of religion. 172pp. ($17.00/£9.50) Univ Zimbabwe 1992 ZI de Gruchy, J.W., Prozesky, M., eds. A southern African guide to world religions. 2nd ed. 256pp. R79.95 Philip 1994 SA Higgins, E. Predikant and priest. (Inst of Social and Economic Research occas. pap, 17) 21pp. 80c Inst Soc & Econ Res - SA 1972 SA Kyeremateng, K.N. Global religious viewpoints. ISBN: 9988783221 Sebewie 1998 GH Maillu, D.G. The black Adam and Eve. Maillu 1989 KE
37pp. ($2.50)
Mugambi, J.N.K. The comparative study of religions. 2nd ed. 311pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Nairobi UP 1993 KE Njino, J.K. Institutes of consecrated life, religious and secular. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 104) 79pp. Gaba 1988 KE Nteka, D. Comment dialoguer avec mon frère et ma soeur d’une autre religion? Une fraternité au-delà des religions. ISBN: 2914624565 80pp. FC1,000 ($2.00) Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE Ntloedibe-Kuswani, G.S., Dinama, B., Kandovaza, M., Summers, H. Reflections on religions. vol.1 ISBN: 9991273700 192pp. ill.pl. P41.25 Longman - Bots 1998 BS Odoemene, N.A. Dialogue in the early history of Jewish and Christian religions. 121pp. (£6.25/ $10.00) Univ Port Harcourt Press 1997 NR Okonkwo, J.I., ed. Pastoral language and evangelization 2000. ISBN: 978156444X 100pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Fourth Dimension 1998 NR Otiende, J., Akatsa, J. Understanding the great religions. ISBN: 9966467300 120pp. K.shs.395.00 EAEP 1998 KE
Prozesky, M. A new guide to the debate about God. 200pp. R55.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1992 SA Richard, J. The door smiting anointing. ISBN: 9782617267 85pp. N200.00 ($1.00/£0.80) Pam Unique Publ 2001 NR ter Haar, G., ed. Religious communities in the diaspora. ISBN: 9966888381 276pp. ill. Acton 2001 KE Thorpe, S. Primal religions worldwide. (Manualia Didactica, 17) 126pp. R65.00 ($30.20/ £18.50) Unisa 1992 SA van der Walt, B.J. Man and God. The transforming power of biblical religion. R80.00 ($20.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1997 SA Verryn, T.D., Curran, C. New perspectives in moral theology and on the future. cd. 108pp. R1.25 Economic Res Unit 1974 SA Welch, E., Sharkey, B. The fulfilment. 312pp. K.shs.616.00 OUP - Nairobi 1982 KE Wilson, W. Tithing made simple. ISBN: 9988021038 118pp. C25,000 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 2004 GH Religion—Addresses and essays Moore, G.H. Is God in history. 9pp. 25p. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1971 GH Religion—Africa Aguedze, I.O. Principles underlying African religion and philosophy. K.shs.150.00 Maillu 1990[?] KE Anderson, D.M., Johnson, D.H. Revealing prophets. 310pp. K.shs.2,000 EAEP 1995 KE [Kenya only] Bourdanné, D. Le Saint Esprit interroge les esprits. Essai de relecture et pistes psychopastorales de la spiritualité en Afrique. Le cas de la République Démocratique du Congo. ISBN: 2733501566 224pp. CFA5,000 (Eur20.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Bourqia, R., ed. Les jeunes et les valeurs religieuses. ISBN: 9981090522 260pp. CFA9,000 ($20.00/£14.00/Eur20.00) CODESRIA 2001 SG FRE Brislin, S. The Ministry of Deacons in an African diocese. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 76) K.shs.140.00 Gaba 1982 KE Buakasa, T.M. Lire la religion africaine. cd. 203pp. ($89.00) Kalombo 1993 ZR FRE Bujo, B. Dieu devient homme en Afrique noire. rev.ed. 104pp. (FB60.00) Paulines - DRC 1996 ZR FRE Burke, J. Towards the inculturation of religious life in Africa. ISBN: 9966215433 244pp. ($5.00) Paulines 2001 KE Collectif Cahiers des religions africaines. (Cahiers des Religions Africaines, 58) 170pp. ($20.00) Fac Catholiques 2002 ZR FRE Dickson, K.A. Aspects of religion and life in Africa. (J.B. Danquah Memorial Series, 7) 41pp. ($10.00) Ghana Acad Arts & Scien 1977 GH
Pillay, G.J. Religion at the limits. (Studia Originalia, 19) 272pp. R79.00 ($36.50/£22.20) Unisa 1994 SA
Gehman, R.J. African traditional religion in biblical perspective. 2nd ed. 312pp. K.shs.495.00 ($25.00/£13.95) EAEP 1993 KE
Potgieter, P.C. The power of prayer. Verbi 1996 SA
Haliburton, G., ed. African spirituality. BS
48pp. R13.50 Lux
Univ Botswana 1996
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 406
African Books in Print
Subject index Haselbarth, H. Christian ethics in the African context. 234pp. K.shs.300.00 Uzima 1997 KE Haynes, J. Religion and politics in Africa. 264pp. K.shs.945.00 EAEP 1996 KE [Kenya only] Hubert, J. Rites traditionnels d’Afrique. Approche pour une théologie liturgique inculturée. ISBN: 274753565X 190pp. (Eur16.00) Ndzé 2003 GO FRE [co-published with Editions l’Harmattan, Paris; Editions Raponda Walker, Gabon] Kanyadago, P.M. Evangelizing polygamous families. Canonical and African approaches. (Spearhead, 116-118) K.shs.290.00 ($10.00) Gaba 1991 KE Kasenene, P. Religious ethics in Africa. ISBN: 9970021338 110pp. ($11.25/£6.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Katarega, B.D., Sheik, D.W. Islam et christianisme. 232pp. CFA2,500 HaHo 1987 TG FRE Lombard, C. Worshipping God as Africans. Report on the AFALMA-Namibia worship and festival, Windhoek, 7-12 December 1993. 100pp. ($5.00) EDICESA 1995 ZI Magesa, L. African religion. ISBN: 9966213864 256pp. K.shs.480.00 ($8.00) Paulines 1998 KE Mann, R. African masters and mystery schools. ISBN: 0620178256 ($12.17) Kima 2000 SA Masamba ma Mpolo, J. Le Saint-Esprit interroge les esprits: essai de relecture et pistes psychopastorales de la spiritualité en Afrique: cas de la République démocratique du Congo. ISBN: 2723501566 218pp. CLE 2002 CM FRE Mugambi, J.N.K. Critiques of Christianity in African literature. 168pp. K.shs.660.00 ($16.00/ £8.95) EAEP 1992 KE Nnyombi, R., ed. Christian-Muslim reflection. (Tangaza occasional papers, 9) ISBN: 9966214836 72pp. Paulines 2000 KE Nyirongo, L. The gods of Africa or the god of the Bible? The snares of African traditional religion in biblical perspective. R40.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1997 SA Osabutey, A. African religion and philosophy. 249pp. K.shs.169.00 ($2.80/£1.70) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1990 KE Paulines Publications Religious formation in international communities. (Tangaza occasional papers, 6) ISBN: 9966213996 88pp. Paulines 1999 KE Pobee, J.S. AD 2000 and after: the future of God’s mission in Africa. 94pp. C5,000 ($5.00) Asempa 1991 GH Schoffeleers, J.M., ed. Guardians of the land. Essays on central African territorial cults. (Kachere text, 9) ISBN: 0869227343 328pp. ($24.95/ £14.95) Kachere 1999 MW Shenk, D.W. Justice, reconciliation and peace in Africa. rev.ed. 196pp. K.shs.280.00 Uzima 1983 KE Shorter, A. New religious movements in Africa. ISBN: 9870070117 128pp. N250.00 ($15.00) Univ Calabar 1999 NR Taylor, J.V. Christian presence amid African religion. ISBN: 9966888624 168pp. Acton 2001 KE
Religion, Christian Tucker, L. Mystery of the white lions: children of the sun god. ISBN: 0620318910 400pp. col.pl. (£15.95) Npenvu 2003 SA van Beek, W.E., ed. Religion in Africa. 528pp. K.shs.1,945 EAEP 1995 KE [Kenya only] Religion—Africa—Bibliography INADES Le foisonnement du religieux en Afrique. Bibliographie commentée. 34pp. CFA1,700 Inades 1993 IV FRE Religion—Africa—Study and teaching Bourdillon, M.F.C. Religion and society: a text for Africa. 406pp. ($18.80) Mambo 1991 ZI Echetebih, B.S. 1005 objective questions and answers in Christian religious knowledge for senior secondary schools. 201pp. N250.00 Africana First 1997 NR Jomo Kenyatta Foundation No one taught like this man. 264pp. K.shs.334.00 ($5.60/£3.75) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1979 KE Mbiti, J.S. An introduction to African religion. 2nd ed. 216pp. K.shs.770.00 EAEP 1992 KE Religion—Study and teaching Baldacchino, F. Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary of the Quran. ISBN: 9966215468 64pp. K.shs.175.00 ($2.50) Paulines 2000 KE
Alou, K.A.M. Le métier de Jésus. 2nd ed. 110pp. CFA1,550 HaHo 1995 TG FRE Arinze, F. Meeting other believers. 72pp. K.shs.100.00 ($2.00) Paulines 1997 KE Bame Bame, M. La secrète sagesse de Dieu. Une justification de la foi chrétienne. ISBN: 2723501612 186pp. CFA3,500 (Eur14.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Bigotto, G. Mary the mother of Jesus. Exegesis and spirituality. ISBN: 9966215085 232pp. Paulines 2000 KE Blazu, E.B. The messiah is coming again. ISBN: 9964782683 92pp. C15,000 ($5.00) Asempa 2002 GH Brain, J. St. John Vianney seminary: fifty years of priestly training. ISBN: 187505331X 278pp. R75.00 ($15.00) Cluster 2002 SA Buama, L.K. The holy spirit. 52pp. C2,500 ($3.00) Asempa 1997 GH Buama, L.K. The trinity. ISBN: 9964782209 40pp. C2,500 ($3.00) Asempa 1998 GH Burke, C. The Mass explained. ISBN: 9696969616 col.ill.pl. ($2.00) Scepter 2002 KE
Ewbank, R.A.B., Ewbank, M.R. Focus on O-level religious studies: St. Luke and, The acts of the apostles. ISBN: 1779003102 112pp. ill. Z$130.00 ($3.70) College Press -Zimb 1999 ZI
Chapeleau, M. Qui est cet homme? La science et la foi devant le linceul de Turin. ISBN: 9990303290 80pp. pl. Rs50.00 ($3.00) Océan Indien Ed 1999 MF FRE
Fiedler, K. Teaching Church history in Malawi. (Kachere text, 3) ISBN: 9990876487 40pp. ($2.50/£1.38) Kachere 2005 MW
Christian Council of Ghana. What church members should know. 2nd ed. 80pp. ($2.00/£1.00) Asempa 1982 GH
Norlén, G. Living religions of the world. ISBN: 9987657001 183pp. T.shs.3,500 ($8.00) Makumira 2000 TZ
Coleman, R.E. Ils rencontrent le maitre. 166pp. CFA1,600 CPE 1989 IV FRE
Nwaike, E.C. An introductory sociology of religion. ISBN: 9782514497 110pp. N165.00 ($1.65/£1.03) Ihem Davis 1999 NR Steyn, C., Dadoo, Y., Manci, P., Resnick, M., Saradananda, S. Religion in life orientation. 4th rev. ed. ISBN: 1868881318 179pp. R130.50 ($13.10/£8.50) Unisa 2000 SA Religion—Study and teaching (Elementary) Currer, B., Currer, N. Ten steps to God. ISBN: 1869000811 208pp. col.ill. R150.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Roberts, A. A Jewish new year and the Christian festival of Easter. ISBN: 1868975150 20pp. ill. R21.59 Clever 2004 SA Roberts, A. A Muslim pilgrimage and the Hindu festival of Diwali. ISBN: 1868975169 20pp. ill. R21.59 Clever 2004 SA Roberts, A. The story of Buddha and Kisa Gorami’s son and the life of Muhammad. ISBN: 1868975177 20pp. ill. D21.59 Clever 2004 SA Religion, Christian see also Christian life Christianity in Africa Church history Religious education Sermons Achungo, A. Blessed Josemaria. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966882278 col.ill.pl. ($1.00) Scepter 2004 KE Alexander, A., Syanzalu, L., Holland, G. Aider l’église à croître. 285pp. CFA3,500 CPE 1997 IV FRE
Congregation for the Clergy The priest and the third Christian millenium. ISBN: 9966214890 44pp. K.shs.80.00 ($1.20) Paulines 1999 KE Cook Communications LKG-God is very holy. ISBN: 0796301115 32pp. R25.95 Lux Verbi 2003 SA Coutts, J.J. Prophètes et rois d’Israel. trans.f.t. English 156pp. CFA1,135 CLE 1971 CM FRE Escriva, J. Holy rosary. [Also available in bilingual English and Swahili edition and in Swahili.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966969699 col.ill.pl. ($3.50) Scepter 2004 KE MUL Evangel Publishing House Baptist basics. 157pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1994 KE Filles de St Paul Thècle, une vie passionnée pour l’évangile. 64pp. col.ill. FC150.00 Paulines - DRC 1989 ZR FRE Fiso Oyenjii, J. Heirs of the promise. ISBN: 9780293027 334pp. N2,400 Spectrum 2001 NR Gaybba, B. God is a community: a general survey of Christianity. 372pp. R179.00 ($38.90/ £24.70/Eur34.00) Unisa 2004 SA Glint Jésus et son disciple Pierre. 58pp. CFA1,000 CPE 1985 IV FRE Gonzalez, M.E., Resende, F. The little shepherds of Fatima. ISBN: 9966215603 112pp. ill. K.shs.120.00 ($1.80) Paulines 2000 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Religion, Christian Gousmett, C. Christianity and politics. A reformational perspective. (IRS study pamphlets, 384) ISBN: 1868223639 60pp. R45.00 annually Inst Reformational Studies 1999 SA Haring, B. I have seen your tears. 80pp. K.shs.150.00 ($3.00) Paulines 1997 KE His Holiness Pope John Paul II Gift and mystery. 120pp. ($4.00) Paulines 1997 KE Hobbs, J.J. Mount Sinai. 376pp. E£60.00 ill. ($24.50) Am Univ 1996 UA [Egypt only] Hoschele, S. From the ends of the ends of the earth. The development of Seventh-Day Adventist missiology. ISBN: 9990876118 80pp. ($19.95/£10.95) Kachere 2005 MW Janson, M. Passion of Christ. ISBN: 0796302197 120pp. R59.95 Lux Verbi 2004 SA Kivengere, F. When God moves. rev.ed. 48pp. C2,000 Asempa 1983 GH Kor, B. Revival palaver in Bastos. 138pp. CFA2,500 ($10.97/£5.50) Buma Kor 1997 CM Kouamé, M.M. Je t’ai choisi... tu es mon serviteur. CFA2,000 EDILIS 1998 IV FRE Leroux-Van der Boon, M. Shades of crimson. ISBN: 0796302634 320pp. R119.95 Lux Verbi 2005 SA Lombard, C. Essays and exercises in ecumenism. ISBN: 1875053166 414pp. R120.00 Cluster 1999 SA Magnante, A. Why suffering? 144pp. K.shs.250.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1997 KE Mallia, C. The sacrament of the anointing of the sick. ISBN: 9966215263 60pp. K.shs.70.00 ($1.00) Paulines 2000 KE Maynardus, O.F.A. 2000 years of Coptic christianity. ISBN: 9774245113 cd. 368pp. E£80.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 1999 UA McClellan, M. Monasticism in Egypt: images and words of the desert fathers. ISBN: 977424463X cd. 112pp. ill. E£90.00 ($27.50) Am Univ 1998 UA McDowell, J. More than a carpenter. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0796302618 136pp. R69.95 Lux Verbi 2005 SA Msweli, S., Crider, D. The shepherd and his work. 246pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1974 KE Mwololo wa Maliti, P. Forming priests for the modern world. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 125) 66pp. K.shs.185.00 ($3.00/£2.31) Gaba 1993 KE Ndung’u, E. Heroines of faith. 120pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.80) Paulines 1997 KE Nyirongo, L.T. Should a Christian embrace socialism, communism or humanism? R25.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1994 SA
Subject index Okeke, V.M. Christian witness. ISBN: 9782335094 500pp. N800.00 Delta 2003 NR
ter Haar, G. African Christians in Europe. ISBN: 9966888268 308pp. Acton 2001 KE
Okonkwo, J.I., ed. Pastoral management and communication. 100pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Fourth Dimension 1995 NR
Theological and Historical Commission Jesus Christ, word of the Father, the saviour of the world. Official catechetical text in preparation for the holy year 2000. 160pp. ($3.00) Paulines 1997 KE
Onekpe, P.I. Towards Xtian maturity. CSS 1997 NR
Owane, S. Christian revelation. ISBN: 0869860968 290pp. R32.55 Lovedale 1997 SA Ozrovech, S. Faith. ISBN: 0869977040 40pp. R19.95 Lux Verbi 1998 SA Ozrovech, S. My Father God. ISBN: 079630002X cd. 416pp. R84.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Pauels, L. Marie, femme de la nouvelle alliance. 64pp. pl. FC750.00 ($1.50) Paulines DRC 1997 ZR FRE Pobee, J.S. With Jesus at Golgotha. Asempa 1998 GH
60pp. ($4.00)
Pontifical Work for Ecclesiastical Vocations Inter-institute collaborations for formation. ISBN: 9966214534 36pp. K.shs.80.00 ($1.20) Paulines 1999 KE Radoli, A., ed. Challenges to the church of the third millenium. vol.42,1 & 2 103pp. Gaba 2000 KE Recchi, S. L’exhortation apostologique vita consecrata. (UCAC publication scientifique, 11) 20pp. CFA450.00 (Eur0.69) UCAC 1997 CM FRE Ross, K.R. Here comes your King. Christ, church and nation in Malawi. (Kachere book, 6) ISBN: 9990816107 200pp. K120.00 ($14.00/£9.00) Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1998 MW Rwehumbiza, R.K.P. Jesus’ baptism: its meaning and significance for Christians today. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 134) 59pp. K.shs. 150.00 ($3.75) Gaba 1994 KE S.E.A.N. Vie de Christ. vol.1 ISBN: 2910307204 290pp. CFA3,250 CPE 1998 IV FRE Sarah, R. Les devoirs des autorités de l’Eglise et la vie chrétienne selon les lettre pastorales. ISBN: 2914624158 144pp. FC1,350 ($2.70) Paulines - DRC 2002 ZR FRE Schmidt, W.Z. Salvation through the sacraments. ISBN: 9966218544 40pp. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2002 KE Smit, N. Nearer to you, God. ISBN: 0796301352 416pp. R96.95 Lux Verbi 2002 SA Smit, N. Prayers of a girl. ISBN: 0796302367 R39.95 Lux Verbi 2004 SA Smit, N. Prayers of a woman. ISBN: 0796302359 R39.95 Lux Verbi 2004 SA Spagnolo, A. Jesus our saviour. 80pp. K.shs.40.00 ($0.80) Paulines 1996 KE
Obi, K. The fingers of God. ISBN: 9783099992 146pp. Christon 1999 NR
Spagnolo, A. Jesus our teacher. 80pp. K.shs.40.00 ($0.80) Paulines 1996 KE
Obi, K. In the beginning. ISBN: 9783099994 123pp. Christon 1999 NR
Sweli, S.M., Crider, D. Le pasteur et son travail. 267pp. CFA3,500 CPE 1979 IV FRE
Ojakaminor, E. Catholic social doctrine. 160pp. K.shs.300.00 ($6.00) Paulines 1996 KE
Tablino, P. Christianity among the nomads. ISBN: 9966217846 312pp. K.shs.640.00 ($8.00) Paulines 2004 KE
van der Walt, B.J. Being human in a Christian perspective. 83pp. R20.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1997 SA van der Walt, B.J. Religion and society. Christian involvement in the public square. 86pp. R25.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1999 SA van der Walt, B.J., Diemer, J.H. Wonders. Nature and miracle. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] (IRS study pamphlets, 373) ISBN: 1868223388 46pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1999 SA MUL Veenhof, J. The relationship between nature and grace according to H. Bavinck. (IRS study pamphlets, 322) 31pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1994 SA Walters, T.W. Seeking God through the Catholic faith. ISBN: 9966219129 128pp. K.shs.320.00 ($4.00) Paulines 2004 KE Religion, Christian—Addresses and essays At the beginning of the new millenium. 11th ed. ISBN: 9966215743 48pp. K.shs.75.00 ($1.00) Paulines 2001 KE On peace on earth. 56pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.30) Paulines 2000 KE Brown, B.H.M. Christian unity and joint action in the mission of the church. (Peter Ainslie Memorial lec., 19) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1970 SA Burnett, B.B. Lambeth 1958 and reunion: an Anglican version. (Peter Ainslie Memorial lec., 10) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1959 SA Chadwick, O. Christian unity. (Peter Ainslie Memorial lec., 14) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1963 SA Clayton, G.H. Christian unity: an Anglican view. (Peter Ainslie Memorial lec., 1) 50c. Inst Soc Res 1949 SA Coulson, C.A. The church in the world. (Peter Ainslie Memorial lec., 13) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1962 SA Craig, R. The church: unity in integrity. (Peter Ainslie Memorial lec., 16) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1965 SA Fernandez, F. Conversations with God. 2nd ed. vol.5 ISBN: 0906138248 col.ill.pl. ($16.00) Scepter 2003 KE Frend, W.H.C. Liberty and unity. (Peter Ainslie Memorial lec., 15) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1964 SA Garrison, W.E. Liberty and unity. (Peter Ainslie Memorial lec., 12) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1961 SA Hurley, D. Catholics and ecumenism: prospects and problems. (Peter Ainslie Memorial lec., 17) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1966 SA John Paul II Stay with us Lord. Apostolic letter Mane nobiscum domine. ISBN: 9966219625 24pp. ($0.65) Paulines 2004 KE Macleod, G. Church union and social concern. (Peter Ainslie Memorial lec., 4) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1951 SA Marais, B.J. Human diversity and church unity. (Peter Ainslie Memorial lec., 9) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1957 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Maury, P. Christian witness among intellectuals. (Peter Ainslie Memorial lec., 6) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1954 SA Meiring, A.M. Christian unity: a Dutch reformed view. (Peter Ainslie Memorial lec., 5) 50c. Inst Soc Res 1953 SA Neill, S. Rome and the ecumenical movement. (Peter Ainslie Memorial lec., 18) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1967 SA Newbigin, L. The mission and unity of the church. (Peter Ainslie Memorial lec., 11) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1960 SA Paton, A. Christian unity: a South African view. (Peter Ainslie Memorial lec., 3) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1950 SA Religion, Christian—Dictionaries Kernan, J. An introductory dictionary of eschatology. ISBN: 062027090X 30pp. ill. free Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 2001 MW Religion, Christian—Study and teaching Ajello, S. Ventures religious and moral education. Grade 3. pupil’s bk. 124pp. ($3.20) College Press -Zimb 1993 ZI Ajello, S. Ventures religious and moral education. Grade 4. pupil’s bk. 112pp. ($3.20) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI Ajello, S. Ventures religious and moral education. Grade 6. ISBN: 1779003692 144pp. Z$65,700 ($13.20/£8.90/Eur17.40) College Press -Zimb 2001 ZI Anglican Church of Kenya Panel Teach them - Sunday school teachers training handbook. 99pp. ill. K.shs.200.00 Uzima 1997 KE Christian Churches Educational Association and Kenya Catholic Secretariat One in Christ. bk.7 97pp. K.shs.144.00 ($2.40/£1.45) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1993 KE Christian Churches Educational Association and Kenya Catholic Secretariat One in Christ. bk.6 148pp. K.shs.206.00 ($3.45/£2.10) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1996 KE Christian Churches Educational Association and Kenya Catholic Secretariat One in Christ. bk.8 197pp. K.shs.250.00 ($4.20/£2.53) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1990 KE Ewbank, R.A.B. Focus on A level divinity: the gospels. 120pp. Z$109.95 ($5.00/£3.10) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI
Religious education Otiende, J.E., Shiundu, J.O., Malusu, J.M. Christian religious education standard 5. 105pp. K.shs.230.00 EAEP 1989 KE Otiende, J.E., Shiundu, J.O., Malusu, J.M. Christian religious education standard 6. 130pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 1989 KE Otiende, J.E., Shiundu, J.O., Malusu, J.M. Christian religious education standard 7. 124pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 1989 KE Otiende, J.E., Shiundu, J.O., Malusu, J.M. Christian religious education standard 8. 137pp. K.shs.260.00 EAEP 1989 KE Welch, E., Wild, J. God’s people. bk.4 120pp. ill.col.ill. K.shs.332.00 OUP - Nairobi 1988 KE Religion, Christian—Study and teaching (Elementary) Adeyinka, A., et al. Primary Christian religious and moral education. vol.2 ISBN: 9781292660 88pp. N155.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR Adeyinka, A., et al. Primary Christian religious and moral education. vol.1 ISBN: 9781292811 76pp. N155.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR Adeyinka, A., et al. Primary Christian religious and moral education. vol.3 ISBN: 9781292741 76pp. N155.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1998 NR Levi, L. Together in Christ form 1. ISBN: 9966252142 192pp. K.shs.160.00 EAEP 2003 KE Levi, L. Together in Christ form 2. ISBN: 9966252703 112pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 2003 KE Levi, L. Together in Christ form 2, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966252711 72pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 2003 KE Levi, L. Together in Christ form 2, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 9966252258 68pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 2003 KE Levi, L. Together in Christ form 3. ISBN: 9966253211 148pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 2004 KE Levi, L. Together in Christ form 4, teacher’s guide. ISBN: 996625322X 64pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 2004 KE Religion, traditional—Africa Anderson, A. Moya. The Holy Spirit in an African context. (Manualia Didactica, 13) 152pp. R60.00 ($20.00/£12.20) Unisa 1991 SA
Khayesi, K.Z. Primary C.R.E. in Kenya. A handbook for teachers. ISBN: 9966855491 110pp. K.shs.350.00 Uzima 1998 KE
Anderson, K., Benson, P. Introductory course and African traditional religion. 221pp. K.shs.250.00 ($4.50) Evangel 1986 KE
Kuert, B., ed. A children’s ministry manual. 68pp. K.shs.200.00 Evangel 1997 KE
Banana, C. Come and share. Mambo 1991 ZI
Maithya, R., Kadagi, A. Peak revision. KCSE Christian religious education. ISBN: 9966250336 255pp. K.shs.520.00 EAEP 2000 KE
de Kok, B. Christianity and African traditional religion: two realities of a different kind. (Sources for the Study of Religion in Malawi, 19) ISBN: 9990876177 68pp. ($19.95/£12.95) Kachere 2004 MW
Namasaka, G., Malusu, J.M. Christian religious education standard 1. 62pp. K.shs.195.00 EAEP 1989 KE Namasaka, G., Malusu, J.M. Christian religious education standard 3. 54pp. K.shs.195.00 EAEP 1984 KE Namasaka, G., Malusu, J.M., Shiundu, J.O. Christian religious education standard 2. 62pp. K.shs.195.00 EAEP 1990 KE Otiende, J.E., Shiundu, J.O., Malusu, J.M. Christian religious education standard 4. 111pp. K.shs.230.00 EAEP 1989 KE
152pp. ($12.40)
Gilli, B. Naissances humaines ou divines? Analyse de certains types de naissances attribués au Vodu. 266pp. HaHo 1997 TG FRE Hetsen, J., Wanjohi, R. Anointing and healing in Africa. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 71) 49pp. ($2.30) Gaba 1982 KE Holland, H. African magic. Traditional ideas that heal a continent. ISBN: 0670896616 215pp. R122.81 Penguin SA 2001 SA
Imasogie, O.A. African traditional religion. 81pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR Kligueh, G.B. Le Vodu à travers son encyclopédie, la géomancie Afa. new ed. ISBN: 291459402X 432pp. CFA20,000 (Eur30.49) AFRIDIC 2002 DM FRE Lucas, D. Dialogue with the African traditional religions. (Gaba pastoral paper, 38) 60pp. K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1975 KE Lucas, J.O. Religions in West Africa and ancient Egypt. 453pp. N3.00 N5.00 cd. West 1971 NR Mbiti, J.S. African religions and philosophy. K.shs.770.00 EAEP 1969 KE
Metuh, E.I., ed. The gods in retreat. Continuity and change in African religions. reissue ISBN: 9781565330 314pp. ($34.95/ £20.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 [1985] NR Mugambi, J., Kirima, N. The African religious heritage. A textbook based on syllabus 224 of the East African Certificate of Education. 152pp. K.shs.462.00 OUP - Nairobi 1976 KE Nyamiti, C. African tradition and the Christian God. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 49) K.shs.200.00 Gaba 1977 KE Olowola, C. African traditional religion and the Christian faith. (Theological perspectives in Africa, 4) 70pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Africa Christian 1993 GH Rwehumbiza, P. Patriarchial and Bantu cults compared. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 103) 40pp. ($3.00) Gaba 1988 KE Religion, traditional—Uganda Novelli, B. Karimojong traditional religion: a contribution. (Bibliotheca comboniana AL, 4) 396pp. col.ill.maps Comboni 1999 UG Religious education see also Christian life Addy, T.K.A. Called upon to grow in Christ. 92pp. C1,500 ($3.00) Asempa 1994 GH Advisory Board for Christian Education in Zimbabwe Developing in Christ. teacher’s bk.1 96pp. Z$7.50 Longman - Zimb 1982 ZI Akufo, S. A critical study of the Acts of the Apostles. 62pp. C16.20 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1981 GH Amponsah, K., et al. Studies in St. Luke’s Gospel for GCE Oand A-level. 157pp. Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1977 GH Andes, B.M. We his people. 362pp. ill. pl. R6.00 Mazenod Inst 1985 LO Bade, A., Malwa, C. CRE: the New Testament: notes for Uganda advanced certificate of education. 217pp. Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG Bond, G. Synoptic gospels. 128pp. maps. ill. Z$6.95 Longman - Zimb 1984 ZI Chapman, G. My power to live. 32pp. pl. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1985 ZI Christian Learning Materials Centre Holiday Bible club. 28pp. ill. K.shs.270.00 CLMC 1999 KE Dain, F.R., van die Pen, J. Luke’s gospel for Africa today. 336pp. K.shs.386.00 OUP - Nairobi 1975 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Religious education Evangel Publishing House Evangel Sunday school register. [1 year] K.shs.10.00 Evangel 1965 KE Fowler, S. Issues in the philosophy of education. (Series F2, 12) 71pp. R3.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1980 SA Griffiths, P. Faith in action, grade 2. pupil’s bk. 64pp. ill. Z$4.95 Longman - Zimb 1985 ZI Groenewegen, T., Githige, R., Mugambi, J. Christian religious education. 2nd ed. bk.1 170pp. pl. maps K.shs.300.00 Longhorn - Ken 1991 KE Gunyali, A., Malusu, J., Rono, W. Living the promise. Comprehensive religious education. Course book form 1. K.shs.280.00 Longhorn - Ken 2002 KE Gunyali, A., Malusu, J., Rono, W. Living the promise. Comprehensive religious education. Teachers guide book form 1. K.shs.300.00 Longhorn - Ken 2002 KE Hitchcock, R. Faith in action, grades 1-4 [10 pupils’ and teachers’ books; full details from publisher]. var.pp. ill. Z$2.25-Z$5.95 Longman - Zimb ZI Holland, F. Teaching through T.E.E.: help for leaders in Theological Education by Extension in Africa. 48pp. K.shs.30.00 Evangel 1975 KE Holland, G. Comment prier, parler avec Dieu. 168pp. CFA2,000 CPE 1975 IV FRE Hopper, A.E.H. Guide to the study of the synoptic Gospels for A level students. 164pp. C9.50 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1977 GH Hulst, J. Contemporary issues in Christian higher education. (Study pamphlets, 296) 8pp. ($1.45) R2.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1992 SA Iheoma, E.O. The philosophy of religious education. ISBN: 9781564407 100pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Fourth Dimension 1998 NR Imasogie, O. Christian religious knowledge for SSS2. 88pp. ($16.20) Univ Press - Nig 1989 NR Imasogie, O. Christian religious knowledge for SSS3. 113pp. ($16.20) Univ Press - Nig 1990 NR International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education Christian education in the African context. Proceedings of the African regional conference of the IAPCHE, Harare 4-9 March 1991. 200pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1992 SA Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Christian religious education. teacher’s bk. 138pp. K.shs.12.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1976 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Cross reference index for primary religious education textbooks. 20pp. K.shs.3.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation God’s power in Christ. 188pp. K.shs.27.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1976 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Lesson notes for Christian teaching in Kenya schools. Standard 5. 110pp. K.shs.17.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Lesson notes for Christian teaching in Kenya schools. Standard 6. 116pp. K.shs.17.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE
Subject index Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Lesson notes for Christian teaching in Kenya schools. Standard 7. 132pp. K.shs.17.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation My Christian community. standard 6. 100pp. K.shs.25.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1977 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Wholeness in Christ. 184pp. K.shs.22.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Kerre, R. God meets us: Christian religious education, form 4. 182pp. K.shs.440.00 EAEP 1989 KE Kiriswa, B. Christian counselling for students. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 102) 73pp. pl. ($3.50) Gaba 1988 KE Langley, M.S., Kiggins, T.J. A serving people. A textbook on the church in East Africa for the East African Certificate of Education. 316pp. pl. K.shs.33.50 OUP - Nairobi 1974 KE Larom, P., Enyagu, G., Hunter, M. Pastor: a practical guide for church leaders. 248pp. ($3.00) K.shs.40.00 Uzima 1983 KE Levi, L. God meets us: Christian religious education, form 1. 180pp. K.shs.300.00 EAEP 1988 KE Levi, L. God meets us: Christian religious education, form 3. 157pp. K.shs.430.00 EAEP 1989 KE Loglo, J. New Act of the apostles for O/A level GCE candidates. 100pp. C18.20 Univ Ghana Bkshop; distr 1981 GH Longley, A. Acts of the apostles. 130pp. ill. Z$5.25 Longman - Zimb 1985 ZI Longley, A. My responsibility in community. 24pp. ill. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Longman Zimbabwe. My search for values. 64pp. ill. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI Malusu, J., Namasaka, G. Christian religious education. standard 3 54pp. K.shs.45.00 EAEP 1990 KE McDonald, F. Adult religious education: people do matter. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 67) 87pp. ($3.00) Gaba 1981 KE McDonald, F. Forming young Christians. Catechetical updating for primary scool teachers. (Gaba pastoral paper, 24) 58pp. ill. K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1972 KE Mugambi, J.N.K. African heritage and contemporary Christianity. 218pp. K.shs.450.00 Longhorn - Ken 1989 KE Muller, T. God’s children. grade 1 104pp. ill. R18.40 Heinemann-EdSA 1995 SA Muller, T. God’s loved ones. grade 2 96pp. ill. R17.85 Heinemann-EdSA 1995 SA Muller, T. Salvation for God’s family. standard 1, grade 3 96pp. ill. R22.45 HeinemannEdSA 1995 SA Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council Christian religious education for teacher training colleges. bk.3: history of the Church 208pp. N92.15 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1985 NR
Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council Christian religious education for teacher training colleges. bk.5: comparative religion 208pp. N92.25 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council Christian religious education for teacher training colleges. bk.1: Old Testament 272pp. N92.15 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1982 NR Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council Christian religious education for teacher training colleges. bk.4: religion in society 160pp. N92.25 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1985 NR Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council Christian religious education for teacher training colleges. bk.2: the life and teachings of Jesus Christ 258pp. N128.50 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1983 NR Obai, G., Ondieki, C. God and us. Pupils book 1. bk.1 ill. K.shs.150.00 Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Obai, G., Ondieki, C. God and us. Pupils book 5. bk.5 ill. K.shs.160.00 Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Obai, G., Ondieki, C. God and us. Teacher guide book 1. bk.1 ill. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Obai, G., Ondikei, C. God and us. Teacher guide book 5. bk.5 ill. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Office National de l’Enseignement Protestant Manuels d’enseignement religieux. Collection sagesse de Dieu. CFA5,000 CLE 2000 CM FRE Olayebi, E.O. Religious knowledge: questions and answers. N2.00 Aka 1978 NR Otiende, J.E., Khadambi, Z.K. Christian religious education: revision guide for KCPE. 162pp. K.shs.130.00 EAEP 1994 KE Oxford University Press. Daystar Press Together in God’s family. bk. 6 159pp. ill. N10.00 Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Oxford University Press. Daystar Press Together in God’s family. teacher’s bk. 1 194pp. ill. N10.00 Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR Oxford University Press. Daystar Press Together in God’s family. bk. 5 119pp. ill. N10.00 Univ Press - Nig 1977 NR Oxford University Press. Daystar Press Together in God’s family. teacher’s bk. 4 165pp. ill. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR Oxford University Press. Daystar Press Together in God’s family. teacher’s bk. 3 170pp. ill. N15.00 Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR Oxford University Press. Daystar Press Together in God’s family. teacher’s bk. 2 209pp. ill. N11.00 Univ Press - Nig 1975 NR Pobee, J.S. Theological education by extension. 2nd ed. 96pp. ($5.00) Asempa 1994 GH Simson, P. Poverty, celibacy, obedience: biblical reflections. 2nd ed.(AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 43) K.shs.200.00 Gaba 1983 KE Sogolo, G.S. Essentials of moral education for junior secondary schools. bk.1 68pp. ill. pl. ($8.70) Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR Tessier, R., ed. Young people in African towns: their pastoral care. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 79) K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1982 KE
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Rugby football—South Africa
Wanjie, L. God meets us: Christian religious education, form 2. 156pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 1992 KE
Réunion—Geography Caparin, C. Le programme TRACE. ODR 2000 RF FRE
Welch, E.M., Sharkey, B. The promise. 418pp. pl. K.shs.616.00 OUP - Nairobi 1981 KE
Réunion—Local government Observatoire du Développement de la Réunion Intercommunalité. (Documents ODR, 49) (Eur19.15) ODR 2004 RF FRE
Religious education—Examinations, questions Babendreier, J., et al. A question answer catechism based on the catechism of the Catholic Church. 134pp. ($3.00) Focus 1996 KE Renewable energy see also Energy Solar energy Rat, C., Dardenne, N., Peronno, G., Graillot, A., Sylvestre, B. Les énergies renouvelables. ISBN: 2910831035 30pp. col.pl. (Eur2.00) Stella Matutina 2003 RF FRE Research Breen, C.M. Research in Maputaland: and overview. CORD Workshop on Research and Development, Durban, May. (INR working paps., 27) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA
53pp. maps
Réunion—Pictorial works Gérard, G. Photos d’hier, regards d’aujourd’hui: mémwar, mounwar. [Bilingual text in French and Créole.] ISBN: 2910831019 col.pl. maps (Eur10.00) Stella Matutina 2003 RF MUL Réunion—Religion, traditional Honoré, D. Kroyans. [Beliefs in Réunion. Text in Créole and French.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 2878630092 116pp. (Eur14.00) Lacaze 2003 RF MUL Reigner, P. P’ti bon dieu. cd. 42pp. col. ill. Eur7.62 Stella Matutina 1997 RF FRE Réunion—Sociology Caparin, C., Hoarou, M.L. Trajectoire de couples hors mariage. 53pp. ill. ODR 2001 RF FRE
Collins, K. Participatory research. A primer. ISBN: 1868910164 R100.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA
Haorau, S. Les impacts socio-économiques du vieillissement. 66pp. ill.maps ODR 2001 RF FRE
Goddard, W. Research methodology. An introduction. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702156604 R174.00 Juta 2001 SA
Hoarau, S. Divorces et fin de siècle. 2000 RF FRE
Mullins, E.N. Attitudes towards and the role of the Institute or Planning Research in a changing research environment. (Research reports, 50) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1993 SA Ng’ethe, N. In search of NGOs. Towards a funding strategy to create NGO research capacity in eastern and southern Africa. (IDS occasional papers, 58) 75pp. K.shs.150.00 Inst Dev Stud 1989 KE Owoeye, J. Research methodology. ISBN: 9782194115 59pp. N220.00 ($7.00) College Press - Nig 1999 NR Roussouw, A.M.M. Research design, methodology and techniques: a student’s guide to empirical research. rev.ed.(IDPR occasional papers, 41) R60.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA Struwig, F.W., Stead, G.B. Planning, designing and reporting research. ISBN: 1868910814 279pp. R139.99 Pearson 2001 SA Taylor, J., Marais, D. Effective fieldwork: managing conflict. ISBN: 0702150983 96pp. R93.00 Juta 1999 SA Vithal, R., Jansen, J. Designing your first research proposal. 64pp. R65.00 Juta 1997 SA Réunion—Ecology Chan, K. Environnement: une contrainte pour l’entreprise? 31pp. ill.maps ODR 2000 RF FRE Rivière, O. L’intervention de collectivités en matière de l’environnement. 45pp. ill.maps ODR 2001 RF FRE Torit, S. La sensibilité des réunionnais à la preservation des récifs coraliens. ill. ODR 2001 RF FRE
Torit, S. La sensibilité écologique des jeunes générations. 53pp. ill. ODR 2001 RF FRE
53pp. ill. ODR
Observatoire du Développement de la Réunion Les familles nombreuses. (Documents ODR, 42) (Eur19.15) ODR 2002 RF FRE Observatoire du Développement de la Réunion Les mariages. (Documents ODR, 47) (Eur19.15) ODR 2003 RF FRE Observatoire du Développement de la Réunion La sensibilité des Réunionnais à la préservation des récifs coralliens. (Documents ODR, 38) (Eur19.15) ODR 2001 RF FRE Observatoire du Développement de la Réunion Les services de proximité. (Documents ODR, 43) (Eur19.15) ODR 2002 RF FRE Torit, S. Dépenses et comportement financiers des ménages. 62pp. ill. ODR 2000 RF FRE Torit, S. Les loisirs.
69pp. ill. ODR 2000 RF FRE
Torit, S. Les manifestations de violence. ill.maps ODR 2001 RF FRE Torit, S. Le sentiment d’insécurité. ODR 2001 RF FRE
69pp. ill.maps
Réunion—Tourist trade Observatoire du Développement de la Réunion Tourisme pour tous. (Documents ODR, 45) (Eur19.15) ODR 2003 RF FRE Torit, S. La perception du tourisme. ODR 2000 RF FRE
53pp. ill.
Réunion—Travel Soufflet, O. Exil créole. Voyage dans l’histoire d’une île de la Réunion. ISBN: 2951695837 130pp. pl. (Eur14.00) Art Reporter 2004 RF FRE Réunion—Urban development CAUE de la Réunion Paysages et aménagement à l’île de la Réunion. ISBN: 2912739039 80pp. col. ill. pl. Eur10.00 CAUE 1998 RF
Rheumatism and arthritis Thompson, J.M. Arthritis. Everything you need to know. ISBN: 1868722384 294pp. R89.95 Zebra 1998 SA Rhodes, Cecil—Biography Davidson, A Cecil Rhodes and his times. new ed. ISBN: 191982524X cd. 391pp. ill.maps (£25.00) Protea 2003 SA Roberts, B. Cecil Rhodes: flawed colossus. ISBN: 0393025756 cd. 319pp. ill.maps Galago 2002[?] SA Rice—Africa Juo, A.S.R., Lowe, J.A., eds. The wetlands and rice in sub-Saharan Africa: proceedings of an International Conference on wetland utilization for rice production in sub-Saharan Africa, 4-8 Nov. 1985. 318pp. ($15.00) N10.00 IITA 1986 NR Rice—Bibliography Ibekwe, G.O. Le riz: publications en langue française disponible à la bibliothèque de l’IITA: une enquête bibliographique. 237pp. ex. only IITA 1981 NR FRE Rice—Kenya Smith, L.D., Aldington, T.J. The marketing of rice in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper) 22pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1968 KE Rice—Sierra Leone International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Rice research for self-sufficiency in Sierra Leone. 30pp. ex. only IITA 1980 NR Rice—Uganda Asowa-Okwe, C. Irrigation rice technology and its impact on labour in Dokho and Kibimba rice schemes in eastern Uganda. (CBR working paper, 49) 40pp. ($10.00) Centre Basic Res UG Richetti, Joseph—Biography Vandelli, A, Joseph Richetti. ISBN: 9966219706 88pp. K.shs.80.00 ($1.00) Paulines 2004 KE Robbie, John—Autobiography Robbie, J. The game of my life. cd. 195pp. pl. R49.98 Penguin SA 1989 SA Rodrigues—Travel Roberts, K., Roberts, E. Rodrigues. Ile escale. trans.f.t English by Norber Louis ISBN: 9990323550 96pp. Rs250.00 ($15.00/£9.50) Printemps 1998 MF FRE Roberts, K., Roberts, E. Rodrigues. Travel and discovery. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 9990323542 94pp. Rs250.00 ($15.00/£9.50) Printemps 1998 MF Roup, Julian—Autobiography Roup, J. A fisherman in the saddle. ISBN: 1919931244 252pp. R165.00 ($22.50) (£13.00) Jacana 2003 SA Rugby football Jansen, Z., Nieman, G. Rugby world cup greats. ISBN: 062403819X 136pp. pl. R129.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Pool, G. Modern rugby. 128pp. ill. R79.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA Rugby football—South Africa Dobson, P. 30 super springboks. cd. 232pp. ill. R74.95 Human and Rousseau 1994 SA Dobson, P. Rugby’s greatest rivalry: South Africa versus New Zealand 1921-1995. R69.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Griffiths, E. One team - one country. 228pp. col.pl. R100.00 Penguin SA 1996 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Rugby football—South Africa
Subject index
Grundlingh, A., Odendaal, A., Spies, B. Beyond the tryline. Rugby and South African society. 140pp. (£10.99) Ravan 1995 SA
Rukwangali—General and Non-fiction Mkurunziza, D. Igiti cyanje. 32pp. col.ill. RF200.00 Bakame 2001 RW RKW
Jooste, G.K. Rugby trivia. 147pp. R29.99 Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA
Rukwangali—School books, Readers, Children’s literature del Klopper, C. Udano womuhura. trans.f.t English by Carl Mairenge [The rain dance. Children’s story book in Rukwangali. Also avaliable in Afrikaans, English, German, Khoekhoegowab, Kwanyama, Oshindonga, Rukwangali, Rumanyo, Silozi, Thimbukushu.] ISBN: 9991622829 16pp. col.ill. Out of Africa - Namibia 2003 SX RKW
Jooste, G.K. South African rugby teams, 1949-1995. 158pp. R29.99 Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA Keohane, M. Springbok rugby: uncovered. The inside story of South Africa’s rugby controversies. ISBN: 1868729176 272pp. Zebra 2004 SA Rugciriku—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Diaz, H.N. Kashuta mukokerambanga. [Collection of short stories.] 107pp. N$17.75 Gamsberg 1994 SX RUG Diaz, H.N. Mandavero. [Philosophical novel.] 161pp. N$20.15 Gamsberg 1994 SX RUG Dona, T. Hompa Mbamanganu Wouviri. [Novel based on the life of Mbambangandu Wouviri.] ISBN: 9991601856 50pp. ill. Gamsberg 2001 SX RUG Rugciriku—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Komarek, K. Shishetu shaManongo. [The book with the tortoise.] ISBN: 9991602968 24pp. ill. Gamsberg 2001 SX RUG Rukiga—General and Non-fiction Karwemera, F. Emicwe n’emigyenzo y’abakiga. [Mannerisms and culture of the Bakiga.] 149pp. ill.maps U.shs.5,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG RUK Rukwangali also known as Kwangali Rukwangali—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Diaz, H.N. Shakota: nomena kadira wa sha nomena nsayi. 85pp. Gamsberg 1996 SX RKW Diescho, J. Mema va gumagura. [Troubled waters.] ISBN: 9991600300 158pp. Gamsberg 2000 SX RKW Kavara, S.W. Nomfa. [Death. Rukwangali novel.] ISBN: 9991621245 44pp. Out of Africa Namibia 1999 SX RKW
Editions Bakame Abana b’inkubaganyi. new ed. 32pp. col.ill. Rw200.00 (Eur5.00) Bakame 1996 RW RKW Editions Bakame Ingagi bitoveni n’umuryango wayo. 32pp. col.ill. Rw200.00/CFA2,720 (Eur5.00) Bakame 1999 RW RKW Editions Bakame Ubuhamya bw’abana bacitse ku icumu. new ed. 32pp. col.ill. RW200.00/ CFA2,720 (Eur5.00) Bakame 1996 RW RKW Gasuku, D. Umukobwa w’ingona. new ed. 32pp. col.ill. Rw200.00/CFA2,720 (Eur5.00) Bakame 1996 RW RKW Habimana, B. Bakame na cyambarantama. 32pp. col.ill. Rw200.00/CFA2,700 (Eur5.00) Bakame 1996 RW RKW Karyango, S. Umurage waberye abana urujijo. new ed. 32pp. col.ill. Rw200.00/CFA2,720 (Eur5.00) Bakame 1998 RW RKW Komarek, K. Runyano rwaKoto. [The book with the tortoise.] ISBN: 9991602909 24pp. ill. Gamsberg 2001 SX RKW Mukahigiro, P. Undutira abandi. 48pp. col.ill. Bakame 1998[?] RW RKW Ngango, D. Amazi ni ubuzima. 39pp. col.ill. RFr2,000 Bakame 2003 RW RKW Rukwangali language—Dictionaries Kloppers, J.K. Rukwangali/English dictionary. 164pp. N$44.80 Gamsberg 1994 SX MUL
Kavara, S.W. Wa tu pa. [Poetry.] ISBN: 9991621008 38pp. Out of Africa - Namibia 1999 SX RKW
Rumanyo—General and Non-fiction Hamutwa, N.S. Ulyangombe. [Something that will cause worry.] ISBN: 9991621903 80pp. Out of Africa - Namibia 2003 SX RUM
Kavhura, J.K.S. Kutanga hutango gedina. [Praise the name of a poem. Poems in Rukwangali.] ISBN: 9991622136 72pp. Out of Africa Namibia 2003 SX RKW
Hamutwa, N.S. Vikorama navikashama vyamukavango. [Animals of the Kavango.] ISBN: 9991621687 92pp. pl. Out of Africa Namibia 2002 SX RUM
Mukahigiro, P. Humura shenge. new ed. 48pp. CFA2,720 (Eur4.15) Bakame 2000 RW RKW Mukahigiro, P. Nshimire uwambyaye. [Poetry.] new ed. 32pp. col.ill. Rw20.00/CFA2,720 (Eur5.00) Bakame 1998 RW RKW Nakare, D. Kotokeni zahaitana. [Drama.] Gamsberg 1994 SX RKW
Nakare, D. Sirenga. [Classical romance.] ISBN: 9991602681 97pp. Gamsberg 2001 SX RKW Sikerete, W. Kutetuka. ISBN: 9991601821 198pp. Gamsberg 1999 SX RKW Tjandja, P.K. Ruuyongo rosinona. [The way children speak. Rukwangali poetry.] ISBN: 999162189X 52pp. Out of Africa Namibia 2002 SX RKW
Rumanyo—School books, Readers, Children’s literature del Klopper, C. Udano waShamba-shamba mvhura. trans.f.t. English by Paulinus Haingura [The rain dance. Children’s story book in Rumanyo. Also available in Afrikaans, English, German, Herero, Khoekhoegowab, Oshindonga, Rukwangali, Silozi, Timbukushu.] ISBN: 9991622810 16pp. col.ill. Out of Africa Namibia 2003 SX RUM Running Noakes, T. The lore of running. 4th ed. ISBN: 0195780167 cd. 1,300535pp. pl. R525.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Noakes, T. Running injuries. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0195782887 224pp. R175.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Noakes, T., et al., Granger, S. Running your best. 240pp. R135.00 OUP - SA 1995 SA
Runyankore—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Kirindi, G.N.P. Ebyevugo n’ebyeshongoro byonkore. [Songs and poems of the Ankole people.] 855pp. U.shs.2,500 Fountain Publ-Ug 1996 UG RNY Runyankore—General and Non-fiction Betungura, A. Obushwere n’amagara gaabwo. [Counselling and marriage.] 80pp. U.shs.4,200 Fountain Publ-Ug 1996 UG RNY Karwemera, F. Empandika ya Runyankore-Rukiga. [Writing in Runyankore and Rukiga.] 23pp. U.shs.2,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1995 UG MUL Runyankore—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Mubangizi, B.K. Nkuzaanire 1. [Poems.] 2nd ed. 78pp. ill. U.shs.3,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG RNY Van Spaandonk, F. Ninshoma. 59pp. ill. U.shs.2,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1997 UG RNY Runyoro—General and Non-fiction Katate, A.G., Kamungunguni, L. Abagabe b’ankole. [The kings of Bankole.] 3rd ed. vol.1 149pp. ($2.45/ 90p.) K.shs6.40 Kenya Lit Bureau 1967 KE RNY Katate, A.G., Kamungunguni, L. Abagabe b’ankole. [The kings of Bankole.] 3rd ed. vol.2 149pp. ($2.00/ 80p.) K.shs5.80 Kenya Lit Bureau 1969 KE RNY Rupert, Anton—Biography Dommisse, E. Anton Rupert: a biography. ISBN: 0624041506 cd. 552pp. R250.00 Tafelberg 2005 SA Rural development see also Agricultural development Economic development Sociology, Rural and as a sub-division under specific countries Mbithi, P.M., Barnes, C. A conceptual analysis of approaches to rural development. (IDS discussion paper, 204) 24pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Mulwa, F. W. Enabling the rural poor through participation. 2nd ed. 106pp. K.shs.300.00 ($8.75) Gaba 1994 KE Rural development—Africa Perrin Jassy, M.F. Face au changement: former des communautés de base. (CEEBA publications, série I, Rapports et Comptes Rendus, 8) 164pp. (DM29.00) CEEBA 1981 ZR FRE Zadi Kessy, M. Développement de proximité et gestion des communautés villageoises. ISBN: 2847700757 192pp. CFA4,500 Eburnie 2004 IV FRE Russia—History Thompson, E. The roots of modern Russia. SA Inst Int Affairs 1985 SA
9pp. R4.00
Russia—International relations Tetiokin, S. Soviet policy on South Africa: past, present and future. (Southern African Perspectives, 6) 8pp. R5.00 ($3.50) Univ West Cape 1991 SA Russia—Travel Garmashova, I. Russia: travel and communicate without problems. 54pp. R31.00 ($8.20/£5.20/ Eur7.10) Unisa 1997 SA van der Post, L. Journey into Russia. SA SA
R49.99 Penguin
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 412
African Books in Print
Subject index Russian literature—Drama Gogol, N. The government inspector. [Also available in Swahili.] 92pp. K.shs.235.00 EAEP 1973 KE Russian literature—History and criticism Brown, N. EAEP literature guide to Nikolai Gogol’s: The government inspector. 74pp. K.shs.235.00 ($1.50/£0.90) EAEP 1974 KE
Scandinavian literature—Drama Sakata language—Grammar Monse, I. Eléments de grammaire sakata (BC34) (Rep du Zaire). (CEEBA publications, série, III,15) 133pp. (DM32.00) CEEBA 1987 ZR FRE
Krige, P.R. The utilization of municipal wastes: report on the processing of urban wastes in a mechanized composting plant. (CSIR research reports, 211) 71pp. CSIR 1964 SA
Salespeople and selling—Africa Kitinya, I.D. A guide to salesmanship for Africa. 92pp. K.shs.50.00 Africa Book Serv 1976 KE
Malan, G.J., Simpson, G.C. Flush valves in WC cisterns and water conservation. R8.00 CSIR 1984 SA
Rwanda—Education, Higher Association of African Universities Post-genocide restructuring of higher education in Rwanda, an overview. ($10.00) AAU 2001 GH
Salomon, Biokou—Biography Gomez, M.R., Huannou, A., Okiki, E. Biokou Salomon, 100 ans de présence. ISBN: 9991941312 112pp. CFA60.00 Flamboyant 2002 DM FRE
Rwanda—History Mamdani, M. When victims become killers. Colonialism, nativism and the genocide in Rwanda. ISBN: 0852558597 384pp. (£19.95) Philip 2001 SA [Africa only. Copublished with James Currey, UK]
Samori, Toure—Biography Person, Y. Samori. Une révolution dyula. 1,3 vols.(Mémoires de l’IFAN, 80) 600pp. CFA4,000 IFAN 1968 SG FRE
Mukendi, J-P. Michelle Habiakamé ou le témoinage d’une jeune rwandaise. ISBN: 2913942873 82pp. ill. CFA3,000 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2003 IV FRE Musago, A. Les apparutions de Kibeho au Rwanda. 200pp. ($59.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE Rwanda—Human rights Rwanda African Rights Publishing African Rights: Gacaca justice: a shared responsibility. ISBN: 1899477446 51pp. (£5.95) African Rights 2003 RW Rwanda—Politics and government Anyidoho, H.K. Guns over Kigali. 131pp. col.ill.pl. ($16.00/£8.95) Woeli 1997 GH [Also published in East Africa by Fountain Publishers, Uganda] Kamukama, D. Rwanda conflict. Its roots and regional implications. 2nd rev. ed. 80pp. ill.pl. ($10.00/£6.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1995 UG Karangwa, C. Le chapelet et la machette. Sur les traces du génocide rwandais. 120pp. pl. ($25.00) Jour 2002[?] SA FRE Melvern, L.R. A people betrayed: the role of the West in Rwanda’s genocide. ISBN: 0620265646 R179.30 New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA Rurangwa, J-M.V. Le génocide des Tutsi expliqué à un étranger. ISBN: 2842580684 85pp. (Eur10.43) Figuier 2000 ML FRE Tonme, S., Mugenzi, J. Comprendre le drâme rwandais. 32pp. CFA1,000 CRAC 1995 CM FRE Ryan, J.—Autobiography Ryan, J. One man’s Africa. ISBN: 1868421236 R139.95 Ball 2002 SA Sachs, Albie—Autobiography Sachs, A. The free diary of Albie Sachs. ISBN: 0958446857 Random House SA 2004 SA Sachs, A. The soft vengeance of a freedom fighter. ISBN: 0864864604 272pp. R119.79 New Africa Ed SA 2000 SA [Southern Africa only] Sagan, Leontine—Biography Kruger, L., ed. Lights and shadows. The autobiography of Leontine Sagan. 270pp. pl. R120.00 (£18.95) Witwatersrand UP 1996 SA Sailing—South Africa Ell, S. Adventure sport series: dinghy sailing. ISBN: 1843300044 96pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 2001 SA Morgan, T. 1997 South African nautical almanac. 112pp. ill.pl.maps R50.00 FAWE 1996 KE
Person, Y. Samori. Une révolution dyula. 2,3 vols.(Mémoires de l’IFAN, 80) 672pp. CFA5,400 IFAN 1970 SG FRE Person, Y. Samori. Une révolution dyula. 3,3 vols.(Mémoires de l’IFAN 89) 1107pp. CFA16.000 IFAN 1975 SG FRE San (African people)—Pictorial works Schadeberg, J. The San of the Kalahari. ISBN: 1869190109 cd. 96pp. pl. R249.50 Protea 2002 SA San (African people)—Social life and customs Lewis-Williams, J.D. Stories that float from afar: ancestral folklore of the San of southern Africa. ISBN: 0864864620 285pp. ill.maps (£8.99) Philip 2000 SA Lewis-Williams, D., Pearce, D. San spirituality. ISBN: 1919930655 304pp. pl. R169.95 Double Storey 2004 SA Parkington, J. Magic it is not. The presence of change in San thought. ISBN: 191971345X 64pp. col.ill. UCT Press 2002 SA Solomon, A. Africa in colour: Bushmen. ISBN: 1868721108 24pp. col.pl. R34.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Weinberg, P. In search of the San. new ed. ISBN: 0620212314 80pp. pl. R140.00 Double Storey 2004 SA Sangaré, Monseigneur Luc Auguste— Biography Konaté, D. Monseigneur Luc Auguste Sangaré, archévêque de Bamako. ISBN: 2910454746 Jamana 2000 ML FRE Sangaya, Jonathan—Biography Ncozana, S.S. Sangaya. A leader in the Synod of Blantyre Church of Central Africa Presbyterian. [Also available in Chichewa.] (Kachere text, 2) 56pp. K30.00 ($4.00/£2.00) Kachere 1996 MW Sanitary engineering see also Pollution Public health Water Barnard, J.L. Corrosion of sewers. (CSIR research reports, 250) 16pp. CSIR 1967 SA Carstens, E.M.J., et al. Bacteriophage of Serratia marcescans as an index of human virus survival during sewage purification. (CSIR research report, 241) 18pp. CSIR 1965 SA Coetzee, O.J. et al. The bacteriological quality of the water resources of small communities. (CSIR research reports, 238) 83pp. ill. CSIR 1966 SA
Nyangechi, G.N. Management of solid and liquid wastes: a manual for environmental health workers. 105pp. ill. K.shs.600.00 AMREF 1991 KE Stander, G.J. et al. Treatment and disposal of yeast wastes. (CSIR research reports, 305) 69pp. CSIR 1971 SA United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Water-supply and waste disposal management: impact evaluation guidelines. 44pp. UNCHS 86 KE Sanitary engineering—Africa Okidi, C.O., ed. Reflections on the management of drainage basins in Africa: proceedings of a workshop on environment and development in the drainage basins in Africa, held at Kisumu. (IDS occasional papers, 51) 354pp. K.shs.400.00 Inst Dev Stud 1987 KE Sanitary engineering—South Africa Clark, B.H. Sanitary plumbing services in South Africa. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702127582 192pp. R115.00 Juta 1998 SA Eagle, G.A., Long, M.V., Bartlett, P.D. The behaviour of sewage from the Green Point sewage outfall and its effect on Table Bay: a preliminary report. (CSIR Research Report, 552) 79pp. maps CSIR 1982 SA Erskine, J.M. Role of women in water and sanitation development. Paper presented at the 7th International Rainwater Systems Conference, Beijing, China, June 1995. (INR working paps., 164) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Johnson, P.A. Report of a workshop concerning the disposal of sludge from the Hammarsdale Sewage Works. Report prepared for Umgeni Water, Pietermaritzburg. (INR working paps., 63) R30.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Murphy, C., Still, D. Mvula Trust Pilot Sanitation Workshop, Valley Trust, 25-28 January 1995: workshop report. (INR working paps., 157) R1.75 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Murphy, C., Still, D. Second Mvula trust pilot sanitation workshop, Hunter’s Rest, 19-21 September 1995: workshop report. (INR working paps., 159) R27.50 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Sarbah, John Mensah—Biography Crabbe, A. John Mensah Sarbah: his life and works, 1864-1910. 115pp. pl. ($7.00) Ghana UP 1971 GH Saro-Wiwa, Ken—Biography Maja-Pearce, A. Remembering Ken Saro-Wiwa and other essays. ISBN: 9783942102 306pp. ($15.00/£9.00/Eur13.00) New Gong 2005 NR Ojo-Ade, F. Ken Saro-Wiwa: a bio-critical study. ISBN: 996383710 300pp. ($27.95/£16.95) ALP 1999 NR Saro Wiwa, K. In the shadow of a saint. ISBN: 9780293337 266pp. N1,200 Spectrum 2002 NR Scandinavian literature—Drama Ibsen, H. An enemy of the people. 114pp. K.shs.210.00 EAEP 1986 KE
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Schechter, Ruth—Biography
Subject index
Schechter, Ruth—Biography Hirson, B. The Cape Town intellectuals. The story of Ruth Schechter. ISBN: 1868143562 224pp. pl. Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA Schonland, Basil—Biography Austin, B. Schonland. Scientist and soldier. From lightning on the veld to power at Harwell: the life of Field Marshal Montgomery’s scientific advisor. ISBN: 1868143759 600pp. R280.00 Witwatersrand UP 2002[?] SA Schooling see Education Literacy Schreiner, Olive—Biography Fogg, J., ed. The Schreiner house cradock. R10.00 NELM 1993 SA
30pp. ill.
Schoeman, K. Olive Schreiner: a woman in South Africa 1855-1881. 542pp. pl. R110.00 Ball 1992 SA Schreiner, Olive—Diaries, letters Rive, R., ed. Olive Schreiner: letters 1871-1899. 400pp. ill. R125.00 Philip 1987 SA
Science General works see also under specific subjects, e.g. Astronomy, Biology Barrett, P. Science and theology since Copernicus. The search for understanding. ISBN: 1868881482 200pp. R107.00 ($114.00/ £13.60) Unisa 2000 SA Nel, B. The sociology of science: a funny kind of science. (ISER Occas.paps., 16) 14pp. Univ Durban-Westville 1986 SA Perold, H., Hutton, B., Stabler, J. Atoms matter. 312pp. ill.pl. R30.76 ($10.25/£6.15) Sached 1991 SA UNESCO Africa in the context of world science. 68pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Academy Science Publ 1997 KE Science—Addresses and essays Anya, A.O. Scientific research and public policy. (NIIA, lecture series, 38) 33pp. ($4.50/ £3.25) N5.00 NIIA 1986 NR Beetlestone, J.G. Science in a social context. Ibadan UP 1977 NR
24pp. N3.00
Biesheuvel, S. Science, arts and the nature of man. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1969 SA Crawford, M. Second thoughts on learning science by rote. 21pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1971 GH De Sa, B. This strange universe. Ghana UP 1971 GH
17pp. ($1.50)
Imam, M.M. Homo scientae. A critical appraisal. 20pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1975 GH May, A.N. The atomic nature of matter. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1971 GH
Quartey, J.A.K. The role of science in national development. 21pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1972 GH Taiwo, A.A. Beyond cognition in science education: inaugural lecture delivered at the University of Botswana, 28 October 1993. (INR professorial lectures) P10.00 NIDCR 1994 BS Science—Africa ESAURP Research and development in eastern and southern Africa. 63pp. Tema 1995 TZ [distr. by Tanzania Publ. House]
Isoun, T.T., ed. Mobilization of African scientific talents for development. Proceedings of the International Conference on Networking of African Scientific Organizations, 2-22 June 1988, Nairobi, Kenya. 137pp. K.shs.150.00 ($10.00) Academy Science Publ 1989 KE Mitawa, G. Proceedings of the 2nd annual scientific seminar, Tanzania. (Natural resources and environment.) 148pp. T.shs.2,500 ($24.50/£14.50) Tanz Comm Science 1994 TZ Msamanga, G. Proceedings of the 2nd annual scientific seminar, Tanzania. (Social sciences, medical and public health.) 223pp. T.shs.2,500 ($24.50/£14.50) Tanz Comm Science 1994 TZ Ng’eny-Mengech, A., ed. Training in maintenance and servicing of scientific equipment in Africa. 202pp. K.shs.350.00 ($24.00) ICIPE 1992 KE
Science—Ghana—Addresses and essays Laing, E. Science and society in Ghana. (J.B. Danquah Memorial series, 20) 104pp. ($10.00.) Ghana Acad Arts & Scien 1990 GH Science—Kenya Burke, E., ed. In search of a system of the dissemination of research findings technology in Kenya. Proceedings conference held 26-27 April 1973. occasional papers, 7) 147pp. K.shs.150.00 Inst Dev Stud 1973
and of a (IDS KE
Prewitt, K. Introductory research methodology: East African applications. (IDS occasional papers, 10) 190pp. K.shs.238.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Wasanga, C. The attitude towards science among primary and secondary school students in Kenya. (Abridged research report, 23) Academy Science Publ 1996 KE
Nikudiwe, A.M. Proceedings of the 2nd annual scientific seminar, Tanzania. (Agriculture and livestock development) 172pp. T.shs.2,500 ($24.50/£14.50) Tanz Comm Science 1994 TZ
Science—Nigeria—Addresses and essays Anya, A.O. Science policy and the development of Nigeria’s geopolitical potential. (NIIA, lecture series, 17) 23pp. N5.00 NIIA 1977 NR
Nkiwunde, A.M. Proceedings of the second annual scientific seminar, Tanzania. (Basic sciences, industry and energy.) 257pp. T.shs.2,500 ($24.50/£14.50) Tanz Comm Science 1994 TZ
Science—South Africa Council for Scientific and Industrial Research The CSIR organization and activities. 128pp. CSIR 1984 SA
Orren Tsuma, G.K. Science education in the African context. ISBN: 996622145X 241pp. K.shs.450.00 ($10.00/£6.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1998 KE Savage, M.B.R., Naidoo, P. African science and technology education into the new millenium. Practice policy and priorities. ISBN: 0702144762 248pp. R115.00 Juta 1998 SA Shayo, L.K., Mlaki, T.E., Kasango, A.A. Proceedings of the international workshop on the implementation of the South commission recommendations on science and technology. Arusha, Tanzania. 225pp. T.shs.2,500 ($24.50/£14.50) Tanz Comm Science 1993 TZ Tema Publishers Research and development in eastern and southern Africa. 63pp. T.shs.1,500 ($3.00) Tema 1995 TZ Science—Africa—Biography African Academy of Sciences, ed. Profiles of African scientists. 2nd ed. 661pp. ill. pl. ($45.00/£25.00) Academy Science Publ 1991 KE Science—Africa—Directories Academy Science Publishers Profiles of African scientific institutions, 1992. 2nd ed. 282pp. ($43.00/£24.00) Academy Science Publ 1992 KE African Regional Centre Technology Guide to directories on science and technology in Africa. ISBN: 9966831126 135pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Academy Science Publ 1998 KE Mpuchane, S.F. An inventory of women scientists in SADC countries. 330pp. K.shs.200.00 (£15.00) Academy Science Publ 1996 KE Science—Examinations, questions Adebayo-Begun, A. Exam focus integrated science. ISBN: 9780306978 ($18.50) Univ Press - Nig 2001 NR Carelse, X.F. O-level science examination practice book. 74pp. Z$7.50 Longman - Zimb 1987[?] ZI Dogbé, Y-E. Annales CEPR. Sujets - corrigés. Sciences. vol.3 ISBN: 286427076X 100pp. CFA2,500 Akpagnon 2000 TG FRE
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Report of the main research support programme. (SANSPR, 101) 30pp. CSIR 1985 SA Hepburn, H.R. Science at Rhodes University. Res 1993 SA
Inst Soc
Marais, H.C. Perspectives on science policy in South Africa. ISBN: 0620252847 192pp. R149.00 ($30.00) Network 2000 SA van der Venter, A. Enquiring minds. ISBN: 1875093184 194pp. ill.pl. Briza 2002 SA Science—Study and teaching Ahamuah-Mensah, J., et al. Science in action. A resource book for science teachers. ISBN: 9988577494 281pp. ill. Adwinsa 1998 GH Bainton, D. Practical science. Bks 1997 ZI
323pp. ill. Academic
Bajah, T. Teaching integrated science creatively. 112pp. N8.00 Ibadan UP 1983 NR BBC English Production Everyday science. Exploring the science of the world around us. ISBN: 9976973454 50pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($11.95/£6.95) Mkuki na Nyota 1999 TZ [Tanzania only] Bekker, C.F.J. Building science. N1. ISBN: 0636039366 ill. R59.31 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Bekker, C.F.J. Building science. N2. ISBN: 0636039374 ill. R72.74 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Bekker, C.F.J. Building science. N3. ISBN: 0636035247 ill. R78.66 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Cabakulu, M., Chimou, M. Initiation à la recherche et au travail scientifique. 80pp. Xamal 2001 SG FRE Finnemore, D., Larkin, A. Learning about science. bk.2 ISBN: 0702138762 160pp. R29.00 Juta 1998 SA Ghana Association of Science Teachers Science and technology project development. 104pp. Sedco 1995 GH
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 414
African Books in Print
Subject index
Science—Study and teaching (Elementary)
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Home science syllabus. 12pp. K.shs.3.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE
Using Spoken & Written English Exploring materials. ISBN: 1868940373 136pp. ill. R55.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA
Bajah, S.T., et al. Non-living things: forces. (Early learning science series for Africa, 2i) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Juta Publishers Combined science ASECA: assignment F. (set of 20) ISBN: 0702140791 R95.00 Juta 1998 SA
Using Spoken & Written English Exploring people in the environment. ISBN: 1868940365 151pp. ill. R55.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA
Bajah, S.T., et al. Non-living things: magnetism. (Early learning science series for Africa, 2j) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Science—Study and teaching (Elementary) Asun et al. Longman primary science. rev.ed. pupil’s bk.3 63pp. ill. N75.00 Longman Nig 1994 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Non-living things: rain. (Early learning science series for Africa, 2c) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Larkin, A. Learning about science. bk.1 ISBN: 1875075127 120pp. R29.00 Juta 1998 SA Larkin, A., Haverly, C. Teaching science and technology. vol.2 ISBN: 0702138827 160pp. R85.00 Juta 1998 SA Lever, J. Science evolution and schooling in South Africa. ISBN: 079691995X 51pp. R70.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA Melville, S., Goddard, W. Research methodology. An introduction for science and engineering students. 175pp. R59.00 Juta 1996 SA Mensah, J.A., Brown-Acquaye, H., Quaye, E.C., Towse, P. Science in action. A resource book for science teachers. 281pp. ill. C35,000 Adwinsa 1998 GH Natal College of Education Natural science in the classroom. An introduction to the teaching of the natural sciences in South African schools. ISBN: 1868590453 208pp. ill. R103.00 Francolin 1999 SA Nekabari, M. Scientific literature for beginners. ISBN: 9783038025 49pp. N150.00 Ano 1999 NR Roussow, D., ed. Intellectual tools. Skills for the human sciences. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0627025382 R179.95 Van Schaik 2003 SA Sguazzin, T., du Toit, D. Fun with the sun: activities to demonstrate solar power. 34pp. ill. N$5.50 DRFN 1995 SX Stanley Thorne Publishers Problem solving in primary science and technology. R59.04 Shuter & Shooter 1995[?] SA Tsuma, O.G.K. Science education in the African context. 242pp. K.shs.450.00 ($7.50/£4.55) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1998 KE Ukoli, N.M. What science? Problems in teaching and research. 321pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1985 NR Science—Study and teaching (Adult education) Using Spoken & Written English Dicovering energy. ISBN: 1868940330 161pp. ill. R45.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Using Spoken & Written English Discovering electricity. ISBN: 1868940349 136pp. ill. R45.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Using Spoken & Written English Discovering living things. ISBN: 1868940357 150pp. ill. R45.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Using Spoken & Written English Discovering structures. ISBN: 1868940314 119pp. ill. R45.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Using Spoken & Written English Discovering water. ISBN: 1868940322 150pp. ill. R45.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Using Spoken & Written English Exploring food processing. ISBN: 1868940403 105pp. ill. R55.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Using Spoken & Written English Exploring health. ISBN: 186894039X 102pp. ill. R55.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA
Asun et al. Longman primary science. rev.ed. teacher’s bk.2 64pp. ill. N100.00 Longman - Nig 1994 NR Asun et al. Longman primary science. rev.ed. pupil’s bk.2 43pp. ill. N75.00 Longman Nig 1994 NR Asun et al. Longman primary science. rev. ed. teacher’s bk.3 97pp. ill. N100.00 Longman - Nig 1994 NR Avis, J., et al. Heinemann outcomes science now grade 7. learner’s bk. ISBN: 1868534898 160pp. ill. R35.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA Bajah, S.T. Science for beginners 3. 37pp. ill. N65.00 Longman - Nig 1993 NR Bajah, S.T., ed. Science and society: dangerous objects. (Early learning science series for Africa, 5b) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Non-living things: rock. (Early learning science series for Africa, 2g) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR Bajah, S.T., et al. Non-living things: soil. (Early learning science series for Africa, 2h) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR Bajah, S.T., et al. Non-living things: the weather. (Early learning science series for Africa, 2e) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR Bajah, S.T., et al. Non-living things: water (Early learning science series for Africa, 2b) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR Bajah, S.T., et al. Non-living thngs: rainbow. (Early learning science series for Africa, 2d) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR Bajah, S.T., et al. Science and society: caring for our body. (Early learning science series for Africa, 5a) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Living things: birds. (Early learning science series for Africa, 1g) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Science and society: controlling population. (Early learning science series for Africa, 5e) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Living things: fish. (Early learning science series for Africa, 1h) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Science and society: dangerous actions. (Early learning science series for Africa, 5c) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Living things: flowers. (Early learning science series for Africa, 1c) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Science and society: dangerous places. (Early learning science series for Africa, 5d) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Living things: fruits. (Early learning science series for Africa, 1d) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Science poem, songs and drama. (Early learning science series for Africa, 6) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Living things: insects. (Early learning science series for Africa, 1f) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Science stories: AIDS. (Early learning science series for Africa, 4e) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Living things: leaves. (Early learning science series for Africa, 1b) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Science stories: crabs. (Early learning science series for Africa, 4b) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Living things: mammals. (Early learning science series for Africa, 1j) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Science stories: pollution. (Early learning science series for Africa, 4a) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Living things: plants. (Early learning science series for Africa, 1a) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Science stories: river blindness. (Early learning science series for Africa, 4c) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Living things: reptiles. (Early learning science series for Africa, 1i) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Science stories: termites. (Early learning science series for Africa, 4d) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Living things: seeds. (Early learning science series for Africa, 1e) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, T., Youdeowei, A. Primary science for Nigerian schools. teacher’s guide to bks. 1-3 96pp. N44.10 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1986 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Non-living things: air. (Early learning science series for Africa, 2a) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.00) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, T., Youdeowei, A. Primary science for Nigerian schools. teacher’s guide to bks. 4-6 164pp. N68.90 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1987 NR
Bajah, S.T., et al. Non-living things: colours. (Early learning science series for Africa, 2f) col.ill. ($5.00/£3.50) CSS 1999 NR
Bajah, T., Youdeowel, A. Primary science for Nigerian schools. pupil’s bk.5 56pp. N129.40 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1985 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Science—Study and teaching (Elementary) Bajah, T., Youdeowel, A. Primary science for Nigerian schools. pupil’s bk.6 64pp. N129.40 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1985 NR
du Preez, A.F., Stroebel, G.D. Science didactics for senior primary classes. 128pp. R63.19 Shuter & Shooter 1991 SA
Balogun, T.A., Taiwo, A.A. Science activities for primary schools. bk.1 160pp. ill. N7.35k Univ Press - Nig 1983 NR
Editions Ganndal Sciences d’observation. 6è année. ISBN: 2913326196 120pp. FG6,000 Ganndal 2000 GV FRE
Beiluti, A., Njenga, A. Science in action. bk.3 ill. K.shs.160.00 OUP - Nairobi 1994 KE
Ehindero, O.J., Arubayi, J.B., Dibu-Ojerinde, O.O., Aladejana, F.O. Comprehensive science for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.2 ISBN: 9781424443 50pp. col.ill. N230.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2005 NR
Beiluti, A., Njenga, A. Science in action. bk.1 ill. K.shs.134.00 OUP - Nairobi 1994 KE Beiluti, A., Njengu, A. Science in action. bk.2 ill. K.shs.146.00 OUP - Nairobi 1994 KE Bendel State Ministry of Education Science is discovering. teachers’ bk.5 80pp. ill. N1.60 Longman - Nig 1976 NR Bendel State Ministry of Education Science is discovering. pupil’s bk.1 32pp. ill. col.pl. N1.01 Longman - Nig 1981 NR Bendel State Ministry of Education Science is discovering. teacher’s bk.4 104pp. ill. pl. N2.10 Longman - Nig 1974 NR Bendel State Ministry of Education Science is discovering. pupil’s bk.3 48pp. ill. pl. N1.52 Longman - Nig 1981 NR Bendel State Ministry of Education Science is discovering. pupil’s bk.2 36pp. ill. col.pl. N1.27 Longman - Nig 1981 NR Bendel State Ministry of Education Science is discovering. pupils’ bk. 5 80pp. ill. col. pl. N1.50 Longman - Nig 1976 NR Bunjun, V., Chalebgwa, M., Makgolo, M., Motlogelwa, N. Science in action. bk.2 ISBN: 9991273964 198pp. ill.pl. P41.25 Longman - Bots 1998 BS Bunjun, V., Motlaleng, P., Mokgolodi, H. Science in action. bk.1 ISBN: 9991273980 248pp. ill.pl. P44.55 Longman - Bots 1998 BS Comrie, B., et al. Living with nature. Grade 7, module 1, educator’s guide. 48pp. Gariep 2000 SA Comrie, B., et al. Living with nature. Grade 7, module 1, learner’s guide. 48pp. Gariep 2000 SA Comrie, B., et al. Managing our waste. Grade 7, module 2. 48pp. Gariep 2000 SA Comrie, B., et al. Using heat at home. Grade 7 module 4. 48pp. Gariep 2000 SA Darwin, A., du Toit, L. Focus on science. teacher’s bk. 1 Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1991 ZI de Klerk, J.W., Maré, G., van Niekerk, K.M. Social science through issues learner’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974642 120pp. ill. R52.87 Clever 2004 SA
Ehindero, O.J., Arubayi, J.B., Dibu-Ojerinde, O.O., Aladejana, F.O. Comprehensive science for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.1 ISBN: 9781424362 47pp. col.ill. N230.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2005 NR Ehindero, O.J., Arubayi, J.B., Dibu-Ojerinde, O.O., Aladejana, F.O. Comprehensive science for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.4 ISBN: 9781424605 88pp. col.ill. N250.00 ($2.50) Literamed 2005 NR Ehindero, O.J., Arubayi, J.B., Dibu-Ojerinde, O.O., Aladejana, F.O. Comprehensive science for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.5 ISBN: 9781424680 65pp. col.ill. N250.00 ($2.50) Literamed 2005 NR Ehindero, O.J., Arubayi, J.B., Dibu-Ojerinde, O.O., Aladejana, F.O. Comprehensive science for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.6 ISBN: 9781424761 101pp. col.ill. N250.00 ($2.50) Literamed 2005 NR Ehindero, O.J., Arubayi, J.B., Dibu-Ojerinde, O.O., Aladejana, F.O. Comprehensive science for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.3 ISBN: 9781424524 39pp. col.ill. N230.00 Literamed 2005 NR Ehindero, O.J., Dibu-Ojerinde, O.O., Arubayi, J.B., Aladejane, F.O. Lantern comprehensive science for primary schools. bk.2 ISBN: 9781420472 72pp. col.pl. N150.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2001 NR Ehindero, O.J., Dibu-Ojerinde, O.O., Arubayi, J.B., Aladejane, F.O. Lantern comprehensive science for primary schools. bk.3 ISBN: 9781420553 60pp. col.pl. N150.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2001 NR Ehindero, O.J., Dibu-Ojerinde, O.O., Arubayi, J.B., Aladejane, F.O. Lantern comprehensive science for primary schools. bk.6 ISBN: 9781420790 62pp. col.pl. N175.00 ($2.20) Literamed 2001 NR Ehindero, O.J., Dibu-Ojerinde, O.O., Arubayi, J.B., Aladejane, F.O. Lantern comprehensive science for primary schools. bk.5 ISBN: 9781420715 62pp. col.pl. N175.00 ($2.20) Literamed 2001 NR Ehindero, O.J., Dibu-Ojerinde, O.O., Arubayi, J.B., Aladejane, F.O. Lantern comprehensive science for primary schools. bk.4 ISBN: 9781420634 93pp. col.pl. N175.00 ($2.20) Literamed 2001 NR
de Klerk, J.W., Maré, G., van Niekerk, K.M. Social science through issues teacher’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974650 175pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA
Ehindero, O.J., Dibu-Ojerinde, O.O., Arubayi, J.B., Aladejane, F.O. Lantern comprehensive science for primary schools. bk.1 ISBN: 9781420391 40pp. col.pl. N150.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2001 NR
de Klerk, J.W., Opper, R., van Niekerk, K.M. Social science through issues learner’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974626 119pp. ill. R51.78 Clever 2004 SA
Ehindero, O.J., Dibu-Ojerinde, O.O., Arubayi, J.B., Aladejane, F.O. Lantern comprehensive science workbook for primary schools. bk.2 ISBN: 9781424575 66pp. ill. N120.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2001 NR
de Klerk, J.W., Opper, R., van Niekerk, K.M. Social science through issues teacher’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974634 ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA
Ehindero, O.J., Dibu-Ojerinde, O.O., Arubayi, J.B., Aladejane, F.O. Lantern comprehensive science workbook for primary schools. bk.4 ISBN: 9781424737 48pp. ill. N120.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2001 NR
Subject index Ehindero, O.J., Dibu-Ojerinde, O.O., Arubayi, J.B., Aladejane, F.O. Lantern comprehensive science workbook for primary schools. bk.1 ISBN: 9781424494 43pp. ill. N120.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2001 NR Ehindero, O.J., Dibu-Ojerinde, O.O., Arubayi, J.B., Aladejane, F.O. Lantern comprehensive science workbook for primary schools. bk.6 ISBN: 9781424893 39pp. ill. N120.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2001 NR Ehindero, O.J., Dibu-Ojerinde, O.O., Arubayi, J.B., Aladejane, F.O. Lantern comprehensive workbook for primary schools. bk.5 ISBN: 9781424818 37pp. ill. N120.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2001 NR Ehindero, O.J., Dibu-Ojerinde, O.O., Arubayi, J.B., Aladejane, F.O. Lantern comprehensive workbook for primary schools. bk.3 ISBN: 9781424656 49pp. ill. N120.00 ($1.50) Literamed 2001 NR Francis, D., Maharaj, R. Natural science through issues learner’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975819 160pp. ill. R57.95 Clever 2005 SA Francis, D., Maharaj, R. Natural science through issues teacher’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975827 197pp. ill. R84.95 Clever 2005 SA Githui, M.K., Karaka, J.K. Start finding out. bk.2 44pp. ill. K.shs.210.00 Longhorn - Ken 1989 KE Githui, M.K., Karaka, J.K. Start finding out. bk.3 60pp. K.shs.190.00 Longhorn - Ken 1989 KE Gleeson, W., Keerate, G., Moutlwatsi, M., Sehundo, M. Science in action. bk.3 ISBN: 9991273948 184pp. ill.pl. P41.25 Longman - Bots 1998 BS Gray, D.J., et al. Science: an investigation. Standard 3, grade 5. 144pp. ill. R35.95 HeinemannEdSA 1993 SA Gray, D.J., et al. Science: an investigation. Standard 4, grade 6. 176pp. ill. R39.95 HeinemannEdSA 1993 SA Gray, D.J., et al. Science: an investigation. Standard 5, grade 7. 400pp. ill. R45.95 HeinemannEdSA 1993 SA Hailonga, P., Nicanor, N., Olivier, F. Discovering science: a primary course for Namibia. Grade 4. ill. N$38.50 New Namibia 1994 SX Haysom, V., et al. Discover science and health (Namibia) grade 4. 200pp. ill. R30.35 HeinemannEdSA 1996 SA Institute of Education, Ahmadu Bello University Primary science. teacher’s bk.1 80pp. ill. pl. Longman - Nig 1974 NR Institute of Education, Ahmadu Bello University Primary science. teachers’ bk. 3 80pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1976 NR Institute of Education, Ahmadu Bello University Primary science. pupil’s bk. 4 16pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1978 NR Institute of Education, Ahmadu Bello University Primary science. pupil’s book 1. 8pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1974 NR Institute of Education, Ahmadu Bello University Primary science. teacher’s bk. 4 96pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1978 NR Institute of Education, Ahmadu Bello University Primary science. pupils’ bk.3 12pp. ill. Longman - Nig 1976 NR
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 416
African Books in Print
Subject index
Science—Study and teaching (Elementary)
Institute of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Primary science. pupil’s bk.6 32pp. ill. pl. Longman - Nig 1981 NR
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - the moon watchers. 64pp. K.shs.8.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE
Iwobi, C.C., Iwobi, L., Nwakolo, W.E. General science for primary classes. 1,3 bks. ill. Macmillan - Nig 1965 NR
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - tools in the classroom. 42pp. K.shs.6.30 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE
Iwobi, C.C., Iwobi, L., Nwakolo, W.E. General science for primary classes. 3bks ill. Macmillan - Nig 1965 NR
Iwobi, C.C., Iwobi, L., Nwakolo, W.E. General science for primary classes. 3bks ill. Macmillan - Nig 1965 NR
Iwobi, C.C., Iwobi, L., Nwakolo, W.E. General science for primary classes: teacher’s bk. 30k Macmillan - Nig 1965 NR Jamai, D., et al. Science and health education for three year olds. 30pp. ill. N8.00 Univ Press Nig 1988 NR Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Guidelines for teaching science. Standard 4 teachers’ guide. 26pp. K.shs.7.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Guidelines for teaching science. Standard 5. 42pp. K.shs.7.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1976 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Guidelines for teaching science. Standard 6. 50pp. K.shs.10.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1977 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - a scientific look at soil. 26pp. K.shs.6.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1974 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - bricks and pots. 46pp. K.shs.10.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - colour, water and paper. 13pp. K.shs.5.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - construction. 12pp. K.shs.3.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - dry sand. 10pp. K.shs.2.90 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - exploring the local community. 16pp. K.shs.4.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - introduction. 38pp. K.shs.6.05 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - liquid. 26pp. K.shs.6.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1974 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - making paints. 18pp. K.shs.6.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - playground equipment. 66pp. K.shs.7.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - sinking and floating. 26pp. K.shs.7.05 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - stars over Africa. 24pp. K.shs.6.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - strangers in the sky. 32pp. K.shs.7.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - water. 18pp. K.shs.3.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kenya primary science - wet sand. 8pp. K.shs.2.90 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Science schemes of work. Standards 1, 2 & 3. bk.1 64pp. K.shs.3.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1968 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Science schemes of work. Standards 4 & 5. bk.2 66pp. K.shs.3.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1968 KE Jumai, D., et al. Science and health education for 4 year olds. 35pp. ill. N8.00 Univ Press - Nig 1988 NR Jumai, D., et al. Science and health education for 5 year olds. 41pp. ill. N8.50 Univ Press - Nig 1988 NR Karaka, J., Nyangasi, L., Githui, M. Understanding science. Pupils book 5. bk.5 ill. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Karaka, J., Nyangasi, L., Githui, M. Understanding science. Teacher guide book 1. bk.1 ill. K.shs.280.00 Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Karaka, J., Nyangasi, L., Githui, M. Understanding science. Teacher guide book 5. bk.5 ill. K.shs.220.00 Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Kendall, B. Start finding out. pupils’ bk., standard 4. 112pp. pl. K.shs.210.00 Longhorn - Ken 1977 KE Kendell, B. Longman primary science standard four. pupil’s bk. 112pp. col. ill. K.shs.210.00 Longhorn - Ken 1976 KE Koch, H., van Onselen, A. Social science through issues learner’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975916 142pp. ill. R57.95 Clever 2005 SA Koch, H., van Onselen, A. Social science through issues teacher’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975924 176pp. ill. R84.95 Clever 2005 SA Kusemererewa, E., Mugisha, S., K’opiyo, F., Wekesa, J. Fountain primary science for Uganda. bk.1 U.shs.6,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1993 UG Kusemererewa, E., Mugisha, S., K’opiyo, F., Wekesa, J. Fountain primary science for Uganda. bk.2 U.shs.6,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1993 UG Kusemererewa, E., Mugisha, S., K’opiyo, F., Weseka, J. Fountain primary science for Uganda. bk.3 U.shs.6,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1993 UG Kusemererewa, E., Mugisha, S., K’opiyo, F., Weseka, J. Fountain primary science for Uganda. bk.4 U.shs.6,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1993 UG Kusemererewa, E., Mugisha, S., K’opiyo, F., Weseka, J. Fountain primary science for Uganda. bk.5 208pp. U.shs.6,800 Fountain PublUg 1993 UG
Kusemererewa, E., Mugisha, S., K’opiyo, F., Weseka, J. Fountain primary science for Uganda. bk.6 158pp. U.shs.5,200 Fountain PublUg 1993 UG Kusemererewa, E., Mugisha, S., K’opiyo, F., Weseka, J. Fountain primary science for Uganda. bk.7 139pp. U.shs.5,200 Fountain PublUg 1993 UG Kusemererwa, E., et al. Fountain primary science for Uganda. teacher’s bk.5 U.shs.5,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG Kusemererwa, E., et al. Fountain primary science for Uganda. teacher’s bk.2 U.shs.5,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG Kusemererwa, E., et al. Fountain primary science for Uganda. pupil’s bk.1 U.shs.5,500 Fountain PublUg 1993 UG Kusemererwa, E., et al. Fountain primary science for Uganda. pupil’s bk.7 U.shs.6,000 Fountain PublUg 1993 UG Kusemererwa, E., et al. Fountain primary science for Uganda. teacher’s bk.3 U.shs.5,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG Kusemererwa, E., et al. Fountain primary science for Uganda. teacher’s bk.7 U.shs.5,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG Kusemererwa, E., et al. Fountain primary science for Uganda. pupil’s bk.2 U.shs.6,300 Fountain PublUg 1993 UG Kusemererwa, E., et al. Fountain primary science for Uganda. pupil’s bk.4 U.shs.7,800 Fountain PublUg 1993 UG Kusemererwa, E., et al. Fountain primary science for Uganda. pupil’s bk.6 U.shs.6,000 Fountain PublUg 1993 UG Kusemererwa, E., et al. Fountain primary science for Uganda. teacher’s bk.6 U.shs.5,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG Kusemererwa, E., et al. Fountain primary science for Uganda. pupil’s bk.3 U.shs.7,800 Fountain PublUg 1993 UG Kusemererwa, E., et al. Fountain primary science for Uganda. pupil’s bk.5 U.shs.7,800 Fountain PublUg 1993 UG Kusemererwa, E., et al. Fountain primary science for Uganda. teacher’s bk.4 U.shs.5,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG Kusemererwa, E., Mugisha, S. Fountain primary science revision. 183pp. ill. U.shs.5,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1995 UG Kusemererwa, E., Mugisha, S. et al. Fountain primary science for Uganda. teacher’s bk.1 U.shs.5,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG Maharaj, R., Francis, D. Matural science through issues teacher’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974790 169pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA Maharaj, R., Francis, D. Natural science through issues learner’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974782 124pp. ill. R51.78 Clever 2004 SA Maharaj, R., Francis, D. Natural science through issues learner’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 152pp. ill. R52.87 Clever 2004 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Science—Study and teaching (Elementary)
Subject index
Maharaj, R., Francis, D. Natural science through issues learner’s book. Grade 6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974987 191pp. ill. R53.41 Clever 2004 SA
Mpumudde, W., Kavuma, R., Karaka, J. Understanding integrated science, teacher’s guide for primary 3. ISBN: 9966492895 51pp. col.ill. K.shs.140.00 ($2.00/£1.50) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE
Maharaj, R., Francis, D. Natural science through issues teacher’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974790 169pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA
Mpumudde, W., Kavuma, R., Karaka, J. Understanding integrated science, teacher’s guide for primary 4. ISBN: 9966492909 39pp. col.ill. K.shs.140.00 ($2.00/£1.50) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE
Maharaj, R., Francis, D. Natural science through issues teacher’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 205pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA
Mpumudde, W., Kavuma, R., Karaka, J. Undestanding integrated science, teacher’s guide for primary 1. ISBN: 9966492879 36pp. col.ill. K.shs.140.00 ($2.00/£1.50) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE
Maharaj, R., Francis, D. Natural science through issues teacher’s book. Grade 6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 175pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA
Mugisha, S., Kusemererwa, E. Fountain primary science revision. A total overview of primary science. Questions and answers. Fountain Publ-Ug 1994[?] UG
Maxwell, D.A., Adenuga, I.J., Shoewu, O. Integrated science. 96pp. ill. N1.10 Macmillan - Nig 1973 NR
Mugo, C.K. Primary home science, standard 8. 77pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1985 KE
McDermott, M.K. Natural science and technology through isses learner’s book. Grade 4. ISBN: 1868975584 204pp. ill. R51.78 Clever 2004 SA
Mulaga, E. Primary school leaving certificate science and health education questions and model answers. 92pp. ill. K120.00 ($5.00/£3.00) Chancellor Coll 1997 MW
McDermott, M.K. Natural science and technology through issues learner’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975622 196pp. ill. R52.87 Clever 2004 SA
Nicanor, N., Hailonga, P., Olivier, F. Discovering science: a primary course for Namibia. Grade 5. ill. N$38.50 New Namibia 1995 SX
McDermott, M.K. Natural science and technology through issues teacher’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975592 151pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA McDermott, M.K. Natural science and technology through issues teacher’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975680 159pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA Ministry of Education. Bendel State of Nigeria Science is discovering: Pupil’s book for year four. 72pp. ill. pl. N1.40 Longman - Nig 1974 NR Ministry of Education, Bendel State of Nigeria Science is discovering. teacher’s bk. 6. 80pp. ill. N1.70 Longman - Nig 1977 NR Ministry of Education, Bendel State of Nigeria Science is discovering years 1-3. teacher’s guide 72pp. ill. N1.50 Longman - Nig 1976 NR Mngomezulu, T., Ntombela, G.M., Magi, M.V. Science alive. Standard 2. 13pp. ill. R39.90 Nolwazi 1997 SA Mpumudde, W., Kavuma, R., Karaka, J. Understanding integrated science primary 1. ISBN: 9966492682 56pp. col.ill. K.shs.200.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Longhorn Ken 2001 KE Mpumudde, W., Kavuma, R., Karaka, J. Understanding integrated science primary 2. ISBN: 9966492690 64pp. col.ill. K.shs.200.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Longhorn Ken 2001 KE Mpumudde, W., Kavuma, R., Karaka, J. Understanding integrated science primary 3. ISBN: 9966492704 100pp. col.ill. K.shs.200.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Longhorn Ken 2001 KE Mpumudde, W., Kavuma, R., Karaka, J. Understanding integrated science primary 4. ISBN: 9966492712 80pp. col.ill. K.shs.200.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Longhorn Ken 2001 KE Mpumudde, W., Kavuma, R., Karaka, J. Understanding integrated science teacher’s guide for primary 2. ISBN: 9966492887 35pp. col.ill. K.shs.140.00 ($2.00/£1.50) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE
Nicanor, N., Speelman, H. Discovering science: a primary course for Namibia. Grade 6. ill. N$39.95 New Namibia 1997 SX Nkoso, E. Discovery. bk.1 32pp. ill. C300.00 Adwinsa 1986 GH Nyoro, D., Macharia, E.M. Primary gold medal science. 177pp. ill. K.shs.290.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1995 KE Ojwang’, A. Peak revision: K.C.P.E. science. K.shs.270.00 EAEP 1997 KE
Ojwang’, A., Karonji, R., K’Opiyo, F. Science matters. A science course for primary schools. bk.8 100pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 1998 KE Ojwang’, A., Karonji, R., K’Opiyo, F. Science matters standard 1. ISBN: 9966463119 46pp. K.shs.100.00 EAEP 1998 KE Ojwang’, A., Karonji, R., K’Opiyo, F. Science matters standard 2. ISBN: 9966463127 46pp. K.shs.110.00 EAEP 1998 KE Ojwang’, A., Karonji, R., K’Opiyo, F. Science matters standard 3. ISBN: 9966463135 46pp. K.shs.110.00 EAEP 1998 KE Ojwang, A., Karonji, R., K’Opiyo, F. Science matters standard 5. ISBN: 9966469702 K.shs.185.00 EAEP 1998 KE Ojwang’, A., Karonji, R., K’Opiyo, F. Science matters teacher’s guide to book 1. ISBN: 9966463704 42pp. K.shs.110.00 EAEP 1998 KE Ojwang’, A., Karonji, R., K’Opiyo, F. Science matters teacher’s guide to book 2. ISBN: 9966463712 38pp. K.shs.110.00 EAEP 1998 KE Ojwang’, A., Karonji, R., K’Opiyo, F. Science matters teacher’s guide to book 3. ISBN: 9966463720 57pp. K.shs.110.00 EAEP 1998 KE Ojwang, A., Karonji, R., K’Opiyo, F. Science matters: a science course for primary school standard 7. 84pp. K.shs.190.00 EAEP 1998 KE Ojwang, A., Karonji, R., K’Opiyo, F. Science matters: a science course for primary schools. bk.4 73pp. K.shs.180.00 EAEP 1999 KE
Ojwang, A., Karonji, R., K’Opiyo, F. Science matters: a science course for primary schools standard 6. 79pp. K.hs.160.00 EAEP 1998 KE Ojwang, A., K’Opiyo, F. Science matters. bk.1 teacher’s guide 57pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 2000 KE Ojwang, A., K’Opiyo, F. Science matters. bk.3 teacher’s guide 71pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 2000 KE Osiyale, A. Doing science for primary schools. bk.1 32pp. pl. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1972 NR Sandhu, M.K. Science for standard 6. 103pp. ill. K.shs.120.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1990 KE Setidisho, N.O.H. Primary science. Dzuka 1987 MW
bk.7 74pp. pl. K5.70
Setidisho, N.O.H. Primary science. Dzuka 1987 MW
bk.8 100pp. pl. K6.90
Sitrole Let’s learn about lightning. 24pp. ill. Z$39.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI Stuart, A., et al. Clean up with eco earthworm. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1869030303 99pp. col.ill. R21.01 Gariep 1999 SA Tchezoum, K., Kumapley, K., Nambou, Y. Sciences CM. CFA2,000 NEA - Togo 1994 TG FRE van Niekerk, K.M., Maré, G. Social science through issues learner’s book. Grade 6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974339 110pp. ill. R53.41 Clever 2004 SA van Niekerk, K.M., Maré, G. Social science through issues teacher’s books. Grade 6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974677 142pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA Walters, P.S.W., Quinn, L. Resource pack for open schools: general science. Inst Soc Res 1995 SA Yeboah, S.K., Atter, M. Revising JSS general science. vol.1 72pp. pl. C6,000 ($2.50) Sam Woode 1993 GH Yeboah, S.K., Atter, M. Revising JSS general science. vol.2 64pp. pl. C6,000 ($2.50) Sam Woode 1993 GH Yeboah, S.K., Atter, M. Revising JSS general science. vol.3 72pp. pl. C6,000 ($2.50) Sam Woode 1993 GH Science—Study and teaching (Secondary) Atkinson, D. General science for tropical schools. workbk.1 N1.70 Univ Press - Nig 1954 NR Awokoya, S.O. A first science course for Nigeria: the science of things above us. 1, 3bks 96pp. col. ill. N1.20 Macmillan - Nig NR Awokoya, S.O. A first science course for Nigeria: the science of things around us. plants and animals 2, 3bks 96pp. col. ill. N1.40 Macmillan - Nig NR Awokoya, S.O. A first science course for Nigeria: the science of things around us: their chemical composition. 3, 3bks 124pp. col. ill. N1.60 Macmillan - Nig NR Ayerst, P.W., Khumalo, G.C. Shuter’s natural sciences. Grade 9. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0790616879 152pp. R57.00 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA Bajah, H.S.T., Ryan, J.O., Samuel, P.S. Integrated science for tropical schools. teacher’s bk. 2, 2 bks. 75pp. N6.30k Univ Press - Nig 1971 NR
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 418
African Books in Print
Subject index
Sekoto, Gerard—Biography
Bajah, S.T., Ryan, J.O., Samuel, P.S. Integrated science for tropical schools. 2nd ed. pupil’s bk.1,2 bks. 90pp. ill. N12.00 Univ Press - Nig 1974 NR
Diley, et al. Focus on science. Grade 11. Teacher’s guide. ISBN: 0636043320 271pp. ill.pl. R66.48 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA
Science Teachers Association of Nigeria Nigerian integrated science project: teachers guide. bk.1b 95pp. ill. N145.45 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1983 NR
Bajah, S.T., Ryan, J.O., Samuel, P.S. Integrated science for tropical schools. workbk. 2, 2 bks. 108pp. ill. N6.00 Univ Press - Nig 1973 NR
Dock, A., Croft, G. Energy in Zimbabwe. 24pp. ill. Z$2.86 Longman - Zimb 1983 ZI
Science Teachers Association of Nigeria Nigerian integrated science project: teachers guide. bk.2b 60pp. ill. N145.15 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1984 NR
Bajah, S.T., Ryan, J.O., Samuel, P.S. Integrated science for tropical schools. 2nd ed. pupil’s bk.2,2 bks. 121pp. N14.00 Univ Press - Nig 1974 NR
du Toit, L. Focus on integrated science teacher’s book 4. ISBN: 1779003323 96pp. Z$2331.95 ($5.80) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI
Bajah, S.T., Ryan, J.O., Samuel, P.S. Integrated science for tropical schools. workbk. 1,2 bks. 78pp. N6.30k Univ Press - Nig 1970 NR
Ewelukwa, G.O., et al. Revision integrated science for JSC examinations. 2nd ed. 240pp. ill. N313.00 Africana First 1992 NR
Science Teachers Association of Nigeria Nigerian integrated science project: textbook. bk.2b 128pp. ill. N258.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1984 NR
Bajah, S.T., Ryan, J.O., Samuel, P.S. Integrated science for tropical schools. teacher’s bk.1, 2bks. 63pp. ill. N6.30k Univ Press - Nig 1974 NR
Gray, D.J., et al. Science: an investigation. Standard 6, grade 8. 372pp. ill. R49.95 HeinemannEdSA 1993 SA
Science Teachers Association of Nigeria Nigerian integrated science project: workbook. bk.2 88pp. ill. N150.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1983 NR
Chimombe, C.E., Mambo, M.N. Learning to be a scientist. 40pp. Z$3.10 Longman - Zimb 1984 ZI
Gray, D.J., et al. Science: an investigation. Standard 7, grade 9. 528pp. ill. R54.95 HeinemannEdSA 1994 SA
Science Teachers Association of Nigeria Nigerian integrated science project: workbook. 104pp. ill. N150.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1984 NR
Institute for the Study of English in Africa Secondary schools’ language project: developing the English option. Language resource pack for science. R25.00 ($10.00/£6.00) Inst Study Engl 1995 SA
Service Logistique Pédagogique Travaux pratiques de physique-chimie. Classes terminales scientifiques C et D. 48pp. FMG100 TPFLM 1977 MG FRE
Cox, M. Senior secondary guide core science. 456pp. C19,500 (£9.50) Sedco 1993 GH Croft, G., et al. Step ahead O-level science in Zimbabwe. 372pp. Z$17.50 Longman - Zimb 1987[?] ZI Curry, N., Clegg, A., Linow, K. Physical science for Namibia. Grade 8. ill.pl. N$44.80 New Namibia 1992 SX Curry, N., Linow, K., Clegg, A. Physical science for Namibia. Grade 9. ill.pl. N$45.50 New Namibia 1993 SX Curry, N., Linow, K., Tjikuua, C., Speelman, H. Physical science for Namibia. Grade 10. ill.pl. N$51.00 New Namibia 1994 SX
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Science schemes of work. Standard 6. bk.3 64pp. K.shs.4.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1969 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Science schemes of work. Standard 7. bk.4 68pp. K.shs.4.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1970 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Science syllabus. 24pp. K.shs.3.75 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1976 KE
Daniel, F. General science for tropical schools. 2nd metric ed. workbk.2 79pp. ill. N2.65 Univ Press - Nig 1976 NR
Libibe, N., Malle, K. Annales: sciences naturelles. 1ère partie du baccalauréat. D. Sujets-corrigés. 132pp. CFA1,850 NEA - Togo 1992 TG FRE
Darwin, A., du Toit, L. Focus on integrated science. College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI
Longman Nigeria Longman integrated science. workbk.1 72pp. ill. 85k. Longman - Nig 1976 NR
bk.3 128
Darwin, A., du Toit, L. Focus on integrated science. bk.4 228pp. ($7.80) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI
Longman Nigeria Longman integrated science. textbk.1 112pp. col. ill. N1.50 Longman - Nig 1976 NR
Darwin, A., du Toit, L. Focus on O-level integrated science. bk.3 ISBN: 1779003048 228pp. ill.pl. Z$156.00 ($4.50) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI
Longman Nigeria Longman integrated science. teacher’s bk.1 112pp. N1.60 Longman - Nig 1977 NR
Darwin, A., du Toit, L. Focus on O-level integrated science. bk.4 128pp. ill.pl. Z$150.00 ($4.30) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI Darwin, A., du Toit, L. Focus on science, bk. 1. 2nd ed. 184pp. Z$87.95 ($4.80/£3.05) College Press Zimb 1996 ZI Darwin, A., du Toit, L. Focus on science. 2nd ed. bk.2 180pp. Z$87.95 ($4.80/£3.05) College Press Zimb 1996 ZI Darwin, A., du Toit, L. Focus study aids: junior certificate science revision. ISBN: 1779003293 104pp. Z$116.00 ($3.30) College Press Zimb 1999 ZI Diley, et al. Focus on science. Grade 10. Teacher’s guide. ISBN: 0636043096 112pp. ill.pl. R61.16 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Diley, et al. Focus on science . Grade 10. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0636035212 ill.pl. R93.10 Maskew Miller Longman 2001[?] SA Diley, et al. Focus on science. Grade 11. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0636035220 271pp. ill.pl. R93.50 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA
Manyuchi, E.R. Focus on A-level chemistry practicals. student’s bk. 124pp. Z$127.95 ($5.50/ £3.45) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI Manyuchi, E.R. Focus on A-level chemistry practicals. teacher’s bk. 92pp. Z$139.95 ($5.00/ £3.10) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI Maxwell, D.A., et al. Integrated science. bk. 2 92pp. ill. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1974 NR Msora, K. Water. 20pp. ill. Z$3.95 Longman Zimb 1983 ZI Ngugi, S.W. Laboratory preparations for secondary school. 112pp. K.shs.385.00 EAEP 1993 KE Science Teachers Association of Nigeria Nigerian integrated science project. new ed. teacher’s guide 3 72pp. N145.15 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1985 NR Science Teachers Association of Nigeria Nigerian integrated science project. new ed. pupil’s bk. 3 114pp. N258.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1985 NR Science Teachers Association of Nigeria Nigerian integrated science project. new ed. workbook, 3 68pp. N150.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1985 NR
Science Teachers Association of Nigeria Nigerian integrated science project: textbook. bk.1b 126pp. ill. N258.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1982 NR
Shanks, I.P. Simple science and nature study. 224pp. ill. K.shs.50.00 OUP - Nairobi 1965 KE Smith, D.M.N. Shuter’s natural sciences. Grade 8. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0790614892 144pp. R111.00 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA Smith, D.M.N. Shuter’s natural sciences. Grade 9. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0790616860 160pp. R68.00 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA Smith, D.M.N., et al. Shuter’s natural sciences. Grade 7. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0790612830 R130.00 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA Smith, D.M.N., et al. Shuter’s natural sciences. Grade 7. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796012849 R67.00 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA Smith, D.M.N., et al. Shuter’s natural sciences. Grade 8. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796014884 R51.00 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA van Rensburg, N.P.J., van Wyk, J.P., Lerm, E.R., van Zyl, E.J. Study and master general science 7. 218pp. pl. R32.00 Roedurico 1997 SA Science—Tanzania Vitta, P.B. Dominance: the influence of circumstances on science in Tanzania. 46pp. ($2.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1983 TZ Science fiction—Collections Hoole, B., Marshall, T., Venter, M., comps. That untravelled world: a collection of science fiction short stories. ISBN: 0868103659 62pp. Inst Study Engl 2000 SA Seereer language—Study and teaching SAFEFOD A cang fa a pind. 59pp. CFA1,500 SAFEFOD 1998 SG SEE SAFEFOD Safe kalkiin 1. vol.1 81pp. CFA1,500 SAFEFOD 1998 SG SEE Sefwi—General and Non-fiction Enin, T.Y. Senziaso esahis. [Sefwi for beginners.] 40pp. Adwinsa 1990 GH SEF Sekoto, Gerard—Biography Manganyi, C. I am an African. The life and times of Gerard Sekoto. ISBN: 1868144003 304pp. R250.00 Witwatersrand UP 2004 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Sekoto, Gerard—Biography
Subject index
Manganyi, N.C. A black man called Sekoto. 212pp. pl. R64.95 Witwatersrand UP 1996 SA Selassie, Haile—Addresses and essays Getachew, I. His majesty’s words. vol.2 ISBN: 1931253021 cd. 125pp. pl. ($40.00) Shama 2001 ET Selassie, Haile—Biography Getachew, I. Beyond the throne: the enduring legacy of Emperor Haile Selassie I. vol.1 ISBN: 1931253005 cd. 157pp. pl. ($40.00) Shama 2001 ET Selassie, Haile—Pictorial works Getachew, I. His majesty’s photo album. vol.3 ISBN: 1931253013 cd. 114pp. pl. ($40.00) Shama 2001 ET Self-instruction Giel, A. Do-it-yourself: the professional way. 356pp. ill. pl. R15.00 Macmillan - SA 1979 SA
Lindhard, N. Become what you are - a book about you and your potential. 89pp. R42.00 Options Publ 1997 SA Somdal, A. Build yourself up. new ed. ISBN: 9966450600 152pp. K.shs.110.00 ($2.00) Evangel 1998 KE Weiss, J. Teaching the monkey to fly. A step by step guide to self-empowerment. 184pp. R79.95 ($12.95/£11.99) Kima 1999 SA Self care, Health Abudu, A.O. How to live without stress. 416pp. C40,000.00 ($13.99) IMV 1997 GH Caluwé, J. Consciously working with your vitality. ISBN: 0864864795 216pp. R130.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA [Southern Africa only] Morrison, K., Whelligan, F. Like an apple a day. ISBN: 1919930558 191pp. R170.00 Double Storey 2004 SA [Southern Africa only] Roberts, M. Tissue salts for healthy living. ISBN: 0864864906 128pp. col.pl. R80.00 New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA Selous, Frederick Courtney— Autobiography Millais, J.G. Life of Frederick Courtney Selous. Autobiography of a famous hunter and explorer. new ed. ISBN: 9987667112 cd. 400pp. (£25.00) Gallery 2001 TZ Semengue, Pierre—Biography Eyene, A. Le Général Pierre Semengue: toute une vie dans les armées. CFA5,000 (Eur15.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Senegal—Cities and towns Camara, C. Saint Louis du Sénégal. Evolution d’une ville en milieu africain. (IFAN initiations et études africaines, 24) 292pp. CFA4,000 IFAN 1968 SG FRE Librairie Clairafrique Dakar: la synthèse des trois continents. col.ill. Clairafrique 2001 SG FRE Seck, A. Dakar métropole ouest africaine. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 85) 517pp. CFA6,000 IFAN 1970 SG FRE Senegal—Education Diagne, A., Daffé, G. Le financement de l’éducation au Sénégal. ISBN: 2869780966 CODESRIA 2001 SG FRE Senegal—Education, Elementary Ndoye, A.K. Facteurs socio-économiques et réussite scolaire des filles en fin d’enseignement élémentaire: cas des deux régions du Sénégal. ISBN: 2910115275 141pp. ($30.95/£18.95) UEPA 2002 SG FRE
Senegal—Education, Higher Association of African Universities Etude sur le suivi des diplomes de l’université Cheikh anta Diop de Dakar (YCAD-Senegal) dans le milieu du travail. ($10.00) AAU 2001 GH FRE Senegal—Ethnology Diouf, M. Le Sénégal: les ethnies et la nation. ISBN: 2723611140 282pp. CFA3,000 NEAS 1998 SG FRE Senegal—Geography Fromaget, M.E. Instructions nautiques du fleuve Sénégal d’après les travaux de la mission de balisage, 1906-1907-1908. 127pp. pl. CFA4,800 IFAN 1908 SG FRE Sar, M. Louga et sa région (Sénégal). (IFAN initiations et études africaines, 30) 308pp. pl. CFA2,000 IFAN 1973 SG FRE Senegal—Guide books Institut Fondamental de l’Afrique Noire Gorée: guide de l’ile et du musée historique. 76pp. CFA3,000 IFAN 1993 SG FRE Senegal—History Delcourt, A. La France et les établissements français au Sénégal entre 1713 et 1763. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 17) 432pp. maps. CFA4,000 IFAN 1952 SG FRE
Senegal—Politics and government Alcantara, P. L’avenir du Sénégal, j’y crois. 62pp. CFA2,000 (Eur5.00) Xamal 1997 SG FRE Diagne, M. Le Sénégal nouveau, chronique d’une alternance. ISBN: 2844020224 104pp. CFA3,500 (Eur5.34) Xamal 2000 SG FRE Diop, M.C., ed. Sénégal: trajectoires d’un état 1960-1990. [Also available in English.] 502pp. CFA12,500 ($35.00/£21.00/Eur23.00) CODESRIA 1992 SG FRE Diop, M.M. Senegal: essays in statecraft. [Also available in French.] cd. & 491pp. ($75.00/£42.00 cd.) ($35.00/£19.95 pap.) CODESRIA 1993 SG Ly, A. D’oû sort l’état présidentialiste du Sénégal? 128pp. CFA4,500 (Eur11.00) Xamal 1997 SG FRE Ly, A. Les regroupements politiques au Sénégal (1956-1970). 448pp. CFA1,000 ($15.00/ £5.00/Eur10.00) CODESRIA 1992 SG FRE SAFEFOD L’ONEL. 168pp. CFA2,500 SAFEFOD 1997 SG FRE
Demougeot, A. Notes sur l’organisation politique et administrative du Labé avant et depuis l’occupation français. [Reprint of ed. Paris, 1944]. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 6) 85pp. D.fl.25.00 IFAN 1944 SG FRE
Senegal—Public administration Sow, F. Les fonctionnaires de l’administration centrale sénégalaise. (Initiations et Etudes Africaines, 29) 308pp. CFA3,500 IFAN 1972 SG FRE
Diallo, T. Alfa Yaya, roi de Labé. 96pp. CFA250.00 NEAS 1976 SG FRE
Senegal—Rural development Debouvry, P. Décider pour aménager. ISBN: 9291300241 140pp. CFA5,000 ENDA 1999 SG FRE
Diallo, T. Dinah Salifou: roi des Nalous. CFA350 NEAS 1978 SG FRE
Echenberg, M. Black death, white medicine, bubonic plague and the politics of public health in colonial Senegal, 1914-1945. ISBN: 0852556969 cd. & 320pp. pl.map (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852556462 (£16.95 pap.) Philip 2002 SA Fall, B., et al. Dialogue avec Abdoulaye Ly, historien et homme politique sénégalais. (IFAN initiations et études africaines) 184pp. ill. CFA3,000 IFAN 2001 SG FRE Kake, I.B., Comte, G. Askia Mohamed. L’apogée de l’empire Songhay. 96pp. CFA750.00 NEAS 1976 SG FRE Leyti, O.N. Le Djoloff et ses bourba. 110pp. CFA900.00 NEAS 1981 SG FRE Ly, A. Un navire de commerce sur la côte sénégambienne en 1685. (IFAN catalogues et documents, 17) 68pp. CFA1,500 IFAN 1964 SG FRE Ndao, I. Sénégal, histoire des conquêtes démocratiques. ISBN: 2723615243 526pp. CFA5,500 Eur8.40 NEAS 2003 SG FRE Nguyen van Chi-Bonnardel, R. Vie de relation au Sénégal: la circulation des biens. (Mémoires, 90) 927pp. pl. col.pl. CFA8,000 IFAN 1978 SG FRE Senegal—History—Study and teaching (Elementary) Cissoko, S. M., Ba, T. O. Histoire du Sénégal. Cours élémentaire deuxième année. 90pp. CFA700.00 NEAS 1975 SG FRE Cissoko, S.M., Bâ, D.T. Histoire du Sénégal. Cours elementaire première année. 64pp. CFA400.00 NEAS 1973 SG FRE
SAFEFOD Le financement des collectivités locales. [Also available in Wolof.] 24pp. CFA600.00 SAFEFOD 1997 SG FRE SAFEFOD Guide du conseiller municipal. [Also available in Pulaar and Wolof.] 60pp. CFA1,000 SAFEFOD 1997 SG FRE SAFEFOD Guide du conseiller régional. [Also available in Pulaar and Wolof.] 52pp. CFA1,000 SAFEFOD 1997 SG FRE SAFEFOD Guide du conseiller rural. [Also available in Pulaar and Wolof.] 40pp. CFA750.00 SAFEFOD 1997 SG FRE SAFEFOD Module de formation des conseillers ruraux 1. [Also available in Pulaar and Wolof.] vol.1 36pp. CFA750.00 SAFEFOD 1997 SG FRE SAFEFOD Module de formation des conseillers ruraux 2. [Also available in Pulaar and Wolof.] vol.2 24pp. CFA600.00 SAFEFOD 1997 SG FRE SAFEFOD Le transfert des compétences. [Also available in Pulaar and Wolof.] 44pp. CFA750.00 SAFEFOD 1997 SG FRE Sy, C.T. Crise du développement rural et desengagement de l’état au Sénégal. 164pp. CFA3,000 NEAS 1988 SG FRE Senegal—Sociology David, P. Les navétanes: histoire des migrants saisonniers de l’arachide en Sénégambie des origines à nos jours. 526pp. CFA4,000 NEAS 1980 SG FRE Enda Graf Sahel Cahier de la recherche populaire: apprentissages et créativité sociale. 119pp. CFA4,000 ENDA 1996 SG FRE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 420
African Books in Print
Subject index
Sepedi—Fiction, Drama, Poetry
Senegal—Sociology, Rural Editions ENDA Le terroir école. Recherche paysanne collective pour la lutte contre la pauvreté. (ENDA Etudes et Recherches, 228-229) 210pp. ENDA 1999 SG FRE Senokoanyane, Ntsoaki—Autobiography Senokoanyane, N. Their light, love and life - a black nurse’s story. 128pp. pl. R44.95 Kwela 1995 SA Senufo—General and Non-fiction Coulibaly, M., Tuo, D. Tekorogui sangala. [Hygiene and environment. Text in Senufo.] ISBN: 2914867298 58pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2002 IV SEN Coulibaly, M., Tuo, D. Valaou kpeheleganma. [Agricultural techniques. Text in Senufo.] ISBN: 2914867301 93pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2002 IV SEN Coulibaly, M., Yanourga, S. Tcheregnimi kologo. [Mother and child health. Text in Senufo.] ISBN: 291486728X 71pp. ill. CFA2,500 (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2002 IV SEN Senufo language—Study and teaching Coulibaly, L.D., Coulibaly, M., Tuo, D. Syllabaire sénoufo-senanri. ISBN: 2913942717 107pp. CFA2,500 ill. (Eur7.00) EDILIS 2002 IV MUL Sepedi also known as Northern Sotho Sepedi—Easy reading materials, Adult Komana, E. Nko ga e dupe. [A dream has vanished.] ISBN: 1868403386 28pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1999 SA SEP Magabane, S. Mehlolo ga e fele. [Surprises never end.] ISBN: 1868403394 32pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1999 SA SEP Rakoma, M. Maano ga a site. [One never runs out of a plan.] ISBN: 1868403378 36pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1999 SA SEP Sepedi—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Booysen, L.S. Sekhukhune. [Southern Sotho historical drama.] 56pp. R43.50 Van Schaik 1989 SA SEP Bopape, D. Motshelo wa tshireletso. Nolwazi 1995 SA SEP
172pp. R25.65
Kekana, S. Hlogwana tie. [Sharing. Poetry.] 44pp. R26.75 ($6.57/£4.28) Hibbard 1994 SA SEP Kgongoana, M.C. Meokgo bophelong bjo. [Poetry.] 2nd ed. 48pp. R32.77 Shuter & Shooter 1991 SA SEP Lentsoane, H.M.L. Kgogamasego. [The evening star. Northern Sotho poetry.] 61pp. R44.95 Van Schaik 1988 SA SEP Mabele, D.R. Sebakaborena. [The place of the chiefs.] 160pp. R28.50 Sasavona Pub 1987 SA SEP Maebela-Mohlala, H.M.C. Maboromabetwa. [Poetry.] Schaik 1995 SA SEP
R43.95 Van
Maebela-Mohlala, H.M.C. Nyatsamolala... [Ignore advice at your peril.] 120pp. R32.95 ($6.60/£4.00) Hibbard 1996 SA SEP Magagane, J.M. Bana ba tau. [Novel.] 77pp. R7.00 Sasavona Pub 1982 SA SEP Maibelo, R.J. Eya eye. [Northern Sotho short stories.] 2nd ed. 84pp. R34.54 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SEP Makobe, M.T. Meduduetso ya mesobonanana. [Sepedi poetry.] ISBN: 0627014712 R43.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA SEP
Makopo, S.A., ed. Molalatladi. [The rainbow.] 80pp. Sasavona Pub 1987 SA SEP
Mohale, F.M. Senthulwane. ISBN: 0796015430 86pp. R45.42 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA SEP
Malebana, L. Motseng wa dimakatso. [Fiction.] R84.90 Van Schaik 1995 SA SEP
Mohoto, M.J. Dipshesamare. [Sepedi short stories.] ISBN: 0796015465 42pp. R22.00 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA SEP
Malebana, L.M. Hlabang tlou ka diloka. ISBN: 0796012237 114pp. R42.59 Shuter & Shooter 1998 SA SEP Malebana, L.M. Hlakoleng go a sepelwa. ISBN: 0796010862 177pp. R53.98 Shuter & Shooter 1998 SA SEP Mamabolo, J.M.L. Mphoaa.... [Nonsense. Novel.] ISBN: 1868536297 144pp. R47.95 HeinemannEdSA 1998 SA SEP Mamadi, S.A. Mahlagahlaga a Mafulang. [The conscientiousness and inventiveness of Mafulang.] 128pp. R34.95 HeinemannEdSA 1993 SA SEP Maphopha, M.H. Mmalehufa. [Drama.] Schaik 1995 SA SEP
R59.95 Van
Maphopha, M.H. Serotologane. [Northern Sotho novel.] 2nd ed. 116pp. R35.17 Shuter & Shooter 1994 SA SEP Maphoso, L.S.T. Abel o kae? [Northern Sotho novel.] 96pp. R34.89 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA SEP Maphoso, L.S.T. Madimabe a naolebe. [Northern Sotho novel.] 92pp. R38.23 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA SEP Maphoto, A.N. Leabela le a fetisa. [If you do a thing in secret it shall ultimately be known.] 124pp. R3.50 Sasavona Pub 1983 SA SEP
Mojalefa, M.J., et al. Tshaba mediti. [Northern Sotho poetry.] bk.1 48pp. R31.07 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA SEP Mojalefe, M.J., et al. Tshaba mediti. [Northern Sotho poetry.] bk.2 48pp. R31.07 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA SEP Mojalefa, M.J., et al. Tshaba mediti. [Northern Sotho poetry.] bk.3 76pp. R31.07 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA SEP Mojalefa, M.J., et al. Tshaba mediti. [Northern Sotho poetry.] bk.4 96pp. R31.07 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA SEP Mojalefa, M.J., et al. Tshaba mediti. [Northern Sotho poetry.] bk.5 104pp. R31.07 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA SEP Mojelefe, M.J., et al. Mokaka kogomo. [Northern Sotho poetry.] bk.2 92pp. R40.55 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SOT Mphahlele, D.M. Sephiri se kae? [Where is the secret? Sepedi novel.] new ed. ISBN: 0796019023 132pp. R30.00 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA SEP Mphahlele, T., et al. Mokaka kogomo. [Northern Sotho poetry.] bk.1 48pp. R35.52 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SEP Napo, M.J. Timpolla o nwe. [Northern Sotho poetry.] R30.36 Shuter & Shooter 1987 SA SEP
Maripane, J.P., et al. Mokaka kogomo. [Northern Sotho poetry.] bk.3 ISBN: 0796013004 108pp. R40.55 Shuter & Shooter 1998 SA SEP
Nchabeleng, S.M. Re tla di botsa mang? [Northern Sotho drama.] 112pp. R34.01 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA SEP
Marishane, M.F., Masola, I.S. Tswelopele. [Northern Sotho novel.] 2nd ed. 72pp. R35.22 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA SEP
Nkadimeng, H.M. Ntshuthelele. [Sepedi drama.] ISBN: 0627021093 R51.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA SEP
Masemola, K.M. Diagametse. [Family affairs.] 83pp. R49.50 Van Schaik 1995 SA SEP
Nkadimeng, N.S. Maswimanyane. [A bit of milk.] 51pp. R43.30 Van Schaik 1995 SA SEP
Mashabela, A. Dula o fihle motlogolo. ISBN: 0796015503 123pp. R53.91 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA SEP
Nkadimeng, N.S. Matlorotloro. [Heavy shower.] 87pp. R49.95 Van Schaik 1995 SA SEP
Mashilo, P. Ledumaedi. [Northern Sotho poetry.] 56pp. R33.37 Shuter & Shooter 1993 SA SEP Mashilo, P. Seriti sa setso setso. [Northern Sotho poetry.] R31.10 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA SEP Mashilo, P.M., et al. Lekgai la sealogane 1. [Poetry.] bk.1 ISBN: 0796015481 48pp. R40.93 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA SEP Mashilo, P.M., et al. Lekgai la sealogane 3. [Poetry.] bk.3 ISBN: 0796015740 68pp. R49.98 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA SEP Mathete, M.P. Maak ga se makhura. ISBN: 0796015775 118pp. R41.23 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA SEP Mathete, M.P. Segadikane. ISBN: 0796015457 R37.55 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA SEP Moganedi, A.B. Taba ga di fele. [They continue to talk.] 106pp. R53.95 Van Schaik 1995 SA SEP
Nkadimeng, S.M. Bana ba rena. [Our children.] 75pp. R28.95 ($5.70/£3.60) Hibbard 1997 SA SEP Nyatlo, E.L. Ngwanaka. [Sepedi drama.] ISBN: 0627013724 R41.95 Van Schaik 1995 SA SEP Phasha, R.R. Ke dirisitswe ke wena. [Fiction.] Van Schaik 1995 SA SEP
Rafapa, J.R.L., et al. Mohlomongwe ke tlhabologo. ISBN: 0796015791 88pp. R45.42 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA SEP Refapha, J.R.L. Tate le barwa le moya. [Father, sons and Moya. Novel.] ISBN: 1868536300 112pp. R43.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SEP Sebola, E., et al. Semotwane. ISBN: 079601549X 96pp. R45.42 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA SEP Sekele, K.J. Re soga thari. [Northern Sotho short stories.] 92pp. R28.85 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SEP
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Sepedi—Fiction, Drama, Poetry
Subject index
Selwalekgwadi, J.H. Malepe malepeledi. [Showers of rain.] 64pp. R26.79 ($5.45/£3.50) Hibbard 1996 SA SEP
Batezat Sisulu, E. Letsatsi leo Koko a ilego dikgethong. [The day Gogo went to vote.] 32pp. ill. R39.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA SEP
Shai, M.V. Diphororo tsa bophelo. [Waterfalls of life. Sepedi short stories.] ISBN: 1868536289 64pp. R39.95 HeinemannEdSA 1998 SA SEP
Boucher, S.J., Pienaar, K.M. Themba yo monyenyane. [Too small Themba.] 16pp. R31.83 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA SEP
Shai, M.V. Makako a bokgapolelo. [Portions from the pot of literary art of ancestors.] 71pp. R26.79 ($5.45/£3.50) Hibbard 1996 SA SOT ShaiRagobyo, U.M. Mogopeledi. [One who thinks for others. Novel.] 119pp. R8.95 Van Schaik 1988 SA SEP Skhosana, P.B. Isimemo sami. [Fiction.] Schaik 1995 SA SEP
R45.95 Van
Tautsoala, J.M., Nchabelang, S.M. Mothamagame. [Northern Sotho short stories.] 96pp. R38.32 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SEP Tlooke, A.M. Lerole la bjasa. [Sepedi short stories.] ISBN: 0627015115 R53.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA SEP Sepedi—General and Non-fiction Bible Society of South Africa Bibel ya mangwalo a makgethwa a testamente ye tala le a testamente ye mpsha. [The Bible.] 3rd ed. ISBN: 0798210412 cd. 1,197pp. R50.00 Bible Soc SA 2004 SA SEP Bible Society of South Africa Bibel: taba ye botse. [The Bible. Available in other bindings.] ISBN: 0798214503 cd. 1,552pp. ill. R115.00 Bible Soc SA 2000 SA SEP Bible Society of South Africa Bibele ya mangwalo a makgetha a testamente ye tala le a testamente ye mpsha. [The Bible. 1951 trans. Available in other bindings.] 2nd ed. cd. 1,197pp. R70.00 Bible Soc SA 1986 SA SEP J L van Schaik Pukwana ye nnyane ye e katanago le ditaba tse dikgolo. Moupatsela wa tshieletso ya tsa leago ka Afrika Borwa. [The tiny little book that tackles great big issues. A guide to social security in South Africa.] 112pp. R64.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA SEP Keuris, M., Grobler, G.M.M., van der Merwe, A., Serudu, M.S. Tiragatso. Pukukgakollo ya baithuti. [The play. A manual.] ISBN: 0627022723 104pp. R99.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA SEP Maibelo, J.R., Rafama, J.R.L., Nkomo, P.S. Tshekatsheko ya dingwalo ta Sesotho sa leboa: moepathutse; senakangwedi 5; nnete fela; go to mang? A mo swina ngwanana ‘thakana. [Techniques to study Sepedi literature.] 5th ed. 88pp. R22.00 ($5.41/£3.52) Hibbard 1994 SA SEP Mangokoane, M.J. Koko keleketla. [Northern Sotho folklore.] 2nd ed. 104pp. R36.38 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SEP Rakoma, J.R.D. Marema-ka-dika. Tsa Sesotho sa lenowa. [Sepedi proverbs.] ISBN: 0627015107 R119.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA SEP Senyatsi, C.P. Kgosi seshigo moloto le bakwena ba gabo. [Northern Sotho biography.] 55pp. R19.10 Nolwazi 1995 SA SEP Wilken, R.L. Thutabodumeni (mphatwana wa b). bk.b 72pp. ill. R11.87 Heinemann-EdSA 1991 SA SEP Sepedi—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Afrika, L. Ditseketseke. [Foolish people.] 42pp. R40.95 Van Schaik 1995 SA SEP
Brain, H. Ngwana yo moswa. [Sepedi school book. Grades 1-3.] ISBN: 1868404552 11pp. R26.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 2001[?] SA SEP Chantler, E., et al. Dipalo tse di tsweletsego. Learner’s book. [Successful numeracy grade 2.] ISBN: 019578250X 96pp. R54.99 ($8.59/£4.77) OUP - SA 2004 SA SEP Chantler, E., et al. Dipalo tse di tsweletsego. Workbook. (Successful numeracy grade 2.) ISBN: 0195782518 48pp. R24.99 ($3.90/£2.17) OUP - SA 2004 SA SEP Chantler, E., et al. Dipalo tse di tsweletsego. Workbook. [Successful numeracy.] ISBN: 0195782329 96pp. R54.99 ($8.59/£4.77) OUP - SA 2004 SA SEP James, A., et al. Shuters life skills. Grade 1 workbook. [Text in Sepedi.] ISBN: 0796011362 48pp. R14.00 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA SEP Land, S., Kunene, L. Malesela le diselula. [Dual language school book, Sepedi & English.] ISBN: 1868404579 38pp. R35.95 New ReadersUniv Natal 2001[?] SA MUL Lebone, S.I. Kgoboso. 48pp. R14.75 Macmillan - SA 1995 SA SOT Legodi, D.W., Ramushu, J.M. Ithute go ruta sesotho sa lebowa. [Northern Sotho language course.] 2nd ed. 264pp. R60.84 Shuter & Shooter 1991 SA SEP
Mokone, R.S., et al. Letlakala la gauta. [Sepedi first language course. Story book.] ISBN: 1868533646 48pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SEP Mokone, R.S., et al. Pitsa ya mohlolo. [Sepedi first language course. Story book.] ISBN: 1868533638 48pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SEP Mokone, R.S., et al. Segogko le Noga. [Sepedi first language course. Story book.] ISBN: 1868533654 48pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SEP Mona, M. Chos’ ntsomi. 86pp. R15.75 Macmillan - SA 1995 SA SOT Moodie, F. Nabulela. [Also available in English, Setswana, Sotho, Xhosa, Zulu.] cd. 32pp. ill. R32.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA SEP Motete, S. Ke tla nyala mang? [Sepedi school book. Grades 1-3.] ISBN: 1868404560 28pp. R26.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 2000[?] SA SEP Motimele, A.M. Podilane mankua. 59pp. R17.95 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA SEP Netshivando, M. Nthu fuke. 73pp. R14.75 Macmillan SA 1995 SA SOT Sepota, M.M., Maibelo, J.R. Re nwa a mokgago. Grade 8. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0796014876 104pp. R104.07 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA SEP Sepota, M.M., Maibelo, J.R. Re nwa a mokgako. Grade 9. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0796016070 R40.00 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA SEP Sepota, M.M., Maibelo, J.R. Re nwa a mokgako. Grade 9. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796016089 148pp. R35.00 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA SEP
Lepota, B., Dolo, M. Mabokgoni bophelong. Learner’s book. [Successful life skills.] ISBN: 019578345X 64pp. R49.99 ($7.81/£4.34) OUP - SA 2003 SA SEP
Sitholimele, S. Metlas ya basemane. [Sepedi school book. Grades 1-3.] ISBN: 1868404536 28pp. R26.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 2000[?] SA SEP
Lepota, B., Dolo, M. Mabokgoni bophelong. Workbook. [Successful life skills.] ISBN: 0195783344 104pp. R49.99 ($7.81/£4.34) OUP - SA 2003 SA SEP
Wilken, R.L. Thutabodumeni (mohatwana wa a). bk.a 76pp. ill. R9.38 Heinemann-EdSA 1991 SA SEP
Lepota, B., Dolo, M. Mobokgoni bophelong. Workbook. [Successful life skills grade 2.] ISBN: 0195783549 48pp. R24.99 ($3.90/£2.17) OUP - SA 2003 SA SEP Luthuli, M.B. Mathematiki wa digutlana. 92pp. ill. R14.46 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA SEP Lyster, E. Lapa la ga Modiba. [Sepedi school book. Grades 1-3.] ISBN: 1868404528 40pp. R26.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 2001[?] SA SEP Mampuiro, D.M., Mabule, R.D., Letsoalo, P. Re nwa a mokgako. Grade 8. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796014868 R53.07 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA SEP Mampuiru, D.M., Mabule, R.D., Letsoalo, P. Re nwa a mokgako. Grade 7. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0796012857 R82.84 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA SEP Mampuiru, D.M., Mabule, R.D., Letsoalo, P. Re nwa a mokgako. Grade 7. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796013357 R53.07 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA SEP Matabane, A., Leshilo, M., Vanyaza, M. Bokamoso bja rena. Pekwa le kgogo. bk.2 ISBN: 0702148261 16pp. col.ill. Juta 1998 SA SEP Mokone, R.S., et al. Lesedi le ditau tse tharo. [Sepedi first language course. Story book.] ISBN: 186853362X 48pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SEP
Wilken, R.L. Thutabodumeni (mphato wa 1). bk.1 96pp. ill. R13.17 Heinemann-EdSA 1991 SA SEP Wilken, R.L. Thutabodumeni (mphato wa 2). bk.2 80pp. ill. R14.04 Heinemann-EdSA 1991 SA SEP Xulu, C. Masilo o ya toropong. [Sepedi school book. Grades 1-3.] 44pp. R26.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 2001[?] SA SEP Sepedi (African people)—Folklore Motana, N. Sepedi proverbs. ISBN: 0795701853 480pp. R59.95 Kwela 2004 SA MUL Roos, V., Roos, S. Learn Pedi bana. 36pp. R28.20 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA MUL Sepedi language—Dictionaries Louwrens, L.J. Dictionary of Northern Sotho grammatical terms. 257pp. R54.95 Pharos 1997 SA SEP Prinsloo, D.J., Sathekge, B.P., Kriel, T.J. Popular Northern Sotho dictionary: Northern Sotho-English/English-Northern Sotho. 4th rev.ed. 344pp. R32.95 Pharos 1997 SA MUL Prinsloo, D.J., Sathkege, P.B. Shuters new Sepedi dictionary. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 148pp. R50.89 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA MUL
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African Books in Print
Subject index Sepedi language—Study and teaching Maibelo, J.R., Sepota, M.M. Thutamekgwakabo. [A guiding light for student teachers.] 163pp. R48.95 ($9.75/£5.90) Hibbard 1996 SA SEP Mokone, R.S., et al. Sepedi ke polelo ya ka. Puku ya barutwana. [Sepedi first language course. Learner’s book.] ISBN: 1868533611 96pp. ill. R27.25 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SEP Mokone, R.S., et al. Sepedi ke polelo ya ka. Puku ya mesomo. [Sepedi first language course. Workbook.] ISBN: 1868537080 48pp. ill. R14.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SEP Mokone, R.S., et al. Sepedi ke polelo ya ka. Pukutlhahla morutisi. [Sepedi first language course. Teacher’s guide.] ISBN: 1868533662 208pp. ill. R44.94 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SEP Serer (African people)—Anthropology, Socio-cultural Faye, A. Le thème de la mort dans la littérature seereer. ISBN: 272361107B 311pp. CFA3,000 NEAS 1998 SG FRE Gravrand, H. La civilisation sereer. Cosaan: les origines. 361pp. CFA3,500 NEAS 1983 SG FRE Gravrand, H. La civilisation sereer. Pangool: le genie religieux sereer. 475pp. maps CFA4,000 NEAS 1990 SG FRE Serer (African people)—Folklore Diouf, M.M. Au fil des contes sereer. ISBN: 9291300225 72pp. CFA1,000 IFAN 1998 SG FRE Serer language—Study and teaching Faye, S. Syllabaire sereer. CFA1,750 NEAS 1987 SG MUL Sermons Wright, P.C. Pastor’s guide book. 62pp. ($1.85/£1.00) K.shs.15.00 Evangel 1982 KE Serote, Mongane Wally—Autobiography Serote, M.W. Hyenas. ISBN: 1868673626 211pp. Vivlia 2000 SA Sesotho also known as Southern Sotho Sesotho—Easy reading materials, Adult Bila, F.V. Tjhelete ya penshene. [Pension money. Also available in Afrikaans, English, Tonga, Xhosa, Zulu] 32pp. ill. R16.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1997 SA SES Garisch, D. Ho qheka ka pele. [A quick trick.] 24pp. R16.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA SES Garisch, D. Sefuba se sebe sa Mbusi. [Mbusi’s bad cold.] 32pp. ill. R16.95 HeinemannEdSA 1995 SA SES Jack, E. Silinga. [Adult easy reading material. Also available in Afrikaans, English, Xhosa.] 64pp. ill. R19.45 HeinemannEdSA 1996 SA SES Kubayi, J. Lerato le tjhelete. [Love and money. Also available in Afrikaans, English, Setswana, Xhosa, Zulu.] 16pp. ill. R17.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1997 SA SES Kutumela, W. Boitkemisetso. [Courage.] 32pp. ill. R17.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1997 SA SES Lyster, E. Lelapa la ha-Mokoena. [The Mokoena family. Also available in Xhosa, English, Afrikaans.] 35pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1995 SA SES
Sesotho—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Madlala, N. Bothata ba Tselane le Tshepo. [The problems of Tselane and Tshepo. Also available in Xhosa and Zulu.] 29pp. pl. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1995 SA SES Majodina, Z. Baphaphathehi le ho kgutlela lapeng: dipale tse sa phetwand. [Exiles and homecomings: the untold stories. Adult easy reading material. Also available in Afrikaans, English, Xhosa, Zulu.] 64pp. ill. R19.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA SES Makhubela, K. Ho nyalana Aferika borwa. [Getting married in South Africa.] 36pp. ill. R17.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA SES Malala, J. Pele dipula di e tla. [Before the rains come.] 80pp. ill. R19.45 HeinemannEdSA 1996 SA SES Matshoba, M. Badimmo ba Majola. [Majola’s ancestors.] 48pp. ill. R18.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA SES Mda, L. Diresepte tsa mookadi. [Rainbow recipes.] 48pp. ill. R18.45 HeinemannEdSA 1996 SA SES Mda, L. Ditori tsa ko setokofeleng tlhoriso ya basadi ko mesebetsing. [Stokvel stories: sexual harassment in the workplace.] 32pp. ill. R17.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA SES Miloane, P.R. Boiphetetso bo monate. [Adult reading material.] 32pp. ill. R19.45 HeinemannEdSA 1996 SA SES Selepe, T. Lekgoba la maikutlo. [Adult reading material.] 32pp. ill. R19.45 HeinemannEdSA 1996 SA SES Sitoe, D. Bathetsi. [The liars.] 32pp. ill. R16.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1997 SA SES van Wyk, C. Maria. [Adult easy reading material. Also available in English, Xhosa.] 48pp. ill. R18.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA SES van Wyk, C. Polao ya Mme Mohapi. [The murder of Mrs Mohapi.] 32pp. ill. R16.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1995 SA SES Sesotho—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Afrika, E.M. Re a fahlollana. [Sesotho short stories.] ISBN: 0627023371 93pp. R52.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA SES Dikobe, G.G. Hobaneng? [Why?] 112pp. R37.96 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SES Elias, A.T., ed. Lestsoele le beta poho. [Unity is strength.] 44pp. pl. M16.82 ($5.00) Univ Press Lesotho 1991 LO SES Foster, E. Mphatlalatsane e tjhabile e hlakile. ISBN: 0975700539 R32.95 Kwela 2000 [?] SA SES Guma, S.M. Bitleng la rasenate. [Sesotho novel.] 84pp. R36.33 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SES Khotseng, B.M., et al. Mmane 3. [Lightning.] 144pp. R35.65 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA SES Kunene, D.P. Dithoko, dithothokiso le dithoholetso tsa sesotho. [Sesotho praise poetry.] 142pp. R99.00 OUP - SA 1996 SA SES Maake, M. Mofuta ha o nkgwe ka nko. [You cannot judge a book by its cover. Play.] 60pp. R26.75 ($6.57/£4.28) Hibbard 1995 SA SES
Maake, N. Matshohlo a dingolwa tsa Sesotho. [Profiles in Southern Sotho literature] vol.1 139pp. R32.95 ($8.10/£5.27) Hibbard 1995 SA SES Maake, N.P. Dipale le ditshomo. [A translation of some of Hans Andersen’s tales into Sesotho.] (Bantu Treasury series, 20) 126pp. R18.95 Witwatersrand UP 1987 SA SES Maake, N.P. Ho ya tjha kgong ho sale molora. [Great events will occur. Play.] 71pp. R26.75 ($6.57/£4.28) Hibbard 1995 SA SES Maake, N.P. Ke llela ho wena. [A shoulder to cry on.] 67pp. R26.79 ($5.45/£3.50) Hibbard 1996 SA SES Maake, N.P. Kodiyamalla. 144pp. R51.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1999 SA SES Maake, N.P. Kweetsa ya pelo ya motho. 151pp. R20.99 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA SES Maake, N.P., Maake, M. Hlwaya tsebe-ditshwantshiso tsa radio. [Lend me your ears - Southern Sotho radio plays & theory.] 78pp. R26.75 ($6.75/£4.28) Hibbard 1995 SA SES Majara, S.N. I sentse linako. [He has wasted his time. Novel.] 98pp. R0.60 Mazenod Inst 1979 LO SES Majara, S.N. Liakhela. [Wild people.] 91pp. R0.60 Mazenod Inst 1983 LO SES Makappa, M.N. Modinyewe. [Sesotho poetry.] 64pp. R34.15 Shuter & Shooter 1993 SA SES Manyeli, G.C. Liapole tsa gauda. [Golden apples. Novel.] 7th ed. 152pp. R1.10 Mazenod Inst 1977 LO SES Maphalla, K.P.D. Ditema. [Sesotho poetry.] R33.46 Shuter & Shooter 1988 SA SES Maphalla, K.P.D., Esterhuyse, C.J. Tshiu tseo. [Sesotho novel.] 2nd ed. R35.22 Shuter & Shooter 1982 SA SES Masiea, R.J. Lephomantlo. [Sesotho drama.] Shuter & Shooter 1988 SA SES
Masiea, R.J., Nyembezi, C.L.S., Bodibe, R.C. Kgabane ya mokotlofo. [Sesotho novel.] R35.35 Shuter & Shooter 1983 SA SES Masima, V.T. Sehlekeleke sa deidro. [Sesotho novel.] ISBN: 0627023797 R51.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA SES Matlosa, S. Katiba. [Novel.] 152pp. R0.85 Mazenod Inst 1977 LO SES Mocoancoeng, J.G. Tseleng ya bophelo le dithothokiso tse ntjha. [The way of life: a play, and poems.] repr. in new orthography(Black writers series, 10) cd. 76pp. R18.95 Witwatersrand UP 1973 SA SES Mofokeng, S.M. Senkatana. [A play.] repr. in new orthography(Black writers series, 12) cd. 119pp. R18.95 Witwatersrand UP 1979 SA SES Mofolo, T. Phakoana tsooana. [Fiction.] 171pp. R1.70 Mazenod Inst 1983 LO SES Mohapi, T.W.D. Kgwatha o mone. 48pp. R13.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1991 SA SES Mohapi, T.W.D. Setsokotsane sa etsa moferefere. 64pp. R29.75 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA SES
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Sesotho—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Mohloboli, D.L. Na ebe ke wena? [Is it you?] R47.95 Kwela 1997 SA SES
72pp. ill.
Mokete, C.M. Peo ena e jetsoe ke mang? [Sesotho drama.] 64pp. R34.52 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SES Mokwena, L.L. Bophelo le lefu. [Sesotho poetry.] 48pp. R42.53 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA SES Monyooe, L.A. Radihlaba. [A man from the mountain. Sesotho short stories.] 72pp. R33.62 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA SES Mphanya, S.N.A. Mpheng toka. [Give me justice.] 144pp. R38.25 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA SES Nakeli, L.P., Mphapi, T.W.D. Bophelo ba ka. [Sesotho poetry.] 52pp. R33.79 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA SES Nhlapho, J.N. Ke madi a ka. [Sesotho drama.] ISBN: 079601311X 88pp. R34.67 Shuter & Shooter 1998 SA SES Nkhatho, K. Ke etse jwang? [Sesotho drama.] 120pp. R42.59 Shuter & Shooter 1988 SA SES Phume, R. Bohloko ba maikutlo. [Spiritual torment. Poetry.] 70pp. R26.75 ($6.57/£4.28) Hibbard 1995 SA SES Senokoanyane, N. Lesdi, lerato le bophelo ba bona. Kwela 1996 SA SES
Subject index Maake, N. Motataisi ya tjhatsi: diqatjwa tsa Basotho; mehaladitwe ha e eketheha; tadimisano; sekhukhune. [Techniques to study Sesotho literature.] 5th ed. 65pp. R22.00 ($5.42/£3.52) Hibbard 1994 SA SES Maake, N.P. Matsholhlo a dingolwa tsa Sesotho. [Profiles in Southern Sotho literature.] vol.2 166pp. R32.95 ($8.10/£5.27) Hibbard 1994 SA SOS
Boucher, S.J., Pienaar, K.M. Tshepo e monyenane haholo. [Too small Themba.] 16pp. R31.80 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA SES
Matsela, Z.A. Lipapli tsa Basotho. Inst 2001 LO SOT
Chantler, E., et al. Katleho depalong. Workbook. [Successful numeracy.] ISBN: 0195782410 96pp. R54.99 ($8.59/£4.77) OUP - SA 2003 SA SES
125pp. Mazenod
Mazenod Institute. Lifela tsa Bakriste (tonic-solfa-notation). cd.& 304pp. R4.40 cd. R3.90 Mazenod Inst 1987 LO SES Mofokeng, S.M. Pelong ya ka. [Sesotho essays.] repr. in new orthography(Black writers series, 15) 118pp. R18.95 Witwatersrand UP 1979 SA SES Mojapelo, G.P., Semata, J.A. Mapholi a Sesotho. [Sesotho grammar.] 160pp. R0.60 Mazenod Inst 1973 LO SES Mojapelo, G.P. , Semata, J.A. Tsohang basotho. [Sesotho grammar.] bk.3 59pp. R1.45 Mazenod Inst 1982 LO SES Mojapelo, G.P., Semata, J.A. Tsohang basotho. [Sesotho grammar.] bk.4 59pp. R1.45 Mazenod Inst 1982 LO SES
van Aswegen, M., Maphalla, K. Tjeka, Tshipo, tjeka. [Also available in Afrikaans, Sesotho.] ISBN: 0795700504 R32.95 Kwela 2000 [?] SA
Mojapelo, G.P., Semata, J.A. Tsohang basotho. [Sesotho grammar.] bk.6 133pp. R2.70 Mazenod Inst 1982 LO SES
Zamisa, P.T.N., Ngcancga, D.J.M. Bitsolebe ke seromo. [Sesotho novel.] 80pp. R35.52 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SES
Mojapelo, G.P., Semata, J.A. Tsohang basotho. [Sesotho grammar.] bk.5 109pp. R2.05 Mazenod Inst 1982 LO SES
Sesotho—General and Non-fiction Bible Society of South Africa Bibele e halalelang. [The Bible.] 4th ed. ISBN: 0798214066 cd. 1,004pp. R50.00 Bible Soc SA 2004 SA SES
Mojapelo, G.P., Semata, J.A. Tsohang basotho. [Sesotho grammar.] bk.7 160pp. R3.25 Mazenod Inst 1982 LO SES
Bible Society of South Africa Bibele: phetolelo e ntjha. [The Bible. 1989 trans. Available in other bindings and in large print version.] cd. 1,576pp. R50.00 Bible Soc SA 1989 SA SES Bible Society of South Africa Bibele: testamente ea khale le testamente e ncha. [The Bible. 1909 trans. Lesotho orthography. Available in other bindings.] 2nd ed. cd. 966pp. R50.00 Bible Soc SA 1985 SA SES Guma, S.M. Morena Mohlomi mor’a Monyane. [Sesotho bibliography.] 2nd ed. 140pp. R37.96 Shuter & Shooter 1989 SA SES Hlalele, J.B., et al. Nalane le mmole wa Bataung. [On the history and traditions of the Bataung in Lesotho.] 86pp. ill.maps Morija 2000 LO SES J L van Schaik Bukana e nnyane e tekatekang ditaba tse kgolohadi. Tataiso bakeng sa paballo ya setjhaba Afrika Borwa. [The tiny little book that tackles great big issues. A guide to social security in South Africa.] 112pp. R64.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA SES Lenake, J.M. Ngola ka nepo. [Write correctly.] 104pp. R15.03 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA SES
Batezat Sisulu, E. Mohla Gogo a neng a ilo vouta. [The day Gogo went to vote.] 32pp. ill. R39.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA SES
Matemane, M.J. Molemosi. [Didactic essays and short stories.] 104pp. R31.75 HeinemannEdSA 1996 SA SES
Tjokosela, J.F.I. Mosonngoa. [Novel.] 96pp. R0.55 Mazenod Inst 1981 LO SES
Bible Society of South Africa Bibele e halalelang. [The Bible. 1909 trans. Available in other bindings.] 3rd ed. cd. 1,004pp. R70.00 Bible Soc SA 1987 SA SES
Sesotho—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Annecke, W., Madlala, N. Ha e kaba ke nna? Thuso ka AIDS. [Sesotho school book. Grades 4-5. Also available in English and Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868401693 30pp. ill. R26.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 2002 SA SES
Ngangca, D.J.M. Ngoola ka nepo. [A southern Sotho handbook of composition and letter writing.] 104pp. R34.95 HeinemannEdSA 1992 SA SES Nkangca, D.J.M. Mabalankwe ka bangodi. [Sesotho biographies.] 176pp. R62.12 Shuter & Shooter 1989 SA SES Pula, A.L. Tsabo ea Balim. [Fear of ancestors.] 211pp. R5.00 Mazenod Inst 1988 LO SES Rautenbach, I.M., Malherbe, E.F.J., Mohapi, T. W.D. Molao wa motheo o reng? Molao wa motheo o felletseng o bebofaditswe. [What does the constitution say? The complete constitution made easy.] ISBN: 0627024629 80pp. R52.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA SES Selepe, T.J. Bohang dikgalala. [Behold the idols. Sesotho essays.] 52pp. R33.79 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA SES Swanepoel, C.F., et al. Mathe le leleme. [Southern Sotho language course.] 2nd ed. 3 vols. 276, 150, 348pp. R190.00 ($53.80/£32.70 set of 3 vols.) Unisa 1986 SA MUL Thommerel, H. Naleli ea Tloutle. [The star of Tloutle.] 95pp. R1.25 Mazenod Inst 1987 LO SES
Chantler, E., et al. Katleho depalong. Learner’s book. [Successful numeracy grade 2.] ISBN: 0195782526 96pp. R54.99 ($8.59/£4.77) OUP - SA 2004 SA SES Chapole, R.S., Dube, M.M.R. Sediba. Grade 9. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0796016151 R56.38 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA SES Chapole, R.S., Dube, M.M.R. Sediba. Grade 9. Learner’s book. ISBN: 079601616X 128pp. R46.49 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA SES Dube, M.M.R. Sediba. Grade 8. Educator’s book. ISBN: 079601518X 140pp. R100.06 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA SES Dube, M.M.R. Sediba. Grade 8. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796015171 R48.59 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA SES Dube, M.M.R., Makobane, G.M. Sediba. Grade 5. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0796106097 R41.00 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA SES Lenake, J.M., et al. Sediba. [Folktales, proverbs and riddles.] 56pp. R29.05 Heinemann-EdSA 1994 SA SES Lesenya, E.D. Mahlo ke liala. [You can see everywhere with eyes.] 77pp. R1.75. Mazenod Inst 1986 LO SES Maphalla, K.P.D. Tefo. 80pp. R27.77 Shuter & Shooter 1984 SA SES Mofolo, O. Lesiamo le Ema. 154pp. R1.50. Mazenod Inst 1984 LO SES Moiloa, J.J. Che lia bua. [Drama for primary or secondary schools.] 72pp. ill. 60c. Mazenod Inst 1977 LO SES Moodie, F. Nabulela. [Also available in English, Sepedi, Setswana, Xhosa, Zulu.] cd. 32pp. ill. R32.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA SOT Mphanya, N.A., et al. Hloogogkolo. [Sesotho first language course. Story book.] ISBN: 1868533816 48pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SES Mphanya, N.A., et al. Maki ka serapeng. [Sesotho first language course. Story book.] ISBN: 1868533824 48pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SES Mphanya, N.A., et al. Nkgono le lebotlolo. [Sesotho first language course. Story book.] ISBN: 1868533794 48pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SES Mphanya, N.A., et al. Phologolo ye tshosang. [Sesotho first language course. Story book.] ISBN: 1868533808 48pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SES
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African Books in Print
Subject index Mphanya, N.A., et al. Re kgatha thite sesothong. Buka ya barutwana. [Sesotho first language course. Learner’s book.] ISBN: 1868533786 96pp. ill. R27.25 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SES Mphanya, N.A., et al. Re kgatha thite Sesothong. Buka ya mesebetsi. [Sesotho first language course. Workbook.] ISBN: 1868537099 48pp. ill. R14.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SES Mphanya, N.A., et al. Re kgatha thite Sesothong. Buka ya tatiso ya mosuwe. [Sesotho first language course. Teacher’s guide.] ISBN: 1868533832 208pp. ill. R44.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SES Ngcelwane, N., Possa, M., Selemela, M. Sentebale. Nalete ya nkgono. Sehlopha 1 - Sesotho. ISBN: 0702144355 16pp. col.ill. R15.00 Juta 1998 SA SES Senne, D. Boitshoko. [Also available in Zulu, English, Xhosa and Afrikaans.] 32pp. ill. R17.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1995 SA SES Sithole, S. Jwala, mmino le diphapang. [Sesotho school book. Grades 4-5.] ISBN: 1868401685 50pp. R26.95 New ReadersUniv Natal 2001 SA SES Smouse, R., Gowlett, D. Boitemohelo ba bophela. Learner’s book. [Successful life skills.] ISBN: 0195783433 64pp. R49.99 ($7.81/£4.34) OUP - SA 2003 SA SES Stanford, P. Ho ya hae le dikgoho. [Sesotho school book. Grades 1-3. Also available in English and Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868401510 11pp. R26.95 New ReadersUniv Natal 2001 SA SES Sesotho language—Dictionaries Chaphole, R.S. Shuters new Sesotho dictionary. 112pp. R46.20 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SES Hamel, L., comp. English Southern Sotho dictionary. 6 vols. 303, 180, 180, 370, 582, 172pp. vols.1-4 & 6 R3.00 each vol.5 R3.50 Mazenod Inst 1974[?] LO MUL Sesotho language—Study and teaching Mokoena, A.D. Sesotho made easy. A step-by step guide. [Text in Sesotho, English and Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0627023010 R119.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA MUL
Setswana—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Khumalo, K. Mhagole. BS SET
92pp. P19.00 Khumalo 1999
Khunoane, E.M., et al. Matswakabele. [Setswana poetry.] bk.2 44pp. R34.65 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA SET Lawson, I. Zachariah o ya kapa. ISBN: 0795700113 R32.95 Kwela 2000 [?] SA SES Lawson, I., Molema, L. Zachariah ko Gauteng. ISBN: 0795700105 R32.95 Kwela 2000 [?] SA SES
Mothei, S.O. Mareledi a sa le pele. [Idiomatic: don’t laugh at others, your turn will come.] P19.31 Longman - Bots 1991 BS SET Mothibi, G. Botshelo. [Life.] 45pp. P19.31 Longman - Bots 1994 BS SET Naledi, K.S., Lesele, F.M. O laetse jalo. [Setswana drama.] 88pp. R38.75 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SET
Leburu, F.M. Leroborobo. [Epidemic.] 51pp. Macmillan - Bots 1993 BS SET
Nthoe, M. Utlwa tlhe. [This is how it is.] 35pp. Macmillan - Bots 1992 BS SET
Lobelo, O.M., Seabelo, S.G. Diselammapa. [Two of a trade seldom agree. Setswana drama.] 60pp. R35.73 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SET
Nthoe, M., Motsumi, L. Tlhalefang. [Be clever.] 35pp. Macmillan - Bots 1993 BS SET
Maake, N.P. Mme. 113pp. R18.95 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA SET
Oaitse, C. Ga ba na thwadi. 2nd ed. P19.31 Longman - Bots 1988 BS SET
Magasa, M.J. Ga se lorato. [Setswana drama.] 100pp. R31.72 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA SET
Otladisang, O.B. Fa di lwa di gata narole. ISBN: 9991273220 60pp. P19.31 Longman Bots 1998 BS SET
Magoleng, B.D., Motlhake, S.F. Losalaba lwa bomme. [Setswana poetry.] 72pp. R34.54 Shuter & Shooter 1994 SA SET
Otladisang, O.B. Ya le nna Babelona. [Let’s go to Babylon.] 2nd ed. P19.31 Longman Bots 1997 BS SET
Makhele, E.M. Thaka. [Setswana short stories.] 64pp. R37.64 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA SET
Rammutia, K.M.S. Ofentse. [Setswana drama.] 92pp. R31.92 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA SET
Matjila, D.S., Makhele, E.M. Dintelo. [Setswana short stories.] 104pp. R37.09 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SET
Rammutla, K.M.S. Megagaru. [Drama.] 2nd ed. 80pp. R38.87 Shuter & Shooter 1991 SA SET
Mekgwe, J.M.K. Masaikategang a magodimo. [Setswana novel.] ISBN: 0627002153 R42.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA SET Modimowagae, M. Se ya re go tlogelwa tsatsing. 32pp. Macmillan - Bots 1992 BS SET Mokae, G. Go thebe phatshwa. [Setswana novel.] 76pp. R34.40 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SET Mokae, G. Kaine le abelè. 75pp. R17.95 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA SET
Setswana also known as Tswana
Mokobi, R. Lookana. 83pp. P19.31 Longman - Bots 1992 BS SET
Setswana—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Achebe, C. Dilo di masoke. 166pp. R14.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1991 SA SET
Mokua, S.S. Molaetsa. [Message. Setswana poetry.] ISBN: 0796010293 80pp. R36.25 Shuter & Shooter 1998 SA SET
Chikane, O.K. Mafaratlhatlha. [Setswana short stories.] 64pp. R28.15 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA SET
Mokua, S.S. Ntheetse. [Listen to me. Setswana drama.] 52pp. ill. R33.82 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA SET
Dipale, Z.S. Dikobotlo tsa tsetso. [Setswana folklore.] 100pp. R34.70 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA SET
Moloele, R.L. Morokotso. [Setswana drama.] 56pp. R35.73 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SET
Gaborone, O. Boleo. [Sin.] 80pp. P19.31 Longman Bots 1991 BS SET
Moncho, N.K.H. Mothubamotse. [Broken families.] 70pp. P19.31 Longman - Bots 1992 BS SET
Gaborone, O. Setlhoa sa thata. [Peak of the mountain.] 2nd ed. P19.31 Longman Bots 1994 BS SET
Moncho, N.K.H. Tiro ga se lefela. [The importance of worth.] 110pp. P19.31 Longman - Bots 1988 BS SET
Itumeleng, M.M. Nko go se dupe. [Setswana novel.] 144pp. R46.94 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SET
Moncho, N.K.H., Nyatshane, G.K. Segaetsho 2. [Culture.] ISBN: 9991273506 188pp. ill. P37.50 Longman Bots 1998 BS SET
Kekana, J.M., et al. Matswakabele. [Setswana poetry.] bk.1 40pp. R35.22 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA SET
Morakaladi, M. E seng ngwanake. [Not my child.] 33pp. Macmillan - Bots 1993 BS SET
Khaoli, H.E.M., et al. Matswakabele. [Setswana poetry.] bk.3 55pp. R34.65 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA SET
Mothei, S.O. Dikgang tse thataro. [Three pieces of news.] P19.31 Longman - Bots 1988 BS SET
Mothei, S.D. Sekgele mofufutso wa phatla. [To achieve, you must work hard.] 90pp. P19.31 Longman - Bots 1987 BS SET
Sebate, P.M., et al. Matswakabele. [Setswana poetry.] bk.5 108pp. R39.65 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA SET Sebidi, S.B. Legodu. [Setswana drama.] 80pp. R33.69 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SET Sebidi, S.D. Bosa bo sele. [Setswana drama.] 76pp. R33.79 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SET Sehlare, M.L.E.M. Monate oa Sesotho. [Setswana poetry.] 60pp. R35.25 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA SET Siako, E. Ka e tlhoka ka tlhoka boroko. 43pp. Macmillan - Bots 1992 BS SET Tamsanqa, W.K. Botsang rre. [trans. f.t. Xhosa by G.S. Gaetsewe. Play.] 3rd ed 112pp. R74.99 OUP - SA 1997 SA SET Tebogo, M.M. Go thebe phatshwa. [Home sweet home.] 2nd ed. P19.31 Longman - Bots 1997 BS SET Thobega, C.L.S. Dikeledi sa lefatshe. 169pp. R19.37 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA SET Tjitjo, J.P.S.K. A re bokeng ma-Namibia. [Poetry in Setswana.] ISBN: 999160201X 30pp. Gamsberg 2000 SX SET Tsambo, T.L. Lentswe la balepi. [Setswana poetry.] 65pp. R19.10 Nolwazi 1998 SA SET Tseaesele, M.M. Papetlana. [Idiomatic: money isn’t everything.] 92pp. P19.31 Longman Bots 1992 BS SET Tsehesele, M.M. Tswine ya dikhutshwe. [Sweet short stories.] 74pp. P19.31 Longman - Bots 1993 BS SET Tselaesele, M.M. Nnete. [Truth.] 73pp. P19.31 Longman - Bots 1992 BS SET
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Setswana—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Tseole, P. Leina lebe. [Bad name.] 92pp. ill. R34.27 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SET William, G. Ke sone seo. [That’s it.] P19.31 Longman - Bots 1994 BS SET Setswana—General and Non-fiction Bodenstein, H. Bana ba thari. 2nd ed ISBN: 0195708717 96pp. R84.99 OUP - SA 1998 SA SET Chikane, M.G. Botshelo jwa ga kgosi Albert S. Moroka. [Biography of Albert S. Moroka.] 96pp. R40.97 Shuter & Shooter 1981 SA SET Dipale, Z.S. Boswa bo a swelwa. [Setswana folklore.] 108pp. R37.96 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA SET J L van Schaik Buka e nnyenayane eo e katlampanang dintlha tse tona. Kaedi ya pabalelo loago mo Aferika Borwa. [The tiny little book that tackles great big issues. A guide to social security in South Africa.] 112pp. R64.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA SET Lethama Bagologolo ba re. [Setswana proverbs.] ISBN: 0627022472 R54.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA SET Mmualebe, T.M. Tshelatsheko ya diwalo tsa Setswana: ntlhabele dinaane; selelo sa mmoki; dintshontsho tsa lorato; masaikategang a magodimo. [Techniques to study Setswana literature] 6th ed. 30pp. R22.00 ($5.41/£3.52) Hibbard 1994 SA SET Mokoloane, M., Pilane, C.D. Diane tsa Setswana. [Setswana proverbs.] 60pp. P20.49 Longman Bots 1994 BS SET Molosiwa Tlhamo le kkwelo. [Essay and letter writing.] P21.30 Longman - Bots 1995 BS SET Moncho, N.K.H. Segaetsho. [Culture.] 144pp. pl. P36.30 Longman - Bots 1997 BS SET Motshegwe, A. Dithuso go Batswana. [Financial assistance given to Botswana.] 39pp. Macmillan - Bots 1992 BS SET Tselaesele, M.M. Thanolo ya Setswana. [Setswana grammar.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 9991273468 144pp. P35.00 Longman - Bots 1998 BS SET Tseyakgosi, D.O. Mekgwa ya go ruta. ISBN: 9991273239 104pp. P33.00 Longman - Bots 1998 BS SET Setswana—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Amoi, A. Letla e lahlehileng. [The lost shell.] ISBN: 1919876391 24pp. col.ill. R26.40 New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA SET [Southern Africa only] Bafhenyi, M. Ikeletlhoko. [Be careful.] 16pp. P1.00 Macmillan - Bots 1982 BS SET Bafhenyi, M. Tsetsananankgabe. 16pp. P1.00 Macmillan - Bots 1982 BS SET Batezat Sisulu, E. Letsatsi le Nkoko a ileng ditihophong ka lona. [The day Gogo went to vote.] 32pp. ill. R39.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA SET Boucher, S.J., Pienaar, K.M. O monnye Themba. [Too small Themba.] 16pp. R31.83 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA SET Chantler, E., et al. Dipalo tsa phenyo. Learner’s book. [Successful numeracy grade 2.] ISBN: 0195782542 96pp. R54.99 ($8.59/£4.77) OUP - SA 2004 SA SET
Subject index Chantler, E., et al. Dipalo tsa phenyo. Workbook. [Successful numeracy.] ISBN: 0195782437 32pp. R54.99 ($8.59/£4.77) OUP - SA 2003 SA SET Chantler, E., et al. Dipalo tsa phenyo. Workbook. [Successful numeracy grade 2.] ISBN: 0195782550 48pp. R24.99 ($3.90/£2.17) OUP - SA 2004 SA SET Dichabe, S., Malimabe, R. Thulamotho o tla sekolong. ISBN: 999127359X 60pp. col.ill. P11.00 Longman - Bots 1998 BS SET Dichabe, S., Malimbe, R. Sejanaga ga se dume. ISBN: 9991273603 60pp. col.ill. P11.00 Longman - Bots 1998 BS SET Gbado, B. Mmabotle Debo. [Beautiful Debo. Also available in English, French, Xhosa, Zulu.] ISBN: 1919876383 24pp. col.ill. R26.40 New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA SET [Southern Africa only] Kabomo, P.V., Moncho, N.K. Ditsela tsa sekaka le tse dingwe. 75pp. ill. P13.20 Longman - Bots 1997 BS SET Kelaotswe, M.B. Molodi wa Setswana. 64pp. R19.37 Maskew Miller Longman 1995 SA SET Kgatea, K.D. Njeng manong fa ke sule. [Devour me vultures, when I am dead.] ISBN: 0624039307 85pp. R54.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA SET Kubayi, J. Rirhandzu na mali. [Love and money. Also available in Afrikaans, English, Sesotho, Xhosa, Zulu.] 16pp. ill. R17.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1997 SA SET Lawrence, M. Dinaane go tswa Aferika buka puiso ya ntiha. [Folk tales from Africa reader 1. Also available in English, Xhosa, Zulu.] Grade 4. ISBN: 1958431184 96pp. col.ill. R47.95 Clever 2004 SA SET Lawrence, M. Dinaane go tswa Aferkia mosupatsela wa morutisi. [Folk tales from Africa. Also available in English.] ISBN: 1958431176 112pp. ill. R70.20 Clever 2004 SA SET Lawrence, M. Dinaane go tswa Afrika buta puiso ya bobedi. [Folk tales from Africa reader 2. Also available in English.] ISBN: 1958431192 96pp. col.ill. R47.95 Clever 2004 SA SET Longman Botswana Letsatsi la matsalo. ISBN: 9991273611 16pp. col.ill. P12.10 Longman - Bots 1998 BS SET Maganu, F. Mme O A thibelela. Mother moves to another place. 16pp. P1.00 Macmillan Bots 1982 BS SET Maganu, F. Mosetsanamontle. Pretty girl. 16pp. P1.00 Macmillan - Bots 1982 BS SET Malao, J.H.K., et al. Setswana sa kwa’ lowe. Grade 12, standard 10. 288pp. R70.54 Shuter & Shooter 1988 SA SET Mmono, G. Kgosi Keaitse le schapera. Chief Keaitse and schapera. 16pp. (£4.50) Macmillan - Bots 1982 BS SET Mokgoko, M. Ba thusi tswe ke Peta. ISBN: 9991273549 16pp. col.ill. R12.10 Longman - Bots 1998 BS SET Mokgoko, M. Bogobe jwa ga rakgadi neo. ISBN: 9991273565 16pp. col.ill. R12.10 Longman - Bots 1998 BS SET Mokgoko, M. Mo beseng. ISBN: 9991273522 16pp. col.ill. P12.10 Longman - Bots 1998 BS SET
Mokibe, K. Di ya thoteng. [Birds of a feather.] 38pp. ill. P13.20 Longman - Bots 1994 BS SET Molefe, J.B., Segone, G.P. Setswana tota. Grade 7. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0796013365 R87.24 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA SET Molefe, J.B., Segone, G.P. Setswana tota. Grade 7. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796013373 116pp. R59.73 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA SET Molefe, J.B., Segone, G.P. Setswana tota. Grade 8. Educator’s book. ISBN: 079601485X 116pp. R104.07 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA SET Molefe, J.B., Segone, G.P. Setswana tota. Grade 9. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0796015291 R56.38 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA SET Molefe, J.B., Segone, G.P. Setswana tota. Grade 9. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796016305 148pp. R46.47 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA SET Moncho, N.K., Mokibe, K., Kabomo, P.V., Ofhetotse, O. George wa mmonadilo le tse dingwe. 124pp. ill. P13.20 Longman - Bots 1997 BS SET Moodie, F. Nabulela. [Also available in English, Sepedi, Sotho, Xhosa, Zulu.] cd. 32pp. ill. R32.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA SET Motete, S. Ke nyala mang? [Setswana school book. Grades 1-3.] ISBN: 1868403408 28pp. R26.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 2000 SA SET Mothuloe, E.S., et al. Setswana sa kwa’ lowe. Grade 10, standard 8. 292pp. R66.26 Shuter & Shooter 1986 SA SET Mothuloe, E.S., et al. Setswana sa kwa’ lowe. Grade 11, standard 9. 199pp. R70.54 Shuter & Shooter 1988 SA SET Motlhala, W., et al. Ba lelapa le me. [Setswana first language course. Story book.] ISBN: 1868533050 48pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1999 SA SET Motlhala, W., et al. Ke ntlo ya me. [Setswana language course. Story book.] ISBN: 1868533115 48pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SET Motlhala, W., et al. Marukgwe a maswa a ga rre Mokaba. [Setswana language course. Story book.] ISBN: 1868533123 48pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SET Motlhala, W., et al. Mpho yaga Lesiba. [Setswana first language course. Story book.] ISBN: 1868533042 48pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1999 SA SET Motlhala, W., et al. Noa a tlhopha diphologolo. [Setswana language course. Story book.] ISBN: 186853314X 48pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SET Motlhala, W., et al. Paeskele ya ga Masilo. [Setswana first language course. Story book.] ISBN: 1868533069 48pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1999 SA SET Motlhala, W., et al. Setswana ke loleme lwa me. Kereit ya 2. Bukaya tiro. [Setswana second language course. Workbook.] ISBN: 1868537102 48pp. ill. R14.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SET Motlhala, W., et al. Setswana ke loleme lwa me. Lokwalotshupetso lwa morutabana. [Setswana second language course. Teacher’s guide.] ISBN: 1868533158 208pp. ill. R44.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SET
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Sex education
Motlhala, W., et al. Setswana loleme lwa me. Kereiti ya 2. Buka ya barutwana. [Setswana second language course. Learner’s book.] ISBN: 1868533107 96pp. ill. R27.25 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SET
Scarff, V. Dinaane go tswa Aferika buka puiso yantlha. [Folk tales from Africa. Also available in English, Zulu, Xhosa.] Grade 5 ISBN: 1919870083 64pp. col.ill. R47.95 Clever 2004 SA SET
Motlhala, W., et al. Thembi o simolola. [Setswana language course. Story book.] ISBN: 1868533131 48pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA SET
Scarff, V. Dinaane gotswa Aferika buka puiso ya babedi 2. [Folk tales from Africa reader 2 grade 6. Also available in English, Zulu, Xhosa.] ISBN: 191987044X 64pp. col.ill. R47.95 Clever 2004 SA SET
Motlhala, W., et al. Toro. [Setswana first language course. Story book.] ISBN: 1868533077 48pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1999 SA SET Ncoko, S. Ke itumelela go go bona. ISBN: 9991273557 16pp. col.ill. P12.10 Longman - Bots 1998 BS SET Ncoko, S. Lefelo la di phologolo. ISBN: 9991273581 16pp. col.ill. P12.10 Longman - Bots 1998 BS SET Ncoko, S. A re phepafatseng. ISBN: 9991273530 16pp. col.ill. P12.10 Longman - Bots 1998 BS SET Ncoko, S. Thalosô ya leina. ISBN: 9991273573 16pp. col.ill. P12.10 Longman - Bots 1998 BS SET Ngcobo, N.M., et al. Buisa o kwale Setswana. [Activity book Setswana.] 48pp. ill. R21.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1994 SA SET Ngulube, M. Ditiro dingwe tsa basetsana le basimane mo Botswana. Girls’ and boys’ jobs in Botswana. 16pp. P1.00 Macmillan Bots 1982 BS SET
Scarff, V. Dinaane gotswa Aferika buka puiso yantlha 1. [Folk tales from Africa reader 1 grade 6. Also available in English, Zulu, Xhosa.] ISBN: 1919870431 64pp. col.ill. R47.95 Clever 2004 SA SET Scarff, V. Dinaane gotswa Aferika mosupatsela wa morutisi. [Folk tales from Africa. Also available in English.] Grade 4 ISBN: 1919870075 106pp. ill. R70.20 Clever 2004 SA SET Scarff, V. Dinaane gotswa Aferika mosupatsela wa morutisi. [Folk tales from Africa educator’s guide grade 6. Also available in English.] ISBN: 1919870423 107pp. ill. R70.20 Clever 2004 SA SET Scarff, V. Naone ya qa Bongani molaetsa wa tsholofelo topelokqale. Matla ie ikemsetso. [Bongani’s story. ALso lvailable in English, Zulu and Xhosa.] ISBN: 1919870415 32pp. ill. R40.99 Clever 2004 SA SET Seeletso, R. Buka ya ditshwanthso ya bana. [Setswana/English picture book.] 2nd ed. 49pp. col.ill. P21.30 Longman - Bots 1996 BS MUL
Nscobo, N.M., et al. Bala o kwale setswana. [Learning to read and write Setswana.] 48pp. R9.85 Heinemann-EdSA 1991 SA SET
Sepato, A., Motsilanyane, V. Bokgoni jwa tsa tshelo. Learner’s book. [Successful life skills.] ISBN: 0195783476 64pp. R49.99 ($7.81/£4.34) OUP - SA 2003 SA SET
Rakgokong, M.P, Phage, M.M., Nkotsoe, S.B. Mosupatsela. [Setswana study guide.] ISBN: 0796012938 168pp. R64.01 Shuter & Shooter 1998 SA SET
Sepato, A., Motsilanyane, V. Bokgoni jwa tsa tshelo. Workbook. [Successful life skills.] ISBN: 0195783360 104pp. R49.99 ($7.81/£4.34) OUP - SA 2003 SA SET
Ramushu, J.M., Mphahlele, M.C.J., Esterhuyse, C.J. Polelo ye e phelago. Grade 10, standard 8. 225pp. R68.46 Shuter & Shooter 1986 SA SET
Smouse, R., Motsilanyane, V. Bokgoni jwa tsa tshelo. workbook. [Successful life skills grade 2.] ISBN: 0195783565 48pp. R24.99 ($2.90/£2.17) OUP - SA 2003 SA SET
Ramushu, J.M., Mphahlele, M.C.J., Esterhuyse, C.J. Polelo ye e phelago. Grade 11, standard 9. R68.55 Shuter & Shooter 1986[?] SA SET
Thobega, C.L.S. Molodi wa dikgang. [Setswana novel.] 3rd ed. bk.3 140pp. R44.44 Shuter & Shooter 1985 SA SET
Ramushu, J.M., Mphahlele, M.C.J., Esterhuyse, C.J. Polelo ye e phelago. Grade 12, standard 10. 328pp. R68.55 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA SET Ramushu, J.M., Mphahlele, M.C.J., Esterhuyse, C.J. Polelo ye e phelago. Grade 7, standard 5. 2nd ed. 190pp. R33.35 Shuter & Shooter 1986 SA SET Ramushu, J.M., Mphahlele, M.C.J., Esterhuyse, C.J. Polelo ye e phelago. Grade 8, standard 6. 216pp. R34.45 Shuter & Shooter 1987 SA SET Ramushu, J.M., Mphahlele, M.C.J., Esterhuyse, C.J. Polelo ye e phelago. Grade 9, standard 7. 232pp. R36.65 Shuter & Shooter 1988 SA SET Scarff, V. Dinaane go tswa Aferika buka puisa 2. [Folk tales from Africa reader 2. Grade 5. Also available in English, Zulu, Xhosa.] ISBN: 1919870091 64pp. col.ill. R47.95 Clever 2004 SA SET
Setswana—Study and teaching Department of African Languages and Literature, University of Botswana The structure of Setswana sentences. An introduction. ISBN: 9991271171 84pp. ($18.95/£10.95) Lightbooks 2000 BS Molebaloa, M.K., ed. A Setswana reader. (Folk narratives.) [Dual language text in English and Setswana.] ISBN: 062032404X 22pp. R55.00 ill. ($9.45/£4.92/Eur7.07) Plaatje 2004 SA MUL Rood, V., Roos, S. Learn Tswana bana. 36pp. R28.20 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA MUL Setswana language Department of African Languages and Literature, University of Botswana The sound system of Setswana. ISBN: 9991271163 72pp. ($18.95/£10.95) Lightbooks 1999 BS SET Setswana language—Dictionaries Cole, D.T. Setswana animals and plants, a dictionary. 137pp. P42.00 Botswana Soc 1995 BS MUL Dent, D.M., et al. Shuters compact Setswana dictionary. 216pp. R50.57 Shuter & Shooter 1994 SA MUL
Kgasa, M.L.A. Thanodi ya Setswana ya dikole. [Primary school dictionary.] 134pp. R30.20 Longman - Bots 1988 BS SET Kgasa, M.L.A., Tsonope, J. Thanodi ya Setswana. [Setswana dictionary.] 330pp. col.pl. P42.35 Longman - Bots 1995 BS SET Merriweather, A.M. English-Setswana medical phrasebook and dictionary. 116pp. Pula 1992 BS MUL Snyman, J.W., Shole, J.S., le Roux, J.C. Setswana-English-Afrikaans dictionary. cd. 527pp. R182.00 Pharos 1997 SA MUL Wilken, P. Understanding everyday Setswana. A vocabulary and reference book. 94pp. (£6.95) Maskew Miller Longman 1996 SA MUL Sex education see also Birth control Family planning Health education Public health Ahoudou, S.K. Lumière sur la vie sexuelle. [Also available in Bambara.] 2nd ed. 57pp. CFA2,000 ($5.00) Jamana 1996 ML FRE Britten, B., Britten, C. Questions the young people ask. ISBN: 086922736X 162pp. Mambo 1999 ZI Burgen, J. What’s the big deal about sex? ISBN: 086997971X 116pp. R52.95 Lux Verbi 2001 SA Cailloux, A. L’amour, le sexe. Qu’en penses-tu? 240pp. pl. ($4.00) BERPS 1990 ZR FRE Delano, F.F. Questions young people ask on sexuality. 87pp. N45.00 ($1.80/£0.50) Spectrum 1991 NR Edwards, D., Louw, N. Outcomes-based sexuality education. ISBN: 0798653078 R84.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Johnson, R. Too young to love. 144pp. N7.00 Fagbamigbe 1986 NR Kaberuka, J.A. It’s natural darling. 54pp. K.shs.150.00 ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1993 KE Katongo, W.C. Youth and sex. 182pp. K36,000 ($1.70/ £1.04) Mission Press - Ndola 1995 ZA Koffuor, G.A. Rencontres entre garçons et filles. 93pp. CFA1,100 CPE 1984 IV FRE Kouadio, A. Le jeune chrétien et la sexualité. CFA600.00 CPE 1985 IV FRE
Moloney, M. Teenagers: sex and love. ISBN: 9966214887 80pp. ill. K.shs.90.00 ($1.30) Paulines 2000 KE Mvuezolo Bafwanga, Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. La jeunesse et le problème des naissances désirables. Quelques informations sur les attitudes de la jeunesse en face de la sexualité. (Protection maternelle et infantile, 11) 56pp. pl. ($1.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Mwiti, G. Young lives at risk. 154pp. K.shs.200.00 ($3.50) Evangel 1997 KE National Christian Council of Kenya Let’s talk about us - sex education. 86pp. K.shs.12.00 Evangel 1977 KE Nerquaye-Tetteh, J. Coping with sexual abuse and teenage pregnancy. 37pp. Asempa 1996 GH
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Sex education Nganda, C.N. Boys growing up. 64pp. ill. K.shs.40.00 ($0.65) Paulines 1994 KE Nganda, C.N. Girls growing up. 48pp. ill. K.shs.40.00 ($0.65) Paulines 1994 KE Nganda, C.N. Where do babies come from? The beginning of life from 6 to 12. 32pp. ($1.00) Paulines 1995 KE Nicholas, L.J. Sex counselling in educational settings. 134pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Skotaville 1994 SA Ogola, M., Ogola, G. Educating in human love: parents guiding children on sex. 41pp. ($2.00) Focus 1994 KE Olayinka, M.S. Sex education and marital guidance. 192pp. N20.00 Literamed 1987 NR Petropulos, M. The facts of life. cd. 248pp. R39.95 Tafelberg 1990 SA Reggi, M.A. The story of life. How life begins. K.shs.9.00 Evangel 1980 KE Rotsart de Hertaing, I., Courtejoie, J. Pour une authentique éducation sexuelle. La sexualité et les problèmes qu’elle pose aux jeunes. (Protection et éducation de la jeunesse, 25) 56pp. pl. ($2.00) BERPS 1975 ZR FRE Solomon, P. Better sex. ISBN: 1868127656 144pp. ill. R59.95 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA Temar Where do babies come from? The beginning of life for children under 5. 28pp. ($1.00) Paulines 1995 KE
Subject index Sex education—South Africa Greathead, E., Devenish, C., Funnell, G., eds. Responsible teenage sexuality. A manual for teachers, youth leaders and health professionals. ISBN: 0627023320 336pp. R184.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Sex education—Uganda Kirumira, E., ed. Life skills, sexual maturation and sanitation: what’s (not) happening in our schools. An exploratory study from Uganda. ISBN: 1779220286 Weaver 2003 ZI Seychelles—Atlases and maps Struik Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Seychelles. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm; sheet 1,000x710mm; scale:1:33,000; English/ French.] col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA MUL Seychelles—Guide books Amin, M., Willetts, D., Skerrett, A., Skerrett, J. Spectrum guide to Seychelles. [Also available in German.] 3rd ed. 352pp. col.pl.maps (£12.99) Camerapix 1996 KE Tingay, P. Globetrotter travel guide to Seychelles. [Text in English and French.] 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1995 SA Turco, M. Visitor’s guide to Comoros and Seychelles. 200pp. R59.95 Southern Book Publ 1995 SA Seychelles—Pictorial works Amin, M., Willetts, D., Skerrett, A. Aldabra: world heritage site. cd. 192pp. col.pl. (£25.00) Camerapix 1995 KE Skerrett, A., Skerrett, J., Amin, M., Willetts, D. The beauty of Seychelles. 128pp. col.pl. (£6.95) Camerapix 1991 KE
van Elfen, J. What every boy should know. trans.f.t. Afrikaans by J. van Elfen new ed. 136pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1995 SA
Seychelles—Travel Amin, M., Willetts, D., Skerrett, A. Journey through Seychelles. cd. 192pp. col.pl. (£25.00) Camerapix 1995 KE
van Elfen, J. What every girl should know. trans.f.t. Afrikaans by J. van Elfen new ed. 136pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1995 SA
Grimshaw, B. A grain of sand: the story of one man and an island. cd. 216pp. pl.col.pl. (£13.95) Camerapix 1997 KE
van Rooyen, L., Louw, N. Sexuality education - a guide for educators. R59.95 Van Schaik 1995 SA Vergnani, T., et al. Sexuality education for foundation phase teachers grade 1-3. ISBN: 1868537587 64pp. ill. R35.60 Heinemann-EdSA 1999 SA Sex education—Africa Casterman, J.B. Les secrets de l’amour. 1001 conseils pour les jeunes sur l’amour et la sexualité. ISBN: 2914624514 48pp. ill. Paulines - DRC 2005 ZR FRE Gordon, G. Choices. A guide for young people. ISBN: 0333687469 126pp. ill. Macmillan Academic 1999 SA Sex education—Africa, Southern Kwela Books and Weaver Press ABC of all the questions we never dare to ask. ISBN: 0795701543 Kwela 128pp. ill. R59.95 ISBN: 1779220235 Weaverpp. Kwela 2003 SA [[SA only; co-published with Weaver Press, Zimbabwe]] Sex education—Kenya Christian Learning Materials Centre It’s worth waiting for. 44pp. ill. K.shs.200.00 CLMC 1998 KE Gachuhi, J.M. Sex education controversy: views of youth and teachers in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 225) 27pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE Sex education—Namibia Akpo, M.U. Identification of barriers to safe sexual practices among students at the main campus of the University of Namibia. 100pp. UNAM 2005 SX
Shafik, Doria—Biography Nelson, C. Doria Shafik, Egyptian feminist. A woman apart. 345pp. ill. E£65.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 1996 UA [For sale in ME only.] Shagari, Shehu—Autobiography Shagari, S. Shehu Shagari: beckoned to serve. ISBN: 9781299401 cd. 552pp. ill. ($49.95/ £29.95) ISBN: 9781299320 ($20.95/ £12.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 2001 NR Sheng—Dictionaries Mbaabu, I. Sheng-English dictionary. ISBN: 997691167X T.shs.3,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2003 TZ SHE Shija, Joseph K.—Autobiography Shija, J.K. The high price of excellence in Tanzania. A personal voyage. 89pp. ($7.95/£4.25) Dar es Salaam UP 1997 TZ Shija, J.K. They made my day. Reflections of a children’s surgeon. 36pp. ill.pl. ($6.95/ £3.75) Dar es Salaam UP 1993 TZ Ships—South Africa Harris, C.J., Bila, P., B.D., Ingpen Mailships of the Union-Castle line. ISBN: 1874950059 cd. 180pp. ill. (£35.00) Fernwood 1999 SA Turner, M. Shipwrecks and salvage in South Africa. cd. 224pp. col.pl. R169.00 Struik Publ 1997 SA Shona also known as Chishona
Shona—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Bepswa, K.S. Ndakamuda dakara afa. [I loved her unto death.] 88pp. ($4.10) Mambo 1960 ZI SHO Biza, R.T. Chaitemure chava kuseva. 56pp. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1971 ZI SHO Bvindi, F.A. Matsotsi haagerani. [Set a thief to catch a thief.] 64pp. ($8.00) Lit Bur - Zimb 1995 ZI SHO Bvindi, F.L. Kumuzinda hakuna woko. [No one is perfect.] 118pp. pl. Z$1.60 Z$4.95 Longman - Zimb 1981 ZI SHO Chade, G. Ndonyarirepiko. [Where shall I bury my head.] 21pp. pl. 24c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1981 ZI SHO Chagondomara, P.V. Mandisena nakakakora. [Short story.] ISBN: 0797419861 30pp. ill. ZIPS 2002 ZI SHO Chakaipa, P. Dzasukwa mwana-asina-hembe. 128pp. Z$3.45 Longman - Zimb 1967 ZI SHO Chakaipa, P. Garandichauya. 2nd ed. 104pp. Z$4.75 Longman - Zimb 1970 ZI SHO Chakaipa, P. Karikoga gumiremiseve. 72pp. Z$2.85 Longman - Zimb 1958 ZI SHO Chakaipa, P. Pfumo reropa. 112pp. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1961 ZI SHO Chakaipa, P. Rudo ibofu. [Love is blind.] 91pp. ($6.50) Mambo 1961 ZI SHO Chidyausiku, P. Karumekangu. 96pp. Z$1.95 Longman Zimb 1970 ZI SHO Chidyausiku, P. Kupaiko ikoko? [What giving is that? Shona poetry.] ISBN: 1779003943 72pp. Z$49,650 ($10.00/£6.70/Eur13.70) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI SHO Chidyausiku, P. Ndakambokuyambira. [I warned you before.] 6th ed. 64pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1986 ZI SHO Chidzero, B. Nzvenga mutsvairo. [Broom dodger.] 86pp. pl. Z$3.65 Longman - Zimb 1981 ZI SHO Chigidi, L. Imwe chanzi ichabvepi. [Will there be another chance.] 60pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1986 ZI SHO Chigidi, W.L. Kwaingovawo kuedza mhanza. [Play.] 52pp. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI SHO Chikanza, J. Vakasiiwa pachena. [They were publicly humiliated.] 83pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1984 ZI SHO Chikowo, M.T. Shanje ndimauraise. [Jealousy causes death.] 102pp. pl. Z$3.45 Longman Zimb 1981 ZI SHO Chimeno, N. Kudzikotsira... 1994 ZI SHO
159pp. Z$65.25 ZPH
Chimhundu, H. Chakwesha. [The invincible. Historical novel.] 198pp. Z$89.95 College Press Zimb 1991 ZI SHO Chimsoro, S. Dama rekutanga. [Poetry.] 80pp. Z$65.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI SHO Chinake, A. Nhamo iri kure. [Troubles lie ahead.] 20pp. pl. 24c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1981 ZI SHO
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 428
African Books in Print
Subject index
Shona—Fiction, Drama, Poetry
Chingono, J. Chipo changu. [My gift.] 84pp. pl. Z$3.45 Longman - Zimb 1979 ZI SHO
Haasbroek, J., ed. Nduri dzorudo. Shona love poems. 196pp. ($6.60) Mambo 1978 ZI SHO
Kawara, J. Bhindhanko. 136pp. ($5.30) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI SHO
Chingono, J. Ruvimbo. [Trust. A play.] 40pp. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1980 ZI SHO
Haasbroek, J., ed. Uyavaya hwenduri dzeChinyakare. [Oral Shona poetry.] 312pp. ($10.60) Mambo 1989 ZI SHO
Kawara, J. Mhiko yorudo. [The promise of love.] 84pp. pl. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1982 ZI SHO
Hamandishe, J. Mashiripiti engozi. 96pp. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1970 ZI SHO
Kawara, J. Ruchiva. [Lust.] 86pp. pl. Z$1.30 Longman - Zimb 1980 ZI SHO
Hamandishe, N.P. Sara ugarike. [Now you shall be happy.] pl. Z$4.35 Longman - Zimb 1975 ZI SHO
Kawara, J. Sajeni Chimedza. [Sergeant Chimedza.] 174pp. ($7.00) Mambo 1984 ZI SHO
Hamutyinei, A.M. Chinamanenji hachifambisi. [A mystery takes long to unfold.] 128pp. ($5.40) Mambo 1981 ZI SHO
Kazembe, P.T. Mwoyochena unobayisa. [A white heart causes death.] 80pp. Z$1.70 Longman - Zimb 1975 ZI SHO
Hamutyinei, A.M. Sungai mbabvu. [Tighten your ribs.] 88pp. Z$3.95 Mambo 1973 ZI SHO
Khumalo, J.L. Okukhulunywa ngabantu. 84pp. Z$61.95 College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI SHO
Hamutyinei, M.A. Kusasana kunoparira. [Excessive pleasure.] 112pp. Z$4.65 Longman Zimb 1976 ZI SHO
Khumalo, J.L. Umevisi. [Ndebele novel.] 124pp. Z$79.95 ($5.40) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI SHO
Hamutyinei, M.A. Maidei. [What, actually, did you want?] 96pp. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1972 ZI SHO
Khumalo, L.B. Kambe. [Novel.] 306pp. ($4.80) Mambo 1992 ZI SHO
Chirikure, C. Chamupupuri. [Whirlwind. Shona poetry.] 92pp. Z$69.95 ($4.70) College Press Zimb 1996 ZI SHO Chirikure, C. Rukuvhute. [My umbilical cord. Poetry.] 64pp. Z$65.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI SHO Chirikure, C. Tipeiwo dariro. [Anthology of Shona poetry.] 160pp. Z$79.95 ($5.40) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI SHO Chitsike, B.C. Nyika yadonha. [The world has crumbled.] 116pp. Z$3.50 Lit Bur - Zimb 1988 ZI SHO Chitsike, B.C. Pota neyo tisangane. [We shall meet.] 48pp. ($3.25) Longman - Zimb 1987 ZI SHO Chitsike, B.C. Wakandigona wena. [You fixed me.] 94pp. ($2.75) Longman - Zimb 1987 ZI SHO Chiwata, D. Akadenha ivete. [Novel.] Mambo 1984 ZI SHO
76pp. ($4.80)
Chiwome, E. Masango mavi. [Evil forests.] ISBN: 086922719X 103pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1998 ZI SHO Choto, R. Tongoona. [Novel.] ZPH 1990 ZI SHO
136pp. Z$56.55
Hamutyinei, M.A. Ndikandei mugehena. [Throw me into hell fire.] 132pp. ($5.40) Mambo 1989 ZI SHO Hamutyinel, M.A. Musango mune nyama. [There is meat in the forest. Novel.] 128pp. Z$87.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI SHO Hodza, A. Mitupo nezvidao zvamadzinza. [Clan totems: praise poems.] 48pp. Z$2.30 Longman - Zimb 1982 ZI SHO
Choto, R. Vavariro. 159pp. Z$12.00. Baobab Zimb 1990 ZI SHO
Hodza, A. Mwoyo muti. 96pp. Z$1.90 Longman Zimb 1980 ZI SHO
Choto, R.M. Hapana inorova. [Murder will out.] 28pp. pl. 50c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1983 ZI SHO
Hodza, A. Ngano dzechinyakare. 72pp. Z$1.35 Longman - Zimb 1980 ZI SHO
Dzoro, S.T. Chakabaya chikatyokera. [Beyond redemption.] 80pp. Z$4.95 Longman Zimb 1973 ZI SHO
Hodza, A.C., ed. Ngano dzamatambidzanwa. [Traditional folk tales.] 153pp. ($5.60) Mambo 1983 ZI SHO
Dzoro, S.T. Wandigura kunorira. [You have touched me on a raw spot.] 82pp. pl. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1980 ZI SHO
Hodzongi, D.F. Mhosva inoripwa. [The matter is settled.] 123pp. pl. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1981 ZI SHO
Foroma, J. Penga udzoke. [Mend your ways.] 99pp. pl. ($3.25) Mambo 1976 ZI SHO
Hove, C. Masimba Avanhu? [Power of the masses.] 95pp. ($4.30) Mambo 1986 ZI SHO
Gambanga, J.N. Manakira kure. [Still waters run deep.] 74pp. pl. Z$1.20 Longman - Zimb 1981 ZI SHO Gambanga, J.N. Mari ine chitema. [Money is the root of all evil.] 48pp. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1983 ZI SHO
Hwendaenda, D. Chiedzo. [Temptation. Shona novel.] ISBN: 177900396X 179pp. Z$79.800 ($16.00/£10.70/Eur21.10) College Press Zimb 2003 ZI SHO
Kuimba, G. Gehena harina moto. [Hell hath no fire.] 116pp. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1965 ZI SHO Kuimba, G. Rurimi inyoka. [A wagging tongue.] 170pp. pl. ($8.10) Mambo 1976 ZI SHO Kuimba, G. Tambaoga mwana’ngu. 128pp. Z$3.45 Longman - Zimb 1968 ZI SHO Kundeya, D.V. Chako ndechako. [Novel.] 104pp. Z$3.45 Longman - Zimb 1977 ZI SHO Kwaramba, I.S. Nhorowondo Dzachaminuka. [Stories of Chaminika.] 96pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1987 ZI SHO Longman Zimbabwe Tisu vanyori vadiki. [Shona poems and stories.] 48pp. 70c. Z$1.15 Longman Zimb 1977 ZI SHO Lwanda, A.J. Kufa kwegono. [Novel.] 128pp. pl. ($5.40) Mambo 1985 ZI SHO Lwanda, A.J. Kusatenda uroyi. [Ungratefulness is like witchcraft.] 16pp. pl. 30c. Lit Bur Zimb 1983 ZI SHO Lwanda, A.J. Mudyazvavamwe. [The sucker.] ($4.50) Mambo 1976 ZI SHO
Lwanda, A.J. Zvichakuwanawo. [Your turn will come.] 164pp. pl. ($5.20) Mambo 1981 ZI SHO
Hwendaenda, D. Mubairo. 120pp. Z$79.95 ($5.40) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI SHO
Mabasa, I.T. Mapenzi. [Fools.] ISBN: 1779003633 168pp. Z$140.00 ($4.00) College Press Zimb 1999 ZI SHO
Janhi, S. Chido chomushakabvu. [Dead man’s wishes.] 78pp. ill. Z$2.75 Longman Zimb 1982 ZI SHO
Machimbira, T.J. Gondoharishari. [A hawk picks anything for food.] 88pp. Z$2.15 Longman Zimb 1975 ZI SHO
Jaravasa, M. Shungu hadziurayi. [Love with a burning heart.] 116pp. Z$13.14 Lit Bur - Zimb 1991 ZI SHO
Madzongo, A.E. Chido chazadziswa. [A wish has been fulfilled.] 19pp. pl. 24c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1981 ZI SHO
Kakurira, A.C. Chakaipa hachivandiki. [Evil will out.] 52pp. pl. Z$1.80 Mambo 1985 ZI SHO
Magwa, W. Jemedza. [Complaint.] 64pp. ($7.50) Lit Bur - Zimb 1995 ZI SHO
Gwekwerere, D. Chinyama chisina makushe. [A beast without hairs: human being.] 12pp. pl. 5c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1980 ZI SHO
Kaugare, E.W. Kukurukura hunge wapotswa. [Your misfortune is not that great.] 104pp. Z$3.45 Longman - Zimb 1978 ZI SHO
Magwa, W. Kudidza nekudzidzisa nhetembo. [The teaching of Shona poetry.] 88pp. Z$55.00 ($6.00) SAPES 1997 ZI SHO
Haasbroek, J., ed. Nduri dzenhango dzomuZimbabwe. [Shona cultural poetry.] 327pp. ($6.60) Mambo 1980 ZI SHO
Kaugare, E.W. Ndisingambozvifungira. [I was not expecting it.] 119pp. pl. 50c. Lit Bur Zimb 1982 ZI SHO
Mahanya, M. Chinotanga mberi mashura. [Novel.] 80pp. pl. ($4.50) Mambo 1985 ZI SHO
Goredema, T.H. Gwara reropa. [Spurned love.] ($6.80) Mambo 1992 ZI SHO
Gustsa, R. Pfuma ndeyamaoko. [Handwork begets wealth.] 69pp. pl. ($4.50) Mambo 1980 ZI SHO Gwakwara, C.P. Kwadzinorohwa matumbu. [Where they are beaten on the underbelly, that’s where they flock to.] 56pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1993 ZI SHO
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Shona—Fiction, Drama, Poetry
Subject index
Mahanya, M. Matsvamoyo. 2nd ed. 90pp. Z$65.95 ($4.40) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI SHO
Masundire, E. Mhandu dzorusununguko. [Enemies of independence.] 141pp. Z$10.73 Lit Bur - Zimb 1991 ZI SHO
Mukonoweshuro, S. Akafuratidzwa mwoyo. [Turning away from the family.] 112pp. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1983 ZI SHO
Mahanya, M. Munzwa mundove. ISBN: 1779003277 160pp. Z$140.00 ($4.00) College Press Zimb 1999 ZI SHO
Matanganyidze, D. Zviyedzo. [Play.] ISBN: 1779031440 99pp. Longman - Zimb 1998 ZI SHO
Mukonoweshuro, S. Ndakagara ndazviona. [Novel.] ($65.25) ZPH 1990 ZI SHO
Mataruse, P.T. Pane mwoyo wangu. [My heart’s choice.] 144pp. ($9.10) Mambo 1982 ZI SHO
Mukwazhi, A. Zvibaye woga. [Self torment.] ($5.00) Mambo 1996 ZI SHO
Matindike, G.A. Kuziva mbuya huudzwa. [Shona course.] pupil’s bk.7 180pp. ill. Z$4.05 ZPH 1982 ZI SHO
Munangwa, L. Chitema hachidzorerwi. [Two wrongs do not make a right.] 21pp. pl. 24c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1981 ZI SHO
Matsikiti, C.M. Akadzipwa neganda remhuru. [Novel.] 96pp. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1977 ZI SHO
Mungoshi, C. Inongova njakenjake. [Each does his own thing.] 72pp. pl. Z$2.75 Longman Zimb 1980 ZI SHO
Makanganise, T. Nyarawokani. [Shame on you.] 100pp. pl. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1982 ZI SHO
Matsikiti, C.M. Akava matindingoma. [Disasters and pleasures.] 25pp. pl. Lit Bur - Zimb 1983 ZI SHO
Mungoshi, C. Kunyarara hakusi kutaura? [Novel.] 144pp. Z$48.58 ZPH 1983 ZI SHO
Makani, O. Ndakatongwa ne Nyika mbiri. [I am judged by two worlds.] 94pp. ($4.10) Mambo 1976 ZI SHO
Matsikiti, C.M. Ruvengo runoshinwa. [Hatred destroys.] 84pp. 90c. Longman - Zimb 1978 ZI SHO
Makari, C.S. Sarura wako. 1971 ZI SHO
Z$4.35 Longman - Zimb
Matsikiti, C.M. Shungu dzomwoyo. [Strong ambition.] Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1980 ZI SHO
Makari, C.S. Zvaida kushinga. [One needed to have courage.] 104pp. pl. ($4.50) Mambo 1985 ZI SHO
Mavengere, E.P. Vakafa vakazorora. [The dead are at rest.] 96pp. Z$1.60 Longman - Zimb 1973 ZI SHO
Makata, M. Gona rechimurenga. [The champion of the liberation.] 72pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1982 ZI SHO
Mazhero, F. Rakatsva dumbu nomusana. [Novel.] 174pp. Z$89.95 College Press -Zimb 1982 ZI SHO
Mandebvu, S. Ndochema naani. [It’s all my fault.] 120pp. Z$1.85 Longman - Zimb 1974 ZI SHO
Mhlanga, C. Nansi le ndoda. [Drama.] 55pp. Z$6.95 Longman - Zimb 1989 ZI NDE
Mahanya, M. Ndomene haichemedzi. [Hoist by one’s own petard.] 64pp. pl. 50c. Lit Bur Zimb 1980 ZI SHO Mahanya, M. Zvinoera. [Collection of stories.] 167pp. ($6.80) Mambo 1990 ZI SHO Mahwite, O.F. Mugoni wepwere ndeasinayo. [There is no expert in child upbringing.] 134pp. ill. ($4.50) Mambo 1982 ZI SHO
Mandiruma, E.M. Mhindupindu. [You never know.] 230pp. pl. Z$3.20 Longman - Zimb 1984 ZI SHO Manyimbiri, F. Ndiri parumananzombe. [I am trapped.] 113pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1983 ZI SHO
Moyo, A. Ziva kwawakabva. [Novel.] 136pp. Z$3.00 Longman - Zimb 1977 ZI SHO Moyo, A.C. Chenga ose. [Do not discriminate.] 72pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1983 ZI SHO
Mungoshi, C. Ndiko kupindana kwamazuva. [How time passes.] 158pp. pl. ($7.50) Mambo 1975 ZI SHO Mungoshi, C. Tsanga Yembeu. [A grain of wheat.] 350pp. Z$7.51 ZPH 1988 ZI SHO Munjanja, A. Rina manyanga hariputirwi. [Evil will out.] 192pp. pl. ($7.70) Mambo 1971 ZI SHO Munjanja, A. Tsumo nemadimikira. bk.1 40pp. Z$2.15 Longman - Zimb 1965 ZI SHO Munjanja, A. Tsumo nemadimikira. bk.2 48pp. Z$2.15 Longman - Zimb 1970 ZI SHO Musa, H.A. Potonjere. [A clever pot.] 12pp. pl. 15c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1982 ZI SHO Musengezi, C., ed. Masimba. [Short stories in Shona by women writers.] new ed. ISBN: 1779220243 Weaver 2004 ZI SHO Musengezi, G.H. Zvaitwadza vasara. [Novel.] ZPH 1984 ZI SHO
Manyimbiri, F. Vakafa vapenyu. [The dead are alive.] 103pp. ($4.80) Mambo 1990 ZI SHO
Moyo, A.C. Ndabve zera. [I have come of age.] 176pp. Z$12.00 Lit Bur - Zimb 1992 ZI SHO
Maramba, M. Yaramba yangove nhamo. [A chain of troubles.] 43pp. pl. 26c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1983 ZI SHO
Moyo, A.C. Nguo Dzouswa. [Clothes made of grass.] 200pp. pl. ($7.50) Mambo 1985 ZI SHO
Marangwanda, J. Kumazivandadzoka. 2nd ed. 128pp. Z$7.65 Longman - Zimb ZI SHO
Moyo, A.C. Uchandifungawo. [You will think of me.] 150pp. pl. ($7.20) Mambo 1975 ZI SHO
Mashayenyi, C. Ndambakuudzwa. [Forearmed is forewarned.] 18pp. pl. 22c. Lit Bur Zimb 1980 ZI SHO
Moyo, A.C. Wakandicheka nerakagomara. [You cut me with a blunt one.] 130pp. pl. ($5.20) Mambo 1983 ZI SHO
Mashiri, P.M. Chakafukidza dzimba matenga. [Skeleton in the cupboard.] 88pp. pl. Z$5.95 Longman - Zimb 1977 ZI SHO
Moyo, A.C. Wandibaya panyama nhete. [A stab on a soft spot.] 48pp. ($2.95) Longman Zimb 1987 ZI SHO
Mashiri, P.M. Hendei kun’anga. [Let’s go and consult a diviner.] 96pp. pl Z$1.50 Longman Zimb 1980 ZI SHO
Moyo, A.C. Yaive hondo. [It was war.] 116pp. ($5.20) Mambo 1985 ZI SHO
Mutize, K. Ndinozviziva. [I know it.] 67pp. pl. ($4.50) Mambo 1981 ZI SHO
Mugabe, D. Rugare tange nhamo. [Trouble comes before happiness.] 77pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1972 ZI SHO
Mutize, K.J. Nyati haizi mombe. [Novel.] 81pp. Z$61.95 College Press -Zimb 1982 ZI SHO
Mugugu, F.C. Jekanyika. [Novel.] 116pp. Z$79.95 College Press -Zimb 1968 ZI SHO
Mutswairo, S.M. Feso. [Novel.] cd. & 72pp. Z$1.30 Z$2.15 cd. Longman - Zimb 1982 ZI SHO
Masocha, W. Nhaka yenhetembo. [An inheritance of poetry.] 144pp. Z$30.00 Longman Zimb 1996 ZI SHO Masocha, W.N. Utsinye hunopfuka. 116pp. Z$1.70 Longman - Zimb 1980 ZI SHO Masukusa, S.V. Tsvaru akazuara tivu. [Breakthrough.] 140pp. Z$89.95 ($6.00) College Press Zimb 1997 ZI SHO Masundire, E. Dzapiringana. [Entanglement.] 108pp. ($10.00) Lit Bur - Zimb 1995 ZI SHO
Mujajati, G. Zinyekenyeke. [Shona drama.] 116pp. ($3.40) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI SHO Mukandi, J.J. Zvousiku. [Ghosts.] 84pp. pl. ($4.10) Mambo 1983 ZI SHO Mukondiwa, M.N. Akaibopa nokumuswe. [She harnessed it from the wrong end.] 144pp. ($6.10) Mambo 1985 ZI SHO
Musiwa, C.R. Mutinhimira wedetembo. 48pp. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1966 ZI SHO Mutangadura, C. Rinonyenga rinohwarara. [The beggar humbles himself.] 143pp. pl. ($6.10) Mambo 1983 ZI SHO Mutasa, N.M. Benzi ritsiudze rodzoka. [Let fools learn from their folly.] 128pp. ($5.40) Mambo 1988 ZI SHO Mutasa, N.M. Hondo huru. [A destructive war.] 183pp. pl. ($6.10) Mambo 1983 ZI SHO Mutasa, N.M. Runako munjodzi. 1982 ZI SHO
169pp. Z$65.25 ZPH
Mutswairo, S.M. Murambiwa goredema. 124pp. Z$6.95 Longman - Zimb 1989 ZI SHO Mutswi, C. Mwana ndowangu. [This is my child.] 48pp. pl. Z$2.15 Longman - Zimb 1980 ZI SHO
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 430
African Books in Print
Shona—General and Non-fiction
Subject index Mutswi, C. Ndizvo here. [Is that so.] 77pp. ill. 70c. Longman - Zimb 1981 ZI SHO Mutswi, C. Panomera muswe panonyeredza. [Big things start in a small way.] 16pp. pl. 20c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1980 ZI SHO Mutswi, C. Todya nyika rutivi. [We are carried away by pleasure.] 20pp. pl. 22c. Lit Bur Zimb 1980 ZI SHO Muzemba, C., Mudunguri, P. Akanga nyimo avangarara. [Dare enough.] 94pp. ill. Z$3.25 Longman Zimb 1982 ZI SHO
Runyowa, G.T. Kurumwa nechokuchera. [Making a rod for one’s back.] 80pp. Z$4.35 Longman - Zimb 1974 ZI SHO Runyowa, G.T. Mati manzwei. [Fiction.] 164pp. Z$9.95 Longman - Zimb 1990 ZI SHO Runyowa, G.T. Mombe dzamashanga. [Roaming cattle.] 117pp. ($5.20) Mambo 1978 ZI SHO Shizha, M.K. Mhandu yomunhu. [Man is his own enemy.] 136pp. ($5.90) Mambo 1987 ZI SHO
Mvuma, E. Riringwe. [Folklore.] 12pp. pl. 5c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1980 ZI SHO
Shumba, T.C., et al., eds. Nehanda nyakasikana. [Religious Shona poetry.] 376pp. ($6.60) Mambo 1983 ZI SHO
Mzemba, C. Rovambira. new ed. 68pp. Z$61.95 ($4.20) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI SHO
Simango, J. Zviuya zviri mberi. [Settlement after a long struggle.] 96pp. Z$2.15 Longman Zimb 1974 ZI SHO
Ndhlala, G. Upfumi uroyi. [Novel.] 69pp. Z$4.35 Longman - Zimb 1988 ZI SHO
Sungano, J. Kusaziva kufa. [Ignorance is like death.] 114pp. Z$4.35 Longman - Zimb 1987 ZI SHO
Nekati, G. Paumire mudiwa. 1996 ZI SHO
200pp. Z$65.25 ZPH
Nyangato, J. Ndafira ruchiva. [Victim of lust.] 14pp. pl. 25c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1983 ZI SHO Nyapokoto, J. Kanda nyama muzukuru. [Grandson throw down the meat.] 18pp. pl. 12c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1981 ZI SHO Nyawaranda, V. Barika remashefu. [Upper class polygamy.] 146pp. Z$14.95 Lit Bur Zimb 1991 ZI SHO Nyarawanda, V. Mira nowako. [Novel.] 96pp. Z$2.15 Longman - Zimb 1982 ZI SHO Nyawaranda, V. Mutunhu une mago. [Novel.] 126pp. pl. Z$3.95 Longman - Zimb 1985 ZI SHO Nyawaranda, V. Mwana womumusha. [Our village child.] 30pp. pl. 30c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1981 ZI SHO Nyawaranda, V. Ndiani acharima gura? [Novel.] 116pp. Z$59.95 ($4.00) College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI SHO Nyawaranda, V. Vakaimedza ichiri kufema. [They swallowed it alive.] 112pp. ($5.00) Mambo 1990 ZI SHO
Tagwireyi, C. Dziva renjuzu. [The pool of the water sprite.] 26pp. ill. pl. 25c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1980 ZI SHO Tendere, R. Dhokotera Mafuta. [Doctor Mafuta.] 35pp. Z$2.00 Lit Bur - Zimb 1991 ZI SHO Tendere, R.M. Imbwa nyoro. [Still water run deep.] 87pp. ill. ($4.30) Mambo 1982 ZI SHO Tichiwangana, N.A. Nhamo mushamhu. [Troubles are a scourge.] 176pp. pl. ($4.30) Mambo 1983 ZI SHO Tsodzo, T.K. Babamunini Francis. [Uncle Francis.] 44pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1977 ZI SHO Tsodzo, T.K. Mudhuri murefurefu 156pp. Z$18.95 Longman - Zimb 1993 ZI SHO Tsodzo, T.K. Pafunge. [Think of it.] 116pp. Z$3.95 Longman - Zimb 1972 ZI SHO Tsodzo, T.K. Shanduko. 44pp. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1983 ZI SHO
Nyika, O.P. Ndiko kusasana. [Is that enjoying one’s self?] 133pp. ($6.00) Mambo 1983 ZI SHO Nyika, O.P. Ndinodawo mwana. [I also want a child.] 50pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1983 ZI SHO Pesanai, M. Gukurahundi. [Novel.] 61pp. Z$2.15 Longman - Zimb 1985 ZI SHO Zimbabwe Literature Bureau Detembai vadiki tinzwe. [Recite children, let us hear.] 69pp. ($4.30) Mambo 1976 ZI SHO Zimbabwe Literature Bureau Mabvumira enhetembo. [The unison of poetry.] 139pp. ($7.20) Mambo 1969 ZI SHO Ribeiro, E. Muchadura. [You shall confess.] ($4.50) Mambo 1967 ZI SHO
Svotwa, G.K. Uchaona. [I will fix you.] 51pp. pl. Z$1.10 Lit Bur - Zimb 1984 ZI SHO
Ribeiro, E.F. Ndakaitei. [What a mess.] 128pp. pl. Z$3.25 Longman - Zimb 1974 ZI SHO Runyowa, G.T. Akada wokure. [She is in love with a foreigner.] 124pp. ($5.40) Mambo 1981 ZI SHO
Tsodzo, T.K. Tsano. [Brother-in-law.] 70pp. pl. ($4.50) Mambo 1982 ZI SHO Zharare, C.M. Kudzidzoroya. [Beginning witchcraft.] 109pp. 85c Longman - Zimb 1975 ZI SHO Zharare, C.M. Unei nazvo. [Mind your business.] 109pp. pl. Z$3.25 Longman - Zimb 1980 ZI SHO Zimbabwe Literature Bureau Gwenyambira. [Shona poetry.] ($10.00) Mambo 1979 ZI SHO
Zimbabwe Women Writers Nhetembo. 75pp. Zimb Women 1998 ZI SHO Zimunya, M.B., ed. Chakarira chindunduma. [The war cry in Shona poetry.] 78pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1985 ZI SHO Zvarevashe, I.M. Gonawapotera. [The river of execution.] 141pp. Z$99.95 College Press -Zimb 1978 ZI SHO Zvarevashe, I.M. Kurauone. [Experience comes with age.] 116pp. pl. Z$79.95 College Press -Zimb 1976 ZI SHO Zvarevashe, I.M. Museve wade nyama. [Destined to die.] 115pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1983 ZI SHO Zvarevashe, I.M. Ngano dzinozipa dzapasi chigare. [Collection of thrilling Shona folk stories.] 99pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1990 ZI SHO Shona—General and Non-fiction Balleis, P., Mugadza, R. Hezvinoi zviri maererano neESAP. [Understanding ESAP.] 64pp. ($3.60) Mambo 1994 ZI SHO Chavunduka, D.M. Kupfuya hwai. [Sheep keeping.] ill. Z$6.45 Mambo 1969 ZI NDE
Chavunduka, D.M. Kupfuya kwehuku. [Poultry keeping.] 54pp. ill. ($4.40) Mambo 1969 ZI SHO Chavunduka, D.M. Mombe. [Cattle.] 160pp. pl. ($7.20) Mambo 1981 ZI SHO Chavunduka, D.M. Ngatipfuyei tsuro. [Let’s breed rabbits.] 51pp. ill. ($7.20) Mambo 1969 ZI SHO Dale, D. Chinamato chamanheru nechousiku. [Evening and night prayers.] 140pp. ($3.60) Mambo 1992 ZI SHO Gombe, J.M. Tsika dzavaShona. [Shona culture book.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1779003315 221pp. Z$140.00 ($4.00) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI SHO Gweru Diocese, ed. Chitenderano Chitsva. [New testament in Shona.] 614pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1966 ZI SHO Gweru Diocese, ed. Yesu muponesi wedu. [Catholic adult catechism in Shona.] 128pp. ill. ($5.20) Mambo 1989 ZI SHO Igboanyika, S.U.N. Muchagamuchira simba. [You will receive power.] 132pp. ($4.30) Mambo 1994 ZI SHO Kabweza, O.M., et al., eds. Pasichigare. [Shona traditional culture.] 120pp. ($5.20) Mambo 1979 ZI SHO Kelly, R. Dzikama - rega kuora mwoyo. [Calming the storm.] 64pp. Z$8.80 Mambo 1994 ZI SHO Makura, T. Vatete vachabvepi. [The aunt’s advice is no longer available.] 55pp. pl. ($3.40) Mambo 1976 ZI SHO
Zimbabwe Literature Bureau Hondo yechimurenga. [The liberation war.] 230pp. ($6.80) Mambo 1984 ZI SHO
Mambo Press Fambai zvakanaka muZimbabwe. [Colloquial guide to Shona.] 42pp. ($4.90) Mambo 1986 ZI SHO
Zimbabwe Literature Bureau Madirativhange. [Collection of poetry.] 265pp. ($12.00) Mambo 1997 ZI SHO
Maminimini, H.T. Ndangariro neminamato zvamazuva akasiyana-siyana. [Compilation of reflections and prayers.] 178pp. ($9.80) Mambo 1997 ZI SHO
Zimbabwe Women Writers Masimba/zvinyorwa zvemadzimai eZimbabwe Women Writers; zvakapepetwa na Chieda Musengezi. [Short stories.] 186pp. Zimb Women 1996 ZI SHO
Masukusa, S.V. Kudzidziza chishona kupuraimari. 152pp. Z$39.95 College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI SHO
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Shona—General and Non-fiction Masukusa, S.V. Kupima nokuongorora nhetembo. [Critical analysis of Shona poetry.] 56pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1989 ZI SHO M’Bayiwa, C. Zvirevo ZvavaShona. [Proverbs.] 68pp. pl. ($4.50) Mambo 1976 ZI SHO Munjanja, A. Tsumo nefananidzo. [Proverbs and their explanations and uses.] 40pp. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI SHO Munjanja, A.M. Nheketero, tsumo nefananidzo. [Jokes, solos, proverbs and similes.] 53pp. Z$10.00 Lit Bur - Zimb 1990 ZI SHO Munjanja, A.M. Shamwari yomudzidzi. [Student’s companion.] 87pp. Z$10.00 Lit Bur Zimb 1989 ZI SHO Musaka, S.V. Kudzidzisa chishona kuPuraimari. 152pp. Z$109.95 ($5.60/£3.85) College Press Zimb 1996 ZI SHO Mutasa, J. Kusona kuri nyora. [Sewing made easy.] 68pp. ($4.50) Mambo 1985 ZI SHO Mutasa, N.M. Mapatya. [Twins.] 105pp. pl. ($2.75) Longman - Zimb 1978 ZI SHO Mutizwa, N.M.D. Magariro Avashona. 85c. Z$2.75 Longman - Zimb 1979 ZI SHO Mutokonyi, F.R. Ziva mutauro. [Know your mother tongue.] 56pp. ($3.90) Mambo 1981 ZI SHO Nderecha, R.M. Kudzidzisa chishona kusekondari. 76pp. Z$109.95 College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI SHO Nutrition Council of Zimbabwe Kudya kwemhuri. [Food for the family.] 59pp. pl. 30c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1981 ZI SHO Nyawarano, V. Madhiri. 38pp. Lit Bur - Zimb 1996 ZI SHO Nyoni, C. Imvava zemibuso yakwelakithi. [The origin of some names in our country.] 84pp. pl. Z$1.55 Longman - Zimb 1980 ZI SHO Preston, H. Kubika kwakanaka. [Good cooking.] 48pp. ($2.30) Mambo 1962 ZI SHO Preston, H. Tsika dzakanaka. [Good manners & etiquette.] 45pp. ($3.40) Mambo 1963 ZI SHO
Subject index Shona—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Bamhare, M. Farai readers book 1: mhuri yedu. [Our family.] ISBN: 1779003625 32pp. col.ill. Z$117.95 ($2.95) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI SHO Bamhare, M. Farai readers book 2: kundai anorota. [Kundai’s dream.] ISBN: 1779003587 30pp. col.ill. Z$117.95 ($2.95) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI SHO Bamhare, M. Farai readers book 3: paita tsaona. [An accident.] ISBN: 1779003896 28pp. col.ill. Z$117.95 ($2.95) College Press Zimb 2001 ZI SHO Bamhare, M. Farai readers book 4: mwedzi wadonha. ISBN: 1779003978 32pp. col.ill. Z$117.95 ($2.95) College Press -Zimb 2001 ZI SHO Chandauka, E. Pindukai, grades 1-3 [Shona school text; 6 pupils’ and teachers’ books; full details from publisher.] var.pp. ill. Z$6.26Z$10.95 Longman - Zimb ZI SHO
Dube, G. Ungaphi nwabu? [Chameleon’s clever trick.] ISBN: 052165811X 16pp. col.ill. Baobab - Zimb 1998 ZI SHO Dzoro, S.T. Mukuwasha aba nyama. [The son-in-law has stolen the meat.] 28pp. ill. ($4.50) Mambo 1978 ZI SHO
John, N. Mvuu namoto. [The hippopotamus and the fire.] 12pp. ill. 0.50c Lit Bur - Zimb 1993 ZI SHO
Chimhundu, H. Zambuko. bk.1 148pp. ($6.00) College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI SHO Chimhundu, H. Zambuko. bk.2 200pp. ($6.60) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI SHO Chimhundu, H. Zambuko. bk.3 196pp. Z$95.95 ($6.40) College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI SHO Chimhundu, H. Zambuko. bk.4 184pp. ($6.60) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI SHO Chimhundu, H. Zambuko 3 & 4 teacher’s book. ISBN: 1779003994 211pp. Z$231.95 ($5.80) College Press -Zimb 2001 ZI SHO Chinodya, S. Baba vamanu. [Emmanuel’s father.] ISBN: 0949229539 16pp. ill. Academic Bks 1998 ZI SHO Chinodya, S. Imba yanachika. [Chika’s house.] ISBN: 0949229571 16pp. ill. Academic Bks 1998 ZI SHO
Chinodya, S. Neka anoenda kumusika. [Neka goes to market.] ISBN: 094922958X 16pp. ill. Academic Bks 1998 ZI SHO
Torongo, H. Utungamiri. [Leadership.] Mambo 1990 ZI SHO
Chirikure, C. Mavende Akiti. [The cat’s fallen teeth.] 32pp. Z$39.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI SHO
Zvarevashe, I.M. Marwadzo nembiri yajesu kristo. [The suffering and triumph of Jesus.] 120pp. ($4.10) Mambo 1992 ZI SHO
Dube, G. Sivakatshela ubaba. [A long way to Baba.] ISBN: 0521658128 16pp. col.ill. Baobab - Zimb 1998 ZI SHO
Childs, J., James, J., Kuwana, N. Shona danho, grades 1-7 [Shona school text; 14 pupils’ and teachers’ books; full details from publisher.] var.pp. ill. Z$2.05-Z$8.50 Longman - Zimb ZI SHO
Sungano, J. Kuda Muhondo. [Kuda’s war experiences.] 131pp. pl. ($4.50) Mambo 1985 ZI SHO
Zvarevashe, I.M. Bhenedheti anoshanyhwa naMariu. [Bernadette is visited by Mary.] ISBN: 0869227211 66pp. ($4.30) Mambo 1998 ZI SHO
Dube, G. Hamba khatshana donkana. [One dark, dark night.] ISBN: 0521658071 16pp. col.ill. Baobab - Zimb 1998 ZI SHO
Gwekwerere, D. Chigaramusango. [Forest dweller.] 14pp. pl. 10c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1981 ZI SHO
Chinodya, S. Majuzi gumi nerimwe. [Eleven yellow jerseys.] ISBN: 0949229601 16pp. ill. Academic Bks 1998 ZI SHO
Zvaita, W. Dandemutande. [Spider’s web.] 62pp. Z$10.00 Lit Bur - Zimb 1993 ZI SHO
Dhliwayo, S. Chidyamatoo. [Lazy man.] 12pp. pl. 10c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1983 ZI SHO Dube, G. Amasalamusi kamabhena. [Mama Mabena’s magic.] ISBN: 0521658284 16pp. col.ill. Baobab - Zimb 1998 ZI SHO
Chateuka, K. Baba vakatimirira. [A long way to Baba.] ISBN: 0521658276 16pp. ill. Baobab Zimb 1998 ZI SHO
Sithole, F.M. Kurima mbatatisi. [Growing potatoes.] 51pp. ($5.40) Mambo 1997 ZI SHO
48pp. ($4.50)
Dale, D. Duramazwi. [Explanation of words.] 249pp. pl. ($12.40) Mambo 1982 ZI SHO
Chitsike, B.C. Mbongoro yorunako. [The donkey which loved itself.] 16pp. ill. 60c. Lit Bur Zimb 1991 ZI SHO Chitsike, B.C. Zivai mhuka dzomusango. [Know wild animals.] 49pp. ill. Z$12.91 Lit Bur Zimb 1992 ZI SHO Chiuta, C., Washaya, E. Nhaka youpenyu chirongwa chitsva. [Shona course for primary schools.] teacher’s bk.1 Z$9.00 ZPH 1984 ZI SHO Chivaura, N. Kusarudzwa kwamambo. [The choosing of a chief.] 8pp. ill. 39c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1991 ZI SHO
Makura, T. Masharirwe akaitwa jongwe. (Ngano dzomumaRuwa, 1) 16pp. ill. Z$32.50 ZPH 1981 ZI SHO Makura, T. Nziyo dzokunyararidza mwana. [Shona nursery rhymes. Cassette also available Z$60.00/$7.00] col.ill. Z$22.50 ($3.50) SAPES 1997 ZI SHO Masocha, W. Denhe roruzivo. teacher’s bk.1 64pp. Z$1.20 Longman - Zimb 1980 ZI SHO Masocha, W. Denhe roruzivo. teacher’s bk.4 183pp. Z$4.96 Longman - Zimb 1987[?] ZI SHO Masocha, W. Denhe roruzivo. [Wealth of knowledge.] student’s bk. 1 160pp. ill. Z$2.95 Longman - Zimb 1980 ZI SHO Masocha, W. Denhe roruzivo. [Wealth of knowledge.] teacher’s bk.3 96pp. Z$3.95 Longman Zimb 1983 ZI SHO Masocha, W. Denhe roruzivo. [Wealth of knowledge.] student’s bk.4 120pp. ill. Z$7.95 Longman - Zimb 1984 ZI Masocha, W. Denhe roruzivo. [Wealth of knowledge.] student’s bk.2 196pp. ill. Z$2.95 Longman - Zimb 1981 ZI SHO Masocha, W. Denhe roruzivo. [Wealth of knowledge.] student’s bk.3 256pp. pl. Z$3.75 Longman - Zimb 1983 ZI SHO Matambo, G. Magen’a muera badza. [Hare the lazy bones.] 12pp. pl. 5c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1980 ZI SHO Matavire, J.M. Shona revision book grade 7. 64pp. 90c. Longman - Zimb 1979 ZI SHO Matindike, G. Nhaka youpenyu. Shona course. rev.ed. bk.7 200pp. ill. Z$67.95 ZPH 1985 ZI SHO Matindike, G. Nhaka youpenyu. [Shona course for primary schools.] rev.ed. bk.6 200pp. ill. Z$62.75 ZPH 1985 ZI SHO Matindike, G. Nhaka youpenyu. [Shona course for primary schools.] rev.ed. bk.5 200pp. ill. Z$61.35 ZPH 1985 ZI SHO
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Sickle cell disease
Matindike, G. Nhaka youpenyu. [Shona course for primary schools.] rev.ed. bk.4 120pp. ill. Z$6.00 ZPH 1985 ZI SHO
Musa, H. Muvhimi neshumba. [The hunter and the lion.] 12pp. ill. 10c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1982 ZI SHO
Gelfand, M. Growing up in Shona society. (From birth to marriage.) 228pp. ($14.20) Mambo 1979 ZI
Matindike, G. Nhaka youpenyu chirongwa chitsva. [Shona course for primary schools.] rev. ed. bk.6 80pp. Z$62.75 ZPH 1990 ZI SHO
Mutasa, N. Dziva renjuzu. [Mermaid’s pool.] Z$4.40. Baobab - Zimb 1990 ZI SHO
Kileff, C., Kileff, P., eds. Shona customs. 104pp. pl. ($7.20) Mambo 1970 ZI
Mutasa, N.M. Chikara chehasha. [Children’s folklore.] 50pp. ill. ($4.30) Mambo 1992 ZI SHO
Pongweni, A.J.C. What’s in a name: a study of Shona nomenclature. 98pp. ($4.30) Mambo 1983 ZI
Matindike, G.A. Nhaka youpenyu. [Shona course for primary schools.] rev.ed. teacher’s bk.6 128pp. Z$65.00 ZPH 1989 ZI SHO Matindike, G.A. Nhaka youpenyu chirongwa chitsva. [Shona course for primary schools.] rev.ed. teacher’s bk.4 80pp. Z$65.00 ZPH 1990 ZI SHO Matindike, G.A. Nhaka youpenyu chirongwa chitsva. [Shona course for primary schools.] rev.ed. teacher’s bk.7 80pp. Z$65.00 ZPH 1990 ZI SHO Matindike, G.A. Nhaka youpenyu chirongwa chitsva. [Shona course for primary schools.] rev.ed. teacher’s bk.2 Z$58.75 ZPH 1989 ZI SHO
Mutsambiwa, R. Kunaka kwaro onde. [Short story.] 6pp. pl. 20c Lit Bur - Zimb 1985 ZI SHO Mutswi, C. Mugoni ano mugoni wakewo. [No one is a champion.] 16pp. ill. 12c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1982 ZI SHO Muza, C. Migodhi yamambo Solomon. trans.f.t. English [King Solomon’s mines.] 96pp. pl. 70c Longman - Zimb 1975 ZI SHO Ngwaru, C.J. Gore reChina. Grade 4, teacher’s book. [Teacher’s resource book.] ISBN: 1779003730 72pp. Z$171.95 ($4.30) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI SHO
Matindike, G.A. Nhaka youpenyu chirongwa chitsva. [Shona course for primary schools.] rev. ed. bk.2 Z$57.53 ZPH 1988 ZI SHO
Phiri, D. Jongwe Nedzimwe shiri. [The cock and other birds. Humourous Shona folktale.] ISBN: 0869227157 30pp. ($4.60) Mambo 1998 ZI SHO
Matindike, G.A. Nhaka youpenyu chirongwa chitsva. [Shona course for primary schools.] rev. ed. bk.3 Z$58.65 ZPH 1989 ZI SHO
Tsodzo, T.K. Rurimi rwamai. 2nd ed. bk.1 220pp. ($6.60) College Press -Zimb 1996 ZI SHO
Matindike, G.A. Nhaka youpenyu chirongwa chitsva. [Shona course for primary schools.] rev.ed. teacher’s bk.5 80pp. Z$60.00 ZPH 1990 ZI SHO
Tsodzo, T.K. Rurimi rwamai. 2nd ed. bk.3 140pp. ($6.60) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI SHO
Matindike, G.A. Nhaka youpenyu grade 3. [Shona language course for primary schools.] teacher’s bk. 96pp. Z$60.25 ZPH 1989 ZI SHO Matsiwe, C. Kuuye kwagonzo nakitsi mumumusha. [The rat and the cat come to the village.] 12pp. ill. Z$0.60 Lit Bur - Zimb 1993 ZI SHO Moyo, S. Hik..hik. Utshaywa yintwabe. [Hic..hic..hiccups.] ISBN: 052165808X 16pp. col.ill. Baobab - Zimb 1998 ZI SHO Moyo, S. Ungwenya ukala ngezinyo. [Crocodile’s sore tooth.] ISBN: 0521658101 16pp. col.ill. Baobab - Zimb 1998 ZI SHO Moyo, S. Zamula ngizamule. [Yawning is catching.] ISBN: 052158098 16pp. col.ill. Baobab Zimb 1998 ZI SHO Mungoshi, C. Chipoko charanganai. [The ghost of Ratemo.] ISBN: 0949229563 27pp. ill. Academic Bks 1998 ZI SHO Mungoshi, C. Jengavakomana. [Miss John.] ISBN: 0949229504 16pp. ill. Academic Bks 1998 ZI SHO Mungoshi, C. Ngirozi yakaba mari. [The angel who wore shoes.] ISBN: 0949229547 27pp. ill. Academic Bks 1998 ZI SHO Mungoshi, C. Uchafira chipepa ichochi. [The strange piece of paper.] ISBN: 0949229520 16pp. ill. Academic Bks 1998 ZI SHO Munjanja, A. Zvirahwe. [Riddles.] Mambo 1972 ZI SHO
38pp. ($4.50)
Musa, H. Murume anoruta. [The man who ate delicacies alone.] 16pp. pl. 12c. Lit Bur - Zimb 1982 ZI SHO
Tsodzo, T.K. Rurimi rwamai. 2nd ed. bk.4 180pp. ($6.70) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI SHO Tsodzo, T.K. Rurimi rwamai. 2nd ed. bk.2 124pp. ($5.40) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI SHO Zvavamwe, R. Ndonzenzeta nze. 40pp. Z$3.36 Longman - Zimb 1986 ZI SHO Zwones, G. Mahewu n’wananga. 48pp. R15.75 Macmillan - SA 1995 SA SHO Shona (African people)—Anthropology, Socio-cultural Bourdillon, M. The Shona peoples. An ethnology of the contemporary Shona, with special reference to their religion. re-issue ISBN: 0869221884 378pp. ill.pl.maps ($34.95/£20.95) Mambo 2004 ZI Shona (African people)—History Beach, D. N. The Shona and Zimbabwe 900-1850. (Zambeziana, 9) ($13.80) Mambo 1980 ZI Beach, D.N. A Zimbabwean past. Mambo 1994 ZI
472pp. ($28.00)
Gumbo, M. Guerilla snuff. [Shona fictionalized history.] 210pp. ($15.00/£8.50) Baobab - Zimb 1995 ZI Shona (African people)—Social life and customs Aschwanden, H. Karanga mythology. 287pp. ($13.50) Mambo 1989 ZI Chidyausiku, P. Broken roots: biographical narrative on the culture of the Shona people in Zimbabwe. 111pp. ($5.40) Mambo 1984 ZI Gelfand, M. The genuine Shona. Mambo 1976 ZI
2nd ed. ($15.00)
Shona language Dembetembe, N.C. A linguistic study of the verb in Korekore. Supplement to ‘Zambezia’. 175pp. Z$18.00 Univ Zimbabwe 1987 ZI Pongweni, A.J.C. Figurative language in Shona discourse. 234pp. Z$415.60 Mambo 1989 ZI Pongweni, A.J.C. Studies in Shona phonetics: an analytical review. 172pp. ill. ($21.50/£11.95) Univ Zimbabwe 1990 ZI Thondhlana, J. Contrastive rhetoric in Shona and English argumentative essays. ISBN: 0908307861 200pp. ($23.95/£13.95) Univ Zimbabwe 2000 ZI Shona language—Dictionaries Chimhundu, H., ed. Duranazwi guru rechiShona. [Shona lexicography.] ISBN: 1779001657 1228pp. (£25.00) College Press -Zimb 2001 ZI SHO Chimhundu, H., et al. Duramazwi: a new Shona dictionary. Z$199.95 ($11.10/£6.95) College Press Zimb 1996 ZI SHO Dale, D., ed. & comp. A basic English-Shona dictionary. reissue ISBN: 0869220144 224pp. ($19.95/ £9.95) Mambo 2004 ZI MUL Dale, D., ed. & comp. Duramazwi. A Shona-English dictionary. re-issue ISBN: 1904855369 261pp. ill. ($19.95/£9.95) Mambo 2004 ZI MUL Hannan, M., ed. Standard Shona dictionary. [Text in English and Shona.] ISBN: 0869255495 1014pp. (£20.00) College Press -Zimb 2000 ZI MUL Shona language—Study and teaching Bruehwiler & Inauen, eds. O-level Shona grammar. 40pp. ($3.40) Mambo 1970 ZI MUL Dale, D. Shona companion. 337pp. ($13.10) Mambo 1974 ZI MUL Dale, D., ed. & comp. Shona mini companion. A guide for beginners. re-issue ISBN: 0869221566 141pp. ill. ($17.95/£8.95) Mambo 2004 ZI MUL Foroma, J. Shona revision in action. ZPH 1989 ZI MUL
80pp. Z$58.95
Fortune, G. Guide to Shona spelling. 64pp. Z$1.40 Longman - Zimb 1972 ZI MUL Matindike, A.G. Grade 6 Shona revision book. 80pp. 80c. Longman - Zimb 1980 ZI SHO Shrewsbury, William J.—Diaries, letters Fast, H.H., ed. The journal and selected letters of the Reverend William J. Shrewsbury, 18261835. cd. 300pp. ill.maps R150.00 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA Sibiya, Christina—Biography Reyher, R.H. Zulu woman. The life story of Christina Sibiya. ISBN: 0869809644 252pp. R85.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1999 SA Sickle cell disease Addae, S.K. The kidney in sickle cell disease. cd. 142pp. pl. ($10.00) Ghana UP 1975 GH
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Sickle cell disease
Subject index
Sofowora, A., Sodeye, A.I., eds. Fagara and the red blood cell. Proceedings of a symposium. 91pp. ill. ($12.50/£5.50) N6.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1980 NR Sickle cell disease—Addresses and essays Addae, S.K. Temperature, hormones and the kidney in sickle cell disease. 11pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1971 GH Siddle, Sheila—Autobiography Siddle, S., Cress, D. In my family tree. A life with chimpanzees. ISBN: 1919930574 284pp. pl. R125.00 Double Storey 2004 SA Sierra Leone—History Adeshina, R.A. The reversed victory: story of Nigerian military intervention in Sierra Leone. ISBN: 9781294213 264pp. col.ill.pl. ($30.95/£18.95) Heinemann Educ - Ib 2002 NR Spitzer, L. The Creoles of Sierra Leone. Responses to colonialism, 1870-1945. 260pp. N6.00 (Africa) ($6.00/£4.50 elsewhere in Africa) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1975 NR Sierra Leone—Politics and government Abdullah, I., ed. Between democracy and terror: the Sierra Leone civil war. ISBN: 2869781237 274pp. ill. CFA10,000 ($25.00/£20.00) CODESRIA 2004 SG Funke, N., Solomon, H. Towards sustainable peace in Sierra Leone. (Africa Institute occasional paper, 68) ISBN: 0798301619 14pp. R40.00 Africa Inst 2002 SA Sierra Leone—Sociology Fyle, M., ed. The state and the provision of social services in Sierra Leone since independence. cd. 140pp. ($35.00/ £19.95 cd.) ($18.00/£9.95 pap.) CODESRIA 1993 SG Silozi also known as Lozi Silozi—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Lilemba, J.M. Likelezo li kuyula milelo. [Advice is crucial in decision-making. Play in Silozi.] ISBN: 9991621954 104pp. Out of Africa Namibia 2003 SX SIL Mukuni, R.M. Kushwa cwala. [Silozi novel.] ISBN: 9991603034 78pp. Gamsberg 2001 SX SIL Mulikita, F.M. Simbilingani wa libongani. [Novel in Silozi.] ISBN: 9991611479 115pp. Longman - Namb 2000 SX SIL Muniso, M.B. Bupilo bana ba hesu. [Novel.] Longman - Namb 1997 SX SIL
Silozi—General and Non-fiction Muyanlwa, M. Zetolokezwi babanca. 101pp. ($2.00) Longman - Zamb 1996 ZA SIL Silumesii, P. Kubala ka kutwisiso. [Reading for understanding.] 2nd ed. 75pp. ill. K1,500 ($2.14/£1.50) ZEPH 1994 ZA SIL Silozi—School books, Readers, Children’s literature del Klopper, C. Papali ya pula. trans.f.t. English by R.M. Mbala [The rain dance. Children’s story book in Silozi. Also available in Afrikaans, English, German, Herero, Khoekhoewgowab, Kwanyama, Oshindonga, Rukwangali, Rumanyo, Thimbukushu.] ISBN: 9991622845 16pp. col.ill. Out of Africa - Namibia 2003 SX SIL Komarek, K. Kunutu ya kasale ye lyanganisa. [The book with the tortoise.] ISBN: 9991602933 24pp. ill. Gamsberg 2001 SX SIL
Silozi language—Grammar Fortune, G. An outline of Silozi grammar. ISBN: 9982241591 120pp. K20,000 ($5.00) Bookworld 2001 ZA MUL Singapore—Atlases and maps Struik Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Singapore. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm; sheet: 1,000x710mm; scale: 1:50,000.] col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Singapore—Guide books Oon, H. Globetrotter travel guide to Singapore. new ed. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA Singer, Lauren—Autobiography Singer, L. Fred at your service, ma’am. Reminiscences of a service dog. ISBN: 0864865465 96pp. R95.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA Singer, L. Get out of the way, I’m dancing. ISBN: 1770130381 160pp. R120.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Sissali—General and Non-fiction Wubomto, T.T. Dunia dusuomun. [Tree planting.] 20pp. C4,000 ($2.50/£2.00) Adwinsa 1994 GH SSA Wubonto, T.T. Asibiti hennee la balidu si yie kere nyanyala. [Immunisation.] 20pp. C4,500 ($2.50/£2.00) Adwinsa 1994 GH SSA Wubonto, T.T. Ben ng yaraa nyuna woruna buku lieming. [On AIDS.] 40pp. ill. C3,000 ($2.00/ £1.00) Adwinsa 1996 GH SSA Wubonto, T.T. Nyua liizomuh. [Drink good water.] 16pp. C4,000 ($2.50/£2.00) Adwinsa 1996 GH SSA Wubonto, T.T. To nla di chuung ari chuuru-rine sin keng. [Prevention against diarrhea and cholera.] 49pp. C4,500 ($3.00/£1.50) Adwinsa 1996 GH SSA Sisulu, Walter & Sisulu, Albertina— Biography Sisulu, E. Walter and Albertina Sisulu. A biography. ISBN: 0864863233 288pp. ill. Philip 1999 SA Siswati also known as Swati and Swazi Siswati—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Dlamini, G.D. Lolwalu - La. [It is no longer there.] 160pp. R16.60 Heinemann-EdSA 1991 SA SIS Fakude, B.G., Zulu, S.M., Malindzisa, G.A. Incatfu. Grade 7, standard 5. [Siswati reader.] 2nd ed. 96pp. R34.40 Shuter & Shooter 1994 SA SIS Hlongwane, M.T. Lusinga lwa ngwane. [Siswati poetry.] R34.01 Shuter & Shooter 1990 SA SIS Khanyile, B.S. Akwehli ngamphinbo munye. [Siswati short stories.] 88pp. R34.80 Shuter & Shooter 1988 SA SIS Khanyile, B.S. Mboniwankhulu. [He who has experienced hard times.] 106pp. ill. R29.15 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA SIS Khanyile, B.S., et al. Ematsekeleto. [Siswati short stories.] 128pp. ill. R34.05 Heinemann-EdSA 1991 SA SIS Khumalo, J.N. Yimihlolo yalomakhimbali. [Lomakhimbali’s misfortune.] 60pp. R28.95 ($5.70/£3.60) Hibbard 1996 SA SIS Makaula, L.V., Ginindza, T.T. Ngabe lishoni. [Siswati poetry.] 30pp. R32.01 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA SIS
Malindzisa, G.A. Kahleni phela. [Siswati short stories.] R42.59 Shuter & Shooter 1988 SA SIS Malindzisa, G.A. Umhlaba uyahlaba. [Siswati short stories.] 192pp. R40.97 Shuter & Shooter 1986 SA SIS Mamba, S.B. Imphunga yelihlatsi. [Come to roost.] 59pp. R26.79 ($5.45./£3.50) Hibbard 1995 SA SIS Matsebula, J.S.M. Inkanankana. [Zulu novel.] 133pp. R36.25 Shuter & Shooter 1981 SA SIS Matsebula, S.J.M. Liqoqo letinkondlo. [Siswati poetry.] R34.11 Shuter & Shooter 1991 SA SIS Matsebula, S.M.N. Siyisike yinjye nje. [Siswati play.] 48pp. R32.42 Shuter & Shooter 1989 SA SIS Mbuyane, M.S. Ungatihluphi. [Siswati drama.] 64pp. R32.79 Shuter & Shooter 1990 SA SIS Mongwe, T.M. Emelangabi. [Siswati short stories.] 124pp. R34.27 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA SIS Mthembu, T.E., Ginindza, G. Inhlitiyo ngumtsakatsi. [Siswati novel.] 64pp. R34.70 Shuter & Shooter 1980 SA SIS Ncgonwane, J.J., Ncgonwane, S.J. Emetekelo ayitolo. [Siswati folklore.] 164pp. R37.96 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA SIS Ncongwane, J.J. Emahemuhemu. [Siswati short stories.] R33.69 Shuter & Shooter 1987 SA SIS Ncongwane, J.J. Ngcnca yakho. [Siswati novel.] 184pp. R36.45 Shuter & Shooter 1994 SA SIS Ncongwane, J.J. Telutsandvo atipheli. [Siswati short stories.] 2nd ed. 76pp. R33.13 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA SIS Ncongwane, J.J., et al. Ematsekeleto. 128pp. ill. R17.04 Heinemann-EdSA 1991 SA SIS Ncongwane, J.J., Mokoena, Z.D. Emagalelo. [Siswati poetry.] 44pp. R33.00 Shuter & Shooter 1990 SA SIS Ncongwane, J.J., Ncgonwane, S.J. Kuyophela situnge. [Siswati poetry.] R34.70 Shuter & Shooter 1986 SA SIS Ncongwane, M.J. Sigiya ngenkondlo. [Siswati poetry.] 48pp. R28.47 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA SIS Ncongwane, S.J., et al. Tikhululeni maswati. [Siswati poetry.] R31.92 Shuter & Shooter 1989 SA SIS Ngcongwane, S.D. Linyeva ngkinyeva. [A thorn for a thorn. Play.] 52pp. R26.75 ($6.57/£4.28) Hibbard 1992 SA SIS Nkwanyana, V.J., Simelane, S.Z. Umtfombo wemalangeni. [Siswati poetry.] 2nd ed. 64pp. R36.86 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA SIS Ntuli, B.D. Butjoki. [Collection of Siswati short stories.] 2nd ed. 146pp. R37.14 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA SIS Ntuli, B.D., et al. Idubukele. [Siswati short stories.] 2nd ed. 164pp. R37.96 Shuter & Shooter 1988 SA SIS Ntuli, B.D., et al. Ingcamu. [Siswati short stories.] 2nd ed. 128pp. R35.39 Shuter & Shooter 1991 SA SIS Shongwe, J.P. Ayinabudzala. [Siswati novel.] 100pp. R35.79 Shuter & Shooter 1987 SA SIS
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African Books in Print
Smith, J.L.B.—Bio-bibliography
Subject index Shongwe, J.P. Bangani. [Siswati novel.] 3rd ed. 76pp. R33.95 Shuter & Shooter 1988 SA SIS Shongwe, J.P. Sihlenge setinkondlo. [Siswati poetry.] 48pp. R34.43 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA SIS Shongwe, S.P., Khanyile, B.S., Thwala, J.J. Luhleko lwemahlokohloko. [Siswati poetry.] R32.77 Shuter & Shooter 1989 SA SIS Sifundza, S. Ahlantela labangenamabhodo. [Siswati drama.] 64pp. R34.89 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA SIS Sithebe, Z. Lahloma ladvuma [Clouds amassed: thunder cracked.] 68pp. R39.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA SIS Thawala, J.J., et al. Emakhowa 1. [Siswati poetry.] 72pp. R30.88 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA SIS Thwala, J.J. Kwasibekela emafu. [Siswati novel.] 2nd ed. 116pp. R34.62 Shuter & Shooter 1993 SA SIS Thwala, N.N., et al. Emakhowa 3. [Siswati poetry.] 104pp. R33.78 Shuter & Shooter 1994 SA SIS Thwala, N.N., Nkosi, D.E., Nzema, S.K. Emakhowa 2. [Siswati poetry.] 96pp. R32.47 Shuter & Shooter 1993 SA SIS Vilane, L.L.N. Likhweti. [Siswati poetry.] 2nd ed. 52pp. R32.79 Shuter & Shooter 1994 SA SIS Siswati—General and Non-fiction Bible Society of South Africa Libhayibheli lelingcwele. [The Bible. Available in other bindings.] cd. 1,739pp. R70.00 Bible Soc SA 1996 SA SIS Bible Society of South Africa Libhayibheli lelingcwele. [The Bible.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 0798213264 1,740pp. ill. R90.00 Bible Soc SA 2001 SA SIS Bible Society of South Africa Libhayubheli lelingcwele. [The Bible.] 3rd ed. ISBN: 0798214414 1,739pp. ill. R50.00 Bible Soc SA 2004 SA SIS J L van Schaik Libukhwana leli-ncane lelidzingidza tindzaba letinkhulu. Inkhombandlela yekkucini sekwisa kwetenhlalakahle Eningizimu Afrika. [The tiny little book that tackles great big issues. A guide to social security in South Africa.] 112pp. R64.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA SIS Machumulo, A.M. Emasundvu. ISBN: 0195707303 80pp. R49.99 OUP - SA 1998 SA SIS Siswati—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Boucher, S.J., Pienaar, K.M. Abuphangwa Themba ‘khulu. [Too small Themba.] 16pp. R31.83 Shuter & Shooter 1993 SA SIS
Ngwenya, M., Masanabo, L. Emakhone ekuphila. Workbook. [Successful life skills grade 2.] ISBN: 019578359X 48pp. R24.99 ($3.90/£2.17) OUP - SA 2003 SA SIS Nkosi, A. Kube bekati. [Siswati school book. Grades 1-3.] ISBN: 1868404056 36pp. R26.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 2000 SA SIS Nkosi, D. Umfoso. SA SIS
80pp. R49.99 OUP - SA 1994
Shongwe, J.P. Siswati sasegumeni standard 6. 228pp. ill. R46.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA SIS Shongwe, J.P., et al. Siswati sasegumeni standard 5. 200pp. ill. R43.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1991 SA SIS Thwala, M. Iphelelaphi lemila? [Siswati school book. Grades 1-3.] ISBN: 1868404048 36pp. R26.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 2000 SA SIS Vilane, L.L.N. Inkondlo yasomhlolo. Grade 7, standard 5. [Siswati reader.] 76pp. R31.58 Shuter & Shooter 1993 SA SIS Siswati language Rycroft, D.K. Essential Siswati. 30pp. R59.95 Van Schaik 1981 SA MUL Siswati language—Dictionaries Rycroft, D.K. Concise Siswati dictionary: SiswatiEnglish/English-Siswati. 189pp. R59.95 Pharos 1995 SA MUL Slattery, Father Denis J.—Autobiography Slattery, D.J. My life story. 206pp. West African Bk 1996 NR Slave trade see also History—Africa Slavery Richon, R.P.D. Pierre Ignace-Liévin van Alstein, capitaine négrier. Gand, 1733, Nantes, 1793. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 71) 452pp. CFA5,600 IFAN 1964 SG FRE Slave trade—Africa, West Verger, P. Trade relations between the Bight of Benin and Bahia 17th-19th century. cd. & 629pp. N15.00 N20.00 cd. Ibadan UP 1975 NR Slavery see also History—Africa Slave trade Burke, C. Morality and mission. A case study: Francis Libermann and slavery (18401850). ISBN: 9966213899 96pp. ($5.00) Paulines 1998 KE
Chantler, E., et al. Kubala lokuphumelelako. Workbook. [Successful numeracy.] ISBN: 0195782399 96pp. R54.99 ($8.59/£4.77) OUP - SA 2004 SA SIS
Hansen, T. Coast of slaves. trans.f.t. Danish by Kari Dako ISBN: 9988550316 288pp. col.ill. ($37.95/£22.95) Sub-Saharan 2002 GH
Kgatea, K.D. Leba seipone. [Look in the mirror.] ISBN: 0624041085 95pp. R54.95 Tafelberg 2002 SA SIS
Presses de l’Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale Formes contemporaines d’esclavages. (Cahier Africain des Droits de l’Homme, 2) ISBN: 2911380274 136pp. CFA3,000 (Eur4.57) UCAC 1999 CM FRE
Mshaba, N.G. Batsakatsi. [Siswati school book. Grades 1-3.] ISBN: 1868404064 36pp. R26.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 2000 SA SIS Ngwenya, M., Kekana, M. Emakhone ekuphila. Workbook. [Successful life skills.] ISBN: 0195783387 104pp. R49.99 ($7.81/£4.34) OUP - SA 2003 SA SIS Ngwenya, M., Macanabo, L. Emakhone ekuphila. Learner’s book. [Successful life skills.] ISBN: 0195783484 64pp. R49.99 ($7.81/£4.34) OUP - SA 2003 SA SIS
Scully, P. Liberating the family? Gender and British slave emancipation in the rural Western Cape, South Africa 1823-1853. ISBN: 0852556780 cd. & 224pp. maps (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852556784 (£15.95 pap.) Philip 1998 SA [Southern Africa only] Slavery—Ghana Der, B.G. Slave trade in northern Ghana. ISBN: 9964978537 39pp. maps ($8.95/£4.95) Woeli 1999 GH
Perbi, A.A. A history of indigenous slavery in Ghana from the 15th to the 19th century. ISBN: 9988550952 cd. 255pp. col.ill.pl. maps C150.000 ($49.95) Sub-Saharan 2004 GH Slavery—Indian Ocean Université de la Réunion Esclavage et abolitions dans l’océan indien 1723-1860. Systèmes esclavagistes et abolitions dans les colonies de l’océan indien. Actes du colloque de Saint-Denis de la Réunion en collaboration avec le conseil général et le conseil régional de la Réunion, 4 au 8 décembre 1998. 456pp. Univ Réunion 2002 RF FRE Slavery—Mauritius Teelock, V. A select guide to sources on slavery in Mauritius, and Slaves speak out: the testimony of slaves in the era of sugar. 89pp. Océan Indien Ed 1995 MF Slavery—Senegal Samb, D., ed. Gorée et l’esclavage: actes du séminaire sur Gorée dans la traite atlantique: mythes et réalités. (IFAN initiations et études africaines, 38) 262pp. pl.col.pl. CFA5,000 IFAN 1997 SG FRE Samb, D., ed. Saint-Louis et l’esclavage. Actes du Symposium international sur la traite négrière à Saint-Louis du Sénégal et dans son arrière-pays. (IFAN initiations et études africaines, 39) 291pp. pl. CFA5,000 IFAN 2000 SG FRE Slavery—South Africa Eldredge, E., Morton, F., eds. Slavery in South Africa. Captive labor on the Dutch frontier. 332pp. R95.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1994 SA [Southern Africa only] Johannesson, B. The Cape of slaves. Slavery in the Cape Colony 1658-1838. 77pp. ill.maps Sached 1995 SA Loos, J. Echoes of slavery. Voices from our past. ISBN: 0864866615 168pp. pl. R130.00 New Africa Ed SA 2004 SA Shell, R. Children of bondage. A social history of the slave society at the Cape of Good Hope 1652-1838. cd. 544pp. ill.maps R120.00 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA [Southern Africa only] Worden, N., Crais, C. Breaking the chains. Slavery and its legacy in nineteenth-century South Africa. R84.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA Slavery, Africa—Southern Shell, R.C-H. From diaspora to diorama: the UNESCO feasibility study for the cultural amplification of the memory of slavery and the slave trade in southern Africa. ISBN: 0868103667 343pp. ill.maps Inst Soc Res 2000 SA Slovo, Joseph [Joe]—Autobiography Slovo, J. Slovo. The unfinished autobiography. cd. 253pp. pl. R69.95 Ravan 1995 SA Smith, Aloysius—Biography Couzens, T. Tramp royal. The true story of Trader Horn. new ed. 624pp. (£17.99) Ravan 1995 SA Smith, Charlene—Autobiography Smith, C. Proud of me. 331pp. R80.00 Penguin SA 2001 SA Smith, J.L.B.—Bio-bibliography Smith, M.M. J.L.B. Smith: his life, work, bibliography and list of new species. (Occas. paps., 16) ($5.00) R2.00 Inst Ichthyology 1969 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Smith, Pauline—Biography
Subject index
Smith, Pauline—Biography Scheub, H., ed. Secret fire. The 1913-14 South African journal of Pauline Smith. ISBN: 0869808850 186pp. R55.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1997 SA Smuts, Jan Christiaan—Biography Haahoff, T.J. Smuts the humanist: a personal reminiscence. 113pp. SA Inst Int Affairs 1970 SA Human and Rousseau Smuts the botanist. cd. col.pl. R64.95 Human and Rousseau 1992 SA Spies, B. Jan Smuts memoirs: Boer war. ISBN: 1868420752 R99.95 Ball 1999 SA Smuts, Jan Christiaan—Diaries, letters Kalley, J.A., Schoman, E., Willers, J., eds. Letters to Smuts: correspondence relating to the personal library of General J C Smuts 1902-1950. 129pp. R10.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1980 SA Snakes—Africa Spawls, S., Branch, B. Dangerous snakes of Africa. 192pp. pl. R120.00 Southern Book Publ 1995 SA Snakes—Africa, Southern Branch, B. Field guide to the snakes and other reptiles of southern Africa. new ed. ISBN: 1868720403 400pp. ill.col.pl. R129.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Branch, B. Southern African snakes and other reptiles: a photographic guide. 144pp. col.pl. R59.95 Struik Publ 1993 SA Hawthorne, T. Sasol first field guide to snakes and other reptiles of southern Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 186872123X 56pp. col.pl. R19.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Marais, J. A complete guide to the snakes of southern Africa. 2nd ed. ISBN: 186872932X 312pp. col.pl. ($29.95) Struik Publ 2004 SA Patterson, R. Struik pocket guides: snakes of southern Africa. 64pp. col.ill.maps R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Snakes—Africa, West Condamin & Villiers Les serpents de l’ouest africain. ISBN: 2723615820 205pp. Eur9.15 NEAS 2003 SG FRE Snakes—Catalogs Villiers, A. La collection de serpents de l’IFAN. (IFAN catalogues et documents, 6) 155pp. ill. CFA1,000 IFAN 1950 SG FRE Snakes—Namibia Buys, P.J. Snakes of Namibia. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 2nd ed. 64pp. col.pl. Gamsberg 1995 SX Snakes—South Africa van Wyk, J.H. The diet of the Rhombic Skaapsteker, Psammophylax rhombeatus rhombeatus (Serpentes: Colubridae). (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 5/16) 17pp. R2.50 Nasionale Museum SA 1988 SA Snakes—Zimbabwe Broadley, D.G., Cock, E.V. Snakes of Zimbabwe. 176pp. col. pl. Z$5.75 Longman - Zimb 1975 ZI
O’Connor, S. Here’s how to be a football referee. 26pp. ill. 15n Multimedia 1972 ZA Soccer—Cameroun Ntonfo, A. Football et politique du football au Cameroun. 850pp. CFA3,500 CRAC 1994 CM FRE Soccer—Senegal Gaye, D. Crises et perspectives du football sénégalais. ISBN: 2844020178 100pp. CFA2,500 (Eur3.81) Xamal 1999 SG FRE Soccer—South Africa Alegi, P. Laduma. Soccer, politics and society in South Africa. ISBN: 1868140400 236pp. (£18.99) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2004 SA Belfon, J. Mail & Guardian soccer annual. ISBN: 0620262435 239pp. ill. ($14.95/£8.95) M&G 2001 SA Mazwai, T. Thirty years of South African soccer. ISBN: 0624041077 208pp. (£11.99) Ball 2004 SA Sello, S. Chiefs 21 glorious years. The official history of South Africa’s glamour football club. 122pp. col.ill. ($24.00/£13.50) Skotaville 1991 SA Thabe, G.A.L., comp. It’s a goal: 50 years of sweat, tears and drama in black soccer. 120pp. ill. pl. R6.95 Skotaville 1984 SA Social life and customs—South Africa Zegeye, A., Kriger, B., eds. Culture in the new South Afica. ISBN: 0795701349 328pp. R175.00 Kwela 2001 SA Social sciences see also Citizenship Civics Ethics and as a sub-division under names of specific countries or regions Ake, C. Social science as imperialism. The theory of political development. ISBN: 978121130X 234pp. ($27.95/£16.95) Ibadan UP 2003 NR Ake, C. Social sciences as imperialism. The theory and the practice. 139pp. ($18.00/ £9.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1982 NR Imam, A., Mama, A., Sow, F., eds. Engendering African social sciences. 470pp. (£21.50/$38.00) CODESRIA 1997 SG Nel, B.F., Singh, R., Venter, W.M., eds. Focus on quality: selected proceedings of a conference on qualitative research methodology in the social sciences. (ISER Report, 21) 280pp. Univ DurbanWestville 1985 SA Temimi, A. Méthodologie occidentale en sciences humaines et sociales sur les pays arabe et la Turquie. [Text in Arabic, French and English.] 662pp. FTRSI 1996 TI MUL Social sciences—Africa Amucheazi, E.C. Readings in social science: issues in national development. 480pp. (£12.50) Fourth Dimension 1979 NR
Sobutwe, Robert Pogrund, B. How can man die better. The life of Robert Sobutwe. R129.95 Ball 1997 SA
Bless, C., Kathuria, R. Fundamentals of social statistics - an African perspective. 384pp. R175.00 Juta 1993 SA
Soccer Chadwick, P. Basic football skills. 32pp. ill. Z$5.55 Longman - Zimb 1979 ZI
Brown, J. Social work and society with some implications for Botswana: inaugural lecture delivered at the University of Botswana, 16 September 1987. P3.00 NIDCR 1990 BS
Mortimer, L. How to be a football referee. ($4.30) Mambo 1983 ZI
88pp. ill.
Ghai, D. Social science research on development and research institutes in Africa. (IDS discussion paper, 197) 24pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Hutton, M. Social work: an extension of community: inaugural lecture delivered at the University of Botswana, 18 November 1992. (Professoral lecture series) P7.50 NIDCR 1992 BS Katorobo, J., ed. The social sciences in Eastern Africa: an agenda for research. 182pp. OSSREA 1985 ET OSSREA OSSREA social sciences research report series. [15 papers available as a set.] ($75.00/£45.00 set) OSSREA 2001 ET Peil, M. Social science research methods: a handbook for Africa. 188pp. K.shs.565.00 EAEP 1995 KE Social sciences—Africa, North Temimi, A. Crise de la recherche en sciences humaines en Tunisie et dans les pays arabes. (Recherche scientifique, 5) ISBN: 9973719905 193pp. ill.pl.maps ($50.00) FTRSI 1999 TI FRE Temimi, A., comp. Actes de IVe congrès international de la recherche scientifique sur crise de la recherche scientifique et fuite des cerveaux dans le monde arabe et en Turquie. (Recherche scientifique en sciences, 4) ISBN: 9973719832 316pp. ($68.00) FTRSI 1999 TI FRE Social sciences—Examinations, questions Otiende, J.E., Okello, G., Bennaars, G.A. Peak revision. KCSE social education and ethic. ISBN: 9966250034 255pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 2001 KE Ramchurn, V.K. General paper. A comprehensive approach. 266pp. Océan Indien Ed 1997 MF Rwabahigi, J. Fountain social studies model questions. 148pp. ill. U.shs.5,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1993 UG Rwabahigi, J. Social studies - model questions: illustrated with answers. 112pp. maps U.shs.1,500 Fountain Publ-Ug 1993 UG Social sciences—Study and teaching Adeyemi, M.B., ed. Social studies in African education. ISBN: 9991295321 311pp. ($41.95/ £24.95) Pyramid 2000 BS Allen, F. A handbook on research for social sciences. ISBN: 9783038024 47pp. N200.00 Ano 1998 NR Bernstein, A., Gray, M. Social work. A beginner’s text. new ed. 146pp. R105.00 Juta 1996 SA Bezuidenhout, F.J., ed. Reader on selected social issues. no. 3 ISBN: 0627025781 R159.95 Van Schaik 2004 SA Bezuidenhout, F.J., ed. A reader on selected social issues. ISBN: 0627023118 198pp. R89.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Bond-Stewart, K. Land. 115pp. ill. ($4.80) Mambo 1986 ZI Bond-Stewart, K. Living conditions. Mambo 1986 ZI
74pp. ill. ($4.80)
CHET A tale of three countries: social sciences curriculum. ISBN: 0702165069 R150.00 Juta 2003 SA Chinoda, A. Teaching social studies in the primary school. 128pp. Z$109.95 College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI
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African Books in Print
Subject index DeBey, D.L., Onyabe, V.O., Prokupek, P.E. Social studies methods for Nigerian teachers: learning activities. 158pp. N8.65k Univ Press - Nig 1980 NR Dogbé, Y-E. Savoir vivre. vol.1 ISBN: 2864270455 90pp. CFA2,500 Akpagnon 1998 TG FRE Dogbé, Y-E. Savoir vivre. vol.2 ISBN: 2864270463 120pp. CFA2,000 Akpagnon 1998 TG FRE Dogbé, Y-E. Savoir vivre. vol.3 ISBN: 2864270471 150pp. CFA2,500 Akpagnon 1998 TG FRE Hall, N. A study of fieldwork practice in the United Kingdom and Sri Lanka, with implications for social work training in Zimbabwe. (Occasional papers, 3) 48pp. Z$25.00 ($10.00) School Soc Work 1995 ZI
Social sciences—Study and teaching (Elementary) OSSREA Ossrea on CD. Research publications and official documents. ISBN: 0954203003 ($20.95/£12.95) OSSREA 2002 ET
House, J., House, M. Ventures. Living together, stage 3: grade 4. pupil’s bk. 1 96pp. ill. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1985 ZI
Pons, V., ed. Introduction to social research. 617pp. ($43.00/£24.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1992 TZ Potgieter, M.C. The social work process. Development to empower people. ISBN: 1868910148 R140.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Terre Blanche, M., Durrheim, K. Research in practice. Applied methods for the social sciences. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1919713000 UCT Press 2005 SA van Doorne, J.H. Introducing social science: a study guide. ISBN: 9966963545 68pp. K.shs.200.00 ($10.00/£7.00) Zapf 2000 KE
Hall, N., ed. Fieldwork supervision: proceedings of a workshop held at Nyanga, Zimbabwe. Z$15.00 ($6.00) School Soc Work 1992 ZI
Social sciences—Study and teaching (Elementary) Adetoro, J.E. Social studies for Nigeria: pupils’ bk. 3 bks. N1.15 Macmillan - Nig NR
Hall, N., ed. Fieldwork training proceedings of a workshop held at Lake View Inn, Kariba. Z$15.00 ($6.00) School Soc Work 1994 ZI
Adetoro, J.E. Social studies for Nigeria: pupils’ bk. 3 bks. N1.00 Macmillan - Nig NR
Adetoro, J.E. Social studies for Nigeria: pupils’ bk. 3 bks. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig NR
Hall, N., ed. Fieldwork training: proceedings of a workshop held at Bulawayo Sun Hotel, June 1994. 30pp. Z$10.00/$4.00 School Soc Work 1994 ZI Hendricks, F., ed. The social sciences in South Africa since 1994. Disciplinary and transdisciplinary areas of study. (AISA research paper, 74) ISBN: 0798301856 111pp. R80.00 ($19.95/£12.95) Africa Inst 2005 SA Juta Publishers Integrated social studies ASECA: workbook - unit 8: the African past. ISBN: 0702134910 101pp. R25.00 Juta 1998 SA Mouton, J. Understanding social research. ISBN: 0627021638 288pp. R239.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Natal College of Education Human and social sciences in the classroom. An introduction to the teaching of human and social sciences in South African schools. ISBN: 1868590437 192pp. ill.pl. R103.00 Francolin 1999 SA Nchoji Nkwi, P., Nyamongo, I.K., Ryan, GW. Field research into socio-cultural issues: methodological guidelines. ISBN: 9956140023 95pp. CFA5,000 ($10.00) ICASSRT 2001 CM Nwanna-Nzewunwa, O.P., Okoh, C.F. Social science teaching methods for schools: a guide to teachers (with objective questions). ISBN: 9782517119 169pp. N450.00 ($5.00/£2.50) Pam Unique Publ 2001 NR Nwosu, T., Corbin, H. Handbook for teachers of social studies. 70pp. ill. pl. N2.00 Longman - Nig 1977 NR Ogunniyi, D., Oboli, H.O.N. Spectrum social studies. bk.1 80pp. N354.00 ($7.50/£6.00) Spectrum 1986 NR Ogunniyi, D., Oboli, H.O.N. Spectrum social studies with workbook. bk.2 84pp. N345.00 ($7.50/£6.00) Spectrum 1988 NR Ogunniyi, D., Oboli, H.O.N. Spectrum social studies with workbook. bk.3 92pp. N354.00 ($7.50/£6.00) Spectrum 1988 NR
Adetoro, J.E. Social studies for Nigeria: teacher’s bk. 1, 3 bks. 65k Macmillan - Nig NR Adetoro, J.E. Social studies for Nigeria: teacher’s bk. 2, 3 bks. 65k Macmillan - Nig NR Adetoro, J.E. Social studies for Nigeria: teacher’s bk. 3, 3 bks. 68k Macmillan - Nig NR Chinoda, A., Pfende, J., Chinoda, A. Living and working together, grades 1-7. [15 pupils’ and teachers’ books; full details from publisher.] var.pp. ill. Z$3.95-Z$6.15 Longman - Zimb ZI Comrie, B., et al. Finding your way. Grade 7, module 3. 48pp. Gariep 2000 SA Dubey, D. Social studies for young Nigerians. pupil’s bk.1 64pp. ill. ($7.00) Univ Press - Nig 1986 NR Dubey, D. Social studies for young Nigerians. teacher’s bk.1 78pp. ($7.00) Univ Press - Nig 1986 NR Ezewu, et al. Longman primary social studies. rev.ed. pupil’s bk.6 107pp. ill. N90.00 Longman Nig 1994 NR Ezewu, et al. Longman primary social studies. rev.ed. pupil’s bk.4 97pp. ill. N90.00 Longman Nig 1994 NR Ezewu, et al. Longman primary social studies. rev.ed. pupil’s bk.5 92pp. ill. N90.00 Longman Nig 1994 NR Flanagan, W., et al., eds. Junior primary studies: core text. ISBN: 0702143596 151pp. R68.00 Juta 1998 SA Foroma, J. Social studies grade 7. teacher’s bk. 136pp. Z$54.49 ZPH 1992 ZI Haines, E. Skills for life. Grade 7. Teacher’s notes. ISBN: 1919762132 120pp. R34.95 Nolwazi 2000 SA Haines, E. Skills for life, Grade 7. Learner’s book. ISBN: 1919762124 128pp. col.ill. R33.69 Nolwazi 2000 SA
House, J., House, M. Ventures. Living together, stage 3: grade 4. teacher’s bk. 1 96pp. Z$69.95 College Press -Zimb 1985 ZI House, J., House, M. Ventures. Living together, stage 3: grade 5. pupil’s bk. 2 96pp. ill. Z$49.95 College Press -Zimb 1985 ZI House, J., House, M. Ventures. Living together, stage 3: grade 5. teacher’s bk. 2 96pp. Z$69.95 College Press -Zimb 1985 ZI James, S., Pittendrigh, S., October, P. Simunye: explore our rainbow land. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 186903032X 148pp. col.ill. R20.01 Gariep 2000 SA Katsikano, W., Kitooke, K., Kweyalabwe, F., Omwoyo, F. Comprehensive social studies. Living together in our sub county, pupil’s book for primary 3. ISBN: 996649362X 80pp. col.ill. K.shs.170.00 Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Katsikano, W., Kitooke, K., Kyewalabye, F., Omwoyo, F. Comprehensive social studies. Living together in our district, pupil’s book for primary 4. ISBN: 9966493638 104pp. col.ill. K.shs.200.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Katsikano, W., Kitooke, K., Kyewalabye, F., Omwoyo, F. Comprehensive social studies. Living together in our home and school, pupil’s book for primary 1. ISBN: 9966493603 64pp. col.ill. K.shs.150.00 ($2.50/£1.50) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Katsikano, W., Kitooke, K., Kyewalabye, F., Omwoyo, F. Comprehensive social studies. Living together in our school and neighbourhood, pupil’s book for primary 2. ISBN: 9966493611 64pp. col.ill. K.shs.150.00 ($2.50/£1.50) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Katsikano, W., Kitooke, K., Kyewalabye, F., Omwoyo, F. Comprehensive social studies, teacher’s guide for primary 4. ISBN: 9966493670 78pp. col.ill.pl. K.shs.100.00 ($2.00/ £1.00) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Kenya Institute of Education Geography history and civics book 4, Rift Valley Province. 60pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.50/£0.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1990 KE Kenya Institute of Education Geography history and civics pupil’s book 4 Nyanza Province. 59pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.50/£0.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1990 KE Kenya Institute of Education Geography history and civics pupil’s book 4, Western Province. 52pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.50/£0.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1990 KE Kenya Institute of Education Geography, history and civics pupil’s book 5: a combined course. 98pp. K.shs.24.00 ($2.10/61.25) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1988 KE Kenya Institute of Education Geography history and civics revision book 6. 61pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.50/ £0.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1990 KE Kenya Institute of Education Geography history and civics revision book 7. 72pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.50/ £0.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1990 KE Kenya Institute of Education Geography history and civics revision book 8. 152pp. K.shs.144.00 ($2.40/ £1.45) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1990 KE Kenya Institute of Education Geography history and civics teachers’ handbook for Standard 1 to 3. 62pp. K.shs.66.00 ($1.10/£0.65) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1990 KE
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Social sciences—Study and teaching (Elementary) Kenya Institute of Education A guide to field work in Kenya. 115pp. K.shs.156.00 ($2.60/£2.25) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE
Subject index
Nwosu, S.N., Oboli, H.O.N. Longman primary social studies, year 4. 72pp. ill. 85k Longman - Nig 1976 NR
Machawira, M.S. Social studies in action, grade 6 (stage 4). 88pp. ill. Z$50.25 ZPH 1988 ZI
Obaweya, B., Jingudo, M. Social studies for Nigerian junior secondary schools. bk.1 78pp. ill. pl. ($11.50) Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR
Machawira, M.S. Social studies in action, grade 7 (stage 4). 84pp. ill. pl. map Z$50.65 ZPH 1989 ZI
Ogula, P., Kanjoya, J. Comprehensive social studies. Pupils book 1. bk.1 ill. K.shs.160.00 Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE
Machawira, M.S., Gwekwerere, C. Social studies stage 3, grade 4. Z$42.50 ZPH 1983 ZI
Machawira, M.S., Gwekwerere, C. Social studies stage 3, grade 5. Z$42.50 ZPH 1983 ZI
Ogula, P., Kanjoya, J. Comprehensive social studies. Teacher guide book 1. bk.1 ill. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE
Makokha, E., Otiende, J.E. Geography, history and civics. Standard 5 our country Kenya. rev.ed. 136pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 1991 KE
Ogula, P., Kanjoya, J., Muraya, F. Comprehensive social studies, teacher’s guide for primary 1. ISBN: 9966493646 76pp. K.shs.110.00 ($2.00/£1.00) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE
Makumba, P. Geography, history and civics. bk.2 72pp. K.shs.120.00 EAEP 1995 KE
Ogula, P., Kanjoya, J., Muraya, F. Comprehensive social studies, teacher’s guide for primary 2. ISBN: 9966493654 72pp. ill. K.shs.110.00 ($2.00/£1.00) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE
Makumba, P. Geography, history and civics. Standard 4 Rift Valley Province. rev.ed. ISBN: 9966466606 137pp. K.shs.240.00 EAEP 1998 KE
Ogula, P., Kanjoya, J., Muraya, F. Comprehensive social studies, teacher’s guide primary 3. ISBN: 9966493662 64pp. K.shs.110.00 ($2.00/£1.00) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE
Makumba, P., Lukongo, V. Geography, history and civics. Standard 1. 58pp. K.shs.32.50 EAEP 1990 KE
Okoth, A., Makumba, P. Peak revision geography, history, civics for K.C.P.E. ISBN: 9966468633 K.shs.375.00 EAEP 1998 KE
Makumba, P., Nkuubi, M.A. Revision geography, history and civics for primary teacher education. 224pp. K.shs.390.00 EAEP 1996 KE Makumba, P., Okoth, A. Revision geography, history and civics for K.C.P.E. (with answers). 121pp. K.shs.40.00 EAEP 1988 KE Mandila, T., Githaiga, A., Kiio, M.N. Focused social studies book 5. bk.5 ISBN: 9966882791 134pp. col.ill.pl. ($7.00) Focus 2003 KE Mandila, T., Githaiga, A., Kiio, M.N. Focused social studies book 6. bk.6 ISBN: 996688285X 161pp. col.ill.pl. ($7.00) Focus 2004 KE Mandila, T., Githaiga, A., Kiio, M.N. Focused social studies teacher’s guide for book 5. bk.5 ISBN: 9966882791 84pp. col.ill.pl. ($1.00) Focus 2003 KE Mandila, T., Githaiga, A., Kiio, M.N. Focused social studies teacher’s guide for book 6. bk.6 ISBN: 996688288X 71pp. col.ill.pl. ($2.00) Focus 2004 KE Mhasu, F.G., et al. Social studies grade 6. teacher’s bk. 90pp. Z$59.25 ZPH 1992 ZI Ministry of Education, Botswana. Curriculum Development and Evaluation Department Social studies, standard 1. 32pp. P1.99 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Ministry of Education, Botswana. Curriculum Development and Evaluation Department Social studies, standard 2. 32pp. P1.99 Macmillan - Bots 1983 BS Moyo, S. Social studies grade 1. Z$35.27 ZPH 1994 ZI
pupil’s bk. 46pp.
Moyo, S. Social studies grade 4. teacher’s bk. 47pp. Z$59.25 ZPH 1992 ZI Mulima, S. Longman geography, history, civics for standard 4. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn Ken 1987 KE Nkpenie, N. Primary social studies. pupil’s bk.4 72pp. ill. pl. N1.76 Longman - Nig 1981 NR Nwosu, S.N., Oboli, H.O.N. Longman primary social studies. ed. pupil’s bk.2 40pp. ill. N75.00 Longman - Nig 1994 NR
Okoth, A., Makumba, P. Peak revision: K.C.P.E. geography, history, civics. 137pp. K.shs.275.00 EAEP 1999 KE Okoth, A., Ochieng’-Moya, L. Geography, history and civics. Standard 8. Our country Kenya and the rest of the world. rev.ed. 159pp. K.shs.280.00 EAEP 1998 KE Okoth, A., Ochieng’, M. Geography, history and civics. Standard 7. rev.ed. ISBN: 9966464190 152pp. K.shs.270.00 EAEP 1998 KE Quartey, S.M. et al. Lantern primary social studies. pl. Literamed 1993 NR
Quartey, S.M., Lawal, M.B., Inyang, M., Adamu, S., Olatoye, T.O., Salawu, K.A. Comprehensive social studies for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.1 ISBN: 9781425652 62pp. col.ill. N200.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2005 NR Quartey, S.M., Lawal, M.B., Inyang, M., Adamu, S., Olatoye, T.O., Salawu, K.A. Comprehensive social studies for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.2 ISBN: 9781425733 64pp. col.ill. N200.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2005 NR Quartey, S.M., Lawal, M.B., Inyang, M., Adamu, S., Olatoye, T.O., Salawu, K.A. Comprehensive social studies for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.3 ISBN: 9781425814 60pp. col.ill. N200.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2005 NR Quartey, S.M., Lawal, M.B., Inyang, M., Adamu, S., Olatoye, T.O., Salawu, K.A. Comprehensive social studies for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.4 ISBN: 978142589X 92pp. col.ill. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2005 NR Quartey, S.M., Lawal, M.B., Inyang, M., Adamu, S., Olatoye, T.O., Salawu, K.A. Comprehensive social studies for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.5 ISBN: 9781425970 108pp. col.ill. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2005 NR Quartey, S.M., Lawal, M.B., Inyang, M., Adamu, S., Olatoye, T.O., Salawu, K.A. Comprehensive social studies for primary schools. 2nd ed. bk.6 ISBN: 9781426055 96pp. col.ill. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2005 NR Sithole, A. Social studies grade 5. teachers bk. 39pp. Z$59.25 ZPH 1992 ZI
von Wietersheim, E., Frank, L., Becker, B. Social studies or Namibia. Grade 7. Namibia and our world. ISBN: 9991611061 128pp. ill. Longman - Namb 1998 SX Wanaswa, H., Okoth, A. Geography, history and civics. Standard 6. rev.ed. ISBN: 9966465197 144pp. K.shs.260.00 EAEP 1998 KE Wegulo, F., Ondieki, C. Comprehensive social studies. Pupils book 5. bk.5 ill. K.shs.250.00 Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Wegulo, F., Ondieki, C. Comprehensive social studies. Teacher guide book 5. bk.5 ill. K.shs.300.00 Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE Social sciences—Study and teaching (Secondary) Avery, P., et al. Shuter’s human and social science. Grade 8. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0790615066 100pp. R106.09 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA Bennaars, G.A., Otiende, J., Groenwegen, T., Okello, G.A. Revision social education and ethics for K.C.S.E. 213pp. K.shs.280.00 EAEP 1992 KE Burton, M.S.W., Avery, P. Shuter’s human and social science. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0796015872 R43.00 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA Burton, M.S.W., Avery, P. Shuter’s human and social science. Grade 9. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796015880 164pp. R53.23 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA Chifunyise, T., Chinoda, A.M. Ventures social studies revision grade 7. 100pp. ($3.70) College Press -Zimb 1994 ZI Chinoda, A.M. Ventures general paper revision, grade 7 pupils’ book. 120pp. Z$51.95 ($3.00/ £1.80) College Press -Zimb 1994 ZI Chinoda, A.M. Ventures general paper revision, grade 7 teachers’ book. 124pp. Z$54.95 ($3.20/ £2.00) College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI Gear, P., et al. Shuter’s human and social science. Grade 7. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0796013454 R98.47 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA Gear, P., et al. Shuter’s human and social science. Grade 7. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796013462 R57.45 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA Gear, P., et al. Shuter’s human and social science. Grade 8. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796015058 R52.23 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA Gwakou, W.A. Social education and ethics for forms 1 and 2. 142pp. K.shs.150.00 EAEP 1988 KE Heinemann Educational Books CESAC social studies. pupil’s bk.1 84pp. N178.50 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR Heinemann Educational Books CESAC social studies. teacher’s guide bks. 1-3 64pp. N65.20 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR Heinemann Educational Books CESAC social studies. pupil’s bk.2 100pp. N178.50 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR Heinemann Educational Books CESAC social studies. pupil’s bk.3 92pp. N178.50 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR Hulela, M., O’Mara, R. Changing world. ISBN: 9991278826 249pp. maps P44.95 Macmillan - Bots 1998 BS
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Iloeje, N.P., et al. Junior secondary social studies book 1. 2nd ed. 134pp. pl.maps N240 ($3.00/ £2.00) Inselberg 1993 NR
Sikiti, Z., Tiwani, T., Vusani, C. Shuter’s life orientation. Grade 7. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0796014213 R98.07 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA
Kader, M.A., ed. Africa’s guide to scientific socialism. (Nehanda Political Science series, 1) 80pp. Z$4.50 Nehanda 1985 ZI
Iloege, N.P., et al. Junior secondary social studies book 2. 2nd ed. 112pp. pl.maps N120.00 ($1.50/ £1.00) Inselberg 1993 NR
Sikiti, Z., Tiwani, T., Vusani, C. Shuter’s life orientation. Grade 7. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796014205 R47.00 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA
Senghor, L.S. Pour une relecture africaine de Marx et d’Engels. 72pp. CFA600.00 NEAS 1976 SG FRE
Iloeje, N.P., et al. Junior secondary social studies book 3. 2nd ed. 120pp. pl.maps N240 ($3.00/ £2.00) Inselberg 1993 NR
Sikiti, Z., Tiwani, T., Vusani, C. Shuter’s life orientation. Grade 8. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0796015163 72pp. R82.97 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA
Iloeje, N.P., et al. Junior secondary social studies workbook 1. 2nd ed. 43pp. pl.maps N120 ($1.50/ £1.00) Inselberg 1993 NR
Sikiti, Z., Tiwani, T., Vusani, C. Shuter’s life orientation. Grade 8. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796015155 R46.86 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA
Iloeje, N.P., et al. Junior secondary social studies workbook 2. 2nd ed. 52pp. pl.maps N120 ($1.50/ £1.00) Inselberg 1993 NR
Sikiti, Z., Vusani, C. Shuter’s life orientation. Grade 9. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0790616011 104pp. R49.88 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA
Iloeje, N.P., et al. Junior secondary social studies workbook 3. 2nd ed. 34pp. pl.maps N120 ($1.50/ £1.00) Inselberg 1993 NR Iloeje, N.P., Okoro, E.N. Beginning social studies in Nigeria. bk. 4 76pp. ill. N1.30 Macmillan - Nig 1974 NR Irungu, M.N. Certificate social education and ethics: a revision course. 90pp. K.shs.90.00 ($3.00) Phoenix 1991 KE Macmillan Botswana Publishing Macmillan social studies atlas for Botswana. 49pp. maps Macmillan - Bots 1988 BS Makinde, M.A. Integrated social studies. 60pp. N7.35k Univ Press - Nig 1979 NR Moyo, S. Social studies grade 1. teacher’s bk. 56pp. Z$54.95 ZPH 1993 ZI Moyo, S. Social studies grade 2. teacher’s bk. 56pp. Z$54.49 ZPH 1993 ZI Moyo, S. Social studies grade 2. Z$38.95 ZPH 1993 ZI
pupils bk. 60pp.
Moyo, S. Social studies grade 3. teachers bk. 36pp. Z$54.59 ZPH 1993 ZI Moyo, S. Social studies grade 3. Z$37.45 ZPH 1993 ZI
pupils bk. 44pp.
Mutua, N. Geography, history and civics. Standard 4 Eastern province. rev.ed. 108pp. K.shs.210.00 EAEP 1990 KE Nkuubi, M., Makumba, P. Revision geography, history and civics for primary teacher education. 224pp. K.shs.390.00 EAEP 1996 KE Okoth, A., Makumba, P. Revision geography, history and civics for K.C.P.E. with answers. 122pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1988 KE Otite, O., Ogionwo, W. An introduction to sociological studies. 428pp. N516.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1979 NR River State Book Development Project Rivers social studies. bk.1 80pp. N78.05 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1978 NR Rivers State Book Development Project Rivers social studies. teacher’s guide bk.1 104pp. N71.10 Heinemann Educ Ib 1978 NR Rivers State Book Development Project Rivers social studies. pupil’s bk.2 104pp. N81.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1978 NR Rivers State Book Development Project Rivers social studies. pupil’s bk.3 N95.15 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1980 NR Rivers State Book Development Project Rivers social studies. workbk.1 80pp. N44.10 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1978 NR
Sikiti, Z., Vusani, C. Shuter’s life orientation. Grade 9. Learner’s book. ISBN: 079601602X 168pp. R49.19 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA Social welfare—Réunion Observatoire du Développement de la Réunion Paroles d’assistants sociaux. (Eur16.50) ODR 2004 RF FRE Social welfare—South Africa J L van Schaik The tiny little book that tackles great big issues. A guide to social security in South Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0627024890 112pp. R64.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA Leube, K.R. On some unintended consequences of the welfare state. (FMF occasional paper, 14) ISBN: 1874930570 34pp. R40.00 Free Market Found 2003 SA Saunders, P. What future for welfare? (FMF occasional paper, 11) ISBN: 1874930309 48pp. R40.00 Free Market Found 2002 SA Social welfare—Zimbabwe Hampson, J., ed. Ageing and the elderly: report of an inservice training programme. Z$10.00 ($4.00) School Soc Work 1982 ZI Zimunya, V., Kaseke, E., eds. Care of the elderly in Zimbabwe. Z$20.00 ($8.00) School Soc Work 1992 ZI Socialism see also Labor and laboring classes Philosophy Politics and government Amin, S. L’avenir du socialisme./The future of socialism. [Text in English and French.] 70pp. Z$20.00 ($7.50/£4.00) SAPES 1990 ZI MUL
Socialism—Developing countries Nsekela, A.J. Socialism and social accountability in developing nations. (£2.05/$5.20) K.shs.26.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Sociology see also Public welfare Social sciences Sociology, Rural Sociology, Urban and as a sub-division under names of specific countries or regions; also with the sub-division Social life and customs under names of specific African ethnic groups e.g. Zulu (African people)—Social life and customs Babbie, E., Mouton, J. The practice of social research. ISBN: 0195718542 720pp. R400.00 OUP - SA 2000 SA Baskin, J., Hindson, D., Swilling, M. Two articles focusing on social compacts. 17pp. R10.00 Olive 1994 SA Boynton, G. Last days cloud cuckooland. ISBN: 1868420604 R108.00 Ball 1998 SA Charo Ruwa, M. Principles of good governance: the Church’s perspective. ISBN: 9966212434 64pp. K.shs.55.00 ($0.70) Paulines 2001 KE de Waal, A. Famine crimes. ISBN: 0852558104 238pp. K.shs.2,025 EAEP 1997 KE Denis, P. Orality, memory and the past. ISBN: 1875053212 286pp. R99.00 Cluster 2000 SA Ekeh, P. Social exchange theory. 138pp. N169.90 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1974 NR Evraed, M.T. Le savoir-vivre en société moderne. 40pp. ill. K20.00 Chancellor Coll 1969 MW FRE Gachuhi, J.M. Marriage and prostitution: a theoretical consideration. (IDS working paper, 6) 15pp. Inst Dev Stud 1971 KE Hemmings, J. Shoes and shopping. ISBN: 1843308169 cd. 96pp. Oshun 2004 SA Holloway, M., et al. Love, power, meaning. ISBN: 0195719085 368pp. R215.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA
Banana, C.S. Towards a socialist ethos. Z$71.95 ($6.95) College Press -Zimb 1987 ZI
Iginla, M.J.A. How to succeed in life. The sociology of success. 59pp. ($10.00/£7.00) IPRECO 1998 NR
Gwarinda, T. Socialism and education: an introduction. 128pp. Z$109.95 College Press -Zimb 1985 ZI
Imoagene, O. Predicting success in a developing society. 26pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1990 NR
Jong II, K. Le socialisme est une science. 34pp. CFA1,000 ($2.50) Jamana 1995 ML FRE
Kenney, H. Power, pride and prejudice. Ball 1995 SA
Nyerere, J.K. Liberté et socialisme. trans.f.t. English (Point de vue, 11) 152pp. CFA1,500 CLE 1972 CM FRE Socialism—Africa Babu, A.M. African socialism or socialist Africa? 192pp. Z$59.95 ($8.50/£4.95) ZPH 1984 ZI
cd. R99.95
Klitgaard, R., Braser, H. Working together to fight corruption: state, society and the private sector in partnership. 18pp. R20.00 Olive 1998 SA Landman, K. Crime, political transition and urban transformation in South Africa and Brazil. (SAIIA report, 36) ISBN: 191996908X SA Inst Int Affairs 2003 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Leon, T. Hope and fear. ISBN: 1868420701 R99.95 Ball 1998 SA Lund, F. Who’s in and who’s out? The effects of poverty and inequality on participatory and institutional development. 25pp. R20.00 Olive 1998 SA
Lanham, L.W. Language and thought: exploring the implications of the whorfian hypothesis in social science. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1980 SA Mitchell, W.A. Poverty and social work. Soc Res 1981 SA
R10.00 Inst
Kangende, K. Male superstitions of sex. ISBN: 9982848046 99pp. ill. ($6.00) Minta 2003 ZA Kanyinda, T. Le mariage polygamique dans les coutûmes africaines. 255pp. ($86.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE
Machet, M., Olen, S., van der Walt, T., eds. Other worlds, other lives. vol.1 of 3 380pp. R108.00 ($22.80/£15.50/ Eur20.00) Unisa 1995 SA
Taipale, I., ed. War or health? A reader. ISBN: 1919876596 672pp. R152.90 New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA [[Southern Africa only]]
Kanyinda, T. La polygamie et évangélisation en Afrique. 179pp. ($77.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE
Machet, M., Olen, S., van der Walt, T, eds. Other worlds, other lives. vol.2 of 3 320pp. R108.00 ($47.00/£15.50/ Eur20.00) Unisa 1995 SA
Teriba, O. Illusions and social behaviour. 27pp. ($1.89/79p) N3.00 Ibadan UP 1980 NR
Kanyinda, T. Quelques considérations sur le mariage africain. Le cas de polygamie. 293pp. ($97.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE
Machet, M., Olen, S., van der Walt, T, eds. Other worlds, other lives. vol.3 of 3 274pp. R108.00 ($22.80/£15.50/ Eur20.00) Unisa 1995 SA Mercier, P. Les tâches de la sociologie. (Initiations et Etudes Africaines, 6) 93pp. CFA1,000 IFAN 1951 SG FRE Neambi, M.K. Le conflit des générations. 158pp. ($50.00) Kapongo-Kazadi 1989 ZR FRE Neville, D., Harrison, J. Debbie’s story. 120pp. R69.95 Southern Book Publ 1997 SA Nuttall, S., Michael, C.A. Senses of culture. ISBN: 0195718399 320pp. R325.00 OUP - SA 2000 SA Nyatsumba, K. All sides of the story. SA
R89.95 Ball 1997
Orr, N., Patient, D. Sex secrets. ISBN: 1919930194 124pp. R25.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Oyié, I.B. Phénoménologie de l’argent: recherche en éthique. 48pp. CFA1,000 (Eur1.52) UCAC 2000 CM FRE Rahnema, M., Bawtree, V. The post-development reader. 464pp. Philip 1998 SA [Southern Africa only] Rooth, E. An investigation of the enhanced relationship between participants in lifeskills courses. ISBN: 079691947X 110pp. R100.00 HSRC Publ 2000 SA Sachs, W. Planet dialectics. Explorations in environment and development. ISBN: 1868143384 240pp. R145.00 Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA [Southern Africa only] Samb, D. Comprendre la laïcité. ISBN: 272361610X 241pp. Eur6.86 NEAS 2003 SG FRE Shepherd, R. Humanising globalisation. The vital role of civil society. ISBN: 0958436916 201pp. Novalis 2001 SA Umlilo, T. Little girl, arise. New life after incest and abuse. ISBN: 1875053263 176pp. R50.00 ($10.00) Cluster 2002 SA Sociology—Addresses and essays Berry, P.M. A place for sociology in teacher education. 16pp. ($1.50/50p.) Ghana UP 1972 GH Chidester, D. Global citizenship, cultural citizenship and world religions in religious education. (HSRC occasional paper, 1) 29pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA Higgins, E. Sociology: promise and problems. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1974 SA
Ijomah, B.I.C. Essays on social controversies. 346pp. N900.00 ($70.00/£44.00) Idodo 2003[?] NR
Sociology—Africa Abéga, S.C. Société civile et réduction de la pauvreté. 208pp. ill. CLE 1999 CM FRE African Development Bank Gender, poverty and environmental indicators on African countries 20012002. [Text in English and French.] 306pp. (£18.00) African Dev Bank 2002 IV MUL Agyeman, D.K. Continuity and change in Africa. The paradox of development. 24pp. ($6.95/ £3.75) Ghana UP 1996 GH Assimeng, M. Foundations of African social thought. A contribution to the sociology of knowledge. 148pp. (£9.95/$18.00) Ghana UP 1997 GH
Kimambo, I.N., ed. Humanities and social science in East and Central Africa: theory and practice. ISBN: 9976603819 382pp. ($39.95/ £23.95) Dar es Salaam UP 2003 TZ Kouvouama, A., Copans, J. Modernité africaine. Les figures du politique et du religieux. ISBN: 2842200055 188pp. (Eur22.00) Paari 2002 ZR FRE Lobho-Lwa-Djgudjugu Société et politique en Afrique traditionnelle. 351pp. ($24.00) Z45.50 Press Univ Congo 1979 ZR FRE MacGarry, B. Waste or want? Environment and poverty: seminar papers. 78pp. ($4.10) Mambo 1995 ZI
Beller, R. Life, person and community in Africa. A way towards inculturation with the spirituality of the Focolare. ISBN: 9966212795 112pp. ($6.00) Paulines 2001 KE
Mafeje, A. The theory and ethnography of African social formations. The case of the interlacustrine kingdoms. cd. & 170pp. ($33.00/£18.50 cd.) ($18.00/£9.95 pap.) CODESRIA 1991 SG
Centre for African Family Studies 2002 training catalogue: building Africa’s capacities for healthier families. ISBN: 9966970444 11pp. col.ill. CAFS 2002 KE
Mahaniah, K. La présence africain au monde menacée: l’anachronisme de l’Afrique noire au monde. 64pp. Press Univ Congo 2000 ZR FRE
Chabal, P., Daloz, J-P. Africa works. K.shs.1,685 EAEP 1994 KE [Kenya only] Cohen, D.W., Odhiambo, E.S.A. Burying SM: the politics of knowlege and sociology of power in Africa. 176pp. K.shs.420.00 EAEP 1992 KE Deacon, H., Dondolo, L., Mrubata, M., Prosalendis, S. The subtle power of intangible heritage. Legal and financial instruments for safeguarding intangible heritage. ISBN: 0796920745 80pp. R80.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Dogbé, Y-E. Lettre ouverte aux pauvres d’Afrique, suivi de, Participation populaire et développement. 2nd ed. 144pp. Akpagnon 1983 TG FRE Editions CLE Le rejet de l’autre ou le démon de tribalisme. Les moyens d’y remédier. CFA5,000 (Eur15.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Editions ENDA Reconciling countries through culture. (African Environment, 41-42) 196pp. ENDA 2000 SG ENDA Editions Voix des enfants d’Afrique. ISBN: 9291300217 156pp. ENDA 1999 SG FRE Hall, N. Social work training in Africa: a fieldwork manual. 156pp. ill. Z$20.00 ($20.00) School Soc Work 1990 ZI Hall, N., ed. The social implications of structural adjustment programmes in Africa. 100pp. Z$25.00 ($10.00) School Soc Work 1992 ZI Kangende, K. Female superstitions of sex. ISBN: 9982848054 317pp. ill. ($10.00) Minta 2004 ZA
Maillu, D.G. Our kind of polygamy. 188pp. K.shs.295.00 ($9.50/£6.50) EAEP 1988 KE Mamdani, M. Social movements and constitutionalism in the African context. (CBR working paper, 2) 17pp. ($9.00) Centre Basic Res 1989 UG Mamdani, M., Wamba-dia-Wamba, E., eds. African studies in social movements and democracy. cd. 626pp. CFA18,000 ($80.00/£48.00) cd. CFA15,000 ($38.00/ £21.50) CODESRIA 1995 SG Matunga, P., Stewart, J., eds. Life skills, sexual maturation and sanitation. What’s (not) happening in our schools? An exploratory study from Zimbabwe. ISBN: 1779220227 200pp. ($27.95/£16.95) Weaver 2003 ZI McCartney, I., ed. Children in our midst. ISBN: 0797420320 160pp. ill.pl. ($14.95/£8.95) Weaver 2000 ZI Mehta, C. Corruption. Dealing with the devil. ISBN: 996696780X 174pp. Shiv 2000 KE Muga, E., ed. Studies in prostitution. (East, West and South Africa, Zaire and Nevada) 288pp. ill. ($12.05/£4.80) K.shs.62.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE Nkemnkia, M.N. African vitalogy. ISBN: 9966214518 240pp. K.shs.560.00 ($8.00) Paulines 1999 KE Odora Hoppers, C.A. Indigenous knowledge and the integration of knowledge systems. Towards a philosophy of articulation. ISBN: 1919876588 300pp. R163.90 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA Omotoso, K. Woza Africa.
cd. R79.95 Ball 1997 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Otite, O., ed. Sociology. Theory and applied. 318pp. ($27.00/£15.00) Malthouse 1994 NR Otite, O., ed. Themes in African social and political thought. new ed. ISBN: 9781560150 359pp. ($41.95/£24.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Peil, M., Oyeneye, O. Consensus, conflict and change: a sociological introduction to African societies. ISBN: 9966467475 356pp. K.shs.760.00 ($25.00/£13.95) EAEP 1998 KE Pignan, R.P.P. La famille africaine, frein ou moteur du développement. 136pp. CFA5,000 ($100.00) NEA - Togo 1997 TG FRE Presses de l’Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale Citadins et ruraux en Afrique subsaharienne, (Cahier de l’UCAC, 4) ISBN: 2911380118 444pp. CFA10,000 (Eur15.24) UCAC 1999 CM FRE Presses de l’Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale Quel nouvel humanisme pour l’Afrique du 3e millénaire? (Conférences théologiques, 6) ISBN: 2911380568 124pp. CFA3,000 (Eur4.57) UCAC 2002 CM FRE Rasheed, S., Olowu, D., eds. Ethics and accountability in African public services. 308pp. K.shs.400.00 ($24.00) ICIPE 1993 KE Rodrigo, S.J., ed. The conscience of the society. 240pp. K.shs.450.00 ($9.00) Paulines 1995 KE Simeukamdem, M. Produire la ville dans l’Afrique des savanes. ISBN: 9956411043 412pp. pl.ill.maps CFA12,000 (Eur30.00) Demos 2004 CM FRE Sindjoun, L., ed. La biographie sociale du sexe. ISBN: 2845860412 334pp. CFA14,000 ($30.00/ £16.75) CODESRIA 2000 SG FRE Spectrum Books What men know about women. The definitive answer to “Men come from Mars, women come from Venus”. Complete and unabridged. ISBN: 9780293612 N240.00 ($11.95/£6.95) Spectrum 2002 NR Stenger, F., Ratti, M.T., eds. The poor discover their own resources. A practical approach to poverty reduction in urban and rural areas in Africa. (Faith and society, 8) ISBN: 9966218602 112pp. K.shs.240.00 ($3.00) Paulines 2002 KE Tchegho, J.M. Le déracinement social en Afrique: une conséquence de l’éducation moderne. Quelle éducation pour le futur? 128pp. CFA5,000 ($13.00) Demos 2000 CM FRE Tchegho, J.M. Enfants, parents et communauté. Des droits inaliénables pour des devoirs incontournables. 98pp. CFA3,000 (Eur10.00) Demos 2003 CM FRE Tchegho, J-M. A la lumière des ténèbres. A l’école des valeurs sociales africaines. ISBN: 9956411027 144pp. CFA5,000 (Eur13.00) Demos 2004 CM FRE United Nations Centre for Human Settlements & International Co-operative Alliance. Shelter co-operatives in eastern and southern Africa. Contributions of the cooperative sector to shelter development. 122pp. UNCHS 2001 KE Université Catholique de l’Afrique Centrale Mélanges. 234pp. CFA6,500 UCAC 1997 CM FRE Wright, E.A. Practical project planning. ISBN: 0908307675 140pp. ill. Z$140.00 ($16.95/ £9.95) Univ Zimbabwe 1998 ZI
Sociology—Study and teaching (Secondary) Zegeye, A., ed. Migration and citizenship in Africa. ISBN: 2869781318 CFA10,000 ($20.00/ £20.00/Eur20.00) CODESRIA 2004 SG Sociology—Africa—Addresses and essays Khosa, M., Bekker, S., Dodds, M. Shifting African identities. ISBN: 0796919860 180pp. R145.00 HSRC Publ 2001 SA Sociology—Africa—Bibliography Biaya, T.K. Enfant en situation de conflit armé et de violence urbaine. Bibliographie annotée et signalétique. ISBN: 2869781180 63pp. ($24.95/£14.95) CODESRIA 2004 SG FRE Henderson, P. Annotated bibliography on childhood, with emphasis on Africa: Outline, general findings and research recommendations. ISBN: 2869781199 72pp. ($24.95/£14.95) CODESRIA 2004 SG INADES La famille. Une force pour l’Afrique. Bibliographie commentée. 33pp. Inades 1994 IV FRE Sociology—Africa—Pictorial works Badsha, O., ed. Amulets and dreams. War youth and change in Africa. ISBN: 1868882306 cd. 161pp. ill.pl. R163.00 ($57.95/£34.95) Unisa 2002 SA Gale, S. Africa’s children: their pride and their pain. ISBN: 9966884521 126pp. col.pl. Jacaranda 2001 KE Sociology—Africa, Sub-Saharan Sall, A., ed. Africa 2025: what possible futures for sub Saharan Africa. ISBN: 1868882764 142pp. (£19.95) Unisa 2003 SA Sociology—Middle East Obermeyer, C.M. Family, gender, and population in the Middle East: policies in context. 276pp. E£50.00 ($22.00) Am Univ 1995 UA Sociology—Study and teaching Ahwiren, N., Kwayisi, K., Yeboah, K. Objective question and answers in social studies. ISBN: 9964703031 142pp. C25,000 Afram 2002 GH Amuscheazi, E., ed. Readings in social sciences. Issues in national development. ISBN: 9781560630 ($34.95/£20.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Bezuidenhout, F.J. Reader on selected social issues. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0627025781 R169.95 Van Schaik 2004 SA Bless, C., Higson-Smith, C. Fundamentals of social research. An African perspective. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702153214 178pp. R145.00 Juta 2000 SA Catholic Institute for Education Self, community and education. new ed. ISBN: 0702146307 64pp. R50.00 UCT Press 1998 SA de la Rey, C., Duncan, N., Shefer, T., van Niekerk, A. Contemporary issues in human development. ISBN: 1868640663 279pp. R195.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Gelderblom, D. Social institutions. ISBN: 0195780760 72pp. R90.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Graaff, J. Poverty and development. ISBN: 0195784065 80pp. R90.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Graaff, J. What is sociology? ISBN: 0195780744 72pp. R90.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA Heese, S., Michie, T., eds. Societies and their space on earth - past and present. ISBN: 9991291016 99pp. ill. ($13.75/£7.50) Found Ed Prod 1998 BS
Huysamen, G.K. Methodology for the social and behavioural sciences. ISBN: 0195781007 248pp. R165.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA Mouton, J., Marais, H.C. Basic concepts: in the methodology of the social sciences. ISBN: 0796906483 287pp. R95.00 HSRC Publ 1990 SA Oluicoya, A., Olurode, L. Reading in introductory sociology. ($15.00/£9.00) West 1988 NR Popenoe, D., Cunningham, P., Boult, B. Sociology. ISBN: 1868910067 R147.50 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Sewpaul, V., Holscher, D. Social work in times of neoliberalism. A postmodern discourse. ISBN: 0627026060 R129.95 Van Schaik 2004 SA Snyman, J., ed. Conceptions of social inquiry. 356pp. R100.00 HSRC Publ 1993 SA Tazi, N. Keyword - truth. ISBN: 1919930825 160pp. R90.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Tazi, N. Keywords - experience. ISBN: 1919930817 160pp. R90.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Tazi, N. Keywords - identity. ISBN: 1919930809 160pp. R90.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Tazia, N. Keywords - gender. ISBN: 1919930833 160pp. R90.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Webster, E., Bezuidenhout, A., Graaff, J. Work and organizations. ISBN: 0195780779 80pp. R90.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA Williams, D.T. Capitalism, socialism, Christianity and poverty. ISBN: 0627023398 224pp. R119.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Sociology—Study and teaching (Elementary) Paizee et al. Oxford successful life skills grade 1 teacher’s book. ISBN: 0195783271 120pp. R79.99 ($12.49/£6.94) OUP - SA 2003 SA Siegruhn, A., et al. Oxford successful life skills grade 2 learner’s book. ISBN: 0195783417 64pp. R49.99 ($7.81/£4.34) OUP - SA 2003 SA Siegruhn, A., et al. Oxford successful life skills grade 2 workbook. ISBN: 0195783514 48pp. R24.99 ($3.90/£2.17) OUP - SA 2003 SA Siegruhn, A., et al. Oxford successful life skills grade 1 workbook. ISBN: 0195783298 104pp. R49.99 ($7.81/£4.34) OUP - SA 2003 SA Struwig, F. Life orientation through issues learner’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974766 104pp. col.ill. R51.78 Clever 2004 SA Struwig, F. Life orientation through issues learner’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868976282 116pp. col.ill. R52.87 Clever 2004 SA Struwig, F. Life orientation through issues teacher’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974774 171pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA Zwarts, M. My life is fun. ISBN: 186897524X 51pp. ill. R28.63 Clever 2004 SA Sociology—Study and teaching (Secondary) Nwanna-Nzewunwa, O.P. Sociology of education for certificate and diploma students. ISBN: 9782517127 119pp. N350.00 ($4.00/£2.30) Pam Unique Publ 2001 NR
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Sociology—Study and teaching (Secondary) Twum, N. Social studies for senior secondary school. ISBN: 996470304X 301pp. C50,000 Afram 2003 GH Sociology, Rural see also Rural development and as a sub-division under names of specific countries or regions CODESRIA & CLACSO Les stratégies de survie et la sécurité alimentaire en milieu rural africain et latino-américain. ISBN: 2869780982 311pp. CFA5,000 ($9.95/£12.00) CODESRIA 2001 SG FRE Sociology, Rural—Africa ben Romdhane, M., Moyo, S., eds. Peasant organisations and the democratisation process in Africa. ISBN: 2869781113 1,536pp. ($34.95/ £20.95) CODESRIA 2002 SG Dessalegh, R. Peasant organisations in Africa. Constraints and potentials. 36pp. ($4.95/£2.75) CODESRIA 1991 SG Homewood, K. Rural resources and local livelihoods in Africa. ISBN: 9966259151 224pp. K.shs.2,540 EAEP 2005 KE Twumasi, P.A. Social research in rural communities: the problems of foeldwork in Ghana. new ed. ISBN: 9964302673 168pp. ($20.95/ £12.95) Ghana UP 2001 GH Sociology, Urban see also Housing and urban planning and as a sub-division under names of specific countries or regions Murray, M.J. The evolving spatial form of cities in a globalising world economy. Johannesburg and Sao Paulo. (Democracy and Governance occasional papers, 5) ISBN: 0796920729 62pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Robinson, P., McCarthy, J., Forster, C. Urban reconstruction in the developing world. Learning through an international best practice. ISBN: 0796210365 436pp. ill.pl.maps Heinemann-EdSA 2004 SA Sociology, Urban—Africa Adisa, J., Albert, I.O., Hérault, G. Report on the international symposium on urban violence in Africa. 82pp. IFRA Nig 1995 NR Albert, I.O., Adisa, J., Agbola, T., Hérault, G. Urban management and urban violence in Africa. Proceedings of the International Symposium held at Ibadan, Nigeria, 7-11 November 1994. 850pp. N200.00 ($30.00) IFRA - Nig 1994 NR Anderson, D., Rathbone, R. Africa’s urban past. ISBN: 0852557612 320pp. K.shs.2,530 EAEP 2000 KE [Kenya only] Balaam, Y. Enfants de la rue et de la prison dans une ville africaine (1990-2000). 194pp. CFA2,600 (Eur3.97) UCAC 1997 CM FRE ENDA Editions Organisations communautaires et associations de quartiers. ISBN: 9291300373 121pp. ENDA 2002 SG FRE Hall, N., ed. Social development and urban poverty. Z$40.00 ($4.00) School Soc Work 1993 ZI Hérault, G. Youth, street culture and urban violence in Africa. Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Abidjan 5-7 May 1997/Jeunes, culture de la rue et violence urbaine en Afrique. Actes du symposium international d’Abidjan 5-7 mai 1997. [Text in English and French.] 512pp. N1,000 ($30.00) IFRA - Nig 1997 NR MUL
Moschetti, D. Urbanization in Africa: quest for a missionary interpretation, presence, and activity. 103pp. New People 1996 KE Osaghae, E.E., et al. Urban violence in Africa: three pilot studies (South Africa, Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria). 140pp. N120.00 ($14.00) IFRA - Nig 1994 NR Simone, A. Urban process and change in Africa. [Also available in French.] (CODESRIA working paper, 3/97) ISBN: 8508895 122pp. ($13.95/£7.95) CODESRIA 1998 SG Simone, A.M. Mutations urbaines en Afrique. [Also appears in English.] 130pp. CODESRIA 1997 SG FRE Université Catholique de l’Afrique Centrale Violences urbaines au sud du Sahara. ISBN: 291138010X 172pp. C5,200 UCAC 1998 CM FRE Soil science see also Agriculture Elwell, H.A. The teachers guide to soil conservation. 144pp. ill. pl. Z$99.95 ($10.95) College Press -Zimb 1986 ZI Johnston, I., et al. The effect of phosphate fertilizer management strategies on soil phosphorus status and crop yields in some European countries. ISBN: 9981801461 174pp. ill. Actes Ed 2001 MR Juo, A.S.R., ed. Selected methods for soil and plant analysis. 2nd ed.(IITA Manual series, 1) 52pp. ($4.00) N2.50 IITA 1987 NR Lal, R., ed. Soil tillage and crop production. (IITA Proceedings Series 2) 361pp. ($20.00) IITA 1979 NR Soil science—Addresses and essays Ashaye, T.I. Soils, civilisation and march of time. (Inaugural lec. 27) cd. & N3.00 ($3.00/ £2.25) cd. N1.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1978 NR
Subject index Soil science—Nigeria Lal, R. Soil erosion problems on an Alfisol in Western Nigeria and their control. (IITA Monograph 1) 208pp. IITA 1976 NR Soil science—South Africa Kotze, D.C., Hughes, J.C., Breen, C.M., Krug, J.R. The development of a wetland soil classification system for KwaZulu/Natal. Report to the Water Research Commission. (INR investigational reports, 106) Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Liggitt, B. An investigation into soil erosion in the Mfolozi catchment. Final report to the KwaZulu Bureau of Natural Resources. (INR investigational reports, 28) R30.00 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Loxton, Venn and Associates Report on a reconnaissance survey of soils and land use suitability of KwaZulu area no. 2. (INR investigational reports, 2) R30.00 Inst Natural Resources 1981 SA Soil science—Study and teaching Kyulule, A. Introduction to soil mechanics. 120pp. ($8.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ Sguazzin, T., du Toit, D. Wholly ground: soil and soil erosion activities for Namibian learners. 39pp. ill. N$18.00 DRFN 1995 SX Uriyo, A.P., Nongi, H.O. Introductory soil science. 244pp. T.shs.1,500 Tanz Publ House 1982 TZ Soil science—Tanzania Hathout, S.A. Soil atlas of Tanzania. 50pp. maps ($27.00/£14.95) Tanz Publ House 1983 TZ Solar energy see also Ecology Renewable energy Karekezi, S., Ranja, T., Waudo, A. Proceedings of the UNESCOAFREPREN/FWD solar workshop. (AFREPREN working paper, 205) 90pp. AFREPREN 1999 KE
Soil science—Africa Jutzi, S.C., et al., eds. Management of vertisols in Sub-Saharan Africa: proceedings of a conference held at ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 31 August-4 September 1987. 435pp. ($31.00) Int Livestock Centre 1988 ET
Solar energy—Bibliography Karekezi, S., Kimani, J., Waudo, A. Annotated bibliography of photovoltaics and solar waterheaters. (AFREPREN working paper, 122) 122pp. AFREPREN 1998 KE
Soil science—Bibliography Scholes, R.J., Savage, M.J., eds. Studying water in the soil-plantatmosphere continuum: a bibliographic guide to techniques. (SANSP Report, 163) 65pp. CSIR 1989 SA
Solar energy—Côte d’Ivoire Moulots, J. Feasibility study on the commercial manufacture of solar water heaters in Côte d’Ivoire. (AFREPREN working paper, 219) 29pp. AFREPREN 1999 KE
Soil science—Botswana Breyer, J.I.E. Supervised classification of landsat MSS data for mapping flooding in the lower Boteti region: central district Republic of Botswana. (NIR working bibliographies) 56pp. maps P2.80 NIDCR 1984 BS
Solar energy—Ghana Tse, M. Feasibility study on the commercial manufacture of photovoltaic system components: a case study of Ghana. (AFREPREN working paper, 218) 46pp. AFREPREN 1999 KE
Soil science—Dictionaries van der Walt, H.V.H., van Rooyen, T.H. A glossary of soil science. 2nd ed. cd. & 464pp. R110.00 ($18.00/£11.00) cd. R65.00 ($11.00/£6.50) Soil Science Soc 1996 SA
Solar energy—Lesotho Makume, T.M. Status of solar energy in Lesotho. (AFREPREN working paper, 217) 13pp. AFREPREN 1999 KE
Soil science—Kenya Misiko, P.A.M., Ngugi, D.N., Thomas, D.B., Westley, S.B., eds. Soil and water conservation in Kenya. Proceedings of a workshop held at the University of Nairobi 21-23 September 1977. 161pp. K.shs.172.00 Inst Dev Stud 1978 KE Soil science—Morocco Hinse, M., et al. Reflectance spectrale des soles de settat (Chaouia, Maroc). 132pp. Actes Ed 1989 MR FRE
Makume, T.M. Status of solar energy technologies in Lesotho. (AFREPREN working paper, 224) 24pp. AFREPREN 1999 KE Solar energy—Mozambique Cuamba, B. Solar energy technology in Mozambique. Present and future. (AFREPREN working paper, 208) 12pp. AFREPREN 1999 KE Solar energy—Namibia Hamutwe, G.S. Solar power in Namibia. (AFREPREN working paper, 209) 12pp. AFREPREN 1999 KE
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African Books in Print
Subject index Solar energy—Zambia Chandi, L. Solar energy technologies dissemination in Zambia: past, present and future perspective. (AFREPREN working paper, 212) 28pp. AFREPREN 1999 KE Zulu, G. Solar energy in Zambia. (AFREPREN working paper, 211) 23pp. AFREPREN 1999 KE Solihi, Ali—Biography Nassur, E.M., Solihi, Y.S. Ali Soilihi, l’élan brisé? ISBN: 2738490611 200pp. CFA7,900 (Eur12.00) Ndzé 2000 GO FRE Somalia—Economic assistance UNESCO-Kenya Options for an information and communication strategy for Somalia: a preliminary proposal for discussion. 13pp. UNESCO - Kenya 2000 KE Somalia—Economics Little, P.D. Somalia: economy without state. ISBN: 085255866X cd. & 224pp. pl.maps (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852558651 (£12.94 pap.) Philip 2003 SA [Africa only. Copublished with James Currey, UK; EAEP, Kenya; Indiana University Press, US] Somalia—History Lewis, I.M. A modern history of the Somali nation and state in the Horn of Africa. ISBN: 0852554834 384pp. pl. (£14.95) BTEC 2002 SO [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, UK and Ohio University Press, US] Somalia—Politics and government Abraham, K. Somalia calling. The crisis of statehood and the quest for peace. ISBN: 9163119838 537pp. ($49.95/£29.95) EIIPD 2004 ET Songhai language Prost, R.P.A. La langue Sonay et ses dialectes. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 47) 627pp. CFA6,000 IFAN 1956 SG FRE Songs see also African music Hymn books Music de Robillard, B., de Robillard, D. Sité blouz. [Translation of French songs into Créole.] 124pp. Rs.150.00 ($10.00/ £5.99) Alma 1996 MF MUL Hyslop, G. Since singing is so good a thing. 136pp. K.shs.212.00 OUP - Nairobi 1972 KE Songs—Africa Africa Christian Press Living songs. 80pp. (£2.00) Africa Christian 1975 GH Africa Christian Press Living songs. Music edition. [With melody, guitar chords and tonic solfa.]. 148pp. (£5.00) Africa Christian 1975 GH Songs—Congo Democratic Republic Hulstaert, G. Chansons de danse mongo. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 78) 127pp. (DM27.00) CEEBA 1982 ZR FRE Hulstaert, G. Chants mongo. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 76) 175pp. ill. (DM32.00) CEEBA 1982 ZR FRE Songs—Kenya Nyakiti, C. Traditional beer songs of the Luo people of Kenya. 125pp. K.shs.350.00 ($3.00) Lake 1992 KE Songs—Réunion Collectif Séga maloya. Chansons longtemps. [Text in French and Créole.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 2910822028 48pp. (Eur15.00) Lacaze 2003 RF MUL
South Africa—Atlases and maps Collectif Séga séga. Chansons longtemps. [Text in French and Créole.] 2nd ed. 48pp. (Eur15.00) Lacaze 2004 RF MUL Songs—South Africa Cock, S. Spot on songbook: songs and rhymes from Africa. [Audio cassette tape available.] 64pp. ill. Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA Weinberg, P. Sing, my child. Hlabelela mntwanami [Songs of Zulu children.] 140pp. R11.50 Ravan 1984 SA Songs—Zimbabwe Pongweni, A.J. Songs that won the liberation war. 167pp. Z$98.95 College Press -Zimb 1982 ZI Soninke—General and Non-fiction Associates in Research & Education for Development Fonne. [Overview of Senegal’s constitution.] 64pp. ill. ARED & GIPLLN 1992 SG SON Associates in Research & Education for Development Luwaanuu. [Overview of justice in Senegal.] 96pp. ill. ARED & GIPLLN 1992 SG SON Soninke—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Associates in Research & Education for Development Tuwaaxun fuuge jaatin kitaabi 1. Level 1 reader for adults. 80pp. ill. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1993 SG SON Associates in Research & Education for Development Tuwaaxun fuuge xaran kitaabi 1. Level 1 math for adults: numbers, addition and subtraction. 96pp. ill. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1993 SG SON Associates in Research and Education for Development Tuwaaxun fuuge xayan kitaabi 2. Level 2 math for adults: multiplication and division. 102pp. ill. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1993 SG SON Soninke (African people)—Mythology Meillassoux, C., Doucoure, L., Simagha, D. Légende de la dispersion des Kusa (épopée soninke). (Initiations et Etudes Africaines, 22) 133pp. CFA2,400 IFAN 1967 SG FRE Soninke language—Dictionaries Dantioko, O.M. Dictionnaire Soninke-Français. ISBN: 2915032238 245pp. CFA6,000 Jamana 2003 ML MUL Soninke language—Study and teaching SAFEFOD Jaatin kitaabi 1. vol.1 89pp. CFA1,500 SAFEFOD 1998 SG SON SAFEFOD Xaran kitaabe. 61pp. CFA1,500 SAFEFOD 1998 SG SON Soso also known as Sosso Soso—General and Non-fiction Service National d’Alphabétisation Lako sansie. [Literacy text in Soso.] ISBN: 2913326404 FG3,000 Ganndal 2001 GV SSO Soso language—Dictionaries Raimbault, R.P. Dictionnaire Français-Soso et SosoFrançais. 2nd ed. 164pp. FG10,000 SAEC 1998 GV MUL South Africa Bishop, J. More conversations. [Interviews with famous people.] 266pp. R89.99 Longman Penguin SA 1993 SA Boardman, H. South Africa’s top ten book. ISBN: 1868127567 112pp. pl. R99.95 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA
Lascaris, R., Hunt, J. The South African dream. ISBN: 186872235X 204pp. R89.95 Zebra 1998 SA South Africa—Armed forces Breytenbach, J. Buffalo soldiers. The story of an South Africa’s 32nd battalion: 1975-1993. ISBN: 191985407X cd. ill.col.pl.maps Galago 2004 SA Cock, J., McKenzie, P., eds. From defence to development. Redirecting military resources in South Africa. ISBN: 0864864159 288pp. ill. Philip 1998 SA Greeff, J. A greater share of honour. ISBN: 0620279990 cd. 174pp. Galago 2002 SA Reid Daly, R., Stiff, P. Selous scouts top secret war. ISBN: 0620066741 752pp. pl. Galago 1983 SA Stiff, P. See you in November. The story of an SAS assassin. ISBN: 1919854053 352pp. ill. Galago 2002 SA Stiff, P. Warfare by other means: South Africa in the 1980s and 1990s. ISBN: 1919854010 cd. 648pp. ill.col.ill. Galago 2001 SA South Africa—Atlases and maps Jacana Eco-zone map: Kruger national park. ISBN: 1919931627 12pp. R25.00 (£2.50) ($4.00) Jacana 2004 SA Jacana The Kruger map. [Also available in Afrikaans, German and French.] ISBN: 1919931600 20pp. R29.95 ($4.50/£3.00) Jacana 2004 SA Jacana Pilanesberg official map & park guide. ISBN: 177009024x 24pp. maps. R25.00 (£2.50/$4.00) Jacana 2004 SA Joyce, P. World atlas for South Africans. maps ($42.65) Ball 2004 SA
Map Studio A-Z street guide Cape Town. [265x185mm; scale: 1:20 000] ISBN: 1868094057 R59.95 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio A-Z street guide Durban. [265x185mm; scale: 1:20 000] ISBN: 1868093360 R49.95 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio A-Z street guide Johannesburg/Randburg/ Sandton. [265x185mm; scale: 1:20 000] ISBN: 1868094219 R64.95 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio A-Z street guide Pretoria. [265x185mm; scale: 1:20 000] ISBN: 1868094014 R59.95 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio Cape Town A-Z street map. [Map. 185x265mmm (portrait); no scale given.] 3rd ed. R34.95 Map Stud 1997 SA Map Studio Drakensberg/Natal Midlands. [Folded: 210x124mm; sheet size:624x992mm; scale: 1:250 000] ISBN: 1868093816 R36.95 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio Durban street guide. [Guide. Scale 1:20,000.] 4th ed. maps Map Stud 1997 SA Map Studio Eazimap: Gauteng. [Map. Folded 85x175 mm (portrait); flat 350x740 (landscape); scale 1:500 000.] R19.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Map Studio Eazimap: Kwazulu-Natal. [Map. Folded 85x175mm (portrait); flat 350x740mm (landscape); scale 1:1,000 000.] R19.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
South Africa—Atlases and maps
Subject index
Map Studio Eaziplan: Cape Town. [Map. Folded 175x85mm (portrait); flat 800x420mm (landscape).] R19.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Map Studio Tourist map: Drakensberg. [Map. Folded 125x210 mm (portrait); flat 620x989 mm (landscape); scale: 1:250 000.] R34.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Map Studio Eaziplan: East London. [Map. Folded 145x106mm (portrait); flat 800x420mm (landscape).] R19.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Map Studio Tourist map: South West Cape. [Map. Folded 245x145mm (portrait); flat 620x992mm (landscape).] R34.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Map Studio Garden route. [Folded 210x124mm; sheet 624x992mm; scale 1:250 000] ISBN: 1868093220 R36.95 Map Stud 1999 SA
Map Studio Western Cape. [Folded 210x124mm; sheet 624x992mm; scale:1:325 000] ISBN: 1868093220 R36.95 Map Stud 1999 SA
Map Studio Glovebox road atlas of South Africa. [210x148mm; scale: 1 500 000] ISBN: 1868094332 R44.95 Map Stud 1999 SA
Maskew Miller Longman New RSA atlas. 74pp. maps (£6.99) Maskew Miller Longman 1996 SA
Map Studio Kruger National Park/Lowveld. [Folded 210x124mm; sheet 624x992mm; scale: 1:460 000] ISBN: 1868093204 R36.95 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio KwaZulu Natal/North and South Coast. [Folded 210x124mm; sheet 624x992mm; scale: 1:315 000] ISBN: 1868093263 R36.95 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio Mini road atlas of South Africa. [170x105mm; scale: 1:2 000 000] ISBN: 1868094020 R29.95 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio Road atlas of South Africa. [297x215mm; scale: 1:500 000] ISBN: 1868094006 R54.95 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio South Africa. [Folded 210x124mm; sheet 624x992mm; scale 1:2 000 000] ISBN: 1868093867 R36.95 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio South Africa tourist map. [Map. 840x1,116mm (landscape); scale: 1:2,000,000.] 2nd ed. pl. R34.95 Map Stud 1997 SA Map Studio Souvenir map - Robben Island. ISBN: 1868094715 map R10.00 Map Stud 1998 SA Map Studio Souvenir map Kruger National Park. ISBN: 1868094723 map R10.00 Map Stud 1998 SA Map Studio Street guide Cape Town. [240x185mm; scale 1:20 000] ISBN: 1868093921 R89.95 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio Street guide Durban. [240x185mm; scale 1:20 000] 5th ed. ISBN: 1868092739 R67.95 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio Street guide Greater Johannesburg. [240x185mm; scale 1:20 000] ISBN: 1868093883 R69.96 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio Street guide Pretoria/Centurion/Midrand. [200x180mm; scale 1:20 000] ISBN: 1868093883 R84.95 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio Street guide Vaal triangle. [200x280mm; scale: 1:20 000] ISBN: 1868092291 R59.95 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio Street guide Witwatersrand. [200x280mm; scale: 1:20 000] ISBN: 1868092794 R89.95 Map Stud 1999 SA Map Studio Street plan Johannesburg, Randburg, Sandburg. [Scale: 1:25,000; folded: 280x130mm.; open: 912x560mm.] 9th ed. ISBN: 1868094170 R46.95 Map Stud 1998 SA Map Studio Street plan Pretoria. [Map. Folded 125x210mm (portrait); flat 630x900mm (landscape).] R34.95 Map Stud 1997 SA
New Holland Publishers Cape Town: globetrotter travel map. [Folded; scale 1:9,500] 4th ed. ISBN: 1843300281 col.map (£4.99) New Holland 2003 SA New Holland Publishers Globetrotter pocket maps: Cape Town pocket map. [Map. Folded: 100x175mm; sheet: 395x345; English/German/French.] col.pl. R14.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA MUL New Holland Publishers Globetrotter road atlas of South Africa. new ed. 112pp. col.pl.maps R59.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA New Holland Publishers Globetrotter travel map of South Africa. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm (portrait); 1000x715mm (landscape); scale: 1:2,400,000; English/German/French] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1853689106 map R39.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA MUL
Zebra Press Cape Town map master. [Map. 165x255mm. CD-ROM.] ISBN: 1868094499 R399.00 Zebra 1998 SA Zebra Press Tourist map. South West Cape. [Map. 124x210mm folded.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868094243 map R36.95 Zebra 1998 SA South Africa—Bibliography Bezuidenhout, M.P. An Italian office book of the late thirteenth century in the Grey Collection of the South African Library. (General series, 15) cd. ($100.00) R125.00 South African Lib 1992 SA Cowley, J. A descriptive catalogue of pre-eighteen century books. 92pp. R20.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1988 SA Greyling, J.J.C., Miskin, J. Bibliography of Indians in South Africa. 51pp. free Univ Durban-Westville 1976 SA Kalley, J.A. Jan Christian Smuts: a bibliophile? (Africana series, 1) 12pp. R2.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1985 SA Kalley, J.A., comp. Transkeian bibliography 1945 independence. (Bibliographic series, 2) 67pp. R3.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1976 SA Leslie-Smith, J. Guide to the oral sources in the Alan Paton Centre, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg. 67pp. ($9.50) Nat Arch SA 2004 SA
New Holland Publishers Globetrotter travel map of the Kruger National Park. [Map. Folded 250x125mm (portrait); flat 1000x710mm (landscape); scale 1:200,000.] rev.ed. R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Musiker, R. South African bibliography: supplement 1970-1976.[Supersedes 1970-1974 supplement]. 34pp. R2.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1977 SA Musiker, R., comp. South African reference books and bibliographies of 1979-1983. 100pp. R3.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1984 SA
Reader’s Digest New South African book of the road. 2nd ed. cd. 360pp. ill.maps R129.99 Readers Digest SA 1995 SA
Musiker, R., comp. South African reference books and bibliographies of 1979/1980. 58pp. R3.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1981 SA
Reynolds, A. Oxford junior atlas for South Africa. ISBN: 0195784960 64pp. R89.99 OUP SA 2004 SA
Musiker, R., ed. Bibliophilia Africana III, being the proceedings of the third South African conference of bibliophiles held at the University of Witwatersrand Library, Johannesburg, May 2-5 1978. 157pp. ill. R5.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1978 SA
Struik Publishers Cape Town streetplan. [Map. Folded: 200x125mm; 706x1,000mm.] 9th ed. ISBN: 1868094049 map R36.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Struik Publishers Eazimap Free State. [Scale: 1:100 000; folded 146x106mm.] ISBN: 1868094804 R20.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Struik Publishers Eazimap Mpumalanga. ISBN: 1868094278 R20.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Struik Publishers Eaziplan Johannesburg. [Map. 146x106mm; scale: 1:10,000.] ISBN: 1868094189 R20.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Struik Publishers Eaziplan Pretoria. [Map. 146x106mm; scale: 1:10,000.] ISBN: 186809426X R20.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Struik Publishers Glovebox road atlas South Africa. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868094332 map R44.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Struik Publishers Mini road atlas South Africa. [Map.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868094030 R26.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Struik Publishers Road atlas South Africa. new ed. ISBN: 1868094545 map R54.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Struik Publishers Southern Africa road atlas. Struik Publ 1997 SA
Rossouw, F., comp. A South African bibliography to the year 1925. Volume 6: subject and title indexes. ISBN: 0869681222 515pp. R175.00 South African Lib 1998 SA Smit, D.E., comp. Bibliography of anonymous and pseudonymous works from A South African Bibliography to the year 1925. 126pp. R15.00 South African Lib 1983 SA South African Library Bibliophilia Africana. vol.6 223pp. ill. South African Lib 1991 SA South African Library South Africa in print: catalogue of an exhibition of books, atlases and maps held in the South African Library, Cape Town, 1 March till 5 April 1952, in commemoration of the arrival of Jan van Riebeeck at the Cape, 6 April 1652. 187pp. R10.00 South African Lib 1981 SA State Library SANB: South African National Bibliography. [Annual volume.] cd. 500pp. R257.50 State Lib - SA 1997 SA [Still available: 1959-1962, 1964-1980, 1982-83, 1987-1997.] Verbeek, J.A., Nathanson, M., Peel, E. Webb’s guide to the official publications of the colony of Natal. 3rd rev.ed. cd. & 412pp. maps. R225.00 (£37.50) cd. R150.00 (£15.00) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1984 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 444
African Books in Print
Subject index
South Africa—Demography—Statistics
Westra, P.E., Twentyman Jones, L.H. The love of books: proceedings of the seventh conference of South African bibliophiles, held at the South African Library, 8-10 May 1996. 219pp. ill. R70.00 South African Lib 1997 SA South Africa—Biography Alfred, M. Johannesburg portraits. ISBN: 1919931333 154pp. pl. R165.00 (£13.00) ($22.50) Jacana 2003 SA Joyce, P. A concise dictionary of South African biography. ISBN: 1868590372 288pp. R108.00 Francolin 1999 SA O’Byrne Spencer, S. British settlers in Natal: a biographical register. vol.2: Babbs-Bolten 190pp. pl. maps R70.00 (£16.95) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press SA Rule, P. Nokukhanya - mother of light. [Biography of Nokukhanya, wife of Chief Albert Luthuli.] R70.00 Grail 1993 SA Spencer, S.O’B. British settlers in Natal 1824-1857: a biographical register. vol.1: AbbottAyres cd. 148pp. ill. maps. R70.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1981 SA Spencer, S.O’B. British settlers in Natal 1824-1857: a biographical register. vol.4: CadleCoventry cd. ill. maps R70.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1987 SA Spencer, S.O’B. British settlers in Natal 1824-1857: a biographical register. vol.6 cd. 312pp. ill. R125.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1992 SA South Africa—Biography—Dictionaries Sonderling, N.E. New dictionary of South African biography. Volume 2. ISBN: 0868281337 306pp. free HSRC Publ 1999 SA [only available electronically at www.hsrcpress.ac.za] South Africa—Cities and towns Benjamin, A. Lost Johannesburg. cd. 112pp. pl. R12.50 Macmillan - SA 1979 SA Bonner, P., Segal, L. Soweto: a history. 164pp. R79.95 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Bosman, H.C. Bosman’s Johannesburg. cd. 152pp. R49.95 Human and Rousseau 1987 SA Bosman, H.C. Mafeking Road. R44.95 Human and Rousseau 1993 SA Chipkin, C.M. Johannesburg style: architecture and society 1880’s - 1960’s. cd. 346pp. col. ill. R200.00 Philip 1993 SA Daniel, J.B.M. Grahamstown and its environs. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1974 SA
Kihato, C. A site for sore eyes: Johannesburg’s decay, and prospects for renewal. (CPS policy briefs, 10) 45pp. Centre Policy Stud 1999 SA
Proust, A. Portrait of Cape Town. 3rd ed. ISBN: 1874950741 cd. 120pp. col.pl. (£22.50) Fernwood 2003 SA Soweto Spaza South Africa. The complete guide to the cultural and historical heritage of the township. 100pp. maps SoSpaza 1998 SA
Worden, N., van Heyningen, E., BickfordSmith, V. Cape Town: the making of a city. An illustrated social history. ISBN: 0864864353 288pp. ill.col.ill. Philip 1998 SA
Soweto Spaza Soweto. The complete township guide. 44pp. R40.00 ($8.00) SoSpaza 1997 SA
South Africa—Demography Davies, W.J. Patterns of non-white population distribution in Port Elizabeth with special reference to the application of the Group Areas Act. (IDPR special publications, 1) Inst Planning Res 1971 SA
Veitch, N. Waterfront and harbour: Cape Town’s link with the sea. 112pp. pl. R74.99 Human and Rousseau 1994 SA
du Toit, A.S., Roger, D.B. Population study of flat dwellers in Port Elizabeth. (IDPR information bulletins, 3) Inst Planning Res 1971 SA
South Africa—Cities and towns— Bibliography Kühn, R. A guide to the literature on Pietermaritzburg and surrounds. 70pp. R11.40 (£3.00) Univ Natal Lib 1994 SA South Africa—Cities and towns— Dictionaries Jonathan Ball Publishers New dictionary of South African place names. ISBN: 1868421902 cd. R225.00 Ball 2005 SA Musiker, N., Musiker, R. A concise historical dictionary of greater Johannesburg. ISBN: 1868590712 maps R135.00 Francolin 1999 SA [Southern Africa only] South Africa—Cities and towns—Directories Pennington, S., Pennington, R., Boase, N., eds., Mackay-Coghill, N. The South African township annual. R1,600 IR Info 1994 SA South Africa—Cities and towns—History Beavon, K. Johannesburg: the making and shaping of the city. ISBN: 1868883055 392pp. R169.00 ($37.50/£23.90/Eur32.90) Unisa 2004 SA Bickford-Smith, V., van Heyningen, E., Worden, N. Cape Town in the 20th century. An illustrated social history. ISBN: 0864863845 329pp. col.ill.pl.maps R295.00 New Africa Ed SA 1999 SA Worden, N., van Heyningen, E., BickfordSmith, V. Cape Town. The making of a city. ISBN: 0864866569 col.ill.col.pl.maps R175.00 New Africa Ed SA 2004 SA South Africa—Cities and towns—Pictorial works Biggs, D. This is Cape Town. ISBN: 186825433X cd. & 160pp. col.pl. R124.95 cd. ISBN: 1868720608 R99.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Bolsmann, E. Pretoria: artist’s impressions 1857-2001. ISBN: 1919825665 cd. 355pp. ill. R395.00 Protea 2001 SA Borchert, P. A portrait of Cape Town. 3rd ed. ISBN: 1874950741 cd. 120pp. col.pl. (£22.50) Fernwood 2003 SA Joyce, P. Africa in colour: Cape Town. 24pp. col.pl. R34.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA
Laband, J.P.C., Haswell, R.F. Pietermaritzburg 1838-1988: a new portrait of an African city. cd. 320pp. pl. col.pl. maps R136.00 R1,250 leather bound Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1988 SA
Joyce, P. Beautiful Cape Town. [Text in English, German and French.] rev. ed. 48pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA MUL
Padayachee, V. Financing Durban’s development: 19701998. (CSDS working papers, 26) R15.00/R25.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2000 SA
Ledochowski, C. Cape Flats details: life and culture in the townships of Cape Town. ISBN: 0620304588 210pp. col.pl.maps (£45.00) Unisa 2003 SA
Patel, Z. The planning of Cato Manor: lessons for the sustainable reconstruction of South African cities. (CSDS research reports, 8) 165pp. R50.00 School Dev StudiesKZN 1995 SA
Pauw, A., Johnson, S. Table mountain. A natural history. ISBN: 1874950431 cd. 160pp. pl. R25.00 Fernwood 1999 SA Proust, A. Cape Town. A visual souvenir. [Also available in German.] ISBN: 1868720276 cd. 80pp. col.pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Erwee, J.A., Davies, W.J. Population distribution in Port Elizabeth, 1970, with reference to growth trends. (IDPR fact papers, 2) Inst Planning Res 1971 SA Erwee, J.A., Radder, L. Development region D. A socioeconomic/demographic profile based on the 1980 population census. R50.00 Inst Planning Res 1984 SA Fabricius, M.P., Crosby, J.A. Population development survey in five magisterial districts in the Republic of Ciskei. (Research reports, 42) Inst Planning Res 1991 SA Fox, R.C., Tipler, D.J. Rural and urban population trends in the Eastern Cape Province: 1936-1991. Inst Soc Res 1996 SA Krüger, G. Development region D. A comparative study of socio-economic/demographic features based on the 1970/1980 population censuses. R25.00 Inst Planning Res 1985 SA Levin, M., Mullins, E.N. Demography. (ERU research reports, 54) R45.00 ERU 1994 SA Mears, R.R., Levin, M. Demographic characteristics of the population of Greater Soweto. (ERU research reports, 42) 44pp. R45.00 ERU 1994 SA Sekete, P., Shilubane, M., Moila, B. Deracialisation and migration of learners in South African schools. Challenges and implications. ISBN: 0796919895 115pp. R110.00 HSRC Publ 2001 SA Steenkamp, H.A., comp. Population estimates for the RSA by magesterial district and province, 1996. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 230) R450.00 Bur Market Research 1996 SA van Aardt, C. The demographic impact of HIV/AIDS on provinces and living standards measure (LSM) groups in South Africa. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 310) 103pp. R2,000 Bur Market Research 2003 SA van Aardt, C.J. A projection of the South African population 2001-2021. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 330) ISBN: 1919789774 121pp. R3,000 Bur Market Research 2004 SA South Africa—Demography—Bibliography Crosby, J.A., Fabricius, M.P. A review of literature sources pertaining to population indicator in the Republic of Ciskei. (IDPR information bulletins, 21) Inst Planning Res 1990 SA South Africa—Demography—Statistics Lloyd, H.R. Data D: a population analysis of the Eastern Cape Province. 16pp. R75.00 ERU 1995 SA Lloyd, H.R., Levin, M. A population analysis of the Eastern Cape Province: 1996. 64pp. R45.00 ERU 1996 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
South Africa—Demography—Statistics Martins, J.H., comp. Global population growth and structural changes in the RSA population, 19512011. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 232) R450.00 Bur Market Research 1996 SA Steenkamp, H.A. Population estimates for South Africa by magisterial district, metropolitan area and province, 1996 and 2003. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 314) ISBN: 1919789618 84pp. R1,000 Bur Market Research 2003 SA Steenkamp, H.A. Population estimates for South Africa by magisterial district, metropolitan area and province 2001 and 2004. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 331) ISBN: 1919789782 89pp. R1,800 Bur Market Research 2004 SA Steenkamp, H.A., comp. Population estimates for South Africa by magisterial district, metropolitan area and province, 1996 and 2002. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 301) 86pp. R900.00 Bur Market Research 2002 SA van Tonder, J.L. A projection of the provincial South African population 1996-2006. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 282) 115pp. Bur Market Research 2000 SA van Tonder, J.L., van Aardt, C.J. A projection of the South African population 1996-2021. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 270) Bur Market Research 2000 SA South Africa—Dictionaries Cage, K. Gayle. The language of kinks and queens. A history and dictionary of gay language in South Africa. ISBN: 191993149X 114pp. R135.00 ($18.50) (£11.00) Jacana 2003 SA
Subject index Ardington, E.M. The implications of current conditions and constraints on policy proposal for educational provision in rural Natal/ KwaZulu. (CSDS working papers, 7) 59pp. R14.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1992 SA Carl, A.E. Teacher empowerment through curriculum development. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702156612 288pp. R170.00 Juta 2002 SA Carl, A.E. Teaching strategies for outcomes-based education. ISBN: 0702153648 212pp. R130.00 Juta 2001 SA Chambers, B. A sense of belonging: should I mainstream my child? ISBN: 1919876057 56pp. R43.99 New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA Chisholm, L. Gender equality in South African education 1994-2004. Perpsectives from research, government and unions. ISBN: 079692094X 168pp. R120.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Chisholm, L., ed. Changing class. Education and social change in post-apartheid South Africa. ISBN: 0796920524 464pp. R190.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Chisholm, L., Motala, S., Vally, S., eds. South African education policy review. ISBN: 079620179X 850pp. (£40.00) Heinemann-EdSA 2003 SA Christie, P. Open schools: racially mixed Catholic schools in South Africa, 1976-86. 192pp. R24.95 Ravan 1990 SA Christie, P. The right to learn: the struggle for education in South Africa. 2nd ed. 272pp. Ravan 1991 SA
Molamu, L. Tsotsi-Taal: a dictionary of the language of Sophiatown. ISBN: 1868881873 130pp. R89.00 ($15.00/£10.00/Eur13.50) Unisa 2002 SA TSO
Clasquin, M., Ferreira-Ross, J.D., Morais, D., Sadowsky, R. Myth and interdisciplinary studies. 264pp. R40.00 ($13.30/£8.10) Unisa 1993 SA
Oxford University Press My first multilingual dictionary for South Africa. ISBN: 0195716094 192pp. R69.98 OUP - SA 1998 SA MUL
Cloete, N., Pillay, P., Badat, S., Moja, T. National policy and a regional response in South African higher education. 160pp. (£12.95) Philip 2004 SA
Raper, P.E. New dictionary of South African place names. 421pp. Ball 2004 SA
Coutts, A., ed. Empower the teacher. Thomson Int 1996 SA
Reader’s Digest South African multilanguage dictionary and phrasebook. cd. 495pp. R129.99 Readers Digest SA 1996 SA
Crawford-Nutt, D.H. The assessment of mental ability among black teachers in Bophuthatswana. (CSIR Contract Report, C/PERS 257) 50pp. R1.50 CSIR 1977 SA
Uys, I. The English-Afrikaans-Xhosa-Zulu aid. Word lists and phrases in four languages. new ed. ISBN: 1868900363 195pp. R89.95 Pharos 2003 SA MUL South Africa—Directories Collett, R., Henderson, T.M. The CSD directory: a directory of organisations. Inst Soc Res 1994 SA Human Sciences Research Foundation Student’s guide to distance education in South Africa. R49.95 HSRC Publ 1997 SA South Africa—Education Adhikari, M. Let us live for our children: the Teacher’s League of South Africa. 420pp. R240.00 UCT Press 1993 SA Adler, J., Reed, Y., eds. Challenges of teacher development: an investigation of take-up in South Africa. ISBN: 0627025072 178pp. ill. R164.95 Van Schaik 2002 SA Alexander, N. Education and the struggle for national liberation in South Africa. 226pp. ($17.00/£9.50) Skotaville 1990 SA
208pp. R79.95
Cross, M. Resistance and transformation. Education, culture and reconstruction in South Africa. 292pp. ($24.00/£13.50) Skotaville 1992 SA Davies, W.J., et al., eds. Educational needs of adults in Mdantsane. Inst Soc Res 1992 SA de Vries, M.J., van Schalkwyk, P. Technology education. A Christian perspective. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] (IRS study pamphlets, 198) 24pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1992 SA MUL du Toit, J.L. Independent schooling in post-apartheid South Africa. A quantitative overview. (Human Resources Development occasional paper, 1) ISBN: 079692046X 48pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA du Toit, P.J. Building bridges in multicultural schools through structured discussion groups. (IRS study pamphlets, 326) 15pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1995 SA Engelbrecht, P., Kriegler, S.M., Booysen, M.I., eds. Perspectives on learning difficulties. International concerns and South African realities. ISBN: 0627921662 452pp. R229.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA
Englebrecht, P., Green, L., Naicker, S., Engelbrecht, J., eds. Inclusive education in action in South Africa. ISBN: 0627024211 208pp. R153.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA Fiske, E.B., Ladd, H.F. Elusive equity. Education reform in postapartheid South Africa. ISBN: 0796921091 288pp. R180.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Gordon, A. School performance in Soweto: a study of environmental constraints and academic achievement. (CSIR, NIPR Special Report, PERS 361) R2.00 CSIR 1983 SA Hall, E., Altman, M., Nkomo, N., Peltzer, K., Zuma, . Potential attrition in education: the impact of job satisfaction, morale, workload and HIV/AIDS. ISBN: 0796921105 40pp. R30.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Howie, S., Muller, A., Paterson, A., eds. Information and communication technologies in South African secondary schools. ISBN: 0796920400 136pp. R110.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Human Science Research Council Emerging voices. A report on education in South African rural communities. ISBN: 0796920893 200pp. R120.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Jansen, J., Christie, P. Changing curriculum: studies of outcomes-based education in South Africa. ISBN: 0702150630 296pp. R130.00 Juta 1999 SA Kallaway, P., ed. Apartheid and education. The education of black South Africans. 409pp. R29.95 Ravan 1984 SA Kallaway, P., Kruss, G., Donn, G., Fataar, A. Education after apartheid. South African education in transition. 220pp. R110.00 (£14.95) UCT Press 1997 SA Landsberg, E., Kruger, D., Nel, N. Addressing barriers to learning. ISBN: 0627025889 R249.95 Van Schaik 2005 SA le Grange, L., Reddy, C. Continuous assessment. An introduction and guidelines to implementation. ISBN: 0702143839 50pp. R75.00 Juta 1998 SA Lemmer, E.M., Badenhorst, D.C. Introduction to education for South African teachers. ISBN: 0702138193 R125.00 Juta 1997 SA Maharaj, P., Kaufman, C., Richter, L. Children’s schooling in South Africa: transitions and tensions in households and communities. (CSDS working papers, 30) R15.00/R25.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2000 SA Mathonsi, E.N. Black matriculation results: a mechanism of social control. 86pp. ill. ($11.50/ £6.50) Skotaville 1988 SA McGrath, S., Akoojee, S., Gewer, A. Vocational education and training in southern Africa. A comparative study. ISBN: 0796920435 176pp. R140.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA McKinney, C. Textbooks for diverse learners. A critical analysis of learning material used in South African schools. ISBN: 0796920931 64pp. R95.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Mda, T., Mothata, M.S. Critical issues in South African education after 1994. ISBN: 070215170X 229pp. R129.00 Juta 2000 SA Mncwabe, M.P. The black teacher’s dilemma. 127pp. ($8.95/£6.25) Skotaville 1990 SA Mohlamme, J.S. The early development of education in Soweto as seen in the story of Pimville school. 67pp. ($18.00/£10.00) Skotaville 1990 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Moloi, K.C. School as a learning organisation: reconceptualising school practices in South Africa. ISBN: 0627025145 110pp. ill. R129.99 Van Schaik 2002 SA Morrow, S., Maaba, B., Pulumani, L. Education in exile: SOMAFCO, the African National Congress school in Tanzania, 1978-1992. ISBN: 0796920516 230pp. R160.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Morrow, W., King, K., eds. Vision and reality. Changing education and training in South Africa. ISBN: 1919713271 304pp. R105.00 UCT Press 1998 SA Naicker, S.M. Curriculum 2005: a space for all. ISBN: 0624037681 126pp. R89.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Natal College of Education The teacher in the classroom. An introduction to educational theory and practice for South African students. 192pp. ill. R99.95 Francolin 1997 SA Njobe, M.W. Education for liberation. 94pp. ($8.95/ £6.25) Skotaville 1990 SA Nkomo, M., McKinney, C., Chisholm, L., eds. Reflections on school integration. Colloquium proceedings. ISBN: 0796920702 200pp. R90.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Oosthuizen, I.J. Aspects of education law. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0627025218 R204.95 Van Schaik 2002 SA Pahad, M., et al. Curriculum 2005. Assessment and the national qualifications framework. ISBN: 1868534669 32pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA Phurutse, M.C. Factors affecting teaching and learning in South Africa public schools. ISBN: 0796921113 24pp. R50.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA
South Africa—Education, Higher Sieborger, R., Macintosh, H. Transforming assessment. A guide for South African teachers. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702165123 98pp. R95.00 Juta 2004 SA
Tiley, J. Implementing curriculum 2005. Grade 1 for 1998. ISBN: 1868535975 32pp. ill. R19.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA
Simkins, C., Paterson, A. Learner performance in South Africa. Social and economic determinants of success in language and mathematics. ISBN: 0796920419 88pp. R90.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA
Tiley, J. Understanding curriculum 2005. An introduction to outcomes-based education for foundation phase teachers. ISBN: 1868535738 16pp. ill. R16.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA
Skotaville Publishers. Education for affirmation: conference papers. 123pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Skotaville 1988 SA
Unterhalter, E., et al., eds. Apartheid education and popular struggles. 264pp. R33.54 Ravan 1991 SA [Southern Africa only]
Smit, W. Taking South Africa education out of the ghetto. 104pp. ill. maps R65.00 UCT Press 1995 SA
Vale, L., Hall, P. Education is ours. Philip 1990 SA
Sono, T. African teachers’ struggle for educational justice in South Africa. ISBN: 0627023886 200pp. R164.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA South African Institute for Distance Education Creating people-centred schools. student ed. ISBN: 0195711637 R102.57 OUP - SA 2001 SA South African Institute for Distance Education Creating people-centred schools. Audiocassette. ISBN: 019571704X R75.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA South African Institute for Distance Education Creating people-centred schools. [Video.] ISBN: 0195717058 R215.00 OUP - SA 1999 SA South African Institute for Distance Education Creating people-centred schools: learning guide. Set 1. [Learning guide, reader, video, audio-cassette.] ISBN: 0195717066 128pp. R125.00 OUP - SA 1998 SA
120pp. ill. R44.99
Versfeld, R., et al. Choosing material for the classroom. A guide for teachers. ISBN: 1868536750 32pp. ill. R17.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA Vietzen, S. A history of education for European girls in Natal 1837-1902. 372pp. pl. R50.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1980 SA Whisson, M.G. Some fell on good ground: an account of Queenstown Early Learning Centre. Inst Soc Res 1992 SA Wilson, D.M. Against the odds. The struggle of the Cape African Night Schools, 1945-1967. (Communications, 21) 184pp. ill. CAFS 1991 KE Winkler, G. All children can learn: a South African handbook on teaching children with learning difficulties. 2nd ed. ISBN: 186859078X 152pp. ill. R120.00 (£6.99) Francolin 1998 SA Wodeman, J. Evaluation of the readucate pilot project in the Northern Cape. Final report. ISBN: 0796919259 48pp. R70.00 HSRC Publ 1999 SA
Pinto, D., Dison, L. Learning materials in the OBE classroom. ISBN: 0636035867 R100.00 Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA
South African Institute for Distance Education Creating people-centred schools: learning guide. Set 2. [Learning guide, reader, video, audiocassette.] ISBN: 0195711629 144pp. R175.00 OUP - SA 1999 SA
South Africa—Education—Addresses and essays National Education Conference Back to learning. 84pp. R25.08 ($8.36/ £5.02) Sached 1992 SA
Potterton, M., et al. Learners in the landscape: an outcomesbased guide to fieldwork for South African teachers. ISBN: 1868590313 56pp. ill.pl.maps R65.95 Francolin 1998 SA
South African Institute for Distance Education Using media in teaching. Set 1. [Book, learning guide,audio, video and CDROM.] ISBN: 0915717201 R300.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA
South Africa—Education—Bibliography Laugksch, R.C. South African science education research. An indexed bibliography 19302000. ISBN: 0796920168 543pp. R325.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA
Potterton, M., et al. Make money for your school. A practical guide to successful fundraising. ISBN: 1868590666 96pp. ill. R98.95 Francolin 1999 SA
South African Institute for Distance Education Using media in teaching. Set 2. [Book, learning guide, audio, video and CDROM.] ISBN: 019571721X R395.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA
South Africa—Education—Statistics Potgieter, J.F., Erwee, J.A., Bott, A. An assessment of the high school population potential of the western suburbs, Port Elizabeth. [Also available in Afrikaans.] (IDPR occasional papers, 1) Inst Planning Res 1978 SA
Pretorius, J.W.M., ed. Sociopedagogics 2000. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0627023401 416pp. R199.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Randall, P. Little England on the Veld: the English private school system in South Africa. 234pp. R11.50 Ravan 1982 SA Rossouw, J.P. Labour relations in education. A South African perspective. ISBN: 0627025668 R164.95 Van Schaik 2004 SA SAIDE Creating people-centred schools: set 2. ISBN: 0195717074 538pp. R500.00 OUP - SA 2000 SA Sayed, Y., Jansen, J. Implementing education policies. The South African experience. ISBN: 1919713336 312pp. R130.00 UCT Press 2001 SA Sayed, Y., Lewin, K., Samuel, M., eds. Changing patterns of teacher education in South Africa. ISBN: 0796204411 388pp. (£35.00) Heinemann-EdSA 2003 SA
South African Institute for Distance Education Using media in teaching. [Audio cassette.] ISBN: 019571718X R85.00 OUP - SA 2003 SA South African Institute for Distance Learning Supporting distance learners: a tutor’s guide. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868590356 84pp. R90.00 SAIDE 2003 SA South African Institute for Distance Learning Using media in teaching. [Video.] ISBN: 0195715198 R150.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA Spady, W. Curriculum 2005: a guide for parents. ISBN: 0524037746 128pp. R69.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Steyn, C. A facilitator’s multi-religion guide for the foundational school phase. ISBN: 1868881318 179pp. R69.00 ($13.10/ £8.50) Unisa 2000 SA Steyn, G.M., van Niekerk, E.J. Human resource management in education. ISBN: 1868882276 464pp. R258.00 ($48.80/£31.00/Eur42.70) Unisa 2003 SA
South Africa—Education, Elementary Clark, S., et al. Lifeskills: making choices series. Entrepreneurship - ideas for primary school teachers grades 1-7. ISBN: 1868535932 64pp. ill. R35.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1999 SA Gous, J., et al. Learners with special needs. 64pp. ill. R40.00 Heinemann-EdSA 1999 SA South Africa—Education, Higher Akoojee, S. Private further education and training in South Africa. The changing landscape. ISBN: 0796920486 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Association of African Universities Perceptions concerning academic workload among South African academics. ($10.00) AAU 2001 GH Bot, M. Training on separate tracks: segregated technical education and prospects for its erosion. 71pp. ($12.00/£8.00) R15.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1988 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
South Africa—Education, Higher Cosser, M., du Toit, J. From school to higher education? Factors affecting the choices of Grade 12 learners. ISBN: 0796920052 169pp. R150.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA Cosser, M., du Toit, J., Visser, M. Settling for less. Student aspirations and higher education realities. ISBN: 0796920451 120pp. R120.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Cosser, M., McGrath, S., Badroodien, A., Maja, B. Technical college responsiveness. Learner destinations and labour market environments in South Africa. ISBN: 0796920370 107pp. R140.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA Currey, R.F. Rhodes University 1904-1970: a chronicle. cd. 181pp. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1971 SA Dreijmani, J. The role of the South African government in tertiary education. 156pp. ($23.00/ £13.00) R22.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1988 SA Erwee, J.A., Radder, L. An assessment of the effect of the economic situation on the 1984 enrolment at Universities in the republic of South Africa: an investigation among matriculants in (white) secondary schools. (IDPR occasional papers, 5) Inst Planning Res 1983 SA Gamble, J. Curriculum responsiveness in further education and training colleges. ISBN: 0796920362 80pp. R105.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA Haines, R.J. Community colleges. (IDPR occasional papers, 61) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA HSRC Programme on Human Resource Development Government incentivisation of higher education-industry research. ISBN: 0796920389 167pp. R160.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA
Subject index Potgieter, J.F., Pietersen, M.J.M. A profile of commerce students who study by correspondance. [Also available in Afrikaans.] (IDPR occasional papers, 6) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1986 SA Pretorius, D., Irvine, J. Perceptions and attitudes of a sample of 1996 matriculants towards the University of Port Elizabeth. (IDPR occasional papers, 64/5) Inst Planning Res 1996 SA Pretorius, D., Irvine, J., Bradfield, C., Botha, D. A survey of people who applied but did not commence their studies at the University of Port Elizabeth for the academic year of 1996. (IDPR occasional papers, 64/4) Inst Planning Res 1996 SA Pretorius, D., Pakes, T.K., Irvine, J. External community perceptions and attitudes regarding the University of Port Elizabeth’s language policy. (IDPR occasional papers, 64/3) Inst Planning Res 1996 SA Pretorius, D., Pakes, T.K., Irvine, J. External community perceptions and attitudes towards the University of Port Elizabeth’s transformation. (IDPR occasional papers, 64/1) Inst Planning Res 1996 SA Radder, L. Student potential and other aspects of growth at the University of Port Elizabeth. (IDPR occasional papers, 4) Inst Planning Res 1982 SA Saunders, S. Vice-chancellor on a tightrope. A personal account of climactic years in South Africa. ISBN: 0864864582 cd. 288pp. R175.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA South Africa—Education, Higher— Addresses and essays Alty, T. University autonomy: an address delivered at the request of the Academic Freedom committee. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1959 SA
Iya, F., Baloko, J., Rembe, N.S. Transforming South African universities, ISBN: 0798301384 154pp. R90.00 ($22.00) Africa Inst 2000 SA
South Africa—Education, Higher— Directories Handoussa, H., ed. Economic transition in the Middle East. Global challenges and adjustment strategies. 288pp. E£60.00 ($22.50) Am Univ 1997 UA
Jansen, J.D., ed. Mergers in higher education: lessons learned in transitional contexts. ISBN: 1868882519 190pp. R119.00 ($24.20/ £15.40/Eur21.20) Unisa 2002 SA
South Africa—Explorers and explorations, European Andersson, C. Lake Ngami. cd. 576pp. ill. (£12.95) R49.95 Struik Publ 1987 SA
Kruss, G. Chasing credentials and mobility. Private higher education in South Africa. ISBN: 0796920397 158pp. R155.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Kruss, G. Higher education-industry partnerships. Financial or intellectual imperatives? ISBN: 0796921083 200pp. R160.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Mabizela, M. The business of higher education. A study of public-private partnerships in the provision of higher education in South Africa. ISBN: 0796920923 112pp. R120.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Makgoba, M.W. Mokoko. The Makgoba affair. A reflection on transformation. 243pp. (£12.95) Vivlia 1997 SA Mullins, E.N. Language preference by accounting students and prospective accounting students. (IDPR memoranda, 1/94) R30.0 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Murray, B.K. Wits the ‘open’ years. A history of the University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg 1939-1959. 440pp. pl. R79.95 Witwatersrand UP 1997 SA Olivier, A., Olivier, S. A guide to tertiary education in South Africa. 208pp. R49.95 Zebra 1996 SA
Forbes, V.S. Early visitors to the Eastern Cape. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1967 SA South Africa—General works Alberts, P. YOU bumper blockbuster. ISBN: 0798141816 128pp. R49.95 Human and Rousseau 2001 SA Bowes, B., Pennington, S. South Africa: more good news. ISBN: 0620313846 cd. 224pp. col.pl. R395.00 ISBN: 0620313250 R297.00 Good News - SA 2003 SA Bowes, B., Pennington, S., eds. South Africa: the good news. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0620296720 cd. 290pp. col.pl. R395.00 ISBN: 0620296410 R297.00 Good News - SA 2002 SA Heale, J. All about South Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 177007161X 163pp. col.pl. R105.95 Struik Publ 2004 SA Human and Rousseau They shaped our century. The most influential South Africans of the twentieth century. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798140089 432pp. pl. R150.00 Human and Rousseau 2000 SA
South Africa—Geography Cooper, A.K. The South African standard for the exchange of digital geo-referenced information. (PKOMP, 8910) 17pp. CSIR 1989 SA Cooper, A.K., Scheepers, C.F. Classification of digital geographical information. (PKOMP, 8909) 13pp. CSIR 1989 SA Cope-Bowley, T., Piper, S.E. Rapid detection of new informal settlements in the Durban Functional Region using SPOT imagery. Paper presented at the EDIS/SAGIS 91 conference, Pretoria, 16-18 July. (INR working paps., 110) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Fincham, R.J., Berjak, M. GIS in southern African context. Paper rpesented at the GIS ’90 Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, March. (INR working paps., 45) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Fincham, R.J., Martin, C. Institutionalising GIS: an assessment based on work at the Institute of Natural Resources, University of Natal. Paper presented at the Third Anuual Seminar in LIS/GIS, Harare, Zimbabwe, March. (INR working paps., 79) R7.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Fox, R., Rowntree, K. Geography of South Africa in a changing world. ISBN: 0195716825 544pp. R425.00 OUP - SA 1998 SA King, L.C. The Natal monocline: the origin and scenery of Natal. 2nd rev.ed. 144pp. R46.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1982 SA Mander, M., Piper, S.E., Fincham, R.J. SPOT satellite imagery as a primary data source for a geographic information Maputaland: an evaluation. (INR investigational reports, 90) R5.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Rhodes University, Department of Geography South African Universities Geographical Conference. Proceedings of the 4th conference, Grahamstown. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1972 SA South Africa—Guide books Amin, M., Willetts, D., Barrett, D. Spectrum guide to South Africa. [Also available in German.] 364pp. col.pl.maps (£12.99) Camerapix 1995 KE Bristow, D. Drakensberg walks. 176pp. ill.col.pl.maps R79.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Burman, J. Hermanus a guide to the “Riviera of the south”. cd. 128pp. pl. col.pl. R74.95 Human and Rousseau 1989 SA Butchart, D. Wild about Cape Town: all-in-one guide to common animals and plants of the Cape Peninsula, including Table Mountain, sea shore and suburban gardens. 126pp. col.ill. R46.95 Southern Book Publ 1996 SA Butchart, D. Wild about Johannesburg. 128pp. col.ill. R49.95 Southern Book Publ 1995 SA Charlton-Perkins, W. Indaba mini-curio: Zulu. [Also available in French and Dutch.] rev.ed. ISBN: 1868258890 32pp. col.pl.maps R29.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Crewe-Brown, M. Traveller’s companion to Southern Africa. Touring in South Africa. cd. ill. col.pl. maps R39.99 Southern Book Publ 1989 SA Crouse, P. Stellenbosch: university town on the banks of the Eerste River. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798138653 64pp. col.ill. R54.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA
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African Books in Print
South Africa—History
Subject index de la Harpe, A., Hugo, L. Walks and hikes. The new comprehensive guide to hiking and walking trails in South Africa. 206pp. maps R39.95 Queillerie 1996 SA de Ronde, N. Exploring the southern Cape. 128pp. col.ill. R49.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA Eve, J. Literary guide to the Eastern Cape. ISBN: 1919930159 216pp. pl.maps R275.00 Double Storey 2003 SA Fenster, P. Cape Town by day and night. 50pp. maps R49.95 Southern Book Publ 1995 SA Fleminger, D. Back roads of the Cape - Aug 2005. ISBN: 1770090665 R165.00 ($22.50/ £13.00) Jacana 2005 SA
Jacana Lowveld & Kruger guide. ISBN: 1919931201 144pp. R160.00 ($22.00/ £13.00) Jacana 2004 SA
Press, K. Echo location. A guide to Sea Point for residents and visitors. 100pp. pl. R60.00 (£9.95) Gecko - SA 1998 SA
Jacana Pilanesberg guide. ISBN: 1919931791 80pp. R94.95 ($13.00/£8.00) Jacana 2004 SA
Reader’s Digest Illustrated guide to the game parks and nature reserves of southern Africa. 3rd ed. cd. 424pp. col.pl.maps R150.00 Readers Digest SA 1997 SA
Joyce, P. Cape Town: globetrotter travel guide. 4th ed. ISBN: 1843308126 128pp. col.pl.maps (£8.99) New Holland 2004 SA Joyce, P. Globetrotter travel guide to South Africa. 2nd ed. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Joyce, P. Indaba curio: South Africa. 2nd ed. 32pp. col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Fraser, S. Seven days in Cape Town. ISBN: 1868721574 176pp. col.pl.maps R89.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Joyce, P. Indaba mini-curio: South Africa. Land of splendour. rev.ed. 32pp. col.pl. R29.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Haw, S., Unsworth, A., Robertson, H. Rediscovering South Africa: a wayward guide. ISBN: 0864864779 280pp. col.pl. (£20.00) Philip 2002 SA
Joyce, P. Journey through South Africa. [Also available in German.] 5th rev.ed. cd. 208pp. col.pl. R139.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Hawthorne, T. Indaba mini-curio: Lost City. 32pp. col.pl. R29.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA Hawthorne, T. Indaba mini-curio: Victoria and Albert Waterfront. 32pp. col.pl. R29.95 Struik Publ 1995 SA Hawthorne, T. Indaba mini curio: Cape Town. Fairest cape. [Also available in German.] rev.ed. 32pp. col.pl.maps R29.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Joyce, P. Traveller’s guide to South Africa. 3rd ed. 288pp. col.pl.maps R119.95 Struik Publ 1995[?] SA
Reader’s Digest Off the beaten track. 2nd ed. 360pp. col.ill.maps R139.99 Readers Digest SA 1996 SA Rogers, D. Great game parks of Africa: Kruger National Park. [Also available in German.] ISBN: 1868256081 48pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Roland, C. The good cemetery guide. ISBN: 1770130160 256pp. R150.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Ross, G. The romance of Cape mountain passes. nwe ed. ISBN: 0864866631 240pp. pl.col.pl. mapsl. (£16.95) Philip 2004 SA Schoeman, A. Skeleton coast. 2nd ed. cd. 176pp. col.pl. R140.00 Southern Book Publ 1997 SA Smith, C. Robben Island. 160pp. col.pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Lubke, R., Holden, K., eds. The IAVS excursion to South Africa field guide. Inst Soc Res 1996 SA
Steinberg, J. Midlands. ISBN: 1868421244 R119.95 Ball 2002 SA
Lundy, M. Best walks in the Cape Peninsula. rev.ed. 128pp. ill.maps R59.95 Struik Publ 1999 SA
Stewart, C. Rock and surf fishing. 112pp. col.ill. R49.95 Southern Book Publ 1995 SA Struik Publishers Guide to bed and breakfasts in South Africa. ISBN: 1868721582 216pp. maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Heale, J. Castle voices. ISBN: 0958423733 32pp. ill. R20.00 ($4.00/£2.50) Bookchat-SA 1999 SA
Lundy, M. Easy walks in the Cape Penininsula. ISBN: 0798143630 192pp. col.pl.maps R79.95 Human and Rousseau 2003 SA
Hey, D., ed. The mountain - an authoritative guide to the Table Mountain. cd. 156pp. col.pl. maps R139.95 Tafelberg 1994 SA
Lundy, M. Weekend trails in the western Cape. ISBN: 0798143622 176pp. col.pl.maps R79.95 Human and Rousseau 2003 SA
Heydenrych, H., Sweigers, A. Discover Pretoria. ISBN: 0627024475 320pp. ill. R120.00 Tafelberg 1999 SA
Meiring, H. Footloose in Stellenbosch. cd. 116pp. ill. R59.95 Tafelberg 1993 SA
Struik Publishers Guide to restaurants in South Africa. ISBN: 1868721604 200pp. maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Hilton-Barber, B. Weekends with legends. ISBN: 086486471X R150.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA
Mountain, A. Indaba mini-curio: Ndebele. Artist nation. rev.ed. 32pp. col.pl.map R29.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Sycholt, A. A guide to the Drakensberg. ISBN: 1868725936 200pp. col.pl.maps (£15.99) Struik Publ 2002 SA
Hilton-Barber, B. Weekends with soul: short South African getaways. ISBN: 0864864833 160pp. col.pl.maps R115.00 New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA
Nell, L. The Garden Route and Little Karoo: between the desert and the deep blue sea. ISBN: 1868727560 256pp. col.pl.maps (£19.99) Struik Publ 2003 SA
Truter, C. West coast tourist guide. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1919713247 200pp. col.pl.maps R115.00 (£9.95) UCT Press 1998 SA
Hurford, E. Indaba mini-curio: Garden Route. Coastal splendour. [Also available in German.] rev.ed. 32pp. col.pl.maps R29.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
O’Hagan, T. Holiday-maker’s guide to South Africa. 300pp. col.ill. R89.95 Southern Book Publ 1995 SA
van der Walt, B. The enchanting world of the Drakensberg mountains as experienced by an adventurous family. ISBN: 1868224295 256pp. R100.00 ICCA 2003 SA
Hurford, E. South Africa - magic land. ISBN: 1868257711 cd. 144pp. col.pl.map R99.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Irwin, P., Irwin, D. A field guide to the Natal Drakensberg. Inst Soc Res 1992 SA Jacana Discover the magic. Cape Town. The Cape Peninsula National Park and Winelands. ISBN: 1874955999 144pp. col.pl.col.ill. R135.00 ($18.50) (£11.00) Jacana 1998 SA Jacana Discover the magic. Gauteng: Johannesburg, Pretoria and beyond. ISBN: 1919777113 128pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps R135,00 ($18.50) (£11.00) Jacana 2000 SA Jacana Garden route guide. [Also available in Afrikaans, French and German.] ISBN: 1919931775 152pp. R160.00 ($22.00/ £13.00) Jacana 2005 SA
Olivier, W., Olivier, S. Exploring the natural wonders of South Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] rev.ed. 208pp. col.pl.maps R139.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Parry, E. A guide to the rock art of the Matopo Hills, Zimbabwe. ISBN: 0797424555 60pp. Z$35,000 (£7.00) Ama 2002 ZI Paterson-Jones, C. Best walks of the Garden Route. new ed. ISBN: 1868721159 160pp. col.pl.maps R69.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Paynter, D., Nussey, W. Kruger: portrait of a national park. 287pp. ill. col.pl. maps R64.99 Southern Book Publ 1987 SA
Poole, M. Indaba mini-curio Sun City. ISBN: 1868253589 32pp. col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Struik Publishers Guide to guest houses in South Africa. ISBN: 1868721590 176pp. maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Warren-Brown, G., Fazied, Y., Miller, E. Cape Town uncovered. ISBN: 1919930752 160pp. R185.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Watkin, K. Adventure walks and scrambles in the Cape Peninsula. ISBN: 1919930264 112pp. pl.maps R99.95 Double Storey 2003 SA South Africa—History Accone, S. All under heaven. ISBN: 0864866488 224pp. R160.00 New Africa Ed SA 2004 SA Adler, M., Mason, A. Mhudi. 48pp. ill. R10.00 ($3.34/£2.00) Sached 1991 SA African National Congress Mzabalazo: a pictorial history of the ANC. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 48) 34pp. pl. R30.00 (£5.00) Mayibuye 1994 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
South Africa—History Afrika, T. Maqabane. [Comrades.] (Mayibuye history and literature series, 53) 106pp. R35.00 (£5.50) Mayibuye 1994 SA Ally, R. Gold and empire. The Bank of England and South Africa’s gold, 1886-1926. 240pp. R69.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA Basson, N. Passage to progress. The CSIR’s journey of change 1945-1995. cd. 204pp. pl.col.pl. Ball 1996 SA Baynes, J. Letters addressed to His Excellency the Governor of Natal, and His Majesty’s Secretary of State for the Colonies, regarding the absence of consideration in our present form of government for our coloured population (1906). 44pp. pl. R46.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1992 SA Beinart, W. The political economy of Pondoland, 1860-1930. 220pp. R14.95. Ravan 1982 SA
Subject index Butterfield, P.H. The Orange River sovereignty, 18481849. The letters of Ensign William Flemimg. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 4/12) R1.00 Nasionale Museum SA SA Callinicos, L. Gold and workers. A people’s history of South Africa. vol.1 120pp. ill. pl. R18.95 (£6.99) Ravan 1981 SA Callinicos, L. A place in the city. The Rand on the eve of apartheid. 139pp. ill.pl. R34.95 Ravan 1993 SA Callinicos, L. Working life 1886-1940. Factories, townships and popular culture on the Rand. A people’s history of South Africa. 2nd ed. 264pp. pl. (£9.99) Ravan 1995 SA Cammack, D. The Rand at war 1899-1902; the Witwatersrand and the Anglo-Boer war. 238pp. ill. R80.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1990 SA [Southern Africa only]
Deacon, H., comp. The essential Robben Island. ISBN: 0864863470 cd. 80pp. R32.95 Philip 1998 SA Deacon, H., ed. The island. A history of Robben Island, 1485-1990. 256pp. R78.95 Philip 1995 SA Delius, P. The conversion: death-cell conversations of ‘Rooizak’ and the missionaries Lydenburg 1875. 56pp. R7.95 Ravan 1984 SA Delius, P. The land belongs to us: the Pedi policy, the Boers and the British in the nineteenth century Transvaal. 278pp. R16.95 Ravan 1983 SA Drew, A., ed. South Africa’s radical tradition. A documentary history. Vol. 1 1907-1950. 408pp. pl. R135.95 UCT Press 1996 SA Drew, A., ed. South Africa’s radical tradition. A documentary history. vol.2 408pp. R135.95 UCT Press 1997 SA
Beinart, W., Bundy, C. Hidden struggles in rural South Africa. Politics and popular movements in the Transkei and Eastern Cape, 1890-1930. 326pp. R24.00 Ravan 1987 SA
Carton, B. Blood from your children. The colonial origins of generational conflict in South Africa. ISBN: 086980975X 256pp. R140.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA
Bergh, J.S., Mouton, F. “To make them serve...”: the 1871 Transvaal Commission on African Labour. ISBN: 1919825401 cd. 207pp. ill. R159.95 Protea 2003 SA
Changuion, L. Silence of the guns. The history of the long toms of the Anglo-Boer war. ISBN: 1919825509 cd. 188pp. ill.maps R180.00 Protea 2001 SA
Bickford-Smith, V. Ethnic pride and racial prejudice in Victorian Cape Town. Group identity and social practice 1875-1902. 307pp. pl.maps R89.95 Witwatersrand UP 1995 SA [Southern Africa only]
Child, D. Portrait of a pioneer: the letters of Sidney Turner from South Africa 1864-1901. cd. 160pp. ill. R15.00 Macmillan - SA 1980 SA
Duminy, A., Guest, B. Natal and Zululand from earliest times to 1910. cd. 520pp. ill.maps R125.00 R80.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1989 SA
Cleaver, R.M., de Fenton, M. The war letters of an English burgher. ISBN: 1919825274 204pp. ill. R89.95 (£18.99) Protea 2000 SA
Edgar, B. Prophets with honour. A documentary history of Lekhotla la Bafo. 250pp. R19.50 Ravan 1986 SA
Clothier, N. Black valour: the South African native labour contingent, 1916-1918 and the sinking of the ‘Mendi’. 220pp. R50.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1987 SA
Edgar, R. Because they chose the plan of God: the story of the Bulhoek massacre. (History Workshop Topic series, 1) 41pp. R6.50 Ravan 1988 SA
Cockram, B. General Smuts and South African diplomacy. 10pp. 30c. SA Inst Int Affairs 1970 SA
Edgar, R.R., ed. An African-American in South Africa. The travel notes of Ralph J. Bunche, 28 September 1937 - 1 January 1938. 408pp. pl. R84.95 Witwatersrand UP 1992 SA [Southern Africa only]
Bidwell, M., Schoeman, K. Pen pictures of the past. (Vrijstatia series, 5) R64.95 Human and Rousseau 1986 SA Bloom, H. Transvaal episode. new ed. R49.99 Philip 1982 SA [South Africa only] Botes, S.M. The third presidency, Bloemfontein during the stay of President F.W. Reitz 18891895. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 15/4) ISBN: 1868470490 R12.00 (£2.50) Nasionale Museum SA 1999 SA Botes, S.M. The third presidency, Bloemfontein during the stay of President M.T. Steyn, 18961900. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 16.7) ISBN: 186847058X R18.00 (£3.00) Nasionale Museum SA 2000 SA Bourquin, S.B., Torlage, G. The battle of Colenso. ISBN: 0869755005 48pp. pl.maps (£6.95) Ravan 1999 SA Braam, C. Operation vula. ISBN: 1919931708 272pp. R169.00 ($23.00/£13.50) Jacana 2004 SA Brink, E. 1899: the long march home. A little known incident in the Anglo-Boer war. ISBN: 079570089X 112pp. pl.maps R125.00 Kwela 1999 SA Buijs, G., Haines, R. Colonials and Christians: the influence of the Zoutpansberg joint council and members of the Swiss and Berlin missions of the evolution of ethnicity in the Northern Transvaal circa 1870-1950. (IDPR occasional papers, 65) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Bull, B. Safari: a chronicle of adventure. R102.99 Penguin SA SA Bundy, C. The rise and fall of the South African peasantry. 2nd ed. 276pp. R69.95 Philip 1988 SA
Coertzen, P. Huguenots of South Africa, 1688-1988. 200pp. R49.95 Tafelberg 1995 SA Colenso, F.E. My chief and I. 250pp. R60.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1994 SA Colenso, H. Cases of six Usutu punished for having taken part in the disturbances of 1888. 52pp. R45.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1996 SA Cowen, D., Visser, D. The University of Cape Town law faculty: a history 1859-2004. ISBN: 1920025049 R260.00 Siberink 2004 SA Crampton, H. The sunburnt queen. ISBN: 1919931929 376pp. R185.00 ($25.00/£14.50) Jacana 2004 SA Currey, R. Vinnicombe’s trek. Son of Nabal, stepson of Transvaal 1854-1932. 240pp. ill. R65.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1989 SA Dadoo, Y.M., Naicker, G.M. Facts about the ghetto act and a historical synopsis of the Indian question in South Africa. (Colin Webb Natal & Zululand series, 5) 49pp. pl. R45.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1993 SA Davidson, A., Filatova, I. The Russians and the Anglo-Boer war, 1899-1902. ISBN: 0798138041 cd. 288pp. col.ill. R89.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA
du Pisane, E. The legacy of Frederik and Adam Opperman. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 4/13) R1.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1984 SA Dubow, S., Jeeves, A. South Africa’s 1940s: worlds of possibilities. ISBN: 1770130012 304pp. R160.00 Double Storey 2005 SA
Edgecombe, R. Bringing forth light: five tracts on Bishop Colenso’s Zulu mission. (Killie Campbell Africana Library reprint Series, no. 4) 298pp. ill. pl. maps R65.00 (£12.00) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1982 SA Erasmus, P.A. Life histories of the people of the Riemvasmaaks community in the northern Cape. ISBN: 06203137X 66pp. R100.00 ($17.28/£8.94/Eur12.86) Plaatje 2003 SA Fortune, L. The house in Tyne Street. Childhood memories of District Six. 144pp. pl. R67.95 (£9.95) Kwela 1996 SA Fritsch, G. A German traveller in Natal. (Colin Webb Natal & Zululand series, 1) 56pp. R45.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1992 SA Furlong, P.J. Between crown and swastika. The impact of the radical right on the Afrikaner nationalist movement in the fascist era. 368pp. ill. R69.95 Witwatersrand UP 1991 SA [Southern Africa only] Garson, Y., comp. Versatile genius: The Royal Engineers and their maps. Manuscript maps and plans of the Eastern frontier 1822 - 1870. (Africana series, 3) 97pp. ill. pl. R150.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1992 SA Giliomee, H. The Afrikaners. ISBN: 062403884X 720pp. R295.00 Tafelberg 2003 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 450
African Books in Print
Subject index
South Africa—History
Gillings, K. The battle of Thuleka heights. ISBN: 0869755188 64pp. pl.maps (£6.95) Ravan 1999 SA Gray, S., ed. Charles Rawden Maclean. The Natal papers of “John Ross”. (Killie Campbell Africana Library Publications, 7) 228pp. R75.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1992 SA Greyling, P.J. Pretoria and the Anglo-Boer war. A guide to buildings, terrain, graves and monuments. ISBN: 1919825010 128pp. ill.maps R99.95 Protea 2000 SA Guest, B., Sellers, J.M. Enterprise and exploitation in a Victorian colony: aspects of the economic and social history of colonial Natal. 376pp. ill. R55.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1985 SA Guest, B., Sellers, J.M., eds. Receded tides of empire. Aspects of the economic and social history of Natal and Zululand since 1910. 316pp. pl.maps R75.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1994 SA Guy, J. View across the river. Harriette Colenso and the Zulu struggle against imperialism. ISBN: 0852557914 498pp. ill.maps (£19.95) Philip 2001 SA Haasbroek, J. The British royal visit to Bloemfontein, March 1947. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 16/8) ISBN: 1868470598 R15.00 (£3.00) Nasionale Museum SA 2000 SA Haasbroek, J. The relationship between the black inhabitants and the city council of Bloemfontein during the Orange River Colony period. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 15/1) ISBN: 1868470458 R10.00 (£1.00) Nasionale Museum SA 1999 SA Haasbroek, J. The role of Henry Selby Msimang in Bloemfontein, 1917-1922. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 16/3) ISBN: 1868470539 R12.00 (£2.00) Nasionale Museum SA 2000 SA Hall, D. The Hall handbook of the Anglo-Boer war. cd. & 340pp. ill.maps R235.00 cd./ R155.00 Univ Durban-Westville 1999 SA Hall, M. The changing past. Farmers, kings and traders in southern Africa, 200-1860. 2nd ed. 168pp. ill.maps R95.00 Philip 1994 SA Hamann, H. Days of the generals. The untold story of South Arica’s apartheid era military generals. ISBN: 1868723402 242pp. pl. Zebra 2002 SA Hamilton, C. Terrific majesty. The powers of Shaka Zulu and the limits of historical invention. ISBN: 0864864213 296pp. ill. Philip 1998 SA [Southern Africa only] Heaton Nichols, G., Jabavu, D.D.T. The native bills; bound with native views on the native bills. (Colin Webb Natal & Zululand series, 8) 84pp. ill.maps R45.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1995 SA Herbstein, D. White lies. Canon John Collins and the secret war against apartheid. ISBN: 0796920885 376pp. R170.00 (£14.95) HSRC Publ 2005 SA [co-published with James Currey, UK] Hudson-Reed., ed. 1820 settlers stories. SA 1972 SA
R2.50 Macmillan -
Humphreys, W.C. The journal of William Clayton Humphreys (1851). 40pp. R46.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1993 SA
Hutton, B. Robben Island: symbol of resistance. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 51) 87pp. ill.pl.maps R47.50 ($6.00) Mayibuye 1994 SA [co-published with Sached Books] Hyslop, J. The notorious syndicalist. ISBN: 1919931724 360pp. R185.00 ($25.00/ £14.50) Jacana 2004 SA James, W.G., Simons, M., eds. The angry divide: social and economic history of the Western Cape. 258pp. R61.95 Philip 1989 SA Jenkin, T. Inside out - escape from PTA central prison. ISBN: 1919931503 336pp. R184.00 ($25.00/£14.50) Jacana 2003 SA Joffe, J. The Rivonia story. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 57) 230pp. R60.00 (£6.99) Mayibuye 1995 SA Johnson-Barker, B.J. A concise dictionary of the Boer war. ISBN: 1868590585 144pp. maps R76.95 Francolin 1999 SA Jowell, P., Folb, A. Into Kokerboom country: Namaqualand’s Jewish pioneers. ISBN: 187495075X cd. 160pp. col.pl.maps (£35.00) Fernwood 2004 SA Kathrada, A., et al. Esiqithini: the Robben Island exhibition. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 62) 39pp. R30.00 Mayibuye 1996 SA Keegan, T. Colonial South Africa and the origins of the racial order. 320pp. R96.00 Philip 1996 SA Keegan, T.J. Rural transformations in industrializing South Africa. The southern Highveld to 1914. 302pp. R23.50 Ravan 1986 SA [Southern Africa only] Kennedy, E.E. Waiting for the boom. 60pp. R3.00 South African Lib 1985 SA Kruger, H. The making of a nation. Macmillan - SA 1972 SA
La Hausse de Lalouvière, P. Restless identities. Signatures of nationalism, Zulu ethnicity and history in the lives of Petros Lamula (c.1881-1948) and Lymon Maling (1889-c.1936). ISBN: 0869809571 320pp. R160.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA La Hausse de Lalouvière, P. Brewers, beerhalls and boycotts: a history of liquor in South Africa. (History Workshop Topic series, 2) 67pp. R7.70 Ravan 1988 SA Laband, J. Rope of sand. SA
517pp. R99.95 Ball 1997
Laband, J., et al. Isandlwana. [Available in English and Zulu.] 104pp. ill. R46.95 HeinemannEdSA 1992 SA Laband, J., Thompson, P. The field guide to the Anglo-Boer war. 2nd ed. 210pp. ill.maps R95.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1998 SA Laband, J., Thompson, P. The field guide to the Anglo-Zulu war. new ed. ISBN: 0869809466 210pp. ill.maps R95.00 (£6.75) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1999 SA Laband, J., Thompson, P. The illustrated guide to the Anglo-Zulu war. ISBN: 0869809733 cd. & 216pp. ill. R295.00 cd. ISBN: 0869809725 R160.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA Laband, J.P.C. The battle of Ulundi. ISBN: 0796001189 R13.50 Shuter & Shooter 1998 SA
Laband, J.P.C., Thompson, P.S. Kingdom and colony at war: sixteen studies on the Anglo-Zulu war of 1879. 374pp. ill. R75.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1991[?] SA Laband, J.P.C., Wright, J.B. King Cetshwayo Kampande. Shuter & Shooter 1983 SA
Labuschagne, P. Ghostriders of the Anglo-Boer war (18991902): the role and contribution of agterryers. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868880656 145pp. R85.00 Unisa 1999 SA Lamb, R.H. Hard times in Natal and the way out. Reprint of ed. 1908 54pp. R45.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1992 SA Lambert, J. Betrayed trust. Africans and the state in colonial Natal. 220pp. R75.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1994 SA Lazerson, J.N. Against the tide: whites in the struggle against apartheid. 288pp. R59.50 (£12.00) Mayibuye 1994[?] SA Leibbrandt, H.C.V. Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope, Requestan (Memorials). vol.5: index cd. 453pp. R125.00 vols.3,4,5 South African Lib 1989 SA Leibbrandt, H.C.V. Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope, Requesten (Memorials), 1715-1806, T-Z: with supplements 1777, A-Z and 1792-1795, A-Z. vol.4 cd. 400pp. R125.00 vols.3,4 5 South African Lib 1989 SA Leibbrant, H.C.V. Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope, Requestan (Memorials), 1715-1806, P-S. vol.3 cd. 344pp. R125.00 vols.3,4,5 South African Lib 1989 SA Lunderstedt, S., ed. Summer of 1899. The siege of Kimberley. 14 October 1899 to 15 February 1900. (Kimberley Africana Library series, 3) ISBN: 0620234202 cd. 335pp. ill.maps R400.00 Kimberley Africana 1999 SA Maclean, C.R., ed. The Natal papers of “John Ross”. 228pp. ill. pl. R75.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1992 SA Maclennan, B. A proper degree of terror. John Graham and the Cape’s Eastern frontier. 252pp. pl. maps R17.50 Ravan 1986 SA Majodina, Z. Exiles and homecoming. The untold stories. [Adult reading material. Also available in Afrikaans, Sesotho, Xhosa, Zulu.] 64pp. ill. R19.45 HeinemannEdSA 1996 SA Mamdani, M. Citizen and subject. Contemporary Africa and the legacy of late colonialism. 368pp. Philip 1996 SA [Southern Africa only] Marks, S. The ambiguities of dependence in South Africa. Class, nationalism and the state in twentieth century Natal. 171pp. pl. R13.50 Ravan 1986 SA Matyu, J. Shadows from the past. Memories of Jabavu Road, New Brighton. 96pp. ill.pl. R57.95 (£9.95) Kwela 1996 SA Mayibuye with SACHED Books Dreaming of freedom: the story of Robben Island. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 56) 110pp. R47.50 Mayibuye 1995 SA McFadden, P. The battle of Elandslaagte. ISBN: 0869754815 48pp. pl.maps (£6.95) Ravan 1999 SA McFadden, P. The battle of Talana. ISBN: 0869754807 48pp. pl.maps (£6.95) Ravan 1999 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
South Africa—History McKenzie, K. The making of an English slave owner S.E. Hudson at the Cape of Good Hope. 135pp. R55.00 UCT Press SA McKinnon, J. A tapestry of lives. Cape women of the 17th century. ISBN: 0795701225 128pp. col.pl. R125.00 Kwela 2004 SA Mendelsohn, R. Sammy Marks: the uncrowned King of the Transvaal. cd. 304pp. pl. R99.95. Philip 1991 SA Morris, M. Every step of the way: the journey to freedom in South Africa. ISBN: 0796920613 333pp. ill.pl. R95.00 (£15.95) HSRC Publ 2004 SA Musiker, R., ed. Aspects of Johannesburg history. (Africana series, 2) 34pp. R5.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1986 SA Nasson, B. Abraham Esau’s war: a black South African war in the Cape, 1899 - 1902. 243pp. pl. R85.00 Philip 1991 SA National Education Crisis Committee What is history? A new approach to history for students, workers and communities. 102pp. ill. ($11.50/£6.50) Skotaville 1987 SA Noonan, P. They’re burning the churches. ISBN: 1919931465 288pp. R165.00 ($22.50/ £13.00) Jacana 2003 SA Penn, N. The forgotten frontier: colonist and Khoisan on the Cape’s northern frontier in the 18th century. ISBN: 1770130268 352pp. R160.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Penn, N. Rogues, rebels and runaways. Eighteenth-century Cape characters. ISBN: 0864863861 224pp. Philip 1999 SA Pickover, M., comp. Helen Joseph papers. 59pp. pl. R.25.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1994 SA Pretorius, F. The Anglo-Boer war 1899-1902. [Also available in Afrikaans.] new ed. ISBN: 1868721792 96pp. col.pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Pretorius, F., ed. Scorched earth. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798141921 292pp. pl. R300.00 Human and Rousseau 2002 SA
Subject index Schoeman, K., ed. Witnesses to war. Personal documents of the Anglo-Boer war 1899-1902. ISBN: 0798138483 176pp. pl. R89.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Scholtz, G.D. The Anglo-Boer war. ISBN: 1919825126 cd. 130pp. pl.maps R89.95 Protea 2000 SA Schrire, C. Tigers in Africa. Stalking the past at the Cape of Good Hope. ISBN: 1919713638 R95.00 UCT Press 2002 SA Shearer, C. An ordinary family. [The story of two Natal families from the 1920s to the present.] 112pp. R67.00 Options Publ 1997 SA Shephard, B. Kitty and the prince. ISBN: 1868421465 278pp. maps (£18.95) Ball 2003 SA Siebörger, R., Weldon, G. What is evidence? [Teacher’s notes.] 12pp. ill. R21.85 Francolin 1996 SA Siebörger, R., Weldon, G., Hinton, C. What is evidence? South Africa during the years of apartheid: a skills-based approach to secondary history. 48pp. ill.pl. R47.95 Francolin 1996 SA Simons, P.B., ed. John Blades Currey, 1850 to 1900. (Brenthurst Second series, 2) cd. 276pp. ill. col. R195.00 Brenthurst 1986 SA Smith, A.B. Einiqualand - studies of the Orange River frontier. (£14.95) UCT Press 1996 SA Smith, A.B. The Khoikhoi at the Cape of Good Hope. 84pp. pl. R165.00 South African Lib 1993 SA Smith, P. South African journal 1913-14. 600pp. ill. maps R100.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1996 SA Sparks, A. A war of words. 1996 SA
160pp. R49.95 Zebra
Spies, S.B. Methods of barbarism. Roberts, Kitchener and civilians in the Boer Republic: January 1900-1902. ISBN: 1868421031 cd. R225.00 Ball 2001 SA Stapleton, T.J. Maqoma Xhosa resistance. Ball 1995 SA
cd. R89.95
Rall, M. Petticoat pioneers. The history of the pioneer women who lived on the diamond fields in the early years. (Kimberley Africana Library series, 5) ISBN: 0620276134 cd. 239pp. ill.pl.map R400.00 Kimberley Africana 2002 SA
Steibel, L., et al. Thomas Baines and the ‘Great Map’: route of the Goldfields Exploration Company’s expedition 1869-1872. [CD-ROM] (Campbell Collections electronic publications, 1) R200.00 ($30.00) Campbell Coll 2001 SA
Robbins, D. Siege of Kimberley and the battle of Magersfontein. ISBN: 0869755323 59pp. ill.maps (£7.99) Ravan 2001 SA
Struik Publishers Life at the Cape 150 years ago. ISBN: 1868721485 112pp. pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Robertson, C., Donaldson, A. An incomplete history of sex in South Africa. 200pp. R59.95 Zebra 1996 SA
Swan, M. Gandhi: the South African experience. 310pp. R16.99 Ravan 1985 SA
Ross, R. Beyond the pale. Essays on the history of colonial South Africa. R84.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA [Southern Africa only]
Terreblanche, S. A history of inequality in South Africa 1652-2002. ISBN: 1869140222 527pp. (£16.95) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2003 SA
Schoeman, K. Early white travellers in the Transgariep 1819-1840. ISBN: 1869190165 181pp. ill. R99.95 Protea 2003 SA Schoeman, K. The Griqua captaincy of Philoppolis, 1826-1861. ISBN: 1919781739 R169.95 Protea 2002 SA
Theron, B. Pretoria at war 1899-1900. ISBN: 1919825144 cd. 269pp. pl.maps R165.00 Protea 2000 SA
Schoeman, K., ed. William Porter. The Touwfontein letters. 78pp. pl. ($18.00/£12.00) R35.00 South African Lib 1992 SA
Theron, B., ed. Dear Sue: the letters of Bessie Collins during the Anglo-Boer war. ISBN: 1919825144 cd. 112pp. pl. R99.95 Protea 2000 SA Torlage, G. The battle of Spioenkop. ISBN: 0869755161 48pp. pl.maps (£6.95) Ravan 1999 SA
Tredgold, A. Bay between the mountains. 2nd ed. cd. & 216pp. ill. R54.95 cd. R29.99 Human and Rousseau 1989 SA Truth and Reconciliation Commission The Truth and Reconciliation Commission report. 5 vols. ISBN: 0620230789 cd. 3,500pp. R750.00 Juta 1999 SA Twala, M., Benard, E. Mbokodo. cd. R79.97 Ball 1995 SA Tyler, H. Life in the time of Sharpeville - and wayward seeds of a new South Africa. 112pp. pl. R67.95 Kwela 1995 SA van der Bank, D.A. A voice from Bloemfontein. The reminiscences of Gustav Adolph Fichardt. (Memoirs van die Nasionale Museum, 19) 114pp. ill. R4.50 Nasionale Museum SA 1984 SA van Onselen, C. New Babylon, new Nineveh. ISBN: 1868421112 cd. R259.95 Ball 2001 SA van Onselen, C. New Babylon: studies in the social and economic history of the Witwatersrand, 1886-1914. vol.1 213pp. ill. pl. R14.95 Ravan 1982 SA van Onselen, C. New Nineveh: studies in the social and economic history of the Witwatersrand, 1886-1914. vol.2 220pp. ill. pl. R14.95. Ravan 1982 SA van Onselen, C. The small matter of a horse: the life of ‘Nongoloza’ Mathebula 1867-1948. 69pp. R7.95 Ravan 1984 SA Warwick, P. Black people and the South African war, 1899-1902. 226pp. R12.00. Ravan 1983 SA Watt, S. The battle of Vaalkrans. ISBN: 086975517X 48pp. pl.maps (£6.95) Ravan 1999 SA Watt, S. In memoriam. Roll of honour imperial forces Anglo-Boer war 1899-1902. ISBN: 0869809687 cd. 500pp. R595.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA Watt, S. The siege of Ladysmith. ISBN: 0869755196 48pp. pl.maps (£6.95) Ravan 1999 SA Wells, J. We have done with pleading. (History Workshop Topic series, 3) 44pp. Ravan 1991 SA Westra, P.E., Warner, B., comps. Festschrift in honour of Frank R. Bradlow. (Friends of the South African Library, new series, 5) 158pp. R10.00 South African Lib 1993 SA Wilmot, R. A Cape traveller’s diary. (Friends of the Library, publ., 2) cd. 174pp. Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1984 SA Witz, L. Write your own history. 152pp. ill. R11.95. Ravan 1988 SA Worden, N. A concise dictionary of South African history. ISBN: 1868590264 176pp. R82.95 (£7.50) Francolin 1998 SA Zungu, A.Z. Usukabekhuluma and the Bhambatha rebellion. trans. by A.C.T. Mayekiso ISBN: 0947445358 R25.00 CSSALL 1998 SA South Africa—History—Addresses and essays Cope, R.L., Guy, J.J. Anglo-Zulu war of 1879: two centenary lectures. 27pp. R1.50 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1979 SA
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African Books in Print
South Africa—International relations
Subject index South Africa—History—Atlases and maps Laband, J. Atlas of the later Zulu wars. 1883-1888. ISBN: 0869809989 cd. 150pp. maps Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2001 SA Thompson, P.S. An historical atlas of the Zulu rebellion of 1906. ISBN: 1869140060 100pp. maps. Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2002 SA South Africa—History—Bibliography Berning, J.M. A selected bibliography of the 1820 settlers and settlement. 2nd ed. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1972 SA Cunningham, A.M., ed. The Earl Macartney papers. (Historical & Literary Papers: Inventories of Collections, 5) 88pp. R3.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1977 SA Cunningham, A.M., ed. J. Howard Pim papers. (Historical & Literary Papers: Inventories of Collections, 3) 52pp. R2.50 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1977 SA Cunningham, A.M., ed. J.D. Rheinallt Jones papers. (Historical & Literary Papers: Inventories of Collections, 4) 35pp. R2.50 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1977 SA Cunningham, A.M., ed. Nourse family papers. (Historical & Literary Papers: Inventories of Collections, 1) 31pp. R2.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1977 SA Cunningham, A.M., ed. Schoch family papers. (Historical & Literary Papers: Inventories of Collections, 2) 21pp. R1.75 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1977 SA Cunningham, A.M., ed. Selected records of the archbishops of Cape Town. (Historical & Literary Papers: Inventories of Collections, 6) 86pp. R3.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1977 SA de Wet, S.M., comp. Commissions of the Transvaal colony 1901-1911: a bibliography. 63pp. R3.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1981 SA Kalley, J.A. South Africa in treaty, 1806-1986: a chronological and subject index. (Bibliographical series, 16) 513pp. R40.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1987 SA
Mayibuye Publications Robben Island: the reunion. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 66) 43pp. pl. R20.00 Mayibuye 1996 SA
Geldenhuys, D. International attitudes on the recognition of Transkei. 11pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1979 SA
Reader’s Digest Illustrated history of South Africa. 3rd ed. cd. 560pp. pl. R139.99 Readers Digest SA 1994 SA
Geldenhuys, D. The neutral option and subcontinental solidarity: a consideration of foreign minister Pik Botha’s Zurich statement of 7 March 1979. 13pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1979 SA
Schoeman, K. The face of the country: a South African album 1860-1910 (photographic portraits from the collection of the South Africa library). 144pp. ill.pl. R110.00 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Warner, B. Herschel’s Cape landscapes. ISBN: 1919713751 cd. 176pp. ill.col.ill. UCT Press 2003 SA South Africa—History—Study and teaching (Elementary) Stuart, A. South African history - AD 2000 version. ISBN: 1869000579 8pp. col.ill. R35.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA South Africa—International relations Alden, C., Martin, G., eds. France and South Africa: towards a new engagement with Africa. ISBN: 1869190025 179pp. R120.00 Protea 2003 SA AMCHAM American business and political change. 10pp. ($5.00/£3.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1985 SA Anglin, D. International monitoring as a mechanism for conflict resolution in southern Africa. 42pp. Univ West Cape 1992 SA Bakwena, S. Nkomati accord: press cuttings, 3 March - 23 May 1984. P3.90 NIDCR 1985 BS Ballinger, R.B. South Africa and the United Nations: myth and reality. 32pp. 30c. SA Inst Int Affairs 1963 SA Barratt, J. Eyes on the eighties: the international political outlook for southern Africa. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1979 SA Barratt, J. The Soviet Union and South Africa. R2.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1981 SA
Geldenhuys, D. Some foreign policy implications of South Africa’s “total national strategy” with particular reference to the “12-point plan”. 62pp. R3.50 SA Inst Int Affairs 1981 SA Geldenhuys, D. What do we think? A survey of white opinion on foreign policy issues. vol.1 32pp. R7.50 SA Inst Int Affairs 1982 SA Geldenhuys, D. What do we think? A survey of white opinion on foreign policy issues. vol.2 R7.50 SA Inst Int Affairs 1984 SA Geldenhuys, D. What do we think? A survey of white opinion on foreign policy issues. vol. 3 32pp. SA Inst Int Affairs 1986 SA Geldenhuys, D., ed. Sanctions against South Africa. (Study Group Series, 1) 27pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1979 SA Glass, H.M. South African policy towards Basutoland. (Research paper, 2) 36pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1966 SA Gromyko, A., Kane-Berman, J., eds. The Moscow papers: the USSR and South Africa - similarities, problems and opportunities. A dialogue between the South African Institute of Race Relations and the Institute for African Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 131pp. SA Inst Race Relations 1991 SA Gutteridge, W. South Africa: international political and strategic realities. R2.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1981 SA Heldring, J. Changes in Dutch society and their implications for Netherlands-South African relations. R2.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1984 SA Hughes, T., Mills, G. Poles apart or state together? Israel, South Africa and the Middle East crisis. (SAIIA report, 24) ISBN: 191981048X SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA
Liebenberg, B.J., Smith, K.W., Spies, S.B. A bibliography of South African history 1978-1989. (Studia Composita, 14) cd. 401pp. R66.00 ($25.47/£18.03) Unisa 1992 SA
Barratt, J., Kalley, J. Sharp eyes on South Africa’s foreign policy. A cartoon history from 1910 to 2000. ISBN: 1868143570 col.ill. Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA
South Africa—History—Dictionaries Saunders, C., Southey, N. A dictionary of South African history. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0864864965 R94.95 Philip 2000 SA
Bostock, A. A short history of the South African Institute of International Affairs, 19341984. R5.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1984 SA
South Africa—History—Pictorial works Breytenbach, C. The spirit of District Six. cd. 64pp. pl. R94.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA
du Pisani, A. What do we think? A survey of white opinion on foreign policy issues. vol.4 39pp. SA Inst Int Affairs 1988 SA
Kunert, D. The loss of innocence: some thoughts on the discipline of international relations and on South Africa’s international dilemma. (Inaugural lec.) 19pp. R2.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1984 SA
Brooke Simons, P. Groote Schuur: great granary to stately home. cd. 120pp. col.pl. (£25.00) Fernwood 1996 SA
du Pisani, A. What do we think? A survey of white opinion on foreign policy issues. vol.5 38pp. SA Inst Int Affairs 1990 SA
Leahy, J., Pakendorf, H., Thula, G. Perceptions of western attitudes to South Africa: three views. (Occas. paps.) 10pp. SA Inst Int Affairs 1983 SA
Dhupelia-Mesthrie, U. From cane fields to freedom. A chronicle of Indian South African life. ISBN: 0795700911 cd. 240pp. R250.00 Kwela 2000 SA
Edmonds, M., Mills, G., eds. Beyond the horizon: defence, diplomacy and South Africa’s maritime opportunities. ISBN: 1874890862 127pp. R50.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1998 SA
Leistner, E., Esterhuysen, P. South Africa in southern Africa: economic interaction. 266pp. maps ($50.00) R50.00 Africa Inst 1988 SA
Horner, J. Kimberley drawn in time. (Kimberley Africana Library series, 6) ISBN: 0620316780 cd. 128pp. ill. R440.00 Kimberley Africana 2004 SA
Friedman, B. From isolation to détente: 1976 presidential address. 18pp. ($3.00/ £2.00) R3.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1976 SA
Keene, J., ed. South Africa in World War II: a pictorial history. cd. 208pp. pl. R165.00 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA
Friedman, C., Narsoo, M. A new mood in Moscow: Soviet attitudes to South Africa. 27pp. ($8.00/£6.00) R10.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1989 SA
Kimberley Athenaeum “Daubs.” Originally compiled by the Kimberley Athenaeum 1915-1917. (Kimberley Africana Library series, 4) ISBN: 0620254335 cd. 208pp. col.ill. R450.00 Kimberley Africana 2000 SA
Geldenhuys, D. The diplomacy of isolation: South African foreign policy making. cd. 300pp. R19.95 Macmillan - SA 1984 SA
Knight, R., Quentin, P. Southern Africa in retrospect: in views of two foreign correspondents. 14pp. R2.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1981 SA
Maasdorp, G. SADCC: a post-Nkomati evaluation. R7.50 SA Inst Int Affairs 1984 SA McGovern, G. The free world and South Africa. 10pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1979 SA Millar, T.B. South Africa and regional security. (Bradlow paper, 3) R10.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1985 SA Mills, G. From pariah to participant. South Africa’s evolving foreign relations. cd. & R70.00 cd. R60.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1994 SA
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South Africa—International relations Mills, G. South Africa and security building in the Indian Ocean rim. ISBN: 1897489080 87pp. R50.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1998 SA Mills, G. South Africa and the future of the nonaligned movement. ISBN: 1874890919 67pp. R45.00 ($12.00) SA Inst Int Affairs 1998 SA Muller, M., Carlsnaes, W. Change and South African external relations. 339pp. R144.95 Thomson Int 1996 SA Padayachee, V. Apartheid and the international economic system: South Africa’s relationship with the International Monetary Fund, 19751985. (ISER Occas. paps, 21) 32pp. Univ Durban-Westville 1987 SA Qoboza, P., Barratt, J., Vosloo, T. The United States and South Africa: three South African perspectives. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1977 SA Reddy, E.S. International action against Apartheid: the Nordic states and Nigeria. 66pp. ($4.50/ £3.25) N5.00 NIIA 1986 NR Rosenthal, E. South African diplomats abroad: the S.A. Department of External Affairs. 32pp. 20c. SA Inst Int Affairs 1949 SA
Subject index Steyn, R. Interview with Donald F. McHenry at Hilton on 19 January 1984. 8pp. R2.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1984 SA Stultz, N. Thinking about South Africa from afar. 10pp. R4.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1985 SA Vale, P.C.J. South African-Australian relations and the politics of perception: kissing cousins or a quarrel in the family? (Occas. paps.) 8pp. SA Inst Int Affairs 1983 SA Wheeler, T. Turkey and South Africa: development of relations 1860-2005. (SAIIA report, 47) ISBN: 1919969241 SA Inst Int Affairs 2005 SA White, L. SA-Mercosur: long process, little progress. (SAIIA report, 23) ISBN: 1919810471 SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA South Africa—International relations— Bibliography Andor, L.E. South Africa’s chrome, manganese, platinum and vanadium. Foreign views on the mineral dependency issue 1970 1984. A select and annotated bibliography. (Bibliographical series, 13) R25.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1985 SA
Bekker, S., Jeffery, A., Louw, A., Puttergill, C. Metropolitan government in Durban. (CSDS local government series, 2) 43pp. R9.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1990 SA Bekker, S., Jeffrey, A. Local government in urban South Africa: a normative approach. (CSDS local government series, 1) 21pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1989 SA Cameron, R. Democratisation of South African local government. A tale of three cities. ISBN: 0627024238 345pp. R229.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA Cameron, R. An overview of local government: municipal demarcation Act 27 of 1998. (EISA occasional papers, 2) R20.00 EISA 1999 SA Cloete, J.J.N. Provincial and municipal finance: selected readings. 290pp. R12.00 Van Schaik 1978 SA Coetzee, A., et al. Symposium on the orientation of municipal councillors and officials in a new dispensation for local authorities, University of Durban Westville, 9-11 April 1985. Univ Durban-Westville 1985 SA
Kalley, J.A. South Africa’s foreign relations 19801980. A select and annotated bibliography. (Bibliographic series, 12) 283pp. SA Inst Int Affairs 1984 SA
Craythorne, D. An analysis of the constitutional and legal framework for elections in the local government sphere. (EISA occasional papers, 6) R20.00 EISA 1998 SA
SAIIA Research Group Bridging the gulf? Exploring South African ties with the countries of the Gulf region. (SAIIA report, 38) ISBN: 1919969039 SA Inst Int Affairs 2003 SA
Kalley, J.A., comp. Index to the Republic of South Treaty Series, 1961-1979. (Bibliographic series, 1) 36pp. R5.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1980 SA
de Villiers, B., Sindane, J., eds. Regionalism. Problems and prospects. 203pp. R170.00 HSRC Publ 1993[?] SA
SAIIA Research Group South Africa and the two Chinas dilemma. 107pp. map R30.00 ($15.00/ £10.00) SA Inst Int Affairs 1995 SA
Rogaly, G.L. South Africa’s foreign relations 19611979: a select and partially annotated bibliography. (Bibliographic series, 6) 461pp. R25.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1980 SA
Rotberg, R. South Africa and US policy. Inst Int Affairs 1985 SA
11pp. SA
Scott, D. Three years as British Ambassador in South Africa. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1979 SA Siridopoulos, E., ed. Apartheid past, renaissance future: South Africa’s foreign policy 1994-2004. ISBN: 1919969225 341pp. R150.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2004 SA Skidmore, N. Japan and South Africa: deepening economic relations. (SAIIA report, 42) ISBN: 1919969209 SA Inst Int Affairs 2004 SA
Schoeman, E., comp. South Africa and the United Nations: a select and annotated bibliography. (Bibliographic series, 8) 244pp. R25.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1981 SA South Africa—International relations— Directories Mills, G., ed. SAIIA yearbook of international affairs, 1999/2000. ISBN: 187489096X 512pp. R150.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2000 SA
South African Institute of international Affairs Questions affecting South Africa at the United Nations, 1968. 34pp. 30c. SA Inst Int Affairs 1969 SA
Schoeman, E., comp. South African sanctions directory, 19461988: actions by governments, banks, churches, trade unions, universities, international and regional organizations. (Bibliographical series, 18) R50.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1988 SA
South African Institute of International Affairs Questions affecting South Africa at the United Nations, 1969. 38pp. 30c. SA Inst Int Affairs 1970 SA
South Africa—Local government Atkinson, D. Issues of representation in local government. (EISA occasional papers, 9) R20.00 EISA 1997 SA
South African Institute of International Affairs Questions affecting South Africa at the United Nations, 1970. 58pp. 30c. SA Inst Int Affairs 1971 SA
Atkinson, D. Local government, local governance and sustainable development. Getting the parameters right. 23pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA
South African Institute of International Affairs Questions affecting South Africa at the United Nations, 1971. 67pp. 50c. SA Inst Int Affairs 1972 SA
Atkinson, D. Techniques of public participation in local government. (EISA occasional papers, 8) R20.00 EISA 1998 SA
South African Institute of Race Relations South Africa in Africa: an evaluation of détente. Papers delivered at the 46th annual council meeting of the S.A.I.R.R. 97pp. ($3.00/£2.00) R2.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1976 SA Spence, J.E. International problems of nuclear proliferation and the South African position. 10pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1980 SA
Atkinson, D., Reitzes, M., eds. From a tier to a sphere: local government in the new South African constitutional order. R100.00 EISA 1999 SA Bekker, K., ed. Citizen participation in local government. ISBN: 0627021840 158pp. R164.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA
Electoral Institute of Southern Africa Conflict management programme report: South Africa local government election, August-December 2000. (EISA occasional papers, 11) R20.00 EISA 2000 SA Electoral Institute of Southern Africa Participation of youth in local government elections: roundtable report, Johannesburg, 2000. R15.00 EISA 2001 SA Electoral Institute of Southern Africa Preparing for local government elections: encouraging participation. 68pp. R20.00 EISA 1999 SA Electoral Institute of Southern Africa Revisiting the rural model of local government in South Africa, 1997. (EISA conference proceedings, 10) R45.00 EISA 1997 SA Ewing, D. Guide to local government elections. KwaZulu Natal edition. 120pp. R50.00 Y Press 1995 SA Fick, G. Local government: a review of selected legislation. (EISA occasional papers, 10) R20.00 EISA 2001 SA Graham, P., ed. Governing at local level: a resource to community leaders. 76pp. R24.95 ($13.73/£7.80) Idasa 1995 SA Institute of Natural Resources The future of regional government in Natal/KwaZulu. Proceedings of a seminar hosted by the Institute of Natural Resources organised by Paul Forsyth, Alastair McIntosh and Martin Wittenberg, 18 April 1991. (INR working paps., 68) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Ismail, N., Meyer, I., Bayat, S. Local government management. ISBN: 1868640701 191pp. R79.95 Thomson Int 1998 SA Khan, F. Developmental local government and local economic development. (EISA occasional papers, 7) R20.00 EISA 1998 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
South Africa—Pictorial works
Lodge, T., Olivier, L., Venter, A. Handbook on legislation and regulations for South Africa’s local government elections. R80.00 EISA 2000 SA
Scholes, B., Dennis, N. Kruger National Park. Wonders of an African Eden. rev.ed. cd. 160pp. col.pl.maps R169.00 Zebra 1997 SA
McIntosh, A.C. Options for rural local government administration in South Africa with particular reference to KwaZulu. (INR investigational reports, 75) R45.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA
South Africa—Periodical indexes State Library Pretoria Edu-ISAP: a subject index to periodicals for use in schools; entries selected from the Index to South African Periodicals. cd. R350.00 State Lib - SA 1997 SA
Nel, H.J. Affirmative action at local government level. (IDPR occasional papers, 66) R65.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Parnell, S., Pieterse, E., Swilling, M., Woolridge, D. Democratising local government. The South African experiment. ISBN: 1919713522 R145.00 UCT Press 2002 SA Pottie, D., Ford, H. Local government in South Africa elections 2000. [E-book on CD-ROM] R85.00 EISA 2001 SA Reddy, P.S. Local government democratisation and decentralisation. A review of the southern African region.. ISBN: 0702152188 R145.00 Juta 1999 SA Roome, P. Municipal elections in 1999. (EISA occasional papers, 1) R20.00 EISA 1999 SA Tichmann, P. Powerlessness and poverty: a study of the nature and functions of four African local authorities in the Durban functional region. (ISER Occas. paps., 19) 73pp. Univ Durban-Westville 1987 SA South Africa—Natural history Barraclough, D.A., ed. Annals of the Natal museum. vol.40 276pp. R215.00 Natal Mus 1999 SA Carruthers, V. The Magaliesberg. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1919825029 cd. 388pp. col.ill.maps R199.95 Protea 2000 SA Coulson, D., Clarke, J. The high places of Southern Africa. cd. 272pp. ill. col.pl. maps R29.95 Macmillan - SA 1983 SA Dely, J.L., Kotze, D.C., Quinn, N.W., Mander, J.J. A pilot project to compile an inventory and classification of wetlands in the Natal Drakensberg Park. (INR investigational reports, 102) R55.00 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Fraser, M., McMahon, L. Between two shores. Flora and fauna of the Cape of Good Hope. cd. 196pp. col.pl. R165.00 Philip 1994 SA Lubke, R., de Moor, I., eds. Field guide to the Eastern and Southern Cape coasts. ISBN: 1919713034 536pp. col.ill.maps R185.00 UCT Press 1998 SA Marshall, H., Mommsen, B. Field guide to the west coast. 135pp. ill. R15.00 ($6.00) NBI 1994 SA McMahon, L., Fraser, M. A fynbos year. [On plant and animal life in southern and south-western Cape.] cd. 162pp. col.ill. col.pl. R165.00 Philip 1988 SA Patterson, F. Namaqualand: Garden of the gods. 128pp. pl. R120.95 Human and Rousseau 1993 SA
Pinnock, D. Natural selections: the African wanderings of a bemused naturalist. ISBN: 1919930035 305pp. ill. (£11.99) Double Storey 2002 SA Ross, K. Okavango: jewel of the Kalahari. ISBN: 1868727297 cd. 215pp. col.pl.maps (£16.99) Struik Publ 2003 SA
State Library, Pretoria Index to South African periodicals, 19601969 (on microfiche); also 1970-1974 and 1975-1986. [Microfiche only. Price on request.] State Lib - SA 1976 SA South Africa—Periodicals Campbell, R., Plomer, W., Van der Post, L. Voorslag 1-3: a magazine of South African life and art. [Facsimile reprint of 1926 original] cd. 308pp. pl. R50.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1985 SA South Africa—Pictorial works Argus The Argus, Cape Town. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868721523 112pp. col.pl.maps R89.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Bailey, A. Wild Kruger Park. ISBN: 0624039629 cd. 112pp. col.ill. R129.00 Tafelberg 2001 SA Balfour, D., Balfour, S. Chobe. 168pp. col.pl.map R150.00 Southern Book Publ 1997 SA Balfour, D., Balfour, S. Etosha. A visual souvenir. 80pp. col.pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Borchert, P. This is South Africa. [Text in English, German and French.] ISBN: 186825867X cd. & 160pp. col.pl.maps R129.95 cd. ISBN: 1868722023 R99.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Borchert, P., Funston, P. Spirit of the bush. ISBN: 1874950288 cd. 120pp. col.pl. (£22.50) Fernwood 2000 SA Chapman, M., ed. The Drum decade. Stories from the 1950s. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0869809857 256pp. R85.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA de la Harpe, R., de la Harpe, P., Derwent, S., Leitch, B. Zulu. 168pp. col.pl.maps R189.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA de la Harpe, R., et al. Namaqualand. A visual souvenir. ISBN: 1868721663 cd. 80pp. col.pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Hallett, G. Moving in time: images of a life in a democratic South Africa. ISBN: 0620320273 cd. 280pp. col.pl. (£40.00) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2004 SA Harvey, C. Beyond the endless Mopani. cd. 144pp. col.pl. R170.00 Southern Book Publ 1996 SA [South Africa only] Hurford, E. Beautiful Garden Route. [Text in English, German and French.] rev.ed. 48pp. col.pl.maps. R49.95 Struik Publ 1999 SA Hurford, E. South Africa. A visual celebration. ISBN: 1868259579 cd. 160pp. col.pl. R220.00 Struik Publ 1998 SA Hurford, E., et al. Magnificent South Africa. [Also available in German.] rev.ed. ISBN: 1868259765 cd. 176pp. col.pl. R189.95 Struik Publ 1999 SA Joyce, P. Beautiful South Africa. [Text in English, French and German.] rev.ed. ISBN: 1868254356 48pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1999 SA Joyce, P. Cape Town. A visual celebration. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 186872154X cd. 160pp. col.pl.map R199.00 Struik Publ 1998 SA Joyce, P. Presenting South Africa. ISBN: 1868721469 224pp. col.pl.maps R189.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Knobel, J. The magnificent natural heritage of South Africa. ISBN: 0624037959 cd. 160pp. col.pl. R195.00 Tafelberg 1999 SA Lanning, M., Horning, G., Roake, N. Life Soweto style. ISBN: 1868728447 159pp. col.pl. (£19.99) Struik Publ 2003 SA Oliphant, A., Delius, P., Meltzer, L., eds. Democracy X: marking the present: representing the past. ISBN: 1868883256 cd. 329pp. R299.00 pl. ($53.90/£34.30/ Eur47.20) Unisa 2004 SA Schadeberg, J. Black and white fifties: Jurgen Schadeberg’s South Africa. ISBN: 1919824711 cd. 125pp. pl. R249.95 Protea 2001 SA Skinner, M. Fairest Cape. ISBN: 0624040437 cd. 124pp. col.pl. R175.00 Tafelberg 2001 SA
de Mervelec, P. The Jo’burgers. ISBN: 1919825622 cd. 127pp. pl. R200.00 Protea 2001 SA
Skinner, M. Scenic Cape Town. ISBN: 0624037932 cd. 128pp. col.pl. R115.00 Tafelberg 1999 SA
de Mervelec, P. Nude landscape. ISBN: 1869190203 cd. 124pp. pl. R295.00 Protea 2003 SA
Struik Publishers South Africa - landscapes. 128pp. col.pl.map R99.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Derwent, S. Africa in colour: South Africa. [Also available in German.] ISBN: 1868721698 24pp. col.pl.map R34.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Edelstein, J. Truth and lies. ISBN: 0958434034 130pp. pl. M&G 2001 SA
Struik Publishers South Africa the beautiful. cd. 160pp. col.pl. R189.95 Struik Publ 1999 SA
Féral, C., Boudet, C., Chotia, F. Terre zulu. ISBN: 2910831043 cd. 45pp. col.pl. (Eur3.00) Stella Matutina 2004 RF FRE Fraser, S. Panoramic South Africa. ISBN: 0624037924 cd. 144pp. col.ill. R195.00 Tafelberg 2000 SA Fraser, S. Scenic South Africa. ISBN: 062022617X cd. 128pp. col.pl. R115.00 Tafelberg 1998 SA Hallett, G. Images of change. Nolwazi 1995 SA
140pp. pl. R79.74
Taylor, W., Hinde, G., Holt Biddle, D. The Waterberg: the natural splendours and the people. ISBN: 1868728226 cd. 176pp. col.pl. (£24.99) Struik Publ 2003 SA van Tonder, J., von Hörsten, L. The little Karoo. [Text in English, German and Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0798138165 144pp. col.ill.col.pl. R69.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA MUL Wall, D. Visions of Africa. ISBN: 1859740758 168pp. col.pl.maps R189.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Warner, B. Cape landscapes: Sir John Herschel’s sketches 1834-1838. ISBN: 0919713751 ill. R139.00 UCT Press 2004 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
South Africa—Politics and government South Africa—Politics and government Adams, H., Van Zyl Slabbert, F., Moodley, K. Comrades in business. Post-liberation politics in South Africa. ISBN: 0624036014 248pp. ill. R89.95 (£18.00) Tafelberg 1998 SA Africa Institute of South Africa 2003/04 annual report. 40pp. pl. free Africa Inst 2004 SA Alexander, N. Robben Island prison dossier, 1964-1974. 112pp. R49.95 UCT Press [1994?] SA Asmal, K., Asmal, L., Roberts, R.S. Reconciliation through truth: a reckoning of apartheid’s criminal governance. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 74) 240pp. R49.50 Mayibuye 1996 SA [co-published with David Philip Publishers (Pty) Ltd] Asmal, K., Chidester, D., Lubisi, C. Legacy of freedom. The ANC’s human rights tradition. ISBN: 1868422186 R49.95 Ball 2004 SA Badat, M.S. Black student politics, higher education and apartheid. From SASO to SANSCO, 1968-1990. ISBN: 0796918961 416pp. R185.00 HSRC Publ 1999 SA Bailey, D. Thatha. 132pp. R26.50 HeinemannEdSA 1994 SA Ballington, J., Jones, B. Putting women in power: free and fair elections: report. (EISA conference proceedings, 4) R45.00 EISA 1999 SA Barber, J. Mandela’s world. The international dimension of South Africa’s political revolution 1990-1999. ISBN: 0852558775 cd. & 256pp. (£45.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852558767 (£15.95 pap.) Philip 2004 SA [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, UK and Ohio University Press, US] Barber, J. The white sheep of the family. SA Inst Int Affairs 1981 SA
Barrell, H. MK: the ANC’s armed struggle. R21.99 Penguin SA 1990 SA
76pp. pl.
Bedford, E. A decade of democracy. ISBN: 1919930507 208pp. R265.00 Double Storey 2004 SA Bekker, S., Prinsloo, R., eds. Identity: theory, politics, history. vol.1 ISBN: 079691916X 200pp. R140.00 HSRC Publ 1999 SA Bennet, M., Quin, D. Political conflict in South Africa: data trends 1984-1988. R50.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1991 SA Berger, P.L. A future South Africa. ISBN: 0624026175 cd. 356pp. col.ill. R54.95 Tafelberg 1998[?] SA Bhana, S. Gandhi’s legacy. The Natal Indian congress, 1894-1994. 184pp. ill. R65.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1996 SA Bond, P. Elite transition. From apartheid to neoliberalism in South Africa. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0869809997 350pp. Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2002 SA Bond, P., Khosa, M., eds. An RDP policy audit. ISBN: 0796919194 205pp. R165.00 HSRC Publ 1999 SA Booth, D. Black liberation politics: analysis of political processes in KwaZulu-Natal. (CDSC rural urban studies working papers, 8) 22pp. R6.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1987 SA
Subject index Bornman, E., van Eeden, R., Wentzel, M., eds. Violence in South Africa. A variety of perspectives. 467pp. R235.00 HSRC Publ 1997 SA Bosch, B. Afrikaans and the spirit of equilibrium. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1996 SA Bozzoli, B. Theatres of struggle and the end of apartheid. ISBN: 1868144062 320pp. R220.00 Witwatersrand UP 2004 SA Brink, A., comp. S.A. April 1994. 171pp. R39.95 Queillerie 1994 SA MUL Brink, E., Malungane, G., Lebelo, S., Ntshangase, D., Krige, S. Soweto 16 June 1976. It all started with a dog... ISBN: 0795701322 208pp. pl. R110.00 Kwela 2001 SA Brooks, H. The dominant party system: challenges for South Africa’s second decade of democracy. (EISA occasional papers, 25) R20.00 EISA 2004 SA Brown, J.M., Prozesky, M., eds. Gandhi and South Africa. Perspectives and prospects. cd. 128pp. ill. R85.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1995 SA Buntman, F. Robben Island and prisoner resistance to apartheid. South African ed. ISBN: 0521537681 pl. ($22.99) CUP-SA 2003 SA Buthelezi, S., ed. South Africa: the dynamics and prospects of transformation (1990-1994). 134pp. ($17.00/£9.50) SAPES 1995 ZI Buthelezi, S., le Roux, E., eds. South Africa since 1994. Lessons and prospects. ISBN: 0798301538 503pp. ($49.95/£29.95) Africa Inst 2002 SA Caldwell, D. South Africa: the new revolution. 254pp. R20.00 Free Market Found 1990 SA Calland, R., ed. The first five years: a review of South Africa’s democratic parliament. 120pp. R89.95 Idasa 1999 SA Cawthra, G. Policing South Africa. Philip 1994 SA
240pp. R79.95
Centre for Policy Studies Policy perspectives 1989: South Africa at the end of the eighties. R19.95 Centre Policy Stud 1989 SA Centre for Social and Development Studies. Overview of political conflict in South Africa: data trends 1984-1988: indicator SA issue focus . 38pp. School Dev Studies-KZN 1989 SA Clingman, S., ed. Regions and repertoires: topics in South African politics and culture. (Working paps. in Southern African Studies, 6) 300pp. Ravan 1991 SA Cochrane, J. The church and labour in South Africa. 54pp. ($7.50/£4.00) Skotaville 1988 SA Cock, J., Nathan, L., eds. War and society: the militarisation of South Africa. 361pp. R69.95 Philip 1989 SA Coetzee, A., Polley, J., eds. Crossing borders: writers meet the ANC. 207pp. R39.95 Idasa 1990 SA Coetzee, S.F. South Africa’s second liberation: how to make reconstruction and development work. (IRS study pamphlets, 328) 11pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1995 SA Connor, B.F. The difficult traverse. ISBN: 1875053131 150pp. R50.00 ($10.00/ £5.00) Cluster 1998 SA
Corbett, S.S. Guaranteeing fundamental freedoms in a new South Africa. 28pp. ($6.00/£4.00) R6.50 SA Inst Race Relations 1990 SA Crush, J., Williams, V. The new South Africa: immigration amnesties and their aftermath. ISBN: 1874864853 94pp. R69.95 Idasa 1999 SA Cunningham, P.W., Griewe, S., Marran, A., Venter, C. Parliamentary knowledge among a selected sample of students at the University of Port Elizabeth. (IDPR fact papers, 102) Inst Planning Res 1996 SA Daniel, J., Habib, A., Southall, R., eds. State of the nation: South Africa 20032004. [annual serial] ISBN: 0796920249 256pp. R175.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA Daniel, J., Southall, R., Lutchman, J., eds. State of the nation. South Africa 20042005. ISBN: 0796920869 648pp. R180.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Davenport, T.R.H. The transfer of power in South Africa. ISBN: 0864864108 168pp. ill.maps Philip 1998 SA [Southern Africa only] Davies, R. The Southern African Customs Union (SACU): background and possible negotiating issues facing a democratic government. (Southern African perspectives: a working paper series, 33) 14pp. Univ West Cape 1994 SA Davies, R., comp. Perspectives on regional co-operation from South Africa’s mass democratic movement. (Backgrounder series, 3) 11pp. ($5.00) R6.50 Univ West Cape 1992 SA de Villiers, R. Developing democracy. (Workshop reports, 8) 244pp. R35.00 Centre Policy Stud 1993 SA de Wet, C. Local responses to political and socioeconomic change. Inst Soc Res 1992 SA Dholmo, O., Sonn, F.D. Perspectives on negotiations. SA Inst Int Affairs 1991 SA
Doxtader, E. To repair the irreparable. ISBN: 0864866186 R150.00 New Africa Ed SA 2004 SA Drew, A. Discordant comrades: identities and loyalties on the South African left. ISBN: 1868882055 309pp. R107.00 ($22.70/£14.40/Eur19.90) Unisa 2002 SA du Toit, A., ed. Towards democracy: building a culture of accountability in South Africa. 217pp. R49.95 Idasa 1991 SA du Toit, A., Giliomee, H. Afrikaner political thought, analysis and documents. vol.1 cd. & 368pp. R85.00 cd. R72.95. Philip 1982 SA Ebrahim, M. Powder keg or damp squib: black opinion and the group areas act. 26pp. ($6.00/ £4.00) R5.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1987 SA Ebrahim, M., Friedman, S., PickardCambridge, C. Backs against the tide: an evaluation of the President’s Council’s Report on the group areas act. 32pp. ($6.00/£4.00) R5.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1987 SA Electoral Institute of Southern Africa National and provincial election results: South Africa, June 1999. R80.00 EISA 1999 SA Electoral Institute of Southern Africa Report on conflict management committees and arbitration panels for the National Assembly and provincial elections, Johannesburg. R60.00 EISA 1999 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
South Africa—Politics and government
Etheridge, D. South Africa, the unproductive society: where do we go from here? 8pp. ($3.00/ £2.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1984 SA Fakier, Y. Grappling with change. ISBN: 1874864837 R49.95 Idasa 1998 SA Fick, G. South African electoral commission: the old and the new. (EISA occasional papers, 5) R20.00 EISA 1998 SA Forsyth, M. Federalism and the future of South Africa. (Bradlow paper, 2) R10.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1984 SA FOSATU FOSATU international policy statement. 6pp. ($4.00/£2.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1984 SA Foster, D., Haupt, P., de Beer, M. The theatre of violence: narratives of protagonists in the South African conflict. ISBN: 0796920958 376pp. R180.00 HSRC Publ 2005 SA Fourie, S., ed. Strategies for change. Idasa 1989 SA
146pp. R29.95
Fowler, S. National identity and renewal of democracy. (IRS study pamphlets, 277/ 278) 82pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1991 SA Franks, P., Morris, P. Urban black government and policy. ($5.00/£3.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1986 SA Freedman, M. Quest for blue skies. South Africa in 2004. 231pp. ill. R59.95 Zebra 1995 SA Friedman, G. Madiba’s boys: the stories of Lucas Radebe and Mark Fish. ISBN: 191988808X New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA [Southern Africa only] Friedman, S. Black politics at the crossroads. 20pp. ($8.00/£5.00) R6.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1986 SA Friedman, S. Options for the future: government reform strategy and prospects for structural change. 63pp. ($9.00/£6.00) R10.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1990 SA Friedman, S. Reform revisited: current trends in government thinking and their implications for change away from apartheid. 51pp. ($8.00/£5.00) R8.50 SA Inst Race Relations 1988 SA Friedman, S., Atkinson, D. South African review 7. The small miracle: South Africa’s negotiated settlement. vol. 7 360pp. (£14.99) Ravan 1995 SA Friedman, S., ed. The long journey: South Africa’s search for a negotiated settlement. 206pp. R49.95 Ravan 1993 SA Friedman, S., Humphries, R. Federalism and its foes. (CPS research reports, 7) 260pp. R35.00 Centre Policy Stud 1993 SA Gallagher, S. Nkomati: one year later (With a note on South Africa’s trade with Africa). 8pp. ($4.00/£2.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1985 SA Geldenhuys, D. South Africa’s black homelands: past objectives, present realities and future developments. 104pp. R3.50 SA Inst Int Affairs 1981 SA Geldenhuys, D. South Africa’s search for security since the second world war. 19pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1978 SA
Gevisser, M. Mbeki, the dream deferred. ISBN: 1868421015 cd. R150.00 Ball 2001 SA Gevisser, M., Frankenfeld, H. Portraits of power: profiles of a changing South Africa. 192pp. pl. R72.95 Philip 1996 SA Gibson, J.L. Overcoming apartheid. Can truth reconcile a divided nation. ISBN: 0796920710 483pp. R190.00 (£18.95) HSRC Publ 2004 SA Giliomee, H., Simkins, C., eds. The awkward embrace. One party. Domination and democracy. ISBN: 0624037290 cd. 392pp. R149.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Gordon, G.E. Motion arrested: body politics and the struggle for a physical theatre. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1994 SA Gould, C., Folb, P. Project coast: apartheid’s chemical and biological warfare programme. ($25.00) Galago 2004 SA Graham, P., Coetzee, A., Mattes, R., Calland, R. In the balance: debating the state of democracy in South Africa. ISBN: 191979834X 100pp. R89.98 ($10.46) Idasa 2002 SA Grange, H., Hopkins, P. The rocky rioter teargas show. ISBN: 1868723429 260pp. Zebra 2001 SA Grundy, K. The rise of the South African security establishment: an essay on the changing locus of state power. (Bradlow Paper, 1) R10.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1983 SA Gumede, W. Thabo Mbeki and the battle for the soul of the ANC. ISBN: 1770070923 384pp. ($22.95) Struik Publ 2005 SA Haffjee, F., Ludman, B. M&G A-Z of South African politics. ISBN: 1770090231 320pp. R154.00 ($21.00/£12.50) Jacana 2004 SA Heard, T. The Cape of storms. A personal history of the crisis in South Africa. cd. & 275pp. ill. R50.34 cd. R39.14 Ravan 1991 SA [Southern Africa only] Hendler, P. Politics on the home front. 75pp. ($9.00/ £5.00) R8.75 SA Inst Race Relations 1989 SA Heyman, C. The politics of creation: an assessment of government-created bodies for Africans in South Africa. 23pp. ($5.00/ £3.00) R5.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1988 SA Heyns, S. Down government avenue. PZMs 1998 guide to politics and practice. 131pp. R35.95 Idasa 1998 SA Heyns, S., comp. Parliamentary pocketbook. R29.99 Idasa 1996 SA Hooper, C. Brief authority. Philip 1989 SA
new ed. 384pp. R49.49
Hopkins, P., Grange, H. The ricky rioter teargas show: the inside story of the 1976 Soweto uprising. 224pp. R119.95 Zebra 2001 SA Houston, G. Public participation in democratic governance in South Africa. ISBN: 0796919836 314pp. R215.00 HSRC Publ 2001 SA Houston, G.F. The national liberation struggle in South Africa. A case study of the United Democratic Front, 1983-1987. ISBN: 1840149558 311pp. R165.00 HSRC Publ 1999 SA
Human Sciences Research Council Public attitudes in contemporary South Africa: insights from an HSRC survey. ISBN: 0796919941 170pp. R110.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA Hyslop, J. African democracy in the era of globalisation. 515pp. R180.00 Idasa 1999 SA Hyslop, J. The classroom struggle. Policy and resistance in South Africa 1940-1990. ISBN: 0869809520 202pp. R89.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1999 SA IDASA Making affirmative action work: a South African guide. 186pp. R49.95 (£20.88/ £12.44) Idasa 1995 SA Institute for Democracy in South Africa The budget book: choice, challenge and change. 34pp. R19.95 Idasa 1995 SA James, W., Levy, M. Pulse: passages in democracy-building, assessing South Africa’s transition. 115pp. R69.95 Idasa 1998 SA James, W.G. Nelson Mandela: from freedom to the future. ISBN: 1868421570 cd. R299.95 ISBN: 1868421724 R259.95 Ball 2003 SA James, W.G., van de Vijver, L., eds. After the TRC: reflections on the truth and reconciliation. ISBN: 0864863748 256pp. (£12.95) Philip 2000 SA Jansen, J.D. Knowledge and power in South Africa. Critical perspectives across the disciplines. 336pp. ($27.00/£15.00) Skotaville 1991 SA Jeffery, A.J. The Natal Story: 16 years of conflict. cd. 900pp. R136.80 SA Inst Race Relations 1997 SA Jeffery, A.J. Riot policing in perspective. 261pp. SA Inst Race Relations 1991 SA Johns, S. Raising the red flag: the ISL and the CPSA, 1914-1932. Mayibuye 1995 SA Jonathan Ball Publishers (Pty) Ltd. Values alive: a tribute to Helen Suzman. 236pp. ill. pl. Ball 1990 SA Kadima, D. South African elections observer mission report. R80.00 EISA 1999 SA Kane-Berman, J. South Africa’s silent revolution. 79pp. ($10.00/£6.00) R17.50 SA Inst Race Relations 1990 SA Kane-Berman, J. Ten-point peace package. ($3.00/£2.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1985 SA Kane-Berman, J., et al. The new liberals. 65pp. R33.00 ($13.20/ £7.00) SA Inst Race Relations 1994 SA Kathrada, A. Letters form Robben Island. ISBN: 1868723658 336pp. Zebra 2000 SA Kentridge, M. An unofficial war: inside the conflict in Pietermaritzburg. R72.95 Philip 1990 SA Kgosana, P.A. Lest we forget: an autobiography. (Autobiographic series, 2) 108pp. pl. ($8.50/£5.00) Skotaville 1988 SA Kihato, C., Rapoo, T. A future for the provinces? New rethink needed on role of provinces. (CPS policy briefs, 23) 22pp. Centre Policy Stud 2001 SA Klandermans, B., Roefs, M., Olivier, J., eds. The state of the people. Citizens, civil society and governance in South Africa, 1994-2000. ISBN: 0796919852 258pp. R145.00 HSRC Publ 2001 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
South Africa—Politics and government Konrat, G.V. Assault from within. 2nd 286pp. (£1.85/ $4.55) K.shs.22.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Kornegay, F. From dilemma to détente: Pretoria’s policy options on the DRC and Great Lakes. (CPS policy briefs, 11) 34pp. Centre Policy Stud 1999 SA Krog, A. A change of tongue. ISBN: 0958446849 Random House SA 2003 SA Krog, A. Country of my skull. ISBN: 0958419566 286pp. R175.00 Random House SA 1998 SA Labuschagne, R. On South Africa’s secret service. An undercover agent’s story. ($45.00) Galago 2002 SA Landsberg, C. The quiet diplomacy of liberation. ISBN: 1770090282 264pp. R125.00 ($23.00/ £10.00) Jacana 2004 SA Laurence, P. Death squads: apartheid’s secret weapons. 72pp. R21.99 Penguin SA 1990 SA Le Pere, G., Ajulu, R. Good governance in South Africa. ISBN: 1919713000 UCT Press 2005 SA Lewis, G. Between the wire and the wall: a history of South African coloured politics. 338pp. R67.50 Philip 1987 SA Lodge, J., Nasson, B. All, here and now. 428pp. R7.50 Philip 1992 SA Lodge, T. The ANC after Nkomati. 10pp. ($4.00/ £2.00) R10.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1985 SA Lodge, T. Black politics in South Africa since 1945. 389pp. Ravan 1983 SA Lodge, T. Consolidating democracy. South Africa’s second popular election. ISBN: 1868143392 272pp. pl. R110.00 Witwatersrand UP 1999 SA Lodge, T. Handbook of electoral laws and regulations, 2004. (EISA handbooks, 12) R20.00 EISA 2004 SA Lodge, T. Politics in South Africa: from Mandela to Mbeki. new rev.ed. ($25.00) Galago 2004 SA Lodge, T. South African politics since 1994. ISBN: 0864863926 128pp. Philip 1999 SA Lodge, T., ed. Resistance and ideology in settler societies. (Working paps. in Southern African Studies, 4) 222pp. R15.50 Ravan 1986 SA
Subject index Mackay, S. The business of government: lessons from abroad for South African civil service reform. (CPS policy briefs, 20) 11pp. Centre Policy Stud 2000 SA
Mbeki, G. Learning from Robben Island. The prison writings of Govan Mbeki. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 92/1) 202pp. R49.95 Mayibuye 1991 SA
Magubane, P. June 16. The fruit of fear. [On June 16 students’ revolt in Soweto.] pl. Skotaville 1986 SA
Mbeki, G. A short history of the liberation struggle in South Africa. (Mayibuye history and literature series, 13) 102pp. R34.00 Mayibuye 1992 SA
Maharaj, G. Between unity and diversity: essays on nation-building on post-apartheid South Africa. ISBN: 187486490X 384pp. R89.95 Idasa 1999 SA Maloka, E. The South African communist party in exile 1963-1990. ISBN: 0798301554 81pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Africa Inst 2002 SA Mandela, N. Nelson Mandela speaks: forging a democratic non-racial South Africa. 296pp. pl. R49.95 (£10.00) Mayibuye 1994 SA Mandela, N. No easy walk to freedom. new ed. 190pp. K.shs.495.00 EAEP 1973 KE [Kenya only] Manganyi, C., ed. On becoming a democracy: transition and transformation in South African society. ISBN: 1868883027 123pp. R89.00 ($15.40/£9.80/Eur13.50) Unisa 2004 SA Manganyi, N.C. Looking through the keyhole: a collection of essays and an interview with Es’kia Mphahlele. 176pp. R10.95 Ravan 1981 SA Mangena, M. On your own: evolution of black consciousness in South Africa/Azania. 158pp. ($6.50/£4.25) Skotaville 1989 SA Maphai, V. South Africa: the challenge of change. 301pp. ($30.00/£16.75) SAPES 1994 ZI Marais, D., Riekert, D. Constitutional development of South Africa. 56pp. R2.95 Macmillan - SA 1981 SA Marais, H. South Africa: limits to change. The political economy of transition. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1919713603 338pp. R145.00 UCT Press 2000 SA [Southern Africa only] Maré, G. Brothers born of warrior blood. Politics and ethnicity in South Africa. 121pp. R24.20 Ravan 1992 SA [Southern Africa only] Maré, G., Stevens, G. An appetite for power. Buthelezi’s Inkatha and the politics of ‘Loyal Resistance’. 261pp. R24.95 Ravan 1987 SA [South Africa only]
Mbeki, G. Sunset at midday: latshon ‘ilang ‘emini. 126pp. Nolwazi 1996 SA Meer, F. The trial of Andrew Zondo. ($13.75/ £7.50) Baobab - Zimb 1989 ZI Meli, F. South Africa belongs to us: a history of the ANC. 256pp. ill. Z$19.99 ZPH 1987 ZI Merrett, C. Thesaurus of South African socio-political and economic terms from an antiapartheid perspective. 3rd ed.(Publication series, 3) 58pp. R5.70 (£3.00) Univ Natal Lib 1993 SA Midgely, J.R. Community policing: tentative steps towards true reconciliation. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1995 SA Milazi, D., Mukinge, M., Mukamaambo, E., eds. Democracy, human rights and regional cooperation in southern Africa. ISBN: 0798301503 306pp. ($34.95/£20.95) Africa Inst 2002 SA Mills, G., Edmonds, M., eds. South Africa and naval power at the millenium. ISBN: 1919810188 SA Inst Int Affairs 2000 SA Minnaar, A., Hough, M. Conflict, violence and conflict resolution in South Africa. 203pp. R110.00 HSRC Publ 1997 SA Mogoba, S. A new Africa: presidential address. 23pp. ($6.00/£4.00) R6.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1989 SA Mogoba, S., Kane-Berman, J., Bethlehem, R. Sanctions and the alternatives. 51pp. ($10.00/£7.00) R12.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1988 SA Moss, G., Obery, I., eds. South African review 4. Ravan 1987 SA
599pp. R24.95
Moss, G., Obery, I., eds. South African review 6. From ‘Red Friday’ to CODESA. vol.6 530pp. R49.50 (£12.99) Ravan 1995 SA Motlhabi, M. Toward a new South Africa. 88pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Skotaville 1992 SA
Mashabela, H. Fragile figures? The 1988 PMV elections. 14pp. ($7.00/£4.00) R7.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1989 SA
Mtshali, M.O. Give us a break: diaries of a group of Soweto children. 68pp. ($11.50/£6.50) Skotaville 1988 SA
Lodge, T., et al. Handbook of South African electoral laws and regulations. 2nd ed. R40.00 EISA 1999 SA
Mashabela, H. A people on the boil: reflections on the Soweto uprisings. 120pp. ($9.50/£6.50) Skotaville 1987 SA
Muthien, Y., ed. Democracy South Africa: evaluating the 1999 election. ISBN: 0796919453 134pp. R105.00 HSRC Publ 1999 SA
Lodge, T., Ntuli, S. Party presence and voter trust: findings from the EISA pre-election day and exit poll survey. R100.00 EISA 1999 SA
Mashabela, H., Narsoo, M. The Boksburg boycott. 36pp. ($10.00/ £7.00) R3.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1989 SA Masiza, Z. Silent citizenry: public participation and foreign policy-making. (CPS policy briefs, 15) 12pp. Centre Policy Stud 1999 SA
Muthien, Y.G., Khosa, M.M., Magubane, B.M., eds. Democracy and governance review. Mandela’s legacy 1994-1999. ISBN: 0796919704 406pp. R195.00 HSRC Publ 2000 SA
Lombard, J. Some fundamentals in the financing of political reform in the Republic of South Africa. 12pp. ($5.00/£3.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1986 SA Louw, C., comp. Journey to the ANC/Op reis na die ANC. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] 175pp. R34.95 Idasa 1989 SA MUL
Matthews, Z.K. Freedom for my people. new ed. cd. & 264pp. R49.95 cd. R17.95 Philip 1983 SA [South Africa only] Mayibuye Centre The reconstruction and development programme. [CD-ROM. Concise edition 550MB.] R300.00 Mayibuye 1998 SA
Naidoo, G. Reform and revolution: South Africa in the nineties. 227pp. ($18.00/£10.00) Skotaville 1991 SA Narsoo, M. Doing what comes naturally: a development role for the civic movement. (Policy issues and actors) 19pp. R10.00 Centre Policy Stud 1993 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
South Africa—Politics and government
Ndletyana, M. From symbolism to substance: changing transformation priorities in the public service. (CPS policy briefs, 21) 22pp. Centre Policy Stud 2000 SA Ndletyana, M. Politically correct? Political appointments to the civil service. (CPS policy briefs, 17) 15pp. Centre Policy Stud 1999 SA Ndlovu, S.M. The Soweto uprisings. Counter-memories of June 1976. ISBN: 0869754912 64pp. pl.map (£7.95) Ravan 1999 SA Ndungane, N. A world with a human face. A voice from Africa. ISBN: 0864866143 160pp. R120.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA [Southern Africa only] Nichol, W., et al. A future South Africa in the African context: a Christian perspective. (IRS study pamphlets, 292) 26pp. R4.00 ($2.25) Inst Reformational Studies 1992 SA Nicholson, C. Permanent removal. Who killed the Cradock four? ISBN: 1886144011 248pp. R170.00 Witwatersrand UP 2004 SA
Pityana, B., et al., eds. Bounds of possibility: the legacy of Steve Biko and black consciousness. 288pp. R61.95 Philip 1991 SA
Rosenthal, R. Mission improbable: a piece of the South African story. ISBN: 086486390X 312pp. R74.95 Philip 1998 SA
Pogrund, B. Sobukwe and apartheid. 1990 SA
Rule, S. Democracy South Africa. Public opinion on national priority issues, March 2000. ISBN: 0796919542 87pp. HSRC Publ 2000 SA [only available electronically at www.hsrcpress.ac.za]
406pp. Ball
Polley, J., ed. The freedom charter and the future. 136pp. R27.95 Idasa 1988 SA Posel, D., Simmonds, G., eds. Commissioning the past. The truth and reconciliation commission. ISBN: 1868143589 320pp. Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA Qunta, C. Affirmative action. ISBN: 0795700032 R49.95 Kwela 2000 [?] SA Ramphele, M. The affirmative action book: towards an equity environment. 38pp. R29.95 Idasa 1995 SA Rantete, J.M. The African National Congress and the negotiated settlement in South Africa. ISBN: 0627023290 344pp. R179.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA
Nijzink, L. Election 04. ISBN: 0864866550 R150.00 New Africa Ed SA 2004 SA
Rapoo, T. Concealed contest: MINMEC’s and the provincial debate. (CPS policy briefs, 18) 14pp. Centre Policy Stud 1999 SA
Njanana, R., Gonzalez, D., eds. Unfinished business. South Africa’s march to democracy. Election special. Update no. 8. 45pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Southern Afric Res & Docs 1994 ZI
Rapoo, T. In poor voice: NCOP’s weakness flows from the Westminster system. (CPS policy briefs, 22) 22pp. Centre Policy Stud 2001 SA
Nkhulu, M. The state and civil society in South Africa: transition to democracy, social reconstruction and implications for regional relations in Southern Africa. (Southern African perspectives: a working paper series, 28) 22pp. R8.50 ($7.00) Univ West Cape 1993 SA
Rapoo, T. The right to know: the politics of government communication and the new GCIS. (CPS policy briefs, 5) 40pp. Centre Policy Stud 1998 SA
Nuttal, T.A., et al. From apartheid to democracy, South Africa, 1948-1994. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0796012032 140pp. R68.52 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA O’Meara, D. Forty lost years. The National Party and the politics of the South African State 1948-1995. 380pp. (£19.99) Ravan 1995 SA Onwu, N., Nguru, G., Sakala, F.D., Mukwena, P.Z. A future South Africa in the African context. An African perspective. (IRS Study Pamphlets, 291) 29pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1992 SA Orkin, M., ed. Sanctions against apartheid. R64.95 Philip 1989 SA
Owen, K. These times: a decade of South African politics. 314pp. pl. R89.95 Ball 1995 SA Packard, R.M. White plague, black labour: tuberculosis and the political economy of health and disease in South Africa. 412pp. R75.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1990 SA [Southern Africa only] Picard, L.A. The state of the state. Institutional transformation, capacity and political change in South Africa. ISBN: 1868144194 Witwatersrand UP 2005 SA
Rapoo, T. Twist in the tail? The ANC and the appointment of provincial premiers. (CPS policy briefs, 7) 22pp. Centre Policy Stud 1998 SA Rautenbach, F. Liberating South Africa from the law. ISBN: 0624038211 224pp. R109.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Rees, M., Day, C. Muldergate: the story of the info scandal. cd. 240pp. pl. R6.95 Macmillan - SA 1980 SA Reinecke, C.J., Wessels, L., Mabizela, S., Swing, W.L. A future South Africa in the African context. A South African perspective. (IRS study pamphlets, 290) 30pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1992 SA Reynolds, A.S., ed. Election ’99 South Africa. From Mandela to Mbeki. ISBN: 0852558252 256pp. (£14.95) Philip 1999 SA Rhabela, M.G., Mzoneli, Z.C. Perspectives on Ubuntu. ISBN: 0869861360 189pp. R68.40 Lovedale 1998 SA Rich, P.B. White power and the liberal conscience: racial segregation and South African liberalism. 192pp. R14.50 Ravan 1984 SA Rive, R., Couzens, T. Seme. The founder of the ANC. 91pp. ($7.50/£4.00) Skotaville 1991 SA
Pieterse, E. Transition dynamics in South Africa in the context of the RDP. 15pp. R15.00 Olive 1996 SA
Robertson, S. The cold choice: pictures of a South African reality. cd. 128pp. pl. R125.00 Philip 1991 SA
Pinsloo, K., Peeters, Y., Turi, J., van Rensburg, C. Language, law and equality. 344pp. R59.50 ($33.00/£20.10) Unisa 1993 SA
Robins, S.L., ed. Citizenship, governance and culture after apartheid. Limits to liberation in South Africa. cd. & 320pp. pl. (£45.00 cd./ £16.95 pap.) Philip 2005 SA [copublished with James Currey, UK and Ohio University Press, USA & Canada]
Piper, L., ed. South Africa’s 2004 election: the quest for democratic consolidation. (EISA research report, 12) R20.00 EISA 2004 SA
Sandeberg, E. The changing politics of nongovernmental organisations and African states. (Policy issues and actors, 6/4) 15pp. R10.00 Centre Policy Stud 1993 SA Saunders, S. Freedom, the universities and the future: Presidential address. 6pp. ($4.00/£3.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1987 SA Schadeberg, J. Voices from Robben Island. R82.50 Ravan 1994 SA
109pp. pl.
Scher, D. Donald Molteno: Dilizintaba - he who removes mountains. ($8.00/£5.00) R6.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1979 SA Schlemmer, L. The carrot or the stick: reflections on the reform process. 19pp. ($4.00/£3.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1984 SA Schlemmer, L. Privilege, prejudice and parties. (A study of political motivation among white voters in Durban) 85pp. ($6.00/£3.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1973 SA Seekings, J. Heroes or villains? Youth politics in the 1980s. 108pp. R25.00 Ravan 1993 SA Seekings, J. The UDF. A history of the United Democratic Front in South Africa 19831991. ISBN: 0852558422 368pp. ill. (£15.95) Philip 2000 SA Shelton, G. South Africa - defence transformation and new security. (SAIIA report, 35) ISBN: 1919969071 SA Inst Int Affairs 2003 SA Shindler, J. Separate but equal: some comments on De Lange and the White Paper. 9pp. ($4.00/£2.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1984 SA Shubane, K. Tomorrow’s foundation? Forums as the second level. (CPS research reports, 33) 2424pp. R15.00 Centre Policy Stud 1993 SA Shubin, V. ANC. A view from Moscow. ISBN: 1868084396 440pp. R120.00 Mayibuye 1998 SA Simkins, C. Liberalism and the problem of power. 23pp. ($5.00/£4.00) R6.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1987 SA Simkins, C. Reconstructing South African liberalism. 120pp. ($22.00/£13.00) R17.50 SA Inst Race Relations 1986 SA Simkins, C., Narsoo, M., du Toit, A. The prisoners of tradition and the politics of nation building. 158pp. ($19.00/ £12.00) R20.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1988 SA Simpson, M. The experience of nation building:some lessons for South Africa. (Southern African perspectives: a working paper series, 26) 17pp. R8.50 ($7.00) Univ West Cape 1993 SA Sono, T. Dilemmas of African intellectuals in South Africa. Political and cultural constraints. 96pp. R64.00 ($13.30/ £8.10) Unisa 1994 SA
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South Africa—Politics and government South African Democracy Education Trust The road to democracy. Volume 1 19601970. vol.1 ISBN: 1868729060 804pp. Zebra 2004 SA South African Institute of Race Relations Detentions in South Africa, 1 January to 30 June 1984. 10pp. ($4.00/£2.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1984 SA South African Institute of Race Relations Symposium on liberalism, liberalism and the middle ground. 53pp. ($10.00/£6.00) R7.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1987 SA South African Institute of Race Relations Towards a climate for negotiation. 3pp. ($3.00/£2.00) R3.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1984 SA Southall, R., Mattes, R. Popular attitudes towards the South African electoral system: report to the electoral task force team. 46pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA Southall, R.J. Ambiguities of South Africa’s quest for democracy. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1993 SA Sparks, A. Tomorrow is another country. The inside story of South Africa’s negotiated settlement. new ed. ISBN: 1868421880 254pp. R159.95 Ball 2004 SA Spitz, R., Chaskalson, M. The politics of transition. A hidden history of South Africa’s negotiated settlement. ISBN: 1868143449 304pp. pl. Witwatersrand UP 1999 SA Stadler, A. The political economy of modern South Africa. 288pp. R64.95 Philip 1987 SA [Southern Africa only] Steyn, J. Managing change in South Africa. R34.95 Human and Rousseau 1990 SA Stiff, P. The silent war. South African recce operations 1969-1994. new ed. ISBN: 0620243007 cd. ill.col.ill.pl.maps R240.00 ($45.00/£30.00) Galago 2004 SA Straker, G. Faces in the revolution. Philip 1992 SA
168pp. R59.95
Sunter, C. The high road: where are we now? 112pp. R44.95 Tafelberg 1997 SA Sunter, C. Pretoria will provide and other myths. 128pp. R34.95 Tafelberg 1994 SA Sunter, C. South African environments into the 21st century. 128pp. R37.95 Tafelberg 1990 SA Sunter, C. What it really takes to be world class. R49.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Sutcliffe, M. Democracy and demarcation. (CPS policy forum, 7) 22pp. Centre Policy Stud 2000 SA Suttner, I., ed. Cutting through the mountain. Interviews with South African Jewish activists. 634pp. pl. (£19.95) Penguin SA 1997 SA
Subject index Thamm, M. Shooting the moon. [Hostage taking of Callie and Monique Strydom as told to the author.] ISBN: 0864864736 R98.95 Philip 2000 SA Titus, Z., comp. So this is democracy, 2001. [Annual] ISBN: 9991672885 253pp. MISA 2002 SX Titus, Z., comp. So this is democracy, 2003. [Annual] ISBN: 9991662073 165pp. MISA 2004 SX Tomaselli, K., et al. The limits of dissent: resistance, community and the press in South Africa, early 1990. ($12.00) R22.95 Anthropos 1989 SA Truth and Reconciliation Commission TRC reports. 5 vol. set ISBN: 0620230789 cd. 3,500pp. R750.00 Juta 1998 SA Turner, T. Trade union action to stop oil to South Africa. 35pp. Univ Port Harcourt Press 1985 NR Vale, P. Hoping against hope: the prospects for South Africa’s post-apartheid regional policy. 42pp. Univ West Cape 1992 SA Vale, P. Security and politics in South Africa. A regional dimension. ISBN: 1919713816 256pp. R165.00 UCT Press 2003 SA Vale, P. Starting over: some early questions on a post-apartheid foreign policy. (Southern African Perspectives, 1) 23pp. R5.00 ($3.50) Univ West Cape 1990 SA van Audenhove, L. Towards an integrated information society policy in South Africa. An overview of political rhetoric and policy initiatives 1994-2000. (Surveys, Analysis, Modelling and Mapping occasional papers, 1) ISBN: 0796920230 38pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA van der Walt, B.J. Afrocentric or eurocentric? Our task in a multicultural South Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] R40.00 ($10.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1997 SA
Villa-Vicencio, C., Verwoerd, W., eds. Looking back reaching forward. Reflections on the truth and reconciliation commission of South Africa. ISBN: 1919713492 320pp. R135.00 UCT Press 2000 SA Welsh, D., Johnson, W., eds. Ironic victory: liberalism in post-liberation South Africa. ISBN: 0195716841 430pp. R270.00 OUP - SA 1998 SA Wentzel, J. The liberal slideaway. 430pp. R59.99 ($22.00/£17.00) SA Inst Race Relations 1995 SA White, L. Assassination of Herbert Chitepo. ISBN: 1919930280 160pp. R154.95 Double Storey 2003 SA [Southern Africa only] Wilmot, J., Levy, M. Pulse: passages in democracy-building: assessing South Africa’s transition. ISBN: 187486473X 120pp. R72.95 Idasa 1998 SA Wittenberg, M., McIntosh, A.C. Decentralisation in South Africa: regional power or local government? Report compiled for the Local Government Policy Project, University of the Western Cape. (INR investigational reports, 73) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Woodward, C.A., ed. On the razor’s edge. Prospects for political stability in Southern Africa. 209pp. ($15.00) R15.00 Africa Inst 1986 SA World Economic Forum South Africa at 10. Perspectives by political, business and civil leaders. ISBN: 0798144602 224pp. (£17.95) Human and Rousseau 2004 SA Wornsip, M.E. Between two fires. The Anglican church and apartheid. 202pp. ill. R55.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1991 SA South Africa—Politics and government— Addresses and essays Alexander, N. Sow the wind. Contemporary speeches. 252pp. R10.95 Skotaville 1985 SA
van Niekerk, A.S. One destiny. 136pp. R44.95 Tafelberg 1993 SA
Ashton, H. Moral suasion: Hoernle memorial lecture. 29pp. ($4.00/£3.00.) R3.00. SA Inst Race Relations 1978 SA
van Niekerk, D., van der Waldt, G., Jonker, A. Governance, politics and policy in South Africa. ISBN: 019571834X 346pp. R255.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA
Buthulezi, M.G. Human rights and constitutional developments in South Africa. (NIIA, lecture series, 11) 28pp. N5.00 NIIA 1976 NR
van Wyk, M.J., van Wyk, A. Socio-political opinion and attitude study amongst academic staff at the University of Port Elizabeth. (IDPR occasional papers, 24) R15.00 Inst Planning Res 1991 SA
Butler, J.E. South Africa: an empire with its colonies at home? R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1975 SA
van Zyl Slabbert, F. The quest for democracy: South Africa in transition. 107pp. R21.99 Penguin SA 1992 SA Venter, A., ed. Government and politics in the new South Africa. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0627024831 378pp. R229.95 Van Schaik 2001 SA
Suzman, A. South Africa at the crossroads. 10pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1978 SA
Venter, S., Colart, C. Something to write home about. ISBN: 1919931953 280pp. R169.00 ($23.00/ £13.50) Jacana 2004 SA
Swanson, M.W., ed. The views of Mahlathi: writings of A.W.G. Champion: a black South African. cd. 230pp. R75.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1983 SA
Vernon, K. Penpricks: the drawing of South Africa’s political battlelines. ISBN: 0864864728 200pp. ill. R165.00 New Africa Ed SA 2000 SA
Switzer, L. Power and resistance in an African society: the Ciskei and the making of South Africa. 464pp. pl. maps R135.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1993 SA
Viljoen, S.P. Whither South Africa? Int Affairs 1978 SA
R1.00 SA Inst
Villa-Vicencio, C. The spirit of hope. Conversation on politics, religion and values. 285pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Skotaville 1994 SA
Cukwurah, O. The consolidation of the black homelands of South Africa. (NIIA, lecture series, 14) 39pp. N5.00 NIIA 1976 NR Doxtader, E., Villa-Vicencio, C., eds. The provocations of amnesty: memory, justice and impunity. ISBN: 0864866151 320pp. R170.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA Maharaj, M., ed. Reflections in prison. 2002 SA
268pp. Zebra
Mbeki, T. Africa: define yourself. ISBN: 0624040976 328pp. (£25.00) Tafelberg 2002 SA Oppenheimer, H. First Cecil Rhodes commemoration lecture. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1970 SA Schlemmer, L. South Africa at a crossroads: presidential address. 13pp. ($5.00/£3.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1985 SA Skotaville Publishers Mahube: dawning of the dawn. ISBN: 1919882014 204pp. ill. (£18.99) Skotaville 2001 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index van der Vyver, J.D., Potgieter, P.J.J.S., Sithole, M. Democracy in Africa. 68pp. R8.00 ($8.00/£5.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1993 SA South Africa—Politics and government— Bibliography Kalley, J.A. Pressure on Pretoria: sanctions, boycotts and the divestment/disinvestment issue, 1964-1988: a select and annotated bibliography. (Bibliographical Series, 17) R45.00. SA Inst Int Affairs 1988 SA Kalley, J.A., comp. Bophuthatswana politics and the economy: a select and annotated bibliography. (Bibliographical series, 4) 39pp. R3.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1978 SA Kalley, J.A., comp. Index to the union of South Africa treaty series: 1926-1960. (Bibliographical series, 5) 128pp. R6.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1978 SA Merrett, C. Emergency of the state: a source guide to South African political issues, 19851990. (University of Natal Library publication series, 8) 60pp. R50.00 Univ Natal Lib 1993 SA Schoeman, E., Kalley, J., Musiker, N., eds. Mandela’s five years of freedom. South African politics, economics and social issues 1990-1995. A select and annotated bibliography. 770pp. (£20.00) SA Inst Int Affairs 1996 SA Strachan, B. South Africa’s second democratic elections 1999. An annotated bibliography. ISBN: 191981437X 239pp. R80.00 ($10.00) EISA 2001 SA South Africa—Politics and government— Biography Gastrow, S. Who’s who in South African politics. 5th ed. 350pp. pl. (£14.99) Ravan 1995 SA South Africa—Politics and government— Directories Harber, A., Ludman, B., eds. The A-Z of South African politics: 1995. [Weekly Mail & Guardian] 250pp. Longman Penguin SA 1994 SA Harber, A., Ludman, B., eds. The A-Z of South African politics: the essential handbook 1994. [Weekly Mail & Guardian] 250pp. R49.99 Longman Penguin SA 1994 SA Harber, A., Widman, B. A-Z of South African politics: post election supplement: know our new leaders. 43pp. R7.00 Longman Penguin SA 1994 SA Kotze, H., Greyling, A. Political organisations in South Africa, AZ. 264pp. R99.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA South Africa—Politics and government— Indexes de Villiers, A., ed. Juta-State Library index to the Government Gazette. 486pp. R446.00 Juta 1992 SA South Africa—Politics and government— Pictorial works STE Publishers Images of defiance - South African resistance posters of the 1908s. new ed. ISBN: 1919855386 192pp. col.pl. (£22.50) STE 2004 SA South Africa—Politics and government— Yearbooks Mills, D.G., Handley, A. South African yearbook of international affairs 1997. 450pp. R68.40 ($40.00) SA Inst Int Affairs 1997 SA South African Institute of International Affairs South African yearbook of international affairs 2001/2002. [Annual.] ISBN: 1919810382 299pp. R150.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA
South Africa—Race relations South African Institute of International Affairs South African yearbook of international affairs 2002/2003. [Annual.] ISBN: 1919810617 452pp. R175.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2003 SA South African Institute of International Affairs South African yearbook of international affairs 2003/2004. ISBN: 1919969276 498pp. R175.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 2004 SA South Africa—Public administration Abedian, I., ed. Budgetary governance. Towards a new public sector paradigm. ISBN: 1919713298 450pp. UCT Press 2000 SA Adler, G. Public service labour relations in a democratic South Africa. ISBN: 1868143597 296pp. R135.00 Witwatersrand UP 2002 SA Brynard, P., Erasmus, K. Public management and administration. Case study resource book. 229pp. R134.50 Van Schaik 1995 SA Cameron, R.G., Stone, A.B. Serving the public - a guide for practitioners and students. R84.50 Van Schaik 1995 SA Cheminais, J., van der Waldt, G., Bayat, M.S. Provision for maintenance of public personnel. ISBN: 0702143804 192pp. R149.00 Juta 1998 SA Christie, R. Group areas and property market economics. 2nd ed. 19pp. ($6.00/£4.00.) R7.50. SA Inst Race Relations 1987 SA Craythorne, D.L. Municipal administration. The handbook. 5th ed. ISBN: 0702160415 356pp. R229.00 Juta 2003 SA de Beer, F.C., Swanepoel, H.J. Community capacity building. ISBN: 0195719999 136pp. R125.00 OUP - SA 2000 SA du Toit, D., van der Waldt, G., Stroh, E.C. Public administration and management. The grassroots. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702151513 R185.00 Juta 1999 SA Erasmus, P.W., Visser, C.B. Changing public and development management. 334pp. R115.00 Juta 1995 SA Festenstein, M., Pickard-Cambridge, C. Land and race: South Africa’s group areas and land acts. ($15.00/£9.00.) R10.00. SA Inst Race Relations 1987 SA Fox, W., Schwella, E., Wissink, H.F. Public management. 2nd ed. 340pp. R99.00 Juta 2002 SA Gulati, A., Everatt, D., Kushlick, A. Tango in the dark: government and voluntary sector partnerships in the new South Africa. 208pp. R35.00 Olive 1996 SA Human, P. YENZA: a blueprint for transformation. 224pp. R179.99 OUP - SA 1998 SA Khosa, M., ed. Empowerment through service delivery. ISBN: 0796919518 274pp. map R205.00 HSRC Publ 2000 SA Khosa, M., ed. Infrastructural mandate for change 19941999. ISBN: 079691950X 253pp. R160.00 HSRC Publ 2000 SA Kuye, J.O. Addressing the need for strategic management skills in the public service. (CPS policy forum, 12) 12pp. Centre Policy Stud 2000 SA Mafunisa, A. Public service ethics. ISBN: 0702154199 93pp. R82.00 Juta 2000 SA
Mavuso, V., Balia, D., eds. Fighting corruption: invitation to ethics management. vol.4 ISBN: 1868881261 272pp. R107.00 ($20.70/£13.50) Unisa 1999 SA Mokgoro, J. Transforming the public service. (CPS policy forum, 9) 22pp. Centre Policy Stud 2000 SA Moolman, M. From town to township: regional services councils assessed. 71pp. ($11.00/£6.00) R12.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1990 SA Nevhutalu, M.L. Financial management in the public service with specific reference to Northern Province. (CPS policy forum, 11) 13pp. Centre Policy Stud 2000 SA Sandwith, M. Natal Parks Board unpublished reports, 1947-1998. (University of Natal Library publication series, 11) ISBN: 1868404137 436pp. R100.00 ($15.00/£10.00) Univ Natal Lib 2000 SA Sangweni, S. Evaluating the performance of senior civil servants. (CPS policy forum, 10) 33pp. Centre Policy Stud 2000 SA Sangweni, S., Balia, D., eds. Fighting corruption: towards a national integrity system. vol.3 ISBN: 1868881253 222pp. R70.00 ($17.70/ £11.50) Unisa 1999 SA South African Institute of Race Relations Councils and controversy, South African’s new regional services councils. 57pp. ($11.00/£7.00) R9.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1988 SA Swanepoel, H., de Beer, F. Communication for development. A guide for fieldworkers. 64pp. R42.95 Thomson Int 1996 SA South Africa—Public welfare Barratt, I. A guide to social pensions. rev.ed. 34pp. ($2.00/£1.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1976 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Basic needs in rural areas. A report on a seminar held in Cape Town on 19 February 1985. (SANSP Report, 116) 103pp. CSIR 1985 SA Lund, F., Madlala, N. Caring for elderly people. A workbook. [Notes are also available in Zuku, Tswana, Xhosa and Sesotho.] 92pp. ill. R25.00 R10.00 notes Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1993 SA MUL Lund, F.J. The way welfare works: structures, spending, staffing and social work in the South African bureaucracies. 95pp. R60.00 (£12.00) School Dev StudiesKZN 1992 SA South Africa—Race relations Cooper, C., et al. Race relations survey. vol.37 697pp. ($19.00/£12.00) R10.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1983 SA Cooper, C., et al. Race relations survey. ($27.00/£17.00) R20.00 Relations 1984 SA Cooper, C., et al. Race relations survey. ($34.00/£21.00) R30.00 Relations 1985 SA
vol.38 991pp. SA Inst Race vol.39 643pp. SA Inst Race
Cooper, C., et al. Race relations survey, 1986. vol.40,1 407pp. ($23.00/£13.00) R20.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1987[?] SA Cooper, C., et al. Race relations survey, 1986. vol.40,2 938pp. ($26.00/$15.00) R20.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1987[?] SA Cooper, C., et al. Race relations survey, 1987/88. vol.41 991pp. ($54.00/£33.00) R60.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1989[?] SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
South Africa—Race relations Cooper, C., et al. Race relations survey, 1988/89. vol.42 813pp. ($49.00/£29.00) R60.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1989 SA Cooper, C., et al. Race relations survey 1993/94. 860pp. R96.90 ($60.99/£34.99) SA Inst Race Relations 1994 SA Cullum, M. Race and intergroup relations. 11pp. ($4.00/£2.00.) R4.00. SA Inst Race Relations 1985 SA Cunningham, A.M. Records of the South African Institute of Race Relations, 1930-1950. vol.1(Historical and Literary Papers, Inventories of Collections, 10) 227pp. R7.50 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1981 SA Distiller, N., Steyn, M., eds. Under construction: ‘race’ and identity in South Africa today. ISBN: 0796214786 cd. 213pp. ill. Heinemann-EdSA 2004 SA du Pré, R.H. Making of racial conflict in South Africa: a historical perspective. The origins of black-white confrontation in South Africa: an introduction. 2nd rev.ed.(History for the layman, 1) 276pp. ($15.00/£8.50) Skotaville 1992 SA Dugard, J. A national strategy for 1980. ($4.00/ £2.00) R3.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1980 SA Ebrahim, M. Residental integration: a recipe for crime? 16pp. ($5.00/£3.00) R5.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1987 SA Frederikse, J. The unbreakable thread. Non-racialism in South Africa. 320pp. Ravan 1990 SA Gordon, L., ed. Survey of race relations in South Africa, 1980. vol.34 690pp. ($19.00/£12.00) R10.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1980 SA Greenberg, S. Race and state in capitalist development: South Africa in comparative prespective. 489pp. R24.95 SA only Ravan 1980 SA Hellmann, E., ed, Lever, H., ed Conflict and progress: fifty years of race relations in South Africa. cd. 288pp. R9.50 Macmillan - SA 1979 SA Horrell, M. A survey of race relations in South Africa, 1967. 334pp. ($16.00/£10.00) R10.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1968 SA Horrell, M. A survey of race relations in South Africa, 1971. 360pp. ($16.00/£10.00) R10.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1972 SA Horrell, M. A survey of race relations in South Africa, 1972. 360pp. ($16.00/£10.00) R10.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1973 SA Horrell, M., Hodgson, A. A survey of race relations in South Africa, 1975. 370pp. ($16.00/£10.00) R10.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1976 SA Horrell, M., Horner, D. A survey of race relations in South Africa, 1973. 411pp. ($16.00/£10.00) R10.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1974 SA Horrell, M., Horner, D., Norman, J., eds. A survey of race relations in South Africa, 1974. 422pp. ($16.00/£10.00) R10.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1975 SA Naidoo, J. South African Indians: between an old South Africa of fear and a new South Africa of hope. 9pp. ($4.00/£2.00) R5.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1984 SA Randall, P., ed. A survey of race relations in South Africa, 1986. vol.36 649pp. ($19.00/ £12.00) R10.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1982 SA
Subject index Schreiner, O.D. The nettle: political power and race relations in South Africa. 95pp. ($6.00/ £4.00) R5.00. SA Inst Race Relations 1964 SA
South Africa—Religious education Fowler, S. A Christian voice among students and scholars. (Series F2, 51) 231pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1991 SA
South African Institute of Race Relations Intergroup relations in the common area. Papers delivered at the 45th Council Meeting of the South African Institute of Race Relations, January 1975. 69pp. ($11.00/£6.00) R2.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1975 SA
South Africa—Rural development A’Bear, D.R. Maputaland integrated rural development programme: a case study. Paper presented at the Rural Health Conference Centre, Melmoth, 17-18 August. (INR working paps., 92) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA
South African Institute of Race Relations The urgent need for fundamental change in South Africa. Papers given at the 47th Annual council meeting. 113pp. ($4.50) R3.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1977 SA South Africa—Race relations—Addresses and essays Auerbach, F. Racism, youth and the future: presidential address. 8pp. ($3.00/£2.00) R3.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1983 SA Friedman, B. Parliament in a caste society. 1975 Presidential address. 14pp. ($3.00/ £2.00) R3.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1975 SA South Africa—Race relations—Directories Mzimela, T. A directory of rural and peri-urban community based organisations in Natal. (Maurice Webb race relations series, 1) 32pp. R12.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1993 SA South Africa—Religion Chapman, A.R., Spong, B. Religion and reconciliation in South Africa. ISBN: 1875053352 321pp. Cluster 2004 SA de Gruchy, Religion society. £19.00)
J.W., Martin, S. eds. and the reconstruction of civil 366pp. R112.50 ($31.30/ Unisa 1995 SA
Ellis, S., ter Haar, G. Worlds of power. Religious thought and political practice in Africa. ISBN: 1868144054 275pp. R195.00 Witwatersrand UP 2004 SA Hofmeyr, J.H., Oosthuizen, G.C. Religion in a South African Indian community. (I.S.E.R., 12) 140pp. ex. only Univ Durban-Westville 1981 SA Institute for Reformational Studies Cultural diversity in Africa: embarrassment or opportunity? [Text in English and Afrikaans.] (IRS study pamphlets, F3/40) 261pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1991 SA MUL Kilian, J., ed. Religious freedom in South Africa. (Miscellanea Congregalia, 44) 166pp. R48.50 ($19.90/£12.10) Unisa 1993 SA Krüger, J.S. Along edges. Religion in South Africa. Bushman, Christian, Buddhist. cd. 368pp. pl. R108.00 ($27.40/£16.60) Unisa 1995 SA Krüger, J.S. Sweeping whirlwinds: a study of religious change - reformed religion and civil religion in the city of Pretoria (Tshwane), 1855-2000. ISBN: 1868882462 680pp. ill.maps (£45.00) Unisa 2003 SA Oosthuizen, G.C. Succession conflict within the church of the Nazarites. (I.S.E.R., 13) 71pp. ex. only Univ Durban-Westville 1981 SA Prozesky, M., de Gruchy, J., eds. Living faiths in South Africa. 248pp. R72.95 Philip 1995 SA South Africa—Religion, Christian Anderson, A., Otwang, S. Tumelo. The faith of African pentecostals in South Africa. 170pp. R59.00 ($16.60/£10.10) Unisa 1993 SA
A’Bear, D.R. Mbazwana: planning and community development in an underdeveloped context. (INR occasional paps., 141) R1.75 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA A’Bear, D.R. Planning for urbanisation in the context of rural development. Paper delivered to the University of Natal Forum on Rural/ Urban Interface, Durban 31 October. (INR working paps., 98) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA A’Bear, D.R., Henderson, C.M., Little, A.M., Louw, C.L. Management of natural and human resources through community development in north eastern Natal, South Africa. Paper presented at the 1993 colloquium of the International Association for Community Development in Banglamung, Thailand. (INR occasional paps., 121) R5.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA A’Bear, D.R., Louw, C.L., Rutsch, P. A case study of the Kwangwanase community water scheme. A paper prepared for the 1st Southern Africa Water and Wastewater Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa, 21-24 September 1993. (INR occasional paps., 134) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Archer, D. Towards integrating environment and development in South Africa: the role of a national environmental forum and a sustainable development strategy. (INR working paps., 112) R5.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Auerbach, R.M.B. Helicopters at Nhlangwini: report of an exercise in participatory rural planning and assessment involving local Zulu women. (INR working paps., 92) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Auerbach, R.M.B. The role of permaculture in sustainable rural development. Report on a Permaculture Design Course, Kyalami, Johannesburg, January. (INR occasional paps., 103) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Berjak, M., Fincham, R.J. The Biyela data bank. Paper presented at Auto Carto Conference, London. (INR working paps., 8) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1986 SA Breen, C.M., A’Bear, D.R., Mander, M. Business, environment and rural development. A paper prepared for the SAICEM II Conference, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 18-21 October 1994. (INR occasional paps., 147) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Breen, C.M., et al. Interdisciplinary research and community development. Paper presented at the Conference on Community Development and Research held at the University of Venda, 16-17 August. (INR working paps., 76) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Breen, C.M., et al. Rural development: the hidden environmental crisis. (INR occasional paps., 140) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA
Pretorius, H. Drumbeats: sound of Zion in the Cape Flats. ISBN: 186888208X 376pp. R179.00 ($31.70/£20.20/Eur27.80) Unisa 2004 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
South Africa—Rural development
Colvin, I.S., Fincham, R.J., Berjak, M. Low technology image processing for resource assessment and regional planning. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference of the Remote Sensing Society, University of Nottingham, UK. (INR working paps., 14) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1987 SA Colvin, P.M. Bridging the gaps: perspectives in the management of rural development projects in Natal/KwaZulu. Paper presented at the Biennial Conference of the Development Society of Southern Africa. (INR working paps., 9) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1986 SA Cross, C., Bekker, S., Clark, C. Fresh starts. Migration streams in the southern informal settlements of the Durban functional region. 100pp. R50.00 (£10.40) School Dev Studies-KZN 1993 SA Davies, B., Madlavu, M. Community-based development organisations in the Eastern Cape: towards survival and sustainability. Soc Res 1993 SA
Davies, W. The role of advisory institutions in the regional development process in South Africa. R10.00 School Dev StudiesKZN 1991 SA de Wet, C. Moving together drifting apart. Betterment planning and villagisation in a South African homeland. 264pp. R89.95 Witwatersrand UP 1995 SA Erskine, J.M. From peasant to farmer: a rural development philosophy for KwaZulu. (INR working paps., 4) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1984 SA Erskine, J.M. The human carrying capacity of South Africa’s less developed areas. A case study from KwaZulu. Paper presented at the Biennial Conference of the Development Society of Southern Africa, University of Durban-Westville. (INR working paps., 17) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Erskine, J.M. Institutional restructuring for sustainable development in South Africa’s less developed rural areas. Paper presented at the Third Meeting of the International Society for Ecological Economics, San José, Costa Rica, 24-28 October 1994. (INR occasional paps., 154) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Erskine, J.M. Integrated development: an appropriate means of eliminating poverty and conserving the environment in less developed rural areas. Paper presentd at the EPPIC ’92 Conference on Poverty and the Environment. Eskom Training Centre, Glen Austin, Midrand, 28-29 September, 1992. (INR occasional paps., 118) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Erskine, J.M. Property rights regimes and sustainable development in South Africa’s less developed rural areas. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Common Property Conference of the International Association for the study of Common Property, Manila, Philippines, 16-19 June 1993. (INR occasional paps., 138) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Erskine, J.M. The role of the animal scientist in the context of a multi-discplinary appraoch to development. Paper presented at the South African Society of Animal Production Symposium, Mkuze, 17 October 1990. (INR working paps., 53) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Erskine, J.M. Rural development imperatives in a changing South Africa. (INR monographs, 10) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA
Erskine, J.M. Rural development imperatives in a changing South Africa. Paper presented at the Biennial Conference of the Development Society of Southern Africa, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 9-11 September 1992. (INR occasional paps., 116) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Erskine, J.M. Visit report and summary of lessons for South Africa concerning rural planning and development: report on attendance at the International workshop on sub-regional R & D extension for South African senior development professional, Shefayim, Israel, 18 Februry - 6 March 1997. (INR occasional paps., 181) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Erskine, J.M., Venn, A.C., Sangweni, S.S. Feasibility study on a proposed Southern African Rural Development and Agricultural College, phase 2 report. (INR working paps., 117) R30.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Fincham, R.J., Berjak, M. Development of a planning and management GIS for Maputaland. Report to the Department of Development Aid. (INR investigational reports, 47) R12.50 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Fincham, R.J., Berjak, M., Cairns, S. Mfolozi Catchment: development of a GIS programme. Phases 1 and 2. Report to the Department of Development Aid. (INR investigational reports, 56) R17.50 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Friedman, M., Pollett, E.A. What does participatory development mean in practice? Lessons from an integrated rural development project (IRD) in KwaZulu. (INR working paps., 44) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Gandar, M.V. Agricultural reforms needed to accelerate black advancement in Southern Africa. Paper pesented at the 21st Annual Conference of NAFCOC, Bophutatswana, August. (INR working paps., 7) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1985 SA Gandar, M.V. The history and experience of woodlot development for fuelwood production in southern Africa. Proceedings: Conference on Renewable Energy Potential in Southern Africa, Cape Town. (INR working paps., 13) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1986 SA Gandar, M.V. The human factor in rural development. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Institute of Personnel Management. (INR working paps., 6) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1985 SA Gandar, M.V. Wood requirements of rural people and an approach to woodlot development. Paper presented at a seminar on woodlots. National Council of Women, Bothas Hill. (INR working paps., 3) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1983 SA Graaf, J.F., ed. Bophuthatswana rural development papers. 128pp. ($6.00) R6.00 Africa Inst 1985 SA Hay, D., A’Bear, D.R. Economic development strategies for Region E: the natural environment. A report submitted to Seneque Smit and Maughan-Browne and Data Research Africa. (INR working paps., 90) R5.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Henderson, C.M. Thukela Regional Development Framework: review of non-government organisations involved in rural development in the TJSB area (INR working paps., 85) R17.50 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Hoole, R.J., Pollett, E.A. Roosboom freehold settlement: details of previous owners and plots. (INR working paps., 93) R12.50 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA
Hoole, R.J., Pollett, E.A. A survey of present infrastructure and land use in Charlestown, Clavis and Clavis extension. Prepared for the Association for Rural Advancement, Pietermaritzburg. (INR working paps., 94) R7.50 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Human Sciences Research Council Micro-finance in rural communities in southern Africa. ISBN: 0796920001 173pp. pl.maps R105.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA Hurry, L. An investigation into the status of development education in South Africa with particular reference to Natal: feasibility study. Submitted to the Human Sciences Research Council, HNRE Programme. (INR working paps., 98) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Kotze, D.A., et al. Rural development administration in South Africa. 70pp. ($10.00) R10.00 Africa Inst 1987 SA Little, A.M. Between two worlds: the rural/urban interface: do the peri-urban areas warrant a development papradigm? Paperette prepared for the Forum convened by the University of Natal, Durban, 31 October. (INR working paps., 97) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Little, A.M. Development and environmental trends in the region: the challenges ahead. Paper presented at the Hilton College Lecture Series, Hilton College, 14 February. (INR occasional paps., 104) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Little, A.M., Hornby, D. Socioeconomic effects of changes in land use resulting from afforestation initiatives: to identify and explore the major issues in the light of the Reconstruction and Development Programme. Report on the proceedings of a workshop held in Durban 16 August, 1994. (INR occasional paps., 146) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Loxton, Hunting and Associates A multi-facet rural development project in KwaZulu. Preliminary proposals for surveys, studies and development. (INR working paps., 1) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1980 SA Loxton, Venn and Associates Biyela multi-facet rural development project. First report on the development of the precursor trials and demonstration units. (INR investigational reports, 14) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1984 SA Loxton, Venn and Associates Biyela multi-facet rural development project: working report on the establishment of the pilot report. (INR working paps., 5) R30.00 Inst Natural Resources 1985 SA Loxton, Venn and Associates Report on Biyela multi-facet rural development project. Financial and economic data. (INR investigational reports, 19/3) R12.50 Inst Natural Resources 1986 SA Loxton, Venn and Associates Report on Biyela multi-facet rural development project. Land rights legend plus population enumeration - Biyela/ Ndlangubo. (INR investigational reports, 21) R20.00 Inst Natural Resources 1986 SA Loxton, Venn and Associates Report on Biyela multi-facet rural development project. Land rights legend plus population enumeration, Entembeni and Obuka. (INR investigational reports, 18/5) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1985 SA Loxton, Venn and Associates Report on Biyela multi-facet rural development project. Markets and marketing. (INR investigational reports, 18/1b) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1986 SA
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Subject index
South Africa—Rural development Loxton, Venn and Associates Report on Biyela multi-facet rural development project. Preliminary development proposals. Phase 2. (INR investigational reports, 7) R17.50 Inst Natural Resources 1984 SA Loxton, Venn and Associates Report on Biyela multi-facet rural development project. Resources and socio-economic circumstances. (INR investigational reports, 17/1a) R45.00 Inst Natural Resources 1985 SA Loxton, Venn and Associates Report on Biyela multi-facet rural development project. Second report on the development of the precursor trials and demonstration units. (INR investigational reports, 20) R30.00 Inst Natural Resources 1986 SA Loxton, Venn and Associates Report on Biyela multi-facet rural development project. Soils and land capability legend - Obuka. (INR investigational reports, 5/4b) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1983 SA Loxton, Venn and Associates Report on Biyela multi-facet rural development project. Soils and land capability legend - Obuka. (INR investigational reports, 4/4a) R37.50 Inst Natural Resources 1983 SA Loxton, Venn and Associates Working report on the establishment of precursor trials. Phase 2 - a multi-facet rural development research project in KwaZulu. (INR working paps., 2) R17.50 Inst Natural Resources 1982 SA Mander, M., Pollett, E.A. Biyela integrated rural development project. Khulunathi afforestation project: road infrastructure required for timber harvesting: recommended layout phasing and estimated costs. (INR investigational reports, 72) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA McAllister, P., Davies, W.J. Development planning and land use practices in rural Transkei. Inst Soc Res 1992 SA McIntosh, A.C. Conceptualizing rural industry: some producer co-operative in Transkei. (INR working paps., 20) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1987 SA McIntosh, A.C. Promoting local economic activities in Biyela, with particular reference to training. Report to the KwaZulu Training Trust. (INR investigational reports, 31) R22.50 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Nel, E., McAllister, P. Regional development planning in the Border-Ciskei-Transkei region; an examination of its implementation, effects and implications. Inst Soc Res 1996 SA Nussbaum, B. Making a difference. Reconciliation, reconstruction and development in Stutterheim. ISBN: 1868670813 103pp. (£9.95) Vivlia 1998 SA Pollett, E.A. The Biyela integrated rural development project. A case study. Paper presented at a Seminar on Farm Systems Research, Development Bank of Southern Africa, Sandton. (INR working paps., 18) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Pollett, E.A., ed. Biyela integrated rural development project. Land rights legend plus population enumeration - Memezi/Mkhindini. (INR investigational reports, 67/5c) R7.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Rugege, D. Roosboom resource assessment and land use planning project. (INR working paps., 84) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Schwabe, C.A., Johnson, P.A. A resource assessment of the Qadi Tribal Area. Report prepared for Environmental Advisory Services. (INR investigational reports, 43) R75.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA
Shandu, W. Ndundulu rural service centre. Biyela integrated rural development project: a brief overview. (INR working paps., 81) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Totman, D., et al. Rural settlement in KwaZulu-Natal: overview report. Report prepared for the Association of Joint Services Board. (INR investigational reports, 120) R45.00 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Totman, D., Murphy, C.A., Pollett, E.A., A’Bear, D.R. Planning for rural settlement. Phase one: preliminary feasibility assessment of possible pilot sites. Report prepared for the Association of Joint Services Boards. (INR working paps., 114) R22.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Totman, D., Pollett, E.A., A’Bear, D.R., Murphy, C. Options for rural settlements: the planning and legal context: a status quo report. Report prepared for the Association of Joint Services Boards. (INR investigational reports, 88) R8.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Van Vlaenderen, H., Davies, W.J. Participatory research for community development. Inst Soc Res 1992 SA Venter, A.K., Botha, J., Venter, A., Marais, C.P. Characterization of partnership opportunities and appropriate development structures and personnel profile: workshop proceedings. The Kruger National Park/Greater Phalaborwa Forum Workshop held at Skukuza, 22 June 1994. (INR occasional paps., 152) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA South Africa—Sociology Barberton, C., Blake, M., Kotze, H. Creating action space: the challenge of poverty and democracy in South Africa. 300pp. R59.95 Idasa 1997 SA Bendheim, P.M., Padayachee, M. Clairwood - the south coast road trading area. (ISER Report, 19) 134pp. Univ Durban-Westville 1985 SA Bentley, K.A. Whose right it is anyway? Equality, culture and conflicts of rights in South Africa. (Democracy and Governance occasional papers, 4) ISBN: 0796920311 30pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA Bhana, S., Brain, J.B. Setting down roots: Indian migrants in South Africa 1860-1911. 241pp. ill. maps R54.95 Witwatersrand UP 1989 SA Bhorat, H. Income transfers: a viable strategy? (CPS policy forum, 3) 23pp. Centre Policy Stud 1999 SA Bhorat, H., Leibrandt, M., Maziya, M., van der Berg, S., Woolard, I. Fighting poverty. Labour markets and inequality in South Africa. ISBN: 191971362X 260pp. R130.00 UCT Press 2001 SA Bozzoli, B., ed. Class, community and conflict. South African perspectives. 573pp. R35.00 Ravan 1987 SA Bozzoli, B., Nkotsoe, M. Women of Phokeng. Consciousness, life strategy and migrancy in South Africa 1900 - 1983. 312pp. ill. South Africa only Ravan 1991 SA Case, A., Hosegood, V., Lund, F. The reach of the South African child support grant: evidence from KwaZuluNatal. (CSDS working papers, 38) R15.00/R25.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2003 SA Chidester, D., Dexter, P., James, W., eds. What holds us together. Social cohesion in South Africa. ISBN: 0796920303 366pp. R200.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA Coetzee, J.C., Graaf, J., eds. Reconstruction, development and people. 450pp. R139.95 Thomson Int 1996 SA
Coetzee, J.K. The quest for a more human society: a different sociology? R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1989 SA Cooper, Carole People, the environment and change. 76pp. R22.80 ($9.00/£5.00) SA Inst Race Relations 1994 SA de Beer, F., Swanepoel, H. Community development and beyond. Issues, structures and procedures. ISBN: 0627023509 128pp. R69.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA de Kock, L., Bethlehem, L., Laden, S., eds. South Africa in the global imaginary. ISBN: 1868882608 286pp. R99.00 Unisa 1997 SA du Toit, C.W. Seminarbook 1996 - empowering the poor. 180pp. R30.70 Unisa 1996 SA Ebr-Vally, R. Kala pani: caste and colour in South Africa. ISBN: 0795703157 248pp. R175.00 Kwela 2001 SA Everatt, D., ed. Creating a future. Youth policy for South Africa. 218pp. R34.20 Ravan 1994 SA Faber, P., comp. Group portrait South Africa. Nine South African families. ISBN: 079570139X cd. 240pp. R295.00 Kwela 2002 SA Fabricius, M.P., Potgieter, J.F. Some socio-economic, demographic and cultural features of the Humansdorp region with special reference to the potential impact of a nuclear power station. (Research reports, 32) Inst Planning Res 1988 SA Gevisser, M., Cameron, E., eds. Defiant desire. Gay and lesbian lives in South Africa. 376pp. pl. R51.30 Ravan 1994 SA Godsell, G. Cross-cultural differences in cognitive flexibility. Theory and hypotheses for proposed research. vol.1(CSIR Special Report, PERS 242) 41pp. CSIR 1976 SA Gon, P. Road to Isandlwana. SA
R69.95 Ball 1995
Gordon, S. A talent for tomorrow: life stories of South African servants. 294pp. pl. R16.99 Ravan 1985 SA Gray, M., ed. Developmental social work. Theory and practice in South Africa. ISBN: 0864864132 288pp. Philip 1999 SA Greyling, J.J.C. The squatters’ market. 27pp. free Univ Durban-Westville 1976 SA Hall, S.K.P. The development of a scale to assess modernization among South African Blacks. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 251) 27pp. R1.50 CSIR 1976 SA Hart, T., Hardie, G.J. Factors motivating residential consolidation in selected South African self-help housing contexts. (CSIR, NIPR Special Report, PERS 358) R3.00 CSIR 1983 SA Hay, M. Ukubuyisana. Reconciliation in South Africa. ISBN: 1875053093 176pp. R50.00 ($17.00) Cluster 1998 SA Heller, P., Ntlokonkulu, L. A civic movement, or a movement of civics? The South African National Civic Organisation in the post-apartheid period. (CPS research reports, 84) 55pp. Centre Policy Stud 2001 SA Hemson, D. Beating the backlog. Meeting targets and providing free basic services. (Integrated Rural and Regional Development occasional papers, 9) ISBN: 0796920915 R40.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA
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African Books in Print
South Africa—Sociology
Subject index Henderson, C.M. Socio-political investigation in the greater Umbumbulu district: Hector-Illovo transmission line route selection. Report prepared for Eskom Transmission Group (Land Survey), Johannesburg. (INR investigational reports, 76) R5.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Herselman, S. Dynamics of diversity in an organisational environment. ISBN: 1868882772 177pp. R149.00 ($28.00/ £17.80/Eur24.50) Unisa 2004 SA Hoad, M., Hoad, R. Sex and politics in South Africa. ISBN: 1770130152 256pp. R175.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Hosking, S.G. Report on human resources development in the Eastern Cape. (Research reports, 56) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA HSRC Knowledge Management Research Programme Flight of the flamingos: a study on the mobility of R&D workers. ISBN: 0796920338 148pp. R140.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Human Sciences Research Council HSRC - Human Sciences Research Council annual report 2002/2003. ISBN: 0621343048 120pp. pl. HSRC Publ 2003 SA Human Sciences Research Council Human resources development review. Education, employment and skills in South Africa. [Also available as electronic edition. Bi-annual.] ISBN: 0796820494 736pp. R450.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA Hunter, N., May, J., Padayachee, V. Lessons for PRSP from poverty reduction strategies in South Africa. (CSDS working papers, 39) R15.00/ R25.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2004 SA Hunter, N., Skinner, C. Foreign street traders working in inner city Durban: survey results and policy dilemmas. (INR occasional paps., 49) R20.00/R30.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2002 SA Kabemba, C., Schmitz, T. Understanding policy implementation: an exploration of research areas surrounding the reconstruction and development programme. (CPS research reports, 73) 100pp. Centre Policy Stud 2001 SA Kihato, C. Shifting sands: the relationship between foreign donors and South African civil society during and after apartheid. (CPS research reports, 86) 54pp. Centre Policy Stud 2001 SA Kihato, C., Rapoo, T. An independent voice? A survey of civil society organisations in South African their funding, and their influence over the policy process. (CPS research reports, 67) 70pp. Centre Policy Stud 1999 SA Kok, P., O’Donovan, M., Bouare, O., van Zyl, J. Post-apartheid patterns of internal migration in South Africa. ISBN: 0796920044 134pp. R145.00 HSRC Publ 2003 SA Kotze, D.A., ed. Development administration and management. A holistic approach. ISBN: 0627022065 128pp. R104.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA
Leatt, J., Kneifel, T., Nurnberger, K., eds. Contending ideologies in South Africa. 318pp. R67.50 Philip 1986 SA Little, A.M. The planning response to social responsibility since the 1950s. Paper presented at the Symposium on South African Planning History at the Imperial Hotel, Pietermaritzburg, 6-7 September 1993. (INR working paps., 136) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Little, A.M. Social responsibility in planning. Paper prepared for the Annual General Meeting and Mini-Workshop of NAGIS, Shongweni, 11 November. (INR working paps., 93) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Mamashela, M. The practical implications and effects of the recognition of customary marriages act no. 120 of 1998. (CSDS research reports, 59) R20.00/R50.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2003 SA Mathoho, M. Putting people first: services charters and effective public delivery. (CPS policy briefs, 24) 12pp. Centre Policy Stud 2001 SA Mattera, D. Memory is the weapon. Ravan 1987 SA
151pp. R14.00
McGrath, S., Badroodien, A., Kraak, A., Unwin, L., eds. Shifting understandings of skills in South Africa. Overcoming the historical imprint of a low skills regime. ISBN: 0796920443 280pp. R170.00 HSRC Publ 2004 SA
Moller, V., McCallum, K. Time use of the elderly: a practical application of time budgets in a South African setting. 8pp. R5.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1994 SA Monsma, G.N., Orkal, J.N., Bruwei, E. Poverty in southern Africa. (IRS study pamphlets, 287) 68pp. R8.00 ($4.45) Inst Reformational Studies 1991 SA Morris, A., Bouillon, A., eds. African immigration to South Africa: francophone migration of the 1990s. ISBN: 1919825339 177pp. ill. R99.95 Protea 2001 SA Mothsegoa, L. Township talk. ISBN: 1770130071 56pp. R55.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Motlhabi, M. The theory and practice of black resistance to apartheid: a social-ethical analysis. 300pp. ($18.00/£10.00) R7.95 Skotaville 1984 SA Muller, N.D. Rural and urban poverty and the measurement of development performance in the Transkei. (CDSC rural urban studies working papers, 9) 36pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1987 SA Munro, W. Aid, development and the state: assessing post-conflict situations. (CSDS research reports, 47) R30.00/ R50.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2001 SA Naidoo, T. The Parsee community in South Africa. (ISER Occas. paps., 22) 56pp. Univ Durban-Westville 1987 SA
Mesthrie, R., ed. Language and social history: studies in South Africa sociolinguistics. 372pp. R79.95 Philip 1995 SA
Naidoo, T. Sai Baba: an analysis of documented manifestations. (ISER Occas. paps., 23) 73pp. Univ Durban-Westville 1987 SA
Michalos, A.C. Thirty years of social indicators research. R30.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1996 SA
Nair, K. Social problems associated with the care of the Indian aged in the home environment as evidenced in municipal Durban. (ISER Report, 25) 134pp. Univ Durban-Westville 1988 SA
Moerdyk, A.P. Black advancement and stress: a literature review and conceptual synthesis. (CSIR,NIPR Special Report, PERS 360) R4.50 CSIR 1983 SA Mohlamme, J.S. Forced removals in the people’s memory: the Bakunbung of Ledig. 40pp. ($4.95/ £3.50) Skotaville 1989 SA Moller, V. Applications of subjective well-being measures in quality of life surveys: South African case studies. (CSDS working papers, 5) 26pp. R8.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1992 SA Moller, V. Community reactions to the introduction of an educare programme at a home for black aged in KwaMashu. vol.1 110pp. R15.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1988 SA Moller, V. The home environment and educational motivation and achievement: a three generation household study. (CSDS research reports, 3) 85pp. R30.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1994 SA Moller, V. Household satisfaction: past, present and future perspectives. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1996 SA
Kriger, R., Zegeye, A., eds. Culture in the new South Africa. After apartheid: volume two. ISBN: 0795701349 340pp. R150.00 Kwela 2001 SA
Moller, V. Intergenerational relations in a society in transition: a South African case study. 34pp. R5.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1994 SA
Lans, H., comp. The story of my life. South Africa through the eyes of its children [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0795701381 cd. 134pp. pl. R195.00 Kwela 2002 SA
Moller, V. South African quality of life: a research note. 12pp. R5.00 School Dev StudiesKZN 1989 SA Moller, V., Jackson, A. Perceptions of service delivery and happiness. R7.00 School Dev StudiesKZN 1997 SA
Nina, D. Research on perceptions of justice: interaction between state justice and popular justice. (CSDS working papers, 9) 18pp. R14.00 School Dev StudiesKZN SA Nuttall, S., Coetzee, C. Negotiating the past: making memory in South Africa. ISBN: 0195715039 314pp. R240.00 OUP - SA 1998 SA O’Meara, D. Volkskapitalisme: class, capital and ideology in the development of Afrikaner nationalism, 1934-1948. 281pp. R15.50 Ravan 1983 SA Oomen, B. Chiefs in South Africa. cd. & 352pp. (£45.00 cd. £16.95 pap.) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2005 SA [co-published with James Currey, UK and University of Wisconsin Press, USA & Canada] Patel, L. Restructuring social welfare. Options for South Africa. 178pp. R35.20 Ravan 1992 SA Pierce, D. Democracy on our terms: the price of empowerment under a South African social pact with reference to Brazil. (CPS research reports, 29) 25pp. R15.00 Centre Policy Stud 1993 SA Platzky, L., Walker, C. The surplus people. Forced removals in South Africa. 446pp. R16.99 Ravan 1985 SA Ramphele, M. A bed called home: life in the migrant labour hostels of Cape Town. ill. R85.00 Philip 1993 SA
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South Africa—Sociology Ravan Press Thula baba. [Story about lives of domestic workers in South Africa.] 88pp. pl. R9.50 Ravan 1987 SA Reitzes, M. Patching the fence: the white paper on international migration. (CPS policy briefs, 12) 22pp. Centre Policy Stud 1999 SA Reitzes, M. The stranger within the gates: xenophobia and public leadership. (CPS policy briefs, 9) 23pp. Centre Policy Stud 1998 SA Reitzes, M., Friedman, S. Funding freedom? Synthesis report on the impact of foreign political aid to civil society organisations in South Africa. (CPS research reports, 85) 44pp. Centre Policy Stud 2001 SA Robinson, S., Biersteker, L., eds. First call: the South African children’s budget. 300pp. R59.95 Idasa 1997 SA Robinson, S., Sadan, M. Where poverty hits hardest: children and the budget in South Africa. 92pp. R89.95 Idasa 1999 SA Roussouw, A.M.M., van Wyk, M.J. A socio-economic survey of energy consumption patterns in the Eastern Cape: a database. (Research reports, 48) R95.00 Inst Planning Res 1993 SA Rule, S., Sibanyoni, C., eds. Social impact of gambling in South Africa. ISBN: 0796919712 160pp. R110.00 HSRC Publ 2000 SA Schmitz, T., Kabemba, C. Enhancing policy implementation: lessons from the Reconstruction and Development Programme. (CPS research reports, 89) 34pp. Centre Policy Stud 2001 SA Shain, M. Memories, realities and dreams. Aspects of the South African Jewish experience. ISBN: 1868421414 cd. R189.95 ISBN: 1868421325 R119.95 Ball 2002 SA Singh, R., ed. Perspectives: a collection of essays in honour of G A Rauche. (ISER Special publs., 4) 241pp. Univ Durban-Westville 1986 SA Sitas, A. Voices that reason. ISBN: 1868882780 144pp. R79.00 ($14.20/£9.00/Eur12.40) Unisa 2004 SA Solomon, H. Of myths and migration. Illegal immigration into South Africa. ISBN: 1868882063 182pp. R129.00 ($29.95/ £17.95) Unisa 2003 SA Steinberg, J. The number. ISBN: 1868422054 R159.95 Ball 2004 SA Steyn, C. Worldviews in transition. An investigation into the New Age Movement in South Africa. (Studia Originalia, 22) 367pp. R89.00 ($38.30/£23.30) Unisa 1994 SA Sudden, M.A. Socio-economic conditions in Verulam. 18pp. free Univ Durban-Westville 1975 SA Thompson, J.C. The measurement of modernization among South African blacks: a pilot study. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 273) 88pp. R2.00 CSIR 1981 SA Thompson, J.C., Tabane, M. The measurement of modernization among South African blacks: a second study. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 302) 57pp. R2.00 CSIR 1981 SA Tomlinson, M.R. Normalising the repayment environment. (CPS policy forum, 1) 11pp. Centre Policy Stud 1998 SA
Subject index Tooke, D.H. Roots of black South Africa. Ball 1995 SA
cd. R99.95
Ungerer, L. Activities, lifestyles and status products of the newly-emerging middle class in Gauteng. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 262) 144pp. R1,000 Bur Market Research 1999 SA University of Durban-Westville Aspects of family life in the South African Indian community: proceedings of a conference arranged by the Department of Social Work at the University of Durban-Westville, 25-26 March 1985. (ISER Occas. paps., 20) 137pp. Univ Durban-Westville 1987 SA van de Ruit, C., May, J., Roberts, B. A poverty assessment of the Small Enterprise Foundation on behalf of the consultative group to assist the poorest. (CSDS research reports, 39) R20.00/ R35.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2001 SA van der Walt, B.J., Venter, J.J. Religion and society. A review of the truth and reconciliation commission hearings. East London, 17-19 November 1997. (IRS study pamphlets, 361) ISBN: 1868223035 44pp. R40.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1998 SA van Rooyen, J. The new great trek. The story of South Africa’s white exodus. ISBN: 186888144X 198pp. R103.00 ($15.80/ £10.30) Unisa 2000 SA Wasserman, H., Jacobs, S., eds. Shifting selves. Post-apartheid essays on mass media, culture and identity. ISBN: 0795701640 340pp. R175.00 Kwela 2003 SA Webster, E., Alfred, L., Joffe, A., Selikon, T., eds. Work and industrialisation in South Africa. An introductory reader. 352pp. R50.00 Ravan 1994 SA Whiteside, A. Past trends and future prospects for labour migration to South Africa. 12pp. R4.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1985 SA Wilson, F., Ramphele, M. Uprooting poverty: the South African challenge. 380pp. pl. R85.00 Philip 1989 SA Xaba, M., Coovadia, J. Capacity of mismatch: a SANCO working document regarding capacity building as it relates to the development of informal settlements in Kwazulu-Natal. 40pp. R20.00 Olive 1994 SA Xaba, T. The ethical vacuum in fieldwork: ethical and political concerns regarding the treament of fieldworkers and respondents in the conduct of fieldwork in the era of globalisation. (CSDS research reports, 60) R20.00/R35.00 School Dev StudiesKZN 2003 SA Zegeye, A., ed. Social identities in the new South Africa. After apartheid: volume one. rev. entry ISBN: 0795701330 360pp. R175.00 Kwela 2001 SA Zegeye, A., Maxted, J. Our dream deferred. The poor in South Africa. ISBN: 1868882292 127pp. ill.pl. R70.00 ($29.95/£17.95) Unisa 2002 SA South Africa—Sociology—Bibliography Edwards, J., comp. A select bibliography on the poverty datum line in South Africa. 22pp. ($3.00/ £2.00) R5.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1975 SA Hunter, N. Annotated bibliography of recent research on the impact of social security grants. (CSDS research reports, 52) R30.00/ R50.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2002 SA
Hunter, N., Rushby, J. Annotated bibliography of recent research on the living conditions of the main target groups of social security grants. (CSDS research reports, 53) R30.00/R50.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2002 SA Kallmann, K., comp. An introduction to social indicators and social reporting. A digest of the literature. (CSDS research reports, 9) R30.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1997 SA Moodley, S., Velia, M. An analysis of the recent exporting trajectory of the South African clothing value chain: upgrading or downgrading? (CSDS research reports, 53) R30.00/ R50.00 overseas (free download) School Dev Studies-KZN 2002 SA South Africa—Sociology—Dictionaries Ahmed, S. A dictionary of Muslim names. ISBN: 191993054X 351pp. R75.00 Double Storey 2004 SA South Africa—Sociology, Rural A’Bear, D.R. Settlement as an element of integrated rural development in KwaZulu-Natal. Report prepared for Department of local government and housing. (INR investigational reports, 153) R20.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA A’Bear, D.R., Little, A.M., McKechnie, J.P. A status quo overview of the Bethany/ Woodford settlement, KwaZulu-Natal. (INR investigational reports, 159) maps R20.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA A’Bear, D.R., Louw, C.L., McKechnie, J.P. Evaluation of the need for and role of rural service centres in small holder cane growing areas for the promotion of the small cane growing industry. (INR investigational reports, 158) R40.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Ardington, E. Quantitative analysis of socio-economic data from five thousand households in Kwa-Zulu: a secondary analysis of data from an income and expenditure study. (CSDS research reports, 4) 59pp. R25.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1994 SA Ardington, E. Return to Nkandla. The third survey in a longitudinal study of a rural community in KwaZulu Natal. (CSDS research reports, 7) 70pp. R40.00 School Dev StudiesKZN 1995 SA Ardington, E.M. Black life styles in white agriculture. (CSDS development studies working papers, 14) 105pp. R12.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1985 SA Ardington, E.M. Nkandla revisited: a longitudinal study of the strategies adopted to alleviate poverty in a rural community (1988). (CDSC rural urban studies working papers, 16) 162pp. R15.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1988 SA Ardington, E.M. Poverty and development in a rural community in KwaZulu. (CSDS development studies working papers, 9) 151pp. R18.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1984 SA Ardington, E.M. Rural towns and basic needs. (CDSC rural urban studies working papers, 20) 90pp. R10.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1989 SA Barnes, J.R., Morris, M. KwaZulu-Natal’s rural institutional environment: its impact on local service delivery. R7.00 School Dev StudiesKZN 1997 SA Beinart, W., Delius, P., Trapido, S., eds. Putting a plough to the ground. Accumulation and dispossession in rural South Africa, 1850-1930. 458pp. R26.95 Ravan 1986 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
South Africa—Sociology, Urban
Biggs, S.D., Randel, M. Two articles focusing on participatory approaches: participatory technology development. Participatory rural appraisal and South Africa. 18pp. R20.00 Olive 1995 SA
Moller, V. Quality of life in retirement: a survey evaluation of return migration to KwaZulu. (CASS Occasional Monograph series, 10) 218pp. R20.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1985 SA
Christopher, A.J. Land ownership on the Port Elizabeth rural-urban fringe. (IDPR special publications, 3) Inst Planning Res 1973 SA
Moller, V. Research into community needs and priorities: an overview. (CDSC rural urban studies working papers, 21) 68pp. R8.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1990 SA
Colvin, P.M. Baseline resources survey of Ezingolweni district, KwaZulu (Machi and Jali wards). Interim report for KwaZulu finance andinvestment corporation. (INR working paps., 33) R12.50 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA
Moller, V., Welch, G.J. Polygamy and well-being among Zulu migrants. 63pp. R10.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1985 SA
Bekker, S., Wilson, C. Project development in Durban and Pietermaritzburg: a survey of expert opinion. (CDSC rural urban studies working papers, 22) 22pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1990 SA
Nattrass, J. The dynamics of black rural poverty in South Africa. (CSDS development studies working papers, 1) 16pp. R5.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1983 SA
Bott, A. Historical development, land use and socio-economic characteristics of rocklands. (Research reports, 18) Inst Planning Res 1977 SA
Nattrass, J., May, J., Perkins, D., Peters, A. The anatomy of rural black poverty: the challenge to a new economic order. (CDSC rural urban studies working papers, 4) 31pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1987 SA
Byerley, M. Urbanisation and informal settlement growth in South African cities with reference to secondary towns in Natal. R10.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1991 SA
Colvin, P.M. Baseline resources survey of Hlanganani district, KwaZulu (Impendle, Zashuke and Nkezele wards). Interim report for KwaZulu Finance and Investmetn Corporation. (INR working paps., 36) R12.50 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Colvin, P.M. George Moshesh location no. 13, Matatiele district, Transkei. A reconnaissance survey of sociological features for development planning. (INR working paps., 22) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1987 SA Colvin, P.M. A reconnaissance survey of the Stein Coal Spruit farms, Klip River district, Natal. (INR working paps., 21) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1987 SA Colvin, P.M. Tenants on church land. A human resources survey of Springvale and St Chads Missions. Report to the Diocese of Natal, Church of the Province of South Africa. (INR working paps., 34) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA de Wet, C., et al. Resettlement in the Border/Ciskei region of South africa. Inst Soc Res 1996 SA Gandar, M.V. Rural electrification: a socio-economic survey of three pilot project areas. (INR investigational reports, 37) 92pp. Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Griesel, H. The psycho-social reality of illiteracy/ literacy for woman at Mboza - a rural community. (ISER Occas. paps., 18) 28pp. Univ Durban-Westville 1986 SA Institute of Natural Resources The biological and sociological aspects of illegal trading of east coast rock lobster in KwaZulu: sociological component. Report for Physical Planning Directorate, Natal Provincial Administration. (INR investigational reports, 62) R17.50 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA
Palmer, R. Rural adaptations in the Eastern Cape: South Africa. ($34.00) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1997 LO Peters, A. The household in rural KwaZulu: foundations for a statistical model. (CDSC rural urban studies working papers, 5) 72pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1987 SA Pollett, E.A., Liggitt, B. Socio-economic and participatory landuse planning study for the possible relocation of Sadiola and Farabakouta villages. Prepared for Sadiola Hill gold project. Appendices. (INR investigational reports, 152/2) R80.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Pollett, E.A., Liggitt, B. Socio-economic and participatory landuse planning study for the possible relocation of Sadiola and Farabakouta villages. Prepared for Sadiola Hill gold project. Main report. (INR investigational reports, 152/1) R40.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Stavrou, S.E., Mbona, D.Z., Yokwe, X.S., Mbona, C.F. K5 - a preliminary study of an informal rural settlement. (CDSC rural urban studies working papers, 12) 30pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1987 SA van Wyk, A., Roussouw, A.M.M. A socio-economic survey of Nomathamsanqa in the Addo district. (Research reports, 44) R20.00 Inst Planning Res 1992 SA
Keegan, T. Facing the storm: portraits of black lives in rural South Africa. 169pp. R59.95 Philip 1988 SA
Whisson, M.G. The fairest Cape?: an account of the coloured people of the district of Simonstown. 37pp. ($4.00/£2.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1972 SA
Lund, F.J., Wakelin, F. Welfare as a catalyst for development: a case of a rural welfare programme. Gratis School Dev Studies-KZN 1992 SA
Williams, G. Land and freedom: an outline. (CSDS working papers, 12) R16.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1994 SA
Manona, L., et al. Informal settlements in the Eastern Cape: South Africa. 103pp. ($10.00) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1997 LO Mathoho, M., Schmitz, T. Poverty, civil society and patronage: a study of two farmers’ associations in North West province. (CPS research reports, 80) 99pp. Centre Policy Stud 2001 SA May, J., Nattrass, J. Migration and dependency: sources and levels of income in KwaZulu. (CDSC rural urban studies working papers, 3) 28pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1986 SA
South Africa—Sociology, Urban Adhikari, M., ed. Straatpraatjes. Language, politics and popular culture in Cape Town 1909-1922. ISBN: 062702131X 208pp. R94.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Altshuler, A.F. Uitenhage as a service centre. (IDPR special publications, 5) Inst Planning Res 1974 SA Ardington, E.M. Buckpassing in Canaan: an example of authorities’ failure to address the needs of informal urban dwellers. (CSDS working papers, 24) 52pp. R15.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1992 SA
Atkinson, D. The state, the city and meaning: towards a new theory of the South African state. (CSDS local government series, 3) 45pp. R9.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1990 SA Bank, L., McAllister, P. Poverty in Duncan Village, East London: a qualitative perspective. Inst Soc Res 1996 SA
Colvin, P.M. Baseline resources survey of KFC target wards in Vulamehlo district, KwaZulu. Interim report for KwaZulu finance and investment corporation. (INR working paps., 23) R12.50 Inst Natural Resources 1987 SA Cross, C., Bekker, S., Clark, C., Wilson, C. Searching for stability: residential migration and community control in Mariannhill. (CDSC rural urban studies working papers, 23) 83pp. R22.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1992 SA Davies, W.J. Retail and service activities in the Bantu town ship in Port Elizabeth. (IDPR information bulletins, 4) Inst Planning Res 1971 SA Davies, W.J. A socio-economic survey of Queenstown. (IDPR information bulletins, 11) Inst Planning Res 1978 SA Davies, W.J., Lochner, T.G. A socio-economic survey of Stutterheim. (IDPR information bulletins, 16) R15.00 Inst Planning Res 1981 SA Davies, W.J., Lochner, T.G., Wait, C.V.R. The greater East London/King William’s Town development region. (Research reports, 20) R15.00 Inst Planning Res 1980 SA Davies, W.J., Lochner, T.G., Wait, C.V.R. Interim report: East London/King William’s Town input-output study. (IDPR information bulletins, 15) R15.00 Inst Planning Res 1979 SA de Kock, R. Garbage picking as a strategy for survival. (CSDS development studies working papers, 16) 56pp. R8.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1986 SA Dewar, D. Urban management and economic integration in South Africa. ISBN: 1868590402 128pp. ill. R130.00 Francolin 1999 SA Donaldson, R., Marais, L. Transforming rural and urban spaces in South Africa during the 1990s. ISBN: 0798301511 240pp. R120.00 ($25.00) Africa Inst 2002 SA Erasmus, Z., ed. Coloured by history, shaped by place. New perspectives on coloured identities in Cape Town. ISBN: 0795703157 248pp. R175.00 Kwela 2001 SA Erwee, J.A. Consumer behaviour and shopping patterns of black households in Port Elizabeth. (Research reports, 22) R20.00 Inst Planning Res 1982 SA
Mays, J., Peters, A. A study of income and expenditure in rural KwaZulu. 120pp. R10.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1985 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
South Africa—Sociology, Urban
Subject index
Erwee, J.A. Port Elizabeth shopping study: interim report no. 1: socio-economic/demographic profile of consumers. (Research reports, 17) Inst Planning Res 1976 SA
Heath, E.T., Fabricius, M.P. An opinion survey concerning the playland entertainment and recreation centre. (IDPR occasional papers, 20) Inst Planning Res 1990 SA
Erwee, J.A. Port Elizabeth shopping study: retail location and consumer behaviour of white households. 2 vols.(Research reports, 19) R15.00 Inst Planning Res 1977 SA
Higginbottom, K., et al. The fate of the commons: urban land reform, squatting and environmental management in the Eastern Province. Inst Soc Res 1995 SA
Erwee, J.A., Murdal, M. Trends in property sales on Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, July 1979. (IDPR fact papers, 38) Inst Planning Res 1980 SA
Hindson, D., Byerley, M., Morris, M. From violence to reconstruction: the making, disintegration and remaking of an apartheid city. 36pp. R15.00 (£3.00) School Dev Studies-KZN 1993 SA
Fabricius, M.P. Port Elizabeth retail analysis: shopping and socio-economic characteristics of white and coloured consumers. (IDPR information bulletins, 20) Inst Planning Res 1987 SA
Holland, H. Born in Soweto: inside the heart of South Africa. 200pp. pl. R42.99 Longman Penguin SA 1994 SA
Fabricius, M.P. Some socio-economic and attitudinal changes in the Mossel Bay area during the construction of the Mossgas project 1989-1990. (IDPR special publications, 12/10) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1990 SA Fabricius, M.P., Minnaar, C.T. A socio-economic survey of Port Alfred’s black township. (Research reports, 39) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1990 SA Fabricius, M.P., Minnaar, C.T., Potgieter, F.E. A comparison of socio-economic and attitudinal changes in Mossel Bay area during the construction of the Mossgas project 1989-1990. (IDPR special publications, 12/11) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1991 SA Fabricius, M.P., Potgieter, F.E. A comparison of socio-economic and attitudinal changes in the Mossel Bay area during the construction of the Mossgas Project 1987-1991. (IDPR special publications, 12/12) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Fabricius, M.P., Potgieter, J.F. MOSSREF: a socio-economic, demographic and cultural profile of the Mossel Bay area. (IDPR special publications, 12/2) R25.00 Inst Planning Res 1987 SA Fabricius, M.P., Potgieter, J.F. Some socio-economic, demographic and cultural features of the Bredasdorp/ Gansbaai region with special reference to the potential impact of a nuclear power station. (Research reports, 31) Inst Planning Res 1988 SA Freeman, F. Just coping. Surviving in South African surburbia. 182pp. ill. Options Publ 1995 SA Freund, B. Insiders and outsiders. The Indian working class of Durban 1910-90. cd. & 144pp. R110.00 cd. R60.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1994 SA [Southern Africa only] Gelderblom, D., Kok, P. Urbanisation. South Africa’s challenge. Dynamics. vol.1 324pp. R165.00 HSRC Publ 1994 SA Goldstuck, A. The ink in the porridge: urban legends of the South African elections. 160pp. Longman Penguin SA 1994 SA Gordon, L. Shared lives. new ed. 296pp. R55.95 Philip 1994 SA Green, C. Patterns and requirements of home and street based economic activity in low income areas of Cape Town. (DPVT, 89) 124pp. R30.00 CSIR 1989 SA Haines, R., Buija, G. The struggle for social and economic space: urbanization in the twentieth century South Africa. (ISER Special publs., 3) 269pp. Univ Durban-Westville 1985 SA
Irvine, J. Millpark residential survey: perceptions, attitudes and opinions of residents towards the increase of business activities in the suburb. (IDPR occasional papers, 67) Inst Planning Res 1997 SA Kok, P., Gelderblom, D. Urbanisation. South Africa’s challenge. Planning. vol.2 348pp. R165.00 HSRC Publ 1994 SA Krige, D.J. A sampling frame for the greater Durban area. (CSDS research reports, 1) 32pp. R12.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1990 SA Lund, F. Community self survey in Lamontville. 81pp. R20.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1982 SA Mandy, N. A city divided. Johannesburg and Soweto. cd. 400pp. maps R22.95 Macmillan - SA 1984 SA Maqasho, L., Bank, L., Busiswe, M. West Bank restitution claim: social history report. ISBN: 0868103624 30pp. ill.map Inst Soc Res 1999 SA Marwick, J.S., Rich, S.G. The natives in the larger towns and notes on Natal. 55pp. pl. R45.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1993 SA Masbabela, H. Townships of the PWV. 184pp. ($22.00/ £14.00) R25.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1988 SA Mason, J. A socio-economic study of a site and service scheme in Durban. (Chatsworth Community and Research Centre. Research Report, 4) free Univ DurbanWestville 1975 SA May, J., Rankin, S. The differentiation of the urbanisation process under apartheid. 14pp. R5.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1991 SA Maylam, P., Edwards, I., eds. A people’s city. African life in twentiethcentury Durban. cd. & 320pp. ill. R130.00 cd. R90.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1995 SA McClennan, B. Glenmore: the story of a forced removal. 116pp. ($20.00/£12.00.) R16.00. SA Inst Race Relations 1987 SA Mohamed, S.I. An assessment of the socio-economic conditions, tenure preference, skills available and state of dwellings at Sydenham Heights: rebuilding a better future. Org Civ Rights 2003 SA Mohamed, S.I. Durban’s homeless community survey. Org Civ Rights 1997 SA Mohamed, S.I., Naidoo, H. Rental housing and socio-economic survey of Marloth Gardens. ISBN: 0958430373 Org Civ Rights 2001 SA
Moll, T. A mixed and threadbare bag: poverty, employment and incomes in Lower Roza, Transkei. (CSDS development studies working papers, 8) 50pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1984 SA Moller, V. Community reactions to the introduction of an educare programme at a home for black aged in KwaMashu. vol.2 113pp. R15.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1988 SA Moller, V., ed. Living in Grahamstown East/Rini: a social indicators report. ISBN: 0868103748 68pp. ill.maps Inst Soc Res 2001 SA Morris, A. Bleakness and light: inner city transition in Hillbrow, Johannesburg. ISBN: 1868143333 408pp. pl. R120.00 Witwatersrand UP 1999 SA Morris, M. Class and household restructuring in metropolitan Durban. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1997 SA Morris, M., Hindson, D. The social structure and dynamics of metropolitan Durban. (CSDS working papers, 13) R15.00 School Dev StudiesKZN 1995 SA Muller, N.D. Industrial decentralisation: employment creation and urbanisation in Transkei. (CDSC rural urban studies working papers, 6) 38pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1987 SA Myrdal, M. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (September 1987). (IDPR fact papers, 69) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1987 SA Myrdal, M. Trends in residential property sales in Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage and Despatch, January - June 1988. (IDPR fact papers, 75) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1988 SA Napier, C., Schlemmer, L. Broken promises and lost opportunities: a study of the reactions of white and coloured residents of Port St Johns to the control of the area by a black administration. 67pp. R10.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1985 SA National Building Research Institute A survey of rent paying capacity of urban natives in South Africa. (CSIR research reports, 175) ill. R1.50 CSIR 1960 SA Nattrass, J. The dynamics of urbanisation in South Africa. (CSDS development studies working papers, 2) 23pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1983 SA Oosthuizen, G.C. Pentecostal penetration into the Indian community in Metropolitan Durban, South Africa. (Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa. Publication series, 52) 355pp. R18.00 R9.00 Univ Durban-Westville 1975 SA Padayachee, M. A socio-economic profile of four market gardening communities in metropolitan Durban. (ISER Fact pap., 6) 89pp. Univ Durban-Westville 1986 SA Phillips, B.D. The coloured population of the Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage region: a socioeconomic study. (Research reports, 7) Inst Planning Res 1971 SA Posel, D. The sex market in the inner city of Durban. ($10.00) Economic Res Unit 1993 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (March 1983). (IDPR fact papers, 49) Inst Planning Res 1983 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level for employees of South Africa Forestry Company Ltd. (SAFCOL) in the Zululand Forest Region. (IDPR fact papers, 97) Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level for Grabouw, October 1991. (IDPR occasional papers, 31) Inst Planning Res 1991 SA
South Africa—Sociology, Urban Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (Sept 1980). (IDPR fact papers, 37) Inst Planning Res 1980 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (April 1981). (IDPR fact papers, 41) Inst Planning Res 1981 SA
Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level for Grabouw, October 1992. (IDPR occasional papers, 34) Inst Planning Res 1992 SA
Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (September 1981). (IDPR fact papers, 42) Inst Planning Res 1981 SA
Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level for Grabouw, October 1993. (IDPR occasional papers, 40) Inst Planning Res 1993 SA
Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (March 1982). (IDPR fact papers, 45) Inst Planning Res 1982 SA
Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level for Grabouw, October 1994. (IDPR occasional papers, 46) R80.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA
Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (September 1982) (IDPR fact papers, 46) Inst Planning Res 1982 SA
Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level for Grabouw, October 1995. (Occasional papers, 28) R80.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA
Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major centres of the Republic of South Africa (September 1983). (IDPR fact papers, 51) Inst Planning Res 1983 SA
Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level for Grabouw, September 1996. (IDPR occasional papers, 1996) R80.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA
Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (March 1984). (IDPR fact papers, 53) Inst Planning Res 1984 SA
Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the republic of South Africa (March 1974). (IDPR fact papers, 8) Inst Planning Res 1973 SA
Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (September 1984). (IDPR fact papers, 54) Inst Planning Res 1984 SA
Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (September 1974). (IDPR fact papers, 9) Inst Planning Res 1974 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (April 1975). (IDPR fact papers, 12) Inst Planning Res 1975 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (April 1976). (IDPR fact papers, 16) Inst Planning Res 1976 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (October 1976). (IDPR fact papers, 18) Inst Planning Res 1976 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (April 1978). (IDPR fact papers, 25) Inst Planning Res 1978 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (October 1978). (IDPR fact papers, 28) Inst Planning Res 1978 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (April 1979). (IDPR fact papers, 30) Inst Planning Res 1979 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (October 1979). (IDPR fact papers, 34) Inst Planning Res 1979 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Repubic of South Africa (April 1980). (IDPR fact papers, 36) Inst Planning Res 1980 SA
Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (March 1985). (IDPR fact papers, 57) Inst Planning Res 1985 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (September 1985). (IDPR fact papers, 59) Inst Planning Res 1985 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (March 1986) (IDPR fact papers, 1986) Inst Planning Res 1986 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (September 1986). (IDPR fact papers, 64) Inst Planning Res 1986 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (March 1987). (IDPR fact papers, 66) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1987 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (March 1988). (IDPR fact papers, 72) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1988 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (September 1988). (IDPR fact papers, 1988) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1988 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (March 1989). (IDPR fact papers, 77) R15.00 Inst Planning Res 1989 SA
Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (September 1989). (IDPR fact papers, 79) R15.00 Inst Planning Res 1989 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa. (IDPR fact papers, 82) Inst Planning Res 1990 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (September 1990). (IDPR fact papers, 84) Inst Planning Res 1990 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (March 1991). (IDPR fact papers, 87) R20.00 Inst Planning Res 1991 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (September 1991). (IDPR fact papers, 89) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1991 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (March 1992). (IDPR fact papers, 92) R70.00 Inst Planning Res 1992 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (September 1992). (IDPR fact papers, 93) R70.00 Inst Planning Res 1992 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (March 1993). (IDPR fact papers, 94) R70.00 Inst Planning Res 1993 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (September 1993). (IDPR fact papers, 95) R70.00 Inst Planning Res 1993 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa. (Occasional papers, 96) R70.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (April 1994). (IDPR fact papers, 97) R70.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (September 1994). (Occasional papers, 98) R70.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (September 1995). (Occasional papers, 100) R80.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa (September 1996). (IDPR fact papers, 103) R80.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the republics of South Africa and Namibia (March 1995). (Occasional papers, 99) R80.00 Inst Planning Res 1995 SA Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa and Namibia (March 1996). (Southern African labour monographs, 101) R80.00 Inst Planning Res 1996 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
South Africa—Sociology, Urban
Subject index
Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa and Namibia (March 1997). (IDPR fact papers, 105) R80.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA
van Hees, C. Youth development in Grahamstown: a social map: a guide to organisations caterinf for youth development. (ISER research reports, 3) ISBN: 0868103640 44pp. Inst Soc Res 2000 SA
Institute for Reformational Studies Die idee van reformasie. Gister en vandag/The idea of reform. Yesterday and today. [Text in Afrikaans and English.] 526pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1991 SA MUL
Potgieter, J.F. The household subsistence level in the major urban centres of the Republic of South Africa and Namibia (March 1997). (IDPR fact papers, 104) R80.00 Inst Planning Res 1997 SA
van Wyk, M.J., van Wyk, A. Socio-political opinion attitude amongst white people in Port Elizabeth. (IDPR occasional papers, 33) R15.00 Inst Planning Res 1992 SA
Institute for Reformational Studies Visie en Missie, 25 jaar (1962-1987)/ Vision and Mission, 25 years (1962-1987). [Text in English and Afrikaans.] (IRS collections, 35) 147pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1989 SA MUL
Potgieter, J.F. The poverty datum line in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch. (Research reports, 8) Inst Planning Res 1972 SA Potgieter, J.F. The poverty datum line in the major urban centres of the Republic. (Research reports, 12) Inst Planning Res 1973 SA Potgieter, J.F. The poverty datum line in two cities and three towns in the Eastern Province/ Border area. (Research reports, 11) Inst Planning Res 1972 SA Potgieter, J.F., et al. MOSSREF: a preliminary assessment of the social, economic and geographic impact in Mossel Bay and environs. (IDPR special publications, 12/1) R25.00 Inst Planning Res 1987 SA Potgieter, J.F., Levin, M. The household subsistence level in urban centres (October 1980) and indexing of salaries and wages in the Republic of South Africa. (IDPR fact papers, 39) Inst Planning Res 1980 SA Potigeter, J.F., Myrdal, M. Trends in property sales in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage, Despatch, July 1976 - June 1977. (IDPR fact papers, 22) Inst Planning Res 1977 SA Reynolds, P. Childhood in Crossroads: cognition and society in South Africa. 261pp. ill. pl. R66.95 Philip 1989 SA Richards, R. Living on Durban’s fringe: a study of the leisure styles of shack and peri-urban youth. (CSDS research reports, 5) 199pp. R50.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1995 SA Richards, R., Moller, V. The feasibility of a youth centre for Pinetown: a survey evaluation of young people’s aspirations and expectations. (CSDS research reports, 2) 66pp. R20.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1990 SA Rossouw, A.M.M., Fabricius, M.P. Motherwell Energy Survey: a socioeconomic study of the energy consumption patterns of the community. (Research reports, 45) R40.00 Inst Planning Res 1992 SA Schadeberg, J. Soweto today. ISBN: 191982572X R245.00 Protea 2002 SA Silo, Z., Tobi, A., Mnguni, M., Moller, V. Street trading in Grahamstown. ISBN: 0868103721 60pp. Inst Soc Res 2001 SA Slabbert, T.J.C. An appropriate strategy to meet the basic needs of the poor in Port Alfred’s black township. (Research reports, 29) R20.00 Inst Planning Res 1984 SA Slabbert, T.J.C., Slabbert, G. Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage metropolitan region: a complete input-output table. (Research reports, 25) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1983 SA Swart, J.M. Malunde: the street children of Hillbrow. ill. R36.95 Witwatersrand UP 1990 SA van Hees, C. “It takes a whole village to raise a child”: youth development in Grahamstown. (ISER research reports, 4) ISBN: 0868103691 129pp. ill.maps Inst Soc Res 2000 SA
Venter, W.M., Nair, K., Chetty, T.D. Survey of recreation patterns in metropolitan Durban. (ISER Occas. paps., 24) 88pp. Univ Durban-Westville 1989 SA Wait, C.V.R., ed. The Eastern Cape: one or two regions? Evidence submitted by a number of departments at the University of Port Elizabeth. (IDPR memoranda, 2/93) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1993 SA Watts, H. Urbanisation research register. vol.2 146pp. R50.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1991 SA Whisson, M.G., Moller, V. Enthusiasm and commitment - Kholuleka community. ISBN: 0868103543 R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1998 SA White, C. Makhulu padroni? Patron-clientism in shack areas and some Italian lessons for South Africa. vol.1(Policy issues and actors, 6/1) 19pp. R10.00 Centre Policy Stud 1993 SA South Africa—Statistics Martins, J. Household expenditure by province, language group and product, 2000. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 277) R1,850 Bur Market Research 2000 SA Martins, J.H. Income and expenditure by product and type of outlet of middle and upper class black households in Gauteng, 1999. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 275) 143pp. Bur Market Research 2000 SA van Wyk, H. de J. National personal income of South Africa by income and population group, 19602005. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 299) 29pp. R850.00 Bur Market Research 2002 SA van Wyk, H.de J. Personal disposable income in South Africa by population group, income group and district. (Bureau of Market Research, Research Reports, 279) 127pp. Bur Market Research 2000 SA South Africa—Statistics—Directories SA Stat Pack SA Stat Pack 1993/94. 600pp. R2,850 Stat Pack 1994 SA South Africa—Theology Balcomb, A.O. Third way theology. Reconciliation, revolution and reform in the South African church during the 1980s. ISBN: 0958314144 310pp. R48.00 ($16.00) Cluster 1997 SA Dwane, S. Issues in the South African theological debate: essays and addresses in honour of the late James Matta Dwane. 168pp. ($12.50/£6.75) R13.95. Skotaville 1989 SA Goba, B. An agenda for black theology: hermeneutics for social change. (Black Theology series, 6) 126pp. ($12.50/£6.75) Skotaville 1988 SA Holness, L., Wustenberg, R.W., eds. Theology in dialogue: the impact of the arts, humanities and science on contemporary religious thought. ISBN: 0864866054 312pp. R250.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA
Keteyi, X., Maluleke, T. Inculturation as a strategy for liberation. new ed. ISBN: 1875053123 70pp. Cluster 1998 SA Kirk, J.A. Liberation theology in brief. (IRS study pamphlets, 275/276) 39pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1990 SA Kritzinger, J.J. The South African context for mission. 148pp. R25.00 Lux Verbi 1989 SA Maimela, S. Modern trends in theology. 208pp. ($15.00/£10.00) Skotaville 1990 SA Maimela, S. Proclaim freedom to my people: essays on religion and politics. (Black Theology series, 4) 152pp. ($12.50/£6.75) Skotaville 1987 SA Malmela, S., Hopkins, D., eds. We are one voice: black theology in the USA and South Africa. 180pp. ($12.50/ £6.75) Skotaville 1989 SA Okolo, C.B. Love and justice in South Africa: towards a theology of Christian action. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 100) 38pp. ($2.80) Gaba 1988 KE van der Walt, B.J. Responsibility, conversion, confession, forgiveness, restitution and reconciliation. Six of God’s requirements for a new South Africa. (IRS study pamphlets, 337) 30pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1996 SA Villa-Vicencio, C. Civil disobedience and beyond. Law, resistance and religion in South Africa. 2nd ed. 184pp. R55.95 Philip 1994 SA Villa-Vicencio, C. A theology of reconstruction: nationbuilding and human rights. 300pp. Philip 1992 SA Villa-Vicencio, C., De Gruchy, J., eds. Doing theology in context. 249pp. R55.95 Philip 1994 SA Villa-Vicencio, C., ed. On reading Karl Bath in South Africa. 184pp. R34.50 Philip 1988 SA South Africa—Theology—Addresses and essays Boesak, A. Black and reformed: apartheid, liberation and the calvinist tradition. (Black Theology series, 2) 200pp. R5.95 Skotaville 1984 SA Institute for Reformational Studies Reflections on power and violence. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] (IRS collections, 37) 303pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1990 SA MUL South Africa—Tourist trade Botha, M., Fairer-Wessels, F., Lubbe, B. Tourism entrepreneurs. ISBN: 0702171697 240pp. R165.00 Juta 2005 SA Bott, A. A sample of summer visitors to Port Elizabeth. (IDPR information bulletins, 12) Inst Planning Res 1977 SA Crosby, J.A., Minnaar, C.T., Fabricius, M.P. A survey of hotelier’s attitude towards the hotel grading system in South Africa. (IDPR information bulletins, 23) Inst Planning Res 1991 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Fabricius, M.P., Heath, E.T., McWilliams, J.A., Minnaar, C.T. City of Port Elizabeth: strategic tourism plan. vol.1(Research reports, 43) R50.00 Inst Planning Res 1991 SA Fabricius, M.P., McWilliams, J.A., Minnaar, C.T. City of Port Elizabeth: strategic tourism plan. vol.2 R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1992 SA Ferrario, F. The South African holiday market now and in the next decade. Cooperative inquiry. (RT, 14) 29pp. R10.00 CSIR 1985 SA George, R. Marketing South African tourism and hospitality. ISBN: 0197519255 347pp. R200.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA Heath, E.T. Guidelines for a strategic planning approach to regional and community tourism. (Research reports, 36) R50.00 Inst Planning Res 1988 SA Heath, E.T. The nature and extent of regional tourism marketing and planning in South Africa. (Research reports, 30) R20.00 Inst Planning Res 1988 SA Heath, E.T., Crosby, J.A., Fabricius, M.P. A survey of holidaymakers in Port Elizabeth. (IDPR information bulletins, 22) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1990 SA Heath, E.T., Minnaar, C.T., Fabricius, M.P. A feasibility study of a timeshare development as part of the proposed Brookes Hill development. (IDPR occasional papers, 21) Inst Planning Res 1990 SA Heath, E.T., Minnaar, C.T., Fabricius, M.P., Ravenhill, B. A pilot study of timeshare issues and trends in South Africa. (Research reports, 40) R40.00 Inst Planning Res 1990 SA Henning, R., Willemse, C. Effective guest house management. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702165158 208pp. R180.00 Juta 2004 SA Institute of Natural Resources Moses Chalets: Sodwana Bay. Phase 1 report. An analysis of the social implications of the proposed development. Report prepared for Ovland Timesharing Pty. (INR working paps., 38) R15.00 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Institute of Natural Resources Moses Chalets: Sodwana Bay. Phase 2 report. An analysis of the environmental impact of the proposed development. report prepared for Ovland Timesharing Pty. (INR working paps., 39) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA
South Africa—Youth Myles, P., Mullins, E.N. Tourism in the Eastern Cape. (Research reports, 52) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Philips, B.D., Bott, A. The flow of visitors to Port Elizabeth and environs, summer 1972/73. (IDPR information bulletins, 6) Inst Planning Res 1972 SA Renders, V. The holiday pattern of the Port Elizabeth white population. (IDPR information bulletins, 9) Inst Planning Res 1974 SA Rossouw, A.M.M. A survey of holidaymakers in Port Elizabeth, December 1993-January 1994. (IDPR information bulletins, 25) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Totman, D., Murphy, C., Pollett, E.A. Kosi Bay tourism development: initial issues report for the proposed tourist development at Kosi Bay (Old Threfall School Site). Report prepared for Isivuno. (INR working paps., 120) Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA van der Reis, A.P. Report on overseas visit to France, Netherlands and the United Kingdom: November - December 1984. (RT, 15) 84pp. R10.00 CSIR 1985 SA South Africa—Travel Balfour, D., Balfour, S Simply safari. ISBN: 1868725324 cd. 192pp. col.pl. R310.00 New Holland 2001 SA Biggs, D., Grogan, T. Karoo ramblings. Short stories and tall tales. ISBN: 1868729419 168pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 2004 SA Bulpia, T.V. Discovering southern Africa. ISBN: 0958313059 col.ill. R295.00 Tafelberg 2000 SA Dicey, W. Borderline. ISBN: 0795701896 280pp. R120.00 Kwela 2004 SA Erasmus, B.J.P. On route in South Africa. Ball 1995 SA
cd. R259.95
Hilton-Barber, B. Weekends with legends. Short trips out of Gauteng. ISBN: 086486471X R89.95 Philip 2000 SA MacLennan, B. Wind makes dust: four centuries of travel in southern Africa. ISBN: 0624041654 377pp. ill.map R160.00 (£21.99) Tafelberg 2003 SA Robbins, D. The 29th parallel. A South African journey. R27.50 Penguin SA SA
Keyser, H. Tourism development. ISBN: 0195780531 400pp. R300.00 OUP - SA 2002 SA
Robbins, D. After the dance. Travels in a democratic South Africa. ISBN: 1868421937 R149.95 Ball 2004 SA
Little, A.M. The impact of tourism on the environment and the culture of the local population. Paper presented at the Strategic Workshop for Transkei Tourism, Port St Johns, 17-18 January. (INR working paps., 69) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA
Robbins, D., Corner, S. The blue train. 118pp. pl. R159.99 Penguin SA 1993 SA
Lubbe, B. Tourist distribution: managing the travel intermediary. ISBN: 0702154180 386pp. R189.00 Juta 2000 SA
Sellström, T. Travel report on the NEPRU speaker/ consultation tour of South Africa, 11-22 August 1991. (Travel and meeting reports, 2) 11pp. N$11.00 NEPRU 1992 SX
McWilliams, J.A. A survey of holidaymakers in Port Elizabeth, December 1990-January 1991. (IDPR information bulletins, 24) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1991 SA Myles, P. A democratic process for the reorgainsation of all existing tourism structures to create a united fully representative provincial tourism authority, the Eastern Cape model. (IDPR occasional papers, 49) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA
Rogers, D. Safari in style. ISBN: 0620315733 160pp. R99.95 ($24.95) Black Eagle 2004 SA
Spicer, S., Negpen, J. Holistic holidays in South Africa: health spas, hot springs, magical places and sacred spaces. ISBN: 0798145102 176pp. ill.col.pl.maps R169.95 Human and Rousseau 2005 SA van der Post, L. The lost world of the Kalahari. Penguin SA SA
van Staden, K. 4X4 camping and holiday guide for the whole family. ISBN: 079814162X 144pp. pl. R69.95 Human and Rousseau 2001 SA South Africa—Vocational education Feinberg, M. Development of a vocational counselling programme at a secondary school. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 299) 57pp. R2.00 CSIR 1979 SA Hall, B.A. Vocational counselling at the NIPR of blacks with high school education. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 279) 64pp. R2.00 CSIR 1978 SA Krenzer, O. Job evaluation - proceedings of symposium held on 8 August 1978 at the Conference Centre. 106pp. R3.00 CSIR 1978 SA Latti, V.I., et al. Careers counselling and vocational information services in Johannesburg: submitted to the Johannesburg Regional Committee of Manpower. (CSIR Contract Report, C/PERS 298) R3.00 CSIR 1980 SA Lubke, R.A. Careers in botany: a guide for those with an interest in plants. [Also available in Afrikaans.] Inst Soc Res 1992 SA Mathabe, N.R. Racial barriers in counselling: the case of a black South African. 50pp. ($6.50/ £3.50) R4.95 Skotaville 1988 SA Shannon, B.A. Five year follow-up of NIPR vocational counselling clients. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 258) 46pp. R1.50 CSIR 1977 SA Shannon, B.A. Investigation of the suitability of the Rothwell-Miller Interest Bank for a black population. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 233) 23pp. R1.00 CSIR 1975 SA Spence, B.A. A psychological investigation into the characteristics of higher primary school guidance teachers. (CSIR BIPR Contract Report, C/PERS 332) R3.00 CSIR 1982 SA van Schoor, W.A. Travelling the career highway: a facilitator’s guide. R25.00 ($15.70/ £9.50) Unisa 1996 SA van Schoor, W.A. Travelling the career highway: a logbook for career travellers. R19.80 ($14.70/ £9.00) Unisa 1996 SA Visser, B.L. Development of a testing programme for black university students for purposes of selection and careers counselling. (CSIR Special Report, Pers 281) 89pp. R3.00 CSIR 1978 SA Visser, B.L. Vocational counselling at the NIPR. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 257) 123pp. R3.00 CSIR 1977 SA South Africa—War—Pictorial works Lee, E. To the bitter end: a photographic history of the Boer war 1899-1902. ISBN: 1919825258 cd. 226pp. ill. R150.00 Protea 2002 SA Pakenham, T. The illustrated Boer war. ISBN: 1868420744 cd. col.pl. R149.95 Ball 1999 SA South Africa—Youth Chubb, K., van Dijk, L. Any child is my child. South Africa’s youth. Between anger and hope. ISBN: 1868143635 280pp. pl. Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA Everatt, D., Sisulu, E., eds. Black youth in crisis. Facing the future. 89pp. R22.00 Ravan 1992 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
South Africa—Youth
Subject index
Marks, M. Young warriors: youth politics, identity and violence in South Africa. ISBN: 1868143708 192pp. ill.pl. Witwatersrand UP 2001 SA South America—Geography—Study and teaching (Secondary) Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Geography for Kenya schools - South America. 112pp. K.shs.11.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1974 KE Soyinka, Wole—Biography Olayebi, B., ed. WS: a life in full. ISBN: 9782030422 269pp. pl. (£28.50) Bookcraft 2004 NR Spain—History Cardaillac-Hermosilla, Y. La magie en Espagne: morisques et vieux-chrétiens aux XVI et XVII siècles. ISBN: 334 FTRSI 1996 TI FRE Macnab, A. Spain under the crescent moon. ISBN: 1887752218 188pp. E£175.00 ($35.00) Am Univ 1999 UA [Middle East only] Spanish language—Grammar Lamptey, V.A.O. Comprehensive course in Spanish grammar and stylistics. 582pp. ill. C12,000 Unimax 1991 GH Speech disorders Lewis, R.E., Penn, C. Language therapy: a programme for teaching English. 300pp. ($50.00/ £25.00) R69.95 Witwatersrand UP 1989 SA Louw, P. Coping with stuttering. 1996 SA
R89.95 Donker
Spiders Bayartogtokh, B., Grobler, L., Cobanoglu, S. A new species of Punctoribates (Acari: Oribidata: Mycobaatidae) collected from mushrooms in Turkey, with remarks on the taxonomy of the genus. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 16/2) ISBN: 1868470520 R5.00 (£1.00) Nasionale Museum SA 2000 SA Berland, L. Les arachnides de l’Afrique noire française. (Initiations et Etudes Africaines, 12) 130pp. CFA2,500 IFAN 1955 SG FRE Bouillon, A. La fécondité chez l’araignée Latrodectus géometricus C. Koch. 22pp. ill. 20k Press Univ Congo 1957 ZR FRE Bouillon, A. Les fonctions du cocon chez l’araignée Latrodectus C. Koch. 30pp. ill. 30k Press Univ Congo 1957 ZR FRE Bouillon, A. Le sex-ratio chez l’araignée Latrodectus C. Koch. 8pp. ill. 10k Press Univ Congo 1957 ZR FRE Bouillon, A. Variations, cycles et ryhthmes dans l’activité du Latrodectus geometricus C. Koch. 16pp. 20k Press Univ Congo 1960 ZR FRE Bouillon, A., Krumback, G. La longévité chez l’araignée Latrodectus C. Koch. 21pp. 20k Press Univ Congo 1958 ZR FRE Spiders—Africa Lotz, L.N., Dippenaar-Schoeman, A.S. Cheiramiona, a new afrotropical spider genus (Aranae: Miturgidae: Eutichurinae). (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 15/2) ISBN: 1868470474 R5.00 (£1.00) Nasionale Museum SA 1999 SA Spiders—Africa, Southern Dippenaar-Schoeman, A.S. Baboon and trapdoor spiders of southern Afica: an identification manual. [Book and CD-ROM] 128pp. col.pl. ($35.00) PPRI 2002 SA Hawthorne, T. Sasol first field guide to spiders and scorpions of southern Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868721248 56pp. col.pl. R19.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Newlands, G. Struik pocket guide: spiders of southern Africa. 64pp. col.ill. R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Spiders—South Africa Brain, H. Who’s afraid of spiders? R27.95 Human and Rousseau 1997 SA Grobler, L. Megatrichobates gen. nov. (Acari: Oribidati: Oribatulidae) from South Africa. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 16/1) ISBN: 1868460504 R6.00 (£1.50) Nasionale Museum SA 2000 SA Grobler, L. The subfamily Pseudotocepheinae subfamily nov. (Acari, Oribatida, Otocepheidae). (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 13, 1) 44pp. Nasionale Museum SA 1997 SA Lotz, L.N. Afrotropical Archaeidae (Araneae): 1. New species of Afrarchaea with notes on Afrarchaea godfreyi (Hewitt, 1919). 20pp. ill. R4.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1996 SA Lotz, L.N. Revision of the genus Latrodectus (Araneae: Ridiidae) in Africa. (Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, 10/1) 60pp. ill. R8.00 Nasionale Museum SA 1994 SA Sports see also Bicycles and bicycling Cricket Horses and horse racing Mountaineering Physical education and training Rugby football Sailing Soccer Tennis Water sports Adedeji, J.A. The dynamics of physical education and sports. ISBN: 978030035X 240pp. ($70.00) Univ Press - Nig 2005 NR Chiluba, J.Z.B. Here’s how to play netball. Multimedia 1972 ZA
18pp. ill. 15
Dickie, M. Autofitness. Maximum fitness with minimum effort. 128pp. R42.00 Options Publ 1997 SA Fridjhon, P. 1107 - all out. The cricketer’s quiz book. 268pp. R49.99 Penguin SA 1997 SA Greyling, R. Rules of sport. The laws and rules of 28 sports for schools, clubs and armchair enthusiasts in Southern Africa. 2nd ed. 240pp. ill. R125.00 Francolin 1997 SA Hauman, R. Century of the marathon, 1896-1996. R74.95 Human and Rousseau 1995 SA Luxton, J. User friendly yoga. ISBN: 1919721681 68pp. ill. R65.00 UmSinsi 1998 SA Okeowo, Y. Foundation of handball. 98pp. ill. ($5.20) Univ Press - Nig 1981 NR Sports—Addresses and essays Oduyale, A.T. Lectures on the Olympic games. cd. & pap. ($15.00/£7.50 cd.) N8.00 ($4.00/ £2.75) Univ Lagos Press 1983 NR Sports—Kenya Quick, T.L., Quick, J.D., Burdick, R.W. Rhinos in the rough. A golfer’s guide to Kenya. 361pp. col.ill. ($27.00/£14.95) EAEP 1993 KE Sports—Nigeria Nkwocha, J. Nigeria’s golden olympics. 223pp. N700.00 Zoom Lens 1997 NR Sports—South Africa Alfred, L. Lifting the covers. The inside story of South African cricket. ISBN: 0864864744 R89.95 Philip 2000 SA
Beaumont, F. In the presence of Gary Player. ISBN: 1919766294 cd. 192pp. col.pl. R275.00 ($53.00/£28.00/Eur41.00) Umdaus 2004 SA Booth, D. Playing the game? Desegregating South African sport. (CSDS development studies working papers, 18) 46pp. R8.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1988 SA Capostagno, A. Fancourt. The road to the president’s cup. ISBN: 0670047945 158pp. R157.89 Penguin SA 2002 SA Cook, J. Cook on cricket. 70pp. pl. R39.99 Longman Penguin SA 1993 SA Cottrell, T. Comrades marathon. Highlights and heroes, 1921-1999. ISBN: 1868420949 cd. R129.95 Ball 2000 SA Cottrell, T. Comrades marathon yearbook. ISBN: 186812732X 112pp. ill.col.ill. R89.95 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA Griffiths, E. Bidding for glory. Why South Africa lost the olympics and the world cup bids and how to win next time. ISBN: 1868421066 cd. R119.00 Ball 2000 SA Hartman, R. Hansie and the boys: the making of the South African cricket team. 240pp. R79.95 Zebra 1997 SA Hattingh, G. Adventure sport series: outdoor survival. 96pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 2003 SA Hay, R. Stoney the one and only. [Story of a boxer.] 96pp. pl. R24.95 Philip 1984 SA Horrell, M. South Africa and the Olympic games. 26pp. pl. R4.00 ($5.00/£3.00) SA Inst Race Relations 1968 SA Leach, M., Wilkins, G. Olympic dream: the SA connection. 163pp. col.pl. R69.98 Penguin SA 1992 SA Marais, J. Adventure sport series: hiking. ISBN: 1843301164 96pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 2002 SA Nauright, J. Sports, cultures and identities in South Africa. ISBN: 0864864264 224pp. ill.maps Philip 1998 SA [Southern Africa only.] Wilson, M. Gerrie. [On career of Gerrie Coetzee, South African heavyweight champion.]. 124pp. pl. R2.85 Macmillan - SA 1979 SA Sports—South Africa—Dictionaries Alswang, J. The South African dictionary of sport. ISBN: 086486535X 322pp. ill. (£14.95) Spearhead 2003 SA Aswag, J. The South African dictionary of sport. ISBN: 086486535X R160.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA Sports—Uganda Kakooza, P.K. Improving sports in Uganda. ISBN: 9970021699 51pp. ($9.95/£5.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1999 UG Statistics see also Mathematics Ephinstone, C.D., Fatti, L.P., Lonergan, A.T., Rudolph, H.E. A guide to some of the statistical techniques used to classify remotely sensed data. (PKOMP, 8806) 43pp. CSIR 1988 SA South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Mathematical statistics and computer applications in ore valuation. (SAIMM symposium series, 1) 245pp. ill. ($17.50) SAIMM 1966 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Sudan—Politics and government
Statistics—Africa Adamu, S.O., Ajiferuke, I.S.Y., Ogunkola, E.O. Improving African economic statistics. (AERC special paper, 33) 89pp. AERC 1998 KE Statistics—South Africa—Bibliography Kühn, R., Prozesky, L. Statistical sources at the University of Natal Library, Pietermaritzburg. 2nd ed.(Publication series, 1) R11.40 (£3.00) Univ Natal Lib 1996 SA Statistics—Study and teaching Ariyo, A., Adeniran, A. Study of data collection procedures. (AERC research paper, 80) 57 AERC 1998 KE Awotunde, P.O., Ugodulunwa, C.A. An introduction to statistical methods in education. ISBN: 9782023558 251pp. ill. Fab 1998 NR Durrheim, K., Tredoux, C. Numbers, hypothesis and conclusions. A course in statistics for the social sciences. new ed. ISBN: 191971331X 256pp. R300.00 UCT Press 2002 SA Huysaman, G.K. Descriptive statistics for the social and behavioural sciences. 3rd rev.ed. ISBN: 0627022235 112pp. R89.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Ingule, F., Gatumu, H. Essentials of educational statistics. 166pp. K.shs.520.00 EAEP 1996 KE Onyango, J.P. A textbook of business statistics and calculations for K.A.T.C. 240pp. K.shs.530.00 EAEP 1994 KE Onyango, J.P., Plews, A.M. A textbook of basic statistics. K.shs.420.00 EAEP 1987 KE
Opoku, J.Y. Tutorials in inferential social statistics. ISBN: 9988023529 263pp. C70,000 Ghana UP 2004 GH Pellissier, R. Little statistics book for busy business people. ISBN: 1868910350 100pp. Maskew Miller Longman 1999 SA Pietersen, J., Damianov, G. Guide to practical statistics. ISBN: 0796918678 182pp. R120.00 HSRC Publ 2000 SA Purdasseea, S. Advanced level statistics. ISBN: 9990370273 222pp. Rs225.00 ($13.65/ £8.50) Printemps 2001 MF Steyn, A.G.W., Smit, C.F., du Toit, S.H.C. Modern statistics in practice. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0627019897 764pp. R319.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA Tan, P., Mwasele, S.L. Statistical theory: an introduction. 281pp. ($14.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1985 TZ Truran, H.C. Practical guide to statistical maps & diagrams. 60pp. K.shs.260.00 EAEP 1975 KE
Wegner, T. Applied business statistics. Solutions manual. ISBN: 0702130133 R89.00 Juta 1998 SA
Otogo, R. What every student should know. ISBN: 9780294910 43pp. N360.00 Spectrum 2004 NR
Willemse, I. Statistical methods for business. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0702151920 244pp. R165.00 Juta 2002 SA
van Schoor, A., Mill, E., Potgieter, D. Effective study. new ed. ISBN: 1868881903 152pp. R30.00 ($8.00/£5.10/ Eur7.00) Unisa 2004 SA
Willemse, I. Statistical methods for business and basic calculations. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702166383 320pp. R179.00 Juta 2004 SA Statistics—Tanzania Tibaijuka, G.N. Bunge digest. Facts and figures on Tanzania - Tanzanian budgets. 42pp. Ebert - Namibia 1996 SX Stevenson-Hamilton, James—Biography Carruthers, J. Wildlife and warfare. The life of James Stevenson-Hamilton. ISBN: 0869809865 cd. & 200pp. R240.00 cd. ISBN: 0869809156 R150.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2000 SA Strachan, Harold—Autobiography Strachan, H. Make a skyf, man. ISBN: 1770090339 264pp. R145.00 ($20.00/£11.50) Jacana 2004 SA Students see also Education Education, Higher Students—South Africa Egan, A. The politics of a South African Catholic student movement, 1960-1987. (Communications, 20) 150pp. CAFS 1991 KE Mullins, E.N. Evaluation of house directors by students at the University of Port Elizabeth. (IDPR occasional papers, 37) R10.00 Inst Planning Res 1993 SA van Wyk, A., Fabricius, M.P., McWilliams, J.A. Academic needs and expectations of residence students enrolled at UPE. (IDPR occasional papers, 27) R15.00 Inst Planning Res 1991 SA van Wyk, A., Heath, E.T. UPE residence student attitudes towards accommodation facilities. (IDPR occasional papers, 22) Inst Planning Res 1990 SA van Wyk, M.J., van Wyk, A. Socio-political opinion and attitude study amongst students at the University of Port Elizabeth. (IDPR occasional papers, 25) R15.00 Inst Planning Res 1991 SA Students—Tunisia Dhifallah, M. Le mouvement étudiant tunisien 19271939. (Thèses de doctorat, 14) ISBN: 9973719824 376pp. ($88.00) FTRSI 1999 TI FRE Study, Method of see also Dissertations, Academic Research
Underhill, L.G., Bradfield, D. Introstat. new ed. 356pp. R165.00 Juta 1998 SA
Abudu, A.O. How to effectively study & successfully pass exams. 141pp. C35,000.00 ($9.99) IMV 1996 GH
van den Honert, R. Intermediate statistical methods for business and economics. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1919713387 R159.00 Juta 1999 SA
Addison, J. Studying in Zimbabwe. A practical guide for Zimbabwean students. 118pp. ($11.50) Mambo 1984 ZI
van Doorne, J.H. Elementary statistics. 2nd rev.ed. ISBN: 996696357X 100pp. ill. K.shs.300.00 ($15.00/£10.00) Zapf 2001 KE
Donders, J.G. How to study. 1980 KE
Wegner, T. Applied business statistics. Methods and applications. [Also available in Afrikaans. Solutions manuals available in both languages.] ISBN: 0702128732 420pp. R210.00 Juta 1998 SA
56pp. K.shs.70.00 Uzima
Matano, H. Successful university study. 184pp. K.shs.196.00 ($3.30/£2.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1993 KE Musira, M. Study and examination skills. K.shs.130.00 EAEP 1993 KE
Sudan—Demography Gore, P.W. Population decline in south-western Sudan: the case of the Azande. (DSRC seminar series, 28) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1983 SJ Sudan—Demography—Bibliography Rahim Nasr, A.A., Duffield, M. A bibliography of West African settlement and development in the Democratic Republic of Sudan. (DSRC monograph series, 13) 24pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1980 SJ Sudan—Economic assistance El Shibly, M. Eliminating dependence on foreign aid: mirage or reality. (DSRC seminar series, 12) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Sudan—Education Bashir, M.O. Educational policy and the employment problem in the Sudan. (DSRC monograph series, 3) 68pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1977 SJ Development Studies Research Centre Non-formal education in the Sudan. Report of a workshop held in Khartoum, March 1978. 195pp. Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1980 SJ Gore, P.W. Educational policy during the period 197080 and its demographic implications. (DSRC seminar series, 12) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Sukkar, M.Y. Educational planning and manpower development in the Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 18) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Sudan—History Fuli, S., Ga’le, B.T. Shaping a free southern Sudan: memoirs of our struggle 1934-1985. 488pp. maps (£17.99) Paulines 2002 KE Mack, J., Robertshaw, P. Culture history in the southern Sudan: archaeology, linguistics and ethnohistory. (BIEA memoir, 8) 180pp. pl. (£15.00) Brit Inst EA 1982 KE Sudan—Local government El-Arifi, S.A. Local government and local participation in rural development in the Sudan. (DSRC monograph series, 10) 34pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1978 SJ Sudan—Politics and government Adar, K.G., Nyuot Yoh, J.G., Maloka, E., eds. Sudan Peace process: challenges and future prospects. ISBN: 0798301805 297pp. R120.00 ($30.00) Africa Inst 2005 SA Ayoker, K.G. State and development in the black Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 1983) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1983 SJ Babiker, F. The political economy of the Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 8) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Deng, F., Khalil, M.I. Sudan’s civil war: the peace process before and since Machakos. ISBN: 0798301759 14pp. map R40.00 ($10.00) Africa Inst 2004 SA Douglas, P. The root causes of Sudan civil wars. ISBN: 0852253927 256pp. K.shs.1,940 EAEP 2003 KE [Kenya only] El Din Khalafalla, E-F.S. The mechanism of proletarianisation in the Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 6) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ
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Sudan—Politics and government Hamid, M.B. Centre Region relations in the Sudan: the federal option. (DSRC seminar series, 81) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Hamid, U.M.B. Politics of reconciliation: Nimery’s regime and the national opposition. (DSRC seminar series, 4) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Mills, G. Sudan: complexity, conflict and cooperation. (SAIIA country report, 6) ISBN: 1919810358 SA Inst Int Affairs 2002 SA Nyaba, P.A. The politics of liberation in South Sudan. An insiders view. 194pp. ill.pl. U.shs.10,000 ($18.00/£9.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1997 UG Sudan—Public administration Moharia, V.V., Kagwe, S. Administrative reforms and development planning in the Sudan (1956-1975). (DSRC book series, 5) 173pp. ($20.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1987 SJ Woodward, P. Political factors in the changing structure of administration: a comparative analysis. (DSRC seminar series, 14) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Sudan—Religion Hasan, Y.F., Gray, R. Religion and conflict in Sudan. ISBN: 9966218319 208pp. K.shs.800.00 ($10.00) Paulines 2002 KE Sudan—Rural development El Hussein, A.M. Development, administration and participation in rural development in Africa. (DSRC seminar series, 70) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1986 SJ Omar, B. Some constraints to regional development: the case of the Kordofan Region of the Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 19) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Sudan—Sociology Ali, A.A. Structural adjustment programmes and the creation of poverty: a note. (DSRC seminar series, 94) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1991 SJ Attaitalla, M. The push/pull factors in Sudanese migration to Arab oil countries. (DSRC seminar series, 36) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1983 SJ Faris, A.I.B. Policy-oriented anatomy of poverty in AlGadaref state. (DSRC monograph series, 41) 21pp. ($5.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1999 SJ Koba Badal, R. Origins of the underdevelopment of the southern Sudan: British administrative neglect. (DSRC monograph series, 16) 51pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Sudanese Women’s Voice for Peace Images. 100pp. ill. SWVP 1999 KE Sudan—Sociology, Rural Ahmed, A-G.M., Sharif, A. The Sudanese rural society. Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ
210pp. Dev
Awad, M.H. Self sufficiency redefined. (DSRC seminar series, 97) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1992 SJ Faris, A.I.B. Policy-oriented anatomy of poverty in AlGadaref state. (DSRC monograph series, 41) 21pp. ($5.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1999 SJ Gruenbaum, E. Pattern of family living: a case study of the villages on the Rahad River. (DSRC monograph series, 12) 55pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1979 SJ
Subject index Salih, K.O. The Kordofan region of the Sudan. A case study of the problems of regionalisms. (DSRC monograph series, 35) 59pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1989 SJ Sudan—Sociology, Urban Ibnoaf, M.A.H. Economic development urbanization and induced migration. (DSRC monograph series, 30) 37pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1987 SJ Sudan—Vocational education El Jack, A.H. Vocational training and economic development problem in the Sudan. (DSRC monograph series, 2) ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1977 SJ Sugar cane George, E.F. An experiment to compare the selection of sugar cane varieties from seedlings bunches planted in two different ways and from others singly planted. (MSIRI occasional papers, 7) 35pp. Rs25.00 (£1.00) MSIRI 1962 MF Hayward, A.C. Studies on bacterial pathogens of sugar cane differentiation, taxonomy and nomenclature of the bacteria causing red stripe and mottled stripe diseases. (MSIRI occasional papers, 10) 27pp. Rs50.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1962 MF Sugar cane—Africa Deepchand, K. Bagasse-based cogeneration in Mauritius. A model for eastern and southern Africa (AFREPREN occasional paper, 2) 50pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE Deepchand, K. Bagasse energy cogeneration in Mauritius and its potential in the southern and eastern African region. (AFREPREN working paper, 272) 51pp. AFREPREN 2001 KE Sugar cane—Developing countries Kaplinsky, R. Sugar processing the development of a Third World technology. 148pp. K.shs.175.00 Africa Book Serv 1984 KE Sugar cane—Ghana Baranowski, A. Sugar cane in Ghana. 95pp. ($8.50/ £4.95) Ghana UP 1970 GH Sugar cane—Kenya Wegulo, F.N. The interface between farm and non-farm activities among the Mumias sugar cane growers. 49pp. Inst Dev Stud 1999 KE Sugar cane—Mauritius Deepchand, K. Bagasse energy cogeneration in Mauritius. (AFREPREN working paper, 246) 49pp. AFREPREN 2000 KE Domaingue, R. Sugarcane varieties in Mauritius. A botanical description. (MSIRI occasional papers, 5) 94pp. pl. Rs200.00 (£15.00) MSIRI 1990 MF George, E.F. Physiological growth attributes of Sacchaarum clones and their progenies. (MSIRI occasional papers, 19) 12pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£1.00) MSIRI 1965 MF Halais, P., Davy, E.G. Notes on the 1:100 000 agro-climatic map of Mauritius, compiled by the Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute and the Mauritius Meteorological Services. (MSIRI occasional papers, 23) 27pp. pl.maps Rs125.00 (£5.00) MSIRI 1967 MF Hayward, A.C. Studies on bacterial pathogens of sugar cane. Differentiation of isolates Xanthmonas vascolurum, with notes on an undescribed Xanthomnas sp. from sugar cane in Natal and Trinidad. (MSIRI occasional papers, 13/1) Rs50.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1962 MF McIntyre, G. Weeds of sugar cane in Mauritius: their description and control. 151pp. ill. Rs.150.00 (£7.00) MSIRI 1991 MF
Rochecouste, E. Botanical and agricultural characters of sugar cane varieties of Mauritius. (MSIRI occasional papers, 5) 7pp. ill.col.pl. Rs50.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1961 MF Rochecouste, E. Botanical and agricultural characters of sugar cane varieties of Mauritius. M202/ 46. M93/48, M253/48 and Ebène 50/47. vol.2(MSIRI occasional papers, 18) 18pp. pl. Rs75.00 (£3.00) MSIRI 1964 MF Rochecouste, E. Weed control in sugar cane. 117pp. pl. Rs100.00 (£5.00) MSIRI 1967 MF Williams, J.R. An annotated check list of the invertebrates (insects, mites, nematodes) of sugar cane in Mauritius. rev.ed.(MSIRI occasional papers, 31) 22pp. Rs50.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1978 MF Williams, J.R. The biology of Physcus seminotus Silv. and P. subflavus Annecke & Insley (Aphelinidae) parasites of the sugar cane scale insect Aulacaspis tegalensis (Zhnt.) Diaspididae) (MSIRI occasional papers, 27) 484pp. pl. Rs50.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1972 MF Williams, J.R. Studies on the nematode soil fauna of sugar cane fields. Species of Thomenema (Dorylaimidae). vol.7(MSIRI occasional papers, 21) 7pp. pl. Rs25.00 (£1.00) MSIRI 1965 MF Williams, J.R. Studies on the nematode soil fauna of sugar cane fields in Mauritius. (MSIRI occasional papers, 20) 3pp. ill. Rs25.00 (£1.00) MSIRI 1965 MF Williams, J.R. Studies on the nematode soil fauna of sugar cane fields in Mauritius. Belondiridae (Dorylaimoidea, Enoplida). (MSIRI occasional papers, 2) 9pp. Rs25.00 (£1.00) MSIRI 1958 MF Williams, J.R. Studies on the nematode soil fauna of sugar cane fields in Mauritius. Dorylaimidae (Dorylaimoidea, Enoplida). (MSIRI occasional papers, 3) 28pp. Rs50.00 (£1.00) MSIRI 1959 MF Williams, J.R. Studies on the nematode the genus Mononchus (Trilobidae, Enoplida) soil fauna of sugar cane fields in Mauritius. (MSIRI occasional papers, 2) 28pp. Rs25.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1958 MF Williams, J.R., Luc, M. The species of Xiphinema Cobb, 1913 (Nematodea: Longidoridae) in the sugar cane fields of Mauritius. (MSIRI occasional papers, 30) 19pp. pl, Rs50.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1977 MF Sugar cane—Mauritius—Bibliography Williams, J.R., comp. A bibliography of sugar cane nematology. (MSIRI occasional papers, 6) 12pp. Rs50.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1962 MF Sugar cane—Nigeria Busari, A.D. Sugar-cane and sugar industry in Nigeria. The bitter sweet lessons. ISBN: 9780295348 302pp. ill. ($29.95/£19.95) Spectrum 2005 NR Sugar cane—Réunion Hernandez-Pothin, G., ed. La canne à sucre et la Réunion: destins liés. ISBN: 2910831000 86pp. col.pl. (Eur6.00) Stella Matutina 2002 RF FRE Sugar industry—Burkina Faso Thiombiano, T. L’enclave industrielle: la société sucrière de Haute Volta. 192pp. CFA5,000 ($10.00/£5.00/Eur10.00) CODESRIA 1984 SG FRE Sugar industry—Mauritius Koenig, J. Mauritius and sugar. 21pp. Rs50.00 (£3.00) MSIRI 1988 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report. 92pp. pl. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1956 MF
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Swahili—Fiction, Drama, Poetry
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual reports. 136pp. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1965 MF
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report 2002. 86pp. ill. Rs.300.00 (£14.00) MSIRI 2002 MF
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report. 149pp. pl. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1966 MF
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report 2003. 88pp. ill. Rs.300.00 (£14.00) MSIRI 2003 MF
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual reports. 151pp. pl. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1967 MF
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Sugarcane varieties in Mauritius: a botanical description and control. 94pp. Rs250.00 (£15.00) MSIRI 1990 MF
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual reports. 138pp. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1968 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual reports. 165pp. pl. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1969 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual reports. 185pp. pl. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1970 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual reports. 72pp. pl. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1972 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual reports. 69pp. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1973 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual reports. 76pp. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1974 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report. 68pp. pl. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1975 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report. 84pp. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1976 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report. 83pp. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1977 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report. 81pp. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1978 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report. 86pp. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1979 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report. 76pp. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1980 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report. 76pp. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1981 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report. 86pp. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1990 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report. 81pp. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1991 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report. 86pp. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1993 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report. 84pp. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1994 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report. 85pp. Rs150.00 (£8.00) MSIRI 1995 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report 1996. 106pp. ill. Rs.200.00 (£10.00) MSIRI 1997 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report 1997. 106pp. ill. Rs.200.00 (£10.00) MSIRI 1998 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report 1998. 104pp. ill. Rs.200.00 (£10.00) MSIRI 1998 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report 1999. 97pp. ill. Rs.200.00 (£10.00) MSIRI 1999 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report 2000. 92pp. ill. Rs.300.00 (£14.00) MSIRI 2000 MF Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Annual report 2001. 86pp. ill. Rs.300.00 (£14.00) MSIRI 2002 MF
North-Coombes, A. A history of sugar production in Mauritius. 2nd rev.ed. 174pp. ill. ($27.00/£14.95) Océan Indien Ed 1993 MF Sugar industry—South Africa A’Bear, D.R., Vaughan, A., Hudson, R., Ashton, D. Appraisal of the small grower development trust’s pilot training programme for the small cane growers, contractors and facilitators. Report prepared for the British Development Division South Africa. (INR investigational reports, 97) R15.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Colvin, P.M., Erskine, J.M. Environmental evaluation of the South African Sugar Association Package for the sugar industry. Report no. 1. Assessment of the local environmental impacts associated with the proposed ethanol plant. (INR working paps., 51) R15.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Mander, J.J., Quinn, N.W. Proposed Tongaat-Hulett sugar development: issues report. (INR investigational reports, 124) R18.00 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Ngidi, M.E., Breen, C.M. An evaluation of a sprinkler irrigation training course conducted by SASEX for small cane growers around Glendale and Felixton Sugar Mills. Report prepared for the Small Grower Development Trust. (INR investigational reports, 100) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Patterson-Jones, J.C., ed. Final report of the Bagasse Programme. (SANSP Report, 149) 250pp. CSIR 1988 SA Sugar industry—Sudan El Tigani, M.S. Appropriate technology for sugar manufacturing in the developing countries. A further evidence from Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 73) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1986 SJ Van der Wel, P. Transfer pricing the case of the (DSRC seminar Stud & Res Ctr
and surplus extraction: Sudanese sugar industry. series, 44) ($10.00) Dev 1984 SJ
Sugar industry—Zimbabwe Mlambo, A.S., Pangeti, E.S. The political economy of the sugar industry in Zimbabwe 1920-90. 90pp. ill.pl. ($11.50/£6.50) Univ Zimbabwe 1996 ZI Surgery Adeyemi-Doro, H.O., ed. Manual of emergency surgery. 256pp. ill.pl. ($30.00/£16.75) Univ Lagos Press 1991 NR
Fecher, A. Manuel de soins chirurgicaux pour l’Afrique. cd. 260pp. ill. (Eur13.60) BERPS 2005 ZR FRE Shija, J.K. An atlas of paediatric surgical problems in the Tropics. An illustrated clinical manual for doctors, nurses and students. 114pp. ill. pl. K.shs.1,500 ($27.00/ £15.00) EAEP 1992 KE Surgery—Examinations, questions Adeloye, A., Martinson, F.D. Lecture notes in neurosurgery and otorhinolaryngology. 154pp. ($12.00) Ibadan UP 1983 NR Ajao, O.G. Multiple choice questions in surgery. bk.2 240pp. N660.00 ($16.00/£13.50) Spectrum 1996 NR Ajao, O.G. Multiple choice questions in surgery. Board and fellowship examinations. bk. 3 ISBN: 9782015865 198pp. Book Builders 2002 NR Surgery—Tanzania Shija, J.K. Surgery in Tanzania. 64pp. ($5.50/£2.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1990 TZ Surgery—Tropics Cook, J., Sankaran, B., Wasunna, A.E.O. La chirurgie générale à l’hôpital rural tropical. 283pp. pl. ($16.00) BERPS 1995 ZR FRE Rosenfeld, J.V., Watters, D.A.K. Neurosurgery in the tropics. A practical approach to common problems. ISBN: 0333684125 492pp. ill. Macmillan Academic 2000 SA Surveying—South Africa Potgieter, F.E. Baseline survey for Dukathole - Aliwal North. (IDPR special publications, 18/2) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Potgieter, F.E. Baseline survey for Midros - Middleburg. (IDPR special publications, 18/4) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Potgieter, F.E. Baseline survey for Thembalisizwe Aberdeen. (IDPR special publications, 18/3) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Surveying—Study and teaching Nassuma, D. Survey sampling: theory and methods. new ed. ISBN: 9966846484 237pp. K.shs.900.00 ($22.75) Nairobi UP 2000 KE Suttner, Raymond—Autobiography Suttner, R. Inside apartheid’s prisons. Notes and letters of struggle. ISBN: 0869809970 214pp. Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2001 SA Swahili also known as Kiswahili Swahili—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Abdalla, A. Sauti ya dhiki. [The voice of agony] 80pp. K.shs.276.00 OUP - Nairobi 1974 KE SWA
Surgery—Addresses and essays Elebute, E.A. The making of an academic surgeon. 16pp. ($2.50/£1.80) N5.00 Univ Lagos Press 1978 NR
Abdalla, A. Utenzi wa maisha Ya Adam na Hawaa. [Epic poem on Adam and Eve.] (Vito Vya Kiswahili (Swahili Gems), 1) 80pp. K.shs.122.00 OUP - Nairobi 1972 KE SWA
Sowemimo, G.O.A. A matter of life and skin cover. 24pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Univ Lagos Press 1991 NR
Abdalla, S. Inkishafi. [Revelations.] 73pp. K.shs.170.00 Longhorn - Ken 1980 KE SWA
Surgery—Africa Adeloye, A. Neurosurgery in Africa. 386pp. pl. ($75.00/£42.00) Ibadan UP 1989 NR Bewes, P. Surgery. A manual for rural health workers. 2nd ed. 372pp. AMREF 2003 KE
Abdulla, M.S. Duniani kuna watu. 120pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 1992 KE SWA Abdulla, M.S. Mwana wa yungi hulewa. (Waandishi wa Kiafrika, 37) 131pp. K.shs.380.00 EAEP 1992 KE SWA Abedi, K.A. Sheria za kutunga masjairi. [Poetry.] ($2.85) Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE SWA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Swahili—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Abrahams, P. Mchimba madini. [Mine boy.] 212pp. K.shs.185.00 EAEP 1980 KE SWA Achebe, C. Mshale wa Mungu. [Arrow of God.] (Waandishi wa Kiafrika, 17) 206pp. K.shs.185.00 EAEP 1978 KE SWA Achebe, C. Mwakilishi wa watu. [A man of the people.] (Waandishi wa Kiafrika, 16) 138pp. K.shs.465.00 EAEP 1977 KE SWA Adam, H. Masimulizi ya alfu lela u lela. bk.2 ISBN: 9987417035 194pp. T.shs.5,500 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA
Subject index Bwana, J. Haramu. ISBN: 9987417086 248pp. T.shs.5,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA
Imbuga, F. Usaliti mjini. [Betrayal in the city.] 104pp. K.shs.275.00 EAEP 1994 KE SWA
Chacha, C.N. Wingu Jeusi. [Enough is Enough. Play.] 76pp. K.shs.235.00 EAEP 1987 KE SWA
Jahadhmy, A.A., ed. Kusanyiko la mashairi. [Anthology of Swahili poetry.] 92pp. K.shs.210.00 EAEP 1975 KE
Chachage, C.S.L. Makuadi wa soko huria. [Swahili novel.] ISBN: 9987622453 287pp. (£18.95) E&D 2002 TZ SWA Chachage, C.S.L. Sudi ya Yohana. [Yohana’s fate - a novel.] 101pp. T.shs.50.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1981 TZ SWA
Akwisombe, J.B. Jero sikitu. new ed. 80pp. T.shs.400.00 Tanz Publ House 1979 TZ SWA
Chimerah, R.M. Mnara wawaka moto. 121pp. K.shs.230.00 ($7.50) Nairobi UP 1998 KE SWA
Allen, J.W.T. Utenzi wa abdirrahmani na sufiani. 4th ed. ($2.95/£1.20) K.shs.16.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE SWA
Chiume, M.W.K. Dunia ngumu. [Difficult world.] new ed. 48pp. T.shs.800.00 Tanz Publ House 1981 TZ SWA
Allen, J.W.T., ed. Utendi wa ayubu. (Sanaa Ya Utungo, 4) 24pp. K.shs.120.00 EAEP 1972 KE SWA
Dumila, F. Wasifu wa moi. Poetry. (£1.05/$2.65) K.shs.10.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE SWA
Allen, J.W.T., ed. Utendi wa masahibu. (Sanaa Ya Utungo, 2) 36pp. K.shs.100.00 EAEP 1972 KE SWA Allen, W.E. Mwanzo wa masomo bu I and II. 5th ($1.85/75p.) K.shs.10.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE SWA Amana, B. Malenga wa vumba. 144pp. ill. K.shs.320.00 OUP - Nairobi 1982 KE SWA Armah, A. K. Wema hawajazaliwa. [The beautyful ones are not yet born.] 176pp. K.shs.520.00 EAEP 1975 KE SWA Arnott, K. Ayo, msichana wa Kiafrika shuleni kwake. [Ayo, an African schoolgirl.] 56pp. ill. K.shs.3.00 OUP - Nairobi 1968 KE SWA Asare, B. Mwasi. trans.f.t. English by N. Zaidi [Rebel.] (Waandishi wa Kiafrika, 5) 135pp. K.shs.180.00 EAEP 1972 KE SWA Bâ, M. Barua ndefu kama hii. [So long a letter.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 9976973217 122pp. pl. T.shs.2,500 ($8.00) Mkuki na Nyota 2000 TZ SWA Banzi, A. Titi la mkwe. [Inlaw’s breast.] 96pp. T.shs.800.00 Tanz Publ House 1972 TZ SWA bin Said, H.A. Utenzi wa kadhi Kassim bin Jaffer. (The poems of Judge Kassim bin Jaffer.] T.shs.1,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2001 TZ SWA Brecht, B. Mtu mzuri wa Setzuan. The good woman of Setzuan. 132pp. ($4.85/£1.95) K.shs.24.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE SWA Bunyan, J. Safari ya msafiri. [Pilgrim’s progress.] trans.f.t. English by M.D. Soseleje new ed. 89pp. ill. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1980 TZ SWA Burhani, S. Mali ya maskini. [Swahili novel.] ISBN: 9966497072 K.shs.250.00 ($3.30) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE SWA Burhani, S. Mwisho wa kosa. [Swahili novel.] new ed. ISBN: 996649720X K.shs.250.00 ($3.30) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE SWA Buyu, J. Mtugeni. [Swahili novel.] ISBN: 9966497021 K.shs.120.00 ($1.60) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE SWA
Gethanguthi, E.N. Mwanamke aliyebeba chatu, na hadithi nyingine. [Short stories.] 45pp. col.ill. K.shs.134.00 OUP - Nairobi 1987 KE SWA Gogol, N. Mkaguzi mkuu wa serikali. [The government inspector. Also available in English.] 178pp. K.shs.185.00 EAEP 1979 KE SWA Gora, H. Kimbunga. ISBN: 9976911691 T.shs.2,500 Inst Kiswahili Res 2003 TZ SWA Habwe, J. Maisha kitendawili. [Life is a riddle. Swahili play.] ISBN: 9966221727 191pp. K.shs.170.00 ($2.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2000 KE SWA Habwe, J. Maumbile si huja. [Looks don’t matter.] ISBN: 9966221123 102pp. K.shs.118.00 ($3.00/£2.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1999 KE SWA
Japunjo, R. Mzee Nyachote. 56pp. ill. K.shs.80.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1988 KE SWA Kagwere, F. Kazi yangu. ISBN: 9966472940 200pp. K.shs.180.00 Phoenix 2000 KE SWA Kalumuna, Z.J.N. Heri. ISBN: 9987686494 120pp. Mkuki na Nyota 2002 TZ SWA Kamau, M.N. Miaka 52 jela. (Waandishi wa Kiafrika, 34) 123pp. K.shs.415.00 EAEP 1989 KE SWA Kamugisha, T.A.R. Harusi ya wendawazimu. [The marriage of two madmen.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 9976983069 181pp. T.shs.4,500 ($4.50) MPB Ent 2004 TZ SWA Kamugisha, T.A.R. Kitu kidogo tu. [Some little thing. Swahili novel about bribery.] ISBN: 9976983018 119pp. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) MPB Ent 2004 TZ SWA Karama, S. Sanaa ya umalenga. [Kiswahili poetry.] 67pp. K.shs.100.00 EAEP 1985 KE SWA Kariuki, E. Safari ya kombamwiko. [Novel.] ISBN: 9966472258 65pp. col.ill. Phoenix 1999 KE SWA Kawegere, F.E. Kazi yangu: mashairi juu ya kazi mbalimbali za wanadamu. [Poems.] ISBN: 9966472940 200pp. ill. Phoenix 2000 KE SWA Kezilahabi, E. Karibu ndani. [Come in. Poetry.] 48pp. ill. ($2.50/£2.00) T.shs.135.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1988 TZ SWA Kezilahabi, E. Nagona. 68pp. ($3.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1990 TZ SWA
Haj, M. Umleavyo. [Novel.] 224pp. K.shs.240.00 OUP - Nairobi 1990 KE SWA
Kham, K. Macho ya mji. [The eyes of the river.] ISBN: 9966960937 75pp. Colourprint 1999 KE SWA
Herold, A. Mangaliso. 64pp. T.shs.150.00 Benedictine 1981 TZ SWA
Khamis, B.M. Tufani. 213pp. Heko 1993 TZ SWA
Hua, S.B. Hadithi teule. K.shs.150.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1992 KE SWA Hussein, E. Kwenye ukingo wa thim. [A Swahili play.] 50pp. K.shs.116.00 OUP - Nairobi 1988 KE SWA Hussein, E.N. Arusi. [Wedding. Play.] 50pp. K.shs.176.00 OUP - Nairobi 1980 KE SWA Hussein, E.N. Mashetani. [The devils.] 40pp. K.shs.134.00 OUP - Nairobi 1972 KE SWA Iddi, N.K. Diwani ya iddi nyoka kalela na utenzi wa mwanaisha. 74pp. ($3.50/£1.40) K.shs.15.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE SWA Ijimere, O.L. Kifungo cha obatala na michezo mingine. 124pp. K.shs.185.00 EAEP 1978 KE SWA Ikeda, D. Maisha: kitendawdi na johari. 324pp. K.shs.250.00 ($12.00) Nairobi UP 1990 KE SWA
Kibao, S.A. Matatu ya thamani. [Three words of wisdom.] 60pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1975 KE SWA Kibao, S.A. Utenzi wa uhuru wa Kenya. [Epic poem on Kenya’s independence.] (Vito Vya Kiswahili, 2) 84pp. K.shs.126.00 OUP Nairobi 1972 KE SWA Kiimibila, J.K. Lila na fila. [Swahili novel.] ISBN: 9966497145 K.shs.190.00 ($2.50) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE SWA King’ala, Y. Anasa. [Novel.] 160pp. K.shs.270.00 EAEP 1984 KE SWA King’ei, K. Miale ya uzalendo. [Collection of Swahili poetry.] ISBN: 9966472932 216pp. K.shs.180.00 Phoenix 2000 KE SWA King’ei, K. Mwongozo wa Kilio cha haki. [Study guide to Kilio cha haki.] ISBN: 9966951148 96pp. Kshs150.00 ($7.95) Sasa Sema 2001 KE SWA King’ei, K. Mwongozo wa kitumbua kimeinga mchanga. ISBN: 9966951229 76pp. Kshs150.00 ($7.95) Sasa Sema 2003 KE SWA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 476
African Books in Print
Subject index
Swahili—Fiction, Drama, Poetry
King’ei, K. Mwongozo wa Kiu. [Study guide to Kiu.] ISBN: 996695113X 72pp. K.shs.150.00 ($7.95) Sasa Sema 2001 KE SWA King’ei, K.G. Maana ya maendeleo. K.shs.50.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1993 KE SWA King’ei, K.G. Miale ya uzalendo. [Poems.] ISBN: 9966472932 191pp. Phoenix 2000 KE SWA Kitereza, A. Bwana myombekere na bibi bugonoka na ntulanalwo na bulihwali. [Cultural novel.] 628pp. T.shs.3,000 Tanz Publ House 1981 TZ SWA Kitsao, J. Bibi arusi. [The bride.] 48pp. K.shs.176.00 OUP - Nairobi 1983 KE SWA Kitsao, J. Tazama mbele. 64pp. K.shs.245.00 EAEP 1980 KE SWA
Mazrui, A. Kilio cha haki. [Cry for justice. Swahili novel.] new ed. ISBN: 9966497064 K.shs.140.00 ($1.40) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE SWA Mbaabu, I. Methali vitendawili na mashairi ya Kimeru. [Proverbs, riddles and Kimeru poetry.] 97pp. ($3.55/£1.40) K.shs.15.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE SWA Mbarwa, H.R. Mashairi boriti. [Poems in Swahili.] ISBN: 9966922067 118pp. Jomo Kenyatta Found 2000 KE SWA Mbatiah, M. Mwendawazimu na hadithi nyingine. [Short stories in Swahili.] ISBN: 9966221735 108pp. Jomo Kenyatta Found 2000 KE SWA Mbogo, E. Bustani ya edeni. [Garden of Eden.] ISBN: 9976983085 96pp. T.shs.3,000 ($3.20) MPB Ent 2002 TZ SWA
Kitsao, J. Uasi. [Play.] 44pp. K.shs.154.00 OUP - Nairobi 1982 KE SWA
Mbogo, E. Tone la mwisho. [The last drop.] 64pp. T.shs.75.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1981 TZ SWA
Lihamba, A. Mkutano wa pili wa ndege. [Play.] cd. & 52pp. T.shs.1,300 cd. T.shs.750.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1992 TZ SWA
Mbogo, E. Vipuli vya figo. [Kidney beads.] 262pp. K.shs.425.00 ($6.30/£3.80) EAEP 1996 KE SWA
Mabala, R. Kwangu wapi? 54pp. T.shs.800.00 TGNP 1996 TZ SWA
Mbotia, M. Mwensawazimu na hadithi nyingine. [Mad man and other stories.] ISBN: 9966221735 108pp. K.shs.130.00 ($2.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2000 KE SWA
Maganga, D.B. Bye bye Umaskini. Novel. 1986 TZ SWA
90pp. Heko
Mahfouz, N. Msako. trans.f.t. Arabic by Deogratias M. Simba ISBN: 9987686672 100pp. Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Maillu, D.G. Chupa, mpenzi. [My dear bottle.] (Combo Books in Kiswahili, 1) 193pp. ($2.40) K.shs.12.00 Comb 1975 KE SWA Maillu, D.G. Kujenga na kubomoa. [To build and to destroy.] (Comb Books in Kiswahili, 5) 154pp. ($2.40) K.shs.12.00 Comb 1976 KE SWA
Mchangamwe, A.B., ed. Utendi wa mikidadi na mayasa. (Sanaa ya Utungo, 3) 54pp. K.shs.105.00 EAEP 1972 KE SWA Mkangi, K. Walenisi. 190pp. K.shs.365.00 EAEP 1995 KE SWA Mkangi, K.G. Mafuta. 92pp. K.shs.305.00 EAEP 1984 KE SWA Mkufya, W.E. Ua la faraja. [Swahili novel] ISBN: 9987698115 423pp. ill. T.shs.6,000 ($6.00) Mangrove 2004 TZ SWA
Maillu, D.G. Zawadi. [Prize.] 36pp. K.shs.84.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1998 KE SWA
Mkufya, W.E. Ziraili na zirani. [Swahili literary epic.] ISBN: 9987889611 238pp. T.shs.5,000 ($5.00) Mangrove 2005 TZ SWA
Manji, A. Bonde la wafu. [The valley of the dead.] 64pp. K.shs.90.00 ($3.00) Phoenix 1996 KE SWA
Mloka, C. Diwani ya Mloka. ISBN: 9987686443 1112pp. T.shs.5,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2002 TZ SWA
Manji, A. Siku za mashaka. [Days of uncertainty.] ISBN: 9966221905 28pp. pl. K.shs.120.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 2001 KE SWA
Mnyampala, M. Waadhi wa ushairi. [Poetry.] 3rd ed.(Johari za Kiswahili, 7) (£1.05/$2.55) K.shs.9.30 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE SWA
Manji, A. Siku za mashaka. [Days of uncertainty.] 26pp. K.shs.120.00 ($1.50) Good Luck 2001 TZ SWA Mapalala, B.J. Kwaheri iselamagazi. [Historical novel.] 160pp. T.shs.2,000 Tanz Publ House 1992 TZ SWA Matindi, A. Jua na upepo. 24pp. ill. K.shs.50.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1990 KE SWA Mayega, P.B. Mwalimu mkuu wa watu. [The people’s schoolmaster.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 9976983174 98pp. T.shs.3,500 ($3.50) MPB Ent 2005 TZ SWA Mazigwa, S.A. Fasihi ya Kiswahili. [Swahili literature.] 124pp. T.shs.350.00 Ndanda Mission 1991 TZ SWA Mazrui, A. Chembe cha Moyo. 76pp. K.shs.185.00 EAEP 1989 KE SWA
Mnyampala, M.E. Kisa cha mrima asali na wenzake wawili. ($2.70/£1.10) K.shs.4.25 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE SWA Mochiwa, Z. Mvumilivu hula mbovu. [He who is patient eats the rotten fruit. Poetry.] ($3.00/£2.00) T.shs.195.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1988 TZ SWA Mohamed, M.S. Kiu. [Swahili novel.] ISBN: 9966497633 K.shs.280.00 ($3.70) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE SWA Mohamed, M.S. Nyota ya rehema. [Novel.] 180pp. K.shs.270.00 OUP - Nairobi 1977 KE SWA Mohamed, S. Dunia mti mkavu. [Swahili novel.] ISBN: 9966623642 K.shs.250.00 ($3.30) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE SWA Mohamed, S. Utengano. [Swahili novel.] ISBN: 996649703X K.shs.250.00 ($3.30) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE SWA
Mohamed, S.A. Amezidi. 92pp. K.shs.265.00 EAEP 1995 KE SWA Mohamed, S.A. Asali chungu. 124pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 1989 KE SWA Mohamed, S.A. Babu alipofufuka. [When my grandfather rose from the dead.] ISBN: 9966221808 192pp. K.shs.220.00 ($3.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2001 KE SWA Mohamed, S.A. Dunia mti mkavu. [The world is a dry twig.] 126pp. K.shs.250.00 Longhorn Ken 1980 KE SWA Mohamed, S.A. Kitumbua kimeingia mchanga. [Play in Swahili.] ISBN: 0195729757 74pp. OUP - Nairobi 2000 KE SWA Mohamed, S.A. Kivuli kinaishi. [Play.] 144pp. K.shs.304.00 OUP - Nairobi 1990 KE SWA Mohamed, S.A. Mwongozo wa Kilio cha haki. [Guide to Kilio cha haki.] ISBN: 9966497358 K.shs.150.00 ($2.00) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE SWA Mohamed, S.A. Sikate tamaa. [Do not despair.] 53pp. K.shs.150.00 Longhorn - Ken 1980 KE SWA Mohamed, S.A. Tata za asumini. [Swahili novel.] ISBN: 9966497404 K.shs.200.00 ($2.70) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE SWA Mohamed, S.A. Utengano. [Separation.] 95pp. K.shs.250.00 Longhorn - Ken 1980 KE SWA Mohammed, S.A. Kiza katika nuru. [Darkness at noon.] 267pp. K.shs.304.00 OUP - Nairobi 1988 KE SWA Mpesha, N. Nyani mdogo. K.shs.80.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1997 KE SWA Msokile, M. Ni-takuja kwa siri. [I shall come secretly.] 158pp. T.shs.300.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1981 TZ SWA Msokile, M. Usiku utakapokwisha. [When the night ends.] 80pp. T.shs.300.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1989 TZ SWA Mtobwa, B.R. Najisikia kuua tena. 100pp. K.shs.210.00 EAEP 1993 KE SWA Mtobwa, B.R. Pesa zako zinanuka. 126pp. K.shs.210.00 EAEP 1993 KE SWA Mtobwa, B.R. Salamu kutoka kuzimu. 122pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1993 KE SWA Mtobwa, B.R. Tutarudi na roho zetu. 134pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1993 KE SWA Muhando, P. Lina ubani. [The remedy.] 60pp. T.shs.160.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1984 TZ SWA Muhando, P. Nguzo mama. [The Queen Mother.] 60pp. T.shs.50.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1983 TZ SWA Muhanika, H. Njia panda. [Cross roads] 64pp. T.shs.50.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1983 TZ SWA Mulokozi, M.M. Mkwava wa Uhehe. [Mukwava of Uhehe.] 128pp. ($3.50/£2.50) T.shs.235.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1988 TZ SWA Muridhania, K.. Damu ya ulimi. 148pp. T.shs.1,200 Tanz Publ House 1983 TZ SWA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Swahili—Fiction, Drama, Poetry
Subject index
Mushi, S.S. Mfalme Edipode. [King Oedipus.] 80pp. K.shs.150.00 OUP - Nairobi 1972 KE SWA
Ngugi wa Thiong’o Murogi wa Kagogo. ISBN: 9966251626 336pp. K.shs.600.00 EAEP 2004 KE SWA
Muthusi, R. Kichaa cha pesa. [Crazy for money.] 64pp. ill. K.shs.90.00 Longhorn - Ken 1976 KE SWA
Njama, A.H. Haki haizami. [Justice can never dawn.] ISBN: 9966221131 94pp. K.shs.90.00 ($2.00/£1.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1999 KE SWA
Muwanga, G., Geranjia, P.C. Doa la mauti. [Novel.] 92pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1975 KE SWA Mwachofi, A.K. Mama Ee. [Play examining social life in Kenya.] 92pp. K.shs.305.00 EAEP 1987 KE SWA Mwangudza, J.A. Thamani yangu. [Play.] 48pp. K.shs.9.00 OUP - Nairobi 1976 KE Mwinyihatibu, M. Malenga wa mirima. [A master poet from the coast of East Africa.] 128pp. K.shs.204.00 OUP - Nairobi 1977 KE SWA Nabhany, A.S. Malenga wa karne moja/tungo zilizokusanywa na Shihahabdin Chiraghdin. [Poems.] 106pp. K.shs.250.00 Longhorn - Ken 1987 KE SWA Ndibalema, C. Fimbo ya ulimwengu [Novel]. 84pp. K.shs.35.00 EAEP 1974 KE SWA Ndunguru, E.A. Walowezi hawana siri. [Settlers are not to be trusted.] new ed. 64pp. T.shs.400.00 Tanz Publ House 1975 TZ SWA Ngahyoma, N. Huka. 36pp. T.shs.800.00 Tanz Publ House 1973 TZ SWA Ngahyoma, N. Kijiji chetu. [Our village.] new ed. 56pp. T.shs.800.00 Tanz Publ House 1981 TZ SWA Ng’ang’a, D.S. Tufurahi pamoja. [Six short stories.] 2nd ed. 42pp. ill. K.shs.40.00 Njogu 1971 KE SWA Ngemera, R.A. Mwanzo wa tufani. [The beginning of a storm.] (Michezo ya kuigiza, 5) 56pp. T.shs.800.00 Tanz Publ House 1975 TZ SWA Ngomoi, J. Ndoto ya Ndaria. [Ndaria’s dream.] 104pp. T.shs.800.00 Tanz Publ House 1976 TZ SWA Ngugi, P. Damu nzito. [Blood is thicker than water.] ISBN: 9966951342 52pp. Kshs150.00 ($6.95) Sasa Sema 2002 KE SWA Ngugi wa Thiong’o Mtawa mwesui. trans.t.English by J.D. Mganga [The black hermit. Also available in English.] (Waandishi wa Kiafrika, 2) 84pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 1970 KE SWA Ngugi wa Thiong’o Shetani msalabani. [Devil on the cross.] trans.f.t. Gikuyu (Waandishi wa Kiafrika, 26) 272pp. K.shs.415.00 EAEP 1982 KE SWA Ngugi wa Thiong’o Usilie mpenzi wangu. [Weep not child.] trans. f.t. English by J.N. Somba (Waandishi wa Kiafrika, 3) 136pp. K.shs.275.00 EAEP 1972 KE SWA Ngugi wa Thiong’o, et al. Mutiiri njaranda ya miikarire: manja I. Iruta 4. 146pp. K.shs.315.00 EAEP 1994 KE SWA Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Mugo, M.G. Mzalendo Kimathi. [The trial of Dedan Kimathi.] 78pp. K.shs.185.00 EAEP 1978 KE SWA Ngugi wa Thiong’o, wa Mirii, N. Nitaolewa nikipenda. trans.f.t. Gikuyu (Waandishi wa Kiafrika, 25) 120pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1982 KE SWA
Njama, A.H. Haki haizami. [Truth is supreme.] K.shs.90.00 ($1.50/£0.90) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1995 KE SWA
Njama, A.H. Mkondo wa maisha. [Life’s contours.] ISBN: 9966221997 100pp. K.shs.160.00 ($2.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2000 KE SWA
Robert, S. Kielezo cha fasili. 112pp. T.shs.1,000 Mkuki na Nyota 1991 TZ SWA Robert, S. Kufikirika. 68pp. T.shs.1,000 Mkuki na Nyota 1991 TZ SWA Robert, S. Kusadikika. 72pp. ill. T.shs.1,500 Mkuki na Nyota 1991 TZ SWA Robert, S. Maisha yangu na baada ya miaka hamsini. 136pp. ill. T.shs.1,000 Mkuki na Nyota 1991 TZ SWA Robert, S. Mapenzi bora. 70pp. T.shs.1,000 Mkuki na Nyota 1991 TZ SWA
Noor, I., ed. Utendi ya qiyama. (Sanaa Ya Utungo, 5) 24pp. K.shs.120.00 EAEP 1972 KE SWA
Robert, S. Wasifu wa Siti binti Saad. 76pp. ill. T.shs.1,000 Mkuki na Nyota 1991 TZ SWA
Nyaigotti-Chacha, C. Hukumu. [Judgement.] new ed. ISBN: 9966497320 65pp. K.shs.200.00 ($1.90) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE SWA
Rocha, C.M. Nyonga mkalia ini. [Reaping where you have not sown.] 123pp. K.shs.242.00 OUP - Nairobi 1995 KE SWA
Nyaigotti-Chacha, C. Mke mwenza. (Waandishi wa Kiafrika, 27) 40pp. K.shs.185.00 EAEP 1982 KE SWA
Ruganda, J. Mizigo. The burdens. 100pp. OUP Nairobi 1977 KE SWA
Nyamaume, A. Diwani ya nyamaume. ISBN: 9987686834 112pp. T.shs.2,500 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Nyasulu, G., Mkabara, J. Michezo ya kuigiza na hadithi nyingine. Plays and stories. (£0.90/$2.25) K.shs.7.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1971 KE SWA Nyenyembe, J. Haatibu wa zuumu. 96pp. T.shs.200.00 Benedictine 1990 TZ SWA Ogejo, C. Mwindaji hodari. [Novel.] 72pp. K.shs.185.00 EAEP 1974 KE SWA Ole Kulet, H. Maisha ya hatari. [Swahili novel.] 9966497366 K.shs.200.00 ($2.70) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE SWA
Omari, C.K. Kuanguliwa kwa kifaranga. [Novel.] 91pp. K.shs.145.00 EAEP 1976 KE SWA Omari, J.O. Mwongozo wa visiki. [A guide to the play Tree stumps.] 48pp. K.shs.165.00 ($9.00) EAEP 1997 KE Omolo, L.O. Mfalme na majitu. 43pp. ill. K.shs.64.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1989 KE SWA Ongeti, K. Visiki. [Tree stumps. Play.] 56pp. K.shs.245.00 EAEP 1984 KE SWA Orwell, G. Shamba la wanyama. [Animal farm.] trans.f.t. English by F.F. Kawegere 117pp. ill. K.shs.120.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1988 KE SWA Osodo, F. Hatari kwa usalama. [Play.] 56pp. K.shs.185.00 EAEP 1978 KE SWA Osodo, F. Mama mtakatifu. (Waandishi wa Kiafrika, 24) 64pp. K.shs.185.00 EAEP 1982 KE SWA Oyono, F. Boi. [Houseboy.] 105pp. K.shs.160.00 EAEP 1976 KE SWA Palangyo, P. Kivuli cha mauti. trans.f.t. English by J.D. Mganga [Dying in the sun.] (Waandishi wa Kiafrika, 4) 136pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1972 KE SWA Robert, S. Adili na nduguze. [Adili and his relations.] new ed. 70pp. T.shs.2,500 Tanz Publ House 1988 TZ SWA
Ruhumbika, G. Janga sugu la wazawa. [Novel.] ISBN: 9987622313 194pp. (£9.95) E&D 2002 TZ SWA Rutayisingwa, J. Guberi mfawidhi na ruksa. ISBN: 9987686926 96pp. T.shs.3,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Shafi, A. Haini. [Swahili novel.] ISBN: 9966497668 K.shs.320.00 ($4.30) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE SWA Shafi, S.A. Vuta n’kuvute. ISBN: 9976973292 T.shs.5,000 Mkuki na Nyota 1999 TZ SWA Shakespeare, W. Juliasi Kaizari. [Julius Caesar.] trans.f.t. English by J.K. Nyerere 100pp. K.shs.160.00 OUP - Nairobi 1969 KE SWA Shakespeare, W. Mabepari wa Venisi. [The merchant of Venice.] trans.f.t. English by J.K. Nyerere 96pp. K.shs.144.00 OUP Nairobi 1969 KE SWA Shanwa Mtu mamba. [The crocodile man.] 60pp. maps. K.shs.120.00 OUP - Nairobi 1971 KE SWA Sheikh, A.A., Nabnany, A.S., eds. Utendi wa mwana kupona. (Sanaa Ya Utungo, 1) K.shs.17.00 EAEP 1972 KE SWA Shumaker, C.R. Mshindi wa Victoria Nyanza. [The winner of Lake Nyanza] 64pp. T.shs.4.50 AICLD 1962 TZ SWA Simanula, G.L. Mbegu za chuki. ($2.40/95p.) K.shs.14.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE SWA Somba, J.N. Alipanda upepo na kuvuna tufani. [He sowed the wind and reaped the whirlwind.] (Waandishi wa KiAfrika, 1) 83pp. 55p. K.shs.35.00 EAEP 1969 KE SWA Soyinka, W. Masaibu ya Ndugu Jero. [The trials of Brother Jero.] 40pp. K.shs.134.00 OUP - Nairobi 1974 KE SWA Topan, F. Aliyeonja pepo. [A man who tasted life in heaven.] 44pp. T.shs.1,500 Tanz Publ House 1973 TZ SWA Topan, F. Siri. [Secret. Swahili play.] ISBN: 9966221778 79pp. pl. K.shs.90.00 ($1.60/£1.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2001 KE SWA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Waititu, F. Mwongozo wa mayai waziri wa maradhi na hadithi nyingine. [Study guide.] ISBN: 9966951288 96pp. Kshs160.00 ($7.95) Sasa Sema 2005 KE SWA Walibora, K. Kufa kuzikana. [Swahili novel.] ISBN: 9966497544 K.shs.300.00 ($4.00) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE SWA Waliboro, K. Siku njema. [The ideal day. Novel.] ISBN: 9966497447 156pp. K.shs.280.00 ($7.00/£4.00) Longhorn - Ken 1999 KE SWA Wamatila, K. Nguvu ya sala. [The power of prayer.] ISBN: 9966497471 Longhorn - Ken 1999 KE SWA Wamatila, K. Wingu la kupita. [A passing cloud.] ISBN: 996696570X Longhorn - Ken 1999 KE Wambura, S.P. Atafutaye kakosi. ($2.65/£1.05) K.shs.16.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE SWA
Swahili—General and Non-fiction Adam, H. Masimulizi ya alfu lela u lela. bk.1 ISBN: 9987417027 220pp. T.shs.6,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA
Bakwata Tujifunze dini yetu. [Let us learn our religion.] bk. 1 56pp. ill. OUP - Nairobi 1972 KE SWA
Ade Ajayi, J.F. Afrika kwenye karne ya kumu na tisa miaka ya 1880. bk.6 ISBN: 9976911270 393pp. ill.pl.maps T.shs.9,500 ($60.00) Inst Kiswahili Res 2000 TZ SWA
Bakwata Tujufunze dini yetu. Syllabus. [Let us learn our religion.] 16pp. OUP - Nairobi 1972 KE SWA
Africa Inland Mission Nyimbo za Sifa. [The hymns of praise.] T.shs.14.00 AICLD 1972 TZ SWA Alberione, J. Maria tumaini la ulimwengu. [Mary hope of the world.] 135pp. ($7.00/£3.50) K.shs.50.00 Paulines 1992 KE SWA Alexander, F., Syanzulu, L., Holland, G. Kusaid kanisa likue. 236pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1982 KE SWA Amigu, T. Kisa cha jmani. [Explanation of divine religions.] vol.2 of 2 ISBN: 9976671601 176pp. pl. T.shs.2,000 ($5.00/Eur5.00) Benedictine 2002[?] TZ SWA
Wamitila, K. Nguvu ya sala. [Swahili novel.] ISBN: 9966497471 K.shs.250.00 ($3.30) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE SWA
Amigu, T. Kisa cha jmani. [Explanation of divine religions.] vol.1 of 2 ISBN: 9976671601 256pp. pl. T.shs.2,000 ($5.00/Eur5.00) Benedictine 2002[?] TZ SWA
Wamitila, K.W. Kichocheo cha fasihi. ISBN: 9966882731 263pp. col.ill.pl. ($12.00) Focus 2003 KE SWA
Amir, A.J. Nahodha Fikirini. [Captian Fikirini.] 56pp. ill. K.shs.116.00 OUP - Nairobi 1971 KE SWA
Wamitila, K.W. Mwongozo za Walenisi. [Study guide to Walenisi.] ISBN: 9966951210 148pp. K.shs.165.00 ($7.95) Sasa Sema 2004 KE SWA
Ammerman, L.M., Maxwell, E., Maxwell, F. Uchunguzi wa agano la kale 3. Ayubu hadi wimbo ulio bora. 224pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1980 KE SWA
Wamitila, K.W. Nguvu ya sala. [The power of prayer.] ISBN: 9966497471 220pp. K.shs.250.00 ($6.25/£3.60) Longhorn - Ken 1999 KE SWA
Anderson, J.D.C. Kaa kimya. [The quiet time.] 52pp. T.shs.4.00 AICLD 1971 TZ SWA
Wamitila, K.W. Pango. ISBN: 9966882882 88pp. col.ill.pl. ($7.00) Focus 2004 KE SWA Wamitila, K.W. Wingu la kupita. [A passing cloud. Play.] ISBN: 996696570X 63pp. K.shs.200.00 ($5.00/£3.00) Longhorn - Ken 1999 KE SWA Yahya, A.S., Mulwa, D. Buriani. [The farewell.] 72pp. K.shs.150.00 OUP - Nairobi 1983 KE SWA Yakisola, J.C. Harufu ya mauti. [The smell of death.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 9976983301 64pp. T.shs.1,500 ($1.20) MPB Ent 2004 TZ SWA Zakwany, A.S. Diwani ya jinamizi. ISBN: 9987686788 136pp. T.shs.2,500 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Zani, Z.M., Kitsao, J. Mafarakano na michezo mingine. [Three plays.] 96pp. K.shs.310.00 EAEP 1975 KE SWA Swahili—General and Non-fiction Injili ya uhai. 147pp. T.shs.1,200 Benedictine 1997 TZ SWA Abdalla, M.S. Mzmu wa watu wakale. 6th (£1.00/$2.50) Ks.shs.10.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE SWA Abeid, M. Kisa cha Mfalme Choyo. 24pp. K.shs.125.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA Abeid, M. Mlilwa na ndege wa ajabu. 2nd ed. 36pp. K.shs.125.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA [Also published in Tanzania by Diamond Publishers] Abeida, M. Msako wa mwizi. ISBN: 9966468676 48pp. K.shs.125.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1998 KE SWA
Andrews, B., Andrews, A., McBride, J. Mwanzo 2. 272pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1982 KE SWA Andrews, S., Kalambo, M., Ammerman, L.M. Kutunza vitu vya mungu. 311pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1994 KE SWA Anglican Church of Tanzania Kitabu cha sala-jimbo. [Service book of the Anglican church of Tanzania.] 2nd ed. cd. 424pp. T.shs.2,000 Central Tanganyika 1995 TZ SWA Anglican Church of Tanzania Nyimbo za dini. [Hymn book of the Anglican Church of Tanzania.] cd. 293pp. T.shs.1,600 Central Tanganyika 1997 TZ SWA Atlas, A. Kamusi ya akwanza. [Basic Kiswahili dictionary.] 169pp. ill. K.shs.350.00 Macmillan - Kenya 1986 KE SWA Avallone, P. Akili dini na ufadhili. 79pp. T.shs.150.00 Benedictine 1991 TZ SWA Babendreier, J. Elimika: epuka janga la ukimwi. [AIDS education for the youth. Also available in English.] ISBN: 9966882813 87pp. cd.ill.pl. ($4.00) Focus 2003 KE SWA Bacchiarello, J. Njozi arobaini za Don Bosco. 196pp. T.shs.200.00 Benedictine 1991 TZ SWA Bacchiarello, J. Nyimbo za mateso ya Bwana WetuMt.Mk.Lk. 31pp. T.shs.400.00 Benedictine 1971 TZ SWA Bacchiarello, J. Nyimbo za mateso ya Bwana WetuYohanna. 20pp. T.shs.300.00 Benedictine 1979 TZ SWA Bakhressa, S. Kamusi ya maana na matumizi. [Dictionary of meaning and usage.] 536pp. ill. K.shs.408.00 OUP - Nairobi 1992 KE SWA
Balisidya, M. Shida. 96pp. K.shs.32.40 Dar es Salaam UP 1975 TZ SWA BAMUTA Nyimbo zetu. 40pp. T.shs.50.00 Benedictine 1978 TZ SWA Banda, A.A. Huduma katika utumishi. [Personnel management.] (Comb Books in Kiswahili, 2) 93pp. ($1.80) K.shs.9.00 Comb 1975 KE SWA Barrow, J., Holland, G. Warumi. 248pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1996 KE SWA Baturi, S., Maxwell, E., Maxwell, F. Uchunguzi wa agano la kale 4. 268pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1976 KE SWA Baudena, P. Sala kwa waKristu wa Afrika. Mifano ya sala wa utamaduni wa kiAfrika. trans.f.t. English by John B. Gichuhi [Prayer in an African context.] ISBN: 9966217673 128pp. K.shs.200.00 ($2.70) Paulines 2004 KE SWA Benedictine Fathers Peramiho Mbiu ya pasaka - kubarilimaji ya ubatizo. 8pp. T.shs.300.00 Benedictine 1994 TZ SWA Benedictine Fathers Peramiho Neno lako taa yangu 1. 28pp. T.shs.50.00 Benedictine 1979 TZ SWA Benedictine Fathers Peramiho Neno lako taa yangu 2. 32pp. T.shs.50.00 Benedictine 1979 TZ SWA Benedictine Fathers Peramiho Neno lako taa yangu 3. 32pp. T.shs.50.00 Benedictine 1990 TZ SWA Benedictine Fathers Peramiho Neno lako taa yangu 4. 33pp. T.shs.50.00 Benedictine 1981 TZ SWA Benedictine Fathers Peramiho Neno lako taa yangu 5. 32pp. T.shs.50.00 Benedictine 1982 TZ SWA Benedictine Fathers Peramiho Neno lako taa yangu 6. 32pp. T.shs.50.00 Benedictine 1983 TZ SWA Benedictine Publications Wamisionari mashujaa. 55pp. T.shs.500.00 Benedictine 1998 TZ SWA Bertinazzo, G. Ekitangaala ekyokkiriza. [The Catechism for adults.] 256pp. ($7.00/£3.50) K.shs.50.00 Paulines 1992 KE SWA Boer, H.R. Manabii thenashara. [The minor prophets.] 102pp. T.shs.800.00 Central Tanganyika 1979 TZ SWA Bossong, H. Sos tuwe tayari. 37pp. T.shs.100.00 Benedictine 1984 TZ SWA Bowen, R. Mwongozo wa waraka kwa Warumi. [Commentary of the Epistle to the Romans.] 203pp. T.shs.900.00 Central Tanganyika 1990 TZ SWA Bragotti, J. Mwenyeheri Yakobo Alberione. [Blessed James Alberione.] ISBN: 996621917X 56pp. K.shs.20.00 ($0.20) Paulines 2004 KE SWA Bramwell, J. Msikilize mungu. [Listen to the Lord.] 91pp. T.shs.450.00 Central Tanganyika 1991 TZ SWA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Swahili—General and Non-fiction British Red Cross Society Kitabu cha msaada wa kwanza. Practical first aid 2nd 64pp. ill. ($5.75/£2.30) K.shs.27.30 Kenya Lit Bureau 1978 KE SWA Brown, D. Uinjilisti. [Evangelism.] 32pp. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1967 TZ SWA Brown, D.A. Mwongozo kwa dini mbali mbali. [A guide to religions.] ISBN: 9976662165 252pp. T.shs.3,000 Central Tanganyika 1998 TZ SWA Brown, D.A. Njia ya nabii Mohammad: wakristo waufahamu Uislamu. [The way of the prophet: an introduction to Islam.] 88pp. T.shs.700.00 Central Tanganyika 1989 TZ SWA Bryceson, J.D. Kivuli cha binadamu. ($8.80/£3.50) K.shs.48.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE SWA Buckman, A., Ogwili, D., Jones, H., Jones, M. Maisha ya Kristo. vol.2 255pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1979 KE SWA Bujo, B. Roho mtakatifu mjengi wa kanisa. [Holy spirit giver of life.] ISBN: 9966214461 46pp. K.shs.100.00 ($1.50) Paulines 1999 KE SWA Bujo, B. Utamadunisho na kanisa la kimazingira. [Church in the neighbourhood.] ISBN: 9966214453 62pp. K.shs.100.00 ($1.50) Paulines 1999 KE SWA Cappelli, A.M. Zaidi ya ukimya. [Beyond silence.] ISBN: 9966215727 128pp. Paulines 2000 KE SWA Carrothers Kushukuru Gerezani. [Prison to praise.] 76pp. K.shs.16.00 Evangel 1977 KE SWA Castiella, P. Mwongozo wa maungamo. [Confession guide. Also available in English.] col.ill.pl. ($1.00) Scepter 2004 KE SWA Central Tanganyika Press Itifaki ya biblia. [Concordance of the Swahili Bible.] cd. 784pp. T.shs.8,500 Central Tanganyika 1990 TZ SWA Central Tanganyika Press Mtoto wako anavyozaliwa. [A new child is born.] 32pp. ill. T.shs.100.00 Central Tanganyika 1974 TZ SWA Central Tanganyika Press Uchungaji. Pastoral. 2nd ed. 153pp. T.shs.1,000 Central Tanganyika 1973 TZ SWA Central Tanganyika Press Yakobo/Mwongozo kwa wahubiri. [James/ An inter-church guide.] 24pp. T.shs.250 Central Tanganyika 1994 TZ SWA Centre for Law and Research International Kuunda katiba yetu, maswali ya kujibu. ISBN: 9966915338 68pp. Ebert - Namibia 2001 SX SWA Chantry, A., Howard, M.E. Vijana watafakari biblia. bk.1 ISBN: 9966211012 72pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE SWA Chantry, A., Howard, M.E. Vijana watafakari biblia. bk.2 ISBN: 9966211012 72pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE SWA Charo, J. Tamaa mbele mauti nyuma. ($4.00/ £1.60) T.shs.15.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE SWA Charuni, B.P. Taaluma ya uhazili - 1. [A handbook for secretaries in ministries etc.] 125pp. T.shs.800.00 ($2.00) Ndanda Mission 1995 TZ SWA
Subject index Chauke, E., Beckelhymer, B. Uchunguzi wa agano jipya 3. 215pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1981 KE SWA Chauke, E., Magee, K., Ouko, J., Ratz, C. Wakorintho wa Kwanza. 256pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1978 KE SWA Chesaina, C. Ninani yu majaribuni katika: mzalendo kimathi. 31pp. Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE SWA Chimerah, R., Njogu, K. Ufundishaji wa fasihi: nadharia na mbinu. [The teaching of literature: theory and methods.] (Kiswahili tertiary publishing project, 1) ISBN: 9966221573 397pp. pl. K.shs.440.00 ($9.00/£5.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1999 KE SWA Chiniquy, C. Ile karama ya uzima. [That gracious gift of life.] 26pp. T.shs.2.00 AICLD 1972 TZ SWA Chipa, J.E. Vidokezo juu ya uchunguzi na tathmini (Salient features in educational evaluation and research) Katika Elimu. 96pp. T.shs.70.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1983 TZ SWA Chiraghdin, S., Mnyampala, M.E. Historia ya Kiswahili. [The history of Kiswahili.] 104pp. K.shs.266.00 OUP Nairobi 1977 KE SWA Chittleborough, G. Mwongozo wa injili ya yohana. [A guide to St John’s gospel.] 148pp. ill. T.shs.900.00 Central Tanganyika 1990 TZ SWA Christian Council of Tanzania Kueni katika imani, mwalimu 1. [Grow in faith.] rev.ed. teacher’s bk.1 92pp. ill. col.ill. T.shs.700.00 Central Tanganyika 1987 TZ SWA Christian Council of Tanzania Kueni katika imani, mwalimu 3. [Grow in faith.] rev.ed. teacher’s bk.3 70pp. ill. T.shs.700.00 Central Tanganyika 1988 TZ SWA Christian Council of Tanzania Kueni katika imani, mwalimu 4. [Grow in faith.] rev.ed. 70pp. ill. T.shs.700.00 Central Tanganyika 1988 TZ SWA Christian Council of Tanzania Kueni katika imani, mwalimu 6. [Grow in faith.] teacher’s bk.6 70pp. T.shs.700.00 Central Tanganyika 1989 TZ SWA Christian Council of Tanzania Kueni katika imani, mwalimu 7. [Grow in faith.] rev.ed. teacher’s bk.7 78pp. ill. T.shs.700.00 Central Tanganyika 1988 TZ SWA Christian Council of Tanzania Kueni katika imani, mwanafunzi 3. [Grow in faith.] pupil’s bk.3 61pp. col.ill. T.shs.700.00 Central Tanganyika 1988 TZ SWA Christian Council of Tanzania Kueni katika imani, mwanafunzi 4. [Grow in faith.] rev.ed. pupil’s bk.4 60pp. col.ill. T.shs.700.00 Central Tanganyika 1988 TZ SWA Christian Council of Tanzania Kueni katika imani, mwanafunzi 6. [Grow in faith.] 2nd ed. pupil’s bk.7 74pp. T.shs.700.00 Central Tanganyika 1989 TZ SWA Christian Council of Tanzania Kueni katika imani, mwanafunzi 7. [Grow in faith.] rev.ed. pupil’s bk.7 87pp. col.ill. T.shs.700.00 Central Tanganyika 1988 TZ SWA Church, J.E. Kila mtu mwanafunzi wa Biblia. [Everyman a Bible student.] rev.ed. 72pp. T.shs.600.00 Central Tanganyika 1977 TZ SWA
Church of the Anglican Province of Tanzania Liturgia ya kanisa la Anglikana la Tanzania. [Service book of the Anglican Church of the Province of Tanzania.] rev.ed. 29pp. T.shs.500.00 Central Tanganyika 1979 TZ SWA Church of the Anglican Province of Tanzania Liturgia ya kanisa la anglikana la Tanzania - toleo la mimbarini. [Liturgy of the Anglican Church of the Province of Tanzania - Altar version.] 29pp. T.shs.600.00 Central Tanganyika 1985 TZ SWA Chuwa, A.R. Jifunze kompyuta. [Computer manual.] T.shs.1,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2001 TZ SWA Ciravegna, Y. Biblia ya watoto. [Children’s Bible.] 260pp. col.ill. ($6.00) Paulines 1996 KE SWA CLARION/RECAP Sisi ndio serikali. (Mjadala kuhusu katiba, 4) 148pp. K.shs.350.00 ($9.00/£6.00) Claripress 1996 KE SWA Congregation for Divine Worhsip and the Discipline of the Sacraments Sakramenti ya ukombozi. [Sacrament of redemption.] ISBN: 9966219900 64pp. K.shs.80.00 ($1.00) Paulines 2004 KE SWA Coon, J., Simbiri, I., Simbiri, M. Maisha ya jamii ya Kikiristo. 234pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1979 KE SWA Cox, G., Kunne, E., Rudolph, P. Mwanzo 1. Mwanzo 1 hadi 23. 262pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1982 KE SWA Cummins, H. Kuanzisha na kuimarisha makanisa mapya. 1989pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1989 KE SWA Cummins, H., Kirkpatrick, V. Kuhubiri kutoka agano la kale. 224pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1984 KE SWA Darmani, L. Kufa polepole. [Dying slowly.] 96pp. ill. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1993 TZ SWA Davis, T. Shemazi na kazi yake. ISBN: 9966200916 198pp. K.shs.225.00 ($2.00) Evangel 1999 KE SWA de Bekker, N. Kujijengea tabia nzuri. 35pp. T.shs.50.00 Benedictine 1994 TZ SWA de Bekker, N. Tukubali kupatanishwa. 30pp. T.shs.150.00 Benedictine 1996 TZ SWA de Bekker, N. Tusali imani yetu. Chuo kidogo cha salsa. 80pp. T.shs.100.00 Benedictine 1995 TZ SWA de Bekker, N. Ujumbe kwa vijana. 34pp. T.shs.150.00 Benedictine 1997 TZ SWA de Bekker, N. Ujumbe wa sinodi ya maaskofu wa Afrika. 32pp. T.shs.200.00 Benedictine 1995 TZ SWA di Maria, L. Ninakusimulia hadithi ya Yesu. [Stories of Jesus.] 64pp. col.ill. ($2.00) Paulines 1997 KE SWA Dominy, P. Uchunguzi wa agano la kale 1. 268pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1992 KE SWA Donders, S. Jinsi ya kuhubiri. 70pp. T.shs.100.00 Benedictine 1992 TZ SWA Dumila, F. Diwani ya philosophia ya Nyayo. 53pp. ill. K.shs.15.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE SWA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 480
African Books in Print
Subject index Dumila, F. Insha za hekima. ($3.55/£1.40) K.shs.15.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE SWA Dunkerton, D. Waraka kwa waebrania. ISBN: 9966200282 263pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1998 KE SWA Dunkerton, D., Gilbert, D. Historia ya kanisa. 278pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1995 KE SWA Dupriez, P. de H. Kilimo ktk. tropiki kwenye vijij vya kiaAfrika. 346pp. T.shs.1,500 Benedictine 1994 TZ SWA East and Central African Women in Development Network Uonevu dhidi ya wanawake. 56pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1997 KE SWA Edwards, K. Uongozi wa ushirika. [co-operative management.] 67pp. ($2.00) T.shs.60.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1989 TZ SWA Escriva, J. Njia msalaba. [The way of the cross. Also available in English and in bilingual English and Swahili version.] col.ill.pl. ($6.00) Scepter 2003 KE SWA Escriva, J. Rozari takatifu. [Holy rosary. Also available in Swahili/English version and in English.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966969699 col.ill.pl. ($3.50) Scepter 2004 KE SWA Evangel Publishing House Kuwapelekea waislamu habari njoma. 313pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1997 KE SWA Evangel Publishing House. Miujiza na ufufuo. K.shs.23.00 Evangel 1980 KE SWA Exell, V., Sangu, E., Riley, J. Uchunguzi wa agani lakale 2. 280pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1992 KE SWA Farsy, M.S.A. Ada za harusi katika Unguja. [Marriage customs in Zanzibar.] 2nd ed. 50pp. ill. ($1.50/60p.) K.shs.2.55 Dar es Salaam UP 1965 TZ SWA Fox, M., Karo, D., Baturi, S., Maxwell, E. Matendo 1. Matendo 1 hadi 12. 267pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1979 KE SWA Frostin, P. UMarxist na uKristo. [Marxism and Christianity.] 135pp. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1983 TZ SWA Gado Abunuwasi. 32pp. col.ill. K.shs.190.00 ($11.95) Sasa Sema 1996 KE SWA Gadzama, K., Lar, M., Sampson, L., Winfield, D. & K. Maisha ya Kristo. vol.1 276pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1978 KE SWA Gathenya, F.M. Mwongozo wa Kisima cha giningi. 122pp. K.shs.165.00 ($4.00) EAEP 1992 KE SWA Genheimer, R., Mfeka, E. Isaya. 267pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1994 KE SWA Gerber, V. Kukua kwa kanisa. [Church growth.] 72pp. T.shs.6.00 AICLD 1978 TZ SWA
Swahili—General and Non-fiction Giger, K. Familia ni kikanisa. 24pp. T.shs.200.00 Benedictine 1980 TZ SWA Gitau, S. Wiyathi wa mukristiano. [Exposition of Paul’s letters to the Galatians.] ISBN: 9966855106 97pp. map K.shs.50.00 Uzima 1998 KE SWA Glen, R.M. Historia ya Ukristo. Kitabu cha 3. [Church history.] bk.3 268pp. ill. T.shs.1,700 Central Tanganyika 1975 TZ SWA Glen, R.M. Historia ya Ukristo. Ramani na nyakati zake. Church history atlas. 62pp. maps. T.shs.900.00 Central Tanganyika 1971 TZ SWA Goberna, R. Baba Benedikto, 124pp. T.shs.600.00 Benedictine 1983 TZ SWA Graham, B. Malaika mawakili wa mungu wasiri. [Angels. God’s secret messengers.] 95pp. K.shs.6.00 Evangel 1982 KE SWA Grün, A. Masomo ya kiroho 3 - benedikto wa nursia. 63pp. T.shs.400.00 Benedictine 1993 TZ SWA Grün, A. Masomo ya kiroho 4 - sala na kujijua. 57pp. T.shs.400.00 Benedictine 1996 TZ SWA Guteta, J. Hesabu kwa wote. bk. 2 ($3.42) K.shs.25.00 Uzima 1978 [?] KE SWA Guteta, J. Hesabu kwa wote. bk. 1 ($1.65) K.shs.12.00 Uzima 1978 [?] KE SWA Hadrian, P. Masomo ya enjili ya Mt. Luka. 64pp. T.shs.50.00 Benedictine 1984 TZ SWA Haering, B. Mang’amuzi kuhusu kanisa la Afrika. 96pp. T.shs.800.00 Benedictine 1997 TZ SWA Hakikazi Catalyst Tanzania bila umaskini. [Tanzania without poverty. Also available in English.] 36pp. ill. Hakikazi 2001 TZ SWA Hamrell, S., Nordberg, O. Dola na zahama katika Afrika: msako wa ukombozi wa pili. [The state and the crisis in Africa: in search of a second liberation.] 46pp. Mkuki na Nyota 1992 TZ SWA Hanley, B. Upendo uliokithiri. Maximilian Kolbe. 67pp. T.shs.600.00 Benedictine 1992 TZ SWA Hanley, B. Usimulio mdogo was biblia takatifu. 137pp. T.shs.250.00 Benedictine 1981 TZ SWA Hargreaves, J. Mwongozo kwa mifano ya Yesu. [The parables of Jesus.] 148pp. T.shs.2,000 Central Tanganyika 1995 TZ SWA Hargreaves, J. Mwongozo wa injili ya Marko. [A commentary of Mark’s gospel.] trans.f.t. English 256pp. T.shs.900.00 Central Tanganyika 1985 TZ SWA Hargreaves, J. Mwongozo wa zaburi. [Psalms.] 196pp. T.shs.1,800 Central Tanganyika 1989 TZ SWA
Gerold, P. Marejea. 63pp. T.shs.400.00 Benedictine 1986 TZ SWA
Harjula, R. Mfano wa Mungu. [The image of God.] 100pp. T.shs.500.00 Central Tanganyika 1971 TZ SWA
Giger, C. Mpango wa mafundisho ya kitubio ya. 32pp. T.shs.200.00 Benedictine 1979 TZ SWA
Hemedi’Lajjemy, A. Habari za wakilindi. 2nd ($4.05/£1.50) K.shs.19.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE SWA
Giger, C. Mpango was mafundisho ya komunio. 40pp. T.shs.250.00 Benedictine 1979 TZ SWA
Holland, F. Kufundisha TEE. 45pp. K.shs.80.00 ($1.50) Evangel 1975 KE SWA
Holland, G., Holland, F. Kuzungumza na Yesu. 182pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1973 KE SWA Holland, G., Kalute, G. Kuchunguza mwenyewe kitabu cha Marko. 267pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1994 KE SWA Honero, L.N. Matunda ya azimio. Mashairi ya mwamko wa siasa (1980). T.shs.1,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA Hrbek, I. Afrika kuanzia karne ya saba hadi ya kumi na moja. vol. III ISBN: 9976911327 432pp. ill.pl.maps T.shs.9,500.00 ($60.00) Inst Kiswahili Res 2000 TZ SWA Hume, H. R. Watoto wetu ulinzi na malezi yao. 2nd ed. ($3.55) Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE SWA Hunter, A.M. Hotubi mlimani. [Sermon on the mount.] 99pp. T.shs.600.00 Central Tanganyika 1979 TZ SWA Hunter, A.M. Ifahamu agano jipya. [Introducing the New Testament.] 199pp. T.shs.900.00 Central Tanganyika TZ SWA Hyslop, G.H. Mgeni karibu. [Welcome, stranger] 16pp. K.shs.154.00 OUP - Nairobi 1964 KE SWA Ikeda, J., Toynbee, T. Yachague maisha/mazungumzo. [Choose life, a dialogue.] cd. 356pp. K.shs.660.00 OUP - Nairobi 1991 KE SWA Imbuga, F. Liakula lia vaana va magomere. 32pp. K.shs.70.00 EAEP 1986 KE SWA Inland Publishers Bibli ni ya ajabu. [The Bible is wonderful.] 76pp. T.shs.7.50 AICLD TZ SWA Inland Publishers Biblia ya Kikatoliki Inatoa majibu. [The Roman Catholic Bible answers.] rev.ed. 12pp. T.shs.1.00 AICLD 1973 TZ SWA Inland Publishers Kanuni mpya. [New canon.] 24pp. T.shs.2.50 AICLD 1973 TZ SWA Inland Publishers Maswali 20 yenye wasiwasi. [20 awkward questions.] 24pp. T.shs.3.00 AICLD 1972 TZ SWA Inland Publishers Mungu. [God.] 1972 TZ SWA
48pp. T.shs.5.00 AICLD
Inland Publishers Mwalimu wa milimani. [The mountain teacher.] rev.ed. 24pp. T.shs.4.00 AICLD 1971 TZ SWA Inland Publishers Ndoa iliyo bora. [The excellent marriage.] 47pp. T.shs.7.50 AICLD 1970 TZ SWA Inland Publishers Roho ya Paku. [The heart of Paku/man.] 3rd ed. 24pp. T.shs.3.00 AICLD 1970 TZ SWA Inland Publishers Sifuni. [Praise.] 1968 TZ SWA
T.shs.4.00 AICLD
Inland Publishers Sikilizeni wenye elimu. [Listen you educated.] 48pp. T.shs.6.00 AICLD 1970 TZ SWA Inland Publishers Wakati umewadia. [The time has come.] 48pp. T.shs.6.00 AICLD 1972 TZ SWA Inland Publishers of Africa Inland Church, Tanzania Katekisimu. [Catechism.] 86pp. T.shs.2.50 AICLD 1978 TZ SWA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Swahili—General and Non-fiction
Subject index
Inland Publishers of Africa Inland Church, Tanzania Muhtasari wa historia ya Kanisa ya AICT. [Summary of the history of AICT.] 48pp. T.shs.5.00 AICLD 1977 TZ SWA
Kalugila, L. Historia ya Israeli. [The history of Israel.] ISBN: 9976662491 404pp. T.shs.4,000 Central Tanganyika 1998 TZ SWA
Ki-Zerbo, J. Mbinu na historia ya awali ya Afrika. vol. I ISBN: 9976911408 350pp. ill.pl.maps T.shs.9,500.00 ($60.0) Inst Kiswahili Res 1999 TZ SWA
Inland Publishers of Africa Inland Church, Tanzania Taratibu za ibada. [Orders of services.] 47pp. T.shs.4.50 AICLD 1978 TZ SWA
Kalugila, L. Utangulizi wa theologia ya agano la kale. [Introduction to Old Testament theology.] 96pp. T.shs.800.00 Central Tanganyika 1991 TZ SWA
Ki-Zerbo, J., ed. Mbinu na Afrika kabla ya. [The general history of Africa.] cd. & 420pp. T.shs.1,200 ($15.00) cd. T.shs.800.00 ($4.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1990 TZ SWA
Kamal Khan, M. Kusoma na kufahamu mashairi. Kitabu cha 2. [Reading and understanding poetry.] bk.2 47pp. K.shs.90.00 Longhorn - Ken 1974 KE SWA
Ki-Zerbo, J., Niane, D.T. Afrika kuanzia karne ya kumi na mbili hadi karne ya kumi na sita. vol. IV ISBN: 9976911416 384pp. ill.pl.maps T.shs.9,500.00 ($60.00) Inst Kiswahili Res 1999 TZ SWA
Institute of Kiswahili Research Makala ya kongamano la kimataifa 2000 (proceedings). ISBN: 9976911564 384pp. T.shs.5,000 ($60.00) Inst Kiswahili Res 2001 TZ SWA Institute of Kiswahili Research Ripoti ya longamano la kimataifa, kiSwahili 2000. ISBN: 9976911572 88pp. T.shs.1,000 ($30.00) Inst Kiswahili Res 2000 TZ SWA Institute of Kiswahili Research, Dar es Salaam Kamusi ya Kiswahili sanifu. [Kiswahili dictionary.] 336pp. K.shs.420.00 OUP Nairobi 1982 KE Irvine, C. Piga simu mbinguni. [Telephone to heaven.] 24pp. T.shs.200.00 Central Tanganyika 1977 TZ SWA Jacobz, A.M. Upendo wa msalaba. [The love of calvary.] 30pp. T.shs.1.50 AICLD 1973 TZ SWA Jamaadar, A. Mui huwa mwema. [A bad person can change to be good. Swahili novel.] ISBN: 9966623472 K.shs.140.00 ($1.90) Longhorn - Ken 2003 KE SWA Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Mambo ni Mazuri. 136pp. K.shs.4.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1972 KE SWA Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Wasifu wa Kenyatta. 64pp. K.shs.3.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE SWA Joseph, J.K. Sokwe aliyechukia kufugwa. [The ape which refused to be tamed.] ISBN: 9987671853 32pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA Joseph, J.K. Uchoyo hauna malipo. [Meanness has no recompense.] ISBN: 9987671861 20pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA Kagaruki, D.P. Ujasiri wa mtoto wa mfalme. [The brave prince.] ISBN: 9987671896 48pp. ill. T.shs.3,500 ($3.50) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA Kagaruki, D.P. Uomgo wa mpiga ramli. [The falsehood of the soothsayer.] ISBN: 9987671888 32pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA Kagera Development Trust Ufugaji na utunzaji wa ngombe wa maziws. [Rearing and management of dairy farming.] ISBN: 9987671489 112pp. ill. T.shs.5,000 ($5.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA
Kamati ya utafiti Bujora Kugundua mbegu za injili 2. 124pp. T.shs.400.00 Benedictine 1993 TZ SWA Kangalawe, J. Maelezo ya liturjia ya vipindi. 63pp. T.shs.50.00 Benedictine 1979 TZ SWA Karama, S. Nyota ushairi. 1985 KE SWA
58pp. K.shs.80.00 EAEP
Kibwana, K. Mwananchi na katiba. (Mjadala kuhusu katiba, 2) 114pp. K.shs.200.00 ($7.00/ £5.00) Claripress 1996 KE SWA
Karani, R.W. Macho ya mji. [Comic book.] ISBN: 9966960937 36pp. col.ill. K.shs.190.00 ($11.95) Sasa Sema 1998 KE SWA
Kida, H.N. Laana ya umaskini Tanzania: chanzo na ufumbuzi: amini na jitahidi kuwa tajiri. [On the curse of poverty in Tanzania.] 241pp. ill.maps KAI 1997 TZ SWA
Kareithi, P.M. Kaburi bila msalaba. 128pp. ill. K.shs.120.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1987 KE SWA
Kiddle, P. Ufundi wa kutunga hotuba. [Sermon preparation.] 56pp. ill. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1967 TZ SWA
Karoli, S. Acha kulia ovyo. [Don’t cry uselessly.] ISBN: 9987671551 18pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA
Kihvia, S. Matumizi mabaya ya madawa. [Community health.] 34pp. T.shs.50.00. Dar es Salaam UP 1989 TZ SWA
Karssen, G. Wanawake wa biblia. [Her name is woman.] K.shs.23.00 Evangel 1980 KE SWA
Kimati, V.P. Huduma za afya na utunzaji wa watoto. 128pp. T.shs.2,500 Tanz Publ House 1982 TZ SWA
Kassam, Y.O. Sauti ya wanakisomo. [Voice of the new literates.] 40pp. T.shs.800.00 Tanz Publ House 1982 TZ SWA
Kimunya, N. Mlima Kenya kajifungua. vol.1 44pp. K.shs.64.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1997 KE SWA
Kastner, O., Rupper, G. Salini rozari. 88pp. T.shs.200.00 Benedictine 1986 TZ SWA
King’ei, K.G., Amata, J.K. Taaluma ya ushari. [Style in poetry.] ISBN: 9966917152 123pp. Acacia 2001 KE SWA
Katalambula, F. Simu ya kifo. Trail of death 3rd ed. 76pp. ($1.90/75p.) K.shs.10.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE SWA Katuli, F.K., Ndibalema, M. Kupiga taipu. [Typing.] 240pp. T.shs.1,000 Tanz Publ House 1983 TZ SWA Kawoya, V.F.K. Marudio - kiswahili kwa darasa la nane. 61pp. K.shs.120.00 ($2.50) Lake 1993 KE SWA Kenyatta, J. Asili ya Wakikuyu. [My people of Kikuyu.] 80pp. K.shs.6.50 OUP Nairobi 1973 KE SWA Kezilahabi, E. Mzingile. [Language text.] 80pp. ($3.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1991 TZ SWA
Kagubila, M. Tumbo. [Practising democracy in Africa.] ISBN: 9976983050 67pp. T.shs.2,500 ($2.50) MPB Ent 2003 TZ SWA
Kezilahabi, E. Rosa mistika. 123pp. ($2.55/£1.00) K.shs.10.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1981 TZ SWA
Kaijunga, S.A. Ayesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu. [He who did not listen to the elder broke his leg.] ISBN: 9987671845 24pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA
Khan, K., Yahya, S. Mafunzo na matumizi ya Kiswahili. [Learning Swahili.] bk.2 112pp. ill. K.shs.300.00 Longhorn - Ken 1977 KE SWA
Kaijunga, S.A. Bila hiyari yangu. [Without my will.] ISBN: 9987671780 32pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA
Khan, K., Yahya, S. Mafunzo na matumizi ya Kiswahili. [Learning Swahili.] bk.1 112pp. ill. K.shs.300.00 Longhorn - Ken 1976 KE SWA
Kaijunga, S.A. Mkasa uluoleta neema. [The adversity which brought about comfort.] ISBN: 9987671713 20pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA
Kiango, J.G. Dhima ya kamusi katika kusanifisha lugha. ISBN: 9976911173 T.shs.3,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA
Khumalo, A., Moalusi, E., Snook, S. Uchunguzi wa agano jipya 1. Mathayo. Matendo. 228pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1973 KE SWA
Kiputiputi, O. Misingi ya fotografia. [Basic photography.] 192pp. T.shs.1,000 Tanz Publ House 1983 TZ SWA Kirumbi, P. Nataka iwe siri. ISBN: 9976911017 T.shs.2,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA Kisia, P.A. Usalama barabarani. K.shs.50.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1995 KE SWA Kisia, P.A. Watoto wa mitaani. K.shs.50.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1996 KE SWA Kisula, J.M. Wakati wa mwisho. The last time. T.shs.4.00 AICLD 1981 TZ SWA
Kitsao, J. Malimwengu ulimwenguni. [Life in the world.] 64pp. K.shs.134.00 OUP Nairobi 1983 KE SWA Kitsao, J. Mbinu za kandishi. 1996 KE SWA
($10.00) Nairobi UP
Kivengere, F. Nampenda Idi Amin. [I love Idi Amin.] 94pp. T.shs.12.00 AICLD 1981 TZ SWA Komba, M.M. Chakubanga wa mwenge 1979-1991. 80pp. T.shs.600.00 Benedictine 1991 TZ SWA Komba, S.M. Mang’amuzi yangu. 100pp. T.shs.700.00 Benedictine 1981 TZ SWA Komba, Y.Y. Mungu wetu si mungu wa rushwa. 24pp. T.shs.400.00 Benedictine 1997 TZ SWA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 482
African Books in Print
Subject index Kongocha, P.C. Shiriki liturujia utakatifuzwe. 66pp. T.shs.300.00 Benedictine 1995 TZ SWA Krass, A.C. Enendeni mkawafanye kuwa wanafunzi. [Go and make disciples.] 239pp. T.shs.1,000 Central Tanganyika 1992 TZ SWA Kuhn, M., Ishi, M., Olson, J., Venberg, R. Matendo 2. Matendo 13 hadi 28. 242pp. K.shs.220.00 Evangel 1980 KE SWA Kure, S., Plueddermann, J. Kufundisha Biblia kwa uwezo. 230pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1992 KE SWA Kuria, H. Nakupenda lakini. [I love you but...] 48pp. K.shs.116.00 OUP - Nairobi 1964 KE SWA Kyomo, A.A. Ushauri wa kiuchungaji. Katika manzingira ya kiaAfrika. [Pastoral counselling.] 192pp. T.shs.2,000 Central Tanganyika 1997 TZ SWA Lane, D. Lihubiri neno. [Preach the word.] 118pp. T.shs.1,000 Central Tanganyika 1994 TZ SWA Lappin, P. Dominiko savio. 125pp. T.shs.400.00 Benedictine 1994 TZ SWA Lappin, P. Hekaya za Don Bosco. 268pp. T.shs.800.00 Benedictine 1994 TZ SWA
Swahili—General and Non-fiction Lout, J., Rungu, J.A., Nzuzu, S., Stamn, F. Mafundisho katika yohana. 254pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1984 KE SWA Luvai, N. Miima jo mulogooli. 46pp. K.shs.70.00 EAEP 1980 KE SWA Maanga, G.S. Maneno yanayotatanisha - kimaana na kimatamshi. 176pp. K.shs.325.00 EAEP 1997 KE SWA Mabala, L.B. Watutsi. Mila na desturi. [The Watutsi. Their habits and customs.] 224pp. T.shs.240.00 Ndanda Mission 1988 TZ SWA Mabuntana, P., McDonald, H. Afya njema kwa watu wote. ISBN: 996620055X 276pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1998 KE SWA Macha, A.A. Tujenge unyumba wa Kikristo. [Let us build a Christian home.] 68pp. T.shs.500.00 Central Tanganyika 1979 TZ SWA Machume, J.N. Ndege uwanjani. [Birds in the playground.] ISBN: 9987671071 16pp. ill. T.shs.2,500 ($2.50) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Madumulla, J., Mlacha, S. Riwaya ya Kiswahili. [Language text.] 80pp. ($2.40) Dar es Salaam UP 1991 TZ SWA
Lappin, P. Mama wa Don Bosco. 164pp. T.shs.400.00 Benedictine 1993 TZ SWA
Magesa, S.M. Kristo katika unabii. [Christ and the prophecies.] 50pp. T.shs.5.00 AICLD 1980 TZ SWA
Leah & Rebecca Familia yetu. [My family.] ISBN: 9966213538 24pp. ill. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1998 KE SWA
Magesa, S.M. Ole ulimwenguni. [Woe to the world.] bk.1, 2 52pp. T.shs.5.00 AICLD 1979 TZ SWA
Leah & Rebecca Uumbaji. [Creation.] ISBN: 9966213546 24pp. ill. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1998 KE SWA
Magesa, S.M. Ole ulimwenguni. [Woe to the world.] bk.2, 2 162pp. T.shs.12.00 AICLD 1982 TZ
Legal and Human Rights Centre Haki za kikatiba Tanzania. [On the constitution and human rights in Tanzania.] 18pp. ill. LHRC 2000 TZ SWA
Magesa, S.M. Usiingie. [Do not enter.] 16pp. T.shs.2.50 AICLD 1975 TZ SWA
Legiehn, H. Imani yetu ndiyo ushindi. [Our faith is the victory.] 168pp. T.shs.30.00 AICLD 1980 TZ SWA Lema, E. Ndoto ya upendo. 33pp. T.shs.3,000 E&D 2001 TZ SWA Levi, G. Mikosi na heri. ($2.50/£0.90p) K.shs.6.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE SWA Levi, G. Tutu mtoto wanasari. ($1.75/75p.) K.shs.9.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE SWA Lihamba, A. Harakati za ukombozi. [Liberation struggles.] new ed. 36pp. T.shs.1,200 Tanz Publ House 1993 TZ SWA Lindholm, L.L. Misingi ya imani. 177pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1992 KE SWA Lindsey, H. Saa ya mwisho wa dunia. The world’s final hour. 38pp. T.shs.6.00 AICLD 1981 TZ SWA Literature and Christian Education Centre Msalato Ilikuwaje. [A simplified Bible dictionary.] 48pp. T.shs.500.00 Central Tanganyika 1974 TZ SWA Longhorn Kenya Kamusi ya methali. [A dictionary of Kiswahili proverbs.] (Lulu za lugha, 2) ISBN: 9966497536 326pp. K.shs.350.00 ($9.00/£5.60) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE SWA
Maimu, M. Kamusi ya ndege wa Tanzania. [A glossary of birds of Tanzania.] 192pp. ill. T.shs.1,200 Tanz Publ House 1982 TZ SWA Makaidi, E.J.E. Amri kuu za uongozi. ($4.25/£1.70) K.shs.25.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1981 KE SWA Maliyamkono, T.L. Changamoto Tanzania. [Tanzania on the move.] ISBN: 9987250181 198pp. T.shs.1,500 ($3.00) Tema 1999 TZ SWA Maliyamkono, T.L. Nani hupiga kura Tanzania na kwanini? [Who votes in Tanzania and why?] 64pp. T.shs.1,000 ($1.50/£0.80) Tema 1995 TZ SWA Malulu, S. Vijana wa Biblia. [Youths of the Bible.] 88pp. T.shs.7.50 AICLD 1978 TZ SWA Malunda, J. Mathayo mwinjili na yesu Kristo wake. 79pp. T.shs.800.00 Benedictine 1997 TZ SWA
Mangwela, D. Uongozi chama cha vijana wa Krikristo. [Youth group leadership.] 48pp. ill. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1993 TZ SWA Mapalala, B. Nani atakuwa rais? [On Tanzania’s political leadership since independence.] 60pp. ill. Mture 1995 TZ SWA Mapunda, H. Historia ya mapambano ya Mwafrika. [A history of the African’s struggle.] new ed. 108pp. ill. T.shs.1,500 Tanz Publ House 1989 TZ SWA Marealle, P.I. Maisha ya mchagga hapa duniani na ahera. ISBN: 9976973918 166pp. T.shs.6,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2002 TZ SWA Marshad, H. Kiswahili au Kiingereeza? (Nchini Kenya) Utepuzi wa maongozi ya lguha nchini Kenya. [Kiswahili or English? (In Kenya) The growth of a language policy in Kenya.] 138pp. pl. K.shs.240.00 ($5.00/£3.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1993 KE SWA Marwa, S.M. Mashujaa wa Tanzania, Mtemi makorongo wa Ikizu. [The heroes of Tanzania, the Prince Makorongo of Ikizu.] 66pp. T.shs.80.00 Ndanda Mission 1991 TZ SWA Massamba, D.P.B., Kihore, Y.M., Hokororo, J.I. Sarufi miundo ya kiSwahili sanifu. ISBN: 9976911335 209pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($30.00) Inst Kiswahili Res 2001 TZ SWA Massawe, V. Zaeni matunda. [Stewardship teachings.] 85pp. T.shs.500.00 Central Tanganyika 1969 TZ SWA Matano, H.M. Watoto wetu. [Our children.] 2nd ed. ($5.00/£2.00) K.shs.16.50 Kenya Lit Bureau 1980 KE SWA Mattapally, P.S. Don Bosco - mtu was mungu, mtu kwa vijana. 60pp. T.shs.350.00 Benedictine 1989 TZ SWA Mayowa, M.T. Burudiko la hadithi. [Entertaining stories.] 62pp. T.shs.95.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1983 TZ SWA Mbaabu, I. Historia ya [History of Kswahili.] Longhorn -
usanifishaji wa kiswahili. the standardization of 126pp. K.shs.150.00 Ken 1991 KE SWA
Mbaabu, I. Sarufi ya Kiswahili. [Kiswahili grammar.] 197pp. ($5.20) K.shs.175.00 Longhorn Ken 1992 KE SWA Mbalwala, S. Mt. Yuda Tadei. 52pp. T.shs.300.00 Benedictine 1982 TZ SWA Mbawala, D.S. Lishe ya roho 2 - naona kiu. 48pp. T.shs.300.00 Benedictine 1994 TZ SWA Mbawala, D.S. Tibii ya roho. 75pp. T.shs.450.00 Benedictine 1992 TZ SWA Mbawala, S. Yuda tadei. 52pp. T.shs.300.00 Benedictine 1997 TZ SWA
Malunda, J.K. Luka, injili ya firaha kuu. new ed. 76pp. T.shs.800.00 Benedictine 1997 TZ SWA
Mbele, K.S.P. Mungu ana njia zake. 19pp. T.shs.50.00 Benedictine 1982 TZ SWA
Mandao, M. Ndoa nusura ivunjike. [The almost broken marriage.] 30pp. ill. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1993 TZ SWA
Mbiku, D.H. Historia ya jimbo kuu la Dar es Salaam. [History of the archdiocese of Dar es Salaam.] 216pp. T.shs.250.00 Ndanda Mission 1992[?] TZ SWA
Maneno, S.K. Uchambuzi wa Mashetani na Masiabu ya Ndugu Jero. [A guide to Mashetani na Masaibu ya Ndugu Jero.] 70pp. K.shs.68.00 ($1.15/£0.70) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1993 KE SWA
Mbonde, J.M. Uandishi wa Tanzania. Book1: Insha. 168pp. ($5.35/£2.20) K.shs.22.80 Kenya Lit Bureau 1976 KE SWA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Swahili—General and Non-fiction Mbonde, J.M. Uandishi wa Tanzania. Book 2: Michezo ya kuigiza. 200pp. ($5.50/£2.20) K.shs.26.65 Kenya Lit Bureau 1976 KE SWA Mbonde, J.P. Uhakiki na uchambuzi wa riwaya na ushairi. [Literary criticism.] ISBN: 9976973586 67pp. Mkuki na Nyota 1999 TZ SWA Mdachi, P.L. Wanyaturu wa Singida. Mila na desturi zao. [The Wanyaturu of Singida. Their habits and customs.] 132pp. T.shs.380.00 Ndanda Mission 1991 TZ SWA Mdee, J.S. Makala ya kongamano la kimataifa kiSwahili 2000, proceedings. [70th anniversary of Institute of Kiswahili Research. Text in Swahili.] ISBN: 9976911564 384pp. (£10.95) Inst Kiswahili Res 2001 TZ SWA Mdee, J.S. Misingi ya utungaji wa kamusi. ISBN: 9976911165 T.shs.3,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA Mdee, J.S. Nadharia na historia ya leksikografia. [History of lexicography.] ISBN: 9976911289 125pp. T.shs.3,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA
Subject index Miriongi, W. Msingi wa lugha ya Lingala. [Foundations of Lingala language.] 87pp. Ya Solo 2000 KE SWA
Mokhtar, G. Staarabu za kale za Afrika. bk.2 ISBN: 9976911361 305pp. T.shs.9,500.00 Inst Kiswahili Res 2000 TZ SWA
Mkabara, J. Maisha ya Salum Abdalla. T.shs.1,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2001[?] TZ
Morison, F. Nani aliyelivingirisha jiwe? [Who moved the stone?] 185pp. T.shs.500.00 Central Tanganyika 1992 TZ SWA
Mkangi, K. Ukiwa. [Isolation.] new ed. 102pp. K.shs.290.00 EAEP 1992 KE SWA Mkapa, B. Hotuba ya kufungua mdahalo wa kitaifa juu ya maendeleo. ISBN: 998768677X 32pp. T.shs.1,500 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Mkapa, B.W. Uwazi na ukweli: rais wa watu azungumza na wanachi. Kitabu cha kwanza. bk.1 ISBN: 9987686435 320pp. T.shs.4,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2003 TZ SWA Mkapa, B.W. Uwazi na ukweli: rais wa watu azungumza na wanachi. Kitabu cha pili. bk.2 ISBN: 9987686761 212pp. T.shs.4,500 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Mkapa, B.W. Uwazi na ukweli: rais wa watu azungumza na wananchi. Kitabu cha tatu. bk.3 212pp. T.shs.4,500 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA
Mears, H.C. Mambo Biblia ifunzayo. [What the Bible is all about.] vol.1 T.shs.45.00 AICLD 1982 TZ SWA
Mkirya, B. Historia, mila na desturi za Wazanaki. [History, habits and customs of the Wazanaki.] 88pp. ill. maps. T.shs.270.00 Ndanda Mission 1991 TZ SWA
Medical Aid Foundation Kilio chetu. [Our grievance. Also available in English.] 36pp. ill. Tanz Publ House 1996 TZ SWA
Mkubwa, G. Mtakatifu benedikto - maisha nna miujiza. 85pp. T.shs.250.00 Benedictine 1994 TZ SWA
Medri na Magnus Lunyungu, J. Papa ni nani. 110pp. T.shs.600.00 Benedictine 1990 TZ SWA
Mkuu, M. Maazimo na maagiz ya kanisa kwa watawa. 47pp. T.shs.50.00 Benedictine 1970 TZ SWA
Meena, E.K. Vitendawili. [Riddles.] 32pp. K.shs.146.00 OUP - Nairobi 1964 KE SWA
Mkuu, M. Mwanga wa mataifa. 144pp. T.shs.100.00 Benedictine 1985 TZ SWA
Mgonja, C.Y. Johari ya maisha yangu. ISBN: 9976911637 T.shs.5,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA
Mlacha, S.A.K. Kiswahili kanda ya Afrika mashariki. ISBN: 9976911157 T.shs.2,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA
Mgullu, R.S. Mtalaa wa isimu: fonetiki na mofolojia ya Kiswahili. [The study of linguistics: phonetics, phonology and Kiswahili morphology.] ISBN: 9966497498 264pp. K.shs.400.00 ($10.00/£5.80) Longhorn Ken 1999 KE SWA
Mlacha, S.A.K. Lugha, utamaduni na fasihi simulizi ya Kiswahili. ISBN: 9976911181 T.shs.3,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA
Mhagama, C. Msimamo wa Yesu. 48pp. T.shs.150.00 Benedictine 1982 TZ SWA Mhagama, C.L. Baba Paulo mtume was mataifa. 141pp. T.shs.200.00 Benedictine 1989 TZ SWA Mhagama, C.L. Tuzielewe injili zetu. Injili ya Luka. 174pp. T.shs.600.00 Benedictine 1993 TZ SWA Mhagama, C.L. Tuzielewe injili zetu 2. Injili ya Mathayo. 136pp. T.shs.800.00 Benedictine 1988 TZ SWA Mhagama, C.L. Ujumbe wa Biblia. [Explanation of the Bible.] ISBN: 9976671660 304pp. pl.maps T.shs.2,000 ($6.00/Eur6.00) Benedictine 2002[?] TZ SWA Mhogolo, G.M. Endelea kukua-maadili ya kikristo. [Continue to grow-Christian ethics.] rev.ed. T.shs.800.00 Central Tanganyika 1985 TZ SWA Mhogolo, G.M. Huduma ya kanisa. [Church administration.] 116pp. T.shs.1,500 Central Tanganyika 1996 TZ SWA
MLEZI Mtoto anamtafuta mungu. 196pp. T.shs.300.00 Benedictine 1995 TZ SWA MLEZI Mwongozo wa kufundisha dini ya kiKristo. 62pp. T.shs.300.00 Benedictine 1997 TZ SWA MLEZI Yoga na Mkristu. 77pp. T.shs.760.00 Benedictine 1997 TZ SWA Mloka, C. Elimu jamii na chemsha bong kwa mashairi. ISBN: 9987686842 64pp. T.shs.2,250 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Mnkondo, I., et al. Tanzania kabla na baada ya uhuru. History of Tanzania before and after colonialism 115pp. ($3.30/£1.30) K.shs.13.40 Kenya Lit Bureau 1977 KE SWA Moalusi, E., Snook, S., Jordahl, R. Uchunguzi wa agano jipya 2. 235pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1976 KE SWA Mohamed, M.A., Mohamed, S.A. Kamusi ya visawe. [Kiswahili dictionary of synonyms.] ISBN: 9966468986 280pp. K.shs.575.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Mohamed, S.A. Vito vya hekima, simo na maneno ya mshangao. 43pp. K.shs.100.00 Longhorn - Ken 1974 KE SWA
Morris, L. Bwana aliyetoka mbinguni. [Lord from heaven.] 96pp. T.shs.500.00 Central Tanganyika 1968 TZ SWA Moyo, I., Holland, G. Kumfuata Yesu. 282pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1976 KE SWA Moyo, J., Holland, G. Kuleta watu kwa Yesu. 219pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1973 KE SWA MPB Enterprises Demokrasia na uraia. [Democracy and civic education.] ISBN: 9976983182 40pp. T.shs.2,500 ($2.50) MPB Ent 2003 TZ SWA Mrina, B.F., Mattoke, W. Mapambano ya ukombozi Zanzibar. 144pp. T.shs.1,000 Tanz Publ House 1983 TZ SWA Mse, G.S. Mwananchi na demokrasia. K.shs.50.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1994 KE SWA Msele, S.A.L. Utamu wa maisha. 89pp. T.shs.300.00 Benedictine 1992 TZ SWA Msele, S.A.L. Utangulizi - lejio ya Maria. 69pp. T.shs.300.00 Benedictine 1990 TZ SWA Msemwa, C.N. Mwendo wa binadamu. 88pp. T.shs.250.00 Benedictine 1994 TZ SWA Mshana, E.E. Mwongozo wa waraka kwa waGalatia. [A guide to Galatians.] 150pp. T.shs.1,000 Central Tanganyika 1994 TZ SWA Mshana, L.J. Misingi bora ya uandaaji wa miradi. ISBN: 9987686842 64pp. T.shs.2,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Msokile, M. Misingi ya uhakiki wa fasihi. 126pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1992 KE SWA Msweli, S., Crider, D. Mchungaji na kazi yake. [The shepherd and his work.] 300pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1974 KE SWA Mtunda, R.A., Mtunda, S. Nahau na vitendawili. 64pp. K.shs.80.00 ($2.00) Lake 1987 KE SWA Mubeya, D. Wanawake vijijini. [Women in villages.] 41pp. T.shs.2.50 Inst Kiswahili Res 1971 TZ SWA Muhanika, H.R. Utenzi wa vita vya kagera na anguko la Idd. [The epic of the Kagera war and the Fall of Idi Amini Dada.] 145pp. T.shs.195.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1983 TZ SWA Mujaki, A. Jifunze Kiswahili; Hatua ya kwanza. [Language text.] bk.1 58pp. ill. U.shs.2,500 Fountain Publ-Ug 1992 UG SWA Mukulu, A.A. Ndayanza lulimi lwetu: amegistu ku vana. 37pp. K.shs.70.00 EAEP 1980 KE SWA Mulokozi, M.M. Barua za shaaban Robert, 1931-1958. ISBN: 9976911629 239pp. T.shs.5,000.00 ($60.00) Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA Mulokozi, M.M. Tenzi tatu za kale. [A study of three epic poems.] ISBN: 9976911238 140pp. T.shs.3,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2001 TZ SWA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 484
African Books in Print
Subject index
Swahili—General and Non-fiction
Muwanga, A.S. Jifunze uhazili. T.shs.1,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2001 TZ SWA
Ndumbaro, W. Je, tumelogwa. 110pp. T.shs.300.00 Benedictine 1983 TZ SWA
Mwageni, G. Uchawi na majini ni nini? 24pp. T.shs.100.00 Benedictine 1991 TZ SWA
Ndunguru, S. Kanuni na mbinu za kufundisha. (£2.65/ $6.65) K.shs.35.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE SWA
Mwakapi, J.M. Njia ya kweli. [The true way.] 48pp. T.shs.4.00 AICLD 1975 TZ SWA Mwandete, C. Namna ya kuanzisha miradi. [How to initiate projects.] 44pp. ill. ($3.00) T.shs.50.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1980 TZ SWA
Neveling, M.R. Misionari na mapendo makuu kwa B. Maria. 24pp. T.shs.20.00 Benedictine 1988 TZ SWA
Ngeze, P.B. Ustwishaji bora wa chai. [How to grow tea.] ISBN: 9987671551 80pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA Ngeze, P.B. Utengenezaji na matumizi ya mboleavunde katika kilimo. [How to make and use compost manure farming.] ISBN: 9987982178 56pp. ill. T.shs.3,500 ($3.50) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA
Ng’ang’a, P.M., wa Thiong’o, N. Muugi ni mutaare. 166pp. K.shs.420.00 EAEP 1996 KE SWA
Ngeze, P.B.N.M. Misingi ya kilimo bora. Principles of better farming. new ed. 184pp. ill. T.shs.800.00 Tanz Publ House 1980 TZ SWA
Mwangi, A. Safari ya anga za juu. [Comic book.] 36pp. col.ill. K.shs.190.00 ($11.95) Sasa Sema 1997 KE SWA
Ngeze, P.B. Jifunze kustawisha mboga. [How to grow vegetables.] 142pp. ill. T.shs.1,800 ($2.85) TEPU 1993 TZ SWA
Nhukuwalla, L. Jifunze kupiga gitaa. [Learn guitar playing.] 32pp. pl. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1994 TZ SWA
Mwankoso, J.M. Kitangulizi cha tafsiri. [Translation manual in Swahili.] 101pp. (£7.99) Inst Kiswahili Res 1996 TZ SWA
Ngeze, P.B. Jifunze kustawisha mtama. [Learn how to grow sorghum.] ISBN: 9987671519 92pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA
Nindi, L.C.F. Ujue kodi ya mapato i. [Know your income tax.] 182pp. T.shs.600.00 Ndanda Mission 1991 TZ SWA
Mwansoko, H.J. Kitangulizi cha tafsiri. T.shs.3,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA Mwansoko, H.J.M Matumizi ya Kiswahili bungeni. ISBN: 9976911254 T.shs.1,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA Mwateba, R. Kondomu yazua kasheshe. [Condom causes chaos. Guide to AIDS prevention for youths.] cd. 38pp. col.pl. T.shs.900.00 ($2.00/£1.00) TGNP 1997 TZ SWA Mwihambi, C. Niombe nini. [What shall I ask for?] 43pp. ill. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1993 TZ SWA Mwombeki, R.A., Kamanzi, G.B. Folk tales from Buhaya. ISBN: 9976890893 T.shs.5,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA Namata, J. Edmund John: mtu wa mungu. [Edmund John - man of God.] 122pp. pl. T.shs.500.00 Central Tanganyika 1980 TZ SWA Nassir, A. Malenga wa Mvita. [The great poet of Mvita.] 204pp. K.shs.440.00 OUP Nairobi 1972 KE SWA Nassir, A. Tamrini za Kiswahili: sarufi na matumizi. [Kiswahili exercises: grammar and usage.] 1,2 bks. 60pp. K.shs.12.00 OUP - Nairobi 1974 KE SWA Nassir, A. Tamrini za Kiswahili: sarufi na matumizi (Pamoja na majibu) Kiswahili exercises: grammar and usage (with answers) 2, 2 bks. 44pp. K.shs.12.00 OUP - Nairobi 1974 KE SWA National Housing and Building Research Agency Mwongozo wa ujenzi nyumba zisizo za ghorofa. Kielelezo namba 1. [Guidelines for single storey houses.] ISBN: 9976975325 37pp. ill. T.shs.3,500 NHBRA 2003[?] TZ SWA
Ngeze, P.B. Kanuni za ukulima wa kisasa. [Principles of advanced farming.] 26pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 1981 TZ SWA
Njama, A.H. Mkondo wa maisha. [The way of life.] ISBN: 9966221997 100pp. K.shs.160.00 ($2.00/£1.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2000 KE SWA
Ngeze, P.B. Kilimo bora cha maharage. [How to grow beans.] ISBN: 9987671411 88pp. ill. T.shs.3,500 ($3.50) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA
Nyagali, Y.B. Habari za Wamwera. [Ways of life of the Wamwera.] 88pp. T.shs.250.00 Ndanda Mission 1990 TZ SWA
Ngeze, P.B. Kilimo bora cha mahindi. [How to grow maize.] ISBN: 998767156X 88pp. T.shs.4,000 ill. ($4.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA
Nyagwaswa, M.P. Mifano hai. [Living parables.] 3,3 bks. 86pp. T.shs.8.00 AICLD 1981 TZ SWA
Ngeze, P.B. Kilimo bora cha muhogo. [How to grow cassava.] ISBN: 9987671519 76pp. ill. T.shs.3,500 ($3.50) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA Ngeze, P.B. Maswali na majibu kuhusu kilimo cha kisasa. [Questions and answers on advanced agriculture.] 68pp. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 1987 TZ SWA Ngeze, P.B. Migomba: uanzijashi na utunzaji wa shamba. [Bananas and their management. Also available in English.] 124pp. ill. T.shs.800.00 ($1.26) TEPU 1991 TZ SWA Ngeze, P.B. Misitu na hifadhi ya mazingira. [Forests and environmental conservation.] ISBN: 9987671020 75pp. ill. T.shs.5,000 ($5.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Ngeze, P.B. Mwongozo kwa waandishi wa habari. [Guidelines for journalists.] ISBN: 9987671462 80pp. ill. T.shs.3,500 ($3.50) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA Ngeze, P.B. Mwongozo wa uhasibu wa shamba. [A guide to farm accounting.] ISBN: 9987167012 72pp. T.shs.4,500 ($4.50) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Ngeze, P.B. Nguzo za kilimo. [Pillars of agriculture.] ISBN: 9987671969 64pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA
Ndalu, A. Kamusi yangu ya kwanza. ISBN: 9966468439 200pp. K.shs.300.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA
Ngeze, P.B. Sayansi ya udongo. [Elementary soil science.] ISBN: 9987671608 56pp. ill. T.shs.4,500 ($4.50) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA
Ndalu, A. Marudio na mazoezi kwa vyuo vya ualimu. 1995pp. K.shs.320.00 EAEP 1994 KE SWA
Ngeze, P.B. Ufugaji bora wa mbuzi. [Rearing goats.] ISBN: 9987671535 64pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA
Ndalu, A., Ikambili, H.M. Kamusi ya vitendawili na na mafumbo. 116pp. K.shs.353.00 EAEP 1991 KE SWA
Ngeze, P.B. Ufugaji wa nyuki vijijini. [Bee rearing in villages.] ISBN: 9987671527 28pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA
Ndalu, A., king’ei, K. Kamusi ya semi za Kiswahili. 140pp. K.shs.355.00 EAEP 1988 KE SWA
Ngeze, P.B. Ufugaji wa samaki vijijini. [Fish farming in villages.] ISBN: 9987167543 36pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA
Ndalu, A., King’ei, K.G. Kamusi ya methali za Kiswahili. 206pp. K.shs.355.00 EAEP 1989 KE SWA
Nyagwaswa, M.P. Mifano hai. [Living parables.] 2,3 bks. 58pp. T.shs.6.00 AICLD 1980 TZ SWA Nyagwaswa, M.P. Mifano hai. [Living parables.] 1,3 bks. 58pp. T.shs.6.00 AICLD 1979 TZ SWA Nyaigotti-Chacha, C. Ushairi wa Abdilatif Abdalla. 160pp. ($4.80) Dar es Salaam UP 1992 TZ SWA Nyenyembe, J. Acha tujaribu. 144pp. T.shs.700.00 Benedictine 1994 TZ SWA Nyerere, J. Uongozi wetu na hatima ya Tanzania. [Also available in English.] 70pp. K.shs.130.00 EAEP 1995 KE SWA Nyerere, J.K. Utenzi wa Engili kadiri ya utungo wa Marko, Luko, Mathopo, yohana. Utenzi wa Matendo ya Mitune. [5 vols. translation of New Testament books in verse.] T.shs.1,500/$3.00 each Ndanda Mission 1996 TZ SWA Nyirenda, A. Lishe ya roho 1 - kwaresima. 49pp. T.shs.300.00 Benedictine 1994 TZ SWA Nyirenda, A. Masomo ya kiroho 5 - changamoto la umri wa ka. 77pp. T.shs.400.00 Benedictine 1997 TZ SWA Ogot, B.A. Afrika kuanzia karne ya kumi na sita hadi ya kumi na nane. vol.5 ISBN: 9976911418 542pp. ill.pl.maps T.shs.9,500.00 ($60.00) Inst Kiswahili Res 2000 TZ SWA Olson, H. Jifunze kiyunani. [Teach yourself New Testament Greek.] 2nd rev.ed. 184pp. T.shs.2,000 Central Tanganyika 1985 TZ SWA Omar, B.H. Mazingira. 43pp. K.shs.50.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1996 KE SWA Osei-Mensah, G. Wanatafutwa viongozi watumishi. [Wanted servant leaders.] 72pp. T.shs.600.00 Central Tanganyika 1993 TZ SWA Osodo, F. Mtaalamu wa fasihi. 99pp. K.shs.150.00 ($2.00) Lake 1993 KE SWA
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Swahili—General and Non-fiction Ouko, J., Ros, H., Ratz, C., Whitt, I. Barua saba kwa makawisa. 292pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1978 KE SWA Ouko, J.J. Rushwa. [Bribery, it kills you and your nation.] 30c. K.shs.8.00 Evangel 1980 KE SWA Parratt, J. Msomaji ktk theological ya kiKristo kiaAfrika. [A reader in African Christian theology.] 176pp. T.shs.1,500 Central Tanganyika 1995 TZ SWA Pastoral Missionary Commission Baba wa Bwana wetu Yesu Kristu. ISBN: 9966214216 54pp. K.shs.60.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE SWA Paulines Publications Vijana watafakari biblia 3. Paulines 1997 KE SWA
112pp. ($2.00)
Subject index Sambano, B. Ushirikiano kati ya Wakristo na waislamu. [Christian witness among Muslims.] 104pp. T.shs.500.00 Central Tanganyika 1979 TZ SWA Sangu, A.J.D. Haki, wajibu na uhuru. 72pp. T.shs.150.00 Benedictine 1992 TZ SWA Scepter Publishers Katekisimu ya maswali na majibu. col.ill.pl. ($2.50) Scepter 2004 KE SWA Schnell, B. Uimarishaji wa familia. [Family protection by Billings ovulation method.] 8th ed. 174pp. ill. T.shs.300.00 Ndanda Mission 1992 TZ SWA Seka, B.R. Mfumo wa jua. [On the solar system.] ISBN: 9976967411 44pp. col.ill. Mture 1999 TZ SWA
Peterson, A. Historia ya Ukristo. Kitabu cha 1. [Church history.] bk.1 163pp. T.shs.1,400 Central Tanganyika 1974 TZ SWA
Selvam, S.G. Simama imara. Masomo 50 ya kuwalea vijana kiKristu. [Youth workers manual.] ISBN: 9966218130 152pp. K.shs.400.00 Paulines 2002 KE SWA
Peterson, A. Historia ya Ukristo. Kitabu cha pili. [Church history.] bk.2 190pp. ill. T.shs.1,600 Central Tanganyika 1972 TZ SWA
Semwijah, C.P. Katiba na utawala Tanzania. [Constitution and the government of Tanzania.] 58pp. T.shs.80.00 Ndanda Mission 1992[?] TZ SWA
Pope John Paul II Heshima ya mwanamke na wito wake. 79pp. T.shs.200.00 Benedictine 1992 TZ SWA
Sengo, T.S.Y. Tungo za pwani. T.shs.1,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA
Pope John Paul II Kaa nasi Bwana. [Stay with us Lord.] ISBN: 9966219803 24pp. K.shs.50.00 ($0.60) Paulines 2004 KE SWA
Senkoro, F.E.M.K. Ushairi: hadharia na tahakiki. [Theory of poetry and criticism.] 168pp. T.shs.345.00. Dar es Salaam UP 1990 TZ SWA
Portmann, F. Dini mbalimbi na utume wetu. 60pp. T.shs.380.00 Benedictine 1982 TZ SWA
Shake, R. Kisa cha sungura na tumbili. EAEP 1999 KE SWA
Portmann, F. Mionzi ya historia ya kanisa. 130pp. T.shs.300.00 Benedictine 1994 TZ SWA Radoli, M. Usimamizi bora wa kazi. K.shs.50.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1995 KE SWA
Shauri, A.K. Unadhifu wa mwili na afya njema. [Cleanliness of the body and good health.] 65pp. ill. T.shs.500.00 Central Tanganyika 1982 TZ SWA
Richartz, A. Luisa wa Marillac. 110pp. T.shs.400.00 Benedictine 1995 TZ SWA Robert, S. Kielezo cha insha. [How to write essays.] 120pp. K.shs.190.00 OUP - Nairobi 1967 KE SWA Robert, S. Pambo la lugha. [An ornament of language.] 56pp. K.shs.148.00 OUP Nairobi 1967 KE SWA Rupper, G. Pugu hadi Peramiho. 142pp. T.shs.500.00 Benedictine 1988 TZ SWA Rupper, G. Toma na Marieta. 35pp. T.shs.100.00 Benedictine 1978 TZ SWA Ruppert, F., Grün, A. Masomo ya kiroho 1 - sala na kazi. 101pp. T.shs.400.00 Benedictine 1990 TZ SWA Ruppert, F., Grün, A. Masomo ya kiroho 2 - Kristo katika Ndugu. 67pp. T.shs.63.00 Benedictine 1990 TZ SWA Rwezaura, A.A. Sheria ya ndon Tanzania. T.shs.1,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA Rwoma, D. Nimewapeni mfano. 45pp. T.shs.50.00 Benedictine 1987 TZ SWA Sabwa, S.L. Ndayanza lulimi lwetu: liviruka ne liiva iyo mundu. 37pp. K.shs.70.00 EAEP 1980 KE SWA Saidi, M. Fani mbali mbali za kiswahili. [First aid in Swahili.] 96pp. ill. K.shs.220.00 Longhorn - Ken 1976 KE SWA
Spillmann, J. Mauaji sakristia. 150pp. T.shs.1,200 Benedictine 1994 TZ SWA Stano Gitonga. [Cartoons.] 32pp. col.ill. K.shs.160.00 ($11.95) Sasa Sema 1996 KE SWA Staub, H.R. Watakuwa mwili mmoja. [Manual on Christian marriage.] 150pp. ill. T.shs.900.00 Central Tanganyika 1970 TZ SWA Staub, M. Msichana ujifahamu. [Young lady, know about yourself.] 37pp. ill. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1974 TZ SWA Swebe, B.S. Hifadhi ya wanyama. [Wildlife conservation.] new ed. 72pp. T.shs.900.00 Tanz Publ House 1979 TZ SWA Syambo, B., Mazrui, A. Uchambuzi wa fasihi. 110pp. K.shs.310.00 EAEP 1992 KE SWA Syambo, B., Mutala, R.M., Kemoli, H.M. Jinsi ya kufundisha Kiswahili katika shule za msingi. 77pp. K.shs.160.00 EAEP 1987 KE SWA Syambo, B., Olodo, R., Njogu, K., Chimera, R. Tanzu za lugha kidato cha pili. ISBN: 9955221751 232pp. K.shs.365.00 ($4.00/ £3.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2001 KE SWA Syambo, B.K. Mwongonzo wa Juliusi Kaizari. 30pp. K.shs.27.00 EAEP 1985 KE SWA Tanzania Episcopal Conference Katekisimu ya kanisa katoliki. [Catechism of the Catholic church.] ISBN: 9966214720 664pp. K.shs.700.00 ($10.00) Paulines 2000 KE SWA Tanzania Gender Networking Programme Taifa la leo. [The nation of today.] cd. 20pp. T.shs.700.00 ($1.50/£1.00) TGNP 1997 TZ SWA
Shimba, H.M.L. Sifa njema za msichana. [The praiseworthy girl.] 56pp. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1983 TZ SWA
TEC Idara ya Liturjia Misale ya kirumi - katiba ya kitume. 125pp. T.shs.300.00 Benedictine 1996 TZ SWA
Shirika la Masista Wakanosa Bakita. 110pp. T.shs.500.00 Benedictine 1993 TZ SWA
Tema Publishers Jifunze sehemu. bk.1 30pp. T.shs.500.00 ($1.00) Tema 1996 TZ SWA
Sipemba, J.M. Maajabu, ya madawa ya kuleyva. 96pp. T.shs.250.00 Benedictine 1991 TZ SWA Sivalon, J.C.M.M. Kanisa Katoliki na siasa ya Tanzania bara 1953-1985. [The Catholic church and the policy of mainland Tanzania 1953-1985.] 88pp. Ndanda Mission 1992 TZ SWA Smith, O.J. Chagua mwenyewe. [Choose for yourself.] 58pp. T.shs.5.00 AICLD 1972 TZ SWA Smith, O.J. Kuna njia moja tu. [There is only one way.] 40pp. T.shs.3.00 AICLD 1972 TZ SWA Smith, O.J. Nipe uzima. [Give me life.] 38pp. T.shs.5.00 AICLD 1973 TZ SWA Soko, E. Kilimo cha vichochoro na Marejea. [Alley cropping with sunnhemp (Marejea).] ($1.50/£1.00) Tshs.100.00 Benedictine 1991 TZ SWA Somba, J.N. Namtafuta rafiki. [I am in search of a friend.] 72pp. T.shs.5.00 AICLD 1972 TZ SWA Songora, F. Mwanga wa maisha. 52pp. T.shs.300.00 Benedictine 1994 TZ SWA Soseleje, M. Zamani za Wayao. [The times of the Wayao.] 64pp. T.shs.200.00 Ndanda Mission 1991 TZ SWA
Tema Publishers Tathimini ya uchaguzi mkuu, 1995. [Elections evaluation report, 1995.] 72pp. T.shs.1,500 ($3.00) Tema 1996 TZ SWA Tema Publishers Uchaguzi na demokrasia: muhtasari wa kufundishia walimu wa walimu. [Guide to help understand the process of democratisation.] 49pp. T.shs.1,000 ($2.00) Tema 1995 TZ SWA Theological Historical Commission Roho mtakatifu na wokovu. ISBN: 9966213384 48pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE SWA Theresa, Sr. Ua la upendo - Maisha ya mtakatifu Theresia wa mtoto Yesu. [Story of a soul.] 352pp. ($7.00/£3.50) K.shs.50.00 Paulines 1992 KE SWA Thorogood, B. Mwongozo wa kitabu cha Amosi. [A commentary on the Book of Amos.] 141pp. T.shs.900.00 Central Tanganyika 1980 TZ SWA Tijssen, A. Ibada ya upatanisho. 20pp. T.shs.150.00 Benedictine 192 TZ SWA Tilley, E. Mwongozo kwa waraka kwa waebrania. [A guide to the Hebrews.] 198pp. T.shs.2,000 Central Tanganyika 1997 TZ SWA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 486
African Books in Print
Subject index Toccali, E. Kuhusu ukimwi. [About AIDS.] ISBN: 9966219315 32pp. K.shs.30.00 Paulines 2004 KE SWA Too, S.J., Andersen, E.F. Mashaka ya wasichana yajibiwa. [Girls’ problems answered.] 68pp. ill. K.shs.20.00 Evangel 1982 KE SWA Toombs, L.E. Mapambazuko ya Ukristo. [The dawn of Christianity.] 72pp. T.shs.500.00 Central Tanganyika 1986 TZ SWA Topan, F.M., ed. Uchambuzi wa maandishi ya Kiswahili. [Swahili literary criticisms.] bk. 1 96pp. K.shs.182.00 OUP - Nairobi 1971 KE SWA Trobisch, W. Nampenda mvulana. [I love a young man.] 80pp. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1973 TZ SWA Trobisch, W. Nilimpenda msichana. [I loved a girl.] 48pp. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1964 TZ SWA Trobisch, W. Pembetatu ya ndoa. [I married you.] 161pp. ill. T.shs.700.00 Central Tanganyika 1974 TZ SWA TUKI Afrika kuanza karne ya kumi na sita hadi ya kumu na nane. bk.5 ISBN: 997691122X 542pp. ill. T.shs.6,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2000 TZ SWA TUKI Fasihi simulizi hadithi. T.shs.1,000.00 Inst Kiswahili Res 1985 TZ SWA
Swahili—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Wachira, R. Nina mimba. Nifanye je? [I am pregnant. What shall I do?] ISBN: 9966215565 32pp. K.shs.30.00 Paulines 2000 KE SWA Wafula, R.N. Uhakiki wa tamthilia: historia na maendeleo yake. [The criticism of the Swahili play: history and development.] ISBN: 9966221522 203pp. K.shs.256.00 ($5.00/£3.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1999 KE SWA Waihiga, G. Sarufi fafanuzi ya Kiswahili. [Descriptive grammar of Kiswahili.] ISBN: 9966495134 254pp. K.shs.400.00 ($10.00/£5.80) Longhorn - Ken 1999 KE SWA Wairimu Karani, R. Macho ya mji. [Cartoons with proverbs in Swahili.] ISBN: 9966960937 36pp. col.ill. K.shs.190.00 ($11.95) Sasa Sema 1998 KE SWA Wamatila, K. Kamusi ya misemo na nahau. [A dictionary of Kiswahili idioms.] ISBN: 9966497433 Longhorn - Ken 2000 KE SWA Wamitila, K.W. Bina Adamu. ISBN: 9966472339 158pp. Phoenix 2002 KE SWA Wamitila, K.W. Kamusi ya methali. [Dictionary of Swahili proverbs.] (Lulu za lugha, 2) ISBN: 9966497536 312pp. Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE SWA
TUKI Fasihi simulizi methali. T.shs.1,000.00 Inst Kiswahili Res 1985 TZ SWA
Wamitila, K.W. Kamusi ya misemo na nahau. [A dictionary of Kiswahili idioms.] ISBN: 9966497463 352pp. K.shs.450.00 ($11.50/£6.60) Longhorn - Ken 2000 KE SWA
TUKI Fasihi simulizi vitendawili. T.shs.1,000.00 Inst Kiswahili Res 1985 TZ SWA
Warren, N. Wewe ni Mkristo?. [Journey into life.] new ed. 16pp. ill. T.shs.100 Central Tanganyika 1980 TZ SWA
TUKI Kamusi ya kiingereza/kiswahili. ISBN: 9976911297 T.shs.14,500.00 T.shs.25,000.00 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA
Weis, D. Ibada ya neno la mungu - mwaka A. 187pp. T.shs.500.00 Benedictine 1977 TZ SWA
TUKI Mbinu na historia ya awali. bk.1 ISBN: 9976911408 369pp. T.shs.6,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2000 TZ SWA TUKI Pete. T.shs.1,500.00 Inst Kiswahili Res 1986 TZ SWA TUKI Utenzi wa kalevala. ISBN: 9976911114 T.shs.2,500 Inst Kiswahili Res 2003 TZ SWA Tumba-Masabo, Z.N. Istilahi za ufundi wa magari na matrekta. [Lexicography of vehicles.] 35pp. Inst Kiswahili Res 1997 TZ SWA Tumbo-Masabo, Z.N., Zuberi, Z., Chuwa, A.R. Kamusi ya biashara na uchumi: Kiingereza Kiswahili. [English-Swahili dictionary of business and commerce.] ISBN: 9976911378 78pp. T.shs.3,000.00 (£6.00) Inst Kiswahili Res 1999 TZ SWA Tume ya Liturjia Sala kuu mpya za ekaristi. 15pp. T.shs.100.00 Benedictine 1979 TZ SWA van Kessel, L. Taamuli. 57pp. T.shs.50.00 Benedictine 1985 TZ SWA Vya Figo, V. Emmanuel Mbogo. 267pp. K.shs.285.00 EAEP 1996 KE SWA wa Kempen, T. Kumfuasa Yesu Kristo. 260pp. T.shs.800.00 Benedictine 1989 TZ SWA wa Taifa, B. Kazi za taasis ya mwalimu Nyerere. ISBN: 998768680X 44pp. T.shs.1,750 Mkuki na Nyota 2001 TZ SWA
Weis, D. Ibada ya neno la mungu - mwaka B. 150pp. T.shs.500.00 Benedictine 1978 TZ SWA Weis, D. Ibada ya neno la mungu - mwaka C. 148pp. T.shs.500.00 Benedictine 1979 TZ SWA Weis, D. Yesu mkate was uzima. 35pp. T.shs.100.00 Benedictine 1987 TZ SWA Whitmore, E. Mafunzo katika maisha na mafundisho ya Yesu. [Teachings from the life of Jesus.] 2nd ed. 190pp. T.shs.800.00 Central Tanganyika 1990 TZ SWA Whitson, D., Whitson, B.A., Chiko, W., Holland, G. Kumtukuza wa kumwabudu mungu. 267pp. K.shs.220.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1993 KE SWA Wondji, C. Afrika Kuanzia 1935. ISBN: 9976911424 T.shs.12,000.00 Inst Kiswahili Res [?] TZ SWA Wootton, R.W.F. Ibada za kiKristo. [Christian worship.] 2nd ed. 123pp. T.shs.1,000 Central Tanganyika 1986 TZ SWA Wright, P.C. Kiongozi cha mchungaji. [Pastor’s guide book.] 62pp. K.shs.12.00 Evangel 1982 KE SWA Wumbrand, R. Kuteswa kwa ajili ya Kristo. [Tortured for Christ.] 166pp. T.shs.6.00 AICLD 1968 TZ SWA
ya Elimu, T. Hatimkato. [Shorthand writing course.] 88pp. T.shs.1,000 Tanz Publ House 1983 TZ SWA Yahya, A.S. Tamrini Kamili: matumizi ya lugha na istilahi. 170pp. K.shs.310.00 EAEP 1990 KE SWA Yahya, A.S. Viatu vya Abu Kasim. 24pp. K.shs.115.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1996 KE Zakayo, M. Siri 10 za ushindi. [Ten secrets of victory.] 60pp. T.shs.5.00 AICLD 1975 TZ SWA Zani, T. Mapishi ya kisasa. 158pp. K.shs.255.00 EAEP 1978 KE SWA Zani, T.K. Mwongozo wa mwanzo ya msingi. 88pp. K.shs.59.50 EAEP 1991 KE SWA Zellweger, D. Baba yetu - maelezo ya sala ya bwana. [Our Father - a commentary on the Lord’s prayer.] 92pp. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1986 TZ SWA Zetu, P. Nazwi likambo na palake, na sala boni? 44pp. Epiphanie 2004 ZR SWA Swahili—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Abbas, Y. Utenzi wa haki za watoto. [Poems on the rights of the child.] ISBN: 9987210376 28pp. T.shs.2,500 ($4.00/£2.00) Readit 2003 TZ SWA Abdallah, K. Mfalme ndevu na maskini mkata kuni. [The bearded king and the wood cutter.] 24pp. col.ill. T.shs.1,000 (£1.70) Readit 1995 TZ SWA Abdi, M. Asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu. ISBN: 9987686966 24pp. ill. T.shs.2,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Abeid, M. Binti mfalme na mpiga zeze. 40pp. T.shs.1,000 Mkuki na Nyota 1994 TZ SWA Abeid, M. Debe la dhahabu. [Children’s reader.] 22pp. ill. Heko 1993 TZ SWA Abeid, M. Jini na mayai ya ajabu. ISBN: 9976973276 14pp. ill. T.shs.1,000 Mkuki na Nyota 1999 TZ SWA Abeid, M. Kisa cha binti mfalme na mipga zeze. ISBN: 9976973268 40pp. ill. T.shs.1,000 Mkuki na Nyota 1994 TZ SWA Abeid, M. Kisa cha sungura na simba. [Children’s reader.] 22pp. ill. Heko 1993 TZ SWA Abeid, M. Mlilwa amtafuta Baba Yake. 28pp. K.shs.125.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA Abeid, M. Mlilwa shujaa. 24pp. K.shs.125.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1997 KE SWA Abeid, M. Mpiga zez na binti mfalme. [The zither player and the princess.] 36pp. ill. ($5.75/£3.25) Mkuki na Nyota 1997 TZ Abeid, M. Ua la zalizali. ISBN: 9987686192 32pp. ill. T.shs.2,500 Mkuki na Nyota 2002 TZ SWA Adam, H. Ali Baba na majangili arobaini. ISBN: 9987686915 50pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Adam, H. Hasira hasara. ISBN: 9987417078 40pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Swahili—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Adam, H. Wimbo wa bata bukini. ISBN: 998741706X 28pp. ill. Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Ahmed, S.K. Safari ya ndotoni. [A dream journey.] 24pp. col.ill. T.shs.1,000 (£1.70) Readit 1995 TZ SWA Akida, H. Wimbo wa nyenje. [The grasshopper’s song.] 30pp. ill. T.shs.1,000 ($6.50/ £3.50) Mkuki na Nyota 1994 TZ Amata, J.K. Mwongozo wa uandishi was insha. [A guide to Kiswahili composition.] ISBN: 9966963502 132pp. K.shs.200.00 ($13.00/£7.80) Zapf 1998 KE SWA Asha, K. Maana zaidi ya moja kitabu cha pili. [More than one meaning.] bk. 2 52pp. col.ill. ($2.00) Readit 1998 TZ SWA Athuman, A., Levi, M. Insekta. [Insects.] ISBN: 9987210309 24pp. T.shs.2,500 ($4.00/£2.00) Readit 2000 TZ SWA Backlo, K., Siapalla, H. Tafadhali nyanya niambie ukweli. [Grandma, please tell me the truth. Swahili children’s book. Also available in English.] ISBN: 9966219668 28pp. ill. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 2004 KE SWA Backlo, K., Sipalla, H. Babangu mkubwa alizoea kusema. [My uncle used to say. Swahili children’s book. Also available in English.] ISBN: 9966219676 24pp. ill. K.shs.30.00 ($0.30) Paulines 2004 KE SWA Backlo, K., Sipalla, H. Namkosa mama na baba. [I miss mum and dad. Swahili children’s book.] ISBN: 996621965X 48pp. K.shs.50.00 ($0.70) Paulines 2004 KE SWA Baijukya, F. Jipime katika sayansi kwa shule za msingi maswali 1,016 na majibu yake. [Test yourself in science for primary schools: 1,016 questions and their model answers.] ISBN: 9987671837 104pp. ill. T.shs.4,500 ($4.50) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA Bakhressa, D. Neno kwa neno. [Swahili lessons.] bk.2 168pp. K.shs.290.00 OUP - Nairobi 1981 KE SWA Bakhressa, S. Neno kwa neno. [Swahili lessons.] bk.1 88pp. K.shs.290.00 OUP - Nairobi 1981 KE SWA Bakhressa, S.K. Neno kwa neno, darasa la 7. ill. K.shs.234.00 OUP - Nairobi 1987 KE SWA Bakhressa, S.K. Neno kwa neno: ashibahi na adhidadi. bk.3a 274pp. K.shs.290.00 OUP Nairobi 1988 KE SWA Bakhressa, S.K. Neno kwa neno: msamiati. Maana kadha. bk.3b K.shs.290.00 OUP - Nairobi 1988 KE SWA Beya, F. Watoto na zimwi. ISBN: 9987686206 ill. T.shs.2,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2002 TZ SWA Bgoya, W. Hadithi ya Katope mtoto aliyeumbwa kwa udongo mwekundu. [The story of Katope the boy created from earth. Also available in English.] ISBN: 9987417132 30pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Bgoya, W. Hadithi ya kunguru na story of the crow and available in English.] 20pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 2002 TZ SWA
chura mzee. [The the frog. Also ISBN: 9987686427 Mkuki na Nyota
Bgoya, W. Hadithi ya kunguru na kaa. [The story of the crow and the crab. Also available in English.] ISBN: 9987417205 20pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Bgoya, W. Kinyonga mdogo ambaye ha rangi yake. [The chameleon who could not change colour. Also available in English.] ISBN: 9987686532 20pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA bin Wallah, W. KiSwahili mufti darasa la nane. Mwongozo wa mwalimu pamoja na majibu. [Ultimate kiSwahili, teacher’s guide book 8.] ISBN: 9966491066 42pp. K.shs.150.00 ($2.50/ £1.50) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE SWA bin Wallah, W. KiSwahili mufti darasa la nane. [Ultimate kiSwahili, pupil’s book 8.] ISBN: 9966491015 177pp. col.ill. K.shs.290.00 ($4.50/£3.00) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE SWA bin Wallah, W. Kiswahili mufti darasa la nne. Mwongozo wa mwalimu pamoja na majibu. [Ultimate kiSwahili, teacher’s guide book 4.] ISBN: 9966491023 45pp. col.ill. K.shs.150.00 ($2.50/£1.50) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE SWA bin Wallah, W. KiSwahili mufti darasa la nne. [Ultimate kiSwahili, pupil’s book 4.] ISBN: 9966490973 219pp. col.ill. K.shs.260.00 ($4.00/£2.50) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE SWA bin Wallah, W. KiSwahili mufti darasa la saba. Mwongozo wa mwalimu pamoja na majibu. [Ultimate kiSwahili, teacher’s guide book 7.] ISBN: 9966491058 37pp. K.shs.150.00 ($2.50/ £1.50) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE SWA bin Wallah, W. KiSwahili mufti darasa la saba. [Ultimate kiSwahili, pupil’s book 7.] ISBN: 9966491007 170pp. col.ill. K.shs.290.00 ($4.50/£3.00) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE SWA bin Wallah, W. KiSwahili mufti darasa la sita. Mwongozo mwalimu pamoja na majibu. [Ultimate kiSwahili, teacher’s guide book 6.] ISBN: 996649104X 40pp. K.shs.150.00 ($2.50/ £1.50) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE SWA bin Wallah, W. KiSwahili mufti darasa la sita. [Ultimate kiSwahili, pupil’s book 6.] ISBN: 996649099X 189pp. col.ill. K.shs.280.00 ($4.00/£3.00) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE SWA bin Wallah, W. KiSwahili mufti darasa la tano. [Ultimate kiSwahili pupil’s book 5.] ISBN: 9966490981 208pp. col.ill. K.shs.270.00 ($4.00/£2.50) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE SWA bin Wallah, W. Malenga wa ziwa kuu: maswali na istilahi za kifasihi. 72pp. K.shs.395.00 EAEP 1988 KE SWA bin Wallah, W., Somi, G. KiSwahili mufti darasa la tano. Mwongozo wa mwalimu pamoja na majibu. [Ultimate kiSwahili, teacher’s guide book 5.] ISBN: 9966491031 38pp. K.shs.150.00 ($2.50/ £1.50) Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE SWA Bond, G. Alizeti. [The sunflower.] 31pp. T.shs.500.00 Central Tanganyika 1991 TZ SWA
Bwana, J.H. Kama ningeweza kupaa. 24pp. ill. K.shs.110.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA Bwana, J.H. Mganga pazi. 29pp. K.shs.115.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA Central Tanganyika Press Tufundishe watoto-watoto wa primari, mwaka wa pili. [Sunday school text.] 104pp. ill. T.shs.750.00 Central Tanganyika 1978 TZ SWA Central Tanganyika Press Tufundishe watoto-watoto wadogo. [Sunday school teachers guide for young children.] 100pp. ill. T.shs.750.00 Central Tanganyika 1973 TZ SWA Central Tanganyika Press Tufundishe watoto - watoto wa primari, mwaka wa kwanza. [Let’s teach children.] bk.1 105pp. T.shs.750.00 Central Tanganyika 1976 TZ SWA Central Tanganyika Press Tutege masikio. [Sunday school leaders handbook.] 36pp. ill. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika TZ SWA Chacha, C.N. Mwongozo wa buriani. 30pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1985 KE SWA Chacha, C.N. Mwongozo wa Mui huwa mwema. 30pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1989 KE SWA Chacha, C.N. Mwongozo wa ukame. 30pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1986 KE SWA Chibudu, S.N. Hakimu mwenye busara. [The wise judge.] 52pp. ill. ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA Chibudu, S.N. Hakimu mwenye busara na hadithi nyingine. 52pp. K.shs.115.00 ($5.75/ £3.25) EAEP 1991 KE SWA Chibudu, S.N. Shule ya wanyama na hadithi nyingine. 52pp. K.shs.115.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1990 KE SWA Chibudu, S.N. Visa vya Kalio. [Kalio’s adventures.] 2nd ed. 43pp. ill. K.shs.115.00 ($5.75/ £3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA Chowo, H.T. Kipepeo amnusuru binadamu. [The butterfly who saved the man.] ISBN: 9976983409 20pp. T.shs.2,500 ($2.50) MPB Ent 2004 TZ SWA Chowo, H.T. Kisa cha kuku na mwewe. [The hen and the eagle.] ISBN: 9976983254 20pp. T.shs.2,500 ($2.50) MPB Ent 2005 TZ SWA Christian Council of Tanzania Kueni katika imani, mwalimu 2. [Grow in faith.] rev. ed. teacher’s bk.2 96pp. ill. T.shs.700.00 Central Tanganyika 1990 TZ SWA Christian Council of Tanzania Kueni katika imani, mwalimu 5. [Grow in faith.] rev.ed. teacher’s bk.5 73pp. T.shs.700.00 Central Tanganyika 1990 TZ SWA Christian Council of Tanzania Kueni katika imani, mwanafunzi 5. [Grow in faith.] rev. ed. pupil’s bk.5 76pp. T.shs.700.00 Central Tanganyika 1990 TZ SWA
Bond, G. Tikiti. [The watermelon.] 32pp. T.shs.500.00 Central Tanganyika 1991 TZ SWA
Christian Council of Tanzania Kueni kitaka imani, mwanafunzi 6. [Grow in faith.] rev. ed. pupil’s bk.6 73pp. T.shs.700.00 Central Tanganyika 1990 TZ SWA
Bosse, F.S. Ushujaa wa fatuma. ISBN: 9987686893 48pp. ill. T.shs.2,500 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA
Deus, R. Mbegu ya ajabu. [The magic seed.] 20pp. col.ill. T.shs.1,200 ($2.00) Readit 1996[?] TZ SWA
Bukenya, R. Kiswahili cha kwanza. [Kiswahili for beginners.] 78pp. Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG SWA
Dominic, P. Majivuno yamuua samaki. ISBN: 9987686982 T.shs.2,500 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Swahili—School books, Readers, Children’s literature
Dominic, P. Uadui wa kunguru na nyoka. ISBN: 9987686990 20pp. ill. T.shs.2,500 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA
Jefwa, J. Matilda na Salama. [Matilda and Salama.] 20pp. K.shs.100.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1997 KE SWA
Dumea, P. Haiba na mbili kimo saba. [Snow white and the seven dwarfs.] ISBN: 9987210317 24pp. T.shs.2,500 Readit 1998 TZ SWA
John, J. Mifupa na kazi zake. [Bones and their functions.] ISBN: 998721012X 24pp. col.ill. T.shs.1,000 Readit 1998 TZ SWA
Dumea, P.H. Majigambo ya tembo. [The bragging of the elephants.] ISBN: 9987210368 24pp. T.shs.2,500 ($4.00/£2.00) Readit 2004 TZ SWA Dumea, P.H. Mandari katika udzungwa. [Adventure story in Swahili.] ISBN: 9987210449 24pp. T.shs.2,500 Readit 2003 TZ SWA Dumea, P.H. Samaki na maji. [Fish and water.] ISBN: 9987210325 26pp. T.shs.2,500 ($4.00/£2.00) Readit 2001 TZ SWA Getanguth, E. Kisiwa cha almasi. [The diamond island.] 49pp. K.shs.125.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA Getanguthi, E. Mazishi ya popo. [Bat’s burial.] 49pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA Gora, G.H. Sokwe na fisi. [Chimp and hyena.] ISBN: 9987210643 16pp. col.ill. T.shs.3,500 ($5.00/£3.00) Readit 2004 TZ SWA Habib, M.S. Korongo na kobe. [The crane and the tortoise.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 997698314X 16pp. col.ill. T.shs.2,500 ($2.50) MPB Ent 2004 TZ SWA Haji, D. Mtoto wa nani? [Whose child?] 12pp. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1996 TZ SWA Hamisi, A. Popo, ndege na panya. ISBN: 9987686400 20pp. ill. Mkuki na Nyota 2002 TZ SWA Hanson, B. Tadakini. 169pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 2000 KE SWA Hassan, A.K. Nani alaumiwe? [Who is to blame?] ISBN: 9987210635 32pp. T.shs.2,500 ($4.00/£2.00) Readit 2004 TZ SWA Heko Publishers Sanamu ya dhahabu na hadithi nyingine. [Short stories.] ISBN: 997696384X 40pp. ill. Heko 2001 TZ SWA Hussein, E. Samaki mdogo mweusi. The little black fish. 52pp. T.shs.800.00 Tanz Publ House 1982 TZ SWA Ichwekeleza, R., Karara, P. Jitayarishe kuhitimu elimu ya msingi: sayansi. [Get ready for primary education examination on science.] 222pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($4.76) TEPU 1993 TZ SWA Ikambili, H.M. Mwongozo wa Viziki. EAEP 1997 KE SWA
48pp. K.shs.130.00
Irira, S.D. Kemia ya mwanzo. [Elementary chemistry.] 72pp. T.shs.800.00 Tanz Publ House 1983 TZ SWA Irura, S. Mwongozo wa Doa la mauti. 20pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1983 KE SWA Jacob, M.M. Werevu mwingi. ISBN: 996688257X 58pp. col.ill.pl. ($2.50) Focus 2001 KE SWA Jefwa, J. Daudi mlemavu. 22pp. K.shs.115.00 EAEP 2000 KE SWA
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Masomo ya kiswahili. Standard 4. pupil’s bk. 1 92pp. K.shs.6.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE SWA Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Masomo ya kiswahili. Standard 4. pupil’s bk.1b 104pp. K.shs.6.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1966 KE SWA Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Masomo ya kiswahili. Standard 4. pupil’s bk.1a 28pp. K.shs.6.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1966 KE SWA Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Masomo ya kiswahili. Standard 4. teacher’s bk.1 354pp. K.shs.11.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1971 KE SWA Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Masomo ya kiswahili. Standard 5. teacher’s bk.2 280pp. K.shs.15.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1968 KE SWA Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Masomo ya kiswahili. Standard 5. pupil’s bk.2 128pp. K.shs.7.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1968 KE SWA Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Masomo ya kiswahili. Standard 6. pupil’s bk.3 192pp. K.shs.11.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1969 KE SWA Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Masomo ya kiswahili. Standard 6. teacher’s bk.3 296pp. K.shs.15.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1969 KE SWA Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Masomo ya kiswahili. Standard 7. teacher’s bk.4 254pp. K.shs.15.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1970 KE SWA Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Masomo ya kiswahili. Standard 7. pupil’s bk.4 160pp. K.shs.10.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1970 KE SWA Kagusha, M., Tibaijuka, T. Jifunze useremala sadifu - daraja la 3 & 2. [Carpentry grade 3 & 2.] 112pp. ill. T.shs.1,800 ($2.85) TEPU 1993 TZ SWA Kajuna, W. Sisi ni herufi - hatua ya kwanza. [We are the alphabet - step one.] ISBN: 9987883354 30pp. T.shs.5,000 ($5.00) TEPU 2000 TZ SWA Kajuna, W.M.S., Karoli, S. Jityarishe kuhitimu elimu ya msingi: Kiswahili. [Get ready for primary education examination on Kiswahili.] 56pp. T.shs.800.00 ($1.26) TEPU 1992 TZ SWA Kalindimya, J. Katala na genge la wezi. ISBN: 9987686907 24pp. ill. T.shs.2,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Kalori, S. Mchera ziwani. [Children’s readers.] 38pp. ill. T.shs.3,500 ($3.50) TEPU 1994 TZ SWA Kamaga, S.H. Ijue pangani ya kale. Mashetani, mizimu na majini. [Know old Pangani. Genies, ghosts and imps.] ISBN: 9987210589 60pp. T.shs.3,000 ($5.00/£2.00) Readit 2004 TZ SWA Kamal, K.M., Yahya, A.S. Mafunzo na matumizi ya Kiswahili. [Learning and usage of Kiswahili.] bk.3 117pp. ill. K.shs.300.00 Longhorn - Ken 1977 KE SWA Kamera, W., Mpesha, N. Si watu? [Swahili text.] 50pp. ill. K.shs.134.00 OUP - Nairobi 1989 KE SWA
Kamugisha, L.R.W. Emi na mama wa Kambo. [Emi and her step-mother. Swahili children’s book.] ISBN: 9987671152 30pp. ill. T.shs.3,500 ($4.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Kamugisha, L.R.W. Tigaina ma yangeyage. [Tigaina and the white reef heron. Swahili children’s book.] ISBN: 9987671144 28pp. ill. T.shs.3,500 ($3.50) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Kanguni, I.S. Bahasha nyekundu. [The red envelope.] ISBN: 9976983352 128pp. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) MPB Ent 2004 TZ SWA Karama, S. Mazoezi ya ufahamu na sarufi kidato cha nne. Pamoja na majibu. 156pp. K.shs.300.00 EAEP 1992 KE SWA Karama, S., Kamal Khan M. Kusoma na kufahamu mashairi. Kitabu cha 1. [Reading and understanding poetry.] bk.1 47pp. K.shs.90.00 Longhorn - Ken 1974 KE SWA Karama, S., Muye, M.J. Mazeozi ya ufahamu na sarufi kidato cha pili bila majibu. 139pp. K.shs.210.00 EAEP 1989 KE SWA Karama, S., Muye, M.J. Mazoezi ya ufahamu na sarufi kidato cha kwanza. Pamoja na majibu. 135pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1988 KE SWA Karama, S., Muye, M.J. Mazoezi ya ufahamu na sarufi kidato cha pili pamoja na majibu. [Swahili revision.] 192pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1989 KE SWA Karama, S., Muye, M.J. Mazoezi ya ufahamu na sarufi kidato cha tatu pamoja na majibu. 194pp. K.shs.230.00 EAEP 1991 KE SWA Karama, S., Muye, M.J. Mazoezi ya ufahamu na sarufi kitado cha kwanza. Bila majibu. 133pp. K.shs.180.00 EAEP 1988 KE SWA Kareithi, P.M. Majuto ni mjukuu. 79pp. K.shs.100.00 ($3.50) Phoenix 1995 KE SWA Karoli, S. Huu ni mchezo gani? [What game is this?] ISBN: 9987671349 26pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA Karoli, S. Kalamu ya Lili. [Lili’s pencil. Swahili’s children’s book.] ISBN: 9987671306 18pp. ill. T.sh.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Karoli, S. Kitenge cha shangazi. [Aunt’s kitenge. Swahili children’s book.] ISBN: 9987671047 30pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Karoli, S. Marafiki wa ajabu. [Wonder of friends. Swahili children’s book.] ISBN: 9987671373 35pp. ill. ($3.50) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Karoli, S. Mfalme twiga [Giraffe the king.] ISBN: 998788332X 32pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 2000 TZ SWA Karoli, S. Mgeni wa bundi. [Owl’s guest.] 32pp. ill. T.shs.600.00 ($0.95) TEPU 1992 TZ SWA Karoli, S. Nani kavunja gilasi. [Who broke the glass? Swahili children’s book.] ISBN: 9987671241 18pp. ill. T.shs.3,500 ($3.50) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Karoli, S. Nani maarufu. [Who is the greatest? Swahili children’s book.] ISBN: 9987671284 38pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Karoli, S. Panya mahakamani. 56pp. ill. T.shs.1,000 ($1.58) TEPU 1993 TZ SWA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Swahili—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Karoli, S. Popo kukosa rafiki. [The friendless bat. Swahili children’s book.] ISBN: 9987671160 26pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA
Kihampa, M.G. Karibu tusome Kiswahili, darasa la pili. Kitabu cha mwanafunzi. bk.4 workbook ISBN: 9987686079 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA
Karoli, S. Tausi na kunguru. [Peacock and pied crow.] ISBN: 9987883362 26pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2001 TZ SWA
Kihampa, M.G. Karibu tusome Kiswahili darasa sehemu ya 2. bk.2 teacher’s book ISBN: 9987686052 40pp. Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA
Karoli, S. Uroho wa chui. [The greedy leopard.] ISBN: 9987883338 32pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Karoli, S. Vijana hodari. [Brave youngsters. Swahili children’s book.] ISBN: 9987671098 36pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Kasibwa, A. Mwongozo wa Masaibu wa ndugu jero. teacher’s guide 42pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1993 KE SWA Katiya, F.R. Mama chui na watumishi wake. [Mother leopard and her servants.] 28pp. col.ill. T.shs.1,200 (£2.00) Readit 1995 TZ SWA Katunzi, P.A. Sukari yenye sumu. [The sour sugar. Children’s book on AIDS.] ISBN: 9987671276 24pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Kaumgisha, L. Kaona njigi kadhani njege. ISBN: 9987686176 24pp. ill. T.shs.2,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2002 TZ SWA Kawegere, F.F. Mwongozo wa shamba la wanyama. K.shs.120.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1988 KE SWA Kayoka, C. Kalikalange, mtoto wa ajabu. [Short story.] ISBN: 9976963556 30pp. ill. Heko 1998 TZ SWA Kibwana, A. Balaa la kuua. [Misfortune of killing.] 44pp. T.shs.2,500 ($2.50) MPB Ent 1990 TZ SWA Kigen, C. Rafiki zake Yesu. [Jesus’ friends.] ISBN: 996621448 24pp. ill. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1999 KE SWA Kigen, C. Watakatifu niwapendao. [My favourite saints.] ISBN: 9966214356 24pp. ill. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1999 KE SWA Kihampa, M.G. Karibu tusome. [Children’s ABC.] bk.1 24pp. ill. col.ill. T.shs.2,500 Mkuki na Nyota 1991 TZ SWA Kihampa, M.G. Karibu tusome. [Children’s reading primer.] bk.2 36pp. ill. T.shs.2,500 Mkuki na Nyota 1992 TZ SWA Kihampa, M.G. Karibu tusome. [Children’s reading primer.] bk.3 32pp. T.shs.2,500 Mkuki na Nyota 1992 TZ SWA Kihampa, M.G. Karibu tusome. [Children’s reading primer.] bk.4 20pp. T.shs.1,200 Mkuki na Nyota 1999 TZ SWA Kihampa, M.G. Karibu tusome Kiswahili. bk.6 teacher’s bk. ISBN: 9987686125 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Kihampa, M.G. Karibu tusome Kiswahili. bk.4 teacher’s book ISBN: 9987686087 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Kihampa, M.G. Karibu tusome Kiswahili. bk.5 teacher’s book ISBN: 9987686095 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Kihampa, M.G. Karibu tusome Kiswahili. bk.5 workbook ISBN: 9987686117 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA
Kihampa, M.G. Karibu tusome Kiswahili darasa sehemu ya 2. bk.3 teacher’s book ISBN: 9987686060 56pp. Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Kihampa, M.G. Karibu tusome Kiswahili Mwanafunzi. bk.4 workbook ISBN: 9987686109 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Kihore, Y.M., Massamba, D.P.B., Msanjila, Y.P., eds. Sarufi maumbo ya kiSwahili sanifu (samakisa) sekondari. ISBN: 9976911432 208pp. T.shs.2,500 Inst Kiswahili Res 2001 TZ SWA Kilumanga, S.S. Kuku mweusi na kenge. ISBN: 9987686923 32pp. ill. T.shs.2,500 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA
Subject index King’ei, K. Mwongozo wa Kusadikika. 52pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1988 KE SWA King’ei, K. Mwongozo wa Malenga wa mirima. 34pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1986 KE SWA King’ei, K. Mwongozo wa Shamba la wanyama. [Guide to George Orwell’s Animal farm.] 64pp. K.shs.80.00 ($3.50) Phoenix 1995 KE SWA King’ei, K. Mwongozo wa siku njema. [A guide to The good day by Ken Walioboro.] 76pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA [Also published by Zapf Chancery, Kenya] Kinyua, R.N. Mazdezi ya Kiswahili darasa la kwanza. [Introduction to Swahili.] ISBN: 996698531X 44pp. ill. K.shs.150.00 ($2.00/£1.50) Single 2000[?] KE SWA Kitsao, J. Kishu kazi. 37pp. K.shs.100.00 ($3.00) Phoenix 1995 KE SWA Kola, P. Jinsi chui alivyopata madoadoa. 33pp. K.shs.125.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1994 KE SWA
Kilumanga, S.S. Saa ngapi? ISBN: 99868694X 36pp. ill. Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA
Kola, P. Kwa nini fisi hucheka. 37pp. K.shs.85.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1994 KE SWA
Kimunyi, N. Mlima Kenya kajifungua. vol.2 37pp. K.shs.64.00 Phoenix 1997 KE SWA
Kola, P. Mauti yalianzi lini? 42pp. K.shs.125.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1994 KE SWA
Kingala, Y. Likizo. [The holiday.] 88pp. K.shs.136.00 OUP - Nairobi 1983 KE SWA
Kunemah, A. Mwana pangani - tnagu kale hadi leo. [The girl child in Pangani. The past and the present. (Gender studies).] ISBN: 9987210627 32pp. T.shs.2,500 ($4.00/ £2.00) Readit 2004 TZ SWA
King’ala, Y. Mwongozo wa Mali ya maskini. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1984 KE SWA King’ala, Y. Nguzo za Kiswahili 4. [Primary school course.] K.shs.160.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1991 KE SWA King’ala, Y. Nguzo za Kiswahili 5. [Primary school course.] 112pp. ill. K.shs.160.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1990 KE SWA King’ala, Y. Nguzo za Kiswahili 6. [Primary school course.] 136pp. ill. K.shs.160.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1989 KE SWA King’ala, Y. Nguzo za Kiswahili 7. [Primary school course.] 126pp. ill. K.shs.160.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1988 KE SWA King’ala, Y. Nguzo za Kiswahili 8. [Primary school course.] 132pp. ill. K.shs.160.00 ($4.00) Phoenix 1987 KE SWA King’ala, Y., Muhinja, C.K. Mbinu za fasihi: uchambuzi wa riwaya na tamthlia. 64pp. Kenya Lit Bureau 1983 KE SWA King’ala, Y.M. Mwongozo wa nguzo 4. 119pp. K.shs.90.00 ($3.00) Phoenix 1997 KE SWA King’ala, Y.M. Mwongozo wa nguzo 5. K.shs.90.00 ($3.00) Phoenix 1988 KE SWA King’ala, Y.M. Mwongozo wa nguzo 6. K.shs.90.00 ($3.00) Phoenix 1993 KE SWA King’ala, Y.M. Mwongozo wa nguzo 7. K.shs.90.00 ($3.00) Phoenix 1989 KE SWA King’ala, Y.M. Mwongozo wa nguzo 8. K.shs.90.00 ($3.00) Phoenix 1985 KE SWA King’ei, K. Mwongozo wa Amezidi. 64pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1997 KE SWA
Kunemah, A.S. Maana zaidi ya moja. [More than one meaning.] bk. 1 24pp. col.ill. T.shs.1,000 ($2.00/£1.50) Readit 1996 TZ SWA Kwalazi, E.T. Tabu wa Taire. [Taire’s taboo.] ISBN: 9987210570 20pp. T.shs.3,500 ($5.00/ £2.00) Readit 2004 TZ SWA Kwalazi, M. Ndege. [Birds.] ISBN: 9987210430 20pp. T.shs.2,500 Readit 2004 TZ SWA Kwalazi, M. Reptilia. [Reptiles.] ISBN: 9987210406 20pp. T.shs.2,400 ($4.00/£2.00) Readit 2004 TZ SWA Kwalazi, M., Mbezi, M. Mamalia. [Mammals.] ISBN: 9987210414 20pp. T.shs.2,500 ($4.00/ £2.00) Readit 2004 TZ SWA Lazarus, V. Neema. [Grace.] ISBN: 9987671403 24pp. ill. T.shs.4,500 ($4.50) TEPU 2001 TZ SWA Leah & Rebecca Mungu ananipenda. [God loves me.] ISBN: 9966214305 24pp. ill. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1999 KE SWA Leah & Rebecca Rafiki zangu. [My friends.] ISBN: 9966214291 24pp. ill. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1999 KE SWA Leah & Rebecca Wanyama. [Animals.] ISBN: 9966214321 24pp. ill. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1999 KE SWA Lotto, M.M. Laba msichana shujaa. [Short story.] ISBN: 9976963726 42pp. ill. Heko 1999 TZ SWA Lynn, J.F. Uwakili. ISBN: 9966200894 44pp. K.shs.60.00 ($1.00) Evangel 1999 KE SWA Lynn, J.F. Uwakili na maisha. ISBN: 9966200908 28pp. K.shs.60.00 ($1.00) Evangel 1999 KE SWA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 490
African Books in Print
Subject index Machume, J.N. Fahari ya macho. [The glory of eyes. Swahili children’s book.] ISBN: 9987671225 28pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Machume, J.N. Majigambo ya wadudu. [The qualities of insects.] ISBN: 998776108X 18pp. ill. T.shs.3,500 ($3.50) TEPU 2002 TZ SWA Machume, J.N. Mapambano. [The struggle. Swahili children’s book.] ISBN: 9987671063 24pp. ill. T.shs.3,500 ($3.50) TEPU 2002 TZ SWA Machume, J.N. Mbegu ya majuto. [The seed of regret. Swahili children’s book.] ISBN: 998767125X 52pp. ill. ($4.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA
Swahili—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Mandao, M. Usiniache. [Don’t leave me behind.] 16pp. col.ill. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1988 TZ SWA Mando, M. Kaptula iliyochanika. [The torn shorts.] 13pp. col.ill. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1989 TZ SWA Maneno, S. Kiswahili kikamilifu: kwa kidato cha tatu. ISBN: 9966467904 240pp. K.shs.240.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Maneno, S. Mwongozo wa Uasi. 25pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1983 KE SWA Maneno, S. Peak revision: mazoezi na marudio ya Kiswahili K.C.S.E. 320pp. K.shs.300.00 EAEP 1989 KE SWA
Machume, J.N. Mfalme wa wanyama. [King of animals. Swahili children’s book.] 18pp. ill. T.shs.3,500 ($3.50) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA
Maneno, S.K. Kiswahili kikamilifu: kwa kidato cha nne. ISBN: 9966467904 180pp. K.shs.300.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA
Machume, J.N. Mvua yenye balaa. [The rain of calamity.] ISBN: 9987883393 19pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 2001 TZ SWA
Maneno, S.K. Kiswahili kikamilifu: mwongozo kidato cha nne. 72pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA
Machume, J.N. Mzee alfabeti. [Mr Alphabet.] ISBN: 9987671233 26pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2002 TZ SWA
Maneno, S.K. Kiswahili kikamilifu: mwongozo kidato cha tatu. ISBN: 996646767X 76pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA
Machume, J.N. Sauti ya mbuyu. [A voice from a baobab tree.] ISBN: 9987671942 28pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA
Maneno, S.K. Kiswahili kikamilifu: mwongozo wa kidato cha kwanza. ISBN: 9966464433 68pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA
Machume, J.N. Wimbi la mauti. [The wave of death. Swahili children’s book on AIDS.] ISBN: 9987671195 40pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 2003[?] TZ SWA
Maneno, S.K. Kiswahili kikamilifu: mwongozo wa kidato cha pili. 83pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA
Maillu, D. Atendaye mema. [The upright one.] 43pp. K.shs.84.00 ($1.40/£0.85) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1996 KE SWA Maillu, D. Zawadi. [The reward.] 36pp. K.shs.75.00 ($1.25/£0.80) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1998 KE SWA Maillu, D.G. Watoto wa Afrika. Sjui kwetu kamili. [African children: I don’t know where my home is.] bk.4 ISBN: 9976983301 64pp. col.pl. T.shs.2,500 ($2.50) MPB Ent 2004 TZ SWA Makombo, H., Vonyoli, A., Mwayani, J., Waweru, M. Masomo ya msingi. Toleo jipya. pupil’s bk.7 177pp. K.shs.260.00 EAEP 1999 KE SWA Makombo, H., Vonyoli, A., Mwayani, J., Waweru, M. Masomo ya msingi. Toleo jipya. pupil’s bk.5 147pp. K.shs.245.00 EAEP 1999 KE SWA Makombo, H., Vonyoli, A., Mwayani, J., Waweru, M. Masomo ya msingi. Toleo jipya. pupil’s bk.6 174pp. K.shs.255.00 EAEP 1999 KE SWA Malema, E. Nipambe kwa. Rangi 1. [Decorate me with colours. Book 1.] 24pp. ill. T.shs.1,500 Tanz Publ House 1993 TZ SWA Maloda, F.R. Wema wa Dorkasi. [The kindness of Dorcas.] 22pp. T.shs.500.00 Central Tanganyika 1996 TZ SWA Malya, S. Babu Simulia. [Grandfather, tell us.] 50pp. ill. Tanz Publ House 1975 TZ SWA Mandao, M. Peke yangu mjini pamoja na Ani afungua mkoba wake. [Alone in the city, combined with Ani opens her purse.] 50pp. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1989 TZ SWA
Maneno, S.K. Kiswahili kikamilifu: mwongozo wa kidato cha nne. ISBN: 9966467785 K.shs.300.00 EAEP 2005 KE SWA Maneno, Johari ISBN: EAEP
S.K., et al. ya Kiswahili kidato cha kwanza. 9966252002 256pp. K.shs.270.00 2003 KE SWA
Maneno, S.K., et al. Johari ya Kiswahili kidato cha kwanza mwongozo wa mwalimu. ISBN: 9966252010 144pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 2004 KE SWA Maneno, S.K., Mvati, M. Mazoezi na marudio ya Kiswahili: KCSE. 320pp. K.shs.85.00 EAEP 1990 KE SWA Man’ganda, B.S. Hadithi za Esopo I. [Aesop’s fables.] 48pp. col.ill. T.shs.1,500 ($2.50) Readit 1995 TZ SWA Man’ganda, B.S. Hadithi za Esopo II. [Aesop’s fables.] 48pp. col.ill. T.shs.1,500 (£2.50) Readit 1995 TZ SWA Man’ganda, B.S. Shukrani za simba. [Lion’s gratitude.] ISBN: 9987210139 32pp. col.ill. T.shs.1,500 Readit 1998 TZ SWA Mang’anda, B.S., Kasubi, S. Shungu mtukutu. [Stubborn Shungu.] ISBN: 9987210341 28pp. T.shs.2,500 ($4.00/£2.00) Readit 2002 TZ SWA Mang’anda, B.S., Kudhani, M.S.I. Samaki. [Fish.] ISBN: 9987210422 20pp. T.shs.2,500 Readit 2004 TZ SWA Mang’anda, B.S., Yupo, H.A. Amfibia. [Amphibians.] ISBN: 9987210392 20pp. T.shs.2,500 ($4.00/ £2.00) Readit 2004 TZ SWA Manji, A. Mtolo wa mfugaji. [A farmer’s child.] 56pp. K.shs.152.00 col.ill. ($1.90) Good Luck 2001 TZ SWA Manji, A. Siri ya ushindi. [The secret of success.] ISBN: 9966221913 40pp. pl. K.shs.130.00 ($1.00/£1.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2001 KE SWA
Manji, A. Wa toto wa mvuvi. [The fisherman’s children.] ISBN: 9966221948 32pp. pl. K.shs.120.00 ($1.00/£1.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2001 KE SWA Manji, A. Watoto wa mfugaji. [The farmer’s children.] ISBN: 996622194X 60pp. pl. K.shs.152.00 ($2.00/£1.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2001 KE SWA Mariki, F. Hadithi ya Morile. [Morile’s story.] ISBN: 998741760X 24pp. ill. T.shs.2,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Marry, E. Neema. 24pp. col.ill. T.shs.2,500 ($3.96) TEPU 1995 TZ SWA Mateso, C. Safari ya mzimuni. [Journey into ghostland.] ISBN: 9987210198 32pp. col.ill. T.shs.1,500 Readit 1998 TZ SWA Mathanjuki, M. Mafunzo ya msingi. [Foundation course book.] bk.1 70pp. K.shs.78.00 ($1.30/ £0.80) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1992 KE SWA Matuga, G.S. Ng’ombe akivunjika mguu. [A cow falling into mishap returns to the herd.] 32pp. K.shs.100.00 Longhorn - Ken 1975 KE SWA Mayega, P.B. Mkonko. [Children’s reader on environmental degradation.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 9976983115 24pp. ill. T.shs.2,000 ($2.00) MPB Ent 2000 TZ SWA Mayega, P.B. Watoto wa Afrika. Wajadili haki na wajibu wao. [African children discuss their rights and obligations.] 2nd ed. bk.2 ISBN: 9976983247 31pp. col.pl. T.shs.2,000 ($2.00) MPB Ent 2004 TZ SWA Mayega, P.B. Watoto wa Afrika. Watambuana. [African children get to know each other.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 9976983166 53pp. col.pl. T.shs.2,500 ($2.50) MPB Ent 2004 TZ SWA Mayega, P.B. Watoto wa Afrika. Watembelea mbuga za wanyama. [African children tour national parks.] 2nd ed. bk.3 ISBN: 9976983255 36pp. ill.col.pl.maps T.shs.2,800 ($3.00) MPB Ent 2004 TZ SWA Mbaabu, I. Usahihishaji wa makosa katika Kiswahili. [Correction of common mistakes in Kiswahili.] 106pp. K.shs.200.00 Longhorn - Ken 1995 KE SWA Mbehoma, M.K. Jiayarishe kufaulu elimu ya msingi katika hisabati. [Get ready for primary examination in mathematics.] ISBN: 9987671683 26pp. ill. T.shs.7,000 ($7.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA Mbogo, E. Chemsha bongo kwa watoto. bk.1 26pp. ill. Tanz Publ House 1991 TZ SWA Mchangamwe, A.B. Msingi wa Kiswahili. [Fundamentals of Kiswahili.] pupils bk.7 83pp. col.pl. K.shs.240.00 Longhorn - Ken 1986 KE SWA Mchangamwe, A.B., Jamaadar, A. Msingi wa Kiswahili. [Fundamentals of Kiswahili.] rev.ed. bk.2 110pp. col.ill. K.shs.210.00 ($3.10/£1.93) Longhorn Ken 1997 KE SWA Mchangamwe, A.B., Jamaadar, A. Msingi wa Kiswahili. [Fundamentals of Kiswahili.] rev.ed. bk.1 80pp. col.ill. K.shs.200.00 ($3.00/£1.90) Longhorn Ken 1996 KE SWA Mchangamwe, A.B., Jamaadar, A. Msingi wa Kiswahili. [The fundamentals of Kiswahili.] pupil’s bk.1a 24pp. col.pl. K.shs.250.00 Longhorn - Ken 1979 KE SWA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Swahili—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Mchangamwe, A.B., Jamaadar, A. Msingi wa Kiswahili. [The fundamentals of Kiswahili.] pupil’s bk.2 44pp. col. pl. K.shs.210.00 Longhorn - Ken 1980 KE SWA Mchangamwe, A.B., Jamaadar, A. Msingi wa Kiswahili. [The fundamentals of Kiswahili.] pupil’s bk.3 44pp. K.shs.220.00 Longhorn - Ken 1981 KE SWA Mdari, A. Alitoroka kwao. ISBN: 9966882596 48pp. col.ill.pl. ($2.50) Focus 2001 KE SWA Mdari, A. Kunguru na panzi. [The crow and the grasshopper.] 42pp. K.shs.125.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1995 KE SWA Mdari, A. Mwongozo wa Mke mwenza. 38pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1984 KE SWA Mdari, A. Peak revision K.C.P.E. mozoezi na marudio. ISBN: 9966460748 248pp. K.shs.420.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Mdari, A. Twiga alivyokosa ufalme. [How giraffe failed to be king.] 38pp. K.shs.125.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1995 KE SWA Mdari, A. Visa vya jumbe A. bk.1 ISBN: 9988662905 28pp. col.ill.pl. ($3.50) Focus 2004 KE SWA Mdari, A. Visa vya jumbe B. bk.2 ISBN: 998866291X 55pp. col.ill.pl. ($4.00) Focus 2004 KE SWA Mdari, A. Walioponea chupuchupu. ISBN: 9966882925 112pp. col.ill.pl. ($5.00) Focus 2004 KE SWA Mdari, A. Yalianza kimchezomchezo. ISBN: 9966882596 48pp. col.ill.pl. ($2.50) Focus 2001 KE SWA Mdari, A.D. Mazoezi ya kugha ya Kiswahili (KCPE) pamoja na majibu. 130pp. K.shs.130.00 EAEP 1985 KE SWA Mdari, A.D. Mazoezi ya msingi. bk.1 44pp. K.shs.160.00 EAEP 1980 KE SWA Mdari, A.D. Mazoezi ya msingi. Kazi yangu. bk.3 36pp. K.shs.160.00 EAEP 1988 KE SWA Mdari, A.D. Mazoezi ya msingi. Kazi yangu. bk.2 32pp. K.shs.160.00 EAEP 1987 KE SWA Mganga, D.P. Chui wadogo. [The cubs.] 24pp. ill. T.shs.900.00 Tanz Publ House 1993 TZ SWA Mgoma, S.K. Kisa cha mbwa na panya. [The dog and the rat.] 24pp. ill. T.shs.600.00 Tanz Publ House 1992 TZ SWA Mgonja, L. Sungura kisimani. 19pp. K.shs.115.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA
Subject index
Mhlophe, G. Malkia wa makobe. 24pp. K.shs.115.00 EAEP 2000 KE SWA Minja, I., Gerson, L. Kuku na marakiki zake. 22pp. ill. Tanz Publ House 1993 TZ SWA Mjaka, A.H. Hadithi isiyo na mwisho. ISBN: 9987686141 24pp. ill. T.shs.2,200 Mkuki na Nyota 2002 TZ SWA Mkindi, A. Kisa cha ng’ombe na simba. ISBN: 9987686877 24pp. ill. T.shs.2,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Mkufya, W.E. Mbuzi waliokosa subira. [Swahili children’s fiction] ISBN: 9987698069 20pp. col.ill. T.shs.2,500 ($2.00) Mangrove 2003 TZ SWA Mkufya, W.E. Moto wa gologoroto. [Swahili children’s fiction] ISBN: 9987698018 24pp. col.ill. T.shs.2,500 ($2.00) Mangrove 2004 TZ SWA Mkufya, W.E. Mtu na chui. [Swahili children’s fiction] ISBN: 9987698026 20pp. col.ill. T.shs.2,500 ($2.00) Mangrove 2003 TZ SWA Mkufya, W.E. Tumbili na mkia wake. [Swahili children’s fiction.] ISBN: 9987698077 20pp. col.ill. T.shs.2,500 ($2.00) Mangrove 2003 TZ SWA Mohamed, A. Majani yanalia. SWA
20pp. Readit 1996 TZ
Mohamed, S.A. Kunga za nadhari ya Kiswahili: riwaya, tamthilia na hadithi fupi. [The fundamentals of Kiswahili grammar: the novel, plays and short stories.] 156pp. K.shs.530.00 EAEP 1995 KE SWA Mohamed, S.A., Vuzo, A.C., Kazungu, K.E. Stadi za Kiswahili. Miongozo ya waalimu, kidato cha kwanza. teacher’s bk. 230pp. K.shs.220.00 OUP - Nairobi 1989 KE SWA
MPB Enterprises Mariana. [Novel about a prostitute who became a decent housewife.] ISBN: 9976983026 48pp. T.shs.2,500 ($2.50) MPB Ent 2004 TZ SWA MPB Enterprises Sisimizi amuua tembo. [An ant kills an elephant.] ISBN: 9976983131 16pp. ill. T.shs.1,500 ($1.20) MPB Ent 2004 TZ SWA Mpesha, N. Kapotei na Lulu. 41pp. K.shs.134.00 OUP - Nairobi 1987 KE SWA Mpesha, N. Kemunto say aaah. 25pp. K.shs.115.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Msalato Literature and Christian Education Centre Tufundishe watoto watoto wa primari. Mwaka wa tatu. [Sunday school lessons. Third year.] 112pp. ill. T.shs.750 Central Tanganyika 1975 TZ SWA Mshenga, Z., Mrambe, K. Mazoezi ya msingi 8. (Pamoja na majibu.) bk.8 223pp. K.shs.280.00 EAEP 1995 KE SWA Mtobwa, B. Kisa cha paka kupenda jikoni. 16pp. K.shs.95.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA Mtobwa, B.R. Dar es Salaam usiku. 192pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Mtobwa, B.R. Kipofu mwenyi miwani myeusi. [Short story.] ISBN: 9976963572 30pp. ill. Heko 1998 TZ SWA Mtobwa, B.R. Mpishi mwenya kibiongo. [Short story.] 55pp. ill. Heko 2000 TZ SWA Mugambi, P. Mwongozo wa Kiu. 30pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1985 KE SWA
Mohamed, S.A., Vuzo, A.C., Kazungu, K.E. Stadi za Kiswahili. Miongozo ya waalimu, kidato cha pili. teacher’s bk. 230pp. K.shs.242.00 OUP - Nairobi 1989 KE SWA
Mugo, P. Mchezo wa krismasi. trans.f.t. English [The hidden script.] 15pp. col.ill T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1985 TZ SWA
Mohamed, S.A., Vuzo, A.C., Kazungu, K.E. Stadi za Kiswahili, kidato cha kwanza. 230pp. K.shs.230.00 OUP - Nairobi 1989 KE SWA
Mugo, P. Mwembe na watoto watundu. [Mwembe and the naughty children.] 18pp. ill. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1990 TZ SWA
Mohamed, S.A., Vuzo, A.C., Kazungu, K.E. Stadi za Kiswahili, kidato cha nne. [Swahili text.] 230pp. ill. K.shs.376.00 OUP - Nairobi 1989 KE SWA Mohamed, S.A., Vuzo, A.C., Kazungu, K.E. Stadi za Kiswahili, kidato cha pili. 230pp. K.shs.302.00 OUP - Nairobi 1989 KE SWA Mohamed, S.A., Vuzo, A.C., Kazungu, K.E. Stadi za Kiswahili, kidato cha tatu. 230pp. K.shs.306.00 OUP - Nairobi 1989 KE SWA
Mhimili, R. Kitenge chekundu. [The red Kitenge.] 16pp. col.ill. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1988 TZ SWA
Mohamed, S.A., Vuzo, A.C., Kazungu, K.E. Stadi za Kiswahili, miongozo ya waalimu, kidato cha tatu. teacher’s bk. 230pp. K.shs.376.00 OUP - Nairobi 1989 KE SWA
Mhimili, R. Pilipili hoho. [Hoho, Mr. Chili Pepper.] 22pp. col.ill. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1990 TZ SWA
Mosha, O.J. Nataka kuwa tajiri. ISBN: 9987417019 43pp. ill. T.shs.1,750 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA
Mhina, N.J.I. Kisa cha nyuki. [How bees got their sting.] ISBN: 9987210627 20pp. T.shs.2,500 ($4.00/£2.00) Readit 2004 TZ SWA
Moshi, E.A. Tusome ABC. [Children’s ABC.] col.ill. Mture 1994 TZ SWA
Mhina, N.J.I. Mbio za maisha. [The struggle for life.] ISBN: 9987210597 28pp. T.shs.2,500 ($4.00/£2.00) Readit 2004 TZ SWA
MPB Enterprises ABC yangu. [My ABC.] ISBN: 9976983190 24pp. ill. T.shs.1,500 ($1.20) MPB Ent 2004 TZ SWA
Moshi, E.A. Usika na mchana. SWA
30pp. Mture 1995 TZ
Moshi, E.A., Ndunguru, P. Njoo tuhesabu. [Children’s counting book.] 24pp. ill. Mture 1994 TZ SWA
Mugo, P. Neema na tuzo la dhahabu. [Neema and the golden trophy.] 19pp. col.ill. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1990 TZ SWA Muhando, P., Balisidya, N., Bgoya, W., Lema, E. Abadji yetu. [Children’s ABC.] 2nd ed. 48pp. ill. T.shs.2,000 Tanz Publ House 1993 TZ SWA Mujaki, A. Kiongozi kwa mwalimu. [Teachers’ guide.] 39pp. U.shs.2,500 Fountain Publ-Ug 1992 UG SWA Mulokozi, A. Mtoto mtundu. [A creative child. Swahili children’s book.] ISBN: 9987671179 20pp. ill. T.shs.3,500 ($3.50) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Mulokozi, A.C. Nyumbani kwao Tito. [The home of Tito.] ISBN: 9987671993 24pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA Mulokozi, M.M. Ngome ya mianzi. [The fort of bamboo sticks. Historical novel about the 1891 German/Wahehe war.] ISBN: 9976983077 52pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) MPB Ent 2000 TZ SWA
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Swahili—School books, Readers, Children’s literature
Mulokwa, T. Manywele. [Comic book: modern drama.] ISBN: 9966960945 36pp. col.ill. K.shs.190.00 ($11.95) Sasa Sema 1998 KE SWA Mumbo, C., Ngamia, F. Johari ya Kisawhili kidato cha pili. ISBN: 9966252622 264pp. K.shs.260.00 EAEP 2003 KE SWA Mumbo, C., Ngamia, F. Johari ya Kiswahili kidato cha nne. ISBN: 9966253750 K.shs.360.00 EAEP 2005 KE SWA Mumbo, C., Ngamia, F. Johari ya Kiswahili kidato cha nne mwongozo wa mwalimu. ISBN: 9966253769 K.shs.300.00 EAEP 2005 KE SWA Mumbo, C., Ngamia, F. Johari ya Kiswahili kidato cha pili mwongozo wa mwalimu. ISBN: 9966252630 184pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 2003 KE SWA Mumbo, C., Ngamia, F, Johari ya Kiswahili kidato cha tatu. ISBN: 9966253092 276pp. R350.00 EAEP 2003 KE SWA Mumbo, C., Ngamia, F. Johari ya Kiswahili kidato cha tatu mwongozo wa mwalimu. ISBN: 9966253106 200pp. K.shs.300.00 EAEP 2004 KE SWA Munywambele, D.J. Vurumai ya wanyama ndani ya gari. [Chaos of animals in a vehicle. Swahili children’s book.] 38pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Musimami, M.N. Vitendo vya kihesabu kwa shule za awali. [Mathematics in actions for nursery schools.] ISBN: 9987671672 32pp. ill. T.shs.5,000 ($5.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA Mussa, M. Cheza kwa akili. [Children’s number and first skills practice book.] bk.1 16pp. col.ill. T.shs.2,500 Mkuki na Nyota 1992 TZ SWA Mussa, M. Fisi na kucha za simba. ISBN: 9987686222 24pp. ill. T.shs.2,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2002 TZ SWA Mussa, M. Kitabu changu cha A, B, Ch. [Children’s reading primer.] 22pp. T.shs.2,000 Mkuki na Nyota 1994 TZ SWA Mussa, M. Ulimwengu wa namba. [Children’s counting book.] bk.1 14pp. ill. Mkuki na Nyota 1993 TZ SWA Mvungi, T. Chungu tamu. [Sweet sour.] 64pp. T.shs.1,200 Tanz Publ House 1985 TZ SWA Mwaipyana, A.M. Mbuzi watatu na mbwa mwitu. [Three goats and a wolf.] 20pp. ill. T.shs.1,000 Tanz Publ House 1994 TZ SWA
Ndalu, A. Tujifunze kwa miraba: msamiati wa K.C.P.E. 127pp. K.shs.170.00 EAEP 1988 KE SWA Ngeze, P.B. Juhudi na maarifa katika kilimo. [Diligence and use of modern knowledge in agriculture.] ISBN: 9987671802 52pp. ill. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2004 TZ SWA Ngeze, P.B. Maadui wa mazao shambani. [Enemies of field crops.] ISBN: 998767139X 46pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Ngeze, P.B. Sayansi ya mimea ya mazao. [Basic crop science. Swahili children’s book.] ISBN: 9987671381 88pp. ill. T.shs.5,000 ($5.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Ngeze, P.B. Watoto na mazingira. [Children and environment. Swahili children’s book.] ISBN: 9987671268 27pp. ill. T.shs.4,000 ($4.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Ngeze, R.W. Alfabeti yetu. [Our alphabet.] ISBN: 9987671675 28pp. ill. T.shs.5,000 ($5.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Njirainey, H. Kido. 26pp. K.shs.70.00 ($2.50) Phoenix 1997 KE SWA Njogu, K., Chimerah, R., Syambo, B., Olodo, R. Tanzu za lugha kidato cha kwanza kitabu cha mwalimu. [Varieties of language.] teacher’s book for Form 1 126pp. K.shs.165.00 ($2.75/£1.70) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1999 KE SWA Njogu, K., Chimerah, R., Syambo, B., Olodo, R. Tanzu za lugha kidato cha kwanza kitabu cha wanafunzi. [Varieties of language.] student’s book for form 1 189pp. K.shs.275.00 ($4.60/£2.80) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1999 KE SWA Nyamwihura, J., Kamugisha, S. Mazoezi ya kuhitimisha elimuya msingi. ISBN: 9976973740 64pp. T.shs.2,000 Mkuki na Nyota 1998 TZ SWA Nyamwihura, J., Kamugisha, S.A. Hisabati za kikwetu. [Math problems.] 84pp. T.shs.2,000 Mkuki na Nyota 1991 TZ SWA Odaga, A.B. Kombe la fedha. K.shs.90.00 ($2.00) Lake 1993 KE SWA Odaga, A.B. Pete ya almasi. 48pp. K.shs.90.00 ($1.50) Lake 1993 KE SWA Okwalo, C.W. Jifunze herufi na nambari kwa picha. K.shs.180.00 ($1.70) Lake 1991[?] KE SWA Olasya, G. Hadithi zenye mafunzo. 78pp. K.shs.125.00 EAEP 1992 KE SWA
Mwaituka, D. Zimwi lafi. [Children’s reader] 24pp. ill. T.shs.1,200 ($1.70) PPCC 1994 TZ SWA
Olasya, G.A. Mwongozo wa Mashairi yetu. 44pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1986 KE SWA
Mwandiko, E. Maringo ya kinyonga. ISBN: 9987686850 24pp. ill. T.shs.2,500 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA
Olasya, G.A.O. Kwa nini fisi huchechemea. [Why hyena squats.] 2nd ed. 53pp. ill. K.shs.125.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA
Mwenda, D. Bahati na mumewe. Distr 1995 TZ
Olasya, G.A.O. Mwongozo wa Utubora mkulima. 72pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1993 KE SWA
31pp. Educ Pub &
Mwihambi, C. Mbona siwezi. [How can I?] 30pp. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1996 TZ SWA Nchimbi, M.H. Penya nia pana njia. [Where there is a will there is a way.] 14pp. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1996 TZ SWA Ndalu, A. Mwangaza wa kiswahili. 174pp. K.shs.360.00 EAEP 1997 KE SWA
Olodo, R., Njogu, K., Syambo, B., Chimera, R. Tanzu za lugha: kitabu cha waalimu 2. [Varieties of language: teachers’ book for form 2.] ISBN: 9966221840 138pp. K.shs.160.00 ($2.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2001 KE SWA
Olodo, R., Njogu, K., Syambo, B., Chimera, R. Tanzu za lugha: kitabu cha wanafunzi 2. [Variety of language: students’ book for form 2.] ISBN: 9966221751 215pp. K.shs.290.00 ($4.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2001 KE SWA Omboga, Z. Mwongozo wa Kina cha maisha. 52pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1985 KE SWA Omboga, Z. Mwongozo wa Utengano. [A guide to Utengano.] 46pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1984 KE SWA Omolo, L.O. Tajiri mjanja. 30pp. K.shs.48.00 ($2.00) Phoenix 1988 KE SWA Omondi, M. Yesu. [Jesus.] ISBN: 996621433X 24pp. ill. K.shs.30.00 ($0.40) Paulines 1999 KE SWA Panja, A. Kosala marehemu. [The deceased mistake. Novel about HIV/AIDS.] ISBN: 9987210619 48pp. T.shs.3,000 ($5.00/ £2.00) Readit 2004 TZ SWA Rajab, H. Kiboko alivyomchukia chura. 12pp. K.shs.95.00 ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA Rajab, H. Kisa cha kiboko na chura. [Why the hippo hates the frog.] ISBN: 9976983093 24pp. col.ill. T.shs.2,500 ($2.50) MPB Ent 2004 TZ SWA Rajab, H. Masha cha utundu. [Naughty schoolgirl called Masha.] 24pp. T.shs.2,000 ($2.00) MPB Ent 1992 TZ SWA Rawah, F.S. Safari kwenye nchi ya maajubu. new ed. ISBN: 9987686958 28pp. ill. T.shs.2,500 Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Rawah, F.S. Zimwi la mrima. ISBN: 9987417051 20pp. Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Rugu, A. Leo ni siku gani? SWA
16pp. E&D 1995 TZ
Ruhahas, J.N.S. Barabarani: jukumu letu. [Safety on roads: our responsibility.] ISBN: 9987671655 96pp. ill. T.shs.6,500 ($3.50) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Rwabshaija, M. Jifunze kiswahili: hatua ya pili. [Swahili language text.] ISBN: 997002051X 58pp. U.shs.2,500 Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG SWA Rwabushaija, M. Musomo ya msingi wa kiswahili - 1. ISBN: 9970020412 60pp. U.shs.5,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG SWA Rwabushija, M. Masomo ya msingi wa kiswahili. [Teaching and learning Kiswahili.] Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG SWA
Seka, B.R. Kipeo na kipeuo. [Children’s math book] 22pp. ill. Dar es Salaam UP 1993 TZ SWA Senkoro, F.E.M.K. Vitendawili kwa picha III. 32pp. Educ Pub & Distr 1995 TZ SWA Shake, R. Sungura na tumbili. ISBN: 9966469680 40pp. K.shs.115.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Shangxin, S. Msichana na mvulana. [Girl and boy.] 64pp. T.shs.800.00 Tanz Publ House 1986 TZ SWA Shija, P. Njiwa na kinda mkaidi. [The dove and its adamant chick.] 20pp. ill. T.shs.1,000 Tanz Publ House 1994 TZ SWA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Swahili—School books, Readers, Children’s literature
Subject index
Shimba, H. Mlekwa na simba. [Mlekwa and the lion.] 14pp. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1996 TZ SWA
Wamitila, K.W. Mayai waziri wa maradhi na hadithi nyingine. ISBN: 9966882974 143pp. col.ill.pl. ($7.00) Focus 2004 KE SWA
Zani, Z.M. Maneno yanayotatiza. [Confusing words: a glossary.] 112pp. K.shs.325.00 EAEP 1983 KE SWA
Simba, D.M. Lango la ajabu. ISBN: 9976973985 32pp. ill. T.shs.2,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2002 TZ SWA
Wamitila, K.W. Zimwi la leo. [Today’s ogre.] ISBN: 9966951199 43pp. col.ill. Kshs130.00 ($6.95) Sasa Sema 2002 KE SWA
Simba, D.M. Nora ka matunda ya ajabu. ISBN: 9987686184 24pp. ill. T.shs.2,000 Mkuki na Nyota 2002 TZ SWA
Warimu Karani, R. Kibofu cha ajabu. [The magic balloon.] ISBN: 9966951156 32pp. col.ill. Kshs120.00 ($6.95) Sasa Sema 2002 KE SWA
Zani, Z.M. Marafiki shuleni. [Friends at school.] 2nd ed. 16pp. col.ill. ($5.75/£3.35) EAEP 1996 KE SWA Zani, Z.M. Marafiki waagana. [Friends bid each other goodbye.] 2nd ed. 16pp. col.ill. ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA
Simba, D.M. Safari ya kuvumbua mwisho. ISBN: 9987417124 40pp. ill. Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Songshan, L. Familia yangu. [My family.] 88pp. T.shs.800.00 Tanz Publ House 1986 TZ SWA Syambo, B. Mwongozo wa Alipanda upepo na kuvuna tufani. 30pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1983 KE SWA Syambo, B. Mwongozo wa Juliana Kaisari. 30pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1985 KE SWA Syambo, B. Mwongozo wa Kinjeketile. 38pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1988 KE SWA Syambo, B. Mwongozo wa Mabepari wa venisi. 54pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1987 KE SWA Syambo, B. Mwongozo wa Mashetani. 41pp. K.shs.130.00 EAEP 193 KE Syambo, B. Mwongozo wa Shamba la wanyama. 58pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1995 KE SWA Tanzania Institute of Education Sayans 7 kwa shule za msingi kiongozi. [Teacher’s guide for science for standard 7.] ISBN: 9987210171 76pp. ill. T.shs.1,000 Readit 1998 TZ SWA Tanzania Institute of Education Sayansi 7 kwa shule za msingi. [Science for standard 7.] ISBN: 9987210163 112pp. ill. T.shs.1,200 Readit 1998 TZ SWA Tawangye, E. Kitambaa ch Siime. [Siime’s handkerchief.] 14pp. col.ill. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1990 TZ SWA Tawangye, E. Miavuli ya karatasi. [The paper umbrella.] 20pp. col.ill. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1990 TZ SWA Taylor, F. Msimamo kamili. ISBN: 996688257X 58pp. col.ill.pl. ($2.50) Focus 2001 KE SWA Tema Publishing Company Urithi wetu hatarini. [Our heritage.] 70pp. ($2.00) Tema 2001 TZ SWA Vuzo, A.M. Mwongozo w Nyota ya rehema. 54pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1986 KE SWA Vuzo, A.M. Mwongozo wa Mwana wa yungi hulewa. 42pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1985 KE SWA wa Njogu, K. Mwongozo wa Kilio cha haki. 50pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1988 KE SWA
Warimu Karani, R. Kobole [Adventures of a five-shilling coin.] ISBN: 9966951237 24pp. col.ill. Kshs100.00 ($6.95) Sasa Sema 2004 KE SWA Waziri, T.I. Wasia wa maskini. [Poor mans advice.] 20pp. col.ill. T.shs.800.00 (£1.30) Readit 1995 TZ SWA Whyte, J.E. Uchawi katika mchezo wa mpira. [Juju against the match.] 16pp. col.ill. T.shs.400.00 Central Tanganyika 1986 TZ SWA
Zani, Z.M. Mwindaji anawindwa. [The hunter is hunted.] 2nd ed. 32pp. col.ill. ($5.75/ £3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA Zani, Z.M. Safari ya hatari. [Dangerous journey.] 2nd ed. 32pp. col.ill. ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1994 KE SWA Zani, Z.M. Taabu na maajabu. [Troubles and wonders.] 2nd ed. 32pp. col.ill. ($5.75/ £3.25) EAEP 1995 KE SWA Zani, Z.M. Visa na mikasa. bk.3c 32pp. K.shs.80.00 EAEP 1985 KE SWA
Yahya, A.S. Alfu lela ulela (au siku elfu na moja). Kitabu cha nne. [An Arabian night’s entertainment.] bk.4 80pp. ill. K.shs.150.00 Longhorn - Ken 1974 KE SWA
Zani, Z.M. Visa na mikasa. bk.1a 16pp. K.shs.80.00 EAEP 1982 KE SWA Zani, Z.M. Visa na mikasa. bk.2c 16pp. K.shs.80.00 EAEP 1984 KE SWA
Yahya, A.S. Alfu lela ulela (au siku elfu na moja). Kitabu cha pili. [An Arabian nights entertainment.] bk.2 65pp. ill. K.shs.130.00 Longhorn - Ken 1974 KE SWA
Zani, Z.M. Visa na mikasa. bk.1c 16pp. K.shs.80.00 EAEP 1984 KE SWA
Yahya, A.S. Fani mbalimbali za Kiswahili. [Varieties of Kiswahili usage.] bk.2 ISBN: 9966497455 79pp. ill. K.shs.220.00 Longhorn - Ken 1998 KE SWA Yahya, A.S., Khan, K. Mafunzo na matumizi ya Kiswahili. [Learning and usage of Kiswahili.] bk.4 145pp. ill. K.shs.300.00 Longhorn - Ken 1978 KE SWA Zahor, R.M. Nyani mtu. ISBN: 9987686931 24pp. Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ SWA Zani, T.K. Mwanzo wa masoma ya msingi (Kuandika). 56pp. K.shs.25.00 EAEP 1989 KE SWA Zani, T.K. Mwanzo wa masomo ya msingi (Kuhesabu). 32pp. K.shs.25.00 EAEP 1988 KE SWA Zani, Z.M. Ajali. [Accident.] 16pp. col.ill. ($5.75/ £3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA Zani, Z.M. Hadithi ya nyanya. [Grandmother’s story.] 2nd ed. 16pp. ill. ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA Zani, Z.M. Kalume na Wellime. [Kalume and Wellime.] 2nd ed. 16pp. col.ill. ($5.75/ £3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA Zani, Z.M. Kina dada. [Sisters.] 2nd ed. 16pp. ill. ($5.75/£3.25) EAEP 1996 KE SWA
wa Njogu, K. Mwongozo wa Mukwawa wa uhehe. 42pp. K.shs.165.00 EAEP 1986 KE SWA
Zani, Z.M. Kiswahili kwa shule za sekondari. Toleo jipya. [Kiswahili for secondary schools.] bk.3 120pp. K.shs.49.50 EAEP 1987 KE SWA
Walibora, K. Mwongozo wa mwisho wa kosa. ISBN: 996695130x 96pp. Kshs160.00 ($7.95) Sasa Sema 2005 KE SWA
Zani, Z.M. Kiswahili kwa shule za sekondari. Toleo jipya. [Kiswahili for secondary schools.] bk.4 122pp. K.shs.49.50 EAEP 1989 KE
Waliobora, K. Ndoto ya Amerika. [The American dream: Swahili novelette for children.] ISBN: 9966951105 48pp. ill. K.shs.130.00 ($9.95) Sasa Sema 2001 KE SWA
Zani, Z.M. Kiswahili kwa shule za sekondari. Toleo Jipya [Kiswahili for secondary schools.] bk.1 168pp. K.shs.45.00 EAEP 1976 KE SWA
Zani, Z.M. Visa na mikasa. bk.2b 15pp. K.shs.80.00 EAEP 1984 KE SWA Zani, Z.M. Visa na mikasa. bk.3b 32pp. K.shs.80.00 EAEP 1985 KE SWA Zani, Z.M. Visa na mikasa. bk.1b 16pp. K.shs.80.00 EAEP 1983 KE SWA Zani, Z.M. Visa na mikasa. bk.3a 32pp. K.shs.80.00 EAEP 1985 KE SWA Zani, Z.M. Visa na mikasa. bk.2a 16pp. K.shs.80.00 EAEP 1983 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., et al. Masomo ya msingi. Toleo jipya. bk.8 ISBN: 9966463038 175pp. K.shs.295.00 EAEP 1999 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., et al. Masomo ya msingi. Toleo jipya. bk.2 188pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., et al. Masomo ya msingi. Toleo jipya. bk.4 171pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., et al. Masomo ya msingi. Toleo jipya. bk.1 161pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., et al. Masomo ya msingi. Toleo jipya. bk.3 171pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., et al. Masomo ya msingi. Toleo jipya. Mwongozo wa mwalimu. bk.3 79pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 1999 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., et al. Masomo ya msingi. Toleo jipya. Mwongozo wa mwalimu. bk.6 98pp. K.shs.350.00 EAEP 1999 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., et al. Masomo ya msingi. Toleo jipya. mwongozo wa mwalimu. bk.4 72pp. K.shs275.00 EAEP 1999 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., et al. Masomo ya msingi. Toleo jipya 5. ISBN: 9966461647 172pp. K.shs.230.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA
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African Books in Print
Swahili language—Dictionaries
Subject index Zani, Z.M., et al. Masomo ya msingi. Toleo jipya 6. ISBN: 9966462201 172pp. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., et al. Masomo ya msingi. Toleo jipya 7. ISBN: 9966462414 172pp. K.shs.275.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., et al. Mwongozo wa kitabu cha 1. ISBN: 9966468255 48pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., et al. Mwongozo wa kitabu cha 2. ISBN: 9966468323 48pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., et al. Mwongozo wa kitabu cha 3. ISBN: 996646915X 48pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., et al. Mwongozo wa kitabu cha 4. ISBN: 9966469192 56pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., et al. Mwongozo wa kitabu cha 5. ISBN: 9966463429 72pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., et al. Mwongozo wa kitabu cha 6. ISBN: 9966464417 72pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., et al. Mwongozo wa kitabu cha 7. ISBN: 9966464708 84pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., et al. Mwongozo wa kitabu cha 8. ISBN: 9966466266 84pp. K.shs.200.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., Zani, T.K. Hatua za Kiswahili - masomo ya misingi mswongozo. [Kiswahili course for primary schools, teacher’s guide.] bk. 3 72pp. K.shs.25.00 EAEP 1979 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., Zani, T.K. Hatua za Kiswahili - masomo ya msingi. [Kiswahili course for primary schools.] bk. 3 88pp. K.shs.32.50 EAEP 1979 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., Zani, T.K. Hatua za Kiswahili - masomo ya msingi. [Kiswahili course for primary schools.] bk. 2 64pp. K.shs.27.50 EAEP 1979 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., Zani, T.K. Hatua za Kiswahili - masomo ya msingi. [Kiswahili course for primary schools.] bk. 1 64pp. K.shs.25.00 EAEP 1979 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., Zani, T.K. Hatua za Kiswahili - masomo ya msingi mwongozo. [Kiswahili course for primary schools.] bk.4 88pp. K.shs.27.50 EAEP 1979 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., Zani, T.K. Hatua za Kiswahili - masomo ya msingi mwongozo. [Kiswahili course for primary schools, teacher’s guide.] bk. 4 72pp. K.shs.27.50 EAEP 1979 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., Zani, T.K. Hatua za Kiswahili - masomo ya msingi mwongozo. [Kiswahili course for primary schools, teacher’s guide.] bk.1 48pp. K.shs.23.50 EAEP 1979 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., Zani, T.K. Hatua za Kiswahili - masomo ya msingi mwongozo. [Kiswahili for primary schools, teacher’s guide.] bk. 2 60pp. K.shs.25.00 EAEP 1979 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., Zani, T.K. Hatua za Kiswahili: masomo ya misingi. Kiswahili course for primary schools, teacher’s guide. bk.7 48pp. K.shs.35.00 EAEP 1980 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., Zani, T.K. Hatua za Kiswahili: masomo ya msingi. [Kiswahili course for primary schools.] bk.5 88pp. K.shs.32.50 EAEP 1980 KE SWA
Zani, Z.M., Zani, T.K. Hatua za Kiswahili: masomo ya msingi. [Kiswahili course for primary schools.] bk.7 52pp. K.shs.36.50 EAEP 1980 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., Zani, T.K. Hatua za Kiswahili: masomo ya msingi. [Kiswahili course for primary schools.] bk.6 64pp. K.shs.33.50 EAEP 1980 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., Zani, T.K. Hatua za Kiswahili: masomo ya msingi. [Kiswahili course for primary schools, teacher’s guide.] bk.5 68pp. K.shs.29.50 EAEP 1980 KE SWA Zani, Z.M., Zani, T.K. Hatua za Kiswahili: masomo ya msingi. [Kiswahili course for primary schools, teacher’s guide.] bk.6 64pp. K.shs.30.00 EAEP 1980 KE SWA
Familia za Maamkio A first English-Swahili dictionary of terms in use in the Catholic church. vol.1 86pp. FMBM 2001 TZ MUL Familia za Maamkio ya B.M., Iringa English-Kiswahili Catholic dictionary. A first English-Swahili dictionary of terms in use in the Catholic Church. (With glossaries in Latin & Italian.) ISBN: 9977663253 90pp. T.shs.2,500 ($5.00) Ndanda Mission 2001 TZ MUL Hartley, A., Lambert, R. English-Kiswahili picture wordbook. 228pp. ill. K.shs.300.00 ($10.00) Phoenix 1997 KE MUL Institute of Kiswahili Research English-Swahili dictionary. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9976911297 cd. & 923pp. T.shs.25,000/ ($120.00) cd. T.shs.12,000/($100.00) Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA
Swahili (African people)—Folklore Madumulla, J.S. Proverbs and sayings (theory and practice). T.shs.3,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ
Institute of Kiswahili Research Kamusi ya kiSwahili-kiIngereza. [SwahiliEnglish dictionary.] ISBN: 9976911440 372pp. T.shs.6,000 ($60.00) Inst Kiswahili Res 2001 TZ SWA
Swahili language also known as KiSwahili see also Swahili—General and Non-fiction
Institute of Kiswahili Research Tuki: English-Swahili dictionary/Kamusi y kiingereza-kiswahili. 883pp. T.shs.10,000 ($108.00/£60.00) Mkuki na Nyota 1997 TZ MUL
Allen, J.de V. Swahili origins. 288pp. K.shs.540.00 EAEP 1993 KE [Kenya only] Cuo Kikuu Cha Dar es Salaam & Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili Colloquium on Kiswahili: Kingomano la kimataifa la Kiswahili, 2000 vifupisho/ Abstracts: international colloquium on Kiswahili, 2000. 128pp. Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ MUL Kihore, Y.M., Massamba, D.B.P., Kihore, Y. P. Sarufi maumbo ya Kiswahili sanifu sekondari na vyuo (SAMAKISA). ISBN: 9976911335 T.shs.3,500 Inst Kiswahili Res [?] TZ SWA Massamba, D.P.B., Kihore, Y.M., Hokororo, J.I. Sarufi miundo ya Kiswahili sanifu sekondari na vyuo (SAMIKISA). ISBN: 997691143 T.shs.3,500 Inst Kiswahili Res 2000 TZ SWA Mbaabu, I. New horizons in Kiswahili: a sythesis in developments, research and literature. 229pp. Kenya Lit Bureau 1985 KE Ohly, R. Language + revolution = Kiswahili. 22pp. ill. ($2.00) T.shs.10.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1978 TZ Shitemi, N.L., Noordin, M.N., eds. KiSwahili: a tool for development: the multidisciplinary approach. ISBN: 9966854193 238pp. Moi Univ 2001 KE
Iringa, B.M. English kiSwahili Catholic dictionary: terms in use in the Catholic Church. [Text in Swahili, English, Italian and Latin.] ISBN: 9977663625 86pp. (£8.99) Ndanda Mission 2001 TZ MUL Kiango, J.G., Mdee, J.S. Utafiti na utungaji wa kamusi. ISBN: 9976911238 T.shs.3,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA Knappert, J. Law glossary of Islamic terms in Swahili. ISBN: 9970636261 128pp. T.shs.2,500 ($5.00) Ndanda Mission 2001 TZ MUL Madan and Johnson A standard English/Swahili dictionary. cd. & 648pp. K.shs.660.00 cd. K.shs.110.00 OUP - Nairobi 1982 KE MUL Mlacha, S.A.K. Kamusi ya sheria. [Legal dictionary.] ISBN: 997691136X 116pp. T.shs.3,000.00 ($30.00) Inst Kiswahili Res 2000 TZ SWA Mwansoko, H.J.M., Chuwa, A.R. Tahikiki na uchapishaji wa kamusi. ISBN: 9976911203 T.shs.3,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA Mwita, A.M.A., Mwansoko, H.J.M. Kamusi ya tiba. ISBN: 9976911653 T.shs.8,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2003 TZ SWA
TUKI Kamusi ya Kiswahili-Kiingereza ISBN: 0076911440 T.shs.7,500.00 Inst Kiswahili Res 2001 TZ SWA
Ndanda Mission Press Familia za Maamkio ya B.M. [A first English-Swahili dictionary of terms in use in the Catholic Church.] ISBN: 9976636253 140pp. T.shs.2,400 Ndanda Mission 2001 TZ MUL
Yaa, J.D. A guide to English/Kiswahili translation. (Comb Books in Kiswahili, 3) 77pp. ($1.80.) K.shs.9.00 Comb 1975 KE
Ohly, comp. Primary technical dictionary: EnglishKiswahili. 243pp. ($45.00/£25.00) Dar es Salaam UP 1987 TZ MUL
Swahili language—Collections Kanza, A. Swahili idioms and riddles. K.shs.30.00 Lake 1987 KE Swahili language—Conversation and phrase books Ifedha, A.S. Semi za kiswahili: maana na matumizi. 150pp. K.shs.254.00 OUP - Nairobi 1987 KE SWA Swahili language—Dictionaries Boahen, A.A. Afrika chini ya utawala wa wakoloni, 1880-1935/Africa under colonial domination, 1880-1935. [Text in English and Swahili.] vol. 7 ISBN: 9976911246 424pp. col. ill. maps T.shs.9,500.00 ($60.00) Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ MUL
Safari, J., Akida, H. English - Swahili dictionary. 281pp. K.shs.155.00 EAEP 1992 KE Safari, J., Akida, H. English/Swahili pocket dictionary. 284pp. K.shs.500.00 ($18.00/£9/95) EAEP 1991 KE [Also published in Tanzania by Mkuki na Nyota] Safari, J., Akida, H., comps. Swahili/English pocket dictionary. ISBN: 9976973799 212pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2002 TZ MUL Snoxall, R.A. Concise English-Swahili dictionary. 344pp. K.shs.420.00 OUP - Nairobi 1968 KE MUL
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Swahili language—Dictionaries TUKI Kamusi ya biologia fizikia na kemia. [Swahili dictionary of biology, physics & chemistry.] ISBN: 9976911092 T.shs.3,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2003 TZ SWA TUKI Kamusi ya isimu na lugha. ISBN: 9976911106 T.shs.2,500 Inst Kiswahili Res 2003 TZ SWA TUKI Kamusi ya Kiswahili-Kiingereza na kamusi ya Kiingereza-Kiswahili. [CD-ROM English-Swahili/Swahili-English dictionary.] T.shs.40,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2003 TZ MUL TUKI Kamusi ya kiSwahili kiIngereza. [Swahili English dictionary.] ISBN: 9976911440 372pp. T.shs.5,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2001 TZ MUL Wamitila, K.W. Kamusi ya fasihi. Istilahi na nadharia. [Swahili literary dictionary.] ISBN: 9966882796 389pp. col.ill.pl. ($14.00) Focus 2003 KE SWA Wamitila, K.W., Kyallo, F.M., comps. English-Kiswahili assorted dictionary. ISBN: 9966882797 205pp. ($20.95/ £12.95) Focus 2003 KE MUL Swahili language—Examinations, questions Karoli, S., Kajuna, W.M.S. Jitayar ishe kuhitimu elimu ya msingi: Kiswahili. [Revision notes for Kiswahili for primary schools.] ISBN: 9976982011 56pp. ill. T.shs.5,000 ($5.00) TEPU 2003 TZ SWA Swahili language—Grammar Mohammed, M.A. Modern Swahili grammar. ISBN: 9966467610 291pp. maps K.shs.650.00 ($24.95/£14.95) EAEP 2001 KE MUL Swahili language—Study and teaching Chimerah, R.M. Kiswahili: past, present and future horizons. 152pp. K.shs.415.00 ($13.75/ £7.50) Moi Univ 1998 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Kiswahili syllabus. 36pp. K.shs.4.00 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Jomo Kenyatta Foundation Mother tongue syllabus. 44pp. K.shs.4.50 Jomo Kenyatta Found 1975 KE Kihore, Y.M. Kiswahili for beginners. ISBN: 9976602588 114pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Dar es Salaam UP 2000 TZ MUL Maclin, A. Useful Swahili. 164pp. K.shs.45.00 Evangel 1973 KE Maneno, S.K. Kiswahili kikamilifu: kwa kidato cha kwanza. ISBN: 9966464352 227pp. K.shs.295.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Maneno, S.K. Kiswahili kikamilifu: kwa kidato cha pili. ISBN: 9966464557 200pp. K.shs.295.00 EAEP 1998 KE SWA Maneno, S.K., Mvati, M. Peak revision KCSE Kiswahili pamoja na majibu. ISBN: 9966250107 217pp. K.shs.400.00 EAEP 2001 KE SWA Mangat, A.W. Swahili for foreigners. ISBN: 9966250964 274pp. ill.maps K.shs.800.00 ($24.95/£14.95) EAEP 2001 KE MUL Mangat, A.W. Swahili for foreigners. ISBN: 9966466231 282pp. K.shs.650.00 Popular Publ 2001 MW MUL Massamba, D.P.B., Msanjila, Y.P., Kihore, Y.M. Fonolojia ya Kiswahili sanifu (FOKISA) sekondari na vyuo. ISBN: 997691170X T.shs.3,500 Inst Kiswahili Res 2003 TZ SWA Mdari, A., Ngala, G. Peak revision. K.C.P.E. Kiswahili. ISBN: 9966460093 232pp. EAEP 2000 KE SWA
Subject index Mdee, J.S., Mwansoko, H.J.M. Makala ya kongamano la kimataifa la Kiswahili 2000. ISBN: 9976911564 T.shs.6,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2001 TZ SWA Mohamed, A.A. KiSwahili for foreigners. new ed. ISBN: 9987893120 124pp. (£9.95) Good Luck 2000 TZ MUL Ngeze, R.I.W. A book of counting and table. Litabu cha kuhesabu na tebo. ISBN: 9987671616 40pp. T.shs.3,000 ($3.00) TEPU 2004 TZ MUL Safari, J.F. Swahili made easy. 173pp. ($12.50/ £6.95) Tanz Publ House 1987 TZ TUKI Fasihi. vol.3 T.shs.5,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2003 TZ SWA TUKI Kiswahili na vyombo vya habari. ISBN: 9976911157 T.shs.3,000 Inst Kiswahili Res 2002 TZ SWA
Swaziland—Politics and government Kabemba, C., ed. Swaziland’s struggle with political liberalisation. (EISA research report, 3) R20.00 EISA 2003 SA Mzizi, J. Swaziland country report. ISBN: 1919969128 SA Inst Int Affairs 2005 SA Rule, S. Elections in Swaziland. (EISA electoral observer reports) R30.00 EISA 1998 SA Swaziland—Sociology Kanduza, A.M., ed. National workshop of OSSREA reports. Perspectives on poverty in Swaziland. History and contemporary forms. vol.2 of 3(National Workshop of OSSREA, 2) ISBN: 0954203054 30pp. ($24.95/£19.95 set) OSSREA 2001 ET Simelane, H.S., Crush, J. Swaziland moves: perceptions and patterns of modern migration. (Migration Policy Series, 32) ISBN: 1919798676 61pp. Idasa 2004 SA
TUKI Lugha ya Kiswahili. vol.1 ISBN: 997691105X T.shs.3,500 Inst Kiswahili Res 2003 TZ SWA
Swaziland—Sociology, Urban Levin, R. When the sleeping grass awakens. Land and power in Swaziland. 300pp. R98.95 Witwatersrand UP 1997 SA
TUKI Uandishi na uchapishaji. vol.2 ISBN: 9976911033 T.shs.3,500 Inst Kiswahili Res 2003 TZ SWA
Tambo, Oliver—Biography van Wyk, C. Oliver Tambo. 66pp. (£4.95) Maskew Miller Longman 1996 SA
Wamitila, K.W., Waihiga, G. Chemchemi za Kiswahili. Course book form 1. K.shs.240.00 Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE SWA
Tanzania—Atlases and maps Struik Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Tanzania. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm (portrait); sheet:1,000x710mm (landscape); scale: 1:1,900,000; English/German/French.] col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA MUL
Wamitila, K.W., Waihiga, G. Chemchemi za Kiswahili mwongozo wa mwalimu 1. teachers book 1. K.shs.500.00 Longhorn - Ken 2001 KE SWA Wilson, P.M. Le Swahili simplifié. 617pp. ($9.60/ £3.84) K.shs.48.75 Kenya Lit Bureau 1977 KE FRE Zawawi, S.M. Say it in Swahili. ISBN: 9976973071 23pp. Mkuki na Nyota 2003 TZ MUL Swazi (African people)—History Bonner, P. Kings, commoners and concessionaires: the evolution and dissolution of the nineteenth century Swazi state. 315pp. R17.99 Ravan 1983 SA Swazi (African people)—Social life and customs Malan, J.S. Swazi culture. 80pp. pl. map ($10.00) R10.00 Africa Inst 1985 SA Swaziland—Biography Jones, H. Biographical register of Swaziland to 1902. cd. 727pp. R150.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1993 SA Swaziland—Education Akinugbe, O., Kunene, V. Education financing and budgetary reforms in Africa: the Swaziland case study. ISBN: 2869781024 153pp. ($24.95/£14.95) CODESRIA 2001 SG Swaziland—Guide books Hussey, H. Swaziland jumbo tourist guide including Maputo. 9th ed. ISBN: 0620266902 176pp. ($10.00/£7.00) Jumbo 2001 SA Hussey, H.A. Swaziland jumbo tourist guide. 7th ed. ISBN: 0620218517 170pp. col.pl.maps ($16.00/£10.00) Jumbo 1998 SA Turco, M. Visitors’ guide to Swaziland. 176pp. maps R59.95 Southern Book Publ 1995 SA Swaziland—History Simelane, H.S. Colonialism and economic change in Swaziland 1940-60. ISBN: 0970510049 350pp. ill.pl.maps ($39.95/£23.95) JANyeko 2003 SQ
Tanzania—Bibliography Network of Technical Publications in Africa Vitabu vya Tanzania 1997/98. [Tanzanian Books in Print; lists titles in Kiswahili and in English.] 59pp. TEPUSA 1997[?] TZ MUL Tanzania—Directories Tanzania Association of Non-Governmental Organizations NGO directory 2001. 54pp. TANGO 2001[?] TZ Tanzania—Education Butchert, L. Education in the development of Tanzania, 1919-1990. 224pp. T.shs.8,500 Mkuki na Nyota 1994 TZ [Tanzania only] Lawuo, Z.E. Education and social change in a rural community: A study of colonial education and local response among the Chagga between 1920 and 1945. 167pp. ($13.75/ £7.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1984 TZ Mushi, P.A.K., Malekela, G.A., Bhalalusesa, E.P. Moving beyond the classroom. Expanding learning opportunities for marginalised populations in Tanzania. ISBN: 9666908331 80pp. FAWE 2002 KE Nyerere, J.K. Education for self reliance. 1982 ZI [Zimbabwe only]
16pp. ZPH
Roy-Campbell, Z.M., Qorro, M.A.S. Language crisis in Tanzania. The myth of English versus education. 182pp. T.shs.9,000 ($25.00/£13.95) Mkuki na Nyota 1997 TZ Tanzania—Education—Directories University Consultancy Bureau Directory of consultants. 128pp. UCBDar 2001 TZ Tanzania—Education, Adult Fox, R., et al. Adult education in Tanzania. 158pp. K.shs.657.00 OUP - Nairobi 1989 KE Tanzania—Education, Higher Association of African Universities Knowledge and skills of B.Com graduates of the faculty of commerce and management, University of Dar es Salaam in the job market. ($10.00) AAU 2001 GH
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 496
African Books in Print
Subject index
Tanzania—Politics and government
Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam Organisational structure of the University of Dar es Salaam. 155pp. ill. Dar es Salaam UP 2001 TZ
Tanzania—Pictorial works Mercer, G., Amin, M., Willetts, D. The beauty of Ngorongoro. 128pp. col.pl. (£6.95) Camerapix 1993 KE
Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam University of Dar es Salaam: five year rolling strategic plan 2000/2001-20042005: executive summary. 31pp. col.ill. Dar es Salaam UP 2001 TZ
Tanzania—Politics and government Chachage, C.S.L. Environment, aid and politics in Zanzibar. ISBN: 9976603320 226pp. ($20.95/ £12.95) Dar es Salaam UP 2000 TZ
Eastern and Southern African Universities Research Programme Tertiary training capacity in Tanzania. 218pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Tanz Publ House 1994 TZ
Chambua, S. Democratic participation in Tanzania. The voices of the workers representatives. ISBN: 9976603630 216pp. ($30.95/ £18.95) Dar es Salaam UP 2002 TZ
Luhanga, M.L., Mkude, D.J., Mbwette, T.S.A. Higher education reforms in Africa. The University of Dar es Salaam experience. ISBN: 9976603940 221pp. ($30.95/ £18.95) Dar es Salaam UP 2003 TZ
Dzimbiri, L.B. Multipartism and people’s participation. ISBN: 9987250203 152pp. ill. Tema 2000 TZ
Luhanga, M.L., Mkude, D.J., Mbwette, T.S.A. Strategic planning and higher education managment in Africa. The University of Dar es Salaam experience. ISBN: 9976603959 237pp. ($30.95/£18.95) Dar es Salaam UP 2003 TZ Mkude, D., Cooksey, B., Levey, L. Higher education in Tanzania. A case study. ISBN: 0852554257 128pp. (£9.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2003 TZ [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, UK] Tanzania—Guide books Amin, M., Willetts, D. Spectrum guide to Tanzania. [Also available in German.] 2nd ed. ISBN: 1874041695 352pp. col.pl.maps (£13.99) Camerapix 1998 KE Amin, M., Willetts, D., Marshall, P. Journey through Tanzania. [Also available in German, Italian and Swedish.] 4th ed. cd. 192pp. col.pl. (£25.00) Camerapix 1994 KE Asch, L., Blackwell, P. Traveller’s guide to Tanzania. 192pp. col.pl.maps R119.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Martin, D. Serengeti Tanzania. 96pp. col.ill.pl. ($13.75/£7.50) ZPH 1997 ZI Mtobwa, B. Dar es Salaam by night. 178pp. ill. K.shs.310.00 EAEP 1999 KE Sykes, L., Waide, U. Dar es Salaam: a dozen drives around the city. cd. & 154pp. ill.pl. T.shs.18,000 ($30.00/£16.75) cd. T.shs.8,500 ($13.75/ £7.50) Mkuki na Nyota 1997 TZ Tanzania—History Ayany, S.G. A history of Zanzibar. 3rd 120pp. ($6.25/£2.50) K.shs.46.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1983 KE Gilbert, E. Dhows and the colonial economy in Zanzibar 1860-1970. ISBN: 0852554869 cd. 288pp. pl.maps (£45.00) ISBN: 0852554850 (£16.95) Gallery 2003 TZ [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, Oxford, UK & Ohio University Press, USA] Luanda, N.N., Mwanjabala, E. Tanganyika rifles mutiny January 1964. ISBN: 9976601875 177pp. ill.pl. ($25.00/ £13.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1998 TZ Mang’enya, E. Discipline and tears. Reminiscences of an African civil servant in colonial Tanganyika. 310pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1984 TZ Sulivan, G.L. Dhow chasing in Zanzibar waters. ISBN: 998766704X 233pp. pl. Gallery 2003 TZ Tanzania—International relations Mushi, S.S., Mathews, K., eds. Foreign policy in Tanzania, 1961-1981: a reader. 328pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Tanz Publ House 1982 TZ Tanzania—Local government Ngware, S.S.A. Local government system on Tanzania mainland: facts and figures. 77pp. ill. Dar es Salaam UP 1996 TZ
Electoral Institute of Southern Africa Tanzania elections observer mission report, 2001. R80.00 EISA 2001 SA Electoral Institute of Southern Africa Tanzania gender observer mission report, 2001. R80.00 EISA 2001 SA ESAURP Evaluation report of the 1995 general elections in Tanzania. 72pp. T.shs.1,000 ($1.50/£0.80) Tema 1996 TZ ESAURP Tanzania’s tomorrow. 388pp. pl. T.shs.4,000 ($5.00/£3.00) Tema 1996 TZ Fick, G. Gender checklist for free and fair elections: Tanzania. R25.00 EISA 2000 SA Haj, M.M. Sowing the wind. Zanzibar and Pemba before the revolution. ISBN: 9987667031 178pp. ill. (£14.99) Gallery 2001 TZ Karume, S. Dilemmas of political transtion: towards institutionalisation of multiparty democracy in Tanzania. (EISA research report, 7) R20.00 EISA 2003 SA Karume, S. Towards an understanding of contemporary conflict in Zanzibar. (EISA occasional papers, 27) R20.00 EISA 2005 SA Maddox, G.H., Giblin, J.L., eds. In search of a nation. Histories of authority and dissidence in Tanzania. cd. & pap. 320pp. (£45.00 cd./£16.95 pap.) Kapsel 2005 TZ [Africa only. Copublished with James Currey, UK and Ohio University Press, USA & Canada] Maina Peter, C., Juma, I.H., eds. Fundamental rights and freedoms in Tanzania. ISBN: 997697342X 237pp. T.shs.5,000 ($25.00/£13.95) Mkuki na Nyota 1998 TZ
Mmuya, M. Government and political parties in Tanzania after the 1995 general elections. Facts and figures. [Text in Swahili and English.] 100pp. col.maps Ebert Namibia 1996[?] SX MUL Mmuya, M. Political reform in eclipse. Crises and cleavages in political parties. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9987220207 192pp. Ebert Namibia 1998 SX Mmuya, M., Chaligha, A. The anticlimax in Kwahani Zanzibar. Participation and multipartism in Tanzania. 145pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1993 TZ Mmuya, M., Chaligha, A. Political parties and democracy in Tanzania. 223pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ Mmuya, M., Chaligha, A. Towards multiparty politics in Tanzania. 167pp. ($11.50/£6.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1992 TZ Msekwa, P. Towards party supremacy. 79pp. ($3.35/ £1.30) K.shs.13.75 Kenya Lit Bureau 1977 KE Msekwa, P. The transition to multiparty democracy. 66pp. T.shs.2,000 ($4.00) Tema 1995 TZ Mukandala, R.S., Othman, H., eds. Liberalization and politics. The 1990 election in Tanzania. cd. & 319pp. ($45.00/£25.00 cd.) ($30.00/£16.75 pap.) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ Mukangara, D. Tanzania country report. ISBN: 1919969101 SA Inst Int Affairs 2005 SA Mushi, S. Development and democratisation in Tanzania. A study of rural grassroots politics. ISBN: 9970022806 96pp. ($18.95/£10.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2001 UG Mushi, S.S., Mukandala, R.S., eds. Multiparty democracy in transition. Tanzania’s 1995 general elections. ISBN: 9987609031 346pp. ($27.00/£14.95) Mkuki na Nyota 1998 TZ Muzo, C. R. S., Hjekshus, H., et al. The party: essays on TANU. (Tanzania Studies series, 6) 84pp. T.shs.1,000 Tanz Publ House 1976 TZ Mwandosya, M.J., Mwapachu, J.V., Wangwe, S.M., eds. Towards a new millenium: perspectives on Tanzania’s vision 2025. Proceedings of retreat workshop held at Mkonge. (CEEST book series, 10) ISBN: 9987612105 308pp. ($25.00/£13.95) CEEST 1998 TZ
Maliyamkono, T.L. Political plight of Zanzibar. ISBN: 9987250215 255pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Tema 2000 TZ
Nyerere, J.K. Our leadership and the destiny of Tanzania. [Also available in Swahili.] 92pp. Z$53.00 ($18.00/£9.95) ZPH 1995 ZI [Also published in Kenya by EAEP]
Maliyamkono, T.L. The race for presidency: the first multiparty democracy in Tanzania. 90pp. col.ill. T.shs.2,000 ($4.00) Tema 1995 TZ
Omari, C.K., ed. The right to choose a leader. ISBN: 9976603010 160pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1998 TZ
Maliyamkono, T.L. Tanzania on the move. 178pp. pl. T.shs.2,500 ($4.00/£2.50) Tema 1997 TZ
Othman, H., Bavu, I., Okema, M. Tanzania: democracy in transition. 244pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1990 TZ
Maliyamkono, T.L. Who votes in Tanzania and why? 60pp. ill. T.shs.500.00 ($1.00) Tema 1995 TZ Mapuri, O.R. Zanzibar. The 1964 revolution: achievements and prospects. 132pp. Tema 1996 TZ Martin, D., ed. Building a vision. President Benjamin W. Mkapa of Tanzania. 26pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Southern Afric Res & Docs 1996 ZI Mbogoni, L.E.Y. The cross versus the crescent: religion and politics in Tanzania from the 18802 to the 1990s. ISBN: 9987686621 242pp. ($34.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2005 TZ
Othman, H., ed. The state in Tanzania: who controls it and whose interest does it serve. 198pp. Dar es Salaam UP 1983 TZ Research and Education for Democracy in Tanzania (REDET) Project Political culture and popular participation in Tanzania. ISBN: 9987609007 174pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Mkuki na Nyota 1998 TZ Senguji, A.H., Lodge, T. Handbook of Tanzanian electoral laws and regulations. R80.00 EISA 2000 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Tanzania—Politics and government Shivji, I.G., ed. The state and the working people in Tanzania. cd. & 216pp. ($21.50/£11.95 pap.) ($47.50/£26.50 cd.) CODESRIA 1986 SG Swantz, M.L., Tripp, A.M. What went right in Tanzania: people’s response to directed development. 184pp. ($17.00/£9.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1996 TZ Tandon, Y., ed. University of Dar es Salaam debate on class, state and imperialism. 312pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Tanz Publ House 1983 TZ Tanzania Election Monitoring Committee The 1995 general elections in Tanzania. ISBN: 9976973608 336pp. ($27.00/ £14.95) Mkuki na Nyota 1998 TZ Tema Publishers The future of Tanzania: conference report. 82pp. T.shs.1,000 ($2.00) Tema 1996 TZ Tanzania—Religion Baroin, C. Le conflit religieux de 1990-1993 chez les Rwa: secession dans un diocèse luthérien de Tanzanie du Nord. (Travaux et Documents) 24pp. IFRA - Kenya 1994 KE FRE [15] Wijsen, F., Tanner, R. Seeking a good life. Religion and society in Usukuma, Tanzania. ISBN: 9966214674 158pp. Paulines 2000 KE Tanzania—Rural development Banturaki, J.A. Cooperatives and poverty alleviation. ISBN: 9987250227 158pp. ($14.95/£8.95) Tema 2000 TZ Kiunsi, R.R. Vegetation loss in rural settlements : causes and remedies with examples from Tanzania. 54pp. ill.pl. ($6.95/£3.75) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ Tanzania—Sociology Burton, A. African underclass. Urbanisation, crime and colonial order in Dar es Salaam 191961. cd. & 320pp. pl.maps (£45.00 cd. £16.95 pap.) Brit Inst EA 2005 KE [copublished with James Currey, UK] Giblin, J.L. A history of the excluded. Making family a refuge from state in twentieth-century Tanzania. ISBN: 0852554672 cd. 320pp. (£50.00 cd. £16.95 pap.) ISBN: 0852554664 pap.pp. Mkuki na Nyota 2005 TZ [co-published with James Currey, UK and Ohio University Press, USA & Canada] Hakikazi Catalyst Bouncing back: grassroots feedback to the poverty reducation strategy paper. free on-line Hakikazi 2002 TZ Hakikazi Catalyst Dialogue for change. Hakikazi 2003 TZ
free on-line
Hakikazi Catalyst First progress report on Tanzania without poverty. free on-line Hakikazi 2001 TZ Hakikazi Catalyst Growing out of poverty. Hakikazi 2005 TZ
free on-line
Hakikazi Catalyst Measuring poverty reduction. Understanding Tanzania’s poverty monitoring system. free on-line Hakikazi 2002 TZ Hakikazi Catalyst Tanzania assistance strategy. line Hakikazi 2004 TZ
free on-
Hakikazi Catalyst Tanzania without poverty. [Also available in Swahili.] free on-line Hakikazi 2001 TZ Hakikazi Catalyst Tracking vulnerability. An approach to povert reduction. free on-line Hakikazi 2004 TZ
Subject index Hakikazi Catalyst Zanzibar without poverty. Hakikazi 2002 TZ
free on-line
Kimambo, I.N. Penetration and protest in Tanzania. ISBN: 0852550723 200pp. Mkuki na Nyota 1991 TZ Mkuki na Nyota Publishers Research on poverty alleviation research report series 9-12. ISBN: 9987676591 205pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2004 TZ Mkuki na Nyota Publishers Research on poverty alleviation series. [Seven reports and one special paper in set.] ISBN: 997697386X ill.maps ($49.95/£20.05 set) Mkuki na Nyota 2002 TZ Omari, C.K., Mbilinyi, D.A.S. African values and child rights: Tanzania. ISBN: 9976603029 67pp. ($5.75/£3.25) Dar es Salaam UP 1998 TZ Tanzania—Sociology—Addresses and essays Hakikazi Catalyst Dialogue for change. Colloquium papers. free on-line Hakikazi 2002 TZ Tanzania—Sociology, Rural Ponte, S. Farmers and markets in Tanzania. How policy reforms affect rural livelihoods in Africa. ISBN: 085255169X cd. 224pp. (£40.00) ISBN: 0952551681 (£17.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2002 TZ [Africa only. Copublished with James Currey, Oxford, UK & Heinemann North America] Vilimani Labor migration and rural change in early colonial Tanzania. ISBN: 0852556985 cd. 256pp. ill.col.ill.pl.maps (£40.00) ISBN: 0852556489 (£16.95) Philip 2002 SA [copublished with James Currey, UK and HEB Inc, USA] Tanzania—Sociology, Urban Ngware, S., Lusugga Kironde, J.M., eds. Urbanising Tanzania. Issues, initiatives and priorities. ISBN: 9976603258 166pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Dar es Salaam UP 2001 TZ Tanzania—Tourist trade Luvanga, N., Shitundu, J. The role of tourism in poverty alleviation in Tanzania. ISBN: 9987686656 63pp. ($12.95/£9.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2003 TZ Taxation see also Finance Law, Commercial Ginsburg, A.S. International tax havens. 2nd ed. 672pp. R171.00 Butterworth 1997 SA Taxation—Africa Bela, L. Régime de la taxe unique et la coopération économique au sein de l’Union douanière et économique de l’Afrique centrale (UDEAC). 32pp. CODESRIA 1995 SG FRE Due, J.F. A comparison of four African sales taxes and two retail sales taxes. (IDS discussion paper, 251) 17pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE Taxation—Africa, Southern Bebi, H. Value added tax (VAT) in SADC: potential impact case studies of Namibia and South Africa. (NEPRU research report, 22) 51pp. N$30.00 NEPRU 2001 SX Downie, J. The essentials of retirement fund management in southern Africa. R232.56 Butterworth 1997 SA Taxation—Ghana Andah, P.O. Ghana income tax law and practice. vol.1 264pp. (£10.00) Sedco 1987 GH Kusi, N.K. Tax reform and revenue productivity in Ghana. (AERC research paper, 74) 59pp. AERC 1998 KE
Taxation—Lesotho Butterworth Publishers Legiserve: Lesotho. ISBN: 0702117455 R216.60 Butterworth 1998 SA Taxation—Malawi Chipeta, C. Tax reforms and tax yield in Malawi. (AERC research paper, 81) 32pp. AERC 1998 KE Taxation—Mozambique Moçambique Editora Codigo do IVA e do imposto sobre consumos especificos. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1001509994 (Eur10.84) Moz Editora 2002 MZ POR Taxation—Namibia Butterworths Publishers Legiserve: Namibia. ISBN: 0702117501 R216.60 Butterworth 1998 SA Clegg, D., Kotze, C. Ernst and Young practical guide to tax in Namibia. 179pp. R94.62 Butterworth 1996 SA Moll, P. Subsidisation, taxation and viability of the commercial agricultural farming sector. NEPRU background paper for the land reform conference, 1991. (NEPRU working paper, 12) 53pp. N$26.00 NEPRU 1994 SX Rakner, L. The politics of revenue mobilisation explaining continuity in Namibian tax policies. (NEPRU working paper, 86) ISBN: 1026-9258 23pp. N$18.00 NEPRU 2002 SX van der Linden, E. Namibia’s tax system. (NEPRU research report, 6) 87pp. N38.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Taxation—Nigeria Adesola, S.M. Tax law and administration in Nigeria. 220pp. ($15.95/£10.95) College Press Nig 1995 NR Ani, A.A. Companies income tax and petroleum profits tax in Nigeria. 143pp. N75.00 Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR Ariyo, A. Productivity of the Nigerian tax system: 1970-1990. (AERC research paper, 67) 67pp. AERC 1997 KE Ayua, I.A. The Nigerian tax law. 372pp. N510.00 ($20.50/£17.00) Spectrum 1996 NR Ola, C.S. Income tax and practice in Nigeria. (Heinemann Studies in Nigerian Law, 1) cd. & 556pp. (£45.00 cd.) N436.35 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1974 NR Ola, C.S. Tax planning and auditing in Nigeria. 305pp. ($11.60) Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR Rabiu, S.A. Nigerian personal taxation: law and practice with selected tax cases. N20.00 West 1986 NR Tom-Ekine, N. Taxation, fiscal issues and public policy in Nigeria. ISBN: 9783038278 100pp. Ano 2001 NR Taxation—South Africa Beneke, C., ed. Deloitte and Touche VAT handbook. ed. R131.10 Butterworth 1997 SA
Beneke, C., Jooste, R., Davis, D.M. Estate planning. ISBN: 0409102717 R296.40 Butterworth 1998 SA Botha, M. Tax advantages of life assurance. ed. ISBN: 0409115649 R226.29 Butterworth 1998 SA
Boxter, R. Capital gains taxation and its applicability to South Africa. (FMF occasional paper, 12) ISBN: 1874930554 36pp. R40.00 Free Market Found 2002 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 498
African Books in Print
Subject index
Broomberg, E., Kruger, D. Tax strategy. 3rd ed. ISBN: 0409075280 R199.50 Butterworth 1998 SA Clegg, D.J.M. The Ernst and Young practical guide to fringe benefits. 7th ed. ISBN: 0409115037 68pp. R53.58 Butterworth 1998 SA
Kruger, D., Bennett, A. Value-added tax manual. 1, 2 vols. ISBN: 0702125229 R313.50 set Butterworth 1998 SA Kruger, D., Bennett, A. Value-added tax manual. 2, 2 vols. ISBN: 0702126888 R313.50 set Butterworth 1998 SA
Clegg, D.J.M. The Ernst and Young practical guide to VAT. 4th ed. 160pp. R81.51 Butterworth 1997 SA
Maubane, M. How the tax law affects blacks. 6pp. ($3.00/£2.00) R3.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1984 SA
Clegg, D.J.M. Taxation of employees. ISBN: 0409111708 R275.88 Butterworth 1998 SA
Metz, R. Paying less tax made simple 2001. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1875001565 320pp. R95.00 Tafelberg 2001 SA
Clegg, D.J.M., Stretch, R.W. Income tax in South Africa. 2/2A,2 vols. ISBN: 0409105236 R658.92 (2 vols.) Butterworth 1998 SA Clegg, D.J.M., Stretch, R.W. Income tax in South Africa. 1/1A,2 vols. ISBN: 0409105120 R658.92 (2 vols.) Butterworth 1998 SA Danziger, E., Stack, E.M. Tax handbook 1998-99. 8th ed. ISBN: 040907117X R141.36 Butterworth 1998 SA Dawson, F.J. Estate planning guide. Butterworth 1996 SA
123pp. R95.76
de Koker, A.P. Silke on South African income tax. 1, 3 vols. R658.92 set Butterworth 1998 SA de Koker, A.P. Silke on South African income tax. 2, 3 vols. ISBN: 0702119369 R658.92 set Butterworth 1995 [?] SA de Koker, A.P. Silke on South African income tax. 3, 3 vols. R656.92 set Butterworth 1995 SA de Koker, A.P. Silke tax yearbook 1997-98. ISBN: 0409114731 998pp. R228.00 Butterworth 1997 SA de Koker, A.P., Jenkinson, A. Value-added tax. 1, 2 vols ISBN: 0409078026 R313.50 set Butterworth 1998 SA de Koker, A.P., Jenkinson, A. Value-added tax. 2, 2 vols. ISBN: 0409078042 R313.50 Butterworth 1998 SA
Metz, R. Paying less tax made simple 2002. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 10th ed. ISBN: 1875001697 350pp. R99.95 Metz 2002 SA Mitchell, L., Stein, M., Silke, J., Pinder, G.E. Income tax reporter. vol.37 ISBN: 00193445 R359.10 Butterworth 1998 SA
Price Waterhouse The standard trust income tax guide 1997-98. ISBN: 0409076597 288pp. R62.70 Butterworth 1998 SA Reinach, S.G. The effects of existing methods of property valuation and taxation on the ratepayer. (IDPR special publications, 4) Inst Planning Res 1974 SA Sacks, A. Saving tax. Your guide to paying less tax. ISBN: 1868726606 144pp. Zebra 2003 SA SARS and Butterworth Publishers Stamp duties handbook. ISBN: 040911636X R227.43 Butterworth 1998 SA Schulze, H.C.A.W. International tax-free trade zones and free ports. 144pp. R163.02 Butterworth 1997 SA
Divaris, C., Stein, M.L. Old mutual income tax guide 1997-98. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0958339271 288pp. R61.00 Butterworth 1998 SA
Stein, M.L. Estate duty: principles and planning. 2nd ed. R222.30 Butterworth 1997 SA
Kourie, M.A., Oosthuizen, J. Tax and investments easiguide 1996. 1,005pp. R225.72 Butterworth 1996 SA
Makinyika, L.F.D.A. A sourcebook of income tax law in Tanzania. ISBN: 9976603231 212pp. ($29.95/£17.95) Dar es Salaam UP 2000 TZ
Osoro, N.E. Tax reforms in Tanzania: motivations, directions and implications. (AERC research paper, 38) AERC 1995 KE
Stack, E.M., et al. Tax workbook 1998. 6th ed. ISBN: 0409115924 R137.94 Butterworth 1998 SA
Kourie, M.A., Oosthuizen, J. Law and estate planning easiguide 1997. 144pp. R210.90 Butterworth 1997 SA
Taxation—Tanzania Hill, L.W. Deloitte and Touche income tax in Zimbabwe. 4th ed. 352pp. R136.80 Butterworth 1997 SA
Olivier, L., Honiball, M., eds. International tax. A South African perspective. 3rd ed. ISBN: 1920025065 F695.00 Siberink 2005 SA
Deloitte & Touche Everyone’s guide to the 2003/2004 income tax return. ISBN: 1919930582 48pp. R75.00 Double Storey 2004 SA
Hanekom, K., Marx, G. Manual on South African retirement funds and other employee benefits. ISBN: 0409115460 R450.00 Butterworth 1998 SA
Taxation—Sudan El Shibly, M. Tax effort and taxable capacity utilization in the Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 35) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1983 SJ
Osoro, N.E. Revenue productivity implications of tax reform in Tanzania. (AERC research paper, 20) 34pp. AERC 1993 KE
Deloitte & Touche Everyone’s guide to the 2002/2003 income tax return. ISBN: 1919930094 48pp. R69.95 Double Storey 2003 SA
Gavin, W.J. Redistribution and taxation in South Africa. Inst Soc Res 1997 SA
Taxation—South Africa—Examinations, questions Mitchell, K.I., Mitchell, L.D. Graded questions on income tax in South Africa 1998. 19th ed. 544pp. R124.26 Butterworth 1997 SA
Mitchell, L.D. Tax effective investments. 232pp. R134.52 Butterworth 1997 SA
Stack, E.M., Cronjé, M. The taxation of individuals and companies 1998. 12th ed. ISBN: 0409071447 R183.54 Butterworth 1998 SA
Fagan, K. Understanding taxation. ISBN: 0636035360 R43.68 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA
Zulman, R.H., ed. Income tax practice manual. vol.12 ISBN: 0409070653 998pp. R228.00 Butterworth 1998 SA
van Dorsten, J. Index to the South African tax cases. vol.1 cd. 540pp. R353.40 Butterworth 1988 SA van Dorsten, J. Index to the South African tax cases. vol.2 cd. 536pp. R353.40 Butterworth 1988 SA van Dorsten, J. Index to the South African tax cases. Cumulative supplement. 224pp. R353.40 Butterworth 1997 SA Williams, R.C. Income tax in South Africa. Law and practice. 2nd ed. 724pp. R189.96 Butterworth 1996 SA Williams, R.C. Income tax in South Africa: cases and materials. 578pp. R207.48 Butterworth 1995 SA
Taxation—Tunisia Ayadi, H. Droit fiscal. Impôt sur le revenu des personnes physiques et impôt sur les sociétés. vol.1 D10.00 ($60.00) CPUTunisia 1996 TI FRE Ayadi, H. Droit fiscal. Taxe sur la valeur ajoutée, droit de consommation et contentieux fiscal. D12.00 ($60.00) CPU-Tunisia 1996 TI FRE Taxation—Uganda Bahemuka, P.K. Income tax in Uganda. ISBN: 9970022725 138pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2001 UG Taxation—Zimbabwe Bloch, E.W., Bloch, H. Zimbabwe income tax guide 1997-1998. Z$180.00 Butterworth 1997 SA Taylor, Catherine—Autobiography Taylor, C. If courage goes...my 20 years in South African politics. 350pp. ill. R11.50 cd. Macmillan - SA 1976 SA Taylor, J.B.(Lucky Jim)—Autobiography Taylor, J.B. Lucky Jim: memoirs of a Randlord. new ed. ISBN: 0620295082 205pp. ill. (£8.99) Stonewall 2003 SA Tea Grice, W.J. Tea planters handbook. 344pp. pl. K250.00 Tea Res Found 1990 KE Tea—Africa, East Tyler, G.P. The interest of East Africa in an international tea agreement. (IDS discussion paper, 255) 29pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE Tea—Kenya Etherington, D.M. The calculation of small-holder tea fields in Kenya: multiple linear regression analysis. (IDS discussion paper, 42) 6pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1966 KE Owuor, P.O. Tea growers handbook. 4th ed. 249pp. pl. K.shs.500.00 Tea Res Found 1986 KE Owuor, P.O. Tea Research Foundation annual report for the year 1995. 185pp. K.shs.420.00 ($51.40/£33.70) Tea Res Found 1995 KE Teachers—Training see also Education
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Teachers—Training Blege, W. Teaching for development. (£7.00) Sedco 1986 GH
Subject index 182pp.
Bray, W. Juridical aspects of education, school and classroom management. [Text in English and Afrikaans.] cd. 164pp. R57.50 ($21.50/£13.00) Unisa 1988 SA MUL Chipeta, D., Mannathoko, C.E. Teaching practice evaluation. 269pp. P48.95 Macmillan - Bots 1996 BS Davidoff, S., et al. Changing your teaching: the challenges of the classroom. 53pp. ill. R32.15 Heinemann-EdSA 1990 SA EIC & IEB Understanding the national qualifications framework. A guide to lifelong learning. 36pp. ill. R21.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA Gwarinda, T.C. The practice of teaching. 176pp. Z$109.95 ($7.40) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI Kasambira, K.P. Teaching methods. 156pp. Z$109.95 ($7.40) College Press -Zimb 1997 ZI
Potter, C., van der Merwe, E. Introduction to engineering graphics. A drawing workbook. ISBN: 186814335X 304pp. ill. R168.00 Witwatersrand UP 2002 SA Smith, P. Drawing for engineering. [CD-ROM and booklet.] ISBN: 0702144061 ill. R99.00 Juta 2003 SA Taylor, J.M. Factors associated with success in an engineering drawing and design course. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 314) R2.00 CSIR 1980 SA van der Merwe, E., Potter, C. Engineering sketching. A 3D drawing workbook for students. ISBN: 186814335X 304pp. R115.95 Witwatersrand UP 1999 SA van Der Westhuizen, J.A. Drawing for civil engineering. [CD-ROM and booklet.] ISBN: 0702152129 ill. R99.00 Juta 2003 SA Technical drawing—Study and teaching (Secondary) Lindsay, H.O. Simplified technical drawing for junior secondary schools. bk.1 ill. Ahenpa 1996 GH
Majasan, J.A. The teacher’s profession. A manual for professional excellence. 267pp. ill.pl. ($27.00/£14.95) Spectrum 1995 NR
Lindsay, H.O. Simplified technical drawing for junior secondary schools. bk.2 ill. Ahenpa 1996 GH
Mtunda, F.G., Safuli, S.D. An introduction to the theory and practice of teaching. 174pp. ill. K4.00 Dzuka 1986 MW
Machera, I., Williams, J. Focus on O-level technical graphics. 180pp. College Press -Zimb 1994 ZI
Musvosi, D.B. Effective teaching in the 21st century. 101pp. K.shs.240.00 ($12.00/£7.20) Zapf 1998 KE Ndubuisi, A.F. Curriculum: objectives for effective teaching. 170pp. N375.00 Africana First 1981 NR Okorie, J.U. Fundamentals of teaching practice. 225pp. (£6.00) Fourth Dimension 1979 NR Olaitan, S.O., Agusiobo, O.N. Principles of practice teaching. 176pp. pl. N265.00 ($5.00) Spectrum 1992 NR Ondiek, P.E. A guide to teaching practice for student teachers in Africa. 150pp. ill. K.shs.35.00 Africa Book Serv 1977 KE Ozidi, A., Canham, P. Learning and teaching. 216pp. N11.70k Univ Press - Nig 1978 NR Tall, C. Le vade mecum de l’enseignant. 108pp. CFA800.00 NEAS 1975 SG FRE Tamakloe, E.K. Guidelines for students on teaching practice. 36pp. C600.00 Adwinsa 1988 GH Ukachi, L. Essentials of teaching practice. (£4.00) N7.00 Fourth Dimension 1986 NR Teachers—Training—Addresses and essays Noble, A. Teacher training: objectives and objections. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1972 SA Teaching see Education Teachers—Training Technical drawing see also Drawing Bhandari, V.K. Drawing and design data book. 324pp. ($13.50) Dar es Salaam UP 1994 TZ Green, J.N. Technical drawing for ‘S’ certificate. 264pp. N510.00 ($10.00) Spectrum 1989 NR
Machera, I., Williams, J. Focus on ZJC technical graphics. 104pp. Z$81.95 ($5.50) College Press Zimb 1994 ZI Oballa, E.R.O., Ogola, A.J. Technical drawing and design for secondary students, artisans, craftsmen and technicians. 110pp. K.shs.85.00 EAEP 1989 KE Theron, A., et al. Shuters technical drawing. Grade 8, standard 6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 132pp. R34.40 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA Technology see also Appropriate technology Engineering Adams, C.C. Foundations for responsible technology. (IRS study pamphlets, F1/266) 14pp. ($1.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1990 SA CADICEC Transfert des technologies. 63pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1989 ZR FRE Ifechukwu, J.A.O. The secrets of Western technology: myth or reality? 167pp. ($20.00/£12.00) N50.00 Goldland 1991 NR Mlawa, H. Technology policies for development. 4pp. ($4.95/£2.75) SAPES 1992 ZI Okah Avae, B.E. Everyday technology. ISBN: 9780294007 220pp. N2,900 Spectrum 2003 NR Schuurman, E. Perspectives on technology and culture. R40.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1995 SA Technology—Addresses and essays Abraham, J.H. Technology, politics and value. 22pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1970 GH Mojola, O.O. The heart, life and soul of technology. 28pp. ($6.95/£3.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1991 NR Technology—Congo Democratic Republic CADICEC Nouvelles technologies et P.M.E. 48pp. ($1.40) Cadicec 1986 ZR FRE
Technology—Developing countries— Addresses and essays Eze, O.C. Transfer of technology to developing countries. (NIIA, lecture series, 36) 34pp. ($5.00) N5.00 NIIA 1986 NR Technology—Nigeria Akintunde, I. Technological development through selfreliance. 284pp. N500.00 ($15.00/ £12.50) Vantage 1994 NR Andah, B.W. Nigeria’s indigenous technology. 141pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Ibadan UP 1992 NR Technology—Study and teaching Haverly, C. Learning about technology. bk.1 ISBN: 1875075119 144pp. R29.00 Juta 1998 SA Haverly, C. Learning about technology. bk.2 ISBN: 0702138770 128pp. R29.00 Juta 1998 SA Ter-Morshuizen, K. Bushveld buzz: a creative context for teaching technology. ISBN: 1869280318 R54.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA Technology—Study and teaching (Elementary) Kimali Trust Shuters primary technology activity book. Grade 1: the garden. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 32pp. R31.27 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA Kimali Trust Shuters primary technology activity book. Grade 2: wind, water and weather. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 32pp. R31.27 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA Kimali Trust Shuters primary technology activity book. Grade 3: recreation: fun and fantasy. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 32pp. R31.27 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA Kimali Trust Shuters primary technology activity book. Grade 4: housing and construction. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 32pp. R31.27 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA Kimali Trust Shuters primary technology activity book. Grade 5: food and health. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 32pp. R31.27 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA Kimali Trust Shuters primary technology activity book. Grade 6: transport. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 32pp. R31.27 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA Kimali Trust Shuters primary technology activity book. Grade 7: business and enterprise. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 32pp. R31.27 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA Kimali Trust, Thatcher, C.B., Thomson, R. Shuters primary technology. Teachers resource book for grade 1-7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 304pp. R215.40 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA McDermott, M.K. Technology through issues. Learner’s book. Grade 6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975002 140pp. ill. R53.41 Clever 2004 SA McDermott, M.K. Technology through issues learner’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974804 141pp. ill. R51.78 Clever 2004 SA McDermott, M.K. Technology through issues learner’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974901 136pp. ill. R52.87 Clever 2004 SA McDermott, M.K. Technology through issues learner’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975878 147pp. ill. R59.95 Clever 2005 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 500
African Books in Print
Subject index McDermott, M.K. Technology through issues teacher’s book. Grade 4. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868974812 145pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA McDermott, M.K. Technology through issues teacher’s book. Grade 5. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 186897497X 156pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA McDermott, M.K. Technology through issues teacher’s book. Grade 6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975010 151pp. ill. R70.68 Clever 2004 SA McDermott, M.K. Technology through issues teacher’s book. Grade 7. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868975886 160pp. ill. R84.95 Clever 2005 SA Technology—Study and teaching (Secondary) Bergmann, R.E., Sadek, O.G. Shuter’s technology. Grade 9. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0796015635 48pp. R48.79 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA Bergmann, R.E., Sadek, O.G. Shuter’s technology. Grade 9. Learner’s book. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0796015627 136pp. R49.72 Shuter & Shooter 2001 SA Deuboue, F. Technologie au BEPC. 132pp. ill. CFA1,650 CLE 1984 CM FRE Freese, J., et al. Shuter’s technology. Grade 8. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0796014442 72pp. R104.07 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA Freese, J., Kellerman, A., Sadek, O.G. Shuter’s technology. Grade 8. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796014450 R46.58 Shuter & Shooter 2000[?] SA Heinemann Educational Books Introductory technology. pupil’s bk.3 160pp. N199.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1977 NR Heinemann Educational Books Introductory technology. pupil’s bk.2 148pp. N189.50 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1997 NR Heinemann Educational Books Introductory technology for junior secondary schools. teacher’s bk.3 56pp. N215.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1997 NR Joubert, R.D. Mechnotechnics N4. 288pp. R79.00 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Lehlakane, N.C., et al. Shuter’s technology. Grade 7. Educator’s book. ISBN: 0796011982 R100.35 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA Lehlakane, N.C., et al. Shuter’s technology. Grade 7. Learner’s book. ISBN: 0796011974 R59.73 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA Makanjuola, S.A., et al. Introductory technology for junior secondary school. pupil’s bk.3 136pp. ($17.30) Univ Press - Nig 1989 NR Ogbonna, D.O., et al. Revision introductory technology. 232pp. ill. N313.00 Africana First 1989 NR Sowedowo, et al. Introductory technology for junior secondary school. teacher’s bk.2 60pp. N125.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1997 NR Teda-Daza language Le Coeur, C., Le Coeur, M. Grammaire et textes Téda-daza. (IFAN memoir, 46) 394pp. ill. map CFA4,000 IFAN 1955 SG MUL Tèè language—Dictionaries Nwi-Bari, W.K., comp. Tèè-English dictionary. Tabtab Tèè ture bu bekee. ISBN: 9783507575 ($16.96/ £9.95) Onyoma 2002 NR MUL
Theatre—Africa Teichmann, Gary—Autobiography Teichmann, G. For the record. ISBN: 1868420981 R99.95 Ball 2000 SA Telecommunications Baker, D.C. HF channel simulators. (CSIR Special Report, TEL 146) 35pp. CSIR 1978 SA Volckman, P.A. An 8,5 megabit/sec microwave communication system. (CSIR Special Report, TEL 136) 18pp. CSIR 1977 SA Woodhouse, G.F.W. Description of the radio astronomy digital correlator. (CSIR Special Report, TEL 131) 23pp. CSIR 1977 SA Telecommunications—Africa, Southern Baker, D.C. Long-term frequency predictions for use in HF telecommunications systems design in southern Africa. (CSIR Special Report, TEL 162) 46pp. CSIR 1979 SA Telecommunications—South Africa Morris, M.L., Stavrou, S.E. Telecommunication needs and provision to underdeveloped black areas. (CSDS working papers, 2) 15pp. R7.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1992 SA Stavrou, S.E. The telephone womphakathi. (CSDS working papers, 3) 23pp. R8.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1992 SA Tennis Copley, B.B. Scientific tennis. 96pp. ill. R3.60 Inst Soc & Econ Res - SA 1979 SA Teresa, Mother—Biography Paulines Publications - Africa Come be my light. In celebration of blessed Mother Teresa. ISBN: 9966217770 31pp. K.shs.50.00 ($0.70) Paulines 2003 KE Textile industries—Kenya McCormick, D. Garment making in Nairobi: a research proposal. (IDS working paper, 468) 26pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1989 KE Routsi, J. Cotton ginning industry in Kenya: the case of the cooperative ownership and management mode. (IDS working paper, 470) 34pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1989 KE Textile industries—Lesotho Hunter, P., Mokitimi, N. The development of Lesotho’s wool and mohair marketing system: options for continued institutional change and policy reform. (ISAS research reports, 25) 35pp. ($17.00) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1990 LO Textile industries—Uganda Okuku, J. Worker’s condition and struggles at Nyanza textile industries, Jinja, 19701990. (CBR working paper, 47) 46pp. ($9.50) Centre Basic Res 1997 UG Textiles and fabrics see also Cotton Textile industries Barkhuysen, F.A., van Rensbrug, J.J. Sorption and x-ray diffraction studies on cotton fabrics treated in anhydrous and aqueous liquid ammonia. (SAWTRI technical reports, 478) CSIR 1981 SA Barkhuysen, F.A., van Rensburg, N.J.J., Turpie, D.W.F. Continuous dyeing using radio frequency energy. Part I: Preliminary trials on wool. (SAWTRI technical reports) CSIR 1981 SA Erdursun, H.H., Hunter, L., Taylor, H. The effect of an additive for reducing dust on cotton processing performance and yarn properties. (SAWTRI technical reports, 472) CSIR 1981 SA
Hunter, L. A comparison of the airflow measured fineness characteristics of cotton lap and sliver, using different sample preparation techniques. (SAWTRI Technical Report, 527) CSIR 1983 SA Hunter, L., Gee, E., Smuts, S. A comparison of some commercial selftwisted (STT) and ringspun wool yarn properties. (SAWTRI Technical Report, 477) CSIR 1981 SA Hunter, L., Shiloh, M., Smuts, S. The effect of wool fibre on the physical properties of some wet relaxed knitted fabrics. (SAWTRI Technical Report, 475) CSIR 1981 SA Hunter, L., Shiloh, M., Smuts, S. The effect of wool fibre properties on the physical properties of knitted fabrics of different structure. (SAWTRI Technical Report, 474) CSIR 1981 SA Makokha, J.A. Textiles for schools and colleges. 106pp. K.shs.520.00 EAEP 1990 KE Onyango, R. Textiles: a home science handbook. 181pp. K.shs.475.00 ($15.60) Nairobi UP 1997 KE Shiloh, M., Smuts, S., Hunter, L. The effect of fibre properties on the bending and wrinkling performance of some woven wool fabrics. (SAWTRI Technical Report, 473) CSIR 1981 SA Shorthouse, P.C.M., Robinson, G.A. The use of RWCS and RWS wool yarns in men’s socks. (SAWTRI Technical Report, 535) CSIR 1983 SA Smuts, S., Hunter, L. Certain physical properties of some commercial sewing threads. (SAWTRI Technical Report, 522) CSIR 1983 SA Thierron, W., Hunter, L. Studies on the Dref III spinning system. Part I: An introductory study on the spinning of polyester/cotton yarns. (Technical Report, 530) CSIR 1983 SA van Rensburgh, N.J.J., Barkhuysen, F.A. The continuous shrinkresist treatment of wool tops using chlorine gas in a conventional suction drum backwash. (SAWTRI Technical Report, 539) CSIR 1983 SA Textiles and fabrics—Ghana Dennis, A.B. The pride of Ewe kente. ISBN: 9988550715 cd. 72pp. col.pl. C100,000 ($29.95/£14.95) ISBN: 9988550278 ($29.95/£14.95) Sub-Saharan 2004 GH Thailand A’Bear, D.R. Thailand: the land of smile. [Report on a visit.] (INR working paps., 129) R0.50 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Thailand—Atlases and maps New Holland Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Thailand. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm; sheet: 1,000x710mm; scale: 1:1,000,000; English/French/German.] col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1994 SA MUL Thailand—Guide books Hoskin, J. Globetrotter travel guide to Thailand. new ed. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA Thameur, El Habib—Biography Kerrou, A.K. El Habib Thameur. ISBN: 9973166361 168pp. col.pl.maps Dir4,000 El Marif 2000 TI FRE Theatre see also African literature—Drama Drama Theatre—Africa Losambe, L., Sarinjeine, D., eds. Pre-colonial and post-colonial drama and theatre in Africa. ISBN: 1919876065 168pp. R129.00 Philip 2001[?] SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Rotimi, O. Issues in African theatre. ISBN: 9783626655 125pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Hum Pub 2003 NR Theatre—Africa, Southern Kavanagh, R.M. Making people’s theatre. 234pp. Z$300.00 Univ Zimbabwe 1996 ZI [Zimbabwe only]
Theology see also Religion and as a sub-division under names of specific countries
Cantalamessa, R. Life in Christ: a spiritual commentary in the letter to the Romans. ISBN: 1868190033 220pp. R95.00 Protea 2002 SA
Adeso, P. Fullness is holiness. ISBN: 2911380460 164pp. CFA6,000 (Eur9.15) UCAC 2001 CM
Centre de Littérature Evangélique Manuel de théologie pratique. Colloque de Yaoundé. 332pp. CFA1,850 CLE 1971 CM FRE
Kavanagh, R.M. Making people’s theatre. ISBN: 1868142861 248pp. R89.95 Witwatersrand UP 1998 SA
Adeyemo, T. Christ’s ambassadors in an Islamic context. (IRS study pamphlet, 24) 14pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1986 SA
Kerr, D., ed. African theatre: southern Africa. ISBN: 085255592X cd. 192pp. (£35.00) ISBN: 0852555970 (£12.95) Witwatersrand UP 2003 SA [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, Oxford, UK]
Adou Nioupin, A-M. Le secret de Dieu. ISBN: 2847700293 78pp. Eburnie 2003 IV FRE
Chao, J. Towards an evangelical theology in totalitarian cultures: with special reference to Socialist China. (IRS study pamphlets, F1/189) 20pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1983 SA
Theatre—Africa, West Barber, K., et al., eds. West African popular theatre. ISBN: 0852552440 320pp. K.shs.2,270 EAEP 1997 KE [Kenya only] Theatre—African Bahan, M. African theatre in development. ISBN: 0852555997 192pp. K.shs.1,900 EAEP 1999 KE [Kenya only] Plastow, J., ed. African theatre: women. ISBN: 0852555911 cd. 192pp. (£35.00) ISBN: 0852555962 (£12.95) Witwatersrand UP 2002 SA [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, Oxford, UK & Indiana University Press, USA] Soyinka, W. African theatre. ISBN: 0852558954 192pp. K.shs.1,940 EAEP 2005 KE [Kenya only] Theatre—Burkina Faso PSIC Guide pour la diffusion des spectacles au Burkina Faso. ISBN: 2951603916 278pp. CFA2,500 Dec Burkina 2002 UV FRE Theatre—Mauritius Benoît, N. Le théâtre de Port-Louis, de ses origines à 1922. 288pp. pl. Vizavi 1994 MF FRE Gentil, A.G. Le théâtre de Port-Louis, scènes. col.pl. Vizavi 1994 MF FRE
Theatre—Middle East Zuhur, S. Colors of enchantment: theater, dance, music and the visual arts of the Middle East. new ed. ISBN: 9774246071 448pp. ill. E£70.00 Am Univ 2001 UA Theatre—South Africa Hauptfleisch, T. Theatre and society in South Africa. Reflections in a fractured mirror. ISBN: 0627022944 208pp. R109.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Lindfors, B., ed. Africans on stage: studies in ethnological show business. ISBN: 0864863977 320pp. R150.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA [Southern Africa only] Lurie, D. Cape Town fringe. ISBN: 1919930728 cd. 128pp. R175.00 Double Storey 2004 SA Schach, L. The flag is flying: a very personal history of theatre in the old South Africa. cd. pl. R110.00 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Solberg, R. South African theatre in the melting pot. Interviews by Rolf Solberg. ISBN: 0868104027 297pp. Inst Study Engl 2003 SA Theatre—Zambia Mwansa, D.M. Zambian theatre: from traditional arts to movements for cultural expression. ISBN: 9982420003 192pp. K20,000 ($6.90/£4.08) Multimedia 1999 ZA
Africa Christian Press The spirits. (What the Bible Teaches Booklets, 5) 32pp. ill. (£0.50) Africa Christian 1976 GH Ash, D. Is God good? Exposing the dark to light. ISBN: 0958480052 284pp. Kima 2005 SA Attwell, A.F.I. The growing of saints: determinative factors in the rise and development of methodism. 274pp. R47.50 ($30.00/ £17.98) Unisa 1989 SA Baah, S.K. Sabbath or Christ. 55pp. C3,000 ($5.00) Asempa 1994 GH Bame Bame, M. La secrète sagesse de Dieu. Une justification de la foi chrétienne. ISBN: 2723501612 186pp. CFA3,500 (Eur14.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Banana, C. The gospel according to the ghetto. 3rd rev. ed. 212pp. ill. ($9.00) Mambo 1981 ZI Banana, C.S. Theology of promise. 156pp. Z$80.95 College Press -Zimb 1982 ZI Bombay, C.R. Money, man and God. Evangel 1966 KE
20pp. K.shs.6.00
Boner Op, K. Dominican women: a time to speak. ISBN: 187505314X 437pp. Cluster 2000 SA Borst, C.B. Subject didactics of Biblical studies. (Manualia Didactica, 10) 167pp. R85.00 ($26.40/£16.00) Unisa 1991 SA Boshoff, W. Ancient Israelite literature in context. ISBN: 1919825452 239pp. ill. R140.00 Protea 2000 SA Bowers, P. Evangelical theological education today: agenda for renewal. 62pp. K.shs.30.00 Evangel 1982 KE Bowers, P. Evangelical theological education today: an international perspective. K.shs.30.00 Evangel 1982 KE Brouwer, J., Wolters, A.M., Bartholomew, C. Year of jubilee cultural mandate worldview. (IRS study pamphlets, 382) ISBN: 1868223590 42pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1999 SA Buama, L.K. Our Christian understanding of God. (Asempa Christian doctrine series, 1) 53pp. ($2.00) Asempa 1993 GH Buama, L.K. The person of Jesus. (Asempa Christian doctrine series, 2) 43pp. ($3.00) Asempa 1993 GH Burke, J. The holy spirit. 56pp. K.shs.50.00 ($1.00) Paulines 1998 KE Cantalamessa, R. Come creator spirit: meditations on the Veni creator. ISBN: 1869190424 403pp. R199.95 Protea 2003 SA
Chisoni, C., et al. Dialogue between religions. (Kachere text, 22) ISBN: 9990876444 160pp. ($16.95/£10.95) Kachere 2004 MW Cochrane, J., de Gruchy, J., Peterson, R. In word and deed. Towards a practical theology for social transformation. 129pp. R22.00 ($7.00) Cluster 1997 SA Cochrane, J.R., West, G.O. The three-fold cord. Theology, work and labour. ISBN: 095831411X 288pp. R33.00 ($11.00) Cluster 1998 SA Congregation of the Clergy General directory for catechesis. ISBN: 9966213686 208pp. K.shs.300.00 ($5.00) Paulines 1998 KE de Villiers, P.G.R., ed. Like a roaring lion...essays on the Bible, the church and demonic powers. 212pp. R34.25 ($17.30/£10.50) Unisa 1987 SA Deist, F. Words from afar. 5th ed. 248pp. R129.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Deist, F.E., le Roux, J.H., eds. Revolution and reinterpretation. 4th ed. 160pp. R129.95 Tafelberg 1998 SA Dickson, K.A. Uncompleted mission: Christianity and exclusivism. ISBN: 9966888985 177pp. Acton 2000 KE Dominguez, F. Christ our healer. A theological dialogue with Aylward Shorter. ISBN: 9966215247 134pp. ($6.00) Paulines 2000 KE Dossou, S. De l’élection au décalogue. CFA2,500 (Eur10.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Fowler, S. Biblical studies in the Gospel and society. (IRS study pamphlets, 2) 100pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1984 SA Fowler, S. The church and the renewal of society. (IRS brochures, F2/43) 108pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1988 SA Fowler, S. The word of God. (IRS brochures, F2/33) 40pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1984 SA Gallez, L. La science et la foi. Scientisme, athéisme scientifique, humanisme chrétien. 47pp. 40k Chancellor Coll 1976 MW FRE Gehman, R.J. Who are the living dead? A theology of death, life after death and the livingdead. ISBN: 9966200886 350pp. K.shs.450.00 ($7.50) Evangel 1999 KE Hartin, P.J., Connor, B.F., Decock, P.B. Becoming a creative local church. Theological reflections on the pastoral plan. ISBN: 0958314160 320pp. R35.00 ($12.00) Cluster 1998 SA Hearne, B. One bread, one body: background to the liturgical renewal. 2nd ed.(AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 54) K.shs.240.00 Gaba 1983 KE
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 502
African Books in Print
Subject index Hearne, B. Theology for teachers: the apostles’ creed: faith of all Christians. new rev.ed.(AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 38) K.shs.180.00 Gaba 1978 KE Holder, F. The holy spirit. 96pp. K.shs.22.00 Evangel 1970 KE Kernan, J. God the ruler. ISBN: 062028269X 12pp. ill. free Christian Lit 2003 SA Kholowa, J.Y., Fiedler, K. In the beginning God created them equal. (Mvunguti books, 2) ISBN: 9990816225 27pp. ($13.95/£6.95) Kachere 2000 MW Kilian, J., ed. Form and style in theological texts. 2nd rev.ed. cd. 112pp. R64.00 ($13.00/£7.57) Unisa 1989 SA König, A. Jesus, name above all names. Revealing the heart of Christianity. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 0796301522 cd. R84.95 Lux Verbi 2004 SA Kpobi, D.N.A. Triple heritage. 32pp. C1,500 ($2.00) Asempa 1995 GH Kruger, J.S. Metatheism - early Buddhism and traditional Christian theism. 152pp. R54.00 ($17.10/£10.40) Unisa 1989 SA Kuzenzama, K.P.M. Le titre johannique du fils de l’homme. Essai lexicographique. 94pp. (FB190.00) Fac Catholiques 1990 ZR FRE Lefebvre, P. Ministries and community. For a church as family. 80pp. K.shs.200.00 ($4.00) Paulines 1998 KE Louw, D.J. A pastoral hermeneutics of care. 4th ed. ISBN: 0869976745 cd. 684pp. R275.00 Lux Verbi 2000 SA Maatman, R. Natural science and two themes in human history. (IRS study pamphlets, 239) 19pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1987 SA Mackay, D.M. Biblical perspectives on human engineering. (IRS study pamphlets, 219) 26pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1986 SA Maimele, S., Konig, A., eds. Initiation into theology. The rich variety of theology and hermeneutics. ISBN: 0627021468 500pp. R208.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Maire, C.D. Connaître Dieu pour mieux le servir. 192pp. CFA2,500 CPE 1972 IV FRE Mallia, C. The sacrament of holy orders. ISBN: 9966218351 72pp. K.shs.80.00 ($1.00) Paulines 2002 KE Marshall, P. Calling, work, and rest. (IRS study pamphlets, F1/281) 27pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1991 SA Marshall, P. A Calvinist political theory. (IRS study pamphlets, F1/283) 48pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1991 SA Mission Press Aim higher (Marian thoughts of St Maximilian Kolbe). 3rd ed. 148pp. Mission Press - Ndola 1987 ZA M’passou, D. The role of theology in development. Univ Botswana 1995 BS Mugambi, J.N.K. The biblical basis for evangelization. 147pp. K.shs.434.00 OUP - Nairobi 1989 KE
Theology Mugambi, J.N.K., Vahakangas, M. Christian theology and environmental responsibility. ISBN: 9966888276 140pp. ill. Acton 2001 KE Ndovu, D., Lo, J., Holland, G. Ephesians and Phillipians. ISBN: 9966200835 241pp. K.shs.225.00 ($4.00) Evangel 1998 KE Nichols, A. Catholic thought since the enlightenment: a survey. ISBN: 1868880290 240pp. R107.80 ($19.70/£12.50/Eur17.20) Unisa 1998 SA Nolan, A. Jesus before Christianity. 2nd ed. 156pp. R52.75 Philip 1986 SA Nürnberger, K. Theology of the biblical witness. An evolutionary approach. ISBN: 3823873528 439pp. R150.00 ($25.00) Cluster 2002 SA
Ryan, P., ed. Structures of sin, seeds of liberation. (Tangaza occasional papers, 7) ISBN: 9966214224 120pp. ($3.00) Paulines 1998 KE Saayman, W.A. Unity and mission. 146pp. R26.00 ($15.80/£9.60) Unisa 1988 SA Schonecke, W. Are Catholics saved? ISBN: 9966215808 64pp. K.shs.80.00 Paulines 2002 KE Schreurs, N., ed. Juxtaposing contexts: doing contextual theology in South Africa and in the Netherlands. ISBN: 1875053409 284pp. (£19.95) Cluster 2003 SA Schrotenboer, P.G., et al. God’s order for creation. (IRS study pamphlets, 324) 70pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1994 SA
Nyamiti, C. The way to Christian theology for Africa. new rev.ed.(AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 19) K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1977 KE
Schuurman, E. Technology in Christian-philosophical perspective. (IRS brochures, F2/16) 17pp. R2.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1980 SA
O’Brien, S. Walking with our ancestors. Ignatian exercises with the Mother of Jesus and Mary Ward. ISBN: 9966218114 96pp. K.shs.240.00 Paulines 2002 KE
Soyinka, W. The credo of being and nothingness. 35pp. N96.00 ($7.50/£3.95) Spectrum 1991 NR
Okediji, O. How to know the mind of God. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9780291660 71pp. N265.00 ($11.95/£6.95) Spectrum 2000 NR Okello, C. The prophet. 1978[?] KE
K.shs.50.00 Uzima
Okolo, C.B. Marxism and Christian ethics. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 51) K.shs.130.00 Gaba 1978 KE Okulla, H. Church and state in nation building and human development. 142pp. (£2.00) K.shs. 40.00 Uzima 1984 KE Onyeama, D. The new man. ISBN: 9782335801 176pp. N300.00 Delta 2002 NR Osborn, T.L. Un nouveau regard. new ed. ISBN: 291394275X 56pp. CFA1,000 (Eur3.00) EDILIS 2001 IV FRE Pastoral Missionary Commission The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. ISBN: 9966214178 80pp. K.shs.120.00 Paulines 1998 KE Paulines Publications Permanent deacons. 110pp. K.shs.100.00 ($2.00) Paulines 1998 KE Paulines Publications Africa The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. [Also available in KiSwahili.] 80pp. ($2.00) Paulines 1998 KE Pobee, J.S. Spirit, renewal and ministry. 187pp. C6,500 ($10.00) Asempa 1993 GH
Spykman, G.J. Spectacles. Biblical perspectives on Christian scholarship. (Potchefstroom Studies in Christian Scholarship, J7) 89pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1991 SA Suggit, J. The sign of life. Studies in the fourth gospel and the liturgy of the church. 194pp. R24.00 ($8.00) Cluster 1998 SA Theological Historical Commission God, the father of mercy. ISBN: 996614151 112pp. K.shs.200.00 ($4.00) Paulines 1998 KE Ukken, G You are precious to me. Meditations on love. ISBN: 996621531X 168pp. K.shs.400.00 ($5.00) Paulines 2002 KE van den Heever, G., Scheffler, E., eds. From Jesus Christ to Christianity. Early Christian literature in context. ISBN: 1868881962 329pp. ill.pl.maps R139.00 ($57.95/£34.95) Unisa 2001 SA van der Walt, B.J. Anatomy of reformation: flashes and fragments of a reformational worldview. (IRS collections, F3/13) 579pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1991 SA van der Walt, B.J. Heartbeat: taking the pulse of our Christian theological and philosophical heritage. R15.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1988 SA van der Walt, B.J. Horizon: surveying a route for contemporary Christian thought. R15.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1988 SA
Reid, W.S. Covenant and kingdom: a Christian view of history. (IRS study pamphlets, F1/99) 10pp. R1.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1976 SA
van der Walt, B.J. John Calvin’s institutes, his opus magnum. Proceedings of the second South African Congress for Calvin research, July 31-August 3, 1984. (IRS collections, F3/28) 528pp. R30.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1986 SA
Ridderbos, H. Church, world, kingdom. (IRS study pamphlets, F1/141) 16pp. R1.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1979 SA
van der Walt, B.J., ed. Our reformational tradition: a rich heritage and lasting vocation. 544pp. R12.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1984 SA
Ronzani, R. Understanding the eucharist. ISBN: 9966219188 128pp. K.shs.320.00 ($4.00) Paulines 2004 KE
van Dyk, P.J. A brief history of creation. ISBN: 1868881911 188pp. ill.maps R81.00 ($30.95/£18.95) Unisa 2002 SA
Roper, D.L. A Christian philosophy of culture. (IRS brochures, F2/13) 73pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1979 SA
Vanneste, A. Introduction à la théologie. 18pp. 30k Press Univ Congo 1963 ZR FRE von Allmen, D. L’évangile de Jésus-Christ. Naissance de la théologie dans le Nouveau Testament. 404pp. CFA2,410 CLE 1972 CM FRE
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Theology Vorster, W.S., ed. Sexism and feminism in theological perspective. cd. 154pp. R21.80 ($10.00/£6.10) Unisa 1984 SA Wainwright, G. Le baptême, accès à l’église. trans.f.t. English 156pp. CFA1,115 CLE 1972 CM FRE Walker, D.S. Challenging evanglicalism. Prophetic witness and theological renewal. ISBN: 0958314128 228pp. R34.50 ($12.00) Cluster 1998 SA Wittenberg, G.H. Prophecy and protest. A contextual introduction to Israelite prophecy. ISBN: 0958314195 120pp. R19.00 ($6.00) Cluster 1998 SA Yri, N. Quest for authority. An investigation of the quest for authority within the Ecumenical Movement from 1910 to 1974 and the evangelical response. 370pp. ($6.95) K.shs.30.00 Evangel 1978 KE Theology—Addresses and essays Davies, H. Towards an ecumenical theology and a united church. R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1948 SA Dickson, K.A. The human dimension in the theological quest. 18pp. ($1.50) Ghana UP 1977 GH Johnson, E. Who do you say that I am? Introducing contemporary christology. Cluster 1995 SA Maxwell, W.D. The resurrection. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1958 SA Robinson, N.H.G. Theology and the personal. (Inaugural lec.) R10.00 Inst Soc Res 1954 SA Speckman, M.T., Kaufmann, L.T., eds. Towards an agenda for contextual theology. Essays in honour of Albert Nolan. ISBN: 1875053247 428pp. R120.00 ($40.00) Cluster 2001 SA Theology—Africa Adeyemo, T. Salvation in African tradition. 124pp. K.shs.250.00 ($4.50) Evangel 1997 KE
Subject index Coppo, S. A truly African church: church structures - lay people’s participation. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 99) 42pp. ($2.40.) Gaba 1988 KE Editions CLE La théologie pratique en milieu africain. ISBN: 272350171X 200pp. (Eur16.00) CLE 2003 CM FRE
Njoroge, N., Dube, M. Talitha Cum. Theologies of African women. ISBN: 1875053255 264pp. R90.00 ($30.00) Cluster 2001 SA
Gehman, R. Doing African Christian theology. new ed. ISBN: 9966850139 138pp. Kshs.150.00 ($2.75) Evangel 1998 KE
Nyamiti, C. Christ as our ancestor: Christology from an African perspective. (Missio-Pastoral series, 11) 151pp. ($15.60) Mambo 1984 ZI
Gitari, D., Benson, P., eds. The living god. 294pp. K.shs.200.00 Uzima 1997 KE Haliburton, G.M., Kealotswe, O.N. Theology and the environment. bk.1(Boleswa occasional papers in theology and religion, 1/5) 61pp. P10.00 ($10.00) Dept Theology and Religious Stud 1996 BS Healey, J., et al. Towards an African narrative theology. 397pp. ill.map Paulines 1996 KE Hendriks, H.J. Studying congregations in Africa. ISBN: 0796301999 244pp. R160.00 Lux Verbi 2004 SA Imasogie, O. Guidelines for Christian theology in Africa. 92pp. ($7.95/£4.25) Africa Christian 1993 GH Kato, B.H. Biblical Christianity in Africa, a collection of papers and addresses. (Theological Perspectives in Africa, 2) 54pp. ($7.50/ £3.95) Africa Christian 1985 GH Kato, B.H. Theological pitfalls in Africa. new ed. ISBN: 9966850058 200pp. K.shs.100.00 ($1.80) Evangel 1998 KE Krishna, P.M., Kameeta, Z., Fowler, S., Nyirenda, S.M. Reconciliation in Africa. (IRS study pamphlets, 306) 64pp. R8.00 ($8.00/ £5.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1993 SA Kyeyune, D., ed. From life to theology. Paulines 1996 KE
Banana, C.S. Politics of repression and resistance. Face to face with combat theology. 334pp. ($24.00) Mambo 1996 ZI
Lukwata, J. Integrated African liturgy. ISBN: 9966836292 210pp. Gaba 2002 KE
Bujo, B. African theology in its social context. ISBN: 996621013X 126pp. K.shs.250.00 ($13.00/£6.50) Paulines 1999 KE Bujo, B., Juvenal, I.M., eds. Théologie africaine au XXIe siècle. Quelques figures. vol.1 ISBN: 2914624271 208pp. FC3,000 ($6.00) Paulines - DRC 2004 ZR FRE Bula Bula Christianisme et culture africaine: apport africain à la théologie. 3rd ed. 210pp. ($79.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE Collectif Revue africaine de théologie. (Revue Africaine de Théologie, 52) 305pp. ($20.00) Fac Catholiques 2002 ZR FRE
Nioupin, A.A-M. Le secret de Dieu. ISBN: 2847700293 78pp. CFA2,500 Eburnie 2003 IV FRE
Fiedler, K., Gundani, P., Mijoga, H., eds. Theology cooked in an African pot. ISBN: 9990816293 181pp. ($13.95/£7.95) Kachere 2000 MW
Agbasiere, J.T., Zabajungu, B.K., eds. Church contribution to integral development: fourth Uganda theological week. African theology in progress, vol.2(AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 108-109) 264pp. ($10.00) Gaba 1989 KE
Bediako, K. Jesus in Africa. The Christian gospel in African history and experience. [Also available in French.] ISBN: 2672350610 128pp. CFA3,500 (Eur14.00) CLE 2002 CM
Ndongmo, M. L’universel et le particulier dans l’enjeu théologici-politique de l’inculturation en Afrique. (UCAC publication scientifique, 27) 28pp. CFA550.00 (Eur0.84) UCAC 1999 CM FRE
88pp. ($2.00)
Liturgical Commission Abba father. ISBN: 9966214046 108pp. K.shs.200.00 ($4.00) Paulines 1998 KE
Ongong’a, J.J. Life and death: a Christian-Luo dialogue. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 78) K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1982 KE Ott, M. African theology in images. ISBN: 9990816301 604pp. ill.pl. ($49.95/£29.95) Kachere 2000 MW Parratt, J., ed. Papers on African spirituality. (Boleswa occasional papers in theology and religion, 5) P10.00 ($10.00) Dept Sociology - Univ Lagos 1988 [?] NR Paul, L. Theology of the church as family of God. 64pp. Paulines 1997 KE Pobee, J., Hellencreutz, C.F., eds. Variations in Christian theology in Africa. 112pp. K.shs.60.00 Uzima 1986 KE Pobee, J.S., Kudadjie, J.N. Theological education in Africa: quo vadimus? 238pp. C5,000 ($5.00) Asempa 1990 GH Poucouta, P. Paul, notre ancêtre. Introduction au corpus paulien. ISBN: 2911380495 190pp. CFA6,000 (Eur9.15) UCAC 2001 CM FRE Presses de l’Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale Le jubilé de l’an 2000: quel signification pour l’Afrique et pour les églises d’Afrique. (Conférences théologiques, 3) ISBN: 2911380150 116pp. CFA2,000 (Eur3.05) UCAC 1999 CM FRE Presses Universitaires du Zaire Le mariage chrétien en Afrique. 5e semaine théologique Kinshasa organisée par la faculté de théologie de l’université Lovanium, 20-25 juillet 1970. 201pp. Z1.50 Press Univ Congo 1971 ZR FRE
Mbiti, J.S. Bible and theology in African Christianity. 264pp. pl. K.shs.732.00 (£8.50) OUP Nairobi 1986 KE
Presses Universitaires du Zaire Renouveau de l’église et nouvelles églises. Colloque sur la théologie africaine, IVe semaine théologique de Kinshasa organiése par la faculté de théologie de l’université Lovanium, 22-27 juillet 1968. 30pp. Z1.00 Press Univ Congo 1968 ZR FRE
Mugambi, J.N.K. African Christian theology: an introduction. 152pp. K.shs.415.00 ($13.75/£7.50) EAEP 1989 KE
Rakoczy, S. In Her name. Women doing theology. ISBN: 1875053433 476pp. R120.00 ($24.00/£19.95) Cluster 2004 SA
Mugambi, J.N.K. From liberation to reconstruction. African Christian theology after the Cold War. 276pp. K.shs.650.00 ($25.00/£13.95) EAEP 1995 KE
Ross, K.R., ed. Faith at the frontiers of knowledge. (Kachere book, 5) ISBN: 9990816115 240pp. K160.00 ($18.00/£12.50) Christ Lit Assoc - Mal 1998 MW
Mugaruka, R. Catéchèse et homilétique dans le champ de la communication, pragmatique de la communication de la foi. ISBN: 291462428X 208pp. FC3,300 ($6.00) Paulines - DRC 2004 ZR FRE
Ryan, P., et al. New strategies for a new evangelization in Africa. ISBN: 9966218052 112pp. K.shs.400.00 ($5.00) Paulines 2002 KE
Mununguri, M. The closeness of the God of our ancestors. An African approach to incarnation. 112pp. K.shs.260.00 ($2.00) Paulines 1998 KE
Schofield, R. Mystery or magic. Biblical replies to the heterodox. ISBN: 9990816603 125pp. ($27.95/£16.95) Kachere 2004 MW Setiloane, G.M. African theology. ISBN: 0869978500 64pp. R39.95 Lux Verbi 2000 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Setiloane, G.M. African theology. An introduction. 50pp. ($6.95/£3.75) R5.95 Skotaville 1986 SA Smit, J.H., Deacon, M., Shutte, A. Ubuntu in a Christian perspective. (IRS study pamphlets, 374) ISBN: 1868223299 52pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1999 SA Tessier, R., ed. Seeking gospel justice in Africa. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 69) ($2.00) Gaba 1981 KE Tiénou, T. The theological task of the church in Africa. 2nd rev. ed. 56pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Africa Christian 1990 GH Tshibangu Tshishiku Théologie africaine (manifeste et programme pour le développement des activités théologiques en Afrique). 203pp. ($87.00) Kalombo 1995 ZR FRE Ukpong, J.S. African theologies now: a profile. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 80) 64pp. K.shs.150.00 Gaba 1984 KE University of Botswana. Department of Theology and Religious Studies African spirituality: papers delivered at the first Boleswa conference on theology and religion, held in Gaborone, March 1988. (Boleswa Occas. paps. on Theology and Religion, 1) 80pp. ($5.00) P4.00 Dept Sociology - Univ Lagos 1988 NR Van der Walt, B.J. On being human and being a Christian in Africa: communalism, socialism and communism in a struggle for an African anthropology. (IRS brochures, 42) 64pp. R8.00 Inst Reformational Studies 1988 SA Vilakazi, A., Mthethwa, B., Mpanza, M. Shembe: the revitalization of African society. 180pp. ($11.50/£6.50) R16.65 Skotaville 1986 SA Wachege, P.N. Jesus Christ our muthamaki (ideal elder). 271pp. K.shs.180.00 ($6.00) Phoenix 1992 KE Waijaki, M., Turaki, Y., van der Walt, B.J., Kasenene, P. Visions of man and freedom in Africa. (IRS study pamphlets, 302) 64pp. R8.00 ($8.00/£5.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1993 SA Wijsen, F., Mfumbusa, B. Seeds of conflict. ISBN: 9966219471 88pp. K.shs.180.00 ($2.20) Paulines 2004 KE Theology—Africa—Bibliography Cochrane, J.R., Henderson, I., West, G.O., eds. Bibliography in contextual theology in Africa. vol.1 ISBN: 095831411X 60pp. R8.00 ($3.00) Cluster 1998 SA Theology—Africa, Southern Bate, S.C. Serving humanity: a sabbath reflection: the pastoral plan of the Catholic Church in southern Africa after seven years. ISBN: 1875053077 306pp. R40.00 ($13.00) Cluster 2000[?] SA Theology—Bibliography Kempff, D. A bibliography of Calviniana, 1959-1974. ($10.00) Inst Reformational Studies 1983 SA Theology—Developing countries Baeta, C.G. Some current Third World theologies. 48pp. ($10.00) Ghana Acad Arts & Scien 1982 GH Theology—Dictionaries Kritzinger, J.N.J. Exploring theology: an introductory dictionary 2nd exp.ed. 243pp. ($41.25) Unisa 2004 SA
Thimbukushu—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Theology—Malawi Church, H. Theological education that makes a difference. Church growth in the Free Methodist Church in Malawi and Zimbabwe. ISBN: 9990816468 214pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Kachere 2002 MW Hara, H.Y. Reformed soteriology and the Malawian context. (Kachere thesis, 10) ISBN: 9990876355 251pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Kachere 2005 MW Kalilombe, P.A. Doing theology at the grassroots. ISBN: 0869227335 244pp. ill.pl. ($16.95/£9.95) Kachere 1999 MW Mwasi, Y.Z. Essential and paramount reasons for working independently. (Kachere text, 8) ISBN: 9990816166 32pp. ill.pl. ($8.95/ £4.95) Kachere 1999 MW Ross, K.R., ed. Church, university and theological education in Malawi. (Kachere text, 1) 83pp. K48.50 ($5.50/£2.50) Kachere 1995 MW Ross, K R. Gospel ferment in Malawi: theological essays. (Kachere series, 2) 152pp. ($9.50) Mambo 1995 ZI Theology—Study and teaching Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) Panel Equip yourself to serve. ISBN: 9966855092 426pp. K.shs.350.00 Uzima 1998 KE Buono, G. Missiology: theology and praxis. ISBN: 9966218394 264pp. K.shs.480.00 ($6.00) Paulines 2002 KE Chakanza, J.C. Department of theology and religious studies, University of Malawi, annual report 2003. (Sources for the Study of Religion in Malawi, 22) ISBN: 999087641X 27pp. ($6.25/£3.44) Kachere 2004 MW Chakanza, J.C. Department of theology and religious studies, University of Malawi, annual report 2004. (Sources for the Study of Religion in Malawi, 24) ISBN: 9990876541 27pp. ($6.25/£3.44) Kachere 2004 MW Chakanza, J.C. Twenty five years of teaching theology and religious studies at the University of Malawi: annual report 2001-2002, Department of Theology and Religious Studies. (Kachere text, 15) ISBN: 9990816581 49pp. ($6.25/£3.44) Kachere 2003 MW Dossou, M., Zo’o Zo’o, D. Introduction à la théologie systématique. Dogmatique. vol.1 CFA5,000 (Eur15.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Ewbank, R.A.B. The apostolic age. 112pp. pl.maps Z$170.00 ($4.90) College Press -Zimb 1995 ZI
Gatwa, T., Zoe-Obianga, J.S., Mbo, P. Introduction à la théologie systématique. Ethiques. vol.2 CFA4,000 (Eur15.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Gaybba, B. God’s wisdom and human reason: the development of theology as a discipline in medieval texts. ISBN: 1868880982 104pp. R96.00 ($14.20/£9.20) Unisa 1999 SA Hategekimana, P. Setting the captives free: the development of a catechetical programme for southern Africa (19651991). ISBN: 1875053328 116pp. R40.00 ($8.00) Cluster 2002 SA Holland, F. Enseignement théologique décentralisé. 60pp. CFA1,000 CPE 1977 IV FRE Kenya Catholic Secretariat & Christian Churches’ Educational Association One in Christ. Teacher’s book eight. ed. ISBN: 9966221972 230pp. K.shs.330.00 ($4.00/£3.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2001 KE
Kenya Catholic Secretariat & Christian Churches’ Educational Association One in Christ. Teacher’s book five. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966221611 241pp. K.shs.356.00 ($4.00/£3.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2002 KE Kenya Catholic Secretariat & Christian Churches’ Educational Association One in Christ. Teacher’s book seven. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9966221964 240pp. K.shs.330.00 ($4.00/£3.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2001 KE Kenya Catholic Secretariat & Christian Churches’ Educational Association One in Christ. Teacher’s book six. ISBN: 9966221856 233pp. K.shs.330.00 ($4.00/ £3.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 2001 KE Möller, F.P From sin to salvation. (Words of Light and Life, 3) ISBN: 0627022979 152pp. R115.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Möller, F.P. Kingdom of God, church and sacraments. (Words of Light and Life, 4) ISBN: 0627022987 184pp. R115.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Möller, F.P. Understanding the greatest of truths. (Words of Light and Life, 1) ISBN: 062702341X 132pp. R115.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Möller, F.P. The wonder of creation and the enigma of spiritual beings. (Words of Light and Life, 5) ISBN: 0627021980 160pp. R115.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA Möller, F.P. The wonderful Christ and the meaning of humanness. (Words of Light and Life, 2) ISBN: 0627023495 132pp. R115.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA
Ewbank, R.A.B. Focus on A level divinity: prophets of the Old Testament. 120pp. ($7.40) College Press -Zimb 1998 ZI
Möller, F.P. The work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believers. (Words of Light and Life, 6) ISBN: 0527022960 176pp. R115.95 Van Schaik 1998 SA
Ewbank, R.A.B. Focus on A level divinity: the apostolic age. 112pp. ($7.40) College Press Zimb 1998 ZI
Motsebo, S., Kiki, C., Bouba Mbima, T, Introduction à la théologie pratique. CFA4,000 (Eur15.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE
Ewbank, R.A.B. Prophets of the Old Testament. 116pp. pl.maps Z$170.00 ($4.90) College Press -Zimb 1994 ZI
Ndlovu, D., Lo, J., Holland, G. Ephesians and Philippians. ISBN: 9966200835 241pp. Evangel 1998 KE
Ewbank, R.A.B., Ewbank, M.R. Focus on ‘A’ level divinity: the four gospels. ISBN: 1779002650 127pp. pl. Z$76,500 ($15.30/£10.20/Eur20.20) College Press -Zimb 2001 ZI Ewbank, R.A.B., Ewbank, M.R. The four gospels. ISBN: 1779002653 128pp. pl.maps Z$170.00 ($4.90) College Press -Zimb 1999 ZI
Thornton, M. Former les formateurs ETD. 165pp. CFA2,250 CPE 1993 IV FRE Thimbukushu—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Dikuua, A.M. Fumu diyeve. ISBN: 9991601805 28pp. Gamsberg 1999 SX THI Kandjungu, R.M. Mushere. [Novel.] ISBN: 9991601444 52pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX THI
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Thimbukushu—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Katoyima, E.D. Mushere rambango. [Anthology of ideas. Collection of poetry and short stories.] ISBN: 9991621911 64pp. Out of Africa Namibia 2002 SX THI Komarek, K. Thitetu thaKakuvo. [The book with the tortoise.] ISBN: 999160295X 24pp. ill. Gamsberg 2001 SX THI Kosmos, T.Y. Diyuwa shwaghe na kuwane Ndjambi dhange. [Novel.] ISBN: 9991611053 121pp. Longman - Namb 1998 SX THI Thiremo, N. Wange ne wange. ISBN: 9991601487 62pp. N$58.56 Gamsberg 1998 SX MBU Uwis, N., et al. Muvurukerasho: Thimbukushu. [Poetry.] 51pp. Gamsberg 1997 SX THI Thimbukushu—School books, Readers, Children’s literature del Klopper, C. Yikina yoShanba-shamba mvura. trans.f.t. Robert Munganda [The rain dance. Children’s book in Thimbukushu. Also available in Afrikaans, English, German, Herero, Khoekhoegowab, Kwanyama, Oshindonga, Rumanyo, Rukwangali, Silozi.]] 16pp. col.ill. Out of Africa - Namibia 2003 SX THI Dimbindo, G.D., et al. Perere: grade 11 & 12. [Thimbukushu poems.] ISBN: 9991601398 41pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX THI Thimbukushu Curriculum Committee Muyota panaghenyi. [Stories.] ISBN: 9991601401 48pp. Gamsberg 1998 SX THI Thimbukushu language—Grammar Fisch, M. Thimbukushu grammar. ISBN: 9991621350 153pp. Out of Africa Namibia 1998 SX MUL Thompson, Googoo—Biography Wongtschowski, B. Between Woodbush and Wolksberg: Googoo Thompson’s story. ISBN: 1869190114 254pp. ill. R125.00 Protea 2003 SA Tigrinya—General and Non-fiction Tesfai, A. Aynfelage: Eritrea 1941-1950. [Never fall apart. Eritrea 1941-1950.] 603pp. N60.00 HIDRI 2001 ER TIR Tip, Tippu—Biography Brode, H. Tippu Tip: the story of his career in Zanzibar & Central Africa. trans.f.t. Arabic by H.Havelock 2nd ed. ISBN: 9987887767 132pp. ill. Gallery 2000 TZ Tobacco—Malawi Wilshaw, C. A century of growth: Malawi’s tobacco industry, 1893-1993. 139pp. col.ill. Central Africana 1994 MW Tobacco—Tanzania Tanzania Tobacco Board Socio-economic importance of tobacco in Tanzania. 24pp. Tobacco TZ 2000 TZ Tobacco—Uganda Muhereza, F.E. Agricultural commercialisation, contract farming and tobacco: a study of the socio-economic effects of tobacco growing in Masindi district. (CBR working paper, 48) 56pp. ($10.50) Centre Basic Res 1998[?] UG Tobias, Philip V.—Autobiography Tobias, P.V. Into the past. A memoir. ISBN: 1770100156 Witwatersrand UP 2005 SA Togo—Cities and towns Marguerat, Y. Lomé: une brêve histoire de la capitale du Togo. 64pp. ill.pl.maps. CFA2,450 HaHo 1992 TG FRE Marguerat, Y., Pelei, T. Si Lomé m’était conté.... 248pp. pl.maps. CFA1,500 HaHo 1992 TG FRE
Subject index Togo—Education M’Gboouna, K. La politique scolaire au Togo. Evolution et principaux acteurs. ISBN: 2741200556 198pp. CFA7,500 ($20.45/£11.65/ Eur17.15) NEA - Togo 2002 TG FRE Togo—Geography Attignon, K. Géographie du Togo. Togo 1986 TG FRE
CFA1,175 NEA -
Togo—History Collectif Le Togo sous drapeau allemand selon Heinrich Klose. ISBN: 290671822X 218pp. CFA3,843 HaHo 1990 TG FRE d’Almeida-Ekue, S. La révolte des loméennes. 166pp. CFA3,000 NEA - Togo 1992 TG FRE d’Almeida, S.K., Gbedemah, S.Y.G. Le gouverneur Bonnecarrère au Togo. 118pp. CFA2,600 NEA - Togo 1982 TG FRE David, P. Une actrice de cinéma dans la brousse du nord-Togo (1913-1914). (Chroniques anciennes du Togo, 6) 275pp. CFA3,850 HaHo 1996 TG FRE David, P. Hommage à Alex Acolatse photographe togolais (1880-1975). 48pp. pl. CFA2,200 HaHo 1993 TG FRE David, P. Souvenirs du Togo. 286pp. CFA3,850 HaHo 1999 TG FRE Editions HaHo Histoire de Petit-Popo et du royaume Guin par Agbanon II. vol.2 208pp. maps CFA1,500 HaHo 1991 TG FRE Editions HaHo Regards français sur le Togo des années 1930. 266pp. CFA3,850 HaHo 1995 TG FRE Editions HaHo Le Togo en 1884 selon Hugo Zoeller. 218pp. maps CFA1,850 HaHo 1990 TG FRE Editions HaHo Trésors cachés du vieux Lomé. 164pp. pl. CFA3,750 HaHo 1993 TG FRE Marguerat, Y. La naissance du Togo selon les documents de l’époque. CFA2,000 HaHo 1992 TG FRE Wiyao, E. 13 janvier 1963, 13 janvier 1967, pourquoi? 112pp. pl.maps CFA2,500 NEA - Togo 1997 TG FRE Yagla, O.W. Les indigènes du Togo à l’assaut du pouvoir colonial. 119pp. CFA1,800 NEA - Togo 1992 TG FRE Togo—Politics and government Dogbé, Y.E. Le renouveau démocratique au Togo. 84pp. CFA1,500 Akpagnon 1991 TG FRE Massina, P. Droits de l’homme, libertés publiques et sous-développement au Togo. 246pp. CFA7,000 NEA - Togo 1997 TG FRE Togo—Sociology—Bibliography Marguerat, Y. Les études urbaines au Togo. Bibliographie thématique des origines à 1991. 44pp. CFA1,000 HaHo 1992 TG FRE Tonga also known as Chitonga Tonga—General and Non-fiction Mphande, D. Nthanthi za Chitonga za kusambizgiya ndi kutauliya. [Tonga proverbs for preaching and teaching.] (Mvunguti books, 5) ISBN: 9990816360 172pp. ($6.75/£3.72) Kachere 2000 MW TON Multimedia Publications Kamilima nyemu. [Grow more groundnuts.] 57pp. ill. Multimedia 1973 ZA TON
Tonga (African people)—Folklore Moyana, I. Tonga proverbs. [Text in English and Tonga.] ISBN: 0797423435 151pp. Silveira 2001 ZI MUL Tonga language—Dictionaries Turner, W.Y. Tumbuka/Tonga-English and EnglishTumbuka/Tonga dictionary re-issue ISBN: 9990814147 cd. 292pp. ($41.95/ £24.95) Central Africana 1996 MW MUL Turner, Y. Chitumbuka Chitonga English dictionary. 284pp. (£13.95) Central Africana 1996 MW MUL Tonga language—Grammar Carter, H. An outline of chiTonga grammar. ISBN: 9982240161 83pp. (£10.99) Bookworld 2002 ZA MUL Tourist trade see also Guide books Hotels and catering Travel United Nations Environment Programme Guidelines for development of national parks and protected areas for tourism. (UNEP technical report, 13) 3pp. ($20.00) UNEP 1992 KE Tourist trade—Africa, Southern Bennett, J.A., ed. Managing tourism services. A southern African perspective. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0627024750 476pp. R289.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA du Plessis, H. Tourism destinations southern Africa. ISBN: 0702152722 231pp. R175.00 Juta 2000 SA Hussey, H.A. Jumbo tourist guide to Swaziland and Maputo. 9th ed. 176pp. col.pl.maps R40.00 ($5.00) Jumbo 2000 SA Tourist trade—Study and teaching Bennet, A., Strydom, P. Introduction to travel and tourism studies. ISBN: 0702156361 264pp. R153.00 Juta 2001 SA Gordon-Davis, L., Cumberlege, P. Legal requirements for South African students and practitioners. The hospitality industry handbook series. ISBN: 0702151742 344pp. R185.00 Juta 2004 SA NBI and Consultants Focus on tourism. Grade 10. Learner’s book. ISBN: 063604873X 240pp. ill.pl.maps R87.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2002 SA Stern, A. What’s where? A resource for travel and tourism students, enthusiasts and practitioners. ISBN: 0702100000 Juta 2005 SA Toutou, Ossei—Biography Amegboh, J. Ossei Toutou. 112pp. CFA250.00 NEAS 1976 SG FRE Toys Snyman, A. Make your own cloth dolls. R39.95 Tafelberg 1991 SA
64pp. ill.
Toys—Africa Forum for African Women Educationalists Travelling exhibition of African scientific toys. [unpaged] FAWE 1997[?] KE Wamahiu, S., ed. Travelling exhibition of African toys. [Text in English and French.] ($5.00) FAWE 1995 KE MUL Toys—Kenya Kibera, L.W. Children’s homemade toys. Kenya Lit Bureau 1985 KE
84pp. ill.
Trade Unions see also Industrial relations Labor and laboring classes Socialism
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 506
African Books in Print
Subject index Antonides, H., Vanderkloet, E. A Christian labour association. (IRS study pamphlets, 285) 23pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1991 SA Trade Unions—Congo Democratic Republic Gassana, M. Le syndicalisme et ses incidences sociopolitiques en Afrique: cas de l’UNTZA. 213pp. Z53.00 Press Univ Congo 1982 ZR FRE Trade Unions—Kenya Aluchio, L.P.A. Trade unions in Kenya: development and system of industrial relations. ISBN: 9966221549 177pp. pl. K.shs.400.00 ($8.00/£5.00) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1998 KE Singh, M. Crucial years of Kenya trade unions 1952-1956. 340pp. ($6.00) K.shs.40.00 Uzima 1980 KE Trade Unions—Nigeria Otobo, D. Foreign interests and Nigerian trade unions. N250.00 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1990 NR Otobo, D. The trades union movement in Nigeria. 87pp. ($10.00/£6.25) Malthouse 1995 NR
Traffic engineering—South Africa Ncube, D. The influence of apartheid and capitalism on the development of black trade unions. (Izwi Labasebenzi, 1) cd. & R12.00 cd. R6.95 Skotaville 1985 SA
Ribbens, H. Proposed guidelines for the provision, design and siting of grade-separated pedestrian crossing. (RV, 3) 44pp. R20.00 CSIR 1985 SA
Pityana, S.M., Orkin, M., eds. Beyond the factory floor. A survey of Cosatu shop-stewards. 99pp. R22.00 Ravan 1992 SA
Satar, W.H.J. Photometric evaluation of headlights part I: “E”-marked headlights with standard test lamps. (RV, 1) 73pp. R30.00 CSIR 1985 SA
Ramaphosa, C. Organising on the mines. 5pp. ($3.00/ £2.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1985 SA Trade Union Research Project Calculations for wage negotiations. R10.00 TURP 1992 SA von Holdt, K. Transition from below. Forging trade unionism workplace change in South Africa. ISBN: 186914029X 284pp. (£14.95) Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 2003 SA Wood, G. Trade union recognition. ISBN: 1868640051 227pp. R89.95 Thomson Int 1998 SA
Trade Unions—Senegal Ndiaye, I.D. Etre syndicaliste aujourd’hui. ISBN: 2844060356 206pp. CFA4,500 (Eur6.86) Xamal 2001 SG FRE
Trade Unions—South Africa—Collections Cunningham, A.M. Records of the Trade Union Council of South Africa, 1915-1954. vol.1(Historical and Literary Papers, Inventories of Collections, 8) 184pp. R5.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1979 [?] SA
Trade Unions—South Africa Adler, G., Webster, E., eds. Trade unions and democratization in South Africa, 1985-1997. ISBN: 1868143694 256pp. R130.00 Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA [Southern Africa only]
Trade Unions—Uganda Asoka-Okwe, C. An evaluation of trade unions and social conditions of industrial workers in Uganda. (CBR consultancy reports, 3) 39pp. U.shs.4,000 ($5.00) Centre Basic Res 1999 UG
Baskin, J. Striking back. A history of Cosatu. 520pp. ill. R33.54 Ravan 1991 SA [Southern Africa only] Bradford, H. A taste of freedom: the ICU in rural South Africa, 1924-1930. 364pp. R45.00 Ravan 1988 SA Cunningham, A.M., comp. Records of the Trade Union Council of South Africa, 1955-1986. vol.2(Historical & Literary Papers: Inventories of Collections, 14) 156pp. R11.00 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1987 SA Friedman, S. Building tomorrow today. African workers in trade unions, 1970-1984. 505pp. R21.00 Ravan 1987 SA Gon, S. Analysis of some key points in the report of the National Manpower Commission (NMC) on collective bargaining and related matters. 10pp. ($4.00/£2.00) R4.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1984 SA Hirson, B. Yours for the union: class and community struggles in South Africa. 243pp. pl. R49.95. Witwatersrand UP 1990 SA Jacobson, M., Cunningham, A.M., comps. Records of the Garment Workers Union. (Historical and Literary Papers, Inventories of Collections, 9) 238pp. R7.50 Univ Witwatersrand Lib 1981 SA LACOM Freedom from below: the struggles for trade unions in South Africa. 279pp. pl. ($17.50/£12.00) Skotaville 1989 SA Mackay, S., Mathoho, M. Worker power: the Congress of South African Trade Unions and its impact on governance and democracy. (CPS research reports, 79) 99pp. Centre Policy Stud 2001 SA Maree, J., ed. The independent trade unions, 1974-1984. Ten years of the South African Labour Bulletin. (Ravan Labour Studies, 2) 353pp. R21.00 Ravan 1987 SA
Traffic engineering see also Highway engineering Transportation Basson, J.E.B. The effective measurement of traffic axle loading to achieve better road design. (NITRR Technical Report, RP/1/ 82) 14pp. CSIR 1982 SA Davinroy, T.B., Reeves, G.W. Interim procedure for calculating road traffic noise. (CSIR Technical Manual K65) 29pp. CSIR 1983 SA Freeman, M.J. The effect of the driving environment upon vehicle speeds in residential areas. (RV, 17) 26pp. R10.00 CSIR 1986 SA Freeman, P.N.W. Summary of the road user cost recovery study. (NITRR Technical Report, RT/4/ 82) 25pp. CSIR 1982 SA Nel, P.W. Traffic conflict measuring techniques: a pilot study. (DPVT, 80) 68pp. R35.00 CSIR 1989 SA Reeves, G.W. The predictive accuracy of the interim noise prediction procedure. (RV, 9) 30pp. R10.00 CSIR 1986 SA Reeves, G.W., Wixley, R.A.J. Statistical analysis of the relationship between observed values Leq and L10. (RV, 8) 46pp. R10.00 CSIR 1986 SA Ribbens, H. Evaluation of the proposed guidelines for uncontrolled midblock pedestrian crossing. (RV, 10) 48pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA Ribbens, H. Guidelines for the setting of speed limits. (RV, 19) 30pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA Ribbens, H. Pedestrian casualties at road intersections and suggested engineering measures. (RV, 14) 66pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA
Sator, W.H.J. Photometric evaluation of headlights, part II: “E”-marked headlights fitted with “E”marked lamps. (RV, 13) 62pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA Sator, W.H.J., Schoeman, M. Photometric evaluation of warning signs on the back of certain vehicles. (RV, 11) 23pp. R10.00 CSIR 1986 SA Schermers, G. Environmental aspects of traffic control: An appraisal methodology. (DPVT, 128) 106pp. R40.00 CSIR 1990 SA Tenikalp, O.A. Exterior features of adapted goods vehicles. (RV, 16) 25pp. R10.00 CSIR 1986 SA Tenikalp, O.A. The transportation of people on goods vehicles. (RV, 15) 37pp. R10.00 CSIR 1986 SA Traffic engineering—Bibliography Nel, P.W. The use of traffic conflict measuring techniques (TCMT) as an indicator of potential risk of collisions: a literature survey. (DPVT, 79) 24pp. R15.00 CSIR 1989 SA Traffic engineering—South Africa Bester, C.J., Kennedy, D.A. Traffic characteristics on Du Toitskloof Pass. (RT, 63) 21pp. R10.00 CSIR 1986 SA Brafman Bahar, G. Case studies of single-vehicle accidents on rural roads. (RV 27) 46pp. R20.00 CSIR 1987 SA Fieldwick, R., De Beer, E.J.H. The rural speed limit and traffic accidents. (RV, 26) 160pp. CSIR 1987 SA Havell, D.F. Review of traffic management in existing residential areas. (DPVT, 4) 35pp. R20.00 CSIR 1988 SA Kennedy, D.A. Speed/flow relationships on various road types in the Cape Town metropolitan area. (RT, 77) 33pp. R10.00 CSIR 1987 SA Kennedy, D.A., Bester, C.J. Turnouts on Du Toitskloof Pass. (RT, 62) 19pp. R5.00 CSIR 1986 SA Kiln, J. SIMTRA: Microscopic simulation of traffic flow at isolated intersections: An evaluation. (RT, 119) 50pp. R20.00 CSIR 1988 SA Lockwood, D.N. Vehicle-actuated traffic signals: a commentary on current practice - 1986. (RT, 70) 47pp. R20.00 CSIR 1987 SA Lockwood, D.N., Schermers, G. Evaluation of vehicle-actuated traffic signals: a case study in Pretoria. (RT, 56) 33pp. R10.00 CSIR 1986 SA Morden, C.H. An estimate of the cost of road traffic collisions in South Africa for 1988. (DPVT, 64) 61pp. R30.00 CSIR 1989 SA Opperman, R.A. Automatic vehicle identification and driver information systems investigation during an overseas study tour FebruaryMarch 1986. (RV, 31) 49pp. R20.00 CSIR 1987 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Traffic engineering—South Africa Ribbens, H. The uses of Pelican pedestrian crossing in South Africa: a case study in Roodepoort. Part 2: evaluation of road safety conditions. (RV, 30) 31pp. R12.00 CSIR 1987 SA Sator, W.H.J. The comprehension of new traffic signs for road works by South African drivers. (RV, 12) 17pp. R10.00 CSIR 1986 SA Sator, W.H.J., Nel, P.W. Visibility of traffic lights in Pretoria. (RV, 32) R10.00 CSIR 1987 SA Schermers, G. Roundabouts - An alternative to intersection control. (RT, 83) 72pp. R30.00 CSIR 1987 SA Schermers, G., Lockwood, D.N. Survey of traffic monitoring equipment available in South Africa 1987. (RT, 113) 60pp. R25.00 CSIR 1988 SA Schermers, G., Rothman, W.R. Survey of traffic monitoring equipment available in South Africa 1990. (DPVT, 151) 67pp. R35.00 CSIR 1990 SA Schermers, G., Skowronski, W.M. A guide on the availability of traffic controllers in the Republic of South Africa. (RT, 66) 28pp. R10.00 CSIR 1986 SA Skutil, V. A metholodogy of using traffic engineering input for driver education. (RT, 81) 41pp. R10.00 CSIR 1987 SA Van Kralingen, W.N. Emergency Communication Systems for road users in SA: The “SOS” Roadside Callbox Project. (Executive summary). (RV 29) 26pp. R10.00 CSIR 1987 SA Van Kralingen, W.N. Emergency Communication Systems for road users in South Africa: the SOS Roadside Callbox Project. (RV, 28) 272pp. R30.00 CSIR 1987 SA Van Kralingen, W.N., et al. Report on the Transvaal SOS Freeway Patrol. (RV, 23) 164pp. R30.00 CSIR 1986 SA Traffic engineering—South Africa— Bibliography Schermers, G. Environmental aspects of traffic control: a literature review. (DPVT, 7) 21pp. R10.00 CSIR 1988 SA Transportation see also Automobiles Aviation Driver eduaction Missions, Christian Petroleum Railroads Traffic engineering Minter, S. Integrating transport and land use: lessons from North and South. (Working papers, 54) 50pp. R23.00 Urb Prob Res Unit 1997 SA
Subject index Fair, D., Jones, T. The ports of sub-Saharan Africa and their hinterlands: an overview. 98pp. maps. ($11.00) R11.00 Africa Inst 1991 SA
Clark, P.M.E., et al. Trends, patterns and forecasts of black commuting in South Africa. (RT, 120) 52pp. R30.00 CSIR 1988 SA
Institute for Development Studies Some observations on rail and road transport in Commonwealth tropical Africa. (IDS discussion paper, 257) 51pp. K.shs.120.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE
Clark, P.M.E., Mphahlele, M.R. Likely changes in long distance migrant labour movements. (RT, 114) 94pp. R30.00 CSIR 1988 SA
Zhou, P. Regional mass transport systems in Eastern and Southern Africa. Policy impact in climate change mitigation. (AFREPREN working paper, 166) 67pp. AFREPREN 1998 KE Transportation—Africa, Southern Ngwenya, S., ed. The transport and communications sector in southern Africa. 136pp. ($18.00/ £9.50) SAPES 1993 ZI Transportation—Bibliography Freeman, M.J. Value capture and the provision of transport facilities: a literature review. (DPVT, 25) 38pp. R15.00 CSIR 1988 SA Transportation—Congo Democratic Republic Kalongo, M. L’automobile et la sécurite routière en droit zaïrois. 431pp. Z80.00 Press Univ Congo 1982 ZR FRE Transportation—Developing countries United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Comparative modal efficiencies in urban transport, with reference to developing countries: mass public-transport modes and sustainable development. vol.1 20pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE Transportation—Great Britain Bosman, J., Browning, P.J., Smith, R.A. Deregulation and privatisation of buses: The United Kingdom experience. (RT, 93) 95pp. R30.00 CSIR 1987 SA Bosman, J., Browning, P.J., Smith, R.A. Deregulation and privatisation of buses: The United Kingdom experience Executive Summary. (RT, 103) 25pp. R20.00 CSIR 1987 SA Browning, P.J. Deregulation of public passenger transport: the United Kingdom experience. (RT, 31) 29pp. R10.00 CSIR 1986 SA Transportation—Kenya Diamond, P., Mitchell, F., Muturi, M. Report of the air freight study group. (IDS discussion paper, 79) 50pp. K.shs.96.00 Inst Dev Stud 1969 KE Transportation—South Africa Bester, C.J. ECANET - a computer program for the economic analysis of rural road networks. (RT, 35) 45pp. R20.00 CSIR 1985 SA Bester, C.J. Forecasting rural road traffic: a brief review. (DPVT, 28) 25pp. R10.00 CSIR 1988 SA
Sator, W.H.J. The luminous intensity of rear position lights on commercial vehicles. (DPVT, 66) 28pp. R10.00 CSIR 1989 SA
Bester, C.J. Historic rural traffic growth in South Africa. (DPVT, 14) 19pp. R10.00 CSIR 1988 SA
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Guidelines for planning of rural settlements and infrastructure: road networks. 53pp. UNCHS 1985 KE
Brown, R.J., Tomecki, A.B. Review of urban traffic capacity research in South Africa. (RT, 45) 56pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements The design and manufacture of low-cost motorized vehicles. 190pp. UNCHS 1988 KE United Nations Environment Programme Energy savings in the transportation sector. (UNEP technical report, 25) 779pp. ($30.00) UNEP 1995 KE MUL Transportation—Africa Baguant, J., Teferra, M. Transport energy in Africa. AFREPREN 1996 KE
134pp. maps
Browning, P., Smith, R.A. Urban transportation policy: the strategic marketing approach, overview. (NITRR Report SM(O)) 24pp. CSIR 1983 SA Browning, P.J., Smith, R.A. Black commuting in Pretoria: public transport operators’ problems. (NITRR Technical report, BCP3) 38pp. R10.00 CSIR 1986 SA Cameron, J.W.M., et al. The black transport crisis. 1985 SA
50pp. CSIR
Clark, P.M.E., Naudé, A.H. Bus subsidization in South Africa. (RT, 38) 103pp. R30.00 CSIR 1987 SA Copley, P.J., Clark, P.M.E. The application of central place theories in Northern Natal/Kwazulu: towards a rural road investment framework. (RT, 30) 62pp. R20.00 CSIR 1985 SA Council for Scientific & Industrial Research Preliminary list of road and transport terms. (NITRR Report, RI/4/80) 92pp. CSIR 1980 SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Safety at roadworks in rural areas. [Text in Afrikaans and English.] (CSIR Technical Manual, K56) 69pp. CSIR 1982 SA MUL Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Twenty-five years of research at the National Institute for Transport and Road Research. (CSIR Special Report, Pad 45) 50pp. CSIR 1980 SA Crafford, C. de I. The causes and effects of inflation (with special reference to the transport sector.) (NITRR Report, RT/17/80) 75pp. CSIR 1980 SA Crous, W.W. Review of the MEPLAN transport model and its application in Cape Town. (RT, 60) 98pp. R30.00 CSIR 1986 SA Crous, W.W., Price, F.G. Metropolitan core city planning in South Africa: transport modelling requirements and new directions. vol.3(DPVT, 116) 58pp. R35.00 CSIR 1990 SA Dehlen, G.L. Analysis of the transport environment 1988. Implications for transportation. vol.2(DPVT, 32) 120pp. R35.00 CSIR 1989 SA Dehlen, G.L. Analysis of the transport environment 1989: key forces and issues. (DPVT, 100) 16pp. R10.00 CSIR 1990 SA Dehlen, G.L. Analysis of the transport environment 1989: system performance. (DPVT, 103) 30pp. R10.00 CSIR 1990 SA del Mistro, R.F. Accidents at urban intersections: a second study. (NITRR Report, RF/5/81) 56pp. CSIR 1981 SA Dewar, D. Some developmental issues relating to transportation planning in the peripheral areas of South Africa. (RT, 27) 102pp. R30.00 CSIR 1985 SA Earey, D.A. Full and fractional stop costs and traffic stream performance during speed change cycles. (RT, 17) 17pp. R5.00 CSIR 1986 SA Edgar, R.C.R., ed. Underground transport symposium. (SAIMM special publications, 1) cd. 151pp. ill. ($52.00) SAIMM 1986 SA Ensenberg, M. The effect of long-distance commuting on productivity, fatigue and stress: some theoretical considerations. (RT, 61) 63pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA Ensenberg, M. The effect of long-distance commuting on worker fatigue and stress. (RT, 69) 28pp. R10.00 CSIR 1987 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Fabricius, M.P., Myrdal, B.C A survey of transportation patterns and preferences in Motherwell Port Elizabeth. (Research reports, 41) R20.00 Inst Planning Res 1990 SA Falk, A.J. Black commuting in Pretoria: the public transport network. (NITRR Technical report, BCP2) 34pp. R10.00 CSIR 1982 SA Farquharson, H. Transport and transport cost rebates in relation to the agricultural sector of the North and North-West Transvaal. (RT, 32) 25pp. R10.00 CSIR 1985 SA Forshaw, P., Freeman, M.J. Privatisation and transport. (DPVT, 11) 52pp. R20.00 CSIR 1989 SA Fourie, E.M., Morris, N. The effects of a long journey to work on the daily activities of black commuters. Proceedings of the annual transportation convention, Pretoria, 1985. 16pp. CSIR 1985 SA Freeman, M.J. Combi-taxi feeder services in Cape Town: A report on field observations. (RT, 54) 48pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA Freeman, M.J. A guide to applications for public road carrier permits. (RT, 117) 29pp. R10.00 CSIR 1988 SA Freeman, M.J. The potential for value capture in the provision of transport facilities in South Africa. (DPVT, 136) 78pp. R50.00 CSIR 1990 SA Freeman, M.J. Short distance commuting and the use of combi-taxis in Cape Town. (RT, 86) 18pp. R5.00 CSIR 1987 SA Geddes, N. Guidelines: road layout for developing communities. Literature review of labourbased road construction. (RT, 21) 33pp. R10.00 CSIR 1985 SA Glass, R.D. Cost determination of alternative black commuter services between Pretoria and Pienaarsrivier. (RT, 51) 54pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA Glass, R.D., Hamilton, C.C. An estimate of the cost of road traffic accidents in South Africa, 1986. (RT, 104) 52pp. R30.00 CSIR 1987 SA Glass, R.D., Van Gass, H. Bus and rail commuter cost determination for selected services in Natal. (RT, 79) 50pp. R20.00 CSIR 1987 SA Haddow, P.M. The risk of young drivers in South Africa. (DPVT, 59) 108pp. R30.00 CSIR 1989 SA Hamilton, C.C. Economics of pilot training subsidies. (RT, 43) 46pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA Hamilton, C.C. The estimated market share of public and ancillary road carriers in a specifically defined South African goods transport market. (RT, 49) 78pp. R30.00 CSIR 1986 SA Hillman, J.C. Bus safety standards III: Emergency exits. (RV, 21) 16pp. R10.00 CSIR 1986 SA Hillman, J.C. The transportation of hazardous materials: a safety comparison between articulated vehicles and rigid trucks. (RV, 7) 13pp. R10.00 CSIR 1985 SA Horn, G.S., Lloyd, H.R. Transport. (ERU research reports, 57) R45.00 ERU 1994 SA Jones, T. Coastal sea transport and inter-modal competition in South Africa. (RT, 29) 274pp. R50.00 CSIR 1985 SA
Transportation—South Africa Jones, T. The international shipping industry and South Africa’s seaborne trade. (RT, 78) 304pp. R35.00 CSIR 1987 SA
Morris, N. Black commuting in Pretoria: summary report. (NITRR Technical report, BCP15) 15pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA
Kennedy, T.L. Calculation of infrastructure costs for rural roads and rail. (RT, 13) 25pp. R10.00 CSIR 1986 SA
Morris, N.F. Black commuting in Durban by bus, train and combi-taxi. (RT, 90) 42pp. R15.00 CSIR 1987 SA
Kennedy, T.L. Calculation of railway unit costs in South Africa. (RT, 44) 11pp. R5.00 CSIR 1986 SA
Morris, N.F., Forshaw, P., Freeman, M.J. A survey of the desegregation of public transport services in South Africa. (RT, 98) 21pp. R20.00 CSIR 1987 SA
Kennedy, T.L. Development of a road and rail cost model for South Africa (TRB Paper). (RT, 111) 11pp. R10.00 CSIR 1988 SA
Morris, N.F., Tomecki, A.B. Black drivers in the urban transportation system: Their impact, perceptions and attitudes. (RT, 76) 22pp. R10.00 CSIR 1987 SA
Kennedy, T.L. Evaluation of costs and service between coastal centres - the modal choice decision. (RT, 88) 18pp. R5.00 CSIR 1987 SA Kennedy, T.L. A road and rail cost model - the quantification of shipper choice. (RT, 53) 46pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA Kennedy, T.L., Morden, C. Determination of costs of rail commuter services in Cape Town. (RT, 18) 65pp. R20.00 CSIR 1985 SA Kinsey, G., Thomas, A.W. Passenger survey on the mid-engine Pendelbus and MAN buses in Durban. (DPVT, 99) 14pp. R10.00 CSIR 1989 SA Krauklis, H. An analysis of the economic efficiency of domestic air transportation in South Africa, using a scheduling model. (RT, 19) 22pp. R10.00 CSIR 1985 SA Leonard, K., de Hollain, D. Transport statistics. 1980. (CSIR Special Report, Pad 46) 36pp. CSIR 1980 SA Lombard, M.C. Feasibility study for a national travel survey. (RT, 82) 21pp. R10.00 CSIR 1987 SA Marais, H.J. Household transportation needs in rural Transkei. (RT, 72) 47pp. R20.00 CSIR 1987 SA Marais, H.J. Towards a regional evaluation of the role of transport in development. (RT, 68) 36pp. R10.00 CSIR 1987 SA McCaul, C. No easy ride (a study of the black taxi industry in South Africa). 126pp. ($12.00/£7.00) R20.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1990 SA Meintjes, H.S. A roadside evaluation of commercial vehicle roadworthiness in South Africa. (DPVT, 108) 30pp. R15.00 CSIR 1990 SA Morris, N. Black commuting in Pretoria: attitudes towards cost. (NITRR Technical report, BCP8) 28pp. R10.00 CSIR 1982 SA Morris, N. Black commuting in Pretoria: attitudes towards total travel time. (NITRR Technical report, BCP7) 23pp. R10.00 CSIR 1982 SA Morris, N. Black commuting in Pretoria: attitudes towards transfers. (NITRR Technical report, BCP11) 19pp. R10.00 CSIR 1983 SA Morris, N. Black commuting in Pretoria: attitudes towards walking times. (NITRR Technical report, BCP13) 16pp. R10.00 CSIR 1983 SA Morris, N. Black commuting in Pretoria: population and employment figure. (NITRR Technical report, BCP1) 39pp. R10.00 CSIR 1983 SA
Naudé, A.H. The role of transport in a rapidly urbanising environment. (DPVT, 13) 37pp. R15.00 CSIR 1988 SA Ndletyana, M. Route map to change: lessons from the DOT’s approach to transformation. (CPS policy briefs, 13) 23pp. Centre Policy Stud 1999 SA Nel, P.W. Motor cycle safety in South Africa. (RV, 2) 59pp. R30.00 CSIR 1985 SA Oosthuizen, E. Black commuting in Pretoria: Methodology and socio-economic details of the sample. (NITRR Technical report, BCP4) 46pp. R20.00 CSIR 1983 SA Oosthuizen, E. Black commuting in Pretoria: travel patterns from Atteridgeville and Saulsville. 31pp. R10.00 CSIR 1984 SA Oosthuizen, E. Black commuting in Pretoria: travel patterns from Ga-Rankuwa. 23pp. R10.00 CSIR 1984 SA Oosthuizen, E. Black commuting in Pretoria: travel patterns from Hammanskraal. 22pp. R10.00 CSIR 1983 SA Oosthuizen, E. Black commuting in Pretoria: travel patterns from Mabopane and Mabopane and Soshanguve. 47pp. R20.00 CSIR 1984 SA Oosthuizen, E. Black commuting in Pretoria: travel patterns from Mamelodi. 35pp. R10.00 CSIR 1984 SA Oosthuizen, E. Black commuting in Pretoria: travel patterns from the hinterland of Bophuthatswana. 33pp. R10.00 CSIR 1984 SA Opperman, R.A. Safety at road traffic checkpoints, roadside surveys, speed checks and accident scenes. 43pp. CSIR 1986 SA Pienaar, W.J. Running costs of selected vehicle types on rural roads. (RT, 106) 16pp. R10.00 CSIR 1987 SA Pienaar, W.J., Jurgens, F.X. Car fuel consumption rates in South African cities. (NITRR Report, RT/46/80) 69pp. CSIR 1980 SA Porée, N.A. The local content programme and vehicle tare mass. (RT, 26) 66pp. R20.00 CSIR 1985 SA Price, F.G. Alternative approaches to land use and transport planning: report on a visit to Canada and the United States, September - October 1982. (RT, 20) 70pp. R20.00 CSIR 1985 SA Price, F.G. Land as an instrument of development policy: a study of municipal policies and attitudes in the Johannesburg Metropolitan Transport Area. (RT, 34) 46pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Transportation—South Africa Price, F.G. The landowner’s response to public sector development policy. (RT, 25) 80pp. R30.00 CSIR 1986 SA Ribbens, H. Road Safety in the Republic of Venda: a study of problem areas and suggested countermeasures. (DPVT, 53) 100pp. R40.00 CSIR 1989 SA Roussouw, A.M.M. A survey of transportation patterns and preferences of the commuters in the greater Port Elizabeth metropolitan area. (Research reports, 47) R25.00 Inst Planning Res 1992 SA
Subject index Van der Reis, A.P. Black commuting in Pretoria: attitudes towards drivers and inspectors. (NITRR Technical report, BCP14) 57pp. R20.00 CSIR 1983 SA Van der Reis, A.P. Black commuting in Pretoria: attitudes towards frequency, punctuality and waiting times. (NITRR Technical report, BCP12) 85pp. R20.00 CSIR 1983 SA Van der Reis, A.P. The feasibility of establishing a nationally representative Black traveller panel: a pilot study in Durban. (RT, 89) 23pp. R5.00 CSIR 1987 SA
Schermers, G. Effects of road improvement on fuel consumption of passenger buses: a case study. (RT, 28) 26pp. R10.00 CSIR 1985 SA
van Niekerk, E.C. An evaluation of the Tompkins Pendelbus: The driver, the workshop and management. (DPVT, 46) 43pp. R20.00 CSIR 1989 SA
Schermers, G. Effects of road improvements on fuel consumption of buses: after study. (RT, 100) 32pp. R20.00 CSIR 1987 SA
van Rensburg, W.A.J., Naudé. Black and Indian commuter travel in the Durban metropolitan region (final report). (RT, 74) 160pp. R30.00 CSIR 1987 SA
Schutte, I.C. Comments on the application of NITRR Technical Manual Draft K64. 21pp. R10.00 CSIR 1985 SA
van Rensburg, W.A.J., Naudé, A.H. Black and Indian commuter travel in the Durban metropolitan region (Executive summary). (RT, 102) 12pp. R10.00 CSIR 1987 SA
Schutte, I.C. Computerization of CSIR Draft Manual K64 Part II: Program COSTDATA. (RT, 50) 111pp. R30.00 CSIR 1987 SA Schutte, I.C. The financial and economic cost of bus and combi-taxi operations. (RT, 101) 107pp. R30.00 CSIR 1987 SA Schutte, I.C. User manual for program COSTDATA. (RT, 87) 19pp. R10.00 CSIR 1987 SA Schutte, S.F.L. Updating market prices to determine vehicle running cost in program COSTDATA. (RT, 118) 9pp. R5.00 CSIR 1988 SA Skutil, V. Fountains Circle: Four traffic control alternatives. (RT, 41) 35pp. R10.00 CSIR 1986 SA Smith, R.A. An investigation into the extent of the desegregation of bus services in Southern Africa in 1986. (RT, 94) 14pp. R20.00 CSIR 1987 SA Sweet, R.J. Car ownership demand study. (RT, 112) 111pp. R30.00 CSIR 1988 SA Sweet, R.J. Priority evaluation by comparative assessment. (RT, 40) 25pp. R10.00 CSIR 1986 SA Sweet, R.J., Lockwood, D.N. The accuracy and estimation of annual traffic flow. (CSIR Technical Manual, K70) 51pp. CSIR 1983 SA Thomas, A.W. Bus safety standards: flammability of interior materials. (DPVT, 6) 54pp. R20.00 CSIR 1988 SA Tomecki, A.B. Proposals of organizational procedures for the TSM process. (RT, 24) 29pp. R10.00 CSIR 1986 SA Totman, D., Henderson, C.M., Pollett, E.A. The Pietermaritzburg by-pass utility analysis. The final report to the South African Roads Board. (INR investigational reports, 98) not available for purchase Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Van der Reis, A.P. Black commuting in Pretoria: attitudes towards crime levels. (NITRR Technical Report, BCP10) 49pp. CSIR 1982 SA Van der Reis, A.P. Black commuting in Pretoria: attitudes towards crowding. (NITRR Technical report, BCP9) 56pp. R20.00 CSIR 1983 SA
van Staden, C.P. Motor and diesel trade theory. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 208pp. ill. R65.00 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA van Staden, C.P. Motor trade theory N1. 2nd ed. 176pp. ill. R63.00 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA van Zyl, N.J.W. A review of methods for the demand estimation of road freight transport and their application in South Africa. (RT, 59) 58pp. R20.00 CSIR 1987 SA Visser, A.T., Basson, J.E.B. A study of bus loading characteristics in South Africa. (DPVT, 29) 36pp. R15.00 CSIR 1988 SA Wolhuter, K.M. Climbing lanes on two-way two-lane rural roads: a commentary on current practice. (RT, 46) 28pp. R10.00 CSIR 1986 SA Wolhuter, K.M., Skutil, V. Parameters for South African design vehicles. (DPVT, 109) 72pp. R35.00 CSIR 1990 SA Transportation—South Africa— Bibliography Canales, A. Literature survey: Bus and coach seat safety. (DPVT, 57) 18pp. R10.00 CSIR 1989 SA Marais, H.J. Transport and development: a literature survey. (RT, 47) 56pp. R20.00 CSIR 1986 SA Transportation—Uganda Magezi, S.A.K. Mitigating transport sector green house gas emissions: options for Uganda. (AFREPREN working paper, 163) 56pp. AFREPREN 1998 KE Transportation—Zimbabwe Batidzirai, B. Urban transport in Zimbabwe: cleaner options for a sustainable future. (AFREPREN working paper, 179) 60pp. AFREPREN 1998 KE Travel see also Aviation Guide books Tourist trade and as a sub-division under names of specific countries or regions, or listed under countries with the sub-division guide books
Haynes, T. The house at the edge of the world. ISBN: 1919931104 180pp. R135.00 ($18.50) (£11.00) Jacana 2002 SA Heale, J. One over the eight. 36pp. R20.00 Bookchat-SA 1997 SA Hilton-Barber, B., Hopkins, P. Worst journeys. ISBN: 1770071016 256pp. Zebra 2005 SA Holgate, K. Following the invisible line capricorn: my family’s epic journey around the world. [Book and CD-ROM] ISBN: 1868727815 cd. 208pp. ill. (£17.99) Struik Publ 2003 SA Ihekweazu, E. Experience abroad. African travellers discover the Western world. 156pp. ($9.00/£6.00) N80.00 Delta 1993 NR Jacobs, R. Mecca diary. ISBN: 1770130187 160pp. R140.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Lazar, C. Tips for trips. ISBN: 0864864698 104pp. R90.00 New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA Travel—Africa (General works) Clancey, P.A. Kingfishers Saharan Africa. Ball 1995 SA
cd. R200.00
Conlyn, G. Delicious travel. ISBN: 1770090312 224pp. R195.00 ($26.50/£15.50) Jacana 2004 SA Fox, J., Copeland, M., Ewart-Smith, C., Pinnock, D. Just add dust. Overland from Cape to Cairo. ISBN: 0795701918 244pp. col.pl.maps R120.00 Kwela 2004 SA Foxworth, N.O.A. Bury me in Africa. Mambo 1984 ZI
52pp. ($3.90)
Levin, A. The wonder safaris: African journeys of miracle and surprises. ISBN: 1868728854 222pp. col.pl. (£9.99) New Holland 2004 SA Montgomery, D. The reflected face of Africa. 288pp. ill. R75.00 Options Publ 1997 SA Montgomery, D. Two shores of the ocean. 256pp. ill. R75.00 Options Publ 1997 SA Naipaul, S. North of South: an African journey. R49.98 Penguin SA SA Penny, S. The whiteness of bones. ISBN: 014026423X 256pp. (£8.95) Penguin SA 1998 SA Pinnock, D. African journeys. ISBN: 191993040X 256pp. pl.maps R185.00 Double Storey 2003 SA Pinnock, D. Love letters to Africa. ISBN: 191993068X 224pp. Double Storey 2005 SA Robbins, D. Aspects of Africa. 330pp. R89.95 Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA Venter, A.J. Africa today. cd. 304pp. pl. R8.50 Macmillan - SA 1975 SA Travel—Africa, West Guiré, M. De la savane au désert. ISBN: 2911740068 96pp. CFA1,500 (Eur4.28) GTIB 1998 UV FRE
Bow, S. Globetrotter cruise guide. ISBN: 1853688800 176pp. col.pl.maps R59.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Trovato, Ben—Diaries, letters Trovato, B. The Ben Trovato files. ISBN: 0958440220 200pp. M&G 2001 SA
Globetrotter Travel Publications Globetrotter travel diary. ISBN: 1853684341 128pp. col.pl.maps R39.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Tsoa language also known as Tshwa
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 510
African Books in Print
Tsonga—Fiction, Drama, Poetry
Subject index Tsoa—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Bunyan, J. A kufamba ka mukristu. [Pilgrim’s progress.] 4th ed. 110pp. pl. R6.00 Sasavona Pub 1985 SA TSA Mucambe, E. Landikezani. [Novel.] 111pp. ill. R6.50 Sasavona Pub 1988 SA TSA Tsoa—General and Non-fiction Armstrong, M.P. Zigonzoza testaments ga kale. [Old testament studies.] 3rd ed. 64pp. R7.50 Sasavona Pub 1995 SA TSA Mbanze, N.J. A ngango wa Mutshwa. [The Tshwa home.] 6th ed. 111pp. R11.00 Sasavona Pub 1987 SA TSA Mucambe, E.S. A mavingu ya va-Tshwa ni titekatekani. [Proverbs and riddles.] 3rd ed. 46pp. R4.50 Sasavona Pub 1989 SA TSA Naves, B.T., Bartling, G. A wutomi ginene. [Good health.] 2nd ed. 128pp. pl. R8.00 Sasavona Pub 1989 SA TSA Persson, J.A. Mitlhamuselo ya mauito ya Biblia. [Explanation of biblical names.] 6th ed. 211pp. ill. R9.00 Sasavona Pub 1988 SA TSA Persson, J.A. A mpingulo wa timhaka ta vaIsraeli. [A summary of the history of Israel.] 186pp. R6.50 Sasavona Pub 1985 SA TSA Persson, J.A. Paule. [Paul. The life of Paul the apostle.] 4th ed. 176pp. ill. R8.00 Sasavona Pub 1988 SA TSA Tsoa—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Mucambe, E. Munghana wa zivanana. [Childrens’ stories.] 64pp. ill. R4.00 Sasavona Pub 1987 SA TSA Tsoa language—Dictionaries Wilson, R.L., Mucambe, R. Dicionario pratico. [Practical dictionary. Portuguese-xiTshwa.] 193pp. R9.00 Sasavona Pub 1984 SA MUL Tsonga—Easy reading materials, Adult Bila, F.V. Mali ya mudende. [Pension money. Also available in Afrikaans, English, Sesotho, Xhosa, Zulu] 32pp. ill. R16.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1997 SA TON Bila, V. Ndzi rhandza Dhazurike. [I love Dhazurike.] ISBN: 1868403343 36pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1999 SA TON Bila, V. Vukathi muni. [Adult reading material.] 32pp. ill. R19.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA TON Kubayi, J. Mubya wu tsemekile. [I give up.] ISBN: 1868403351 32pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1999 SA TON Maluleke, V. Ha heloo. [Adult reading material.] 32pp. ill. R18.45 Heinemann-EdSA 1996 SA TON Mongwe, G. Mabububutsa ya rirhandzu. [The storms of love.] ISBN: 186840336X 32pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1999 SA TON Tsonga—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Baloyi, S.J. Murhandziwani. [Novel.] 2nd ed. 32pp. R4.00 Sasavona Pub 1967 SA TON Chauke, S.P. Nyandza ya timbalelo. [Bundle of sticks. Poetry.] 64pp. R10.00 Sasavona Pub 1985 SA TON Chauke, S.P. Peperhani vudyans gwana. [Poems.] 83pp. R10.00 Sasavona Pub 1988 SA TON
Chauke, S.P. Tinhlolo ti hlolela vinyi. [Short stories.] 172pp. R15.20 Sasavona Pub 1988 SA TON
Malungana, S.J. Timitsu ta vatsonga. [Tsonga people have their own roots.] 107pp. R30.99 ($6.20/£4.00) Hibbard 1997 SA TON
Chauke, W.R. Ntiyiso ntsena. 78pp. R12.95 Maskew Miller Longman 1993 SA TON
Manganyi, K.T. Mapapila ya varhandzani. [Love letters.] 48pp. R6.00 Sasavona Pub 1983 SA TON
Gevers, H. Makhahlele i nhenha. [Makhahlele is a hero.] 103pp. R8.00 Sasavona Pub 1985 SA TON Khosa, J.H.N. Risima ra Afrika. [The sweet smell of Africa.] 116pp. R22.00 Sasavona Pub 1991 SA TON Khosa, K.A., Ngobeni, M.W. Vana va Afrika. [Tsonga short stories.] 100pp. R31.58 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA TON Khosa, T.H. Muluguntima. [Novel.] Schaik 1995 SA TON
R18.95 Van
Lebakeng, D.P. Kheleni ra tihele. trans.f.t. English by F.A. Thuketana [In the depths of hell.] 2nd ed. 56pp. R3.50 Sasavona Pub 1989[?] SA TON Lubisi, C.M. U nga rili. [Short stories.] Schaik 1995 SA TON
R43.95 Van
Lubisi, C.M., Mpenyana, M.B. Mi ndzi dlele. [Play.] R76.95 Van Schaik 1995 SA TON Mabaso, X.E. Hi le fasitereni. [Through the window. Short stories.] 76pp. R26.75 ($6.57/ £4.28) Hibbard 1995 SA TON Mabuza, M. Khuluka na ritavi. [Flow with the Letaba river.] 80pp. R7.50 Sasavona Pub 1986 SA TON Mabuza, M.M. Ximambana. [Novel.] 64pp. R7.50 Sasavona Pub 1989 SA TON
Manganyi, K.T.C. Anganyelani. [Tsonga short stories.] 155pp. R34.99 Shuter & Shooter 1987 SA TON Marivate, D.C. Sasavona. 59pp. R4.00 Sasavona Pub 1987 SA TON Mashele, B.H.M. A hi Hlomeni. [Poems.] 52pp. R8.00 Sasavona Pub 1982 SA TON Mashele, P.Y., Risiba, J.E. Mi swi vonisa ku yini. ISBN: 0796015783 48pp. R21.40 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA TON Mashele, R.M. Ximita-ntsengele. [To swallow a stone and trust ones throat. Novel.] 60pp. R7.00 Sasavona Pub 1986 SA TON Masia, D.P. Mukhacani. [Novel.] 77pp. R6.00 Sasavona Pub 1974 SA TON Mathumba, D.I. Xiseluselu xa vulombe. [The well of honey.] 127pp. R11.00 Sasavona Pub 1992 SA TON Mayevu, G.S., ed. Ehansi ka vuhiri. [Under the shelter.] 116pp. Sasavona Pub 1992 SA TON Mayevu, G.S., ed. Ndzalo wa swidzwotela. [The abundance of groundnuts.] 31pp. R11.00 Sasavona Pub 1991 SA TON Mayevu, G.S., ed. Swinyotinyoti. [Beauties.] 57pp. R10.00 Sasavona Pub 1988 SA TON
Madlayisani, M.M. Byokota Madlayisani. [Play.] 55pp. R5.20 Sasavona Pub 1980 SA TON
Mayevu, G.S., ed. Xisaka xa nghondho. [The nest of the umber.] 71pp. R11.00 Sasavona Pub 1992 SA TON
Magagane, M.G. Bubutsa ra mangatsila. [Tsonga poetry.] ISBN: 0796015767 72pp. R34.94 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA TON
Mayimele, F.J. Emahandzeni. [At the cross-roads. Tsonga poetry.] 34pp. R39.95 Van Schaik 1988 SA TON
Makamu, S.H.N. Hi landza Mpisana. [We follow Mpisana.] 138pp. R12.20 Sasavona Pub 1985 SA TON
Mkhari, N.B. Mbilu ya wanuna. [Novel.] ISBN: 0796015821 140pp. R36.23 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA TON
Makavi, G. Muambi wa vubumabumeri. [Poems.] 93pp. R6.00 Sasavona Pub 1980 SA TON
Mnisi, H.S. Maphundzu. [Poems.] 47pp. R4.50 Sasavona Pub 1974 SA TON
Makhuba, N.C. Bandhi ra muchini. [A collection of poems.] 76pp. R8.00 Sasavona Pub 1975 SA TON Makhuba, N.C. Boboma ra mati. [A collection of poems.] 62pp. R8.00 Sasavona Pub 1972 SA TON Makhuba, N.C. Byela mina. [A collection of poems.] 80pp. R8.00 Sasavona Pub 1972 SA TON Makhubele, R.K. Xihangalasa. [Tsonga novel.] 88pp. R38.77 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA TON Maluleke, D.P. Misava ya rhendzeleka. 80pp. R14.76 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA TON Maluleke, J.N. Vana, titwiseni. [Short stories.] 30pp. ill. R5.20 Sasavona Pub 1980 SA TON Maluleke, S.S. Vamandika na vanyankhwave. [Tsonga folklore.] 96pp. R40.13 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA TON
Mnisi, H.S. Meno ya hlovo. [Short stories, plays and poems.] 65pp. R6.00 Sasavona Pub 1977 SA TON Mnisi, H.S. Ntukulu wanga yedwa. [Novel.] 140pp. R10.00 Sasavona Pub 1974 SA TON Mnisi, H.S. Phatani vatsonga. [Poems.] 47pp. R8.00 Sasavona Pub 1969 SA TON Mnisi, H.S. Vurhena byakwe. [Novel.] 89pp. R6.50 Sasavona Pub 1977 SA TON Mnisi, M.G. Vukati a byi na n’wini. [Play.] 37pp. R6.50 Sasavona Pub 1975 SA TON Mpenyana, M.B. Swilovolovo swa vutlhokovetseri. [A variety of poems.] 25pp. R39.95 Van Schaik 1995 SA TON Mtombeni, B.K. Matshopetana ya tindzumulo. [Short stories.] 46pp. ill. R8.00 Sasavona Pub 1977 SA TON Mtombeni, B.K. Mihizo ya kayivela. [Play.] 68pp. R5.20 Sasavona Pub 1974 SA TON
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Tsonga—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Mtsetwene, Miloti ya Poetry.] 1986 SA
L. Vutomi. [Whistles in life. 56pp. R8.00 Sasavona Pub TON
Mtsetweni, R.S. Mati. [Poems.] 48pp. R6.00 Sasavona Pub 1973 SA TON Mtsetweni, R.S. Thu...choyoyo. [Folk tales.] 56pp. ill. R11.50 Sasavona Pub 1989 SA TON Muyambo, J.M. Vuhiri. [Windbreak. Poetry.] 32pp. R5.20 Sasavona Pub 1984 SA TON Muzwayine, H.S.V. Jairus jiri siyandhani. [Play.] 67pp. R5.20 Sasavona Pub 1982 SA TON Ndhambi, E.P. Mambuxu. [Novelette.] 32pp. R4.00 Sasavona Pub 1953 SA TON Ngobeni, D.N. Tivoneleni. [Short plays.] 60pp. R5.20 Sasavona Pub 1979 SA TON Nkondo, C.P.N., ed. Mindzhumba ya Afrika. [African drums.] 47pp. R11.00 Sasavona Pub 1991 SA TON Nkondo, C.P.N., ed. Switshongo. [Crumbs.] 64pp. R11.50 Sasavona Pub 1991 SA TON Paton, A. Lafa elihle kakhulu. trans.f.t. English by C.L.S. Nyembezi 2nd ed. 256pp. R41.12 Shuter & Shooter 1983 SA TON Paton, A. Rila tiko ro rhandzeka swonghasi. [Cry the beloved country.] trans.f.t. English by M.J. Maluleke ISBN: 0796012997 297pp. R53.98 Shuter & Shooter 1998 SA TON Rikhotso, F. Hlamamalani wa ka gulatino. [Play.] 83pp. R5.20 Sasavona Pub 1973 SA TON Rikhotso, F. Mavondzo a ya hakeri. [Play.] 40pp. R5.20 Sasavona Pub 1975 SA TON Rikhotso, F. Ndza tisola. [Tsonga play.] 44pp. R32.72 Shuter & Shooter 1984 SA TON Rikhotso, F. Nhenha ya mafarana. [Play.] 27pp. R5.20 Sasavona Pub 1974 SA TON Rikhotso, F. N’warilacuma. [Novel.] 39pp. R5.20 Sasavona Pub 1980 SA TON Rikhotso, F. Vutshila bya vakokwa werhu. [Tsonga folklore.] 116pp. R48.38 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA TON Rikhotso, F. Xirimela. [Tsonga short stories.] 32pp. R30.19 Shuter & Shooter 1984 SA TON Rikhotso, T.M. Dingana. [Play.] 31pp. R5.20 Sasavona Pub 1982 SA TON Rikhotso, T.M. A hi Vuloyi. [Play.] 52pp. R5.20 Sasavona Pub 1980 SA TON Rikhotso, T.M. Mphofulo wa xifuva. [Revelation of the heart. Tsonga poetry.] 43pp. R41.95 Van Schaik 1988 SA TSO Risenga, D. Swi tenyekile. [Matters have broken loose. Tsonga short stories.] ISBN: 1868880907 94pp. R49.00 ($9.40/£6.10) Unisa 1999 SA TSN Risiba, J.E. Hlupheka. ISBN: 0796015511 100pp. R45.42 Shuter & Shooter 2000 SA TON Ritshuri, A. Ndzi tsandzekile. [I failed.] 129pp. R11.00 Sasavona Pub 1984 SA TON
Subject index Salane, B.D. Huma mhiri. [Short stories.] 65pp. R8.00 Sasavona Pub 1987 SA TON Sasavona Publishers Madaladala. [Anthology of poems.] 80pp. R8.00 Sasavona Pub 1982 SA TON Sasavona Publishers Swihlenge swa vatsonga. [Anthology of poems.] 63pp. R10.00 Sasavona Pub 1976 SA TON Shakespeare, W. Julius Caesar. [Text in Tsonga.] trans.f.t. English by S.J. Baloyi & C. Nkondo 92pp. R10.00 Sasavona Pub 1958 SA TON Shakespeare, W. Macbeth. [Text in Tsonga.] trans.f.t. English by F.M. Shilote & C.P.N. Nkondo 72pp. R11.50 Sasavona Pub 1982 SA TON Shingwenyana, S. Muchuchisi nuna wa mahiri. [Novel.] 51pp. R8.00 Sasavona Pub 1973 SA TON Shipalana, R. Vukhatswa. [Poems.] 61pp. R6.50 Sasavona Pub 1987 SA TON Sibisi, M.L. Ndzi onhe yini manana? [What did I do wrong mother?] 71pp. R5.20 Sasavona Pub 1984 SA TON Thuketana, F.A. Ndzi ngo tinciki. [Novel.] 280pp. R13.19 Sasavona Pub 1987 SA TON Thuketana, F.A. N’waninginingi ma ka tindleve. [He who refuses to hear. Novel.] 203pp. R12.49 Sasavona Pub 1978 SA TON Thuketana, F.A. Xisomisana. [Novel.] 227pp. R15.50 Sasavona Pub 1969 SA TON Trobisch, W. Ndzi rhandze nhwanyana. [I loved a girl.] trans.f.t English by F.A. Thuketana 51pp. R4.00 Sasavona Pub 1981 SA TON Tsonga—General and Non-fiction Berthoud, P., Creux, E. Buku ya tshikwembo. [God’s book.] cd. 152pp. R15.16 Sasavona Pub 1983 SA TON Bible Society of South Africa Bibele ma nga mahungu lamanene ya testamente ya khale ni leyintshwa hi ririmi ra. [The Bible. 1989 trans. Available in other bindings.] cd. 1,360pp. R50.00 Bible Soc SA 1989 SA TSN Bible Society of South Africa Bibele yi nga testamente ya khale ni le’yintsha. [The Bible. 1929 translation. Available in other bindings.] rev.ed. cd. 1,258pp. R50.00 Bible Soc SA 1929 SA TSN Bureau of Literacy Mahlayisele ya miri. [Guide to health.] trans.f.t. English by R. Mpapele 122pp. pl. R6.00 Sasavona Pub 1989[?] SA TON
Junod, H. Matimu ya vatsonga. [History of the Tsonga peoples, 1498-1650.] 111pp. R8.00 Sasavona Pub 1977 SA TON Junod, H.P. Mufundhisi John Mboweni. [Biography.] 44pp. R4.00 Sasavona Pub 1960 SA TON Ludlow, J.R. Matekana. [About your marriage.] 96pp. ill. R5.00 Sasavona Pub 1976 SA TON Luthuli, M.B. Matematiki ya lava sunsulaka. 92pp. ill. R14.66 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA TON Maboko, F.M. Vutomi bya Aggrey wa Afrika. [The life of Aggrey of Africa.] 56pp. R4.00 Sasavona Pub 1980 SA TON Makamo, S.H.N. Vukosi bya Buyisonto. [The reign of Buyisonto.] 131pp. pl. R18.00 Sasavona Pub 1993 SA TON Makhuba, N.C. Dyana n’wananga. [Eat, my child.] 39pp. ill. R1.20 Sasavona Pub 1994[?] SA TON Makhuba, N.C. Muyeni ekaya. [The visitor.] Sasavona Pub 1991 SA TON
16pp. ill.
Makhuba, N.C. Xibiyela rihanyo. [Protecting your health.] 20pp. pl. R1.20 Sasavona Pub 1980 SA TON Marivate, C.T.D, Mathumba, D.I. Switolovieto swa Xitsonga. [Practice in Tsonga.] bk.1 69pp. R9.60 Sasavona Pub 1986 SA TON Marivate, C.T.D., Mathumba, D.I. Switolovieto swa Xitsonga. [Practice in Tsonga.] bk.2 83pp. R9.60 Sasavona Pub 1986 SA TON Marivate, D.C. David Livingstone. 31pp. ill. R4.000 Sasavona Pub 1983 SA TON Marolen, D.P. Mintlangu ya vafana va vatsonga. [Traditional boys’ games.] 67pp. R5.00 Sasavona Pub 1954 SA TON Mavikani, D.J. Vutlhari bya switsotso. [Life of insects.] 64pp. R6.50 Sasavona Pub 1974 SA TON Mayevu, G.S., Nicatini, N.L. Xihluke xa xitsonga. [New shoots of Tsonga.] 111pp. R5.00 Sasavona Pub 1980 SA TON Mbhombi, E.W.G. Madlahiswakwe. 1989[?] SA TON
20pp. ill. Sasavona Pub
Mgobeni, K.J. Khale ka khaleni. [Xitsonga folklore.] ISBN: 0627021964 103pp. R52.95 Van Schaik 1999 SA TON Multimedia Publications Uses of Kraal manure. [Text in Tsonga.] cd. & 22pp. ill. 15n N1.00 cd. Multimedia 1973 ZA TON
Clerc, A.D. Xitlhangu. [Shield biography.] 202pp. R11.50 Sasavona Pub 1986 SA TON
Ngcobo, M.G. Buku ya mina ya rihanyo (Ntanga 1). bk.1 72pp. ill. R11.05 Heinemann-EdSA 1991 SA TON
Daystar Swivutiso swa majaha vanhwana. [Questions from boys and girls.] 16pp. Sasavona Pub 1982 SA TON
Ngcobo, M.G. Buku ya mina ya rihanyo (Ntanga 2). bk.2 96pp. ill. R12.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1991 SA TON
J L van Schaik Xibukwana lexi vulavu-laku hi timhaka letiku-lukumba. Nhlamuselo ya nongonoko wa vuhlayiseki bya vanhu eAfika Dzonga. [The tiny little book that tackles great big issues. A guide to social security in South Africa.] 112pp. R64.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA TON
Rees, E., Tlhoaele, E. A re opeleng. [Tsonga music.] 80pp. R27.11 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA TON
Jaques, A.A. Swivongo swa machangana. [Clan and praise names.] 138pp. R13.00 Sasavona Pub 1938 SA TON
Rikhotso, F. Dyandza. [Famine.] 91pp. pl. R12.00 Sasavona Pub 1994[?] SA TON Rikhotso, F. Khale ka makwangala. [Xitsonga folktales, proverbs and prose.] 80pp. R37.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA TON
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Tucker, P.—Autobiography
Rikhotso, F. Tolo a nga ha vuyi. [Yesterday shall not return.] 106pp. R11.50 Sasavona Pub 1985 SA TON
Wilken, R.L. Ntivo-vukhungeri (ntangha 1). bk.1 96pp. ill. R13.17 Heinemann-EdSA 1991 SA TON
Shiluvana, R., Ntsan’wisi, H.E. Muhlaba nkanyi wa le ndzilakaneni. [Biography.] 182pp. ill. R8.99 Sasavona Pub 1958 SA TON
Wilken, R.L. Ntivo-vukhungeri (ntangha A). bk.A 76pp. ill. R9.38 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA TON
Shingwenyana, S.D. Titlonye hi wa le mbilwini. [Marriage advice.] 36pp. R1.20 Sasavona Pub 1985[?] SA TON Sihlangu, A.B. Ta ka mpisane. [History. The Zulu settlement in Mozambique.] 75pp. R7.00 Sasavona Pub 1975 SA TON Sutter, E. Mahlo. [The eyes.] 20pp. pl. R2.50 Sasavona Pub 1989[?] SA TON United Methodist Church in Mozambique Daniele Mulaveri wa ku ta ka Kriste. [Daniel, foreteller of Christ’s coming.] 83pp. ill. R4.00 Sasavona Pub 1979 SA TON Tsonga—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Boucher, S.J., Pienaar, K.M. U ricece Tehmba. [Too small Themba.] 16pp. R31.83 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA TON Chaane, T. Hi leyi nsuna yi taka. Here comes mosquito. [Text in English and Tsonga.] 28pp. col.pl. R22.00 Sasavona Pub 1991 SA MUL Chaane, T. Kokwana wa kinuna ni kokwana wa xisati./ Grandfather and grandmother. [Text in English and Tsonga.] 20pp. R12.00 Sasavona Pub 1991 SA TON Chantler, E., et al. Nyumeresi yo humelela. Workbook. [Successful numeracy.] ISBN: 0195782402 96pp. R54.99 ($8.59/£4.77) OUP - SA 2004 SA TSN Junod, H.P. N’wampfundla-maxisana. [Hare the deceiver.] 155pp. R12.49 Sasavona Pub 1984 SA TON Mavikane, D.J. Mavonavona enhoveni. [Children’s stories.] R8.00 Sasavona Pub 1983 SA TON Ngcobo, N.M., et al. Hlaya u ttlhela u tsala Xitsonga. [Xitsonga activity book.] 48pp. ill. R21.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1994 SA TON Nkuna, P.B. Nhanga ya gavaza. [Poems for children.] 24pp. R5.20 Sasavona Pub 1979 SA TON Shilote, F.M. Swihungwa-hungwana swa vana. [Children’s stories.] 70pp. ill. R8.99 Sasavona Pub 1972 SA TON Sukumane, J., Mashele, H. Vutivi bya vutomi. Learner’s book. [Successful life skills.] ISBN: 0195783506 64pp. R49.99 ($7.81/£4.34) OUP - SA 2004 SA TSN Sukumane, J., Masehle, H. Vutivi bya vutomi. Workbook. [Successful life skills.] ISBN: 0195783379 104pp. R49.99 ($7.81/£4.34) OUP - SA 2003 SA TSN Wilken, P.J. Ntilo wa sungula. [First steps.] 80pp. R11.87 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA TON Wilken, R.L. Ntivo-vukhongeri (ntangha 2). bk.2 80pp. ill. R14.04 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA TON Wilken, R.L. Ntivo-vukhongeri (ntangha B). bk.B 72pp. ill. R11.87 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA TON
Tsonga (African people)—Social life and customs Junod, H.P., Jaques, A.A. Vutlhari bya vatsonga/The wisdom of the Tsonga people. 353pp. R22.00 Sasavona Pub 1978 SA MUL Reynolds, P., Cousins, C.C. Lwaano lwanyika. [Tsonga book of the earth.] 250pp. ill.pl. Baobab - Zimb 1989 ZI MUL Tsonga language Ntsan’wisi, H.W.E. Tsonga idioms. 126pp. R10.00 Sasavona Pub 1968 SA Ouwehand, M. Everyday Tsonga. 107pp. R14.50 Sasavona Pub 1989 SA MUL Tsonga language—Dictionaries Cuenod, R. Tsonga-English dictionary. 286pp. R24.00 Sasavona Pub 1967 SA MUL Swiss Mission in South Africa English-Tsonga/Tsonga-English pocket dictionary. 6th ed. 214pp. R18.50 Sasavona Pub 1988 SA MUL Tswana see also Setswana language Tswana—Easy reading material, Adult Motete, S. Bopaki. [Evidence.] ISBN: 1868403408 24pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1999 SA TSW Motete, S. Ke nyala mang? [Who should I marry?] ISBN: 1868403408 28pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1999 SA TSW Poo, B. La bo phamola. [It grabbed me.] ISBN: 1868403416 24pp. ill. R21.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 1999 SA TSW Tswana—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Dipale, Z.S. Nna ke di bona jalo. [As I see life. Tswana poetry.] 41pp. R5.75 Van Schaik 1988 SA SET Marope, P.T.M. Ngwana o anywa mmaagwe a sule. 84pp. Macmillan - Bots 1987 BS SET Mogotsi, M.C.D. Selelo sa mmoki. [Poems.] 104pp. R12.00 Sasavona Pub 1981 SA SET Plaatje, S.T., Lestrade, G.P. Dintshontsho tsa bo-Juliuse Kesara. [Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.] repr. in new orthography(Black writers series, 3) 122pp. R18.95 Witwatersrand UP 1975 SA SET Raditladi, L.D. Motswasele II: [Historical drama.] repr. in new orthography(Black writers series, 9) cd. 108pp. R18.95 Witwatersrand UP 1977 SA SET Tswana—General and Non-fiction Bible Society of South Africa Baebele e e boitshepo. [The Bible. 1908 trans. revised orthography. Available in other bindings.] 2nd rev.ed. cd. 1,490pp. R217.00 Bible Soc SA 1992 SA TSW Bible Society of South Africa Beibele. [The Bible.] 4th ed. ISBN: 0798214481 cd. 1,526pp. R50.00 Bible Soc SA 2004 SA TSW Bible Society of South Africa Beibele. [The Bible. 1970 trans. Available in other bindings and large print version.] 2nd ed. cd. 1,521pp. R70.00 Bible Soc SA 1987 SA TSW
Bible Society of South Africa Bibela ee Boitshepo e e chotsen Kgolagano e kgologolo le e ncha. [The Bible. 1908 trans. Available in other bindings.] cd. 1,360pp. R50.00 Bible Soc SA 1908 SA TSW Campbell, A., Cooke, J. Tshomarelo ya tsa lefatshe la Botswana. 60pp. P10.00 ($12.00/£6.00) Botswana Soc 1987 BS SET Mogapi, K. Thutapuo ya Setswana: mephato IV le V. [Setswana grammar.] 200pp. P5.70 Longman - Bots 1981 BS SET Mucombo, A.S. Nkutsulani wa matimu ya vatshwa. [Folk customs.] 100pp. R6.50 Sasavona Pub 1955 SA SET Selepen, M. Tshekedi Khama ke mo itsileng/go bua Mokgalo. [Biography of Chief Tshekedi Khama of Botswana.] ISBN: 9991261664 96pp. ill. Pula 1999 BS TSW Tswana—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Botswana Book Centre Mpepi. [Primary Setswana.] new ed. 48pp. col.ill. P1.40 Longman - Bots 1982 BS SET Botswana Book Centre A re baleng. [Storybook.] 16pp. col.ill. P0.75 Longman - Bots 1982 BS SET Botswana Book Centre Ya baba simolang go ithuta Setswana. [Breakthrough to Tswana.] teacher’s bk. 89pp. P3.95 Longman - Bots 1982 BS SET Cooke, T. Go le kana kana. [So much.] 48pp. ill. R39.95 Tafelberg 1996 SA SET Saoli, J.R. Ntlose lenyora. 1986 SA SET
59pp. R5.95 Skotaville
Sasavona Publishers Nwavundlani ni bangana bakwe. [Brer Rabbit and his friends.] 64pp. R4.00 Sasavona Pub 1980 SA SET Tswana (African people)—Folklore Kuzwayo, E.K. African wisdom - a personal collection of Setswana proverbs. [Setswana proverbs and idioms with English translations.] ISBN: 0795700742 120pp. ill. R44.95 Kwela 1998 SA MUL Tswana (African people)—History Shillington, K. The colonisation of the Southern Tswana, 1870 - 1900. 311pp. pl. maps R20.00 Ravan 1985 SA Tswana (African people)—Social life and customs Schapera, I. A handbook of Tswana law and custom. cd. & 326pp. P80.00 cd. P65.00 Botswana Soc 1994 BS Tswana Language Moloto, E.S. Are there dipthongs in Tswana? A study in the relationship between phonology and morphology. 30pp. ($7.50/£5.00) Skotaville 1989 SA Tswana language—Study and teaching Snyman, J.W., le Roux, J.C., le Roux, M. Tswana for beginners. (Manualia Didactica, 15) 326pp. R96.00 ($34.90/ £21.20) Unisa 1991 SA Tuareg (African people)—Social life and customs Nicolas, F. Tamesna: les loullemmeden de l’est ou Touareg ‘Kel Dinnik, ‘cercle de T’awa. Colonie du Niger. 279pp. CFA2,400 IFAN 1950 SG FRE Tucker, P.—Autobiography Tucker, P. Just the ticket. My 50 years in show business. cd. R99.95 Ball 1997 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Tukulor (African people)—Social life and customs Tukulor (African people)—Social life and customs Wane, Y. Les Toucouleurs du Fouta Toro (Sénégal). (Initiations et Etudes Africaines, 25) 250pp. CFA2,700 IFAN 1969 SG FRE Tumbuka also known as Chitumbuka Tumbuka language—General and nonfiction Kachere Series Chiuta wa chitemwe na wa chisungusungu. [The God of love and compassion. A Christian meditation on AIDS. Also available in Chichewa.] 9pp. ($1.25/£0.69) Kachere 2000 MW TUM Tunisia—Demography Vallin, J., Locoh, T. Population et développement en Tunisie. La métamorphose. ISBN: 9973194756 806pp. Cérès 2001 TI FRE Tunisia—Guide books de Bosschère, G. Sidi bou Saïd. Colline des poètes et des saints. [Also available in English, German and Italian.] ISBN: 9973195051 72pp. col.pl. Cérès 2001 TI FRE Ennablis, A., Slim, H. Guide de Carthage. Cérès 1978 TI FRE
80pp. D4,500
Ferchiou, S. Lumières de Tunisie. Cérès 1990 TI FRE Mosmoudi, M. Guide de Tunisie. 1980 TI FRE
120pp. ill. D35,000
168pp. D4,500 Cérès
Sandstrom, A. Tunisie: les horizons, les hommes. 120pp. ill. D25,000 Cérès 1987 TI FRE Tunisia—History Aljili, T. Biens habous au nom des Haramayn: le Mècque et Médina en Tunisie 1731-1881. (Les provinces arabes à l’époque ottomane, b7) ISBN: 9973719735 258pp. ill.pl.maps ($50.00) FTRSI 1998 TI FRE Alyssa Editions Barberousse le pirate. 2001 TI FRE
60pp. Alyssa
Alyssa Editions Carthage, la phénicienne. 2001 TI FRE Alyssa Editions Dougga la romaine. TI FRE
60pp. Alyssa
60pp. Alyssa 2001
Alyssa Editions El Jem et son “colisée”... 2001 TI FRE
60pp. Alyssa
Alyssa Editions Jerba ... 60pp. Alyssa 2001 TI FRE Alyssa Editions Kairouan. 60pp. Alyssa 2001 TI FRE Alyssa Editions Kerkouane la mystérieuse. Alyssa 2001 TI FRE Alyssa Editions Mahdia la chiite. FRE
60pp. Alyssa 2001 TI
Alyssa Editions Sufetula la byzantine. 2001 TI FRE Amira-Bournaz, M. C’était Tunis 1920. TI FRE
60pp. Alyssa
212pp. Cérès 1994
Boularès, H. Hannibal. ISBN: 9973194411 312pp. Cérès 2000 TI FRE Hachemi, J. La constitution tunisienne de 1861. 166pp. D5.00 El Marif 1989 TI FRE Jdey, A. Documents inédits sur la tribu de Majeur au 19ème siècle. ISBN: 9973719751 136pp. ($35.00) FTRSI 1998 TI FRE
Subject index
Lancel, S. Carthage. ISBN: 9973192409 648pp. Cérès 1999 TI FRE Lancel, S. Hannibal. ISBN: 9973194195 432pp. Cérès 2000 TI FRE Lissir, F. Les tribus de l’extrême sud tunisien sous adminstration militaire française: cas de la confédération Ourghemma 1881-1939. (Thèses de doctorat, 13) ISBN: 997371976X 403pp. maps ($87.00) FTRSI 1999 TI FRE Mehjoubis, A., Keroui, H. Quand le soleil s’est levé à l’ouest. 200pp. D7,500 Cérès 1983 TI FRE Temimi, A., comp. Correspondances du Grand Vizir Khayreddine: l’histoire tunisienne entre la réalité et les interprétations érronées. (Sources inédites, 8) ISBN: 9973719883 290pp. ill.pl.maps ($60.00) FTRSI 1999 TI FRE Tunisia—History—Bibliography Temimi, A. Bilan d’études et de recherches sur les provinces arabes à l’époque ottomane durant les trente dernières années. 545pp. pl.maps FTRSI 1996 TI FRE Tunisia—Pictorial works Gabous, A. La Tunisie des photographes. De l’invention de la photo à l’avènement de la couleur. 160pp. col.pl. Cérès 1994 TI FRE
Turok, Ben—Autobiography Turok, B. Nothing but the truth. Behind the ANC’s struggle politics. ISBN: 1868421767 R149.95 Ball 2003 SA Tutu, Desmond M.—Addresses and essays Tutu, D.M. Hope and suffering: sermons and speeches. 149pp. Skotaville 1983 SA Tutu, Desmond M.—Biography Allen, J., comp. The essential Desmond Tutu. ISBN: 0864863497 cd. 80pp. R32.95 Philip 1998 SA Hadland, A. They fought for freedom. Desmond Tutu. ISBN: 0636022522 62pp. pl.maps R32.95 Maskew Miller Longman 2001 SA Haulley, A. Archbishop Tutu: prophetic witness in South Africa. R59.95 Human and Rousseau 1996 SA Twi—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Adi, K. Mewc bi ka. [I have a message to tell.] 2nd ed. 331pp. C450.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH TWI Amoako, B.O. Etire nni safoa. [The head has no key.] 3rd ed. 208pp. ill. C700.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1975 GH TWI Anti, A.A. Obede. [You can’t.] 2nd ed. 127pp. ill. C500.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1990 GH TWI
Monak Nouvelles de ...Tunisie. ISBN: 9973758099 60pp. col.pl. Alyssa 2001 TI FRE
Apraku, L.D. Obofoo ba Ampomaa. [Ampomaa, daughter of a hunter.] 2nd ed. 60pp. ill. C250.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1993 GH TWI
Roiter, F. Infinie Tunisie. FRE
Benefo, K. Moahu. [Have you seen it?] 83pp. ill. C150.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1988 GH TWI
160pp. pl. Cérès 1996 TI
Tunisia—Politics and government Leârif, B.A. Edification étatique et environnement culturel. 320pp. D9,000 Cérès 1989 TI FRE Salem, H.B. L’antichambre de l’indépendence. D4,500 Cérès 1988 TI FRE Slimon, B.S. Souvenirs politiques. Cérès 1989 TI FRE
408pp. D8,500
Tunisia—Sociology ben Romdhane, M., ed. Tunisie: mouvements sociaux et modernité. 268pp. CFA5,000 ($25.00/ £15.00/Eur15.00) CODESRIA 1997 SG FRE Bouhadiba, A. Quète sociologique. TI FRE
30pp. Cérès 1996
Centre de Publication Universitaire Changements sociaux, criminalité et victimisation en Tunisie. D10.00 ($50.00) CPU-Tunisia 1996 TI FRE Turkana (African people)—Anthropology Barrett, A.J. Sacrifice and prophecy in Turkana cosmology. ISBN: 9966213805 249pp. ($7.00) Paulines 1998 KE Turkana (African people)—Social life and customs Barrett, A.J. Dying and death among the Turkana. vol.1(AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 97) 50pp. map Gaba 1987 KE Barrett, A.J. Dying and death among the Turkana. vol.2(AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 98) 45pp. Gaba 1987 KE Turkington, Kate—Autobiography Turkington, K. There’s more to life than surface. ISBN: 0140267549 250pp. R83.33 Penguin SA 2002 SA
Denteh, A.C. Asantehene osei tutu. [Poetry.] C100.00 Asempa 1985 GH TWI
Koranteng, E.O. Guasohanten. [Vainglory.] 2nd ed. 58pp. ill. C450.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1991 GH TWI Owusu, J.N. Okrabiri. [The unfortunate one.] 2nd ed. 93pp. C650.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1991 GH Twi—General and Non-fiction Adokwei, E.A. Tsie Annanu lalole. [Kwaku Ananse in the well.] 16pp. ill. C3,500 Adwinsa 1994 GH TWI Amponsah, K. Adunom basabasa. [Drug abuse.] 20pp. ill. C4,000 ($2.50/£2.00) Adwinsa 1994 GH TWI Amponsah, K. Awoo ho nhyehyee. [Family planning.] 44pp. ill. C2,500 ($2.00/£0.80) Adwinsa 1992 GH TWI Amponsah, K. Duabua mnua. [Tree planting.] 24pp. ill. C4,500 ($3.00/£2.00) Adwinsa 1994 GH TWI Amponsah, K. Hwe ino ho so yie a sto so mmiehu. [Against AIDS.] 32pp. ill. C4,500 ($3.00/£2.50) Adwinsa 1994 GH TWI Amponsah, K. Hwe wo ho so yie. [Take care of yourself. Personal hygiene.] bk.1 20pp. C3,500 ($2.00/£1.00) Adwinsa 1992 GH TWI Amponsah, K. Hwe wo ho so yiye. (Nkoma a sto so abien.) [Take good care of yourself. (About AIDS.)] 32pp. ill. C4,000 Adwinsa 1994 GH TWI Amponsah, K. Nnurunom basabasa. [Drug abuse.] 19pp. ill. C3,000 ($2.00/£1.00) Adwinsa 1992 GH TWI
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African Books in Print
Subject index
Amponsah, K. Nyinsen ho nsem bi. [Pregnancy.] 30pp. ill. C3,000 ($2.00/£1.00) Adwinsa 1992 GH TWI
Korf, E.M.J., et al. Typing textbook and workbook series. N3/N4. 304pp. R93.00 HeinemannEdSA 1993 SA
Amponsah, K. Yadee ho bammo. [Immunisation.] 16pp. ill. C3,500 ($2.00/£1.50) Adwinsa 1992 GH TWI
Korf, E.M.J., et al. Typing textbook and workbook series. N3/N4 tear-out documents. 112pp. R50.40 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA
Asomaning, E.W. Osofu Damien-Akwatafo Adamfo. [The friend of lepers.] 28pp. C200.00 Adwinsa 1988 GH TWI
Leen, T.M. Zimbabwean typist, pupil’s bk. 183pp. Z$14.18 Longman - Zimb 1987[?] ZI
Kivengere, F. Yesu ne yen nyinaso a edi mu. [Jesus our reality.] 43pp. C200.00 Asempa 1984 GH TWI Kuma, A. Kwaebirentuw ase Yesu: Afua Kuma ayeyi ne mpaebo. 56pp. pl. C2,500 Asempa 1981 GH TWI Opoku, A.A. Mese wo amen safe. [Key to Mese women.] 22pp. C180.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1989 GH TWI Owusu, J.N. Wo gyegyiregye. [It is unto you.] 80pp. C400.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1992 GH TWI Twi—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Aboagye., G. Agya rekoro. [Riddles.] 20pp. C200.00. Adwinsa 1987 GH TWI Amponsah, K. Kwaku Ananse ye asisie. [Ananse the cheat.] 16pp. ill. C3,000 ($2.00/£1.00) Adwinsa 1996 GH TWI Amponsah, K. Wobre a ma wodie. [Toil before you eat.] 16pp. ill. C3,000 ($2.00/£1.00) Adwinsa 1996 GH TWI Gyekye-Aboagye, J. Nkwadaa nnwonsen. [Poems for children.] 20pp. C50.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1982 GH TWI Kormaa, A. Mmofra nkommo bi. [Children’s conversation.] 36pp. C50.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1982 GH TWI Offei-Darko, D. Nimakao agoru bi. [Play book.] C200.00 Adwinsa 1986 GH TWI
Wiredu, A. Dabodabo Akosua amanehunu. [Adventure with Dabodabo Akosua. Also available in English.] 24pp. ill. C4,500 ($2.50/£2.00) Adwinsa 1994 GH TWI Twi language Abena Dolphyne, F. The Akan (Twi-Fante) language - its sound systems and tonal structure. 211pp. ill. ($13.75/£7.50) Ghana UP 1988 GH Bureau of Ghana Languages Asante language guide. 3rd ed. 50pp. C500.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1990 GH TWI Bureau of Ghana Languages Twi language guide. 5th 47pp. C500.00 Bur Ghana Lang 1991 GH TWI Twi language—Study and teaching Bureau of Ghana Languages Language guide: akwapim Twi. ISBN: 9964200145 55pp. (£4.99) Bur Ghana Lang 2000 GH TWI Dolphyne, F.A. A comprehensive course in Twi (Asante) for the non-Twi learner. 145pp. ($16.00/ £8.95) Ghana UP 1996 GH Typewriting Brydon, H.M., et al. Typing study guide N1-N6. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 212pp. ill. R77.28 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA Korf, E.M.J., et al. Typing textbook and workbook series. N1, standard 8, grade 10. Tear out documents. 152pp. R54.00 HeinemannEdSA 1993 SA
Leen, T.M. Zimbabwean typist, teacher’s bk. 54pp. Z$7.50 Longman - Zimb 1987[?] ZI Lloyd, M. Typing power drills. 96pp. ill. R57.00 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA [South Africa only] Yates, D. Practical typing. Mambo 1986 ZI
162pp. ($11.30)
Yeats, D. Practical typing: a course for Zimbabwean students. 81pp. ($11.30) Mambo 1996 ZI Typewriting—Examinations, questions Blyth, H. Keyboarding speed and accuracy exercises. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0195780906 134pp. R135.00 OUP - SA 2001 SA Brown, J. Typewriting examinations: aids to success. 135pp. ill. N8.00 Univ Press Nig 1975 NR Typography see also Publishing and book industries Editions Donniya Maquette, typographie. Guide de la création artistique du livre. ISBN: 2913326862 192pp. CFA5,000 (Eur15.00) Donniya 2004 ML FRE Ubazonu, Hon. Justice Eugene— Autobiography Ubazonu, E. While I live. The memoirs of the Honourable Justice Eugene Ubazonu. ISBN: 9781565160 275pp. ($37.95/ £22.95) Fourth Dimension 2002 NR Udoji, Jerome—Autobiography Udoji, J. Under three masters. Memoirs of an African administrator. 169pp. ill.pl. N660.00 ($10.00/£6.25) Spectrum 1995 NR Uganda Femrite Uganda writers directory. 2000 UG
74pp. Femrite
Uganda—Biography Fountain Publishers Who’s who in Uganda. 2nd ed. 180pp. pl. ($25.00/£13.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG Uganda—Demography Ntozi, J.P.M. High fertility in Uganda. The role of socioeconomic and biological factors. 184pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1995 UG Uganda—Directories Fountain Publishers Uganda districts information handbook. Expanded edition 2005-2006. [Annual] 2nd rev.ed. ISBN: 9970024299 192pp. col.ill.maps ($24.95/£14.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2005 UG Kampala Urban Oasis The Kampala networker: a city worker’s directory. KUO 2000 UG Uganda Export Promotion Board Uganda export directory 19981999. [Annual.] ill.maps UEPB 2000 UG Uganda Women’s Network Directory of Ugandan professional women. [Annual.] 180pp. ($22.00) UWONET 2003 UG
Uganda—Education Barya, J.S., Kayunga, S.S., Okello-Ogwang, E. Workers education: report of a CBR workshop held at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Makerere University, March 19-20, 1993. (CBR workshop reports, 3) 47pp. ($9.50) Centre Basic Res 1993 UG Human Rights Network NGOs and civic education: a review of the state of civic education in Uganda (1996-1998). 60pp. HURINET-U 1999 UG Ssekamwa, J.C. History and development of education in Uganda. 240pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1997 UG Ssekamwa, J.X., Lugumba, S.M.E. Development and administration of education in Uganda. ISBN: 9970022466 104pp. ($19.95/£11.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG Uganda—Education, Higher Association of African Universities A comparative study of Makerere university graduates of the faculties of arts and sciences. ($10.00) AAU 2001 GH Association of African Universities The social background of Makerere university students and the potential for cost sharing. ($10.00) AAU 1998 GH Association of African Universities Statistical data: the underestimated tool for higher education management. The case of Makerere university. ($10.00) AAU 1998 GH Kasozi, A.B.K. University education in Uganda. Challenges and opportunities for reform. ISBN: 997002342X 208pp. ($30.95/ £18.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2003 UG Musisi, N.B., Muwanga, N.K. Makerere university in transition 19932000. Opportunities and challenges. ISBN: 0852554265 128pp. (£9.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2003 UG [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, Oxford, UK] Opio-Odongo, J.M.A. Higher education and research in Uganda. (Technology policy, 6) 105pp. ($17.00) ACTS - Kenya 1993 KE Uganda—Guide books Amin, M., Willetts, D., Balletto, B. Spectrum guide to Uganda. new rev.ed. ISBN: 1904722067 372pp. col.pl.maps (£13.99) Camerapix 2004 KE Fountain Publishers Kampala general handbook. 3rd ed. ISBN: 9970020218 74pp. ill.pl. U.shs.2,500 ($5.50/£2.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Gakwandi, A., ed. Uganda pocket facts. A companion guide to the country, its history, culture, economy and politics. 2nd rev.ed. ISBN: 9970021451 125pp. U.shs.6,000 ($11.95/£6.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1999 UG Uganda—History Apuuli, D.K. A thousand years of Bunyoro Kitara kingdom: the people and the ruler. 144pp. U.shs.8,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1994 UG Behrend, H. Alice and the spirits. War in northern Uganda 1986-98. ISBN: 0852552483 cd. 224pp. (£40.00) ISBN: 0852552475 (£12.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1999 UG [East Africa only] Doornbos, M.R. The Ankole kingship controversy: regalia galore revisited. ISBN: 9970022814 154pp. pl. ($20.95/£12.95) Fountain PublUg 2002 UG Karugire, S. A political history of Uganda. K.shs.250.00 EAEP 1980 KE
256pp. ill.
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Uganda—History Okoth, P.G., Muranga, M., eds. Uganda. A century of existence. 278pp. ill.pl. ($27.00/£14.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1995 UG Ori Amaza, O. Museveni’s long march from guerilla to statesman. ISBN: 9970021354 263pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Otwal, J.E. The war in Teso, 1987-1992: how, when, where and why it started. 122pp. ill. ALA 2001 UG Reid, R. Political power in pre-colonial Buganda. Economy, society and warfare in the 19th century. ISBN: 0852554516 cd. 288pp. maps (£45.00) ISBN: 0852554508 (£16.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG [Africa only. Co-published with James Currey, Oxford, UK & Ohio University Press, USA] Shiroya, O.J.E. Essays on pre-colonial history of northwestern Uganda. 110pp. K.shs.274.00 ($4.60/£2.80) Jomo Kenyatta Found 1993 KE Steinhart, E.I. Conflict and collaboration in the kingdoms of western Uganda. new ed. ISBN: 997002146X 311pp. ($19.95/£11.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1999 UG Thompson, G. Governing Uganda. British colonial rule and its legacy. ISBN: 9970023942 376pp. maps ($37.95/£22.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2003 UG Tumusiime, J. Uganda 30 years. 2nd ed. 122pp. pl.maps ($25.00/£13.95) Fountain PublUg 1993 UG Twaddle, M. Kakungulu and the creation of Uganda 1868-1928. cd. 310pp. pl.maps U.shs.15,000 ($35.00/£12.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1993 UG [East Africa only] Uganda—International relations Hearn, J. Foreign political aid, democratization and civil society in Uganda in the 1990s. (CBR working papers, 42) 56pp. U.shs.4,000 ($5.00) Centre Basic Res 1999 UG Langseth, P., Katorobo, J., eds. Uganda. Landmarks in rebuilding a nation. 354pp. ill.pl. ($30.00/£16.75) Fountain Publ-Ug 1995 UG Uganda—Local government—Directories Rwabwoogo, M.O. Uganda districts. Information handbook. new rev.ed. ISBN: 9970020307 188pp. maps ($18.95/£10.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG Uganda—Pictorial works Rheeder, R., ed. Uganda at a glance. ISBN: 9970023764 159pp. col.ill.pl.maps ($34.95/£20.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG Uganda—Politics and government Ahluwalia, D.P.S. Plantations and the politics of sugar in Uganda. 234pp. ($30.00/£16.75) Fountain Publ-Ug 1995 UG Avirgan, T. War in Uganda. 260pp. T.shs.2,500 Tanz Publ House 1983 TZ Barya, J-J.B. The state of civil society in Ugandan: an analysis of the legal and politicoeconomic aspects. (CBR workshop reports, 58) 44pp. Centre Basic Res 2000 UG Bazaara, N. Contemporary civil society and the democratisation process in Uganda: a preliminary exploration. (CBR working papers, 54) 57pp. U.shs.4,000 ($5.00) Centre Basic Res 2000 UG
Subject index Ddungu, E. Popular forms and the question of democracy: the case of resistance councils in Uganda. (CBR working paper, 4) 61pp. ($11.00) Centre Basic Res 1989 UG Ddungu, E. Some constitutional dimensions of military politics in Uganda. (CBR working paper, 41) 50pp. ($9.50) Centre Basic Res 1997 UG Ddungu, E., Wabire, A. Electoral mechanism and the democratic process: the 1989 RC - NRC elections. (CBR working paper, 9) 50pp. ($9.50) Centre Basic Res 1991 UG Doyle, S. Crisis and decline in Bunyero. Population and environment in western Uganda 1860-1955. cd. & 320pp. pl.maps (£45.00 cd. £16.95 pap.) Brit Inst EA 2005 KE [co-published with James Currey, UK] Gariyo, Z. The press and democratic struggles in Uganda: 1900-1962. (CBR working paper, 24) 101pp. ($11.50) Centre Basic Res UG Kabumba, I. The contribution of managers to the survival of dictatorship in Uganda. 60pp. U.shs.5,000 ($5.70) Nyonyi 1992 UG Kabwegyere, T.B. People’s choice, people’s power. Challenges and prospects of democracy in Uganda. ISBN: 9970022016 192pp. ($23.95/£13.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2000 UG Kabwegyere, T.B. The politics of state formation and destruction in Uganda. 3rd rev. ed. 259pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1995 UG Kahigiriza, J. Bridging the gap. Struggling against sectarianism and violence in Ankole and Uganda. ISBN: 9970022768 84pp. ill.pl. ($11.95/£6.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2001 UG Karugire, S. Roots of instability in Uganda. 121pp. ill.pl. ($12.00/£6.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1996 UG Kayunga, S.S. Uganda National Congress and the struggle for democracy: 1952-1962. (CBR working paper, 14) 206pp. ($15.00) Centre Basic Res 1997 UG Langseth, P., Ruzindana, A., Gakwandi, A. Fighting corruption in Uganda. The process of building a national integrity system. ISBN: 9970020587 181pp. U.shs.10,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Mamdani, M. And fire does not always beget ash. Critical reflections on the NRM. ISBN: 9970411011 133pp. U.shs.5,000 Monitor 1998 UG
Mukholi, D. A complete guide to Uganda’s fourth constitution: history, politics and the law. 113pp. ill.pl. ($12.00/£6.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1995 UG Mutibwa, P. Uganda since independence: a story of unfulfilled hopes. 209pp. pl.maps ($25.00/£25.00) Fountain Publ-Ug 1992 UG Nabudere, D.W. Uganda referendum 2000. Winners and losers. ISBN: 9970411390 204pp. U.shs.10,000 Monitor 2000 UG Nsibambi, A., ed. Decentralisation and civil society in Uganda. The quest for good governance. ISBN: 9970021516 154pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Odongo, O. A political history of Uganda. The origin of Museveni’s referendum 2000. ISBN: 997041138X 124pp. U.shs.8,000 Monitor 2000 UG Oloka-Onyango, J. Civil society, democratisation and foreign donors in contemporary Uganda: a conceptual and literature review. (CBR working papers, 56) 38pp. U.shs.3,000 ($4.00) Centre Basic Res 2000 UG Oloka-Onyango, J. Civil society, democratisation, and foreign donors in Uganda: a conceptual and literature review. (CBR workshop reports, 56) 31pp. Centre Basic Res 2000 UG Oloka-Onyango, J. Governance state structures and constitutionalism in contemporary Uganda. (CBR working papers, 41) 44pp. U.shs.3,000 ($4.00) Centre Basic Res 1998 UG Oloka-Onyango, J., Tindifa, S. Constitutionalism in Uganda: report on a survey and workshop of organised groups. (CBR working paper, 10) 39pp. ($9.50) Centre Basic Res 1991 UG Onen, P.M.O. The diary of an obedient servant during misrule. ISBN: 9970510020 192pp. pl. JANyeko 2000 SQ Oppong-Affi, A.M. My experience in Idi Amin’s Uganda. 66pp. C300.00 Adwinsa 1982 GH Patel, H.H. Power, race, class and citizenship: towards a conceptual integration for the study of Indian political activity in Uganda. [Supplement to Zambezia.] 40pp. ($6.00) Z$2.50 Univ Zimbabwe 1979 ZI Remegius, M. Decentralization in Uganda. Theory and practice. 47pp. Ug Martyrs 1999 UG Rupesinghe, K., ed. Conflict resolution in Uganda. K.shs.825.00 EAEP 1995 KE [Kenya only]
Mamdani, M. Uganda: studies in living conditions popular movements and constitutionalism. (CBR books, 1) 56pp. ($43.00) Centre Basic Res 1994 UG
Rutanga, M. Nyabingi movement: people’s anticolonial struggles in Kigezi 1910-1930. (CBR working paper, 18) 153pp. ($13.00) Centre Basic Res UG
Mudoola, D.M. Religion, ethnicity and politics in Uganda. 2nd rev. ed. 120pp. ill.pl. ($10.00/£6.25) Fountain Publ-Ug 1995 UG
Sabiti-Makara, G., Tukahebwa, B., Byarugaba, F. Politics, constitutionalism and electioneering in Uganda: a study of the 1994 constituent assembly elections. 142pp. U.shs.8,500 Makerere UP 1996 UG
Mugaju, J., Oloka-Onyango, J., eds. No-party democracy in Uganda. Myths and realities. ISBN: 9970022040 158pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2000 UG Mugaju, J.B., ed. An analytical review of Uganda’s decade of reforms 1986-1996. 101pp. ill.pl. ($19.50/£11.00) Fountain Publ-Ug 1996 UG
Syahuka-Muhindo, A. The Rwenzururu movement and the democratic struggle. (CBR working paper, 15) 89pp. ($11.00) Centre Basic Res 1997 UG Tripp, A.M. Women and politics in Uganda. The challenge of associational autonomy. ISBN: 0852558333 cd. & 320pp. pl.maps (£40.00 cd.) ISBN: 0852558392 (£16.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2000 UG
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African Books in Print
Subject index Tumusiime, J., ed. Mission to freedom. 2nd ed. ISBN: 9970020005 260pp. pl. U.shs.15,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Twaddle, M., Hansen, H.B. Changing Uganda. The dilemmas of structural adjustment and revolutionary change. cd. 416pp. maps U.shs.10,000 ($30.00/£11.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1991 UG Villadsen, S., Lubanga, F. Democratic decentralisation in Uganda. A new approach to local governance. 159pp. (£7.50/$13.75) Fountain Publ-Ug 1996 UG Wabwire, A. Pastoral crisis and transformation: an evaluation of the role of nongovernmental organisations in Karamoja. (CBR working paper, 31) 95pp. ($11.00) Centre Basic Res UG Uganda—Politics and government— Directories Tumusiime, J.R., ed. A directory of Uganda’s sixth parliament 1996-2001. ISBN: 9970022008 195pp. ill.pl. ($19.95/£11.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2000 UG Uganda—Public administration Langseth, P., Mugaju, J. Post conflict Uganda. Towards an effective civil service. 219pp. (£9.95/ $18.00) Fountain Publ-Ug 1996 UG Ruzindana, A., Langseth, P. et al., eds. Fighting corruption in Uganda. The process of building a national integrity system. ISBN: 9970020587 181pp. ($18.00/£9.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1998 UG Uganda—Religion Oded, A. Religion and politics in Uganda. A study of Islam and Judaism. 136pp. ill.pl. K.shs.565.00 ($12.00/£6.95) EAEP 1995 KE Uganda—Sociology Barya, J-J. The state of civil society in Uganda: an analysis of the legal and politicoeconomic aspects. (CBR working papers, 58) 50pp. U.shs.3,000 ($4.00) Centre Basic Res 2000 UG Mamdani, M. Pluralism and the right of association. (CBR working paper, 29) 70pp. ($10.50) Centre Basic Res UG Nyagabyaki, B., Nyago, K. Report on a one-day dissemination workshop on the study: civil society, empowerment and poverty reduction: a review essay. (CBR workshop reports, 11) 21pp. U.shs.2,500 ($3.50) Centre Basic Res 1999 UG Ssenkumba, J., Kintu, C. Report on the proceedings of the Noto/ CBR seminar: workers’ social conditions in Uganda today, held at Pope Paul VI memorial community centre, 22-23 July 1997. (CBR workshop reports, 7) 27pp. ($8.50) Centre Basic Res 1997 UG Uganda—Sociology, Rural Bazaara, N. The state and social differentiation in Kakindo village, Masindi district, Uganda. (CBR working paper, 8) 38pp. ill. ($10.00) Centre Basic Res 1991 UG Brett, E.A. Providing for the rural poor, institutional decay and transformation in Uganda. 140pp. pl.maps U.shs.8,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1993 UG Delius, A., et al. Decentralisation and human resource demand assessment from the perspective of the district. 43pp. col.ill. Makerere UP 2000 UG Muhereza, F.E. Analysing the nature of agro-pastoral relationships in Karamoja: a case study from the Bakora of Moroto district. (CBR working paper, 50) 83pp. ($11.50) Centre Basic Res 1997 UG
van Zyl Slabbert, Frederik—Autobiography Muhereza, F.E., Emunyocan, C. Pastoralism and crisis in Karamoja: report of the second pastoralism workshop held at St. Philip’s community centre, Moroto, January 28-29, 1994. (CBR workshop reports, 4) 19pp. ($8.50) Centre Basic Res 1994 UG Okudi, B. Causes and effects of the 1980 famine in Karamoja. (CBR working paper, 23) 59pp. ($10.00) Centre Basic Res UG Oloka-Onyango, J., Gariyo, Z., Muhereza, F. Pastoralism crisis and transformation in Karamoja: report of a workshop organised by CBR and held at the Faculty of Science, Makerere University, August 1415 1992. (CBR workshop reports, 1) 26pp. ($8.50) Centre Basic Res 1992 UG Uganda—Sociology, Urban Bakwesegha, C.J. Profiles of urban prostitution: a case study from Uganda. 125pp. map Kenya Lit Bureau 1982 KE Kyeyune, G. Street children: why are they out? 36pp. U.shs.3,500 Fountain Publ-Ug 1996 UG Uneme (African people)—Anthropology Haruna, H. Cultural history of the Uneme from earliest times to 1962. ISBN: 9783677810 625pp. maps (£30.00) BookCo 2003 NR United Nations Amanfoh, F.A. Understanding the United Nations system and second generation peacekeeping. 131pp. C15,000 ($9.00/ £5.00) Adwinsa 1997 GH United Nations—Addresses and essays Akashi, Y. World perceptions of the role of the UN. (NIIA, lecture series, 45) 14pp. ($4.50/ £3.25) NIIA 1987 NR
United States—Geography—Study and teaching (Secondary) Owolabi, O. A handbook of A level geography of North America. 164pp. ill. N7.50k Univ Press - Nig 1985 NR United States—Government and politics Crocker, C.A. A US policy for the 80s. 20pp. R2.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1981 SA Stultz, N. The US presidential elections: the burden of scale. 12pp. R1.00 SA Inst Int Affairs 1980 SA United States—International relations Glasker, K. The United States and world strategy. 19pp. 30c. SA Inst Int Affairs 1971 SA Guyatt, N. Encore un siècle américain. ISBN: 2910454967 cd. 299pp. CFA6,500 Jamana 2002 ML FRE [co-published with Editions Eburnie, Côte d’Ivoire - ISBN 2847700137; Editions Ganndal, Guinea ISBN 2913326447; Cérès Editions, Tunisia; Editions Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Benin] South African Institute of International Affairs United States foreign policy in a regional context. Papers presented at a symposium at Jan Smuts House, Johannesburg in 1969. 94pp. R1.75 SA Inst Int Affairs 1970 SA Winks, R. The roots of American foreign policy. 19pp. 30c. SA Inst Int Affairs 1972 SA United States—International relations— Addresses and essays McNamara, R. New thinking for American foreign policy in the 21st Century. (Lecture series, 66) 19pp. ($4.95/£2.75) NIIA 1991 NR
Sagay, I.E. 40 years of the UN: building a better world for mankind. (NIIA, lecture series, 43) 30pp. ($14.50/£3.25) NIIA 1987 NR
United States—Politics and government Blum, W. L’état voyou. ISBN: 9973195353 376pp. Cérès 2002 TI FRE
United Nations—Bibliography Cairo Demographic Center United Nations publications translated into Arabic by CDC. 350pp. E£15.00 ($8.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1994 UA ARA
Burbach, R. Imperial overstretch. ISBN: 0864866593 R130.00 New Africa Ed SA 2004 SA
United States—Atlases and maps Struik Publishers Globetrotter travel map of California. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm (portrait); 1,000mmx715mm (landscape); scale: 1:66,500; English/German/French.] col. R39.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA MUL Struik Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Florida. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm (portrait); sheet: 1,000x710 (landscape); scale: 1:1,100,000; English/German/French.] col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA MUL Struik Publishers Globetrotter travel map of New York City. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm (portrait); sheet: 1,000x710mm (landscape); scale: 1:21,000; English/French/German.] col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA MUL United States—Education Rogers, D.C. Rates of return to education in the United States: a theoretical and empirical study. (IDS discussion paper, 51) 24pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1967 KE van Brummelen, H. The new right and North American education. (IRS study pamphlets, 258) 31pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1989 SA United States—Education, Higher Pifer, A. The higher education of blacks in the United States. 42pp. ($5.00/£4.00) R3.00 SA Inst Race Relations 1973 SA
United States—Politics and government— Addresses and essays Okom, M.P. Lesson’s from Clinton’s crisis. ISBN: 978338225X 44pp. N300.00 ($2.50/£1.50) Wusen 2000 NR Urhobo (African people)—Anthropology Darah, G.G. Battles of song. Udje tradition of the Urhobo. ISBN: 9780231587 258pp. col.ill. ($29.95/£21.95) Malthouse 2005 NR Urhobo (African people)—History Onajite, H.R.H., Omokri, A. Urhobo kingdoms; political and social systems. ISBN: 9782783021 cd. 140pp. N700.00 ($74.00/£50.00) ISBN: 9782783913 Textflow 1997 NR Urhobo (African people)—Social life and customs Otite, O. The Urhobo people. 304pp. N136.40 Heinemann Educ - Ib 1982 NR Utomi, Pat—Autobiography Utomi, P. To serve is to live. Autobiographical reflections on the Nigerian condition. ISBN: 978029144X 265pp. col.ill.pl. ($14.95/£8.95) Spectrum 2000 NR Uwilingiyimana, Agathe—Biography Forum for African Women Educationalists Rwanda Chapter Agathe Uwilingiyimana - the rebel. [Also available in French.] 42pp. FAWE 2002 KE van Zyl Slabbert, Frederik—Autobiography van Zyl Slabbert, F. Tough choices. ISBN: 0624038807 136pp. R79.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Subject index
Vegetables Vegetables see also Herbs Horticulture Plants Govinden, N., Saumtally, S., Ganeshan, S., Rughoo, M. Tomato handbook. ISBN: 9990324174 18pp. col.pl. (£5.00) MSIRI 2001 MF Vegetables—South Africa Uys, M. Grow your own vegetables and herbs. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 079813643X 176pp. col.pl. R69.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Vegetables—Zambia Quainoo Vegetable growing in Zambia. 86pp. ($8.50/£4.95) Multimedia 1991 ZA Venda also known as Tshivenda and Chivenda Venda—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Demana, I.P. U lema hu fhira u lotshwela. [Venda drama.] 2nd ed. 68pp. R32.00 Shuter & Shooter 1994 SA VEN Khwashaba, M.E. Denga. [Venda drama.] 62pp. R31.12 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA VEN Ladzani, K.Y., comp. Mitsindo ya Afrika. [Rhythms of Africa. Poetry anthology.] ISBN: 1868537668 64pp. R39.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA VEN
Mudau, T.T. Murunzini wa thaba. [Venda poetry.] 37pp. R32.77 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA VEN Mudau, T.T. Testamente yo latiwaho. [The abandoned testament. Drama.] 104pp. R32.77 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA VEN Mudau, T.T. Tshila u diphine. [Venda short stories.] ISBN: 0796010579 83pp. R43.49 Shuter & Shooter 1999 SA VEN Mudau, T.T. Wanu u swika lufuni. [Venda novel.] 68pp. R33.31 Shuter & Shooter 1991 SA VEN Mutshinaya, A.R., et al. Mutingati. [Venda poetry.] bk.2 64pp. R32.77 Shuter & Shooter 1994 SA VEN Nefefe, M.P. Shangoni. [Venda poetry.] 2nd ed. 48pp. R20.53 Shuter & Shooter 1990 SA VEN Nefefe, P.M. Mato a penya mitodzi. [Drama.] Van Schaik 1995 SA VEN
Neluvhalani, C.M. Namusi. [Today.] 62pp. R6.00 Sasavona Pub 1983 SA VEN Neluvhalani, M.C. Ifa lashu la mirero. [Venda proverbs with English explanations.] 180pp. pl. R25.00 Sasavona Pub 1996 SA VEN
Madadzhe, R.N., ed. Masana. [Sunshine.] 31pp. R7.00 Sasavona Pub 1992 SA VEN
Nemukombane, T.D. Mitodzi matoni. [Poetry.] 52pp. R8.00 Sasavona Pub 1990 SA VEN
Mafela, M.J. Mudi ndi wanga. [My home.] 72pp. R19.00 Sasavona Pub 1996 SA VEN
Netshivhuyu, A.F. Luvhutu. [Venda drama.] 72pp. R35.70 Shuter & Shooter 1991 SA VEN
Mafela, M.J. Ndo neta. [Novel.] 70pp. R7.00 Sasavona Pub 1989 SA VEN
Netshivhuyu, A.F. Tshilio tsha vhuvha. [Venda poetry.] 40pp. R35.22 Shuter & Shooter 1991 SA VEN
Mahamba, S.N. Magala a vhahali. [Pillars of bravery. Historical novel.] ISBN: 1868537714 208pp. R52.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA VEN
Netshivhuyu, M.J. Lupfumo lwa muvenda. [Wealth of Venda. Poetry.] 51pp. R6.00 Sasavona Pub 1984 SA VEN
Mahamba, S.N. Matungu. [Venda short stories.] 92pp. R38.06 Shuter & Shooter 1994 SA VEN
Netshivhuyu, M.J. A zwi dohwi. [Short stories.] 78pp. R8.00 Sasavona Pub 1989 SA VEN
Maphopha, M.H. Ipolele. [To unburden oneself.] 129pp. R20.00 Sasavona Pub 1991 SA VEN
Netshivhuyu, N.P. Vho lu fukula. [Venda drama.] 88pp. R33.31 Shuter & Shooter 1984 SA VEN
Maumela, E.T. Mutakadzi. [Venda poetry.] 2nd ed. 32pp. R32.77 Shuter & Shooter 1989 SA VEN
Nevahutalu, M.R., et al. Mutingati. [Venda poetry.] bk.1 52pp. R32.77 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA VEN
Maumela, E.T. Zwiombo ngomani. [Drumsticks on the drum. Venda poetry.] 44pp. R41.95 Van Schaik 1988 SA VEN Maumela, T.N., et al. Mithetshelo. [Venda short stories.] 2nd ed. 112pp. R35.52 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA VEN Mbulaheni, M.W. Mushengeli. [The sufferer.] 40pp. R8.00 Sasavona Pub 1991 SA VEN Milubi, N.A. Vhutungu ha vhupfa. [Venda poetry.] 38pp. R34.70 Shuter & Shooter 1982 SA VEN Mudau, T.T. Appearance maswatha. [Venda novel.] 2nd ed. 96pp. R34.70 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA VEN Mudau, T.T. Awara dza fumitharu. [Venda short stories.] 104pp. R37.14 Shuter & Shooter 1996 SA VEN Mudau, T.T. Khatulo yanga. [Venda drama.] 80pp. R33.82 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA VEN
Phaswana, K.J. Khoro. [Venda drama.] 52pp. R36.88 Shuter & Shooter 1997 SA VEN Phophi, W.M.R.D. Ngano dza vhana vha vhumbedzi. 76pp. R31.75 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA VEN Ramaofisi, L.N. A vhu na mutali. [Poems.] 44pp. R7.00 Sasavona Pub 1989 SA VEN Raselekoana, N.R. Ndi mboni-de. [What an experience. Novel.] ISBN: 1868537684 96pp. R43.95 Heinemann-EdSA 1998 SA VEN Savhi, T. Ngano dza vha kale. 80pp. R29.05 Heinemann-EdSA 1991 SA VEN Thagwane, E.M. Ipfi la tshinoni. [Venda poetry.] 32pp. R32.77 Shuter & Shooter 1993 SA VEN Thagwane, E.M. Koto. [Tshivenda short stories.] 72pp. R25.90 Heinemann-EdSA 1993 SA VEN Thagwane, E.M. Nebukadanetsara. [Nebuchadnezzar. Tshivenda drama.] 48pp. R32.01 Shuter & Shooter 1995 SA VEN
Thagwane, E.M. Phenyadzinwe. [Short stories] Van Schaik 1995 SA VEN
Thagwane, R.N. Avahapfani. [Venda drama.] R31.58 Shuter & Shooter 1998 SA VEN William, J., Raulinga, F.C. Nndu yo tswiwaho. ISBN: 0795700210 R32.95 Kwela 2000 SA VEN William, J., Raulinga, F.C. U pembela. ISBN: 0795700202 R30.00 Kwela 2000 [?] SA VEN Venda—General and Non-fiction Bible Society of South Africa Bivhili khethwa: mafhungo madifha. [The Bible. 1998 translation.] 1,713pp. R50.00 Bible Soc SA 1998 SA VEN Bible Society of South Africa Bivhili ya othe manwalo makhethwa a testamente ya kale na a testamente ntswa. [The Bible. 1936 trans. Available in other bindings.] cd. 1,170pp. R50.00 Bible Soc SA 1936 SA VEN J L van Schaik Kubugwana kwo hwa-laho mafhungo mahulwane a ndeme. Gaidi ya tsireledzo ya mashumiselano a tshitshavaha Afrika Tshipembe. [The tiny little book that tackles great big issues. A guide to social security in Africa.] 112pp. R64.95 Van Schaik 2000 SA VEN Mafela, M.J., Mandende, I.P., Ladzani, K.Y., Raselekoane, N.R. Mbonyolosi: manwalwa a litherathsa na thyiori. [Analysis of Tshivenda literature.] 243pp. R131.00 ($25.70/ £16.40/Eur22.50) Unisa 2003 SA VEN Phophi, W. Nganea dza vhurululu ha hatshivhasa na lwamondo. 88pp. R14.75 Macmillan SA 1995 SA VEN Rasengane, A.A., ed. Mgudele a manwalwa a tshivenda: dza makhulukuku; mulisa; mitshento ya wa; mmbwa ya la inwe a I noni; zwo itwa. [Techniques to study Venda literature.] 3rd ed. 54pp. R22.00 ($5.41/£3.52) Hibbard 1995 SA VEN Venda—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Boucher, S.J., Pienaar, K.M. Thamba ndi mutuku. [Too small Themba.] 16pp. R31.83 Shuter & Shooter 1992 SA VEN Chantler, E., et al. Mbalo dzo bvelelaho. Workbook. [Successful numeracy.] ISBN: 0195782380 96pp. R54.99 ($8.59/£4.77) OUP - SA 2004 SA VEN Mahosi, M. Mutakana a sa pfi. [Venda children’s fiction.] ISBN: 1869002458 7pp. R25.00 UmSinsi 2000 SA VEN Mudzanawi, S. Zwo nkhulela. [Tshivenda school book. Grades 1-3.] ISBN: 1868404099 36pp. R26.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 2000 SA VEN Mukumela, M. Nguluvhe dza Vho-Dau. [Tshivenda school book. Grades 1-3.] ISBN: 1868404080 28pp. R26.95 New ReadersUniv Natal 2000 SA VEN Netshitomboni, L., et al. Vhukoni. Learner’s book. [Successful life skills.] ISBN: 0195783492 64pp. R49.99 ($7.81/£4.34) OUP - SA 2003 SA VEN Netshitomboni, L., et al. Vhukoni. Workbook. [Successful life skills.] ISBN: 019578331X 104pp. R49.99 ($7.81/£4.34) OUP - SA 2003 SA VEN Netshitomboni, L., et al. Vhukoni. Workbook. [Successful life skills grade 2.] ISBN: 0195783581 48pp. R24.99 ($3.90/£2.17) OUP - SA 2003 SA VEN Ngcobo, N.M., et al. Vhalani ni nwale tshivenda. 48pp. ill. R21.50 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA VEN
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African Books in Print
Subject index Sitholimela, S. Mirubo ya vhatukana. [Tshivenda school book. Grades 1-3.] ISBN: 1868404072 28pp. R26.95 New Readers-Univ Natal 2000 SA VEN Wilken, P.J. Maga a u thoma. [First steps.] 80pp. R11.87 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA VEN Wilken, R.L. Ndivhabivhili (Murule wa 1). bk.1 96pp. ill. R13.17 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA VEN
Wangoni (African people)—History Veterinary science—Addresses and essays Breen, C.M. Address to the Natal Branch of the South African Veterinary Association, June. (INR working paps., 71) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Veterinary science—Africa Amutenya, P. Relocation of the veterinary cordon fence: report on an IFAD field mission, October 1992. (Travel and meeting reports, 7) 12pp. N$12.00 NEPRU 1993 SX
Wilken, R.L. Ndivhabivhili (Murule wa A). bk.A 76pp. ill. R9.38 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA VEN
Berrada, J., Bouchriti, N., Bouslikhane, M. Tuberculose animale en Afrique et au Moyen Orient. 228pp. Actes Ed 1997 MR FRE
Wilken, R.L. Ndivhabivihili (Murule wa B). bk.B 72pp. ill. R11.87 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA VEN
Hansen, J., Perry, B. The epidemiology, diagnosis and control of helminth parasites of ruminants. A handbook. 171pp. Int Livestock Centre 1994 ET
Wilken, R.L. Ndivhabuvhili (Murule wa 2). bk.2 80pp. ill. R14.04 Heinemann-EdSA 1992 SA VEN Venda language Neluvhalani, M.C. Ifa lashu la maambele. [Venda idiomatic expressions explained in Venda and English.] 212pp. R12.00 Sasavona Pub 1986 SA MUL Venda language—Dictionaries van Warmelo, N.J. Venda dictionary: Tshivenda-English. cd. 490pp. R80.00 Pharos 1997 SA MUL Wentzel, P.J., Muloiwa, T.W., comps. Venda-Afrikaans-English: improved trilingual dictionary. cd. 216pp. R58.80 ($20.60/£12.50) Unisa 1990 SA MUL Venda language—Study and teaching Ziervogel, D., Wentzel, P.J., Makuya, T.N. A handbook of the Venda language. 3rd ed.(Manualia, 10) 208pp. R19.00 ($8.90/ £4.60) Unisa 1977 SA MUL Verwoerd, Wilhelm—Biography Verwoerd, W. My winds of change. ISBN: 0869755137 192pp. (£9.95) Ravan 1998 SA Veterinary science see also Animal science Cattle Domestic animals Livestock Zoology Bath, G. Sheep and goat diseases. ISBN: 0624039242 cd. 205pp. ill. R159.95 Tafelberg 2001 SA Diop, P.P.E.H., ed. Maîtrise de la reproduction et amélioration génétique des ruminants. Apports des technologies nouvelles. 290pp. CFA3,500 NEAS 1993 SG FRE Duchateau, L., Janssen, P., Rowlands, G.J. Linear mixed models. An introduction with applications in veterinary research. 159pp. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET Monnig, H.O., Veldman, F.J. Handbook of stock diseases. 2nd rev.ed. cd. 405pp. ill. R89.95 Tafelberg 1989 SA Monteil, V. Essai sur le chameau au Sahara occidental. 136pp. pl. CFA2,500 IFAN 1952 SG FRE Morzaria, S., Masake, R., Rowlands, J., eds. Antigen ELISAs for trypanosomes. Evaluation of the performance proceedings of a workshop held at ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya, 9-11 December 1996. 135pp. Int Livestock Centre 1998 ET Mugera, G.M. Veterinary pathology in the tropics. ISBN: 9966845409 406pp. pl. K.shs.1,350 ($33.90) Nairobi UP 2000 KE Tudorascu Radu. Reproduction normale et l’insémination artificielle des animaux domestiques. 235pp. pl. Z1.20 Press Univ Congo 1975 ZR FRE
Irvin, A.D., McDermott, J.J., Perry, B.D., eds. Epidemiology of ticks and tick-borne diseases in eastern, central and southern Africa. Proceedings of a workshop held in Harare 12-13 March 1996. 180pp. maps Int Livestock Centre 1997 ET Mugera, G.M., Bwangamoi, O., Wanders, J.G. Diseases of cattle in tropical Africa. 460pp. ill. pl. (£5.65/$14.15) K.shs.80.00 Kenya Lit Bureau 1979 KE Putt, S.N.H., et al. Veterinary epidemiology and economics in Africa: a manual for use in the design and appraisal of livestock health policy. [Also available in French.] 130pp. ($22.00) Int Livestock Centre 1987 ET Tucker, R. The development and tasks of veterinary science. 23pp. ($2.00) T.shs.50.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1978 TZ Veterinary science—Kenya Metson, J. A base line survey for the evaluation of the foot and mouth disease control programme in Narok and Kajiado districts. (Miscellaneous paper, 106) 67pp. K.shs.70.00 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE Migot-Adholla, S.E. Report of the final evaluation of foot and mouth disease control programme in Kajiado and Narok Districts, Kenya. (IDS consultancy reports, 9) 188pp. K.shs.190.00 Inst Dev Stud 1982 KE Vietnam—Atlases and maps New Holland Publishers Globetrotter travel map of Vietnam. [Map. Folded: 250x125mm; sheet: 1,000x710mm; scale: 1:1,900,000.] col.pl. R39.95 Struik Publ 1995 SA Vietnam—Guide books Hoskin, J. Globetrotter travel guide to Vietnam. new ed. 128pp. col.pl.maps R49.95 Struik Publ 1996 SA Viticulture see also Wine and wine-making Viticulture—Namibia Kalili, N. Grape production in Namibia. (NEPRU working paper, 76) 43pp. N$26.00 NEPRU 2000 SX Vocational education see also Education Christian Literature Association of Malawi How to apply for a job. 15pp. 30t. Christ Lit Assoc - Mal MW Christierson, V. A. B. A framework of vocational counselling within the organisational context. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 294) 47pp. R1.50 CSIR 1979 SA Haverly, C. Learning about vocational skills. ISBN: 0702138878 112pp. R29.00 Juta 1998 SA
Idowu, I. Choosing and managing your career. 55pp. ($5.20) Univ Press - Nig 1989 NR Iliya, H., Telfam, S.K., Bewul, R.N. Principles and practice of guidance. ISBN: 9783797603 230pp. N1,000 ($5.00) Deka 2005 NR Ipaye, T. Educational and vocational guidance: concept of approach. 272pp. ($21.50/ £11.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1986 NR Ipaye, T. Guidance and counselling practices. 188pp. ($12.58) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1983 NR Lindhard, N., Tlale, B. Who am I? What can I do? 2nd ed. ISBN: 9991273425 192pp. ill.pl. P35.00 Longman - Bots 1998 BS Lubke, R.A., ed. Careers in ecology and environmental science. Inst Soc Res 1996 SA Mba, P.O. Fundamentals of special education and vocational rehabilitation. cd. & 280pp. Free Market Found 1995 SA Olunloyo, O., Oguntuase, K., Makanju, O. Steps to vocational aptitude. 2nd ed. bk.1 ISBN: 9781420855 45pp. col.pl. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2000 NR Olunloyo, O., Oguntuase, K., Makanju, O. Steps to vocational aptitude. 2nd ed. bk.2 ISBN: 9781420936 40pp. col.pl. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2000 NR Olunloyo, O., Oguntuase, K., Makanju, O. Steps to vocational aptitude. 2nd ed. bk.3 ISBN: 9781421010 49pp. col.pl. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2000 NR Olunloyo, O., Oguntuase, K., Makanju, O. Steps to vocational aptitude. 2nd ed. bk.4 ISBN: 9781421096 46pp. col.pl. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2000 NR Olunloyo, O., Oguntuase, K., Makanju, O. Steps to vocational aptitude. 2nd ed. bk.5 ISBN: 9781421177 50pp. col.pl. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2000 NR Olunloyo, O., Oguntuase, K., Makanju, O. Steps to vocational aptitude. 2nd ed. bk.6 ISBN: 9781421258 50pp. N220.00 ($2.00) Literamed 2000 NR Schreuder, A.M.G., Theron, A.L. Careers. An organisational perspective. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0702156582 240pp. R185.00 Juta 2001 SA Spartus, G. Which career for me? ZPH 1990 ZI
48pp. Z$8.00
Visser, B.L. Electroencephalographic assessment in vocational counselling. (CSIR Special Report, PERS 296) R1.50 CSIR 1980 SA Walsh, Bruce—Autobiography Walsh, B. Victor over victim. The Bruce Walsh story. ISBN: 0798143872 172pp. pl. R99.95 Human and Rousseau 2003 SA wa Makeri, Wangu—Biography Wanyoike, M.W. Wangu wa Makeri: makers of Kenya’s history. ISBN: 996625112X 90pp. K.shs.220.00 EAEP 2002 KE wa Menza, Mekatilili—Biography Mugi-Ndua, E. Mekatilili wa Menza: woman warrior. ISBN: 9966951032 80pp. col.ill.maps K.shs.180.00 ($9.95) Sasa Sema 2000 KE Wangoni (African people)—History Ebner, E. The history of the Wangoni and their origin in the South African Bantu tribes. 246pp. pl. Benedictine 1987 TZ War see also Armed forces Military Peace studies Refugees
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
War Goldstone, R. For humanity. Reflections of a war crimes investigator. ISBN: 1868142619 160pp. maps Witwatersrand UP 2000 SA War—Angola Andrew, R. Buried in the sky. ISBN: 0141003049 220pp. R87.72 Penguin SA 2001 SA War—South Africa see also World War, 1939-1945 Burger, M., Gould, C. Secrets and lies: Wouter Basson and South Africa’s chemical and biological warfare programmes. ISBN: 1868723410 231pp. col.ill. (£9.99) Struik Publ 2003 SA
Subject index Kemp, P.H. A guide to ionic relationships in natural waters. (CSIR research reports, 329) 127pp. CSIR 1977 SA Mageed, Y.A. Anti-desertification technology and management: assessment of water resources in arid and semi-arid regions. 27pp. ill. map UNEP 1986 KE Malan, G.J. Water economy: the worthwhile goal. R4.30 CSIR 1984 SA Nupen, E.M. The effectiveness of various techniques for the removal of bacteria and viruses. (CSIR research reports; RW559) CSIR 1975 SA
Couzens, T. Battles of South Africa. ISBN: 0864866216 pl. R150.00 New Africa Ed SA 2004 SA
Sadzik, P. Catalogue of equipment for small water supplies. (CSIR Technical Guide, K82) R50.00 CSIR 1986 SA
Cuthbertson, G., Grundlingh, A., Suttie, ML., eds. Writing a wider war: rethinking gender, race and identity in the South African war, 1899-1902. ISBN: 0864866070 376pp. R195.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA
Smith, R. Analysis of a sewage sludge for inorganic chemical contaminants and nutrients: NIWR Interlaboratory comparison study no.83/B. (CSIR Research Report, 603) 33pp. CSIR 1984 SA
Jooste, G., Webster, R. Innocent blood: executions during the Anglo-Boer war. ISBN: 0864865325 240pp. (£12.95) New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA Pretorius, F. Life on commando during the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902. ISBN: 0798138084 496pp. R120.00 Human and Rousseau 2000 SA van der Merwe, C. Century Anglo-Boer war story. ISBN: 1868420930 R129.95 Ball 1999 SA Wassermann, J., Kearney, B., eds. A warrior’s gateway: Durban and the Anglo-Boer war 1899-1902. ISBN: 1919825851 cd. 416pp. ill. R180.00 Protea 2002 SA War—Sudan Dau, I.M. Suffering and God. A theological reflection on the war in Sudan. ISBN: 9966218440 256pp. Paulines 2002 KE Ward, Mary—Biography Dessain, M.J. Galloping to God. [Story of Mary Ward.] ISBN: 9966215611 128pp. ill. K.shs.120.00 ($1.80) Paulines 2000 KE Wasajja, Prince Badru Kakungulu— Biography Kasozi, A.B.K. The life of Prince Badru Kakungulu Wasajja and the development of a forward looking Muslim community in Uganda 1907-1991. new ed. ISBN: 9970401010 cd. 280pp. ($34.95/£24.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2005 UG Water see also Aquaculture Dams Energy Hydraulic engineering Sanitary engineering Bouguerra, M.L. Les batailles de l’eau. ISBN: 2915032250 cd. 239pp. CFA4,000 Jamana 2003 ML FRE Erskine, J.M. Protection and management of renewable water resources in the context of sustainable rural development. Paper presented at the 8th international conference on rainwater catchment systems, Tehran, Iran, 25-29 April 1997. (INR occasional paps., 182) R5.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Hattingh, W.H.J., Morgan, W.S.G., Nupen, E.M. Health aspects of water supply. (CSIR Research Report, 657) R30.00 CSIR 1985 SA
Smith, R. Determination of physical properties: evaluation of results. (CSIR Research Report, 571) 25pp. CSIR 1982 SA Smith, R. Determination of trace metals in river sediment: NIWR Interlaboratory comparison study no.83/A (CSIR Research Report, 602) 33pp. CSIR 1984 SA Smith, R. Determination of trace metals in sewage sludge: evaluation of results. (CSIR Research Report, 395) 33pp. CSIR 1981 SA Smith, R. A laboratory manual for the determination of inorganic chemical contaminants and nutrients in sewage sludges. (CSIR Technical Guide, K 62) 40pp. R10.00 CSIR 1984 SA Smith, R. A laboratory manual for the determination of metals in water and wastewater by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (CSIR Technical Guide, K 63) 29pp. R15.00 CSIR 1983 SA Smith, R. Nitrogen and phosphorus analysis: evaluation of results. (CSIR Research Report, 398) 29pp. CSIR 1981 SA Smith, R. NIWR interlaboratory comparison studies: conclusions. (CSIR Research Report, 578) 23pp. CSIR 1983 SA Smith, R. NIWR interlaboratory comparison study no. 79/A: Analysis of a surface water and a sewage effluent. (CSIR Research Report, 367) 19pp. CSIR 1979 SA Smith, R. NIWR interlaboratory comparison study no. 79/B: Evaluation of the comparative reliability of the COD determination. (CSIR Research Report, 368) 26pp. CSIR 1979 SA Smith, R. NIWR interlaboratory comparison study no. 80/B: Determination of trace metals. Evaluation of results. (CSIR Research Reports, 394) 29pp. CSIR 1981 SA Smith, R. NIWR interlaboratory comparison study No. 83/C: determination of volatile halogenated hydrocarbons in water; Evaluation of results. (CSIR Research Report, 604) 29pp. R5.00 CSIR 1984 SA Smith, R. NIWR interlaboratory comparison study no. 84/B: Determination of nutrients. Evaluation of results. (CSIR Research Report, 612) 39pp. R5.00 CSIR 1985 SA
Smith, R. NIWR interlaboratory comparison study no.82/A: determination of boron, silica, fluoride, MBAS, phenols, cyanide and sulphide. (CSIR Research Report, 575) 29pp. CSIR 1982 SA Smith, R. NIWR interlibrary comparison study No 84/A: determination of major cations and anions - Evaluation of results. (CSIR Research Report, 611) 35pp. R5.00 CSIR 1985 SA Smith, R., Hassett, A.J. Determination of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides in water: evaluation of results. (CSIR Research Report, 572) 21pp. CSIR 1982 SA Smith, R., Paxton, A.V. NIWR interlaboratory comparison study No.86/C: investigation of the EDTA titration methods for the determination of calcium and total hardness in water and NIWR Interlaboratory comparison study No.86/D: Investigation of the phenols determination. Evaluation of results. (CSIR Research Report, 656) 36pp. R10.00 CSIR 1987 SA Smith, R., Paxton, A.V. NIWR interlaboratory comparison study No.87/A: determination of soap, oil and grease and NIWR Interlaboratory comparison study No.87/B: Determination of various anions by ion chromatography. Evaluations of results. (CSIR Research Report, 658) 43pp. R10.00 CSIR 1987 SA United Nations Environment Programme The pollution of lakes and reservoirs. (UNEP environment library, 12) 35pp. ($7.00) UNEP 1994 KE United Nations Environment Programme Water quality of world river basins. (UNEP environment library, 14) 40pp. ($7.00) UNEP 1995 KE Wium, J.S., Coetzee, J. Control analyses for conventional water purification plants. (CSIR Technical Guide, K76) 17pp. R10.00 CSIR 1985 SA Water—Addresses and essays Damann, K.E. Drinking water or sewage: is there a difference? (Inaurugal lec., 9) 22pp. ($3.00/£2.25) N3.00 Obafemi Awolowo UP 1973 NR Water—Africa Barat, C. Pluviologie et aquidimétrie dans la zone intertropicale. (Mémoires de l’IFAN, 49) 80pp. CFA3,500 IFAN 1957 SG FRE Edwards, K.A., Classen, G.A., Schroten, E.H.J. The water resource in tropical Africa and its exploitation. [Also available in French.] (ILCA Research Report, 6) 103pp. maps ($26.00) Int Livestock Centre 1983 ET Ruigu, G.N. Irrigation policy in Kenya and Zimbabwe. (IDS occasional papers, 59) 420pp. K.shs.450.00 ($7.59) Inst Dev Stud 1990 KE Water—Africa, Southern Chenje, M., Johnson, P., eds. Water in southern Africa. 238pp. ill.pl. ($38.00/£21.50) Southern Afric Res & Docs 1996 ZI Erskine, J.M. Rain water harvesting systems in southern Africa. Paper presented at the Conference on Rain Water Cistern Systems, Keelung, Taiwan, August. (INR working paps., 86) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Pallett, J., ed. Sharing water in southern Africa. 121pp. col.ill. N$95.00 ($22.00) DRFN 1997 SX Southern African Development Community Defining and mainstreaming environmental sustainability in water resource management in southern Africa. ISBN: 1779100183 336pp. col.ill.maps ($39.95/£29.95) Southern Afric Res & Docs 2002 ZI
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African Books in Print
Subject index Turton, A., ed. Transboundary rivers, sovereignty and development: hydropolitical drivers in the Okavango river basin. ISBN: 0620304979 368pp. ill. (£18.99) Univ Pretoria 2003 SA Water—Egypt Rogers, P., Lydon, P., eds. Water in the Arab world. Perspectives and prognoses. 389pp. E£70.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 1996 UA [Middle East only] Water—Ethiopia Whittington, D. Implications of Ethiopian water development for Egypt and Sudan. (DSRC seminar series, 60) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1985 SJ Water—Kenya Carruthers, I.D. Appraising proposals for water supply investments. (IDS discussion paper, 195) 26pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1974 KE Okidi, C.O. The role of the state in the management of international rivers and Lake Basins in Africa. (IDS discussion paper, 285) 31pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1987 KE Wandera, P.O. Development and local management of water for pastoral production in Central Division, Turkana District, Kenya. (Alarm working paper, 1) 16pp. U.shs.3,000 ($4.00) Centre Basic Res 1999 UG Water—Mauritius Sentenac, R. Recherches d’eau souterraine à l’Ile Maurice. (MSIRI occasional papers, 12) pl. Rs50.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1962 MF FRE Sentenac, R. Recherches d’eau souterraine à l’Ile Maurice. Secteurs de Flacq, Grand Port. vol.3(MSIRI occasional papers, 16) 29pp. Rs50.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1963 MF FRE Sentenac, R. Recherches d’eau souterraine à l’Ile Maurice. Secteurs de Pamplemousses, Rivière du Rempart, Plaine des Roches, Nouvelle Découverte. vol.1(MSIRI occasional papers, 15) 28pp. pl. Rs50.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1963 MF Sentenac, R. Recherches d’eau souterraine à l’Ile Maurice. Secteurs de Plaines Wilhems, Rivière Noire, Chamarel. Conclusion générale. vol.4(MSIRI occasional papers, 17) 24pp. Rs50.00 (£2.00) MSIRI 1963 MF FRE Water—Namibia Dausab, F., Francis, G., Johr, G. Kuiseb catchment project. (DERU, occ.paps, 1) 200pp. N$40.00 ($15.00) DRFN 1993 SX du Toit, D., Sguazzin, T. Sink or swim: water and the Namibian environment. 230pp. ill. N$51.00 DRFN 1995 SX Heyns, P., Montgomery, S., Pallett, J., Seely, M., eds. Namibia’s water. A decision makers’ guide. ISBN: 999164329X 173pp. N$95.00 ($22.00) DRFN 1998 SX Irving, T.F. Managing water points and grazing areas in Namibia. The Cuvelai. 101pp. col.ill. N$30.00 ($22.00) DRFN 1996 SX Irving, T.F., Ward, V. Managing water points and grazing areas in Namibia: Erongo. ISBN: 9991643257 102pp. ill. DRFN 1999 SX Jacobson, P.J., Jacobson, K.M., Seely, M.K. Ephemeral rivers and their catchments: sustaining people and development in western Namibia. 160pp. col.ill. N$110.00 ($30.00) DRFN 1995 SX Presland, C., Hansen, M., Greiner, F. Community financing of rural water supply. (NEPRU research report, 15) 81pp. N$36.00 NEPRU 1997 SX
Water—South Africa Ward, V. More about water in Namibia. 61pp. ill. N$40.00 ($15.00) DRFN 1994 SX Ward, V. Water in Namibia. 13pp. ill. N$25.00 ($8.00) DRFN 1994 SX Water—Nigeria Faniran, A. Water resources development in Nigeria. 95pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Obafemi Awolowo UP 1992 NR Water—South Africa A’Bear, D.R. Review of the concept report “KwaZulu water supply policy: interim policy proposals”. Prepared for Davies Lynn & Partners. (INR working paps., 91) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA A’Bear, D.R., ed. Umgeni water: rural areas water and sanitation plan. Final report for Umgeni Water, Pietermaritzburg. (INR investigational reports, 58) Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Bate, R. The cost of free water. The problem of water misallocation and the case of South Africa. ISBN: 187493049X 308pp. R11.00 Free Market Found 2002 SA Breen, C.M. Opening address: national aquatic biomonitoring programme, KwaZulu-Natal workshop, 13 May. (INR occasional paps., 178) R1.75 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Breen, C.M., Little, A.M. Total water management and the third world environment: is it achievable in the new South Africa? Paper presented at the Committee of Water Boards Seminar, Pietrmaritzburg, 21-22 November. (INR working paps., 49) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Breen, C.M., Quinn, N.W., Mander, J.J. How can we promote river management? Paper presented at the Cahora Bassa/ Zambezi river workshop held at Songo, Mozambique, 29 September to 2 October 1997. (INR occasional paps., 1997) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Bromley, K.A. Environmental aspects of the Mvoti River Catchment in relation to water development. (INR working paps., 44) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA Carstens, P. Companies in South Africa: designing, constructing, manufacturing or selling installations, equipment and chemicals for the treatment of water, wastewater and solids. 29pp. R10.00 CSIR 1985 SA Davies, B., Day, J. Vanishing waters. ISBN: 1919713115 380pp. col.ill.col.pl. R185.00 UCT Press 1998 SA Drews, R.J.L.C. A guide to the use of septic tank systems in South Africa. (CSIR Technical Guide, K86) R15.00 CSIR 1986 SA Erskine, J.M. European Union evaluation of the working for water programme. scoial review: entrepreneurial development. (INR investigational reports, 171) R7.50 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Erskine, J.M. Report on International Symposium on Development of Small Scale Water resources in Rural Areas, Khon Kaen, Thailand, May 1990. (INR working paps., 52) R12.50 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Fourie, J.M., Görgens, A.H.M. Mineralization studies of the Berg River (1974-1976) (CSIR Research Report, 334) 30pp. ill. CSIR 1977 SA
Hay, D. The Msunduzi integrated catchment management initiative. Report submitted to GTZ rural development. (INR investigational reports, 169) R55.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Hay, D. A short term response to flooding in the Msunduzi river catchment. Executive summary of volumes 1-5. (INR investigational reports, 156) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Hay, D. A short term response to flooding in the Msunduzi River catchment. Volume 1: the Msunduzi river catchment disaster management and sustainable development strategy. (INR investigational reports, 156/1) R27.50 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Hay, D. A short term response to flooding in the Msunduzi river catchment. Volume 2: flood risk areas in the PietermaritzburgMsunduzi portion of the Msunduzi river catchment. (INR investigational reports, 156/2) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Hay, D. A short term response to flooding in the Msunduzi river catchment. Volume 3: regulating settlement and other development of floodplains. (INR investigational reports, 156/3) R60.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Hay, D. A short term response to flooding in the Msunduzi river catchment. Volume 4: a flood warning and response system. (INR investigational reports, 156/4) R3.50 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Hay, D. A short term response to flooding in the Msunduzi river catchment. Volume 5: a long term strategy for sustainable development of the Msunduzi river catchment. (INR investigational reports, 156/5) R30.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Henderson, C.M. Management of the Piesang River floodplain: preliminary environmental guidelines: interim report. Prepared for BKS Incorporated, Durban. (INR working paps., 95) R5.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Irwin, P.R., Ashwell, A.N. Projects in water quality monitoring. Soc Res 1993 SA
Koornhof, A. Dive sites of South Africa. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1853685631 184pp. col.pl.maps R119.95 New Holland 1998 SA Little, A.M. The application of resource economics to water management in South Africa. Paper prepared for the Natal Parks Board Annual Research Symposium held at Queen Elizabeth Park, Pietermaritzburg, June. (INR occasional paps., 108) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Little, A.M. Economics and water management. (INR monographs, 12) free Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Lusher, J.A., ed. Water quality criteria for the coastal zone. (South African National Scientific Programmes Report, 94) 38pp. CSIR 1984 SA Maphanga, K., Steytler, N. Educate for water: a catalogue of environmental educational materials for the integrated management of the Msunduzi river catchment. (INR investigational reports, 167) R20.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA Maughan-Brown, M. An assessment of the role of Umgeni Water in the KwaNgcolosi area. Prepared for Umgeni Water, Pietrmaritzburg. (INR working paps., 72) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Water—South Africa McIntosh, A.C., Marawe, G. Institutional dimensions of unconventional water supplies: factors to be considered in promoting effective and sustainable utilization in rural areas. Report prepared for the HSRC. (INR investigational reports, 66) R12.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA
Subject index Water sports see also Sailing Buckles, G., et al. Top dive sites of the world. ISBN: 1853687472 cd. 168pp. col.pl.maps R169.00 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Quinn, N.W., Breen, C.M., Hearne, J.W. Decision support systems: their role in environmental management. Paper presented at a workshop of the Kruger National Park Rivers Research Programme held at Skukuza, 9-11 May 1993. (INR occasional paps., 133) R5.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA
Claypole, D. Everyone should swim. 72pp. ill. Z$87.95 College Press -Zimb 1990 ZI
Roussouw, A.M.M. Water and energy in the Eastern Cape. (Research reports, 54) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA
Hartmann, R. A year on... Hansie and the boys. ISBN: 1868722503 160pp. col.pl. R79.95 Zebra 1998 SA
Schmitz, T. Piloting public-public partnerships: successful cost recovery in Rand Water’s Odi supply area. (CPS policy briefs, 19) 33pp. Centre Policy Stud 2000 SA
Harwood, S., Bryning, R. The dive sites of the Maldives. ISBN: 1853687685 176pp. col.pl.maps R119.00 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Schmitz, T. Rethinking delivery? A review of the efforts of the Department of Water Affairs, 1994-99. (CPS policy briefs, 16) 14pp. Centre Policy Stud 1999 SA Steytler, N., Hay, D. Floodplain settlement: understanding the problems and finding solutions. (INR working paps., 129) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1887 SA Totman, D., Quinn, N.W., Henderson, C.M. Report on a preliminary environmental evaluation of a proposed scheme for water abstraction from Lake Shengeza. Report for Eksteen, Van der Walt and Nissen. (INR investigational reports, 81) R8.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Vogel, J.C., Talma, A.S., Heaton, T.H.E. The isotopic, chemical and dissolved gas concentrations in groundwater near Beaufort West. (CSIR Research Report, 392) 34pp. map. CSIR 1980 SA Vogel, J.C., Talma, A.S., Heaton, T.H.E. The isotopic, chemical and dissolved gas concentrations in groundwater near Venterstad, Cape Province. (CSIR Research Report, 391) 38pp. map. CSIR 1980 SA Water—Sudan Ali Mohamed, O.M. Proposal for a Nile waters treaty. (DSRC monograph series, 26) 33pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1986 SJ Development Studies Research Centre Resource allocation under the joint account and the land-water-change system. Is there a case for abandoning the joint account? (DSRC monograph series, 33) 32pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1989 SJ Water—Tanzania Lerise, F.S. Politics in land and water management: study in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. ISBN: 9987417299 210pp. col.ill.pl.maps ($29.95/£24.95) Mkuki na Nyota 2005 TZ Mwandosya, M.J., Meena, H.E. Dar es Salaam water demand: an end-use perspective. (CEEST book series, 12) ISBN: 9987612121 138pp. ($16.95/£9.95) CEEST 1998 TZ Ngana, J.O., ed. Water resources management. The case of Pangani River basin. Issues and approaches. ISBN: 9976603738 276pp. ill.maps ($34.95/£20.95) Dar es Salaam UP 2002 TZ Water—Zimbabwe Manzungu, E., Senzanje, A., van der Zaag, P. Water for agriculture in Zimbabwe. ISBN: 0908307682 275pp. ill. ($23.95/ £13.95) Univ Zimbabwe 1999 ZI Save the Children If we were properly consulted... ISBN: 0797421858 cd. 64pp. Z$150.00 ($7.50) Save the Children 2000 ZI
Ghisotti, A., Carletti, A. The Red Sea: diving guide. 128pp. col.ill. E£55.00 ($20.00) Am Univ 1994 UA [Egypt only]
Kayle, A. How to manage scuba diving problems. 342pp. R30.00 Longman Penguin SA 1996 SA Kayle, A. Safe diving: a medical handbook for scuba divers. cd. 350pp. pl. R89.99 Longman Penguin SA 1994 SA Koornhof, A. The dive sites of Kenya and Tanzania including Pemba, Zanzibar and Mafia. 160pp. col.pl.maps R119.95 New Holland 1997 SA
Loots, J. Adventure sport series: sea kayaking. ISBN: 1859743994 96pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 2000 SA Maybery, K. Adventure sport series: rowing. ISBN: 1859749364 94pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 2000 SA Watson, Margaret—Biography Butler, G. The prophetic nun. ISBN: 095841954X 127pp. ill.col.ill. R198.00 (£18.99) Random House SA 2000 SA Wavamunno, Gordon Babala Kasibante— Autobiography Wavamunno, G.B.K. Gordon B.K. Wavamunno. The story of an African entrepreneur. 331pp. ill. Wavah 2000 UG Webster, David—Biography van Pampallis, et al. They fought for freedom. David Webster. ISBN: 0636022552 72pp. pl.maps R36.33 Maskew Miller Longman 1998 SA Wessels, Kepler—Biography Griffiths, E. Kepler: the biography. cd. 348pp. pl. R89.99 Longman Penguin SA 1994 SA Wildlife and conservation see also Botany Ecology Forests and forestry Natural history Pollution Zoology
Lodewijks, T. Teach your child to swim. A step-by-step guide for parents and teachers. 30pp. R27.00 Options Publ 1997 SA
Cohen, J.I. Conservation and use of agro-ecological diversity. (Biopolicy international, 3) 26pp. ($7.50) ACTS - Kenya 1992 KE
Mountain, A. The diver’s handbook. 160pp. col.pl. R129.95 New Holland 1997 SA
du Plessis, S.S. Report on the revision of the curriculum of the national diploma in nature conservation 1987. (SANSP occas. rep., 32) 75pp. CSIR 1988 SA
Trainito, E., ed. The best dive sites of the world. [Also available in German, Italian, Russian.] ISBN: 8880955160 300pp. col.pl. E£120.00 ($29.50) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Water sports—Africa, Southern Loots, J. A practical guide to sea kayaking in southern Africa. ISBN: 1868723216 160pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 1999 SA Water sports—Egypt Cangini, C., Alzani, N. Snorkeling in the Red Sea. [Also available in French, German, Italian] ISBN: 8880955020 168pp. col.pl. E£75.00 ($22.50) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Mesturini, G., Bicciato, M. Hurghada: diving guide. [Also available in French, German, Italian.] ISBN: 888095556X 168pp. col.pl. E£75.00 ($22.50) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Water sports—Middle East Calzia, F., Maroccolo, M. Sharm El-Sheikh, Sinai and the Red Sea. [Also available in French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish.] ISBN: 8880956159 144pp. col.pl. E£50.00 ($16.95) Am Univ 2001 UA [Egypt only] Water sports—South Africa Addison, G. Adventure sport series: whitewater rafting. ISBN: 1859744028 96pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 2001 SA Barnett, C. Hitting the lip. Surfing in South Africa. cd. & 186pp. ill. photos. col. photos. maps. R7.50 cd. R3.75 Macmillan - SA 1974 SA Bornhoft, S. Adventure sport series: wind surfing. ISBN: 1859746438 96pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 2001 SA Kayle, A. How to manage diving problems. ISBN: 0143024604 164pp. R65.79 Penguin SA 2001 SA
Thesen, H. A deadly presence. cd. & 160pp. R76.95 cd. R33.99 Philip 1982 SA United Nations Environment Programme Biodiversity and conservation. Information sources. 500pp. ($35.00) UNEP 1996 KE Wildlife and conservation—Africa Amin, M., Willetts, D., Parker, I. Spectrum guide to African wildlife safaris. 2nd ed. 320pp. col.pl.maps (£12.99) Camerapix 1993 KE Corfield, T. The wilderness guardian. A practical handbook. 2nd ed. 702pp. ill. ($25.00) Longhorn - Ken 1993 KE Day, L., Odendaal, F., Velasquez, C. Last Edens of Africa. ISBN: 1868127540 144pp. col.ill.col.pl.maps R180.00 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA Dennis, N., Dennis, W. African wildlife. A photographic safari. ISBN: 0624037886 cd. 112pp. ocd.pl. R99.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA Dennis, N., et al. Magic of African wildlife. ISBN: 1868721078 64pp. col.pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Infield, M.M. Improving local support for African conservation areas. (INR monographs, 8) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1986 SA Joyce, P. African wildlife: a visual celebration. ISBN: 1868721612 cd. 160pp. col.pl. R220.00 Struik Publ 1998 SA Parker, I., Amin, M. Ivory crisis. cd. 192pp. ill. pl. col.pl. Camerapix 1983 KE Struik Publishers Africa in colour: big cats and other African predators. ISBN: 186825920X 24pp. col.pl. R34.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
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African Books in Print
Subject index Struik Publishers The best of African wildlife. rev.ed. cd. 128pp. col.pl. R119.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Stuart, C., Stuart, T. Africa’s great wild places. ISBN: 1868126706 cd. 144pp. col.pl.maps R149.00 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA Stuart, C., Stuart, T. Africa’s vanishing wildlife. cd. 208pp. col.pl.maps R149.00 Southern Book Publ 1996 SA Stuart, C., Stuart, T. A field guide to the tracks and signs of southern and eastern African wildlife. 2nd ed. ISBN: 1868127648 310pp. col.ill.pl.col.pl. R99.95 Southern Book Publ 1998 SA United Nations Environment Programme The African elephant. (UNEP/GEMS Environment Library, 3) 40pp. ill. UNEP 1989 KE Wildlife and conservation—Africa, East Barrow, E.G.C., Gichohi, H., Infield, M. Summary and key lessons from a comparative review and analysis of community conservation in eastern Africa. 25pp. IUCN-EA 2000 KE Wildlife and conservation—Africa, Southern Beyer, J., Duggan, A. Game parks and nature reserves of southern Africa. 3rd ed. cd. 423pp. col.ill.maps Readers Digest SA 1997 SA
Wildlife and conservation—South Africa Spinage, C. Fauna conservation. 118pp. P24.00 ($10.00/£5.50) Botswana Soc 1991 BS Botswana Society Symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization sponsored by the Okavango Wildlife Society. 350pp. Botswana Soc 1976 BS Wildlife and conservation—Egypt Hoath, R. Natural selections. A year of Egypt’s wildlife. cd. & 200pp. ill. E£75.00 cd. E£60.00 Am Univ 1992 UA Wildlife and conservation—Gabon ECOFAC Editions La réserve du Dja: à la découverte de la forêt tropicale. 55pp. col.ill. CFA6,500 Ecofac 2002 GO FRE Wildlife and conservation—Guinea Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire La réserve naturelle intégrale du Mont Nimba. vol.1(Mémoires de l’IFAN, 19) 334pp. CFA3,800 IFAN 1952 SG FRE
Hinz, M.O. Without chiefs there would be no game: customary law and nature conservation. ISBN: 9991622853 178pp. maps (£18.99) Out of Africa - Namibia 2003 SX Marker-Kraus, L., et al. Cheetah survival on Namibian farmlands. 85pp. pl.ill.maps CCF 1996 SX Pallett, J., ed. The Sperrgebiet, Namibia’s least known wilderness: an environmental profile of the Sperrgebiet or Diamond Area 1, in south-western Namibia. 84pp. col.ill. N$95.00 ($30.00) DRFN 1995 SX zur Strassen, H. Game spoor Namibia. [Text in Afrikaans, German and English.] 54pp. ill. Gamsberg 1995 SX MUL Wildlife and conservation—Senegal Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Le parc national du Niokolo-Koba. vol.1(Mémoires de l’IFAN, 48) 267pp. pl.map CFA3,800 IFAN 1956 SG FRE
Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire La réserve naturelle intégrale du Mont Nimba. vol.2(Mémoires de l’IFAN, 40) 402pp. CFA4,400 IFAN 1954 SG FRE
Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Le parc national du Niokolo-Koba. vol.2(Mémoires de l’IFAN, 62) 379pp. ill. pl. CFA4,000 IFAN 1961 SG FRE
Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire La réserve naturelle intégrale du Mont Nimba. vol.4(Mémoires de l’IFAN, 53) 357pp. ill. pl. CFA3,800 IFAN 1958 SG FRE
Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Le parc national du Niokolo-Koba. vol.3(Mémoires de l’IFAN, 84) 488pp. ill.pl. map. CFA8,000 IFAN 1969 SG FRE
Carnaby, T. Beat about the bush: mammal & birds. ISBN: 1770090967 276pp. R275.00 ($37.00/£21.50) Jacana 2005 SA
Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire La réserve naturelle intégrale du Mont Nimba. vol.5(Mémoires de l’IFAN, 66) 640pp. ill. CFA6,800 IFAN 1963 SG FRE
Wildlife and conservation—South Africa Bailey, A. Okavango: Africa’s wetland wilderness. ISBN: 1868720411 cd. 176pp. col.pl.maps R189.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Carruthers, V., ed. The wildlife of southern Africa: a field guide to the animals and plants of the region. [Also available in Afrikaans.] 310pp. col.ill. R99.95 Southern Book Publ 1997 SA
Leclerc, et al. La réserve naturelle intégrale du Mont Nimba: la chaine du Nimba. Essai géographique. vol.3(Mémoires de l’IFAN, 43) 271pp. pl. CFA3,800 IFAN 1955 SG FRE
Breen, C.M. Conservation at the crossroads. Natal Society Annual Lecture, Pietermaritzburg, 4 April. (INR working paps., 38) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA
Cowling, R., Paterson-Jones, C. Namaqualand: a succulent desert. ISBN: 1874950415 cd. 156pp. col.pl. (£25.00) Fernwood 1999 SA Dennis, N. The ultimate wildlife of southern Africa. ISBN: 0620226145 cd. 160pp. col.pl. R225.00 Tafelberg 1999 SA Fraser, S., Hawthorne, T. Sasol first field guide to wildlife of southern Africa. [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1868721213 56pp. col.pl. R19.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Liebenberg, L. A fieldguide to the animal tracks of southern Africa. 192pp. ill. R39.95 Philip 1990 SA Lovegrove, B. The living deserts southern Africa. ISBN: 0958315477 cd. 224pp. ill.col.pl.maps (£35.00) Fernwood 1999 SA Pollett, E.A., Mander, M. A concept for integrating conservation of Waterberg conservancy with the economic development of nearby rural communities: a working report. Prepared for Wilderness Trust of Southern Africa. (INR working paps., 113) R6.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Stuart, C., Stuart, T. Guide to southern African game and nature reserves. 2nd ed. 360pp. col.pl.maps R119.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Walker, C. Signs of the wild. 5th ed. 216pp. col.pl.ill. R119.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Wildlife and conservation—Africa, Southern—Directories Greyling, T., Huntley, B.J., eds. Directory of southern African conservation areas. (SANSP Report, 98) 311pp. CSIR 1984 SA Wildlife and conservation—Botswana Aiken, B. The lions and elephants of the Chobe. new ed. ISBN: 0869772716 cd. 208pp. col.pl.maps R195.00 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Wildlife and conservation—Kenya Berger, D.J. Wildlife extension: participatory conservation by the Maasai of Kenya. 194pp. ($18.00) ACTS - Kenya 1993 KE Hinchley, D. Review of collaborative management arrangements for Mount Elgon National Park. (Forest and social perspectives in conservation, working papers, 4) 33pp. maps IUCN-EA 2000 KE Nyeki, D.M., King, B. Wildlife conservation and tourism in Kenya. 128pp. col.ill. ($6.95) K.shs.125.00 Jacaranda 1992 KE Smith, D.L. Amboseli. Nothing short of a miracle. 2nd ed. 125pp. col.ill.pl. ($8.50/£4.95) EAEP 1997 KE Wildlife and conservation—Mozambique Mander, M., Creemers, G. Economic potential of conservation and tourism development in the Gaza Province, Moçambique. World Bank Maputo. (INR investigational reports, 121) not available for purchase Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA
Breen, C.M., et al. Wetland preservation valuation and management applied to wetlands and management plans for: Wakkerstroom Vlei, Ntabamhlope Vlei, Mgeni Vlei, Blood River Vlei, Boschoff Vlei. (INR investigational reports, 129) Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Breen, C.M., Mander, M., A’Bear, D.R., Little, A.M., Pollett, E.A. Social conceptions of the roles and benefits of national parks. Paper presented at a workshop entitled: “National Parks in a changing South Africa”, held at Skukuza, 12 November 1992. (INR occasional paps., 119) R2.00 Inst Natural Resources 1992 SA Breytenbach, J. Eden’s exiles. 1997 SA
259pp. R99.95 Queillerie
Carruthers, J. The Kruger national park. A social and political history. 200pp. ill.maps. R65.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1995 SA Collinson, R.F.H. Selecting wildlife census techniques. (INR monographs, 6) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1985 SA
Wildlife and conservation—Namibia du Toit, D., Sguazzin, T. A beginner’s guide to outdoor teaching. 23pp. ill. N$3.50 DRFN 1995 SX
Cunningham, A.B. Grassroots conservation: veld products and people. (INR working paps., 33) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1989 SA
du Toit, D., Sguazzin, T. Lives in the balance: people and the Namibian environment. 226pp. ill. N$51.00 DRFN 1995 SX
Davion, R. Reserve-neighbour interaction in Natal Parks Board and KwaZulu Department of Nature Conservation: Giants Castle and Kosi Bay studies. (INR investigational reports, 126) R40.00 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA
du Toit, D., Sguazzin, T. My land, my life - a collection of interviews with people living in the Namibian environment. 120pp. N$30.50 DRFN 1995 SX du Toit, D., Sguazzin, T. Playing with fire: energy and the Namibian environment. 208pp. ill. N$51.00 DRFN 1995 SX
de Villiers, B. Land claims and national parks: the Makuleke experience. ISBN: 0796918945 198pp. map R125.00 HSRC Publ 1999 SA Dennis, N. Kruger. A visual souvenir. ISBN: 1868721086 cd. 80pp. col.pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Wildlife and conservation—South Africa Dennis, W. Where to watch game in the Kruger National Park. ISBN: 0624038858 48pp. R59.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA Derwent, S. Africa in colour: Kruger National Park. ISBN: 1868721094 24pp. col.pl. R34.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Evans, A., Johnson, P.A., Lawson, D.R. The identification an investigation of land for conservation and recreational potential in southern KwaZulu. Final report to the KwaZulu Bureau of Natural Resources. (INR investigational reports, 24) R50.00 Inst Natural Resources 1986 SA Fourie, J. Mammals of the national parks. 160pp. col.pl. R59.95 Struik Publ 1995 SA Funston, M., Funston, P., Borchert, P. Spirit of the bush. ISBN: 1871950288 cd. 120pp. col.pl. (£22.50) Fernwood 2000 SA [No UK] Greaves, N. Hwange: retreat of the elephants. cd. 144pp. col.pl.maps R135.00 Southern Book Publ 1996 SA Greyling, T., Davis, G.W., eds. The wildflower resource: commerce, conservation and research. (SANSP occas. rep., 40) 34pp. CSIR 1989 SA Hall-Martin, A., Bosman, P. The magnificent seven and other great tuskers of the Kruger National Park. collector’s ed. cd. 72pp. col.pl.ill. R850.00 Human and Rousseau 1994 SA Hay, D., Breen, C.M. The Bayhead Mangrove area: its development as a conservation, education and research site. A project working paper compiled for PORTNET and the Bayhead Mangrove Working Group. (INR working paps., 107) R10.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA
Subject index Marais, C.P., Venter, A.K. The Kruger National Park: managing for the future: developing an open system management approach. Papers presented at Management: Quest for Survival, 36th Congress of the Institute of Parks and Recreation Management, Malelane Country Lodge, Eastern Transvaal, 15 September 1994. (INR occasional paps., 150) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Mitchell, F. The economic value of wildlife viewing as a form of land use. (IDS discussion paper, 53) 13pp. K.shs.80.00 Inst Dev Stud 1967 KE Mountain, A., Hess, L. Wild South Africa. ISBN: 1868721957 208pp. pl. R199.95 Struik Publ 1998 SA Pakes, T.K. Phase one: the potential of the Umzamo wildlife project. (IDPR memoranda, 2/94) Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Player, I. Zululand wilderness. Shadow and soul. ISBN: 0864863403 280pp. ill. R110.00 Philip 1998 SA Pollett, E.A., Hearn, G. A summary report on the establishment of the Sabi Sand Pfunanani project: an integrated conservation and development project. (INR working paps., 97) R7.50 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA Pollett, E.A., Venter, A., Hay, D. A preliminary investigation of the economic, social and environmental consequences of various types of possible ecotourism development associated with the Timbavati Private Nature Reserve. Prepared for the subcommittee on the commercialization within a Master Plan for the area of the Timbavati Private Nature Reserve, the Klaserie and the Umbabat. (INR working paps., 96) R8.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA
Hearn, G., Pollett, E.A. Sabi Sand Pfunanani Project: an integrated conservation and development project: reconnaissance survey of rural communities bordering the Sabi Sand Wildtuin to establish the potential for development and possible linkages. (INR working paps., 86) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1993 SA
Potgieter, D.W. Contraband. South Africa and the international trade in rhino horn and ivory. 200pp. R79.95 Queillerie 1995 SA
Hes, L. Leopards of Londolozi. cd. 172pp. col.pl. R295.00 Struik Publ 1998 SA
Robert, S., Degré, A. Tippi of Africa. The little girl who talks to the animals. 242pp. col.pl. R79.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA
Infield, M. The viability of establishing industries in KwaZulu based on wildlife products from the Central Complex. Final report to the KwaZulu Bureau of Natural Resources. (INR investigational reports, 23) R60.00 Inst Natural Resources 1986 SA Kotze, D.C., Breen, C.M., Klug, J.R. A project to improve the management of wetlands in the KwaZulu/Natal Midlands: an overview. (INR investigational reports, 128) Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Law, L.R.G. Biodiversity, biogeography and conservation of South Africa’s endemic dwarf chameleons. Report to WWF South Africa. (INR investigational reports, 117) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Liebenberg, L. A concise guide to the animal tracks of South Africa. 112pp. ill. R55.95 Philip 1992 SA Mander, J.J., Quinn, N.W., Mander, M. Trade in wildlife medicinals in southern Africa. Submitted to TRAFFIC East/ Southern Africa. (INR investigational reports, 154) R20.00 Inst Natural Resources 1997 SA
Reader’s Digest South Africa spectacular world of wildlife. cd. 272pp. pl. R134.99 Readers Digest SA 1993 SA
Shannon, L.V., ed. Proceedings of the Namib-Benguella Interactions Workshop. (SANSP occas. rep., 41) CSIR 1989 SA Smuts, G.L. Lion country. cd. 256pp. ill. col. pl. R19.95 Macmillan - SA 1982 SA van Houten, G. The way of the leopard. ISBN: 0864865597 col.pl. R165.00 New Africa Ed SA 2003 SA Venter, A.K., Marais, C.P., Breen, C.M. Kruger National Park: managing for the future: integrating the goals of conservation and the development of neighbouring communities. Paper presented at Management: Quest for Survival, 36th Congress of the Institute of Parks and Recreation Management, Malelane Country Lodge, Eastern Transvaal, 15 September 1994. (INR occasional paps., 149) R3.00 Inst Natural Resources 1994 SA Venter, A.K., Venter, A.J., Botha, J. One small step...The Kruger National Park’s small business development project. Paper presented at the LAPC conference on small medium and micro enterprises and eco-tourism, Johannesburg, February 1995. (INR working paps., 162) R4.00 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA
Wildlife and conservation—Tanzania Madulu, N.F. Reversed migration trends in the Kondoa eroded area: lessons for future conservation activities in the Hado project areas, Tanzania. (Social science research report, 20) 55pp. ($19.35/£11.95 set of three) OSSREA 2001 ET Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute Guidelines for conducting wildlife research in Tanzania. 16pp. TAWIRE 2002 TZ Wildlife and conservation—Zambia National Heritage Conservation Commission Heritage magazine. 8th ed. 32pp. K2,500 ($2.50/£1.75) NHCC 1996 ZA Wildlife and conservation—Zimbabwe Hurry, L., Hurry, B. Our national parks. 48pp. ($6.40) Mambo 1989 ZI Hurry, L., Hurry, B. Wildlife in your garden. Mambo 1989 ZI
48pp. ($6.30)
Kenmuir, D., Williams, R. Wild mammals. 176pp. ill. col. pl. Z$7.50 Longman - Zimb 1975 ZI Rushworth, D. The wonders of Hwange. (Exploring Zimbabwe, 2) 35pp. ill. map ($5.40) Mambo 1986 ZI Wills see also Law, Family Barker, H.J. The drafting of wills. Juta 1993 SA Wills—Ghana Crabbe, S.A. Law of wills in Ghana. Vieso 1999 GH
137pp. R79.00
295pp. C45,000
Wills—South Africa Kahn, E. The law of succession in South Africa: 1994 supplement. 242pp. R145.00 Juta 1994 SA Wine and winemaking see also Viticulture Wine and winemaking—Africa Platter, E., Platter, J. Africa uncorked. ISBN: 1919930078 cd. 224pp. R265.00 Double Storey 2002 SA Wine and winemaking—South Africa Fridjhon, M. The Penguin book of South African wine. 288pp. pl. R49.99 Penguin SA 1992 SA Hobson, T., Collins, J. South Africa’s winelands - a visitor’s guide. col.pl.maps R79.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Knox, G., Proust, A. Wines of South Africa. Exploring the Cape winelands. ISBN: 187495061X cd. 160pp. col.pl.maps (£27.50) Fernwood 2002 SA Morrison, T. Cape winelands: a touring guide to wineries of Constantia, Stellenbosch, Franschhoek and Paarl. ISBN: 0864864590 110pp. col.pl. R165.00 (£16.95) Philip 2000 SA Nel, B. More sips for wine lovers. 122pp. R39.00 Options Publ 1997 SA Platter, J. John Platter’s South African wines. ISBN: 0958689888 cd. 420pp. ill. R74.95 Tafelberg 2000 SA Roussouw, J-P. Mixed case. A unique guide to the Cape Winelands. ISBN: 1770070079 216pp. col.pl. Struik Publ 2004 SA Wine and winemaking—South Africa— Directories Platter, J. South African wines 2000. ISBN: 095838987X 400pp. R69.96 Tafelberg 1999 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 524
African Books in Print
Subject index
Wit and humor—South Africa
Platter, J. Travelling in Cape wine country. A Platter guide. ISBN: 0958389861 184pp. R59.95 Tafelberg 1999 SA
Dugmore, H., Francis, S. Madam and Eve: it’s a jungle out there. ISBN: 0864864116 176pp. ill.col.ill. R59.95 Philip 1998 SA
Wit and humor—Côte d’Ivoire Kouadio, B. John Koutoukou. Responsable irresponsable. ISBN: 286394343X 48pp. CFA2,250 (Eur4.00) CEDA 1999 IV FRE
Dugmore, H., Francis, S., Schacherl, R. Madam and Eve: all over the rainbow nation. 175pp. col.ill. R42.95 Penguin SA 1996 SA
Wit and humor—Kenya Mutahi, W. How to be a Kenyan. 99pp. ill. ($7.50/ £3.95) EAEP 1996 KE Onyebadi, U. How to be an African lady. ISBN: 9966467785 76pp. ill. ($8.95/£4.95) EAEP 1998 KE Wit and humor—Mauritius Seebaluck, B.D. Dear Shakespeare. [Collection of articles, humour, etc.] ill. Océan Indien Ed 1989 MF Wit and humor—Nigeria Enahoro, P. The complete Nigerian. 203pp. ill. ($10.00/£6.25) Malthouse 1992 NR Enahoro, P. How to be a Nigerian. new ed. ISBN: 9780290214 95pp. N240.00 ($6.00/£5.00) Spectrum 1998 NR Onyeama, D. The joys of Ibo humour. 144pp. N300.00 Delta 1998 NR Wit and humor—South Africa The ANC went in 4x4. ISBN: 0864865023 160pp. ill. R98.95 Philip 2001 SA Andersen, M., ed. Herman Charles Bosman: the prose juvenilia. ISBN: 1868880490 76pp. R65.00 ($12.40/£7.90/Eur10.90) Unisa 1998 SA Bosman, H.C. Unto dust. R54.95 Human and Rousseau 1992 SA Bosman, H.C. Ramoutsa Road. SA
R79.95 Donker 1995
Bristow-Bovey, D. “But I digress...” ISBN: 186872669X 256pp. Zebra 2003 SA Bristow-Bovey, D. I moved your cheese. ISBN: 1868723593 96pp. Zebra 2001 SA Bristow-Bovey, D. The naked bachelor. Your complete guide to surviving modern living. ISBN: 1868723631 128pp. Zebra 2002 SA Chang, D. Gloria’s guide to fabulousness. ISBN: 1770070478 92pp. Oshun 2005 SA Clarke, J. The search for the great South African limerick. 120pp. R35.00 Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA Clarke, J. The yellow six. 122pp. ill. R34.95 Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA Copeman, L., Brown, A.E. The fair way. ISBN: 1770070419 96pp. Oshun 2005 SA Crwys-Williams, J. R.I.P. Fifi...51/2 uses for a mostly dead Maltese poodle. ISBN: 0864864752 ill. R54.95 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA de Waal, S., Ludman, B., eds. Mirth of a nation: 15 years of humour in the Mail & Guardian. ISBN: 0620260335 192pp. ill.pl. ($20.95/£12.95) M&G 2001 SA Dugmore, H., Francis, H. Madam and Eve: five year anniversary special edition. 240pp. ill. (£12.95) Penguin SA 1997 SA
Dugmore, H., Francis, S., Schacherl, R. Madam and Eve: all aboard for the gravy train. 176pp. col.ill. R37.00 Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA Dugmore, H., Francis, S., Schacherl, R. Madam and Eve: free at last. 176pp. ill. R39.99 Longman Penguin SA 1994 SA Eaton, T. Twelve rows back. ISBN: 1770130195 200pp. R110.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Eaton, T., Alfred, L. Touchlines and deadlines. ISBN: 1919930884 cd. 320pp. R185.00 Double Storey 2005 SA Eberlin, N. How much do I cost? [Also available in Afrikaans.] ISBN: 1875001115 144pp. R54.95 Tafelberg 2001 SA Edwards, H. Stress in the workplace: how to cause it. ISBN: 1868729079 96pp. Zebra 2004 SA Ferguson, G. Waiting for gateau. ISBN: 1919930930 96pp. ill. Double Storey 2004 SA Goldstuck, A., Schacherl, R. Going, going, gone: the ultimate auction sale for the new South Africa. 160pp. pl. R37.99 Penguin SA 1992 SA Gregerson, J. The book of contemporary quotes. 141pp. Ravan 1997 SA Grogan, T. Keep the funny side up - a South African oddyssey. [sic.] 80pp. R29.95 Tafelberg 1994 SA Grogan, T. Tony Grogans’ 100 best cartoons. ISBN: 1919930019 104pp. ill. R89.95 Double Storey 2003 SA Hobbs, J., Couzens, T. Pees and queues: the complete loo companion. ISBN: 1919780580 ill. R98.95 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Hopkins, P. Cringe, the beloved country. ISBN: 186872672X 144pp. Zebra 2003 SA Hopkins, P. Eccentric South Africa. ISBN: 1868723674 256pp. Zebra 2001 SA Hurry, C. Handbook for the huntress. How to bag a really great husband. ISBN: 1869160096 112pp. R75.00 Double Storey 2004 SA Johnson, L. The wayward lemon and the garrulous gnome. 160pp. R54.95 Zebra 1996 SA Kahn, E. Law, life and laughter encore. ISBN: 0702145777 328pp. R152.00 Juta 1999 SA Kirby, R. The secret letters of Jan van Riebeeck. 127pp. R34.99 Penguin SA 1992 SA
Mynhardt, P., ed. Celebrating Bosman. A centenary selection of Herman Charles Bosman’s stories. ISBN: 186814416X Witwatersrand UP 2005 SA Nurse, J., Verridjt, C. Laugh it off annual. ISBN: 1919930442 112pp. R120.00 Double Storey 2003 SA Rigden, R. Wildside. 2nd ed. ISBN: 0797425217 96pp. ill. (£9.99) Brigand 2002 SA Schlebusch, L. Proverbial stress busters: great consolation may grow out of the smallest saying. ISBN: 0798138068 128pp. col.ill. R49.95 Human and Rousseau 1998 SA Schoemann, R., Jack, D.R. Shoestring II. 137pp. col.ill. R35.00 Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA Schuster, L. Leon Schuster’s lekker thick South African joke book. ISBN: 1868722511 400pp. Zebra 1998 SA Scott, D. Sports jokes and trivia with just plain Darren and friends. 136pp. pl. Zebra 2002 SA Sharp, C. Dog in my footsteps. ISBN: 0143024140 249pp. R78.95 Penguin SA 2001 SA Sharp, C. If the cat fits. ISBN: 0141006706 260pp. ill. R78.95 Penguin SA 2000 SA [Southern frica only] Silber, G. Braaivleis of the vanities: how to stay sane in South Africa. 151pp. ill. R34.99 Penguin SA 1992 SA Silber, G. It takes two to toyi-toyi. 152pp. ill. R34.98 Penguin SA 1991 SA Silber, G. The naked pun: from the files of Gus Silber. 200pp. ill. Longman Penguin SA 1994 SA Stevens, A. Snakes in my bed. 255pp. ill. R49.99 Penguin SA 1992 SA Stidy [Anthony Stidolph] Over the rainbow. The first 10 years of South Africa’s democracy in cartoons. ISBN: 0620314087 152pp. ill. (£12.95) Witness 2004 SA Thamm, M. How to be a South African handbook. ISBN: 1919930043 84pp. (£4.99) Double Storey 2002 SA Trovato, B. Ben Trovato, stirred not shaken. ISBN: 1868726746 192pp. Zebra 2003 SA Trovato, B. Ben Trovato’s guide to everything. ISBN: 1868729117 144pp. Zebra 2004 SA Trovato, B. Will the real Ben Trovato please stand up? ISBN: 191993118X 200pp. R135.00 ($18.50) (£11.00) Jacana 2002 SA Tyson, H. Deeper into the wild. Zebra 1996 SA
192pp. R44.95
Kombuis, K. The secret diary of God. Aged 91/2 million years ISBN: 1868726711 140pp. (£6.99) Struik Publ 2003 SA
Tyson, H., Clarke, J. Laugh the beloved country. ISBN: 1919930329 cd. 176pp. ill. R175.00 Double Storey 2003 SA [Southern Africa only]
Macdonald, R. The 7 bad habits of highly ineffective people. ISBN: 1868729087 96pp. Zebra 2004 SA
Verwoerd, W., Mabizela, M. Truths drawn in jest. ISBN: 0864864515 176pp. ill. R108.90 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA
Mandel, P. The cat dictionary. 100pp. ill. Longman Penguin SA 1994 SA
Whitaker, R. How to kill your husband. Heartfelt recipes. ISBN: 0864864868 108pp. R90.00 New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA
Mansfield, J. Jeremy Mansfield’s vrotter jokes. ISBN: 1868723682 144pp. Zebra 2001 SA
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Wit and humor—South Africa
Subject index
Zapiro [Shapiro, J.] Is there a spin doctor in the house? ISBN: 1770130276 110pp. R100.00 Double Storey 2005 SA
Lagerwerf, L. Witchcraft, sorcery and spirit possession: pastoral responses in Africa. 82pp. ($7.20) Mambo 1987 ZI
Zapiro [Shapiro, J.] Zapiro: bushwhacked. ISBN: 1919930051 160pp. R99.95 Double Storey 2002 SA
Mukuku, C., Hulstaert, G. Sous l’épée de Damoclès: réflexions concernant la sorcellerie. 158pp. CEEBA 1988 ZR FRE
Zapiro [Shapiro, J.] Zapiro: Dr Do-Little and the African potato. ISBN: 191993037X 160pp. ill. R99.95 Double Storey 2003 SA
O’Donohue, J. Spirits and magic: a critical look. (AMECEA Gaba Publications Spearhead, 68) 55pp. ($2.30) Gaba 1981 KE
Zapiro [Shapiro, J.] Zapiro: End of part one. ISBN: 0864864361 160pp. ill. R59.95 Philip 1998 SA Zapiro [Shapiro, J.] Zapiro: long walk to free time. ISBN: 1919930736 160pp. R99.95 Double Storey 2004 SA Zapiro [Shapiro, J.] Zapiro: the ANC went in 4x4. ISBN: 0864865023 160pp. ill. R75.00 New Africa Ed SA 2001 SA Zapiro [Shapiro, J.] Zapiro: the devil made me do it. ISBN: 0864863691 160pp. ill. R75.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Zapiro [Shapiro, J.] Zapiro: the hole truth. ISBN: 0864863527 152pp. ill. R52.95 Philip 1998 SA Zebra Press The big fat South African joke book. ISBN: 1868729206 288pp. Zebra 2004 SA Wit and humor—Uganda Buwembo, J. How to be a Ugandan. ISBN: 9970023799 74pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG Wit and humor—Zambia Clarke, R. The worst of Kalaki and the best of Yuss. ISBN: 9982240315 182pp. ill. ($18.95/ £11.95) Bookworld 2004 ZA Wit and humor (General works) Asong, L.T. Laughing store. A treasury of entertainment. bk.2 150pp. CFA3,000 Patron 1998 CM Asong, L.T. Laughing store. A treasury of entertainment. bk.1 230pp. CFA2,000 Patron 1993 CM Delmar, P. Sunday Times book of the bizarre. ISBN: 1868729249 144pp. ill. Zebra 2004 SA Dower, B., comp. Dear Dolly. ISBN: 9780291628 165pp. ill. N420.00 ($8.95/£4.95) Spectrum 2000 NR Lynch, M. Mobile madness. A guide to mobile phone etiquette. 128pp. ill. R39.95 Struik Publ 1997 SA Marinho, T. Introducing: the manopause man (aka Mr Man O. Pause) and, The manopause. ISBN: 9782030260 50pp. ill. ($6.95/£3.95) Bookcraft 2000 NR Onyeama, D., comp. The joys of African humour. 112pp. ill. ($9.00/£6.00) N75.00 Delta 1993 NR Silber, G. Gus Silber’s little book of lists. 121pp. ill. R35.00 Longman Penguin SA 1995 SA Walton, A. Paradise is lost: Adam and Eve revised. ISBN: 086486485X 48pp. ill. R65.00 New Africa Ed SA 2002 SA Witchcraft see also Anthropology Religion, Traditional Sociology
Witchcraft—Addresses and essays Brain, J.L. Witchcraft and development. 21pp. ($2.00) T.shs.50.00 Dar es Salaam UP 1983 TZ Witchcraft—Africa, East Mutungi, O.K. The legal aspects of witchcraft in East Africa. 123pp. ($4.40/£1.75) K.shs.19.65 Kenya Lit Bureau 1977 KE Witchcraft—Benin Madeke, C. Contacts avec le monde des sorciers. ISBN: 9991996303 110pp. CFA4,000 (Eur6.10) Souvenir 2002 DM FRE Witchcraft—Congo Democratic Republic Kibari, Mundala Mouvements anti-sorciers. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 74) 120pp. maps (DM32.00) CEEBA 1981 ZR FRE Witchcraft—Malawi Soko, B. Nchimi Chikanga. The battle against witchcraft in Malawi. ISBN: 999081645X 116pp. ($20.95/£12.95) Kachere 2002 MW Witchcraft—South Africa Hund, J., ed. Witchcraft violence and the law in South Africa. ISBN: 1869190505 175pp. R120.00 Protea 2003 SA Wobe language—Dictionaries Guéi, B.P., Hofer, V., Link, C. Syllabaire wobé. 2nd ed. ISBN: 2913942792 112pp. ill. CFA2,500 EDILIS 2001 IV MUL Wolof—Fiction, Drama, Poetry Ndaw, C.A. Buur tileen. [Wolof novel.] (IFAN publication diverses, 14) 38pp. CFA1,000 IFAN 1993 SG WOL Ture, K. Leebi cosaan. [Poems and short stories.] 59pp. Tandia 1998 SG WOL Xumma, M. Guney ngaay. [Novel.] 1999 SG WOL
78pp. Tandia
Wolof—General and Non-fiction SAFEFOD Dekere 80-26 bu 10 mars 1980 aju ci doxalinu saawoy jur gi tey teral anami jefandiko porukaay yi. [Also available in French and Pulaar.] 20pp. CFA450.00 SAFEFOD 2000 SG WOL SAFEFOD Sakkal xaalis mboolooy gox yi. [Also available in French.] 28pp. CFA600.00 SAFEFOD 2000 SG WOL SAFEFOD Sart yu yaatalu njangalu tanneefi gox yi. [Also available in French and Pulaar.] 36pp. CFA750.00 SAFEFOD 1997 SG WOL SAFEFOD Sartu mboolooy gox yi. [Also available in French and Pulaar.] 56pp. CFA1,000 SAFEFOD 2000 SG WOL SAFEFOD Teereb gindikug konseye riiral bi. [Also available in French and Pulaar.] 46pp. CFA750.00 SAFEFOD 2000 SG WOL SAFEFOD Toxalub cer yi. [Also available in French and Pulaar.] 41pp. CFA750.00 SAFEFOD 2000 SG WOL
SAFEFOD Xaaliso suqali. [Also available in French and Pulaar.] 24pp. CFA600.00 SAFEFOD 1997 SG WOL Wolof—School books, Readers, Children’s literature Associates in Research & Education for Development Toor-tooru xam-xam teere liifantu 1. [Level 1 reader for adults.] 80pp. ill. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1994 SG WOL Associates in Research & Education for Development Toor-tooru xam-xam teere xayma 1. [Level 1 math for adults: numbers, addition and subtraction.] 80pp. ill. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1994 SG WOL Associates in Research and Education for Development Toor-tooru xam-xam teere xayma 2. Level 2 math for adults: multiplication and division. 102pp. ill. CFA1,000 ($2.00) ARED & GIPLLN 1994 SG WOL Institut Fondamental de l’Afrique Noire Sargal seex anta jacob: woy ci lamminu wolof. 66pp. CFA1,000 IFAN 1992 SG WOL Wolof language Njie, C.M. Description syntaxique du Wolof de Gambie. 288pp. CFA3,500 NEAS 1982 SG FRE Wolof language—Dictionaries Dial, P.A. Dictionnaire Wolof-Français/FrançaisWolof. ($40.36) Xamal 2000[?] SG MUL Faye, S. Dictionnaire usuel français-wolof “microdico”. 187pp. Press Univ Dakar 1997 SG MUL Wolof language—Grammar Samb, A. Initiation à la grammaire Wolof. (Initiations et Etudes Africaines, 33) 132pp. CFA2,500 IFAN 1983 SG FRE Xumma, M. Mbindinu wolof. [Alphabet in wolof.] 84pp. SAFEFOD 1999 SG WOL Wolof language—Study and teaching Fal, A. Alphabétisation en wolof: guide orthographique. 32pp. CFA1,500 IFAN 1991 SG MUL SAFEFOD Jang ak bind. 80pp. CFA1,500 SAFEFOD 1997 SG WOL SAFEFOD Xayma 1. vol.1 88pp. CFA1,500 SAFEFOD 1997 SG WOL Wolpe, Annmarie—Autobiography Wolpe, A. The long way home. 288pp. pl. R55.95 Philip 1994 SA Women see also Feminism Gender studies Women, African Women’s studies Bakwena, S. Women in development. 1984 BS
Forum for African Women Educationalists Beyond Beijing: fourth world conference on women a summary of the global and Africa platforms for action with a focus on education. [Text in English and French.] 20pp. ($7.00) FAWE 1996 KE MUL Ryan, M. Growing to be. A manual for young women. R80.00 Grail 1997 SA van Wyk, A. The role of women in the 1990s. Papers presented, reviews, impressions and conclusion of a symposium at the University of Port Elizabeth. (IDPR occasional papers, 38) R25.00 Inst Planning Res 1993 SA
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 526
African Books in Print
Subject index
Women, African—Legal status, laws, etc.—Africa, Southern
Women—Middle East—Social conditions Abu Lughod, L. Remaking women: feminism and modernity in the Middle East. ISBN: 9774244745 304pp. E£60.00 ($19.95) Am Univ 1998 UA [Middle East only]
CODESRIA La liberté intellectuelle en Afrique 1996. Genre et liberté intellectuelles en Afrique: les femmes dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche. CODESRIA 1997 SG FRE
Women—South Africa Reynolds, H., Richards, N., eds. Woman today. A celebration: 50 years of South African women. ISBN: 0795701659 232pp. R129.95 Kwela 2003 SA
Colclough, C. Under-enrolment and low quality in African primary schooling: towards a gender-sensitive solution. 24pp. ill. FAWE 1994 KE
Swaisland, C. Servants and gentlewomen to the golden land. 200pp. R70.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1993 SA Women, African Kiura, J.M. Women’s dignity. 40pp. ($0.80) Paulines 1995 KE Mama, A. Etudes par les femmes et études sur les femmes en Afrique durant les années 1990. [Also available in English and Portuguese.] 131pp. CODESRIA 1997 SG FRE Shope, G. Women in Africa. (IRS study pamphlets, 318) 40pp. Inst Reformational Studies 1994 SA wa Gaceru, M. Women making a difference: dynamic African headmistresses. 40pp. ($5.00) FAWE 1995 KE Women, African—Africa, East Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Women in East Africa. cd. 100pp. pl. Ebert - Namibia 1994 SX Women, African—Africa, Francophone Kesteloot, L., Engelhard, P., Diallo, H., et al. Femmes et africaines: un double combat. (Environnement africain, 39) 200pp. CFA2,500 ENDA 1997 SG FRE Women, African—Africa, Southern Nthoyiwa, D. Women’s interest and development in Africa: a case study for southern Africa. (NIR working bibliographies) P3.60 NIDCR 1982 BS Walker, C., ed. Women and gender in southern Africa to 1945. 400pp. R72.95 Philip 1990 SA Women, African—Angola Campbell, H. Militarism, warfare and the search for peace in Angola: the contribution of Angolan women. (Africa Institute occasional paper, 63) ISBN: 0798301449 43pp. Africa Inst 2001 SA
Hyde, K. Investigation of existing capacities for gathering and analysing data on female education and its feedback into policy. 13pp. FAWE 1993[?] KE Namuddu, K. On FAWE’s agenda: possible choices for impact. 18pp. ill. FAWE 1993 KE Zewide, G. The situation of girls’ education in anglophone Africa. FAWE 1994[?] KE Women, African—Education—Congo Democratic Republic Lututala, M. The dynamics of family structure and women’s access to education in Zaire. (Abridged research report, 19) Academy Science Publ 1996 KE Women, African—Education—Kenya Hinga, T.M. The role of religious institutions on female education in Kenya. (Abridged research report, 2) Academy Science Publ 1995 KE Women, African—Employment African Academy of Sciences Building technical capacity and gender advocacy of young professional women. Proceedings of a brainstorming meeting, June 9-12 1993, Nairobi, Kenya. 87pp. K.shs.250.00 Academy Science Publ 1994 KE Association of African Women for Research and Development Women and employment in Africa. (Occasional papers, 7) ($20.00) AFARD 1993 SG Reynolds, A. Women in African legislatures and executives: the slow climb to power. R45.00 EISA 1999 SA Snyder, M. Women in African economies. From burning sun to boardroom. ISBN: 9970021877 360pp. ($27.95/£16.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2000 UG
Women, African—Bibliography INADES-Documentation La femme, providence de la société africaine. (Bibliographie commentée, , 34) 36pp. Inades 1996 IV FRE
Women, African—Employment—Botswana van de Wall, Bake, T., de Jager, T. Boiteko / Serowe and Itekeng Batlokwa laundry / Tlokeng: a socio-economic study of two projects in Botswana involving women of low-income households. (Working Paper, 30) 62pp. map. NIDCR 1980 BS
Women, African—Biography Sutherland-Addy, E. Profiles of African women scientists. [Text in English and French.] 32pp. ($5.00) FAWE 1995 KE MUL
Women, African—Employment—Directories Mashiri, L.M., Humphrey, L., eds. Women at work: a directory. ISBN: 1779090220 90pp. Z$200.00 ($20.00) ZWRCN 1999 ZI
Women, African—Botswana Supa-Ngwao Museum Society, Francistown Changing roles of women in Botswana. 90pp. P15.00 ($12.00/£6.00) Botswana Soc 1993 BS
Women, African—Employment—Kenya Butterfield, C. Women and the modern wage sector: a study of female participation in commerical banks and finance companies in Nairobi. (IDS discussion paper, 256) 28pp. K.shs.84.00 Inst Dev Stud 1977 KE
Women, African—Botswana—Bibliography Henderson, F.I. Women in Botswana: an annotated bibliography. (NIR working bibliographies) NIDCR 1981 BS Nijeboer, D. Women in rural Botswana: their situation and interests: an annotated bibliography, January 1985-June 1989. (NIR working bibliographies) P15.00 NIDCR 1990 BS Women, African—Education Bah Diallo, A. Creating a conducive environment (political and otherwise) for the schooling of girls: a national responsibility. 11pp. FAWE 1993[?] KE
Pala, A.O. A preliminary survey of the avenues for and constraints on women in the development process in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 218) 33pp. K.shs.90.00 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE Women, African—Employment—Tanzania Omari, C.K. Women in the informal sector. 43pp. ($7.95/£4.25) Dar es Salaam UP 1995 TZ
Women, African—Employment—Uganda Asowa-Okwe, C. The dynamics of women participation in workers’ struggles in Uganda: a case study of the National Union of Clerical, Commercial, Professional and Technical Employes (NUCCPTE). (CBR working paper, 40) 53pp. ($9.50) Centre Basic Res UG Women, African—Employment—Zimbabwe Made, P., Lagerstrom, B. Zimbabwean women in industry. 60pp. pl. ($10.00/£6.25) ZPH 1985 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Women’s income generating projects. rev.ed. ZWRCN 1996 ZI Women, African—Ghana Dolphyne, F.A. Ten women achievers from the Ashanti region of Ghana. ISBN: 9988800908 99pp. ill. CEDEP 2000 GH Women, African—Ghana—Bibliography Ardayfio-Schandorf, E., Kwafo-Akoto, K. Women in Ghana: an annotated bibliography. 427pp. ($45.00/£25.00.) Woeli 1990 GH Women, African—History Phiri, I.A., Govinden, D.B., Nadar, S. Her-stories. Hidden histories of women of faith in Africa. ISBN: 1875053336 428pp. R70.00 ($10.00) Cluster 2002 SA Women, African—Kenya Amisi, B., ed. Women and democracy in Kenya. AFARD 1992 SG
Women, African—Legal status, laws, etc. Armstrong, A. Towards a cultural understanding of the interplay between children’s and women’s rights: an eastern and southern Africa perspective. 39pp. WLSA-Zimb 1995 ZI Bowman, C.G., Kuenyehia, A. Women and law in sub-Saharan Africa. ISBN: 9964722354 672pp. ($49.95/ £29.95) Sedco 2003 GH Collaborative Centre for Gender and Development Women’s minimum agenda for the constitution. 130pp. Ebert - Namibia 2001 SX Paulines Publications - Africa Women and justice. ECA-WIDNET resource book. ISBN: 9966218270 80pp. K.shs.320.00 Paulines 2002 KE Paulines Publications - Africa Women and justice. ECA-WIDNET training manual. ISBN: 9966218262 144pp. K.shs.480.00 Paulines 2002 KE Women, African—Legal status, laws, etc.— Africa, Southern Armstrong, A., ed. Women and law in Southern Africa. Z$5.78 ZPH 1987 ZI Kidd, P.E., et al. Chasing the marriage: women and the administration of justice. ISBN: 999129290X P20.00 Bay 1999 BS Ncube, W. Widowhood, inheritance laws, customs and practices in southern Africa. 172pp. WLSA-Zimb 1995 ZI Stewart, J., Armstrong, A., eds. The legal situation of women in southern Africa. (Women and law in Southern Africa, 2) 241pp. ($21.50/£11.95) Univ Zimbabwe 1990 ZI Women and Law in Southern Africa Charting the maze. 139pp. ($15.00) WLSA-Zimb 2000 ZI Women and Law in Southern Africa In search of justice: where do women go? 124pp. ($15.00) WLSA-Zimb 2000 ZI Women and Law in Southern Africa Botswana Chasing the mirage. 208pp. ($15.00) WLSA-Botswana 2000 BS
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Women, African—Legal status, laws, etc.—Africa, West Women, African—Legal status, laws etc.— Africa, West Kuenyehia, A., ed. Women and law in West Africa. Situational analysis of some key issues affecting women. ISBN: 9988787405 329pp. ($49.95/£29.95) Sedco 2004 GH Women, African—Legal status, laws, etc.— Botswana Emeng Basadi Women’s Association Rape in Botswana. Statistics, laws and consequences. ISBN: 9991271104 40pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Lightbooks 1998 BS Hermans, J., ed. Chasing the mirage: women and the administration of justice. ISBN: 999129290X 208pp. ($19.95/£11.95) WLSA-Zimb 1999 ZI Women and Law in Southern Africa Research Trust Maintenance laws in Botswana: training manual. 60pp. WLSA-Botswana 1993 BS Women, African—Legal status, laws etc.— Congo Democratic Republic Mpundu, A-M. Droits et promotion de la femme. 32pp. Epiphanie 1996 ZR FRE Women, African—Legal status, laws, etc.— Côte d’Ivoire Kaudjhis-Offoumou, F. Les droits de la femme en Côte d’Ivoire. 348pp. Neter 1995 IV FRE [Côte d’Ivoire only] Kaudjhis-Offoumou, F.A. Les droits de la femme en Côte d’Ivoire. 230pp. CFA6,500 CODESRIA 1996 SG FRE Women, African—Legal status, laws, etc.— Egypt Fouad, D. Features of women present status in Egypt and their impact on development. (CDC population and development series, 2) 32pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1994 UA Soliman, A. Programme of economic reform and structural adjustment and its effect on Egyptian women in labour force. (CDC population and development series, 11) 44pp. ($5.00) Cairo Demographic Centre 1995 UA Women, African—Legal status, laws, etc.— Kenya Kibwana, K., ed. Women and autonomy in Kenya: policy and legal framework. 2nd ed. 145pp. K.shs.300.00 ($9.00/£6.00) Claripress 1997 KE Mute, L., ed. Law and the quest for gender equality in Kenya. ISBN: 9966915346 240pp. Claripress 2000 KE Women, African—Legal status, laws, etc.— Malawi Bonga, V., White, S., et al. In search of justice: women and the adminstration of justice in Malawi. ISBN: 9990817693 124pp. ($16.95/£9.95) WLSA-Zimb 2000 ZI Women and Law in Southern Africa In search of justice: women and justice delivery in Malawi. 220pp. ($15.00) WLSA-Zimb 2000 ZI Women, African—Legal status, laws, etc.— Namibia League of Women Voters The road to victory: my election campaign. ISBN: 9966957480 29pp. Ebert - Namibia 2001 SX Women, African—Legal status, laws, etc.— Nigeria Ityavyar, D.A., Obiajunwa, S.N. The state and women in Nigeria. 172pp. Fab 1992 NR Women, African—Legal status, laws, etc.— South Africa Ballington, J. Participation of women in South Africa’s first democratic election: lessons from the past and recommendations for the future. R45.00 EISA 1999 SA
Legal Resource Centre Know your women’s rights. R13.62 Nolwazi 1998 SA
Subject index 41pp.
Wells, J.C. We now demand. The history of women’s resistance to pass laws in South Africa. 196pp. R59.95 Witwatersrand UP 1993 SA Women, African—Legal status, laws, etc.— Sudan Badri, B. Women’s consciousness to their legal rights in Islamic family law. (DSRC seminar series, 83) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1988 SJ Women, African—Legal status, laws, etc.— Zambia Chuulu, M.B., et al. Women and justice: myth or reality in Zambia. ISBN: 9982250027 174pp. ($19.95/£11.95) WLSA-Zimb 1999 ZI
Women, African—Social conditions Association des Femmes Africaines pour la Recherche sur le Développement Women and reproduction in Africa. 150pp. AFARD 1992 SG Association des Femmes Africaines pour la Recherche sur le Développement Women as agents and beneficiaries of development assistance. 152pp. AFARD 1990 SG Bilongo, B. La femme noire africaine en situation. 45pp. CFA1,000 Univ Yaoundé 1983 CM FRE de Diop, A. Femmes, enjeu électoral: des chiffres qui parlent. 47pp. ill. EDA 2000 SG FRE Deniel, R. Femmes de villes africaines. cd. 226pp. CFA2,400 Inades 1985 IV FRE
Longwe, S., Shakakta, R., eds. Women’s rights in Zambia. 204pp. ($10.00/£7.00) K10.00 Univ Zambia Bkshop 1985 ZA
Desalmand, P. L’émancipation de la femme en Afrique et dans le monde. 151pp. CFA600.00 NEAS 1978 SG FRE
Women and Law in Southern Africa - Zambia Women and justice. Myth or reality in Zambia? 174pp. ($15.00) WLSA-Zimb 2000 ZI
Dolphyne, F.A. The emancipation of women. An African perspective. 107pp. ($16.00/£8.95) Ghana UP 1991 GH
Women, African—Lesotho Kendall, K.L., ed. Basali. Stories by and about women in Lesotho. 192pp. pl. R55.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1995 SA Kishindo, P. Women, land and agriculture in Lesotho. 89pp. ($7.50/£3.95) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1993 LO Women, African—Lesotho—Bibliography Mapetla, M., Mashoeshoe-Chidzingwa, M. Women in Lesotho. 124pp. ($7.50) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1996 LO Women, African—Mali Editions Jamana Les associaitons féminines au Mali. ISBN: 2910454657 1,006pp. col.pl. CFA2,000 Jamana 2000 ML FRE Konaré Ba, A. Dictionnaire des femmes célèbres du Mali: des temps mythico-légendaires au 26 mars 1991; précédé d’une analyse sur le rôle et l’image de la femme dans l’histoire du Mali. 520pp. CFA10,460 ($26.15) Jamana 1993 ML FRE Women, African—Mozambique Universidade Eduardo Mondlane. Department of Women and Gender Studies Maintenance rights and women in Mozambique. 149pp. ($3.00/£1.87) Centro Estudos Africanos 1992 MZ Women, African—Namibia Andima, J. The integration of women into the rural development process. (NEPRU working paper, 4) 32pp. N$19.00 NEPRU 1992 SX Andima, J. Women’s role in the development process with special reference to factors of production. (NEPRU working paper, 17) 20pp. N$7.00 NEPRU 1993 SX Girvan, L. Namibia: national report on women, agriculture and rural development for the Fourth World Conference on Women. (NEPRU research report, 10) 73pp. N$33.00 NEPRU 1995 SX Keulder, C. Urban women and self-help housing in Namibia: a case-study of Saamstaan Housing Cooperation. (NEPRU working paper, 42) 21pp. N$15.00 NEPRU 1994 SX Women, African—Nigeria Osinulu, C., Mba, N. Nigerian women in politics 1986-1993. 270pp. (£14.95/$27.00) Malthouse 1996 NR Uchendu, P.K. The role of Nigerian women in politics. Past and present. 124pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Fourth Dimension 1993 NR
Eastern and Central Africa Women in Development Network Violence against women. 54pp. Paulines 1997 KE ENDA-Dakar Woman and African. Cutting both ways. ISBN: 08508518 200pp. CFA2,500 ENDA 1999 SG Forum for African Women Educationalists L’éducation des jeunes filles en Afrique: les recherches conduites et les actions entreprises pour maintenir les jeunes filles à l’école. 24pp. col.ill. FAWE 1995 KE FRE Friedman, M. Report to the INR on attendance at the Fifth International Forum organised by the Association for Women in Development (AWID). Learning together/ working together: a north-south dialogue, Washington DC, 21-24 November 1991. (INR working paps., 102) R1.50 Inst Natural Resources 1991 SA Gichinga, E.M. Answers for unmarried mothers. rev.ed. ISBN: 9966855394 128pp. Uzima 2002 KE Giorgis, B.W., et al. Women and reproduction in Africa/ Femmes et reproduction en Afrique. (Occas.paps, 5) 150pp. ($7.00) AFARD 1992 SG MUL Imam, A., Chelli, M., Abdel-Kader, S., eds. Women and the mass media in Africa/ Femmes et médias en Afrique. (Occas.paps, 6) 216pp. ($7.00) AFARD 1992 SG MUL Kabaji, E. Women in development. 32pp. K.shs.120.00 ($6.00) Zapf 1997 KE Kalanda, C. Parole de femmes. Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
104pp. ($8.00) Kap
Kanji, S. Les droits de la femme en Afrique, d’hier à demain. 62pp. CFA2,000 (Eur5.00) Xamal 1997 SG FRE Kerenge, A. Women in development. Training in subSaharan Africa. 102pp. CFA3,500 AFARD 1992 SG Mernissi, F. Sultanes oubliées. Femmes chefs d’état en Islam. 312pp. Dir63.00 Fennec 1990 MR FRE Narayan-Parker, D. Women’s interest and involvement in income generating activities: implications for extension services. (NIR working bibliographies) 143pp. P5.70 NIDCR 1983 BS
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 528
African Books in Print
Subject index
Women, African—Social conditions—Namibia
Olive Publications Women in transition. Selected articles focusing on women and change processes 1991-1995. 28pp. R20.00 Olive 1995 SA Razafindrakotohasina-Andriamanjato, R. Libération de la femme: contribution à la justice et à la paix. pl. FMG2,200 TPFLM 1986 MG FRE Snyder, M.C. African women and development. A history. 256pp. R84.95 Witwatersrand UP 1995 SA [Southern Africa only] Traub, M. Pourquoi la souffrance. CPE 1975 IV FRE Tumba, F. Moi femme je parle. Kaz 2001 ZR FRE
36pp. CFA160
108pp. ($9.00) Kap
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Focus on women. 24pp. free UNCHS 1991 KE Visvanathan, N., Duggan, L., Nisonoff, L., Wiegersma, N., eds. The women, gender and development reader. ISBN: 086486342X 416pp. Philip 1998 SA [Southern Africa only] Wamuela, T. Femmes libres, femmes enchainées. 196pp. ($60.00) Kapongo-Kazadi 1989 ZR FRE Woods, N., Martin, B. Women making a difference. Women’s development in Africa. ISBN: 9976973438 38pp. T.shs.2,500 ($11.95/ £6.95) Mkuki na Nyota 1998 TZ [Tanzania only] Women, African—Social conditions—Africa, East Kabeberi-Macharia, J., ed. Women, laws, customs, and practices in East Africa: laying the foundation. 119pp. WLEA 1995 UG Women, African—Social conditions—Africa, North Belarbi, A. Initiatives féminines. [Text in French and Arabic.] ISBN: 9981838772 240pp. Dir75.00 Fennec 1999 MR MUL Belarbi, A. Le salaire de Madame. Fennec 1993 MR FRE
110pp. Dir40.00
Editions le Fennec Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie: femmes unies contre la violence. ISBN: 995400081X 250pp. Fennec 2002 MR FRE Women, African—Social conditions—Africa, Southern Armstrong, A.K. Struggling over scarce resources. Women and maintenance in southern Africa. 157pp. ill.pl. ($18.00/£10.00) Univ Zimbabwe 1992 ZI Mvududu, S., McFadden, P. Reconceptualizing the family in a changing southern African environment. ISBN: 0797422595 252pp. ($24.95/ £14.95) WLSA-Zimb 2001 ZI Oagile, K.D., et al. A critical analysis of women’s access to land in the WLSA countries: Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. ISBN: 1779150024 48pp. WLSA-Zimb 2001 ZI Women, African—Social conditions— Bibliography Association of African Women for Research and Development A selected and annotated bibliography on women and health in Africa. (Bibliographic series, 1) 98pp. AFARD 1986 SG Oke, O.A. From conference to conference: a bibliography on African women and development 1980-1995. ISBN: 9782137634 Connel 2001 NR [copublished with Rex Charles Publishers, UK]
Women, African—Social conditions— Botswana Emang Basadi’s Women’s Association Emang Basadi’s political education project. ISBN: 9991271112 56pp. ($11.95/£6.95) Lightbooks 1998 BS Emeng Basadi Women’s Association A woman candidate’s guide to campaign management. ISBN: 9991271120 32pp. ill. ($11.95/£6.95) Lightbooks 2001 BS Johnson, P., Kethusegile, B.M., McCallum, H., eds. Beyond inequalities. Women in Botswana. ISBN: 0797417516 114pp. Z$96.00 ($13,75/£7.50) Southern Afric Res & Docs 1998 ZI Women’s Shelter Project Stories of courage told by women. ISBN: 9991271201 64pp. ill. ($11.95/ £6.95) Lightbooks 2001 BS Women, African—Social conditions— Burkina Faso d’Achon, E., Tangara, M. Chemin de vies. Expériences réussies de femmes alphabétisées au Burkina Faso. 110pp. Sankofa & Gurli 2001 UV FRE Tall-Karembega, K. Pouvoir des femmes et gestion de l’environnement. ISBN: 2951603924 24pp. Dec Burkina 2002 UV FRE Women, African—Social conditions— Cameroun Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Femme camerounaise: adulation et marginalisation. ISBN: 2911208099 96pp. Ebert - Namibia 1998 SX FRE Ndongo, F., Mnono, M., Ongba, R. La femme camerounaise et la promotion du patrimoine culturel. ISBN: 2723501507 474pp. (Eur27.00) CLE 2002 CM FRE Women, African—Social conditions—Côte d’Ivoire N’dah Konan, F.D’A. Mission accomplie. ISBN: 2218003800 128pp. CFA2,750 CEDA 2001 IV FRE Women, African—Social conditions—Egypt Amin, Q. The new woman: a document in the early debate on Egyptian feminism. trans.f.t. Arabic by Samiha Sidhom Peterson cd. 105pp. E£40.00 ($19.50) Am Univ 1995 UA [Middle East only] Atiya, N. Khuel-Khaal, Five Egyptian women tell their story. 172pp. pl. E£40.00 ($15.00) Am Univ 1984 UA [Middle East only] Macleod, A.E. Accommodating protest. Working women, the new veiling and change in Cairo. 232pp. E£40.00 ($14.00) Am Univ 1992 UA [Middle East only] Moghadam, V.M. Modernizing women. Gender and social change in the Middle East. 325pp. E£60.00 ($25.00) Am Univ 1994 UA [Middle East only] Nzomo, M., Kibwana, K. Women’s initiatives in Kenya’s democratization: capacity building and participation in the December 1992 multiparty general elections. 166pp. ill. NCSW 1993 KE Shaarawi, H. Harem years: the memoirs of an Egyptian feminist. trans.f.t. Arabic by Margot Badran ISBN: 9774244893 168pp. ill. E£50.00 ($16.95) Am Univ 1998 UA [Middle East only] Women, African—Social conditions— Ethiopia Adugna, M. Women and warfare in Ethiopia. A case study of their role during the campaign of Adwa, 1895-96, and the Italo-Ehtiopian war 1935-41. (Gender issues research reports, 15) ISBN: 16086295 41pp. ($16.95/£9.95 set) OSSREA 2001 ET
Women, African—Social conditions—Kenya Likimani, M.G. Women of Kenya in the decade of development. 99pp. ill. pl. K.shs.65.00 Noni 1985 KE Likimani, M.G. Women of Kenya: 27 years of development. 60pp. ill. Kshs.50.00 Noni 1991 KE Maina, N.K. The impact of Islam in women’s role in political mobilization in Kenya. 107pp. OSSREA 2000 ET Pala, A.O. Women’s access to land and their role in agriculture and decision-making on the farm: experiences of the Juluo in Kenya. (IDS discussion paper, 263) 22pp. K.shs.102.00 Inst Dev Stud 1978 KE Pale, A., Awori, T., Krystal, A., eds. The participation of women in Kenya society. 235pp. Kenya Lit Bureau 1983 KE Reynolds, J.E., Pala, A.O. The women’s group programme in the SRDP. 106pp. K.shs.150.00 Inst Dev Stud 1975 KE Women, African—Social conditions— Lesotho Johnson, P., Kethusgile, B.M., McCallum, H., eds. Beyond inequalities. Women in Lesotho. 60pp. ($13.75/£7.50) SAPES 1997 ZI Women, African—Social conditions—Malawi White, S., Kachika, T., Banda, M.C. Beyond inequalities 2005. Women in Malawi. ISBN: 1779100248 85pp. ill.maps ($19.95/£13.95) Southern Afric Res & Docs 2005 ZI Women, African—Social conditions— Mauritius Carter, M. Lakshmi’s legacy. The testimonies of Indian women in 19th century Mauritius. 282pp. ill.pl. ($27.00/£14.95) Océan Indien Ed 1994 MF Johnson, P., Kethusegile, B.M., McCallum, H., eds. Beyond inequalities. Women in Mauritius. 80pp. ($13.75/£7.50) SAPES 1997 ZI Rughronundon, S. La femme indo-mauricienne...son cheminement. ISBN: 9990329826 180pp. pl. Rs150.00 ($12.00/£9.00) Capucines 1998 MF FRE Women, African—Social conditions— Morocco Alahyane, M., et al. Corps au féminin. [4 articles in French, 4 articles in Arabic.] 136pp. Dir40.00 Fennec 1991 MR MUL Amiti, K., et al. Etre jeune fille. [6 articles and 3 reports in French, 4 articles in Arabic.] 168pp. Dir47.00 Fennec 1994 MR MUL Belarbi, A. Femmes rurales. 224pp. Dir50.00 Fennec 1996 MR FRE Women, African—Social conditions— Namibia Frank, L., ed. Words into action: the Namibian women’s manifesto. [Also available in Afrikaans and Oshindonga.] 25pp. Sister Namibia 1999 SX Iken, A. Woman-headed households in southern Namibia: causes, patterns and consequences. ISBN: 3889394698 245pp. Gamsberg 1999 SX Johnson, P., Kethusegile, B.M., McCallum, H., eds. Beyond inequalities. Women in Namibia: a profile of women in Namibia. ISBN: 0797417567 116pp. maps UNAM 1998 SX Lipinge, E.M., Lebeau, D. Beyond inequalities 2005. Women in Namibia. ISBN: 1779100264 96pp. ill.maps ($19.95/£13.95) Southern Afric Res & Docs 2005 ZI
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Women, African—Social conditions—Nigeria Women, African—Social conditions— Nigeria Albert, I.O. Women and urban violence in Kano, Nigeria. 120pp. N380.00 ($15.00) IFRA - Nig 1996 NR Dhizea, D.O., Njoku, J. Nigerian women and the challenges of our time. 100pp. ($13.75/£7.50) Malthouse 1994 NR Ibekwe, J. To live or to die. ISBN: 9780293493 229pp. ($24.95/£14.95) Spectrum 2002 NR Ihimodu, I.I. The impact of the better life programme on the economic status of women. 45pp. N150.00 ($8.00) IFRA - Nig 1996 NR Okunade, A.O., ed. Enhancing public skills of women politicians. ISBN: 9788000347 94pp. N650.00 ($5.50/£4.00/Eur5.00) Vantage 2000 NR Olurode, L., ed. Women and social change in Nigeria. 161pp. ($13.00/£8.00) Unity 1990 NR Uchendu, P.K. Education and the changing economic role of Nigerian women. 148pp. ($21.50/ £11.95) Fourth Dimension 1995 NR Women, African—Social conditions— Senegal Ndiaye, A.R. La place de la femme dans les rites au Sénégal. 143pp. pl. CFA2,250 NEAS 1986 SG FRE Women, African—Social conditions—South Africa Bazilli, S., ed. Putting women on the agenda. 312pp. Ravan 1991 SA Budlender, D. The third women’s budget. R79.95 Idasa 1998 SA
Budlender, D., ed. The fourth women’s budget. ISBN: 1874864969 371pp. R89.95 Idasa 1999 SA Budlender, D., ed. The second women’s budget. R64.95 Idasa 1997 SA Budlender, D., ed. The women’s budget. Idasa 1996 SA
260pp. R54.95
Gershater, D. Sisterhood of a sort: the Women’s National Coalition and the role of gender identitty in South African civil society. (CPS research reports, 82) 90pp. Centre Policy Stud 2001 SA Griesel, H. Sibambene: the voices of woman of Mboza. 49pp. ill. pl. R9.00 Ravan 1987 SA Hemson, D. Women are weak when they are amongst men: the participation of women in rural water committees in South Africa. 24pp. R40.00 HSRC Publ 2002 SA Hirschmann, D. Urban women and civil society in the eastern Cape. Inst Soc Res 1994 SA Johnson, P., Kethusegile, B.M., McCullum, H., eds. Beyond inequalities. Women in South Africa. 92pp. ($13.75/£7.50) SAPES 1997 ZI Mahlase, S., comp. The careers of women teachers under apartheid. ISBN: 1779050607 207pp. ($18.00/£9.95) SAPES 1998 ZI Marks, S. Not either an experimental doll: the separate worlds of three South African women. (KCAL Publ., 2) 252pp. pl. R50.00 Univ KwaZulu Natal Press 1986 SA
McIntosh, A.C., Friedman, M. Women’s producer groups in KwaZulu; limits and possibilities. Paper given at the Annual Conference of the Association of Sociologists of Southern Africa. (INR working paps., 16) R2.50 Inst Natural Resources 1988 SA Meer, S., comp. Women speak. Reflections on our struggles 1982-1997. ISBN: 0795700822 168pp. ill.pl. R59.95 (£8.95) Kwela 1998 SA Meer, S., ed. Women, land and authority. Perspectives from South Africa. 160pp. Philip 1997 SA [Southern Africa only] Murphy, C. Implications of poverty for black rural women in KwaZulu-Natal. Report prepared for South African Participatory Poverty Assessment. (INR investigational reports, 127) R25.00 Inst Natural Resources 1995 SA Murphy, C.A. Gender constraints to increased agricultural production faced by rural women in KwaZulu. MA thesis, University of Cape Town. (INR investigational reports, 45) R45.00 Inst Natural Resources 1990 SA Ngcelwane, N. Sala Kahle, District Six - an African woman’s perspective. ISBN: 0795700814 144pp. pl. R59.95 Kwela 1998 SA Roussouw, A.M.M. Women reproductive health awareness programme. (Research reports, 57) R30.00 Inst Planning Res 1994 SA Sibiya, E. Thoughts of an African woman. 48pp. ($4.50/£3.25) Skotaville 1990 SA Sotshsongaye, A., Moller, V. We want to live a better life like other people. Self-assessed development needs of rural women in Ndwedwe, KwaZulu-Natal. (CSDS working papers, 16) R20.00 School Dev Studies-KZN 1997 SA White, C. Status of South African women. A sourcebook in tables and graphs. 62pp. R30.00 Y Press 1993 SA Women, African—Social conditions—Sudan Badri, B. Environmental change and its impact on women. Desertification and food security. (DSRC seminar series, 96a) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1992 SJ El Bakri, Z.B., El Hadi, S., Salim, I., Kameir, E.W. The state of women’s studies in the Sudan . (DSRC seminar series, 2) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Farah, A.A. Socio-economic determinants of fertility related attitudes and behaviour of women in Greater Khartoum. (DSRC seminar series, 7) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1982 SJ Ismail, E. Sudanese women and mass media: a survey on urban middle class women. (DSRC seminar series, 53) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ Kenyon, S. Women and the urban process: a case study from El Gal’a, Sennar. (DSRC seminar series, 46) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1984 SJ Salih, A.O. Female participation in trade: the case of the Sudan. (DSRC monograph series, 34) 56pp. ($15.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1989 SJ Wadida, S.F. Environmental change and its impact on women. Mobilization of Sudanese women towards ecologically sustainable development. (DSRC seminar series, 96c) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1992 SJ
Subject index Widad, A. Environmental change and its impact on women. Environment and planning. (DSRC seminar series, 96b) ($10.00) Dev Stud & Res Ctr 1992 SJ Women, African—Social conditions— Swaziland Hlanze, Z., Mkhabela, L. Beyond inequalities. Women in Swaziland. ISBN: 0797417583 64pp. ($13.75/£7.50) SAPES 1998 ZI Women, African—Social conditions— Tanzania Cosmas, H., comp. Female genital mutilation: base line survey report, Central and Arusha zones. 76pp. World Vision 2000 TZ Ghamunga, F. Project review: “Advocating for FGM in Tanzania”. [Female genital mutilation.] 25pp. World Vision 2002 TZ Johnson, P., Kethusegile, B.M., McCullum, H., eds. Beyond inequalities. Women in Tanzania. 92pp. ($13.75/£7.50) SAPES 1997 ZI Ngaiza, M.K., Koda, B., eds. The unsung heroines. 232pp. ($30.00/ £16.75) Dar es Salaam UP 1991 TZ Tanzania Gender Networking Programme Gender profile of Tanzania. 176pp. T.shs.2,000 ($15.00) TGNP 1993 TZ Tanzania Gender Networking Programme Our histories: women’s groups, NGOs and official programmes in Tanzania. 161pp. TGNP 1993 TZ Women, African—Social conditions— Tunisia Association des Femmes Tunisiennes pour la Recherche et le Développement Comment les femmes vivent. [Also available in English.] 224pp. Cérès 1992 TI FRE Association des Femmes Tunisiennes pour le Recherche et le Développement La moitié entière. [Also available in English.] 200pp. Cérès 1992 TI FRE Marzouki, I. Le mouvement des femmes en Tunisie au XXème siècle. 312pp. Cérès 1994 TI FRE Women, African—Social conditions— Uganda Action for Development Visible at last: NGO contribution to women’s recognition in Uganda. 174pp. ill.maps ACFODE 1995 UG de Temmerman, E. Aboke girls. Children abducted in northern Uganda. ISBN: 9970022563 168pp. ill.pl. ($16.95/£9.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2001 UG Dgungu, E., Opyene, J., Kayunga, S. Women and work: historical trends; reports of a workshop organised by CBR and held at the Faculty of Science, Makerere University, September 7-10, 1992. (CBR workshop reports, 2) 61pp. ($10.00) Centre Basic Res 1992 UG Isis-WICCE Women, armed conflict and food security in Uganda: an exploratoray study of four districts. ISBN: 9970574065 122pp. ill.pl. ($5.00) Isis-WICCE 2004 UG Isis-WICCE Women’s contribution to poverty eradication: the missing link. ISBN: 9970574074 44pp. pl. ($5.00) IsisWICCE 2004 UG Kwesiga, J.C. Women’s access to higher education in Africa. ISBN: 9970022954 327pp. ($34.95/£20.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza, L. Women’s violent crime in Uganda, More sinned against than sinning. ISBN: 9970021664 272pp. ($30.95/£18.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 1999 UG
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 530
African Books in Print
Subject index
Women, African—Zimbabwe—Bibliography
Tripp, A.M., Kwesiga, J.C., eds. The women’s movement in Uganda. History, challenges and prospects. ISBN: 9970023403 247pp. ($27.95/ £16.95) Fountain Publ-Ug 2002 UG Waliggo, J.M. Struggle for employment Publications 9966836276
equality. Women and in Uganda. (AMECEA Gaba Spearhead, 158-160) ISBN: 176pp. Gaba 2002 KE
Wallman, S., ed. Kampala women getting by. Wellbeing in the time of AIDS. 246pp. ill.pl. U.shs.20,000 Fountain Publ-Ug 1996 UG Women, African—Social conditions— Zambia Longwe, S., Siame, M., Mulikita, N., Clarke, R. Beyond inequalities. Women in Zambia. ISBN: 0797417605 104pp. ($13.75/£7.50) SAPES 1998 ZI Mulikita, N.G., Siame, M. Beyond inequalities 2005. Women in Zambia. ISBN: 1779100280 85pp. ill.maps ($19.95/£13.95) Southern Afric Res & Docs 2005 ZI Zambia Association for Research and Development The effect of structural adjustment programme on the lives of low/no income women in Lusaka. 20pp. K2,000 ($1.00) ZARD 1995 ZA Zambia Association for Research and Development Establishing national administration for women’s development. new ed. 34pp. K10,000 ($5.00) ZARD 1996 ZA Zambia Association for Research and Development Gabon aftermath: the mistreatment of the football widows. The preliminary report of the project to protect the rights of widows and children of the Gabon air crash victims. new ed. 24pp. K6,000 ($3.00) ZARD 1996 ZA Zambia Association for Research and Development NGO shadow report: the situation of women in Zambia during the decade 1985-1994. 91pp. K7,000 ($10.00) ZARD 1994 ZA Zambia Association for Research and Development The situation of women in Zambia: during the decade 1985-1994. NGO shadow report. new ed. 92pp. K10,000 ($5.00) ZARD 1996 ZA Zambia Association for Research and Development Using the democratic process to promote women’s rights. new ed. 34pp. K6,000 ($3.00) ZARD 1996 ZA Zambia Association for Research and Development Zambia today: a gender perspective analysis of the public’s view. K16,000 ($7.00) ZARD 1996 ZA Women, African—Social conditions— Zimbabwe Armstrong, A. Women and rape in Zimbabwe. 31pp. ($6.95/£3.75) Inst SA Stud Univ Lesotho 1990 LO Barnes, T., Win, E. To live a better life. An oral history of women in the city of Harare, 1930-1970. 230pp. ill.pl. ($27.00/£14.95) Baobab Zimb 1992 ZI Batezat, E., Mwalo, M. Women in Zimbabwe. 73pp. ($8.50/ £4.95) SAPES 1989 ZI Chigudu, H.B. Participatory self evaluation: a tool for empowering women at community level. (Discussion papers, 6) Z$5.00 ZWRCN 1992 ZI Chigudu, H.B. Strategies for empowering women. (Discussion papers, 4) Z$5.00 ZWRCN 1992 ZI
Chigudu, H.B. Women’s income generating projects. (Discussion papers, 1) Z$5.00 ZWRCN 1991 ZI Johnson, P., Kethusegile, B.M., McCallum, H., eds. Beyond inequalities. Women in Zimbabwe. ISBN: 0797417575 92pp. Z$96.00 ($13.75/£7.50) Southern Afric Res & Docs 1998 ZI Mvududu, S.C. Gender, environment and sustainable development: Zimbabwe’s case. (Discussion papers, 8) Z$5.00 ZWRCN 1993 ZI Sibanda, A.E., Maboreke, M. Changes in economic roles and social status of women in selected rural areas of Zimbabwe. (IDS monograph, 3) 117pp. Z$45.00 ($10.00/£6.00) ZIDS 1993 ZI Silverthorne, J. Women, literacy and reading. (Discussion papers, 7) Z$5.00 ZWRCN 1993 ZI Stewart, J., et al. Pregnancy and childbirth: joy or despair: women and gender-generated reproductive crimes of violence. ISBN: 1779150040 164pp. WLSA-Zimb 2001 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network The gender dimension of access and land use rights in Zimbabwe: evidence to the Land Commission. ($35.00) ZWRCN 1994 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network. Gender research and urbanisation, planning, housing and everyday life (GRUPHEL). (Workshop reports, 2) Z$10.00 ZWRCN 1992 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Women and health. rev.ed.(ZWRCN bibliographies, 1) ZWRCN 1996 ZI Zwart, G. From WID to GAD. More than a change in terminology? (Discussion papers, 5) Z$5.00 ZWRCN 1992 ZI Women, African—South Africa Cloete, L. Domestic strategies of rural Transkeian women. Inst Soc Res 1992 SA Walker, C. Women and resistance in South Africa. 346pp. R72.95 Philip 1991 SA Women, African—South Africa— Bibliography Durban Women’s Bibliography Group South African women. A select bibliography. 307pp. free SA Inst Int Affairs 1996 SA Women, African—Togo Comhaire-Sylvain, S. Femmes de Lomé. (CEEBA publications, série II, Mémoires et Monographies, 77) 286pp. ill. (DM36.00) CEEBA 1982 ZR FRE Women, African—Zambia Mumba, N.M. A song in the night. A personal account of widowhood in Zambia. 90pp. ($8.50/ £5.00) Multimedia 1992 ZA Zambia Association for Research and Development Woman, know your place. The patriarchal message in Zambian popular song. ISBN: 9982818279 274pp. K15,000 ($25.00) ZARD 1998 ZA Women, African—Zambia—Bibliography Bardouille, R. Research on Zambian women in prospect and retrospect: an annotated bibliography. 179pp. K7,000 ($10.00) ZARD 1992 ZA Bardouille, R., et al. Annotated bibliography of research on Zambian woman. 162pp. ill. ($8.00/ £6.00) K8.00 Univ Zambia - Bkshop 1985 ZA
Women, African—Zimbabwe Chigudu, H., Tichagwa, W. Participation of women in party politics. (ZWRCN discussion papers, 9) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1995 ZI Poulsen, A.K. Collection building and dissemination. (Discussion papers, 3) Z$5.00 ZWRCN 1992 ZI Weiss, R. The women of Zimbabwe. trans.f.t.German 190pp. Z$8.50 Nehanda 1985 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Gender and the media. (Workshop reports, 3) Z$10.00 ZWRCN 1992 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Gender and the media in Zimbabwe: an African perspective. (ZWRCN workshop reports, 9) ($10.00) ZWRCN 1995 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Information to rural women. (ZWRCN workshop reports, 7) ($10.00) ZWRCN 1994 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Land in Zimbabwe: a gender question? (ZWRCN workshop reports, 6) ($10.00) ZWRCN 1995 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network. Women and drought. (Workshop reports, 4) Z$10.00 ZWRCN 1992 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Women and ESAP. (ZWRCN workshop reports, 5) ($10.00) ZWRCN 1995 ZI Zinanga, E. Gender and the media. (Discussion papers, 2) Z$5.00 ZWRCN 1992 ZI Women, African—Zimbabwe—Bibliography Zimbabwe Women’ Resource Centre and Network Women and management. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 18) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1995 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Abortion. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 9) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1994 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Fourth world conference on women. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 15) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1994 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Gender and development theories and gender analysis. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 12) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1994 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Research theories. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 13) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1994 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Women and AIDS. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 5) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1993 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Women and culture. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 21) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1995 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Women and development. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 17) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1995 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Women and education. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 7) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1993 ZI
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ African Books in Print
Women, African—Zimbabwe—Bibliography Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Women and environment. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 6) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1993 ZI
Marks, S. Divided sisterhood. Race, class and gender in the South Africa. 300pp. R84.95 Witwatersrand UP 1994 SA [Southern Africa only]
Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network. Women and housing. (Bibliographies, 4) Z$5.00 ZWRCN 1992 ZI
Mbilinyi, D.A., Omari, C. Gender relations and women’s images in the media. 223pp. ($25.00/£13.95) Dar es Salaam UP 1996 TZ
Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Women and human rights. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 20) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1995 ZI
Minkah-Premo, S. Coping with violence against women. ISBN: 9964782837 76pp. pl. C7,000 ($4.00) Asempa 2001 GH
Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Women and labour. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 216) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1995 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Women and land. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 10) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1994 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Women and politics. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 14) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1994 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Women and structural adjustment. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 8) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1994 ZI Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Women and the family. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 16) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1994 ZI
Vermeulen, S. Stitched-up: who fashions women’s lives? ISBN: 1770090290 280pp. R145.00 ($20.00/£11.50) Jacana 2004 SA Zimbabwe International Book Fair Trust, comp. Women and activism. ZIBF women writers’ conference 1999. ISBN: 0797421262 160pp. ($16.95/£9.95) Zimb Women 2000 ZI [co-published with ZIBF] Women’s studies—Africa Abantu for Development The international dimension of peace building and conflict prevention, resolution and management in Africa: African women’s concerns. ISBN: 1899905079 ($7.00) ABANTU 2003 KE Akintunde, D., Labeodan, H. Women and the culture of violence in traditional Africa. ISBN: 9788059015 142pp. N500.00 ($7.50/£9.99) Sefer 2002 NR Dorr, J. Women seeking justice ISBN: 9966218327 104pp. ill. K.shs.120.00 ($1.50) Paulines 2002 KE
Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network. Women entrepreneurs. (Bibliographies, 3) Z$5.00 ZWRCN 1991 ZI
Kanyoro, M., Njoroge, N., eds. Groaning in faith: African women in the household of God. 282pp. K.shs.600.00 ($16.00) Acton 1999[?] KE
Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Women in the arts. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 23) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1996 ZI
Kéïta, D.S. Excision, douleur de femme. Pour une stratégie de communication en faveur de la lutte contre l’exicision. 128pp. EDILIS 2001 IV FRE
Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Women, science and technology. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 11) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1994 ZI
Mama, A. Mulheres: sujeitos e objectos de estudos em Africa nos anos 1990. [Also available in English and French.] 131pp. CFA2,500 ($8.00/£5.00/Eur8.00) CODESRIA 1999 SG POR
Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Women’s income generating projects. 2nd ed.(ZWRCN bibliographies, 2) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1996 ZI Zimbawe Women’s Resource Centre and Network Feminism. (ZWRCN bibliographies, 22) ($5.00) ZWRCN 1995 ZI Women, Social conditions Isis-WICCE Women building peace from grass-roots to parliament: proceedings of the 2001 nationale exchange visit and training, Kampala Uganda 20-24th August 2001. 36pp. Isis-WICCE 2001[?] UG Women’s studies see also Feminism Gender studies Women, African Bond-Stewart, K. Independence is not only for one sex. 128pp. ($10.00/£6.25) ZPH 1987 ZI Borgomano, M. Voix et visages de femme. 162pp. CFA3,225 (Eur6.78) CEDA 1989 IV FRE Gachiri, E. Female circumcision. ISBN: 9966215778 135pp. K.shs.300.00 ($4.00) Paulines 2000 KE Mares, T. Unveil the mysteries of the female. ISBN: 1919792066 190pp. ill. R86.00 ($12.95/£7.99) Lionheart 1999 SA
Sall, E., ed. Women in academia. Gender and academic freedom in Africa. ISBN: 2869780613 190pp. CFA12,500 ($30.00/ £17.00/Eur24.00) CODESR