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English Pages [507] Year 2011
A Trilingual Dictionary of
The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
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A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt) Publisher : Jitman Pun Magar Kakri-4, Rukum, Nepal Edition : Fourth (July 2011) © : Karna Bahadur Budha Magar Layout and Cover Design : Kaushal Khaki Printed at : Gaumukhi Offset Press Bagbazar, Kathmandu Price : Rs. 1,000/Rs. 1,800/- (Official) US$ 50.00
ISBN : 978-9937-2-3701-7
EDITORIAL BOARD Project Supervisor Prof. Govinda Raj Bhattarai, PhD
Editor-in-Chief KARNA BAHADUR BUDHA MAGAR Editor Bal Ram Adhikari Guest Editor Surendra Pun Magar Project Director Laxman (Marke) Budha Magar and Jitman Pun Magar (Marshal) Pronunciation Prof. Madhav Pd. Pokharel, PhD
Devanagari Standardization Prof. Hemanga Raj Adhikari, PhD
Research Assistant Chhimi Pun Magar Shrawan Kumar Pun Magar Lexicography Consultant Dhan Bdr. Roka Magar Lexical Support H’ble Bam Kumari Budha Magar, Gaju Pun, Shirkumari, Ain Kumari, Late Laxmi (Lahari), Dilpuri Budha Magar
I am forever indebted to The Government of Nepal, Ministry of Local Development, Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities; World Magar Federation, Belgium; Magar Sewa Samiti, Tokai, Japan; Jitman PunMagar (Marshal); Surendra Pun Magar; Birjang, Nidhan, Dilkumar, Janak, Shirkumar, Bikram Budha Magar from Rukum; Birprasad Gharti Magar, Surya Budha Magar from UK; Barmaya Budha Magar USA.
I should thank to Baglung –Jhakendra, Purna Bahadur Gharti; Parbat –Bhim Bahadur Pun; Pyuthan – Bhoj Bikram Budha; Rolpa –H’ble Onsari Gharti, Kulman, Man Bahadur, Nisha Budha, Navin, Jeevan and Narayan Roka, Purnima Gharti; Rukum –H’ble Lokendra Bista, Bal Man Pun, Harka B. Gharti, Maite and Rup Lal Budha; Rupandehi –Tularam (Basanta) Gharti; Syangja –Bishnu Kumar Sinjali, Mek B. Rana; Udayapur – H'ble. Ashok Rai. Editor-in-Chief
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In Memorium In fond memory of Laxmi (Lahari) Budha Magar, dearest of sisters, who met an untimely death (1975 June - 2011 July), who could never experience peace, prosperity and happiness in her life; who despite all suffering, hatred, ignorance did provide me unremitting support in course of the long, strenuous task of making this dictionary. Let her soul reside in the abode of peace. - Karna
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Publishers’ Note
anguage is the most powerful means of expressing human feelings and thoughts. It is the only socio-cultural property that unites the people within a group and also makes the group distinctive from the rest. Linguistic diversity is the beauty of our country. Linguistic coexistence has created unity in diversity. It has developed the sense of tolerance, mutual respect, cooperation and harmony among the people living in the country. When we talk of the Magars in Nepal, their existence and identity shows distinct qualities. The unity among the people of diverse ethnic identities, linguistic groups and traditions in Nepal has made her national unity very strong. The Magars constitute one important chip in the cultural mosaic of this nation. The Magars occupy a special identity in Nepal. We feel that in every case of freedom movement, in every step of nation building, they have contributed immensely. Their contribution is of historical significance in various aspects of nation building. Likewise, whatever changes have materialized at present, they are also largely the results of their contribution. Language, art and cultural heritage of Nepal have brought us immense glory from the world; the world has trembled with awe and admiration before the incomparable bravery of her people. The Magars are divided into three groups of speakers. They themselves constitute multilingual speakers (more dialects or varieties). History evidently shows that till the 14th or the 15th century, the Magars had their own principalities. Though the Magars had played a crucial role in nation building, the then rulers ignored their contribution. Consequently, they gradually lost their own language, religion, art, and their right to land. The former governments failed to do justice to them. Despite the fact that the then rulers forced the Magars to live a life of oppression, the latter never forgot their duty towards the land. And they fully cooperated with other groups of people in the campaign of the unification of the land and the great journey to the consequent change. They were involved in each and every campaign that led the nation to achieve what she has achieved today. They joined the war against the British, and against the Rānās they did sacrifice their lives, they were in the frontline in the fight against the monarchy. Still they were actively involved in the establishment
of Democratic Republic System of government. However, it is a sad fact that these people failed to preserve the status of their own languages, cultures and tradition. At this moment, when the rulers have still remained reluctant to protect the language, religion, culture and art of this important indigenous group, we have spent more of our own time and resources in order to preserve and develop our cultural heritage. Language is the identity of people. The Magar language has introduced this indigenous group to the world. That is, we can protect and ensure the identity of the Magars only through the protection and presentation of its language. The variety one finds in a language supports and enriches its beauty. The diversity found among the Magar community indicates the special features of this group of people. Failing to recognize this, the government held a one-language policy for many years. It favoured and promoted the growth of a single language. Only recently all the languages spoken in different parts of the nations have been recognized as languages of the nation or national languages. But mere recognition is not sufficient for a language to grow. So it is our duty to work for the preservation and promotion of this language through whatever efforts we can make from our side. It should have been the responsibility of the government. It is a sad fact that the community, which lacks necessary resources itself, has to take the initiation. Moreover, it is mostly happening through individual efforts. We are sure that it is only through the development of the Magar language we can ensure presence of the Magar people in all the sectors and units of the government. It is therefore we have incorporated the linguistic movement into our movement to statehood from the academic level as well. We know that so long as we do not ensure the decisive access of the Magars, the government will remain deaf to the question of language development. Bearing this truth in mind, we are fully dedicated to the cause of the rights to the indigenous people. It is because the development of the language, religion and its identity from various angles will be possible only after it has ensured the possession of its entire land, the Magarāt, that is, the land of the Magars. For us all the Magar languages (Athāra, Bāhra, Kāike) are equally valuable. We also expect to behave with all the Magar friends, brothers and sisters in the same way. Naturally, unity among us will grow stronger only through the practice of equality and coexistence among us. We believe that equal development of all Magar-speaking communities is possible. All these three Magar languages are equally important in their respective speech communities. Bearing this in mind, Nepal Magar Association published a dictionary of Bāhra Magarāt last year. Then we ventured on bringing out the dictionary of the Athāra Magarāt. We believe that the publication of this dictionary of the Athāra Magarāt Magar language has brought honour not only to the Magar community, but also to the nation as a whole. Although the medium of its expression is the Magar language, what lies at the heart of this dictionary is national identity and integrity. Overwhelmed by love for his nation and duty towards his community and language, Karna Bahadur Budha Magar devoted himself to the noble cause of
the preparation of this dictionary despite the unfavourable socio-political situation. It is his deep love for the Magar community that brought him to this end– he worked despite various difficulties, suffering, and acute shortages. We are proud of him. I hope that Mr. Budha Magar will keep advancing in this noble journey to protect and preserve his (our) language ultimately for the sake of the nation and national harmony. Let his writing that started with his mother tongue continue forever. I wish him all success in this endless journey towards the prosperity of the language. The fruit of this effort does not go to the Magars only but it goes to the nation and her people as a whole. Finally, I express my sincere gratitude to Development of Indigenous Nationalities for the Promotion of the Indigenous People, and those individuals and institutions that have supported Mr. Budha Magar from different angles. All the contributors deserve a special mention for the financial help they gave us. Thank you very much. Jit Man Pun Magar (Marshal)
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t b'O{ k[i7n] xfdLnfO{ x}ƒfg kf¥of]„ k|To]s lbg ;¬f], km]lƒ tL ƒËLg sfuhx¿ sf}znnfO{ lhDdf lbof]„ pgn] klg lbgdf Tolt g} sƒ]S;g uƒ]„ ptf ;'lgtf alxgLn] klg anƒfdnfO{ ;3fOƒx]sL x'lGyg†„ tLgjif{;Dd nfUof}F ƒ íGtdf ;a} ;s]ƒ 5flkjlƒ 6]sgfƒfo0f 9sfnnfO{ u'xf¥of}F„ pgn] o;nfO{ ulxƒf] uƒL íWoog uƒ], slt ;RofP, ldnfP, eflifs q'l6ƒlxt uƒfP, í¿ d]¬flgS;† ;'wfƒ uƒ] ƒ @)^& ;fnsf] ílGtd lbgdf Ps}rf]l6 ´G8} $)) k[i7sf] u|Gy -6fOk_ x]g{ lkmFhfPƒ a‚of}F„ íGTodf anƒfdn] Ps lƒl8ª lbPÙ d}n] Psk6s x]ƒ]ƒ ‚jLs[lt hgfPF„ To;kl5 sf}zn efO ƒ s0f{n] slt lrq tl‚jƒ ldnfP ƒ l;ífƒ;L tofƒ eof]„ s0f{nfO{ lhDdf nufpFbf rf/ jif{ lat]sf lyP„ tƒ xfdLnfO{ í´} 8ƒ 5, y'k|} ;Gb]x 5„ st} s]xL 5'6] xf]nf, st} így{ eP xf]nfg†„ duƒefifL ljåfg†n] xfdLnfO{ s] eÌ] x'g† tƒ km]lƒ xfdLn] dgf]an b[9 agfofF} klxnf] sd{ x'Fb}5„ dxfgGb ;fksf]6fn] aL; jif{ nufPƒ Jo'TkÌd"ns zAbsf]z lgsfn]kl5 eg]sf 5g†— æklxnf] sfd ug{]n] u'?3ƒ kfpFb}g ƒ w]ƒ} b'Mv kfpF5„Æ s0f{nfO{ To‚t} ePsf] x'g'k5{„ xfdL t s0f{sf] nf}ƒf] ;dfPƒ lxF8]sfn] eÌ} ;Qm}gf}F tƒ ;a} o;sf ík"0f{tfx¿ s0f{nfO{ vGofPƒ xfdL klG5g rfxb}gf}F„ o;sf q'l6 ƒ sdhf]ƒLdf xfdL klg plQs}, í´ a9L lhDd]bfƒ 5f}F„ tƒ of] s'g} ífly{s nfesf] b[li6n] ulƒPsf] sd{ xf]Og„ s]jn sfuh d;Lsf] bfddf nfUbf nfUbf x'?ë ePƒ lgƒf; eO;s]sf] Ps efiffk|]dLsf] ;dk{0f ƒ Tofudf xfdL klg ;xefuL x'g ulƒPsf] sd{ xf]„ o;ƒL ulxlƒPƒ nfUg] qmddf í7fƒ duƒftsf] zAbe08fƒ b]v]ƒ dnfO{ 7"nf] xif{n] 5f]k]sf] 5„ g]kfnL;Fu ldNg] w]ƒ} zAb 5g†Ù s'g k"vf{ xf] To;sf] lg¬f}{n ug{' 5, g]kfnLdf gePsf íToGt} pkof]uL zAb 5g†, ltgnfO{ 5fg]ƒ efiff e08fƒ eg'{ 5„ eflifs txsf íGo íg]s ;"rgf 5g†, logsf] ;dfhj}1flgs, g[hfltj}1flgs, efiffzf‚qLo íWoog ug{' ífjZos 5„ íf}Rrfƒl0fs egf}F Wjlgj}1flgs If]qdf í´} w]ƒ} sfd afFsL 5g†„ lnlksf] If]qdf xfdL k;]gf}F lsgeg] o;df íWo]tfx¿n] lg¬f{]n ulƒ;s]sf 5}gg†„ ev{ƒ p7†g vf]h]sf efiffdf o‚t} x'G5„ ;of}F jif{sf] lnlvt íEof; eOƒx]sf efiffdf klg í´} l‚ylƒsƒ0f, ‚tƒLsƒ0f afFsL g} x'G5„ duƒ efiffsf] nflu w]ƒ} nfU5„ tƒ tLgjif{ nfdf] lgƒGtƒtfn], í7fƒ duƒft duƒ efiff zAb;Fusf] ;Dks{n] w]ƒ} s'ƒf atfPsf] 5„ oL s'ƒfsf] ;+of]hg uƒL hLjgdf slkPsf] of] ljlrqsf] íg'ejnfO{ lnlka4 ub{} hfg' 5„ slt duƒefifL ldqhgnfO{ xfd|f] k|oTg ík"0f{ ƒ ígf}7f] nfUnf„ tƒ of] pxfFx¿s} k|]dn] ulƒPsf] Pp6f o‚tf] sd{ xf] h;n] xfd|f] b]zsf] k|frLg ;+‚s[lt e08fƒsf] 9f]sf íGo ;a}ltƒ k'Ug;Sg] 5„ o;af6 íGo efifLnfO{ klg k|]ƒ0ff ldNg ;S5„ xfdL s]xL ug{ ;S5f}F, ífk;L ;xof]u ƒ ljÃf;n] ;xíl‚tTjsf] hu a;fNg dfq ePklg ;S5f}F eÌ] ljÃf; lbnfpg rfxG5'„ ífh d, anƒfd, í²fgf, 6]sgfƒfo0f, sf}zn, ;'lgtf ;a} Pp6f ;kgf k"ƒf ug{] s0f{nfO{ duƒ g]kfnL íª†u|]hL zAbsf]zsf] l;ífƒ;L a'´fPƒ pgnfO{ íg]s ;kmntfsf] nflu z'esfdgf lbg e§ƒfO{ lgjf; sLlt{k'ƒdf plePsf 5f}F„ o‚tf TofuL efiffk|]dL hfltk|]dLnfO{ ;j{k|yd ;Dk"0f{
duƒ hfltn] ;fy} íGox¿n] ‚jfut ug{] 5g†— xfdLnfO{ o;df ljÃf; 5„ duƒ efiff ljifodf pknAw s]xL ;fdlu|sf] íWoog u¥of}F„ tƒ ulxƒf] uƒL o;sf] Wjlg j0f{, lnlk, zAb, jf¬ ƒ jf¬]tƒtxsf íg]s txdf k'Ug ;lsPg, EofOPg„ ePsf] íNk1fgsf eƒdf s0f{hLdf íl8Pƒ of] sfo{sf] ;Dkfbg ulƒPsf] 5„ of];lxt d}n] ífh;Dddf Ps bh{g hlt s[lt ;Dkfbg uƒ]F x'Fnf tƒ @)^^ b]lv qmdzM ulƒPsf oL tLgj6f s[ltn] dnfO{ lgyfƒ]sf 5g†— tL qmdzM k"jL{o lrGtg kƒDkƒf -@)^^_ ´fkf lbUbz{g -@)^&_ ƒ duƒ zAbsf]z -@)^*_ ƒx]sf 5g†„ duƒ efiffsf Wjlg ;Í]t, pRrfƒ0f, zAb ju{, Jofsƒl0fs sf]6L ƒ íGo klƒroafƒ] xfdLn] oxfF ƒfVgsf] lgldQ s0f{axfb'ƒn] tofƒ kfƒ]sf] n]vgaf6 d"n s'ƒf ;fefƒ uƒ]sf 5f}F„ o;df p7]sf k|Zg, ;Gb]x, ;Nnfx íflb ;a} s'ƒf pg} s0f{ltƒ kms{]ƒ ;Daf]wg ug{' xf]nf„ To;f] t xfd|f] lhDdfsf sd{k|lt xfdL g} hjfkmb]xL x'g]5f}F„ of] ;;fgf] uf]ƒ]6f] xf], w]ƒ} k|oTgn] Pslbg of] Ps ƒfhdfu{ x'g]5„ To;df xhfƒf}F ofqL jfƒkfƒ rNg ;Sg]5g†„
h]7 @)^* 6Øfª\nfkmfF6, sLlt{k'/ [email protected]
k|fWofks -cª\u|]hL_ lqe'jg ljZjljBfno sf7df8f}F, g]kfn
In Praise of a Most Commendable Work Accomplished by Karna Bahadur Budha Magar Govinda Raj Bhattarai, PhD
hree years ago Karna Bahadur Budha Magar came to see me at the university. I was the president of the Linguistics Society of Nepal. We had just finished the annual conference of the Society. After introducing ourselves to each other, I invited him to my own residence at Tyānglaphānt on Saturday. That day he came with a book Magar-Nepali Dictionary in his hand. He said, “Sir, I want to develop this as a standard dictionary. It’s my dream. You’re a linguist, I hope you can help me.” I flipped through the book. “I don’t belong to lexicography. Moreover, I am a Bhrāman from the Terāi. I am not familiar with the Magar community and its culture.” I told him my reality, but he did not seem to step back. He might have thought that how come the president of the Linguistics Society would not know about language and its mechanism. He might have thought, though not the speaker of the Magar language, I could help him in the technical aspect of lexicography. He entrusted the work to me. I knew that the foreigners like Kilgaur, Duncan, Ayton, Turner have made invaluable contribution to the Nepali language. Many foreigners have contributed to the development of dictionaries and grammars of other languages of Nepal. These and many subsequent scholars are best remembered for their selfless devotion to the promotion of Nepal's languages and cultures though their contributions are not free from criticism and sometimes questions. Today I see one of the richest indigenous languages spoken in the Mid-Western region knocking on my door asking for help. If I failed to help, where else he would go! Overwhelmed by his love for his mother tongue, I found him fully devoted to the preservation and promotion of his language and culture. I am not sure how many years he might have spent in the collection of words, and their meanings and compilation. Not backed up by any theoretical knowledge from any books of linguistics, but propelled by his own intuition and his love for the language issued from the bottom of his heart, he left home to venture on this noble journey. He wandered and is still wandering around for collection of words, accuracy
of their meanings and cultural representations. He is worried that the words of his language might slide into oblivion. His main worry is how his language, if recognized as a regional official language by the nation in future, can function successfully in the absence of a standard dictionary. Similarly, the school level curriculum of the Magar language cannot sustain unless the language has its own dictionary and written grammar. We came across Karna, who was bent on promoting his language and culture. His request for me was a kind of duty that we were supposed to fulfil together for our own coexistence. He had thrown himself into this venture knowingly or unknowingly and I thought I too had no alternative but to do the same. I said ‘YES’. Then I studied the collection of words. It had an outline. All entries came from himself, some requiring systematic classification, most requiring Nepali equivalents and all requiring English equivalents. But I could not pluck courage to start the work alone. I sought help from Bal Ram. His translation of my book An Introduction to Translation Studies as Anubād Adhyan Parichaya had just come out from Ratna Pustak Bhandār. And he was on the way to finalizing the translation of my novel Sukarātkā Pāilā as Socrates’s Footsteps. I needed someone who had knowledge in translation art and skill both. I talked about the project to Bal Rām. He had some working experience in compiling and editing the glossary of technical terms. From the outline we could see that the work was going to be a trilingual dictionary: entries from Magar followed by Nepali and English equivalents. We took charge of the work. We thought that we would complete it within a year. Now we all realize that we started the project without understanding its complexity and envisaging the time it was going to take. Karna used the previous book as an outline and added many more later. I would send the list of the Magar words with their Nepali translations to Bal Ram’s to translate Nepali into English. He would sit in front of the computer loaded with electronic tools– Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (7th edition), Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (8th edition), MACMILLAN English Dictionary (2nd edition), Collins COBUILD Dictionary (2006), Encyclopedia Britannica 2009, Ultimate Reference Suite, Encarta Premium DVD (2009), and his low table where rests a stack of paper dictionaries, monolingual and bilingual both. Likewise, Sunitā was helping him, especially in finding the medical terms in English wherever required. Karna would show up in study room somewhere from the corner of Bālāju early the next morning. We three sat together, three cups of tea on the table in front of us. We would pick up/begin a word at a time, conform its pronunciation (for this Karna himself was the key informant for us), write the symbol by adjusting it to IPA system. Then we would move to word class. Some words had correct membership while others had to be assigned with different membership. Confirming and re-
writing the Nepali meanings to Magar entries was our third step. In some cases, we had to work with our hunch. This required Karna as the informant to illustrate the context by supplying us with illustrative sentences, pictures, drawings, gestures and so on. We would rewrite the Nepali version as precisely as possible. For this we used Nepali Brihat Shabdakosh and Prayogātmak Nepali Shabdakosh. While working on Nepali-English translations we took help of various bilingual dictionaries available like Shankar Raj Pathak's ( 2007), Narendramani Adi's (2004), Chunamani Bandhu's (2952 BS), etc. We inched our way through the narrow passage of three languages and cultures. In one sitting we could hardly finalize more than 3/4 pages even when we were often accompanied by Anjana, another important member assisting in the work. Some pages required rewriting, heavy editing while others minor corrections. In some cases, we had to keep the pages aside when we could not confirm the word classes of certain words. The colourful pages would go to Kaushal’s desk for correction in the soft copy. After three years’ hard work the first draft was printed out. Tek Nārāyan Dhakāl’s help for proofreading. He worked meticulously to make the work error-free. Then I sat with the 400-page dictionary on the last day of 2067. Finally, Bal Rām gave it a final reading. I revisited and finalized the work. Kaushal and Karna sat together to put the pictures and sketches. Then the CRC was prepared for the press. We handed over the work to Karna after four years’ relentless efforts. In some cases, we still have doubts about accuracy, correct interpretation and representation of Magar words in Nepali and English. We are not sure how Magar scholars will respond to our work. Nevertheless, our morale is fairly high, for it is the first work in the Magar language from Athara Magarat region. The famed writer and lexicographer Mahānanda Sāpkotā, who spent twenty years towards the compilation of his magnus opus Etymological Dictionary of Nepali, the first work ever (1980 ), once said, “someone who does something first finds no guidance and leadership. They are bound to suffer a lot”. Likewise our Karna might have suffered the same fate. We would not say that we led him in the work. Rather, it was he who guided us. However, it does not mean that we want to step aside by attributing its errors and weaknesses to Karna alone. We all are equally responsible for success and failure both. We are surprised to see the richness of Magar vocabulary. There are many words commonly found in the Nepali language. We need to verify/identify their etymological sources. There are many words which could be very useful for Nepali speakers. We should enrich the Nepali language by borrowing such words. There are many grey areas at different linguistic levels that require research from the perspectives of sociolinguistics, anthropology and linguistics. Phonology is one of such areas that is waiting for scientific study. We have not entered into its script, for it is another important area where experts and researchers lack consensus. This is a common feature of any developing languages. Even the languages that have a century-long tradition of
writing system are in the process of standardization and stability. The Magar language has a long way to go ahead in this regard. We learned many things from our three years of acquaintance with the Magar language. We need to document these experiences. Some Magar speakers may find our work strange and incomplete. In fact, it was our love for them and their rich language and its culture that drove us to this noble cause. It was our desire to open the door of the ancient treasure of our nation to the outside world through Nepali and English. We hope this work will inspire speakers of other languages too. I’d like to reiterate we can lay at least the foundation of coexistence through mutual cooperation and trust. We would like to congratulate Karna on his achievement. “The dream you have been chasing for a decade has come true.” This is what we would like to convey to Karna from Bhattarāi Residence, Tyānglāphānt. We firmly believe that the whole Magar community will welcome and acknowledge his devotion and contribution. July 2011 Tyānglāphānt, Kirtipur [email protected]
Professor of English Tribhuvan University Kathmandu, Nepal
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A Few Words from My Heart
he nation has entered into the Democratic Republic system after the Revolution of 2006, popularly known as Jana Āndolan-II. Likewise, the country is also entering into the practice of federal system of governance; so at this moment one can have a feeling that, Nepal, a garden of different ethnic groups and races, is made up of various people, their cultures and languages-all these are likely to have an equal opportunity to blossom. A true citizen is he who can connect himself with the question of his identity inseparably with the identification of his ethnicity, language, culture and religion. He is ever concerned about his sociocultural and linguistic identity. For him the words of his mother tongue produce sweet music and they are regarded as beautiful flowers from a mystic land. I am sure among various hues and colours is included the beauty of Athāra Magarāt. And in this wide garden of Nepal made up of different languages, cultures, religious faiths and beliefs, the Magars are one quite unique. Athāra Magarāt and the Magar language have also occupied a beautiful niche among others. This beautiful language, when it is in the process of being transformed from oral to another form, has faced different vested interests that come into play. This is obvious to all. In the meanwhile, a deep interest in my heart knocked and I began dreaming of giving this language a permanent shape of written form though that may sound a higher ambition. Despite this, I struggled against all odds and landed on a day when the present dictionary project was visualized. It was difficult to run the project smoothly because despite being a single ethnic group, there are different groups and subgroups, with a hierarchy of higher and lower, and some even adopted the strategy of introducing certain castes or clans as new among them. It was necessary for me to discourage all such petty games. I had to convince them to rise higher from a narrow cell, the discriminatory games should be discouraged and we need to set up an inclusive society based on the principle of coexistence. A just and exemplary society is based on our philosophy of mutual coordination and fraternity. I tried to raise my voice accordingly so as to convince people and kept the effort relentlessly. These efforts, they might have thought sometimes, were more of an author/lexicographer than that
of an activist. Moreover, I continued to convince people: we must devote ourselves for the promotion of the Magars, we should protect the history of the Magars, their glory and honoured legacy. Despite this, they not only rejected the project that I had submitted before the “Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities Secretariat of Federal Council” for compiling a dictionary of the Athāra Magar out and out, they ignored my appeal time and again and also insulted my language labelling as inferior. The only reason behind rejecting my proposal that had already been accepted by the NEFIN was that in their eyes I was a non-political being, not affiliated to any sector directly. I feel it a great pity that any author who is dedicated to the noble cause of making substantial contribution to the nation is forced to obey certain ideology or philosophy he does not approve of; nothing is more deplorable, more humiliating than this. It is a great fraud for those who are dedicated to support the cause of different linguistic and ethnic groups, that are just in their primary stage of development. My proposal was ignored and frowned upon by the very mother organization which is supposed to be responsible for the survival and growth of various ethnic minorities, their languages and cultures. I had to wander about looking for support and help. As a result, I had to wait for two additional years unnecessarily before the dream came true. Not only this, my ambition of bringing out this dictionary with adequate research base and extensive study could not materialise because of immense hardship, difficulty and unbearable economic crisis. The present dictionary has incorporated two standards into it adopted by the majority of lexicographers. These are—firstly, the method of translating the headword into the target language as is usually practice in bilingual dictionaries and secondly, the style of giving meaning to each headword as in the monolingual dictionary. Both these practices and traditions are adopted here. By combining such practices, we have tried to make a new beginning in the course of making this dictionary. I had to undergo untold suffering, ignorance, insult and obstruction in course of preparing this dictionary. And I had to fight all alone for the prestige of the humble people and their identity and existence against all odds and against all those, who want to obliterate their cultural past, a history of glory and pride. I did fight against all challenges with the scanty support and encouragement that I could draw from a couple of my friends and well-wishers, however, I could not get any remarkable support and enthusiasm from the people of my own group. Helpless, I was too much frustrated and was ready to relinquish all hopes when I met Prof. Dr. Govinda Raj Bhattarai, the then President of Linguistic Society of Nepal, who despite being a non-Magar speaker, holds a view that all languages and their speakers should be treated equally. Dr. Bhattarai also encouraged me wholeheartedly to revisit the work and complete the project at all costs. It had to be updated and refined before bringing it to the world. I trusted him to oversee the entire project; to examine and verify each entry and decide on the English equivalent. On my request, he undertook the tedious task some three years ago. Actually, he monitored the overall project.
Mr. Bal Ram Adhikari took the responsibility of translating the terms and especially of editing the whole work. Likewise, Mr. Tek Narayan Dhakal proofread both Nepali and English texts. Dr. Anjana Bhattarai also provided us with her valuable insight and suggestions. Besides, Ms. Sunita Baral supplied us with essential medical equivalents in English. With their constant support and cooperation the dictionary project was accomplished successfully. We three sat day after day while we could finalize hardly three to four pages a day. This required us joint sitting, sharing, discussing, writing and rewriting. Likewise, Prof. Dr. Madhav Prasad Pokhrel deserves a special mention for helping me in identifying sounds and Prof. Dr. Hemanga Raj Adhikari in deciding international phonetic system, are some of very remarkable helps that I should mention with great honour. In the same way, Kaushal Khaki was with us throughout these years, doing most meticulously the job of setting and designing the layout—he deserves my sincere thanks at this moment. More importantly, the financial aspect of the project was the most crucial of all for me. When I was facing severe economic problems in running the project, some of my friends, near and dear ones supported me magnanimously. I record their names with great honour and deep respect. Among them I record the good names of Laxman Budha Magar, the President of World Magar Association, Belgium; Surendra Pun Magar, the President of Nepal Magar Academy; Jitman Pun Magar the social worker; Magar Sewa Samiti, Tokai, Japan; Birprasad Gharti Magar and Harka Bahadur Gharti Magar of Lukum; Bikram Budha Magar of Tallo Sera; Surya, Birjang, Janak, Nidhan, Shirkumar and Dilkumar Budha Magar of Taka. I should mention the names of the people who offered help from other areas. They are—Bam Kumari Budha Magar, Navin Roka Magar, H'ble Onsarai Gharti Magar, Kulman Budha Magar (Rolpa); H'ble Lokendra Bista Magar (Rukum); Jhakendra Gharti Magar, Purna B. Gharti Magar (Baglung) and former Minister H'ble Ashok Rai (Udayapur). Likewise, other valued members who supported with resources are Ain Kumari, Shir Kumari and Dilpuri Budha Magar. My dream has come to a reality as a result of the magnanimity of these honourable people, mostly social workers in their respective fields. Consequently, the Magar tongue and culture that has suffered a long history of oppression and ignorance from the state has now earned a duly prestigious position. At this moment I give all the credit of the success to these people and express my heartfelt gratitude to them. I have invested prime years of my life that I could have spent in earning money or livelihood on this noble task of bringing this most valuable treasure of the nation to a new life, in fulfilling my dreams by reviving the ignored and dormant treasure of my society. I spent innumerable years in the struggle for the survival of my mother tongue and its culture. I became myself a force of dismantling many structures of my personal life. All my fertile days are spent on it. This chase of my dream has badly affected the education of my children. Moreover, I had to suffer insults and become a figure
of ridicule. When I was writhing in pain, caused by scarcity, penury, I felt pressures from different sides, insulting behaviour, and different lures all I felt secondary to the satisfaction I got from the project. In course of this project I would feel that he who wants to accomplish something purely for the sake of his society with no motive for personal gains, who is driven by a motive of social service, will have to undergo untold suffering, insults, hatred and jealousy. I could experience this closely. Some of them labelled me as an idealist or over ambitious too. Despite these hardships, I kept walking on my own pace, crossed the rough ridges, high cliffs, gorges and passes while fixing my eyes at the highest altitude, my destination. I was unperturbed. At this moment, I think I achieved the goal, achieved success and scaled the destination point. The present work despite the suffering, pain, humiliation and insult has come to your hand eventually. In the days to come, I would revise and update this dictionary provided the history of such acute suffering and immense trouble does not recur. Above all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the various people who have provided me with their generous support, and especially to Mr. Jitman Pun Magar (Marshal), a well-known social worker, for providing this project with financial support. And I wish all those who helped me fulfil this dream, will be able to lend their support to any such work as are concerned with the promotion of language, culture, literature and life of the backward people. Let them be honoured reciprocally, let the society and the nation ever remember them. Let them remain immortal on the pages of history. I offer these words to those honourable persons who have helped me accomplish this immense task. Finally, let the feeling of coexistence and the spirit of building a national inclusive culture infuse the heart of the Magar people. I again express my sincere gratitude to all the scholars, linguists and the people with the magnanimous heart. I humbly request the scholars, readers, and users of the dictionary to help me by giving their valuable comments and suggestions in order to improve and correct weaknesses in the subsequent edition. Thank you. Editor-in-Chief
uƒ hflt g]kfnsf íflbjf;L hghfltx¿dWo]df ;aeGbf a9L] hg;ª†Vof íf]u6]sf] hflt xf]„ o; hfltsf] yftynf] lƒ8L gbLb]lv k"j{ af¸ ƒ klÁd í7fƒ duƒft;Dd xf]„ o; e"lddf kmƒs kmƒs duƒ efiffx¿ af]Ng] ulƒG5„ í7fƒ duƒft If]qs} tfƒfsf]O{ -8f]Nkf_ df ísf]{ duƒ efiff -duƒ sfOs]_ af]lnG5„ duƒ hfltdf ƒx]sf] oxL ax'efiff ƒ ax';+‚s[lt g} ;ª†3Lo ƒfHo Joj‚yfdf duƒft leqsf n3' dxf;ª†3 agfpg] d'Vo ífwfƒx¿ x'g†„ lxdfno z[ª†vnfb]lv blIf0fltƒsf] udL{ 7fpF;Dd km}lnPsf] duƒft e"lddf af}4 wd{sf] dxfofg ;Dk|bfo;Fu d]n vfg] ´fFqmL k|yfsf] k|rng ƒx]sf]Ù e]8fåfƒf s'nk"hf ug]Ù{ st} ;'ª†u'ƒsf] df;' 3ƒleq gl5ƒfpg] t st} ;'ª†u'ƒåfƒf g} 3ƒleq s'nk"hf ug]{ ax'n ;+‚s[lt 5„ To‚t} uƒL vfB j‚t'df klg ds}, pjf, ífn', hf},F bfn, sf]bf] íflb ef}uf]lns a;f]af;sf] hLjgz}nL xf]„ s'g} klg hfltsf] efiff, ;+‚s[lt ƒ e]ife'iff eg]s} p;sf] df}lnstfsf] lrgfƒL xf] ƒ To;}af6 p;sf] ;fdflhs ljz]iftf ƒ ƒfhgLlts ífwfƒ tof/ x'G5„ o; efiffsf afƒ]df g]kfnsf íflbjf;L hghflt, íGo ;d'bfo, efifflj1 ƒ duƒ ;d'bfoleqsf] a'´fOdf ljleÌ ‚tƒ ƒx]sf] 5„ duƒ hfltsf] ;f´f 5ftf ;Ë7g g]kfn duƒ ;ª†3sf] gjf}F dxflwj]zgn] lbPsf] ífb]z íg';fƒ o; efiffsf] df}lns gfd duƒ efiff -í7fƒ duƒft_ eg]ƒ lbPsf] ls6fgLnfO{ duƒ ;d'bfon] ífˆg} 7fg]sf] 5„ í7fƒ duƒft If]qsf] efiffnfO{ duƒ vfd ƒ af¸ duƒft duƒ efiffnfO{ leƒsf]6] vfd gfdn] lrgfpg] rng 5„ efƒf]k]nL efiffklƒjfƒsf efiffjQmfåfƒf ga'l´g] eÌ] íy{df ef]6–ad]{nL klƒjfƒsf ;a} hghftLo efiffx¿nfO{ v;sf] ljklƒt vfd æefiffÆ gfdn] lrgfOPsf] oyfy{ xf]„ ;f]xL íg';fƒ ljleÌ du/ ;d'bfon] klg æefiffÆ sf] zAbfy{sf] ¿kdf a'‰g] ƒ k|of]u ug]{ u5{g†„ h‚t} M duƒ vfdÙ ƒfhL vfdÙ ƒfp6] vfDrLÙ s';'08f vfdÙ ysfnL vfdÙ 5GTofn vfd íflb„ o; efiffsf ;ƒf]sfƒjfnfx¿n] ífˆgf zAbx¿sf] klxrfg ulƒƒx]sf 5g†„ tf], g], Eof -Ps, b'O{, ax'_ jrg ;+ƒrgf Jofsƒ0f ƒ lg;L–e'hL, ;];L, kj{Tof, dtfNof ƒ udfNof d"ne"t ¿kdf kfFreGbf a9L eflifs e]bsf] ljzfn zAbe08fƒÙ ætÆ ƒ æ6Æ ju{sf] j0f{dfnfeGbf k[ys bGtd"nLo (Alveolar) Wjlg pRrfƒ0f ePsf] ljlzi6 efiff ílt k'ƒfgf] ePklg PsfËL ƒfHo;Qf, lglxt ‚jfy{ ePsf ífˆg} ;d'bfoleqsf ef}lts ljsf;df ¿kfGtlƒt tÎjÙ ‚jod† o; efiffjQmfleq ljBdfg s]xLdf ƒx]sf] bf;Îj ƒ ‚jfledfgsf] e]b 5'6Øfpg g;Sg] íNk1fg, dxÎjfsfª†IfL
JolQmx¿sf] 7"nf] u7aGwg ƒ if8†oGqaf6 íToGt kL8f ef]luƒx]sf] of] duƒ efiff ƒf¨LÙ e]ƒLÙ afUn'ªÙ lrtjgÙ sf7df8f}F pkTosfÙ kf]vƒfÙ a'6jnÙ kfNkf ahfƒ If]qÙ ;'v]{tÙ d'u'Ù x'DnfÙ hfhƒsf]6Ù slknj‚t'Ù bfªÙ afFs] gfsf a‚tLÙ 8f]6L, 88]Nw'ƒf ƒ s}nfnLsf] ef]Qmfg If]q, sfnLsf]6, í5fd ƒ efƒtsf] b]xƒfb'g, índf]8f, efS;', u9jfn íflb 7fpFx¿df ax';ª†Vos jQmfåf/f af]lnG5„ o; efiffsf zAbx¿ g]kfnL a[xt\ zAbsf]zdf ;aeGbf a9L ;ª†Vofdf ;ª†u|lxt x'g k'u]sf 5g†„ ílt k|frLg xfn v;fg If]qsf] s0ff{nL elgg] 7fpF æsGof{±nLÆ -dxËf]±hfF8_ sf] íy{;d]t í7fƒ duƒft If]qsf] duƒ efiffaf6 ífpF5„ o;}u/L æv's'ƒLÆ -3f]K6f]af6±rf]S6f] agfpg]_Ù æ?u'dÆ -dfG5]sf]±l;ƒfgL_Ù æn'aXFÆ -e]8f±y'Ì] vf]ƒ_Ù ælnafªÆ -afF; ePsf]±rf}ƒ_Ù æbfªÆ -;dtn_Ù æe]ƒLÆ -w]ƒ}±kfgL_Ù æƒf¨LÆ -dx±sf9†g]_Ù æKo"7fgÆ -xlƒof]±yfg_Ù æƒ}sƒÆ -ƒfHo±sƒ_Ù æ;'v]{tÆ -ufbf] ífsfƒsf] v]t_Ù æofgLdfofÆ -lbg]±dfof_ íflb í7fƒ duƒft duƒ efiffsf zAbx¿ x'g†„
o; zAbsf]znfO{ d"ne"t ¿kdf hDdf $ -rfƒ_ v08df ljefhg ulƒPsf] 5„ o;dWo] klxnf] v08df ;dk{0f, k|sfzsLo, dGtJo / ;DkfbsLosf ;fy} o; efiffsf afƒ]df klƒroÙ af]lng] If]qsf afƒ]df ;+lIf¨ ;"rgfÙ To;kl5 o; efiffsf] kflƒjflƒs ;DaGwsf afƒ]df 5f]6f] hfgsfƒL ;lxt pRrfƒ0fsf] ljlw, zAbju{ ƒ ;f]sf] ;ª†lIf¨¿k ;lxt eflifs e]b ƒ pkeflifs e]bx¿sf ljjƒ0f, zAbsf]zdf k|of]u ePsf lr·x¿sf ;"rL, b]jgfuƒL lnlksf j0f{x¿sf] JofVof, íGtƒf{li6«o WjlgtflÎjs j0f{sf afƒ]df ;fdfGo klƒro ƒ k|o'Qm ‚jƒ tyf Jo²fg j0f{x¿sf j0ff{g'qmdsf] afƒ]df hfgsfƒL ;d]l6Psf 5g†„ o‚t} uƒL bf]>fdf zAbsf]zsf] d"n efuÙ t]>fdf g]kfnL–duƒ, rf}yfdf íª†u]|hL–duƒ zAb;"rLsf ;fy} ;Gbe{ ;fdfu|Lsf] ljjƒ0f k|‚t't ulƒPsf] 5„
n]vg k|0ffnL
s_ duƒ efiffsf] pRrfƒ0fleq gkfOPsf b]jgfuƒL lnlksf æ6, 7, 8, 9, 0f, if, z tyf ;+o'Qm íIfƒx¿ If, q ƒ 1Æ afx]s ;a} j0f{x¿nfO{ oyfjt\ ƒfVb} ;fdfGo km]ƒabnafx]s b]jgfuƒL lnlksf] k|rlnt n]VokƒDkƒfnfO{ g} lgƒGtƒtf lbOPsf] 5„ xnGtsf] xsdf eg] zAbsf] z'? ƒ aLrdf ífpg] ífwf n]Vg ldNg] j0f{x¿nfO{ ífwf n]Vg] ƒ ífwf n]Vg gldNg] j0f{nfO{ xnGt ƒfvL ífwf pRrfƒ0f x'g] agfOPsf] 5„ oBlk xnGtsf] k|of]unfO{ ;seƒ sd uƒL n]vfOdf x'g] e2fkgnfO{ Go"lgsƒ0f ug]{] k|of; ulƒPsf] 5„ v_ duƒ efiffdf æ6Æ ju{ n]Vg] rng gePklg zAbsf] k|of]usf] Jofkstfsf ífwfƒdf pRrfƒ0f h] ePklg ;DalGwt lxHh]df s'g} kmƒs gkfƒL h‚tfsf] t‚t} n]Vg] ulƒPsf] 5„ h‚t} M If]qLoÙ ;Ë7gÙ a'9f, sf7df8f}F íflb„ } fO{ u_ ¸‚j æOÆ ƒ bL3{ æO{Æ sfƒsf] k|of]u M zAbsf] z'? ƒ aLrdf ¸‚j ƒ bL3{ Osfƒ b'jn íj‚yfíg';fƒ n]Vg] tƒ, zAbfGtdf ífpg] Osfƒsf] nflu eg] ¸‚j ƒ bL3{ h] pRrfƒ0f ePklg bL3{ g} n]Vg] uƒ]df dfgsLsƒ0f Jojl‚yt x'g] ePsfn] ;f]xLíg';fƒ ulƒPsf] 5„ h‚t} M l¸< Ö d}nfÙ l¸ Ö kfgLÙ ƒL Ö ƒftÙ lgdL Ö ;"oÙ{ lglwv'bL-lb_ Ö ;f]wk'5Ù u'bL-lb_ Ö lubL íflb„
efiffsf] kl/jf/
o; efiffsf] ;DaGw rLg–ltAatL;Fu 5„ of] rLg–ltAatL klƒjfƒsf] ef]6–ad]{nL zfvfsf] af]l8s pkzfvf íGtu{t s]Gb|Lo lxdfnL ;d"xleq kb{5„ rLg–ltAatL
ysfnL 5GTofn
klZrd lxdfnL
tfdfª yfdL
s]Gb|Lo lxdfnL
k"jL{ lxdfnL lsƒfFtL efiffx¿
-c7fƒ duƒft_
-af¸ duƒft_
r]kfª e'h]n
ƒfp6] ƒfhL
pRrf/0f;lxt dfgs kl/ro
b]jgfuƒL lnlkdf gePsf, tƒ duƒ pRrfƒ0fleq kfOPsf Jo²fg tyf ‚jƒj0f{x¿sf nflu lgDgadf]lhd dfgssf] lgwf{ƒ0f ulƒPsf] 5 M s_ íuf]lnt psfƒ (Close Central Unrounded Vowel): íf]7 uf]nf] gagfO{ jf íf]7 Roft]ƒ pRrfƒ0f ulƒg] psfƒnfO{ ;DalGwt j0f{d'lg íGtƒf{li6«o WjlgtflÎjs j0f{s} lr· () ƒfv]ƒ dfgs lgwf{ƒ0f ulƒPsf] 5„ h‚t} M nfbL Ö sXM uf]8f Ö vXF í8];† ÖsXF Ãf; Ö ;XM
7f8f] Ö yXM 7§f Ö n`X 9f8 Ö hXF ;'Sg'÷;'sfpg' Ö yXFMGo v_ dxfk|f0f (Breathy Voiced): ;a} ‚jƒ tyf Jo²fg j0f{sf æs, ª, r, t, k, o, ƒ, n, j, ;Æ x¿df b'O{ íwf]yf]Knf] / / ƒfvL dxfk|f0f agfOPsf] 5„ h‚t} M eTsfpg' – t`}Go u'bL Ö n`f hfaf] Ö k`¬ } f dfg'{ Ö ;`}Go ljifo Ö ƒ`f] lrg'{ Ö ;]`Go a'Ì' Ö ƒ`XGo t?n Ö o`f] d'v Ö of` u_ pRrfƒ0f ubf{ aLrdf ‚jƒ í8†lsg] s07Ø‚kz{ -lh»fd"nLo_ (Glottal Stop) sf] // lrXg ƒfvL Joj‚yfkg ulƒPsf] 5— h‚t} M 6'S|ofpg'÷km'6fNg' Ö kf cGof{/L — [lj= adj.]
carry out an action; to cause to work; to order.
laufg]{, eTsfpg] jf í¿sf] ílxt x'g] sfddf nflukg]{Ù p6†k6Øfª ug]{ vfnsf]„ behaving
cu{n plv. l, slv. — [gf= n.] 9f]sfsf] vfkfdf leqaf6 nufOg] r's'n„ a device for keeping door closed from inside; latch.
cUof{nf] — [gf= n.] sfds'ƒf, Jojxfƒ íflbdf íldNbf] kfƒfn] í¿eGbf a9†tf x'g] k|j[lQÙ íldNbf] tlƒsfn] ulƒg] sfdÙ
in a way to spoil or harm others; like a monkey; mischievous.
cd{n nblv. , plv. — [gf= n.] kfNt' hgfjƒn] í¿sf] íÌafnLdf k'¥ofPsf] gf]S;fgLsf] abnfdf eƒfOg] Ifltk"lt{„ recompense made for damage to crops by one’s cattle.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
cnu cnu () — [lqm=lj= adv.] ílníln uƒ]ƒÙ la‚tfƒk"j{sÙ xn'sf lsl;dn]Ù ;'‚tƒLÙ la‚tfƒ}„ slowly; bit by bit; gently. cnb/ — [lqm=lj= adv.] a]lylt;Fu dfndQf lkmFlhPƒÙ htftt} 5lƒPƒ ƒxg] rfndfÙ ínkqÙ 5ƒk‚6Ù nyflnË„ (of things) scattered disorderly or untidily; badly organized; disorderly; messily.
cnfFt/ — [lqm=lj= adv.] != -cnbƒ _ @= 3Rrf nfUg] 7fpFdf xft, v'§f k;fƒ]ƒ 7fpF íf]u6†g] uƒL a‚g] rfndf„ in the manner of sitting with one's arms and legs spread carelessly so that others get disturbed.
c;afa plv. , , , , hmlv. , slv. — [lj= adj.] != k|z‚t
dfqfdf ePsf]Ù ;f]r]hlt k'Ubf]Ù w]ƒ}Ù kof{¨Ù oy]i6Ù dgUu]„ enough in quantity; many; plenty of. [lqm=lj= adv.] w]ƒ} g}, k|z‚t dfqfdfÙ v'a}Ù k|z‚t}Ù ílt g}Ù lgs}„ sufficiently much; too much; abundantly; sufficiently enough.
8 c;bf]{ — [lj= adj.] ue{ af]s]sLÙ bf]lhofÙ k]6df aRrf ePsLÙ ue{ wfƒ0f uƒ]sLÙ ue{jtLÙ ule{0fL„ having a baby or young animal developing inside the womb; pregnant.
c;n lg k;Nj — [lj= adj.] jfo' hDdf eO{ jf w]ƒ} vfg]s'ƒf vfgfn] k]6 9fl8g k'u]sf]„ with the swollen stomach because of accumulation of air or overeating.
c;fg , — [gf= n.] -ljÃf;_ dlƒ;s]kl5 klg ;lqmo ƒx]ƒ hLljt dflg;; jf k|f0fLnfO{ ;tfpg] elgPsf] dfG5]sf] d[tfTdfÙ k|]tfTdf„ ghost; the spirit of the dead.
c:slnGo — [;=lqm= v.t.÷;]=e]= slv.] í¿sf] leqL dgsf] s'ƒf a'‰g] sfd ug'{„ to understand what someone has in their mind.
c`< — [gf= n.] k]6leqsf] jfo' d'vaf6 lg‚sg] rfnÙ 8sfƒ„ act of allowing air from the stomach to come out through mouth or the sound of such an act; a belch.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
cf cflgsfp — [lj= adj.] ífkm" ƒx]ltƒsf]Ù otfkl§sf]Ù otfltƒsf]„ of your side; of this side.
cfGofMcf]g] — [gf= n.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] af]Ng í;lhnf] dfÌ] íj‚yfÙ ígsgfOÙ lxrlsrfx6Ù ísdsfO„ the situation when you feel uncomfortable to speak; hesitation; embarrassment.
cfkf — [gf= n.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] a'afsf lbbL–alxgL íyf{t† ;;'ƒf -nf]Ug]sf a'af_ nfO{ ;Daf]wg ulƒg] ;fOgf]„ word used to address father’s sisters or husband’s father.
cfKGo plv. , hmlv. , glv. — [;=lqm= v.t. ] tfs]ƒ uf]nL rnfpg'Ù wg' jf aGb'sn] xfÌ'„ to shoot with an arrow or a gun.
cfkmL (), syn. — [gfof]= post.] != h'g;'s} lrhsf] jNnf]kl§Ù jNnf] lsgfƒdfÙ jflƒ„ on this side of anything; this side. @= [gf= n.] ífkm"ltƒsf] lsgfƒ jf ynf]Ù jNnf]kl§sf] ;8s, gbL jf 7fpF íflb„ the edge of your side; this side of a road, a river or a place.
cfd , syn. , ant. — [gf= n.] vfg]s'ƒfk|ltsf] dgkƒfOÙ vfg] OR5fÙ vfg dg nfUg] íj‚yfÙ rfvÙ ?lr„ desire
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
13 for food; appetite; interest. ~aX/X l;p — [lj= adj.] vfg]lkpg k6ë} ?lr gnfu]sf]„ having no appetite at all.
cfDhfd — [gf= n.] -cTsn _ cfMDGo , , , — [í=lqm= v.i.] -lrh_ íf];†, kfgL, df6f] íflbsf] ;Dks{n] jf k'ƒfgf] eO{ uNb} hfg'Ù ;8†g'Ù dlëg'„ to become gradually worse due to dampness, water, soil or with age; to decay; to rot away.
cfd`fF — [ljjf]= intj.] íf]xf], ífDd} pb]s h‚tf lj‚doflbaf]w uƒfpg] zAbÙ íf]xf] Û an exclamation of wonder; Alas! Oh!
cf/fMp¿ — [gf= n.] la‚tfƒ} xNng], rNg] jf rnfpg] sfdÙ rnanfOÙ xnrn„ an act of stirring, moving or making something move slowly; gentle movement.
cf/}+ — [gf= n.] nf]xfƒ, tfd|fsfƒx¿n] 3ƒ]n' k|of]hgsf efF8f, v]tL–ls;fgsf ;fdfgx¿ dd{t ug]{ ƒ xftxltofƒ íflb íhf{Kg] 7fpF„ a place where things are made out of metal by heating and hammering; smithy.
cf/f] — [gf= n.] != ƒftf] x'g] uƒL ;'O/f] ttfPƒ lknf]sf] d'vdf 3';fO{ lvn ƒ lkk lgsfNg] sfd„ the act letting the pus ooze from a boil by piercing the red-hot skewer through its center.
@= 3';fpgsf] nflu ttfOPsf] tLvf] lrh„ the hot pointed object to pierce something; heated skewer.
cfs{ — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] _
cf:afkt cfn — [lqm=lj= adv.] o;leqÙ o;df„ inside this; in this.
cfnfp tslv. , plv. , slv. — [lj= adj.] oxL lrh jf 7fpFleq ƒx]sf] eg]ƒ hgfpg] ;j{gfdjfrL ljz]if0fÙ o;leqsf]„ a pronominal adjective used to indicate sth is in or within a particular thing or place; inside this.
cfnfsfrf — [lqm=lj= adv.] l;Q}Ù Joy}{Ù ljgfl;Q}Ù gfxsdf„ for no reason; in vain; without rhyme or reason.
cfnfhfn — [gf= n.] Pskl5 ísf]{ uƒL km6fkm6 l6Kg] jf p7fpg] sfd„ act of collecting or plucking things one after another.
cfn' — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -cfnfp _ cfn]vf — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -cfb/f _ cf;Xl/Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] uef{zoleq e|'0flgdf{0fsf] k|lqmof ífƒDe x'g'Ù ue{ a‚g'Ù ue{wfƒ0f ulƒg'Ù uef{wfg x'g'Ù ue{jtL aÌ'„ to conceive a child; to be conceived; to be pregnant.
cf;f lg b];fp — [lj= adj.] ;fOgf], ;DaGw ¬} gkg]{Ù ífkmGt afx]ssf]Ù kƒfO„ having no kinship or relationship; other than your relatives; other; stranger.
cfl;gL — [lqm=lj= adv.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] -c`fOF;L _ cf:afkt — [gf= n.] zƒLƒdf ƒx]sf] 7"nf–;fgf sk8fÙ íf]9f]„ a small or big piece of clothing to cover the body; a wrap.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
cfxftL cfxftL — [gf= n.] nf]shLjgdf rn]sf] lzIffk|b plQmÙ nf]sf]lQmÙ ífxfgÙ ífVofg„ a folk adage; a proverb; a parable.
c`fOF;L plv. , hmlv & nblv. , glv. — [gf= n.] rlnƒx]sf] ;fnÙ of] ;fnÙ rfn"aif{„ the current year; this year. c`f< plv. , ulv. , nblv. — [lj= adj.] -s'g} lrh_ lgwf{lƒt klƒdf0fsf]„ with fixed quantity.
c`fv tslv. , plv. , ulv. — [lqm=lj= adv.] o;} avtÙ oxL a]nfdfÙ ílxn]Ù oltv]ƒ„ at this very moment; now; at this moment.
c`fhÞ plv. , nblv. — [lqm=lj= adv.] olt dfqÙ olt g}Ù of] hlt dfq„ this much; only this much.
c`fkm} — [lqm=lj= adv.] ílxn] jf
14 oltv]ƒ;DdÙ o; a]nf;DdÙ oltGh]n„ yet; up till now; still.
c`ftf{gL plv. , ulv. , glv. — [gf= n.] != rlnƒx]sf] jif{sf] íl3Nnf] jif{Ù lat]sf] jif{Ù kf]xf]ƒÙ utjif{Ù uP;fn„ the year before this year; last year. @= [lqm=lj= adv.] rfn'jif{sf] íl3Nnf] ;fndfÙ kf]xf]ƒ„ in the year before the year running; last year.
c`fjf — [gf= n.÷u=e]= glv.] -cfb/f _ c`fjfs — [lqm=lj= adv.] ot} st}ltƒÙ oxL íf;kf;g]ƒ„ somewhere here; near here; hereabout.
c`fjfNo' , syn.() — [lj= adj.] o; klƒdf0f jf ífsfƒsf]Ù of] aƒfaƒsf]Ù of] hqf]Ù oqf]„ of this quantity or size; as big as this; of this big.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
O Oh/ — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -af]ƒf] _ OTofp plv. , syn. , ulv. , slv.
lgbfpƒf]Ù lgGofpƒf]Ù pbf;„ the feeling of sadness when you are in pain or in trouble; gloom, dejection, sadness.
, nblv. , hmlv. — [lj= adj.] of] h‚tf]Ù o‚t} vfnsf]Ù o‚tf]„ exactly like this or like this; like.
Ot'{Go tfGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] kL8f jf PSnf] x'Fbf vNnf] íg'ej ulƒg'Ù Gof;|f] nfUg' jf dfÌÙ Gofl;|g'Ù pbf; x'g'„ to feel
Ogfd , ant. — [gf= n.] s;}n] pNn]vgLo jf pTs[i6 sfd uƒ]afkt p;nfO{ k|f]T;fxg ƒ ;Ddfg‚j?k lbOg] pkxfƒÙ k'ƒ‚sfƒ„ a thing that you are given
sad when you are alone or in pain; to feel lonely or gloomy.
because you have done sth good, worked hard; reward; prize.
Ovf{ — [gf= n.] != Ps} k|sfƒsf] s'g} sfd jf s'ƒfdf lgƒGtƒ nfu]ƒ klg g6'lËbf nfUg] ysfOsf] íg'ej„ tiredness that you feel when the action remains incomplete despite your earnest efforts. @= s'g} sfds'ƒf ug{;Sg] ;fdYo{Ù hf];Ù ;fx;„ inner strength required to perform an action; vigour; courage. ~l;p — [lj= adj.] -s'g} sfd nuftfƒ
ulƒxFbf of k"ƒf ug{ g;Sbf_ ysfO jf k6Øfƒ nfu]sf]Ù hf]; hfFuƒ 36]sf]„ with the feeling of boredom when the action remains incomplete despite your earnest efforts; with diminished vigour.
Ot'{/ — [gf= n.] kL8f jf b'Mvsf] íj‚yfdf ulƒPsf] vNnf] íg'ejÙ Gof;|f]kgfÙ
OjfO — [lj= adj.÷;]=e]= slv.] -cfb/f _ Ol;`Go plv. , tlv. , nblv. , krlv. — [;=lqm= v.t.] kƒ‚kƒdf snx dRrfpg'Ù egfa}ƒL ug'{Ù ´u8f ug'{„ to row; to fall out (with sb); to quarrel.
Olx/L — [gf= n.] jGo hLjhGt'sf] lzsfƒ ug]{ dfG5]Ù lzsfƒL„ a person who hunts wild animals and birds; a hunter. ~s`f< — jGo hGt'nfO{
v]b]ƒ dfg{ l;kfn' s's'ƒÙ lzsfƒ v]Ng hfÌ] vfnsf], tflnd kfPsf] jf lbOPsf] lzsfƒL s's'ƒ„ a dog trained for hunting (wild birds/animals); a hound.
O`F — [gf= n.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] -;`]+ _ O`/ — [gf= n.] 6fpsf] e'OFltƒ hf]ltg] uƒL v‚g] l‚ylt„ with the head first and the rest of the body following; headlong.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
p p! — [pk= pref.] lghL j‚t'dfly Pshgfsf] ílwsfƒ hgfpg] uƒL t[lto k'?ifdf nfUg] pk;u{„ e.g. p±leÞmd Ö pleÞmd -p;sf] 3ƒ_, p±?Kof Ö p?Kof -p;sf] ?k}+of_ íflb„ prefix
pv'h' , ant. — [lj= adj.] zƒLƒsf] s'g} íË a]sfd ePsf]Ù xftuf]8f íflb efFlrPsf] jf gfs, sfg, ífFvf íflb ljs[t ePsf]Ù íËeË ePsf]Ù ljsnfËÙ íkfË„
that suggests third person singular possession e.g. His home/house, his money, etc.
unable to use the body part; having the limbs broken or deformed eyes, ears, etc.; handicapped; disabled.
–p@ — [k|To= suf.] wft'df hf]l8Pƒ lqmofnfO{ k"0f{e"tsfndf abNg] ƒ ljz]if0fsf] íy{ lbg] agfpg] k|Too„ -e.g. vf±p Ö vfp æs8fÆ, k`f±p Ö k`fp æa9]sf]Æ íflb„_ suffix added
p3f/} pf]tÙ cfDbfgL„ the amount of money that someone is paid for the work they do; earning; money that is earned from doing work or received from investments; income.
pk'/ — [lj= adj.] != -j‚t'_ Psb]lv leÌÙ ísf]{Ù bf]>f]Ù í¿Ù íGo„ different from sth already mentioned; another; the second one; the other @= -JolQm_
klƒroeGbf aflxƒsf]Ù íklƒlrtÙ laƒfgf]Ù glrg]sf]„ not known to you; foreign to; unknown; stranger.
pkm/kfkm/ — [gf= n.] leqL íjojx¿df kL8f x'Fbfsf] í;xgLo 56k6L„ restlessness caused by severe abdominal pains.
pkm''Ëf — [lqm=lj= adv.] k|ltJolQmsf] ífwfƒdfÙ ePsfhlt ;a}nfO{Ù dflg;}lkR5]Ù k|ltJolQmÙ hgxL„ based on per head; separately; per person; per head.
pkm'of — [lj= adj.] ífjZostfeGbf a9LÙ pa|]sf]Ù grflxFbf]Ù ígfjZos„ more than necessary; leftover; surplus; unnecessary.
pkm'/f , syn. — [gf= n.] tftf] lrhn] kf]Nbf 5fnfleq aÌ] kfgLn] elƒPsf] kmf]sf]„ a blister. pkm'?n nblv. , plv. — [gf=
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
19 n.] -vf; uƒL ds}_ leœofpFbf ƒfd|f] rflxFnfO{
yG¬fO;s]kl5 tTsfn pkef]u ug{ sd;n hltnfO{ gyG¬fPƒ afFsL ƒflvPsf] íÌafnLÙ leœofPsf]dWo] sd u'0f‚tƒsf] íÌ„ the second grade crops (especially maize) kept for an immediate use left after sorting out the good ones.
plaGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] plrt Ifltk"lt{ xft kg'{Ù nufgL ePsf] >d íg';fƒ k|ltkmn kfpg'„ to be in a situation to get sth satisfactory as compensation or in return for labour or hard work.
plAhGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] != k|s6 x'g'Ù wtL{df íjtlƒt x'g'„ to appear; to come to the earth/world; to descend to the earth. @= zƒLƒ k}bf x'g'Ù hGd lng'Ù hGdg'„ to be born.
pex¥of , ant. — [lj= adj.] != -hgfjƒ_ sDdƒeGbf d'lgsf] t'ngfdf dflysf] jf 9f8eGbf lzƒltƒsf] efu 7"nf] ePsf]„ (of animal) having a larger shape towards the front. @= -dflg;_ 5ftL 7"nf] ePsf]„ (of man) having V-shaped body; broad chested.
pEofnL , ant. — [gf= n.] lxpFb l;l4Pƒ avf{ nfUg] a]nfaLrsf] ;doÙ pe]nL„ the time between winter and rainy seasons; spring.
pdF'emfgL — [lqm=lj= adv.] s]s;ƒL ePsf], 36]sf] jf ífPsf] xf] eÌ] yfx} gkfO{Ù írfgsÙ ís‚dft†Ù ;x;fÙ Pëfl;Ù PsfPs„ without knowing how sth happened or came; unknowingly; suddenly; unexpectedly; all at once; accidentally.
pd'Femflgsfp plv. , nblv.
p/}MGo — [lj= adj.] Pëfl; 36†g] jf x'g]Ù ífsl‚ds„ happening or taking place without warning, sudden; unexpected; emergency.
pd'ngL plv. , nblv. — [lqm=lj= adv.] z'?af6 g}Ù klxn]sf] l‚yltaf6}„ from the very beginning. p/`fnf plv. , hmlv. , slv. , ant. — [gf= n.] tnltƒ
efl;Fb} uPsf] hldgÙ leƒfnf] 7fpFÙ íf]ƒfnf]Ù íf]¸fnf]„ the area of land that is higher at one end than the other; slope.
pl/d — [gf= n.] vf];]nf 5f]8fOPsf ds}sf 3f]ufx¿nfO{ w]ƒ} lbg;Dd ;'ƒlIft ƒflvƒfVg hldgeGbf s]xL dfly p7fO{ agfOPsf] sf7, afF; íflbsf] ;fgf] 3ƒ„ a small hut made especially for storing the dry pods of maize. p/`L , ant. — [gf= n.] != ltx'g, tƒsfƒL íflbsf] ƒ;„ soup, stew (of vegetable or meat). @= s'g} lrhsf] kGofnf] í+zÙ ´f]n„ the watery part of any thing; liquid.
p¿< — [gf= n.] Psbd yf]ƒ} ;dosf] nflu xNnFbfsf] íj‚yfÙ Ifl0fs xNnfO„ an act of moving momentarily. > p¿ PlN;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] Psn] ísf{sf] sfddf kfn}kfnf] uƒL ug'{Ù sfdsf] P]+rf]k}+rf] lng]lbg] ug'{Ù ;3fpk3fp ug'{Ù kd{ nufpg'„ to accomplish each other’s work turn by
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
23 turn; to exchange the labour; mutual exchange of labour. Pn@ — [gf= n.] -;k{, u8Øf}+nf íflb_ /ul8g] rfn„ slithering. > PMNGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] ;k{, uF8Øf}nf ´}F 3;|]ƒ ƒul8Fb} íufl8 a9†g'„ to slither like a snake or earthworm.
thing; to compensate; to pay.
P`/f — [gf= n.] != ísf{sf ufO{j‚t', e]8f, afv|f íflb kflnlbg] JolQm -d'Vo Ujfnf_ n] kz'wgL -gf;f] xfNg]_ sf v]tafƒLdf dlnlbg] kfnf] jf k|rng„ practice of tethering
semi-solid or liquid things) to flow.
domestic animals in the fields of the owner by the cowherd in order to enrich the fertility of the soil. @= dn
PF` plv. , , glv. — [gf= n.] wfg ƒf]Kg] v]t jf ux'F, hf}, sf]bf], ds} íflb íÌafnL 5g]{ kfvf] afƒLÙ afnL nufpg ldNg] hldgÙ v]tLof]Uo hUuf„ paddy field or the hillside slope
kfpgsf] nflu ltlƒg] kL7f] jf ;f] aƒfaƒsf] b‚t'ƒ„ payment mostly in terms of flour for manure. #= s'g} k|of]hgdf ífˆgf] tkm{af6 xflng] kfnf] jf efu„ turn or
PMNGo — íw{tƒn kbfy{ aUg'„ (of
or steep land where food crops such as wheat, barely, millet, maize, etc. are grown; arable land. ~kflds glnOPsf]Ù ljgf j]tgsf]Ù Hofnfljgfsf]„ unpaid; not receiving a salary; without a salary or wage; done voluntarily; honorary.
P]h}Mb plv. , glv. (), nblv. — [lqm=lj=
24 adv.] o‚tf] lsl;dn]Ù o‚t} uƒL jf k|sfƒn]Ù o;ƒLÙ o‚tƒL„ in this way; in this manner; thus.
P]tfp — [lj= adj.÷p=e]= ulv.] -OTofp _
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
cf] cf]! plv. , tslv. , ulv. — [gf= n.] af]6la?jfdf kmn nfUg'eGbf klxn] lg‚sg] ljljwƒËL dgf]xƒ íËÙ km"n„ a part of plant which is often brightly coloured with a pleasant smell, or the type of plant that produces these; blossom; flower; bloom.
cf]@ — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] t[tLo k'?if Psjrgjfrssf] ílwsfƒleqsf], lghL jf ‚jsLo hgfpg] ;j{gfdjfrL pk;u{„ -e.g. íf]±kfF Ö íf]ÚkfF æp;sf] s'ƒfÆ, íf]±g}+ Ö íf]Úg}+ æp;sf] ;fyLÆ íflb„_ prefix that comes with a noun word that indicates third person singular possession, ownership or belonging (see introduction).
cf]u — [gf= n.÷n'=e]= llv.] -p< _ cf]u< — [gf= n.] Jofkfƒ, Jofj;fo, j‚t' vƒLb–laqmL ubf{ k|f¨ x'g] nfeÙ gfkmfÙ d'gfkmfÙ kmfObf„ the return which is earned after the transaction of goods; profit, gain.
cf]uf]/}Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] ufO{e}F;L, e]8fafv|f íflbn] vfPsf] 3fF; ífƒfd uƒ]sf] ;dodf d'vdf kmsf{O{ k'gM rkfpg'Ù íf]uƒfpg'„ to chew again the food by the animals such as cows, sheep, goats, etc. by bringing back from the stomach into the mouth; to chew the cud.
cf]rf< — [gf= n.] laqm]tfn] qm]tfnfO{ lbg] íltlƒQm jf yk ;fgf]ltgf] j‚t'sf] dfqfÙ
ykgLÙ kmfp„ an additional item or amount of sth offered by the seller to the buyer; a gratis item/sth in the form of gift.
cf]rflxt — [gf= n.] s'g} s'ƒfsf] h?ƒt kƒ]sf] l‚yltÙ s'g} s'ƒf geOgx'g] ePsf] íj‚yfÙ h?ƒtÙ vfFrf]Ù ífjZostf„ need; necessity; want.
cf]5f]Dhf]d < — [gf= n.] í¿n] af]n]sf] ;xL s'ƒfnfO{ aª\UofPƒ ís}{ íy{ nufOlbPƒ ulƒg] s6fIfÙ Jo+Uo„ a satire; ridicule. cf]hf] — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -cd{n _ cf]Mt krlv. , llv. , slv. , nblv. — [lqm=lj= adv.] ífpFbf] jf ífpg] ísf]{ lbgdfÙ ífhsf] kl5Ù ef]ln„ tomorrow; the next day.
cf]t]Mpl/`k — [gf= n.] 1fgu'0f, ítL{–pkb]z íflbåfƒf x'g] klƒkSjtfÙ ;f]dt ƒ ;Eo Jojxfƒ„ maturity; decency; civilization. cf]tf]/f — [gf= n.] != bf]xƒL uLtdf
ífpg] jf lbOg] uLtsf] hjfkmÙ uLt ufpFbfsf] ;jfn hjfkm„ a reply given by each party in a duet. @= ;f]wfOdf ífpg] hjfkmÙ k|Àsf] pQƒÙ k|Àf]Qƒ„ a reply; an answer.
cf]t`f] , syn. — [gf= n.] s'g} sfds'ƒf íflbdf Pssf] ;§fdf ífpg] ísf]{Ù ljsNkÙ ;§f„ an option; an alternative.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
cf]b}Go cf]b}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] -u]8fu'8L cflb_ oqtq 5l/g] u/L ˆofFSg'Ù 5g'{„ to scatter.
cf]bf] — [gf= n.] kfgLdf v]Ng] ƒ df5f vfg] laƒfnf] h‚t} k|f0fL„ an otter. cf]g`fF plv. , nblv. , ant. — [gf= n.] tƒsfƒL jf ´f]n j‚t'df ƒx]sf] 7f]; efuÙ ´f]n kbfy{df ƒx]sf] 5f]qmf„ solid food mixed with vegetable soup or liquid food; solid; non-juicy part of food.
cf]gfpnf] — [gf= n.] ;Totf n'sfPƒ ƒlrPsf] agfj6L sfƒ0fÙ axfgfÙ lgx'F„ a pretended reason for doing sth that is used to hide a truth; a pretext; a false excuse; a pretension.
cf]g`] sf cf]]g`] — [gf= n.] ífˆg} 9Ën] s;};Fu la‚tfƒ} ƒ nuftfƒ ulƒƒxg] s'ƒfÙ ífˆg} ;'ƒdf s;}sf] íufl8 ulƒƒxg] nuftfƒsf] s'ƒf„ in a manner of
the quantity of eight mānās.
cf]kf mas. , fm. — [gf= n.] != hLjhGt'sf] efn]hftÙ efn]Ù k'?if hflt„ a male animal. @= kmn gnfUg] vfnsf] af]6lj?jfÙ k'lnËL jg‚klt„ (of plants) that cannot produce fruit; a male plant.
cf]k]+ () — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -clkª _ ~kXlNtGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] afnaRrfx¿ pd]ƒ k'u]ƒ klg a9L nf8] x'g'„ to behave childishly; to be pampered.
cf]kf]M; hÞ — [lqm=lj= adv.] s'g} lrh ƒflvPsf] vf]n jf efF8f];lxt g}Ù -;fdfg;lxtsf] kf]sf], ´f]nf, afs; íflb_ ;Dk"0f{ ¿kn] g}„ with the cover or pot itself in which sth has been kept; (a bag or box with goods) as a whole.
cf]a/f — [gf= n.] -lrh jf s'g} s'ƒf_ Psdf ísf]{ ldl;Pƒ ƒxg] l‚yltÙ ld>0fÙ ldnfj6„ a combination of different things; a mixture.
speaking monotonously.
cf]Go! , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] k]okbfy{ 3'6†sfpg'Ù lkpg'„ to take liquid
cf]a'n'd , plv. — [gf= n.] íÌ, ígfhsf bfgfÙ u]8fu'8L„ seeds of
such as water into the mouth and swallow it; to drink; to gulp.
food plant crops; grains of maize, rice, wheat, etc.
cf]Go@ — [;=lqm= v.t.÷sf]ƒf=e]= krlv.]
cf]k/fF mas. (), fm. () — [gf= n.] rƒfx¿sf efn] hftÙ efn] kIfL„ a male bird.
cf]k/f< plv. , ulv. — [gf= n.] != íf7dfgf klƒdf0fsf] j‚t' í6fpg] efF8f]„ a measuring pot that has the capacity for eight mānās of things. @= [lj= adj.] íf7dfgfsf] dfqf jf klƒdf0fsf]„ having
cf]efNof — [gf= n.÷u=e]= glv.] -cf]njf _ cf]Md — [gf= n.] b'lvƒx]sf] b'vfO Ifl0fs ;dosf] nflu la;]s x'Fbfsf] íg'ejÙ ;~rf]sf] dx;';„ a feeling that you have when pain in your body ebbs away; a feeling of temporary relief.
cf]d/fF fm. (), mas. — [gf= n.] rƒfx¿sf kf]yL hftÙ kf]yL kIfLÙ rƒL„ a female bird.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
27 cf]df — [gf= n.÷‚qL=ln= fm.] != k|f0fLsf] kf]yL hftÙ dfp„ a female animal, a female parent of an animal. @= kmn nfUg] hftsf] jg‚klt„ a fruit bearing plant. #= [lj= adj.] ífdf x'g] hftsLÙ dfpÙ ‚qL„ being a mother; female. > cf]dfkm' — [gf= n.] 6';fPkl5 rfpƒL kƒ]ƒ afFsL ƒx]sf] sGb„ the shrunken root of sth (potato, yam etc.) that remains underneath the surface after it sprouts.
cf]Dvf]/f plv. , syn. ,
hmlv. , llv. , glv. — [gf= n.] la6 kms]{ƒ 3fF6L
kmfFlrnf] eO{ k]6 km'n]sf] kfgL lkpg] efF8f]Ù ífDvf]ƒf„ a brass or copper water vessel with a narrow neck and broad mouth, used for drinking water.
cf]MDGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] != zfƒLlƒs sdhf]ƒLn] n8†g] x'g'Ù laƒfdL eO{ e'OFdf 9Ng'„ to fall down suddenly because of weakness or illness; to collapse for weakness. @= ufƒf], uf]7, 3ƒ íflb eTs]ƒ 9Ng'Ù eTsg'„ to collapse or crumble down (walls, sheds, houses, etc).
cf]/em]+ (), < — [gf= n.] != íUnf]kgfÙ pmrfO„ height. @= ulxƒf] x'gfsf] l‚yltÙ ulxƒf]kgÙ ulxƒfO„ the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of sth; depth.
cf]/bfF! () — [gf= n.] 9'Ëf, ´6fƒf], u'n]nL, aGb's íflbn] xfGbf 7Ls lgzfgfdf kfg{;Sg] v'aLÙ lgzfgf nufpg] Ifdtf, snf jf ;Lk„ an ability to hit the thing targeted at with a stone, stick, etc. or to shoot with a catapult or a gun accurately; a
cf]g}{ skill at shooting accurately. ~n]p — [lj= adj.] 7Ls 7fpFdf lgzfgf nufpg;Sg]„ having ability to shoot accurately at the same point. ~s'O bfFj ldF — [gf= n.] 6f9faf6 xfGbf 7Ls lgzfgf nufpg;Sg] JolQmÙ lgzfg]jfh„ a sharpshooter.
cf]/bfF@ plv. (), nblv. — [gf= n.] -nfdf] lrh_ afËf]l6Ëf] gx'gfsf] l‚yltÙ ;Lwfkg„ when there is no bending or curving (a stick, rod, pole).
cf]/`f] — [gf= n.] -cGof{ ) cf]g{k , ant. — [gf= n.] lkFwfO, ƒu8fO, l3;fO íflbaf6 ag]sf] dl;gf] w'nf]Ù -kL7f]_ ldlxg„ fine powder; flour. cf]sf{ — [gf= n.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] -cf]g`fF _ cf]s]{; — [gf= n.] != nfdf] ;do;Dd d‚sfPƒ gƒd agfOPsf] l9F8f] íflbaf6 ífpg] ld7f;„ flavour that the boiled-flour meal gives off when the flour is beaten with simmering water for a long time. @= d'l5Psf] kL7f]sf] n]l;nf]kgf„ stickiness in the kneaded flour.
cf]Vof]{ plv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] j‚t'sf] nDafOltƒsf] gfkÙ nDafOÙ nDafkg„ the lengthwise measurement of sth; length.
cf]‰of]{ — [gf= n.] otf jf ptf, o;f] xf] of p;f] xf] egL ulƒg] íGbfhÙ íg'dfgÙ nv„ a guess; conjecture. cf]g{k , ant. — [gf= n.] lkFwfO, ƒu8fO, l3;fO íflbaf6 ag]sf] dl;gf] w'nf]Ù -kL7f]_ ldlxg„ fine powder; flour. cf]g}{ — [gf= n.] sfddf ulƒg] l9nf;'‚tL,
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
cf]e}{ ljnDa„ delay; deferment.
cf]e}{ — [gf= n.] ;'w|g uf¸f] x'g] uƒL lau|]sf] l‚yltÙ b'u{ltÙ íjglt„ the situation of being damaged beyond recovery; degradation; decline.
cf]:of{ — [gf= n.] kmnkm"n jf vfB j‚t'df x'g] df}lns ‚jfb jf ld7f;Ù ‚jflbnf]kg„ the natural taste or flavour of fruits or food; taste.
cf]n — [;j{= pron.] t[tLo k'?ifnfO{ hgfpg] Ps jrgjfrL zAbÙ pm, pgL„ third person singular pronoun, he/she.
cf]n hÞ () — [lqm=lj= adv.] ífkm;]ífkm Ù ífkm}Ù ‚jtM„ by oneself, itself; on one’s own.
cf]njf plv. , glv. — [gf= n.] e'6†bf km'ƒ]sf] u]8fu'8L„ grains that
burst open and become light forming white when roasted such as popcorn.
cf]nfdhmlv. , slv. , glv. , plv. — [gf= n.] ev{ƒ lnvfaf6 lg‚s]sf] h'd|fsf] ;–;fgf aRrf„ newly hatched louse.
cf]Nsf]tf plv. , syn., nblv. — [gf= n.] != k|f0fLsf] aflxƒL efunfO{ 9fSg] k|fs[lts í‚tƒÙ 5fnf„ the natural outer layer that covers the body of an animal; skin. @= jg‚kltsf]
aflxƒL sjrsf] ¿kdf 9flsPsf] k|fs[lts s8f txÙ af]qmf„ the hard outer covering of a plant; bark.
cf]Nu}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] s;}nfO{ afhfufhf ahfPƒ ljz]if sbƒ ub}{ ílegGbg ug'{„ to honour; to felicitate (sb) with
fanfare. > cf]Nu}Mb nfFGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] pNn]vgLo sfo{ uƒ]afkt s;}nfO{
afhfufhf tyf ljz]if ‚jfut–;Tsfƒsf ;fy Ps ‚yfgaf6 ísf]{ ‚yfgdf k'¥ofpg' jf klƒqmdf uƒfpg'„ to move sb with a fanfare from one point to another in their honour for some remarkable achievement.
cf]NgL , syn. — [gf=of]= post.] p÷pgL ífkm}÷‚jod†„ he/she himself/herself.
cf]No`fªkNo`fª plv. () , nblv. — [lqm=lj= adv.] -lrh_ 3ƒL3ƒL tnsf]nfO{ dfly ƒ dflysf]nfO{ tn kfg]{ sfdÙ jN6fO–kN6fO„ in or into a position in which the top of sth is where the bottom is normally found and the bottom is where the top is normally found: upside down.
cf];f slv. , nblv. , plv. — [gf= n. ] hfF8 agfpFbf íÌ, kmnkm"n íflbnfO{ ƒf;folgs k|ltlqmof uƒfO{ s'xfpg h8La'6Lsf] ld;fj6af6 agfOPsf] d;nfÙ drf{„ the plant used as a ferment in brewing; yeast.
cf]l;¥of glv. , slv. , plv. — [gf= n.] — [gf= n.] s'v'ƒfsf] 6fpsf]df r]K6f]–8f]nf] eO{ lg‚s]sf] df;'sf] nf]nf]Ù l;pƒ„ the soft, red piece of flesh on the head of a male chicken; comb. cf]xftL — [gf= n.] -kh} _ > cf]xftL hf]xftL — b'O kIfaLrdf x'g]
s8f k|sfƒsf] egfeg, 5nkmn jf k|Àf]QƒÙ ;jfn–hjfkmÙ ts{ljts{„ wrangle
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
29 between two parties; discussion or question-answer; argument.
cf]xf]/ — [gf= n.] rf]6 nfu]ƒ jf s'g} ljsfƒn] ubf{ zƒLƒsf] s'g} íËdf x'g] í;xfo kL8f„ severe pain in any part of the body caused by an injury or anything harmful.
c`f]d — [gf= n.] 7"nf] ífjfh ífpg] uƒL lk6†g] jf íf3ft kfg]{ sfdÙ To;ƒL lk6†bf lg‚sg] ífjfh„ a sound produced while hitting.
c`f]Ds}MGo plv. , nblv. , — [;=lqm= v.t.] nÝL íflbn] gƒfd|ƒL r'6†g'Ù lk6†g'Ù uf]b†g'„ to beat (a person or an animal) severely with a stick, etc.; to thrash; to beat severely.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
s sXF — [gf= n.] 9f8nfO{ íf8df í8ØfPƒ al;g] íf;gÙ í8];†„ the situation when you recline on sth; a prop.
sX 3f]ufsfF — pDn]sf] kfgLdf
kL7f] xfnL íf]9fn]ƒ ksfOPsf] vfg]s'ƒfÙ l9F8f]„ a thick sticky flour meal; dhindo. #= > 5fnsfF , dnfsfF — rfdn ksfPƒ agfOPsf] vfg]s'ƒfÙ eft„ boiled rice. sfFMGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] pDn]sf] kfgL -sfFv}_ df bflanf]n] rnfpFb} ílníln kL7f] ƒfVb} l9F8f] d‚sfpg'Ù l9F8f] íf]9fNg'„ to stir dhindo, a Nepali flour meal like porridge, with a ladle while the water
is still simmering.
sfFv} plv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] pdfn]ƒ l9F8f] íf]9fNg ífFrdf a;flnPsf] kfgLÙ l9F8f]sf] afxfg„ the water boiled to make dhindo.
sfFlrjfn plv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] ´d]nfsf] sfds'ƒf jf ;f]rfO íflbn] pTkÌ x'g] tgfj„ mental worry or emotional strain; tension.
sfFwf] () — [gf= n.] kfx'gfnfO{ dfƒ sf6]ƒ v'jfO{ ‚jfut ulƒ;s]kl5 ;f]xL dfƒ -v;L, e]8f, ƒfFuf], ;'ª†u'ƒ íflb_ sf] 6fpsf], Ps ;k]6f] ƒ 7"nf] e'F8Lsf] 6'qmfdf kmf]S;f], sn]hf] íflbsf 6'qmfx¿ ƒfv]ƒ kf]sf] kfƒL 3f]rfdf pg]ƒ kfx'gfx¿ kms{+bf labfOdf s]xL kƒ;Dd k'¥ofPƒ lbOg] sf];]nL„ a gift of flanks and chunks of meat, head, lungs, breast, etc. offered to guests once they leave the host's sfFwf] place after taking part in feasting and merry-making.
sfFe'n — [gf= n.] e]8fsf] pmgaf6 íf]9†g, íf]©fpg agfOPsf] sDanÙ sfDnf]„ blanket made from sheep wool; coarse rug.
j`mfF! plv. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] hf}, ux'F íflb íÌ jf jg‚kltsf] bfgfaf6 lg‚sg] sfF9f k|sfƒsf] t';Ù ´; ' „ a fine flexible thorn-like growth on the grains of wheat, rice or other plants; hairs on a plant.
j`mfF@ — [gf= n.÷z]=e]= slv. ] df5f, ;k{ íflbsf] sƒªsf] sfF9fo'Qm xf8„ the spine of fish, a snake, etc.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
sf sf! plv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] ‚qLhfltn] k|of]u ug]{ ƒxgLÙ y]uf]„ a cliché or expression used by women.
sf@ plv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] ‚qL of}gfËÙ of]gL„ vagina. sfM — [gf= n.] sn]hf] ƒ kmf]S;f]sf] df´df ƒxg], lrNnf] kbfy{ kfrg uƒfpg], kx]Fnf] ƒªsf] tLtf] wft'Ù lkQ„ a yellowish green fluid stored in the gall bladder which helps to digest the fat; bile.
sfOs] — [gf=n.] ef]6ad]{nL efiff klƒjfƒleq kg]{, í7f¸ duƒft If]qsf] 8f]Nkf lhNnfsf] tfƒfsf]6df a'9f, ƒf]sf, ƒfgf ƒ 3tL{ íflb yƒ ePsf duƒx¿n] af]Ng] klƒsf] efiff elgg] efiffsf] gfdÙ sfOs] duƒ efiff„ the language of the Tibeto-Burmese family, especially spoken by the Magars such as Budhā, Rokā, Rānā and Gharti from the Magarāt region.
sfObf — [gf= n.] != sfd ug]{ ljlw, pkfo jf h'QmLÙ tlƒsf„ a way, method or trick of doing sth; a method. @= sfdsf] ;Lk jf 9Ë„ a way or skill of doing sth. #= Jojxfƒsf] lsl;dÙ rfn„ a manner or way of doing sth.
sfpFjflhÞpFjf () — [gf= n.] != w]ƒ} hgfaf6 Ps};fy lg‚s]sf] xf]xNnfk"0f{ ífjfhÙ xNnLvNnLÙ sfg} vfg] k|sfƒsf] xNnfÙ sf]nfxn„ a lot of noise made by people; ear-splitting noise; an uproar. @= eP gePsf sfds'ƒf, 36gf
íflbsf] Jofks xNnLvNnLÙ xNnfÙ k|rfƒ„ rumour; a piece of information or a story that people talk about, but that may not be true; propaganda.
40 sfp , m. — [lj= adj.] lgd, sƒ]nf], lrƒfOtf] íflb jf hn]sf] lrhsf] ‚jfbsf]Ù tLtf]„ having the taste of neem leaves, bitter-gourd or chirāito or that of burnt thing; bitter. > sfMsfMj — ílníln tLtf]Ù tLtf]–tLtf] ‚jfbsf]„ having a slightly bitter taste.
sf< plv. , nblv. , glv. — [gf= n.] lrNnf], sfnf] KjfFv x'g] Pshftsf] rƒfÙ sfu„ a bird with shiny black feathers; a crow.
sfsnf plv. , slv. , m. — [gf= n.] != nxƒfdf nfDrf] ífsfƒsf] kmn kmNg], sfFr} vfOg] kmnljz]ifÙ sfFqmf]„ a large fruit/vegetable that grows on the creeper, that is eaten raw; cucumber.
@= kx]Fnf] km"n km'Ng] Ps k|sfƒsf] lxdfnL k'ik„ a yellow flower that grows in the mountains.
sfVofds'lvd — [gf= n.] r]nL–dfOtL jf dfGohgsf] íufl8 nfhn] í;xh dfÌ] sfdÙ nfhn] x'g] íK7Øfƒf]kgf„ an uncomfortable feeling that you have in the presence of a respected person or a person of family ties; uneasiness.
sf3ftf — [lqm=lj= adv.] e'të ' } eO{ dƒ]ƒ 9Ng] 9Ën]„ in the manner of dropping dead.
sfª/fFj — [lj= adj.] != -zƒLƒ_ vfgkfgsf] íefjn] aflxƒ}af6 xf8, sƒª b]lvg]Ù hL0f{„ having a very thin body due to the lack of sufficient nutrient food; raw-boned; have-starved.
@= -?vj[If íflb_ a"9f] ePƒ jf ƒf]u nfu]ƒ kft ´ƒ]kl5 l;lqmPsf]„ (of trees) left only
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
41 with branches without leaves; bare.
sfª\Uof] — [gf= n.] != s]ƒfsf] sf];fx¿sf kª†lQma4 ;d"x„ a bunch of bananas. @= kfgL3§sf] 3'Dg] dfgLdf íl8Pƒ dflyNnf] kmUNofF6fnfO{ 3'Dg] uƒfpg] efu„ the lower part of the water mill that supports the upper part with the help of the central perpendicular (iron ) rod.
plv. , nblv. — [lqm=lj= adv.] h'g;'s}
o'lQm jf k|lqmof íkgfPƒÙ h'g;'s} tlƒsf jf lsl;dn]Ù h] h;f] uƒ]ƒ ePklgÙ h;ƒL t;ƒLÙ ílgjfo{ ¿kn]„ by resorting to any process or method possible; by hook or by crook; compulsorily.
sflraGb — [gf= n.] nHhfhgs -íÂLn_ zAb k|of]u ug]{ sfdÙ íÂLn k|nfk„ an act of using vulgar words; a vulgar expression.
sfRofs'rL — [lqm=lj= adv.] != rf]6k6s nfUbf jf d'vdf íldnf] lrh kbf{ ífFvf, d'v aª\Uofpg] uƒ]ƒÙ gfs, d'v sf]KRofPƒ„ by contorting your face with pain or when you taste sth sour. @= íf3ft kƒ]ƒ efF8f]–at{g íflb k"ƒ} s'lRrg] rfnn]„ by crushing utensils completely.
sf5! — [gf= n.] t'nf], tƒfh'df ;fdfg hf]Vbf Psfltƒsf] efudf ƒflvg] kmnfd, 9'Ëf] íflbsf] l9sf]Ù sf5 9s„ a unit of weight. sf5@ — [gf= n.] ltg{' kg]{ ;fk6LÙ ;ƒ;fk6 ulƒPsf] lrh„ a borrowed amount; a
sft" borrowed item. #= Aofh kfOg] uƒL nufgL ulƒPsf] wg„ the wealth invested for interest; principal.
sf5aXGbL — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -sX5XgL _ sflhl;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] k"hfkf7 ubf{ rf]lvPƒ gofF ƒ rf]vf] j‚q klxlƒg'Ù rf]lvg'Ù kljq aÌ'„ to wear new and purified/clean clothes for worship to purify oneself ceremonially.
sftf — [lqm=lj= adv.] -stf _ ~d`fMlt — [gf= n.] 36gf, k|;Ë ;D´] jf la;]{ ´}F x'g] íj‚yfÙ ´´Nsf]„ when you remember people, things or events; reminiscence.
sftfsfp — [gf= n.] -stfs' _ sftfªfp , syn. — [lj= adj.] s'g 7fpFsf] eg]ƒ hfÌ jf eÌ kbf{ k|of]u x'g] k|Àjfrs zAbÙ s'g 7fpFsf] < sxfFsf] < in what place? where?
sftfnfp , syn. — [lj= adj.] != s'g vfn jf lsl;dsf] < s] h‚tf] < s‚tf] < which type; what type; how/what is he/she/it, etc. like. @= s'g 7fpF, bhf{ jf hftsf] < of which place, status or caste? #= lƒ;, ´sf]{, pb]s íflbdf k|of]u ulƒg] zAb„ word which is used to express indignation, annoyance, surprise, etc.
sftLM — [gf= n.] of}gfËdf pTkfbg x'g] ;]tf] lrhÙ sfO{„ fungus accumulated in genital organs.
sft" plv. , , , nblv. , slv. , m. — [gf= n.] k'?ifsf] hg]Gb|LoÙ k'?ifsf] lnË„ a male sex organ;
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
sfTofM penis. sfTofM — [gf= n.]
íf]9†g] íf]©fpg] íflb -sft" _
sfyk plv. < , nblv. — [gf= n.] efƒL af]Sbf ;lhnf]sf] lglDt lk7Ø'Fd'lg ƒflvg] 3fF;, kƒfn jf k6ØfOPsf] sk8f íflb„ a small bundle of grass, !
hay or a piece of folded cloth used as a cushion which is put on the back while carrying a load.
sfyk@ — [gf= n.] sk8f yG¬fpg, ´'G8Øfpg 6fFluPsf] 8f]ƒL jf sf7„ a rope used for hanging clothes; a pole suspended horizontally from two ends.
sfyf , syn. — [gf= n.] ;Gtfg gePsf] jf ghGd]sf] JolQmÙ lgM;GtfgÙ ;GtfgljxLg„ childless. > sfyfj`mf< — j]jflƒ;] ƒ lgDg‚tƒsf] s's'ƒÙ e'‚ofxf s's'ƒ„ a stray dog; a mangy dog.
sfYof — [gf= n.] != afF; jf lgufnfsf] rf]of sf9]ƒ afFsL ƒx]sf] leqL efuÙ lub|f]„ soft pith of bamboo. @= afƒ afg{, íf]©fpg jf esfƒL agfpgsf] nflu afF; jf lgufnfsf] lub|f]nfO{ a'g]ƒ agfOPsf] ;fwgÙ lrqf]„ matting made from the pith of bamboo which is used for covering a floor, making a basket sfYof for storing grains or making the walls of a hut.
sfbf plv. , tlv. , nblv. , slv. — [gf= n.] sk8f k6ØfPƒ ƒfVg k|of]u x'g] vf;uƒL leQfdf nfdf] 8G8LnfO{ b'j}ltƒsf] 6'Kkf]af6 afFw]ƒ ´'G8ØfOPsf] ;fwgÙ
sk8fnfO{ k6ØfPƒ ƒfVg t];f]{ kfƒL ƒflvPsf] sf7 jf 8f]ƒL„ a long stick/cane sfbf suspended by ropes on both sides over which clothes can be draped for storage; clothes hanger; a wooden bar or rope over which bedding can be draped.
sfgf tslv. , , , plv. , hmlv. , tlv. , llv. — [lqm=lj=÷;j{= adv./pro.] != s'g lbzfltƒ < s;tkm{ < stfltƒ < which direction; towards which person ? to what place ? where? @= [lj= adj.] Pp6f
ífFvfn] dfq b]Vg]Ù Pp6f ífFvf gePsf] jf km'6]sf]Ù Ps ífFv]Ù sfgf]„ one-eyed, blind in one eye.
sfgfvf]Krf — [gf= n.] hfg, k'Ug d'l‚sn kg]{ 7fpFÙ b'u{d„ a far away place; a remote place.
sfgfef]+sf]/f plv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] hldgd'lg vg]ƒ 3ƒ agfpg], ílníln dx klg kfg]{ df}ƒL hftsf] sfnf] lsƒfÙ edƒf„ a black bee that nests in burrows and also makes a small amount of honey; a bumble bee.
sfG5L — [gf= n.] lbbLalxgLx¿dWo] ;aeGbf kl5 hGd]sL]Ù í¿eGbf sd pd]ƒsL„ the youngest girl child woman in the family.
sfG5L< — [gf= n.] sfsfsf] kTgLÙ sfG5L ífdf„ younger uncle's wife;
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
43 aunt.
sfGtXMbf plv. , nblv. — [lqm=lj=÷;j{= adv., pron.] stf jf s'g lbzfltƒ < in which direction? where? sfGbnf , syn. — [gf= n.] v]tafƒLsf kf6f, uƒf 5'6Øfpg] l8n jf sfGnf]„ a raised boundary of earth/stone that divides a farmland into terraces.
sfÌL plv. , hmlv. , nblv. — [lqm=lj= adv.] stfltƒ jf s'g lbzfaf6 < stfaf6 < from which place or direction? from where?
sfMGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != vl;ƒx]sf] es'08f] jf s'g} j‚t' e'OFdf gk'Ub} xftn] í8Øfpg' jf k'gM dflyltƒ g} kmsf{pg'„ to hold a falling ball or any object before it drops onto the ground or to send it back into the air. @= í¿n] ulƒƒx]sf] s'ƒf
jf k|;ËnfO{ aLr}af6 df]l8lbg' jf ablnlbg'Ù s'ƒf sf6†g'„ to move off the ongoing subject matter; to change the subject matter; to interrupt.
sfG/fbf plv. , hmlv. , nblv. — [lqm=lj= adv.] st} ílglÁt lbzfltƒÙ st}ltƒ„ to the unknown direction; somewhere.
sfgán plv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] z''e gePsf], dËn jf sNof0fsf] íefjÙ ídËnÙ íz'eÙ ílgi6Ù ínlR5g„ sth ominous; lack of sth auspicious; misfortune.
sfkXl/Go , ant. — [í=lqm= v.i.] != uƒ]sf] s;'ƒ jf íkƒfwdf ;flat x'g'Ù ífˆgf] bf]if, uNtLdf sfon x'g'„ (of an offence or crime) to be
sfk/f proved/confirmed; (of one’s offence or mistake) to be admitted. @= ;Defljt
;hfo, b08, ífqmd0f íflbaf6 ql;t aÌ'Ù 8ƒ dfÌ'Ù t;{g'„ to be scared of the possible punishment, attack, etc.; to be terrified; to be scared. #= 8ƒ, qf;n] y'y'{ƒ sfDg'„ to tremble with fear.
sfk — [gf= n.] != sf7 jf afF;sf] lrD6fÙ RofKg] ;fwg jf oGqÙ r]k'jf„ a tool for gripping things; pincers/tongs.
@= aLrdf kƒ]ƒ b'a}ltƒaf6 Roflkg] íj‚yfÙ r]kfO„ the state of being clamped or pressed together.
sfk/f! plv. , slv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] y'G;], 8f]sf] íflbnfO{ alnof] ƒfVg lgufnf jf afF;sf] b'O{–b'O{ kmuNofF6fnfO{ rfƒ}ltƒaf6 lkFwb]lv la6;Dd leq–aflxƒ ub}{ 7f8f] x'g] uƒ]ƒ 3';fpFb} ƒflvPsf] sK6]ƒf„ a split of bamboo that runs twisted vertically from bottom to top of wicker baskets such as doko, thunche, etc. and supports their sfkƒf e]< bases.
sfk/f@ — [gf= n.] xft, v'§f cflbsf x•L efFlrbf xnrn x'g gkfO{ ƒfd|ƒL hf]l8of];† egL í8Øfpg /flvPsf] afF;, sf7sf] sK6]ƒfåf/f agfOPsf] s‚g], afFWg] 3ƒ]n' ;fwgÙ sfd|f]„ a device made sfkƒf of carved splinters of bamboo or wood used for bandaging up a broken or damaged arm, leg, etc.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
sfknf< sfknf< — [gf= n.] l;Ëf] 7f]; j‚t'nfO{ b'O{ efu jf 6'qmf uƒ]ƒ ar]sf] ífwf efuÙ kmUNofF6f]Ù ³fs„ a broken half of hard material.
sfkNof — [lj= adj.] r]xƒf jf 6fpsfdf nfu]sf] rf]6sf] sfƒ0f vfN8f] kƒ]sf]„ having a deep cut on the head or face; dented.
sfKs'k — [gf= n.] k|sfzsf] íefj eO{ íFWofƒf] ePsf] íj‚yfÙ íFWofƒf]kgfÙ íGwsfƒ„ absence of light; darkness. > sfKs'kf] , ant. kn`fFj — [lj= adj.] ´f8L, hËn íflb afSnf] ePƒ jf afbn nfu]ƒ íFWofƒf] 5fPsf]„ darkness due to thick bushes or forest.
sfKrL plv. , slv. , nblv. & hmlv. — [gf= n.] lkmlnËf] RofKg], l;‚gfsf] d'G6f] l6Kg] íflb sfddf k|of]u ulƒg] kmnfd, sf7 jf rf]ofsf] ;fwgÙ lrD6f„ a device made of iron, wood or bamboo used for picking objects, nettles or burning coal. It consists of two long pieces joined at one end pressed together at the other end; tongs.
a place on the stem of a plant from where a branch grows; a V-shaped object.
sfKRofufM — 7"nf] hftsf] lxF;|s kIfLÙ lrn„ a large bird of prey; an eagle.
sfMKGo — [;=lqm= sfKRofuf¦ v.t.] s'g} b'O{ j‚t'sf] Rofk jf b'O{ uf]8faLr kfƒ]ƒ RofKg'„ to squeeze/press sth between two objects or your legs.
sfKo' — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] ‚jfb x'g] írfƒ agfpg k|of]udf ífpg] Ps k|sfƒsf] ´fƒ„ a type of herb that tastes sour and is used to make pickle.
sfa'dnf — [gf= n.] ;'s]sf] sf7leq pTklQ eO{ ToxLF ƒx]ƒ afFRg] Ps k|sfƒsf] ;]tf] lsƒf„ a white insect that grows and lives in dry wood; wood worm.
sfod — [gf= n.] an, a'l4 íflb nfPƒ jzdf ƒfVg] sfd„ subjection. ~VofGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] jzeGbf aflxƒ hfg glbg'Ù lgoGq0fdf ƒfVg'„ to subject; to control.
sfKRof — [gf= n.] != b'a}ltƒ 5'l§g] jf b'a}ltƒaf6 af6fx¿ ldl;g ífpg] rf]sÙ af6f] ldl;g] jf 5'l§g] ynf]„ a place where a road divides into two parts or where two roads come together or meet; a fork or a junction; chowk. @= ?v,
af]6la?jf cflbsf] xfFuf] 5'l§g] efuÙ b'O{ltƒ xfFuf] 5'6]sf] jf íª†u|]hL ævÆ ífsfƒsf] j‚t'„
sf/fp plv. , krlv. , glv. , llv. , nblv. — [lqm=lj=÷lj= adv. & adj.] s'g} sfdsf] sfƒ0f hfÌ vf]Hbf, k|À, p2]Zo vf]hL ubf{, k|of]u x'g] zAbÙ s;ƒL jf lsg„ a word which is used to ask a question, to express probability; to ask for reason; to know a purpose, to express certainty; how? why? ~n]s — lsg lsÙ lsgeg]„ because. ~ls — lsg ƒ, lsg t < why is it? ~df — lsg xf]nf < why?
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
sf/fMs/ , syn. , ant. — [gf= n.] kl5 rflxG5 eÌ] ;f]rljrfƒ ƒfv]ƒ w]ƒ}yf]ƒ} ePklg arfPƒ jf hf]ufPƒ ƒfVg] sfdÙ yf]ƒ}n] sfd rnfpg] sfObfÙ ldtJolotfÙ kmfƒf]„ an act of using
sfNtfnsNtn plv. , nblv. , ant. — [gf= n.] st} íUnf], st} ulxƒf] eO{ ;tx gldn]sf] 7fpFÙ hf]lN6ª„ an uneven place or
sth carefully as is necessary; economy; frugality; spendthrift.
sfNwf]+ — [gf= n.] pRr e"efudf km'Ng] Ps k|sfƒsf] km"nÙ -a'sL_ km"n„ a
sfgf{ llv. , plv. , hmlv. , slv. — [gf= n.] hfF8nfO{ ldrL ´f]n ƒ 5f]qmf 5fg]ƒ 5'6Øfpg] rf]ofsf] ;fwgÙ ©fª† 5fÌ] ;fwg„ beer sifter made of
type of wild flower that grows on high lands known buki; Anaphalis nubigena. sfNofMsn] — [lqm=lj= adv.] != Pëfl;
bamboo splits.
ífFvfdf íFWofƒf] 5fpg] uƒ]ƒ„ sfNwf]+ blindingly. @= k"ƒ} ƒft l5lKkPƒ íFWofƒf] x'g] 9Ën]„ in the manner of becoming dark. ~‰ofGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] k"ƒ} íFWofƒf] x'g'Ù ƒft l5lKkg'„ to
sf/`}F plv. , syn. , glv. , ant. — [gf= n.] != íkƒfwLnfO{ gub ltg'{kg]{ uƒL lbOPsf] b08Ù íy{b08Ù wg;hfoFÙ hlƒdfgf„ penalty that involves the payment of money; fine. @= s'g} sfddf ljnDa uƒ]afkt ltlƒg] hlƒdfgf„ fine; penalty; late fee.
sfn! () — [gf= n.] != k'?if hfltn] y]uf]sf] ¿kdf k|of]u ug]{ -íÂLn pGd'v_ ƒxgLÙ k'?if y]uf]„ a cliché used by males. @= -sft" _ sfn@ — [gf= n.] != k|f0fLsf] zƒLƒ íGTo x'g] lbgÙ d[To' x'g] ;do„ a day that denotes the end of life for a living being; death.
@= Jofsƒ0f zf‚qfg';fƒ e"t, jt{dfg, eljio eÌ] e]b ePsf] ;do;Ldf„ time frame in grammar that subsumes past, present and future; tense. #= ;do, a]nf jf avt„ time; moment; occasion.
grow dark; (of night) to wear on.
sfNo`fdsXlnd — [lqm=lj= adv.] != ePsf] ;a} vfg]s'ƒf vfO{ l;Wofpg] rfndf„ in the manner of eating all food; hungrily; voraciously; ravenously. @= [gf= n.] vfPƒ l;Wofpg] sfd„ an act of finishing eating.
sfM;f — [lqm=lj= adv.÷k=e]= plv.] ;lhn} uƒL prfNg] rfnn]Ù xn'sf 9Ën]„ in such a way that sth is being lifted up easily; lightly.
sf;] hmlv. , plv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] Juglans Regia Linn. k|hfltsf] xf8] bfgf leqsf] ‚jflbnf] u'bL vfg x'g] kmnÙ íf]vƒ„ a walnut tree or a walnut (fruit).
sf;f] , syn. — [lj= adj.] sl;g] uƒL ;dfpg] jf í7 F Øfpg] vfnsf]„ holding sth or sb in your hands or arms.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
sf:tf sf:tf , syn. — [gf= n.] sfd, st{Jo k"ƒf ug]{ jf gug]{ s'ƒfsf] k|lt1fÙ zkyÙ lslƒofÙ s;dÙ jfrf„ a formal promise to do or not to do sth; an oath; a commitment; a promise.
sf:ofks'l;k — [gf= n.] != xNng], rNg] ƒ rndnfpg] sfdÙ xnrn„ an act of moving; to be in motion. @= nhfPƒ jf í;lhnf] dx;'; uƒL nfPsf]–íf]9]sf] sk8fx¿ ldnfpg] sfdÙ zƒLƒsf sk8fx¿ ;hfpg] sfd„ an act of gathering clothes around your body when you feel shy or uncomfortable.
#= k;flƒPsf] v'§f jf km}nfOPsf zfƒLlƒs íËx¿ v'DRofpg] sfd„ an act of folding your body parts such as legs. $= ;f]dt k|bz{g ug]{ ;Eo Pjd† ljgoL xfpefp„ polite and decent gestures.
sfx'< plv. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] kfgL, leQf, e'OF íflbdf lr;f]n] pAhg] sfO{Ù n]p„ mildew; scum; algae; fungus. sfxf]nf — [gf= n.] ldn]h‚tf] uƒLuƒL í¿nfO{ km;fpg] vfnsf] af]nLargÙ dtna l;4 ug]{ vfn] a];fƒ]÷lrKnf] af]nL jf JojxfƒÙ lrKnf] 3;fO„ deceitful words; deceitful or oily behaviour; oiliness or sycophancy.
j`mf! — [gf= n.] 3ƒsf] ƒ]vb]v ug]{ pkof]uL 3ƒkfn'jf hgfjƒÙ s's'ƒ„ a common animal with four legs, especially kept by people as a pet or to hunt or guard things; a dog. > j`mfhf — s's'ƒsf] aRrfÙ 5fpƒf]„ a young dog; a puppy.
j`mf@ — [lj= adj.] ífkm";Fu ƒx]sf] lrh k6ë} 5f]8†g g;Sg]Ù s²f';„ covetous; tightfisted; stingy; parsimonious.
46 j`mfr] — [gf= n.] s'g} afwf Jojwfgljgf sxLF st} ƒx]sf] íj‚yfÙ ‚j]R5fÙ ‚jtGqtf„ to be elsewhere at one's own will; freedom.
j`mfgsfgf] — [lj= adj.] zƒLƒ jf sk8f íflbdf afSnf] x'g] uƒL kmf]xf]ƒ hd]sf]Ù afSnf] g afSnf] eO{ d}nf a;]sf]„ having filth accumulated on the body or clothes; dirty; filthy.
j`mfafyf] , ant. — [gf= n.] ;dfg >d jf of]ubfg x'Fbfx'Fb} klg ;uf]ndf ífpg] k|ltkmnnfO{ ífˆgf]ltƒ a9L kfg]{ sfdÙ aƒfaƒL xs–ílwsfƒsf] lrhdf kflƒg] kIfkftk"0f{ ljtƒ0fÙ ífˆgf] nflu dfq ;f]Rg] k|j[lQÙ ‚jfy{„ concerned with one's own interests, needs and wishes while ignoring those of others; concerned with the unfair distribution of rights; selfishness.
j`mfdf fm. , mas. — [gf= n.] kf]yL hftsf] s's'ƒÙ s's'gL{„ a female dog; a bitch.
j`mfof] — [gf= n.] t?nsf] ´}F nxƒf ƒ kft ldNbf] x'g], hƒfdf íb'jf ífsfƒsf] tƒ s8f vfnsf] kmn kmNg] Ps hËnL sGb„ a ginger-like wild root from a climbing plant that resembles a yam.
j`mf/]+ — [gf= n.] != v'zLsf] If0fdf ulƒg] a9†tf xfpefp„ gestures full of excitement and happiness. @= dg k|;Ì x'Fbf ulƒg] í‚jfefljs Jojxfƒ„ activities that one shows when they are happy.
j`mf/}+ , , — [gf= n.] s;'ƒbfƒn] b08‚j?k ltg]{ ƒsdÙ ífly{s b08Ù hlƒdfgf„ cash paid as punishment; fine.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
47 j`mf;f] () — [gf= n.] s;}nfO{ ulƒg] íkdfgk"0f{ JojxfƒÙ wg, an, of]Uotf, a8Kkg b]vfPƒ í¿nfO{ ulƒg] x]kfOÙ í¿nfO{ xf]Rofpg] sfdÙ x]nf„ disgraceful behaviour that humiliates sb; contempt; insult.
j`mfè' — [gf= n.] != s's'ƒsf 5fpƒfsf] b"w] bfFt„ a milk tooth of a puppy. @= ;aeGbf íufl8sf rfƒj6f bfFtsf] bfofF–afofF ƒxg] t'ngfTds ¿kdf tLvf] ƒ nfdf] bfFt„ an eyetooth; j`mfÄo' fang.
lsF plv. (), nblv. — [gf= n.] íj;ƒ, ;do, ¬} lrh jf s;}nfO{ kv]{ƒ a‚g] sfdÙ s'ƒfOÙ k|tLIffÙ kvf{O„ an act of waiting for sb or sth; a wait; waiting.
lsFGo plv. (), m. , — [;=lqm= v.t.] s;}sf] af6f] x]g'{, ífzfn] klv{ƒxg'Ù s'g'{Ù íj;ƒ s'ƒ]ƒ a‚g'Ù kv]{ƒ a‚g'Ù k|tLIff ug'{Ù kv{g'„ to wait for sb/sth; to
lsd ƒ íGo To‚t} kmf]xf]ƒ–d}nf y'lk|Psf] 7fpFÙ u'èfg„ a place full of human excreta and other filth; pertaining to human excreta.
lst — [gf= n.] kmnfdnfO{ k|zf]wg ubf{ lg‚sg] ljsfƒ jf s;ƒ„ waste or residue extracted while purifying iron; ore.
lsTofp tslv. , syn. , nblv. — [;j{=÷lqm=lj= pron., adv.] != s] h‚tf] < s] lsl;dn] < s'g lsl;dsf] < s‚tf] < what kind of? in what way? of what sort of ? like what? @= [ljjf]= interj.] írDd,
lƒ;, lbë ƒ ´sf]{ íflb JoQm ulƒFbf k|of]u x'g] zAbÙ s'g lsl;dn] ! s‚tf] ! word which is used to express surprise, indignation, boredom, irritation, etc.; in what way! of what sort!
lsg! plv. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] ífuf] kl5;Dd ƒfVg ;NsfPƒ ƒflvPsf] yfª†gfsf] 8f]ƒLÙ sÌf7f]„ a rag-made rope which is used to keep the fire smouldering.
look for an opportunity.
lsslss — [lqm=lj= adv.] != s'g} sfƒ0fjz Ãf; ƒf]lsg] jf y'lgg] uƒ]ƒ„ in the manner of being choked on sth. @= Ãf; km]g{ í;lhnf] x'g] uƒL 3fF6Lg]ƒ g} k'Ug] jf 6fFl;g] uƒL sk8f íf]9†g] jf klxlƒg] uƒ]ƒ„ in the manner of wrapping yourself in a piece of cloth or wearing the clothes that makes you difficult to breathe.
lss'F plv. (), syn. (), hmlv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] lb;f lg‚sg] zƒLƒsf] íËÙ dnåfƒ„ the opening at the person’s bottom through which solid waste leaves the body; anus.
lsHofF () — [gf= n.] lb;flk;fa
lsg@ plv. , slv. , syn. , glv. — [gfof]= post.] eGbfÙ b]lvg†Ù b]lvÙ af6„ than, since, from. lsGo! plv. , nblv. , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] kmnkm"n, l;‚gf]sf] d'G6f], ;fukft íflb l6Kg'„ to pluck fruits, nettle sprouts, leafy vegetables or leaves.
lsGo@ — [;=lqm= v.t.] k5fl8af6 xft, v'§f;d]t afFw]ƒ ;hfo lbg'Ù kftf kmsf{pg'„ to punish sb by tying their hands back and their legs with ropes.
lsd — [gf= n.] lrpF8f], ufnf íflbdf b]lvg] vf]lkN6f]Ù vfN8f]„ a dimple; a hole
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
ls/} on the surface of face; a pit. > lsdlsdf] — [lj= adj.] ílnslt vfN8f] kƒ]sf]„ having a small shallow hole; having a dimple.
ls/} plv. , glv. — [gf= n.] rfƒ}ltƒsf] df6f] hƒfdf y'Ko|fPƒ af]6–la?jfnfO{ lbOg] íf8Ù pë]ƒf„ a heap of earth placed round a plant to support it; heap of earth placed round a plant to raise it.
lsls{¥of , syn. — [gf= n.] ífˆgf] ljrfƒfg's"n xf];† egL ulƒg] Psf]xf]ƒf] l9kLÙ b'ƒfu|xÙ afn x7Ù lh2L„ obstinate behaviour; stubbornness; obstinacy.
ls¥of — [gf= n.] -sf‚tf _ lsnf plv. , ulv. — [gf= n.] ufO{, e}F;L íflb hgfjƒnfO{ afFWgsf] nflu hldgdf 7f]lsPsf] sf7sf] sLnf]„ a wooden peg fixed into the ground to which is attached the rope for tethering cattle; a peg.
lslNsnf] — [lj= adj.] != aUnf ´}F x'g] uƒL t}lno -lrNnf]_ kbfy{ st} nfu]sf]„ covered with oil; oily. @= afSnf] x'g] uƒL sxLF, st} kmf]xf]ƒ hd]sf]„ (of dirk/filth) collected or accumulated. #= kfgL íflbdf yf]kf]yf]kf] t}lno kbfy{ t}lƒPƒ ƒx]sf]„ (of oil) floating on the surface of water.
ls:of mas. , fm. — [lj= adj.] afy jf s'g} ƒf]un] xft, v'§f ƒfd|ƒL rnfpg g;Sg]Ù xft–v'§fn] ƒfd|ƒL sfd gug]{Ù ‚km"lt{ gePsf]„ unable to move limbs
48 lj`mGo! plv. , nblv. , m. , — [í=lqm= v.i.] ´sf]{ nfUg] uƒL 7'N7'nf] ‚jƒn] sƒfpg'Ù lƒ;, hf]; jf ífj]udf rsf]{ ‚jƒn] af]Ng'Ù lrRofpg'Ù uh{g'Ù s'n{g'„ to speak irritatingly; to cry angrily; to shout in rage; to cry out; to browbeat; to rant.
lj`mGo@ , syn. — [;=lqm= v.t.÷k=e]= plv.] != í¿nfO{ …ífpmÚ eg]ƒ af]nfpg''Ù 8fSg'Ù af]nfpg'„ to say ‘Come here’; to call sb closer; to call. @= ljz]if íj;ƒdf ífdGq0f ug'{Ù lgDtf] lbg''Ù lgDTofpg'Ù af]nfpg'„ to ask sb to participate on a special occasion; to give sb an invitation; to invite sb; to call.
lj`mGo# — [;=lqm= v.t.] íGofo jf lyrf]ldrf]sf la?4 lnlvt jf df}lvs ph'ƒ ug'{Ù s;}sf] la?4df d'2f, jfbL íflb xfNg'„ to complain verbally or in written form against injustice or oppression; to lodge a complaint; to sue a case.
lj`mt'{/ — [lqm=lj= adv.] -JolQm jf k|f0fL_ x'lQPƒ Pëfl; 3ƒleq jf slxF st} l5g]{ jf 3'‚gk'Ug] lsl;dn]„ the way when a person or animal bursts into a room or house.
sLMGo! plv. , nblv. , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] xnf]n] v]t plwÌ'Ù hf]Tg'„ to plough the farmland with the help of oxen or a machine (tractor).
properly due to gout or by any other reason; inactive. sL¦Go! A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
49 sLMGo@ — [;=lqm= v.t.] s;}nfO{ s8f sfddf a]‚;ƒL bNg'Ù shfpg'„ to make sb work very hard.
sLNGo , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] s'g} lrhnfO{ ífk;df n7flƒg] uƒL af6†g'Ù hf]N7ØfPƒ a6fg'{Ù lgdf]7†g'„ to wind sth; to wind things together repeatedly; to twist or wring sth.
s'F () — [gf= n.] != s'g} j‚t'df kƒ]sf] l5b|Ù b'nf]Ù Kjfn„ a hole. @= -Jo+Uofy{_ hg]Gb|LoÙ dnåfƒ„ (connotative) a sex
s'r's'r' family, with a cooing call; a dove.
hmlv. , — [gf= n.] != -ljÃf;_
e"tk|]t, d;fg íflbaf6 ;'ƒlIft ƒxg gf8Ldf nufpg] df]6f] sf7sf] r'ƒf„ (of common beliefs) a wooden bangle worn by shamans or witch doctors to safeguard themselves against evil spirits. @= wg'
rnfpg]n] xftsf] ;'ƒIffy{ nufpg] sf7sf] r'ƒfÙ xft] sjr„ a safety flat wooden bangle worn by an archer.
organ; anus.
s'Fbf — [gf= n.] aGb'ssf] km]bltƒsf] í8Øfpg x'g] 7"nf] efuÙ aGb'ssf] km]b„ the thick end of a gun; a butt. -sn _ s'O plv. , nblv. , m. () — [gf= n.] != s'db]lv íf}Fnf;Ddsf] íËÙ xft„ the part of the body that extends from the shoulder, consisting of fingers and a palm; a hand. @= ílwsfƒeGbf
aflxƒ ulƒPsf] jf ulƒg] lqmofsnfkÙ s'g} íj}w sfo{df x'g] ;+nUgtfÙ 3';k}7Ù kx'Fr„ an act that lies out of one’s authority; involvement in an illegal activity. #=
rNnf, s'v'ƒf íflb vfg] Ps k|sfƒsf] lzsfƒL rƒf]„ a bird that preys on chickens, etc.; a hawk-like bird.
s'OhL — [gf= n.] xftsf] íf}Fnfdf nufOg] ljleÌ wft'sf uxgfÙ íf}+7L„ a circular piece of jewelry made of copper, gold, silver, etc.; a finger ring.
s'Otd — [gf= n.] æ9's'ƒ–9's'ƒÆ sf] Wjlgn] s'n{g], af‚g] Ps k|sfƒsf] hËnL rƒf]Ù 9's'ƒ„ a small wild bird of the pigeon
s's'GBf () — [lj= adj.] s;}sf] zƒLƒaf6 lg‚sg] b'u{Gw„ an unpleasant smell on a person's body that is caused by sweat; body odour.
s'r/ — [gf= n.] wfdL–´fFqmLn] ífˆgf] sfd z'? ug'{k"j{ ;fgf] 6'qmf] rkfPƒ vfg] ílt tLtf], xn]bf]sf] h‚tf] kft x'g] Ps k|sfƒsf] kljq dflgPsf] sGbÙ sr"ƒ„ a type of holy root which is consumed by a shaman or witch doctor before he invokes deities. It has leaves that resemble those of the turmeric plant.
s'r's'r' () — [lqm=lj= adv.] != ePsf] s'ƒf Psf]xf]ƒf] ¿kn] vfOƒxg] uƒ]ƒÙ ljgf ;f]rljrfƒ pkef]u ulƒƒxg] 9Ën]„ eating continuously; using sth without any thought. @= s;}nfO{ Psf]xf]ƒf] ¿kn] lh‚¬fƒxg] lsl;d„ teasing sb continuously.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
s'r'r"/f] s'r'r"/f] , syn. , ant. — [lj= adj.] -7fpF_ p7a; ug{ ƒ yk dfG5] í6fpg g;Sg] vfnsf]Ù nDafO–rf}8fO sd ePsf]Ù ílt ;fF3'ƒf]„ having not much space; crammed; having a small width, especially in comparison to height or length; narrow (space/room).
s'5GBfnf] — [gf= n.] ‚jfb, s'g} s'ƒf, Jojxfƒ íflbdf x'g] í‚jfefljstf„
50 unhappy; dissatisfied; disappointed; unfulfilled; discontented.
s'b"KGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != yfx} gkfpg] uƒL Pëfl; ¬} lrhn] 9fSg'Ù 5f]Kg'„ to veil or cover sth all of a sudden. @= hgfjƒ, rƒf–r'?ËL, s'v'ƒf íflb ;dfpg jf s;}nfO{ kqmg rfƒ}ltƒaf6 3]ƒf] xfNg'Ù 3]g'{„ to close in on sb or sth (animals, birds, etc.) in order to catch them.
a difference from what is usual, normal or accepted; a deviation from normal behaviour or taste; unnaturalness.
s'w' plv. , , , ,
s'5'tL — [lj= adj.] -p5'tL _ s'h'Ft/ — [lj= adj.] != ífˆgf] dfq ‚jfy{ ;f]Rg]Ù ífˆgf] afx]s í¿sf] lxt jf dd{ ga'‰g]Ù íGtd'{vLÙ ‚jfyL{„ thinking only
ePsf]Ù w]ƒ}Ù a9LÙ HofbfÙ k|z‚tÙ ílwsÙ w]ƒ}„
about one's own advantage ignoring other's interest; selfish; introvert. @= [gf= n.] ífˆgf] lht dfq vf]h]ƒ s;};Fu klg gldNg] k|j[lQÙ lh2Lkg„ stubbornness; haughtiness.
s'lttLMj plv. , syn. , nblv. — [lj= adj.] a'9ØfOFn] zƒLƒ hL0f{ eO{ s'k|f] kƒ]sf]Ù w]ƒ} pd]ƒsfÙ a[4j[4f„ (of people) having the bent body because of age; stooped.
s't's't'j — [lj= adj.] -lrh_ ;–;fgf efudf 6'S|ofOPsf] jf 6'lqmPsf]Ù 6'qm}6'qmf„ chopped into small pieces. s'lynf — [gf= n.] -ƒ\gfof] _ s'bfOgf} — [lj= adj.] s'g} sfƒ0fn] dg k|;Ì gePsf]Ù lrQ ga'´]sf]Ù ík|;ÌÙ a]v';LÙ OR5f k"ƒf gePsf]Ù í;Gt'i6„
slv. , hmlv. , ant. , — [lj= adj.] ;ª†Vof ƒ klƒdf0f a9L more in quantity or number; more than enough; many/much; enough; plentiful, much, many.
s'g'Sof , , , — [lj= adj.] ífˆgf] dfq ílwsfƒleqsf]Ù ífˆgf]Ù ífkm" dfqsf]Ù JolQmutÙ lghL„ personal; individual; private; one’s own.
s'Gtf nblv. , plv. , syn. — [gf= n] hldgaf6 ƒ;fPƒ kfgL hDdf x'g] 7fpFÙ Ogfƒ„ a hole in the ground from which people get water; a well.
s'Gb}MGo , syn. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != jg‚klt íflbsf] 6'Kkf]nfO{ tfg]ƒ hldgltƒ ´'sfpg', g'ªfpg'Ù lgx'ƒfpg'„ (of sth) to bend sth like a plant or the branches of a tree down towards the earth; to bend sth down. @= [í=lqm= v.i.]
s'g} lrhsf] 6'Kkfdf efƒL eO{ lgx'lƒg'Ù g'ª†g'Ù g'x'g'„ to bend down with weight on the top; to bend down.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
51 s'GBfnf] , syn. — [gf= n.] ?vaf6 kmn l6Kg agfOPsf] sf7sf] íª†s'z]„ a long stick with a hook on its end for picking fruits high on the tree.
s'Go! , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != í¿n] yfxf gkfpg] uƒL n'sLl5kL ísf{sf] wgdfn xƒ0f ug'{Ù v';ë ' ísf{sf] lrh x8Kg'Ù rf]ƒL ug'{Ù rf]g'{„ to take sth that belongs to sb else illegally without the owner's notice or without the owner’s permission; to steal. @= s;}af6 leqL ƒx‚o v'‚sfpg'Ù s'ƒf rf]g'{„ to cause to disclose secrets; to cause to leak some message, information.
s'Go@ , m. — [c=lqm= v.i.] k'Q d'‚nf] p7†g] x'g'Ù w'jfF ífpg'Ù k'Qfpg'„ to burn with smoke; to smoulder; to give off smoke.
s'kXtL — [gf= n.] s;}nfO{ abgfd x'g] u/L ul/g] ufnL–unf}h jf lbOg] gld7f] jrg„ insulting or offensive language; abuses.
s'kf plv. , syn. , hmlv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] íFWofƒf]df dfq ífFvf b]Vg] df+;fxfƒL hftsf] kIfLÙ pmNn'Ù nf6f]sf];]ƒf]„ a bird with a flat face, large eyes, and strong curved nails, which s'kf hunts small mammals at night; an owl. s'aft}+! — [gf= n.] gƒfd|f s'ƒf
dfq dgdf ;f]Rg] ƒ ;f]xL íg';fƒ Jojxfƒ
ug]{ k|j[lQÙ eTsfpg] laufg]{ jf í¿sf] ílxt x'g] sfds'ƒf]df pBt ƒxg] sfd„ habit of brooding over sth bad and acting accordingly; habit of harbouring grudges against another person; wickedness.
s'aft}+@ — [gf= n.] -cMGo{ _ s'Eof;L — [gf= n.] íz'e x'g] uƒL ulƒg] s'g} sfd jf s'ƒf„ sth that is inauspicious.
s'dtf — [lj= adj.] ífˆgf] enfOsf] afƒ]df s]xL ghfÌ]Ù ljj]s gePsf]Ù ljj]sxLgÙ dlt lau|]sf]„ unable to think about one's own welfare; unthinking; irrational; thoughtless.
s'ld/ — [gf= n.] != >L;DklQ, ;f}efUo íflbsf] kmlnkmfk uƒfpg] dflgPsf] dfËlns j‚t'„ an auspicious object which is believed to bring wealth, fortune or prosperity; a fetish. @= lghL
ílwsfƒdf ƒx]sf] d"Nojfg dfndQfÙ >L;DklQÙ P]Ão{Ù wgbf}ntÙ j}ej„ any valuable object of personal possession; wealth; affluence; prosperity. > s'ld/-P cf]t]Mj -— [lj= adj.] 3ƒflgofF
s'nsf] ífrƒ0f, Jojxfƒ, af]nLjrg íflb hfg]sf]Ù í;n Jojxfƒ ug]{Ù lzi6Ù ;HhgÙ ;f]dtL„ having the etiquette of the high social class; having polite behaviour of the good family; decent; gentle; polite; well-mannered; well-behaved.
s'of] — [gf= n.÷u=e]= plv.] -stf _ j'm/`L — [lj= adj.] s'i7ƒf]un] 5f]Psf]Ù sf]9LÙ s'i7ƒf]uL„ suffering from
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
s'¿ leprosy. > s'l/`:Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] s'i7ƒf]un] ;tfpg' jf nfUg'Ù sf]9L x'g'„ to be suffer from leprosy.
s'¿ — [gf= n.] l5lKkPsf] laofF pmgL jf e'jfbfƒ sk8fdf 6fFl;g] Ps k|sfƒsf] jg‚kltÙ s'ƒf]„ a type of plant whose seeds stick to woollen or fur clothes.
s'¿k , ant. — [gf= n.] != v'§f v'DRofPƒ a‚g] jf ;'Tg] sfdÙ v'§f k;fg]{sf] pN6f] íj‚yf„ an act of sitting or sleeping with your legs folded; folding your legs. @= s's{ƒ' ] xf8 rkfpg] sfd jf ;f] rkfpFbf lg‚sg] ífjfh„ an act of chewing soft bone like cartilage or a sharp sound produced while chewing the same.
s'¿KGo! , ant. — [;=lqm= v.t.] vf]lnPsf] sk8f, 5ftf íflb k6Øfpg'„ to fold clothes, an umbrella, etc.
s'¿KGo@ , syn. , ant. — [;=lqm= v.t.] k;flƒPsf] v'§f tfÌÙ v'DRofpg'„ to fold your legs.
s's{'rf — [gf= n.] k}tfnfsf] k5fl8kl§ jf uf]nLufF7f]b]lv d'lGtƒsf] 8Nnf] ;f¸f] efu„ a hard rounded part of the foot below the ankle; a heel.
s's'{¥of , ant. — [gf= n.] l;ƒ]6f] rNbf jf lr;f] jftfjƒ0fn] ubf{ x'g] 7lG8kgsf] íg'ejÙ hf8f]„ a feeling of cold caused by weakness/fever, currents of cold air or cold weather; chill.
s'v]{k plv. , glv. — [gf= n.] w]ƒ} k6sdf af]s]ƒ nlug] jf NofOg]
52 dfn;fdfgsf] v]k„ a load carried or shifted at a time.
s'lr{p — [lj= adj.] -lrh_ s'lRrPƒ, v'lDrPƒ, bf]la|Pƒ jf s'g} sfƒ0fn] aflxƒL kq jf efu leqkl§ ba]sf]Ù s'lRrPsf]„ (of pots, utensils, etc.) having a depression in the surface caused by hitting or putting pressure; dented.
s'tf{ — [gf= n.] sf7sf] rf]s]df ƒaƒ afFw]ƒ d6Øfª†u|f s'tf{ cflb ƒfvL xflbg] ;fwg„ a catapult. s'¥of — [gf= n.] gfulƒs ílwsfƒsf] ;fy ;d'bfodf a‚g] sfdÙ ;fd'bflos ;b‚otf„ an act of living in a community with the rights entertained by fellow citizens; communal membership.
s'nuf} plv. , nblv. — [lj= adj.] != vfP–lkPsf] kf]if0f lhpdf gnfu]sf]Ù an gePsf]Ù lga{lnof]Ù lgwf]{Ù ƒf]un] zƒLƒ hL0f{ ePsf]„ weak and without energy; frail; feeble; emaciated. @= pÌlt–k|ult ¬} ug{ g;Sg] íj‚yfsf]„ lacking capacity to progress.
s'NkL — [gf= n.] sfut, kft íflbdf ;'tL{ a]¸]ƒ w'jfF tfÌ k|of]u x'g] lgufnf, wft', df6f] íflbåfƒf ag]sf] 9'ª†u|f]„ a tube made of bamboo, metal, baked clay, etc. used for smoking tobacco; a pipe.
s'jf — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -s'Gtf _ s';g — [gf= n.] ;"tL sk8fsf] l;nfPsf]g]ƒ aLrdf hDdf x'g] w'nf]„ dust that accumulates on the seam of
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
53 cotton clothes.
s'l;t/f , ant. — [lqm=lj= adv.] != -lrh_ ínkq x'g] uƒL a]lylt;Fu 5lƒPƒÙ í‚tJo‚tÙ nyflnËÙ ínkq„ chaotically; disorderly. @= [lj= adj.] -lrhaLh_ ;DxfNg uf¸f] x'g] uƒL otfptf 5lƒPsf]Ù 5ƒk‚6 ePsf]Ù 5ƒkƒl‚6Psf]„ messy; scattered; disordered.
s'l;d — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] ;Nnfsf] ;'s]sf] kft„ a dry pine leaf. s':t'/L — [gf= n.] lxdfnltƒ kfOg] gfledf ;'ulGwt lagf x'g] Ps hftsf] d[u„ musk s'‚t'ƒL deer.
s]3]t]Mj gfbf{ xlƒ; hf]8†g uf]?sf] sfFwdf t];f]{ uƒL ƒflvg] sf7Ù h'jf„ a wooden or bamboo frame used to yoke a pair of oxen.
s"d s"dnf — [gf= n.] sk8fsf] rfƒj6f s'gfaf6 ufF7f] kfƒL ;f]leq ¬} ƒfv]ƒ af]lsg] kf]sf]„ a bundle of things wrapped in a piece of cloth, carried on the back.
s"dNof , syn. — [lj= adj.] 9f8 lg‚s]ƒ s'Dnf] kƒ]sf]Ù s'k|f]„ stooped; hunchbacked.
j`m'G;L+ , ant. — [lj= adj.] ífjZostf kbf{;d]t w]ƒ} sd af]Ng]Ù af]Ng uf¸f] dfÌ]Ù w]ƒ} sd af]Ng] unwilling to talk even
s"/ plv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] df5fx¿ y'lk|Pƒ a‚g] ynf] jf u9„ a place
when required; reserved; reticent.
j`m]+ — [lqm=lj= adv.] != s'g} lrh grkfOsg}, l56f]l56f] ƒ ank"j{s ;Unf] lrh lgNg] rfnn]„ in a way that involves gulping sth down whole. @= [gf= n.] íkfgjfo' rNbfsf] WjlgÙ k'OFë„ the sound of farting. ~ufNGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] ;x;f s'g} ;Unf] lrhnfO{{ grkfOsg g} ;n{ë lgNg'„ to swallow sth whole. –s] — [k|To= suf.] k|]ƒ0ffy{s lqmof agfpg wft'df hf]l8g] k|Too„ suffix added to a
j`m'd plv. , nblv. , tlv. — [gf= n.] rƒf] dfg{ jgdf 3]ƒf] dfƒ]ƒ lgsf;df yflkPsf] kf;f]„ an animal trap; a snare. j`m'/ — [gf= n.] lƒ;fPƒ s;}nfO{ x]lƒg] x]ƒfOÙ lƒ;sf] a]nf dg gkƒfPƒ x]lƒPsf] b[li6„
an angry or rude look.
j`m'n{'; — [lqm=lj= adv.] ífjfh ;'lgg] uƒL s'g} lrh lgNg] sfdÙ To;ƒL lgNbf lg‚sg] ífjfhÙ 3'6ë ' „ with the sound of swallowing sth.
sLM plv. , syn. , nblv. , m. — [gf= n.] vfPsf] kr]kl5 zƒLƒaf6 lg‚sg] dnÙ lb;fÙ u'x'„ the solid waste excreted from the body through the bowels; faeces; stools. s"d plv. , glv. — [gf= n.] uf]?nfO{
where fish live together.
root to make a verb imperative.
s]3]t]Mj plv. , nblv. — [lj= adj.] sdhf]ƒLn] ubf{, s'g} ƒf]un] ;tfPƒ jf hf8f]n] s7Øfª†lu|Pƒ íËx¿ ƒfd|ƒL rnfpg g;Sg]Ù nl¨Psf]„ unable to move your body parts properly because of weakness, illness or cold; numbed.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
s]ª¥of s]ª¥of — [lj= adj.] -s"DNof _ s]k — [gf= n.] != s'g} lrhnfO{ st} ƒfVg] p2]Zon] íN´fpg] jf í8†sfpg] sfdÙ í8†sfO„ an act of keeping sth on a hook or peg. > s]KGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] íN´fpg'Ù í8†sfpg'„ to keep sth on a hook or peg. @= bfpƒfnfO{ t];f]{ kfƒL afFw]ƒ sl;Psf] efƒL„ a bundle of firewood placed horizontally and fastened together. #= [gf= n.] af?b elƒPsf] 6f]6fdf
ílUg pTkfbg uƒfpg vf]nsf] leq lkFwkl§ ufFl;Psf] lrh„ an object tied inside the bullet on its bottom in order to ignite.
s]lD;Go , ant. — [í=lqm= v.i.] != nfdf] p7a; x'gfn] w]ƒ} glhs 7fÌ'Ù glhsaf6 lrghfg x'g'Ù ;Fu} p7a; ug]{ afgL a‚g'Ù x]nd]n ug{„ to be familiar with sb; to be close to sb; to be intimate; to be in friendly relationship. @= x]nd]n jf lrghfg ulƒg'Ù klƒro ug'{„ to know sb well; to introduce yourself to sb; to befriend.
s]; — [gf= n.] s'g} lglÁt uGtJodf k'Ug] sfd„ an act of reaching a particular destination. > s];kf] — hfg], k'lug] jf k'Ug' kg]{ ynf]Ù uGtJo„ the place to which sb or sth is going or must go; a destination.
s]:s];f] — [lj= adj.] != n]‚ofOnf] x'g] uƒL ƒfd|ƒL d'l5Psf] kL7f], df6f] íflb„ kneaded clay or dough. @= -l9F8f]_ ƒfd|ƒL íf]9fn]ƒ d‚sfOPsf]„ properly stirred dhindo, porridge.
s]:Go plv. , syn. , hmlv.
54 , nblv. , m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] != uGtJodf pkl‚yt x'g'Ù k'Ug'„ to arrive at a destination; to reach somewhere. @= 7Ls 7fpF jf ynf] e]§fpg'„ to find a right place.
s]:x'Go plv. , nblv. — [í=lqm= v.i.] st}af6 pkl‚yt x'g ífpg'Ù ífOk'Ug'„ to reach a place; to arrive. j`m] lv:Go@— sDdƒ s;]ƒ nflukg'{Ù k|lt‚kwf{df plqg'„ to gird yourself; to be ready for competition. ~km]ƒ}MGo — s;}n] uƒ]sf] xflgsf] lj?4 df}sf–íj;ƒ kfƒ]ƒ abnf lng'Ù ;f6f] km]g'{Ù k|ltzf]w lng'„ to avenge; to retaliate; to get even with sb.
lv;fgL , syn. — [gf= n.] ísf{sf] pÌlt, k|ult, ;d[l4, km'tL{kmftL{ b]v]ƒ
vL — [gf= n.] zƒLƒdf 6fFl;Psf] h'sf -EofTn'ª_ x6fpg 6'Kkfdf tf5]ƒ wflƒnf] agfOPsf] lgufnf, afF; jf sf7 cflbsf] ;fwg„ a device made from bamboo or wood with a sharpened edge, used to pick the leeches off your body.
vLDGo , syn. , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != a]kQf ePsf] lrh e]§fpg jf s'g} gofF lrh jf p2]Zo k|f¨ ug{ k|oTg ug'{Ù vf]hL ug'{Ù vf]Hg'Ù tnf;L lng'Ù vf]hlag ug'{„ to search (for sth); to attempt to get sth. @= gofF jf íGbfhsf s'g} s'ƒf e]§fpg
sf]lz; ug'{Ù yfx} gePsf] j‚t' kQf nufpg vf]Hg'Ù íg';Gwfg ug'{„ to investigate; to research. #= s;};Fu ´u8fsf] af6f] ƒf]Hg'Ù lgx'F vf]Hg'„ to make an issue of sth; to pick a fight; to provoke a quarrel. $= kf]yL kz'n] efn];Fu ;+;u{sf] rfxgf ƒfVg'Ù efn] vf]Hg'„ (of female animals) to be on heat; to look for a mating partner.
vF' plv. () > hmlv. — [gf= n.] ;]tf] ƒªsf] u''ƒfF;„ white rhododendron. v'FkL plv. ,nblv. , slv. — [gf= n.] 8fF7 k]n]ƒ lg‚s]sf] u'lnof] ƒ;åfƒf lrgL íflb agfpg x'g] ífFVnfbfƒ Ps jg‚kltÙ pmv'„ sugar cane. ~k'n — [gf= n.] r';]ƒ jf k]n]ƒ lgsflnPsf] pmv'sf] vf]‚6fÙ vf]Onf]„ sugar cane waste left after it is pressed. ~lkGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] pv' rkfPƒ ƒ; r'‚g'„ to chew sugar cane and suck its juice.
v'Fk'ƒ hmlv. , tslv. , plv.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
v' — [gf= n.] vfg]s'ƒf ksfpFbf
efF8fsf] lkFwdf 6fFl;Pƒ ag]sf] rfd|f] kqÙ dfd|L„ rice or porridge crust that sticks to the bottom of the cooking pot.
v' glv. , plv. — [gf= n.] d'vleqsf] íf]8fƒsf] dflyNnf]kl§sf] sf]k|f] íËÙ tfn'Ù Rofk'„ the top part of the inside of your mouth; palate.
a place for seasonal migration.
v'ª\u' — [gf= n.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] -s'kf _ v'tL! — [gf= n.] hfFtf]sf] dflyNnf] kmUNofF6fsf] lsgfƒdf ufl8Psf] 3'dfPƒ lk‚gsf] nflu xftn] ;dfpg] efuÙ xftf]„ the handle of grinding stone. -/fFy} ) for picture.
v'ONof nblv. , plv. & — [lj= adj.] tfn'sf] ƒf}+ ;a} ´ƒ]ƒ vfnL ePsf]Ù skfn v'OlnPsf]Ù tfn'v'On]„
v'tL@ — [gf= n.] kfNt' hgfjƒx¿sf] ;d"xÙ hgfjƒsf] ayfg jf aufn„ a group of
having little or no hair on the head; bald.
v'tLM — [gf= n.] d]?b08sf] tNnf] ƒ uf]8fsf] hƒf] hf]l8g] rfsg]ƒsf] x•LÙ rfs ƒ uf]8fsf] xf8hf]gL{„ pelvic bone. -vk/
v'u' nblv. , syn. , plv. , slv. — [gf= n.] != ;fdfGotM b'O{ dfgf í6fpg], kfgL vfg] íflb sfo{df b}lgs k|of]udf ífpg] íw{gnLo'Qm ;dfpg] 8G8L ePsf] 3ƒ]n' efF8f]„ a copper pot which has the capacity of holding two mānās of liquid. It is used to drink water without touching one's lips. @= kƒfk"j{sfnb]lv k|of]udf ífPsf]
í7f¸ duƒft duƒx¿sf] ;fF‚s[lts k|tLssf] ¿kdf ƒx]sf] efF8f]„ a symbolic pot of high cultural v'u' significance found among the Magars from Athāra Magarāt regions.
v'u'? , , & — [lqm=lj= adv., gf= n.] e'të ' eO{ Pëfl; dg]{ lsl;dn]Ù v'që ' „ (of dying) suddenly and unexpectedly.
v'ª slv. , plv. () — [gf= n.] Ct'rqm íg';fƒ a;fO ;lƒg] ufpFeGbf s]xL dfly n]seGbf tn kg]{ If]q„ a region that lies above a village and below a highland;
domestic animals; a herd; a flock.
v't' — [gf= n.] bdfxf ahfPƒ ;fj{hlgs ;"rgf lbg] sfdÙ bdfxfåfƒf s;}nfO{ af]nfpg] jf ;Gb]z lbg] ;Í]t„ an act of conveying a message or giving a notice publicly by beating a drum.
v'b'? — [lqm=lj= adv., gf= n.] -v'u'? _ v'g'; , — [gf= n.] gdL7f] jrg Jojxfƒ íflbn] ubf{ s;}sf] dgdf kg{ hfg] lkƒÙ b'Mvdgfp„ emotional pain felt due to someone's rude behaviour or words; grievance. ~3'Go{ — [í=lqm= v.i.] dgdf b'Mv jf lkƒ dfÌ'„ to be hurt by someone's rude behaviour or words; to be upset or unhappy; to take sth to your heart.
v'k — [gf= n.] dlxnfsf] skfn 9fSg] k©f}ƒfÙ 3'D6f]„ a piece of cloth used by a woman to cover her head; a veil. > v'lK;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] ?dfn k©f}ƒfn] skfn 9fSg'Ù 3'D6f] íf]9†g'„ to cover
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
77 the head with a veil; to veil oneself.
v'lkGo plv. , nblv. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != l5gf], adf{ íflbn] 9'Ëf, sf7 íflbdf a'§f sf6†g' jf Kjfn kfg'{Ù s'Fb†g'„ to
drill through stone or wood, to chisel figures out of stone or wood. @= hfFtf], 3§ íflbdf bfFtL lgsfNg'Ù vf]Kg'„ to cut patterns into the grinding stones; to engrave.
v'lDrp , ant. — [lj= adj.] aflxƒL ;tx leqltƒ wl;Pƒ ífsfƒ ƒ ífotg 36]sf]Ù v'lDrPsf]„ shrunk. v'ƒ! , syn. — [gf= n.] lhpsf] agf]6Ù lhp8fnÙ zfƒLlƒs sb„ physique; shape; size; countenance.
v'ƒ@ — [gf= n.] != ufO{e}F;L, e]8fafv|f íflb k|f0fLsf] v'§fsf] 6'Kkfdf x'g] l;ª h‚t} s8f 6]Sg] efu„ a hoof. @= ‰ofn9f]sf afs; íflbsf] vfkf í8Øfpg agfOPsf] r'Rrf] efu„ a pointed end that supports the khapa of a wooden window, door or a box lid; a pivot.
v'ƒ# — [gf= n.÷u=e]= glv.] -vf]Rof]{ _ v'/L — [gf= n.] -v'/ _ v'ƒL — [gf= n.] hfF8, ©fª, ƒS;L íflb lkpg k|of]udf ífpg] sfF;fsf] srf}ƒf]Ù s6f}ƒf]Ù a6'sf]„ a bowl made of bronze, used for drinking home-made liquor.
v'?v'? — [lqm=lj= adv.] ífgfsfgL guƒL s'g} lrh lng]lbg] jf í¸fPsf] ;ƒf;ƒ dfÌ] jf ug]{ 9Ën]Ù ;ƒf;ƒ„ in the manner of obeying sb or doing sth without complaint or delay.
v'?NTof — [lj= adj.] ƒf}+, skfn jf
v'lnGo KjfFv k"ƒ} ´ƒ]ƒ vfnL ePsf]Ù tfn'v'On]„ with no hair on the head; bald. -?v la?jf íflbdf_ kft, af]qmf gePsf]„ (of plants) without bark and leaves; bare.
plv. , nblv. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != af]qmf tf5]ƒ kmfNg'Ù v's{g'„ to peel or scrape. @= 5'ƒf íflbn] skfn sf6†g'Ù vf}ƒg'„ to shave.
v'u'{ nblv. , plv. — [gf= n.] afF; jf lgufnfsf] rf]ofnfO{ a'g]ƒ agfPsf] ígfh ƒfVg x'g] sf]7f], efF8f]„ a large bamboo container used for storing food grains.
v'hf{ — [gf= n.] k|foM v's'ƒLsf] bfksf] ;fgf] 3ƒdf ƒflvg] v's'ƒLsf] ífsfƒs} ;fgf] xltofƒÙ sb{„ a small knife carried
in the khukuri sheath; a small khukuri.
v'd'{¥of — [lj= adj.] gyfsL, ga;L sfddf lgƒGtƒ pBt ƒxg]Ù ldlxg]tLÙ pBdLÙ pBdzLnÙ klƒ>dL„ laborious; hard-working; industrious; diligent.
v'n — [gf= n.] != s'g} pT;j, ef]h íflbdf s;}nfO{ af]nfpg] sfdÙ lgdGq0ffÙ lgDtf]„ an act of inviting sb or being invited; invitation. @= af]nfj6Ù ífJxfgÙ lgdGq0ffÙ lgDtf]„ summon; calling for; invitation. > v'NGo! — ufO{e}F;L, e]8fafv|f íflb 3ƒkfn'jf hgfjƒx¿nfO{ af]nfpFb} pgLx¿sf íufl8 íufl8 hfg'„ to lead cattle by calling them. > v'NGo@ -#= ls`Go _
v'lnGo! — [í=lqm= v.i.] != vf]nf–gfnf, af9L íflbn] ´g† ulxƒf] vfN8f] jf vf]N;f] agfpFb} hfg'„ to erode by a river
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
v'lnGo or rivulet. @= 3fp–vl6ƒf] kfs]ƒ ulxƒf] x'Fb} hfg'„ (of wounds) to fester.
dflysf] íf;gÙ sfv„ top of your thighs
v'lnGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] -k/`NGo _ v'lNsGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] != ƒf}+, e'Tnf, KjfFv íflb ´g'{Ù v'Olng'„ to go bald. @= [lj= adj.] pv]Ng ;lhnf] x'g] vfnsf]Ù ;lhn} hƒf 5f]8†g]„ that can be easily
v':v'; - — [gf= n.] ;f¸} dl;gf] ‚jƒn] elgg] uf]Ko s'ƒfÙ la‚tfƒ} Pshgf;Fu dfq v';ë ' elgg] s'ƒfÙ ;fptLÙ sfg]v';L„ sth said in a whisper. > v':v';Úlg kfFGo -— [;=lqm= v.t.] s;}sf] sfgdf d'v hf]8L la‚tfƒ} s]xL eÌÙ sfg]v';L ug'{„ to whisper. ~lnGo — í¿n] g;'Ì] uƒL la‚tfƒ} s'ƒf ug'{„ to
uprooted; shallow-rooted.
v'Ns}MGo! plv. , syn. , nblv. , ant. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != sfl6Psf]] dfƒsf] ƒf}+ v'ONofpg', e'TNofpg'„ to pluck the butchered animal's hair or chicken's feathers after wetting it with hot water. @= af]6la?jf,
´fƒkft jf ƒf]lkPsf] lrhsf] hƒf;d]t ífpg] uƒL tfÌÙ pv]Ng''„ to uproot a plant. #= -íÂLn k|of]u_ s;}nfO{ x]k]ƒ jf ufnLsf] íj‚yfdf íÂLn zAb k|of]u ug'{Ù -of}gfËsf] jlƒklƒ pd|g] ƒf}+ æhfF7f] pv]Ng]Æ eÌ] íy{df k|of]u ulƒg] zAb_ pv]Ng'„ (offensive) to use an offensive word in order to insult or scold someone (meaning 'uprooting one's pubic hair').
v'Ns}MGo@ plv. , m. huN6f, skfn ;dfPƒ n5fƒk5fƒ ug'{Ù e'TNofpg'Ù huN6Øfpg' (while quarrelling or fighting) to clutch someone by their hair.
v'NSof — [lj= adj.] -v'ONof _ v'NtLM — [gf= n.] nufOg] sk8f -sldh, k}G6, Hofs]6, rf]nf] íflb_ df ufFl;Psf] ´f]nf k|sfƒsf] y}nf]Ù uf]hL„ a small pouch in clothes; a pocket.
v'; , , — [gf= n.] kn]+6L dfƒ]ƒ a‚bf aÌ], s]6fs]6L a‚g ldNg] uf]8f
when sitting; a lap.
speak or suggest sth secretly. > v':v'‚of — [lj= adj.] unf
a;]sf]Ù í¿n] k|i6 g;'Ì] uƒL af]Ng]Ù ílt ;fgf] ‚jƒdf af]Ng]„ unable to speak loudly because of a cold; habit of speaking in a very low voice.
v] — [gf= n.÷u=e]= glv.] -P`F _ v]u]k — [gf= n.] leqleq kfs]ƒ aflxƒL kq ;'s]sf] 3fpÙ 3fpaflxƒsf] ;'s]sf] kq„ the crust over the healing wound; scab.
v]Ë]+j plv. , nblv. — [lj= adj.] lunf] gePsf]Ù ;f¸f]Ù s7f]ƒÙ s8fÙ rfd|f]„ not soft; not easy to crush; hard; stiff ; tough.
v]bf — [gf= n.] s;}nfO{ laufg{, abnf lng k©fOƒxg] sfdÙ v]bf]„ an act of following sb with an intention of harming them.
v]bf? plv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] efn] vf]h]sf] ufO{, e}F;Lsf kl5kl5 nfUg] ;fF9], ƒfFufsf] ;d"x„ a group of domestic animals (cows, buffaloes etc.) while males following females on heat.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
, ,
, , nblv. , m. , ant. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != s'6†g], dfg]{ p2]Zon] k©fpg'Ù nv]6†g'„ to drive away; to hunt; to hound; to chase. @= ;Ldf kfƒ uƒfpg'Ù nv]6†g'„ to chase someone with an intention of driving them away.
penniless. > v]DGo! , m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] j‚t'sf] dfqf jf ;do;Ldf íflb 6'lËg'Ù ;df¨ x'g'Ù ;lsg'„ (of things or time) to finish; to end; to be over. > v]DGo@— [;=lqm= v.t.] s'g} sfds'ƒf k"ƒf jf ;DkÌ ug'{Ù 6'+Uofpg'„ to complete sth; to end sth.
v]gfp¥of — [lj= adj.] -sf]ª\ 3f]tf]Mj _ v]gf] plv. , nblv. — [lj= adj.] != af];f]o'Qm lrNnf] kbfy{ efF8f] jf s'g} lrhdf nfu]ƒ hd]sf]„ oily; greasy. @= sfd ug]{ snf ePsf]Ù ;Lk, 9Ë k'u]sf]Ù s'zn„
v]ƒfFn' — [gf= n.] slnnf] 8fF7nfO{ ksfPƒ tƒsfƒLsf] ¿kdf pkof]u ug{ ldNg] Ps k|sfƒsf] hËnL jg‚kltÙ s'lƒnf]„
competent; capable; skilled.
v]k — [gf= n.] != -lrh af]s]ƒ_ st} NofpFbf jf nfFbfsf] k6sÙ k6s–k6sdf íf];fƒ–k;fƒ ubf{sf] efƒL„ a load carried at a time. @= k6sÙ kN6Ù rf]l6„ a time; an occasion.
v]kf plv. , nblv. , hmlv. , slv. , glv. , ant. — [gf= n.] nf]Ug] jf db{ dfG5]Ù k'?if„ a male person; a male. ~hÞf — k'?if ;GtfgÙ 5f]ƒf]„ a son.
v]k}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.÷k=e]= plv.] != -v]b}Go _ @= s;}sf] kl5kl5 nfluƒxg'Ù k©fOƒxg'Ù ¬} kfpg jf d2tsf] nflu s;}sf] kl5kl5 nfluƒxg'Ù k©fpg'„ to follow someone to obtain
a wild plant with soft stems that are consumed as vegetable; wild asparagus. v]/fpTof — [gf= n.] dfn ;dfg vlƒb†b} 8'Ng] dfG5]Ù vlƒt]„ a person who travels from place to place for purchasing goods; a purchaser.
v]ƒ — [gf= n.] -vjfƒ _ v]; — [lqm=lj= adv.] xft jf v'§f st} ;'§ l5ƒfOxfNg] rfnn]„ in the manner of inserting hands or legs somewhere.
v];f — [gf= n.] v's'ƒLsf] bfkdf ;Fu} hf]l8Psf sb{, rsds íflb ƒfVg agfOPsf 5fnf jf sf7sf ;;fgf uf]hL„ small pocket made up of wood or leather on the side of the sheath of a khukuri, where small knives called karda, chakmak, etc. are inserted.
something or for help.
v]df] — [lj= adj.] != s'g} sfds'ƒf] ;DkÌ ePsf]Ù l;l4Psf]Ù ;df¨ ePsf]„ finished; completed. @= k"ƒ} ;DklQ ;lsPsf]Ù lgld6ØfÌ ePsf]Ù 6f6 klN6Psf]Ù ífly{s ¿kn] l;l4Psf]„ having no property
v];]+ > - — [gf= n.] ;fgf] ífjfh lgsfn]ƒ leqleq dfq ?g] sfdÙ ;'ë F – ;'ë F „ an act or sound of sobbing; sobs. v]‚Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] != j‚t'df
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
v}+ ƒx]sf] tfkqmd 36†g'Ù lr;f] x'g'Ù ;]nfpg'„ to become less warm; to become cold; to cool. @= hf];, pT;fx, lƒ; íflb 36†b} hfg'Ù qmf]w sd x'g'„ to become less energetic or vibrant; to cool down.
v}+ — [gf= n.] vlgh kbfy{ ƒx]sf] e"ue{Ù vfgL„ a deep hole under the ground where minerals such as gold, copper, lead, iron, coal etc. are dug or mined; a mine.
v} — [gf= n.] != kmnfddf nfUg] s;Ù lvof„ a reddish-brown layer that forms on iron; rust. > v}Go! — [í=lqm= v.i.] lvof nfUg'„ to rust. @= [gf= n.] s'g} b'O{eGbf a9L j‚t'aLr ífk;df ífsfƒ– k|sfƒ, ?k–u'0f, tf}n íflbdf x'g] ;dfgtf„
similarity between more than two things in terms of size, shape, form, quality or weight. > v}Go@— [í=lqm= v.i.]
?k, u'0f, ífsfƒ Pp6} h‚tf] nfUg''Ù d]n vfg'„ to look similar in form, quality or size. #= [gf= n.] k/:k/df x'g] d}qL ;DaGwÙ ldqtfÙ ífTdLotf„ friendly relation; friendship; intimacy. > v}Go# , syn. — [;=lqm= v.t.] ljrfƒ Pp6}
agfpg'Ù ljrfƒ–Jojxfƒ ldnfpg'Ù ldng;fƒ aÌ'„ to form similar opinions; to establish coordination between thoughts and behaviours; to be sociable.
v}v} — [gf= n.] Psbd glhssf] ;fOgf] kg]{Ù gft]bfƒÙ ífkmGt„ a very close relative; kinsman. v}nfa}nf , syn. — [gf= n.] rsf]{ jfbljjjfb x'Fbf ;'lgg] sf]nfxnÙ egfeg„ a noisy argument;
a dispute; an altercation; a row; an uproar.
vf]+RofMGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] v'§f vf]RofPƒ lxF8†g'Ù vf]Rofªvf]Rofª ug'{Ù nË8fpg'Ù vf]Rofpg'„ to limp; to hobble. vf]+tf , syn. — [gf= n.] afƒ afg{ k|of]u ulƒg] nfDrf] ƒ ;'lƒnf] sf7sf] 3f]rf]„ a wooden post which is used to make a fence.
vf]+kf hmlv. , plv. — [gf= n.] skfnsf] k5fl8 ;kë vf]+kf kfƒL sl;Psf] skfnsf] h'ƒf]„ hair gathered in a tight round coil on the back or top of the head; a bun.
vf]O3f — [gf= n.÷t;]=e]= tslv.] -v'Fk'ƒ _ vf]PFGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] wfuf] sfTg'k"j{ pmgdf ƒx]sf] 8Nnf], ufF7f] íflbnfO{ xftn] v's'Nofpg'„ to undo knots in the wool or remove lumps from it before spinning it into a thread.
vf]P! — [gf= n.] hfF8 agfpg jf ef]het]ƒdf vfg]s'ƒf ksfpg k|of]u ulƒg] la6 r]K6f] x'g] d´f}nf vfnsf] tfdf, lkQn, íflbsf] efF8f]Ù ;fgf] v8†sF'nf]Ù tfpnf]„ a medium-sized copper or brass vessel, which is used to cook rice in a feast or to brew liquor. hn
hmlv. , glv. & slv. , m. — [gf= n.] af]6, la?jf íflb pd|g jf a9†g;Sg] e";txsf] dlnnf] í+zÙ df6f]„ the fertile layer or crust on
88 the surface of the ground in which plants grow; soil; earth.
ud@ — [gf= n.] s'g} lrh pkef]u ug{sf] nflu leq}b]lv hfu]ƒ ífPsf] rfxgfÙ íle?lr„ inner desire for sth.
udbnf{! plv. , hmlv. , llv. — [gf= n.] v]t íflb vghf]t ubf{ lg‚sg] df6fsf] l9‚sf] jf 8Nnf]„ clods of earth after digging or ploughing it.
udbnf{@ — [gf= n.] df6fsf] 8Nnf]„ a lump or clod of earth.
uƒ! > - — [gf= n.] kl5nfO{ rflxG5 eÌ] ;f]rljrfƒ} gƒfvL s'g} klg j‚t' -íÌ, wg íflb_ lgsflnƒxg] sfd„ an act of consuming or spending sth thoughtlessly. ~jfNGo! — [;=lqm= v.t.] s'g} j‚t' To;ƒL lgsfNg'„ to consume or spend sth in this manner. ~jfNGo@— wg;DklQ p8fpg'Ù df‚g'„ to squander property.
uƒ@ — [gf= n.] != 3ƒsf] 5fgf], 5tsf] leqkl§sf] efuÙ l;lnª„ the inside top of a room; a ceiling. @= s'g} s'ƒf k"ƒf ug{ ƒflvPsf] ;Ldf jf ;t{Ù í8fg„ sth that must exist for sth else to happen; a condition.
uƒs — [lqm=lj= adv.] ;a}hgf ;Fu;Fu} ldn]ƒ s'g} sfd Ps};fy l;Wofpg] rfnÙ Ps;fy„ in the manner of accomplishing a task or achieving an end together.
uƒjf — [gf= n.] vf]nfleqsf] pko'Qm ‚yfgdf rfƒf]nfO{ 9'Ëfn] lyr]ƒ 5f8]ƒ ;f] rfƒf vfg df5fx¿ hDdf ePkl5 3]ƒf] dfƒL df5f dfg]{ sfd„ an indigenous technique of catching fish by closing in on them. ~emf]DGo — [;=lqm= v.t.]
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
kfgLdf 9'Ëf y'kfƒL df5fsf s[lqd 3ƒ jf s'ƒ agfOlbg'Ù df5f a‚gsf] nflu kfgLdf 9'Ëf y'kfg'{„ to make artificial kur for fish. uƒfFGo! plv. (), ulv. — [í=lqm= v.i.] ƒf]uaf6 d'Qm eO{ la;]s, lgsf] x'g'Ù ;~rf] x'Fb} hfg'„ to return to a
un! plv. , slv. — [gf= n.] u¸'Ëf] lrh kN6fpg k|of]u x'g] sf7 jf kmnfd] 8G8L„
previous state of health; to recover; to convalesce.
un@ — [gf= n.] ;'Fu'ƒ h‚t} df]6f] ƒ sl;nf] b]lvg] hËnL k|f0fLÙ aFb]nÙ ag]n„ a wild boar. unfF plv. (), , > hmlv. , glv. , slv. — [gf= n.] j‚t'efpnfO{ afFWgsf] nflu h'6 jf efªsf] ƒ];f af6]ƒ agfOPsf] 8f]ƒLÙ bfDnf]„ a tether made of
uƒfFGo@ — [í=lqm= v.i.] ;Gt'i6 x'g'Ù lrQ a'‰g'„ to be satisfied or contented.
uƒ]< — [gf= n.] ufO{, e}F;L íflbnfO{ afFWgsf] nflu lgufnfsf] rf]ofnfO{ af6]ƒ agfOPsf] 8f]ƒLÙ rf]ofsf] bfDnf]„ a tether made of nigālo strips.
us{g , syn. — [gf= n.] ofqf ubf{ kfƒ ulƒg] nueu Ps sf];;Ddsf] b'ƒLÙ Ps la;f}gfsf] b'ƒL„ a distance of one kosh (about two miles) that a person covers in their journey; one stoppage.
uvf{ — [gf= n.] t'ngfTds ¿kdf 7"nf] ƒ 3gf ufpF„ a large and densely populated village.
uMGo{ — [í=lqm= v.i.] leƒ, kv]ƒf íflb í;lhnf 7fpFdf uO;s]kl5 jf íUnf] ?vdf rl9;s]kl5 sxfnL nfu]ƒ kms{g g;Sg] x'g'Ù uPsf] jf r9]sf] 7fpFdf í8†sg] x'g'„ to be unable to climb down a precipice or tall tree because you feel dizzy due to height; to get stuck in a precipice or tall tree; to be stranded there.
uEof{ , ant. — [lj= adj.] k]6df aRrf ƒx]sf]Ù ue{wfƒ0f uƒ]sLÙ ue{ af]s]sf]Ù ule{0fLÙ bf]lhof„ pregnant; expecting a baby.
a wooden or metal bar which is used to move a heavy object; a lever.
jute fibres.
un}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] l‚yƒ jf Š'lG8ƒx]sf] s'g} j‚t'nfO{ v‚g] agfpg'Ù Šfg'{Ù v;fpg'„ to cause sth to fall; to drop. uNs}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != 7f]; lrhnfO{ tfk lbO{ klUng] kfg'{Ù kufNg'„ to change a substance from a solid to a liquid state by heating it; to melt. @= s'g} s'ƒfdf í¿nfO{ d²f'ƒ uƒfpg'„ to make someone to agree; to persuade. #=
kf]yL hgfjƒnfO{ of}g;Dks{sf] nflu tofƒ t'Nofpg'Ù of}gf]Q]lht kfg'{„ to make a female animal ready for mating; to titillate; to cause sexual arousal.
uNBf — [gf= n.] klƒkSj íj‚yfdf k'u]sf] k|foM PSn} ƒxg] efn] aFb]n„ a mature male wild boar that loves to live alone.
uNGo plv. ,> hmlv. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != s;}nfO{ sƒsfkdf kfƒL s'g} lrh vlƒb uƒfpg'Ù lsÌ nufpg'Ù le8fpg'Ù lsgfpg'„ to cause or force sb to buy sth. @= 9f]sfsf] vfkf aGb ug'{Ù 9f]sf nufpg'Ù y'Ì'„ to shut the door. #= ¬} lrh jf
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
u;fFsf s;}nfO{ sf]7fleq y'g]ƒ 9f]sf aGb ug'{„ to shut sb/sth in a room.
nblv. , hmlv. , plv. — [gf= n.] ©fª yG¬fpg x'g]
8Nnf] ífsfƒsf] df6fsf] 7"nf] efF8f]Ù df6fsf] ufu|f]„ a large earthen pot used to store chhyāng.
kfOg] 9f8df ;f¸f] va6f] ePsf] ƒ e'OFdf 3;|Fb} ;]tf] ¥ofn 5f]8†b} lxF8†g] Ps k|sfƒsf] lsƒfÙ z+v]lsƒf„ a small creature with a soft wet body and round shell, that moves very slowly and often eats garden plants; a snail.
ufF — [gf= n.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] -!= sfkƒf _ ufFTofu'FtL , syn. — [gf= n.] gfua]nL kƒ]sf] 3'dfpƒf] kƒ]sf] b]lvg] gbL, af6f] jf j‚t'Ù gfua]nL„ curving and twisting like a snake; serpentine. ufFyf — [gf= n.] jg‚kltsf] xfFuf,
kft knfpg] efuÙ v08–v08 kƒL hf]l8Psf] b]lvg] pmv', ds}, afF; h‚tf jg‚kltsf] hf]gL{Ù ífFvf„ a place on the stem of a plant such as sugar cane, maize, bamboo from which a branch or a leaf grows; a node; a knot.
ufFbfnf]tg — [gf= n.] lh2L k|bz{g ug{ e'OFdf ulƒg] n8La'8L„ writhing about or rolling on the floor demanding for sth; rolling.
ufFGo (), m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] w]ƒ} hf8f] nfu]ƒ s7Øfª†lu|g'Ù hf8f]n] ubf{ xftv'§f íƒlƒg'Ù uª†lu|g'Ù sqmë kg'{„ to go stiff with cold.
ufF; — [gf= n.] != zjdfly jf sfhlslƒofsf]lbg OR5fg';fƒ >4f²fnL‚j?k r9fOg] ?k}+of–k};f„ money that is put on the dead body during funeral or offered in the name of the dead person on the day of the last rites. @= b'O{ lrhsf] ífk;df hf]l8Psf] efuÙ hf]gL{„ a joint.
ufFy}l;Go , ant. — [í=lqm= v.i.] s's'ƒ, ‚ofn íflb hgfjƒ of}g;Dks{ ubf{ hf]lN6g'„ (of dogs,
ufM , m. — [gf= n.] != s'v'ƒf, rƒf íflb vfg] 7"nf] hftsf] lxF;|s kIfLÙ lrn„ an eagle. @= [lqm=lj= adv=] d'v kmfl§g] uƒLÙ d'v vf]Ng] lsl;dn]Ù vfg vf]Hg] 9Ën]Ù ífF„
jackals) to get entangled while coupling.
with your mouth wide open; in the manner of eating sth; agape.
ufFbf () — [gf= n.] ífof]l8gsf] sdLn] 3fF6Ldf u|GyL km'n]ƒ lg‚sg] 8Nnf]Ù unufF8„ a swelling at the front of the
ufpnf — [gf= n.] -5†jfg _ uf< — [gf= n.] != d'vaf6 lg‚s]sf] ífjfh„ any sound produced from the mouth of man or animals. @= s'g} j‚t' 7f]lsFbf ífpg] ífjfh, Wjlg„ a
neck caused by an increase in size of the thyroid gland; goitre.
ufFbf?nL — [gf= n.] jiff{ ofdsf] ;dodf íf]l;nf] 7fpFdf
sound produced striking against sth. ufFbf?nL
#= n;'g;Fu ldNbf] ífsfƒ, ƒª ƒ kq ePsf],
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
91 jgkfvfdf kfOg], vfg x'g] Ps lsl;dsf] sGbd"n„ a wild root vegetable that resembles garlic.
ufª†Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] -ufFGo _ ufhn — [gf= n.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] -cXFuf/ _ ufTGo — [;=lqm= v.t.÷lge'=e]=] -@= u}MGo ) ufbfNˆofu'b'NkmL — [gf= n.] Šf]nkbfy{df ldl;Pƒ ƒxg] rf]S6frf]S6L„ pieces mixed or dipped in liquids such as vegetable soup.
ufb" — [gf= n.] tfdfsf] ;fgf] ufu|L„ a
small copper vessel for holding/carrying drinking water.
ufb}MGo , m. , — [;=lqm= v.t.] ¬} lrhnfO{ hldgd'lg ƒfv]ƒ k'g'{Ù uf8†g'„ to put sth into the ground and cover it; to bury.
ufBfuXbL — [gf= n.] Pëfl; ¬} g;'lgg] uƒL sfg aGb x'g] l‚ylt„ in the manner of being struck deaf.
ufgf< — [gf= n.] v'§f knfOg;s]sf] Eofu'tfsf aRrfÙ r]kfufF8f„ a small black creature witha large head and long tail which lives in water and develops into a frog or toad; tadpole.
uflg;f] — [lj= adj.] -lkk_ íw{ tƒnfj‚yfsf]Ù afSnf]Ù hd]sf]„ (of pus) a thick yellowish or greenish liquid.
ufleGo ufkufk — [gf= n.] dg]{ a]nfdf af]Ng rfx]sf] ;Í]t lbg] ífjfhljlxg d'v rnfOÙ KofsKofsltÙ d[To'jƒ0fsf] ílGtd Ãf; km]ƒfO„ a gasp made by a dying person; a person's dying breath.
ufKtfkf] , ant. — [lj= adj.] ƒfd|ƒL ghf]l8Pƒ jf rs]{sf] 7fpFdf Šg† kmf6]sf]„ a narrow opening or a cracked (in a joint).
ufa — [gf= n.] ;'s]sf] sf7leq x'g] ƒftf] ƒªsf] s8f efu„ the red hard part dry wood.
ufaƒf plv. , , , hmlv. — [gf= n.] 6'S|ofOPƒ jf 6'lqmPƒ dl;gf ePsf ;;fgf 9'Ëfsf] ;d"xÙ ƒf]8fÙ lu§LÙ sª†lqm6„ very small stones used for making a wall; gravel; grit.
ufa' plv. , tlv. — [gf= n.] b"w b'x'g k|of]u x'g] d'v km's]sf] ƒ lkFwltƒ ;fFu'lƒFb} uPsf] sf7sf] 9'ª†u|f]Ù b'w]ƒf]Ù ua'jf„ a milking
pot made of wood.
uflegf — [lj= adj.] -c;bf]{ _ ufleGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] != ;dodf lgbfg ƒ pkrfƒ gubf{ ƒf]un] Šg† uDeLƒ ?k lng'Ù ;ª†qmd0f km}ng'„ (of infection) to spread in the body due to the lack of timely treatment; to get infected.
@= b'O{eGbf a9L j‚t'x¿ Ps} 7fpFdf ldl;g jf hf]l8g k'Ug'Ù hf]l8g'„ (of more than two things) to mix; to join; to meet together.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
uflDsn uflDsn — [gf= n.] ífkm"n] OR©fPsf] s'ƒf gkfPsf] jf gk'u]sf] lƒ;n] í¿n] í¸fPsf] jf eg]sf] sfds'ƒf guƒL a‚g] l‚yltÙ afpFl7g] sfd„ to be in a sulk. uf/ slv. , plv. , > hmlv. — [gf= n.] kfvf, leQf íflbdf ag]sf] k|s[lts vf]kfÙ 7"nf] r§fgsf] íf]t kƒ]sf] efuÙ íf]8fƒ„ a cave; a den; a cavern.
92 vfg'Ù l3Rg'Ù x;'g'{„ to gulp sth down; to gobble sth down. #= s;}af6 lnPsf] C0f, ;fk6L íflb krfpg'Ù lkmtf{ gug'{„ not to pay sb back. > ufnu'n — [lqm=lj= adv.] -vfg]s'ƒf_ e]§fpgf;fy t'?Gt vfPƒ l;Wofpg] uƒLÙ ePhlt ;a} vfOxfNg] ífxflƒ;] rfnn]„ (of eating) greedily; hungrily; gluttonously.
ufƒf — [gf= n.] 9'Ëfsf] kvf{n nufpFbf aLrdf d;nfsf] ¿kdf ƒflvg] d'l5Psf] lu§L df6f]„ building material that is made
ufNGo@ — [í=lqm= v.i.] RofkRofk] lrh, ƒª, kmf]xf]ƒ j‚t' st} 6fFl;g k'Ug'Ù nfUg'„ to stain;
by mixing mud and small stones, grit, etc.
ufM; krlv. , syn. , glv. , slv. , ant. — [gf= n.] ífpg] ísf]{ jif{ jf ;fnÙ ífufdL jif{, ;fn„ next
ufMGo{ — [í=lqm= v.i.] 8ƒ, qf; íflbn] xf]; xƒfPƒ af]Ng g;Sg] eO{ ;fx; 6'6†g'Ù xf]; xƒfpg'„ to lose courage to speak resulting from fear or confusion.
ufn — [gf= n.] í¿sf] ílgi6 sfdgf ub}{ ulƒg] b'jf{RoÙ ;ƒfkÙ snÍ;"rs af]nLÙ ufnL„ a curse, an abuse. > ufnb'afn — ufnLsf] y'k|f]Ù ufnLunf}hsf] jiff{„ a volley of abuse. ufnf! , m. — [gf= n.] r]xƒfsf] bfofFafofF efuÙ ufnf„ the soft part of your face which is below your eye and between your mouth and ear; cheek.
ufnf — [lqm=lj= adv.÷;]=e]= slv.] -cf]Mt _ uflnGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] nuftfƒ ƒf]Pƒ yfSg'„ to feel exhausted after weeping @
for a long time.
ufNGo! , m. , ant. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != vfg]s'ƒf íflb lgNg'„ to swallow. @= -x]o jf ufnLsf] efjdf_ a];ƒL w]ƒ}
to get stuck.
year; coming year.
uf‚of — [gf= n.] dfu]ƒ k]6 kfNg]Ù ufF; vf]Hb} lxF8†g]Ù dfu]ƒ hLljsf rnfpg]Ù dfuL vfg]Ù dfUg]Ù levfƒL„ a beggar; a destitute. lug — [;j{= pron.] …dÚ zAbsf] låjrg?kÙ b'O{ hgfsf] k|ltlglwÎj uƒ]ƒ Ps JolQmn] af]Nbf k|of]u ug]{ ;j{gfdjfrL zAbÙ xfdL b'O{„ first person dual pronoun used as the subject of a verb; we two.
lu†o — [;=lqm= v.t.÷z]=÷lge'=e]= slv. & nblv.] s;};Fu s'g} ljifodf hfgsfƒL lng', k|À ug'{Ù hjfkm jf lgwf] dfUg'Ù ;f]Wg'„ to put a question to someone, or to request an answer from someone; to ask.
luGdL+ — [;j{= pron. (poss.)÷lj= adj.] æd]ƒf]Æ zAbsf] låjrgÙ xfdL b'O{ hgfsf] ‚jfldÎj leqsf]Ù xfdL b'O{ hgfsf]„ first person dual possessive pronoun; our (two).
luk — [lqm=lj= adv.] -3fNofkuXlnk _ ~ƒfNGo — [;=lqm=
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
93 v.t.] klxƒf], x'n, dfx'ƒLsf] ;d"x íflbn] Pëfl; 9fsL jf 5f]lkxfNg'„ to be engulfed by a landslide, a swarm of bees, a crowd of people, etc.
luƒ — [gf= n.] b'O{ kftfaLr uw{gsf] d'lGtƒsf] efu„ nape. luƒufFBf — [lj= adj.] != df]6f kfF;'nf uƒ]sf] tƒ xf]rf] ƒ alni6„ chunky. @= zfƒLlƒs u7g ldn]sf]Ù Åi6k'i6„ stout; robust.
lun — [gf= n.] l56f]l56f] kfOnf ;fƒ]ƒ ulƒg] ofqfÙ bf}8fOÙ s'bfO„ an act of moving swiftly; a swift walk; run. > luNGo! — [;=lqm= v.t.] l56f] l56f]
kfOnf ;fƒ]ƒ lxF8†g'Ù ;'OFs'Rrf 7f]Sg'Ù km6fkm6 uf]8f rfNg'Ù bf}8†g'Ù s'b†g'Ù bu'g'{Ù 6'OFsg'„ to stride; to run; to take your heels. >
luNGo@— s'g} sfd l56f] 5lƒtf]sf ;fy ug'{„ to finish a piece of work quickly.
lunlun — [gf= n.] != lsƒf, km6Øfª†u|f, dflg;, hgfjƒ íflbsf] 7"nf] jf afSnf] le8„ @= ílt 7"nf] ;ª†Vofsf] x'n jf le8„ a swarm of insects; a crowd of people; a herd of animals.
lulnk — [lqm=lj= adv.] -luk _ > lulnklulnk — ílt 7"nf] ƒ afSnf] le8 x'g] rfnn]„ in the manner of being crowded or swarmed.
luNn}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] ísf{sf] íjglt jf b'u'{0fnfO{ OlËt uƒ]ƒ luHofpg'Ù ?k, ‚jefj, rlƒq íflbsf] lv;L ug'{Ù í¿nfO{ xf]RofPƒ s'ƒf ug'{Ù luNnf ug'{„ to make fun of somebody maliciously; to tease.
luj , , , ant. — [lj= adj.] w]]ƒ} tf}n ePsf]Ù u¸f}+Ù u¸'Ëf]Ù af]lŠnf]„
u'ª†u'xL heavy; weighty. > lu; & — [gf= n.] kbfy{df kg]{ u'?Îjfsif{0fsf] dfqfÙ efƒÙ jhgÙ af]Š„ weight; heaviness. > lu;Go , m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] u¸F'uf] x'g'Ù efƒL x'g'„ to be heavy.
u'F plv. syn. , slv. — [gf= n.] != kfv'ƒf ƒ gfƒLsf] hf]gL{ v'DRofpFbf r'Rrf] kg]{ íËÙ s'lxgf]„ elbow. @= s'lxgf]b]lv dfŠL íf}Fnf;Ddsf] gfkf]Ù Ps xft jf ífwf uhsf] gfk jf nDafO„ a unit of length, equal to the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger; a cubit. –Go— [;=lqm= v.t.] xftn] s'g} lrhsf] gfk lng'Ù PsPs xft uƒL gfKg'„ to measure with a cubit. > u'Fy' — [gf= n.] s'lxgf]b]lv d'7L;Ddsf] gfkf] jf nDafO„ a unit of length, equal to the distance from the elbow to the fist; a short cubit.
u'O — [gf= n.] 8fn] 3fF;sf] ¿kdf k|of]u ug{ldNg] 7"nf ?v x'g] j[IfÙ v;'{Ù v;|]tf]„ a type of fodder tree.
u'vLM plv. (), hmlv. — [gf= n.] 6fpsf] 7"nf], nfdf ƒf}+ ƒ 3f]qm] ífjfh x'g] z'4 gÂsf] 7"nf] s's'ƒÙ ef]6] s's'ƒ„ a mountain dog.
u'u"MtL — [gf= n.] nfdf] 8G8LnfO{ aLrdf ¬} lrhn] í8ØfPƒ b'a}ltƒ a;L aRrfn] v]Ng] v]n„ seesaw.
u'ª — [gf= n.÷u=e]= glv.] -u'd _ u'ª†u'xL krlv. , nblv. , glv.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
u'h'ƒf , hmlv. , plv. — [gf= n.] v}ƒf] ƒ sfnf] nfdf] e'Tn] k'R5ƒ x'g] hËnL hGt'Ù dn;fFk|f]„ a small carnivorous animal with a long body and tail, short legs, and brown fur; a weasel.
u'h'ƒf — [gf= n.] ef}lts zƒLƒ afFRg] dfWodÙ h;f]t;f] k]6kfnf] ug]{ sfdÙ lgjf{xÙ hLljsf]kfh{gÙ hLljsfÙ hLjgofkg„ livelihood. ~bfGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] h]gt]g hLljsf rnfpg'Ù hLjg lgjf{x ug'{„ to live at subsistence level.
u'h'¥of — [lj= adj.÷k=e]= plv.] nfdf] skfn eO{ g;'xfpFbf] b]lvg]Ù u'h'N6f], huN6f ePsf]Ù ´fFqmf] kƒ]sf]„ unkempt or dishevelled hair.
u'ynfp — [lj= adj.] -vf/tfp _ u'bL plv. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] != k|f0fLsf] vKkƒleq x'g] ;Dk"0f{ OlGb|onfO{ lgoGq0f ug]{ ƒ 1fg lbg] gƒd kbfy{Ù dlyËnÙ dl‚tisÙ duhÙ lubL„ the organ inside the head that controls through, memory, feelings and activity; brain. @= l‚yltsf]
;f]rljrfƒ, ts{ ljts{ ƒ lg0f{o íflb uƒfpg] zlQmÙ a'l4Ù k|ltef„ intelligence; talent. u'w' — [lqm=lj= adv.] v'që ' , e'të ' eO{ dg]{ jf dfg]{ uƒ]ƒÙ k|xfƒåfƒf e'të ' } kƒ]ƒ 9fNg] jf 9Ng] uƒL„ (of killing or dying) suddenly and unexpectedly.
u'g — [gf= n.] != s;}n] uƒ]sf] pksfƒ„ succor; help. @= k|f¨ pksfƒsf] d"NofÍgÙ pksfƒ ;D´g] sfdÙ s[t1tf„ gratefulness; gratitude. ~dflgGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] pksfƒ ;D´g'Ù k|f¨ of]ubfgsf] d"NofÍg ug'{Ù u'g dfÌÙ ífefƒ k|s6 ug'{„ to express
94 gratitude.
u'Gh'lƒGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] wfuf] w]ƒ} a6flƒPƒ ufF7f] kg'{„ to become twisted into a knot; to get knotted.
u'Gb'/L , syn. — [gf= n.] d'nfnfO{ dl;gf] agfO{ s'g} efF8f]df vfFb]ƒ jf vf8ndf lyr]ƒ s]xL ;do ƒfvL íldnf] agfOPsf] u'Gb|'sÙ l;GsL„ a type of dry and sour vegetable made from moolis, crushed and kept in a container or a pit until it goes sour.
u'Go! plv. > hmlv. — [;=lqm= v.t.] kfpg] ífzfdf s'ƒƒ] a‚g'Ù 9'Sg'Ù wgf{ s‚g'„ to wait expecting to get sth. u'Go@ — [;=lqm= v.t.] s;}sf] af6f] x]g'{Ù k|tLIff ug'{Ù kv]{ƒ a‚g'Ù kv{g'Ù s'g'{Ù ?ª†g'„ to wait; to hang around; to linger.
u'Go# plv. > hmlv. , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] s;} jf s'g} lrhsf] ;'ƒIffsf] nflu lrof] ug'{Ù ?Fu]ƒ a‚g'„ to keep vigil in order to safeguard sth or sb.
u'af () — [gf= n.] jg‚kltsf] ev{ƒ} knfPsf] slnnf] d'gf„ sprouts; shoots. u'd plv. ,> hmlv. , glv. — [gf= n.] ;'Tbf 6fpsf] prfNg lzƒd'gL ƒflvg] gƒd ;fwgÙ l;ƒfgL„ a cloth bag filled with soft materials, used for resting your head on in bed; a pillow.
u'lD;Go! plv. , > hmlv. — [;=lqm= v.t.] ;'Tbf 6fpsf] d'lg l;ƒfgL jf s'g} lrh ƒfVg'Ù l;ƒfgLdf 6fpsf] í8Øfpg'„ to rest your head (while sleeping) on a pillow or sth else that is soft or comfortable.
u'lD;Go@ — [;=lqm= v.t.] != xfjfsf] ífjthfjt
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
aGb eO{ xKk x'g'Ù afkm, udL{ íflbn] ps';d's'; x'g'Ù u'D;g'Ù aflkmg'„ to feel uncomfortable
your hand in order to mix it properly; to stir.
or suffocated through excessive heat and lack of fresh air. @= s;}sf] ífÃf;gdf
u'ƒLMGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != nfdf] lrhnfO{ 3'dfPƒ s'k|f] kfg'{Ù uf]nfsfƒ agfpg'Ù s'Ko|fpg'„ to bend sth; to make sth round. @= wf]qmf], esfƒL íflb agfpg lrqf], dfGb|f] íflbnfO{ 3'dfpg'„ to roll sth like a
eƒ kƒ]ƒ a‚g'Ù s;}k|lt ífl>t ƒxg'Ù ífzf ;Fufn]ƒ a‚g'Ù ík]Iff ƒfVg'„ to depend on sb; to expect sth from sb.
u'ƒ! plv. , glv. & slv. , m. — [gf= n.] 3f]8f, vRr8, uf8L íflb jfxg jf dflg;n] Ps k6sdf af]Sg;Sg] j‚t'sf] dfqfÙ af]Sgsf] nflu af]ƒf, 8f]sf], ´f]nf íflbdf elƒPsf] ;fdfgsf] PsfO jf af]´Ù efƒL„ a load carried in one trip by a person or a burden of beast; a load.
u'ƒ@ — [gf= n.] ljBf, lzIff, lzNk, a'l4 ƒ sd{;DaGwL of]Uotf lbnfpg] JolQmÙ k9fpg] dfG5]Ù lzIfsÙ u'?„ a teacher; a tutor; a guru; an instructor.
u's'{jf — [gf= n.] b'O{ jf ;f]eGbf a9L j‚t'x¿nfO{ Ps} 7fpFdf ©f;ld; kfƒ]ƒ ;fnfvfnfdf ulƒg] vƒLb–laqmLÙ 7"nf]–;fgf], í;n–sd;n, gƒdsƒd íflbsf] ƒf]vkf]v ldnfPƒ jf ;ƒbƒdf ulƒg] lsga]r„ buying and selling of goods wholesale.
u's}{Go! — [;=lqm= v.t.] To;ƒL vlƒb laqmL ug'{„ to buy or sell goods wholesale.
u'ƒfxf — [gf= n.] -ljÃf;_ ´fFqmL– wfdLx¿n] tGq–dGqåfƒf ífkm}nfO{ abNg] af3sf] ?k„ (of common dGwfpgL beliefs) existence of a shaman/witch doctor transformed into a tiger by using the power of mantra, invocation, etc.
bamboo mat into a round shape so as to make it a container.
lgtL df]xf]g
u's}{Go@ — [;=lqm= v.t.] s'g} j‚t'nfO{ 7]n]ƒ íufl8 a9fpg'Ù u'8fpg'„ to push or roll something ahead.
u'uL{ — [gf= n.÷u=e]= glv.] -u'F _ u'wf{dfg — [gf= n.] ;Ldf gf3]/ cufl8 a9]sf] jfbljjfb jf n8fOFemu8f cflb„ a raging debate, quarrel or fight.
u'/L plv. , syn. , slv. , glv. — [gf= n.] df]xL kfbf{ dbfgLsf] ;ƒ l5ƒfOg] Kjfn ePsf] sf7sf] rëfÙ 3'ƒf]{„ a small wooden wheel with a hole in which a churner is inserted.
u'lƒGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] n]bf] lrhnfO{ ƒfd|ƒL 3f]Ng hf]8n] rnfpg' jf dYg'Ù x'F8Ng'„ to move a liquid with a ladle, stick or
u'w'{; — [gf= n.] != hf]8n] lxF8†bf hldg yls{Pƒ ;'lgg] ífjfh„ the heavy tread. @= [lqm=lj= adv.] ífjfh lg‚sg] uƒL kfOnf rfNg] uƒ]ƒ„ in the manner of treading heavily.
u'w}{Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] dn agfpg ufO{j‚t'nfO{ kƒfn, ;f]Qƒ íflbdfly s'Nrfpg'Ù v§fn] ldRg'Ù lyRg'„ to press,
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
u'n thresh or flatten things with hooves or feet.
u'n — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] kf]yL kIfL íf]yfƒf] a‚g] 7fpF„ the place where a bird incubates; a nest.
u'Ny}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] huN6f] ;dft]ƒ tfÌ'Ù huN6Øfpg'Ù e'TNofpg'Ù n'5†g'„ to seize sb by their hair.
u'Nkmf llv. , plv. — [gf= n.] l9F8f] íf]8fNbf jf kL7f] d'5†bf ƒfd|ƒL g3f]lngfn] ;f]leq aÌ uPsf] ;f–;fgf 8Nnf„ the flour that is not well stirred while cooking.
u'l;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] != So} lrh k|fl¨sf] ífzfn] s'ƒ]ƒ a‚g'„ to wait in the hope of getting sth. @= -sf]xL jf ¬} lrhsf] afƒ]df_ lrof] ug{ ?Fu]ƒ a‚g'Ù 9'Sg'„ to lie in wait. u'‚tL! — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] s;}sf] íg'kl‚yltdf p;sf] afƒ]df ulƒg] ePgePsf s'ƒfÙ k5fl8 s'ƒf sf6†g] sfd„ backbiting; an act of backbiting.
u'‚tL@ — [gf= n.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] -!= kfF _ u"MGo , m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] != dgdf íTof;, eo, ;Íi6 pTkÌ x'Fbf jf hf8f] sdhf]ƒL íflbn] ubf{ zƒLƒdf sDk 5'6†g'Ù yƒyƒfpg'Ù y'ƒy'ƒ x'g'Ù d'6' sfFKg'Ù sfDg'„ to shiver with fear, excitement, cold, weakness, etc. @= wfdL´fFqmLdf b]jtf r9†g'Ù yy{ƒfpg'Ù sfFKg'„ (of a shaman/witch doctor) to convulse the body while invoking spirits.
u]+ () — [lqm=lj= adv.] Ps} k|of;df prfNg] uƒLÙ h'?ë„ lifting sth with a jerk. u]+bf — [gf= n.] 8f]nf], nfdf] sf7 íflbsf]
96 nDafOltƒsf] 6'qmf] jf v08Ù ?vnfO{ 6'S|ofPƒ agfOPsf] luF8Ù d'9f]„ a piece cut from a tree; a log.
u] () — [gf= n.] hUufhldg, dfn, wg;DklQ jf s'g} lrhsf] ‚jfdL jf ílwsfƒLÙ dfnwgLÙ dflns„ a person who owns sth; an owner.
u]M — [;j{= pron.] …dÚ zAbsf] ax''jrg?kÙ tLgeGbf w]ƒ} hgfsf] k|ltlglwÎj uƒ]ƒ Ps JolQmn] af]Nbf k|of]u ulƒg] ;j{gfdjfrL zAbÙ xfdL tLg jf ;f]eGbf a9LÙ xfdLx¿„ (of three or more) first person plural pronoun; we (three or more).
u]< — [lqm=lj= adv.] la‚tfƒ} í8ØfOƒfVg] rfnn]Ù la‚tfƒk"j{s í8Øfpg] uƒL„ in the manner of supporting or propping sth.
u] 3fk3fk -— nfdfnfdf
km8†sfdf l56f]l56f] kfOnf] ;fg]{ sfdÙ 6'OFsfOÙ s'bfO„ an act of striding; stride; a pace. > 3fKGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] 6fªd'lGtƒ kfƒ]ƒ ¬} lrhnfO{ gf3]ƒ hfg'Ù gf£g'„ to jump over sth. > 3fk3fk lnGo -— l56f]l56f] kfOnf ;fg'{Ù 6'OFsg'„ to stride; to take to your heels.
3fKofu'kL — [gf= n.] afnsn] ev{ƒ} kfOnf] ;fg{nfUbfsf] lxF8fOÙ afd] ;ƒfOÙ la‚tfƒ}sf] lxF8fO„ a gait with short unsteady steps; a toddle.
3fd! — [gf= n.] ;"o{af6 kfOg] tfko'Qm ƒfkÙ 3fdÙ w"k„ sunlight; sunshine; daylight. ~tfGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] pi0ftf a9†g'Ù tftf] x'g'Ù udL{sf] dx;'; ulƒg'„ to feel hot. ~d'OFl;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] 3fddf ífkm"nfO{ ;]sfpg'Ù 3fd tfKg'„ to bask in the sunshine: to sunbathe. ~hf]ƒf] — [gf= n.] udL{sf] ;dodf x'g] sfDg] ladfƒLÙ sfdHjƒf]„ malaria > 3fd;f]tf! — sfd jf wk]8Lsf]
sfƒ0f kl;g} kl;gfn] lgy|'ë x'g] l‚ylt„ the situation when you are drenched with sweat. > 3fd;f]tf@— k|Àsf] hjfkm lbg g;s]ƒ x'g] nfhdbf]{ l‚ylt„ the situation when you are embarrassed because you are unable to answer the questions.
3fd@ , m. — [gf= n.] tftf]kgÙ pmi0ftfÙ u/dÙ udL{„ having high temperature; hot.
3fƒ plv. , , , krlv. — [gf= n.] kmnkm"n íÌkft íflbsf] af]6„ plants, fruit trees.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
3fƒff4„ funeral rites; commemorative rites in commemoration of a dead person.
3f]bf]Nof — [lj= adj.] -‚ofgfMl;g'Mj _ 3f]g — [gf= n.] -v'; _ 3f]Go , syn. , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != s'6f]–sf]bfnf]n] df6f] jN6fOkN6fO ug'{Ù hldg vgLvf];|L ug'{Ù vÌ'„ to dig the earth for cultivation; to till. @= s;}nfO{ nufPsf] u'g ulgƒxg'Ù u'g vÌ'„ to chew over the help or succour that you have given to someone.
3f]KTof — [gf= n.] 3ƒsf] tNnf] sf]7faf6 dflyNnf] sf]7fdf k|j]z ug]{ e¥ofªsf] lzƒdf nufOg] 9f]sf„ the door that opens to the first floor (on the level of the floor).
108 3f]d — [gf= n.] tNnf]kl§ jf e'OFltƒ lgx'lƒPsf] zƒLƒÙ ´'s]sf] zƒLƒ„ stooped body. ~lnGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] lgx'lƒg'Ù 3f]K6f] kg'{Ù plelG8g'„ to bend; to stoop; to hang. ~h}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] lgx'¥ofpg'Ù 3f]K6f] kfg'{Ù pleG8Øfpg'„ to cause to bend.
3f]/ plv. , slv. , — [gf= n.] hldg hf]Tg k|of]u x'g] bfFbL k]k -/\k]k_ sf7sf] ;fwgÙ xnf]„ a (wooden) plough. ~‚ofM — xnf]n] t'Fbf
hf]Tbf vfN8f] kb}{ uPsf] 3f]/ efu„ furrow. 3f]ƒNofF+-ª_ () — [lqm=lj= adv., n.] Ps}kN6 ‰ofn–9f]sf íflb vf]Nbf ífpg] ífjfh;FuÙ 3Rofë kfƒ]ƒ„ (of opening doors/windows) with a jerk; jerkily.
3f]ƒf]d , syn. — [lqm=lj= adv.] kvf{n, leQf] íflb 78ØfOPsf] j‚t' jf plePsf] jf a;]sf] l‚yltaf6 Pëfl; 9Ng] lsl;d;FuÙ Ujfnf{Dd„ in the manner of falling all of a sudden or collapsing. ~wXlnGo — [í=lqm= v.t.] e'OFdf ahflƒg] uƒL 9Ng'„ to fall to the ground with a bang; to collapse.
3f]sf]{ > - — [lqm=lj= adv.] le8ef8 ePƒ jf 7"nf] ;ª†Vofdf le8 y'lk|PƒÙ ígfjZos x'n a9†g] 9Ën]„ in the manner of crowding somewhere.
3f]n]{MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] s'g} lrhleq nfdf] lrh l5ƒfPƒ rnfpg'Ù 3f]Rg'„ to poke with a role, pole, etc.
3f]; plv. , glv. — [gf= n.] g;fn' vfnsf] dx kfg]{ Ps k|sfƒsf] hËnL df}ƒLÙ leƒdf}ƒL„ rock/wild bee. ~ƒfk —
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
109 leƒdf}ƒLsf] dx„ rock/wild honey. 3f]l;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] -3f]Go _ 3f];f] — [lj= adj.] != h;nfO{ kfof] ToxLdfly hfOnfUg]„ (of people or domestic animals) aggressive. @= ;fgfltgf s'ƒfd} lƒ;fOxfNg]Ù ífqmfdsÙ lƒ;fxfÙ qmf]wL„ aggressive; unruly; ferocious. 3f];f]ƒf]k , syn. — [lqm=lj= adv.] sdnf], gƒd j‚t' jf Kjfn íflbdf bƒf] j‚t' Ps}rf]l6 k‚g], ufl8g] jf l5g]{ 9Ën]Ù NjfDdÙ ‚jf§„ in the manner of penetrating sth at once.
3f]‚Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] hf] kfof] ToxLdfly hfOnfluxfNg'Ù ;f¸} qmf]lwt ePƒ ífqmd0f ug{'„ to attack someone violently; to assault.
£ofF plv. (), glv. ,slv. & hmlv. — [lj= adj.] -af6f] jf j‚t'_ psfnf]íf]ƒfnf] gePsf]Ù t]5f]{Ù t];f]{„ (of roads, trails or objects) straight.
£ofFtf — [gf= n.] t];f]{ uƒL ƒx]sf] jf ƒflvPsf] j‚t'sf] l‚ylt„ when sth lies or is kept straight.
£ofFl;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] ;'Tgsf] nflu la‚tƒfdf k;|g'Ù íf]©fg, vf6 íflbdf ;'Tg z'? ug'{Ù kN6g'„ (of people) to be or put yourself in a flat or horizontal position so that you are not £of< standing or sitting; to recline; to lie in bed to sleep.
£of — [gf= n.] af¸ duƒft duƒ tyf u'?ª
£o'FGo dlxnfx¿n] sk8fsf] b'O{ hf]8L sfFwdf í8ØfO{ leg]{ klxƒgÙ 3n]s„ a piece of cloth called ghalek worn over the shoulder by Gurung and Bāhra Magarāt Magar women.
£ofl;Go! — 3n]s klxlƒg'„ to wear the ghalek.
£of ªdf]! , m. — [lj= adj.] dL7f] ‚jfbsf]Ù ‚jflbi6Ù ‚jflbnf]Ù ƒl;nf]„ tasty; juicy; savoury. > ªdf]@— dgkg]{ s'ƒfÙ lk|o„ a favourite thing. ªlD;Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] != s'g} s'ƒf jf lrhsf] ífjZostfaf]w x'g'„ to realize the necessity of sth. @= íg'ej ulƒg'Ù dx;'; ug'{, x'g'Ù 7fÌ'„ to experience or feel sth. #= dgn] rfxg' jf ?rfpg'Ù dg kƒfpg'„ to desire or like sth. ªƒ — [gf= n.] != gfsåfƒf rfn
kfpg;lsg] af‚gf, ;'uGw, uGw, b'u{Gw íflb„ smell. @= ue{jtL dlxnfnfO{ x'g] s'g} vfg]s'ƒfk|ltsf] í¿lr„ morning sickness. > ªƒf]! — [lj= adj.] b'u{Gw km}lnPsf]Ù b'u{lGwtÙ u·fPsf]„ stinking. > ªGo{ — [í=lqm= v.i.] gƒfd|f] xƒs ífpg'Ù ugfpg'„ to smell very unpleasant; to stink.
ªƒ]+ªƒ]+ - — [gf= n.] vf;} ynf gkƒ]ƒ nuftfƒ eOƒxg] ƒf]uÙ ƒf]un] lhlDnPsf] JolQm„ slight illness that lasts over a long period or the person suffering from such illness.
ªƒf] , , , , — [lj= adj.] ífˆgf] eGbf tNnf] hfltdf v;]sf]Ù hfltRo't„ so called lower caste among the Magars.
ªu{‰ofpF — [gf= n.] w]ƒ} hgf Ps}kN6 tF5f8d5f8 uƒL af]Nbf, sƒfpFbf ;'lgg] sNofªdNofª ífjfhÙ xf]xNnfÙ xNnLvNnLÙ sf]nfxn„ loud noise; commotion; tumult; uproar.
ªGo{! , m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] != b'gf{dL x'g'Ù abgfdL rNg'Ù b'o{z km}ng'„ to fall into disrepute; to spread infamy. @= hfltRo't x'g'Ù hft v‚g'„ (of castes) to be degraded; to fall from one's caste.
ªGo{@ — [í=lqm= v.i.] ule{0fL íj‚yfdf vfg]s'ƒfk|lt í¿lr hfUg'„ to suffer morning sickness.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
ªnf ªnf — [gf= n.] ífsfzltƒ kms]{ƒ x]g]{ sfd„ an act of turning your face upwards (towards the sky); an act of looking heavenwards.
ªMNGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] Psf]xf]lƒPƒ jf jfNn kƒ]ƒ x]g'{Ù lhNn kg'{Ù Psf]xf]lƒPƒ x]lƒƒxg] x'g'Ù 6f]nfpg'„ to be puzzled, to be at a loss; to stare.
ª; — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] Aofh;lxt lkmtf{ lng]÷lbg] ;t{df rnfpg lbOPsf] jf lnOPsf] wgÙ C0f„ a sum of money which is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, you have to pay as a charge for borrowing; loan; something, especially money, which is owed to someone else, or the state of owing something; debt.
ª‚tt{ƒ — [lqm=lj= adv.] s;}sf] jf‚tf guƒL 7fpF íf]u6]ƒ al;ƒfVg] rfndf„ in the manner of sitting down heavily without taking care (for occupying a space).
ª`t — [gf= n.] tndfly 6fpsf] xNnfPƒ hgfOg] ;sfƒfTds ‚jLs[ltÙ ‚jLs[lt;"rs 6fpsf] xNnfO„ the movement of your head to show agreement; nodding. > ª`tªt! -— 6fpsf] xNnfPƒ lbOg]
‚jLs[lt;"rs ;Í]tÙ ;sfƒfTds 6fpsf] xNnfO„ the indication of agreement by nodding your head. > ª`tªt@— ank"j{s íf3ft kbf{ xNng k'u]sf] lzƒ„ the jerking movement of your head when you are shoved.
ª`tt — [lqm=lj= adv.] xnrn guƒL pleƒfVg] rfndfÙ l7Ë„ standing straight; standing motionless.
112 ª`d — [gf= n.] != qmlds íEof;n] ubf{ ag]sf] ‚jefj jf JojxfƒÙ lgƒGtƒsf] íEof;åfƒf x'g] í;n jf vƒfa ífbtÙ afgL„ conduct; habit. @= dfbs kbfy{sf] ;]jg h‚tf s'ntdf nfu]sf] afgLÙ ntÙ b'Ao{;g„ addiction. –Go!— [í=lqm= v.i.] ífzQm x'g'Ù nt a‚g'Ù afgL kg'{ jf a‚g'Ù b'Jo{;gdf km‚g'„ to be addicted. #= [gf= n.] of}gjf;gf, s'07f jf rfxgf„ a very strong sexual desire; lust.
$= s'g} ljifok|ltsf] íTolws íf;lQmÙ ljrfƒ íg';fƒsf] lqmofsnfkÙ ntÙ afgL„ temptation; fixation; addiction; obsession. –Go@— [í=lqm= v.i.] rfn
kfO;s]sf] ‚jfb, ;Ët íflbltƒ ífslif{t x'g'Ù klNsg'„ to be tempted (into sth or doing sth); to get a craving for; to be in the habit of.
ª`ƒ — [gf= n.] s's'ƒ, laƒfnf] íflbn] lƒ;sf] ;Í]t lbg] ífjfhÙ ª†jfƒ{Ù ª'ƒ{„ (of dogs and cats) snarl and growl.
ª`nf] — [lj= adj.] ;'t]sf]Ù lgbfPsf]„ asleep. > ª`NGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] lgb|f kg'{Ù ;'Tg'Ù lgbfpg'„ to sleep. ª`; sf ª`; — [lqm=lj= adv.] ¬} ;f]rljrfƒ} guƒL vfg]s'ƒf Psf]xf]ƒf] ¿kn] vfOƒxg] rfndf„ in the manner of eating continuously without looking anywhere; eating greedily.
ªfF! plv. , glv. — [;j{= pron.] pQd k'?ifsf] Psjraf]ws ;j{gfdÙ ædÆ„ first person singular subject pronoun; I. ~; — [lqm=lj= adv.] d ‚jod†;FuÙ d ífkm";FuÙ d;Fu„ with me.
ªfF@ — [;j{= pron.] gfd jf ;fOgf]sf] íufl8 hf]8]ƒ ;Daf]wg ubf{ a9L ;Ddfg ƒ ífTdLotf
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
113 ´lNsPsf] dflgg] jf hgfpg] ;j{gfd¿kL pk;u{„ prefix used with the names or terms of address to express respect and intimacy.
ª`fF! plv. , hmlv. , glv. , m. () — [gf= n.] d'vfs[ltÙ ?kÙ íg'xfƒÙ r]xƒf„ face; appearance; shape; countenance.
ªfl;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] hLjgofkg ug'{Ù u'hfƒf rnfpg'Ù k]6 kfNg'„ to mange one's livelihood.
ªf`s — [lqm=lj= adv.] h'g;'s} lrh, a]nf, JolQm íflbsf] ;fd'Ì]Ù ;Dd'vdfÙ íl3lNtƒÙ ;fd'Ù íufl8„ right in front of; straight ahead; before.
ª`fF@ plv. , m. — [gf= n.] kfgLdf ƒxg] ljljw hflt ƒ ífsfƒk|sfƒsf] hnhLjÙ df5f]„ an animal which lives in water, is covered with scales, and which breathes by taking water in through its mouth, or the flesh of these animals eaten as food; fish. ~a]g — df5f ƒfVg k|of]u ulƒg] rf]ofsf] efF8f]„ a small rectangular bamboo basket used to keep fish ª`fFa]g while fishing.
ªfHÞo' — [gf= n.] -k'?ifn]_ ífkm"eGbf sfG5f]nfO{ ;Daf]wg ulƒg] ‚g]xaf]ws zAbÙ Kofƒsf ;fy efOnfO{ elgg] ;fOgf]Ù efO„ (males to males) a word used to address someone younger than you; brother (affectionately).
ªfGo , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] -k|f0fL jf dfgj_ kfngkf]if0f ug'{Ù x'sf{pg'Ù kfNg'„ (of animals and humans) to take care of; to bring sb up.
ªfdL+ — [;j{= pron. (poss.)] ífˆgf] ílwsfƒ jf ‚jfldÎjleqsf] hgfpg] ;j{gfdÙ d]ƒf]Ù ífˆgf]„ first person singular possessive pronoun; mine.
ªfl;p — [lj= adj.] v'jfOlkofO uƒL ƒflvPsf]Ù kflnPsf]Ù kfNt'„ domesticated;
ªf`s;} — [lqm=lj= adv.] 7fpF jf ;dosf] yf]ƒ} íufl8Ù s]xL íufl8ltƒ„ to or at a point that is more distant in space or time; farther; further.
ªf`sf — [gf= n.] != df5fsf] lkQ„ fish entrails. @= df5fsf] lkQnfO{ kL7f];Fu d'5]ƒ ;'sfO{ í¿ ;dodf tƒsfƒLsf] ¿kdf k|of]u ug{ ldNg] uƒL agfOg] vfB„ dried balls or powder made up of fish entrails and flour, stored for making boiled soup.
ªf`ª — [lqm=lj= adv.] w]ƒ} jif{ klxn]Ù k|frLg sfndfÙ kƒfk"j{ sfndfÙ íufl8 g}Ù plxNo}„ many years ago; a long time ago; earlier.
ªf`hF' — [gf= n.] df5fsf ;;fgf aRrfÙ e'ƒf„ young fish. ªf`bf — [lqm=lj= adv.] != z'?z'?ltƒÙ íufl8kl§Ù íufl8„ in the beginning; in front of; before. @= plxn]„ then, once upon a time; ages ago. #= klxn]„ firstly; at first.
ªf`bflsg plv. , hmlv. , nblv. , slv. — [lqm=lj= adv.] z'?b]lv g}Ù klxNo} jf íufl8b]lv„ from the beginning.
ªf`;f]Nof — [gf= n.] l;Q}df k|of]u ulƒFb} ífPsf] ísf{sf] ;fdfgÙ ljgf d"Nod} k|f¨
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
lªd s'g} lrhÙ l;Q}sf]„ sth without paying; sth free of cost; gratis thing.
lªd hmlv. , plv. — [gf= n.] ‰ofk'Nn] ƒf}+n] k"ƒ} zƒLƒ 5f]lkPsf] Ps ag}of lxF;|s hGt'Ù efn'„ a large, strong wild mammal with a thick fur coat that lives especially in colder parts; a bear.
ª} — [gf= n.] Vofn7§f jf ;fdfGo Jojxfƒ x'Fbfx'Fb} ígfof; pTkÌ x'g hfg] lƒ;Ù lkƒ dfÌ] sfdÙ b'Mvdgfp„ mental or emotional pain caused by sth unpleasant that has been said or done to you; wound; emotional pain (when sb goes beyond limits in course of kidding)
ª}MGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] dg b'Vg] Jojxfƒ x'g'Ù b'Mv dfÌ'„ to lose temper; to snap; to blow up.
ª`}+ plv. , m. — [gf= n.] -ug _ ~afƒL — 3ƒn] rr]{ƒ, ífFugn] íf]u6]ƒ afFsL ƒx]sf], 3ƒsf] bfofFafofF ƒ íufl8– k5fl8sf] tƒsfƒL v]tL ug{ ldNg] afƒL jf hUufÙ sƒ];fafƒL„ kitchen garden. ª`}+tL — [gf= n.] -3Xltª _ ~emfFsX/L! — s'g} sfdsf] vf; ljz]if1tf xfl;n guƒ]sf] dfG5]Ù hflg6f]kNg] dfG5]„ a person who dishonestly claims to be an expert. ~´fFsX/L@— íklƒkSj ´fFqmLÙ ;DalGwt 1fg gePsf] ´fFqmL„ quack.
ª`} — [gf= n.] != 3fF6LeGbf dflysf] íËÙ lzƒÙ 6fpsf]„ the part of body above the neck that contains the eyes, nose, mouth and ears and the brain; head. @= n]v jf ljifosf] d'Vo gfdÙ zLif{s„ words
114 written or printed at the top of a text as a title; title; heading; topic; banner (of news). #= zLif{‚y kb„ high rank. $= vKkƒÙ sGr6Ù d‚ts„ the bones of the head, which surround the brain and give the head its shape; skull. > ª`}tfp! — [lj= adj.] 6fpsfdf ƒx]sf]Ù lzƒsf]„ related to the head; of the head. ~ª`}tfp@— s'g} sfof{no jf ;ª†3
;F‚yfsf] k|d'vÙ kbn] ífkm"eGbf 7"nf] dfG5]„ chief; head; boss; senior.
ªf]OMGo — [í=÷;=lqm= v.i., v.t.] != af6f] e'Ng'Ù laƒfpg'Ù uGtJo xƒfpg'„ to lose one's way; to get lost. @= ísf{sf] axsfj6df nfUg'Ù aƒflng'„ to be misled; to wander.
ªf]P () — [gf= n.] 1fg uƒfpg] dfgl;s r]tgfÙ xf];† xjf;†Ù ;'4L„ conscience. ∼d`fp — [lj= adj.] xf]; xƒfPsf]Ù ;'l4 u'd]sf]„ having lost your conscience; out of your mind.
ªf]ƒfGhfg — [lqm=lj= adv.] != Psf]xf]ƒf] rfnn] x]lƒƒxFbf jf 6f]nfpFbfsf] lsl;dÙ 6†jfNnÙ lhNnÙ jfNnÙ l7Ë„ (of staring) with dismay, surprise or astonishment. @= l7Ë pleƒxg] jf al;ƒxg] rfnn]„ (of standing or sitting) without any movement. #= -s'g} lrh_ ‚jfefljs ífsfƒeGbf 7"nf] ePƒ 7fpF íf]u6†g] uƒL„ (of objects) in the manner of occupying space more than required.
ªf]ƒfMGo — [gf= n.] -sf]ƒf]ª†Go _ ªf`]Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] != u]8fu'8LnfO{ xfF8L, sƒfxL h‚tf efF8fdf xfn]ƒ ;'Vvf ¿kdf
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
115 e'6†g'„ to roast maize, beans, etc. in an earthen pot called hāndi, etc. @= t]n, £o" íflbdf ;fu;AhL, tƒsfƒL íflb ƒfv]ƒ kfSg] uƒfpg'Ù e'6†g'„ to fry. ªØf — [gf= n.÷u=e]= glv.] -ªfF _ ª†jfƒª†jfƒf] — [lj= adj.]
ª†jfƒª†jfƒf] != 5'Fb}df 3fp xf]nf, rf]6 knf{ jf bfu a‚nf h‚tf]Ù -5fnf_ gƒdÙ slnnf]Ù afns„ (especially of skin) soft; tender. @= [gf= n.] lrlrnf íj‚yfsf] gƒd kmnkm"nÙ sf]lknfÙ d'gf„ a young and unformed fruit; baby plant; bud; sprout.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
r rXF , syn. — [gf= n.] Rjf‚; 3f]lrgk'Ubf jf íf3ft kbf{ x'g] zfƒLlƒs ´‚sfOÙ ´;ì„ a startled movement.
rXFrXF - — [gf= n.] dgf]ƒ²fgk"0f{ uLt–;ËLt íflb ;'Gbf ƒdfOnf] 7fgL gfRg vf]Hbfsf] cj:yfÙ gfr'Fgfr'F nfUbfsf] zfƒLlƒs xfpefp„ the physical movement that you make when you want to dance (while listening to a music/song).
rXFGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] kfgL, df6f], lsƒf íflbsf] ;Dks{n] s'g} lrh uNb} hfg'Ù ;8†g'Ù dlëg'„ to rot; to decay. rXt`X — [lqm=lj= adv.] 8f]ƒL jf wfuf] r'Fl8bf ífpg] ífjfh ´}+Ù Rjf§„ with a snap.
rXlTsGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] != s;}sf] gdL7f] af]nL–Jojxfƒsf] sfƒ0f dgdf rf]6 kg{uO{ afpFl7g'Ù lƒ;n] kmGsg'Ù ks{g'„ to be offended; to be upset. @= g;f] ds{g'Ù ;8†sg'„ to strain. rXdXMGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] íl3Nnf] bfFtn] la‚tfƒ} gw'lng] uƒL lyRg'„ to nibble.
rX/XF — [lqm=lj= adv.] -dfG5], hgfjƒ jf j‚t'_ Ps};fy l7Ë plePƒ jf pEofPƒ„ (of people, animals, things) in a manner of standing straight together.
rXlƒeË — [gf= n.] kfunkg jf a];'ƒsf] íj‚yfdf ulƒg] íy{xLg s'ƒfÙ ljgf t'ssf] asjf;Ù ígfjZos k|nfk„ gibberish.
rX/`X — [lqm=lj= adv.] ´fƒ, ƒf}+ íflb Pëfl; pv]Ng] jf pv]lng] 9Ën]„ in the manner of pulling hair, weed, etc.; with a sudden jerk.
rXl/`p — [lj= adj.] e'6†bf km'ƒ]sf] ds}, u]8fu'8L íflb„ (corn, beans etc.) burst open (while frying).
r`XtXr`XtX — [gf= n.] km'tL{;Fusf] lxF8fOÙ 6'OFsfO„ a brisk pace. ~lnGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] a9L ultdf km'tL{;Fu lxF8†g'Ù 6'OFsg'„ to walk briskly; to walk swiftly.
rM — [gf= n.] lsƒf íflbn] 8‚bf jf la‚tfƒ} 3f]lrgk'Ubf x'g] ílníln b'vfOsf] íg'ejÙ r‚sf]„ a short sharp pain caused by an insect, a thorn or an animal while piercing the skin; prick.
rsMrsf} — [lj= adj.] sxLF st} s]xL klg gƒx]sf]Ù k"ƒ} vfnL ƒ ;kmf ePsf]„ desolate; deserted or completely cleared.
rsƒ — [gf= n.] != íf}+7f 5fk nufpFbf b]lvg] ƒ]vfx¿Ù íf}+7fsf] 5fk„ fingerprint. @= -ljÃf;_ 9'Ëf, sfut íflbdf s;}sf] gfd hk]ƒ n]vL lrxfg, l;d íflbdf af]S;Ln] ufl8lbPkl5 x'g] elgPsf] ƒf]uÙ To;f] uƒL laƒfdL uƒfpg] sfd„ an illness which is believed to affect a person when a witch writes his/her name on a piece of paper, stone, etc. and buries it in the graveyard or wetland. ~3f]Kt}MGo
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
117 — [;=lqm= v.i.] s;}nfO{ laƒfdL agfpg p;sf] gfd n]vƒ] To;ƒL uf8†g„' to bury such a piece of paper with the intension of causing a person to suffer.
rsƒs — [lqm=lj= adv.] != kfgL, b"w -kmfFrfdf_ íflb ‚jf§} ;'Sg] 9Ën]„ (of water/milk in the udder or pot) in the manner of drying up suddenly.
@= k"0f{¿kn] jl~rt x'g] jf ulƒg] uƒLÙ ífly{s¿kn] 6f6 kN6g] rfndf„ in the manner of being completely deprived of or going bankrupt.
rsrs - — [gf= n.] laufƒ ;'wfƒsf] jf‚t} gƒfvL rlnƒxg] s]6fs]6L rfnfÙ sndn„ restless activity like that of children; fidgetiness.
rtƒf — [gf= n.] 3ƒ íl3lNtƒ 3fd tfKg, a‚g ldNg] uƒL afFsL ƒflvPsf] ;Dd kƒ]sf] vfnL 7fpFÙ ífFug„ front yard. rgf () — [gf= n.] kL7f] íflb rfNg agfOPsf] hfnLo'Qm ;fwgÙ rfNgf]„ a sieve.
rgfl;p — [lj= adj.] l56f]–5lƒtf] sfd ug{;Sg]Ù k'lt{nf]„ active; energetic.
rg}+Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] ífn', tƒsfƒL íflb sf6†g'„ to cut or shred vegetables.
rGrf , syn. — [gf= n.] p2]Zo e]§fpg ƒfd|f] h'lSt l;sfpg] sfdÙ ítL{, ;Nnfx, ;'´fjÙ kyk|bz{gÙ dfu{bz{g„ guidance. rGb/}Go krlv. , hmlv. , tslv. — [;=lqm= v.t.] ¬} lrh Nofpg] p2]Zon] st} k'Ug'Ù lng hfg'„ to arrive somewhere to collect
r/j} sth or sb.
rGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != ínu ínu íFznfO{ hf]8†g'Ù ;Fu;Fu} ƒfVg'Ù ufF‚g'Ù ;+nUg ug'{Ù 6fF‚g'„ to adhere; to stick; to attach; to paste; to affix. @= ífsfƒ jf dfqf j[l4 ug{'Ù yKg'„ to add; to increase the shape or quantity.
rMKGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] != v;|f] ;txdf jf nfdf] ofqf lxF8†bf k}tfnfd'lgsf] efu kf]Ng'Ù nfdf] ;do ¬} lrh ;dfpFbf xTs]nf 8xg'„ to have sore feet after a long walk or to have sore palms because of hard work. @= ílgbf] x'Fbf jf w'jfF íflbn] ífFvf kf]Ng'„ (of eyes) to smart from sleeplessness or smoke.
rag} , syn. — [lqm=lj= adv.] h‚tf] x'g'kg]{ 7Ls p‚t}Ù h‚tfsf] t‚t}Ù sf6Ls'6LÙ b'?‚t„ exactly the same; alike.
rd; — [gf= n.] vfgf vfFbf xftsf] ;§f k|of]u ulƒg] 8f8' h‚t} ;fgf] ;fwgÙ rDrf„ spoon. rDrDof — [lj= adj.] ksfpFbf ƒfd|ƒL ƒfk gk'u]sf]Ù gkfs]ƒ íwsNrf] ePsf]Ù íwsNrf] kfs]sf]„ half-cooked. rDofGo{ — [;=lqm= v.t.] bfFtn] b'a}ltƒaf6 lylrƒfVg'Ù yRg'„ to chew. rƒg — [gf= n.] hgfjƒ rg]{ 3fF;] hldgÙ uf}rƒg„ pasture; meadow.
rƒj} — [lqm=lj= adv.] != lgƒGtƒ ¿kn] af]lnƒxg] jf nuftfƒ vfOƒxg]
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
rƒ]ƒ] uƒ]ƒÙ í6'6¿kn]Ù íljlR5ÌÙ nuftfƒ„ (of eating) continuously. @= [gf= n.] gƒf]lsOsg af]lng] af]nL jf vfOƒxg] sfd„ an act of talking garrulously or eating continuously. #= ;fƒljgfsf] jftf{nfkÙ íy{ ƒ p2]Zoljgfsf] k|nfk„ gibberish; prattle.
rƒ]ƒ] plv. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] ƒËLrËL ƒª x'g] Ps ;'Gbƒ rƒf]Ù ƒfgLrƒL„ a particular kind of colourful bird called rānichari.
r/`]Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] != u]8f– u'8LnfO{ 3§, hfFtf] íflbdf v;|f] uƒL lkFWg'Ù bNg''„ to grind beans, corn coarsely. @= 9'Ëf kmf]ƒ]ƒ 6'qmf ;;fgf 6'qmfdf abNg'Ù lu§L agfpg'„ to break stones to make grit. r/`}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] != >4fk"j{s r9fpg'Ù ík{0f ug'{Ù 6S|ofpg'„ to offer; to proffer. @= ;ÍNk íg';fƒ b]jLb]jtfnfO{ efsn k"ƒf ug'{Ù aln r9fpg'„ to offer a sacrifice. #= [í=lqm= v.i.] 3fp, vl6ƒf] íflbdf s8f íf}iflw, g'lgnf] lrh íflb kgf{n] rx¥ofpg'Ù eafpg'Ù 8xg'„ to feel an intense stinging or smarting sensation in a part of the body; to burn; to sting.
rsf{! plv. , slv. — [lj= adj.] != vfg]s'ƒfdf g'gsf] dfqf a9L ePsf]Ù rsf]{„ too salty. @= -3fd_ í;fWo} kf]Ng] uƒL nfu]sf]„ (of the sun) very hot; sweltering.
rsf{@ — dfG5] a‚g ldNg] uƒL 3'dfPƒ v]lng] dgf]ƒ²fgsf] ;fwgÙ ƒf]6]lkªÙ rv]{lkª„ a type of traditional
wooden wheel.
rs}{Go , m. , — [;=lqm= v.t.] na6f]n] xfÌ'Ù r8†sg, yKk8 lbg'„ to slap sb. rgf{ — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] ;ƒìØf gfrdf k'?if snfsfƒn] nufpg] a'§]bfƒ kf];fs„ a colourful dress worn by a male dancer in the dance called sranngyā.
rTof{ — [lj= adj.] ‚jfefljstf eGbf s]xL a9L p7]sf] íf]7„ slightly turned up lips.
rgL{ — [gf= n.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] -rƒ]ƒ] _ r¥ofs — [gf= n.] != afF; jf sf7 íflb lrbf{ jf lrlƒFbf ífpg] ífjfh„ a sudden sharp noise, especially one made by bamboo or wood splitting. @= na6f]n] xfÌ] sfdÙ r8†sg„ a quick hit with the flat part of the hand; slap.
r¥ofkf] — [lj= adj.] vfg]s'ƒfdf dl;gf 9'Ëf, afn'jf, df6f] íflb kƒ]sf]Ù rkfpFbf bfFtdf 9'Ëf, df6f] kg]{ vfnsf]„ (of food) containing grit; gritty.
rn}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != ;jfƒL ;fwg, ofg íflb xfFSg'Ù oGq íflbnfO{ ;~rfng ug'{Ù rfn' ug'{„ to operate a vehicle or an engine; to drive. @= ƒLlt– lƒjfh k|rngdf Nofpg'Ù Joj‚yf, lgod, sfg'g íflb nfu' ug'{„ to bring sth like rules and regulations into effect. #= efF8f]at{g jf s'g} lrhnfO{ k|of]udf Nofpg'Ù k|of]u ug'{„ to use utensils. $= s;}sf] Wofg eË ug{ jf s;}nfO{ lh‚¬fpg] p2]Zon] rnfpg'Ù lh‚¬fpg'„ (with an intention
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
of breaking one's attention) to tease someone. %= s'g} lrhnfO{ xnrn uƒfpg'Ù xNnfpg'„ to shake or move sth.
or a strong desire to go somewhere with someone or to do something; desperation; restlessness. @= gf}nf] 36gf
rn}l;Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] 3fp– rf]6 íflb alN´g] uƒL 5f]Ogk'Ug'Ù íf3ft kg'{„
jf k|;Ësf] hfgsfƒL x'gf;fy lgjf{w ¿kdf dgdf p7†g] dL7f] ƒ ƒdfOnf]sf] ífzfdo Kof;Ù leq}b]lv hfu]ƒ ífPsf] sf}t"xntfÙ pT;'stf„
(of wound) to be touched in such a way that it gets hurt again.
r¥of{ slv. , plv. — [gf= n.] pT;j, íj;ƒ jf labfO íflbdf unfdf klxlƒg plgPsf] km"nsf] dfnfÙ km"n, b"af], ;'grfFbL íflbnfO{ pg]ƒ unfdf klxƒg agfOPsf] xfƒ„ a garland.
rNof{gL — [gf= n.] s'v'ƒfsf] aRrfÙ lrªgfÙ rNnf]„ a young chicken; a chick.
rMNGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] gofF ´fFqmLsf] ífªdf b]jtf r9]sf] 5 of 5}g r9]sf] eP s'g rflxFn] íjtfƒ lnPsf] xf] egL kQf nufpg'Ù ´fFqmL x'G5 of x'Fb}g eg]ƒ kƒv ug'{„ to test a novice shaman to make sure whether spirits are possessed in him/her.
rn`}+ — [gf= n.] != rNg] jf rlnƒxg] afgLÙ l‚yƒ a‚g g;sL sndn 56k6 ulƒƒxg] ‚jefj„ restlessness; fidgetiness. @= rfnrngÙ Jojxfƒ„ behaviour. rj} plv. , slv. & glv. — [gf= n.] xf]xf]ƒ]sf] s'ƒf]Ù nx}nx}Ù s[lqd xNnfÙ grflxFbf] vaƒÙ íkmjfxÙ x'OF®of„ a rumour. r;s — [gf= n.] tLvf] lrhn] la‚tfƒ} 3f]lrgk'Ubfsf] b'vfOÙ r‚sf]„ piercing pain.
rxrx , syn. — [gf= n.] != s;};Fu ;Fu} hfg vf]Hg], st}ltƒ k'Ug rfxg] pT;'stfsf] ífzfdo Kof;Ù s'g} lrh b]Vg, hfÌsf] nflu x'g] v'nb'nLÙ rf}rf}„ curiosity
eagerness; excitement.
r`k lk;f] — [lj= adj.] z"Go l8u|LeGbf sd tfkqmdsf]Ù a];ƒL lr;f]Ù s7Øfª†lu|g] vfnsf]Ù 7G8f„ icy; bitter cold.
r`DGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != nfdf] lrhnfO{ t];f]{af6 luF8†g'Ù sf6]ƒ 6'qmf kfg'{„ to chop, cleave. @= s'g} lrhnfO{ b'O{ltƒ 5'l§g] uƒL sf6†g'„ to hew. #= l6s6, k"hL{, ƒl;b, lan íflb sf6†g'„ to take tickets or receive receipts.
r`ƒ — [lqm=lj= adv.] 5fnf, af]qmf jf íf]9]sf] sk8f Pëfl; p3fg]{ rfnn]„ in the manner of taking off one's wearing all at once. ~sf]MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] t'?Gt} pKsfpg] jf ;lhn} uƒL p3fg]{ uƒ]ƒ„ to peel or open sth fast or easily.
r`n — [gf= n.] nfDrf, tLvf kft x'g] ífFVnfjfn vf]qmf] k|l;4 jg‚kltÙ lgufnf„ a type of bamboo nigālo found in the mountains. ~‚of — afF;, dflnËf],
lgufnf íflbsf] ;aeGbf aflxƒsf] kftnf] efuÙ rf]of]„ bamboo strips. rfFVof! — [gf= n.] zƒLƒdf ;]tf], ƒftf], sfnf] w]ƒ} k|sfƒsf] ƒf}+sf] 6f6f] ePsf] s's'ƒ„ a spotted dog. rfFVof@ — [lj= adj.] -vƒfNof _ rfFbf] tslv. , syn. , hmlv.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
r`fFGo , llv. — [lqm=lj= adv.] l5§}Ù ´§}Ù eÌ] lalQs}Ù l56f]„ immediately; quickly; fast.
r`fFGo , m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] != ífuf]sf] nKsf lg‚sg'Ù aNg'„ to ignite. @= efUo rDsg'Ù k|tfkL aÌ'Ù >Lj[l4 x'g'Ù wgL x'g'Ù ;d[4 aÌ'„ to be glorious; to be fortunate.
120 rflDtGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] != rf]6–k6ssf sfƒ0f jf ífuf]n] 8fldPƒ ag]sf] 3fp ;'Sb} hfg'„ (of wounds or burns) to heal slowly. @= ksfPsf] j‚t' ƒfk gk'u]ƒ íwsNrf] x'g'„ to be half-cooked. #= b'Anf]–kftnf] eO{ ;'Sg'Ù ƒut–df;' ;'s]ƒ x•Ld} 6fFl;g] x'g'„ to become emaciated or half-starved.
rfp — [lj= adj.] != x]bf{ jf ef]Ubf dgkg]{ vfnsf]Ù ífsif{sÙ dgf]ƒd„ pleasing; charming. @= pko'QmÙ ;'xfpFbf]„ appropriate; suitable.#= pQdÙ í;nÙ ƒfd|f]„ excellent; good; fine. rf< — [gf= n] a9fOPsf] jf ylkPsf] s'g} sfd÷s'ƒf„ sth added to sth else. > rf lr‚j plv. , hmlv. — [lj= adj.] RofltPƒ lrlƒPƒ w'hf kƒ]sf]Ù kmf6]sf]„ (of paper, leaves, cloth etc.) torn; tattered; worn out.
someone gently in order to convey a certain message secretly.
lrjfOGo — [;=lqm= v.t.÷;]=e]= slv.] í¿n] yfxf gkfpg] uƒL n's]ƒ x]g'{„
to steal a glance; to look at sth/sb secretly.
lrjflrjfp — [lj= adj.] ;;fgf 5]‚sfdf ablnPsf]Ù 6'lqmPsf]„ broken or smashed into pieces.
lrjf¥of — [lj= adj.] != -dfG5]_ s;n] s] ub}{5 egL Kjfn, 58†s] sf]0f íflbaf6 n'Sb} lrof] ub}{ k©fpg]„ someone who does prying or eavesdropping. @= [gf= n.] kfnf] a;]ƒ ƒIff ug]{ JolQmÙ kfnf] kxƒf ug{ vl6Psf] dfG5]Ù kxƒ]bfƒÙ kfn]„ a footman; a watchman; a guard. #= -ƒfDRof _ –lr;fF — [k|To= suf.] ax'jrg -tLgeGbf a9L_ df k|o'Qm x'g] ífbƒfyL{ k|]ƒ0ffy{s k|Too„ honorific/plural (for more than three) suffix added to a root.
lr;f]! , syn. , ant. — [lj= adj.] sd tfkqmd ePsf]Ù 7G8L„ low
temperature; not hot or warm; cold.
soggy; humid.
lrlx/lalx/ () — [gf= n.] 8ƒ nfUbf jf íf3ft kbf{ Pëfl; lrRofpg] sfd„ an act of shouting suddenly because of fear or sudden pain.
lr`d — [gf= n.] k|ltkmn kfpg r's]sf] íj;ƒÙ jl~rt x'g] l‚ylt„ when you are deprived of sth; deprivation. ~tfGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] jl~rt x'gÙ' df}sf 5'6g † Ù' íj;ƒ r'Sg'„ to be deprived of sth. lr`Dbf] — [gf= n.] s'g} s'ƒf jf ljrfƒ JoQm ubf{ æeOƒxf];†, xf];†Æ íflb elgg'k"j{ pRrfƒ0f ulƒg] jf¬f+z„ word meaning, let it be, okay, fine, used to continue conversation.
lr`ƒ — [lj= adj.] != -dflg;, kz'kIfL íflb_ t'ngfTds ¿kdf ;fgf] lhp8fnsf]Ù ;fgf]„ (of people, animals) small; short; under-sized; dwarf. @= [gf= n.] -hgfjƒ_ Ps} k6sdf hlGdg] b'O{ jf ;f]eGbf a9L aRrfx¿dWo] kl5 hGd]sf] ;fgf]rflxF„ (of animals) the youngest one .
lr`x'Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] s'g} lrh jf s;}nfO{ lnPƒ hfg ífOk'Ug'Ù lng ífpg'„ to come to take sth or sb; to collect sb/sth.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
125 rLMGo plv. , hmlv. , glv. , m. — [gf= n.] sk8f, kft, sfut íflb lrƒ]ƒ 6'S|ofpg'Ù lrg'{Ù RofTg'„ to tear paper, cloth, leaves, etc.
rLMKGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] íf}Fnfdf nfu]sf] vfg]s'ƒf d'vdf 3';fPƒ ;kmf kfg'{. to lick the food stuck on your finger.
rLMj — [lj= adj.] -´f8L, hËn_ afSnf]Ù 3gf„ (of bushes, shrubs, jungle) thick; dense.
rLMƒ — [gf= n.] 8ƒ, qf;n] íflQFbf Pëfl; pRrfƒ0f ulƒg] rsf]{ ífjfhÙ lrRofx6Ù lrTsfƒ„ a loud sound produced when you are afraid or terrified or in pain; a cry; a yell.
r'FtL — [gf= n.] != s'v'ƒfsf] rfsltƒsf] efu„ the back portion of a chicken.@= k"hfkf7 ubf{ jf kfx'gfsf] gfddf sfl6Psf] s'v'ƒf pd]ƒ ƒ dof{bfqmdn] klxnf]nfO{ ;Ddfg‚j?k ksfPsf] l;Ë} 6fpsf] ƒ To;kl5 bf]>f]nfO{ 6S|ofOg] rfsltƒsf] íË„ a custom of cooking and offering the upper part (breast to beak) of a chicken to guests in the order of their honour or seniority.
r'FyL — [gf= n.] £o", t]n íflb ƒfVg sf7nfO{ sf]k]ƒ jf ƒfFuf]sf] í08sf]if ƒxg] 5fnfnfO{ ;'sfPƒ agfPsf] ;fgf] efF8f]„
r'r"d settle. #= afgL nfUg'Ù
íDdn a‚g'Ù ljrfƒ,
Jojxfƒ, hfF8–ƒS;L íflb nfu'kbfy{sf] nt a‚g'„ to be addicted to sth like alcohol, thought, etc.
r'OF plv. , hmlv. , nblv. , llv. — [gf= n.] dfƒ xfGbf, ¬} lrh 6'S|ofpFbf jf sf6†bf ƒfd|ƒL 5'l§of];† tƒ xltofƒ e'OFdf ghf]ltof];† eg]ƒ sfl6g] lrheGbf d'lg ƒflvg] sf7Ù írfgf]„ a block of wood used for slaughtering an animal or chopping meat or cutting sth else.
r'O — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] -vf;f] _ r'Sr'sL — [gf= n.] uƒ]sf] e'n ;D´]ƒ pTkÌ x'g] dfgl;s v]bÙ s'g} sfd ulƒ;s]kl5sf] klƒ0ffd b]v]ƒ x'g] ysysLÙ k5'tf]Ù UnflgÙ kÁftfk„ regret; remorse; repentance. > r'Sr's}MGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] Unflg dfÌÙ kÁfQfk ug'{Ù k5'tfpg'„ to repent; to regret; to feel remorse.
r'rfk — [gf= n.] ePsf] ;a} l;l4g] jf dfl;g] l‚yltÙ ;j{gfz„ destitution; impoverishment; penury. ~tfGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] ífunfuL ePƒ k"ƒfsf] k"ƒf hNg'Ù ‚jfxf x'g'„ to be completely destroyed by fire; to be reduced to ashes.
a small pot made of wood or dry scrotums of a buffalo, used to keep cooking ghee, oil, etc.
r'rL — [gf= n.] -sn@ _ r'r' — [gf= n.] ;;fgf -k'?if_ gfgLx¿sf hgg]Gb|LoÙ t'ƒL„ the genital
r'FGo hmlv. , plv. , ant. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != lkmnf í8fPƒ jf 6]sfPƒ e'OFdf a‚g'„ to sit down. @= a;f]af; ug'{Ù ƒxg'Ù gofF a‚tL a‚g'„ to live
organ of a male child; children's word for the penis.
in a particular place; to inhabit; to
r'r"d — [gf= n.] ePhlt ífˆgf] efudf dfq kfg]]{ jf ;a} Psfltƒ dfq hDdf uƒL arfpg] sfd„ an act of keeping
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
r'Tsf everything only in your share or portion.
rfFbL íflbsf] df]6f] afnf„ a thick gold or
r'Tsf — [gf= n.] k"0f{ íy{ jf efj k|s6 ug]{ zAbx¿sf] ;fy{s ;d"xÙ jf¬„
r'ƒL — [gf= n.] rfFbLsf] sfF8fo'Qm hgfgf afnf„ a carved silver bangle. r'?k — [gf= n.] ´'lƒPƒ r"0f{ x'g] 9Ë jf lsl;d„ when sth is hard, dry and parched. –r'?k— [lqm=lj= adv.] Hofb} ;'s]ƒ vxlƒg] lsl;dn]Ù 3fd jf ífuf]sf] tfkn] v'a ;'Sg] uƒLÙ ´'lƒPsf] lrh rkfpFbfsf] ífjfh ´}+Ù ´'lƒ{g] 9Ën]Ù ´?d´?dÙ ´'lƒ{Pƒ„ crisply; brittlely. –r'?kf] — [lj= adj.] Hofb} ;'s]sf]Ù ´'lƒPsf]Ù vxlƒPsf]„ crisp; parched. > r'?kr'?k tfGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] xn'sf ‚kz{n] klg km'6†g' jf dl;gf] x'g'„ to be broken easily. > r'?lK;Go — ífuf] jf 3fdsf] tfkn] vxlƒPƒ 6'lqmg] x'g'Ù ´'lƒPƒ w'nf] x'g'Ù ´'lƒ{g'„
a group of words that expresses full meaning; a complete thought, feeling, or idea; a sentence.
r'Gb'nf — [gf= n.] s'g} ‚yfg, 5fgf], afb{nL íflbsf] lsgfƒfÙ 5]p„ the outer or furthest point of a roof, balcony etc.; a edge.
r'Gb}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] s'g} k|;Ë, sfds'ƒf jf v]n íflbnfO{ bf]xf]¥ofO– t]x¥ofO ug'{'Ù bf]xf]¥ofPƒ ug{'„ to repeat sth. r'df] — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -lrRo' _ r'Dr'df] — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -lrRo' _ r'Daf ulv. , plv. , syn. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] vf;uƒL ƒS;L ƒ ©fª íflb ƒfVg k|of]udf ífpg] ;fgf] vfnsf] df6fsf] efF8f]Ù df6fsf] ufu|L„ a small earthen pot used to store liquor; an earthen vessel.
silver bangle.
to become very dry because of heat and to be broken easily.
r'n'jf , syn. , ant. — [lj= adj.] -s'g} lrh_ efF8fsf] la6eGbf dfly;Dd k'Ug] uƒL ƒflvPsf]Ù ;fdfGo xnrn x'Fbf g} kf]lvPnf ´}F x'g] uƒL elƒPsf]„ (of food grains, flour, salt, etc.) to be filled above the brim.
r'ofk — [gf= n.] -¬} lrh_ 89]ƒ jf hn]ƒ vƒfgLdf klƒ0ft x'g] l‚yltÙ ‚jfxf„ when everything is completely destroyed in fire or reduced to ashes. ~tfGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] 89]ƒ jf hn]ƒ vƒfgL x'g'Ù e‚d x'g'Ù hNg'Ù ‚jfxf x'g'„ to turn to ashes.
r'ƒf — [gf= n.] gf8Ldf nufOg] ;'g,
r'N;f — [gf= n.] ufO{, e}F;Lsf] ;'s]sf] uf]aƒÙ u'OF7f„ dry dung cake. r'l;`Go plv. , hmlv. , m. , syn. , m. , — [í=lqm= v.i.] != o'jfo'jtLaLr
kƒ‚kƒdf dfofk|]d a‚g'Ù dfofk|Llt a;]ƒ p7a; ug{'„ to fall in love. @= [;=lqm= v.t.] tÌ]ƒLx¿ t?0fLsf]df uO{ xfF;v]]n ug'{Ù ƒf]bL a‚g'„ -e.g. wfkf r'l;GoÙ æƒf]bL a‚g'„Æ_ to assemble for rodi (rodi a particular cultural tradition of song and dance
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
127 participated by young boys and girls). It is a night cultural performance, merrymaking, especially among the Magars and the Gurungs.
r"lƒGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] != í¿sf bdg jf íkdfg x'g] uƒL km'tL{ l´Sg'Ù í¿nfO{ bafPƒ lxF8†g'Ù ƒjfkm, wfs b]vfpg'„ to brag; to insult others; to boast; to show off.
@= h;nfO{ kfof] To;};Fu ´u8f ug{ vf]Hg'Ù lgx'F vf]Hg'„ to fall out with sb; to make an issue of sth.
r"NGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] ƒfd|ƒL anf];† eg]ƒ íu'N6fsf] hn]sf] íFufƒ efunfO{ st} 7f]sfpg'Ù 7f]‚g'„ to poke the fire. r"Mj , ant. — [lj= adj.] x'g'kg]{eGbf ;fgf] Kjfn jf 7fpF íflbÙ ;fF3'ƒf]„ narrow.
r]+Go plv. (), , hmlv. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != r'ƒf]6, tdfv' íflbsf] w'jfF tfÌ'Ù w'd|kfg ug'{Ù ;'tL{ vfg'„ to breathe smoke into the mouth and usually lungs from a cigarette, hookah, etc.; to smoke. @= s''g} j‚t'nfO{ ank"j{s ífkm"ltƒ lvRg''Ù tfÌ'„ to pull with force. #= a]lr;s]sf] lrh, hUuf, hldg
íflb ífˆgf] íg's"ntfdf df]n kmsf{Pƒ lkmtf{ Nofpg'Ù lgvÌ„ to get back valuable things like land from sb by paying them back; to redeem.
r`]+ plv. , hmlv. , slv. — [gf= n.] wfuf], aflaof], ƒ];f íflb af6]ƒ agfOPsf] df]6f] 8f]ƒLÙ w]ƒ} 8f]ƒfx¿ af6]ƒ agfOPsf] alnof] 8f]ƒL„ (a piece of ) strong, thick string made of long twisted threads, grass, fiver etc.; a rope.
r] plv. > nblv. — [gf= n.] !=
r]tƒfFk'tƒfFj w'lgPsf] pmgsf] -kf6f]_ nf5f ƒflvg] rf]ofsf] sf]qmf]„ a small bamboo basket which is used to keep wool. @= aRrfnfO{ ;'tfPƒ em'nfpg] sf]qmf]„ a small bed for a baby, especially one that swings from side to side; a cradle.
5'Ol;Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] 7]nd7]n ePƒ k‚g' jf a‚g'Ù sf]lRrg'Ù vfFlbg'„ to crowd; to be crammed.
5'QL — [gf= n.] != rf]6k6s nfu]ƒ jf ífunfuLn] 89]ƒ ePsf] í;fdfGo IfltÙ ljWj+;Ù ;j{gfz„ destruction, damage caused by accident, fire, etc. @= 7"nf] k|sfƒsf] gfz jf dxfljgfzsf] Ifltk"0f{ l‚yltÙ gf]S;fgL„ when sth is completely destroyed; destruction; damage; ruin.
#= s'g} 36gfdf kƒ]ƒ ePsf] rf]6k6sÙ ;a}ltƒ kƒ]sf] 3fp íflb. injuries or wounds in an accident. $= -;a} lrh_ 89]ƒ, hn]ƒ k"ƒ} aaf{b ePsf] íj‚yfÙ ífkbljkb jf s'g} 7"n} ;d‚of ífOkƒ]ƒ x'g] uDeLƒ xflg, gf]S;fgLÙ ;j{gf;sf] l‚yltÙ 7"nf] aaf{bL. complete destruction, great lost (because of some calamities).
5'lkGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] lƒ;n]
5'ƒf] jf ífj]udf s;}dfly PsfPs ífqmd0f ug'{Ù s;}dfly hfOnfUg'Ù xdnf ug'{Ù ´D6g'„ to assault or attack; to pounce.
5'd — [gf= n.] d';nn] wfg, ígfh, tdfv' íflb s'6†g] sfddf NofOg] 9'Ëf jf sf7sf] vf]lkN6f] ePsf] ;fwgÙ íf]vn„ a bowl for grinding; a mortar.
5'Md — [gf= n.] != plrt vfnsf] ;'ƒIffsf] íg'e"ltÙ ;'ƒIffÙ arfp„ security; protection. –Go!— [í=lqm= v.i.] s'g} lrh 7Ls 7fpFdf ƒflvg'Ù plrt 7fpFdf ƒxg'„ to be kept in an appropriate or secure place. @= í¿n] gb]Vg] PsfGt ‚yfg„ a private place. –Go@— s;}n] ¬} laufƒ ug{
jf gf]S;fgL k'¥ofpg g;Sg] x'g'Ù ;'ƒlIft ƒxg'„ to be safe and secure. –Go#— s'g} lrhsf] ;'ƒIffy{ plrt 7fpFdf ƒflvg'Ù 7Ls 7fpFdf ƒxg'„ to be kept sth safe and secure. –Go$— í¿n] ¬} laufƒ ug{ g;Sg] uƒL ;'ƒlIft ƒxg'„ to be safe. 5'df] — [lj= adj.] xflg, gf]S;fgL gx'g] uƒL hf]ufPsf]Ù s;}sf] s'b[li6af6 arfOPsf]Ù hu]gf{ ePsf]Ù ;'ƒIff ldn]sf]Ù ;+ƒlIftÙ ;'ƒlIft„ secure, safe, protected; sheltered.
5'DnL! — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] d'bf{ hnfpg] sfd ug]{ dfG5]„ a undertaker; a mortician.
5'DnL@ — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] -5'd _ 5'lƒƒL — [gf= n.] s'b]ƒ Pëfl; st} k'Ug] jf 3'l;xfNg] rfnÙ b|'t ultsf] s'bfOÙ ís‚dft† st} 3'‚g] sfd„ sudden thrust, insertion or movement.
5'ƒf] — [lj= adj.] rf]?Frf]?F dfq nfUg] afgL ePsf]Ù rf]g{ gkfpFbf s] u?F s] u?F nfUg]Ù rf]g]{ ‚jefjsf]„ having a desire to steal;
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
5'ln5fd kleptomaniac.
5'ln5fd () — [gf= n.] ísf{åfƒf eOƒx]sf] jf rlnƒx]sf] sfddf hfgL ghfgL xft xfn] jf uƒ]h‚tf] ug]{ sfd„ an act of pretending to work or help others with their work.
5'n}+ , syn. — [gf= n.] ísf{sf] afƒ]df s;}l;t ulƒPsf] gƒfd|f] s'ƒf]Ù s;}sf] ePgePsf] s'ƒf] í¿ s;}nfO{ nufpg] sfdÙ kf]nÙ 5'NofOFÙ 5'‚s]ƒfÙ r'SnL„ an act of revealing someone's secrets to other people; an act of snitching on sb. ~emf rfFbL–P 5]t/]MGo — ífˆgf] u}ƒlhDd]jfƒ lqmofsnfksf] sfƒ0f jf 9Ë gk'u]ƒ s'g} íj;ƒaf6 jl~rt x'gk'Ug'Ù efUo 6'6†g'Ù df}sf 5'6†g'. to miss opportunity because of your own carelessness.
142 5]Qf] — [gf= n.] pl56ØfPƒ 6f9f k'Ug] uƒL x'Tofpg] jf ³fFSg] sfd„ an act of throwing sth away.
5]bƒ — [gf= n.] kflsƒxg] ƒ lgsf] x'g d'l‚sn kg]{ vl6ƒf]Ù ;}g„ an festering sore.
5]bf — [gf= n.] kxf8sf] b'O{ r'nLaLrsf] 3fF6L, xf]rf] e"efuÙ psfnf] l;l4Pƒ 8fF8f] kfƒ x'g]g]ƒsf] ‚yfgÙ e²ofª„ a mountain pass.
5]bf] — [gf= n., lj= adj.] t'ngfTds ¿kn] ísf]{eGbf 5f]6f] af6f]Ù ísf]{ af6f]sf] bfFhf]df uGtJodf l56f] k'Ug;lsg]„ a route which leads from one place to another which is quicker and more direct than the usual route; a shortcut.
5]g — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] -kfF _ 5]Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] ;kmf kfgLn] j‚t'df ƒx]sf] kmf]xf]ƒd}nf wf]Pƒ ;kmf kfg{'Ù w'g'„ to wash sth; to clean sth.
5]MGo , syn. , ant. , m. , — [í=lqm= v.i.] 8ƒ jf ífzÍfn] xRsg'Ù 8ƒ, qf;sf] íg'ej ulƒg'Ù t;{g'Ù eoeLt x'g'Ù 8ƒfpg'„ to be scared; to be afraid.
5]kjf , ant. — [lj= adj.] 8ƒfpg] ‚jefjsf]Ù sfFtƒÙ 8ƒ5]?jfÙ 8ƒkf]s„ timid; cowardly.
5]df] > — [lj= adj.] != -vfg]s'ƒf_ g'g gxflnPsf] jf -g'g, d;nf íflb_ ld7f; a9fpg] lrh sd ePƒ ld7f; 36]sf]Ù lalngf]„ (of food) saltless; insipid or tasteless for the lack of
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
143 sufficient spices, salt, etc. @= s'g} j‚t'df
ƒx]sf] df}lns ld7f; 36]sf]Ù a]‚jflbnf]„ tasteless; insipid.
5]ƒt vfg]s'ƒfÙ r6gLÙ írfƒ„ chutney; pickle. ~HÞof; — ;fpg] ;ª†qmflGtsf] gofF íÌ rfVg] rf8, GjfuL kj{ -ƒfFVof_ sf] íj;ƒdf Ps ísf{df lxnf] ©fk]ƒ v]lng] v]n jf rngÙ lxnf] ©fkf©fksf] v]n„ a traditional game played on the
5f]Dhf]d first day of the month of Shrāwan, in which the farmhands in the paddy field splash each other with mud.
5f]kf — [lj= adj.] s'kf]lift eO{, ƒf]un] ynf kƒ]ƒ jf a9L pd]ƒsf sfƒ0f zƒLƒ hL0f{ ePsf]Ù ƒf]u jf sdhf]ƒLn] ubf{ xf8, 5fnf dfq b]lvg] uƒL ;f¸} b'AnfPsf]Ù b'AnfPƒ dg}{ nfu]sf]„ lean and thin; emaciated; half-starved.
5f]kf]ƒf] plv. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] b''O{kfv] lrqfaLr kft, ef]hkqÙ ef]nf]{ -lxhf] ífh Knfl‚6s_ íflb ƒfvL aiff{t†df íf]9†g agfOPsf] íf]9f]Ù 3'd„ a covering made of interlaced bamboo strips and leaves carried as a protection against rain or the sun; a leaf-umbrella.
5f]KGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != í¿n] s'ƒf ubf{ub}{ aLr}df ífˆgf] s'ƒf ƒfVg'Ù s'ƒfdf s'ƒf ldnfpg'Ù s'ƒf ld;fpg'„ to interrupt someone who is speaking in order to say sth or to add sth to what they are saying. @= ;'ƒdf ;'ƒ ldnfPƒ d'Vo ufos ;Fu};Fu} ufpg'Ù kfÃ{ufog ug'{„ to sing together with the lead singer. #= ev{ƒ}
leœofpg nfluPsf b'nfxf–b'nxLnfO{ 6Lsf nufOlbg'„ to offer tikā (rice grains mixed with curd) as the sign of a good omen to the newly weds while entering the groom's house for the first time.
5f]Dhf]d! , ant. , syn. — [gf= n.] rfsn] e'OFdf g6]sL uf]8f v'DRofPƒ a‚g] íf;gÙ 6'qm'ësf] a;fO„ squatting.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
5f]Dhf]d 5f]Dhf]d@ — [gf= n.] -cf]5f]Dhf]d _ 5f]MGo{ — [;=lqm= v.t.] ífFvfleq 5'g'Ù ífFvfdf rf]6 kfg'{„ to injure or hurt one's eye.
5f]¥of , ant. — [gf= n.] o'jfj‚yfdf ev{ƒ} k|j]z ug{ nfu]sf] k'?ifÙ s]6f]Ù lszf]ƒÙ l76f]„ a boy; a lad. 5f]l;{Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] ífFvfleq írfgs 5f]Ogk'Ug'Ù ífFvfdf rf]6 kg'{„ to receive an injury in the eye; to injure your eye.
5f]n (), ant. — [gf= n.] íf?, íf]vƒ íflb kmnx¿sf xf8„ the nut of fruits like the walnut, peach, etc.
5f]NGo — [;=lqm=] != íf]vƒ, íf? íflb kmnx¿sf aflxƒL efunfO{ kfSg lbO{ af]qmf ƒ xf8 ínUofpg'Ù kmnsf] af]qmf pKsfpg'„ to peel the fruit like peach or walnut, etc. @= wfg, sf]bf] íflbnfO{ l9sLdf ƒfv]ƒ af]qmf jf e'; v'‚sfpg'Ù af]qmf ƒ u'bLnfO{ ínUofpg'Ù l5Nsg'„ to husk. #= lnËnfO{ xftsf] ;xfƒfn] rnfPƒ jLo{ lgsfNg'Ù xftn] ík|fs[lts d}y'g ug'{Ù x‚td}y'g ug'{„ to masturbate.
5f]; — [gf= n.] != zƒLƒnfO{ kfgLsf] ífjZostf kbf{ x'g] tntnÙ kfgL lkpg] OR5fÙ lt;{gfÙ Kof;Ù ltvf{„ a need for sth to drink; thirst. @= dg kƒ]sf] lrh kfpg] b[9 rfxgfÙ pTs6 ílenfiffÙ OR5fÙ t[i0ffÙ wf]sf]„ a strong desire for sth you want most; longing for sth; thirst for sth. –Go— [í=lqm= v.i.] kfgL lkpg dg nfUg'Ù ltvf{pg'Ù Kof; nfUg'Ù ltvf{ nfUg'„ to be thirsty.
5ØfFt'/L — [gf= n.] != syf ;'gfpbf ldnfPƒ ufOg] Ps lsl;dsf] nf]s
146 efsf„ a folk song. @= p2]ZoljxLg eO{ ulƒg] 3'd3fdÙ íy{xLg 3'dlkmƒ„ wandering, loitering, roaming aimlessly.
5Øf< plv. , syn. , llv. , ulv. , ant. , , , — [lj= adj.] != s'g} vf; dfqf,
;ª†Vof, u'0f, klƒdf0f íflbdf sdÙ 36LÙ sDtLÙ sd„ less in quantity than expected measurement. @= íkof{¨Ù gu0o dfqfÙ ílnsltÙ Go""gÙ yf]ƒ}„ insufficient; insignificant; a little bit. #= -5Øfr] _ 5ØfMsfp , ant. & — [lj= adj.] -‚jefj, afgL a]xf]ƒf_ gƒfd|f]Ù gƒfd|f] afgL jf k|j[lQsf]„ (of people) bad; badly behaved.
5Øfr] , , — [gf= n.] s'g} ;+efljt ;Í6 jf ílgi6 íflb s'ƒfn] pTkÌ x'g] lrGtf jf Jofs'ntfÙ s'g} 36gf ;D´Fbf jf b]Vbf dgdf k}bf x'g] íTof;Ù eoÙ qf;Ù 8ƒ„ fear, fright, terror; especially premonition.
5Øfd — [gf= n.] != íl3Nnf] dWoƒftb]lv kl5Nnf] dWoƒft;Ddsf] ;doÙ íxf]ƒfqÙ íf7} k|xƒÙ ;ft jfƒdWo] Ps jfƒÙ lbg„ a day; 24 hours. @= tf]lsPsf] lglÁt ;do„ a particular time. 5Øfdf — [lj= adj.÷sf]ƒf=e]= krlv.] -cf‰of] _ 5ØfNHofnf] — [lj= adj.] kf]lvPnf ´}F x'g] uƒL efF8f]sf la6;Dd ífOk'u]sf]Ù elƒeƒfp ePsf]Ù 6Dd x'g] uƒL elƒPsf]„ full to the brim. 5ØfNofNo' — [gf= n.] dWod ífsfƒsf j‚t'x¿„ medium-sized objects.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
147 5ØfMjf , , , — [lj= adj.] s]xL sdÙ w]ƒyf]ƒÙ ílnslt„ a little. ~s — [lqm=lj= adv.] Psl5g kl5Ù s]xLl5g;DdÙ ílna]ƒ kl5Ù yf]ƒ} a]ƒ jf ílnv]ƒdf„ after a while; a few moments later.
5ØfjfNo' — [lj= adj.] g 7"nf] g ;fgf] vfnsf]Ù dWod ífsfƒsf]Ù l7ësf]„ medium-sized; neither big nor small.
5Øf; — [gf= n.÷t;]=e]= tslv.] -5Øfr] _ 5†jfª — [gf= n.] kl5 s] s;f] knf{ eÌ] ljrfƒ gulƒsg g} KofRr af]lnxfNg] sfd„ an act of speaking rashly.
5\jf; 5†jfªf] — [lj= adj.] ;'´a'´ g} gƒfvL Kjfë af]Ng]Ù e}në]„ (of people) speaking without thinking about the possible results; rash (to do sth); tactless.
5†jfg — [gf= n.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] j‚t'efp kfNg] k]zf ePsf] dfG5]Ù ufO{, e}F;L, e]8f, afv|f íflb rƒfpg]÷kfNg] sfd ug]{ dfG5]Ù Ujfnf„ a herdsman; a shepherd. 5†jf; — [gf= n.] Ps ífk;df 5f]Og] uƒL x'g] 5'jfO„ an act of touching each other. ~h}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] Ps lrhnfO{ ísf]{;Fu ;Dks{ uƒfpg'Ù 5'jfpg'„ to connect one thing to another; to cause to touch.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
h XF
h hXF plv. (), syn., hmlv. — [gf= n.] sfFwb]lv d'lg sDdƒ;Ddsf] zƒLƒsf] kl5Nnf] efuÙ 5ftLsf] ljkƒLt kg]{ efuÙ lk7Ø'FÙ 9f8Ù 8F8fNgf]„ (of the body part) back.
hXFlun — [gf= n.] sDdƒb]lv d'lg b'a} uf]8f k"ƒ} 9fSg] uƒL nufOg] k|l;4 klxƒgÙ KofG6„ pants; trousers. hXFhƒ — [gf= n.] kz', kIfL jf zq'nfO{ km;fPƒ ;dfpgsf lglDt agfOPsf] vf]ƒ, kf;f]„ a trap laid for animals, birds or enemies.
hXFbfFbf — [gf= n.] lk7Ø'Fsf] 7f8f] xf8Ù d]?b08„ the row of small bones that are connected together down the middle of the back; backbone.
hXlg; — [gf= n.] gub afx]ssf j‚t'Ù dfndQfÙ lhG;L„ goods; things; in kind (not cash).
hXldGo — [gf= n.] -@= hDGo _ hXlDsp — [lj= adj.] ;lh;hfp, l;Fufƒk6fƒ ulƒPsf]Ù lrl6ë kƒ]sf] jf kflƒPsf]Ù ;hfPsf]Ù ƒfd|f] agfPsf]Ù í;fWo} ƒfd|f]Ù r§ kflƒPsf]Ù ;'Gbƒ„ well decorated; adorned; beautiful;l attractive.
hX/XFhX/XF — [gf= n.] pT;flxt ePƒ jf s]xL} ug{ h'?ë p7†gp7†g vf]Hg] rfn„ an act of springing to your feet jauntily to do sth showing eagerness.
hXs{tL — [lj= adj.] != zfƒLlƒs ¿kn] ílt g} v6†g;Sg]Ù sfdsfh íflbdf í¿eGbf íufl8 ;g]{Ù w]ƒ} v6†g]„ hard-working; industrious; persevering. @= ífF6 ePsf]Ù axfb'ƒÙ ;'ƒf]„ courageous; brave.
hXld{Go , m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] ue{jf; k"ƒf uƒL aflxƒ lg‚sg'Ù hGd lng'Ù hGdg'„ to come out of your mother's body at the beginning of your life; to be born.
htdf{g — [lj= adj.] x'g'kg]{eGbf klg HofbfÙ íTolwsÙ ílt„ too much; more than enough; in excess.
hg]; — [gf= n.] íf]vtL x'g] jg‚kltsf hƒf, af]6, ´fƒkft íflbÙ íf]vtLd'nf]Ù h8L'6L„ a type of plant which is used in making medicine; herb.
–hg slv. , plv. , nblv. , glv. — [lje= bibh.] ls6fg ubf{ k|Toosf] ¿kdf ífpg] ljelQmÙ nfO{„ used to specify or indicate sth; to; for.
hGt/ — [gf= n.] /f]u, Joflw lgsf] x'G5 s'g} s'/fdf enf] x'G5 jf v'zLofnLsf] cfudg x'G5 eGg] ljZjf;n] tflGqs ljlwcg';f/ k"hf u/L 3fF6Ldf afFlwg] Ps k|sf/sf] a'6L„ an object worn on your neck because it is believed to protect against evil, disease or unhappiness; an amulet.
h†o — [í=lqm= v.i.] -ljÃf;_ dƒ]sf]
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
149 dfG5]sf] zj k|]tfTdfsf] ¿kdf Ao'Ftg'Ù d;fg ePƒ hfUg'Ù dg'ioÎjaf6 k]|tfTdfdf ablng'„ (of common beliefs) to rise from the dead; (of the spirit of the dead) to wake up; to change into the spirit after death.
hk h}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] glhs} jf la‚tfƒ} 5f]Og] uƒL hf]8]ƒ ƒfVg'Ù y'k'ë ƒfVg'„ to touch lightly; to keep sth somewhere gently.
hnhn @= 7G8Ln] kfgL, af];f] íflb tƒn kbfy{ hd]ƒ ;f¸f] x'g'Ù aƒkm aÌ'Ù tƒn kbfy{n] 7f]; ?k lng'„ (of water, fat) to freeze solid; (of water) to become or freeze solid.
hofnLkofnL plv. , syn. (), glv. — [gf= n.] ;fdflhs ‚jLs[lt ƒ sfg'gL dfGotf k|f¨ x'g] uƒL kƒ‚kƒdf ;DaGw ufFl;Psf] ‚qL ƒ k'?ifsf] hf]8LÙ hf]Ok{ f]OÙ{ kltkTgLÙ bDktLÙ nf]Ug]‚jf‚gL„ wife and husband; spouses.
haƒ! plv. , , , hmlv. — [gf= n.] != h‚tf];'s} ífkb–ljkbk"0f{ klƒl‚ylt jf k|lts"ntfdf klg xfƒ gvfg]Ù g8ƒfpg] ‚jefjsf]Ù lg8ƒ„
hƒf — [gf= n.] íf]vtL x'g] jg‚kltsf hƒf, af]6, kft, af]qmf jf ´fƒkft íflbÙ h8La'6L„ herb; herbal leaves,
dauntless; determined; dogged; gritty. @= ;'¥of{OFsf] sfd ug{ ;Sg]Ù z"ƒjLƒÙ ífF6LÙ z"ƒf]„ courageous; brave; daring.
hƒf< plv. , slv. — [gf= n.] af]6la?jfn] df6f]leqaf6 ífxfƒf lvRg] hldgleqsf] íËÙ hƒf]„ (of plants) roots. hd}{MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] hGd lbg'Ù hGdfpg'Ù aRrf k}bf ug'{„ to give birth
haƒ@ — [gf= n.] drf{ a9L xfn]ƒ s8f kflƒPsf] íldnf] ©fª, hfF8Ù w]ƒ} dfqfdf dL7f] ƒS;L kg]{ ©fª, hfF8„ the hard chhyāng fermented by putting more yeast out of which stronger liquor can be brewed.
hd — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -cf]l;¥of _ hdwn , syn. — [lj= adj.] pd]ƒ k'u]ƒ hjfgLn] elƒk"0f{ ePsf]Ù k"0f{¿kn] a}+; ífPsf]Ù of}jgo'QmÙ a}+;fn'„ grown-up; youthful.
hDs}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] l;Fufƒk6fƒ uƒ]ƒ ƒfd|f] ?k lbg'Ù ;hfpg'Ù ƒfd|f] agfpg'„ to decorate sth; to adorn sb/sth with sth.
hDGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] != hf]l8Psf j‚t'x¿ Psífk;df 6Dd eO{ ldNg'Ù lasf]{ ƒfd|ƒL nfUg'Ù sl;g'„ to be joined firmly;
roots, bark, etc.
to (sb).
hnf]{ ()— [lj= adj.] v;|f,] df]6f]Ù kf]l6nf]„ (of things) coarse; plump; stout.
hn< — [gf= n.] ƒS;L ksfpFbf lkFwdf afkm 7f]lsPƒ ƒS;Lsf] ¿kdf v‚g ldNg] ;aeGbf dflyNnf] txsf] efF8f]„ a small cone-shaped pot placed at the top of the large vessel used to brew liquor. -vf]P _.
hnhn -— [gf= n.] 5fnfleq kfgL elƒPƒ ePsf] 3fpsf] kmf]sf„ a painful swelling on the skin that contains liquid, caused by continuous rubbing, especially on your hand, foot, or by burning; a blister.
(of the lid) to be tight and well-fitted. A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
hnynf] hnynf] — [lj= adj.] -hdwn _ hnkmn — [gf= n.] s'g} ljifo jf k|;ËnfO{ lgrf]8df k'¥ofpg ulƒg] ;sfƒfTds jfbljjfbÙ s'g} ljifo jf ;d‚ofsf] afƒ]df b'O{ jf ;f]eGbf w]ƒ} hgfaLr x'g] ljrfƒljdz{, rrf{Ù 5nkmn„ discussion; argument; dialogue.
hnfvL — [gf= n.] íUnf] 8fF8f], kxf8sf] 6'Kkf] íflbdf km"n, kftL íflb r9fPƒ >4f JoQm ug{ agfOPsf] d7Ù ;a}ltƒ b]lvg] 7fpFdf 9'Ëf y'kfƒ]ƒ agfOPsf] k|foM b]pƒfnLg]ƒsf] y'Dsf]„ a raised part built on the top of the mountain or hill where people offer flowers and leaves; a pile of stones which marks a special place such as the top of a mountain or hill.
hfFuƒ — [gf= n.] s'g} klg sfd ug{sf] nflu dgdf pTkÌ ePsf] pT;fxÙ ‚km"lt{Ù hf];„ a strong feeling of excitement; interest and eagerness in doing sth; enthusiasm; vigour.
hfFu¥of — [lj= adj.] sfd ug{ íN5L gug]{Ù pT;fxLÙ hfFulƒnf]„ energetic; enthusiastic; vigorous; active.
hfFhfF — [lqm=lj= adv.] ílníln uƒ]ƒÙ yf]ƒ}yf]ƒ} uƒL„ bit by bit; little by hnfvL
hnf] — [gf= n.] != l´FhfeGbf 7"nf ƒ df]6f ífsfƒsf afNgof]Uo sf7, bfpƒf íflb„ (of firewood) large and thick, suitable for burning. @= [lj= adj.] -u]8fu'8L_ aLrsf] efu k'6'‚; pS;]sf]Ù kf]l6nf]„ (of grains) plump.
h; — [gf= n.] í;n sfds'ƒf ;kmntfk"j{s k"ƒf uƒ]afkt kfOg] ;fw'jfbÙ dfg„ great respect and admiration; esteem; fame; renown.
hxƒf< — [gf=/lj= n., adj.] v;|f] uƒL lkFlwPsf] jf lkl;Psf] u]8fu'8LÙ v;|f] kL7f]Ù (of grains) coarsely ground; (of flour) coarse.
hfF plv. , syn. , glv. , syn. — [lqm=lj= adv.] yf]ƒ}Ù ílnsltÙ í´
í¿Ù s]xL„ a little more. hfFsf];} tslv. ,, syn. (plv.) — [gf= n.] != a9L jf w]ƒ} í+zÙ w]ƒ} dfqf„ portion of sth in excess. @= [lj= adj.] w]ƒ}Ù a9LÙ ílws„ much more. #= [lqm=lj= adv.] k|foMÙ ílwsf+z„ often;
hfFbfaf]sGo — [gf= n.] -ufFbf?nL _ hfFjf — [lqm=lj= adv.] yf]ƒ} dfqfdfÙ w]ƒyf]ƒÙ s]xL dfqfdfÙ ílnslt„ not much; only slightly; little. ~s — Ps l5gkl5Ù ílns a]ƒdfÙ s]xL l5gkÁft††Ù ílnv]ƒdf„ after a while; after some time.
hf! — [gf= n.] != b}lgs k|rngdf ífpg] efF8fat{g, xft xltofƒ íflb„ utensils of daily use. > hfMof — b}lgs k|rngsf dfn;fdfgÙ lrhaLh ƒfVg sf7, df6f], wft' íflbåfƒf ag]sf] efF8fs'F8f„ a large bowl-shaped wooden or earthen pot used to store utensils.
@= tfg a'Ì tyf s[lif sfo{sf] nflu k|of]udf ífpg] íf}hfƒx¿„ tools used in weaving and in agriculture.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
151 hf@ —[gf=n.÷pd}=e]=hmlv.] -sKt! _ hfsGo — [gf= n.] efƒL af]sfpg] p2]Zon] v;L kflƒPsf] e]8f, afv|f„ a ram or a he-goat that has been castrated in order to use it as a beast of burden.
hfÍf — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] hf}, ux'F íflb íÌ yG¬fpFbf lg‚sg] w'nf], 9'6f]„ husks of grains like barley, wheat, etc.
hfltkXtL — [lqm=lj= adv.] gfktf}n uƒ]ƒ ;fWo gx'g]Ù oltljlwÙ í;ª†VoÙ olt, oqf]ljlw„ impossible to measure; infinite; countless; numberless.
hftL — [lj= adj.] í;ª†VoÙ íltÙ ílwsÙ í;fWo}„ innumerable; too much/many.
hfaL — [gf= n.] sfFwdf lelƒg] jf xftdf ´'G8ØfOg] 5fnf, sk8f íflbsf] ;fgf] y}nf]Ù ;fgf] ´f]nf„ a bag made of cloth or leather, slung over the shoulder.
hfa]g — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -/\a]+ _ hfdf — [lqm=lj= adv.÷k=e]= plv.] -5ØfMjf _ hfld‚Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] != b"w hd]ƒ bxL aÌ'Ù bxL hDg'„ (of milk) to become curd. @= tƒn kbfy{ hd]ƒ 7f]; aÌ'Ù hDg'„ (of liquid) to freeze. hfdf] — [lj= adj.] -vfg]s'ƒf_ dgn] ?rfPsf]Ù 3[0ff gnfu]sf]Ù dg kƒ]sf]„ -e.g. æo'F hfdf] Ö dg kƒ]sf]Ù o'F dfhfdf] Ö dg gkƒ]sf]Æ_ (of food) liked (without any feeling of disgust).
hfƒL — [gf= n.] ísf{sL ‚jf‚gLnfO{ eufpg]nfO{ klxn]sf] nf]Ug]n] eÌ] zAbÙ hfƒ„
hfnf] adulterer; paramour.
hfƒf] — [gf= n.] rfƒ s'gf ePsf], uf]7df ;fdfgx¿ ƒfVg x'g] rf]ofnfO{ a'g]ƒ agfOPsf] efF8f]„ a rectangular container made of bamboo splits, used for keeping goods in the cowshed.
, syn. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] yfKnf]df í8ØfOg] -r]K6f] efu_ 5fnf jf ;f]df glTyPsf] 8f]ƒL;lxtsf] efƒL af]Sg] ;fwgÙ gfDnf]„ a strap strung across the forehead; a tumpline.
to`f — [gf= n.] vfgsf] nflu Ps k6sdf d'vdf ƒflvg] vfg]s'ƒfÙ PsufF;„ a morsel.
tof]— [gf= n.] -rGrf _ tƒ! — [;+of]= conj.] To;f] eP tf klgÙ t} klgÙ kƒGt'„ however, nevertheless; nonetheless; despite; in spite of.
tƒ@ () — [gfof]= conj.] s'g} lrhsf] 7Ls dfl‚tƒ vlK6Pƒ ƒxg] íj‚yfdfÙ dfly jf dflykl§Ù dfly„ on the surface of sb/sth; over; above.
tƒKGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] n]l;nf] lrhn] ínu–ínu í+znfO{ hf]8†g'Ù 6fF‚g'„ to fix sth to sth else with a sticky substance; to stick sth; to pin or clip sth.
become fixed to sth; to stick.
illuminated; full of light; shining strongly; bright.
tƒfF , syn. , ant. — [gf= n.] ífsfzltƒ d'v ƒ e'OFltƒ lk7ØF" kfƒL ;'t]sf] jf n8]sf] l‚yltÙ dfl‚tƒ kms]{ƒ k;flƒPsf] íf;gÙ pQfgf]„ when you lie flat on your back, looking up; supine position.
tƒfMl;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] ;fF9]sf] lƒ; p7†bf, l;ª lrnfpFbf v]tafƒLsf] sfGnf, e'OF jf uƒfdf v'§fn] sf]kb}{ ƒ l;ªn] hf]Tb} h'Wgsf] nflu hf]ƒL vf]Hg'Ù l;Ëf}ƒL v]Ng'Ù x'Fsfg'{„ (of bulls/oxen) to gore and paw the ground while being ready to fight; (of oxen) to butt at sth and paw when they are ready to fight.
tƒ]MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] gª jf tLvf] lrhn] w;f]{ kg]{ uƒL lryf]g'{„ to scratch with your nails; to scratch sth.
tƒ}fd lnOg] ‚yfg;Ddsf] b'ƒL„ a place where you rest on your route; a stop; the distance between two stops; distance between two rest stops.
tef]{d , syn. — [gf= n.] Ps} 7fpFdf ƒx]sf] jf ƒflvPsf] lrhljhsf] y'k|f] jf ƒf;Ù vftÙ 8ª†u'ƒ„ a number of
things that have been placed on top of each other; a pile; a heap.
tjfƒL — [gf= n.] -hf]xftL _ t;]d] — [gf= n.] != ;f}¸ dfgf klƒdf0fsf] j‚t' í6fpg] efF8f]„ a pot that has the capacity of holding sixteen mānās of sth (one mānā roughly equals half a kilo.). @= rfƒ kfyL -stjf
kfyL Ö rfƒ dfgfÙ 5fKof kfyL Ö íf7 dfgf_ jf ;f}¸ dfgf klƒdf0fsf] j‚t'„ the quantity that equals sixteen mānās.
t‚of]n h}l;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] Ps} kIfltƒ nfUg'Ù ;a} Ps}ltƒ 9lNsg'„ (of all people involved) to favour the same side; to lean on one side.
tx — [gf= n.] sfdsfh ug]{ ljlwÙ pkfoÙ tlƒsf„ a method; a way; a technique of doing sth. ~; — [lqm=lj= adv.] la‚tfƒ} s'g} sfd of ofqf to ug]{ uƒ]ƒÙ la‚tfƒ}Ù ífƒfdsf;fyÙ ;'ƒ}n]„ (travelling/doing sth) slowly; without haste.
txs}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != s'g} gofF lrh, 7fpF íflb kQf nufpg'Ù klxn] b]v]sf] 7fpFnfO{ kl5;Dd klg ;D´g ;Sg'Ù 7Dofpg'„ to discover sth; to remember or recognize a place for a long time. @= [í=lqm= v.i.] k'Unf–k'Unf h‚tf] x'g'„ to be nearly sufficient. #= [;=lqm=
v.t.] vf]hLgLltsf] 6'Ëf] nufpg'Ù këfkëL jf lg¬f]{n x'g] uƒL lgwf] ug'{Ù 7Dofpg'„ to find out sth; to ensure.
t`gf] — [lj= adj.] d'l5Psf], ksfPsf] lrhdf tƒn kbfy{sf] dfqf sd ePsf]Ù kGofnf] jf gƒd gePsf]Ù ;f¸f]„ (of food) tough, hard because of containing less water; tough; hard.
txax — [gf= n.] s'g} lrhsf] rfFhf]kfFhf]Ù aGbf]a:t„ arrangement for sth like journey.
tfF — [gf= n.÷lge'=e]= glv.]
tfFSof ()— [lj= adj.] ífFvfsf] gfgLdf km'nf] kƒ]sf]„ suffering from cataract.
tfFb — [gf= n.] kmNofsx¿ cyjf lgufnf÷afF; hf]8]ƒ agfOPsf] l;s'jf÷kfnLdf ƒflvg] 6fF8 jf vft„ a sitting place close to the main door; a type of desk or bed tfFb made from planks of wood, bamboo or nigālo. One can sit or sleep on it.
tfFkfOtf]+k} — [gf= n.] != ;ƒf;ƒ guO{ bfofFafofF, tndfly x]b}{, a‚b} ljnDa ub}{ hfg] sfd„ an act of dawdling along or detouring. @= a‚b}, pleFb} la‚tfƒ} ulƒg] ofqfÙ ljnDak"j{s ulƒg] ofqfÙ la‚tfƒ} lxF8†g] lxF8fO„ dawdling, fooling around, idling; detouring.
t`fFtXF — [lqm=lj= adv.] 9f]sf, vfkf íflb t'?Gt} ƒ ƒfd|ƒL aGb ug]{ uƒL„ (of shutting the door) all at once and firmly. ~uNGo
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
tf — 9f]sf aGb ug'{Ù 9f]sf nfpg'„ to shut the door.
tf (), syn. — [gf= n.] bf}8g ƒ efƒL af]Sg k|of]udf ífpg] Ps k|l;4 rf}kfofÙ 3f]8f„ a large animal with four legs which people ride on or use for carrying things; a horse.
tfp — [lj= adj. (p.p.)] …5Ú lqmofsf] k"0f{e"tsfnÙ ePsf]„ the perfect form of the existential verb tau, meaning '(having) existed'.
tfpjf — [gf= n.] la6 s]xL p7]sf] yfn h‚tf] kmnfd] efF8f]Ù tfjf„ a
tf< , m. (me)— [gf= n.] vfPsf] s'ƒf kr]kl5 zƒLƒ aflxƒ lgsfNg] gnLÙ ífGb|f]„ a long tube through which food travels from the stomach and out of the body while it is being digested; intestine .
t`f]Go@— ?k}Fof–k};f ljlgdo ug'{Ù ;f6†g'„ (of
190 money) to change sth (for/into sth). >
t`f]Go#— s'g} sfd ulƒƒx]sf] JolQmnfO{ kfnf] lbPƒ la;fpg nufpg'Ù ;§f lbg'„ to swap sb over. > t`f]l;Go! — [í=lqm= v.i.] íbnabn jf x]ƒkm]ƒ x'g'Ù ablng'Ù ;f6km]ƒ ug'{Ù ;fl6g'„ to be exchanged. > t`f]l;Go@— [lj= adj.] ;f6km]ƒ ug{ nfossf]Ù ;fl6g] vfnsf]Ù ;§fk§f ug{of]Uo„ exchangeable. t`f]NGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] kƒ‚kƒdf wëf nfUg'Ù 7ëƒ vfg'Ù h'Wg'Ù 7f]lsg'„ to collide with sb/sth; to bump against/into sb/sth.
tf}nf — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] _ TofToflttL plv. ()
, , ulv. () — [gf= n.] lgƒy{s, grflxFbf jf Joy{sf s'ƒfÙ asdkm';] ukm„ spoken or written words that make no sense; nonsense; baloney; drivel; guff.
Tofkf] — [lj= adj.÷k=e]= plv.] -SofKj _ TofkTofk — [gf= n.] íÌ, wg íflbsf] íefj v6†lsPsf] l‚yltÙ wf}wf}n] Jojxfƒ wfÌ] rfn„ when there are not enough crops or when it is hard to manage your livelihood.
To`fNGo plv. , hmlv. — [;=lqm= v.t.] d'vleqsf] vfg]s'ƒf glgn]ƒ aflxƒ lgsfNg'Ù íf]sNg'„ to spit food out. Tj`fs — [gf= n.] s8f j‚t'n] s8f j‚t'df xfGbf jf 7f]lëFbf lg‚sg] æ6†jfëÆ ífjfhÙ æ7†jfëÆ Wjlg„ a sharp sound like the one which is made when one hard object hits another; a clear high ringing sound; a ting.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
y yXFGo , syn. , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != -lrh_ íf]; x6fpg 3fd, ífuf] jf tftf] ƒfkdf ;]sfpg'÷b]vfpg'Ù 3fd, ífuf] íflb tftf] lrhdf ;]sfPƒ s'g} lrhdf ƒx]sf] íf]; x6fpg'Ù ;'sfpg'„ to dry sth off by the fire or in the sun. @= [í=lqm= v.i.] ífuf], 3fd íflbsf] ƒfk jf xfjfåfƒf j‚t'df ƒx]sf] íf]l;nf]kg xƒfpg'Ù íf]efpg'„ to become dry; to dry. #= ƒ;xLg x'g'Ù xlƒof] jf ífnf]–sfFrf]sf] efj xƒfpg'„ to be left without sap or juice; to become dry. $= tnfp, gbL, s'nf] íflbaf6 kfgL 36†b} uPƒ vfnL x'g'Ù ;'Sg'„ (of rivers, lakes, etc.) to become dry; to dry up.
%= j‚t'efpsf] b"w ;'s]ƒ sd xF'b} hfg'Ù kmfFb ‚ofKk x'g'„ (of cows, buffaloes, etc.) to stop giving milk; to go dry. ^= vfglkg jf kf]if0fsf] íefjdf zƒLƒ vFuflƒFb} bfld|b} hfg'Ù ƒutdf;' ;'s]ƒ b'Anfpg'Ù lnv'ƒ] x'g'„ to be emaciated; to waste away.
yXM — [lj= adj.] v8f ePsf] jf ƒx]sf]Ù plePsf]Ù 7f8f]„ erect; upright; vertical. yXsXlgGo , syn. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != ofqf ubf{ub}{ aLrdf ƒf]lsg'Ù ofqf ‚ylut ug'{„ to stop one's journey in the middle. @= [í=lqm= v.i.] aluƒx]sf] ƒut, lkk íflb ƒf]lsg'„ (of blood, pus) to stop flowing; to stop oozing.
yXlGsGo — [í=lqm=] of}g pQ]hgfn] lnË 7f8f] x'g'Ù 7lGsg'„ (of penis) to be erected.
yXldGo! — [í=lqm= v.i.] x'Fb} uƒ]sf] sfd ‚yfoL jf í‚yfoL ¿kn] ƒf]lsg''Ù ‚ylut x''g'„ to be postponed. yXldGo@ — [í=lqm= v.i.] -yXsXlgGo _ yXlnGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] != >d jf sfdn] yfs]ƒ lhp uNg'Ù ysfO nfUg'Ù ylst x'g'Ù yfSg'„ to be tired. @= ufO{j‚t'n] b"w lbg 5f8†g'„ (of cows, buffaloes, etc.) to stop giving milk; to go dry. #= laƒfdL eO{ íf]©fg kg'{Ù ladfƒL eO{ p7†g} g;Sg] x'g'Ù l;ls‚t laƒfdL x'g'Ù ynf kg'{„ to be bedridden. ysg}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != -lrh_ plrt÷7Ls 7fpFdf ƒfvL ;'ƒlIfIft ug'{Ù yG¬fpg'„ to keep or store sth in a safe place. @= rfn' íj‚yfdf ƒx]sf] j‚t'nfO{ í‚yfoL ¿kn] ƒf]Sg'Ù ¬} ug{ nfu]sf]nfO{ ‚ylut ug{ nufpg'„ to stop or halt sth temporarily.
ysfg — [gf= n.] != saf]n ulƒPsf] íjlw, Dofb jf ;LdfÙ efvf„ a deadline; closing date. @= -dflg; íflb_ e]nf x'g] jf s'g} lrh yG¬fpg] lglÁt ‚yfg„ a fixed place where people assemble or where goods are kept or stored.
ys}MGo krlv. , tslv. , hmlv. — [;=lqm= v.t.] ;fFrf] s'ƒf] gug'Ù{ í;To af]Ng'Ù ´6' f] sfds'ƒf jf í;t† s'ƒf] ug'Ù{ 9fF6g † „' to tell untruth; to lie. yu/f slv. , hmlv. , plv. + — [gf= n.] sf]ƒLaf6L ug'{k"j{
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
yt}Go skfnsf] n§f km'6fNg k|of]u ulƒg] l;Gsfx¿sf d'7f] jf ;d"xÙ n§f km'6fNg] ;fwgÙ yfqmf]„ a hair brush made of bamboo. It is used to loosen the messy hair before combing it.
yt}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.÷sf]ƒf=e]= krlv.] -k`f]Go ) yb} yGbf lg dGbfMj — [lj= adj.] l7Ë eO{ plePsf]Ù 7f8f]„ (standing) straight; upright.
yKsf! plv. , slv. , glv. , nblv. , syn. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] Ps tnfaf6 ísf]{
tnfdf r9†gsf] nflu agfOPsf] l;F9LÙ tnf jf íUnf] 7fpFdf pSng sf7, 9'Ëf íflbsf] v'8†lsnf]Ù e¥ofª„ a ladder; a staircase. -leÞmd _ for picture. yKsf@ — [gf= n.] ln‚g' íflbsf] v'8†lsnf]„
ygs tfGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] != nfdf] ƒ ;f¸f] j‚t' lkl6ë efFlrg k'Ug'„ (of
(of stone/wood) a step or rung of a ladder.
long and hard objects) to break easily. @= of}g pQ]hgfn] lnË 7lGsg'„ (of penis) to be erected.
yKGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != hf]Tgsf] nflu uf]?nfO{ gfg'{„ to yoke oxen together to plough. @= lxF8fpgsf] nflu uf]?, 3f]8f, ƒfFuf] íflbnfO{ tofƒ kfg'{Ù gfg'{„ to prepare
ygQ — [lj= adj.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] -v]Ë]+j _ ygƒfd — [gf= n.] sfds'ƒf ƒf]lsPsf] jf ‚ylut ePsf] l‚yltÙ ug{ gEofpg] uƒL kl5 ƒxgk'u]sf] sfdsf] ƒf;„ the situation when you cannot complete a particular task because you're much occupied with other tasks, or the situation when works pile up.
yGyg clbGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] s'g} lrh alnof] x'g] uƒL íl8g'„ to stand firmly.
yGyg tfGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] lnË 7lGsg'„ (of penis) to be erected. yGbf — [lqm=lj= adv.] 7f8f] ePƒ pleg] rfndfÙ v8f ƒxg] lsl;dn]Ù l7ª†lu|ËÙ l7Ë„ (standing) vertically;
oxen, horses, male buffaloes, etc.
ylK;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] != 6]s]ƒ íUnf] 7fpFsf] s'g} lrh e]§fpg v'§fd'lg ¬} lrh ƒfVg'„ to keep sth under your feet so as to reach a higher place. @= [í=lqm= v.i.] -lrh_ ylkFb} jf a9†b} hfg'„ to increase in volume, number, quantity.
yd}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] x'Fb} uƒ]sf] sfds'ƒf] í‚yfoL ¿kn] ƒf]Sg'Ù ‚ylut ug'{„ to postpone or put off the ongoing task.
yƒ! — [lqm=lj= adv.] Pëfl; pleg] rfndfÙ h'?ë„ (of standing up) jerkily; all at once. ~Ro`fFl;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] a;]sf] íj‚yfaf6 Ps} ´6†sfdf pleg'Ù h'?ë p7†g'„ to stand jerkily or all at once.
yƒ@— [gf= n.] ;Gtfgsf] kƒDkƒfut qmdÙ k'vf{Ù uf]qÙ s'nÙ vnsÙ j+z„ a group of family; a
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
193 clan; the members of a person's family who are directly related to that person and who lived along time before him or her; a lineage.
yƒs — [gf= n.] elgPsf] jf í¸fPsf] s'ƒfnfO{ OdfGbfƒLk"j{s kfngf ug]{ sfdÙ íf1fkfng„ obedience (to sb/sth). y/yƒ! — [gf= n.] pk|mfO, ;jfƒL ;fwgsf u'8fO íflbn] glhssf] hldg ys{g] íj‚yf„ the situation when the land shakes because of the movement of something heavy like a vehicle. ~Ro`fFl;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.]
ífkm"eGbf 7"nf jf dfGohgn] í¸fPsf], eg]sf], ;D´fPsf] gdfg]ƒ pN6} pgL;Fu} n8†g, le8†g vf]Hg'Ù n8†g sl;g'„ to disobey the elders and to be ready to quarrel or fight with them.
y/yƒ — [gf= n.] -nunu _ yƒ}Go , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] n'uf, sk8f jf j‚t' íflbdf ƒx]sf] kfgL, sl;˃, w'nf]d}nf] íflb km8†sfƒ]ƒ ´fg'{Ù 6s6¬fpg'„ to shake out dust, dirt @
etc.; to brush off ; to rinse.
yMƒ}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] != lgwf] jf lgisif{ lgsfNg'Ù 7xƒ ug'{Ù 7Ls;Fu ljrfƒ ug'{Ù 7Dofpg'Ù oxL xf] egL 7f]s'jf jf ls6fg ug'{Ù klxrfÌ'Ù lrÌ'„ to confirm; to conclude; to recognise; to identify. @= k|df0f dfÌ' jf 7fÌ'Ù k|df0fåfƒf l;4 ug'{Ù k|dfl0ft ug'{„ to prove; to verify.
intimidate; to bully; to frighten sb.
yGo{ llv. , plv. , nblv. — [;=lqm= v.t.] Pp6f efF8fsf] lrh
ísf]{df vGofpg jf y'kfg{ 3f]K6Øfpg'„ to pour sth; to heap; to upturn.
yM¥of — [lj= adj.] != ‚yfoL ¿kn] ƒx]sf] jf a;]sf]Ù w]ƒ} l6Sg]Ù lrƒ‚yfoLÙ ‚yfoL„ durable; permanent. @= gxNng]Ù ƒfd|ƒL íl8Psf]Ù l‚yƒ„ securely positioned; secure; immovable.
yNGo , m. , — [;=lqm= v.t.] s;}nfO{ ls6]ƒ b'j{rg jf snÍ;"rs af]nL af]Ng'Ù ;ƒfKg'Ù ufnL ug'{„ to curse, scold or rebuke sb; to swear at sb. > ylN;Go — -uNtL
‚jLsfƒ]ƒ Unflgaf]w uƒ]sf] efjdf_ ígfof; s'g} e"n ug{k'Ubf ífkm}n] ífkm}nfO{ ufnL ug'{Ù e"n ‚jLsfb}{ ‚jod†nfO{ lwëfg'{„ to curse yourself for the mistake you have made; to confess and course.
y‚Sof plv. , slv. — [gf= n.] 9'Ëf;Fu h'wfPƒ ífuf] kfg{ k|of]u x'g] Ps k|sfƒsf] sb{Ù pn'gLÙ rsds„ a piece of hard metal used to produce a spark by striking it with a flint.
yfFtf — [lj= adj.] -e]8f, afv|f_ kf7fkf7L ghGdfPsf] jf ghGdfpg]Ù kf7fkf7L ;fydf gƒx]sf]„ (of goats/sheep) too young before they have given birth to young ones; infertile; barren.
yfFtfy'Ft — [gf= n.] ƒfd|ƒL ldn]sf] zfƒLlƒs agfj6Ù zƒLƒsf] agf]6Ù zfƒLlƒs ífsfƒk|sfƒ„ well-shaped body; the shape of the body; figure; build.
ys}{Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] wfs, wDsL, ƒjfkm b]vfPƒ s;}nfO{ t;f{pg'„ to
yfFbf plv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] 7G8Ln] hd]sf] kfgLsf] 8Nnf]Ù jƒkm„ hailstone; ice.
yfFGo , syn. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != xft, kf]N6f] jf efF8f] íflbdf s]xL lrh yfKg'Ù
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
yfFl;p dfUg'„ to hold (with your palms joined together); to hold out (plates, etc.); to hold open (bags, etc). @= h''jf íflb
v]ndf xfƒlhtsf] nflu ¿k}ofF–k};fsf] afhL ƒfVg'Ù bfp yfKg''„ to gamble at dice or cards. #= C0f, ;fk6L íflb lkmtf{ dfUg''Ù r'Qmf ug{ eÌ'„ to ask your debtor to pay your money back.
yfFl;p () — [lj= adj.] != v'nf ¿kdf ƒflvPsf]Ù v'nf 5f]l8Psf] jf ƒx]sf]„ not closed; open. @= ¬} lrh u|x0f ug{ xft, kf]N6f] jf efF8f] íflb pQfgf] kflƒPsf]Ù yflkPsf]„ (of palms, pots, bags etc.) holding out or open.
yfM — [gf= n.] != s;}sf] hfgsfƒLsf] nflu k7fOPsf], ;fj{hlgs ulƒPsf] jf 6fFl;Psf] n]vÙ vaƒÙ ;"rgf„ a public notice; a message. @= dxÎjk"0f{ s'ƒfsf] afƒ]df í¿nfO{ lbOg] ;dfrfƒÙ lgb]{zgo'Qm ;Gb]z„ news; a message. #= yfxÙ kQf]Ù 1fgÙ hfgsfƒLÙ af]w„ information; knowledge.
yfOGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] e"tk|]t íflb ƒx]sf] 7fg]ƒ 8ƒ dfÌ'Ù 8ƒqf;sf] jftfjƒ0f ƒx]sf] íg'ej ug'{Ù ;Gqf; km}ng'„ to be scared of ghosts; to be terrified; (of terror) to spread.
yfsy's — [gf= n.] != s;};Fu ePsf] ;fdfGo jfbljjfbÙ ;fgf]ltgf] ´u8f„ dispute; an altercation. @= dg leqleq} knfPsf] ífk;L s6'tfÙ dgf]dflnGo„ hatred; animosity, hostility; ill-will.
yfsgf — [gf= n.] rfƒ}ltƒaf6 3]ƒ]ƒ efUg, pDsg glbO{ lzsfƒnfO{ dfg{ ldNg] íg's"n 7fpFÙ 3]ƒf xfNg ;lhnf] x'g] ‚yfg„ a
suitable place where you can close in
on game.
yfsgf< — [gf= n.] k'ƒfgf] eO{ RofltPsf] yf]qf] sk8fÙ yfª†gf„ rags; tatters. > yfsgf< ef]sf]tf — yf]qfd}nf lrhÙ ´'qfd'qfÙ yfª†gf ef]u6f„ old, tattered, ragged clothes. yfsGof — [lj= adj.] != -dflg;_ yf]lqPsf] sk8f nfpg]Ù ´'q]Ù yfª†g]„ (of people) dressed in rags. @= -sk8f, sfut jf gf]6 íflb_ kmf6]sf]Ù yf]qf]Ù ´'qf]„ (of clothing, paper, money) ragged; tattered.
yftL — [gf= n.] wfdLn] íIftf, kftL ƒ k};f ƒfv]ƒ u|xbzf x]g]{ s'08nLÙ laƒfdLnfO{ lgsf] kfg{ ´fƒkm's ug]{ tGqdGq n]lvPsf] x‚tlnlvt sfuh„ a horoscope; a manuscript used by a witch doctor or shaman to ward off evil spirits.
yfbf]df]NgL — [lj= adj.] -df]n_ gfktf}n s]xL guƒL ;fdfGo íGbfhsf] eƒdf d"NofÍg ulƒPsf]Ù ;fnfvfnfsf]Ù xr'jf„ (of price) average; without any reckoning.
yfg — [gf= n.] != b]jLb]jtfsf] d"lt{ ƒfVg agfOPsf] 3ƒ jf ‚ynÙ k"hfkf7 ug]{ 7fpF„ a place where deities are placed; a shrine. @= s'g} lglÁt nDafOsf] sk8f k6ØfpFbf jf a]bf{ x'g] PsfOÙ sk8fsf] l;Ëf] kbf{„ a piece of cloth with a particular measurement; a fold of cloth. #= j‚t'sf] ;ª†VofTds PsfOÙ uf]6fÙ k|ltÙ j6f„ a piece.
yfg lg afgf] — [lj= adj.] ?k, ƒª, ífsfƒ, k|sfƒ íflb ¬} gldn]sf]Ù í‚jfefljs‚j?ksf]Ù‚jfefljstfeGbf kmƒsÙ gƒfd|f] b]lvg]Ù s'?kÙ e2f„ unattractive;
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
sfds'ƒf íflbnfO{ ‚ylut ug'{'„ to postpone
unappealing; abnormal; ugly.
yfgf — [gf= n.] -3fƒ _ yfGo , m. , ant. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != 6f9f a;]sf] dflg;nfO{ ;dfrfƒ k7fPƒ ífpg] uƒfpg'Ù af]nfpg'Ù l´sfpg'„ to call upon someone; to summon someone. @= 6f9f 7fpFdf ƒx]sf] lrh s;}dfkm{t NofOlbg] agfpg'Ù dufpg'„ to order sth from
someone else.
yfknf — [gf= n.] lgwfƒb]lv dflyltƒ skfn -s]z_ ePsf] lzƒsf] efuÙ yfKnf]„ the crown of the head. yfkNof — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -3}+t] _ yfkL — [lj= adj.] ufnLunf}h jf rf]6, k|xfƒ íflb kfPƒ klg ¬} jf‚tf gug]{Ù í¸fO, ;D´fO, a'´fO jf wDsL íflbsf] ¬} kjf{x gƒfVg]Ù ífˆg} w'gdf Jo‚t ƒxg]Ù x7LÙ y]Qƒf]„ (of people) stubborn; dogged; obstinate; mulish.
yfKyfk — [gf= n.] != íDdn TofUbf x'g] tntnL„ a strong desire (for tobacco; smoking, etc) @= ;'g;fg PsfGt 7fpFdf PSn} a‚bf x'g] Gof;|f]kg jf 8ƒqf;sf] íg'ej„ the sense of fear, lonesomeness or loneliness.
yfdf/y'd'ƒf] — [lj= adj.] ;fgf] ƒ ƒfd|f] eO{ 5fF6sfF6 ƒfd|ƒL ldn]sf]Ù lrl6ë kƒ]sf]„ cute; appealing; charming.
yfldGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != rlnƒx]sf] s'g} sfds'ƒf jf Joj‚yfnfO{ sfod ƒfVg''Ù lgƒGtƒ rNg lbg'Ù lgƒGtƒtf lbg'„ to keep doing sth without stopping; to continue. @= eOƒx]sf] 36gf jf rlnƒx]sf]
sth; to defer.
yfMDGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] k]6df ue{ a;]sf] lglÁt x'g'Ù ue{ wfƒ0f ug'{Ù k]6 af]Sg'Ù ule{0fL aÌ'„ to conceive a child; to become pregnant.
yflƒd — [gf= n.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] -tfNs'rL _ yfƒ — [gf= n.] 6kë l6Kg] jf l6k]ƒ p7fOxfNg] sfd„ an act of picking or picking sth up all at once. ~tLMGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] e'OFdf ƒx]sf] s'g} lrhnfO{ 6kë} l6Kg'Ù t'?Gt} p7fpg'„ to pick sth up all at once.
yf/] — [lgkf= part.] s'g} rlnƒx]sf] sfd jf s'ƒfnfO{ yf]ƒ} ;dosf] nflu ‚ylut ubf{ ækvÆ jf æPsl5gkl5Æ eÌ] efjdf k|of]u ulƒg] zAb„ word used to tell someone to wait; 'wait!
yfnf — [gf= n.] rƒgjgdf ufO{j‚t', e]8fafv|fnfO{ g'g ƒfv]ƒ v'jfOg] afSnf] 3fF;] 7fpFÙ ;f] k|of]hgsf] r]K6f] 9'Ëf]„ a place (grassland or flat stone) where salt is kept for the cattle to lick while grazing.
yfnf< — [gf= n.] sd]ƒf], df6f] íflbn] 5fPsf] 3ƒsf] ;aeGbf dflyNnf] efuÙ 5t„ the top of a house that has been roofed with mud.
yflnGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] s'g} sfdsf] yfngL, z'?, p7fg ug'{Ù yfNg'„ to begin doing sth; to start sth; to instigate sth; to begin sth.
yf‚Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] ífjfh yfxf kfpg'Ù ;'Ì'„ to be aware of sounds; to hear.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
yf‚ofdf‚of yf‚ofdf‚of — [gf= n.] != v'§fdf jf dd{ kg]{ íËdf PsfPs íf3ft kƒ]ƒ xnrn ug}{ g;Sg] x'g] íj‚yf„ the
yLM — [gf= n.] jg‚kltsf] kmn, bfgf, hƒf íflb k]n]ƒ lgsflnPsf] lrNnf] kbfy{Ù t]n„
situation when you cannot move at all because of injury on your foot or some other parts. @= xnrn} ug{ g;lsg] uƒL nfu]sf] k|xfƒ, rf]6, íf3ft íflb„ a serious injury that restricts your movements. #= ¬} ug{ g;lsg] uƒL lau|]sf]
a smooth thick liquid that is made from vegetable seeds, fruits, roots, etc. and is used in cooking; cooking oil. –Go— [;=lqm= v.t.] t]n nufPƒ dfln; ug{'Ù bNg'Ù dNg'Ù 3‚g'„ to massage or rub your body with oil.
sfƒf]afƒ jf JojxfƒÙ nyflnËsf] l‚ylt„ the situation when one's personal business or financial status becomes unmanageable or goes out of control; such a situation.
lyFGo ()— [;=lqm= v.t.] != í¿nfO{ íf3ft kg]{ uƒL nfQLn] vfFb†g', es'g'{, uf]b†g'„ to hit sb with your foot; to kick or boot sb. @= uf]8fn] 3r]6†g'Ù v'§fn] x'Tofpg'„ to push sb/sth with your leg; to kick sb/sth forward.
lyp — [gf= n.] != í;fjwfgLsf ;fy KofRr y'Sg] sfd„ an act of spitting carelessly. @= lwëfƒ, ufnL, 3[0ff, íkdfg íflb JoQm ubf{sf] zAbÙ y'Oë„ word used to scold, curse or insult someone.
lyª'nL — [gf= n.] dfGb|f]sf] a'gfOdf a'lgPsf] 8f]nf] ífsfƒsf] lgufnfsf] efF8f]„ a cone-shaped basket (made of 'nigālo').
yLMGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != ‚jfy{ k"ƒf ug{sf] nflu í¿nfO{ dL7f] s'ƒf uƒLuƒL km'‚Nofpg'Ù r]kfƒ] s'ƒf ug'{Ù km'¬f{pg'Ù lrNnf] 3‚g'„ to compliment somebody too much, often without sincerity, especially in order to gain an advantage; to flatter or to coax sb; to butter sb up. @= lnkkf]t ug'{Ù ƒª nufpg'Ù ƒª jf df];f] bNg'„ to paint; to smear; to daub sth with sth. #= z/L/df t]n nufpg'Ù t]n 3:g'„ to massage your body with oil.
y'F ()— [gf= n.] rfn} gkfpg] uƒL ;'6ë ' lgbfpg] sfd„ (of falling asleep) secretly; immediately. ~‚ofFGo ()— [í=lqm= v.i.] kQ} gkfPƒ lgb|f kg'{Ù ;'6'ë lgbfpg'„ to fall asleep immediately; to be fast asleep.
y'Fbf ()— [gf= n.] sf7 jf s'g} lrhsf] 7"nf] 6'qmf]Ù 7'6f]„ a piece of solid lyª'nL
material like wood; a block; a stump.
lyƒf]{ — [lj= adj.] ífˆgf] ljrfƒ, l;4fGt, k|lt1f ƒ arg íflbdf íl8u ƒxg]Ù g8Ug]Ù k|lta4Ù kbljrlnt gx'g]Ù íljrlntÙ l‚yƒ„ not likely to change; firm;
y'Fl;Go ()— [í=lqm= v.i.] Pp6f sfd ubf{ub}{ nuQ} ísf]{ sfd klg ug'{kg]{ x'g'Ù rlnƒx]sf] sfds'ƒfsf] nuQ} ísf]{ sfd ífOkg'{'Ù sfddfly km]lƒ ísf]{ sfd ylkg'Ù sfdsf] r6fƒf] kg'„{ to be extremely busy;
unflinching; committed; staunch;
to have too many things to do; hectic; to
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
197 be rushed off your feet at work.
y'lsGo , syn. — [;=lqm= v.t.] ;fF´ ífkm} uf]7ltƒ kms{g;Sg] jftfjƒ0f ePsf] jgdf kfNt' hgfjƒnfO{ rg{sf] nflu 5f8f 5f8†g'„ to leave cattle free in the !
moor or woods to graze from where they can return to their shelter in the evening.
y'lsGo@ ,,— [;=lqm= v.t.] efn] hgfjƒsf] í08sf]if lgliqmo t'NofOlbg'Ù axƒ jf ;fF9]af6 uf]? agfpg'Ù af]sf, kf7f íflbnfO{ v;L kfg'{Ù ;'dg'{„ to castrate animals. #= s;}af6 lnPsf] C0f, ;fk6L íflb lkmtf{ glbg'Ù zlQmsf] íf8df 8ƒwDsL b]vfO{ lkmtf{ gug'{Ù C0f krfpg'„ not to return other's loan; not to pay back the loan one has borrowed; to frighten someone; to threaten or use force to confiscate other's property that someone has borrowed. $= 3g íflbn] a];ƒL lxsf{pg'Ù s'6†g'Ù 76fpg'„ to hit sth with a hammer, etc. %= lsnf jf l5gf] ƒf]Kg' jf ƒf]k]ƒ ;f]dfly 3gn] 7f]Sg'„ to hammer a nail in; to chisel sth.
y'tf — [gf= n.] ?v, la?jf sf6]ƒ hldgdf ar]sf] hƒfltƒsf] 7'F8'Nsf]„ a stump; a stubble.
y'Tof! , ant. — [lj= adj.] -sldh, rf]nf] íflb_ afx'nf jf km]ƒ 5f]6f] ePsf]„ (of clothing) short-sleeved. y'Tof@ — [lj= adj.] != -?v, la?jf_ xfFuflaFuf s]xL gePsf]„ (of plants) having no branches. @= xftuf]8f un]sf], ´ƒ]sf] jf gePsf]„ (of people) having no limbs; limbless.
y'Gsf — [gf= n.] != nfdf] lrhnfO{
y'n efFr]ƒ 5'6ØfOPsf] ísf]{ efuÙ d'Vo íËaf6 5'6ØfOPsf] jf 6'S|ofOPsf] s'g} lrhsf] ;fgf] í+zÙ 6'qmf]Ù 7'Gsf]„ a part, bit or piece of sth. @= v]tafƒLsf] ;Fu}sf] ísf]{ efuÙ hUuf 6'S|ofpFbf 5'6ØfOPsf] ísf]{ ;fgf] hUufÙ d'Vo hUuf;Fu ƒx]sf] ;Fu}sf] ísf]{ ;fgf] hUuf„ a piece of land connected with one's main plot; field. –y'Gsf— ;;fgf 6'qmfx¿Ù 6'qm}6'qmf„ (of breaking) into many pieces; smithereens.
y'Gb'Nof > & — [lj= adj.] -d'Gb|L, a'nfsL_ uxgf–u'lƒof km'sfn]sf] jf gnufPsf]Ù a'Rrf]„ (of body parts like ears, nose) having no jewellery; without jewellery.
y'Go — [;=lqm= v.t.÷k=e]= plv.] -yGo{ ) y'DGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] -t'lkGo )
y'Da' — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -5fsL _ y'g{"MGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] sRrL af6f] íflbdf jfxgdf r9]ƒ ofqf ubf{ yrflƒg'„ to be tired and exhausted when the vehicle you are riding keeps jolting.
y'y{'ƒ — [gf= n.] s'g} ífsl‚ds 36gf 36†5 jf b'Mvb ;Gb]z ;'lgG5 ls egL dgdf eOƒxg] ;Gb]x ƒ qf;sf] íg'e"lt„ worry or fear that sth unpleasant may happen; apprehension.
y'n plv. > hmlv. — [gf= n.] tfg a'Gbf wfufnfO{ bfofFafofF ub}{ xfNg] wfuf] a]lƒPsf] ;fwgÙ ;6nÙ y'ƒL„ a tool used in making cloth to pull a thread backwards and
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
forwards over the other threads that pass along the length of the cloth; a weaving shuttle.
wooden vessel (for holding curd, whey, etc.) -t's'¥of ) for picture.
y'Nb'n — [gf= n.] ;'Tg gkfPƒ lgb|f gk'Ug] l‚yltÙ ílgFbf]„ when your are
y]Ë}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] u¸f}+ ƒ í;lhnf] lrhnfO{ ;lhn} uƒL af]Sg]–prfNg] ug'{„ to make sth heavy easy to lift or
short of sleep; sleeplessness.
y'j — [gf= n.] leqleq ƒut, lkk hDg uPƒ ag]sf] 3fp„ internally infected wound; a boil.
y'l;Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] != 3f]K6f] kgf{n] ;f]leq ƒx]sf] lrh kf]lvg'Ù 3f]lK6g'Ù vGofOg'„ to fall off sth; to spill. @= 6fpsf] tnltƒ wl;g] uƒL v‚g'Ù ´g'{„ to fall headlong.
y" — [gf= n.] s'g} sfds'ƒf, k|;Ë íflbsf] ífƒDeÙ k|fƒDeÙ z'?jftÙ yfngLÙ p7fg„ beginning commencement. –Go— [;=lqm= v.t.] yfngL ug'{Ù z'?jft, p7fg jf ífƒDe ug'{Ù yfNg'„ to begin or to commence sth. > y"Ml;Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] sfds'ƒfsf] k|fƒDe ug'{Ù nflukg'{Ù sfddf xft xfNg'Ù sfd z'? ug'{Ù s'g} s'ƒfsf] p7fg ug'{Ù yfNg'„ to start out sth; to instigate; to start off.
y]+ () > ()— [gf= n.] -k|f0fL_ lkmnf];lxt v'§fsf] k"ƒ} efu„ whole of an animal's leg including spleem.
y]< — [gf= n.] xTs]nf yfk]ƒ s]xL dfUbf k|o'Qm x'g] zAb„ a word used while asking for sth in your palms.
y]sf — [gf= n.] h'gfƒ h‚t} ífsfƒk|sfƒsf], af]qmf x'g] íldnf] kmn jf ;f]sf] af]6Ù Hofldƒ„ citron; citrus fruit. y]sfÉ — [gf= n.] bxL, dxL íflb ƒfVg k|of]udf ífpg] sf7sf] efF8f]Ù 7]sL„ round
y]g b'lK;Go! — [í=lqm= v.i.] tƒn kbfy{ íGoq aUg gkfPƒ st} hDdf x'g'Ù kfgL hDg'„ (of water) to collect in or form a pool; to pool. > b'lK;Go@— kmfFrfdf b"w hDdf x'g'„ (of milk) to collect in the udder. > b'lK;Go#— íÌ– wg, lrhaLh íflb hDdf x'g'Ù a6'lng'„ (of wealth, money etc.) to be collected; to be accumulated. > b'lK;Go$— s'g} sfo{qmd, e]nf íflbdf hDdf x'g'Ù e]nf x'g'„ to come together as a group; to assemble; to gather. > b'lK;Go%— ƒf]bL a‚gsf] nflu s]6Lx¿ hDdf x'g'„ to assemble to participate in rodi (of girls).
b'nfxf , syn. — [lj= adj.] ljgfp2]Zo 3'dlkmƒ ug]{Ù ígfjZos sfddf 8'lnƒxg]Ù 3'd'jfÙ aƒflng]Ù 8'n'jf„ a wanderer; a loiterer; a vagabond; a loafer; a drifter.
b"DGo! — [í=lqm= v.i.] Ps} k|of]hgdf ífpg] leGbfleGb} j‚t'x¿sf k|sfƒ jf ;ª†Vof k'Ug'Ù uGtL ubf{ ;ª†Vof k'Ubf] x'g'„ (of some similar, uniform things) to be enough in number.
b"DGo@ — [;=lqm= v.t.] -;'b'DGo ) b]+u/ — [gf= n.] b'O{ alxgLsf gfltgfltgL aLr x'g] bfh'efO{, lbbLalxgLsf] ;fOgf] jf ;DaGw„ term of address used by someone to show the affineal relationship between grand children of two or more sisters.
b]pƒfnL — [gf= n.] != kxf8sf]
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
b'O{ r'nL df´sf] 3fF6LÙ psfnf] l;l4Pƒ 8fF8f] kfƒ x'g]g]ƒsf] xf]rf] efuÙ e²ofª„ a gorge; a mountain pass. @= jgdf ƒxg] ljÃf; ulƒPsf] b]jLb]ptfÙ agb]jL„ deities that
to find; to obtain. @= hLjgdf ljleÌ k|sfƒsf] íg'ej ug'{Ù Joxf]g'{Ù v]Kg'Ù ef]Ug'„ to experience different things in your life; to go through different things. #=
are believed to dwell in forest; forest deities.
aRrfnfO{ hGd lbg'Ù aRrf kfpg'Ù aRrf k}bf ug'{Ù hGdfpg'Ù ;'Ts]ƒL x'g'„ to give birth to a baby; to deliver a baby. $= s'g} ;ª†qmfds ƒf]un] e]§fpg'Ù ƒf]u nfUg'Ù ƒf]u ;g'{„ to get an illness; to catch a disease. %= b'isd{sf] klƒ0ffd ef]Ug'Ù ;hfo kfpg'Ù bl08t x'g'„ to be punished for some wrong deed. ^= [;=lqm= v.t.] ljjfxdf HjfO{n] kTgLeGbf a9L pd]ƒsf dfOtL kIfsf ;a} gftfuf]tfnfO{ -ƒS;L, sk8f tyf ífjZos b‚t'ƒn]_ 9f]ue]6 ug'{„ to
, syn. — [lj= adj.] -s'g} lrh_
s8fkg gePsf]Ù 5'Fbf tnltƒ wl;g] vfnsf]Ù lunf]Ù gƒdÙ sdnf]„ spongy; marshy; soggy; boggy.
b]Daƒ — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] í;f}h, sflQs dlxgfltƒ kfSg], lnrL;Fu ldNbf]h'Nbf] ƒftf] k|sfƒsf] ‚jflbnf] kmn„ a type of fruit that looks like lychee.
b]¥of — [lj= adj.] 6]8f] kfƒfn] x]g]{Ù 6]8f] b[li6 ePsf]„ having a squint. b];fp¥of — [gf= n.] í¿ 7fpFaf6 ev{ƒ} ífPsf] laƒfgf] dfG5]Ù gjífuGt's„ a newcomer; a visitor; a stranger.
b];fdfƒ — [gf= n.] íFWofƒf]df jf gb]lvPsf] s'g} lbzfltƒ nlIft uƒL tfSg jf xfÌsf] nflu íg'dfg nufpg] sfdÙ lbzfsf] íGbfh„ an act of guessing the target in the darkness; an act of guessing direction.
b}XgL — [gf= n.] s;}sf] ífªdf d[tfTdf r9]ƒ af]Ng] sfdÙ k|]tfTdfsf] 5'jfOÙ nfuf]„ an act of speaking unconsciously when a person is possessed by ghosts or evil spirits; possession by ghosts or evil spirits.
b}MGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] != v;]–xƒfPsf] lrh jf xƒfPsf] JolQm km]nf kg'{Ù e]§fpg'Ù k|f¨ ug'{„ to get back sb/sth that was lost;
offer a gift (liquor, clothes and money) to the in-laws who are older than the bride in the wedding ceremony (by the bridegroom).
b}MgfGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != ífkm"eGbf íufl8 uOƒx]sf]nfO{ bf}8]ƒ e]6†g k'Ug'„ to catch up (with sb). @= b'Mv, si6, ladfƒL kƒ]sf]nfO{ sf];]nL pkxfƒ íflb lnO{ ;fGTjgfsf] nflu e]6†g hfg'„ to visit a sick person with some gift.
, m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] kƒ‚kƒdf e]63f6 ug{'Ù e]6†g'Ù e]6 x'g'Ù ldng x'g'„ to meet.
b}Ml;Go@ — [í=lqm= v.i.] kƒ‚kƒdf e]63f6 ug{'Ù e]6†g'Ù e]6 x'g'Ù ldng x'g'„ to meet. zfƒLlƒs -of}g_ ;Dks{ ug'{Ù ;dfud ug{'„ to copulate. bf]+s , — [lqm=lj= adv.] -ef w'Fnfp@— tnltƒsf]Ù tNnf] efusf]Ù d'lgltƒsf]Ù tnsf]„ located below sth else; lower.
w'F; plv. , syn. , slv. — [gf= n.] w'jfF hd]ƒ ag]sf] s;Ù WjfF;f]„ soot.
w'F;fpGo , syn. — [gf= n.] 3ƒleqaf6 9f]sfsf] vfkf k5fl8 nfdf] sf7 t];f]{ kfƒL aflxƒaf6 vf]Ng gldNg] uƒL í8ØfOg] ;fwgÙ leqL í8];„ a bar of a door; a wooden bolt.
w'Fl;Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] != ;'Tbf nDafOltƒsf] 7fpFsf] íefjn] 6fpsf] ƒ v'§f 7f]lsg k'Ug'„ (of a bed) to be too short to sleep with your legs fully stretched. @= nDafOltƒaf6 7fpF gk'u]ƒ gí6fpg'„ not to be long enough; to be too short lengthwise.
w'ª w'O; — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] -w'F; _ w'< — [gf= n.] u]8fu'8L;d]t gl5g]{ uƒL a'lgPsf] 8f]sf] ífsfƒsf] rf]ofsf] efF8f]Ù y'G;]„ a close-meshed basket made of bamboo splits; a large bamboo basket used for storing grains.
gfFlap! — [lj= adj.] íTolws xf]xNnfn] sfg vfPsf]„ too noisy; loud and harsh-sounding. > gfFlap@— [gf= n.] slxn]sfxLF Pëfl; sfgleq ;'lgg] tLvf] ífjfh„ an ear-piercing sound.
gNyf plv. , hmlv. , ant. — [gf= n.] 3'F8fb]lv uf]nLufF7f;Dd uf]8fsf] íufl8kl§sf] x8†8L efuÙ gnLxf8„ shin bone. -wXF _ for picture. gjfËL — [gf= n.] íefj ƒ a]df};dsf] íj‚yfdf klg pknAw df};dL kmnkm"n jf xlƒof lrhÙ wf}wf}n] k|f¨ s'g} lrh„ unseasonal fruit or green vegetable; things which are not easily available.
gjfƒ — [gf= n.] d'vsf] ífs[ltÙ d'vd08nÙ íg'xfƒÙ d'xfƒÙ r]xƒf„ a person's face; countenance.
gjfgL{ — [gf= n.] 5f]ƒf] hGd]sf] !! ƒ 5f]ƒL hGd]sf] ( lbgkl5 gfd h'ƒfOlbPƒ dgfOg] pT;j„ the naming ceremony of a baby which takes place on the eleventh day (in the case of a male child) and on the ninth day (in the case of a female child) after birth.
g`d — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv. ] -td _ ~kftf — efƒL af]Sbf efƒ í8fpg 8f]ƒLdf glÎyg], 5fnfsf] r]K6f] ;fwgÙ yfKnf]df íl8g] gfDnf]sf] efuÙ kftf]„ a head strap g`d for carrying a load.
gfF! , syn. — [gf= n.] != Wjlg tƒËnfO{ u|x0f ug]{ zƒLƒsf íËÙ >j0f]lGb|oÙ sfg„ the organ for hearing; ears. @= efF8fat{g íflbdf ;dfpg agfOPsf] jf hf]l8Psf] íËÙ sƒfÙ sfg„ the part for holding sth; a handle. ~laGo! — [í=lqm= v.i.] w]ƒ}
–gfF@ — [lje= bibh.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] -hg _ gfFvf/ plv. (), nblv., , m. — [gf= n.] d'Vo zxƒeGbf aflxƒ /xg] 3/x¿sf ;d"xÙ a‚tLÙ ufpF„ a group of houses, which is smaller than a town; a village. ~gfd —
efƒf]kd{, xfƒu'xfƒ ubf{ k|foM ;DaGw ƒ ;3fp– k3fp ulƒg] 5ƒl5d]sLÙ ufpF ePsf] 7fpFÙ ufpF3ƒ„ people living near each other; neighbors; neighborhood.
gfF‚of] plv. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] sfgsf] lsgfƒsf] efuÙ nf]tL;Ddsf] lsgfƒf„ an earlobe.
g`fF — [gf= n.] tƒsfƒL jf tƒn lrhleq ƒx]sf] 7f]; efu„ the solid substance in curry.
g`fFGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] -pmg_ dlëg'Ù lsƒf nfUg'„ (of wool) to decay; to be worm-eaten.
gf — [;j{= pron.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] _
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
227 gfO slv. , plv. , nblv. , m. — [gf= n.] != ljleÌ ultljlwdf ;fy lbg] JolQm, ;fyL, ;FuLÙ hLjgsf] ;xrƒÙ ;xsdL{Ù ;xof]uLÙ d2tufƒ„ a helper; a colleague; a coworker; a partner; a collaborator. @= lxF8†bf jf s'g} sfd ubf{ ;Fu} kƒ]sf] dflg;Ù ;xofqLÙ ;fyL„ a working or travelling companion. #= sfdsfh,
ljrfƒ, Jojxfƒ íflb ldn]sf] ;FuftLÙ lxQlrQ ldn]sf] dflg;Ù ;FuLÙ ldq„ a friend; a companion; a comrade.
gflsƒf — [gf= n.] xlƒ;nfO{ h'jfdf í8Øfpg] sf7sf] ;f]Onf]„ a thick wooden peg that is used to secure a long wooden pole inserted into a plough to the yoke.
gfls¥of (),() — [lj= adj.] n¶L h‚t} dl;gf v'§f ePsf]Ù ´Lgf, nfdf v'§f x'g]Ù ;'OFv'§]„ having thin and long legs; long-legged; leggy.
gfufOgf]u}j () — [lj= adj.] xftv'§f ƒfd|ƒL rnfpg g;Sg]Ù vf;} ;'l4a'l4 ƒ ‚km"lt{;d]t gePsf]Ù í;fWo} nf];]Ù dGb a'l4sf]„ sluggish; slothful; slow; dull.
gf3' plv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] sfgleq pTkfbg x'g] donÙ sfg]u'hL„ earwax.
gfª\Uof — [lj= adj.] wg;DklQsf] íefj ePsf]Ù ulƒaÙ lgw{gÙ blƒb|„ poor; destitute.
gfª\Uof< > — [lj= adj.] zƒLƒdf sk8f gePsf]Ù lgj{‚qÙ gfËf]„ not wearing any clothes; nude;
not covered by clothes; naked.
gft nblv. , plv. , slv. — [gf=
gfk n.] efƒLtfƒL í8fpg jf
la;fpg agfOPsf] 7fpFÙ ysfO dfg{ la;fpg] jf íl8g] ynf]Ù la;fpgf„
gft the place where you rest or put down your load; a halting place on a path or road.
gflt mas. , fm. — [gf= n.] != 5f]ƒf5f]ƒLsf 5f]ƒfÙ gflt„ a grandson. @= HjfOFsf] klg HjfO{+kl§sf ;a} k'?ifnfO{ nufOg] ;fOgf]„ the male relatives from the side of the son-in-law's son-in-law.
gfgf — [gf= n.] != Pp6} sf]vdf ífkm"eGbf klxn] hGd]sL ‚qLÙ lbbL„ an elder sister. @= h]7fgsL kTgL„ jethān's wife. (jethān is one's wife's elder bother).
gfgfMg'g'Mj — [lj= adj.] ƒfd|ƒL ƒ ‚ki6¿kn] af]Ng g;Sg]Ù uf]Hofª†u|f]„ idiot; mute; dull.
gfÌØ , , — [;=lqm= v.t.] ísf{sf] ílwsfƒleq ƒx]sf] jf í¿nfO{ lbPsf] lrh anhˆtL;Fu lng'Ù xg'{Ù vf]‚g'„ to seize sth from sb. (which was given to them).
gfGo! — [í=lqm= v.i.÷k=e]= plv.] w]ƒ} pmrfOdf lr;f] ;xg g;s]ƒ laƒfdL x'g'„ to fall ill because of cold in high lands or mountains. #= s;}k|lt l67 nfUg'Ù dfof knfpg'Ù bof hfUg'Ù l67fpg'„ to take pity on sb; to pity sb.
gfGo@ — [;=lqm= v.t.÷p=e]= ulv.] -afGo _ gfk — [gf= n.] xft gkf]nf];† eg]ƒ tftf] lrh ;dfpg k|of]udf ífpg] sk8fsf] 6fnf]Ù ;dfpg] nQf„ a rag used for holding sth
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
hot. > gflK;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.]
íflb km'sfNg ;lhnf] x'g] 6'Kkf„ the clearly
tftf] lrh ;dfpbf gkf]Ng xftd'lg ¬} lrh ƒfVg'„ to keep sth like a rag in your
visible end part in a spool of thread.
hand while holding/touching sth hot.
gfd — [gf= n.] k[YjLsf] aflxƒL e";txÙ e'OFÙ hldg„ the surface of the earth; land. > gfDh]+! — [gfof]= post.] hldgeGbf tnÙ hldgd'lgÙ e"ue{df„ under the surface of the ground; underground. > gfDh]+@— k[YjLeGbf tn ƒx]sf] sfNklgs nf]sÙ kftfn„ hades; underworld; hell.
gfd¥of — [gf= n.] íg}lts ;DaGwaf6 hGd]sf] ;GtfgÙ a'af kQf gnfu]sf] aRrfaRrLÙ íj}w ;GtfgÙ j]Zof k'q jf k'qL„ an illegitimate child; a bastard.
gfd] — [gf= n.] Pp6} sf]vdf hGd]sL ífkm"eGbf sd pd]ƒsL ‚qLÙ alxgL ;fOgf] kg]{ ífOdfO{Ù alxgL„ a younger sister. gfDhÞf — [gf= n.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] -e] g`fd, íEof; jf s'g} ljsfƒn] ubf{ ;xg} g;Sg] uƒL ePsf] zfƒLlƒs b'vfO jf lkƒfO„ physical pain due to an injury, excessive exercise, etc. ~ld`FGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] íËx¿ rnfpg} g;lsg] eO{ í;fWo} b'Vg'„ (of your whole body) to pain; to ache.
lgNof , m. — [lj= adj.] cfsfz] /ªÙ lgnf]„ sky-blue; blue. lg:kt — [gf= n.] hGdFb} lnPƒ ífPsf] z'efz'esf] kmnÙ k'k'{ƒf]Ù tslbƒÙ efUo„ fate; destiny.
lg`Go , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] -jƒbfg, íflzif jf s'g} j‚t'_ kfpg] OR5fn] s;}nfO{ ¬} eÌ'Ù ofrgf ug'{Ù dfUg'„ to beg (sb) (for sth); to beg (for sth) (from sb)
lg`ldlNtn — [gf= n.] lƒ; p7†bf jf s'g} s'ƒfdf lrQ ga'‰bf gaf]n]ƒ kf]lvPsf] í;Gt'li6Ù í;Gt'li6sf] sfƒ0f ;fw]sf] df}gtfÙ afpFl7Psf] íj‚yfÙ lƒ;n] uDd kƒ]ƒ a;]sf]
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
l‚ylt„ silence (when you are fuming over sth); resentment; grudge.
lg`D5ØfF plv. , hmlv. — [lqm=lj= adv.] ef]lnsf] klg ef]lnÙ ´g† ef]lnÙ ífhb]lv t]>f] lbgÙ kl;{„ the day after tomorrow.
lg`DgL — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -glDgª _ g'OF! plv. , syn., nblv. — [gf= n.] ‚tgaf6 lg‚sg] ;]tf] kf}li6s ´f]nÙ b"w„ nutritious white fluid produced by female mammals; milk.
g'OF@ — b"w ƒxg] kmfFrf] jf uf]nfÙ sNrf}+8f]„ milk breasts; the organ of a cow, sheep or other animal that produces milk and hangs like a bag between legs; an udder. > g'OF;} — aRrfn] r'‚bf d'vleq kg]{ b"wsf] d'Kkf]Ù d'G6f]„ the dark part of the skin which sticks out from the breast of a mammal and through which milk is supplied to the young; a nipple.
gáFGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] w]ƒ} lbg;Dd l6Sg] x'g'Ù l6sfpkg a9†g'Ù l6Sg'Ù vKg'„ to last; to be durable. > gáFj — [lj= adj.] vKg] vfnsf]Ù l6sfpÙ alnof]„ long-lasting; durable; sustainable.
gán plv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] != Pëfl; 36†g uPsf] 7"nf] k|sfƒsf] Iflt, xflg, gf]S;fgL„ sudden and unexpected loss or damage. @= íz'e jf vƒfa zs'gÙ gƒfd|f] nIf0fÙ ínlR5gÙ íkzs'g„ a bad omen. > gáNkf gáNdf — rƒfrƒ hutsf] ljnoÙ 7"nf] ljgfz jf ljklQÙ dxfk|noÙ ;j{;+xfƒÙ dxfljgfz„ disaster; calamity; apocalypse. > gáNof — [lj= adj.] íkzs'gsfƒLÙ ínlR5gsf]„ ominous; foreboding.
g]vf]nf] , syn. — [lj adj.] eft, l9F8f] íflb d'Vo ef]hgdf írfƒ, tƒsfƒL, bfn íflb h‚tf ;xfos vfBj‚t' gePsf]Ù -eft, l9F8f]df_ bfn, tƒsfƒL afx]ssf]Ù a'u'N6f]Ù lg‚tf]„ (of rice, dhindo) without curry, pickle, etc. g]Uof/ _ — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.]
ljxfjf/L, k"hf, hGd, d[To' cflbdf efF8fjt{g agfOlbg]nfO{ df/sf] v'§f jf sk8f l;nfOlbg]nfO{ k'R5/lt/sf] efu lbg] rng„ the practice of giving legs of a g'OF
g'KGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] -;"o{_ 8fF8fkflƒ jf lIflthdf k'u]ƒ 8'Ag'Ù ;"of{‚t x'g'Ù í‚tfpg'„ (of the sun ) to set; to go down.
g'a'ƒ — [gf= n.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] k[YjLsf] xƒ]s 7fpFdf 5lƒPsf], k|f0fL ƒ jg‚klthutnfO{ afFRgsf] nflu íTofjZos x'g] k|jfxdfg tÎjÙ jfo'Ù xfjf„ the atmosphere we breathe; air.
butchered animal to a blacksmith or its tail to a tailor.
g]k — [gf= n.] s'g} lrhdfly la‚tfƒ} s'lNrg] sfdÙ la‚tfƒ};Fu 6]lsg] 6]sfO„ an act of stepping on sth lightly.
g]kmnfFj — [lj= adj.] -sk8f, sfut, j‚t' íflb_ b'O{ lrƒf x'g] uƒL RofltPsf], 6'S|ofOPsf]Ù b'O{ lrƒf kƒ]sf]„ (of cloth, paper, etc.) torn half; ripped in half.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
233 g]ƒf — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] -gXlhs _ g]t]{ƒf] — [lj= adj.] -lhp_ rnfpg} g;lsg] uƒL un]sf]Ù ;f¸} yfs]sf]Ù ylstÙ n‚t kƒ]sf]Ù lzlyn„ very tired; weary; exhausted.
g]n — [gf= n.] -v' _ g]Ng]nf] — [lj= adj.] -df;' íflb_ s8fkg gePsf]Ù lunf]Ù gƒdÙ sdnf]„ not hard; soft; squashy; supple.
g!`] plv. > hmlv. — [gf= n.] tfg a'Gbf bfofFafofF ;xfos wfuf] l5ƒfpg ;lhnf] x'g] uƒL 7f8f] d"n wfuf]nfO{ Pskl5 ísf]{ laƒfPƒ tndfly kfg]{ ;fwg jf 8f]ƒL„ a thread used in weaving; the warp. g`] — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] b'O{ ljkƒLt lnËsf] ;Dks{åfƒf ef]lug] aƒfaƒLsf] ;'vÙ ;Def]uÙ d}y'g„ sexual
intercourse; copulation.
g`] aXlng`f]< — jghËndf kfOg] n;'gÙ hËnL n;'g„ wild garlic. > xfFg`f]< — leƒ kv]ƒfdf x'g] s8f ‚jfbsf] n;'g„ a type of garlic that grows on the slope or precipice.
–Go — [k|To= suf.] != wft'sf] kl5lNtƒ hf]l8Pƒ s'g} sfo{, 36gf íflb x'g', ulƒg' íflb íy{ atfpg] k|Too„ suffix added to a root to form a verb. @= wft'df hf]l8Pƒ lqmofkb agfpg] k|Too„ -e.g. af±Go Ö afGo æhfg'Æ_ suffix added to a root to form a verb.
–GofF — [k|To= suf.] wft'df hf]l8Pƒ lqmofnfO{ låjrgjfrs ;Defjgfy{s lqmofkb agfpg] k|Too„ -e.g. HÞo'±GofF Ö HÞo'GofF æpgL b'O{n] vfG5g† xf]nf of vfnfg†Æ, af±GofF Ö afGofF æpgL b'O{ hfG5g† xf]nf, hfnfg†Æ íflb„_ suffix added to a verbal root, used to express probability.
gftL — [gf= n.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] -stf _ Go`fp ls Go`fp — [gf= n.] lh2L uƒ]ƒ nuftfƒ dfluƒxg] rfnÙ dfu]sf] dfUo} ug]{ sfd„ an act of asking for sth insistently.
Go`fg — [gf= n.] nfdf] ƒ ´'Kkf] ƒf}+jfnf k'R5ƒ x'g] Ps lsl;dsf] 5lƒtf] hËnL hLjÙ nf]vs]{„ a squirrel.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
235 Go`fd — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] aRrfnfO{ v'jfpgsf] nflu rkfOPsf] d'vleqsf] vfg]s'ƒf„ chewed food in the mouth that is fed to a child.
Go'F v.t.÷k=e]= plv.] vfg]s'ƒfnfO{ bfFtn] w'NofO{ lgNg x'g] agfpg'Ù rkfpg'„ to chew food.
Go'F — [gf= n.] rf]s] kfg]{ sfdÙ lgx'FÙ vf]r]„ an act of making issue of sth.
Go`fDGo , m. — [;=lqm=
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
k k`XFkXF — [gf= n.] í;fWo} gƒfd|f] xƒsÙ b'u{Gw„ revolting smell; reek; stink. ~y'lgp — [lj= adj.] ;xg} g;lsg] b'u{Gw km}lnPsf]„ stinking; foul-smelling; reeking; rank.
kXuX/L — [gf= n.] lzƒdf e]ƒ]ƒ nufOg] nfdf] ;]tf] sk8fÙ ku8L„ a long piece of white cloth wrapped around one's head; a turban.
kXlt — [gf= n.] != ;dfh jf ;DalGwt If]qaf6 k|f¨ x'g] ífbƒÙ dfgÙ k|lti7fÙ uf}ƒjÙ OHht„ prestige; reputation; status. @= -k¥ofn _ kXltGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] í¿sf] sfds'ƒf jf egfOnfO{ ;fFRr} xf] eg]ƒ ljÃf; ug'{ jf dfÌ'Ù eƒ kTofƒ ug'{Ù kTofƒ nfUg'„ to feel certain that sth is true or that sb is telling you the truth; to believe.
kXlun plv. , , glv. — [gf= n.] lt3|feGbf dfl‚tƒ ƒ sDdƒeGbf d'lGtƒ kg]{ zƒLƒsf] k5fl8kl§sf] df+;lk08o'Qm efuÙ lgtDaÙ rfs„ buttocks. ~lu;f] — [lj= adj.] eÌf;fy sfd gug]{Ù sfd ug{ ;f¸} íN5L dfÌ]Ù íN5]„ not wanting to work; lazy. ~af]df] — í¸fpgf;fy t'?Gt} sfddf nflukg]{Ù sfd ug{ í;fWo} hfFulƒnf]Ù ‚km"lt{n] elƒPsf]Ù km'lt{nf]„ energetic; vigorous; active; full of life.
kXlrsf plv. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] tƒn kbfy{ x'ÎofPƒ 5g]{÷³fFSg] ;fwgÙ krsf„ a bamboo syringe. kXrLMGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] ¬} lrhnfO{ d'7Lleq jf s'g} lrhsf] Rofkdf kfƒ]ƒ a];ƒL lyRg'Ù RofKg'Ù lgrf]g'{„ to press
kXtXƒL — [gf= n.] l;Gsfn] hf]8]ƒ agfOPsf] kftsf] í‚yfoL efF8f]Ù b'gf 6kƒL„ a plate made of leaves; a leaf plate.
kXtL plv. , hmlv. , glv. , slv. — [gf= n.] avf{df;df kfOg] xf8 gx'g], d'v ƒ lkFwn] 6]s]ƒ lxF8†g] ƒQmkfoL hLjÙ kXtL h'sf]„ a worm that sucks blood; a leech.
kXtLMkftƒf — [gf= n.] këfkëL lg0f{osf ;fy 6'ª†Uofpgsf] nflu ulƒg] s'g} s'ƒfsf] a]lnlj‚tfƒÙ lj‚tfƒk"j{s ulƒPsf] JofVofÙ j[QfGt„ explanation; detailed description or instruction.
kXt`XM— [gf= n.] wfuf], 8f]ƒL íflb Rjf§} r'F8flng] jf r'Fl8g] l‚ylt„ the force
sth firmly, especially with your fingers or some objects; to squeeze.
you use to break a rope or thread suddenly. ~ˆofMGo — [;=÷í=lqm= v.t., v.i.] r6ë} r'F8fNg'Ù r'Fl8g'„ to break sth suddenly.
kX5ØF' — [gf= n.] ;"o{ í‚tfpg] k"j{sf] ljkƒLt lbzfÙ klÁd„ the west.
kX/XËL! — [gf= n.] yk ;fdfg í6fíf];† egL 8f]sf], y'G;] íflbsf] la6eGbf
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
237 dfly rf]of jf hfnL yk]ƒ p7fPsf] efu„ a portion added to the brim or edge of a basket or a container in order to enlarge it.
kX/XËL@ — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] aRrfsf] Gjfƒfgdf k'lhg] b]jLsf] gfdÙ lzz'ƒIfs b]jL„ the goddess worshipped on the day of naming ceremony called nwārān.
kXl/`FGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != st} k'Ug jf hfg ífb]z lbg'Ù k'Ug] t'Nofpg'Ù st} k'¥ofpg'Ù k7fpg'„ to order someone to go somewhere; to send someone somewhere; to dispatch sb. @= lr¶L–
kq, k'lnGbf -kf;{n_ íflb st} k'Ug] agfpg k7fpg'Ù k|]lift ug'{„ to send a letter, parcel, etc. ; to dispatch sth.
kXl/`Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] != í¿n] ;'Ì] uƒL lnlvt íIfƒsf] pRrfƒ0f ug'{'Ù ;‚jƒ jfrg ug'{„ to read aloud. @= 1fgu'g ífh{g ug{sf] nflu íWoog ug'{Ù 1fg lng'Ù k9†g'„ to learn about a subject, especially in a educational course or by reading books; to study.
kX/L — [gf= n.] != afl6Psf] r'N7f]Ù a braid; a plait @= afl6Psf] ds}sf] 3f]uf, r'N7] íflb„ the bundle of unpeeled maize cobs.
kXƒLMGo! — [;=lqm= v.t.] r'N7f], r'N7]sf] 8fF7, ds}sf] vf]‚6f] íflbnfO{ ífk;df hf]N7ØfPƒ af6†g'„ to bundle up things together.
kXƒLMGo@ , m. , — [í=lqm= v.i.] lapaf6 6';f knfpg'Ù 6';fpg'Ù íª†s'ƒfpg'Ù pd|g'„ (of plants or seeds) to produce new leaves or buds; to start to grow; to sprout.
ksRofn kXƒLMGo# — [í=lqm= v.i.] s'g} ljsfƒn] zƒLƒdf dl;gf kmf]sfx¿ lg‚sg'Ù ljldƒf ífpg'„ to come out in a rash. kXlu{n plv. ,glv. , slv. — [gf= n.] dflg; ƒ hgfjƒsf] k]6df ƒxg] uF8Øf}nf] h‚tf] lsƒf]Ù h'sf„ a long thin creature that lives inside the bodies of humans or animals and can cause illness; a worm.
kXnXFGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != ofqfƒDe ug'{Ù k|‚yfg ug'{Ù hfg'„ to leave for somewhere; to go; to start a journey; to set out. @= ´fFqmL a;fn]ƒ u|xbzf zfGt kfg'{Ù ´fFqmL a;fNg'„ to summon a shaman to ward off evil spirits.
kXln‹fg — [gf= n.] Ujfnf{Dd 9Ng] íj‚yfÙ kN6fO„ a sudden fall to the ground; tumble.
kXlNtGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] klN6Fb}– u'8†b} tnltƒ hfg'Ù u'N6g'„ to turn over and over; to roll down.
kXln`Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] != ƒf]k]sf] lapaf6 d'G6f], d'gf lg‚sg'Ù ?v, la?jfaf6 kft knfpg'„ to sprout. @= 3fp, rf]6k6s kƒ]sf] 7fpFaf6 df;' knfpg yfNg'„ (of injury) to heal.
kXMj — [lj= adj.] -vfg]s'ƒf_ d'v afFWg] ‚jfbsf]Ù 6ƒf]{„ (of food, etc.) pungent; bitter.
kX;L — [gf= n.] w'nf], sl;˃ íflb a9fg{ aflaof]nfO{ d'7f] kfƒL agfOPsf] ;fwg s'rf]„ a broom (made of bābiyo or some other grass).
ksRofn — [lqm=lj= adv.] != 5lƒg] ssl;dn] lrhaLh Ps} k6sdf
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
ksks v'Ns}Go kf]lvg] rfndfÙ í‚tJo‚tÙ í;ƒNn„ in the manner of being scattered suddenly.
@= -;ƒ;dfg_ ínkq;Fu ƒxg] jf ƒflvg] 9Ën]Ù a]lylt;Fu 5lƒPƒ ƒxg] uƒLÙ nyflnË„ in a mess; in disorder; in a shambles. #= [lj= adj.] ;DxfNg uf¸f] x'g] uƒL 5lƒPsf]Ù rfƒ}ltƒ l5ƒlnPsf]„ chaotic; disordered; scattered.
ksks v'Ns}Go , syn. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != ePeƒsf] ´fƒkft, af]6la?jf ;a} l5dNg'Ù pv]Ng'„ to take out weeds from the ground; to weed. @= s;}nfO{ skfn ;dfPƒ e'TNofpg'Ù huN6Øfpg'„ to clutch sb by the hair.
ksks h}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] lgjf{w sƒ0fL ug'{„ to have sex without any objection (in the case of adultery).
ksks HÞofGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] nuftfƒ vfOƒxg'„ to eat ceaselessly/continuously.
kSo`f — [gf= n.] Pëf;L -gfd_ pRrfƒ0f ug]{ sfd„ an act of uttering someone's name all of a sudden; an act of calling out someone's name.
kS;f — [gf= n.÷sf]ƒf=e]= krlv.] zfƒLlƒs >daf6 k|f¨ x'g] ífDbfgLåfƒf u'hfƒf rnfpg] JolQmÙ >ldsÙ HofdLÙ HofnfbfƒÙ s'NnLÙ v]tfnfÙ dhb'ƒ„ a manual worker; a labourer; a hand.
kuƒ}Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] kmfFrfdf b"w a6'lng'Ù hDdf x'g'Ù klu|g'„ (of milk) to accumulate or flow into the breasts or udder.
238 kuf/ — [gf= n.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] 9'Ëf– O§f ldnfPƒ 78ØfOPsf] 3ƒsf] leQf, kvf{n, ufƒf]„ a wall. ~n}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] -l/`DGo ) -leÞmd _ for picture.
kË}Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] tƒfh'df ¬} lrh tf}nFbf jf s'g} nfdf] lrhnfO{ t];f]{ kg]{ uƒL ƒfVbf jf í8ØfpFbf u¸F'uf] efu tnltƒ ´f]lng'Ù í;Gt'lnt x'g'„ to lack the proper distribution of weight that would provide balance; to be unbalanced.
krsf] — [lj= adj.] ;a}ltƒaf6 sl;s;fp x'g] uƒL 6Dd ldn]sf]„ well or firmly fitted.
kRofGo{ — [;=lqm= v.t.] -lrh_ aLrdf kg]{ uƒL RofKg'Ù rfƒ}ltƒaf6 lyRg'„ to press or squeeze sth from all sides.
k5fp , ant. — [lj= adj.] != -íÌafnL_ w]ƒ} ;do nufPƒ kfSg] jf l5lKkg] vfnsf]„ (of crops) late-riping. @= [gf= n.] l9nf] uƒL kfSg] vfnsf]Ù íÌafnL nufOg] hUuf„ the field where such crops are grown.
kh} — [gf= n.] pT;'stf d]6†g jf ;d'lrt pQƒ kfpg k|of]u ulƒg] lh1f;fsf] jf¬Ù ;f]wfOÙ k|À„ a written or spoken enquiry; a question. –Go!— [;=lqm= v.t.] hjfkm jf lgwf] dfUg'Ù k|À ug'{Ù ;f]Wg'Ù to question sb; to ask. –Go@— s;}nfO{ s]xL eÌ'„ to say sth to sb. kemfMtfMj — [lj= adj.] -3ƒ, sf]7f íflb_ aflxƒaf6 leqsf] ;a} b]lvg] uƒL v'nf ƒflvPsf]Ù ©fì b]lvPsf]„ (of houses, rooms, etc.) wide-open.
ktƒ — [gf= n.] sfut, sk8f jf s'g} lrhsf] txÙ kq„ a layer of sth.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
239 ktf , — [gf= n.] != ílxn]eGbf kl5sf] ;dodf„ later. @= 3fd í‚tfpg] a]nfsf] ;doÙ ;foª†sfnÙ ;fF´„ twilight; evening; nightfall.
ktfƒ — [gf= n.] efƒL s‚g jf afFWg k|of]u ulƒg] 8f]ƒLÙ h]pƒf]„ a rope used to bundle sth up.
kysf{nf kTof — [gf= n.÷n'=e]= llv.]
kTof< — [gf= n.] sfFr jf ;'grfFbLsf ljljwƒËL 7"nf–;fgf bfgf jf u]8LnfO{ Wffufdf pg]ƒ ‚qLx¿n] 3fF6Ldf nufpg agfPsf] uxgf jf >[ËfƒÙ kf]t]„ a necklace of beads (of glass, gold etc.).
ktflƒGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] la‚tƒfsf] íf]9†g]sf] rfƒ}ltƒsf] lsgfƒfnfO{ íf]©fgsf] 5]p5]p leq 3';fg'{„ to tuck up the sheet around the bed.
kt] ()— [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -ktf _ kt]s — [lqm=lj= adv.] != lbg ;lsg] a]nfdfÙ a]n'sL kvÙ kl5Ù eƒ]„ late afternoon. @= ;fF´dfÙ ;fF´ltƒÙ a]n'sf kv„ in the evening.
kt]Mkt]M () — [gf= n.] la‚tfƒ} ƒ nuftfƒ s'ƒf ulƒƒxg] rfn„ the manner of speaking slowly and non-stop.
kt}Go , ant. — [;=lqm= v.t.] -sk8f jf sfuh íflbnfO{_ kq}kq x'g] uƒL tx kfg'{Ù rfª† ldnfpg'Ù ldnfPƒ bf]a¥ofpg'Ù k6Øfpg'„ to fold sth (up); to fold sth (back, down, over, etc.).
kTsf — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] -emf]Sof _ kQf — [gf= n.] n¨Ln] xfÌ] ƒ 5Ng] uƒL v]lng] duƒsf] kƒDkƒfut v]n„ a type indigenous stick game.
kQfr'ƒ — [gf= n.] j]usf ;fy bf}l8Psf] bf}8fOÙ w]ƒ} ultdf ;flƒPsf kfOnfÙ 6'OFsfO„ an act of going somewhere suddenly and/or quickly; a dash; a rush.
kTofƒ — [gf= n.] í¿dfly ulƒg] eƒf];f jf ljÃf;„ trust in sb. kTo`fd — [gf= n.] í¿nfO{ b'Vg] uƒL íf3ft k'¥ofpg] sfdÙ r'6fOÙ uf]bfO„ beating; kicking; thrashing. –Go— [;=lqm= v.t.] xfÌ'Ù s'6†g'Ù r'6†g'Ù 76fpg'Ù lk6†g'Ù uf]b†g'„ to beat sb/sth; to thrash sb/sth; to kick sb.
kTof}n — [gf= n.] != í¿n] yfxf gkfpg] uƒL ;'6ë ' hfg] rfn„ when you move secretly and quietly so that other people do not notice. @= s;}sf] b[li6af6 Pëfl; ínk x'g] l‚ylt„ when someone disappears all at once. ~afGo÷xfOl;Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] yfx} glbO{ ;'6ë ' hfg'„ to leave for somewhere secretly and quietly; to steal out of somewhere.
kyƒf! — [gf= n.] xnrn gx'g] uƒL Ps} 7fpFdf ƒx]sf] l‚yltÙ l‚yƒtf„ a static condition; stillness; motionlessness. ~kXlƒp — [lj= adj.] Ps} ‚yfgdf
motionless; still.
ky/f@ — [gf= n.] ƒf]un] Rofk]ƒ lxF88'n ug}{ í;dy{ x'g] íj‚yfÙ ƒf]uz®ofdf kg]{ l‚yltÙ ynf„ when you are bedridden. kysf{nf — [gf= n.] lgufnfsf] 9'ª†u|fdf Kjfn kfƒL sK6]ƒf]nfO{ lgx'ƒfO{ 3';fPƒ ;f]sf] 6'Kkfn] leqL gnLåfƒf l;Gsf pl56ØfO{
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
ky¥of v]NgnfO{ agfOPsf] v]nf}gf„ a traditional
w8†sg„ the faint heart beating of a
toy made of nigālo or bamboo.
dying person.
ky¥of plv. , glv. — [lj= adj.] Hofbf lb;f ulƒƒxg]Ù hyfefjL xUg]Ù xu'jf„ having a bowl movement
kofb — [gf= n.] s'g} ‚yfgdf zƒLƒn] 9]l;Pƒ íf8 lng] sfdÙ uf]8fsf] í8];†„ an act
frequently; defecating time and again.
kƒÍf — [gf= n.] ufO{j‚t'sf] lhpdf 6fFl;O{ ƒut r';]ƒ afFRg] Ps k|sfƒsf] ;fgf] kƒhLljÙ lsg'{„ a small insect that
kynf — [gf= n.] kf7fkf7L;lxtsf] dfpm e]8f jf afv|f„ the mother goat or sheep with kids or lambs.
kYofªXƒL — [gf= n.] afv|L„ a nanny goat.
kg — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] -bfn _ kg`] plv. nblv. — [gf= n.] eft, l9F8f] íflb k‚sg ƒ d‚sfpg k|of]udf ífpg] wft'sf] ;fwgÙ kGo'FÙ klgpF„ a spatula. kg} tlv. , plv. — [gf= n.] h'Qf„ shoes.
kgf] — [lj= adj.] -l5lKkPsf] km;L{ jf sGbd"n íflb_ ksfPƒ vfFbf dL7f] ‚jfb ífpg] vfnsf]Ù ‚jflbnf]„ (of ripe pumpkin, roots, etc.) tasty when cooked.
kGtƒ}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] rlnƒx]sf] ljifo, k|;Ë jf sfds'ƒf íflbnfO{ í¿ltƒ df]8†g÷aª†Uofpg gofF sfd jf s'ƒfsf] z'?jft ug'{Ù k|;Ë abNg'„ to change the topic in conversation.
kGYofpnL — [gf= n.] km"n l6k]ƒ r9fpg b]pƒfnLdf ufl8Psf] ?vsf] xfFuf]„ a twig or small branch of a tree planted at the pass where flowers, leaves are offered.
kd— [gf=n.÷;]=e]=slv.] -kf]d _ kod–kod -— [gf= n.] ;f; uO;s]kl5 ílníln afFsL ƒx]sf] d'6'sf]
of propping oneself against sth.
bites humans and animals and sucks their blood; a tick.
kƒkkƒk -— [gf= n.] != dgdf lkƒ kbf{ ílníln ífF;' r'xfOƒxg] sfd„ an act of shedding tears because you're hurt. @= la‚tfƒ} la‚tfƒ} x'g] aiff{t†Ù l;dl;d] kfgL„ drizzle. kƒKGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] la‚tfƒ} la‚tfƒ} kfgL kg'{Ù l;dl;d] jiff{ x'g'„ to rain lightly; to drizzle.
kƒf< ()— [gf= n.] l;Ëf] j‚t'nfO{ lrbf{ jf 6'S|ofpFbf x'g] v08, efu, í+z„ portion of sth when it is divided, cut, broken into parts.
ku{Ntnf] — [lj= adj.÷u=e]= glv.] -5h{Ntnf] _ kb{ — [gf= n.] -ljÃf;_ lrlsT;sLo pkrfƒåfƒf lgsf] gx'g] b]jLb]jtf, e"tk|]t íflbåfƒf nfu]sf] elgPsf] ƒf]uÙ nfuf]„ (of common beliefs) an illness (disease) or any health problem which is supposed to be resulted from or contracted due to spirits, ghosts, deities and cannot be cured through medical treatment.
kbf]{; — [gf= n.] ´'6f] sfd s'ƒf]df s;d vfFbf nfUg] elgPsf] bf]if„ a harmful effect that you are believed to undergo when you swear sth that is not true.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
241 kw{KGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] s'g} lrhdf uf]8f íN´g k'Ug'Ù uf]8f íN´]ƒ n8†g] x'g'„ to stumble (over/on sth) kgf{KGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] íf}Fnfn] s'g} lrhnfO{ a];ƒL df8†g'Ù ldRg'„ to rub sth hard with your fingers.
ka{Vofg — [gf= n.] gƒf]lsOsg af]lng] wfƒfk|jfx af]nLÙ nuftfƒ af]lnƒxg] sfd„ a continuous speech; an act of speaking continuously.
kd}{Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] aln r9fpg nfluPsf] hgfjƒn] lhpdf 5ls{Psf] kfgL 6s6¬fpg'Ù k;f{pg'„ (of sacrificial victim like goats) to shake off water sprinkled on their body.
kDof{Gb — [lqm=lj= adv.] s'g} sfds'ƒf gƒf]lsPƒ nuftfƒ eOƒxg] 9Ën]Ù Ps}gf;n] b'lvƒxg] uƒLÙ nuftfƒÙ lgƒGtƒÙ í6'6¿kn]Ù íljlR5Ì„ continously; ceaselessly; incessantly (hurting).
k¥ofF () — [gf= n.] != dLtsf a'af„ one's mit's father; (mit is a friend by pledge). @= a'afsf] dLtÙ dLta'af„ mit of one's father or mother.
k¥ofn — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] != Pp6} 3ƒdf ífl>t klƒjfƒsf ;b‚ox¿sf] ;d"xÙ hxfgÙ klƒjfƒ„ family. @= gftf, s'6'Da íflb Ps} vfgbfgsf JolQmx¿Ù w]ƒ} k'‚tf klxn] 5'l§Psf j+zsfx¿Ù vnsÙ j+z„ clan; dynasty.
knL{ — [gf= n.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] -!= lsg _ knfF — [gf= n.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] -3fba'bf _ knfgf — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] -t'nf _
kn]MGo knfMGo! ,ant.,— [;=lqm= v.t.] ufF7f], aGwg jf hf]l8Psf] j‚t' íflb vf]Ng'Ù lgoGq0fd'Qm ug'{Ù km'sfpg'Ù km'sfNg'Ù v'‚sfpg'„ to unstring; to set free; to untie. > knfMl;Go! — [í=lqm= v.i.] ísf]{ lbg k'gM ug]{ uƒL ulƒƒx]sf] sfdaf6 lj>fd lng'Ù ulƒƒx]sf] sfd, d]nf] íflbnfO{ ‚ylut ug'{'„ to stop the work till next day. > knfMl;Go@— afFlwPsf] l‚yltaf6 d'Qm x'g'Ù aGwgaf6 5'6sfƒf kfpg'„ to be free from the bond, such as a rope, string, chain, etc.
knfMGo@ , ant. — [;=lqm= v.t.] n'uf, uxgf íflb lhpaf6 vf]Ng'Ù 5f]8fpg'„ to remove sth, especially a piece of clothing from your body: to take sth off.
kn]+sf hmlv. , plv. — [gf= n.] elƒnf]–´lƒnf] íj‚yfsf] ífufsf] lkmlnËf]Ù e'ª†u|fsf] ;fgf] efu, 6'qmf]„ the glow of a fire; glowing heat from the hearth; a piece of burning coal.
kn]< — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -Pn _ kn] kfFlhGo! — [;=lqm= v.t.] s;}nfO{ s'g} sfd ug{ ;Nnfx lbg', íf1f ug'{, lgb]{z lbg'Ù í¿nfO{ sfd uƒfpg'Ù sfddf v6fpg'Ù í¸fpg'„ to tell sb to do sth; to command or order.@=
244 Psdfly ísf]{ ykL agfOPsf] sf7sf] y'k|f]Ù xfƒLÙ xfƒÙ rfª„ a pile or heap of sth; a stack. > kfFlhGo@— -lrh_ bfpƒf, lstfa, sk8f íflbnfO{ Pskl5 ísf]{ yk]ƒ vft, tx kfg'{Ù rfª yKg' jf agfpg'„ to pile sth (up); to stack (of wood) sth (up).
kfFy} — [gf= n.÷pd=ef= hmlv.] -t}+nf] _ kfFYof , syn. — [lj= adj.] a8]dfgsf] rfs ePsf]Ù lgtDaLÙ rfs]„ having large hips.
kfF;'nf ()— [gf= n.] 3'F8f]b]lv d'lgsf] v'§fsf] x•LÙ gnL xf8„ shine bone -vk/ ). kfF;'Nof ()— [lj= adj.] -lt;'{Nof _ k`fFO — [lj= adj.÷p=e]= plv.] -kfƒ _ k`fFRof ()— [gf= n.] != ;ënL gfdsf] ;§f luHofPƒ af]nfOg] gƒfd|f] gfdÙ b'gf{d„ a nickname. @= unt sd{sf] sfƒ0f aÌ uPsf] abgfdÙ snlÍt gfdÙ a]OHhtLÙ snÍÙ b'gf{d„ ill fame; a bad name. k`fFNofkf]+n] — [gf= n.] ;'t]sf] jf a;]sf] íj‚yfaf6 Pëfl; h'?ë pl7xfNg] lsl;dn]„ an act of getting up or standing up jerkily.
kfOFgf () — [k|To= suf.] lqmofkbkl5 hf]l8Pƒ s'g} sfd k"ƒf x'gfn], ePsf] sfƒ0f jf lalQs} íflb hgfpg] k|Too„ -e.g. HÞo'±kfOFgf Ö vfPsf] x'gfn] jf vfgf;fy, afp±kfOFgf Ö uPsf] x'gfn] jf hfgf;fy íflb„_ suffix added to a verb to mean 'due to, because of, immediately after,' etc.
kfOBf — [lj= adj.] -koƒ_ h'Qf–
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
245 rKkn ¬} gnufPsf]Ù gfËf]„ bare-footed. kfOƒfgL , syn. — [lj= adj.] u'0f, dfqf, ífsfƒn] ;aeGbf a9L jf 36L„ superlative degree indicator (highest, largest, more, least, etc.)
kfP nblv. , hmlv. , plv. , slv. — [gf= n.] a'afsf bfh' jf ífdfsL lbbLsf kltnfO{ ;Daf]wg ulƒg] ;fOgf]Ù 7"nf a'af„ word used to address one's father's elder brother or mother's elder sister's husband.
kf< — [gf= n.] s'g} l;Ëf] j‚t'sf b'O{ ³fsdWo] PsÙ l;Ëf] j‚t'af6 ífwf x'g] uƒL 5'6ØfOPsf] í+zÙ kmuNofF6f]„ either of the two parts of sth; portion; half. @= 9f]sfsf] vfkf„ a plank of the door/window. > kf kf kf kf kf kf kf lk‚Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] lasf]{, sLnf íflb ƒfd|ƒL ldNg'Ù 6Dd sl‚;g'„ (of a lid, screw, etc.) to fit tightly.
lk`n , m. , syn. — [gf= n.] kL8f jf xif{sf] íj‚yfdf ífFvfaf6 ƒ;fpg] g'lgnf] tƒn kbfy{Ù ífF;'Ù í>'„ drops of liquid that come out of your eye when you cry; tear.
kLMGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != ufO{, afv|f, e}F;L íflb hgfjƒsf] b"w lgsfNg'Ù b'x'g'„ to milk (cow, goat, etc.). @= hfF8nfO{ xftn] ldr]ƒ jf bn]ƒ 5f]qmf ƒ ©fª 5'6Øfpg'Ù 5fÌ'„ to squeeze and extract fermented beer. #= s;}nfO{ kmsfOkm'nfO uƒL p;sf] wg ;DklQ xft kfg'{Ù ísf{sf] wg r'‚g'„ to extract money from sb; to con sb out of money. $= [;]=e]= slv.] 5'Rrf] Jojxfƒ ug'{„ to behave rudely.
kLNGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] lnËsf] 5fnf kmsf{pg' Ù g]kg'{„ to pull back the foreskin. k`L k}+l;Go! — [í=lqm= v.i.] leqleq} k|fl¨sf] rfxgf x'g'Ù nf]e, ífzf jf ík]Iff ug'{„ to yearn (for sth); to hanker for/after sth; to want sth. > k}+l;Go@— [;=lqm= v.t.] ´fFqmLn] b]jtf af]nfPƒ laƒfdLsf] u|xbzf atfpg'Ù kt'g'{„ to foretell the bad star of the patient.
k}+Go tslv. , plv. — [;=lqm= v.t.] s'ƒf] nufpg'Ù kf]n vf]Ng'„ to tattle (on
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
255 sb) (to sb); to grass (on sb).
k} — [gfof]= post.] != ljifoj‚t' jf sfds'ƒfsf] ;Ldf, 6'Ëf] íflb a'´fpg] zAbÙ ko{GtÙ ;DdÙ ts„ word used to indicate
the limitation of a subject matter or a task; up to. @= sf7 vf]k]ƒ agfPsf] 8]SrL ífsfƒsf] efF8f]Ù sf7] ífƒL„ a wooden cone-shaped container.
k}hg — [gf= n.] gfRbf v'§fdf nufOg] vf]qmf] uf]nfsfƒ 9'ª†u|fleq ƒflvPsf wft'sf bfgfx¿ 7f]lsPƒ aHg] Ps k|sfƒsf] jfB„ a string of small bells worn around one's ankle while dancing.
k}y — [gf= n.] -kfy _ k}yfnf] — [lj= adj.] kfPsf] jf lbOPsf] íleefƒf, lhDd]jfƒLnfO{ OdfGbfƒLk"j{s kmQ] ug]{Ù kToflƒnf]Ù eƒkbf]{Ù ljÃf; nfUbf]Ù ljÃfl;nf]„ trustworthy; reliable. k}Go plv. > nblv. , hmlv. , slv. , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != s;}nfO{ s'g} sfds'ƒf jf
ljifosf] 1fg lbg'Ù tflnd, lzIff lbg'Ù k|lzIf0f lbnfpg'Ù l;sfpg'„ to teach, train or instruct sb. @= 7fpF, lbzf íflbsf] af]w jf 1fg uƒfpg'Ù dfu{lgb]{z, kyk|bz{g ug'{Ù af6f] b]vfpg'„ to guide or direct sb. #= hGd, d[To', ljjfx, ;Tsfƒ, 3ƒJojxfƒ íflbdf nfUg] vr{ 6fg'{Ù 3ƒfo;L vr{ k'¥ofpg'Ù 3ƒJojxfƒ wfÌ'„ to manage the money required in marriage, feast, family affairs, etc.; to support or run one's family or manage household expenses.
k}l;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] í¿af6 s'g} s'ƒf hfÌ', a'‰g'Ù 1fg lng'Ù íWoog ug'{Ù íEof; ug'Ù{ afgL a;fNg'Ù l;Sg'„ to learn, study or practise sth from someone else.
kf]Okf]OMj k}‚of? — [gf= n./;]=e]= slv.] -lws¥of _ k`}Sof plv. , g., llv. — [lj= adj.] d"NoxLgÙ t'R5Ù lgrÙ ƒ2LÙ hfaf]„ insignificant; trivial; worthless.
k`}ƒf — [gf= n.] kxf8 eTs]ƒ ag]sf] klxƒf]Ù e"‚vng„ a landslide. kf]+ plv. (), hmlv. , slv. — [gf= n.] kfv'ƒf] ƒ sfFwsf] hf]gL{df kg]{ efuÙ sfFwÙ s'd„ shoulder. kf]+vflƒGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != -ljÃf;_ b}jLzlQmnfO{ s'g} s'ƒfsf] ofrgf ug'{Ù dfUg'„ to pray to gods for sth. @= k|fy{gf ug'{„ to pray (for sth). kf]+h}Go , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] sfdsfh, dfndQf, j‚t' íflb í¿nfO{ lhDdfdf nufpg'Ù a'´fpg'Ù ;'k'b{ ug'{Ù ;'Dkg'„ to deliver sth up to sb. kf]+y — [gf= n.] s'db]lv s'lxgfsf] 6'Kkf;Ddsf] zfƒLlƒs íjojÙ afx'nLÙ afx'„ arm.
kf]+yfhf]ƒ — [gf= n.] Ps– ísf{sf] sfFwdf kƒ‚kƒdf afx' ƒfv]ƒ íF7ØfO{ k5fƒ]ƒ lhTg] v]nÙ s'‚tL„ wrestling. kf]+kfn — [gf= n.] u]8f] gkƒ]ƒ lrD;f] ePsf] ux'F, hf} íflbsf] afnf„ an ear of wheat, barley, etc. which does not have plump grains.
kf]M — [gf= n.] != lglÁt e"efuÙ ‚yfgÙ 7fpFÙ ynf]Ù hUuf„ a particular place. @= bhf{, kb„ a rank; a position. kf]Okf]OMj — [gf= n.] != zƒLƒdf p7]sf] 6'6'Nsf]„ a swelling on the body, often caused by a blow; a bump. @= ;txeGbf ílníln dfly p7]sf]
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
kf]< hldg„ the land that is higher than the surrounding land; a knoll.
kf]< — [gf= n.] afFWg] lrhÙ h]pƒf]Ù 8f]ƒL„ a cord; a string. > kf] kmbn}Go! — [;=lqm= v.t.] ;do s6fpg
jf dg axnfpg eP gePsf] ukm 5fF6†g'Ù kmnfSg'„ to keep bragging to kill time; to gossip. > kmbn}Go@— ´'6f] s'ƒf ug'{„ to say sth untrue; to lie.
kmg —[gf=n.÷;]=e]=slv.] -tfFb_ kmgfgf — [gf= n.] kmgkmlg 3'Dg] uƒL ´6†sfg]{ jf 3'dfpg] sfd„ an act of rotating sth.
kmlgª — [lqm=lj= adv. ÷;]=e]= slv.] -ufM; _ kmGbgf — [gf= n.] ;]tf] ƒ ƒftf] ƒªdf km'Ng] Ps k|sfƒsf] lxdfnL ;'Gbƒ km"n„ a type of white or red mountain flower.
hemp plant or hemp fibre.
kmƒfp — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] dl;gf] x'g] uƒL sft]sf] jf af6]sf] efª†sf] wfuf]„ fine threads from hemp fibre.
kmƒfk — [gf= n.] íu]g'df ífufsf] nKsf lgsfNg xfjf lbg] jf udL{ x'Fbf lztntfsf] nflu xDsg k|of]u ulƒg] rf]ofsf] r]K6f] -xlDsg]_ ;fwgÙ lkmlkm{ƒ]„ a fan made of bamboo, used for fanning the fire or cooling yourself. –Go— [;=lqm= v.t.] xDs]ƒ xfjf lbg'Ù xDsg'„ to fan sth.
kmƒfl;nf] — [lj= adj.] dgsf] s'ƒf ‚ki6;Fu eÌ]Ù v'nf ƒ pbfƒ ífTdfsf]„ open-hearted; generous; open; frank; candid.
km/]+ — [gf= n.÷p=e]= plv.] -yu/f _ kmƒ]+Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] uxgf nfpgsf] nflu 5]l8Psf] -sfgsf]_ Kjfn Rofltg'„ (of the ear lobe) to tear because of the weight of the jewellery.
kmGbgf kmGb}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] ´'lG8Psf]
lrhnfO{ otfplt ´'nfpg'Ù dRrfpg'Ù xNnfpg'„ to move side to side sth that is being suspended; to swing sth.
kmGBfpF — [lqm=lj= adv.] ´6†sf kƒ]ƒ xNng] jf ´'lG8g] lsl;d„ when sth moves or swings because of a shake.
kmod — [gf= n.] íf;kf;df sf]xL jf ¬} lrh ífP jf uP h‚tf] x'g] efg„ when
kmƒ]MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] sf]ƒf{, n¶L íflbn] a];ƒL ;]6†7Øfpg'Ù l;D¬fpg'Ù lxsf{pg'„ to whip; to hit sb with a stick; to cane. > kmƒ]KGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] ‚ofpnf íflb xn'sf lrhn] ílníln xfÌ'„ to hit sb lightly with a twig or switch.
kmƒ];f] — [lj= adj.] != sfds'ƒf] l56f], 5lƒtf] ƒ ƒfd|f] tlƒsfn] ;DkÌ ug{;Sg]Ù km'lt{nf]Ù of]UoÙ ;Ifd„ having ability to do
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
kmƒ}Go sth quickly and well; capable; fast; active. @= b"w lau]|ƒ ´f]n ƒ 5f]qmf 5'l6Psf]Ù kmf6]sf]„ (of milk) curdled.
kmƒ}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] != kmf]xf]ƒ, d}nf jf st} í8†lsPsf] lrh íflb ´fg{ 6s6¬fpg'Ù xNnfpg'„ to shake sth in
order to remove sth like dirt; to shake sth out. @= v'lDrPsf] n'uf, sk8f íflbdf
kfgL jf v'DRofx6 gƒxf];† egL Ps efultƒ kqm]ƒ ísf]{ efunfO{ ´6†sf] kfg'{Ù ´6†sf] kg]{ uƒL x'Tofpg'„ to shake out clothes. #= s;}sf] Jojxfƒk|lt 3[0ff nfUbf gfsd'v n]k|ØfPƒ xft 6s6¬fpg'„ to express hatred and disgust by protruding your lips and shaking your hands.
kmu]{k l;NGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] ís‚dft† lrKn]ƒ n8†g'Ù km'§ lrKng'„ to slide a short distance by accident; to slip (over).
kmRof{ () — [gf= n.] íf3ft kbf{ pQfgf] jf t];f]{ kƒ]ƒ xftuf]8f rnanfpg] rfn„ an act of lying flat and moving limbs because of a stroke or blow.
kmlg{ª — [lqm=lj= adv.÷u=e]= glv.] -ufM; _ kmg]{ — [lqm=lj= adv.÷p=e]= plv.] -ufM;_ kmn]{MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] afl6g] uƒL 3'dfpg'Ù a6fg'{Ù lgdf]7†g'„ to twist sth forcibly.
kmnjf — [lj= adj.] afFWg] jf kf]sf] kfg]{ sfd gulƒPsf]Ù vf]nleq gƒflvPsf]Ù v'nf„ not tied or bundled together; free.
kmnfFGo () — [í=lqm= v.i.]
l;nfO 5'6†g'Ù n'uf íflbsf] l;pgL jf a'gfO km'‚sg'Ù pw|g'Ù kmf6†g'„ (of clothes) to split along the seam; to tear; to wear out.
kmnf — [gf= n.] != rf]6k6s nfu]ƒ jf s'g} sfƒ0fn] ífFvfsf] gfgLdf a‚g] afbn h‚t} ;]tf] bfuÙ km'nf]„ cataract. @= vÌ], sf6†g] sfd ubf{ laF8sf] ;Dks{n] xTs]nfdf tƒn elƒPƒ p7†g] kmf]sfÙ 7]nf„ a blister on your palm because of hard work.
kmnf< — [gf= n.] 5t jf e'OFnfO{ lk6]ƒ ;Dofpg] sf7sf] ;fwgÙ r]K6f] d'ª†u|f]„ a wooden mallet, used for levelling the floor.
kmnf< [;j{= pron.]
kmnfgf — s;} -t[tLo k'?if_ nfO{ ;Daf]wg ubf{ gfdsf] ;§f k|of]u ulƒg] gfdÙ kmnfgf]„ third person
pronoun, used to talk about someone who is not present in front of you; so-and-so.
, , — [;=lqm= v.t.] nfQLn] a];ƒL es'g'{Ù vfFb†g'Ù uf]b†g'„ to kick sb roughly; to boot sb.
kmNbfƒ — [gf= n.] vfgof]Uo kmnx¿sf] ;d"xÙ kmnkm"n„ the usually sweet-tasting part of a tree or bush which holds seeds and which can be eaten; fruit.
kmNof plv. , slv. — [gf= n.] != kftnf] ƒ r]K6f] kflƒPsf] sf7sf] 6'qmf]Ù kmn]s„ long flat piece of wood; a plank. @=
n]Vg k|of]u ulƒg] sf7, 9'Ëf íflbsf] r]K6f] ;fwgÙ
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
261 kf6L„ a chalkboard; a blackboard. km;Ëf — [gf= n.] ínÍfƒ hf]8]ƒ a9fOr9fOsf ;fy ulƒPsf] j0f{g†Ù íltzof]lQm„ exaggeration. ~n}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] a9fOr9fO uƒL JofVof ug{'Ù íltzof]lQmk"0f{ ukm 5fF6†g'„ to exaggerate sth.
kmfF () — [gf= n.] rƒfr'?ËL íflb e'ƒ{ p8]ƒ Pëfl; e'OF 5f]8†g] sfdÙ PsfPs p8†g] rfn„ (of birds) an act of leaving the ground or tree and flying.
kmfFs () — [gf= n._] æn‚¬fÆ h‚t} rfƒ kª†lQmsf] k|l;4 nf]suLt„ a famous folk song of four lines that rhyme alternately as abab.
kmfFltGo , , — [;=lqm= v.t.] ;f´]df pkef]u ulƒg] s'g} j‚t'sf] nfut d"No pkef]Qmfåfƒf hgxL p7fpg'Ù ;uf]ndf lslgPsf] lrhsf] nfut d"No k"lt{ ug{ k|ltJolQmsf] lx;fan] efu nfPƒ p7fpg'„ to divide the cost of sth on the equal share basis.
kmfFb — [gf= n.] ‚tgkfoL kf]yL k|f0fLsf] b"w hDdf x'g] kmfFrf]Ù sNrf}+8f]„ mammal's milk gland; breast.
kmfFbf] — [gf= n.] kL7f]nfO{ íw{ tƒn -n]bf]_ x'g] uƒL ksfPsf] klƒsfƒÙ vf]n]„ a liquid food made, especially by stirring flour with boiling water; gruel.
kmfFGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] sGbd"ndf x'g] dL7f] ‚jfbsf] íg'ej ug{'Ù ld7f; ífpg'„ (of edible roots) to be tasty.
kmfF km]kkm]k! — kmsfOkm'nfO ug{ jf ;'tfpg aRrfnfO{ ulƒg] ykykfOÙ y'Dy'd„ patting a baby to sleep; patting. >
km]kkm]k@— s;}nfO{ ‚ofaf;L, wGojfb íflb lbFbf lk7Ø'Fdf dflƒg] ‚g]xk"0f{ wfk„ patting sb on their back to congratulate or encourage.
km]kgf — [gf= n.] ljiffn' lrhsf] ;Dks{ jf ƒQmljsfƒn] ubf{ zƒLƒdf k|s6 x'g] kmf]sfÙ 8faƒ„ a welt. km]kn}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] -kmn}Go _ km]DaftfMj — [lj= adj.] -lrh_ KjfFv, skf; íflb h‚t} í;fWo} xn'Ëf]„ (of objects) very light as a feather.
km]Daf‚Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] w'lgPsf] pmg, skf; íflb lylrgfn], s'lNrgfn] ufF7f] kƒL wfuf] sfTg g;lsg] x'g'„ (of wool) to be tangled and become too difficult to spin.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
267 km]/— [gf= n.] -vfn@ _ km]ƒjf plv. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] uf]7 5fpg k|of]u ulƒg] afv|fsf] pmgaf6 ag]sf] sDan„ the rug made of goat fur, used for roofing a shed.
km]ƒd, k9fO, pBd íflbdf í¿nfO{ pl5Ì'„ to outdo sb in study, work, etc. @= rlnƒx]sf] l;nl;nf tf]8†g'Ù qmdeË ug'{„ to discontinue sth. #= í¿nfO{ pl5g]ƒ, gf3]ƒ ífkm" íl3 hfg'Ù ofqf jf s'g} sfo{df í¿nfO{ pl5Ì'Ù gf£g'Ù 6Kg'„ to go or run past sb; to overtake sb.
an]< — [gf= n./k=e]= plv.] -t'ª\s'n _ an]‚Go , syn. — [í=lqm= v.i.] != j‚t'sf] df}lns ?k, u'0f, 9fFrf íflbdf lasfƒ ífpg'Ù sfd gnfUg] eO{ gfl;g'Ù lau|g'Ù Iflt x'g'„ to erode; to wear away; to be
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
an} damaged completely. @= ;8]ƒ, lau|]ƒ ƒf]u, lsƒf íflb nfUg'Ù ;8†g'Ù s'lxg'„ to rot; to decay.
an}— [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] ífOdfO ;fyLÙ ;+lugL„ a female friend. anf}t — [gf= n.] vf]nf, gbL íflbdf ƒxg] 9'Ëfsf] dl;gf s0fÙ afn'jf„ sand. aNn — [lqm=lj= adv.] d'lZsn;FuÙ wf}wf}n]Ù aNntNn„ with much difficulty; somehow; eventually.
a‚t — [gf= n.] != OlGb|on] íg'ej ug{;Sg] ífotg ƒ íf]hg;d]t x'g] lrhÙ ef}lts j‚t'Ù kbfy{„ the physical substance in the universe; matter. @= ?k, ífs[lt ƒ u'0f ePsf] 7f];, tƒn jf jfikLo lrh„ the amount of matter in any solid object or in any volume of liquid or gas; mass.
ax — [lj= adj.÷k=e]= plv.] -km" _ afF (), ant. ()— [gf= n.] != s'g} lrhsf] hldgdf íf8 lng] ;aeGbf tNnf] efuÙ rfsÙ lkFw„ a bottom. @= ;Dd kƒ]sf] v'nf e"efuÙ ;dtn d}bfgÙ rf}ƒ„ a flat land, an even ground.
afFsf]P () — [gf= n.] k|To]s ;f; km]ƒfOdf ƒflt rfsdf l´lnsl´lns ug]{ lsƒf]Ù h"glsƒL„ a glow-worm; a firefly. afFun — [gf= n.] d'vsf] bfofFafofFsf] aËfƒf] pd|g] x•L„ a molar. afFyf — [gf= n.] xftn] 3'dfPƒ 8f]ƒL, bfDnf] íflb af6†g] qm; ífsfƒsf] ;fwg„ a cross-shaped stick used for making ropes; a distaff.
afFbla¥of — [gf= n.] -t]+Sof ()_ afFbf — [gf= n.] C0fdf s6fPƒ jf lglÁt tna tf]s]ƒ sfdsfhdf nufpgsf] nflu 3ƒdf ƒflvPsf] dfG5]Ù 3ƒfo;L sfdsf] nflu ƒflvPsf] sfdbfƒÙ -ítLtdf_ lsg]ƒ NofPsf] sdfƒf]Ù bf;Ù gf]sƒ„ a servant; helper; (in the past) a servant; a slave.
afF;'nL — [gf= n.] ;ËLtsf] w'g lgsfNg lgufnf jf kmnfdsf] 9'ª†u|f]df nxƒ} 5b]lv ;ftj6f;Dd Kjfnx¿ 5]8L Psfltƒsf] 6'Kkfdf 7]8L 3';fƒ]ƒ agfOPsf] km's]ƒ ahfOg] jfBÙ 9'ª†u|fnfO{ Kjfn kfƒL agfOPsf] Ps k|sfƒsf] afhfÙ afF;'ƒLÙ d'ƒnL„ a flute. af — [;=lqm= v.t.] í¿nfO{ ífkm" ;Fu;Fu} hfgsf] nflu eÌ'Ù ;Fu} hfg] ;Nnfx lbg'Ù hfíf}+„ word, meaning 'let's go'. afO‚of — [gf= n.] x'Fbf], gx'Fbf], eP, gePsf] s'ƒf hf]8]ƒ ukm 5fF6†g], a9†tf ukm ug]{ dfG5]Ù ukmf‚6sÙ ukmf8L„ a person who is talkative; a braggart.
afpGof , syn. — [lj= adj.] != -lrh_ ;f]´f] jf ;Lwf gePsf]Ù afËf]„ (of objects) not in a straight line; bent or twisted; crooked. @= -k|j[lQ_ íldNbf]Ù í8afËf]Ù íK7]ƒf]„ (of people) dishonest; crooked.
afsgfM — [gf= n.] s'v'ƒfsf] ífFvf kfSg] ƒf]u„ an infectious disease of chicken that causes painful areas in the eyes.
afsƒ — [gf= n.] s'v'ƒf, kIfL íflbsf] k'R5ƒ ƒ kv]6fdf x'g] df]6f] KjfFv„ the tail or wing feather.
afs/f — [lj= adj.] _
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
afs — hfFbf„ while going. > afb — uPƒ„ having gone or after going.
afMGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] != w]ƒ} ;Gtfg hGdg'Ù hg;ª†Vof j[l4 x'g'„ to give birth to many children. @= kfNt' hgfjƒx¿sf] ;ª†Vof a9†g', km}ng'„ (of domestic animals) to increase in number. > afMs — [lqm=lj= adv.] a9†bf, j[l4 x'Fbf„ after increasing. > afMb — j[l4 ePƒÙ a9]ƒ„ having increased. > afMj
afƒ — [lj= adj.] a9]sf]„ increased.
afk'n — [gf= n.] -lrkf{OF _ afk'Nof — [lj= adj.] -lrkf{ª\Uof _ afKGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != h];'s} uƒf];† ƒ eTs] lau|]sf] lhDdf lníf];† eg]ƒ s'g} lrh jf sfd íflb ífj]zdf í¿nfO{ ;'Dkg'„ to entrust (a task/goods) to sb carelessly. @= Ifltk"lt{ eƒfpg] dg;fon] s'g} lrh lhDdf nufpg'„ to entrust sth to sb with the intention of causing them to compensate for the possible damage. #= [k=e]= plv.] lrhaLhnfO{ y'k|f] x'g] uƒL Ps} 7fpFdf y'kfg'{„ to pile up things.
afdƒf — [gf= n.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] -cf];f _ afdof plv. ,hmlv. — [gf= n.] xfF;, s'v'ƒf, kƒ]jf íflb kIfLsf lhpdf nfUg] ;f¸} dl;gf] lsƒf]Ù ;'n;'n]„ lice on fowls.
afdf — [gf= n.] PseGbf a9L k6s rNnf sf]ƒln;s]sf] s'v'ƒfÙ dfpm s'v'ƒf„ a mother hen.
afdfn" — [gf= n.] nxƒfdf kmNg] nfDrf] ífsfƒsf], kfs]kl5 vfg x'g] Ps k|sfƒsf] hËnL kmn„ a type of wild fruit that grows on a climbing plant.
afd'n — [gf= n.] s'v'ƒf, kIfL íflbsf] zƒLƒ 9fSg] uƒL pd|g] e'TnfÙ KjfFv„ feathers.
afƒ — [gf= n.] s'g} 7fpFnfO{ b'O{ efudf 5'6Øfpg] 5]Sg] lrhÙ afƒ„ a fence. ~bfGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] afƒ nufpg'Ù afƒ afg'{„ to surround or divide an area
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
afƒf with a fence or make a compound, wall, etc.; to fence.
jf; a‚g'„ to stay up the night while
afƒf — [gf= n.÷p=e]= ulv.] ufpF jf zxƒleq kg]{ s'g} v08Ù 6f]n„ the inner
af‚df — [gf= n.] hËndf a‚g] 3fF; vfg] 7"nf vfnsf] afv|f h‚tf] kf]yL d[uÙ kf]yL 3f]ƒn„ the female Himalayan wild goat
part or a section of a village or town.
af/f@— [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] -uf]/ _ afƒfda'?df] — [lj= adj.] RofltPƒ jf yfª†gf, w'hf, 6'qmf kƒ]ƒ 5ƒkl‚6Psf]Ù ´'qf]„ rags. afƒf] — [gf= n.] lglÁt íjlwsf] nflu rlƒrƒfp ug{ lgif]w ulƒPsf] If]qÙ aGb]h jg„ the part of land where grazing is prohibited for a certain time; a grazing prohibited area.
afsL{ — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv. ] sf]7fsf] aflxƒkl§ 3]lƒPsf] sf7sf] afƒ„ a wooden fence around a house.
afnf< — [gf= n.] ux'F, hf}, sf]bf] íflbsf bfgfsf] ´'Kkf]Ù afnf]„ an ear of wheat, barley, millet, etc.
travelling somewhere.
called ghoral.
afxfg — [gf= n.] != pl;Ì, akmfpg jf pdfNgsf] nflu ksfpg] lrh;lxt r'ºf]df a;flnPsf] efF8f]Ù PskN6df ksfOg] vfg]s'ƒfsf] ksfOÙ vfg]s'ƒf ksfpFbfsf] v]k, k6sÙ afxfg„ the amount of food cooked, boiled or steamed at a time, the pot containing such food. @= ƒS;L kfbf{sf] afxfg„ the amount of liquor brewed at a time. ~vXFMGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] ksfpgsf] nflu r'ºf]dfly efF8f] ƒfVg'Ù afxfg a;fNg'„ to put a cooking pot over the hearth to cook sth. ~kmLMGo — r'ºf]df a;flnPsf] efF8f] ptfg'{„ to take out a cooking pot from the hearth.
af;! , m. — [gf= n.] kmnkm"n, vfg]s'ƒf íflbaf6 lg‚sg] dL7f] af‚gfÙ ;'uGwÙ ;'jf;Ù dxsÙ jf;gf„ smell; fragrance; scent. ~x'Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] dxs km}ng'Ù ;'uGw ífpg'Ù a;fpg'„ (of fragrance, smell, scent) to come; to spread.
af;@ — [gf= n.] 3ƒaflxƒ x'Fbf ƒft latfpg al;g] yftynf]Ù jf; al;g] 7fpF„ the place other than your home where you spend the night; lodging. > af;kf] — [gf= n.] ofqfsf] qmddf jf; al;g] aLrsf] 7fpFÙ d'sfd„ the place where you spend the night during your journey. > afl;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] ofqfsf] qmddf af6f]df ƒft latfpg'Ù
afxfƒ , , () — [lqm=lj= adv.] rfF8}Ù ‰jf§Ù nuQ}Ù plTgv]ƒ}Ù eÌf;fyÙ eÌ]lalQs}Ù tTsfnÙ t'?Gt„ immediately; instantly; all at once.
afxf]¥of plv. , ulv. , krlv. — [gf= n.] >dsf] ;xof]u ug]{ JolQmÙ v]tfnf„ a farmhand; a helper.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
279 ~bfGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] í¿af6 >d ;xof]u dfUg'„ to ask sb a hand (with sth/ doing sth). ~afGo — sfdsf] ;xof]u lbg'„ to lend sb a hand (with sth/doing sth).
lav — [gf= n.] != ue{leqsf] afns /xg] c:yfO cËÙ ue{sf] aRrf ƒxg] 3ƒÙ kf7]3ƒÙ ue]{y}nf]Ù ;fn„ the temporary
laKof laxfgsf] vfhf vfg'„ to eat the first meal of the day. > o`flatfn — laxfg ;a]ƒ} vfOg] vfg]s'ƒfÙ laxfgsf] vfhf„ light food eaten in the morning; breakfast.
@= 3';, rf]ƒL íflb s'sd{af6 k|f¨ nfe rfVg'÷vfg'„ to enjoy the returns one gets from bad deeds like bribe, theft, etc.
kbf{ g;fsf] dfWodåfƒf sfvLsf] hf]gL{ íflbdf ;'lÌPsf] efu„ a swelling, a boil in the
lawƒd — [gf= n.÷n'=e]= llv.] d';fnfO{ km;fPƒ dfg{ k|of]u x'g] ;fwgÙ d';f dfg]{ ;fFrf]„ a mouse trap. lagfpt — [gf= n.] ífkmGtsf] d[To'df ufOg] zf]suLtÙ lanf}gf„ a mournful
armpit due to a wound in other part of the body.
song sung on the demise of someone's relatives.
laVoft — [gf= n.] -vt _ ~dflgGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] s;}n] eg]sf], af]n]sf] s'ƒfaf6 dg b'Vg'Ù íGoyf dfÌ'Ù b'Mv dgfp ug'{„ to be hurt by
laGwËf} — [lj= adj.] xf]lzofƒLk"j{s sfd gug]{Ù a]xf];LÙ í;fjwfg„
organ which feeds a foetus (developing baby) inside its mother's womb; placenta. @= s'g} íËdf rf]6k6s
others' words.
lalrtf} — [lj= adj.] r]tgf xƒfPsf] jf u'dfPsf]Ù xf];xjf; gePsf]Ù a]xf];Ù d'l5{t„ unconscious; faint.
lahƒ — [lj= adj.] != -JolQm_ zfƒLlƒs >d w]ƒ} aufpg ;Sg]Ù yf]ƒ} ;dod} w]ƒ} sfd ug]{Ù sfdsfh íflbdf í¿eGbf íufl8 kg]{Ù tu8fÙ alnof]Ù anjfg†„ (of people) strong; burly; robust; capable of working harder than others. @= ífF6 ePsf]Ù axfb'ƒÙ z"ƒf]„ brave; bold; courageous.
lahÞf plv. , glv. & nblv. — [gf= n.] k|foM hldgd'lg b'nf] agfO{ a‚g] rfƒv'§] rgfvf] ;fgf] hGt'Ù d';f]„ a rat; a mouse. latflnGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != laxfgsf] ;aeGbf klxnf] ef]hg lng'Ù
careless; reckless.
laGo ()— [í=lqm= v.i.] != w]ƒ} xNnfn] sfg vfg'Ù ´sf]{, lbë nfUg'„ to be irritated by a loud noise. @= [gf= n.] slxn]sfxLF Pëfl; sfgleqaf6} ;'lgg] tLvf] k|sfƒsf] ífjfh„ ringing in your ears. laktf — [gf= n.] bof ƒ b'Mv nfUbf] íj‚yfÙ s'g} sfddf ífOkƒ]sf] ;Í6Ù b'b{zfÙ b'ƒfj‚yfÙ laklQÙ lahf]uÙ ljkb„ misfortune; predicament; a plight; a miserable condition.
adj.] ;fdfGotof ldNg'kg]{ eGbf pN6f]Ù ljkƒLt„ inside out; (of direction) opposite. > laKof rfnf÷bdof — [gf= n.] dfG5] dƒ]b]lv
;b†ut ubf{;Dddf bdfxf, ;xgfO íflbaf6 lgsflnPsf] zf]sw'g„ mournful music played in the funeral procession (by
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
lakm¥of beating drums, blowing shahanāi (clarinet), etc).
lrhdf ílníln w'nf] lrh 5s{g'Ù 5g'{„ to
lakm¥of — [lj= adj.] != s'ƒf ƒ Jojxfƒ ubf{ub}{ jf ljrfƒ ƒfVbfƒfVb} klg pN6} bf]if nfUg k'u]sf]Ù íkh;L„ falsely blamed; accused. @= -dflg;_ ísf{sf] dfldnfdf ígfjZos¿kn] x‚tIf]k ug]{„ interfering;
laƒL — [gf= n.] != d';fn] hldg vg]ƒ leqleq agfPsf] b'nf], af6f]Ù ;'?ª„ a hole
meddlesome; nosy.
laeGb — [gf= n.] rlƒrƒfpsf] nflu lgif]w ulƒPsf] jgdf lgod tf]8]ƒ hgfjƒnfO{ rƒfpg] sfdÙ rlƒrƒfpsf] lgodsf] íj1fÙ afƒ–aGb]hsf] pNn‹gÙ lgod sfg'g gdfÌ] sfd„ an act of grazing cattle in a prohibited part of land; an act of defying rules and regulations.
la?nf — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv. ] v;|f] kft x'g], rf]6 kbf{ b"w ífpg] 8fn] 3fF;sf] af]6„ a type of fodder tree. laƒ}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] != sfds'ƒf ubf{ e"n, uNtL, laƒfd ug'{Ù laƒfpg'Ù r'Sg'„ to make a mistake. @= kfk jf íkƒfw ug'{„ to commit a sin, crime, etc. #= lap v;fNbf, a]gf{ ƒf]Kbf qmd tf]8†g'„ to sow seeds or to plant seedlings alternatively in a row.
lau'{nL — [gf= n.] nf]Ug] dfG5]n] sfgdf nufpg] hf]gL{ltƒ dl;gf] ƒ aLr efultƒ df]6f] x'g] af6'nf] ífsfƒsf] ;'gsf] d'Gb|f]„ a gold earring worn by men. laHÞf'{ — [gf= n.] kxf8L jgkfvfdf kfOg] Psk|sfƒsf] sfF9}sfF9f x'g] ;fgf] jg‚klt„ a type of thorny plant that grows in the hilly region.
sprinkle sth over sth.
or tunnel under the ground made by a mouse; a mouse hole. @= eLƒdf}ƒLsf] 3fƒ„ a hive of wild bees. ~jfNGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] hldg vg]ƒ b'nf] agfpg'„ to make a hole under the ground.
lanxƒ — [gf= n.] -laktf _ lanf — [gf= n.] ƒfFuf], v;L íflb sf6]ƒ afF8r'F8 ulƒPsf] df;'sf] efuÙ lanf]„ a share of meat. ~lanfl;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] v;L, ƒfFuf] íflb sf6]ƒ df;' afF8r'F8 uƒL ífk;df ljtƒ0f ug'{„ to butcher an animal and share its meat among the people.
lan} eTofafËf} [lj= adj.] lrhaLh ;a}ltƒ ínkq x'g] uƒL 5lƒPsf]Ù 5ƒk‚6„ (of things) scattered; disordered.
eTofƒ — [gf= n.] dflg;x¿ e]nf ePƒ vfg] vf; ef]hgÙ ef]h„ a large or special meal, especially for a lot of people and to celebrate sth; a feast.
eb} — [gf= n.] kTgLsf bfh'efOsf 5f]ƒf jf 5f]ƒLÙ ;fnf, h]7fgsf 5f]ƒf jf 5f]ƒLÙ eb} jf eb}gL„ wife's brother's children. eGbf — [lj= adj.] != sfds'ƒfaf6 km';{b} gkfpg] ePsf]Ù a]km';{bÙ Jo‚t„ having a lot to do; busy. @= s'g} ;fdfGo sfddf ílN´gfn] gofF sfd ug{ gkfpg] x'g] l‚yltÙ s'g} sfddf ílN´gk'Ug] íj‚yf„ when you are stuck in unnecessary work.
eGbfƒL — [gf= n.] -lrh_ afF8kmfF8 ug]{] dfG5]Ù afF8†g] JolQm„ a distributor.
288 eGbfxf — [lj= adj.] nfh–;ƒd Tofu]ƒ jf dof{bfsf] Vofn} guƒL íÂLn s'ƒf ug]{Ù kflQPsf]Ù l5lxlnPsf]„ crossing the limits of decorum, etiquette while talking or behaving.
eGbf] — [lj= adj.] -zAb_ nHhfhgsÙ nHhf‚kbÙ -s'ƒf]_ kmf]xf]ƒÙ íÂLnÙ ílzi6„ rude and likely to upset or anger people, especially by referring to sex and the body in an unpleasant way; vulgar.
eGaGof — [gf= n.] 8fF8f] kfƒ ug]{ 7fpFg]ƒsf] 3'dfpƒf] kƒ]sf] 7fpF jf af6f]Ù b]pƒfnLsf] 3'DtL„ the bend close to deurāli (a mountain pass).
eGofnf];f] — [lj= adj.] eg]sf], í¸fPsf] v'?ë dfÌ]Ù eg]sf] ‚jLsfg{]Ù íf1f kfng ug]{Ù íf1fsfƒL„ obedient; dutiful. eofgf — [gf= n.] afnLgfnL gf]S;fg k'¥ofpg] kz'kIfLnfO{ t;f{pg v]tafƒLaLr ƒflvg] dflg; ífsfƒsf] t;f{pg] j‚t'Ù a'VofFrf„ a scarecrow. e/ — [gf= n.] != s'g} sfd, Jojxfƒ íflbsf] afƒ]df s;}k|lt ulƒg] ífzf jf eƒf];f„ reliance; trust @= d'Vo j‚t'nfO{ íf8 lbg ƒflvPsf] ;xfos j‚t'Ù 6]sf]Ù ífwfƒÙ íf>o„ something that holds something firmly or carries its weight, especially from below to stop it from falling; a support; a prop.
eƒfMj , ant. — [lj= adj.] != -af]6la?jf, jghËn íflb_ a9L kmf;nfdf ƒf]lkPsf] jf pd|]sf]„ (of plants) sparsely planted or grown. -sk8f, ‚j]6ƒ íflb_ kftnf] x'g] uƒL a'lgPsf]„ (of clothes like sweaters) not closely woven or
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
knitted. @= -lap, la‚s'g íflb_ kftnf] x'g] uƒL 5lƒPsf], lkmFhfOPsf]„ (of crops on the floor, mats, etc. or seeds) sparsely scattered.
erf{ — [gf= n.] ífOdfO{sL lbbL– alxgL jf k'?ifsf bfh'efOsf] 5f]ƒf]Ù elthf]„
eƒ]+ plv. (), hmlv. — [gf= n.] 3ƒsf] tnf 5fKg lgbfneGbf dfly n8fPƒ t]‚of{Og] nfdf] sf7Ù kmNofs, sf7, lrk{6 íflb 5fKbf íf8 lbg efƒjxgsf] nflu la©fOg] 7"nf7"nf sf7Ù blngÙ bfƒ„ a long thick
ehÞf{ — [lqm=lj= adv.] -es{n _ etf{ — [lj= adj.] != ífsfƒ, nDafO ƒ u'0f íflb s'g} s'ƒfdf í¿eGbf a9L„ not equal in weight, length or quality. @= ;LdfeGbf aflxƒ„ out of limit. #= rflxPsf] jf ífjZostfeGbf a9LÙ x'g'kg]{ eGbf HofbfÙ a9†tf„ more than necessary; too much. $= íldNbf]Ù ík|f;lËs„ odd; unsuitable;
piece of wood, especially used to support weight in a building or other structure; a rafter.
eƒ]M — [gf= n.] s'g} 7fpF jf s;}nfO{ dfof dfƒL Tofu]ƒ hfg] sfd„ an act of abandoning a person or a place. ~Vofg}MGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] dfof dfƒ]ƒ hfg'Ù r6ë} 5f]8]ƒ hfg'„ to abandon a person or a place for good.
eƒ]— [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -emflkg _ eƒ]df — [gf= n.] 3ƒ 5fKg blng d'lg uf¸f–uf¸fdf 3';fƒL ƒflvg] 7"nf] sf7Ù wlƒgÙ lgbfn„ the main beam on which the rafters rest.
eƒ]; — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -emflkg _ es{n — [lqm=lj= adv.] s]xL a]ƒ jf yf]ƒ} ;do dfq klxn]Ù ev{ƒ}„ just a few moments ago; just.
esf{ — [gf= n.] sfdsf] ƒf; y'lk|Fbf slxn] l;l4Pnf egL x'g] ífR5'–ífR5'Ù íToGt xtfƒÙ sfdsf] le8Ù r6fƒf]„ piles of work; pressure one feels when work piles up.
eSof{ — [lj= adj.] _
(of women) sister's son; (of men) brother's son; nephew.
out of context; non-contextual.
e¥of plv. , syn. , ant. — [gf= n.] != efF8fsf] la6eGbf dfly;Dd í6fpGh]n r'NofPƒ ƒflvPsf] s'g} lrhÙ elƒeƒfp„ the amount of sth filled over the brim. @= [lj= adj.] -lrh_ efF8fsf] la6;Dd k'Ug] uƒL 6gf6g ePsf]Ù kf]lvPnf ´}F x'g] uƒL efF8fdf ƒflvPsf]„ (of containers) nearly overflowed with sth.
eNof{keNof{k -— [gf= n.] leh]sf] n'ufkmf6f] íflb xNnFbf ífpg] ífjfhÙ NofkmNofkm„ the sound produced when a piece of wet cloth flutters in the air.
en — [gf= n.] Hofbf a;f{t x'Fbf ;Ldf gf3]ƒ pn]{sf] kfgLsf] k|jfxÙ 7"nf] e]nÙ af9L„ a large amount of water covering an area; flood. > enk`ƒ} f —
íljƒn jiff{n] eTsfO{ aufPƒ NofPsf] 9'Ëf– df6f];lxtsf] n]bf]Ù af9L–klxƒf]„ a mass of rock and earth moving suddenly and quickly down a steeps slope; a landslide.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
enf enf — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] ƒftf] ƒ ;]tf] km"n x'g] Ps k|sfƒsf] ?v jf ;f]sf] km"nÙ sf]Oƒfnf]„ Bahunia variegata; a type of tree with white flowers. > enfRof — sf]Oƒfnf]sf] km"n„ the flowers of this tree. Its flowers are eaten as pickle.
enfof] — [gf= n.] 5fnfdf ;Dks{ x'Fbf 3fp g} x'g], e'jfbfƒ af]qmf x'g] Ps k|sfƒsf] ljiffn' ?v„ a type of wild tree whose sap is poisonous and causes rashes in the body.
enf;'snf — [gf= n.] lxQlrQ ldn]sf] dflg;;Fu ;~rf]–la;~rf], ;'vb'Mv íflb ;f]wvf]hsf] gfddf ulƒg] ífk;L ukmufkmÙ dg vf]n]ƒ ulƒg] d}qLk"0f{ s'ƒfsfgL, e]6jftf{Ù xflb{s jftf{nfkÙ enfs';fƒL„ pleasantries; chatting.
en} — [gf= n.] zfƒLlƒs ;Gt'ngsf] nflu ífjZos tfut„ necessary stamina required for the balance of body.
6'l6Nsf]_Ù ;'lÌPsf]„ (of body parts) swollen. @= lƒ;fP ´}F uƒL gaf]n]ƒ 6]l9Psf]Ù lƒ;n] kmGs]sf]Ù afpFl7Psf]„ angry; fumed (at/over/about sb/sth)
efF plv. () > hmlv. _ — [gf= n.] pHofnfsf] nflu aflng] ;'s]sf] afF;Ù ef6fÙ lgufnfsf l;6f„ dry bamboo to be used for burning in fires.
efFun , ant. — [gf= n.] ldqtf, gftfaLr s'g} sfƒ0fn] ífOkƒ]sf] lr;f]kgfÙ dgd'6fjÙ leqL a]d]nÙ lrQsf] kmf6f]Ù dgf]dflnGoÙ s6'tfÙ j}ƒefjÙ j}dg‚o„ lack of warm feeling in relationship or friendship; animosity; hostility.
efFtL — [gf= n.] ljljwtfdWo] s'g} Ps lsl;dÙ yƒLÙ k|sfƒ„ a particular variety or type; kind; sort; type; class.
efFltp hmlv. , plv. — [lj= adj.] h‚tf] 5 To‚tf]Ù h'g k|sfƒsf]Ù ´}+Ù g}Ù h‚t}„ similar to sb/sth; like; similar; resembling.
eNsfTof — [lj= adj.] -zƒLƒ_ 7"nf] eO{ g;'xfpFbf], e2fÙ a]5fF6sf]„ (of the
efFbL — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] ƒS;L ksfpFbf ƒS;L hDdf x'g] df6fsf] efF8f]„
body) improperly shaped; ugly; fatty; out of shape.
an earthen pot in which liquor is collected while brewing. -vf]P _ for picture.
eNvfbf — [gf= n.] vg]ƒ jf en–af9L íflbn] hldgdf kfƒ]sf] ulxƒf] vfN8f]Ù e8†vfƒf]Ù vf8n„ a ditch; a pit; a moat. eNyf! — [gf= n.] l;‚g'sf] af]6df x'g] vfgof]Uo ufF7f]„ edible nodes that grow on nettle.
eNyf@ — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -s'Os/d _ eNYof — [lj= adj.] != rf]6k6s nfu]ƒ zƒLƒsf] íjojdf p7]sf] -nf]nf] jf
efFBf —[gf= n.] kmfkƒ h‚t} af]6 ƒ u'0f x'g], vfFbf 5fnf ´d´dfpg] hËnL jg‚klt„ a type of (edible) wild plant that resembles buckwheat.
efOuGBf — [lj= adj.] k9]sf]–;'g]sf] jf b]v]sf] íflb s'ƒf ;D´gfdf ƒfVg g;Sg]Ù ‚dƒ0f zlQm sd ePsf]Ù sdhf]ƒ ‚dƒ0fzlQmsf]„ forgetful; absent-minded.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
291 efphÞf plv. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] ev{ƒ hGd]sf] aRrfÙ gfafnsÙ b"w] afnsÙ lzz'„ a suckling baby; an infant; a baby.
ef ef< s -ª_ ()— w]ƒ} jif{ klxn]Ù k|frLg jf kƒfk"j{sfndfÙ plxn]Ù plxNo}„ a long time ago; ages ago. > ef ef e}+Go! — [;=lqm= v.t.] s'g} sfd jf
s'ƒf ug{sf] nflu dfgl;s ¿kn] tofƒ x'g'Ù ;dy{g jf ‚jLs[lt hgfpg'Ù ;sfg'{Ù d²f'ƒL lbg'Ù dfÌ'„ to be mentally ready to do sth; to give your consent; to agree; to accept sth. > e}+Go@— ?g 5f]8†g'Ù ?jfO ƒf]Sg'„ to stop crying.
e}+e}+ ;fKGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] w'OFw'OFlt vf]Hg'„ to search high and low; to search through; to ferret.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
297 e}+;f — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -d'F‚of _ e}+‚of — [gf= n.] ƒfFufsf] df;'„ the flesh of a buffalo that is eaten.
e}+:of/L — ƒfFufsf] df;'sf] Jofkfƒ ug]{ dfG5]„ a person who sells buffalo meat.
e} — [gf= n.] kj{t, bx, d"n íflbaf6 lg‚s]ƒ aUb} ;d'b|df ldl;g hfg] hnk|jfxÙ 7"nf] vfnsf] vf]nf]Ù gbL„ a natural wide flow of fresh water across the land into the sea, a lake, or another river; a river.
ef]+vfƒ plv. , glv. — [gf= n.] != skfnsf] 6'kL kfNg] 7fpFg]ƒ jf zƒLƒsf] s'g} efudf 3'd]ƒ pd|]sf] ƒf}Ù e'dƒL„ whorl-patterned hair that grows on the crown of your head; curly hair that grows on any part of your body. @=
?vsf] xfFuf] lau|]ƒ ePsf] ufF7f jf ;f] ufF7f]af6 ís}{ k|sfƒsf] kft;d]t lg‚s]sf] efu„ (of plants) a node. #= rƒfnfO{ kf;f]df kfg{ u'F8sf] dflyaf6 íf]bfg h‚t} uƒL ƒflvg] tLg v'§f ePsf] ƒ ;f]df ƒflvPsf] ;'sf{pg] kf;f];lxtsf] sf7„ a wooden snare for birds.
e}tfƒf — gbL jf vf]nfsf] b'a}tkm{ kg]{ jflƒkflƒsf] efu jf lsgfƒfÙ tLƒÙ t6„ the bank of a river; a riverbank.
e} dfaXlgGo! — [í=lqm= v.i.] íz'e, ílgi6, ísNof0f jf s'enf] x'g'„ (of sth unpleasant) to happen to sb; to befall. @= ífgGb gePsf]Ù dg k|;Ì gx'g]„ unhappy;
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
307 unable to feel excited or energetic about anything; down; dejected. >
dfaXlgGo@— dfgl;s jf ef}lts ífgGbaf6 ljd'v x'g'Ù dhf gífpg'Ù ífgGb gx'g'Ù ;'vb íg'e"lt gug{'„ to be disoriented from worldly pleasure; to be unhappy; not to enjoy.
dfanfF () — [gf= n.] ƒftf] ƒª†sf] u'ƒfF;Ù g]kfnsf] ƒfli6«o km"n dflgPsf] k'ik„ lj‚t[t -;f]ªf]ƒf_ red rhododendron (national flower of Nepal).
dfd — [lqm=lj= adv.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] -df d'OFGo! , ant. ‰Þo'FGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] ;'xfpFbf] tftf] x'g'Ù íg's"n tfkqmd k'Ug'Ù Gofgf] x'g'„ to be warm. > d'OFGo@ — [;=lqm= v.t.] s;}nfO{ bf]ifL xf] ls eg]ƒ íg'dfg nfpg'Ù s;}dfly zÍf nfUg', ug'{„ to suspect sb (of sth/of doing sth). > d'OFj , m. , ant. ‰Þo'Fj — [lj= adj.] zƒLƒn] l7ë dfÌ] ;'xfpFbf] tftf]Ù Gofgf]kgsf] íg'ej jf ífgGb dx;'; ulƒPsf]Ù Gofgf]„ at a fairly high temperature in a way that is pleasant, rather than being hot or cold; warm. > d'OFl;Go! — [;=lqm= v.t.] hf8f]n] s7Øfª†luF|bf ífuf jf
tftf] lrhsf] 5]pdf a;]ƒ zƒLƒnfO{ ttfpg'Ù Gofgf] kfg'{Ù ífuf] tfKg'„ to warm yourself by the fire. > d'OFl;Go@— hf8f]df 3fd jf ífufsf] ƒfkdf ífkm"nfO{ ;]sfpg'Ù 3fddf a‚g'Ù 3fd tfKg'„ to bask in the sun. d's'n'd — [gf= n.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] -dnf _ d'ª'ƒL — [gf= n.] sk8f íflb w'Fbf lk6†g k|of]u x'g] sf7Ù d'ª†u|f]„ a club used to wash clothes, etc.
d'l5Go , syn. , , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != km'sf] j‚t'df kfgL ƒfv]ƒ df]Ng'Ù ƒf]6L íflb agfpgsf] nflu kfgL ƒ kL7f] kmtn]ƒ ;ƒf]aƒ kfg'{Ù luhf]Ng'Ù d'5†g'„ to press something especially a mixture for making bread, etc. firmly and
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
d'Tsf repeatedly which the hands and fingers; to knead. @= s'g} bf]if jf íkƒfwdf
ífƒf]k, aft nufpg'Ù s'g} bf]if jf íkƒfwdf ;+nUg ƒx]sf] egL ls6fg ug'{Ù ífƒf]lkt t'Nofpg'Ù íkƒfwdf d'5†g'„ to blame sb (for sth); to allege sb; to accuse sb (of sth); to charge sb (with sth).
d'Tsf — [gf= n.] s;]ƒ kfƒ]sf] d'7LÙ d'8†sLÙ d'ëf„ a hand with the fingers and thumb held tightly in; a fist. > d'Ts}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] d'8†sLn] xfÌ'Ù d'8†¬fpg'„ to punch sb/sth. d'yf — [gf= n.] != 3fF;, kƒfn, ds}sf] gn íflbsf] 7"nf] la6f]Ù d'7f]Ù efƒL„ a large sheaf; a bundle (of grass, corn, etc.) @= ;do–;dodf ífjZos kbf{ sfd
lng] zt{df -vf; uƒL sfdL jf bdfO{nfO{_ jflif{s ¿kn] Psd'i6 lbOg] íÌÙ To;ƒL íÌ lbg] rngÙ afnL„ the total amount of grain given to the people (esp. the tailors; smiths) on the condition that they work for you for one year; such practice.
d'yfM — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -d'Tsf _ d'y" — [lj= adj.] != wfdL–´fFqmL ;DaGwL s'g} 1fg gePsf]Ù 6'gfd'gf ƒ tGqdGqsf] afƒ]df ígle1„ having no knowledge of black magic or witchcraft. @= ílt ;fdfGoÙ íNk1fgL„ very general; having little knowledge.
d'w'; — [gf= n. ÷k=e]= plv.] -vft< _ d'g — [gf= n.÷sf]ƒf=e]= krlv.] -ƒLM _ d'g}+ — [gf= n.] != e]8f, afv|fsf] pmg
312 sf6†g]÷slqg] sfdÙ pmg s6fO„ an act of shearing sheep and goats. @= e]8fsf] pmg sf6†bf dgfOg] pT;j„ a festival celebrated while shearing sheep; a shearing festival.
d'Gb'Sof — [gf= n.] != ƒftL jf íFWofƒf]df ífFvf b]Vg g;Sg] ƒf]uÙ ƒtGwf]„ night blindness. @= ƒftL jf íFWofƒf] x'Fbf b]Vg g;Sg] JolQmÙ ƒtGwf]„ a person suffering from this disease.
d'Gb'? — [gf= n.] wfdL, ´fFqmLåfƒf pkrfƒƒt† laƒfdLÙ dwf}ƒ?„ a patient being treated by a shaman or witch doctor; a shaman's patient.
d'Gb'Nof — [lj= adj.] != uxgfu'lƒof km'sfn]sf] jf gnufPsf]Ù gfs– sfgdf km'nL, d'Gb|L, a'nfsL ƒ ofln{ª íflb ¬} gePsf] jf gnufPsf]Ù a'Rrf]„ (of nose, ears) without any jewellery; bare (especially of a woman). @= gfs, sfg,
6fpsf], k'R5ƒ, xftsf íf}Fnfx¿dWo] s'g} íË gePsf], ´ƒ]sf]Ù zƒLƒsf] s'g} íË gePsf]Ù íËeË ePsf]„ maimed; mutilated. d'dL — [gf= n.] duƒ u'?ª dlxnfx¿n] u'Go'sf] ¿kdf k|of]u ug]{ ;;fgf yf]Kn] a'§f ePsf] ;'ltsf] l5k'jf sk8fÙ l56„ chintz. d'ƒrfFbLplv.,glv. — [gf= n.] of]gLsf] dfl:t/ kg]{ x8\8L efuÙ of]gLsf] l8nÙ euf]i7Ù kmfƒf„ pubic bone; folds on the outside of the female sex organs; labia.
d'lƒGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] dfbn, bdfxf íflbdf 5fnf ƒfVg'Ù df]g'{ jf km]g'{Ù df6fsf] 3}+6fnfO{ gkm'6f];† egL ;'ƒIffy{ ífjƒ0f ƒfVg'Ù ;'ƒlIft kfg{ s'g} lrh jf 5fnfsf] ífjƒ0f xfNg'Ù a]g'{Ù df]g'{„ to overlay a madal,
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
313 drum with skin; to cover an earthen pot with skin for protection; to overlay sth (with sth).
d'Sof{KGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] la‚tfƒ} rkfpFb} vfg] ug'{Ù dg gnfuL–gnfuL rkfpg'„ to chew sth slowly and unwillingly.
d'v{ — [gf= n.k=e]= plv.] _ d'bL{ plv. , slv. — [gf= n.] nxƒfdf kmNg] 8Nnf] eO{ tnltƒ km's]sf] x'g] t'Daf hftsf] Ps k|sfƒsf] kmnÙ 8Nn] nf}sf]Ù lr08f]„ a round gourd.
dáyf dáO! plv. , glv. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] d[tssf] d[To';+‚sfƒ ug{ zjnfO{ d;fg3f6df lnPƒ hfg] sfdÙ zjnfO{ 3ƒaf6 3f6;Dd k'¥ofpFbf ulƒg] zjofqfÙ dnfd„ an act of taking a dead body for burial or cremation; a funeral procession.
dáO@ — [gf= n.] != s;}sf] Ifdtfdfly ljÃf; gnfu]ƒ xf]RofPƒ elgg] zAb„ word used to insult someone showing your doubts about their ability to do sth.
d'd'{ƒ}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] lƒ;fPsf] a]nf k|i6 ¿kn] g;'lgg] uƒL PSn} jf PS;ƒf] ¿kn] af]lnƒxg'Ù í‚ki6 ífjfhdf af]Ng'Ù u'gu'gfpg'„ to mutter; to grumble.
d'lnGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != -s'g} lrhsf]_ d"No lgwf{ƒ0f ug'{Ù df]n tf]Sg'Ù bƒefp lglÁt ug'{„ to fix or estimate the price of things to be sold or purchased.
@= ífˆgf] hgfjƒn] ísf{sf] gi6 uƒ]sf] afnLgfnLsf] Ifltk"lt{ eg{sf] nflu d"NofÍg ug'{„ to estimate the recompense for the loss of crops that your cattle have caused.
d'n" — [gf= n.] kneƒsf] x]ƒfOÙ Ifl0fs b[li6„ a quick look; a glance. d'Nsf — [gf= n.] != bGs]sf] ífufsf] 7"nf] ƒ df]6f] HjfnfÙ bGs]sf] 7"nf] nKsf]Ù d'‚nf]„ flame; a tongue of flame. @= pn]{ƒ hf]8sf ;fy au]sf] kfgLsf] axfjÙ pn{+bf] gbLÙ vf]nf]Ù af9L„ the river in flood; flood.
@= of}jgfj‚yfdf r]xƒfdf lg‚sg] ;;fgf] lvno'Qm vl6ƒf]Ù 8G8Lkmf]ƒ„ pimples; acne. dáO# — [gf= n.] wg'df ƒfv]ƒ tfFbf]n] nIoltƒ x'Îofpg 3';fOPsf] -sfF8 afx]ssf]_ nfdf] lrh„ a thin stick to which an arrow head is fixed. -sf]yf]Nof< _ for picture.
dáOGo! , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] íf]7sf] aLraf6 j]usf;fy ;f; 5f8†g'Ù km'Sg'„ to send out air from your mouth; to blow.
dáOGo@ — [;=lqm= v.t.] != tGqdGq k9]ƒ laƒfdLnfO{ ´fƒkm's ug'{„ to exorcise. @= ífˆgf] k|efjdf kfg{ s;}nfO{ kmsfO km'nfO ug'{Ù sfg]v';L ug'{„ to beguile sb (into doing sth); to tempt sb (into doing sth); to whisper. #= s'g} sfd uƒ]h‚tf] ‚jfª kfg'{„ to pretend doing sth.
dáOkf] plv. , slv. — d'bf{ hnfpg], uf8†g] 7fpFÙ d;fg3f6Ù lrxfg3f6„ a grave; a graveyard; a burial ground; a cemetery; a cremation ground.
[gf= n.] vfg]s'ƒf ksfpg,
ífuf] afNg, tfKg ƒ
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
dáGo afxfg a;fNg agfOPsf] 7fpFÙ r'ºf]Ù r'nf]„ a fireplace; a hearth. ~kf]M — efG;f v08Ù efG;f sf]7f„ a room where food is kept prepared and cooked; a kitchen.
dáGo , syn. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != k'gM pkof]u ug{ gldNg] uƒL ífuf]n] gi6 kfg'{Ù vƒfgL kfg{'Ù 98fpg'„ to burn sth; to turn sth to ashes. @= d'bf{ kf]Ng'Ù zjbxg ug'{Ù hnfpg'„ to burn a dead person's body, usually as part of a funeral ceremony; to cremate.
dრ— [gf= n.] != vfBkbfy{df ldl;Psf] £o", t]n íflbsf] ld7f;Ù lrNnf] kbfy{df kfOg] dL7f] ‚jfb„ flavour or taste of fat or oily food. @= e'l6Psf] íÌ jf u]8fu'8L„ fried or roasted grains or beans. ~dgd — e'l6Psf] íÌnfO{ lkFw]ƒ agfPsf] kL7f]Ù ;ft'„ flour from such grains or beans.
dán , m. () — [gf= n.] lhpdf pd|g] ldlxg ƒf}+Ù e'TnfÙ ƒf]dÙ e'jf„ the hair that covers the bodies of some animal; fur. ~leÞmuXlƒdf] — [lj= adj.] ƒf]df~rsfƒLÙ slDkt uƒfpg]„ thrilling; hair-raising.
dá; plv. , glv. — [gf= n.] != hg]Gb|Lo jlƒklƒsf] ƒf}+Ù hfF7f„ pubic hair. @= -d`XF _ d";'ƒL — [gf= n.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] -ha/ _ d]+w}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] Ps lrhnfO{ ísf]{ lrh;Fu tf}n, ?k, u'0f, ‚jefj, d"No jf s'g} nIf0f;Fu t'ngf ug'{Ù le8fPƒ x]g'{Ù bfFHg'„ to compare. d`]+ () — [gf= n.] aNbf ƒfk ƒ tfk lbg], Hjfnf dfl‚tƒ p7†g] w'jfFbfƒ k|sfzs ílUgtÎjÙ
314 ífuf]„ fire. ~bfGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] bGsfpg'Ù ífuf] afNg'„ to light fire; to put a match to sth; to make/build a fire; to set fire to sth. ~n}MGo — st} ífuf]
;Nsg] agfpg'Ù ífuf] kfg'{Ù ;Nsfpg'Ù afNg'„ to light fire. ~;Ns}MGo — sf7, bfpƒf, OGwg íflbnfO{ ífufsf] ;Dks{ uƒfO{ aNg] t'Nofpg'Ù ;Nsfpg'„ to make sth start to burn. ~;`}Go — alnƒx]sf] ífu fnfO{ gaNg] kfg'{Ù lgefpg'„ to extinguish fire; to put out fire.
d]s — [gfof]= post.] ífkm" ƒx]sf] ‚yfgeGbf tnltƒÙ km]bdfÙ tn„ below. d]s;} — [lqm=lj= adv.] ílnslt tnltƒÙ s]xL tn„ further down. d]bf — [lqm=lj= adv.÷t;]=e]= tslv.] -hLMbf _ d]kmtfp , syn. — [lj= adj.] s'g} lglÁt lrhsf] tnltƒ kg]{Ù tlNtƒsf]Ù tNnf]Ù k'5fƒsf]Ù tnsf]„ positioned below one or more similar things, or of the bottom part of something; lower.
d]Mdf plv. , nblv. , ant. — [gf= n.] gfƒLhfltÙ ‚jf‚gLdfG5]Ù ‚qLÙ ífOdfO{Ù dlxnf„ a woman; a female; lady. > d]MdfhÞf — ‚qL ;GtfgÙ 5f]ƒLÙ k'qL„ a daughter. d]n , ant. , m. > — [gfof]= post.] ífkm" ƒx]sf]eGbf jf s'g} lrhsf] tnsf] 7fpFdfÙ tn„ at or to a lower level or position than sb/sth; below.
d]nf — [gf= n.] != v]tL–ls;fg íflbdf ldn]ƒ ulƒg] sfdsfhsf] í+zÙ d]nfkftÙ d]nf]„ allotted task; job; a piece of farm work. @= Pp6f sfdbfƒn] Pslbgdf ug{
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
315 ;Sg] sfd„ work especially in the field that can be done by one person in one day. #= sfdsf] l;nl;nf jf d];f]„ order of work.
d]‚d];f] , syn. , ant. — [lj= adj.] -5fnf_ 5'Fbf g} 3fp knf{ jf vt a‚nf h‚tf]Ù gƒdÙ sf]dnÙ d'nfod„ (of skin) soft. d`]< () — [gf= n.] != lsƒf, km6Øfª†u|f, df5f jf kz'kIfLsf kl5Nnf efuaf6 lg‚s]sf] nfdf] íjojÙ k'R5ƒ„ the part that sticks out and can be moved at the back of the body of a bird, an animal or a fish; a tail. @= [lj= adj.] -dflg; jf kfNt' hgfjƒ_ kl5kl5 nfluƒxg]Ù k©fOƒxg]„ (of people/animals) tending to follow continuously. ~uf]+ — k'R5ƒnfO{ dfl‚tƒ p7fpg] sfd„ an act of raising the tail.
d`] okok /`fp — [lj= adj.] s'g} ljsfƒ jf ladfƒLn] ubf{ zƒLƒsf] tfkqmd í;fWo} a9]sf]Ù Hjƒf]n] rfk]sf]„ suffering from a high fever.
od — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -Ujf _ odvfƒ — [gf= n.] b'O{ jf ;f]eGbf a9L af6fx¿ 5'l§g] jf ldl;g] 7fpF„ a junction; crossroads.
oDGo — [í=lqm= v.i.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] -!= :ofFGo _ oMGo{ — [;=lqm= v.t.] lyu|]gLnfO{ v‚g glbO{ tƒn kbfy{ dfq aufpg'Ù lyu|ØfPƒ tƒn kbfy{ aufpg'„ to pour out; to remove from solids; to filter liquids.
oMn > — [gf= n.] != n]bf] lrh yf]ƒ}yf]ƒ} uƒL nuftfƒ aUg] íj‚yfÙ ‚jfNn– ;'Nn eO{ aUg] aufO„ the flow of liquids
uƒ]ƒ ar]sf] í+zÙ z]ifÙ afFsL„ the parts of sth that are left after the other parts have been used, eaten, removed, etc.; remains (of sth).
o`NGo plv. , nblv. , hmlv. — [í=lqm= v.i.] afFsL ƒxg'Ù z]if aRg'Ù ƒxg'„ to remain after it has been used, etc.; to continue to exist; to remain.
ofF — [k=;=÷k=e]= plv.] -ƒ _ of! — [;j{= pron.] t[tLo k'?ifsf] ;j{gfdjfrL zAbÙ ífbƒfyL{ ax'jrg ;j{gfdÙ ífkm}x¿Ù pgLx¿Ù pxfFx¿„ (honorific) they. –of@ — [k|To= suf.] wft'df hf]l8Pƒ Psjrgjfrs ;Defjgfy{s lqmofkb agfpg] k|Too„ -e.g. tf±of Ö tfof æx'G5 xf]nf, aG5 xf]nf, aGnfÆ, af±of Ö afof æhfG5 xf]nf, hfnfÆ íflb„_ suffix added to a singular verb to express probability; it may be; he may go.
such as water; the very slow flow of a thick liquid; ooze. @= ;k{, uF8Øf}nf íflbsf] 3;|]ƒ lxF8†g] lxF8fO„ the slithering of a snake, earthworm, etc. > oNGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] gfª†nfdf xfnL dl;gf] kL7f]af6 ´g† dl;gf] 5fÌ'„ to separate fine flour from coarse flour by using a winnowing tray.
ofª — [k|To= suf.÷dl;=e]= mslv.] -ƒ _ ofª\Go — [;=lqm= v.t.÷sf]ƒf=e]= krlv.] -wf]+gfGo ) ofRof — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] ígfjZos ¿kn] a9L d'v rnfpg] ‚qLÙ d'vfn] ífOdfO{„ an impudent or impertinent
o`KGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] -wf]+gfGo _ o`n — [gf= n.] 5fg]ƒ, vr{ uƒ]ƒ jf k|of]u
ofMhÞ — [;j{= pron.] pgLx¿ g}Ù ífkm}„
woman; a woman having a sharp tongue; a sharp-tongued woman. they themselves.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
319 ofMtemLMt
, syn. — [gf= n.] a9†tf kftnf] lb;f
aUg] ƒ afGtf;d]t nfluƒxg] ƒf]uÙ ´f8fafGtfÙ x}hf„ cholera. ~tfGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] ´f8f–afGtfn] ;tfpg'„ to suffer from cholera.
ofMbfd]bf — [gf= n.] != pFwf]pef]Ù tn ƒ dfly„ up and down. @= 36La9LÙ sda];L„ more or less. @= -ofMtemLMt ) of†o — [;=lqm= v.t.] != df5fsf] e'ƒf íflbnfO{ hfnLbfƒ lrhn] 5fÌ'Ù kfgLaf6 e'ƒf 5'6Øfpg'„ to catch young fish in a net. @= tƒndf ƒx]sf] 7f]; j‚t' ínUofpg'Ù 5fÌ'„ to filter water; to separate solid from liquid.
ofGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] -PGo ) ofMGo — [;=lqm= v.t.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] -emXlƒGo ) ofKGo , syn. , ant. — [í=lqm= v.i.] -lrh_ df]6fO 36†g'Ù kftlng'Ù afSnf]kg sd x'g'„ (of an object) to become less thick; to thin out.
of/ofƒf] , ant. — [lj= adj.] -lrh_ ;f¸} kftnf]Ù ífjZos df]6fO gePsf]„ (of an object) very thin. ofMn — [lqm=lj= adv.] s'g} lglÁt 7fpFsf] íf;kf;g]ƒÙ glhssf] 7fpFdfÙ st}„ -e.g. ífofMn Ö oxL íf;kf;, xf]ofMn Ö pt} st}, gofMn Ö ToxL íf;kf;df, sfgofMn Ö s'g} st}ltƒ„_ somewhere near. o`f! — [gf= n.] != k|f0fLsf] vfg], af]Ng] ƒ sƒfpg] íËÙ d'v„ (of the part of the face) mouth. @= 3fp, vl6ƒfsf] d'vÙ Kjfn„ the centre of a sore. ~sn]Ml;Go
— [í=lqm= v.i.] r]nLdfOtLsf]
íufl8 íÂLn nfUg] s'ƒf ug{ íK7Øfƒf] dfÌ'Ù ífkm"eGbf 7"nf jf íu|hnfO{ s]xL eÌ ws dfÌ'„ to feel uneasy to use vulgar language in front of women who are your relatives, or to be reluctant to talk with elders. > o`fªd — [gf= n.]
vfg] dg of OR5fÙ ef]usf] rfxgfÙ ef]sÙ ?lr„ appetite. ~ªDGo — vfg]s'ƒf vfg dg nfUg'Ù ?lr hfUg'Ù ?Rg'„ to be hungry; to have appetite. ~km/kmƒ sfMGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] ífkm"eGbf 7"nfn] eg]sf] s'ƒfsf] ttfQ} hjfkm kmsf{pg'Ù d'vd'v} nfUg'„ to answer sb back; to talk back. ~n]p — [lj= adj.] a9L af]Ng]Ù d'vfn]Ù rf]yfn]„ sharp-tongued; foul-mouthed. ~l;;}Mj — vfg]s'ƒf yf]ƒ} dfqfdf vfg jf rfVg kfpFbf ´g† í¿ a9L vfg kfP x'GYof] eÌ] nfu]sf]Ù dg nf]lePsf]„ to feel more desirous for and tempted to eat more of sth you have tasted.
o`f@ — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] ;]tf] ƒªsf] afFbƒÙ u'gf„ a white-coloured monkey. o`fr¥of — [lj= adj.] ífjZostfeGbf a9L s'ƒf ug]{Ù x'Fbf]gx'Fbf], eP gePsf] s'ƒf hf]8]ƒ ukm ug]{Ù s'ƒf}6]„ talkative; garrulous.
o`fM — [lj=jf]= intj.] la;]{sf] s'g} sfd jf s'ƒf Pëfl; ;D´g k'Ubf ;x;f d'vaf6 pRrflƒt x'g] lj‚doflwaf]ws zAbÙ íf]xf] Û ífDd} Û y'ë Û word used to express the idea that you have just remembered sth; oh! Oh shit!
o`fsf — [gf= n.] != x]ëfÙ ‚d[ltÙ ;D´gfÙ ofb„ a memory of something that
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
o`fyg happened in the past; remembrance; recollection; reminiscences. @=
lgufnfsf] rf]ofnfO{ Ps ísf{df 3';fPƒ agfOPsf] ;D´gfsf] lrgf]sf] ¿kdf k|of]u ulƒg] j‚t'Ù ;D´gfsf] nflu lbOg] s'g}klg lrgf]„ an object made of nigālo splits that is offered to someone as a token of love; anything that is offered as a token of love.
o`fyg — [gf= n.] ksfpgsf] nflu tofƒL íj‚yfdf ƒx]sf] kL7f]Ù tTsfn} k|of]udf Nofpg ldNg] vfB„ flour or anything that is ready to cook; dough.
o`fk — [gf= n.] 5fnfsf] kv]6f x'g] ƒ ;f]df g} v'§f klg hf]l8Psf] x'g] Ps hËnL hLj„ a flying squirrel.
o`fkfn , syn. — [gf= n.] 7"nf] vfnsf] Eofu'tf]Ù kfxf„ a frog. o`flkl;Go `— [í=lqm= v.i.] nuftfƒsf] p7a;n] ubf{ dgn] glhs 7fÌ'Ù glhsaf6 lrghfg ƒ p7a; ug'{Ù x]nd]n x'g'Ù ífTdLohgsf] dx;'; ug'{„ to feel that you are close (to sb); to be familiar with each other; to be intimate with sb.
o`fKGo `— [í=lqm= v.i.] != ífkm"eGbf ;fgf jf afnaRrfx¿dfly ;fgfltgf e'n ubf{ g} xft xflnxfNg] afgL kg'{Ù í¿nfO{ ;;fgf uNtLd} s'6†g dg nfUg'„ to have the habit of beating the minors for their offences. @= s'g} lglÁt 7fpFdf ífjthfjt
ulƒƒxg afgL kg'{Ù st} uO jf ífOƒxg dg nfUg'„ to have the habit of frequenting somewhere; to feel like visiting a particular place.
o`fd — [gf= n.] -emfnf< _ o`f;f — [gf= n.] kfNt' hgfjƒnfO{
320 v'jfpgsf] nflu dl;gf] agfOPsf] kf]if0f ldl>t g'g„ salt-mixed food given to animals; fodder.
o`f‚Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] lxpF, aƒkm kUng'„ (of ice and snow) to thaw (out); to melt.
o'F (), m. () — [gf= n.] != 5ftLleq b]a|]kl§ ƒxg] zƒLƒeƒ ƒQm;~rfƒ uƒfpg] íËÙ d'6'„ (part of the body) heart. @= ljz]if 1fg ug]{ ;+j]bgzLn lgƒfsfƒ OlGb|oÙ ÅboÙ dgÙ lrQ„ the place in a person where the feelings and emotions are thought to be, especially those connected with love; heart.
#= í;n ƒ vƒfasf] 1fg x'g] zlQmÙ ljj]sÙ íGtMsƒ0f„ the part of your mind that tells you whether your actions are right or wrong; conscience. > o'Fcfg — sfds'ƒf gx'Fbf, k"0f{ ug{ g;lsFbf
jf ;kfg]{ k|of; ubf{ub}{ lau|g k'Ubf dgdf x'g] lrGtfÙ Jofs'ntfÙ pb†ljUgtf„ the state of feeling upset or annoyed; vexation; impatience; irritation. ~s'lNkGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] s'g} j‚t' jf s;}k|lt dg nf]lePƒ ífpg'Ù nf]e nfUg'„ to have desire for sth; to be attracted to sb; to be greedy for sth. > o'Fs}! — [gf= n.] ífkmGthgnfO{ s;}n] lbPsf] b'j{rg
;'Ìk'Ubf ífkmGtdfly dg vfg] l‚ylt, pmdfly ePsf] b'Jo{jxfƒ b]Vbf jf p;nfO{ ífOkƒ]sf] laklQdf ífkm" klg ddf{xt x'g] íj‚yf„ the situation when you feel sorry for your relatives when they are insulted or misbehaved by someone, or when they suffer. > o'Fs}@— í¿nfO{ ¬} lbg'kbf{
v]ƒ uPsf] 7fÌ] ‚jefjÙ sGh'‚ofOFÙ dg vfg] l‚ylt„ unwillingness to give or share
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
321 things; meanness; parsimony. > o'Fsf]nf — [gf= n.] -o'Fcfg _ ~So`fGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] s;} jf s'g} lrhk|ltsf] rfxgf d]l6Pƒ hfg'„ to lose interest in sb/sth. ~v'nf; — [gf= n.] s;}k|lt v';L ƒxg] íj‚yfÙ s;}sf] Jojxfƒn] kfOg] ;Gt'li6„ the situation when you are happy or satisfied with sb or with their behaviour. ~vf]tf]ƒf] — s'g} lrhsf] vfltƒ ulƒg] jf‚tfÙ rf;f]Ù kjf{x„ concern for sth. ~ufnf] — í¿sf aRrfdfly ulƒg] ufnLaf]ws zAb„ word used to scold a child other than yours. > o'F–t t`f]nf]! — [lj= adj.] -Jojxfƒ_ dgdf rf]6 kg]{ vfnsf]„ (of people) unkind; rude; harsh. > o'F–t t`f]nf]@— -dd{ jf¬_ dg
b'vfpg] vfnsf]Ù -jrg_ tLvf]Ù -af]nL_ lrQ b'vfpg] vfnsf]„ (of comments) hurtful (to sb); cutting. > o'Ft" — [gf= n.] d'vaf6 tLtf]–íldnf] kfgL ífpg] ljsfƒ„ increase in acidity in your stomach (that produces acidic saliva or spit). > o'Fy"! — gjLg 36gf jf ljifosf] k|;Ë
íflb ;'Ìf;fy dgdf p7†g] dL7f] jf ífzfdo Kof;Ù rf}rf}Ù sf}t"xntfÙ pT;'stfÙ v'nb'nL„ curiosity. > o'Fy"@— s;}sf] enfOsf] vfltƒ x'g] lrGtfÙ 9'ë gx'gfsf] íj‚yfÙ jf‚tfÙ kjf{xÙ ;ƒf]sfƒÙ rf;f]„ a feeling of worry or anxiety; care; concern for sb. > o'Fgfp — [lj= adj.] bof ug{ nfossf]Ù l67 nfUbf]Ù bof hfUbf]Ù bogLoÙ dfof nfUbf]„ pitiable; heart-rending; pathetic. ~gfGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] s;}nfO{
kƒ]sf] b'Mv ;D´]ƒ jf b]v]ƒ bof hfu]ƒ ífpg'Ù l67† nfUg'Ù dfof knfpg'Ù l67fpg'„ to pity; to feel sorry for sb. > o'Fgfn —
o'F [gf= n.] w]ƒ} b'Mv jf lkƒ kƒ]ƒ nuftfƒ ƒf]Oƒxg] sfd„ an act of crying ceaselessly. ~kXƒLMj — [lj= adj.] afNofj‚yf
k"ƒf uƒ]sf]Ù a'l4 l5lKkPsf]Ù xf]; ;Dxfn]sf]„ (of people) fully grown; mature. > o'Fkf< — [gf= n.] s;}sf] ;DaGwaLr
x'g] kmf6f] jf ;dfl¨Ù ífk;L s6'tfÙ dgd'6fjÙ j}dg‚o„ enmity (between A and B); hostility; abhorrence; animosity. > o'Fk}+ — s'g} lrhsf] k|fl¨, ;d[l4 íflbafƒ] dgdf nfUg] ífzfÙ o‚tf] xf];†, p‚tf] xf];† eÌ] s'ƒfsf] ífGtlƒs sfdgf, ílenfiffÙ rfxgfÙ nfn;fÙ OR5f„ wish (to do sth)Ù wish (for sth). ~ˆof o'Flan — afGtf ífpnf ífpnf h‚tf] x'g] íj‚yfÙ jfsjfsL„ nausea; vomiting tendency. > o'Flan bfGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] afGtf ífpg vf]Hg'Ù jfsjfsL nfUg'„ to feel nauseated; to feel sick. ~af]df] — [lj= adj.] lƒ;fP jf 7'‚s] klg t'?Gt} dg kmsf{pg]Ù dgdf kfk sk6 gkfNg]Ù xn'sf dgsf]„ candid; easy going; open-hearted (though they may look apparently harsh). ~dfuƒfFj — ;fgfltgf lrhdf ;d]t
nf]e uƒL nfdf] xft ug]{Ù ísf{sf] ílnslt ePklg rf]?Frf]?F nfUg]„ kleptomaniacal. ~dfhfdf] — dg gkbf]{ jf kmf]xf]ƒ s'ƒf] b]v]ƒ dgdf l;sl;sf] nfu]sf]Ù 3[0ff jf l3g nfUbf]„ unpleasant; disgusting; revolting. ~dfhfDGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] l3g dfÌ'Ù l;sl;sf] nfUg'Ù l3gfpg'„ to be disgusted (at/by/with sb/sth); to feel abhorrent to. ~dftf o'Fnfp — dgn] rfx]sf] jf ?rfPsf]Ù lrQ a'‰bf]Ù lk|o„ loved and liked very much; dear; beloved. > o'Fn]p — ;fx;LÙ d'6' b¸f] ePsf]Ù ífF6L„ courageous; brave. ~;X¥o'! — [gf= n.] 8ƒnfUbf] j‚t' b]Vbf eofgstfsf] sNkgf
your own wish; your own volition. > o'F:ofgL — [lqm=lj= adv.] s;}sf]
ƒ 8ƒqf; íflbsf] ;D´gf x'Fbf dgdf nfUg] íTof;„ fear; terror. ~;X¥o'@— dg} 3f]Rg] vfnsf] jf íz'e k|sfƒsf] ufnL ;'Gbf eljiodf ;fFRr} s]xL x'G5 ls egL dgdf k}bf x'g] qf;Ù dgdf kg{] íf3ft„ a sense of foreboding that you have when you are cursed or sworn at by someone else. ~;Xl;`DGo! — [í=lqm= v.i.] ljkIfL jf
ljƒf]wLnfO{ b'Mv, ljkb kbf{ jf kg]{ vfnsf] lqmofsnfk uƒL v'lzofnL dgfpg'Ù ljkIfLsf] b'Mvdf ífTd;Gt'li6 dx;'; ug'{„ to enjoy or be happy when you find your enemies in trouble or by troubling them. ~;Xl;`DGo@— ljƒf]wLnfO{ kƒ]sf] ljkb b]v]ƒ
;Gtf]if dgfpg'Ù laƒf]lw;Fu k|ltzf]w jf abnf lng'„ to be happy when your enemies are in trouble; to avenge yourself on sb. ~;Xx'Bf{Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] gƒfd|f] Jojxfƒ jf af]nLn] í¿sf] dg b'vfOlbg'Ù lkƒ kfg'{„ to hurt someone by your rude behaviour or word; to worry someone. > o'Fl;n — [gf= n.] íUnf] 7fpFaf6 tnltƒ x]bf{ nfUg] 8ƒ jf íTof;Ù sxfnL„ dizziness; acrophobia. ~l;`DGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] ljƒf]wLnfO{ ífkb jf b'Mv kbf{ v';L dfÌ'„ to be happy when your enemies are in trouble. >
dGq0ff jf ;Nnfxa]uƒÙ ífˆg} v';LƒfhLn]Ù ƒfhLv';Lsf ;fyÙ ‚j]R5fk"j{sÙ lbn}b]lvÙ ‚j]R5fn]„ as per your wish; out of your own volition; done, made or given willingly; voluntarily. ~xfOl;jf tfGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] st} k'Ug
jf s'g} lrh kfpg íTolws rfxgf a9]ƒ ífpg'Ù ífzdo sf}t"xntfn] ;Ldf gf£g'„ to be desperate to get sth or to reach somewhere; to be overwhelmed by a surge of curiosity. ~x'kf] — [lj= adj.] sfd s'ƒfdf s;}k|lt lgw{ë eO{ eƒ kƒ]sf]Ù 9'ë ƒx]sf]„ secure; set at rest; assured. > o'Fx'ƒ — [gf= n.] s;}sf]
b'MvnfUbf] s'ƒf], jrg jf Jojxfƒn] dgdf kƒ]sf] rf]6„ mental or emotional pain caused by sth unpleasant that has been said or done to you; a wound. ~x'Go{ — [í=lqm= v.i.] s;}sf]
gƒfd|f] Jojxfƒn] dg b'Vg'Ù sf]tg'{Ù sr]6†g'„ to feel wounded by someone's rude behaviour. ~x'/x'ƒ — [gf= n.]
í¿sf íÌ, wg jf íGo ef}lts pknlAw b]v]ƒ dgdf p7]sf] nf]eÙ Oiof{Ù 8fxÙ í¿nfO{ lbO;lsPsf] ¬} lrh kl5 ;D´]ƒ dgdf nfUg] ysysL„ envy; jealousy; the feeling of regret (for sth that you have already given to sb). ~xf]nfF — dgdf 5fPsf] zflGtÙ 9'ë„ the state of being calm or quiet; peace; the feeling of being secure.
o'Fwf , ant. — [gf= n.] hf8f] ofdsf] ;doÙ 7G8Lsf] df};dÙ lxpFb„ the coldest weather; winter.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
323 o'Go , m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] != ƒ; jf ƒl;nf] kbfy{ s'g} íGtƒ, l5b| jf Kjfnaf6 ´g'{Ù lglÁt 7fpF afx]s íGoqaf6 r'lxg'Ù ƒ;fpg'Ù r'x'g'„ (of liquid) to get in or out through a small hole or crack in sth; to leak; to seep. @= uf]Ko s'ƒf yf]ƒ}
dfqfdf aflxƒ hfg'Ù uf]kgLotf eË x'g'Ù s'ƒf r'lxg'„ (of information) to leak out. o'l;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.÷y=e]= tlv.] -Ol;`Go) oá< plv. , slv. , hmlv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] dg'iofsfƒsf] ‚tgkfoL hËnL hgfjƒÙ afFbƒ„ a monkey. oál;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] íkfgjfo' 5f8†g'Ù kfb†g'„ to fart; to break wind. > oáGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] s;}nfO{ nlIft uƒL íkfgjfo' 5f]8†g'Ù tfs]ƒ kfb†g'„ to fart (aiming at someone else).
oá‚of , llv. — [lj= adj.] nuftfƒ kflbƒxg]Ù Hofbf kfb†g]Ù kb'jf„ tending to fart too much.
o`]g — [gf= n.] s'g} p2]Zo k"ƒf ug{sf] nflu zfƒLlƒs, dfgl;s, af}l4s ¿kn] ulƒg] lqmofsnfkÙ >dÙ sfdÙ sfo{„ physical work; toil; task. ~s}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] hfgL–ghfgL s'g} sfddf xft xfNg'„ to begin doing sth knowingly or unknowingly; to set about doing sth. ~bfGo — s'g} sfd ;DkÌ ug{ nflukg'{Ù sfd ug'{Ù >d aufpg'„ to work hard to accomplish sth; to work; to toil.
o`]g lg bL — [gf= n.] ¬} sfd gkfO{ a]ƒf]hufƒ ƒxg] l‚yltÙ sfd g sfhsf]
íj‚yf„ joblessness; the state of being unemployed.
o`]Go{ — [;=lqm= v.t.] ¬} lrhnfO{ kf]Ng jf ksfpgsf] nflu sf7, bfpƒf, u'OF7f íflbnfO{ OGwgsf] ¿kdf hnfpg'„ to use sth (fire wood, dung cakes) as fuel.
–of] — [k|To= suf.] wft'df hf]l8Pƒ Ps hgfnfO{ eljiodf ¬} sfd ug"{ eg]ƒ íg'ƒf]w ug]{ jf í¸fpg] íy{ lbg] k|Too„ -e.g. h}±of] Ö h}of] æug"{Æ, HÞo'±of] Ö HÞo'of] ævfg"Æ íflb„_ singular imperative suffix.
of]Go plv. , llv. , ant. , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != j‚t' lbPƒ d"No lng'Ù a]r]ƒ lrh dflysf] ílwsfƒ÷xs TofUg'Ù df‚g'Ù laqmL ug'{Ù a]Rg'„ to sell sth (to sb) (at/for sth) to sell sb/sth (at/for sth). @= 7Ug'Ù 5Ng'„ to cheat; to deceive.
of]MGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] != dgn] OR5f uƒ]sf] k"0f{ x'g'Ù lrtfPsf] k'Ug'„ (of hope, wish, desire) to materialise; to come true; to be fulfilled. @= elƒk"0f{ eO{ ía
grflxg] x'g'Ù rfx]hlt k"ƒf k'Ug'Ù ífjZos g7flgg] x'g'Ù kof{¨ x'g'Ù k'Ug'„ to be sufficient.
of]Mdfof] — [gf= n.] != k'U5–k'U5 h‚tf]Ù ´G8}–´G8}Ù ílnílnÙ k'ugk'uÙ nueuÙ slƒa„ approximately; nearly; almost; close to. @= w]ƒyf]ƒÙ sda];L„ more or less; about.
o`f] — [gf= n.] nxƒf ´}F yfFqmf]df a]lƒg] ƒ hƒfdf kmNg] jg‚kltÙ t?n„ a potato-like root from a tropical climbing plant that can be eaten; yam.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
/ /X — [gf= n.] sf7 an]ƒ vƒfgL aÌ'eGbf klxNo} lgefPƒ ƒflvPsf] lrhÙ ífuf] lge]sf] íFufƒÙ uf]nÙ sf]Onf„ charcoal. /XaL — [gf= n.] íÌkft, la?jfsf] ev{ƒ} knfpg nfu]sf] ;fgf]ltgf] ufFhÙ af]6Ù la?jf„ a close growth of young crops; a young plant.
/XlNsGo v.i. , v.t. — [k=e]= plv.] oyf‚yfgaf6 ís}{ltƒ lrKng k'Ug'Ù ;g'{„ to move away from a position; to slide.
/Xl;Go — [;=lqm= v.i.] != s'g} s''ƒf, sfd, sfƒ0f íflbdf lrQ ga'´L s;};Fu q'm4 x'g'Ù s;}sf] grflxFbf] Jojxfƒ b]v]ƒ ´f]lsg'Ù dfgl;s tgfjn] ífj]zdf ífpg'Ù lƒ; p7†g'Ù hlËg'Ù lrl9g'Ù lƒ;fpg'„ to be angry (at/about/over sth); to rage (at/against/about sb/sth); to be annoyed or irritated. @= ík|;Ì x'g'Ù a]v';L x'g'Ù í;Gt'i6 ƒxg'„ to be unhappy.
/XxXgL — [gf= n.] s'ƒf ubf{ ;xL zAb tTsfn gífPƒ índlnFbf ífpg] lgƒy{s zAbÙ s'ƒfsf] aLraLrdf afƒafƒ bf]xf]¥ofOg] lgƒy{s zAb jf jf¬f+zÙ y]uf]„ a cliche; a filler word.
/XlxGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] != -sfd, s'ƒf]_ rlnƒx]sf] l;nl;nf 6'6†g'Ù 5'6 x'g'Ù 5'6†g'Ù afFsL ƒxg'„ (of work/talk) to be discontinued. @= z]if, afFsL ƒxg'Ù aRg'„ to remain; to continue to exist.
/`XF! plv. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] n]sltƒ
kfOg] ƒËLrËL KjfFv x'g] ;'Gbƒ hftsf] Ps kIfLÙ g]kfnsf] ƒfli6«o rƒf] dflgPsf] rƒf]Ù 8fFkm]„ Monāl pheasant; Lophophorus (the national bird of Nepal).
/`XF@— [gf= n.] != 3fF; vfg] hgfjƒsf 6fpsfdf pd|]sf]] s8f íËÙ l;ª„ a hard pointed part that grows, usually in pairs, on the heads of some animals, such as sheep, cows; horn.
/`XF# — [gf= n.] b]Vg], b]vfpg] sfd jf To‚tf] 9ËÙ b[li6Ù b]vfO„ an act of seeing sb/sth; sight of sb/sth; sight. –Go!— [í=lqm= v.i.] ífFvfåfƒf j‚t'sf] ?k–ƒª, ífsfƒ–k|sfƒ tyf b[Zo íflbsf] 1fg kfpg'Ù b]Vg'„ to become aware of sb/sth by using your eyes; to see. –Go@— b'Mv si6 ef]Ug'Ù íg'ej ;FufNg'Ù sfon x'g'Ù r]Tg'„ to suffer; to learn a lesson from one's experiences; to learn a lesson from sth unpleasant.
/`XGo , ant. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != n'uf, sk8f, ;'s'n, dfGb|f], 8f]sf], df]hf, 6f]kL, ‚jL6ƒ íflb tofƒ kfg'{Ù a'Ì'„ to weave (cloth, carpet, basket, sweater, etc.); to knit sth. @= [í=lqm= v.i.] ;tx ldn]ƒ ;Dd, aƒfaƒ x'g'„ to be even; to be smooth.
/`Xf]t„ a source of water; a water spring.
l/`d}+ , syn. — [gf= n.] ttfPsf] kfgLÙ tftf] kfgL„ boiled water; hot water.
l/`DGo plv. , hmlv. , m. , ant. — [;=lqm= v.t.] lxnf]df6f], OF6f, 9'Ëf íflbaf6 3ƒ, kvf{n íflbsf] leQf 78Øfpg'Ù ufƒf] nfpg'Ù lrÌ'„ to build or erect a wall.
l/`;ƒd — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -cf]bf] _ ƒL plv. , krlv. — [gf= n.] a]n'sf íFWofƒf] ePb]lv laxfgsf] pHofnf] geP;Ddsf] íjlwÙ ƒftLÙ ƒft„ night. ?`F () > — [gf= n.] != -7f];_ afSnf]kgÙ df]6fOÙ ;3gtf„ thickness. @= sd b'ƒLdf ƒf]lkPsf] jf afSnf] eO{ pd]|sf] af]6la?jf, jghËn íflb„ thickly grown plants; a thickly wooded area.
?F`j , syn. , ant. , — [lj= adj.] df]6fO a9L ePsf]Ù
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
afSnf]„ having a large distance
7fpF–7fpFdf uf8†g'„ to uproot young
between two sides; thick.
plants from a bed and plant them somewhere. @= 8G8L, vDaf íflb 78Øfpg Psfltƒsf] 6'Kkf] hldgdf uf8†g'Ù ƒf]Kg'„ to plant or erect a pole, etc. somewhere; to put sth up.
? — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] -!= ldF _ ?OGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != k'gM pRrfƒ0f ug'{Ù af]n]sf] af]nL bf]xf]¥ofpg'Ù bf]xf]¥ofPƒ km]lƒ eÌ'„ to say sth again; to repeat what you have already said; to reiterate. @= ulƒ;s]sf] sfd jf s'ƒfnfO{ km]ƒL bf]xf]¥ofpg'„
?K‚of — [lj= adj.] -k'?if_ dg} nf]Eofpg] vfnsf]Ù ;'GbƒÙ ífsif{sÙ ƒfd|f]„
to repeat what you have already done.
(of males) mandsome; attractive; charming; comely.
?uL! , ant. — [lj= adj.] ƒf]un] ;tfPsf]Ù í‚j‚yÙ ƒf]uL„ suffering
?Ghf — [gf= n.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] -df?d _ ?DGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != ¬} lrhnfO{ w'Nofpg'Ù s'6†g'„ to grind sth; to crush sth into fine powder; to pulverize. @= xft jf s'g} ;fwgåfƒf s;}nfO{ tf8gf lbg', lxsf{pg'Ù 76fpg'Ù uf]b†g'Ù r'6†g'Ù lk6†g'„ to
from an illness or disease; not feeling well; sick; ill.
?uL@ — [gf= n.] ƒf]u nfu]sf] dfG5]Ù laƒfdL„ a sick person; a patient.
?3f — [gf= n.] kftnf] l;F3fg r'x'g], xflR5pF nfluƒxg] ƒ Hjƒf];d]t ífpg] Ps k|sfƒsf] ;?jf ƒf]uÙ ?3f„ flue; influenza; the common cold.
?lËGo — [gf= n.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] -vflbGo _ ?lhGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != OR©fPsf] dfG5], j‚t' jf lrhaLh íflbnfO{ w]ƒ}dWo]af6 5fÌ'Ù rog ug'{Ù r'Ì'Ù ƒf]Hg'„ to choose; to select; to elect. @= dg}b]lv rfxg'Ù dgkƒfpg'Ù lbn a‚g'„ to like sb/sth; to love sb/sth.
?gf — [gf= n.] yf]ƒ} ƒftf] ƒªsf] x'g] Ps k|l;4 vlgh wft'Ù tfdfÙ tfFaf]„ copper. ?Go — [;=lqm= v.t.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] -!= :ofFGo ()_ ?lkGo , ant. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != a]gf{nfO{ Aof8af6 pv]n]ƒ v]tafƒLdf ƒf]Kg'Ù ;fg{ ldNg] vfnsf] af]6–la?jfnfO{
hit sb, usually very hard; to beat or kick sb; to thrash sb.
?nf — [gf= n.] kfgL gkƒ]ƒ ;'Vvf x'gfsf] l‚yltÙ ígfj[li6Ù v8]ƒL„ drought. ?Nsf — [lj= adj.] a]ngfsf] h‚t} ífsfƒsf]Ù 8f]nf]„ cylindrical. ?NGo v.t. , hmlv. , v.i. , ant. (v.t.) , v.i. — [k=e]= plv.] sfut, dfGb|f],
lrqf] íflbnfO{ ;f]nL -a]ngfsfƒ_ h‚t} uƒL bf]Ao|fpg'„ to roll (sth) (up) (into sth). ?N?nf] , syn. ant. , , — [lj= adj.] zƒLƒdf s'g} xf8
sƒª g} gb]lvg] uƒL df]6fPsf]Ù ;'lDnPsf]Ù íy'nfPsf]„ (of people/animals) very fat; husky; fatty.
?lxGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] ufgf], uf]nf,
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
334 ds]{sf] g;f]nfO{ k"j{jt† íj‚yfdf Nofpg dfln; ug'{„ to rub and press a person's body with the hands to reduce pain in the muscles and joints; to massage.
?!` () > (), ant. () — [gf= n.] k|f0fLsf] zƒLƒleq ƒxg] ;aeGbf s8f -;]tf]_ lrhÙ xf8„ any of the hard parts inside a human or animal that make up its frame; bone.
?@` () > (), ant. — [gf= n.] íf]vƒ, íf? íflb kmnsf] ;f¸f] va6f]Ù xf8] efu„ a large hard seed inside some types of fruit, such as walnut, peach, etc.; a stone.
?`O plv. , nblv. , hmlv. , m. — [gf= n.] lƒª†g], p8†g], 3;|]ƒ lxF8†g] vfnsf] ;fgf] hLjÙ lsƒf„ an insect. ~df]+ — lsƒfsf] ¿kdf ƒx]sf] a]nf zƒLƒdf jLhf0f" kgf{;fy s7Øfª†lu|Pƒ jg‚kltdf klƒ0ft x'g] of}g zlQmjw{s dflgg] RofpÙ lxdfnL 8'nGt] ´fƒÙ ofrf{u'Daf„ cordicep; Giradinia Diverssifolia/gyn./G.heterophylla.
?`f]Ù ljsNkÙ j}slNks„ an alternative. ?` ƒ]3] sf ƒ]3] — [gf= n.] sfdljgf g} s;}nfO{ k©fOƒxg], 8'lnƒxg] sfdÙ íf]xf]ƒbf]xf]ƒ„ an act of following someone or walking here and there without any purpose; coming and going.
ƒ]Ëf]Pt]Ëf]P -— [gf= n.] a‚b}, pleFb} lxFl8g] la‚tfƒ}sf] ofqfÙ la‚tfƒ} lxFl8g] lxF8fO„ detouring; slow walk; lingering.
/]n — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -ufaƒf _ ƒ]Nwf]+j — [lj= adj.] ladfƒL íflbn] ubf{ zƒLƒ sdhf]ƒ eO{ n'q'ë kƒ]sf]Ù zlQm IfL0f ePsf]Ù lgGofpƒf]„ (of people) feeble; frail; weedy.
ƒ]NGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] v;|f]–dl;gf], ƒfd|f]–gƒfd|f], kmf]xf]ƒ–;kmf, íflbaf6 5fg]ƒ 5'6Øfpg'Ù 5fÌ'„ to separate sth good from bad; to separate the liquid part from the solid part; to sieve; to strain sth (off ).
ƒ]Nkf — [gf= n.] != b'Anf], dflg; jf k|f0fL„ a thin person or animal. @= af];f]
married to; husband. A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
ƒ]NafNof k6ë} gePsf] hgfjƒsf] df+;„ the meat of a very thin animal; meat without fat.
ƒ]NafNof — [lj= adj.] != ífˆg} w'gdf ukm 5fF6]ƒ í¿sf] ;do vr{ ulƒlbg]Ù lbë nfUbf] s'ƒfsfgL ug]{„ one who talks too much wasting other's valuable time; a garrulous person. @= ;Gbe{ljxLg
lqmofsnfk uƒL d'Vo p2]Zo jf ljifonfO{ íf]´n] df kfg]Ù{ ljifoj‚t'nfO{ uGtJoljxLg agfpg]„ having the habit of talking about sth that is not connected with the main point of what you are saying; digressing; wandering from the point.
ƒ]Nƒ]nf] — [lj= adj.] -tƒn kbfy{_ y's, l;Fufg, of]lgƒ;, ¥ofn íflb h‚t} RofkRofk]Ù n]‚ofOnf]Ù lrKnf]Ù n]‚;fbfƒ„ (of saliva, spit, etc.) sticky.
ƒ]Mj — [lj= adj.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] -t`fp _ ƒ]j}ƒ]j} () — [gf= n.] otfptf 8'lnƒxg] sfdÙ 3'd3fd„ an act of
well, spring, etc. from where people collect drinking water.
/`]tf]tf] — [gf= n.] != 3Rr kg]{ 7fpF íf]u6]ƒ a‚g] sfd„ an act of sitting somewhere occupying much space and disturbing others. @= nfdf] lrhnfO{ 3Rr kg]{ uƒL st} t]‚of{Pƒ ƒfVg] sfd„ an act of putting a long object somewhere so as to obstruct and disturb others.
/`]k — [gf= n.] gƒfd|f] xƒs ;a}ltƒ km}lng] íj‚yf„ the situation when a revolting smell spreads around. ~kf]MGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] b'u{Gw km}n]ƒ ;xg} g;lsg] x'g'„ to be unbearable due to such a smell.
/`]nf]ƒ]nf] — [lqm=lj= adv.] != ysfgn] nvtƒfg eO{ e'OFeƒ ;'ltƒxg] uƒL„ in the manner of lying with your arms and legs stretched out. @= nfz jf d[t b]xx¿ 5lƒPƒ ƒxg] lsl;dn]Ù nDk;fƒ„ in the manner of corpses lying on the ground.
lingering, detouring or wandering around; a short walk in or around a place; wander.
/`]‚Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] ísf]{ 7fpFdf ljjfx uƒ]ƒ hfg'Ù kf]On hfg'„ to get
ƒ]Ml;Go! plv. , syn. — [í=lqm= v.i.] km'6]sf] w;f]{ b]lvg'Ù km'6†g} nfUg'Ù rs{g'„ to break without dividing into
married to sb and leave one's parental home for her husband's home village; to elope (with sb).
separate part; to crack.
ƒ]Ml;Go@ slv. , nbv. — [;=lqm= v.t.] tfn, ;'ƒ, no ldnfO{ uLt eÌ'Ù ƒfu ínfKg'Ù uLt ufpg'„ to make musical sounds with the voice, usually a tune with words; to sing.
ƒ`] — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] s'jf, wfƒf] cflb kfgLsf] >f]t ePsf] 7fpFÙ kfgL lng uOg] ;fj{hlgs ynf]„ a source of water like
ƒ}+of — [gf= n.] ‚qLx¿n] gf8Ldf nufpg] sfF8fo'Qm, r]K6f], rfFbLsf] afnf„ a flat silver bracelet worn by women.
/`}+Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] ífFvfsf] íufl8 k|s6 x'g'Ù b]vf kg'{Ù b]lvg'„ to appear; to come into sight.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
ƒ} — [gf= n.] j+z kƒDkƒfsf] ífwfƒdf ƒfi6« k|d'vsf] ílwsfƒ k|f¨ JolQmÙ ƒfhf„ a
hf]8†g'Ù bfDkTo hLjgdf afFlwg'Ù ljjfx ug'{„
male ruler of a country, who holds his position because of his birth; a king.
/`}l;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] != dg axnfpg, zƒLƒ ‚jR5 ƒfVg jf ;do s6fpg s'g} lqmofsnfk ug'{„ to do sth for a recreation. @= afhL ƒfv]ƒ s'g} v]ndf efu lng'Ù v]n v]Ng'„ to take part in a sport;
/}sƒ! — ltƒf] ltƒ]ƒ ef]urng ug{ kfOg] hUufhldg„ the land that you can use after paying tax.
/}sƒ@ — [gf= n.] -l;df{ _ /}r'ª — [gf= n.] ƒfhf dxfƒfhfx¿ ljƒfhdfg x'g] ljlzi6 íf;g„ the special chair used by a rule, especially king; a throne.
ƒ}s] , ant. , syn. — [;=lqm= v.t.] ;dfrfƒ jf j‚t' Nofpg ífb]z lbg'Ù Nofpm egL í¸fpg'„ to order sb to bring sb/sth; to fetch sth.
ƒ}yfGof , ant. — [gf= n.] ‚yfoL¿kn] klxNo}b]lv a;f]af; ub}{ ífPsf afl;GbfÙ íflbjf;L„ permanent residents; indigenous people.
ƒ}MGo plv. , nblv. , ant. , syn. , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] ‚jf‚gL, sdfO jf s'g} lrh lnPƒ ífpg'Ù Nofpg'„ to bring a wife, earnings
or sth; to receive; to bring to fetch.
ƒ}dtf} , syn. , ant. — [lj= adj.] íf]©fg, e'OF, ;tx íflbdf aRrfx¿n] lk;fa km]ƒ]ƒ ;a}ltƒ leh]sf]„ (of the floor, bed, etc) wet with water or children's urine. ~tfGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] ;a}ltƒ leHg'Ù hldgsf rfƒ}ltƒ kfgLkfgL x'g'Ù kf6†g'„ to be glutted with water; to be soaked with water; to be submerged by water.
ƒ}l;Go , ant. — [;=lqm= v.t.] ‚qLk'?ifaLr nf]Ug]–‚jf‚gLsf] ;DaGw
to get married to sb; to marry sb.
to compete against sb in a game; to play. #= h'jf–tf; íflb v]Ng'Ù to gamble. $= ƒfd|f]–gƒfd|f] sfddf vf; e"ldsf v]Ng'„ to try your hand at sth; to play a role.
ƒf]+sf! , ant. — [lj= adj.] lgd, sƒ]nf] íflbsf] h‚t} ‚jfbsf]Ù tLtf]„ having a strong, unpleasant taste; not sweet; bitter.
ƒf]+sf@ — [gf= n.] í;fWo} tLtf] x'g] Ps k|sfƒsf] jg‚kltsf] hƒf„ the bitter roots of a type of plant; a type of plant that has bitter roots.
ƒf]+tfƒf]+tfp — [lj= adj.] -ƒ}dtf} _ ƒf] — [gf= n.] hf]8 lbg, k'gk|{dfl0ft ug{ jf k|i6 kfg{ k|Àsf] nuQ} ;Fu;Fu} bf]xf]¥ofPƒ ulƒg] k'gMk|Àsf] zAbÙ xf] < xf] ƒ Û x}g ƒ < xf] < word used for emphasis, verification or clarification; a tag question; is it? Isn't it.
ƒf]s — [gfof]= post.] -tf]t _ > /f]s;} — íln dflyltƒÙ s]xL dfly„ a bit further up.
ƒf]vfnf — [gf= n.] ;'ƒIffsf] nflu kfnf] kxƒf lbg] JolQmÙ kfn]Ù kxƒ]bfƒÙ rf}sLbfƒ„ a person who is employed to a guard; a watchman.
/f]uf]g — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] _
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
ƒf]ª ƒf]ª! , ant. — [gfof]= post.] != ífkm" ƒx]sf] ‚yfgb]lv l;ƒfgltƒÙ dfl‚tƒ„ a
sƒfpFbf, af]Nbf jf lr;f]sf] sfƒ0fn] ‚jƒdf u8a8L ífpg'Ù unf a‚g'„ (of the throat)
higher place or position than sb/sth; above. @= íUnf] 7fpFdfÙ dfly„ on the higher place; above.
to go dry because you have been speaking, shouting or singing for a long time, or because of cold.
/f]ª@ — [gf= n.÷p=e]= ulv.] -ƒf]Ëf] _ /f]Ëf] llv. , slv. , ulv. ,
ƒf]kf — [gf= n.] ƒf]Kg jf ;fg{ tofƒ kflƒPsf] slnnf] la?jfÙ a]gf{„ a young
tslv. , tlv. , hmlv. , glv. — [gf= n.]
!= rfƒ xhfƒb]lv bz xhfƒ lkm6;Ddsf] prfOdf km'Ng] nfDrf, v;|f, df]6f kft x'g] k|foM ƒftf] – -dfanfF _Ù ;]tf] – -v'F _Ù a];fƒ] – -l;hÞf _ íflb ljljw ƒªdf km'Ng] ƒ #@ k|hflt;Dd x'g] k|l;4 jgk'ik jf jgs';'d„ Rhododendron barbalum Wall. ex. G. Don.@= g]kfnsf] ƒfli6«o km"n uf9f ƒftf] – -dfanfF _ dflgPsf] km"nÙ nfnLu'ƒfF;„ red rhododendron. (It is the national flower of Nepal.)
ƒf]t — [gfof]= post.] -tf]t _ ƒf]tfp— [lj= adj.] -tf]t' _ ƒf]bf , ant. — [gfof]= post.] ífkm"eGbf jf s'g} lrhsf] dfl‚tƒÙ pFef]ltƒÙ dflyltƒ„ above. ƒf]Wof — [gf= n.÷n'=e]= llv.] -r'OF _ ƒf]Ghf]s — [gf= n.] d'Vo lrhdf ld;fOg] s'g} lrhsf] yf]ƒ} í+z„ a small portion of sth mixed into sth in order to make it tastier, lovelier, etc.
ƒf]MGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] w]ƒ} ufpFbf,
plant; a seedling.
ƒf]afn — [gf= n.÷n'=e]= llv.] -w't _ /`f] — [gf= n.] != vf; dtnaÙ p2]ZoÙ ljifo„ the purpose or aim of sth; a subject. @= ljrfƒdf k|s6 x'g] h'g;'s} s'ƒf]Ù u|Gy jf ƒrgf íflbdf ljj]lrt k|;Ë„ a context; a topic. #= [gfof]= post.] afƒ]dfÙ kIfsf]Ù ;DaGwdf„ concerning sb/sth; about sb/sth; regarding; as regards. ~emffk„ a curse that is believed to affect you when you insult an elder person or show disrespect to them. @= Vofn 7§fÙ 76Øf}nLÙ xF‚;Ldhf„ a joke; a prank; a jest. > n`XGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] 76Øf}nL, xF‚;Ldhf ug'{„ to joke; to jest; to play a prank on someone. ~dfnfUo' — [gf= n.] ífkm"eGbf h]7f]h]7L
jf dfÌ'kg]{ JolQmnfO{ í¸fpg'k"j{ k|of]u ulƒg] dfkmL ƒ lzi6frfƒaf]ws zAbÙ dfkm ug'{;†Ù Ifdf kfpF„ word used for apologising for sth; sorry; "I'm sorry, Excuse me".
–n! — [lje= bibh.] zAbsf] kl5lNtƒ hf]l8O{ íy{df leq, dfly, dWo íflbsf] efj a'´fpg] k|TooÙ dfÙ leq„ added to a noun in order to indicate location; in; on/above; in the middle.
–n@ — [lje= bibh.÷;]=e]= slv.] -P _ nsRofMƒL — [lqm=lj= adv.] -lrlkr]nf{ _ nsh's — [lqm=lj= adv.] ífsn´'ënÙ slxn]sfxL+Ù obfsbf„ occasionally; sometimes; once in a blue moon.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
nstfsh]+ nstfsh]+ ()— [gf= n.] ƒftL 3'dlkmƒ ug]{ ‚tgkfoL kIfLÙ rd]ƒf]„ a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies at night; a bat.
nyflnËf} — [lj= adj.] a]lylt;Fu ;ƒ;fdfg 5lƒPsf]Ù í‚tJo‚tÙ ínkq„ scattered; disordered; shambolic.
nb/v'b/! () , syn. — [gf= n.] ljljw k|sfƒsf íg'kof]uL j‚t'x¿sf] y'k|f]„ a pile nstfsh]+
of unused or unwanted things.
without any stoppage or halt; ceaseless; incessant; continuous.
nb/v'b/@ — [gf= n.] != afns, a[4, ƒf]uL jf zfƒLlƒs ¿kdf í;Ifd JolQm jf k|f0fLx¿„ an underage, too old, ill or handicapped person or animal. @= í;Ifd ƒ íof]Uox¿sf] hdft„ a group of
nv/avƒ () — [gf= n.] -sk8f, sfuh íflb_ RofltPƒ jf yfª†gf ePƒ ag]sf] ;;fgf] 6'qmf]Ù w'hfÙ ´'qf„ torn
nbabf} — [lj= adj.] alnof] ƒ s8fkg gePsf]Ù sdhf]ƒÙ gfh's„ soft;
nsTofMƒL — [lj= adj.] s'g} sfds'ƒf jf s'g} k|;Ësf] qmd jf l;nl;nf g6'6†g]Ù lgƒGtƒÙ íljlR5ÌÙ gƒf]lsPƒ„
pieces of cloth, paper, etc.; shreds; craps.
nud — [gf= n.] 3ƒfo;L sfdJojxfƒsf] l;nl;nfk"0f{ ƒfz„ a pile household chores.
nunu -— [gf= n.] qf;, qmf]w, ífzÍf h‚tf dfgl;s ;+j]u íyjf hf8f], ƒf]u jf sdhf]ƒLsf] sfƒ0fn] pTkÌ x'g] zfƒLlƒs sDkÙ y'ƒy'ƒÙ n'un'u„ convulsions because of fear, anger, cold or weakness.
nuƒ — [gf= n.] kmfkƒsf] kL7f]af6 ag]sf] ;'Vvf ƒf]6L„ roti made from buckwheat flour.
nª†t lg aª†t () — [gf= n.÷p=e]= ulv.] -TofToflttL _ ntnt (— [lqm=lj= adv.] s'g} lrh km'Qkm'Q lgl‚sƒxg] rfndfÙ n't'n't'„ in the manner of coming out one after another.
incapable people.
weak; tender; fragile.
nGbs]{ — [gf= n.] xft–uf]8f ƒfd|ƒL 6]Sg g;s]ƒ Ujfnf{Dd 9Ng], kN6g] l‚ylt To;ƒL kN6Fbfsf] lsl;d„ the situation when one collapses or falls in a heap.
nGb}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] != kN6g] uƒL 5f]8†g'Ù n8fpg'Ù u'N6fpg'„ to cause sth to turn over; to turn sth over. @= aRrfnfO{ n]6fpg'„ to put a baby to bed. nKtf — [gf= n.] xy''{Ëf] ƒ íf}Fnfsf] km]ƒsf] df´sf] ulxƒf] 7fpFÙ xTs]nfÙ k²ff„ the inside part of your hand from your wrist to the base of your fingers; palm. > nKt}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] na6fn] lxsf{pg'Ù r8†sg, yKk8 lbg'„ to slap; to smack.
nKGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] s'g} j‚t'df ísf]{kl§af6 lg‚sg] uƒL tLvf] lrh 3';fpg'Ù 5]8†g'„ to pierce a hole in sth; to gouge; to bore a hole in sth.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
343 nkmTofª†u'j — [lj= adj.] ‚jfefljs nDafOeGbf a9LÙ nDafO í‚jfefljs ¿kn] a9]sf]Ù nfdf] g nfdf]Ù w]ƒ} nfdf]„ very long; too long. nkmƒfpgL — [gf= n.] na6fn] lxsf{pg] sfdÙ r8†sg„ an act of slapping; a slap.
nkmƒ}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] -nKt}Go _ nkmƒfnkmƒfp — [lj= adj.] -af]6–la?jfsf] d'gf, kft_ dnhn k|z‚t k'u]ƒ ‚j‚y eO{ knfPsf]Ù -kft_ 7'N7'nf ƒ lrNnf„ (of sprouts/leaves) healthy and well-grown; large and smooth.
nabf — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -lenLl;F ()_ ~emf nabfpGof — [lj= adj.] -JolQm_ í¿n]
ífˆgf] ‚jfy{sf] nflu k|of]u uƒ]sf] yfxf gkfpg]Ù ífˆgf] enfOsf] afƒ]df ígle1„ gullible; naive; ignorant.
nab}Go — [;=lqm=] sfd gnfUg] lrh x'OF¬fpg'Ù kmfNg'Ù ³fFSg'„ to throw sth useless carelessly or without much thought; to chuck; to sling.
naf; — [gf= n.] d'vaf6 lg‚sg] ‚ki6 Wjlg jf zAbÙ pRrfƒ0f„ pronunciation. n/`f — [gf= n.] -/`nf _ nnxlanx () — [gf= n.] != ;f¸} íJojl‚yt ƒ e2f lsl;dn] sk8f íflb nfPsf] jf íf]9]sf] íj‚yf„ when
your dress improperly. @= ;f¸} nyflnË
tlƒsfn] sfƒf]afƒ jf Jojxfƒ lau|Fbfsf] l‚ylt„ when everything is disordered or in a shambles.
nn} — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -rxrx _ nNoftf]ƒf]j — [lj= adj.] lhp rnfpg} g;lsg] uƒL un]sf]Ù ylstÙ n‚t ag]sf]Ù nvtƒfg„ exhausted; worn out. n;}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] ífˆgf] 3ƒkfn'jf hgfjƒsf] ‚ofxfƒ ;';fƒ ulƒlbgsf] nflu s;}sf] lhDdfdf 5f]8†g'Ù kfngkf]if0f ulƒlbg egL s;}nfO{ ;'Dkg'„ to leave one's cattle in the hands of someone else; to entrust one's cattle with someone else.
n‚s}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] l9F8f], xn'jf íflbnfO{ kGo'Fn] d‚sfpg'Ù íf]8fNg'„ to stir flour meals such as dhindo, haluwā, etc. with a spatula.
n‚Sof — [gf= n.] íGTofg'k|f; ldNg] rfƒ kª†lQmsf] í7f¸ duƒft If]qsf] k|l;4 nf]s uLt„ rhyming pattern of a famous folk song originally from Athāra Magarāt Region. It rhymes like abab.
ªfÚltlƒl;s] u'ƒ dfn]p hÞ od h}Go–P h'FgL lgn}=== duƒÚƒ ofÚaflsg tfVof] n]b íh} ª`fbf ífÚlsg lgn}=== nxƒ — [gf= n.] s'g} sfds'ƒf ug{, hfÌ jf ¬} k|f¨ ug{ dgdf nfUg] ulxƒf] rf;f]Ù rfxgfÙ OR5fÙ ƒxƒ„ interest; concern; desire; fascination.
n`knkf}! — [lj= adj.] kfgL jf To‚t} tƒn lrhn] k"ƒ} leh]sf]Ù lgy|'ë kƒ]sf]Ù
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
NofkmNofkm, lgy|'ë}„ completely wet;
íjlwÙ laxfgb]lv a]n'sf;Ddsf] aLrsf] ;doÙ
drenched/soaked/wet to the skin.
lbpF;f]„ the period when it is naturally
n`knkf}@ — [lj= adj.] -nkmƒfnkmƒfp _ nfFGo (), ant. — [;=lqm= v.t.] s'g} lrh jf ;"rgf íflb Ps 7fpFaf6 ísf]{ 7fpFdf lnPƒ hfg'Ù ífkm";Fu} nfg'Ù n}hfg'Ù nUg'„ to take with you message or
light; day (between morning and evening).
nfM plv. , nblv. , slv. — [gf= n.] @) jif{;Dd afFRg] % k|hflt;Dd x'g] lxF;|s kz'Ù af3„ a tiger.
anything; to take sth with you.
n`fF () — [gf= n.] s'g} ‚yfg, If]qeGbf aflxƒ kg]{ If]q jf ynf]Ù leqb]lv aflxƒ„ the outer part or side of something; outside.
n`fFGo! — [í=lqm= v.i.] != sfdsf] r6fƒf] sd x'g'Ù km';{bsf] ;do lg‚sg'Ù sfd l;l4g'„ to have some free time after doing a lot of things; (of work) to be over. @= le8ef8 sd x'g'„ (of a crowd) to thin out; to melt away; to dissolve.
n`fFGo@ — [í=lqm= v.i.] -/`fFGo ) n`fFk — [gf= n.] != leqL ífTdfb]lv g} hfu]ƒ ífPsf] s'g} lrhk|ltsf] pTs6 rfxgfÙ lt;{gf„ a strong desire or longing for sth; an itch for sth. @= sfd jf;gfÙ of}g rfxgf„ a sexual desire; lust. ~;`}Go! — [;=lqm= v.t.] pkef]u uƒL s'g} lrhsf] rfxgf d]6fpg'Ù OR5f k"ƒf ug'{„ to satisfy your requirements or desires. ~;`}Go@— of}g t'li6 k"ƒf ug'{Ù of}g rfxgf d]6fpg'„ to satisfy your sexual desires.
n`fFn`fFleÞmdleÞmd ()— [gf= n.] slxn] aflxƒ ƒ slxn] leq ulƒƒxg] rfn„ the situation when someone is restless and fidgety.
nf — [gf= n.] ífsfzdf ;"o{ b]lvpGh]nsf] ;doÙ ;"of]{bo ePb]lv ;"of{‚t gx'Gh]nsf]
nfM –nfP plv. , slv. , glv. — [lje= bibh.] ænfO{Æ íy{sf] ljelQmÙ nfO{„ added to a noun meaning 'to'.
nf< plv. (), hmlv. — [gf= n.] sfFwd'lgsf] vf]lkN6f] efuÙ sfvL„ armpit. nfs¥ofnsƒ]Mj — [lj= adj.] efFlrPƒ jf hf]gL{ 5'l§Pƒ nyflnË ePsf]Ù etfe'Ë„ maimed, mutilated, broken and scattered (because the joints are dislocated).
nfs'd — [gf= n. sf]ƒf=e]= krlv.] -rf]Tof ) nfs" — [gf= n.] s;}nfO{ af]nfpg] xft xNnfOÙ af]nfpg] ;Í]t„ a signal of hands moved to call someone; a gesture. > nfs"nfs" — xft xNnfPƒ lxF8†g] sfd„ an act of walking moving your hands back and forth.
nfuflauf — [gf= n.] != sfdsf] r6fƒf] kƒ]ƒ EofO{–gEofO{ ePsf] íj‚yf„ the situation when you are too busy or have piles of work to do; a hectic schedule. @= sfd l5§} gl;l4Pnf ls egL íTof;n] x'g] dgsf] r~rntf„ a panic-
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
345 stricken situation. #= w]ƒ}nfO{ Ps} ;fy nv]6†g] sfd„ an act of chasing or driving away many (person/animals) at the same time.
nfluGo , ant. — [í=lqm= v.i.] uef{zodf e|'0f lgdf{0fsf] k|lqmof z'? x'g'Ù ue{ a‚g'Ù k]6 af]Sg'Ù uef{wfg x'g'Ù ue{ wfƒ0f ug'{Ù ule{0fL aÌ'Ù ue{jtL x'g'„ to
nfMhf] — [gf= n.] dfGohgsf] ;fd' kbf{, íg'lrt jf íÂLnk"0f{ sfd jf Jojxfƒ íflbsf] íg'ej ubf{ x'g] ws, ;ª†sf]r jf í;lhnf]Ù ;ƒdÙ nfh„ shyness; timidity; reluctance. > nfMhf]kt¥of — [lj= adj.] nfh dfÌ] ‚jefjsf]Ù nfh jf ;ƒd dfÌ]Ù nHhfzLnÙ nhfn'Ù nhfpg]Ù ;Íf]rL„ (of people) shy; reluctant.
become pregnant; to conceive.
nfluGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] -nflu‚Go! _ nflu‚Go! , ant. — [;=lqm= v.t.] s'g} sfdsf] z'?jft, p7fg ug'{Ù sfddf nflukg'{Ù k|fƒDe ug'{Ù sfddf xft xfNg'„ to begin doing sth; to try your hand in sth; to initiate sth.
nflu‚Go@ —[í=lqm= v.i.] -ljÃf;_ vfPsf] s;d jf lslƒof íg';fƒ k|lt1f k"ƒf gubf{ bf]if, kfk jf >fk nfUg'„ (of common beliefs) to be under a curse when you fail to keep your promise or vow.
nfUbf — [gf= n.] dlxgfsf] z'?ltƒsf] ;doÙ dlxgf z'? x'g] a]nf„ the beginning of a month.
nfª — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] ;'Tgsf] nflu sf7, kmnfdaf6 jf 8f]ƒL a'g]ƒ agfOPsf] rfƒv'§] vl6ofÙ rfƒkfO{Ù vf6„ a sleeping bed made of strong ropes.
nfª\3f! — [gf= n.] rflxFbf], grflxFbf] sfds'ƒf íflbdf nfUg xf}‚ofpg]nfO{ ulƒg] ljÃf;Ù í¿n] b]vfPsf] unt af6f]Ù aƒflng] jf axlsg] sfdÙ axsfj6„ when you are misled by trusting someone who beguiles you.
nfª\3f@ — [gf= n.÷d=9"= m.] _
nfTofMnf]t] — [gf= n.] 3ƒ, blng, 9f]sf, d´]ƒL, rf}sf, r'nf], bnfg íflbdf uf]aƒ–df6f] íflbn] ulƒg] lnkkf]tÙ lnKg] ƒ kf]Tg] sfd„ an act of painting and plastering a house by thinly smearing wet clay mixed with cow dung; painting and plastering. ~h}Go! — [;=lqm= v.t.] lnkkf]t ug'{Ù lnKg'„ to paint and plaster or smear walls, floor, etc in this way. ~h}Go@— lunf] lrhn] s'g} lrhdfly nfUg] agfpg'Ù lnK;g'„ to stick sth.
nfb — [gf= n.] != k]6sf] af];f]o'Qm 5fnfÙ n'Fbf]„ the stomach skin with fat; flabby stomach. @= ífkmGt jf ldqhgsf] íufl8 JoQm ulƒg] ‚g]xdoL JojxfƒÙ dfofn] ulƒg] nl8a'8L jf xfpefp„ an endearing behaviour shown to one's relatives or friends; an endearing gesture. > nfb}Ml;Go! — [;=lqm= v.t.] ífTdLohg;Fu e]6 x'Fbf dfofsf]
xfpefp k|bz{g ug'{Ù dfofsf ;fy íÍdfn ug'{Ù b'Mv ;'vsf afƒ]df ‚g]xk"0f{ enfs';fƒL ug'{„ to hug or embrace someone whom you have met after a long time; to hug someone; to exchange pleasantries. >
nfb}Ml;Go@— ífkmGthg, r]nLa]6L ƒ dfOtLaLr ‚g]xk"0f{ Jojxfƒsf ;fy sf];]nL lng]lbg] ug'{„ to exchange gifts between relatives of
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
nfbg married daughters.
nfbg — [gf= n.] e]8f, Rofª†u|f íflbnfO{ ;fdfg ƒfv]ƒ af]sfpg agfOPsf] pmg jf ƒ];fsf] y}nf]„ a woolen or cotton bag or sack carried on the back of sheep, mountain goats, etc.
each other. nfbg
nfkL — [gf= n.] nfdf] ƒ 7"nf] vfnsf] sfg ePsf] e]8L, afv|L„ a ewe or nanny
nflbu'lbp — [lj= adj.] -7f];_ 5'6Øfpg uf¸f] x'g] uƒL lunf] lrhleq ldl;Psf]„ (of solid) mixed into sth soft or soggy, nfb" — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] _
;Fu}sf] ‚yfgg]ƒÙ 5]pdfÙ ;Fu}Ù ;fy}„ at a short distance away; near; along. > nfk–n — ;Fu}sf] s'g} lglÁt ‚yfgg]ƒ jf leqÙ sfvdf„ nearby; alongside. > nflK;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] sfFwdf sfFw ldnfO{ íÍdfn ug{'„ to hug or embrace
nfGo! v.i. , m. , n. — [k=e]= plv.] ;Ns]sf] ífuf] Ps 7fpFaf6 í¿ltƒ a9†b} km}ng'Ù ífunfuL x'g'Ù ílUgsf08 x'g'„ (of fire) to break out; to spread. nfGo@ — [í=lqm= v.i.] != -v]t, afƒL, rf}ƒ, vs{ íflbdf_ hgfjƒn] rƒgdf 3fF; vf]h]ƒ vfg'Ù rg'{„ to eat grass; to graze. @= vfg]s'ƒf nuftfƒ vfOƒxg'„ to eat continuously. nfk — [gf= n.] != sfFwdf sfFw ldnfO{ íFufnf] xfNg] sfdÙ íflnËgÙ íÍdfn„ an act of hugging or embracing someone; hug; embrace. > nfKGo! — [;=lqm= v.t.] íFufnf] xfNg'Ù íÍdfn ug'{„ to hug or embrace someone. > nfKGo@— ;dy{g ug'{Ù ;dy{gdf kfg'{„ to support sb/sth. @= [gfof]= post.] gfd, ;j{gfd jf ljz]if0fjfrs
goat with big, long ears; a long-eared ewe or nanny goat.
nfKof — [gf= n.] 7"nf] jf nfdf] sfg x'g] e]8f jf afv|f„ a sheep or goat with big, long ears.
nfK;f — [gf= n.] df;' jf s'g} lrhsf] demf}nf rf]S6f]Ù rf]S6feGbf s]xL 7"nf] df;'sf] 6'qmf]„ a medium-sized chunk of meat. nfkmf! — [gf= n.] != xfjfsf] bafj sd ePsf] 7fpFdf ífpg] xfjfsf] rqmÙ e'dƒL„ a tall column of spinning air which moves across surface of the land or sea; a whirlwind; a twister.
nfkmf@ — [gf= n.÷d=9"= m.] -plv. g}+ _ nfd — [gf= n.÷d=9"= m.] -hmlv. Ujf _ nfDhf — [gf= n.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] ;fu–l;‚gf] l6Kg k|of]udf ífpg] ;fgf] ífsfƒsf] 8f]sf]„ a small doko-basket used for collecting leafy vegetables.
zAbkl5 ífPƒ 5]p jf glhs eÌ] íy{ a'´fpg] zAbÙ glhsÙ jƒÙ ;dLkÙ ;flÌWo„ added
nfDkf — [lj= adj.÷;]=e]= slv.] kfgL kbf{ íf]9†gsf] nflu ef]nf{sf] kftaf6 agfOPsf] 3'd„ a leaf umbrella, made
to a noun, pronoun or adjective to show proximity; near; beside; next to. > nfk–s — [lqm=lj= adv.]
from bhorla leaves interwoven with bamboo strips, used as protection against rain; ghum.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
347 nfDn'df] — [lj= adj.] != s'g} lrhnfO{ ƒfd|ƒL a]ƒ]ƒ leq kflƒPsf]„ (of objects) completely wrapped. @= -sf]7f íflb_ ;a}ltƒaf6 ‰ofn9f]sf aGb ulƒPsf] jf gePsf]„ (of rooms) with all windows and doors closed. @= ;a}ltƒaf6 5]lsPsf], 9flsPsf] jf aflƒPsf]„ surrounded with a fence; completely covered.
nfMdáO — [gf= n.] duƒ hfltdf] ljz]if xTj ePsf] wg' ƒ jf0fsf] í‚qÙ wg'jf{0f„ archery; bow and arrow.
–lnGo jf sDan íflbsf] 6'qmf„ pieces of rug kept inside the woollen shoes called docha.
n`fdnf]d — [gf= n.] ílníln dfq kfSg] uƒL pl;Ì] sfd„ an act of cooking food partly by boiling it; to parboil.
n`f‚Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] gªsf] km]b jf jlƒklƒsf] kftnf] 5fnf pëg'Ù pr]ƒf hfg'„ (of hangnails) to be separated from the flesh.
nfnfMn'n' , syn. , ant. — [gf= n.] ;dosf] íefj ePƒ sfd l5§} gl;l4Pnf ls egL x'g] íTof;Ù xtktÙ x8a8Ù xtfƒxtfƒ„ haste. nfN5gf! — [gf= n.] s'g} s'ƒf kfpgsf] nflu ulƒg] leqL rfxÙ ík]IffÙ OR5fÙ rfxgfÙ nfnr„ a desire (for sth); a longing (for sth); an expectation.
nfN5gf@ — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -cfd _ n`f< > — [gf= n.] != km;L{, sfFqmf] íflbsf] leqsf] laofF ƒxg] sdnf] efuÙ u'bL„ the flesh of pumpkin, cucumber, etc.
n`fp sf nfp — [gf= n.] gƒf]lsPƒ ;ƒf;ƒ lxFl8ƒxg] sfdÙ ;ƒf;ƒ„ walking straight ahead.
n`fKGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != af]6la?jfsf] d'gf, kft íflb l6Kg'„ to pluck leaves, sprouts. @= x•Laf6 df;' df;' 5fg]ƒ ínu kfg'{, 5'6Øfpg'„ to separate meat from bone.
n`fd — [gf= n.] bf]rfleq ƒflvg] pmgL
lnu'ƒf — [gf= n.] efƒLdf ;fdfg yfDg, í8Øfpg afƒ íflb afg{sf] nflu k|of]udf ífpg] dl;gf], nfdf] sf7„ a wooden post used to make a frame at which a load rests, or which supports a load or a fence.
lnHÞof — [í=lqm= v.i.] t[tLo k'?ifdf k|of]u ulƒg] jt{dfgsflns Psjrgjfrs zAbÙ 5„ existential 'be' indicating the third person singular present form; is, there is. > lnHÞofÚgL — jt{dfgsflns låjrgjfrs zAbÙ (pgL b'O{ hgf 5g†„) dual form (for two) (There are two people.) > lnHÞofÚƒ — jt{dfgsflns ax'jrgjfrs zAbÙ pgLx¿ -tLgeGbf w]ƒ}_ 5g†„ plural form (for more than three) (There are many people.)
lnGo! — [;=lqm= v.t.] != a;f]af; ug'{Ù ƒxg'Ù a‚g'Ù 7xg'{„ to live in a particular place; to live; to settle down. @= íl‚tÎjdf ƒxg'„ to exist; to remain somewhere. #= pkl‚yt x'g'Ù k|‚t't x'g'„ to be present somewhere.
–lnGo@— [k|To= suf.] lqmofljz]if0fdf hf]l8Pƒ ;sd{s lqmofkb aÌ] k|Too„ added to an
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
lnkL adverb to derive a transitive verb. > P]lnGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] o;/L ug'{ jf o;f] eÌ' -cy{ lbg] lqmof_„ to tell sb to do or say sth in this way or manner. > g}÷x} lnGo — To;f] ug'{ jf eÌ'„ do this way.
lnkL — [gf= n.] aflxƒL ‚j?k, ífsfƒk|sfƒ íflbn] dg nf]Eofpg] vfnsf] ;'GbƒÙ dgdf]xsÙ ífsif{s„ attractive; luring; beautiful. > lnkLMlnkL! — rf6†b} k'R5ƒ xNnfpFb} k|bz{g ug]{ s's'ƒsf] dfofÙ dfof ƒ pksfƒ k|bz{g ug]{ s's'ƒsf] xfpefp„ (of a dog) expressing the sense of familiarity or gratitude by wagging its tail. > lnkLMlnkL@— s;}k|lt
ílt lgs6 ;DaGw ƒ k|]defj ƒx]sf] b]vfOg] xfpefpÙ ífkm" s;}sf] lxt}ifL ƒx]sf] b]vfpg] sfd„ an activity that shows how close and dear you are to someone else.
lnDkf — [gf= n.÷u=e]= glv.] -cf]nfd _ lnƒLlaƒL — [gf= n.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] -cfnfhfn _ ln;XM — [gf= n.] != rf8kj{ jf ljz]if íj;ƒ íflbdf r]nLa]6Ln] dfOtLnfO{ sf];]nLsf] ¿kdf nlulbg] hfF8–ƒS;L„ liquor offered as a present by married women to their parental side on special occasions. @= ;aeGbf klxnf] afxfgdf lg‚s]sf] ƒS;L„ liquor produced in the first lot of brewing.
ln; — [gf= n.] íÌ, kmnkm"n íflbnfO{ ƒf;folgs k|ltlqmof uƒfPƒ akmfO{ g;fbfƒ ´f]n lgsflnPsf] k]oÙ lkpFbf dft nfUg] g;fn' j‚t'Ù dfbs kbfy{Ù dlbƒfÙ ƒS;L„ strong homemade liquor.
348 lnl;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] uf]aƒ, df6f] íflbn] b'nf], Kjfn, Ejfª, l5b| íflbnfO{ lnk]ƒ 6fNg'„ to plaster a hole or crack with wet clay or cow dung.
lnx" — [gf= n.] kfgL au]sf] 7fpFdf lg‚sg] s;ƒ jf ‰ofpÙ n]p„ scum; fungus; algae.
ln` n]ps — [lqm=lj= adv.] ;dIfÙ ífkm"sf]dfÙ ífkm"sxfFÙ ;fd'Ì]„ in front of; at the presence of. > n]psfp — [lj= adj.] ífkm" ;dIf ƒx]sf]Ù ífkm" ƒx]sf] 7fpFg]ƒsf]Ù ífkm";Fu}sf]„ towards
your side; close to you; with you; beside you. > n]pbf — [lqm=lj= adv.] ífkm" ePltƒÙ ífˆgf] kIfdf„ towards your side; in your side. > n]pbf h}l;Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] kIf jf
;dy{gdf kg'{Ù n8fOF, ´u8f íflbdf s;}sf] kIf lng'„ to support sb/sth; to take sb's side in a fight or quarrel. > n]pbfªfp! — [lj= adj.] glhssf] gftf, ;fOgf] kg]{Ù ífkmGt„ one's relative. > n]pbfªfp@— ífˆgf] ljrfƒk|lt ;xL jf ;dy{g yKg]Ù ífˆgf] kIfltƒsf]Ù ;dy{s„ someone who supports a particular idea, group or person; a supporter; an advocate.
n]pdfn]p — [lj= adj.] x'g'kg]{eGbf HofbfÙ a9LÙ íTolws„ more than enough; too much; excessive; entire.
n]vf — [gf= n.] != ífzoÙ tfTko{Ù leqL ílek|foÙ dtna„ a thrust; something that is implied; an implication; meaning. @= ífˆg} ‚jfy{ x'g] s'ƒf dfq ;f]Rg] lgot jf k|j[lQ„ the tendency of thinking only about one's own interest or benefit; selfishness.
n]vfnfp plv. , mslv. — [lj= adj.] af]nL, ldhf; ƒ afgLa]xf]ƒf íflb ƒfd|f]Ù ƒfd|f] ífgLafgLsf]Ù ljgoLÙ ;f]dltnf]„ (of people) honest and fair; treating people with respect; decent; polite; civilized.
n]KGo , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != lha|fn] ‚kz{ uƒL s'g} vfg]s'ƒfsf] ‚jfb lng'Ù rf6†g'„ to taste food; to lick sth. @= í¿sf] wgdfn xft kfg'{„ to con sb out of their property. #= uf]Ko ¿kdf ¬} lrh u|x0f ug'{Ù 3'; vfg'„ to receive things secretly; to take bribes.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
351 n]kmƒ}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] n]bf] vfg]s'ƒf xftn] d'vdf k'¥ofO{ Ãf;n] tfg]ƒ vfg'„ to lift semi-liquid food to your mouth and suck it noisily.
n]Dkf]tf]j — [lj= adj.] != k"ƒ} v]t vlgPsf], hf]ltPsf]„ (of land/field) completely ploughed or tilled. @= ífunfuL eO{ jgkfvf jf hËn íflb 6f6f] kƒ]sf]„ (of hills or forest) covered with the patches because of fire. #= ePeƒ ;a}nfO{ ƒf]un] ;tfPsf]„ (of all people) suffering from illness. $= lunf] lrh ;a}ltƒ nfu]sf] jf 6fFl;Psf]„ covered completely with sticky substance.
nf]Pl;Go uƒL wg lbg'Ù nufgL ug'{Ù C0f afF8†g'„ to lend money to sb on the condition that they pay interest on it; to invest money in sth. #= hgfjƒnfO{ rg{ ƒ ;fF´
ífkm} uf]7ltƒ kms{g;Sg] íg's"ntf ldn]sf] rƒgdf 5f8f 5f8†g'„ to leave cattle free in the grazing land. #= s'g} sfds'ƒf jf p2]Zo k"ƒf ug{sf] nflu í¿nfO{ nufpg'Ù í¿ dfkm{t sfd kmQ] ug'{„ to use others to get your job done; to overwork others to accomplish your goals.
nf]M plv. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] la‚s'g ;'sfpg jf íf]©fO–la©fO ug{ agfOPsf] rf]ofsf] ;fwgÙ dfGb|f]„ a large mat made of bamboo, used for covering the floor or spreading grains on it.
, ant. — [lj= adj.] -lrh_ x'g'kg]{ eGbf kftnf]Ù df]6fO ;f¸} sd ePsf]„ (of objects) too thin; thinner than required.
nf]P! — [gf= n.] != kl5 lkmtf{ lng]lbg] uƒL s;}nfO{ lbPsf] jf s;}af6 lnPsf] wg, lrh, dfn;fdfg íflb„ something that
n]n]uf]ƒf]+uf]ƒf]+ ()— [gf= n.] ífjZostfeGbf a9L ;ª†Vofdf 7"nf] x'n hdfPƒ Ps};fy k'Ug] jf ífpg]hfg] sfd„
you have lent (to sb) or borrowed (from sb). > nf]PGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] ;fk6L lbg'Ù C0f lbg'„ to lend sth (to sb). @= [gf= n.]
in the manner of coming or going somewhere in a large group.
n]‚n];f] , syn. -— [lj= adj.] 6fFl;g] vfnsf] lunf]Ù n]l;nf]Ù n]‚ofOnf]„ (of substance) sticky. n`]df] — [lj= adj.] dL7f] ‚jfbsf]Ù ƒl;nf]Ù ‚jflbnf]„ tasty; juicy; savoury. n} ;X/XF;X/XF — lxDdt, ífF6, xf};nfÙ xf}l;g] sfd„ an act of encouraging someone, or being encouraged or excited. > ;X/XF;X/XF tfGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] pT;'stf hfUg'Ù pT;flxt x'g'Ù xf}l;g'„ to encourage
360 sb; to be encouraged or excited to do sth.
;X/`X ;Xlƒp! — [lj= adj.] 7fpF ;g{k'u]sf]Ù 3';|]sf]„ moved; shifted; crawled. > ;Xlƒp@— a;fO ;ƒ]sf]„ migrated. > ;Xlƒp#— ƒf]u ;ƒ]sf]„ (of disease) spread; rampant.
;Xlƒk plv. , glv. — [gf= n.] sd 3fd nfu]ƒ hf8f] eOƒxg], ?v, a'6Øfg ePsf] ;]lknf] hËn„ shadowy forest. ;XlƒK`Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] ;tx ;Dofpg'„ to level the surface of sth or the ground.
;XƒL — [gf= n.] hlt dfqfdf lbof] Tolts} dfqfdf lnPƒ ulƒg] j‚t' ljlgdoÙ aƒfaƒL dfqfsf] ;f6f;f6„ an act of bartering sth (for sth) in equal quantity; barter (with sb) (for sth).
;Xls{Go , syn. — [í=lqm= v.i.] != kfs]sf] 3fp lgsf] x'Fb} hfg'Ù
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
361 3fp ;'Sg'„ (of septic wound) to heal. @= la‚s''g, leh]sf] lrh íflbdf ƒx]sf] íf]l;nf]efj 36†b} hfg'Ù ;'Sg'„ (of grains in the sun, wet clothes, green wood, etc.) to dry.
;XsL{ — [gf= n.] kxf8L jgkfvfdf kfOg] Ps lsl;dsf] vfg x'g] sGb„ a type of edible wild root.
;Xu{Xlan — [gf= n.] í¿ ?vsf] xfFufaf6 hƒf ƒ kftljgf g} pd|]ƒ km}lng] kx]Fnf] ƒªsf] Ps jg‚kltÙ ífsfza]nLÙ ídƒnQf„ a type of yellow leafless climbing plant which grows on a tree or bush. It is used to cure jaundice.
;Xlu{n — [gf= n.] l;‚gf]nfO{ n]‚ofOnf] kfg{ ld;fOg] Ps k|sfƒsf] sGb„ a type of root cooked with nettle leaves in order to make it smooth and thick.
;X¥o" — [gf= n.] != sfF9f jf ;'Oƒf] h‚tf ltvf j‚t'n] zƒLƒdf 3f]Rbf, 5]8†bf x'g] b'vfOsf] íg'ejÙ r;ë„ a slight pain caused by a sharp point or sth that feels like a sharp point; a prick. @= >fk
;fFRr} nfU5 ls egL dgdf pTkÌ x'g] qf;„ apprehension caused by someone's curse.
;XnX — [gf= n.] afnL, kft vfPƒ afFRg] Ps k|sfƒsf] lsƒf]Ù ;nx„ a plant-eating insect with long back legs that can jump very high and makes a sharp high noise ;XnX using its back legs or wings; a grasshopper.
;XlNsGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] s'g} aNg] lrhdf ífuf] aNg z'? x'g'Ù ;Nsg'„ to catch
;s; fire; to burn.
;Xl‚kGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] != vfPlkPsf] lrhsf] ƒ; lhpdf nfUg'Ù ladfƒL jf b'Anf]kftnf]kgaf6 d'Qm x'g'Ù ‚jf‚Yodf ;'wfƒ ífpg'Ù tª†u|g'„ to gradually become fat and healthy; to recuperate (because of a good diet or rest); to. @= ysfO d]l6g'Ù ífƒfd kfpg'„ to get rest; to recover from exhaustion.
;XxXl;Nof — [lj= adj.] -dfG5]_ xfF;v]n, ƒfdƒdfOnf] ug]{] jf To;f] ug{ dg kƒfpg]Ù 76Øf}nL kfƒfsf]„ jolly; jocular. ;`XF — [gf= n.] lb;f ;f¸f] x'g] ƒf]uÙ slAhotÙ lgƒ~hg„ constipation. ;`XbL{ — [gf= n.] zƒLƒdf lr;f] kƒ]ƒ nfUg] ƒf]u„ head cold; the common cold; flu.
; — [gfof]= post.] != gfd jf ;j{gfdsf] kl5lNtƒ ífPƒ ;fy, l;t, ;Fu hgfpg] k|Too„ suffix added to a noun or pronoun to indicate relationship; together, with; together with; accompanied by. @= [gf= n.] glhs x'g]kgÙ ;fdLKotf„ nearness; closeness; proximity. #= [pk= suff.]
lqmofsf] íufl8 hf]8]ƒ k|]ƒ0ffy{s lqmofdf abNg] pk;u{„ -e.g. ;±u}Go Ö ;u}Go æufpg nufpg'Æ, ;±u}í†Go Ö ;u}í†Go æí8†sfpg nfpg'Æ, ;±kfFGo Ö ;kfFGo æaf]Ng nufpg'Æ, ;±kNGo Ö æsf6†g nfpg', s6fpg'Æ íflb„_ prefix added to a verb to change it into a causative form.
;< — [gf= n.] wgwfGon] klƒk"0f{ x'g] z'enIf0fÙ kpn jf k'Ubf] x'g] íj‚yfÙ k|r'ƒtfÙ 5]nf]v]nf]„ abundance; sufficiency. ;s; — [gf= n.÷k=e]]= plv.] -3ftfM3't _
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
;s]‚Go ;s]‚Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] != s'g} lrh ;fydf lnPƒ st} k'Ug'Ù ífkm";Fu lnPƒ k'¥ofpg'„ to reach somewhere taking sth with you; to take sth with you; @= s;}nfO{ af6f] b]vfpFb} uGtJodf k'¥ofpg'„ to take someone somewhere or show them how to get there; to guide someone; to escort.
;Ss — [gf= n.] -ljÃf;_ vfg'lkpg'k"j{ lkt[, b]jtf jf k|]tfTdfnfO{ v';L kfg{ íf}Fnfn] pl5§ØfPƒ jf 5s]{ƒ r9fOg] vfg]lkpg] s'ƒfsf] k"j{í+z„ (of common beliefs) a small amount of food or drink offered to deities by flipping it before you consume it.
;vfGo{ — [;=lqm= v.t.] != rlnƒx]sf] s'ƒf, k|;Ë, ljifo íflbnfO{ íGoq df]8†g'„ to change the topic of discussion; to change the context.
@= -lrh_ 7f8f]af6 lrƒ]ƒ b'a}ltƒ 5'6Øfpg'„ to split sth along a straight line.
, m. , — [;=lqm= v.t.] tftf] lrhnfO{ lr;f] kfg'{Ù ;]nfpg'Ù lr‚ofpg'„ to cause something to become slightly colder; to cool.
;v}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != s'g} s'ƒfnfO{ jftfjƒ0f, klƒl‚ylt íg's"n agfpg ldNg] uƒfpg'Ù ldnfpg'„ to adjust sth (to sth); to adapt sth. @= ljjfb ;dfwfg uƒL d]nldnfk uƒfpg'Ù b'O{ ljƒf]wLaLr kƒ‚kƒdf ldqtf hf]l8lbg'„ to resolve a conflict; to
reconcile sb (with sb).
;uk;ukf] — [lj= adj.] íTolws x'n, le8 y'lk|Psf]Ù 7"nf] le8n] elƒPsf]„ (of a place) over crowded.
;uƒfFGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] pkrfƒ uƒfpg'Ù lgsf] kfg'{„ to heal sb (of sth); to cure sb (of sth).
;u} ;5}+l;Go — h'7f], ;"ts, lslƒof íflbaf6 rf]lvg'Ù z'4 x'g'Ù ;'l4g'„ to purify oneself ceremonially after death or birth of sb.
;h; — [lqm=lj= adv.] ljgf s'g} afwf JojwfgÙ ;lhnf];FuÙ ífƒfdn]Ù ífgGbk"j{s„ without problems or difficulty; easily; comfortably.
;em]+Go (), m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != -lrh_ íUnf] kfg'{Ù íUNofpg'Ù pFrf] kfg'{Ù prfO a9fpg'„ to make sth higher or taller. @= n8fOF, ´u8f, v]n, s'‚tL íflb s'g} klg k|lt‚kwf{df ljho uƒfpg'Ù lhtfpg'„ to cause someone to win in a battle, fight, competition, etc.
;‰ÞofDGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] -;XvXƒXFGo ) ;t]Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] != tnltƒ ´g]{ agfpg'Ù ´fg'{Ù v;fNg'„ to drop sth. @= x]nf uƒ]ƒ, x]k]ƒ jf xf]RofPƒ af]Ng'„ to insult someone; to belittle someone.
;t`}+Go plv. , syn. slv. llv. nblv. , hmlv. , m. , , — [;=lqm= v.t.] != ífFvf ;fd' ƒflvlbg'Ù b]vfpg'„ to show sth (to sb). @= k|df0f h'6fpg'Ù k|dfl0ft t'Nofpg'„ to prove sth (to sb). #= ;fxl;s sfd uƒ]ƒ b]vfpg'Ù
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
;TofKGo axfb'ƒL k|bz{g ug'{„ to exhibit your bravery by doing sth.
;TofKGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != tLvf] kfg'{Ù ltvfg'{„ to sharpen sth. @= lbdfu tLI0f t'Nofpg'„ to train your mind. ;yf‚Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] ífjfh lgsfnL í¿n] ;'Ì] uƒfpg'„ to produce an audible sound.
;y]KGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] tƒn kbfy{sf] yf]kf] v;fNg'Ù r'xfpg'„ to make or let drops leak.
;yF}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] != efu– a08f nufpFbf jf ljtƒ0f ubf{ xsbfƒ ;a}nfO{ k'Ug] agfpg'Ù k'¥ofpg'Ù ;dfg¿kn] ljtƒ0f ug'{„ to distribute sth among the people equally. @= kmfƒf] uƒL pkef]Uo lrhnfO{ kl5;Dd k'Ug] uƒfpg'Ù ldtJolotf íkgfpg'Ù kmfƒf] ug'{„ to economise on food, money, etc.; to use sth frugally.
;y}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != í¿nfO{ sfgdf ífjfh kflƒlbg'Ù ;'Ì nufpg'Ù ;'gfpg'„ to tell sb/sth; to cause to listen to sth. @= í¿nfO{ s'ƒf] a'´fpg'Ù ;D´fpg'„ to make sb understand sth.
;b/ab/f] () — [lj= adj.] ;ƒ;fdfg íJojl‚yt ¿kdf ƒx]sf]Ù nyflnËsf ;fy 5lƒPsf]Ù 5ƒk‚6„ (of goods) scattered; disordered.
;bfFGo ()— [;=lqm= v.t.] != k|‚yfg uƒfpg'Ù af6f] nufpg'Ù dfu{lgb]{z ug'{„ to show someone the way; to guide sb (to/through/around sth). @= afËf]l6Ëf] lrhnfO{ ;Lwf kfg'{Ù ;f]‰ofpg'„ to make something straight; to straighten (sth) (out).
364 ;w]DGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] pmrfO 36fPƒ 5f]6f] kfg'{Ù íUnfO sd ug'{Ù xf]Rofpg'„ to make sth short; to decrease the height of sth; to insult someone; to demean someone.
;g plv. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] Rofª†u|f, e]8f, afv|f íflb hgfjƒsf] ƒf}+Ù pmg„ the soft fine hair that covers the body of sheep, goats and some other animals; fur; wool.
;gd — [gf= n.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] -td _ ;gƒgf} — [lj= adj.] != e'OF, tnfp, gbL íflbdf kfgL 6Dd ePsf]Ù kfgLn] k"ƒ} elƒPsf]„ (of lakes, rivers, etc.) full of water. @= k]6 km'n]ƒ 9fl8Psf]„ (of the stomach) swollen. #= 3fpdf lkk hd]ƒ km'6†nf ´}F ePsf]„ (of wounds, boils, etc) pus-filled.
;gf‚Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] != aGb's, 9'Ëf, ´6fƒf] íflbn] xfGbf jf tfƒf], lgzfgfdf 7Ls;Fu nfUg] ug'{'Ù lgzfgfdf kfg'{„ to hit the target. @= í1fgtfjz, em'lSsPƒ s;}nfO{ íf3ft kg]{ uƒL 7f]lsg k'Ug'Ù íf3ft kg{ hfg'„ to bump against/into sb. ;g`flD;Go — [;=lqm=] != s'g} ljz]if sfo{ z'? ug'{k"j{ ƒS;L, ©fª†, hfF8 íflb ;]jg ug'{Ù dlbƒfsf] ígL{ ug'{„ to drink some amount of liquor before commencing any ceremonial activity. @= d'Vo vfgf vfg'k"j{ ¬} lrh vfg'Ù ígL{ ug'{„ to snack on sth before taking the main course of a meal.
;Ghfd — [gf= n.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] -sNb/ _
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
365 ;GBf;f] — [gf= n.] tftf] lrh íF7Øfpg k|of]udf ífpg] kmnfd] ;fwgÙ ;gf;f]„ a tool for holding or pulling something, made of two curved metal bars which move against each other so that when the handles are pushed together the other ends close tightly; pincers.
;k! — [gf= n.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] ¬} lrhnfO{ a]¸]ƒ ;'ƒlIft ƒfVg] ‚ofpnf, kft, sk8f íflb„ leaves, a piece of cloth, etc, used to wrap something. > ;KGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] s'g} lrhnfO{ kft, sk8f jf df]g{ ldNg] lrhn] a]g'{Ù df]xg'{„ to wrap sth in leaves, a piece of cloth, etc.
;k@ — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -sfyk! _ ;kfFGo — [;=lqm= v.t. (c.v.)] í¿nfO{ af]Ng nufpg'Ù af]Ng] t'Nofpg'Ù af]nfpg'„ to make someone speak or utter words; to cause someone to say something.
;Ks — [gf= n.] íf]9fsf] Ps 5]pnfO{ bfofF jf afofF sfFwdf 9fSg] uƒL k'¥ofPsf] ;Ksf]Ù ífFrn„ a fold or wrap of shawl or sāri spread over the shoulder. > ;Ks}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] ífFrnn] sfFwdfly kg]{ uƒL 9fSg'„ to cover one of your shoulders with one side of a wrap or shawl. > ;Ks}l;Go — To;ƒL íf]9†g'„ to cover one's shoulder
;d in this way.
;Ks}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] s;}nfO{ sf]ƒf{n] lxsf{pg'Ù sf]ƒf{ nufpg'Ù l;Ksfpg'Ù ;f]8†Sofpg'„ to whip. ;k`fs — [gf= n.] Ps ;f;df hf]8n] tflgg] r'ƒf]6–la8L íflbsf] w'jfFÙ ;sf]{„ a puff on a cigarette, roll-up, etc.
;ˆof — [gf= n.] íf}Fnfsf] 6'Kkfaf6 knfPsf] kftnf] xf8Ù gª„ a thin hard layer covering the outer tip of the fingers or toes; a nail.
;ƒ]+Go! , syn. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != k|km'Nn kfg'{Ù v';L, xlif{t t'Nofpg'„ to delight someone; to make someone happy. @= gofF j‚q, klxƒg, uƒuxgf íflb klx¥ofpg'Ù n'ufkmf6f] íf]9fpg'„ to put on clothes, jewellery, etc. on sb; to wrap sb in sth.
;ƒ]+Go@ plv. , syn. , llv. , hmlv. — [;=lqm= v.t.] a6'sf] íflbdf ƒx]sf] k]o kbfy{ ;a} lkPƒ l;Wofpg'Ù lgyfg'{„ to empty a cup or glass by drinking everything in it; to drain sth.
;ƒ]; plv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] s'g} j‚t'sf] lrgfpg] ;Í]tsf] ¿kdf ƒx]sf] lg;fgfÙ lrgf]Ù lr·„ a sign; a souvenir; a memento. > ;/]:Go! , m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] vf; ‚j?ksf] 1fg kfpg'Ù klƒro kfpg'Ù klxrfÌ'Ù lrÌ'„ to know (of/about sth); to recognize; to identify. > ;/]:Go@— í¿sf] afgLa]xf]ƒf,
vf; k|j[lQ íflbsf] afƒ]df yfxf kfpg'Ù hfÌ'„ to know about someone's nature, habit, etc. > ;ƒ]l‚;Go! — b'O{
hgfaLrdf dfofk|Llt ufFl;g'Ù k|]d;DaGw ‚yflkt x'g'Ù Psísf{df dfof a‚g'„ to fall in love. > ;ƒ]l‚;Go@— Ps ísf{aLrdf lrghfg x'g'Ù hfgklxrfg, lrgfkrL{ ug'{Ù Psísf{sf] afƒ]df hfgsfƒL x'g'„ to
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
;/`]ldsÙ n]vfpgLÙ n]vs‚j„ a
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
;jfgL t'Nofpg'„ to make food tasty (by
payment for writing.
;af{ — [lqm=lj= adv.] s]xL w]ƒ} g} a];LÙ a9L g}„ pretty much; so many. ;d}{MGo — [;=lqm= v.i.] -;ƒ}Go _ ;¥of] — [gf= n.] ldqsf] wd{ lgefpg] sfd jf l‚yltÙ ldqefjÙ ldqtf„ the situation when you fulfil your duty as a good friend; friendship. ~k'luGo — [í=lqm÷;=lqm= v.i., v.t.] ldq
jf ífkmGtsf] nflu b'Mv jf í;lhnf] kbf{ s]xL ;xfotf ug{ ;Ifd x'g'Ù ldqk|lt lgefpg'kg]{ bfloÎj k"ƒf ug{;Sg] x'g'Ù ldqtfsf] wd{ lgefpg'„ to be able to help your relatives or friends when they are in trouble; to fulfil your duty as a good friend; to help your friend.
;j}{ — [gf= n.÷y=e]= tlv.] -ƒf]Ëf] _ ;n — [gf= n.] != 5fnfsf] aflxƒL ;txnfO{ 5]8]ƒ íN´]sf] 5]‚sf]„ a splinter of wood that has pierced the surface of skin.
@= d'bf{ kf]Ngsf] nflu agfOPsf] sf7sf] xfƒL, rfªÙ lrtf„ a pyre. ;nf< — [gf= n.] 3ƒkfn'jf hgfjƒsf] uf]7 íf]afgf] ƒfVg íf]©fOg] ;'Vvf kft, klt˃٠;'s]sf] kftÙ ;f]Qƒ„ dry leaves used for making bedding; fallen dry leaves.
;n`fFGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] udL{df l;l;{ƒ xfjf rNbf, xDsfpFbf jf kª†vf 3'Dbf lztntfsf] íg'ej ug'{„ to feel cold. ;n`]DGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] vfg]s'ƒfdf ljleÌ ld7f; Nofpg] ld>0f -vf;uƒL lrNnf] lrh_ ldnfPƒ ‚jfb a9fpg'Ù ‚jflbnf]
adding spices and oily substance); to add flavour to food .
;Ns}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] s'g} lrhdf ífuf] nufPƒ aNg] uƒfpg'Ù ;Nsfpg'Ù afNg'„ to light a fire; to kindle a fire. ;Nnf — [gf= n.] != sfds'ƒf ƒfd|ƒL ;Dkfbg ug{ jf lg0ff{os 6'Ëf]df k'¥ofpg ulƒg] 5nkmnÙ PseGbf a9L JolQmaLr s'g} ljifodf ulƒg] 5nkmn jf ;f] qmddf x'g] ;xdlt, ;ƒ;NnfxÙ ;Nnfx„ when people talk about something and tell each other their ideas or opinions; discussion; agreement. @= s;}sf] lxtsf] nflu lbOg] pkb]zÙ ítL{„ a piece of advice; counsel.
;N;nf] — [lj= adj.] -af]6, la?jf_ afËf]l6Ëf] gePsf]Ù ;në kƒ]sf]Ù ;'lƒnf]„ (of trees, branches) vertically straight.
;jNGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] uOƒx]sfnfO{ kms{g] agfpg'Ù kmsf{pg'„ to cause to return.
;j`fFGo , syn. — [;=lqm= v.t.] vfg]–lkpg] íflb lrhåfƒf t[¨ uƒfpg'Ù í3fpg] agfpg'Ù c3fpg'„ to satisfy someone's hunger; to feed someone to their heart's content.
;jfgL — [gf= n.] Ps} ;dodf hGd]sf] dfG5]Ù bf}+tƒLÙ ;djo‚s„ a person who is of the same generation as you; a contemporary. > ;jfgLsfp! — [lj= adj.] Ps} ;dodf hGd]sf]Ù aƒfaƒL pd]ƒsf]Ù bf}+tƒLÙ bdfnL„ a contemporary. > ;jfgLsfp@— an, wg, kb, dof{bf íflbdf ífkm" aƒfaƒsf]Ù ;dsIfL„ a person who is of your level in strength, wealth, position.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
;j}MGo ;j}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != sf]lknfnfO{ km'Ng] kfg'{Ù km'Ng nfpg'Ù k'likt uƒfpg'Ù km'nfpg' to grow flowers; to cause to flower or blossom or bloom. @= [í=lqm= v.i.] kmqmg lbg'Ù km'Ng lbg'„ to allow or cause to flower, blossom or bloom. #= [;=lqm= v.t.] b"w r';fpg' jf r'‚g nufpg'Ù b"w lknfpg'„ to feed a baby or young animal with milk from the breast or udder; to suckle a baby or young animal.
;j`}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] Kjfn, vf]n íflbnfO{ 7"nf] jf v's'nf] kfg'{Ù v's'Nofpg'„ to make sth less tight or firmly fixed; to loosen sth.
;;Go{ — [;=lqm= v.t.] j‚t'df ƒx]sf] lr‚ofg jf íf]l;nf]efjnfO{ tfkåfƒf x6fpg'Ù íf]afgf] kfg'{Ù íf]efpg'„ to dry sth by using heat.
;;fGo{ — [;=lqm= v.t.] gk'Unf h‚tf] ePsf] tƒsfƒLdf kfgL, g'g íflb yk]ƒ ´f]nsf] dfqf a9fpg'„ to add some amount of water to curry and boil it again.
;;}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != af]6la?jfaf6 kmn nfUg] kfg'{Ù kmnfpg'„ to grow fruit. @= k|df0f ƒ t'sljgfsf] ljifo jf k|;ËnfO{ a9fOr9fO ug'{Ù íltzof]lQmk"0f{ JofVof ug'{Ù gënL k|df0fsf] ts{ lbg'„ to exaggerate sth; to give false evidence.
;`/f] — [lj= adj.] x'g'kg]{ eGbf HofbfÙ a9†tf ePsf]„ more than enough; too much.
;`Go{ — [;=lqm= v.t.] )
;xgf — [gf= n.] bdfO{n] km's]ƒ ahfpg] afB„ a type of musical instrument; clarinet.
;fF! ()— [gf= n.] k|sfz jf pHofnf] 5]lsPƒ kg]{ 5fofFÙ íf]´]n„ the dark shape that sb/sth's form makes on a surface when they are between the light and the surface; a shadow. @= P]gfdf b]lvg] b'?‚t ?kÙ k|ltljDaÙ k|ltR5fof„ a reflection of sb/sth seen in a mirror. #= ;–;fgf
9'Ëf -lu§L_ Ps xftdf lnPƒ Pp6f dfly kmfn]ƒ ;f] v‚g gkfpFb} ísf]{ l6k]ƒ vl;ƒx]sf] 9'ËfnfO{ yf¨} km]lƒ dfly kmfn]ƒ ísf]{ 9'Ëf l6Kb} kfn}–kfnf] uƒL v]lng] v]n„ a traditional game called gattā played by children, using some pieces of stones. $= 9'Ëfsf] 6'qmfÙ u§f„ pieces of stones used in this game.
–;fF@ — [k|To= suf.] wft'df hf]l8O{ íg'ƒf]waf]ws ífbƒfyL{ lqmofkb agfpg] k|Too„ -e.g. h}±;fF Ö h};fF æuƒ t÷ug'{;† tÆ, HÞo'±;fF Ö HÞo';fF ævfp t÷vfg';† tÆ íflb„_ suffix added to a root to change the verb into imperative honorific.
;fFun — [gf= n.] d'Gb|fx¿nfO{ ífk;df hf]8]ƒ agfOPsf] wft'sf] 8f]ƒLÙ l;qmLÙ ;fª†nf]Ù hlGhƒÙ ;fª†nL„ a series of connected metal rings, used for pulling or fastening things; a chain.
;fFlrGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != gdf;]ƒ jf vr{ gulƒsg hf]ufPƒ÷arfPƒ ƒfVg'Ù lskmfot ug'{Ù kmfƒf] ug'{„ to economise on sth; to use sth frugally. @= eTsg
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
371 lau|gaf6 hf]ufpg'Ù htg ug'{Ù arfj6 ug'{„ to protect or preserve sth.
;fFb — [gf= n.] s'g} b'O{ jf ;f]eGbf w]ƒ} hUuf–hldg, jg, ufpF, k|fGt, b]z íflbsf] aLrdf kg]{ efuÙ l;dfgf„ the edge or limit of something; the line or part that divides country, land, village, state etc.; a boundary; a border.
;fFk — [gf= n.] != íFWofƒf]df íg'dfg nfpg] sfdÙ í8†sn„ an act of fumbling around or groping for sth in the dark. @= -dfxf _ ;fFkg — [gf= n.] 8f]ƒLnfO{ bf]xf]¥ofPƒ af6†g u'y]ƒ ƒflvg] ;fwg„ a traditional instrument used while making ropes.
;fFan — [gf= n.] zjsf] 5]p5fpdf ƒflvg] ƒ zjofqfsf] qmddf af6faf6fdf 5lƒg] íÌsf u]8fu'8LÙ a'sL{„ grains strewn along the way when a dead body is being carried for cremation or burial.
;fpF ;f! nblv. , plv. — [gf= n.] tƒsfƒL, írfƒ íflbnfO{ ‚jflbi6 t'Nofpg k|of]u ulƒg] Ps k|sfƒsf] vlgh tÎjÙ IffƒÙ g'g„ a common white substance found in sea water and in the ground, which is used especially to add flavour to food; common salt.
;f@ — [lj=jf]= intj.÷k=e]= plv.] ;Defljt ƒ ;Gb]xsf] ;"rgf ug]{ zAbÙ xf] ls Û x}g Û word used to express probability or doubt. Is it? Isn't it?
;fM > — [lj= adj.] zƒLƒdf ;l~rt zlQmÙ tfutÙ an„ physical strength; energy. ~g}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] ulƒƒx]sf] sfd jf ofqfaf6 ysfO dfg{ lj>flGt lng'Ù la;fpg'„ to take a rest; to respite to take respite; (from work).
;fOF;'OFMj — [gf= n.] sxLF st} s'g} ífjfh gífPsf], xNnf gePsf] íj‚yfÙ lgMzAbÙ ;'g;fgÙ ;Ìf6f„ without any sound; silence; quietness.
;fOtf] — [gf= n.] != ofqfsf] pko'Qm íj;ƒÙ ;u'gsf] df}sfÙ z'e;fOt„ an ;fFlanf
;fFlanf — [gf= n.] vf]ƒ, kvf{n íflbsf] d"nåfƒsf] b'a}ltƒ uf8]ƒ 78ØfOPsf] vDafdf Kjfn sf]k]ƒ ;f]leq bfofFafofF nfdf] uƒfnf] 3';fPƒ agfOPsf] afƒÙ tufƒf]„ wooden gate; a type of stile.
;`fFGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] != í¿n] ulƒƒx]sf] s'ƒfsf] ƒx‚o yfxf kfpg ljz]if rf;f] ƒfVg'Ù Wofg lbPƒ ;'Ì'Ù sfg 7f8f] kfg'{„ to eavesdrop; to prick up your ears. @= -;n`fFGo )
auspicious moment to set off your journey. @= z'edfËlns sfo{ ug]{ ƒfd|f] íj;ƒÙ z'e;doÙ z'ed'x"t{„ an auspicious moment to commence sth.
;fOg — [gf= n.] Pp6} sf]vdf hGd]ƒ, j}jflxs ;DaGw hf]l8Pƒ jf íf}krflƒs ljlwåfƒf ufFl;g k'u]sf] aGw'tfaLr ;Ddfgfy{ k|of]u ulƒg] ;Daf]wgsf] zAbÙ ;fOgf]„ the way in which a person is related to sb else in a family; relationship; kinship.
;fpF — [gf= n.] nufgL, C0f, j‚t' lgdf{0f, vlƒb íflbdf kƒ]sf] d"nwgÙ ;fjfFÙ nfut„ the amount of money that is invested
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
;f ;fMbf]sfp@— s'g} b'Mv, si6,
í;lhnf] gePsf]Ù ífƒfdbfoLÙ ljnf;L„ comfortable; luxurious.
;flwGo , m. — [gf= n.] tGqdGq, 1fgu'g íflb 3f]Sg'Ù s07 ug'{„ to commit tantra-mantra or any piece of information to memory.
;fw' — [gf= n.] kTgLsL lbbL of alxgLsf] nf]Ug]nfO{ af]nfpg] ;fOgf]Ù ;f9' bfO jf efO„ word used to address your wife's sister's husband.
;fg — [gf= n.] zAbljgf jf gaf]n]ƒ} dtna a'´fpg ;lsg] vfnsf] zfƒLlƒs xfpefpÙ ;fÍ]lts zAbÙ O;fƒf„ gestures; body language; sign language.
;fkL — [gf= n.]
-;f _
;fƒ}MGo ;fKGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] -vLDGo _ ;feƒ — [gf= n.] df8]ƒ, lk6]ƒ h'Qf, k]6L jf ´f]nf íflb agfpgof]Uo x'g] uƒL gƒd agfOPsf] 5fnf„ soft, tanned leather. ;fenf — [lj= adj.] != ld;f]6, s;ƒ íflb ¬} gePsf]Ù l;Ëf]„ not mixed with anything else; with nothing added; pure and whole. @= zfƒLlƒs
¿kn] tGb'?‚tÙ ƒf]u gePsf]Ù lgƒf]uLÙ ‚j‚yÙ ;2]„ healthy; able-bodied; blooming. ;feNof — [gf= n.] uf]Ko¿kdf ƒx]sf] íj}w nf]Ug]Ù u'¨ kf]OÙ gf7f]„ a woman's secret lover/boyfriend; (of males) a paramour.
;flea];f] — [gf= n.] ePsf] jf ulƒPsf] q'l6nfO{ í¿n] yfxf kfPsf] 5}g xf]nf egL ulƒg] ;2] h‚tf] xfpefpÙ b]vfj6L axfgf„ a pretension; a pretext. ;fdf — [gf= n.] sfd ƒ p2]Zo íg';fƒ rflxg] lrhaLhsf] k|aGw jf hf]ƒhfdÙ sfdsfh k"ƒf ug{ ulƒPsf] Joj‚yfÙ hf]xf]Ù aGbf]a‚tÙ rfFhf]kfFhf]„ an arrangement of required things; an arrangement; a preparation.
;f/f — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] -/fFb} _ ;fƒfafƒfp () — [lj= adj.] -;fdfg_ 7"nf] 7fpF g} íf]u6†g] uƒL af]lsPsf] jf yG¬fOPsf]Ù -lrhaLh_ í6fO gí6fO uƒL st} ƒflvPsf]„ very full; crammed; bulging; chock-full.
;flƒGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] wflƒnf] xltofƒn] w;]ƒ ƒ]6†g'Ù ;]g'{„ to slit open. ;fƒ}MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != ¬}
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
;fM/f] lrh jf s;}nfO{ st} k'¥ofpg'Ù ¬} lrhnfO{ Ps 7fpFaf6 ísf]{df k'¥ofpg'Ù s'g} lrhnfO{ oyf‚yfgaf6 ísf]{df k'¥ofpg'Ù ;fg'{„ to take sb/sth along; to escort; to move sth; to shift (sth) (from one pleace to another). @= ‚jfldÎj x‚tfGtƒ0f ug'{„ to hand sth over (to sb); to hand over (to sb).
;fM/f] — [lj= adj.] -;s; _ ;fbf{k;b{kf] ()— [lj= adj=] sk8f u'Go', ;fƒL íflb nufpFbf lxF8†g, kfOnf ;fg{ í;lhnf] ePsf]„ (of women) being uneasy or difficult to walk in a sāri, gunyu etc. because it is tight.
;fn — [gf= n.] -!= lav _ ;fngfn — [gf= n.] ue{leqsf] aRrf / ;fn;Fu ;DalGt ug]{ 8f]/L„ the cord of placenta.
;flnGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] 8f]sf], y'G;], af]ƒf íflbsf] RofltPsf] efudf rf]of jf wfuf]n] 6fn6'n kfg'{Ù hf]8†g'„ to mend or repair baskets by using bamboo splits; to darn or stitch sacks.
;fNtfsf]Ntf () — [gf= n.] Psk6s ;fl6;s]sf] lrhnfO{ k'gM pxL lrh;Fu ;f6†g] sfdÙ 3ƒL3ƒL ulƒg] ;f6f;f6„ the repeated exchange of the same things.
;fNtfd;'Nt'd - — [gf= n.] ílt uf]Ko¿kdf s;}sf] xTof uƒL nfz;d]t ufoa ug]{ sfd„ an act of murdering sb. secretly and hiding the dead body.
;f;flvvL — [gf= n.] eTsG5 jf lau|G5 ls eÌ] afƒ]df jf‚tf gƒfvL ulƒg]
374 lqmofsnfkÙ p6†k6Øfª†„ a reckless or mischievous activity.
;f‚tƒ — [gf= n.] -3Xlt{< _ ;fxf — [gf= n.] != jif{elƒsf] df};dsf] klƒat{gnfO{ hgfpg] uƒL afF8kmfF8 ulƒPsf] ;dodWo] PsÙ Ct'„ one of the divisions of the year based on weather conditions; season. @= -hgfjƒ_ ue{wfƒ0f x'g] ;do jf íj‚yfÙ ue{jtL aÌ] sfd„ (of animals) the state of being pregnant; pregnancy. ~afGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] ue{wfƒ0f ug'{Ù ue{ af]Sg'Ù ule{0fL aÌ'Ù ue{jtL x'g'„ to be pregnant.
;fxL — [gf= n.] j}jflxs k|‚tfj‚j?k s]6f jf ;f] kIfaf6 s]6LnfO{ lbOg] ƒsdÙ ;fOkf6f]„ an amount of money offered by a boy or his side to a girl while proposing to her.
;`fƒf] — [lj= adj.÷k=e]= plv.] -5fƒ _ ;`f‚Go plv. , syn. , glv. , m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] != v';L jf ƒdfOnf] nfUbf 7"nf] ‚jƒdf k|;Ìtf k|s6 ug'{Ù lvTsf 5f]8†g'Ù xfF‚g'„ to laugh; to burst into laughter. @= [;=lqm= v.t.] ísf{sf] luNnf, pkxf; ug'{Ù lv;L ug'{„ to laugh at sb; to mock sb.
l;F () — [gf= n.] afNg k|of]u ulƒg] ?vsf lrƒf, 6'qmf, xfFuflaFuf, 7'Gsf íflbÙ bfpƒf„ firewood. ~yKsf — sf7sf] luF8sf] aLraLrdf sf]k]ƒ v'8†lsnf] kflƒPsf] vfd] e¥ofª„ a wooden ladder made from a single log.
l;Fsf ()— [gf= n.] afF; jf sf7sf] ;fgf]–nfDrf] 5]‚sf]„ a bamboo or
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
375 wooden splinter.
l;Fnf;f] — [lj= adj.] != dft jf lgb|f nfUbf ífFvf lrDd x'g nfu]sf] jf ePsf]„ (of eyes) sleepy. @= [gf= n.] dg}{ nfu]sf] íj‚yfdf x'g] ífFvfsf] lrDnfO„ narrowing eyes of a dying person/animal.
l;p! — [lj= adj.] zƒLƒaf6 k|f0f uPsf]Ù hLjg zlQm u'd]sf]Ù nf; ePsf]Ù ;f; uPsf]Ù d[tÙ dƒ]sf]„ no longer alive; dead. l;p@ — [gf= n.÷n'=e]= llv.] kxf8ltƒ kfOg] Ps k|sfƒsf] w'kL ;Nnf]„ a fir tree; Juniprus sabina.
–l;p# — [k|To= suf.] wft'df hf]l8Pƒ k"0f{ e"tsflns lqmofkb agfpg] k|Too„ -e.g. ³f±l;p Ö ³fMl;p ær'F8fn]sf]Æ, h}±l;p Ö h}l;p æagfPsf]Æ íflb„_ suffix added to a root to form the past perfect form of a verb.
l;pd`fp — [gf= n.] 3ƒsf] s'g} ;b‚o dƒ]ƒ b'Mv, ífkb kƒ]sf] íj‚yfÙ dbf{kbf{sf] l‚ylt„ an ordeal that you go through
l;ªf? l;sn}+ — [gf= n.] s'g} zfƒLlƒs dfgl;s sfo{sf] nflu bIf agfpg ;Lk l;Sg]–l;sfpg] sfdÙ s'g} lglÁt ljwfdf kf]Vt agfpg lbOg]–lnOg] lzIffÙ tflndÙ k|lzIf0f„ the process of learning or teaching the skills you need to do; training.
l;sl;SofMt — [gf= n.] dg ƒ lhp g} ;s;sfpg] vfnsf] l3g nfUbf] lrhÙ l3g jf 3[0ffÙ l;sl;sf]„ a strong feeling of dislike at sth; disgust; feeling of hating something; abhorrence; aversion.
l;u'?k — [gf= n.] ;'Tbf jf a‚bf ulƒg] uf]8f v'DRofOÙ uf]8f v'DRofPƒ a‚g] íf;g jf sfd„ an act of folding your legs while sitting or sleeping; sitting or sleeping with your legs folded.
l;ªf/! — [gf= n.] != afa'ífdfn] ƒfv]sf]÷sdfPsf] OHhtÙ laF8f]„ the fame that your ancestors have earned; the legacy of your family. @= dfg–
dof{bf, ;Ddfg jf ífbƒ–;Tsfƒ ug]{ sfdÙ ífbƒefjÙ OHht„ an act of respecting
when your family member dies or when you are in trouble.
or honouring someone; respect, honour.
l;p¥of — [gf= n.] -ljÃf;_ dflg; dlƒ;s]kl5 klg hLljt ƒ ;lqmo ƒx]ƒ dfG5]nfO{ ;tfpg] ífTdfÙ d[t dfG5]sf] sfNklgs ífTdfÙ d[tfTdfÙ d;fgÙ e"tk|]tsf] 5fof„ the spirit
l;ªf/ — [gf= n.] ƒfd|f] sfo{ -;'sd{_ uƒ]afkt ldn]sf] VoftL jf sLlt{zfnL gfdÙ í;n sfdaf6 km}ng] ;'gfdÙ ;'ozÙ k|l;l4Ù sLlt{Ù VofltÙ oz„ glory; fame; good name; dignity.
of dead person; a ghost.
l;pmGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] gofF sfd– s'ƒfsf] 1fg, tGqdGq, 1fgu'g, lzIff, íflb l;sfpg'Ù ítL{ jf pkb]z lbg'Ù tflnd lbg'Ù k|lzIf0f lbnfpg'„ to teach sth new to sb; to train (sb); to counsel; to educate (sb); to edify sb.
l;ªf? — [gf= n.] != ‚qLk'?if jf efn]kf]yLaLrsf] lnËLo e]b g5'l§g]Ù hg]Gb|Lo gePsf]Ù gk'+;s„ an eunuch. @= [lj= adj.] -jg‚klt jf k|f0fL_ kmn gnfUg], gkmNg]Ù aLh gePsf]„ (of plants) unable to bear fruit; (of animals) sterile. #= zfƒLlƒs ¿kn] ‚ki6 lnËLo e]b 5'l§P klg dfgl;s
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
l;ªfGo{ ¿kdf ;dfg lnËk|lt ífslif{t x'g]Ù t]>f] lnËL„ (of males) a gay; (of females) a lesbian; a third gender.
l;ªfGo{ — [;=lqm= v.t.] uNtL ug]{nfO{ 7"nf] ‚jƒn] ufnL ug'{Ù xsfg'{Ù ´kfg'{Ù 5fF‚g'„ to rebuke sb (for sth/for doing sth); admonish sb (for sth/for doing sth); to chasten; to chide sb (for sth/for doing sth).
l;Íf — [gf= n.] -l;Fsf _ l;ËlnË — [gf= n.] != ;lj‚tfƒ JofVof ug]{ jf j[QfGt ;'gfpg] sfd„ an act of elaborating sth in detail. @= ¬} afFsL gƒfvL ;a} l;Wofpg] rfn„ an act of completing sth without any fault. #= [lqm=lj= adv.] ;Dk"0f{ ¿kn]Ù ífBf]kfGt„ completely; thoroughly; from top to bottom; from top to toe.
l;hÞfM — [gf= n.] != a];fƒ] ƒªsf] u'ƒfF;„ yellow rhododendron. @= af?nf]eGbf 7"nf], ;f]sf] ífsfƒk|sfƒ;Fu ldNbf] hldgd'lg a‚g] Ps k|sfƒsf] ljiffn' lrNg] lsƒf„ a
376 b'u'{0f, gƒfd|f] ‚jefj jf kmf]xf]ƒLkgk|lt OlËt uƒL 3[0ff ug'{Ù l3g, l;sl;sf] dfÌ'Ù l5Ml5 b"ƒb"ƒ ug'{„ to loathe sb; to scorn (for sth); to have contempt for sb.
l;bL — [gf= n.] kfx'gf jf s'g} b'3{6gfaf6 ar]sf] s;}nfO{ sf6]ƒ ‚jfut ulƒg] k|of]hgsf s'v'ƒf, v;L, af]sf OToflbÙ dfƒ„ an animal that is butchered to feed a guest, or to a person who has survived an accident or any disaster.
l;g — [gf= n.÷k=e]= plv.] -;lƒª _ l;gLs — [lj= adj.] ePeƒsf] ;a}Ù ;fƒfÙ ;Dk"0f{Ù hDd}„ whole; all; entire. l;g' — [gf= n.] != ;'Fu'ƒsf] h‚tf] y't'gf] ƒ zƒLƒeƒ nfdfnfdf sfF8fn] lhp 9fs]sf] x'g] hËnL k|f0fLÙ b'D;L„ an animal like a pig with a protective covering of long sharp quells (stiff hairs like needles) on its back; porcupine. @= dƒ]sf] k|f0fLsf] b]x„ a carcass.
black blue insect that looks like a wasp. It can sting you.
l;Gsf — [gf= n.] rf]6 kƒ]sf] jf lklƒPsf] -lklnPsf]_ 7fpFsf] ƒutnfO{ kmfNg tfÌ k|of]u ulƒg] l;ªsf] ;fgf] 9'ª†u|f]„ a small
l;lemGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] s'g} lrhdf íf]; nfUg', lr‚ofg a‚g'Ù íf]l;g'„ to
pipe of horn used to suck out pus from a wound.
be damp; to be wet.
l;t — [gf= n.] laxfgLkvltƒ af]6– la?jfsf] kft íflbdf a‚g] kfgLsf] yf]kf]Ù zLt„ dew drops. l;tLsfp — [lj= adj.] k|j[lQ, ‚jefj íflbdf gƒfd|f]Ù gƒfd|f] afgLJoxf]ƒf jf ‚jefjsf]„ having bad habit; behaving badly; undisciplined.
l;t}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] s;}df ƒx]sf]
l;GsL — [gf= n.] d'nfnfO{ dl;gf] agfO{ u'D‚ofPƒ íldnf] agfOPsf] vfBÙ l;GsL„ fermented dry slices of radish or mooli.
l;Go! , m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] k|f0fL jf jg‚kltsf] hLjg ;df¨ x'g'Ù zƒLƒaf6 k|f0f hfg'Ù ífo' l;l4g'Ù d[To' x'g'Ù dg'{„ (of animals/plants) to die.
–l;Go@ — [k|To= suf.] != wft'df hf]l8Pƒ ;lsg],
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
377 vfnsf], nfossf], íflb ljz]if0f agfpg] k|Too„ -e.g. kf k|`f]j h}l;Go — lk6]sf] h‚tf] ug]{„ pretending to beat sb/sth.
l;k! — [gf= n.] != rƒfr'?ËLsf] leGbfleGb} kfƒfsf] 3ƒÙ rƒfx¿sf] af;‚yfgÙ rƒfn] km'n kfg{ ƒ aRrf sf9†g agfPsf] 7fpFÙ rƒfsf] 3ƒÙ u'F8„ a hollow place or structure that a bird makes or chooses for laying its eggs in and sheltering its young; a nest. @= k|f0fLsf] k]6leqsf] aRrf ƒxg] y}nLÙ ue{ ƒxg] 7fpFÙ uef{zoÙ sf]v„ the organ in the body of a woman or other female animal in which a baby develops before birth; uterus; womb. #= s'g}
j‚t'sf] ;'ƒIffsf] nflu ;f]s} ífsfƒdf ag]sf] jf agfPsf] sk8f, 5fnf íflbsf] aflxƒL vf]n, ífjƒ0fÙ s'g} j‚t' ƒfVg] y}nf] h‚tf] efF8f]„ a thing that is put over or on another thing, usually to protect it; a cover; a case; a sack.
l;k@ — [gfof]= post.÷k=e]= plv.] -s/k _ l;kLl;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] ;'lƒnf] ?vdf xftuf]8fn] RofKb} dflydfly pSng'Ù ?v r9†g'„ to shin up a tree, pole, etc.
l;?FbL l;KGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != kfs]sf] íÌafnL 3ƒdf lnPƒ yG¬fpg'Ù afnL leœofpg'„ to cut and gather a crop; to harvest. @= k;flƒPsf xftv'§f jf íËx¿ v'DRofpg'„ to fold your body parts, especially legs and arms. #= ;'sfPsf] la‚s'g jf e'OFdf ƒx]sf] lrhaLh p7fpg'„ to gather grains spread on the floor.
l;Kof — [lj= adj.] -efu_ j‚t'sf] ;'N6f]kl§sf]Ù ;ANofF6f]Ù pN6f] gePsf]Ù ;'N6f]„ (of things like shirts, trousers, etc) right side out.
l;dXnL — [gf= n.] afF; jf lgufnfsf] rf]ofåfƒf agfOPsf] ;f]nL ífsfƒsf] ;fgf] efF8f]„ a cone-shaped bamboo basket. l;df< — [gf= n.] w]ƒ} lr;f] 7fpFdf x'g] íf7b]lv gf} dlxgf;Dddf kfSg] Ps k|sfƒsf] ‚jflbnf] n]sfnL hf}„ highland barley. l;Dof — [gf= n.] != zƒLƒ b''AnfPƒ IfL0f x''Fb} hfg] Ps ƒf]uÙ Ifoƒf]uÙ ;'s]gf;„ tuberculosis. @= s'kf]lift zƒLƒÙ kf]if0ftÎjsf] íefjdf x'g] zfƒLlƒs b'AnfOÙ s'kf]if0f„ a malnourished body; malnutrition.
l;ƒ — [gf= n.÷u=e]= glv.] -:of/ _ l;/f — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] -cf]l;¥of _ l;lƒlËGo — [c=lqm= v.i.] s;}sf] ljz]if dfof kfPƒ ´g†´g† í¿nfO{ g6]g]{ x'g'Ù dfofn] dflQg'Ù afgL lau|g'„ to be spoilt and pampered.
l;?FbL — [gf= n.] != df6fsf] ufu|L íflb 8Nnf] lkFw ePsf] efF8f] a;fNg k|of]u ulƒg] sk8f, kƒfn íflbsf] uf]nfsfƒ íf;gÙ laF8f„
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
l;kmf{/f — [gf= n.] -ƒfFuf], v;L, ;'Fu'ƒ íflbnfO{ sf6]ƒ_ kƒn df]nnfO{ ;dfg'kflts ¿kn] p7fpg] ;t{df ulƒg] df;'sf] afF8kmfF8Ù ;f´f ílwsfƒ ƒ ;xdltdf sf6]ƒ afFl8g] df;'sf] lanf]„ meat (buffalo, goat pig, l;?FbL a circular stand for an earthenware.
@= s'g} lrhsf] e'OFdf íl8g] lkFwltƒsf] efuÙ lkFw„ the bottom (of sth). l;??Mj — [lj= adj.] -lrh_ tfFtL nfUg] uƒL Pp6} 8f]ƒL jf wfuf]df plgPsf]„ (of objects) put on a string; strung together -j‚t', hLjx¿ íflbsf ;d"x_ tfFtL nfu]sf]„ (of objects, animals, etc) standing or walking in a single file.
l;sf{ — [gf= n.] sd rf}8fO ePsf] v]t, ífnL, sk8f íflbsf] kf6f]Ù ;'sf]Ù{ wƒf]„ a narrow stripe of land, cloth, etc. > l;Sof{ — [lj= adj.] rf}8fOeGbf nDafO a9L ePsf] r]K6f] j‚t'„ a long flat object. l;u'{kf] , syn. — [lj= adj.] d'hf kƒ]ƒ Psfltƒ ;f]xf]lƒPsf]Ù v'lDrPsf]„ smaller than before; shrunken; creased.
l;Go{ — [í=lqm= v.i.] != -vfg]s'ƒf_ ljs[t ePƒ íldnf] x'g'„ (of food) to rot and become sour; to go off. > l;ƒf] < l;j{ , m. — [lj= adj.] sfutL, lga'jf, r's íflbsf] ‚jfbsf]Ù íldnf]„ (of taste) sour. @=s'g} s'ƒfdf lrQ ga'´]ƒ í;Gt'i6 eO{ afpFl7g'Ù 6]l8g'„ to
etc.) divided proportionately among those who share the cost price.
l;ef{/ — [gf= n.] eTsg], lau|g] jf gfz x'g] íflb s'ƒfdf lnOg] lhDd]jfƒL„ accountability; responsibility.
l;df{ — [gf= n.] != ƒfHonfO{ ltlƒg] sƒÙ ltƒf]„ tax; revenue. @= í;lhnf] eO{ 3fF6L rnfpg íK7Øfƒf] x'Fbf d;fg, k|]tfTdf íflbsf] sfƒ0f To;f] ePsf] 7flgg] jf dflgg] ƒf]uÙ ´fƒkm'såfƒf lgsf] x'g] ljÃf; ulƒPsf] ;f] ƒf]u„ a cramp felt in the neck which is believed to be caused by evil spirits. ~nfluGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] s'g} íË dls{P ´}F ePƒ b'Vg'Ù afpFl8g'„ to get a cramp in your body parts.
l;ln{sf] — [lj= adj.] -lrh_ afËf]l6Ëf] geO{ nfdf] ;Lwf ePsf]Ù ;në kƒ]sf]„ (of objects) straight. l;l;{ƒ}Mj plv. , llv. — [lj= adj.] sFkfpg] vfnsf] lr;f] xfjf rNg]Ù l;ƒ]6f] rNg] vfnsf]„ cold; windy. l;nXËL — [gf= n.] kxf8L jgkfvfdf ljljwƒËL km"n km'Ng] Ps jg‚klt„ a type of wild plant that grows on the slope of a hill and blossoms in multiple colours.
become unpleasant and unfriendly; (of relationship) to sour.
l;kf{Ëf] plv. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] ´'n]ƒ v]lng] ´'G8ØfPsf] 8f]ƒLÙ lkª„ a swing. A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
379 l;lnlDbdf] — [lj= adj.] ;tx ldn]ƒ st}, s'g} Kjfn jf xf]rf]–íUnf] íflb ¬} gePsf]Ù ;a}ltƒsf] Kjfn, b'nf] aGb ulƒPsf], ePsf]Ù 6Dd elƒPsf]„ level and smooth, with no curved, high, or hollow parts; flat; completely filled in.
l;nL plv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] 3ƒ 5fpg k|of]u ulƒg] r]K6f, kftnf 9'ËfÙ 3ƒ 5fpg] 9'Ëf„ stone tiles used to roof a house.
;LMGo l;`gf — [gf= n.] ufO{sf] df;'„ the flesh of cows which is eaten; beef.
l;`ƒ — [gf= n.] h'gfƒ;Fu ldNbf] tƒ af]qmf afSnf] x'g] íldnf] kmnÙ Hofldƒ„ a type of citrus fruit.
l;`‚Go plv. , llv. — [í=lqm= v.i.] -íf]l9Psf] sk8f jf afFlwPsf] wfuf], 8f]ƒL íflb_ v'‚sg'Ù 8f]ƒL, wfuf] afFlwPsf] 7fpFaf6 ;g'{„ (of clothes, ropes, etc.) to slip; to be loose; to break or slip free.
l;Ns}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] nfdfnfdf km8†sf uƒL ;fwfƒ0f l;nfOdf l;nfpg'„ to sew or stitch sth coarsely.
l;NGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] lrKnf], lrNnf] 7fpF jf lrhdf v'§f kƒ]ƒ ƒ8†sg'Ù 6]sfO í;Gt'lnt x'g'Ù lrKng'„ to slip (over); to lose a balance; to lose a purchase.
l;Nkt — [gf= n.] efF8fat{g agfOg] ;]tf] vfnsf] xn'sf wft'„ a light metallic element which is used especially for making cooking pots; aluminum.
l;lN;p — [lj= adj.] 3f]r]ƒ jf Kjfndf l5ƒfPƒ gTYofOPsf]Ù pg]sf]„ (of objects) strung together.
l;;LdfdfMj — [lj= adj.] í6fO–gí6fO uƒL elƒPsf] s'g} lrhÙ wf}wf} x'g] uƒL af]lsPsf] efƒLÙ ‚jfefljs ífsfƒ ƒ tf}neGbf a9L, 7"nf]„ (of loads, burdens) too heavy to carry; huge.
;L ()— [gf= n.] != gfsåfƒf rfn kfpg ;lsg] jf xfjfdf ldn]ƒ lkmFlhPsf] s'g} j‚t'sf] ;"Ids0fx¿sf] k|;fƒÙ gfsn] yfxf kfpg] af‚gf, ;'uGw, b'u{Gw, dxs, jf;„ the quality of sth that people and animals sense through their noses; smell. @= gƒfd|f] uGwÙ b'u{GwÙ xƒsÙ uGw„ bad smell, foul odour, stink; reek; stench. #= [lj= adj.] u]8fu'8L, kL7f] íflb efF8fsf] la6;Dd 6Dd x'g] uƒL elƒPsf]Ù eƒL„ full or filled to the brim.
;Lpl;Go , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] ísf{af6 sfdsfh, afgLa]xf]ƒf, ƒLltl‚ylt íflb a'‰g'Ù hfÌ'Ù 1fg lng'Ù ;Lk íflb k|f¨ ug'{Ù íWoog jf íEof; ug'{Ù k9†g'Ù l;Sg'„ to gain knowledge or skill by studying, from experience, from being taught, etc.; learn (sth) (from sb/sth); to study (sth); to practise (sth); to make a habit of sth.
l;‚of — [gf= n.÷p=e]= ulv.] -cf]kƒf< _ l;l;`d — [gf= n.] s'g} ug'{kg]{ sfds'ƒf guƒL a]jf‚tf uƒ]ƒ df}g a‚g] sfd„ an act of
;L;]kmn]{ — [lj= adj.] d'v gaf]Ng]„ unable to speak; mute. >;]/f]n — af]Nbf lha|f] n6kl6g]„ having a minor difficulty in speaking.
;]sg — [gf= n.] ísf{n] uƒ]sf] sfdsf] íg'sƒ0fÙ gënÙ l;sf]Ù b]vfl;sL„ an imitation.
;]sM;]s — [gf= n.] uPsf] jf a;]sf] 7fpFdf nuftf/ nfdf] ;do;Dd al;/fVg] jf /lx/xg] 9+un]„ an act of remaining for a long time where you are.
;]sf — [gf= n.] -l5lG5Go _ ;]sf< — [gf= n.] ljkƒLt lbzfaf6 nxƒf] 3'Dg] t?n h‚t} Ps lttf] sGb„ a yam-like root from a climbing plant. It tastes bitter.
;]s}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] != s'g} lrh jf íËnfO{ tftf] kfƒL ;f] tfk ísf]{df ;fg'{Ù ;]Sg'„ to warm a body part or an object by heating your hands or
384 another object by the fire. @= xftuf]8f jf n¶L íflbn] r'6†g'Ù 76fpg'„ to beat sb with the hand, leg or stick; to slap; to smack; to kick; to thrash.
, , , — [gf= n.] s'g}
7fpFdf le8ef8 ePƒ y'lk|Psf] l‚yltÙ x'n„ the situation when people crowd somewhere; a crowd.
;]3]M;]3]Mj — [lj= adj.] -3fp_ 3fp kfs]ƒ lkk g} lkkn] elƒPsf]Ù kfs]ƒ 7"nf] ePsf]„ (of a wound or part of the body) septic; festering and swelling.
;]3f]Nof — [lj= adj.] zƒLƒdf w]ƒ} df;' nfu]sf]Ù y;'Nnf]„ (of people) stout and healthy.
;]Ë] — [lqm=lj= adv.] s'g} xnrn guƒL al;ƒfVg] rfndfÙ y'k'ë„ in the manner of sitting without any movement.
;]Ëf]P — [gf= n.] ufhƒ;Fu ldNbf]h'Nbf] x'g], kxf8L jgkfvfdf kfOg] Ps ´fƒ„ a carrot-like weed that grows on the slope.
;]hf] — [gf= n.] íÌ jf kmnkm"ndf drf{ xfnL ƒf;folgs k|ltlqmof uƒfO{ s'xfOPsf], ´f]n vfg ƒ ƒS;L agfpg x'g] vfBÙ ƒS;Lsf] sf]ƒf ?kÙ hfF8„ malt; home-made beer. ;]tfƒL — [lj= adj.] df;' í;fWo} dg kƒfpg]„ (of people) loving to eat meat excessively.
;]Tof — [lj= adj.] ;]tf ƒªsf u]8f x'g] ds}„ white corn or its cob. ;]bg — [gf= n.] -ljÃf;_ dfG5]nfO{ ufoj g} kfg]{ ƒ skfn lhª†lu|Ë ePsf] sNkgf
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
385 ulƒPsf] jgk|]t„ a ghost with dishevelled hair that is believed to live in forest and to abduct a human being; a forest ghost.
;]Wof — [gf= n.] -emáƒL< _ ;]MGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] wfg, ds} íflb íÌ–afnLdf afnf nfUg', k;fpg'„ (of seeds in ears or cob) to begin to show.
;]k () — [gf= n=] lr;f] ƒ 7G8L jftfjƒ0f ePsf] ;]lknf] 7fpF„ a damp or moist place; a swamp and shady place.
;]KTof — [lj= adj.] -l;dL, af]8L íflb kmnsf] bfgf, u'bL_ ƒfd|ƒL ljsf; gePƒ ‚ofKk kƒ]sf]Ù kf]l6nf] gePsf]Ù bfd|f]„ (of peas,
;]ƒfyfkg ;]d — [gf= n.] ;w}F kfgL hldƒxg] lr‚ofg hldgÙ l;d;fƒÙ l;d„ swamp; marsh; wetland. > ;]dª`}+ — l;d;fƒdf x'g] Ps k|sfƒsf] l;d;fuÙ vf]n];fu„ a type of green leafy vegetable found in wetland.
;]d] — [gf= n.] != ;f]¸ dfgf -b'O{ kfyL_ klƒdf0fsf] j‚t' í6fpg] efF8f]„ a container that holds sixteen mānās of quantity. @= [lj= adj.] b'O{ kfyL klƒdf0fsf]„ sixteen mānās of sth.
;]Dtf , syn. — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] ;Nnfsf] kmn„ a pine cone. ;]DGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] klƒƒx]sf] kfgL la‚tfƒ} ƒf]lsFb} hfg'Ù aiff{t† sd x'g'Ù labf] x'g'„ (of rain) to abate; to stop raining.
bean pods) not plump.
;]KGo plv. , llv. , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != aRrfnfO{ ;'Tgsf] nflu n]6fpg'Ù ;'Tg nfpg'Ù ;'tfpg'„ to put a baby to bed. @= s;}nfO{ ífkm";Fu} ;'tfpg'„ to allow someone to sleep by your side.
;]Kof — [gf= n.] rfsdf b'O{j6f l;ª h‚t} RofKg x'g] íË ePsf] lsƒfÙ sG;'Tnf]„ a small insect with two pincers (curved pointed parts) at the back end of its body; an earwig.
;]K;]k lkGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] efF8f íflbsf] la6 jf st} d'v hf]8]ƒ tƒn kbfy{ tfÌ'Ù rkfOPsf] lrhaf6 ƒ; r'‚g'„ to drink sth by touching the brim of a pot with your lips; to suck juice from sth.
;]e]M;]a]Mj — [lj= adj. -k;k sf k;af] _
;]ƒ (),() — [gf= n.] dfƒsf] lzƒnufot íGo d'Vod'Vo íË s'nsf íu|hsf] pd]ƒsf] dof{bfqmdfg';fƒ ;Ddfg‚j?k 6S|ofOg] pkxfƒ„ a present of a head and other parts of a butchered animal offered to the eldest member of the clan.
;]/f — [gf= n. ÷;]=e]= sd.]
;]ƒfª†ª' — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] efª†sf] laofFÙ kmn„ hemp bhāng seeds. ;]ƒfyfkg — [gf= n.] != -dlGbƒ, 3ƒ, k'n–k'n];f íflb_ ef}lts ;+ƒrgf lgdf{0f ubf{ ;j{k|yd ;fOt;fy ljlwk"j{s 9'Ëf, O§f íflbsf] hu xfNg] sfdÙ huk"hfÙ lznfGof;„ an act of lying a foundation stone of a temple, building, bridge, etc. with foundation worship. @= z'e ;fOtsf ;fy ulƒg] s'g} sfdsf] yfngL„ any activity that is performed for a good omen
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
;]ƒfƒf before you begin your journey.
;]ƒfƒf plv. , hmlv. — [gf= n.] kmƒflsnf] ePƒ kfgLsf] ulxƒfO sd ePsf] gbL„ an area in a river or stream which is not deep and can be crossed on foot; a ford.
;]ƒf]! , < , syn. — [lj= adj.] != -k'?if_ pd]ƒ l5lKkPsf]Ù a[4Ù a"9f]„
(of men) old; elder.
@= -k'?if_ pd]ƒ a9L k'u]sf]Ù ;ƒbƒ ;f7L jif{ jf ;f]eGbf a9L pd]ƒsf]Ù hjfgLn] 5f]8]sf]Ù a"9f]„ an old man, especially who has crossed sixty.
;]ƒf]@ — [gf= n.] ífkm"eGbf h]7f]nfO{ elgg] ;Ddfgaf]ws zAb„ respectful word used to address an old man.
;]ƒf]# — [gf= n. -ígf}= imf._] kltÙ nf]Ug]„ husband.
;]Go{ — [í=lqm= v.i.] -k'?if_ pd]ƒ a9†b} hfg'Ù a"9f] x'g'„ (of men) to age; to grow older.
;]ƒf]n — [lj= adj.] af]Nbf lha|f] n6†kl6g]Ù æƒÆ nfO{ ænÆ h‚t} uƒL pRrfƒ0f ug]{„ suffering from speech fault in which the sound ‘r' is pronounced ‘l'; speaking with a lisp.
;]df{ — [gf= n.÷;]=e]= slv.] hUufsf] sƒ„ land tax. ;]Nof{k — [gf= n.] vfg]s'ƒf vfFbf ;'lgg] ífjfh„ a sound heard while munching or chewing food.
;]njf — [lj= adj.÷;]=e]= slv.] sfds'ƒf íflb ‚km"lt{sf;fy ug{ g;Sg]Ù l9nfÙ
nf];]„ (of people) slow and lazy. ;]nf — [gf= n.] í¿n] pkef]u uƒ]ƒ ar]sf] lrhnfO{ ífkm"n] k'gM k|of]u ug]{ sfd„ to reuse the remains of sth used by others. > ;]nfafnf — afnL
leœofO;s]kl5 v]tafƒLdf ar]v'r]sf] íÌ, u]8fu'8L„ the remaining in the field after harvesting the crops; leftover crops.
;]nf]< — [gf= n.] sfd ug]{ 9Ë jf ;LkÙ lgk'0ftfÙ snf„ craftsmanship; art; great talent. ~dfrfp — [lj= adj.] ldlxg jf snfk"0f{ tlƒsfn] sfd gug]{Ù sfd rnfp ug]{„ perfunctory. ;]nf]Ëf! plv. , slv. — [gf= n.] af]qmf jf ƒ];f 5'6fO;s]]kl5 afFsL ƒx]sf] efª†sf] 8fF7„ a hemp bhāng stem without outer covering.
;]nf]Ëf@ — [gf= n.] afNgsf] nflu sf6]ƒ íf]ƒfnf]ltƒ u'N6fpFb} NofOg] sf7sf] nfdf] luF8Ù d'9f]„ a long log used as fuel for a fire, usually rolled down the slope homewards.
;]nf]nf] l;p — [lj= adj.] != Hofb} ylstÙ zƒLƒ rnfpg} g;lsg] uƒL un]sf]„ nœofÌ ePsf]„ extremely tired; worn out; exhausted. @= -zƒLƒ_ s'g} íf3ft jf k|xfƒsf] sfƒ0f lklƒPsf]„ (of body parts) suffering from contusions.
;`] , siyn. — [gf= n.] 7fpF íf]u6†g] jf 5]Sg] uƒL 3Rr kg]{ 7fpFdf al;ƒfVg] rfn„ an act of sitting somewhere occupying too much space and disturbing others.
;`]Go! — [;=lqm= v.t.] 7f8f]af6 sf7,
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
387 d'9f] íflb lrƒ]ƒ b'O{ ³fs kfg'{Ù 7f8f]af6 rsf{Pƒ v08–v08 t'Nofpg'Ù -a~rƒf] íflbn]_ bfpƒf lrg'{„ to split wood with an axe. > ;`];f] — [lj= adj.] ƒfd|ƒL lrg{ ;lsg] vfnsf]Ù ;lhn} lrlƒg]„ that can be easily split with an axe.
;`]Go@ , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] uf]aƒ, df6f] íflbn] 9f]sf, d´]ƒL, rf}sf], r'nf], bnfg íflb kf]Tg'Ù lnkkf]t ug'{Ù lnKg'„ to plaster the threshold, kitchen, etc. with cow dung mixed with wet clay.
;`]G;]gf] — [lj= adj.] tofƒ kflƒPsf] vfg]s'ƒf ífjZostfeGbf a9L x'g uPsf]„ (of cooked food) more than enough; excess.
;`]ƒ! — [lj= adj.] != pd]ƒn] ífkm"eGbf h]7f]„ elder. @= -dfG5]_ dfg, dof{bf, ;fdflhs k|lti7f, kb íflbn] íu'jfÙ íu|hÙ íWoIfÙ ;efklt„ a senior (to sb); a headman; the president; the chairperson.
;`]ƒ — [lj= adj.] -;]ƒf] _ ;`]NGo! plv. , syn. , hmlv. & nblv. m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] j‚t'nfO{ ank"j{s ífkm"ltƒ Nofpg', lvRg'Ù tfÌ'„ to drag or pull sth; to yank. ;`]NGo@ — [;=lqm= v.t.] != wƒf}6L jf a]lrPsf] j‚t'nfO{ d"No ltƒ]ƒ k'gM ífˆgf] ‚jfldÎjdf kfg'{Ù lgvÌ'„ to redeem sth (valuable objects) from sb. @= ;fOkf6f] a'´fO;lsPsL ‚qLnfO{ ljjfxsf] nflu tfÌ'„ to take a girl @
by (a boy) by pulling her for marriage after the boy offers sāipāto to the girl. (Sāipāto is a present offered by
a bridegroom to a bride on the eve of the wedding ceremony.)
;}+ — [gf= n.] ;fj{hlgs hfgsfƒLsf] nflu n]v]ƒ 6fFl;Psf] ;fdfu|LÙ ;"rgf„ information or instructions; a notice. > ;}+Go , m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] 1fg, hfgsfƒL jf rfn kfpg'Ù yfxf x'g'Ù hfÌ'„ to know sth.
;}+l;p , syn. — [lj= adj.] != lgb|f jf a]xf];Lkgfaf6 hfu]sf]Ù xf];df ífPsf]Ù Jo"Fl´Psf]Ù lapFltPsf]„ not sleeping; awake.
;}+l;Go! — [í=lqm= v.i.] lgb|faf6 xf];df ífpg'Ù lapF´g'Ù lapFtg'„ to wake up. @= r]tgf‚tƒ p7]sf]Ù ;r]t„ careful; conscious; aware
;}+l;Go@ — [lj= adj.] a'‰g ;lsg] jf ;d´df ífpg]Ù a'‰g ;lhnf]Ù af]wuDo„ comprehensible; intelligible.
;`}+ plv. , ulv. , plv. — [lj=jf]= intj.] ;Defljt ƒ ;Gb]x tyf ;fIosf] ;"rgf ug]{ zAbÙ xf] ls Û word used to express probability or doubt; is it?
;}! plv. (), hmlv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] != íÌ, ?v, af]6, ntf, nxƒf íflbdf kmNg] aLho'Qm bfgfÙ kmn„ seeds; fruit. @= nufPsf] >d jf sfds'ƒf íflbaf6 k|f¨ x'g] pknlAwÙ nfeÙ kmfObf„ benefit; profit. #= sfd–sfhsf] klƒ0ffdÙ glthf„ a result; an outcome.
;}@ — [gf= n.] skfn sf]g]{ bfFt]bfƒ ;fwgÙ sfOFof]„ a comb (for hair). > ;}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] í¿sf] skfn sf]ƒLaf6L ulƒlbg'Ù sfOFof]n] s]z ;hfOlbg'„ to comb someone's hair. > ;}l;Go , m. — ífˆgf] skfn
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
;} ;}nf] t e}nf]! — s'ƒfdf s'ƒf ldnfpg] sfd„ an act of agreeing with or sharing with others. > ;}nf] t e}nf]@ — ;3fpk3fpÙ efƒf]kd{Ù ;ƒ;xof]u„ mutual help.
;`} ;`}l;Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] ífkm}n] ífkm}nfO{ dfg'{Ù ífTdxTof ug'{„ to kill oneself; to commit suicide.
;f]+eƒ]+ plv. , syn. , hmlv. — [lj= adj.] t]>f] qmddf kg]{ ;ª†VofÙ b'O{ ƒ Pssf] hf]8Ù tLg„ the number three.
;f] — [lj= adj.÷p=e]= ulv.] -bSs _ ;f]P plv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] k|f0fLsf] df+;df x'g] lrNnf] kbfy{Ù af];f]„ (of people, animals) fat. > ;f]PMj — [lj= adj.] zƒLƒdf af];f] a9]sf]Ù df]6f]„ fat; plump. > ;f]PGo , m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] af];f] nfUg'Ù df]6fpg'„ to grow fat.
;f]uf] — [gf= n.] ‚jhg jf lk|o JolQmsf] d[To', ljklQ jf ljof]udf x'g] dfgl;s si6Ù s'g} lau|]sf] sfds'ƒf jf í;kmntfsf] sfƒ0f dgdf nfUg] lkƒ jf ;'tf{Ù dgsf] j]bgfÙ lrGtfÙ zf]s„ a feeling of great sadness, especially when some of your near and dear dies; grief; great sadness; bereavement; mourning.
;f]uf]nf] — [lj= adj.] != íËeË gePsf]]Ù k"0f{„ (of the body) not broken
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
389 or damaged; whole. @= gkmf]lƒPsf], g6'lqmPsf]Ù ívl08tÙ l;Ëf]„ in one piece; whole.
;f]uf]PFGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] Ps lrhnfO{ ísf]{ lrh;Fu ?k, u'0f, ‚jefj, d"No jf nIf0f íflbsf] ífwfƒdf t'ngf ug'{Ù bfFHg'„
;f]r}MGo , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != ;'t]sfnfO{ lgb|faf6 Ao"F´fpg'Ù AoF"tfpg'Ù p7fpg'„ to wake sb; to awaken (sb) (up). @= ;r]t agfpg'Ù hfu?s t'Nofpg'„ to make people aware (of sth). #= efƒL p7fpg íf8 lbg'Ù efƒL af]Sg ;xof]u ug'{„ to
to compare A and B; to compare A with/to B.
support sb to lift or carry a heavy load; to help (sb) (in carrying a load). $=
;f]ªf]PGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] != grflxFbf] jf gƒfd|f] sfddf k|j[Q uƒfpg'Ù axsfpg'Ù aƒflng] kfg'{Ù s'ntdf íN´fpg'÷km;fpg'„ to beguile sb (into doing sth); to mislead sb. @= af6f] laƒfPƒ uGtJodf k'Ug g;Sg] kfg'{Ù íNdNofpg'Ù e'nfpg'„ to cause sb to stray; to divert
ƒf;folgs k|ltlqmof z'? x'g nfu]sf] hfF8nfO{ df6f] jf sf7sf] efF8fdf ƒfv]ƒ yG¬fpg'„
sb (from sth).
;f]ªf]/f — [gf= n.÷t;]=e]= tslv.] -ƒf]Ëf] _ ;f]ªf]n}Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] != ufF7f] kƒ]sf] wfuf]–8f]ƒL íflbnfO{ d];f]df Nofpg'Ù ;'wfg'{„ to undo knots. @= lau|]sf] s'ƒf jf jQmJonfO{ ts{åfƒf ;'wfg'{Ù ;kfg'{Ù ;+zf]wg ug'{„ to correct your words or statement by giving reasons; to amend.
;f]ª\3f] — [lj= adj.] rngrlNtsf] eGbf sd d"Nosf]Ù sd d"Nodf kfOg]Ù yf]ƒ} df]n kg]{Ù ;‚tf]„ costing little money or less than is usual or expected; cheap.
;f]r}+Go — [;=lqm= v.t.] != s'g} j‚t'nfO{ st} ƒxg] uƒL yG¬fpg'Ù htgsf ;fy ƒfVg'Ù a;fNg'„ to keep sth in a safe place; to store sth up. @= OHhtsf ;fy s'g} kb jf ‚yfgdf ƒfVg'Ù k|lt‚yfkg ug'{„ to place sb in a particular honourable position or post.
to store fermented malt beer in an earthen or wooden vessel.
;f]rf]PGo , syn. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != tƒn kbfy{nfO{ ífufsf] ífFrdf kfƒ]ƒ ub†sfpg'Ù pdfNg'„ to boil sth; to simmer sth. @= s;}sf] lƒ; p7fOlbg'Ù í¿nfO{ lƒ;fpg] kfg'{Ù lƒ; p7fOlbg'„ to tease, annoy or provoke sb.
;f]emf< , syn. — [gf= n.] != o;f] xf]nf ls p;f] xf]nf eÌ] ljrfƒsf] íGbfhÙ íg'dfg„ a guess (about /at sth); an estimate; a hunch. @= Ps 7fpFaf6 b]lvg] jf ;Lwf kg]{ 7fpFÙ ;Lwf 7fpF„ not in a curve or at an angle; in a straight line; straight.
;f]t — [gf= n.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] -;f]P _ ;f]wf — [;+of]= conj.] != ;d]tÙ nufotÙ ;lxtÙ ƒÙ klg„ including; also; as well; too. @= s;}sf] ;fy nfu]sf] jf ldn]sf]Ù o'Qm„ united (with sb); joined with sb; aligned oneself with sb.
;f]Go! — [í=lqm= v.i.] != lgb|faf6 lapF´g'Ù lapFtg'Ù p7†g'„ to be awake; to wake up. @= ;'t]sf] jf a;]sf] l‚yltaf6 v8f x'g'Ù pleg'Ù p7†g'„ to get up; to stand up. #= an, a'l4, wfs, íj‚yf íflbdf í¿nfO{ tn
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
;f]Go jf ;fgf] 7fÌ'Ù xf]Rofpg'Ù lxofpg'Ù lyrf]ldrf] jf x]nf ug'{Ù t'R5 dfÌ'Ù x]Kg'„ to insult sb; to bully sb; to humiliate sb; to belittle sb; to demean or degrade sb. $= d}y'gsf] OR5f x'g'Ù sfdjf;gf a9†g'„ to have desire for sex; to desire (for sb).
;f]Go@ , m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] sGofpg dg nfUg'Ù ;u;ufpg'Ù lrnfpg'„ to itch; to tickle.
;f]Go# , m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] %= -lk8fn' cflbsf] :jfb_ sf]Sofpg'„ (of edible roots) to taste pungent that irritates your tongue and throat.
;f]k;f]kf] — [lj= adj.] íf]l;nf]efj jf lr‚ofg gePsf]Ù ;'Vvf„ not wet, damp or sticky; without water or moisture; dry.
;f]KGo! — [í=lqm= v.i.] != ;'lgPsf], km'n]sf] íË jf 6'6'Nsf] íflb lgsf] ePƒ ‚ofKk x'g'Ù vfFlu|g'Ù bfld|g'„ (of the swollen part of your body) to shrink. @= 9fl8Psf] k]6 jf km'n]sf] s'g} íË ‚ofKk x'g'Ù rfplƒg'„ (of the swollen belly) to go back to a normal level; to subside.
;f]KGo@ — [í=lqm= v.i.] -@= ;Go{ _ ;f]af]ƒf]NGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] b'O{ jf ;f]eGbf a9L j‚t'df ?k, u'0f ƒ ífsfƒ íflbdf Pp6} nfu]ƒ 5'§ofpg índn kg'{Ù Ps} lsl;dsf] b]lvg'Ù Pp6} h‚tf] efg x'g' jf nfUg'„ to be confused because two or more things look indistinguishable; to look alike; to resemble.
;f]Eof — [lj= adj.] -j‚t'_ lgMz'Ns ¿kdf k|of]u, pkef]u ug{ kfOPsf]Ù l;Q}sf]Ù -ísf{af6 k|f¨_ lgMz'NsÙ ljgf d"Nosf]„ costing nothing; not needing
390 to be paid for; free; gratis.
;f]Dkf — [gf= n.] gjf}+ u|xdWo] 5}7f}+ u|xÙ z'qm„ the planet second in order of distance from the Sun, after Mercury and before the Earth, It is the nearest planet to the Earth; Venus.
;f]/! — [gf= n.] ;a}sf hfgsfƒLsf] nflu tfhf vaƒx¿sf ljjƒ0fnfO{ Jojl‚yt ¿kdf n]v]ƒ k|sflzt ulƒPsf] kqÙ ;dfrfƒkqÙ ívafƒ„ printed document consisting of news reports, articles, photographs and advertisements that are printed on large sheets of paper; a newspaper.
;f]ƒ@ — [gf= n.] != tfhf, gf}nf vaƒx¿sf lj‚t[t ljjƒ0fÙ xfnrfnÙ ;dfrfƒ„ news. @= xf]; uƒfpg] dfgl;s zlQmÙ ;r]t ƒxg] l‚yltÙ ;ts{tfzlQmÙ r]tgzlQmÙ xf];Ù r]tgfÙ ;'2L„ consciousness; awareness; conscience.
;f]ƒf — [gf= n.] -;f]emf _ ;f]/`] — [gf= n.] -e';'s _ ~d`] xLn — [gf= n.] sfds'ƒfnfO{ lgk'0ftfsf] ;fy ;DkÌ ug{;Sg] snfsf] k"j{;Í]tÙ sfds'ƒf] ug]{ snf jf 9Ësf] k"j{ 5fF6sfF6Ù sfo{s'zntf„ potential; craftsmanship; competency.
lxNs}MGo ()— [;=lqm= v.t.] sDdƒ dsf{pg'Ù sDdƒ xNnfpg'„ to sway your hips (as in dancing).
lxlNxnf] — [gf= n.] ;f¸} íUnf] sxfnL nfUbf] kxƒf]Ù kxƒ], 7f8f], tfƒ]leƒ„ a vertical drop; a treacherous precipice; a cliff ; a steep hill/slope.
x't}Go xL< — [gf= n.] j‚t' jf efƒL Pëfl; x'Q kmfNg] sfd„ an act of slinging sth. x'O{ plv. , nblv. — [gf= n.] dfn;fdfg xfNg ;a}ltƒ l;Pƒ Psfltƒ d'v vfnL ƒflvPsf] sk8fsf] wf]qmf]Ù y}nf]„ a large bag with no handles, made of strong rough material, used for storing and carrying; a sack.
x'lsg! — [;+of]= intj.] pQm lbg jf ;dob]lvÙ ToxfFb]lv„ from that day or moment; from there; thence.
x'lsg@ — [;+of]= intj.] -xbfO _ x'sL — [lqm=lj= adv.] olb To;f] ePdfÙ To;f] xf] eg]„ if that be the case; if so. x'u'kf] , ant. — [lj= adj.] != 7G8Ldf x'g] ;'xfpFbf] tftf]Ù Gofgf]kgsf] íg'ej jf ífgGb lbg] vfnsf]Ù Gofgf]„ moderately pleasant temperature; warm. @= -7fpF_ lr;f] atf; grNg]Ù l;ƒ]6f] gnfUg]Ù Gofgf]„ protected from a cold wind.
x'hLMbf — [lqm=lj= adv.] To; 7fpFsf] íf;kf;g]ƒ„ near that place; somewhere there.
x'tXMbf — [lqm=lj= adv.] != ífkm" ƒx]sf]eGbf í¿ s'g} lbzfltƒÙ kNnftkm{Ù TotfÙ kƒ„ to that place or position; there. @= [gfof]= post.] kNnfkl§Ù kƒltƒÙ ptfltƒ„ the other side of (sth).
x't — [gf= n.÷lge'=e]= nblv.] -x'O _ x't}Go , syn. , m. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != ¬} lrhnfO{ íufl8ltƒ 7]Ng'Ù ws]Ng'Ù 3r]6†g'„ to push sth. @= ank"j{s 7]n]ƒ st}ltƒ ;fg'{ jf k'¥ofpg'„ to push sth away; to remove
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
x'bf sth by pushing it.
x'bf — [gf= n.] != hgfjƒx¿sf] xfFr jf ayfgÙ aufn„ a flock (of sth); a herd (of sth). @= dfG5]x¿sf] ;d"xÙ x'n„ a group; a crowd of people.
x'b] — [lqm=lj= adv.÷u=e]= glv.] -xf]bf _ x'Go , syn. , m. , ant. — [;=lqm= v.t.] != lglÁt 7fpFdf ífOk'Ug'Ù st}af6 ífkm" ePltƒ sf]xL jf ¬} ífpg'Ù ífOk'Ug'Ù ífudg x'g'Ù ífpg'„ to come back to the previous place; to return (to the place of origin). @= [í=lqm= v.i.] glhsdf b]lvg'Ù pkl‚yt x'g'„ to be in a particular place; to be present; to appear somewhere; to come. @= [í=lqm= v.i.] 3fdn] xlƒof] ePsf] ífn' lvlx¥ofpg'„ (of potatoes exposed to the sun turned green) to taste pungent or acrid.
x'KGo — [í=lqm= v.i.] s;}dfly lgw{ë eO{ eƒkg'{ jf ljÃf; ug'{Ù s;}k|lt 9'ë x'g'„ to depend on sb; to rely on sb.
x'/x'ƒ! — [gf= n.] nf]e nfUbf] lrh b]Vbf jf í¿nfO{ ¬} lrh lbO;s]kl5 dg vfPƒ x'g] ysysL„ repentance (for sth); contrition; remorse (for sth/for doing sth).
x'/x'ƒ@ — [gf= n.] != ífuf] an]ƒ Pëfl; p7]sf] d'‚nf]„ a fierce flame. @= 7]nd7]n ePƒ x'lQPsf] le8„ a moving crowd. x'l/lGbgf] — [lj= adj.] -s'g} klg j:t', vf;u/L k]6 cflb_ km'n]sf]Ù 9fl8Psf]„ (especially of the stomach) swollen.
x'ls{Go — [í=lqm= v.i.] -hLj, jg‚klt_ afnfkg k"ƒf ug'{Ù pd]ƒ k'Ug'Ù l5lKkg'Ù hjfg xg'„ to grow up; to become
404 mature.
x's}{MGo — [;=lqm= v.t.] kfng kf]if0f ug'{Ù x'sf{pg'„ to nourish sb/sth; to bring sb up.
x'Go{! , m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] zƒLƒsf] s'g} íËdf rf]6 jf ljsfƒ kƒ]ƒ kL8f dx;'; ug'{Ù b'Vg'„ to pain. x'Go{@ , m. — [í=lqm= v.i.] [;=lqm= v.t.] ‚gfg uƒfpg'Ù g'xfOlbg'„ to bathe sb. > x'l;{Go! — kfgLn] lhp kvfNg'Ù ‚gfg ug'{Ù g'xfpg'„ to take a bath; to bathe; to purify yourself with water. > x'l;{Go@— vfO;s]kl5 xftd'vdf nfu]sf] h'7f] kvfNg'Ù r'7†g'„ to wash your hands and mouth after eating.
x'n! — [gf= n.] Ps} 7fpFdf hDdf ePsf dfG5]sf] w'Oƒf]Ù le8Ù hdft„ a crowd of people.
x'n@ — [gf= n.÷pd}=e]= hmlv.] -x'n'F ()_ x'lnx'nL RofMj — [lj= adj.] != zfƒLlƒs ‚jf‚Yosf] nflu ífjZos kg]{ kf}li6s tÎjsf] íefj ePsf]Ù b'AnfPsf]Ù lnv'ƒ]„ lean and thin; skinny; gaunt. @= l3g nfUbf] b]lvg]Ù ;ƒ;kmfO gePsf]„ dirty; unclean; filthy.
x'n'F plv. (), hmlv. — [gf= n.] xltofƒ pWofpg] lrhÙ ;fg 9'Ëf]„ a whetstone.
x'Nof — [lj= adj.] -JolQm_ Ps} ;fy ulƒg] ífqmd0fdf hfOnfUg], ;xefuL x'g]Ù x'Nofxf„ (of people) aggressive; ready to attack; acting in a violent way and causing damage, who shows interest in mob violence.
A Trilingual Dictionary of The Magar Language (Athāra Magarāt)
405 x" — [gf= n.] v's'ƒL, sf]bfnf] íflbdf hf]l8Psf] xftn] ;dfTg] efuÙ laF8„ the
handle of a khukuri, axe, spade etc. made of wood, horn, bone etc.; a haft.
x]TGo — [;=lqm= v.t.÷;]=e]= slv.] -x]