A Medieval Storybook 9780801468346

"Medieval men were great storytellers. In the long dark of winter evenings, there was not much to do but tell stori

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English Pages 320 Year 2013

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Table of contents :
I/ Romances of King Arthur's Court
The Story of Merlin
The Sword in the Stone by Sir Thomas Malory
Launcelot, Elaine, and Guenever by Sir Thomas Malory
Tristan's End
II/ Adventures and Escapades
The Story of Frithjof and Ingebjorg
Amleth's Revenge by Saxo Grammaticus
A Knight Who Made a Bargain with a Merchant
A Story of beyond the Sea
The Cruelty of Francesco Orsini by Giovanni Fiorentino
A Night in Naples by Giovanni Boccaccio
III/ Lovers' WeaL and Woe
The Dapple-Gray Palfrey by Huon Leroi
The Lay of the Nightingale by Marie de France
The Falcon by Giovanni Boccaccio
IV/ Wonders and Prodigies
The Life of Saint Brandon by Jacobus de Voragine
The Famous History of Friar Bacon
V/ Moral Tales
The Execrable Devices of Old Women
Of the Cunning of the Devil, and of the Secret Judgments of God
Of the Transgressions and Wounds of the Soul
Of Extreme Fear
The Marvelous Conversion of the Blessed Hildegund,Virgin by Caesarius of Heisterbach
The Cleric Who Deflowered a Jewish Maiden by Caesarius of Heisterbach
How the Novice Theobald Conquered His Pride by Caesarius of Heisterbach
Friar Juniper
VI/ Merry Tales and Salty Fictions
Of the Churl Who Won Paradise
A Dean and a Magician by Juan Manuel
King Ben Abit and Queen Romaquí­a by Juan Manuel
A Profound Judgment
The Pear Tree
Fra Cipolla by Giovanni Boccaccio
A Father's Wise Counsel by Franco Sacchetti
The Rustic Ambassadors by Franco Sacchetti
The Noble Crest by Franco Sacchetti
Sacchetti and the Astrologer by Franco Sacchetti
The Blind Man of Orvieto by Franco Sacchetti
The Reeve's Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer
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