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English Pages [605] Year 1997, 1999
A Companion to World Philosophies
Blackwell Companions to Philosophy This outstanding student reference series offers a comprehensive and authoritative survey of philosophy as a whole. Written by today's leading philosophers, each volume provides lucid and engaging coverage of the key figures, terms, topics, and problems of the field. Taken together, the volumes provide the ideal basis for course use, representing an unparalleled work of reference for students and specialists alike. Already published in the series: 1
The Blackwell Companion to Philosophy, Second Edition 16 Edited by Nicholas Bunnin and Eric Tsui-James
15 A Companion to Bioethics Edited by Helga Kuhse and Peter Singer A Companion to the Philosophers Edited by Robert L. Arrington
A Companion to Ethics Edited by Peter Singer
17 A Companion to Business Ethics Edited by Robert E. Frederick
A Companion to Aesthetics Edited by David Cooper
18 A Companion to the Philosophy of Science Edited by W H. Newton-Smith
A Companion to Epistemology Edited by Jonathan Dancy and Ernest Sosa
19 A Companion to Environmental Philosophy Edited by Dale Jamieson
A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy Edited by Robert E. Goodin and Philip Pettit
20 A Companion to Analytic Philosophy Edited by A. P. Martinich and David Sosa
A Companion to Philosophy of Mind Edited by Samuel Guttenplan
A Companion to Metaphysics Edited by Jaegwon Kim and Ernest Sosa
A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory Edited by Dennis Patterson
A Companion to Philosophy of Religion Edited by Philip L. Quinn and Charles Taliaferro
10 A Companion to the Philosophy of Language Edited by Bob Hale and Crispin Wright 11 A Companion to World Philosophies Edited by Eliot Deutsch and Ron Bontekoe
12 A Companion to Continental Philosophy Edited by Simon Critchley and William Schroeder 13 A Companion to Feminist Philosophy Edited by Alison M. Jaggar and Iris Marion Young 14 A Companion to Cognitive Science Edited by William Bechtel and George Graham
A Companion to Genethics Edited by Justine Burley and John Harris A Companion to Philosophical Logic Edited by Dale Jacquette A Companion to Early Modern Philosophy Edited by Steven Nadler
A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages Edited by Jorge J. E. Gracia and Timothy B. Noone 25 A Companion to African-American Philosophy Edited by Tommy L. Lott and John P. Pittman 26 A Companion to Applied Ethics Edited by R. G. Frey and Christopher Heath Wellman
27 A Companion to the Philosophy of Education Edited by Randall Curren 28 A Companion to African Philosophy Edited by Kwasi Wiredu
Blackwell Companions to Philosophy
A Companion to
World Philosophies Edited by ELIOT DEUTSCH and RON BONTEKOE
Advisory editors Tu Weiming (Chinese) J. N. Mohanty (Indian) Ninian Smart (Buddhism) Marietta Stepaniants (Islam)
© 1997,1999 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
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First published 1997 First published as paperback 1999 3 2007 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A companion to world philosophies / edited by Eliot Deutsch and Ron Bontenko p. cm. —(Blackwell companion to philosophy) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-631-19871-0 (hardcover: alk. paper) ISBN 978-0-631-21327-7 (pb.: alk. paper) 1. Philosophy, Oriental. 2. Philosophy, African. I. Deutsch, Eliot, n. Bontekoe, Ronald, 1954- . in. Series. B121.C664 1997 109—dc20 96-36179 CIP A catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library. Set in 1014 on 1214 pt Photina by Best-set Typesetter Ltd, Hong Kong
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List of contributors
Guide to pronunciation
Chinese philosophy: a synoptic view
2 A history of Indian philosophy
3 Classical Polynesian thinking
4 African philosophy: a historical overview
A survey of Buddhist thought
6 Islamic philosophy: an overview
7 Ideas of the good in Chinese philosophy
8 The Chinese conception of selfhood
9 Human beings and nature in traditional Chinese thought
10 Causation in Chinese philosophy
11 Chinese socio-political ideals
12 Reality and divinity in Chinese philosophy
13 Reason and principle in Chinese philosophy: an interpretation of li
14 The way and the truth
15 Chineseaesthetics
The Indian tradition
16 Socio-political thought in classical India
17 Indian conceptions of reality and divinity
18 Rationality in Indian philosophy
19 Humankind and nature in Indian philosophy
20 The idea of the good in Indian thought J.
Indian aesthetics: a philosophical survey EDWIN GEROW
The self and person in Indian philosophy
Truth in Indian philosophy
The Buddhist tradition
24 Ideas of the good in Buddhist philosophy
Reflections on social and political ideals in Buddhist philosophy
Causality in Buddhist philosophy
27 Humankind and nature in Buddhism
28 Buddhist reality and divinity
The Buddhist concept of self
30 Rationality in Buddhist thought
Buddhist perspectives on ontological truth
The Islamic tradition
Truth and Islamic thought
43 7
Islamic aesthetics
34 Reality and divinity in Islamic philosophy
Selfliood/personhood in Islamic philosophy
36 The concept of the good in Islamic philosophy
37 Causality and Islamic thought
38 Rationality in Islamic philosophy
Contemporary Chinese philosophy
40 Contemporary Japanese philosophy
The contemporary Indian situation
Contemporary Polynesian thinking
Current trends and perspectives in African philosophy
44 Contemporary Buddhist philosophy
Contemporary Islamic thought
Tamara Albertini is a professor of philosophy at the University of Ha waii at Manoa.
the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC.
Carine Defoort is a professor of sinol
Roger T. Ames is a professor of phi
ogy at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
losophy and Director of the Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Majid Fakhry is emeritus professor of
David Bastow is a professor of phi
philosophy at the American Univer sity of Beirut, Lebanon.
losophy at the University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland.
Segun Gbadegesin is a professor of
John Ross Carter is a professor at
philosophy at Howard University, Washington, DC.
Chapel House, Colgate University, Hamilton, New York.
Edwin Gerow is professor emeritus at
Arindam Chakrabarti is a profes sor of philosophy at the University of Delhi, India.
Reed College, Portland, Oregon, and Editor of The Journal of the American Oriental Society.
Stephen J. Goldberg is a professor of John Chariot is a professor of religion at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
art at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Bina Gupta is a professor of philoso Amita Chatterjee is a professor of philosophy at Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India.
phy at the University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri.
David L. Hall is a professor of philoso Chung-ying Cheng is a professor of
phy at the University of Texas at El Paso.
philosophy at the University of Ha waii at Manoa and Editor of the Jour nal of Chinese Philosophy.
Kenneth K. Inada is a professor of
A. S. Cua is professor emeritus at
philosophy at the University of Buf falo, State University of New York. ix
P. J. Ivanhoe is a professor of phi
Shigenori Nagatomo is a professor of
losophy at Stanford University, California.
religious studies at Temple Univer sity, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Knut A. Jacobsen is a professor in the
Seyyed Hossein Nasr is University
Department of Cultural Studies at the University of Oslo, Norway.
Professor of Islamic Studies at the George Washington University, Washington, DC.
Matthew Kapstein is a professor of Buddhism at Columbia University, New York.
Thomas P. Kasulis is a professor of philosophy in the Department of East Asian Languages and Litera ture at the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
G. C. Pande is chairman, Allahabad Museum Society, Allahabad, and formerly Vice-Chancellor of the Uni versities of Rajasthan and Allaha bad.
Stephen H. Phillips is a professor of philosophy at the University of Tex as at Austin.
John M. Koller is a professor of phi losophy at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York.
P. D. Premasiri is a professor of phi losophy at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
Daya Krishna is chairman of the In dian Council of Philosophical Re search, Delhi, India, and formerly professor of philosophy and Ex-Pro Vice-Chancellor at the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India.
Henry Rosemont, Jr is a professor of philosophy at St Mary’s College, Maryland.
Shun Kwong-loi is a professor of phi
Gerald James Larson is the Tagore
losophy at the University of Califor nia, Berkeley.
Professor of Religious Studies at In diana University, Bloomington.
Ninian Smart is the J. F. Rowny Pro
D. A. Masolo is a professor of phi losophy at Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio.
fessor of Comparative Religions at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Andrey Smirnov is a professor at the
J. N. Mohanty is a professor of phi losophy at Temple University, Phila delphia, Pennsylvania.
Center for Studies in Oriental Phi losophies at the Institute of Phi losophy, Moscow.
Josep Puig Montada is a professor in
Marietta Stepaniants is Director,
the Dpto. de Estudios Arabes e Islamicos at Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid, Spain.
Center for Studies in Oriental Phi losophies at the Institute of Phi losophy, Moscow.
Tu Weiming is a professor of Chinese
John Walbridge is a professor of reli
philosophy and Director of the Harvard-Yenching Institute, Har vard University.
gious studies at Indiana University, Bloomington.
Michiko Yusa is a professor in the Mourad Wahba is a professor in the faculty of education at the Goethe Institute in Cairo, Egypt.
Department of Foreign Languages at Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington.
When Stephan Chambers, then philosophy editor at Blackwells, invited me to edit a volume on non-Western philosophies for their Companion series, my first reaction was a rather vehement “no thank you.” I argued that the whole idea simply betrayed the sort of “orientalism” that comparative philosophy has for some time striven to overcome - by and large successfully. This “orientalism” presumed that all philosophical traditions that were not defined as Western constituted an identifiable something simply in virtue of their being non-Western. But what, after all, does classical Chinese philosophy have in common with, say, traditional African thinking or, for that matter, with much of classical Indian philosophy that would warrant their being presented together within a single grouping? Mr Chambers’s response was sympathetic, but he offered the counter-argument that this way of thinking was all very fine for those philosophers and students who were already knowledgeable about other traditions, but the actual state of affairs in the field as a whole was still such that the vast majority of philosophers and students, although now very interested in cross-cultural encounters, knew very little about traditions other than their own. An introduction to other traditions, at a rather high level, was still very much needed. Well, as is obvious, Mr Chambers won the argument. In a general description of the project that was given to the invited contributors, I stated that The purpose of this work is to provide a sophisticated, one-volume companion to the study of select non-Western philosophical traditions. It has become increasingly evi dent to many teachers and students of philosophy as well as to general readers that philosophy is not the exclusive province of the West; that indeed other traditions have a depth and range comparable to Western thought and exhibit distinctive features, the knowledge of which can enrich philosophical understanding and creativity wher ever it occurs. This volume will strive at once to introduce some of the finest thinking within and about non-Western traditions to teachers, students and general readers, and to offer interpretations and insights relevant to the work of other scholars in the field.
I would emphasize several points made in this “general description.” First, that this Companion volume deals with select non-Western philosophical traditions, for it should be quite obvious that it is impossible to cover in any depth all of the various traditions in the world in a single volume. We have selected - and how could they xii
possibly be excluded? - the great Indian and Chinese traditions, separating out the Buddhist as a kind of pan-Asian phenomenon. We have included the Islamic tradi tion, for although many of us still see it primarily as embedded in the Western experience (as providing a transition from the classical Greek to the medieval Chris tian world), it has come to be recognized as having a distinctive character of its own, and it is reasserting itself in a variety of ways at the present time. We have also included, by way of historical perspectives, something of the richness of traditional African and Polynesian thinking. The question is often raised whether largely oral traditions should in fact be counted as “philosophical” or be treated rather anthro pologically as belief-systems of native peoples. We will not get into the debate here of what should count as a philosophical tradition, but note only that it seems quite clear that these and other, say, Amerindian cultures, did certainly develop a num ber of ideas (cosmological, social) and attempts to justify them that lit most defini tions of what philosophy is, and that in any event these ideas are beginning to attract considerable attention among many persons not directly associated with these cultures. The second point I would stress has to do with the depth and range of the selected traditions, by which I want to call attention to the extraordinary diversity within each of them. It is quite natural, hermeneutically speaking, for one to assume at first that the thought of another culture has a clear unity and simplicity in contrast to the multifarious character of one’s own. It does not take long, however, before one discovers - and the many essays here will drive home the point quite effectively - that, for example, the Indian and the Chinese traditions have explored many of the same basic questions that have been dealt with in Western thought and have articulated in their own ways kinds of answers to them which can, without severe damage, be categorized within the “isms” of philosophy (realism, natural ism, idealism, materialism ...) familiar to us. In short, that these traditions are as richly diverse (and inherently contentious) as our own. But this is not as important, I think, as the need to recognize what is genuinely distinctive in the contributions that have been made - which is to say that one’s primary concern in the ex ploration of other traditions ought not to be that of simply finding more of oneself and what is familiar to one, but of learning about other possibilities of philosophical experience that can be opened up to one through cross-cultural encounter. In short, and this leads to the final point I would emphasize from the “general description,” the philosophical explorer of other traditions needs to perform a dual role, which are two sides of the same coin. She needs first of all to understand as best she can the basic presuppositions, styles of argument, and the rest that are associ ated with other cultures, an understanding that does seek finally to locate what is truly distinctive in these traditions and to identify what can be contributory to enriched and enhanced philosophical possibilities. This leads quite naturally into the second role or task, which is the creative one of appropriating, in an unself conscious way, those distinctive contributing elements so as to make them an inseparable part of one’s own ground of thought and being. The second task, then, is simply that of becoming better philosophers in the light of the understanding of other cultures. xiii
This Companion volume is organized in a way that will give the reader some knowledge of the historical background and contemporary situation with respect to each of the selected traditions. It will also show some of the distinctive ways of thinking developed within those traditions, by focusing on a number of specific topics: namely, conceptions of reality and divinity, of causality, of truth, the nature of rationality, of selfhood, of humankind and nature, ideas of the good, social and political ideas, and aesthetic values. These topics, while covering a broad range, do not, of course, come near to exhausting the philosophical content of these traditions. The accounts given in this volume are all in English. The traditions themselves, needless to say, were developed within their own indigenous languages and it is extremely important for us not to assume that all basic ideas and concepts translate readily from one language to another. Many of the presentations will make that clear, but one must always be on one’s guard to note that the usage of certain similar-sounding terminology (as given in translation) does not guarantee that the same philosophical issue is being addressed. When Western philosophers today worry about the nature of the self, say in terms of the problem of other minds, they occupy a quite different philosophical space than did the classical Chinese, who understood personhood as socially grounded, or the Indian philosophers in their speculations concerning the nature of human consciousness. But it is precisely these complexities that make the comparative philosophical enterprise so exciting. One last note: reading secondary accounts about a tradition is no substitute for the harder work of studying the primary texts themselves - and indeed, of coming to an understanding that a philosophical text itself may mean different things in different traditions. For example, in the Indian tradition the major philosophical work is presented within commentarial traditions identified with the various schools rather than, with some notable exceptions, separate treatises with a distinc tive authorial style of the sort that we are familiar with in the modern Western context. Philosophical truth itself was not something so much discovered as recov ered within the framework of a given school of thought. I am exceedingly grateful to the many distinguished contributors to this volume for their willingness to take time away from their own creative research to accept the difficult task of introducing in a sophisticated manner something of the splendor of other “world philosophies.” My special thanks to Tu Weiming, J. N. Mohanty, Ninian Smart and Marietta Stepaniants, who served as advisory editors respective ly for the Chinese, Indian, Buddhist, and Islamic areas. They were of immense assistance in helping me to identify some of the best people working in these areas. I want also to thank my co-editor, Ron Bontekoe, for his help in the organization of this work and for his tireless effort to bring it editorially into a coherent - and one trusts highly readable - shape and form.
Eliot Deutsch
Guide to pronunciation
Sanskrit (and Pali)
a a i I u u ri(r) e ai o au
a in America or o in come a in far or in father i in pit or in pin ee in feel or i in machine u in put or in pull u in rule properly ur, but by modern Hindus as ri in river ay in say or a in made i in rite or ai in aisle o in go ou in loud
Semivowels y r 1 v
y in yonder r in ram 1 in luck v in clover
Consonants Consonants are pronounced approximately as in English, except: g ch sh (s, s)
g in gun or in get (i.e., always “hard”) ch in church sh in sheet or in shun
When h is combined with another consonant (e.g., th, bh), it is aspirated: th as in boathouse; ph as in uphill, etc. The palatal n is like the Spanish senor (jna, however, is pronounced most often by modern Hindus as “gyah,” with a hard g). Accent
The general rule is to accent the next to final syllable, if it is long, or the nearest long syllable preceding it. If none is long, the first syllable is accented. (A long syllable is
one which contains a long vowel or one in which a vowel is followed by two or more consonants.) Chinese This work employs for the most part the pinyin system recently introduced in China, which generally follows English rules of pronunciation and which is now widely used in contemporary scholarship. The older Wade-Giles system of romanization which we give below, followed by the pinyin equivalents - has traditionally been used in English transliteration of Chinese terms and is employed most frequently in the titles and translations of classical texts.
Vowels a ai ao e e ei yi, i ieh 0
u u
a in father to rhyme with why to rhyme with now e in wet as the u in but to rhyme with stay as the e in me to rhyme with (Oh) yeh o in tore to rhyme with know u in duty as in German
When aspirated, pronounce as in English: e.g., k’ - as in king, and ch’ as in church. When unaspirated as: ch j in jam eh j in job f f in faint h h in how r in ran j k g in got 1 1 in lake m m in moon n n in no like b in bad P r like r in rare s s in snow sh sh in shoulder t d in dub ts dz in adze xvi
tz w
ds in words w in water
a b c ch d e f g h i
1 m n
a P ts ch t e f k h i ch k 1 m n
P q r s sh t u
P ch j s, ss, sz sh t u, ii
w hs y ts, tz ch
i k
y z zh Arabic
Vowels a a a e e i i
a in again (in unaccented syllables) a in father (in accented syllables) a in attention e in egg ay in way ee in meet ee in see xvii
0 6
u u
o in OK o in so oo in doom ue in sue
Consonants b ch d dh d f gh h
i k kh 1 m n q r s sh s t th t w z z I 1
b in baton ch in church d in dam th in there emphatic dull palatal d f in father g in agua h in hot j in Jane k in kind h in horror 1 in like m in moon n in not k in Luke r in row s in saw sh in shower emphatic sharp palatal s t in total th in thick emphatic dull palatal t w in waste z in zebra emphatic dull palatal z explosive guttural sound, tonal counterpart to h strong vocal inflection
1 Chinese philosophy: a synoptic view TU WEIMING
The ideal Chinese thinker is a scholar-official who is informed by a profound histor ical consciousness, well seasoned in the fine arts of poetry, lute and calligraphy, and deeply immersed in the daily routine of government. If philosophy is loosely defined as disciplined reflection on insights, Chinese philosophy is distinguished in its commitment to and observation of the human condition. It is a disciplined engaged reflection with insights derived primarily from practical living. The Chinese thinker, unlike the Greek philosopher, the Hebrew prophet, the Indian guru, the Christian priest, or the Buddhist monk, is engaged in society, involved in politics, and dedicated to the spiritual transformation of the world from within. We can find some striking similarities between the idea of the Chinese thinker as a scholar and the modern Western intellectual, but the vision which informs each is different. The modern Western idea of the intellectual, which has its origins in the Russian conception of the intelligentsia, is the product of the Enlightenment, a form of secular humanism. The Chinese thinker, by contrast, is inspired by a cosmological as well as an anthropological vision and is, therefore, not at all an thropocentric. In Max Weber’s conception, the two appropriate “callings” for the modern Western intellectual are science and politics. The Chinese scholar, while politically concerned and socially engaged, must also be dedicated to mediating cultural structures through education so that society and polity will not be dominated by wealth and power alone. Disenchanted with the magic garden or universal brotherhood, the modern Western intellectual overwhelmed by the demands of science, technology, and professionalism became, as Weber acknowl edged he himself was, unmusical to religious matters and, we may add, unmindful of particularistic local knowledge. Yet in the light of the upsurge of interest in ethnicity, gender, language, land, class, and faith in academic circles in North America and Western Europe in recent decades, Weber’s modernistic ideas, rooted in abstract universalism and instrumental rationality, seem anachronistic. A modern counterpart of the Chinese thinker would likely be a critic of the Enlightenment, because the unintended negative consequences of this powerful ideology of the modern West have marginalized the spiritual resources of the Chinese tradition, destroyed the core values of the Sinic world, and made the viability of the human species problematical. Yet, since the Enlightenment mentality has become a defining characteristic of modern Chinese consciousness, the criticism would be intended to broaden, deepen, and enrich rather than to deconstruct the Enlightenment project.
The emergence of the Sinic mind Chinese philosophy began when the Chinese mind first reflected upon the meaning of being human in antiquity. The earliest Chinese written records, the oracle bones of the Shang dynasty (1766P-1046? bce), clearly show that the Chinese cultural elite, by posing questions covering such matters as the weather, crops, hunting expeditions, and sacrifice to the deities, were self-consciously engaged in forecasting and negotiation for the purpose of understanding and improving their human condition. Some scholars may question the assertion of Berkeley historian David Keightley to the effect that Shang diviners self-reflexively used divination to “charge” the ancestral spirits to be responsible for matters the king deemed beneficial to the well-being of the realm, and corresponding imperial ac tions that he had decided to undertake, as well as the health of his own physical body. But the messages of the oracle bones, together with those in the bronze inscriptions, do convey the sense of a sophisticated worldview governed by an elaborate ritual system, a complex bureaucracy, an economy based on the division of labor, and a stratified society. The Harvard archaeologist K. C. Chang has challenged the “grand theory” of the origins of human civilizations. He maintains that the Chinese experience seems to suggest that polity and religion, rather than economy and technology, provided the primary impetus for the emergence of Chinese civilization. Surely, economic activ ities, such as the mechanism of the market, and technological advances, such as the invention of tools for fishing and agriculture, were instrumental in the advent of “civilization” in Neolithic China, but the need for political order and the desire to communicate with the Lord-on-High were particularly compelling for the ruling minority as they developed the institutional structures necessary for the emergence of what may be called the Sinic civilization in ancient China. However, the assumption that Chinese civilization began in a core area, the Wei valley of the Yellow River, and then radiated outward to cover the area of present-day China has been seriously challenged by recent archaeological dis coveries. The thesis that China came into being through the gradual interaction of several comparable Neolithic civilizations (from Painted Pottery and Black Pottery to the Bronze age) seems to have more persuasive power. Conceptually, it is con venient to use “dragon,” the mythic symbol of potency, creativity, and trans formation, to signify this process of integration. As a composite totem, the dragon possesses at least the head of a tiger, the horns of a ram, the body of a snake, the claws of an eagle and the scales of a fish. Its ability to cross totemic boundaries and its lack of verisimilitude to any living creature strongly suggest that from the very beginning the dragon was a deliberate cultural construction. The danger of anachronism notwithstanding, the modern Chinese ethnic self-definition as the “dragon race” indicates a deep-rooted sense that Chineseness may derive from many sources. Chinese reflection on the meaning of being human may have predated the emergence of the idea of Chineseness by several centuries. This, at the first blush, seems odd. But if we make clear that our understanding of “Chinese”
CHINESE philosophy: a synoptic view
reflection, based on oracle bones and Bronze inscriptions, is not predicated on the prior emergence of a Chinese consciousness or a communal self-awareness of being Chinese, we may be justified in giving an account of what that reflexivity entails without prematurely addressing what actually constituted Chineseness in a historical sense. David Keightley, in his “Reflections on How it Became Chinese”, identifies seven features which, in his view, permeated the cultural tradition, later characterized as Chinese, from the Neolithic to the early imperial age in the Han Dynasty (206 bce-220 ce):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
hierarchical social distinctions; massive mobilization of labor; an emphasis on the group rather than the individual; an emphasis on ritual in all dimensions of life; an emphasis on formal boundaries and models; an ethic of service, obligation, and emulation; little sense of tragedy and irony.
The myth of Yu, a functional equivalent of the Biblical story of Noah, gives us a glimpse of what Keightley may have in mind. The story of Yu presents a Chinese version of the worldwide flood legend. This Chinese cultural hero confronted the natural calamity with human ingenuity. He managed to control the flood waters through great coordinated efforts on many levels. First, he inspired people through exemplary teaching. He is said to have worked on the project for nine years without visiting his family once. Second, his spirit of self-sacrifice was augmented by a charismatic leadership that enabled him to mobilize thousands of people to work at gigantic irrigation systems. Third, unlike his father who failed to contain the flood by constructing dams, Yu studied the terrain, understood the nature of the disaster and developed a comprehensive and practical plan to overcome it. As a result, he drained off the flood waters of the North China Plain, divided the empire into nine regions and, according to the quality of the land, equitably distributed the natural resources among all the feudal lords. Thus legend has it that Yu started the first Chinese dynasty, Xia (2205?-1766? bce).
Human self-reflexivity
Understandably, the human factor, as it was manifested in the social order, the mobilization of labor, the ritual system, the work ethic, group spirit, artistic decor, and faith in the improvability of the conditions of existence, featured prominently in Chinese consciousness. Viewed in this context, Wing-tsit Chan’s straightforward characterization of Chinese philosophy seems self-evidently true: If one word could characterize the entire history of Chinese philosophy, that word would be humanism - not the humanism that denies or slights a Supreme Power, but one that professes the unity of man and Heaven. In this sense, humanism has domi nated Chinese thought from the dawn of its history.
Critical scholars may find too strong a Confucian flavor in this statement. They may argue that the classical Chinese thought which flourished in the Spring and Autumn period (722-481 bce) was noted for its intellectual diversity. The so-called “Hundred Schools” represented such an array of life-orientations that “humanism”, as the Confucians would have it, seems too narrow a concept to accommodate the whole range of philosophical horizons that the Chinese mind unfolded. For example, among the seventy or so masters assembled in the capital of the state of Qi, Jixia, in the third century bce, there were naturalists, cosmologists, sophists, logicians, physiocrats, military strategists, proto-Legalists and Mohists as well as Confucian humanists. However, if we use “humanism” to signify a strong commitment to the world, an emphasis on social relations, and the primacy of the political order, the world of ideas in ancient China was humanistic to the core. Besides the legendary sagekings, Yao, Shun and the aforementioned Yu, the cultural heroes, vividly portrayed in ancient history, were all statesmen with profound insights into the human condition. The case of Prime Minister Zichan (active ca. 535 bce) of the state of Zheng merits special attention. In a well considered political move to pacify the wandering ghost of Poyu, a high official who had undeservedly died a violent death and who, it was feared, was haunting the people of Zheng, Zichan had Poyu’s son appointed as his father’s successor, offering the following explanation: “When spiritual beings have a place to return to, they will not become malicious.” He then suggested why Poyu had become a malicious spiritual being: In man’s life the first transformations are called the earthly aspect of the soul (po). After po had been produced, that which is strong and positive is called the heavenly aspect of the soul (him). If he has had an abundance in the use of material things and subtle essentials, his hun and po will become strong. From this are developed essence and understanding until there are spirit and intelligence. When an ordinary man or woman dies a violent death, the hun and po are still able to keep hanging about men and do evil and malicious things. How much more would be the case of Poyu [the descendent of ministers engaged in the government of Zheng for three generations]. (Wing-tsit Chan, pp. 12-13)
There are at least three implications in this anecdote: (1) the human world is intimately intertwined with spiritual beings; (2) the human soul is a complex mixture of earthly and heavenly forces; and (3) human intervention is often necessary to harmonize the cosmic process. Needless to say, hierarchy, work, the group, boundaries, ritual, obligation, and destiny all feature prominently in the Zichan story. The anthropocosmic vision
Confucius (551-479 bce) greatly admired Zichan. The minister’s reasonable way of handling the malicious spirit must have struck a sympathetic resonance in Confucius’ own ethico-religious thinking. When the Master was asked about “serv ing the spiritual beings,” he retorted, “If we are not yet able to serve human
CHINESE philosophy: a synoptic view
beings, how can we serve spiritual beings?” When he was asked about death, he responded, “If we do not yet know about life, how can we know about death?” (Analects 11:11; Chan, p. 36 with modifications). Often the modern interpreter takes this to mean that Confucius was exclusively interested in life and human beings, and that he was oblivious to death and spiritual beings. This is, I surmise, a serious misreading of a profoundly meaningful statement about the relationship between life and death and between human beings and spiritual beings in Confucian humanism. The assertion that knowing life is a precondition for knowing death by no means implies the rejection of the need for knowing death. On the contrary, precisely because one cannot know death without first understanding the meaning of life, a full appreciation of life entails the need for probing the meaning of death. Similarly, it is impractical and, indeed, implausible to imagine that we can know spiritual beings without a prior knowledge of the human condition. Yet a full appreciation of the meaning of being human demands that we try to understand spiritual beings as well. Modern scholars, impressed by Confucius’ apparent pragmatism and atheism, have difficulty explaining the Confucian dictum that filial piety is characterized by our ability to serve our parents while they are alive, bury them when they die and continuously offer sacrifice to them as if they are always present, all according to the appropriate ritual practice. In fact, the Confucian tradition is noted for its rich repertoire of elaborate death rituals and its extensive literature on the remem brance and veneration of ancestors. How can the anthropologists characterize the ancestral cult as a defining characteristic of Confucian religiousness, if the Master was interested in neither death nor spirits? There is a wealth of material on death and spirits in the Analects: When Confucius offered sacrifice to his ancestors, he felt as if his ancestral spirits were actually present. When he offered sacrifice to other spiritual beings, he felt as if they were actually present. He said, “If I do not participate in the sacrifice [in person], it is as if I did not sacrifice at all.” (Analects 3:12; Chan, p. 25) Wang-sun Chia [Jia] asked, “What is meant by the common saying, ‘It is better to be on good terms with the God of the Kitchen [who cooks our food] than with the spirits of the shrine [ancestors] at the southwest comer of the house’ ”? Confucius said, “It is not true. He who commits a sin against Heaven has no god to pray to.” (Analects 3:13; Chan, p. 25)
Confucius was very ill. Tzu-lu [Zilu] asked that prayer be offered. Confucius said, “Is there such a thing?” Tzu-lu replied, “There is. A Eulogy says, ‘Pray to the spiritual beings above and below.’ ” Confucius said, “My prayer has been for a long time.” (Analects 7:34; Chan, p. 33.)
The human form of life envisioned by Confucius is not anthropocentric. Rather, it is anthropocosmic in the sense that there is implicit mutuality, constant com munication, and dynamic interaction between the anthropological world and the
cosmic order. Confucian humanism, as an inclusive organismic vision of human flourishing, involves life, death, and spiritual beings. Human nature as lived concreteness The Confucian assertion that “Human beings can enlarge the Way” and that “the Way cannot enlarge human beings” (Analects 15:28) is not the equivalent of the Greek idea that man is the measure of all things and that man has the will-power to change the natural course of action. Surely, as the myth of Yu implies, human beings, through diligent work, collaborative effort, charismatic leadership, knowledge, determination, and sacrifice, are capable of transforming chaos (for example, the flood) into order (for example, the well irrigated “nine regions”), but the Confucian human agent, endowed with rich inner resources for self-transformation, is a servant, partner, and co-creator of Heaven. As a servant, the Mandate of Heaven works through the human agent for its own realization: as a partner, the human agent, by self-cultivation, transmits the culture willed by Heaven: and, as a co-creator, the human agent joins Heaven in a collaborative enterprise to bring to completion the cosmic process: “Heaven engenders, hu manity completes” (tiansheng rencheng). Our ability to enlarge the Way makes us humble servants, responsible partners, and reverential co-creators. Precisely because we are empowered by Heaven to be an anthropocosmic rather than an anthropocentric being, we cherish the virtues of humbleness, responsibility and reverence. Implicit in this idea of the human is a non-reductionist conception of human nature. Perhaps Confucius’ unique contribution to human self-understanding is his assertion that the concrete living person here and now is the basis for human self-reflexivity. A person so conceived is a dynamic process rather than a static structure, inevitably changing and deliberately transforming. The Book of Change, a major source of inspiration for Confucian teaching, articulates the linkage between the Heavenly course and the human way in terms of renewal: “Heaven marches forward vigorously; the profound person [emulating it as model] makes unceasing efforts for self-strengthening.” The process of human self renewal, individually and communally, is symbolized by three interconnected activities: poetry, ritual and music. Aesthetic sensitivity enables us to experience sympathetic resonance with nature; ritual practice helps us to find our proper niches in society; and the harmonization of self and other in both nature and society provides a sustainable manner of human flourishing. The concrete living person is not viewed as an isolated individual but as a center of relationships. I am at the same time a son, a father, a husband, a brother, a sonin-law, a father-in-law, a student, a teacher, a friend, a colleague, a client, a patron, a partner, an uncle, a nephew, and a cousin. Strictly speaking, I do not assume social roles; I am what sociologists, for conceptual convenience, assign as my social roles. Yet I am not the sum total of my social roles. As a center of relationships, my dignity as a person is never reducible to my useful functions in society. Surely, I am obligated and willing to serve as a contributing member of my community, but I am
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not a tool for an external purpose or a means to achieve an outside goal. Learning, as character-building, is an end in itself; it is for my own sake, not for fame, profit, social utility, or parental approval. However, as a center of relationships, I am forever interconnected with an ever-expanding network of human-relatedness. My “learning for the sake of the self” is a personal task, but it is tantamount to the realization of communal well-being rather than a quest for private self-interest. It is commonly assumed that, from an etymological point of view, the cardinal Confucian virtue in the Analects, humanity (ren), presupposes a dyadic relationship, for the character ren seems to consist of the ideogram for “human” and the sign for “two.” The Berkeley Sinologist, Peter Boodberg, impressed by the significance of this combination, ingeniously rendered ren as “co-humanity.” Indeed, humanity, in the Confucian context, is understood as co-humanity. Although this by no means suggests that the dignity of a person is reducible to its sociality (nor does it imply that human worth is externally determined), it emphasizes communication, dialogue, and conversation as proper ways of learning to be human. As concrete living persons, we learn to become human through the ritual act. We can define the Confucian process of humanization as ritualization. We learn to drink, eat, stand, sit, walk, talk, see, listen, smell, and touch by personal knowledge of our environment mediated through the basic caring of those around us. No human being can survive without the constant involvement of the other. The Confucian practice of building an elaborate cultural code on the biological reality of the parent-child relationship is predicated on the belief that the loving care of the parent for the child and the emotional attachment of the child to the parent is the most immediate and natural expression of human feelings. These feelings are primordial sources for moral strength; they are also basic causes for aggression and self-destruction. It is, therefore, of paramount importance that elementary educa tion begins with the gradual transformation of the biological necessity of the child’s dependence on the parent into the ethics of filial piety. In psychoanalytical terms, the art of sublimating the Oedipal situation so that ego-strength can be developed must begin at an early age.
Self-cultivation as embodiment Self-cultivation, the Confucian raison d’etre, involves the full recognition that the body is the proper home for self-realization. The six arts - ritual, music, archery, charioteering, calligraphy, and counting - are all mental exercises rooted in the discipline of the body. Self-cultivation (xiushen, literally “nourishing the body”) is a form of personal knowledge acquired through the refinement of the six senses. The proper ways to drink, eat, stand, sit, walk, talk, see, listen, smell, and touch are serious matters of elementary education, which teaches us to embody these basic ritual acts in our practical daily living. Indeed, Confucius sees humanity as returning to “ritual” through self cultivation and enjoins his students to talk, see, listen, and act in accordance with ritual (Analects 12:1). Through ritualization of the body, we appropriate the civilized mode of conduct. As we learn to express ourselves through the bodily
constitution, we become embodied in it. This art of embodying our body as the result of a rigorous discipline of tizhiyushen (“to embody it [the experience of each of the six senses] in the body”) is precisely the process of learning to be human. Building upon this Confucian insight, Mencius (371-289? bce) straight forwardly envisions the sage, the most authentic manifestation of humanity, as the “full realization of the bodily form” (jianxing). However, as a disciple of Confucius’ grandson, Zisi, Mencius stresses the spiritual resources inherent in human nature as both the theoretical ground and the practical process of self realization. He focuses his attention on the embodiment of the heart-mind (xin) as the spacious dwelling and the broad highway of profound persons (junzi). Those who aspire to become profound persons take as their ultimate concern the realization of humanity and rightness in the world through self-cultivation. In the process of actualizing their ultimate concern, profound persons consider all external conditions secondary. They tap their own internal strength to accomplish the task. Like the spring about to gush forth or the fire beginning to burn, every human being is endowed with feelings that are necessary and sufficient for self-realization. Among them, the most precious is commiseration (a combination of sympathy and empathy) which characterizes the essential nature of humanity. The inability to bear the suffering of our most beloved kin (parent, child, sibling, or spouse) is an expression of commiseration. There is no guarantee that commiseration cannot be depleted, but, as long as the spring is not yet dried up or the fire extin guished, regeneration is always a possibility. Human beings as sentient beings can never be totally reduced to wood or stone. On the contrary, if this feeling is extended through cultivation, it can embody an ever-expanding network of human relationships. Learning to be human is primarily the extension of sympathy and empathy. Since commiseration is boundless, it can, at least in principle, fill up the distance between Heaven and earth. We can, as human beings, embody the myriad things in our sympathy and empathy. When Mencius says that the way of learning is none other than the quest for the lost heart-mind, he means that the recovery of our depleted commiseration takes precedence over all other forms of education. “Full realization of the bodily form,” as Mencius understands it, entails the whole process through which profound persons acquire the personal knowledge to fully embody all dimensions of commiseration in their hearts and minds. Specifically, Mencius envisions six stages of self-transcendence - involving respectively, good ness, truth, beauty, greatness, sageliness, and spirituality. Goodness means tendermindedness; truth refers to the inner resources of sympathy and empathy; beauty suggests the feeling of commiseration richly endowed; greatness implies that the inner qualities of being kind shine through brilliantly; sageliness entails the trans formative power of caring; and spirituality conveys the mysterious efficaciousness of how such transformation works in the world. We learn to be good, true, beauti ful, great, sagely, and spiritual by enhancing the germs and sparks of humanity (tender-mindedness, sympathy, empathy, commiseration, and kindness) inherent
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in our nature. Through the cultivation of the seeds of humanity in our hearts and minds, we learn to fully realize our bodily form. Similarly, Mencius asserts that if we can completely realize the capacities of our heart-mind, we will understand our nature, and if we understand our nature, we will know Heaven. This faith in the human potential for understanding Heaven through self-knowledge and the human capacity for self-knowledge through the cultivation of the heart-mind is predicated on the sensitivity of the body, both as a spacious dwelling and as a broad highway for our ultimate personal realization.
Body politic: beyond collectivism and individualism In Mencian thought, the unfolding of a holistic humanist vision involves four dimensions of personal experience - those of the self, the community, nature, and Heaven. They are interconnected by a threefold quest - involving respectively, mutuality between the self and the community, harmony between the human species and nature, and unity between Heaven and Humanity. The middle path espoused by Mencius was offered in response to two influential intellectual cur rents: Mohist collectivism and Yangist individualism. The thinker Mozi insisted that, for the sake of peace and love as willed by Heaven, people ought to sacrifice their private interests. Music and ritual should be simplified. A tight organization based upon a strict hierarchical order should replace the family, and the Will of Heaven should serve as a guiding principle for action. Furthermore, universal love and the establishment of peace by militant resistance against aggressive warfare are the main concerns of the Mohists. The opposite view was held by Yang Zhu, an advocate of radical individualism. Yang argues that since nothing is more valuable than what we are as individuals, the preservation of what we are endowed with ought to be the highest guiding principle for action. Mencius finds fault with both approaches. Mohist universal love thwarts the establishment of the parent-child relationship and Yangist self-centeredness makes the maintenance of political or der impossible. The Confucian alternative is a middle path in which the self as a center of relationships can serve as a foundation for the politics of community. Understandably, the Great Learning specifies that self-cultivation (“nourishing the body”) serves as the root for the regulation of the family, the governance of the state, and peace throughout the world. The same logic that makes for human flourishing as a moral agent is applied to the body politic as well. Xunzi (active 298238 bce) has insightful observations to make in this regard. While he is critical of Mencius’ theory that human nature is intrinsically good, he shares Mencius’ faith in the improvability of the human condition through self-effort. Xunzi envisions self-cultivation as a cumulative process of moral transformation. He sees human ization as ritualization and underscores the importance of exemplary roles of sig nificant social agents for the task: parents, teachers, elders, officials, and friends. Yet he considers the active participation of the students themselves in their own moral education the single most important factor in bringing about an ordered society. Xunzi’s systematic inquiries into the rectification of names, the wealth of na tions, the way of the king, the way of the minister, the recruitment of officials, 11
military affairs, ritual, music, government service, and Heaven indicate that his political concerns are extensive. To him, politics as rectification involves the correct use of language, the proper conduct of rulers, the appropriate methods of gover nance, and the right social ethos. Yet the smooth functioning of the body politic, like a well integrated body, requires constant attention and rigorous discipline. The mind of the profound person is receptive, unified and tranquil. There is always room for new information, capacity for integration, and aptitude for balance. Like the master of the house, the cognitive faculty of the mind transforms fragmented, conflicting, and chaotic information into intelligent patterns. While human nature, characterized by insatiable desires and unruly passions, tends to lead to social disharmony, the mind is endowed with the ability to know what is right and the will-power to act accordingly. Since human beings can only survive in groups, the right action is to sustain and enhance social harmony. A salient feature of Confucian thinking, as interpreted by Xunzi, is the primacy of the political order. Politics is seen as an integral part of the ritual process through which the moral community comes into being. The purpose of politics is to provide a wholesome environment for human flourishing. The way of the sage-kings, as contrasted with the dictatorship of the hegemon, is openness to new ideas, receptiv ity to different voices, and hospitality to all human beings. Its political style is communal, participatory and democratic. The underlying tone, vibrating with the sympathetic resonance of contented people, is poetic. The hegemon may appear to humanity and rightness as justification for authoritarian control, but for him pol itics is a mechanism by which wealth and power are acquired. Nevertheless, as long as hegemonic politics maintains law and order, despite its moral hypocrisy, it performs a useful function in society. In Confucius’ time, however, the hegemonic system had already collapsed. The new contenders for wealth and power were by and large oblivious to moral principles. By the time of Mencius and Xunzi, at the height of the Warring States Period, rulers did not feel any need to appeal to humanity and rightness. Indeed, brute force was the most effective, if not the only, modus operand! in politics.
A different voice While Mencian moral idealism may have prevailed over Mohist collectivism and Yangist individualism, the Confucian project, despite its having a formidable de fender in Xunzi, was seriously challenged by the Daoists. In the Analects Confucius is reported to have encountered hermits, such as the Madman from Chu, who urged him to abdicate his social responsibility, sever relationships with the human community, and abandon the world. Since the disintegration of the political sys tem, like the torrential flood sweeping the entire world, could not be stopped, any attempt to change the inevitable process of history would be an exercise in futility. What the hermits proposed was in fact a course of action advocated by virtually all major ethico-religious traditions: to cultivate a spiritual sanctuary outside the lived world here and now. The Christian kingdom of God or the Buddhist “other shore” are exemplifications of this universal transcendental breakthrough. Confucius’
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existential choice to try to repossess the Way by working through the human community as it was constituted represents an anomaly. The Daoist diagnostic reading of the situation was not at variance with the Confucians’, but their approach was radically different. Laozi opted for a fun damental re-examination of the value system which was thought to have sustained the human community. He questioned not only the unintended negative con sequences of humanism, but also the reasons underlying great humanist ideas such as humanity and rightness. He believed that not only does power corrupt, but even the most refined culture corrupts the true nature of being human. Inherent in all positive values (for example, truth, beauty, and goodness) is a self-destructive mechanism. Yet Laozi was neither cynical nor relativistic. He directed our attention to nature, the cosmic process, Dao. He invited us to transcend mental apparatuses, to resist verbalizing the Dao through conceptualization, and rather to see, listen, and experience it. Laozi created a new linguistic strategy to evoke the ineffable Dao. It cannot be talked about, but since it is omnipresent, it can be directly experienced. The gram mar of action, or in Daoist terms non-action, employs seemingly negative values weakness, lowliness, yieldingness, backwardness, retreat, lostness, submission, ugliness and feebleness - to depict the subtle, incipient functions of the Dao. Images of water, valley, ravine, baby, womb, clay, and the uncarved block give the impres sion that the Dao as primordiality is fecund and inexhaustibly potent. The art of living is to emulate those natural processes that are consistent, steady, and end uring. A precondition for such a way of life is the spiritual discipline to transform our body into a vehicle of the Dao.
Liberation and spontaneity
Zhuangzi, in his philosophy of liberation and spontaneity, insightfully captures the Daoist spirit with a new literary genre, style of argumentation, epistemology, and metaphysics. Language is not used for discursive purposes. It does not say anything; nor does it intend to convey propositional truths. Rather, it is inge niously manipulated to shock, provoke, stir, amuse, suggest, direct, guide, or deconstruct. Although Zhuangzi’s writings reveal a wholesome measure of skep ticism and a great deal of relativistic rhetoric, he is neither skeptical nor relativistic. The Zhuangzi is a profoundly spiritual text laden with delightful anecdotes, pene trating analyses, and keen observations. The parable of the dream, for example, (I once dreamt that I was a butterfly, but am I absolutely sure that I am not now a mere butterfly dreaming that I am a man?) tackles the issue of “material transformation ” (wuhua) which, at least in part, is a critique of anthropocentrism. Similarly, the exchange with the logician, Huizi, on the River Hao, concerning the happiness of fish, seems to suggest that communication through experiential understanding is not confined to our subjective world. If we can rise above our self-imposed human condition, we can roam with the spirit of Heaven and Earth. Liberation and spontaneity are spiritual attainments. They cannot be acquired without self-cultivation. The art that Cook Ding perfected in dissecting a bull with 13
the natural grace of a ritual dance was the result of a long-term commitment to a form of life which has to be practiced daily for years. The process of unlearning (forgetting), much more rigorous than the pursuit of knowledge, requires mental intentness that only the most dedicated can endure. On the surface, Zhuangzi’s Dao transcends humanity, rightness, ritual, and music and is definitely anti-humanist and unConfucian, but in a deeper sense what Zhuangzi aspires to is true enlighten ment, in which all formalistic structures are relegated to the background to make room for great knowledge and profound virtue. This is perhaps the main reason why Confucian scholar-officials throughout Chinese history have found Zhuangzi’s self-image a standard of inspiration: Alone he associates with Heaven and Earth and spirit, without abandoning or despis ing things of the world. He does not quarrel over right or wrong and mingles with conventional society.... Above, he roams with the Creator, and below he makes friends with those who transcend life and death and beginning and end. In regard to the essential, he is broad and comprehensive, profound and unrestrained. In regard to the fundamental, he may be said to have harmonized all things and penetrated the highest level. However, in his response to change and his understanding of things, his principle is inexhaustible, traceless, dark and obscure, and unfathomable. (Chan, P-177)
Daoism was ostensibly a critique of Confucian humanism but, since it was taken absolutely seriously by the Confucians, it became gradually absorbed in the Confu cian responses themselves. As a result, we witness the Daoist transformation of the Confucian tradition and the emergence of a tender-minded Confucian humanism. It may not be far-fetched to characterize the Zisi-Mencian line as an exemplification of this. Among the Confucian disciples, the thought and action of Confucius’ most beloved disciple, Yanhui, seemed to have had the strongest Daoist flavor. It is not accidental that he features prominently in Zhuangzi as a truly accomplished mas ter of the Dao. There may have been a Confucian transformation of the Daoist discourse as well. The disputers of the way
A. C. Graham, in his thought-provoking account of classical Chinese thought, characterizes the shapers of the ancient Chinese world of ideas - the Confucians, Daoists, Mohists, Yangists, Cosmologists, and Legalists as “disputers” of the Dao (Way). While there is a general impression that the Chinese thinkers, unlike their counterparts in ancient Greece and India, did not develop elaborate epistemological systems with fully developed deductive methods, Graham persuasively shows that the art of argumentation based on sophisticated logical reasoning was a common practice among ancient Chinese thinkers. Epistemological questions such as how we know what we know, what criteria must be established for judging the truth claims of a proposition, and the standards of verifying the validity of a statement were raised and discussed. Indeed, some Chinese thinkers, notably the Mohists, became virtuosos in dealing with technical aspects of argumentation. They were
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intrigued by the problem of knowledge and absorbed in what F. W. Mote, in his Intellectual Foundations of China, refers to as “questions about the sources of knowl edge, uses of names, and methods of inference.” The Confucian preoccupation with the relationship between name (term) and reality (content) in the thesis of the rectification of names and the Daoists’ rejection of sophistry clearly indicate that the main thrust of ancient Chinese thinking was ethical and metaphysical, but epistemological issues remained relevant and, occa sionally, central to the ongoing philosophical discourse. Actually, skepticism was a major challenge to Confucians and Daoists. Furthermore, thinkers in the nominal ist and dialectical schools experimented with fascinating paradoxes reminiscent of those of Zeno the Eleatic. The linguistic and logical ingenuity of these “professional word-jugglers” suggests the great potential or, at least, the rejected possibility of a distinct Sinic style of abstract thinking. As Joseph Needham notes, the Chinese preference for algebraic rather than geometric mathematics and equatorial rather than ecliptic astronomy shows a style of theorizing significantly different from the West. However, the Chinese emphasis on empirical and observational aspects of “scientific” investigation suggests that the focus of the Chinese thinkers was the lifeworld and the human condition. Understandably, they were politically con cerned about, socially engaged in, and culturally sensitive to the currents of thought that had a direct bearing on the livelihood of the people and the well-being of the human community. State ideology and syncretism
The Confucianism that later triumphed in the Han dynasty (206 bce-200 ce), however, was a tough-minded state ideology under the influence of Legalism. His torically, the Legalism of the brilliant scholar-official Han Fei (d. 233 bce) grew out of Xunzi’s Confucianism. Although Han Fei’s intellectual genealogy could be traced to powerful statesmen such as Guan Zhong (d. 645 bce) and Lord Shang (d. 338 bce), and influential thinkers such as Shen Buhai (d. 337 bce) and Shen Dao (350275? bce), he was Xunzi’s disciple. His ability to synthesize three previous currents of Legalist thought - concerning law, statecraft, and power - seems also to have been influenced by Xunzi. Yet the confluence of ideas that made Han Fei a great Legalist thinker was anti-Confucian and his argumentation is predicated on a set of principles Confucians consider amoral and antithetical to humanism. Ironically, despite the predominance of Confucianism as the official Han ideology, it was the Legalized Confucian orthodoxy rather than the tender-minded Daoist Confucian humanism that was favored in the court. Surely, statecraft is an integral part of Confucian learning. The Confucian ideal of “inner sagehood and outer kingliness” specifies that social service and political participation are natural outcomes of self-cultivation. The Confucian intent to transform society into a moral community through the political process compels all scholars to become officials and all bureaucrats to become teachers. Han ideology can be seen as a tug-of-war between the scholars who tried to moralize the political order and the officials who politicized Confucian morality as a mechanism of 15
symbolic control. The canonization of Confucian classics, the inclusion of Con fucian values in the recruitment and evaluation of high officials, the incorporation of Confucian practices in the legal system, and the implementation of Confucian education at local, regional, and state levels were all indications that the Confucian method was widely used in Han political culture. Nevertheless, the rulers unabashedly acknowledged that the principle that guided their gover nance was a mixture of “king” (Confucian) and “hegemon” (Legalist). A defining characteristic of Han intellectual history is synthetic modes of think ing. Virtually all Han thinkers were action oriented. The most impressive Han synthetic philosophy was Dong Zhongshu’s attempt to develop a comprehensive vision of mutuality between Heaven and Humanity. Drawing freely from Legalist, Daoist, yin yang Cosmologist, Mohist, and folk resources, Dong’s Luxuriant Gems of the Spring and Autumn Annals is a coherent theological argument for a constitution al framework of political action based on an implicit covenant between the ruler and the Mandate of Heaven. It is primarily a transcendent worldview, critical of the status quo, rather than a metaphysical justification for the supreme authority of the “Son of Heaven.” If Dong’s work symbolizes Han syncretism based on Confu cian morality, the Huainanzi, a collection of essays composed by the entourage of Prince An of Huainan, is an excellent example of Daoist syncretism. By analogy, the Huang-Lao classics in the Mawangdui silk manuscript, discovered in 1972, can be characterized as a case of Legalist syncretism. Especially noteworthy is the prevalence of prognostication, divination, and numerological speculation in these syncretic texts. They clearly reflect the Han think ers’ preoccupation with the interaction between human affairs and the Way of Heaven. The Grand Historian, Sima Qian (died ca. 85 bce), claims that his own ultimate concerns in writing the Historical Record, a rich repertoire of Chinese humanist wisdom, were “to probe the overlapping boundaries between Heaven and Humanity, to comprehend the transformation between past and present, and to complete the family tradition of a distinctive style of transmission.” The Book of Change as profound learning
By the time of the period of disunity (third to sixth century), The Book of Change with Wang Bi’s (226-249) commentary, the classic that offers the paradigmatic anthropocosmic vision in Chinese philosophy, re-emerged as the core text for Profound Learning (xuanxue). If one book were to be singled out as the crystallization of the Chinese mind, the Change would be a compelling choice. As an evolving tradition, the hexagrams (a method of divination) had already exerted considerable influence on Chinese religion and politics for more than a millennium prior to Confucius’ birth. The Confucian appropriation of the text through philosophical interpretation made the Change a rich fund of metaphysical insight. At the same time, its popularity as a repository of folk wisdom among prognostigators, diviners, and geomancers substantially increased. It is indeed rare for a book to be studied and consulted simultaneously by the most sophisticated scholars as well as the least educated peasants. The very fact that The Book of Change was shared as a 16
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source of inspiration by the erudite as well as the illiterate speaks of its symbolic richness. The elegant simplicity of its overall design (the 64 hexagrams) and the fruitful ambiguity of each of its component units (the precise position of a solid or broken line within each hexagram) as a thick sedimentation of interpretive scholarship has made it the most annotated, explicated, and studied, yet least understood classic in the history of Chinese thought. The Book of Change, the Laozi (both with Wang Bi’s commentaries), and the Zhuangzi with Guo Xiang’s (d. 312) commentary constituted the Three Mysteries for the adherents of the “Pure Conversation” movement, a counter-cultural protest against social conventions and worldly values. Immersing themselves in fun damental philosophical ideas such as being (you) and nothingness (wu), the participants of Pure Conversation, notably the Seven Worthies of the Bamboo Grove, advocated a vision of cosmic unity through personal knowledge by transcending all distinctions: right/wrong, good/bad, beautiful/ugly, rich/poor, powerful/humble, and famous/unknown. Their willingness to ask challenging questions and their ability to address basic metaphysical issues substantially ex tended the Chinese intellectual horizon, making possible an unprecedented explo sion of aesthetic creativity. As a result, some of the most original studies of the human personality and analyses of literary genres were composed.
Reconfiguring the Sinic mind Philosophically, Pure Conversation also prepared the Chinese mind to appreciate the subtlety of the Buddhist message from India. Never in inter-civilizational com munication have we encountered the same breadth of involvement and depth of absorption as in the Chinese transformation of Indian Buddhism. The story, eight centuries in length, included kings, ministers, scholars, traders, artisans, and farm ers. People from all walks of life, all social strata, and all regions of China proper were profoundly affected. The Chinese physical landscape as well as the intellectual scene was forever altered. Yet the so-called “Buddhist conquest of China” was a peaceful voluntary conversion. Some of the most brilliant minds in China traveled thousands of miles on land and by sea to India to seek the true dharma for saving the world as well as for personal salvation. The very fact that nowadays the number of translated Buddhist sutras available in Chinese surpasses that of the extant original in Sanskrit and Pali by a wide margin clearly indicates the scope of the cumulative effort undertaken by the Chinese monk-scholars. The massive translation projects initiated by Central Asian teachers such as Kumarajiva (344-413) and continued by erudite Chinese masters such as Xuanzang (596-664) were symptomatic of a nation-wide campaign to make the Buddhist message available to the literary class. However, Buddhist thinkers were instrumental in transforming the message into distinctive styles of articulating the dharma from varying Chinese perspectives. The monk-scholar Sengzhao (384414), through inquiries into the “immutability of things” and the “emptiness of the unreal,” established his interpretation of the “middle doctrine,” which resembles the Confucian and Daoist claim that one can realize sagehood in one’s life because 17
“Reality is wherever there is contact with things” (Chan, p. 356). Another monk scholar, Jizang (549-623), compelled the organic monistic Chinese mind to con front the radical dualism of the two levels of truth. Born of a Parthian father and a Chinese mother, Jizang expounded the profound meaning of the “middle doctrine” in the true spirit of Nagarjuna’s (ca. 100-200) theory of the Madhyamika, speci fically the idea of sunyata (“emptiness”). While his “eightfold negations,” critical spirit, and nominalism stimulated and inspired the iconoclastic minds of the WeiJin times (220-420), the main thrust of his dualistic argumentation, so alien to the Chinese mode of thinking, was not persuasive. Similarly, Xuanzang’s herculean efforts to make the Consciousness-Only School (Yogacara) the main Buddhist tradition in China failed. Despite the allure of mystical enlightenment through metaphysical speculation, the elaborate tech nical analysis of layers of selfhood in the theory of “eight consciousnesses” fascinat ed but did not convince the Chinese mind. In fact, the three thoroughly Sinicized Buddhist schools, Tiantai, Huayan and Chan, have fully integrated the core values of the Chinese intellectual tradition - ultimate self-transformation through person al effort in this life, a holistic worldview, interconnected networks of perception, embodied thinking, experiential understanding, and commitment to the world here and now - into their syntheses. The Tiantai School, named after the native place of its founder Zhiyi (538-597), approaches the dharma phenomenologically. It employs a threefold method to per ceive the true nature of all dharmas - involving emptiness, temporality, and the middle. All dharmas are by nature empty, yet their temporary existence is real. Being both really empty and temporarily real, they can only be adequately comprehended by the middle. Through concentration and insight, we learn to grasp the perfect harmony of all three levels of truth. This enables us to understand that all three thousand worlds are immanent in an instant of thought and that every color, fragrance, or sound is a manifestation of the middle path. The Huayan School, founded by Fazang (643-712), opts for an experiential embodiment of the dharma realms. By focusing on the emergent states of nature itself, Huayan masters, following the insight developed in the Dachengqixinlun (Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana) advocate that the one heart mind can simultaneously open two gates: tathagatagarhba (the Buddha-Mind) and alaya (“storehouse consciousness”). The inseparability, mutuality, and harmony of these two gates of the same heart-mind enable Huayan thinkers to develop the paradox philosophy of “absoluteness and rounded harmony” in which not only is the oneness and purity of principle (li) melted in the multiplicity and mixture of things (shi) but the particularities of things themselves are totally harmonized. This provides the ontological justification for the realization of Buddhahood in our ordi nary daily practical living. Chan (Zen), the distinctively Sinic style of dharma practice, deconstructed Bud dhist teaching, scriptural tradition, and monastic order. Whether or not we witness in the Chan cultural movement a revolution in which the Chinese mind reasserted itself, it significantly shaped the contour of the Chinese religious landscape with profound philosophical implications. If we do not take an essentialist interpretive
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position, the dichotomy of the Chinese mind reasserting itself against Indian influ ence is misleading. Huineng (638-713), the alleged illiterate, through oral trans mission and exemplary teaching, captured the essence of Chan spirituality as follows: Bodhi (perfect wisdom) originally has no tree. Nor has the bright mirror any stand. Buddha-nature is forever clear and pure. Where is any dust?
Huineng’s verse was a response to a different but reasonable formulation of Chan self-cultivation: The body is like the tree of bodhi. The heart-mind is like the stand of a bright mirror. Day after day diligently wipe it. Do not allow it to become dusty.
This approach, which locates perfect wisdom in the body and analogizes heart mind as a bright mirror, is in accord with the Confucian and Daoist perceptions of personal knowledge. The idea of daily practice as a ceaseless reenactment of the ritual of self-renewal is also consistent with the emphasis that Mencius, Xunzi, and Zhuangzi place on the importance of cumulative effort in spiritual self transformation. Huineng’s outright rejection of essentialism, gradualism, ritual ism, literalism, and scholasticism may have been rooted in Daoist iconoclasm, but it was a radical departure from the main stream of Chinese thought. Without siniflcation of the Indian praxis of dhydna (contemplation) and prajnd (wisdom), this would not have been possible. China, by the time of Huineng, was already a well-seasoned Buddhist country. By implication, Chinese philosophy as manifested in Chan thinking was indebted to imported Indian concepts as well as to indigenous Daoist and Confucian ideas. The Buddhist transformation of the Chinese mind provides a necessary background for understanding the revival of Confucianism in the eleventh century. Without the challenge of Sinicized Buddhism, and the Chan phenomenon in particular, it is difficult to imagine what shape the Confucian revival could have taken - indeed, difficult to imagine that there could have been a Confucian revival at all. Embodied thinking
Neo-Confucianism, or the Second-Epoch of Confucian Humanism, was a creative transformation which substantially reconstituted the classical tradition in terms of basic scripture, core curriculum, styles of writing, educational institutions, political participation, and social meaning. The Neo-Confucian masters strongly believed that they had repossessed the Dao, revitalized the spirit, re-enacted the method of the heart-and-mind, and re-experienced the form of life envisioned by Confucius and Mencius. In comparative civilizational studies, it is rare to observe the 19
representation of a seemingly outmoded symbolic universe with such philosophical originality and intellectual dynamism. Actually, the Song (960-1279) Confucian revival generated such creative energy that it flowed beyond China proper and eventually became a manifestation of East Asian civilization encompassing Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1912) China, Choson Korea (1392-1910), Later Le dynasty Vietnam (1428-1777), and Tokugawa Japan (1600-1868). Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073) articulates the relationship between the great trans formation of the cosmos and the moral self-realization of the person through a holistic cosmogonic interpretation of the Book of Change. The uniquely Sinic idea of trinity - Heaven, Earth, and Humanity - provides the ontological grounding for Zhou’s philosophical anthropology. According to Zhou, human nature is endowed with humanity, rightness, propriety, wisdom, and faithfulness. And sagehood, as the most authentic expression of humanity, is a source of spiritual creativity which, like Heaven, gives ultimate meaning to human existence. The underlying moral metaphysics, as embodied in Zhang Zai’s (1020-1077) Western Inscription, charac terizes human beings as filial children of the cosmos: Heaven is my father and Earth is my mother, and even such a small creature as I finds an intimate place in their midst. Therefore that which fills the universe I regard as my body and that which directs the universe I consider my nature. All people are my brothers and sisters, and all things are my companions.
This assertion about human consanguinity with Heaven and Earth is predicated on: (1) the continuity of being; (2) the organismic unity of all things; and (3) the boundlessness of human sensitivity. Accordingly, Cheng Hao (1032-1085) defines humanity as embodying Heaven, Earth, and the myriad things. While Zhu Xi (1130-1200) was critical of characterizing humanity in terms of undifferentiated and all-embracing sensitivity, he did not question that all modali ties of being are endowed with vital energy (qi), that humanity is the “virtue of the heart-mind, and the principle of love” is all encompassing, and that, in principle, there is no limit to human sympathy and empathy. In his famous “Treatise on Humanity,” he presents his observations in naturalist terms: The moral qualities of the heart-mind of Heaven and Earth are four: origination, flourishing, facility, and firmness. And the principle of origination unites and inte grates them all. In their operation they constitute the course of the four seasons, and the vital energy of the spring permeates all. Therefore, in the human heart-mind there are four moral qualities - humanity, rightness, propriety, and wisdom - and human ity embraces them all. In their emanation and function, they constitute the feeling of love, the attitude of respect, the sense of appropriateness, and judgment of right and wrong - and the feeling of commiseration pervades them all.
Following Cheng Yi’s (1033-1107) instruction that “self-cultivation requires rev erence; the pursuit of learning depends on the extension of knowledge” (Chan, p. 562), Zhu Xi proposes a balanced incremental approach to education. He vigorous ly opposes Chan-like sudden enlightenment as an easy way that never really works.
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His intellectual rival, Lu Xiangshan (1139-1193), however, forthrightly declares that “the universe is my heart-mind, and my heart-mind is the universe.” He further asserts that the ontological unity between Heaven and Humanity is the reason that Mencius instructs us to “first build up the nobler part (the ‘great body’) of our nature.” Indeed, he maintains that the affairs of the universe ought to be our personal affairs precisely because the universe is embodied in our humanity. Wang Yangming’s (1472-1529) “Inquiry on the Great Learning” offers an elegantly simple anthropocosmic vision to substantiate Lu Xiangshan’s claim: The great man regards Heaven, Earth and the myriad things as one body. He regards the world as one family and the country as one person.... That the great man can regard Heaven, Earth and the myriad things as one body is not because he deliberately wants to do so, but because it is natural to the humane nature of his heart-mind that he do so. Forming one body with Heaven, Earth and the myriad things is not only true of the great man. Even the heart-mind of the small man is no different.
Yangming elucidates how, in practical terms, our sensitivity connects us with all modalities of being through concrete examples of differentiated human responses to the suffering and destruction of others (children, birds and animals, plants, and stones). Learning to be human, in this sense, is to extend from what we care about the most (our children, parents, and spouse) to all the realms of existence that we do not even imagine we are intellectually connected to.
Challenge of the Enlightenment mentality
Catholicism was introduced to the Chinese intellectual community by Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) and his fellow Jesuits. Although, as an expediency, they presented their Christian message in terms palatable to the Mandarin ethos, their underlying message was a radical dualism totally incompatible with Neo-Confucian modes of thinking. As a strategy, they urged the scholar-officials to rediscover their classical Confucian sensibility and reverence for the Lord-on-High or Heaven (a functional equivalent of God or the Father in Heaven). They contended that Neo-Confucian thinkers, corrupted by the Mahayana Buddhist doctrine of salvation by self-effort, alienated themselves from their primordial connectedness with the transcendent. Christian missionary work in China flourished, especially among the high officials of the court, in the half century after Ricci’s death. However, the controversy over the ritual performance in veneration of ancestors before the family altar (that is, concerning whether this was a civil rite or pagan worship) split the Catholic com munity and severely damaged the reputation of the Jesuits. Despite the “Rites Controversy,” which boiled along for a full century (ca. 1640-1742), the Christian community (estimated at 300,000 in the early part of the eighteenth century) survived in China. An unintended consequence of the Jesuits’ China experience was the Chinese intellectual contribution to the Enlightenment in Europe. Through missionary reports, French, British, Italian and German intellectuals became aware of the 21
humanistic splendor of Chinese civilization. Montesquieu, Voltaire, Quesnay, Diderot, the philosophies, the physiocrates, and the Deists were fascinated by the Chinese worldview, cosmological thinking, benevolent despotism, and ethics. Yet the vogue for things Chinese that overwhelmed eighteenth-century Europe was more a craze for chinoiserie than a quest for philosophical insight. Ironically, the Enlightenment mentality, especially in its nineteenth-century Eurocentric in carnation, has become the most devastating disputation that the Chinese mind has ever encountered. The modern West’s dichotomous mode of thinking (spirit/matter, mind/body, physical/mental, sacred/profane, creator/creature, God/man, subject/object) is diametrically opposed to the Chinese habits of the heart. Informed by Bacon’s knowledge-as-power and Darwin’s survival-through-competitiveness, the Enlight enment mentality is so radically different from any style of thought familiar to the Chinese mind that it challenges all dimensions of the Sinic world. The Enligh tenment faith in instrumental rationality, fueled by the Faustian drive to explore, know, subdue, and control, made spectacular progress in the fields of science, technology, industrial capitalism, nation-building, the democratic polity, legal systems, educational institutions, multinational cooperation, and military hard ware. As the international rules of the game, defined in terms of wealth and power, were superimposed on China by gunboat diplomacy, Chinese intellectuals ac knowledged the inevitability of Westernization and acted accordingly. The sense of urgency that prompted May Fourth (1919) generation Chinese thinkers to advocate wholesale Westernization as a precondition for cultural sur vival was disorienting and self-defeating. The deliberate choice to undermine their own rich spiritual resources and to embark on a materialist path to save the nation led to revolutionary romanticism and populist scientism. The demand for effective action and demonstrable results was so compelling that the life of the mind was marginalized. As a consequence, there was little room for reflection, let alone med itative thinking. For philosophy, the outcome was disastrous. In this regard, the modern fate of Chinese intellectuals was much worse than that of their Indian counterparts. While centuries of colonization did not break the backbone of Indian spirituality, the semi-colonial status prompted the Chinese intelligentsia to reject in toto and by choice all the spiritual traditions that defined China’s soul. We have only just begun to see indications that Chinese thinkers are recovering from this externally imposed and internally inflicted malaise. With all of its boundless energy and creative impulse, the Enlightenment men tality is incapable of reflecting on things at hand, oblivious to the “holy rite” of human-relatedness, and ignorant of self-cultivation as an art of living. The collapse of the former Soviet Union may have destroyed the Chinese Communist faith in the inevitable historical process precipitated by the revolutionary vanguard in the strategy of class struggle for universal equality. However, the assumption that human beings are rational animals endowed with inalienable rights and motivated by their self-interest to maximize their profit in the marketplace is hardly an inspir ing ideology. The market economy, democratic polity, and individualism, perceived by Talcott Parsons as the three inseparable dimensions of modernity, are likely to 22
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loom large in China’s philosophical discussion. The more encouraging style of self-reflexivity may take the form of a humanist critique of the Enlightenment. The Chinese, especially the Confucian, idea of the intellectual - politically con cerned, socially engaged, and culturally sensitive - seems to have special relevance for contemporary professionals in the academy, government, mass media, busi ness, and civic organizations who are anxious about the affairs of the world, involved in social praxis, and dedicated to the efficacy of mediating cultural institu tions. In this sense, the Confucian scholar, in both spiritual self-definition and social function, can be a source of inspiration for the modern intellectual. Fur thermore, given the need for a global ethic to address the crises of the human community in dealing with ecological degradation, social disintegration, and the lack of distributive justice, Confucian inclusive humanism seems more compatible with the spirit of our time than does the anthropocentric secular humanism of the Enlightenment. An important implication is that Plato’s allegory of the cave can be enriched, if not replaced, by the Mencian dictum that the sage is simply the one who has obtained (realized) the sameness of my heart-and-mind before me. The philosopher so conceived is an organic intellectual who shares his or her profound personal knowledge with all members of the human community through dialogue and conversation.
Bibliography Chan, Wing-tsit 1963: A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy (Princeton: Princeton University Press). Graham, A. C. 1989: Disputers of the Tao (La Salle: Open Court). Hall, David L. and Roger T. Ames 1995: Anticipating China: Thinking through the Narratives of Chinese and Western Culture (Albany: State University of New York). Hansen, Chad 1992: A Taoist Theory of Chinese Thought (Oxford: Oxford University Press). Mote, F. W. 1971: Intellectual Foundations of China (New York: Alfred A. Knopf). Needham, Joseph 1956: Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. 2 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Owen, Stephen 1992: Readings in Chinese Literary Thought (Cambridge: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University). Schwartz, B. 1.1985: The World of Thought in Ancient China (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).
A history of Indian philosophy J.
Origins According to the Hindu tradition, the origin of the various philosophical ideas that were developed in the philosophical systems lies in the Vedas, a body of texts that seem to have been composed around two thousand years Before the Common Era (BCE). While the Vedas contain a myriad of different themes, ranging from hymns for deities and rules of fire sacrifices to music and magic, there is no doubt that one finds in them an exemplary spirit of inquiry into “the one being” (ekam sat) that underlies the diversity of empirical phenomena, and into the origin of all things. (“Was there being or non-being at the beginning?”) One finds also predelineations of such concepts of rta (truth or moral order), karma and the afterlife, and the three qualities (or gunas: sattva, rajas, and tamas) constituting nature (prakrti). It is in the Upanisads (a group of texts composed after the Vedas and ranging from 1000 bce to the time of Gautama, the Buddha), that the thinking, while still retaining its poetic flavor, develops a more strictly philosophical character. While still concerned with many different themes belonging to cosmology (“How did the one being become many?”) and psychology (“What does the empirical person consist of?”), the Upanisads contain attempts to reinterpret, in symbolic terms, the elaborate Vedic sacrifices, and to defend, in many different ways, one central philosophical thesis that is, the identity of Brahman (the highest and the greatest, the source of all things) and dtman (the self within each person). With this last identification, a giant step was taken by the authors of the Upanisads, a step that was decisive for the development of Indian philosophy. The Vedas had already decided, famously in the Nasadiya Sukata, that at the beginning of things there must have been being and not non-being (for something cannot come out of nothing); now this primeval being was said to be the same as the spirit within. The highest wisdom was in tuitively realizing this identity of subject and object (tat tvam asi). How to know it was the issue. Suggestions ranged from contemplative meditation to austere self mortification. The idea of yoga and a picture of the yogin make their appearance possibly having a different origin - and blend with the central thesis of the Upanisads. If the reality underlying outer appearance is the universal spirit within, is then the world merely phenomenal appearance (like the magician’s creation, mayd), or is the brahman-dtman to be construed as the indwelling spirit of all things? These become the leading disputational questions amongst the commentators on the Upanisads, and amongst the various schools of the Vedanta philosophy.
Rise of the anti-Vedic, naturalistic, and skeptical thinking
Towards the end of the Upanisadic period, most probably when the major Upanisads had been composed, in the north-eastern Gangetic plains at the foothills of the Himalayas, in the present state of Bihar, there was born a most remarkable person, Gautama, the Sakya, of the Licchabi clan (ca. 560 bce) as the son of the elected chief of a small republican country. Stories about Gautama’s life are many, and few things are known with certainty. The story of his experiences with old age, sickness, and death - experiences of existential anguish - that led him to renounce his princely and worldly life and set him on the tortuous path to enlightenment, is rather well known. Upon reaching enlightenment, the wisdom containing his an swer to the question of how to escape suffering, Gautama preached, in his first sermon, the fourfold “noble truths,” which remain the central belief of Buddhism through all its exuberant growth of sects, schools, rituals, and practices. The noble truths are: the truth of suffering (existence is marked by suffering), the truth that suffering has a cause (which is craving, trsna), the truth that there is an end to suffering (that is, nirvana), and finally, the truth that there is a path (marga) by which to reach that end (the eightfold right path). This path, described as the middle way - avoiding the extremes of sensuous indulgence, which is vulgar, low and unspiritual, and of self-torture, which is painful, useless and also unspiritual consists of eight components: right views, right intention, right speech, right ac tion, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. In his sermons and conversations, Gautama avoided metaphysical questions, and insist ed only on teaching the path to deliverance from suffering. But Buddhism, very early on, was committed to certain philosophical beliefs: the rejection of the Upanisadic thesis of atman, the rejection of any permanent substance (of which the no-self doctrine may be regarded as a specific application), belief in a strict principle of causal dependence (called “dependent origination”) to which all existence is subject, belief in karma and rebirth, and belief in eventual deliverance. Thus Gauta ma did not totally reject the Upanisadic theses. Rejecting the fundamental meta physics of atman, he still adhered to the other major components: rebirth and karma and moksa (called nirvana). Gautama represented a growing revolt against Brahmanism as it spread east wards along the Gangetic valley. The revolt was as much against religious theory and practice as against the monarchical state which the Hindus glorified, a society ridden with priest-craft and caste. But Gautama was not the only, nor was he the first, rebel. The Vedic literature already bears evidence to much skeptical selfcriticism. There were skeptics such as Samjaya who, when questioned as to wheth er there was an afterlife, said “I do not say there is an afterlife and I do not say there is no after life,” thus using “illocutionary negation” in contrast to “propositional negation.” This sort of skepticism seems to have had some influence on Buddhism. Among pre-Buddhistic philosophies, one text, Sutrakrtanga, mentions 363 schools - of which 180 were kriyavadins (believing in the efficacy of action), 84 were akriyavadins (rejecting the efficacy of action), 67 were ajnanikas (skeptics, claiming 25
not to know), and 32 were vainayikas (believing in salvation through good con duct). These numbers may be exaggerated, but they certainly show intense intellec tual ferment. Among the skeptics, besides the famous Samjaya, there were those who refused to accept any claim to knowledge because of the many contradictory conclusions on offer and lack of general agreement, those who questioned the concept of omniscience, and those who emphasized the difficulty of knowing the other’s mind. The Buddha, in the Sangdrava Sutra, classifies his predecessors and contemporaries into the traditionalists (anussanika), the rationalists (takki) and the metaphysicians (vimamsi), and the experimentalists who appeal to a personal high er knowledge of the truth. Gautama regarded himself as belonging to this last group. Of the pre-Buddhistic philosophers who rejected the Brahmanic belief, especial mention must be made of the Ajivikas whose leading member was Makkhali Gosala. He believed in strict determinism, rejected freedom of the will, advocated an atomistic cosmology, and practised austere asceticism. Other members of the school were Purana Kassapa, Ajita Kesamkambali, and Pakudha Kaccayana. These intellectual rebels had their influence on Gautama as well as on Mahavira (599-527 bce) who founded Jainism. All of these intellectuals rejected sacrificial rituals, Upanisadic monism, and all recognized the rule of natural law; they were concerned with the efficacy of karma and were skeptical about another world. The two heretical views - yadrcchavada, according to which the world is con tingent, and svabhdvavada, for which the world is determined by the nature of things and natural laws - contrast with adrstavada and adhyatmavada. Both of these, in conjunction with tradition, believed in supernaturalism and the spiritual nature of reality. Of all of these, besides Buddhism and Jainism, the one heretical school which is reckoned with in the doxographic literature is Lokayata, originally one of the branches of Vedic learning, but later surviving as an anti-Vedic materialism. Some trace the origin of Lokayata to the dehatmavada (the thesis that the self is the body) found in Chandogya Upanisad VUI 7-8 (attributed to Virocana). The Jaina author Haribhadra explains the position of Lokayata to be: “this world extends only to the limits of possible sense perception.” Founded by Mahavira, an older contemporary of the Buddha, who is regarded as the last of the perfected men recognized in the school as prophets, Jainism denied the existence of a creator of the universe, looked upon the world as consisting of infinite souls and matter, construed the embodiment of souls as being due to karmic matter (thus presenting a completely new, materialistic, theory of karma), and believed in the possibility of the individual attaining perfection through austere practices and contemplative knowledge. Several very sophisticated positions char acterize Jaina philosophy: first, the belief that things have infinite aspects, so that no philosophical conceptualization can exhaust its nature. For example, Buddhism is right in its view that things change, but wrong in not recognizing that they also have an aspect of permanence. This led the Jains to develop an elaborate metaphilosophical theory of different possible standpoints (nayas), and also a logical theory that rejected the usual two-valued logic and replaced it by a theory of 26
“sevenfold predication” (saptabhanginyayd). For the latter theory - which may be regarded as one of the most outstanding achievements of ancient Indian thought every judgment, its negation, as well as the conjunction of the two, has an element of truth. Prefix every judgment, the Jain recommends, with “maybe” (sy«t), which is meant to convey that there must be a standpoint from which it is true and one from which it is false, another from which it is both, still another from which it is inexpressible. Three more possible “truth values” arise from various combinations of these basic four. The philosophers and the philosophies reviewed in this section were anti tradition - that is, anti-Vedic (although some of them, such as the Jainas, admitted the existence of an eternal self in each living being). To these, we must add another philosophy which was Vedic, but atheistic, naturalistic in an important sense, but admitting an eternal self, one for each individual. This is the Samkhya of Kapila, a legendary figure widely respected for his wisdom even within the Vedic tradition. Already in the Upanisads - besides the atman-brahman theory which later blos somed into the Vedanta school - there was another line of thinking which regarded the world as evolving out of three elements - water, fire, and earth. Even in the technical language of the Samkhya, the Svetasvatara Upanisad (V.7.8.12; IV.5.1.3) describes nature (prakrti) as being three-colored (red, white and black, standing for rajas, sattva and tamas respectively). It is quite possible that this ancient naturalism was a source of ideas for Buddhism and Jainism. In its mature form, it developed a theory of the evolution of the empirical world out of the original, undifferentiated nature. The three gunas, rendered “qualities,” but actually affec tive components, originally were in a state of equilibrium. This equilibrium was disturbed by contact with purusa, the self. The evolution of nature consists in progressive heterogeneity, in unequal distribution of the three components, and attachment of the self arising out of not distinguishing itself from the psycho physical complex which is a product of nature. Freedom or moksa, called “isola tion,” kaivalya, arises from the knowledge that the self is different from nature. While the influence of Samkhya on the religious life is minimal, Samkhya ideas go into other systems as their components; the distinction between the three gunas continues to be an important part of the Hindu view of things, and the Samkhya became the foundation of much of Hindu science, especially of medicine, competing with Vaisesika atomism.
Rise of the systems: a historical chronology up to 900 ce
The Imperial Mauryas ruled from 3 22 to 18 3 bce. This is the time of the composition of the Dharmasastras, more famously of Manu’s, also of Kautilya’s, Arthasastra. In all of these books, the orthodox Brahmanism sought to preserve and strengthen itself against the anti-Vedic philosophies and their onslaughts. Philosophically more important is Panini’s grammar and Patanjali’s commentary thereon. It is possible that no other Hindu intellectual achievement has been able to surpass Panini. With the epic The Mahabharata, the conception of four ends of life came to be 27
established as an important part of the Hindu view of life. These four ends are artha, kama, dharma, and moksa, meaning wealth, sensuous pleasure, righteousness and freedom from bondage respectively. The Hindu thinkers then sought to systematize thought about each of these ends, which consisted in defining the goal, laying down the means for achieving it, and classifying the various components as well as the types of relevant ends and means. Thus arose the Arthasastras, or sciences of wealth, the Kdmasutras, or aphorisms on erotic pleasure, the Dharmasastras, or scientific treatises on dharma, and Moksasastra or the scientific treatise on moksa. Among the latter two, Jaimini’s aphorisms on dharma and Badarayana’s Vedanta or Brahmasutras remain the major works, bearing testimony to the Hindu determi nation to bring order and scientific exposition to unwieldy material in each case. Thus arose the two parts of the Mimamsa system; the system which undertook to interpret the Vedic texts, giving rise to Purvamlmamsa and Uttaramlmamsa (or Vedanta) respectively. It is noteworthy that a new style or genre of philosophical systematization began, one that is very uniquely Indian. This is the genre of the sutras or aphorisms. Out of the disorganized motley of ideas already prevalent, a systematizing genius “formed” a system by composing neatly, systematically and scientifically, a number of aphorisms, brief formulae as they were, easy to memorize and keep one’s grip on, however, too cryptic to make clear sense without the aid of ex planatory expositions which soon were bound to follow. It was only natural that whereas the body of aphorisms laid down the general framework of a system, the explanatory expositions or commentaries (bhdsya) made use of and exploited the ambiguity of the aphorisms in order to interpret them in new ways and to let the texts “show” new meanings and interpretive possibilities. Within such adventures, the “systems” or darsanas, loosely but misleadingly trans latable as “ways of seeing,” came into being, seemingly almost from nowhere save the everpresent appeal to the sruti or the “heard” texts. Thus we have: the Nyayasutras of Gotama (second century ce), the Commentary of Vatsyayana (450500 ce); the Vaisesikasutras of Kanada (?), the Commentary of Prasastapada (fifth century ce); the Mimdmsdsutras of Jaimini (200 bce), the Commentary of Badari (lost), and the Commentary of Sahara (sixth century ce); the Sdmkhyasutras of Kapila (lost); the Veddntasutras of Badarayana (200 bce), the Commentary of Samkara (650-700 ce); the Yogasutras of Patanjali (200 bce), the Commentary of Vyasa (500 ce). Apart from the rise and systematization of the darsanas, the period of Imperial Mauryas also witnessed the rise of the bhakti or devotional religions. The Greek traveler Magasthenes of the fourth century bce refers to the worship of VasudevaKrsna. The pasupata, Bhagavata, and Tantra systems come into being. The gods Siva, Sakti, and Visnu come to the forefront from their minor, sometimes latent, presence in the Vedas. The Bhagavadgita, the song of God, containing Krsna’s discourse to Arjuna of the Pandava dynasty, grows in stature, being viewed no longer merely as a chapter of the epic Mahabharata, but rather as a major text of Hindu philosophy and religion. 28
Further development of the systems had to wait several hundred years to take place. What intervened was the Buddhist challenge in the centuries preceding and after the beginning of the Common Era, during the reign of the Kushana dynasty (first to second century ce) and the Imperial Guptas (320-540 ce). During the Kushana era, the most significant event philosophically was the rise of Mahayana Buddhism under the towering genius of Nagarjuna. Building upon the skeptical questioning of Sariijaya, Nagarjuna may be said to have deconstructed the meta physical and epistemological concepts and theories of both the Hindus (Nyaya, Vaisesika, Samkhya) and the early Buddhists. His complex dialectical arguments claimed to demonstrate, for one thing, that metaphysics and epistemology presup pose each other, that you cannot begin a metaphysics without assuming an episte mological theory, nor can you initiate an epistemological theory without assuming a metaphysics, so that there is no escape from this hopeless circularity. For another, he showed how metaphysical concepts such as rest and motion, part and whole, permanence and change presuppose each other and how each of such concepts involves self-contradictions. The result is a “destruction” of the philosophicalconceptual project from within, of philosophy and logic by using their own resourc es (as a disease is cured by the same poison that causes it, or a thorn is taken out by a thorn). He was circumspect enough to concede that if his thesis is valid, his own philosophy will suffer the same fate. What will remain is the cognizance of the true intent of Gautama’s “silence,” of the ineffability of true wisdom, and at the same time of the truth that nirvana does not change anything, so that samsara (being-inthe-world) and nirvana are the same. The age of the Imperial Guptas was a period of intense intellectual activity. In Buddhist philosophy, the Yogacara school was founded by the two brothers Asanga and Vasubandhu (fourth century ce), Dignaga laid the foundation of Buddhist logic at the end of the fifth century ce. In his commentary on the Nyayasutras, Vatsyayana (400 ce) not only elaborated the Nyaya doctrines, but replied to Nagarjuna’s criticisms of the epistemological project. The Samkhyakarika of Isvarakrsna took the place of the not extant sutras of Kapila. Pantanjali’s Yogasutra came into being. The systems were being consolidated in self-defense. The seventh and the eighth centuries saw the continuation of creative work on the foundations laid. In Buddhism, the high point was reached in the works of Dharmakirti (580-650 ce); in MImamsa, Kumarila’s (600-700 ce) Slokavarttika made a valiant attempt to meet the Buddhist challenge by defending realism (as opposed to the Yogacara idealism) and the validity of the scriptures. The period culminated with Samkara (650-700 ce), who established his non-dualistic Vedanta by interpreting the scriptural texts as much as by systematically refuting the Nyaya-Vaisesika, Samkhya, Buddhist, Jaina, and other competing philoso phies. At the same time, Dharmaklrti’s logical and epistemological challenges were taken up by Uddyotakara (about 650 ce) of the Nyaya school. Vacaspati (900-980 ce) and Udayana (1050-1100 ce) led eventually to the rise of Navya-Nyaya in Mithila under the leadership of Gangesa Upadhyaya (about 1320 ce).
Disputational issues and the development of the systems: theory of knowledge The skeptical arguments against the validity of the Vedic texts, especially the Buddhist onslaughts, gave rise to a determined effort to intellectually safeguard, and establish, the foundation of Brahmanic religion, thereby making it necessary to develop a systematic epistemological theory. It must be emphasized, however, that although the origin of the Hindu epistemological theory must have been occa sioned by the need to meet the skeptical attacks, the theory took up its own auton omous life. It gradually separated itself from the religious context and exhibited a remarkable theoretical autonomy. The epistemological project arose as much to ensure the possibility of the knowing of the mundane entities (through perception and inference) as of the knowing of such transmundane (paralaukika) entities as moral law, karma and rebirth, and the absolute reality underlying all appearances, which was none other than the Brahman of the Upanisads. For this two-fold purpose, the Carvaka claim that sensuous perception alone is a source of valid knowledge, and the arguments of all anti-Vedic thinkers to prove that mere sabda, that is, words, cannot be a source of true cognition, had to be met. At the same time, the claim of inference by which we acquire much of our knowledge of the world had to be legitimized and a sound logical theory of inference developed. All of this led to the rise of the so-called pramanavada, or theory of pramanas or of the means of true cognition. A major part of this theory consisted in giving a list of irreducible sources of true cognition, defining each, and classifying each into its proper sub-types and arguing for its irreducibility to any other. Other topics, within the theory of pramana, are: a theory of pramanya or truth (with its three sub-parts: definition of truth, origin (utpatti) of truth, and cognition (jnapti) of truth), a theory of aprama (types of cognitions that are not true, such as error and doubt), and a theory of error or false cognition (khyativada). In developing all of these theories, the philosophers not only sought to argue against the skeptics and the Buddhists, but members of each school of Hindu philosophy argued, equally mercilessly, against the other schools subscribing to the Vedic orthodoxy. By this process of mutual criticism, the Indian thinkers were able by the sixteenth century, to develop a spectrum of highly sophisticated and theoretically well grounded epistemological theories, which form a most glorious part of Indian thinking. In this spectrum, the Carvakas held that perception is the only pramana, the Buddhists and the Vaisesikas recognized perception and inference, the Nyaya would have perception, inference, comparison (upamana), and verbal instruction (sabda); and Vedanta added two more to the last four, namely, non-perception (anupalabdhi) and “impossibility of accounting for a fact otherwise” (arthdpatti). Several other candidates for this status seem to have been around, with their advocates and defenders, some of these being: memory, tradition (aitihya), and possibility (sambhava), but none of the major schools appear to have accepted the claim of any of these. Of all of these, perception, inference, and verbal instruction received the utmost attention.
(i) Perception All schools of Indian philosophy accepted perceptual cognition as valid, though they did not quite agree as to its definition and its object. Early on, two opposed views seem to have laid down the parameters for the discussion of perception: on the one hand, the Buddhist view that only that perception deserves to be regarded as valid which is non-linguistic, non-conceptual and whose object is the pure particular, the sva-laksand with no admixture of universal features; and, on the other, the view of the Grammarian, especially of Bhartrhari (460-520 ce), that since no object is without a name and no cognition without “penetration” by language, all perception is linguistic. For Hindu philosophers, there is no pure particular as the Buddhist conceives it. The particular entity instantiates universal features; it is a this-there, but also a such-and-such. The Nyaya was quick to recognize that perception itself must be of two kinds, each corresponding to a stage of its unfolding: at first a non-conceptual non-linguistic taking-in of whatever is presented to the senses, and then a conceptual, linguistic, predicative cognition in which the entities presented to the senses are knit together as qualifier and quali fied. If perception is to be a cognition that is brought about by contact of the sense organs with their respective objects (as the Nyaya held), how could one perceive anything besides the particular thing? How could the senses come in contact with properties and universals, as the Buddhists argued? In order to reply to this difficul ty, Uddyotakara introduced what became an important part of the Nyaya theory: the contact of the sense organs with their objects can be of various orders of complexity, depending upon the nature of the object contacted. Thus the contact of the eyes with a material substance is one of conjunction (samyoga), which is a proper relation between two substances. But the color of that substance involves inherence-in-what-is-conjoined (samyukta-samavaya), while the color-universal which that color instantiates involves inherence-in-what-inheres-in-what-isconjoined, for the color-universal inheres in the color, which, on its part, inheres in the substance.
(ii) Inference
Now, as regards inference (anumana), Dignaga laid down the foundations of Bud dhist logic while Dharmakirti further advanced it, both stimulating the further development of the Nyaya theory already laid down in the Nyayasutras and in Vatsyayana’s Commentary. Inference was looked upon as a cognitive means, rath er than merely as formally valid thinking. In order, therefore, to rule out of purview those inferences that are formally sound but materially false, it was necessary to stipulate - for the acceptability of an inference advanced in a dialogical disputational context - a requirement that the universal major premise adduced in favor must be shown, by the proposer, to be instantiated in a case agreed upon by both the proposer and the opponent, in the absence of which the inference cannot even get off the ground. This requirement of an example (drstanta) assured material truth and yet did not conflict with formal validity. Nor could the logician, interested as he 31
was in inference as a means of cognition, keep out all psychological talk, for he had to give an account of the psychological process by which - outside the disputational and dialogical context - a person comes to infer-for-himself. Thus a distinction was made between inference-for-oneself (svartha anumana), which is a psychological process corresponding to an enthymeme, and inference-for-the-other (pardrtha anumana) in which all the constituent propositions are to be explicitly formulated so that - including the instance cited and the thesis proposed - one arrives at five constituents (pancavayava) of the resulting structure. Common to both, in addition to the example, is the universal major premise (vyapti) which was construed as co occurrence of the middle (hetu) and the major (sddhya), being of the form “wherever F, there G.” Much intellectual acumen was exercised on how precisely to formulate this relationship, broadly speaking whether affirmatively, as just given, or nega tively, as “to whatever possesses the absence of G, F does not belong.” Note that in neither of these formulations is a modal concept used - such as “necessarily” or “impossible,” or “must” or “must not” - so that the Nyaya concept of vyapti remains extensional, again in opposition to the Buddhist conception, especially of Dharmakirti, who understood vyapti to be based either on the relation of essential identity (abheda), in which case the universal relation of copresence is analytically necessary (“this is a tree, because it is an elm”), or on the relation of causality (“this possesses fire, because it has smoke”), in which case it is synthetic and contingent. It is to be noted that while Dharmakirti believed in the nature of things, Nagarjuna denied that things have any intrinsic nature. Thus within Buddhist philosophy, Nagarjuna and Dharmakirti developed different logical systems. Nagarjuna gives a new form of the reductio argument (prasanga), a notoriously difficult “four-cornered negation,” and a logic of self-referential statements (for example, “I have no proposition” and “everything is void”). Both the topics of perception and inference were developed by schools other than Buddhism and the Nyaya. The Nyaya defined a means of cognition generally by referring to the method, or mode, of its causal production. Thus perception was caused by sense-object contact, and not caused - in its first phase of non-conceptual perception - by any other cognition. Inference was caused by previous knowledge of vyapti and its remembrance upon one’s perceiving the middle (for example, smoke) in the minor (for example, the hill over there). Likewise, hearing sentences uttered by a speaker known to be competent, one knows that something is the case, and such knowledge is caused by, among other things, knowledge of the meanings of the component words of the utterance. Before briefly discussing the third pramana (that is, sabda), I would like to mention here that the Jaina and Vedanta schools do not define perceptual cognition by its causes, but rather by some intrinsic and distin guishing feature of that cognition. The Jainas take this feature to be “clarity” (vaisadya), so that perception is defined as cognition that is clear (yisadam pratyaksam). The Vedantin of the Advaita school follows another route: for them, as formu lated by Dharmarajadhvarindra (sixteenth century ce) in his Vedanta Paribhasa, consciousness itself is perceptual taken in the broadest sense, but then, when one perceives a material object, there is an identity achieved between the consciousness 32
of the knower and the consciousness underlying, and limited by, the object (for, after all, on the Vedanta metaphysics, all is superimposed upon an underlying ubiquitous consciousness.)
(Ui) Sabda
Let me now briefly refer to sabda as a means of knowing that something is the case simply on the basis of hearing a person, who is known to be competent (dpta), utter a sentence. One of the distinguishing features of the Indian epistemologies is to have devoted a lot of attention to this kind of cognition, which recently has been termed “word-generated knowledge.” Since “competency” was defined in terms of the speaker’s knowing the subject matter and his moral integrity (so that he would not want to lie or mislead), a certain scope for being in error is definitionally ruled out. In the case of the Vedic scriptures, either the speaker is fault-free or there is no speaker; so, in either case, the possibility of error (which is due to a fault in the speaker) is excluded. The rest of the discussion then consists in arguing: first, that such word-generated knowledge is irreducible to inference (contrary to the Vaisesikas); second, that there is no other way of knowing, save through verbal instruction, about moral rules (dharma); and, third, in the Advaita Vedanta School, the identity of brahman and atman can only be ascertained on the basis of the texts of the Upanisads. Common to all these claims and their defense, is a philosophical discussion of language including a theory of how word-meanings connected to gether by contiguity, as well as semantic and syntactical appropriateness, generate or simply manifest sentential meaning. In all this discussion, one important issue comes to the forefront: is the sentential meaning composed of prior word-meanings, or if the original home of the word is in the sentence, is not the word-meaning derivative from sentential meaning? On this issue, the Nyaya and the Mimamsa schools differed, the latter tending towards a holistic theory of meaning (for exam ple, the entire Vedas may be looked upon as constituting one sentence), the former towards a “logical atomism.” In between these extremes, the Advaita Vedanta held a third view, separating sentences about what is the case from those that recom mend courses of action, and among the former demarcating a group of sentences that assert identity between two terms. It is this last-mentioned group which, for Advaita Vedanta, holds the key to opening the door to metaphysical wisdom. The identity sentences of the Upanisads, such as “thou art that” (tat tvam asi) and “I am He” (sdham), are to be so construed that the differences in meanings of the terms, in each case, have to be excluded, thereby leaving a residue of pure identity which, in the case of the sentences, or the mahavakyas, of the Upanisads, is nothing but the pure atman. Thus identity sentences are not relational sentences, and so refer not to a relational state of affairs, but to a pure non-relational identity. The Advaita philosophy of language has one more feature which is connected with the above. Whereas in all other systems, the cognition generated by language is only mediate and conceptual and stands in sharp contrast to the immediate and intuitive grasp of a thing in perception, on the Advaita epistemology this contrast does not hold good. Under certain circumstances and in certain contexts, the cognition generated 33
by an identity sentence may give rise to an immediate and intuitive knowledge of oneself, which holds good not only in mundane contexts, such as when a man counting a group of ten to which he also belongs and, missing the tenth person (which is he himself), is told by an onlooker that he himself is the tenth person (dasamah tvamasi) realizes, intuitively, that he is indeed the missing member, but also, in the transmundane context, when a person seeking to know the Brahman is instructed that he is Brahman. The linguistic instruction followed by understand ing, reflection, and meditation may bring about an intuitive apprehension of the truth. Thus the opposition that Buddhism set up between, on the one hand, true knowledge of the nature of things and language, on the other, is denied by the Hindu philosophies, although in many different ways. The Nyaya and Mimamsa denied this opposition by making reality as internally differentiated as language requires. The Advaita does the same by ascribing to language the ability to refer beyond itself by a series of negations (“not this, not this”) or by identity sentences the understanding of which demands transcendence of the differences. Language still refers, although not by naming. As Bhartrhari said, even to call reality “un speakable” (avdcyd) is still to use language to talk about it. The use of negation is also a linguistic resource.
(iv) Pramdnyavdda With the development of the theory of pramana, the concept of prdmdnya or truth inevitably received attention. Whereas in the early scriptural literature, the word for truth was satyam, which appeared in the Upanisadic description of Brah man as “satyam, jnanam, anantam” (truth, knowlege [and] infinite) and in the moral exhortation “satyam vada" (speak the truth), in the philosophical literature the word prdmdnya replaces it. This replacement may well signify a gradual shift to intellectual inquiry. An early account of truth as prdmdnya is given by Vatsyayana in the commentary on Nyayasutra II. 1.3 6: “true cognition is knowledge of that as that.” As is to be expected, truth in this sense is questioned by the Buddhists. Relational sentences, as a matter of fact any linguistic entity, cannot correspond to reality, for reality is the pure particular, the ineffable this-now. Since we do nevertheless em pirically distinguish between true and false sentences, the distinction must lie, not in agreement with reality, but in “practical efficacy,” in the ability of sentences regarded as true to lead to successful practice. Truth, as opposed to error, is then a pragmatic concept. It has been recently proposed that the single pre-theoretical concept that all the Indian theories seek to explicate further is “practical success,” or rather “the ability to lead to practical success” (and not the “truth” of Western philosophy). While this may well be so, the Nyaya emphasized that practical suc cess is only a test of truth, and not its nature; it is also not the only test of truth, for often truth is tested for by coherence (samvada) with other cognition of the same or of other subjects. (Note that if practical success were the only test, the very distinc tion between a test and nature would appear to be pointless.) The Advaitin goes
further and attacks the very idea of practical success. “Does not, within a dream, the (dream) water seen at a distance and leading a thirsty person towards it, eventually satisfy his (dream) thirst?” he asks. In this rapid survey, two attempts at defining pramanya may be discussed, each the result of a long process of maturation within a system. The first is a refinement of the original idea of “agreement” as expressed in Vatsyayana’s definition quoted above, and is formulated by Garigesa, the founder of the neo-Nyaya school. Truth, on Gangesa’s view, is the property of a cognition to have a qualifier that belongs also to the object of that cognition. To know A as F is true if and only if F belongs to A. Subsequent neo-Nyaya logicians have further refined this definition to take care of various counterexamples, but we need not refer to those complexities in this essay. The other definition, reached by the Advaita epistemologists, again after a long search, is negative in form: a cognition is true in case it is not contradicted by another cognition and so not known to be false. While this negative definition, making use of the notion of falsity and seemingly collapsing the distinction between “being-true” and “taken-to-be-true,” holds good, and is intended to hold good, of all empirical truths, trans-empirical truth (for example, of the identity sentences of the Upanisads) is defined as the property of not being negatable at all. The Advaita epistemology thus focused on the concept of falsity and, for all logical purposes, accorded to it a primacy, the true being what is not false. The theory of falsity, however, became a preoccupation not of the Advaitin alone, but also of the other schools, which used their theories to refute the Advaita metaphys ics. The questions that were raised concern, in the first place, the nature of a false cognition (Is it perceptual, or is it memory? Is it reducible to several true cognitions, not distinguished from one another?), and in the second, the object of a false cognition (What is its ontological status? Is the object that is cognized, when in error, itself a real object, or a subjective mental state projected onto the external world, or is it a sort of object, being neither real nor unreal, that we might call a false (mithya) object?). It should be remembered that in this discussion the philosophers were chiefly concerned with perceptual error, including cases of hallucination, not purely intellectual error. It should also be noted that “aprama” (not-valid) and “false” do not coincide. Doubt (samsaya) is neither true nor false, but is included within aprama, for it has one qualifier (in “is S p or not-p?”) which does not belong to S. Memory, even when true, was regarded as aprama for various reasons, the chief of which is that it only repeats what is already known, and so does not deserve to be dignified with the appellation “true.” It should have been realized that in memory alone the past is apprehended as past and so the entire content of memory is not repetition. At this point, it may be appropriate to introduce a question which the Indian philosophers asked with regard to pramanya (the property of being a valid cogni tion) and apramanya (the property of being an invalid cognition). Is pramanya (and apramanyd) apprehended svatah (intrinsically) or paratah (extrinsically)? What this amounts to is, when a cognition K is cognized, is it also pari passu cognized as valid? Or is its validity cognized at a later point in time? The same questions are asked with regard to invalidity. The possible answers are the following:
1 when K is cognized, it is also cognized as being valid, while later on its invalidity may be determined on the basis of unsuccessful practice (svatahpramanya and paratahapramanya); 2 when K is cognized, it is cognized neither as valid nor as invalid. Both validity and invalidity, as the case may be, are determined later depending upon the success or failure of the practical response to K (paratahprdmdnya and paratahapramanya); 3 when K is cognized, it is to be taken as invalid, unless later experience leads to successful practice, when it is judged valid (svatahapramanya and pratahprdmdnya); and 4 for every K, both validity and invalidity are intrinsic - that is, it is in some respect valid, in some not so (svatahpramanya and svatahapramanya).
(1) is the view of Mimamsa in all its forms; (2) is the view of Nyaya. These are the two options that were fully developed. (3) is ascribed in doxographic literature to the Buddhists, (4) to the Samkhya. Neither is proposed in a fully developed and defensible form. Clearly, the proposals (1) and (2), in particular, make use of “cognition of K (which itself is a cognition),” and this latter itself is a highly controversial concept. Intertwined with the question, “How are validity and invalidity of a cognition determined?” is the question “How is a cognition itself cognized?” As a matter of fact, the latter is most probably an earlier controversy which was later taken into, and used by, the other controversy regarding validity and invalidity. The answers to this question fall into the following patterns: (a) a cognition is self-manifesting, self-revealing, self-intimating (svaprakasa) in the sense that by its very occurrence it makes its own existence known, not unlike, in an important respect, the light of a lamp (pradlpavat); (b) a cognition, by its occurrence, manifests its object - which is its function - but not itself. It itself is known only by being the object of a subsequent cognition, the latter being of the nature of an inner perception (anuvyavasaya); and (c) a cognition is known only by a subsequent act of inference that seeks to ac count for the difference between the known object and the mere object by positing the act of knowing as what produces in its object the property of knownness (jnatata).
Of these (a) - which in general is called svaprakasavada - is upheld by the Buddhists, the Advaita Vedanta, and Prabhakara Mimamsa. Since each of these proposed a different version, we have three forms of the theory of svaprakasa, which are:
(al) each cognition, as it occurs, manifests itself; (a2) each cognition manifests itself as a cognition, its subject as the knower and its object as the known, all in one act (known as three-fold perception or triputipratyaksa); and (a3) a cognition is manifested directly by the witness-consciousness (sdksicaitanya); the latter manifests itself. The qualifier “directly” is added, because while all objects (visayani) are also manifested by the witness 36
consciousness, they need the mediation of a cognitive state, but a cognition is manifested by the witness-consciousness without the mediation of another cognition. On this theory, then, to say that a cognition is self-revealing is to say that by its very occurrence it becomes directly manifested by the witness consciousness (kevala-saksi-vedya). The witness-consciousness, however, is self-revealing in the strictest sense. Of these three, (al) is the view of the Buddhists; (a2) of Prabhakara Mimamsa, and (a3) of the Advaita Vedanta. Another version of (a) was proposed by Ramanuja (1017-1137 ce) in opposition to the Advaita:
(a4) a cognition manifests itself to its own subject or locus (svdsrayam prati), by its very existence (sva-sattaya), and only while it is manifesting its own object (visaya-prakdsana-veldyam). (These clauses take into account the fact that my cognition is not self-manifesting to you and that my past cognition is not self manifesting to me now).
It should now be evident that if you take into account the diversity of views (al), (a2), (a3), (a4), (b) and (c), and insert them into appropriate places in (1) through (4), you have an interesting range of theories of knowledge, the details of which may be worked out by interested readers for themselves. Before I conclude the section on the theory of knowledge and pass on to metaphysics, one more large controversy needs to be mentioned, particularly be cause this controversy - together with the two earlier ones on pramanya and on prakasa - contribute to the overall metaphysical positions of the schools. This third major epistemological controversy concerns the question, “Does a cognition have a form or content (akara), or not?” Again, as in many other instances, the Buddhists created the initial stir. Since the Buddhists did not admit the existence of either enduring selves or enduring material objects, when I perceive a material object, or have the sense of “I,” these objects (for example, the tree out there) can only be a form or content of a cognition. Cognitions must then be the sort of things that have their built-in contents. Dignaga, the Buddhist logician, clinched the issue thus: blue and sensation of blue are not different. Blue is always a content of a sensory consciousness; you do not experience the one without the other. This doctrine of jnanasakara (that is, the theory that knowledge always has a form) came under severe criticism by the Hindu philosophers, led by Kumarila Bhatta in his Slokavarttika, followed by the Naiyayikas: a cognition, not being a substance, does not have real parts, and so it cannot have a form that consists in the arrangement of parts. The perceived “blue” is over there, far or near; such spatial features could not characterize an inner state such as a cognition. The Advaita epistemologists took up a position in which both extreme views were combined: consciousness in itself is formless and contentless (nirakara), but the inner sense (antahkarana), in the perceptual situation, assumes the form of an object; when this form is reflected in consciousness, consciousness appears to have a form, just as when the red color of a flower reflected in a clear crystal makes the crystal appear to be red. 37
Realism-Idealism issue
All Hindu philosophers are, to say the least, empirical realists: the objects of empir ical knowledge are admitted to exist independently of any knowledge. If, like the Nyaya, Vaisesika and Purva Mimamsa, they regard these empirical objects as ulti mately real, their empirical realism also amounts to metaphysical realism. The Advaita Vedanta clearly regards the empirical world to be but a false appearance of a ubiquitous spirit, so that the system’s empirical realism is but a part of a larger idealistic metaphysics, a preparation for a transcendental idealism, if you will. Idealism par excellence, which denies external objects and recognizes cognitions alone (vijnanamatrata) as real, is to be met with only in the Yogacara school of Buddhism. Yogacara Buddhism, which gave rise to logicians such as Dignaga and Dharmakirti, not only spurred Hindu logic towards more sophistication, but also led the Naiyayikas and MImamsakas, even the Vedantins, to defend and safeguard their favored empirical realism. In the development of this defense of realism, sever al strategies became prominent: First, if it can be established that cognitions could not have forms or contents, then any form or content that appears in a cognition (like blue in the sensation of blue, or the tree in the perception of the tree) must fall outside of that cognition. Second, if, as the Nyaya insisted, a cognition is never self-illuminating and is known only in a subsequent introspective act, what is known in a cognition is its object (blue or the tree) and not the cognition itself, and when the cognition is known in introspection, the object is not thereby known leading to the position that a cognition and its object are known in different attitudes, and therefore are never known together. This refutes the Buddhist claim that since the two are always experienced together (sahopalambhaniyamat), they must be identical. Third, as some Advaitins emphasized, when a true cognition makes its object known, it also makes it known that the object had an unknown existence (ajndtasattd) prior to being known. All empirically real objects have unknown existence prior to being known. They cannot, therefore, be mere cognitions. Finally, as Samkara argued, if there are, as a matter of fact, no external objects, then an inner representation cannot appear as if it is external. Something appears as if it is a snake only because there are real snakes. The predicate “is external” cannot be, in all of its applications, a projection. You may admit external reality, but still insist that the material things that we perceive are but composed of invisible atoms. The precise conceptual clarification of the relation between the whole (avayaviri) and the part (avayava) becomes then a matter of great importance. Nagarjuna’s dialectical critique of this conceptual ap paratus was directed as much against the Vaisesika realist as against the early Buddhist theory of “elements” (dharmdh). The Buddhist preferred to keep the ele ments and deny a real whole. If all that we have are aggregates, we do not have a genuine whole. A heap of sand is nothing but those grains of sand. The epistemo logical consequence of this denial of a whole is that, since each element is not
perceivable, an aggregate of them is no more perceivable. Ordinary perception of material objects must then be really inference foisted upon some non-conceptual apprehension of (some) elements. Empirical realism requires that its defenders es tablish two theses: one ontological and the other epistemological. The ontological thesis is that there are genuine wholes which are not mere aggregates: they are more than the sum of their parts. The epistemological thesis is that although in order to perceive a whole we need to perceive some of its parts, it is not necessary for that purpose to perceive all of the parts. These two theses support each other. Vatsyayana and Kumarila established that there are genuine wholes. In terms of the Vaisesika categories, the thesis is that the whole is a new entity that inheres in its parts in the relation of samavaya. While perceiving a part, then, one can perceive the whole inhering in it, provided suitable conditions exist. Vatsyayana argued that the Buddhist inference cannot go through, for if the parts are unperceivable, you cannot infer them either, and if you never perceive a whole, you cannot also infer it. The inferred entity must be perceivable, the like of which must have been per ceived on other occasions. The Vaisesika categorial structure
The Vaisesika attempted to give a minimal number of types of entities, padarthas, such that everything whatsoever shall either belong to one of these types or can be analyzed into one or more of them. Kanada, in his Vaisesikasutras (later than 300 bce), and Prasastapada, (500-560 ce) in his Commentary on it, recognize six positive categories - substance, quality, action, universal, particularity, and inherence. In the course of time, a seventh came to be added - absence (abhavd). Of these, the first three - substance, quality and action - are particulars, and exist in a pre-eminent sense; the other three belong to those three and to them alone. Inherence is the “ontological glue,” as it were, which ties entities belonging to different types together. Without “inherence,” they all would remain loose and disconnected. Without the seventh category or absence, plural ism cannot be saved. For difference (bheda) is a kind of absence, and pluralism requires that entities be different, both as types and as tokens - a stick from a stone, red from blue, and so on ad infinitum. Even with these seven, the story is not complete. Consider a perceived material object, that piece of red paper. It is a substance which inheres in its parts, in which the color red inheres; in that red inheres the universal redness. If the paper moves, action inheres in it. Each of its further indivisible parts possesses particularity by virtue of which this paper is a unique individual. But it is also not blue, not a piece of stone, a whole nexus of negations belong to it, its color, and all else. These negations belong to each appro priate entity by a special relation called the self-linking or svarupa relation. Only then can we have a seamless unity of a thing in spite of all the differences that go into its structure. The Nyaya began with a similar commitment to categorial types, but Gautama’s interest was soteriological and the entities he lists - an odd list by any standard are those the knowledge of which would lead to apavarga, the highest good, the
cessation of all suffering. The theoretical interest in the structure of the world grew; the followers of Gautama appropriated the Vaisesika list, pushing out some of the epistemological and affective concepts from Gautama’s list to their rightful place within the appropriate Vaisesika category. Thus accepting the Vaisesika ontology, the Nyaya went on to develop its logical and epistemological theories. In the course of its development, however, old Nyaya was replaced by the NavyaNyaya, whose founder is generally acknowledged to be Garigesa Upadhyaya (ca. 1200 ce), but whose beginnings can be traced to Udayana (1050-1100 ce). Apart from the logical and epistemological sophistications introduced, and a technical logical language developed to articulate the analytical results, Navya-Nyaya also caused an expansion of the ontological horizon to a theory that the types of entities cannot be limited (to the classical list). Especially noteworthy is the introduction of many interesting abstract entities such as limitorhood (avacchedakatdf qualifier hood (prakarata), relationhood (samsargata). Some of these are purely epistemic elements. A drastic revision of the Nyaya-Vaisesika ontology was proposed by the brilliant logician Raghunatha Siromani (1510 ce) whose list includes such new categories as “moment,” “possessedness” (svatva), “causalpower” (sakti), and “contentness” (yisyayta), and excludes space and time as separate entities by making them aspects of God. Some recent authors (Matilal, Mukhopadhyaya) have distin guished between an inner circle of genuinely ontological categories and an outer circle of epistemological posits. We notice how the Nyaya and Vaisesika philosophers wanted to preserve a common sense pluralism together with a unity within each thing as well as of the world, the latter by locating all things in one space and one time, everything being related to everything else by some temporal relation (kalikasambandhd) or other. Unity of a thing was needed, as we saw, to preserve the validity of ordinary percep tion. Unity of the world was needed in order to prove the existence of God. The Buddhist challenged both. The Hindu philosophers, such as Udayana, met these challenges vehemently. The problem of reconciling unity with plurality, identity with difference, is cen tral to much of Indian metaphysics. The Nyaya-Vaisesika preserved both with the help of the ontological glues - the relation of inherence and a self-linking relation and clever use of the category of “absence” or “negation.” Samkara questioned the viability of this strategy. If you begin with radically separating entities by assigning to them radically different types, those categorial differences cannot sim ply be legislated into a unity by positing special relations which could effect the miracle. Instead, he proposes that at bottom, things have the “same self,” that the most fundamental relation is identity (tdddtmya), which underlies and makes pos sible differences. Ontologically, there is only one substance: qualities, actions and universals are only separated aspects, in reality having their being in the one substance. Identity is fundamental, difference is an appearance. Numerous philos ophers belonging to Samkara’s school - more famously, Harsa (twelfth century ce) and Madhusudhana Saraswati (1320 ce) - dialectically refuted the category of “difference” by bringing out - in a manner reminiscent of F. H. Bradley 40
incoherences, self-contradictions, and infinite regresses which vitiate this category. Samkara’s critics, within the school of Vedanta, regarded him as having gone too far in the direction of pure, undifferentiated identity. Various fundamental relations were proposed: identity-in-difference by Ramanuja (1017-113 7 ce), identity-and-difference by Bhaskara (tenth century ce), inscrutable identity-anddifference by Nimbarka (eleventh century ce), and pure difference by Madhva (119 7-12 76 ce). It should be borne in mind that each of these proposals founded a specific interpretation (of the scriptures) bearing on the relation of human beings to God, individual souls to Brahman, world to God and on the nature of, and pathway to, salvation. In this exposition, I have highlighted the mutual dependence of epistemology and ontology in various schools of Indian philosophy. This situation was used by Nagarjuna to “deconstruct” both. If epistemology cannot begin without knowing what is there to know, and if ontology cannot begin without fixing the instruments of knowing, both the projects must be deeply flawed and so “overcome.” Vatsyayana has tried to meet this critique by arguing that there is no one-to-one correlation between the means of knowing and the objects of knowing. The relation is many-one and one-many. By one means of knowing many types of entities can be known, just as one and the same object can be known by many different instru ments of knowing. It is the Buddhist who, insisting as he does on a one-one correlation, (perception pure particular; inference conceptual construct) is open to Nagarjuna’s critique. The development of Indian philosophy presents a story that is greatly unlike the story of the development of Western philosophy. As said earlier, very early on Indian thought developed - certainly not from nowhere, but through a long process of largely unrecorded maturation - a spectrum of “points of view,” “ways of seeing” or darsanas. The rest of the story is a process of the development of these darsanas through attempts to meet the challenges of others and also through attempts to make the ideas of each darsana more coherent, defensible, and logically sophisticated. A philosopher had to think from within a darsana, and not just from nowhere. But while belonging to a school, he could still do creative thinking, either by way of introducing a new interpretation of the basic texts, or by altogether new ideas within the broad framework of the system. It should not be thought, however, that a darsana is such a close-knit system that either you accept it as a whole or reject it as a whole. There have been changes of the darsanas from within. There have also been independent philosophers, such as Vacaspati Misra and Vijnanabhiksu, who wrote authoritative works in several different systems, and thereby earned the title of being “independent of all views” (sarvatantrasvatantra). It has often been held that although Indians developed philosophy early on, they did not reflect on the nature of philosophy, and consequently did not come to have a name for this discipline. As regards the name, “darsana,” it is a widely used term, occurring in the Vaisesikasutra IX.2.13, and is used also by Haribhadra (fifth cen tury ce) in the sense of a system of philosophy. Another name for philosophy is
“anviksiki,” defined by Kautilya as “examination of the objects with the help of means of knowing.” Three kinds of meta-philosophical views are to be found among Indian philoso phers. Some, in the Vedic tradition, looked at all systems as mutually reconcilable and ultimately as leading up to Vedanta. The Jainas, consistently with their concep tion of reality as having infinite aspects, regarded each system as containing an element of truth. Nagarjuna, consistently with his skeptical and “decontructionist ” point of view, regarded all philosophical systems as “incoherent,” “full of contradications,” and so in need of being “overcome” and “transcended.” Practical philosophy
From the very beginning, philosophy, in India, had a practical orientation. Since it was generally held by the religions and philosophies that human existence is char acterized by suffering, and that the goal of the reflective life was to be free from suffering, philosophical knowledge of whatever is real, especially of one’s true self, was regarded as a means to that goal. If the Indian philosophies are divided into two groups - the spiritual (ddhyatmika) and the logical-analytical (anviksiki) - the spir itual philosophies (Samkhya, Yoga, Buddhism and Vedanta) were directly oriented towards a soteriological goal, while the logical philosophies also entertained such a goal and claimed that that goal was achievable by their sort of philosophical knowl edge. While a practical orientation is thus markedly ubiquitous, it would be a mistake to say that there was no theoretical inquiry. On the contrary, pure theoret ical thinking was cultivated, and it was this that was regarded by many as a means toward fulfilling the highest practical interest. In any case, the distinction between theory and practice assumes a different form in Indian thought than in classical Western thought. Practical philosophy, or rather philosophy of practice, covers three kinds of action: ethical rules as well as virtues, yogic practice as a means of purifying and harmonizing the psycho-physical complex for a higher purpose, and religious prac tices and rituals with the ostensible purpose of pleasing the Godhead for whom they are intended. Of these three, the first, called dharma, becomes the specific subject matter of the Purvamimamsa school of philosophy. The second comes under a specific school of philosophy, the Yoga system of Patanjali. The third is dealt with by the theistic schools of Vedanta, such as those of Ramanuja, Nimbarka, and Madhva. Underlying all of these discussions is a large karma (action) theory with its belief in the “efficacy” of karma, efficacy which extends far beyond the time of the action into the afterlife and future rebirth. The idea of “fruits” (phala) of action becomes important. Actions come to be classified according to the nature of their “fruit,” and since the ultimate goal is freedom from “bondage” (consequently, from the cycle of rebirth), the idea of doing actions in such a manner that their “fruits” do not “bind” becomes of paramount importance. Very early in the development of this concern, Badari, an old Mimamsa philosopher, proposed that when the scriptures recom mended “one ought to do X,” the emphasis was on “doing X” and not on the consequences of so doing. But classical Mimamsa wanted a motivating cause for
“doing X,” and the thought of good, desirable and satisfying consequences was what was needed. With this general framework defined by the causal chain, knowl edge —> desire —> will to do —> motor effort —> action, various theoretical explana tions were given, in the different schools of philosophy, especially in Nyaya and Mimamsa, as to how hearing an imperative sentence (“You ought to do X”) could motivate a person to act appropriately. The Nyaya theory, consequentialist par excellence, required that the person believe that he can bring about the desired good by doing X, that he can do X (“ought implies can”), and that no greater harm will befall him for doing X. The Mimamsakas, Prabhakara (seventh century ce) in par ticular, sought to simplify the causal mechanism by reducing it all to one factor: the power of the suffix-component of the verb in the imperative mood designating “should” or “ought to” (this latter distinction is not so clear in Sanskrit) to motivate a person to act, which means that the grammatical form of the imperative is adequate to motivate the prospective agent to act. The theory of Kumarila Bhatta, it may be noted, stands midway between the extreme consequentialist view of Nyaya and the extreme deontological view of Prabhakara. We can recognize the influence of Badri on Prabhakara and eventually on Krsna’s celebrated teaching in the Bhagavadgita that one ought to do one’s duty without being concerned with the consequences - which were regarded, in accordance with the Indian mode of thinking, to be either happiness (sukha) or pain (dukkha). Krsna’s discourse, in the Bhagavadgita, must also be looked upon as being occa sioned by a situation in which various components of dharma - the dharma of family (kuladharma), the dharma pertaining to one’s “caste” (varna sramadharma), and the dharma pertaining to humans in general (sadhdranadharma) - are in conflict. Krsna attempts, with questionable success, to re-establish their harmony by assigning to each its sphere and legitimacy, all being geared towards the grand finale of “freedom” (moksa). In doing this, the text accomplishes what Vinoba Bhave has called a non-violent revolution in thinking by way of reinterpreting many of the traditional concepts. Thus, vama (caste) is said to be determined by attributes (guna) and actions (karma). Besides the duties attaching to caste etc., a new concept is introduced, namely, that of an individual’s own dharma (svadharma). The ritualistic concept of “sacrifice” (yajha) is interpreted as symbolizing both a psychological-spiritual process and a cosmic process. In the Gita, the idea of yoga is given a most interesting extension. It is made to include the yoga of action (karmayoga), the yoga of knowledge (jndnayoga), and the yoga of devotion (bhaktiyoga), and, in the long run the text establishes the mutual involvement of these “paths” to freedom. An attempt is made to harmo nize a Kantian-like deontological thesis about “duty for duty’s sake” with the idea of acting in the spirit of “offering the ‘fruits’ of action” to the Godhead as sacrifice. In all this, moksa figures as the highest good - mightily above artha (wealth), kama (sensuous pleasure), and dharma (morality). The concept of these four “hu man goods” (purusarthas) figures in the Samkhya of Kapila, in the Yoga of Patanja li, as well as in the Dharma theory of Manu. The first three goods are correlated to the three gunas: namely, rajas, tamos, and sattva respectively, and are concerned 43
with enjoyment (bhogd), while in the fourth case, there is a turning away from enjoyment through the practice of a moral life. Each school of philosophy, if it is committed to the Vedic tradition, has its own conception of moksa which reflects the metaphysical theory in experiential terms, which, in other words, assures that the theory under consideration can be “realized.” Thus, for Samkara’s non-dualism, moksa is the experience of the identity of the individual self and the Universal Brahman arising out of the destruction of ignorance; for Ramanuja’s qualified non-dualism, moksa is the experience of abso lute dependence of the individual upon God, to be realized through meditative contemplation. Whether the philosophy is a theoretical elaboration of the possibil ity of the experience, or the concept of moksa is a conception of what sort of experi ence will verify the theory, cannot be decided here. Both possibilities remain open the latter a more plausible stance for philosophy, the former for the spiritual seeker.
Social theory and aesthetics It would be a mistake, however, to suppose - as has not infrequently been held that Indian thought was indifferent to the community (encouraging the individual to pursue his or her own spiritual destiny) and to communication. Within the brief compass of this introductory essay, I would like to draw attention to the place of social thinking in the Indian tradition, and to a theory of aesthetic experience and communication which arose from within that tradition. A very early classification of disciplines is into trayi (the science of the Vedas), varta (the science of agriculture and animal husbandry), dandanlti (the science of punishment) and anviksiki (philosophy). Kautilya says that of these four, the sci ence of punishment, of law and order, is the basis of all other sciences; it makes them all possible. The Mahabharata says that if there had been no punishment, men would oppress each other, and that in the absence of the king, no one can say, “This is mine.” Sukra refers to the state of nature during which the strong prey upon the weak after the manner of larger fish devouring the smaller ones. This “logic of the fish” (matsyanyayd) is overcome by the institution of kingship. But all the lawbooks suggest that in ancient India the king’s power was extremely limited. The king was not above the law; he could not violate dharma with impunity. The Mahabharata even supports “regicide” under certain circumstances. The same word “dharma" signified - besides its metaphysical meaning - moral law, political law, social conventions and practices. Like the German “Recht,” it stood for both law and right, including the right of contract and property as well as the subjective morality of conscience and customary use in family, society, and state. Naturally, Hindu social thinking played on this ambiguity, and often surreptitiously justified unreasonable social laws in terms appropriate only for the highest moral principles. It is also important to recognize that law, for Hindus, was not the arbitrary legislation by the sovereign; nor does it derive merely from judicial decisions. Besides the Vedas, tradition, good custom, and “approval of conscience” (atamnah priya) were regarded as sources of law. Rules of interpretation developed in order to properly construe the texts, and matters of 44
usage. The commentators and digest writers organized custom into “a juridical framework.” In general, as both Gandhi and Tagore have pointed out in our times, in Hindu social thinking, society or community enjoyed a primacy as against the state or the individual. Many of an individual’s moral duties attached to his station in society that is, to his position in the family and to his “caste.” They concerned his duties to other men, to the Brahmins and to the king, and eventually, to the gods and to “nature,” and to himself. These are brought together, in the Gita, under the three concepts of yajna (sacrifice), dana (charity), and tapas (austerity). Hindu aesthetic thinking, concerned as it was with the aesthetic experience, occupied itself with the problem of the communication of the author’s or actor’s sentiments to the reader or spectator. There are two fields in which the Hindu thinkers applied themselves: first, with regard to literary works, and second, with regard to dramatic arts. So far as the first is concerned, Ananda Vardhana (ninth century ce) gave a classic exposition of the theory of dhvani or literary meaning, as distinguished from the two kinds of literal meaning already recognized by epistemologists - namely, the primary (“cloud” means cloud) and the secondary (“cloud” means rain). The literary meaning is realized imaginatively and not understood logically. Literal meaning can be compared - as it is by Ananda Vardhana - to various parts of the body, such as the eyes, the nose and the hands. Literary meaning, on the other hand, is like the beauty of a woman, which is experienced over and above these. Thus in experiencing the poetic meaning, various factors are involved: the speaker, the hearer, the tone of the voice, the expressed meaning, the presence or the absence of a third person, the context of utterance, the time and the place, etc. Out of the cooperation of these factors - especially of the hearer’s and the speaker’s imaginations, arises dhvani. But the final purpose of poetry - as also of dramatic performance - is to evoke in the audience rasa, variously translated as “taste,” “flavor,” “aesthetic sentiment” or “essence.” The classical exposition of the theory of rasa has been given by Abhinava Gupta of the tenth century ce, although its earliest exponent is Bharata, the author of Natyasastra (fourth to fifth century ce). Based upon a psychological theory about certain permanent emotional propensities, the theory goes on to say how a dramatic presentation arouses these propensities and brings to a state of pleasurable relish the emotions of love, laugh ter, sorrow, anger, vigor, fear, repugnance, and wonder - eventually leading to a state of peace (sdntarasa). The rasa which constitutes the essence of poetry or of a dramatic performance is not a mere psychologically subjective phenomenon. Per sonal experiences have to be transformed into public concepts. It is this “generali zation” (sadharanikarana) that enables communication from the author or the actor to the audience. The theory struggles hard to overcome the opposite extremes of psychologism and intellectualism and achieves a new via media of “emotional ideal ity.” Aesthetic experience is the act of “tasting” this rasa, but it is not a private incommunicable experience; it is rather sharing in what is already an impersonal essence. Thus, in aesthetic experience, the private ego transcends its spatio-tempo ral limitations, many minds meet, a common consciousness emerges, the aesthetic and the mystical coincide.
The twentieth century
Finally, before closing this essay, a brief reference only will be made to the way the classical philosophers of India have been dealt with by modern Indian writers. Writing, teaching, and studying have combined in the Sanskrit schools in Banaras, Calcutta, and other places, in the manner of several centuries ago. At present, that sort of scholarship is dwindling, although works in philosophy are still being writ ten in Sanskrit. However, the main stream of philosophical work has, for almost a century, been pursued in the English language. Many of those who write on philos ophy in English have acquired some competence in different schools of philosophy in Sanskrit. In the philosophy departments of the colleges and universities, Indian philosophy is studied along with Western philosophy. In this intellectual milieu, several types of works have emerged. First, there are the histories of philosophy. To this group belong the works of S. Radhakrishnan, S. N. Dasgupta, and amongst Western scholars, E. Frauwallner. Of these, Frauwallner’s work alone is strictly speaking historical in orientation. Second, there is a large body of work by Indian writers devoted to what should be called comparative philosophy. Under this rubric fall works which institute com parisons of Samkara with Kant and Hegel, of Ramanuja with Hegel and the British personal Idealists, of Buddhism with Hume or Whitehead, to mention a few of the themes popular before the Second World War. In more recent times, comparisons have been instituted between Dignaga and the logical positivists as well as between neo-Nyaya logic and modern logic. Some scholars have focused on specific prob lems and have brought together philosophical theories from the Indian tradition and from the Western philosophical tradition in so far as they bear on such prob lems. Thus philosophers have focused upon epistemological problems such as the nature and criterion of truth or metaphysical concepts such as universals and substance. These works have served limited purposes, and have contributed nei ther to the development of Indian philosophy, nor to the growth of Western philosophy. Third, many scholars have sought to reinterpret the Indian philosophical texts, using the tools of Western thinking. If contemporary Western thinking may be said to have produced two main philosophical methods: the logico-analytical and the phenomenological-hermeneutic, then one can find contemporary Indian thinkers using these methodologies, either separately or jointly, for the purpose of interpret ing the Sanskrit material. In general, there is now a tendency - which may be read as a reaction against the trend that was predominant during the first half of the century - to highlight the secular-theoretical contents of traditional Indian thought as opposed to its spiritual-practical contents. This may be an overreaction, just as the earlier one was a hasty generalization. The truth perhaps lies in the middle. Fourth, such interpretive attempts are carried out either with regard to the authority of the Indian tradition or with regard to specific schools, such as Bud dhism, Nyaya, Vaisesika or Vedanta. Some of these works, more “comparative” in 46
spirit, fall under the second group. Others, more interpretive and textual-exegetical, stand apart. A fifth group of philosophical work deserves to be recognized as original, creative advancement of Indian philosophy, in continuity with the tradition, but not con strained by it. To this group belong, on the one hand, a number of major literary figures and public thinkers such as Gandhi, Tagore, and Sri Aurobindo, and, on the other, a number of brilliant academic philosophers such as K. C. Bhattacharya, S. Radhakrishnan, Kalidas Bhattacharya, N. V. Banerjee, Rash Vihari Das, and T. R. V. Murti. A few remarks about the ideas of this group will follow. The metaphysics of Advaita Vedanta looms large over the Indian mind, some times, as in the case of Gandhi and Tagore, tempered by the medieval-Indian bhakti (devotional-theistic) tradition. But the extreme illusionism of some earlier inter preters of Samkara has been set aside in favor of a realistic reading, as by Radhakrishnan. Others, notably Sri Aurobindo, have rejected Saihkara’s nondualism in favor of an integral monism that recognizes many aspects of Reality, including an evolutionary history promising to transcend the human mentality into a supramental consciousness. Samkara himself asked if moksa was to be in a living body, and his school decided in favor of such a possibility, for otherwise the freed could not teach and those who taught would still be ignorant. The question of whether the highest form of freedom is that of an individual or of humankind (sarvanmukti) was also considered, and the Master seems to have favored the latter, making it obligatory, as in Mahayana Buddhism, for the wise to work for the redemption of all. In modern Indian thought, this aspect of the tradition has come to enjoy an importance-in Gandhi’s idea ofRamarajya (“the kingdom of Rama”) as an ideal social order, in Sri Aurobindo’s idea of a “collective liberation” (or the ascent of mankind into a higher species), and in N. V. Banerjee’s insistence that the source of “bondage” is insular individuality, while freedom consists in actualization of the “I with others.” Contemporary Indian philosophers are engaged in a two-fold conversation: con versation with their own tradition, which carries a high philosophical legacy, and conversation with the West, which is unavoidable given the history of the country during the last two centuries. These two conversations should be able to merge into one grand dialogue. It is not the case that the interpretive possibilities of the past have all been exhausted. Also, it is not true, to quote Kipling, that “East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.” As a matter of fact, they not only shall meet, but they are meeting, not merely in technology, but in philosophy as well. Bibliography Note: Source material (in English translation). Annambhatta 1976: Tarkasamgraha [Collection of Reasoning], tr. with explanations by Gopinath Bhattacharya (Calcutta: Progressive Publishers). Madhavacharya 1961: Sarvadarsanasamgraha [Collection of All Systems of Philosophy], tr. E. B. Cowell and A. E. Gough, 6th edn (Varanasi: Chowkhamba).
Radhakrishanan, S. and Moore, C. A. (eds) 19 5 7: A Sourcebook in Indian Philosophy (Prince ton: Princeton University Press). Saihkaracharya 1896: Brahmasutrabhdsyam [Commentary on the Vedanta Aphorisms], tr. G. Thibaut (Oxford: Clarendon Press).
References and material for further reading Banerjee, N. V. 1972: Glimpses of Indian Wisdom (New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal). Barua, B. M. 1921: A History of Pre-Buddhistic Indian Philosophy (Calcutta: Calcutta Univer sity Press). Basham, A. L. 1951: History and Doctrines of the Ajivikas (London: Luzac). Bhattacharya, K. D. 1956: Studies in Philosophy, 2 Vols (Calcutta: Progressive Publishers). Dasgupta, S. N. 1922-54: A History of Indian Philosophy, 5 Vols (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). De, S. K. 1963: Sanskrit Poetics as a Study of Aesthetics (Berkeley: University of California Press). Ghosh, Sri Aurobindo 1949: The Life Divine (New York: Sri Aurobindo Library). Gnoli, R. 1968: The Aesthetic Experience According to Abhinava Gupta, 2nd edn (Varanasi: Chowkhamba). Halbfass, W. 1991: Tradition and Reflection. Explorations in Indian Thought (Albany: State University of New York Press). Ingalls, D. H. H. 1951: Materials for the Study of Navya-Nydya Logic (Cambridge: Harvard University Press). Kane, P. V. 1932-62: History of Dharmasdstra. Ancient and Medieval Religious Law, 3 Vols (Poona: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute). Kaviraj, Gopi Nath 1966: Aspects of Indian Thought (Burdwan: University of Burdwan). Krishna, D. 1991: Indian Philosophy: a Counter Perspective (Delhi: Oxford University Press). Krishna, D., Rege, M. P., Dwivedi, R. C., and Lath, M. (eds) 1991: Samvada: a Dialogue Between Two Philosophical Traditions (Delhi: Motilal Banarasidass). Lingat, Robert 1973: The Classical Laws of India (Berkeley: University of California Press). Matilal, B. K. 1985: Logic, Language and Reality (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass). Mohanty, J. N. 1992: Reason and Tradition in Indian Thought (Oxford: Clarendon Press). ------ 1993: Essays on Indian Philosophy, Traditional and Modem, ed. P. BiInnaria (Delhi: Oxford University Press). Murti, T. R. V. 1983: Studies in Indian Thought (Columbia, Mo.: South Asia Books). Potter, Karl H. (ed.) 1977: Indian Metaphysics and Epistemology (Princeton: Princeton Uni versity Press). Potter, Karl H. 1963: Presuppositions of Indian Philosophies (Englewood Cliff, NJ: Prentice Hall). Raja, K. Kunjunni 1963: Indian Theories of Meaning (Madras: Adyar Library and Research Centre). Sanghavi, P. S. 1961: Advanced Studies in Indian Logic and Metaphysics (Calcutta: Indian Studies Past and Present). Sarkar, K. L. 1909: The MImdmsd Rules of Interpretation as applied to Hindu Law (Calcutta: Thackerstink and Co.). Sastri, G. N. 1959: The Philosophy of Word and Meaning (Calcutta: Sanskrit College).
Classical Polynesian thinking JOHN CHARLOT Polynesia is conventionally described as a triangle, with Hawai'i at the apex, Easter Island at the south-eastern corner, and New Zealand at the south-western. Samoa and Tonga are the main island groups of Western Polynesia; the Society Islands, the Tuamotus, and the Marquesas are the main groups of Central Polynesia. Polynesian outliers can be found in Melanesia and Micronesia to the west. The first settlers reached Samoa and Tonga from Fiji around 2000 bce and, living in comparative isolation, developed the earliest distinctively Polynesian languages and cultural forms. Around the turn of the first millennium ce, these early Polynesians began to settle the rest of the triangle, starting with Central Polynesia and branching out to the furthest inhabitable lands. The South Island of New Zealand was the last inhabitable area of the earth to be settled by human beings. As a result of this history, Polynesian languages are cognate, and Polynesian cultures share major and minor elements. For instance, intellectual traditions share terms, symbols, concepts, personages, schemes, and questions. Samoan Tagaloa (pronounced Tangaloa and so written here) becomes the Maori Tangaroa, the Tahitian Ta'aroa, and the Hawaiian Kanaloa. Nonetheless, important differ ences remain. Polynesians are generally competitive and individualistic, which leads to a differentiation of practices and traditions at any one time and through history. Families and localities developed their distinctive specialties and styles, which were sources of pride and subjects of boasting. Students would perpetuate the achievements of their teachers, but would make their personal contributions to the ever-growing body of tradition. The intellectual quest was also more intense and elaborate in the larger groups than on a small outlier like Tikopia. As a result, Polynesian thought resists systematization, and all generalizations must be tentative. Polynesian cultures are united, however, in the high prestige they accord to intellectual ability and achievements. Knowledge is praised with a wide variety of terms, sayings, stories, and chants; ignorance is scorned with a similar literary richness. Education starts with prenatal practices and does not end in death through which the soul passes to new places and experiences. Life for the Hawaiian is ka 'imi loa (the great search), an ever deepening appreciation of the universe into which one is born and of which one forms an integral part. As a result of this intellectual emphasis, a high degree of self-consciousness and reflexivity is charac teristic of Polynesian thinking and communication. 49
This search inspires the vast Polynesian literature with its characteristic combi nation of intellectual challenge, emotional power, and poetic sensibility. Treasured and preserved through oral transmission, many precontact works were recorded on paper once Polynesians learned writing. For her doctoral thesis, Margaret Orbell, the foremost scholar of New Zealand Maori literature, studied more than ten thousand examples of waiata, a women’s poetic genre. Samoans recorded their family traditions in chapbooks and have continued to pass them down as heir looms. Hawaiians filled archives with manuscripts and published thousands of pages of books and newspapers containing old and modern compositions. Al though much has been lost - or, in some locations, little collected for public use - the available Polynesian literature constitutes an unparalleled resource for the study of non-Western, non-Asian intellectual traditions. The important place of knowledge and the need to transmit orally large quan tities of information resulted in the development of formal systems of education. The best attested and certainly one of the most elaborate was that of the Hawaiians. Education started in the extended family, which was a complete cultur al unit in itself. Families could also specialize in occupations such as medicine, dance, chant, canoe-making, religion, and political advising. Family experts could thus attract non-family members as students. Schools were established, based on the model of the family, with their own lineages of teachers, craft gods, literature, and ceremonies. Schools could grow to include a number of teachers, usually subordinate to a master teacher. An important chief would gather experts at his court, who would form a faculty both for young nobles and for selected commoners. The major temples became quasi-universities with a faculty of priestly experts in a wide variety of fields. Students trained in one institution would travel to others to complete their education and also to spread the knowledge they had learned. In fact, the whole community participated in the functions of education, attending the public graduation ceremonies and formal debates and contests of wits among experts. Knowledge circulated generally among all the sections of society. The stories, sayings, and songs of the commoners were adapted by the chiefs, and the new compositions of the court spread to the eager audience, the general population. Hawaiian literature records in detail the ideals of education. Knowledge had to be effective, from the skills necessary to survival to the wisdom of knowing one’s place in history and the universe. Knowledge was therefore power on every level of human activity - a power that could seem godly and magical to the ignorant. Because knowledge was powerful, it had to be used morally. The teacher of martial arts had to imbue his students with high ideals lest they turn into bullies and brigands. The prestige of knowledge had to be joined with that of usefulness to family and community. An important ideal of Hawaiian culture was perfection of presentation. The student could practice as much as necessary, but the public display had to be faultless. Teachers from other schools were invited to criticize, and competition and controversy promoted excellence. Essential to perfection was completeness of knowledge. Fishermen had to know the names of all the fish; chanters the terms for
all the styles and forms. Any detail left unlearned or forgotten would be lost to the oral tradition. So students and even experts were constantly tested. Completeness demanded also a continual effort to learn. An expert tried to master as many occupations as possible, and high priests were required to be polymaths. Hawaiian literature discusses in detail the methods of education, many of which are perpetuated in the community today. Children and students were taught first to observe the activities of their elders and teachers, rather than to ask questions. Observation was a skill to be used throughout one’s life, the basis of any advance in thinking. From observation, the student moved to imitation. The students of dance imitated the movements of plants in the wind; the chanters, the sounds of the winds and the waves. The second basic skill to be learned was listening, clearly essential in an oral culture. Listening also was a life-long skill: the chief who ignored his counselors was derided as “unhearing.” Students were taught first to grasp and then to mem orize what they heard and finally to retrieve it when needed. Although some physical devices were used, the main memory aid was verbal organization. The basis of this organization was the extraordinarily large and nuanced Hawaiian vocabulary. Well over a hundred words and expressions are recorded for the colors and states of the ocean. Occupations multiplied the terms they used in order to cover the finest details of their work. This drive towards terminological completeness was connected to the Hawaiian-Polynesian view of words as really connected to their referents rather than merely arbitrary. The study of words was therefore simultaneously a study of the things they referred to. Vocabulary was also a treasure created and transmitted by the ancestors - the product of generations of observation and cogitation. This large vocabulary needed to be organized for memorization. This was done by creating lists with titles. A body of knowledge would be divided into categories by type. Items would be chosen that fit the type and inserted into the category. For instance, fish names would be organized as lists of shore fish, reef fish, deep-sea fish, and so on. Various literary forms were developed for such lists, with the introduc tion of the list designating the type or attribute of the items included. The ideal of completeness dictated that a body of knowledge be covered by its lists, even if lists of a single item had to be created to accommodate singular cases. Tests were devised for completeness of knowledge and quickness of recall. Children would play round robins with rhyming words or list every placename on a trip around an island. Moreover, items could appear on several lists if they fit their attributes. Pig could appear on a list of animals, of food, of offerings, of gifts, and so on. Items needed to be reorganized quickly when a new attribute was introduced. For instance, redfish would require making a new list from the items of the more conventional lists mentioned above. This practice of categorizing items in lists by attribute reinforced the general Polynesian tendency to emphasize similarities over differences. The proliferation of lists necessitated their hefrarchical organization. The year was divided into hot and rainy seasons; these were divided into months, the months into days, and the days into periods. Descriptions of social organization followed the hierarchy of society from the chief at the top to the tramps and slaves at 51
the bottom. As a result of this organization, Hawaiian discourse almost always moved from the general to the particular, from categories to included items. “The big knowledge and the small knowledge” that the student conventionally requested in prayer referred respectively to the categories and to the items that filled them. At the highest level of organization, the earlier stages were organized as pairs of opposites - the most important of which were up/down, land/sea, male/female, and night/day. These pairs are used in this way throughout Polynesia, and in fact are found worldwide. Great amounts of information could be organized under these pairs, and each had its advantages. The first two pairs were particularly handy for physical items. Male/female had many ritual uses, and night/day provided a frame work for passage through time. These pairs could also be used as completeness formulas. Up/down and land/sea described the framework of the universe: “The sky above, the earth below.” All things could be divided into male and female, and the night/day pair encompassed all time from the beginning of the universe in the mating of the male sky and the female earth until its full development as we know it today. This organization by pairs supported the tendency of Hawaiian thinking towards balance; the members of a pair tended to be seen as equals rather than as forming a hierarchy. The statues of male gods on one side of an altar were balanced by those of goddesses on the other side. When one chanted the wind names of the easternmost islands, one needed to add those of the westernmost. An item was therefore understood by being placed correctly in the universe or in history. One could take any given plant and move up the hierarchy of lists until it was placed as a land plant or sea plant; the totality of the lists with their associations placed and thus defined the plant. The so-called “cosmic thinking” of Hawaiians can therefore be defined precisely: an item or problem was not handled by a Carte sian exclusion of everything “extraneous”; rather its outermost parameters were probed through its many relations with other things until it was firmly placed in its ultimate universal or historical framework. Most often that placement was genetic, as will be seen below. Hawaiians used their intellectual devices and organization with much confi dence. That is, they did not feel that ambiguous items or those that seemed to cross conceptual boundaries rendered their categories insecure. Birds flew from down to up, but could still be categorized as land birds and sea birds. Fishes that spent some stages of their lives in fresh water and others in salt water were simply categorized according to the stage they happened to be in. Some ritual uses of such items are recorded, but not that they inspired doubts. The Hawaiian conceptual scheme proved its usefulness in the many practicalities of life. The amount of material Hawaiians memorized greatly impressed the early visi tors to the islands. But for Hawaiians, memorization was only the first step. To be useful, knowledge had to be retrievable and manipulable. Tests and contests of wits displayed one’s quickness of recall and reorganization. Experts would participate in contests of wits that would ring the changes on this organization of data. Genuine education trained one to apply one’s knowledge to new questions and situations, to innovate, to create new categories and frameworks. Creativity was the final mark of the true expert, the graduated student, the past master. The chanter performed the 52
works he had learned and the ones he had himself composed. The advisor applied the many models of history to the novel problems of his day. All one learned had ultimately to be tested by one’s own personal observation and experience. The master of knowledge had to be the master of living. The Hawaiian character was largely formed by education. Early visitors describe their alertness, intellectual curiosity, quickness to learn, and tenacious memory. Hawaiian literature describes their pride in their accomplishments and their cultur al confidence. Throughout the nineteenth century, despite all they learned from foreigners, despite all the areas of knowledge they revised and the elements of their culture they abandoned, Hawaiians retained a pride in the intellectual achieve ments of their ancestors, in the grand scheme of the universe they had constructed in such detail. The great intellectual Kepelino insists that knowledge of moon phases was not brought to Hawai'i by the Calvinist missionary teachers, but had been a part of native wisdom for a thousand years. Intellectual pride is in fact characteristic of Polynesians and a mark of their appreciation of their traditions. In Samoan campaigns for the position of chief, a prime argument is the extent of a candidate’s cultural knowledge. Even normal Samoan conversation requires education in the conventional use of sayings, sym bols, allusions, and historical references. Literary forms were invented for the explanation of obscure sayings and chants. Indeed, no Polynesian tradition exists that depreciates education or intellectual ability. The constructive tendency noted in Hawai'i is characteristic of Polynesian think ing in general. In literature, individual short stories are placed into a redactional framework to construct large narrative complexes. Various genealogical branches are connected, and the history of one area will be joined to that of another. The same accumulating method is used prominently to articulate one of the main subjects of Polynesian thought: the origin of the universe. As in much ancient thinking, identifying the origin of a thing is considered a way of understanding its nature or principle of operation. The Hawaiian proverb en joins, “Nana i ke kumu” (Look to the origin or source). Stories are told of the origins of land features, peoples, customs, and so on. Great families define themselves through their extensive genealogies, memorized, discussed, and debated by the intellectuals of the society. Genealogies thus provided the model when those intel lectuals asked about the origin of the universe. The present generation was traced back through its parents, grandparents, and earlier generations to the first human beings. Similarity of form was then used to trace the lineage further back through the animals, then the plants, and finally to the elements and the framework of the whole universe: the male sky and the female earth. In great chants and narratives, the universe was shown beginning with the elements and developing through the plants and animals and first human beings into its wondrous fullness. The general similarity of this picture to that of modern science is due to their both being based on the observation of the environment. Classical Polynesians enjoyed a continuity from their most practical experiences to their most mystical. In this grand scheme of the origin and development of the universe, all things have a family relation and resemblance, and sexuality is the power that initiates 53
and maintains the development of the universe through time. This scheme is the foundation of most Polynesian thinking, from the idea of the closeness of human beings to the environment, to the central importance of beauty, to the sexual emphasis of art, dance, and poetry. Lyrics describing weather changes in a fruitful landscape refer simultaneously to human emotions because the very same energies animate elements, plants, and animals. The study of the universe and the study of human beings are inseparable. The genealogical scheme could be varied and developed in many different ways. A genealogy could be two-sourced, with a male and female element, or onesourced, like the ancient Samoan genealogy of the rocks, in which one type of rock is born from another: broad rock bears flat rock, which bears spread out rock, etc. The New Zealand Maori formulated large organizational schemes in which each area of the environment was entrusted to a special god in the genealogy. The great chant, “The Kumulipo,” uses the many devices of Hawaiian poetry to develop levels of meaning. The literal level of cosmic development is paralleled by one of human stages. Each human being reproduces on a small scale the progress of the universe to completion. Further levels include the history of culture and the yearly and daily cycle. Some Polynesians pushed their thinking past earth and sky to an origin in increasingly abstract antecedents, ultimately to leai in Samoan and kore in Maori - that is, to “nothing.” A radical innovation was the introduction of the idea of creationalism: the uni verse or parts of it are made by a god or gods. I see the first use of this idea in what is agreed to be the most historically important Samoan chant, “'0 le Solo oleVao le Foafoaga o le Lalolagi" (The Chant of the Time of the Origin of All that is under the Sky). The god Tangaloa is flying around in the vast spaces under the firmament the solid, blue, rock sky - feeling fear and vertigo at the sight of the waves of the vast ocean below. He soars over unimaginable distances without finding a place to rest. Then from the deep rise the islands of Manu'a, the first and thus the most important land, the home of the chanter and his chief. Other privileged islands appear above the waves. But two islands hostile to Manu'a are taunted with a less dignified origin. Tangaloa takes a little pebble from the firmament, molds it, and tosses it on the water. The sharp “i” sounds stress the smallness of those islands’ origin (in modified orthography): Tagi i lagi sina 'iliili Vpolu sinafatu Icfititi Tutuila sina meta langisingisi. (He solicits some pebble from the firmament. The island of 'Upolu is some little particle. Tutuila, some miserable rock.)
On the available evidence, the use of creationalism as a cosmogonic model seems to have started as a scornful joke. But the Samoan thinkers quickly saw that this new model provided a powerful device for articulating the power of the god: the more he made, the more powerful he was. They therefore combined the earlier genealogical model with the new one: the universe started and developed genealogically up to a 54
certain point - then Tangaloa intervened with his creative powers. His creativity was extended ever further until in a late nineteenth-century text by Tauanu'u, the principal Orator Chief of Manu'a, Tangaloa begins by flying around in pure space, unbounded by sky and earth; then “in the place where he took his stand, there grew the rock.” He strikes and commands the rock, and a variation of the classical genealogy of the rocks begins. Creationalism evoked mixed responses from Polynesian thinkers. Tongans ap pear to have taken to it timidly; Society Islanders, enthusiastically. On the evidence of the available texts, Hawaiians seem to have rejected it with nearly complete unanimity. But most thinkers combined the two models in varying degrees to create their own teachings and traditions. The two models were used also in texts on the origin of human beings. In “The Kumulipo,” humans are the late children of the whole development of the universe up to the point of their emergence. This explains their family resemblance to all their older cosmic relatives. In Samoan traditions, grubs arise by spontaneous generation from rotten wood. They are then carved into a human shape and given the special kinds of spirit or soul that enable them to be human. The origin of human beings is thus described as a construction, using the components into which human nature was analyzed. But this does not entail, as some have argued, that Polynesians had no sense of the integrity, selfhood, or personality of the human individual. (Westerners have certainly analyzed humans into components without being accused of lacking a sense of self!) Accounts of human origins could also provide the rationale for the social hierarchy. Tongans had commoners emerge from grubs, but chiefs descend from sky gods. The mainstream constructive tendency of Polynesian thinking is related to the general confidence in and admiration for the order of the universe. Human beings are positively related to their environment, and their intelligence and accumulated knowledge enable them to live successfully within it. Similarly, society is ordered, and each person finds a place within it. Intelligence, morality, and demeanor are therefore closely connected. One knows one’s place and acts accordingly, in harmo ny with society and the environment. Rules are multiplied often down to tiny details. In Samoan, nofo means to sit down; nofoi is to sit down with a little display of haste in order to show that one is aware that one should not have been standing. Discussions of etiquette and morality are frequent in Polynesia. For all their appreciation of order, Polynesians do recognize discord, violence, and tragedy, and can find a place for them in their universal schemes. Samoans can substitute a war model for a genealogical one: each previous stage is conquered by the succeeding one. Whereas Hawaiians emphasize the continuous mating of uni versal elements to perpetuate the universe, the Maori emphasize the violence of the separation of earth and sky. Where Hawaiians emphasize the fertility along the shore, the Maori see the waves warring against the land. In “The Kumulipo,” the whole first lineage of human beings is annihilated in a great tidal wave: Dead was the current flowing from the navel of the earth; they were war-leaders.
They rose up as many as leaves and vanished vanished into the darkest night.
Polynesian thinkers can also challenge the very idea of order, both playfully and seriously. For instance, a host of trickster stories pit clever youngsters or outsiders against established authorities; they win by their wits. The trickster takes on a cosmic dimension with the pan-Polynesian god Maui, who challenges the conven tionally higher gods, steals fire, fishes up islands, and dies trying to find immortality by returning up the birth canal. The Hawaiian pig-god Kamapua'a uses his physi cal, rather than his mental strength to defeat the authorities. He ruts out valleys and excretes hills at their mouths. He is lelepa, a fence-jumper, a crosser-of-lines, and burster-of-boundaries. Such roisterers offer a peculiarly satisfying relief within such a highly organized society and universe. In Hawai'i, the constructive tendency was challenged by the followers of the volcano goddess Pele, whose destructiveness they relished. In their experience, the rain forest could without warning explode from the ground up. The most sacred temples could be overrun by molten lava. The grand cosmic constructions of the court intellectuals appeared pathetically flimsy when viewed from the volcano. If the rock stratum of the earth could liquefy, then the sky could crack and fall. The Pele worshippers saw beauty in her awful power, and they connected it to a partic ular type of womanly appeal. In one version, Pele tells her sister Hi'iaka, “Death is by you, by the woman; there is no death by men.” This emphasis on the power of women was as disruptive to Hawaiian society as the emphasis on disorder was to conventional cosmic speculation. Pele’s destructiveness divided her worshippers on the question of morality. If she overran someone’s house with lava, was she acting morally, immorally, or amoral ly? Stories were told of people being punished for refusing hospitality to a disgusting old woman, who was in fact Pele. She was said to send her pet dog to warn her devotees of an eruption. But not all cases could be so explained, and for many Pele worshippers, “Pele stays wild,” the one god the court priests could not handle and the Christian missionaries could not destroy. Her very disorderliness enabled her to survive the cultural chaos of the contact period, while the traditional order was shaken to its foundations and fell. But if Pele is not moral, then terrible things happen by chance or whim - a view most traditional Hawaiians find emotionally untenable. Polynesians were clearly not united in their views, and their consciousness of that fact is an essential characteristic of their thinking. In the words of the Hawai ian proverb, “'A'ole ipau ka cike i kail halau” (All knowledge is not exhausted in your hall of learning). Dealing with the multiplicity of traditions was in fact a major problem for Polynesian intellectuals. Because of their training in verbal skills and rhetorical devices, their solutions appear at times surprisingly modern. For in stance, David Malo wrote in the 1840s that Hawaiians had three opinions about the origin of land: it simply grew out of the sea, it was born from a goddess, or it was made by a god. Western scholars would require another forty years or more to recognize the use of these divergent models in Polynesian thinking. 56
Historical traditions were a prime example of diversity for Polynesians. Samoans and Hawaiians developed generally similar methods of dealing with the problem. First, the expert had to be knowledgeable in all the different traditions of a subject and display that knowledge in his presentation. He would begin, therefore, by describing or alluding to each of the traditions, which established his authority. He would then evaluate the traditions according to generally accepted criteria. For instance, Samoan intellectuals would use philological knowledge to test the authenticity of a chant offered as evidence. Were the vocabulary and diction appro priate for a chant of the antiquity claimed? Doubtful sources could be checked against accepted ones. Was the genealogy recited consonant with those acknow ledged by the community of experts? All of these discussions are based on the oral tradition, in which memorized works are used much as Western historians use written documents. Polynesian historical experts therefore devised a hierarchy of security. Most reliable were oral traditions that were both memorized and regularly contested. Genealogies and mavaega, in Samoan, or kauoha, in Hawaiian (last wills and testaments), were not only memorized in set literary forms, but were often questioned and contested until a consensus was established. That consensus could then be used as a basis for judging later disputes. Less secure were works that were memorized, but not normally contested, like chants. Least secure was prose narrative, which was not completely memorized, but was formulated to some degree by the teller. Polynesians also recognized works that were entirely Actional. The Polynesian method of handling differing traditions was useful when con fronting foreign teachings. They could simply be added to the list of “schools of thought.” After listing the three models Hawaiians used to describe the origin of islands, Malo quotes the missionary schoolbooks to provide the foreign opinion on the subject. Polynesian methods of incorporating disparate traditions into complexes could be applied easily to new introductions. Tahitians and Hawaiians held long discussions on their genealogies. A twentieth-century Samoan incorporated monkeys into a genealogical description of the devel opment of the universe. But as traditions accumulated, they became more difficult to accommodate. This problem seems to have been felt most acutely by the intellectuals of the Society Islands, whose texts are combinations of an unusually large number of contradictory traditions. In fact, the authors begin to complain about how weari some, indeed impossible, it is to unite all these accumulating materials into a convincing narrative. The thinkers have therefore been forced to create new, non-narrative means, an effort that resembles the movement of the Pre-Socratics away from myth. One redactor abstracts from the traditions a set of principles of operation that he sees at work through all the narrative variations: the nullity before the first generative and creative actions, the attraction of elements to each other, the lack of fixity of the uncompleted universe, the endurance of the cosmos, and so on. These principles are designated by words found in the traditions, but not so regularly that they could be considered recognized technical terms. A second redactor encapsulates a number of theological and narrative traditions into
epithets, which he then applies to Ta'aroa, the Society Island cognate of Tangaloa. “Ta'aroa of the effective word” recalls narratives of his creating by his commands; “Ta'aroa who stood over the passage of the reef’ evokes a story told elsewhere in full. In this way, the multitude of traditions is provided with a point of unity: the manifold person of the god. These two solutions - impersonal and personal - indicate one of the most difficult problems in Polynesian thought. Secondary sources and some modern islanders often describe Polynesian thinking as entirely personalistic. But classical sources indicate that Polynesians recognized impersonal forces as well. Sky and earth could be personified, but Polynesians believed also that inanimate objects were sexual. The mating of sky and earth could therefore be considered the joining of imper sonal, cosmic elements. Accordingly, Polynesian gods had distinct limits to their powers. They operated within an impersonal cosmic framework, although that framework was not articulated as explicitly as the moira of the classical Greeks. Other elements - such as winds, tides, rivers, and fire - could be treated as personal by some thinkers and impersonal by others. Each text must therefore be interpreted on its own terms. The problem of the relation of personality to impersonality arose in other areas as well. Words, prayers, and curses became impersonal forces once uttered, capable even of turning against the person who had spoken them. A law could be connected to a chief, but had its own power somehow independent of him. The difficulty involved in clarifying the relation between the personal and the impersonal is clear in secondary discussions of the word mana, generally defined as power. The word can be applied to persons and things, and the essential connection of mana to its holder is variously defined. No description has been generally accepted, and the subject needs to be studied on the basis of an adequate number of texts. To understand the post-contact history of Polynesia, it is important to realize that Western culture and education were not introduced into a vacuum. Many of the mental characteristics visitors noted in Polynesians were the results of their classical culture. Indeed, their classical intellectual ideals led them actively to seek the new knowledge the foreigners were bringing with them. Polynesians had been interested in other islands within their own areas; now they could learn about continents they had never imagined. In traditional Polynesian fashion, they bombarded visitors with questions about their homelands. Great numbers of young men signed up as crew members in order to see the world. Polynesians could use their trained powers of observation and imitation to learn introduced manual skills, even when the foreigners wanted to monopolize them. Wherever and whenever regular schools were established, Polynesians flocked to them. When foreigners reduced their languages to writing, Polynesians used the new medium enthusiastically for their own purposes, recording the memorized works of the oral tradition, coordinating larger numbers of genealogies, and so on. Foreign ers were astonished at how quickly and well Polynesians mastered elements of the introduced culture. The new knowledge was, of course, vitally important for Polynesians - for its own intrinsic interest and for its practical value in their critical situation. Faced 58
with the intrusive foreigners, Polynesians had to develop a new worldview and new political and economic skills. Polynesians were to follow a curve of response found in other non-Western developing nations. At first, Western culture elicited an enthusiastic response, especially from the brightest members of the younger gener ation. Foreign knowledge and ways were adopted, and traditional ones depreciat ed. However, as Polynesians became more familiar with Western culture, they criticized it more and became more appreciative of their old ways, even though they were now more distant from them. Modern navigation was accurate, but the first Polynesians had reached the islands without it. Written historical documents were valuable, but memorized ones had indeed perpetuated the names of the places visited before the migration voyage. Polynesian intellectuals began to use the new means at their disposal to research, record, and disseminate information about their own history and culture. They founded societies, corresponded, and published native-language books and newspapers. Their reflection on their history and contemporary situation was naturally a combination of traditional and introduced ideas and procedures. This response to Western culture is illustrated by the careers of two of the most important nineteenth-century Hawaiian intellectuals. David Malo (1795-1853) received a thorough classical Hawaiian education and was employed as a court intellectual. As such, he was sent to the Christian missionaries in the early 1820s to obtain Western learning and to help them with their Bible translations and Hawaiian-language school books. He entered the first class at Lahainaluna high school in 1831 and became a teacher and, in 1841, Superintendent of Schools. Active in politics, he became increasingly anxious about the growing power of foreigners in government, and supported movements that offended his chiefly patrons. He devoted his writing increasingly to Hawaiian history and culture, presenting his information in the oral literary forms in which he had received it and arguing for the intrinsic value of native traditions. His works were used as a foundation by most of the later Hawaiian writers. The most prolific of these was Samuel Manaiakalani Kamakau (1815-1876), a schoolmate of Malo. Descended from priestly intellectuals who converted to Christianity, he added Western learning to his family traditions, pioneering in the development of a modern Hawaiian historiography. His career in gover nment and politics was unsuccessful, and he converted to Roman Catholicism and concentrated on his research. In his writings, he continually contrasted Hawaiian culture favorably to Western and attempted to provide frameworks with in which Hawaiians could understand their current situation. The different frameworks he proposed throughout his life varied in emphasis between religion and history. In this quest, Kamakau was following classical Polynesian practice. He and other Polynesians were seeking to place themselves within the expanded view of the universe and history provided by the new knowledge. Most immediately, Polynesians could now investigate a subject for which their own historical traditions had prepared them: their relations to their Polynesian cousins. All through the early contact period, Polynesians were visiting each other, comparing
traditions, and reporting home. They were quickly impressed - as Western aca demics were later - by their many similarities of language, literature, practices, and traditions. Hawaiian and Tahitian genealogists debated at the court of Kamehameha I. A small colony of Hawaiians living in Tahiti may have introduced the worship of the volcano goddess Pele. The results of this period of intra Polynesian contact are now difficult to disentangle. But the intellectual and emotional impact is clear. Hawaiians felt their historical traditions were vindicated when Tahitians confirmed names and sequences of names in their genealogies and identified the places listed in ancient chants. Maori felt their legendary homeland, Hawaiki, had been rediscovered in Hawai'i. The nineteenth-century Maori intellec tual, Wiremu Maihi Te Rangikaheke, was once introduced to a young Hawaiian sailor on shore leave in Auckland and bombarded him with questions. Were the Maori traditions correct about the first war in Hawaiki? Had he heard about this or that legendary figure? The sailor was embarrassed by his youthful ignorance, but promised Te Rangikaheke to refer any written questions to his grandfather in Hawai'i. Te Rangikaheke wrote through the night in great excitement. The next day the sailor appeared with the few presents he had managed to scrounge - a coin, a little tobacco. Deeply moved, the Maori wrote that Hawaiians shared not only the same traditions, but the same emotions as well. Polynesians enlarged their focus also to the wider world and the foreign view of the universe. Teachers reported everywhere the popularity of geography. The is lands appeared small on the new maps, but they had their place. Contemporary scientific and religious views of the origin of land and the universe were discussed avidly, and conclusions were drawn. Do you think all these foreigners descend from the god Wakea? polemicized David Malo. If not, he is no true god, and Hawaiians should turn to Jehovah. Where then did the Polynesians come from? The question had intrigued foreigners as well, and a large number of theories were formulated through the nineteenth century. The basic question was how Polynesians were to be connected to world history: were they originally Chaldaeans, Egyptians, Indians, or a lost tribe of Israel? For obvious reasons, most Polynesians, a number of Christian missionaries, and Mormons, preferred the last idea. Polynesian cultures could then be considered developments of Israelite culture, and Polynesian religions could be connected to the Bible. Comparisons were made between Biblical and Polynesian practices, which thus acquired legitimacy and could claim respect. Polynesian religions were reformulated to clarify their Biblical roots. The “four great gods of Polynesia” could be described as a quaternity or as a trinity if one were relegated to the role of devil. Biblical and Polynesian traditions could be viewed as separate but equal developments from an even older tradition. The Hawaiian Kumuhonua legends sought to reconstruct that tradition in newly composed narratives and chants. “Hawaiian religion may be a degeneration of Mormonism,” one Hawaiian told me, “but on the other hand, we may have preserved some old traditions that regular Mormons have lost!” Reformulations of Polynesian traditions could rival Christian dogma in content and breadth. Some Maori intellectuals composed 60
grandiose texts on the origin of the universe, in which a highly detailed organiza tion was crowned with a supreme deity, the god Io, claimed to be the subject of a hitherto secret tradition. Polynesian thinkers also contributed to the theology of the mainline Christian churches. Hawaiians recognized the Christian God as the creator of the universe and believed, as the Bible taught, that the universe proclaimed his Glory. Therefore, by studying the universe, they studied God, and all the long tradition of their love and appreciation of the environment could be brought into Christianity. The Hawaiian historian, Samuel M. Kamakau, used this insight in 1870 to justify Hawaiian medicine. He argued that God had given to all peoples what they needed for their well-being. So God made the earth and thus all the potential medicines in it. Correct knowledge of the earth and its elements enabled people to practice correct medicine. The correctness of Hawaiian medicine was proved by its results. Therefore, the medical knowledge of the Hawaiians was ultimately given by God. In all of these efforts can be recognized the Polynesian tendency to accommodate the new without abandoning the old. The results can be simply syncretic: a Tongan child pictured Jesus and Tangaloa sitting together in heaven. Even nativistic thinkers were influenced, however unconsciously, by the new thought world. Nev ertheless, the energy is remarkable with which the classical intellectual discussions were maintained. Masters of compartmentalization, Samoan intellectuals sermon ized on Sundays and interpreted the ancient Tangaloa chants during the week. Significantly, at no time and in few individuals if any, did the introduced culture gain complete dominance over the old. Polynesians have remained characteristi cally Polynesian in many aspects of their life and thinking - even if at times against their will. This endurance is a large part of the problem of identity that arose the moment the foreigners arrived and continues into the present day. Only too often, foreigners, prominently missionaries, depreciated the native cultures and thereby wounded the morale of the Polynesians. The movement to study and re-evaluate Polynesian culture has therefore been ultimately a movement to reformulate Polynesian identity. This has been particularly true in island groups that have experienced much discontinuity since the contact period. Samoans and Tongans have generally been able to perpetuate their sense of identity almost as a matter of course along with much of their culture. Hawaiians and Maori have had to reflect much more in tensely on their situation. In such places, the study of indigenous history and the perpetuation of native medicine, crafts, and the arts, have been, almost from the beginning, an affirmation of the intrinsic value of the native culture and thus the native character. This affirmation has taken several other forms as well. Native cultures have been defended against the all too frequent foreign misunderstandings and misre presentations. Native cultures have been compared favorably to foreign on such points as family solidarity, hospitality, and piety. Character defects have often been ascribed to the problems of post-contact adjustment and bad foreign influences. Nineteenth-century Polynesians were, however, too close to their classical culture 61
to idealize it. Their own historical methods enjoined the use of negative as well as positive models. Perhaps the greatest stylist among the nineteenth-century Hawaiian thinkers, Kepelino Kahoali'i Keauokalani (ca. 1830-1878) embodied the internal friction caused by his experience of the clash of cultures. Born into a family of priestly experts, he was educated by Roman Catholic missionaries to be a teacher, learning English, French, Latin, and Greek. Describing Hawaiian culture, he contrasts constantly the Hawaiians’ admiration for their achievements with the foreigners’ denigration of the same: what is beauty for the Hawaiians is sinfulness for the missionaries. Kepelino cannot stop loving the culture his new faith condemns, and he cannot resolve the tension. He can only articulate his pain with tragic intensity in lapidary affirmations of Hawaiian values and descriptions of Hawaiian character: A 'o ka loina nui o na Hi Hawaii nei, 'o ka ha'aha'a b ka oluolu, ke aloha a me ka lokomaika’i. (The great law of the chiefs of our Hawaii was lowliness, amenity, welcoming affection, and inner goodness.)
These were the qualities with which Polynesians had welcomed foreigners to their shores, which had induced Polynesians to open their minds to new influences, and had readied them to solve the problems of culture contact and to create the new and beautiful cultures they perpetuate today. Bibliography Beckwith, Martha 1972: The Kumulipo: A Hawaiian Creation Chant (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press). Chariot, John 1983: Chanting the Universe: Hawaiian Religious Culture (Honolulu and Hong Kong: Emphasis International). Henry, Teuira 1928: Ancient Tahiti (Honolulu: Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum). Kramer, Augustin 1994: The Samoan Islands: An Outline of a Monograph with Particular Consideration of German Samoa, Vol. 1: Constitution, Pedigrees, and Traditions (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press). Luomala, Katharine 1955: Voices on the Wind: Polynesian Myths and Chants (Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press). Orbell, Margaret 1985: Hawaiki: a New Approach to Maori Tradition (Christchurch: University of Canterbury).
African philosophy: a historical overview D. A. MASOLO Introduction
African philosophy: the philosophy of Africa, the historical roots of which are purported by some scholars to be found in the pre-colonial indigenous cultures of African societies, which, according to this view, contained subtle philosophical elements within their respective worldviews. Because it claims that African philos ophy is closely interwoven with the practical and verbalized cultural idioms through which it is expressed, this view of African philosophy, launched by the Belgian missionary Placide Tempels in 1944, has come to be designated as ethnophilosophy. Used critically and negatively, as in the earlier work of Paulin Hountondji, the term “ethnophilosophy” refers to the ethnographic and non-philosophical methods used by the ethnophilosophers, mainly disciples of Tempels, to recover from African cultural texts propositional beliefs and ideas that they purport to be philosophical. Used positively, however, ethnophilosophy could be under stood as a branch of the more general ethnomethodology which is a phenomeno logical approach to interpreting everyday cultural expressions as a guide to philosophical research into, and interpretation of, socio-cultural contexts of partic ipants’ practices and speech. According to another school, African philosophy consists of the work and thought of African philosophers in a more strictly academic context. In this sense, the practice of African philosophy is a much more recent development occasioned by a variety of factors. Its origin in the post-World War II period coincides with the beginning of access to university and college education by a greater number of African people. In a related way, its more visible and secularized occurrence in the post-independence period not only reaffirms the first factor; it also signals liberaliza tion and diversification of education both for Africans, and generally in African institutions, in the post-colonial period. It is in this period that one observes the concurrence of the establishment of academic departments of philosophy in Afri can universities, and the beginning of a distinctively critical phase in the practice of the discipline by the emergent, secularly trained African philosophers. In his now famous paper, “Four Trends in Current African Philosophy” (1981), the well known Kenyan philosopher Henry Odera Oruka (1944-1995) referred to this cur rent in African philosophy as a “professional (critical) trend.” He saw it as the antithesis of the “ethnophilosophy trend,” and included within this current the 63
works of St Augustine as well as the now widely discussed eighteenth-century works of Anton Wilhelm Amo and Jacobus Captein. His ordering of the African philosophy debate into trends resembles an earlier one by Alphonse J. Smet (1980), the well known Belgian historian of African philosophy at the Kinshasa school. The explanatory (historical and thematic) structures of both remain widely used today by scholars in their respective europhonic fields. The other two “trends” identified by Oruka, and earlier by Smet, are the “nationalistic-ideological trend” and the “philosophic sagacity trend.” The former consists of the political ideas and expressions, mostly of African leaders such as Kwame Nkrumah, Leopold Senghor, Julius Nyerere, or Kenneth Kaunda, aimed at defining and reorganizing African societies politically and economically in opposi tion to colonial and neo-colonial ideologies of modern imperialism. The latter trend, an original invention of Oruka himself, is a variant of ethnophilosophy but differs from its core in claiming that contrary to ethnophilosophers’ collectivist view, “there exist in Africa critical and independent thinkers who guide their thoughts and judgments by the power of reason and inborn insight rather than by authority of communal consensus” (Bodunrin, 1981, p. 162). Oruka’s distinction between ordinary sages and philosophic sages redraws the divide between ethnophilosophy and what is variously referred to as critical or professional or academic philosophy. Ethnophilosophy can be said to be philosoph ical only in the generic sense in which people’s beliefs and behaviour, individual or collective, are based on some more general and grounding premises or statements of opinion - such as “there are gender divisions of labor because the genders are created different.” This, in Oruka’s view, can be termed “culture philosophy” or the “philosophy of a specific culture,” in which such a generally held belief can be seen as informative of how different gender-related issues are defined and handled at the cultural level. Ordinary sages are the cultural teachers of such basic cultural prin ciples, which constitute the edifying “bricks” of every cultural Weltanschauung. In Oruka’s view, there is no problem speaking about this kind of philosophy in every day life so long as it is borne in mind that, as philosophy, it exists on the same level as, for example, “the business philosophy of AT&T,” “the philosophy of the Japa nese export industry,” or “the philosophy or mission statement of a college.” He believed that philosophic sages, on the other hand, belong to the category of philosophy in the stricter sense, because their ideas, like most of what are recog nized as philosophical works and ideas in this second (order) sense, are essentially critical, explicit and autocritical discourses on a variety of topics. Since his pioneer work in this direction, interviews and dialogues with sages have been increasingly employed as a promising way of engaging in philosophically critical analysis and commentary on indigenously produced knowledge. Hallen and Sodipo (1986) and Appiah (1992) are good examples. This is despite the controversy which Oruka’s notion of philosophic sagacity provokes regarding the relation between literacy and philosophy as a practice of critical inquiry. While drawing on Socrates as a parallel, Oruka’s defence of orality within a philosophical context adds a fresh perspective to the problem which takes a central place in Jack Goody’s works (1968, 1977, and 1987). 64
The precursory schools
Given the above distinctions, the dating of African philosophy might depend on how the discipline and the identity of its practitioners are defined. The idea of ethnophilosophy in the first sense suggests that African philosophy is far older than its more recent and explicit discursive history. In other words, Africans’ involve ment with philosophy, particularly in the Western tradition, long predates the beginning of what is now recognized as the formally organized and sustained academic practice of philosophy in Africa and by Africans. Related to this further regressive dating are two other but unconnected histori cal facts. First, that schools of philosophy have flourished in various parts of Africa at diverse times for several centuries, mainly in association with the spread of Christianity and Islam to the continent. The first of these is associated with the fourth-century Carthaginian school where St Augustine received his formal educa tion. But because his philosophical and theological work has been closely associat ed with the doctrines of Western Christianity, few people remember or even notice that St Augustine was a native of Northern Africa. Hence both he and his work are generally treated as part of the history of mainstream Western thought. Today, much of Northern African cultural expression, including its intellectual traditions, is considered to be part of the wider Islamic world of the Middle East. Despite the existence of continent-wide philosophical associations, few texts, other than those seeking to make linkages with ancient African history, incorporate the work of philosophers from this northern region. Often, in the search for this linkage, focus is shifted to the Alexandrian school in Egypt, which is claimed to be not only the oldest school, but also a springboard of ancient Greek thought in philosophy and mathematics. This current finds its anchorage in the work of the Senegalese histo rian Cheikh Anta Diop (1954, 1960, 1967), and more recently in that of Martin Bernal (1987, 1991). The next known schools, although considerably less well documented, are often associated with the southward spread of Islam across the Sahara, particularly at Timbuktu, Jenne, and Gao, all in the fifteenth-century empire of Songhai (today’s Mali). The works of these schools were closely related to Islamic studies and were preserved in Arabic. Another distinctive school flourished in seventeenth-century Abyssinia (today’s Ethiopia) with texts which span the period between the mid-sixteenth century and the seventeenth century. These texts have been reorganized and reproduced, in a six-volume set of Ethiopian Philosophy with new editorial commentaries, by Claude Sumner, a Canadian Jesuit scholar working at the University of Addis Ababa. The volumes comprise The Book of the Wise Philosophers (Vol. I, 1974), The Treatise of Zar’a Yaqob and ofWdlda Heywat: Text and Authorship (Vol. II, 1974), The Treatise ofZdr’a Yaqob and ofWalda Heywat: An Analysis (Vol. HI, 19 78), The Life and Maxims of Skendes (Vol. IV, 1981), The Fisalgwos (Vol. V, 1982), The Basic Texts (Vol. VI, 1984), and several accompanying special analyses and commentaries. Of these, Volume IV is an Ethiopic version of the ancient (second century) text of Secundus of Athens. The Hatata (treatises) of the main protagonists of this school, Zar’a Yaqob
and Walda Heywat, have been preserved, translated, and relatively widely com mented upon. Like most texts of their time, or of the Roman and Arabic traditions with which they became associated through encounters made possible by the cos mopolitanism of the ancient kingdom of Aksum, these texts focus strongly on moral teachings. In their endeavor to establish maxims of moral character, they often raise questions regarding the relationship between individual will and outward personal or collective character; or the relationship between private qualities and public social conduct. Sumner has conclusively established that these texts are originally Ethiopian; that even the ones translated from their Arabic versions clearly indicate original adaptations to the local system. In this sense, the translated texts in this collection differ significantly from their Greek and Arabic counterparts. Sumner’s efforts have helped to bring these older Ethiopian texts into the currency of contemporary African philosophical debate. Finally, since Paulin Hountondji’s African Philosophy: Myth and Reality (1983), much interest has been directed toward the work of Anton Wilhelm Amo, an eighteenth-century Ghanaian philosopher, taken in his youth from his native home (possibly by German missionaries) to Prussia, where he studied philosophy at the University of Jena. Later he taught and wrote philosophy at Halle, before re turning to Ghana in his middle age. According to Hountondji, the works of Amo included such titles as De Humana Mentis Apatheia (1734) and Tractatus de Arte Sobrie et Accurate Philosophandi (1738). Recent episodes: ethnophilosophy
Taken separately, each of the above-mentioned currents and schools contributes differently to one or another way of defining the historiography of African philoso phy. The most recent history of African philosophy is, however, less contested and goes back about half a century. It depicts both the academic and the political reconstructions in the aftermath of colonialism and appears in stages: preoccupied at first with questions about its own possibility and methodology before moving in the last two decades or so toward more thematically oriented analyses. Despite being the main target of varying critiques in this reconstructive under taking, Western traditions and modes of thought, passed on through colonial and missionary-controlled education systems, have been particularly influential not just in shaping the content of this recent African philosophy, but also in determin ing its diverse approaches, thus reproducing in the landscape of African academic philosophy several of the diverse schools characterizing Western philosophical practice. In this sense, schools of African philosophy replicate the Anglo-American and continental dichotomies both academically and politically by following the same political boundaries drawn at the end of the nineteenth century by colonial powers. The analytic school confines itself rather visibly to the institutions of former British colonies, with the phenomenological/hermeneutic school(s) predominantly located in the academic institutions of countries formerly under continental Euro pean powers - that is, under either French, Belgian, or Italian colonial domination.
However, the missionary impact has been responsible for a certain imperfection in this distribution, by implanting the ecclesiastical framework across the colonial boundaries. The result has been the co-existence of diverse intellectual perspectives and approaches. Mudimbe and Appiah (1993) have attributed this co-existence, at least partly, to the accommodative attitude in African social order, for which diver sity does not necessarily imply or lead to rupturous conflict. As they put it, in traditional African societies, accommodating conflicting theo retical views is part of the general process of accommodation necessary for those who are bound to each other as neighbours for life. And this accommodating approach to daily interactions is part of the same range of attitudes that leads to theoretical accommodations. The universe is a complex of microcosmic systems which are themselves accommodated within larger cosmic orders in an ascending manner to the macrocosmic all-engulfing. In these senses, African philosophy, although cut along the inherited lines that divide the continental and AngloAmerican traditions in Western philosophy, exhibits a fascinating mutual dialogi cal accommodation of its parts and groupings. As in real life situations as well as the cosmic order, the parts complement and depend upon each other. This, they argue, is something the rest of the world could learn from. The strictly academic context of African philosophy started with the publication in 1945 of Placide Tempels’s La philosophic bantoue, itself a translation from the Dutch original published the year before. The reception of Tempels’s work and of its basic tenets is decisive for understanding the characteristics of academic African philosophy over the past half century. Considered a landmark within the context of the anthropological and missionary literature and attitudes in which it was pro duced, Tempels’s work was first embraced by the early school of trained African philosophers and theologians as important for understanding the conceptual sig nificance of Africans’ worldviews and their application to the definitions and orga nizations of everyday experience. According to Tempels, then, Bantu philosophy is based on very simple principles universal to basic human conditions. First, for the Bantu, as for all cultures, life and death determine human behavior. Second, if the Bantu are human beings, there is reason to seek the fundamentals of their beliefs and behavior or their basic phi losophical system, since “All human behavior depends upon a system of princi ples.” Despite the simplicity of these principles, Tempels considered his “discovery” of Bantu philosophy a milestone in African anthropology. It was the result of a complex intellectual transformation which he feared would seriously disconcert his European readers. “This ‘discovery’ of Bantu philosophy,” he wrote, “is so discon certing a revelation that we are tempted at first sight to believe that we are looking at a mirage. In fact, the universally accepted picture of primitive man, of the savage, of the proto-man living before the full blossoming of intelligence, vanishes beyond hope of recovery before this testimony” (1959, pp. 167-8). In general, Tempels’s text provided the occasion for the critique of the monolithic colonial framework and suggested its replacement with pluralism. His claim that African cultural perspectives were significantly different from Western perspec tives precisely because they were logical derivations from (nonetheless rationally 67
unacceptable) metaphysical, moral, and psychological tenets radically different from those defined through the long history of Western intellectual traditions was indeed for some a welcome pronouncement. In 1948 Marcel Griaule, a French ethnologist and philosopher, published the famous Dieu d’Eau (English translation Conversations with Ogotemmeli, 1965), a remarkable contribution to the field of ethnophilosophy opened by Tempels. According to Germaine Dieterlen, another prominent member of Griaule’s ethnographic expedition team (in Griaule, 1965, pp. xiii-xiv), It became clear in the course of this work that African peoples had, like others, reflected on their own customs, that these customs stemmed from norms which were proper to themselves but which were nevertheless fundamental standards which it was indispensable for the ethnographer to understand.... Thus for example African techniques, so poor in appearance, like those of agriculture, weaving and smithing, have a rich, hidden content of significance. Religious gestures, whether spectacular or secret, and generally uncomprehended by outsiders, show themselves under analysis to be of an extreme subtlety in their implications. The smallest everyday object may reveal in its form or decoration a conscious reflection of a complex cosmogony.
Although this “philosophy” could be narrated by individual cultural experts, it was a collective property, most of the time unspoken, but nonetheless preserved by means of a meticulous oral system of signification. While there is no evidence that Tempels’s idea of a Bantu philosophy was in the second order sense described above, several of his early followers, who were mainly from the neophyte African Christian clergy, interpreted his work in that sense. In particular, they were concerned with providing, in a precise framework, the philos ophy of a pagan culture ready for fusion with Christian theology. This catechetical approach provided both a critical response to Tempels’ interpretation of Bantu philosophy and the metaphysical categories for the reinterpretation of African cultures and their integration with Christianity. Thus we have, for example, Kag ame’s La philosophic bantu-rwandaise de I'etre (1956); Vincent Mulago’s L’Union vitale bantu chez les Bashi, les Banyarwanda, et les Burundi face d I'unite vitale ecclesiale (1955), Un visage africaine du christianisme (1965), and La religion traditionelle des bantu et leur vision du monde (1973); A. Makarakiza’s La dialectique des Burundi (1959); Francois-Marie Lufuluabo’s Vers une Theodicee Buntoue (1962a), Lu notion Lubu-buntoue de I’etre (1962b), Perspective theologique buntoue et theologie scholastique (1966); Jean Calvin Bahoken’s Cluirieres metaphysiques ufricuines (1967); Basil Fouda’s Lu philosophie ufricuine de I’existence (1967); and John S. Mbiti’s Africun Religions und Philosophy (1969) and New Testument Eschatology in an African Background (1971). This literature revealed an excellent acquaintance with and use of Aristotelian metaphysics appropriated via its neo-Thomistic reinterpretations. Yet it also man ifested at the same time the paradox of its general goal, which was to free the essence of Christian teaching of its European philosophical vestiges, claiming of it the fluidity which befits the saying that quid quid recipitur, ad modum recipientis recipitur. As Kagame put it, one of the aims of the literature was to demonstrate the
relationship between the universality of content and the pluralism of form in phi losophical discourse. The widespread post-World War II appeal of certain philo sophical movements in Europe such as Marxism and existentialism made it possible for ethnophilosophers to find this form in the implicit tenets in myths, religious idioms, the structure of ordinary language, and social-moral order. Recent episodes: discontent with ethnophilosophy
Others did not see Tempels’s work in the same light. They saw it as just another colonial text that relegates African systems of thought to an inferior status com pared to Western modes of thought generally, and to Western philosophy particu larly. This political critique, spearheaded especially by the Martinican poet and writer Aime Cesaire, saw in Tempels’s work and in the ethnophilosophical project generally a wider and Manichean political discourse, including that of Senghor’s negritude, which viewed Western/non-Western differences as translatable into canonical/non-canonical oppositions. According to Cesaire, Tempels deliberately presented African philosophy as built on non-genuine predicates which articulated lack of empirical knowledge. Other critics along these lines included Marcien Towa and Fabien Eboussi-Boulaga. Another phase of the critique of ethnophilosophy, this time focusing on method ology, was launched by Franz Crahay’s “Le Decollage conceptuel: conditions d’une philosophic bantoue” in 1965. This was followed, in 1970, by Hountondji’s “Re marques sur la philosophie africaine contemporaine.” In his famous article, Crahay criticizes Tempels of confusing the “lived” (ve'cw) experiences with “reflective” thought which privileges philosophy as a specific genre of discourse on and about experience. This discourse, he argued, has precise characteristics: it “is explicit, analytical, radically critical and autocritical, systematic at least in principle and nevertheless open, bearing on experience, its human conditions, meanings as well as the values that it reveals.” Could one, so far, talk of the existence of a Bantu philosophy which satisfies these characteristics? Crahay answers this question in the negative. According to him, what Tempels called “Bantu philosophy” was only a sad misconstruance of the term “philosophie,” and a gross confusion of its vulgar and strict senses. Negatively, we shall say that there is no implicit philosophy; that there is no irrational philosophy: that there is no naive nor [discursively] unmediated philosophy: that philosophical language is not the language of experience, but a language on experi ence or on the language of experience. We add [apparently referring to the existential ist positions of the time, which could have included a reference to the famous “Temoignages" of leading French and French-speaking intellectuals published by Presence Africaine in 1949] that the contemporary counterexamples are only appar ent, [and] that they are not a case of rhapsodic philosophy constituted of unconnected pieces devoid of any internal [systematic] coherence. (Crahay, 1965, p. 64)
He then proceeded to define the “conditions” for the possible emergence of a true and thought-provoking Bantu philosophical thought. He lists them (1965, pp. 6983) as: (1) the existence of a body of African philosophers living and working in an 69
intellectually stimulating cultural milieu open to the world; (2) the practice of open discourse that allows the critical use of the tools of analysis, interpretation (leviers) and influences that build into “schools” of discipleships (reflecteurs); (3) an invento ry of African values of knowledge such as attitudes, original linguistic resources, certain categories of thought and such symbols as will provoke thinking; (4) the existence and practice of a second-order discourse (decollage conceptuel) which is built on, yet different from, experience as it is lived, a transition to reflection through the dissociation of subject from his object of discourse; (5) the interroga tion of even the kind of intellectual choices that seem so relevant and useful, as would promote an African contribution to a global discourse even while expressing the relevance of such theories to the specific African context. Hountondji’s African Philosophy: Myth and Reality (1983), a revised and abridged translation of the French original Sur la “philosophic africaine”: Critique de 1’ethnophilosophie (1977) is, as the French subtitle announces, perhaps the best known critique of the movement initiated by Tempels. Coming from the perspective of Althusserian neo-Marxism, Hountondji saw the ahistorical petrification of thought in ethnophilosophy as the negation of the historical subjectivity from which philosophy emerges as a form of free and creative engagement with sociohistorical conditions. To Hountondji, philosophy is a discursive interpretation of texts which are themselves philosophical. Ethnophilosophy, on the contrary, is whimsical recovery, translation, and interpretation of assumed but non-existent cultural texts. Because it is based on non-existent texts, ethnophilosophy is only imaginary and as such cannot attain any truth as it treats of no positive subject matter. At the same time, ethnophilosophers also abdicate the responsibility and freedom that is both required and typical of proper philosophical thought by claim ing to merely recover the fictitious dejd Id. Hountondji’s critique was equally directed at both Crahay and the writers of the “Temoignages.” Of the latter, he said it was regrettable that they chose to acclaim ethnophilosophy only because it was non-Western and even though it was evident ly incongruent with the criteria of their own practice. Of Crahay, he critiqued the idea of a conceptual decollage, which was demanded by Crahay as a condition for a Bantu philosophy. To Hountondji, this demand was not useful as all civilizations are based on an already accomplished conceptual decollage. What was more useful, in his view, was the issue of destination or audience of ethnophilosophy. To create its own philosophical possibility and history, every discourse must develop a lan guage that grounds itself in its own social environment - something that ethnophi losophy did not try to do as its target audience remained Western, thus disabling the emergence of a local philosophical discourse. Hountondji’s view of philosophy, and particularly his description of the African philosopher as “a human being among human beings, an intellectual among his colleagues and a member of a given social class” (Hountondji, 1977, p. 70) has come under attack as elitist, an accusation he has strongly denied, contending that such criticisms are ad hominem (see Hountondji, 1989). In Anglophone Africa, the predominantly analytic approach to philosophy is distinguished by a concentration on conceptual analyses. But even in these spheres
of British political and intellectual influence, there continues to be some accommo dation of the hermeneutic approaches, especially where the issue of discussion is related to ethnophilosophy’s concern with the existence and discursive location of African philosophy. Theophilus Okere’s (1971) is a good example of this herme neutical approach. The best examples of the analytic approach in African philosophy come from the Ghanaian school. The best known of these examples are the works of Kwasi Wiredu and Kwame Anthony Appiah, both British-trained Ghanaian philosophers cur rently teaching in the United States. But the tradition is equally and powerfully illustrated in the works of Kwame Gyekye, also from Ghana, Peter Bodunrin and J. 0. Sodipo, both from Nigeria, Barry Hallen, an American teaching in Nigeria, and the late Odera Oruka from Kenya. Wiredu’s work is particularly distinguished for its high-quality analytic clarity, its articulateness, and the thoroughness of its reasoning. Several of his works have appeared in the form of articles in international philosophical journals as well as book chapters in distinguished collections since the early 19 70s. A number of these essays were published in his famous collection, Philosophy and an African Culture, in 1980. While addressing the issue of African philosophy and its quest for a distinc tively African form, Wiredu introduces the Popperian doctrine of fallibilism, which allows him to reject many ethnophilosophical expressions on the grounds of their essentialization of traditional knowledge in a manner that promotes authoritarian ism, supernaturalism, and anachronism. Like Popper, he sees these three attitudes as hindrances to epistemological growth and argues that critical rationalism is the therapeutic means to the growth of knowledge and the improvement of living conditions in African societies. For Wiredu, propositional validity should depend on nothing other than either its analytic plausibility or the strength of its empirical grounding. Taking analytic plausibility and empirical evidence as the sole and universal conditions of knowledge, Wiredu rejects most of the recent theories of rationality which smell of defending any sort of relativism. Without denying the presence of reflective activity by individuals in traditional societies, Wiredu nonetheless be lieves that philosophical orientation which employs the tools of analytic and empir ical evidence is only now in the making through the fast-growing discourse amongst contemporary African philosophers. For him, the claim that traditional thought was philosophical in these senses is as unfair as comparing traditional thought with specialized Western science - as Robin Horton did in his widely critiqued paper, “African Traditional Religion and Western Science” (1967). Tradi tional thought, in Wiredu’s view, is not devoid of reason (although, there as any where, some beliefs are less acceptable or less appealing than others), but is certainly neither aimed at nor based on the specialized, highly selective and often theoretically comparative analyses that professional philosophy and science de pend upon. On the other hand, he believes that appropriate philosophical analysis and discussion of some of those beliefs can be a source of significant contribution, by offering fresh and alternative ideas and approaches, to the wider philosophical discourse on similar and related issues. 71
The avowedly universalist approach which these positions imply, as well as the rejection of the positions which approvingly set African modes of thought in oppo sition to Western thought, have earned Wiredu much criticism. In particular, his universalism has been criticized as camouflage for being uncompromisingly West ern and for not taking seriously enough the full range of the social and historical grounding of the categories of thought (Gyekye, 1987). Other criticism and general debate generated by Wiredu’s work is contained in Bedu-Addo’s (1985) and Oru ka’s (1975 and 1988) reactions to the essay “Truth as Opinion.” As a way of continuing to engage in the wider recent philosophical debate, but also in response to some of the criticisms that his collection Philosophy and an African Culture has generated over the years, Wiredu’s recent papers have focused on the meanings and epistemological implications of such things as “rationality,” “trans lation,” “commensurability,” “conceptual frameworks,” “cultural universals,” and other issues in recent and current epistemological debate. Concern for these issues has been prompted in his case particularly by the resurgence of the debate on the nature of the rational assumptions underlying beliefs in, and accusations about, what europhone anthropology has referentially established as “magic” and “witchcraft.” A long-time attraction for Western anthropologists, the study of African magic and witchcraft became the object of intense international and interdisciplinary discussion following the publication of the British anthropologist Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard’s famous book Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande (1937). Since then, both the issue generally and Evans-Pritchard’s work specifical ly, have become key references for those discussing the idea of epistemological similarities and differences between rival systems of knowing and defining the empirical world and its causal laws (see Masolo, 1994). Robin Horton’s paper “African Traditional Religion and Western Science” (1967), by rekindling this old debate (which goes back to Levy-Bruhl’s works of 1910, 1927, and 1931) contrasting the purportedly affective mentality of the so-called “primitive people” with the “scientific rationality” of the West, has influenced the writings of a number of philosophers of science and social science. These include Bryan Wilson, Paul Feyerabend, Martin Hollis, and Steven Lukes (1982), Peter Winch, John Skorupski, John Beattie, and Horton and Finnegan (1973). Other interesting texts in this regard include Barry Hallen and J. 0. Sodipo’s Knowledge, Belief, and Witchcraft: Analytical Experiments in African Philosophy (1986), and Michael Jackson’s Paths Toward a Clearing: Radical Empiricism and Ethnographic Inquiry (1989), as well as Horton’s responses to his critics. Selections from some of these works have been reprinted in a section of Albert G. Mosely’s collection of essays, African Philosophy: SelectedReadings (1995). Horton himself has published a single collection of his original papers and numerous reactions to critics in Patterns of Thought in Africa and the West: Essays on Magic, Religion and Science (1993). The analytic school of African philosophy addresses a wide range of other issues as well. Metaphysical issues, such as the identity and nature of the self or person hood, as well as their ethical implications concerning moral agency have been
widely discussed by African philosophers. Kwame Anthony Appiah’s In My Father's House (1992), is an excellent and interesting collection of readings on a variety of issues related to the idea of identity. His analytically excellent refutation of the claims of scientific differences between races, and his refutation of the claim of a generalized African identity have generated much debate. Other works that discuss identity and its social, epistemological, and ethical implications in African conceptual schemes include Kwame Gyekye’s An Essay on African Philosophical Thought (1987), Kwasi Wiredu and Kwame Gyekye’s Person and Community: Ghanaian Philosophical Studies 1 (1992), Michael Jackson and Ivan Karp’s Personhood and Agency: The Experience of Self and Other in African Cultures (1990), and D. A. Masolo and Ivan Karp’s African Philosophy and Cultural Inquiry (forthcoming 1997). A critical study of the historical circumstances determining the production and characteristics of African knowledge is currently underway. This investigation owes much of its visibility to the work of Valentine Y. Mudimbe. Since the 1988 publication of his remarkably influential book, The Invention ofAfrica: Gnosis, Philos ophy, and the Order of Knowledge, Mudimbe has been a major reference for the reconstruction of the Western epistemic fields and categories through which spe cific images of Africa and Africans have been invented, first by the fancies of travelers and later through the organized and self-fulfilling imaginations of mis sionaries and anthropologists. It is Mudimbe’s view that the distorted images of Africa and Africans produced through these agencies were used to justify the colo nization of Africa. These discourses have conditioned African responses, in ethno philosophy and even in the critique of the latter. His project is, by “critically jumping] the ‘bavardages’ of colonial discourses and its ‘anthropological’ applica tions, and center[ing] on the system of signification that allowed the ‘colonial propositions’ and their inferences,” to reverse the order of knowledge from one in which Africans have no subjectivity to that, long proposed by Eboussi-Boulaga (1977), in which the historical reason and reasonable liberty of Muntu are based on a radical “recit pour soi.” Mudimbe’s project may not be novel in its intent (see, for example, Tshibangu, 1973), but due to the recent influence of Michel Foucault’s attack on the idea of “ideal rationality,” to whom he is partly indebted, Mudimbe’s work has enjoyed positive attention in its effort to unprivilege Western episteme. To the extent that his project, like Eboussi-Boulaga’s idea of “recit pour soi” or Hountondji’s notion of “local audience,” aims at defining an epistemic field that is both independent and self-referencing, without compromising critical and analytic rigor or sacrificing cross-cultural dialogue, it can be said that a new order of knowledge, perhaps a new sense of ethnophilosophy, in a stricter sense defined by Hebga (1982), has been put in place at this point in the history of African philosophy. Bibliography Appiah, K. A. 1992: In My Father’s House: Africa in the Philosophy of Culture (New York: Oxford University Press).
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A survey of Buddhist thought NINIAN SMART Buddhist philosophy had its origins, there can be little doubt, in some seminal intuitions of Guatama, entitled the Buddha or enlightened one, who lived possibly from 563 to 483 bce, but probably about a century later. His thought evolved from the sramanic milieu of his period in which various other movements, such as Jainism, were included; but conceptually it included motifs from the tradition of brahmins. The Buddha was critical of brahmin ideology, but made use of ideas which were prevalent in the society of the Gangetic plain, where most of his work was accomplished. We shall shortly outline some of the key notions of the initial phase of the Buddhist movement. But it is useful to note some of its wider developments. First of all, geographically Buddhism came to be a vital, sometimes dominant, aspect of Indian religion, from its founding down to about the eleventh century, when it greatly faded from India save in parts of the North and in Nepal and beyond in Tibet and Mongolia, and in the island of Ceylon or Lanka. It spread into South-East Asia, from Thailand and Myanmar, into Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, so that by modern times Theravada Buddhism became the dominant form (although not without the infusion of some Mahayana values and Hindu institutions). In the main millennium of Buddhist India the predominant form was Mahayana, which developed Buddhist philosophy in amazing directions. Much of this material, together with Tantric notions, were retained and elaborated in Tibet. Meanwhile, from the first century ce Buddhism had begun to move into China via the Silk Route (north of Tibet), and in due course some Chinese-flavored schools developed, notably Hua Yen and Chan. These had their influence in Korea and Japan, where Zen in particular evolved in a Japanese way. Some of the most vital modern philosophical developments occurred in Japan. Another vital school of modernism emerged in Sri Lanka. Other changes were registered in Europe and America. Differing parts of this article will be devoted to these varying forms of Buddhist philosophy. Despite the varieties, there are significant continuities: Chinese philosophical Buddhism is largely based on Indian sources, and some modern thinkers are consciously returning to traditional concepts. The framework within which the Buddha thought contained three main ideas, but he gave a special spin to this worldview. One idea was that of rebirth or reincar nation. Generally, the sramanic movements accepted the thought that without special effort we are destined to continuous rebirth (and more gloomily, of course, redeath). The second idea was that, nevertheless, liberation is possible (such liber78
ation was often called moksa or mukti, but other words also came to be used, such as nirvana and kevala). The third idea was that of certain means, namely both austerity or tapas and yoga or meditation, as conducing ultimately to liberation from re death. With these notions also went the conception of a soul of jiva or purusa who might continue into liberation. The Buddha’s new spin was first to identify the problem of rebirth as having to do essentially with impermanence. The fabric of life is impermanent. But, second, this means that there can be no permanent soul or self: there is therefore no entity there in liberation. Nirvana does not involve the persistence of the saint or the Buddha or Tathagata. Or more strictly, since the Buddha’s analysis of life reduces things to complexes of events, the very ques tion as to whether the self exists after death is meaningless, like the query as to whether a flame goes north, south, east or west after it goes out. Though the means to liberation lies in yoga or contemplation, there are ethical prerequisites. The Buddha had an ethical interpretation of brahmanical rituals and ritual powers. The framework of his worldview was moral. From an early time the Buddhist sangha created formulae. For instance, the four noble truths analysed the human predicament and its solution in the guise of a medical formula. The human condition of suffering (duhkha) or illfare is caused by craving; there is a cure for suffering, and that is the eight-part path (the atthangikamtdrga, or magga in Pali) which culminates in samadhi. This formula of four noble truths parallels the declaration that everything is conditioned - a view ultimately formulated in the doctrine of dependent origination, patccasamuppdda (Pali) or pratityasamutpdda (Sanskrit). The varieties of formulae are sometimes confusing. For instance, the last formula sees the chain of conditioning ending in ignorance. On the other hand, a common formula sees human problems as deri ving from greed, hatred and delusion. This is akin to ignorance but slightly different. At any rate, the opposites of these “sins” (lack of grasping, benevolence, and insight) bring about liberation. In some ways Buddhism came to resemble Samkhya with its enumerations of categories. Certainly Buddhism proved to be highly analytic. It had a theory of the human individual, as consisting of events classified in four skandhas (Pali, khandhas) or groups: bodily states, perceptions, feelings, dispositions, and conscious states. This gave concreteness to the doctrine of non-self (andtmavada, anatta). The individual consists in a complex of events of differing groups adhering together, but she has no permanent self. The propensity towards lists occurs throughout the Theravadin or Pali canon, and the final section of that three-part whole was the Abhidamma, or Analysis of the Dhamma (dharma) - that is, of the teaching or philosophical aspect of the doctrine. The Theravadin tradition sees the Buddha as teaching a dualism between the world of samara or rebirth and the transcendent state of nirvana. Nevertheless, this dualism was modified by the fourfold negation applied to certain questions, notably as to whether the Tathagata (the Buddha and by implication a saint or arhant) survives death. Other questions deemed unanswerable are whether the soul or life monad (jiva) is identical with the body, and whether the cosmos is infinite in space and infinite in time. About the things in question, it is averred that they neither are 79
so, nor not so, nor both so and not so, nor neither so nor not so. Such questions are compared to the question of where a fire goes when it goes out. It seems that they are meaningless, at least within the framework of Buddhist metaphysics. Regard ing nirvana, since the individual is identified as the ongoing process of events, including bodily ones, at that person’s decease, on attaining liberation, there is no individual to be referred to, and not accidentally, but in the nature of the case. The fourfold negation (catuskoti) makes it hard to assert the existence of the Buddha, and so the “dualism” between the samsaric world and the transcendent state of the Buddha does not strictly obtain, as if they were separate entities. It also of course implies that there can be no real transaction between the Buddha and one who reveres him: strictly, the system does not admit of worship, or any kind of reciprocity. In the Abhidharma analysis of the Theravada and other schools, realism obtains in this world. The analysis exhibits the real short-lived constituents (though ques tions arose about space, for instance) of the ongoing world. Still, the Theravadins shared with other Buddhists the theory that language is conventional and often misleading. For instance, we refer to the self even though there is not one, and objects are treated as solid when they really consist in swarms of events. Because of this almost Wittgensteinian view of language, Buddhism cannot be considered as naively realist. And in the Mahayana, doubt, to say the least, was cast on the realism of the Abhidharma analyses. There were, however, paradoxes in early thought. It was they that helped to spur the evolution of Mahayana thought. Some were more strictly philosophical and others religious and ethical. It should, of course, be emphasized that Buddhist philosophy always had a spiritual significance, directly or indirectly. Moreover, Buddhist epistemology had its religious side. On the one hand, Buddhism was a nastika tradition, that is, it rejected the brahmin appeal to sruti or revelation, as expressed in the Vedic hymns and later compositions. It is doubtful whether the Buddha himself was acquainted with the Upanisads, and evidence of the Pali canon indicates knowledge of three Vedas (but not the Atharva). Still, the Brahmanist ideology was rejected in essence, although the Buddha seems to have used, but analogized, its principal concepts and practices. For instance, the true brahmin was one who restrained himself and acted morally, and this had nothing to do with lineage. In the Tevijja-sutta brahmins are criticized for speaking about gods they have never experienced. And so Buddhism did not appeal to revelation. Even the authority of the Buddha himself rests on his superior level of insightful experience. In terms of standard Indian types of sources of knowledge, Buddhism recognized perception and inference. Of course, perception was thought of in a stretched sense, as including paranormal and contemplative experience. Indeed, these sorts of perception were given a large role. For instance, the doctrine of rebirth rested on the memories of saints and buddhas. In general, Buddhism as described in the Pali canon was an ehipassiko teaching - a “come-and-see-ish” doctrine. Because of the importance of the contemplative life, Buddhist philosophy has a spiritual heart to it. But other religious factors, such as developing devotion to the person of the Buddha, also need to be taken into account. Let us turn, then, to some 80
ethical and religious paradoxes arising in the evolution of Buddhism in the first five centuries, up to the first century ce. First, there was a dilemma involved in the pursuit of nirvana. It was always true that the eightfold path contained a strong moral element, and the four brahmaviharas or holy states are a fine summation of Buddhist virtue: - that is, that a person should exhibit love, compassion, joy in another’s joy, and equanimity. Yet the single-minded pursuit of nirvana could appear to be selfish. This was a primary criticism of the so-called Lesser Vehicle by the Mahayana. Second, already from his decease the Buddha was an object of veneration, for his relics were distributed to various centers. However, there evolved a more personalistic piety. Buddhist bhakti grew in parallel with similar proto-Hindu devotionalism. It was enhanced by the development of Buddhist art, partly under Mediterranean influence, following Alexander’s incursion into the region. There was a paradox in the apparent worship of a (so to speak) non-existent Leader. Third, on more philosophical grounds there was a problem with the theory of causation. Buddhists held to a version of what Hindu philosophy would categorize as asatkaryavada or the non-identity theory. It involved the thesis that the effect and cause are different. This was in opposition to the satkaryavada of Samkhya and other schools. But because Buddhism held to impermanence, and therefore in effect abolished substances, the causal relation was between events. And questions arose about the extent of events: if they were instantaneous and were external to one another, there seemed to be a problem about an event disappearing before its effect. So there were metaphysical problems about causation, and these were exploited in early Mahayana. There was a subsidiary issue about nirvana as being uncon ditioned: how then could it be brought about? We shall see some of the consequences of these and other paradoxes shortly. Meanwhile, both Theravada and other schools developed the Abhidhamma (San skrit, Abhidharma) as a separate “basket” or division of the Tipitaka (Tripitaka). Although both the Sutta and Vinaya had undergone considerable elaboration, the Abhidhamma was a very systematic creation which gave detailed structure to the teachings and their implications. It was a kind of scholasticism. The Theravada became increasingly conservative in its doctrinal interpretations, and yet the struc ture of thought which emerged was remarkable. This in some ways reached its fullest development in the commentarial and systematic writings of Buddhaghosa (fifth century? ce), who worked in Sri Lanka, though possibly himself from India, and may have been a brahmin convert. His Visuddhimagga or Path of Purification is a masterly summary of contemplative practices. In general, Abhidharma literature seeks to define the varied elements or dharmas which constitute reality, such as the particles of earth, water, fire and air making up physical objects, the organic items and psychic inner states, such as the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and visible object, audible object, and so on, together with the mind (roughly Aristotle’s common sense), the mental object, consciousness, and the like. The meticulous cataloguing of features of the world and of our inner life was important to the specialists in Abhidhamma for the simple reason that right view was one of the conditions of attaining liberation. For right view it was necessary to have a detailed grasp of
both the real world and of our inner states. So the Abhidhamma could be described as a catalogue of the items of the real world and of our psyches, which are part of that real world. There was a kind of technical and essentialist flavor to the Abhid harma writings which involved the thesis that the Buddha’s critique of language issued from a distrust of ordinary and conventional language because it did not analyse events and things correctly. There are strange prefigurings of the ideas of Wittgensteinian analytic philosophers (prefigurings taken up by recent Sri Lankan philosophers). The Theravada achieved their definitive canon in the first century bce, but prior to that there were some breakaway groups - notably the Sarvastivadins (often called Realists in Western accounts). They believed in the pre-existence and subse quent existence of dharmas, so that an event is a manifestation of a continuous entity. In some ways, this seemed to undermine the belief in impermanence. The Realists tended to be keener on Abhidharma analysis than on the Sutta division. Meanwhile Buddhist doctrine, in expounding the notion that everything is con ditioned, made use of the doctrine of the pratityasamutpada or paticcasamuppada. This “chain of dependent origination” involved the stipulation that old age and death are due to birth, which is itself due to the desire for living, which is itself due to clinging, which is itself due to craving, which is itself due to feeling, which is itself due to contact, which is itself due to the bases of perception, which are themselves consequent upon corporeality, which is itself due to consciousness, which is itself due to dispositions, which are themselves due to ignorance, the final cause. But though later Buddhist schools accepted this formula (which is itself probably a combination of two), the deeper questions in later philosophy went beyond the technicalities of the Abhidharma. They affected both the issues of religion and philosophy. They affected the status of Buddhahood, and they affected the nature of reality. Together they changed the soteriology of Buddhism. And yet Theravada survived well. It penetrated into South-East Asia, from Burma (Myanmar) to Viet nam, and it survived a depression in Ceylon prior to the British period (1815 onwards). Its modern revival has been spectacular. And it remains philosophically (and religiously) very different from the Mahayana, and indeed most other religious traditions. To these issues we shall come back. Suffice it to say that it is one of two significant religious traditions which denies a creator-God, and indeed tends to disprove a number of theories about the nature of religion. This, by the way, is not to say that Buddhism denies the gods. It looks as if the Buddha wanted to accept, in a limited capacity, the brahmins’ and others’ supernaturals, so as to offer an irenic and inclusive frontier to other religious cultures. The gods turn out to be forces within the samsaric world. People can become gods, by the way, through good deeds and giving, but that, though enjoyable, is not final liberation. They need to come back to gain nirvana. So it is that Buddhist cosmology corresponds to deep ethical and spiritual distinctions. The paradoxes to which I earlier referred were accompanied by a problem in canonical interpretation. The Buddha is reported to have referred to the one who bears or carries the skandhas. Does there then have to be a bearer behind the groups which make up the individual? If that is so, then there must be a pudgala or puggala
(Pali), translated usually as “person.” Those who argued this - known as puggalavadins - drifted from mainstream Theravada during the third century bce, and were still a powerful force in Indian Buddhism in the seventh century ce, according to the Chinese pilgrim Hsiian Tsang. The anatta or anatmavada doctrine of non-self was hard for many to grasp, though the idea of a pudgala was getting dangerously close to that of a permanent soul. There was no question, of course, of using the word atman. Probably the Buddhist rejection of the self was, in terms of incipient Indian traditions of the period, closest to being a rejection of the Samkhya concept of the purusa. At any rate, even the pudgalavadins did not assert a timeless or eternal self. In due course, the Mahayana made use of the idea of the Buddhanature, which in its own way substituted for the soul. The general point to notice is that in the Theravada the real substitute for the soul was the indi vidual capacity to attain nirvana. The Buddha-nature was likewise the capacity to attain Buddhahood. The transition to the Mahayana took varied routes. We have mentioned some: the increased devotionalism towards the Buddha, backed by art; concern about egoism in the pursuit of nirvana; and philosophical problems. Already in the schools which were proliferating in the first few centuries there was the movement known as the Lokottaravada. This claimed that the Buddha was transcendental, or literally “beyond the cosmos or Ioka." The lokottaravadins were a branch of the Mahasanghikas or those “who belonged to the great sangha.” They illustrated something which was important in much of the history of Buddhism, namely that the sangha was the authority (it was the substitute for s'ruti), but it depended on inner, and therefore questionable, control. While the community exhibited amaz ing conservatism, it was also prone to schisms. Perhaps the Mahasanghikas were the first schismatic movement. But they surely acquired, perhaps as early as the third century bce, a devotional disposition towards the founder. Out of this there evolved a very “high” buddhology. Eventually, this tendency created the ThreeBody Doctrine, of which more anon. But out of the womb of the Lokottaravada there came into being a vigorous bhakti aspect of Buddhism. This imported a differ ent logic into the tradition from that on which the early movement had been based. Dhyana or contemplation was different both in logic and practice from the life of devotion. Apart from this, there were invasions of motifs from other cultures. The growing devotional emphasis was important because it helped to promote a kind of Absolutism in Buddhism. It helped to focus on a single Something, which could be manifested personally as the Buddha or a Buddha. As for the question of the selfishness of the saint who achieves his own nirvana (nuns had a slightly less favorable position), the solution was found for many Buddhists in the ideal of the Bodhisattva (or Being destined for enlightenment). This idea, present, of course, in the very story of the Buddha, and elaborated in the Theravada through the Jataka tales, offered a way of combining destiny and com passion. So it was that the ideal of a Bodhisattva could be mobilized in an emerging worldview. The concept was the Buddha-to-be who, already having earned the merit to leave the world and attain final liberation from the round of rebirth, compassionately turns away from his ultimate salvation in order to serve all living 83
beings. He is a wonderful altruist who can help others. This Bodhisattva ideal also generated heavenly figures to whom devotion and worship could be addressed, thereby helping to combine the values of idealism and compassion. The Bodhisattva ideal was ingeniously given a philosophical basis through the notion that nirvana and sarnsara (the life of rebirth in the world) were mysteriously identical. The reasoning was philosophical in that it arose from the notion that language was misleading, backed by arguments that key concepts in our under standing of the world are self-contradictory. From this it emerged that all theories are useless, so that our accounts of reality are empty: this emptiness is, so to speak, the true nature of the world. Such an apparently nihilistic doctrine was, as it happened, in accord with the character of the contemplative life which had always formed the substance of Buddhist praxis. Further, not only is the mystical state empty of concepts and images, it also has no subject-object structure. The person feels she merges as it were with the transcendental state in which she finds herself. This reinforces the mysterious doctrine that nirvana and sarnsara are identical. Consequently, philosophy and experience seem here to coincide. One of the major arguments which came to be used in expounding this world view was based on the apparent incoherence of the idea of causation. But before we move to consider the most systematic early philosophical representation of this point of view, that of Nagarjuna (flourished about 100 ce), we must note that certain texts, called the Prajnaparamita texts, or “Perfection of Insight” texts (often also called the “Perfection of Wisdom” texts), were important during the same period in putting forth a characteristically Mahayana point of view. While emp tiness may be the absolute reality (or if you prefer unreality), the world as we encounter it is without self-nature or svabhava. The world is depicted in a pithy verse as a mirage, a lamp, an illusion, a drop of water, a dream, a flash of lightning. In short, the world is illusory. This doctrine encourages withdrawal, from one point of view, yet immersion in the world is encouraged by the very idea of the identity of nirvana and sarnsara. The individual does not need to separate himself from worldly concerns and ethical activities, because, if he only knew, he is already in a sense liberated. He has to realize the true nature of his own life and that of the world. The “Perfection of Insight” texts and others really mark a new beginning in the Buddhist worldview. For one thing, they are composed in Sanskrit - sometimes a blend of real Sanskrit and Indic languages, known as Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit. This is far from the vernaculars in which the Buddha wished his teachings to be broadcast. It involves a convergence of brahmanic and Buddhist practices. More over, the logic of these new scriptures diverges somewhat from the epistemology of the early period. There the suttas, for instance, aim to record the words of Buddha in a relatively empirical manner. Moreover, as we have seen, they are not regarded strictly as scripture. While the new texts are traced to the Buddha, as if they were preached by him, it is often in a numinous and sacred manner. The people to whom he preached these thoughts were bodhisattvas, devas or gods, demons and disci ples. These sermons were heavenly rather than earthly. Buddhism was moving away from its earlier, more empirical, ideals. That, of course, does not mean that in some sense the new Mahayana was not following the implications of the
Buddha’s early teaching. Nevertheless, the move into Sanskrit and an ambience of worship and scriptural tradition does indicate a shift away from the mostly contem plative and psychological thrust of the early philosophy. It is interesting that the core worldview is expressed in rather abstract terms. For instance, insight is seen as having three facets. In the first, it consists in realizing the emptiness of conditioned dharmas. Next, it involves the perception of the emptiness of the unconditioned elements of nirvana. Finally, it consists in the gnosis that nirvana and samsara are without genuine distinction. Here there is a synthesis between contemplative realization and philosophical discernment. But despite the abstract character of prajna, it was also personified as a goddess. This was in accord with the increasing importance of skill in means or updya in Buddhist development - that is, the notion that the Buddha understands the cultur al and psychological states of people, the better to adapt his teachings to their condition. It is probable that the “Perfection of Insight” scriptures were composed in South India, possibly by lay disciples. It is interesting that we have here a cultural area in which Mahayana and Theravadin and other motifs flourished side by side. Despite the preservation of the core of early teachings through the authority of the sangha, there was room for disagreement between monastic establishments, and this gave Buddhism possibilities of leisurely creativity in the message. In addition to the Insight literature, other major scriptures emerged in this period of the formation of the Mahayana - notably the Lotus Sutra or Saddharmapundarika, the Avatamsaka or the Ornaments of the Buddha Sutra, and the Sukhavativyuha or Pure Land Description Sutra. These emerged during the first and second centuries ce, though portions were almost certainly earlier. The most important of the early Mahayana schools was undoubtedly the Madhyamika or Madhyamaka. In effect, its founder Nagarjuna gave systematic philosophical shape to some of the themes of the “Perfection of Insight” literature. The most important theme was that of emptiness. This in a sense arises from the pratityasamutpada or dependent origination. The fact that everything is conditioned means that its nature is relative. It has no “own-nature” or svabhava. It is empty. But so is the ultimate, which lies allegedly “beyond” the empirical world. This also has no own-nature. Notable in all of his argumentation is Nagarjuna’s use of the tetralemma or fourfold negation. He universalizes that which the Buddha applied to certain questions about the Tathagata, the self and the cosmos. Nagarjuna’s justification lay partly in the notion that the “beyond” and the empirical cannot be distinguished. This being the case, the fourfold negation which in essence applied to nirvana (and because of that also to the other cases, having to do with the identity of the soul and the body, and the “ending” of the cosmos) could be applied to the whole of reality (or unreality). His use of the tetralemma highlighted the way in which he sought to destroy all drstis or views or theories. This gave his system of reasoning a negative character. It was a system of reductiones ad absurdum, and a large number of his followers kept to this negative mode of prasahga (which, oddly enough, was not generally recognized in the Indian logic of the period as a valid form of reasoning). But it was, combined with the fourfold 85
negation, an excellent vehicle for Nagarjuna’s attempt to refute all views. For instance, he could claim to have refuted all forms of causation theory, which divided into identity and non-identity accounts. And since the very fabric of our thought implies causal dependency, no theory at all could stand up to this intellec tual assault. In effect, Nagarjuna was substituting a new kind of reflection for the more traditional attention to Abhidharma - that is, for intellectual discernment of the dharmas available to perception and meditation and so to empirical access. This traditional intellectual aspect of the process of self-advancement to liberation went with contemplative effort and ethical training. To these contemplative and ethical concerns Nagarjuna was attentive. His mastery was due not just to his philosoph ical acumen, but to his pastoral influence and attentiveness. Also important in Nagarjuna’s thinking was the distinction between higher and ordinary truth - namely, paramartha and samvrti-satya. This distinction was already implicit in the Buddhist conventionalist theory of language, which distin guished between ordinary discourse and correct analysis. But the important innovation of the sharper twofold distinction is that one truth is referred to spiritual and the other to empirical matters. The idea of levels of truth had deep effects not only on Buddhist religion, but also upon Advaita theory in the Hindu tradition. As regards Buddhism, it fitted in with later organizations of practice and thinking about levels of Buddhahood. To that we shall return shortly. The notion that sarnsara and nirvana are identical implies that what we need to do to become liberated is simply to realize this: we shall realize liberation in the midst of our living. The change between being in sarnsara and being liberated is not a substantive one, but rather a matter of deep attitudes. This chimes in posi tively with the aim of insight and negatively with the claim that our lack of liberation is ultimately due to avidya or ignorance. Our trouble is that we take the cosmos as real. Rather, it is more like a mirage or illusion. From the worldly point of view, there is a higher truth to be attained, and though this is in a conventional sense true, the fact is that at the higher level the distinction between levels disappears. At the practical level, the two-truth doctrine paved the way for a synthesis (which we may owe in its formulation to Yogacara circles) of types of Buddhahood in the so-called trikdya or Three-Body or Three-Aspect teaching. This is the doctrine that the Buddha manifests at three levels. As the worldly Buddha who taught in North India, he is the Transformation Aspect, the nirmanakaya. At the celestial or heavenly level, he is the Bliss Aspect of sambhogakaya. It is, of course, a striking feature of the Mahayana that supreme Buddhas such as Amitabha and Ksitigarbha are worshipped, as well as notable Bodhisattvas such as Avalokitesvara (later Kanyin in China, having undergone a gender-change). This cult of many Buddhas coincides with a new view of the Buddha-nature, to which we shall come. In any event, the Buddhas are like Hindu gods, though less ritualized and magical. All this was a way of incorporating bhakti devotionalism into the tradition, and so in a way of beautifying it. This was updya or skill in means, and was an extension of tenden cies developing in the Hinayana or, as Hajjime Nakamura calls it, Conservative 86
Buddhism (to avoid the pejorative tone of Hinayana). The issue could be simplified as follows: Buddhism, in offering nirvana, does not offer much. It offers serenity and insight in this life, and loss of individual personal existence in the beyond. It is like a kind of spiritual suicide. It exhorts us to give up, and to exert other-directed compassion. It eliminates both self and selfishness. From this perspective, it is unat tractive. The glories of Buddhist art and the serenity of monks and nuns depict an ideal in attractive fashion which may skillfully seduce people into the path. In any event, the first two levels reflect an extension of the Buddhist piety. But there is a third level, which, so to speak, retains the integrity of the religion. The highest level is the dharmakaya of the Buddha - his abstractness as Suchness or Voidness (tathatd and sunyata). It is, as it were, the Buddha as ultimate truth, as paramartha. For in the final state of enlightenment and inner mystical light there is no distinction between subject and object. There is no distinction between the Buddha and the Truth. So there is a radical difference between the highest Aspect and the others. Despite the apparatus of devotion, the ultimate aim is that white light in which all dissolves in emptiness and yet returns in ordinary life. The rest was a kind of apparatus to facilitate our training in the path. All of this chimed in with a new view of the Buddha-nature. That notion grew from the perceptions of the Mahayana. It followed from the ideas just sketched that nirvana and Buddhahood were identical - that is, that if the Buddha is in the last resort ultimate emptiness, then anyone who achieves that state is indistinguishable from the Buddha, is indeed a Buddha. That is why, as the saying went, Buddhas are as innumerable as the sands along the Ganges. Everyone is potentially a Buddha. By the same token, she or he is a Bodhisattva, a Buddha-to-be. By taking the vow, a person steps knowingly upon the path. Of course, a Bodhisattva in the Mahayana conception puts off his final liberation, or in other words Buddhahood, until other suffering beings have been liberated, and this is an extra twist to the myth. Still, in principle everyone can and will be a Buddha. So each contains the Buddha-nature within her or him. This is the final substitute for a soul. But it can be affirmed in the Mahayana context without sacrificing the essentials of the faith - impermanence, liberation, compassion. Indeed, the idea of the Bodhisattva-path is essentially a concrete restatement of the spirit of the brahmavihdras (with, however, a special emphasis on compassion). In brief, the concepts of emptiness, non-dual awareness (advaya) and Bud dhahood could combine in a fruitful way in this mixture of mythic creativity, philosophical sophistication and ethical concern. Into this framework Nagarjuna fitted well. His Madhyamika school became the most influential in the Mahayana, though it must be said that emphases changed somewhat in China, Korea and Japan with the migration of Buddhist thought and its alteration by translation and by coming into contact with Taoism and other forces in Eastern culture. Already it had been influenced in its north-western migrations into what is now Afghanistan and along the Silk Route. It had picked up new Buddhas, such as Amitayus. In trying to bend local cultures in a Buddhistic direction, it inevitably was strongly affected by them in turn. Still, the Mahayana philosophy, such as Madhyamika and the attendant ideas of skillful means and the Three-Aspect doctrine could make 87
sense of its religious development. There were, however, further philosophical developments beyond the Madhyamika, and to these I shall turn, before sketching some of the later changes in both “Lesser Vehicle” and Madhyamika. There were positive, rather than critical and negative, extensions of the central insight of Nagarjuna. One was the Vijnanavada or Yogacara school, and the other the tradition which came to be known as Hua-yen in China - we shall come to that school when we consider the diversions and developments of Buddhist philosophy in China. As for Yogacara, its chief progenitor was Maitreyanatha (ca. 2 70 to 350 ce). The various Yogacarin works, though attributed to him, seem actually to have issued from his various important disciples. The most notable of these were the brothers Asanga and Vasubandhu of the fourth century ce. The former codifled Maitreyanatha’s teachings in distinguishing between three kinds of phenomena: those which arise from parikalpita or illusory projections of the mind; those which are paratantra or dependent realities, which have merely provisional existence; and that which is parinispanna, or perfect suchness or tathata. It is clear that the distinc tion between the last and the first two is crucial. However, more important in the structure of Idealist thinking (as it is sometimes called) is the thesis that events or dharmas are merely manifestations of so-called seeds or bijas which arise out of the so-called store-consciousness or dlayavijnana, which occurs as a kind of collective consciousness accounting for the world as manifested. The doctrine implies that phenomenal existences are nothing other than “mere representations” or vijnaptimdtratd and yet that there is some sense in which they are out there. The major treatment of the theory is attributed to Vasubandhu, Asanga’s brother. His chief expository works were the Vimsatika or “Twenty Verses” and the Trimsika or “Thir ty Verses.” There is some debate as to whether he is the same Vasubandhu who wrote the magisterial “Realist” work the Abhidharmakosa. We shall treat this sepa rately in due course: whether the author is the same Vasubandhu matters rather little, since the two sets of works are philosophically rather different in any case. The Yogacarin doctrine is described as “representation only.” Its most straight forward interpretation is to the effect that all experiences are subjective. The image of an object in consciousness does not tell us that there is an “object out there.” The general view in the school is that the seeds contained in the stored consciousness generate images. In Asanga’s work, the Mahdydnasamgraha or “Compendium of the Mahayana,” it is argued that there are no “things-in-themselves” on the follow ing grounds. First, differing states of existence generate differing consciousnesses. A stream of clean water is seen as a flaming burn by an inmate of purgatory, while a ghost would see it differently. (This is scarcely an empirical argument since ghosts and purgatory are not typically seen as parts of consciousness.) Then again, a yogin may perceive the future. Third, yogis and other meditators may acquire the ability to see something at will, and this does not imply the existence of such an object of consciousness. Finally, the higher mystic may perceive the transcendent, and there is no image of something “out there”. The bottom line of this idealism is that yoga-practice (and the Yogacarins are Yoga-practitioners literally) can transform life, in that once we realize that there are no external objects, then the consciousness has nothing to seize “out there.” We
see that we can transform our subjective life, eliminating the seeds which defile it. In due course, we can truly eliminate the effects of the store-consciousness and attain an undifferentiated unity of consciousness. This is liberation. The theory, of course, does give an account of why it is that we think that there is a real world out there. The seeds produce the various constituents of the individual, including the manas or mental organ, which, in synthesizing the deliverances of the senses, contrasts inner and outer realities. We can eliminate this sense of duality by the process of yogic training. It may be noted that the meditative consciousness is what helps to confirm the subjectivism of the school. In this we may note an epistemolog ical slant. The true source of information is the consciousness of the yogin. It is his perception of the world, from within as it were, which determines the shape of the worldview. In short, though the school has its empirical basis, it is also partial in neglecting outer for inner perception. Nevertheless, it typically recognizes the subject-object structure of ordinary perception, though Sthiramati (sixth century ce) considered this structure to be merely imagined (parikalpita). While Vasubandhu was the major thinker in the Vijnanavada, he may have made an important contribution also to Sarvastivadin thinking. (Whether or not he did depends, of course, on whether he was the author of the Abhidharmakosa as well as of the Yogacarin works.) This last work belongs to the Sautrantika stream, which diverged from the Sarvastivadins about four hundred years after the time of the Buddha. Their teachings were based more on the Sutra texts than on theAbhidharma - hence their name. The Sautrantikas held that there were real objects “out there,” but by the time the impression emanated by them reached the con sciousness they were already gone. They held to the ksanika theory, according to which all events are momentary. Only the present really exists (since the past and the future, strictly speaking, do not exist), and it leaves behind it a trace of “per fume,” which accounts for later effects. By contrast, the mainstream Sarvastivadins held that dharmas exist all along, but manifest themselves only momentarily. Vasubandhu’s magisterial work formed a main source for interpreting the conser vative Buddhist tradition and was influential in China. Meanwhile, somewhat in contrast to the Madhyamika emphasis upon emp tiness, and its “negative theology” in Buddhism, there emerged various Mahayana scriptures - most notably the Lankavatara Sutra or Descent on Lanka Sutra - which emphasized more positively the notion of the Buddhahood of individuals. This more “positive buddhology” is given to stressing the Buddha-nature in us all. But actual ly the contrast is not a strong one with the Voidism of the Madhyamika. Its effects were fairly evident, however, in the Far East, where the Lankavatara was influential. So far the Mahayana schools can be seen as philosophical, though always with outreach to the spiritual quest. There is little in Buddhist philosophy which is not genuinely related to pragmatics. Buddhism was a highly conceptual tradition, and this has revived in modern times. For Buddhism, philosophical doctrines are soteriologically vital. In the case of Pure Land Buddhism, which also emerged powerfully in the trend towards Mahayana and high Mahayana faith, the emphasis was heavily on the devotional; the philosophical dimension was much less evident. It arose as a religious movement based on the thought that as we get further and
further away from the time of the Buddha Gautama himself there is less and less chance of attaining liberation, except that celestial Buddhas and Bodhisattvas may help us. The logic of worship is that we have nothing and God has much: it is through his or her grace that we raise ourselves. So too with celestial Buddhas, and above all Amitabha, who has created a Pure Land or Paradise, far to the West, whither the otherwise unfaithful may be transferred if they just call on the Buddha in faith. This parallel to Lutheranism is remarkable, and the faith caught hold in India, but even more strongly in East Asia, and especially in Japan. Another trend in Mahayana philosophy had to do with logic. Perhaps the great est of the Buddhist logicians was Dignaga (late fifth century ce), who simplified the existing (Nyaya) syllogism and gave new concision to Buddhist epistemology. The point was that logic itself was seen as a mode of acquiring knowledge, so that logic and epistemology were fused together. His successor, Dharmakirti (about 600 to 650 ce), regarded the Buddha as a source of knowledge, in addition to perception and inference. This was logical in terms of the Mahayana, though it shifted Buddhism in the direction of Hindu thinking, which recognized testimony as a source of knowledge (including testimony through scriptures, or rather the oral brahmanical tradition). As traditions moved on there were of course divisions. Thus the Madhyamika school divided into those who considered Nagarjuna’s method to be prasangika (the method of reductio ad absurdum) and those who saw it as savtantrika (the meaning of which we shall come back to). The most eminent interpreter advancing the Prasangika view was Chandrakirti (early seventh century ce). Before that there was Buddhapalita (4 70?-540?). He in turn was strongly criticized on logical grounds by Bhavaviveka (late fifth, early sixth century ce). The dispute was an important one and was concerned more with metaphysics than with logic. On the one hand, the Prasaiigikas argued that Nagarjuna’s dialectic was really negative. It argued for the destruction of all views, and thus even one’s own view was empty. On the other hand, their opponents argued that there had to be some worldview being proposed. The debate was important, but it is difficult to see how a pure Prasangika position can be maintained. The dialectic between the negative and positive ways of treating the ultimate produced some vigorous notions of the latter type, notably the idea of the Buddhaessence or Tathdgatagarbha, which was already present in the earliest Mahayana texts, but which later received a more luminous exposition in the Lankdvatdra Sutra and in works such as Maitreyanatha’s Ratnagotravibhaga (fourth century ce). The Buddha-essence is thought of as dwelling in each living being, and has timeless significance. It substitutes spiritually for a soul or atman. While its nature is con sidered to be emptiness, according to the two-level theory of truth, it has a transcendent nature: it is positively considered to be the ultimate. Meanwhile, from the sixth to the twelfth centuries ce, when Buddhism was fading from India, partly under the impact of the Muslim invasions, a third form of religion and philosophy, the Vajrayana or Diamond Vehicle, much identified with Tantric practices, was developing in India and came to be especially important in Tibet as Buddhism took root there. It also, of course, had influence further
east and in South-East Asia too. From one point of view, Tantra could be seen as ritual in form. Mantras or ritual formulae and practices were absorbed into Bud dhism, and brought it much closer to the Hindu tradition. The ritualizing of Buddhism meant the fusing of inner yogic practices, on the one hand, and external means of influencing devas and other supernatural forces. From another per spective, it involved the breaking of taboos in order to create higher states of self-control and spirituality. A number of vital texts can be mentioned. There was the Mahdvairocandbhisambodhi (seventh century ce or earlier), the Hevajra Tantra, a so-called mother tantra, and the Guhyasamdja, a so-called father tantra. The former emphasizes the bliss of insight or prajna, which was often portrayed as a goddess. The latter emphasizes mediation on the emptiness of upaya and the presence of the dharma aspect in the world. We shall return to an elaboration of tantric themes in treating of Tibetan Buddhism. The latter was important not only because it pre served and developed Tantric Buddhism, but also because it preserved a wealth of Sanskrit texts which represent important swathes of Indian philosophical and religious thought. Meanwhile, from the first century ce, Buddhism was seeping into China via the Silk Route, and later into South-East China by sea. All forms of Buddhism came to be present in the Middle Kingdom. Philosophically, there were important deve lopments arising from the interaction of Buddhism with various Chinese themes and schools, most notably Daoism (both philosophical and religious). The texts and monks, as they reached China, exhibited a bewildering diversity of schools emanat ing from India. The task of translation took several centuries, and it was chiefly in the Sui and Tang periods (589-906 ce) that new syntheses were achieved. As Buddhism became consolidated in a Chinese version it came to coexist reasonably amicably with the Daoist and Confucian traditions to form the so-called “Three Religions of China.” It is true that in the second millennium it tended to be looked on as popular, rather than elite and intellectual, but in fact it was in this period that it had its greatest effect on Confucian philosophy, stimulating a more metaphysical and contemplative version. The new synthesis achieved in the Sui and Tang periods was the product of two main impulses. One was the challenge of dealing with the splendid but difficult diversity. Could some sort of order be imposed on the heterogeneous texts and doctrines? The result was a kind of scholastic dispensationalism - a federalism of the Buddhist spirit, as it were, assigning patterns of development and growth. The other impulse was towards radical simplification. (See Erik Ziircher’s fine article on this in the Encyclopedia of Religion). To some extent, this could be seen in Pure Land Buddhism, but it was most clearly evident in the formation of Chan. Chan Buddhism helped to cut through the tangle of varied doctrines. It restored to Buddhism its main contemplative base. It is true that its style differed from, say, Theravada, but it has strong affinities to early Theravada, especially as seen in the Theragatha and Therigatha. Another school that was important in the Chinese tra dition and one which had a Chinese stamp, though it had its source in the Avatamsaka Sutra, was the Huayan school. We shall discuss this first, then the complex attempts at a dispensational synthesis, and finally Chan.
Huayan, based on the Avatamsaka or “Flower Ornament” scripture, is important because it gave a highly positive interpretation of the pratityasamutpada. From a traditional Buddhist point of view, this was often interpreted as showing that, because of relativity, each event or entity in the world is empty - that is, lacking in its own substantial nature or svabhava. But from the Huayan worldview, it means that everything in the cosmos is connected. It is true that there is much else in the miraculous text, with its wonderful depiction of the Bodhisattva’s path. Neverthe less, the interdependency of all things in the world is the most important message. It is summed up in the metaphor of Indra’s net, in which a jewel at each intersection of the web reflects every other jewel. This glittering metaphor for the universe has its echoes in some aspects of modern cosmology. Be that as it may, the picture conveyed a more positive view of the Buddha’s message than typical interpreta tions. The Huayan tradition credits as its first patriarch Fashun (also known as Dushun, 557-640). The next important figure was Zhizheng (559-639). During subsequent developments, the influence of Huayan spread to Korea and Japan. Huayan produced a theory of other forms of Buddhism, and saw itself as the true and rounded doctrine. According to this account, the Theravada and other kinds of Hinayana taught the emptiness of the self and of the things in the world, but they did not teach underlying insight. The early Mahayana radicalized the doctrine of emptiness, but became too idealistic. The tradition of the Tathdgatagarbha likewise ran the risk of a lack of realism about the events of the cosmos. The Chan school and some earlier texts underestimated the effectiveness of language and undervalued the importance of efforts at self-control. Only the Huayan, therefore, had a balanced and middle doctrine. It was the ultimate path, subsuming and surpassing the other forms of Buddhism. In a way, it followed the idea of federalizing Buddhist schools. Other Chinese schools had other paths to this goal. The chief founder of the Tiantai school was Zhiyi (538-597). He inspired a schematism (finalized by later scholars) which saw the Buddha’s teachings as being expressed in five periods: first the Huayan period (meaning the Buddha first taught this philosophy); second, the Agama or DeerPark period, when the Buddha taught the Lesser Vehicle, because his audience was incapable of grasping the Huayan message; third, there was the first Mahayana phase, when the Buddha demolished the Hinayana, and praised greater perfection; fourth, he preached the Lotus Sutra, the quintessence of his teaching; finally, though, as he was dying, he taught not only basic discipline, but the eternity of the Buddha. This schema was elaborated by subsequent Tiantai scholastics. Though it was a sort of dispensationalism, assigning diverse teachings to differing ages, it was projected back on the life of the Buddha without regard to real historicity. Still, it was a great achievement which seemed to make sense of the diversity of the texts and of Buddhist history. This was a main reason for its popularity in China and beyond. In addition, Zhiyi classified differing elements of teaching and differing styles of meditation, and in all of this aimed to create not only a historical synthesis, but a doctrinal and a pragmatic or pastoral one as well. If Huayan and Tiantai represent two major achievements of Chinese Buddhist thinking, probably Chan is the most powerful in subsequent influence. According
to the tradition, it was brought to China by Bodhidharma (died ce 520), a brahmin convert from South India. His historicity is open to question, but he plays a vital role in Chan narrative. The school he is supposed to have founded shows a strong Chinese flavor, partly because some of its principles are close to those of philosoph ical Daoism. While it is clearly Buddhist in its emphasis on meditation and loyalty to the figure of the Buddha, it has heterodox characteristics. This is summed up in a famous verse, dating from later in the tradition: A special tradition outside of the scriptures; No dependence on written words; Pointing directly at the human heart; Seeing into one’s own nature and achieving Buddhahood.
It is true that Buddhism in theory does not depend on scriptures, but given the huge role they played in the transmission and development of the Buddha’s message, the Chan announcement was alarming. Even Bodhidharma is supposed to have com mended the Lankavatara Sutra. In fact, Chan practitioners were often, like other Buddhist monks, keen scholars. Nevertheless, the directness of Chan methods led to a great simplification of Buddhist thinking. As the school developed, five branches emerged, of which the most important were the Linji (founded by Linji, who died in 866) and the Caodong (named after its two founders, both of the ninth century). The former was the dominant Chan school during the Song dynasty, and was associated with the notion of sudden enlightenment or illumination. It made use of paradoxical formulas and dialectical questioning, meant to jolt the conceptual activity of the adept. These gongan puzzles were proposed by a master to his pupil, and the latter, in struggling with their apparent absurdity, runs up against the boundaries of logic. Part of the idea has to do with language: while it is necessary for communication, it distorts reality, which is simply “there” (or if we are talking about the inner world, simply “here”). The discipline of Chan is itself perhaps paradoxical. It is supposed to give rise to spontaneous “conversion,” but the meth od involves the master-pupil relationship. The master guides the pupil in his spir itual path and in his struggle to attain enlightenment. The Caodong school emphasized a gradualist approach in contrast to the sudden-enlightenment approach of the Linji. The school of Fayan (885-958) combined Huayan meta physics with Chan meditation. Chan influenced Neo-Confucianism and later made a considerable mark in Korea and Japan. It was also of great artistic importance, its influence upon painting in China being considerable, as is seen in the several versions of the famous ox-herding pictures and in the genius of Liang Kai (early thirteenth century). Mongolian rule in China between 1280 and 1368 had the effect of planting Mongolian and Tibetan Buddhist influence in China. The modern period saw the need for reform in China, especially after the 1911 Revolution, and indeed Buddhism attempted to purify itself, especially under the leadership of Taixu (1899-1947). However, the period was not a propitious one, with civil wars, World War II and the victory of Communism. It is only in recent years that 93
Buddhist religion in China is making a tentative recovery. Philosophical thinking was more vigorous in Japan. Probably the most important contribution of Korean Buddhism lay in the thought of Chinul (1158-1210), who synthesized Son (Chan) Buddhism with Huayan. In this, he revivified scholastic Buddhism and the meditation tradition, which in his view had become somewhat degenerate during his time. Another vital Korean development was the founding of Won Buddhism, a kind of “perennial philosophy” Buddhism with Daoist, Confucian and other elements, by Pak Chung-bin (1891-1943) in 1916. It was in the middle of the fifth century ce that Buddhism was first introduced to the Japanese court, but it was some time later that the regent Shotoku (574-622) systematically brought in important texts and traditions. Subsequently, in the Nara period (eighth century) three main philosophical schools were represented - name ly, the Sanron (Madhyamika), Hosso (Yogacara), and Kegon (Huayan). There was also study of Lesser Vehicle texts, notably the Abhidharmakosa (or Kosha). Notable during the subsequent Heian period (794-1185) was the establishment of an ecumenical and pluralistic Tendai school (Tiantai), by Saicho (767-822), who had immersed himself in Hosso, Kegon, Sanron, and Zen forms of the faith. It was universalist in recognizing the Buddhahood of all of humankind, and indeed of sentient beings more generally, and he took a positive stance towards the world of phenomena. He was thus only partially idealistic, and not utterly nihilistic (as some members of the Sanron might have appeared). The Lotus Sutra provided an em bracing worldview. Tendai eventually won court approval and became profoundly influential in Japanese life, which characteristically often favored theories of harmony over those emphasizing division. Another school of influence during this period was Shingon, founded by Kukai (also known as Kobo Daishi, 774835). This esoteric movement combined yoga with ritual, both in the form of gestures of mudras and magical formulae (or perhaps we should say mantric utterances). During the Kamakura period (1185-1333), there developed an intense sense of decline in Buddhism. It had long been thought that the further one gets from the time of the Buddha the further one finds oneself from the possibility of salvation. Hence during mappo (or the age of the decline of Buddhism), one needs to rely for liberation on the saving grace of Amida (Amitabha) Buddha, who conveniently has created a Pure Land far to the West whither all those who call on his name in faith will be conveyed. The Pure Land is paradise, but also a place where things are propitious for the rapid attainment of nirvana. By means of this myth and maneu ver, nirvana is, as it were, translated from this world to the next. The second and strongest phase of Pure Land Buddhism was initiated by Shinran (1173-1262), who radically reshaped Buddhism in certain ways. As Shinran saw it, the vow to Amida Buddha became more important than taking refuge in the three jewels (triratna) of traditional Buddhism, since if a good person could be saved by Amida, how much more important would it be for a sinner to be saved in this way. This extreme doctrine of grace is strikingly similar to the teaching of Lutheranism and other forms of Protestantism - so much so that Francis Xavier on reaching Japan 94
regretted the fact that Luther had been there before him! However, probably the most important development of Buddhist thinking in Japan was Zen, both in its Rinzai (Linji) form, founded by Eisai (1141-1215), and in its Soto (Caodong) form, founded by Dogen (1200-1253). Eisai presented a radical view of language, but was more ecumenical in relation to other kinds of Buddhism. He tended to be nationalist in thinking of the role of Zen with respect to the state. While Eisai was keen on the use of the koan, Dogen was more traditional in his emphasis on sitting meditation or zazen. But both actually reflected central concerns of Buddhism, and in a way they were going back to the Theravada, even though the latter was less optimistic about the attainment of enlightenment. In modern times, Zen came to have a considerable impact in the West. Modern Japan, of course, underwent great changes during the Meiji period and after. Among the more important figures in Buddhist thinking in the modern period, there is Nishida Kitarb (1870-1945), no doubt modern Japan’s foremost philosopher. He developed, against the background of Western Neo-Kantianism, a Buddhist philosophy of nothingness, sometimes using place as an analogy, accord ing to which absolute nothingness or the mirror of Dharma presents itself in the individuals of the world. His student, Tanabe Hajjime (1885-1962), helped to form the famous Kyoto School. He was a philosopher of mathematics, but also developed a theory of ethnic species - in other words, nationalism. A not dissimilar philosophy was to be found in the works of Watsuji Tetsuro (1889-1960), who wrote Ethics as Anthropology, which saw morals as communitarian in origin and meaning. Very influential after World War II was the writing of Suzuki Daisetsu Teitaro (1870-1966), otherwise known as D. T. Suzuki. His writings on Zen constantly stressed the importance of transcending the intellect. He had a philosophical side, not distant from Nishida’s, to whom he was close. He saw religion as going beyond science, and in his later years critiqued the latter. Meanwhile, though Buddhism influenced the Far East earlier than it did Tibet, it not only suffused that culture, but was developed there too, and in Mongolia. Probably the most important figures in Tibetan Buddhism were Atlsa (982-1054) from Bengal or Bihar, whose task in Tibet was to reform monastic discipline and spiritual life, and to introduce some important Indian ideas and texts, notably the Prajndparamita texts, and Tson-kha-pa (1357-1382), whose scholastic Lam rim chen mo set out in some detail the stages of the meditative path. But Tibetan Bud dhism is rich in documentation, so that part of its importance lies in its capacity to let us recover some of the more important Indian (and Chinese) ideas. We may now look at modern developments in the various Buddhist countries of the world as well as in the West. It is obvious, of course, that the colonial period provided a profound cultural and intellectual shock to Buddhist cultures and coun tries. It tended to stimulate revivals in various nations, such as Sri Lanka, Thailand, China and elsewhere. In Sri Lanka it was to some degree an organizational reforma tion, as well as a spiritual one. But it was an intellectual one too. The foundation of the Pali Text Society was important, in making the Pali canon easily available to people in South-East Asia and in Sri Lanka. The translations of the texts opened Westerners’ eyes to the sophistication of the Buddhist religion, while the Sacred
Books of the East (1879-1904), edited by F. Max Muller (1823-1900), the German Oxford professor helped to educate Westerners in Buddhist, Hindu and other writings. In Theravadin countries the revival of Buddhism was partly an early modernist movement in which Buddhist texts were seen in relation to science. A main mover in Thailand was the king, who was also a monk, Mongkut (180418 68). He demythologized the older, more fabulous accounts of the cosmos. He had his foreign minister and friend publish a book, Kitchanukt (Explaining Various Things), issued in 18 6 7, which used then modern astronomy, geology, and so on, to explain events without recourse to gods and other supernaturals. The intent was naturalistic. Heaven and hell were demythologized too, being presented as myths for the purpose of inculcating ethical behavior. He was also involved in reforming the sangha. Thus he and his son Chulalongkorn helped to radically modernize Thailand. Meanwhile, in Burma (Myanmar), Sri Lanka and elsewhere in the re gion, there were attempts to bring Buddhism to a stronger and purified state. It was, however, in Sri Lanka that a modern East-West synthesis took deepest philosoph ical root, especially through the work of philosophers such as G. P. Malalasekara and K. N. Jayatilleke. The former (1899-1973) was important in presenting a Buddhism which also cut through the differences between the Theravada and the Mahayana. He was, in fact, the first President of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, founded in 1950, and was also editor of the important Encyclopedia of Buddhism. Malalasekara was perhaps more a philologist and a historian than a philosopher proper, but his contributions to Buddhist thinking were wide-ranging. He was a major creator of what may be called modernist Buddhism. (Others coined the less appropriate phrase, Protestant Buddhism.) He worked closely with Jayatilleke (1924-70), whose most vital book was Early Buddhist Theory of Knowledge. This presents a very plausible account of the Buddha’s teachings from the Pali canon, seeing them as “empiricism plus” - “plus” for two reasons: first, because paranor mal experiences were subsumed under the head of empirical experience, and second, because of nirvana, which is there (so to speak) ineffably beyond the em pirical world, including the paranormal. In his posthumous The Message of the Buddha, Jayatilleke expressed a modernist Buddhism intelligible to the layperson. While other new movements in Sri Lanka have a more pragmatic and spiritual character, there is little doubt that Malalasekara and Jayatilleke presented a type of Buddhism well adapted to the thinking of the contemporary world, and aligned with scientific attitudes. Finally, there is a Buddhist philosophy to consider in the West. Buddhism is a very philosophical religion, even if its philosophical thoughts are also pragmatic and contemplative. But even Bertrand Russell had his views on happiness. And so Buddhism has proved somewhat attractive to Western intellectuals and certainly in a modest way to thoughtful Westerners interested in spirituality. In Europe, Theravada, being thought to be the more original and older Buddhism, was ad mired in part because, in dispensing with the idea of God, it could be seen as both agnostic and spiritual. It appealed to the disillusioned Victorian, and its ethics were noble and rational. However, it was philosophers who really first began to infuse Western intellectuality with Buddhist thoughts. Schopenhauer (1788-1860) was
notable in affirming his solidarity with Buddhism, though in fact his ideas preceded his acquaintance with Eastern thought (including the Upanisads). Still there were overlaps with Buddhist ideas. His pessimism allegedly coincided with Buddhist gloom. In fact, Western apprehension in this regard was mistaken. It is true that there is in Buddhism the thought of duhkha or illfare, but one of the great divine states or great ethical precepts is mudita or joy-in-others’-joy. At a rather lower level of intellectual activity, but important all the same - in fact, most important in the renaissance of intellectual Buddhism in Ceylon - was the Theosophical movement of Blavatsky and Olcott. Olcott’s trip to Ceylon and their design of the Buddhist flag were important for Theravada Buddhists, and all of this helped to spark some of the intellectual renaissance we have alluded to in dealing with modern Ceylon. Meanwhile, parallel effects could be attributed to scholarly works on Buddhist texts. The work of Sir Edwin Arnold, namely The Light of Asia, a fine poem, had a great effect in late Victorian times. Meanwhile Buddhism came to be perceived philosophically primarily through relatively popular works, such as Alan Watts’s The Way of Zen, which became important in the United States in the 1960s, a period of scepticism, spirituality and revolt. Intellectuals could And it useful to espouse Zen, because of its view of lan guage as purely human and distorting. It was an irrationalist position, for example, that Watts expressed, and irrationalism is useful to those who wish to adopt a spiritual position. Not dissimilar views, as we have seen, had been expressed earlier by Suzuki. On the whole, Western philosophy has not paid much attention to non-Western thinking. It has therefore not paid much attention to Buddhist philosophy. The reasons are various, although chief among them must stand colonial arrogance. There is now, however, an increasing concern for Buddhist thinking. One reason for this is the greater interest in religions generally, dating in part from the turbu lence of the 1960s. Another is the growth of Religious Studies departments in Anglophone universities. Another is the emergence of journals such as Philosophy East and West. Finally, there is a growing interest in cross-cultural issues, both in religion and in philosophy. New insights have been gleaned, for example, in com parative investigations into Buddhism and Wittgenstein, Buddhism and human rights, Buddhism and the environment. These inquiries may in the long run turn out to be very fruitful. There is in the meantime an immense amount of descriptive, rather than conceptual work being done in the held of Buddhist studies. It is rea sonable to think that the divergence between the traditional Buddhist world and the so-called Western world has begun to fade. It is to be hoped that this will increasingly apply in the field of philosopy. In any event, the greater prevalence of Buddhist texts and of the books of Nishida and other important contemporary Buddhist philosophers will in the long run make a difference. Bibliography Ch’en, Kenneth 1964: Buddhism in China (Princeton: Princeton University Press). Conze, Edward 1951: Buddhism: Its Essence and Development (Oxford: B. Cassier).
Dumoulin, Heinrich 1953: The Development of Chinese Zen (New York: First Zen Institute of America). ------1963: A History of Zen Buddhism (New York: Pantheon Books). Eliot, Charles 1964: fapanese Buddhism (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul). Fung, Yu-lan 1952-3: A History of Chinese Philosophy, 2 Vols. (Princeton: Princeton University Press). Guenther, Herbert V. 1957: Philosophy and Psychology in the Abhidharma (Berkeley: Shambhala). Jayatilleke, K. N. 1963: Early Buddhist Theory of Knowledge (London; Allen & Unwin). Junjiro, Takakasu 1964: The Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy (Honolulu). Murti, T. R. V. 1955: The Central Philosophy of Buddhism (London: Allen & Unwin). Nakamura, Hajjime 1964: Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples (Tokyo: Print Bureau, Japanese Government). ------1980: Indian Buddhism: a Survey with Bibliographical Notes. Robinson, Richard H. 1976: Early Madhyamika in India and China (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press). Smart, Ninian 1992: Doctrine and Argument in Indian Philosophy (Leiden: E. J. Brill). Streng, Frederick J. 1967: Emptiness: a Study in Religious Meaning (Nashville: Abingdon Press). Suzuki, D. T. 1961: Essays in Zen Buddhism (New York: Grove Press). Thomas, Edward J. 1933: The History of Buddhist Thought (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.). Tucci, Giuseppe 1980: The Religions of Tibet (Berkeley: University of California Press). Walpola, Rahula 1967: What the Buddha Taught (Bedford: Gordon Fraser Gallery). Warder, A. K. 1970: Indian Buddhism. Zurcher, Erik 1959: The Buddhist Conquest of China (Leiden: E. J. Brill).
Islamic philosophy: an overview TAMARA ALBERTINI Islamic philosophy developed within a highly diversified doctrinal and religious tradition, and consequently represents a very complex phenomenon encompassing many different political, intellectual, dogmatic, and spiritual movements. Insight into the historical circumstances that shaped Islamic thought is necessary for an understanding of Arabic philosophical concerns in the early period of Islam and for subsequent Muslim intellectual interests. It also helps, of course, in approaching topics, themes and genres of Islamic philosophy that cannot be appreciated by applying only the standards set by occidental thought. Questions of philosophical significance relating to the Quran, the humanistic disciplines (particularly language and history), juridical theology or Shi'ite spirituality will therefore be treated in this paper with the same measure of consideration as the Westernoriginated concepts of the rationalist schools in Islam. Only in this way can we avoid the temptation to restrict our discussion to those few Muslim thinkers who, in constructing their philosophical systems, have stood on the shoulders of the an cient Greek philosophers, and whose books have therefore become known to the Latin West.
Historic survey
Considering the salient features of politics, theology, and education in the early Islamic empire, we notice three factors that have particularly contributed to the richness of Islamic intellectual life: 1 The influence of cultural sources foreign to the original Arabic cultural area and the intellectual competition among different religious and ethnic communities. 2 The division of Islam into Sunnism and Shfism, and subsequently into numer ous religious schools with diverging (and occasionally contradictory) forms of spirituality. 3 The ideal of purity in language and religion and the struggle for religious ortho doxy in the dispute between Rationalists and Traditionalists within Sunni Islam ic theology.
(1) The influence of cultural sources foreign to the original Arabic cultural area and the intellectual competition among different religious and ethnic communities. From the beginning, the Muslim world had to deal with various highly civilized nations 99
surrounding the Arabian Peninsula, the original territory from which Islam emerged. The Persian and the Byzantine empires, with their refined cultures and well established religions, presented particular challenges. When nations of the neighbouring empires converted to Islam and transferred their cultural achieve ments into a Muslim Weltanschauung, the early Islamic rulers faced serious difficul ties in harmonizing the different traditional backgrounds of these nations, which had elaborated incompatible legal systems, produced their own forms of erudition, and learned to appreciate the highest standards of artistic expression in ways some times contrary to Islamic prescriptions. On the one hand, the religion of the Arab conquerors and their language (which they took to be the language in which God himself had chosen to manifest his will) contributed much to the creation of a religious and political union. As F. E. Peters puts it in his study, Aristotle and the Arabs: Islam ... was not so much a State with an Established Religion as a Religion with an Established Language. The Qur’an was in Arabic, and the prime miracle persuasive of the fact that it was indeed the Word of God was the perfection of its language. (Peters, 1968, p. 34)
On the other hand, however, problems arising from the new socio-economic condi tions still had to be solved. The legal sphere in particular called for clear guidelines. Already the first ruling Islamic dynasty, the Umayyads (661-750), realized that neither the Quran nor examples taken from the Hadith (the record of the actions and sayings of the Prophet and his companions) alone could help to decide all questions of socio-political life, not even all questions relating to religious and ethical matters. Sources and methods foreign to the Arabo-Islamic culture had to be explored and evaluated as to their applicability - and as to their compatibility with Islamic regulations. Besides, Islam considered itself to be a religion based on knowledge: the study of non-Islamic documents, therefore, did not represent eo ipso a threat to religious orthodoxy. The lack of satisfactory theoretical principles in politics and ethics was, however, not the sole motive underlying the many translations commissioned by the Umayyads and their successors, the 'Abbasids. Thus one should not overlook the fact that the Islamic world of the seventh century represented a rising culture, anxious to measure its intellectual potential against the achievements of older cultures. How deeply Islam felt its cultural backwardness can be seen from the way in which official positions were distributed in the early Muslim empire. While the higher offices in government and the army were entrusted to Arabs, the care of the arts and sciences fell to non-Arabs, in particular to Syrian Christians (who themselves spoke a Semitic language and had already appropriated much of Greek science into their own idiom and culture). Another indication of the new cultural orientation was the shifting of the capital of the Umayyad empire from Medina to Kufa (in Iraq) and finally to Damascus. The Arabic holy city con tinued to foster a knowledge of law and tradition, but it was the Syrian city that
ISLAMIC philosophy: an overview
became the political and economic capital as well as the centre of the arts and letters. Kufa, on the other hand, remained a chief seat of intellectual life in which, as in Basra, Arabs, Persians, Muslims, Christians and Jews competed in knowledge and skills.
(2) The division of Islam into Sunnism and Shfism, and subsequently into numerous religious schools with diverging (and occasionally contradictory) forms of spirituality. Islam payed a high price for the rapid expansion of its empire in the first decades of its existence. While it could be proud of having conquered a territory reaching from the Indus to the Atlantic in just eighty years, it had to deplore the loss of its doctrinal union at a very early stage in its development. The political consequences of reli gious factionalism included numerous insurrections and long-lasting enmities within the Islamic world. At the same time, however, the doctrinal differences left their marks on the fields of politics, law and ethics, and thus clearly contributed to the enhancement of intellectual life. The following discussion will concentrate on those movements that challenged the authority of the first Caliphs. (Information on the main schools of the Sunni tradition will be provided in the next section.) It will mainly concern their concepts of the Imamate, since these had a major impact on the political theories of Islam. The first to separate were the Kharijites, who in 657 protested against 'All ibn Abi Talib, the fourth Caliph (656-661), because he had submitted a theological dispute to arbitration and thus placed a human tribunal above the divine word. In the course of its dispute with 'All the rigoristic Kharijite sect introduced a new criterion legitimating the power of the Imamate. Qurayshi birth - that is, affiliation to the leading families of Medina - was no longer held to constitute a sufficient qualification: instead, every morally and religiously impeccable believer could be raised by the community to the dignity of the Imamate. In connection to the formulation of this moral criterion, the sect developed a strict religious ethic, reject ing the doctrine of justification by faith alone. As a result, the commission of a mortal sin led to the loss of one’s claim to the title of believer. A few years after the Kharijite separation, which generated further subdivisions, the major schism in Islamic history occurred - one that still divides the Muslim world into two communities, a Sunnite and a Shiite. When Mu'awiya, the former governor of Syria, defeated the fourth Imam and his sons in 661 and founded the Umayyad Caliphate, the party (Shia) of'All split and gave birth to a new spiritual movement, that of the ShTite Muslims. The opposition, which at first appeared to be a merely political movement, soon developed its own doctrinal traditions including its own version of the Hadlth and, to some extent, of the Quran itself, since it accused the Sunnites of having purged the Quran of passages revealing the legiti macy of'All. Despite the divergent versions of the two major sources of Islamic religion and even though Sunnites and Shfites follow their own respective schools of Law (the Twelver Shfites, for instance, are essentially Ja'farites, from Ja'far al-Sadiq, the sixth Shfite Imam, whom they considered a high authority in Islamic Law), their 101
understanding and application of the 'ibadat (laws regulating ritual and religious observances) and the usul al~flqh (methodology of Muslim jurisprudence) do not represent a serious basis of dispute. But the substantial doctrinal differences are related, as in the case of the Kharijites, to the notion of the Imamate. While for Sunnites the Caliph is a political leader concerned with the care of religious matters without himself necessarily being a theologian, the Shi'ites made it an indispen sable condition that the chief leader of the community be a descendant of 'AIT, which, in their view, was essential to his office as the “Keeper of the Book.” Other criteria to be considered included investiture (n«ss) and impeccability ('ism«). His torically, the expectation that the Imam be capable of interpreting the Quran had to do with 'All’s own exegetic work. According to his testimony, the Prophet himself taught him the method to employ: Not a single verse of the Quran descended upon (was revealed to) the Messenger of God which he did not proceed to dictate to me and make me recite. I would write it with my own hand, and he would instruct me as to its tafsir (literal explanation) and the ta’wil (the spiritual exegesis), the ndsikh (the verse which abrogates) and the mansukh (the abrogated verse), the muhkam and the mutashdbih (the fixed and the ambiguous), the particular and the general. (Corbin, 1993, p. 46)
We And here exegetic guidelines that came to be thoroughly explored and further developed in the later Shi'ite tradition - and which also determined some of the approaches to be used in works on grammar and lexicography. The emphasis on the kinship with Muhammad, however, is not to be understood as a mere sign of respect to the religious founder. It has rather to do with the Shi'ite, particularly Twelver Shi'ite, prophetology according to which there is an eternal Muhammadan Reality (haqlqa muhammadiyyd) - one could also say “Logos” - that is identical with the “true Adam,” or the archetypal human Form. This prophetic Reality has a twofold nature, an exoteric and an esoteric one. While the exoteric nature had an earthly manifestation in the person of Muhammad, the esoteric one manifestated itself in 'All. By stating the existence of a spiritual relationship connecting the Prophet and the Imam prior to their earthly kinship, the Shi'ite doctrine clearly developed a concept of the Imamate that is part of its prophetology. One problem, however, that this doctrine had to solve beforehand, had to do with the general Islamic belief according to which Muhammad is the “Seal of the Prophets,” the last of God’s messengers. ShTism had therefore to explain the continuing manifestations of the esoteric dimension of the eternal Muhammadan Reality. It dealt with this problem by stating that the closing of the cycle of prophecy coincides with the opening of another cycle, which is the cycle of spiritual initiation in which the Imam as the reader of the Quran’s hidden message plays a preponderant role (Corbin, 1993, pp. 41-3). Even though not all Shi'ite sects accept all aspects of this belief in the Imam as the esoteric dimension of the eternal prophetic reality, a common ground among these sects can be found in the highly spiritual value that they place on the Imam’s exegesis of the Quran. 102
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Another common concept is the notion of the Imam’s martyrdom (and more generally the concept of passion) that is historically founded in the assassination of 'AH and the violent death or mysterious disappearance of many Shi'ite Imams. Some earlier Islamic sources distinguish three main branches of Shfism - the Zaydls, the Imamls, and the Ghulat - on the basis of how these interpreted the death of the Imam. Of these three branches, the Zaydls came nearest to Sunnism (which eventually absorbed them) in that they conceived the martyrdom of the Imam to be of merely political significance. In addition, they expressed in purely rational terms their belief that God’s manifestation in the chief religious leader was a matter merely of divine “right guidance.” The Imamls, by contrast, believed in an influx of divine light into the descendants of'All, but still maintained the reality of the Imam’s death. The Ghulat (literally, the “excessive ones”) is what the Zaydls and Imamls called those Shi'ites for whom the epiphany is to be taken in an abso lute sense. Zaydls applied to this purpose the principle of hulul (derived from the Aristotelian doctrine of hylomorphism) and believed that the death of the Imam was nothing but a withdrawal of the deified. The subdivisions of the Zaydls include the Qarmatis, IsmaTHs, Druzes, Nusayris, and 'All Ilahls, who differed from one another not only in some of the sources they used and commented upon, but also in the way in which they conceived society. The most extreme position was that adopted by the Qarmatis (defunct already by the twelfth century) who pleaded for social reforms and equality as a base of justice. The common possession of property and, at times, of women - along lines similar to those advanced in Plato’s Republic - were the most distinctive of the social features they advocated. Today, the main branches of Shi'ism are represented by Imamls and IsmaTlis, who are also called Twelver Shfites and Sevener Shfites respectively, in accordance with the number of Imams they recognize.
(3) The ideal ofpurity in language and religion and the struggle for religious orthodoxy in the dispute between Rationalists and Traditionalists within Sunni Islamic theology. The search for linguistic and doctrinal purity generated two prevalent intellectual movements in Islam: humanism and scholasticism. Since these are appellations that scholars in the history of ideas usually apply to periods of the Western tradi tion, some information needs to be provided in order to show the Muslim author ship of these movements - an authorship that does not imply that there were no other factors that helped to shape the later Western “equivalents” (Makdisi, 1990, pp. 329-31). Humanism or adab, which is still in our day considered an ideal of learning and erudition in the Arabic world, arose in the first century of Islam in the context of a reaction to the plurality of languages in the Muslim empire, at a time when purity in language became for the Arabic elite part of the struggle for cultural identity. This is why the humanistic disciplines of Grammar, Literature, Rhetoric, Epistolary Art, History, and Ethics were also called the “Arab Sciences,” as opposed to the non-Arab - or Greek - sciences of Philosophy (in the strict sense), Natural Science, and Medicine. (Later classification of the sciences, however, do not respect this division). 103
Adab had, with respect to its concern with philology, deep roots in the ancient Arabian emphasis on poetry and oratory. With the rise of Islam, the pre-existing preoccupation with language found, however, a new object in the study of the Quran, whose copious vocabulary, style, eloquence, recital, and interpretation re quired long years of study. This necessity eventually led to the development of a subtle methodology of learning and to the creation of a sophisticated educational system (Makdisi, 1990, pp. 202-2 7). The early denomination, “Arab Sciences,” for the branches of adab, however, did not preclude foreign influence on their develop ment. The introduction of the Stoic principle of analogy (qiyas) as a method of determining correct grammatical forms and derivatives reveals the influence of versions of Aristotle’s Peri hermeneias that had been revised by the Stoics - who themselves applied that principle in their restoration of the original (and presumed ly perfect) state of the Greek language. On the other hand, the question arose as to whether the humanistic studies have a monopoly on all matters relating to language. The Sabean mathematician and astronomer Thabit ibn Qurra (836-901), who studied prosody extensively (Arabic versification uses 16 different meters), came to the conclusion that whereas lan guages as such are national achievements, the study of meters is common to all nations and must therefore be considered part of the natural sciences - and thus a branch of philosophy. While parallels can easily be drawn between Islamic and Western humanism, Islamic scholasticism presents itself as a phenonemon with reversed premises if we compare it to its later Western counterpart. The theological education offered at Islamic schools had law as its subject matter, while the philosophical or rational theology (kaldm), to which Western scholasticism is the actual equivalent, was excluded from the curriculum. The advancement of Quran- and Hadlth-based ju ridical theology in Muslim schools, and subsequently the rise of guilds of law, which were concerned with religious and civil life, came at the end of a long debate between “rationalist” circles that were open to the philosophical arguments and methods of Greek authors and “traditionalist” ones whose aim was, on the con trary, to purge the Islamic world of the influence of foreign thought. Both circles had their respective schools of law. The Rationalists were Hanafites, followers of Abu Hanifa (d. 767) who was the first to introduce qiyas as a source of law. (He also defended personal opinion (ray) and the use of dialectic to decide disputed matters.) The anti-Rationalists were the Hanbalites, adherents of the school established by Ibn Hanbal (780-855). Between these two extremes, one found the Malikites and the Shafi'ites. The struggle for supremacy among these opposing groups was fought over the question of whether the Quran was the uncreated, co-eternal world of God (a position that traditionalist authors strongly supported). While it appeared at first that the Rationalists (Mutakallimuri), whose doctrine had been adopted by three 'Abbasid Caliphs and who had the Inquisition (Mihnd) on their side from 833 until 848, would prevail, ultimately the Traditionalists won the battle. An
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important factor in that victory was the shift of the former Rationalist Abu alHasan al-Ash'ari (872-935) to the Hanbalite position. Nevertheless, one finds in the later works of Traditionalists many topics developed by the adherents of kalam. George Makdisi lists in his book, The Rise of Humanism in Classical Islam and the Christian West, six problems that clearly reveal the impact of kalam on juridical theology: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
the problem of the determination of good and evil; the relation between reason and revelation; the qualification of acts before the advent of revelation: prohibition and permission; the imposition of responsibility or obligation beyonds one’s capacity; and the imposition of legal obligation on the non-existent. (Makdisi, 1990, p. 4)
This selection of problems shows that even though Rationalism was defeated in the political arena, its intellectual value in shaping and solving religious and ethical matters was not rejected by Islamic scholasticism. The question of the Good could not be addressed without concepts and notions developed in Greek (and Christian) philosophy; the relation between reason and revelation itself, which was at the centre of the dispute between the Rationalists and the Traditionalists, had to be discussed in terms of arguments produced by the former; and finally, discussions of issues pertaining to moral conduct and religious obliga tions included concepts and judgments that had been generated in the tradition of kalam. With the exception of inquiry into such things as the soul’s nature and functions, which the law doctors Malik and ShafiT clearly prohibited with reference to the Quran (12,87), Islamic juridical theology continued to examine, transform, and assimilate arguments foreign to its tradition. But it also developed its own system of values and criteria. For instance, of the four “sources” of Islamic law Quran, Hadlth, qiyas and consensus (ijma) - the fourth gradually became the prevalent one in deciding disputed cases. The general consensus of the “Con gregation of the Faithful” also proved to be the most important means in establishing Muslim ethics. Only in this way could the traditional classification of moral acts that roughly distinguishes between (1) those that have to be put into practice, (2) those that are recommended, (3) those that are permitted, (4) those that are disapproved, and (5) those that are forbidden, be shaped into a truly ethical system of universal application within the Muslim world. There is no reason why the juridical theology of Islam should be denied its philosophical character; it has clearly constituted itself as a powerful practical philosophy combining law and eth ics. On the other hand, Ash'arism, the movement founded by al-Ash'ari for the purpose of breaking the hold of reason upon cosmological, natural, epistemologi cal, and ethical questions, generated some of the most challenging theories of Islamic philosophy, which were able to attract authors of the caliber of Imam alHaramayn al-Juwaym (d. 1085), al-Ghazzali (d. 1111), and Fakhr al-Dm al-Razi (d. 1210). 105
Systematic survey
Philosophy in the Quran The Quran is a book of revelation, not a work of philosophy. It does nevertheless contain statements applying to creation, humankind and God from which one can infer views of philosophical significance. Besides, an insight into Quranic cosmolo gy, anthropology, and the Quranic conception of God will help us to understand the tensions that arose between Rationalists and Traditionalists in the second and early third century of Islam. Cosmology
Before creation, heaven and earth “were of one piece (ratq)” (26,30), until God separated them. He shaped seven heavens, also called paths (taraiqa; 23,17), along which angels and spirits can ascend (70,4), and he fashioned the earth by provid ing it with hills and rivers. Every living thing has been created of water (21,31). Characteristic of the Quranic view is the idea that the entire universe - the sun, the moon, the stars, the hills, the trees, and the beasts (not merely humankind and the angels) - adores God (22,18), and thus it is a good creation. Nevertheless, by the end of the world, the divine work will be, as it were, reversed: the sun and the moon will combine, the stars will fall (81,1-2), and the earth will be flattened (79,30). This has to do with the Quranic finalization of the creation: the heaven has been lifted so that humankind should be protected: the sun has been created so that the earth has light: the stars have been placed in the sky so that they can guide men; the winds are fertilizing, and so on. Unlike humankind, whose only purpose is to worship God, all other beings have been created for specific ends - most of them of serve humankind. Anthropology Different passages in the Quran provide different versions of man’s creation. Several verses mention that humankind was shaped from dust or the clay of black mud (6,2; 15,26; 15,28). Others inform us that the original substance was water (25,54) or a drop of thickened fluid (76,2; 86,6). Still other passages are more specific and help to solve the apparent contradiction: He began the creation of man from clay; Then He made his seed from a draught of despised fluid; Then He fashioned him and breathed into him of His Spirit (rith). (32,79; cf. 15,28-9)
Elsewhere we read that God created humankind “from dust, then from a drop of seed, then from a clot, then from a little lump of flesh shapely and shapeless” (22,5; cf. 40,67). It seems that the origin of dust or clay indicates the actual creation, while the mention of a “drop of fluid” or “seed” is a reference to natural reproduc tion. The final shaping of man, however, requires God’s bringing the human form forth from the “shapeless seed.” It also implies that God breathes into him his Spirit and endows him with immortality. (Some exegetes, such as al-Ghazzall, suggest 106
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that God has created all the human “seeds” (souls) in the pre-existence, and has caused them to “die” and to wait for the conception of their bodies in the maternal wombs before they are breathed into these. This is an intriguing interpretation in its suggestion that death is already an aspect of the pre-existence.) The Quran is not very clear about the creation of the genders. The “Sura of the Women” suggests that both Adam and Eve were created from a single soul (4,1; cf. 6,98; 7,189). Unlike the Bible, the Quran does not make Eve (she is not even mentioned by name; her Arabic name, Hawwa, is recorded in the Hadlth) respon sible for the fall. Either Adam alone is being seduced by the devil (IbEs) (2,36; 20,120) or both are being tempted (7,22). It is noteworthy that the last passage is considered part of a later sura. Besides, Adam’s and Hawwa’s succumbing did not generate in Islam the notion of original sin. Thus, for example, men are not in charge of women because of their moral superiority, but because they excel by nature, and are their providers (4,34). The basic equality of the sexes is underlined by many passages in which the Quran addresses both genders: “men who believe and women who believe, and men who obey and women who obey” (33,35; 33,36; 33,58). However, the medieval Muslim interpretation of the fall departed from the Qu ranic story. Hadlth statements (in conformity to biblical sources) establishing wom an’s weakness on the grounds of her dependent origin (from Adam’s rib) and on her responsibility for the fall were accepted by scholarly consensus. This resulted in the denial that women possessed rationality and moral autonomy. Some exegetes, such as the Traditionalist al-Tabari (d. 923) and the Ash'arite Fakhr al-Din al-RazI, have expressed doubts concerning the legitimacy of the sources used. Still, it was only in the nineteenth century that the validity of the doctrine concerning wom an’s weakness came to be seriously questioned (Stowasser, 1994, pp. 28ff). The Quran promotes an anthropocentric view similar to that expounded in the Bible. This could be inferred, of course, from some aspects of the finalization of creation discussed earlier. In addition, the second sura declares explicitly that God placed Adam on earth as a vicegerent (khalifa) and endowed him with knowledge by teaching him all the names of things (2,30-1). Beyond this, God has given him power (7,10) by making night, day, the sun, the moon, the stars, the sea, the earth itself, and the animals to serve him (Sura of the Bee, 16,5-16, 65-9, 78-81). With respect to Islamic prophetology, it should also be mentioned that the Quran sees in Adam the beginning of prophethood (20,122; 3,33)- a privilege that one school of law has also conferred upon some women. God: the search for the divine names The Quranic God is an almighty, eternal, omniscient God who reveals himself in his creation and in the Islamic Scripture. The Quran invites believers to pray to God by using the most beautiful names (7,180). On the basis of this invitation, early au thors searched in the Islamic scripture for these divine names, and the Hadlth claimed that they are 99 in number. From the point of view of faith, the topic is highly significant, for according to Quranic revelation God also manifests himself
through his names. To the believer, then, the question “Which is the most beautiful name?” is tantamount to asking “Which is the name through which God expresses himself best?” - a question that raises a delicate issue, since Islam does not allow that any given passage of the Quran has any greater significance than other passages. Theologians have responded to this question in various ways. They have stated either: (1) that there is no supreme name (ism al-a’zam) of God, that every divine name is adequate as long as the mind of the person praying is entirely turned towards his creator; or (2) that the supreme name exists, but is unknowable to humans; or, finally, (3) that the supreme name exists and is known to us. This last position has generated some highly complex suggestions concerning the identity of the supreme name, which one can find along with justifications and counter arguments in a treatise by Fakhr al-Dm al-RazI (Anawati, 1974, pp. 381-94). Of the six suggestions offered there, three are of particular interest. One shows the influence of rational speculation, the second bears certain traces of cabalistic procedure, and the third involves elements of Shi'ite letter mysticism. According to the first, God’s true name is Huwa (He). The focus in the following sentence is on self-identity: “0 he, o who has no other he than he, o through whom is the ‘he-ity’ of every he.” The personal pronoun also suggests the ideas of (necessary) “exist ence” and “absence” (of possibility); it indicates in that way the “uniqueness” (alfardaniyya) of God’s existence, whose true essence, being absent, necessarily escapes us. According to the second, the supreme name is Allah (God), since Allah is at the base of all names. Besides, if one decomposes “Allah” one letter at a time, each removal of a letter leaves us with a divine name. (In order to understand this, one has to bear in mind that in Arabic only the consonants in a word are written.) Thus by removing the first letter, one obtains lillah (to God); removing the second letter, one is left with lahu (to Him); and finally, erasing the third letter, one is left with Hu(wa). Other arguments in favour of taking Allah as the supreme name are that there is no etymology for that name, and that it designates the very essence of God since (unlike an attribute, such as “the Merciful”) it cannot be detached from its object or be applied to any other being. And according to the third, God’s name is to be found in the mysterious letters that precede the 29 suras of the Quran: ALM, ALMS, ALR, ALMR, KRY'S, TH, TS, TSM, YS, S, HM, HM-'SQ, Q, N. The combina tion of some of these letters do match divine attributes; other letters, however, remain inexplicable.
Authoritative women in Islam Among the early Islamic sources on women one finds Muhammad ibn Sa'd’s (ninth century) Kitab al-Tabaqdt al-Kabir, the eighth book of which is devoted to Muslim female figures, and al-Ma'afirl’s Biographies of Famous Women (1185). Women from the Prophet’s family
The wives of the Prophet (also called the “Mothers of the Believers”) have played a major role as models of piety and also in the political events following the Prophet’s
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death. Highly honoured is Khadija (d. 619), the Prophet’s first wife, to whom he remained faithful until her death. 'A’isha (ca. 614-678), Muhammad’s most be loved wife is the only woman in whose presence the prophet received some of his revelations. She was a narrator of the Tradition and an expert in poetry. Her recollections of events and sayings of the Prophet became part of the Hadlth. 'A’isha was also instrumental in the election of her father, Abu Bakr, as the first Imam. Fatima (ca. 606-632), the Prophet’s youngest daughter by Khadija, was married to 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, the fourth Imam, and the Shi'ite dynasty of the Fatimids is named after her. It is through her, moreover, that the Shi'ite Imams claim direct descent from the prophet. In Shi'ite tradition, Fatima, as the “mistress of sorrow”, bears many similarities to the figure of Mary as “mater dolorosa." Women mentioned in the Quran
Among the female models of righteousness in the Quran, one finds several biblical figures, identifiable as Sara, Hagar (ancestress of the Arabs), 'Asiya (the foster mother of Moses), and Bilqis (the Queen of Sheba). The only woman whose name is explicitly mentioned is Mary (Maryam), the Mother of Jesus ('Isa). The Quran refers to her more frequently than the New Testament and even names a sura after her. One of her sayings is often inscribed on the mihrab (the niche which shows the direction of prayer). The Hadlth, on the other hand, establishes an interesting equation that connects Mary with Adam and Jesus with Eve. Some Muslim theolo gians, particularly followers of the (short-lived) Zahirite school have maintained that Mary (as well as Sara and 'Asiya) was a prophet. For that purpose, Ibn Hazm of Cordova distinguished between prophethood (nubuwd), in which women can participate, and messengerhood (risala), which is reserved for men only. The doc tors of law of the leading schools, however, rejected female prophethood.
Sufi women
In his collection of texts on Sufi women, Javad Nurbakhsh lists 130 female authors, of whom 76 are known by their full names (Nurbakhsh, 1990). Many of their works (primarily poems) have survived through the commentaries of male Sufi authorities. Among the most productive Sufi women, one has to mention Rabi'a al'Adawiyya, Tohfa, and Bibi Hayati Kermani. The first two authors were freed slaves, who eventually enjoyed more freedom than did free-born women who were under male guardianship. Bibi Hayati, born a thousand years later than the other two, underwent a formal Sufi education. Rabi'a al-'Adawiyya (713/717-801) lived a life of extreme ascetism in Basra. She was noted for her mystic teaching concerning the main stages of the Sufi path: Penitence, Patience, Gratitude, Hope, Holy Fear, voluntary Poverty, Asceticism, abnegation of personal will in the Will of God, complete Dependence upon God, Love, Intimacy with God, and Satisfaction. Her precepts on mystic love (mahabba) and intimacy (uns) were particularly acknowledged during her lifetime and by all the leading Sufi authorities down through the centuries. She was first mentioned by the Mu'tazilite author al-Jahiz (b. 781/82). Farid al-DIn 'Attar (d. 1230) wrote her biography, and Ibn Khallikan (d. 1282) considered her in his Obituaries of the 109
Eminents (Wafayat al-Ayan). Abu Talib commented on her writings in the Memoirs of the Saints (Tadhkirat al-Awliya’) and the great al-Ghazzali refers to her as one of the supreme teachers of Sufism, especially in the 36th Book (“The Book of Love and of Passion”) of his Revival of the Religious Sciences. Tohfa (d. 8 5 7) was a minstrel and a slave-girl until her master freed her because of the impressiveness of her mystical poetry. Al-Jahiz, who was a contemporary of hers, transmits much information on the education and professional qualities of women minstrels, which allows us to understand how the love sung about by slave-girls - consisting of the classical three steps, Love (hubb), Desire (hawa), and Longing ('ishq) - could be transformed into a mystical language. 'Abd al-Rahman Jami (d. 1492), himself a Sufi from the order of the Naqshbandiyya wrote Tohfa’s biography and quotes her verses in Nafahat alUns (“The Breaths of Divine Intimacy”). Bibi Hayati Kermani (nineteenth century) was born into a Persian family with a long tradition of Sufism. She was initiated into the Ni'matullahl order and trained in the esoteric development (sayr) and exoteric ethics (suluk) of the Sufi path. Her Persian Diwan is among the most remarkable of Muslim collections of mystical poems of the last century.
Philosophy in translations, language, and history Baghdad was one of the most important centres of translation-work from Greek into Arabic, rivaled only by Jundishapur (in Persia) where Greek, Persian, and Indian sources were made available to Arabic readers. It is in the translator circles of Baghdad, however, that one can see best how closely philosophical re search, reflection on language, and historic-encyclopaedic work were intertwined. These circles were well positioned to discover problems of a philosophical nature related to the unique resources of the Arabic language, and they were on excellent terms with some of the finest minds of their time - in particular, al-Kindi and al-Farabi. Translation
One distinguishes three periods in the translation activities in Baghdad. In the early period translations were literal: Greek terms for which no corresponding words were known were kept or substituted for by temporary Syriac equivalents. Figures from this period include Ibn Na'ima and Eustathious (both of whom translated for al-Kindl), Thabit ibn Qurra and Yuhanna ibn al-Bitriq (ninth century). The transi tional period was marked by the school of the Christian Hunayn ibn Ishaq (d. 876), which was less concerned with finding correspondences and opted for an ad sensum translation of the original text that eventually led to several variants. (Ibn Rushd, for instance, used some of these for his commentary on Aristotle’s De Anima, which subsequently had a highly controversial reception in Western philosophy.) Finally, there was the late period, in which the earlier translations were revised by represen tatives of the philosophical circles of Baghdad. Among the important figures in this period, one finds Abu Bishr Matta (d. 940), al-Farabl, Abu Sulayman al-Sijistam (d. 985), and Abu al-Faraj ibn al-Tayyib (d. 1043).
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If Arabs had not traditionally been inclined towards studying and meditating on their language, translators would still have drawn the philosophers’ attention to Arabic as an object of reflection. They had to study the specific features of Arabic (whose abstract radicals allow, for example, the permutation of letters) in order to organize and generate urgently needed new lexemes. The Islamic tradition there fore owes the translators for some colossal grammatical and lexicographic works, and even for a phonetical alphabet for the transcription of foreign languages. On the other hand, a new type of “scientist,” the philosopher-grammarian (al-falasifa al-nahwiyyin) connected the “arts of language” ('Um al-Iisan) with logic, a procedure that allowed, for instance, al-Farabl to search beyond the limits of Arabic for laws that determine the structure of all languages and to work on what could thus be called an “international grammar.”
Philosophy of language Interestingly, the two major centres of grammar, Basra and Kufa, produced, despite similar tasks, radically opposed philosophies of language. One finds here the reflection of a more fundamental opposition - that is, the antagonism between a rationalistic attitude that sacrifices deviations and particular cases to general rules and an approach that (under the influence of Shi'ite philosophy) appreciates diver sity and values the individual. Thus the school of Basra produced a rigid system aiming at the uniformity of forms, while the Kufa grammarians compiled a multi tude of particular linguistic phenomena, and used the much discussed principle of analogy as a structuring, rather than an eliminative, device. Researchers have drawn parallels between these two schools and the Greek “analogists” and “anomalists.” As Henry Corbin observes, however, the comparison is not entirely perti nent, since the decisions taken by Muslim grammarians did not simply preoccupy the intellectual elite but also had an impact on exegetic interpretations (Corbin, 1993, p. 144). An example of Shi'ite-influenced reflection on language is to be found in the “Balance of letters”, attributed to Jabir ibn Hayyan (Latin: Geber, eighth century). It is based on the permutation of letters - a science initiated, according to the Shi'ite tradition, by the Imam Ja'far. Its purpose is, as if it were an alchemical operation, to unveil the relationship between the visible and the hidden (zahir and batin), whereby letters are understood as the epiphanies of numbers in which the (Neo platonically conceived) world soul gives expression to her harmony. On this view, language cannot be explained by convention; it reflects the immediate acts of the anima mundi.
History The Islamic humanistic tradition linked the study of history to the “arts of lan guage” ('i/m al-lisari) thereby defining it as a genre of prose literature. The historic literature in the first centuries of Islam is so abundant that one could easily fill an entire volume listing chronicles, histories of dynasties and political events, titles of chronological and alphabetical historic dictionaries, histories of prophets and saints, commentaries and classifications of books and sources, scientific 111
biographies, and autobiographies. Some of these works are still indispensable sources for historic research - such as Ibn al-Nadlm’s (d. 990) Kitab al-Fihrist, which represents the first extended Arabic history of literature (with sections on the Quran, grammar, history, poetry, dogma, law, philosophy, prose literature, history of religion, and alchemy), and Ibn Abi Usaybi'a’s (d. 1270) TJyun al~Anbafi Tabaqat al-Atibba, which includes the lives and works of physicians and other scientists. Of special interest are the many autobiographies, which implicitly challenge the claim that the discovery of individuality was a Western achievement. This genre too has been classified and commented upon - for instance, by Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Tulun (d. 1546), who lists in his own autobiography all prior autobiographies (and biographies), including those of scientists, political advisers, poets, theologians, and philosophers (Rosenthal, 1937). Scientists and philoso phers typically used the narration of their lives as a means to clarify and defend positions that they had taken in their research - the subjective stand giving, as it were, more weight to their theories. The forms that these life descriptions took varied. Scientists, such as Hunayn ibn Ishaq and Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen; d. 1040), often followed Galenus’ example of simply commenting on the contents of their own books. Many authors only gave a brief summary of their lives and works, while others chose more original modes of representation. 'Abd al-Wahhab alSha'ranl’s (d. 1565) voluminous autobiography (over six hundred printed pages), for instance, is written in the form of a Sufi thanksgiving. Among the most promi nent of philosophical autobiographies are Ibn Sina’s, which was completed by his follower Abu 'Ubayd al-Juzajanl, Muhammad ibn Zakariyya’ al-Razi’s reply against the accusation of his not having followed a Socratic, which is to say, an austere life (Kitab fl SIratl or al-SIra al-Falsafiyya), and al-Ghazzall’s confessional autobiogra phy (al-Munqidh min al-Dhaldl or The Deliverance from Error), in which he takes his conversion from scepticism to faith as an occasion for theological reflection. A complete documentation of autobiographical material in Islamic sources, however, needs to take into consideration also works that are not explicitly labeled as auto biographical - such as Ibn Sina’s “Mystical Recitals” or Ibn Hazm’s book about love. The case of the philosopher-historian 'Abd al-Rahman ibn Khaldun (13321406) from Tunis, for whom autobiography and the study of history are in trinsically related, deserves special attention. Ibn Khaldun was a stranger to the metaphysical notion of active intelligence developed by the Muslim hellenizing philosophers. For the author of a universal history (Kitab al-Tbar), “universal reason” is to be found in the specific concatenation of historic events. Thus the Prolegomena (al-Muqaddima) to Ibn Khaldun’s historic work - which represents, despite its encycopaedic structure, a synthesis of his reflection on history - asserts that the intelligibility of history is ensured not through causal linearity, but by the tracing back of historic events to the totality of a given social reality. Since Ibn Khaldun thinks of history as dependent on social-political evolution, an evolution in which he, as an individual, takes part, one finds his autobiography (Tarrf) attached as an appendix to his universal history. History thus grounds the
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objectivity of individual life, and autobiography ensures the veracity of reflection on history. The hellenizing authors
The following Sunni authors are rightly called the hellenizing philosophers, since they considered themselves the heirs of the ancient Greek thinkers. (Nor was this contradicted by their pursuit of typically Islamic philosophical interests.) Although the Andalusian thinkers (that is, authors from Arabic Spain) are “hellenizing” as well, in the sense that they too used Greek resources in the development of their philosophies, they are traditionally treated separately. Their geographical isolation, moreover, does not imply that they were intellectually isolated. Pilgrimages (and exiles) provided many opportunities for the exchange of ideas between the eastern and western ends of the Islamic empire. Thus the critique of Ibn Sina (and other hellenizing authors) by the Persian al-Ghazzali, for instance, did not fail to arouse a reaction from Ibn Rushd in Andalusia.
Al-Kindi Abu Yusuf ibn Ishaq al-Kindi (801-873) had a broad interest in philosophy and the sciences and also addressed questions relating to political matters. Of his 265 works, only a small number have survived. Four were translated into Latin and influenced Western medieval philosophy: the Tractatus de erroribus philosophorum, De quinque essentiis (matter, form, motion, space and time), De somno et visione, and De intellectu. Like most Muslim (and Christian) medieval philosophers, he accepted the traditional attribution of the Theology (a paraphrase of the last three books of Plotinus’ Enneads) and the Book on the Pure Good (Kitab al-Tlal; Liber de causis, an epitome of Proclus’ Elementatio theologica) to Aristotle. Among the Greek authors who most deeply influenced his work, in addition to Plato and Aristotle, one has to list Alexandre of Aphrodisias and John Philoponus. In the Letter on the Intellect (Risala fi al~Aql), al-Kindi refines the Aristotelian conception of the cognitive powers (the possible and active intellects) of the soul by introducing the acquired (intellectus adeptus) and the demonstrative intellect (intellectus demonstrativus). The former designates the actualized intellect that has not made any use of its knowledge, while the latter represents the intellect which has not only attained its end but is also manifest to itself and to other intellects. (It is in this sense that it possesses “demonstrative” knowledge.) Al-Kindl’s goal in introducing these additional intellects was to maintain the Aristotelian creed according to which actual knowledge has to precede the potentiality of the intellect. A purely empirical theory would not be capable of embracing intellectual processes accompanying the gaining of intellectual knowledge. Al-Kindl’s deep involvement with Greek epistemology did not incline him to wards the movement of kalam. In his view, the Rationalists were only concerned with human (Tim insam) knowledge, whereas he, al-Kindi, also considered divine
knowledge (11m ilahT), so that themes pertaining to the realm of faith (the creation of the world ex nihilo, the resurrection of the body and prophecy) are part of the philosophical discourse.
Al-Farabl Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Tarkhan ibn Uzalagh al-Farabl’s (8 72950) mother tongue was probably Turkish. He excelled in logic, music, mathema tics, and the sciences, which earned him the title of muallam al-thdnl (magister secundus), placing him second only to Aristotle as a recognized authority. His commentaries on Aristotelian texts (Organon, Physics, Meteorology, Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics) are lost. Among his most important works are the Harmony between the Doctrines of the Two Sages: Plato and Aristotle (Kitab fl al-Jambayn Ra’yay al-Hakimayn, Aflatun al-Ilahi wa Aristutalis), which is based on the assumption that the Theology is an original work by the latter, the Ihsa al-Vlum wa Tartibuha (De scientiis), which had an enormous influence on the classification of sciences in the Latin tradition, the treatise Fi al~'Aql wa al-Ma’qul (De intellect!! et intellecto), which reworks al-Kindl’s additions to Aristotle’s concept of the intellect, a book on music (Kitab al-Musiqa al-Kabir), which is considered the major source of the theory of music in the Middle Ages, and works on political philosophy, such as the Treatise on the Opinions of the Members of the Perfect City (Risala fl Ara’ Ahl al-Madina al-Fddila), the Book of the Government of the City (Kitab fl Siydsa al-Madaniyya), and the Book of the Attainment of Happiness (Kitab Tahsil al-Saada). The heart of al-Farabl’s doctrine is to be found in his conception of the intellect, to which he dedicated two treatises - the Maqala fl Ma’am al-’Aql and FT al-’Aql wa alMa’qul. In the Maqala, he differentiates in the best encyclopaedic manner six mean ings of “intellect”: in the common language, in the tradition of kalam, and in four Aristotelian works (Analytica posteriora, II, 15; Ethica nicomachica, VI, 4—6; De ani ma, III, 5; Metaphysica). In FTal-’Aql wa al-Ma’qul al-Farabl expounds his own theory of four distinct types of intellect (using somewhat different terms than did al-Kindi). He begins his account with a discussion of the possible intellect (’aql bi al-quwwa; intellectus in potentia), which is capable of abstracting knowledge from corporeal forms. Then he proceeds to explain the function of the intellect actualizing abstract ed knowledge (’aql bi al-fH; intellectus in effectu) - which is not to be confused with the intellectus agens. The third type, as in al-Kindl’s scheme, is the acquired intellect (’aql al-mustafad; intellectus adeptus), which positions itself in respect to actualized know ledge as a subject to its object. Unlike Alexandre of Aphrodisias’ third intellect - the nous epiktetos, which functions as an intermediary between the potential and the actual powers - the acquired intellect is the highest perceptual power of the soul, which truly enables it to reach the rank of intellect. The only intellect entirely independent of matter, however, is the active intellect (’aql al-fa’dl: intellectus agens). Unlike its counterpart in the original Aristotelian scheme, which only actualizes the potential knowledge of the soul, al-Farabl’s active intellect is actualized know ledge. It is the “giver of forms” (wahib al-suwar; dator formarum) which enlightens the possible intellects (of all human souls). As has been repeated ever since, in many
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variations, this intellect is “to the possible intellect of man what the sun is to the eye.” Al-Farabl’s doctrine of the intellect is central not only because it stresses the importance of epistemology in his work, but also because it connects within his philosophy the theory of cognizance with metaphysics and politics. On the one hand, the doctrine of intellect relates to al-Farabl’s system of ten intelligences which proceed - necessarily - out of God by emanation (al~fayd), the last of which is the active intellect, ruling over the sublunar world. On the other hand, it is essential for the understanding of his political theory, in which he harmonized Plato’s notion of the philosopher-king with the Islamic ideal of the prophet-ruler. According to al-Farabl, the political leader (we find here a reflection of Shi'ite prophetology) unites himself with the active intellect and paves the way for the happiness (al-sa'ada) of the entire community. The active intellect thus takes a substantial part in bringing about humanity’s true destiny. Ibn Sina (Avicenna) Abu 'Ali al-Husayn ibn Sina (980-1037) was born in the neighbourhood of Bukhara, Persia. The breadth of his studies, which included grammar, law, logic, mathematics, natural philosophy, medicine, and theology, is reflected in the list of his works, which includes no fewer than 242 titles. By the age of 17 he was already an accomplished physician, and his great work on medicine, al-Qanun fi al-Tibb (Canon medicinae), was one of the key texts in the Western medical tradition for several centuries. Ibn Sina’s philosophical summa, The Book of Healing (Kitab alShifa.’; Sufficientia), is often confused with the Canon, because of the medical conno tation of its title, which is meant to suggest, however, only that philosophy constitutes an antidote against the “illness” of false opinions. The Book of Healing divides into sections on logic, mathematics, physics, and metaphysics, and ends with an abridgement of itself, The Book of Salvation (Kitab al-Najat). From the enor mous encyclopaedia, The Book of Impartial Judgement (Kitab al-Insaf), addressing twenty-eight thousand questions in the space of twenty volumes, only a few frag ments remain. Ibn Sina is also famous for his trilogy of the Mystical Recitals, in particular for the Recital of Hagy ibn Yaqzan (Vivens filius Vigilanti; Alive, Son of the Awake) which promotes the theme of a spiritual itinerary in the company of “the Angel who enlightens.” It seems that it is a mistake to read the trilogy as a cycle of allegories. The sensible change of language reveals, according to Henry Corbin, Ibn Sina’s deep dissatisfaction with the use (we might add, with the sole use) of the discursive form of philosophical exposition (Corbin, 1993, p. 177). This is supported by a further Avicennian work, the Mantiq al-Mashriqiyyln, which, due to the lack of vocalization in Arabic, can be translated either as Oriental Philosophy or as Philosophy of Illumination. This book was intended for the “elite” (in contrast to the Aristotelian philosophy addressed to the “multitude”), and its remaining portions are still much appreciated in the Islamic world. Less well known are Ibn Sina’s comments on single suras of the Quran, in which he offers mystical interpretations.
In his autobiography, Ibn Sina writes that he read Aristole’s Metaphysics 40 times, wondering (as readers of that book still do today) whether it was dealing with “Being” or with the highest principles of knowledge, until al-Farabl’s Intentions of Aristotle’s Metaphysics (Fi Aghrad Kitab ma Bad al-Tabia) convinced him of the first hypothesis. Following al-Farabl’s lead, Ibn Sina developed a method (although somewhat more complex than his predecessor’s) of investigating Being with respect to necessity. All that is, is either purely necessary (that is, God), or purely possible, or necessary through another (for example, angels, intelligences, planets). As a result, the order of the universe is defined by different degrees of necessity. The question to be addressed next, of course, is how from God’s (unitary) Being the diversity of creation could be derived. Ibn Sina addresses this problem by adapting al-Farabl’s theories of intellect and emanation to his own purpose. The Avicennian language is rich in terms related to the notion of creation - such as takwln (formation), ibda (providing with a beginning), ihddth (giving rise), and khalq (creation, particularly of composites). One must remember, however, that Ibn Sina is thinking of emanation (he uses primarily the term fayd or flow, but also sudur or proceeding, and inbijas or emerging) when he explains the process of creation: God necessarily and eternally generates the first intelligence, which in its turn, creates through further emanations the other nine intelligences, and the heavenly bodies with their respective souls. The first intelligence is nothing other than the divine knowledge contemplating God and contemplating itself. This distinction between two objects of contemplation and the act of contemplation itself - in which the first intelligence, unlike God, does not coincide with the object of contemplation - constitutes the origin of multiplicity. The first intelligence thus becomes the indispensable link between God’s unitary Being and the rest of creation. By contemplating itself as a necessary being, it generates the Soul of the outermost sphere; by contemplating itself as a possible being, the body of that same sphere is originated; and finally, by contemplating the pure necessary Being, the second intelligence proceeds forth. This process is repeated until the tenth intelligence, which is also the last, innermost animated heaven of the universe, is emanated. As in al-Farabi’s system, this last intelligence is identified with the active (and separate) intellect which, in its turn, creates the human intellects, souls, and bodies. The tenth intelligence, however, not only provides the human intellect with forms, but it is considered to be the “Angel of humanity”, and the human capacity for prophecy is a matter of achieving reunion with it. Epistemologically speaking, Ibn Sina’s doctrine of emanation is a powerful theory that ensures a perfect correspondence between notions and objects of the mind. Since the human intellect and the visible world share the same source, cognizance is founded in the very origin that has given rise to the object of its intellectual perception. Despite its theoretical appeal, many aspects of Avicennian philosophy have been criticized by Muslim (and Christian) theologians. It has been observed in this regard that Ibn Sina has restricted God’s freedom and that the doctrine of emanation is contrary to the religious notion of creation ex nihilo, and finally that happiness in 116
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his philosophy is to be found in the union with an intelligence (itself a created being) instead of with God. For Ibn Sina to speak of God’s freedom implies a distinction between a divine choosing self and the action of choosing, which is contrary to the principle of God’s unity. Therefore, divine freedom manifests itself in the diffusion of its goodness, which is why the universe cannot be conceived of as having been shaped, but only as having emanated from God. Rather than being a natural process, creation is due to an intellectual unfolding that has its origin in the divine knowledge. Ibn Sina’s intellectual concept of creation fulfils two requirements: first, the preservation of God’s transcendence as the only being in whom essence and existence coincide, and second, the elimination of chance in the universe, since every process is guided by necessity. Ibn Sina’s philosophy enjoyed a double reception - in the East and in the West thus giving rise to an “Islamic” and a “Latin Avicennism.” In the Islamic world, his philosophy generated a continuous tradition in Persia where his Peripatetic studies were interpreted as a preparation for illumination. Among the authors Ibn Sina influenced one finds al-Juzajanl, who translated and commented on the Recital of Hayy ibn Yaqzan in Persian, and Husayn ibn Zayla al-Isfaham (d. 1048), who wrote a commentary on the same Recital in Arabic. He had a major impact on the work of al-Suhrawardl (d. 1191), who, even though he was pursuing other philosophical tasks, felt called upon to complete Ibn Sina’s project of an “Oriental Philosophy.” A revival of Avicennian philosophy was initiated by Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (d. 1274) and his circle. And one ought also to mention Sayyid Ahmad al-'Alawi’s (d. 1631) extensive The Key to the Shifa, which develops themes found in The Book of Healing. In the West, Avicenna was probably first known to twelfth-century authors at Oxford and Paris. Roger Bacon, for example, thought of Ibn Sina as the second founder of philosophy (after Aristotle). Thomas Aquinas, although he came to criticize Avicenna in his later years, owes him his “third argument” for the proof of God’s existence. Duns Scotus used Avicennian concepts in his attack on Thomist theology. And then, of course, there are those medieval philosophers who adopted what has come to be known since Etienne Gilson as an “Avicennizing Augustinism” - and which could be called a “Christian Avicennism.” In modern times, Ibn Sina attained new fame in the context of political philosophy through Ernst Bloch’s provocative book Avicenna und die Aristotelische Linke (Avicenna and the Aristotelian Left).
Al-RazI (Rhazes) Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya’ ibn Yahya al-RazI (865-925) was born in Rayy, in the neighbourhood of Teheran. Early Muslim biographers report that an eye disease caused by alchemical experiments drew al-Razi to the study of medi cine. He eventually excelled in that discipline and directed a hospital, first in Rayy and later in Baghdad. According to his own count, he produced 148 texts, com mentaries and paraphrases on medicine, physics, logic, mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, and various other topics, but Muslim historians put the count at 250 books. In the Latin West his medical works were known: the voluminous
encyclopaedia, the Kitab al~Hawi (or al-Jdmr, Liber de Continens), and the Kitab alMansun (Almansorius or Liber de Almansorem), named after Abu Salih al-Mansuri, the Prince of Kirman and Khurasan, to whom it was dedicated. Those of his philo sophical works that still exist include The Spiritual Physick (al-Tibb al-Ruham), which was conceived as a companion to al-Mansuri, and in which he gives an interpreta tion of Plato’s tripartite doctrine of the Soul as this is developed in the Republic, The Philosophical Way (al-Sira al-Falsafiyya), and an autobiographical treatise on ethics. His major work, The Divine Science (al-Tlm al-Ildhi), is lost and can only be recon structed through the refutations of his opponents, while the Metaphysica (Maqalafi ma Bad al-TabTa) is of doubtful attribution. Al-Razi waged many polemics: with Abu al-Qasim al-Bakhti, chief of the Mu'tazilites in Baghdad; with Shuhayd ibn al-Husayn al-Bakhti, over the problem of pleasure; with Abu Hatim al-Razi, an IsmaTli missionary; and with ibn alTammar, over his theory of matter. Thanks to these authors, we have detailed information concerning al-Razi’s rejection of Aristotelian physics, in which he declared the impossibility of the void and separated motion from the body. His critique becomes particularly evident in his doctrine of the five co-eternal princi ples: God-Soul-Matter-Space-Time, which shows the influence of Democritean and Platonic thought. God is conceived, as in Plato’s Timaeus, as a divine craftsman (al-Bdrr, demiurgus). Consequently, God did not originate the other principles, nor did he create the world ex nihilo (as the scriptures contend) or by necessity (as alFarabi contends). Rather the world owes its existence to the Soul’s attraction to Matter, which in turn, however, resisted the Soul’s informing activity. The Demi urge then assisted the Soul by shaping Matter into a universe of forms. Intelligence, on the other hand, is a genuinely divine creation that God bestowed on the Soul so that it might remember its eternal nature. According to al-Razi, Matter is composed of atoms separated by the void (al-khala ), which is located in Space (al-makdn) and which attracts Matter. In opposition to Aristotelian physics, al-Razi detaches Space from the concept of the body occupying it, by distinguishing between a universal and a particular space. Analogously, Time also appears in two modes: there is the absolute time (al-dahr; aeon), which in other sources corresponds to the duration of the intelligible world, and there is limited time (zamdn mahsur). We find an echo here of Proclus’ “separated” and “non-separated” time. Unlike Plato, al-Razi did, however, believe that the creation is subject to a limited duration and thus has an end. He asserted that all souls will be restored (the doctrine of metempsychosis) and that matter will then return to its original state and again become shapeless (Badawi, 1972, pp. 585-91). Al-Razi, who strongly based his medicine on observation and experiments, was also in his philosophy an extreme rationalist. It seems that from all his theories only the statement on matter’s return to shapelessness is in accordance with the Quran ic doctrine. He writes in the beginning of the The Spiritual Physick that reason, being the most precious of God’s gifts to humankind, should not be submitted to any judgment; it is itself a “governor,” a “controller,” and a “sovereign.” The exaltation of rationalism in al-Razi’s work is of such magnitude that there is no space for mysticism, nor for the cherished Islamic consideration for prophecy. Even the dog
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ma of the insuperability (fjaz) of the Quran is refuted. For al-Razi, all humans have been given the same rational disposition. It is thus inconceivable that God should have endowed only a few men with the gift of prophecy. He consequently rejects prophetism and revelation in the name of egalitarianism, but also (as he expounded in a lost treatise on The Tricks of the Prophets) because he takes it for an imposture. Henry Corbin suggests, therefore, that al-Razi might have influenced the anony mous pamphlet “On the Three Impostors,” which became so popular in Western rationalist circles (Corbin, 1993, p. 140). Despite the clearly heretical character of his doctrines, al-Razi’s ideas enjoyed a favourable reception - after his death and also outside of Persia. We know, for instance, through Ibn Hazm’s critique of contemporary positions, that al-Razi’s metaphysics was the predominant philosophy of Andalusian freethinkers. The Brethren of Purity (Ikhwan al-Safa’) of Basra
Even though their books were written in a spirit of anonymity and the names of the Brethren (ca. tenth century) were kept secret, some members of the confraternity have been identified - specifically, Abu Sulayman al-Busti, Abu al-Hasan alZanjanl, Abu Ahmad al-Nahrajurl, al-'Aufi, and the famous Zayd ibn Rifa'a. Their major work is an encyclopaedia comprising 51 (or 52) Epistles (Rasail) and a compendium (Risala al-Jami a). It is generally accepted that the Brethren of Purity, who recruited their members personally and confidentially, issued from an IsmaTli tradition, into which they injected scientific and philosophic thought. Many differ ent Greek influences can be identified in their encyclopaedia - Pythagorean, Pla tonic, Aristotelian, Plotinian, and Stoic, although the (Neo-)Pythagorean heritage is undoubtedly prevalent. This can be seen in the Brethren’s emphasis on mathe matics and numbers. The first epistle insists, for instance, that “the science of number is the root of the other sciences, the fount of wisdom, starting point of all knowledge, and the origin of all concepts” (Fakhry, 1983, p. 166). Genuinely Pythagorean is the importance given to the tetrad. It is thus no coincidence that the encyclopaedia divides into four parts; that among the Plotinian series of hypostases, the Brethren of Purity chose the fourfold series; that their confraternity includes four ranks - novitiate, leadership, kingship, and prophetic (or “angelic”) rank; and that the “creed” containing the description of their politico-religious aims is located in Epistle 44. On the other hand, it appears that the number of Epistles contained in the encyclopaedia is related to a mystical understanding of Islamic origin (51 = 17 x 3). According to a Shi'ite belief, 17 people will be resurrected the day the (last) Imam returns, each of whom will be given one of the 17 letters constituting the supreme name of God (Corbin, 1993, p. 134). The Epistles treat 4 branches of knowledge: (1) propaedeutics (mathematics and Aristotelian logic) in 14 epistles; (2) natural philosophy, including psychology (mineralogy, botany, generation, and corruption, the microcosm theme, the na ture of pain and pleasure, transmigration and resurrection of the soul, the limi tations of human cognizance, the diversity of languages) in 17 epistles; (3) epistemology and metaphysics in 10 epistles; and (4) law and theology (spiritual purification, the Brethren’s Creed, prophecy, spiritual beings, providence, magic) in 119
10 (or 11) epistles. Central to the Brethren’s system of knowledge is the Plotinian tetrad God-Reason-Soul-Matter. Unlike in many other Islamic philosophies, how ever, the focus lays on the World-Soul (al-nafs al-kulliyya) rather than on Reason. Since the human mind is unable to encompass the form of the world as a whole, the Epistles emphasize the primacy of self-knowledge over knowledge of the world. Applying the Stoic theme of man as a hierarchically organized microcosm, the Brethren’s encyclopaedia then goes on to establish the relationship between hu mankind and the world. The chief method in the encyclopaedia is derived from the Isma'ill “principle of balance” (mizan), a principle applied to language in the work attributed to Jabir, and which was now elevated to a metaphysical principle allowing deter mination of the exact equipoise between “manifesting” and “occulting” for each science examined. This equilibrium, which helps to define the epistemological val ue of a given science, is the only Key to knowledge, until the day of resurrection when the “supreme balance” will eventually be enacted. Some interpreters have maintained that the reconciliation between philosophy and religion is what best defines the Brethren’s goal. It appears, however, that more important than the harmonization of Thought and Faith, was the establishing of different levels of “knowledge.” Despite the secret character of the confraternity of Basra, many manuscripts of the Epistles circulated and made the Brethren’s views known to a broader public, until the Caliph al-Mustanjid ordered the burning of the encyclopaedia in 1160. Nevertheless, many copies survived and continued to exert a deep influence on the mystical Islamic circles. A copy, for instance, was brought to Spain either by al-Kirmam (d. 1066) or by his teacher al-Majriti (d. ca. 1008), to whom the famous Aim of the Wise (Ghayat al~Hakim; Latin Picatrix) has been attributed.
Al-Ghazzafi Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad generally known as alGhazzali (1058-1 111), was born into a Sufi family at Tabaran, near Tus in Persia. At the age of 20, he began studying theology and law at the Nizamiyya Academy of Nishapur. There he studied under the dominant Ash'arite theologian Imam alHaramayn and became a disciple of the Sufi Abu 'Afi al-Fadl ibn Muhammad ibn 'Afi al-Farmadhi al-Tusi (d. 1084). Under the latter’s guidance, al-Ghazzafi prac tised rigorous ascetic and Sufistic exercises without, however, attaining mystical heights. At the same time, his critical intelligence grew dissatisfied with scholastic theology, although he continued to study it assiduously. At the age of just 34 he was offered the prestigious Chair of Theology of the Nizamiyya of Baghdad, which established him as the highest authority of Ash'arite theology in his time. Despite his academic success, al-Ghazzafi continued to be assailed by doubts, and he in creasingly realized that theology could not be built upon reason alone. In 1095, he collapsed physically and mentally, and was unable to teach any longer. He re nounced his career and wealth and opted for a life of pilgrimage, which took him to Damascus, Jerusalem, Medina, and Mecca. In 1105, after eleven years of wander
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ing, he returned to his native town. He resumed teaching for a short time at the Nizamiyya in NIshapur, until he retired and founded a school in which he taught theology and Sufi doctrines until the end of his life. The best introduction to al-Ghazzafi’s philosophy is to be found in his autobio graphical writing, The Deliverance from Error, considered the most impressive docu ment of self-revelation in Islam. AI-Ghazzall there tells the story of his tormented intellectual development. He scrutinized all sources, all sects, and all philosophers, but he found that he was unable to accept any of their creeds or doctrines. His method for reaching the certain knowledge that the philosophical and theological tradition could not offer him, is expressed in terms that remind modern readers of Descartes: The search after truth being the aim which I propose to myself, I ought in the first place to ascertain what are the bases of certitude. In the second place I ought to recognize that certitude is the clear and complete knowledge of things, such knowl edge as leaves no room for doubt, nor any possiblity of error (Sharif, 1963, p. 588).
Al-Ghazzafi eventually determined that no part of the knowledge he had been trained in was able to satisfy his rigorous criteria, since neither sensational percep tion nor “necessary propositions” produced by reason are beyond doubt. It was only when he understood and experienced that there is a cognizance higher than mere rational apprehension, that he overcame scepticism. Still, he identified four classes of seekers and criticized them all equally: the theologians for not offering certitude; the philosophers for deluding themselves with allegedly certain proposi tions; the mystics for their excesses; and the “authoritarians” (that is, the Ismaifis) for following the teaching of their Imam only. Nonetheless, it was to the refutation of the second group of “seekers” that al-Ghazzafi devoted most of his critical works. He first thoroughly studied their works, which enabled him to produce a compen dium on (Aristotelian) philosophy of such quality that Christian medieval authors believed it to be the work of a Peripatetic. This compendium, modestly called The Intentions of the philosophers (Maqdsid al-Falasifa; Logica et Philosophia Algazelis Arabes), was actually planned as the base for a major attack, the famous Incoherence of the Philosophers (Tahdfut al-Falasifa), which can also be translated as the Autode struction or Collapse of the Philosophers. Al-Ghazzafi’s critique focuses mainly on three philosophers: Aristotle, and al-Farabl and Ibn Sina as the main expositors of Peripatetic thought in Islam. Sixteen metaphysical and four physical propositions are examined, among which three are regarded as liable to religious sanctions: the eternity of the world, God’s knowledge of universals only, and disbelief in the resurrection of the body. One of al-Ghazzafi’s most brilliant refutations relates to the doctrine of causality which had already been attacked by earlier Ash'arite theolo gians, who saw in the notion of “secondary causes” a threat to God’s omnipotence. The author of the Incoherence contends that there is no necessary correlation be tween what Aristotelians call “cause” and “effect” since certain causal nexus can only be found in logic. It might appear that fire causes the burning of cotton, for example, but all that can be ascertained is that cotton burns with (ma'a) fire, not by 121
(bi) fire. The occasionalist theory that al-Ghazzali refers to in explaining the reaction accompanying the coming together of these two substances also does not allow God to be regarded as the cause of that reaction, since if God acted necessarily, he would cease to act voluntarily. Some of al-Ghazzali’s other criti cisms apply to philosophical propositions, such as that of the immateriality of the soul, which are in conformity with the Quranic revelation but which cannot be asserted by reason. Al-Ghazzali’s major critique was answered a few decades later in the Andalusian philosopher Ibn Rushd’s powerful Incoherence of the Incoherence (Tahdfut al~Tahdfut; Destructio destructionis). The Andalusian’s most effective reply consists in demon strating that a reason incapable of attaining certitude is ill prepared to destroy philosophical certitude by means of rational dialectic. Ibn Rushd’s defense of ratio nal philosophy was little noticed by later medieval Muslim philosophers. Fakhr alDln al-Razi, for instance, continued al-GhazzalTs attack on Ibn Sina in his Book of Directives and Remarks (Isharat wa al-Tanbihat). In the contemporay Islamic world, al-Ghazzali is a highly respected theological authority whose main work, The Revival of the Religious Sciences (Ihya’ TJlum al-DInf is still considered for its ethical teaching. Among his numerous theological and Sufi works, one ought to single out The Precious Pearl (al-Durra al-Fdkhirafi Kashf'Ulum al-Akhird), The Niche of Lights (Mishkat al-Anwdr), and the The Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names of God (al-Maqsad al-Asna fi Sharh Asma’ Allah al-Husnd). The Andalusians After the fall of the Umayyads in the East in 749, the only survivor of the dynasty, 'Abd al-Rahman ibn Mu'awiya, escaped to the Iberian Peninsula where he shaped a new Muslim Emirate, Andalusia, with Cordova as its capital. Under his succes sors, Andalusia (which also incorporated western North Africa) was raised to the dignity of a Caliphate. The political rivalry with the Eastern Muslim empire was favourable to the growth of intellectual culture. As in early Islam, the Andalusian intellectuals were primarily interested in mathematics, natural science and medi cine before they came to explore the philosophical works of the Greeks (and of their early Muslim commentators.) After 1031, the Andalusian Caliphate split up into a number of minor independent kingdoms, which facilitated the gradual recovery of Spain by Christian princes. Nevertheless, the eleventh century witnessed a new flourishing of arts and sciences, causing it to be called the Medicean age of Spain. By comparison with the East, however, far fewer individuals took a significant interest in philosophy, which possibly explains the strong emphasis in Andalusian works on the philosopher’s solitary life. During the reign of Ferdinand V of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile, all of Arabic Spain passed under the dominion of the Spanish crown. The last Muslim city, Granada, fell in 1492, marking the end of Muslim culture on the Iberian peninsula.
Ibn Masarra Muhammad Ibn Masarra (883-931), born in Cordova, was not an Arab by race. After his teaching was denounced as atheistic, he deliberately went into exile to
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Medina and Mecca. He returned, however, to the hermitage that he owned in the vicinity of Cordova, where he founded the first Muslim mystic society on Spanish ground. Ibn Masarra revived the philosophy of Empedocles, whom he regarded as a prophetic figure. (Muslim historians commonly offered the following line of affil iation: Empedocles-Pythagoras-Socrates-Plato-Aristotle.) Opinions are divided as to the historic derivation of his Neo-Empedoclism (or pseudo-Empedoclism). Asm Palacios sees it as a continuation of Priscillan’s (fourth century) gnosis, while Henry Corbin clearly identifies Isma'ill influences. The books that are indisputably attributable to Ibn Masarra include the Book of Penetrating Explanation (Kitab alTabsird) and the Book of Letters (Kitab al-Huruf), which presents a mystical algebra. Much of his philosophy can be reconstructed from quotations found in the work of another Andalusian, the famous Ibn al-'Arabi (1165-1240) who left his native Spain for Persia. Ibn Masarra is close to the hellenizing philosophers we discussed earlier in that he also developed a theory of hierarchical emanation. This theory develops the hypostatic chain: Primary Matter, Intelligence, Soul, Nature, and Secondary Mat ter. Unlike in Plotinus, from whom the basic scheme is derived, Primary Matter (or Intelligible Matter) takes the position of the “One.” In the center of Ibn Masarra’s philosophy are the two Empedoclean cosmic “energies”: love and discord. The Arabic terms used show, however, a semantic shifting in the understanding of “discord.” While mahabba renders quite accurately the Greekphilia, qahr (or ghalabd) is closer to the notion of “domination” (or “victory”) than to Empedocles’ neikos (especially since for Empedocles both principles are alternately “victorious” one over the other). Ibn Masarra’s teaching influenced the school of Almeria (Portugal) and the work of certain Jewish philosophers, particularly Solomon ben Gablrol (Avencebrol; d. 1051/1070).
Ibn Hazm of Cordova
Another philosopher from Cordova is Abu Muhammad 'All ibn Hazm (994-1064). He was expelled twice from his city in connection with the political misfortunes of the Umayyad dynasty, to whom he remained faithful all his life. The first time, in 1013, he fled to Almeria and then to Jativa, where he waited for the restoration of the dynasty. After the Umayyads failed to re-establish their rule over Cordova in 1023, Ibn Hazm resigned himself to a life dedicated to writing. He spent the years from 1040 until 1050 on Mallorca. Ibn Hazm became famous for a philosophical, a theological-juridical, and a historic work. The Dove’s Necklace (Tauq aL-Hamamd), which he wrote in Jativa and in which he incorporated many autobiographical events, is considered the first treatise on Platonic love in Islam (and possibly a major source for troubadour poetry). It combines the doctrines of two Platonic dialogues, that of man’s inner division and subsequent search for reunion as represented in the myth of the androgyne from the Symposium, and the philosophy of beauty presented in the Phaedrus. In company with The Dove’s Necklace, one should read The Book of Charac ter and Behaviour (Kitab al-Akhlaq wa al-Siyar), in which many definitions of terms used in the former text can be found. The work that brought recognition to Ibn 123
Hazm in the field of juridical theology is the Kitab al-Ibtal whose critique of other schools is supported by the Kitab al-muhalla. Under the influence of Dawad ibn Khalaf al-Isfahanl’s (d. 883) Zahirism (exotericism), Ibn Hazm promotes in that book a canonist position of strict literalism that rejects the determinants of juridical decisions: analogy, personal opinion, preference (istihsari), imitation (taqlid), and causal interpretation (t«7zl). In the same way, he also refuted theological specula tion and the rationalization of God’s names and attributes. On the other hand, the institution of consensus is limited to the Companions of the Prophet and to his immediate successors. As can be inferred from his writing on Platonic love, Ibn Hazm’s Zahirism did not bar him from philosophical speculation, in which he could, on the contrary, even give proofs of “batinism” (esotericism). It also did not represent an impediment to the study of other religions. His Kitab al-Fisalfi al~Milal wa al-Ahwa’ wa al-Nihal, the first known treatise of the comparative history of religion, records the creeds and doctrines of Christians, Jews and other religious communities without any sign of prejudice, other than using the features of his own religion as a means of classification: atheists are divided into sceptics and materialists, believers into those who worship a personal or an abstract deity, believers in a personal deity into monotheists and polytheists, monotheists into communities who have a book and those who have no book (of revelation), and finally into monotheists who have preserved and those who have altered their book. The Kitab al~Fisal is also a valuable source for Ibn Hazm’s evaluation of other philosophical positions. He criticizes al-Razi, for example, for having adopted Zoroastrian doctrines, arguing that his co-eternal principles matter, space, and time correspond to the creations of Ahriman, the evil power of Zoroastrian religion. Ibn Hazm’s voice has also been heard by Christian philosophers. Raimundus Lullus owes him, for instance, the distinction between necessary (burhan darurr. Quran, Hadlth; immediate experience) and convincing proofs (burhan ijnai), which he applied to Ibn Sina’s classification of scientific premises, criticizing the Parisian theologians who knew only of the Aristotelian demonstration. Lullus’ “theologia positiva" is also coined after one of Ibn Hazm’s definitions.
Ibn al-SId of Badajoz 'Abd Allah Ibn al-SId al-BatalyusI (1052-1127) was born in Badajoz in Extrema dura. He was a contemporary of Ibn Bajja, with whom he debated on questions of grammar and dialectic in Saragossa, and hence for a long time he was believed to be only a grammarian. He was forced to flee when his native town was conquered by the Christians in 1118. His main philosophical works are the Book of Questions (Kitab al-Masail) and the Book of Circles (Kitab al-Hadaiq), which has been known mainly to Jewish philosophers through a Hebrew version provided by Moses Ibn Tibbon (d. 1283). The Book of Circles, which combines (Avicennian) emanationist theory with arithmetical doctrine, betrays the strong influence of the neo-Pythagorean ap proach of the Brethren of Basra. It describes three “circles”: one for the decad of pure Intelligences, a second for the decad of Souls (celestial spheres and active
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intelligence), and a third for the decad of material beings (form, bodily matter, elements, natural kingdoms, and humankind). As in the Brethren’s encyclopaedia, man, representing a summary of the entire universe, is considered a microcosm. Human knowledge constitutes itself in a circular motion: the study of mathematics provides the foundation for physics; the study of bodies leads to the knowledge of the souls inhabiting them, from which the investigation proceeds to a discovery of the rational soul; the study of rationality renders possible the understanding of intellectual principles, through which metaphysical knowledge can be attained; and from there the exploration continues until it reaches the divine One. This ascending process is called “human speculation” as opposed to the “divine specula tion” of the descending process. Its conceptual interest lies in the fact that the study of the material world is located between two intelligible realms of knowledge: math ematics and metaphysics.
Ibn Bajja of Saragossa (Avempace) Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Yahya ibn al-Sa’igh, better known as Ibn Bajja, was born in Saragossa at the end of the eleventh century, and lived there until 1116, shortly before the Christians took the city. He eventually moved to Sevilla where he worked as a physician and dedicated himself to teaching and writing. He died in Fez (Morocco) in 1138. According to the bibliography by Ibn Abi Usaybi'a, Ibn Bajja wrote several commentaries on works of Aristotle and al-Farabl, a summary of al-Razi’s al-Hawi, treatises on medicine and astronomy (in which he opposed Ptolemy’s system), answers to Ibn al-SId’s questions on mathematical matters, and several treatises on the soul and the importance of the active intellect. Among his chief philosophical works are the incomplete Regime of the Solitary (Tadbir al-Mutawahhid), the Treatise on the Conjunction of the Intellect with Man (Ittisal al-Aql bl-Insan; Continuatio or Copulatio intellectus cum homine), and the Letter of Farewell (Risala al-Wada; Epistula expeditionis) dedicated to his pupil Abu al-Hasan 'All ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz, in which he also addresses the problem of conjunction. Ibn Bajja’s notion of the “solitary” or the “stranger” (al-gharlb), a term that can be related to the title of a later work by al-SuhrawardT, the Occidental Exile (al-Ghurba al-Gharbiyya), was perhaps influenced by the figure of Plato as this was presented in certain Islamic documents. (Al-Farabl’s Harmony between the Doctrines of the Two Sages, for instance, depicts the Greek philosophical authority as fleeing social and political life). The solitary finds himself as the citizen of an ideal, but nevertheless terrestrial city. He abides exclusively by the laws of absolute reason which enables him to “con-join” - that is, to unite with the separate active intelligence. In order to clarify this “conjunction”, Ibn Bajja distinguishes four “spiritual forms” (gl-suwar al-ruhaniyya, the title of a treatise attributed to Alexandre of Aphrodisias): (1) the forms of the celestial spheres, which are immaterial and help to perfect the material forms; (2) the active and the ac quired intellects that are both “in-formed” and “in-forming ” powers; (3) the hylic intelligibles (ma'quldt hayulaniyya) abstracted from bodies, which exist in matter; and (4) the forms that are preserved in the powers of the soul (common sense,
imagination, memory), which serve as intermediaries between the hylic and the universal forms. An understanding of these forms makes it possible to grasp why only solitaries, and not all humans, participate in the highest forms. As Ibn Bajja states in the Treatise on the Conjunction, human beings are divided into three ranks: the mass, the theorists, and the blissful ones. Most humans know the intelligible forms only insofar as these are related to the individual hylic forms; the theorists give priority to the intelligibles, and then look to the hylic forms and individual objects; the blissful ones, finally, are endowed with an intellec tual “vision” in which intelligence, intellect and the intelligible are all one. Their intellects are not dependent on abstracting forms from bodies, but are provided by the separate active intelligence with pure intelligibles that have never been in matter. This is the divine gift of infused knowledge available to only a few humans - the prophets, the true believers, the martyrs, and the pious men who live in solitude. As various interpreters have noted, Ibn Bajja’s approach to philosophy is essen tially Aristotelian, but (despite occasional attacks on the mystics) he nonetheless accepts the connection between the intellectual itinerary of the solitary and the Sufi teaching of divine infusion. On the other hand, he remains committed to Aristotle’s definition of humans as “political animals”. Well aware that the solitary life is contradictory to the obligations of a social being, Ibn Bajja contends that solitude is not a good in itself, but rather a good accidentaliter- for those who are unable to find companions.
Ibn Tufayl of Cadiz (Abubacer) Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Malik ibn Tufayl was born in Cadiz at the beginning of the twelfth century. He practiced medicine in Granada before he became a private physician to the Almohad Sultan Abu Ya'qub Yusuf. In 1163 he advanced to the position of a vizir. In 1182 he resigned his office as the Sultan’s physician, allowing Ibn Rushd to succeed him, and died at an advanced age in Morocco in 1185. Muslim historians report that he wrote works on medicine, astronomy, and philosophy. However, the only work of his that has survived is the Hayy ibn Yaqzdn, a philosophical novel that owes its name to one of Ibn Sina’s recitals. Ibn Tufayl tells the story of the intellectual and spiritual development of a child (Hayy ibn Yaqzan) growing up in isolation from human society. (Unlike Ibn Sina, for whom the Alive, Son of the Awake stands for the active intelligence, Ibn Tufayl identifies Hayy with Ibn Bajja’s figure of the “solitary.”) As to the circumstances of the child’s birth, the author offers two alternatives: Hayy is either the offspring of a secret marriage, who was placed in an ark and cast into the sea by his mother, acting out of fear that her liaison would be discovered, and who later landed on the shore of a lonely island where a doe who had lost her fawn took care of him, or he owes his bodily existence to the “spontaneous generation” of a fermented mass of clay located on that same island and infused by God’s “spirit.” Most of the novel is dedicated to Hayy’s intellectual growth, as L. E. Goodman observes:
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Ibn Tufayl postulates in Hayy natural capacities for brilliance, boldness, curiosity, and goodness. The very name ... should indicate what Hayy stands for; he is wide-awake, ready to learn, unrivaled in sensitivity, receptivity, openness to experience. (Ibn Tu fayl, 1972, p. 13)
Hayy’s years of learning are divided into seven heptads each of which presents him with different lessons, and he reaches the age of (intellectual) maturity at 50 - a number that can be related to the 50 gates of knowledge in the Kabbala. In his childhood observations of his environment, the significance of “aversion” and “at traction” is explored. Hayy discovers in time how skilled his hands are in fabricating clothes and in defending him against other animals. His first painful experience, the loss of his doe-mother, spurs him to engage in anatomical studies until he under stands at the age of 21 how death occurs through the spirit’s leaving the body. Hayy’s continued study of bodies and their parts leads him to such notions as extension, species, motion, nutrition, sensation, form, and (vegetative and animal) soul. Finally, he conceives of the entire universe as one body provided with different “organs”, which leads him to questions concerning the origin and age of the world. Most remarkably, Hayy recognizes the implications of the two possible answers that he considers - that is, that the assumption of the world’s eternity poses the problem of limitation, while the assumption that the universe comes into existence raises questions concerning the origin of time. By the age of 35, he comes to the conclusion that the world has been shaped by a perfect, good, and omniscient Craftsman. A major spiritual breakthrough occurs when Hayy develops introspective abili ties that allow him to recognize that he perceives the Author of the world through his own essence, and subsequently he reaches the stage in which his own essence vanishes, permitting him an undisturbed vision of the divine Craftsman himself. This mystical experience becomes increasingly frequent, until by the age of 50 Hayy masters the technique of initiating and ending his visions. In that year he meets for the first time another human being, A(b)sal, who has come from the neighboring island to pursue a solitary life himself. A(b)sal teaches Hayy how to speak, thus enabling him to share his mystical experience. In this way A(b)sal discovers that the knowledge contained in the scripture is nothing other than the pictorial representation of a higher reality that can be accessed by human beings, and so he takes Hayy to his native island (which Ibn Tufayl may have intended to represent Andalusia, since in Arabic documents the Iberian peninsula is often referred to as an “island”), so that the society there can profit from Hayy’s teaching. There they meet A(b)sal’s brother, Salaman, who has become the ruler of the island, and who, like the rest of the population, is unable to grasp the “inward” truth of revelation. Like Ibn Bajja, Ibn Tufayl comes to the conclusion that only the solitary life, to which few people are disposed, can lead to a full harmony between reason and revelation. Even though one may question the linear intellectual development described by Ibn Tufayl, a development which does not require language, as well as the assump tion that faith in one God is the result of the natural growth of rational abilities, one
must acknowledge the truth of some of his observations. The Hayy ibn Yaqzdn emphasizes, for instance, the discovery of the hand as a uniquely skillful organ which enables the solitary infant to detach himself from the animal world. Also it is noteworthy that the initial motivation underlying Hayy’s scientific examination of bodies was the wish to overcome pain (represented by the death of the doe-mother). It appears that Ibn Tufayl wanted to think through human nature independently of biblical-Quranic sources. Hayy’s Adamic position suggests that humanity’s good nature can be restored if the individual is isolated from other human beings. Evil, in other words, is not connected with the desire for knowledge, but is rather due to corruption through society. The Latin West knew Ibn Tufayl as Abubacer through Ibn Rushd’s works on Aristotelian books - particularly through the commentary on De Anima, in which he criticizes him for making no distinction between the possible intellect and imag ination. The Hayy ibn Yaqzdn was known to the Renaissance philosopher Giovanni Pico della Mfrandola (d. 1494), possibly through the Hebrew commentary of Moses of Narbonne from the year 1349. A Latin translation was provided by Edward Pococke in 16 71 which became a source for Leibniz’ Philosophus autodidactus. Many more translations followed, making Ibn Tufayl’s book the best known original Arabic philosophical work in the Western tradition.
Ibn Rushd (Averroes) Abu al-Walld Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad Ibn Rushd (1126-1198) was born in Cordova into a family of famous jurists. He studied (malikite) theology and law, poetry, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy. In 1168 or 1169 Ibn Rushd was introduced to Abu Ya'qub Yusuf through the good offices of Ibn Tufayl. As a result, he was nominated judge in Sevilla, then appointed as a physician to the Sultan in 1182 (a position from which Ibn Tufayl had resigned), and finally invested with the dignity of judge of Cordova. The meeting with Abu Ya'qub Yusuf also had a decisive influence on the course of philosophy, particularly in the Latin West. Ibn Rushd responded to the Sultan’s desire to see all the Aristo telian works commented upon and ensured himself through this gigantic task a lasting fame in the Western tradition as “The Commentator,” eclipsing thereby for many centuries his other philosophical merits. After 1195, Ibn Rushd lost the favour of Abu Ya'qub Yusuf’s son, Sultan al-Mansur, who had his books burnt and sent him into exile, possibly hoping to appease in this way Ibn Rushd’s many adversaries, who accused him of heresy. Al-Mansur had a change of heart, however, and soon recalled the philosopher to Morocco, where he died shortly thereafter. Ibn Rushd is the only notable Muslim philosopher who has also written system atic juridical treatises. In the field of medicine he left a major work, the Kitab alKulliyyat (Colliget), a book on general medicine, as well as many single medical tracts and compendia of Galenic works. His commentaries on Aristotle are of three types: the large (tafsir or sharh), the intermediate (talkhis), and the short (jamf, pl. jawdmi). The large address philological, historic, and doctrinal questions following a procedure similar to the method used in Quran commentaries. The intermediate 128
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offer continuous commentary on the original text; in these Aristotle’s and Ibn Rushd’s own thoughts are indiscriminately intertwined. The short commentaries, finally, do not follow the order of the text commented upon; here Ibn Rushd speaks in his own name. There are five large, eighteen intermediate, and four short com mentaries on Aristotelian texts. All three types of commentaries were written for the Physics, the Metaphysics, De anima, De caelo, and Analytica posteriora. The only Platonic work that Ibn Rushd commented upon is the Republic, a text to which he dedicated Jawamf - in substitution for Aristotle’s Politics, for which he found no Arabic translation. Recently, this commentary, in which the idea of gender equal ity is defended, has brought Ibn Rushd considerable recognition in feminist political philosophy. Other commentaries deal with works by Alexandre of Aphrodisias, Ibn Bajja, and al-Farabl, which the philosopher of Cordova examined in his effort to distinguish the true Aristotelian doctrine from its later accretions. Among the “original” works, one finds, in addition to his greatest philosophico-theological text, The Incoherence of the Incoherence, addressed against al-Ghazzali, titles on the compatibility of faith and reason, such as The Decisive Treatise Determining the Na ture of the Connection between Religion and Philosophy (Pasi al-Maqal fi ma Bayn AshsharTa wa al-Hikma min al-Ittisal) and The Exposition of the Methods of Proofs Concerning the Beliefs of the Community (al-Kashf 'an Manahij al-Adilla fi 'Aqa’id alMilla), several works on celestial physics, among which the Maqala fi Jawhar alFalak (De Substantia Orbis) was particularly popular in the Christian and Jewish Middle Ages as well as in the Renaissance, writings on psychology, chief among them The Treatise on the Union of the Intellect with Man (Maqala fi Ittisal al-Aql bi alInsan; Epistola de connexione intellectus abstract! cum homine), and finally a series of treatises on logical and grammatical questions. Leaning on Abdurrahman Badawi’s scheme in his Histoire de la philosophie en Islam, we will focus here on three aspects of Ibn Rushd’s philosophy: (1) the rela tionship of faith and reason; (2) God - his creation and proofs of his existence; and (3) the doctrine of the unity of the intellect (Badawi, 1972, Vol. 2, p. 765). In his own lifetime, Ibn Rushd was already viewed as a rationalist, a semi-rationalist and, by contrast, as an orthodox philosopher. What speaks in favour of the rationalist attribution, is his theory of the eternity of the world and passages in his works asserting that religion cannot satisfy the philosopher’s need to investigate the truth. On the other hand, he can be seen as semi-rationalist or even as orthodox on the grounds of his conviction that philosophy has to consider both reason and revelation; and that reason, being incapable of discovering all truths, needs to submit to religious dogma in case of conflict. What renders a final judgment partic ularly difficult is the contradiction between the different works dealing with the compatibility of reason and faith. Whereas The Incoherence and The Exposition offer a base for interpretation, The Decisive Treatise is clearly rationalistic. An explanation for the different ways in which it is possible to see Ibn Rushd may be given in terms of the different classes of people that he found himself addressing: the masses, who were open to imagery and rhetorical arguments only, theologians (Mutakallimuri), who understood dialectic discussions, and the philosophers, who could follow ra tional demonstrations. It is this distinction that is at the foundation of the “doctrine
of double truth” (which should actually have been called the “doctrine of triple truth”). This doctrine was wrongly ascribed to Ibn Rushd by Christian medieval authors. Ibn Rushd’s ideal consisted in harmonizing not different “truths,” but different expressions of one and the same truth. Unlike Ibn Sina, who used the Neo-Platonic concept of the One in describing God, Ibn Rushd worked with Aristotle’s notion of divine mind thinking itself - a notion that he defended against al-Ghazzalfs attacks. In being his own object of thought, God also thinks the world with all its objects and events. He does that in a mode that cannot be expressed in terms of universals and particulars; his self reflection does, however, generate providence. This is a doctrine that has been misunderstood by later interpreters, Christians and Muslims alike, who stated that there is no room for divine providence in Ibn Rushd’s philosophy since God does not perceive the particular. The world that God thinks has an intermediary state; it is neither entirely co-eternal to God nor corruptible as a whole. While its shape has been created in time, its duration and its matter are uncreated. Rejecting the Avicennian principle “Ex Uno nonfit nisi Unum,” which he correctly traces back to Porphyry, Ibn Rushd thus dismisses the emanationist the ory in which intermediary beings are acting as in-formers. God does not produce the world ex nihilo, but he is the Cause responsible for the union of form and matter. Proofs of God’s existence from causality are, therefore, only valid if they operate with the notion of efflcent cause. As for Ibn Sina’s proof from the necessary and the contingent, Ibn Rushd replies that (since it defines the necessary by what has a cause and the contingent by what does not) it cannot prove the impossibility of the existence of infinite causes, and hence needs to be refuted. On the other hand, the proof from providence is only designed for the masses. For himself, how ever, Ibn Rushd clearly favors the proof from movement which is derived from the Aristotelian concept of “the first mover.” This proof is supported by Averroes’ principle, according to which physics establishes the existence of the subject matter of metaphysics. An extensive discussion of Ibn Rushd’s epistemology requires not only the study of his treatises on “conjunction” (ittisal), but more especially a thorough examina tion of the intermediate and the long commentaries on De anima. As for Aristotle, knowledge begins, according to Ibn Rushd, with the perception of the particular. Once this is preserved in imagination and repeatedly perceived, the next step con sists in recognizing (with the help of memory) the universal pertaining to that particular. For Ibn Rushd, cognizance of universals (kulliyyat) is not just a philo sophical goal, it represents the only means to reach supreme happiness (al-sadda al~ 'uzmd), a happiness that is reached, as al-Farabl already argued, by the hylic (or possible) intellect “con-joining” with the active intellect. Only theoretical reflection helps the privileged few to “natural perfection,” which is nothing other than an approximation of “divine perfection,” while the masses at large only achieve moral excellence. (The elitist orientation of this theory is fairly obvious and rather prob lematic.) Part of the theory has become famous as “the doctrine of the unity of the intellect,” which implies that as a consequence of the “conjunction,” the hylic intellect, once actualized, becomes one to all humans. As a result, immortality is
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denied to individuals, leaving them only as so many perspectives participating in a universal perpetuity common to all of (thinking) humanity. Ibn Rushd had little influence on the further development of Islamic philosophy. He was nevertheless highly regarded among Andalusian Jews, particularly by Moses Maimonides (d. 1204) and his pupil Joseph ben Juda, through whom many of Ibn Rushd’s works have survived - in translations or in copies of the Arabic original using Hebrew characters. His impact on the Latin philosophical tradition is of such importance that Western thought between the thirteenth and sixteenth centuries is inexplicable without considering his conceptual contribu tions. Though seriously attacked for his doctrine of the unity of the intellect by Thomas Aquinas in De imitate intellectus contra Averroistas, he continued to be respectfully quoted as “the Commentator.” He also inspired a Latin Averroism in authors such as Siger of Brabant (d. 1281/1284) and Boethius of Dacia (d. 1284), and more specifically, a political Averroism in the works of Jean de Jandun (d. 1328) and Marsilius of Padua (d. 1336/1343). Despite the Church’s efforts to suppress Averroistic doctrines in the Middle Ages, Ibn Rushd’s philosophy was revived in the Renaissance - hence H. A. Wolfson’s well known phrase, “a twicerevealed Averroes.” A series of philosophers at the University of Padua, which was considered an Averroistic stronghold in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, based their epistemological theories on Ibn Rushd’s work, among them Nicoletto Vernia (d. 1499), Agostino Nifo (d. ca. 1538) and their disciples. As a result of the Aver roistic debate, the (individual) immortality of the soul was declared a dogma at the Lateran Church Council in 1513. In older surveys, the death of Ibn Rushd traditionally signalled the end of Muslim philosophy. But this is only justified for what has been called the “Arabic Peripate ticism,” although the philosopher of Cordova was not entirely forgotten in later centuries. Ibn Khaldun, for instance, was a fervent reader of his works, the Turkish theologian Khwaja Zada (d. 1488) wrote a rejoinder to The Incoherence of Incoher ence, and there is evidence that Ibn Rushd was discussed at the school of Isfahan (in Persia) in the seventeenth century. Philosophy as such, however, did not come to an end in the Muslim world, although it literally moved East. This is best illustrated by the life of Ibn al-'Arabi, who was a contemporary of Ibn Rushd and left his native Andalusia for Persia. Ibn al-'Arabi’s journey has been interpreted by Henri Corbin as a metaphor for the return of Islamic mystical philosophy (which Ibn Masarra had taken to Andalusia centuries earlier) to its origin in the Eastern Muslim empire (Corbin, 1993, p. 292). An investigation of mystical philosophy would need to consider figures such as Athir al-Dm al-Abharl (d. 12 64), Dablran Katibi (d. 12 76), Qutb al-DIn al-Razi (1364), and of course, “the school of Isfahan,” which was founded in the fifteenth century and the philosophical activities of which culminat ed with the works of Mulla Sadra and his disciples. It appears that Isfahan again became a renowned center of philosophy in the eighteenth and nineteenth centu ries after it recovered from the Afghan invasion. Today Muslim intellectuals debate whether the rationalist tradition that Arab philosophers have nourished for so many centuries should be reintroduced into modern Islamic thought. Some Muslim researchers, such as Seyyed Hossein Nasr 131
(b. 1933), view the period of Arab interest in Aristotelian philosophy as a short interlude. They support the idea of purely Islamic arts, ethics, and sciences. Others, by contrast, deplore the fact that Islam abandoned the foundation of modern thought that it gave to the West, in particular through the rational philosophy of Ibn Rushd. Thus Mourad Wahba speaks of “The Paradox of Averroes,” implying thereby that the absence of a Renaissance and Enlightenment in the Islamic tradi tion goes along with the absence of Averroism in the Muslim world. Nevertheless, the twentieth century has witnessed a gradual revival of Ibn Rushd’s philosophy among Muslim intellectuals - admirers and critics, “traditionalists” and “modern ists,” religious and political authors. The promoters of the Andalusian’s ideas do not, however, even think of accepting such typically Averroistic theses as the eternity of the world and the unity of the intellect. They focus rather on a rational and scientific mentality represented in Ibn Rushd’s works, which could serve as a modern foundation for theoretical openness, political freedom, and religious toler ance in the Muslim world (von Kiigelgen, 1994). Thus today, nearly eight hundred years after the death of the philosopher of Cordova, Ibn Rushd’s philosophy, which gave rise to a Latin and a Jewish Averroism in the Middle Ages, re-enters the philosophical discourse in the shape of an “Arabic Averroism” (Wahba and Abousenna, 1996). Bibliography
Primary sources The Glorious Quran 1976: bilingual edition, English tr. by Marmaduke Pickthall (Albany: State University of New York Press). Al-Ghazzali 1958: Tahafut al-Falasifah. Incoherence of the Philosophers, tr. A. S. Kamali (Lahore: Pakistan Philosophical Congress). Al-Ghazzali 1910: Ihya Vlum al-Din [The Revival of the Religious Sciences] (Cairo: Maktaba al-Tijariyya al-Kubra). Ibn Khaldun 1967: The Muqaddimah: an Introduction to History, tr. by F. Rosenthal, 3 Vols. (Paris: Sindbad). Ibn Rushd 1954: Averroes’ Tahafut al-Tahdfut: Incoherence of the Incoherence, tr. Simon Van den Bergh, 2 Vols (London: Luzac). ------[1956] 1966: Averroes' Commentary on the Republic, ed. and tr. by E. I. Rosenthal, 1956 (Reprint, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). ------1961: Averroes. On the Harmony of Religion and Philosophy, tr. G. F. Hourani (London: Luzac). Ibn Sina 1985: Al-Najdt (Beirut: Manshurat Dar al-Afaq al-Jadida). Ibn Tufayl 1972: Ibn Tufayl’s Hayy Ibn Yaqzdn. A Philosophic Tale, tr. L. E. Goodman (New York: Twayne Publishers). Nurbakhsh, Javad 1990: Sufi Women, tr. L. Lewisohn (2nd rev. edn, London and New York: K. Nimatullahi).
References and further reading Anawati, Georges C. 1974: Etudes de philosophic musulmane (Paris: J. Vrin). Badawi, Abdurrahman 1972: Histoire de la philosophic en Islam, 2 Vols (Paris: J. Vrin).
ISLAMIC philosophy: an overview
Corbin, Henry 1993: History of Islamic Philosophy, tr. Liadain Sherrard (London and New York: Kegan Paul International). de Boer, T. J. 1970: The History of Philosophy in Islam, tr. E. R. Jones (London: Luzac). Fakhry, Majid A. 19 8 3: History ofIslamic Philosophy (New York: Columbia University Press). Goichon, Anne-Marie 19 3 7: La distinction de Tessence et de Fexistence d’apres Ibn Sina (Paris: D. de Brouwer). Kiigelgen, Anke von 1994: Averroes und die Ardbische Modeme. Ansdtze zu einer Neubegriindung des Rationalismus im Islam (Leiden: E. J. Brill). Makdisi, George 1981: The Rise of the Colleges: Institutions of Learning in Islam and the West (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press). ------ 1990: The Rise of Humanism in Classical Islam and the Christian West: with Special Reference to Scholasticism (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press). Ormsby, M. E. 1983: Theodicy in Islamic Thought. The Dispute Over al-Ghazdli's Best of All Possible Worlds (Princeton: Princeton University Press). Palacios, M. A. 1978: The Mystical Philosophy of Ibn Masarra and His Followers, tr. E. H. Douglas and H. W. Yoder (Leiden: E. J. Brill). Peters, F. E. 1968: Aristotle and the Arabs. The Aristotelian Tradition in Islam (New York: New York University Press). Qadir, C. A. 1988: Philosophy and Sciences in the Islamic World (London and New York: Croom Helm). Rosenthal, Franz 1937: “Die arabische Autobiographic,” Analecta Orientalia, 14, pp. 1-40. Schimmel, Annemarie 1975: Mystical Dimensions of Islam (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press). Sharif, M. M. (ed.) 1963: A History of Muslim Philosophy, 2 Vols (Wiesbaden: 0. Harrassowitz). Smith, Margaret 1974: Rabfa the Mystic and Her Fellow-Saints in Islam (Amsterdam: Philo Press; originally 1928). Stowasser, Barbara F. 1994: Women in the Qur'an, Traditions, and Interpretations (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press). Wahba, Mourad and Abousenna, Mona (eds) 1996: Averroes and the Enlightenment. The First Humanist/Muslim Dialogue (Amherst: Prometheus). Wolfson, H. A. 1961-3: “The Twice-Revealed Averroes,” Speculum, July 1961, pp. 3 73-93; Jan. 1963, pp. 88-104.
7 Ideas of the good in Chinese philosophy SHUN KWONG-LOI Ideas of the good are ideas of what is worthy of pursuit, and a thinker’s conception of the worthy objects of pursuit may differ from that of the ordinary person. Suppose we call ordinary self-interest the objects of pursuit that relate to the ordinary person’s own interests, including such things as health, possessions, power and honour. And suppose we call an ethical ideal a thinker’s conception of how one should live - a conception of what, according to the thinker, should constitute the proper object of devotion for everyone. An attempt to understand ideas of the good in Chinese thought involves discussing the ways in which different philosophical movements view the ethical ideal and its relation to ordinary self-interest. Chinese thought in the early period, from the sixth to the third century bc, emerged in a context of social and political disorder, involving war between differ ent states and pervasive corruption in government. A major concern of both ordinary people and philosophical thinkers was the restoration of order and the well-being of the people. Suppose we call the public good the conditions of society and of the people that are worthy of being promoted. An attempt to understand ideas of the good in Chinese thought also involves discussing the ways in which philosophical movements view the relation between the ethical ideal and the public good. In the following discussion, we will consider a number of philosophical move ments in the early period, including Confucianism, Mohism, Yangism, and Daoism, and consider how they viewed the ethical ideal and its relation to both ordinary self interest and the public good. Although some movements, such as Yangism, may seem to advocate an exclusive concern for one’s own interests, this concern for oneself is nevertheless linked to a concern for the public. Conversely, although some movements, such as Mohism, may seem to advocate an exclusive devotion to the public, this devotion is nevertheless linked to a concern for one’s own interests. Most philosophical movements in China regarded self-interest, or at least one’s real interests, and the public good as converging rather than as standing in opposition to each other, and the ethical ideal as promoting both. Let us begin with early Confucianism, whose representative thinkers include Confucius (sixth century bc), Mencius (fourth century bc) and Xunzi (third century bc). The Confucians believed that the way to bring about order is to restore and maintain certain traditional values and norms, which served as the basis for an orderly society in ancient times. These include various attributes within the family
and state, such as affection for and being filial toward parents, a reverential attitude toward elders, loyalty to superiors, and kindness as well as a caring attitude toward those below oneself. They also include rules of behaviour governing the interaction between people in recurring social contexts, such as the way to conduct sacrifices, marriage ceremonies and funerals, the way for hosts and guests to interact, as well as various obligations one has toward another person in virtue of the different positions the two occupy within the family or state. The term “li," which refers to such rules, is often translated as “rites” because it originally referred to rites of sacrifice and, even when used more broadly to refer to various rules of conduct, it still emphasizes the ceremonial. The Confucians did not adopt the traditional values and norms uncritically. They emphasized the importance of having the proper attitude in following the rules of li, an attitude akin to the reverential attitude involved in sacrifices. One should pay serious attention to those with whom one interacts, be cautious about one’s demeanor and appearance, and yield to others in matters that bring good or honour. The traditional rules of li may be suspended in exigencies or adapted to cope with changing circumstances; the former is particularly emphasized by Men cius and the latter by Xunzi. Also, while emphasizing filial piety in the family and loyalty in the state, the Confucians also stressed that one should remonstrate with parents and superiors when they are in the wrong, and be prepared to leave gov ernment if one cannot help bring about desirable political changes. So underlying the advocacy of traditional values and norms is a sense of what is proper, or yi, which provides a basis for assessing and adapting such values and norms. The Confucians advocated cultivating oneself to embody the attributes just de scribed. Confucius used “ren”, often translated as “humaneness” or “benevolence”, to refer to the ethical ideal encompassing all these desirable attributes, but sub sequently “ren" has often been used to emphasize the affective component of the ideal. Though one’s affective concern is directed to all, it should involve a gradation in that one has special affection for and special obligations toward those standing in certain social relations to oneself, such as one’s parents. Other aspects of the ideal include the observance of the rites (li) with reverence, a commitment to the pro priety (yi) of conduct, and wisdom in the sense of an ability to assess what is proper in a way that is sensitive to circumstances and not rigidly bound by rules. In addition, one should cultivate a firm commitment to what is proper so that one is not swayed by the adverse circumstances of life, but will willingly accept such circumstances. This conception of the ethical ideal links up directly with the public good. Someone who has approximated the ideal will have affection and reverence for others, and will seek actively to promote their well-being. This involves not just attending to their material needs, but also educating them and helping them cultivate themselves. If political opportunities are available, one will take part in government, whose purpose is to bring about social order and attend to the mate rial needs and the education of the people. Self-cultivation is the ideal basis for government because the good character of those in office will have a transformative effect on the people; good character is also needed to institute policies serving the
purposes of government and to properly carry out policies transmitted from the past. The relation between the ethical ideal and ordinary self-interest is more com plicated. On the one hand, the Confucians acknowledged a potential conflict between ethical pursuits and ordinary self-interest, and advocated subordinating the latter to the former. One should not be tempted by wealth and honour, or swayed by poverty and obscurity, to deviate from ethical pursuits. Instead, one should willingly accept the adverse circumstances of life, including even death, should these be unavoidable consequences of proper conduct. On the other hand, especially in the political context, they believed that self-cultivation will also bring about certain ordinary objects of pursuit; for example, one who has cultivated one’s ability and character will likely be appreciated and employed by others, and as a result attain ranks in government. Sometimes what results from self-cultivation may be different from and yet bear an affinity to ordinary objects of pursuit. For example, Mencius believed that rulers who aspire to be invincible can attain their goal if they practice humane (ren) government. But they will be invincible not in the sense of superior military strength, but in the sense that, given the transfor mative and attractive power of their humaneness, they will confront no hostility or will easily overcome any minimal hostility that they encounter. Humane govern ment is supposed to have all kinds of political advantages such as gaining the allegiance of the people, although the effect comes about only if one practices humaneness out of genuine concern for the people and not for the sake of gaining such advantages. By comparison to Confucianism, Mohism, a school of thought originating with Mozi (fifth century bc), sees a more direct link between the ethical ideal and both ordinary self-interest and the public good. Coming from the lower stratum of society, Mozi focused primarily on the material well-being of the common people, and opposed many of the practices that the Confucians advocated, such as elabo rate funerals and lengthy mourning of parents. According to him, such practices involve an unnecessary waste of resources, and the time and energy invested in them should be directed to more productive activities. He diagnosed the disorder of the times as having its source in discrimination - namely, one’s having special concern for oneself and one’s family and state, and seeking to benefit them at the expense of others. The remedy is to practice an indiscriminate concern for each, which involves one’s seeking to benefit all without discrimination. The ideal of indiscriminate concern may seem to show that Mozi advocated a concern for the public to the exclusion of one’s own interests. However, in another context, Mozi also defended indiscriminate concern on the ground that the interests of oneself and of those to whom one stands in a special relation are best served by indiscriminate concern. According to him, if one desires to benefit oneself and one’s parents, one should benefit others and their parents so that others will benefit oneself and one’s parents in return. There might appear to be a tension between the defence of indiscriminate con cern on the ground that discrimination leads to disorder, and its defence on the ground that its practice promotes one’s own interests. The former argument seems 141
opposed to a concern for one’s own interests, while such a concern provides a starting point for the second argument. However, there is no genuine conflict between them. What the first argument opposes is not a concern for one’s own interests per se, but such a concern coupled with an indifference to others’ interests. And what the second argument proposes is that it is only when one is also concerned for others that one’s own interests can be served. Mozi’s view is that ordinary self-interest and the public good converge, and by actively devoting oneself to the latter, one will at the same time promote the former. One main difference between the Confucians and the Mohists concerns their conceptions of what is to be public interest. The Mohists were concerned primarily with order in society and the material well-being of the people. The Confucians, on the other hand, also stressed regulating and refining people’s emotions and beauti fying human interactions through the practices of li, and promoting such qualities as special affection for parents and fulfilling special obligations to them. The purposes of government include not just order and material well-being, but also transforming people’s character through education and moral example. Another important difference concerns the content of the ethical ideal and how it can be attained. For the Mohists, the ethical ideal is primarily a devotion to the well-being of each without discrimination, and Mozi believed that it is easy to practice the ideal once one realizes that it is actually to one’s own interest to do so. For the Confucians, the ethical ideal includes the various attributes described earlier, such as a graded affective concern and reverence for others. While believing that every one can approximate the ideal, they also emphasized the need for persistence and devotion. Self-cultivation is a life-long process that often requires forgoing ordinary objects of pursuit, such as wealth and employment. By contrast to Confucianism and Mohism, Yangism, a movement of thought of which Yang Zhu (fifth to fourth century bc) is a representative figure, might appear to be indifferent to the public good. We do not have detailed records of the earlier teachings associated with the movement, but certain materials have been identified as reporting its later developments. On the basis of such materials, we can infer that the Yangists advocated the nourishing of life, with an emphasis on health and longevity. Certain trends in the movement also advocated appropriate satisfaction of sensory desires, so long as sensory pursuits are not allowed to do harm to life. Likewise, external possessions are a means to nourishing life, and one should not let such possessions, even if it is possession of the empire, do harm to life. Since political participation in those times could easily put one in danger, the Yangists idealized people who shunned offices or even declined the throne to avoid harm to their lives. On the assumption that it is often by taking office that one can contribute to the public good, critics such as Mencius regarded the Yangists as being selfishly concerned with themselves, to the neglect of public responsibility. While acknowledging that what Mencius ascribed to the Yangists was not a basic tenet of Yangism, some contemporary scholars nevertheless regard the neglect of public good as an implication of Yangist teachings. However, at least for one trend of Yangist thought, the concern with oneself was probably viewed as instrumental to the public good. That the Yangists should urge 142
each person to nourish his or her own life shows that they were concerned not just with nourishing their own lives, but with nourishing lives in general. Indeed, certain records of Yangist teachings describe the offices of government as serving the purpose of nourishing lives, and they contain a story about how a ruler of a state left his territories to save his subjects from being killed by invaders. The question remains, though, as to how this concern with the public can be reconciled with the strand in Yangist thought that advocates not letting external possessions, including offices in government or even the throne, do harm to one’s life. The answer lies with a certain diagnosis of the ills of the times. Certain records of Yangist teachings criticize rulers of the times for being preoccupied with power and possessions. As a result, they caused corruption in government and disorder in society. This is contrary to the purpose of government, which is to nourish the lives of the subjects, and the remedy is to discourage this concern with power and possessions. The Yangists’ idealization of those who would not let power and pos sessions harm their lives stems from this diagnosis of the ills of the times rather than from an indifference to such problems. Given this diagnosis, it follows that it is those without concern for power and possessions who should ideally take office. And in the records of Yangist teachings, we do find several instances in which those who actively sought to avoid offices or even the throne are described as people who ideally should rule. So, contrary to appearance, the Yangists were not indifferent to the public good. Like the Mohists, they regarded one’s own interests and the public good as con verging. But unlike the Mohists who believed that one’s own interests are served by devoting oneself to the public good, they believed that the public good is served by everyone attending to his or her own interests. Yangism is regarded by some scholars as a precursor to Taoism, which shared this view of the relation between one’s own interests and the public good, but which had a different conception of what is actually to one’s interest. Two important early Daoist texts are the Zhuangzi, part of which reports the teachings of Zhuangzi of the fourth century bc, and the Lao Tzu, the date of composition of which is controversial but lies some time between the sixth and third century bc. The Zhuangzi takes as its starting point the observation that there is no neutral ground for adjudicating between opposing judgments made from different perspec tives, whether these are judgments about the desirability of ordinary objects of pursuit, such as power, wealth and longevity, or judgments about right and wrong, such as those of the Confucians and the Mohists. This realization, characterized in terms of a kind of illumination, leads to an altered perspective involving a relax ation of the importance one attaches to such judgments. As a result, the mind can respond spontaneously and appropriately to situations, in the way that a clear mirror or still water can reflect accurately what is brought up to it. The exact nature of this state of existence is subject to different interpretations - one strand seems to advocate distancing oneself from ordinary social life, while another seems to regard ordinary social life as unavoidable, but advocates a more relaxed attitude despite social engagement. Either way, when people attain this altered perspective, order will be restored because people will no longer compete with each other over
worldly goods or combat each other over differing views about standards of con duct. It follows that those in power should not advocate standards of conduct or propagate moral doctrines, but should instead keep people free from the influence of such standards or doctrines. The Laozi sees reversal as the way the natural order operates: everything that has gone far in one direction will move in the opposite direction, and to be in a low or weak position is to be in a state in which one will thrive. The analogous phenomenon in the human realm is that those who strive for wealth or power, though initially appearing rich or strong, will inevitably lose what they have and will also exhaust themselves in the process. Instead, by entertaining few desires and occupying an apparently low or weak position, one is rich and strong in the sense of not being subject to losses and exhaustion. Real strength is a matter of overcoming oneself rather than of overcoming others, and real wealth is a matter of contentment rather than of having plenty. Similarly, real longevity is a matter of not worrying about death rather than of not dying. Hence by having few desires and not striving after worldly goods, one accomplishes what ordinary people pursue, but in an altered sense. The task of government is to meet the basic needs of the people and to minimize their desires, thereby avoiding conflict and achieving order. In their attitude toward the public good, the Daoists differed from the Confucians and the Mohists, who emphasized active social and political engagement. They were closer to the Yangists in thinking that order comes about when each person attends to himself or herself. However, unlike the Yangists, who emphasized biolog ical life, the Daoists attended to the mind instead, and advocated freeing the mind from the restrictive influences of ordinary objects of pursuit, social norms and moral doctrines. In their attitude toward self-interest, they were unlike the Yangists and the Mohists, who viewed what is to one’s interest in ordinary terms. They were closer to the Confucians in playing down the significance of ordinary objects of pursuit: if the ethical ideal is to one’s own interest, it is only so in some altered sense. Just as Mencius believed that the practice of humaneness has consequences that are different from and yet bear an affinity to ordinary objects of pursuit, the Laozi regards the entertainment of few desires as also having such consequences. Anoth er point of similarity is that, in both cases, the desirable consequences come about only if one is in the appropriate state of existence without directly aiming at such consequences. As was already suggested, for most early Chinese philosophical movements, the public good and one’s own interests were viewed as converging rather than as standing in opposition to each other, and the ethical ideal was regarded as promot ing both. Since these movements were responses to the social and political disorder of the times, it is understandable that their proposed ethical ideals were also seen as ways of restoring order. On the other hand, given the fact that people are generally moved to pursue what is to their own interest, an ethical ideal has to link up with self-interest, even if only in some altered sense, to have a firm grip on people’s motivations. For example, Mozi often faced the challenge that indiscriminate con cern for each is impractical, because people are more concerned for their own
interests and the interests of those to whom they stand in a special relation. By showing how indiscriminate concern can benefit oneself and those to whom one stands in a special relation, Mozi sought to address the challenge and to motivate his audience to actually practice indiscriminate concern. So far, our discussion has followed the standard classification of early Chinese thought into schools, and we may conclude with three observations about this classification. First, the classification is retrospective and these schools might not have been clearly distinguished in the early period. For example, a chapter of the text Guanzi contains a trend of thought, probably datable to the late fourth or early third century bc, that combines both ideas associated with Daoism and those asso ciated with Confucianism. On the one hand, like the Zhuangzi, it advocates not letting emotions or sensory objects disturb the mind so that one can respond freely and spontaneously to situations one confronts. On the other hand, such a state of mind is supposed to result from practices that the Confucians advocated, such as poetry, music and rites (li), and its responses are characterized in terms of humane ness (ren) and propriety (yi), the goals of Confucian self-cultivation. Second, even after the classification into schools had become standard, the de velopment of one school often involved drawing on ideas from another. Consider, for example, the commentary on the Zhuangzi by Guoxiang (d. 312), who is often classified as a “Neo-Daoist” thinker. Developing ideas in the Zhuangzi, Guoxiang advocated letting everything follow its own nature without intervention. However, according to him, different things have different natures, and different human beings may have different natures suited to fulfilling different roles in society. That is, some may have a nature appropriate to rulers, and some the nature appropriate to officials, just as a part of the body may have the nature of the head and other parts the nature of the feet. Hence, following one’s nature involves fulfilling the social role to which one is suited. The traditional rules of li governing conduct between people in different social positions, as well as various governmental poli cies, are rooted in the different natures of human beings and should be followed. So, while emphasizing a kind of inner calm and contentment that is associated with Daoist thought, the way of life that Guoxiang advocated is nevertheless like the kind of social and political engagement that the Confucians upheld. Conversely, thinkers often described as “Neo-Confucian,” such as Zhuxi (11301200) and Wang Yangming (1472-1529), also appropriated Daoist (and some times Buddhist) ideas in their development of Confucian thought. While defending the Confucian way of life, they regarded the mind as originally pure, although subject to the influences of distortive desires and erroneous under standing. The task of self-cultivation is to restore the original state of the mind so that it can respond spontaneously and appropriately to situations, in the way that a clear mirror or still water accurately reflects whatever it confronts. While this depiction of the mind bears similarity to the one found in the Zhuangzi, the respons es of the mind are supposed to have a Confucian content, involving the kind of values and norms that the Confucians upheld. Indeed, everyone is already a sage in the Confucian sense, since the original state of the mind encompasses such ethical attributes as humaneness (ren) and propriety (yi). 145
The third observation to be made about the classification into schools is that different branches of one school may significantly diverge, despite their sharing some key features. For example, Zhuxi and Wang Yangming differed in the way they understood the original state of the mind. For Zhu, it takes the form of a perfect knowledge, understood in terms of a kind of insight or clear perception, that guides human conduct in the way that the eyes guide the legs in walking. For Wang, it takes the form of a capacity to respond appropriately to any situation one confronts. Such responses involve one’s being fully disposed to act in the appropriate manner and judging that this is the appropriate response, but the judgment merely accom panies without explaining one’s action. This difference between Zhu and Wang leads to differences in emphasis in their views about self-cultivation, although both aimed at restoring the original state of the mind. Zhu emphasized learning, which includes the study of classics and history as well as examining daily affairs, to recover the insight that one originally has. By learning broadly and constantly practicing what one has learnt, one can regain this insight which in turn will guide one’s behavior. Wang, on the other hand, de-emphasized learning because, accord ing to him, the responses of the mind in its original state are not guided by the kind of insight that Zhu emphasized. Instead, he advocated attending directly to the mind and freeing it from the influence of distortive desires and erroneous under standing, so that the mind can again respond appropriately to situations free from such influences.
Writings Wing-tsit Chan (tr.) 1963: A Source Bookin Chinese Philosophy (Princeton: Princeton Univer sity Press). Graham, A. C. (tr.) 1981: Chuang Tzu: The Inner Chapters (London: George Allen & Unwin). Lau, D. C. (tr.) 1963: Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching (London: Penguin Books). ------(tr.) 1970: Mencius (London: Penguin Books). ------(tr.) 1979: Confucius: The Analects (London: Penguin Books). Watson, Burton (tr.) 1963a: Hsun Tzu: Basic Writings (New York: Columbia University Press). ------(tr.) 1963b: Mo Tzu: Basic Writings (New York: Columbia University Press).
References and further reading Creel, Herrlee G. 1953: Chinese Thought from Confucius to Mao Tse-tung (Chicago: University of Chicago Press). ------ 1970: “What is Taoism?” and Other Studies in Chinese Cultural History (Chicago: University of Chicago Press). Fung Yu-lan 1952-3: A History of Chinese Philosophy, tr. Derk Bodde, 2 Vols (Princeton: Princeton University Press). Graham, A. C. 1989: Disputers of the Tao: Philosophical Argument in Ancient China (La Salle: Open Court). Hall, David L. and Ames, Roger T. 1987: Thinking Through Confucius (Albany: State University of New York Press).
Mair, Victor H. (ed.) 1983: Experimental Essays on Chuang-tzu (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press). Munro, Donald J. 1969: The Concept of Man in Early China (Stanford: Stanford University Press). Nivison, David S. 1996: The Ways of Confucianism: Investigations in Chinese Philosophy (La Salle: Open Court Press). Roetz, Heiner 1993: Confucian Ethics of the Axial Age: a Reconstruction under the Aspect of the Breakthrough Toward Postconventional Thinking (Albany: State University of New York Press). Schwartz, Benjamin I. The World of Thought in Ancient China (Cambridge: Harvard University Press). Shun Kwong-loi 1997: Mencius and Early Chinese Thought (Stanford: Stanford University Press). Tu Wei-ming 1979: Humanity and Self-Cultivation: Essays in Confucian Thought (Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press). ------1985: Confucian Thought: Selfhood as Creative Transformation (Albany: State University of New York Press).
The Chinese conception of selfhood ROGER T. AMES The discrete and autonomous individual
Comparative philosophy, moving back and forth between two or more cultural sites, can ideally provide a window on alternative cultural narratives, and at the same time, enable us to excavate those presuppositions underlying our own tradi tion. But if, in the process, we fail to identify and set aside those cultural assump tions which illumine our own way of seeing the world, that same window will, in the glare of our own prejudices, serve as nothing more than a mirror with which to contemplate our own cultural reflection, concealing differences while redefining the alternative ways of living and thinking as deceptively familiar. Within the broad sweep of the Western philosophical experience, there are few presuppositions that have become as firmly entrenched as those which have shaped and privileged the notion of discrete and autonomous human agency. Be fore we get to China, we must ask the question: Where did the autonomous individ ual of liberal Western thinking come from? One dominant notion of self takes us back to classical Greece. In Plato’s Euthyphro, we find Socrates in search of the essential definition of moral law. He implores of his would-be teacher, Euthyphro: Isn’t it true that in every action piety is self-identical, and similarly impiety is in every instance the opposite of piety, but consistent with itself; in other words that everything that is to be regarded as impious has a single definite characteristic [Gk efdos] in respect of its impiety?... Then explain to me what this characteristic is in itself, so that by fixing my eyes upon it and using it as a pattern I may be able to describe any action, yours or anyone else’s, as pious if it corresponds to the pattern and impious if it doesn’t. (H. Tredennick tr., Penguin, 1954: 24-6)
It is a short move for Plato, having thus committed to natural kinds in respect of both natural and moral laws, to posit an essential defining condition for each “kind” of thing, including human beings. This notion of strict identity means that each thing is one of a “kind” by virtue of a single, self-identical characteristic: in the case of humankind, a psyche or soul. What is true of the “kinds” that make up the world is also assumed to be true of the language that describes them. That is, as corollary to an essentialist definition of moral law and natural kinds, words - our repositories of cultural interests - are a currency which, upon investigation, are expected to yield up etymologies that not
only reveal their particular historical careers, but more fundamentally, bring to light their ostensive root meanings - their essential and literal definitions. The discrete individuality of the human being adumbrated with Plato’s psyche, is reinforced by the teleology of Aristotle’s formal cause and the notion of agency entailed by his efficient cause. And individuals become fully autonomous when, in Augustine, they are endowed with an independent volitional faculty: the individu ated will. The volitional element affirms the dominance of efficient cause explana tions that we associate with the actions of these individual agents. With the melding of the Hellenic and Hebrew sensibilities, human agency finds its analogy in the image of a creative and legislative Deity who both determines and disciplines a world independent of Himself. An interesting irony in the Western philosophical dialectic is that it is precisely this classical commitment to arche - transcendent, originative principle - which makes human freedom, autonomy, creativity, and individuality problematic, and which has inclined philosophers to focus on these particular issues as priority philosophical concerns. Many of the best minds of the tradition have exercised themselves within a One/many, “chain of being” ontology, seeking to explain how truth, beauty, and goodness can be resident in some independent, objective, and determinative principle, while at the same time, allowing that human beings can be free and creative autonomous individuals. As a tradition, we have, through the notion of strict identity, arrived at a defini tion of individuality that entails a strong commitment to human equality, evolving most recently into a liberal doctrine of human rights and entitlements, thereby subordinating human differences to secondary status. It is a conception of hyper conscious, self-constructing, and self-choosing persons who hold sovereignty over their own private interiority. Autonomy and choice have become important val ues, while teleological assumptions encourage the pursuit of a life that aspires to be purposeful and noble. Each individual has irrevocable membership in humankind, where the rank of humanity on the chain of being guarantees the ultimate sanctity of each individual life. With this historical sketch in mind, we can now turn to the classical Chinese roots of a very different conception of person. The paronomastic person
The concept of the natural human condition that has held sway in the Chinese tradition is radically different, and in many ways anathema, to such individ ualistic notions as have emerged and become dominant in much of Western think ing. The classical Chinese tradition begins from the assumption that the human being (or better, the human “becoming”) is something that one does rather than what one is; it is how one behaves within the context of the human community rather than some essential endowment that resides within one as a potential to be actualized. When the philosopher Confucius, like Plato, attempted to formulate a basis for human morality, he was far less ambitious than his Athenian counterpart. He did not posit the existence of some independent, foundational, universal, and objective
standard beyond our empirical experience that can be appealed to for justification. On the contrary, he allowed that morality is invariably a function of those specific, and always fluid, circumstances that define any situation. “The exemplary person in making his way in the world, is neither bent on nor against anything; rather, he accords with what is appropriate” (Analects, 4:10). The classical Chinese term translated as “appropriate” (yi) has most often been translated into English as “right” or “righteous”, suggesting compliance with some external standard. How ever, this classical Chinese notion viewed etymologically suggests that it is better rendered “appropriateness” - L. proprius -> proper property, “to make one’s own” - combining as it does “me” or “us” (wo) and “felicitous circumstances” (yang). Morality, then, is the effort to get the most out of one’s circumstances, where one’s own interests and those of one’s natural, social, and cultural environments must all be considered. Yi, resolutely situational and pragmatic, is frequently called upon to translate Western notions such as “rightness” and “justice” (gongyi), but in such cases requires a qualifying second term to provide it with the requisite sense of objectivity. When we consult the Chinese dictionary which seeks to explain such a world, we discover that terms are not defined by appeal to essential, literal meanings, but rather are brought into focus paronomastically by semantic and phonetic associa tions. “Exemplary person” (junzi), for example, is defined by its cognate and the phonetically similar, “to gather” (quri), with the assumption that “people gather round and defer to exemplary persons”. As it insists in the Analects, “Excellent persons do not live alone; they are sure to have neighbors” (4:24). “Mirror” (jing) is defined as “radiant” (jing): a mirror is a source of illumination. “Battle formation” (zhen) is defined as “to display” (chen). What is remarkable about this sense of meaning is that a term is defined nonreferentially by mining relevant and yet seemingly random associations implicated in the term itself. Further, erstwhile nominal expressions (“things”) default to ver bal expressions (“events”), underscoring the primacy of process over form as a grounding presupposition in this tradition. (See Article 39, contemporary Chinese philosophy). When we extrapolate from the understanding of words to the understanding of persons, as we did in discovering the essential soul in the Euthyphro, we find that instead of positing some intrinsically residing feature, some self-same identical characteristic that qualifies all human beings as members of a natural humankind, persons, like words, are to be understood by exploring relevant associations that constitute their specific patterns of meaningful relationships. Persons are not per ceived as superordinated individuals - as agents who stand independent of their actions - but are rather ongoing “events” defined functionally by constitutive roles and relationships as they are performed within the context of their specific families and communities - by li. As suggested above, the dominant philosophical preoccupations of cultures are often a function of assumptions made early in their narratives. As we saw, Greek metaphysical presuppositions melded with Judeo-Christian beliefs to produce the “God-model,” where an independent and superordinate principle determines order
and value in the world while remaining aloof from it, making human freedom, autonomy, creativity, and individuality at once problematic and of key philo sophical interest. On the Chinese side, the commitment to the processional, transformative, and always provisional nature of experience renders the “ten thou sand things” (wanwu or wanyou) which make up the world, including the human world, at once continuous one with another, and at the same time, unique. There is no “Being” behind the “beings”; only “beings” are. And the primary philosophi cal problem that emerges from these assumptions is ars contextualisi how do we correlate these unique particulars to achieve the most productive continuity? Ancestor-worship as the defining religious sensibility, family as the primary human unit, co-humanity (ren) and filiality (xiao) as primary human values, ritu alized roles, relationships, and practices (li) as a communal discourse, are all strat egies for achieving and sustaining communal harmony (ho). As it states in the Analects, The achievement of harmony is the most valuable function of propriety (li). In the ways of the Former Kings, this achievement of harmony through ritual was elegant, and was a guiding standard in all things large and small. But where there are situa tions which are not harmonious, to realize harmony just for the sake of harmony without regulating the situation on the basis of propriety, will not work. (1:12)
The Confucian person and right thinking
Given this emphasis on a ritually constituted community, what then is the value of the individual? A pertinent contrast can be developed between the Western liberal commitment to many voices (the right to think) and the traditional Chinese con cern for a communitarian consensus as a social good (right thinking). It is this commitment to freedom of thought that underlies a Western sense of a healthy pluralism, our suspicions about rigid conservatism and orthodoxy, and our respect for a loyal opposition. It is the Chinese commitment to emergent harmony that underlies their sense of a centripetal center, evidenced in notions such as patriar chal hierarchy, institutional intellectuals, defining canonical texts, and the inviola ble continuity of the Chinese tradition. At the same time, it is this same concern for communal solidarity that, on the Chinese side, encourages the perception of indi vidual freedom as license, and individual choice as selfishness. Following perhaps from this assumption about “right thinking,” there is an equivocation that has plagued our understanding of person in the Chinese tradi tion. In much of the interpretive literature, there is the unfortunate assumption that community interest and self-interest are mutually exclusive, and hence, to be a viable member of community, one must become selfless. This attribution of “selflessness” to the Chinese tradition, both ancient and modern, seems to arise out of an unfortunate equivocation between “selfish” and “selfless.” But to eschew selfish concerns does not necessarily lead to self-abnegation. The classical Confucian position contends that, because self-realization is fundamentally a social undertaking, “selfish” concerns are to be rejected as an 151
impediment to one’s own growth and self-realization. A perennial issue in Chinese philosophy that has spanned the centuries has been the likelihood of conflict be tween the pursuit of selfish advantage (li) and negotiation of that which is appropri ate and meaningful to all concerned (yi), including oneself. Concern for selfish personal advantage is associated with retarded personal development (xiaoren), while the pursuit of what is broadly “appropriate” - including, of course, one’s own interests - is the mainstay of the self-realized and exemplary person (junzi). In China, the traditional assumption has been that personal order and the order of society and the state entail each other, with the broader configuration always emerging out of the more immediate and concrete. When the country succumbs to disorder, the exemplary person returns to the more immediate and substantive precincts of home and community to begin again to shape an appropriate order. On being asked by a rather unsympathetic second party why he did not have a formal position in government, Confucius replied that the achievement of order in the home is itself the basis on which any broader attainment of social and political order depends. The central doctrine of graduated love and ritually ordered commu nity in which family plays such a vital role - in fact, where all roles are reduced to the familial - is predicated on the priority of participation in the immediate and concrete over determination by more general principles and ideals. Even when a higher order of social or political organization is deferred to, it is given definition and represented in the concrete embodiment of a particular person - a specific ruler or leader with whom one can assume a personal relationship. It is certainly the case, then, that the Chinese tradition has been largely per suaded by a Confucian-based relational and hence social definition of person rather than by any notion of discrete individuality. It must be further allowed that there does not seem to be an adequate philosophical basis to justify self as a locus of interests independent of and prior to society. Under the sway of this relational understanding of human being, the mutuality and interdependence of personal, familial, societal, and political realization in the classical Chinese model can and has been generally conceded. But it certainly does not follow that the consequence of this interdependence is selflessness. Under scrutiny, the consequence of attribut ing “selflessness” as an ideal to the Chinese tradition is to sneak in both the public/ private and the individual/society distinctions by the back door. To be “selfless” requires that an individual self first exist, and that it then be sacrificed for some higher public interest. And the suggestion that there are “higher interests” on the part of either person or society covertly establishes a boundary between them that justifies an adversarial relationship. The “selfless” interpretation of the Chinese person does not support the claim that the person is irreducibly social; ironically, it vitiates it. The “selfless” ideal ultimately entails a contest between state and individual the struggle between advocates of group interests over the priority of individual interests - that has in large measure separated collectivist thinkers from the liberal democratic in the Western experience, but which has little relevance for the Chi nese tradition. While it is true that for the traditional Chinese model, self-realization
does not require a high degree of individual autonomy, it does not follow that the alternative to autonomy is capitulation to the general will. Rather, becoming a Confucian person involves benefitting and being benefitted by membership in a world of reciprocal loyalties and obligations which surround and stimulate one, and which define one’s own worth. The coterminous relationship between strong person and strong state presumed in the Chinese model contrasts with the liberal Western concern to limit state powers as a precondition for individual autonomy. It is commonly noticed that in China, from ancient times to the present, conflicts are generally dealt with through informal mechanisms for mediation and concilia tion as close to the dispute as possible. Society has largely been regulated through ritually defined relationships, and thus has required relatively minimal govern ment. It is this same communal harmony that defines and dispenses order at the most immediate level that is also relied upon to define and express authoritative consensus without more obvious formal provisions for effecting popular sovereign ty. Clearly, to the extent that the Confucian model is a project of cultivation directed at self-realization, the social and political order is derived from the participants themselves who cannot be fairly construed as self-abnegating. The Confucian person and unique individuality
It can be argued that “self” does necessarily entail a notion of individuality. But exposed in the differences we have discovered between being “unselfish” and being “selfless,” there is a further unnoticed conceptual equivocation on the term “indi vidual.” “Individual” can mean either one-of-a-kind, as in one human being as a member of the class of human beings, or one-of-a-kind, as in Turner’s unique “Seastorm.” That is, “individual” can refer to a single, separate and indivisible thing that, by virtue of some essential property or properties, qualifies as a member of a class. By virtue of its membership in a “kind,” it is substitutable - “equal before the law,” “entitled to equal opportunity,” “a locus of inalienable rights,” “one of God’s children,” and so on. It is this definition of “individual” that generates notions like autonomy, equality, liberty, freedom, will, and so on. By virtue of both its separabil ity and its indivisibility, it relates to its world only extrinsically, and hence, where animate, has dominion over its own inferiority. “Individual” can alternatively also mean uniqueness: the character of a single and unsubstitutable particular, such as a work of art, where its own value is a function of its contextualizing associations - a particular oeuvre, genealogy, move ment, period. Under this definition of “individual,” equality can only mean parity a comparable excellence. In the model of the unique individual, determinacy, far from being individua tion, lies in the achieved quality of a person’s relationships. A person becomes “recognized,” “distinguished” or “renowned” by virtue of his or her relations and their quality. Much of the effort in coming to an understanding of the traditional Confucian conception of self has to do with clarifying this distinction, and reinstat ing the unique individual in the Confucian picture. While the definition of self as 153
“irreducibly social” certainly precludes autonomous individuality, it does not rule out the second, less familiar notion of unique individuality. In understanding the Confucian person in this way, we resist the familiar move to separate that which orders (the self, rationality, volition) from that which is ordered (specific thoughts, desires, experiences). We abandon notions of a unitary self which makes our many experiences one, in favor of a more underdetermined range and locus of experiences expressed through specific roles and relationships. Further, we really must go on to question the appropriateness of using “concept” rather than “narrative” language to discuss the Confucian self. Concept belongs to the “one/many” model according to which “self” can be understood as having some univocal and hence formal definition - it reifies or entities self as an ego or an ideal. Concept is dependent upon formal abstraction. Given the dependency of the Confucian model on the particular image, then, we might have to allow that the Confucian self is precisely that particular and detailed portrait of Confucius found in the middle books of the Analects, in which each passage is a remembered detail contributed by one of the disciples who belonged to the conversation. And this portrait, as it attracts the deference of more adherents in the tradition, plays a role in shaping both their own unique self-images, and the shared com munal life-forms. It is this propensity for personal extension - Confucius as a corporate person that is the basis for traditional religious practices in which the objects of religious veneration are the past makers of culture and value: one’s ancestors and one’s cultural heroes. These persons are precisely what “gods” mean within the Confu cian world. Bibliography Ames, Roger T. 1991: “Reflections on the Confucian Self: a Response to Fingarette” in Rules, Rituals, and Responsibility: Essays Dedicated to Herbert Fingarette, ed. Mary I. Bockover (La Salle, HL: Open Court). Ames, Roger T., Dissanayake, W., and Kasulis, T. (eds) 1994: Self as Person in Asian Theory and Practice (Albany: State University of New York Press). Hall, David L. and Ames, Roger T. 1987: Thinking Through Confucius (Albany: State Univer sity of New York Press). ------ 1996: Thinking From The Han: Self, Truth, and Transcendence in China and the West (Albany: State University of New York Press). Tu Weiming 1979: Humanity and Self-Cultivation: Essays in Confucian Thought (Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press). ------1985: Confucian Thought: Selfhood as Creative Transformation (Albany: State University of New York Press). ------ 1989: Centrality and Commonality: an Essay on Confucian Religiousness (Albany: State University of New York Press). ------ 1993: Way, Learning, and Politics: Essays on the Confucian Intellectual (Albany: State University of New York Press).
9 Human beings and nature in traditional Chinese thought P. J. IVANHOE
This essay explores a variety of important Chinese conceptions of the actual and ideal relationship between human beings and the rest of the natural world. It presents views from the earliest period of historical China, the latter part of the Shang dynasty (ca. 1200-1050 bce), and from representative thinkers of other periods, extending down to the last imperial era, the Qing dynasty (1644-1911 ce). There is a fairly clear line of development from the earliest period, when the Chinese saw the natural realm as chaotic, dangerous and largely inscrutable, to a later view of the world as well ordered, inclined toward human good and more open to under standing. This later view was first expressed during the “Eastern Zhou” (770-221 bce), and reached a mature and systematic form in the following Han dynasty (206 bce-220 ce). Subsequent periods saw remarkable variation in the specific features of this view but its general form - a belief in a well ordered and manageable world, inclined toward human good and open to human understanding - remained dominant throughout subsequent Chinese history.
Shang dynasty Elite members of Shang civilization regarded the natural and spiritual realms with a combination of anxiety, uncertainty and fear. Important events such as bountiful harvests or success in battle were thought to be under the control of a capricious and powerful deity, Shang Di, who was not in any particular way predisposed to be concerned with human well-being. While the Shang could appeal to this god, they could not reliably influence him. The Shang king however could, through prog nostication communicate, with and through prayer and sacrifice, influence his ancestors to intercede on his behalf with this distant high god. The most extensive written records we have of Shang culture are oracular inscriptions representing such efforts, incised on shell and bone. The Shang were rather pessimistic about the fundamental relationship between human beings and the natural and spiritual realms. The latter were not in any discernible way inclined toward human good. And yet the Shang were at the same time extremely optimistic about the power of ritual as a way to both understand and order these potential sources of danger. Shang divination was from the start a means to understand and control the spiritual and by extension natural realms. 155
Over time, these divination practices became increasingly rational in the sense of becoming a more systematic and routinized method for controlling nature. (We see this general tit-for-tat conception of the relationship between human and spiritual forces retained in the later, Mohist school, which flourished in the succeeding Zhou dynasty.) But the Shang were not seeking to bend or reform an impassive nature to their will; they were attempting to mollify spirits and accommodate human activity to larger, unruly forces. Seen in this light, these early Shang beliefs and practices can be understood as setting the stage for, and providing many of the guiding themes of, subsequent Chinese views about the proper relationship between humans and nature.
Eastern Zhou dynasty human-nature analogues Shang ancestral spirits provided a link with the largely inscrutable and powerful force of Shang Di. Their needs and ways of thought bore a close analogy and they had clear sympathy with the living descendants who sought their help. By the early part of the Eastern Zhou (roughly the “Spring and Autumn Period,” 722-481 bce), Shang Di and the royal ancestors had lost most of their already fading personal attributes and eventually dissolved into a rather indistinct set of tian “natural/ heavenly” patterns, forces and processes. We see a shift in the Eastern Zhou from an earlier faith in prognostication to a reliance upon people with the right kind of understanding as the most reliable guides for social, political and military activity. These two kinds of expertise - that of the priestly diviner and of the cultivated individual - are not wholly unrelated. Both possess a combination of technical expertise and personal sensitivity that allows them to understand events and predict what is to come. The Chinese con ception of these capacities was, over time, increasingly naturalized. In this period the spiritual realm blends with and infuses nature, lending it a moral curvature. The natural realm is believed to be disposed to cooperate and even to actively protect and support ethically good people (see, for example, Analects, 9:5). Nature is seen as the source of the goodness within human beings (see, for example, Analects, 7:23) and following one’s nature is the way to both understand and fulfill heaven’s plan (see, for example, Mencius, 7A1). Those who succeed in fulfilling their nature are part of a greater, though still loose and vaguely described, universal scheme: “Above or below they are in the stream of heaven and earth” (Mencius, 7A13). Given this much closer correspondence between the human and the natural, we find an increasing variety of analogies being drawn between nature and the ethically good person. For example, the ideal king is likened to the pole star - he remains in his proper place while his subordinates revolve around him with the stately order and regularity of the stars (Analects, 2:1). The wise, being active, flexible and wide-ranging, are thought to have a natural delight of water; the benevolent, being still, stable and unmovable, have a natural affinity to take delight in mountains (Analects, 6:23). Throughout the Mencius (for example, 2A6, 6A8-9) our nascent moral sense is described as a “sprout” - an active and observable tendency which naturally grows. In contrast, morally corrupt individuals are
likened to a deforested mountain (Mencius, 6A8). This tendency to draw normative analogies between nature and human ideals is also evident in later texts like the Daodejing, which extols the many virtues of water (for example, chapters 8 and 78). This tendency to draw analogies between natural phenomena and human ideals becomes a permanent part of the Chinese philosophical repertoire and re-emerges in later thinkers. But it also marks a change in the dominant conception of the relationship between humans and nature. In the Eastern Zhou, spiritual powers became an intricate and pervasive feature of the very fabric of nature. The corre spondence between humans and nature became tighter, more widely observable and more easily accessible. This trend continues in subsequent periods.
Holistic conceptions of the Warring States Period
In the latter half of the Eastern Zhou, during a time known as the “Warring States Period” (403-221 bce) , a related but distinct conception of the relationship between human beings and nature arose. The clearest representative of this new view was the Daoist philosopher Zhuangzi (fl. 399-295 bce). Earlier thinkers believed certain natural phenomena provided normative analogues for human activity. Zhuangzi too drew such analogues between the natural and human realms. Thus, for example, the sage’s ability to respond to any situation was like the ceaseless and omni-directional movement of the star at the end of the handle of the Big Dipper, as it “swings” around the pole star. But he took things a step further and argued that human beings are part of, and inextricably woven into, nature. Zhuangzi developed the idea that humans are part of a vast and all-embracing natural order. He believed that there is a deep structure to the cosmos which unites it together as a systematic whole. He was the first thinker to use the terms li (“pattern”) and tian li (“heavenly/natural pattern”) as central terms of art, ex pressing this ideal. This natural/heavenly pattern runs throughout and defines the proper structure and function of each and every thing in the universe. It is what the famous cook of chapter 3 follows in order to carve up the carcass of the ox without meeting the slightest resistance. Localized in a given thing, li describes its proper structure and spontaneous activity. Taken together, the li of the myriad things connect with one another to form a vast, interrelated network, the dao (“Way”). Human beings have a natural tendency to detect and follow this inherent pat tern and doing so enables them to move through life - like the cook and other exemplary figures in the text - with extraordinary effectiveness and without the slightest contention or strife. This is because they avoid imposing artificial (that is, humanly derived) categories upon nature. By ridding themselves of their social preconceptions and avoiding an overly intellectualized approach to life, their minds attain a state of xu (“tenuousness”) in which their natural, spontaneous tendencies begin to inform and direct their activity. Those who achieve this, like the divine Woodcarver Qing, “simply match up tian (‘nature/heaven’) with tian.” They do not impose a personal will or human perspective upon the world. They merge into 157
the patterns, processes and forces of nature - the dao - and let things take their spontaneous course. This deference to the deeper guiding pattern of nature results in a profound leveling of value among the things of the world. Human beings have no special status. From the perspective of the dao they are simply things among things: like the tiny figures in later landscape paintings. While Zhuangzi believed that the properly cultivated person can “mirror” the world and respond to it appropriately, he did not propose any systematic scheme of mutual influence and response. Equally important, in his view there is no direct connection between human beings and the rest of nature. Humans are part of a larger natural system but not part of a single universal organism. As a result, human beings, while generally benign, do not have anything approaching univer sal concern, for the rest of nature or even for each other. This new perspective had a profound effect on the Confucian thinker Xunzi (310-219 bce), who incorporated much of Zhuangzi’s vision into his own distinctive philosophy. Xunzi embraced Zhuangzi’s idea that the dao defined a uni versal system of patterns, processes and forces. However, he rejected Zhuangzi’s conclusion that such a view entails the equality of all things. Xunzi maintained a steadfastly anthropocentric point of view. According to him, the universe, in its original state, was disorderly, harsh and amoral. Human beings, by nature, reflected these characteristics which led them to be contentious, selfish and foolishly short-sighted. A series of particularly reflective and insightful individuals realized that this state of nature was wholly unsatisfactory and so began to fashion a set of social norms and practices designed to constrain, shape and transform human nature, in order to reorient it toward more productive and satisfying ends. They saw that human needs and desires were part of a larger, interconnected natural order and realized that they would have to understand and accommodate this greater natural pattern in order to bring human practices into synergistic harmony with nature. This they did by limiting and directing human activity in ways that protected the natural realm and brought it into accord with heaven’s operations. Xunzi believed the Confucian Way allowed human beings to live in mutual benefit, common peace and enhanced satisfaction by harmoniously locating them within a greater cosmos and tuning their activity to the deeper rhythms of nature. Through the Confucian form of life, human beings could “form a triad with heaven and earth.” In the process not only human beings but nature itself was ordered and well-regulated. This vision of the proper relationship between human beings and nature is Xunzi’s “happy symmetry” (Ivanhoe, 1991). Human beings are clearly at the center of Xunzi’s picture of the world. They command a dominant position and play a critical role, for they are the source of the good order not only among themselves but throughout the universe. In at least one sense, this is the mirror image of the Daoist view. For while Xunzi believed that nature itself must await the transforming influence of the sages before good order can obtain, Zhuangzi believed that nature became disordered whenever hu man beings think too much and go on to impose their artificial schemes upon an originally harmonious and benign natural order. 158
Correlative cosmology and Han syncretism
The idea that there is a correspondence between natural phenomena and human activity was not new to Warring States Period philosophy. But what had not yet been seen are comprehensive and systematic schema, “correlative cosmolo gies,” relating natural phenomena and human activity. We know that such schema were used throughout the classical period by, “astronomers, diviners, music masters (and) physicians” (Graham, 1986, p. 8), but until around the middle of the third century bce such thinking did not exert a major influence on philosophy. In the chapter “A Discussion of Music”, Xunzi makes use of a pair of terms, gan (“influence”) and ying (“response”), which were to play an important role in such thinking: “When influenced by depraved sounds, rebellious qi (‘energy’) will respond from within. When influenced by proper sounds, compliant energy will respond from within.” It is worth noting that this first sign of the influence of correlative thinking on philosophy comes from the technical discipline of the “music masters.” Correlative cosmologies organize and interrelate human and natural phe nomena according to basic conceptual templates. The earliest and simplest of these are the paired fundamental forces: yin and yang. Originally, these two were members of larger sets of different qi (“energies”), but they came to represent the most basic pair of forces in the cosmos. Yin was associated with earth, autumn, night, inaction, below, woman, and so on. Its complement, yang, was associated with heaven, spring, day, activity, above, man, and so on. The different phenomena within each set were thought to have particular affinities for one another: that is, there is mutual natural resonance between them, which facilitates “influence” and “response.” These networks of natural resonances provided normative standards according to which one must organize and accommodate one’s activity. To follow them meant to go with the natural flow of things; the result was enhanced ease and efficacy. Failing to accord with these patterns, processes and forces meant one’s actions would cut against the grain and fight the running tide of nature, with corresponding negative results. Similar and at times overlapping correlative schemes developed around alternative conceptual templates, such as the “four seasons” and the “five notes.” One of the most influential and enduring of these was the system of the wu xing (“five phases”). The wu xing originally were five elemental substances: soil, water, fire, metal, and wood, each of which had characteristic “powers” (for example, fire is hot, rises, burns and so on). These came to be associated with a “conquest scheme” largely due to the writings of a man named Zou Yan (ca. 305-240 bce) who arranged the five in a “natural” sequence: soil dams water, which extinguishes fire, which melts metal, which cuts wood, which digs soil, and so on. By linking different historical dynasties to each of the five, he then was able to offer an “explanation” of dynastic succession. The yin yang and wu xing schemes are prominent in texts like the Lushi Chunqiu (ca. 240 bce) and exerted considerable influence on the thought and politics of the
times. While it does not mention Zou Yan by name, this diverse and important text contains the earliest complete account of Chinese dynastic succession according to the “conquest scheme” which he devised. The first emperor of the Qin (259-210 bce) believed in such a scheme and its corresponding correlations enough to choose black as the color of his dynasty. This showed that he ruled under the power of water and was thus the natural successor to the Zhou, which was associated with the power of fire and its corresponding color red. In more general practice, the five phases were correlated to a wide variety of phenomena: for example, the five directions (the fifth being “center”). Another text which prominently employs correlative cosmology is the Yijing (Book of Changes). Of particular interest are its attached appendices, the “ten wings.” These traditionally are attributed to Confucius but were composed some time around the third century bce. The correlative cosmology of the Yijing is built upon the eight trigrams. These are composed of the different permutations of stacks of three solid/“strong”/yang or broken/“weak”/i/in lines. The trigrams are joined in various combinations to produce 64 hexagrams which are correlated to a vast network of phenomena in the attached commentaries. For example, one of the attached appendices provides the following associations for the first hexagram: “Qian is heaven. It is round, the ruler, the father, jade, metal, cold, ice, deep red, a good horse, an old horse, a lean horse, a piebald horse, tree fruit” (Chan, 1969, p. 270). Accounts of the genesis of the 64 hexagrams stress that they were generated by the workings of natural processes. The hexagrams themselves were thought to be patterns which coalesced out of the play of fundamental natural forces. These different streams converged in the thought of Dong Zhongshu (ca. 170104 bce). He proposed a correlative cosmology which provided its own “conquest cycle” and calendar of prescribed activities, and incorporated both the yin yang and wu xing schemes, the hexagrams described in the Yijing and a system of numerology. Most important of all, in his Chunqiu fanlu, he related these various cosmological schemes to the central ethical concerns of Confucianism in a system atic fashion. Perhaps this more than anything else is what enabled him to persuade Emperor Wu (148-87 bce) of the Han to proclaim Confucianism the official state ideology, a position it was to hold until 1905. In Dong’s thought we see a vast and complex scheme correlating human activ ities, feelings, dispositions, thoughts and ideals with almost every conceivable natural phenomenon. Phenomena associated within the system of correspon dences were thought to exert mutual “influence” and “response” upon one anther. As a result, human activities had to follow carefully prescribed temporal and structural patterns in order to keep the whole system balanced. Any instability or anomaly within this vast web was symptomatic of some imbalance and would be read as a sign of human failure and a portent of coming change. The correlative cosmology of the Han dynasty marked the height of indigenous Chinese views concerning the relationship of human beings and nature. The next major change was the result of foreign influence, that is, Buddhism, which arrived in China some time in the first century ce.
The identity of self and cosmos
The idea that li provided a normative pattern for the structure and function of each thing while also relating it to all other things, gave rise to the notion that li “unites” the myriad phenomena of the universe. This idea was developed in texts like the Huainanzi (ca. 140 bce) and found its most developed expression in “Neo-Daoist” thinkers like Wang Bi (226-249 ce) and Guo Xiang (d. 312 ce). Wang talked of “ultimate li” as an object of religious veneration. Guo went on to insist that the universal “pattern” of the world arose spontaneously; it was not predetermined or self-consciously planned. It depended on “nothing,” hence the ultimate nature of the universe was wu (“non-existence”). These beliefs gave rise to a concerted effort to achieve mystical identification of the self with the rest of the natural world. The thought was that the loss of a distinct sense of a separate and independently exist ing self, which would result from such an identification, would realize in a direct and personal manner the fundamental character of the universe: non-existence. Chinese Buddhists adapted these Neo-Daoist views on the nature of li to express their own distinctive metaphysical beliefs. For example, Zhi Dun (314-366 ce) adopted the Neo-Daoist equation of li with wu (“non-existence”) but understood the latter in terms of the Buddhist notion of “emptiness” - the lack of independent, individual nature. Hua Yan Buddhists further developed this line of thinking, taking the “emptiness” of reality to mean that all things in the universe are mani festations of a shared “Buddha-nature”. Hua Yan works, such as the Treatise on the Golden Lion, argue that each and every “phenomenon” contains within it all the various li. This is a significant step beyond earlier claims concerning the “one ness” of human beings and nature. We now see two ways to be “one.” Earlier Chinese thinkers had insisted that human beings were part of a single, grand natural scheme - rather like being members of the same team. Chinese Buddhists insisted on a fundamental identity of the self with all of reality - so that the indi vidual looks more like a part of a single cosmic body. This new understanding had a profound effect on the so-called Neo-Confucian thinkers of the Song (960-1279 ce) and Ming (1368-1644 ce) dynasties. Like the Hua Yan Buddhists, they believed that each and every thing in the universe con tains within it all the li. But unlike the Buddhists, Neo-Confucians believed that because of different “physical endowments” individual things only manifest specific li. (This is what makes them the particular things they are.) Again like the Bud dhists (and like Neo-Daoists as well), Neo-Confucians believed that the goal of the spiritual life lies in grasping this shared, unifying principle and living life in awareness of this, the true nature of reality. One of the most moving and influential statements of this view is Zhang Zai’s (1020-1077) Western Inscription, Heaven is my father, earth is my mother and even such a small creature as I finds an intimate place in their midst. And so, that which fills the universe I regard as my body and that which directs the universe I consider my nature. (Adapted from Chan, 1969, p. 497)
The use of the metaphor of “forming one body” with all the universe, or rather realizing that this is the way things really are, is the concrete statement of this identification of the self with all of nature. This provided a different foundation for Confucian ethical claims. One prominent Neo-Confucian, Cheng Hao (10321085) employed the “one body” metaphor and played upon the dual senses of the character ren. In Confucian ethics, this word often means something close to “benevolence” but in medical texts it meant “feeling” or “sensation.” Cheng Hao explains, The ren (“benevolent”) person regards all things in the universe as one body. There is nothing which is not a part of him. If he regards all things as parts of himself, where will his ren (“feelings”) not extend? But if he does not see them as parts of himself, why would he feel any ren (“concern”) for them? It would be like the case of a paralyzed arm or leg. (Adapted from Ivanhoe, 1990, p. 20).
In thinkers like Zhu Xi (1130-1200) we find a more developed expression of Zhang Zai’s claim that human beings and all other things in the world share the same (basic) “nature.” This belief did considerable philosophical work. For example, Zhu used it to explain the behavior of other creatures. Tigers and wolves express ren (“benevolence”) and bees and ants display yi (“duty”) because they share the same basic nature as human beings. Of course, their expression of these virtues is limited due to their less pure and limpid “physical endowments.” This general conception of the fundamental nature of reality entailed a profound and moving sense of the relationship between human beings and the rest of the universe. We are not only at home in nature, part of a greater harmonious family. We and nature are in some deep sense coextensive, forming a single univer sal body. This view of the world and its attendant concern for every thing finds clear voice in Wang Yangming (1472-1529). Wang insisted that the concern of the “great man” embraces, not only compassion for an innocent child in imminent danger and an inability to bear the suffering of an animal about to be slaughtered (both examples taken from Mencius); it includes a feeling of pity upon seeing plants broken and destroyed and regret upon seeing tiles and bricks shattered and crushed. It is nothing less than a universal identification of self and nature. This conception of a fundamental identity between human beings and the rest of nature along with its belief in a shared nature came in for severe criticism in the succeeding Qing dynasty (1644-1911). Thinkers like Wang Fuzhi (1619-1692) and Dai Zhen (1723-1777) pointed out how foreign most of these ideas are to the earlier Confucian views their proponents purportedly defended. Both Wang and Dai argued that the true inspiration for many guiding Neo-Confucian ideas was a combination of Buddhism and Daoism. They rejected the idea that li provided some transpersonal, universal and unifying foundation for the world. They argued that li is simply the structure of the concrete things in the world and the relationships among them. In this regard, they were much closer to some of the earlier ideas we have examined. 162
Conclusion The earliest Chinese did not see any fundamental harmony between human beings and the natural and spiritual world. In fact, they regarded the world as a largely chaotic, unpredictable, and dangerous place. But through divination, sacrifice and prayer to the spirits of royal ancestors, the Shang king could understand and influence the course of events. In time, such appeals became routinized and pro vided a rather straightforward way to protect human beings from natural and supernatural disasters and even to receive support for their endeavors. These beliefs established many of the central themes seen in the later tradition concerning the ability of human beings to understand nature, accommodate themselves to its power and even draw upon its strength. These late Shang views gave rise to the Eastern Zhou tendency to draw normative analogies between nature and human ideals. This signaled an increas ing domestication of the recalcitrant early god, Shang Di and a developing sense of a closer, more harmonious relationship between human beings and nature. Sacred forces became dispersed throughout the everyday world, leaving behind a con ception of nature as disposed to support the work of ethically good people. Toward the very end of the Zhou period, Zhuangzi proposed his vision of a universe in which human beings are equal parts of a vast cosmic network. Influenced by and in response to this remarkable new view, Xunzi developed a Confucian version of this grand cosmic vision. Human beings were established as the most precious and important things in the world, for the enlightened among them were the source of all the world’s order. By fashioning a perfect set of ideals and practices which satisfied, reformed and extended basic human needs and desires and matched these up in mutually beneficial and harmonious ways with nature’s patterns, pro cesses and forces, the sages brought forth a “happy symmetry” between humans and nature. For both Zhuangzi and Xunzi, human beings and nature were inextricably bound together, parts of a universal web of interrelationships. But neither thinker provided a comprehensive or systematic scheme describing these complex interrelationships. This task fell to the correlative cosmologists, a group of phil osophers inspired by the correlative schemes found in technical disciplines such as astronomy and music. These thinkers produced universal schemes of mutual “influence” and “response.” In the succeeding Han dynasty, philosophers such as Dong Zhongshu produced cosmologies in which vast ranges of natural events and seasonal patterns were closely correlated with human actions and provided normative standards for human behavior. The arrival of Buddhism and its subsequent influence on Neo-Confucianism marked one of the last great innovations in Chinese views concerning the relation ship between human beings and nature. Buddhist metaphysics gave rise to a deep and comprehensive identity between humans and nature. According to such views, all things are part of a single cosmic body and share a common, basic nature. The ethical implications were dramatic, for the enlightened individual, one who sees the universe as coextensive with oneself, will have a comprehensive and profound
concern for every aspect of reality. Here we find what can be understood as the culmination of a process begun in the late Shang, in which Chinese thinkers came to see themselves in an ever more intimate relationship with the rest of nature. What began with a belief in an ability to understand and influence nature grew into a greater sense of community, mutual resonance and intimacy and ended in the Buddhist and the Neo-Confucian belief in a fundamental identity. While these later views were challenged in the succeeding Qing period, they continue to exert a profound influence even into the present day. Bibliography
Works Dawson, Raymond (tr.) 1993: Confucius: The Analects (Oxford: Oxford University Press). Graham, A. C. (tr.) 1981: Chuang Tzu: The Inner Chapters (London: George Allen & Unwin). Knoblock, John (tr.) 1988-94: Xunzi, 3 Vol. (Stanford: Stanford University Press). Lau, D. C. (tr.) 1963: Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching (London: Penguin Books). ------(tr.) 1970: Mencius (London: Penguin Books).
References and further reading Wing-tsit Chan (tr.) 1969: A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy (Princeton: Princeton University Press). Kwang-chih Chang 1980: Shang Civilization (New Haven: Yale University Press). Cook, Francis 1977: Hua Yen Buddhism (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press). Graham, A. C. 1986: “Yin-Yang and the Nature of Correlative Thinking,” Occasional Paper and Monograph Series, 6 (Singapore: Institute of East Asian Philosophies). ------1989: Disputers of the Tao (La Salle: Open Court Press). Ivanhoe, Philip J. 1990: Ethics in the Confucian Tradition: the Thought of Mencius and Wang Yangming (Atlanta: Scholars Press). ------19 91: “A Happy Symmetry: Xunzi’s Ethical Thought, ” Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 59, 2, pp. 309-322. Keightley, David N. 1976: “Late Shang Divination: the Magico-Religious Legacy,” in Explorations in Early Chinese Cosmology, ed. Henry Rosemont, Jr, Journal of the American Academy of Religion Studies, Thematic Issue 50, 2 (Atlanta: Scholars Press), pp. 11-34. ------ 1978: “The Religious Commitment: Shang Theology and the Genesis of Chinese Political Culture,” History of Religions, 17, 3-4, pp. 211-25. Needham, Joseph 1985: Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. 2, reprint (Taipei: Caves Books). Schwartz, Benjamin I. 1985: The World of Thought in Ancient China (Cambridge: Belknap Press).
Causation in Chinese philosophy CARINE DEFOORT A cause has traditionally been thought of as that which produces an effect, and in terms of which this effect can be explained or accounted for (Taylor, 1967, p. 56). However spontaneously we turn to the idea of a cause in daily life, and however inevitable in jurisprudence, in modern science it is generally considered a relic of the past, and in philosophy it remains a topic of inexhaustible controversy. For almost twenty-five centuries philosophers have been debating the nature of a cause, claiming that it is an object producing an effect by virtue of its power, or arguing that it is an explanation accounting for some effect. Which of all the con ditions contributing to an event is to be selected as its cause? Do causes exist in reality or are they read into our experience with the force of our expectations, or produced by the a priori categories of our minds as they structure reality in causal relations? To widen the horizon of this discussion and trace the concept of causation in non-Western philosophical traditions - such as the ancient Chinese might enrich this ongoing controversy and allow unfamiliar authors to contribute their views. But attempts to translate ancient Greek, Latin or Chinese texts suggest that no such universal entity as “causation” is to be found under different labels in different languages. Aitia, causa, cause and gu (in classical Chinese) are terms that function similarly in their respective contexts. Their meaning is revealed through an analy sis of their coherence with other terms in that context rather than through the identification of some thing with which they are all supposed to correspond. Aristotle’s “four aitia,” for instance, were quite different from what we would con sider causes and perhaps ought not to be translated as such at all (Frede, 1987, p. 125). Thus the search for an exact equivalent of the contemporary English notion of “cause” or “causation” in ancient Chinese thought may lead to the collection, under this specific Western category, of various ideas that are unrelated to each other in their original context. Because every survey of “causation” in Chinese thought consists of a specific combination of these two approaches - correspondence and coherence - the topic will be discussed from both angles and further restricted in various ways. One restriction is chronological: to pre-Han and Han texts. This comprises the first and foremost period of intellectual stimulation in Chinese history (Pre-Han: fifth centu ry bce-206 bce), followed by four centuries of political unification and philosophical syncretism (Han: 206 bce-219 ce). Buddhist thought, which only became firmly rooted in China after the Han, is not included despite its crucial importance in 165
relation to the idea of causation. The second restriction is to those treatises that contain the most vivid discussions in the Chinese corpus: they were classified under “Masters” in the traditional bibliographies and labeled as “philosophy” around the beginning of this century - according to some scholars, another unfortunate equiv ocation of ancient Chinese and Western categories. A third restriction concerns the most vivid and explicit passages discussing the relation and hierarchy among things, often presented in definitions, dialogues or responses to what “some people say.” However intriguing we may find the implicit connections or causal links made by the authors in arguing their case - stepping from one “therefore” (gu) to another - they will not be fully discussed in this survey. The discovery of a corresponding notion in the Later Mohist canons
The search for ancient Chinese notions corresponding to the mechanical or “billiard-ball” view of causation commonly prevailing in the West has led scholars in opposite directions. While some have singled out a few classical Chinese authors who seem to express a similar notion of causation, others have marveled at the absence of a close equivalent in most of the Chinese corpus and at the alternative types of connection promoted in these texts. According to Angus Graham, the only conception of “genuine” causation is to be found in the Later Mohist Canons (fourth century bce), a collection of systematic treatises unrepresentative of early Chinese thought. Their discussion of causation is quite unique: unlike their peer texts, they select from all conditions constituting an event only the necessary ones as being its cause or reason (gu). The character gu was cognate with another gu meaning “ancient times,” and referred to the origin of something, its original state, or its underlying reason. The authors distinguish between “minor gu” and “major gu,” defining them as, respectively, a necessary condition and a condition that is both necessary and sufficient: “Canons: The cause of something is what it must get before it comes about. Explanation: ‘Minor cause’: having this, it will not necessarily be so; lacking this, it necessarily will not be so. . . . ‘Major cause’: having this, it will necessarily be so; lacking this, it necessarily will not be so” (Mojing, Al). The Mohist interest in gu was no coincidence. The early followers of Master Mo (Mozi, fifth century bce) were the first to seriously attack the tradition, giving rea sons for their criticism and demanding the same from others. They asked the Confucians who followed their Master, Kongzi (sixth to fifth century bce), in his defense of the tradition, what the gu was for playing music with its implied ritual extravagance. Unsatisfied with their answer, the Mohists illustrated their idea of an adequate gu with an example: “Suppose I ask ‘For what gu does one make houses?’ and you say ‘To take shelter in them from cold in winter and heat in summer’. . . then you have told me the gu for making houses” (Mozi, 48). As this example indicates, the Mohists expected a “reason” or “purpose” for the tradi tional valuation of music rather than a “cause,” except perhaps a “final cause” in Aristotle’s sense.
A deeper source of the Mohists’ interest in gu than its polemic use against tradi tional values lies in their practical attitude. The Mohists were lower class craftsmen and military engineers climbing the social ladder and trying to win over rulers with their efficient policies. Using a medical analogy, they argued that the only way to bring order to the empire is by knowing the source of political disorder: “It is like a doctor curing a patient’s disease: he must know whence the disease comes and how he will be able to cure it. Otherwise, he will not be able to cure it. Why would bringing order to political chaos be any different?” (Mo zi, 14) This untraditional and technological attitude reached a climax in the definitions of gu in the Later Mohist Canons and, more specifically, in their restriction of the notion of cause to necessary conditions. Because the Later Mohists realized that most fields of knowledge were characterized by the possibility of multiple causes, they pointed out one virtually unavoidable type of doubt in sciences, named “the coinciding.” Their example was “the unknowability of whether a fighter’s collapse is because of the wine he drank or the midday sun” (Mojing, BIO). One can imagine that a similar problem would still puzzle Western philosophers trying to identify the exact nature of causation: even if one’s opponent collapses immediately after re ceiving a firm blow, one can never be certain about the causal connection between the blow and the fall, due to our ultimate inability to definitely rule out other possible causes of his collapse, such as overconsumption of wine or sunstroke. The Mohist insistence on necessity as a characteristic of causation may explain why they kept away from most contemporary sciences, such as medicine, in which one is unable to control multiple-causality, and thus, to eliminate doubt. The Canons totally bypass the more current yin yang type of explanation in terms of polar opposites, and they criticize the five-phase theory which explains situations by referring to the interactions between water, wood, fire, metal and earth. In the Mohist Canons, these connections are considered merely “appropriate,” not “necessary” (Mojing, B43). The absence of correspondence: a web without weaver
While Graham focuses on the Later Mohist type of causation as the closest possible equivalent to the Western concept, Joseph Needham calls attention to the absence of such a corresponding notion in the large majority of Chinese texts. The alterna tive, typically Chinese and, more specifically, Daoist type of connection which he discerns in pre-Buddhist texts, takes into consideration the current yin yang and five-phase explanations carefully avoided in the Mohist Canons. The Chinese type of causation (a phrase which Needham is somewhat reluctant to use, given the like lihood of its arousing misleadingly mechanistic associations for Western readers) sees things as connected or paired rather than caused. Their “own causality” was, according to Needham, “reticular and hierarchically fluctuating,” rather than “sin gly catenarian and particulate.” Events were not seen as caused by one powerful and preceding event, but as woven in a network of interdependent nodes, a colossal pattern in which things reacted upon each other by a kind of mysterious resonance rather than mechanical impulsion (Needham, 1956, pp. 281-91).
The fullest expression of such connections can be found in texts from the third century bce onwards, when yin yang and five-phase types of thinking found their way into the philosophical corpus. The Huainanzi, a syncretist collection of treatises of the second century bce, contains a long cosmogonic passage explaining the total order in nature - from the formation of heaven and earth to the behavior of birds, fish and oysters - as a gradual diffusion of primordial energy through the polar categories of yin and yang. “The furred and feathered are the kinds which fly and run, and therefore belong to yang; the shelled and the scaly are the kinds which hibernate and hide, and therefore belong to yin. The sun is ruler of yang, and for this reason in spring and summer the herd animals shed hair, and at the solstice the deer throw off their horns; the moon is bearer of yin, which is why when the moon wanes the brains of the fishes diminish, and when the moon dies full oysters shrink” (Huainanzi, 3). Several passages in the Huainanzi, as well as in other works, mostly those classi fied as Daoist, insist that this whole order is itself uncaused - “so of itself.” This is an important point for scholars like Needham, who insist on the absence of a transcen dent Law-giver and His decreed “laws of nature” in Chinese thought. Because of this absence, China may have missed out on a scientific revolution such as that which occurred in the West, and yet ironically Chinese thought may have had closer affinities to present-day science, with its rejection of eternal laws in favor of waves, organisms, and networks (Needham, 1956, pp. 339-40). Needham cites as the most explicit negation of an omnipotent efficient cause a passage from the Jinizi, a short treatise which he dates around the late fourth or early third century bce. The Chinese alternative to a singly ordered universe pre sents reality as a “Web woven by no weaver,” in which things and events are connected as nodes of a cosmic texture (Needham, 1956, p. 556). Jinizi explains to his king: We have yin, yang and the myriad things. Each of them takes part in the network. Sun, moon and constellations, and changes in their recession and accretion make up good and bad luck. Metal, wood, water, fire and earth conquer each other successively. The moon waxes and wanes alternatively. Nothing rules their constancy. Whoever follows it, gets power; whoever goes against it, meets with disaster. (Jinizi, inner classic)
The ideal of “cognoscere causas," which Needham mainly attributes to the Daoists, amounts to an insight into this orderly network in which “Nothing was un-caused, but nothing was caused mechanically” (Needham, 1956, p. 283). As opposed to the Later Mohist technical identification and manipulation of selected causes in optics and mechanics, such speculations were able to account for the multiplicity of interacting factors in reality. Although one can hardly see them as germs of a technological or scientific attitude in the modern sense, the cosmologies emerging in the third and second centuries bce provided man with an embracing and comprehensive universe, allowing him to make vague inferences, and occasionally even proving to have practical use. The fluctuating hierarchy, as Needham put it, and the absence of non-negotiable laws in the cosmic network
ultimately allowed for the possibility of every node influencing another. Hence the belief of some authors that man could affect natural events through the manip ulation of yin and yang. The chapter “Same categories move each other” from The Luxuriant Gems of the Spring and Autumn Annals, a compilation of the second century bce, argues as follows: Heaven has yin and yang-, man also has yin and yang. When the yin energy of heaven and earth is activated, man’s yin energy in response also becomes activated. The fact that, when man’s yin energy is activated, heaven’s yin energy also becomes activated in response, is because they share one Way. Whoever is clear about this, when he wishes to bring rain, moves his yin and thereby activates yin-, when he wishes to stop rain, moves his yang and thereby activates yang. (Chunqiu fanlu, 57).
However popular in Han times the belief was that man is able to cause such changes in nature, it did not remain unquestioned. For instance, Wang Chong, an author of the first century ce, installed a hierarchy in the network using the analogy of a tree. Because man depends on heaven as the twigs on the roots, he may be influenced by it through the workings of yin and yang, but he cannot possibly invert this relationship: One may say that cold and warm weather affect the ruler so that he activates an energy by which he rewards and punishes. But can we say that by rewarding and punishing, he affects August Heaven so that heaven makes cold and warm weather in response to the government?... One can say that, when the wind blows, it activates robbers and thieves in response to it. But it is not the case that the finest energy of men such as robbers and thieves could affect heaven so that it causes wind to blow.... Cold and warm energy is woven in heaven and earth, and knotted by yin and yang. How would human affairs and the state’s government be able to affect them? (Lunheng, 43)
While preserving the network imagery, and without recourse to an omnipotent Weaver, the power of man is nevertheless restricted through the installation of hierarchy and priority.
Coherence in the Chinese context An alternative approach to focusing on the presence or absence in the Chinese corpus of a notion corresponding to the modern Western idea of causation is to analyze the various contexts of terms translated in English as “cause,” either as a verb or a noun. In the West as well as in China, awareness of causation seems to have originated in a human context, and only later was it applied to phenomena beyond the human realm. The terms aitia and causa, in ancient Greek and Latin respectively, emerged from a legal background. They refer to the juridical “explana tions” of a contested case: the accusation of the injured party or the defensive self-justification of the accused. The search for a cause was thus immediately connected to the attribution of responsibility to someone followed by the meting out of retributive justice. 169
The verb which is most often translated as “to cause” in classical Chinese, shi, emerges from a political context, and primarily means “to send,” “to commission” or “to dispatch.” The term thus carries associations with political power and hier archy rather than with juridical responsibility. Only the Later Mohists make an explicit distinction between two basic meanings of shi: “to tell” and “a cause” (gu). Explanation: To give orders is to “tell:” the thing does not necessarily come about. Dampness is a “cause.” It is necessarily required that what it does comes about. (Mo jing, A77)
For dampness to be the cause of illness, illness must have come about. Only this second sense of shi, dissociated from its political context, coincides with the English “cause” in the sense that A is only a cause of B if B has actually come about, not if it is merely intended or ordered, as in the first and more original sense of shi. But again, except for the Later Mohists, ancient Chinese authors, unlike their Western counterparts, do not tend to strictly dissociate causation from its original, in casu political, context. The following passage from a third century bce collection is a clear instance of the association of both meanings of the character shi: When spring energy arrives herbs and trees grow; when autumn energy arrives herbs and trees shed their leaves. Whether growing or shedding, there is something that causes [shi] them. It is not that they are so of themselves. Therefore, if what causes it arrives, no thing is not brought about; if what causes it does not arrive, no thing can be brought about. Men of ancient times were careful about the way they issued orders [shi]. Therefore, nobody remained unemployed. The handle of rewards and punish ments, this is how superiors issued orders. (Liishi chunqiu, 14.4)
As is the case in the following passage from the same collection, discussion of shi often entails the noun gu, “a cause,” with its associations of historical antiquity and geographical origin. In general, for the way things are, there necessarily must be a cause Qpi]. Not to know the cause, even if one happens to be right, is the same as not to be knowledgeable, and inevitably leads to trouble. The way in which former kings, famous knights and successful masters surpassed the masses, was by their knowledge. The fact that water leaves the mountains and runs to the sea is not because it dislikes the mountains and desires the sea, but height causes [shi] it to be so.... As for the endurance or fall of states, the worthiness or uselessness of persons, they also all have a reason to be so. Instead of examining endurance and fall, worthiness and uselessness, the sage examines the reason why. (Liishi chunqiu, 9.4)
While Needham blames the Confucian authors of this passage for inhibiting with political morality the Daoist exploration of nature, it is difficult to find any discus sion of causation in the classical corpus that is not directly related to political concerns. Even the quoted passage from the Jinizi concerning the “web without weaver” belongs to an argument in which Master Jini advises his king to rely on worthy ministers and respectfully accept their assistance. He lists five mythological
rulers who were each assisted by a capable minister in governing one of the five areas (west, north, east, south and center) and ordering (s/ii) one of the five corre sponding powers (metal, water, wood, fire and earth). “There were five directions side by side forming a network. Therefore, political assistance which switches between the territories is the constancy of things” (Jinizi, inner classic). The controversies that surround the discussion of causation and constitute its larger context concern cultural, religious and ritual matters, such as the influence of spirits, the meaning of rites, the power of fate, or the impact of heaven on human affairs. For instance, Xunzi, a Confucian author of the third century bce, argues against prayers for rain because he is convinced that spirits are not able to cause rain, nor is man able to influence them through prayers. “If you pray for rain and it rains, so what? I say there is no reason, just as when it would rain without your prayer.” Although the author’s claim that such events are caused by the intera ction of yin and yang rather than by spirits may tempt one to declare him the first Chinese natural philosopher, Xunzi’s real concern lies with ritual, not nature. His rejection of the power of spirits is not meant to promote a more efficient approach to nature, but to preserve the true value of prayers and ritual: “When heaven sends drought and we pray for rain,.. . this is not because we believe we will obtain what we seek, but to cultivate the occasion. Therefore, a gentleman considers it cultiva tion; while the majority considers it the work of spirits” (Xunzi, 17). The Confucian author of The Luxuriant Gems of the Spring and Autumn Annals, who argued that man is able to cause rain by activating his own yin energy, also explicitly rejects the view that spirits would be able to influence nature. “Therefore, to bring rain is nothing spiritual. The fact that people suspect that spirits are at work is because the pattern is subtle and mysterious.” The author’s primary concern here, however, is not to draw our attention to a technical means of meteorological control, but rather to make a political point by means of analogy. It is not that only yin and yang energy can advance or retreat according to categories. Misfortune, calamity and fortune are likewise generated. It is always the case that things move according to categories in response to what one has first activated. Therefore, men of intelligence, sagacity and spirit introspect and listen to themselves so that their words become illumined and sagely. (Chunqiu fanlu, 5 7)
The focus of attention here is the ruler’s responsibility: however subtly and myste riously causation works at this level, his attitude and insight will ultimately determine the value of his assistants and the fate of his state. There is nobody else to blame, not even a spirit. The same author also argues against the prevalent view, mainly expressed in Daoist texts, that things are uncaused. Because people fail to perceive the cause, he explains, they believe that everything is “so of itself.” “In fact, it is not so of itself. There is something that causes [s/ii] them to be so. These things inherently have what actually causes them, although that which causes them has no form” (Chun qiu fanlu, 57). One may wonder about the relevance of identifying a cause which remains invisible and which, according to others, can be entirely dispensed with. 171
Why, then, is there this heated discussion concerning whether things are “so by causation” (shiran) or “so of themselves” (ziran)? The controversy clearly does not focus on different descriptions of reality, but rather on alternative explanations of it. Considering the political commitment of ancient Chinese philosophy and, more specifically, the political undertone of the verb shi, alternative explanations of real ity can be seen to promote different political views and competing justifications of power. The insistence that things in nature are ultimately caused is scarcely sepa rable from the promotion of a central government responsible for social order. The converse claim that nature is “so of itself” can be used to support a political stance opposed to governmental interference and central control. Although conclusions concerning the relation between discussion of causation in the classical Chinese corpus and the political controversies of those days may be premature, it is clear that the topic ought to be pursued further. Having neither emerged from a juridical background nor given rise to a scientific exploration of nature, the notion of causation in early Chinese texts lies imbedded in a context of political, cultural and ritual concerns. One’s understanding, therefore, gains more from an acquaintance with these controversies than from a selection of exceptional statements pointing in the direction of a pseudo-scientific attitude. Any serious discussion of causation in Chinese thought (and of many other topics, for that matter) seems to be caught in an unsettling movement between correspondence and coherence. While in the past discussion of the topic has been dominated by the former approach, there is now a growing tendency in favor of the latter. But the two need not to be considered mutually exclusive. Even someone who consciously opts for the coherence approach can scarcely deny that there is something transcultural about the idea that things are connected in such a way that one produces the other and accounts for it. This assumption not only underlies one’s selection and translation of some terms in the Chinese texts as “the cause,” “to cause,” and even “because,” “therefore” and “thus,” but also allows one to examine where and how far they might overlap as nodes of two different networks of discourse. Although the attributed correspondence is inevitably colored by contemporary Western associations of the term “causation,” it remains an indis pensable though precarious bridge to the ancient Chinese world. Only a careful combination of both approaches might secure one a safe crossing.
Writings Chunqiu fanhi 1973: [The Luxuriant Gems of the Spring and Autumn Annals], tr. of the quoted chapter in W. T. Chan, Source Book in Chinese Philosophy, 4th edn (Princeton: Princeton University Press), pp. 282-4. Huainanzi 1993: [Writings of the Master of Huainan], tr. of the quoted chapter in J. Major, Heaven and Earth in Early Han Thought (Albany: State University of New York Press). Jinizi 1919: [Writings of Master Ji ni] in the Bai zi quan shu (Shanghai: Saoye shanfang). Liishi chunqiu 1971: [Spring and Autumn Annals of Mister Lii], tr. R. Wilhelm, Friihling und Herbst des Lit Bu We (Koln: Diederichs Verlag).
Mojing 1978: [Mohist Canons], tr. A. C. Graham in Later Mohist Logic, Ethics and Science (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press). Mozi 1976: [Writings of Master Mo], partial tr. Y. P. Mei, The Works of Motze (Taibei: Confucius Pub. Co.). Wang Chong 1962: Lunheng [Discourses Weighed in the Balance], tr. A. Forke, Lun-heng: Part I, Philosophical Essays of Wang Ch’ung and Part II, Miscellaneous Essays of Wang Ch’ung (New York: Paragon Book Gallery). Xunzi 1988-94: [Writings of Master Xun], tr. J. Knoblock, Xunzi. A Translation and Study of the Complete Works, 3 Vols (Stanford: Stanford University Press).
References and further reading Frede, M. 198 7: “The original notion of cause,” in Essays in Ancient Philosophy, ed. M. Frede (Oxford: Clarendon Press), pp. 125-150. Graham, A. C. 1989: Disputers of the Tao: Philosophical Argument in Ancient China (La Salle: Open Court). Leslie, D. 19 74: “Les theories de Wang Tch’ong sur la causalite,” Melanges de Sinologie ojferts a Monsieur Paul Demieville, Bibliotheque de 1’Institut des Hautes Etudes Chinoises, 20, pp. 179-86. Needham, J. 19 5 6: Science and Civilisation in China (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Peterson, W. J. 1990: “Some Connective Concepts in China in the Fourth to Second Cen turies B.C.E,” Eranos 1988 Jahrbuch, 57, pp. 201-34. ------1991: “What causes this?,” in Interpreting Culture through Translation. A Festschrift for D. C. Lau, ed. R. T. Ames, S. W. Chan, and M. S. Ng (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press), pp. 185-205. Taylor, R. 1967: “Causation,” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. P. Edwards (New York: Macmillan), pp. 56-66.
11 Chinese socio-political ideals HENRY ROSEMONT, JR 1 Introduction One of the basic ways of distinguishing the several “schools” of Chinese thought, especially during the classical period (sixth to third centuries bce), is by their differ ing views of the ideal state or society. No formidable cultural barriers need to be breached in order to understand these several views, but they do not have close Western philosophical analogues. They are put forth within a conception of the universe that is uniquely Chinese, and both the grammar and the style(s) of dis course describing these views are similarly unique. Some preliminary comments are therefore in order. The cosmos first. Although made most explicit by the Confucians, virtually all early Chinese socio-political thinkers presuppose a tripartite universe: a Way (dao) of the heavens; a Way of Earth; and a Way of Humankind. The first two of these ways are fairly constant, cyclical, and balanced. In the heavens the Chinese zodiac rose and fell like its counterpart in the West, the orbits of the planets were eccentric, but predictable, as were lunar eclipses. On Earth the days and nights succeeded each other, as did the seasons. Occasionally, it rained too much, or too little, and at times there were omens to be heard or seen, but in general the world was patterned, and the patterns known, or at least knowable. Much less obvious was the proper Way of Humankind. Differing accounts of this third Way were proffered by a number of Chinese thinkers, and these accounts are what we have come to categorize as Chinese social and political theories. Again, the Ways of the Heavens and Earth are cyclically regular, in harmony, and such that there is a proper place for human beings, both as persons and as community members, within this cosmos. But what is that place? How is the Way of Human kind supposed to mesh with the ways of the heavens and earth? What is human nature? What conduct is appropriate for human beings? What is the meaning of it all? In the West, such questions demarcate not only the field of political theory, but many other areas of philosophy as well: metaphysics, ethics, aesthetics, and the philosophy of religion at the least. But Chinese thinkers did not employ these West ern categories, which brings us to a second problem in comprehending Chinese socio-political ideals: seldom are they stated and argued for in isolation. Rather, accounts of those ideals are interwoven with cosmological, historical, moral, aes thetic and spiritual descriptions, necessitating a different approach to Chinese
philosophical writings on the part of readers accustomed to Western modes of philosophical discourse. Relatedly, the ancient Chinese language in which these texts were written differs as much from both ancient Greek and modern English as each of the latter differs from the other. The logographic qualities of the Chinese script, when combined with syntactic constraints and historically favored narrative styles, permit the ex pression of a broad vision, or complex of attitudes and emotions, in brief compass, giving those expressions a force, beauty and scope that is more difficult to achieve in Indo-European modern languages. The cost of this narrative quality was a loss of precision; the percentage of ambiguous sentences in Chinese texts is high. While the language did not prevent precise statements, it does not seem to have encour aged them either, and the traditions of writing favored elegance, historical allusion, and brevity - appropriate for providing holistic views - over precision and the hypothetico-deductive style common in Western philosophical texts. A final difficulty in coming to an understanding and appreciation of Chinese socio-political ideals concerns the vocabulary employed to describe the ideals. Con temporary Western political (and moral) philosophy has as central to its basic lexicon such terms as justice, rights, liberty, freedom, autonomy, individual, ethics, rationality, dilemma, choice, and ought. None of these terms has a close cognate in ancient Chinese. Thus while Chinese thinkers were greatly concerned to describe, analyze, and evaluate human conduct, it was not the conduct of purely rational, autonomous individuals freely choosing what they ought to do. Articulating Chi nese ideals requires another, less technical, theoretical vocabulary. But sharing an overall view of the cosmos, and writing in the same language with roughly similar vocabularies, does not entail that all Chinese philosophers thought alike. Far from it: the ways of humankind propounded by them are as varied as those advanced by their Western peers. We will begin with a brief descrip tion of three early, pre-philosophical texts which provide the best accounts of what Chinese socio-political life was like in the archaic period, texts which also influ enced significantly all later thinkers: The Yijing, Shujing, and Shying. Next we will consider the ways of humankind advocated by the Confucians (whose views even tually prevailed), their sharpest critics the Daoists, and then the third influential school of the time, the Legalists. Quick sketches of two less influential theories of the ideal state - Mohism and the “school of Farmers” - will then be given, and a brief overview of post-classical political thinking will conclude the essay. 2 The Yijing, or Book of Changes The oldest strata of this text are divinatory in nature, and center on the concept of change, which occurs because of the complementary interaction of two basic prin ciples, the yin and the yang. The former denotes (and connotes) receptivity, passiv ity, and descent, and its symbols are earth, a mare, darkness, water, valleys, and the mother. Yang is active and ascending, the heavens, a dragon, light, mountains and the father. The yin is represented by a broken line (- -), and the yang by a solid one (—). These twin “forces” - really metaphorical constructs - are fully relational.
Nothing is wholly yin or yang in itself, but only in relation to something else, at a particular time. Grandfather is yang to grandmother, but yin to his grandchildren. By means of a formulaic counting out of yarrow (milfoil) stalks, a person con sults the Yijing, obtaining at the end of the count either a yin or a yang line. The counting is repeated six times, concluding in a hexagram of six lines. Each of the 64 hexagrams in the Yi represent familial, social, and natural phenomena, and the hexagram obtained by the counter represents, in multiply symbolic form, the di viner’s place in the universe at that moment. The aim of consulting the Yi was not to learn how to alter the course of events in any significant way, but rather to learn more about the changes then occurring, so that the diviner could appropriately adjust his or her behavior to be in harmony with those changes. This harmony - being in tune with the rhythms of the universe - was taken to be the central goal of human life in the Yijing. It is less the “oneness” characteristic of the Western mystical tradition than it is the full realization of human life, which was an integral part of the universe, not isolated from it. In guiding the diviner, a number of the hexagrams instruct him to more actively participate in socio-political affairs; they are more or less yang hexagrams. Other, yin hexagrams, instruct the diviner to withdraw from society, at least for a time, and consequently to interact more directly with the natural world. In this way the Yijing offers the first suggestion of what will later be articulated as two differing ways of humankind: achieving harmony with the patterns of the heavens and earth through society, or by confronting the natural world more directly, with much less social mediation. 3 The Shujing, Book of History or Book of Documents This book, the earliest entries of which probably date from the eleventh century bce, is made up a series of brief essays, memorials, and documents which record parts of the reigns of the legendary sage-kings Yao, Shun, and Yu (ca. the third millennium bce), the reigns of several Xia Dynasty rulers (traditional dates 2205-1766 bce), some Shang Dynasty rulers after them (1766-1050 bce), and the early rulers of the successor Zhou Dynasty (1050-256 bce), especially Kings Wen, Wu, and the Duke of Zhou. The Shujing is not at all a complete chronicle of the most ancient Chinese past. It contains much that appears to be purely legendary, and all of it was written long after the events described therein were supposed to have occurred. It was neverthe less highly influential in the development of Chinese socio-political philosophy; virtually every classical text makes references to one or more of the sage-kings and their successors, and it is thus necessary to understand the qualities attributed to them in the Shu. First, they were not supernaturally endowed; they lived to very ripe old ages, but all eventually died, and during their lifetimes they performed no tasks in violation of physical laws. Second, they were all highly intelligent, and put their wits to use in the service of the Chinese people by their inventions and discoveries. (The sagekings are credited with, among much else, introducing agriculture, irrigation, writ
ing, fishing and medicine to the populace.) Third, they governed with the assistance of a proto-bureaucracy, and appointed ministers thereto on the basis of moral and intellectual merit rather than birth or wealth. All of the sage-kings governed by suasion rather than force, and saw as their responsibilities, according to the Shujing: (1) securing the welfare of the common people; (2) maintaining the traditions of the ancestors; (3) being frugal; (4) seeing their position as a trust conferred by tian (usually translated as “Heaven,” which was not so much a symbol of deity as it was of the natural order); and (5) keeping harmony within the social order, and between the social and natural order. In short, their task was to achieve and maintain a proper integration of the ways of the heavens, earth, and humankind. 4 The Shijing, or Book of Poetry, Book of Songs, Book of Odes The 314 poems which comprise the Shijing collectively provide what is very prob ably the most accurate picture we have of the everyday and festival life of the Chinese people in the ninth century bce. There are love poems and lamentations, poems celebrating the seasons and friendship, poems describing communal rituals and holiday gatherings, and more. We see a hierarchical society, which is supposed to reflect the hierarchy of nature, within which everyone is in a place, and there is a place for everyone. Religion permeates the social fabric, expressed in the regular performance of rituals great and small. Familial relationships are the foundation of the social order, and it is through the exemplification and realization of these relationships that the secular becomes sacred. At the pinnacle of the hierarchy in all three of these early classics is the ruler, and he is simultaneously the center of the politia. All political theorizing in China assumes a monarch; to a significant degree, the several schools of Chinese political thought can be differentiated on the basis of the qualities the good ruler is thought to have, but for over two thousand years a monarch was always pre sumed, and he was supposed to be the living embodiment of the culture’s socio political ideals.
5 Confucianism The doctrines which are gathered under the rubric of “classical Confucianism” were largely put forward in four texts written and edited roughly between the fifth and the third centuries bce: The Analects of Confucius, the Mencius, the Xunzi, and the Records of Ritual, especially the two more metaphysical chapters of this last text - “The Great Learning” and “The Doctrine of the Mean.” These works are not in agreement on all points (the Mencius and the Xunzi, for example, appear to present contradictory descriptions of human nature), but they do present a coher ent picture of the good life for human beings. That life is an altogether social one. The Confucian Way of Humankind requires each of us to live properly the relational roles that define us as persons. Our first and most important role is as
children, and filial piety is one of the most basic virtues of Confucianism. We owe unswerving loyalty to our parents, and our obligations to them do not cease at their death. Concerning loyalty, The Master said, In serving his parents a man may gently remonstrate, but if he fails to change their thoughts, he should resume deference and not oppose them; he may feel disheartened, but not resentful. (Analects 4:18)
And concerning the constancy of our obligations, The Master said, If for the whole three years of mourning a son manages to carry on the household exactly as his father did, he is a good son indeed. (Analects 4:20)
From our beginnings as children, siblings, and pupils, we mature to become parents ourselves, and become as well spouses, neighbors, subjects, friends, and more. All of these roles are reciprocal relationships, best understood, perhaps, as holding be tween benefactors and beneficiaries. The roles are hierarchically structured, but each of us moves from benefactor to beneficiary, and back again, depending on the role, and the occasion. (For example, I am both son and father, benefactor of my friend when she seeks assistance, and beneficiary when I seek hers.) Collectively, the roles we live define us as persons and the way we live them give us our dignity, meaning, and satisfaction in life. Both within the family, and in the larger society beyond it, custom, tradition, and ritual serve as the binding force of our relationships. The rituals described in the Yijing, Shujing and Shijing were based on archaic supernatural beliefs which were being challenged during the more rationalistic period of Confucius, and a part of the genius of the Master and his followers lies in their giving those practices a social, moral and spiritual foundation which was independent of their original inspiration. The importance of rituals for the early Confucians must be under scored. They did not believe that laws or regulations were the proper way to govern society: The Master said, Govern the people by regulations, keep order among them by chas tisements, and they will flee from you, and lose all self-respect. Govern them by moral virtue [te], keep order among them by ritual and they will keep their self-respect and come to you of their own accord. (Analects 2:3)
At the same time, the Confucians did not believe that society should be governed by monarchical fiat; the ideal ruler was to reign. The Master said, He who rules by moral virtue [te] is like the pole-star, which remains in place while all the lesser stars pay homage to it. (Analects 2:1)
With respect to ritual, however,
The Master said, If it is possible to govern by means of ritual and deference, what else is there to say? If it is not possible, of what use is ritual? (Analects 4:13)
The Confucian ruler is thus not a benevolent despot, but a living symbol of the Chinese cultural heritage, a person who manifests the highest Confucian virtue of ren (benevolence, human-heartedness), reverences ritual, and is at all times attentive to the needs of the common people. He will be assisted in his efforts by others who will hold office on the basis of their own exemplification of ren, rever ence for ritual, and commitment to serving the people. Thus only moral exemplars are fit to rule, and when they do, the ruled will emulate their attitudes and behav ior, guaranteeing a peaceful and harmonious society throughout “All under the heavens.” Moreover, these socio-political ideals extend beyond the social and political realms to the aesthetic, moral, and spiritual dimensions of human life. In fulfilling our manifold relational obligations, guided by ritual, we are simultaneously en gaged in a process of self-cultivation that provides beauty, rightness, and meaning for our lives; our outer conduct can lead to inner fulfillment. Returning to the subject of filial piety, The Master said, In filial piety it is the proper attitude that is difficult to explain. It does not merely consist in young people laboring when things must be done, or serving the elders properly with wine and food. It is something much more than that. (Analects 2:8)
This “something much more” is not only evidenced in relation to parents - al though it begins there - but is a sense of being a part of humanity, a sense that is the goal of self-cultivation. All of our interactive relations, with the dead as well as the living, are mediated by the customs, traditions and rituals we all come to share as our inextricably linked personal histories unfold, and it is by fulfilling the obliga tions defined by these relationships that we follow the Confucian Way of Human kind. In addition to the aesthetic and moral features attendant on meeting these obligations, to our elders and ancestors, on the one hand, and to our contempo raries and descendants, on the other, the Confucian ideal proffers an uncommon yet spiritually authentic sense of transcendence for us, a human capacity to rise above the concrete spatiotemporality of our existence, to form a union with those who have gone before, and those who will come later. In sum, the early Confucian Way reflects not only socio-political ideals, but aesthetic, moral and religious ideals as well. The gulf that separates what is Cae sar’s from what is God’s is not found in Confucianism, for the significance of human life can only be attained and understood in the context of social life. Confucian selves certainly have their individuality - there are many ways to be a good parent, spouse, friend, and so on - but the boundaries of those selves are not drawn as sharply as they have been drawn in the modern West, where our essence is thought to lie in our freedom, and autonomy. The Confucian Way was never fully realized in China. Its history includes a sorry list of despotic rulers, uncaring parents, dull pedants, and worse. But China’s 179
political culture was more or less Confucian, and it is the world’s most long lived. Tens of millions of people have lived and died in accordance with the Confucian vision, and for this reason alone the texts which describe that vision are deserving of our careful attention. Another reason for attentiveness is the fact that the great majority of the world’s peoples continue to define themselves primarily in terms of kinship and community rather than as free and autonomous individuals, suggest ing that Confucianism may, in part at least, transcend the culture of its birth.
6 Daoism
If Confucianism was the most socially and politically oriented of Chinese philoso phies, Daoism was the least. Whereas the Confucians saw socio-political involve ment as the only way to cure the human condition, Daoists saw it as the disease. We are creatures of nature according to the latter, and the artifices of society cause us to lose our sense of harmony with the natural order of things. These views are most forcefully put forward in the two great classics of Daoism, the Daodejing and the Zhuangzi, and in many parts of the later eclectic works, the Liezi and the Huainanzi. The first of these works is, after the Bible, the most widely translated of all books; at last count there were over 90 translations of it in English alone. The work is made up of 81 brief and cryptic chapters composed largely in verse; it has been said, without much exaggeration, that to read it is an act of creation. The penultimate chapter of the Daodejing succinctly describes the Daoist socio-political ideal - a small hamlet whose inhabitants lead lives of rustic simplic ity, who can hear the cocks crow in the next village, but who are so unconcerned about social mores that they never venture to that village to see how its inhabitants live. At the extreme, the text urges us to abandon that most social of human attributes - language - and return to a system of communicating, when absolutely necessary, by means of knotted ropes (believed to have been an archaic form of communication). Such socio-political ideals do not strike us as being of any relevance to a contem porary global village of more than five billion people, and they probably struck even most Chinese readers at the time of their promulgation in the same way. But Daoist ideals reflect an anarchic vision that is not politically chaotic, that returns us to a fuller appreciation of nature, that provides a vantage point from which to criticize social activities, and which surely must appeal to the “free spirit” in each of us. And in many respects Daoist reasoning is impeccable: the only guaranteed way of stopping law-breaking is to abolish the laws; if no one desires more than they need, there will almost surely be enough to go around; most of the emotions which bring us to grief - pride, greed, envy, jealousy - are products of socialization, not inherent in our nature; and the more we worry about tomorrow, the less we can celebrate today. Spontaneity, not planning (scheming), is the hallmark of the Daoist sage. Confucianism is, in Chinese terms, largely a yang philosophy, and Daoism its yin counterpart: 180
The spirit of the valley never dies This is called the mysterious female. The gateway of the mysterious female Is called the root of heaven and earth. Dimly visible, it seems as if it were there, Yet use will never drain it. (Dao De Jing, VI)
As a corollary, Daoists advocate wuwei, translated as non-action, or inaction, or spontaneous action. “The Way,” according to the Daodejing again (XXXVII), “Nev er acts, yet nothing is left undone.” If there is poverty, the cause is not natural disaster, but the social disaster of exacting burdensome taxes (LXXV). Wuwei has spiritual as well as socio-political consequences, for Zhuangzi says, “Cease striving; then there will be self-transformation.” In light of these views, it should be clear that while Daoists do not altogether deny that we are social beings, they do insist that we are equally natural beings, and that socialization can, and often does, cause us to become artifacts no less than the other products of social activity. When we are no longer able to answer the question “Are you hungry?” without checking our watches to see whether it is time for lunch, we are cut off not only from the natural world, but from ourselves as well. The good society, therefore, must be such that we can come to see the importance of the imperative to “Cease striving” and to learn to live more spontaneously, in close harmony with nature rather than in opposition to it.
7 Legalism
In a series of texts that span more than four centuries, a socio-political ideal was argued for that would initially strike modern readers as insensitive to the human condition at best, and at worst as totalitarian. These texts - the fragments of Shen Buhai, The Book of Lord Shang, the Guanzi, and most important, the Hanfeizi - differ in their details, but are in agreement on the necessity of establishing and maintain ing an all-powerful state political apparatus to check and control the behavior of citizens. Like the Confucians, Legalist authors believe that human beings are to be gath ered socially, but they reject the idea that an inborn nature, and/or morality, and/ or ritual observances, can serve to make the resultant society a functioning one. They likewise reject the ideal of the ruler as a moral paradigm and exemplar who reigns but does not rule, and they see custom and tradition as obstacles to efficient governmental administration. Instead they insist, first, that the responsibility of the ruler is to establish and promulgate a series of laws absolutely binding on everyone under his jurisdiction. Rather like Hobbes, they conclude that the substance of those laws matters little; so long as they are not contradictory, if followed they will guarantee a peaceful soci ety, because all violations of law are to be severely punished. Second, Legalists argue for a bureaucracy with rigidly prescribed duties. If the bureaucrats exceed or 181
fall short of their duties, they are to be punished, and for the proper execution of those duties they are to be rewarded handsomely. It is hard to put a kind face on the socio-political ideals of Legalism. Almost all that can be said of it is that it provided a series of checks on a capricious ruler, and provided incentives for everyone to behave in a manner that enhanced social cohesion. Having promulgated the laws, the ruler could no longer usurp them, for then they would no longer be a guide to behavior. The rewards and punishments for bureaucrats were equally not subject to whim: if they did their job, they were to be rewarded; and if not, then punished. Perhaps human beings do indeed wish to live in a highly constrained social environment in which they are told what, and what not to do, and will behave well toward their fellows only under the threat of punishment for lapses. But otherwise the socio-political ideals of the Legalists do not have much to recommend them, except within a society in which cohesion has been lost, and life becomes a struggle of each against each, and all against all. (Which well describes the China of the time of Legalist influence: it has been known ever since as “The Period of the Warring States.”) 8 Other schools
In the book that bears his name, Mozi (Mo Ti) argues for an ideal state that is more akin to the Confucian than to any of the others, yet which is different from it in crucial respects. About Mozi we know little except that he was a contemporary of Confucius, and was the first Chinese thinker to set down his views systematically and provide arguments for them. His criterion for whether a political belief, practice, or institution was to be accepted, modified, or rejected was utility, or profit: did it bring benefits - usually material - to the people? If so, it was commended, and if not, condemned. The reach of this utility criterion was great in Mozi’s writings, to the point that he has often been described as China’s Jeremy Bentham. Closely related to the utility criterion was an emphasis on frugality: the ruler, his ministers, the common people - all were to pinch pennies whenever possible. This spartan virtue has much to recommend it in a country whose soils must be cultivat ed intensively in order to produce a bounty sufficient to nourish the population, but Mozi’s focus on it made him a sharp critic of the Confucian insistence on the importance of music and ritual in social and political life: the fruits of people’s labor should not be dissipated in frivolous activities. This criticism was closely linked to Mozi’s belief that religion was a personal matter between the individual and the “Will of Heaven,” not the socially embedded spiritual cultivation insisted upon by the Confucians. The most basic criticism of the Confucian way made by Mozi dealt with the “graded love” that must accompany a hierarchy of loyalties and obligations that are grounded in the family. Mozi saw a love that made distinctions as a major cause of social discord, and instead argued for a “universal love” of all, by all, and for all. 182
This spirit of egalitarianism was carried even further by the Nong Jia, or school of the tillers, which flourished briefly around 300 bce. Their hero was the early sageking Shen Nong (Divine Farmer), and they portrayed him as working in the fields along with everyone else, and consulting with everyone else when any decision had to be reached. The peasant utopianism that can be discerned in the few frag ments of texts we have from this school reminds one of the peaceful hamlets earlier described in the Daodejing, and may well have served as the inspiration for the later brief novella Peach Blossom Spring. The classical era of Chinese thought came to a close in 221 bce, when Qin Shi Huang Di completed the conquest and unification of China. His Legalistinspired dynasty lasted only sixteen years, and was succeeded by the Han, who ruled, with but one interregnum, for the next four centuries. Han rulers made Confucianism state orthodoxy, and established the civil service examination sys tem, and for the next two thousand years the Chinese state was (more or less) a Confucian state. With the coming of Buddhism to China, beginning in mid-Han times, the aes thetic, moral and religious elements of Confucianism began to be neglected, but it remained the theoretical foundation of government. The intellectual movement known as Neo-Confucianism had its origin during the Tang dynasty (618-906 ce), and was largely devoted to re-visioning Confucian ethics and religious practices to counter the Buddhist challenge. Much original philosophical work was done by the Neo-Confucians - especially during the Song (960-1279 ce) and Ming (13681644 ce) dynasties - but the socio-political ideal of government remained intact. The state system was not basically challenged: bad times were due to bad rulers and/or bad ministers; the early Confucian vision of rule by moral force and suasion continued throughout the course of Chinese intellectual history, and remains discernible today. The socio-political, aesthetic, moral, and religious ideals of Confucianism won out over their competitors twenty-three hundred years ago, later withstood the challenges of Buddhism, and then Christianity, and are now recovering ground against Communist ideals. This historical perspective should lead us to think not that Confucianism must be irrelevant to the contemporary global village the world is becoming, nor that it should be put to rest. Rather might we think that there is much in that tradition which speaks not only to East Asians, but perhaps to every one; not only in the past, but perhaps for all time. Bibliography Ames, Roger T. 1983: The Art of Ridership (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press). Creel, Herrlee G. 1970: The Origins of Statecraft in China (Chicago: University of Chicago Press). Fung Yu-lan 1953: History of Chinese Philosophy, tr. Derk Bodde, 2 Vols (Princeton: Prince ton University Press). Graham, A. C. 1986: “The Nung-Chia ‘School of the Tillers’ and the Origins of Peasant Utopianism in China,” in Studies in Chinese Philosophy and Philosophical Literature (Sin gapore: Institute of East Asian Philosophies).
Hsiao Kung-chuan 1979: A History of Chinese Political Thought, tr. F. W. Mote, Vol. 1 (Princeton: Princeton University Press). Lau, D. C. (tr.) 1984: Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching (Harmondsworth: Penguin). Legge, James (tr.) 1959: The Texts of Taoism (New York: Julian Press). ------(tr.) 1960: The Chinese Classics, 2nd edn, 5 Vols (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press). Rosemont, Henry Jr. 1970-1: “State & Society in the Hsun Tzu,” Monumenta Serica, 29. Waley, Arthur (tr.) 1938: The Analects of Confucius (New York: Modem Library).
12 Reality and divinity in Chinese philosophy CHUNG-YING CHENG The Chinese approach to the theory of reality
In the Xici Commentary on the Zhouyi, we witness the emergence of the two basic concepts characterizing the ultimate reality of human experience. These two basic concepts are, respectively, that of the great ultimate (taiji) and that of the way (dao). Both concepts are derived from human experience of the formation and transfor mation of things in nature, which are referred to as “bianyi” or “bianhua” (change). Thus the change has its Great Ultimate from which Two Norms (liangyi) are generat ed. The Two Norms generates Four Forms (sixiang), [and] Four Forms generate Eight Trigrams (bagua). (Xici-shang, 11)
The 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes are in turn generated from the combining of the eight trigrams. This process of generation is remarkable in establishing a cosmogonical picture of the rise and development of reality as a world of things, as well as in providing a cosmographical way of thinking symbolized in the systemic structures of trigrams and hexagrams. This process of generation we may also call the dao. The sustaining source of this process of generation is called the taiji. The dao is taiji in its process aspect, whereas taiji is the dao under its origination aspect. Together they refer to the same thing - namely, the whole of reality as creativity, change and transformation. We may call this cosmogonic and cosmographical way of thinking and its de scription of reality the “ontocosmology of taiji and the dao,” as the prefix “onto” suggests the meaning of taiji, and the root “cosmology” suggests the meaning of the dao. It is this theory of taiji and dao that represents the main stream of metaphysical thinking in the 3,200-year history of Chinese philosophy, and which thus should be regarded as the fundamental theory of reality in Chinese philosophy. (The Book of Changes or Zhouyi was formulated as early as the beginning of the Zhou dynasty in 1200 bce, although it was believed that the notion of change (yi) and the method of divination (bu) based on the theory of change was developed much earlier, dating back to the very beginning of the Xia Era, circa 2000 bce, as evidenced in the archaeological findings of oracle bone inscriptions.) Confucius, in his old age, stud ied and commented upon the Book of Changes. Ever since then it has been regarded as one of the Confucian classics, even as the leading one. There are no doubt
elements of Confucian thought in the ontocosmology of the Yizhuan (commentaries on the Zhouyi, developed between the fifth and third centuries bce), but these must be seen as basically implicit in the underlying philosophy or view of reality to be found in the original Zhouyi texts and symbolism. This means that the ontocosmol ogy of taiji and the dao is not just Confucian but an articulation of the ancient way of thinking about reality in China. However, in order to distinguish this ancient view from the later Daoist approach to reality of Laozi (whose exact dates are uncertain, but who lived about the middle of the sixth century bce) and Zhuangzi (circa 370-300 bce), and their elaboration of the philosophy of the dao, we may refer to it as the “Yizhuan theory of reality”, since the theory is suggested and implicitly formulated in the Commentaries on the Zhouyi known as Yizhuan, par ticularly in the Duan and Xici portions of the Commentaries. In order to understand the Yizhuan theory of reality, we should take note of the following characterization of our experience of change:
(1) Reality as inexhaustible origination. We can trace the presentation and develop ment of the world’s reality to a root-source. This root-source, called “the great ultimate” (taiji), is the absolute beginning of all things, but it is also the sustaining base for all things in the present, because all changes in the world are based on it and contained in it. In this sense, the taiji is the primordial and inexhaustible source of creative and transformative energy, a fact conveyed by its designation as the “creativity of creativity” or “generation of generation” (shengsheng) in the Xici. In this sense, reality is not something static underneath a world of fleeting phenome na; nor is it a realm of forms or ideas reflected in a world of imitations. Neither is it something accessible only to abstractive human reasoning, or through divine rev elation. Reality is concrete, vivid and holistic, not merely in the sense that all things are interrelated within a whole originally defined by the oneness of the taiji, but in the sense that changes and the non-changes underlying these changes are organ ically part and parcel of the same thing, and there cannot be any strict demarcation or bifurcation between appearance and reality. Changes and the constant and continuous regeneration of things are what reality consists of. Any scheme to divide or stratify reality can only serve a limited purpose. This means that all theories of reality share with reality itself the fact of change and are subject to the continuous challenges of an ongoing process of formation and transformation. Therefore, we may understand taiji as not just primary origination but constant and ceaseless origination. In a Whiteheadean spirit, we may say that the world is in-the-making, and is constantly and forever in-the-making. (2) Reality as a polar-generative process. When the taiji gives rise to things in the world, it does so by introducing polarities: the positive and the negative, or the yang (the brightening/the moving/the firm) and the yin (the darkening/the restive/the soft). These polarities are subcontraries, which exist simultaneously and are con spicuous on one level. At the same time, they are also contraries which are hidden on the more concrete levels of things. In this latter sense, they are identifiable with the taiji, because the taiji, as the source of change, is always hidden beneath all
things. The generation of new things occurs on the basis of the coexistence and interaction of these polarities. Thus unlike Whitehead’s postulation of the emer gence of novelty from pure ideas, in this model novelties arise from the internal dynamics of a bifurcating of reality into yin and yang and the subsequent com mingling of yin and yang. Thus the novelty of things is inherent in the very source of the world itself, and also in the creative potential of a thing, which requires the interaction of forces to bring it about.
(3) Reality as a multi-interactive harmony. An individual thing or an individual class of things always has two aspects: the yin, which pertains to its stationary state of existence (its given nature) and its receptivity to the outside world, and the yang, which pertains to its dynamic state in developing its propensities in interaction with the outside world. As the yin yang polarities are definitive of individual things or individual classes of things, that a thing must interact with the outside world is in the nature of the thing itself. It is in this process of interaction that a thing fulfills its potentialities and runs its course of bounded existence. It is with respect to a thing’s maintaining itself as a given nature that we speak of the “centrality” of a thing, and with respect to its properly taking from and giving to other things that we speak of “harmony” between or among things. There could be non-centrality and dishar mony in the formation and transformation of a thing, which would constitute a crisis for its identity and its survival in the world of reality as things. And thus we see the importance of the thing’s natural abilities both to maintain itself and to enter into proper give-and-take relations with other things. In the case of human beings in particular these two aspects of existence must be cultivated in order to enhance and realize human potentiality. It is said that “One yin and one yang is thus called the dao. To follow it is goodness and to complete it is nature” (Xici-shang, 5). How are we to understand this in reference to individual things? The dao is how things come into being and how they grow and develop over time, and the process of one yin and one yang consists of the alternation, conjunction and mutual interaction of the positive and negative forces and positive and negative activities of the individual things, which results in the formation and transformation of things. (4) Reality as virtual hierarchization. The world is made of many levels, each of which exhibits the combination of the yin and yang forces or activities of things. For the taiji and dao model of cosmogony and cosmography (and hence ontocosmology), there are numerous general features of yin and yang, such as rest/motion, darkness/brightness, invisibility/visibility, softness/firmness, closedness/openness, and retrospective propensities/prospective propensities. Although these properties are basically described in phenomenal and experiential terms, there is no reason why they could not be described in a logical and scientific language of abstract and primary properties. One could, as many people have already done, for example, identify the yin and yang elements or processes in the genetic code and the theory of subatomic particles. Similarly, there is no reason why human values, emotions and intentions could not be described in the language of yin and yang. In this light, yin
and yang should be regarded as neutral and variant functors or operators, which interact to generate relationships and changes. The important point to remember is that, as there are levels of simplicity and complexity in the structures and activities of a scheme of things in being and becoming, so there are various levels of yin and yang. On the highest and most general level, there is the “Great Ultimate” (taiji). On the second level, there is yin and yang proper. On the third level, there are the four forms. On the fourth level, there are the eight trigrams. This can go on forever and without limit. But individual things must be understood as manifesting a complex hierarchy of levels of yin and yang background as well as a complex world of yin and yang interactions. This means that the individual thing or person can only be understood as acting within the context of a field or web of forces, and within this context it is still capable of having a creative impact and making a contribution to the formation and transformation of the world.
(5) Reality as recursive but limitless regenerativity. Although the Commentaries on the Zhouyi do not mention the recursive and regenerative nature of the yi, the presentation of nature in eight trigrams and of the world in 64 hexagrams in the original 1200 bce symbolism, and the appended judgments of divination clearly suggest that nature is a process of both collective and distributive balance and that it functions as a process of return and reversion - as we see in the rotation of seasons and celestial cycles. The interesting thing to note is that once we are able to represent the world in a collectively inclusive and individually exclusive enumera tion of stages or facets, these stages and facets will have to recur as patterns or forms of understanding or existential characterizations. We limit our understanding and characterization to a given level or particular domain initially, and then elaborate this in a definitive categorical system of description or projection. That is why one can use the 8 trigrams and 64 hexagrams at the same time: because they belong to different levels of relevance and meaningful description. What is implied in this description of reality is that it is both limited and limitless. It is limited on a specific level of description which serves a human purpose. On the other hand, it is limitless in that any specific level of description only serves a purpose in a limited way, and can be transcended or abandoned for a higher or more general level of description. We may say that there are virtually an unlimited number of levels of description, just as theoretically there could be an unlimited number of systems of scientific knowledge in the progression of scientific inquiry. On each level of description, there is the recursion of the finite categorized reality. This is the case because it is in the nature of change that reality has to be regeneratively represented. This may be called “regenerative recursion”, and it is this which gives stability and structure to process. In the taiji and dao model of reality what is shown in the symbolism of the yi is a regenerative recursion by reversion - which is to say, the yin stage has to revert to a yang stage and vice versa in order for creative change to be realized. It is in the nature of time that yin and yang interact through alternation. Because of this, one is entitled to expect that reaching the worst implies of necessity a return to a better condition. Although in practice, of course, it is difficult to know whether one has in 188
fact reached the worst or how long the improvement will last, it is nevertheless possible to conceive of reality as an alternation between good and bad as a natural process of change.
(6) Reality as an organismic totality. From the above description, it should be clear that the world of reality on the model of the taiji and dao is totalistic in the sense that all things are included and there is nothing beyond it. It is said that, “The Book of Changes is extensive and all-comprehensive. It contains the way of heaven, the way of man and the way of earth” (Xici-xia, 10). For the early Chinese, the real world is confined to heaven, earth and the ten thousand things, among which humanity stands out as the most intelligent and the one capable of forming a tri-partnership with heaven and earth. Everything in this reality comes from the taiji and follows or embodies the dao. This implies, then, that there is no transcendent reality beyond this world. When we come to Laozi, we find that even when the notion of emptiness (wu) is introduced, what the term “ wu" stands for is part and parcel of the universe of the dao. The dao in Laozi is simply enriched by something called the void or nonbeing (ww). Similarly, when Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073) speaks of the ultimateness (wuji) giving rise to the great ultimate, he is simply extending the dao to cover both void and non-void. There is no break between the void and the non-void and hence one does not have a transcendent nothingness or emptiness apart from reality. In this non-transcendence, we do not speak merely of immanence, but also of totality. Immanence refers to values and powers inherent in the things themselves, but totality refers to all of the interrelated parts of all things in the real world. The reason why things belong or hang together, is because in the ultimate reality things are not simply contained, but rather are interrelated or even interpenetrating. It is the organismic nature of the totality that not only can there not be any object “outside,” but that all things exist together by way of mutual support and even mutual grounding. This is how the immanence of heaven in the nature of man leads to an interminable exchange between, as well as a unity of, man and heaven. Although the Yizhuan developed the fundamental metaphysics of the taiji and dao in Chinese philosophy, which inspires or perhaps grounds the Confucian view on the moral propensity of man, it is in Laozi’s Daodejing (“The Classic of Dao and De”) that we find a better thematized theory of the dao. It might be said that a fuller and more distinctive theory of reality was formulated in the Daodejing. We may call it the Daoist theory of reality, and it has been frequently argued that it was the Daoist theory of reality of the fourth century bce which influenced the Yizhuan theory of reality of the third century bce. It is even suggested that the Yizhuan theory of reality is basically Daoistic. But this would seem not to be the case, given that there is a tight consistency and coherence of ideas in the Yizhuan’s notion of reality and creativity relating it to presuppositions that can easily be seen in the ancient texts of the Zhouyi and the even older practice of divination. It is in the way of thinking embodied in the Zhouyi symbolism and judgments that both the idea of the taiji as a root-source of creative change and the notion of the dao as a polar-generative process of totalization were developed.
A better suggestion would be that both the Daodejing and the Yizhuan share the influence of the Zhouyi and that they developed as a result of this influence and in an effort to understand the presupposed meaning of the Zhouyi symbolic texts. Hence there is no denying that there are shared grounds of ontocosmology (as formulated in the six points discussed above) between the two. But there should also be no denying that there are differences between the Daoist and Confucian approaches to reality, in spite of their shared debt to the Zhouyi, The strong con sistency of the Zhouyi and Yizhuan theories of reality reflects a Confucian emphasis on the moral and social relevance and importance of our understanding of reality. Understanding reality is an essential requirement of genuine morality, for morality consists in practicing comprehensive care for life in society and politics, as this is derived from the way of heaven represented in the Yizhuan theory of reality. In so far as the Zhouyi is fused with the spirit of pragmatism and a concern for rectitude and an ethics of action, it is clear that the Yizhuan theory of reality is a continuation of the Zhouyi philosophy. On the other hand, the Daodejing text, although to a great extent it exhibits the underlying spirit of the Zhouyi’s understanding of reality as a process of change and a process of reversion and return, has certain distinctive features which can per haps be interpreted as a creative response to, and a serious-minded critique of, its own time. For this reason, the Daoist approach must be treated independently as a new development in the Chinese theory of reality. There are four major features of the Daoist theory of reality which can be re garded as differentiating it from the Yizhuan theory of reality. In the first place, the Daodejing introduced a unique notion of the dao which cannot be conveyed by language. The first sentence of the Daodejing declares, “The dao can be spoken, but it is not the constant dao; The name can be named, but it is not the constant name.” What then is the dao? It is apparently the power or force underlying all changes and transformations of things in the world. The key here is that even though each thing has its own manner of change, they all share a common moving or motivating force for change. They also share in being in a common time and a common space with one another. This oneness is further manifested in the interrelatedness of all things in the world. But this power of change and this oneness are not separate from each other; nor are they separate from the world or from each individual thing in the world. It is difficult to express this all-encompassing oneness, compre hensiveness and moving/motivating power. When we choose the word “dao” to indicate or refer to this power, we cannot identify it with any of the things in the world, because it is not any of the things that our language describes. It is rather like an inaccessible object, such as the moon, to which we may point with a finger. Hence the dao is to be experienced, reflected upon, intended in our speech, but it cannot be identified. But this is not to say that the dao is non-existent, although it is invisible, inaudible, and intangible. Nor is it to say that its existence is nonefficacious, although it is non-substantial. On the contrary, the dao is full of power and functions in all of the natural activities of things in the world. More specifically, one can say that the dao is a power giving rise to all things without owning them, sustaining all things without dominating them, enabling things to act on their own
without claiming their work. (See Daodejing, chapters 10, 34, 51.) The dao (which we might call “the creative spirit of the world”) therefore is real and profound and can be considered the absolute beginning and primordial source of all things. In this sense, the dao can be said to exist before heaven and earth, and is the forerunner of all things and the mother of all lives. It is also the naturally-of-its-accord spon taneity of things. Thus Laozi observes, “While man follows earth, earth follows heaven, heaven has to follow the dao and the dao would act of its own accord” (Daodejing, 25). With all of this said, the important thing to keep in mind is that, although not the same as anything in the world, the dao is not separate from and does not transcend the world. Moreover, although it is the source of change and the ground of being for all things, it is not to be conceived of as God in any sense that a Western religion might understand this. It is rather the very nature of things when they are considered as an interrelated whole, as a unity of multiplicity, which exhibits its creativity and novelty through multifarious change and the abundance of life. One sees in the dao a dialectical unity of transcendence and immanence - which is to say, the transcendence of immanence and the immanence of transcendence in the relationship between nature and individual lives in nature. This understanding is intensified in the work of Zhuangzi, which stresses the idea of dao as the self transformation (zihua) of things and the interpenetrating power of oneness (daotong weiyi). We come now to the second point about the Daoist theory of reality. Because the dao is indescribable and non-substantial, it is conceived as void or empty (chong, xu). It is said that “Dao is void and its function is infinite” (Daodejing, 4). This voidness of the dao is also referred to as non-being (wu) by Laozi, when he says, “Wu names the beginning of heaven and earth, and yu [being] names the mother of ten thousand things” (Daodejing, 1). In fact, in order to appreciate how wu is a process of being’s emergence from non-being, one might also see wu as a process of non-being’s emergence from being. To become non-being is to void existence of all determinate characteristics and to go back to a state when all determinations of characteristics are in the offing. Things come into being, in other words, from a nebulous and indeterminate state of non-being, in which non-being could even be understood as indeterminacy of being. There are many passages offering this view. (See, for example, chapters 14 and 21.) In this sense, wu can be regarded as one aspect of the dao, the other aspect of which is simply yu. Wu is no-thing (wuwu), and yu is having-things (yuwu). As dao is a power creative of all things as well as the process of creative production, it has both the activity of wu and the activity of yu, just as all things have both the yin (emptying) and yang (substantiating) functions. It is through the interaction of these two functions and their conjunction that things become what they are and reach a state of harmony. It is said that, “All the ten thousand things shoulder yin and embrace yang, and in an intimate and strong mixing (chong) of the two vital forces (qi) a harmony results” (Daodejing, 42). It is also in this sense that Laozi speaks of the “mutual generation of yu and wu," by which he means that yu and wu are mutually defining and conditioning as well as mutually forming
and producing. One sees here what the Yizhuan has described as the alternation of yin and yang in the dao. One way to reach the state of wu, and hence the state of the natural functioning of the dao, is to have no desires (wu-yu) and no action (wu-wei) on the part of a person. This is important for the Daoist theory of reality because the theory is not simply a matter of abstract speculation, but of close personal embodiment of ontocosmological principles in one’s life experience. In fact, without such an embodiment, Laozi (the Old One) would not have been able to describe so vividly the reality and creativity of the dao. From this, one may correctly conclude that, according to the Daoist, any human being can come to an intimate knowledge and understanding of the dao so long as he reduces his desires, knowledge and actions to a state of oneness. (See chapter 39.) This also means that, at a minimum, one should not let one’s desires and knowledge block the open vision of the whole process of change and transformation in the dao. The idea that one’s vision could be blocked by one’s desires and knowledge is a result no doubt of a close observation of reality. Hence Laozi advises that one should keep oneself free from diversions of the senses, and the burdens of learning. For the dao reveals itself to those in a free state of mind or in an open state of the non-fixation of belief. This point is also strongly stressed in Zhuangzi. We come to a third point in the Daoist theory of reality. Reality under the name “dao” is always a matter of return (fu) and reversion (fan). It is said that, To reach for the ultimate of emptiness and to abide by the utmost of tranquility, ten thousand things will agitate at the same time. I would therefore be able to observe the process of return. There are many things and each would return to its root. To return to the root is called “tranquility” and this is called “return to destiny” (fuming). (Daode jing, 16)
It is interesting to note that, whereas the Yizhuan approach to reality stresses the ceaselessness of productive creativity (shengsheng buyi), the Daoist approach to reality stresses the constancy of return. In this sense, then, the Yizhuan approach is dynamic and the Daoist approach is static. However, the Daoist stress on return as a distinctive feature of reality was already implicit in the Zhouyi symbolism of trigrams and hexagrams. One can see that the relationship between yin and yang in the Qian and Kun trigrams and hexagrams establishes such a return in that they refer to the temporal process of alternation of one yin and one yang. If the dao begins with yin and moves to a stage of yang, then the only place it can go from there is back to yin. Similarly, from yin it would return to yang. But if the root of being is non-being in the sense described above, one can see that the root is closer in nature to yin than to yang. This observation led the later Neo-Confucianist Zhou Dunyi to speak of a state of ultimateness (wuji) logically if not temporally prior to the state of the great ultimate (taiji) in his famous work Taiji Tushuo (“Discourse on the Diagram of the Great Ultimate”). In this work the idea of the return of things to their root is also articulated, for according to Zhou, not only has wuji given rise to taiji, which produces all things in the world, but the whole world is always the
unity of the taiji and the taiji is no more than the beginning state of wuji. From an ontological point of view, one could regard wuji and taiji as two alternating states of the dao which exist at the same time and form a mutually defining unity. On this view, then, there need not be a temporal sense of return and we can speak of the reversion of the dao from one state to the other and vice versa. In fact, this is what is also observed by Laozi in the Daodejing. It is said that “Reversion is the motion of the dao; weakness is the function of the dao" (Daodejing, 40). As return is a temporal reversion of the dao, reversion is a non-temporal return of the dao. They can be regarded as referring to the same action. On the other hand, it might be suggested that reversion is a more funda mental characteristic of the dao, as the dao always exists in opposites and reversion can be considered logically as the exercise of opposition within a unity. But then we would have to consider return as a different function of the dao as well - namely, the function of going back to the unity of the dao. This would make return and rever sion two different functions, but although we can see wu and yu as two opposite and yet mutually related processes of the dao, there is no good reason to view reversion and return as dualistic rather than as one process described under two forms - a process which has its own true opposite in the process of ceaseless productive creativity described in the Yizhuan. The fourth point is a brief one. Not only can man observe the dao both outside of himself and within his own person, and thus come to an understanding of it, he can also cultivate the dao (participating in it or imitating it) in order to achieve a desirable and ideal state of life. For the Daoists, just as for the Confucianists, there are ample grounds for speaking of the unity of man and heaven or the unity of the human person and the dao. This unity is important for both schools in so far as ethics, social action and political life are all dependent upon it. We now have a composite picture of reality as it is understood in classical Chinese philosophy by way of the Yizhuan approach and the Daoist approach. Their different points of emphasis should not overshadow their common roots and common vision of reality as a world of interrelated things in a creative process of change and transformation. Later there arose the Neo-Daoist and Chinese Buddhist philosophies, in which reality was articulated either on the basis of the Daoist model or on the basis of a theory of false consciousness and the absence of wisdom or enlightenment. It was not until the rise of Neo-Confucianism in the Song Period that the Yizhuan model would become the standard and norm. Yet the distinctive features of the Daoist model of reality together with some features of the Chinese Buddhist model of reality have been absorbed into the Neo-Confucian system. This leads to a theory of reality presented not only in terms of the mutual production of wu and yu, but in terms of the new categories of li (principles) and qi (vital forces). The Chinese approach to the theory of divinity
Any theory of divinity must be grounded on or presuppose a theory of reality. A notion of divinity might appear on the scene first, but in time it must disclose the theory of reality presupposed by it. It may happen, of course, that the theory of
divinity in question could itself offer an account of reality, so that the notion of divinity is, as it were, logically prior to the notion of reality. It may also happen, however, that an early notion of divinity (and the notion of reality implicit in it) comes to be supplanted by a new, perhaps more sophisticated, theory of reality, which in turn makes possible a new and perhaps more sophisticated understanding of divinity. We can see the development of Christianity in the West as a classical example of the former case - of transition from a specific theory of God’s nature to a theologically grounded theory of reality. On the other hand, we can see the development of Confucian and Daoist metaphysics as an example of the latter case - of transition from a theory of tian (heaven) or di (lord on high) to an ontocosmological theory of reality which traces the activity of the divine in the creative productiveness and transformativeness of things. In the Christian case, the ontologization of God makes God the foundation of all reality in an “Ontotheologik" a la Heidegger. Hence this is always the leading theme of the theological interpretation of reality in the Western religious tradition. On the other hand, it is the “daoization” of the tian as God which resulted in the replace ment of tian by the dao, and therefore a theory of reality has subsumed a potential theology or “tianology” in the Chinese philosophical tradition. This tradition is therefore one in which we see processes of the depersonalization, the natura lization, and the humanization of tian, without, however, any sacrifice of the spiritual meaningfulness of reality. Thus we have what may be said to be a notion of “divinity without theology”. This “divinity without theology” is best expressed by a statement in Xici of the Zhouyi (Book of Changes): “Divinity has no form and change has no substance” (shenwufang, yiwuti). As early as the beginning of the Xia Era in 2000 bce, there were already refe rences to the Lord on High (di) who would supervise and oversee human affairs and who controls human destiny from above. This notion of di could be regarded as a spiritual projection of a powerful and venerated ancestor who played the role of ruler and governor in his lifetime. The word “di” is also said to symbolize the bud of a flower, and hence the source of life. The Lord on High, then, as he is presented in the Book of Documents (Shujing) and the Book of Poetry (Shying), is to be seen as a supreme being who combines the source of life and the source of power in one person, and who cares for the well-being of people (as his posterity) and the order ing of the state. He was thought of and worshipped as a personal god who could issue commands and mandates. In time, however, the idea of di fused with the notion of tian (heaven or sky, a term to be understood spatially rather than tem porally). Tian too is to be conceived of as powerful and life-giving, although now the conception of infiniteness is added. (In the Shying we read that “The great heaven has no limit.”) It seems probable that a more sophisticated sense of reality made possible the transformation from a worship of di to a worship of tian, and that this took place as the Zhou conquered the Shang people (who were known for their faith in ghosts and spirits) around 1200 bce. This more sophisticated sense of reality diluted the personalistic character of tian as a supreme ruler on high and a supreme creator of life. As the Chinese sense of reality focused increasingly on the unity of man and heaven, understood in terms
of a common bond of creative activity, tian eventually came to be regarded as the Way of Heaven (tiandao). We find this depersonization of tian already in Confucius, although Confucius still occasionally spoke of tian as if it were the Lord on High or a supreme moral being. The full naturalization and depersonalization of tian occurs in Daoism, where tian is seen as having been given rise to by the great dao (not the dao of any given thing, but the dao itself as a creative process and reality which generates things in the world and imparts to them the power of self-autonomy and self-transformation). The transformation of di to tian and then to dao embodies a movement from a theory of personal divinity to a theory of depersonalized reality. Even though a personalistic notion of divinity is lost, which accounts for the fact that China, unlike the West, has not sustained a monotheistic religion, the sense of divinity is still present in the form of a profound understanding of reality itself as the process of creative change and as the inexhaustible source of novelty and life. This, again, is a kind of “divinity without theology.” What, then, is divinity in Chinese philosophy? The Chinese term “shen" is used to refer to all natural spirits, which may be conceived of as personalized entities vested with life and special powers. In fact, shen is the living presence of power which may be said to exist in all of those living things of nature that can exert their influence upon other things. More specifically, the term “shen" applies to human persons in their possession of this living presence of power to influence others. Thus a person who accomplishes great deeds and achieves exemplary virtues, and who is con sequently respected and wields great influence during his life, leaves upon his death his shen (or influence, heretofore referred to as “spirit”) to be worshipped or sought after. In this sense, the shen of a person is the natural extension of his life and the power of his influence projected into the present and the future even after the physical person is no longer present. When an unworthy person dies, however, his spirit is not sought after but rather avoided, and he is known not as a shen, but as a gui or ghost - something belonging (one hopes) only to the past. If shen is to be explained as the beneficial power of a person extending to the future from the present, gui is to be conceived of by contrast as the traces of a past human life. But even the gui of a person can affect the present, although a deceased person’s coming back to the present would be a surprising and alarming event. This conception of shen is well developed in both the classical Confucian and the classical Daoist philosophies of the constitution of the human person. (This basic theory is found in both the texts of Mencius, in the Xici of the Zhouyi, and the texts of the four chapters of the Guanzi, in Laozi and Zhuangzi. The theory is developed into a basis for alchemy and the search for immortality by the Neo-Daoists in the third century.) The human person is conceived of as formed of three or four levels of existence. On the first level, there is the physical reality which is his body (shen). On the second level, there is his essence of life (jing) or the essential elements of his life as an organism. On the third level, there is his energy and the circulating powers of life, which are referred to as vital breath (qi). Finally, there is the level of shen, which can be regarded as the quintessence of life and vital energy, or the qi of qi. It is the freest element of life, but an element which also survives physical
life in a free manner in that it can be expressed in the arts and deeds, the work and the words of a person. According to this conception, human existence is not a conjunction of mind and body, as Cartesian dualism would have it, but rather a holistic unity of inter penetrating life-elements, each of which is itself to be conceived holistically. The holistic conception of life differs from the atomistic conception in that there are no absolute simple elements postulated, but rather nebulous wholes, and these inter actively support each other. Thus it is not simply that the higher levels depend on the lower levels, but the lower levels also depend on the higher levels. In this sense, any lower level of existence can be thought of as having a higher level which is its shen. Whether the shen stands out depends on the special influence or presence of power a thing has. Thus for the ancient Chinese, all major mountains and rivers have their shen or spirits which are worthy of worship and respect. On the other hand, the shen of a human being who achieved great power of influence would be more vividly entertained in the minds of the relevant people and would thus become more clearly an object of worship. With respect to the last point, it is interesting to note that Confucius says in the Analects that we must “sacrifice to the spirits as if the spirits are present; if I am not engaging myself (yu) in the sacrifice, it is like not holding a sacrifice” (3:12). How does one feel that the spirits are present? To feel the presence of the person or the object involves using one’s feelings and imaginative powers in a projection of the known person or object. In the case of an unknown person or object, it is to think of the person or object of worship. It is a total engagement of one’s person in the projected construction of the object, and as a consequence the object becomes the subject, because it is infused with the best spirit and essence of life of the person engaged. A person who does not engage in sacrifice in this manner is not con sidered to have genuinely performed a sacrifice. When we enlarge on and extend the notion of shen as explained above, we see that the whole universe has its shen, particularly when we reflect and observe the life-generating and life-preserving power of the universe conceived as an organic whole. The whole universe is then seen as a progenitor, maintainer and preserver of life. As we have seen, it is in this way that the idea of the “Way of Heaven” was developed, in which heaven is both a concretion and an abstraction of the whole of nature focused upon in its powers of life-generation and life maintenance. Tian is conceived of as both the whole of nature and the whole process of life production, in which both birth and death are regarded as part and parcel of the life-maintaining and life-generating process. In this sense, death is absorbed into the larger process and circulation of life and must be faced by a person with equanimity and peace of mind, a point which Confucianism and NeoConfucianism have specifically stressed. When we speak of the shen of the whole of nature or the universe, we speak of the divine. The divine, in this sense, is an elevation of the spiritual, because in becoming the divine the spiritual is no longer confined to any projected or formerly existing person or thing, but pertains to the ever-present and ever-active life and vitality of the whole of nature. In essence it pertains to the ever-creative creativity of the
source of life. Therefore, the power of influence becomes the power of the genera tion and transformation of life. We find this sense of divinity presented in the writings of Mencius and the Doctrine of the Mean. Mencius writes, What is desirable is goodness. One holding to oneself [in self-knowledge] is integrity. To fulfil one’s potentiality is beauty. To have self-fulfillment and shining out [and being influential] is greatness. Being great and capable of transforming life is called sagely (sheng). When the sagely power is beyond the measure of knowledge, it is called the divine (shen - in the deeper sense of the spiritual or creative). (7B:25)
It should be noticed that the spiritual creative power which is the divine is to be built up from the basic desires of life whose fulfillment is a form of goodness, accord ing to Mencius. Only when one attains goodness based on one’s genuine desire for goodness, will one achieve integrity in the sense that the self is not just a physical event but a value of importance. This integrity would then be the starting point for the enlargement and extension of a transforming power that raises other beings and persons onto a higher level of existence. The key phrase here is “great and transforming”, which is taken as the mark of the divine. The divine is conveyed by the notion of sageliness (sheng), which culminates in the limitless influence and transformation it may entail. The combination of “sage liness” and “divinity” in the phrase “shengshen” (divine and sagely) can be said to capture the meaning of the sacred or holy in the best spirit of the Western religious tradition without assuming its concomitant theology. Thus there are two forms of “divinity without theology”: the Confucian and the Daoist. According to Mencius, the divine is rooted in human life and is continuous with human life and hence there is no transcendental state of the divine outside of life. For this reason, Mencius even suggests that “A ‘genuine person’ (junzi) is capable of transforming people and preserving his spirit in such a way that he is in the same vein with heaven and earth [with regard to its creative and transforming powers]” (7a: 13). The reference to heaven and earth is meant to underline the analogy between the creative and transforming power of the divine over things in nature and the power of a ruler over his people. The Confucian takes the political power of the ruler very seriously and sees in it the same creativity as in heaven and earth, because life and death and the transfor mation of people’s lives are vested in such power. But this analogy is also literally a reflection of the underlying cosmology of the unity of heaven and earth and the human person which comes to the fore at about the time of Mencius - which is to say, in the Period of the Warring States, when Confucianism achieved a new stage of development based on the insights and experiences of the second and third generations of the Confucian School. This is how we come to the positions of the Doctrine of the Mean (Zhongyong) and the Commentaries of the Zhouyi (Yizhuan). In the Doctrine of the Mean, it is said that A human person of utmost sincerity is capable of fulfilling his own nature; capable of fulfilling his own nature he is capable of fulfilling the natures of others; capable of fulfilling the natures of others he is capable of fulfilling the natures of things; capable
of fulfilling the natures of things he is in a position to participate in the creative activities of heaven and earth. Being in a position to participate in the creative activ ities of heaven and earth, he is posed to form a tripartity with heaven and earth. (Zhongyong, 21)
This important passage is again a testimony to the inner and virtual divinity of the human person in the sense of participating in the creative activities of heaven and earth. If we understand this to mean that a human engaged in government could make decisions bearing on the life and well-being of people, it is quite clear how he could be creative and transformative, just as heaven and earth, which bring things forth, regulate and preserve them. This means there is a functional unity between man and heaven. But of course there is a deeper level of unity expressed in the Doctrine of the Mean, namely that man is endowed with his nature from heaven. This means that the creativity of man is derived from heaven and thus is capable of forming a unity with heaven and earth. Such is the vocation of man and such is the ideal state of human existence in a political community and family of heavenly mandated order. This is not to equate man with heaven, for man does not create things in nature as heaven does, but man can preserve them (just as modern ecologists would endorse), and in so doing man creates and preserves his own life and well-being as far as the human community is concerned. What the Zhongyong stresses is that when a human person exhibits the utmost sincerity, he becomes creative and thus divine in the sense described above. But when the Zhongyong says that “the utmostly sincere is like the divine” (24), there is a special meaning attached to this use of “divine” - namely, the ability to foretell the future or to have foreknowledge (xianzhi). This may refer to the diviner’s act of divination using tortoise bones. But there is definitely a sense of divinity that per tains to the power of knowing the future. One would know the future if one were able to grasp the totality of things and the direction of the whole process of change in addition to being able to participate in that change. This, then, defines the meaning of zhicheng (utmost sincerity). The utmost sincerity is utmostly real, and this means to know the real and participate in the real as fully as one can. This means, according to Zhongyong, to devise the great principles of governing the world, to establish the great ground of right action, to take part in the nourishing process of heaven and earth. In essence, it is to fulfil the heavenly virtue of creativity as a sage (32). In so far as this creativity is interpreted as profound love (reri), it is directed toward and based on the Confucian ideal of the self-cultivation of a human person. In this way, one sees as well how divinity in the sense described would result from the cultivation of a person in ren. We need to elaborate on the key concept of sincerity (cheng) in order to under stand the creative and transformative power of man. We read in the Zhongyong, Next, to fulfill the hidden and subtle [desires of a man], one must be sincere in one’s desires. Being sincere, there will be form of action; action being formed, it will become conspicuous; being conspicuous, it will be illustrious. Being illustrious, it will move. Moving it will change; changing it will transform. It is the utmost sincerity of the world which can transform. (23)
I would identify “the hidden and the subtle” with the genuine desire for change in a person. It follows that if one really desires change, one is able to effect the change because one will act on one’s sincere desires, which will provide a base for the change. This process of transformation is how an inner motive leads to an outer result. Sincerity as motivating force is therefore a self-making and self-creating force. But cheng is not merely for self-making but also for the making of others, and is identified by the Zhongyong as the most fundamental force of origination and transformation in the world. In this sense, cheng is no more and no less than the root-source of all beings, and the human experience of sincerity is only a manifestation or sign of the creativity of reality itself. The Zhongyong claims that when a person is able to achieve centrality and harmony there will be a proper positioning of heaven and earth and the nourishing of ten thousand things. This centrality (zhong) and harmony (he) are derived from the divinity of heaven and earth, which perfects a person, a community and the relationship between the community and the natural environment. We need to see the centrality and harmony operating on two levels: the human and the cosmic. On the human level, centrality is described as the state of human emotions not yet issued in response to things outside, because things outside have not yet called for any response. When and if such a response is called for, because there is an unbalanced situation in need of balancing, then the restoration of equilibrium would be the task of the emotions. The emotions lead to action and interaction between the subjective and the objective, which produces a new state of balance, and this is harmony. But this means, of course, that there is a primordial state of harmony and balance arising from the natures (or propensities) of things. In the primordial state everything follows its own nature, and thus this state can be described as the way of nature. Because not only the human being but all things have their natures, centrality is both the inner state of a thing and the totality of the natures of things, which leads us to the description of centrality on the cosmic level. Centrality is the state of nature in which the natures of things are not engaged in response to any outside situation. Cosmic harmony, on the other hand, is a matter of the actions and interactions among things and events being balanced so as to allow them to function naturally. Here we can see, then, how in centrality and harmony there will be a proper ordering of heaven and earth as well as the nourishing of all things therein. We might also suggest that centrality is a form of harmony, harmony in stasis, and harmony is a form of centrality, centrality in dynamism. We may regard centrality and harmony as two aspects of the same thing along the lines of the ontocosmology of yin and yang. Thus we can speak of centrality as the nature (inward)-directed state of a thing while we speak of the harmony as the relation (outward)-directed state in which a thing is situated. A thing may at one and the same time exhibit two forces at work: it may centralize itself so that it maintains its given nature, and it may harmonize itself with other things in its development or growth. These two principles are opposite and yet interdependent and complementary with regard to both the development of the individual and the 199
development of a larger system in which the individual is situated. But when we ask how this centralization and harmonization are possible, and how they are ontologically grounded, we have to return to the Commentaries on the Zhouyi for an answer. And in conjunction with this, we have to take into consideration the Daoist views of Laozi and Zhuangzi, which have been expounded in the first section of this article.
13 Reason and principle in Chinese philosophy: an interpretation of li A. S. CUA
Perhaps the best approach to the Chinese conception of reason is to focus on the concept li, commonly translated as “principle,” “pattern,” or sometimes “reason.” While these translations in context are perhaps the best, having an explication of the uses of li is desirable and instructive for understanding some main problems of Chinese philosophy. Because there is no literary English equivalent, one cannot assume that li has a single, easily comprehensible use in Chinese discourse. This assumption is especially problematic when it comes to appreciating the basic con cerns of Confucian ethics. A closer examination of the uses of li and “principle” reveals a complexity that cannot be captured by a simple formula. Apart from the question whether li and “principle” are functionally equivalent, one may also ask whether li in Confucian ethics can be properly considered a context-independent notion in the way that “principle” can. For a contemporary Confucian moral phi losopher, Confucian ethics is more plausibly viewed as a form of virtue ethics (Cua, 1992a). Absent an explanation of the uses of li, the translation of li as “principle” unavoidably leads to such misleading questions as: “What are the principles of Chinese or Confucian ethics?” “If such principles exist, do they serve as premises for the derivation of moral rules?” “Are Confucian principles universal or relative?” While these questions are fundamental in Western moral theory, their importance for Confucian ethics depends on a prior consideration of the status of principles in Confucian ethics (Cua, 1989b). Difficulties also arise with the translation of li as “pattern”. Again we need to have some clear answers to such questions as “What sort of pattern?” “Are these patterns natural or artificial - that is, products of human invention?” “If they are natural, how do we go about finding them?” More important, even if we regard “principle” or “pattern” as an acceptable rendering of li, we still need to explore its role in ethical argumentation (Cua, 1985). Such an inquiry presupposes that we have some understanding of the uses of li in Chinese ethical discourse. This essay is a tentative, highly selective treatment of li. It is an attempt at providing an ideal explication or constructive interpretation of li from the perspective of Confucian moral philosophy. Section I deals with the basic uses of li as a generic term. Section II discusses the function of li-binomials and the significance of principled interpretation of some basic notions of Confucianism.
I Basic uses of li
For pursuing the study of li, Tang Junyi’s pioneering work is a most valuable guide, particularly for the place of li in the history of Chinese thought. Also instructive is Wing-tsit Chan’s essay on the conceptual evolution of the Neo-Confucian notion of li (Chan, 1964). As a preliminary, following Xunzi (Li 1979, Book 22), let us distinguish li as a single term, that is, a single Chinese character or graph (danming), and li as a constituent element of a compound term (jianming), say, a binomial term, for example, wenli. For resolving problems of ambiguity and vagueness in single terms, it is a common practice of modern Chinese and Western Sinologists to appeal to relevant binomials. This method of interpretation is widely used by mod ern Chinese translators/annotators of classical Chinese texts. In section II, we will say more about this procedure. Among pre-Qin classical Confucian texts, only in the Xunzi do we find extensive use of li as a single term or graph. In this text, we find about 85 occurrences of li with different uses. The descriptive use of li in the sense of pattern or orderly arrangement may be shown by using a li-binomial wenli, as Xunzi sometimes does. Since wen pertains to “(cultural) refinement,” wenli can properly be rendered as “cultural pattern.” Often, this descriptive use of li, has normative import - that is, wenli has not only de facto, but also de jure status. Chan points out that there are also uses of li in ancient literature in the sense of “to put in order or distinguish” (Chan, 1964, p. 125). Since the descriptive use of li frequently has an explanatory function, its occur rence is sometimes associated with gu, which can be rendered as “reason” or “cause.” While the explanatory use of li sometimes has normative import, the distinction between its descriptive cum explanatory and normative uses remains philosophically and practically significant. This distinction seems implicit in Zhu Xi’s explanation of the meaning of li: Regarding things in the world, if they exist, then (ze) we may say that each must have a reason or cause (gu) that accounts for its being what it is (suoyiran zhi gu). Also, each must have a standard (ze) for [determining] what it ought to be (dangran zhi ze). This is what is meant by li (Chan 1964, p. 481, my translation).
The first remark suggests that li has an explanatory use and that the reason or cause of a thing’s being what it is (suoyiran zhi gu), in some sense, is derived from observation or experience. This seems implicit in the first occurrence of ze as a conclusion-indicator. In the Neo-Confucianism of the Song and Ming Dynasties, however, we do not find any interest in natural causation akin to that of Western philosophy. Xunzi, perhaps the most “rationalistic” among Chinese philosophers, does acknowledge that participants in ethical argumentation must “exhaust the gu of things.” The gu here pertains to reasons for supporting one’s practical thesis, say, as a policy of action (Cua, 1985). Instead of a theoretical conception of causal explanation, we are more likely to find the notion of ganging (stimulus and response). 202
In the Song Confucian metaphysics, every entity consists of li and qi (ether, energy, material/vital force). Li and qi are inseparable. The former is static, the latter dynamic. Thus the preferred explanation of the interaction between things makes use of the notion of ganying or “stimulus and response”. As A. C. Graham points out, these concepts of gan and ying occupy the same place in Sung [Song] philosophy as causation in the West.... If it is assumed that things consist of inert matter, it is natural to think in terms of “effect” which passively allow themselves to be pushed by “causes.” But if inert matter is only the essentially active ether [qi] in an impure state, this kind of action will only be of minor importance; in the purer ether, when A acts on B, B will not only be moved by it, but will respond actively. (Graham, 1958, p. 38)
With the notion of ganying in mind, if we render gu in Zhu Xi’s first remark as “cause,” we must employ the notion of practical rather than theoretical causation (Collingwood, 1962). From the Confucian perspective, ganying conveys the idea of human sensitivity to natural things and events as having a decisive impact (gan) on human life. Humans must respond (ying) to these things and events by acting in a way that ultimately comports to the Confucian ethical vision or ideal of the unity and harmony of humanity and nature (tianren heyi). Differently put, things and events in nature are challenges to human ingenuity in coping with problems in their lives (Cua, 1975). Zhu Xi’s second remark that “each must have a standard (ze) for [determining] what it ought to be (dangran zhi ze)” stresses the normative sense of li. Ze can also be rendered as “rule” or “law.” However, since we do not find any notion of “natural law” comparable to that of Western philosophy, ze is better construed as the standard that determines things as they should be (Chen Chun, 1979, pp. 144-5; Chan, 1986). Unlike compliance with rules, one can try to comport with standards according to one’s conception of the best thing to do. There are, so to speak, degrees of perfection in individual efforts at attaining the ideal of the good human life. While the ze of each thing is said to be inherent in it, it has ontological import. Nevertheless, if we are right that ze in Zhu Xi’s first remark is a conclusion indicator, understanding the ze of a thing is an outcome of study and reflection. For elucidation we may consider Zhu Xi’s comment on the phrase “the extension of knowledge” in the Great Learning (Daxue): If we wish to extend our knowledge to the utmost, we must investigate exhaustively the li of things.... It is only because we have not exhausted the li of all things that our knowledge is still incomplete. In the education of the adult, the first step is to instruct the learner, about all things in the world, to proceed from what knowledge he has of li [of things], and investigate further until he reaches the limit. After exerting himself in this way for a long time, he will one day achieve a wide and farreaching penetration [guantong]. Consequently, he can apprehend the qualities of things, whether internal or external, the refined or the coarse (Chan, 1963, p. 89, emended).
Guantong, rendered by Chan as “wide and far-reaching penetration,” is an attain ment of the comprehensive understanding of things through qiongli - the exhaus tive investigation of the li of things. More important, as a metaphor, guantong, “the thread that runs through things,” intimates the idea that understanding consists in having an insight into the interconnection of all things. This idea of guantong echoes Xunzi’s notion of liguan or li as the thread that runs through things, events, and human affairs. Implicit in the idea of guantong is a holistic ideal or unifying perspective (Cua, 1993). Cheng Yi’s famous apothegm liyi er fenshu, “li is one with diverse manifestations” - an idea he attributed to Zhang Zai’s “Western Inscrip tion” - is perhaps a good way of characterizing this Confucian ideal of the good human life (Chan, 1963, p. 550). As a component of liyi er fenshu, li is used as a generic term. On the other hand, the li in our citation from Zhu Xi is a specific term. This use of li as a specific term is clear in Zhu Xi’s contrast between dao (the holistic, unifying ideal) and li, which is evident in a couple of terse sayings: (1) “Dao is a unifying term (tongming), li is [a term referring to its] detail items”: and (2) “Dao is a holistic word (daozi hongda), li is a word for details (lizi jingmi)” (Zhuzi yulei, Zhuan 6a). As a specific term, li has a plurality of uses that may be further specified in particular discursive context. Furthermore, Zhu Xi’s remarks suggest that li is a generic term functionally equivalent to “reason,” which can be contextually spec ified either as a descriptive/explanatory or normative term. This suggestion has a partial sanction in the modern Chinese notion of liyu, meaning “reason,” “ground” or “rationale.” Before going further, a caveat is necessary. Because of their fundamental ethical orientation, for the most part Confucian thinkers, with Xunzi as a possible excep tion, do not clearly distinguish descriptive, explanatory, and normative uses of terms. Terms such as “father” and “son” are commonly used with implicit norma tive force. Differently put, factual statements made in ethical contexts are generally regarded as invested with moral import. Being a father or a son already implies certain obligations. In the classical Confucian language of the rectification of names, when a son does not live up to his obligations, the “name” (ming) of being a son requires ethical correction. Ideally, correction of misconduct will be accompa nied by a transformation of the person’s character. In this sense, rectifying names (zhengming) is a procedure for rectifying misconduct. This Confucian view finds a partial affinity with that of Arthur Murphy: The term “brother”, in the statement of a ground of obligation, is not a practically non-committal term. To be a brother is not just to be a male sibling - it is a privilege, a burden and, whether we like it or not, a commitment. (Murphy, 1965, pp. 10910)
While the doctrine of the exclusive disjunction of facts and values is questioned, the legitimacy of the distinction in appropriate contexts is still acknowledged. In cases where a reasonable Confucian agent is unhappy with the connection of facts and values, he or she may appeal to the distinction. Say that a father makes an uneth ical demand, the filial son, who is expected to obey his father’s wishes, may quite
properly disobey. The virtue of filiality does not require unconditional obedience. Xunzi points out that there are circumstances in which a son should follow yi (rightness), his sense of what is right, rather than his father’s commands. For example, when obedience to parental wishes may harm or disgrace the family, or require bestial behavior. Accordingly, the Confucian may invoke the distinction between fact and value without adopting the doctrine of the dichotomy of facts and values. At issue is the problematic connection between fact and value. Doubt about the connection may result in divesting the factual content implied in one’s moral attitude. The task of a Confucian moral philosopher is not to legislate on the con nection between fact and value. The task is to provide an elucidation of the contexts in which questions about the connection may appositely arise for moral agents, and to map out possible answers that are consistent with an intelligent adherence to the Confucian ethical tradition. If li is functionally equivalent to “reason,” in relevant contexts, we may regard the common Confucian expression of the form “x zhi li," roughly “the li of x,” as subject to specification in terms either of “reasons for belief’ and “reasons for action.” Zhu Xi’s remarks on the two basic uses of li are amenable to this procedure of explication. “The reason that a thing is what it is (suoyiran zhi gu)’’ may be paraphrased as “the reason for believing that such and such a thing exists” and “the norm for what a thing ought to be (dangran zhi ze)” as “the reason for acting in accord with the norm or standard of action.” In both cases, we are concerned with the rationales for accepting factual beliefs and norms for conduct, though, as stated earlier, we must not assume the exclusive disjunction of facts and values. From the Confucian point of view, concern with facts is important because they have implications for conduct. Dangran zhi ze may thus be rendered as the ration ales for accepting the norm or standard of action. Such rationales for norm acceptance presuppose an understanding of the idea of Confucian tradition (daotong). This living ethical tradition, to borrow Josiah Royce’s term, is “a community of interpretation” (Cua, 1992b). Members of the community of interpretation are united with a sense of common good or well-being, informed by knowledge of its cultural history and respect its relevance for dealing with problems of the present and the future. Moreover, like any ethical tradition today (for example, Daoist, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, or Muslim), the tradition undergoes changes because of reasonable internal and external challenges (Cua, 1991). Since the two basic uses of li represent the exercise of reason in the generic sense, that is, as a distinctive capacity of the human mind exemplified in such mental acts as thinking, deliberating, inferring, and judging, rendering li as a functional equiv alent of “reason” is plausible. For a Confucian moral philosopher, the emphasis is placed on the practical and not the theoretical exercise of reason. However, this emphasis does not deprecate the importance of theoretical inquiry, especially in contexts where empirical knowledge is indispensable to ascertaining accurate grounds for ethical judgment. In the Xunzi, for example, “accord with evidence” (fuyan), along with conceptual clarity and consistency are important requirements for participants in ethical argumentation. An ideal of rational coherence (tonglei) is presupposed as the basis for ethical justification (Cua, 1985, pp. 61-5).
In one passage, Xunzi points out that the human mind can either fail (shili) or succeed (zhongli) in the exercise of reason (Li, 1979, Book 22, p. 527). The main obstacle lies in bi (obscuration or blindness of mind). A bi is any sort of factor that obstructs the mind’s cognitive task. According to Xunzi, whenever we make dis tinctions among things, our minds are likely to be obscured or blinded (bi) by our tendency to attend to one thing rather than another. This tendency is a common human affliction. All distinctions owe their origin to comparison and analogy of different kinds of things. They are made according to our current purposes, and thus are relative to a particular context of thought and discourse. Distinctions, while useful, are not dichotomies. In bi, a person attends exclusively to the signifi cance of one item and disregards that of another. Both common people and philos ophers are prone to exaggerate the significance of their favored views of things. For examples of this among philosophers, consider how Mozi is beset by bi in his exclusive attention to utility, and his neglecting to consider the importance of culture (wen), and how Zhuangzi is beset by bi in his preoccupation with Heaven (tian), and his lack of regard for the importance of human beings and affairs. For Xunzi, the common sources of bi are desire and aversion (yuwu), distance and proximity (yuanjin), breadth and shallowness of knowledge (bojiari), and past and present (gujiri). Since the state of bi is contrary to reason (li), it is unreasonable to attend to the significance of one thing at the expense of a careful consideration of another. Well aware of the distinction between desire and aversion, a person may pursue his current desire without thinking about its possible unwanted or harmful conse quences. That person’s mind may be said to be beset by bi. More generally, humans suffer because of their concern for the acquisition of benefits and the avoidance of harm. When they see something beneficial, they do not consider carefully whether it may lead to harmful consequences. Moreover, even if consequences are consid ered, they may fail to attend to distant consequences (yuan) and simply concentrate on immediate ones (jin), though well aware that distant consequences may have relevance for their lives. Conversely, a person may be preoccupied with distant consequences, without attending to immediate ones that could bring disaster to his or her life. When the mind is in the state of bi, reason is not functioning properly. The opposite of bi is clarity of mind. Says Xunzi: “If a person guides his or her mind with li (reason), nourishes it with the view of attaining clarity (ming), and does not allow things to upset mental composure, then that person is adequately prepared to resolve perplexities concerning right and wrong” (Li, 1979, Book 21, p. 490; Cua, 1985, ch. 4). II Li-binomials and principled interpretation
If the previous section provides a guide to understanding the generic sense of li, exploring its concrete significance in particular contexts of discourse is important. A useful line of inquiry is to ponder some uses of li as a component of li-binomials. Since this is largely an uncharted territory, our hypothesis concerning the 206
function of li-binomials is proffered as a recommendation and not as an explanato ry thesis. Formally, our hypothesis may be stated by way of Xunzi’s distinction between generic (gongming) and specific or differentiating terms (bieming) - namely, the libinomials are specific terms for li as a single, generic term (Li, 1979, Book 22, pp. 515-16). A generic term is a formal, general, abstract term amenable to specifica tion by other terms in different discursive contexts. These terms, used in practical or theoretical contexts, may be said to be specific terms in the sense that they specify the significance of the use of a generic term adapted to a current purpose of discourse. Alternatively, a generic term may have various levels of abstraction differentiat ed by the use of specific terms. A specific term, in turn, may function as a generic term in a particular discursive context when the current purpose requires such further specification. In the language of concept and conceptions, a generic term designates a concept that can be used in developing various conceptions (Rawls, 1971, p. 5). To avoid misunderstanding, our hypothesis on li-binomials is not intended to cover all the specific terms for li as a generic term. For the generic sense of li can have many specific terms (bieming), say, as instantiations of the schema “x zhi li” (the li of x). For example, one can talk about the li of love (ai zhi li), the li of filiality (xiao zhi li), the li of rites (li* zhi li) or the li of tables or chairs. In all of these cases, we are talking about the rationales of our factual or normative beliefs about X .
In his study of the history of the idea of li in Chinese thought, Tang Junyi employs six li-binomials. This brilliant study is intricate, and difficult to appreciate if one does not have Tang’s encyclopedic knowledge of the texts - an ability rarely exem plified in the works of Sinologists today. For philosophical scholars who have some knowledge of Chinese thought, Tang’s study of li should represent an exciting challenge. For those not so equipped, Liu Shu-hsien provides a valuable, succinct discussion of Tang’s work on li. Tang proposes the thesis that there are six different meanings of li, expressed in such li-binomials as wenli, mingli, kongli, xingli, shill, and with, exemplified in Chi nese thought from the pre-Qin to Qing times. Roughly, these li-binomials, accord ing to Tang, pertain to highly articulated conceptions of li in different periods of Chinese thought. Wenli focuses on the ethical significance of cultural patterns inclusive of social and political orders in the pre-Qin period; mingli on the use of “names” or language in quasi-theoretical speculations in the Wei-Jin period, often associated with “dark” or “profound” speculations (xuanxue); kongli on the Bud dhistic notion of sunyata or emptiness; xingli on nature/human nature in the SongMing periods; and shill on human affairs in the Qing period. Instead of stating his methodology, Tang stresses the pivotal role of li in SongMing and Qing Confucianism. Equally important is his reminder about the renewed attention to the significance of li after the introduction of Western philosophy and scientific thought in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He cites various examples of the use of li in the Chinese translation of various Western concepts. In each case, he uses a Iz-binomial. For instance, “reason” was translated 207
as lixing, “axiom” as gongli, “theorem” as dingli, and notably, “principle” as yuanli. More examples are familiar to educated Chinese today. Given that xue is a familiar Chinese expression for an academic discipline, “physics” is translated as wuli xue, “psychology” as xinli xue, and “ethics” as lunli xue. Significantly, while “logic” used to be translated by some scholars as lize xue, this is now rejected by Chinese philos ophers. The familiar Chinese term for “logic” today is a transliteration - luoji. Since Tang gives no guide to the basis of his interpretative study of li, it is possible that his use of li-binomials is influenced by his knowledge of Western philosophy and modern science. The use of li in the translation of “physics” may be a native linguistic adaptation of wuli (the li of things), a familiar term in Neo-Confucianism (or Song and Ming Confucianism). Especially significant is Tang’s example of yuanli as a translation of “principle”. Among contemporary Chinese philosophers, the use of lize as “principle” is also quite common. A Confucian philosopher would ask about the li or rationales for Tang’s exam ples. What is the rationale for using li in such translation of English terms? If “principle” is translated as yuanli, what does yuanli mean for an educated Chinese who does not know that yuanli is originally a translation of “principle”? It is also worth noting that “principle” is also commonly translated as yuanze. Recall our earlier discussion of the use of ze as a conclusion-indicator or a standard for deter mining what a thing ought-to-be, in Zhu Xi’s explanation of the meaning of li (section I). The translation of “principle” as yuanze is probably the result of the influence of Western preoccupation with “laws of nature,” “natural law” or “rules for conduct.” As a conjecture, these Chinese translations of key terms in Western philosophical discourse reflect the influence of Western philosophical education. One also wonders whether the acceptance of the translation of li as “principle” is an unconscious Western Sinologist’s reading of li as yuanli, which is a standard Chi nese translation of “principle.” Before we deal with the principled interpretation of li, in order to avoid misunder standing, we must note that our hypothesis concerning li-binomials does not pre judge the issue of the proper reading of Chinese philosophical texts. Implicit in our hypothesis is the idea that these binomials express distinct notions, although they are specific terms (bieming) that differentiate the concrete significance of li as a generic term (gongming). An alternative hypothesis is to regard these li-binomials as simply conjunctions of single terms or graphs. Our hypothesis does not reject this alternative, especially as an approach to the study of ancient Chinese philosophical texts. Absent a punctuation system, the scholar has to use his or her linguistic intuitions in resolving queries on the reading of texts and arriving at a reasoned decision. In the Xunzi, this alternative approach is plausible in cases of the co occurrence of li* (rites) and yi (rightness). If one views the co-occurrence of li* (rites) and yi (rightness) as a binomial, liyi, the punctuation problem is resolved by render ing passages of the co-occurrence of li* (rites) and yi (rightness) as a compound term, expressing a single concept. This interpretative method of translation is sometimes used by Burton Watson, construing the co-occurrence of li* (rites) and yi (rightness) as a binomial, thus “ritual principles” (Li, 1979, Book 23; Watson, 1963, p. 160). Arguably, a more plausible answer to the problem of the co 208
occurrence of li* and yi in the Xunzi is to view the co-occurrence as a conjunction of single graphs (for example, Chan, 1963, p. 130). Many crucial passages are hardly intelligible if we read the co-occurrence of li* and yi as a binomial li*yi (Cua, 1989a). Perhaps the best way to deal with the plausibility of principled interpretation of li is to consider some common li-binomials in Song-Ming Confucianism. In Wang Yangming’s case, we find four li-binomials: tianli, daoli, yili, and tiaoli. These libinomials present a challenge to philosophical interpretation. As elaborated else where, these li-binomials are unintelligible when construed as different sorts of principles (Cua, 1982, ch. 2). As compound terms (jianming), they function more like focal notions, expressing distinct ideas associated with li in different contexts of discourse. Tianli is often used to convey the Neo-Confucian notion of ren, the ideal of the universe as a moral community; daoli, the idea of the dynamic indeterminacy of the ideal dao (often used interchangeably with tianli); yili, the idea of the rightness or appropriateness of reason to an occurrent situation, which required independent judgment or discretion; and tiaoli, the idea of an occasional achievement of a temporal, practical order (Cua, 1982, ch. 2). Suppose we adopt the translation of tianli as “principle of nature”, and of yili and daoli as “moral principle” (Chan, 1963). Apart from the questions we raised at the beginning of this article, we may ask for a clear statement of the sort of principle implied, say, in tianli. Tianli is often used in Song-Ming Confucianism as something (an ethical ideal) obscured (bi) by human desires. We do not find any statement comparable to Kant’s Principle of the Law of Nature. To Cheng Hao and Wang Yangming, as an ethical ideal, tianli is a matter of personal realization and not a principle to be used for deriving moral rules or standards. Similar remarks apply to the translation of daoli and yili as “moral principle”, which suggests that the Confucians have a principle analogous to Kant’s Principle of Humanity. The Confucians do have an ideal of dignity or respect for persons, but this ideal pertains to the recognition of meritorious performance rather than respect for a person qua person independently of actual conduct (Cua, 1978. ch. 7). The trans lation of yili as “moral principle” is especially questionable. In Wang Yangming’s major works, this focal notion emphasizes reasoned judgment on an occurrent, problematic, exigent situation - that is, the situation that receives no guidance from established standards of conduct. In other words, in hard cases of the moral life, we must attend to the merits of particular situations independently of one’s favored doctrines or beliefs about the proper application of established norms of conduct. Ideally, disagreement and/or dispute concerning the current import of the Con fucian tradition is subject to criticism. Thus the notion of li has a key role to play in ethical argumentation conceived as a cooperative enterprise in which the partici pants attempt to arrive at an agreeable solution to a problem of common concern. In such a discourse, li has both explanatory and justificatory uses in proffering and evaluating normative claims (Cua, 1985). Thus the translation of li as “reason” or “rationale,” in the light of its argumentative functions, is more plausible and philo sophically significant. Accordingly, we can ask questions amenable to reasoned
answers, though these answers are matters of philosophical reconstruction. How ever, such scholarly efforts in reconstruction also contribute to the development of Confucianism. For example, with respect to tianli, we can now ask “What is the li or rationale for espousing the notion of tianli?" If tianli is alleged to be opposed to the pursuit of human desires as in Song-Ming Confucianism, then one must have some reasons for accepting their thesis. This was a momentous issue for Qing Confucianists. Also, questions can be raised about the li of yili, or of daoli. Even if both libinomials convey the idea of change and the indeterminacy of natural events and human affairs, one can still ask about the li or rationale for characterizing such matters in particular situations as falling outside the scope of the application of normal, established standards of human conduct. As to tiaoli, which clearly ex presses the idea of pattern or order, questions about the translation of li as “pattern” may be asked, as was suggested at the beginning of this essay. Our questions, say, concerning the nature of pattern or order are best formulated as questions about the li or rationales for taking certain order as normative rather than as merely descriptive. Although the translation of li as “principle” is misleading, the question con cerning the role of principles in Confucian ethics or in Chinese philosophy is an important one. Presumably, it is the concern with this question that underlies the principled interpretation of li. Three different, yet complementary ways of ex ploring answers to this question must be considered. First, one may acknowledge that the occasional use of the concept of principle in contemporary Chinese phil osophy or ethics is significant. “Principle” has a role in articulating preceptive principles - that is, “first-personal precepts adopted by particular persons and de pendent for their authority entirely upon such persons’ loyalty to them” (Aiken, 1969, p. 113). In this sense, principles represent the agent’s understanding of the preceptive guidance of Confucian ethics. Second, as statements of belief and/or theses in argumentative discourse, principles can function as means for internal or external critiques of the established Confucian tradition. These principles are not mere instruments of criticism, but proposals for reconstituting the tradition. As argumentative topics, they are not fixed rules for ethical deliberation. Third, and perhaps most importantly, the use of the language of principle, in the light of wide intercultural contact today, is an attempt to reformulate the relevance of some basic Confucian concepts of virtue in order to set forth certain ground rules or procedures as preconditions for the adjudication of intercultural, ethical conflict. (This function of principle is perhaps the point behind translating “principle” as yuanze, since ze can be used as a Chinese translation of “rule” or “procedure” and yuan can be used to translate “fundamental” or “essential.”) The presumption, though defeasible, is that external challenges to a particular tradition are reasonable only from the internal point of view of the tradition in question (Cua, 1991). The preceding uses of the language of principle may be adopted in Confucian discourse and dialogue with other ethical traditions. Notably, the use of “principle” contextually implies that the claims at issue are in some sense fundamental, the
principia, the originating sources of ethical discourse. (Perhaps this is the motiva tion for writers who adopt the translation of “principle” as yuanli, since yuan may be regarded as a functional equivalent of principium.) In other words, the professed claims formulated in the language of principles express convictions about the foun dation or the core beliefs deemed to be inherent in the ethical tradition. Arguably tradition is an interpretative concept (Cua, 1992b). Principles, as claims about the principia of ethical discourse, are defeasible, however, and therefore cannot be con sidered Anal or absolute norms. As a focus on principium, one can appreciate the translation of “principle” as yuanli, for it suggests the idea that it is the ethical foundation of the tradition that provides the point of departure for intellectual discourse. This essay presents some aspects of the Chinese conception of reason. As a single generic term, li is functionally equivalent to “reason” in the sense of our capacity for thinking, imagining or reasoning. Obviously, one may ask with respect to Con fucianism the familiar philosophical questions concerning the relations of reason and experience, reason and passion, and reason and insight. An exploration of these questions will undoubtedly contribute to a further understanding and just evaluation of certain pivotal aspects of Chinese philosophy. In another sense, this essay deals with the Chinese, Confucian conception of rationality, provided that rationality is not so narrowly conceived as to be exclusive of reasonableness as an intelligent way to cope with exigent, rule-indeterminate situations of human life (Cua, 19 82, ch. 4). It is hoped that this essay provides some useful guides for further study. Bibliography
References Aiken, Henry D. 1969: “On the Concept of a Moral Principle,” Isenberg Memorial Lecture Series, 1965-1966 (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press). Chan, Wing-tsit (ed. and tr.) 1963: A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy (Princeton: Prince ton University Press). ------1964: “The Evolution of the Neo-Confucian Li as Principle,” Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, n.s. 4, pp. 123-49. ------ 1983: “Li,” Zhongkuo zhexue cidian daquan [Comprehensive Dictionary of Chinese Phi losophy], ed. Wei Zhengtong (Taibei: Shuiniu). ------(tr.) 1986: Neo-Confucian Terms Explained: [The Pei-hsi tzu-i] by Ch’en Ch’un, 11591223 (New York: Columbia University Press). Chen, Chun (Ch’en Ch’un) 1979: Beixi xiansheng ziyi Xiangjiang [Neo-Confucian Terms Explained] (Taibei: Guangwen). Collingwood, R. G. 1962: An Essay on Metaphysics (Oxford: Clarendon Press). Cua, A. S. 1975: “Practical Causation and Confucian Ethics,” Philosophy East and West, 25, pp. 1-10. ------1978: Dimensions ofMoral Creativity: Paradigms, Principles, and Ideals (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press). ------1982: The Unity ofKnowledge and Action: a Study in Wang Yang-ming’s Moral Psychology (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press).
------1985: Ethical Argumentation: a Study in Hsiin Tzu’s [Xunzi’s] Moral Epistemology (Hono lulu: University of Hawaii Press). ------ 1989a: “The Problem of Conceptual Unity in Hsun Tzu and Li Kou’s Solution,” Phi losophy East and West, 39, pp. 115-34. ------ 1989b: “The Status of Principles in Confucian Ethics,” Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 16, pp. 273-96. ------1991: “Reasonable Challenges and Preconditions of Adjudication,” in Culture and Modernity: East-West Philosophic Perspectives, ed. Eliot Deutsch (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press), pp. 279-98. ------ 1992a: “Confucian Ethics,” Encyclopedia of Ethics, Vol. 1 (New York: Garland), pp. 194-202. ------1992b: “The Idea of Confucian Tradition,” Review of Metaphysics, 45, pp. 803—40. ------1993: “The Possibility of Ethical Knowledge: Reflections on a Theme in the Hsun Tzu,” in Epistemological Issues in Classical Chinese Philosophy, ed. Hans Lenk and Gregor Paul (Albany: State University of New York Press), pp. 159-80. Graham, A. C. 1958: Two Chinese Philosophers: Ch’eng Ming-tao and Ch’eng Yi-ch’uan (Lon don: Lund Humphries). Li, Disheng 1979: Xunzi jishi [An annotated edition of Xunzi] (Taibei: Xuesheng). Liu, Shu-hsien forthcoming: “Li,” in Encyclopedia of Chinese Philosophy, ed. A. S. Cua (New York: Garland). Murphy, Arthur Edward 1965: The Theory of Practical Reason (La Salle: Open Court). Rawls, John 1971: A Theory of Justice (Cambridge: Harvard University Press). Tang, Junyi 1978: Zhongguo zhexue yuanlun, daolun pian [Foundations of Chinese Philoso phy: Introductory Volume] (Taibei: Xuesheng). Watson, Burton (tr.) 1963: Hsiin Tzu [Xunzi]: Basic Writings (New York: Columbia Univer sity Press). Zhuxi 1962: Zhuzi yulei [Classified Conversation of Master Zhu], ed. Li Jingde (Taibei: Zhengzhong). ------1980: Sishujizhu [Collected Commentaries on the Four Books] (Hong Kong: Taiping).
Further reading Chan Wing-tsit (tr.) 1967: Reflections on Things at Hand: the Neo-Confucian Anthology Com piled by Chu Hsi [Zhu Xi] and Lil Tsu-ch’ien (New York: Columbia University Press). Chu Hsi (Zhuxi) 1990: Learning to be a Sage, tr. Daniel K. Gardner (Berkeley: University of California Press). Fu, Wei-hsun and Wing-tsit Chan 1978: Guide to Chinese Philosophy (Boston: G. K. Hall). Fung, Yulan 1947: The Spirit of Chinese Philosophy, tr. E. R. Hughes (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul). ------ 1953: History of Chinese Philosophy, tr. Derk Bodde, 2 Vols (Princeton: Princeton University Press). Graham, A. C. 19 78: Later Mohist Logic, Ethics, and Science (Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press). ------ 1989: Disputers of the Tao: Philosophical Argument in Ancient China (La Salle: Open Court). Knoblock, John 1988-94: Xunzi: a Translation and Study of the Complete Works, Vols 1-3 (Stanford: Stanford University Press). Munro, Donald J. 1969: The Concept of Man in Early China (Stanford: Stanford University Press).
Wei, Zhengtong 1981: Zhongguo zhexue cidian (Dictionary of Chinese Philosophy) (Taibei: Dalin). Wittenborn, Allen (tr.) 1991: Further Reflections on Things at Hand: a Chu Hsi [Zhu Xi] Reader (Lanham: University Press of America). Zhang, Liwen 1994: Li (Taibei: Han-xing).
The way and the truth DAVID L.
Searching for the meaning of “truth” in the Chinese tradition would not im mediately strike one as a controversial activity. The signal prominence of the quest for truth in shaping the sensibility of Anglo-European culture might easily suggest that the notion has had a similar import in China. But the fact of the matter is that scholars from China, Europe, and America continue to debate the question as to whether there is even anything like a concept of “truth” in China. On the surface, the claim that the Chinese have no concept of truth appears outrageous surely the Chinese tell the truth as often as we, and lie as often. Even granting that this is the case, it turns out, nonetheless, that the issue is not as easily settled as one might think. One thing is certain: we in the West are well-nigh obsessed with the notion of truth. The sibling values of “truth” and “rightness” have dominated the cultures of Western modernity. Other values, such as aesthetic beauty, or religious holiness, or philosophical importance have been clearly less significant. So much is this so that we are more likely to wonder whether it is true that x is beautiful than to consider the beauty of x in itself. And many of us will allow our interest in the rightness of something beautiful, construed in terms of its moral effects, to overrule any nascent aesthetic interest. From Plato’s discussion of the analogy of the Sun and the Good and Aristotle’s privileging of the sense of sight as the ground of “wonder,” to the medieval con structions of the speculum mentis, to the rationalisms and empiricisms of the modern period, the testimony has been that Western philosophy focuses its epistemological interests by an appeal to two sorts of “seeing” - one which entertains what appears to the senses, primarily the sense of sight; the other which “envisions” a reality lying behind appearances. Until recently, the assumption that knowing is a kind of “seeing” has guided epistemological reflections in the West. And from this understanding our principal meanings of truth have been derived. One of the fundamental contrasts noted by both Chinese and Western scholars is that suggested by the Western quest for “truth” and the Chinese search for the “way” (see Graham, 1989, p. 3). This contrast very succinctly captures the pro blematics of Western and Chinese cultures with respect to the issue of how one might orient oneself within the natural and social worlds. Indeed, a number of scholars in both cultures agree that the Chinese have no concept of truth. A. C. Graham argues in this fashion: In the West we have developed a concept of truth by extending the meanings of “fact” from instances
involving the putatively accurate reporting of what is the case, to such issues as the truth of tautologies, the truth of narratives, and so on. Thus the semantic range of “true” and “truth” comes to extend far beyond first-order questions of a factual nature to logical, historical, and literary issues which are expressed in propositional form. What this means is that truth comes to be a second-order concern involving the comparison of propositions with states of affairs - or “facts.” To say that Chinese philosophers display a “lack of interest in questions of truth and falsity” amounts then to saying that like Western [philosophers], they are not primarily concerned with the factual, but unlike Western [philosophers], they do not use a word that assimilates other questions to the factual. That they would have no concept of Truth would be taken for granted, but is trivial (Graham, 1989, p. 396). I agree with Graham that, as traditionally understood, there is no concept of “truth” among the classical Chinese. One might disagree, however, that this fact is trivial. Graham’s claims about the Chinese sensibility are fundamentally linguistic and grammatical. And it is certainly true that, on purely grammatical grounds, the fact that the Chinese may not have shaped their language in the same manner as have we is in itself of little consequence. If, on the other hand, one is interested in the broadest of cultural evidences which shape the construction and expression of values and visions, the situation is quite different. On these grounds, the contrast of “Way” and “Truth” is significant for understanding the distinctiveness of the two cultures. For if it turns out that the Chinese are oriented by the “Way” (dao) rather than the “Truth,” this means that we shall be hard put to find a word or word cluster that functions among the Chinese as the term “truth” functions in our own, and since a culture is constituted by an interactive, interdependent field of ideas, values, and beliefs, it will also be the case that most of the theoretical and practical correlates of the search for truth will themselves be absent, with the consequence that the shape of the Chinese cultural sensibility may be expected to be radically distinct from that of the West. Primary understandings of truth in the West have been associated with the ideas of “correspondence” and “coherence.” Either truth is realized through a correspon dence of states of affairs as they “appear” and as they “truly are,” or by virtue of the systematic coherence of one or more propositions with a broad-ranging system of such propositions. Both correspondence and coherence theories have ramified in any number of directions until today we are literally overstocked with contrasting theories of truth, almost all of which continue the spectatorial tradition of knowing patterned after a kind of “seeing.” Recently, Anglo-European understandings of “truth” have undergone a rather dramatic transformation. John Dewey’s assault upon the “spectator” theory of knowledge, Heidegger’s criticism of our tendency to “picture” the world, Witt genstein’s attack upon “sense data” theory which privatizes the act of knowing, Jacques Derrida’s sardonic celebration of the dominance of the heliotropic metaphor and Richard Rorty’s critique of the “mirroring mind,” all carry the message that the attempt to understand knowledge, reason, and truth in represen tational terms is no longer thought to be a viable project. 215
As will be clear in the following discussion, it is what we call the “pragmatic” understanding of truth that best approximates the Chinese sensibility. This means that the contemporary movement from representational to non-representational understandings of knowledge and truth in the Anglo-European philosophy greatly increases the possibility of our appreciating Chinese approaches to “truth” which emphasize “way” metaphors rather than the sorts of “mirroring” metaphors associated with the spectator theory of knowledge. It is not really that difficult, of course, to discover significant “Way” metaphors in our own tradition, both ancient and modern. The senses of truth encountered in the Oxford English Dictionary divide rather naturally into two categories. One class of meanings is associated with notions of rectitude, integrity, wholeness, lack of distortion, and the like: “the true course of an arrow,” “following the true path,” “having a true heart.” A second class is concerned with the comparison of what appears to be the case and the reality itself: “conformity with fact,” “real contrasted with imitation.” The first class resonates well with the “Way” metaphors of the Chinese. If we look to the Hebraic tradition at the time of the Major Prophets (eighth to sixth centuries), we find that the senses of truth (*meth, *muna) are related to wholeness, integrity, the ability to maintain oneself as healthy and whole in all circumstances. Truth is a condition of a soul which has the strength to act in an integrated manner. The prophet is one whose words, being true, have efficacy. “A prophet must be true (nexmari) in order to be a prophet, to have the necessary strength of soul, that his words shall not fail to take effect” (Pedersen, 1959, p. 339). The sense of truth as “the strength to maintain oneself” contrasts readily with the notion of truth as signalling a correspondence between appearance and reality. In the Western tradition, the latter sense was a gift of the post-Homeric Greeks. Subsequently, it is the Greek aletheia (aXeOEia) and the Latin veritas, read in terms of the affirmation of an appearance/reality distinction and the assumption of a single-ordered cosmos, which have shaped the dominant uses of the terms in Western philosophical discourse. In modern Western philosophy, existentialist and pragmatic understandings of truth are concerned with the practical, consequential, nature of truth as associated with “ways” of thinking and acting. Existentialist perspectives often advertise an individualistic stance that does not resonate well with the Chinese sensibility. Nonetheless, the concern for “self-cultivation” in both Confucian and Daoist traditions is similar enough to the existentialist desire for personal “authenticity” to permit fruitful comparisons. But it is, most certainly, American pragmatism which provides the best resource for understanding Chinese approaches to the issue of “truth.” Of the three principal philosophical movements in classical China - Confucian ism, Daoism, and Mohism - only Mohism contains speculations which seem to deal with issues of “truth” and “falsity” in terms familiar to a Westerner. But even here there is the absence of any underlying sense of a bifurcation between things as they essentially are, and as they appear - or between propositions and states of affairs.
The likeliest examples of the practice of logical argumentation in China is later Mohism. Mozi himself subordinated logical and rational argumentation to what we would term ethical considerations. He sought principles of ethical utility in a manner that would align him with certain rather broadly conceived forms of prag matism. There is little by way of dispassionate “rationalism” to be found in the early Mohist doctrines. And whether we could speak of rationalism with respect to the later Mohist is also debatable. The Chinese opposition ming/shi (name/object) is very unlike the Saussurian “signifier/signified” which Derrida takes to be implicit in Western thought from the beginning. A name is used to “point out” (zhi) an object, and if appropriate to it, “fits” (dang). Nominalized zhi is sometimes conveniently translated by “meaning” [but] there is ... no tendency (as I myself once thought) for the zhi of names to turn, like “meanings” or the “signified,” into third entities on the same level as the objects and the sounds of names. In the hypostatizing terminology of Saussurian linguistics signifier and signified are two entities combined in the sign, specifically compared to the two sides of a sheet of paper, signifying has somehow disappeared, and for Derrida the object too has dissolved into the signified (“There is nothing outside the text”). For a Chinese thinker, on the other hand, there would be nothing, except the present or absent oxen to which the use of “ox” points, which could be credited with existence or reality in detachment from the phonic exterior of the sign. (Graham, 1989, pp. 227-8)
Graham is here noting a general fact about the Chinese language which qualifies the Mohist doctrines as well as any others concerned with the connections of “names” and “things.” This fact is rooted in the contrasting senses of “being” in the Chinese and Western traditions. Since, in the Chinese language, the senses of “being” (you) do not have a copulative sense, there is no use of being which sug gests existence. To say that something “is” or “is-not” is merely to indicate its presence or absence. Rather than the being of things being made present through the beings of the world, all we have are the beings of the world. This is the reason correspondence theories based upon a contrast of appearance and reality cannot easily be generated. In any case, Mohism has never constituted a dominant strand of thought in China. It would be misleading to characterize Chinese notions of “truth” in terms of philosophical Mohism. Indeed, a principal reason for the decline and well-nigh disappearance of Mohism as a viable movement in China was that its more “objec tivist” character contrasted so dramatically with that of the Daoists and Confucians which dominated classical China. In an article entitled “A Chinese Philosopher’s Theory of Language,” Chang Tung-sun [Zhang Dongsun] contrasted the Chinese and Western approaches to knowledge in this very simple, but exceedingly apt, manner: In putting a question about anything, it is characteristic of Western mentality to ask “What is it?” and then later “How should one react to it?” The Chinese men tality does not emphasize the “what” but rather the “how.” Western thought is
characterized by the “what-priority attitude,” Chinese by the “how-priority attitude.” (Chang, 1959, p. 180)
The “how-priority” of the Chinese allows for no separation between phenomena and ontological ground. “Reality” is precisely that complex pattern of relationships which constitutes the myriad things of the world. Knowledge, then, is not ab stractive, but concrete; not representational, but performative and participatory; not discursive, but a kind of “know-how.” Knowledge, rather than entailing the discovery of originative principles, is presentational in the sense that knowing and what is known emerge together. “Truth” involves a trust in the quality of one’s relationships. It is the capacity to foster productive patterns of relationship within one’s natural, social, and cultural context, enabling one to enhance the possibilities of one’s environing conditions in order to realize themselves fully, while at the same time maintaining one’s own integrity as a unique and viable member of “the ten thousand things.” Chang Tung-sun notes the following corollary of the “how-priority”: The Chinese are only interested in knowing the will of Heaven in order to seek good fortune and to avoid misfortune. As to the nature of Heaven, they are indifferent. This fact shows that the Chinese have not applied the category of substance to the idea of Heaven and have not taken Heaven as the ultimate stuff of the universe. (Chang, 1959, pp. 178-9)
“Knowing,” in classical China is not grounded in a cosmological knowing-what as was the knowledge of the Ancient Greeks. The Greeks asked the question, “What kinds of things are there?” and responded by providing a sense of the physis of things - the “stuff” of which the world is made. For the Chinese the question was, and is, “How is life to be lived?” “How may I realize the Way (dao)?” Responding to this question provides knowledge of how to be adept in relationships, and how, in optimizing the possibilities that these relations provide us, to develop trust in their viability. The cluster of terms that define knowing are thus programmatic and exhortative, encouraging as they do the quality of the roles and associations that define us. The Chinese “knower” does not simply seek conformity between her perceptions and an antecedent reality, but participates actively in the “making real” or “realization” of the world through self-disclosure. Knowing for the Chinese is practical, and performative. “Truth” describes the appropriate ac commodation one makes to one’s environing community. Truth, then, is not attached to propositions but to persons. And this truth cannot be a function of the adequation of appearance to reality in the sense that one’s conduct may be said to realize an essential principle defining right conduct. It is rather a function of the efficacious integrity of the individual - efficacious because of the power of personal presence to evoke deferential response. Rather than speak of truth and falsity, the Chinese concern themselves with questions of genuineness and hypocrisy - terms which apply to the presence or absence of acts of integrity rather than the adequacy of propositions. 218
The Confucian and Daoist traditions share the commitment to “self-cultivation,” to deepening and refining those relationships that constitute one in one’s environment. By examining the comparable goals of self-cultivation in the tradi tion embedded in the notion of a realized person it is possible to advance an understanding of “how” one becomes - the “way” one becomes - a realized human being. And it is this “way” that constitutes knowledge and truth in the classical Chinese tradition. According to the Confucian book, the Zhongyong: Integrity (cheng) means self-accomplishing, and dao means self-articulating (or literal ly, self-dflo-ing). To have integrity is a thing from its beginning to its end; to be lacking in integrity is to be nothing. For this reason, the exemplary person (junzi) prizes integrity. Integrity is not simply the means to accomplish oneself, but also the way to accomplish other things. To accomplish oneself is to distinguish oneself as a person (ren); to accomplish other things is comprehension (zhi). The potency (de) of one’s natural proclivities (xing) is the way of bringing together what is inside and what is outside. Thus, integrity is appropriate anytime and anywhere. (“The Doctrine of the Mean” 25 - Roger Ames tr.)
Integrity (cheng) has the sense of both “becoming whole” and “making whole.” Self cultivation always involves “correcting the heart.” Since the heart (xiri) is in fact “heart-mind” - decision and judgment are harmonized and integrated along with the “emotions.” Becoming whole involves the integration of one’s person as defined through one’s actions. This integration is demonstrated through acts of expression - right speaking. Thus the sense of speaking truly involves a recognition of the authenticity of the person whose words, intentions, and actions are perfectly inte grated. The effort of becoming whole is a making whole of others who, recognizing integrity when they are confronted with it, are provoked to emulate it. There is an important passage in the Mencius which speaks of the manner in which “trustworthiness ” - “living up to one’s word” (xin) - and “integrity” (cheng) act together to help create community: If serving in a subordinate office, a person is unable to gain the support of his superi ors, he will not be able to win the people over to proper order. There is a way of gaining the support of one’s superiors: one who does not live up to his word in dealing with his friends will not gain the support of his superiors. There is a way of a living up to one’s word in dealing with one’s friends: one who in serving his relatives does not bring them pleasure, will not live up to his word in dealing with his friends. There is a way of bringing one’s relatives pleasure: one who on introspection finds that he lacks integrity will not bring pleasure to his relatives. There is a way of having integrity in one’s person: one who is not clear on acting well will not have integrity in his person. It is for this reason that integrity is the way of nature, and to reflect on integrity is the way of being a person. There has never been a person of the utmost integrity who does not affect others, just as a person lacking in integrity has never been able to affect anyone. (Mencius 4a/13), Roger Ames tr.
This passage, in effect, describes the Confucian notion of the junxi - the realized person. For Confucius, junzi is a qualitative term denoting someone who has an 219
ongoing commitment to personal growth as it is cultivated and expressed through leadership in his community. The junzi is not characterized in terms of specific skills or expertise, but rather by recourse to the quality of his interactions with others. Confucius repeatedly draws a contrast between the socially expansive and inclusive junzi, and the disintegrative and retarding characteristics of what he terms “the small person” (xiaoren). This “small person,” is motivated by selfishness, and thus detracts from the effective coordination of community. Effective communication has a central role both as the medium through which one articulates oneself, and in attracting participation in the kind of order that the junzi’s articulation models for community. Language is performative - it shapes the world. It is the junzi’s speaking that brings the world into being. If we move from the notion of the junzi to that of the Daoist zhenren, or “genuine” person, we will see that, though there are significant differences between the Con fucian and Daoist understandings of a “realized person,” these two traditions have much in common. In the Zhuangzi, Confucius asks for the meaning of “genuineness” (zheri). His interlocutor gives the following account: Genuineness (zhen) is the highest degree of purity and integrity. Without purity and integrity, one cannot move others. Thus, the person who forces his tears, although pathetic, does not arouse grief; one who forces his anger, although severe, does not inspire awe; one who forces his affections, although cordial, does not effect harmony. Genuine pathos arouses grief even without tears; genuine anger inspires awe even without rising to the surface; genuine affection effects harmony even without cordial ity. It is because the spirit of one who is genuine within moves those around him that genuineness is to be prized. When genuineness is applied to human relations, in the service of family, it is compassion and filiality; in the service of the state, it is loyalty and justice; in feasting and drinking, it is pleasure and enjoyment; in mourning, it is pathos and grief. Most important in loyalty and justice is effort, in feasting it is enjoyment, in mourning it is grief, and in service of the family it is accommodation. And there is certainly more than one path to follow to arrive at these. One serves the family to accommodate its members, and is not concerned with how this is done; one feasts to enjoy and is not concerned with the choice of dishes; one mourns to grieve and does not ask after the rituals. Rituals are laid down by convention; genuineness is received from nature. What is so-of-itself (ziran) cannot be supplanted. Thus, the sage emulates nature and prizes genuineness without being caught up in conventions. The fool is the opposite. Unable to emulate nature, he frets over what human beings have established, and not having the good sense to prize genuineness, he goes along altering himself to suit the world, never himself knowing contentment. It is indeed a pity that you were so early in being steeped in human devices and have come so late to hear the great way! (Zhuangzi 31 - tr. Roger Ames)
Genuineness is resourced in spontaneity and naturalness. Such naturalness ex presses itself through the process of personalization in which the stamp of one’s individuality is placed upon the structures of the world. Zhen is the natural means of experiencing the world - a process related to “how” rather than “what.”
A person is always in the context constituted by the full complexity of existing things. Full disclosure of the individual in coordination with its environing partic ulars is the ground for optimum creativity. This creativity can be compromised, however, by attempting to express one’s particularity in “dis-integrative” ways that cause “dis-ease” in the environment, and in so doing, by failing to accommodate the interdependence of things. This limitation on creativity can emerge either by interpreting one’s environment reductionistically through one’s own intentions and actions, thereby impoverishing context in service to self, or by allowing oneself to be shaped wholly by context without contributing one’s own uniqueness, there by impoverishing self in service to context. In order to be fully integrative, one must cultivate an optimum continuity with one’s environs by contributing personally and creatively to the emerging order of things. For both Confucian and Daoist alike, there is a primacy given the particular, where its realization is an end in itself. The insistent particularity of any person or thing is most fully disclosed under the conditions provided by integration. Energies are not diffused through attachment and contentiousness, but are fully focused in self-expression. The emergent pattern of existence returns to and is derived from the collaboration of harmoniously integrated particularity. Discussions of truth in Chinese philosophy, which concern a search for the “way” rather than propositional truth, may seem to suggest an irrevocable division between China and the West. Perhaps, however, the distance is not that great. Consider the following. Toward the beginning of this essay I asserted the close connection of the Chinese understanding of knowledge and truth with American pragmatism. There are a number of aspects of contemporary pragmatism that prepare us to grasp the Chinese sense of the “way.” First, the rejection of both realist and idealist ontologies (which is effectively an abandonment of the Western meta physical tradition) allows for an appreciation of the more nominalist tendencies of Chinese philosophy. Second, the rejection of the “spectator” theory of knowledge (which is in effect an abandonment of the classical epistemological tradition in the West) resonates well with the Chinese reflections which have proceeded unbur dened by an appearance/reality bifurcation. Third, the substitution of “language” for “mind” and “experience” as the central metaphor in terms of which to couch philosophical discussion allows resort to the far less controversial medium of linguistic expression rather than demanding some common view of human experience or mental operations. Of equal significance with the above, a pragmatic “theory” of truth is not a theory in any significant sense. As William James said, pragmatism is “a method only.” As a methodos, pragmatism is merely a way, a set of means or instruments which permit the accomplishment of certain practical actions involved in “getting on with it.” Given the essentially non-theoretical character of classical China, the “informality” of the pragmatic vision is a real asset. Further, the pragmatic understanding of truth is not easily conformable with either correspondence or coherence theories, and thus does not depend upon metaphysical assumptions foreign to the Chinese. According to James, “truth” is the expedient in the way of thinking. For the pragmatist a belief is a 221
habit which guides action. If the belief brings the individual into productive har mony with his or her community, it functions expediently, and it is “true” insofar as it so serves. Finally, one might go so far as to say that the pragmatic discussions of “the expedient in the way of thinking” hardly constitutes an understanding of “truth” in any standard sense. For the pragmatist surely shares with the Chinese thinker a lack of interest in the cultural requisites which underlie classical theories of truth. The Jamesian pragmatist denies an appearance/reality contrast, the notion of a single ordered world, and rejects any theory/practice dichotomy that would enable one to hold propositions apart from states of affairs, treats concepts not in terms of essences, but as tools for action, and accedes to the dominance of metaphor in language, thus denying the value of the quest for univocal language. There are, of course, significant differences between the typical Western and Chinese forms of pragmatism. As normally understood, the Western pragmatist develops his understanding of knowledge and truth by appeal to the notion of “beliefs” as “habits of action.” From the Chinese perspective, the human being is characterized in terms of ritual action (li). Realizing the path (dao) entails the fulfilment of ritual activities. Habits of action are realized through ritual activity. In this manner the Chinese “pragmatist” outdoes his American counterpart by deal ing always with the actualization of patterns of action rather than ever being satisfied with beliefs as mere plans or dispositions to act. A second contrast between the Chinese and Western forms of pragmatism lies in the forms of knowledge which are most preferred. Western pragmatism has come to be associated with instrumental knowledge warranted by a proximity to scientific activities. Charles Sanders Peirce and John Dewey, who deal with truth in terms of “consensus at the end of inquiry” and “warranted assertability,” have provided this emphasis. The Chinese form of pragmatism is clearly better associated with the literary, Jamesian, strand of pragmatism. In this strand, the emphasis is upon images and metaphors as ensuring the efficacy of language. “It is pictures rather than propositions, metaphors rather than statements, which determine most of our philosophical convictions” (Rorty, 1979, p. 12). Many interpreters of China have claimed that the Chinese search for the dao was a consequence of the breakdown of moral and political order at the very period in which reflective thinking began in China. The Chinese, in contrast to the more speculative Greeks, were forced to be overly concerned with social order and harmony rather than with a dispassionate search for Truth. This account is usually an implication of the mythos to logos narrative which we heirs of the Enlightenment like to employ as a means of accounting for our rational development. Such a narrative, when contrasted with the account of the Chinese sensibility, tends to suggest that the Chinese somehow have failed to make the great leap forward from mythos to logos and have so remained in the primitive past. Contrary to this rather standard interpretation of the differences between Chinese and Western culture, there is every reason to believe that the Western search for Truth - for a reality beyond appearance, for a standard in accordance 222
with which a plurality of distinctive beings might be measured - was itself a re sponse to the problem of creating or discovering a social and natural order within which individuals might find a secure and harmonious existence. The suggestion that the Chinese sought the Way because of their more practical and urgent political and social concerns, while in the West we went adventuring after Truth because we somehow had the luxury to be speculative, is on reflection, highly questionable. A more pragmatic interpretation seems equally plausible. The philosophical discourse shaped in large measure by the search for Truth itself had an ethical and political cast from the beginning. In pluralistic, ethnically diverse societies, it is not so easy to chart a concrete and specific Way among the many ways suggested by diverse languages, myths, cus toms, and rituals. Harmony must be sought through ascent to abstract, and ultimately universalizable, principles and standards. The quest for capital “T” Truth serves the aims of social and political stability in both positive and negative manners. Positively, it promises, down the road, a standard of common assent which can ground common values and practices. Negatively, it suggests the neces sity of a certain tolerant circumspection in the treatment of those who do not share our present truths. By contrasting the search for the Way and the quest for Truth as goals of philo sophical reflection, I certainly do not intend to perpetuate the cliched interpretation of the West as theoretical and dispassionately reflective and Chinese thinking as vested in the need for social harmony. On the contrary, I would argue that the two cultures shared the only sensible goal for social beings: the realization of social harmony. The search for Truth in both China and the Western world was defined by this fundamentally pragmatic motivation.
Writings Lau, D. C. (tr.) 1983: Confucius: The Analects (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press). ------(tr.) 1984: Mencius (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press). Watson, Burton (tr.) 1968: The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu (New York: Columbia University Press).
References and further reading Chang Tung-sun 1959: “A Chinese Philosopher’s Theory of Knowledge,” in Our Language and Our World, ed. S. I. Hayakawa (New York: Harper), pp. 172-92. The Doctrine of the Mean 1963: in A Sourcebook in Chinese Philosophy, ed. Wing-tsit Chan (Princeton: Princeton University Press). Graham. A. C. 1978: Later Mohist Logic, Ethics, and Science (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press). ------1989: Disputers of the Tao (La Salle, Ill.: Open Court Press). Hall, David L. and Ames, Roger T. 1987: Thinking Through Confucius (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press). ------1995: Anticipating China: Thinking Through the Narratives of Chinese and Western Culture (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press).
Hansen, Chad 1983: Language and Logic in Ancient China (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press). Pedersen, Jobs. 1958: Israel: Its Life and Culture, Vol. 2 (London: Oxford University Press). Richards, I. A. 1932: Mencius on the Mind (New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co.). Rorty, Richard 1979: Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature (Princeton: Princeton University Press).
15 Chinese aesthetics STEPHEN J. GOLDBERG
In China creativity is construed as an ethico-aesthetic practice in which signifying acts of self-presentation (yi) are evaluated as to their efficacy in fostering harmoni ous relations of social exchange within specific historical occasions. To say this is to call attention to the performative dimension of aesthetic creativity; to recognize, beyond its constative meaning, the force of an expressive act to produce effects that profoundly affect its recipients. Observe, for example, the following passage from the Bizhen tu, or “Diagram of the Battle Formation of the Brush,” an early treatise on the art of calligraphy: “Anciently, the Ch’in [Qim] Prime Minister, (Li) Ssu [Si], saw the calligraphy of King Mu [r. 1001-946 bce] of the Chou [Zhou] dynasty. For several days he sighed, grieving (only) at its lack of bone (structure)” (Barnhart, 1964, p. 15). Li Si’s reaction to the inscription of an early ruler of the preceding Zhou dynasty is an expression of moral judgment, an affective reading of the qualities of the brushwork as visual indices of the character of its author. Aesthetic judgments are thus not predicated on a set of universally applicable criteria for assessing the substantive formal properties of a work of art. Rather, they are evaluative discernments of the ethically normative force of a signifying act of aesthetic self-disclosure, within the concrete circumstances of a specific social context. Tradition, preserved in the form of the material traces of self-signification of those who have gone before, serves as a repository for the creative appropriation and invocation of patriarchal precedents, the sanctioning past, which authorizes one’s own self-presentation to others. Authorial identity is thus, in part, defined in terms of the “embodiment” of the meanings and values implicit in the artistic references to the significations of one’s precursors, the “voice” of the Other, that is, tradition. Citations to the past are often made in deference to the particular recipi ent of one’s self-signification. The intended recipient, therefore, may also serve as a significant determinant of one’s self-signification. Authorship, in Chinese culture, is thus a profoundly relational identity, and never refers simply to the artist as an isolated individual self. As Tu Wei-ming has observed, The self as a center of relationships rather than as an isolable individual is such a fundamental premise in the Analects that man as “an ultimately autonomous being” is unthinkable, and the manifestation of the authentic self is impossible “except in matrices of human converse.” (Tu, 1985, p. 83)
Chinese ethico-aesthetics has its genesis in the ancient ritual practices (li) of the Zhou dynasty (1122-221 bce), a formative period in Chinese civilization, which “witnessed a transition from spirit-centered to human-centered ritual, from shaman-counsellor to sage-counsellor, from authority by virtue of one’s position to authority of one’s person” (Hall and Ames, 1987, p. 87). One ofthe ways of seeking moral perfection, of becoming an authoritative person (ren), is through the practice of art as a means of self-cultivation. Xiushen (self-cultivation; literally, cultivation of the body) speaks to the “importance of taking care of one’s body as a necessary condition for learning to be human” (Tu, 1985, p. 60). The idea that art can serve as a means of self-cultivation finds its earliest expression in a passage on the mean ing of music in The Book of Rites (Liji): “The perfection of virtue is primary, and the perfection of art follows afterward” (Liji, tr. Cahill, 1960, p. 122). An affirmation of the practice of art can also be found in the following statement by Confucius: “The Master said, Set your heart upon the Way, support yourself by its power, lean upon Goodness, seek delight in the arts” (Lunyu, tr. Ledderose, 1979, p. 29). Calligraphy and music, two of the “Six Arts” (liuyi) in classical Confucian thought, emerge from this formative period of Chinese culture as ritual aesthetic practices for the upper class, as disciplines of the body (ti) and mind/heart (xin), which engage the gentleman-scholar in the cultivation of the self (xiushen). In this respect, it is interesting to note that, “[e]tymologically the character i [yi], which is commonly rendered as ‘art,’ signifies the activity of planting or cultivating fields” (Tu, 1983, p. 60). Noting the cognate relation between the characters for “ritual action” (li) and “body” (ti), David Hall and Roger Ames observe that “li actions are embodiments or formalizations of meaning and value that accumulate to consti tute a cultural tradition” (Hall and Ames, 1987, p. 88). The concept of the Six Arts did not survive the fall of the Han Dynasty. In the wake of the collapse of the Han Confucian order, Neo-Daoism and Buddhism began to exert an increasing influence on the intelligentsia in southern China. During the Six Dynasties period, a historical moment of political division and social instability, the perfection of selfhood came to be conceived, as a “dynamic process of spiritual development” the internal generative force of which was often said to be heavenly endowed in nature. Spiritual realization of this heavenly endowed humanity or selfhood could be accomplished through specific ritual acts of self-cultivation. It was during this time that members of China’s cultured scholarly elite adopted the practice of calligraphy and the playing of the lute (van Gulick, 1969) as the specific means to pursue aesthetic self-expression and self-cultivation. As Tu Wei-ming has noted, “One learns to play the lute or to sing lyric songs in order to communicate with others and, more importantly perhaps, to experience the internal resonance one shares with nature” (Tu, 1983, p. 62). The importance of cultural mediation for the project of spiritual realization can be seen in Tu Wei-ming’s summary of the views of the Buddhist monk Hu Zhuren: although human nature in its original substance is completely identical with the ordering principle of the universe, the human mind has to be purified through learn-
ing before it can fully realize the principle inherent in human nature. (Tu, 1979, p. 242)
The way of heaven (tian) is thus immanent to selfhood. “It is the root from which great cultural ideals and spiritual values grow” (Tu, 1979, p. 247). In Neo-Daoist inspired calligraphy of the Eastern Jin dynasty (317-420 ce), for example, the metaphysical principle ziran (naturalness or self-so-ing), an imperson al creative potential, is cited as one of the most important aesthetic principles. The Northern Song calligrapher/connoisseur Mi Fu (1052-1107 ce) reserved the aesthetic ideal of tianzhen (natural perfection) to praise the calligraphy of the Eastern Jin master Wang Xianzhi (344-388 ce). Lothar Ledderose has observed that “plain tranquility [pingdan] and natural perfection [tianzhen] were not only stylistic and aesthetic concepts which could be used to describe and evaluate works of calligraphy, but these terms also described the ideal state of mind of the artist” (Ledderose, 1979, p. 58). According to Mi Fu, “the movement of the brush should come swiftly with a natural perfection and emerge unintentionally ” (Ledderose, 19 79, p. 64). An appeal to an egoistic source of creativity would simply be unthinkable. One of the distinguishing features of early Chinese aesthetic discourse is a pre dominance of physiological and nature imagery. The following passage from the Bizhen tu, a text attributed variously to Wei Furen (2 72-349 ce) and to Wang Xizhi (321-379 ce), exemplifies the way in which the aesthetic discourse on Chinese calligraphy is framed in the terminology of human physiology: Calligraphy by those good in brush strength has much bone; that by those not good in brush strength has much flesh. Calligraphy that has much bone but slight flesh is called sinew-writing; that with much flesh but slight bone is called ink-pig. Calligraphy with much strength and rich in sinew is of sage-like quality; that with neither strength nor sinew is sick. Every writer proceeds in accordance with the manifestation of their digestion and respiration of energy, hsiao-hsi [xiaoxi]. (Hay, 1983, p. 85)
In another passage in the Bizhen tu, images from nature are used to characterize the ideal rendering of the seven strokes that represent the so-called “diagram of the battle formation of the brush”: First stroke - Like a cloud formation stretching a thousand li; indistinct, but not without form. Second stroke - Like a stone falling from a high peak, bounc ing and crashing, about to shatter. Third stroke - The tusk of an elephant or rhinoceros (thrust into and) broken by the ground. Fourth stroke - Fired from a three-thousand pound crossbow. Fifth stroke - A withered vine, ten thousand years old. Sixth stroke - Crashing waves or rolling thunder. Seventh stroke - The sinews and joints of a mighty bow. (Barnhart, 1964, p. 16)
The Bizhen tu appears in the earliest extant collection of texts on calligraphy, Fashu Yaolu (ca. 847 ce), by the ninth-century scholar Zhang Yanyuan. It was first translated into English by Lucy Driscoll and Kenji Toda (Driscoll and Toda, 1935, pp. 41-460). For a study of the authenticity of this text, see Barnhart, 1964, pp. 13-25. The deployment of metaphorical imagery, referencing the human body and nature in Chinese aesthetic theory, is not simply a rhetorical semantic flourish but, in fact, serves a specific epistemological function. It constitutes an indigenous cor relative rhetoric stemming from the Chinese view of spiritual development that sought within the ritual aesthetic acts of self-cultivation to embody patterns of behavior deemed consonant with the immanent patterns perceived within the natural order of things. Early Chinese aesthetic theory is a representational practice that is based on the concepts of lei (kind or categorical correlations) and ganlei “responding according to categorical correlation.” “Categorial correlation” is fundamental to the Classic of Changes (Yijing) and central to the ancient Chinese cosmological principle ex pressed in the statement by Dong Zhongshu (ca. 179-104 bce) that “things that categorically correspond move each other’ (Yu, 1987, p. 42). In Han and pre-Han dynasty texts, the concept of ganlei became the normative basis upon which human actions, particularly those of the ruler, were deemed to be linked in a chain of causality to the larger human order as well as the cosmic order of things. This is predicated on the existence of fundamental correlations between natural patterns or wen and human affairs. The concept of ganlei plays a prominent role in Zong Bing’s (375-443 ce) essay Hua shanshui xu (“A Preface to the Painting of Mountains and Rivers”), “the earliest extant philosophical treatise of painting ever written in China” (Kiyohiko Munaka ta, 1983, p. 105). This can be illustrated in the following passage: Now the Sage, with his spirit realizes the Way; thus the worthy can pass through it. Mountains and rivers (likewise), with their forms, relish the way; thus the virtuous can enjoy it. How similar they are to each other! (Munakata, 1983, p. 118)
The reference to “mountains and rivers” alludes to the Chinese term for landscape painting, shanshui hua (literally, “mountain-water painting”). Zong Bing’s categor ical correlation of the “Sage” and “mountains and rivers” brings to mind a passage from the Confucian Analects or Lunyu; The Master said, “The wise [zhi] find joy in water [s/iui]; the benevolent [ren] find joy in mountains. The wise are active [dong]; the benevolent are still [jing]. The wise are joyful [li]; the benevolent are long-lived [shou].” (Lau, 1992, p. 53)
The mountains and waters thus come to symbolize, respectively, the dimensions of constancy and change and, by metaphorical extension, tradition and its creative appropriation to the conditions of an ever-changing present. These two citations offer a revealing insight concerning the implicit significance which the painting of landscapes has had for the Chinese artist. In the words of Hall and Ames, 228
Tradition has it that the Sage-rulers of antiquity observed regularity and order implicit in the natural process and sought to devise formal rules of conduct that would enable human beings to make the same cosmological patterns explicit in their own lives. (Hall and Ames, 1987, pp. 88-9)
Although the correlative rhetoric of ganlei plays an important role in early Chinese aesthetic theory, it was soon eclipsed by such physiological concepts as qi (vital force or energy flow) or qiyun (resonance of vital force) and xue (blood) or xuemo (blood-pulse). Qi is variously translated as “breath,” “spirit” or “energy” - the vital force that animates life. Xue or xuemo, when it appears in discussions on calligra phy, refers to the energy functioning through the rhythmic flow of the ink within and between the characters. John Hay, in his seminal essay “The Human Body as a Microcosmic Source of Macrocosmic Values in Calligraphy,” argues for the importance of interpreting these aesthetic terms in the perspective of contemporary medical treatises. Citing the studies of Chinese medicine by Manfred Porkert, Hay observes that qi and xue are the two most important states of energy within the body and that the vital function of the latter depends “on its particular intrinsic quality and its harmony with the other forms of energy, especially ch’i [qi] ” (Hay, 1983, p. 86). Painting and calligraphy are thus conceived as configurations of energy, materializing through the brush into the traces of ink. The quintessential use of qi as an aesthetic term appears in the Liu Fa or “Six Laws” of painting by the portrait-painter and theorist Xie He (active 500-535 ce). The “Six Laws” appears in the introductory chapter of Xie He’s Guhua Pinlu or Record of the Classification of Old Paintings. (For a discussion and translation of this text, see Acker, 1954.) The first, and thus most important of Xie He’s laws, is “Qiyun shengdong,” which can be translated as “Life-movement [is achieved through] spirit resonance (or resonance of vital force).” Xue, or the energy functioning through the rhythmic flow of the ink, is implied in the second of Xie He’s laws of painting: “Gufa yongbi” or “Bone-method (that is, inner structure) when wielding the brush.” This can be interpreted as indicating the precise way in which to achieve “spirit resonance.” The reference to Chinese medical theory suggests another important source for the deployment of metaphorical imagery referencing the human body and nature in Chinese aesthetic theory. Previously, we noted that ritual aesthetic acts of self cultivation embody patterns of behavior deemed consonant with the immanent patterns perceived within the natural order of things. In traditional Chinese medi cal treatises, the body is conceived as a system or network of patterned energy flow and transformation, that is, as a microcosmic correlative of the macrocosmic world of nature. Painting and calligraphy, conceived as configurations of energy, materializ ing through movements of the brush into the traces of ink, thus came to be seen as ways of capturing the patterns of shengdong or “life movement” of the phenomenal world. Jing Hao’s Bifaji or “A Note on the Art of the Brush,” one of the most important theories of landscape painting, is a reformulation of Xie He’s “Six Laws” for the
purpose of representing the landscape. Jing Hao was a Confucian scholar-painter (active ca. 900-950 ce) who, during the social and political turmoil of the Five Dynasties Period, retired to the Taihang mountains of Southern Shenxi. He wrote the Bifaji during a period that witnessed the emergence of true landscape painting in China. The centerpiece of the Bifaji is the list of “Six Essentials” in painting a landscape, reported to have been conveyed to the author/narrator by a rustic old man whom he came upon while painting in the Stone-Drum Cave. Spirit (ch’i) [gi] is obtained when your mind moves along with the movement of the brush and does not hesitate in delineating images. Resonance (yuri) is obtained when you establish forms while hiding [obvious] traces of the brush, and perfect them by observing the proprieties and avoiding vulgarity. Thought (ssu) [si] is obtained when you grasp essential forms eliminating unnecessary details [in your observation of nature], and let your ideas crystallize into forms to be represented. (Munakata, 1974, p. 12)
These first three essentials of landscape painting prescribe artistic norms and con ventions for the use of brush and ink that are self-effacing, concealing all traces of the material or formal process of representation and thus, by implication, all traces of personal expression, in order to give transparent access to that which is represented. Jing Hao’s “Six Essentials of Painting” exhibits the influence of Neo-Confucian values when it emphasizes the disclosure and transmission, through the receptive mind and the responsive hand of the painter, of the immanent patterns of nature in terms of the rhythmic patterned relations of the painted landscape forms. The re-establishment of national unity and order under the Song dynasty (9601279 ce) ushered in social and political conditions that were conducive to the formulation of a new literati aesthetic. The feudal aristocracy of landed gentry, prominent during the Tang dynasty, gave way in the Song to an “aristocracy of merit” (Bush, 1971, p. 4), a “meritocracy,” as civil service examinations provided truly talented scholars with access to high government office. Toward the end of the Northern Song (960-1126 ce), a new and distinctive literati style of painting and calligraphy began to develop among a small circle of scholar-officials. A literati aesthetic theory was also formulated in an attempt to define the artistic and social identity of what the great Song poet and calligrapher Su Shi (103 7-1101 ce) referred to as shiren hua (scholar’s art), in contradistinction to that of the professional painter and calligrapher. Where professional artists were dependent upon and sought the patronage of others for their livelihood, the literatus engaged in the practice of painting and calligraphy as a means of self-cultivation, self-expression and social exchange with other, like-minded scholars. A key tenet of literati aesthetics, the claim of equivalence between literati paint ing and poetry, appears in an inscription written by Su Shi on a painting by the great Tang poet Wang Wei.
When one savors Mo-chieh’s poems, there are paintings in them, When one looks at Mo-chieh’s pictures, there are poems. (Bush, 1971, p. 25)
Song literati aesthetic theory discounted the mere technical skill of the professional painter to represent nature in favor of what would come to be termed xieyi (to sketch, or paint ideas). Terms such as chu (mood or flavor) and pingdan (plain tranquility), figure prominently in the writings of Mi Fu (1052-1107 ce) and his son, Mi Yuren (1086-1165 ce). These aesthetic terms identify the emotionally nuanced yi (quality or idea) of a scene, which can only come to artistic expression through the cultivated sensibilities of the literatus. For example, in Mi Fu’s opinion, “When Chu-jan was young, he made many [forms like] ‘alum lumps’; when he was older, in his tranquility (pingdan) the flavor (ch’w) [Chu] was lofty” (Bush, 1971, p. 68). Pingdan, “a simplicity with underlying depth” (Bush, 1971,p. 72), was used by Mi Fu to describe both the artist and his work. The literati style placed less emphasis on the descriptive depiction of nature, choosing rather to foreground the expressive potentialities of a more “calligraphic” handling of the brush. Landscape and architectural motifs are conceived in a rather schematic or ideographic manner, through the inscription of subtly articulated traces of brush and ink that make indexical reference back to the very gestural process of its execution. To establish the special status of their artistic and social identity, literati such as Wen Tong, Huang Tingjian, Mi Fu and Mi Youren often referred to their own art and the art of other scholar-officials by the self-effacing term moxi, or “ink-play.” It was, of course, a mock-humble way of asserting their amateur status as scholar-artists. During the succeeding Mongol-Yuan dynasty (1260-1368 ce), literati theory consciously stressed the non-professional status of the scholar-painter and the expressive, non-representational style of literati painting. For Zhao Mengfu (1254— 1322 ce), a brilliant painter and calligrapher, it was the intimate relationship between the two disciplines that marked the new literati style: Rocks like the “flying white” [brush stroke], trees like great seal script: To sketch bamboo also demands conversance with the “Eight Methods” [of calligraphy]. If there should be one capable of this, He must know that calligraphy and painting have one origin. (Bush and Shih, 1985, pp. 278-9)
A traditionalist and high offlcal, Zhao Mengfu came to be associated with the concept guyi, or the “sense of antiquity”: A sense of antiquity is essential in painting. If there is no sense of antiquity, then although a work is skillful, it is without value. Modem painters only know how to use the brush in a detailed manner and apply colors abundantly, and then think that they
are competent artists. The fact is that if a sense of antiquity is lacking, all types of faults appear throughout a work, and why should one look at it? What I paint seems to be summary and rough, but connoisseurs realize that it is close to the ancients, and so consider it beautiful. (Bush, 1971, pp. 121-2)
A more individualist position is asserted by such reclusive scholar-painters as Wu Zhen and Ni Can (1301-1374 ce). Often, as in the following colophon by Ni Can (1301-1374 ce), dated 1368, there is a self-conscious affirmation of the status of literati painting as ink-play that takes great liberty in the rendering of motifs in the interest of expressing the artist’s mood: Chang I-chung [?] [Zhang Yizhong] always likes my bamboo paintings. I do bamboo simply to express the untrammeled spirit (i-ch’i) in my breast. Then how can I judge whether it is like something or not; where its leaves are luxuriant or sparse, its branches slanting or straight? Often when I have daubed and rubbed awhile, others seeing this take it to be hemp or rushes. Since I cannot bring myself to argue that it is truly bamboo, then what of the onlookers? I simply do not know what sort of things Ichung is seeing. (Bush and Shih, 1985, p. 280)
In the Ming dynasty (1368-1644 ce), China was once again under native rule. Aesthetic theory as well as artistic practice came to take on an art historical dimen sion, as scholar-painters explicitly reasserted their social and artistic identities within a lineage of literati painters and calligraphers that is traced back through the Yuan and Song to the patriarchs of the tradition - Wang Wei, Tong Yuan, and Zhuran. Towards the end of the Ming, this tendency culminates in the formulation of the theory of the “Northern and Southern Schools” of painting (nanbei pat), variously attributed to the writings of Dong Qichang (1555-1636 ce), Mo Shilong (d. 1587 ce), and Chen Jiru (1558-1639 ce). The title makes reference to the Northern and Southern schools of Chan Buddhism, the schools of gradual and sudden enlightenment, respectively. This theory systematically establishes the can on of literati painting and calligraphy (the Southern School) as the orthodox tradi tion for future generations of scholar-painters. Dong Qichang formulates an aesthetic theory and artistic practice that synthe sizes the classicist and individualist tendencies of the preceding Yuan dynasty. This is examplified in Dong Qichang’s “Hills on a Clear Autumn Day, After Huang Gongwang” in the Cleveland Museum of Art. An inscription on the painting by the artist informs us that it was based on a now-lost Huang Gongwang composition: “Huang Gongwang’s ‘Hills on a Clear Autumn Day’ looks like this. It is too bad that the old master cannot see my work.” James Cahill interprets this to mean that “the shen-hui, or ‘communion of the spirit,’ that ideally exists between a modern painter and the earlier artist he imitates should logically go both ways” (Cahill, 1982, p. 102). For the Ming master, the proper approach to the canonical art of the past in volves “creative imitation” (Jang) and “transformation ” (biari) within one’s own personal style in a way that will allow one to speak with authority to the historical and art historical conditions of the present. As Dong Qichang writes, 232
Chu-jan [Zhuran] followed [imitated] Tung [Tong] Yuan, Mi Fu followed Tung Yuan, Huang Kungwang and Ni Tsan both followed Tung Yuan. It was all the same Tung Yuan, but their several [versions of his style] did not resemble each other. If another kind of painter had done it, it would have been just like a copy. How could anything done that way be transmitted down through the ages? (Cahill, 1982, p. 123)
It is precisely through an interpretive re-inscription or “embodiment” of the “ortho dox” tradition within his own body of artistic expression, that the scholar-painter, sanctioned by the past, comes to signify himself in the present. Dong Qichang’s notions of shenhui (communion of the spirit), fang (creative imitation), and bian (transformation) established the basis for both the Orthodox and Individualist Schools of literati painting in the Qing dynasty (1645-1912 ce). Bibliography
Writings Acker, W. R. B. 1954: Some Tang and Pre-Tang Texts on Chinese Painting (Leiden: E. J. Brill). Bush, S. 1971: The Chinese Literati on Painting: Su Shih (1037-1101) to Tung Chi-chang (1555-1636) (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press). Bush, S. and Murck, C. (eds) 1983: Theories of the Arts in China (Princeton: Princeton University Press). Bush, S. and Shih, H. Y. (compilers and eds) 1985: Early Chinese Texts on Painting. Cam bridge, Mass, and London, England: Harvard University Press. Zhang, Y. Y. [1936] 1962: Fashu Yaolu (ca. 847), Ming edition of Mao Jin (1599-1659) (Reprinted in Cong Shu Ji Cheng, Shanghai, 1936, nos 1626-7; and the recent Cong Shu, Yi Shu Congpian, Taipei, 1962, Vol. 1).
References and further reading Barnhart, R. M. 1964: "Wei Fu-jen’s Pi Chen Tu and the Early Texts on Calligraphy,” Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America, 18, pp. 13-25. Cahill, J. 1960: “Confucian Elements in the Theory of Painting,” in The Confucian Persuasion, ed. A. Wright (Stanford: Stanford University Press), pp. 115-40. ------1982: The Distant Mountains: Chinese Painting of the Late Ming Dynasty, 1570—1644 (New York and Tokyo: Weatherhill). Driscoll, L. and Toda, K. 1935: Chinese Calligraphy. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press). Hall, D. L. and Ames, R. T. 1987: Thinking Through Confucius (Albany: State University of New York Press). Hay, J. 1983: “The Human Body as a Microcosmic Source of Macrocosmic Values in Callig raphy,” in Theories of the Arts in China, ed. S. Bush and C. Murck (Princeton: Princeton University Press), pp. 74—102. Lau, D. C. (tr.) 1992: The Analects (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press). Ledderose, L. 1979: Mi Fu and the Classical Tradition of Chinese Calligraphy (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press). Munakata, K. 1974: Ching Hao’s Pi-fa-chi: a Note on the Art of Brush (Ascona: Artibus Asiae Publishers). ------1983: “Concepts of Lei and Kan-lei in Early Chinese Art Theory,’ in Theories of the Arts in China, ed. S. Bush and C. Murck (Princeton: Princeton University Press), pp. 105-31.
Tu Weiming 1979: “Ultimate Self-Transformation as a Communal Act: Comments on Modes of Self-Cultivation in Traditional China,” Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 6, pp. 23746. ------1985: Confucian Thought: Selfhood as Creative Transformation (New York: State Univer sity of New York Press). van Gulick, R. H. 1969: The Love of the Chinese Lute, 2nd revd edn (Tokyo: Tuttle). Yu, P. 1987: The Reading of Imagery in Chinese Poetic Tradition (Princeton: Princeton Univer sity Press).
16 Socio-political thought in classical India DAYA KRISHNA
Indian classical thought about society and polity had to deal with a basic dilemma which was set for it by the fundamental premises of the culture in which it devel oped. This derived from the fact that both Buddhism and Jainism, which emerged as powerful forces on the Indian scene sometime in the sixth century bce, regarded the social and political worlds not only as inferior realities in relation to the ultimate pursuit of man, but also as impeding that pursuit to a substantive extent. And this, strangely enough, occurred in spite of the fact that both of these religions spread with the active support of kings and wealthy merchants, as evidenced in the earliest stories pertaining to the times of the Buddha and the Mahavira (the founder of Jainism). Yet, as every thinker concerned with these realms well knows, they con stitute the very basis and foundation of all the worthwhile pursuits of man, includ ing the spiritual pursuits. Thinkers dealing with these subjects, therefore, had simultaneously to be true to the reality of the realm they were thinking about and also be on the right side of the values dominant in the culture in which they lived. In addition, they had to take into account the changes that occurred in their culture over time, for while both society and polity may have dimensions that are comparatively invariant, there are also those which are subject to important changes that inevitably occur with the passage of time. The latter feature is re vealed more in the legal texts, which have to take note of the changes that occur in social customs and deal with them fairly directly, than in the theoretical and ab stract issues relating to society and polity with which the social and political theo rists are primarily concerned. Any discussion of classical Indian thought about society and polity, has thus inevitably to take into account Indian thought about man, on the one hand, and law, on the other. The texts relating to these discussions are roughly known as the Dharmasastras, the Vyavahdrasastras, and the Rdjanitisdstras. The term “sdstra” denotes a systematic body of knowledge, and the terms “dharma,” “vyavahdra” and “rajaniti” denote what is generally conveyed in the English language by morality, law and polity. That society is primarily seen as belonging to the moral dimension of man speaks volumes for the way in which man himself was understood in the Indian tradition. Society was seen primarily as the realm in which an individual had obligations to others - obligations that were understood in terms of the roles that he or she occupied in the system. These obligations, however, had to be 237
coordinated with the claims of the transcendent self as well as with the claims of all other beings - including the gods, close relatives who were dead, and other living beings in the world. The term “dharma" thus has a far wider connotation than is usually indicated by the term “morality” in the English language. The realm of vyavahara, or law, was however far more concrete and related to the adjudication of disputes that were enforceable by the judicial and political authorities, and often, by quasi-judicial institutions whose authority, however, was formally recognized by the political system wherein rested the use of legitimate coercive power. The tech nical term for this was “danda,” which primarily means both “punishment” and “instruments of punishment.” The science of polity thus was also called dandaniti. The realm of the political, however, was not confined wholly to the legitimate exercise of coercion in the service of the maintenance of dharma or the moral order, but had also to be seen in relation to other polities amidst which it was situated. The relation of society, polity and law were complicated in classical Indian thought by a number of factors that are important to keep in mind. Thinking about society, as has been repeatedly stressed, was primarily undertaken in relation to the varna or class/caste scheme, in terms of which society has been thought to be integrally constituted. The well known scheme of four varnas - that is, the brahmana (priest), the ksatriya (warrior), the vaisya (merchant) and the sudra (worker) - is supposed to have been derived from the Vedas themselves, wherein it is allegedly said that the cosmic being divided itself into these four classes from different parts of its body. (The English equivalents of these terms, though fairly commonly used, are misleading, as is explained later in the article. The term “brahmana,” for example, does not refer only to priests, but also to all those who maintain, transmit and develop systems of traditional knowledge in any field whatsoever. Similarly, the term “vaisya" applies as much to those who cultivate land as to those who engage in trade or commerce. The term “sudra” is a residual category and applies to the whole artisan class which is engaged in the manufacture of all sorts of things, including what are today called “handicrafts.”) The body social, therefore, is sup posed to represent, at the level of society, the cosmic being itself, from which it was supposed to have originated. However, the Vedic source of the theory of cosmic creation, or more correctly, of cosmic diremption, does not confine itself to the creation of these four varnas alone, but rather is concerned with the coming into being of the whole manifest universe, with the important proviso that the cosmic being manifests itself in this universe with only one-fourth of its being, while threefourths of it remains unmanifest. Moreover, if one looks at some of the original passages wherein the existence of the varnas is first described, as in the Sukla Yajurveda, for instance, one finds that besides the basic four varnas, others are men tioned that are specifically classified as abrahamanah, asudrah (non-brahmins and non-sudras) in the concluding line, so that it is difficult to see how the myth of there being only four varnas in the body social ever arose. (It is obvious that these multi farious classes, professions, and so on, mentioned in the text could not be ksatriyas or vaisyas either). Not only this, there is sufficient evidence in Jaimini’s Mimamsasutras that if the Vedic injunctions were to be taken seriously, then at 238
least two classes mentioned therein - that is, the rathakara and the nisadapati could not be included in any of these varnas. It should be noted that the former is an occupational class, that is, those who build chariots, while the latter perhaps designates a tribal chief. There are other places in the recognized portion of the “revealed” texts known as sruti that seem to question even the exclusion of the sudras from access to the sruti and the performance of the yajnas or sacrifices prescribed therein. The most notable and radical example is found in the Aitareya Brdhmana. However, these only show the ambivalence of the pro nouncements in the texts which are by common consent included in what is known as the sruti. In the Chandogya Upanisad, the story of Satyakama Jabala is one of the internal ly subverting portions of the material included in the sruti. The ambivalence and the internal tension in the authoritative texts can perhaps be explained either in terms of the inner conflict in the tradition itself or by means of the hypothesis that those portions of the texts that seem to have questioned the orthodox positions might have appeared earlier or later, as the case may be. In fact, the explicit proc lamation of Bharata in the Natya Sdstra that it is sarvavarnika - that is, open to all the varnas - might be seen as a statement made in full self-consciousness against the claims of the Veda which, according to the orthodox view, was accessible only to the first three varnas. Its self-description as the fifth Veda also seems to support this view, although there seems to have been a tendency for important works in the tradition to assume this title in order to claim for themselves an authority equiva lent to that of the Veda or even superior to it. The Mahabharata provides another well known example of this tendency. The theory of varna, however, was only an ideal construct and seemed to have had only a formal classificatory validity, as what existed in fact was a very large number of jatis which, theoretically, were supposed to belong to one or the other of the four varnas. However, whether seen as a formal classification or as an ideal construct, it should be understood as an articulation of the four primary functions that any human society will have to maintain, foster and develop in order to be a society. The functions may be regarded as relating to knowledge, power, wealth, and labour, and may be seen as associated respectively with the varnas designated as brdhmana, ksatriya, vaisya, and sudra respectively. The contention, therefore, seems to have been that the body social is an organic unity of all these functions and those who primarily or predominantly perform these functions may be desig nated by these terms. The first issue of debate among social theorists, therefore, was whether the terms designating the functions should be understood in terms of “ascription” or “achievement.” Does a person belong to these categories by birth or by virtue of his acquired capacities or abilities to perform those functions? The well known statement that by birth everyone is a sudra epitomizes this view, for presumably everyone can perform the labour function by virtue of the fact that one has a body. But such a view could never gain any large social sanction for the simple reason that society cannot wait for one’s capacities to unfold before assigning one to a particular varna, even if only for ritual purposes. And, in any case, ascriptive
determinations are always easier than those based on “achievement,” which is hardly constant over time. Yet though the classification by birth was overwhelmingly chosen, socio political theorists still faced the difficult problem of establishing a method for deter mining who was qualified to be a king and perform the ruling function. In accor dance with the varna theory, only a ksatriya could perform this function, since to be a ksatriya almost analytically entailed that one was fit to exercise this function. But obviously if one were to decide who was a ksatriya by appeal to the criterion of birth, one might be landed with a ruler who was totally incompetent to rule. On the other hand, if one usurped the ruling function by force of arms or in any other way, then one became the de facto ruler and exercised power, and thus provided concrete evidence that one was a ksatriya. Both horns of the dilemma are frequently encountered in the socio-political thought of India and, after long debate, the con clusion was reached that though it would be best if a ruler were born a ksatriya, anyone who is capable of exercising the ruling function well should be the ruler and be reqarded as a ksatriya. The history of India is replete with this de facto recognition of rulers as ksatriyas - that is, as those who had the skill to become kings - without anyone caring whether they were born as ksatriyas or not. The great empires known in India right from the Mauryan times onwards, were seldom founded by a person belonging to the ksatriya varna, or to a jati supposed to belong to this varna. The socio-political theorists of India had, however, not only to face the question of who could exercise the ruling function, given the theory of varna that they had inherited from ancient times, but also the question of how exactly the ideal rela tions between the different varnas were to be understood. Here, obviously, the problem related primarily to the three upper varnas, as the sudras did not enter the picture except in a residual or marginal manner. The conflict between power and knowledge and wealth is writ large in the history of all civilizations, but it took a peculiar turn in the history of thought about society and polity in India. In fact, the conflict between the brahmanas and the ksatriyas is well known from the most ancient times, recorded as it is in the earliest texts. However, the conflict that engaged the attention of the socio-political theorists most involved the “oversee ing” by the brahmanical varna of those who exercised the ruling function, and of the former’s attempts to ensure that the rulers observed the norms that were expected of them. This obviously was not palatable to the rulers, as they did not want any constraints placed on the exercise of their power. The realm of politics, like the realm of love, tends toward the violation of all norms whatsoever. In the Indian context, in which the general term for all norms is dharma, the conflict is thus centered around the observance of dharma by the king. The first move that was made to ensure the safety of the censors or the critics of those who ruled was to argue that they should be immune from any punishment, as it was feared that the king might implicate them with all sorts of false accusations and punish them for being outspoken in their criticism of what the ruling power did. The technical name for this was adandya and many of the early legal texts laid down that the brahmana is adandya. But as this seemed to go against the principle of
justice, later texts argued for a differential theory of punishment for the same offense, suggesting that the punishment should be correlated to what was expected from a particular varna and hence, while many offenses were lightly treated in the case of the sudras, who were not supposed to live up to strict norms in certain areas of conduct, the brdhmana was to be punished more severely, since more was expect ed of him. On the other hand, there were certain other types of offenses for which he was let off lightly. Ultimately, however, this also offended the sense of justice and it was argued that only capital punishment should never be given to a brdhmana. But then the last of the important legal texts, the Sukraniti, argues for the abolition of capital punishment for all varnas and seems to suggest that one ought not to make a distinction between the brdhmana and the non-brahmana in this regard. The story of India’s legal thought on this matter, moving gradually from the contention that brahmanas should be adandya to the conclusion that they should be avadhya (that is, someone who cannot be killed), is fascinating, showing as it does the successive stages in the thinking of the legal theorists as they struggled to safeguard the brahmans’ independence so that they might exercise their function fearlessly in the body politic of those times. It has become fashionable these days to characterize classical Indian civilization as brahmanical in character, forgetting that all civilizations are inevitably brahmanical, since those who articulate, conceptualize, argue for and defend the deepest concerns of any civilization cannot but be those who are committed to intellectual pursuits and who are concerned preeminently with reflection on the norms by which individuals, societies and polities should be governed. The brahmanical class in India not only did this to a substantial degree, but also tried to ensure that the function they exercised was valued highly by the society itself. There can, of course, be differences among civilizations as to which social function they regard as the highest. Some may opt for power and others for wealth. But as far as the classical Indian tradition was concerned, the only rival to the claim made on behalf of knowledge as the highest pursuit of man was the claim advanced on behalf of the pursuit of transcendence or, to use the term coined by the tradition itself for this pursuit, moksa. The ascetic renouncer epitomized in the Buddhist bhiksu and the Jain muni from the sixth century bce onwards was regarded as pursuing something higher and nobler than what the brdhmana pursued. There were earlier precedents for this in the Upanisadic and even in the Vedic tradition, but there the life of the householder and the life of the renouncer were not separated in such a clear-cut manner or seen as radically antagonistic to each other. This ultimate superiority of the ascetic renouncer even to those who exer cised the knowledge and the norm-establishing function in the Indian tradition introduced a new problematic for the socio-political thinkers of India. For while most societies and civilizations have known the conflict between knowledge and power, few have witnessed a comparable tension between those who have re nounced the world (including not only family, society and polity, but also the pursuit of knowledge in the usual sense of the word) and those who have not. However, if one is a socio-political thinker, one has to accept the reality and validity
of society and polity, and one cannot subordinate the claims of these realms that are the object of one’s study to those which deny them altogether, at least in principle if not in practice. And yet an almost insoluble problem is set for such thinkers if the culture itself accords the highest value to the life of the renouncer. As everyone knows, this was the case in India, and consequently a large part of its socio-political thought was concerned with solving this insoluble dilemma. There are, of course, deep differences in this regard between the social theorists on the one hand and the political theorists on the other, particularly those among the latter who are exclu sively concerned with the realm of the political. The conflict between the ksatriya and the brahmana is well known to students of Indian thought, as is the fact that they were mutually indispensable. Similarly, the conflict between the brahmana and the sramana (the renouncer) is also well known, though not much emphasized in the socio-political thought of India. However, the relation between the ksatriya - or to be more precise in this context, the rajanya or king - and the sramana or renouncer has seldom been discussed. Yet right from the earliest Buddhist and Jain texts recounting the lives of the Buddha and the Mahavira, it was a point of special emphasis that the ruling kings in those times not only paid visits to these outstanding spiritual personalities of the time, but showed proper respect by getting down from their elephants and chariots and walking on foot to the abode of the master. Many of the Mughal paintings display continuity in this regard as they show Mughal emperors visiting the hermitages of saints, both Muslim and non-Muslim, in a respectful manner and generally on foot. In fact, in many of the stories in both the Buddhist and the Jain canons we hear of kings who got converted to these religions and sometimes even renounced their kingship to pursue the path of the renouncer. But normally the tension between the two roles seldom comes into the open. However, one does sometimes become aware of it indirectly, as in the stories in which the Buddha’s own father requests him to make a rule that no young person will be allowed to join the samgha, or at least none who has not been permitted by his parents to do so. This obviously hints at the tension generated by the large-scale recruitment of the young to the life of the renouncers. But far more telling and explicit is the statement in the political texts of the tradition that any person desirous of moksa should not be appointed as minister by the king, and that the king himself should not think of leaving his responsibilities or retire to the forest. The triangular relation between the seekers and wielders of power, and those who seek knowledge and to articulate norms for human behavior, and those who search for final liberation and transcendence from the world of space, time and causality would make an interesting theme for exploration, particularly in the context of the dilemmas that Indian civilization faced in its diverse pursuits. But it needs to be remembered that while many might be engaged in the pursuit of knowledge and some in the search for liberation, the ruler in any particular realm could only be a single person, and though the term “rajanya” generally stands for one who rules, it is flexible enough to be applied to anyone who exercises the ruling function over the smallest territory. By its very nature, the ruling function does not and cannot admit of plurality or multiplicity amongst those who exercise it in the
political sense, that is, as wielders of legitimate coercive power. The term “ksatriya,” therefore, has an ambiguity about it that the term “brdhmana" or the terms for the renouncers (“bhiksu," “muni," or “sannydsT”) would not usually have. The term “ksatriya" in the tradition applies both to one who rules in the political sense of the term and also to one who earns his living by means of carrying or wielding arms. The two functions are obviously related to each other, but they are also essentially different in that one who rules utilizes those whose profession consists in the skillful use of arms in the service of anyone who is prepared to employ them. The brdhmana, on the other hand, is supposed to engage in the search for knowledge, especially of the Vedas, and in teaching this to others. It should be noted in this connection that the knowledge relating to the Vedas covered a very wide field and included even such sciences as astronomy, geometry, linguistics, grammar, and almost every thing directly or indirectly related to the maintenance and preservation of the Vedic texts, on the one hand, and to the performance of the yajna or the sacrificial rituals enjoined in them, on the other. The ambivalent relations between knowledge and power and of both to the renouncers have not gone unnoticed in the literature on the subject, but the same cannot be said about the relations between those who sought wealth, the vaisyas, and those who wielded power and knowledge, on the one hand, and those who renounced the pursuit of all worldly ends, on the other. The texts on the subject also seem to show an awareness only of the problems concerning the relations of power and wealth, and not of those between wealth and knowledge, or between wealth and the pursuit of the radical renunciatory ideal. The discussion in the texts regard ing the former is mainly confined to the question of how a king should try to get the maximum out of those who create wealth in his kingdom without making them feel that they are being excessively taxed, so that they may not be discouraged in the pursuit itself or leave the realm for other kingdoms. However, in times of emergency the king is both advised and permitted to extract as much as possible even at the risk of antagonizing those who create wealth in his kingdom. There are many amusing analogies given from other fields that suggest ways in which a ruler can collect taxes from the population, and the well known text of Kautilya on the subject offers detailed measures to check the loopholes in the taxation system. The ambivalent relations between the brdhmana and the vaisya are not discussed in the texts, since normally it is the ruler who is supposed to provide patronage and support to those who pursue knowledge in any form. The pursuit of wealth, however, was not rated very highly among the meaningful pursuits of man, at least as far as the texts are concerned. Yet the virtue of dana, or the giving of gifts to brahmins is extolled very highly and, in fact, there are numerous ritual occasions, from birth to death, at which the brahmins are expected to be compensated for their ritual services. But one has to acquire wealth before one is in a position to give it as a gift to others. Yet the pursuit itself was considered inferior to the pursuit of knowledge or the renun ciatory ideal whose practitioners had to depend on the merchant class for their sustenance. Such a dependence on those who sought wealth or power (two mean ings of artha as a purusartha, that is, as an ideal the pursuit of which conferred meaning on human life) was humiliating, for at least theoretically, what they
themselves were pursuing was far, far superior to wealth or power. The dilemma and the ambivalence becomes even greater in the case of the renouncer, as he explicitly denies the realms of family, society, and polity altogether and the values that belong to those realms. And yet he has to depend, at least minimally, on society for his own survival and the pursuit of the trans-social and the transcendental value that he has chosen for himself. The dilemma becomes still more acute when, as in the case of the Buddhists and the Jains, their organization of themselves into a community is taken as an essential part of their spiritual pursuit. The Buddhists treat the samgha as almost coordinate in importance to the Buddha and the dhamma, and as for the Jains, though they do not seem to have anything as explicit as the Buddhist vow to take refuge in the samgha along with the Buddha and the dhamma, the actual reality is perhaps even more stringent in their case than in that of the Buddhists. The Buddhist bhiksu or Jain muni, in other words, is not an individual wandering ascetic or a sannyasi, who has left the world like the Buddha or the Mahavira in search of enlightenment or perfection. He is an integral member of a large community that dictates and determines the shape of his life and spiritual quest in the most detailed manner imaginable. This has far-reaching implications for the style of spiritual seeking itself, but what primarily concerns us here is that, right from the times of the Buddha and the Mahavira, the necessity of such forms of organization for the spiritual seeking that the bhiksu and muni embodied in their individual lives created a new dimension of large-scale dependence on the ruler, on the one hand, and on the wealthy trading community, on the other. The large-scale support that such organizations required from the society and the polity must have meant that the society and the polity exerted at least some influence on the spiritual pursuit itself. There is some evidence, even in the Upanisads, of spiritual seekers depending upon kings - as is related in the stories of Yajnavalkya and Janaka - but there the encounter is primarily individual and involves a debate or discussion regarding certain kinds of knowledge. The Buddhist and the Jain texts talk almost from the very beginning of thousands of bhiksus and munis being entertained by wealthy merchants eager to earn merit, which must obviously have meant a great deal given the expenditure incurred on such occasions. Somehow the Buddhist and the Jain forms of large-scale organizations became the dominant model to be re vived later by Samkara and followed by later masters and teachers (acaryas) in the Indian tradition, even though the lonely, wandering individual ascetic never disap peared from the scene. The profound effect of the formation of these “societies” or renouncers and the internal organization of discipline and hierarchies within them has hardly been the subject of study or reflection, particularly as these societies began to have both an economic and political aspect to them, mirroring almost all of the problems of the outside society and polity. The problems of seeking economic and political support and the tensions it generated for the pursuit of spiritual life are writ large not only on the histories of these institutions, but are also depicted on the walls of many of the places where such monasteries were supposed to have been located - as, for example, in Bagh or Ajanta. This, however, opens up a direction of thought that has not been dealt with by the classical thinkers of India.
The political thinkers of India had no such problems as those facing the social theorists, for while the latter had to consider almost all aspects of society and register the conflicting relationships between them, the former were concerned primarily with the realm of the political and treated everything else as a means to the maintenance and enhancement of political power. But as the political thinker was acutely aware, the polity was situated amongst other polities which were always potentially hostile to it. Thus the obligations of a ruler to his own people, even at the theoretical level, had to be balanced against the ever-present possibility of attack from the hostile neighboring kingdom. The political theorist, therefore, was concerned with a dimension that was absent in the work of those who theo rized about society for, as far as I know, no one has placed the external relations of a society to other societies at the center of his thought about society. The Indian political theorist developed in this context, the well known theory of concentric circles of neighboring kingdoms, in accordance with which the relations of hostility and friendship were determined to a large extent by geo-political considerations. This is perhaps the first systematic attempt at geo-political thinking anywhere in the world and at seeing the realm of the political as primarily determined by rela tionships external to a polity, because of its intrinsic character as a polity among other polities and not an isolated unit in itself. The situation was further complicated by the fact that, in traditional thinking everywhere, it was regarded as legitimate for a ruler to conquer other kingdoms and to extend and expand his area of control as far as possible. The great con querors of the world have, in fact, been the heroes of history. And though today the ministries until recently designated as ministries of war have become ministries of defence, this change only camouflages the basic truth, which remains the same. Defensive preparedness inevitably includes offensive capability and the task of enlarging one’s area of influence both by overt and covert means remains the legitimate exercise of nation-states today, even though each and every state swears by the authority of the United Nations, which it regards as superior to its own. In the context of classical Indian political thought, however, the legitimation of conquest of neighboring kingdoms followed almost logically from the geo-political analysis of political structures, which entailed that a neighbouring kingdom was bound to be potentially hostile, not because of any perversity on its part, but be cause of the simple fact that it was situated as it was. As offense is supposed to be the best means of defense, the conquering of neighboring kingdoms was seen not only as the expansion of one’s area of influence, but also as the elimination of a potential threat from the geo-politically conditioned hostility of one’s neighbor. It was forgot ten, however, that the problem of the “neighbor,” just like the problem of the frontier, is always bound to be there, since even if a conquest is successful it merely moves the frontier forward, bringing one into contact with another neighbor with whom one will have to contend. The Indian political theorist tried to come to terms with this inevitable reality imposed by the very structural situation of all polities in two ways. First, he tried to formulate the ideal of cakravartin or the ruler who had conquered all that could
reasonably be regarded as “available” for conquest in his times. This was the notion of “globalization” in the political context and has continued to hold sway even in modern times in the notion of the superpower. With the elimination of the Soviet Union as the possible counter-contender for that role, the role of the universal cakravartin has been self-consciously assumed in our day by the United States, and this has been justified by its political theorists as legitimate in the contemporary context. The second strategy was to concentrate not on the extent of the dominion over which the conquering function was exercised, but rather on the notion of “con quering” itself. The conquests were thus classified into sattvika, rajasika, and tamasika, terms which were borrowed from Samkhya philosophy, but which were modified and used in distinguishing the virtuous from the vicious conqueror. It should be interesting in this regard to note that the motivation for conquest, the conduct of the war and the pacification after victory were all taken into account in this classification. The virtuous conqueror engaged in the exercise only to eliminate potential hostility and normally he was supposed to be satisfied with the acceptance of his suzerainty by the conquered king (or any of his close relatives, if he had been killed in the battle). In fact, the battle itself was supposed to be the last resort, for if one’s suzerainty or overlordship was accepted in principle, one did not go to war for the sheer joy of conquest or loot, as conquerors belonging to the second and third category usually did. The political theorist was also interested in theoretically countering the radically individualistic implications of the theory of karma, which almost led to a “moral monadism,” implying as it did that no one could be held responsible for what happened to one and that, in turn, one could not really be responsible for what happened to anyone else, determined as each was by his or her own karma or what he or she had done in the past. The social theorist was also concerned with the issue, but while he developed a theory of debts and obligations to one’s own par ents, teachers and the gods, he did not develop a theory of collective responsibility in terms of which he could justify these claims. The political theorist, on the other hand, developed such a theory through the idea of the king’s sharing in the merits and demerits earned by his subjects through the performance of good or bad deeds, for he was supposed to be directly or indirectly responsible for what they did. They thus developed a theory of the collective community of moral agents, in which there was a joint sharing in the fruits of action. Theoretical differences related only to the actual share of the king in the merits and demerits of his subjects. Some argued that it should be one-fourth, while the majority seem to have opted for one sixth. But strangely, neither the political nor the social theorists moved forward to develop a full-fledged theory of karma in which collective responsibility could be come the center of theoretical concern in reflection on human action. It is only the king who was supposed to share in the merit and demerits of his subjects, but as far as his subjects were concerned, there was no “sharing” in the fruits of the virtuous or vicious acts that they did. The historical development of the socio-political thought of India has not been the subject of any detailed study. It has not even been paid much attention by those
who have written on Indian philosophy. Nor have the interrelationships between the developments in different domains been the subject of serious investigation. Yet the very fact that such a large number of texts relating to dharma, rajamti and vyavahara (that is, society, polity and law) were written is itself evidence of such a development. There is, of course, a widespread impression that nothing new was said on the subject, but there can be little doubt that this is a superficial view of the matter. Laxman Sastri Joshi’s Dharma Kosa, particularly in its Rajamti and Vyavahara kanda, is a monumental refutation of this facile impression. Also it should be remembered that it is the legal texts of a culture that respond more to the changing situation than the texts relating to society and polity, which can afford the luxury of remaining conservative in thought, if not in practice, over a longer period of time. In fact, even in the field of philosophy, in which radical developments are known to have occurred, the usual picture is of static systems that remained unchanged for millennia after the crystallization of their fundamental insights in the sutra literature around the early centuries of the Christian era. The vitality of this whole tradition of socio-political thought, even in recent times, may be seen from the fact that as late as the eighteenth century one of the ministers of the newly emergent Maratha successor state of the Mughal empire wrote a political text entitled Ajhapatra in the older tradition and that, even in a place such as Thailand, political works were written in the earlier political tradition rooted in India. As for the legal literature, more than 150 works are supposed to have been written in the last two centuries alone. However, all of this vast material needs to be critically examined and evaluated from a historically developmental point of view. The challenge is great, as it is in the social, political and legal thought of India that one may find a counter-picture to the still prevalent one that has been developed around the centrality of the re nouncer tradition.
Bibliography For a more detailed exposition of many of the points made in this article, see the author’s (1996) book from Oxford University Press, entitled Problematic and Conceptual Structure of Classical Indian Thought about Man, Society and Polity.
Indian conceptions of reality and divinity GERALD JAMES LARSON Cultural and intellectual presuppositions
In any attempt to present an overview of the conceptions of reality and divinity in classical Indian (Hindu) civilization, it is helpful, first of all, to highlight some of the basic cultural and intellectual presuppositions that appear to be operative in classi cal Indian thought (which, for the purposes of this article, will be taken as consist ing of the so-called six classical schools of Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisesika, Mimamsa, and Advaita Vedanta during the classical period, from the first centuries of the Common Era up to the coming of Islamic traditions in the eleventh century). This can be accomplished in various ways, but perhaps the simplest way is to articulate some basic questions to which classical Indian thought provides some interesting, albeit unusual, answers. The questions can be framed as follows: (1) What truly is? (2) How does one know what truly is? (3) Who knows what truly is? (4) With whom does one know what truly is? And, finally: (5) What does God have to do with what truly is? The questions have to do, respectively, with (1) ontology, (2) epistemology, (3) psychology, (4) social anthropology, and (5) theology. Classi cal Indian thought, of course, provides a variety of answers to all of these questions, and there was much vigorous debate and polemic through the centuries about precisely how to form satisfactory answers. Generally speaking, however, it ap pears to be the case that the classical Indian philosophical schools tended to deal with these basic questions in a manner quite different from the way these questions have been dealt with in traditional or modern Western thought, and it is important to understand some of these differences if one wishes to appreciate the unique conceptual frameworks in classical Indian thought. (1) What truly is? Regarding this first question, it is notable that the classical Indian philosophical schools did not for the most part make an ontological separa tion between mind and body or thought and extension, either in the traditional Platonic-Aristotelian sense of a realm of ideas or forms distinct from a realm of matter, or in the modern Cartesian sense of a distinction between thought and extension. S. Schayer has put the matter as follows: In this connection it must be strongly emphasized that the concept of a non-spatial Being, especially the hypostasis of a psychic, non-extended reality which has been
current in Occidental philosophy since Descartes, remained foreign to the Indian systems. (Larson, 1995, pp. 148-9)
E. H. Johnston comments: Early Indian thought, as exemplified for instance by Samkhya, drew no clear line of demarcation between the material, mental and psychical phenomena of the individ ual. ... All classes of phenomena are looked on as having a material basis, the difference resting merely on the degree of subtlety attributed to the basis. (Larson, 1995, p. 149)
In the systems of Samkhya, Yoga and Vedanta, mind and body or thought and extension are dealt with solely in terms of the notion of “materiality” (prakrti) or “phenomenal appearance” (mayo), and in the systems of Nyaya, Vaisesika and Mimamsa, mind, self, matter, and so forth, were all characterized simply as “subtances” (dravya). “What” truly is (sat) tended to be framed in terms of some entity that is, or some entities that are, eternal, indivisible, and ultimately unalterable. As far back as the ancient Upanisads (specifically Chandogya UpanisadVi) it was gener ally accepted that something cannot come from nothing and that something can not become nothing. For the Advaita Vedanta of Samkara, what truly is the pure consciousness of Atman or Brahman which cannot be negated by mutual negation or the negation of absence (Mohanty, 1974, pp. 329-30). For Samkhya and Yoga, what truly is are the two primal entities of materiality (prakrti) and pure con sciousness (purusa). For Nyaya, Vaisesika and Mimamsa, what truly is are the nine ultimate “substances” (dravya), including the atomic substances (earth, water, fire, air and mind) and the all-pervasive substances of ether, time, space and selves. Ontological issues were never framed in terms of a mind-body problem, and most of the Indian schools (Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisesika and Mimamsa) tend ed to deal with mind-body matters in a largely physicalist or reductive materialist fashion. The Advaita Vedanta of Samkara dealt with mind-body matters in terms of its general treatment of all determinate formulations as phenomenal appearanc es that simply cannot be discussed in an ontologically intelligible manner (or, in other words, as “uncharacterizable” or anirvacamya). What this means, then, is that the terms “idealism” or “realism” have very little meaning in an Indian philo sophical environment, inasmuch as ontology was never dealt with in such terms. Another way of putting the matter is to say that Western notions of “idealism” and “realism” have no Sanskrit equivalents. One must hasten to add, however, that three of the schools, namely, Samkhya, Yoga and Advaita Vedanta, do make an ontological distinction between a non-intentional “pure consciousness” (Atman or purusa), on the one hand, and the mind-body realm of determinate manifestation (Maya or prakrti), on the other. “Pure consciousness” is without qualities (nirguna), contentless and/or non-intentional. For Samkara, such “pure consciousness” is the only thing that truly is. All else, including the entire complex of mind-body aware ness, has the questionable ontological status of being anirvacamya or “uncharacter izable.” For Samkhya and Yoga, there is, in addition to “pure consciousness,” the realm of materiality (prakrti) to which “pure consciousness” is forever present as a 249
witness (saksitva). The other classical systems, namely, Nyaya, Vaisesika, and Mimamsa, do not make an ontological distinction between “pure consciousness” and mind-body awareness, arguing that cognition as well as all ordinary aware nesses are simply attributes or qualities of the self (atman) but not constitutive of the self. For these systems, then, when ignorance and suffering are overcome and the “self” attains “release” (moksa), there is no longer any experience or awareness. The self, in itself, is, finally, unconscious. Regarding “what truly is,” then, the classical Indian systems are best characterized in terms of a polarity between those schools which accept the reality of a non-intentional consciousness (Samkhya, Yoga and Vedanta) and those which do not (Nyaya, Vaisesika, and Mimamsa). The conventional ontological discussion of the Indian schools in terms of “idealism” or “realism” is, at best, misleading.
(2) How does one know what truly is? This question, of course, is closely related to the previous question, since the determination of what truly is cannot finally be separated from how one comes to know what truly is. Here again the classical Indian schools deal with the issue in a manner that is interestingly different from traditional or modern Western thought. J. N. Mohanty expresses the issue as follows: Let us note an important difference in locution, which, however, is not a mere matter of locution, but points to deep substantive issues. In the Western philosophical tradition, it was usual, until recent times, to ask: does knowledge arise from reason or from experience? The rationalists and empiricists differed in their answers. These answers, in their various formulations, determined the course of Western philosophy. In the Sanskrit philosophical vocabulary, the words “reason” and “experience” have no exact synonyms, and the epistemological issue was never formulated in such general terms. (Cited in Larson, 1995, p. 151)
There is no separate realm of reason, no pure rationalism, no pure realm of ideas, no pure possibilities and no transcendent “mind of God,” Mohanty suggests. In the classical Indian systems there is no privileged realm of knowing of a purely rational kind or of a purely experiential kind that guarantees reliable knowledge. Even general inferential knowledge (anumana) always has an empirical instantiation and is itself a material operation. Says Karl H. Potter: There is a general failure on the part of Indian philosophers to distinguish such opposites as a priori and a posteriori, analytic and synthetic, formal logic and empirical reasoning. No need seems to have been felt for any such distinctions. (Cited in Larson, 1995, p. 151)
Or as S. Chatterjee has commented: “In Indian logic an inference is a combined deductive-inductive reasoning... . All inferences . . . are at once formally and ma terially valid” (cited in Larson, 1995, p. 151). The classical Indian systems, rather than separating reason and experience, tend to deal with the epistemological issue in terms of what might be called cognitive frustration (duhkha, avidya). Epistemolo
gy has to do with the various means of knowing (pramana), including perception, inference, reliable authority, comparison, and so forth. The various schools debated both the number and the nature of the pramanas. Generalized notions of “reason” or “experience” are simply cognitive episodes within the unfolding flow of human awareness, and there is no privileged realm of knowing of a purely rational kind or of a purely experiential kind that guarantees reliable knowledge or certainty. The determinate realm is fraught with frustration (duhkha) and uncertainty (avidya). The determinate realm of mind-body or mani fest reality is largely a realm of ignorance and non-discrimination (avidya, aviveka). Some ordinary awarenesses, to be sure, are conducive to liberation in that they point to what truly is, namely, that indeterminate ultimacy which is pure unqual ified and contentless consciousness or quiescence in Samkhya, Yoga, and Vedanta or bare, unconscious selfhood in Mimamsa, Nyaya, and Vaisesika. The classical schools are deeply suspicious of the determinate realm, whether rational or experi ential, and look, rather, for epistemological clues within the determinate that lead away from the determinate to an indeterminate realm that is apart from ignorance and suffering.
(3) Who knows what truly is? Even more so than in ontology and epistemology, the classical Indian systems construe the notion of personhood in dramatically differ ent ways from traditional or modern Western thought. All of the systems accept the notions of karma and rebirth and, therefore, do not limit the notion of human being to a single lifetime. Nor do they limit the notion of embodiment to that of human being. It is quite possible over time to take part in various life-forms. The schools all accept what might be called a psychology of intrapersonal plurality or a diachronic ontogeny of more than one life. They accept, in other words, a greatly expanded notion of selfhood encompassing more than one life. The person is much more than the genetic heritage of father and mother. Father and mother contribute only the gross physical constituents of the person. The deeper identity is a transmigrating “subtle body” which enlivens the gross physical embryo at or shortly after the time of conception. The subtle body is “marked” by certain fundamental “predisposi tions” (samskaras, vasands) that have been accumulated as a result of the karmic residues from preceding rebirths. The quality of a given person’s life is, thus, a composite of accumulated karman and the trajectories of previous rebirths (punarjanmari). The various schools, of course, express the notions of karma and rebirth in different ways, but fundamental to all the interpretations is the basic belief that personal psychology involves intrapersonal plurality that stretches over many lives through myriads of unfolding cycles of time. (4) With whom does one know what truly is? Closely parallel to the notion of a diachronic ontogeny of more than one life or a personal psychology of intraperson al plurality is the related notion of an interpersonal plasticity or what McKim Marriott has called a profound “fluidarity” in terms of socio-anthropological no tions of community. Important here, of course, is the notion of the caste system. McKim Marriott has expressed the essence of caste in terms of a basic “dividuality” 251
or “fluidarity” in interpersonal relations in contrast to traditional or modern West ern notions of the discrete “individual.” In the social reality of India there is a basic hierarchical network of ongoing transactions and ritual exchanges of things as well as bodily substances, or, to use the idiom of Louis Dumont, there are ongoing patterns of hierarchical interactions based on a twofold axis of purity pollution and purity-power that determine the changing social identity of the person in community (Larson, 1995, pp. 154-8). As both Marriott and Dumont have stressed, Indian social reality is “dividual” and “hierarchical” in contrast to modern Western social reality that is “individual” and “egalitarian.” The modern notion of the “individual” is almost completely absent except for the instance of the sadhu or ascetic or monk who rejects the “fluidarity” of caste life and enters upon the isolated life of a renunciant (samnydsa). In this regard it must be remem bered that many of the philosophers of the classical Indian schools were from the ranks of the ascetics and monks who had opted out of the conventional frame work of varnasrama-dharma in order to seek the ultimate “release” (moksa) through renunciation.
(5) What does God have to do with what truly is? Here again the Indian schools differ markedly from traditional or modern Western thought. Many of the philo sophical traditions do not accept a notion of God at all - for example, classical Samkhya, Mimamsa, early Vaisesika, early Nyaya, and the early Buddhist and Jain traditions. In later centuries, the notion of God does enter the philosophical arena, but notions of God tend to be rather eccentric and frequently little more than add ons for the sake of popular sentiment or stop-gaps, a sort of deus ex machina, to handle minor conceptual difficulties. The notion of God, of course, is much more important in the great theologies of the Vaisnava, Saiva and Sakta traditions. But even in the great theologies, God is not transcendent or wholly other as is the case in Jewish, Christian and Islamic theology. There is nothing like a creatio ex nihilo in the Indian philosophical and theological schools. Again, Mohanty has put the matter well: God’s mind does not play that role of creating out of nothing in Indian thought. In the absence of possibilia and of abstract entities such as propositions, some standard con cepts of necessary truth and its opposite contingent truth just cannot find any formu lations in the Indian systems. Thus we have accounts of what the world does consist of, but not of what might have been or could not possibly be. If creation out of nothing, and so creation in the strict sense, has no place in Indian thought, that simply is not a marginal phenomenon for the darsanas, but - as I believe it can be shown - determines some very central features not only of the Indian cosmogonies, but also of the metaphysical notions of God, substance, time and nega tion. (Mohanty, 1988, pp. 252-3)
In the philosophical systems that do accept one or another kind of notion of God, God tends to exist alongside of other equally eternal entities. In Yoga, for example, God (Isvara) is one among the plurality ofpurusas. In later Nyaya and Vaisesika, God (Isvara) is a self that provides the coordination and power necessary for the atoms to 252
combine into more complex structures. In Advaita Vedanta, God (Isvara) is a lower form of the Absolute Brahman, a lower form as a projective Maya that “creates” the phenomenal empirical realm of multiplicity. In the great Vaisnava, Saiva and Sakta theologies, theological reflection tends towards what might be called a cosmo-theology of polymorphic multiplicity which parallels in interesting ways the psychology of intrapersonal plurality and the social anthropology of interper sonal plasticity of “fluidarity” discussed earlier. For a divine being to become human (avatara or “descending”) is not at all an extraordinary occurrence. A Krsna or Rama is always a possibility. Any chosen Guru or spiritual teacher may embody the divine in this polymorphic sense, and believers take “darsana," or, in other words, an actual visual contact with divinity by coming into perceptual contact with their Bhagavan or Lord. There are numerous devotional (bhakti) traditions that focus on the “grace” or “devotion” (anugraha, pranidhana) of Lord Visnu, Lord Siva, the Great Goddess (Devi, Kali, and so forth), and many other forms of the divine including the grama-devatas or “village goddesses” present in every village and hamlet, and in all of them, at least prior to contact with Islamic, Jewish and Christian traditions, there is an ease of access, a spontaneous emotional rapport, an absence of a separation in kind from the polymorphous divine that appears to be unique to the Indian context. Thus in philosophy as well as in theology, God is a most unusual player in the Indian scheme of things, but more on this in the sequel.
Concepts of reality The six classical systems of Indian philosophy are usually discussed in terms of three basic pairs, namely, (1) the pair Samkhya and Yoga, (2) the pair Nyaya and Vaisesika, and (3) the pair Mimamsa and Vedanta. The three pairs are referred to as “similar traditions” (samana-tantras), and there is some heuristic justification for the pairing in the sense that each pair appears to have a distinctive use or applica tion. The pair Samkhya and Yoga clearly relate to traditions of meditation, with Samkhya providing the theoretical framework and Yoga providing the patterns of practice. The pair Nyaya and Vaisesika appear to relate to traditions of debate regarding the make-up of the physical world, with Vaisesika providing the elemen tary physics and Nyaya providing canons for argumentation and successful debate. Finally, the pair Mimamsa and Vedanta clearly relate to scriptural interpretation, with Mimamsa providing the hermeneutical rules for interpreting the meaning of the sacrificial or action-portion of Vedic scripture and Vedanta providing the inter pretations of the speculative portions of the Vedic scripture with special reference to the group of scriptural texts known as the Upanisads. Regarding the issue of concepts of reality, however, the breakdown of the tradi tional systems into three pairs is not especially useful, or perhaps better, is some what misleading. With respect to concepts of reality, it is somewhat clearer to look at the six systems not in terms of three pairs but, rather, in terms of two distinct groupings. One grouping can be identified as looking at or conceptualizing reality from the perspective of the “whole,” or, if you will, from the “top down.” The other
grouping can be identified as looking at or conceptualizing reality from the perspec tive of “parts,” or, if you will, from the “bottom up.” The first grouping, that is, conceptualizing reality from the perspective of the “whole” or “top down,” includes the Samkhya, Yoga and Vedanta systems, with the key notions being (in the case of Samkhya and Yoga) those of primordial materiality (mulaprakrti) made up of its three constituent “strands” or “constituent processes” of thinking (sattva), energizing (rajas) and objectifying (tamas), from which all determinate aspects of reality emerge, or (in the case of Vedanta) the creative projections of a cosmic Maya, from which creative matrix all determinate manifestations show themselves. This first grouping also posits a non-intentional “pure consciousness” (purusa or atman) that serves as a “witness” to the “whole,” either in the sense that pure consciousness is totally separate from primordial materiality (in Samkhya and Yoga) or in the sense that the creative manifestations of Maya are finally dissolved in the extraordinary vision of the non-dual reality of Brahman (atman). In other words, this first grouping in terms of the “whole” or “top down” encompasses a monist as well as a dualist conception of reality together with the claim that there is also an ultimate, contentless (nirguna) consciousness (purusa or atman or Brahman) at the very heart of reality. This first grouping also usually interprets the emergence of determinate forms as emanations or evolutions (parindma or vivarta) from a primordial creative source (prakrti or Maya), with such evolutes as intellect (buddhi), ego (ahamkara), mind (manas), sense capacities, action capacities, subtle and gross elements all being made up of collocations of the con stituent processes of thinking, energizing and objectifying. In the case of Vedanta, of course, the determinate forms have only a provisional, uncharacterizable (anirvacanlya) status as Maya that is finally non-different from the pure conscious ness of the Atman that truly is! In the case of Samkhya and Yoga, the realm of primordial materiality has its own characteristic integrity and status over against the pure consciousness which is purusa. Furthermore, in this first grouping there is the conceptual notion that all parts are encompassed by the whole or included in the whole such that all determinate effects pre-exist or are pre-supposed (satkaryavada or its Vedantin variant, vivartavada) in the primordial matrix (prakrti or Maya). Finally, in this first grouping is the conceptual notion that there is a fundamental ignorance or non-discrimination (aviveka in Samkhya and Yoga, avidyd in Vedanta) which cloaks or veils the reality of non-intentional pure con sciousness (purusa or atman), a cloak or veil that one can overcome through one or another kind of appropriate meditation, as has been revealed in the Vedic scrip tures. Interestingly enough, it should be pointed out that this sort of philosophizing (with, of course, many variant conceptual formulations and without recourse to the authority of the Vedic corpus) is also characteristic of the Yogacara or Vijnanavada school of Mahayana Buddhist thought with its “consciousness-only” (vijnapti-matrata) and its “store-house consciousness” (alaya-vijnana) serving as approximate equivalents to prakrti and Maya. The same is largely the case with the Madhyamika school of Mahayana Buddhist thought, at least with its notions of “reality” (tattva) and an all-encompassing “voidness” or “emptiness” (sunyatd). 254
This is not to say that all of these traditions of “whole” or “top down” philosophizing are the same. It is only to say that they all share “family resemblances” in terms of their conceptualizing about what is ultimately real. The second grouping, that is, conceptualizing reality from the perspective of the “parts” or “bottom up,” includes the Vaisesika, Nyaya and Mimamsa systems, with the key notions being the articulation of a set of explanatory categories (padarthas), a listing of discrete substances (dravyas) and an elementary theory of atomism (paramanus). Unlike the Aristotelian or Kantian notions of categories as types of predicates, “categories” (padarthas) in this second grouping represent actual as pects of reality made up of “substances” (dravyas), “qualities” (gunas), “actions” (karmari), “abstractions” (sdmanyas), “particulars” (visesas) “inherence” (samavaya), and in some formulations, “absences” (abhavas). “Substances” include atoms (paramanus) of earth, water, fire, air, and mind and the all-pervasive entities of ether, time, space and self. The world is built, as it were, from the “bottom up” from its constituent “parts.” Imperceptible atoms, which are both quantitatively as well as qualitatively distinct, combine into dyads, and dyads combine in geometri cal progression into triads, which are perceptible and which combine into more complex structures, and so forth, until one arrives at the fully fashioned world. Because reality is conceived largely in terms of discrete “parts” in this second grouping, it is generally the case that these schools see effects as being new and separate from their causal antecedents, or, in other words, they are largely adher ents of asatkaryavada or the theory that effects and causes are distinct. Some of the schools in this second grouping (especially some Mimamsa traditions) maintain that the building up of the world occurs by the inherent nature of things (svabhava or “own-being”), thereby not accepting the notion of God (isvara). Others (the later Nyaya schools and especially the Nyaya thinker, Udayana) refer to God as the mechanism for getting things started. This second grouping also develops concep tions of an “unseen force” (adrsta or apurva), a notion of delayed causal efficacy that explains why events may not have effects for long periods of time, together also with notions of “merit” (dharma) and “demerit” (adharma) by means of which the Karmic trajectories of beings come to be determined over time. For most schools in this second grouping, the self (atman) is not constituted by “pure consciousness.” There is only intentional awareness or consciousness, and such intentional con sciousness is only a quality (guna) of the self, as are desire and effort. When igno rance and suffering are finally overcome, the self is no longer affected by any kind of experience and, therefore, is no longer conscious. “Release” (moksa) is, thus, only a negative realization, namely, the absence of ignorance and suffering, and indeed, the absence of experience of any kind. This second grouping also includes a rich tradition of philosophical argumentation and debate (especially in Nyaya and later Mimamsa traditions) with detailed concern for logic and the correct formulation of inferences. In addition to the Vedic schools proper that fit into this second grouping, namely, the Vaisesika, Nyaya, and Mimamsa, conceptualizing reality from the perspective of “parts” or “bottom up” is also characteristic of the early Buddhist traditions (mainly Sarvastivada and Sautrantika with their theories of point 255
instants or dharmas), and the Jain traditions (with their purely quantitative atom ism). These latter traditions also put a great deal of emphasis on logic, argumenta tion and theories of predication and negation. Regarding concepts of reality, therefore, it would appear that the Indian philosophical schools tend to fall into these two groupings, namely, what might be called a prakrti-parindmasatkdryavdda(vivarta) grouping, conceiving the “whole” from the “top down,” and what might be called a paramdnu-dravyaasatkaryavdda(ksanikavada) grouping, conceiving the “parts” from the “bottom up.”
Concepts of divinity What is rather striking to note with respect to the issue of concepts of divinity is that in early Indian philosophizing the notion or concept of divinity is frequently absent. As mentioned above, classical Samkhya, Mimamsa, early Vaisesika, and Nyaya as well as early Buddhist and Jain traditions are all basically non-theistic. To be sure, there were popular religious cults flourishing in the early centuries of India’s intel lectual history, and there is some evidence for possible theistic traditions in certain pre-classical traditions of Samkhya and possibly Vaisesika traditions as well. There were also the early Vedic traditions involving the gods Varuna, Indra, and Agni, and such abstract formulations as Prajapati (Lord of Creatures), Visvakarman (the All-Maker), Skambha (the Support) and the cosmic Purusa (from whose sacrificed body the world and its social groupings were derived). The term “mighty one” (Isana) appears already in the Rg Veda, and the term Isvara (“God” or “Lord”) appears first in the Atharva Veda. It is also used in the Brhaddranyaka Upanisad, but it is not until the later Svetasvatara and Katha Upanisads that the notion of a personal, high god comes to the fore, and even in these contexts the notion of God is not especially clear. It is not really until the time of the Bhagavadgita (final redaction in the first centuries of the Common Era) and the incorporation of the Bhagavata cult, the Pancaratra tradition, the Vasudeva-Krsna cult, and the vari ous Saivite traditions (Pasupatas, and so forth) into mainstream orthodox life that the notion of God or Isvara becomes an important concept, and even then, as mentioned earlier in this essay, one has the impression that the concept of God in philosophical circles is either an accommodation to popular sentiment or some kind of stop-gap or deus ex machina formulation with little philosophical relevance. In later centuries, however, possibly due to the influence of Islamic traditions, the concept of God becomes much more important, and certainly in the great Vaisnava, Saiva and Sakta theologies the concept of God is central. As was pointed out earlier, however, even in these later traditions when God becomes central, God is never conceived in these Hindu philosophical and theolog ical contexts as a transcendent creator who creates ex nihilo. God is conceived as one among other eternal entities (atoms, selves, mulaprakrti, or whatever) or as a lower manifestation of the Absolute Brahman. And as was also pointed out earlier, in devotional contexts there is an intriguing polymorphous multiplicity in concep tions of divinity whereby “descents” (avatdras) become relatively commonplace, not only in terms of the mainstream cults surrounding Krsna and Rama but in
traditions that grow up around certain holy Gurus - for example, Sathya Sai Baba, Paramahamsa Yogananda, Muktananda or Gurumayi. Regarding this concept of divinity in terms of polymorphous multiplicity, it is interesting to note the various conceptual metaphors that have been devised through the centuries in both philosophical and theological contexts (and in popu lar religiosity as well). Seven conceptual metaphors in particular have been espe cially powerful in Indian thought.
(1) God as feudal lord or governor. This is the conceptual metaphor that is prevalent in the beloved Bhagavadgita. Even though God need not act, he nevertheless comes to be in age after age to re-establish order (dharma). By doing obeisance to him as Lord and by giving over everything to him (bhakti-yoga), He will watch over his creatures and bring them to salvation. (2) God as stage actor. This is a conceptual metaphor that is characteristic of Advai ta Vedanta. Isvara is “qualified” (saguna) Brahman who is the creative manifesta tion of Maya, the mighty force that creates all of the determinate forms which represent the “play” (Illa) of Brahman. Isvara conjures a world very much like an actor creates a scene on the stage, but finally the play shows itself as not being fully real, or perhaps better, as pointing to something beyond itself, namely, to Brahman as nirguna. (3) God as builder or contractor. This is very much the metaphor to be found in Nyaya and Vaisesika notions of God. God puts the atoms together, provides the inspiration to generate activity and motion, coordinates the “unseen force” so that the “merit” and “demerit” of the transmigrating souls are properly calibrated, and so that the world is maintained in age after age in an intelligible fashion. (4) God as exemplar. This, of course, is the conceptual metaphor for God in classical Yoga philosophy. According to Yogasutra 1.24, God is a particular purusa among purusas, a purusa who has never been involved in transactions with the afflictions, Karmic destinies or Karmic residues. In other words, Isvara does not act but stands as the perfect exemplar of the spiritual isolation (kaivalya) which all Yogins seek. (5) God as lover. This is the conceptual metaphor for God in later medieval bhakti traditions, both Vaisnava and Saiva. The following passage from the Gitagovinda is typical, the devotee distraught at the loss of her lover: While her body lies sick From smoldering fever of love, Her heart suffers strange slow suffocation In mirages of sandalbalm, moonlight, lotus pools. When exhaustion forces her to meditate on you, On the cool body of her solitary lover, She feels secretly revived For a moment the feeble girl breathes life.
She found your neglect in love unbearable before, Despairing if you closed your eyes even for a moment. How will she live through this long desertion, Watching flowers on tips of mango branches? (Embree, 1988, p. 262)
(6) God as man or animal. Here one thinks, of course, of the “descents” (avataras) of God, not only as Krsna and Rama as found in the great epics, the Mahabharata and Rdmdyana, and the various Puranas, but also the “descents” of God as fish, boar, man-lion, monkey, and so forth. There is no better exemplification of the polymor phous multiplicity of divinity in India than the many lists of “descents” of God into human or animal form. (7) God as woman. In many ways the most powerful conceptual metaphor for the divine in India is that of the Great Goddess. Devi, Laksmi, Chandi, Camunda, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Mahamaya, and Kali are but a few of her many names in Indian spirituality, not only in Sakta or Tantric contexts but widely in Vaisnava and Saiva contexts as well. But perhaps the locus classicus for the apotheosis of the feminine or femininity of the divine is in the great Devlmdhdtmya (“The Majesty of the Goddess”) in the Markandeya Purana wherein the Great Goddess as Durga stands forth as the great creative forces of Mahakall, MahalaksmI, and Mahasarasvatl (abundance and fertility, nurture and community, and wisdom and transcendence). She is at one and same time the fertile woman, the nurturing mother and the terrible de structive force of nature. The world emerges from her, is sustained by her and is finally destroyed by her. She is the power (sakti) within all things, consort, cosmic energy, primordial mother, and world-destroyer. Bibliography Dasgupta, S. N. 1963: A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol. 1 (Cambridge: Cambridge Univer sity Press). Embree, Ainslee T. (ed.) 1988: Sources of Indian Tradition, 2nd edn (New York: Columbia University Press). Larson, G. J. 1995: India’s Agony over Religion (Albany: State University of New York Press). Larson, G. J. and Bhattacharya, R. S. (eds) 1987: Samkhya: a Dualist Tradition in Indian Philosophy (Princeton: Princeton University Press). Larson, G. J. and Deutsch, E. (eds) 1988: Interpreting across Boundaries: New Essays in Com parative Philosophy (Princeton: Princeton University Press). Mohanty, J. N. 1974: “Indian Philosophy,” Encyclopaedia Britannica, Macropaedia, Vol. 9 (Chicago and London: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.). ------ 1988: “A Fragment of the Indian Philosophical Tradition,” Philosophy East and West, July, pp. 250-55. Potter, Karl H. 1963: Presuppositions of India's Philosophies (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1963).
18 Rationality in Indian philosophy ARINDAM CHAKRABARTI
Introductory remarks You cannot say “thank you” in Sanskrit. It would be ridiculous to deduce from this (as William Ward, a British Orientalist, did in 1822) that gratefulness as a senti ment was unknown to the ancient Indian people. It is no less ridiculous to argue that rationality as a concept is absent from or marginal to the entire panoply of classical Indian philosophical traditions on the basis of the fact that there is no exact Sanskrit equivalent of that word. For one thing, there are several words for the science or art of reasoning: for example, “anviksiki,” “tarkasastra,” “nyaya.” (And one of these - namely, “anviksiki,” and its role in the Indian metatheory of branches of learning or know ledge - will occupy us in a separate section of this article). There are also very ancient words for the institutions of rational debate and public problem-solving contests (for example, a “brahmodya"), like the famous one reported in the Brhadaranyaka Upanisad (third book) in which Yajnavalkya steals the show in the court of the philosopher-king Janaka. There are also words for the special form of reflecting by means of anticipated “pro” and “contra” arguments (“uhapoha,” “manana,” “yukti-vicara”), which one is urged to cultivate as part of a con templative culture. Second, even if there were no such closely cognate words, that would hardly license the conjecture that the concept is foreign to the Vedic people. Of course, identity-criteria for concepts are hard to formulate. But, as the following discussion would demonstrate, articulated concepts of what makes a belief, an action, an interpretation, a preference, a choice of means or an end reasonable could be de tected everywhere in classical Indian thought. Those concepts may not be easily recognizable as concepts of rationality, since unlike the standard Western concepts of rationality, the typically Indian notions of rationality are, on an average, nonhedonistic, non-individualistic, non-positivistic, and aim at surrendering the personal ego to an impersonal tradition or to some universal consciousness. In this article, I shall first try to diagnose four major worries that can make even unprejudiced surveyors of Indian thought wonder whether the concept of rational ity, with its positive value-overtone, is at all compatible with the general tenor of classical Indian philosophies. Although it is advisable to be suspicious of any talk of the “general tenor” of all Indian philosophies (except Buddhism, because I have avoided discussing it here), these deep worries are well grounded. By trying to face
them, I think, we can get a better grip on the special contribution that Indian ways of thinking - in their inexhaustible variety of in-house disagreements and their passion for intra-traditional polemics - made to the multivalent concept of rationality. After responding to these four major worries, I take up specific aspects of the Indian theoretical engagement with logical, epistemic, hermeneutic, ethical, aesthetic, and soteriological rationality. Besides demonstrating the diversity and enormity of this field, I hope my account will suggest the way in which the tensions between scriptural testimony and reason, mysticism and logic, poetry and analysis, action and theory were celebrated, partially resolved and partially allowed to re main unresolved by the ancient and medieval Indian thinkers, and how some contemporary Indian interpreters are coming to terms with these inner tensions within their own pluralistic cultural legacy. How are humans special?
One important way in which the adjective “rational” has been understood in the West is as standing for the differentiating feature distinguishing human beings from other animals. It must have been part of popular thinking even in ancient India that cognitive and ratiocinative powers distinguish humans from beasts be cause a very important Hindu religious text (Durga Saptasati, a part of Markandeya Purdna) warns against this idea and says in no uncertain terms: “True, humans are knowledgeable, but they are not the only ones; for even birds and beasts all have knowledge of some sort.” Then it goes on to give examples of apparently self sacrificing behavior on the part of bird-mothers feeding their young knowing, as it were, that they are totally dependent at that stage. Because of the continuity across species underlying the reincarnation theory (which enabled the wise, rational, morally sensitive Buddha to be born in many sub-human bodies or even Vishnu the god to assume the form of a fish or a pig), on the one hand, and the orthodox Vedic society positing caste divisions within human society as a natural given, on the other, the divide between humans and sub-humans was never such a major theme among the traditional Indians. One can, however, point out three very striking ways in which the privilege of man has been thematized in the tradition. First, in the Aitareya Aranyaka (which is a part of the Vedic corpus) man (purusa, gender-neutral) is said to be privileged because in him the self (atman) is more manifest; he alone discerns what he per ceives and can liberate his understanding and speech from the immediate needs of hunger and thirst. Saying that beasts and birds are unable to foresee and plan, this text comments beautifully: “Man knows tomorrow... and by the mortal aspires after the immortal.” Second, Sahara in his commentary to the Mimamsa Sutra (VI, 1,5) remarks on this typically human capacity to wait and (as the Rgveda X.l 17 says, warming the short-sighted ungiving amasser of wealth) “look down the longer path.” Rising above the proximate (dsanna) self-interest, a human being can perform “sacrifices” - both in the literal and the ritualistic sense - for the sake of “unseen” results in a 260
remote future. A sacrifice (yajna) is therefore taken by the Bhagavad Gita (4.28-33) as the human rational activity par excellence, so much so that even “trying to ascertain the meaning of Vedic sentences by logical arguments” is called “knowledge-sacrifice” (nyayena vedartha niscayah jhdnayajnah). At the very end of Nirukta, Yaska (400 bce) personifies Reasoning as a wise seer (rei), one “tarka-rsi” who would guide the interpretation of obscure Vedic texts by humans. Thus while both animals and humans are conscious pleasure-seekers, only hu mans are capable of dharma - considerations of piety and morality, right or wrong conduct. Hence the popular Sanskrit adage, found in some versions of the Hitopadesa: “Without dharma, a man eating, sleeping, and engaging in sex is no different from a beast.” The link between the ethico-ritualistic concept of dharma and rationality is very clear in texts like Yogavasistha Ramayana, which devotes an entire chapter (II, 14) to the nature and importance of vicara (reflective analysis) without which human life is pointless. This is how the chapter starts: “With an intellect purified by understanding of the scriptures, the person who is aware of what causes what (karana-jnd), must constantly examine and analyze himself.” The chapter ends after 45 verses explaining the indispensability of reasoned reflection for moral, spiritual as well as worldly life with this echo of Socrates: “It is better to be born as a mud-frog or as a slime-worm or as a snake in a cave than to be an unreflective unexamining human being.” But all this praise for intellectual and moral superiority is qualified by a most interesting twist given by the Mahabharata to its explanation of why “there is nothing nobler than humanity” in the story of a poor scholarly Brahmin (Mbh XII, 174). Knocked over by a rich man’s carriage, he wants to die on the street out of utter frustration. Indra, the King of Gods takes the form of a jackal and tells him that he should make the best of his life as a human being because he is far better off than beasts who cannot even scratch themselves properly with their tails. For several verses this story goes on to explain why humans are great because they have a pair of hands with ten pliable fingers with which they can take out thorns, and make tools and shelters and clothing. Thus not so much as homo sapiens but as homofaber do humans rule over other creatures. What does this have to do with rationality? Foreshadowing what I say, in the next paragraph, about rationality and the use of hand gestures to communicate (for example, in the Indian but not exclusively Indian ways of greeting with folded hands, giving reassurance, and so on), let us compare this “manual” view of man with the following remark by Kant: The characterization of man as a rational animal is already present in the form and organization of the human hand, partly by the structure and partly by the sensitive feeling of the fingers and finger-tips. (Anthropology, p. 323, italics Kant’s)
The point that the Mahabharata makes about the hands making humans “free” to clean or protect themselves or to dominate or torture others is exactly the point that Kant also makes in the remark: “By this, nature has made him fit for manipulating things not in one particular way but in any way whatsoever, and so for using reasons” (ibid.).
A dimension of these wonderful possibilities that the hands open up for us which Kant did not speak of (and perhaps would not have considered part of rationality) is the endlessly expressive and creative use of the hands, palms and fingers in dance and drama that Bharata, in the fourth chapter of his magnum opus Natya Sdstra, lists as 140 different “poses” forming the basic postural alphabet (karanas and angaharas). That would be a typically Indian extension of the “reason of the hands.” It is by systematic reflection and debate about every aspect of life that the classi cal Indian learned traditions self-consciously tried to display the distinctiveness of human existence without making too much of a fuss about just the cognitive specialty of humans. An extreme example of the use of definition and dialectic in every sphere of rational thought - from etymology to erotica - can be given from the Kamasutra (VI, 2,27-8) where Vatsyayana considers the view of those who “argue that massage is a form of embrace because it is a tactile contact.” He observes that “there are three reasons why it is not so, because [in love-practice] they occur at different times, because they serve different purposes, and unlike an embrace which is ideally reciprocal a massage is non-mutual.” The commentator adds a little reductio to the effect that “if any tactile contact were an embrace, then even a kiss would be so.” When the zeal to theorize and support every theory with a reason was carried to this extreme in ancient Indian thought, one cannot but be surprised at the fact that “lack of theoretical orientation” is usually the first charge that is brought against the Indian mind. Four worries dissipated
Of the four features of Indian thought that could be pointed out as reasons for skepticism about the very idea of an Indian conception of Rationality - the first that draws our attention is the alleged practical or goal-oriented character of Indian philosophy. Not only are pleasure (kama), power/wealth (artha), piety/righteous ness (dharma), and final liberation from suffering (moksa) distinguished as the four - and only four - alternative and actually pursued goals of life, but even branches of knowledge or subjects of study are divided accordingly. Thus we have kdmasastra, arthasdstra, dharmasastra, and a specially prestigious moksasastra dealing with these four goals respectively. Philosophy is often identified with the last of these, so that there remains no room for the pure theories of logic, mathematics, knowledge, reality, or morality, undertaken simply for the sake of intellectual satisfaction. Along with this ancient overarching theory of the fourfold “ends of man” (purusartha), philosophical treatises followed the general pattern of opening with a statement of “purpose” or “use” (prayojana) - for “why should an intelligent person undertake a study or an action until he is told what purpose it serves?” (Kumarila Bhatta, Sloka vartika, 1.1.12) How can the out-and-out theoretical notion of reason and rational inquiry develop in an intellectual atmosphere so obsessed with practical concerns or with the goal of the end of suffering? There are several ways in which this worry can be allayed. 262
As early as the fourth century bce, Kautilya, in his Arthasastra, divides disciplines (vidya) into four: scripture (the three Vedas, trayi), agriculture and commerce (varta), politics and public administration (danda-mti), and finally - “the light of all other disciplines, the methodology of all other practice, and the foundation of all moral virtues” - anviksiki, the investigative reflective science which examines beliefs acquired through observation and testimony by the means of correct knowledge (pramanaih arthapariksanam). The very recognition of a metascience (anviksiki) which would examine what is moral and what is immoral in the Vedas (dharma dharmau trayyam), what is efficient and what is inefficient in the sciences of material acquisition, and good and bad policies in the science of government weighing their strength of evidence by arguments - and the identification of this metascience with philosophy (examples given by Kautilya include samkaya, yoga, and the lokayata materialistic philosophy) unquestionably proves that even the recognition of the purposefulness of rational inquiry or action was part of a theoret ical orientation of these ancient Indian thinkers. The practical purpose of a study itself became a theoretical topic of discussion. Indeed, Jayanta (c. 9 50 ce) begins his book Nyayamanjari (Logic Blossoms) by constructing a paradox of inquiry (rather like the Platonic “Meno’s Paradox”) based on this requirement that one know the use of every study that one begins. If you insist on first knowing its use and then being interested in a subject, then you are involved in a circularity. After mastering the subject alone you know exactly what purpose it can really serve; but you are not even interested to start learning the subject unless you first know what its use is. So the required knowledge of use cannot be a thorough critical knowledge on pain of this circularity.
One of the reasons why the tension between theory and practice never became important in classical Indian thought is that practice, as it was laid out in the arts (of dancing, building, medicine and poetry), never was blind, and the theories themselves claimed to be somehow livable in practice. The distinction, however, between action (karma) and knowledge (jnana) has been recognized since the Upanisadic times. A healthy competition between the ritualists, on the one hand, who took sacred descriptive speech to be subservient to Vedic injunctions con cerning what is to be done, and the followers of the path of pure knowledge, on the other, who took prescriptions to be subservient to metaphysical parts of sacred speech, continued for at least a thousand years. Both the ritualists and the meta physicians, nevertheless, had their own anviksilas or analytical methodologies. So, to quote J. N. Mohanty, “the Hindu mind was constantly engaged in theorizing about practice” and also committed to the idea that “a purely theoretical cognition will lead to the satisfaction of the highest practical interest” (Mohanty, 1995). The scheme of the four ends of life (purusarthas) to which we alluded above is itself a rational theorization about what humans live for. Recent (that is, late twentieth-century) Indian philosophers have taken up this fourfold scheme for thorough critical examination. Daya Krishna, for instance, has provocatively asked, “What is the purusartha of intellect (buddhi),” given that the intellect just
wants to raise questions and get the answers right, not desiring sensual pleasure or political or economic power, not trying to be virtuous, and not always aiming at freedom from suffering? We should not be too far from the mainstream of Indian thought if we answer this question by positing knowledge of the self or under standing of texts to be the purusartha of intellect. Alternatively, we could develop K. C. Bhattacharya’s (Studies in Philosophy, p. 142) idea that rational reflection is primarily reflection on pain and is “a freeing process” - thus linking it up with liberation. The link between an intellectual discipline, such as aviksiki, and selfknowledge or textual interpretation will become clear as we deal with the second and third “worries” concerning rationality in India. The second major worry is this: how could autonomous rationality have developed in Indian thought given that most philosophizing was done with an allegiance to the unquestioned authority of the Vedas or some other root-text the truth of which was taken for granted? Where the forces of tradition and verbal testimony are so dominant, how could reason - in the Western sense of the term - flourish? Three lines of response, of varying degrees of power, and by no means mutually exclusive, can be adopted in the face of this second worry. First, while it is correct that mere or “dry” reasoning (s'uska tarka) has been belittled by great Indian think ers like Samkara because it is groundless, unstable and conflict-generating (Brahmasutrabhasya, II.l.ll), or because, as Bhartrhari noted before him, “what expert reasoners have concluded with great logical acumen and effort is disproved by yet other more expert logicians,” not all Indian thought is blindly supportive of scriptural authority. Having abused the authors of the three Vedas as impostors and cheats, the materialist-skeptical Carvaka philosophers from very ancient times rejected all trust in religious texts as irrational. Of course, in their case, even infer ences, and especially inductive generalizations, are epistemically unjustified, and insofar as testimony is reduced to a form of inference, our reliance on testimony too loses all rational respectability. Right from the Buddha’s own sermons up to the sophistication of Buddhist epistemology in the Yogacara-Sautrantika school, the Buddhist mind shows opposition to unexamined “say so” as evidence. The Buddha urges his disciples not to believe his own words upon the basis of his personal authority, but to test them by reasoning and individual experience. Accordingly, only perception and inference are admitted as sources of knowledge in Buddhist epistemology, and testimony is either rejected or reduced away. Similarly, in what has been called the “Tradition of Rationalist Medicine” (Chattopadhyaya, 1980, pp. 85-115), appealing to religious or scriptural authorities in the context of clinical practice has been regarded by Caraka (from the very early Christian era) as committing the fallacy of irrelevance. We shall see, in a sub sequent section on ancient Indian medical reasoning, how “medical integrity” was supposed to consist in reliance on empirical data, inductive probability, practical efficacy, and not on religious authority. Within the mainstream orthodox schools, Samkhya - in spite of its lip-service to the Vedas and the “word of the expert” as sources of knowledge - very clearly relied on its own variety of reflective reasoning as the sole means of attaining such 264
knowledge as would lead to the pure and permanent cessation of suffering. In the two opening couplets of Samkhya Karika, observed worldly means of removing pain and scripture-prescribed ritualistic means of removing pain are both rejected as unsatisfactory, because even the heavenly pleasures (after death) promised as re wards for the performance of Vedic rituals are exhaustible, mixed with pain and surpassable in degree. The only method of attaining an inexhaustible, unmixed and unsurpassable state of freedom from pain is rational reflection on the distinction between the manifest (effects), unmanifest (cause) and consciousness (which is neither effect nor cause). Samkhya, therefore, is at heart an out-and-out reason based system of thought with its own basic presuppositions, such as the three fundamental gunas and the doctrine of the pre-existence of effect in the material cause, defended by a series of internally coherent arguments. Second, even Vedanta and Mimamsa - the two pillars of Vedic orthodoxy assign a crucial role to reasoning and critical argumentation in extracting the correct meaning from sacred sentences of the “heard” revelation (sruti). Far from being antagonistic, reason and scripture coexist peacefully together in coupling compounds strewn all over Vedanta literature (for example, sruti-yukti, tarkagama, sastranyaya). What is this assisting role that reason plays in Vedic hermeneutics? In the Upanisads - the philosophical cream of the Vedas - one finds statements like “you are that (Brahman)”. In order to make sense of such identity claims, the reader must first “distill” the meaning of “you,” which is coreferential with the reader’s (ideally, listener’s) use of “I.” Causal links are established by what in Vedanta is called the method of presence in presence and absence in absence (anvayavyatireka). Now, signification or designation is taken as a special case of a causal link, because there is a lawlike connection between the utterance of a word and the consequent grasp, by the hearer, of a meaning. The Upanisads start from a protomaterialistic conception of the self (the referent of “I”) as the food-constituted body. Samkara the commentator uses this method of presence and absence to reject, one after another, these “object”-natured candidates for selfhood - the body, the life breath, the inner sense, the intellect - because the self seems to be present even in the absence or non-functioning of these elements (in death, dreams, deep sleep, and so on). This method of elimination leaves only a pure non-individuated subjective consciousness as the possible meaning of “I.” A similar isolation of relevant sig nification is performed on the word “that” (which directly stands for God and the totality of physical and mental entities of the universe). When the direct or primary referents of these two terms are seen to be in partial conflict, because the individual embodied “I” is not prima facie identical with “that” world or all that there is, the method of rational exegesis is employed. Secondary significance of words is gener ally derived from the literal sense by extension (for example, “crying over spilt milk” comes to include a whole lot of spilt other things) and elimination (for example, in “the opinion of the house,” “house” does not signify house at all). Thus through “retaining a part and rejecting a part” of their literal sense, the words “I” and “that” are taken in their secondary significance. That part of their distinct literal meaning where they intersect: namely, pure subjective consciousness, is taken as the emerg ing oblique meaning of the scriptural identity statement. What can never be spoken
of - the Atman-Brahman - could thus be got at indirectly by its only testimony, the sentences of an authorless revelation. This is an oversimplified summary of the intricate interpretive technique through which reasoning is used to distill the indi rect meaning of the “great sentences” of the Veda. Thus the text is trusted as the sole proof of the Atman-Brahman (the Self which is All) but it is subjected first to a tradition-tested method of critical scrutiny. It is only relentless reasoning which can help us hold on to the distinction between the self (reality) and the not-self (appearance), and without such reasoned discrimination, no blind parroting of the scriptures would get us anywhere. As far as the role of testimony is concerned, even scripture is a ladder to be kicked away after the saving knowledge of non-duality dawns. Thus Samkara’s faith in the “truth” of Vedic text is also onto logically provisional. Tarka (reasoning) may be baseless by itself (apratistha), but even sruti (scripture) is, in the final analysis, ignorance that helps cure ignorance. While discussing the “instability” of autonomous reasoning, Samkara, inter estingly, considers and dismisses an objection which it is worthwhile to mention. “This alleged refutability and non-decisiveness of reason,” the objection goes, “should be recognized as a good feature rather than a weakness, insofar as it keeps room for correction and improvement. ” After all, if you have conflicting Vedic texts, reasoning is your only basis for adjudication! Third, we could question the very assumption that relying primarily on an impersonal unquestionable tradition is necessarily irrational. There are two ways in which not only the compatibility between reason and testimony but the essen tiality of commitment to the tradition as a necessary condition for rationality can be brought out. The first way can be called the Nyaya-Dummett way and the second the Mimamsa-Gadamer way. By emphasizing the irreducible role of knowledge from words (sabda pramana) in the acquisition and use of language, Nyaya epistemology exposes a fundamental error of Lockean individualistic epistemology. As Michael Dummett remarks, It is not a rule of etiquette, or a device for saving time, that we should accept what others tell us: It is fundamental to the entire institution of language. (Motilal and Chakrabarti, p. 266)
There is no rationality without social interaction, because as Wittgenstein showed us, no one can be a private rule-follower. But there is no social interaction without understanding of others’ speech. And, as Dummett and Davidson, in spite of other major differences, both insist - there is no understanding of others’ speech without a basic presumptive trust in their testimony. It follows, therefore, that there is no rationality without a basic trust in the veracity of competent speakers “be that a sage, a lay Aryan or a mleccha foreigner” (to quote Vatsyayana, the fifth-century Nyaya commentator) - unless there is reason to suspect ignorance or deceit or lack of commitment. While this way of putting testimony back into the heart of rationality proceeds through the inescapable trustworthiness of fellow-speakers of a language, the other way, adopted by Kumarila Bhatta and recently articulated by John Taber using insights from Gadamer, turns on an
underlying distrust of individual speakers and treats a speaker-less body of received tradition to be the only possible source of moral knowledge. Perception or empirically grounded inference never gives us any knowledge of what ought to be done. The verdict of our conscience or moral emotions is highly unreliable. The only ineluctable source of knowledge of right and wrong action, under the Mimamsa view, which is firmly rooted in the epistemological doctrine of the intrinsic validity of all knowledge, is the impersonal objective (beginningless) pre scriptive sentences handed down by one’s own cultural tradition. The only way meaningful speech could be unreliable is by being spoken by fallible individuals. If it is not spoken by anyone - as Mimamsa takes the Vedas to be - then it is intrin sically knowledge-yielding. The knowledge it yields is also unique, because from no other source of knowledge can you have any rational insight into morality. To quote Gadamer, “The real force of morals ... is based on tradition. They are freely taken over but by no means created by a free insight grounded on reasons.” (Truth and Method, p. 281) Of course, neither Gadamer nor any modern person can swal low the orthodoxy of Kumarila that the Vedic tradition alone is the source of all moral knowledge. But it may be necessary to rectify the Enlightenment idea that a fully autonomous external critique of tradition is possible or desirable purely on the basis of personal rationality. A creative but sympathetic understanding of the tra ditionalist ethics of Mimamsa may enable us to appreciate why it is perfectly ratio nal for a Veda-rooted Indian to assert “I ought to feed the guest first because the Veda says so” and then claim, like Wittgenstein, that he has hit the rock-bottom of reason-giving and that is where his spade turns. But by over-emphasizing discursive knowledge - whether derived from rea soning or from the word of the reliable authority - am I not falsifying the very spirit of Indian intellectual traditions, which eventually aspire after non-discursive, ineffable, direct mystical insight into a reality that transcends reason? How could any conception of rationality have developed in a philosophical milieu so deeply devoted to some kind of ecstatic vision where “the subject and the object are .. . eternally and absolutely lost in unity, and the din of phenomenal existence is forever hushed in the calm of sweet repose?” This is the third “worry” that I wish to address. Mahamahopadhyaya Gopinath Kaviraj, whom I have just quoted, compiled, in his classic 1924 paper “The Doctrine of Pratibhd in Indian Philosophy,” all the references to such supra-rational supra-sensuous intuitive awareness of “all things past, present and future in a simple flash” which was called “pratibhd." Even from that pro-mystical survey of Sanskrit sources, two things become clear: first, not all schools of philosophy believed in the possibility or centrality of such supramental experience: second, even the schools that relied heavily on pratibhd, like the Gram marians, did not understand by it anything which goes against or beyond reason. Before discussing the anti-mystical position of Mimamsa, let us take a quick look at the role of the so-called “immediate spiritual experience” (aparoksa anubhuti) in Advaita Vedanta. Contrary to the claims of Neo-Hindu writers like Radhakrishnan, Samkara nowhere claims that non-dualism is based on direct mystical experience. To quote Halbfass:
that experience which the Veda itself teaches as a transcendent soteriological goal, the sheer undisguised presence of Brahman, should not be confused with “personal ex periences”. ... Instead of being a documentation of subjective experience, the Veda is an objective structure which guides, controls and gives room to legitimate experience, as well as legitimate argumentation.... It is an objective, transpersonal epiphany, an authorless, yet didactically well-organized body of soteriological instruction. (Halbfass, 1988, p. 388)
Ramanuja, the most prominent rival-Vedantist, is even more unequivocal in asserting that no yogic trance can give knowledge of Brahman. Such Yogic visions, according to him, are, after all, results of intense imagination and vivid repro duction of previous sense-experiences. Such transient experiential states cannot be depended upon as a source of knowledge. The most orthodox traditionalists are the harshest critics of mystical intuition or even divine omniscience. Kumarila ridicules the possibility that “all things could be experienced directly at once in a synoptic vision” as on a par with the possibility that we could “hear colors.” Kaviraj, who is pained by this “bitter oppo sition,” finds the following rationale behind it. As we have already noted above, the impersonal and exclusive authority of the Veda is the corner-stone of Mimamsa. Personalities, however elevated or divine, even of an alleged Deity, are taken as sources of fallible and limited experiences. As Kaviraj insightfully remarks, “The very fact of being a subject involves the inevitable relativity of consciousness fatal to omniscience.” So “omniscient person” is an oxymoron. Also, given the presence of the Vedic corpus as the ineluctable source of impersonal and hence intrinsically valid knowledge, any all-knowing person - divine or human - is strictly redundant. Finally, if we look at the favorable accounts of intuitive knowledge in Patanjali’s Yoga or Bhartrhari’s word-non-dualism (sabdadvaita), we come to realize that it is a deepened or sophisticated form of a reflective rationality which in Yoga takes the form of discrimination (yiveka-khyati), and in the hands of the Grammarian takes the form of innate or instinctive capacity for synoptic grasp - for example, of the sentence-meaning as a whole. Both of these contexts are, interestingly, deeply linguistic. A yoga-practitioner’s prajna (insight) becomes clearer and clearer, ac cording to the Yogasutra (1.42-43), first by reflecting upon the distinctness of a word, the concept, and the object, all three of which are confused inextricably in our ordinary consciousness. As one recognizes the conventional character of the word-object relation and the memory-mediated character of the concept associat ed with the word, the pure object in its individuality is supposed to shine more and more distinctly in isolation from its linguistic and cognitive cloaks. The last step of this stripping the pure object of words and imaginations through which the nondiscursive “dropping out of the mind” is achieved is indeed hard to explain. But Kaviraj makes an excellent attempt: It sounds absurd to say that the object alone remains without the citta or jnana to take cognizance of it, but what is meant seems to be that the citta through extreme purity, becomes at this stage so tenuous as to be in fact a luminous void; it does not exist.
Notice that this elimination of thought and language is achieved through a very careful rational reflection on the distinction between the sound “cow,” the idea of a cow, and the particular animal cow in its uniqueness. Although Bhartrhari emphasizes the indescribability of pratibhd, he also finds its presence in birds and beasts and describes it as “testified to by the inner experience of every man.” It is nothing esoteric. In a latent form it is innately present in every creature that can follow a rule. It is that instinctive flash of understanding through which, in practical situations, people come to decide what to do. Pratibha is, indeed, a multifaceted concept. In its specially cultivated extra-ordinary forms, it can amount to clairvoyance or yogic powers of remembering one’s own previous birth, and so on. But its central significance in Bhartrhari’s philosophy is more that of tacit knowledge of the total sentence-meaning which arises in a spontaneous way after individual word-meanings and their syntactical connections are separately grasped, so that the final flash of understanding remains inexplicable even to the understander. Such meaning-grasping tacit knowledge lies at the heart of all inter pretive rationality, rather than going beyond or against it. The fourth and final worry is of a different nature. Unlike the general anxiety regarding the alleged practical orientation, respect for authority and “mystical empiricism” of Indian philosophical systems, which were supposed to make the emergence of the idea of autonomous positivistic theoretical rationality unlikely, this has to do with a specific absence that India’s intellectual traditions suffer from. The concept of deductive or logical necessity which is paradigmatically illustrated by proofs in mathematics and formal logic and the allied notion of a priori know ledge seem to be simply missing from the entire arena of Indian philosophical disciplines. Truths, even eternal truths, are recognized always as truths of fact, and never as truths of reason. Inferences have always been formulated as involving an inductive general premise (the vyapti or rule of pervasion, about which more later) and never as demonstrative proofs. This absence of the notions of formal validity and logical necessity is linked at bottom with the failure to appreciate the idea of possible but non-actual worlds and, in a roundabout way, also with the tendency to define knowledge as “true presentative awareness” without any further “justification” clause! These are serious allegations which have bothered contem porary Indian logicians and epistemologists like B. K. Matilal, J. N. Mohanty, and Sibajiban Bhattacharya. Broadly, two different sorts of response have been made to this crucial complaint. First, that in recognizing very clearly the law of non-contradiction nyaya-vaisesika logicians do display adequate sensitivity to the concept of logical truths or necessity; and that in Buddhist logic deductive inferences find a place; and finally that the role of hypothetical reasoning (tarka) as buttressing evidence for universal generalizations shows that Indian logic has room for the modal no tions of necessary connections between non-actualized possibilities. This is the line adopted by Matilal (1982) in “Necessity and Indian Logic” (chapter 7 of Logical and Ethical Issues of Religious Belief). Second, that Nyaya, at least, is not even trying to do logic in the Frege-Russell sense, but is doing a phenomenological-epistemic logic in which eidetic rules are discovered not concerning compatibility and
incompatibility between propositions but concerning compatibility and in compatibility of episodes of awareness (jnana) in virtue of their contents. This is the line taken by Mohanty (1992) in his “The Nature of Indian Logic” (chapter 4 of Reason and Tradition in Indian Thought). The second approach is more challenging and opens up newer notions of logicality, which of course are not all that new in Asia. But let us discuss briefly Matilal’s approach first. Formulations of the law of non contradiction are very easy to find in ancient and medieval Sanskrit writings. Udayana famously formulates the law of excluded middle as his a priori justification for a dichotomous division producing the sevenfold taxonomy of the Vaisesika categories. Just as a classificatory rationality is operative in the division of all things first into presences and absences, and then the presences into non-relations and relations, the non-relations into independent and dependent, and so forth, so too purely analytic inferences are accommodated when definitions are taken as inference-tickets, albeit for “inferences with merely differentiating marks” - for example, “Earth differs from all non-earth because it has odor,” when having odor is taken as the defining mark of earth. Unlike other inferences, which require as supporting examples a series of cases where the mark (whatever property is men tioned in the “because”-clause displaying the sign, probans or ground) coexists with the property to be inferred, “in [these] inference[s] we do not need certification from a positive example.... Naiyayikas ... would insist that this inference (or its conclusion) is necessarily true, for the opposite situation would be impossible or a logical contradiction” (Matilal 1982, p. 142). The Buddhist logicians talk about a universal concomitance which is not based on causal connection but issues simply from conceptually guaranteed class inclu sions - for example, all elms are trees. From this they develop a theory of “inner connection” or “necessary pervasion” (antarvyapti) which the fallibilist Nyaya school did not support. The most important evidence for an Indian sensitivity to logical necessity comes from their use of “tarka," which has been translated as hypothetical or subjunctive reasoning. Ancient Indian atheists would strengthen their position by arguing: If God were the maker, then he would possess a body, make strenuous efforts etc; But God cannot have a body or make efforts to overcome obstacles. Hence God is not the maker.
For the inherent modus tollens to work, one must have a clear conception of connec tion between two false sentences or two unmaterialized possibilities. There is a vast literature on the role of tarka starting with Bagchi’s (1953) pioneering Inductive Reasoning and proceeding to K. Chakrabarti’s (1992) Definition & Induction. In spite of the acceptance of its probative value for generalizations, it remains puzzling why a sentence like “If p then q," in which both p and q are known to be false, is treated as expressing non-knowledge (apramd). Notwithstanding extremely sophisticated distinctions made between selfcontradictions (such as the liar-sentence) and pragmatic self-refutations (like “I am 270
not aware of this”), the Naiyayikas use “barren woman’s son” and “horn of a rabbit” as empty terms without discrimination. Here is Matilal’s explanatory conjecture: Suppose my car is red. This fact, a contingent fact, has already defeated (excluded) the possibility of its being non-red. Does this “excluded” possibility then join the group of impossibilities? No clear and explicit answers emerge from the Indian philosophers except in their discussion (Udayana) of citing a nonexistent entity as an example. In any case, consideration of the excluded possibilities have somehow been thought idle in the Indian context. (Matilal, 1982, pp. 150-1)
Mohanty, on the other hand, is not baffled by this apparent lack of interest in purely formal necessity/possibility on the part of the Indian logicians. Since Indian logic arose out of two different contexts - namely, as a science of adju dication of actually happening debates and disputations, and as part of a general epistemology in which inferential cognition as a form of veridical awareness had to be normatively thematized - it was natural that component sentences of a valid argument were usually confined to those which were materially true. Soundness was more important than mere validity. This epistemic and causal character of Indian logic becomes clear when we look at its definition of a fallacy or defect of a mark. (As a reminder, in the inference “a has /, because it has g,” g is the mark.) A defective mark or the defect of a mark is defined as “the object of such a true cognition as acts to prevent an inferential cognition.” The idea is this: consider the fallacy of locuslessness (gsrayasiddhi). “Sherlock Holmes must have been a psycho path because he took drugs.” The veridical awareness that Sherlock Homes never existed would, according to Nyaya, prevent the serious inference that he actually was a psychopath, because the property of drug-addiction as a putative mark would find no real locus. We surely have a different conception of logic (Mohanty calls it “Logic 2”) here, not only because the fallacy above would not count as a formal fallacy in Western logic but because the rejection or cancellation of a proposed inference that the discovery of the defect is supposed to lead to is conceptualized as “preventing.” In later Neo-Nyaya schools, the relation of preventor-and-prevented cognitions became a hot topic of discussion. My percep tion that the sun has risen prevents any immediately succeeding inference that it is still night-time. But is this just a psychological generalization? Once we discover the fault in the mark, the inferential cognition is blocked or prevented. Is that just a causal law? Insofar as these rules are formulated in terms of the content-structures of the cognition and not in terms of any other mentalistic features of cognition, they must be structurally grounded. Logicians in the Indian context were partly evolv ing an ethics of belief and partly discovering naturalistic laws of compatible and incompatible cognitive acts (in the same subject) in virtue of their intentional content (yisayata) which is further broken down into the roles of qualificand (yisesyata), qualifier (prakarata), relation (samsargata), and so on. The logic of awareness gets fascinatingly complex and the philosophical logic involved in trying
to decide the ontological status of these cognition-conferred intentional roles of actual items which figure as objects, qualifiers and relational links becomes awfully subtle. But it is neither a formal logic that studies relations between sentence meanings or Fregean thoughts belonging to a non-mental non-material third realm, nor a psychologistic logic that studies merely how the mind functions with regard to cognitive acts. It is a logic of universal intentional structures interrelated in a normative way. Thus fallacies are called “apparent marks” (hetu-dbhasa) a correct knowledge of which prevents inference because, Mohanty remarks, “as rational beings we cannot make a fallacious inference: we only appear to be doing so” (Mohanty, 1992, p. 113). As far as the justification-clause in the definition of knowledge is concerned, Sibajiban Bhattacharya has made a virtue out of the common complaint that the Indian concept of prama never developed beyond the second rejected definition of Plato’s Theaetetus - namely, knowledge as true belief. By using simple principles of epistemic logic, he proves (see, “Epistemology of Testimony and Authority” in Knowing from Words) the following: “If knowledge is something more than mere true belief, then I should be able to know when I have knowledge and when I have mere true belief. Theorem 1 suggests, however, that no one is able to make that discrimination in his own case.” This is a pretty strong stand to take, because Western epistemology starts from the distinction between knowledge and true belief - the space between the two being precisely the space of reason. Perhaps all that Bhattacharya has proved is that that distinction has no role to play in self ascriptions or claims of knowledge. The rich skeptical literature in Sanskrit (see, Jayarasi and Sriharsa) clearly demands a stricter notion of knowledge, because it is never tired of pointing out that accidentally slipping into a true belief by a route which could equally well have produced error is no knowledge (and that is all we can do!, hence the skeptical pessimism). But Bhattacharya’s attempt cautions us against taking the usual Western account of knowledge as justified true belief plus something else (which the Gettier-industry has been hard at work on) as gospel truth. A more realistic rationality may require that we be happy with true beliefs achieved through epistemically virtuous means. Axiomatic grammar “To adhere to Indian thought,” remarks L. Renou, “means first of all to think like a grammarian.” The model of theoretical knowledge that appealed most to the Vedic mind was, as we find in the hymn to knowledge (Rg Veda X. 71), that of “the seers fashioning speech by their mind, sifting as with sieves corn-flour is sifted.” Patanjali, who quotes this at the beginning of his “great commentary” on Panini’s grammar, makes it clear that words are not “fashioned” by the grammarian like pots are made by the potter. Panini was trying to come up with an adequate description of already existent ordinary and Vedic Sanskrit usage while remaining faithful to the criteria of simplicity and brevity. The method of this fourth century bce grammarian has been compared to that of Euclid insofar as Panini’s rules or aphorisms (sutras) are divided into three kinds: 272
a) the defining sutras which introduce technical terms, b) the theorems which normatively describe linguistic facts while demonstrating their legitimacy through formation and transformation rules, and c) the metatheorems (paribhdsd-sutra) explaining how rules have to be applied in particular cases (see, “Euclid and Panini” in Staal 1988).
There are obvious differences between Euclid’s subject matter, which demands a higher degree of generality and a priori validity of the axioms, and Panini’s subject-matter, namely, well formed words and sentences, to accommodate the contingent variety of which, rules have to be formed ad hoc. But Panini’s rigorous standards of consistency, completeness, and the avoidance of redundancy (amounting to independence) among his basic rules make the comparison illumi nating. This grammatical model of generating all correct speech-units by sifting them through the parsimonious “sieve” of a set of systematically arranged sutras (memorizable strings of words) became the paradigm for philosophers in the early Common Era in India. Thus we have the Yoga-sutras, the Mimamsa-sutras, the Vaisesika-sutras and, from the point of view of the study of epistemic and dialogical rationality, the all-important Nyayasutras.
Rationality in medical practice Physicians in ancient India must have regularly held meetings for co-operative as well as combative debates in the presence of some expert judges. The Nyaya list of “tricks of reasoning” and “sophistical rejoinders” is thought to have emerged out of this older tradition of the science and art of diagnostic and therapeutic debates. The enormous medical text Caraka Samhita, which reports on this tradition, divides the entire practice of medicine into four factors: (1) the physician; (2) the sub stances (drugs and diet); (3) the nurse; and (4) the patient. The four essential qualifications of the physician are: (la) a clear grasp of the science learnt; (lb) a wide range of experience; (1c) general skillfulness; and (Id) cleanliness. The four key factors concerning drugs and diet are: (2a) abundance of supply; (2b) applica bility; (2c) their many imaginable uses or multifacetedness, which is now called the “broad-spectrum” nature; and (2d) richness. The four qualifications of the nurse are: (3 a) a knowledge of attending techniques; (3b) skill; (3c) caring involvement with the patient; and (3d) cleanliness. The most interesting quartet of desiderata is that concerning the rational patient, who must have: (4a) a good memory (so as not to forget her own case-history!); (4b) obedience to the doctor’s instructions; (4c) courage; and (4d) the verbal ability to describe the symptoms. Interestingly enough, in spite of the presence of karma-theory in popular as well as theoretical consciousness, the text does not list “accumulated good karma" as a condition of the curable patient. As long as the patient is cooperative and coura geous and articulate, his chances of getting well are good! In the tenth chapter of Caraka Samhita we find the most fascinating argumenta tion about the efficacy of medical practice, where cases of cures without doctors, drugs or nursing as well as the death of a well attended and medically treated
patient are discussed as counterexamples to the alleged necessity and sufficiency of medicine. We do not have space here to go into the details of this discussion. But what emerges out of this context is a clear sense of the need to defend the probabi listic workability/truth of a scientific practice/theory in the face of reasonable doubts arising from empirical data. (See Chattopadhyaya, 1980, pp. 107-13.)
Logical form and confirmation of universal concomitance The center-piece of the Nyaya-theory of reasoning has been the problem of formu lating and justifying the relation of invariable co-location or pervasion (vyapti) between the mark (typically illustrated by smoke) and the property to be inferred (typically, fire). In this quick survey we shall first look at the way the universality of such a relation was captured, without resorting to extensional quantification theory, in terms of property, location and absence. Then we shall summarize the ways in which skeptical attacks against the possibility of the non-circular empirical confirmation of such universal concomitance were resisted. Gangesa, the father of Neo-Nyaya (thirteenth century ce) discusses 29 different formulations of the definition of pervasion, rejecting 21 of them as flawed. Perva sion has been defined as “non-deviation,” “natural connection,” “relation of effect to its efficient cause,” “accompaniment of all cases of one term with the other term,” “unconditional relation,” and as “not being located in any place where the property to be inferred is absent,” to mention just a few of its definitions. The last of these that is, pervasion’s definition in terms of non-co-location with the absence of the major term (loosely identifiable with the property to be inferred, for example, fire) - has been rejected because it fails to cover cases where the major term is an unnegatable property which is located everywhere - for example, existence or nameability. Interestingly, “This cup is nameable because it is knowable” is re garded as a sound inference even though the mark and the property to be inferred are both unnegatable. The final definition of pervasion, somewhat simplified, could be translated as follows: “Pervasion is the mark’s property of being co-located with such an infer able property as is not the absentee of any absolute absence which is co-located with the mark.” The subleties of these definitions are brought out by at least five centuries (that is, until the eighteenth century ce) of scholastic creativity, which continued to invent counterexamples, adding further qualifications to avoid under coverage, overcoverage and inapplicability. A very small part of this literature is available in English now in F. Staal’s (1988) Universals (“Means of Formalisation in Indian and Western Logic” and “Contraposition in Indian Logic”), in Matilal’s (1985) Logic, Language and Reality, and in C. Goekoop’s (1967) The Logic of Invariable Concomitance. Coming to the issue of inductive justification of pervasion (vyapti-graha), the Nyaya philosophers conceded Hume’s point that there are no a priori necessities in nature. Against Samkhya, which believes in inherent substantial identity between cause and effect, Nyaya believes that fire is one thing and smoke is another. But
their account of contingent causal connection is realistic rather than psychologistic. Unlike Hume, Nyaya does not regard demonstrative a priori knowledge and irrational animal faith as the only options. Boldly affirming that it is perfectly rational to embrace fallible certitude after one has taken all possible empirical precautions to eliminate doubt (especially when asking for deductive necessity is irrational), Nyaya bases its knowledge claims of invariable concomitance on: (1) multiplication of instances; (2) subjunctive supporting arguments showing the material absurdity of the negation of the universal generalization to be established; (3) direct perceptual acquaintance with all cases of the inferable property through the experienced universal inherent in the observed cases (this is a controversial doctrine of seeing-all-through-seeing-the-class-character-in-one); and (4) showing how skeptical doubt concerning induction lands one in practical paralysis insofar as one cannot help believing that food will always nourish, fire will always burn, and words will often be understood. “Doubt reaches its limits in pragmatic selfrefutation. ” (The clearest account of this is to be found in K. Chakrabarti’s Definition and Induction.) Dharma-rationality and self-other comparison
I have said earlier that Vedic orthodoxy regarded tradition as the sole spring of moral knowledge. Such rigidity was naturally called into question by the tradition itself, and in the Mahabharata and the Dharmasdstras we see an obsessive attempt to arrive at contextualized as well as universal criteria for determining the right way to live. Some parts of practical rationality were explained in terms of means-end adaptations, so that a command like “You must perform fire-rituals since you wish to attain heaven” would be understood in terms of three pieces of belief: (1) that such performance is do-able by the command-receiver; (2) that it would promote a desirable result, in this case, heaven; and (3) that it does not involve undesirable results which are counterbalancing - for example, the sin of killing animals. But there were other parts of practical reason which were deontological, and the Mahabharata tries to come up with criteria for such universal dharmas (duties). The briefest statement of such a criterion is: Do not inflict upon others what is intolerable to yourself. This, in short, is dharma and it is other than what one naturally desires. (Mbh. XIII, 113,8)
Probing deeper into the source of this morality, the next verse says, In refusals, generosity, pleasure, pain, approval, and disapproval a human being finds a decisive source of knowledge (pramana) by comparison with oneself.
This coheres perfectly with the symbolic narrative of a just businessman who teaches dharma even to higher-caste brahmins because he has achieved “equal attitude towards all living beings.” As he puts it, “My weighing scale remains balanced equally for everybody” (Mbh. XII, 262, 10). 275
But what does one do when there is a conflict of duties? The Mahabharata is full of such moral dilemmas. Traditions and texts cannot solve them because they themselves are often in conflict with one another. That is why one needs intelli gence (buddhi) and learning (yidya), a special training in the pramanas (means of knowledge), to purify the moral knowledge derived from handed-down tradition. Dharma cannot afford to be intellectually blind or uncritical. Matilal quotes the following advice from Manu Samhita: What is to be done? If such a doubt arises with regard to a conflict of dharmas an assembly of not less than ten persons should deliberate and reach a decision - this assembly will be constituted by three Vedic scholars, one logician, one dialectician or debater, one expert in semantics, etymology, and three laymen from three different age-groups - a student, a householder, and a retired person. (Matilal in Rationality in Question, p. 203)
One sees the beginnings of a discourse-model of practical rationality quite clearly here!
Reason in emotions: the rasa theory of aesthetic relish A similar process of universalization (sddhdranikarana) or depersonalization, which has been called detached enjoyment through the “heart-universals,” lies at the center of mainstream Indian aesthetic theory, which runs from Bharata’s treatise on drama through Anandavardhana and Abhinavagupta up to K. C. Bhatta charya’s early twentieth-century reflections on aesthetic rapture. Bharata (first or second century ce) provides almost a functionalist logic of emotion in his classic sixth chapter, where he gives the cryptic formulation: “rasa (aesthetic rapture) comes from a combined functioning of the determinants (yibhava) and the consequent expressions (anubhavd) and the passing states.” The basic idea, somewhat shrouded by a millennium’s worth of commentators’ controversies, seems to be this: a certain depersonalized enjoyment (for example, at the representation of fury) is a function of the stable latent emotional disposition (for example, anger) and is achieved through the input of some determinants (for example, insult, vengefulnesss, threat, jealousy, assault) and the output of some consequent outer expressions (for example, red eyes, frowning, the biting of lips, the grabbing of one hand with another, and so on) via the passing sentiments (for example, energy, restlessness, obstinacy, perspiration, trembling, and so on). Abhinava Gupta, who comes after a long tradition of commentators and think ers on poetics and aesthetics, takes this obscure theory and develops an exceedingly complex epistemology of artistic enjoyment out of it. What is relevant for our purpose is to realize the importance of the process of the impersonalization of an emotional situation through which even the pain of actual or possible, real or imaginary others can become objects of aesthetic rapture by becoming, as it were, one’s own. The same mechanism of self-other comparison, in two radically differ 276
ent ways, yields both moral imagination as well as aesthetic enjoyment. Without the viewer’s loss of ego, emotional identification with a tragic hero should lead to pain rather than pleasure. K. C. Bhattacharya describes this beautifully in his 1930s essay “The Concept of Rasa.” “When I imagine, with delight, an old man affectionately watching his grandchild play with a toy, my sympathy with the grandfather’s sympathetic feeling for the child goes through the grandfather’s heart-universal. The beauty of a child at play appears to me through a kind of knowledge-by-identification. My personality is as it were dissolved and yet I am not caught in the object like the child. I freely become impersonal.” K. C. Bhatta charya’s theory of aesthetic appreciation as “sympathy with sympathy” becomes rather obscure and contentious and he admits that this idea of the “heart universal” is “semi-mythological.” Yet there is a certain right-mindedness in his interpretation of the phenomenon of de-individuation through which even the humdrum or the ugly or the ludicrous become beautiful, and because of which, in spite of total empathy with the tortured heroine on the stage, one does not feel the need to go and attack the actor playing the villain, because while one enjoys “suffering” with the felt-heroine-in-general one cannot hit a villain-in-general.
Conclusion: the logical way to liberation
We started this survey of the ideas of rationality by mentioning the term “anviksiki” which is usually taken as synonymous with logic, Nyaya or the philo sophical systems in general. What is profoundly interesting is that this metascience or logic of all other disciplines is said to be identical with the liberating science of the spirit (atmavidya). Through medicine and healthy diet, ethically correct behavior, intelligent and legally constrained utility-maximization and aesthetic enjoyment, we constantly engage in the most basic reasonable activity of all - that is, the avoidance of suffering. But as long as we are unclear about the nature of our selves, we continue to make errors which lead to recurring pains. Different philosophical systems, in consonance with, but not solely depending upon, one’s own received tradition, try to give us knowledge of the self. This is as much a rational project as it is a practical, moral and spiritual one. As far as the major classical Indian philos ophies such as Nyaya, Samkhya, Vedanta, and the Kasmir Saiva schools are concerned, rationality is theoretically studied and practically used so that the thinking agent can ultimately lose her individual ego, the object-directed outward mind or intellect which pretends to be the self, the pleasure-seeking wish generating cognitions which make one other-dependent, and hence unfree. The practice of Dharma which forces you to compare yourself to others, the performance of duties without desire for reward, the distillation of emotions through aesthetic universalization, a healthy dose of reasoned skepticism about reason’s ability to yield stable knowledge - all of these lead to that saving self-knowledge which brings freedom from suffering. According to Aksapada Gautama (first century ce), in order to achieve such liberation you must have accurate knowledge of the means of knowledge, the objects of knowledge, doubt, purpose, example, tenet, the compo nents of a syllogism, hypothetical reasoning, the determination of a conclusion, 277
truth-finding discourse, defensive debate, polemics, fallacies, tricks, retorts, and the conditions of defeat. Thus in Indian thought spirituality and rationality merge into one discipline called aviksiki.
Bibliography Bagchi, Sitansusekhar 1953: Inductive Reasoning: a Study of “Tarka” and its Role in Indian Logic (Calcutta). Bhattacharya, K. C. 1983: Studies in Philosophy (Delhi: Motilal Banarassidas). Biderman, Shlomo and Scharfstein, Ben-Ami (eds) 1989: Rationality in Question (Leiden: E. J. Brill). Chakrabarti, Kisor K. 1995: Definition and Induction (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press). Chattopadhyaya, Debiprasad 1980: “Tradition of Rationalist Medicine in Ancient India,” in Philosophy: Theory and Action (Poona). Goekoop, C. 1967: The Logic of Invariable Concomitance (Dordrecht: Kluwer). Halbfass, Wilhelm 1988: India and Europe (Albany: State University of New York Press). ------1991: Tradition and Reflection. (Albany: State University of New York Press). Kant, Immanuel 1974: Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, trans. Mary J. Gregor (Holland: Mertinus Nijjoff). Kaviraj, Gopinath 1990: Selected Writings ofM. M. Gopinath Kaviraj (Varanasi: Centenary Celebration Committee). Masson, J. L. and Patwardhan, M. V. 1970: Aesthetic Rapture (Poona: Deccan College). Matilal, B. K. 1977: Logical Illumination of Indian Mysticism (Oxford: Oxford University Press). ------1982: Logical and Ethical Issues of Religious Belief (Calcutta: University of Calcutta). ------ 1985: Logic, Language, and Reality (Delhi: Motilal Banarssidas). Matilal, B. K. and Chakrabarti, Arindam (eds) 1994: Knowing from Words (Dordrecht: Kluwer). Mohanty, J. N. 1992: Reason and Tradition in Indian Thought (Oxford: Clarendon Press). ------1995: “Theory and Practice in Indian Philosophy,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, March. Saha, Sukharanjan 1987: Perspectives on Nyaya Logic and Epistemology (Calcutta: K. P. Bagchi). Solomon, Esther A. 1978: Indian Dialectics, Vols 1 and 2 (Ahmedabad). Staal, Frits 1988: Universals: Studies in Indian Logic and Linguistics (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).
19 Humankind and nature in Indian philosophy JOHN M. KOLLER
Overview How does the Indian philosophical tradition view the relationship between human beings and nature? Is human existence an integral, though highly evolved, part of nature? Or is human existence radically different from natural ex istence? This question is fundamental and important, for its answer determines basic cultural values and life practices, including the primary aims of life (purusa rthas) and the norms of life-stages and social classes (varna sramadharma). As might be expected, tradition does not provide us with a single, univocal answer to this question. Because the Indian tradition is made up of many sub-traditions, each with its own answer, and because these traditions are continuously changing, the answer varies across time, as well as across traditions. Nonetheless, allowing for necessary qualifications, these different answers share the view that both ques tions are to be answered in the affirmative. That is, the tradition’s shared core of understanding across sub-traditions and time is that human existence is both an integral part of nature and that it is radically different. How is the apparent conflict between these two views resolved within the tradition? Is the attempted resolution successful? It is these two questions that form the problematic of this essay. The view that human beings are an integral part of nature dates from the Vedic period, while the view that human beings, in their innermost being (Atman), are radically different from nature is somewhat later, dating from the Upanisads. From Upanisadic times on the tradition strives to reconcile these two views, preserving the first while embracing the second. Thus our exploration of these two views and our analysis of the philosophical success of their reconciliation is situated within the context of the tradition’s own central problematic. Humans as an integral part of nature First of all, the Indian tradition, from Vedic times to the present, views human beings as an integral part of the grand unity of organic existence that extends from the highest gods all the way to the lowliest plant life. Within this unity, embodied human existence is viewed as a natural living process that integrates a complex variety of mental and physical processes. Although they by no means speak with a
single voice, the Brdhmana and Aranyaka texts of the earlier Vedic period clearly view human existence as an integral part of nature, classifying human beings as domesticated animals. But they clearly regard humans as very special animals insofar as they engage in abstract reflective thought and intentional action, most notably in these texts, is their performance of ritual action. The most common word for humankind in these texts, manusya, is derived from the root man, meaning “to think,” the same root from which manas, the word for mind is derived. Humanness (manusyatva) is marked especially by the intelligence that makes possible reflective thought and intentional action. Indeed, the Satapatha Brdhmana (7.5.2) tells us that Prajapati created human beings out of intelligence (man), an eloquent way of saying that intelligence is the stuff humans are made of. The Hymn to the Cosmic Person (Rg Veda 10.90), probably a late addition to the Rg Veda, summarizes a great deal of Vedic thought about the place of human beings in the world and the relation between humans and nature. This text, in describing a primordial world-creating ritual that creates the world out of the offering of a portion of the Purusa, the cosmic Person, affirms the underlying unity of the divine, cosmic and human realms of existence. Verses 8 through 14 describe how the cosmic Person, through the power of ritual offering (yajna), was trans formed into gods, cosmos, humans and birds and animals. Indra and Agni, for example, originated from the Purusa’s mouth, the atmosphere from its navel, sky from its head, earth from its feet, and the four classes of human beings, brdhmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra, from its mouth, arms, legs and feet, respectively. Birds and animals came from the blessed offerings of milk and ghee. (See John M. Koller, The Indian Way (New York: Macmillan, 1982) pp. 42-6, for a discussion of this seminal text.) The Hymn to the Cosmic Person makes four important points that are relevant to our investigation of the relation between nature and humankind. First, assign ing the origin of the divine, human, and natural realms to the same source was the Vedic tradition’s most powerful way of establishing their underlying unity. Second, by describing this source as a primordial person, the tradition declares that it regards human existence as the most basic and profound kind of existence. Third, by differentiating the four classes of humans in terms of their origination in differ ent parts or functions of the cosmic person, this text emphasizes the species-like differences between them. Finally, in describing the creation of existence as the result of sacred ritual (yajna), the tradition affirms the fundamental and central value of ritual action. The ritual offering of the primordial Person is the prototype of the ritual action that humans must practice in order to re-create and maintain their existence. Ritual action is of fundamental value to human beings because it is how they open their existence to the deeper powers in which it is grounded. Through the fulfillment of ritual duty, humans establish communion with nature and the gods, and renew their life from moment to moment. The continuing tradition enshrines the fundamental Vedic value of ritual and moral duty by making their fulfillment the first of the four fundamental human aims in life (purusdrthas). Perhaps the single most important clue to the Indian tradition’s view of the special place human beings have within the totality of exis 280
tence is found in the concept of human aims. According to the theory ofpurusartha, there are four fundamental values at which human beings should aim: namely, dharma (the fulfillment of ritual and moral duties), artha (success), kama (enjoy ment), and moksa (liberation). These aims represent the tradition’s view of the most fundamental human values; their accomplishment represents the highest human perfection possible. What sets humans apart from the rest of nature is their deliberate pursuit of the four basic human aims in life. Only humans engage in the performance of ritual and moral obligations, and in the liberating quest for self-transcendence. Further more, although other animals may be said to pursue success (artha) and enjoyment (kama), it is not clear that they do so intentionally and with future orientation. Nor do they pursue success and enjoyment as circumscribed and determined by dharma or in preparation for moksa, as humans do. Thus although the tradition recognizes that other animals pursue success and enjoyment, because they lack the requisite reflective and intentional abilities to pursue them as aims in life, even the purusarthas of success and enjoyment are regarded as uniquely human. Dharma is regarded as the foundation of the other three purusarthas. Artha and kama may only be pursued in accord with dharma. Furthermore, ultimately it is the fulfillment of moral and ritual duty that produces success and enjoyment, both in this world and the world beyond, according to Purvamimamsa, the continuing tradition that em bodies the enduring Vedic values and ideas. Even moksa, although it transcends dharma, artha, and kama, cannot be achieved without the perfection of dharma. While the first three purusarthas embody the Vedic vision of human beings as an integral part of nature, the fourth aim incorporates the Upanisadic vision of an inner self (Atman) that is essentially independent of its human embodiment and therefore separate from nature. Consequently, when moksa became the primary aim of life in the late Upanisadic period, although the values of dharma, artha and kama were preserved in the first three purusarthas, they ceased to be the primary effective means of perfection. Now it was knowledge that came to be regarded as the primary effective means, for only knowledge was seen as capable of effecting moksa. With this revolutionary change, what became of paramount value was liberation from nature, from society, and from embodied human existence itself, thereby devaluing efforts to attain perfection as a natural, social and human being. Self as independent of its embodiment
Since the time of the Upanisads, Indian philosophy (particularly in the Vedantic traditions) has been much more concerned with Brahman - the eternal, unchang ing ground of being - than with the existence that embodies this ground, and much more concerned with immortal Self (Atman) in human beings than with the human existence (manusya) that embodies this Self. Indeed, embodied human existence came to be seen as samsdra, bondage to repeated deaths, a condition from which liberation was sought. This is why moksa, the liberation of Atman from its embodi ment, became more important than dharma, artha, and kama, the aims of perfecting human existence in its embodied condition. 281
Although it is true that for most of the Indian philosophical systems it is the pure Self that is of paramount value, embodied existence is of central importance in all of the orthodox systems. Precisely because of their emphasis on liberation of the pure Self from the sariisaric bonds of embodied existence, these systems attach great importance to understanding embodied existence as one of the keys to liberation. Because the bonds to be loosened are those created by embodied existence and because the path to liberation is followed by the embodied self, full knowledge of embodied existence is seen as a necessary condition for liberation of the pure Self from its karmic bondage. In particular, it is important to understand how bondage comes about: what are the processes that make and unmake bondage? The answer, in one word, is karma. One of the distinctive features of the Indian worldview is that embodied human existence is seen as a karmic process, a continuing process of the making and unmaking of personal existence that has no beginning and that is never completed. This karmic process of person-making is constituted by interaction with other processes in an ever-widening sphere that extends ultimately to the whole world, linking each person to every other person and to all other beings in a web of interconnections that extends to all times and places. Indeed, individual persons are viewed within the tradition as intersections within nature’s network, analo gous to the knots in a fishnet (Yoga Sutra Bhasya 11.13). This karmic view of human existence integrates the human and natural spheres of existence, seeing them as constituting a single continuum, which is similar to the Vedic vision. Here, however, in contrast to the Vedic view, nature and human existence in all its karmic dimensions are no longer seen as ultimately real. Now they are transcended by Brahman/Atman, the indwelling ground and Self of being. This is why the highest goal and ultimate value of the orthodox traditions is precise ly the liberation (moksa) of the ultimate Self from its human condition - from the karmic self enmeshed in natural existence. From the perspective of the Atman, there is no fundamental differentiation be tween the human and the natural spheres; they continue to be seen as parts of an organic whole. Indeed, the workings of karma bind all living things together, allow ing beings to be born and reborn in this great continuum innumerable times in a wide variety of forms, ranging from plants and animals to humans and gods. From the perspective of Atman, however, the important boundary is not between nature and humanity, but between the karmic realm, which includes both nature and humanity, on the one hand, and the ultimate Self, which transcends both nature and humanity, on the other. One of the classic formulations of the distinction between the ultimate Self and embodied human existence is found in chapter 13 of the Bhagavadgita, where embodied human existence is viewed as a field on which the various physical and mental forces interact with and modify each other and where the ultimate Self is viewed as an independent “knower of the field.” “Described briefly,” says the Gita, “this field, with its modifications, is constituted by the great elements (ether, air, fire, water, and earth), sense-of-self, intelligence, the unmanifested, the ten senses and the mind, the five sense realms, desire, aversion, happiness and suffering, the
embodied whole, consciousness and steadfastness” (13.5). Rooted in Samkyha metaphysics, this is a description of a person seen as a field of interacting energies of different kinds and intensities, a field which is simultaneously interacting with innumerable other fields, integrating the human and natural spheres. The individ ual person is a juncture or constellation of these interactions, born and reborn out of successively intersecting energy-fields. From the perspective of the ultimate Self, however, this embodied human exis tence described as a field is merely the instrument of a Self that is essentially transcendent and independent of its embodied condition. The Gita says of this ultimate Self, “the knower of the field”: “This imperishable supreme Self, beginning less and without qualities, though abiding in embodied existence, Arjuna, neither acts nor is polluted” (13.31). Like the rest of the orthodox traditions, the Gita regards this Self as being held hostage by the karmically fashioned body-mind, and emphasizes strategies and techniques for its liberation. According to this view, the ultimate Self, essentially autonomous and independent of the mind-body complex, is held fast by the karmic bonds of passion and ignorance. This bondage, which constitutes the ground of suffering, can be terminated only by liberating the Self from embodied existence. This means that the Indian tradition draws an ontological line between embodied human existence, viewed in the Gita as the field of body-mind, which has both physical and mental characteristics, and the Self, which transcends both the phys ical and the mental. The ontological line drawn between the realm of embodied human and natural existence, which is only apparently but not ultimately real, on the one hand, and the ultimate reality of Brahman/Atman, on the other, constitute a continuing prob lematic in Indian thought. The reason is that in order for moksa, the liberation of the Self from karmic existence, to be meaningful, the separation between these two realms must be absolute. At the same time, in order for karmically bound persons to effect their liberation from karmic bondage, these two ontological realms must be connected, because the power that removes karmic bondage cannot itself be part of karmic existence. Reconciling ultimate and embodied existence
The Upanisads contain many interpretations of embodied existence and its relation to the ultimate Self (Atman/Brahman). Most of these provide an organic, holistic account of existence. The Mundaka, for example, suggests that even as a spider produces its web, as plants grow from the earth, and hair from a person’s body, so does the universe arise from the ultimate (Atman/Brahman) (1.1.7). Embodied hu man existence as well as nature arises from that ultimate Self: “From That are born life, mind, the sense-organs, and also ether, air, fire, water, and earth, all sup ported” (II. 1.3). The Taittirlya provides a holistic, evolutionary explanation, beginning with Brahman’s manifestation as ether: “From this Self (Brahman) arose ether; from ether air; from air fire; from fire water; from water earth; from earth herbs; from
herbs food; from food the person” (II. 1). It then goes on to give a picture of individ ual human existence as an integral, organic layered process, where the physical processes envelop the life processes, which envelop the perceptual processes, which envelop the processes of understanding, which envelop joy, the innermost self, the Atman which is the source and ground of the person (II.2-5). The Katha explains the Self and its relation to the embodied existence with the image of controller and controlled, using the analogy of a chariot driver and a chariot: “Self should be known as lord of the chariot, body as chariot, intelligence as chariot-driver, mind as reins, senses as horses, and sense objects the paths. The Self, associated with body, senses and mind, is the enjoyer” (1.3.3-4). Aware of tension between the ultimate and the non-ultimate levels of reality, many Upanisadic thinkers make a concerted effort to describe the ultimate as fully present in all of its embodiments. For example, in the Taittinya Upanisad (ch. 3), when Bhrgu asks his father, Varuna, to explain Brahman, Varuna begins by ex plaining that matter, life, the senses, understanding, and speech are the basic elements of all existence. He then goes on to say, “Indeed, that from which these beings are born, by which they live, and into which they enter when dying, endeav or to know that as Brahman.” Here Varuna, like most of the Upanisadic thinkers, is careful not to view Brahman as a separate existence. Instead, Brahman itself, as the ground and substance of all existence, is described as comprised of the levels of matter, life, lower awareness, higher consciousness, and Anally, the deepest level, bliss. Then, lest this teaching of the highest level of reality as the bliss of Brahman be misunderstood to be a repudiation of the lower levels, Varuna immediately goes on to emphasize the importance of the lowest level of reality: “Do not speak ill of matter. That shall be the rule. Life, indeed, is matter. The body is the eater of material food and life is established in the body.” Varuna’s explanation, while avoiding the risk of differentiating the ultimate and the non-ultimate into two completely separate kinds of reality, runs the opposite risk of not differentiating Brahman sufficiently from the ordinary existence of which it is claimed to be the ultimate ground and inner self. The Carvakans, for example, rejecting the claimed differentiation of Atman from its embodiment, are infamous for taking the embodied body-mind complex to be the ultimate self, denying the existence of any Self separate from this complex, thereby denying the very possibil ity of liberation. Because mind is inseparable from body, Carvakans regard the death of the body as also the death of the mind, and thus, since there is no indwell ing Self to be liberated, the final termination of a person’s life. Although they were regarded as materialists by adherents of the other systems, they were not material ists in the typical Western sense of that term, for they viewed the body of a person as imbued with consciousness. Because it is not possible to examine all of the Indian systems in the space available, in what follows I will provide two examples of how different traditions have dealt with the relation between the ultimate Self and its embodied existence in the world. Samkara’s Advaita Vedanta, continuing an important Upanisadic tradi tion, will be examined as an example of a system that insists that ultimately there is no duality, that Brahman/Atman alone is real. Samkyha-Yoga, on the other hand,
will be examined as an example of a non-Upanisadic dualistic system that insists on complete differentiation of the ultimate and the non-ultimate, of the ultimate Self and its apparent embodiment in prakrti.
Samkyha The Samkyha account of human existence is explicitly dualistic, for it views a person as the conjunction of two fundamentally different and eternally opposed realities - purusa and prakrti. Purusa is pure consciousness, eternal, unchanging, and self-illuminating. It is the true Self, the pure subject that can never become an object. The prakrtic body-mind, on the other hand, is always of the nature of object, in itself unconscious, constantly changing, illuminated only by the light of purusa. Experience and knowledge are possible only because prakrti is capable of reflecting the consciousness of purusa. That is, even though the prakrtic body-mind is itself unconscious, it can become the instrument of a consciousness which shines through it because of its sattvic nature. The metaphysics underwriting this corporeal view of embodied consciousness, though extremely subtle in its details, is simple in its outlines. Prakrti, a unified whole, is seen as constituted by three interpenetrating kinds of energy or force fields, which are revealed in the tendencies to manifestation found in the experi enced world. Rajas is the vibrant energy that drives the entire manifestation process, which, if the sattvic energy level is high, appears as predominantly consciousness-like, and if the tamasic energy level predominates, as predominantly physical body or object-like. However, these constituent gunas or force-fields are always present together in some proportion in every manifestation ofprakrti so that consciousness and physical existence are mutually dependent, always to be found together. What is especially problematic in the Samkyha explanation is that if prakrti is by nature unconscious, and if consciousness as purusa is totally different from the prakrtic objects it is said to illuminate, how can there be any interaction between the two? How canpurusa illumine what is totally unconscious, and how canprakrti, whose nature is to be unconscious, be illumined by consciousness, given that these two realities are regarded as ontologically exclusive of each other? The traditional answer is that one of the constituent strands of prakrti, sattva, is transparent, capa ble of taking illumination from consciousness. But this is also problematic, for either sattva is prakrti, and therefore unconscious, or else the strict dualism is given up. The other alternative, that the sattvic manifestations of prakrti as embodied awareness (buddhi) is not absolutely different from the purusa, also destroys the dualism. Since purusa is unchanging and prakrti is ever-changing, for purusa to take the form of buddhi means that it cannot be purusa. Samkyha philosophers have made many attempts to overcome the problems this rigid dualism presents, but they all appear to stumble at the critical juncture the juncture where supposedly purusa and prakrti meet. No matter how buddhi and sattva are construed, as long as they are admitted to be prakrtic, they must be said to be essentially unconscious. This apparently serves the soteriological-
metaphysical interest of Samkyha, for it supports the claim that purusa is never in fact in bondage to prakrti, that the true Self, the purusa, is always free, and that liberation is simply the realization of this truth. One of the fundamental reasons for holding this rigid dualism is to account for the fact that there is never experience unless there is an experiencing subject and an experienced object. This is, to account for the self-reflective character of experi ence in which a person not only experiences, but is aware that she is experiencing, it is thought necessary to posit a transcendent self, a self that remains always a subject totally different from the object experienced. But as we have seen, the very dualism that helps explain the self-reflective character of experience makes experi ence itself problematic, for experience requires a genuine meeting of subject and object, a meeting this dualism renders problematic. What is especially interesting about the Samkyha account of embodied existence is that despite the metaphysical problems presented by purusa/prakrti dualism, prakrti, including its embodied manifestation, is seen as the instrument of purusa, manifesting consciousness. Indeed, the very first manifestation or evolution of prakrti, triggered by the presence of purusa, is buddhi (awareness), out of which selfawareness (ahamkdra), mind and the various capacities for sensation, perception and action evolve - and out of which eventually physical matter and bodies evolve. Clearly this prakrti, as the ground of existence, is not merely material, at least not in the sense of inert or unconscious matter, for it is the ground from which embodied consciousness evolves. Accordingly, if prakrti is taken to be a kind of materiality, it will have to taken as a conscious materiality. We might say it is a consciousness embodied within the very processes constitutive of existence, though from a Samkyha point of view it would be more accurate to say that consciousness em bodies materiality, for what are regarded as physical elements or bodies are de clared to evolve out of buddhi or reflected consciousness, which is the first manifestation of prakrti. On this view, the body and mind are both seen as con scious, and experience is interpreted in terms of the play between the various constituents of prakrti - between the more and less conscious, rather than between the conscious subject and the unconscious object. Here we find no hard line be tween body and mind or between self and embodied existence. Rather, conscious ness is seen as a pervasive and integral constituent of bodily existence. On this level human beings are an integral part of nature. The Yoga system, which accepts much of Samkyha’s metaphysical anthropolo gy and cosmology, focuses on the prakrtic embodiment of consciousness as it constitutes the experiential life of a person. Drawing out the implications of the Samkyha view of embodied existence as the continuing intersection of the energy fields constituting all persons and things, Yoga notes that human actions have the effect (karmas'aya) of changing both the surrounding world and the actor, disposing him or her in manifold ways. These dispositions (samskaras) condition subsequent experience and action, investing them with the traces (yasanas) of previous acts. These traces or seeds (blja) perpetuate the experimental stream, producing various afflictions, memories, and expectations. At death all the as yet unrealized karmic effects, collected in the subtle body of consciousness, move out of the physical body 286
and enter an appropriate new body at its moment of conception. Thus whatever is born is already conditioned and disposed by prior actions, for embodied existence is a continuous creative process in which the effects of prior experience are trans formed into present life, which, in turn, conditions future experience. The ultimate aim of yoga, of course, is to destroy the illusion that Purusa, the true Self, has anything whatever to do with the prakrtic world of nature and embodied human existence.
Advaita Vedanta As we have seen, the Samkyha problem of the apparent irrelevance of theories of prakrtic existence to a theory of the Self is connected to its main problem of explain ing how genuine interaction between the dual realities of purusa and prakrti can occur, a problem Advaita avoids with its non-dual stance. Samkara’s view, as expressed in the Upadesasahasri (translation, Sengaku Mayeda), for example, is that the pure consciousness (cidatman) alone is ultimately real; everything else is only appearance. The Self (Atman) that I truly am, he says, is “ever free, pure, transcen dentally changeless, invariable, immortal, imperishable, and thus always bodiless” (1.13.3). Further, being bodiless means that the true self neither experiences nor acts. In Samkara’s words, “The false belief that Atman is doer is due to the belief that the body is Atman” (1.12.16). Thus when a student approached his teacher, a knower of Brahman, and asked how he could obtain release from the suffering of this transmigratory existence, the teacher advised him that he must overcome the ignorance through which he mistakenly thinks that he is an agent, an experiencer and a transmigrator, when in fact he is none of these, but the highest Atman" (II.2.20). From Samkara’s perspective, although I frequently identify my existence with my embodiment, this identification (adhyasa) is a mistake, the result of ignorance, for the truth is that I am pure consciousness, Atman, eternal and unchanging, having nothing to do with my embodiment. But how is this mistake to be ex plained? What is this ignorance wherein I identify with the body and regard myself as actor and experiencer? For the sake of showing that this identification is a mistake, that it results from ignorance, Samkara needs to develop a philosophy of human existence that explains what embodied existence is and how it comes to be falsely imposed on Atman. Thus he observes that if the student seeking the sacred knowledge which brings release from samsara says, “I am eternal and different from the body. The bodies come and go like a person’s garment,” the teacher should say, “you are right,” and then should explain how the body is different from the Self (II.l.12-13). This advice is followed by a passage in which Samkara explains what the body is and how it comes to be. Positing an unmanifest name-and-form (avyakrte namarupa), Samkara declares that this unmanifest evolved into the world of name and form as we know it through an evolutionary process according to which it first became manifest as ether, air, fire, water, and earth, in that order. Each of these elements in turn became impregnated with the previous elements, until finally 287
earth appeared as a combination of all five elements. He goes on to say, “And from earth, rice, barley, and other plants consisting of the five elements are produced. From them, when they are eaten, blood and sperm are produced, related respective ly to the bodies of woman and men” (II. 1.20). He then explains how this body is named at birth, how it gets its student name, its householder name, and also the name of the forest dweller and sannydsin. Repeating that “the body is different from you (Atman),’’ Samkara says that the teacher should remind the student that the mind and the sense organs consist only of name-and-form, and quotes passages from the Chandogya Upanisad (VI.5.4, VI.6.5 and VI.7.6) which declare that the mind consists of food (II. 1.21). Like the prakrtic self of Samkyha, this self of name-and-form is said to be uncon scious (“like food”), but nonetheless constituted by an awareness enabling it to experience, act, and identify itself (mistakenly) as a transmigrating, experiencing, acting self. Thus, according to Advaita, a person consists of a physical body, made up of material substances; the senses (eye, ear, and so on); mind; agencies of speech, movement, sex, excretion, and grasping; sense-of-self (ahamkara); as well as the internal embodied consciousness (antahkarana), all of which are disposed and con ditioned according to previous experiences. The distinction between physical and subtle bodies (sthulasarira and suksmasdrira) is very important, for it recognizes a distinction between mere phys icality and humanly embodied physicality. It is a way of insisting on the bodily character of what we think of as mental functions, for the suksmasdrira, constituted by the five vital airs, the buddhi and manas through which the antahkarana func tions, as well as the ten organs (five cognitive-sensory; five conative-motor), is not only itself viewed as a body, but is itself further embodied in the sthidasafira. Only for the embodied self are the knowledge and action needed for liberation possible (or necessary). The senses are seen as instruments of the mind, linking mind with the outside world, just as mind links senses with reflective consciousness, and reflec tive consciousness links up with Self. But senses, vital force, mind and reflective consciousness can function only when embodied; ultimately the inner organ (antahkarana) cannot function except through the bodily self- through its indriya or senses. To avoid the problems of dualism, Samkara denies that human existence consti tuted by name-and-form is ultimately real or that it really embodies the Self. For him this account functions to explain only the appearance of experience and the world, the reality of which is never admitted. This view is deeply problematic, however, as Samkara himself recognized, when he said not only that avyakrte namarupa evolved from Atman, but also that it is different in essence from Atman. How can it be both essentially different from and evolved from Atman in a philoso phy committed to satkaryavada? Satkaryavada, as a causal principle, insists that what is produced, the effect, cannot be a different kind of reality than its cause. Thus Atman could produce only Atman, never namarupa, which is non-Atman. The analogy Samkara introduces to explain this evolution of namarupa from Atman reveals the problem, for he says, “In this manner this element named ‘ether’ arose from the highest Atman as dirty foam from clear water. Foam is neither water
nor absolutely different from water, since it is not seen without water. But water is clear and different from foam, which is of the nature of dirt. Likewise, the highest Atman is different from namarupa, which corresponds to foam; Atman is pure, clear, and different in essence from it” (II. 1.19). Clearly, this analogy breaks down, for foam combines two different things, clear water and dirt. Since Samkara cannot admit such a duality, he denies the reality of namarupa, relegating it to the level of maya or appearance, as superimposition on Atman through ignorance. Thus Advaita confronts a dilemma: though embodied existence must be assumed to account for experience, action and transmigration, to preserve the non-dualism that allows nothing other than Atman to be real, its reality must be denied. As Suresvara, one of Samkara’s followers, puts it: “Between worldly existence and the rock solid Atman there is no connection at all except that of ignorance.” And with this denial of any connection to the reality of Atman/ Brahman, embodied human existence, along with the natural and social worlds, is seriously devalued relative to Atman. In concluding, I should point out that while I have focused on what I perceive to be problems in the way in which Samkyha and Advaita have tried to reconcile the discontinuity between embodied, worldly human existence and the ultimate reality of the pure Self, both of these traditions are of the opinion that they have successful ly solved these problems. And indeed, if the radical discontinuity declared by Suresvara and implicit in Samkyha’s Purusa/Prakrti dualism can be overcome, then the value of human and natural existence is greatly enhanced, for then they are seen to embody, as their innermost being and self, the ultimate reality. However, if the discontinuity between the ultimate reality and worldly existence cannot be overcome, then it must be recognized that moksa, the supreme value, devalues human existence, for then it is not liberation 0/human beings, but liberation from being human. That is, then the value of moksa belongs to Atman, not to embodied human existence, which ultimately is no more than the projection of ignorance.
The idea of the good in Indian thought J. N. MOHANTY If the good is what people desire or strive after, the Indian thinkers very early on developed a theory of hierarchy of goods: these are artha (material wealth), kama (pleasure), dharma (righteousness), and moksa (spiritual freedom). Leaving aside the question about precisely how the first two in this list have to be ranked, one might suggest that the first two are what human beings do strive after, while the last two are what they ought to strive after. Such a distinction between what human beings in fact strive after and what they ought to strive after is indicated in a distinction between the sreya (morally good) and the preya (pleasant) found in the Katha Upanisad, although it may have to be conceded that the is-ought distinction did not come to the forefront of Hindu moral thinking. One may as a matter of fact construct an argument to prove that even moksa, the supreme value, is not a mere ought-to-be. The argument would run as follows: we do want to get rid of pain and enjoy a state of happiness. This natural desire, by implication, may be extended to a complete freedom from pain and enjoyment of an uninterrupted state of bliss (even if no one ordinarily posits this as his or her goal). It is only on reflection, and after reaching the first two goals and finding oneself dissatisfied with them, that one self-consciously posits the last two goals - the third to begin with and, as a result of experiencing a similar dissatisfaction once it has been reached, subsequently the fourth and highest good, which is not a mere ought-to-be but an ideal state of being. If the English phrase “the highest good” translates into nihsreyasah in Sanskrit, then moksa is that state of excellence than which there is nothing greater and which leaves, upon attainment, nothing else to be desired. While the Upanisads gave various descriptions of this state of being, the systems of philosophy developed their own accounts consistently with their philosophical positions. Let us look at some of the descriptions to be found in the Upanisads. The Mundaka Upanisad says, one who knows Brahman becomes Brahman (II.ii.9). Moksa is described as a state of bliss not to be exceeded by any - a state of bliss which, in being reached, leaves nothing else to be desired. It is also described as a state in which all fear disappears, all sense of duality (“I” and the other, “I” and the world) vanishes. Yajnavalkya tells Janaka that one who knows Atman becomes full of peace, self-controlled, patient and self-composed, that evil does not consume him while he consumes all evil (Brhadaranyaka Upanisad, IV.4.22-3). Possibly, the most decisive text of antiquity on the topic of the highest good is Yajnavalkya’s speech addressed to his wife Maitreyi. The text deserves to be quoted at length. When Yajnavalkya announced to his wife that he was about to renounce 290
his life as a householder and assured her that he was going to divide his possessions between her and his other wife Katyayani, Maitreyi replied, “If now, Sir, this whole earth filled with wealth were mine, would I be immortal thereby?” When her husband said “No,” Maitreyi asked, “What shall I do with that through which I may not be immortal? What you know, Sir, that indeed tell me.” In reply, after saying of various things that are desired and that are dear - of such things as one’s husband, wife, sons, wealth, gods and beings - that they are not dear for their own sake (that is, for the sake of loving them), but only for the sake of the Self (Atman), Yajnavalkya concluded, “Lo, verily, it is the Self that should be seen, that should be hearkened to, that should be thought of, that should be pondered on, Oh! Maitreyi.” It is to this concept that we shall, in this essay, eventually attend. There is no doubt that this concept has loomed large before the Hindu mind, providing it with a practical end as well as a theoretical explanandum such that the various astika (orthodox) philosophies may be regarded as providing theoretical justifications for the possibility (and desirability) of such an end. This, of course, does not imply either that there was agreement about the nature of the goal or that the theories that justified them were all alike. However, despite enormous internal differences and disputations, some large, indeed ultimate, goal attracted the Hindu mind, and this goal may be called “moksa.” Before reflecting on this unity and the differences in understanding it, let me turn to more mundane striving. I said “more mundane,” for the four “ends of man” easily fall into two groups: the first three into a group which may be called ordinary and natural ends, the fourth being an extraordinary, supernatural goal. It is quite reasonable to surmise that the first three were identified earlier, and with the rise of reflective philosophy (and the discipline of Yoga) the fourth was added. Be that as it may, that distinction between ordinary and extraordinary goals does not coincide with the distinction between “is” and “ought.” All four goals are pursued as a matter of fact, even if the third is pursued by fewer people than are the first two, and the fourth is pursued by very few indeed. It may be claimed, in one sense, as much of the first two goals as of the third, that they are striven after, and yet never reached with unsurpassable satisfaction. In other words, one can make a reasonable case for the claim that the first three goals can be reached only in degrees, “more or less,” and never to an unsurpassable degree. Only the fourth, striven after by a few and reached by still fewer, when reached is reached with finality, without any scope for “more or less” or “degrees of attainment.” The familiar is-ought distinction derived from Western moral think ing just does not seem to apply here. Nevertheless, if we are to find a moral theory in Indian thinking on these mat ters, we must begin by focusing on theory of action. It may be, however, that what we have is a theory of value in a wider sense, which includes moral theory inas much as moral values are a subset of all values. In a specific sense, all ought pertains to actions and values which can be striven after through actions. In a larger sense, there are values making a claim on our being to be actualized - values which ought to be, without it being possible to find a correlative duty. The distinc tion between these two kinds of values - the values pertaining to duties and those
pertaining to being, actional and ontological, and correlatively between two kinds of ought (the ought of duties and the ought of being) will, in spite of the breakdown of the is-ought distinction, help us to sort out things in the complex field of Indian ethics. Theory of action
Theory of action forms the basis of practical philosophy, and this is true of Indian philosophy as well. Legal thought and ritualistic speculations, ethical and spiritual philosophies center around theory of action. Now a theory of action would inevita bly cut across psychology, semantics and ontology. While all the philosophical systems had something to say about it, the common structure from which they all started may be represented as: knowledge —> desire —> will to do —> motor effort —> the action (jnana) (cikirsd) (pravrtti) (cesta) (karya)
Within the general structure of this causal chain, there was, however, considerable difference in the theories that were developed. The differences concerned the pre cise nature of each member of the chain. Philosophers also differed in their interpre tations of the verbal form of imperatives expressing moral duties. Leaving aside many niceties of discussion, we can distinguish between several different approach es. The philosophers of the Nyaya school held that the knowledge which brings about the desire (and then the will to do) is knowledge by the agent-to-be that the desired goal is achievable, that the performance of the action will bring about some good for the agent, this good involving an increase of sukha (happiness) and a reduction of duhkha (pain). The members of the Bhatta school of Mimamsa simpli fied the requirement considerably: an imperative sentence (“You ought to do craving—>action sequence. These were put together in the systematic and in a sense comprehensive account of the causality of samsara called conditioned-co-arising (pratityasamutpdda). Of course, this was not a deter ministic causal system. There is always the possibility of branching off on the path of freedom. (3) General reflections on or conclusions about the nature of experience, as seen in terms of dharmas. The central observation is that nothing is to be seen, in this clear sighted way of looking, except dharmas. The objects and most importantly the subjects with which the commonsense world is peopled are not to be found. All that is to be found is a complex stream of constantly changing yet multiple interdepen dent phenomena. “From the summit of the world downwards [the Buddha] could detect no self anywhere” (Conze, 1959, p. 50). The no-self doctrine is the most revolutionary and disturbing of the Buddha’s insights - especially challenging to a Western individualism which at its extreme regards the personal self as a self standing and self-sufficient entity, possessor of absolute rights and the source of all 413
value. As anyone who has tried to come to terms with it will testify, “no-self” operates in the mode of [C], as a disturber of all settled views, breaking through every attempt to systematize its implications, to work out a living accommodation with it. Experience is then unstable, constantly changing, devoid of subject and object, but it is by no means chaotic or meaningless. Interrelationships between dharmas are rule-governed, in principle predictable. Therefore, the normal course of events, the wheel of sarnsara, can be understood and changed. If suffering results from, and is conditioned by, ignorance and desire, then the cessation of ignorance and desire must lead to the cessation of suffering. Understanding brings hope. A specific example of the samsaric causality which is open to pure vision is that which leads to belief in the existence of persons - in particular, in “one’s own” existence, as a long-lasting though changing entity, but also as a focus of value. Motivated by desire concerning a projected future, there is a synthetic construction of a being that endures from the present to the future and so can benefit from the satisfaction of desires. This pseudo-entity is constructed out of the short-lived, ever changing dharmas. (Of course, the activity of construction has itself a merely dharmic reality.) Its origins in conditionality are then forgotten and it is seen as self subsisting, the object of hopes and fears for the future.
(4) As I have pointed out, the overriding mode of rationality for a religious tradi tion is practical: “What must I do to be saved?” In the Four Noble Truths the rationality of seeing and understanding the causality of sarnsara, of suffering, is put in this practical context. There is a way in which this causality can be brought to an end; there is a path to the end of suffering.
In the early texts, there is no doubt that these doctrines [B], described in (1) to (4) above, are represented as deriving from the Buddha’s vision, his new way of expe riencing. But once formulated, such a body of doctrines tends to acquire a life of its own, and there are certainly tasks of reformulation and systematization which may proceed independently of reference to the founding experience [A] - tasks not unlike those which may arise within an academic Western philosophical context. These would also include the formulation of philosophical arguments supporting the basic doctrines. In the early texts there are, for example, several arguments for the no-self doctrine - arguments that operate in different ways for different hearers (Collins, 1982, section 3.2). To non-Buddhists (with whom the Buddha often de bated) the everyday concept of experience is used, in arguing (in a Humean way) that all of the experiences that we know of, all of our memories, can be classified as feelings, perceptions, consciousnesses, and so on, and nowhere is there the experi ence of a self. Of course, for the person on the path this is not so much an argument as a pointing to what is, in the very nature of the “vision,” between subject and object. For such a person, the terms “feeling,” “perception,” and so on have shifted in meaning, no longer bearing their everyday implications of the existence of some one who feels, perceives, and is conscious. Other arguments test out the hearer’s sense of what a self should be - if there were one. Surely a true self would be stable and unchanging; surely whatever is truly me should be completely under my 414
control. But that which we ordinary people think of as ourselves changes from moment to moment. It is wildly out of our control, continually imposing upon us sickness and suffering - whatever we least desire. For the believer, this argument is a reminder of the true causality of suffering and of the fact that in the end, if “self” notions are given up, suffering can indeed be controlled.
m As I said, doctrines [B] tend to acquire a life of their own. Within a few hundred years of the time of the Buddha, questions began to arise, even amongst the schools (nikayas) themselves, about whether the detailed description of the dharma-world had become an enterprise detached from its true origins in [A]. In the terms of my introductory remarks, there was a danger of belief-rationality becoming dominant at the expense of tradition-rationality. It was partly as a result of this disquiet, and also because of unease about possible misinterpretations of the Buddha’s practical or moral teachings, that there came about a profound shift of doctrine. The Mahayana developments (Williams, 1989) constitute in some ways a complete change of scenery. Yet it seems to me that the claim that the tradition has a rational unity may be defended, if we see the new formulations as arising primarily from a new awareness of how the ENB ways of expressing the Buddha’s founding discovery laid themselves open to misinterpreta tion. In the Prajnaparamita Sutras, and in the Madhyamika philosophical school founded by Nagarjuna, radically new ways were found of expressing and articulat ing the founding discovery. Much of this may seem to be polemic against the concepts, doctrines and values of ENB, but it may also be seen instead as addressed to potential dangers and misinterpretations into which the ENB modes of expres sion might lead the shallow and unwary. ENB dharma-theory was produced as a way of representing the “new world” revealed by the saving vision. It provided an alternative to the common sense metaphysics of a world of people liable to, and in fact immersed in, suffering. And in its new account of reality, closer to bare experience, it provided a justification for the abandonment of that common sense metaphysics. The shift was, in philosoph ical terms, a kind of reductivism: people are “nothing but” streams of interrelated dharmas. But for Mahayana thinkers, dharma-theory could be justified, if at all, not as an account of a brave new world, but as a means to the realization of no-self. The real import of the shift of thought was negative, the dissolution of self-belief. The danger of dharma-theory was that the “middleness” of the vision would be missed, and the subject-object duality, with dharmas as the object-world, reinstated. So the process [C] of dissolution of entities has to continue, to be applied to dharmas them selves. “No-self” has to be generalized, to become no self-being (svabhavd) - taken to mean no self-standing entities, no substantiality. Everything that might be thought of as an object is empty, empty of self-nature. Emptiness (sunyata) became a central characterization of this new way of thinking. It is not that emptiness is to be asserted as a new mysterious and ineffable reality, but rather the absence of svabhdva is to be extended without limit. There are no ultimate entities. Of course, 415
the point of this relentless opposition to substantiality - which brought with it a reassessment, a new understanding, of all the traditional doctrines, even the Four Noble Truths - was not an ideal of intellectual purity. The corresponding soterio logical path is a progressive and shocking deconstruction of any shelter in which one can look after oneself: In form, in feeling, will, perception and awareness Nowhere in them they find a place to rest on. Without a home they wander, dharmas never hold them Nor do they grasp at them. (quoted by Conze, 1973, pp. 9-10)
This iconoclasm is paralleled by Nagarjuna in the terms of [B], the conceptual, doctrinal, philosophical. Here it takes the form of demonstrating the incoherence of the concepts that were fundamental to the ENB statements of doctrine (Kalupahana, 1986). For example, the Buddha’s move away from ontology (he asserts neither existence nor non-existence) is standardly followed by a “teaching by the middle,” conditionality - for example, that of the twelve links of conditioned co-arising. But how is conditionality to be understood in the absence of own-being? The normal assumption must be that it is a relation between things which can be identified independently of the relation. But the absence of own-being implies the absence of related things. Similarly with nirvana, the culminating concept of Buddhism, if it is beyond all the distinctions of the samsaric world, how may it still be related to that world? How may it be reached by a path, a causal process beginning in that world? In fact, if neither existence nor non-existence can be asserted of nirvana, any more than of the samsaric world, if neither of them has any substantial reality, even their essen tial difference cannot be asserted. What can we make of these moves? Do they indicate the abandonment of all rationality, the embracing of a sceptical nihilism, an anti-Buddhism? Rather they are a new attempt to convey the founding and saving vision, and to bring people to it by the middle way. Nirvana is not distinct from the world as might be the loftiest of all heavens, a retreat to be striven for, in which the individual will himself be free of the suffering inherent in samsaric existence. To think thus is to have completely misunderstood the Buddha’s teachings. It is because of his non-attainmentness that a Bodhisattva, through having relied on the perfection of wisdom, dwells without thought-coverings. In the absence of thought-coverings he has not been made to tremble, he has overcome what can upset, and in the end he attains to Nirvana. (Conze, 1958, p. 93).
“Absence of thought-coverings”: it is often said that Madhyamika sees reality from an ultimate point of view, in which all distinctions collapse and therefore all con cepts and words are idle. But of course the texts we have been considering do use words, do require precise and careful thought for their analysis and understanding, do need to be understood for them to have any saving effect. What they aim at is not
the abandonment of thought, of doctrine, of the belief in the soteriological structure set out in the Four Noble Truths. Rather a new attitude to words is necessary, in which their usefulness, their necessity is acknowledged, but only so that one can see through them to what gives rise to them, but always surpasses and moves beyond them. The Mahayana Yogacara sub-tradition (Nagao, 1991) may, from the point of view of the rational unity of the Buddhist tradition as a whole, be seen as a synthesis of the two sub-traditions discussed so far. It takes seriously the developed dharma theory of ENB, but also the Madhyamika criticism of its dangers. Yogacara attempts to obviate these dangers by giving a clear and positive account of the status of dharmas. The dharma-world is not a world of self-subsistent entities, but it does have a kind of reality. It is in a sense mental. Vasubandhu said (Anacker, 1984, p. 161) “In the Mahayana the three realms of existence [that is, the whole realm of sarnsara] are determined as being perception-only (vijnapti-matra)." These perceptions (“rep resentation” is a more appropriate translation) are not mental events in the context of a mind/body duality. They are not representations of something existing exter nally and independently. The system is idealist, explaining experiences - mental events - as the causal consequences of other mental events, the desire-provoked motivations which alone have karmic potency. Samsaric experiences have a dual internal structure: being conscious, they are intentional, but their only objects are internal. So there is, as it were, a relational structure within representations, but the normally postulated relata, the substantial subject and the external object, are illusory. The Yogacara sub-tradition also takes seriously the Madhyamika insights with respect to the relation between sarnsara and nirvana. Again a detailed positive account is presented, which wards off the accusation of nihilism, which might be made by the bewildered believer who sees all distinctions and seemingly all doctrines collapse into emptiness. (If sarnsara is equivalent to nirvana, what could possibly be the point of the practice of Buddhism?) This positive account is a three-fold ontological/epistemological analysis. What exists is paratantra-svabhdva, dependent nature. Here “dependent” means “conditioned”, and refers to the flow of conditioned but insubstantial phenomena - what we may identify as the founding vision. Of course, this phenomenal reality is subject to false construction to produce the appearance of a world with external objects and perceiving subjects. This illusory world is implicitly believed in by the ordinary “person,” who invests in it his hopes and fears, and whose life in it is one of deep-rooted suffering. This illusion of a dual world is the “constructed nature” (parikalpita-svabhava). The third “nature” is parinispanna, perfected. This is defined as the non-existence of the constructed nature. It may be thought of as the correct epistemological perspective on dependent nature. So sarnsara and nirvana are ontologically identi cal. They are both perspectives on an existing substratum - that “seen” in the vision. At the same time, of course, they are epistemologically distinct. It is this epistemological difference that gives point to the Buddhist path. However, the symmetry - the two views, samsaric and nirvanic, of the same reality - is not complete. First, the perfected “person’s” dharmas are undefiled and so different in
many ways from those which are constructed to form the ignorant person. Second, the notion of a perspective suggests a duality - of the viewer and what he views which is quite inappropriate here. As can be seen, this is a sophisticated contribu tion to “the Buddhist tradition.” It refers back to the founding discoveries and expresses them in a “middle” way that is designed to obviate the extremes of substantialism and of nihilism. These systematic Yogacara developments have as their point the effective teach ing of the Buddha’s message. That is, they aim to be “tradition-rational.” But to serve this purpose, they must in themselves be coherent and well argued. That is, they must be “belief-rational.” IV Finally, I shall comment on a problem of practical rationality that is common to several religious worldviews concerned with salvation: what is the relation be tween salvation and the demands of morality? “What must I do to be saved?” “(Amongst other things) be good.” “But can this be real goodness, if it has an ulterior motive - that is, to achieve salvation for myself?” It must be a degradation of the idea of salvation, the culmination of all religious practice, to have it as a personal goal to which morality is only a means - thus making altruism serve the ends of egoism. In the Buddhist case (Katz, 1989), much of the new energy of Mahayana thought was directed against this degradation, this misinterpretation, of the Buddha’s message. The polemic sometimes seems to focus on the ENB con cept of the perfected person, the arahant, but its real concern is those who pervert this concept in a shallow and self-seeking way. The question is really about the practical implications of the realization of no self. In the early texts “arahant" was the term for those of the Buddha’s followers who followed his path to its end, and acquired his saving knowledge. But the Buddha himself was often said to be an arahant, and there was little real distinction between “arahant” and “buddha." The Buddha in his life and death offered a twopart model of no-self. For several decades after his enlightenment he went about doing good, teaching people of his insights, giving them the opportunity to tran scend suffering. Then his life came to an end; he was not reborn, but passed into a state about which he himself would say nothing, but which certainly was not in active contact with the world. The temptation for his followers was then to down grade the “noble person” and the moral acting out of selflessness - to see this as a means, perhaps not even a necessary means, to the absolute cessation of samsaric existence. As Theravada commentators point out, to interpret the notion of arahant in this way is in no way true to the ENB understanding of the Buddha’s message. But in any case, the Mahayana tradition was more explicit about the danger of a self seeking attitude to the religious goal, and formulated a positive doctrine to avoid it. This was a new, or at least newly delineated, model of the perfected being, the bodhisattva, the enlightenment being. Compassion, suffering with and helping oth ers is at the centre of this ideal. 418
The place of the bodhisattva ideal within the rational unity of the Buddhist tradi tion may be established from the following considerations. First, the fundamental teaching of conditionality shows the interdependence of all beings, including “peo ple,” who are falsely claimed to be independent, self-subsistent. Second, the Four Noble Truths focused the practice of the religion on one aim, that of the overcoming of suffering. These two claims together imply that what might appear to the begin ner on the path to be his goal, the overcoming of his own suffering, must, when seen from the standpoint of wisdom, be generalized to the overcoming of the suffer ing of all beings capable of suffering. Only to the extent that this has been achieved is the path at its end. Bibliography Anacker, S. 1984: Seven Works ofVasubandhu (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass). Collins, Steven 1982: Selfless Persons (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Conze, E. 1958: Buddhist Wisdom Books (London: George Allen & Unwin). ------1959: Buddhist Scriptures (Harmondsworth: Penguin). ------1962: Buddhist Thought in India (London: George Allen & Unwin). Conze, E. (tr.) 1973: The Perfection of Wisdom in 8,000 Lines andlts Verse Summary. Bolinas: Four Seasons Foundation. Jayatilleke, K. N. 1963: Early Buddhist Theory ofKnowledge (London: George Allen & Unwin). Kalupahana, D. J. 1986: Nagarjuna: the Philosophy of the Middle Way (New York: State University of New York Press). Katz, N. 1989: Buddhist Images of Human Perfection (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass). MacIntyre, Alasdair 1988: Whose Justice? Which Rationality? (London: Duckworth). Nagao, G. 1991: Madhyamika and Yogacara. A Study of Mahayana Philosophies (New York: State University of New York Press). Nyanaponika Thera 1965: Abhidhamma Studies (Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society). Stcherbatsky, T. 1979: The Central Conception of Buddhism and the Meaning of the Word “Dharma” (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass). Williams, Paul 1989: Mahayana Buddhism (London and New York: Routledge).
31 Buddhist perspectives on ontological truth MATTHEW KAPSTEIN
Propositional truth and ontological truth
The Sanskrit term most frequently rendered in English as “truth” is satya, which is derived from a form of the verb “to be” (as). This can be traced etymologically back to the ancient Indo-European copula, which is preserved also in Greek eimi, Latin esse, English is, and German Sein. The relationship between truth and being in Sanskrit is not just a discovery of modern linguistic science: Sanskrit grammarians, though not engaged in Indo-European historical linguistics, were always sensitive to the derivational principles of their own language, and they explain the term “satya” as being formed by the application of the suffix ya to sat, the present parti ciple of the verb “to be.” Satya, given a strong interpretation of the semantical influence of the derivational suffix, is therefore literally “what stands in relation to, has affinity with, being.” Read more weakly, it is simply “what has being.” From the earliest times, Indian thinkers regarded speech as one of the things that, in some instances at least, could be characterized as satya, “related to being.” The use of the epithet satyavadi-truth-speaker, one who “tells is like it is” (compare Kahn, 1978) - suggests that true speech was regarded as speech that discloses being through a correspondence thereto, a conception that was later given system atic expression in Hindu philosophical literature. That very early Indian thinkers sometimes did regard language as capable of standing in a relationship of corres pondence or adequation to being is confirmed by even so ancient a work as the Brhaddranyaka Upanisad (ca. eighth century bce), where the apparent impossibility of designating some objects - here brahman or atman - in this manner had already become a topic of discussion. This emerges, for instance, in a particularly striking selection from that text: Usasta Cakrayana said: “This has been explained by you just as one might say, ‘This is a cow, this is a horse.’ Now explain to me the brahman that is immediately present and directly perceived, that is the self within all.” “This is your self that is within all.” “Which is within all, Yajnavalkya?” “You cannot see the seer of sight, you cannot hear the hearer of what’s heard, you cannot think the thinker of the thought, you cannot know the knower of knowledge. He is your self which is within all. Everything else is wretched.” (III.iv.2)
It is of considerable interest here, in a passage belonging to the germinal age in the history of Indian linguistics, that Usasta adopts a linguistic model to indicate what he considers to be an unsatisfactory explanation of brahman. He says not, “You have explained this as you explain cows,” but rather, . as one might say, ‘This is a cow.’ ” The question thus is not merely one of seeking the “what,” whereby the self may be identified, but equally of seeking the “how,” the means in virtue of which the very identification itself becomes a possibility. How can language refer at all to that which has no determinate defining marks? It was with such questions, suggesting that the truths we may claim to know cannot all be of the same kind and in the same way, that the seed was planted for the eventual emer gence of the theory of “two truths” (satyadvaya) that became prominent in much later Buddhist and Vedantic scholasticism, and to whose Buddhist versions we shall return below. We may distinguish tentatively, then, between two differing ways of framing the question of truth, one of which, in a manner resembling the traditional Western conception of adequation, concerns the relationship between a propositional entity (for instance, a knowledge-claim, a thought or a statement) and something, of whatever type, that obtains in the world. This we term “propositional truth.” Be yond this, however, one may inquire into the relationship between that which so obtains and the modalities of being itself. This involves what we call “ontological truth.” These two conceptions permit us to make sense of many philosophical assertions - particularly in Indian and ancient philosophy - that otherwise sometimes seem paradoxical, and to see that they are in fact relatively straightfor ward. We may say, for instance, that it is true that there is a mirage in the desert but that the mirage is false - meaning, of course, that the person who reports a mirage when one in fact appears reports truly, though the mirage is nevertheless a deceptive appearance. Modern Western philosophy has tended to attempt to reduce confusion here by separating the two conceptions, so that the second is no longer generally discussed in terms of “truth” at all, but rather in terms of “being” or “reality.” For this reason, in some contexts contemporary scholars of Indian and Buddhist thought have preferred to translate satya as “reality.” This is not usually objectionable, though one loses in this way an explicit reminder of the rich continuities linking - for much of classical Indian thought, as for many aspects of classical Western thought - the realms of what we are calling the propositional and the ontological. Therefore we maintain here the use of the world “truth,” leaving context alone in most cases to clarify the intended usage sufficiently. The truth(s) of Indian Buddhism
Throughout the history of Buddhism in India the paradigmatic notion of “truth” was revealed in the teaching of the “Four Noble Truths” (catvdri dryasatydni). Even so late a philosopher as Moksakaragupta (twelfth century), separated from the age of the Buddha by no less a span of time than was Luther from Jesus, in his exposition of the peculiar mode of perception or knowledge possessed uniquely by 421
the insightful sage, refers to the Four Noble Truths as the “genuine objective,” contemplation of which is productive of the knowledge in question (Singh, 19 8 8, p. 24). When we inquire into what “truth” meant to Indian Buddhists, therefore, we would do well to begin by asking, what sort of “truth” is intended when one speaks of “Four Noble Truths”? The discourse in which the Buddha first reveals his teaching of the Four Truths is reported universally to have been his first sermon. In the Sutta on the Turning of the Wheel of the Doctrine (Dhammacakkappavattanasutta) of the Pali canon, for instance, the crucial passage with which we are here concerned reads as follows: Now this, o monks, is suffering, a noble truth: birth is suffering; aging is suffering: illness is suffering; death is suffering; coming in contact with what is unpleasant is suffering; separation from what is pleasant is suffering; not getting what one desires is suffering; in short, the five acquisitive aggregates are suffering. Now this, o monks, is the origination of suffering, a noble truth: it is this thirst, causing further birth, accompanied by delight and desire, taking pleasure here and there, namely, erotic thirst, thirst for being, thirst for annihilation. Now this, o monks, is the cessation of suffering, a noble truth: it is that thirst’s cessation due to dispassion without remain der, its abandonment, releasement, liberation, removal. Now this, o monks, is the path conducing to the cessation of suffering, a noble truth: it is this eight-limbed path, namely, correct view, correct intention, correct speech, correct limits on action, cor rect livelihood, correct effort, correct presence of mind, correct meditation. (Anderson, 1917, pp. 66-7)
It seems uncertain that the term “truth” is used univocally in these passages. The manner in which the first truth, that of suffering, is expressed, suggests above all a propositional conception of truth: the truth of suffering is articulated in prop ositions of the form X is suffering, Y is suffering, and so on. But in the case of the second truth, that of the origination of suffering, it is a particular property, “thirst,” that is identified with the truth in question; and in the third the cessation of that property. Finally, the fourth truth embodies a recommended course of action. “Truth,” therefore, would appear to be what is really the case, or a fact about the world, or an appropriate course of human action, or else it is a proposition or assertion corresponding to such a reality or fact or action. “Noble truths” are those truths, contemplation of which culminates in the attainment of the status of a “noble” in the classical Buddhist sense, that is, one whose final liberation is secure. In the scholastic literature of early Buddhism a distinction is sometimes made between those terms or statements which are of “ultimate significance” (paramattha) and those which are matters only of “conventional usage” (sammuti). Thus, for instance, the Questions ofMilinda (Milindapanha, second century bce) para phrasing here earlier scholastic writings: “In an ultimate sense, no person is apprehended ... ‘there is a being’ is conventional usage” (Milindapanha, p. 21). It is this distinction that, refined and further developed, becomes a distinction of “two truths.” Nagarjuna (second century ce) introduces it thus: 422
Relying on two truths is the Dharma-instruction of the Buddhas: The truth of the world’s conventional usage, and the truth in an ultimate sense. (Muiamadhyamakakdrika, 24.8)
Though I do not accept the general thesis of those who seek to disassociate Nagarjuna from the Mahayana schools of Buddhism (see, for example, Warder, 1973, pp. 78-88), I can see no reason not to take the technical terms in this verse as meaning just what they do in the tradition represented by the Questions of Milinda. It is true that Pali sammuti is here represented by Sanskrit samvrti, but, as will become apparent below, that should not in itself convince us that any semantic shift has yet taken place. The context of Nagarjuna’s verse also requires some comment. In occurs in the middle of his discussion of the Four Noble Truths, and is clearly introduced here, as it had been in the Questions of Milinda, to provide a metalinguistic device through which to interpret differing, apparently incompatible, assertions of doctrine, in this case the teaching of emptiness and that of the Four Truths. The two truths can plausibly be regarded as originally hermeneutical categories, and not as a meta physical theory at all, much less a theory about the general concept of “truth.” Nonetheless, it would appear that during the first centuries of the common era, Buddhist scholiasts came inceasingly to regard the two truths as a scheme parallel ling, or supplementing, that of the Four Noble Truths. Vasubandhu (fifth century) writes: Four truths were uttered by the Lord, and also two truths: the truth of conventional usage and the truth of ultimate significance. What is the defining characteristic of those two? [The response is given in a verse:] With reference to some thing, upon there being a breaking up or mental reduction [of it] to other [constituent elements], should no perception of that [thing then remain], It is truth of conventional usage; otherwise, truth of ulti mate significance. (Abhidharmakosam, pp. 889-90)
In the commentary which follows, Vasubandhu makes clear, however, that he conceives of truth primarily according to a linguistic paradigm: satyam evahur na mrsa, “they speak truth, indeed, not lies.” And Yasomitra, in his subcommentary (which quotes in full the verse of Nagarjuna that we have already cited above), glosses samvrti with the expression samvyavahdrena, “according to common usage.” If Nagarjuna’s explicit doctrine of the two truths can thus be plausibly under stood as a variant on early Buddhist scholastic usage, it seems nevertheless possible 423
to hold that his teaching as a whole necessitated a transformation in the under standing of that doctrine (see Nagao, 1989). Indeed, the later history of Mahayana thought, above all within the Madhyamika tradition stemming from Nagarjuna, reveals a deepening and ever-widening preoccupation with the problem of the two truths. The history is long and complex, but due to recent progress in the study of the history of Indian Madhyamika philosophy, many significant details have now come into view (see Williams, 1989, ch. 3). It will not be possible to survey this material at all within the limits of the present essay; so to adduce the great changes that were to take place, we shall leap ahead to the final phase in the history of Indian Madhyamika, and consider briefly some of the remarks on the two truths found in Prajnakaramati’s (tenth or eleventh century) commentary on Santideva’s (seventh century) Introduction to Enlightened Conduct (Bodhicaryavatara). In most respects, this follows the tradition of Nagarjuna’s great commentator Candrakirti (ca. 600 ce). Santideva’s evocative verses, the comments on which will concern us here, are these: Convention and ultimate significance - this is thought to be the pair of truths. Reality belongs not to the field of intellect; for intellect is said to be conventional usage. 9.2. In this case the world is twofold: there are the adepts and the commoners. Here the common world is defeated by the adept’s world. 9.3. Defeated, too, according to distinction of thought, are the adepts in ascending succession. 9.4ab. (Bodhicdrydvatdrah, pp. 170-8)
A superficial resemblance with Plato’s parable of the Cave (Republic, VII, 514) will be noticed immediately. As the condition of the prisoners is separated from that of the realizer of the “Idea of the Good” by an intervening realm in which one has turned painfully away from the shadows flickering on the wall, so here the com moner who knows only convention is separated from the realizer of the truth of ultimate significance by a hierarchically ordered realm of adepts, who, though free from the constraints of the commoner, have not yet realized that reality that is the truth of ultimate significance. Thus, the apparent bivalence of the two truths not withstanding, the scheme, as presented here, can be made out to comport rather well with the Platonic progression from that which merely appears to be “true” or “unhidden” - Plato’s alethes, Santideva’s samvrtisatya - through that which is “more true” - alethestera, yogisamvrti - to that which is “most true” - to alethestaton, paramdrthasatya. Let us turn now to Prajnakaramati’s discussions of the essential concept of the two truths. Prajnakaramati opens his comments on verse 9.2 by explaining the term samvrti, so far translated as “conventional usage.” He writes: Samvrti is so-called because by it the comprehension of what is as it is is concealed, or occluded, by reason of the occlusion of essential being, and by reason of occluded
disclosure. Ignorance, stupefaction and error are synonyms [for samvrti]. For igno rance, being the imputation of the forms of non-existing things, and of the nature of occlusion of the vision of inherent being, is samvrti. (Bodhicaryavatdrah, p. 170)
Thus “concealment” has displaced “convention” as the primary signification of samvrti. This late Madhyamika interpretation of samvrti, it should be emphasized, is etymologically correct: the root-form from which it is derived, sam-vr, means essen tially “to cover over, to close.” Hence, “closing of the throat, articulation” (and thus “convention”), but also “concealment.” That Madhyamika thinkers came in time to emphasize the latter signification was a historical decision, linguistically correct to be sure, but not delivered to them by the language even prior to their reflection upon it (see Nagao, 1991, ch. 2). Prajnakaramati’s discussion of paramartha reveals a subtle intermingling of two themes that had been associated with this term from antiquity. On the one hand, following a tradition established in the analytical aspects of Abhi dharma thought (that is, early Buddhist scholasticism), as represented above primarily in the selection from Vasubandhu, it is that which is ultimately real, that which is not destroyed through a reductive analytical procedure. For Vasubandhu this meant that it was paradigmatically two sorts of things: physical atoms and phenomenal atoms or dharmas. For Prajnakaramati, as a Madhyamika thinker, analysis can find no such points of termination; it must be pursued until it reveals the radical contingency of all conditioned phenomena, their ultimate emptiness: The ultimate, highest, significance, is ... the uncontrived form of things owing to the comprehension of which there is the abandonment of affliction that is bound up with all dispositions [involving] obscuration. It is the absence of the inherent being of all dharmas, [their] emptiness, just-so-ness, genuine limit, the sphere of the highest principle - these are among its synonyms. (Bodhicdrydvatdrah, p. 171)
Analytical ultimacy here is closely associated with soteriological ultimacy - at the limit of analysis there is an “abandonment of affliction”. While the Buddhist tradi tion seems to have always associated the two, the later Madhyamika tradition accentuates this in a manner that is in certain respects to be distinguished from the earlier tradition. For paramartha can mean not just “ultimate significance” in an analytic sense, but equally it can stand for paramapurusartha - that is, the highest end of man, moksa, liberation. In the tradition represented by Prajnakaramati, there is an apparently perfect convergence between these notions. One result is that the two truths scheme is no longer essentially a hermeneutical device used to interpret Four Truths discourse. Nor is it merely an alternative classificatory scheme. Rather, the two truths embrace and include the Four Noble Truths themselves: Four Noble Truths have been explained in the Abhidharma by the Lord, whose defin ing characteristics are suffering, origination, cessation and the path. How, therefore, can there be just two truths?... [I] t is because of their being included in the two. In
this manner the truths of suffering, origination, and the path, being essentially con cealment, are included in the truth of concealment, and the truth of cessation in the truth of ultimate significance. Thus there is no contradiction [between the two schemes]. (Bodhicdrydvatdrah, p. 175)
The doctrine of two truths, having assumed an all-embracing character, begins to look increasingly like a general doctrine of truth. But we have not yet said how truth, satya, is here to be understood. In particular, if samvrti is concealment, occlusion, then in what sense is it satya, truth, at all? Samvrti is one truth, inerrant, andparamartha is the other truth. “And” conjoins them as being equivalent insomuch as they are just truth. Here, the truth of concealment is the non-inadequate form of [that is, adhered to by] the common world. The truth of ultimate significance is the incorrigible reality of [that is, realized by] the nobles. (Bodhicdrydvatdrah, p. 174)
The world of common experience, including its linguistic and cognitive experi ences, is thus true just insofar as it is not actually falsified. Its “truth” is not a question of adequation, but rather of non-inadequation: whether my concept of a vase involves a relationship of adequation to that vase, in the AristotelianScholastic sense, can never be established, but the Madhyamika’s notion of non inadequation (avitatha, lit, “non-not-thus”) is no mere double negation of the West ern scholastic concept. So long as my concept of the vase is not defeated in experience, it is not inadequate. In quotidian life that is generally all the truth we need. Prajnakaramati adds: It may be [objected], how is it that samvrti, being of the nature of what is revealed in ignorance, and which is devastated by hundreds of investigations, because it is of the nature of imputations of what is not, is truth? This too is truth. It is spoken of as the “truth of concealment” in that it is a determination of the common world. For it is the world that is here the truth of concealment. In conformity with it, the Lord too has just so spoken [in terms of] that truth of concealment, without reference to those seeking reality. Hence, the qualification “and the truth of the world’s conventional usage” has been asserted by the venerable teacher [Nagarjuna]. But, in reality, ultimate significance is the only truth. (Bodhicdrydvatdrah, p. 175)
Conventional truth, in short, is pragmatically justified and so valued. Like Newto nian mechanics, which though false may be regarded as “true” for the purposes of investigating relatively small parts of the physical universe, conventional truth is true whenever it suffices for the purposes at hand. (Although unlike the example from physics, this is not a matter of approximation.) Thus so long as the ultimate has not been realized, the dialectic of the two truths must be posited. In the final analysis, however, for the sage who has realized the ultimate, the truth can only be one. The theory of the two truths, therefore, belongs to the very domain of the conventional that ultimately it undermines.
The two truths beyond India
The spread of the Buddha’s teaching throughout much of Asia in late antiquity and the early medieval period brought with it a great proliferation of new philosophical approaches, reflecting in part the efforts of thinkers to assimilate the doctrine to the requirements of diverse communities and cultures. The richness of these develop ments as they bear upon the conception of the two truths cannot be adequately reflected here, but to exemplify them in part we shall briefly consider some salient innovations articulated by philosophers of the Mahayana in China, Japan and Tibet. We may begin by observing that, despite the many pronounced differences be tween the East Asian Buddhist traditions (including those of China and Japan), that relied upon the Buddhist scriptures and philosophical treatises as they had been translated into classical Chinese, and the Tibetan Buddhist schools, that followed distinctive scriptural canons in literary Tibetan, both were united in their puzzle ment concerning the relationship between the two truths. We have seen already that Indian sources provided no simple solution to this problem, and so it is not surpris ing that it would generate considerable interest when the difficulties to which it gave rise were compounded by issues of translation and transmission across lin guistic and cultural boundaries. One of the most daring solutions to the problem was proposed by the Chinese monk and scholar Chih-i (538-597), whose teachings formed the basis for the T’ien-t’ai (in Japanese, Tendai) school of Buddhism. What Chih-i proposed was to resolve the dialectical tension of the two truths by positing a third truth. In its essential structure, then, Chih-i’s theory very roughly reminds us of the Hegelian conception of the synthesis, that arises from the dialectical opposition of thesis and antithesis. It is a theory with its own distinctive twist, however, as is made clear by Neal Donner, a contemporary scholar of Buddhism: [T]he third truth is generated from the other two by regarding them as extremes, dialectically reconciled in the middle truth. That things are is the first truth (provision al); that they are not is the second (ultimate); and that they both are and are not, as well as neither are nor are not, is the third truth, considered necessary by Chih-i in order to avoid the extreme of negation into which he perceived many of those falling who clung to the doctrine of emptiness as an ultimate.... The third or middle truth, expressible as above in two equivalent ways (“both” and “neither”) is not truly a compromise, a “middle way” between extremes as we might think, but instead em phasizes that paradoxical nature of reality: that the truth cannot be reduced to a single formulation. (Donner, 1987, p. 205)
Chih-i’s three truth theory, however, did not meet a favorable reception in all quarters. It invited, among others, the objections that by identifying the ultimate with the “not,” Chih-i had misunderstood the second truth, and that by propound ing a third truth he had failed to grasp the significance of complete freedom from conceptual alternatives. Thus, for instance, Kukai (or Kobo daishi, 774-835), the founder of the Shingon school of esoteric Buddhism in Japan, clearly suggested that
Chih-i, though deriving his teaching partly from that of Nagarjuna, had not really comprehended the depths of the latter’s insights (Kukai, 1972, p. 210). Kukai’s own view of the two truths was, by contrast, elaborated primarily on the basis of the esoteric teachings he championed. Though it will not be possible to introduce his complicated system here in a satisfactory manner, we must note that, in esoteric Buddhist practice, in contrast to other approaches to Buddhist meditation, there is a powerful emphasis on ritual performance and positive symbolism (including visual imagery, incantation and gesture). In this approach, emptiness suffuses the brilliance of divine and sacred forms, and these, in turn, are identified with the manifest nature of living beings. Expressing this in relation to the doctrine of two truths, Kukai paraphrases a passage from Nagarjuna: In Buddhism there are two standards of truth, that is the conventional truth and the ultimate truth. For the conventional truth it is explained that there are sentient beings. For the ultimate truth it is explained that there are no sentient beings at all. But here again there are two standards. For those who do not know the characteristics of expression and esoteric symbols, it is explained that from the points of view of the ultimate truth there are no sentient beings: and for those who know the characteris tics of expression and esoteric symbols, it is explained that from the point of view of the ultimate truth there are sentient beings. (Kukai, 1972, p. 260)
Kukai’s conception here is similar to that of some of the esoteric traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, which speak in this context of a “coalescence of appearance and emptiness” (snangstong zung-’jug). A recent doctrinal manual of the Nyingmapa (Rnying-ma-pa) tradition, for example, states: The body of reality according to the vehicle of dialectics has fallen into the extreme of emptiness, whereas the body of reality according to the mantras [that is, esoteric Buddhism] does not fall into extremes of eternalism and nihilism since there is no dichotomy between appearance and emptiness. (Dudjom Rinpoche, 1991, Vol. 1, p. 144)
Passages such as these, however, are deliberately framed to reflect the polemic of certain proponents of the esoteric traditions against the dialecticians (in Kukai’s words “those who do not know characteristics of expression and esoteric symbols”), and so to some extent stereotype the viewpoint of the latter. But, by contrast, the dialectical traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, basing themselves upon the close study of the writings of the Indian philosophical masters, arrived at a whole range of differing interpretations of the two truths, while seeking to avoid those perspectives characterized as “extreme.” Among these interpretations the most controversial, certainly, was propounded by Dol-po-pa (Shes-rab-rgyal-mtshan, 1292-1361), who was famous for his peculiar doctrine of the “extrinsic emptiness” (gzhan-stong) of the absolute, that is to say, its emptiness with respect to all relative or con ventional phenomena, that are thus extrinsic to its proper nature (see Ruegg, 1963). Entailed by this doctrine is a radical division between the two truths: the nature of the absolute is such that relative reality is in some sense wholly other. The 428
following comments are drawn from Dol-po-pa’s remarkable essay on the two truths: The defining characteristic of relative truth is that it is an object of consciousness that in its fundamental nature is itself essentially empty of veridical being, while the defin ing characteristic of absolute truth is that it is an object of authentic, sublime gnosis that in its fundamental nature is itself essentially not empty of veridical being.... Because the relative does not exist in fact, it is intrinsically empty, and appears to consciousness but not to gnosis. Because the absolute exists in fact, it is not intrinsi cally empty, but is extrinsically empty, and appears to gnosis but never at all to consciousness.... Thus, to those who are childish, according to their own dispositions, only inau thentic characteristics appear, but not the authentic suchness, and in the same way, to the bodhisattvas, according to their own dispositions, only the authentic appears, but not what is inauthentic. (Dol-po-pa, 1992-3, pp. 812-15)
Dol-po-pa’s views were hotly contested by those who thought they amounted to a form of radical dualism. His most vociferous opponents even charged that he was a covert adherent of the Hindu Samkhya philosophy! Among those who articulated opposing interpretations of the teaching of two truths, the renowned Tsong-kha-pa (Blo-bzang-grags-pa, 1357-1419), founder of the Gelukpa (Dge-lugs-pa) school that would later dominate Tibetan Buddhism, sought to re-emphasize an essential ly dialectical conception of their relation (see Tauscher, 1995). A successor to his teaching, the Mongolian cleric Ngak-wang-bel-den (Ngag-dbang-dpal-ldan, b. 1779), summarizes the reasons for regarding the radical separation of the two truths as unacceptable: If the two truths were different entities, then (1) the mind realizing the emptiness of true existence would not overcome the conception of true existence; (2) the emptiness of true existence of a form would not be the mode of abiding of that form; (3) the non-affirming negative that is the mere excluder... of the true existence of a form would not be the real nature of that form; and (4) Buddha[s]... would see forms as truly existent and would see emptiness as truly existent separately. (Newland, 1992, p. 65)
The supposition here is that the extreme bifurcation proposed by Dol-po-pa effec tively establishes the metaphysical equivalence of the two truths. Thus, for in stance, to conceive that something exists veridically and to realize its emptiness ((1) above) are no longer contradictories, one negating the other, but are now indepen dent intentions directed upon disparate objects (the veridical existence of x and the emptiness of the veridical existence of x). Such a theory of the two truths, far from revealing to us a soteriologically valuable dialectic, leaves us with the unedifying vision of two mutually exclusive, but somehow compresent, orders of being, in which our discovery of a higher truth does nothing to overturn our previous un knowing. The central ontological and epistemological dimensions of the two truths theory, as understood in Tsong-kha-pa’s tradition, have been well-summarized by Jeffrey Hopkins: 429
[T]he division of the two truths is not an ontological division. Both exist only conven tionally ... with samvrti here referring to a valid dualistic cognizer; both truths exist for valid dualistic cognizers and not in ultimate analysis. The division of the two truths emphasizes two types of objects of consciousness, truths and falsities. Both, however, are falsely existent or falsely established because neither is independent; each depends on its imputing consciousness and on the other.... The division into two truths on epistemological grounds is a call to eradicate ignorance and to attain the highest wisdom. It is a call to recognition that a conven tional cognizer, even if valid with respect to the existence or non-existence of objects, is not valid with respect to their suchness. It is a call to a new mode of perception, to a cognition of a reality that has been ever-present, (Hopkins, 1983, pp. 418-19)
As Hopkins’s reference to “a cognition of a reality” makes clear, however, there are some strong ontological commitments at work here, despite the refusal to counte nance an ultimate ontological basis for the distinction between the two truths themselves. Perhaps we may say that, on this account, the dialectic of the two truths discloses ontological truth, which involves nothing to be posited over and against the dual aspect of its disclosure. Concluding reflections
Realists, as the late B. K. Matilal remarked in a critique of Madhyamika thought, tend to be “rather suspicious of such bifurcation of truths into two levels.” He continued to argue, however, that “such criticism misses the mark if we do not take into account the soteriological significance of the doctrine” (Matilal, 19 73. p. 57). The theory of the two truths thus provides a means to interpret the apparent contradictions that obtain between the Buddha’s conventional and practical teachings, on the one hand, and the insights that are only to be realized by the most accomplished and perceptive of disciples, on the other. Moreover, by accepting that convention had the status of a sort of truth, and was not to be regarded as sheer falsehood, a bridge was effectively established along which those receptive to the teaching might be guided until they themselves arrived at the highest realization. As an approach to the role of the two truths theory in Buddhist discourse, such a view of the matter is not without merit, but it sidesteps, I believe, a crucial question: besides its utility for the soteriologies of particular religious traditions, is there any good reason for us to countenance the theory philosophically? For, as we are all aware, there are many specific religious doctrines (that of the virgin birth among Christians, or of the sanctity of the Sabbath among Jews, for instance) that we regard as certainly significant in their proper contexts, but that seldom com mand sustained philosophical discussion outside of those contexts. If all we can say for the theory of two truths is that it was useful for the soteriologies of Buddhism, Vedanta and some similar traditions, then we may be implicitly removing it from the sphere of philosophy after all. Now, it seems often to be the case that philosophically valued questions are those that neither yield a precise solution, nor permit themselves to be easily dismissed
(for example, by recognizing the supposed problem to have been based only on the misuse of language). To redeploy a metaphor of W. V. 0. Quine, philosophical problems are like recurring itches, that will not go away when left alone, and are at best only momentarily relieved by scratching. Recalling now the Platonic theory of knowledge (as in the famous example of the divided line), Kant’s conception of phenomena and noumena, the appearance-reality distinction in Hegelians like Bradley and Royce, or the abyss dividing commonsense realism from contemporary physical theory, it seems plausible to regard our problem as one connected with some of our most persistent philosophical itches. For in these and many other instances we And ourselves confronted with the apparent dichotomy between the truth as we think we know it, and the possibility of discovering that that cannot be the truth in fact. For this reason, it seems that often we must entertain something like a two truths theory, even if in the end, like soap, we have to rinse it away with the soil it was intended to cleanse. To put the point in somewhat different terms, every science can be said to have its own soteriology. Gadjin Nagao rightly expresses caution regarding the application of the concept of “ontology” to Madhyamika thought, but concludes, “[I]f an ontology of a Buddhist kind is to be considered seriously, then it would have to be based, not on an ontology of ‘being’ - that is, not in an ontic sense, but on transcending both existence and non-existence - that is, in the movement towards sunyata. In other words, ontology in a Buddhism [sic] context is not an ontology of ‘being,’ but that of sunyata” (Nagao, 1991,p. 187). With this in mind, the puzzling aspect of the two truths theory is underscored when we return to the notions of propositional and ontological truth introduced earlier. For the two truths theory appears, in its form, to be a theory of ontological truth, that is, a theory about how things are, but at the same time, in order to discuss it at all, we must entertain it propositionally. In such a framework, however, the theory must result in paradox, because propositional truth operates wholly within the sphere of the conventional. That is to say, assuming the two truths theory to be true, then any statement of the form “thus-and-such theory of truth is true” can be true only conventionally, never ultimately. But supposing the theory to be false, we must countenance the probability that much of what we think we know is not in any sense “true,” but false simpliciter. Such an approach to two truths discourse is perhaps descriptive of a type of dialectic in which thought frequently finds itself - a dialectic that involves the criticism of assumed truths in an effort to refine knowledge to a higher degree. Though this, in its generalities at least, is not deeply objectionable, we may still wish to hold that, per impossibile, were we perfect cognizers, our thought would never need be involved in such a dialectic at all. From the perspective of a perfect cognizer, it will be urged, the truth of things must be one. As we have seen above, some Buddhist thinkers - Prajnakaramati and Tsongkha-pa were examples - arrived at just this conclusion. And it is a conclusion that, within the domain of conventional truth, appears to be entirely reasonable. 431
Note The present paper is in part based upon my earlier article “The Trouble with Truth: Heideg ger on Aletheia, Buddhist Thinkers on Satya," Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 9,2 (1992), pp. 69-85, in which some of the topics raised here are examined from an explicitly comparative perspective. I wish to thank Professor Daya Krishna (Jaipur) and Professor David Seyfort Ruegg (London) for their comments to me about it, contributing to the discussion offered here.
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32 Truth and Islamic thought ANDREY SMIRNOV The problem of truth was raised in medieval Islamic philosophy within the framework of discussions starting from the question of whether our knowledge corresponds to the “actuality of affairs.” The notion of validity thus elaborated was comprehended as a quality of knowledge established through a comparison with “matters of fact.” What was intended is not coincidence with what is and has existence. Existence (wujud) was generally understood in Islamic thought as one of the attributes (sifa) that a thing might or might not possess while still being “a thing” (shay*), and since our knowledge embraces things independently of their accidental attributes, the question about truth was placed on a wider footing. Validity, from that point of view, testifies that our knowledge conforms with reality in the immediate meaning of the term - thing-ness. This notion of reality (shayiyya) does not necessarily exclude Divinity, for God in Islamic sciences is often com prehended as The Thing, although different in every respect (except that of thing-ness) from all other things. The concept of “thing” serves to introduce some thing into the current of intellectual discourse rather than to state anything definite about it; to be a thing - that is, fixed and established - means to enter the field of discussion. Validity as affirmation of conformity with reality was referred to as sidq (veracity, truth) or tasdiq (certification of truth). The “actuality of affairs” to which our knowledge conforms was comprehended also as a sort of “authenticity,” and the corresponding term haqiqa may be rendered into English as “truth” as well. Thus verification is carried out by comparing our knowledge to the “truth of things,” and if the result is positive, knowledge is “true (sadiq); if not, it is “false” (kadhib). Knowledge is valid by virtue of its coincidence with the truth of things, while the truth of the latter needs no verification. It follows from the fact of their “being affirmed”: they just “are there” as “fixed” and “true.” The ideas of truth, fixity and thing are closely linked in Arabic. The term “thing” (shay) is usually explained as “something that is established” (thdbit), and the root h-q-q, from which “truth” (haqiqa) is derived, renders the same meaning. (For example, haqq means both “true” and “unshakable.”) The problem of truth was raised rather early in Islamic thought, and already the al-Rawafid discussed it. As al-Ash'ari informs us, most of them maintained that all human knowledge is “necessitated” (idtirar). From their point of view, a person is not free to acquire true knowledge or to reject the false; moreover, knowledge about the falsity or validity of our knowledge also cannot be obtained at our will. This
argument proceeded from the general assumption that all human deeds are “forced” (idtirar). At the same time, some of the al-Rawafid considered the human mind able to receive true knowledge independently, for example, to learn of God’s unity (tawhid) before the prophets inform people of it. Knowledge gained indepen dently, they argued, is obtained with the help of qiyas (literally “co-measuring”). The term designates rational epistemological procedures that produce new knowledge “by measure” of the old one and was used not only in Kalam, but in other sciences as well, denoting analogous judgment in fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and the syllogism in logic. However, al-Rawafid who affirmed the independent ability of reason to gain new knowledge were in the minority (al-Ash'ari, 1980, pp. 51-3). The discussion of truth was deepened by the Mu tazila. First, they were con cerned with determining the types of propositions that can be true or false. These are statements containing “denial and affirmation” (cd-nafy wa al-ithbat), “praise and reprobation” (al-madh wa al-dhimni) as well as “wonder” (ta'ajjub), while “ques tion” (istijham), “order and interdiction” (al-amr wa al-nahy), “regret” (asq/), “hope” (tamanm) and “request” (masala) are neither true nor false (al-Ash'ari, 1980, p. 444). The Mu'tazila seem to have been little occupied with how true knowledge is reached, and this is perhaps due to the fact that they discussed truth in connection with the reliability of prophetic sayings - which is not an art to be taught. The Mu'tazila had different opinions as to whether a proposition can be called true or false if its author was ignorant of the “actuality of affairs.” (The question here is whether unintended deception can be called a lie, or whether a statement that incidentally happened to be exact can be called truth). When the relevant “actuality of affairs” does not exist (for example, if the event has not yet occurred) or is unknown to a person, the verification procedure that compares a proposition to the “truth of things” cannot be executed - for objective and subjec tive reasons respectively - and such a proposition is to be regarded as neither true nor false. This argument, however, was not generally accepted by the Mu'tazila. As for Aristotelian logic, it took root in medieval Islamic thought above all due to peripatetism. This school gave much more sophistication to what the Mutakallimun said about truth and the possible ways of acquiring it. Many elements of Aristotelian logic introduced by the Islamic peripatetics became indisputable patterns of reasoning for Islamic thinkers, and no school of medieval philosophy seriously challenged the syllogism as a paradigm for the preservation of truth in argumentation. What was disputed was the sphere in which the syllo gistic method is relevant. This method appears to have gained less favor among Islamic thinkers than it did among ancient or medieval Western thinkers, and in philosophy per se we find even among the peripatetics great reservations in this respect. Elements of Aristotelian logic were rather well known to Islamic scholars from translations of Aristotle’s works as well as from writings of his great commentators, among which must be mentioned in particular Porphyry’s Eisagoge. There also existed quite a number of logical treatises of educational and propadeutical charac ter composed in Arabic, many of which belong, or are ascribed to, al-Farabi. 438
According to the peripatetics, the purpose of logic is to gain true knowledge. Such knowledge is twofold, consisting of “notions” (tasawwur) and “certifications of truth” (tasdiq), which are both accessible only on the basis of some a priori know ledge. As for “notions” (that is, understanding what the thing is), this knowledge in the final analysis is based on the units of meaning that definitions, later used in arguments, are composed of. In “certifications of truth” this primary knowledge is represented by “principles of intellect” (awa’il al-'aql), that very intellect with the help of which, as al-Farabl interprets Aristotle, we perceive the “certainty (yaqiri) of necessary and true general presuppositions” (al-Farabl, 1890, p. 40) with no prior investigation or argument. This is how Ibn Sina expresses the point in his concise Book of Remarks and Admonitions: The purpose of logic is to provide a canonical tool (dla qanuniyya) that prevents aberration of thought. By “thought” (fikr) I mean here what takes place when a person, having pulled himself up, passes from what is present in his mind, what he has a notion of or what he is certain of... to what is not [present] there. This transition has a certain order and figure that might be correct and might happen to be incorrect. The incorrect often looks correct or makes you believe that it is correct. So logic is a science that studies ways of transition from what is present in the human mind to what it acquires,... the correct modes of ordering this transition and its figures, as well as the kinds of incorrect ones. (Ibn Sina, 1960, Pt 1, pp. 167-78)
Atomic “individual meanings” (ma'dm mufrada), from which complex logical structures are produced by “ordering” (tartib) and “composing” (tdUf), constitute the basis for all logical operations (Ibn Sina, 1960, Pt 1, pp. 179-80). These mean ings entirely correspond to the things in question. The correspondence is based on what is established by the language-giver who assigns certain “meanings” (ma'am) to certain “sounds” (alfaz); this correspondence is therefore called “established” (bi al~wad). For example, the sound “human” corresponds to the meaning “animal endowed with speech.” The sound and its meaning are the two elements that make up a “word” (kalima): the relation of “denotation ” (daldla) exists between the first and the second. What is denoted by the “sound” is that very “meaning” that constitutes the “truth” (haqiqa) of things. Thus logic, dealing with sounds and their meanings, deals in fact with things - as long as the denotation originally estab lished in language is preserved. In order to acquire the correct notion of a thing, one must arrive at a “clarifying saying” (qawl shdrih) about it. This can be achieved, first, in a “definition” (hadd) of the thing. The construction of definitions is described in every detail as a procedure of answering the question what is it? by providing its genus (jins) and specific difference (fast) to produce a definition of the species (naw') that informs us of the quiddity (mahiya) of the thing in question. Besides a definition, a “description” (rasm) can also be given to clarify the notion of a thing, although this does not deal with thing’s quiddity. A description has to be given to those tools that serve us in setting out definitions - that is, notions of genus, species and specific difference - as well as to the highest genera that have no genus above them (and, consequently, 439
for which no definition can be given). Second, a description may be given to the things that have quiddity; for example, “animal endowed with laughter” serves as a description for “human.” As for arguments, they are composed in the form of syllogisms. Aristotelian syllogistic doctrine was exposed in Islamic peripatetism in every detail, accom panied by the examination of possible errors, mistakes and sophisms. The validity of conclusions reached through syllogisms is based on the accuracy with which we establish true meanings in definitions. A great project of the unification and hierarchization of sciences was advanced in Islamic peripatetism. The hierarchization was to be based on differences in the degrees of generality of the various sciences’ subjects. What is proved in the more general sciences may serve as non-provable principles for the more particular ones. From that point of view, sciences form a pyramid of axiomatically subordinated branches of knowledge. Al-Farabi, in Kitab al-Kindl, in Kitab al-falsafa al-ula, Ibn Sina, in al-Burhan (part of Kitab al-shija) (to give only examples, and not an exhaustive list) speak about such subordination of the more particular to the more general sciences. This structure of knowledge is conceived as corresponding to the universe, which is ordered along the same lines of generality-particularity. Logic is an important instrument of cognition. This does not mean, however, that the peripatetics tend to exaggerate its significance. Besides knowledge acquired by means of logic, direct, intuitive (hadasiyy) knowledge is possible. This is granted as immediate manifestation, in which the thing unconditionally and completely expresses itself as such. Knowledge of our ego serves as a paradigm of intuitive cognition. Ibn Sina introduces this thesis in his famous fragment about the “flying person” in his Book of Remarks and Admonitions: Look at your soul and answer: when you are in sound health, or even not, but correctly perceive things, did it ever happen that you were ignorant of your self (dhat) or didn’t ascertain your soul?... Imagine that your self has just been created; assume that it is in its right mind and figure, sees none of its parts and its members don’t feel each other, but it is spread and suspended at some moment in pure air. Then you will find that it notices nothing; however it observes fixity of its egoness (anatyyd). (Ibn Sina, 1957, Pt 2, pp. 319-20)
The ego is always manifest to itself, and this manifestation is the primary fact of our consciousness. It depends on nothing and, furthermore, no sophisticated proof is needed to understand it: it suffices to imagine the situation described above for the fact of the ego’s manifestation to itself to become clear. Immediate manifestation can be considered a sort of completion for the logical form of cognition. This concluding step, however, already transcends the path that it completes and opens fundamentally new horizons. According to Ibn Sina, Ibn Tufayl and other authors, a person acquires complete and true knowledge through union with Active Intellect - the last of the Cosmic Intellects, repository of all forms and governor of the sublunar world. This full contact with the source of forms that
are the subject of logical inquiry no longer presupposes any necessity of transition from the already-present to the yet-unknown, and thus places one outside the framework of logical reasoning. Certainly, not everyone is able to achieve this union; only if the soul is pure, Ibn Sina argues, can it be inflamed by Active Intellect and directly imprinted with the forms of all possible knowledge. It is the same intention of achieving immediately manifest self-evidence that speaks for itself in these cases, as also when these authors abandon philosophical jargon and talk about directly witnessing the Divine world. It is also obvious that the patency of our ego for itself guarantees its ability to reach absolutely complete and true knowledge by witnessing the Divinity, for the two kinds of evidential witnessing differ with respect to their subject, rather than in their essence. The exposition of the peripatetic doctrine of truth is in no way complete before Ibn Rushd’s work Kitab fast al~maqal wa taqfir ma bayna al-sharfa wa al-hikma min al~ ittisal (or “Decisive Saying Establishing the Connection between Law and Wisdom”) is mentioned. Despite its title, the chief idea of this little treatise is that the spheres of “wisdom” (that is, philosophy) and “Law” (the theoretical postulates followed in religious life as well as its practical prescriptions) may be separated. The work attempts to fix independent rights of reason for obtaining the truth that within the limits defined for it - no one can violate. It is noteworthy that Ibn Rushd had predecessors among the Mutakallimun in the differentiation of what falls under the Law, which is established and can be revised under no circumstances, and what reason is permitted to discuss and decide. “What is known by reason and what is known only through Law,” a chapter in Usui al~din (or Principles ofReligion), a book by an Ash'arite author, Abu Mansur al-Baghdadl, bears a resemblance to Aver roes’s treatise not only by its title. Al-Baghdadl definitely states that only Divine prescriptions, either direct or transmitted through prophets, constitute the domain of Law, whereas problems of the world’s origin and similar questions involve theories that human reason elaborates. IsmaTlism may to a certain degree be regarded as a successor of peripatetism with respect to the theory of knowledge and truth. IsmaTIi theoreticians, on the one hand, have no doubt concerning reason’s capability of knowing the truth; more over, cognition of the truth is, in their view, indispensable for the person who wants to reach salvation. On the other hand, they give up the syllogistic method as the principal means of cognition. The Universe, in their estimation, is not a unified structure arranged in the hierarchical (generality-particularity) order that the peripatetics described. It is rather a system of structures that stand with respect to each other in relations of similarity, isomorphism and correspondence. This ontol ogy presupposes a special method of cognition. This is how Hamid al-Din al-Kirmani, the most prominent IsmaTIi theoretician, expresses these theses. Any science, he argues, has its own “laws” (qawamri) - that is to say, criteria by which knowledge is tested in order to determine whether it really corresponds to the “true order” (nizam al-haqq) of the subject of study. And if the peripatetics strive to achieve their aim, that is, “knowledge of the meanings of existence” (ma’flni al-wujud), by means of logic, IsmaTIi philosophers employ a different method. 441
Its basic premise can be expressed as follows: anything in the world belongs to some structure and may correctly be comprehended only within that structure, through its place in the overall framework and its structural role. Thus the prelim inary step for cognition is to single out the universal structures that, being completely “balanced” (mutawazina) and “isomorphic” (mutashakila), form the cre ated world. In their mutual conformity universal harmony is embodied, expressing the highest wisdom of their creation and giving evidence to the perfection of our world, which is the best of all possible worlds. The principle of hierarchical harmony, penetrating the Universe, can be traced on different levels. As IsmaTli works show, this can be done with great accuracy and amazing sophistication. There are four basic structures to be identified; the metaphysical world, the religious community, the natural world, and the human being. It is of fundamental importance that knowledge of any of these structures allows us to know all of the others with the help of special rules of interstructural translation of meaning, since corresponding elements of different structures have a similar structural place, function and essence. Had all the structures of the Universe been manifest to us, no special cognitive procedures would be necessary. However, universal structures fall into two classes. Some of them are “obvious” (zahir), while others are “latent” (batin'). IsmaTli theory of knowledge proceeds from the premise that “latent” structure (as a whole, as well as any of its separate elements) can be known only through the “obvious.” Since it is the structure of IsmaTli community (or as al-Kirmanl prefers to say, the “world of religion”) that is known to us in every detail, all new knowledge is acquired on this basis. This method is referred to as finding “balance” (muwazana) and “corre spondence” (mutabaqa). IsmaTli community structure is harmoniously balanced with all other structures in the world (this is a postulate of IsmaTli philosophy, not a conclusion to be proved), and knowing it we can arrive at knowledge of anything. Besides, numeric structures are widely used in search of mutual structural corre spondences. Using this method, al-Kirmanl consistently and in every detail describes the metaphysical world (the hierarchy of Cosmic Intellects) as well as the natural world and the microcosm. Structural correspondence is for al-Kirmanl not only a method of finding new knowledge, but also a criterion for the verification of existing knowledge. Only that is valid which has a correct structure. “This criterion is such that what agrees with it, is true, and what disagrees, is false; it is this criterion that is so attractive for the intellect that seeks to know with its help what is given to it as well as what escapes it” (al-Kirmanl, 1983, p. 236). In cognitive procedures the structure of the “reli gious world” (which means the IsmaTli community) is taken as a paradigm, but that structure too is verified by correspondence to “God’s creation.” The perfection of the manifest structure and its undoubted validity is proved for al-Kirmanl by the fact that it disagrees with the Universe in no detail (al-Kirmanl, 1983, p. 237). Certainly, the person who would endeavor to apply this method of cognition in his own research will hardly succeed. This method serves well in the exposition and structuring of already acquired knowledge, but in spite of what al-Kirmanl main tains, not in the search for new knowledge. The author of Rahat al-aql leaves us
ignorant of the most interesting and important detail of his method - those interstructural semantic translation procedures that fill the unknown structure with new meanings so that it balances the structure manifest to us. In this respect what al-Farabl said on another occasion seems to be relevant. In this critique of astrolo gers, the “Second Teacher” argues that in the world one can single out diverse “sets” (kathrd) of things, like animals’ movements, the voices of birds, written signs, and so on, in order to put them in correspondence with the multitude of events that we experience; such a procedure, however, produces “only occasional, instead of necessary [truth] that reason should have accepted” (al-Farabl, 1890, p. 111). Illuminative philosophy is another successor to peripatetism with respect to the theory of truth. It is no exaggeration to say that Ibn Sina is the greatest authority for the most prominent representative of this school, Shihab al-Dm Yahya alSuhrawardl. The affinity of these two thinkers is surprising, in view of the disagree ments between their teachings caused by al-Suhrawardi’s adherence to a metaphysics of light and darkness; on the subject of the theory of truth, however, the disagreements between them are minimal. Like Ibn Sina, al-Suhrawardi speaks about two kinds of true knowledge: imme diate intuitive knowledge and logical knowledge. The first he also calls “truthful witnessing” (mushahada haqqiyd), and the second “research” (bahth). Knowledge of the ego, or, as al-Suhrawardi himself calls it, ego-ness (anaiyya), serves for him, as it did for Ibn Sina, as an archetype of the direct cognition of truth. But since the majority of people are unable to experience the completeness of truth immediately, they have to resort to indirect logical cognition, which starts with basic un questionably valid premises and proceeds from them to the unknown (alSuhrawardl, 1952, p. 18). Al-Suhrawardi considers the elementary sensual perceptions “simple mean ings,” logical atoms from which the construction of concepts begins. These per ceptions are simple, absolutely evident and self-identical; they are the principal elements known by anyone who has healthy organs of perception. Sensual perception is absolutely adequate, al-Suhrawardi argues: we perceive exactly what is there in the things perceived. Finally, basic sensual perceptions, being elements of knowledge, have no logical definition (al-Suhrawardi, 1952, p. 104). This sen sualism of the celebrated mystic agrees well with his radical nominalism; according to al-Suhrawardi, no general concepts exist independently of our minds. On this basis he argues that quiddity is constituted not only by substantial features, as the peripatetics maintained, but also by accidental features. For the shape of a house, for example, is accidental with respect to the clay from which it is constructed, and nevertheless we say, in response to the question “what is it?” that it is a “house,” rather than “clay” (al-Suhrawardi, 1952, pp. 85-6). Given SuhrawardTs meta physics of light and darkness, he denies that the first matter is universal substance, and consequently is compelled to look for a different basis of individuation. For him it is not matter that is “responsible” for the multiplicity of individuals which all have the same quiddity and which therefore are, logically speaking, one and the same, but rather the degree of perfection (kamal) or degree of completeness by which this or that “universal meaning” is represented in the individual (al-Suhrawardi, 1952, 443
p. 8 7). This concept of individuality as a degree of perfection will later be elaborated in Sufism by Ibn 'Arabi. As for the syllogistic method, the importance that al-Suhrawardi attaches to it is testified to by the fact that the first half of his chef-d’oeuvre, Hikmat al-ishraq (Wis dom of Illumination), is solely devoted to its exposition. Al-Suhrawardi points out that it is a necessary propaedeutic for the second, metaphysical and mystical, part of his book. In his analysis of syllogisms accompanied by a detailed study of possible errors and sophisms, al-Suhrawardi strives to prove that all modes of syllogism can be reduced to a single positive categorical mode, which, in his estimation, makes knowledge of all the subtleties of the other modes superfluous. As for the complete and perfect witnessing of truth, it is reached, according to alSuhrawardi, in the state of “illumination” (ishraq). “Illumination” is the central concept of al-Suhrawardi’s philosophy. It signifies direct irradiation of the soul by superior, metaphysical lights. The soul itself is a light that has descended from the “world of light” into the “world of darkness” and is yet impotent to return to its original abode. This congeneity of human soul and the highest principles of being constitutes the ontological foundation for the possibility of such irradiation. Illumi nation discloses the truth (haqq) immediately and needs no verification (tasdlq). Logical instruments that verify the correctness of “transition” procedures are of no use when no such transition takes place. The Sufi doctrine of the truth and the ways of acquiring it differs in its central point from any of the doctrines that we have hitherto discussed. No matter how truth is understood in Kalam, peripatetism, IsmaTlism, or the philosophy of illumi nation, all of these schools have in common an explicit or implicit understanding of true knowledge as something unhesitatingly established; the term “certainty” (yaqiri) generally serves to express this fixity. Such certainty is understood as “quiescence” (itmihdn; the same idea of quietude reached through complete and true knowledge is expressed by the title of al-Kirmanl’s magnum opus Rahat al-aql - peace of mind) on the basis of the generally accepted notion of the “perfect” (kamil) and “complete” (tdmm) as immobile. The true, by virtue of its completeness, needs nothing external to be accomplished and, consequently, no movement is necessary for it. Against this understanding of truth as a state of clear certainty, Sufism opposes the doctrine of the truth being witnessed in its completeness in a state of “abashment” and “confusion” (hayra) that presupposes constant restlessness. Although in this respect Sufism stands in opposition to other trends of medieval Islamic philosophy, there is doubtless continuity in the way Sufi theoreticians arrive at the above conclusion. Peripatetism, Ismallism and the philosophy of illumination understand the achievement of truth, at least in its logical form, as “transition” (intiqal) from what a person possesses as established truth to what he or she currently does not possess; as for mystical revelation, it also provides a sort of finally established and unequivocally valid knowledge. “The unknown - against the known,” Ibn Sina writes (Ibn Sina, 1960. Pt 1, p. 181): all things are divided into two classes that stand to each other in a relation of exact mutual corre spondence; everything is truly known after it has been unknown. Dividing things
into the “unseen” (batin) and the “manifest” (zahir) was commonplace in medieval Islamic thought, and these concepts remain fundamental in Sufi epis temology as well, where cognition is often referred to as “making [the unseen] manifest” (izhar). This substantial departure from traditional Islamic thinking in the final con clusion of Sufi epistemology (that is, the cognition of truth as “confusion” instead of as “fixed certainty”) in spite of common intention of finding the solution (truth as unseen made manifest) is explained by a basic feature of this philosophy that may be defined as interiorization. Both Sufi ontology (see Article 3 7, causality and Islamic thought) and epistemology are deeply marked by it. Just as the cause and effect relation is an inner division of the same essence rather than an external relation between two different essences, so the inner and the outside (the “hidden” and the “manifest”) are not two different and definite aspects of things, but rather one and the same. What other schools of philosophy consider as occurring between, Sufi philosophy regards as taking place inside. However, Sufi philosophy does not deny other points of view. As the doctrines of Ibn Sina and al-Suhrawardi demonstrated, logic may be regarded as an incomplete version of immediate and perfect truth-witnessing, rather than as its alternative. Ibn 'Arabi, the greatest of Sufi philosophers, adopts the same position. In this sense his theory of truth is inclusive rather than exclusive, for he regards non-Sufi ways of cognition as also true - within their limits, however, and not absolutely. For example, the knowledge obtained through correct syllogisms is certainly true, and there is no doubt about its scientific results, like our knowledge of the sun’s size or the rules of mathematics (Ibn 'Arabi, 1980, pp. 102-4). The intuitive “witnessing” (mushahada) gives true knowledge as well: the “inner sight” (baslra) discovers immediately behind things their causes and thus discloses the inner es sence of things hidden under their manifest outwardness. The cause of things and of their inner essence thus discovered is God, or The Truth (al~Haqq) - each time seen in one of His infinite aspects. However, the “witnessing” first brings into sight the thing, and then behind it, or inside it, discovers God. The two are still divided and differentiated, and the all-encompassing Truth that constitutes the core of everything is not found as the thing’s outwardness. The highest stage of truth is to see things in God, to notice the sameness and equality of the different, to be unable to differentiate. This is the ability of the “heart” (qalb). Intellect, inner sight, and heart form an ascending hierarchy of organs with their corresponding methods of cognition. Rational knowledge is acquired by moving “from” premises “to” a conclusion, by going along “the stretched path,” as Ibn 'Arabi puts it (Ibn 'Arabi, 1980, p. 73). The intuitive witnessing of God as the inner essence of things spheres this line. But only when the sphered line becomes equal to its center (see Article 3 7, causality and Islamic thought) does “confusion” come, and the person sees the hidden as manifest and the manifest as hidden, sees God as His creation and the creation as God Himself. Total oneness and sameness, the transcendence of any differentiation and the non-fixity of any definiteness and any limit (the results of logical cognition included) - this is what such a way of seeing the truth boils down to. The Sufi
understanding of truth undermines well established stereotypes of dichotomizing divisions. The fundamental ontological sameness of God and His creation entails the sameness of any pair of opposed categories. The law of excluded middle is irrelevant for this point of view: what it points to is but a step that should inevitably be overcome. Truth turns out to be a transcendence of dichotomic divisions - a transcendence which, however, presupposes that each of them is fixed - but only as a step in an unceasing movement, equal to any other of its infinite steps.
Writings Al-Ash'ari, Abu al-Hasan 1980: Maqaldt al-isldmiyyin wa ikhtildf al-musallin [Sayings of Muslims and Differences of Those Who Pray] 3rd edn (Wiesbaden: Franz Steinen). Ibn 'Arabi 1980: Fusus al-hikam [Gems of Wisdom] 2nd edn (Beirut: Dar al-kitab al-'arabiyy). Ibn Sina, Abu 'All 1957-60: Al-Ishdrdt wa al-tanbihdt, ma'a sharh Nasir al-Din al-Tusi [Book of Remarks and Admonitions, with the commentary of Nasir ai-DIn al-Tusl] ed. Suleyman Dunya, 4 parts (Cairo: Dar al-ma'arTf). Al-Kirmanl, Hamid al-DIn 1983: Rahat al-aql [Peace of Mind] 2nd edn (Beirut: Dar alandalus). Al-Suhrawardi, Shihab al-Din Yahya 1952: “Hikmat al-ishraq,” in Oeuvresphilosophiques et mystiques de Shihabeddin Jahya Sohrawardi (1), ed. H. Corbin, Bibliotheque Iranienne, Vol. 2 (Teheran and Paris: Institut Franco-Iranien - Librairie d’Amerique et d’Orient), pp. 2-260.
References and further reading Badawi, A. 1972: Histoire de laphilsosphie en Islam, 2 Vols (Paris: J. Vrin). Al-Baghdadl, Abu Mansur 1981: Tlsul al-dln, 3rd edn (Beirut: Dar al-kutub al-'ilmiyya). Chittick, W. C. 1989: The Sufi Path of Knowledge: Ibn al-Arabi’s Metaphysics of Imagination (Albany: State University of New York Press). Corbin, H. 1964: Histoire de la philosophie islamique (Paris: Gallimard). Daftary, F. 1990: The Isma’ilis: Their History and Doctrines (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Dunlop, D. M. 1956a: “Al-Farabi’s Eisagoge,” The Islamic Quarterly. A Review of Islamic Culture, 3, pp. 115-27. ------1956b: “Al-Farabi’s Introductory Risalah on Logic,” The Islamic Quarterly. A Review of Islamic Culture, 3, pp. 224-30. ------ 1956, 1959: “Al-Farabi’s Paraphrase of the Categories of Aristotle,” The Islamic Quarterly. A Review of Islamic Culture, 4 (1957), pp. 168-83; 5 (1959), pp. 21-37. Fakhry, M. 1983: A History of Islamic Philosophy, 2nd edn (New York: Columbia University Press). Al-Farabi, Abu Nasr 1890a: “Fl-ma yasihh wa ma la yasihh min ahkam al-nujum” [What Is Right and What Is Wrong in Astrology], in Al-thamra al-mardiyya fi bad al-risdldt alfardbiyya [Longed-for Fruit of Some Treatises by al-Farabi] (Leiden: E. J. Brill), pp. 104-14. ------ 1890b: “Maqala fi ma'anl al-'aql” [On Meanings of “Intellect”], in Al-thamra almardiyya fi ba’d al-risdldt al-fardbiyya [Longed-for Fruit of Some Treatises by al-Farabi] (Leiden: E. J. Brill), pp. 39-48.
------1968: Kitab al-miUa wa nusus ukhrd [Book of Beliefs and Other Treatises], ed. M. Mahdi (Beyrouth: Dar al-mashriq). Georr, Khalil 1948: Les categories dAristote dans leurs versions syro-arabes (Beyrouth). Ibn 'Arabi 1859 and reprints: Al-Futuhdt al-Makkiya [Revelations of Mecca], 4 Vols (Cairo: Dar al-kutub al-'arabiyya al-kubra). Ibn Sina, Abu 'All 1954: Al-Burhdn min Kitab al-ShiJa’ [On Demonstration, from the Book of Healing] ed. Al-Badawi (Cairo: Maktabat al-nahda al-misriyya). Ibn Rushd (Averroes) 1959: Kitab Fast al-Maqdl with its Appendix and an extract from Kitab al-kashf’an mandhij al-adilla (Leiden: E. J. Brill). Ibn Tufayl 1954: Qissat Hayy Ibn Yaqzan [Story of the Living, Son of the Wakeful] (Beirut: Dar al-Farabl). Al-Kindi 1948: Kitab al-Kindi Ha al-Mu'tasim bi-llahfi al-falsafa al-ula [Epistle of al-Kindi to al-Mu'tasim bi-llah in First Philosophy], ed. Ahmad al-Ahwani (Cairo). Nasr, S. H. 1964: Three Muslim Sages: Avicenna, Suhrawardi, Ibn "Arabi (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press). Wolfson, H. A. 1976: The Philosophy of the Kalam (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press).
33 Islamic aesthetics SEYYED HOSSEIN NASR
Aesthetics, as that branch of philosophy which deals with the meaning of beauty and various theories of art, has not been treated as a separate subject by the Islamic philosophers and one does not find separate treatises corresponding to the works on aesthetics by such Western philosophers as Hegel, Collingwood, and Croce among those Islamic thinkers who are called the falasifa or hukama. In order to fully understand Islamic aesthetics, one has first of all to cull passages here and there from the Peripatetic (mashshaT) philosophers. But, in addition, one must turn to the works of the Illuminationist (ishrdqi) school and especially the Sufis for much great er elaboration of the subject. Furthermore, one must add to the written sources the oral tradition, the teachings transmitted from masters of various Islamic arts to their disciples from one generation to another, teachings which have underlined the actual production of Islamic works of art over the centuries and which have not died out to this day. As far as Islamic Peripatetic philosophy, which has been mistakenly identified with Islamic philosophy, as such, until recently, is concerned, its major representa tives have dealt formally with aesthetics only as it concerns poetry and in relation to commentaries upon the Poetics of Aristotle, which forms a part of his logical studies. (See, for example, S. Kamal, 1991, The Poetics of Alfarabi and Avicenna.) While the Islamic grammarians also dealt with various aesthetic questions in rela tion to poetry from the point of view of languages, the philosophers emphasized the logical framework of aesthetic validity. Al-Farabl mentions the logical nature of poetic discourse in several of his works, such as al-Risdla fi qawamn sinaat al-shir (“Treatise on the Canons of the Art of Poetry”) and his introductory treatise (Risdla) on logic, and sees poetry as “imagi native syllogistic proof by example” (see S. Kamal, “Aesthetics,” in Nasr and Leaman, 1996, Vol. 2,p. 970). He considers the imaginative character of poetry to be in fact what distinguishes it from other forms of syllogism. Poetry brings to our mind an imaginary form which may not be true, but nevertheless affects us as a result of imaginative creation which takes place within our soul. This theory was to be criticized by later philosophers because the imaginative construct was subjective and psychological and not based on rational argument. Furthermore, poetic exam ples do not rely upon propositions which are applicable in general. Poetic syllo gisms, therefore, become arbitrary and their legitimacy cannot be sustained. Finally, al-Farabl was criticized for not explaining clearly the relation between the 448
aesthetic aspect of poetry and the logical form of poetry when it is set in the form of a syllogism. Ibn Sina tried to overcome what were seen as shortcomings in the aesthetic theory of al-Farabi as it concerned poetry. Ibn Sina relied upon the conception of the demonstrative syllogism of Aristotle and “argued for the formal role of pleasure in constituting poetic syllogisms and for their moral value” (Kamal, “Aesthetics,” p. 972). According to Ibn Sina, poetry and literary works in general have a logical form similar to what one finds in demonstrative reasoning. But in the case of sayings of a literary nature - including poetry - premises are used that derive from the emotions and not reason. Upon reading such works, we give imaginative assent to them because of the pleasure they give us and wonder at the harmony of their parts. The acceptance of poetic syllogisms depends on the psychology of the reader rather than the rules of rational thought. As for pleasure itself, it comes ultimately, according to Ibn Sina, from the harmonious relation of the parts with their given meaning. Poetic discourse refers back to the subject rather than an object of thought, for it treats the subject as “the end process of production of aesthetic discourse because its experience forms the ultimate ground for appreciating a poem” (Kamal, “Aes thetics,” pp. 973-4). Furthermore, since a particular human being has to give assent to the pleasure derived from poetry or other literary works, evil poetry cannot be aesthetically of any value. Such works, being devoid of virtue, lack balance, since virtue and goodness are based on balance and their absence marks the destruction of balance. Likewise, a good society in which good poetry is appre ciated is one based on balance and harmonious interaction. The very act of giving assent to an evil poem would in fact destroy this balance for the subject giving the assent. Such poetry could not as a matter of fact provide pleasure if considered with sincerity. Ibn Sina’s aesthetic theory is therefore founded upon the significance of imagi nation and the principles of balance and harmony. Moreover, he seeks to relate aesthetics to ethics through the principle of balance as stated above. It is note worthy that in those works of his concerned with what he called al-hikma amashriqiyya or oriental philosophy (which can also be read in Arabic orthography as mushriqiyya, meaning illuminative) and which he claimed to be the philosophy for the elite (al-khawass), Ibn Sina chose a highly poetic medium to express his ideas. We find clear examples of this approach in his Hayy ibn Yaqzdn (“Living Son of the Awake”), for whose impact Ibn Sina relied not only on rational thought but also on the aesthetic factor, choosing a highly poetic and symbolic language for his discourse. The concern of mashsha’I philosophers with aesthetics continued with the last of the Andalusian members of this school, Ibn Rushd, who was fully aware of the significance of metaphors and allegories in cases in which ordinary language proved inadequate in one’s attempt to express the truth. He considered metaphors to be valid in poetry, and also wrote a commentary upon Aristotle’s Poetics in which he mentioned the basic principle that truth is vital to poetic validity. Aesthetic evaluation of a work of literature in reference to the presence of harmony and unity 449
or lack thereof is determined by the element of truth contained in the literary work in question. A work is appreciated aesthetically to the degree that it is able to provide the reader or listener with a better understanding of the truths which it is seeking to convey. The more truths a literary work reveals, the more profound it is, and these truths are essential to the aesthetic character of the work. A poem should seek to convey truths pertaining to its subject and it is these truths which determine its aesthetic value. The less truth conveyed by a poem, the less does it possess the inner unity and harmony so essential for the aesthetic appreciation of a work. Like Plato, Ibn Rushd emphasizes the relation between beauty and truth and states that since poetry combines beauty with truth, like philosophy, it is able to reveal to us what God demands of us. His aesthetic theory, based on those of his Peripatetic or mashsha’I predecessors, takes a further step in its concern with beauty in relation to truth. (On the relation between truth and poetry in the thought of Ibn Rushd, see Mansour Ajami, 1988, pp. 57ff). The treatment of beauty, and in fact other elements of a complete aesthetics, was to find its further elaboration during the later centuries of Islamic history with SuhrawardI, the founder of the School of Illumination (al-ishrdq) and to an even greater degree, the Sufis, who were always concerned with the question of beauty and the relation between terrestrial and celestial forms even before SuhrawardI (who died in the twelfth century ce) as seen in some of the writings of the two al-Ghazzali’s, Abu Hamid and Ahmad, who lived a century before the Master of ishraq. But before turning to the Sufi tradition, it is important to deal with the aesthetic theories of the second major Islamic philosophical school after the mashsha’I - that is, the School of ishraq, and especially its founder Shihab al-Dm SuhrawardI. Suhrawardl’s metaphysics and cosmology provide the background for an aes thetics that identifies beauty with light and light with being itself. The universe is comprised first of all of a vertical hierarchy of light whose members are distin guished from each other by degrees of intensity of light and darkness, which are themselves nothing but light or the lack thereof. Second, there is a horizontal world of lights, identified with the archetypal realm. Each being in this world is a reflection of one of those archetypes which constitute also the angelic presence within the being in question. This truth holds true for natural forms as well as imaginal forms which are the origins of forms in art. While rejecting the Aristotelian theory of hylomorphism, SuhrawardI develops a theory of bodies as shadows imprisoning a light belonging ultimately to the angelic world and substitutes for Aristotle’s theory of forms a theory which sees all forms as elements of light, which in the language of religion would be called angels. Of special interest in Suhrawardl’s theory is the role of the world of imagination (alam al-khaydl), intermediary between the corporeal and purely intelligible realms. This world, treated explicitly for the first time by SuhrawardI, was also to be dealt with at length by Ibn 'Arabi, who spoke extensively of its creative powers, and it was given a clear status in the metaphysics and ontology of Mulla Sadra. We shall
therefore deal with it later when we turn to the seventeenth-century Safavid philos opher and theosopher. (One can hardly over-emphasize in the context of this essay, the significance of the imaginal world, the modifier “imaginal” being used in the place of “imaginary” to avoid conveying any suggestion of its “unreality.” The doctrine of the imaginal world is not only of the utmost significance in Ibn 'Arabi’s analysis of the human macrocosm and its entelechy, but is also central for a total doctrine of form in art and artistic creativity in Islam and needs to be studied separately in light of this perspective. (On Ibn 'Arabi and the imaginal world, see Corbin, 1969, and Chittick, 1994.) There are some indications, in fact, of a direct relation between the imaginal world in its relation to eschatological realities as described by Ibn 'Arabi and certain major works of Islamic art, such as the Taj Mahal in India. See Morris, 1995.) Suhrawardi also developed a most elaborate doctrine of beauty in his visionary recital al-Risala fi haqlqa al-ishq (“Treatise on the Reality of Love”), known also as Muis al-ushshaq (“The Vade-Mecum of the Fedeli d’Amore” to use the translation of Corbin), which is written in a Persian prose of exceptional beauty. In this treatise, Suhrawardi explains the mystery of beauty, both divine and human, in rapport with love and sorrow through a hermeneutic exegesis of the story of the prophet Joseph and Potipher’s wife, Zulaykha, in chapter 12 of the Quran. This story is in fact the longest continuous narrative in the Quran, which the Sacred Text itself refers to as the “best of stories” and which in Islamic eyes contains the supreme example of human love ensnared by a beauty of celestial origin and yet controlled by the gaze of God upon the human order. Although the story concerns the relation of human beauty to love, beauty is treated by Suhrawardi as a hypostatic reality independent of any particular human embodiment. His treatment, therefore, con tains a philosophico-mystical discussion of beauty and its power - a discussion which is foundational to aesthetics and embraces human beauty as well as the beauty of works of art. In the first chapter of this treatise, Suhrawardi establishes first of all the ontolog ical status of beauty, for he tells us that the first thing that God created was a glowing pearl named the Intellect Caql) that possessed three qualities: the ability to know God, the ability to know its own essence, and the ability to know the essence of things which had not existed but then came into existence. Of those three abili ties, the highest was, of course, the first, from which appeared Beauty (husri), while from the second there appeared Love, and from the third Sorrow. Beauty then issues from the highest ability of God’s highest creation, the Intellect, that ability being to know the Divine Principle Itself. Beauty, through its very ontological status, is related to knowledge of the highest order and in its essence is inseparable from the knowledge of God by the Intellect, which we also contain at the center of our being. Moreover, Suhrawardi treats these three abilities of the First Intellect as brothers, of whom the eldest is Beauty. This hypostatic reality gazed upon himself and saw its own extreme goodness. This vision caused him to be illuminated and this luminosity in turn caused him to smile. From this smile thousands of cherubim were born. 451
As for Love, he was so intimate and close to Beauty, that he could not take his eyes away from Beauty for an instant. “When Beauty’s smile appeared, a conster nation befell Love, who was so agitated that he wanted to move. Sorrow, the youngest, clung to him, and from this clinging the heaven and earth appeared” (Thackston, 1982, pp. 62-3). Beauty, Love, and Sorrow thus have a central role in the cosmogonic process, and it might be said that Beauty and therefore traditional art, which is based upon the principle of expressing cosmic, and even ultimately metacosmic beauty, are keys to the understanding of the nature of the cosmos and provide another noetic possibility beyond the usual philosophical and scientific methods based upon concepts, rational demonstration and empirical experience divorced from aesthetic experience. The creation of Adam was to be a new major event in cosmic history. God had created a perfect form on earth and news reached the heavenly hosts of the exist ence of this vicegerent of God on earth. Beauty decided to descend on earth to observe for himself this new creature and, having found Adam pleasing, disem barked from his steed and encompassed Adam completely. When Love arrived in pursuit of Beauty to the abode of Adam, he saw “Beauty crowned with the diadem of Absolute majesty and seated on the throne of Adamic existence” (Thackston, 1982, p. 63). The angels prostrated themselves before Adam, as stated in the Quran (15, 3 0). “ So the angels fell prostrate, all of them together” not because of the clay from which Adam was kneaded, but because of the dazzling presence of Beauty which was at that moment dominating Adamic existence. Adam, however, was a celestial being existing in that pre-eternal moment mark ing the archetypal reality of the human state. As Adam and consequently man fell and began his terrestrial life, Beauty gradually assembled its “belongings” and departed from the city of Adamic existence for its own original abode waiting to manifest itself once again on earth in a perfect being. And according to the Quran, this opportunity arose when Joseph was brought into the realm of existence. “When Joseph’s turn came, Beauty was informed. Immediately he set out. Love took Sorrow by the sleeve and went in pursuit of Beauty. As he appeared, he saw Beauty so mingled with Joseph that there was no difference between the two” (Thackston, 1982, p. 64). The whole story of Joseph, involving the treachery of his brothers, the sorrow and blindness of his father Jacob, the love of Zulaykha for Joseph, his refusal of this love, his imprisonment, his power of dream interpretation, his political and social prominence and Anally forgiveness of his brothers and the cure of his father’s blindness through the effect of the perfume of Joseph’s shirt marking a final spiritual healing and redemption, is related to the descent of Divine Beauty into Joseph’s very existence. The inner meaning of the treatise of SuhrawardI is therefore not only to establish the ontological status of Beauty in relation to the Intellect and knowledge of God, but also Beauty’s salvific power when it manifests itself, whether it be in art created by human artisans or the works of the Supreme Artisan whose greatest masterpiece is that vicegerent on earth who can share in divine creativity and produce works of art worthy of the descent of the rays of that celestial Beauty which, according to SuhrawardI, left the abode of Adamic existence long ago but which yet can descend 452
on earth or at least cast a ray of its luminous being when a worthy receptacle appears upon the scene. No Islamic philosopher has written with greater profundi ty on beauty as the foundation of a metaphysically oriented aesthetics than has Suhrawardi.
It is well known that the task of developing fully the doctrine of the imaginal world and its significance was left to Mulla Sadra, but little attention has been paid by scholars until now to the importance of this intermediate world for aesthetics (see Corbin, 1977, pp. 164ff). According to Mulla Sadra, the levels of universal exist ence consist not only of the material world, in which form is united with matter, and the world of the purely intelligibles (al-mujarradat), which can be identified with the Platonic archetypes. There is also a third world, itself consisting of many levels, situated between the two. This third world is none other than the imaginal world in which the archetypes (al-a'yan al-thabita) become manifested as forms (suwar), but forms which are not wed to matter. That is why this world is also referred to as the world of “hanging forms” (al-suwar al-muallaqd). As far as aesthetics is concerned, the significance of this world lies in that it is the immediate origin of artistic forms. Forms of art are not simply abstract ideas con tained in the mind of the artist which are then produced externally. Rather, they are imaginal forms which appear in the imaginal faculty of the artist before becom ing manifested in the material world. Artistic creativity is essentially related to the “creative imagination” and in the case of traditional art issue from the luminous levels of the imaginal world. Its products therefore clearly reflect the archetypes rather than veiling and hiding them. The imaginal world is sometimes called the barzakh or isthmus between the purely luminous archetypal realities and the material world. Furthermore, this intermediate world consists of higher and lower levels (albarazikh al-ala and al-barazikh al-asfal). Traditional art, and especially its heart, which is sacred art, issues from the higher barazikh and therefore possesses a reve latory aspect as far as manifesting the archetypal realities are concerned. In any case, the imaginative faculty (not to be confused with the usages of these terms by the Islamic Peripatetic philosophers) is not simply a subjective reality but a reality that has an objective and cosmic counterpart to which it is connected. The human imaginative faculty is like a tributary, which in a sense flows from and into that cosmic ocean that is the imaginal world. Mulla Sadra, himself, does not deal to any great extent with the artistic signifi cance of the imaginal world and its role in the understanding of artistic creativity, but devotes himself mainly to the eschatological significance of this world. Howev er, the doctrine of the imaginal world, as this is developed by Suhrawardi, Ibn 'Arabi, and Mulla Sadra, contains one of the foundations for the understanding of the philosophy of Islamic art. It underlies the belief among so many Islamic artists, from poets to miniaturists, that traditional art involves an “alchemy” that trans forms the corporeal into the spiritual and the spiritual into the corporeal. The alchemical process of spiritualizing the material and materializing the spiritual, with all of its significance for traditional art (see Burckhardt, 1986), can be fully 453
understood in the context of Islamic thought only in the light of the metaphysics of the imaginal world which was to receive its final elaboration in the hands of Mulla Sadra.
Nevertheless, it is in the writings of the Sufis rather than the Islamic philosophers that one can discover the most explicit development of Islamic aesthetics, especially the doctrines of form and beauty. From the earliest period, Sufis wrote of beauty and expressed themselves in a language impregnated with beauty, which in their esti mation was inseparable from the Truth, as can be seen in the early Sufi poetry of Rabi'a al-Adawiyyah and Mansur al-Hallaj (see Schimmel, 1982). In the eleventh century (ce) the great Sufi theologian al-Ghazzali turned to the discussion of beauty even amidst his discourse on the active life and argued against beauty being con fined only to externality. Rather, he showed that God, being beautiful, according to the famous hcufith “God is beautiful and loves beauty”, must of necessity be loved by the person who is able to behold this beauty with his inner eye (Ettinghausen, 1947, p. 162). According to al-Ghazzali, there is a hierarchy of beauty leading from the outward to the inward, and at all stages beauty is the result of the perfection of a particular being or thing according to its nature. To perceive this beauty fully, there is need of inner vision - even where outward beauty is concerned. Al-Ghazzali therefore associates the beauty of a work of art with the inner beauty of its creator, for he states, “The beautiful work of an author, the beautiful poem of a poet, the beautiful painting of a painter or the building of an architect reveal also the inner beauty of these men” (Ettinghausen, 1947, p. 164). It was al-Ghazzali’s lesser known brother Ahmad who was to write one of the most significant treatises on the relation between beauty and love in the annals of Sufi literature, al-Sawanih fil-ishq (“Inspirations from the World of Pure Spirits”). This text, itself of great literary beauty, is devoted to the esoteric significance of love, but also deals with rarely equalled profundity with the meaning of beauty. At the deepest level, beauty, for Ahmad Ghazzali, is nothing but the imprint of the Divine upon the being whose beauty we behold. Beauty is, therefore, ultimately the onto logical principle of existents, and what traditional art reveals is this ontological nexus that remains hidden from the eyes of those who are blind to beauty. To quote Ahmad Ghazzali himself, The secret face of everything is the point of its connection [with the Creator], More over, there is a sign [of the Creator] concealed in the creation, and loveliness (husri) is that sign. The secret face [of anything] is that which faces Him [the Creator]. Now, unless one sees that secret face [of a created thing], he will observe neither that sign in the creation, nor loveliness. That face is the beauty (jamal) of the Lord’s Face, reflected in the face of the created being, as it is expressed in the Quran, “and what remains is the Face of thy Lord” (Quran 50,27). The other face [of a created being, that is the side which does not face the Creator] is not really a face, as it is said: “Everyone upon the earth perishes” (Quran 50, 26). Furthermore, you may know that the other face is ugliness. (Sawanih, p. 23)
One may therefore say that the traditional artist is able to unveil the inner reality and meaning of things, carrying out esoteric hermeneutics (kashf al~mahjub) not 454
upon texts but upon words, sounds and objects, which are thereby made to reveal the face they have turned to God and also the Face that God has turned towards them. Beauty is ultimately nothing other than the effulgence of that Face. Following the two Ghazzali’s, many Sufis turned directly to the themes of beauty and its manifestation in forms. These included not only Sufi poets such as Awhad al-Din KirmanI, known especially for his contemplation of the Divine in the world of forms, but also those who wrote in prose. Of particular interest in the latter group are members of the Central Asian School of Sufism given especially to meditation upon the symbolism of color and apparitions of light in mystical contemplation. Najm al-Din Kubra, the founder of the Kubrawiyyah Order, which was so impor tant in Central Asia, is an outstanding representative of this perspective, as is his student Najm al-Din Dayah Razi. Najm al-Din Kubra entitled one of his major works Fawa’ih cd-jamal wa fawatih al-jaLal (“Aromas of Beauty and Preambles of Majesty”), while Najm al-Din Razi’s most famous opus is Mirsad al-ibad (“The Path of God’s Bondsmen”), which contains an elaborate account of the relation between the experience of colors and the psychological states of the mystic. The foremost expositor of the metaphysics of beauty as well as integral aesthetics in this period (and perhaps all periods) of Islamic history was Jalal al-Din Rumi, for whom every expression of beauty was a direct gateway to the Divine Presence. This creator of the sacred dance of the Sufi order named after him, that is, the Mawlawiyyah, and one of the supreme poets of the Persian language expounded an elabo rate doctrine of form and meaning, of beauty and its salvific power, not in organized essays, but in poems and as allusions interspersed in his vast corpus which includes the two monumental works of Sufi poetry - the Mathnawi and the Diwan-i Shamsi TabnzI, constituting together some sixty thousand verses. To understand Rumi’s aesthetics one must turn to the basic distinction made by him between outward form (sura), which, however, must not be confused with Aristotelian form, and meaning (maha), which is nothing other than the inner essence of a thing (see Nasr, 1987, pp. 129-30). In Peripatetic hylomorphism, form is the principle which at once existentiates an object and provides it with its intelli gible reality. According to Rumi, however, sura means the outward aspect of any existent at once veiling and revealing the ma’na wherein is to be discovered the intelligible principle and reality of the existent. All that exists possesses surat and maha, and according to Rumi, the role of the Sufi is to be able to journey from the sura to the maha and not to remain imprisoned in outward form. As far as art is concerned, its function is precisely to facilitate this journey from the outward to the inward by revealing even in the outward form something of the beauty that belongs to the maha. For Rumi, all outward beauty is a gateway to the realm of spiritual beauty and even Beauty Itself. The beautiful dance of the Sufi order associated with his name - that is, the Mawlawiyya, a whirling dance which has also became known in the West - was created by Rumi upon hearing the rhythmic sound of the hammer in the bazaar of the goldsmiths in Konya. This outward sound was to provide the occasion for the remembrance of the celestial world from which Rumi received his inspiration for the most famous of all dances in Sufism.
Art for Rumi was thus inseparable from recollection, because traditional art reflects on the plane of external form or surat realities which belong to the archetyp al world. Nowhere is this truth better illustrated than in the story of the Greek (that is, Byzantine) and Chinese painters in the first Book of the Mathnawi. To quote Rumi himself: The Chinese said, “We are the better artists"; the Greeks said, “The [superiority in] power and excellence belongs to us.” “I will put you to the test in this matter,” said the Sultan, “[and see] which of you are approved in your claim.” The Chinese and the Greeks began to debate: the Greeks retired from the debate. [Then] the Chinese said, “Hand over to us a particular room, and [let there be] one for you [as well].” There were two rooms with door facing door: the Chinese took one, the Greeks the other. The Chinese requested the King to give them a hundred colours: the King opened his treasury that they might receive that [which they sought]. Every morning, by [his] bounty, the colours were dispensed from the treasury to the Chinese. The Greeks said, “No tints and colours are proper for our work, [nothing is needed] except to remove the rust.” They shut the door and went on burnishing: they became clear and pure like the sky. There is a way from many-colourdness to colourlessness: colour is like the clouds, and colourlessness is a moon. Whatsoever light and splendour you see in the clouds, know that it comes from the stars and the moon and the sun. When the Chinese had finished their work, they were beating drums for joy. The King entered and saw the pictures there: that [sight], as he encountered it, was robbing him of his wits. After that, he came towards the Greeks: they removed the intervening curtain. The reflexion of those [Chinese] pictures and works [of art] struck upon these walls which had been made pure [from stain]. All that he had seen there [in the Chinese room] seemed more beautiful here: ’twas snatching the eye from the socket. (Mathnawi, Bk I, 3465-85)
From the point of view of spiritual realization, the mirror of the Greeks symbolizes the heart of the Sufis, as Rumi himself asserts later in the poem. But the poem is also a metaphorical exposition of the modus operand! of traditional art. If the painting of the Chinese, so admired among the Muslims of Rumi’s day, represents celestial realities, the work of the Greeks, which must have certainly evoked for Rumi’s audience Byzantine icons with their supra-human origin and inspiration, repre
sents what all authentic sacred art should be - a reflection of the celestial prototypes, which are more accessible to us here below than the celestial realities themselves. And it is precisely because traditional art forms reflect the celestial prototypes that they are the means to recollection or remembrance (dhikr) of the Friend or Beloved, to use the well known Sufi terminology. This is also why Rumi insisted upon the significance of the Sufi concert (sama) as an aid to spiritual realization. For him, hearing music brings forth ecstasy within the soul, for it causes the recollection of the celestial music that all human beings heard on the day when, according to the Quran, they made their pre-eternal covenant with God attesting to His Lordship. And so Rumi chanted in these well known verses: 'Tis said, the pipe and lute that charm our ears Derive their melody from rolling spheres; But Faith, o’erpassing speculation’s bound, Can see what sweetens every jangled sound. We, who are parts of Adam, heard with him The song of angels and of seraphim. Our memory, though dull and sad, retains Some echo still of those unearthly strains. (Mathnawi, Bk IV, 733)
Such is also the power of beauty in both life and art. The soul is in search of beauty in outward forms, usually not realizing that it is seeking the Divine Beauty. Kings lick the earth whereof the fair are made, For God hath mingled in the dusty earth A draught of Beauty from His choicest cup. ’Tis that, fond lover - not these lips of clay Thou art kissing with a hundred ecstasies, Think, then, what must it be when undefined! (Mathnawi, Bk V, 372)
The beauty of art forms has the capacity of interiorizing the beholden and acting as a gate to the Throne of the One who is also the Beautiful as such. In fact, all beauty is but a reflection of Beauty and all beautiful forms so many reflections of the Face of the Beloved in the myriad mirrors of cosmic existence. Sufis are especially sensi tive to beauty because in them the thirst for liberation from the confines of separa tive existence is particularly intense and they see in things beautiful a gate toward the illimitable world of Divine Beauty for which their souls yearn and which be stows upon them freedom from all separation and limitation. (Some two centuries after Rumi, the Persian Sufi 'Abd al-Rahman Jami wrote, “The Absolute Beauty is the Divine Majesty embued with [the attributes of] power and beauty. Every beauty and perfection manifested in the various grades of being is a ray of His perfect beauty reflected therein. It is from these rays that exalted souls have received their impress of beauty and their quality of perfection” (Lawaih, pp. 6-7).) Among the
Sufis, no one emphasized more nor understood in greater depth the salvific power of beauty and therefore the profound nexus between art as traditionally understood and the spiritual life than did Rumi. The most evident document of Islamic aesthetics is, of course, the eloquent but usually outwardly silent presence of Islamic art itself. Over the centuries the aes thetics as well as the teaching of the techniques for the production of this art, from tile work to calligraphy, from architecture to music, have remained mostly in oral form and much of this tradition is still transmitted from master to disciple rather than through written documents. The products of Islamic art, whether visual or sonoral, themselves speak, however, of the philosophy upon which they are based, especially if we attune ourselves sufficiently to their message. These works reflect a philosophy of art that sees the origin of art forms in the imaginal and ultimately intelligible world beyond the whim and fancy of individual subjectivism, forms which, precisely because they descend from celestial archetypes, are able to carry us back to that realm. The function of Islamic art is therefore recollection in the Platonic sense - the recollection of spiritual realities which also reside at the center of our being. It is also a means of untying the psychological knots of the soul so as to enable the Spirit to breathe through the veils that stifle its presence within man. This art seeks to ennoble matter not by an idealism which would make matter appear to be something that it is not, but by revealing it to be what it really is namely a mirror for the reflection of cosmic qualities which themselves reflect the Divine Qualities. Islamic art is an art which dissolves the limitations of external form in the indefinite rhythms of form, space or sound, thereby opening the soul to the recep tion of the presence of the One who is not only absolute but also infinite. This art, issuing from the inner reality (al-haqiqa) of the Quran, is an integral aspect of the Islamic revelation and plays a basic role not only in the beautification of everyday life, but also in the remembrance of God and the beauty of the Beloved for which our soul yearns here below, for we carry the imprint of the Divine at the center of our being even in the exile of our earthly existence and the confines of the world of forgetfulness. Finally, it might be said that Islamic art is a demonstration of the truth of the Quranic verse, “Whithersoever ye turn, there is the Face of God” (2, 115), for in the ambience created by Islamic art over the centuries, and to the extent that that ambience still survives here and there in the Islamic world, wherever one turns one cannot but behold that beauty which is the radiance of the Face of the Beautiful.
Writings Ghazzali, Ahmad 1986: Sawdnih, tr. Nasrollah Pourjavady (London: Kegan Paul International). Jami, 'Abd al-Rahman 1978: Lawaih - A Treatise on Sufism, tr. E. H. Whinfield and Mirza Muhammad Kazvini (London: Theosophical Publishing House).
KirmanI, Awhad al-DIn 1978: Heart’s Witness, tr. B. M. Weischer and P. Wilson (Tehran: Imperial Iranian Academy of Philosophy). RazI, Najm al-DIn 1982: The Path of God’s Bondsmen from Origin to Return, tr. Hamid Algar (Delmar: Caravan Books). Rumi, Jalal al-DIn 1982: The Mathnawi ofjaldluddln Rumi, ed. and tr. Reynold A. Nicholson (London: Luzac and Co.) Sadr al-DIn Shirazi 1981: Wisdom of the Throne, tr. James Morris (Princeton: Princeton University Press). SuhrawardI, Shihaboddin Yahya 1977: Oeuvresphilosophiques et mystiques, ed. S. H. Nasr, Vol. 3 (Paris: A. Maisonneuve). ------1982: The Mystical and Visionary Treatise of SuhrawardI, tr. Willard Thackston (London: Octagon Press).
References and further reading Ajami, Mansour 1988: The Alchemy of Glory: the Dialectic of Truthfulness and Untruthfulness in Medieval Arabic Literary Criticism (Washington, DC: Three Continents Press). Burckhardt, Titus 1976: The Art of Islam, tr. P. Hobson (London: Festival of the World of Islam). ------1986: Alchemy - Science of the Soul, Science of the Cosmos, tr. W. Stoddart (Shaftesbury: Element Books). Chittick, William 1983: The Sufi Path of Love (Albany: State University of New York Press). ------1994: Imaginal Worlds (Albany: State University of New York Press). Corbin, H. 1969: Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn'Arabi, tr. R. Mannheim (Princeton: Princeton University Press). ------19 77: Spiritual Body and Celestial Earth, tr. N. Pearson (Princeton: Princeton University Press). ------1980: Avicenna and The Visionary Recital, tr. W. R. Trask (Irving: Spring Publications). Corbin, H. in collaboration with Nasr, S. H. and Yahya, 0. 1993: A History of Islamic Philosophy, tr. L. Sherrard (London: Kegan Paul International). Ettinghausen, Richard 1947: “Al-Ghazzali on Beauty,” in Art and Thought, ed. K. Bharatha Iyer (London: Luzac and Co.). Kamal, S. 1991: The Poetics of Alfarabi and Avicenna (Leiden: E. J. Brill). Lings, M. 1976: The Quranic Art of Calligraphy (London: Festival of the World of Islam). Morris, James 1995: “Divine ‘Imagination’ and the Intermediate World: Ibn 'Arabi on the Barzakh,” Postdata - Revista Trimestral de Arte, Letras y Pensamiento, 15, June-August. Nasr, S. H. 19 77: The Transcendent Theosophy of Sadr al-DIn Shirazi (Tehran: Imperial Acad emy of Philosophy). ------1987: Islamic Art and Spirituality (Ipswich: Golgonooza Press). ------1993: An Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines (Albany: State University of New York Press). Nasr, S. H. and Leaman, 0. (eds) 1996: History of Islamic Philosophy, 2 Vols (London: Routledge). Nicholson, R. A. 1978: Rumi-Poet and Mystic (London: Unwin). Rahman, Fazlur 1976: The Philosophy ofMulld Sadrd (Albany: State University of New York Press). Schimmel, Annemarie 1982: As Through the Veil (New York: Columbia University Press). ------1993: The Triumphal Sun (Albany: State University of New York Press). Thackston 1982: The Mystical and Visionary Treatise of Suhramardi. London: Octagon.
Reality and divinity in Islamic philosophy JOSEP PUIG MONTADA
A Philosophical theology Because of the impact of Islam in the development of Arab culture, the first Arabic thinkers were theologians. Their main concern was not to prove God’s existence or his creation of the world (both these facts being obvious in their view), but to solve questions related to human destiny. They argued about such questions as whether the Muslim who had committed a major sin had thereby lost his faith and deserted the community of believers, and about the exact status of human freedom. This second question was particularly perplexing since, if a person is the author of his own acts and therefore responsible for them, God’s power would be curtailed, but on the other hand, if the person is not responsible, his freedom of action is sup pressed and God would be unjust in punishing him for his bad deeds. (I make no distinction here between the terms “God” and “Allah,” since for Muslim authors the God of Islam is also the God of Judaism and Christianity.) Soon, however, the attention of Arabic theologians was drawn as well to the issue of the relationship between God and the world that He had created. Jahm Ibn Safwan (d. 748) was probably the first thinker to have focused on God’s almightiness and uniqueness (tawhid) in addressing this issue. According to Jahm, God ultimately creates all human acts, but He holds humans responsible for their deeds because He creates in them the capacity (quwa) and the decision to act. In searching for a balance between God’s uniqueness and His power, Jahm contended that originally God was alone and that in creating the world, which He maintains continuously in existence, He proves His almightiness. The world that God created, moreover, consists of Paradise and Hell as well as this material world. And when this material world reaches its end, as is announced in the Quran, Paradise and Hell will also be destroyed, Jahm maintained, so that God alone will remain. Jahm Ibn Safwan was one of a number of thinkers who contributed to the development of Islamic theology in the Kalam. The degree of influence of Christian theology, and especially its dialectical method, on the development of the Kalam remains a matter of discussion. Nonetheless, the whole remains an original Islamic product, the authorship of which has to be ascribed to the Mutazilites. In spite of their diversity, the Mu'tazilites exhibited a common streak of indepen dence, both in political affairs, such as the contest between the Calif 'All (656-661)
and his adversaries, and on religious issues, such as the debate over whether a major sinner continued to be a believer or not. They relied on human reason and on logical arguments to explain Islam, to clarify the relationship between God and His creation, and to defend Islam against other religions. Thus if Islam’s basic tenet stresses that there is no other divinity than Allah, and therefore underlines the fact of His being unitary (tawhid), Mu'tazilism insists on the internal consistency of this unity. Everything is one in God and His attributes (sijat), such as science and power, cannot be distinguished from His essence. God knows, wants, sees, speaks, and so on, because of His attributes. But these are identical to His essence. On the other hand, everything outside the Divinity has been created - even those divine actions that have an external projection. This is the case, for example, with respect to God’s speech, which is eternal as residing in His essence, but is created as revealed in the form of the Quran. Although all Mu'tazilites would agree with these general statements, they of fered different interpretations in specifying the essence of God and the structure of the universe. Let us look first at the interpretation advanced by Abu al-Hudhayl al'Allaf (d. 840 or 849), the founder of doctrinal Mu'tazilism. In his view, God’s science or knowledge is God himself, as are His power, His hearing and seeing, and His wisdom: If someone says: “The Creator is able (qddir)" he asserts a power that is God, denies any incapacity in God and points out something decreed (maqdur) to exist or not to exist. Similar was (Abu al-Hudhayl’s) teaching about the essential attributes, following this order. (Al-Ash'ari, 1985, Vol. 2, p. 157)
Consequently, Abu al-Hudhayl contended that these attributes are one in God, and that He is science, ability and life. Al-Ash'ari remarks that Abu al-Hudhayl bor rowed these concepts from Aristotle, but that he improved the expression of them with his contention that “His science is God himself (huwa) and His ability is God himself.” The created world, including humans, stands to this supreme reality in a relation of continuous dependency, and in the atomic doctrine Abu al-Hudhayl found the most adequate way to explain this dependency. The basic unit of beings in the created world is the body, which in turn is made of atoms - that is, “the one part that is not divisible.” At least six atoms are needed to build a body, for there are six basic directions right-left, before-behind, above-below) of any body. One atom has no extension, but it can move or be at rest, come together with other atoms or move apart on its own and “become” at some place (kawri). Thus we find created reality divided into atoms and accidents, and the logical function of atoms is to serve as a substrate for the realization of accidents. Atoms, in other words, function as prime matter, while accidents constitute the actual being of all created reality, whether of atoms or of composite bodies, and can be understood as form. Accidents, however, do not result from essences, nor are they founded in the atoms. Abu al-Hudhayl did not conceive of becoming in quite the same sense that the philosophers did. As the latter saw it, becoming is a process in which something new comes out of 461
something else, which itself had to have the capacity or potential of becoming this novelty. By contrast, Abu al-Hudhayl considered becoming to be an accident limit ed to space - that is, the accident of being temporally located in space. Because of the volatility of this world, God needs to be active all the time, not only to bring all things into existence, but also to keep them existing, and eventually, to terminate their existence. Thus three distinct realities emerge in this picture: at one end of the spectrum, almighty God, at the other end, the insignificant thing “in itself,” and between these two poles, the thing’s existential dimension - either as beginning-to-exist, as enduring, or as being-annihilated. The act of creating (khalq) something is different from the thing itself, the endurance (baqd’) is different from the enduring thing, and the annihilation (/ana5) is different from the annihilated thing. The endurance is God’s saying to the thing “endure,” and the annihilation is God’s saying “be annihilated.” (Al-Ash'ari, 1985, Vol. 2, p. 50)
The act of the Agent can be creation, endurance or annihilation of the object, and in all cases the act of the Agent is a voluntary act, which is manifested through the divine word. The word here unites will and intelligence, and acquires an essential role in God’s activity with respect to the world. Since God’s activity is such that no event in the world occurs at random or by itself, the exercise of human freedom and responsibility would be impossible, were it not for the fact that humans have the kind of special status attributed to them by Abu al-Hudhayl. Like all created beings, a human being consists of a set of accidents - spirit, soul, life, senses - which inhere in a body, but unlike any other creature, a human has the power to implement his own acts. God has given him some share of power. Some people say: God has bestowed His servants with the ability to carry out move ments, to rest, to utter sounds, to feel pain, and to all that the quality of which they know. As for those accidents whose quality men do not know, as [for example] colors, flavors, smells, life, death, ability (qudra) and lack of capacity, the Creator cannot be characterized with the power to endow them with the capacity of any of those acci dents. This is the view of Abu al-Hudhayl. (Al-Ash'ari, 1985, Vol. 2, p. 60)
Only if a person knows how to realize something does he have power over it, because, in general, there is no act or event that is not the direct result of an intentional choice. Abu al-Hudhayl links human choice to human knowledge of the means of achieving specific purposes. Human acts that are not produced in a deliberate and conscious way, are not human acts, but divine acts, like events in nature, and God is their intentional Agent. Human beings, therefore, have the power to act only insofar as they know how to act and consciously make the choice to act. Their action is not creation but innovation (ihdath) and their freedom is restricted to a choice between two alternatives. In spite of these limitations, hu mans escape the finiteness of all other created beings and transcend the limitations of their bodily substrate.
The Mu tazilites, in fact, did not agree upon the extent of a human being’s power to act, and Abu al-Hudhayl represents the middle position in their debates. Abu al-Hudhayl influenced Abu 'All al-JubbaT (d. 916) and his son Abu Hashim [ibn] al-JubbaT (d. 933), both of whom in turn influenced the Qadi 'Abd al-Jabbar (d. 1025). While there are no extant original writings of the earlier Mu'tazilites, 'Abd al-Jabbar’s are numerous and give us a clear picture of the Mu'tazilite doctrine. Abu 1-Hasan 'Abd al-Jabbar Ibn Ahmad, who was born in Baghdad, was ap pointed chief judge of Rayy (Tehran) in 9 71 by as-Sahib Ibn 'Abbad, minister of the Buyid prince Mu’ayyid ad-Dawla, who, as a Shi'ite, favored Mu'tazilite trends. Among the Qadl’s many works, mention has to be made of The Useful Text for the Sections of God’s Unity and Justice, the publication of which was encouraged by Taha Husain. Although in 'Abd al-Jabbar’s system there is no section devoted exclusively to the sources and means of human knowledge, the issue preoccupies him, and he often discusses the nature of human knowledge. He distinguishes two kinds: neces sary and acquired. Necessary knowledge is to be found in us, but is not from ourselves, whereas acquired knowledge is the result only of human reflection (nazar). Our knowledge of God, according to the Qadi, is only possible through reflection, as reality divides into two opposite categories: the visible and the hidden. The visible reality (ash-shahid.) is the whole of this world, with its substances and accidents, and the hidden reality (al-ghd’ib) is the other world, namely, God. We may have neces sary knowledge of the visible reality, but not of the hidden. To acquire knowledge of God, we have to employ reflection, which, in relying on analogy (qiyas), enables us to infer something about the hidden reality on the basis of something in the visible reality. The first element in our knowledge of the other world is a demonstration of God’s existence. The Qadl’s main argument, which he ascribes to Abu al-Hudhayl, is based on the fact that the bodies in our world are innovated (muhdath, temporally produced). Bodies show four modes of being (akwari) - movement, rest, comingtogether and going-apart - and no body can exist outside of these modes of being. These modes are themselves not eternal, because they may exist and may not exist. Since they are not eternal, they must be innovated. The bodies, in which these accidents inhere, must also be innovated, because the body does not exist before its accidents are produced. Everything that is innovated (muhdath) needs someone who has brought it into existence (muhdith). We can reach this conclusion by way of analogy: our own experience shows that whatever comes into existence through human effort needs a specific human being as the subject who brings it into existence. However, innovated beings do not have the power to produce bodies, because they act only according to a disposition that inheres in a substrate - for example, we can move only what is movable, and bodies can only be produced without using a substrate. Therefore, bodies must have a producer who is eternal. Once 'Abd al-Jabbar has provided us with a proof of God’s existence, which recurs in the Kalam, we can address the issue of God’s attributes. We may insist on 463
the external and internal oneness of God, who, for 'Abd al-Jabbar as for other Mu'tazilites, is an absolute and immaterial unity. This doctrine reduces God’s at tributes to pure names or, alternatively, we can say that the attributes are identical with God Himself, as we read in Abu 1-HudhayI. To mitigate this denial of the attributes, Abu Hashim al-Jubba’i, the master of 'Abd al-Jabbar, developed the theory of modes or states (ahwal). This was originally a general theory of predica tion, which he then applied to the issue of God’s attributes. According to Abu Hashim, one who is knowing differs from one who is ignorant by virtue of the state in which he is. “State” is thus a term predicated of a subject, and occupies a nebulous place between existence and non-existence. For 'Abd al-Jabbar, God is characterized by different states or modes. He is able (qddir) without limitations - that is, He is almighty, He is knowing ('alim), He always knows everything, and because He is knowing and able, He is living (hayy) and existent (mawjud). These are the four essential qualities, but among His other qualities we may mention divinity. 'Abd al-Jabbar, who again follows Abu Hashim, considers divinity as one of God’s states, and defines it by claiming that God alone deserves worship. By means of the theory of modes or states, the divine attributes gain a degree of reality (albeit slight) that does not affect God’s unity and simplicity. Recall that 'Abd al-Jabbar’s proof for God’s existence was elaborated on the ground of a radical division between this perceptible world and the other, hidden world. With most Mu'tazilites, 'Abd al-Jabbar agrees that the world is ultimately built from atoms. A body must be composed of at least eight atoms: two for its length, two for its breadth and four more for its depth. These eight points define the angles of a cube, which is the first body. The division between atoms and accidents becomes, for 'Abd al-Jabbar, a division between substances and accidents. Sub stance is basically the substrate that bears the accident, so that substance and accident are often taken as synonyms. There are many kinds of accidents, and most of them can be brought into existence only by God. A human being, however, can produce these external accidents: being-in-space (kawn), pressure, composition, pain and sound (or speech); as well as these internal ones: conviction, will, aver sion, opinion and reflection. 'Abd al-Jabbar contended that God, in spite of His absolute simplicity, exhibits states, and he claims that this is true as well of the created world. How are states related to substances and accidents? States are neither an additional category of being nor a pure abstraction: their reality lies between these. In contrast to sub stances, which only God can create, and to accidents, some of which human beings can produce too, states may be brought about by accidents inhering in the same substance that is to be characterized by these states. When an accident of this kind exists, the thing acquires the related state. In this way, 'Abd al-Jabbar lets causes slip into the perceptible world. The doctrine of states or modes derives originally from human self-experience: a person knows when he finds himself in a certain state, and says, for instance, “I am knowing,” “I am able,” “I am reflecting.” The existence of states is made possible by that of related accidents or qualities, the most important of which are life, percep tion, ability, knowledge, and will. Endowed with these qualities, humans enjoy a
privileged position among the beings of this world, although it implies a great degree of responsibility. Human self-experience makes one aware that one is the agent of one’s acts and that one is responsible for them. One’s free act (tasarruf) only results from one’s will, and one knows as well that all of one’s conscious acts have a moral value and that they deserve blame, if they are evil, and that they do not deserve it, but deserve praise, if they are good. Taking this as his starting point, 'Abd al-Jabbar developed his ethical doctrine and established, by means of reason, the relative values of human acts. Here we face a problem, however. The Quran insists that all men will be punished or rewarded by God in the afterlife, and the Islamic legal tradition arranged its sanctions to correspond to those laid down by revelation for the future world. In contrast, 'Abd al-Jabbar started from the rational standpoint and saw in human acts an objective value, causing them to be deserving of praise or blame, here as well as in the afterlife. We might ask, then, whether 'Abd al-Jabbar recognized any conflict between reason and the Quranic word? In fact, he did contemplate a few situations - as, for example, the offering of obligatory prayer - in which human reason may at first not find the same moral value that revelation does. He observed, however, that once the latter is known, we are able to uncover the rational justification of this value: Revelation only uncovers, about the character of these acts, aspects whose evilness or goodness we should recognize if we knew them by reason. For if we had known by reason that prayer is of great benefit to us, leading us to choose our duty and to earn reward thereby, we should have known its obligatoriness by reason. ('Abd al-Jabbar, 1962, Vol. 6, p. 64)
God’s created speech, as the Mu'tazila defines the Quran, is the supreme manifesta tion of rational activity, and humans have no need to fear inquiring into this rationality. According to prevailing Muslim theology, however, humans should refrain from this adventure. According to Abu 1-Hasan al-Ash'ari (d. 935), the founder of “orthodox” Kalam, our human abilities in this respect are very limited and should be used for arguing in defense of the revealed dogmas. It is true that Mu'tazilite Kalam does not constitute any close doctrinal corpus, but the foregoing exposition of two of its main representatives has outlined some basic features: (1) Divinity and worldly reality are radically distinct. God is not only one but His essence is pure unity, and His attributes are to be described in such a way that they do not affect this absolute simplicity. (2) God created this perceptible world, which remains in dependency upon Him. The evolution of the Kalam tends toward conferring upon this unstable reality some degree of internal causality, although all of its components are only temporally produced (muhdath or “inno vated”). (3) Human beings enjoy a special status within this worldly reality. They are able to listen to God’s created speech, they are capable of rational activity and, above all, they are able to initiate their own acts and to bear moral responsibility for them. Moral behavior lifts humanity above material reality and brings it nearer to God, in spite of the insurmountable distance. 465
B Religious philosophy
Neoplatonism was the predominant philosophy in the geographic areas conquered by the Arabs and thus the philosophy cultivated by a group of Muslim thinkers who were attracted by “the sciences of the Ancients” was also Neoplatonic. It combined the doctrines of Plotinus (d. 270) with a significant amount of Aristotelian materi al, especially with regard to the philosophy of nature. The beginnings of philosoph ical work in the Arabic language (and still within the Greek tradition) can be traced to the reign of the Abbasid Caliph al-Ma’mun (813-833), but the first philosopher who built up a representative system lived a century later. Abu Nasr al-Farabl (d. 950) was active in Baghdad and eventually at the court of Sayf ad-Dawla (945967) in Aleppo. Al-Farabl accepted the Neoplatonic conception of the unity of all reality and the contention that there exists a primary Unity from which different manifestations emanate. His main work, the Book on the Views of the Inhabitants of the Perfect State, integrates this conception with the Aristotelian view of the world and nature in a somewhat naive way. In this book, al-Farabl adopts an aprioristic method and begins with a description of God, as we see in his summary: First section. The thing that has to be asserted as Divinity in the perfect religion: Which kind of existent He is, what is His substance, with which attributes He must be described, how the existing beings derive from Him, on which aspect He is cause of their existence, by which names He must be called and invocated. (Al-Farabl, 1972, p. 32)
God is the First Existent and His existence is the most excellent, since it is not stained by non-existence or by potential existence (and thus God is actuality). Al-Farabl’s description echoes Aristotle’s in the Metaphysics (XII.6), but differs from Aristotle’s in his use of the concept of existence, which is a Plotinian elaboration. For Aristotle, being is always used with reference to one principle, substance, and is always predicated of a subject. For al-Farabl, existence is an autonomous entity and beings possess it as an attribute, so that God has “substance and existence.” God’s exist ence is different from that of all other beings because “it is that by which He is existing in Himself” (al-Farabl, 1972, p. 46) - that is, it is an existence without external cause. Unity is a divine characteristic as important as existence, and since being and oneness imply each other, God’s unity and existence cannot be separated. Al-Farabl argues that one of the meanings of unity is the particular existence that causes each existent to be different from all others. This is the main reason why the First Existent is called one: because of the existence He has and by virtue of which He is different from all others. Intellect constitutes the substance of the Divinity. Aristotle had already estab lished that God is pure self-thinking and Plotinus had made Intellect the second of the first three hypostases (after the One and before the Soul). Al-Farabl follows this tradition and explains that, since the First Existent is not material and since only
matter prevents form from being intellect, He is actual thinking ("aql What He thinks is His own essence, and He becomes the thinking subject and the thought object. Al-Farabi then goes on to describe God in terms of different attributes. The First Existent is “knowing,” “wise,” “true,” and “living.” He is perfect and possesses infinite majesty, greatness and glory. These attributes remind us of those listed by the Mu'tazilites, and like them, al-Farabl maintains that attributes do not cause any multiplicity in God’s essence. Al-Farabi often refers to the Divinity just as the First, and on other occasions as the First Cause, for he cannot isolate the concept of His from that of the universe which emanates from Him: The First is that from which existence is brought about. When the First exists with the kind of existence which He has, it follows that all existents come into existence but those that exist because of man’s will and choice. (Al-Farabi, 1973, p. 55)
Through emanation (fayd), the existence of one being comes out of the existence of another; at the beginning is the First and at the end, prime matter. In the process of emanation two stages can be distinguished: the superior comprises the heavenly spheres, each one endowed with soul and intellect, the inferior comprises the world below the sphere of the Moon. The sublunar reality is subject to life and death, to coming-to-be and passing-away. In spite of the striking difference of rank between the First Cause and the material world, the idea of unity prevails: the emanated existents constitute “one set and are like one thing” (al-Farabl, 1973, p. 57). The human situation in this system is two-sided: human beings obviously be long to the sublunar world, but their intellectual activity shows that they partici pate in the eternal world above. According to al-Farabl, human intellect goes through three stages in the process of knowing. All humans have a natural dispo sition for intellectual knowledge, but they themselves cannot activate this potenti ality. They need the intervention of the Active Intellect, to which Aristotle referred in De Anima III. 5. The Active Intellect causes the natural disposition (passive intel lect) to become active (actual intellect) - and makes out of this disposition some thing different (acquired intellect). The Active Intellect is also thought to be the source of the first universal principles of science and morality, which are innate to mankind. Al-Farabl identifies the Active Intellect with a hypostasis that emanates from the ninth celestial sphere - that of the moon - and is convinced that man can attain a permanent union with it. The way in which this conjunction is possible is similar to the way in which form is joined to matter: the acquired intellect becomes matter for the Active Intellect. This happens after the soul is free from bodily accidents, but only if the soul developed, during its bodily life, its rational faculties, both theoret ical and practical. For this reason, we read in al-Farabl that the souls of ignorant people will perish, since they have not built up the acquired intellect and need a material substrate to exist. There are no signs at all that al-Farabl sustained a Sufi or mystic doctrine with regard to the afterlife. The souls of the perfect community will survive and attain
happiness, he contends, although he offers sometimes differing opinions and leaves certain questions unanswered concerning this. The souls of the perfect community, though, will not ascend to the First nor dissolve inside the Active Intellect; they will remain united to it. God and His creation are two clearly distinguished parts of a unity: God is the First and all other existents come after Him by means of emanation. Now the question may be asked, of course, “How do we prove this?”, and any such proof must define the nature of the dependency of this world on God, from a metaphysical point of view. Al-Farabi did not answer the question, although he may have given some hint of an answer in stating that the First exists in Himself. Abu 'Ali Ibn Sina (or Avicenna, 980-1037) did answer it. He insisted on the distinction between essence and existence. In all created beings there is a gap between what they are and the fact that they exist. From what they are it does not follow that they exist. Their existence is possible and it becomes necessary once their cause acts. The idea of necessity is paramount in his system. Nothing can exist without necessity, but this necessity can be founded in the very subject or in another - that is, every actual existent is necessary either by virtue of itself or by virtue of another, the latter in turn possibly being existent by virtue of itself. From necessity we revert to causation: what is possibly existent needs a cause to exist actually and if the cause acts, it exists necessarily. The beings we know through our experience are either innovated (they came to be and will pass away) or eternal (that is, the heavenly spheres), but in both cases they are not necessarily existent by virtue of themselves; they are necessitated by another. An endless chain - or even a circular one - of this kind cannot account for existence by virtue of itself, and so the chain must have a first link which is neces sary by itself. This is a summary exposition of one of Avicenna’s arguments, a cosmological one, for the existence of God as a being whose existence is necessary by itself. Avicenna complemented Alfarabi’s aprioristic doctrine with suitable proofs and endowed it with a metaphysical structure. Thus the distance between the First Cause and its chain of effects is deeper for him than for al-Farabl, and the dependen cy of the created world on its efficient cause is stronger, since He is continuously adding existence to their essences, although not directly but through multiple intermediate causes. From this point of view, the differences between philosophy and Kalam, either Mu'tazilite or Ash'arite, do not seem to be insurmountable. There is, however, an obstacle which orthodox Islam could not overcome - namely, the philosopher’s belief in the eternity of the world. In a chapter of his Book of Directives and Admonitions (1968, Vol. 3, pp. 65-71), Avicenna considers the two ways in which something can be necessary by virtue of another: always or at a certain moment. In the former case, the existence of the thing in question is not preceded by non-existence, as it is in the latter case. What always is necessary by virtue of another does not come in time after what necessi tates it, although there is a priority in essence (qabaliya bi~dh~dhat). As a conse quence of this twofold distinction, Avicenna speaks of creation (ibda') and production (sarf). To create is to bring something into existence without an inter 468
mediate cause and without its non-existence preceding temporally. To produce is to bring into existence something that earlier did not exist in time by using an inter mediate cause. The resulting being is innovated (muhdath). According to Avicenna, the world exists through eternal creation and is not innovated. He explicitly attacks those who claim that God existed but the world did not until He decided, at a certain moment, to create it (Avicenna, 1968, Vol. 3, pp. 105-6). (The conflict between Kalam and Falsafa was therefore obvious and Abu Hamid al-Ghazzali (1058-1111) undertook the systematic task of refuting the philoso phers’ views on the eternity of the world, but also their views that God only knows universals and that there is no resurrection of the body. To this purpose, he wrote the Tahafut al-Falasifa, or “Destruction - collapse - of the philosophers.” AlGhazzaE’s attack was countered by Ibn Rushd (Averroes, 1126-1198) in his Tahafut al-Tahafut, or “Destruction of the Destruction.” Averroes did not just repeat Avicenna’s arguments, but resorted to Aristotelian proofs based on the eternity of time and movement.) For Avicenna, the relation between Divinity and reality is not limited to God’s necessitating the existence of the latter, either directly or through intermediate causes. The place of human beings in the universe is a privileged one, since they have souls which can return to the Divinity. Still on earth, a person can become an 'arif, one who enjoys an intuitive knowledge of the Divine. To reach the stage of the mystic 'arif, one has to strain one’s will towards the world of the intelligences, one has to practice severe auto-discipline and dominate one’s passions. When the arif reaches the final stage, he falls into ecstasis and takes immeasurable delight in knowing the eternal Truth. One’s delectation of the Divine can be permanent once one’s soul has left the body after death. The souls of those who did not cultivate their spiritual element during their earthly existence will survive in a state of “imaginary” reality comparable to that of dreams. Only the souls of the wise will be able to return to their source and will be eternally illuminated by the divine Light. This Islamic interpretation of Divinity and reality under the influence of Greek philosophy exhibits certain distinctive features: (1) Divinity and reality are closely related. Hierarchic order and rational coherence unite the divine Cause with its effect, which is the universe. (2) As eternal as the Cause is, so eternal is the effect, the creation of which did not have a beginning and will not have an end. (3) The human dimension is not only moral, but intellectual as well. One’s good deeds will save one, but the development of one’s intellectual dimension will lead one back to God and allow one to enjoy the view of the Divinity. Consequently, there is not just one conception of reality and Divinity in Islamic philosophy but two. For the Kalam, or philosophical theology, God is an absolutely unique Being who, in a conscious and voluntary way, created in time this percep tible world, and who is responsible for all of its events except for those that humans deliberately produce. For the Falsafa, or the philosophy inspired by the ancient Greeks, God is the First Cause of reality, which is its eternal effect (although this reality is also constituted by innovated beings that are not caused directly by God but by a chain of intermediate causes). While both Kalam and Falsafa place in our hands our future salvation, Falsafa reserves for the wise, for those who develop 469
their intellectual capacities, the possibility of returning to the First Cause and enjoy ing perfect happiness in contemplation of the Divinity.
Writings Abu 1-Hasan Al-Ash'ari 1985: Maqdldt al-Isldmiyln, ed. M. M. 'Abd al-Hamld, 2nd edn, 2 Vols (Cairo: Dar al-Hadatha). Abu 1-Hasan 'Abd al-Jabbar 1960-74: Al-Mughnlfi Abwdb al-Tawhid wa-l-Adal, various eds, 16 Vols (Cairo: Ministry of Culture). Abu Nasr Al-FarabT 1973: Kitab drd’Ahlcd-MacSnaal-Fddila, ed. A. N. Nadir, 3rd edn (Beirut: Dar al-Mashriq). Abu 1-Husain Ibn Sina 1968: Kitab al-isharat wa-t-Tanbihat, ed. S. Dunya, 4 Vols (Cairo: Dar al-Ma'arif).
Translations Book on the Views of the Inhabitants of the Perfect State 1972: Abu Nasr al-Farabl’s Mabddi drd’ Ahl al-Madina al-Fadila, tr. R. Walzer (Oxford: Oxford University Press). Averroes 1954: Tahafut al-Tahafut [The Incoherence of the Incoherence], tr. S. van den Bergh, 2 Vols (London: Luzac). Avicenna 1951: Livre des directives et remarques [Kitab al-isharat wa l-tanblhat], French tr. A.-M. Goichon (Beirut and Paris: Vrin). ------ 1978-85: La Metaphysique du Shifa’, French tr. G. C. Anawati, 2 Vols (Paris: Vrin).
Further reading Caspar, R. 1987: Traite de theologie musulmane (Rome: Pontificio ISAI). Cook, M. 19 81: Early Muslim Dogma: a Source Critical Study (Cambridge: Cambridge Univer sity Press). Davidson, H. A. 19 8 7: Proofs for Eternity, Creation and the Existence of God in Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press). ------1992: Alfarabi, Avicenna and Averroes on Intellect (Oxford: Oxford University Press). Frank, R. M. 1966: The Metaphysics of Created Being according to Abu 1-Hudhayl al-'AUdf (Istanbul: Netherlands Institute). ------1978: Beings and their Attributes. The Teaching of the Basrian School of the Mu'tazila in the Classical Period (Albany: State University of New York Press). Galston, M. 1990: Politics and Excellence. The Political Philosophy of Alfarabi (Princeton: Princeton University Press). Gardet, L. and Anawati, M. M. 1981: Introduction a la theologie musulmane, 3rd edn (Paris: Vrin). Gimaret, D. 1980: Theories de 1’acte humain en theologie musulmane (Paris-Leuven: VrinPeeters). Hourani, G. F. 1971: Islamic Rationalism. The Ethics of Abd al-Jabbar (Oxford: Oxford Univer sity Press). Michot, J. R. 1986: La destinee de 1’homme selon Avicenne (Leuven: Peeters). Peters, J. R. T. M. 1976: God’s Created Speech (Leiden: Brill). Van Ess, Josef 1991-5: Theologie und Gesellschaft im 2. und 3. Jahrhundert Hidschra, 6 Vols (Berlin: W. de Gruyter).
Watt, W. Montgomery 1948: Free Will and Predestination in Early Islam (London: Oxford University Press). Wensinck, A. J. 1965: The Muslim Creed, 2nd edn (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Wolfson, H. A. 1976: The Philosophy of the Kalam (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).
35 Selfhood/personhood in Islamic philosophy JOHN WALBRIDGE
I Introduction The question of the self and person in Islamic philosophy can be considered from several different perspectives. The term “philosophy,” falsafa, in Islam refers solely to the Greek tradition of thought represented by such thinkers as al-Farabl, Avicen na, and Averroes. Even some of those who unquestionably belong to this tradition - SuhrawardI and Mulla Sadra, for example - tend to avoid the term “falsafa" in favor of the Arabic synonym “hikma” (lit. wisdom). There are other Islamic intellec tual traditions that are unquestionably philosophic in one sense or another or that have important implications even for thinkers working strictly within the GraecoIslamic tradition of falsafa. The most basic tradition of thought about the self and person is Quranic Islam, which sets the fundamental terms of reference for moral and religious thought about the person in the Islamic world. (The Quran is always considered by Muslims to be the word of God, not of Muhammad.) The rich tradi tion of Islamic legal thought about the person may be considered an extension of Quranic thought on the subject. For convenience, in the present article this tradi tion will be referred to as “Quranic” or “Islamic,” but it must be remembered that thinkers of other traditions in the Islamic world also considered themselves to be “Quranic” and “Islamic,” though perhaps in different senses. The second tradition that I will discuss is Graeco-Islamic philosophy, which I will refer to as “philoso phy.” This represents the tradition of Plato and Aristotle, combined in various proportions and sometimes with conspicuous elements of Neoplatonism and Neopythagoreanism. The third tradition is Sufism, Islamic mysticism, which devel oped important and influential ideas about the self and person.
II Quranic Islam and the self and person Is the Islamic conception of the person individualistic or communalist? It is both, each in an extreme sense, for the Islam of the Quran places the individual man, without friends or excuses, alone before God’s awful throne of judgment, yet Islam identifies religion and community without separation or neutral ground. The second conception especially has proven deeply unsettling to modern Westerners accustomed to liberal notions of the separation of church and state. 472
It is difficult to avoid tracing the paradox of the Islamic notions of self and community to the primal Arabian experience of the desert. In pre-modern times the population of the Central Arabian desert must have been well below one person per square kilometer, much of which would have been huddled together in a handful of oasis communities. The deep-desert bedouin existed in tiny scattered kinship groups, constantly on the edge of starvation and ever on the move in search of pasture and water. They were a population too scattered and impoverished to support even the most rudimentary of governments. Such an environment pro duced individuals who were independent, quarrelsome, disdainful of law, proud to the point of braggadocio, utterly and unreasonably loyal to kinsmen and guest, yet in the end fatalistic. This is not the place for a study of the ethos of pre-Islamic Arabia; what is important is that the desert Arab combined two radically different attitudes towards the relation between himself and his community. On the one hand, he saw himself as utterly independent and self-reliant, owing allegiance to no other man and relying on no one else. The pre-Islamic poet Ta’abbata Sharran wrote of the bedouin outlaw: Through one desert in the sun’s heat, through another in starlight, Lonely as the wild ass, rides he bare-backed Danger noon and night. (Nicholson, 1907, p. 81)
On the other hand, the bedouin’s clan and tribe were of supreme importance to him, and so the poets constantly praised the nobility of their own tribes. Any injury done to a fellow tribesman had to be avenged, regardless of who was at fault. The poet Durayd b. Simma, who had lost his brother in an ill-considered feud with another tribe, sang: I am of Ghaziyya: if she be in error, then I will err; And if Ghaziyya be guided right, I go right with her! (Nicholson, 1907, p. 83)
The Quran contemptuously dismisses the bedouin ethos with its bloody quarrels, its radical individualism, and its excessive pride in ancestry. While Islam and the Quran certainly do represent a fundamental ethical and religious change, they are not so much an utterly new and alien system as a transformation of the old atti tudes, a deep and creative reinterpretation of the ethical ideals of the ancient life of the desert. The fundamental religious and ethical premise of the Quran is the responsibility of the individual before God. The Arabs of Muhammad’s day seem to have been less shocked by his condemnation of their gods than by his bald assertion that their noble ancestors were burning in hell. Whereas the bedouin outlaw had seen himself in a lonely struggle with the elements and all other men, the Muslim is engaged in an equally lonely struggle to prepare himself for the last judgment. When that dreadful day comes, he will stand alone before God and will be presented 473
with a book recording all his deeds. If the good outweighs the bad, he will enter paradise. If not, he will be cast into eternal flames. That day - and, by extension, every day of his life in this world - his friends and relatives will be unable to help him. No excuses and no intercession will be accepted, only his good deeds. Though later Islamic thought sought to soften this doctrine by allowing the intercession of the Prophet and perhaps the saints, a radical sense of individual moral responsibility has remained at the heart of Islam, for no matter how close a Muslim’s relations may be to family, friends, and fellow Muslims, he knows that he, and they, must each face God alone on the Last Day. The truest symbol of the spiritual life of Islam is thus the single Muslim kneeling in prayer while ordinary life goes on around him. Paradoxically, this individualism is accompanied by an equally radical commu nitarianism. God says in the Quran, “Man has transgressed, for he thinks himself independent” (Quran 96, 6-7). In a sense, the senior member of a Muslim’s com munity is God Himself, for the Quran lays constant stress on the mercy and boun tifulness of God and His constant solicitude for man and especially the believers. The social expression of God’s solicitude towards the believers is the umma, the community of the Muslims. Just as the bedouin poet found his only real security in the solidarity of his clan and took pride in the nobility and prowess of his tribe and its chiefs, so too the Muslim finds support, friendship, and security in the mercy of God and the brotherhood of the community of believers. By founding the Islamic community, Muhammad sought to destroy the old loyalties of the “Time of Ignorance” and replace them with a single loyalty to God, His Prophet, and the Muslim community. Muhammad was both prophet and ruler of this community, and so there was no distinction of church and state. Outside this community there can be no true Islam, thus the persistent discomfort Muslims feel in living outside of an Islamic state, whether as a minority in a non-Islamic land or under secular rulers with dubious claims to Islamic piety. The combination of absolute individual moral responsibility and a demand for its expression within a community have produced an ideal of egalitarian theocracy. The individual’s spiritual aspirations can only be fully realized within a community loyal to these aspirations and governing all aspects of life. Yet the moral and reli gious responsibility of the individual guarantee an ideal of religious egalitarianism, the fullest expression of which is the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, where Muslims of every degree, whether kings or slaves, don the same simple dress to visit the House of God. The most widely accepted intellectual formulations of the Quranic intellectual tradition are religious law (fiqh) and dogmatic theology (Kalam, lit. speech [about religious subjects]). In Islamic law the person is defined by religious obligations acquired by a voluntary acceptance of a particular prophetic revelation, preferably Islam. First, a person must accept a prophetic religion, an obligation he acquired by his acceptance of the Covenant with God before the creation of the world (Quran 7, 172). Though to fail to do so was kufr (lit. “ingratitude” and thus “unbelief”), the acceptance of religious obligation must be a voluntary act, just as in Islamic polit ical thought, where a king’s sovereignty only became effective through the volun
tary allegiance of the people through the pledge of allegiance made by their representatives. Within the Islamic system, all possible actions, however mundane, were governed by religious law, each being obligatory, desirable, indifferent, undesirable, or prohibited. Religious obligations could also be divided into those binding on each individual as an individual, such as the daily prayer, and those binding on some unspecified individual, such as ruling the state, fighting in the holy war or burying a dead person. In the latter case, someone arising to do the action meant that others were relieved of the obligation. Thus for the practitioners of Islamic law, individuals were defined primarily by their religious obligations. The whole structure of society is conceptualized in terms of individual religious obligations acquired by voluntary acceptance of the religion given by God through Muhammad. Kalam, Islamic dogmatic theology, is a theological account of the universe. Un like Graeco-Islamic philosophy, it was generally recognized by Muslims as a legiti mate intellectual discipline. It predates the rise of Graeco-Islamic philosophy by about a century. Kalam arose from debates both within early Islam and between Muslims and non-Muslims. At its core were debates about the power, justice, and providence of God and the free will of human beings. In its mature formulation Kalam was generally atomist and occasionalist, rejecting all secondary causes in the universe in favor of God’s unfettered power. Thus the Kalam discussions of persons as moral agents are an attempt to give a coherent account of how a just omniscient and omnipotent God and morally responsible human beings can co exist. The Kalam theologians saw that for human beings to be responsible, they must be able to act according to their free will, but if they did, they, like God, were creators. However, if God created the actions of human beings - in other words, if human beings are predestined to do what they do - then how can a just God hold them responsible for their actions? The difficulties of combining divine power and human free will were dramatized in a series of antinomies, the most famous of which concerned the fate of three people in the afterlife: a saint, a sinner, and one who died in infancy. To the infant’s complaint that he had been denied the oppor tunity to do good works, God could reply that in His foreknowledge He knew that the infant would grow up to be a great sinner. But what answer could He then give to the sinner burning in Hell? The Kalam theologians offered a variety of answers to this and other dilemmas, ranging from firm affirmations of human freedom to radical predestination. The Quran supports both extremes. To the extent to which we can say there was an “orthodox,” “official” answer, it was the doctrine of acquisition: that God in His omniscience knows what the moral decisions of individual human beings will be and creates their acts accordingly, which they “acquire” by their choices. Ill Philosophical conceptions of the self and person
Whereas the Quranic conception of the self is grounded in religion and ethics, the conception of the self in Islamic philosophical psychology arises from epistemolog ical concerns, in particular a set of problems arising from Aristotle’s De anima and 475
his view of the human soul and intellect. The most influential account of the soul and mind is that of Avicenna, as stated in his massive Healing and in shorter works, notably the Salvation and Hints. The self as an ethical and political entity is usually treated in Islamic philosophy from a point of view that combines Platonic and Aristotelian elements. The issue of consciousness becomes prominent in later Islamic philosophy, coming abruptly to the fore in the twelfth century with Suhrawardl’s theory of mind as light.
Avicenna on the soul and intellect For Avicenna “soul” was shared by human beings, animals, and plants. His views represent a systematization of those of Aristotle, influenced by Galenic medicine. In accordance with his Neoplatonic cosmology, the soul of each living thing is emanated whenever a suitable combination of matter comes into being. The lowest kind of soul is the vegetable soul, possessing only the faculties of nutrition, growth, and reproduction. To these the animal soul adds the faculties of voluntary motion and perception, including both external and internal senses. It is only the human soul, the “intellect” ('aql), that can think in terms of abstrac tions; animals can think, but only in terms of images. The human soul is a single substance, of which its vegetable, animal, and distinctively human portions are in some sense parts. The human soul, at least, is potentially an independent substance, for we can imagine a man created as an adult and suspended in air with all sensation cut off. He could not affirm the existence of his body, but he could affirm the existence of his mind. Thus the body and the mind are different entities. Though Avicenna as a physician is well aware of the complexity of the vegetable and animal souls as they drive the various bodily functions, his chief philosophical interest is the intellect. He derives this theory from the murky hints of De anima III via an influential treatise on the subject by al-Farabi. The underlying problem is how we can think universals - triangle in general, for example. It is not difficult to understand how an animal can think particulars, for the images of particulars can in a sense be projected in the eye and the brain. However, we can never form an image of triangle in general, since any image we form will be, for example, either a right triangle or not. No material organ, Avicenna concludes, can know universals, and no immaterial faculty can know particulars. The intellect, then, is an imma terial faculty that in use actually becomes the universal it contemplates. Following al-Farabl, Avicenna identifies four (or five) stages in the development of intellect: the material intellect, which is the potential for knowing forms; (the habitual intel lect, which is the intellect that has begun to contemplate the primary intelligibles;) the actual intellect, which is the intellect that has reached a level of actualization where it can contemplate these forms at will; the acquired intellect, which is the intellect in a higher degree of actualization where it can contemplate the forms, does so, and fully knows that it does so; and the active intellect, which is the intellect of the sphere of the moon and which emanates the forms onto the individ ual intellects of human beings. 476
This theory of Avicenna ran into difficulties with the problem of individuation and immortality. Islamic thinkers were naturally committed to the concept of the immortality of the human soul. While the vegetable and animal souls would pre sumably perish with the body, there seemed no reason why the immaterial intellect should not survive. But in what way was this intellect the same as the individual who had died? The accusation was sometimes made by critics of the philosophers that they could only prove the immortality of some sort of collective intellect, not of the individual; after all, those memories and experiences that distinguish the indi vidual are experiences of the body, not of the immaterial intellect. Likewise, how could the philosophers explain the reward and punishment of the individual in the afterlife? Avicenna could only answer feebly that the immaterial intellect was in some way colored by its lifetime of association with the body, an answer that failed to reassure either the theologians of Islam or those of Latin Christendom. The identification of God as an immaterial intellect likewise raised questions about whether God could even know individuals. The definitive debate about these issues is found in al-Ghazzafi’s Incoherence of the Philosophers, a text that identifies 20 philosophical propositions as either heretical or outright unbelief, and its refutation by Averroes, The Incoherence of the Incoherence. SuhrawardI and the self as light
The most important alternative to the al-Farabi/Avicenna theory of intellect was Suhrawardl’s “illuminationist” theory of minds as immaterial lights. SuhrawardI (d. 1191), who considered himself to be in the tradition of Plato and the Sufis, identified the key problem of philosophical psychology and epistemology as con sciousness. A mind is directly aware of itself and of the entities it experiences. SuhrawardI used the symbol of light to characterize mind: a light is manifest and makes other things manifest, in the words of an early commentator. A mind is an immaterial light, whose nature it is to be manifest to itself and to make other things manifest to itself- in other words, to know those things. Starting with the simplest case, SuhrawardI rejects both the intromission and intramission theories of vision, holding instead that vision is simply the unobstructed presence of a light or lighted thing before a sound eye. For him, the philosophically important aspect of vision is the conscious experience of seeing, not the intermediate conditions studied by the scholars of optics. Light does not travel from (or to) the lighted object; light simply makes the thing manifest to the eye. A similar explanation holds for the so-called inner senses. The forms of the imagination and memory cannot somehow be pro jected onto a bodily organ, since we imagine a mountain as far larger than the organ in which the image supposedly exists. The brain provides the locus wherein the image of the mountain is manifest, but it is the image of the mountain that is manifest to us, not some sort of picture of it. Intellectual knowledge and self consciousness occur in the same way. The self is a light that is manifest to itself; the intelligibles are manifest to this light. Though Suhrawardl’s theory lacks the scientific complexity of Avicenna’s, it does solve a number of difficulties. First, it explains the unity of the self. There is in
a real sense only one mental faculty, the immaterial light/mind, which does all its knowing and perceiving in the same way, through presence. Suhrawardi also introduces a number of other questions, notably reincarnation and animal minds. Avicenna had been able make a clear distinction between animal and human minds by asserting that they knew in different ways: while animals know through the animal soul, a more-or-less physical entity, human beings know through the immaterial intellect. Suhrawardi erases this distinction and thus the distinction in kind between human beings and animals. The immaterial lights that are human minds are “brighter” than the lights of animal minds, but they are not different in kind. Suhrawardi, a self-identified platonist, knew of the platonic doctrine of rein carnation and rejected it, though with arguments so feeble as to cast doubt on his sincerity. His commentator, Qutb al-Din Shirazi (1236-1311), accepted reincarnation as an explanation for animal minds: human beings were reborn as animals suitable to their character flaws, and went through many rebirths and were gradually purified until their souls could escape to the world of light.
The self in Islamic philosophical ethics and politics
The ethical and social self also appears in Islamic practical philosophy. Despite a promising start with the political works of al-Farabi, ethics and political theory remained a relatively undeveloped area of Islamic philosophy, the subject being largely ceded by default to the religious lawyers. Ethics was most strongly influenced by the Nicomachean Ethics, though with a platonic cast. For Islamic philosophers, ethics is a natural outgrowth of psychology - moderation in the three faculties of anger, desire, and intellect, and also their proper balance, yielding the four cardinal virtues of courage, temperance, wisdom, and justice. Since the underlying temperaments of individuals differ, their respective virtues and vices may differ. A man with a strong tendency toward acquisitiveness, for example, may find its satisfaction in either greed or zealousness in the pursuit of virtue. Since the Politics was not available in Arabic, Islamic thought on political philos ophy was shaped by platonic sources, particularly epitomes of the Republic and the Laws. Al-Farabi was the dominant figure in this branch of philosophy. He saw the function of the virtuous state as educational, with its laws and religion - the two are scarcely distinguished in Islamic thought - encouraging the moral development of the citizens. Imperfect states pursued lesser goals such as honor and wealth. AlFarabl and his followers, the most important of whom were in Spain, were troubled by the place of the philosopher in the imperfect city - the “weed” as he is sometimes called. Al-Farabi and his followers saw religion, including Islam, as an imaginative representation of the truths of philosophy, designed to urge the ordinary man to do what is good for him - “the teachings of the theologian are based on fables,” as the doctrine was indignantly rendered by the authors of the Paris Condemnation of 1277 (Hyman and Walsh, 1983, p. 591). The philosopher thus lived a life of semi hypocrisy, urging others to follow to the letter a religion whose literal truth he did not accept, while he himself pursued a life dedicated to the acquisition of philosoph ical wisdom. This dilemma and its implications for the nature of the philosophical 478
self is dramatized in the famous philosophical novel Hayy ibn Yaqzan, by the twelfth century Spanish philosopher Ibn Tufayl. Hayy, the hero, grows up all alone on an island, where he is raised by a doe. Through sheer intellectual power he is able to attain the heights of philosophical mysticism, discovering the various levels of scientific and philosophical truth until he finally learns to devote himself entirely to mystical contemplation. He is the philosophical self totally divorced from society. He does not even know language, only what pure reason can know. One day he discovers another human being, Asai, a pious and intelligent man who has come from a populated neighboring island to live as a religious hermit. Through him Hayy learns of the existence of society and of religion. Seeing in religion distorted versions of the truths he has discovered through reason, Hayy conceives that he has a duty to enlighten his fellow men. Despite the reservations of his new friend, the two sail for Asai's neigh boring island. The missionary venture is a disaster, and just in time Hayy realizes that ordinary people are best left to follow their partial truths. Hayy and Asai return to the desert island and devote the rest of their days to lonely contemplation of the Infinite.
IV Sufism and the self The subtlest discussion of psychological issues in Islamic thought occurs among the Sufis, the mystics of Islam, in the context of analysis of the stages on the mystical path. Three sets of issues are particularly relevant to the concepts of selfhood and personhood: the lower self and its control, the annihilation of the soul in God and its union with God, and the human being as a manifestation of the Godhead. The lower self and its control
Sufis conceptualized the mystical enterprise as a journey. The seeker must travel a series of stages to reach his goal. Psychologically, this journey is understood as a process by which the self is gradually annihilated so that it can be restored in God. The Quran refers to the “commanding soul (or self)”, the “blaming soul,” and the “soul at peace.” In the early stages of the mystical path, the seeker must repent and subdue his lower, “commanding self.” This self is seen almost as a separate mind coexisting in the mystic’s body, not unlike the Freudian unconscious. A Sufi talked of leading his self around on a leash like a little dog. The Sufi’s decision to enter the mystical path must be followed by a determined effort to subdue this lower self through ascetic exercises, mortification of the self and the ego, and strict obedience to his Sufi master. Constant vigilance is required even by advanced mystics against the wiles of the lower self. The old Sufi who found himself regretting the fornication he had not gotten around to committing as a youth knew that this last minute fall from grace was due to the wiles of his lower self.
Annihilation The next step in the control of the lower self involved love. Passionate, yearning, hopeless love burned away the attachments of the self to the flesh. It is for this 479
reason that famous lovers have a central place in Sufi literature. The Sufi in love with God is compared with the poor man who falls in love with a rich and beautiful woman. She can care nothing for him, and he knows this very well, so he sits by her door in the alley. Gradually he wastes away from frustration and starvation, hop ing only that she will notice him, if only to rebuke him. Since he cannot hope to win her, he can expect only self-destruction from his love. In the beginning of Rumi’s famous mystical epic, the Mathnavi, the reed flute’s plaintive sound expresses its pain and yearning in its separation from the reed-bed. Union
The annihilation of the self is not a goal but a means to union with God, or, to use the usual term, “abiding” or eternal life in God. The ontological nature of the state sought by the Sufi is a hotly debated question among Sufi theorists and Islamic theologians and philosophers, but the state certainly involves some sort of restora tion of the self to wholeness and integrity. This insight led the Sufis on an increas ingly sophisticated analysis of the relationships among God, the self, and the manifestations of the attributes of God in the world. The ecstatic or “drunken” mystics speak sometimes of becoming God, a formulation that is defended even by sober Sufis as appropriate to their psychological state. The early Sufi al-Hallaj had said, “Ana ’1-Haqq,” which means “I am the Truth” or “the Absolute” - in other words, “I am God.” Al-Hallaj was crucified for his presumption, but his statement was defended even by Sufis who held that he ought not, out of prudence, to have said such a thing. Most Sufis would have denied that it was possible to become God, but that a mystic might feel himself to have become God was a perfectly normal expression of a certain stage of the mystical journey. Thus al-Hallaj came to be the martyr of ecstatic mysticism in Islam, the Sufi who could see no difference between his own self and God. The most famous depiction of annihilation and union in Sufi literature is found in the mystical epic, The Conference of the Birds, by the Persian Sufi poet Farid al-DIn 'Attar. In this story, the birds of the world are told they must set out to find their king, the immortal phoenix who lived on the mountain at the end of the world. Various birds, each representing a character flaw, offer their excuses: the falcon cannot bear to leave the pomp of court, the duck cannot bear the loss of purity involved in a long journey across a waterless desert, and so on. Finally, the birds set out and cross the seven valleys representing the stages of the mystical path. When they finally reach the palace of the phoenix, they are turned away by the chamberlain, who points out that they are bedraggled, unimportant, and unworthy of the phoenix’s attention. When the 30 surviving birds protest that they have journeyed very far, the herald admits them, only to present them with a document detailing their lives and their every sin and hypocrisy. With this final humiliation their last traces of self are burned away and they discover - to the frustration of the poem’s translators - that they themselves are their king, for the 3 0 birds (Persian: si morgh) are the immortal phoenix (simorgh). Thus the mystic will at the end find God within himself and find that God is his self.
The rational exposition of the ecstatic mysticism of al-Hallaj is found in the works of Ibn 'Arabi, the greatest theoretician of Sufism. For Ibn 'Arabi, the universe and everything in it, including the human self, are the self-manifestations of God. For him, God is both hidden and manifest. For Ibn 'Arabi - to oversimplify greatly his complex system - the things of the world are manifestations of the attributes of God, and the attributes of God are His relations with the world. The various things that are not God each manifest a different attribute or attributes of God. In a sense, says Ibn 'Arabi, every creature has a different God, the sum of the divine attributes that the creature manifests. Man occupies a unique place since he manifests - or rather, potentially manifests - all the attributes of God. The person in whom these attributes are fully manifested is the “Perfect Man,” variously identified with the Sufi saint and the prophet, depending on the functions that he actually fulfills in the world. Ibn 'Arabi cites the Islamic tradition, “He who knows himself (or his self), knows his Lord,” as evidence for the soundness of his view. Thus for Ibn 'Arabi and the innumerable Sufi thinkers influenced by him, the life of the spirit is a continual successions of meetings with the divine. As was the case for 'Attar’s birds, the most important such meeting is the one that takes place within one’s own self.
Modern thought
The challenges posed to the Islamic world by the West in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have led to a thorough reappraisal of every aspect of Islamic thought. In particular, the challenge of Western ideologies of liberal capitalism and socialism have brought to the fore the tensions between the individualistic and communitarian aspects of Islam, leading important modern Islamic thinkers to attempt to articulate Islam as an ideology standing between the two great Western ideologies.
A number of important modern Islamic thinkers - notably Khomeini and Islamists like Sayyid Qutb and the Muslim Brotherhood in the Arab world - have called for a theocratic state modeled on the Islamic state of Muhammad and the first caliphs. The separation of church and state, whether de facto, as in medieval and modern Islamic states, or de jure, as in the modern West, is un-Islamic in their view and prevents Islam from having its intended salutary effect on society. Only in a society in which Islamic law is enforced can the individual be molded to Islamic standards. Such a theory in fact justifies the informal theocracy of early Islam by an appeal to the theory of the state as educational institution as expressed by al-Farabl. Less radical thinkers call for the enforcement of Islamic law by Islamic states or application of Islamic law in various areas of modern life, notably the so-called “Islamic economics,” or advocate the spread of Islam in the West as a solution to its social problems. In a sense, such calls for reform may be seen as attempts to Islamize either socialism or liberal capitalism. Both approaches center on Islamic law and embody the old tension between the individual and the communal self. 481
Renewal of religion
A quite different approach to the reassertion of Islam in the modern world is found among a group of thinkers offering Islam as the solution to the spiritual aridity of modern life. Such thinkers usually draw inspiration from Sufism or esoteric Shi'ism and address themselves primarily to the West. These thinkers are highly intellectu al as a rule and are concerned with mysticism and philosophy, usually giving little attention to the legal and communal aspects of Islam.
Writings 'Attar, Farid ud-Din 1984: The Conference of the Birds (Harmondsworth: Penguin). Averroes 1954: Tahdfut al-Tahdfut [The Incoherence of the Incoherence], tr. S. van den Bergh, E. J. W. Gibb Memorial Series, n.s. 19, 2 Vols (London: Luzac). Avicenna 1952: Avicenna's Psychology: an English Translation of Kitab al-Najdt, Book II, Chapter VI, tr. F. Rahman (Oxford: Oxford University Press). Ibn Tufayl 1972: Hayy ibn Yaqzdn: a Philosophical Tale, tr. Lenn Evan Goodman, Library of Classical Arabic Literature 1 (New York: Twayne). Miskawayh 1968: The Refinement of Character, tr. Constantine K. Zurayk (Beirut: American University of Beirut). Suhrawardi forthcoming: The Philosophy of Illumination, ed. and tr. John Walbridge and Hossein Ziai, Islamic Philosophy Translation Series (Provo: Brigham Young University Press).
References and further reading Butterworth, Charles 1992: Political Aspects of Islamic Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Muhsin S. Mahdi, Harvard Middle Eastern Monographs 2 7 (Cambridge: Harvard Center for Middle Eastern Studies). Chittick, William 1989: The Sufi Path of Knowledge: Ibn al-Arabi’s Metaphysics of Imagination (Albany: State University of New York Press). Corbin, Henry 1993: History of Islamic Philosophy, tr. Liadain Sherrard (London: Kegan Paul). Dabashi, Hamid 1993: Theology ofDiscontent: the Ideological Foundation of the Islamic Revolu tion in Iran (New York: New York University Press). Fakhry, Majid 1983: A History of Islamic Philosophy, 2nd edn (New York: Columbia Univer sity Press). Ha’iri Yazdi, Mehdi 1992: The Principles of Epistemology in Islamic Philosophy: Knowledge by Presence (Albany: State University of New York Press). Hyman, Arthur and Walsh, James J. (eds) 1983: Philosophy in the Middle Ages, 2nd edn (Indianapolis: Hackett), “Islamic Philosophy,” pp. 203-335. Kepel, Gilles 1993: Muslim Extremism in Egypt: the Prophet and Pharaoh (Berkeley: University of California Press). Lerner, Ralph and Mahdi, Muhsin 1972: Medieval Political Philosophy: a Sourcebook (Ithaca: Cornell University Press), Pt 1, pp. 21-186. Massignon, Louis 1982: The Passion of al-Hallaj, 4 Vols (Princeton: Bollingen).
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein 1964: Three Muslim Sages: Avicenna - SuhrawardI - Ibn Arabi (Cam bridge: Harvard University Press). ------1978: An Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines (Boulder: Shambhala). Nicholson, R. A. 1907: A Literary History of the Arabs (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Rahman, Fazlur 1994: Major Themes of the Qur’an (Minneapolis: Bibliotheca Islamica). Schimmel, Annemarie 1975: Mystical Dimensions of Islam (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press). Sivan, Emmanuel 1990: Radical Islam: Medieval Theology and Modem Politics (New Haven: Yale University Press). Walbridge, John 1992: The Science ofMystic Lights: Qutb al-Din Shirazi and the Illuminationist Tradition in Islamic Philosophy, Harvard Middle Eastern Monographs 26 (Cambridge: Harrard Center for Middle Eastern Studies). Wolfson, Harry Austryn 1976: The Philosophy of the Kalam, Structure and Growth of Philo sophic Systems from Plato to Spinoza IV (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).
36 The concept of the good in Islamic philosophy MOURAD WAHBA In his book, Sufi Essays, Nasr observes that: Islam presents a view of life which is completely sacred and a freedom which begins with submission [to] the Divine Will.... [I]n the language of Islamic peoples there is no distinction between the sacred and the profane or temporal realm.... Through the Divine Law, which encompasses all human life, every human activity is given a transcendental dimension: it is made sacred and therefore meaningful. (Nasr, 1972, p. 166)
Once the Divine Law is established, of course, theology must be based upon it. Consequently, the arguments of the theologians involve nothing but quotations from the sacred texts. And these quotations provide the main evidence, sufficient and final, in terms of which any question is to be settled. The pivotal belief of most Islamic theologians is that God’s Unity necessitates the dependence upon Him of all beings. If this were not the case, there would be the possibility of transforming God into Gods. In ethics, for example, if man could judge what is good, he might over rule what God rightly prescribes for him, and this would be blasphemous. This view is theistic, then, in that the decider of all values is taken to be God. In opposition to this generally held position stand the Mu'tazilites. Justice, ac cording to them, is one of the attributes of God, but it is a negative attribute, in the sense that God does not commit acts that are evil and His acts cannot contradict human reason, which distinguishes between good and evil. Things, however, are either good or evil in themselves. Thus evil cannot be misidentified as the good, they contend, and the Divine Law cannot be against reason. It follows that reason is the basis of the idea of the good even prior to the Divine Law, and when the Divine Law appeared, it merely ensured what reason had said before. The Mu'tazilites also point out in this regard that, if reason were unable to distinguish between good and evil, then the prophets would not have asked people to use their reason in distinguishing between them. The Divine Law itself, moreover, does not speak about the fine details of good and evil. These issues are left to human beings to work out with the aid of their reason. Given that they believe that reason perceives the moral value of acts, the Mu'tazilites consider this value - that is, the goodness or badness of the acts themselves - to be absolute. Thus God does not determine, arbitrarily, the moral value of an act. On the contrary, this value is intrinsic in the act. All that God
does is inform us of this value through the revelation of the Prophet, if He finds that this information is necessary. The most expressive figure among the Mu'tazilites is 'Abd al-Jabbar. In his book entitled Summa on the Headings of God’s Unity and fustice, he states that good and evil are objective. In one sense, good is to be defined as nothing more than the negation of evil. But the absence of evil is still only a necessary, and not yet a sufficient, condition for good. This is evident from his classification of good acts. These are divided into three classes. The humblest class includes those acts for which the agent deserves neither blame nor praise for either doing them or not doing them. Among the examples he offers are breathing air and eating food. The next class of good acts includes those for which the agent deserves praise when he performs them, but for whose omission he does not yet deserve blame. Two kinds of acts fall into this class: those which do good directly to other people, and those which induce a state of mind in which such acts will subsequently be done. To this there corre sponds yet another distinction - between acts known as good by reason and those known as good by revelation. The third and last class is that of the obligatory act. According to al-Jabbar, an obligatory act is one for which a person capable of doing it deserves blame if it is not done. Al-Ash'ari and al-Ghazzall argue against this line. Al-Ash'ari emphasizes that we cannot be satisfied with reason if we are to discover how we are to act, for our moral principles can only stem from God’s commands. Our knowledge of good and evil and of our duty is obtainable only through our acceptance of re velation, in which God details the precise nature of his commands and prohibitions, in order that those who follow them may earn the enjoyment of rewards in the next life. Al-Ghazzall, on the other hand, objects to the idea of God’s being confronted with human notions of good and evil which have been given the status of an extrinsic and independent law. In arguing against the objectivity of ethics, then, al-Ghazzall presents an explanation of how religious references can be incorporated into the meaning of ethical terms. He does this by interpreting the key ethical concepts of good and evil theologically. God, he contends, has no ends. Thus it would be misleading to call any of His actions “good” in the normal sense. Consequently, His actions are not necessary but merely possible. He could have done otherwise. Al-Ghazzall sums up his view as follows: We assert that it is admissible for God the exalted not to impose obligations on his servants, as well as to impose on them unachievable obligations to cause pain to his servants without compensation and without offense, that it is not necessary to Him to take notice of what is in their best interests, nor to reward obedience or punish disobedience and that it is not necessary for Him to send prophets, and if it is not necessary of God to send prophets and if He does not send them it is not evil or absurd, yet He is able to demonstrate their truthfulness by a miracle. (Sherif, 1975, p. 160)
This text implies that there is no point in arguing that God’s actions are good since the notion of good is logically inappropriate as an attribute of divine action. Al485
Ghazzali denies, then, that independent reason is a sufficient guide to ethical knowledge, while the Mu'tazilites distinguish between two kinds of obligations: those which are known by reason alone, and those which are known by revelation. By means of reason we can know the general direction in which moral activity must run, but by means of revelation we know the detailed rules that provide us with a practical guide to everyday actions. Against this claim, al-Ghazzali argues as follows: In brief, whenever you wish to know the difference between those well-known judg ments and the rational first principles, submit to your mind the statement “Killing a human being is bad and saving him from death is good” after imagining that you have come into existence all of a sudden mature and rational, having, however, received no instruction, been associated with to community, experienced no human hierarchy or polity, but having simply experienced sensible objects. You would then be able to doubt these premises or at least hesitate in assenting to them, whereas you would be unable to experience such hesitation [in assenting to such claims as] “our statement's negation and affirmation are not true in one and the same state” and “two is greater than one.”
Al-Ghazzali then applies this principle to the discussion of goodness and badness. Human beings can only be servants of God, he contends. Whether their service is good or bad depends upon the point of view adopted. From the viewpoint of God, all actions are necessary and therefore good. But from the human viewpoint, the good may be described as pleasant, useful, or beautiful. The pleasant is felt immediately; the useful is judged from the perspective of ultimate ends; and the beautiful is gratifying at all times and in all situations. Bad things, by contrast, are those that are harmful. Just as things are absolutely good when they involve the three qualities of goodness - that is, utility, pleasure and beauty - so things are absolutely bad when they involve all three qualities of evil - that is, harm, pain, and ugliness. In ac tuality, however, most things involve combinations of the above six qualities. Of the three qualities of the good, the most important is usefulness. And of those things that are useful, good deeds within faith are the most useful, for they serve the highest end of man - his happiness. After usefulness comes pleasure, in order of importance. Pleasures are either spiritual or bodily, but the first of these two categories is peculiar to man. Accor dingly, we can represent the hierarchy of the goodness of pleasures in the form of a pyramid. The base of this pyramid encompasses what all animals share, and as we move towards its apex, we focus in on what is peculiar to man - which is to say, wisdom. Wisdom, being the pleasure of the spirit, is, of all the pleasures, the highest in the quality of its goodness, and wisdom in this sense refers to fellowship with God. The Islamic philosophers, however, were not all of one opinion concerning the nature of the good. According to Miskawa, the good is the realization of the perfec tion of human existence. But men differ in their disposition towards the realization of this end. Some are good by nature and, because their nature is unchangeable, they do not commit evil, but these are a minority. The majority are disposed to
wards evil. The third class is neither good nor evil and shifts from the evil to the good and vice versa through punishment or through accompanying the good men. The good is either general or particular, and there is absolute good, which is the Supreme Being. Good men endeavor to grasp this Being. However, from the subjec tive viewpoint each individual has his own good and this is incarnated in his being conscious of happiness or pleasure. This particular good is nothing more than the emanation of acts from the individual in question, according to his essence. But as long as the individual is independent of others he is unable to realize these possible goods, and consequently individuals have to establish a community in which love for all men is the basis of all virtues and duties. Hence the fruits of love flourish within and only within community, and asceticism and solitude are forbidden. After Miskawa comes al-Farabi. At the beginning of his Book of Letters, al-Farabi states that religion comes later in time than philosophy, since its aim is to teach the multitude theoretical and practical things that are deduced from philosophy in ways that facilitate the multitude’s understanding. Theology and jurisprudence come later in time than religion, and consequently are subordinate to it. Thus, according to this hierarchy, reason comes before revelation. In this sense al-Farabi declares that reason is able to judge whether an act is good or evil. On this point he differs from the Sunna, who declare that the good is what is ordered by God and the evil is what God has forbidden. Al-Farabi considers the good to be the perfection of Being, who at the same time is the Necessary Being. Evil, in turn, is the privation of this perfection. Given alFarabl’s relating of the good to the Divine Being, so far as Providence encompasses all beings, it follows that they are all good. Therefore, the good is the substance of beings, and what seems to be evil in fact exists by accident. Thus it too can be considered good, even though it seems not to be. If you peer carefully into nature, you will find that many things which seem to be catastrophic and evil are, in reality, a means of destroying what is more evil and more dangerous. When human nature acts, however, good and evil definitely emerge. Thus al-Farabi denies the reality of evil on the ontological level and affirms its existence on the moral level. And on this level, the exercise of will and choice determine one’s orientation either towards good or towards evil, provided that the choice involved in the moral act is based on rational reasons. What are these rational reasons? They are derived from al-Farabl’s understanding of reason as being essentially political in nature. Thus he identifies the good with the political good, or justice, rather than the ethical good. The reasons underlying action within the moral realm, then, are political, which is why al-Farabi is known primarily through his political writings - The Virtuous City, The Political Regime, and The Attainment of Happiness. From these books it is evident that political science does not depend on the results of the investigation of beings above and beyond nature; rather, it builds on the foundations provided by natural science. It investigates those things by means of which man reaches his perfection, and distinguishes them from the things that obstruct his progress. It is concerned, that is to say, with the moral virtues and vices. Political science then considers the structure of the city and compares this to the structure of the world (excluding from this comparison any consideration of metaphysical or divine beings).
Accordingly, although man is said to be a natural being and the science of man is said to belong to natural science rather than to metaphysics, political science is not reduced to natural science. Man is a natural being of a special kind, and the differences between man and all other kinds of natural beings result from the difference in the way that nature prepares man to achieve his perfection. It does not give man his perfection, but only the means for achieving it through will and choice. Unlike the other kinds of natural beings, man is able to know the end towards which he must work as well as the means with which he is to perform the actions that bring him to that end. This knowledge is prior to, and the indispensable condition for, good action. Thus al-Farabl states that reason alone can define what is good and what is evil, and the absolute good is the attainment of happiness. But this cannot be attained unless man lives in political communities. It is impossible, in other words, for the isolated individual to attain the virtues conducive to the good human life. At the same time al-Farabl emphasizes the fact that not all men are capable of being virtuous. So a hierarchy is needed, because some individuals have no virtues, others have some virtues, and still others possess all virtues. These last are the philosophers, who must rule, while those without virtues or possessing only some virtues ought to be ruled and guided. For the rule of philosophy provides the only guarantee that those lacking in virtues may attain some semblance of well-being and happiness. In guiding them to happiness, the philosopher-ruler makes use of the Divine Law in order to promote in them virtues necessary for their happiness. He does this by means of a political act which is lower than philosophy in rank and dignity, but superior to the Divine Law. This act is the establishment of the virtuous city, the existence of which is necessary for the well-being of the masses, but not for that of the philosophers, who may lead happy lives in an imperfect regime. The best city, according to al-Farabl, is that which has been ruled by a series of virtuous kings. In view of the impossibility of establishing a perfect political city, however, the masses do well to live according to the rules of the Divine Law. The question now is, how does one make a community happy? According to Ibn Sina, there is a relation between God and goodness. God is a necessary Being in essence as well as in all other aspects. That is, He could not be a Necessary Being in one sense and a possible Being in another, because that would involve a contradiction. And if He is necessary and everything that is possible has become possible by virtue of its necessity in Him, there remains nothing incomplete or lacking in Him to be explained - not will, nor nature, nor knowledge, nor any of His attributes. Furthermore, He who is Necessary Being in his essence is pure good and pure perfection. Thus the good is what every being keenly desires in order to perfect its existence. It is a condition of perfection and evil does not exist in essence. That is why Ibn Sina says, “Existence is goodness, and the perfection of existence is the goodness of existence.” Thus a being that does not suffer any evil in the form of the absence of a substance, or of any undesirable state of it, is pure good. This could not apply to what is in essence a possible being. As for goodness in the sense of the useful and pro fitable, this, of course, is only a matter of attaining perfection in things. God con488
templatess his essence as well as the order of the good pervading all things. By doing so, that order emanates from him to all existent things. We love and seek the good, but only for a purpose. God, on the other hand, entertains no such purpose, and he possesses this form of pure intellectual will with no specific aim in view. Evil, according to Ibn Sina, takes various forms. It may be a defect stemming from ignorance or from the disfigurement of the body; it may be something that causes pain or sorrow as the result of some act; it may be just the lack of what brings happiness and provides for the good. In essence, it is the absence of something - a negative and not a positive element. It is not every form of negation, but the non existence of what has been provided by nature for the perfection of things. Hence it is not something definite and determined in itself. If that were the case, there would exist what might be called “universal evil.” As an accident, evil is the concomitant of matter and may come from outside and be an external factor, or from inside and be an internal factor. To the question why God did not make the pure good always prevail unaffected by the presence of evil, the answer is that such a situation would not be suitable for our genre of being. If we were to suppose the absence of evil, the consequences would constitute a still greater evil. Our judgment of evil is always relative and in terms of human action. It is with reference to something. Burning is for fire a perfection, and for those who may lose something as a result of it, an evil. It should be observed that Ibn Sina offers no classification for an entity that destroys the essence of other entities, such as a positive theory of evil. Underlying his classification is his aim to establish the sense in which the Necessary Existent is the absolutely perfect. He specifies this feature of absolute perfection so as to stave off the objection that the emanation aspect of the Necessary Existent may lead to deficiency on Its part - a deficiency or loss of substance caused by the emanation of other entities from It. Accordingly, the Necessary Existent is portrayed as generat ing or sustaining goodness by being essential to the realization of other entities without losing anything in this process. Good and evil are distinguished in the following ways. (1) With respect to the intention of the terms, differences are recognized between intrinsic goodness and instrumental goodness, (a) For example, something having intrinsic goodness may be good in itself if it leads to the perfection of some entities which are imperfect, though these do not strive to accomplish such a good, (b) That which possesses instrumental goodness is a good by means of which other things become better. (2) Good and evil are further distinguished with respect to the extension of the terms, (a) We call that entity “totally good” from which nothing but good can come, (b) We call that entity “predominantly good” from which good may come even though evil exists within it. (c) Finally, we call that entity “predominantly evil” from which good may come even though evil is dominant within it. It is evident that in this context Ibn Sina wishes to identify the Necessary Existent with that which is intrin sically and predominantly good. It is also apparent that he has no classification covering totally evil entities. Ibn Rushd (Averroes) follows al-Farabi in focusing upon morality, not from the perspective of how it is to be acquired, but in terms of how it is to be used to attain 489
happiness. The question, once again, is about happiness and not about the good. As happiness is the end of the political community, there is no good per se, but only the good of either justice or happiness within the human will, and not within the divine will. In this sense, Ibn Rushd is opposed to the theologians who declare that what God wills has no definite nature and merely turns on what the will of God lays down for it. According to this argument, there is nothing good except by fiat. And more specifically, there is no end of man other than by fiat. What brought them to this conclusion, of course, was a desire to defend the perfection of God’s attributes, understood in terms of his capability of doing anything whatsoever. And by im plication it follows that all things are in principle possible. Ibn Rushd observes that these opinions of the theologians reflect the opinions of the multitude concerning the nature of ethics and in particular of the good. In these opinions, however, they are very far from a true understanding of the nature of man and of the rational faculty which distinguishes him from other beings. Through this specific nature man is what he is, and from this result the actions that are specific to him. This having been laid down, the good and the bad of a man’s action are necessarily to be found only in the action specific to him. And this being the case, a man’s end is attained only if those of his actions that are specific to him are realized by him in the utmost goodness. The good, instead of being theologized, has been secularized by Ibn Rushd, and this secularization of the good conforms to his observation in The Decisive Treatise that the sacred texts can be interpreted by human reason in such a way as to grasp the true meaning symbolized, whereas the theologians, and with them the masses, rest content with the apparent meaning for fear of employing their reason. In this context, that is, in relation to their approach to scripture, Ibn Rushd classifies people into three classes. The first class is comprised of those who are not people of interpretation at all. These are the rhetorical class, and they constitute the overwhelming mass. The second class is comprised of the dia lecticians. The third, or demonstrative class is comprised of the people of certain interpretation. This interpretation, Ibn Rushd contends, is not to be expressed to the dialectical class, let alone to the masses. Accordingly, the concept of the good should be approached as it is understood by the third class, if we want to grasp its human character. One can say, then, that the concept of the good in Islamic philosophy has been secularized through Ibn Rushd’s distinction of the three classes and his insistence that the masses are deprived of the ability to interpret which is the basis of secu larization. This is evident from Ibn Rushd’s definition of interpretation in The Deci sive Treatise. He writes, “If the apparent meaning of Scripture conflicts with demonstrative conclusions, it must be interpreted allegorically, that is, meta phorically.” He then expounds his famous definition of allegorical interpretation as “the extension of the significance of an expression from real to metaphorical sig nificance.” Thus Ibn Rushd claims that the Scriptural texts have two meanings - an apparent meaning and a hidden one. The hidden meaning is disclosed by using human reason. Within this context the concept of the good can be conceived as a secular concept.
Having considered some of the ancient Islamic theologians and philosophers, we will now turn to the late nineteenth century and examine the thought of the most historical thinker, that is, Muhammad Abduh, who was interested in determining the relation between revelation and reason in order to define the true ethical norms. In his Treatise, Abduh writes: The obligation to perform actions that are commanded or simply recommended, and to avoid or disapprove actions that are forbidden, in the manner prescribed by the Divine Law, which determines the appropriate rewards and penalties - all this reason cannot attain by itself. The only way to know, then, is by revelation. This is not to deny that what is commanded is already good in the sense that it leads to worldly or other-worldly benefit.
Thus revelation does not endow actions with the quality of goodness or evil, but only defines the obligation. What is commanded is “already good” for reasons that man can understand. This means that reason can tell men what they should or should not do and revelation gives them the most compelling reason why they should or should not do it. But since reason is often distorted in its operation by other human qualities, it seldom proves adequate even for its own primary role, and therefore most men need the confirmation of revelation to help them decide what they should or should not do. Furthermore, although reason can provide reasons why one should behave in a certain way, these reasons lack compelling force, and therefore the religious imperative becomes necessary. This is evident from the following text: When have we ever heard that a class of people have made the good triumph in their actions solely on the grounds of the utility that this good offered for the masses or the elite, or that it prevented evil simply because it would have led to corruption and ruin? This has never occurred in human history and it is not in accord with human nature. The foundation of good habits rests only in dogmas and tradition, and these things themselves have no other basis than religion. Therefore, religion’s power over men’s minds is greater than the power of reason that is peculiar to them.
From this text we can conclude that the concept of the good has its roots in the Sacred Law and not in the secular law. In this sense, one could say that Abduh is the forerunner of the Muslim brotherhood that was formed in Egypt by Hasan AlBanna in 1929. Its conception of goodness and evil was derived from Abduh’s basic principle that the Quran is the only source to which one can go for an identification of the good.
Writings Averroes 1974: Averroes on Plato’s Republic, tr. R. Lerner (Ithaca: Cornell University Press). Butterworth, C. E. 1986: Philosophy, Ethics and Virtuous Rule: a Study of Averroes' Com mentary on Plato's “Republic" (Cairo: American University Press).
De Boer, T. J. 1984: History of Philosophy in Islam, tr. M. A. A. Ridah, 3rd edn (Cairo: Committee of Translation and Publishing Press). Hourani, G. F. 1971: Islamic Rationalism, The Ethics of’Abd Al-Jabbar (Oxford: Clarendon Press). Kerr, M. H. 1966: Islamic Reform, the Political and Legal Theories of Mohammed Abduh and Rashid Rida (Berkeley: University of California Press). Sherif, M. A. 1975: Ghazzali’s Theory of Virtue (Albany: State University of New York Press).
References & further reading Afnan, S. M. 1958: Avicenna, His Life and Works (London: George Allen & Unwin). Averroes 1960: Averroes on the Harmony of Religion and Philosophy, tr. G. F. Hourani (London: Luzac). Frank, R. M. 1978: Beings and their Attributes, the Teaching of the Basrian School of the Mu’tazila in the Classical Period (Albany: State University of New York Press). Hourani, G. F. 1975: Essays on Islamic Philosophy and Science (Albany: State University of New York Press). Leaman, 0. 1995: An Introduction to Medieval Islamic Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Lerner, R. and Mahdi, M. (eds) 1963: Medieval Political Philosophy (Ithaca: Cornell Universi ty Press). Mahdi, M. (ed. and tr.) 1969: Al-Fdrdbi’s Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle (Ithaca: Cornell University Press). Nasr, S. H. 1972: Sufi Essays (London: George Allen and Unwin). ------1978: An Introduction on Islamic Cosmological Doctrines (London: Thames & Hudson). Ridah, M. A. A. (ed.) 1978: The Philosophical Treatises of Alkindi, 3rd edn (Cairo: Dar Al Fikr Al Arabi). Urvoy, Dominique 1991: Ibn Rushd (Averroes) (London: Routledge).
Causality and Islamic thought ANDREY SMIRNOV The great disputants within the Islamic tradition, the Mutakallimun, laid down the basis for rational discussion of causality by affirming the right of reason to engage in independent research. This affirmation could not be absolute; it took the form of a division of the spheres of competence belonging, respectively, to reason and Law. Reason was declared to be the judge in ontological and epistemological questions, whereas the sphere of ethics and legislation were left subject to religious Law. Certainly, this division should not be understood too rigidly. The Mutakallimun often remained loyal to the Law and did not permit reason to execute its rights to the full even when disputing ontological problems. On the other hand, in the sphere of legislation they asserted the rights of reason to define new norms, not established in Revelation, on the basis of rational analysis of revealed Law, thus defying the Zahiriyya, “people of the manifest,” who denied the legitimacy of rational proce dures for determining new norms of law. To inquire about causality is to ask whether a phenomenon is subject to logical analysis that discriminates in its structure cause, effect, and a necessary relation between them. The rights of reason asserted by the Mutakallimun provided an opportunity for such analysis. This does not mean, however, that the Mutakallimun carried out the task to the full. The term “cause” ('ilia, sabab), as well as its derivatives (“causality” 'illiyya, “to give reason” - i’talla), are too scarcely met in their writings. One would rather maintain that the Mutakallimun strove to define the spheres in which the search for causality is relevant. Their basic method is negative, and its nature is best clarified through a comparison with the Quranic idea of the absolute Divine will. Without denying the Divine will and creativity as the last foundation of existence, the Mutakallimun nonetheless introduced logical restrictions on it. They did so while disputing the “permissibility” (jiwaz) and “impossibility” (ihala) or certain acts, including acts of God, and establishing these on logical grounds. The rational arguments here sometimes outweighed even Quranic evidence. According to the Mutakallimun, the subject matter of rational discourse falls into two parts: God and the world. There is no similarity between them, so the world may be referred to as “non-God” (ghayr allah) or “besides-God” (ma siwa allah). Despite this ontological split, however, God and the world make up a field of uniform discourse, and the same logic applies to both of these ontologically different parts. 493
There are two general questions that the Mutakallimun put concerning the relation between God and the world: is there any cause (11/a) for the Divine act of creation? and is there any cause for the Law given to the people? One of the prominent Mutakallimun, Abu al-Hudhail al-'Allaf, argued that any act - including Divine creation - must necessarily be based upon some reasonable foundation. People were created for their own “benefit” (manfa'a); otherwise, for al'Allaf, Divine creation makes no sense (al-Ash'ari, 1980, p. 252). Another well known Mutakallim, Mu'tamar, argued that a creative act has its foundation; that that foundation must have its own foundation, and so on ad infinitum. Thus the recursive search for cause has no limit (ghdya). For al-Nazzam, “formation” (takawwuri) itself serves as sufficient reason for creation. Thus he introduced, as al-Ash'ari wrote, the concept of final cause (gharad) (al-Ash'ari, 1980, p. 470). Finally, some Mutakallimun argued that the world was created for no reason at all. Is there any rational basis, reason and cause ('il/a) for what is prescribed and what is prohibited by Revealed Law? Radical rationalists among the Mutakallimun argued that every prescription has its cause. Moreover, any new norm of law (far) can be established only after it has been co-measured (qiyas; see also Article 32, truth and Islamic thought) with these causes, so that the causes “are continuous” (ittirad) and survive in the newly established legal norm. Thus the new norm of law, though adopted by people and not revealed by God, is nevertheless justified by the cause that necessitated one of the norms of Revealed Law. This view proceeded from the assumption that the human mind is capable of knowing the reasons that guided God’s intentions. And, of course, some Mutakallimun could not help saying the opposite, arguing that there is no cause besides God’s will for any prescription of Revealed Law (al-Ash'ari, 1980, p. 470). Another question in connection with which causality was discussed in Kalam concerned the changes that occur in our world. Daily experience shows that bodies remain unchanged only for limited periods of time, after which alteration inevita bly occurs. On what basis do these changes take place? It might seem that the division of everything in the world into “substances” (Jawahir) and “accidents” (’awdrid), which most Mutakallimun eventually em braced, already answers the question. Accidents are attributes that bodies acquire, or of which they are deprived; as accidents replace each other, a body’s “state” (hal) changes. From this point of view, the instability of accidents is the cause of the world’s transformation. However, the question of change in the world may be rephrased in that case: what is the cause of the constant coming-and-going of accidents? Even those Mutakallimun who argued that any body always exhibits all of the possible classes of accidents, had to provide an explanation for why the given - and not its opposite - accident is found in the body at a particular moment. This question was formulat ed with respect to the “priority” (awlawiyya) that the existence of one of the two opposite accidents has over the existence of the other. For example, “motion” and “rest” are opposite accidents that equally “deserve” or “have the right” (istihqaq) to be manifested in the body; why then is it one and not the other that gains existential preference at some moment, later giving way to its counterpart? It
is hardly an exaggeration to say that the Mutakallimun advanced almost every possible answer to this question. The variety of their theories is rivalled only by their incompatibility. Some of them reproduced the scheme that explained changes in bodies, to supply a reason for the presence of accidents. There is something that accounts for the existence of the given, as opposed to its opposite, accident, they argued. This is called ma'nd (“meaning”; the term is sometimes translated as “nature” or “idea”: see Chittick, 1983, pp. 15, 352; Wolfson, 1965). Motion outweighs rest and exists in the given body because there is the “meaning of motionability” (mana alharakiyyd) in that body. The Ash'arite school later expressed this as a general rule: “Any change of attribute (wasf) in being is due to some meaning (mana) that takes place in it” (al-Baghdadl, 1981, p. 55). Certainly, this way of reasoning provides no final explanation, since it initiates an infinite regress. If any foundation, any “meaning,” has to be justified by its own foundation, the resulting chain of principles is unending. But many Mutakallimun maintained what was to become a generally accepted rule for medieval thinkers: an infinite cause-and-effect chain is absurd. The infinite regress must be interrupted at some stage. Where exactly? Perhaps the goal is achieved if a search for the explanation-of-an-explanation is forbidden. In fact, some Mutakallimun argued that ma'nd explains the existence of an accident while itself existing for no reason. But the decision to half the regress at that stage is rather arbitrary; why not, then, give up looking for a justification at all? Accordingly, the view that an accident exists without any cause was expressed by some Mutakallimun, although this admission certainly violated the principle of sufficient reason. Another way to approach the problem is to explain the change of accidents in terms of their appearance, after pre-existing as hidden in the body, rather than in terms of their entering the body from outside. This theory is known as the “latency-and-manifestation” (kumun wa zuhur) doctrine. According to it, a body becomes heated, for example, not because the quality of heatedness is added to it, but because the latent corpuscles of fire appear on its surface. The doctrine’s opponents argued - and with good reason - that there must nonetheless be a cause that accounts for an accident’s “appearance” even if the accident does not enter the body from outside. Thus this theory still faces the objections discussed earlier. The Ash'arite school of late Kalam finally concluded that it is impossible to find a sufficient reason to account for the change of accidents, and thus gave up all attempts to find a rational explanation of the world’s transformation. Instead of offering such an explanation, they spoke in terms of “origination” (huduth), the nearest analogue of theological “creation” (khalq): “If there is no latency-andmanifestation, but bodies really undergo alterations of their states, and accidents cannot travel from body to body, then an accident’s existence in substance is its origination in it” (al-Baghdadl, 1981, p. 56). But what are cause ('il/a) and effect (maliil) as such? On the whole, the Mutakallimun gave two contrary definitions of these concepts: first, a cause is a thing that precedes its effect (a cause never exists “together” (maa) with its effect); 495
and, second, a cause is always together (maty with its effect, since nothing that can precede the thing may be its cause. Al-Nazzam acknowledged both possibilities, and added to the list the concept of a final cause (gharad) that “exists after its effect, as when someone says: I have built this sunshade to find shelter from the sun but shelter is found only after the sunshade is accomplished” (al-Ash'ari, 1980, p. 391). Furthermore, the Mutakallimun distinguished causes of which the effects are “necessary” and “inevitable” ('illat idtirdr, ’ijdb) - what in modern terminology would be called “natural causes” like fire causing pain or the push that makes a stone fall down - and causes that act according to a person’s choice (illat ikhtiydr), like religious prescriptions that are observed or not according to one’s will and which later cause one’s punishment or reward (al-Ash'ari, 1980, pp. 389-91). Triumphant Aristotelianism did not silence altogether the free debates of the Mutakallimun (which may well be compared in this respect to pre-Socratic philos ophizing), but it provided unequivocal and indisputable answers to those questions that the Kalam so ardently and fruitfully discussed, having defined the unshakable patterns of wisdom for future generations. The discussion of causality in Islamic peripatetism is directly connected with the problem of “ordering” (tartib; dabt). All beings form a sequence; in other words, one exists always and only after another. No two things exist each owing to the other, Ibn Sina says, and no two things necessarily presuppose each other (Ibn Sina, 1957, Pt 2. pp. 200-13). The sequence of beings is understood in two ways logically and chronologically. In any case, any given step - be it a step of the logical order of existence or of its chronological order - is represented by only one member of the sequence. It follows that cause-and-effect relations develop in only one direc tion and are irreversible. This means, first, that we can always distinguish a cause from its effect (the first always comes before the second either logically or chronologically), and, second, that an effect cannot influence its cause (what fol io ws cannot influence what has passed). The general conclusion is thus formulated: “With the elimination of a cause its effect is eliminated too, but the elimination of an effect doesn’t eliminate its cause” (Ibn Sina, 1957, Pt 2, p. 215). This applies to instances in which the cause and effect coincide in time, so that the absence of the effect gives the impression that the absence of the cause is produced by it, as in the case of a key’s movement being caused by the movement of one’s hand. In such cases the cause “precedes” the effect logically, or “by essence” (taqaddum bi al-dhdt). Logical precedence also takes place in the realm of the metaphysical principles of being that are not subject to temporal changes. Thus the concepts of “precedence” (taqaddum) and “retardation” (ta’akhkhur) lie at the core of the doctrine of strict linear causality. It is most typical for Ibn Sina, both in logic and in metaphysics, to draw a distinction between essence (dhat) and existence (wujud). This distinction, of course, is paralleled, although not in every respect, by medieval Western philoso phers. The chief aim of Ibn Sina is to distinguish two types of causes: causes of essence and causes of existence. The causes that he speaks of are the four well known causes introduced by Aristotle: material, formal, efficient, and final. For
example, the causes of a chair are, accordingly, the material of which it was made, the way it was shaped, the carpenter who produced it, and our will to use it for sitting. Only some of these necessitate existence; accordingly, causes are subordi nated so that the cause of existence appears to precede, logically or in time, causes of quiddity (Ibn Sina, 1958, Pt 3, p. 443). Such a cause turns out to be the efficient or final cause, the latter being reduced to the first, for the final cause is the “efficient cause for the causality of efficient cause” (Ibn Sina, 1958, Pt 3, pp. 441-2). The peripatetics, as well as other thinkers, provided sophisticated proofs for the impossibility of an infinite sequence of essences that necessitate each other’s exist ence (see, for example, Ibn Sina, 1958, Pt 3, pp. 449-55; al-Suhrawardi, 1952, pp. 63-4). Any cause-and-effect sequence is finite, and its final principle is the First Cause, or First Essence - the philosophical concept of Divinity. This First Cause is the “cause for all existence and for the cause of the essence of each being” (Ibn Sina, 1958, Pt 3, p. 446). So the basis of the sequence is radically different from the sequence itself; what in the final analysis is the cause of everything has itself no cause. This means that there are two basically different types of relation of being to existence. “Each being in its self (dhat), regardless of everything else, either necessarily possesses existence in itself, or does not. If it does, it is true by itself (haqq bi dhati-hf) and necessarily exists by itself; this is the Ever-existent” (Ibn Sina, Pt 3, 1958, p. 447). As for all other beings, they are neither necessary by themselves (for if they were, they would need no cause to exist), nor impossible (for then they would not exist at all). Consid ered as such, they are “possible” (mumkiri) beings. This concept embraces beings for which neither of the alternatives of existence and non-existence has any prefer ence. Neither of them can gain priority (awlawiyya) by itself. One of the two, “to exist,” must become “prior” (awla) to the other and outweigh its alternative in the scales of preference. It is precisely the cause that provides such priority. The “possi ble being,” after it is “bound” (mutdalliq) to its cause, becomes “necessary” (wajib; also wajib al-wujud - “necessarily-existent”). Since its necessity has an external source and is not derived from its essence, it is “necessarily-existent-by-the-other” (wajib al-wujud li-ghayri-hi). This line of reasoning seems to leave little room for non-determined events. All that exists (with the exception of the Divine essence) exists only due to its cause. On the other hand, when “cause, be it nature or determinant will, is there, effect takes place inevitably” (Ibn Sina, 1958, Pt 3, p. 522). But it should not escape our attention that Ibn Sina divides all causes (as did the Mutakallimun) into the natural and the subjective, and the latter might well be viewed as acting “by choice,” or freely. But even for natural events, determinism is not as straightforward as it might appear. As al-Farabi maintains, not only necessary, but also contingent (ittijaqiyya) events take place in the natural world. The first have “proximate caus es” (like the fire that causes heating), the second have “remote causes.” However, al-Farabi’s concept of contingency is subjective rather than objective, for contin gent events are those for which the causes cannot “be put in order and known,” so it might well be that they only appear contingent while having in fact a very long chain of causes necessitating them (al-Farabi, 1890, p. 110). Ibn Sina argues that
a cause has to be in an appropriate “state” (haT) in order to become an “actual cause”; otherwise it does not bring about its effect. Thus Avicenna tries to explain the “delay” of effects and the very fact of the temporal development of the causeand-effect sequence. This was not a problem for the Mutakallimun, for whom it was the will of God that “originates” changes in the world, so that the world’s temporal development seemed to need no special explanation. But for Ibn Sina, the First Cause cannot will anything, since otherwise it would not be perfect. (Accordingly, there is no final cause for the existence of the world - Ibn Sina, 19 5 8, Pt 3, pp. 5 5 361.) Moreover, if the effect of the never-changing cause (which is the First Cause) “may be necessary and eternal” (Ibn Sina, Pt 3,1958, p. 523), and this effect serves as the cause for the next being in the order of existence, and an effect inevitably exists if its cause exists, then it needs to be explained why not all possible events have yet occurred in our world, given the eternity of the First Cause and its effects. This is where the concept of “state” (hal) comes in. The state of the First Cause never changes, but its remote effects - that is, the causes that act in our world - have yet to reach the state needed for their actual causality. The concept of “state” includes such things as the availability of instruments necessary for an action, tools, assis tants, a suitable time, a stimulus, as well as the absence of an “obstacle” (manf) to the fulfillment of the action (Ibn Sina, 1958, Pt 3, pp. 520-22). Any one of these is called a “condition” (shart). Thus the efficiency of the cause is itself determined by positive (the availability of external factors) and negative (the absence of an obsta cle) circumstances, and the determinism of peripatetic doctrine is considerably moderated. So the order of existence is a cause-and-effect sequence. In this order, beings are ranked in many respects. First, there is a unity-multiplicity order. The founda tion of the sequence, the First Necessary-by-Itself Essence is absolute unity devoid of all “aspects” (haythiyya) (Ibn Sina, 1958, Pt 3, pp. 612-13). Since one cause brings about only one effect, while a multiplicity of effects is due to the diversity of a cause’s “aspects,” the Second being is also a unity. Multiplicity begins with the third member of the sequence and steadily increases further on. Causes are ranked logically and chronologically (as already mentioned), but also axiologically: what is placed “before,” is more elevated and noble than what is “postponed.” Thus effects are always inferior to their causes and deficient as compared to them. It is impossible to imagine, Ibn Sina writes, that the inferior might serve as the cause for that which is superior, better and more noble (Ibn Sina, 1958, Pt 3, p. 632). The doctrine of the strict linear order of causes-and-effects, elaborated in Islamic peripatetism, became a sort of axiomatic teaching for IsmaTIi thinkers and the philosophers of “illumination” (ishraq). Hamid al-Din al-Kirmanl, the most impor tant of IsmaTIi philosophers, considers it an unquestionable rule that needs no proof (al-Kirmanl, 1983, p. 130). Causality is universal: the “existence of any being is dependent on the fixity of the preceding cause: if it had not been established, its effect would not have existed.” The cause-and-effect sequence ascends up to its foundation, for the existence of which the mere existence of its effects provides sufficient evidence (al-Kirmanl, 1983, pp. 158-9). 498
But unlike the Aristotelians (and, in this respect, the Mutakallimun as well), alKirmanl sees no possibility of identifying the basis of the cause-and-effect sequence as the Divine essence. Any proposition about God, al-Kirmanl argues, implies the duality of His essence rather than its unity. For example, if we describe God as Perfect, we imply that His perfection is one thing, while the “bearer” (hamil) of perfection has to be something else. The same line of reasoning, of course, applies to any other attribute of His that we may consider, including existence. But as an unshakable and a priori law suggests, duality is always preceded by unity. Thus any proposition about God (even a proposition of negative theology, since al-Kirmanl contends that the “particle ‘no’ has no power to deny His attributes”) describes Him not only as cause, but as effect as well, which is absurd. It is noteworthy that alKirmanl, in contending that God cannot be the basis of universal cause-and-effect relations, employs the same terms that Ibn Sina uses to describe what is the First Cause in his doctrine (that is, that it has nothing equal to it (nidd), nothing opposite to it (didd), no genus, no specific difference, and so on - see al-Kirmanl, 1983, pp. 135-54; Ibn Sina, 1958, Pt 3, pp. 480-1). According to al-Kirmanl, then, the cause-and-effect sequence is opened not by the Divine essence, but by the First Intellect. The First Intellect is created by God from nothing and with the help of nothing, so that it is impossible to know how it was created. The First Intellect is “the first limit and the first cause to which the existence of all other beings is bound” (al-Kirmanl, 1983, p. 155). The creation of the first cause is the only irrational act of God that al-Kirmanl is compelled to admit, all further development of the cause-and-effect sequence being logically determined and explicable with the aid of Aristotelian terminology. Since al-Kirmanl refuses to acknowledge that the foundation of the cause-andeffect sequence possesses in itself sufficient basis for its existence, he cannot make good use of the system of the classification of beings elaborated by the peripatetics. Since the existence of the First Intellect does not follow from its essence (its created character guarantees that), no being is necessary-by-itself, a fact which deprives the complementary concept of “possible being” of its efficiency as a philosophical concept. In fact, al-Kirmanl prefers to use the term mutawallidat - or [beings] produced from [elements] - rather than mumkinat - or possible [beings]. Shihab al-Din Yahya al-Suhrawardi, the great philosopher of “illumination” (ishraq), criticizes the peripatetic assertion that an effect may cease to be despite the continuation of its cause, which allowed them to explain why the sublunar world constantly changes although its celestial causes are everlasting, and argues that a cause must be understood as composite rather than simple, so that when some parts of it vanish (and those might well be of terrestrial, not celestial origin), its act ceases (al-Suhrawardi, 1952, p. 91). Since a cause is composite, the cause-andeffect sequence does not necessarily bring about a steadily increasing multiplicity of effects, as the peripatetics and IsmaTIi theoreticians maintained. One part of a composite cause may bring about a simple effect, al-Suhrawardi argues (1952, pp. 94-5). What steadily increases is the meanness and degradation of beings. The cause-and-effect sequence, for al-Suhrawardi, is still linear and irreversible, and its foundation is the Everlasting Divine essence (al-Suhrawardi, 1952, pp. 91-2, 499
121-2). In his metaphysics of light and darkness, it is the living light, and not dead bodily substances, that serve as actual - that is, acting and creative - causes (alSuhrawardl, 1952, pp. 109-10). The teachings discussed so far all adhere to the linear conception of causality (with the exception, perhaps, of some of the Mutakallimun). In Sufi philosophical teachings this concept is abandoned altogether. These teachings incorporate some Kalamic ideas and revive certain aspects of the peripatetic doctrines. The Sufi concept of causality is rather singular and at the same time is immediately associ ated with the basic principles of Sufi philosophy. We will outline it by contrasting it with the concept of linear causality. The sequence of numbers provides a standard illustration of the concept of linear causality. Each number can exist only after the preceding number has gained existence, and all of them take root in the number “one,” which is their foundation. One opens the sequence, regardless of whether it belongs to the sequence or not (this question was not agreed upon in medieval Islamic thought), and sets its direction: numbers increase as new ones are added to them. This picture is transformed as follows in illustrating the Sufi concept of causality. “From One appeared the numbers in known degrees. Thus the One gave birth to numbers, and numbers split and fractured the One,” according to Ibn 'Arabi, the most outstanding Sufi thinker (Ibn 'Arabi, 1980, p. 77). He positions the sequence of numbers inside its foundation - inside the One. Thus the foundation becomes allencompassing and all-inclusive, as each member of the sequence is thoroughly contained within the One, and yet at the same time, as a sum of ones, transcends the One by virtue of its multiplicity. The foundation of the sequence, the One, is arithmetically speaking, equal to any of the ones from which the numbers are composed, so that the One is its own part, a “detail” (fast) of itself, and any number inside the One is thus identical to the One itself. The same idea of the created being included within the creator is expressed by the geometrical image of a central dot and a circle drawn around it. “The universe in itself is similar to the central dot, the circle and what is there between them. The dot is God, the emptiness outside the circle is non-existence,... and what is between the dot and the emptiness is possi ble being” (Ibn 'Arabi, 1859, Vol. 4, p. 275). Any dot of the circle belongs to the radius (the line connecting the circle and its center - God), and therefore is included in the center too, Ibn 'Arabi argues. Thus the circle (or image of the world) is drawn not outside, but inside its foundation (or God, First Principle), and each dot of the circle (each being of the world) is indistinguishable from its center - the circle’s foundation. As these images suggest, causality is not a relation between cause and effect, but an inner relation of an essence that may be considered, depending on the point of view, both cause and effect. The First Principle is the cause, but in one of its aspects (any number of the sequence, any dot of the circle) it is its own effect. “Reason judges that a cause cannot be the effect of what it is a cause for,” but the one for whom truth is revealed in its totality sees that a cause is “effect of its own effect, and its effect is its cause” (Ibn 'Arabi, 1980, p. 185). 500
To provide a more theoretical exposition of the Sufi doctrine of causality, at least two fundamental theses of Sufi philosophy have to be mentioned - namely, the sameness of God and the world (or the sameness of unity and plurality) and the atomic concept of time. According to Sufi thinkers, the Divine essence is an absolute unity “necessarilyexisting-by-itself.” The world, or “non-God,” is an inner multiplicity of this unity, and in itself this multiplicity is only “possible.” The division of existence into necessary-by-itself and possible (which is absolutely correct, Ibn 'Arabi maintains) is an inner distinction of the Divine essence, not a fundamental external distinction between the foundation of a sequence and the rest of its members. Absolute unity is multiplicity by virtue of inner “relations” (idafa - the Aristotelian category for such related concepts as “father” and “son” or “above” and “below”; the synonym nisba - or “correlation” - is also used). But what is related to what, if there is nothing outside the First Cause, and thus no external relation between it and anything else is possible? Paradoxically, “relation” (idafa) provides not a description, but the basis, for the existence of related essences in Ibn 'Arabi’s philosophy. Unity and multiplicity are the same in the Divine essence, yet some distinctions between them may be outlined. Unity is associated with eternity (qidam), while multiplicity is temporal (muaqqat). Time consists of individual “moments” (zamdn fard, waqtfard) deprived of duration. The atomic theory of not only time but space as well was outlined already by the Mutakallimun who maintained that temporal duration and spatial extension are produced by combinations of atoms devoid of duration and extension. In Ibn 'Arabi’s philosophy, at each moment of time, temporal essences of the world appear as some embodiment of unity’s inner relations and then disappear, dissolving in absolute eternal unity; this “then” (thumma), Ibn 'Arabi argues, denotes only logical, not chronological sequence, for the appearance and disappearance of being are the same in a temporal atom. Each such act of existence and destruction is a certain “manifestation” (tajalli) of unity as plurality. If follows from this theory, usually referred to by the Qur’anic term “new cre ation” (khalqjadid), that two consequent temporal states of the world are not related to each other as cause and effect. Each further state of the world is defined not by the preceding one, but by the way in which the inner relations of Divine unity will be embodied in the given moment. Cause-and-effect relations are renewed (they start anew) at each moment of time. They are in fact eternity-to-time relations: each essence, considered in its temporality, is effect, but regarded as an unmanifested inner correlation of Divinity, is cause. The situation can be described in terms of rigid determinism: There is no escape from the action of causes, Ibn 'Arabi writes, for what is, never exists without its cause - precisely because cause and effect are one. But this is only a description, for one can equally maintain that since a cause is nothing other than its effect, the latter completely determines itself and is conse quently free. Furthermore, the concept of a temporal cause-and-effect sequence is denied altogether; what we take as development defined by a certain regularity, is no more than a semblance that may be violated at any moment of time. (“A miracle 501
happened,” people would then say.) A cause is never “the same,” no cause-andeffect pattern can ever be reproduced, and thus no inquiry into causal laws as fixed and ever-repeated relations is possible. This doctrine denies the possibility of influencing the future, and so it nullifies the grounds of ethical reasoning and of a person’s responsibility. It is important, how ever, not to fall into the error of drawing this conclusion in its absolute form, which Ibn 'Arabi himself warns us against, for it is only a step to be followed by other steps, only a moment in the circular quest for truth. A person him- or herself is nothing less than an aspect of the Divine, being his or her own cause at any moment in time, and this means that the future, although not defined by a person’s past, is neverthe less defined by no one other than him- or herself. Rigid determinism, as denied by Ibn 'Arabi, does not give way to indeterminism; it is replaced rather by an assertion of the impossibility of distinguishing between cause and effect. Bibliography
Writings Al-Ash'ari, Abu al-Hasan 1980: Maqalat al-isldmiyyin wa ikhtildf al-musalUn [Sayings of Muslims and Differences of Those Who Pray] 3rd edn (Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1980). Ibn 'Arabi 1859 and reprints: AI-Futuhdt al-Makkiya [Revelations of Mecca], 4 Vols (Cairo: Dar al-kutub al-'arabiyya al-kubra). ------1980: Fusils al-hikam [Gems of Wisdom] 2nd edn (Beirut: Dar al-kitab al'arabiyy). Ibn Sina, Abu 'All 1957-60: Al-isharat wa al-tanbihdt, man sharh Nasir al-Din al-TUsi [Book of Remarks and Admonitions, with the Commentary of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi] ed. Suley man Dunya, 4 parts (Cairo: Dar al-ma'arif). Al-Kirmani, Hamid al-Din 1983: Rahat al-aql [Peace of Mind] 2nd edn (Beirut: Dar al-andalus). Al-Suhrawardi, Shihab al-Din Yahya 1952: “Hikmat al-ishraq,” in Oeuvresphilosophiques et mystiques de Shihabeddin Jahya Sohrawardi (1), ed. H. Corbin, Bibliotheque Iranienne, Vol. 2 (Teheran and Paris: Institut Franco-Iranien - Librairie d’Amerique et d’Orient), pp. 2260.
References and further reading Badawi, A. 1972: Histoire de laphilosophie en Islam, 2 Vols (Paris: J. Vrin). Al-Baghdadl, Abu Mansur 1981: TJsul ai-dln, 3rd edn (Beirut: Dar al-kutub al-'ilmiyya). Chittick, W. C. 1983: The Sufi Path of Love: the Spiritual Teachings of Rumi (Albany: State University of New York Press). Corbin, H. 1964: Histoire de la philosophie islamique (Paris: Gallimard). Fakhry, M. 1983: A History of Islamic Philosophy, 2nd edn (New York: Columbia University Press). Al-Farabi, Abu Nasr 1890: “Fi-ma yasihh wa ma la yasihh min ahkam al-nujum” [What is right and what is wrong in astrology], in Al-thamra al-mardiyya fi bad al-risdldt al-farabiyya [Longed-for Fruit of Some Treatises by al-Farabi] (Leiden: E. J. Brill), pp. 10414.
------1928: “Kitab al-fusus” [Book of Gems] in Risdla fl ithbdt al-mufariqdt wa nusus ukhra [Treatise Establishing the Existence of Non-material Essences and Other Texts] (Hydera bad: Majlis dai’rat al-'ulum at-'uthmaniyya), pp. 1-23. Frank, R. M. 1966: The Metaphysics of Created Being According to Abu-1-HudhayI al-AUaf. A Philosophical Study of the Earliest Kalam (Istanbul). Goichon, A. M. 1938: Lexique de la langue philosophique d’Ibn Sina (Avicenne) (Paris: Desclee do Brower). Ibn 'Arabi 1859: Al-Futuhdt al-Makkiya [Revelations of Mecca], 4 Vols (Cairo: Dar al-kutub al-'arabiyya al-kubra). Ibn Rushd (Averroes) 1992: Kitab al-kawn wa al-fasad [Book of Generation and Corruption], ed. J. P. Montada (Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigationes Cientificas). Al-Kindi 1948: Kitab al-Kindi ila al-Mutasim bi-llah fi al-falsafa al-’ula [Epistle of al-Kindi to al-Mu'tasim bi-llah in First Philosophy], ed. Ahmad al-Ahwani (Cairo). Nasr, S. H. 1964: Three Muslim Sages: Avicenna, Suhrawardi, Ibn Arabi (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press). Pines, S. 1954: “La longue recension de la Theologie d’Aristote dans ses rapports avec la doctrine ismaelienne,” Revue des Etudes Islamiques, 22, pp. 7-20. Tamir, A. 1991: Ta’rikh al-lsmdTliyya: al-da'wa wa al-'aqida [History of al-IsmaTIiyya: Appeal and Doctrine] (London, Cyprus: Riyad al-Rayyis li al-kutub wa al-nashr). Walzer, R. 1962: “The Arabic Translation of Aristotle,” in Greek into Arabic (Oxford), pp. 60113. Wolfson, H. A. 1965: “Mu'ammar’s theory of ma'na,” in Arabic and Islamic Studies in Honor of Hamilton A.R. Gibb (Leiden: E. G. Brill), pp. 673-88.
Rationality in Islamic philosophy MAJID FAKHRY
Introduction The discussion of rationality can only be conducted today against the backdrop of the raging postmodernist and deconstructionist onslaught on the “citadel of reason,” as one writer has put it recently. Although the current postmodernist skirmishes are launched against modernism as represented by Descartes and Kant, it is clear that the proclamation of the bankruptcy of reason or “the end of phi losophy,” as both Martin Heidegger and Richard Rorty have put it, goes well beyond the modernism of Descartes and Kant. It is part of the struggle between logos and anti-logos which is really perennial. The greatest “misologist” of ancient times was probably the Sicilian sophist, Gorgias of Leontini (d. ca. 380 bc), who started by denying the “criterion” and published a book entitled On Nature, or Concerning the Existing and the Nonexisting, in which he argued that nothing exists at all; and even if it did, it could not be known, nor the knowledge thereof be communicated to others. Some of the present-day “misologists,” like Rorty and Jacques Derrida, to whom I will be referring in this article, appear to espouse the same anti-metaphysical antiepistemological cause, since the “mirror of nature,” according to the former, does not mirror anything and even if it did, it could not he trusted to “mirror” accurately any external object or objects. It should be noted at this point that “the end of philosophy” proclaimed with such assurance by the postmodernists is not altogether an end, since traditional philosophical aims can be achieved by recourse to other modes of discourse: herme neutics, as recommended by Michel Foucault and Paul Ricoeur, narrative or conversation, as recommended by Rorty and Jean-Francois Lyotard, edification (Bildung), as recommended by Hans-Georg Gadamer, and even “nomadology,” as recommended by Gilles Deleuze. The onslaught on reason or the logos has also taken the form of “deconstruction” or “grammatology” at the hands of Derrida, who argues that philosophical “writing” should be approached in an open-ended spirit which allows for a variety of meanings rather than a unique or privileged one. The response to ancient misology came of course from Plato and Aristotle, who despite their fundamental differences, agreed that being exists, and is knowable and communicable. The prototypical mode of communicating the knowledge of being was dialectic or logic, which Plato practiced and Aristotle codified in an elegant syllogistic system. This logic exhibited the structure of language as well as that of 504
human thought, and although it could be applied to the content of thought, it was really “formal” or independent of this content. For two and a half millennia, rationality or the “cult of the logos” was un questioned. Writing in 1781, Kant could still, in the Critique of Pure Reason, pay Aristotle the compliment of having codified logic in a definitive manner, so that “it has not been able to advance a single step” since. Nevertheless, Kant was compelled to go beyond Aristotle’s “formal” logic in the direction of “transcenden tal” logic, in which the content of knowledge is not altogether ignored because of the organic connection between the knower who “creates” the cosmos and the sense-data or the “manifold of intuition” from which our representation of the world is constructed. Kant continued, however, to accord reason, in the form of the understanding (Verstand), a primordial role in the realm of nature (as in the science of physics), while denying it any legitimacy in the domain of supernature (or metaphysics). From that point on, the die was cast and modern philosophy became vulnerable to the onslaughts of the postmodernists and deconstructionists. Conjunction with the active reason
Hegel in a sense restored to reason the dignity of which Kant had robbed it by “divinizing” it, so to speak - by identifying it with the Weltgeist or the Absolute of which it was, at the human level, an epiphany or manifestation. In Arabic-Islamic philosophy, the Neoplatonists, including al-Farabi (d. 950) and Avicenna (d. 1037), had already “divinized” reason in the form of an agency called Active Reason or Intellect which was the “storehouse” of intelligibles, as both St Thomas Aquinas and Avicenna called it. According to this view, the acquisition of know ledge, or what we might call the human enterprise of cognition, consists ultimately in taking the final step of “conjunction” or contact with this supermundane agency which is the lowest of a series of ten “intelligences” or “separate substances,” as Aristotle had called the series of 55 subordinate movers of the spheres in Meta physics XII, 8. However, in Aristotelian cosmology, those subordinate movers perform a purely cosmic function, that of moving their corresponding spheres, whereas the ten “intelligences” or reasons perform additional functions - especially the tenth or Active Reason, which dominates the world of generation and cor ruption, otherwise called the sublunary world in the Arabic sources. To understand this development, which does not appear to have a direct Greek predecessor, and is at the center of the Islamic view of rationality, it is necessary to review the stages through which the view of reason passed in the Arabic-Islamic philosophical tradition. As one would expect, it all started with Plato and Aristotle, or rather Plotinus, as he interpreted the two great masters. Nous for Plotinus was the first emanation from the One or God and is referred to as the “second god.” The life of reason had been defined by Plato in Theaetetus 176B as homoiosis to Theo, or the imitation of God, according to human capacity. Aristotle, on the other hand, had described, in Nicomachean Ethics X, 7, the activity of reason as the loftiest activity of which man is capable, and declared that “man more than anything else 505
is reason.” In Metaphysics XII, 1072bl 7, this activity is then identified with God or the Unmoved Mover, who is the actuality of thought thinking itself. The Muslim philosophers, much as they were fascinated by this concept, were somewhat embarrassed by its elevation of reason to the rank of the Divinity. For this elevation clashed with the rigorous Quranic concept of the transcendence of God: “Unto Him nothing is Like” (Quran 42,9). Accordingly, they posited Active Reason as an intermediary between man and God, as indeed between the subluna ry world and the intelligible world beyond. In that capacity, Active Reason played in Islamic philosophy three primary roles. 1 At the epistemological level, it played the role of repository of all intelligibles, which constituted the substance of all cognitions. 2 At the cosmic level, it performed the function of the mover of the sublunary world and the ultimate cause of all becoming or change in it. 3 At the biological level, it imparted the various “substantial forms” of life and growth (that is, souls) to living organisms, as soon as they become disposed for their reception. The process whereby the Active Reason itself came into being was designated as emanation (sudur or fayd), which the Muslim Neoplatonists following Plotinus and Proclus had introduced, in fact, as an alternative to the Quranic concept of creation ex nihilo. It was favoured by those philosophers because it appeared to bridge the gap between the intelligible and the material worlds, but was received with the utmost resistance by the theologians and the masses at large, because it appeared to rob God of the freedom of choosing to create or not to create the world at a point of His own choosing in time - the process of emanation being described as eternal by its Neoplatonic protagonists. Moreover, it appeared to contradict the concept of creation out of nothing, since the universe was supposed to emanate or overflow from the very essence of the One, according to them, in a progressive manner, generating first the series of intelligences, then the series of souls, followed by the series of heavenly spheres, and finally the material world of the elements. The transition from potential to acquired reason With respect to the cognitive or epistemological function of reason, the Neo platonists, as already mentioned, regarded conjunction or contact with this semi-divine agency as the climactic point in a gradual process which consisted of four basic stages or steps. From the time of al-Kindi (d. ca. 866) almost all the major philosophers of Islam wrote treatises on reason or the intellect, modelled on the famous treatise of the great Aristotelian commentator, Alexander of Aphrodisias (d. ca. 205), entitled Peri Nou. Al-Farabi, who wrote the most detailed treatise on this subject, begins by listing the different senses of the term reason ('aql):
1 Reason as predicated of the “reasonable” man in ordinary discourse and which Aristotle, according to al-Farabi, calls ta'aqqul - that is, practical wisdom or prudence (phronesis).
2 The reason that the theologians posit as the faculty which prescribes or prohibits certain actions on the ground that they are right or wrong, and which is synon ymous with common sense or sound judgment. 3 The reason that Aristotle describes in Analytica Posteriora as the faculty that apprehends the first principles of demonstration instinctively or intuitively. 4 The reason referred to in Nicomachean Ethics VI as the faculty of apprehending the principles of right and wrong in an infallible way. 5 The reason referred to in De anima and to which Aristotle has assigned four distinct meanings, according to al-Farabi. These are the epistemologically sig nificant connotations of reason around which controversy raged in ArabicIslamic philosophical, as well as Latin-Scholastic, circles in the Middle Ages.
(a) First comes reason in potentia, or potential reason, which Aristotle has defined as “a soul, a part of the soul or a faculty of the soul.” This reason is capable of abstracting the forms of material entities with which it is subsequently identi fied. It was for this reason that potential reason is referred to in the Arabic sources as material or hylic (hayulani). (b) Once potential reason has apprehended the above-mentioned forms and be come identified with them, it is designated reason-in-act, or actual reason. At this level, the reason-in-act and the intelligible-in-act become one and the same. (c) When actual reason has apprehended all the intelligibles, material and other, including the primary principles of demonstration, as well as itself, it is designated acquired reason (mustajad). This acquired reason marks for al-Farabl and the Muslim Neoplatonists generally the culmination of the cogni tive process at the human level. (d) However, beyond this acquired reason, rises the Active Reason which al-Farabl describes as “an immaterial form which neither inheres nor could inhere in matter,” and is in fact a supermundane agency governing the sublunary world and serving as the “storehouse” of all intelligibles, as already mentioned. It is through conjunction or contact with it, as we have also mentioned, that the process of cognition is consummated.
Logic and rationality
The Muslim philosophers never questioned the certainty or finality of the cognitive process once it has received the imprint of conjunction with the Active Reason, reserved for the privileged class of metaphysical philosophers. In Aristotelian terms, the method leading up to this conjunction is demonstration (burhan, apodeixis), grounded in the intuition of the primary principles of demonstration. It was for this reason that Averroes (d. 1198) resorted, less than three centuries later, to a “socio logical” interpretation of this cognitive or epistemological theory. Mankind is divided, according to him, into three classes: (1) the philosophers or “people of demonstration”: (2) the theologians or “people of dialectic” (jadal); and (3) the masses at large, or the rhetorical class (khatabiyun).
The three classes, as well as their methods of cognition, are hierarchically or dered, according to Averroes. Neither the theologians nor the masses at large are able to attain the level of demonstrative certainty, because of the weakness of the premises upon which their arguments rest, and which are based on received opinions that are purely arbitrary. By demonstration, Averroes meant, following Aristotle, the process of syllogistic deduction, in so far as it rested upon primary premises which are both necessary and universal. Neither dialectic nor rhetoric can satisfy this condition. This was the consensus of Muslim logicians and philoso phers from al-Farabi, to Avicenna, Avempace (d. 1138) and beyond. Moreover, demonstrative knowledge for those philosophers, contrary to the claims of present-day postmodernists, exhibited the knowledge of the being (wujiid) of the object, as well as the causes underlying this being or existence. It was for this reason that those philosophers and logicians placed the concept of causality at the center of their epistemological concerns and this concept became in due course a major bone of contention between them and the theologians (mutakallimun), especially the Ash'arites. The locus classicus of this contention is al-Ghazzali’s Tahdfut al-Falasifa (Incoherence of the Philosophers) and its rebuttal by Averroes in Tahdfut al~Tahdfut (Incoherence of the Incoherence). For al-Ghazzall (d. 1111), the alleged certainty of the cause-effect relationships is an illusion; it is reducible entirely to habit, which God could alter at any time. For Averroes, on the other hand, the concept of habit as applied to God or inanimate objects is meaningless. In addition, genuine knowledge is a matter of eliciting the causes underlying any occurrence in the world, so that the activity of reason itself may be described as “nothing more than its knowledge of existing entities through the knowledge of their causes, whereby it differs from other cognitive faculties. Thus whoever repu diates causes actually repudiates reason” (Tahdfut, 1930, p. 522). This repudiation will undermine the very foundation of the “art of logic,” and having rendered genuine knowledge (episteme) impossible, will only leave us with opinion (doxa), concludes Averroes.
Rhetoric and poetics What the function of the “art of logic” was for this Muslim philosopher is really more complex than this dogmatic statement appears to imply. The Muslim logicians tended to conceive of logic in much broader terms than Aristotle had conceived of it. Perhaps the best illustration of this point is the way in which those logicians had from the earliest times expanded the scope of Aristotle’s Organon so as to include the two treatises of Rhetoric and Poetics, (as well as the Isagoge of Por phyry) in a manner which was probably no part of Aristotle’s intent. It is noteworthy, however, that the inclusion of the Rhetoric and Poetics in the logical corpus started much earlier than the tenth century, which witnessed the translation and diffusion of logical texts in the Muslim world. Classical scholars, including Richard Walzer, have shown as early as 1934 that the Poetics was already included in the Organon by Greek commentators of Alexandria who belonged to the School of Ammonius in the third century; whereas Simplicius
(d. ca. 532) grouped the Rhetoric with the logical treatises of Aristotle three centuries later. If we take al-Farabi and Averroes as representatives of the Arab-Muslim logical tradition, it will be appropriate to discuss their reasons for this inclusion. Al-Farabi, to whom Averroes refers often in this connection, begins by defining rhetoric as a “syllogistic art,” the aim of which is persuasion (iqna), possible through rhetorical and dialectical, as well as demonstrative, means. In fact, he argues in a historical note, that rhetorical and dialectical methods of “persuasion” actually preceded the demonstrative, in point of time, as did the sophistical. It was not until Plato’s time that dialectical, sophistical, rhetorical and poetical methods of discourse were clearly demarcated, although it was Aristotle who formulated the rules governing those different modes of discourse (al-Farabi, 1970, p. 132). As for poetry, al-Farabi argues that the essence of this art for the “ancients” (meaning Aristotle and his followers) “consisted in being a discourse made up of what involves the imitation of the object,” either through action or speaking, wherein the imaginative representation (mimesis) of the object is sought, as is the case with scientific and logical statements. That is why imagining is analogous to scientific knowledge (episteme) in demonstration, opinion (doxa) in dialectic, and persuasion in rhetoric. For this reason, al-Farabi contends, poetics can be regarded as part of logic. Both Avicenna and Averroes follow al-Farabl’s lead in this regard. Despite its ingenious character, al-Farabl’s argument does not justify, we be lieve, the inclusion of poetics in the logical corpus, and this inclusion at any rate appears alien to Aristotle’s purpose. Poetic discourse, according to him, is not liable to truth or falsity and “the poet’s function is to describe, not the thing that has happened, but a kind of thing that might happen; that is what is possible as prob able or necessary,” in Aristotle’s own words. The case of rhetoric, however, is different, and it is significant that a whole class of philosophically inclined writers, such as Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi (d. 1024) and Ibn Tufayl (d. 1185) were able to express themselves in a more rhetorical or literary idiom than the professional philosophers, even when they were conveying a strictly philosophical message.
The uses of the hermeneutic method
As we have seen, some postmodernists, in their attempt to exorcise philosophy altogether, because of its preoccupation with certainty, objectivity, and uni versality, have proposed hermeneutics as a substitute. For Muslim philosophers, hermeneutics or its Arabic equivalent, tctwil, was welcomed from the earliest times as a complement, rather than a substitute, for philosophy. Even the theologians who tended to be suspicious of the whole method of interpretation, fell nevertheless into two groups:
1 the literalists, like Ibn Hanbal (d. 855) and Ibn Hazm (d. 1064), who repu diated the application of the hermeneutic method of interpretation to the sacred text of the Quran; and
2 the rationalists, or semi-rationalists, like the Mu'tazilites and the Ash'arites, who allowed for such application, and may therefore be described as prophilosophical.
Of the philosophers, Averroes was perhaps the most explicit in his advocacy of the application of the method of interpretation to the Quranic texts. Schooled in Aristotelianism, of which he was one of the greatest champions in the Middle Ages, both in the East and the West, he begins in one of his major theological treatises, entitled “The Decisive Treatise concerning the Relation of Philosophy and Reli gion” (Fasl al-Maqal), by giving a definition of philosophy that accords with the Quranic exhortation to “reflect” upon God’s creation (Quran 29,2 and 7,184), as well as with St Paul’s assertion, in Romans I, 20, that God’s “everlasting power and deity, however invisible, have been there for the mind to see in the things He has made.” This definition of philosophy, which is clearly un-Aristotelian, states that “the examination of existing entities and their consideration in so far as they exhibit the Creator -1 mean, in so far as they are created,” implies that religion (shaf) exhorts us to reflect upon existing entities in a rational manner. Such reflection, argues Averroes, is nothing more than “extracting the unknown from the known and deducing it from it,” which is precisely what the logicians designate as syllogistic reasoning (qiyds). If it is objected that the use of syllogistic reasoning is an innovation or heresy (bicTa), we would retort, says Averroes, that “juridical reasoning” in troduced during the early part of Muslim history is not regarded as an innovation or heresy by the opponent. Accordingly, we should be willing to apply the syllogistic methods of proof, of which demonstration is the highest form, to the interpretation of the sacred texts, when they appear to be in conflict with demonstratively warranted principles or cognitions. By interpretation, Aver roes then explains, we should understand: “Extending the connotation of the term from its real to its figurative meaning, without violating the linguistic usage of the Arabs, which allows for giving a thing the name proper to its equal, its cause, its accident or its concomitant.” If the use of this method by legal scholars or jurists is allowed in legal decisions, the philosophers, or “masters of demonstration,” who investigate the nature of reality, should a fortiori be allowed to use it also. At the social level, as we mentioned earlier, Averroes recognizes that the method of demonstrative interpretation should be reserved to the philosophers and is not open to the common run of men, because of the diversity of their intellectual aptitudes. He even finds in the Quran a confirmation of this thesis in verse 3,5 which states in Arberry’s translation: It is He who sent down upon thee the Book, wherein are verses clear which are the Essence of the Book and others ambiguous. As for those in whose hearts is swerving, they follow the ambiguous part desiring dissension and desiring its interpretation; and none knows its interpretation save only God. And those firmly rooted in knowledge say: “we believe in it; it is all from our Lord.”
By those firmly rooted in knowledge, Averroes claims that the philosophers or “people of demonstration” are actually meant; and to substantiate this claim, he resorts to an ingenious expedient: he removes the period after God and reads the latter part as follows: “And none knows its interpretation, save only God and those firmly rooted in knowledge,” that is, the philosophers. Be this as it may, perhaps the most interesting application of the hermeneutic method as recommended by Averroes is the way in which he rebuts the three charges which al-Ghazzali had levelled against the philosophers: namely, their denial of God’s knowledge of universals, their assertion of the eternity of the world, and their denial of personal immortality. In none of these cases, says Averroes, can al-Ghazzali produce a single explicit and unambiguous Quranic text supporting his view. Take the eternity of the world as an example. Al-Ghazzali and the Muslim theo logians generally contended that the creation of the world in time (huduth) and out of nothing is explicitly enunciated in the Quran, whereas a careful examination of relevant Quranic texts simply proves that the “form” of the world is created, where as its existence is continuous a parte ante and a parte post. Thus verse 11,9, which states that “it is He (that is, God) who created the heavens and the earth in six days, while His throne was upon the water,” appears to imply that the water, the Throne and the time measuring their duration are all eternal. Similarly, verse 41,10 which states, “Then He arose unto heaven which was smoke”, appears to imply that the heavens were created from pre-existing matter, that is, smoke. This interpretation of these two verses is clearly antithetic to the theologians’ thesis of creation in time and out of nothing, but is perfectly acceptable.
Hermeneutics and the method of commentary or exegesis
If the aim of hermeneutics is to probe the meaning(s) of the text - the relation of sentences or words to other sentences or words, as Rorty has put it, then the method of commentary or exegesis should be regarded as a privileged one. This method is in fact a distinctive feature of the Islamic tradition, the prototype of which is Quranic exegesis (tafsir). Together with the Talmudic tradition, Quranic exegesis is not too far removed from the new mode of discourse labelled “grammatology” by Jacques Derrida and his followers. Derrida appears from his earlier writings to have been drawn to the view that writing (ecriture) is superior to speaking, as a reaction to Plato’s argument in the Phaedrus that writing is a debased way of expressing the truth because it reduces the spoken word to a lifeless inscription and serves simply as the basis of an apparent or false wisdom. The exegesis of the Quran which, according to Muslim believers, is the direct revelation of the “Mother of the Book” or “Preserved Tablet,” existing eternally in heaven, took in general two contrasting forms. Some commentaries like alKashshaf of al-Zamakhshari (d. 1144) tended to be grammatical or linguistic, whereas others, such as al-Bayan of al-Tabari (d. 925) tended to be more theo logical or discursive. However, in almost all cases, the commentators tended to 511
sprinkle their commentaries with biographical, historical and other circumstantial information drawn from the Prophetic biographical tradition (cd-SIrah) or other sources. In this respect, Quranic commentators may be regarded as genuine forerunners of modern hermeneutics. The philosophers, on the other hand, adopted as early as the tenth century a more literal approach to philosophical texts, which were almost exclusively Aristo telian. Al-Farabi, who was the first commentator on Aristotelian logic, as appears, from his extant commentary on Peri Hermeneias (Kitab al~cIbarah), has Arabicized Aristotle, without departing very much from the Aristotelian text. In addition, he wrote paraphrases of all the parts of the Organon, which included the Rhetoric and the Poetics, as well as the Isagoge of Porphyry, as mentioned above. He has also made a valuable contribution, unmatched before modern times, to the analysis of logical terms in two major treatises, the Terms Used in Logic and the Book of Letters, as well as other minor logical tracts. Averroes, who has also covered the whole range of Aristotelian logical texts, wrote extensive (or “large”) commentaries, middle commentaries, as well as paraphrases or epitomes which have survived either in Arabic or in Latin. On the whole, Averroes tends to be more slavish or literal in his commentaries, and often criticizes al-Farabi, either for unwarranted additions to or departures from the Aristotelian texts.
If philosophy is to be replaced by hermeneutics, rhetoric, conversation, or poetry, as some postmodernists have suggested, the question arises as to whether there is an irresolvable conflict between the philosophical method, especially epistemology, and these alternative methods proposed as substitutes, or whether they cannot all be enlisted in the service and support of philosophy. After all, some of the greatest philosophers, of whom I might mention Plato, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and Sartre, have tended to use more literary and even rhetorical modes of discourse than others, without jeopardizing their status as genuine philosophers. On the whole, the alleged conflict between the various modes of discourse men tioned above did not present serious difficulties to the Arab-Muslim philosophers who were willing to exploit them to the full. Second, it is not clear from the postmodernists’ revolt what the aim of philosophy or its successor modes of discourse which they favor really is. In fact, it is not clear what the positive aim of the whole movement really is. If this aim is conversation or edification (Bildung), as Rorty and Gadamer contend, we need not quarrel with them, first, because conversation (or dialogue), as a method of eliciting truth, was one of the earliest methods used by some of the earliest philosophers, Socrates, and his disciple, Plato, for instance, as well as many later thinkers, such as David Hume and A. E. Ritchie. However, Socrates avoided making dogmatic or uncritical assertions and claimed to practice his mother’s art of midwifery, delivering his interlocutors or disciples of ideas with which they were pregnant. He used conver sation or dialogue as a means of leading those interlocutors or disciples to recognize 512
the superiority of certain assertions over others, after first having recognized the incoherence of their initial positions. In other words, his aim was construction, not deconstruction. Third, edification, including self-edification, is surely possible only on the as sumption that the speaker has a message to convey, whether to instruct, to inform, or to reform. If, however, the conversation is allowed to drag on without any visible goal in sight, then edification will not be possible and no purpose, except possible esthetic enjoyment or entertainment, will be served. The question would then arise as to how philosophy can differ from comedy, drama, poetry or other artistic or literary genres intended to please or entertain. The Arab-Muslim philosophers were not disturbed by these methodological squabbles. Avicenna, for example, wrote a medical poem which was translated into Latin as the Cantica in the Middle Ages; Ibn Tufayl (d. 1185) wrote a philosophical novel, Hayy Ibn Yaqzan, believed to have influenced Daniel Defoe, the author of Robinson Crusoe; and the versification of logic and grammar was undertaken by less renowned writers. The point is that poetical, rhetorical, and other literary modes of discourse were not considered inimical to philosophical discourse, which allows for the greatest measure of diversity and inventiveness. Hermeneutics itself should be welcomed by philosophers, not as a threat, but rather as a means of expanding the scope of philosophical discourse, by tapping biographical, social and cultural sourc es of information intended to make philosphical texts more reality anchored. Today, the battle is joined in the Arab-Muslim world on two fronts: (1) the fundamentalists who are pitted against liberals and modernists; and (2) the neo positivists pitted against the protagonists of classical metaphysics and theology. Deconstruction and postmodernism have not made serious inroads into the Muslim cultural arena; a noteworthy and perceptive recent publication on Postmodernism and Islam (1992) by Akbar S. Ahmed, highlights the major responses of Islam to these two contemporary movements. However, Ahmed’s analysis is essentially sociological and cultural, rather than philosophical. In a more philosophical work, Postmodernism, Reason and Religion (1992), Ernest Gellner argues that postmodern ism and deconstruction amount to the contention “Relativismus uber Alles” and cannot possibly be reconciled for that reason with the Islamic worldview. I agree that this worldview, which is still predominant, either in a liberal or radical form, is predicated on the thesis that the Islamic revelation is final and definitive and that truth, religious or other, can be known by a variety of means, linguistic, literary, philosophical, theological or other, but cannot be questioned or “deconstructed.” Bibliography
References Ahmed, Akbar S. 1992: Postmodernism and Islam (London: Routledge). Aristotle 1941a: Analytica Posteriora, ed. Richard McKeon (New York: Random House). Aristotle 1941b: De anima, ed. Richard McKeon (New York: Random House). ------1941c: Metaphysics, ed. Richard McKeon (New York: Random House). ------1941d: Nicomachean Ethics, ed. Richard McKeon (New York: Random House).
Al-Farabi 1932: Risdla JTTAql [Epistle on Reason] (Beirut: Catholic Press). ------1970: Kitab al Huruf [Book of Letters] (Beirut: Dar al-Mashriq). Gellner, Ernest 1992: Postmodernism, Reason and Religion (London: Routledge). Ibn Rushd (Averroes) 1930: Tahdfut al-Tahdfut [Incoherence of the Incoherence] (Beirut: Catholic Press). ------ 1954: Fast al-Maqdl [The Harmony of Religion and Philosophy], tr. G. Hourani (London: Luzac). Norris, Christopher 1987: Derrida (Cambridge: Harvard University Press). Ricoeur, Paul 1969: Le Conflit des Interpretations (Paris: Editions du Seuil).
Further readings Black, Deborah L. 1990: Logic and Aristotle's Rhetoric and Poetics in Medieval Arabic Philosophy (Leiden: E. J. Brill). Derrida, Jacques 1967: De la Grammatologie (Paris: Editions de Minuit). Fakhry, Majid 1983: A History of Islamic Philosophy (New York: Columbia University Press). Rorty, Richard 1979: Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature (Princeton: Princeton University Press). Taylor, Mark C. (ed.) 1986: Deconstruction in Context (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).
39 Contemporary Chinese philosophy ROGER T. AMES Contexts and continuities Confucius, standing on the riverbank, remarked: “So it passes, never ceasing day or night.” Confucius, Analects
Philosophy, like most things Chinese, must be understood in terms of continuities. And any discussion of the cultural interests of contemporary China must begin from context: the “where” and the “when” of things. In contrast to Western philos ophy, which began from the decontextualizing metaphysical sensibilities of the classical Greeks, the Chinese tradition is resolutely historicist. Reason is a series of historical instances of reasonableness; culture is a specific historical pattern of human flourishing; logic is the internal coherence of this particular human narra tive; knowledge modestly is local and site-specific - making one’s way smoothly and without obstruction; truth is proximate - the capacity to foster productive relationships that begin with the maintenance of one’s own integrity and extend to the enhancement of one’s own natural, social and cultural contexts. The specific character of Chinese philosophy is such because a cultural domi nant in the tradition, now and then, has been the priority of process and change over form and stasis which can be expressed as a privileging of cosmology over ontology. That the Book of Changes (Yijing) is the first among the Chinese classics in every sense, bears witness to the priority of cosmological questions: “how should the world hang together?” over ontological questions: “what is the reality behind appearance, the Being behind the beings, the One behind the many?” In Chinese, “the world” is shijie, literally “generational boundaries” which conjoin one’s own generation to those who have come before, and to the generation that will follow this one; “the cosmos” is yuzhou, “the turning canopy of the heavens under which we live.” And the pursuit of wisdom has, from classical times, centered on finding a way to stabilize, to discipline, and to direct the unstoppable stream of change in which the human experience is played out. This “way” or dao for the Confucian tradition has been constituted by bringing a framework of formal roles, relationships, and institutions (li) to regulate the process of communal living. Li, often translated as “rites” or “propriety” is an enduring yet always malleable infrastructure through which the human being can pursue re fined and appropriate relationships. For the Daoist tradition, the net of relevant
circumstances is cast beyond human community, sacrificing a degree of focused human intensity for an increase in width and diversity. The regularities observable in nature - the cycle of the seasons, the growth and decay of every form of life, the turning of the heavens, the weathered striations on a piece of stone - are a syner gistic model on which human beings can construct their path through life, walking in rhythm with the cadence of the cosmos. Although this way of living, this dao, has historical antecedents, it is not simply to be discovered and walked. As the Zhuangzi says, “The path is made in the walking of it.” Dao means both to lead along a path, and to be led along it. In the Analects 15:29 we read, “It is the human being that can broaden the way (dao), not the way that broadens the human being.” The human being must be a roadbuilder because human culture is always under construction. But this passage has to be read together with Analects 8:9: “The people can be made to travel along the path, but they cannot be made to realize it.” That is, “making a roadway real” must be distinguished from simply walking along it; some human beings build roads and others travel behind. In lieu of gods, the Chinese tradition has celebrated cultural heroes and supreme personalities over its long career. This need for models to emulate, then, late and soon, has required the philosopher to be a paradigmatic individual and a scout to recommend a “way” for the generations to come. (See Article 14, the way and the truth.) With this contextualization of the Chinese philosophical tradition in place, we can now consider the contemporary status of Chinese philosophy as it is unfolds within the Chinese world itself. As a footnote, the value of “Chinese philosophy” within the contemporary Western academy is an entirely different story. In fact, the field of “Chinese philosophy” has been rendered oxymoronic by having been largely excluded from the discipline of professional philosophy. Hence any discussion of Chinese philoso phy within the context of Western culture, while taking account of the work of a small, marginalized community of comparative philosophers, will contrast starkly with the practical Chinese narrative by having to address a theoretical issue: Why has Chinese philosophy not been included in Western philosophical discourse? On the other hand, in recounting the life of Chinese philosophes - a survey of often passionate, sometimes courageous intellectuals advancing their own pro gram of human values and social order - we will be immediately aware that a record of the existential, practical, and resolutely historical nature of this tradition stretches it beyond the boundaries of what would be defined as “philosophy” within the contemporary Western context. Here we will find a partial answer to why Chinese philosophy has not been perceived as a legitimate area of philosophical inquiry - the difference between a Western search for truth, and a Chinese need to find a better way.
“Philosophy” in contemporary China Within China today, philosophy is much more than a professional discipline. Chi nese philosophers - traditionally scholar-officials - continue to be institutionalized
intellectuals who have the practical responsibility to forge a “way” for the daily workings of government and society. “Philosophy” in the contemporary Chinese context continues to range over the relationship between prevailing cultural val ues, and the social and political life of the people. Philosophers have been and still are the intellectual leaders of society. Hence a reflection on Chinese philosophy from an internal and contemporary Chinese perspective must be primarily practi cal: a survey of the intellectual discourse as it has driven and shaped recent social, political, and cultural developments. Given the avowedly Marxist orientation of the state, then, how much has contemporary Chinese thinking been shaped by outside forces? A compelling argument can be made that China has been doing comparative philosophy since the introduction of Buddhism into China in the second century. Another wave of Indo-European ideas entered China with the Jesuits in the late fifteenth century, armed as they were with religious convictions fortified by the best of classical Western philosophy. More recently, Yan Fu (1853-1921) stands out at the beginning of an ambitious project to translate recent Western philosophical classics into Chinese in the late Qing dynasty. Soon after, the Marxist heresy was appropriated by iconoclastic modernizers as a foundation for Chinese socialism. We must ask the question, then: what relevance has Western philosophy had in recent Chinese philosophical debates? In fact, there are some more cynical interpreters of recent Chinese intellectual trends who, viewing the present struggle between seem ingly Marxist and Western liberal democratic ideals, might turn the question around, and ask: what relevance has traditional Chinese philosophy had in recent Chinese philosophic reflection? Still, the resilience of grounding values has caused history to repeat itself. When Buddhism was introduced into China through a largely Daoist vocabulary, the foreign ideas were, in due course, overwhelmed by the vitality of the indigenous impulse, and Buddhism was effectively sinocized. Pervasively, but perhaps most clearly in its Sanlun, Huayan, and Chan incarnations, Chinese Buddhism has a closer correlation to the early Daoist classics than it does to its South Asian origins. Christianity melded with popular religions to spawn one of the largest uprisings in human history - the Taiping rebellion. And with Yan Fu’s penchant for the arcane, evocative language of China’s own philosophic tradition, the foreign ideas of mod ern Western thought were largely overwritten with traditional Chinese values and sensibilities. In this pattern of assimilation and ingestion, China’s Marxist experi ence has certainly been no exception. Chinese Marxism - most recently, Maoism - is a peculiarly Chinese run on Marx that has redefined a doctrine which, on most interpretations, owned universalistic aspirations, into a kind of “neo” neo-Confucianism by historicizing, particularizing, and depsychologizing it. On the other hand, any reference to Chinese “democratic” ideals introduces terrible equivocations: the promotion of seemingly individualistic values in the absence of Western notions of the individual, autonomy, indepen dence, human rights, and so on. As soon as we get beneath surface impressions, we realize that contemporary Chinese philosophic developments are deeply embedded within traditional values and Chinese methods of philosophizing. By and large,
they continue to be concerned with a creative appropriation of China’s own cultur al tradition. Marxian rhetoric and liberal democratic values are largely heuristic structures through which more fundamental traditional Chinese values are revis ited, reconfigured, and sometimes, revitalized. The recent narrative: a choice among “ways”
A new intellectual discourse has emerged in contemporary China since 1978 that has attended the rebirth of China’s spiritual identity. This conversation has moved from the discussions on the criteria for “truth” (as we might expect, “practice is the sole criterion of truth”) in the late seventies, to the great debate on China’s cultural construction (whence and whither Chinese culture?) which began in the early 1980s and has continued with varying degrees of intensity down to the present historical moment. In the gradual awakening of a humanistic self-consciousness and the cultural consciousness which has attended it, several sometimes overlap ping yet clearly discernible “ways” can be mapped. The 1980s in China were, until late in the decade, defined philosophically by a healthy climate of debate unprecedented since the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949. Far-ranging cultural discussions, often appealing to Western vocabularies, methodologies, and philosophies as their frame of reference, revealed many differences of opinion on the spirit and values of traditional culture. In retrospect, there have been several discernible postures. First, one extreme position was occupied by those ageing political leaders who, in spite of the proliferation of faxes and satellite dishes throughout the country, still believed that China is self-sufficient, and can remain isolated and insulated from Western culture. The Great Wall can preserve China as the Chinatown of the world. A second “way,” with a future for China only slightly less naive and unlikely than the first, were the iconoclasts whose concerns culminated in Tiananmen. Led by Gan Yang and others, they have expressed profound reservations about the viability of the Chinese cultural legacy, and in many ways have reiterated the critical posture of anti-traditionalism in which the irony of “patriotic icono clasm” prevails. Gan Yang, Huang Kejian and others have rejected established values as being unsuited to the realities of modern Chinese society, and have advocated “countering the tradition” as a means of advancing the tradition. Bao Zunxin has also asserted that traditional Chinese culture is self-sufficient, but has taken the opposite position of the guardians of the Great Wall: China cannot achieve renewal through self-criticism. This radical “anti-traditionalism” led to “The River Elegy” (Heshang) television series and its bitter attack on the perceived negativity and inertia of the tradition. The most extreme statement of this position, often posited by idealists such as Liu Shaobo who have a jaundiced appreciation of the Chinese tradition and a rather romantic perspective on Western society and institutions, rejects “Chineseness” utterly, and recommends the wholesale importation of another culture’s future. Jin Guantao and Liu Qingfeng, although less strident, have also seen the tradition as largely unadaptable, describing 520
Confucian culture in terms of “structural stagnation” and “conservatism stran gling individuality.” Advocates of a third “way,” called “creative synthesis and synthetic creation,” have promoted a “creative transformation of Chinese culture” through a full and thoroughgoing convergence of Chinese and Western cultures. Rejecting the as sumed antagonism between Chinese and Western thinking, Zhang Dainian, a lead ing exponent of this trend, encouraged a scientific analysis of theory and practice to identify and assimilate all advanced and outstanding cultural achievements into a new tradition. The American scholar, Lin Yusheng [Lin Yti-sheng], has been prom inent in this group, as has Zhang Liwen. A fourth identifiable “way” has been “selective inheritance,” a less radical, more academic trend which affirms the spiritual values of traditional culture. This group has opposed the more popular “introspective criticism” and “thoroughgoing recon struction,” and has sought to make a positive appraisal of the tradition so as to identify, select from, and carry over, the cultural wealth of the past. These scholars are committed to a tradition-based scenario for China’s cultural reconstruction. A leading voice in this movement, defining itself as a “revival of Confucianism (xinruxue),” was the late Liang Shuming. As this impulse took hold, it was joined by many representatives of the Western-based diaspora on China’s periphery - Yu Yingshi [Yii Ying-shih], Du Weiming [Tu Wei-ming], Zhang Hao [Chang Hao], Lin Yusheng, Liu Shuxian [Liu Shu-hsien], Jin Yaoji [Ambrose King] - who had them selves been trained by a generation of often self-exiled intellectuals: Tang Junyi, Mou Zongsan, Xu Fuguan, Fang Dongmei, Qian Mu. It is this “way” with its strong ties to Western society that has in some degree rekindled the long-stalled process of trying to reconcile the Chinese tradition with global culture. Other scholars associated with this group such as Mou Zhongjian and Tang Yijie have championed a syncretic “selective inheritance” which goes beyond simply Confucianism, looking for a broader and deeper philosophical base for cultural renewal. These more pluralistic thinkers have been advocates of traditional values which extended well beyond the confines of Confucianism per se, invoking an eclectic “Chineseness” rather than just “Confucianism” and giving rise to notions such as “cultural China” (as opposed to geographical China) with its “Chinese” citizenry determined by cultural sensibilities rather than political allegiance or even sympathy. A fifth “way” is really the more radical extreme of the last in that it too is tradition affirming. It is perhaps best represented by Li Zehou and the re-exploration of China’s rediscovered humanity - “the subjectivity trend.” What distinguishes this track most clearly from the fourth is the radical degree of transformation not only anticipated but readily embraced in the convergence of Chinese and Western culture. Li Zehou’s quasi-Marxist revision of the familiar “Chinese body and Western function” to “Western body (read ‘modern industrialized materialism’) and Chinese function” as the model for China’s cultural future, acknowledges (perhaps naively) the overwhelmingly positive value of Western-born ideological drives such as practical rationality, personal autonomy, and modern science, and the social, economic, and administrative institutions which issue from them.
In response to the obvious question, beyond the institutions of Western liberal ism, “what else is there?”, Li Zehou might well reply that while the contribution of Western cultures tends to be formal in structure, and hence is articulated and more readily discernible, the contribution on the Chinese side is more fluid, more partic ularistic, and more easily undervalued. At the same time, it is of enormous impor tance. For example, one might celebrate the centrality of rights in pursuing the goals of human dignity and personal realization. But rights-talk without appeal to li (“rites”) - the concrete and specific roles and relationships which constitute the fabric of community and which generate the sense of shame necessary for social living - is hollow and meaningless. Laws are not more real than ritual practices, and both are necessary for effectively realizing a healthy, functioning society. It is the tension and the achieved balance between formal and informal procedures which is difficult to sustain. Perhaps the critical question which must be asked as China, willy-nilly, like-it-or-not, moves along this fifth track, is: “will China be able to remain culturally Chinese under the erosive conditions of modernization?” Bibliography Hall, David L. and Ames, Roger T. 1993: “Culture and the Limits of Catholicism: a Chinese Response to Centesimus Annus”, Journal of Business Ethics, 12, pp. 955-63. Hansen, Chad 1985: “Chinese Language, Chinese Philosophy, and ‘Truth,’ ” Journal ofAsian Studies, 44, pp. 491-517. Hua Shiping 1995: Scientism and Humanism: Two Cultures in Post-Mao China (1978-1989) (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press). Kelly, David 1990: “Representative Culture: Official and Unofficial Values in Tension,” China Review (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press). Lin Tongqi and Li Minghua 1994: “Subjectivity: Marxism and ‘The Spiritual’ in China since Mao,” Philosophy East & West, 44, 4, pp. 609-46. Lin Tongqi, Rosemont, Henry Jr and Ames, Roger T. 1995: “Chinese Philosophy: a Philo sophical Essay on the State-of-the-Art,” Journal of Asian Studies, 54, 3, pp. 727-58. Mao Zedong 1952: “Maodunlun [On Contradictions],” Mao Zedong xuanji [Selected Works of Mao Zedong], Vol. 1 (Peking: Peoples Press). Munro, Donald J. 1979: Concept of Man in Contemporary China (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press). Shi Yanping 1993: “Developments in Chinese Philosophy Over the Last Ten Years,” Philos ophy East and West, 43,1, pp. 113-25.
Contemporary Japanese philosophy SHIGENORI NAGATOMO 1 Introduction Although it seems natural to consider the last fifty years the contemporary period, because this year (1995) punctuates a historical period celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the end of the Pacific War, this essay will limit the term “contempo rary” roughly to the last twenty-five years. The reason for this demarcation is that at the beginning of the 1970s, we witnessed a new philosophical mood emerging in Japan. Prior to that period, the Japanese philosophical scene was dominated by the study of European thinkers, such as Husserl, Heiddeger, Sartre, and MerleauPonty. The end of the students’ movement in the early 1970s also marked the end of the ideological disputes launched by Marxism since the early 1930s. Instead, it appears that the Japanese intelligentsia in the early 1970s began to acutely sense problems inherent in the Eurocentric philosophy which had served as a foundation for Western science and technology. This occurred largely through a recognition that scientific technology had yielded, as its unexpected byproduct, a “mind/ heartless” society, pollution, and global ecological crises, which had permeated almost all parts of the Japanese archipelago to threaten the psyche of the Japanese people and their mode of living. In this essay, I should like to briefly introduce three representative contemporary Japanese thinkers who have addressed some aspects of these problems in their writings. They are Nakamura Yujiro, Sakabe Megumi, and Yuasa Yasuo. (Because of the limitations of space, this article will restrict itself to these three thinkers, but this should not suggest that there are no other re presentative thinkers in Japan. Consider particularly those belonging to the neo Kyoto school, such as Nishitani Keiji, Kosaka Masaki, Koyama Iwao, Umehara Takeshi and Ueda Shizuteru. Nishitani’s works are well known in the Englishspeaking world, along with those of Abe Masao. Outside of the Kyoto school, we can also mention other thinkers, such as Matsumoto Masao, Hiromatsu Wataru and Ichikawa Hiroshi.)
2 Nakamura Yujiro
Among the many books Nakamura Yujiro has so far published, his Kydtsukankakuron: chinokumikae no tameni (A Discourse on Sensus Communis: For the Sake of Recomposing Knowledge, 1979) deserves special attention, because it is framed as a philosophical response to the crises he feels threatening our 523
contemporary period. By examining the concept of sensus communis, he wants to argue for a replacement of the paradigm of knowledge based on visual perception with one based on tactile perception. He critiques the former’s despotic predomi nance, which has been extolled in modern civilization, because it has effected “a separation of subject from object, and ... all that is seen and known is turned into a (material) object by means of intellectual abstraction, rendering the subject into an indifferent, cold ‘glance’ that controls the object,” as is symbolically exemplified in Bacon’s “panopticon” (Kydtsu, pp. 53-4). To break this predominance, Nakamura questions the self-evident horizon pre supposed in common sense - that stable, “self-evident” knowledge within the meaning-field of a given society and culture, based on the everyday experience common to the members of that community. Historically, he traces it from Cicero to its use in eighteenth-century Britain as a common power of making judgments, but turns back to its original meaning in Aristotle’s sensus communis. Following Aristo tle, Nakamura interprets the tactile as the basic sense among the five, and defines sensus communis as a synthetic power bringing together the five senses. With this understanding he critiques the superiority of visual perception advocated in pale ontology, zoology and neuro-physiology, by focusing his analysis on the decon struction of the myth of visual perception, the analysis of inverted vision, and the pathology of common sense. Philosophically, he draws on Aristotle, Berkeley, and Condillac to restore the tactile, and argues, in summation, that “the idea of space and a position in it cannot be obtained unless one appeals to the tactile” (Kydtsu, p. 104). Nakamura affirms the tactile as the fundamental synthetic sense for living our concrete life, and links it to coenesthesia, including motor sensation and sensa tion in the muscles (awareness of one’s body). He contends that since coenesthesia is an elemental synthesis, it is fundamentally grounded in the predicate-synthesis (jutsugoteki togo) as opposed to the subject-synthesis (shutaiteki/shugoteki togo). This distinction is derived from Nishida, but in Nakamura the former designates a mode of activities that enables the human to take root in the world, which the linguistic act realizes in predication, whereas the latter refers to a self-reflective, conscious mode of being, detached from the world, appearing as the subject of a sentence as well as an epistemological subject whose representative mode is visual perception (Kydtsu, p. 284). The predicate-synthesis is un- or pre-conscious in its ontogenesis, and therefore is difficult to grasp, but when it is grasped, Nakamura points out, it is unfortunately grasped vis-a-vis the subject-synthesis. For this reason, people mis takenly think that the subject-synthesis has a priority and predominance. How ever, the phenomenological fact is that the subject-synthesis is a derivation from coenesthesia, the synthetic activity of which is pre-predicative in nature and upon which visual perception rests (Kydtsu, pp. 284-5). Nakamura concludes that through the synthesis of the various senses with coenesthesia as its foundation, it is possible “for each of us to sympathize with others and nature, and become one with them” (Kydtsu, p. 110). His conclusion is in accord with Bergson’s “motor scheme,” Merleau-Ponty’s “body-scheme” and Husserl’s “kinesthesis,” as these all pertain to aspects of the coenesthesia through which we live our concrete life as incarnate beings.
Nakamura’s analysis extends to cover such topics as language, memory, time and topos as they bear on sensus communis. Concerning language, Nakamura main tains that the rehabilitation of coenesthesia in the use of language lies above all in restoring the positive significance of image, because image enables us to participate directly in the world, owing to its imaginary character and somaticity. The restora tion of image in language counters the logos of analytical rationality in favor of the logos of coenesthesia (Kydtsu, p. 2 8 6). This is a criticism of Cartesian linguistics (for example, Descartes and Chomsky), which has one-sidedly emphasized the syntax of sentence over against the paradigm of sentence (Kyotsu, p. 290), insofar as the force of his criticism falls on the unnecessary division between rationality and sensibility. 3 Sakabe Megumi
Sakabe’s major efforts have been to articulate the features of Japanese language, through which he wants to grope for a possibility of doing philosophy in Japanese. He acknowledges Watsuji Tetsuro and Kuki Shuzo as his immediate predecessors in this endeavor. A primary reason that he feels compelled to pursue language anal ysis is that when Western philosophies are translated into Japanese, key terminol ogies have been rendered into Chinese compounds, thus making philosophy less congenial to the Japanese. For this reason, he consciously focuses in all of his linguistic analyses on indigenous Japanese words (yamato kotoba). In this respect, his work has also been stimulated by Anglo-American linguistic analysis, particu larly after the 1960s. Sakabe’s hermeneutical analysis of language encompasses various levels, such as the lexicographical, syntactic, semantic, and narratological dimensions. Here I shall present his philosophy by taking up his lexical, syntactic and semantic analyses, as these are found in Perusona no shigaku (The Poetics of Persona, 1989) and Kagami no naka no Nihongo (The Japanese Language in the Mirror, 1989). To give an example of lexical analysis as a way of illustrating the Japanese understanding of the relationship between one’s self and the other, Sakabe exam ines the Japanese term “omote," which means both mask and face. His analysis starts with a derivative word, “omo-zashi,” meaning facial look or facial figure, which is a compound of omote and zashi, and zashi he takes as corresponding to Husserl’s notion of intentionality. By comparing omo-zashi and mana-zashi (or Sartrean regard), he points out that whereas mana-zashi is of the nature of uni directional intentionality, omo-zashi reveals a multi-layered intentionality and has a mutual reversibility of intentionality in the intersubjective space. Accordingly, omo-zashi should be understood as “that which is seen by the other, as well as that which sees itself, and furthermore as that which sees itself as the other” (Kagami, p. 43), where omote is the ground of omo-zashi. This is the structure of the face as well as of the mask, which discloses a unique feature of (Japanese) interpersonal relationships. Sakabe connects this structure of omote as mask or face to the homophonous word “omote," meaning a surface or the front side of a thing. Cautioning us that this 525
word “omote” never means in Japanese that which opposes Kant’s thing-in-itself or Plato’s eidos, he says that there is rather a reversibility, a mutuality between the visible front (omo-te) and the invisible back (ura-te) (Kagami, p. 47). That is, the visible and the invisible, depending on the perspective, are in principle reversible, as is exemplified in Zeami’s experiential account of “seeing via the detached seeing” (riken no ken). (Compare this, for example, with Merleau-Ponty’s The Visible and the Invisible.) This reversibility suggests to Sakabe that what there is is only omote as a visible surface or the front side of a thing, not a substantial being, nor a selfidentically fixed being. Accordingly, “no-thing exists except the world of multifari ous and infinite metamorphoses” (Kagami, p. 51). Based on this observation, Sakabe concludes that there is no need to advocate reversing Platonism or re evaluating onto-theo-teleo-logical metaphysics (Kagami, p. 49). An example of Sakabe’s syntactic and semantic analysis may be found in the following construction, in which the intransitive verb “fureru” (to touch) occurs: (watashi ga) tsukue ni fureru. This sentence is syntactically constructed as a subject less sentence, the absence of the subject “watashi" being indicated by the parenthe ses. It has the noun “tsukue" (desk) marked by the locative “ni," and followed by the verb “fureru." Since this verb is intransitive, it becomes ungrammatical if it takes the direct object marker, “o." In Western languages, in which “to touch” is a transitive verb, the above Japanese sentence would be translated as “(I) touch the desk.” Sakabe makes clear, however, that the sentence means in Japanese that “a touching takes place at the desk.” The use of the locative marker “ni" as it accom panies “fureru” indicates a place (basho) in which “a person encounters an emer gence of a segmenting world prior to a decisive, dualistic separation between subject and object, activity and passivity, the self and the other,” where there is a mutual reversibility between these polar terms (Kagami, p. 66). (This is in sharp contrast to the dualities that are expressed and thematized in the Western lan guages in terms of “the extensional/exclusive layers of lived experience” (Perusona to shigaku, p. 91).) The peculiarity of the intransitive verb “fureru" is even more striking when it is contrasted with other verbs of sensory experience, such as “miru” (to see), “kiku” (to hear), “ajiwau” (to taste), “kagu" (to smell). In all of these cases, the object maker “o” appears, indicating that these verbs are all transitive. Moreover, we find that the verb “fureru" also refers to visual and auditory experi ence, as in “me ni fureru" (literally, “touching takes place in the eye”; or “something comes into vision”) or “mimi ni fureru” (literally, “touching takes place in the ear’; or “something is heard”) (Kagami, pp. 75-6). Accordingly, like Nakamura, Sakabe advocates the primacy of the tactile and concludes that it is more basic than other forms of sensory experience. For this reason, the tactile discloses “a vivid ‘touch’ with the cosmos, and is nothing but a primal experience that is the foundation for all the other succeeding experiences” (Kagami, p. 77). To interpret it a la Nishida, “the verb fureru’ is the most fundamental predicate that characterizes an aspect of the transcendental predicate where the self-awareness comes to an awakening as a cosmic awareness” (Kagami, p. 77). Nishida’s “transcendental predicate” is pro posed in opposition to the (transcendental) subject, which has been cherished by substantialistic ontologists starting with Aristotle and proceeding all the way to
Husserl, in order to disclose the primordial life-energy of the cosmos, as is illustrated in some experiences of Zen satori or the dao. Sakabe observes that the subjectless sentence often used in Japanese points to a layer of experience, as is exemplified above, of what he calls proto-personal refer ence - that is, where there is no clear-cut demarcation between the first, second and third person pronouns (Shigaku, pp. 30,115-24; Kagami, p. 155). A subject in this dimension is neither the transcendental subject nor the grammatical subject (Kag ami, p. 142), but if and when it is thematized as an object, all one can say is that it is nothing (rieri). The subjectless construction in Japanese is not, therefore, a simple elimination or suppression of the subject, but rather a result of the operation of ambiguity lived at the level of proto-personal reference. However, out of this level of experience, Sakabe points out, the philosophers of the past have created their own systems: emphasis on the first person pronoun yielded Descartes’ cogito and Fichte’s Ich’, emphasis on the second person pronoun, the Judeo-Christian tradition; empha sis on the third person pronoun, the Islamic tradition, Schelling’s philosophy and Jung’s role-playing persona (Shigaku, p. 117).
4 Yuasa Yasuo Among over thirty books Yuasa has published so far, I should like to focus on two of his recent publications: Shintai no uchusei: toyd to seiyo (The Cosmic Nature of the Body: The East and the West, 1994) and Kyojisei no uchukan: jikan, seimei to shizen (The Synchronistic View of the Cosmos: Time, Life and Nature, 1995). Both of these works were written in search of an alternative paradigm of thinking that could overcome that of the contemporary period. Yuasa identifies four points which need to be addressed in tackling contemporary problems, and he wants to present them as sign-posts for future philosophical tasks.
(1) In his historical research on world mythology, a womb out of which philoso phy has emerged, Yuasa finds a pattern of thinking universal to humans, namely the pattern that the human and the cosmos are correlative with each other. Con temporary depth psychology concurs with this observation through its analysis of the symbolic image-experience appearing out of the psyche. While the East has inherited and nurtured the idea of the human-cosmos inter-resonance through its technical thinking on meditational cultivation, Yuasa discovers that the parallel idea in the West, as Christianity spread, disappeared out of mainstream philosophy and sank into an intellectual undercurrent. However, we need to investigate this correlative relationship between microcosm qua the human and macrocosm qua physical nature based on the concept of the body. (2) Through the examination of the East Asian view of nature, Yuasa has come to the conclusion that it can provide us with many suggestions and clues to think through the ecological crises which modern scientific technology has produced. That is, through its oppositional thinking between subject and object, today’s sci ence is confronted with the problem of how to discover nature as life phenomena,
and how to restore it. Yuasa develops this point by observing that the East Asian view holds nature to be a great body of life, and the human as a receptive being made to live within this nature together with the other living beings, while receiv ing nature’s activity. Nature conceals a holistic, synchronistic, and teleological activity for the human. This provides a possibility of understanding the relationship between nature and the human from a fresh perspective - one not based upon the modern principle of scientific (mechanical) causality. Here Yuasa proposes to un derstand time as a qualitative timing in attunement with the activity of nature that has bearing on the existential, ethical course of one’s life, and in contrast to the idea of time as a homogeneous, measurable dimensionality.
(3) Yuasa connects this idea of nature to a re-examination of human nature. He defines the human being as an integrated, inseparable mind-body unity, insofar as the human lives in this world, suggesting an overcoming of the mind-body dualism that modern philosophy has postulated. Yuasa bases his position on the concept of the body espoused by Eastern medicine. It has understood the human body from the viewpoint of ki-energy, which is an invisible psycho-physical energy, and it maintains that the human body functions as an open-system in communication with the environmental world (that is, nature) while the activity of ki-energy pen etrates the three dimensions of mind, body and matter (psychology, physiology, and physics), and originates in an area of activity unique to the living organism that can be intuitively observed through a cultivated awareness. In this connec tion, Yuasa also notes that the activity of ki-energy is in some way linked to the experience of the psyche which religious thought - both Eastern and Western - has long pursued. Accordingly, he concludes that the research in ki-energy opens up a way of going beyond the modern view of human nature. (For a more extensive discussion of ki-energy, see Yuasa Yasuo, The Body, Self-Cultivation and Ki-Energy, 1993.) (4) The last issues for our future philosophical task are the problems of death and eternity. Yuasa reminds us that the Western tradition, unlike the Eastern tradition, has persistently pursued this topic, beginning with the deaths of Socrates and Jesus. Plato had Socrates in his death chamber speak of the immortality of the soul and reincarnation, while teaching the recollection of eternal ideas as the foundation for philosophy. Christianity is founded upon the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. The deaths of both of these men, though occurring in conditions of disgrace insofar as the standard of worldly values is applied, have taught us the value of eternity. Yuasa notes that once we take the problem of death into our purview, the distinction between the body and the spirit will begin to take on a different mean ing. Given the undeniable fact of mind-body inseparability which is a feature of life in this world, it may appear that there is a contradiction here with the fact of death. Yet Yuasa calls to our attention that this sense of contradiction arises from the modern view of the human. The modern scientific view of the world has tended to deny the existence of a world after death, and what is left to the human is flesh and 528
material substance. Consequently, modern human beings have placed the funda mental value of life in the pursuit of the eternity of the flesh (in youth and sex) and material affluence. Modern medicine, coming from such a background, has exam ined the human only with respect to its somaticity, abandoning questions of death and mind (psyche). A questioning of this dualism has emerged, however, from reflection on the one-sidedness of this view. Now various issues relating to bioethics and research on near-death experiences are demanding reflection concerning death and eternity. This will, as Yuasa envisions, invite us to an investigation into religiosity, where I surmise mind-body inseparability will be scrutinized from a heightened awareness of subtle energy, persisting even after physical death. 5 Concluding remarks
In the foregoing, I have given a cursory presentation of the three most prominent contemporary Japanese thinkers, with a view to introducing the reader to how they conceive of overcoming the contemporary period, while at the same time providing a few features of Japanese philosophy to compare with certain aspects of Western philosophy. In so doing, I have touched upon: (1) an urgent need to think of a reconfiguration of knowledge by way of introducing Nakamura’s understanding of coenesthesia; (2) the nature of the (Japanese) understanding of interpersonal rela tionships vis-a-vis Sakabe’s skillful analysis of the Japanese language; and (3) the four areas of global philosophical concern, as Yuasa envisions them. These last are: (a) the commonality of understanding concerning the human’s relation to nature exemplified in mythology and today’s depth-psychology; (b) a proposal to under stand nature as a holistic, synchronistic, and teleological activity; (c) a view of the human being as an integrated, inseparable unity while living in this world, with kienergy activating the three domains of mind, body and matter; and (d) the problem of death, which leads into the investigation of religiosity. There are, of course, other views to be found among Japanese intellectuals con cerning the issue of overcoming the contemporary period. Some believe that the twenty-first century will belong to Asia, others think that scientific technology will permit us to solve the problems of the twentieth century, and still others hold the view that one-third of the world’s cultural and economic activity will center on the East in the next century. (See, for example, Nihonjin wa shisoshitaka [Have the Japanese Philosophized?, 1995] in which Yoshimoto Takaaki, Umehara Takeshi and Nakazawa Shinichi discuss the issue of overcoming the contemporary period.) Yet still others close their lips tightly on this issue. Whatever the future may hold, we will be welcoming in a few years the dawn of a new century, and we are now in a transitional period in which we must envision a new paradigm of knowledge valid for all of the peoples living on this planet. It is a time in which we must strive for a deeper understanding of what it means to be human, beyond ethnic/cultural differ ences, and incorporate a holistic understanding of the human, rather than persist in a one-sided emphasis on human rationality. In this global endeavor we need to transcend our national/ethnic karma for the sake of the countless generations yet to come. 529
Bibliography Nakamura Yujiro 1975: Kansei no kakusei [The Awakening of Sensibility] (Tokyo: Iwanami shoten). ------1977: Tetsugaku no genzai [Philosophy in the Present] (Tokyo: Iwanami shoten). ------ 1979: Kydtsukankakuron: chinokumikae no tameni [A Discourse on Sensus Communis: For the Sake of Recomposing Knowledge] (Tokyo: Iwanami shoten). ------1994: Gendai nojonenron [On Contemporary Passions] (Tokyo: Kodansha). Sakabe Megumi 1984: Risei nofuan [The Anxiety of Reason] (Tokyo: Keisosha). ------1985: Kamen no kaishakugaku [The Hermeneutics of the Mask] (Tokyo: Tokyo Daigaku shuppankai). ------ 1989a: Kagami no naka no Nihongo [The Japanese Language in the Mirror] (Tokyo: Chikumashobo). ------1989b: Perusona to shigaku [The Poetics of Persona] (Tokyo: Iwanami shoten). Yuasa Yasuo 1987: The Body: Toward an Eastern Mind-Body Theory (Albany: State University of New York Press). ------1993: The Body, Self-Cultivation and Ki-Energy (Albany: State University of New York Press). ------1994: Shintai no uchusei: toyd to seiyo [The Cosmic Nature of the Body: the East and the West] (Tokyo: Iwanami shoten). ------ 1995: Kyojisei no uchukan: jikan, seimei to shizen [The Synchronistic View of the Cos mos: Time, Life and Nature] (Kyoto: Jinmonshoin).
The contemporary Indian situation BINA GUPTA In order to appreciate the content and structure of this article, one must first distinguish between Indian philosophy, even in its modern form, and philosophy which is done by Indians. When a philosopher of Indian heritage writes on modern Western logic or on phenomenology, he/she is not doing Indian philosophy. Such philosophers have not been included in this essay. According to my understanding of the term, their work would be Indian philosophy only if these Western ideas have some impact on their study of Indian philosophy, or if they use Indian philosophical ideas to interpret Western philosophy, or if their work is aimed at preserving and/ or extending traditional Indian philosophical pursuits. Similarly, Indian philoso phy is not restricted to philosophy written by Indians; it includes philosophy written by anyone, regardless of national origin, who develops, interprets, or reinterprets the themes of classical Indian philosophy. There are many excellent Western scholars of Indian philosophy, such as Eric Frauwallner, Eliot Deutsch, Daniel Ingalls, and Karl Potter. However, because of the limitations of space, I have not discussed their work in this article. I have selected only contemporary philosophers of Indian heritage whose work coherently fits into a narrative account of recent developments in Indian philosophy that reflects the continuation and enrichment of the Indian tradition. In reviewing the works on Indian philosophy written in the past fifty or sixty years, one comes across divergent characterizations of Indian philosophy. A major ity of scholars perceive philosophy in India as essentially spiritual. This character ization of Indian thought has been widely accepted since the publication of Radhakrishnan’s Indian Philosophy and continues to be widely entertained today. P. T. Raju, for example, notes that “Indian philosophy is Atman-centric. Both the starting point and end of philosophy are the Atman” (Raju, 1982 p. 88). B. K. Matilal, by contrast, contends that “verification and rational procedure are as much part of Indian philosophical thinking as they are in western philosophical thinking” (Matilal, 1971, p. 11). And bearing such divergent characterizations in mind, Narayana Moorty concludes that “Indian philosophy is at the crossroads.... [T]he contemporary Indian philosopher ... has a choice. He can embrace the analytical and verificationist approach of the west... or can choose to rejuvenate the tradition of Indian philosophy....” (Moorty, 1982, pp. 260-72). Debabrata Sinha asks, [In the Indian philosopher’s] effort to move forward in the current of creative thinking in response to [the] contemporary philosophic situation, is he expected to forgo the
burden of traditional thinking? Or should he rather reinforce the strengths and foun dations of his thinking by creative appropriation of the on-coming movement of philosophic tradition? (Sinha, 1982, p. 277)
Let us briefly review, then, the important themes of the contemporary Indian philo sophical scene in order to assess the current status of Indian philosophy. Philosophy in contemporary India may be divided into two periods: that before and that after the achievement of India’s independence in 1947. To the first belong such well known figures as Aurobindo Ghosh, K. C. Bhattacharyya, Rabindranath Tagore, Mohandas K. Gandhi, S. Radhakrishnan, B. Seal, H. Haidar, R. D. Ranade, D. M. Datta, N. V. Banerjee, R. Das, and A. C. Mukherjee. Some of these figures were not professional philosophers, but educated, literate, action-oriented, public figures. Nevertheless, their ideas are of great significance even for academic philos ophy. The fact that Tagore, a poet and a non-academic figure, was elected as the President of the first Indian Philosophical Congress in 1925 testifies to the impor tance and impact of such figures in India. These figures, with the exception of R. Das and N. V. Banerjee, were idealist metaphysicians in that they believed that reality is spiritual. Their mode of thinking was influenced by Western philosophers such as Hegel, on the one hand, and Indian philosophers such as Samkara, on the other. In the second group, P. J. Chaudhury, K. D. Bhattacharyya, and A. S. Ayyub are most noteworthy. To a still younger generation belong M. Chatterjee, N. K. Devaraja, Daya Krishna, Bimal Matilal, J. N. Mohanty, Rajendra Prasad, and P. K. Sen. These philosophers, perhaps with the exception of Kalidas Bhattacharyya, were influenced by analytic philosophy, modern logic, phenomenology and/or Navya-Nyaya - the logical-epistemological school of Indian philosophy. It will not be possible to discuss all of these figures here. Instead, I will outline only the most significant contributions of a selected few of them on certain impor tant themes in four sections, dealing respectively with Epistemology and Logic, Metaphysics, Ethics, and Social and Political Philosophy, followed by some con cluding general remarks. I
In epistemology, issues such as the relationship between intuition and intellect, between knowledge and its object, and the distinction between knowledge by identity and by difference, preoccupy Indian thinkers. Aurobindo, for example, makes a distinction between knowledge by identity and separative knowledge that is, knowledge by difference. He contends that the direct, non-sensuous experi ence of reality is actually present in all of us - that is, we are all immediately aware of our own existence. This is knowledge by identity or what Aurobindo calls “intuition.” Separative knowledge, or knowledge by difference, is discursive. The distinction between the subject and the object is always present in it. Separative knowledge, though not perfect like intuitive knowledge, is not useless; it guides us toward integral knowledge - a synthesis of knowledge by identity and difference. Descent 532
from knowledge by identity to separative knowledge, and ascent back to knowledge by identity are both possible. This ascent is integral knowledge. It culminates in integral transformation - the unity of our being with Reality. Radhakrishnan, like Aurobindo, argues for the supremacy of intuition. Among the various forms of knowledge - for example, intellect, intuition, faith, or testimony of the scriptures intuition is the highest. Whereas intuition is integral experience, intellect is discur sive, involving a duality of subject and object. This does not mean, however, that intellect and intuition are discontinuous and separate. Nor does it imply that the passage from intellect to intuition involves a move from reason to unreason. This move implies a passage in the direction of the deepest content of rationality. Intuititive knowledge is not non-rational; rather it is non-conceptual. Thus the highest knowledge is attainable only via intuition. It is direct experience of reality (aparoksanubhuti). Whereas Aurobindo and Radhakrishnan make a case for considering knowledge by identity or intuition as the highest form of knowledge, K. C. Bhattacharyya, basing his argument upon the Jaina theory of “many-ended-ism” (anekantavada), demonstrates that neither the category of difference nor that of identity is by itself indispensable to philosophy. He argues for an alternation of the two. According to Jainism, in a given case the seven predicates (is, is not, is and is not, is indetermi nate, is and is indeterminate, is not and is indeterminate, is and is not and is indeterminate) may be asserted only relatively, but not absolutely. For K. C. Bhat tacharyya, the Jaina theory not only asserts a plurality of determinate truths, but also takes each truth to be an indetermination of alternative truths. By contrasting the definite and the indefinite, he deduces seven modes of truth. To claim that a determinate existent, an X, is in one respect and is not in another, does not point to their identity - that is, that X is X and is not Y; but rather asserts that X, as an existent universal, is different from itself as a particular. Accordingly, every mode of truth is at once a determinate truth and an indetermination of other possibilities or alternative modes of truth. There are “not merely many truths but alternative truths” (Gopinath Bhattacharyya, 1983b, p. 342). This logic of alternation finds further expression in the writings of Kalidas Bhat tacharyya, the son of K. C. Bhattacharyya. He articulates the central problem of epistemology in the question “How is knowledge of an object possible, since knowl edge and its object are inherently opposed to each other?” One may adopt either an outward objective attitude to apprehend an object or an inward subjective attitude to apprehend knowledge. If we assume a dialectical attitude, we have willing - that is, a dialectical unity of the two. These three alternative attitudes, again as with K. C. Bhattacharyya, lead to three alternative absolutes. In his later writings, Kalidas Bhattacharyya did not return to this thesis of alteration, but focused on the relation between pre-reflective experience and reflective, metaphysical thinking, seeking to preserve the autonomy of each. Younger philosophers in India today are trying to translate their thoughts into the language of modern Western epistemology and logic. The work of these Indian philosophers is primarily interpretive. In recent years, there has been a growth of interest in sabdapramana, which can be traced back to J. N. Mohanty’s 533
Presidential Address to the Indian Philosophical Congress in 1986, in which he presented a reconstructed theory of sabdapramana. In Gangesa’s Theory of Truth, Mohanty (1966) demonstrates that the theories of svatahpramanya and paratahpramanya are not really incompatible, because they operate on two different conceptions of knowledge and truth. He provides a kind of compatibilist view. Mohanty also interprets the two classical theories of anvitabhidanvada and abhihitdnvayavdda in terms of Frege’s composition and context principles: in the former the meaning of a sentence is composed of the meaning of the words; in the latter the meaning of a word depends on the meaning of the sentence. Mohanty’s work inspired Bimal Matilal and P. K. Sen to further examine the issue in an important paper in Mind (Matilal and Sen, 1988, pp. 73-97). The discussion culminated in Matilal and Chakrabarty’s edited epistemological work entitled Knowing from Words (1994). Additionally, some of these younger philosophers argue that formal logic can be conceived as a part of philosophy. Matilal’s The Navya-Nyaya Doctrine of Negation (1968) and Sibajiban’s Gadhadhar’s Theory of Objectivity (1990) are two excellent examples of this sort of enterprise. Employing a method that combines philology and philosophy, both attempt to render the Navya-Nyaya logic into the extensional language of modern Western logic.
In metaphysics, questions regarding the nature and relevance of the absolute, and the distinction between idealism and realism dominate the philosophical scene. There is a persistent tendency to either reject, reinterpret, or defend Samkara’s Absolute. An attempt is made to come to terms with questions such as: How can the transcendence of the Absolute be reconciled with its immanence? Or, in what sense, if any, can the Absolute be said to be the creator of the world? For example, recognizing matter and spirit as equally real, Aurobindo rejects Samkara’s non-dualism in favor of his own integral monism. Aurobindo holds that nature evolves on several levels because Brahman has already involved itself at each level. Evolution, on the other hand, is the inverse of involution; it is the unfolding of consciousness in matter, whereby the unmanifested becomes mani fest. Spirit’s prior involvement in matter and its manifestation in grades of con sciousness, is the significance of evolution. Evolution transforms ignorance into knowledge. There is an emergence of a gnostic being, of a completely divinized Spirit. For Aurobindo, unlike Samkara, maya is the real power of Brahman and possesses the characteristics of infinite self-variation, self-limitation, and self absorption. Thus supramental transformation does not mean a rejection of the world, but rather implies a gnostic personality that has realized that matter is also Brahman; it is a unique experience of oneness, of the many-in-one, of supramental consciousness. Whereas Aurobindo placed the many and the becoming in Brahman, the Abso lute, K. C. Bhattacharyya articulates the absolute as alternation. He makes con sciousness his point of departure - a consciousness which cannot be defined in 534
terms of either the objective or the subjective, because it transcends both. Such a transcendence is “indefinite,” the definite being the realm of the subject and the object. Philosophy, for him, is the natural activity of human beings. It begins in a state of reflective consciousness which contains an awareness of an indefinite rela tion between a content and consciousness. Reflection does not simply stop at this indefinite relation; there is a demand for it to be defined, that it be rendered definite depending upon whether consciousness is consciousness of knowing, or of willing, or of feeling. Accordingly, the relation between consciousness and its content var ies. In knowing, the content is not constituted by consciousness; in willing, it is constituted by consciousness; and in feeling there is a kind of unity between content and consciousness. When the dualism between content and consciousness is over come, each of these three functions of consciousness has its own formulation of the absolute. When the content is ultimately freed from consciousness in knowing, the absolute is truth, it simply is - the sort of formulation we find in Advaita Vedanta. When consciousness is freed from the willed content in willing, the Absolute is freedom - the type we find in Madhyamika Buddhism. When the impli cative dualism between content and consciousness is itself freed in feeling, the absolute is unity - the kind we find in Hegel. Thus we find in K. C. Bhattacharyya’s writings an absolute for knowing, an absolute for willing, and an absolute for feeling. To question whether there is one absolute or three is meaningless, he notes, because such a question arises only in the context of a known content. The absolute of knowing, insofar as it is self-evident, is not a known content. Similarly, the remaining two absolutes, given the absence of cognitive consciousness, cannot be characterized as known contents. “Each is an absolute ... but what are here un derstood as three are only their verbal symbols, they themselves being understood together, but not as together” (Gopinath Bhattacharyya, 1983a, p. 504). They are genuine absolutes in that from one perspective the question of their identity and difference is meaningless, while from another their identity, though meaningful, is not assertible. These three verbal symbols are incommensurable: a synthesis of the three is not possible. Kalidas Bhattacharyya, following the footsteps of his father, K. C. Bhatta charyya, develops the concept of alternation. Construing alternation as disjunc tion, the younger Bhattacharyya argues that one cannot decide between idealism and realism from a purely theoretical point of view. The decision depends on other kinds of commitments: the “object is that which is felt as over against consciousness.” In this statement, the “object is that” indicates the independent character of the object and “over against consciousness” indicates the dependence of the object on consciousness. The realists emphasize the first half of this expres sion and the idealists the second half. Hence the conclusion that there is necessarily an alternation between Idealism and Realism. “Which half one will prefer depends on temperament and tradition” (K. D. Bhattacharyya, 1951, p. 18). Alternation, according to Bhattacharyya, is not simply confined to the phenomenal world, where knowing, feeling, and willing are confused. Reflection demands subordina tion, rejection, and incorporation. Accordingly, alternation yields three possibili ties: pure subjectivity (absolute knowing), pure objectivity (absolute feeling), and a 535
synthesis of the two (absolute willing), each of which is absolute alternatively, not simultaneously. T. R. V. Murti, like K. C. and K. D. Bhattacharyya, argues that the relation between consciousness and object may be conceived in three possible ways, corre sponding to these three conscious functions. In knowing, content may determine consciousness; in willing, consciousness may determine content; and in feeling, both consciousness and content may determine each other. Although the three are confused in our everyday experience, it is possible to arrive progressively at pure knowing, pure willing, or pure feeling by purifying any one of the three from the influences of the other two. Pure knowing is absolute truth when freed from all subjectivity; pure willing is absolute freedom when freed from all objectivity; and pure feeling is absolute bliss when freed from all distinctions. Each absolute is incommensurable, in that the absolutes cannot be reduced to each other; they are alternative absolutes (Murti, 1983, p. 27). It is interesting to note that although all three of these philosophers make a case for three alternative absolutes, they relate these absolutes to the three conscious functions differently. Knowing, willing, and feeling, respectively lead to absolute subjectivity, objectivity, and unity, for K. C. Bhattacharyya; to absolute subjec tivity, unity, and objectivity, for K. D. Bhattacharyya; and to absolute objectivity, subjectivity, and unity, for Murti. N. V. Banerjee, by contrast, contends that any inquiry regarding the absolute is futile. The absolute does not, and should not, have a place in philosophy. Reality, as he sees it, is an existential, and not an evaluative, concept. Whereas it makes perfect sense to talk of distinctions, of kind as well as of degree, in the context of evaluative concepts, the concept of reality does not admit of any such distinctions. One can make a distinction between reality and unreality, but as contradictories they are exclusive of each other. So “the admission of kinds or else degrees of reality is, in either case, tantamount to the arbitrary elimination of the ineliminable rela tion of disjunction between reality and unreality” (Banerjee, 1974, p. 227). Hence he concludes that absolutism as a metaphysical theory is “a failure.” According to Banerjee, the most fundamental concept is “I with others,” so that he construes liberation as “the actualization of the transcendental ‘I with others.’ ”
In ethics, the distinction between fact and value, between the objective and the subjective, preoccupies the minds of Indian philosophers. Devaraja, for example, questions the dichotomy between factual and evaluative statements. Construing evaluative statements as preferential statements, rejecting the correspondence the ory of truth, and basing a statement’s truth or falsity on the subjective intention and purpose of the speaker, he attempts to demonstrate the parallels between factual and evaluative statements. Rajendra Prasad argues that ethics cannot be deduced from metaphysics. Construing philosophy as a “conceptual analysis,” Prasad does a conceptual study of moksa, in order to assess its “logical status ... visa-vis some other related Indian value-concepts” (Prasad, 1971, p. 381). He main 536
tains that “regardless of how one articulates moksa, it remains a factual or ontolog ical state ... and so it is a descriptive term” (Prasad, 1971, p. 390). Daya Krishna attacks the rejection of the notion of objectivity and observes that without it, “hu man seeking will not make sense in any realm whatsoever” (Krishna, 1972, p. 168), since the tension between the subjective and the objective motivates all human pursuits. “The necessity of resolution, however, is felt only because it is assumed that a pair of contradictories cannot characterise a real situation” (Krish na, 1972, p. 177). Daya Krishna extends this reasoning to the Hindu concept of moksa which, in his estimation, is a state of consciousness in which the “other” is either sublated or bracketed. Gandhi, on the other hand, argues that principles of ethics must be translated into actions, which result in our taking sides on concrete issues. These actions must be based on love and self-sacrifice. He finds some of his deepest convictions reflected in Ruskin’s Unto This Last, which he personally translated into Gujarati, entitling it Sarvodaya (The Welfare of All). Gandhi explicitly rejects the utilitarian doctrine of the pursuit of the greatest good for the greatest number. In cases of rule by majority, the interests of minorities are often neglected. Therefore, the only real, dignified ethical doctrine must be the pursuit of the greatest-good-of-all. Gandhi himself observes that the greatest-good-of-all includes the greatest good of the greatest number. His ethics, therefore, is far more comprehensive than any based on the utilitarian principle, although he never systematically develops the ramifications of his ethical theory.
In social and political philosophy, fundamental questions regarding the basis upon which political structures should be founded were raised by Indian thinkers. Tagore, for example, in his social and political philosophy rejects geographical patriotism, puritanism, asceticism, and absolutism. Taking his point of departure from the Upanisadic texts that reinforced the creation of the finite out of the infinite, Tagore contends that the finite is not illusory; it is real. He argues for an immanent God rather than a transcendent One: God is not beyond the universe, he claims, but is a synthesis of goodness, beauty, truth, and love. The ideal of universal brother hood permeates all of Tagore’s writings. He repeatedly emphasizes that the idea of a nation-state is Western in origin, whereas the idea of community is central to the Eastern mode of thinking. In his lectures in Japan, he urged the Japanese to go back to the fundamental notions of community or society, rather than glorifying the nation. The wisdom of this advice has been well borne out by subsequent history. Tagore concedes that each nation reaches its goal by a different path and the significance of that path must not be minimized. But, notwithstanding the fact that there are accidental differences between us, our education must instill in us a sense of our essential unity. Writing under the influence of Hegelian thought, Aurobindo Ghosh disagreed with Tagore. Aurobindo held that the idea of the state is historically a higher development which emerged out of the idea of society. What Aurobindo had in 537
mind was a world government which would supersede the nation-state. Contend ing that only through the attainment of inner freedom on the part of individuals was it possible for society to be saved, he made the spirit the basis of India’s struggle for freedom. To explore and realize the spiritual was, in his opinion, the calling of humanity. Spirituality, he adds, is not the monopoly of the Hindus, because “each nation is a Shakti or power of the evolving spirit in humanity” (Aurobindo, 1959, p. 3). The different nations approach and formulate this spirit differently. They do not recognize the underlying unity of this human spirit, but reinforce the differ ences. He describes the twentieth century as the “shadow of a spirit that is unborn” but which is “preparing for its birth.” A Spiritual religion of humanity is the hope of the future.... A religion of humanity means the growing realisation that there is a secret Spirit, a divine Reality, in which we are all one. (Aurobindo, 1971, p. 554)
His goal was the spiritualization of the entire human race, not merely of the souls of individuals, but of nations as well. The ideal of human unity envisaged by Tagore and Aurobindo was translated into practical politics by Mahatma Gandhi. He emphasized that India’s freedom would mean little if the people lost their souls in the process. The method used to achieve independence had to be such that it would take India and the world closer to the spiritual goal of humankind - the unity of individual with individual and Anally with all of humanity. Gandhi tried to find common themes between the mainstream of Western philosophy and the Hindu philosophicoreligious tradition upon which to ground and develop the process of satyagraha, “the truth-force,” a process which is comprised of three essential elements: satya (truth), ahimsa (non-violence), and tapasya (the willingness to endure suffering to demonstrate the truth of one’s principles). He advocated Ramrajya - government based on service, kindness, justice, and morality - as the foundation of the ideal state. By pointing out a close connection between swaraj (self-rule) and swadeshi (self-reliance), he demonstrated that the pursuit of swaraj entails the acceptance of swadeshi, that the former is logically and morally prior to the latter. The relation ship between swaraj and swadeshi corresponds to the relationship between satya and ahimsa. Satya is prior to ahimsa in theory; in practice, however, the pursuit of satya amounts to the practice of ahimsa. Similarly, swaraj is of a higher order from a theoretical perspective; however, in practice swadeshi has greater urgency and significance than swaraj. Gandhi endorsed a view (like Hannah Arendt’s) whereby “power corresponds to the human ability not just to act, but to act in concert” (Habermas, 1990, p. 174). Non-violence thus entails not only refraining from physical or psychological coercion of others but also listening to the views of others in an attitude of humility and openness. Satyagraha’s goal is an adjustment in the belief and opinion of all parties to a dialogue in which truth develops dialectically. Gandhi demonstrated the truth of the maxim that “if one would rule, he must first learn to serve” (I Ching,
17). His life exemplifies the willingness to live simply, so that others could simply live.
In conclusion, a review of Indian philosophy dispels the common characterization of it as spiritualistic. Philosophy in India is not simply a search for spirit, it is also a critical analysis (anviksiki) of the data provided by perception. This, however, is not to suggest, as Matilal argues, that verification and rational procedure are as much a part of the Indian tradition as they are in the West. According to the fundamental framework of the Indian tradition, logical and epistemological studies, though an integral part, are ancillary to the study and interpretation of scriptures. We live in a transitional era. No philosophy exists in vacuo; it neither originates nor develops without some undergirding context. Although shaped by culture, it has meaning and relevance beyond the given culture. British rule opened the door to Western philosophy. Thus it should come as no surprise that the younger gener ation of Indian philosophers use the conceptual apparatus of Western logic to explain and expound Indian philosophy. It is generally assumed that tradition is to be juxtaposed against, or exists in tension with, modernity. A review of the concrete situation suggests otherwise. Worse yet is the implicit assumption that the tradi tional is bad while that which is modern is laudable. A tradition is not something that is static and unchanging; it too evolves, grows, expands. Some traditions change naturally, some as a result of conscious effort by those who are its adher ents. Modernity, on the other hand, is not marked by a total rejection of the past; it implies an element of self-consciousness, of choice, of selection. One can begin to speak of modernity within a traditionalist context only when one becomes self consciously aware of one’s place in the tradition. Modernity implies assuming a critical spirit, becoming self-critically aware. One enters into a dialogue with the past, in which there is an active interaction between one’s own consciousness and the consciousness of one’s predecessors in the tradition. There does not seem to me to be an exclusive either-or choice between tradition and modernity. Likewise, for Indian philosophers, it is not a choice between “reju venating” the Indian philosophical tradition or embracing the analytical and/or phenomenological traditions of the West. It is not a matter of either wholesale acceptance or rejection of the past, but a reappraisal of the traditional to see what is viable in it. So the basic issue in the maintenance of a tradition, regardless of whether one is talking about the East or the West, is bringing out its creative potential to meet the demands of the time. In the Indian context, reinterpretation of the old keeps the tradition alive. Aurobindo and Radhakrishnan have rejected the Samkarite interpretation of the world as an appearance in favor of the world as real; there is an emphasis on the moksa of humankind rather than that of one individual person. Along with these, there is a reinterpretation of Indian philosophy using the philosophical tools, the conceptual apparatus of Western philosophy. If in the pro cess one becomes critically aware of new issues and themes within the Indian 539
tradition, there is nothing wrong in this - as long as one does not conflate the two traditions. Moving forward in an attitude of objective, critical understanding and making an assessment of one’s tradition using the tools of Western philosophy is to make the most profitable use of available resources. In the final analysis, one has to come to terms with what is personally philosophically challenging and rewarding. Creativity thrives in an atmosphere of freedom and openness. Dogmatic adherence to any tradition, whether indigenous or foreign, amounts to philosophic suicide. Bibliography Sri Aurobindo 1959: The Foundations ofIndian Culture, Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, ed. A. Ghosh, Vol. 14 (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram). ------1971: The Ideal of Human Unity, Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, ed. A. Ghosh, Vol. 15 (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram). Banerjee, N. V. 1974: The Spirit of Philosophy (New Delhi: Arnold-Heinemann Publishers). Bhattacharyya, K. C. 1983a: “The Concept of the Absolute and its Alternative Forms,” in Studies in Philosophy, ed. Gopinath Bhattacharyya (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass), pp. 487508. ------1983b: “The Jaina Theory of Anekanta,” in Studies in Philosophy, ed. Gopinath Bhatta charyya (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass), pp. 329—47. Bhattacharyya, K. D. 1951: Object and Content and Relation (Calcutta: Dasgupta). Bhattacharyya, S. 1990: Gadddhara’s Theory of Objectivity (New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research). Devaraja, N. K. 19 72: “Nature and Validity of Value Statements,” in Current Trends in Indian Philosophy, ed. K. S. Murty and K. R. Rao (Waitair: Andhra University Press), pp. 122-38. Gandhi, M. K. 1926: “The-Greatest-Good-of-all,” Young India, December 9. Habermas, J. 1990: Philosophical-Political Profiles, ed. F. G. Lawrence (Cambridge: MIT Press). Krishna, D. 1972: “Appearance and Reality,” Current Trends in Indian Philosophy, eds K. S. Murty and K. R. Rao (Waitair: Andhra University Press), pp. 122-38. Matilal, Bimal K. 19 71: Epistemology, Logic and Grammar in Indian Philosophical Analysis (The Hague: Mouton). Matilal, B. K. 1968: The Navya-Nyaya Doctrine of Negation (Cambridge: Harvard University Press). Matilal, Bimal K. and Chakrabarty, A. (eds) 1994: Knowing from Words (Dordrecht: Kluwer). Matilal, Bimal K. and Sen, P. K. 1988: “The Context Principle and Some Indian Theories of Meaning,” Mind, Jan., pp. 73-97. Mohanty, J. N. 1966: Gahgesa's Theory of Truth (Santiniketan: Center of Advanced Study in Philosophy). ------1974: “Philosophy in India, 1967-73,” Review of Metaphysics, 28, 1, pp. 54-84. Moorty, Narayana, J. S. R. L. 1982: “Indian Philosophy at the Crossroads,” in Indian Philos ophy: Past and Future, ed. S. S. Rama Rao Pappu and R. Puligandla (Delhi: Motilal Banar sidass), pp. 260-90. Murti, T. R. V. 1983: “Knowing, Feeling, and Willing as Functions of Consciousness,” in Studies in Indian Thought, ed. Harold G. Coward (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass), pp. 17-32. Prasad, Rajendra 1971: “The Concept of Moksa, ” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 31, pp. 381-93.
Raju, P. T. 1982: “The Western and the Indian Philosophical Traditions,” in Indian Philos ophy: Past and Future, eds S. S. Rama Rao Pappu and R. Puligandla (Delhi: Motilal Banar sidass), pp. 61-100. Sinha, Debabrata 1982: “Indian Philosophy at the Crossroads of Self-Understanding,” in Indian Philosophy: Past and Future, eds S. S. Rama Rao Pappu and R. Puligandla (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass), pp. 273-90.
Contemporary Polynesian thinking JOHN CHARLOT Many Polynesian cultures experienced a flowering in the early contact period, taking advantage of the new knowledge and technology and inspired by the open ing of a wider world. Through the nineteenth century, traditional and introduced elements were synthesized to produce distinctive cultural achievements, such as Hawaiian music and the elaboration of Maori wood sculpture made possible by the introduction of metal tools. This positive mood was, however, increasingly depressed by population decline, political and economic problems, and in places even the loss of the native language as the normal means of communication. Most important for our subject, many higher educational institutions were abandoned in favor of Western schooling. In Hawai'i, the temples with their schools were destroyed, and the new, centralized court - unlike the courts of old - did not function as an educational institution. Important efforts were made, however, to perpetuate the old learning. The Maori established an innovative inter-tribal educational center. Samoan Christian pas tors’ schools assumed many of the tasks of traditional instruction. Various crafts schools and arts academies continued to operate. Nevertheless, the decrease in higher speculation was especially harmful because Polynesians needed to solve the intellectual and emotional problems of contact. Western influences were indeed intensifying, but contrary to general expectation, the old culture was not disappearing under its impact. Polynesians became bicultural in most fields, such as religion, medicine, the arts, and education. The post-contact history of Polynesia is therefore potentially helpful in under standing the increasing multiculturalism of the contemporary world. We can see that cultures - even minority ones seemingly overwhelmed by larger cultures endure, not just superficially in costumes and folk customs, but down to the level of experience. Polynesians continued to have Polynesian experiences even when mis sionaries and others assured them they were imaginary. The gods continued to appear, prayers and curses continued to work, and native medicine still cured. In what mental framework could this bicultural situation be understood? The introduced views of the world - such as missionary Christianity - offered no satis factory explanation. Polynesians were therefore left to their own resources. The author of “A Story from 1890,” probably the great Orator Chief Lauaki Namulau'ulu, depicts the Samoan gods fighting among themselves and their wounded applying for help at the home of a Christian missionary. When he sees the horribly mutilated but still living gods at his door, he flees terrified. Disgusted, one
of the gods states, “'ana ua tonu ifo i luga matou te pide ia te 'oe po 'ua 'oti" (“Had it been ordained down from above that we should have power over you, you would die”). That is, both religions exist side-by-side in Samoa, but under a higher, unidentified power that regulates them both. Similarly, Tauanuu, the author of a late nine teenth-century text on Tangaloa’s extensive creation of the world, combined an astonishing number of Samoan traditions into an original scheme that continued the classical direction of Samoan cosmology while alluding to the confrontation with the foreign Bible. The highest Samoan speculation was thus perpetuated for another generation alongside Christian education. Many problems of the bicultural situation were both practical and crucial to survival, such as the development of forms and procedures of government that would be viable in the modern world. Samoan chiefs have coordinated the chiefly and democratic elements already present in their culture to construct polities that appear to be both effective and emotionally satisfying. In the 1830s, the Hawaiian ruling chiefs commissioned a missionary teacher to lecture to them on political economy or science; they then established a form of constitutional monarchy that, with amendments, enabled them to preserve Hawai'i’s sovereignty through most of the nineteenth century. The chiefs were following the classical method of discuss ing all possible historical models before choosing a course of action. However, the contemporary Hawaiian sovereignty movement appears to be carrying on its dis cussions in a historical vacuum with no conscious or affective ties to the polities of the past. More successfully, the Maori have been able to use their tribal identities as a powerful political base for regaining treaty rights. Moreover, their tribal system is being extended creatively to cover those who, through the dislocations of nineteenth-century history, have lost their original tribal roots. Faced with such problems of contact, Polynesians have steadfastly affirmed the value of their traditional culture and attempted to explain it to the upcoming generations and foreigners. Often, however, much of the richness and complexity of the older cultures has been lost. Simplistic criticisms of Western culture accom pany oversimplified descriptions of the native. Studies of religion identify “the four great gods of Polynesia”: Tu, Tane, Tangaloa, and Lono; but of these four, only Tangaloa is found in Western Polynesia! In Hawai'i, God, Man, and Nature are pictured as the points of a triangle in an attempt to do justice to the importance of the environment in Hawaiian thinking. But in classical thought, both gods and human beings were contained within the framework of sky and earth. In New Zealand, the classical culture is often simplified into a diminution of mana by gradations as it distances itself from its supposed source. This curiously Neoplatonist scheme cannot be found in classical Maori texts or in the early discus sions of foreigners. It seems, as do so many modern descriptions of Polynesian culture, to be a combination of half-remembered tradition and half-understood anthropology. In all such descriptions, however, can be appreciated the effort to articulate cultural values that are still deeply felt - such as the close relation to the en vironment, the importance of the family, and the positive appreciation of human capabilities - and to find a way to express them in the contemporary world. Because
classical Polynesian thinking is deeply religious, the forum for much of the modern discussion is Polynesian Christianity. Today, as during the contact period, the Polynesian response to Christianity can be described as covering a spectrum. At one extreme are those who reject Christianity totally. Some Maori religious leaders call for the abandonment of Chris tianity as a foreign, imperialist tool. The Hawaiian religious leader Sam Lono ordered applicants to his school to step on a crucifix - the same symbolic gesture employed in Tokugawa Japan. At the other extreme are Polynesians who attempt to abandon their Polynesian cultural heritage in order to conform completely to the Western form of Christianity with which they are familiar. For instance, one Hawaiian Christian church practic es a ceremony called 'oki 'ao 'ao (cutting off the [Hawaiian] side), a sort of spiritual lobotomy. Most Polynesians, however, can be found somewhere between these extremes, joining elements of their classical culture with elements of the new religion. They are aided in this process by the emphasis in Polynesian thought on similarities over differences - by the tendency to harmonize elements rather than oppose them to each other. Again a spectrum can be found, from those who conform to the current political-economic situation to those who want to use a native Christianity for liberation purposes, such as a new school of Tahitian Protestants. No generally accepted theology has been formulated that reconciles Christianity and native religions. Nonetheless, various accommodations, from syncretism to genuine synthesis, have been achieved and reveal much about Polynesian thinking and culture at particular historical moments. Most obviously, many traditional practices continue in baptized form. On one island in precontact times, a divination ceremony was conducted before important initiatives: a priest blessed a large rock, and a strong youth attempted to lift it. The local minister officiates at the ceremony today. Many burial practices and ceremonies to reconcile the soul of the recently deceased are maintained under such shallow Christian covering. Other developments are more conscious and intellectual and involve basic areas of Polynesian thinking. One of the most obvious areas of friction is the opposition between Christian monotheism and Polynesian polytheism. Missionaries de nounced the Polynesian gods as fictions, but Polynesians have continued to expe rience them as real and powerful. Indeed, gods are often deified ancestors with a long history of benevolent interaction with family members. Many Polynesians began to interpret these family gods according to the Christian idea of guardian angels. Moreover, the Biblical world with its acknowledged multitudes of spirits from poltergeists, to ghosts, to ranks of devils and angels (see, for example, I Corin thians 8:5; Philippians 2:6-11) - has more in common with the Polynesian world than with the secularized homelands of the missionaries. One of the most basic subjects of dialogue with Christianity is the Polynesians’ positive view of the universe and of the relation of human beings to it; this view is opposed to Christian ideas of our fallen nature and of heaven as our true home. Moreover, for classical Polynesians the universe was the ultimate reality to be studied and revered. Many Polynesian Christians have been able to join their 544
classical view to Christianity by emphasizing God the Father, the creator of the universe, rather than God the Son, the Savior Jesus Christ. They can thus empha size the goodness of God’s creation rather than the Fall that necessitated Salvation. The Polynesian emphasis on the positive in the universe is reflected in the same emphasis in their view of human nature: human beings are initially good and potentially powerful rather than basically evil and powerless to achieve their own salvation. An important consequence of this view has been developed by the Ha waiian theologian David Ka'upu (born 1934): the appreciation of cultural achieve ments, considered religious in themselves in the classical culture. Net-making, Ashing, farming, chanting, and dancing are filled with religious values and form an important part of ka Imi loa, the study of the universe in order better to love and appreciate it. Religion therefore permeates the whole of culture, and the activities of that culture are themselves a form of prayer. That is, just as God creates the natural world, human beings create the cultural one, and their creativity is another sign of their having been created in the image and likeness of God. Moreover, the cultural world should not be evaluated wholly in terms of the Fall, as a distraction or an estrangement from God, but should be seen as proclaiming His glory through the achievements of His creatures. The Polynesian emphasis on family, sexuality, and beauty is in accord with the above points; they are also areas in which Polynesian thinking can contribute to contemporary Christian teaching. Discussions of values are, of course, conducted in non-theological contexts as well. For instance, development projects almost inevitably raise questions of proper land use, which must ultimately be referred to one’s view of the universe and the place of human beings within it. Western environmentalism is often based on arguments from logic and from the broader, long-term self-interest of human be ings; it therefore lacks the emotional power to counter more focused selfish inter ests. In contrast, Polynesian thinking and literature are inspired by - and stimulate in turn - a deep emotional commitment to the land and to its care. Thus they can help non-Polynesians achieve the emotional restructuring needed for a successful reform of world environmental practices. In this area, ancient worldviews often prove more effective than post-Enlightenment Western thinking. In fact, the difference between Western and Polynesian thinking is often identi fied as the foundation of all cultural differences and frictions. Again, in these dis cussions the descriptions of each type of thinking are often oversimplified, one-dimensional, and even incorrect - for example, in the contrast of a linear Western mode of thinking with a circular Polynesian mode. One political activist even proposed recovering Hawaiian thinking by emptying her head of all traces of Western thinking! Nevertheless, Polynesians are directed by such discussions to a renewed study of their intellectual heritage, which involves a determined educa tional effort. Such an effort is in accord with classical Polynesian culture even if it clashes with the modern stereotype of the unthinking native, based on the difficul ties Polynesian students have had in Western schools. In some places, such as Hawai'i and New Zealand, this educational effort must begin at the basic level of language recovery. The Maori kohanga reo (language nests) - and the Hawaiian piinana leo based on them - start their students at a
sufficiently early age that the native language will be their mother tongue. For places like Samoa and Tonga, where language knowledge is stronger, training must still be offered in correct, polite, and classical usage. For most Polynesians, if not for most Western academics, knowledge of the language is a prerequisite for any authentic knowledge of the culture and ways of thinking. Language must not, however, become a veneer for Western thinking. The student must also be familiar with the riches of the literary tradition. Thus language and literature are taught inseparably in Samoa; and through the nine teenth century, Hawaiian writers constantly stressed the need to record and teach the classical literature as the main communicator of their cultural ideals: love of the land, respect for chiefs, pride in accomplishments, piety, and hospitality. Without such a background, youngsters were beginning to talk and even to think like foreigners. Unfortunately, opportunities to study Polynesian literature acade mically are rare, and the creation of appropriate courses and the development of faculty to teach them are urgent tasks. Finally, renewed appreciation of Polynesian culture must be coordinated with knowledge of world cultures, just as the Polynesians of the early contact period found their islands on the map. This coordination is often done superficially, with slogans and slaps. But the task itself is mentally and emotionally important; it is a task imposed on everyone in this multicultural world. One who addresses the problem of cultural understanding at its deepest level is the modern Tongan educator Futa Helu (born 1934). In his view, our contem porary world is the result of millennia of increasing and intensifying intercultural contact, the problems of which have been felt more keenly than the opportunities for greater knowledge and communication. Education and the arts are the means to seize those opportunities and need, therefore, to be developed for their multi cultural purpose. At the 'Atenisi (Athens) Institute, which he founded, Helu has been a pioneer in the academic study of Tongan literature and in its incorporation into the curriculum. His curriculum includes also Greek and Latin, so that students can compare, in the original languages, Western and Tongan classics. In his view, true education must be based on the classics, and the classics of all cultures are mutually reinforcing. Moreover, as does any learned Polynesian, he realizes that the classics must be studied in their original languages. Similarly, in the 1830s, an experimental course in Greek was taught at the only high school in Hawai'i in order to equip the students for Bible translation, but also to train their minds. That is, they would be taught Western thought from its very roots rather than superficially. The best Polynesian thinkers clearly have a good comprehension of and much respect for Western culture and thinking. Their continued appreciation of their native heritage as more than folklore or an inducement to nostalgia invites the foreign thinker to treat Polynesian intellectual culture with equal respect; to con sider Polynesian thinkers, not objects of ethnographic investigation, but peers in the worldwide quest for knowledge and understanding. Indeed classical Polynesian literature - like that of Japanese Shinto - can take us back to the youth of human thinking, when ideas like the mating of sky and earth were fresh and inspired intense reflection. We can observe how those ideas work in
people’s lives rather than having to excavate them imaginatively from artifacts and texts. Moreover, seeing how those ideas enable people to confront modern problems and devise novel solutions, we can retrace the long history of our Western thinking back to its foundations, gaining some further perspective on our own intellectual stage. Perhaps we will find - as Polynesians have - that our ancestral ideas can help us understand ourselves and our place in the world and rejoin much that has been alienated. Classical Polynesian thinking has not lost its connection to the primary sense of awe and wonder that inspires its vision of life as an appreciative quest for understanding. Polynesian culture is the creative response to the discoveries of that life-long search.
43 Current trends and perspectives in African philosophy SEGUN GBADEGESIN
In the last four decades, there has been a lively debate regarding the nature and status of African philosophy. While some Western-trained African philosophers maintained that African philosophy is just in the making, and that it can only emerge out of the current works of professional philosophers, others insisted that it has always been with us. This debate engaged the attention of philosophers for such a long time that it appeared there can be no substantive African philosophy beyond the debate on its nature. But there has been a change of focus in the last few years. My interest in what follows is to discuss the contemporary situation as revealed in research publications on substantive issues. I hope to show through a few snapshots of current research that despite the controversy, much has been done on substantive African philosophy. The reality of African philosophy: Levy-Bruhl’s challenge
It is common knowledge that ancient Egyptians engaged in serious philosophical discourse, preserved in hieroglyphic writings and now available in modern English translations. As we all know, however, in pre-colonical sub-saharan Africa there was no well recognized tradition of writing. Although some forms of writing existed (for example, among the Yoruba and Akan people of West Africa), these were not generalized, and were mostly used to convey information of a practical nature rather than to preserve discussions on the fundamental questions of meaning and existence. Of course, there was a tradition of oral discourse, and it has not been doubted that the sages of the various communities held rational philosophical discussions. The question is “how do we know?” For whatever those wise persons thought and discussed orally among themselves, or in individual meditations, were largely un known to us. We now have access to only their central points of agreement, which may have been distorted in their transmission from one generation to another. Furthermore, we are also not in a position to know the points of disagreement among these sages, and it is hard for a tradition of philosophy to be sustained in
such situation. This is one basic issue in the controversy: though philosophy with out writing is possible, a tradition of philosophical discourse cannot be established without writing. From this, the argument concludes that there could not have been African philosophy prior to the beginning of the development of a writing tradition. At the same time, the critics concede that there may have been African philoso phers. This insistence on the notion of a strict written philosophy or nothing then leads us to the conclusion that there might have been African philosophers but no African philosophy. The position of professional philosophers on what is or is not to count as philos ophy had a historical basis in the earliest anthropological studies of African thought systems which had characterized African thought as primitive and nonphilosophical. In 1923, Levy-Bruhl published his Primitive Mentality as a report of research on African thought systems which, in his view, were pre-scientific and pre-logical, ignorant of the principles of non-contradiction, identity, and excluded middle. There is, according to Levy-Bruhl, a difference in kind between the African mind and European mentality. Though he later abandoned this position in his Notebook on Primitive Mentality published posthumously in 1975, the controversy it generated has had a great impact on discussions in and about African philoso phy. Before Levy-Bruhl, some anthropologists had based the difference (between African and European thought) on philosophical orientations. Tylor, for instance, had argued that scholars should explain “primitive” thought by appeal to their distinctive theoretical presuppositions, since human nature, according to him, was the same everywhere. Levy-Bruhl apparently rejected this position. For him, if there was such a thing as the African theoretical presupposition, it was different from the European’s and it did not belong to any category of rational thought. It was prerational. The wedge thus driven between European and African mentality had the effect of putting Africans on the defensive. In their response to this situation, the works of a new generation of Western anthropologists and theologians supported and inspired them.
Placide Tempels’s response One member of this new generation was Father Placide Tempels, a Belgian theolo gian whose work, Bantu Philosophy, provided another landmark in the history of African philosophy. Tempels’s work is significant for the history of African philos ophy because it was the first attempt to apply the term “philosophy” to an African thought system. Tempels undertook an interpretation of Bantu beliefs and values with the objective of showing that Africans have a systematic philosophy. The result is an elaborate exposition of the worldview of the Bantu people as a philo sophical system. According to Tempels’s exposition of this philosophy, what is known as being in Western philosophy is understood as force in Bantu philosophy. Being is force. However, force is not an accident; it is more even than a necessary accident, it is the very essence of being.... Our notion of being is “that which is"; theirs is “the force that is." Where we
think the concept “to be,” they make use of the concept “force.” Where we see concrete beings, they see concrete forces. Where we would say that beings are distinguished by their essence or nature, Bantus would say that forces differ by their essence or nature.
Tempels thus attempted to rescue African thought from the Levy-Bruhlian axe by forcing on it an invented discourse of alterity. Tempels’s efforts inspired some African scholars and provided them with the ammunition to counter what they believed to be a racially motivated devaluation of their culture and thought system. In this group were the negritude theorists, including the poet-statesman, Leopold Senghor. Although they took issue with some specific details in Tempels’s assumptions, they built on the foundation he had laid, and took over some of his main conceptual categories, including the attribu tion of philosophy to a whole people. This latter position, that philosophy could be attributed to whole peoples, was to be rigorously defended by a professional philos opher and pro-Tempelsian, Alexis Kagame. However, while some African philosophers took a cue from Tempels’s initiative and directed their efforts toward building on it, many leading professionals rejected this attempt as unphilosophical. Thus attempts to construct a philosophy out of the collective worldview of a people, such as that by Tempels, have been described as ethnophilosophy by Paulin Hountondji, the Beninese philosopher whose African Philosophy: Myth and Reality has become a classic of African neo-positivists. Peter Bodunrin’s “The Question of African Philosophy” and Odera Oruka’s “Fundamen tal Principles in the Question of African Philosophy” belong to the same class. The distinctive feature of ethnophilosophy, they hold, is that we come to know it as a collective possession of a group. As collective thought, it can hardly pass as philos ophy because, on this view, philosophy is necessarily individualized thought. Sec ond, since such a group thought does not exist in written form, it cannot qualify as philosophy because, for Hountondji, philosophy necessarily exists in written texts. Bodunrin supports this view while Oruka rejects it. The latter has since undertaken to investigate the philosophical ideas of indigenous Africans who are not literate in Western scripts.
African philosophers and the critique of ethnophilosophy As observed above, there are two main objections to ethnophilosophy: first, that in looking for philosophy in the communalized thought of a people, it is based on an assumption of the unanimity of views, and therefore is not philosophy: second, that its object exists in an unwritten form, which therefore cannot serve as a basis for developing a philosophical tradition. Some African philosophers have expressed doubt about the import of these objections. A major problem is that it is not clear whether the objection to “ethnophilosophy” is that it focuses on “communal” thought, or that it has not engaged in critical analysis of “communal” thought as its object of focus. One gets the impression that “communal” thought, simply in 550
virtue of its being “communal” cannot be philosophy. Yet it is not self-evident that philosophy is (or ought to be) an individualistic activity, except that it appears to have been so at some point in some space. A more effective critique of “ethnophilos ophy” must focus on its orientation as a descriptive account of a people’s worldview instead of as a critical analysis of such views. The second objection raised against the idea of a traditional African philosophy is the absence of written texts. Critics argue that there can be no philosophical tradition without a tradition of writing. This is, of course, true. But it does not then follow that people cannot engage in philosophical discourse without writing. Indeed, as Kwasi Wiredu has rightly observed, writing cannot be a pre condition for philosophy because we have to think a thought before it is written down (1991, pp. 94-5). So there could have been philosophical reflections, and thus philosophers, in traditional African societies. The problem raised here is how to identify them, and it seems to me that this is no longer an insurmountable problem in view of the development of such new approaches as philosophic sagac ity. Besides, the results of such reflections are contained in the “books of life” in various societies. The challenge posed by anthropologists and the response of African philosophers have led to the heightening of interest in substantive African philosophy (as op posed to meta-African philosophy) and to the development of some identifiable trends and perspectives. I would like to identify and discuss four such perspectives: critical cultural philosophy, sage philosophy, political-ideological philosophy, and critical philosophy of Africa.
Critical cultural philosophy
In recent times, a good number of African philosophers have turned their attention from the debate over method to the investigation of concepts in traditional African philosophy. The underlying motive for this school is that philosophy is critical reflection on fundamental issues, and that such issues exist in all cultures, includ ing the traditional cultures of Africa. This should therefore inspire a program of research for academic philosophy in Africa. As Kwasi Wiredu puts it, “the agenda for contemporary African philosophy must include the critical and reconstructive treatment of the oral tradition and the exploitation of the literary and scientific resources of the modern world in pursuit of a synthesis” (1992, p. 35). Wiredu believes that since modern African culture has been produced from an interplay between the traditional, the Christian, and Islamic ideas, and the impact of science and modernization, a philosophical approach which takes “cognizance of all these strands of the African experience” should yield a modern African philosophy that should be rich in its variety and vital in its relevance to contemporary experience (1992, p. 36). Wiredu himself has been in the forefront of this effort to fashion a tradition of modern African philosophy through a critical and reconstructive treatment of the oral tradition. Thus in several papers he has made path-breaking efforts to recon struct the Akan philosophical worldview. Wiredu recognizes the weaknesses of an 551
oral tradition of philosophy: the tendency for it not to develop a sustained and readily accessible exposition of speculative thought; the relative absence of diverg ing schools of thought, and the brevity and sparseness of the thought forms as opposed to the elaborate explanation and analyses found in written philosophy. Yet this does not mean that oral philosophy is therefore bound to indulge in superfici ality. There are deep and profound thought forms in traditional philosophy, if only we have the patience to explore it and understand it. In his “African Philosophical Tradition,” Wiredu (1992) explores two themes in Akan traditional philosophy: the concept of God and the concept of a person. Wiredu argues that the idea of God as a supreme being is not commonly held among the Akans - that the Akan God is omnipotent only in the qualified sense that he can accomplish any well defined task. For instance, it is not possible for the Akan God to reverse the lawlikeness of phenomena that defines the cosmic order as we know it. This is illustrated with the example of the message of the talking drum: the creator created death and death killed him. The Akan sense of the universality of law and its indefeasibility is so strong that they view the process of creation itself, not as the outcome of a motivated decision-making by the supreme being, but as the necessary result of his nature. To illustrate this point, Wiredu turns again to an Akan metaphysical drum text: Who gave the word Who gave the word Who gave the word Who gave the word to Hearing For Hearing to have told the Spider For the Spider to have told the Creator For the Creator to have created things? (1992, p. 42)
The interpretation of this is that, not only must we not look for reasons beyond the creator for creation, but also we must not look for God’s reasons for creation, for there can be no such reasons. To ask for a reason for God’s creative activity is to open a chain of reasons that cannot possibly end. The Akan concept of creation also differs from the Judeo-Christian concept in the sense that, for the Akan, creation is a demiurgic fashioning of order from pre-existing stuff rather than creation out of nothing. This, incidentally, is the Yoruba concept of creation too. An Akan riddle provides the argument for this conception. Likening the supreme being to a bag worm, “the question is raised as to how the bagworm got into its case. Did it weave it before getting into it or did it get into it before weaving it?” If the former, then there was no bagworm, because a bagworm does not exist without a bag. But if the latter, then the bagworm would have to get into a non-existent bag. Therefore, God’s creation can only have been a process of transformation and to explain it is to explicate the internal structure of the universe. Suppose we now raise the question of whether the Akan are capable of thinking in this way. The answer must be “yes,” because the illustrations interpreted here come from the Akan traditional concep tual system.
From his reconstruction of the Akan conception of existence and creation, Wiredu further argues that the distinctions between the spiritual and the material, the natural and the supernatural, do not exist in Akan philosophy. This is because, according to him, the Akan view reality as one, and though they give explanations that refer to the causal agency of ancestors and a variety of other extra-human beings and forces, this is not supernatural explanation. They rely on the principle of sufficient reason and therefore they And it natural to “seek the explanation for a given phenomenon apparently inexplicable in terms of the factors of one part of the world from another regular part” (1992, p. 46). But while Wiredu argues for a monist position regarding traditional Akan ontology, Kwame Gyekye, another Akan philosopher, argues for a dualist position. For Gyekye, the Akan affirm a belief in a supernatural realm and their causal explanations refer to this realm (Gyekye, 1987). I have also argued that the reference to the absence of a spiritual material distinction or nature/supernature distinction may not be a correct interpretation of the traditional philosophers ’ position (Gbadegesin, 1991). Wiredu argues for monism because he finds Cartesian dualism to be incoherent. For, according to him, the idea of a spiritual or mental existence without a spatial location is incoherent. At the same time, he concedes that traditional thinkers do not accept the view that human laws of motion can control ancestors and extra human beings or that they can be perceived by the senses. But this is all that is meant by referring to such forces as supernatural. A supernatural power is one that exceeds the normal or natural capability of human beings. Busia’s claim that there is an apparent absence of a conceptual cleavage between the natural and the supernatural in the conceptual scheme of the people, which supports Wiredu, is meant to suggest that: (1) the people understand that, if everyone had the knowl edge of the web of nature that the medicine person has, they could prepare similar charms and get similar results; and (2) the results thus derived are still understood to belie the known laws of nature and are, to that extent, supernatural (Busia, 1962, p. 36). There is, therefore, no sharp demarcation, no unbridgeable gulf between the natural and the supernatural in the thought system. However, to infer from this that there is no belief in a supernatural realm seems to me to miss the point. Critical cultural philosophy has also focused on the very important topic of African concepts of personhood. With respect to traditional Yoruba philosophy, I have argued that the concept of person, eniyan, has a dual meaning: normative and descriptive, the former being the more important of the two because it determines the foundation of the community. Descriptively, a person is made up of body, called ara, a life principle, called emi, the locus of thought, called okan, and a personality principle, called ori. As the active element of life, emi is a spiritual component common to all human beings. Unlike emi, okan has a dual status. It is the name of a physical organ responsible for blood circulation. It is also the name for the seat of thought, and thus the equivalent of the English concept of mind. Ori is also con strued in two senses: as the physical head, and as the spiritual bearer of a person’s destiny. “Destiny” refers to the preordained portion of life, believed to be chosen in the primordial existence and, to a large extent, responsible for the general course of
a person’s life. The concept raises a number of philosophical problems, of course, but the most serious of these is the question of the extent to which destiny can be said to be chosen. On one account, individuals choose their destiny but the choice is blind and uninformed, since one is wholly ignorant of what is included in the portion. (Can one be said to make a choice of X without knowing anything about X?) Furthermore, since destiny imposes a personality on one, and since one needs a personality in order to make choices, how can one choose one’s destiny prior to having a personality? With regard to the normative concept of eniyan, it is not unusual, referring to a human being, for an observer to say “Ki i se eniyan" (he/she is not an eniyan), meaning that, with regard to moral standing, he/she falls short of what it takes to be a person. The observer’s point is that this individual is either an eniyan lasan (a good-for-nothing being) or eniyan bee bee (a human being in name only) or omolangidi eniyan (a mere bone and flesh). On the other hand, a human being described as a person is eniyan gidi (a genuine eniyan) or omoluabi (an offspring of iwa). This last description is what ties up the Yoruba concept of person with its moral require ment. A genuine eniyan is an offspring of iwa, and iwa, in this context, means character; thus the offspring of iwa is the offspring of character, or simply, a being of good character. From the foregoing, it would appear that personhood is an achievement: it is something achieved over and above the given status of being a human being with flesh, bones, and divine breath. A docile life is therefore discouraged, because it is not the path to achieving personhood status. One has to be an achiever in moral behavior, in contributions to the community and in living a productive life - a life of work, service and commitment to a regeneration of the ancestral spirits through offspring. An omoluabi eniyan is one who is steadfast in moral behavior. However, there are no rigid rules of morality and, contrary to some interpretations, the Yoruba moral universe is not grounded on religion. The omoluabi eniyan is expected to contribute to the development of the commu nity. This is in virtue of the fact that it is the community that grounds his/her existence. Personal existence is appreciated, but it is not severed from social exist ence. Destiny is the meaning of a person, the purpose for which an individual exists. However, though this is a personal purpose, realizable through the individual’s will to achieve, it cannot be separated from the communal reality of existence. Here is the limit of individualism. The purpose of individual existence is intricately linked with the purpose of social existence, and cannot be adequately grasped outside of that existence. Therefore, while the concept of destiny confirms the individual’s personality, it also joins it to the community, and individuality and community are intertwined. Personhood, then, takes on its full meaning by appeal to destiny and community. Nurtured by the community, the individual cannot achieve, outside of it. Destiny itself is a community concept. It is the combination of destiny, character, and community that make a genuine person. The “I” is just a “we” from another perspective. And by simple logic, individuals whose existence is dependent upon the community are expected in turn to contribute their own quota to the continued existence of the community which nurtures them. The crown of personal life is to 554
bear fruits (to have offspring - this is also a community requirement); the crown of communal life is to be useful to the community. Therefore, one must be committed to the pursuit of social ideals. The question “Kini o wajun?" (What is your life for?) is posed when a person is judged inadequate in respect to their communal obliga tions. An omoluabi eniyan can develop to his/her fullest capacity, then, only by full membership in the life of the group. Critical cultural philosophy recognizes the fact that the philosophy embodied in communal oral tradition is practical. Thought here is at the service of practice and there is limited attention paid to the niceties of argument and analysis. The point worth emphasizing is that the views, arguments and analyses of indigenous philos ophers are taken to have instrumental value only, for the benefit of their communi ty. The emphasis is on wisdom for communal survival, not for the boosting of an individual’s ego. This is not to suggest that indigenous philosophers cannot be critical and analytical. Thus in recent times there have been remarkable efforts to identify individual philosophical sages, in order to demonstrate that individualized philosophical activity is not foreign to Africa. This is the preoccupation of the school of sage philosophy. Sage philosophy
Odera Oruka, a Kenyan philosopher, is the founder of the school of sage philosophy. His major objective is “to introduce the issue of research about the sagacious and philosophical thinking of the indigenous native Africans whose lives are rooted in the cultural milieu of traditional Africa” (Oruka, 1990, p. xv). He distinguishes his approach from that of ethnophilosophy, which he accuses of assuming that “tradi tional Africa is a place of philosophical unanimity allowing no room whatsoever for a Socrates or Descartes” (1990, p. xv). He also distances himself from the position of his fellow professional philosophers who insist on writing as a precondition for philosophy. Finally, he disagrees with the view that philosophy is only “Greek” or “European.” Sage philosophy is based on the belief that there are traditional philo sophical sages with independent and critically arrived at knowledge of fundamen tal moral and metaphysical questions which are of assistance to the folk. It can also serve as a raw material for technical philosophical reflections. Since folk philoso phy, which is the basic raw data for the philosophical sage is, in its own right, a reflection of the lived experiences of the folk, it follows that technical philosophy is second order in a double sense. First, it is the critical reflection of the professional philosopher on the reflections of the philosophical sage. Second, since the philo sophical sage is also reflecting on the reflections of the folk sage, technical philoso phy is indirectly a critical reflection on the folk sage’s reflection on live experience. “A person is a sage in the philosophical sense only to the extent that he is concerned with the fundamental ethical and empirical issues and questions relevant to the society and his ability to offer insightful solution to some of those issues” (1990, p. xviii). The essential difference between sage philosophy and critical cultural philos ophy is that the former deliberately looks for individual sages whose views diverge from one another and from the communal view, and then shows this as an example 555
of genuine philosophical thinking. Critical cultural philosophy, on the other hand, focuses on the conceptual scheme of Africans and attempts its critical reconstruc tion. Of course, some sages also express traditional cultural views. Oruka rejects what he calls “culture philosophy” which consists of the beliefs, practices, myths, taboos, and general values of a people, which govern their every day life and are usually expressed and stored in the oral vocabulary of the people (1990, p. xviii). Yet he considers it raw material for sage philosophy. Thus philosophical sagacity antedates ethnophilosophy but is second order to culture philosophy. This assumes that culture philosophy is also not a critical reflection on people’s experience. On this, I think he is wrong. Culture philosophy is also a product of reflection on experience. Oruka himself defines philosophy as “a human reflection on life, nature and on what there is and what could be” and argues that such “a reflection takes place in every human society” (1990, p. xxv). In Africa, culture philosophy is the product of such reflection and the fact that it is not identified with specific individuals should not negate its philosophical status. Oruka also recognizes that “there can be many ways to [do] philosophy. Some employ stories, poetry or oracle to philosophize” (1990, p. xxv). If so, then the traditional sacred tales, proverbs, and poetry should be recognized as means of philosophizing and it is inconsistent to deny this while approving as philosophy the “oracular epigrams, epic poems and story telling of Heraclitus and Parmenides.” It appears that Oruka’s only quarrel with critical cultural philosophy is that the latter takes seriously the philosophical contents of language, poems, stories, and other thought forms in African conceptual systems and tries to critically reconstruct and explicate them. To Oruka, this is unacceptable because philosophy cannot be communal; it has to be an individual enterprise. The problem with this is that it takes a given paradigm of philosophy as a divine model to which every sample must conform. Sage philosophy has a positive contribution to make. As “the expressed thoughts of wise men and women in a given community,” it is a means of identifying individualized forms of philosophy along with their authors. This may then be presented by the professional philosopher in a form that is accessible to others for further explication and reconstruction. This will contribute to the furtherance of an African philosophical tradition. It is in this spirit that one can understand the examples of sagacious reasoning presented by Oruka, three of which are given here: Mzee Oruka Ranginya reasons that “God has no likeness of a man. God is like air or wind.... He can be anywhere.... God is the idea of goodness or power that man wishes or seeks to attain.” Nyaga Wa Mauch thinks that “God is not part of man or nature. It is mystery and man cannot know the exact nature of this mystery.”
Njeru Wa Kanyenge remarks that “Religion is witchcraft. I do not pray to God nor do I consult witchdoctors. Both religion and witchcraft are bluffs. They have no truth in them.” (Oruka, 1990, pp. 32-4)
There is, of course, a problem regarding the methodology for identifying genuine philosophical sages. It seems that the criterion is the ability and willingness of a sage to criticize the belief system of his or her people. But this rests on the implied assumption that the cultural beliefs of the people must be defective. Yet a sage can provide philosophical justification for the belief of his or her people; and, of course, the question of what constitutes a philosophical justification has to be addressed. We have to avoid the temptation to beg that question. To determine that popular wisdom is wrong or inadequate, we have to appeal to an acceptable criterion of adequacy. It cannot be simply dismissed because it is popular or common. For folk wisdom can also arise from didactic wisdom. Thus I once had a conversation with a traditional priest of Ifa who was determined to defend the common cultural belief of the Yoruba that work is noble and a cure for poverty. I suggested to him the idea that work is a curse, following the Biblical story of the Fall of Humanity. This man paused for a while and then said to me, “You really believe that? But does the Bible not tell you that God worked for six days and rested on the seventh? Did God cause God, then?” My point is that we must not start with the assumption that a cultural worldview does not arise from serious reasoning. Sage philosophy starts with individuals, considered to be wise, because of their philosophical critique of cultural beliefs, which are themselves considered to be unphilosophical. Yet it moves on to totalize the responses as a belief system. This means that, in the final analysis, sage philos ophy comes back to the idea of cultural philosophy. Oruka puts it thus: given the method for a research into sage philosophy, we should be capable of totaliz ing what the belief system of the community is, because some of the sages we inter viewed begin by stating or assuming the given beliefs of their people. We should also be able to design the common views and beliefs on the various cultural topics dis cussed by the sages. (1990, p. 57)
Of course, the answers adopted by Oruka to the various questions posed to the sages are “a summary of the views common to the informants.” We have, then, come back full circle to cultural philosophy. It cannot be otherwise. Indeed, the reference to the “philosophical sage” as an “informant” is instructive. In a footnote, Oruka makes a point that seems to me to undermine the project of sage philosophy: “Since these findings are a summary of the common points made by the informants, they are not to be treated as ideas of individual sages, but as the beliefs of the community as revealed by the various sayings of its sages” (1990, p. 58). So much, then, for the myth of individualized philosophy. Contemporary African political philosophy Contemporary African philosophical thought has a rich resource in the works of political thinkers who have confronted the heritage of servitude and dependency with their incisive analysis and critique of racism, colonialism, and neo colonialism. But they have not been spared by critics. Bodunrin has argued that
these political thinkers are guilty of romanticizing the African past and that they do not provide rigorous analyses of their positions. Comparing them with Locke, Rousseau, and Mill, he finds them wanting. There is a problem with such com parison. African political thinkers confronted a different kind of experience than did Western political thinkers, and consequently their proposed solutions had to be different. We find hardly any of the classical political thinkers addressing problems relevant to Africa. Take the question of ethnicity in the wake of colonization, for instance, or the question of development, or of military rule. When they do discuss some issues that affect Africa, as Mill does regarding colonialism, it is to defend the status quo through rationalization. Thus even while a liberal like Mill argues for liberty, he contends that it is not to be extended to those who “cannot govern themselves.” That, of course, was during the era of colonization. African political thinkers blazed the trail of independent thinking, the kind that Oruka is looking for, and it is not clear why they should be devalued. Kwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyerere, Obafemi Awolowo, Sekou Toure, Leopold Senghor, Nnamdi Azikwe, Amilcar Ca bral, and Frantz Fanon, in various ways, passed on a heritage of political phi losophizing that should serve as a basis for the development of a tradition. Second, the idea that they do not develop rigorous analyses cannot be a ground for denying their philosophical status. After all, rigor is a matter of degree, and whatever problems they have can be pointed out in further studies. This is how a tradition of philosophy develops. Dismissing their writings as non-philosophy because they are not rigorous works does not help the cause of contemporary African phi losophy. It is in this spirit that I discussed Nyerere’s account of democracy in Africa (Gbadegesin, 1994). Nyerere’s defence of democracy as the only viable principle of political participa tion follows from his rejection of colonialism and the principle of a divine right to rule. Colonialism is rejected because it violates the principle of equality. In a legisla tive debate in 1959, Nyerere had observed that the opposition of Tangayika Afri can National Union (TANU) to colonialism is “based on the belief in the equality of human beings, in their rights and duties as human beings, and in the equality of citizens, in their rights and duties as citizens” (1966, p. 76). To the suggestion that Africans need to learn the art of democracy, Nyerere replies with resentment. “We in Africa have no more need of being ‘converted’ to socialism than we have of being taught democracy. Both are rooted in our own past - in the traditional society which produced us” (1968, p. 12). Later on, however, he finds it necessary to consider the essence of democracy in order to make room for the idea of a single party democracy. The essence of democracy and the African democratic tradition Nyerere’s first attempt to reject a Western model of democracy was in an article published in 1961. In it he identifies three features that he considers essential to democracy. These are “discussion, equality and freedom” (1966, p. 103). A democ racy is, in his estimation, a means of carrying out community tasks by agreement,
and agreement can only be reached through discussion. So whether we talk of a small village community or a complex political system, discussion is an essential feature of democracy. Discussion, equality and freedom are thus the essential conditions of democracy. Where they constitute features of a political arrangement, that arrangement can not be described as undemocratic. Yet these are important features of traditional African political arrangements even before colonial imposition. Therefore, tradi tional Africans are democratic and do not have to be taught democracy. From this it follows that an organized party system with an institutionalized opposition is not essential for a democracy. Therefore, a single-party system can be a democracy. Nyerere’s argument for the one-party system is as follows:
1 New nations of Africa emerged from the nationalist struggles for independence. 2 These struggles were patriotic ones, which necessarily leaves no room for differences. 3 These struggles were led by nationalist movements in particular countries. 4 The nationalist movement unites all the elements in a country together, and thus instead of several political parties, there is only the nationalist movement. 5 The nationalist movement that led a country to independence must inevitably form the first government. 6 Therefore, in such a situation there is no place for opposition.
It is obvious that this argument will not convince opponents of the one-party system. For one thing, it is not clear what the dispensability of opposition involves here. It is neither logical nor physical. Second, even if the first government is formed by the nationalist party, it cannot be expected that the people will always be in support of that party. Third, as the society grows more complex, there are always bases for fundamental disagreements, if not about ends, at least about the means of achieving those ends. Thus even if “it could hardly be expected that a united country should halt in mid-stream and voluntarily divide itself into opposing polit ical groups just for the sake of conforming to . . . the Anglo-Saxon form of democra cy” (1966, p. 106), it should be expected that as society progresses there would develop differing viewpoints on solutions to problems and these may become funda mental enough to warrant breaking into camps. This happens among groups of friends, so clearly it is reasonable to expect it of a nation. And in any case, if it is not expected that such fractures will tend to occur, what need is there for legislation to prohibit them? That is, if it is true that every citizen voluntarily agrees to remain within the nationalist party and not to form opposing parties, why would it be necessary for the nationalist party to legally proclaim itself as the only recognized party and ban the existence of others? Such a move itself suggests that there are other viewpoints which are thereby silenced. Nyerere may argue that those who are thus silenced represent a fraction of the entire population and that they are agents of imperialism who want to maintain the status quo. This is in fact the usual way some advocates of the single-party system have argued. But this is not a good argument. For one thing, it assumes that the majority knows better, which is not always so. Besides, it negates the principle 559
of discussion inherent in the democratic principle as enunciated by Nyerere. Final ly, it presumes that what the minority represents is necessarily antithetical to the interests of the community. There is, however, a way in which Nyerere’s point may be understood. If there is a general agreement about what the goal of society is, then there is a basis for unity. The only differences would concern the means to be employed. In that case, there is no need for division into political parties. Three points may be made here. First, it is an empirical matter whether there is such a general agreement among citizens. Given the various mutinies and coup attempts even in Tanzania, it is not clear that everyone accepts a socialist ordering. (See Smith, 1973, pp. 191-2.) Second, find ing the means is sometimes more problematic than agreement on the goal. Dis agreement may also be sufficiently fundamental at that level to warrant divisions. Finally, suppose it is true that there is a general agreement and that all that is required is discussion about means. In that case, what is required politically is not a single-party system, but a no-party system. In other words, there should be no constraint on people to belong to a party. Just as traditionally, there were no political parties, so too, if that kind of agreement is presumed, people should be allowed to represent themselves rather than any political party. Whereas Nyerere claims that an organized opposition is not an essential element for representative democracy, my point is that any organized political party is not an essential ele ment. Surely, “the choice of the best individual for the job” does not require the organization of even a single political party! So if a two-party system is unnecessary where there is a broad agreement over goals, a one-party system is equally unnecessary.
Critical philosophy of Africa
In recent times, there have been efforts on the part of some African and non-African philosophers to introduce a new research agenda in African philosophy. This effort rests on the important observation that the whole debate over the status of African philosophy presupposes a resolution of the question “What is Africa?” However, this question has yet to be addressed, much less resolved. Therefore there is a need for “a problematization of the idea of Africa itself” (Moore, 1992). This is a metaphilosophical agenda, and perhaps it is one that should be encouraged. In any case, we know that it is already receiving serious attention in the writings of Antony Appiah, V. Y. Mudimbe and a few others. What is its rationale and what prospects does it have? Its main rationale seems to me to be historical, having to do with the way African identity came to be created. On this perspective, Africa is an invention, the identity of which is based on its difference, rather than on a distinctive essence. As David Moore puts it, “ ‘Africa,’ as both word and identity comes not from its own center but from its northeastern periphery: it is a term not of interiority but of contact, an appelation not of essence but of difference. ‘Africa’ has historically been, in the final analysis, that which Europe is not” (1992, p. 8). In the first stage of its invention, African identity was an external imposition - a mere geographical ex 560
pression. In the latter stage, the horror of enslavement and the injustice of colonial exploitation contributed to the internal creation of an African identity. So the story of Africa as an externally created entity is posed as a rationale for the idea of a philosophical problematization of Africa as an idea. But this is not enough. Such an agenda has to derive from a more current problem. After all, Europe’s identity has a similar historical foundation in otherness. To identify is to differentiate. Why does the case of Africa justify a problematization of its existence and that of Europe does not? One answer is that Africa “is still fraught with uncertainty. The continent itself has no particular linguistic, religious, climatic, agricultural, ‘racial,’ cultural, or indeed philosophical unity, and its principal historical justification comes mainly out of confrontation with the West” (Moore, 1992, p. 10). But as Moore goes on to say, this statement “should apply to Europe as well.” So are we to have a philosophy of Europe too? We do not have an adequate answer yet. As conceived by its advocates, the school of philosophy of Africa will serve others as “the rigorous theoretician, the moral watchdog, and the intellectual cheerleader for the important project of Africa: ‘constantly to maintain,’ to paraphrase Jacques Derrida, ‘an interrogation of the origin, grounds, and limits of our conceptual, theoretical or normative apparatus’ surrounding Africa” (Moore, 1992, p. 10). This is certainly ambitious, but that is not the problem. This way of characterizing the project seems to rest on the unproved assumption that the other “schools” are short of rigor, moral resources and ideas. I do not raise these issues to belittle the importance of the considerations that seem to inspire the school of philosophy of Africa. Indeed, those considerations have always been with us and they have been the subject of philosophical discus sions since the African confrontation with Europe, as a result of nationalist worries about the loss of identity. Their intellectual efforts resulted in theories of negritude, African personality and authenticity. The difference is that earlier nationalist writ ers did not raise these issues from a position of doubt concerning what African identity is. They discussed the issues to reinforce that identity as they understood it, in the face of its invasion and erosion by Europe. Contemporary theorists, however, start from a different ground. For them, the very idea of African identity is a prob lem. As Appiah puts it, “Every human identity is constructed.. .. [I]nvented histo ries, invented biologies, invented cultural affinities come with every identity; each is a kind of role that has to be scripted, structured by conventions of narrative to which the world never quite manages to conform” (1992, p. 174). And Mudimbe, paraphrasing Eboussi-Boulaga, posed the searching questions: What is an African and how does one speak for him or her and for what purpose? Where and how can one gain the knowledge of his or her being? How does one define this very being, and to what authority does one turn for possible answers? (Mudimbe, 1988, p. 153) If there is a warrant for raising these questions, it can only be in the under standing that the European confrontation with Africa has created a problem of identity for the African, and this cannot be said in the case of Europe. After all, if the absence of a continental unity in religion, language, and culture does not demand the posing of these questions in the case of Europe, it should not be a rationale for posing them in the case of Africa. The prospect of a philosophy of Africa as a 561
research program in African philosophy depends on how it is able to reconcile itself to these points and strike a balance between negative critique and positive reconstruction.
Conclusion This has been a brief survey of the map of African philosophy. I have tried to present its current trends and perspectives. Starting with its foundations in the works of ethnological precursors and African reactions, I moved on to discuss four major trends: critical cultural philosophy, sage philosophy, political philosophy, and critical philosophy of Africa. Obviously, this kind of survey cannot cover all of the current interests, given space limitations. Regarding the present scholarly interest in African philosophical research, however, the advice would be well taken to “let a hundred flowers bloom.” For this can only lead to the cultivation of a richer and more beautiful field of philosophical scholarship in Africa and the world.
Bibliography Appiah, K. A. 1992: In My Father’s House: Africa in the Philosophy of Culture (New York: Oxford University Press). Bodunrin, P. 0.1984: “The Question ofAfrican Philosophy,” in African Philosophy: an Introduc tion, ed. Richard Wright (Lanham: University Press of America), pp. 1-25. Busia, K. A. 1962: The Challenge of Africa (New York: Frederick A. Praeger). Gbadegesin, Segun 1991: African Philosophy: Traditional Yoruba Philosophy and Contempo rary African Realities (New York: Lang). ------1994: “Ujamaa: Julius Nyerere on the Meaning of Human Existence," Ultimate Reality and Meaning, 17,1, pp. 50-69. Gyekye, K. 1995 [1987]: An Essay on African Philosophical Thought: the Akan Conceptual Scheme (London: Cambridge University Press, 1987; rev. 2nd edn, Temple University Press, 1995). Hountondji, Paulin 1983: African Philosophy: Myth and Reality (Bloomington: Indiana Uni versity Press). Kagame, Alexis 1956: La philosophie bantu-rwandaise de 1’etre (Brussels: Academic royale des sciences coloniaies). Levy-Bruhl, L. 1923: Primitive Mentality (New York: Macmillan). ------1975: The Notebooks of Lucien Levy-Bruhl, tr. P. Riviere Blackwell. Moore, David C. 1992: “African Philosophy vs. Philosophy of Africa, ” paper presented at the eleventh annual SSIPS/SAGP conference on Ethics, Aesthetics and Ontology in Antiquity and in Greek, Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Sikh, and African Philosophy, Columbia Univer sity, New York, October 23-5. Mudimbe, V. Y. 1988: The Invention of Africa: Gnosis, Philosophy and the Order of Knowledge (Bloomington: Indiana University Press). Nyerere, Julius 1966: Freedom and Unity (Dar es Salaam: Oxford University Press). ------1968: Ujamaa: the Basis of African Socialism (Dar es Salaam: Oxford University Press). Oruka, Odera 1975: “Fundamental Principles in the Question of African Philosophy,” Sec ond Order, 4, pp. 44-55.
------ 1990: Sage Philosophy: Indigenous Thinkers and Modem Debate on African Philosophy (Leiden: E. J. Brill). Senghor, Leopold 1956: “The Spirit of Civilisation or the Laws of African Negro Culture,” Presence Africaine, 8-10, June-Dec., pp. 51-64. ------1971: The Foundations of “Africanite” or "Negritude” and “Arabite” (Paris: Presence Africaine). Smith, William E. 1973: Nyerere of Tanzania (London: Victor Gollancz). Tempels, P. 1959: Bantu Philosophy (Paris: Presence Africaine). Wiredu, Kwasi 1991: “On Defining African Philosophy,” in African Philosophy: the Essential Readings, ed. Tsenay Serequeberhan (New York: Paragon House) pp. 87-110. ------1992: “African Philosophical Tradition: the Case of the Akan,” Philosophical Forum, spring, pp. 35-62.
44 Contemporary Buddhist philosophy MICHIKO YUSA
“Buddhist philosophy” or Buddhist philosophies may be roughly grouped into two types: those philosophies “influenced” or “inspired” by Buddhist teaching, and those comprising philosophical activities carried out by Buddhist scholars. Due to space constraints, predominant attention will be given in this article to the first type. The most significant contemporary philosophical endeavor carried out under the influence of the Buddhist worldview was that of Nishida Kitarb (1870-1945), professor of philosophy at the Imperial University of Kyoto. Nishida’s thought served as the cornerstone of those further developments in Buddhism-inspired phi losophy that came to be known as the Kyoto School of philosophy. Because the philosophies of the Kyoto School have been the subject of lively debates in recent years, both in Japan and abroad, and because much of this discussion is pursued without a proper recourse to Nishida’s thought (involving merely an empty citing of terminology that he developed), it will be worthwhile to focus on the essentials of Nishida’s thought - specifically on the notions of “topos" (basho in Japanese) and “absolute nothingness” (zettai mu). An adequate grasp of these basic concepts is needed if we are to avoid degenerating into mere “empty” talk. Nishida practiced Zen Buddhism for a decade. He was always pulled toward philosophy, but after his kensho experience (or “comprehension of what one’s true self is”), he came to see clearly that philosophy was his vocation. The influence of Zen Buddhism is evident in his epistemological conviction that “the separation and independent existence of subject and object is but a dogmatism deeply in grained in our thought” (NKZ 2.53). The following letter of Nishida to Nishitani Keiji, one of his most distinguished students, reveals Nishida’s stance on philosophy and Zen: You are absolutely right that something of Zen is at the background of my thought. I am not an expert on Zen, but I think that people generally misunderstand what Zen is all about. I think the life of Zen consists in “getting at reality.” Since my thirties it has been my dearest wish to unite Zen and philosophy, even though this is impossible. Certainly, it is alright if you say [that Zen elements are present in my thought], but if ordinary uninformed people call my thought “Zen,” I would strongly object to it, because they do not know either Zen or my thought; they simply say that X and Y are the same thing, which is to misunderstand both my thought and Zen. (NKZ 19.224-5; February 19, 1943)
Nishida’s task was to bring a worldview fostered by his Zen practice into the domain of philosophical discourse, a scientific discipline developed in the West. Ueda Shizuteru, the leading thinker of the Kyoto School tradition, says Nishida thereby transformed philosophy just as much as the Christian worldview transformed Greek philosophy (Ueda, 1994, p. 166). Thomas Merton’s remark is well taken: “Dr. Daisetz Suzuki rightly said that it is difficult to understand Nishida unless one has some acquaintance with Zen. On the other hand, some knowledge of existential phenomenology may serve as a preparation for understanding [Nishida’s works]” (Merton, 1968, p. 67). Knowledge of Western philosophy is indispensable for ap preciating the full scope of Nishida’s thought, but the Zen worldview is its fountain head and unifying force. D. T. Suzuki and Nishida were life-long friends, and Nishida, in his preface to the Japanese translation of Suzuki’s Zen and Japanese Culture (1940), wrote: “In terms of my philosophical ideas, I owe much to you, my friend” (NKZ 12.225). Nishida and Suzuki worked in tandem, as it were. The former philosophized by drawing from the well of religious and cultural traditions, while the latter engaged in scholarship to explain the wealth of religious traditions to his contemporaries. The relationship between Nishida and Suzuki was some thing comparable to that between Jacques Maritain and Etienne Gilson.
1 Nishida’s “Logic of Topos” The starting point of Nishida’s philosophical endeavors was always to “begin from the most immediate and fundamental standpoint” (NKZ 9.3). This approach was first employed in his work on “pure experience” (published in 1911). He believed the primordial form of experience consisted in the unity of subject and object. (It is no coincidence that the cultivation of this unitive awareness is the basis of any Zen student’s practice.) This unity only later gets split up into subject and object in our thought. At the very moment when (setsuna in Japanese, Ksana in Sanskrit) there is the rustling of leaves, we and the rustling noise are an unbroken whole. Only later, in the reflexive moment do we say, “Ha, the wind is up” or “Leaves are agitated” or “I hear a rustling noise out there.” Nishida attempted to explain reality (tathatd) as the unfolding of a series of pure experiences, which of themselves undergo moments of unity and differentiation that inform and form each individual person. Nishida knew, however, that this way of approaching “reality” was much too psychologistic. He thus turned to the study of self-consciousness, finding a hint in Fichte’s notion of Tathandlung. That is, in self-consciousness, “I” means that “I act on myself.” Nishida also found Royce’s observation of the infinite selfrepresentative system of consciousness to support his view. Nishida’s untiring philosophical meditation on “the most immediate” bore fruit in his 1926 essay on “Topos” or “Field.” For about fifteen years, until 1926, Nishida’s philosophical attention focused on one single point: how logically to account for how we exist in the world. He pon dered the question of how to form a logic that embraces subjectivity, the thinker him- or herself. Eventually the Aristotelian definition of hypokeimenon (substratum)
- that which becomes the subject but not the predicate (“that of which the others are predicated, while it is itself not predicated of anything else”) (NKZ 4.95) provided him with a breakthrough. Nishida found in this a clear definition of the unique and irreducible individual. It dawned on him that he could bridge the gap between logic and being (that is, life) by incorporating this definition of the individ ual into the form of judgment, more specifically, into the form of the logic of sub sumption, S is P, which says that the particular exists in the universal. Nishida’s basic point is that the individual must exist “at some place.” That is to say, “S is P” always implies that P subsumes S, or “S is in P.” In terms of judgment, he identified P with the field of consciousness. Whatever we know (S) is in our consciousness (P). The field of consciousness is the topos of intellectual judgment; as such, subjectivity qua undistorted field of consciousness (P) is retained together with its intellectual object (S). This undistorted field of consciousness, he suggested, is none other than the “original face” or the “real self” that Zen Buddhism speaks of. How does Nishida’s logic of topos differ from traditionally developed logic or epistemological theories? His criticism of Aristotelian logic was that in its emphasis on the individual aspect of being, it failed to account for its universality. Plato’s philosophy, on the other hand, emphasized the universal (form), but this approach cannot pinpoint the particularity of a living individual and hence remains on the level of abstraction. Kant’s critique of knowledge left open the problem of the thing-in-itself because Kant was not able to free himself from the haunting yoke of the subject-object dichotomy, and implicitly started out from that opposition. Nishida agreed with Fichte’s solution of the thing-in-itself problem by identifying it as the dynamic operation of self-consciousness, but Nishida did not give a wholesale stamp of approval to Fichte’s idea of the absolute ego, because of its substantial residue. Hegel’s dialectic unfolds as the universal differentiates itself into an individual, so it is clear that the universal is the individual, but “it is not clear as to how an infinite number of individuals are contained in the universal,” and “in order to give expression to that how,” Nishida developed his idea of topos (NKZ 14.334). The logic of topos works on various levels, from our intellectual activities to our volitional activities. In terms of judgment, let us take a statement, “This flower is red,” as an example. When I say, “This flower is red,” I am already looking at this flower. The flower (S) is already in my consciousness (P). My consciousness predi cates on the flower as red. From the point of view of the field of consciousness, it mediates the judging-I and “this [particular] flower’. The topos of judgment is where this flower and the judging-I both exist. We are self-objectifying beings, however, and we submit ourselves as the subject of our own scrutiny, self-reflection, and so forth. In this way, the subject (S) is an objectified subjectivity, and as such a shadow of the field of consciousness (P). Nishida observes that in reality, S and P are intricately intertwined and form innumerable layers. Nishida contends that the truest mode of self-consciousness is found in our action. In action, the objectified self (S) “sinks” or “submerges” deep into the field of consciousness (P) and becomes that which acts. The field of consciousness, the topos, becomes the vessel of action as well as that which sees. In action we external
ize what is inside (that is, our will) and we internalize what is outside. Take, for example, the act of drinking water. My thought of wanting to drink the water is “expressed” in my action of drinking water. And the water drunk by me becomes one with me. The topos is infinitely open and connected to the topos of the other. In response to materialist dialectics, Nishida offers his observation that “I see the other at the depths of myself, ” and that “I see myself over against this absolute other; that is, the other is myself!” If I only see others in myself, I fall into subjective idealism and spiritual monism. If I only see myself in the absolute other, I fall into materialism. The real self exists where these two directions are united: “I see the other in myself and I see myself in the other” (NKZ 14.152-7). In the later Nishida, his logic of topos becomes the world in which we live. It is eminently historical and social, and individuals are creative constituents of the world. Theoretically, there are as many topoi as there are individuals within the world, which is the Topos par excellence. The Topos (that is, the world itself) is the dialectical universal, in which the one (world) and the many (individuals) stand in a dialectical relationship. Nishida calls this Topos “absolutely contradictory self-identity.”
2 “Absolute nothingness” The term that came to be most conspicuously associated with Nishida’s thought and the rest of the Kyoto School thinkers is “absolute nothingness” (zettai mu). Nishida coined this term in connection with his logic of topos. Absolute nothingness is the very mode of topos. Nishida starts out by observing that things may be said to exist either in relation to other things or in relation to our consciousness. In the case of “the glass existing on top of the table,” the glass exists in relation to the table, and understood as such, the glass is in “relative” existence. However, the “glass on top of the table” that exists in my consciousness is in “absolute” existence, because it is in “absolute nothingness,” and there exists for it the freedom to be or not to be. The notion of “absolute nothingness” is “the essence of the mind, which is absolute ly nothing and yet absolutely being [or real], and which transcends the realm of our intellectual knowledge. Rather, our intellectual knowledge arises from there” (NKZ 5.451). One attains this awareness of absolute nothingness, in the “the religious experience of ‘phenomena-qua-emptiness and emptiness-qua-phenomena’ (shiki soku ze ku, ku soku ze shiki), wherein there is neither the seer nor the seen” (NKZ 5.451). That Nishida is referring to a line from the Heart Sutra and is alluding to the Buddhist worldview is almost too obvious to mention. In order to have a more concrete understanding of what Nishida means by “absolute nothingness,” we need to turn to his mediation on time: Time disappears in a moment, but it exists in the next moment. That which absolutely does not exist comes into being. From absolute nothingness absolute being is born. Should we consider the present moment as that which exists and something that we can hold onto, we cannot think of “time.” Again, if the present is simply nothing, then
there is no time. If time is being, it makes no sense that it disappears in the next moment. On the other hand, if time is “absolutely nothing,” it disappears at every moment. Time is absolutely nothing and yet exists at every moment. That is to say, we can think of time as “that which absolutely exists not” (zettai mu) comes into “exist ence” (u). This is why we can think of time only at the present moment. The present moment is the point at which nothingness is being. Whenever being and nothingness form one point, it is the present. (NKZ 14.140-1)
This reflection on time is at the heart of Nishida’s philosophical vision. Nishida considers this “form” of time as the form of reality and of our self-consciousness. “Absolute nothingness” is the mode of the dynamic arising and disappearance of the “moment” at every instant. It was no accident that Nishida contemplated the meaning of time. Between 1918 and 1925, his life was plagued by illnesses and deaths of his loved ones. A year after his mother’s passing away in 1918, his wife was struck by a brain hemorrhage and became bed-ridden until her death in 192 5; his eldest son died in 1920 at the young and promising age of 23. As he contemplat ed this brutal reality, Nishida confided to his friend: Human beings exist in time. Precisely because there is the past, such a thing as “I” exists. That the past is present in the present moment simultaneously constitutes that person’s future. When my wife was suddenly paralyzed because of illness, I was overcome by this thought. It felt to me as if the important part that constituted my past had disappeared all at once, and it was also as if my future also disappeared with it. Even if there is a merry occasion, there is no one to rejoice with. Even if there is a sad moment, there is no one to commiserate with. (NKZ 18.321; February 9, 1927)
Despite this personal suffering Nishida continued to push past the limits of his philosophical frontier. In 1930 he wrote that “the moving force of philosophy is not ‘surprise’ but the profound pathos of life” (NKZ 6.116). This makes sense only when we look at Nishida the man behind or “prior to” his thinking. A moment disappears but a new moment arises. Absolute nothingness, the topos of moments, is not a sheer negation but is the vital source that gives birth. Nishida indefatigably emphasizes this creative aspect of absolute nothingness, for the term tends to be interpreted to mean sheer negativity. Absolute nothingness con stantly rejuvenates life. Nishida underwent an experience of rebirth on July 3, 1927. His diary of this day reads: “As if awakened from a bad dream. Even the old dried up tree can bear new buds; I’m feeling the happiest today” (NKZ 17.438). Nishida identifies a personalistic aspect of absolute nothingness as compassion (karuna) - absolute nothingness is the very working of love. In 1933, he was introduced to an ideal woman with whom to share the rest of his life and married her. In Nishida’s life and thought, the Buddhist understanding of mujo or anitya (impermanence) was given a positive meaning as not just the source of death but also of life. Some may wonder why Nishida chose to call the source of reality absolute nothingness rather than absolute being, but for absolute being changes are impossible. It was therefore fortunate that the Buddhist worldview of imperman 568
ence, or constant change, was fundamental in Nishida’s choice of the expression absolute nothingness. 3 Formation and development of the Kyoto School
Tanabe Hajime (1895-1962) was the next holder of Nishida’s chair at the Imperial University of Kyoto, and the one who contributed most to forming the Kyoto School as such. Tanabe was under Nishida’s guidance and influence until Nishida turned to his logic of topos, the significance of which eluded Tanabe’s comprehension. Instead, he criticized Nishida’s philosophy for being based on religion, and that as such it could no longer properly be called philosophy. Sensitive to the needs of the day, Tanabe developed his logic of “species” in order to give a moral underpinning to the Japanese identity as a people and as a nation. In the end, this attempt failed because Tanabe refused to see the evil of actual Japanese nationalism, which took the form of imperialism abroad and censorship at home. In the fall of 1941, when Tanabe came to see the monster behind the state machinery, he stopped writing for three years. He suffered from indecision as to whether or not to voice criticism of the government. When the university students were summarily drafted into the ever-escalating war in 1943, Tanabe’s agony heightened. He let go of himself in the face of his own inability and helplessness. To his own amazement, a new philosophical direction emerged from this posture of surrender and humility: a philosophy of conversion, or “metanoetics.” Tanabe abandoned his intellectualism and moralism, and acceded to the grace of absolute Other. In implicitly Buddhist terms, he took compassion as the basis of society. In his “conversion,” he at last adopted Nishida’s term, “absolute nothingness,” but with one qualification: “absolute nothingness-qua-love” (zettai mu soku ai). For Tanabe, the process of rebuilding the post-1945 Japan as a nation had to be mediated by compassion (karuna). While Tanabe underwent this conversion of his stance from “self-reliance” to that of the Other-power (tariki), he found a funny paradox: once I had arrived at belief in Other-power [that is, tariki], I found myself feeling still closer to the spirit of Zen, whose emphasis on self-power [jiriki] is generally considered opposed to Pure Land doctrine. Nor was this the last of my surprise. A key to solving a problem in mathematical philosophy, which would at first glance seem to be rather far removed from religious concerns, also emerged at this time. I refer to the puzzle of infinite-set theory. (Tanabe, 1986, p. liv).
Tanabe’s logic of “species, individual, and the universal” was transformed into one of “brotherly love, repentance, and nothingness-qua-love,” and finally into “the existential cooperation, practice of death-resurrection, and absolute nothingnessqua-love.” Tanabe’s philosophical stance evolved into “death as rebirth” (shifukkatsu), which came from a profound personal experience in September, 1951 the death of his indispensable wife, who had devoted her life to him: though she died, she lived on in Tanabe! The pull towards Zen Buddhism grew stronger during
the last decade of his life. Tanabe underwent a philosophical and religious odyssey covering considerable ground. Ironically, his final destination was the world of Zen, and more specifically, the practice of a Bodhisattva motivated by altruism. The insight of absolute nothingness presented by Nishida, which Tanabe had once criticized harshly, in the end got the better of him. Nishitani Keiji (1900-1990) walked onto the ground already cleared by Nishida and tilled by Tanabe; such ideas as the logic of topos or absolute nothingness had become established concepts which he could freely use. He took sunyata (ku; emp tiness) as the standpoint of his philosophy, and set it over against the standpoint of being. This juxtaposition became the cause of uneasiness among some of the West erners who engaged in dialogue with Nishitani, for Nishitani’s argument seemed to be coming from the “other shore,” the “shore of enlightenment,” and did not sufficiently explain the logic, if this is at all possible, of sunyata. In his elaborate critique of Hegel’s dialectic, Nishitani simply said, “it is possible to start out from nothingness rather than from being” (Nishitani, 1987). If Nishida’s “religion” was the source of human reality and he himself was a Zen practitioner who was also a philosopher, and Tanabe’s religion was eclectic but also eventually linked to his work as a philosopher, Nishitani’s religion was clearly Zen and one which he practiced. Nishitani’s personal experience determined the course of his thought: he felt the salvific power of absolute nothingness, or sunyata. At the age of 16 Nishitani expe rienced the death of his father, and around that time he was also struck by a lung disease, which delayed him from entering the elite First High School for a year. These experiences were enough to make this tender youth nihilistic. He found solace in Nishida’s Philosophical Contemplation and Personal Experience (Shisaku to taikeri), a copy of which he picked up by accident. He became Nishida’s student, and eventually occupied a chair of religion at the university. Nishitani went to Germany to study with Heidegger in the 1930s, and he witnessed there the Zeitgeist of “Angst" (anxiety). In response to existential anxiety and nihility, Nishitani, out of his own experience, offered an alternative “existential stance” - that of sunyata. The problem of science, for instance, is viewed entirely differently if one first transforms one’s standpoint. We may characterize Nishitani’s philosophical attempt as an invitation for us to go through an existential transformation by opening up our consciousness to absolute nothingness (Nishitani, 1961). Ueda Shizuteru, born in 1926, is presently the torchbearer of the Kyoto School. A one-time student of Nishitani Keiji, and now professor emeritus of the University of Kyoto, Ueda is the foremost interpreter of Nishida’s thought. Ueda muses on the theme of Nishida’s topos of “absolute nothingness” in terms of the “double struc ture” of reality itself (Ueda, 1994). That is, we view the world from our subjectivity, but also we go out of our subjectivity and view the world from within the world’s utter openness. This we do constantly, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Ueda interprets absolute nothingness as infinite “openness” and hence as the source of “freedom.” In German, when one wants to find out whether or not a given seat is occupied, one asks: “Is that seat frei [lit., free]?” Ueda finds a positive meaning of openness in this locution. Ueda, very much a man of Zen practice, continues to hold 570
his dialogues with Heidegger, Eliade, Jaspers, Bergson, Meister Eckhardt, et al., while still carefully tending the ground cleared and cultivated by Nishida and his company. The philosophical tradition stemming from the work of Nishida is an influential one within contemporary intellectual discourse. Christian thinkers have found a promising dialogical partner in the Kyoto School. But it is also true that scholars have found the Kyoto School a perfect target of deconstructionism and postmod ernist critique. One thing is certain: the ideas developed by the Kyoto School think ers continue to generate heated discussions around the world. While Buddhologists are breaking away from the traditional philological role to voice their concerns regarding pressing contemporary issues, such as ecology, and feminism, or to offer solace to people cut off from their traditional roots and suffering from profound loneliness, we scholars of Buddhism must remember that Buddhist philosophies are meaningful only if there is authentic Buddhist practice, generously carried out by nuns and monks. At the same time, the Buddhist tradition as a whole will do well if it can remain responsive to the need for transformation, lest the institution becomes a mere handing down of the old cloak. Bibliography Note: in this article, references to Nishida Kitaro’s words were cited by the volume number and page number(s) following the abbreviation of Nishida Kitaro Zenshu [Collected Works of Nishida Kitaro] - NKZ. Japanese names are given according to the Japanese order: family name first, and given name second.
Writings Nishida Kitaro 1979-80: Nishida Kitaro Zenshu, ed. Shimomura Toratard et al., 3rd edn, 19 Vols (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten). Nishitani Keiji 1982 [1961]: Shukyo to wa nanika (Tokyo: Sobunsha, 1961); tr. J. van Bragt, Religion and Nothingness (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982). Tanabe Hajime 1986 [1946]: Zangedo to shite no tetsugaku (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1946); tr. Takeuchi Y., Philosophy as Metanoetics (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986).
References and further reading Heisig, J. andMaraldo, J. (eds) 1995: Rude Awakenings: Zen, the Kyoto School, and the Question of Nationalism (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press). Merton, Thomas 1968: Zen and the Birds of Appetite (New York: New Directions). Nishida Kitaro 1990 [1911]: Zen no kenkyu (Tokyo: Kbdokan, 1911); tr. Abe Masao and C. Ives, An Inquiry into the Good (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990). ------1987 [1917]: Jikaku ni okeru chokkan to hansei (Tokyo: Iwanami, 1917); tr. V. Viglielmo with Takeuchi Y. and J. S. O’Leary, Intuition and Reflection in Self-Consciousness (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1987). ------1970 [1933-4]: Tetsugaku no konpon mondai (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1933—4); tr. D. Dilworth, Fundamental Problems of Philosophy (Tokyo: Sophia University, 1970). ------Bashoteki ronri to shukydteki sekaikan [The Logic of Topos and the Religious Worldview], 1945, Yusa, M. tr.; Eastern Buddhist (19,2, 1986, pp. 1-29; 20,1, 1987, pp. 81-119).
Nishitani Keiji 1987: Hannya to risei [Prajna and reason] in Nishitani Keiji Chosakushu [Works of Nishitani Keiji], Vol. 13 (Tokyo: Sobunsha), pp. 31-96. Tanabe Hajime 1947: Shu no ronri no benshoho [Dialectics of the Logic of Species], (Osaka: Akitaya).] ------ 1965: Tanabe Hajime [Selected Works of Tanabe Hajime], ed. Tsujimura K., (Tokyo: Chikuma Shobo). Ueda Shizuteru 1992: Basho [Topos], (Tokyo: Kbbundb). ------1994: Keiken tojikaku [Experience and Self-Consciousness], (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten).
Contemporary Islamic thought MARIETTA STEPANIANTS The modern era has been a time of awakening on the part of the Muslim world in response to challenges from the West. The deeply rooted foundations of political and socio-economic organization in Muslim societies have been shattered, and the traditional ideals and values of their culture have been challenged. At the same time, however, these challenges aroused national self-awareness, and provoked a search for ways to escape from economic backwardness and spiritual stagnation. The initial response to this Western influence manifested itself in vigorous criticism - to the point of rejection - of the national cultural and philosophical traditions, which were seen as chiefly responsible for the social backwardness of the Islamic world, owing to their failure to provide ethical motivations for progress. This negative attitude toward tradition among Muslim intellectuals contributed to their unreserved pursuit of Western values and institutions as the sole antidote to decline and stagnation. Modernism in the Islamic world expressed itself simul taneously in theologico-legal reinterpretation, literary-intellectual renaissance, and rationalist-ideological aggiornamento (see Sadiq J. Al-Azm, 1993). Usually, however, this modernism expressed itself in an orientation to a parti cular trend in Western thought. In some cases, Muslim thinkers were drawn to the idea of law-governed regularities in the evolutionary process unfolding in nature and society. Hence the immense interest in Charles Darwin and the social Darwi nism of Herbert Spencer exhibited by thinkers like I. Mazhar. The notion that progress is possible only through the overcoming of inert dogmatism (primarily religious) enhanced the appeal of Cartesian and positivistic ideas. The positivist outlook was thus championed by the Lebanese Shibli Shmayyel, the Egyptian Zaki Nagib Mahmud, and the Pakistani C. A. Qadir. The image of man as the subject of social transformation was confirmed by those philosophers who emphasized the creative and volitional principles of man-the-doer (as expressed in the works of Arthur Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche). Existentialism caught the atten tion of such Muslim thinkers as A. R. Badawi in Egypt and Rene Habashi in Lebanon because of the importance it attaches to the problem of the individual and human freedom. Even today a number of these approaches persist, although mainly among pro fessors of philosophy in the universities. Among those still pursuing philosophy along Western lines are the Egyptian existentialist Ahmad Abd al-Hakim Atiya, the Moroccan structuralist Abd al-Raziq ad-Dawai, the Egyptian Marxist Mahmud
Amin al-Amin, the Jordanian Marxist Ahmad Madhi, and the Moroccan post modernist Salam Yafut. This negative attitude toward their own national philosophical traditions, which was characteristic of the first half of the twentieth century, and which gave rise to schools of Arabian social Darwinism, Muslim existentialism, Islamic Marxism, and the like, turned out to be of limited duration. The exclusive orientation toward Western ideas eventually raised sharp public criticism and was opposed by those who believed that it was more reasonable and worthwhile to build on the founda tions of national culture - which did not exclude but, on the contrary, necessarily implied the assimilation of the most valuable elements of other cultures. This assimilation takes place in a number of ways. In some cases, it is realized through a synthesis of Western and Eastern ideas. Muhammad Mayan Sharif, for example, one of the most authoritative Muslim thinkers of the twentieth century (he died in 1965), founder of the Pakistani Philosophical Congress, and the editor of such fundamental work as A History ofMuslim Philosophy, devised an ontological theory which he called “dialectical monadism” and which is based on the atomistic thought of Muslim scholastic theology. Following in the footsteps of the Mutakallims, Sharif asserts that the entire universe and each body is composed of the tiniest indivisible substances which he calls “monads.” He assumes that there are three types of beings: the ultimate being or reality - God; the spiritual essences - monads; and the world of sensations in time and space. From electron to human being, all things in the world are spiritual monads. In as much as God is immanent in every monad, the monad is eternal, deathless, invisible, indivisible and unlimited in time and space. Its existence is determined by the divine will, though the latter permits the monad an appropriate degree of freedom. In many respects, Sharif’s monadology is reminiscent of Leibniz’s. However, he rejects the principle of the monads’ impenetrability. He also “complements” Leibniz by introducing dialectics (obviously under the influence of Hegel). The monads are of a dialectical nature. Within them the process of development occurs through triads - “from self through the complementary not-self or rather not-yet self to the synthesis of both in a more developed self.” Just as the transition to capitalism in Europe in the sixteenth century was impos sible without the Reformation, or “the bourgeois religious revolution,” traditional social structures in the Muslim world could be broken down only through a radical change in the role played by Islam, and therefore through a reappraisal of the entire set of its tenets. Similarly, just as the Reformation strove to overcome religious estrangement, to set Christians free from the mediation of the church and clergy, so were the reformers of Islam trying to reappraise the relation of God and man, with a view to bringing the believer “nearer” to God and thereby fostering his “emancipation.” One such reformer, the poet-philosopher Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938), wrote: “The world, in all its details, from the mechanical movement of what we call the atom of matter to the free movement of thought in the human ego, is the self revelation of the ‘Great I am’ ” (The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, p. 71). It achieves its highest level in man alone and so, according to Iqbal, “that is 574
why the Quran declares the Ultimate Ego to be nearer to man than his own jugular vein.” Further on he stresses that man “possesses a much higher degree of reality than the things around him. Of all the creations of God, he alone is capable of consciously participating in the creative life of his Maker.” The reformist interpretation provides grounds for a novel treatment of man’s role in the universe. The recognition of man’s possession of some degree of free will not only justifies human self-reliance in attempting to transform the quality of earthly life, but also elevates such efforts to the level of a moral and religious duty. Not detachment, or the search for individual salvation, but active and effective personal involvement in the reconstruction of society in accordance with new humanistic values is the modern reformers’ governing principle. The emancipation of thought is indispensable to the individual’s creative activ ity. Justification and articulation of the right to independent judgment is thus the leading subject of reformist Muslim thought. The vital importance attached to the problem of harmonizing belief and reason, religion and science, is entirely justifiable, given that the backwardness of the countries in this region was due in large measure to the negative attitude of the dominant religious dogmatism towards rational knowledge, the development of the natural sciences, and tech nological progress. As Jamal al-Din Afghani (1839-1909), the ideologist of Pan-Islamism, acknowledged, for the decline of Arab civilization Islam “bears all the blame. Wherever it penetrated, it sought to choke science, and was assiduously encouraged in this by despotism” (Refutation des Materialistes, p. 184). Such admissions were also made by other Muslim reformers inclined to place the entire blame for backwardness not on the traditional religion as such but on its dogmatic interpretation. Hence their task was to demonstrate the compatibility of faith and rational knowledge, to show that “true” religion was not an enemy but an ally of scientific progress. Muhammad Abduh (1834-1905), the Grand Mufti of Egypt and disciple of alAfghani, in his famous treatise The Theology of Unity, maintained that “there is nothing impossible for reason to tackle” (p. 31) and that, moreover, the “Supreme Being and its perfect attributes are rationally cognizable” (p. 71). Elsewhere in the same treatise, however, he contended that “the most that our reason can achieve is a knowledge of the accidents, but not the essence of things” (p. 54). Generally speaking, according to Abduh, the human mind is not competent to know God or the life to come, or to comprehend the requital which every sort of action will receive in that world. Conscious of the inconsistent nature of his rationalist out look, Abduh averred the existence of different levels of intellect. Potentially at least, the mind is unlimited, and for those who possess a more perfect intellect (for exam ple, the prophets) there is no limit to cognition. The ordinary mind, by contrast, is subject to all sorts of intellectual limitations. Abduh’s interpretation of prophecy was in no way supernatural. He portrayed the prophets without haloes. As Abduh saw them, they differ from other people merely by virtue of their more highly developed intellectual ability. He allowed that they too are liable to make incorrect judgments, although far less frequently than other mortals.
In contrast to the traditionalists, who advocated the adoption of religious faith prior to any offering of proofs for the truth of one’s religious beliefs, Abduh em braced the opposite principle of “first prove, then believe.” He denounced belief based on the blind uncritical acceptance of authority, and called on the faithful to have knowledge and proofs of the verity of their faith. For Abduh, the ayat “And guard yourselves against a day when no soul will in aught avail another, nor will intercession be accepted from it” (11:48) was a warning to believers that on the Day of Judgment they would not be allowed to justify their departures from the Quran by claiming to have followed the example of their ancestors. Abduh’s views were directed against inert traditional thinking. At the same time, however, they were intended to vindicate and defend religion, to adapt it to the new times, and to reconcile it with science. The task of dividing the spheres of influence belonging to science and religion, and thus of reconciling them, is pursued as well in the work of Seyyed Hossein Nasr (born 1933), the leading Muslim philosopher of today. A physics graduate of Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Nasr held the posts of Rector of Tehran University and Director of the Shah Academy of Sciences on the eve of the anti-Shah revolution in Iran. Nasr’s attempt to reconcile science and religion was rooted in immediate pragmatic considerations. The Shah’s re gime, as is well known, was vigorously carrying out reforms designed to streamline the Iranian national economy. This necessarily involved the widespread intro duction and application of technological expertise and theoretical knowledge. At the same time, the Shah and his supporters were aware of the need to retain the religious foundations of the monarchy. The task, then, was to dramatically improve Iranian economic performance while preserving the traditional under pinnings of society. In his attempt to reconcile science and religion, Nasr is also governed by a desire to appropriate what is of value in technological progress while avoiding its adverse side-effects. He accuses modern man (by which he means the Westerner) of adopt ing a thoughtless attitude toward nature in his worship of rationalism. According to Nasr, rationalism implies “a secular vision of nature in which there is no place left for God.” It fails to take into consideration the sacred aspect of nature - that is, its dependence on the Almighty - and orients man to the utilization and ex ploitation of nature for his own selfish interests. In his efforts to work out a synthesis of science and religion, Nasr appeals to Sufism, deducing the ontological grounds for the existence of science and religion from man’s occupation of a middle position between heaven and earth, between the absolute and relative realities. Given his current state of “detachment from God,” man strives to return to the state of being near Him, which manifests itself in the search for the eternal and the absolute. This search is undertaken by means of “intellectual intuition” or the faculty of insight, instantaneous and immediate per ception of transcendental knowledge in one’s soul. Intellectual intuition is inherent potentially in everyone, but it is fully actualized only by prophets and mystics. Though intellect is a natural human faculty, it can achieve its full potential only when it is properly oriented through religious revelation. 576
Man’s residence in the empirical world gives rise in him to needs that can only be satisfied through knowledge of this world. As a result, certain cognitive faculties are set into action - specifically, sensation and mind. In Nasr’s opinion, mind can interpret the data of sensory experience in two possible ways - either as factual and naturalistic or as symbolic visualizations of reality. Hence there are two different types of science: natural science and cosmology. The natural sciences deal with the empirical nature of things, which is characterized by multiple and eternally changing materiality. Cosmology addresses the super natural, the immortal and the immutable. According to Nasr’s classification of the types of knowledge, metaphysics belongs to the highest category, the cos mological sciences make up the intermediary level, and the natural sciences are reduced to the lowest category. The last type of science studies things in their own material relationships; being metaphysically limited, it is not concerned with the elucidation of the profound extramaterial causes underlying the origin and existence of the natural world. Just as the object of the natural sciences - the phenomenal world - represents the reflected image of God, so too any natural science is nothing but a reflection of metaphysics, or the knowledge of the Divine reality. For their content, the cosmological sciences draw on the same sensory ex periences as do the natural sciences. But through the superimposition of the metaphysical coordinates upon the data supplied by the senses, they permit disclo sure of the hidden inner meaning of natural phenomena. Making use of the alleg orical tcfawil method applied by the Sufis to the interpretation of the Quran, Nasr tries to translate the vocabulary of science into the language of religious symbols. In the final analysis Nasr fails to overcome the dichotomy of science and religion, but his system nonetheless validates the autonomy of scientific knowledge in a society regulated by religious principles. Such a reformist approach answers to the social need to employ the products of modern science, even though this employ ment remains essentially utilitarian, and is confined exclusively to the sphere of material production. The reappraisal of ontological, epistemological and ethical ideas in the refor mative spirit was affected, of course, by changing social conditions. Though up to the winning of political sovereignty there was virtually no clear-cut idea in the Islamic world about what kind of social structure was most desirable, it was obvi ous that the stagnant economic and political organization of traditional society had to be radically changed. But in what direction was one to move? This difficult question confronted all of the newly independent Islamic nations, which seemed compelled to make a choice between the two most influential models - the capitalist and the socialist - currently in force on the international scene. Many of them, however, opted for a third model, combining some elements of capitalism and socialism. Thus there appeared theories of a “third way of development,” involving various kinds of religious socialism. The theoretical justification of these is based on the alleged similiarity of Marxism and Islam. As Hassan Hanafi, one of Egypt’s most prominent philosophers, observes, “Islam is the implementation of the Marx ist ideals of socialism, freedom and justice.... Marxism is an Islamic ideology
just as Islam is a Marxist religion.... Marxism as an ideal motivation in Western experience in the nineteenth century is almost identical to Islam, which exhibits the same ideal motivation in Arabian experience” (Islam in the Modem World, Vol. 2, p. 417). Even in those cases in which one of the models - either capitalism or socialism seemed to be unconditionally preferred, however, that model inevitably received the imprint of the relevant national culture, so that the chosen ideal was often radically transformed and distorted. There have been many illustrations of how the application of one or the other of these “alien” models of development arouses resistance on behalf of the “Islamic realities” - resistance which is often temporarily overcome by the establishment of political dictatorship. But even this concentration of power eventually proves unable to secure the successful “trans plantation” of Western ideology. And so the postwar history of Muslim countries provides a number of examples of the rejection of these “alien” models, the most illustrative being the anti-Shah revolution in Iran. The efforts at reform have repeatedly come under attack from what are con ventionally called “fundamentalists” and “revivalists.” The social basis of this movement is quite wide, ranging from the middle classes, the petty bourgeoisie, workers, tradesmen, and students, to the youth in general. The emergence of Islamic fundamentalism has been caused by the failure of all the efforts to rehabil itate the system by borrowing from the West, by the realization that “there is no solution from without.” Fundamentalism, associated as it is with militant nationalism, is implacably hostile to cultural nihilism and all attempts to adopt foreign social or political models. Revivalism, on the other hand, gives concrete substance to the idea of “salvation” through the nostalgic pursuit of a return to the “golden age” in which Islam manifested itself in its “pure” form. The Islamists insist on the primacy of the Quran and the necessity that everything, both historical and contemporary, should be tested against it. As the Egyptian Saleh Sirriya (1991) affirms in his Epistle of the Faith, “there should be no barrier of any kind between the faithful and the Quran.” The “direct relationship of the faithful to the Quran, unmediated by any agency, obliterates the inherited distinction between ‘the men of religion’ and ordinary Muslims.” The Tunisian Shukri Mustafa thinks the same: Islamic history went awry when Muslims “abondoned the reception of their religion from the Quran and Sunna, confining themselves instead to the imitation [taqlid] of men known as the Imams and their opinions.” Still the range of opinion among the advocates of revivalism is as great as the amplitude of ideological oscillations intrinsic to the petty bourgeois masses and the middle classes, ranging from the most conservative (oriented to a return to the Middle Ages - that is, to the spirit and institutions of the time of the Prophet and the first four pious Caliphs) to extreme leftist views (compare the views, for example, of Abu’l-ATa Mawdudi, the Jama'at-i-Islami’s founder, and of Gulam Parwez in Pakistan, of Sayyid Qutb, the Muslim Brotherhood’s leading ideologue, and of Muammar Qaddafi, the leader of Libyan Jamahiriya, of Ayatollah Homeini, and of'All Shari'ati in Iran).
The complex phenomenon of fundamentalism cannot be represented by its anti reformist variety alone. The expansion of revivalism testifies, not to the end of the reformational process, but on the contrary, to its beginning, this time not as the elitist undertaking it has so far been, but as a large-scale popular movement for radical transformation of the traditional society. In his Islamic Fundamentalism Reconsidered (p. 52), Sadik L. Al-Azm, a leading contemporary Arab philosopher, concludes that Islamic fundamentalists may still show themselves to be the bearers of an “Islamic” movement bent on more industrialism, technologism, developmentalism, capitalism, nation-state building, empowerment and catching up with the developed world, all to be implemented under the guise of an ideology which makes the very fulfillment of this eminently modem, secular, bourgeois and originally European historical project look like a movement towards Allah’s goals and a working out of His will in history instead of the opposite.
The failure of the experiments with capitalism and “installed socialism” have dem onstrated that any socio-political model, no matter what its advantages, will be distorted and prove unworkable if it is transplanted onto unprepared and vulne rable soil. Though in many of their conceptions, goals and even conclusions the ideological processes at work in the Muslim world are in some sense reminiscent of those occurring in Europe during the Renaissance and Reformation, essentially these processes should not be viewed as reformational in the full sense of the word. To make the reforms workable, it is necessary to specify the inner impulses of development and set them into action. Bibliography
Writings Abduh, Muhammad 1966: The Theology of Unity, tr. I. Musa'ad and K. Cragg (London: Allen & Unwin). Iqbal, Muhammad 1962: The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam (Lahore: Ashraf Press). Hanafi, Hassan 1995: Islam in the Modern World, 2 Vols (Cairo: Anglo-Egyptian Bookshop). Nasr, Seyyed Hossein 1981: Knowledge and the Sacred (New York: Crossroad). Sharif, M. M. 1952: “Dialectical Monadism,” in Contemporary Indian Philosophy, ed. S. Radhakrishnan (London: Allen & Unwin).
References and further reading Adams, Charles C. 1968: Islam and Modernism in Egypt (New York: Russell & Russell). Afghani, J. 1942: Refutation des Materialistes (Paris: Librairie Orientaliste). Al-Azm, Sadiq J. 1993: “Islamic fundamentalism reconsidered: a critical outline of problems, ideas and approaches,” South Asian Bulletin, Comparative Studies of South Asia and the Middle East, 13,1 and 2. Cragg, K. 1965: Counsels in Contemporary Islam, Islamic Surveys 3 (Edinburgh: University Press).
Enayat, H. 1982: Modem Islamic Political Thought (London: Macmillan). Fakhry, M. 1983: A History of Islamic Philosophy (New York: Columbia University Press). Grunebaum, V. G. 1962: Modem Islam, the Search for Cultural Identity (Berkeley: University of California Press). Keddie, N. R. 1968: An Islamic Response to Imperialism (Berkeley: University of California Press). Maududi, A. A. 1961: Towards Understanding Islam (Delhi: MakaziMaktabaJamaat-e-Islami Hind). Nasr, S. H. 1987: Traditional Islam in the Modem World (London and New York: Kegan Paul International). Qutb, M. 1968: Islam, the Misunderstood Religion (Delhi: Board of Islamic Publications). Rahman, F. 1982: Islam and Modernity. Transformation of an Intellectual Tradition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press). Shariati, A. 1980: Marxism and Other Western Fallacies: an Islamic Critique (Berkeley: University of California Press). Sharif, M. M. (ed.) 1963-6: A History of Islamic Philosophy, 2 Vols (Wiesbaden: Pakistan Philosophical Congress). Sirriya, S. 1991: The Armed Prophet: the Rejectionists (London: Riad al-Rayyes Books), p. 35. Smith, W. C. 1957: Islam in Modem History (Princeton: Princeton University Press). Stepaniants, M. T. 1989: Islamic Philosophy and Social Thought (19th-20th Centuries) (Lahore: People’s Publishing House).
'Abbasids 100 'Abd al-Jabbar 463-5, 485 Abduh, Muhammad 491,575-6 Abe Masao 523 Abhidarmakosa 88-9, 94 Abhidharma 81-2, 86, 377, 396, 406, 425 Abhinava Gupta 45, 276, 316-19 AbuHariifa 104 AbuHashim 464 AbualUudhayl 461-3, 494 Active Intellect (Active Reason) 440-1, 467, 505-7 aesthetics Chinese 225-34 Indian 304-23 Islamic 448-59 Afghani, Jamal al-Din 575 African philosophy contemporary 548-63 historical overview 63-73 ahimsa 385, 389, 538 'A’isha 109 'AIT ibn Abi Talib 101-3 Allah 108,461-9 Analects 154,177, 228 Anandavardhana 312-13 Appiah, K. A. 71, 73, 561 arahant 418 Asanga 88, 410 al-Ash'ari, Abual-Hasan 105, 437, 465, 485, 494 Ash'arites 508, 510 Asoka 364 atman 24, 33, 249-50, 254-5, 260, 266, 279-84, 287-9, 325, 335, 381, 385, 393, 400, 403-5, 420 'Attar, Farid al-Din 480
Augustine 65 Aurobindo 47, 301, 303, 327-8, 532-4, 537-9 al-Azm, Sadiq 579
al-Baghdadl, Abu Mansur 441 Banerjee, N. V. 47, 536 Bao Zunxin 520 Bernal, M. 65 Bhagavadgita 28, 43, 45, 256-7, 261, 282-3, 293-8, 302 bhakti 28, 253, 257, 299, 307, 319 Bharata 45, 262, 276, 315, 319 Bhartrhari 34, 264, 268-9 Bhattacharya, K. C. 264, 276-7, 533-6 Bhattacharya, Kalidas D. 533,535-6 Bhattacharya, S. 272, 344 Bibi Hayati Kermani 109-10 Bodhidharma 93, 407 bodhisattva 83-4, 87, 92, 365-6, 384-5, 389, 398,418-19 Bodunrin, P. O. 557-8 Brahman 24, 30, 33, 253-7, 265-8, 282-4, 287, 290, 297, 325-8, 339, 402,404, 534 Brethren of Purity of Basra 119-20 Buddha 24-6, 40, 78, 244, 264, 350, 353-7, 371-7, 392-6, 400, 402, 410-16 Buddhaghosa 81, 373, 383-5 Buddhist philosophy causality in 370-80 contemporary 564-72 divinity in 392-9 goodness in 349-59 historical overview 78-98 human nature in 381-91 nature in 381-91
rationality in 410-19 reality in 392-9 selfhood in 400-9 socio-political ideals 360-9 truth in 420-33
calligraphy 225-6, 228-31 Carvaka 30, 264, 284, 325, 330 caste (varna) 43, 238-43, 294, 297300 causality in Buddhist philosophy 370-80 in Chinese philosophy 165-73 in Islamic philosophy 493-503 Chan 18, 407-8, 519, see also Zen Chang Tung-sun 217-18 Chari, V.K. 306 Cheng Hao 162,209 Cheng Yi 20, 204 Chinese Buddhism 18-19, 91,160-1, 163,183, 226, 232, 406-7, 519 Chinese Catholicism 21,519 Chinese philosophy aesthetics 225-34 causality in 165-73 contemporary 517-22 divinity in 185-200 goodness in 139-47 historical overview 3-23 human nature in 155-64 nature in 155-64 rationality in 201-13 reality in 185-200 selfhood in 148-54 socio-political ideals 174-84 truth in 214-24 Chinul 94 Chujin 388 Confucianism 6-12, 15, 23, 139-45, 151-4, 158, 162, 171, 177-80, 183, 201-5, 209-11, 521 Confucius 6-10, 12, 19, 139, 149, 152, 178-9,196, 219-20 Cosmic Intellects 442 Crahay, F. 69
Dai Zhen 162 Dandin 309, 311 dao' 157-8, 185-95, 215, 222, 517-18
Daodejing 157,180-3, 189-90, see also Laozi Daoism 13-15,143-5,157-8, 167,180, 220, 406-7 darsana 41, 253, 301 De, S. K. 306 Deutsch, Eliot 361,367 Devaraja, N. K. 536 dharma 28, 42-4, 79-82, 85, 89, 237-8, 240, 247, 255-7, 261-2, 275-7, 281, 290, 293-302, 318, 328-30, 376-8, 386-7, 393, 397, 413-17, 425 Dharmakirti 29, 31-2, 90 Dharmottara 344 Dignaga 29, 31, 37, 46, 90 Diop, C. A. 65 divinity in Buddhist philosophy 392-9 in Chinese philosophy 185-200 in Indian philosophy 248-58 in Islamic philosophy 460-71 Dogen 95, 388, 408 Dol-po-pa 428-9 DongZhongshu 16,160,163, 228 duhkha 79, 97, 351, 354, 358, 362, 365, 382,395,402 Eightfold Noble Path 79,350,395-6 Evans-Pritchard, E. 72
Fakhr al-Din al-Razi 108,122 falsafa 448, 469, 472 al-Farabi, Abu Nasr 110,114-16,121, 130, 438-40, 443, 448-9, 466-8, 476, 478, 481, 487-8, 497, 505-6, 509, 512 Fatima 109 Four Noble Truths 352, 393-4, 414, 416-17,419,421-5
Gandhi, M. 45, 47, 300, 302-3, 537-9 Gangesa 40, 274, 341, 343 Gan Yang 520 Gautama the Buddha 24-6, 40, 78, 244, 264, 350, 353-7, 371-7, 392-6, 400, 402, 410-16 al-Ghazzali, Abu Hamid 112,120-2,130, 454, 469,485-6, 508,511
al-Hallaj 480 Hanafi, Hassan 577 Han Fei 15 Hanfeizi 181 Hayy ibn Yaqzan 115,117,126-8, 449, 479, 513 Helu, F. 546 hermeneutics, Islamic 511-13 Hinayana 92, 410 Hopkins, Jeffrey 429-30 Horton, R. 71-2 Hountondji, P. 63, 66, 69, 70, 550 Huainanzi 168,180 Huayan (Hua-yen) 18, 88, 92,161, 387, 519 Huineng 19 humanism 103-4 human nature in Buddhist philosophy 3 81-91 in Chinese philosophy 155-64 in Indian philosophy 279-89 Hunayn ibn Ishaq 110,112 “Hundred Schools” 6
Ibn al-Sid of Badajoz 124-5 Ibn Sina (Avicenna) 112-13,115-17, 121, 126, 130, 439-45, 449, 4689, 476-8, 488-9, 496-9, 505, 509, 513 Ibn Tufayl of Cadiz (Abubacer) 126-8, 440, 479, 509, 513 illuminationism (ishraqi) 444, 448, 450 Imamate 101-3 Imamis (Twelver Shi'ites) 102-3 Indian philosophy aesthetics 304-23 contemporary 531-41 divinity in 248-58 goodness in 290-303 historical overview 24-48 human nature in 279-89 nature in 279-89 rationality in 259-78 reality in 248-58 selfhood in 324-33 socio-political ideals 237-47 truth in 334-45 Iqbal, Muhammad 574-5 Islamic philosophy aesthetics 448-59 causality in 493-503 contemporary 573-80 divinity in 460-71 goodness in 484-92 historical overview 99-133 rationality in 504-14 reality in 460-71 selfhood in 472-83 truth in 437-47 Isma'IEs (Sevener Shi'ites) 103, 441-4, 498
Ibn'Arabi 131,444-5,450-1,453,481, 500-2 Ibn Bajja of Saragossa (Avempace) 124-6 Ibn Hanbal 104, 509 Ibn Hazm 123-4,509 Ibn Khaldun, 'Abd al-Rahman 112, 131 Ibn Masarra 122-3 IbnMu'awiya 122 Ibn Rushd (Averroes) 110,122,12832, 441, 449-50, 469, 489-90, 50712
Jahm Ibn Safwan 460 Jaimini 294 Jainism 26, 32, 237, 244, 256, 303, 344, 372, 386, 533 Jami,'Abd al-Rahman 457 Japanese Buddhism 94, 427-8, 564-71 Jayanta 263 Jayatilleke, K. N. 96 Jin Guantao 520 Jinizi 170-1 junzi 219-20
al-Ghazzali, Ahmad 454 God (isvara) 252-8 goodness in Buddhist philosophy 349-59 in Chinese philosophy 139-47 in Indian philosophy 290-303 in Islamic philosophy 484-92 Gouxiang 145, 161 Graham, A. C. 214-15,217 Guanzi 145 guna 24, 27, 43, 255, 265, 285, 299300, 309, 335, 341 Gyekye, K. 553
Kagame, A. 68, 550 Kalam 104, 438, 460, 465, 468-9, 474-5,494-6 Kalidasa 309-11, 318 Kamakau, S. M. 59, 61 Kanada 39, 294 Kane, P. V. 305-6 Kapila 27 karma 25-6, 30, 42-3, 246, 251, 254, 263, 273, 282, 295, 299, 329-30, 363, 376-7, 381, 384-6, 389, 413 karuna 398 Ka'upu, D. 545 Kautilya 42, 44, 243, 263 Kaviraj, M. G. 267-8 Keith, A. B. 306 Kepelino Kahoali'i Keauokalani 62 Khadija 109 Kharijites 101-2 Khomeini 481, 578 al-Kindi 113-14,440 al-Kirmanl, Hamid al-DIn 441-4, 455, 498-9 ’ Korean Buddhism 94 Krishna, Daya 537 Krsna 256, 258, 294, 298-9, 302, ’ 319-20 Kubra, Najm al-DIn 455 Kukai 388,427-8 Kuki Shuzo 525 Kumarila 29, 37, 39, 43, 262, 266-8, 328-9 kusala 349-51, 354-9 Kyoto School 564-71 Lankavatara Sutra 89-90, 93 Laozi (Lao Tzu) 13,186, 191,195, 200 Laozi 144, see also Daodejing Legalism 15,181-2 Levy-Bruhl, L. 549 li 139-40, 142, 145, 150-2, 157, 1612, 201-11, 222, 226, 517, 522 Liang Shuming 521 Liezi 180 Lin-chi 407 LiuQingfeng 520 LiuShaobo 520 Lived concreteness 8-9
LiZehou 521-2 Lokayata 379 Lokottaravada 83 Lono, S. 544 Lotus Sutra 92, 367 Lu Xiangshan 21
Madhyamika 18, 85, 87-9, 254, 365-6, 410, 415-16, 424-6, 431, 535 Mahabharata 44, 239, 258, 261, 275, 318 Mahavira 26, 244 Mahayana 29, 47, 78, 80-1, 83-90, 92, 254, 301, 327-8, 365, 387, 389, 397-8,406,410,415,418 Maitreyanatha 88, 90 Malalasekara, G. P. 96 Malo, D. 59 Marxism 519 Matilal, B. K. 269-71, 276, 430, 531, 534, 539 maya 249, 253-4, 257, 326, 402-3, 534 Mencius 10-12, 19, 139-40, 142, 144, 195, 197 Mencius 156, 177, 219 Milindapanha 422 Mimamsa 34, 36-8, 42-3, 248-56, 265-8, 292, 295, 325, 328-30, 335-6 Bhatta school 336-9,343 Misra school 338 Prabhakara school 36, 292, 336, 343 Purvamlmamsa 281, 295 Miskawa 486-7 Mohanty, J. N. 250, 252, 263, 269-72, 338,343-4, 534 Mohism 139,141-3,156, 166-7, 170, 216-17 moksa 25, 43-4, 47, 79, 241-2, 250, 252, 255, 262, 281-3, 289, 290-1, 295-302,342,425,536-7 Moksakaragupta 421 Moore, D. 560-1 Mozi 11, 141-2, 144, 182, 206, 217 Mudimbe, V. Y. 73, 561 Muhammad 102, 474 Murti, T.R.V. 536 Mutakallimun 104, 438, 493-9, 501
Mu'tazila (Mu'tazilites) 438, 460-5, 4846, 510 Myth of Yu 5 Nagarjuna 29, 32, 38, 41-2, 85-6, 90, 365-6, 397, 410, 415-16, 422-4, 428 Nakamura Yujiro 523-5 Nasr, Seyyed Hossein 576-7 nature in Buddhist philosophy 3 81-91 in Chinese philosophy 155-64 in Indian philosophy 279-89 al-Nazzam 494, 496 Needham, J. 167-8,170 Neo-Confucianism 19, 145, 161, 183, 193, 202, 208-9 Ngak-wang-bel-den 429 Nichiren 367 nirvana 25, 29, 79-87, 327-8, 365, 381, 384, 389, 393, 396, 399, 416-17 Nishida Kitaro 95, 524, 526, 564-71 Nishitani Keiji 523,570 Nyaya 29-36, 38-40, 43, 248-57, 266, 269-75, 277, 292, 325, 329-32, 335, 340-3 Navya-Nyaya (Neo-Nyaya) 40, 271, 274, 338 Nyerere, J. 558-60
Oruka, H.O. 63-4,555-7
Panini 272-3 paranomastic person 149-51 Patanjali 268, 272 peripatetism (mashsha'i) 438-41, 444, 448-50, 496-7 Polynesian thinking contemporary 542-7 historical overview 49-62 Prabhakara 328-9 pragmatism 221-2, 343 prajna 398 Prajnakaramati 424-6,431 Prajnaparamita Sutras 84,95,415 prakrti 24, 27, 249, 254, 285-9, 387 pramana 30-7, 251, 275-6, 335
Prasad, Rajendra 536 pratltyasamutpdda 79, 82, 85, 92, 365, 370-7, 381,413 Pure Land Buddhism 89-90, 94,367, 399 purusa 27, 249, 252, 254, 285-9, 326 purusartha 43,263-4,279-81 qi 229 Quran 106-9, 458, 461, 465, 473-5, 479, 578
Rabi'a al-'Adawiyya 109-10 Radhakrishnan, S. 46-7, 267, 533, 539 Rama 256, 258 Ramanuja 37,46,268 Rdmayana 258,261 rasa 45,'276-7, 306, 315-21 rationality in Buddhist philosophy 410-19 in Chinese philosophy 201-13 in Indian philosophy 259-78 in Islamic philosophy 504-14 al-Rawafid 437-8 al-Razi (Rhazes) 117-19,124-5 Razi, Najm al-Din 455 reality in Buddhist philosophy 392-9 in Chinese philosophy 185-200 in Indian philosophy 248-58 in Islamic philosophy 460-71 ren 140-1, 145, 151, 179, 198, 209, 226 Rudrata 311-12 Rumi, Jalal al-Din 455-8,480 Ryogen 388 sabda 33-4 Sadr al-Din Shirazi (Mulla Sadra) 453-4 sage philosophy 555-7 Saigyd 388 Saiva 256-7, 277, 317 Sakabe Megumi 525-7, 529 Samkara 38, 40, 46, 47, 249, 264-7, ' 287-9, 297, 301, 326, 343, 534 Samkhya 27, 36, 83, 246, 248-56, 264' 5, 274, 283-6, 299, 324, 326-7, 335, 339-40, 343, 371, 387
sarnsara 79, 84, 287, 365, 381, 384, 389, 396,413-14,417 samvrti 423-6, 430 sangha (samgha) 79, 83, 242, 244, 364-7 Santideva 424 Sarvastivadins 89, 387 satya 420-1 self-cultivation as embodiment 9-11 selfhood in Buddhist philosophy 400-9 in Chinese philosophy 148-54 in Indian philosophy 324-33 in Islamic philosophy 472-83 Senghor, L. 550 Shang Dynasty divination 4,155-6, 163 Sharif, Muhammad Mayan 574 shen 195-6 Shi’ism 101-3, 109 Shijing 177-8, 194 Shinran 94, 367 Shujing 176-8, 194 Sinic mind, emergence of 4—5 socio-political ideals in Buddhist philosophy 360-9 in Chinese philosophy 174-84 in Indian philosophy 237-47 Sri Lankan Buddhism 96 Stcherbatsky, Th. 373 Sufism 109-10, 444-5, 454-8, 479-81, 500-1, 576 al-Suhrawardi 117, 443-5, 450-3, 4778, 499-500 Sumner, C. 65-6 Sunnism 101, 103 sunyata 207, 254, 365, 415, 431, 570 sutra 273,410 Suzuki, D. T. 95, 565 Tagore, R. 303,532,537 Tahafut al-Falasifa (Incoherence of the Philosophers) 121, 469, 477, 508 Tahafut al-Tahafut (Incoherence of the Incoherence) 122, 129, 469, 477, 508 taiji 185-8,192-3 Tanabe Hajime 95,569-70 Tangjunyi 207-8 Tantra 91, 321 tathdgatagarbha 90,92,387-8
Tauanu'u 543 Temoignages 70 Tempels, P. 63, 67-9, 549-50 Te Rangikaheke 60 Thabit ibn Qurra 104,110 Theravada 78-83, 92, 363-4, 376, 387, 410 tian 157, 194-6,206 Tiantai (Tien-Cai) 18,92,94,427 Tibetan Buddhism 95,427-9 Tohfa 109-10 topos, logic of, 565-7, 570 translation 110-11 truth in Buddhist philosophy 420-33 in Chinese philosophy 214-24 in Indian philosophy 334-45 in Islamic philosophy 437-47 Tsong-kha-pa 429, 431 TuWei-ming 225-6, 521 Udayana 270 Ueda Shizuteru 570 Umayyads 100-1 Upanisads 24, 27, 33, 253, 265, 279, 283, 290, 324, 326, 331-2, 403 Brhadaranyaka Upanisad 256, 259, 420 Chdndogya Upanisad 239,249,288 Katha Upanisad 256,284, 290 Mundaka Upanisad 283,290 Taittiriya Upanisad 283-4 Vaisesika 30, 38-40, 248-57, 270, 329, 335, 371 Vaisnava 256-7, 319, 321 varna (caste) 43, 238-43, 294, 297-300 Varuna 284 Vasubandhu 88-9, 373, 410, 417, 423, 425 Vatsyayana 35, 39, 41, 262, 266 Vedanta 28-30, 32-8, 42, 47, 248-55, 265, 297, 299, 301, 324, 326, 335, 371,421 Advaita Vedanta 257, 267, 284, 2879, 326, 330-2, 338-9, 535 Vedas 24, 243, 256, 263, 265, 267, 3078, 313 AtharvaVeda 256 RgVeda 256,280, 308
Vijnanavada 88, 398 vyapti 32, 269, 274 Wang Bi 161 Wang Chong 169 WangFuzhi 162 Wang Yang-ming 21, 144-5, 162, 209 Watsuji Tetsuro 95, 525 Wiredu, K. 71-2,551-3 wu wei 181 Xunzi 11, 12, 19, 139-40, 158-9, 163, 171,204-7
Yajnavalkya 290-1, 294 YanFu 519 Yangism 139, 142-4 Yang Zhu 11,142 yi 140,145, 150, 208-9 Yijing (Zhouyi, Book of Changes) 16-17, 20,160, 175-6,178, 185-90, 228, 517
yinyang 159-60,168-9,171, 175-6, 180, 186-8, 191-2, 199 Yizhuan 186,189-90, 193,197 Yoga 42-3, 248-55, 257, 263, 268, 286-7, 299, 324, 326-7, 335 Yogacara 29, 38, 88-9, 254, 264, 366, 410,417-18 Yuasa Yasuo 527-9 Zen 368, 408, 564-6, 570, see also Chan Zhang Dainian 521 Zhang Zai 161-2,204 Zhiyi (Chih-i) 92,427 Zhongyong 197-9, 219 ZhouDunyi 20,189,192 Zhuangzi 13-14, 19, 157-8, 163, 186, 191,195, 200,206 Zhuangzi 143-45, 180-1, 518 ZhuXi 20, 145-6, 162, 202-3, 208 Zichan 6