284 48 127MB
English Pages 318 Year 1915
In 1 8 7 0
'Wofries tke Yale MfLTbwne fg . Co S' tsa^ifWifL Con n. U .S .A .
A Collection of Catalogues showing some of the leading
Yale Products Including:
Padlocks Night Latches 3. Door Checks 4. Cabinet and Trunk Locks 5. Builders’ Hardware 1. 2.
The Yale Towne Mfg. Co. 9 Murray Street, New York
Local Offices: Chicago Philadelphia Boston San Francisco
Sectional Catalogues 1. Padlocks
T his presents the com plete lin e o f Y ale P a d locks, th e scope o f w hich is explained in th e A nnouncem ent ” th erein .
2. Night Latches
T his presents th e com plete line of Y ale N ig h t L atch es, and also includes th e m ost popular Y ale D ead L ocks, both rim and m ortise. A lso, on page 58, a K ey B ittin g M achine.
3. Door Checks
T his p resen ts th e com plete line o f B lount and Y ale D oor C hecks, and devices for co n trollin g th e clos ing of doors, including th e C hecking Floor H in g e.
4. Yale Cabinet and Trunk Locks
T his presen ts a careful selection o f th e locks w hich are best ad ap ted for ordinary uses.
5. Yale Hardware
T his is a brochure exp lain in g to house-ow ners th e o p po rtu n ity for th e exercise of taste in th e selec tion ot B uilders H ardw are, illu strated by ex am ples in a few ot th e m any schools of o rn am e n t em braced in th e com plete line of Y ale B u ild ers’ H ardw are. T h e full p resen tatio n of th e la tte r is m ade in th e large trad e catalogue, No. 20, in w hich it occupies upw ards of 350 pages.
F o rewo rd
T is a mistaken impression that the Yale Products embrace only high-priced goods. On the contrary, in every important line they embrace the whole range of quality, from the cheapest which are “ tit for use" to those having the highest mechanical and artistic excellence. Every Vale product, however, is intended to be the best of its kind or grade. The cheaper grades are as necessary and legitimate as the better grades, (often more so) but equal skill and care should be exercised in the design both, and the material and workmanship in each article should be appropriate for its intended grade. The results thus implied are embodied in all Yale products. Yale products can be sold in every locality and to almost every class of customers. Every hardware dealer can sell some or many of them, and will find it profitable to do so. Our trade name “ Yale” is a guarantee of quality, and is universally known; it is the only trade
name identified with Locks and Builders’ Hardware which is known to the general public. It can be utilized profitably by every dealer, large or small, who handles Yale products. The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Historical and Technical Information Concerning Locks Everyone uses locks and nearly everyone is interested in learning about them. Hardware merchants and locksmiths have more or less knowledge concerning them, and, by using this effectively with customers, can incline the latter to consult them, as lock experts, in the selection of locks for special and im portant uses. This in turn will afford opportunity to influence customers to use locks of the better grades, thereby augm enting the profit of the seller and the satisfaction of the buver. The information on the following pages will be found useful for the purposes thus indicated.
How to Procure Yale Products of the goods shown herein can he MOST furnished by nearly any of the legiti
mate jobbers throughout the United States, or can be obtained and furnished by them on special order, if called for. While we are always glad to open an ac count with any responsible hardware merchant, large or small, we recognize that in many cases the quantity of goods required is so small, and the expenses of transportation so large, as to make it expedient for the retail dealer to com bine such orders with those for other goods, and to supply his wants through jobbing channels. In such cases, however, the catalogues herein will afford fuller and more detailed in formation than is usually contained in jobbers’ catalogues, and will assist in the making up of orders. They can also be utilized effectively to assist customers in selecting the locks needed to meet special conditions or to accomplish unusual results.
A Few samples of the many Money-earning Books which are Sent Free on Request
E maintain for the free use of dealers, who stock our products and wish to push their sale, an Advertising Service. This Advertising Service is for one purpose— to bring actual business into dealers' stores. It is doing it for many hundreds, why not for you. Send for “ Suggestions for Selling Padlocks and Night Latches. ” Ask for two mighty inter esting short stories, “ The Little Black Box” and “ His First Latch Key.”
Contents Announcement M a s t e r - K e y i n g ..............................4 Padlocks illustrated and listed
Keys and Blanks illustrated and l i s t e d .............................................81 Numerical Index arranged by new n u m b e r s ......................................90 Num erical Index arranged by old n u m b e r s ......................................94
N o t e .— The list numbers of our line of padlocks have been reorganized on an im proved and substantially uniform basis. See explanation at head of the numerical index on page 90.
H 1420-7 ’08
-. %
250 9 01
ADLOCKS are made in a vast variety of sizes, styles, and qualities, retailing at prices ranging from $5.00 each down to 10 cents or less. The line of padlocks presented herewith covers all grades, from the highest to the cheapest which are “ fit for use; ” all intended to be the best of their respectivekinds, in design, workmanship, material, and finish. Of padlocks of the highest and medium grades we are largest makers in the world, and of the cheaper grade, the so-called “ novelty” class, our line is extensive and ex ceptionally attractive. In all three grades many important additions have recently been made. Special attention is called to the latest addition, the “ Hermetic ” line, on pages 36 to 39. A customer should always be urged to base his selec tion on careful inspection of samples, and to select the best lock for his purpose, rather than the cheapest; we invite critical inspection of our padlocks, especially as to the mechanical arrangement of their interior parts, as the best means of demonstrating our claims as to their quality. THE YALE & TOW NE MFG. CO.
Master-Keyed Padlocks
SERIES of padlocks may be arranged on either of three different plans, viz: 1. A ll different; each key opening only one lock. 2. A ll alike; any key opening all of the locks. 3. Master-keyed; with locks all different (as in plan 1), but with a master-key which passes all of the locks (as in plan 2). The number of padlocks which can be arranged with keys all different (plan 1) depends on the type of padlock and the number of key changes of which it is capable; some are capable of hundreds or even thousands of key changes, but the cheaper grades have comparatively few key changes, some of them less than twelve. A series of padlocks of any type and of any quantity can be arranged with keys all alike (plan 2). Certain types of padlocks can be master-keyed, some in limited groups of a few dozen, and others of higher grade in larger groups up to one thousand or more. Such padlocks can usually be sub-master-keyed also, that is, divided into subordinate groups, each controlled by a separate masterkey, and all controlled by a grand master-key. The planning of a system of master-keyed padlocks, especially if large, requires a clear understanding of the ob jects sought to be accomplished by their use, and a thorough technical knowledge of the conditions and limitations of the
various types of padlocks. In order to ensure the best result, the co-operation of both parties is needed; the user to indicate what lie requires, and the manufacturer to de termine the padlock which will best meet the requirements. The experienced hardware dealer is usually the best medium of communication between the parties, and capable of assisting both. In planning a series of padlocks, whether master-keyed or otherwise, it is important to provide in advance for probable future extensions of the system; otherwise when extensions are desired it may be found that the type of pad lock which has been selected does not allow them to be made. The practice of master-keying, not only of padlocks, but of locks of all kinds, is increasing rapidly, as users are becoming more familiar with the many conveniences and advantages thus obtainable. Many of the |>adlocks des cribed in this catalogue admit of master-keying. The selec tion of the best padlock for any given case depends on the conditions involved; if informed as to these, we will always be pleased to place our expert knowledge at the service of customers. Complete master-key records are so kept that additional locks may be furnished at any time capable of being operated by the original master-key.
Cuts Full Size
Yale Padlocks
Not Master-Keyed T h ese Padlocks, being constructed on the Y A L E system , possess the h igh est security and a practically unlimited number o f k ey changes. T h e locks are o f unusually h eavy construc tion; the shackles are o f steel or bronze and are locked w ith tw o bolts, one engaging w ith either end o f shackle. F or this lock masterkeyed , see opposite page.
1 Inch Cast Bronze Padlocks 2
Pin-tumbler Mechanism Paracentric Keys—nickel bronze, coined, gold-plated bows N ew No.
830 831
830i 8314
Old No.
830 830-J
8030 8030^
Tum blers
K eys
2; Class 13 Steel 5 Pin-tumblers 2; Class 13 Bronze 5 Pin-tumblers W ith 9 inches of 6B Chain 5 Pin-tumblers 2; Class 13 Steel 2; Class 13 Bronze 5 Pin-tumblers
Packed, each in a box; 6 boxes in a carton; 6 dozen boxes in a case
6B Bronze “ S a s h ” Chain.
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
Yale Padlocks
Master-Keyed A ny number o f these padlocks,upto 350,can be fur nished with keys all differ ent and all controlled by one M aster-key; or a som ew hat l^ s number o f padlocks may be divided into groups, each group controlled b y o n e m aster-key and all controlled by one grand m aster-key, and no tw o padlocks having keys alike. See page 4 F or this lock not masterkeyed, see opposite page.
1 Inch Cast Bronze Master-keyed Padlocks 2
Pin-tumbler Mechanism Paracentric Keys—nickel bronze, coined, gold-plated bows N e w No.
830MK 831MK 83(HMK 83H M K
O ld No.
Tum blers
831 5 P in-tumblers 8311 5 Pin-tumblers W ith 9 inches 80'31 5 Pin-tumblers 80311 5 Pin-tumblers
K eys
2; Class 13 2; Class 13 of 6B Chain 2; Class 13 2; Class 13
Steel Bronze Steel Bronze
Packed, each in a box ; 6 b jx e s in a carton ; 6 dozen boxes in a case
No. 6B Bronze “ Sash ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
Yale Padlocks
Not Master-Keyed T h ese Padlocks, beint* constructed on the Y A L E system , possess the highest security and a p rjctica lly unlim ited number o f key changes. T h e locks are of unusually h eavy construc tion; the shackles are o f steel or bjonze and are locked w ith tw o bolts, one en gagin g w ith either end o f shackle. F o r th is lock m asterkeyed, see opposite page.
1%Inch Cast Bronze Padlocks
Pin-tum bler Mechanism Paracentric Keys—nickel bronze, coined, gold-plated bows N ew N o.
840 841
OId N o -
84(H 841^
8040 8040^
840 840£
Tum blers
K e ys
5 Pin-tumblers 2; Class 8 5 Pin-tumblers 2; Class 8 W ith 9 inches of 7B Chain 6 Pin-tumblers 2; Class 8 6 Pin-tumblers 2; Class 8
Steel Bronze Steel Bronze
Can be furnished to order with Dust Guardr at an extra price Packed, each in a box; 6 boxes in a carton; 6 dozen boxes in a case.
No. 7B Bronze “ kSash ” Chain.
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
Yale Padlocks
M aster-K eyed A n y number o f these padlocks, up to geo can be furnished w ith k e y s all different and all controlled by one M aster-key ; or a som ew hat less number o f padlocks m ay be divided into groups, each group controlled by one masterkey and all controlled by one grand m aster-key, and no t w o padlocks having keys alike. See page 4. For this lock not masterkeyed, see opposite page.
1 Inch Cast Bronze Master-Keyed Padlocks 4
Pin-tumbler Mechanism. Paracentric Keys—nickel bronze, coined, gold-plated bows N e w No.
Tum blers
O ld No.
Pin-tumblers 6 Pin-tumblers W ith 9 inches 840 |M K 8041 6 Pin-tumblers 841^MK 8041-J 6 Pin-tumblers
840MK 841MK
841 8411
K eys
2; Class 11 2; Class 11 of 7B Chain 2; Class 11 2; Class 11
Steel Bronze Steel Bronze
Can be furnished to order with Dust Guards at an extra price Packed; each in a box; 6 boxes in a carton; 6 dozen boxes in a case
N o. 7B Bronze “ Sash ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
Yale Padlocks
Not Master-Keyed These Padlocks, being constructed on the Y A L E system , possess the highest security and a practically unlim ited num ber o f key changes. T h e locks are of unusually h eavy construc tion; the shackles are o f steel or bronze and are locked w ith tw o bolts, one engaging w ith either end ot shackle. For this lock masterkeyed, see opposite page.
2 Inch Cast Bronze Padlocks
Pin-tumbler Mechanism Paracentric Keys—nickel bronze, coined, gold-plated bows N ew No.
850 851
Old No.
850i 851|
8050 8050|
850 8501
Tum blers
5 Pin-tumblers 5 Pin-tumblers W ith 9 inches 5 Pin-tumblers 5 Pin-tumblers
K eys
2 Class 8 2; Class 8 of 8B Chain 2; Class 8 2; Class 8 ;
Steel Bronze
Steel Bronze
Can be furnished to order with Dust Guards at an extra price Packed, each in a box: 6 boxes in a carton; 6 dozen boxes in a case
...... No. 8B Bronze “ Sash” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
Yale Padlocks
Master-Keyed A n y number o f these padlocks, up to 4,000, can be furnished w ith keys all different and all controlled by one M a ster-key; or a so m ew h at less number o f padlocks m ay be divided in to groups, each group con trolled by one m aster-key ajid all controlled by one grand master key, and no tw o p adlocks having keys alike. See page 4. For this lock not masterkeyed, see opposite page.
2 Inch Cast Bronze Master-Keyed Padlocks Pin-tum bler Mechanism Paracentric Keys—nickel bronze, coined, gold-plated bows
N ew N o.
850MK 851MK 85(HMK 851-lMK
O ld N o.
851 8511
8051 8051-|
Tum blers
K eys
Pin-tumblers 2; Class 11 Pin-tumblers 2; Class 11 W ith 9 inches of 8B Chain 2; Class 11 6 Pin-tumblers 2; Class 11 6 Pin-tumblers 6 6
Steel Bronze Steel Bronse
Can be furnished to order with Dust Guards at an extra price Packed, each in a^box: 6 boxes in a carton; 6 dozen boxes in a case
No. 8B Bronze “ Sash ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
Yale Padlocks
Not Master-Keyed
M ||
These padlocks, being constructed on the Y A L E system , possess the highest security and a practically unlimited num ber o f key changes. T h e lo cks are o f unusually h eavy construc tion; the shackles are o f steel or bronze and are locked w ith tw o bolts, one en gag ing w ith either end o f shackle. For this lock masterkeyed, see opposite page.
lt r i_ __ ■_____________
22 ]
Inch Cast Bronze Padlocks
Pin-tumbler Mechanism Paracentric Keys—nickel bronze, coined, gold-plated bows N ew N o .
Old No.
8701 871i
8070 8070-J-
870 871
870 8701
Tum blers
5 Pin-tumblers 5 Pin-tumblers W ith 9 inches 5 Pin-tumblers 5 Pin-tumblers
K eys
2; Class 8 2; Class 8 of 8B Chain 2 ; Class 8 2 ; Class 8
Steel Bronze Steel Bronze
Can be furnished to order with Dust Guards at an extra price Packed, each in a box, 6 boxes in a carton; 6 dozen boxes in a case
No. 8B Bronze “ Sash ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
Yale Padlocks
A n y number o f these padlocks, up to 4 000 can be furnished w ith keys all dif ferent and all controlled by one M aster-key; or a so m e w h a t less number o f pad lo cks m ay be divided into groups, each group co n trolled by one m aster-key and all controlled by one grand m aster-key and no tw o padlocks having keys alike. See page 4. For this lock, not m as ter-keyed, see opposite page.
2 Inch Cast Bronze Master-Keyed Padlocks 2
Pin-tumbler Mechanism Paracentric Keys—nickel bronze, coined, gold-plated bows
N ew N o.
O ld N o.
871 871-^
Tum blers
K eys
Pin-tumblers 2; Class 11 Steel $ ......... Pin-tumblers 2; Class 11 Bronze ......... W ith 9 inches of 8B Chain 8701MK 8071 6 Pin-tumblers 2; Class 11 Steel 871|M K 8071J 6 Pin-tumblers 2; Class 11 Bronze Can be furnished to order with D ust Guards at an extra price 870MK 871MK
6 6
Packed, each in a box; 6 boxes in a carton; 6 dozen boxes in a case.
N o. 8B Bronze “ S a s h ’
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
Yale Padlocks
11 Inch Wrought Bronze Padlocks
Pin-tum bler Mechanism Paracentric Keys—nickel bronze, coined, gold-plated bows T h ese padlocks, being constructed on th e Y A L E system , possess the highest degree of secu rity, and w hen not m aster-keyed, have a practically unlimited number o f key changes. For m aster-keyed lo cks, see below .
N ew N o.
Old N o.
Tum blers
K ey s
4 Pin-tumblers 2; Class 10 Bronze W ith 9 inches of 6B Chain 4 Pin-tumblers 2; Class 10 Bronze
W hen M aster-keyed any num ber o f
$ ............ ...........
locks up to 210 can be furnished, w ith keys all different and all controlled by one Master key, or a som ew hat less number o f padlocks m ay be divided into groups, each group controlled b y one m aster-key and all controlled by one grand m aster-key, and no tw o padlocks having keys alike. See page 4. N ew N o. O ld No. Tum blers K eys Shackle Dozen
4 Pin-tumblers 2; Class 10 Bronze $ ............ W ith 9 inches of 6B Chain 733JMK 73'3^-MK 4 Pin-tumblers 2; Class 10 Bronze ............
Packed, w ith o u t chain,
dozen in a box; w ith chain,
N o. 6B Bronze “ Sash ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
Yale Padlocks
2 Inch Wrought Bronze Padlocks
Pin-tumbler Mechanism Paracentric Keys—nickel bronze, coined, gold-plated bows Th ese padlocks, being constructed on the Y A L E system , possess the highest degree o f secu rity, and when not m aster-keyed have a practically unlim ited num ber o f key changes. For m aster-keyed locks see below . N ew N o.
Old N o.
Tum blers
K eys
5 Pin-tumblers 2; Class 8 Bronze W ith 9 inches of 7B Chain 5 Pin-tumblers 2; Class 8 Bronze
W hen M aster-keyed
$ ...........
an y number o f locks up to 900 can be furnished, w ith keys all different and all controlled by one M aster-key, or a so m ew h at less number o f padlocks m ay be divided into groups, each group con trolled by one m aster-key, and all controlled by one grand m aster-key, and no tw o padlocks having keys alike. See page 4. N e w No. O ld N o. Tum blers K eys Shackle Dozen
5 Pin-tumblers 2; Class 11 Bronze $ ........... W ith 9 inches of 7B Chain 735-JMK 753^MK 5 Pin-tumblers 2; Class 11 Bronze ...........
Packed, w ith o u t chain,
dozen in a box; w ith chain,
N o. 7B Bronze ‘ ‘Sash” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
T he “ Standard” Padlocks
IN C E its first appearance in 1878 this line of solid bronze padlocks has steadily increased in repute, popularity and sales. F o r many years it has been the recognized leader among high-grade padlocks, and lias been applied to a constantly extending variety of uses. Its name and appearance have long been fam iliar to the public in every m arket, thus m aking it one of the most staple “ leaders” in the hardw are trade. Almost without exception it is included in the stock of every dealer who carries a well assorted line of padlocks. No other padlock is in larg er demand or sells more easily. The sizes range from % -inch jewel or dog collar padlock, to the S c inch padlock for warehouse and ja il service. These padlocks are made wholly of bronze metal. Into the hollow external case or shell is inserted, from the bottom, a fillingblock which carries the four double-acting lever tum blers, the bolt, the plunger, and all other w orking parts. W hen thus assembled the lock is practically a solid block of cast bronze, with its working p arts so thoroughly guarded as to be proof against any violence, except such as would absolutely destroy the whole structure. The shackle is also of bronze, drop forged, to increase its strength and to improve its appearance. Its acti 6n is autom atic both in locking and unlocking, and the shackle hole is protected by a stopper against the entrance of d irt when the lock is open. The tum bler mechanism affords ample security against attack, and each padlock is furnished with two keys. In design, workmanship, m aterials, and finish, the lock is of the highest grade throughout.
Cuts Full Size
“ Standard” Padlocks
Inch Cast Bronze Padlock
Three lever-tumblers Two fluted keys, with coined, gold-plated bows, to each lock, Class 82
N ew No.
Old No.
Bronze, buffed
Bronze, buffed
Packed, each in a box; 12 boxes in a carton
“Jewel” Gold Plated %Inch Cast Bronze Padlock Three lever-tumblers Two fluted keys, with coined, gold-plated bows, to each lock, Class 82
N e w N o.
O ld N o.
1803G Bronze, Gold Plated Bronze, Gold Plated 24 $ ........... Packed, each in a silk lined box; 6 boxes in a carton
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
“ Standard” Padlocks
1 Inch Cast Bronze Padlocks Three lever-tumblers Two Flat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 7G N ew No.
813 813N
O ld No.
813 Bronze, buffed Bronze, buffed 48 8113 Bronze, Nickel Plated Bronze, Nickel Plated 48 W ith 9 inches of 3A Chain
8013 Bronze, buffed
Bronze, buffed
W ith 9 inches of 3AN Chain 813^N 8213 Bronze,Nickel Plated Bronze,Nickel Plated 48 Packed, w ith o u t chain,
dozen in a box;~with"chain,
No. 3A Brass and No. 3AN Nickel Plated Brass “ Safety” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
“ Standard” Padlocks
1 Inch Cast Bronze Padlocks Steel W ire Shackle
Three lever-tumblers
Two F lat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 76 N ew N o.
O ld N o .
C ase
Bronze, buffed
W ith 9 inches of 3A Chain 814^
Bronze, buffed Packed, w ith out chain,
dozen n a box; w ith chain, ^ dozen
N o. 3A Brass ‘ ‘ S a fe ty ’ Chain
The Yale & Towne M'fg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
“ Standard” Padlocks
1 Inch Cast Bronze Padlocks Three lever-tumblers
Bronze Wire Shackle
Two Flat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 76 N ew No.
Old No.
Bronze, buffed
Bronze, buffed
W ith 9 inches of 3A Chain Bronze, buffed Packed, w ithout chain,
Bronze, buffed
dozen in a box; w ith chain,
No. 3A Brass “ S a fe ty ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
$ ...........
Cuts Full Size
“ Standard” Bicycle Padlocks
1 Inch Cast Bronze Padlocks Three lever-tumblers Two F lat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 76 N ew No.
O ld No.
W ith 15 inches of 2SN Chain 8134 8013B Bronze, buffed Bronze, buffed 48 $ .......... 813^N 8213B Bronze,Nickel Plated Bronze, Nickel Plated 48 ......... Packed, ^ dozen in a box
N o. 2SN Nickel Plated Steel “ S a s h ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
“ Standard” Baggage Padlocks
1 Inch Cast Bronze Padlocks Three lever-tumblers Two F lat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 76 N ew No.
Old N o.
W ith 30 inches of 4A Chain 813f
8013F Bronze, buffed
Bronze, buffed
48 $ ..........
W ith 30 inches of 4AN Chain 813^N 8213F Bronze,Nickel Plated Bronze, Nickel Plated 48 ......... Packed, each in a box
No. 4A Brass and_No. 4AN N ickel Plated Brass “ S a fe ty ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
“ Standard” Padlocks
11 Inch Cast Bronze Padlocks Three lever-tumblers Two Flat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 176 N ew No.
O ld No.
C ase
Bronze, buffed 82'3 Bronze, buffed Steel 824 8123 Bronze, Nickel Plated Bronze,Nickel Plated W ith 9 inches of 3A Chain Bronze, buffed 8231 8023 Bronze, buffed Steel 8241 8024 W ith 9 inches of 3AN Chain 823JtN 8223 Bronze,Nickel Plated Bronze,Nickel Plated
823 824 823N
Packed, w ith out chain,
dozen in a box; w ith chain,
No. 3A Brass and No. 3AN Nickel Plated Brass “ S a fety” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Shackle Changes
48 $ .......... 48 ......... 48 ......... 48 ......... 48 ......... 48 ..........
Cuts Full Size
“ Standard” Padlocks
1 Inch Cast Bronze Padlocks 2
Three lever-tumblers Two F lat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 77 N ew N o.
O ld N o.
Sh ackle
833 83’3 Bronze, buffed Bronze, buffed 834 834 “ “ Steel 833N 81'33 Bronze, Nickel Plated Bronze, Nickel Plated W ith 9 inches of 12T Chain 833| 8033 Bronze, buffed Bronze, buffed 8341 8034 •* “ Steel 833|N 8233 Bronze, Nickel Plated Bronze, Nickel Plated Packed, w ith o ut chain,
]/2 dozen in a box;
w ith chain,
N o. 12 T Tinned Iron Curb-chain, welded
The Yale & Towne IVTfg. Co.
48 $ .......... 48 ......... 48 ......... 48 ......... 48 ......... 48 .........
Cuts Full Size
“ Standard” Padlocks
1%Inch Cast Bronze Padlocks Four lever-tum blers Two F lat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 177 N ew N o .
O ld No.
843 Bronze,buffed Bronze, buffed 844 " “ Steel 8143 Bronze, Nickel Plated Bronze, Nickel Plated W ith 9 inches of 13T Chain 843^ 8043 Bronze, buffed Bronze, buffed 844J 8044 “ “ Steel 843^N 8243 Bronze, Nickel Plated Bronze, Nickel Plated
843 844 843N
Packed, w ith o u t chain,
dozen in a box; w ith chain,
N o . 13 T Tinned Iron Curb-chain, welded
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
72 $. . . . 72 . . . . 72 . . . . 72 . . . . 72 . . . . 72 . . . .
Cuts Full Size
“ Standard” Padlocks
2 Inch Cast Bronze Padlocks
Four lever-tumblers Two F lat Keys to each lock, Class 78 N ew N o.
Old N o.
853 Bronze, buffed Bronze, buffed 853 854 854 “ “ Steel 853N 8153 Bronze, Nickel Plated Bronze, Nickel Plated W ith 9 inches of 14T Chain 853^ 8053 Bronze, buffed Bronze, buffed 854| 8054 “ “ Steel 853|N 8253 Bronze, Nickel Plated Bronze,Nickel Plated
144 ......... 144 ......... 144 .........
Can be furnished to order with Dust Guards at an extra price Packed, w ith out chain,
dozen in a box; w ith chain,
N o. 14T Tinned Iron Curb-chain,'w elded
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
144 $ .......... 144 ......... 144 .........
Cuts Full Size
“ Standard” Padlocks
2 Inch Cast Bronze Padlock W ith Low Shackle
Four lever-tumblers
Two nickel bronze Fluted Keys; coined and oxidized bows, to each lock, Class 88 A modified form of No. 853. The novel construction of this padlock is intended to afford increased safety against attack on the shackle. The low shackle and the curvature of the case ensure a snug fit which precludes the use of wedges or other tools for forcing the shackle. The shackle-hole is % inch diameter. N e w N o.
O ld No.
Bronze, buffed
Bronze, buffed
$ ............
Can be furnished to order with Dust Guards at an extra price Packed,
dozen in a box
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
2 Inch Cast Bronze Padlock W ith High Shackle
Four lever-tumblers
Two F lat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 78 Another modified form of No. 853; perm itting the locking of heavy chains, etc. N ew No.
Old N o.
Bronze, buffed
Bronze, buffed
Can be furnished to order with D ust Guards at an extra price Packed,
dozen in a box
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
$ ...........
Cuts Full Size
“ Standard” Padlocks
\ Inch Four Cast Bronze Padlocks lever-tumblers
Two Flat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 178 N ew N o.
Old N o.
86'3 Bronze, buffed Bronze, buffed Steel 864 8163 Bronze,Nickel Plated Bronze,Nickel Plated W ith 9 inches of 14T Chain 8634 8063 Bronze, buffed Bronze, buffed Steel 8644 8064 863|N 8263 Bronze, Nickel Plated Bronze, Nickel Plated 863 864 863N
Packed, w ith out chain, ^ dozen in a box; w ith chain,
N o. 14 T Tinned Iron Curb-chain, welded
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
144 $ 144 144
144 144 144
Cuts Full Size
“ Standard” Padlocks
2 s Inch Cast Bronze Padlocks
F o u r lever-tumblers Iw o F lat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 79
rr 873 873 Bronze, buffed 144 $ 874 874 Bronze, buffed steel X44 873N 8173 Bronze, Nickel Plated Bronze, Nickel Plated 144 W ith 9 inches of 15T Chain 873| 8073 Bronze, buffed Bronze, buffed 144 874J- 8074 Steel 144 8731N 8273 Bronze, Nickel Plated Bronze, Nickel Plated 144 N ew No.
Old No
n ,
Packed,iw ithout’chain ,!^ dozen;in a^box; w ith chain,
N o. 1 5 T Tinned Iron Curb-chain, welded
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Dozen ....................................
Cuts Full Siie
N ew N o.
O ld No.
805F 805 Iron, Bower-Barffed Bronze,buffed 805N 805N “ Nickel Plated “ Nickel Plated 805B 806 Bronze, buffed “ buffed W ith 9 inches of 7B Chain 805J-F 8005 Iron, Bower-Barffed Bronze,buffed 805|B 8006 Bronze, buffed “ • “ Packed, w ith o u t chain,
dozen in a box; w ith chain,
N o. 7B Bronze “ S a s h ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
144$ ........ 144 ........... 144 ........... 144 144
........... ...........
Cuts Full Size
“Bulwark” Padlocks
1 Inch Cast Iron Padlocks 2
Three pin-tumblers Two Corrugated Steel Keys to each lock, Class 11614 N ew N o.
Old No.
Iron, Bower-Barffed
W ith 9 inches of 7B Chain Iron, Bower-Barffed Bronze, buffed Packed,
Bronze, buffed
/l 2 dozen in a box
No. 7B Bronze “ S a s h ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
“Bulwark” Padlocks
2 Inch Cast Iron Padlocks Four pin-tumblers Two Corrugated Steel Keys to each lock, Class 106% N ew No.
Old N o.
Iron, Bower-Barffed
Bronze, buffed
W ith 9 inches of 7B Chain Iron, Bower-Barffed Bronze, buffed
No. 7B Bronze “ Sash” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
Heavy Cast Bronze Padlocks
1 o Inch Cast Bronze Padlocks Three lever-tumblers Bronze inside work.
Spring drop over keyhole
N ew No.
O ld N o .
Bronze, fine wheel finish
W ith 9 inches of 6B Chain Bronze, fine wheel finish 2; Class 623
Case and Shackle
K eys
2; Class 623
dozen in a box
No. 6B Bronze “ Sash ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
96 $ .......... 96
Cuts Full Size
Heavy Cast Bronze Padlocks
2 a Inch Cast Bronze Padlocks
Three lever-tumblers Bronze inside work. Spring drop over keyhole N ew N o.
O ld No.
Case and Shackle
K eys
Bronze, fine wheel finish 2; Class 625 W ith 9 inches of 7B Chain
F or method o f attachm ent see illustration on opposite page
Bronze, fine wheel finish 2;ClassC25
W hen M aster-K eyed can be furnished in sets o f 200 locks, or less, all different and all controlled by one M aster-Key N ew No.
625MK 625JMK
Old N o.
Case and Shackle
K eys
Bronze, fine wheel finish 2; Class 625 200 W ith 9 inches of 7B Chain Bronze, fine wheel finish 2; Class 625 200 Packed:
/x2 dozen in a box
N o. 7B Bronze ‘ ‘Sash ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
Cast Bronze Padlocks
2 Inch Cast Bronze Padlocks Brass inside work Two Flat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 455 N e w No.
Old No.
Case and Shackle
Bronze, fine wheel finish
C hanges
W ith 9 inches of 6B Chain 2851
Bronze, fine wheel finish Packed :
dozen in a box
No. 6B Bronze “ Sash ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
“ Monitor” Padlocks
1 Inch Seamless Steel Padlocks Three lever-tumblers Two F lat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 76 N ew N o.
O ld No.
Case and Shackle
Steel, Bower-Barffed
W ith 9 inches of 3A Chain 84141
Steel, Bower-Barffed Packed,
/l 2 dozen
in a box
No. 3A Brass “ S a fety” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
“Monitor” Padlocks
1 Inch Seamless Steel Padlocks 2
Three lever-tumblers Two Corrugated Steel Keys to each lock, Class 67 N e w N o.
Old No.
8434 Steel, Bower-Barffed Steel, Bower-Barffed 48 $ ......... W ith 9 inches of 6B Chain
8434* 84034 Steel, Bower-Barffed Steel, Bower-Barffed 48 Packed,
dozen in a box
No. 6B Bronze “ S a s h ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
“Monitor” Padlocks
2 Inch Seamless Steel or Wrought Brass Padlocks Four lever-tumblers Two Corrugated Steel Keys to each lock, Class 68 N ew No.
O ld N o.
Shackle Changes
8454 Steel,Bower-Barffed Steel,Bower-Barffed 144 $. . . M 54N “ Nickel Plated “ Nickel Plated 144 . . . 8454V Brass, Sand Blasted Brass, Polished 144 . . . W ith 9 inches of 7B Chain 8454rr 84054 Steel,Bower-Barffed Steel,Bower-Barffed 144 8454iV 84054V Brass, Sand Blasted Brass, Polished 144 8454 8454N 8454V
l/ 2 dozen in a box
N o. 7B Bronze “ Sash” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
“ Fidelity” Padlocks
1 Inch Steel and Seamless Wrought Brass Padlocks 2
Five lever-tumblers Two Flat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 25 N e w N o.
Old No.
Steel, Black Enameled; Wrought Brass Caps, buffed
Steel, blued
W ith 9 inches of 1SN Chain Steel, blued 633} 2374 Steel, Black Enameled; Wrought Brass Caps, buffed Packed,
dozen in a box
No. iS N N ickel Plated Steel “ Sash ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
C han ges
12 $ ............ 12
Cuts Full Size
“ Fidelity” Padlocks
2 Inch Steel and Seamless Wrought Brass Padlocks Five lever-tumblers Two F lat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 26 N ew No.
O ld No.
4 371
Steel, Black Enameled; Steel, blued 12 Wrought Brass Caps, buffed W ith 9 inches of 1SN Chain Steel, Black Enameled; Steel, blued 12 Wrought Brass Caps, buffed Pac ed,
dozen in a box
siasesaL i i"
N o. iS N Nickel Plated Steel “ S a s h ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
$ ........
Cuts Full Size
“ Defiance” Padlocks
1i Inch Seamless Steel Padlocks Three lever-tumblers Two F lat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 77 N ew N o .
Old No.
Steel, Bower-Barffed Steel, Nickel Plated 48 $ ............ W ith 9 inches of 1SN Chain
Steel, Bower-Barffed Steel, Nickel Plated 48 Packed,
dozen in a box
N o. iS N Nickel Plated Steel “ S a s h ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
“ Defiance” Padlocks
2 Inch Seamless Steel Padlocks Three lever-tumblers Two F lat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 78 N e w N o.
O ld No.
430 Steel, Bower-Barffed Steel, Nickel Plated 48 W ith 9 inches of 1SN Chain
565^ 430^ Steel, Bower-Barffed Steel, Nickel Plated 48 Packed, ^ dozen in a box
No. iS N Nickel Plated Steel “ Sash ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
$ .......... .........
Cuts Full Size
“Vulcan” Padlocks
2 Inch Steel or Wrought Brass Padlocks Five lever-tumblers Two Flat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 26 N ew N o.
O ld No
855C Steel, Old Copper Steel, Nickel Plated 855J Ivory Black “ “ “ 855N “ Nickel Plated “ “ “ 855V Brass, dipped bright Brass, dipped bright W ith 9 inches of 1SN Chain 6551C 8055C Steel, Old Copper Steel, Nickel Plated 655JJ 8055J “ Ivory Black “ “ “ 655JN 8055N Nickel Plated “ “ “ 655^ V 8055V Brass, dipped bright Brass, dipped bright 655C 655J 655N 655V
dozen in a box
N o. iS N Nickel Plated Steel “ Sash ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
12 $ ......... 12 ......... 12 ......... 12 .........
12 12 12 12
......... ___ ......... .........
Cuts Full Size
“ Titan” Padlocks
2 Inch Cast Iron Padlocks Two F lat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 225 N e w N o.
O ld No.
Iron,Bower-Barffed; Panels, Steel; Wrought Steel heavily Brass Brass Plated 6 Plated and scratch brushed W ith 9 inches of 9SA Chain 2254 4124 Iron,Bower-Barffed; Panels, Steel; Wrought Steel heavilyBrass Brass Plated 6 Plated and scratch brushed
dozen in a box
Brass Plated Steel “ Trium p h ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
“ Meteor” Padlocks
2 Inch Cast Brass Padlocks Two F lat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 275 N ew No.
Old No.
275£ 413^
C ase
Brass, dipped bright Steel, Nickel Plated W ith 9 inches of 9SA Chain Brass, dipped bright Steel, Nickel Plated Packed,
dozen in a box
N o. gSA Brass Plated Steel “ T riu m p h ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
6 $ .......... 6
Cuts Full Size
Wrought Metal Padlocks
2 Inch Steel or Wrought Brass Padlocks Two lever-tumblers Two Steel Keys to each lock, Class 675 N e w N o.
675F 675V
O ld N o.
KS35 Steel,Bower-Barffed Steel, Nickel Plated KA35 Brass, buffed Brass, buffed Packed,
l/ 2 dozen
in a box
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
36 $. . . . 36 ___
Cuts Full Size
“ Navy” Padlocks
2 Inch Steel Padlocks Two lever-tumblers Two Flat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 664 N ew No.
O ld No.
665C KS30C Steel, Old Copper 665J KS'30J Steel, Ivory Black Packed,
Steel, Old Copper Steel, Brass Plated dozen in a box
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
12 12
Dozen $
Cuts Fiill Size
“Terror” Padlocks
1.1 Inch Steel or Wrought Brass Padlocks Two lever-tumblers Two F lat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 612 N ew N o.
Old No.
612S S812 Steel, Ivory Black Steel, Nickel Plated 612V A812 Brass, dipped bright Brass, dipped bright
12 $ ............ 12 ...........
2 Inch Steel or Wrought Brass Padlocks Two lever-tumblers Two Flat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 615
N e w N o.
O ld N o.
615S S815 615 V A815
Steel, Ivory Black Steel, Nickel Plated 12 $ ............ Brass, dipped bright Brass, dipped bright 12
Both sizes can be furnished w ith 3 lever-tum blers and 36 changes at an additional price; Nos. 612V and 615V can also be furnished w ith Polished and Buffed cases at additional price
dozen in a box
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
“ Cyclops” Padlocks
Cuts Full Size
2g Inch Cast Iron Padlock Two Flat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 215 N ew No. Old No.
215 415 , Iron,“ Nubian” Finish; Caps of Wrought Steel, Brass plated and scratch brushed Packed,
C h an ges
Drop forged steel, Brass plated and scratch brushed 6 $.
dozen in a box
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
“ Lion” Padlock
11 Inch Steel Padlock Two lever-tumblers Two F lat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 664 N ew N o.
O ld N o.
KS10J Steel, Ivory Black Packed,
Steel, Brass Plated
dozen in a box
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
12$ ......
“ Reliance” Padlocks
Cuts Full Size
2 Inch Steel Padlocks Two Flat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 555 N ew No.
555J 555X
Old No.
454J 454A
Steel, Ivory Black Mai. Iron, Brass Plated 12 $ .......... “ Brass Plated “ “ “ “ 12 ......... W ith 9 inches of 1SN Chain ......... 5 5 5 4 .T 4544J Steel, Ivory Black Mai. Iron, Brass Plated 12 Brass Plated 555JX 4544A 12 Packed,
dozen in a box
N o. iSN Nickel Plated Steel “ Sash” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
“ Reliance” Padlocks
Inch Steel Padlocks Two F lat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 557 N ew N o.
O ld No.
654J Steel, Irorv Black Mai. Iron,Brass Plated 654A “ Brass Plated “ “ “ “ W ith 9 inches of 9SA Chain 5571J 6544 J Steel, Ivory Black Mai. Iron, Brass Plated “ “ “ 557-iX 6544A “ Brass Plated “
557J 557X
x/2 dozen
in a box
No. gS A Brass Plated Steel “ T riu m p h ” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
12 $. . . 12 . . . 12 . .. 12 . . . .
Cuts Full Size
Wrought Metal Padlocks
2 Inch Steel or Wrought Brass Padlocks Three lever-tumblers Two F lat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 664
N ew N o.
O ld No.
Steel, Ivory Black Steel, Sand Blasted and Brass Plated 12 $ .......... 645C 450C Old Copper Steel, Old Copper 12 ......... 645V 450V Brass, buffed Brass, buffed 12 .............. W ith 9 inches of 1SN Chain 6454 J 450-JJ Steel, Ivory Black Steel, Sand Blasted and Brass Plated 12 ......... 645JC 450*C Old CopperSteel, Old Copper 12 ......... 6454V 4504-V Brass, buffed Brass, buffed 12 ......... Packed,
dozen in a box
N o. iSN Nickel Plated Steel “ Sash” Chain
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
Wrought Metal Padlocks
2 Inch Steel or Wrought Brass Padlocks 2
New No.
Three lever-tumblers Two F lat Steel Keys to each lock, Class 647
O ld N o.
Steel, Ivory Black Steel, Sand Blasted and Brass Plated 647 C 650C “ Old Copper Steel, Old Copper 647V 650V Brass, buffed Brass, buffed W ith 9 inches of 1SN Chain 6474J f)50ij Steel, Ivory Black Steel, Sand Blasted and Brass Plated 647iC 6501C Old Copper Steel, Old Copper ti47|V 6504V Brass, buffed Brass, buffed Packed,
N o.
X, per g r o s s ...................................... $
Packed : 3 dozen in a box
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Full Size
Key Blanks
No. 555— For Padlocks Nos.
555J, 555X, 555%J, 555%X, per g r o s s ................................$ ....
No. 557—For Padlocks Nos. 557J, 557X, 557i/oJ, 557%X, per g r o s s ............................... $ ....
No. 647—For Padlocks Nos. 647C, 647J, 647V, 647^C, 647%J, 647%V, per gross, . $
No. 661—For Padlocks Nos. 661 J, 661N, 672J, 672N, 674J, 684J, 684N, 684%J, 684%N, per g r o s s ............................... $
No. 664—For Padlocks Nos. 645C, 645J, 645V, 645%C, 645%J, 645i/2V, 664J, 665C, 665J, per gross .$
No. 671—For Padlocks Nos. 671, 671%, per gross . . . . $ .. ..
No. 674—For Padlocks 674J, 6'74N, per gross . . . . $ ....
No. 684—For Padlocks 672J, 672N, 684J, 684N, 684i^J, 684i/£N, . . . per gross $ ....
Packed : 3 dozen in a box
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Numerical Index of Padlocks Arranged by N ew List Numbers The following table shows the new numbers in numerical order, with the cor responding old numbers in parallel columns. On page 94 is a similar index with the old numbers in numerical order. The new number system will be found much more simple and logical than the old one. For the convenience of our customers and until the new system has become familiar, both new and old numbers will be printed on box labels. fgf“ For numerical list of Keys and Blanks, see page 98. New No.
115 215 225 22554 275 275^ 285 28554
297 29754 326
354E 354J 354T 354X 356E 356J 356T 356X 435 43554 . 453J 453X 453J4J 45354X 455 J 455X 455J4J
Old No.
810 415 412 412^ 413
Padlock U «
73 64 59 59 60 60 50 50 76 76 39 39 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 42 43 70 70 70 70 71 71 71
4 13 54
414 414J4 651 6511 4 326 3261^ 353E 353J 353T 353A 553E 553J 553T 553A 438 438i4 252J 252A 252J4 J 25234 A 452J 452A 452^J
U U U «
a u u a u
« u
u u M a a u
u u « « specify hand when ordering. M aster-keyed if so desired. Information on request. No. “ No. “
Operated from outside by key; from inside by knob. Inside trim ; Bronze knob and rose, buffed finish 466—F lat front; For doors 1 ^ to 2j4 ins. . dozen $ ........... 466R —y2 inch Rabbeted front; For doors 1 ^ to 2 ^ ins. “ ........... Operated from both sides by key; ( the knob being omitted) Specify thickness when ordering. 4 66%—F lat front; For doors iy 2 to 2 ins. . dozen $ .......... 466% R — y2 inch Rabbeted front; For doors \y2 to 2 ins. “ ........... P a c k e d : each in a p ap er box, com plete with trim and screw s
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Half Size
“ V ulcan” Mortise Night Latches No. P2202 Series
12 Key changes O perated fro m outside by key, fro m inside by thum b-piece; bolt m ay
be held back by sto p ; self-loeking. Cast, 2 5 4 X 3 ^ X ^ 8 inches; b ronze p la te d steel. Bronze fro n t, bolt, strik e an d % c inch hub. Keys, 2 flat steel, N o. 40. B ackset (d istan ce fro m edge o f lock to center o f cy lin d er) 2$4 inches. F or doors up to 2^2 inches thick, as below. R eversible, fo r doors o f eith er h an d , o pening in or out. N ot M aster-keyed. T h is la tch cannot be m aster-keyed. P lain T rim , B ronze thum b-piece an d key p late , buffed.
No. P 2 2 0 2 —For doors up to 1 inches thick . “ P2202J/2 —For doors up to 2iinches thick
P a c k e d : each in a p ap er box, com plete w ith trim and screw s
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
dozen $
Dead Locks
D E A D LO CK is one having a bolt which must be moved positively by the key in both directions. The use of a dead lock implies a need for security; otherwise a night latch, or even more simple fastening, would suffice. There fore, the Yale Dead Lock, which has the high est security, is the best. It is made in various sizes and styles, to meet various conditions of use. In this connection attention is called to the new model safety night latches, Nos. 44 and 46, shown in the Night Latch Section, which embody improvements whereby the convenience of a night latch and the security of a dead lock are combined. For many uses these safety night latches will be found more suitable than dead locks. Special attention is also called to the two dead locks, of new models, shown on pages 34 and 48. No. 7 is a dead lock of unusually heavy construction, par ticularly suitable for entrance doors. No. 96 is a dead locking store door latch, controlled during the day by handles or knobs, but capable of being deadlocked at night. It is designed for entrance doors of all kinds.
Cuts Half Size
Yale Rim Dead Locks N o. 32 Series
A dead lock similar in style to the No. 042 N ight Latch (see page ). Bolt op erated positively by key from outside and by knob from inside. N ot self-closing. 1 4
Key changes practically unlimited O perated from outside by key, from inside by knob. Case, 2 ^ X '3 ^ X ^ s inches (see variations below). Bronze cylinder, bolt and knob. Keys, 3 paracentric, No. 8, nickel-bronze, coined, gold plated bows. B ackset (distance from edge of lock to center of cylinder) 2 ^ inches. F o r doors 1 to 2 y2 inches thick. Reversible, for doors of either hand, opening in or out. M aster-keyed if so desired. Information on request. No. 32—Japanned iron ease and strike; Bronze cylinder, buffed doz. $ “ 31— “ “ “ “ “ Nickel plated cylinder “ 32C —Old copper finished case and strike . . P a c k e d : each in a p ap er box co m plete with screw s
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
“ “.
Cuts Half Size
Yale Rim Dead Locks No. 436 Series
Similar to Xo. SS (see opposite page), but of smaller size. E xtra heavy bolt. Es pecially designed for doors, of wood or metal, having glass panels or narrow stiles. 1
Key changes practically unlimited O perated as below; extra throw of bolt. Case, 2^4X2^4X1J^ inches; iron, old copper finish; front and bands polished. Bronze cylinder, bolt and knob. Keys, 3 paracentric. No. 8, nickel-bronze, coined, gold plated bows. B ackset (distance from edge of lock to center of cylinder) 1*4 inches. F or doors ]/% to 2^4 inches thick. Reversible, for doors of either hand, opening in or out. M aster-keyed if so desired. Information on request. No. 436—Operated from outside by key and from in side by knob . . . . . . dozen $ “ 436K —Operated from outside only(inside knob omitted) “ P acked:
each in a p ap er b o x co m plete w ith screw s
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Half Size
Yale Rim Dead Locks N o. 12 Series
Similar to No. 4 (see opposite page), but of smaller size.
K ey changes practically unlim ited
Operated by key from both sides. Case, 4X2*/2X1 inches (see variations below). Bronze cylinders and bolt. Keys, 3 paracentric, No. 8, nickel-bronze, coined, gold plated bows. Backset, 1% inches. For doors 1% to 3 inches thick. Reversible, for doors of either hand, opening in or out. M aster-keyed if so desired. Information on request. No. 12—Japanned iron case and strike; Bronze cylinders,buffed doz. $. .. “ 10— “““““ Nickel plated cylind “ 12B—Buffed bronze case, cylinders and strike . . “ P a c k e d : each in a p ap er box com plete w ith screw s.
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Half Size
Yale Rim Dead Locks No. 4 Series
A very large and heavy lock for entrance doors, affording great security. Bolt op erated positively by key from either side.
Key changes practically unlimited O perated by key from both sides. Case, 5X3X154 inches (see variations below). Bronze cylinders and bolt. Keys, 3 paracentric, No. 8, nickel-bronze, coined, gold plated bows. Backset, 1^4 inches. F o r doors 1% to 3 inches thick. Reversible, for doors of either hand, opening in or out. M aster-keyed if so desired. Information on request. No. 4 —Japanned iron case and strike; Bronze cylinders, buffed doz. $. “ 2— ““ “ ““Nickel “ 4B —Buffed bronze case, cylinders and strike “ Packed: each in a p ap er box com plete w ith screw s
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Half Size
Yale Rim Dead Locks N o. 712 Series
Key changes practically unlimited
O perated from outside by key, from inside by knob. Case, 4X 2y X I inches; japanned iron. Bronze cylinder, bolt and knob. Keys, 3 paracentric, No. 8, nickel-bronze, coined, gold plated bows. Backset, 1% inches. For doors 1 ^ to 3 inches thick. Reversible, for doors of either hand, opening in or out. Master-keyed if so desired. Information on request. ' No. 712—Bronze cylinder, buffed “ 711—Nickel plated cylinder
. .
. .
. .
P a c k e d : each in a p aper box com plete w ith screw s
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
dozen $ ........... “
Cuts Half Size
Yale Rim Dead Lock No. 702
Key changes practically unlimited
Operated from outside by key, from inside by knob. Case, 5X2J4X1 inches; japanned iron. Bronze cylinder, bolt and knob. Keys, 3 paracentric, No. 8, nickel-bronze, coined, gold plated bows. Backset, 1J4 inches. For doors 1% to 3 inches thick. Reversible, for doors of either hand, opening in or out. M aster-keyed if so desired. Information on request. No. 702—Bronze cylinder, buffed
P a c k e d : each in a p aper box com plete w ith screw s
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
dozen $
Cuts Half Size
Yale Rim Store Door Dead Lock No. 7
A new model, with double-throw bolt, giving extra engagement with the strike. _ Heavy construction and steel bolt. Strike attached to jamb by six screws. Especially available for doors having very narrow stiles, either of wood or metal.
Key changes practically unlimited
Operated from outside by key, from inside by knob; extra throw of bolt. Case, 4J4X 2^4X 1^ inches; cast iron. Bronze cylinder and knob;steel bolt, 3 J ^ X 1 ^ X ^ inches. Keys, 3 paracentric, No. 8, nickel-bronze, coined gold plated bows. Backset (distance from edge of lock to center of cylinder), l?/g inches. For doors % to 2^/2 inches thick. Reversible, for doors of either hand. Master-keyed is so desired. Information on request. No. 7 —Old Copper finished case and strike .
Packed: each in a p ap er box com plete w ith screw s
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
dozen $
Cuts Half Size
Yale Tubular Rim Dead Locks No. 722 Series
Similar in function to No. 712 (see page ). but with “tubular" cylinder, admitting of easy application.
1500 Key changes
Operated from outside by key and from inside by knob. Case, 4X2J4X1 inches; japanned iron. Bronze bolt and knob; wrought bronze tube. Keys, 3 German silver corrugated, No. 17. Backset (distance from edge of lock to center of cylinder) 1^4 inches. For doors up to 2}4 inches, as below. Reversible, for doors of either hand, opefiing in or out. N ot Master-keyed. This lock cannot be master-keyed. No. 722—For doors up to iy2 inches thick . “ 722y2—For doors 1 ^ 4 to 2 ^ inches thick
. .
P a c k e d : each in a p aper box com plete w ith screw s
The Yale & Towns Mfg. Co.
dozen $ ............ “ ...........
Cuts Half Size
Yale Mortise Dead Locks No. 344 Series
A dead lock similar in style to the No. 66 N ight Latch (see page 37). Bolt operated positively by key from either one or both sides, as ordered. N ot self-closing.
Key changes practically unlimited
Operated by key from one or both sides (see variations below). Case, 2^sX3^§X^4 inches; japanned iron. Bronze front, bolt, cylinder and strike. Front armored, except rabbeted front locks. Keys, 3 paracentric, No. 8, nickel-bronze, coined, gold plated bows. Backset, 2 }i inches. For doors, as below. Reversible, Nos. 344, 344% for doors of either hand, opening in or out. N ot Reversible, Nos. 344R and 344^4R, specify hand when ordering. Master-keyed if so desired. Information on request. Operated from, one side only by key. No. 344—F lat front; For doors 1yA to 2ys inches . “ 3 44R —y2 inch Rabbeted front; “ “ “ . Operated from both sides by key (specify thickness of door No. —F lat front; F or doors 1 y2 to 1 y& inches “ —y2 inch Rabbeted front; “ “ “ . $ 4 4 %
3 4 4 % R
P a c k e d : each in a p ap er box com plete w ith screw s
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
dozen $. . . . . . “ when ordering). dozen $ ........... “ ...........
Cuts Half Size
Yale Mortise Dead Locks No. 344N Series
Similar to No. 344 (see opposite page), but of smaller size.
Key changes practically unlimited
Operated by key from one or both sides (see variations below). Case, 2?4X3}6X24 inches; japanned iron. Bronze front, bolt, cylinder and strike. Front armored, except rabbeted front locks. Keys, 3 paracentric, No. 8, nickel-bronze, coined, gold plated bows. Backset, 2% inches. For doors, as below. Reversible, Nos. 344N,'344J4N for doors of either hand, opening in or out. N ot Reversible, Nos. 344NR, 344J4NR, specify hand when ordering. M aster-keyed if so desired. Information on request. Operated from one side only by key. No. 344N—Flat front; For doors l 1/^ to 2T/A inches . dozen $.......... “ 344NR — Yz inch Rabbeted front; “ “ “ “ “ ............... Operated from both sides by key (specify thickness of doorwhen ordering). No. 344J4N—Flat front; For doors \y 2 to \y %inches . dozen $..........
344J4NR—1/^ inch Rabbeted front; “ “
P a c k e d : each in a p aper box com plete w ith screw s
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
“ ...............
Cuts Half Size
Yale Mortise Dead Locks N o. 33 0 Series
Similar to No. 344 (see Va9e ^0), but of larger size.
Key changes practically unlimited
Operated by key from one or both sides (see variations below). Case, inches; japanned iron. , Bronze front, bolt, cylinder and strike. Keys, 3 paracentric, No. 8, nickel-bronze, coined, gold plated bows. Backset, 2 ^ inches. For doors, as below. Reversible, for doors of either hand, opening in or out. Master-keyed if so desired. Information on request. No. 330—Operated by key from one side only; for doors 1 ]/A to iy 2 inches thick . . . . dozen $ ........ “ 3 3 0 —Operated by key from both sides; specify thick ness of doors when ordering . . . “ ......... “ 332—Operated by key from outside, by thumb-turn from inside; specify thickness of door when or dering . . . . . . . “ P a c k e d : each in a p ap er box com plete w ith screw s
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Half Size
Yale Mortise Dead Locks
Similar to Nos. 344 and 330 (see pages 50 and 52), but of larger size and heavier. For entrance doors.
Key changes practically unlimited
Operated by key from one or both sides (see variations below). Case, 3j4X3^8Xlj/8 inches; japanned iron. Bronze front, bolt, cylinder and strike. Front armored. Keys, 3 paracentric, No. 8, nickel-bronze, coined, gold plated bows. Backset, 2^4 inches. For doors, as below. Reversible, Nos. 304, '304J4 f°r doors of either hand, opening in or out. N ot Reversible, Nos. 304R, 3 0 4 specify hand when ordering. M aster-keyed if so desired. Information on request. Operated from one side only by key. No. 304—F lat front; For doors i y to 3 inches . dozen $ ............ “ 304R — ]/z inch, Rabbeted front; For doors 1 to 2^4 inches thick . . . . . “ ........... Operated from both sides by key. Specify thickness of door when ordering. “ 304y —F lat front; For doors i y to 3 inches . dozen $ ............ “ 304J4R —y2 inch, Rabbeted front; For doors i y to %y2 inches t h i c k ......................................... “ .............. P a c k e d : each in a p ap er box com plete w ith screw s
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Yale Mortise Dead Locks
Cuts Half Size
N o. 34 6 Series
Similar to No. 344 (see Va9e 50), but designed especially for use on doors having glass panels or narrow stiles.
Key changes practically unlimited Operated by key from one or both sides (see variations below). Case, inches; japanned iron. Bronze front, bolt, cylinder and strike. Front armored. Keys, 3 paracentric, No. 8, nickel-bronze, coined, gold plated bows. Backset (distance from edge of lock to center of cylinder) 1 inch. For doors, as below. Reversible, for doors of either hand, opening in or out. Master-keyed if so desired. Information on request.
No. 346—Operated by key from one side only; For doors 1J4 to 2J4 inches thick . . . . dozen $ ........... “ 346J4—Operated by key from both sides; For doors 13/fc to 1}4 inches thick . . . . “ ........... P a c k e d : each in a p ap er box com plete w ith screw s
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Half Size
Yale Mortise Dead Locks No. 348 Series
Sim ilar to No. 344 (see Pa9e 50), but of larger size.
Key changes practically unlimited
Operated by key from outside, by thumb-piece from inside, or by key from both sides (see variations below). Case, 3X3j^X^4 inches; japanned iron. Bronze front, bolt, cylinder and strike. Front armored. Keys, 3 paracentric, No. 8, nickel-bronze, coined, gold plated bows. Backset (distance from edge of lock to center of cylinder) 2% inches. For doors, as below. Reversible, for doors of either hand, opening in or out. i Master-keyed if so desired. Information on request. Plain Trim, Bronze thumb-piece and plate, buffed finish. No. 348—Operated by key from outside and by thumbpiece from inside; For doors 1 to 1//g inches thick . . . . . . . . dozen $ .......... “ 3 48%—Operated by key from either side; For doors 1 y2 to 1 % inches thick . . . . “ ........... Packed: each in a p ap er box, com plete w ith trim and screw s
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Cuts Half Size
Yale Mortise Dead Locks N o. 3 1 8 Series
A very heavy and massive lock, similar in style to No. 344 B olt operated positively by key from outside knob from inside. Especially adapted for use in penal institutions.
page 50).
Key changes practically unlimited
O perated by key from one or both sides (see variations below). Case, 4X3%X1^4 inches; japanned iron. B ronze front, bolt, cylinder and strike. Keys, 3 paracentric, No. 8, nickel-bronze, coined, gold plated bows. B ackset, 2^4 inches. F o r doors, as below. M aster-keyed if so desired. Information on request. Operated from one side only by key; F or doors 2 to 3% inches thick No. 318—F lat front, reversible for doors of either hand dozen $ ........ “ 318R —y 2 inch, Rabbeted front; N ot reversible, specify hand when ordering . . . “ ......... Operated from both sides by key; For doors % to Zi/s, inches thick No. 3 1 8 %—F lat front, reversible for doors of either hand dozen $ ......... “ 318^4R — Vz inch, Rabbeted front; Not reversible, specify hand when ordering . . . “ ......... Packed: each in a paper box complete with screws
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
Keys and Blanks
O C K SM IT H S and others who purchase key blanks should always give preference to those made by the makers of the locks with which they are to be used, as those furnished by other key makers are never of an equal quality, and are liable to involve so much additional trouble in fitting them to the locks as to more than offset any ordinary difference in price. Keys for the Yale lock especially should never be made from any other than genuine P aracentric blanks, as no others will fit the keyway of the Yale lock with the accuracy necessary to its proper operation and without resultant dam age to the pin tum bler mechan ism. The P aracentric blanks furnished by us are made of nickel bronze, are accurately milled to the required shape, have their bows finished in the coining press and gold plated, and every one is rigidly inspected for size, shape and finish before leaving our W orks. F o r the convenience of locksmiths and others who make a specialty of repairing Yale locks, we furnish key-bitting files of special section, and also a complete kit of tools, for which prices will be quoted on application. F o r cutting Yale keys we furnish a hand-power machine, which should be on every locksmith’s and repairer’s bench. A description of it is given on the next page.
Key-Bitting Machine
U R lengthy experience in the m anufacture of keys has enabled us to design this admirable little tool which, when used in conjunction with genuine Yale blanks will tu rn out a machine-made key, and yet meet the requirements of the retail dealer and 'locksmith for a light, com pact machine which can be fastened to a bench or counter, be operated by hand, and which is moderate in price. It measures 5 ^ x 1 0 inches and is 6 inches high when closed, and 10 inches when open; weighs 16% pounds. A key can be adjusted in it in th irty seconds, and duplicates cut at the rate of about one every two minutes. No better investment can be made by a hardw are dealer, lock smith or general repairer. N ot only will the profits derived from the sale of the keys soon pay for the machine, but the added satis faction to his customers in being able to obtain from him a genuine machine-cut Yrale Key, made from a genuine Yale Key-blank and cut in a genuine Yale machine, will be a consideration of equal worth.
Cuts Actual Size
Key Blanks
No. 1—For latch No. 495, per gross .......................................gross
No. 3—For latch No. 022, per ......................................................................... $ _____
No. 8—For all Yale Paracentric Mortise and Rim Night latches and Dead locks, except those with short noses, per dozen $
No. 13 —For latch No. 166, per d o z e n ........................................
No. 16—For latches Nos. 18 and No. 17—For latches Nos. 25, 22, per d o z e n ......................... $ . . . . 25G, 25y2, 25y2C, and locks Nos. 722, r122y2, per dozen $ .... No. 40—For Nos. 9, 9B, 015, 015C„ P2202, per
No. 40^2—For latches Nos. $y2, 15y2, 15yC , 015y2, 015J^C, 19j^, 20y, P2202i^, per dozen . . . . $ .... Packed: 3 dozen in a box.
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.
latches 15, 15C, 19, 20, dozen $
Yale Night Latch Display Board
H E R E is nothing so convincing as a showing of the goods you have to sell in 'position. W e have an attractive display board, showing Yale N ig h t Latches in actual position as they would appear on the door. T his B oard will be sent you at the regular price you pay for the locks it contains, plus 60 cents net for the Hoard and mountings. (Screw s, boxes and directions complete with every board.)
Yale Door Checks
The Yale & Towne Mfg. Company 9 Murray Street
New York
The Y ale & Towne Mfg. Co Copyright 1910
C 1 5 3 1 -8 -1 0 -1 0 0
Yale Door Checks
DOOR CHECK has been defined as “A device intended to curb the pernicious activity of a door spring by compelling it to behave decently.” The fault of a door spring prompted the invention of a door check. The only successful door checks are those of the liquid type; and of these the Blount is the earliest, the best and the most largely used. The Blount Door Check, to use its popular name, is in fact a com bined door spring and check, having the dual functions thus implied. It combines a powerful coil spring (which furnishes the m otive power to close the door) and a m etallic piston moving in a metallic cylinder against a non-freezing liquid (which furnishes the checking power to control the door). Provision is m ade whereby each of these two opposing powers can be regulated, thus enabling them to be so adjusted relatively to each other, as to m eet any conditions of use, and to give any desired action to the door. 5
The utility, convenience and reliability of the Blount D oor Check are so rem arkable and are so well established, th a t this device is now regarded as a necessity rather than a luxury, on m ost outside or entrance doors and on m any inside doors. Its field of usefulness is constantly increasing and the dem and for it is greater than ever before. The Blount Holder-Check is a recent im provem ent of the Blount Check which consists in the addition of a door holder, thus giving a third function. This consists of a simple device whereby, when the door is pushed wide open, it is securely held in th a t position until released by a quick m ovem ent of the hand. This form is described on page 19 and thus combines in one de vice a door spring, a door check and a door holder. It will be found serviceable for m any uses. The Yale Double-acting Check is a device which does for double doors w hat the B lount Check has so long done for single doors; closes them quickly and quietly. It stops the flip-flop-flapping with its noise, danger and drafts. I t tam es the double-acting door and makes a com fort of it. It is fully described on pages 23 to 27. The Yale Checking Floor Hinge perform s all the functions of a regular Blount Check, but it is placed in the floor at the tim e the door is placed in position. It is, therefore, concealed, thus avoiding any projections from the door, which in the case of ordinary door checks are sometimes objectionable and unsightly. It is fully de scribed on pages 29 to 34.
The Blount Door Check on a Railway Coach door
Blount Door Check
D escription . . . . M ethod of A ttachm ent ....................... Sizes C onstruction P a r t s .............................
Blount Holder-Check
Yale Double-acting Check
Description . . . . Construction Sizes ............................. P a r t s .............................
14 15 17
Yale Checking Floor Hinge
P ag e
23 24 26 27
29 D escription . 32 Construction D escription . . . . 19 32 Sizes ....................... 21 Construction 34 P a r t s ....................... Sizes ........................ 21 A talk to H ardw are Dealers regarding the assistance furnished by The Yale A dvertising Service to those who stock Yale products . 35 7
Fig. 1. Right-hand door from inside. Use right-hand check (see page 14),
The Yale & Towne Blount Door Check DOOR with this device keeps out cold, draughts, noise and odors. Doors so equipped cannot be slammed or left open; the action is quick, firm and noiseless. A door check is now rather a necessity than a luxury on most outside and many inside doors; its field of usefulness is constantly increasing. The only successful door checks are those of the liquid type and the “Blount”, since its introduction more than 12 years ago, has been universally recognized as the leading and best liquid door check on the market. It is made in six different sizes, in many finishes to meet all requirements.
Fig. 2 . Left-hand door from inside. Use left-hand cheek.
Fig. 3. Flat Bracket. Right-hand door from inside. Use right-hand check.
Fig. i. Soffit Bracket. Right-hand door from outside. Use left-hand check.
Method of Attachment
EFER to the illustration showing the position in which the Check is to be placed; the text will in dicate the hand of door and whether or not a bracket is necessary. Avoid using brackets when not really needed. Checks without Brackets applied to inner or hinge side of doors (Figs. 1 and 2) are recom m ended wherever the conditions perm it. W hen a B racket is required the Soffit bracket (Fig. 4) should be used if possible. The Flat bracket (Fig. 3) is provided for Round Top Doors when check is applied to the door. W hen check is applied to jamb a Flush bracket (Fig. 7, page 13) should be used. W hen a bracket for a round top door is required the w idth of door and radius of the top should be given, as well as the hand of door and w hether it m ust open all the way back (180 degrees). 11
S c r e e n
D o o r
J a m b
Fig. 5. Special Soffit Bracket. Check applied between doors. Door opens all the way back (180°). Distance “R ” from 3J^ to 4% inches (see opposite page).
Fig 0. Corner Bracket. Left-hand door from outside. Use right-hand check. 12
Fig. 7. Flush Bracket. Right-hand door from outside. Use left-hand Check.
The Special Soffit bracket (Fig. 5, on opposite page) enables a check to be placed in the limited space between doors. The closing power of a check so applied is not equal, however, to that of a check regularly applied, and therefore with heavy doors an auxiliary spring should be used. The minimum dis tance “R” occupied by a check applied in this manner is as follows: Size 1, 3}4 inches; 2,3^4 inches; 3, 3M inches; 4, 4 inches; 5, 4M inches; and 6, inches. The Flush bracket, however (Fig. 7), may be used when the surface of the jamb is not wide enough for the foot of the Soffit bracket. The Corner bracket (Fig. 6) does not permit the Check to stand as far from hinge edge of door as other brackets, or as far as is desirable,and is only recommended when additional strength is necessary. 13
ELECT the proper Check. Be sure the check is of ample size. If too small for the door it will not be effective in control, and is liable to be broken. For doors exposed to severe draughts, use a check one size larger than called for in the table below. Doors Made in six sizes. Note carefully the Name Plate. with metal frames or heavy glass panels, re quire heavier checks than ordinary doors of equal size. The sizes here given are for standard doors. No.
D e sc rip tio n
E ach
1— For screen and other very light doors ................ 2— For light inside doors not exceeding 7 feet high by 3 feet w i d e ................................................. 3— For inside doors of medium size not ex ceeding 7 feet high by 2 feet wide ................ 4— For heavy inside and ordinary outside doors not exceeding 7^2 by 3 feet ............................. 5— For outside doors of medium size not ex ceeding 7^/2 by 4 feet ........................................... 6— For heavy outside doors, 8 ^ feet high by 4 feet wide ............................................................... Checks are furnished regularly in gold bronze finish. A t the same price (when so ordered) they will be supplied in silver bronze, or im itation of Bower-Barff finish; and in special finishes, or in Solid Brass or Bronze, at an additional price.
T Showing interior mechanism of cheek
IIK Check com bines a powerful coil spring (which furnishes the mo t i v e power to close the door) and a metallic p i s t o n moving in a metallic cyl inder against a non-freez ing liquid (which fur nishes the checking or controlling power).
A simple regulating valve enables these two powers to be so adjusted, relatively to each other, as to give any desired action to the door whereby it will always be positively closed, but under a control which prevents slamming. The working parts are immersed in a lubricating fluid, so that the wear resulting from continued use is inappreciable, and the device when once properly adjusted in place will continue indefinitely to function without further care.
Brackets. When a bracket is required the Soffit bracket (Fig. 4, page 11 ) should be used if possible. Soffit bracket Flush “ Corner “
F ig. P ag e
4 11 7 13 6 12
F lat bracket Special soffit bracket
F ig. P ag e
3 5
10 12
Prices of brackets are additional to price of check and vary in accordance with size. 15
Blount Door Check P CLVtS,
assembled on page 15.
listed on opposite page and shown
Parts of Checks
LLUSTRATIONS 011 opposite page show all parts of the regular check, sizes 1 to 0. For check assembled, with a description of the con struction, see page 15. In ordering parts listed below specify both size of check and number of part. Fig. No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Fig. No.
16 Forked arm 17 Clamp screw for ball socket * 118 Screw for forked arm 19 Jamb plate 20 Bracket screw 21 Regulating screw * 22 Regulating screw nut 23 R e g u l a t i n g screw washer (2) , J*4 Ball retainer \ts Piston valve (ball) 26 Screw for ball retainer Liquid, per gal............
Case or shell End cap End cap washer Piston Connecting rod Crank Shaft Combination packing nut Ratchet sleeve Coil (or spring) Top cap Top nut for shaft Main arm Sliding latch Ball stud (included with 13)
*Parts bracketed are usually furnished together.
For illustrations of brackets see pages 10 to 13 and for additional information see page 15. 17
The Blount Holder-Check
INCE the perfection of the Yale Blount Door Check there has been but one point lacking to absolute door control. The fact that the Blount Door Check automatically, quietly and firmly shuts the door to which it is attached very nearly covers the field, but occasionally it is necessary to hold the door open—as in carrying things through the doorway, secure ventilation or for other purposes. Then it has been 19
The Blount Holder-Check showing door held open to a right angle
necessary to use a door holder, or to put something against the door to hold it open. The device here illustrated not only closes the door (as the Blount Check has always so successfully done) but by merely pushing it back to a certain point, it may be stopped at will until, by a slight pull, it is released. This in no wise affects the action of the check itself. 20
Construction Tt looks almost like any Blount Door Check, hut it will be noticed that there is a lit lie plug (or latch) which lifts up as the door is opened. This latch catches wdien the door is pushed back to a given point: this point may be set at will. For additional technical description and list of parts see regular Blount Door Check, pages 15 and 17.
In selecting a Check be sure that it is of ample size. If too small for the door it will not be effective in control and is liable to be broken. N o.
D e s c rip tio n
101 For screens and other very light doors . . 102 F or light inside doors not exceeding 7 feet high by 2 feet wide . .................................. 103 For inside doors of medium size, not exceed ing 7 feet by feet w i d e ........................... 104 For heavy inside and ordinary outside doors, not exceeding 1% feet by 3 feet wide . .
E ac h
................... ................. .................... ...................
Checks are furnished regularly in gold bronze finish. At the same price (when so ordered), they will be supplied in silver bronze, or imitation of Bower-Barff finish. For addi tional finishes see price list. For illustrations of Brackets and instructions as to their use, see Blount Door Checks, pages 10 to 13. For names and numbers of Parts, see regular Blount Check parts, page 17. 21
Yale Double-acting Door Check
HIS is designed for use on doors hung on double-acting hinges which permit the door to swing in both directions. As such hinges, of necessity, always contain springs, which operate to close the door, this article is a checking device only. Its construction embodied features identical with those which have made the Blount Door Check successful and also a very ingenious arrangement whereby (as shown by the illustra tions on pages 24 and 25) the main arm swings over the top of the door and under the soffit of the door frame, in accordance with the direction in which the door is moved. 23
Check on door opened in
The Yale Double-acting Door Check controls a double-act ing door as perfectly as the Blount Door Check controls the single-acting door. It brings the door quietly to rest on the centre every time, without any of the flip-flap which heretofore has been inevitable with such doors, thus eliminating the noise and danger which they have involved, and greatly reducing or preventing the draughts which such doors have heretofore permitted.
The Check consists of a short vertical cylinder, through the top of which projects the spindle, to which is attached the main arm. To the outer end of the latter is attached the adjust ing arm, the other end of which is fastened to the door jamb, so as the door moves the spindle is caused to rotate. 24
Check on door opened out (Note th a t door has been made transparent to show the position of arm s—which rise to perm it the door to open.)
By an ingenious construction of the main arm bracket the door is free to swing in both directions, the arms dropping below the soffit of the door frame when the door swings to the side opposite to that on which the door check is attached, and passing over the top of the door when the latter is moved in the contrary direction. The horizontal transverse cylinder at the bottom con tains the liquid chamber, the piston, and the regulating valves by which the action of the door may be controlled independ ently in each direction, according to the varying conditions of wind pressure. The non-freezing liquid is hermetically sealed within the liquid chamber, and a third regulating valve con trols the resistance of the door to motion in either direction from its closed position. 25
Yale Double-acting Check on closed door. For Check on doors opened in and out see pages 24'and 25
The device is simple, compact, pleasing in design, and as absolutely reliable in service as the Blount Door Check.
No. 53 Yale Double-acting Door Check is regularly fur nished in gold bronze. At the same price (when so ordered) it will be supplied in silver bronze or in imitation of bowerbarff. For additional finishes and prices see price list.
Name and Number of Parts The names and numbers of the various parts of the Yale Double-acting Door Check are as follows: N o.
D esc rip tio n
N o.
D e sc rip tio n
1 Shell 22 Fork 2 End cap )23 screw 3 “ “ packing *j 24 head (25 pm * “ plug 5 Piston 26 R egulating valve screw 6 “ pin 27 “ “ “ head 7 “ valve ball 28 “ “ nut 8 C om bination packing nut 29 “ “ packing 9 Crank 30 Angle jam b bracket (10 “ packing 31 F lat 11 “ “ nut 112 “ “ “ follower 32 Door guide 13 Connecting rod *( socket 33 14 “ “ strap 15 “ “ “ rivet 34 End plug16 D ouble-acting valve 35 Crank pin 117 “ “ pin 36 Wood screw j'18 M ain arm 37 Clamp screw for fork *Jl 9 “ “ hinge 20 “ “ pin 121 “ “ ball stud
* P a rts b ra c k e te d a re u s u a lly fu rn ish e d to g e th e r
The Yale Checking Floor
HE Yale checking floor hinge is the latest addition to the already large line of door-controlling devices made by this Company. It performs all the functions of the reg ular Blount door check, being a combined spring and check, and is placed in the floor under the door as shown on opposite page. It also takes the place of the butts ordinarily used to hang the door, as the bottom of the door is supported by the shaft of the check, and the top of the door is hung on the “pintle” provided with the check (see opposite page and also page 33), thus forming pivots on which the door swings in either direction. From this it follows that a checking floor hinge is usually installed when the door is being originally placed in position. Some additional labor is required over that involved in applying a regular Blount check, but this is more than offset by the fact that the whole device is concealed, there being no arms or other projections from the door, which are sometimes unsightly and objectionable, especially on finely finished doors. The device may be used on single-acting doors, when so desired, by using an ordinary stop moulding to prevent the movement of the door in the opposite direction. When the floor hinge is used in cement or concrete floors, a “cement box” is provided which is set in the cement when the floor is laid. The checking hinge is afterward fastened to the “cement box” in the usual manner. (See Part 28, page 34.)
The Yale Checkin; 30
Floor Hinge 31
It is frequently desirable to hold the door open. The device is therefore provided with a holder whereby the door may be held open to a right angle, by steadying the door at that point.
We are at present prepared to furnish one size of the check ing floor hinge, suitable for use on butler’s pantry doors, and other doors of similar size and weight. Other sizes of floor hinges will be added to the line from time to time. No. 61 Yale Checking Floor Hinge is regularly furnished with brass plate over the cast iron cover.
Construction The checking floor hinge consists of a cast iron case (Fig. 1), containing the mechanism. The outside dimensions are 9 inches x 4 ^ inches, the depth being