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Misconduct suspicions cloud key Alzheimer’s research p. 358
Lasing from time crystals pp. 368 & 425
A screening approach to improve cancer nanomedicine pp. 371 & 384
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RANGES Competition limits bird distributions on tropical mountains p. 416
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358 Blots on a field?
2 2 J U LY 2 0 2 2 • VO LU M E 3 7 7 • I S S U E 6 6 0 4
A neuroscience image sleuth finds signs of fabrication in scores of Alzheimer’s articles, threatening a reigning theory of the disease By C. Piller
363 Research backing experimental Alzheimer’s drug was first target of suspicion By C. Piller PODCAST
364 Reference genomes for conservation High-quality reference genomes for non–model species can benefit conservation By S. Paez et al.
366 In the glare of the Sun Searches during twilight toward the Sun have found several asteroids near Venus’ orbit By S. S. Sheppard
368 To make a mirrorless laser Periodic temporal modulation of a photonic crystal can be used to produce laser light By D. Faccio and E. M. Wright REPORT p. 425
369 Improving catalysis by moving water The conversion of gases into building blocks for synthesizing plastics is enhanced By M. Ding and Y. Xu REPORT p. 406
370 The quest for more food
A reference genome for the kākāpō, an endangered parrot in New Zealand, could help conservation breeding programs.
Rice yield is increased by boosting nitrogen uptake and photosynthesis By S. Kelly
354 Consortium seeks to expand human gene catalog
By R. F. Service
350 News at a glance
355 Russian scientist facing treason charges dies in custody
Advocates say state’s zeal for arrests has destroyed the lives of researchers working in sensitive fields By O. Dobrovidova
352 As Omicron rages on, virus’ path remains unpredictable Fast-spreading subvariants are coming and going. But an entirely new variant could still emerge
Finding sequences that code for short proteins could add thousands of genes
356 Deadly pest reaches Oregon, sparking fears for ash trees
371 One step closer to cancer nanomedicine High-throughput tool uncovers links between cell signaling and nanomaterial uptake By J. O. Winter
373 What will it take to stabilize the Colorado River? A continuation of the current 23-year-long drought will require difficult decisions to prevent further decline By K. G. Wheeler et al.
By K. Kupferschmidt
Emerald ash borer has already killed millions of trees By G. Popkin
353 Cleaner air is adding to global warming
357 Half of Americans anticipate a U.S. civil war soon, survey finds
376 Setting college students up for success
Satellites capture fall in light-blocking pollution
Findings suggest rising gun violence will spill into the political sphere, driven by conspiracy theories By R. Pérez Ortega
A pair of researchers outline strategies for ensuring that postsecondary courses are inclusive By J. Hsu
By P. Voosen SCIENCE science.org
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
377 The virtual worlds of the metaverse
385 Coronavirus
411 Organic chemistry
An immersive internet is just around the corner, for better or worse By D. Greenbaum
Pathogen-sugar interactions revealed by universal saturation transfer analysis C. J. Buchanan et al.
A concise synthesis of tetrodotoxin D. B. Konrad et al.
416 Biogeography
379 Better preparation for Iran’s forest fires By M. Tavakoli Hafshejani et al.
379 China’s restoration fees require transparency
386 Plant science A transcriptional regulator that boosts grain yields and shortens the growth duration of rice S. Wei et al.
Interspecific competition limits bird species’ ranges in tropical mountains B. G. Freeman et al.
420 Coronavirus
By S. Gao et al.
Shifting mutational constraints in the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain during viral evolution T. N. Starr et al.
380 Global goals overlook freshwater conservation
387 Protein design
425 Optics
By D. V. Gonçalves and V. Hermoso
Scaffolding protein functional sites using deep learning J. Wang et al.
394 Surface chemistry
Amplified emission and lasing in photonic time crystals M. Lyubarov et al. PERSPECTIVE p. 368
381 From Science and other journals RESEARCH ARTICLES
Quantum effects in thermal reaction rates at metal surfaces D. Borodin et al.
399 Evolution
Pathogenicity, transmissibility, and fitness of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron in Syrian hamsters S. Yuan et al.
A chromosomal inversion contributes to divergence in multiple traits between deer mouse ecotypes E. R. Hager et al.
Semiconductors 433 High ambipolar mobility in cubic
384 Nanomedicine
Massively parallel pooled screening reveals genomic determinants of nanoparticle delivery N. Boehnke et al.
406 Catalysis
428 Coronavirus
boron arsenide revealed by transient reflectivity microscopy S. Yue et al.
Physical mixing of a catalyst and a hydrophobic polymer promotes CO hydrogenation through dehydration W. Fang et al.
437 High ambipolar mobility in cubic boron arsenide J. Shin et al.
349 Editorial Confronting 21st-century monekypox By M. T. Osterholm and B. Gellin
442 Working Life From weakness comes strength By S. X. Pfister
387 Computer renderings of protein structures designed using deep learning methods
Species tend to live in narrower slices of mountainside on tropical versus temperate mountains. Stronger competition in the tropics explains this pattern for birds. For example, the habitable range of this white-tipped sicklebill (Eutoxeres aquila) is limited as a result of competition with its close relative, the buff-tailed sicklebill (Eutoxeres condamini). See page 416. Photo: ©Juan Carlos Vindas/Getty Images Science Careers ......................................... 441
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22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
science.org SCIENCE
Confronting 21st-century monkeypox
he World Health Organization (WHO) hasn’t lic health measures, including increased vaccination called the current monkeypox outbreak a Puband diagnostic testing and extensive education camlic Health Emergency of International Concern paigns targeted at populations at risk and minimiz(PHEIC), but as a worldwide epidemic, it is clearly ing social stigma. In addition to a massive scaling up an emerging pandemic. More than 12,556 monof vaccine production, other immediate dose-sparing keypox cases and three deaths have been reported actions can be taken: administration of a single dose in 68 countries since early May, and these numper person instead of two doses (or a first dose folbers will rise rapidly with improved surveillance, access lowed by a delayed second dose when supplies allow) to diagnostics, and continuing global spread of infection. or intradermal (versus intramuscular) administration Although many tools are needed to control this unfoldof a smaller dose. However, research will be needed ing pandemic, it’s clear that limiting ongoing spread will to determine whether such dose-sparing approaches require a comprehensive international vaccination stratprovide adequate immune protection. egy and adequate supplies. Determining how vaccine will be allocated to counPeople 40 years old and younger who have not benetries and within countries to have the most impact on fitted from the immunization campaign that eradicated transmission is essential. Expect major shortages of vacsmallpox by 1980 are now susceptible cine among frustrated at-risk individuals to monkeypox (which is in the same vifor many months to come. To dampen the rus family as smallpox), and this lack of current outbreak will require vaccination population immunity has contributed to of those at highest risk, with global esthe current outbreak. Most of the cases timates of the number of MSM ranging to date have occurred among men who from 1 to 3%. The needed global vaccine Monkeypox cases have sex with men (MSM), particularly supply just for MSM is similar to those those with new or multiple partners. Epiconsidered for HIV oral preexposure prodemiologic investigations indicate that phylaxis (PrEP). It is estimated that by the predominant mode of transmission is 2023, 2.4 million to 5.3 million people through skin-to-skin and sexual contact, worldwide should receive PrEP. Deaths not contact with contaminated clothMonkeypox is a zoonotic disease; ing or bed linens. Although respiratory thus, another critical step is to greatly droplet transmission might occur, there reduce transmission of the virus from is no evidence of airborne transmission current rodent reservoirs and to prevent as there is with COVID-19. And because spillovers in areas of the world where Countries monkeypox is a self-limited infection with monkeypox isn’t endemic. Long-term symptoms lasting 2 to 4 weeks, there isn’t control of monkeypox will require vaca chronic carrier state as there is with HIV, cinating as many as possible of the 327 which would increase the risk for ongoing transmission. million people 40 years of age and younger living in Although many tools are needed, it is clear that limthe 11 African countries where monkeypox is endemic iting ongoing spread will require widely available vacin an animal (rodent) reservoir. This effort should incination. The ACAM2000 vaccine is licensed by the US clude childhood vaccine programs. Surveillance will Food and Drug Administration for smallpox and allowed be needed to identify new animal reservoirs, which for use against monkeypox on an expanded access bamight be established in other countries as a result of sis (so-called “compassionate use” for an investigational infected humans inadvertently transmitting the virus drug use). It is associated with potentially serious side to domestic rodents that have subsequent contact with effects. A newer vaccine with an improved safety prowild rodents. file was approved for monkeypox and smallpox in 2019. The smallpox eradication program was a 12-year efThis two-dose vaccine, produced by Bavarian Nordic, is fort that involved 73 countries working with as many a modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA; Jynneos in the as 150,000 national staff. Because of its animal reserUnited States, Imvanex in the European Union, and Imavoir, monkeypox can’t be eradicated. Unless the world mune in Canada). Its supply, however, is limited. develops and executes an international plan to contain How can the world leverage these vaccines to control the current outbreak, it will be yet another emerging the spread of monkeypox? Transmission among MSM infectious disease that we will regret not containing. populations must be reduced through aggressive pub– Michael T. Osterholm and Bruce Gellin
>12K 3 68
Michael T. Osterholm is director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA. [email protected] Bruce Gellin is chief of global public health strategy at The Rockefeller Foundation, Washington, DC, USA. bgellin@ rockfound.org
Published online 19 July 2022; 10.1126/science.add9651
SCIENCE science.org
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
IN BRIEF Edited by Jeffrey Brainard
Pandemic contributes to big drop in childhood vaccinations
At last, U.S. OKs Novavax vaccine | After a long wait, Novavax’s COVID-19 vaccine last week joined the short list of pandemic shots authorized in the United States. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an emergency use authorization for the two-dose vaccine on 13 July. Novavax’s product is C OV I D -1 9
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
a “protein subunit” vaccine, containing the coronavirus spike protein and an immune stimulant; the company hopes this will appeal to people who worry about side effects from Pfizer’s and Moderna’s messenger RNA vaccines and Johnson & Johnson’s adenovirus-based vaccine. FDA’s blessing was delayed in part because Novavax struggled for months to meet the
agency’s manufacturing standards. The authorization only applies to the primary series of inoculations, but the company hopes that in coming months FDA will authorize a booster dose of the vaccine. Uptake of the Novavax vaccine in the European Union, where it was authorized in December 2021, has been slow: Only about 250,000 people have gotten it so far. science.org SCIENCE
n what UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell against the three dangerous diseases. The majority of chilcalled a “red alert,” childhood vaccination rates in many dren who missed shots live in India, Nigeria, Indonesia, countries worldwide have dropped to the lowest level Ethiopia, and the Philippines, but the largest relative since 2008, in part because of the COVID-19 pandemic. drops occurred in two countries with much smaller popuUNICEF and the World Health Organization together lations: Myanmar and Mozambique. A similar number track inoculations against diphtheria, pertussis, and of children did not get their first dose of the measles tetanus—which are administered as one vaccine— vaccine, and millions also missed polio and huPeople queue as a marker for vaccination coverage overall. In for vaccinations in man papillomavirus inoculations. The pandemic 2021, only 81% of children worldwide received the June 2021 in India. has limited the ability of health care workers to The country had recommended three doses of the combined vacprovide immunizations and disrupted supply the largest drop in cine, down from 86% in 2019. As a result, some inoculated children chains, UNICEF says; armed conflicts and vaccine 25 million children remain insufficiently protected during the pandemic. misinformation also contributed to the declines.
What makes an old growth forest? | President Joe Biden’s administration last week asked for public comment to help it define what constitutes an “old growth” forest, to inform its efforts to inventory and protect those on federal lands. A better, “universal” definition that reflects evolving scientific understanding of these “unique” ecosystems is needed, says the formal request for comment issued on 15 July by the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management, which together manage nearly 80 million hectares of forests. Although big, ancient trees are often seen as key markers of old growth, forests containing them “differ widely in character” depending on factors such as geography and climate, the agencies note. Suggestions are due by 15 August, and disagreement is likely: Environmentalists want the new definition to be expansive, and the timber industry prefers a narrower one. C O N S E R VAT I O N
U.S. ‘superbug’ infections rise | Infections and deaths caused by some of the most harmful antibioticresistant pathogens in U.S. hospitals leapt by at least 15% during the first year of the coronavirus pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported last week. The spike boosted 2020 deaths from these infections to 29,400 and was a turnabout from declines in “superbug” infections during the previous decade. Causes included overworked hospital workers forced to let sanitation precautions slip and shortages of personal protective equipment, CDC said. Resistant microbes deemed among the most dangerous drove the largest reported increases in rates of hospital-acquired infections. For example, the rate for Acinetobacter bacteria resistant to carbapenem antibiotics increased by 78%, with 7500 such cases. The microbe commonly infects patients on ventilators, such as those hospitalized for COVID-19. C OV I D -1 9
Center tackles ecological data PHOTO: THOMAS LINKEL/LAIF/REDUX
| The University of Colorado,
Boulder, will host a new research center to synthesize large amounts of data about environmental change, such as increasing wildfires and biodiversity loss. The Environmental Data Science Innovation and Inclusion Lab will fill “an enormous need,” said a statement last week from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) announcing it will fund the new center with $20 million over 5 years. The project will SCIENCE science.org
train visiting scientists on computational tools, such as machine learning, to make sense of the vast data being collected by efforts such as the NSF-funded National Ecological Observatory Network and the Ocean Observatories Initiative.
Disputed fossil to return to Brazil | A German science ministry plans to repatriate an unusual dinosaur fossil to Brazil, where scientists alleged the artifact had been removed illegally. Scientists at the State Museum of Natural History Karlsruhe (SMNK) published a paper in 2020 describing the chicken-size dinosaur with spearlike feathers that they called Ubirajara jubatus. But after the team failed to provide proper documentation of the fossil’s legality, the journal withdrew the paper. Last year, a Science investigation (1 October 2021, p. 14) prompted the science ministry of Germany’s Baden-Württemberg state, which manages SMNK, to investigate; this week, authorities concluded that the museum provided the ministry with false information regarding the fossil’s acquisition, prompting the decision to return it. PA L E O N T O L O GY
I was worried about my goldfish getting too hot. Now I’m worried about the survival of my family and my neighbors.
Hannah Cloke, a natural hazards researcher at the University of Reading, about Europe’s worsening heat wave, which she calls “a wake-up call about the climate emergency.”
I want young people to see that this is possible for them, and that it’s not off limits because they are Black.
Marine geologist Dawn Wright, in Nature, after becoming the first Black person to visit Challenger Deep, Earth’s deepest spot, aboard a submersible this month. She and a crewmate used side-scan sonar for seafloor mapping.
Mauna Kea’s summit is both a premier site for astronomy and sacred ground.
Native Hawaiians gain voice in managing Mauna Kea
he state of Hawaii this month created a new management body for Mauna Kea, one of the world’s best sites for astronomy, that could help resolve a long-running dispute over telescopes on its summit. Many Native Hawaiians consider the mountain sacred and have long objected to the observatories, especially the proposed construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), a U.S.-led international project. Under a new state law, control of the summit will be transferred over 5 years from the University of Hawaii to a new body whose 11 members will be appointed by the governor and include representatives of Native Hawaiian groups, the Mauna Kea observatories, and others. Mauna Kea Anaina Hou, one of the Native Hawaiian groups that has opposed TMT’s construction, objected that the panel’s Native Hawaiian members will not be chosen by the groups and may be heavily outnumbered.
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
As Omicron rages on, virus’ path remains unpredictable Fast-spreading subvariants are coming and going. But an entirely new variant could still emerge By Kai Kupferschmidt
n the short history of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 was the year of the new variants. Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta each had a couple of months in the Sun. But this was the year of Omicron, which swept the globe late in 2021 and has continued to dominate, with subvariants—given more prosaic names such as BA.1, BA.2, and BA.2.12.1—appearing in rapid succession. Two closely related subvariants named BA.4 and BA.5 are now driving infections around the world, but new candidates, including one named BA.2.75, are knocking on the door. Omicron’s lasting dominance has evolutionary biologists wondering what comes next. Some think it’s a sign that SARSCoV-2’s initial frenzy of evolution is over and it, like other coronaviruses that have been with humanity much longer, is settling into a pattern of gradual evolution. “I think a good guess is that either BA.2 352
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
or BA.5 will spawn additional descendants with more mutations and that one or more of those subvariants will spread and will be the next thing,” says Jesse Bloom, an evolutionary biologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. But others believe a new variant different enough from Omicron and all other variants to deserve the next Greek letter designation, Pi, may already be developing, perhaps in a chronically infected patient. And even if Omicron is not replaced, its dominance is no cause for complacency, says Maria Van Kerkhove, technical lead for COVID-19 at the World Health Organization. “It’s bad enough as it is,” she says. “If we can’t get people to act [without] a new Greek name, that’s a problem.” Even with Omicron, Van Kerkhove emphasizes, the world may face continuing waves of disease as immunity wanes and fresh subvariants arise. She is also alarmed that the surveillance efforts that allowed researchers to spot Omicron and other new variants early on are scaling back or
winding down. “Those systems are being dismantled, they are being defunded, people are being fired,” she says. The variants that ruled in 2021 did not arise one out of the other. Instead, they evolved in parallel from SARS-CoV-2 viruses circulating early in the pandemic. In the viral family trees researchers draw to visualize the evolutionary relationships of SARS-CoV-2 viruses, these variants appeared at the tips of long, bare branches. The pattern seems to reflect virus lurking in a single person for a long time and evolving before it emerges and spreads again, much changed. More and more studies seem to confirm that this occurs in immunocompromised people who can’t clear the virus and have long-running infections. On 2 July, for example, Yale University genomic epidemiologist Nathan Grubaugh and his team posted a preprint on medRxiv about one such patient they found accidentally. In the summer of 2021, their surveillance program at the Yale New Haven Hospital kept finding a variant of SARS-CoV-2 called B.1.517 even though that lineage was supposed to have disappeared from the community long ago. All of the samples, it turned out, came from the same person, an immunocompromised patient in his 60s undergoing treatment for a B cell lymphoma. He was infected with B.1.517 in November 2020 and is still positive today. By following his infection to observe how the virus changed over time, the team found it evolved at twice the normal speed of SARS-CoV-2. (Some of the viruses circulating in the patient today might be qualified as new variants if they were found in the community, Grubaugh says.) That supports the hypothesis that chronic infections could drive the “unpredictable emergence” of new variants, the researchers write in their preprint. Other viruses that chronically infect patients also change faster within one host than when they spread from one person to the next, says Aris Katzourakis, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Oxford. This is partly a numbers game: There are millions of viruses replicating in an individual, but only a handful are passed on during transmission. So a lot of potential evolution is lost in a chain of infections, whereas a chronic infection allows for endless opportunities to evolve. But since Omicron emerged in November 2021, no new variants have appeared out science.org SCIENCE
A nurse prepares a COVID-19 vaccine in Guwahati, India, on 10 April. A new subvariant named BA.2.75 that was first detected in India has surfaced in many other countries.
it’s something worth keeping a close eye on,” says Emma Hodcroft, a virologist at the University of Bern. Keeping an eye on anything is getting harder, however, because surveillance is decreasing. Switzerland, for example, now sequences about 500 samples per week, down from 2000 at its peak, Hodcroft says; the United States went from more than 60,000 per week in January to about 10,000. “Some governments are anxious to cut back on the money they dedicated to sequencing,” Hodcroft says. Defending the expense is a “hard sell,” she says, “especially if there’s a feeling the countries around you will continue sequencing even if you stop.” Even if a variant emerges in a place with good surveillance, it may be harder than in the past to predict how big a threat it poses, because differences in past COVID-19 waves, vaccines, and immunization schedules have created a global checkerboard of immunity. That means a new variant might do well in one place but run into a wall of immunity elsewhere. “The situation has become even less predictable,” Katzourakis says. Given that Omicron appears to be milder than previous variants, surveillance efforts should aim to identify variants that cause severe disease in hospitalized patients, Gupta says. “I think that that’s where we should be focusing our efforts, because if we keep focusing on new variants genomically, we may get a bit fatigued, and then kind of drop the ball when things do happen.” Many virologists acknowledge that SARS-CoV-2’s evolution has caught them by surprise again and again. “It was really in part a failure of imagination,” Grubaugh says. But whatever scenario researchers can imagine, Bloom acknowledges the virus will chart its own course: “I think in the end, we just kind of have to wait and see what happens.” j
Making waves A series of Omicron subvariants has appeared in rapid succession around the world since the beginning of this year. Some scientists say that pattern will likely continue—but an entirely new variant could still arise. 100 Percentage of samples
of nowhere. Instead, Omicron has accumulated small changes, making it better at evading immune responses and—together with waning immunity—leading to successive waves. “I think it’s probably harder and harder for these new things to emerge and take over because all the different Omicron lineages are stiff competition,” Grubaugh says, given how transmissible and immuneevading they already are. If so, the U.S. decision to update COVID-19 vaccines by adding an Omicron component is the right move, Bloom says; even if Omicron keeps changing, a vaccine based on it is likely to provide more protection than one based on earlier variants. But it’s still possible that an entirely new variant unrelated to Omicron will emerge. Or one of the previous variants, such as Alpha or Delta, could make a comeback after causing a chronic infection and going through a bout of accelerated evolution, says Tom Peacock, a virologist at Imperial College London: “This is what we would call second-generation variants.” Given those possibilities, “Studying chronic infections is now more important than ever,” says Ravindra Gupta, a microbiologist at the University of Cambridge. “They might tell us the kind of mutational direction the virus will take in the population.” BA.2.75, which was picked up recently, already has some scientists concerned. Nicknamed Centaurus, it evolved from Omicron but seems to have quickly accumulated a whole slew of important changes in its genome, more like an entirely new variant than a new Omicron subvariant. “This looks exactly like Alpha did, or Gamma or Beta,” Peacock says. BA.2.75 appears to be spreading in India, where it was first identified, and has been found in many other countries. Whether it’s really outcompeting other subvariants is unclear, Van Kerkhove says: “The data is superlimited right now.” “I certainly think
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SCIENCE science.org
Cleaner air is adding to global warming Satellites capture fall in light-blocking pollution By Paul Voosen
t’s one of the paradoxes of global warming. Burning coal or gasoline releases the greenhouse gases that drive climate change. But it also lofts pollution particles that reflect sunlight and cool the planet, offsetting a fraction of the warming. Now, however, as pollutioncontrol technologies spread, both the noxious clouds and their silver lining are starting to dissipate. Using an array of satellite observations, researchers have found that the climatic influence of global air pollution has dropped by up to 30% from 2000 levels. Although this is welcome news for public health—airborne fine particles, or aerosols, are believed to kill several million people per year—it is bad news for global warming. The cleaner air has effectively boosted the total warming from carbon dioxide emitted over the same time by anywhere from 15% to 50%, estimates Johannes Quaas, a climate scientist at Leipzig University and lead author of the study. And as air pollution continues to be curbed, he says, “There is a lot more of this to come.” “I believe their conclusions are correct,” says James Hansen, a retired NASA climate scientist who first called attention to the “Faustian bargain” of fossil fuel pollution in 1991. He says it’s impressive scientific detective work because no satellite could directly measure global aerosols over this whole period. “It’s like deducing the properties of unobserved dark matter by looking at its gravitational effects.” Hansen expects a flurry of follow-up work, as researchers seek to quantify the boost to warming. Some aerosols, such as black carbon, or soot, absorb heat. But reflective sulfate and nitrate particles have a cooling effect. For many years, they formed from polluting gases escaping from car tailpipes, ship flues, and power plant smokestacks. Technologies to scrub or eliminate this pollution have spread slowly from North America and Europe to the developing world. Only in 2010 22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
Consortium seeks to expand human gene catalog Finding sequences that code for short proteins could add thousands of genes Pollution in China has fallen with the spread of smokestack scrubbers. But the cleanup is boosting warming.
By Robert F. Service
did air pollution in China begin to decline, for example, and international restrictions on sulfur-heavy ship fuel have come just in the past few years. The new study, submitted as a preprint to Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics in April and expected for publication in the next few months, grew directly out of last year’s U.N. climate assessment. It included studies showing aerosol declines in North America and Europe but no clear global trends. Quaas and his co-authors thought two NASA satellites, Terra and Aqua, operating since 1999 and 2002, might be able to help. The satellites tally Earth’s incoming and outgoing radiation, which has enabled several research groups, including Quaas and his colleagues, to track the increase in infrared heat trapped by greenhouse gases. But one instrument on Aqua and Terra has also shown a decline in reflected light. Models suggested a decrease in aerosols is partly responsible, says Venkatachalam Ramaswamy, director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. “It’s very hard to find alternate reasons for this,” he says. Quaas and his co-authors have now taken things a step further with two instruments on Terra and Aqua that record the haziness of the sky—and therefore its aerosol load. From 2000 to 2019, haze over North America, Europe, and East Asia clearly declined, although it continued to thicken over coal-dependent India. Aerosols don’t just reflect light on their own; they can also alter clouds. By serving as nuclei on which water vapor condenses, pollution particles reduce cloud droplet size and increase their number, making clouds more reflective. Reducing pollu-
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
he relatively small universe of human genes could grow by up to onethird, if a concerted effort to search for new genes that encode short proteins is successful. Many known miniproteins have already been shown to play key roles in cellular metabolism and disease, so the international effort to catalog new ones and determine their functions, announced last week in Nature Biotechnology, could shed light on a vast array of biochemical processes and provide targets for novel medicines. “The microproteome is a potential gold mine of unexplored biology,” says Eric Olson, a molecular biologist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center who is not involved with the new consortium. Anne O’Donnell-Luria, an expert in the genetics of rare diseases at Boston Children’s Hospital, adds that the expanded catalog could be a rich source of clues to genetic links to disease. “Everyone will be able to use this data set to make progress in their area.”
An international consortium will search for RNAs (blue) that are converted to functional small proteins (orange) by ribosomes (center). science.org SCIENCE
tion should undo the effect—and using the same instruments, Quaas and his team found a clear decrease in cloud droplet concentrations in the same regions where aerosols declined. The evidence in the paper is clear, says Joyce Penner, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. “It’s remarkable that we’re seeing this already,” she says. “This is contributing a lot to the climate changes we’re seeing in the current era.” Just how much this declining reflectivity has boosted recent warming is hard to quantify, says Stuart Jenkins, a doctoral student at the University of Oxford who is also studying the aerosol decline. In forthcoming work, Jenkins will show there’s just too much natural variability in the past 20 years to pick out the effect of clearer skies. Whatever the exact contribution, it is sure to grow as air quality continues to improve around the world. The answer isn’t to keep polluting, says Jan Cermak, a remote-sensing scientist at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. “Air pollution kills people. We need clean air. There is no question about that.” Instead, efforts to reduce greenhouse gases need to be redoubled, he says. But with Earth having warmed by some 1.2°C since preindustrial times, Hansen thinks there’s little hope of cutting emissions fast enough to meet the 1.5°C target he and other scientists have called for. And so the solution, he says, could come back to aerosols, this time ones spread deliberately through solar geoengineering—the controversial idea of lofting sulfate particles into the stratosphere and creating a global, reflective haze. “It will be necessary to take temporary corrective measures,” he says, “almost surely including temporary purposeful use of aerosols to avoid catastrophic implications.” j
Only 19,370 human genes are known to code for proteins. But current catalogs only include genes for proteins containing at least 100 amino acids each, a cutoff chosen in part because longer DNA sequences make it easier for geneticists to look for commonalities between species. Many smaller proteins are known to exist, but they’ve largely flown under the radar even though some have been shown to play crucial roles in regulating the immune system, blocking other proteins, and destroying faulty RNAs. “The fact that these have been excluded represents a large hole in genetics and developmental biology,” says consortium member John Prensner, a pediatric oncologist at Boston Children’s. When genes are translated into proteins, they are first transcribed into snippets of messenger RNA (mRNA). Cellular organelles called ribosomes then read those mRNA sequences and follow their instructions to string together amino acids into proteins. When scientists scan for genes, they typically look for distinctive DNA sequences flanked by start and stop signals for the protein assembly process, so-called open reading frames (ORFs). In recent years, researchers have come up with other ways to identify proteincoding sequences. One called Ribo-seq uses high-throughput sequencing technology to catalog all the RNAs in a sample that are bound to a ribosome at a given time. Those RNA sequences point to likely genes, although the technique can’t prove that any one sequence makes a stable, functional protein. Ribo-seq databases now contain thousands of ORFs, many of which don’t code for known proteins and therefore may represent new ones. In the consortium’s first phase, members scanned seven Ribo-seq databases for candidate ORFs that might correspond with small proteins. After weeding out redundant entries they came up with 7264 candidates. Next, the group will try to identify which of those yield proteins with actual cellular functions. Techniques such as mass spectrometry can help determine whether particular RNAs are translated into stable proteins. Others, such as epitope tagging, use antibodies to track marked proteins, revealing their location and abundance in cells and providing hints about their function. For now, the 35 investigators involved are funding the effort from their own lab budgets, and don’t have immediate plans to seek dedicated funding. “There is so much there, this just needs to be done,” says consortium member Sebastiaan van Heesch, a systems biologist at the Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology in the Netherlands. j SCIENCE science.org
Russian scientist facing treason charges dies in custody Advocates say state’s zeal for arrests has destroyed the lives of researchers working in sensitive fields By Olga Dobrovidova
says the arrests are driven by perverse incentives at FSB, where agents are eager to supply “enemies of the state” in return for bonuses and promotions. Eugene Chudnovsky, a physicist at Lehman College and co-chair of the Committee of Concerned Scientists, believes the prosecutions may also be “an intimidation tactic” directed at scientists more deeply involved in sensitive research, which the Russian government is careful not to disrupt too much. Pavlov says the criteria for classifying information as state secrets are purposefully vague, with all details themselves classified, so it is easy to manufacture an accu-
ast month, Dmitry Kolker, 54, director of the Laboratory of Quantum Optics at Novosibirsk State University, was dealing with late-stage pancreatic cancer. But on 30 June, agents with Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) removed him from a cancer clinic, flew him to Moscow, and detained him on charges of treason. By 2 July, he was dead. His family learned of his fate via a curt telegram. Kolker’s colleagues at the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) expressed outrage. A group of RAS members signed an open letter protesting FSB’s handling of the case and called for “those guilty of our colleague’s death to be held accountable.” Kolker’s family told local media he was accused of leaking state secrets to China. But the RAS group posted a photo of an expert report from an RAS institute concluding that optics lectures Kolker gave in China in 2018 included no classified information. The case is far from unusual. Three days before Kolker’s arrest, FSB arrested another researcher in Siberia: Anatoly Maslov, 75, an aerodynamicist at the Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, who now faces up to 20 years in prison on treason charges. A 2020 investigation Laser physicist Dmitry Kolker died this month after being from independent Moscow accused of divulging state secrets. newspaper Novaya Gazeta found that more than 30 scientists had been acsation. Viktor Kudryavtsev, an aerospace cused of treason since 2000. Like Maslov, engineer who collaborated with European many worked on hypersonics, a research researchers on a hypersonics project, was area at the center of a new arms race arrested in 2018 even though a military (Science, 10 January 2020, p. 136). review panel had previously approved the Scientists are “prime targets” for FSB work; FSB classified the work 5 years after because they have access to sensitive inthe project ended. formation and often travel to conferences The relationship between scientists and and meet with foreign colleagues, says the Russian security services has long been Ivan Pavlov, a defense lawyer for opposifraught, says David Holloway, a historian tion leader Alexei Navalny’s foundation of the Soviet nuclear program at Stanford and several treason suspects who fled RusUniversity. In the Soviet era, “There was sia himself after being detained by FSB. He certainly an incentive to find guilty people 22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
Olga Dobrovidova is a science journalist in Paris who does climate communications work. 356
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
Deadly pest reaches Oregon, sparking fears for ash trees Emerald ash borer has already killed millions of trees By Gabriel Popkin
documented in 36 states; Washington, D.C.; and parts of Canada. hree years ago, forest scientists on the Once the borer shows up, “You cannot, U.S. West Coast launched an effort to generally speaking, get rid of [it],” says Leigh gather nearly 1 million seeds of the Greenwood, a forest specialist at the Nature Oregon ash. The ecologically valuable Conservancy. In Oregon, officials will likely tree, found from southern California try to slow its spread and reduce its populato British Columbia in Canada, often tion through selective use of insecticides and grows along streams and in wetlands, anby releasing tiny wasps that parasitize and choring rich ecosystems. kill the beetles. Such strategies have been In part, the collecting effort represented used elsewhere with limited success. disaster insurance: The emerald ash borer, In the longer term, some researchers hope an invasive, iridescent green beetle that has to breed trees that can resist the beetle. Of wiped out ash trees throughout much of the now-imperiled western ash species, Orthe eastern and midwestern United States, egon ash (Fraxinus latifolia) is the most was spreading westward, and the saved immediate concern. In sensitive wetlands seeds might one day help where it can form nearly restore the species if the pure stands, no other tree pest ever arrived. can readily take its place. Now, it appears that res“In some areas it’s the only cue mission began none [tree] species there,” says too soon. Last week, the Richard Sniezko, a USFS U.S. Department of Agrigeneticist and a leader of culture confirmed that the the seed collecting project. emerald ash borer (Agrilus Sniezko began working planipennis) had reached on ash trees after attendOregon—and likely has ing a 2019 conference. He been there for up to 5 years. is now growing seedlings The discovery marked the The emerald ash borer now has from a number of Orborer’s first appearance a foothold in the western United States. egon ash populations at west of the Rocky Mouna research station in the tains; previously it had only gotten as far as state; colleagues are overseeing a similar Boulder, Colorado. Forest managers now fear set of plantings in Washington and Ohio. for the future of the Oregon ash and at least Once the ash borer arrives, researchers will eight other ash species found only in western observe how the trees fare. Individual trees North America. that hold up better than others might ulti“It’s extremely grave and sobering to have mately help scientists breed new, hardier the situation upon us,” Karen Ripley, a forest varieties. Such breeding efforts are already health monitoring coordinator with the U.S. underway for other ash species in Ohio Forest Service (USFS), wrote last week in an (Science, 13 November 2020, p. 756). email to colleagues. Researchers are also beginning to collect On 30 June, a biologist with the city of seeds from up to eight other endemic ash Portland alerted officials to adult beetles species that only live in the southwestern he saw emerging from a tree in nearby ForUnited States. That effort is challenging est Grove, Oregon. The next day, Wyatt because several of the species are rare and Williams, an invasive species specialist with grow in remote areas, says Tim Thibault, a the Oregon Department of Forestry, concurator at the Huntington, a botanical garfirmed that an Oregon ash was infested. “My den in San Marino, California, who is coheart just sank,” he says. leading the project. The report opened a new front in the The seed collections are only the beginnearly 2-decade-old fight against the borer, ning of a long and expensive process, scienan Asian species that was first found in tists warn. Rescuing a tree through breeding, 2002 outside Detroit and has since been Sniezko says, “is not for the faint of heart.” j
science.org SCIENCE
and targets to be met,” he says. “If you are not arresting people, you aren’t doing your job.” But during the Cold War, prominent scientists could leverage their usefulness in the nuclear weapons program to gain some protection with party bosses. “The physicists were somehow protected by the bomb, they were needed.” Alexander Fedulov, Kolker’s lawyer, says the family intends to fight to clear the physicist’s name. Yaroslav Kudryavtsev, a polymer scientist and Viktor’s son, also kept up efforts to vindicate his father in court, even after he died in 2021 while under court-mandated travel restrictions. But the family gave up this year, after the Ukraine war began and Russia passed laws to end the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights. For Chudnovsky, the futility of seeking an acquittal in Russian courts sets these cases apart from the China Initiative in the United States, a law enforcement campaign that was launched in 2018 to prevent China from stealing U.S. technologies and was recently rethought (Science, 4 March, p. 945). Still, Pavlov’s team has managed to secure pardons and shorter prison terms for several defendants. “In today’s Russia, freedom is much more valuable than any available justice,” he says. Private and public support from the scientific community was vital to Viktor Kudryavtsev and his family, but ultimately could not do much to protect the scientist, his son says. Boris Altshuler, a theoretical physicist and human rights activist at RAS’s P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, says that in Soviet times, international pressure from researchers could sometimes bring the security apparatus to heel. “Now, I’m not sure whether the man at the top would listen.” At home, public displays of support have become scarce since the beginning of the war in Ukraine and a government crackdown on protests and dissent. RAS President Alexander Sergeev, who just a few years ago publicly called for Viktor Kudryavtsev to be released from jail, has remained quiet about Kolker and Maslov. In a June speech, he told colleagues to stop “insulting the state” with antiwar declarations. In Akademgorodok, the enclave of Novosibirsk research institutes where Kolker and Maslov worked, short-lived memorials and graffiti about them keep popping up despite police efforts. At the edge of a forest, a note of protest was taped on top of an official tick warning. It read, “Kolker and Maslov are victims of Moscow occupants, Siberia is not a colony.” j
The insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on 6 January 2021 showed how politics could motivate violence.
Half of Americans anticipate a U.S. civil war soon, survey finds Findings suggest rising gun violence will spill into the political sphere, driven by conspiracy theories By Rodrigo Pérez Ortega
iolence can seem to be everywhere in the United States, and political violence is in the spotlight, with the 6 January 2021 insurrection as exhibit A. Now, a large study confirms one in five Americans believes violence motivated by political reasons is—at least sometimes—justified. Nearly half expect a civil war, and many say they would trade democracy for a strong leader, a preprint submitted last week to medRxiv found. “This is not a study that’s meant to shock,” says Rachel Kleinfeld, a political violence expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace who was not involved in the research. “But it should be shocking.” Firearm deaths in the United States grew by nearly 43% between 2010 and 2020, and gun sales surged during the coronavirus pandemic. Garen Wintemute, an emergency medicine physician and longtime gun violence researcher at the University of California, Davis, wondered what those trends portend for civil unrest. “Sometimes being an ER [emergency room] doc is like being the bow man on the Titanic going, ‘Look at that iceberg!’” he says. He and his colleagues surveyed more than 8600 adults in English and Spanish about their views on democracy in the United States, racial attitudes in U.S. society, and their own attitudes toward political SCIENCE science.org
violence. The respondents were part of the Ipsos KnowledgePanel—an online research panel that has been used widely, including by Wintemute for research on violence and firearm ownership. The team then applied statistical methods to extrapolate the survey results to the entire country. Although almost all respondents thought it’s important for the United States to remain a democracy, about 40% said having a strong leader is more important. Half expect a civil war in the United States in the next few years. (The survey didn’t specify when.) “The fact that basically half the country is expecting a civil war is just chilling,” Wintemute says. And many expect to take part. If found in a situation where they think violence is justified to advance an important political objective, about one in five respondents thinks they will likely be armed with a gun. About 7% of participants— which would correspond to about 18 million U.S. adults—said they would be willing to kill a person in such a situation. Kleinfeld says the study’s findings are compelling because of the large number of participants and because it asked about specific scenarios in which participants think violence is justified—such as for selfdefense or to stop people with different political beliefs from voting. The sample does slightly overrepresent older people, who are not known to commit much violence worldwide, she says. “So the fact that
you’re [still] getting these high numbers … is really quite concerning.” She is less alarmed by the shaky support for democracy, noting that political gridlock—as in U.S. politics today—can often distort attitudes. “What people mean by ‘democracy’ is pretty fuzzy,” she says. Political paralysis, she adds, can quickly lead people who think, “Yeah, I like democracy,” to also say, “Yeah, I want a strong man” in leadership. “The findings are scary, but not surprising,” Kurt Braddock, who studies the psychology of extremist communication at American University, wrote in an email to Science. In recent years, he says, the United States has seen an increase in individual willingness to engage in violence—homicides in cities increased 44% between 2019 and 2021, for instance—an attitude he says is likely to spill into the political sphere. Researchers have criticized the sampling and survey methodology of previous studies that found increasing support for political violence. But the new study generally agrees with earlier efforts, Kleinfeld says. A small survey from 2021, for instance, found about 46% of voters thought the United States would have another civil war, and another showed more than onethird of Americans agree that “The traditional American way of life is disappearing so fast that we may have to use force to save it.” Wintemute and colleagues found that conspiracy theories, some rooted in racism, are helping shape views about political violence. They found roughly two in five adults agreed with the white nationalist “great replacement theory,” or the idea that native-born white voters are being replaced by immigrants for electoral gains. And one in five respondents believed the false QAnon conspiracy theory that U.S. institutions are controlled by an elite group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles. To reduce the threat of political violence, Braddock says, the first step is to call out the disinformation online and in right-wing media, some of which is taken directly from extremist propaganda. “We need to call that out for what it is before we can begin to address the problems it is causing.” Kleinfeld adds that leaders— from politicians and media personalities to church pastors—can also make a difference. Experiments show courageous leaders can deter their communities from engaging in violence. “Now’s the time to take this seriously and not put our heads in the sand,” Kleinfeld says. j 22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
A neuroscience image sleuth finds signs of fabrication in scores of Alzheimer’s articles, threatening a reigning theory of the disease By Charles Piller
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
scientists who are also short sellers who profit if the company’s stock falls—believed some research related to Simufilam may have been “fraudulent,” according to a petition later filed on their behalf with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Schrag, 37, a softspoken, nonchalantly rumpled junior professor, had already gained some notoriety by publicly criticizing the controversial FDA approval of the anti-Ab drug Aduhelm. His own research also contradicted some of Cassava’s claims. He feared volunteers in ongoing Simufilam trials faced risks of side effects with no chance of benefit.
Neuroscientist and physician Matthew Schrag found suspect images in dozens of papers involving Alzheimer’s disease, including Western blots (projected in green) measuring a protein linked to cognitive decline in rats.
So he applied his technical and medical knowledge to interrogate published images about the drug and its underlying science— for which the attorney paid him $18,000. He identified apparently altered or duplicated images in dozens of journal articles. The attorney reported many of the discoveries in the FDA petition, and Schrag sent all of them science.org SCIENCE
n August 2021, Matthew Schrag, a neuroscientist and physician at Vanderbilt University, got a call that would plunge him into a maelstrom of possible scientific misconduct. A colleague wanted to connect him with an attorney investigating an experimental drug for Alzheimer’s disease called Simufilam. The drug’s developer, Cassava Sciences, claimed it improved cognition, partly by repairing a protein that can block sticky brain deposits of the protein amyloid beta (Ab), a hallmark of Alzheimer’s. The attorney’s clients—two prominent neuro-
to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which had invested tens of millions of dollars in the work. (Cassava denies any misconduct [see sidebar, p. 363].) But Schrag’s sleuthing drew him into a different episode of possible misconduct, leading to findings that threaten one of the most cited Alzheimer’s studies of this century and numerous related experiments. The first author of that influential study, published in Nature in 2006, was an ascending neuroscientist: Sylvain Lesné of the University of Minnesota (UMN), Twin Cities. His work underpins a key element of the dominant yet controversial amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer’s, which holds that Ab clumps, known as plaques, in brain tissue are a primary cause of the devastating illness, which afflicts tens of millions globally. In what looked like a smoking gun for the theory and a lead to possible therapies, Lesné and his colleagues discovered an Ab subtype and seemed to prove it caused dementia in rats. If Schrag’s doubts are correct, Lesné’s findings were an elaborate mirage. Schrag, who had not publicly revealed his role as a whistleblower until this article, avoids the word “fraud” in his critiques of Lesné’s work and the Cassava-related studies and does not claim to have proved misconduct. That would require access to original, complete, unpublished images and in some cases raw numerical data. “I focus on what we can see in the published images, and describe them as red flags, not final conclusions,” he says. “The data should speak for itself.” A 6-month investigation by Science provided strong support for Schrag’s suspicions and raised questions about Lesné’s research. A leading independent image analyst and several top Alzheimer’s researchers— including George Perry of the University of Texas, San Antonio, and John Forsayeth of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)—reviewed most of Schrag’s findings at Science’s request. They concurred with his overall conclusions, which cast doubt on hundreds of images, including more than 70 in Lesné’s papers. Some look like “shockingly blatant” examples of image tampering, says Donna Wilcock, an Alzheimer’s expert at the University of Kentucky. The authors “appeared to have composed figures by piecing together parts of photos from different experiments,” says Elisabeth Bik, a molecular biologist and well-known forensic image consultant. “The obtained experimental results might not have been the desired results, and that data might have been changed to … better fit a hypothesis.” Early this year, Schrag raised his doubts with NIH and journals including Nature; two, including Nature last week, have published expressions of concern about papers SCIENCE science.org
by Lesné. Schrag’s work, done independently of Vanderbilt and its medical center, implies millions of federal dollars may have been misspent on the research—and much more on related efforts. Some Alzheimer’s experts now suspect Lesné’s studies have misdirected Alzheimer’s research for 16 years. “The immediate, obvious damage is wasted NIH funding and wasted thinking in the field because people are using these results as a starting point for their own experiments,” says Stanford University neuroscientist Thomas Südhof, a Nobel laureate and expert on Alzheimer’s and related conditions. Lesné did not respond to requests for comment. A UMN spokesperson says the university is reviewing complaints about his work.
“You can’t cheat to cure a disease. Biology doesn’t care.” Matthew Schrag, Vanderbilt University To Schrag, the two disputed threads of Ab research raise far-reaching questions about scientific integrity in the struggle to understand and cure Alzheimer’s. Some adherents of the amyloid hypothesis are too uncritical of work that seems to support it, he says. “Even if misconduct is rare, false ideas inserted into key nodes in our body of scientific knowledge can warp our understanding.” IN HIS MODEST OFFICE, steps away from a
buzzing refrigerator, Schrag displays an antique microscope—an homage to predecessors who applied painstaking bench science to medicine’s endless enigmas. A small sign on his desk reads, “Everything is figureoutable.” So far, Alzheimer’s has been an exception. But Schrag’s background has left him comfortable with the field’s contradictions. His father hails from a family of Mennonites, known for their philosophy of peacemaking— but joined the military. The family moved from Arizona to Germany to England before settling in Davenport, a tiny cow town in eastern Washington. After leaving the Air Force, Schrag’s dad became a nurse and worked in a nursing home. As a young teen, Schrag volunteered to visit dementia patients there. “I remembered being mystified by a lot of the strange behaviors,” he says. It was a formative experience “to see people struggling with such unfair symptoms.” Home-schooled by his mom, Schrag entered community college at 16, like many of the town’s studious kids—including his teenage sweetheart and future wife, Sarah. They now live on a small ranch outside Nashville with their two young children and three aging horses that Sarah grew up with.
While prepping for medical school at the University of North Dakota, Schrag spent long hours in a neuropharmacology lab absorbing the patient rhythms of science. He repeated experiments over and over, refining his skills. These included a protein identification method known as the Western blot. It uses electricity to drive protein-rich tissue samples through a gel that acts like a sieve to separate the molecules by size. Distinct proteins, tagged and illuminated by fluorescent antibodies, appear as stacked bands. In 2006, Schrag’s first publication examined how feeding a high-cholesterol diet to rabbits seemed to increase Ab plaques and iron deposits in one part of their brains. Not long afterward, when he was an M.D.-Ph.D. student at Loma Linda University, another research group found support for a link between Alzheimer’s and iron metabolism. Encouraged, Schrag poured his energy into trying to confirm the connection in people— and failed. The experience introduced him to a disquieting element of Alzheimer’s research. With this enigmatic, complex disease, even careful experiments done in good faith can fail to replicate, leading to dead ends and unexpected setbacks. One of its biggest mysteries is also its most distinctive feature: the plaques and other protein deposits that German pathologist Alois Alzheimer first saw in 1906 in the brain of a deceased dementia patient. In 1984, Ab was identified as the main component of the plaques. And in 1991, researchers traced family-linked Alzheimer’s to mutations in the gene for a precursor protein from which amyloid derives. To many scientists, it seemed clear that Ab buildup sets off a cascade of damage and dysfunction in neurons, causing dementia. Stopping amyloid deposits became the most plausible therapeutic strategy. Hundreds of clinical trials of amyloidtargeted therapies have yielded few glimmers of promise, however; only the underwhelming Aduhelm has gained FDA approval. Yet Ab still dominates research and drug development. NIH spent about $1.6 billion on projects that mention amyloids in this fiscal year, about half its overall Alzheimer’s funding. Scientists who advance other potential Alzheimer’s causes, such as immune dysfunction or inflammation, complain they have been sidelined by the “amyloid mafia.” Forsayeth says the amyloid hypothesis became “the scientific equivalent of the Ptolemaic model of the Solar System,” in which the Sun and planets rotate around Earth. By 2006, the centenary of Alois Alzheimer’s epic discovery, a growing cadre of skeptics wondered aloud whether the field needed a reset. Then, a breathtaking Nature paper entered the breach. It emerged from the lab of UMN physi22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
cian and neuroscientist Karen Ashe, who had mer, and Alzheimer’s” has risen from near already made a remarkable series of discovzero to $287 million in 2021. Lesné and Ashe eries. As a medical resident at UCSF, she conhelped spark that explosion, experts say. tributed to Nobel laureate Stanley Prusiner’s The paper provided an “important boost” pioneering work on prions—infectious proto the amyloid and toxic oligomer hypotheses teins that cause rare neurological disorders. when they faced rising doubts, Südhof says. In the mid-1990s, she created a transgenic “Proponents loved it, because it seemed to be mouse that churns out human Ab, which an independent validation of what they have forms plaques in the animal’s brain. The been proposing for a long time.” mouse also shows dementia-like symptoms. “That was a really big finding that kind of It became a favored Alzheimer’s model. turned the field on its head,” partly because of By the early 2000s, “toxic oligomers,” Ashe’s impeccable imprimatur, Wilcock says. subtypes of Ab that dissolve in some bodily “It drove a lot of other investigators to … go fluids, had gained currency as a likely chief looking for these [heavier] oligomer species.” culprit for Alzheimer’s—potentially more As Ashe’s star burned more brightly, Lepathogenic than the insoluble plaques. sné’s rose. He joined UMN with his own Amyloid oligomers had NIH-funded lab in 2009. been linked to impaired Ab*56 remained a primary communication between research focus. Megan neurons in vitro and in aniLarson, who worked as a jumals, and autopsies have nior scientist for Lesné and shown higher levels of the is now a product manager oligomers in people with at Bio-Techne, a biosciences Alzheimer’s than in cognisupply company, calls him tively sound individuals. passionate, hardworking, But no one had proved that and charismatic. She and any one of the many known others in the lab often ran oligomers directly caused experiments and produced cognitive decline. Western blots, Larson says, In the brains of Ashe’s but in their papers together, transgenic mice, the UMN Lesné prepared all the imteam discovered a previages for publication. ously unknown oligomer He became a leader of species, dubbed Ab*56 (proUMN’s neuroscience gradunounced “amyloid beta star ate program in 2020, and in Sylvain Lesné, 56”) after its relatively heavy May 2021, 4 months after University of Minnesota, Twin Cities molecular weight compared Schrag delivered his conwith other oligomers. The group isolated cerns to NIH, Lesné received a coveted R01 Ab*56 and injected it into young rats. The rats’ grant from the agency, with up to 5 years of capacity to recall simple, previously learned support. The NIH program officer for the information—such as the location of a hidgrant, Austin Yang—a co-author on the 2006 den platform in a maze—plummeted. The Nature paper—declined to comment. 2006 paper’s first author, sometimes credited as the discoverer of Ab*56, was Lesné, IN DECEMBER 2021, Schrag visited PubPeer, a young scientist Ashe had hired straight out a website where scientists flag possible erof a Ph.D. program at the University of Caen rors in published papers. Many of the site’s Normandy in France. posts come from technical gumshoes who Ashe touted Ab*56 on her website as “the deconstruct Western blots for telltale marks first substance ever identified in brain tissue indicating that bands representing proteins in Alzheimer’s research that has been shown could have been removed or inserted where to cause memory impairment.” An accompathey don’t belong. Such manipulations can nying editorial in Nature called Ab*56 “a star falsely suggest a protein is present—or alsuspect” in Alzheimer’s. Alzforum, a widely ter the levels at which a detected protein is read online hub for the field, titled its covapparently found. Schrag, still focused on erage, “Ab Star is Born?” Less than 2 weeks Cassava-linked scientists, was looking for exafter the paper was published, Ashe won the amples that could refine his own sleuthing. prestigious Potamkin Prize for neuroscience, In a PubPeer search for “Alzheimer’s,” postpartly for work leading to Ab*56. ings about articles in The Journal of NeuroThe Nature paper has been cited in about science caught Schrag’s eye. They questioned 2300 scholarly articles—more than all but the authenticity of blots used to differentiate four other Alzheimer’s basic research reports Ab and similar proteins in mouse brain tispublished since 2006, according to the Web sue. Several bands seemed to be duplicated. of Science database. Since then, annual NIH Using software tools, Schrag confirmed the support for studies labeled “amyloid, oligoPubPeer comments and found similar prob360
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lems with other blots in the same articles. He also found some blot backgrounds that seemed to have been improperly duplicated. Three of the papers listed Lesné, whom Schrag had never heard of, as first or senior author. Schrag quickly found that another Lesné paper had also drawn scrutiny on PubPeer, and he broadened his search to Lesné papers that had not been flagged there. The investigation “developed organically,” he says, as other apparent problems emerged. “So much in our field is not reproducible, so it’s a huge advantage to understand when data streams might not be reliable,” Schrag says. “Some of that’s going to happen reproducing data on the bench. But if it can happen in simpler, faster ways—such as image analysis—it should.” Eventually Schrag ran across the seminal Nature paper, the basis for many others. It, too, seemed to contain multiple doctored images. Science asked two independent image analysts—Bik and Jana Christopher—to review Schrag’s findings about that paper and others by Lesné. They say some supposed manipulation might be digital artifacts that can occur inadvertently during image processing, a possibility Schrag concedes. But Bik found his conclusions compelling and sound. Christopher concurred about the many duplicated images and some markings suggesting cut-and-pasted Western blots flagged by Schrag. She also identified additional dubious blots and backgrounds he had missed. In the 16 years following the landmark paper, Lesné and Ashe—separately or jointly— published many articles on their stellar oligomer. Yet only a handful of other groups have reported detecting Ab*56. Citing the ongoing UMN review of Lesné’s work, Ashe declined via email to be interviewed or to answer written questions posed by Science, which she called “sobering.” But she wrote, “I still have faith in Ab*56,” noting her ongoing work studying the structure of Ab oligomers. “We have promising initial results. I remain excited about this work, and believe it has the potential to explain why Ab therapies may yet work despite recent failures targeting amyloid plaques.” But even before Schrag’s investigation, the spotty evidence that Ab*56 plays a role in Alzheimer’s had raised eyebrows. Wilcock has long doubted studies that claim to use “purified” Ab*56. Such oligomers are notoriously unstable, converting to other oligomer types spontaneously. Multiple types can be present in a sample even after purification efforts, making it hard to say any cognitive effects are due to AB*56 alone, she notes—assuming it exists. In fact, Wilcock and others say, several labs have tried and failed to find Ab*56, although few have published those findings. Journals are often uninterested in negative science.org SCIENCE
results, and researchers can be reluctant to contradict a famous investigator. An exception was Harvard University’s Dennis Selkoe, a leading advocate of the amyloid and toxic oligomer hypotheses, who has cited the Nature paper at least 13 times. In two 2008 papers, Selkoe said he could not find Ab*56 in human fluids or tissues. Selkoe examined Schrag’s dossier on Lesné’s papers at Science’s request, and says he finds it credible and well supported. He did not see manipulation in every suspect image, but says, “There are certainly at least 12 or 15 images where I would agree that there is no other explanation” than manipulation. One—an image in the Nature paper displaying purified Ab*56—shows “very worrisome” signs of tampering, Selkoe says. The same image reappeared in a different paper, co-authored by Lesné and Ashe, 5 years later. Many other images in Lesné’s papers might be improper—more than enough to challenge the body of work, Selkoe adds. A few of Lesné’s questioned papers describe a technique he developed to measure Ab oligomers separately in brain cells, spaces outside the cells, and cell membranes. Selkoe recalls Ashe talking about her “brilliant postdoctoral fellow” who devised it. He was skeptical of Lesné’s claim that oligomers could be analyzed separately inside and outside cells in a mixture of soluble material from frozen or processed brain tissue. “All of us who heard about that knew in a moment that it made no biochemical sense. If it did, we’d all be using a method like that,” Selkoe says. The Nature paper depended on that method. Selkoe himself co-authored a 2006 paper with Lesné in the Annals of Neurology. They sought to neutralize the effects of toxic oligomers, although not Ab*56. The paper includes an image that Schrag, Bik, and Christopher agree was reprinted as if original in two subsequent Lesné articles. Selkoe calls that “highly egregious.” Given those findings, the scarcity of independent confirmation of the Ab*56 claims seems telling, Selkoe says. “In science, once you publish your data, if it’s not readily replicated, then there is real concern that it’s not correct or true. There’s precious little clearcut evidence that Ab*56 exists, or if it exists, correlates in a reproducible fashion with features of Alzheimer’s—even in animal models.”
How an image sleuth uncovered possible tampering
IN ALL, SCHRAG OR BIK identified more than
These images examine dissimilar bands using the same process. In the merged image, clear differences appear in green or red—as expected when comparing naturally produced bands. A degree of correlation is expected, but far lower than in duplicated bands.
20 suspect Lesné papers; 10 concerned Ab*56. Schrag contacted several of the journals starting early this year, and Lesné and his collaborators recently published two corrections. One for a 2012 paper in The Journal of Neuroscience replaced several images Schrag had flagged as problematic, writing that the earlier versions had been SCIENCE science.org
Vanderbilt University neuroscientist Matthew Schrag found apparently falsified images in papers by University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, neuroscientist Sylvain Lesné, including a 2006 paper in Nature co-authored with Karen Ashe and others. It linked an amyloid-beta (Ab) protein, Ab*56, to Alzheimer’s dementia.
Image in question 12
Ashe uploaded this Western blot
Mou age Mouse agess in i m months onths 13 13 13 15 15 17
Heavier to PubPeer after Schrag said the version published in Nature showed cut marks suggesting improper tampering with bands portraying Ab*56 and other proteins (black boxes added by Ashe). The figure shows levels of Ab*56 (dashed red box) increasing in older mice as symptoms emerge. But Schrag’s analysis suggests this version of
the image contains improperly duplicated bands.
Aβ A β*56 bands b d
1 Spot the similarities Some bands looked abnormally similar, an apparent manipulation that in some cases (not shown) could have made Ab*56 appear more abundant than it was. One striking example (red box) ostensibly shows proteins that emerge later in the life span than Ab*56. 2 Match contrast Schrag matched the contrast level in the two sets of bands for an apples-to-apples comparison. 3 Colorize and align Schrag turned backgrounds black to make the bands easier to see, then colorized them and precisely matched their size and orientation.
Possibly duplicated bands
4 Merge He merged the sets of colorized bands. The areas of the image that are identical appear in yellow. 5 Calculate similarity Schrag then calculated the correlation coefficient, showing the strength of the relationship between the merged bands. Identical images show a correlation of 1, and display as a straight 45° angle line. These bands show a 0.98 correlation, highly unlikely to occur by chance.
This heat map shows one point for each group of pixels compared. Red indicates dense areas of the original image, such as the center of a band; purple indicates sparse areas.
Unmistakable differences Dissimilar bands
Fuzzier, insectwing shape shows both dense and sparse areas of the original images have dissimilar elements.
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
“processed inappropriately.” But Schrag says tist at Caen, co-authored five Lesné papers even the corrected images show numerous flagged by Schrag or Bik. Vivien defends the signs of improper changes in bands, and in validity of those articles, but says he had reaone case, complete replacement of a blot. son to be wary of Lesné. A 2013 Brain paper in which Schrag had Toward the end of Lesné’s time in France, flagged multiple images was also extensively Vivien says they worked together on a pacorrected in May. Lesné and Ashe were the per for Nature Neuroscience involving Ab. first and senior authors, respectively, of the During final revisions, he saw immunosstudy, which showed “negligible” levels of taining images—in which antibodies detect Ab*56 in children and young adults, more proteins in tissue samples—that Lesné had when people reached their 40s, and steadily provided. They looked dubious to Vivien, increasing levels after that. It concluded and he asked other students to replicate the that Ab*56 “may play a pathogenic role very findings. Their efforts failed. Vivien says he early in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disconfronted Lesné, who denied wrongdoing. ease.” The authors said the correction had Although Vivien lacked “irrefutable proof” no bearing on the study’s findings. of misconduct, he withdrew the paper beSchrag isn’t convinced. Among other fore publication “to preserve my scientific problems, one corrected integrity,” and broke off all blot shows multiple bands contact with Lesné, he says. that appear to have been “We are never safe from a added or removed artifistudent who would like to cially, he says. deceive us and we must reSelkoe calls the apparmain vigilant.” ently falsified corrections Schrag spot checked “shocking,” particularly in papers by Vivien or Ashe light of Ashe’s pride in the without Lesné. He found 2006 Nature paper. “I don’t no anomalies—suggesting see how she would not Vivien and Ashe were inhyperscrutinize anything nocent of misconduct. that subsequently related Yet senior scientists to Ab*56,” he says. must balance the trust esAfter Science contacted sential to fostering a proAshe, she separately posted tégé’s independence with to PubPeer a defense of prudent verification, Wilsome images Schrag had cock says. If you sign off Karen Ashe, challenged in the Nature paon images time after time, University of Minnesota, per. She supplied portions claim credit, speak pubTwin Cities of a few original, unpublicly, and win awards for lished versions that do not show the apparent the work—as Ashe has done—you have to digital cut marks Schrag had detected in the be sure it’s right, she adds. published images. That suggests the mark“Ashe obviously failed in that very serious ings were harmless digital artifacts. Yet the duty” to ask tough questions and ensure the original images reveal something that Schrag data’s accuracy, Forsayeth says. “It was a maand Selkoe find even more incriminating: jor ethical lapse.” unequivocal evidence that, despite the lack of obvious cut marks, multiple bands were IN HIS WHISTLEBLOWER REPORT to NIH about copied and pasted from adjacent areas (see Lesné’s research, Schrag made its scope and graphic, p. 361). stakes clear: “[This] dossier is a fraction Schrag could find no innocent explanation of the anomalies easily visible on review for a 2-decade litany of oddities. In experiof the publicly accessible data,” he wrote. ment after experiment using Western blots, The suspect work “not only represents a microscopy, and other techniques, serious substantial investment in [NIH] research anomalies emerged. But he notes that he has support, but has been cited … thousands of not examined the original, uncropped, hightimes and thus has the potential to mislead resolution images. Authors sometimes share an entire field of research.” those with researchers conducting similar The agency’s reply, which Schrag shared work, although they usually ignore such rewith Science, noted that complaints deemed quests, according to recent studies of datacredible will go to the Department of Health sharing practices. Sharing agreements do not and Human Services Office of Research Integinclude access for independent misconduct rity (ORI) for review. That agency could then detectives. Lesné and Ashe did not respond instruct grantee universities to investigate to a Science request for those images. prior to a final ORI review, a process that can Questions about Lesné’s work are not new. take years and remains confidential absent Cell biologist Denis Vivien, a senior scienan official misconduct finding. To Science, 362
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
NIH said it takes research misconduct seriously, but otherwise declined to comment. In the fanfare around the Lesné-Ashe work, some Alzheimer’s experts see a failure of skepticism, including by journals that published the work. After Schrag contacted Nature, Science Signaling, and five other journals about 13 papers co-authored by Lesné, a few are under investigation, according to emails he received from editors. “There are very strong, legitimate questions,” John Foley, editor of Science Signaling, later told Science. He says the journal has contacted authors and university officers of two papers from 2016 and 2017 for a response. It also recently issued expressions of concern about the articles. A spokesperson for Nature, which publishes image integrity standards, says the journal takes concerns raised about its papers seriously, but otherwise had no comment. Days after an inquiry from Science, Nature published a note saying it was investigating Lesné’s 2006 paper and advising caution about its results. The Journal of Neuroscience stands out with five suspect Lesné papers. A journal spokesperson said it follows guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics to assess concerns, but otherwise had no comment. “Journals and granting institutions don’t know how to deal with image manipulation,” Forsayeth says. “They’re not subjecting images to sophisticated analysis, even though those tools are very widely available. It’s not some magic skill. It’s their job to do the gatekeeping.” Holden Thorp, editor-in-chief of the Science journals, said the journals have subjected images to increasing scrutiny, adding that “2017 would have been [near] the beginning of when more attention was being paid to this—not just for us, but across scientific publishing.” He cited the Materials Design Analysis Reporting framework developed jointly by several publishers to improve data transparency and weed out image manipulation. As federal agencies, universities, and journals quietly investigate Schrag’s concerns, he decided to try to speed up the process by providing his findings to Science. He knows the move could have personal consequences. By calling out powerful agencies, journals, and scientists, Schrag might jeopardize grants and publications essential to his success. But he says he felt an urgent need to go public about work that might mislead the field and slow the race to save lives. “You can cheat to get a paper. You can cheat to get a degree. You can cheat to get a grant. You can’t cheat to cure a disease,” he says. “Biology doesn’t care.” Like other anti-Ab efforts, toxic oligomer science.org SCIENCE
Research backing experimental Alzheimer’s drug was first target of suspicion
hen Vanderbilt University physician and neuroscientist Matthew Schrag first grew suspicious of work underlying a major theory of Alzheimer’s disease (see main story, p. 358), he was following a different trail. In August 2021, he provided analysis for a petition to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), requesting that it pause two phase 3 clinical trials of Cassava Sciences’s Alzheimer’s drug Simufilam. The petition claimed some science behind the drug might be fraudulent, and the more than 1800 planned trial participants might see no benefits. That month, Schrag submitted stinging reports to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) about 34 published papers by Cassava-linked scientists, describing “serious concerns of research misconduct.” His findings, including possibly manipulated scientific images and suspect numerical data, challenge work supported by tens of millions of dollars in NIH funds. Some of the studies suggest Simufilam reinstates the shape and function of the protein filamin A, which Cassava claims causes Alzheimer’s dementia when misfolded. (Other publications have reported on the FDA petition, but not Schrag’s identity. The Wall Street Journal has reported that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is also investigating Cassava.) In February, FDA refused to pause the trials, calling the petition the wrong way to intervene, but said it might eventually take action. Independent image analysts and Alzheimer’s experts who reviewed Schrag’s findings at Science’s request generally agree with him. Schrag’s sleuthing implicates work by Cassava Senior Vice President Lindsay Burns, Hoau-Yan Wang of the City University of New York (CUNY), and Harvard University neurologist Steven Arnold. Wang and Arnold have advised Cassava, and Wang collabo-
research has spawned no effective therapies. “Many companies have invested millions and millions of dollars, or even billions ... to go after soluble Ab [oligomers]. And that hasn’t worked,” says Daniel Alkon, president of the bioscience company Synaptogenix, who once directed neurologic research at NIH. Schrag says oligomers might still play role in Alzheimer’s. Following the Nature paper, other investigators connected combinations of oligomers to cognitive impairment in animals. “The wider story [of oligomers] poSCIENCE science.org
rated with the company for 15 years. None agreed to answer questions from Science. Cassava CEO Remi Barbier also declined to answer questions or to name the company’s current scientific advisers. He said in an email that Schrag’s dossier is “generally consistent with prior allegations about our science … such allegations are false.” Cassava hired investigators to review its work, provided “nearly 100,000 pages of documents to an alphabet soup of outside investigative agencies,” and asked CUNY to investigate, he added. That effort “has yielded an important finding to date: there is no evidence of research misconduct.” (CUNY says it takes allegations of misconduct seriously, but otherwise declined to comment because of its ongoing investigation.) Last year, Schrag reached out to most of the journals that published questioned papers. Seven were retracted—including five by PLOS ONE in April. Three others received expressions of concern; in each case, the editors said they were awaiting completion of the CUNY investigation. In a few cases, the editors told him, reviews were underway. Cassava has said editors of two suspect papers dismissed misconduct concerns. Last year, the editors of a 2005 Neuroscience paper co-authored by Wang, Burns, and others found no improper manipulation of Western blots, but said in an editorial note they would review any concerns from an “institutional investigation,” apparently CUNY’s probe. They did not respond to additional findings Schrag raised this year. Another paper that purportedly validated science behind Simufilam—also by Wang, Burns, and colleagues—appeared in 2012 in The Journal of Neuroscience. In December 2021, the editors corrected one figure. Barbier said in a statement that they told him they had found no manipulation. But in January, after Schrag and others raised additional doubts, the editors issued an
tentially survives this one problem,” Schrag says. “But it makes you pause and rethink the foundation of the story.” Selkoe adds that the broader amyloid hypothesis remains viable. “I hope that people will not become faint hearted as a result of what really looks like a very egregious example of malfeasance that’s squarely in the Ab oligomer field,” he says. But if current phase 3 clinical trials of three drugs targeting amyloid oligomers all fail, he notes, “the Ab hypothesis is very much under duress.”
expression of concern—reserving judgment until CUNY completes its investigation. Schrag received $18,000 from an attorney for short sellers behind the FDA petition, who profit if Cassava’s value falls. Schrag, whose efforts were independent of Vanderbilt, says he worked hundreds of hours on the petition and independent research and he has never shorted Cassava stock or earned other money for efforts on that issue, or for similar work involving University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, neuroscientist Sylvain Lesné. (In either case, if federal authorities determine fraud occurred and demand a return of grant money, Schrag might be eligible to receive a portion of the funds.) The most influential Cassava-related paper appeared in The Journal of Clinical Investigation in 2012. The authors—including Wang; Arnold; David Bennett, who leads a brain-tissue bank at Rush University; and his Rush colleague, neuroscientist Zoe Arvanitakis—linked insulin resistance to Alzheimer’s and the formation of amyloid plaques. Cassava scientists say Simufilam lessens insulin resistance. They relied on a method in which dead brain tissue, frozen for a decade and then partially thawed and chopped, purportedly transmits nerve impulses. Schrag and others say it contradicts basic neurobiology. Schrag adds that he could find no evidence that other investigators have replicated that result. (None of the authors agreed to be interviewed for this article.) That paper supported the science behind Simufilam, Schrag says, “and spawned an entire field of research in Alzheimer’s, ‘diabetes of the brain.’” It has been cited more than 1500 times. Schrag sent the journal’s editor his analysis of more than 15 suspect images. In an email that Schrag provided to Science, the editor said the journal had reviewed highresolution versions of the images when they were originally submitted and declined to consider Schrag’s findings. —C.P.
Selkoe’s bigger worry, he says, is that the Lesné episode might further undercut public trust in science during a time of increasing skepticism and attacks. But scientists must show they can find and correct rare cases of apparent misconduct, he says. “We need to declare these examples and warn the world.” j With reporting by Meagan Weiland. This story was supported by the Science Fund for Investigative Reporting. 22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
Reference genomes for conservation
By Sadye Paez, Robert H. S. Kraus, Beth Shapiro, M. Thomas P. Gilbert, Erich D. Jarvis, the Vertebrate Genomes Project Conservation Group
s of 2022, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List estimates that more than 32% of fungal, plant, and animal species are threatened with extinction. This sixth mass extinction is caused by the activities and expanding biomass of humans, necessitating a distinct name for this geological epoch—the Anthropocene (1). Human population growth and the vertebrate extinction rate (2) have been linearly correlated over the past 500 years (see the figure). For some species of conservation concern, documenting, informing, and mitigating this biodiversity loss has been helped by powerful genomic tools, including a reference assembly (3). Yet, currently, only a small fraction ( 25 20 - 25 15 - 20 10 - 15
PS-200nm COOH PS-100nm COOH PS-40nm COOH PS-20nm COOH PS-200nm SO3 PS-20nm SO3 PS-200nm PEG PS-100nm PEG PS-40nm PEG PS-20nm PEG
Cholesterol transport and efflux 0
Number of significant biomarkers
Pearson correlation 1
Vesicle-mediated transport
NP core
Lysosome pathway
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 3
STRING database network statistics Input = cluster 1 and 2 biomarkers Nodes 205 Edges 725 Avg. node degree 7.07 Avg. local cluster coefficient 0.439 Expected edges 215 PPI enrichment p-value 10 are shown as stacked bar graphs separated by NP formulation and time point. PEGylated NP formulations are indicated with a gray background. (C) A heatmap showing the Boehnke et al., Science 377, eabm5551 (2022)
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significance of biomarkers associated with established transport, uptake, and adhesion gene sets. Gene set headings are bolded, and subsections are listed below respective headings. (D) A heatmap showing all gene- and proteinexpression features, with positive correlation identified by means of random forest algorithm in columns, and NP formulations in rows. Features are colored on the basis of their Pearson correlation and clustered by using k-means clustering, with clusters 1+2 highlighted as features present across multiple NP formulations. (E) Visual representation of the STRING network generated by inputting the 205 features from clusters 1+2, with network statistics. Each node indicates a feature, and the edges indicate predicted functional associations. (Inset) Zoom-in with the most interconnected nodes labeled. 4 of 13
We also observed that liposome surface modification influences the number and significance of biomarkers. Specifically, liposomes electrostatically coated with polysaccharides (HA, ALG, DXS, FUC, and CS) had the highest amount of associated biomarkers, which we hypothesize is due to the high degree of interactions between sugars and cell surface proteins as well as the potential for naturally occurring polysaccharides to interact with a wide range of cell surface elements (23, 43, 44). In line with this hypothesis, the addition of PEG, a well-established antifouling polymer, reduces the number and significance of associated biomarkers almost to zero. In light of the highly specific hits generated from EGFRconjugated liposomes (formulated by using 25% PEG liposomes), this abrupt decrease in significant biomarkers further indicates the ability of our platform to identify specific NP binding and recognition elements. In contrast to the liposomal formulations, PLGA formulations, regardless of surface modification, resulted in few biomarkers at either time point. Last, a high number of significant biomarkers was associated with both carboxylated and sulfated PS NPs included in our screen, although there was no time dependence, in contrast to the liposomal formulation. Although this result was unexpected, because the PS formulations are made of synthetic polystyrene polymers, meaningful biological interactions with anionic polystyrenes both in polymer and particle form have been reported. Specifically, it was described that NPs bearing anionic polystyrene motifs have the appropriate mix of hydrophobicity and anionic charge character to interact favorably with trafficking proteins, including the caveolins (45). NP biomarkers are connected and create trafficking networks
We then used an unbiased approach to identify predictive biomarkers by using a randomforest algorithm, annotated by feature set: gene expression, gene copy number, and protein abundance. Data from the 4-hour time point were chosen for this analysis on the basis of the EGFR-related hits for liposomes, which were more significant at 4 hours than at 24 hours. Because we were interested in applying this approach to identify cellular features positively correlated with uptake (for example, increased expression of trafficking proteins), hits negatively correlated with NP association were removed from this analysis. Next, we used k-means clustering to visualize biomarkers according to their relative importance and presence across formulations (Fig. 2D). Clusters 1 and 2 contained 205 hits shared across NP formulations and were especially enriched for liposomal and PS NPs. These genes and proteins were input into the Search Boehnke et al., Science 377, eabm5551 (2022)
Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/ Proteins (STRING) database (46–48) to generate a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network that was found to be highly interconnected (PPI enrichment P < 1 × 10−16) (Fig. 2E). The network is enriched in proteins found in the plasma membrane, extracellular region, and extracellular matrix [false discovery rate (FDR) = 8 × 10−12, 3 × 10−9, and 3 × 10−8, respectively] on the basis of enrichment analysis with Gene Ontology (GO) localization datasets (fig. S12) (49–51). The identification of overlapping biomarkers that are localized to the cell surface and have established protein-protein interactions led us to hypothesize that these proteins are important in early NP trafficking. Enrichment analyses by using GO molecular functions datasets showed enrichment in numerous binding processes (data S1 and fig. S12), giving further credence to this theory. SLC46A3 is a negative regulator of liposomal NP uptake
Evaluating univariate results across NP formulations, we identified one biomarker with a strong, inverse relationship with liposomal NP association: expression of solute carrier family 46 member 3 (SLC46A3). A member of the solute carrier (SLC) transporter family, SLC46A3 is a relatively unstudied transporter that has been localized to the lysosome (52, 53). SLC46A3 was recently identified as a modulator of cytosolic copper homeostasis in hepatocytes, connecting hepatic copper concentrations with lipid catabolism and mitochondrial function (54). This reported relationship between SLC46A3 and lipid catabolism may help to explain why SLC46A3 was found to have a strong relationship with liposomal NP uptake and not uptake of polymeric NPs. In the context of cancer, SLC46A3 was recently shown to transport noncleavable antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) catabolites from the lysosome to the cytosol, thereby being necessary for therapeutic efficacy (55). Further, down-regulation of SLC46A3 was identified as a resistance mechanism for ADC delivery in cancer cells, including in patient samples of multiple myeloma (55–58). Although the biologic function of SLC46A3 in cancer is not yet clear, given the potential therapeutic implications and the unusual inverse relationship between SLC46A3 expression and NP delivery, we sought to validate the predictive power of SLC46A3 as a biomarker for liposomal NP association. SLC46A3 expression was the most significant hit on univariate analysis and also the top ranked random forest feature for each liposomal NP tested at 24 hours, regardless of surface modification (q < 10−20) (Fig. 3A and fig. S13). This inverse relationship between SLC46A3 expression and NP association was found to be specific to liposomal NPs, and not observed with PLGA or PS NPs, and was
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maintained regardless of cancer cell lineage (Fig. 3B and fig. S13). We selected nine cancer cell lines from the nanoPRISM pool and four additional cell lines, spanning multiple lineages, with a range of native SLC46A3 expression levels for screening in a nonpooled fashion (Fig. 3, C and D, and figs. S3, S14, and S15). Analogous to the pooled screen, individual cell lines were profiled by using flow cytometry, and NP-associated fluorescence was quantified after 24 hours incubation; SLC46A3 expression was concurrently quantified by using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) (Fig. 3D and fig. S9). In line with observations from pooled screening, the inverse relationship between liposome association and native SLC46A3 expression was maintained, suggesting that SLC46A3 may play a key role in regulating the degree of liposomal NP uptake. To probe whether SLC46A3 governs cellular association with NPs, we selected the breast cancer cell line T47D, which exhibited high native SLC46A3 (Fig. 4A). We deactivated SLC46A3 with small interfering RNA (siRNA) and evaluated the effect on liposomal NP association. We observed that T47D cells with reduced SLC46A3 had higher NP-cell association with both tested formulations, which suggested that modulating SLC46A3 expression alone can regulate NP-cell association (Fig. 4B). To further functionally evaluate the relationship of SLC46A3 expression and NP-cell association, we selected two cancer cell lines from the pooled screen (Fig. 4A): the T47D cell line and the melanoma cell line LOXIMVI. We developed a toolkit using these two cell lines by permanently deactivating SLC46A3 in T47D cells and inducing SLC46A3 overexpression in LOXIMVIs (fig. S16, A to D). Because SLC46A3 is a protein associated with lysosomal membranes (55, 56, 59), we used LysoTracker dye to evaluate the effect of SLC46A3 modulation on endolysosomal compartments in both T47D and LOXIMVI engineered cell lines (Fig. 4C). We observed an SLC46A3-dependent change: cells with lower SLC46A3 expression (T47D-SLC46A3 deactivation, LOXIMVI-vector control) exhibited more brightly dyed endolysosomal compartments as compared with that of their high-SLC46A3expression counterparts (T47D-vector control, LOXIMVI-SLC46A3 OE). Overexpression of SLC46A3 in LOXIMVI cells significantly abrogated interaction with bare liposomes (P = 0.006) by using flow cytometry profiling (Fig. 4D). The T47D-SLC46A3 deactivation cell line demonstrated significantly increased association with bare liposomes compared with that of parental or vector control lines (P = 0.0017) (Fig. 4D). We further confirmed that these trends are generalizable across a range of surface functionalized 5 of 13
Significance [−log10(q-value)]
0 −20
20 −20
LIPO - 0.3% PEG*
LIPO - 25% PEG
0 −20
20 −20
Effect size (z-score)
Weighted average
p < 0.001
p = 0.306
p = 0.981
1 0 -1 -2 0
5 0
1 2 3 4 5 0 SLC46A3 log2(TPM+1)
p = 0.002
p = 0.025
1 MDAMB231
-1 -2 0
NP positive (%)
Weighted average
1 2 3 4 SLC46A3 log2(TPM+1)
MDAMB231 SW948
SJSA-1 HCC1143
-15.0 -12.5 -10.0 -7.5 SLC46A3 log2(2-delCt)
Fig. 3. Native expression of the lysosomal transporter SLC46A3 predicts NP-cell interaction for liposome formulations. (A) Univariate analysis identified SLC46A3 expression as strongly inversely correlated with liposome association, regardless of liposomal surface modification. (B) Using linear regression to evaluate the biomarker relationship across core formulations revealed that SLC46A3 expression was inversely correlated with NP association in liposome–cell line pairs (P < 0.001) but not PLGA– and PS–cell line pairs (P > 0.05); n = 488 cell lines for each plot. (C) Cell lines in the nanoPRISM pool exhibited a range of native SLC46A3 expression and a log linear correlation with uptake of bare liposomes. (D) This same correlation was also exhibited when assessing liposome-cell associations with flow cytometry in a nonpooled fashion (P = 0.025). Cell lines in red were not part of the pooled PRISM screen. Data represented in (D) are shown as the mean and standard deviation of four biological replicates. Error bars are not shown when smaller than data points. Boehnke et al., Science 377, eabm5551 (2022)
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liposomes (Fig. 4E and fig. S16E). Moreover, no significant changes in NP association were observed for PLGA and PS NPs (Fig. 4E and fig. S16, F and G). We also confirmed that the presence of serum proteins in cell culture media does not abrogate this trend (fig. S16H). Taken together, these data indicate that modulation of SLC46A3 alone in cancer cells is sufficient to negatively regulate association and uptake of liposomal NPs. Because flow cytometry does not provide spatial information with respect to NP-cell interactions, we used imaging cytometry to characterize NP localization in a highthroughput manner (Fig. 5, A to F). We selected four representative formulations: three liposomal NPs to probe the relationship of SLC46A3 expression with liposome trafficking and one PLGA NP formulation with the same outer layer (PLD). Consistent with trends observed with flow cytometry, we observed an inverse relationship between NP intensity and SLC46A3 expression for liposomal, but not PLGA, NPs (Fig. 5, A and D, and fig. S11). Using brightfield images, we applied a mask to investigate cellular localization of NPs. All tested formulations were internalized, and this did not change with SLC46A3 modulation (Fig. 5, B and E). We investigated localization of NPs by scoring NP signal according to distribution within each cell (Fig. 5, C and F, and fig. S17). We observed stark differences in median cellular distribution scores of liposomal NPs in relation to SLC46A3 expression in T47D cells. This was not observed for PLGA NPs, mimicking the previously observed core-specific relationship between NP-cell association and SLC46A3 expression. Changes in this score, although less pronounced, were also observed for liposomal NPs in LOXIMVI cells. To confirm our findings with higher spatial resolution, we used deconvolution microscopy of live cells and incorporated a lysosomal stain to observe changes in intracellular trafficking (Fig. 5, G and H). NPs appeared uniformly distributed within T47D-SLC46A3Ðdeactivation cells, colocalizing with endolysosomal vesicles. By contrast, LIPO-PLD NPs were localized to large endolysosomal clusters in T47D-vector control cells. This trend was also observed for LIPO-PLE and LIPO-0.3% PEG* NPs and at the earlier time point of 4 hours (fig. S18). Changes in localization were not observed for the tested PLGA PLD NPs. This again indicates a NP core-dependent relationship with SLC46A3. In the engineered LOXIMVI cell lines, we also observed colocalization of liposomal NPs with endolysosomal signal (Fig. 5H). However, predictable changes in NP localization were not detected, which is in line with smaller changes in median cellular distribution scores. 6 of 13
B T47D
NP-associated fluorescence
SLC46A3 log2(TPM+1)
Low SLC46A3 T47D SCL46A3 KO
Cell line in PRISM assay (n=488)
** 50
LysoTracker signal
NP-associated fluorescence
Low SLC46A3 LOXIMVI vector control
High SLC46A3 T47D vector control
LysoTracker signal
0 Parental
Vector control
SLC46A3 overexpressing
Vector control
parental control KO
T47D SLC46A3 knockout
SLC46A3 knockout
LOXIMVI SLC46A3 overexpressing
parental control OE
10-3 0 103
10-3 0 103
10-3 0 103
10-3 0 103
10-3 0 103
10-3 0 103
Nanoparticle-associated fluorescence
Fig. 4. Modulating SLC46A3 expression in cancer cell lines is sufficient to negatively regulate interaction with liposome NP formulations. (A) T47D and LOXIMVI cells have high and low SLC46A3 expression, respectively, among the cells in the nanoPRISM cell line pool. (B) T47D cells treated with siRNA to deactivate SLC46A3 have higher uptake of Lipo-PLD compared with that of T47D cells treated with a scrambled siRNA control (****P < 0.0001, Mann-Whitney test). (C) Representative micrographs of Lysotracker signal in engineered cell lines showed endolysosomal compartments. KO, knockout (deactivated). Scale bars,
Impact of SLC46A3 expression on endolysosomal maturation is minimal
To further probe the relationship between intracellular liposomal NP trafficking and SLC46A3 expression, we used imaging cytometry to spatially interrogate markers of endolysosomal transport. We elected to study markers of early (EEA1 and RAB5A), late (RAB7), Boehnke et al., Science 377, eabm5551 (2022)
10 mm. (D) Using lentivirus to overexpress SLC46A3 in LOXIMVI cells and CRISPR/ Cas9 to permanently deactivate SLC46A3 in T47D cells, we showed that modulation results in significantly changed liposome association, as determined with flow cytometry (**P < 0.001, Kruskal-Wallis test). NP-associated fluorescence is defined as median fluorescence intensity normalized to untreated cells. Data are represented as the mean and standard deviation of four biological replicates. (E) Shifts in NP association were consistently observed across all tested liposomes, independent of surface modification. No shifts were observed with PLGA or PS formulations.
and recycling endosomes (RAB11) as well as lysosomes (LAMP1) in engineered LOXIMVI cells (figs. S19 and S20 and table S4). Although no apparent differences in endolysosomal marker signal strength, size, and shape were observed when comparing LOXIMVI-SLC46A3 OE and LOXIMVI-vector control cells both in the absence and in the presence of liposomal
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NPs, modest changes in EEA1, RAB7, and LAMP1 texture were noted (fig. S19, A and B). We then assigned values to the colocalization between each endolysosomal marker and NP signals and observed increasing colocalization from EEA1 to RAB5 to RAB7, which is consistent with liposome trafficking from early to late endosomes (fig. S19, C to F). 7 of 13
High NP intensity
Low NP intensity
NP signal
NP / brightfield
NP signal
NP / brightfield
NP / brightfield
NP / brightfield
NP signal
NP signal
Cells with internalized NPs
Cellular distribution score
10 SLC46A3 KO
Low SLC46A3 T47D SLC46A3 KO
vector control
Cells at median cellular distribution score
Cellular distribution score
Nanoparticle intensity (RFU)
High SLC46A3 T47D vector control
LIPO-0.3% PEG*
PLGA-PLD 1x104
Median NP intensity (RFU)
vector control
Median cellular distribution score
PLGA-PLD merge + CellTracker
NP signal
merge + CellTracker
High SLC46A3 T47D vector control
Low SLC46A3 T47D SCL46A3 KO
LIPO-PLD NP signal
% of cells with internalized NPs
Low SLC46A3 LOXIMVI vector control
Fig. 5. High-throughput imaging cytometry confirmed NP internalization and revealed SLC46A3-dependent changes to intracellular trafficking. (A) Imaging cytometry was used to investigate the intensity (x axis) and distribution (y axis) of NPs in a high-throughput manner. (Bottom) Bivariate density plot of n = 10,000 cells (T47D-vector control) after 24 hours incubation with LIPO-PLD NPs, with representative cell images at low and high NP signal. (B) Cellular distribution patterns of NPs were scored so that scores greater than 0 indicate cells with internalized NPs. Representative data from LIPO-PLD NPs in engineered T47D cells are shown. (C) Representative cell images at the median cellular distribution score for engineered T47D cells treated with Boehnke et al., Science 377, eabm5551 (2022)
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LIPO-PLD NPs. (D) Quantification of median intensity of tested NP formulations in engineered T47D and LOXIMVI cell lines demonstrated SLC46A3-dependent changes. (E) NPs remained predominantly internalized independent of SLC46A3 expression. (F) Shifts in the median cellular distribution scores were observed in response to SLC46A3 modulation. (G and H) Live cell micrographs of (G) T47D-vector control and T47D-SLC46A3 deactivation cells and (H) LOXIMVI-vector control and LOXIMVI-SLC46A3 OE cells incubated with LIPO-PLD and PLGA-PLD NPs for 24 hours. NP signal is pseudo-colored magenta, LysoTracker signal is yellow, and CellTracker is cyan. Scale bars, (A) and (C), 7 mm; (G) and (H), 5 mm. 8 of 13
Inoculate tumors
Liposome retention and accumulation remains SLC46A3 dependent in vivo
Solid lipid NP uptake and transfection are dependent on SLC46A3 expression
Given the recent translational success and promising potential of nucleic acid–carrying solid lipid NPs (LNPs) (60, 61), we sought to determine whether the relationship of SLC46A3 expression extends to LNP association as well as transfection efficiency. We generated fluorescently (Cy5) labeled LNPs that contained mRNA encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP) (LNP 1) and incubated these particles with engineered LOXIMVI cell lines (tables S3 and S5). Boehnke et al., Science 377, eabm5551 (2022)
daily intravenous injections
Assess NP signal in tumors
4h post final injection
SLC46A3 OE 2.0
Vector control
Intratumoral injection 3x106
Low SLC46A3 LOXIMVI vector control
To evaluate the potential clinical utility of SLC46A3 as a negative regulator of liposomal NP delivery, we tested in vivo delivery of a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)– approved NP analog, the drug-free version of liposomal irinotecan (LIPO-0.3% PEG*), in mice bearing subcutaneous LOXIMVI flank tumors. Fluorescently labeled NPs were administered by means of a one-time intratumoral injection or repeat intravenous administration to evaluate tumor retention and accumulation, respectively (Fig. 6A and fig. S21). NP signal was quantified at both 4 and 24 hours after intratumoral administration. In line with our hypothesis, as well as with in vitro NP-associated fluorescence data (fig. S21A), we observed an inverse relationship between SLC46A3 expression and LIPO-0.3% PEG* NP retention that became more pronounced over time (P = 0.0115, 4 hours; P = 0.0002, 24 hours) (Fig. 6, B and C, and fig. S21, B to E). Moreover, these findings also align with our initial nanoPRISM findings, in which SLC46A3 expression was a more significant biomarker at 24 hours (q = 3.49 × 10−30) (data S2 and fig. S13A) than at 4 hours (q = 1.47 × 10−4) (data S2 and fig. S13A). To determine whether SLC46A3 expression predictably governs accumulation of nontargeted NPs, which bear no specific functional ligands on their surface, after systemic administration, we quantified NP signal after intravenous injections. We observed a significant relationship between SLC46A3 and NP accumulation (P = 0.0019) (Fig. 6D and fig. S21F). This demonstrates that baseline tumor expression of SLC46A3 may influence NP delivery in a physiologic setting. Together, these data highlight the realworld relevance of the nanoPRISM screening assay in general as well as the utility of SLC46A3 in particular as a potential biomarker.
LOXIMVI SLC46A3 OE or control
Tumor nanoparticle signal (TRE/ tumor mass in mg)
C single intratumoral 4h and 24h injection post injection
Total radiant efficiency (TRE) p/s/cm2/sr ( _______ ) µW/cm2
Min= 1.3x108 Max= 2.3x108
Tumor nanoparticle signal (TRE/ tumor mass in mg)
Colocalization between RAB7 and liposomal NPs was higher in LOXIMVI-SLC46A3 OE cells as compared with vector control, and the opposite relationship was observed for LAMP1 colocalization.
Vector control
Intravenous injections
Fig. 6. Retention and accumulation of PEGylated liposomes (LIPO-0.3% PEG*) in LOXIMVI tumors is dependent on SLC46A3 expression. (A) Fluorescently labeled LIPO-0.3% PEG* NPs were administered to mice bearing LOXIMVI flank tumors by means of a one-time intratumoral injection or repeat intravenous injections. (B) Whole-animal fluorescence images of mice (four males, six females per group) 24 hours after being intratumorally injected with LIPO-0.3% PEG* NPs. (C) Quantification of LIPO-0.3% PEG* NP retention 24 hours after intratumoral administration to LOXIMVI flank tumors. (D) Quantification of LIPO-0.3% PEG* NP accumulation after repeat intravenous injections. In (C) and (D), NP signal is expressed on the y axis as total radiant efficiency divided by tumor mass; units are provided in the figure. The mean and standard deviation of n = 10 mice are shown with the exception of the LOXIMVI-vector control, repeat intravenous injection group, where n = 9 mice (**P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, Mann-Whitney test).
LNP association, as quantified by Cy5 signal, was significantly lower for LOXIMVISLC46A3 OE cells than LOXIMVI-vector control cells, showing the same relationship (lower SLC46A3 expression correlating with higher association) for LNPs as for liposomal NPs (P = 0.008) (Fig. 7, A and B). A similarly inverse relationship with SLC46A3 expression was seen for transfection, as quantified by GFP signal of formulation LNP 1 (Fig. 7C). Taken together, these findings suggest that SLC46A3 regulates cytosolic delivery of mRNA cargo by way of LNP uptake. Expanding on this, we generated two additional LNPs, analogous to commercial formulations (table S5) (62–65). Although we observed lower transfection in LOXIMVI-SLC46A3 OE cells than in LOXIMVIvector control cells, these differences were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). Nevertheless, the inverse relationship between SLC46A3 expression and cell association in multiple LNP formulations supports the relevance of SLC46A3 as a predictive biomarker for lipidbased NP formulations. Discussion
This work represents high-throughput interrogation of NP–cancer cell interactions through
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the lens of multiomics. Harnessing the power of pooled screening and high-throughput sequencing, we developed and validated a platform to identify predictive biomarkers for NP interactions with cancer cells. We used this platform to screen a 35-member NP library against a panel of 488 cancer cell lines. This enabled the comprehensive study and identification of key parameters that mediate NPcell interactions, highlighting the importance of considering both nanomaterials and cellular features in concert. Although pooled screening is a powerful tool, there are several important limitations. First, we primarily focused on lipid-based and polymeric NP formulations with translational drug delivery potential. We recognize that there are several additional categories of nanomaterials with wide-ranging properties, such as inorganic systems, that can be useful for both therapeutic and diagnostic applications (66, 67), and we believe that additional biomarkers that mediate the trafficking of inorganic NPs may be identified by using similar screening approaches. Second, the results of in vitro screens are often met with limited success when translated in vivo because NPmediated delivery is dependent on many 9 of 13
untreated control SLC46A3 OE Increasing transfection
Cy5 signal
Increasing LNP association 3
GFP signal
control SLC46A3 OE 0.056
Normalized transfection
LNP-associated fluorescence
0 LNP 1
Fig. 7. Solid lipid NP-cell association and transfection are SLC46A3-dependent, as determined with flow cytometry. (A) Contour plot of Cy5 signal and GFP signal indicating decreased LNP-cell association and transfection efficacy in LOXIMVI cells overexpressing SLC46A3. (B) Quantification of LNP signal revealed a significant change in LNP-cell association across control and SLC46A3-overexpressing LOXIMVI cells (**P = 0.008, Mann-Whitney). LNP-associated fluorescence is defined as median fluorescence intensity normalized to untreated cells. (C) LOXIMVISLC46A3 OE cells exhibited lower transfection efficiency than that of LOXIMVI-vector control cells after dosing of three different LNP formulations (Mann-Whitney). Normalized transfection is defined as median GFP intensity normalized to untreated cells.
factors beyond the nano-cell interface (8). However, the level of molecular characterization and statistical and computational power afforded by annotated biological datasets, such as the CCLE, is currently unrivaled. Therefore, existing in vivo screens cannot yet provide this breadth or statistical power. Keeping translational barriers in mind is key to the successful validation of candidate biomarkers, and for this reason, we used multiple isogenic models and tested a range of lipid-based NPs across in vitro and in vivo conditions. Third, an additional limitation of this screen is related to the availability of genomic datasets for each cell line tested because dataset completeness contributes to the power of detection for both univariate and multivariate analyses. At the time of analysis, 10 feature sets were available for the majority of cell lines in our pool. However, as datasets expand over time, it will Boehnke et al., Science 377, eabm5551 (2022)
be possible to reanalyze our data in the future. Especially for emerging fields such as proteomics and metabolomics, the opportunity to intersect NP delivery metrics with additional datasets could add a new dimension to our existing findings. One strength of our screening approach is the use of robust analytical tools, such as univariate analyses and random forest algorithms, which enabled us to identify biomarkers correlated with NP association. The robust and quantitative manner in which we detected EGFR hits for antibodies as well as antibodytargeted NPs shows the utility of this platform for the development and optimization of targeted drug delivery platforms, including antibody-targeted NPs, and its potential to apply to other targeted therapeutics, including ADCs. This method of analysis could provide therapeutic insights in the design of ADCs, specifically in evaluating the effects of conjugation site or linker chemistry. By clustering NP-specific biomarkers across formulations, we constructed interaction networks, identifying and connecting genes associated with NP binding, recognition, and subcellular trafficking. This provides the scientific community with a blueprint for the fundamental study of cellular processes that mediate NP engagement, with applications for both basic and translational research. We identified expression of SLC46A3, a lysosomal transporter, to be a negative regulator and potential biomarker for lipid-based NP uptake and downstream functional efficacy. Although SLC46A3 has recently been implicated in hepatic copper homeostasis as well as sensitivity to ADCs in cancer cells (54–56), its role in NP delivery was previously unexplored. We first validated SLC46A3 as a negative regulator of lipid-based NP uptake in a panel of nonpooled cell lines, as well as engineered isogenic cell lines with modulated SLC46A3 expression. Because all current FDAapproved NPs for anticancer applications are liposomal formulations, there is notable potential for this biomarker to be quickly implemented in clinical studies with existing, approved formulations. To this end, we recapitulated our findings in an in vivo model using an analog of an FDA-approved liposomal NP formulation. Moreover, we demonstrated that SLC46A3 has potential as a predictive biomarker beyond liposomal NPs by investigating solid lipid NPs. Both LNP-cell association and mRNA transfection were inversely correlated with SLC46A3 expression. These preliminary findings suggest that SLC46A3 expression may serve as a predictive biomarker for functional delivery of nucleic acid cargo through lipid NPs. Our findings support the continued exploration of SLC46A3 as a potential biomarker for therapeutic NP delivery.
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We present a platform to study NP–cancer cell interactions simultaneously through the use of pooled screening, genomics, and machine learning algorithms. Application of this integrated platform should advance the rational design of nanocarriers. Materials and methods
Extended materials and methods are available in the supplementary materials (29). Base liposome synthesis
A thin film was generated from a lipid mixture composed of 31 mol % 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero3-phosphocholine (DSPC), 31 mol % cholesterol, 31 mol % 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho(1′-rac-glycerol) (DSPG), and 6 mol % 1,2distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DSPE) (Avanti) and rehydrated to 2 mg/ml under heat (65°C) and sonication. The liposome suspension was extruded by using an Avestin LiposoFast LF-50 liposome extruder to a diameter of 50 to 100 nm. Liposomes were fluorescently labeled through N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS)–coupling of sulfo-cyanine NHS ester dye to DSPE headgroups according to the dye manufacturer (Lumiprobe) instructions. Lipid film generation, rehydration, extrusion, and dye labeling steps were similarly applied to all liposome formulations unless noted otherwise. Tangential flow filtration (TFF)
To remove excess dye, crude NP solution was connected to a Spectrum Labs KrosFlo II system by using masterflex, Teflon-coated tubing. D02-E100-05-N membranes were used to purify the particles until dye was no longer seen in the permeate. Samples were run at flow rates of 80 ml/min with size 16 tubing. Phosphatebuffered saline (PBS) was used as the exchange buffer for the first five washes followed by milliQ water for the rest of the purification steps. After TFF, liposomes were characterized by means of dynamic light scattering (DLS). For layer-by-layer (LbL) synthesis, TFF was used for purification after deposition of each polyelectrolyte layer, following the above procedure. Instead of PBS, only milliQ water was passed through the TFF for LbL NP purification. PLGA NP synthesis
PLGA (Sigma Aldrich) was dissolved at a concentration of 10 mg/ml in acetone, and Cy5 free acid dye (Lumiprobe) was dissolved at a concentration of 50 mg/ml in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). 6 ml milliQ water were added to a scintillation vial and stirred gently on a stir plate; 2 ml dye were mixed with 1 ml PLGA solution and drawn up in a syringe with a 27-gauge needle attached. The PLGA-Cy5 solution was slowly added to the water under constant stirring and left to stir 3 hours. An additional 2 ml milliQ water were added the solution before purification by using TFF. 10 of 13
Synthesis of layer-by-layer NPs
Liposomes and PLGA NPs were layered by adding equal volumes of NP solution to polyelectrolyte solution under sonication. Polyelectrolyte solutions for liposome layering, with the exception of HA and alginate, were prepared in 50 mM hydroxyethylpiperazine ethane sulfonic acid (HEPES) and 40 mM NaCl (pH 7.4). HA and alginate stocks were prepared in 10 mM HEPES. All polyelectrolyte solutions for PLGA NP layering were prepared in water. Layered particles were incubated at room temperature for 1 hour before being purified by means of TFF and characterized by means of DLS. Pooled PRISM cell dosing with NPs and preparation for flow cytometry
Cells were seeded at 200,000 cells/well in 0.5 ml RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) in a 12-well plate. Cells were allowed to grow for 24 hours before treatment with NPs for 4 or 24 hours. After incubation, cells were washed once with warm PBS and dissociated with 0.25% Trypsin-EDTA. After 5 min at 37°C, the trypsin quenched with cell culture medium. Cells were then transferred to a FACS tube through a cell strainer cap and placed on ice until sorting. Pooled PRISM cell dosing with antibodies
Cells were washed and dissociated with StemPro Accutase. After incubation, cold FACS buffer (PBS + 2% FBS) was added to each well, and cells were triturated and centrifuged. After spinning, cells were resuspended in FACS buffer at a concentration of 1 × 106 cells/ml. The cell solution was split into four groups: untreated control, (+) 15 ml 0.1 mg/ml Cy5cetuximab, (+)15 ml 0.1 mg/ml Cy5-IgG, and (+) 5 ml of EGFR-AF488 (used at undiluted stock concentration provided by manufacturer, InvivoGen). Samples were incubated in the dark at 4°C for 1 hour. Cells were then washed and resuspended in cold FACS buffer. SLC46A3 validation studies Nonpooled screening
HCC1143 (RPMI-1640), HCC1395 (RPMI-1640), HeLa (RPMI-1640), SW948 (RPMI-1640), LOXIMVI (RPMI-1640), SJSA-1 (RPMI1640), MCF7 [Eagle’s minimum essential medium (EMEM)], DAOY (EMEM), MDAMB-231 [Dulbecco’s modified Eagle's medium (DMEM)], CAOV3 (DMEM), T47D (RPMI1640), and HepG2 (DMEM) cells were seeded individually at 10,000 cells/well in 100 ml medium, supplemented with 10% FBS and 1X Penicillin-Streptomycin. Cells were allowed to grow overnight before treatment with NPs. Before dosing, all NP formulations were normalized to a concentration of 50 mg/ml. Cells were dosed with 10 ml normalized NP solutions. After incubation, cells were washed once with Boehnke et al., Science 377, eabm5551 (2022)
warm PBS and dissociated with 0.25% TrypsinEDTA before quenching with cell culture medium. Cells were placed on ice until analyzed by using a high-throughput analyzer. SLC46A3 overexpression: Viral transfection of LOXIMVI cells
Lentiviral vectors were purchased from the Broad Institute’s Genetic Perturbation Platform (GPP), specifically ccsbBroad304_09945 (SLC46A3) and ccsbBroad304_99991 (Luciferase, vector control). LOXIMVI cells were trypsinized, counted, and resuspended to a concentration of 1.36 × 106 cells/ml. A solution of 2X polybrene was added to the cell suspension so that the final concentration of polybrene was 8 mg/ml. Cells were seeded into two six-well plates at 750,000 cells/well. Lentiviral vectors were separately added to plates at six different doses: 0, 25, 50, 100, 200, and 400 ml. After, 1 ml medium was added to each well, the cells were incubated overnight, and the medium was changed at 17 hours after seeding. At 48 hours after seeding, the cells were reseeded at 375,000 cells/well in 2 ml blasticidin containing medium (final blasticidin concentration was 1 mg/ml). The selection progress was monitored with flow cytometry (fig. S16). SLC46A3 permanent deactivation with CRISPR-Cas9 in T47D cells
SLC46A3-deactivated T47D cell lines were generated through infection with lentiCRISPRv2Opti (Addgene 163126) vectors encoding Cas9 and single-guide RNAs (sgRNAs) (68). The following oligonucleotides were used for sgRNA cloning and include cloning overhangs for ligation after BsmBI digest of lentiCRISPRv2-Opti vector: sgGFP_F, caccGGGCGAGGAGCTGTTCACCG; sgGFP_R, aaacCGGTGAACAGCTCCTCGCCC; sgSLC46A3_F, caccgAAAGCAAGCTCCCCAAAATG; and sgSLC46A3_R, aaacCATTTTGGGGAGCTTGCTTTc. Clonal deactivation cell lines were isolated through FACS, and biallelic frame-shifts were confirmed with deep-sequencing [allele 1, –32 base pairs (bp) frameshift 501 reads; allele 2, –10 bp frameshift; 477 reads). The T47D SLC46A3-deactivation line described has the mutant alleles c.442_453del and c.440_449del. Animal studies
All animal experiments were approved by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Committee on Animal Care (CAC; protocol number 0821-052-04) and were conducted under the oversight of the Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM). Flank tumors of LOXIMVIvector control and LOXIMVI-SLC46A3 OE cells were established with a subcutaneous injection of 0.5 × 106 to 1.0 × 106 cells as a 1:1 mixture with MatriGel (Corning) and PBS to the right flank of NCr nude mice (5 to 7 weeks, Taconic, NCRNU-F, NCRNU-M). Sample sizes
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of studies were initially determined by use of G*Power. For intratumoral studies, mice with established flank tumors were randomly assigned to either the 4- or 24-hour dosing cohort. After injection, mice were imaged by using the In Vivo Imaging System (IVIS) Spectrum whole-animal imaging device (PerkinElmer) using ex = 640/em = 700 nm to capture Cy5 signal. Immediately after imaging, mice were humanely euthanized, and tumors were excised and imaged again with IVIS. For intravenous studies, NPs were administered to mice by using tail vein injections, each of three doses spaced 24 hours apart. Four hours after the third and final injection, mice were humanely euthanized, and tumors were excised and imaged with IVIS. Tumors were weighed, and their weights were recorded for normalization of tumor fluorescence by tumor mass. Statistical analysis
All statistical analysis for nonpooled validation studies was performed by using GraphPad PRISM 9. Detailed statistical information is provided for each figure in the associated caption. Unless noted otherwise, for single comparisons (nonparametric), the Mann-Whitney test was used. For multiple comparison testing, the Kruskall-Wallis test was used to compare treatment groups with the parental control. The datasets and code pertaining to nanoPRISM probabilistic model development and subsequent analyses (univariate and random forest) are available on Zenodo (69–75). REFERENCES AND NOTES
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We thank the Koch Institute’s Robert A. Swanson (1969) Biotechnology Center for technical support, specifically the Flow Cytometry, High Throughput Sciences, Genomics Core, Microscopy, and Preclinical Modeling, Imaging and Testing cores; the Hope Babette Tang (1983) Histology Facility; and the Peterson (1957) Nanotechnology Materials Core Facility. We thank T. Golub and A. Burgin for formative feedback and helpful discussion. We also gratefully acknowledge T. Diefenbach and the Ragon Institute Microscopy Core for assistance with imaging cytometry. The
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LOXIMVI and T47D cell lines were gifts from the F. Gertler laboratory (MIT), and the Jurkat cell line was a gift from the D. Sabatini laboratory (previously of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research). We thank C. Straehla for help in figure design. Figures 1A and 6A were created in part by use of Biorender.com. Funding: This work was supported in part by SPARC funding at The Broad Institute. This work was also supported by grants from the Koch Institute’s Marble Center for Cancer Nanomedicine and Frontier Research Program. This work was supported in part by the Koch Institute Support (core) Grant P30-CA14051 from the National Cancer Institute. N.B. was supported by a US Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program Horizon Award (W81XWH19-1-0257) and the NIH-NCI (K99CA255844). J.P.S. was supported as a National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant T32 trainee (CA136432-08) and by the Helen Gurley Brown Presidential Initiative of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Fellowship support for C.H.A. was from the NIH (NRSA F31 CA228241-01). R.R.C. is a fellow of the Parker B. Francis Foundation. N.N. was supported by a grant from the Gates Foundation. Fellowship support for A.G.B. was from the NIH (F30 DK130564) and a Termeer Fellowship
Boehnke et al., Science 377, eabm5551 (2022)
of Medical Engineering and Science. N.G.L. was supported by Cancer Research UK and the Brain Tumour Charity (C42454/ A28596) and a fellowship from the Ludwig Center at the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. H.L. was supported by the Charles W. (1955) and Jennifer C. Johnson Cancer Research Fund and NIH (K08DK123414). Author contributions: Conceptualization: N.B. and J.P.S. Methodology: N.B., J.P.S., and M.K. Formal Analysis: N.B., J.P.S., M.K., M.G.R., and M.R. Investigation: N.B., J.P.S., H.C.S., M.G.R., D.R., N.N., A.G.B., and N.G.L. Visualization: N.B. and J.P.S. Funding acquisition: N.B., J.P.S., A.N.K., and P.T.H. Project administration: N.B., J.P.S., and M.R. Validation: N.B., J.P.S., H.C.S., C.H.A., R.R.C., J.H.C., and H.L. Supervision: J.A.R., A.N.K., and P.T.H. Writing – original draft: N.B. and J.P.S. Writing – review and editing: N.B., J.P.S., H.C.S., M.K., M.G.R., M.R., C.H.A., R.R.C., N.N., A.G.B., N.G.L., J.H.C., H.L., J.A.R., A.N.K., and P.T.H. Competing interests: N.B., J.P.S., A.N.K., and P.T.H. have submitted a patent application for the SLC46A3 biomarker discovery. A.N.K. is a founder and member of the board of 76Bio. P.T.H. is a member of the science advisory board at Moderna; board member at Alector, Advanced Chemotherapy Technologies, and Burroughs-Wellcome Fund; and board member and cofounder of LayerBio. Data and
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Pathogen-sugar interactions revealed by universal saturation transfer analysis Charles J. Buchanan†, Ben Gaunt†, Peter J. Harrison, Yun Yang, Jiwei Liu, Aziz Khan, Andrew M. Giltrap, Audrey Le Bas, Philip N. Ward, Kapil Gupta, Maud Dumoux, Tiong Kit Tan, Lisa Schimaski, Sergio Daga, Nicola Picchiotti, Margherita Baldassarri, Elisa Benetti, Chiara Fallerini, Francesca Fava, Annarita Giliberti, Panagiotis I. Koukos, Matthew J. Davy, Abirami Lakshminarayanan, Xiaochao Xue, Georgios Papadakis, Lachlan P. Deimel, Virgínia Casablancas-Antràs, Timothy D. W. Claridge, Alexandre M. J. J. Bonvin, Quentin J. Sattentau, Simone Furini, Marco Gori, Jiandong Huo, Raymond J. Owens, Christiane Schaffitzel, Imre Berger, Alessandra Renieri, GEN-COVID Multicenter Study, James H. Naismith*, Andrew J. Baldwin*, Benjamin G. Davis*
INTRODUCTION: The surface proteins found on
both pathogens and host cells mediate cell entry (and exit) and influence disease progression and transmission. Both types of proteins can bear host-generated posttranslational modifications, such as glycosylation, that are essential for function but can confound current biophysical methods used for dissecting key interactions. Several human viruses (including non-SARS coronaviruses) attach to host cell surface N-linked glycans that include forms of sialic acid (sialosides). There remains, however, conflicting evidence as to whether or how SARS-associated coronaviruses might use such a mechanism. In the absence of an appropriate biochemical assay, the ability to analyze the binding of such glycans to heavily modified proteins and resolve this issue is limited. RATIONALE: We developed and demonstrated
a quantitative extension of “saturation transfer” protein nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods to a complete mathematical model of the magnetization transfer caused by interactions between protein and ligand. The designed method couples objective resonance identification and intensity measurement in
SCIENCE science.org
RESULTS: In an automated workflow, uSTA can be applied to a range of even heavily modified protein systems in a general manner to obtain quantitative binding interaction parameters (KD, kEx). uSTA proved critical in mapping direct interactions between sialoside sugar ligands and relevant virus surface attachment glycoproteins, including multiple variants of both severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spike protein and influenza H1N1 hemagglutinin protein. It was successful in quantitating ligand NMR signals in spectral regions otherwise occluded by resonances from mobile protein glycans. In early-pandemic (December 2019) B-origin-lineage SARS-CoV-2 spike trimer, a clear “end-on” binding mode of sialoside sugars to spike was revealed by uSTA.
A Universal saturation transfer analysis (uSTA) NMR Host cell
Binding pose
uSTA identifies a sugarbinding site and pose in the unusual NTD of earlypandemic SARS-CoV-2 spike. (A) This site and pose, which were confirmed by cryoÐelectron microscopy, are heavily mutated in variants of concern. (B) Analyses reveal a loss of sialoside-spike binding, rationalized by clustering of mutations around the binding site. *All alphavariant mutations are in >1 variant.
NMR spectra (via a deconvolution algorithm) with Bloch-McConnell analysis of magnetization transfer (as judged by this resonance signal intensity) to enable a structural, kinetic, and thermodynamic analysis of ligand binding. Such quantification is beyond previously perceived limits of exchange rates, concentration, or system and therefore represents a potentially universal saturation transfer analysis (uSTA) method.
Sialic acid
Sialic acid
cryo-EM validation
B Variants lose binding 1
Original KD 32 µm
Binding lost
uSTA sialic acid binding
Mutations cluster near NTD binding site (cryo-EM)
Sialic acid
Alpha* Beta Delta Omicron >1 variant
This mode contrasted with “extended-surface side”-binding for heparin sugar ligands. uSTAderived restraints used in structural modeling suggested sialoside-glycan binding sites in a b sheet–rich region of spike N-terminal domain (NTD), distant from the receptor-binding domain (RBD) that binds ACE2 co-receptor and that has been identified as the site for other sugar interactions. Consistent with this NTD site being a previously unknown sialoside sugar-binding pocket, uSTA-sialoside binding was minimally perturbed by antibodies that neutralize the ACE2-binding RBD domain. Strikingly, uSTA also shows that this sialoside binding is disrupted in spike from multiple variants of concern (B1.1.7/alpha, B1.351/beta, B.1.617.2/delta, and B.1.1.529/omicron) that emerged later in the pandemic (September 2020 onward). Notably, these variants possess multiple hotspot mutations in the NTD. End-on sialoside binding in a B-origin-lineage spikeNTD pocket was pinpointed by cryo-EM to a previously unknown site that is created from residues that are notably mutated or are in regions where mutations occur in variants of concern (e.g., His69, Val70, and Tyr145 in alpha and omicron). An analysis of beneficial genetic variances correlated with disease severity in cohorts of patients from early 2020 suggests a model in which this site in the NTD of B-origin-lineage SARS-CoV-2 (but not in later variants) may have exploited a specific sialylated polylactosamine motif found on tetraantennary human N-linked glycoproteins, known to be present in deeper human lung. CONCLUSION: Together, these results confirm a
distinctive sugar-binding mode mediated by the unusual NTD of B-origin-lineage SARS-CoV-2 spike protein that is lost in later variants. This may implicate modulation of binding by SARSCoV-2 virus to human cell surface sugars as a determinant of virulence and/or zoonosis. More generally, because cell surface glycans are widely relevant to biology and pathology, the uSTA method can now provide ready, quantitative, widespread analysis of complex, host-derived, and posttranslationally modified proteins in their binding to putative ligands, which may be relevant to disease, even in previously confounding complex systems.
The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (J.H.N.); [email protected] (A.J.B.); [email protected] (B.G.D.) †These authors contributed equally to this work. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Cite this article as C. J. Buchanan et al., Science 377, eabm3125 (2022). DOI: 10.1126/science.abm3125
READ THE FULL ARTICLE AT https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abm3125 22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
Pathogen-sugar interactions revealed by universal saturation transfer analysis Charles J. Buchanan1,2,3†, Ben Gaunt1†, Peter J. Harrison4,5, Yun Yang1,4, Jiwei Liu1, Aziz Khan1,2, Andrew M. Giltrap1,2, Audrey Le Bas1,4, Philip N. Ward4, Kapil Gupta6, Maud Dumoux1, Tiong Kit Tan7, Lisa Schimaski7, Sergio Daga8,9, Nicola Picchiotti10,11, Margherita Baldassarri8,9, Elisa Benetti9, Chiara Fallerini8,9, Francesca Fava8,9,12, Annarita Giliberti8,9, Panagiotis I. Koukos13, Matthew J. Davy1, Abirami Lakshminarayanan1,2, Xiaochao Xue2,14, Georgios Papadakis2, Lachlan P. Deimel14, Virgínia Casablancas-Antràs2,3, Timothy D. W. Claridge2, Alexandre M. J. J. Bonvin13, Quentin J. Sattentau14, Simone Furini9, Marco Gori10,15, Jiandong Huo1,4, Raymond J. Owens1,4, Christiane Schaffitzel13, Imre Berger13, Alessandra Renieri8,9,12, GEN-COVID Multicenter Study, James H. Naismith1,4*, Andrew J. Baldwin1,2,3*, Benjamin G. Davis1,2,16* Many pathogens exploit host cell-surface glycans. However, precise analyses of glycan ligands binding with heavily modified pathogen proteins can be confounded by overlapping sugar signals and/or compounded with known experimental constraints. Universal saturation transfer analysis (uSTA) builds on existing nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to provide an automated workflow for quantitating protein-ligand interactions. uSTA reveals that early-pandemic, B-origin-lineage severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spike trimer binds sialoside sugars in an “end-on” manner. uSTA-guided modeling and a high-resolution cryo–electron microscopy structure implicate the spike N-terminal domain (NTD) and confirm end-on binding. This finding rationalizes the effect of NTD mutations that abolish sugar binding in SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern. Together with genetic variance analyses in early pandemic patient cohorts, this binding implicates a sialylated polylactosamine motif found on tetraantennary N-linked glycoproteins deep in the human lung as potentially relevant to virulence and/or zoonosis.
ialosides are present in glycans that are anchored to human cells, and they mediate binding that is central to cell-cell communication in human physiology and that is at the heart of many host-pathogen interactions. One of the most well-known examples is that of influenza virus, which binds to sialosides with its hemagglutinin (HA or H) protein and cleaves off sialic acid from the
Rosalind Franklin Institute, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Oxford OX11 0FA, UK. 2Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3TA, UK. 3Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Discovery, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3QU, UK. 4Division of Structural Biology, Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford, Headington, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK. 5Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Oxfordshire, UK. 6Max Planck Bristol Centre for Minimal Biology, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK. 7MRC Human Immunology Unit, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK. 8Medical Genetics, University of Siena, Siena, Italy. 9Med Biotech Hub and Competence Center, Department of Medical Biotechnologies, University of Siena, Siena, Italy. 10 Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics, University of Siena, Siena, Italy. 11Department of Mathematics, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy. 12Genetica Medica, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese, Siena, Italy. 13Bijvoet Centre for Biomolecular Research, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands. 14Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford, UK. 15Maasai, I3S CNRS, Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France. 16Department of Pharmacology, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3QT, UK. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (J.H.N.); [email protected] (A.J.B.); [email protected] (B.G.D.) †These authors contributed equally to this work.
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infected cell with its neuraminidase (NA or N) protein; HxNx variants of influenza with different HA or NA protein types have a profound effect on zoonosis and pathogenicity (1). The Middle East respiratory syndrome [MERS (2)] virus, which is related to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 1 and 2 (SARS-CoV-1 and -2), has been shown to exploit cell-surface sugar sialosides (2–6) as part of an attachment strategy. Both SARS-CoV-1 (7–9) and SARS-CoV-2 (10, 11) are known to gain entry to host cells through the use of receptor-binding domains (RBDs) of their respective spike proteins that bind human cell-surface protein ACE2, but whether these viruses engage sialosides as part of the infection cycle has, despite predictions (6, 12), remained unclear. Preliminary reports as to whether complex sialosides are or are not bound are contradictory and format-dependent (13–15). Glycosaminoglycans on proteoglycans such as heparin have been identified as a primary cooperative glycan attachment point (16, 17). Studies reporting sugar binding have so far implicated binding sites in or close to the RBD of the spike protein. Surprisingly, the N-terminal domain (NTD, fig. S1), which has a putative glycan binding fold (10, 18, 19) and binds sialosides in other non-SARS coronaviruses (including MERS), has been less explored. The NTD has no confirmed function
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in SARS-CoV-2, and yet neutralization by antibodies against this domain suggests a potentially important function in viral replication. The unresolved role of host cell-surface sialosides for this pathogen has been noted as an important open question (17). The hypothesized roles for sugar interactions (20) in both virulence (21) and zoonosis (1) indicate that there is an urgent need for precise, quantitative, and robust methods for analysis. In principle, magnetization transfer in protein nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy could meet this need, as it can measure ligand binding in its native state without the need for additional labeling or modification of either ligand or protein (e.g., attachment to surface or sensor) (figs. S2 and S3; see text S1 for more details). Saturation transfer difference (STD) (22), which has been widely used to gauge qualitative ligand-protein interactions (23), detects the transfer of magnetization while they are bound via “cross-relaxation.” In reality, complex, highly modified protein systems have proven difficult to analyze in a quantitative manner with current methods for several reasons. First, mammalian proteins (or those derived by pathogens from expression in infected mammalian hosts) often bear large, highly mobile glycans. Critically, in the case of glycoproteins such as SARS-CoV-2 spike that may themselves bind glycans, this leads to contributions to protein NMR spectra that may overlap with putative glycan ligand resonances, thereby obscuring needed signal. Second, the NMR spectra of glycan ligands are themselves complex, comprising many overlapped resonances as multiplets and limiting the accurate determination of signal intensities. Finally, STD is commonly described as limited to specific kinetic regimes and/or ligand-toprotein binding equilibrium positions (24). As a result, many regimes and systems have been considered inaccessible to STD. Using a rigorous theoretical description, coupled with a computational approach based on a Bayesian deconvolution algorithm to objectively and accurately extract signal from all observed resonances, we have undertaken an optimized reformulation of the magnetization/ “saturation” transfer protocol (figs. S4, S5, S6, and S8). This approach reliably and quantitatively determines precise binding rates (kon, koff , k ex), constants (KD ), and interaction “maps” across a wide range of regimes (fig. S4), including systems previously thought to be intractable. Design of uSTA based on a comprehensive treatment of ligand-protein magnetization transfer
While using existing STD methodology to study the interaction between the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and sialosides, we noted several challenges that resulted in the development of 1 of 17
uSTA (see text S3 for more details). Our theoretical analyses (fig. S4) suggested that many common assumptions or limits that are thought to govern the applicability of magnetization transfer might in fact be circumvented, and we set out to devise a complete treatment that might accomplish this (figs. S5, S6, and S8). This resulted in five specific methodological changes that resulted in a more sensitive, accurate, quantitative, and general method for studying the interactions between biomolecules and ligands (summarized in figs. S5 and S8 and discussed in detail in text S4). 1) We noted the discrepancy between KDs determined using existing STD methods and those obtained using other biophysical methods (25). We performed a theoretical analysis using the Bloch-McConnell equations, a rigorous formulation for studying the evolution of magnetization in exchanging systems that has been widely used to analyze chemical exchange saturation transfer (26, 27), dark-state exchange saturation transfer (28), and Carr-PurcellMeiboom-Gill (29) NMR data to describe protein motion. This analysis not only allowed us to explain this discrepancy, but also enabled fitting of data to give accurate kon, koff, and KD values for protein-ligand interactions that were in excellent accord with alternative measurements (Fig. 1G and fig. S13); we also found that the range of kon and koff in which the experiment is applicable is far wider than previously recognized (fig. S4). 2) In mammalian proteins, contributions from glycans on the surface of the protein could not be removed from the spectrum by means of relaxation filters used in epitope mapping (30) without compromising the sensitivity of the experiment. We addressed this instead by applying baseline subtraction using data obtained from a protein-only sample. 3) The magnetization transfer, and hence the sensitivity of the experiment, will be higher when the excitation frequency of the saturation pulse is close to a maximum in the protein NMR spectrum. If any ligand resonances are outside of the bandwidth of the pulse, and if a “ligand-only” subtraction is applied, the magnetization transfer can be maximized. With this condition, the response for a given protein-ligand system in fact becomes invariant to the excitation frequency used (figs. S9 and S10). 4) In complex molecules, such as sialosides, NMR spectra are crowded and overlapped. To reliably obtain magnetization transfer measurements at all points in the ligand, we developed a peak-picking algorithm based on earlier work (31) that can automate the process, returning a list of peak locations and a simulated NMR experiment that can be directly compared to the data. The locations of the peaks are in excellent agreement with the locations for multiplets determined using stanBuchanan et al., Science 377, eabm3125 (2022)
dard multidimensional approaches used for resonance assignment (see Fig. 1, B and D, Fig. 2D, and Fig. 3A for examples; see also overlaps in all subsequent uSTA analyses and table S7). 5) The uSTA software allowed the combination of intensity from scalar coupled multiplets following a user-input assignment, to provide “per resonance” measures of saturation transfer. These are provided as-is, and also as h1/r6i interpolated “binding maps” that represent the interaction on nearby heteroatoms, thereby allowing ready visual inspection of the binding pose of a molecule. Testing of uSTA in model systems
The uSTA method (Fig. 1, A to C) was tested first in an archetypal, yet challenging, ligandto-protein interaction (Fig. 1, D to G). Implementation in an automated manner through software governing the uSTA workflow reduced artifacts arising from subjective, manual analyses (fig. S6). The binding of L-tryptophan (Trp) to bovine serum albumin (BSA, Fig. 1D) is a long-standing benchmark (25) because of the supposed role of hydrophobicity in the plasticity of this interaction as well as a lack of corresponding fully determined, unambiguous three-dimensional (3D; e.g., crystal) structures. This is also a simpler amino acid– protein interaction system (less-modified protein, small ligand) that classical NMR/STD methods are perceived (24, 32) to have already delineated well. As for a standard STD experiment, 1D 1HNMR spectra were determined for both ligand and protein. In addition, mixed spectra containing both protein and excess ligand (P + L) were determined with and without excitation irradiation at frequencies corresponding to prominent resonance within the protein but far from any ligand (pulse “on”) or where the center of the pulse was moved to avoid ligand and protein (pulse “off,” labeled “1D” in the figures). Deconvolved spectra for ligand determined in the presence of protein were matched with high accuracy by uSTA (Fig. 1E). Moreover, uSTA generated highly consistent binding “heatmaps” comprising atom-specific magnetization transfer efficiencies (proton data mapped onto heteroatoms by taking a local 1/r6 average to enable visual comparison) that described the pose of ligand bound to protein (Fig. 1F; see also figs. S8 and S11). These were determined over a range of ligand concentrations even as low as 40 mM [Fig. 1, E(iii) and F(iii)] where the ability of uSTA to extract accurate signal proved unprecedented and critical to quantitation of binding (see below). Binding maps were strikingly consistent across concentrations, indicating a single, consistent pose driven by the strongest interaction of protein with the heteroaromatic indole side chain of Trp. This not only proved consistent
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with x-ray crystal structures of BSA with other hydrophobic ligands, (33) it also revealed quantitative subtleties of this interaction at high precision: Protein “grip” is felt more at the distal edge of the indole moiety. Next, with indications of expanded capability of uSTA in a benchmark system, we moved to first analyses of sugar-protein interactions. Sugar ligand trehalose (Tre) binds only weakly to trehalose repressor protein TreR and so proves challenging in ligand-to-protein interaction analysis (34). Nonetheless, the uSTA workflow again successfully and rapidly determined atom-specific transfer efficiencies with high precision and resolution (fig. S3F). Atomprecise subtleties were revealed in this case as well: Hotspots of binding occur around OH-3/ OH-4 and graduate to reduced binding around both sugar rings, with only minimal binding of the primary OH-6 hydroxyl (fig. S3F). Once more, this uSTA-mapped P + L interaction proved consistent with prior x-ray crystal structures (35). Direct determination of ligand-protein KD using uSTA
The precision of signal determination in uSTA critically allowed variation of ligand/protein concentrations even down to low levels (see above), enabling direct determination of binding constants in a manner not possible by classical methods. Following measurement of magnetization transfer between ligand and protein, variation with concentration (Fig. 1E) was quantitatively analyzed using modified Bloch-McConnell equations (36) (see Methods). These accounted for intrinsic relaxation, crossrelaxation, and protein-ligand binding (Fig. 1A) to directly provide measurements of equilibrium binding KD and associated kinetics (kex). In the Trp/BSA system, this readily revealed KD = 38 ± 15 mM, kon = 1.6 (± 0.6) × 105 M–1 s–1, and koff = 6.0 ± 2.0 s–1 (Fig. 1G), consistent with prior determinations of KD by other solution-phase methods [KD = 30 ± 9 mM by isothermal calorimetry (32)]. Note that this direct method proved to be possible only because of the ability of the uSTA method to deconvolute a true signal with sufficient precision, even at the lower concentrations used and consequently lower signal (Fig. 1E). Thus, uSTA enabled atom-mapping and quantitation for ligand binding that were improved over previous methods. Critically, these values were fully consistent with all observed NMR data and independently obtained measures of KD. uSTA allows interrogation of designed crypticity in influenza HA virus attachment
Having validated the uSTA methodology, we next used it to interrogate sugar binding by viral attachment protein systems that have proved typically intractable to classical methods. The hemagglutinin (HA) trimer of influenza 2 of 17
Fig. 1. Development of the uSTA method. (A to C) Schematic of the process for uSTA that exploits comprehensive numerical analysis of relaxation and ligand binding kinetics (A) using full and automatically quantified signal intensities in NMR spectra (B) and calculates per-resonance transfer efficiencies (C). In (B), signal analysis determined the number of peaks that can give rise to the signal, and returned simulated spectrum by convolving these with peak shape function. The precise peak positions returned are in excellent agreement with the known positions of resonances identified using conventional means. Magnetization transfer NMR experiments compare two 1D NMR spectra, where the second involves a specific saturation pulse that aims to “hit” the protein but “miss” the ligand in its excitation. This is accomplished by acquiring the 1D spectrum with the saturation pulse held off resonance at –35 ppm such that it will not excite protons in either ligand or protein [labeled “1D” in (B) and (C)]. The uSTA method requires these two spectra to be analyzed as described in (B), in pairs, one that contains the raw signal, and the second that is the difference between the two. We define the “transfer efficiency” as the fractional signal that has passed from the ligand to the protein. (D to F) Application of uSTA to study the interaction between bovine serum albumin (BSA) and L-tryptophan (Trp). In (D), the 1D 1H-NMR spectrum of the mixture at 200 mM Trp and 5 mM BSA (= P + L, blue) is dominated by ligand, yet the ligand (L) and protein (P) can still be deconvolved by universal deconvolution, using a reference obtained Buchanan et al., Science 377, eabm3125 (2022)
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from a sample containing protein only. This reveals contributions from individual multiplets originating from the ligand (yellow) and the protein-only baseline (black), allowing precise recapitulation of the sum (red). In (E), application of universal deconvolution to STD spectra with varying concentrations of tryptophan allows uSTA using ligand resonances identified in (D). This in turn allows signal intensity in the STD spectrum (P + L STD, light blue) to be determined with high precision. Although signal-to-noise in the STD increases considerably with increasing ligand concentration, the measured atom-specific transfer efficiencies as determined by uSTA are consistent [(F), left, bar charts; right, transfer efficiency binding “maps”], showing that the primary contact between protein and ligand occurs on the distal edge (C-1, 2, 3, 4; N-7 and C-9 using the numbering shown) of the indole aromatic ring. Application of the same uSTA workflow also allowed precise determination of even weakly binding sugar ligand trehalose (Glc-a1, 1a-Glc) to E. coli trehalose repressor TreR. Again, uSTA allows determination of transfer efficiencies with atom-specific precision (see fig. S3F). (G) Quantitative analysis of the STD build-up curves using a modified set of Bloch-McConnell equations that account for binding and cross-relaxation allows us to determine thermodynamic and kinetic parameters that describe the BSA-Trp interaction, KD, kon, and koff. The values obtained are indicated and are in excellent accord with those obtained by other methods (25, 32). Errors come from a bootstrapping procedure (see Methods). 3 of 17
Fig. 2. uSTA allows mapping of a designed cryptic sugar-binding site in H1N1 influenza hemagglutinin (HA). (A) HA presents on the surface of the viral membrane and has been shown to bind with sialic acid surface glycans to mediate host cell entry. A designed (38) DRBS variant is generated by the creation of an N-linked glycosylation site via the creation of needed sequon NQT from wild-type NQR by the R205T point mutation in HA adjacent to the sialic acid–binding site. In this way, disruption of sialic acid binding through designed “blocking” in HA-DRBS is intended to ablate the binding of HA wild-type to
A virus is known to be essential for its exploitation of sialoside binding (37); H1N1 has emerged as one of the most threatening variants in recent years. We took the H1 HA in both native form and a modified form, containing a non-natural sequon specific for N-glycosylation that was previously designed (38) to block intermolecular (in trans) sugar binding. This designed blocking in a so-called HA-DRBS variant (38) also notably creates an additional glycan beyond the existing, potentially confounding, glycosylation background. It therefore provided another test of uSTA’s ability to delineate relevant sialoside ligand interactions in another important pathogen protein (Fig. 2A). Despite this intended blocking, the precision of uSTA was such that residual in trans binding of sialotrisaccharide 2 could still be detected in HADRBS, albeit at a lower, modulated level [as expected by design (38)]. Although H1 HA is known to bind both sialo-trisaccharides 2 and 3, 2 is the less preferred (2,6- over 2,3-linked) ligand (39), and yet its binding could still be mapped (here, to a mode mediated primarily by the sialoside moiety). In this way, the sensitivity of uSTA to detect even lower sialoside binding to relevant proteins was confirmed. uSTA reveals natural, cryptic sialoside binding by SARS-CoV-2 spike
We next probed putative, naturally cryptic sialoside binding sites in SARS-CoV-2. Our analysis of the 1D protein 1H-NMR spectrum of the purified prefusion-stabilized ectodomain Buchanan et al., Science 377, eabm3125 (2022)
sialosides in this synthetic variant. (B and C) Notably, wild-type and DRBS variants of H1N1 HA in fact show a remarkably similar overall binding pattern (B) for the 2,3-sialo-trisaccharide 2 (focused through engagement with the sialoside) but a significant intensity moderation (C) for the DRBS variant, indicative of a partial (but not complete) loss of binding consistent with design (38). (D) Raw spectral data demonstrate that atom-specific differences in intensity in the 1D versus the difference spectra can be discerned using uSTA. Note that atom numbering shown and used here is generated automatically by uSTA.
construct (10) of intact trimeric SARS-CoV-2 spike attachment protein (fig. S7) revealed extensive protein glycosylation with sufficient mobility to generate a strong 1H-NMR resonance in the region 3.4 to 4.0 ppm (Fig. 3A). Although lacking detail, these resonances displayed chemical shifts consistent with the described mixed patterns of oligomannose, hybrid, and complex N-glycosylation found on SARS-CoV-2 spike after expression in human cells (40). As such, these mobile glycans on SARS-CoV-2 spike contain sialoside glycan residues that not only confound analyses by classical NMR methods but are also potential competing, “internal” (in cis) ligands for any putative attachment (in trans) interactions, as well as possible direct ligands for in trans interactions in their own right (41). Therefore, their presence in the protein NMR analysis presented clear confounding issues for typical classical STD analyses. As such, SARS-CoV-2 spike represented a stringent and important test of the uSTA method. We used uSTA to evaluate a representative panel of both natural and site-specifically modified unnatural sialosides as possible ligands of spike (Fig. 3 and figs. S3 and S12). Use of classical methods provided an ambiguous assessment (fig. S8), but use of uSTA immediately revealed binding and nonbinding sugar ligands (Fig. 3, figs. S8, S10, and S11, and table S7). Initially, the simplest sialoside, N-acetylneuraminic acid (1), was tested as a mixture of its mutarotating anomers (1a ⇔ 1b). When
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analyzed using uSTA, these revealed [Fig. 3, E and F(i, ii), table S7, and fig. S11] clear “end-on” interactions by 1a as a ligand [Fig. 3F(i)], mediated primarily by the acetamide NHAc-5, but no reliably measurable interactions by 1b [Fig. 3F(ii)]. This detection of selective a-anomer interaction, despite the much greater dominance of the b-anomer in solution, provided yet another demonstration of the power of the uSTA method, here operating in the background of dominant alternative sugar (Fig. 3E and fig. S11). The a selectivity correlates with the near-exclusive occurrence of sialosides on host cell surfaces as their a- but not b-linked conjugates (see also below). Having confirmed simple, selective monosaccharide a-sialoside binding, we explored extended a-sialoside oligosaccharide ligands (compounds 2 and 3; Fig. 3, C and D) that would give further insight into the binding of natural endogenous human cell-surface sugars as well as unnatural variants (compounds 4 to 6; Fig. 3, F and G) that could potentially interrupt such binding. Sialosides are often found appended to galactosyl (Gal/GalNAc) residues in either a2,3-linked (2) or a2,6linked form (3). Both were tested (Fig. 3, C and D) and exhibited “end-on” binding consistent with that seen for N-acetyl-neuraminic acid (1) alone, but with more extended binding surfaces (Fig. 3D), qualitatively suggesting a stronger binding affinity (see below for quantitative analysis). Common features of all sialoside binding modes were observed: The NHAc-5 4 of 17
Fig. 3. uSTA reveals interaction of sialosides with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. A panel of natural, unnatural, and hybrid variant sialoside sugars 1Ð6 (see fig. S12) was used to probe interaction between sialosides and spike. (A) The 1D 1H-NMR of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein shows considerable signal in the glycan-associated region despite protein size, indicative of mobile internal glycans in spike protein. This effectively masks traditional analyses, as without careful subtraction of the proteinÕs contributions to the spectrum (fig. S8), the ligand cannot be effectively studied. (B) Application of the uSTA workflow (fig. S6) to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (shown in detail for 2). The uSTA process of ligand peak assignment and deconvolution → P + L peak assignment and deconvolution → application to P + L STD yields precise atom-specific transfer efficiencies (fig. S6). Note how in (ii) individual multiplet components, have been assigned (yellow); the back-calculated deconvolved spectrum (red) is an extremely close match for the raw data (purple). The spectrum is a complex superposition of the ligand spectrum (and protein only yet uSTA again accurately deconvolves the spectrum, revealing the contribution of protein-only (black) and the ligand peaks (yellow). Using these data, uSTA analysis of the STD spectrum pinpoints ligand peaks and signal intensities. Spectral atom numbering shown and used here is generated automatically by uSTA; all other numbering in sugars follows carbohydrate nomenclature convention. (C and D) Application of the uSTA workflow (fig. S6) reveals atom-specific binding modes to spike protein for both natural (e.g., sialoside) trisaccharides Siaa2,3Galb1,4Glc (2) and Siaa2,6Galb1,4Glc (3). Comparison of the uSTA method focused on the NHAc methyl resonance shows excellent agreement (C). The uSTA method allowed determination of binding surfaces for both trisaccharides 2 [D(i)] and 3 [D(ii)]. (E and F) STD spectrum (E) and mapped atom-specific transfer efficiencies (F) for sialic acid (1) and 9-N3 azido variant 4. Both interconverting a and b anomeric forms could be readily identified. Despite the dominance of the b form [94 %, E(i)], application of the uSTA method following assignment of resonances from the two forms allowed determination of binding surfaces simultaneously [E(ii), F(i, ii)]. Spike shows strong binding preference for the a anomers [F(i, iii) versus F(ii, iv)] despite this strong population difference. Binding surfaces were also highly similar to those of extended trisaccharides 2 and 3. (G) Using these intensities, atom-specific transfer efficiencies can be determined with high precision, shown here for hybrid sialoside 5. The details of both the unnatural BPC moiety and the natural sialic acid moiety can be mapped; although the unnatural aromatic BPC dominates interaction, uSTA nonetheless delineates the subtleties of the associated contributions from the natural sugar moiety in this ligand (see also figs. S5 and S6). Buchanan et al., Science 377, eabm3125 (2022)
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acetamide of the terminal sialic acid (Sia) is a binding hotspot in 1, 2, and 3 that drives the “end-on” binding. Differences were also observed: The a2,6-trisaccharide (3) displayed a more extended binding face yet with less intense binding hotspots (Fig. 3D) engaging additionally the side-chain glycerol moiety (C7–C9) of the terminal Sia acid as well as the OH-4 C4 hydroxyl of the Gal residue. The interaction with a2,3-trisaccharide (2) was tighter and more specific to NHAc-5 of the Sia. These interactions of the glycerol C7–C9 side chain detected by uSTA were probed further through construction (fig. S12) of unnatural modified variants (4 to 6; Fig. 3, F and G). Replacement of the OH-9 hydroxyl group of sialic acid with azide N3-9 in 4 [Fig. 3F(iii) and table S7] was well tolerated, but larger changes (replacement with aromatic group biphenylcarboxamide BPC-9) in 5 and 6 led to an apparently abrupt shift in binding mode that was instead dominated by the unnatural hydrophobic aromatic modification (Fig. 3G and Fig. 4C). As for native sugar 1, azide-modified sugar 4 also interacted with spike in a stereochemically specific manner with only the a-anomer displaying interaction [Fig. 3F(iii)], despite dominance of the b-anomer in solution [Fig. 3F(iv)]. uSTA allowed precise dissection of interaction contributions in these unusual hybrid (natural-unnatural) sugar ligands that could not have been determined using classical methods (see text S5). Using variable concentrations of the most potent natural ligand a2,3-trisaccharide 2 [6 mM spike, 2 at 60 mM, 200 mM, 1 mM, and 2 mM excitation at 5.3 ppm] and variable concentrations of spike protein, we used the uSTA method to directly determine solution-phase affinities (Fig. 4A): KD = 32 ± 12 mM, kon = 6300 ± 2300 M–1 s–1, and koff = 0.20 ± 0.08 s–1. We also probed binding in a different mode by measuring the affinity of spike to 2 when displayed on a modified surface (fig. S13) using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis. The latter generated a corresponding KD = 23.7 ± 3.6 mM (kon = 1004 ± 290 M–1 s–1). Such similar values for sialoside ligand in solution (by uSTA) or when displayed at a solid-solution interface (by SPR) suggested no substantial avidity gain from display of multiple sugars on a surface. Structural insights from uSTA delineate binding to SARS-CoV-2 spike
uSTA analyses consistently identified binding hotspots in sugars 1 to 4 providing the highest transfer efficiencies in an atom-specific manner, particular the “end” NHAc-5 acetamide methyl group of the tip sialic acid residue in all. A combination of uSTA with so-called high ambiguity–driven docking (HADDOCK) methods (42, 43) was then used to probe likely regions in SARS-CoV-2 spike for this “end-on” binding mode via uSTA data-driven atomistic 5 of 17
Fig. 4. Quantitative uSTA analyses allow comparison and predictive restraints for protein ligand-binding prediction. (A) Quantitative analysis of the STD build-up curves using a modified set of Bloch-McConnell equations that account for binding and cross-relaxation allow us to determine thermodynamic and kinetic parameters that describe the SARS-CoV-2•2 interaction, KD, kon, and koff. The values obtained are indicated. Errors come from a bootstrapping procedure (see Methods). The lower ligand concentrations yield data that are of lower sensitivity than higher concentrations. The transfer efficiencies will be higher in this case, as more molecules are effectively involved in the binding. Thus, data at lower concentrations will in general have more scatter and higher transfer efficiencies. These data points are desirable for the analysis, as it is here where we expected the greatest variation of transfer efficiency with ligand concentration. The analysis is applied globally and so the uncertainties in the final fitted parameters from the bootstrapping analysis (see Methods) provide a direct and confident measure of the goodness of fit. (B) Normalized uSTA transfer efficiencies of the NAc-5 methyl protons can be determined for each ligand studied here. This allowed relative contributions to “end on” binding to be assessed via uSTA in a “modespecific” manner. This confirmed strong a- over b-sialoside selectivity. Errors were determined through a bootstrapping procedure where mixing times were sampled with replacement, allowing for the construction of histograms of values in the various parameters that robustly reflect their fitting errors. (C) Normalized buildup curves for the most intense resonances allowed two distinct modes of binding Buchanan et al., Science 377, eabm3125 (2022)
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to be identified in natural (1Ð4) and hybrid (5, 6) sugars. Data are shown at constant protein and ligand concentrations. With the BPC moiety present, the build-up of magnetization occurs significantly faster than when not; various such hybrid ligands give highly similar curves. By contrast, natural ligands have a much slower build-up of magnetization. This, together with the absolute transfer efficiencies being very different, and the overall pattern on the interaction map combine to reveal that the ligands are most likely binding via two different modes and possibly locations on the protein. (D) Coupling uSTA with an integrative modeling approach such as HADDOCK (42, 43) allowed generation and, by quantitative scoring against the experimental uSTA data, selection of models that provide atomistic insights into the binding of sugars to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, as shown here by superposition of uSTA binding “map” onto modeled poses. uSTA mapping the interaction between SARS-CoV-2 spike [based on RCSB 7c2l (19)] with ligands 1a, 2, and 3 identifies the NHAc-5 methyl group of the tip sialic acid residue making the strongest interaction with the protein. By filtering HADDOCK models against this information, we obtain structural models that describe the interaction between ligand and protein (fig. S14). Most strikingly, we see the same pattern of interactions between protein and sialic acid moiety in each case, where the NAc methyl pocket is described by a pocket in the spike NTD. Although sequence and structural homology are low (fig. S1), MERS spike protein possesses a corresponding NHAc-binding pocket characterized by an aromatic (Phe39)–hydrogen-bonding (Asp36)–hydrophobic (Ile132) triad (5). 6 of 17
models. In each case, a cluster of likely poses emerged (Fig. 4D) for 1a, 2, and 3 (see fig. S14 for details) consistent with “end-on” binding where the acetamide NHAc-5 methyl group of the sialic acid moiety was held by the unusual b sheet–rich region of the NTD of SARS-CoV-2 spike. Under the restraints of uSTA and homology, a glycan-binding pocket was delineated by a triad of residues (Phe79, Thr259, and Leu18) mediating aromatic, carbonyl hydrogen–bonding, and hydrophobic interactions, respectively. However, the sequence and structural homology to prior (i.e., MERS) coronavirus spike proteins in this predicted region was low; the MERS spike protein uses a corresponding NHAc-binding pocket characterized by an aromatic (Phe39), hydrogen-bonding (Asp36), and hydrophobic (Ile132) triad to bind the modified sugar 9-O-acetyl-sialic acid (5). SARS-CoV-2 glycan attachment mechanisms have to date only identified a role for spike RBD in binding rather than NTD (15, 17). We used
uSTA to compare the relative potency of the sialoside binding identified here to previously identified (17) heparin binding motifs (Fig. 5, A and B). Heparin sugars 7 and 8 of similar size to natural sialosides 3 and 4 were selected so as to allow a near ligand-for-ligand comparison based on similar potential binding surface areas. 7 and 8 also differed from each other only at a single glycan residue (residue 2) site to allow possible dissection of subtle contributions to binding. Unlike the “end-on” binding seen for sialosides 3 and 4, uSTA revealed an extended, nonlocalized binding interface for 7 and 8 consistent instead with “side-on” binding [Fig. 5, A(ii) and B(ii)]. Next, we examined the possible evolution of sialoside binding over lineages of SARS-CoV-2 (44). Four notable variants of concern—alpha/ B1.1.7, beta/B1.351, delta/B.1.617.2, and omicron/ B.1.1.529—emerged in later phases of the pandemic. When these corresponding spike protein variants were probed by uSTA, all displayed
Fig. 5. Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 glycan attachment mechanisms and variant evolution via uSTA suggests binding away from the RBD that is lost. (A and B) Two heparin tetrasaccharides (7, 8) are shown by uSTA [A(iii), B(iii)] to bind B-origin-lineage SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (“original” spike) in a “side-on” mode [A(ii), B(ii)]. Atom specific binding is shown in A(ii) and B(ii). Assignments shown in green use conventional glycan numbering. (C) Substantial numbers of mutations arise in the NTD region identified by uSTA in the B.1.1.7/alpha (cyan), B.1.351/beta (orange), B.1.617.2/delta (dark blue) and B.1.1.529/omicron (green) lineage variants of Buchanan et al., Science 377, eabm3125 (2022)
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ablated binding toward sialoside 2 as compared to first-phase B-origin-lineage spike (Fig. 5D and fig. S15). Finally, to explore the possible role of sialoside binding in relation to ACE2 binding, we also used uSTA to probe the effects upon binding of the addition of a known, potent neutralizing antibody of ACE2-spike binding, C5 (Fig. 5, D and E, and fig. S16) (45, 46). Assessment of binding to sialoside 2 in the presence and absence of antibody at a concentration sufficient to saturate the RBD led to only slight reduction in binding. Uniformly modulated atomic transfer efficiencies and near-identical binding maps (Fig. 5, E and F) were consistent with a maintained sialoside-binding pocket with undisrupted topology and mode of binding. Together, these findings allow us to conclude that the sialoside binding observed with uSTA involves a previously unidentified “endon” mechanism/mode that operates in addition to and potentially cooperatively with
SARS-CoV-2 spike. (D) Ablated binding of the a-2,3-sialo-trisaccharide 2, as measured by the transfer efficiency of the NHAc protons, is identified by uSTA in the lineage variants of SARS-CoV-2 spike [see (C) for colors]. This proves consistent with mutations that appear in the sialoside-binding site of NTD identified in this study [see (C) and Fig. 6]. (E and F) uSTA of sialoside 2 with B-origin-lineage SARS-CoV-2 spike in the presence of the potent RBD-neutralizing nanobody C5 [spike E(i), nanobody-plus-spike E(ii)] shows essentially similar binding patterns with uniformly modulated atomic transfer efficiencies (F). 7 of 17
ACE2 binding in SARS-CoV-2. The primary sialoside glycan-binding site SARS-CoV-2 spike is distinct from that of heparin (“end-on” versus “side-on”), not in the RBD (not neutralized by RBD-binding antibody), and found instead in an unusual NTD region that has become altered in emergent variants (loss of binding in alpha and beta variants of concern). Cryo-EM pinpoints the sialoside-binding site in B-origin-lineage spike
Structural analysis of the possible binding of sialosides has been hampered to date by the moderate resolution, typically less than 3 Å, of most SARS-CoV-2 spike structures. Currently deposited cryo-EM–derived coulombic maps show that the NTD of spike is often the least well-resolved region. In our initial attempts with native protein, large stretches of amino acids within the NTD were not experimentally located (45); the most disordered regions occur in the NTD regions that contribute to the surface of the spike. A stabilized closed mutant form (47) of the spike was examined and gave improvements, but the coulombic map was still too weak and noisy to permit tracing of many of the loops in the NTD. However, with a reported fatty acid– bound form of the spike (48), which has shown prior improved definition of the NTD, we were able to collect a 2.3 Å dataset in the presence of the a2,3-sialo-trisaccharide 9. The map was clear for almost the entire structure including the previously identified linoleic acid (fig. S17D); only 13 N-terminal residues and two loops (residues 618 to 632 and 676 to 689) were not located. Although the density is weaker at the outer surface of the NTD than at the core of the structure (fig. S17B), the map was of sufficient quality to model N-glycosylation at site Asn149, which is in a flexible region, and the fucosylation state of N-linked glycans at Asn165 (Fig. 6A). We observed density in a pocket at the surface of the NTD lined by residues His69, Tyr145, Trp152, Gln183, Leu249, and Thr259 (Fig. 2B and fig. S17). This density is absent in other spike structures of higher than 2.7 Å resolution (PDB IDs 7jji, 7a4n, 7dwy, 6x29, 6zge, 6xlu, 7n8h, 6zb5, and 7lxy), even those (such as PDB IDs 7jji, 6zb5, and 6zge) that have a well-ordered NTD. The density when contoured at 2.6s is fitted by an a-sialoside consistent with the terminal residue of 9, with the distinctive glycerol and N-acetyl groups clear. To further strengthen our confidence in the identification of the sialic acid, we determined a native (unsoaked) structure to 2.4 Å using the same batch of protein (fig. S17D). This structure showed no density in the sialic acid binding site supporting our assignment. The sialoside was therefore included in the refinement and the thermal factors (108 Å2) were comparable to those for the adjacent protein residues (95 to 108 Å2). In this position, the glycerol moiety Buchanan et al., Science 377, eabm3125 (2022)
makes a hydrogen bond with the side chain of Tyr145, the N-acetyl group with Ser247, and the carboxylate with Gln183, and there are hydrophobic interactions with Trp152. Lowering the map threshold to 1.6s would be consistent with a second pyranoside (e.g., galactoside) residue (fig. S17C). At this contour level, the map clearly covers the axially configured carboxylate of the sialic acid (fig. S17). The middle galactoside residue of 9 positioned in this density would make contacts with Arg248 and Leu249. Structural superposition of the NTD with that of the MERS spike (RCSB 6NZK) shows that although the sialic acid–binding pockets of both are on the outer surface, these pockets are 12 Å apart (as judged by the C2 atom of respective sialic acids; Fig. 6D). In MERS spike, sialic acid is bound at the edge of the central b sheet, whereas in SARS-CoV-2 the sugar is bound at the center of the sheet; thus, the pockets use different elements of secondary structure. Because of distinct changes in the structure of the loops connecting the strands, the sialic acid pocket from one protein is not present in the other protein. Several regions of additional density were not fitted by the model (fig. S18).
so-called poly-N-acetyl-lactosamine [polyLacNAc or (Gal-GlcNAc)n] chain-extension variants found in tetraantennary N-linked glycoproteins (Fig. 7D), including those displaying sialyl-GalGlcNAc sialoside motifs (52, 53). Variants in LGALS3BP were present in 9 of 114 a/paucisymptomatic subjects or mildly affected patients (~8%) compared to 8 of the remaining 419 patients who required more intensive care: oxygen support, CPAP/BiPAP, or intubation (18,000 analyzed genes) and B3GNT8 (fifth of >18,000) (Fig. 7A and fig. S19). Variants in these two genes were beneficially associated with less severe disease outcome (Fig. 7, B and C; see also tables S2 to S6 for specific B3GNT8 and LGALS3BP genetic variants, B3GNT8 c2 five categories, B3GNT8 c2 2×2, LGALS3BP c2 five categories, LGALS3BP c2 2×2, respectively). LGALS3BP encodes for a secreted protein, galectin-3–binding protein (Gal-3-BP, also known as Mac-2-BP), that is a partner and blocker of a specific member (Gal-3) of the galectin class of carbohydrate-binding proteins (50). Galectins are soluble and are typically secreted and implicated in a wide range of cellular functions (51). Notably, Gal-3 binds the
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initial structures. uSTA and cryo-EM also identified a second, differing mode of binding in SARS-CoV-2 spike only by hybrid, aromatic sugars (e.g., 5, 6, 9) driven by aromatic engagement, but the physiological relevance of this binding pocket is currently unclear. We cannot exclude the presence of another sialic acid–binding site (15), but there is no structural support for it. The spike sialoside-binding site in the NTD is also coincident or near to numerous mutational and deletion hotspots in, for example, alpha and omicron (His69, Val70, Tyr145) and beta (b strand Leu241-Leu242-Ala243-Leu244) variants of concern (Fig. 5C). Changes remove either key interacting residues (alpha/omicron variant: residues 69, 70, 145) or perturb structurally important residues (beta variant: b strand) that form the pocket. The “end-on” binding we observed is quite different to the “side-on” binding observed for heparin (17). Heparins are often bound in a non–sequencespecific, charge-mediated manner, consistent with such a “side-on” mode. The location of three binding sites in the trimer, essentially at the extreme edges of the spike (Fig. 6C), also imposes substantial geometric constraints for avidity enhancement through multivalency (56, 57). We also find a clear link between our data and genetic analyses of patients that correlate with the severity of their disease. This association suggests potential roles in infection and disease progression for cell-surface glycans and the two glycan-associated genes that we have identified. Despite their independent identification here, both gene products interact around a common glycan motif: the polyLacNAc chain-extension variants found in tetraantennary N-linked glycoproteins. Consistent with the sialoside ligands found here, these glycoproteins contain Sia-Gal-GlcNAc motifs within N-linked polyLacNAc chains. These motifs have recently been identified in the deeper human lung (58). These data lead us to suggest that B-originlineage SARS-CoV-2 virus may have exploited glycan-mediated attachment to host cells (Fig. 7D) using N-linked polyLacNAc chains as a foothold. Reduction of Gal-3-BP function would allow its target, the lectin Gal-3, to bind more effectively to N-linked polyLacNAc chains, thereby competing with SARS-CoV-2 virus. Similarly, loss of b3GnT8 function would ablate the production of foothold N-linked polyLacNAc chains, directly denying the virus a foothold. We cannot exclude other possible mechanisms including, for example, the role of N-linked polyLacNAc chains in T cell regulation (59) or glycolipid ligands (15). This analysis of the influence of genetic variation upon susceptibility to virus was confined to “first wave,” early-pandemic patients infected with B-origin-lineage SARS-CoV-2. Our discovery here also that in B-lineage virus such Buchanan et al., Science 377, eabm3125 (2022)
Fig. 6. Cryo-EM analysis of sialoside binding in B-origin-lineage SARS-CoV-2 spike. (A) In the presence of sialoside 9 (fig. S18), a well-ordered structure with resolution (2.3 Å) sufficient to identify even glycosylation states of N-linked glycans within spike was obtained. Here they reveal a paucimannosidic base bis-fucosylated chitobiose core structure GlcNAcb1,4(Fuca1,3-)(Fuca1,6-)GlcNAc–Asn. (B) The sialosidebinding site in the NTD is bounded by His69, Tyr145, Trp152, Ser247, and Gln183. Gln183 controls stereochemical recognition of a-sialosides by engaging COOH-1. Tyr145 engages the C7-C9 glycerol side chain of sialoside. Ser247 engages the NHAc-5. Notably, Tyr145 and His69 are deleted in the alpha variant of SARS-CoV-2 that loses its ability to bind sialoside (see Fig. 5). See also fig. S17 for coulombic maps. (C) Spike’s sialoside binding site is found in a distinct region of the NTD (left, from side, right from above) that is at the “edge” of the spike (see text). (D) Superposition (right) of SARS-CoV-2-NTD (left, gray) with MERS-NTD (middle, magenta) shows distinct sites 12 Å apart. (E) A comparison of the ligand-binding mode measured by uSTA NMR and a map calculated from the cryo-EM structure. For each hydrogen environment in the resolved sialic acid, an array of distances to all protein hydrogens, r, was calculated. The interaction of each ligand environment with the spike protein was defined as the summation of all 1/r6 environment-protein distances. Values were interpolated in a 1/r6 manner onto heteroatoms following the same procedure according to the described NMR methods, and the color bar was scaled from zero to the maximum value.
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putative sugar ligand identified by uSTA
Sia Gal GlcNAc Man Fuc
host cell surface
Fig. 7. Analyses of early 2020 first-phase SARS-CoV-2 PCR-positive patients reveals glycan-associated genes suggesting a model of glycan interaction consistent with uSTA observations of sialoside binding in B-origin-lineage SARS-CoV-2. (A) GEN-COVID workflow. Left: The GEN-COVID Multicenter Study cohort, of 533 SARS-CoV-2 PCR-positive subjects of different severity from phase one of the pandemic, was used for rare variant identification. Upper right: Whole-exome sequencing (WES) data were analyzed and binarized into 0 or 1 depending on the presence (1) or the absence (0) of variants in each gene. Lower right: LASSO logistic regression feature selection using a Boolean representation of WES data leads to the identification of final sets of features divided according to severity or mildness of disease, contributing to COVID-19 variability. See also (79, 80) for further details of background methodology. (B) Histogram of the LASSO-
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product of gene LGALS3BP = Gal-3-BP
added by the product of gene B3GNT8 = GlcNAcT8
based logistic regression weightings after recursive feature elimination analysis of 533 SARS-CoV-2Ðpositive patients. Positive weights score susceptible response of gene variance to COVID-19 disease, whereas negative weights confer protective action through variance. Variation in glycanassociated genes B3GNT8 and LGALS3BP score second and third out of all (>18,000) genes as the most protective, respectively (highlighted red). (C) Distribution of rare variants in B3GNT8 and LGALS3BP. Left: Rare beneficial mutations distributed along the Gal-3-BP protein product of LGALS3BP, divided into the SRCR (scavenger receptor cysteine-rich) domain (light blue) and the BACK domain (light orange). Right: Rare beneficial mutations distributed along the bGlcNAcT8 protein product of B3GNT8 divided into the predicted transmembrane (TM) domain (light blue) and glycosyltransferase catalytic (GT) domain (light orange), which catalyzes the transfer of polyLacNAc-initiating GlcNAc onto 10 of 17
tetraantennary N-linked glycoproteins [see also (D)]. The different colors of the mutation bands (top to bottom) refer to the severity grading of the PCRpositive patients who carried that specific mutation (red, Hospitalized intubated; orange, Hospitalized CPAP/BiPAP; pink, Hospitalized Oxygen Support; light blue, Hospitalized w/o Oxygen Support; blue, Not hospitalized a/paucisymptomatic). (D) A proposed coherent model consistent with observation of implicated B3GNT8 and LGALS3BP genes and the identification of sialosides as ligands for spike by uSTA and cryo-EM. Strikingly, although independently
binding to certain sialosides was ablated in later phases of the pandemic (after September 2020) in variants of concern further highlights the dynamic role that sugar binding may play in virus evolution and may be linked, as has been previously suggested for H5N1 influenza A virus, to the “switching” of sugar-binding preferences by pathogens during or after zoonotic transitions (1). The focused “end-on” binding of the N-acetyl group in the N-acetyl-sialosides, which are found as the biosynthetically exclusive form of sialosides in humans (60), might have been a contributing factor in driving zoonosis. Finally, our data also raise the question of why binding might be ablated in later variants of SARS-CoV-2. Again by comparison with influenza, which uses neuraminidases for the purpose of “release” when budding from a host cell (61), we speculate that in the absence of its own encoded neuraminidase, SARSCoV-2 must walk a tight balance between the ability to bind human host glycans (potentially useful in a zoonotic leap) and cell-tocell transmission (where release could become rate-limiting). One answer to this problem would be to ablate N-glycan binding via the sialoside motif subsequent to a successful zoonotic leap. This solution also has the advantage of removing a potential site for antibody neutralization for an interaction that might prove pivotal or critical in the context of zoonosis as a potentially global driver of virus fitness. Our combined data and models may therefore support decades-old hypotheses (20) proposing the benefit of cryptic sugar binding by pathogens that may be “switched on and off” to drive fitness in a different manner (e.g., in virulence or zoonosis) as needed. Methods Protein expression and purification: SARS-CoV-2 spike
The templates for wild type, alpha, and beta spike were kindly provided by P. Supasa and G. Screaton (University of Oxford). The gene encoding amino acids 1 to 1208 of the wild type, alpha, and beta SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein ectodomain [with mutations of RRAR → GSAS at residues 682–685 (the furin cleavage site) and KV → PP at residues 986–987, as well as inclusion of a T4 fibritin trimerization domain] was cloned into the pOPINTTGneo-BAP vector using the forward primer (5′-GTCCAAGTTTATACTGAATTCCTCAAGCAGGCCACCATBuchanan et al., Science 377, eabm3125 (2022)
identified, B3GNT8 and LGALS3BP produce gene products bGlcNAcT8 and Gal-3-BP, respectively, that manipulate and/or engage with processes associated with a common polyLacNAc-extended chain motif found on tetraantennary N-linked glycoproteins. A model emerges in which any associated loss of function from variance leads either to loss of polyLacNAc-extended chain (due to loss of initiation by bGlcNAcT8) or enhanced sequestration of by Gal-3 polyLacNAc-extended chain (which is antagonized by Gal-3-BP). Both would potentially lead to reduced access of virus spike to uSTA-identified motifs.
GTTCGTGTTCCTGGTGCTG-3′) and the reverse primer (5′-GTCATTCAGCAAGCTTAAAAAGGTAGAAAGTAATAC-3′), resulting in an aviTag/ Bap sequence plus 6His in the 3′ terminus of the construct. The template for B-lineageorigin (wild type) spike is previously described (62). The templates for the alpha and beta spike are in the supplementary materials. For B-lineage-origin, alpha, and beta spike, Expi293 cells (Thermofisher Scientific) were used to express the Spike-Bap protein. The cells were cultured in Expi293 expression media (Thermofisher Scientific) and were transfected using PEI MAX 40kDa (Polyscience) if cells were >95% viable and had reached a density of 1.5 × 106 to 2 × 106 cells per ml. Following transfection, cells were cultured at 37°C and 5% CO2 at 120 rpm for 17 hours. Enhancers (6 mM valproic acid, 6.5 mM sodium propionate, 50 mM glucose, all from Sigma) were then added and protein was expressed at 30°C for 5 days before purification. For delta and omicron spike, cDNA was synthesized (IDT) as gBlock, flanked by KpnI and XhoI restriction sites based on the HexaPro spike sequence (63). HexaPro delta spike was made based on the B-lineage-origin HexaPro spike with these additional mutations: T19R, G142D, E156G, del157/158, L452R, T478K, D614G, P681R, D950N. HexaPro Omicron BA.1 spike is made based on the original Wuhan HexaPro spike with these additional mutations: A67V, HV69-70 deletion, T95I, G142D, VYY143-145 deletion, N211 deletion, L212I, ins214EPE, G339D, S371L, S373P, S375F, K417N, N440K, G446S, S477N, T478K, E484A, Q493R, G496S, Q498R, N501Y, Y505H, T547K, D614G, H655Y, N679K, P681H, N764K, D796Y, F817P, N856K, A892P, A899P, A942P, Q954H, N969K, L981F, K986P, V987P. Mutations for delta and omicron spike were guided by the following databases: https://covariants.org/variants/21K. Omicron and https://viralzone.expasy.org/ 9556. The cDNA fragment was digested, cleaned up, and ligated to the paH vector backbone using T4 Ligase (the same backbone as the original HexaPro Spike (B-lineage-origin) Addgene plasmid # 154754). Ligated plasmids were transformed in NEB DH5-alpha cells and plated on agar with ampicillin. Colonies were picked, cultured, and purified using the Qiagen HiSpeed MaxiPrep Kit and sent for Sanger sequencing to confirm the identity. Expi293F
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cells were transfected using ExpiFectamine293 transfection reagent (ThermoFisher) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The cells were cultured at 37°C, 8% CO2, 125 rpm (25 mm throw) for 5 to 6 days before purification. For the purification of wild type, alpha, beta, delta, and omicron spike, the medium in which the spike protein was secreted was supplemented with 1× PBS buffer at pH 7.4 (1:1 v/v) and 5 mM NiSO4. The pH was adjusted with NaOH to pH 7.4 and filtered using a 0.8-mm filter. The mixture was stirred at 150 rpm for 2 hours at room temperature. The spike protein was purified on an Akta Express system (GE Healthcare) using a 5-ml His trap FF GE Healthcare column in PBS, 40 mM imidazole, pH 7.4, and eluted in PBS, 300 mM imidazole, pH 7.4. The protein was then injected onto either a Superdex 200 16/600 or 10/300 gel filtration column (GE Healthcare) in deuterated PBS buffer, pH 7.4. The eluted protein was concentrated using an Amicon Ultra-4 100kDa concentrator at 2000 rpm, 16°C (prewashed multiple times with deuterated PBS) to a concentration of roughly 1 mg/ml. Protein expression and purification: Influenza HA
Freestyle 293-F cells were cultured in Freestyle expression media (Life Technologies) (37°C, 8% CO2, 115 rpm orbital shaking). Cells were transfected at a density of 109 cells/liter with pre-incubated expression vector (300 mg/liter) and polyethyleneimine (PEI) MAX (Polysciences) (900 mg/liter). Expression vectors encoded terminally His-tagged wild-type influenza A virus (IAV) NC99 (H1N1) HA or a DRBS mutant previously described (55). After 5 days, supernatant was harvested and protein was purified via immobilized metal chromatography. Protein expression and purification: C5 anti-spike nanobody
C5-Nanobody was purified as described (46). Purified C5 nanobody was then dialyzed into deuterated PBS buffer using 500 ml of Slide-ALyzer cassette (3.5 kDa cutoff). Errors
The errors in the transfer efficiencies were estimated using a bootstrapping procedure. Specifically sample STD spectra were assembled through taking random combinations with replacement of mixing times, and the analysis to 11 of 17
obtain the transfer efficiency was performed on each. This process was repeated 100 times to enable evaluation of the mean and standard deviation transfer efficiency for each residue. Mean values correspond well with the value from the original analysis, and so we take the standard deviation as our estimate in uncertainty, which further is in accord with values obtained from independent repeated measurements. Reagent sources
6′-Sialyllactose sodium salt and 3′-sialyllactose sodium salt were purchased from Carbosynth and used directly (6′-sialyllactose sodium salt, CAS-157574-76-0, 35890-39-2; 3′-sialyllactose sodium salt, CAS-128596-80-5, 35890-38-1). BSA and L-tryptophan were purchased from Sigma Aldrich. Heparin sodium salt, from porcine intestinal mucosa, IU ≥ 100/mg was purchased from Alfa Aesar. All other chemicals were purchased from commercial suppliers (Alfa Aesar, Acros, Sigma Aldrich, Merck, Carbosynth, Fisher, Fluorochem, VWR) and used as supplied, unless otherwise stated. See supplementary materials for syntheses of key compounds. Protein NMR experiments
All NMR experiments in table S8 were conducted at 15°C on a Bruker AVANCE NEO 600 MHz spectrometer with CPRHe-QR-1H/19F/ 13C/15N-5mm-Z helium-cooled cryoprobe. Samples were stored in a Bruker SampleJet sample loader while not in magnet, at 4°C. 1D 1H NMR spectra with w5 water suppression were acquired using the Bruker pulse sequence zggpw5, using the smooth square Bruker shape SMSQ.10.100 for the pulsed-field gradients. The spectrum was centered on the water peak, and the receiver gain was adjusted. Typical acquisition parameters were sweep width of 9615.39 Hz, 16 scans per transient (NS), with four dummy scans, 32,768 complex points (TD), and a recycle delay (d1) of 1 s for a total acquisition time of 54 s. Reference 1D spectra of protein-only samples were acquired similarly with 16,384 scans per transient with a total acquisition time of 12.5 hours. An STD experiment with excitation sculpted water suppression was developed from the Bruker pulse sequence stddiffesgp.2. The saturation was achieved using a concatenated series of 50-ms Gaussian-shaped pulses to achieve the desired total saturation time (d20). The shape of the pulses was specified by the Bruker shape file Gaus.1.1000, where the pulse is divided into 1000 steps and the standard deviation for the Gaussian shape is 165 steps. The field of the pulse was set to 200 Hz, which was calculated internally through scaling the power of the high-power 90° pulse. Buchanan et al., Science 377, eabm3125 (2022)
The total relaxation delay was set to 5 s, during which the saturation pulse was applied. The data were acquired in an interleaved fashion, with each individual excitation frequency being repeated eight times (L4) until the total desired number of scans was achieved. Again, the spectrum was centered on the water peak, and the receiver gain was optimized. After recording of the free induction decay (FID), and prior to the recycle delay, a pair of waterselective pulses wee applied to destroy any unwanted magnetization. For all gradients (excitation sculpting and spoil), the duration was 3 ms using the smooth-square shape SMSQ10.100. In a typical experiment, two excitation frequencies were required, one exciting protein, and one exciting far from the protein (+20,000 Hz, +33 ppm from the carrier). A range of mixing times were acquired to allow us to carefully quantify the buildup curve to obtain KD values. A typical set of values used was 0.1 s, 0.3 s, 0.5 s, 0.7 s, 0.9 s, 1.1 s, 1.3 s, 1.5 s, 1.7 s, 1.9 s, 2.0 s, 2.5 s, 3.0 s, 3.5 s, 4.0 s, and 5.0 s. Off- and on-resonance spectra were acquired for 16 saturation times, giving a total acquisition time of 8.7 hours. The experiment was acquired as a pseudo-3D experiment, with each spectrum being acquired at a chosen set of excitation frequencies and mixing times. Recycle delays were set to 10 s for BSA + tryptophan STDs, and were 5 s otherwise. For STD 10- to 50-ms Gaussian experiments, the saturation times used were every other time from the default STD: 0.1 s, 0.5 s, 0.9 s, 1.3 s, 1.7 s, 2 s, 3 s, 4 s. List1: For STD var freq 1, the on-resonance frequencies in Hz relative to an offset of 2820.61 Hz are: 337.89, 422.36, 524.93, 736.11, 914.10, 1276.12, 1336.46, 1380.21, 1458.64, 1556.69, 1693.96, 2494.93, 2597.50, 2790.58, 2930.86, 3362.27, 3663.95, 3986.75, 4099.88, 4326.15, 4484.53, 4703.25, 4896.33, 5824.01, 6006.53, and 6208.65. The saturation times used were 2 s, 3 s, 4 s, and 5 s. List2: For STD var freq 2, the on-resonance frequencies in Hz relative to an offset of 2820.61 Hz are: –2399.99, –1979.99, –1530.00, –1050.01, –330.021, 338.096, 1679.95, 1829.94, 1979.94, 2129.94, 2279.94, and 2579.93. The saturation times used were 0.1 s, 0.5 s, 2 s, and 5 s. List3: For STD var freq 3, the on-resonance frequencies in Hz relative to an offset of 2820.61 Hz are: –2579.98, –2459.99, –2339.99, –2039.99, –1488.00, –1120.03, –345.02, 311.97, 1079.96, 1379.95, 1679.95, 1979.94, 2279.94, and 2579.93. The saturation times used were 0.1 s, 0.3 s, 0.5 s, and 0.9 s. List4: For STD var freq 4, the on-resonance frequencies in Hz relative to an offset of 2820.61 Hz are: –2461.55, –1973.77, –1518.69, –1270.72, –693.69, –274.80, 280.08, 808.02,
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1047.05, 2055.57, 2630.61, and 2979.65. The saturation times used were 0.1 s, 0.5 s, 0.9 s, 2 s, 3 s, and 4 s. Spectra were also acquired on a 600-MHz spectrometer with Bruker Avance III HD console and 5-mm TCI CryoProbe, running TopSpin 3.2.6, recorded in table S9, and a 950-MHz spectrometer with Bruker Avance III HD console and 5-mm TCI CryoProbe, running TopSpin 3.6.1, recorded in table S11. The 950-MHz spectrometer used a SampleJet sample changer. Samples were stored at 15°C. The parameters used for the STD experiments were the same as above, with the following varying by instrument: On the 600-MHz spectrometer, typical acquisition parameters were sweep width of 9615.39 Hz with typically 128 scans per transient (NS = 16 * L4 = 8), 32,768 complex points in the direct dimension and two dummy scans, executed prior to data acquisition. On the 950-MHz spectrometer, typical acquisition parameters were sweep width of 15,243.90 Hz with typically 128 scans per transient (NS = 16 * L4 = 8), 32,768 complex points in the direct dimension and 2 dummy scans, executed prior to data acquisition. uSTA data analysis
NMR spectra with a range of excitation frequencies and mixing times were acquired on ligand-only, protein-only, and mixed protein/ ligand samples (fig. S6). To analyze an STD dataset, two projections were created by summing over all 1D spectra and summing over all corresponding STD spectra. These two projections provide exceptionally high signal-to-noise, suitable for detailed analysis and reliable peak detection. The UnidecNMR algorithm was first executed on the 1D “pulse off” spectra to identify peak positions and intensities. Having identified possible peak positions, the algorithm then analyzes the STD spectra but only allowing resonances in places already identified in the 1D spectrum. Both analyses are conducted using the protein-only baselines for accurate effective subtraction of the protein baseline without the need to use relaxation filters (fig. S8). The ligand-only spectra were analyzed similarly and in each case, excellent agreement with the known assignments was obtained, providing us with confidence in the algorithm. The mixed protein/ligand spectrum was then analyzed, which returned results very similar to the ligand-only case. Contributions from the protein, although small, were typically evident in the spectra, justifying the explicit inclusion of the protein-only baseline during the analysis. When analyzing the mixture, we included the protein-only background as a peak shape whose contribution to the spectrum could be freely adjusted. In this way, the spectra of protein/ligand mixtures could be accurately and quickly deconvolved, with the identified 12 of 17
ligand resonances occurring in precisely the positions expected from the ligand-only spectra. The results from the previous steps were then used to analyze the STD spectra. As these have much lower signal-to-noise, we fixed the ligand peak positions to be only those previously identified. Otherwise the protocol performed as described previously, where we used protein-only STD data to provide a baseline. These analyses allow us to define a “transfer efficiency,” which is simply the ratio of the signal from a given multiplet in the STD spectrum to the total expected in the raw 1D experiment. To obtain “per atom” transfer efficiencies, signals from the various pre-assumed components on the multiplets from each resonance were first summed before calculating the ratio. In the software, this is achieved by manually annotating the initial peak list using information obtained from independent-assignment experiments (see figs. S21 and S22). Over the course of the project, it became clear that subtracting the transfer efficiencies obtained from a ligand-only sample was an essential part of the method (figs. S9 and S10). Depending on the precise relationship among the chemical shift of excitation, the location of the ligand peaks, and the excitation profile of the Gaussian train, we observed small apparent STD transfer in the ligand-only sample that cannot be attributed to ligand binding, arising from a small residual excitation of ligand protons, followed by internal cross-relaxation. It is likely that this excitation occurs at least in part via resonances of the ligand that are exchange-broadened, such as OH protons, which are not directly observed in the spectrum. When exciting far from the protein, zero ligand excitation is observed, as we would expect, but when exciting close to the methyls, or in the aromatic region, residual ligand excitation could be detected in ligand-only samples (figs. S9 and S10). Without the ligand-only correction, the uSTA surface may appear to be highly dependent on choice of excitation frequency. However, with the ligand correction, the relative uSTA profiles become invariant with excitation frequency. In general, therefore, we advise acquiring these routinely, and so the uSTA analysis assumes the presence of these data (figs. S6 and S8). The invariance of relative transfer efficiency with excitation frequency suggests that the internal evolution of magnetization within the protein during saturation (likely on the micro-/millisecond time scales) is much faster than the effective cross-relaxation rate between protein and ligand (occurring on the seconds time scale). Having identified the relevant resonances of interest and performed both a protein and residual ligand subtraction, we reanalyzed the spectra without first summing over the different mixing times, in order to develop the quantitative atom-specific build-up curves. These Buchanan et al., Science 377, eabm3125 (2022)
were quantitatively analyzed as described below to obtain KD and koff rates. The values we obtain performing this analysis on BSA/Trp closely match those measured by ITC, and the values we measure for ligand 2 and Spike are in good agreement with those measured by SPR as described in the text. The coverage of protons over the ligands studied here was variable; for example, there are no protons on carboxyl groups. To enable a complete surface to be rendered, the transfer efficiencies for each proton were calculated as described above, and the value is then transferred to the adjacent heteroatom. For heteroatoms not connected to an observed proton, a 1/r6 weighted average score was calculated. This approach allows us to define a unique surface. Caution should be exercised when quantitatively interpreting such surfaces where there are no direct measurements of the heteroatom. In practice, raw unformatted FIDs are submitted to the uSTA pipeline, and the various steps described are performed largely automatically, where a user needs to manually adjust processing settings such as phasing and choosing which regions to focus on, iteratively adjust the peak shape to get a good match between the final reconvolved spectrum and the raw data, and input manual atomic assignments for each observed multiplet. The uSTA pipeline then provides a user with a report that shows the results of the various stages of analysis, and uses pymol to render the surfaces. The final transfer efficiencies delivered by the program can be combined with a folder containing a series of HADDOCK models to provide final structural models (Fig. 5). Quantitative analysis via uSTA
In principle, a complete description of the saturation transfer experiment can be achieved via the Bloch-McConnell equations. If we can set up a density matrix describing all the spins in the system, their interactions, and their rates of chemical change in an evolution matrix R, then we can follow the system with time according to: rðt Þ ¼ rð0Þexpð Rt Þ The challenge comes from the number of spins that must be included and the need to accurately describe all the interactions between them, which will need to also include how these are modulated by molecular motions in order to get an accurate description of the relaxation processes. This is illustrated by the CORCEMA method (64) that takes a static structure of a protein/ligand complex and estimates STD transfers. The CORCEMA calculations performed to arrive at cross-relaxation rates assume the complex is rigid, which is often a poor approximation for a protein, and because of the large number of spins involved, the calculation is sufficiently intensive such that
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this calculation cannot be routinely used to fit to experimental data. It would be very desirable to extract quantitative structural parameters, as well as chemical properties such as interaction strengths and association/dissociation rates, directly from STD data. In what follows, we develop a simple quantitative model for the STD experiment to achieve this goal. We will treat the system as comprising just two spins, one to represent the ligand and one to represent the protein, and we allow the two spins to exist either in isolation or in a bound state. We can safely neglect scalar coupling and so we only need to allow the x, y, and z basis operators for each spin, together with an identity operator to ensure that the system returns to thermal equilibrium at long times. As such, our evolution matrix R will be a square matrix with 13 × 13 elements. For the spin part, our model requires us to consider the chemical shift of the ligand in the free and bound states, and the chemical shifts of the protein in the free and bound states. In practice however, it is sufficient to set the free protein state on resonance with the pulse, and the free ligand chemical shift is set to a value that matches experiment. The longitudinal and transverse relaxation rates are calculated for the free and bound states using a simple model assuming in each state there are two dipole-coupled spins separated by a distance R with similar Larmor frequency. In addition, cross-relaxation between ligand and protein is allowed only when the two are bound. The relaxation rates are characterized by an effective distance and an effective correlation time, 1 R1 ¼ K ½J ð0Þ þ 3J ðwÞ þ 6J ð2wÞ 4 1 5 9 R2 ¼ K J ð0Þ þ J ðwÞ þ 3J ð2wÞ 4 2 2 1 s ¼ K ½6J ð2wÞ 4
J ð0Þ
which are each parameterized in terms of an interaction constant (depending on effective distance) 2 m0 ħg2H K¼ 4pr3 and a spectral density function (depending on effective distance) J ðwÞ ¼
2 t 5 1 þ w2 t2
The longitudinal and transverse relaxation rates R1 and R2 describe auto-relaxation of diagonal z elements and xy elements, respectively. The cross-relaxation rates s describe cross-relaxation and couple z elements between the ligand and protein in the bound state. We ensure that the system returns to equilibrium at long times by 13 of 17
adding elements of the form R1M0 or sM0 linking the identify element and the z matrix elements. Overall, the relaxation part of the model is parameterized by two correlation times, one for the ligand and one for the protein/ complex, and three distances, one for the ligand auto-relaxation rates, one for protein autorelaxation rates, and one for the protein/ligand separation. Finally, the chemical kinetics govern the rates at which the spins can interconvert. We will take a simple model where PL ⇆ P + L, whose dissociation constant is given by KD ¼
koff ½P ½L ¼ ½PL kon
The free protein concentration can be determined from knowledge of the KD and the total ligand and protein concentrations: 1 ½P ¼ PTot LTot KD þ 2 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðLTot þ KD PTot Þ2 þ 4PTot KD from which the bound protein concentration and the free and bound ligand concentrations can be easily calculated. The density matrix is initialized with the free and bound protein/ligand concentrations assigned to the relevant z operators. It was found to be important to additionally include a factor that accounts for the increased proton density within the protein. The saturation pulse is then applied either as a concatenated series of Gaussian pulses whose duration and peak power in Hz needs to be specified, exactly matching the pulse shapes and durations used in the experiment (see NMR methods above). Build-up curves and transfer efficiencies can be easily simulated using this model and compared to data, and the various parameters can be optimized to fit to the data. In total, the model is characterized by eight parameters: KD, koff, the correlation times of the ligand and the protein, the three distances described above, and the proton density within the protein. There is substantial correlation between the effects of the various parameters, and care is needed using optimization to avoid local minima. By obtaining data at various protein and ligand concentrations, however, it is possible to break this degeneracy and obtain welldescribed values as in the text. In practical terms, the initial rate of the buildup curve is predominantly affected by the crossrelaxation rate and the off rate, and the final height of the build-up curve is mostly influenced by the proton density in the protein and KD. Software to perform this analysis has been directly incorporated into the uSTA software. Parameters fitted by the model
Overall the model is parameterized by a set of values that characterize the intrinsic and Buchanan et al., Science 377, eabm3125 (2022)
cross relaxation. From tG and rIS(ligand) we estimate R1 and R2 of the ligand; from tE and rIS(protein) we obtain R1 and R2 of the protein; and from tE and rIS(complex) we calculate the cross-relaxation rate. These values are combined with a factor that accounts for the larger number of spins present in the protein, “fac,” and the on and off rates, to complete a set of eight parameters that specify our model. The distances should be considered “effective” values that parameterize the relaxation rates, although in principle it should be possible to obtain physical insights from their interpretation. The concentration-independent relaxation rates can be separated from the exchange rates by comparing the curves as a function of ligand and protein concentration. By treating the system as comprising two spins, we are effectively assuming that the cross-relaxation within the protein is very efficient. In the STD experiment, saturation pulses are applied for several seconds, which is sufficient for nearsaturating spin diffusion within a protein. Because of the complexity of the model, optimization of the parameters via a gradient descent method can get stuck in local minima. In practical applications, it is advisable to start the optimization over a range of initial conditions, particularly in the rates, to ensure that the lowest possible c2 is achieved. Thermostability assays
Thermal stability assays were performed using a NanoTemper Prometheus NT.48 (Membrane Protein Laboratory, Diamond Light Source). To 11 ml of 2 mM spike (deuterated PBS), 2 ml of trisaccharide 2 (deuterated PBS) was titrated to give final concentrations of 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, and 2.0 mM. Samples were then loaded into capillaries and heated from 15° to 95°C. Analysis was performed using PR.ThermControl v2.3.1 software. SPR binding measurement assays
All experiments were performed on a Biacore T200 instrument. For the immobilization of SiaLac onto the sensor chip, a flow rate of 10 ml/min was used in a buffer solution of HBPEP (0.01 M HEPES pH 7.4, 0.15 M NaCl, 3 mM EDTA, 0.005% v/v surfactant P20). A CM5 sensor chip (carboxymethylated dextran) was equilibrated with HBS-EP buffer at 20°C. The chip was activated by injecting a mixture of Nhydroxysuccinimide (50 mM) and EDC-HCl (200 mM) for 10 min followed by a 2-min wash step with buffer. Ethylenediamine (1 M in PBS) was then injected for 7 min followed by a 2-min wash step followed by ethanolamineHCl (1 M, pH 8.5) for 10 min and then a further 1-min wash step. Finally, SiaLac-IME (5.6 mM in PBS) reagent 10 was injected over 10 min and a final 2-min wash step was performed (see fig. S13 and supplementary materials for further details).
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For analysis of spike binding, a flow rate of 10 ml/min was used at 16°C. Serial dilutions of spike (0.19, 0.50, 1.36, and 3.68 mM) were injected for 30 s association and 150 s dissociation starting with the lowest concentration. Buffer-only runs were carried out before injection of spike and after the first two dilutions. BSA (3.03 mM in PBS) was used as a negative control, and a mouse serum in a 100-fold dilution was used as a positive control. Analysis of SPR data
To analyze the SPR data, we assume an equilibrium of the form PL ⇆ P + L characterized by a dissociation constant KD ¼
koff ½P½L ¼ ½PL kon
To follow the kinetics of binding and dissociation, we assume that the SPR response G is proportional to the bound complex G = k[PL], which leads to the following kinetic equation: dG koff þ G dt k
kon ½P ½L ¼ 0 k
This can be solved when restrained by the total number of binding sites, Ltot = [L] + [PL]. Under conditions of constant flow, we assume that the free protein concentration is constant, which leads to the following: Gon ¼ kkon Ltot ½P f1 koff þ kon ½P
exp½ ðkoff þ kon ½P Þt g
And similarly, for dissociation where we take the concentration of free protein to be zero: Goff ¼ kRe
koff t
The recovery of the chip was not complete after each protein concentration and wash step, as has been observed for shear-induced lectinligand binding with glycans immobilized onto a chip surface (65). Nonetheless, the data were well explained by a global analysis where the on and off rates were held to be identical for each replicate, but the value of k was allowed to vary slightly between runs, and an additional constant was introduced to Goff to account for incomplete recovery of the SPR signal following standard approaches. Concentration of spike was insufficient to get the plateau region of the binding, and so the specific time values taken for the on rate affect the fitted values. Modeling of the N-terminal domain of SARS-CoV-2 with glycans
We modeled the structure of the NTD on Protein Data Bank (PDB) entry 7c2l (19) because it provided much better coverage of the area of interest when compared to the majority of the templates available at PDB as of 15 July 2020. The models were created with Modeller (66), 14 of 17
using the “automodel” protocol without refining the “loop.” We generated 10 models and ranked them by their DOPE score (67), selecting the top five for ensemble docking. Docking of 3′-sialyllactose to SARS-CoV-2 NTD
We docked 3′-sialyllactose to NTD with version 2.4 of the HADDOCK webserver (42, 43). The binding site on NTD was defined by comparison with PDB entry 6q06 (5), a complex of MERS-CoV spike protein and 2,3-sialyl-Nacetyl-lactosamine. The binding site could not be directly mapped because of conformational differences between the NTDs of MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2, but by inspection a region with similar properties (aromatics, methyl groups, and positively charged residues) could be identified. We defined in HADDOCK the sialic acid as “active” and residues 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 68, 76, 77, 78, 79, 244, 254, 255, 256, 258, and 259 of NTD as “passive,” meaning the sialic acid needs to make contact with at least one of the NTD residues but there is no penalty if it doesn’t contact all of them, thus allowing the compound to freely explore the binding pocket. Because only one restraint was used, we disabled the random removal of restraints. Following our small-molecule docking recommended settings (68), we skipped the “hot” parts of the semi-flexible simulated annealing protocol (“initiosteps” and “cool1_steps” set to 0) and also lowered the starting temperature of the last two substages to 500 and 300 K, respectively (“tadinit2_t” and “tadinit3_t” to 500 and 300, respectively). Clustering was performed based on “RMSD” with a distance cutoff of 2 Å, and the scoring function was modified to HADDOCKscore ¼ 1:0∗EvdW þ 0:1∗Eelec þ 1:0∗Edesol þ 0:1∗EAIR All other settings were kept to their default values. Finally, the atom-specific transfer efficiencies determined by uSTA were used to filter cluster candidates. Cryo-EM analysis
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, generated and purified as described (48), in 1.1 mg/ml was incubated with 10 mM ethyl(triiodobenzamide) siallyllactoside overnight at 4°C. A 3.5-ml sample was applied to glow-discharged Quantifoil gold R1.2/1.3 300-mesh grids and blotted for ~3 s at 100% humidity and 6°C before vitrification in liquid ethane using Vitrobot (FEI). Two datasets were collected on Titan Krios equipped with a K2 direct electron detector at the cryo-EM facility (OPIC) in the Division of Structural Biology, University of Oxford. Both datasets were collected by SerialEM at a magnification of 165,000× with a physical pixel size of 0.82 Å per pixel. Defocus range was –0.8 mm to –2.4 mm. Total doses for the Buchanan et al., Science 377, eabm3125 (2022)
two datasets were 60 e/Å2 (5492 movies) and 61 e/Å2 (8284 movies), respectively. Motion correction was performed by MotionCor2 (69). The motion-corrected micrographs were imported into cryoSPARC (70) and contrast transfer function values were estimated using Gctf (71) in cryoSPARC. Templates were produced by 2D classification from 5492 micrographs with particles auto-picked by Laplacian-of-Gaussian (LoG)–based algorithm in RELION 3.0 (72, 73). Particles were picked from all micrographs using Template picker in cryoSPARC. Multiple rounds of 2D classification were carried out and the selected 2D classes (372,157 particles) were subjected to 3D classification (Heterogeneous Refinement in cryoSPARC) using six classes. One class was predominant after 3D classification. Nonuniform refinement (74) was performed for this class (312,018 particles) with C1 and C3 symmetry, respectively, yielding a 2.27 Å map for C3 symmetry and a 2.44 Å map for C1 symmetry. See also fig. S23 and table S12 for cryo-EM data collection, refinement, and validation statistics. Genetic analysis of clinical samples
Variant calling: Reads were mapped to the hg19 reference genome by the Burrow-Wheeler aligner BWA. Variants calling was performed according to the GATK4 best practice guidelines. Namely, duplicates were first removed by MarkDuplicates, and base qualities were recalibrated using BaseRecalibration and ApplyBQSR. HaplotypeCaller was used to calculate Genomic VCF files for each sample, which were then used for multi-sample calling by GenomicDBImport and GenotypeGVCF. In order to improve the specificity-sensitivity balance, variants’ quality scores were calculated by VariantRecalibrator and ApplyVQSR, and only variants with estimated truth sensitivity above 99.9% were retained. Variants were annotated by ANNOVAR. Rare variant selection: Missense, splicing, and loss-of-function variants with a frequency lower than 0.01 according to ExAC_NFE (Non Finnish European ExAC Database) were considered for further analyses. A score of 0 was assigned to each sample where the gene is not mutated, and a score of 1 was assigned when at least one variant is present on the gene. The cohort was distributed as follows. Ethnicity: 504 white, 4 Black, 5 Asian, 16 Hispanic ethnicity, 4 patients for which this information was not available. Sex: 317 male, 216 female. Age: minimum age 19 years, maximum age 99 years, mean age 62.5 years. Gene prioritization by logistic regression
Discriminating genes in COVID-19 disease were interpreted in a framework of feature selection analysis using a customized feature selection approach based on the recursive feature elimination algorithm applied to the LASSO logistic
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regression model. Specifically, for a set of n samples {xi, yi} (i = 1, …, n), each of which consists of p input features xi,k ∈ ci, k = 1, …, p and one output variable yi ∈ Y, these features assumed the meaning of genes, whereas the samples were the patients involved in the study. The space c = c1 × c2 … × cp was denoted “input space,” whereas the “hypothesis space” was the space of all the possible functions f: c → Y mapping the inputs to the output. Given that the number of features (p) is substantially higher than the number of samples (n), LASSO regularization (49) has the effect of shrinking the estimated coefficients to zero, providing a feature selection method for sparse solutions within the classification tasks. Feature selection methods based on such regularization structures (embedded methods) were most applicable to our scope because they were computationally tractable and strictly connected with the classification task of the ML algorithm. As the baseline algorithm for the embedded method, we adopted the logistic regression (LR) model that is a state-of-the-art ML algorithm for binary classification tasks with probabilistic interpretation. It models the log-odds of the posterior success probability of a binary variable as the linear combination of the input: log
p X PrðY ¼ 1jX ¼ xÞ ¼ b0 þ bk xk 1 PrðY ¼ 1jX ¼ xÞ k¼1
where x is the input vector, bk are the coefficients of the regression, and X and Y are the random variables representing the input and the output, respectively. The loss function to be minimized is given by the binary crossentropy loss n X
^i ð1 ½yi log y
yi Þlogð1
^ i Þ y
^ = Pr(Y = 1|X = x) is the predicted where y target variable and y is the true label. As already introduced, in order to enforce both the sparsity and the interpretability of the results, the model is trained with the additional LASSO regularization term l
p X
jbk j
In this way, the absolute value of the surviving weights of the LR algorithm was interpreted as the feature importance of the subset of most relevant genes for the task. Because a featureranking criterion can become suboptimal when the subset of removed features is large (75), we applied recursive feature elimination (RFE) methodology. For each step of the procedure, we fitted the model and removed the features with smallest ranking criteria in a recursive manner until a certain number of features was reached. 15 of 17
The fundamental hyperparameter of LR is the strength of the LASSO term tuned with a grid search procedure on the accuracy of the 10-fold cross-validation. The k-fold cross-validation provided the partition of the dataset into k batches, then exploited k–1 batches for the training and the remaining test batch as a test, by repeating this procedure k times. In the grid search method, a cross-validation procedure was carried out for each value of the regularization hyperparameter in the range [10–4, ..., 106]. Specifically, the optimal regularization parameter is chosen by selecting the most parsimonious parameter whose cross-validation average accuracy falls in the range of the best one along with its standard deviation. During the fitting procedure, the class unbalancing was tackled by penalizing the misclassification of minority class with a multiplicative factor inversely proportional to the class frequencies. For the RFE, the number of included features at each step of the algorithm as well as the final number of features was fixed at 100. All data preprocessing and the RFE procedure were coded in Python; the LR model was used, as included, in the scikit-learn module with the liblinear coordinate descent optimization algorithm. RE FE RENCES AND N OT ES
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We thank X. Chen (University of California, Davis) for providing the plasmid encoding Pd2,6ST; J. Mascola (NIH) for the plasmids encoding IAV NC99 (H1N1) HA variants; P. Supasa and G. Screaton (University of Oxford) for templates for alpha and beta spike; M. Kutuzov and O. Dushek for useful discussions and assistance with SPR experiments; A. Quigley and N. Gamage [Wellcome Trust Membrane Protein Lab, Diamond Light Source (20289/Z16/Z)] for help with thermal stability assays; C. Redfield for assistance with high-field Bruker instrumentation; and L. Baker for insights into the structural models. Funding: Upgrades of 600-MHz and 950-MHz spectrometers were funded by the Wellcome Trust (grant ref: 095872/Z/10/Z) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grant ref: EP/R029849/1), respectively, and by the University of Oxford Institutional Strategic Support Fund, the John Fell Fund, and the Edward Penley Abraham Cephalosporin Fund. We thank the Wellcome Trust for support (20289/Z/16/Z and 100209/Z/12/Z). I.B. is an Investigator of the Wellcome Trust (106115/Z/14/Z). Cryo-EM time was funded by a philanthropic gift to support COVID-19 research at the University of Oxford. The Chemistry theme at the Rosalind Franklin Institute is supported by the EPSRC (V011359/1 (P)). This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement 101002859). A.M.J.J.B. and P.I.K. acknowledge financial support from the European Union Horizon 2020 projects BioExcel (823830) and EOSC-Hub (777536) and the IMI-CARE project (101005077). This study is part of the GEN-COVID Multicenter Study (https://sites.google.com/dbm.unisi.it/gen-covid), the Italian multicenter study aimed at identifying the COVID-19 host genetic bases. Specimens were provided by the COVID-19 Biobank of Siena, which is part of the Genetic Biobank of Siena, member of BBMRI-IT, of Telethon Network of Genetic Biobanks (project GTB18001), of EuroBioBank, and of RDConnect. We thank the CINECA consortium for providing computational resources and the Network for Italian Genomes (NIG; www.nig. cineca.it) for its support. We thank private donors for the support provided to AR (Department of Medical Biotechnologies, University of Siena) for the COVID-19 host genetics research project (D.L n.18 of March 17, 2020). We also thank the COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative (www.covid19hg.org/), MIUR project “Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2018–2020” to the Department of Medical Biotechnologies University of Siena, Italy, and “Bando Ricerca COVID-19 Toscana” project to Azienda Ospedaliero– Universitaria Senese. We thank Intesa San Paolo for the 2020 charity fund dedicated to the project N.B/2020/0119 “Identificazione delle basi genetiche determinanti la variabilità clinica della risposta a COVID-19 nella popolazione italiana” and the Tuscany Region for funding within “Bando Ricerca COVID-19 Toscana” project supporting research at the Azienda OspedalieroUniversitaria Senese. The Italian Ministry of University and Research for funding within the “Bando FISR 2020” in COVID-19 fo the project “Editing dell’RNA contro il Sars-CoV-2: hackerare il virus per identificare bersagli molecolari e attenuare l’infezione HACKTHECOV” and the Istituto Buddista Italiano Soka Gakkai for
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funding the project “PAT-COVID: Host genetics and pathogenetic mechanisms of COVID-19” (ID n. 2020-2016_RIC_3). We thank EU project H2020-SC1-FA-DTS-2018-2020, entitled “International consortium for integrative genomics prediction (INTERVENE)” grant agreement 101016775. Author contributions: B.G., C.J.B., M.J.D., T.D.W.C., and A.J.B. ran NMR experiments. A.J.B. and C.J.B. developed the underlying deconvolution algorithm, UnidecNMR. A.J.B. developed the modified Bloch-McConnell KD analysis method. A.J.B. and C.J.B. performed the processing, uSTA applications, and surrounding analysis. C.J.B. and A.K. assigned key uSTA spectra. P.H. and A.L.B. purified spike protein and prepared samples for NMR analysis; P.H. and A.L.B. conducted thermal denaturation assays. A.K. synthesized 9-BPC-Neu5Ac, expressed and purified NmCSS and Pd2,6ST, assigned proton peaks in 1H NMR spectra of sialosides, designed TOCSY NMR experiments, and performed the SPR experiments. A.M.G., A.K., and X.X. synthesized 5, 6, and 9. AMG generated reagents for SPR studies. A.K., A.M.G., and A.J.B. analyzed SPR data. G.P. generated 7 and 8 and assigned their 1H NMR spectra. J.H. cloned spike-BAP; P.W., M.D., L.S., and T.K.T. expressed spike protein. A.L. aided design of protein-ligand NMR experiments, prepared samples, and contributed to data analysis. A.R. is coordinating the GEN-COVID Consortium and supervised the genotype-phenotype correlation of glycosylation-associated genes. A.G. performed WES experiments. E.B. performed WES alignment and joint call, which was supervised by S.F. N.P. performed logistic regression analysis, which was supervised by M.G. M.B. and F.F. collected and supervised the collection of clinical data. C.F. and S.D. performed specific analysis on B3GNT8 and LGALS3BP genes. L.P.D. and Q.J.S. performed HA expression and assisted with experimental design. A.M.J.J.B. and P.I.K. performed the structural modeling of the SARS-CoV-2 spike-sugar interactions. A.J.B. and A.M.J.J.B. scored these against the NMR data to obtain structural models for the complex. V.C.-A., C.J.B., A.J.B., and B.G.D. produced figures. J.H.N., Y.Y., and J.L. performed the EM experiments and analysis. I.B., C.S., and K.G. produced the protein used in EM. B.G.D., A.J.B., T.D.W.C., and J.H.N. supervised and designed experiments, analyzed data, and wrote the manuscript. All authors read and commented on the manuscript. Competing interests: The uSTA software is freely available to all academic users. In the event that the uSTA is licensed by a commercial party, C.J.B. and A.J.B. will then be afforded royalties in line with standard university practice. All authors declare that they have no other competing interests. Data and materials availability: The plasmid for the C5 nanobody is available on Addgene (plasmid #171925). Raw spectral data for Figs. 1 to 5 and the data used to plot Fig. 4, A to C have been deposited (76). Associated spectral data are also shown in table S7. HADDOCK datasets and results have been deposited (77). All associated clinical data have been supplied in tables S1 to S6, conducted under trial (NCT04549831, www.clinicaltrial.org). The uSTA software is free for academic use and has been deposited (78). The coordinates and EM maps have been deposited with the RCSB: Spike_native_C1 (EMDB-14155), Spike_native_C3 (EMDB-14153) (PDB 7QUS). Spike_ sialic acid _C1 (EMDB-14154) and Spike_ sialic acid_C3 (EMDB-14152) (PDB 7QUR). License information: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. To view a copy of this license, visit https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. This license does not apply to figures/photos/artwork or other content included in the article that is credited to a third party; obtain authorization from the rights holder before using such material.
science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abm3125 Supplementary Methods Supplementary Text Figs. S1 to S23 Tables S1 to S12 References (81–102) Submitted 16 September 2021; accepted 16 June 2022 Published online 23 June 2022 10.1126/science.abm3125
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G O L D O P E N A C C E S S , D I G I TA L , A N D F R E E T O A L L R E A D E R S
A transcriptional regulator that boosts grain yields and shortens the growth duration of rice Shaobo Wei†, Xia Li†, Zefu Lu, Hui Zhang, Xiangyuan Ye, Yujie Zhou, Jing Li, Yanyan Yan, Hongcui Pei, Fengying Duan, Danying Wang, Song Chen, Peng Wang, Chao Zhang, Lianguang Shang, Yue Zhou, Peng Yan, Ming Zhao, Jirong Huang, Ralph Bock, Qian Qian, Wenbin Zhou*
INTRODUCTION: Rapid population growth, ris-
ing meat consumption, and the expanding use of crops for nonfood and nonfeed purposes increase the pressure on global food production. At the same time, the excessive use of nitrogen fertilizer to enhance agricultural production poses serious threats to both human health and the environment. To achieve the required yield increases and make agriculture more sustainable, intensified breeding and genetic engineering efforts are needed to obtain new crop varieties with higher photosynthetic capacity and improved nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). However, progress has been slow, largely due to the limited knowledge about regulator genes that potentially can coordinately optimize carbon assimilation and nitrogen utilization. RATIONALE: Transcription factors control diverse biological processes by binding to the promoters (or intragenic regions) of target genes, and a number of transcription factors have been identified that control carbon fixation and nitrogen assimilation. A previous comparative analysis of maize and rice leaf transcriptomes and metabolomes revealed a set of 118 candidate transcription factors that may act as regulators of C4 photosynthesis. We screened
these transcription factors for their responsiveness to light and nitrogen supply in rice, and found that the gene Dehydration-Responsive Element-Binding Protein 1C (OsDREB1C), a member of the APETALA2/ethylene-responsive element binding factor (AP2/ERF) family, exhibits properties expected of a regulator that can simultaneously modulate photosynthesis and nitrogen utilization. RESULTS: OsDREB1C expression is induced in rice by both light and low-nitrogen status. We generated overexpression lines (OsDREB1COE) and knockout mutants (OsDREB1C-KO) in rice, and conducted field trials in northern, southeastern, and southern China from 2018 to 2021. OsDREB1C-OE plants exhibited 41.3 to 68.3% higher yield than wild-type (WT) plants due to increased grain number per panicle, elevated grain weight, and enhanced harvest index. We observed that light-induced growth promotion of OsDREB1C-OE plants was accompanied by enhanced photosynthetic capacity and concomitant increases in photosynthetic assimilates. In addition, 15N feeding experiments and field studies with different nitrogen fertilization regimes revealed that NUE was improved in OsDREB1C-OE plants due to elevated
Rice: yield increases 41.3 – 68.3%
Transcription factors related to C4 photosynthesis OsDREB1C
Early flowering
Enhanced photosynthesis
Wheat: yield increases 17.2 – 22.6%
Low nitrogen C
OsNRT1.1B OsNRT2.4
Improved nitrogen use efficiency C Carbon assimilated by photosynthesis N Nitrogen taken up by roots
OsDREB1C coordinates yield and growth duration. OsDREB1C was identified by its responsiveness to light and low nitrogen in a screen of 118 transcription factors related to C4 photosynthesis. Transcriptional activation of multiple downstream target genes by OsDREB1C confers enhanced photosynthesis, improved nitrogen utilization, and early flowering. Together, the activated genes cause substantial yield increases in rice and wheat. 386
22 JULY 2022 ¥ VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
nitrogen uptake and transport activity. Moreover, OsDREB1C overexpression led to more efficient carbon and nitrogen allocation from source to sink, thus boosting grain yield, particularly under low-nitrogen conditions. Additionally, the OsDREB1C-OE plants flowered 13 to 19 days earlier and accumulated higher biomass at the heading stage than WT plants under longday conditions. OsDREB1C is localized in the nucleus and the cytosol and functions as a transcriptional activator that directly binds to cis elements in the DNA, including dehydration-responsive element (DRE)/C repeat (CRT), GCC, and G boxes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) and transcriptomic analyses identified a total of 9735 putative OsDREB1C-binding sites at the genome-wide level. We discovered that five genes targeted by OsDREB1C [ribulosel,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase small subunit 3 (OsRBCS3), nitrate reductase 2 (OsNR2), nitrate transporter 2.4 (OsNRT2.4), nitrate transporter 1.1B (OsNRT1.1B), and flowering locus T-like 1 (OsFTL1)] are closely associated with photosynthesis, nitrogen utilization, and flowering, the key traits altered by OsDREB1C overexpression. ChIP-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (ChIP-qPCR) and DNA affinity purification sequencing (DAP-seq) assays confirmed that OsDREB1C activates the transcription of these genes by binding to the promoter of OsRBCS3 and to exons of OsNR2, OsNRT2.4, OsNRT1.1B, and OsFTL1. By showing that biomass and yield increases can also be achieved by OsDREB1C overexpression in wheat and Arabidopsis, we have demonstrated that the mode of action and the biological function of the transcription factor are evolutionarily conserved. CONCLUSION: Overexpression of OsDREB1C not only boosts grain yields but also confers higher NUE and early flowering. Our work demonstrates that by genetically modulating the expression of a single transcriptional regulator gene, substantial yield increases can be achieved while the growth duration of the crop is shortened. The existing natural allelic variation in OsDREB1C, the highly conserved function of the transcription factor in seed plants, and the ease with which its expression can be altered by genetic engineering suggest that this gene could be the target of future crop improvement strategies toward more efficient and more sustainable food production.
The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] These authors contributed equally to this work. Cite this article as S. Wei et al., Science377, eabi8455 (2022). DOI: 10.1126/science.abi8455
READ THE FULL ARTICLE AT https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abi8455 science.org SCIENCE
A transcriptional regulator that boosts grain yields and shortens the growth duration of rice Shaobo Wei1†, Xia Li1†, Zefu Lu1, Hui Zhang2, Xiangyuan Ye1, Yujie Zhou1, Jing Li1, Yanyan Yan1, Hongcui Pei1, Fengying Duan1, Danying Wang3, Song Chen3, Peng Wang4, Chao Zhang5, Lianguang Shang5, Yue Zhou6, Peng Yan6, Ming Zhao1, Jirong Huang2, Ralph Bock7, Qian Qian1,3, Wenbin Zhou1* Complex biological processes such as plant growth and development are often under the control of transcription factors that regulate the expression of large sets of genes and activate subordinate transcription factors in a cascade-like fashion. Here, by screening candidate photosynthesis-related transcription factors in rice, we identified a DREB (Dehydration Responsive Element Binding) family member, OsDREB1C, in which expression is induced by both light and low nitrogen status. We show that OsDREB1C drives functionally diverse transcriptional programs determining photosynthetic capacity, nitrogen utilization, and flowering time. Field trials with OsDREB1C-overexpressing rice revealed yield increases of 41.3 to 68.3% and, in addition, shortened growth duration, improved nitrogen use efficiency, and promoted efficient resource allocation, thus providing a strategy toward achieving much-needed increases in agricultural productivity.
lobally, >800 million people are suffering from hunger and food insecurity (1). By 2050, crop production needs to be increased by 50 to 70% to feed nearly 10 billion people despite the reduced availability of arable land on the planet (2, 3). Meeting this challenge will likely require the development of new breeding and genetic engineering strategies that optimize photosynthetic capacity as well as water and nutrient use efficiency (4). Growth and crop yield depend on carbon and nitrogen assimilation and photosynthate translocation from vegetative source organs to sink tissues (5, 6). For example, nitrogen uptake and transport must be coordinated with carbon fixation and the production of carbohydrates by photosynthesis. Therefore, research efforts have been devoted to identifying transcriptional regulators that control the coordination between carbon assimilation and nitrogen utilization (7, 8). 1
Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China. 2Shanghai Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Sciences, College of Life Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China. 3State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology, China National Rice Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310006, China. 4CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032, China. 5Lingnan Laboratory of Modern Agriculture, Genome Analysis Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture, Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenzhen 518124, China. 6State Key Laboratory of Protein and Plant Gene Research, School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences, PekingTsinghua Center for Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China. 7Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Am Mühlenberg, 14476 Potsdam-Golm, Germany. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] These authors contributed equally to this work.
Wei et al., Science 377, eabi8455 (2022)
22 July 2022
As the regulators of biological processes, transcription factors control plant metabolism, growth, and development by binding to the promoters (or intragenic regions) of target genes (9, 10). An example of a transcription factor in plant architecture is TB1 (Teosinte Branched 1) of maize, which limits branch outgrowth and initiates the formation of female inflorescences (11, 12). The transcription factor IPA1 (Ideal Plant Architecture 1) promotes rice yield by reducing unproductive tillers and increasing grain number per panicle. Elevated IPA1 levels also enhance pathogen immunity (13, 14). Another transcription factor, HYR (HIGHER YIELD RICE), enhances the expression of photosynthesis genes and can increase rice yield under multiple stress conditions (15). The rice transcription factor GRF4 (GROWTH-REGULATING FACTOR4) coordinates nitrogen assimilation, carbon fixation, and growth (7). Often, binding motifs and functions of transcription factors are conserved in monocot and dicot species (7, 16). Previous work has been directed at identifying key transcription factors that regulate photosynthesis, and nitrogen and carbon metabolism, using comparative analysis of maize and rice leaf transcriptomes and metabolomes (17). A set of 118 transcription factors were considered as candidate regulators of photosynthesis and, especially, of favorable properties related to C4 photosynthesis (17). Here, we screened these transcription factors for their responsiveness to light and nitrogen supply in rice. We report the identification of a transcription factor from the DREB (Dehydration Responsive Element Binding) family, OsDREB1C, that modulates both photosynthesis and nitrogen utilization.
Overexpression of OsDREB1C not only increases rice yields, but also confers early grain maturation because of higher rates of photosynthesis, improved nitrogen utilization, and early flowering. The versatile functions of OsDREB1C are likely conferred by the transcription factor acting near the top of the hierarchy and coordinately targeting multiple genes and pathways. Recognition of the conserved dehydration-responsive element (DRE)/ C repeat (CRT) motif present in these loci facilitates fine-tuning of the intricate networks of carbon assimilation, nitrogen utilization, resource allocation, and induction of flowering. Our results uncover OsDREB1C as a transcriptional regulator that promotes the expression of key genes in carbon and nitrogen metabolism and controls flowering pathways in crops, thus providing a target for future crop improvement strategies. RESULTS OsDREB1C boosts grain yield and harvest index
To investigate how the coordination of photosynthesis and nitrogen utilization affects grain yield in cereals, we conducted RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) analyses in rice plants grown under low- versus high-nitrogen conditions (18). We examined the differential expression of the subset of transcription factors associated with photosynthesis gene expression in maize (17). We detected nitrogen-regulated expression for 13 of these transcription factors, with five genes showing a greater than fourfold induction under low-nitrogen conditions (Fig. 1A). Investigation of light-regulated mRNA accumulation showed that one of the five genes, Os06g0127100 (encoding a DREB-type transcription factor previously shown to be inducible by abiotic stress), displayed a diurnal rather than a circadian expression profile, with expression increasing with the duration of light exposure (Fig. 1B and fig. S1). To facilitate the functional analysis of this apparently nitrogen-regulated and light-induced transcription factor, we generated a series of OsDREB1C-overexpressing lines (OsDREB1C-OE) and OsDREB1C-knockout mutants (OsDREB1CKO) in the Oryza sativa cv. Nipponbare genetic background (fig. S2). Field tests of these plant lines in Beijing in 2018 revealed that OsDREB1C overexpression led to increases in grain yield per plant of 45.1 to 67.6% and in yield per plot of 41.3 to 68.3% compared with wild-type (WT) plants (Fig. 1C). Conversely, OsDREB1C KO resulted in yield decreases (from 16.1 to 29.1% in yield per plant and 13.8 to 27.8% in yield per plot) compared with the WT (Fig. 1, D and E, and table S1). A detailed phenotypic analysis showed that the higher yield of the OsDREB1C-OE lines was mainly attributable to an enhanced grain number per panicle and an increased 1000-grain weight (Fig. 1F and fig. S3C), traits apparently resulting from increased 1 of 10
15 0
Time (h)
** * **
** 200
G 150
** ** **
** **
T O E1 O E2 O E5 KO 1 KO 2 KO 3
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** 100
** **
** **
secondary branch number and grain length, width, thickness, and density (fig. S3, A and B and D to K, respectively). The OsDREB1C-OE plants exhibited higher grain yield but reduced straw weight compared with WT plants (Fig. 1G), thus leading to an increased harvest index (the ratio of grain yield to aboveground biomass; Fig. 1H) and raising the possibility that OsDREB1C controls resource allocation between vegetative and reproductive tissues. The harvest index of OsDREB1C-OE plants was increased by 40.3 to 55.7%, whereas it was decreased by 22.4 to 33.7% in OsDREB1C-KO plants (table S1). In addition, key grain quality traits were enhanced in OsDREB1C-OE plants, suggesting that yield improvement does not entail a quality penalty (table S2). To assess the stability of the yield enhancement conferred by OsDREB1C, we conducted field trials over several years and at three different sites that represent very different environmental conditions (tables S1 and S3 to S5). Data for the Beijing field trial in 2019 showed an even larger increase in grain yield for OsDREB1C-OE plants than in 2018 and similar yield reductions in OsDREB1C-KO plants (table S3). Having tested in temperate (Beijing; tables S1 and S3 and fig. S3M), tropical (Hainan Province; table S4 and fig. S3N), and subtropical (Zhejiang Province; table S5) locations, we noted
** ** ** ** **
Fig. 1. OsDREB1C overexpression in transgenic plants boosts grain yield. (A) List of the top 13 genes up-regulated in response to nitrogen deprivation (adjusted P < 0.05). The genes represent the overlap of previously reported RNAseq datasets (17) and an expression analysis of a subset of 118 rice transcription factors (16), and were sorted by the fold change in low versus normal nitrogen supply. The color scale represents the log2-fold change of the FPKM (fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads) ratio under low- versus highnitrogen conditions, with the FPKM value of each gene under high-nitrogen conditions set to 1.00. (B) qRT-PCR analysis of Os06 g0127100 expression in 10-day-old O. sativa cv. Nipponbare seedlings grown in soil in a growth chamber under long-day photoperiod (16 hours light/8 hours dark, 28°C). The white bar below
Wei et al., Science 377, eabi8455 (2022)
** **
O E2 O E5 KO 1 KO 2 KO 3
** ** **
O E2 O E5 KO 1 KO 2 KO 3
W T O E1
W T O E1
Grain yield per plant (g)
** **
Harvest index
W T O E1 O E2 O E5 KO 1 KO 2 KO 3
Straw weight (g)
O E2 O E5 KO 1 KO 2 KO 3
W T O E1
Grain number per panicle
High N
Relative expression level
Low N
p 3 m am 7 am 8 a 9 m 11 am a 7 m 11 pm pm 3 a 7 m a 8 m am 9 a 11 m am 7 11 pm pm
Fold change
Grain yield per plot (kg)
the x-axis indicates the light period, and the black bar indicates the dark period. Data are presented as means ± SD (n = 3 biological replicates). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared with the first time point (11:00 p.m.), Student’s t test. (C) Phenotypes of WT and transgenic rice plants grown in Beijing in 2018. (D to H) Yield-related parameters including grain yield per plant (D), grain yield per plot (E), grain number per panicle (F), straw weight (G), and harvest index (H). The data were obtained from the field experiment shown in (C). Box plots in (D) and (F) to (H) show median (horizontal lines) and 10th to 90th percentiles, and outliers are plotted as dots (n = 138 biological replicates). Data in (E) are presented as means ± SD (n = 3 plots, 44 plants within a plot). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared with WT, Student’s t tests.
that the most pronounced yield increases were detected in the long-day photoperiod and temperate climate conditions of Beijing. Nevertheless, there was still a strong yield improvement for OsDREB1C-OE plants in the short-day and tropical conditions of Hainan, with yield increases in the range of 7.8 to 16% yield per plant and 12.0 to 37.0% yield per plot (table S4 and fig. S3N). Also, the harvest index of OsDREB1C-OE plants (~0.62) was higher than in WT (~0.54) and OsDREB1C-KO (~0.32) plants in Hainan (table S4). OsDREB1C improves photosynthetic capacity and nitrogen utilization
To further explore the molecular basis of the yield enhancement conferred by OsDREB1C overexpression, a series of physiological measurements were conducted with hydroponically grown WT and transgenic plants. In these experiments, we observed faster growth of OsDREB1C-OE plants already at the seedling stage, whereas the growth of OsDREB1C-KO seedlings was retarded compared with WT plants (fig. S4, A and B). In addition, we noticed that OsDREB1C-OE plants displayed longer roots, probably related to their increased auxin content (fig. S5). We detected no growth differences among the WT, overexpression, and KO plants when the seedlings were cultivated in
the dark (figs. S4, C to F, and S6), although the OsDREB1C-OE lines showed taller shoots during the first 10 days, likely because of the larger grain size, which provides more reserves for initial growth (fig. S6). Overall, these data suggested a light-induced mechanism of growth improvement. We next investigated whether photosynthetic capacity is improved by the overexpression of OsDREB1C. Leaves of OsDREB1C-OE plants contained higher levels of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls and carotenoids) compared with WT plants, whereas pigment levels were reduced in OsDREB1CKO plants (fig. S7A). Analysis of leaf mesophyll cells revealed that both chloroplast number and size were increased in OsDREB1C-OE plants (fig. S7, B and C). Biochemical analysis of photosynthetic protein complexes by blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed elevated levels of photosystem I (PSI) and PSII dimers, PSII-CP43 monomers, and light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) trimers in OsDREB1C-OE plants (fig. S7D). Immunoblotting confirmed an increased abundance of PSI, PSII, cytochrome b6/f, ATP synthase, and LHC proteins in leaves of the overexpression lines (fig. S7E). OsDREB1C overexpression also led to enhanced amounts of the large and small subunits of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RbcL and RbcS, respectively) and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate 2 of 10
3 2 1
Photosynthesis (µmol CO2 m-2 s-1)
22 July 2022
** *
** **
Initial WT KO1
Total OE2 KO3
45 30
15 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
12 14 Time (h)
60 40 20
stomata. This is in agreement with the higher maximum rate of RuBisCO carboxylation and the higher maximum rate of electron transport derived from modeling of AÐCi curves (Fig. 2, G and H). Analysis of key products of photosynthetic metabolism showed that OsDREB1COE leaves accumulated higher amounts of starch, sucrose, and fructose, thus potentially explaining the improved grain filling (fig. S9). Together, these results suggest that the observed growth and yield increases in OsDREB1C-OE rice plants result, at least in part, from enhancement of photosynthetic capacity. To investigate whether OsDREB1C also influences nitrogen utilization, we conducted a 15 N feeding experiment and monitored nitrogen uptake and transport activity in hydroponically grown seedlings. After 3 hours of incubation in a 15N-nitrate solution, OsDREB1C-OE seedlings had higher 15N contents in shoots and roots
0.4 0.2 0.0
250 Jmax (µmol m-2 s-1)
CO2 (µmol mol-1)
* **
Stomatal conductance (mol H2O m-2 s-1)
Light intensity (µmol photons m s )
Photosynthesis (µmol CO2 m-2 s-1)
Photosynthesis (µmol CO2 m-2 s-1)
Wei et al., Science 377, eabi8455 (2022)
carboxylase-oxygenase (RuBisCO) activase (fig. S7E). Accordingly, both RuBisCO content and activity were increased in OsDREB1C-OE plants (Fig. 2, A and B). Next, we evaluated the role of OsDREB1C in regulating photosynthetic capacity by investigating rice plants grown in paddy fields. Consistent with the above-described results, key photosynthetic parameters, including diurnal changes, light-response curves, and CO2response curves of net photosynthesis, were improved in OsDREB1C-OE plants and compromised in OsDREB1C-KO plants (Fig. 2, C to E). In addition, OsDREB1C-OE plants displayed higher stomatal conductance while maintaining a similar intercellular CO2 concentration (Fig. 2F and fig. S8), suggesting that the higher carboxylation rates supported by higher RuBisCO content and activity prevent the buildup of higher intercellular CO2 levels despite the opened
RubisCO activity (µmol mg-1 s-1)
5 RubisCO content (g m-2)
Vcmax (µmol m-2 s-1)
Fig. 2. OsDREB1C overexpression promotes photosynthetic capacity. (A and B) RuBisCO content (A) and RuBisCO activity (B) in the fourth leaf of 3-week-old rice seedlings grown hydroponically. Data are presented as means ± SD (n = 6 biological replicates). (C) Light-response curve of net photosynthesis fitted by the Farquhar–von Caemmerer–Berry (FvCB) model and generated at 30°C and 400 ppm CO2 concentration in the field in Hainan in 2019. Data are presented as means ± SD (n = 3 biological replicates). *P < 0.05 for OE1, OE2, and OE5 compared with WT, Student’s t test. (D) CO2-response curve of net photosynthesis (A-Ci curve) fitted by the FvCB model and generated at 1200 mmol m−2 s−1 photosynthetic photon flux density and 30°C. Data are presented as means ± SD (n = 3 biological replicates). *P < 0.05 for OE1, OE2, and OE5 compared with WT, Student’s t test. (E) Diurnal changes in the photosynthesis rate of flag leaves measured with a LICOR-6400 XT instrument at the heading stage (from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) in the field in Hainan. **P < 0.01 for OE1, OE2, and OE5 compared with WT, *P < 0.05 for OE1 at 8:00 a.m., all Student’s t test. (F) Stomatal conductance of flag leaves at the heading stage in Hainan. Measurements were performed with a LICOR-6400 XT instrument at 30°C in ambient air between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Data in (E) and (F) are presented as presented as means ± SD (n = 6 biological replicates). (G and H) Maximum rates of carboxylation (Vcmax) (G) and electron transport (Jmax) (H) in WT, OsDREB1C-OE, and OsDREB1C-KO plants grown in the field in Hainan. Values were generated from the A-Ci curve and fitted by the FvCB model. Data are presented as means ± SD (n = 3 biological replicates). All measurements in (C) to (H) were performed with flag leaves of field-grown rice plants at the heading stage. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared with WT, Student’s t test.
150 100 50 0
compared with WT and OsDREB1C-KO plants (Fig. 3, A and B). Additionally, OsDREB1C overexpression increased both nitrogen uptake by roots and transport activity from roots to shoots (Fig. 3, C and D), thus resulting in elevated nitrogen content, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), and protein abundance in leaves of field-grown plants (Fig. 3, E and F, and fig. S10). Consistent with these findings, mature field-grown OsDREB1C-OE plants had increased total nitrogen contents in above-ground organs (Fig. 3G and fig. S11A), along with improved photosynthetic NUE in a range of nitrogen supply conditions and a higher intrinsic water use efficiency upon low-level nitrogen application (fig. S12), indicating higher efficiency of carbon gain at lower nitrogen cost. Analysis of carbon and nitrogen distribution showed that the OsDREB1C-OE plants accumulated more carbon and nitrogen in the grains, but less in 3 of 10
Root-to-shoot transport activity
6 4 2
(µmol h-1 g-1 root DW)
F **
0.6 0.3 0.0
200 kg ha-1
100 kg ha-1
150 NUE (Grain yield per kg N)
N content (%)
OsDREB1C promotes flowering and shortens growth duration
* *
* *
** ** **
* ** *
0.0 WT
120 N distribution ratio (%)
W OT E1 O E2 O E5 KO KO1 2 KO 3 W T O E O 1 E2 O E5 KO KO1 2 KO 3
N distribution per plant (g)
0 WT
N-nitrate uptake activity
nitrogen transport to aerial organs, and (iii) promote resource allocation from leaves and shoots to grains.
N (µmol h-1 g-1 shoot DW)
N (µmol h-1 g-1 root DW)
OsDREB1C enhances yield in an elite cultivar
* **
Fig. 3. OsDREB1C overexpression increases nitrogen uptake and transport. (A and B) 15N content in shoots (A) and roots (B) of 3-week-old WT, OsDREB1C-OE, and OsDREB1C-KO seedlings incubated with 0.5 mM K15NO3 for 3 hours. (C) 15N-nitrate uptake activity of roots. (D) 15N transport activity from roots to shoots. Data in (A) to (D) are presented as means ± SD (n = 5 biological replicates). (E) Nitrogen content of flag leaves of WT, OsDREB1C-OE, and OsDREB1C-KO plants at the heading stage grown in the field in Beijing in 2021. Data are presented as means ± SD (n > 5 biological replicates). (F) NUE of WT, OsDREB1C-OE, and OsDREB1C-KO plants grown with 100 or 200 kg ha−1 nitrogen supply in the field in Beijing in 2021. Box plot shows median (line) and individual values (black dots) (n > 5 biological replicates). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared with WT, Student’s t test. (G and H) Nitrogen distribution (G) and nitrogen distribution ratio (H) in seeds, straw, and leaves of mature plants grown in the field in Beijing in 2019. Data are presented as means ± SD (n = 4 biological replicates). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared with WT, Student’s t test.
their mature leaves, without substantial alterations in the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (Fig. 3H and fig. S11). These findings indicate more efficient resource allocation from source (leaves) to sink (grains) in the overexpression plants Wei et al., Science 377, eabi8455 (2022)
22 July 2022
OsDREB1C-OE plants also exhibited a pronounced early flowering phenotype in our field trials (Fig. 4, A and B). Early flowering was accompanying with higher biomass accumulation at the heading stage (Fig. 4C). OsDREB1COE plants flowered 13 to 19 days earlier than the WT, whereas OsDREB1C-KO plants flowered 3 to 7 days later under the long-day conditions in the field in Beijing (Fig. 4B). Overexpression of OsDREB1C also had an effect on leaf maturation and duration of the growth period (Fig. 4D). However, these differences were less evident under the short photoperiod in Hainan (table S4). To further explore the influence of OsDREB1C on flowering, the expression of key genes involved in the induction of flowering was analyzed, including the two FT-like genes, Hd3a (OsFTL2) and RFT1 (OsFTL3) (19, 20), and the downstream transcription factor gene OsMADS14. Expression of all three genes was up-regulated in OsDREB1COE plants and down-regulated in OsDREB1C-KO plants (Fig. 4, E to G). By contrast, expression of Hd1 and Ehd1, two genes upstream of florigen, was not affected in OsDREB1C-OE and OsDREB1C-KO plants (Fig. 4, H and I), indicating that OsDREB1C affects flowering time by controlling a specific subset of flowering regulators.
compared with WT plants (fig. S11), leading to a further boost in grain yield, especially under conditions of low nitrogen supply (fig. S13). In conclusion, OsDREB1C appears to (i) stimulate nitrogen uptake by roots, (ii) enhance
To further test whether OsDREB1C overexpression can increase the yield of elite rice varieties, we transformed the p35S::OsDREB1C construct into Xiushui 134 (XS134), a high-yielding elite temperate japonica cultivar that is widely cultivated in southern China. Transgenic XS134 rice plants (OsDREB1C-XSOE) exhibited increased height, longer panicles, higher grain numbers per panicle, and higher grain yields over 2 consecutive years, similar to those seen in OsDREB1C-OE plants in the Nipponbare background (Fig. 5, A to G, and figs. S14 and S15). The grain yield per plot was increased by 10.3 to 12.7% in 2020 and 30.1 to 41.6% in 2021 in Hangzhou (fig. S14G and Fig. 5H), accompanied by an increased harvest index of up to 10.5 and 15.7%, respectively (fig. S14H and Fig. 5I). Moreover, OsDREB1C-XSOE lines flowered 2 days earlier than the WT in Hangzhou (fig. S14I). Accordingly, OsDREB1C-XSOE lines displayed 26.2 to 42.4% higher grain yields per plant in Hainan (fig. S15), whereas no difference in flowering time was observed because of the short-day growth conditions. Next, we analyzed the OsDREB1C sequences in 709 rice accessions, including 299 indica, 355 temperate japonica, 14 tropical japonica, and 41 intermediate varieties (21). Three distinct 4 of 10
** ** **
* **
0 120
130 DAS (d)
W T O E2 O E5 KO 1 KO 2
2 1 0
Identification of target genes of OsDREB1C
We next wanted to characterize the molecular functions of OsDREB1C in more detail. Multiple amino acid sequence alignment revealed a conserved AP2 domain among all OsDREB1C homologs (figs. S17 and S18). Expression analysis showed that OsDREB1C was expressed ubiquitously in all rice tissues examined (root, stem, leaf, and panicle), but particularly strongly in the root (fig. S19A). During the growth period, OsDREB1C transcript levels peaked at the tillering stage (fig. S19B). Transient expression assays in rice protoplasts revealed that OsDREB1C-GFP and YFP-OsDREB1C fusion proteins mainly localize to the nucleus, but a substantially weaker signal in the cytoplasm was also discernable (fig. S19C). Very similar patterns of OsDREB1C-GFP subcellular localization were observed in Arabidopsis and Nicotiana benthamiana (fig. S19, D and E). Sequence analysis with PlantPan3.0 suggested that the OsDREB1C protein may bind to the DRE/CRT (GCCGAC) motif that had been identified as a core cis-acting element regulating gene expression in response to drought, salt, and cold stresses (22). Yeast Wei et al., Science 377, eabi8455 (2022)
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3 2 1
I 2.0
KO 2
KO 3
KO 3
KO 2
O E5 KO 1
Fig. 4. OsDREB1C overexpression leads to early flowering and shortens the overall growth period. (A) Growth of WT, OsDREB1C-OE, and OsDREB1CKO plants in natural long-day conditions in Beijing in 2019. Scale bar, 50 cm. (B) Flowering time of field-grown plants. DAS, days after sowing. (C) Biomass of rice plants at the heading stage of OsDREB1C-OE plants (105 DAS) grown in the field in Beijing in 2021. (D) Soil plant analysis development (SPAD) value of flag leaves at different development stages (112, 129, 139, and 152 DAS) of plants grown in the field in Beijing in 2019. **P < 0.01 for OE1,
haplotypes were identified (Hap. 1 to Hap. 3) on the basis of nucleotide polymorphisms, most of which reside in the promoter regions (fig. S16).
W T O E2 O E5 KO 1 KO 2
Relative expression level
Relative expression level
** 15
W T O E2 O E5 KO 1 KO 2
O E2
T 30
O E1
T O E2 O E5 KO 1 KO 2
Relative expression level
Relative expression level
SPAD value
** 60
** ** **
KO 1
W T O E2 O E5 KO 1 KO 2
O E5
Relative expression level
Flowering time (DAS)
O E1 O E2
Biomass (g)
OE2, and OE5 at four time points and for KO1, KO2, and KO3 at 112 and 129 DAS compared with WT, all Student’s t test. (E to I) Relative gene expression levels of the flowering regulators Hd3a (E), RFT1 (F), OsMADS14 (G), Hd1 (H), and Ehd1 (I) in WT, OsDREB1C-OE, and OsDREB1C-KO plants. RNAs were extracted from leaves of field-grown plants before heading (~90 DAS) in the Beijing field in 2019. Data in (B) to (I) are presented as means ± SD [n = 3 biological replicates, except for n =10 for (C)]. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared with WT, Student’s t test.
one-hybrid assays verified the direct binding of OsDREB1C to DRE/CRT (GCCGAC) as well as the GCC box (GCCGCC) and G box (CACGTG) cis elements in vitro (fig. S20A). Measurement of the transcription-stimulating activity in rice protoplasts demonstrated that OsDREB1C was able to activate transcription of the GUS reporter gene (fig. S20, B and C). Taken together, these data suggest that OsDREB1C functions as a transcriptional activator. To identify genome-wide binding sites of OsDREB1C in vivo, we performed chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) experiments with rice protoplasts transiently expressing the OsDREB1C-GFP fusion protein. These analyses identified a total of 9735 putative OsDREB1C-binding sites, of which 68% localized to genic regions and 32% to intergenic regions (Fig. 6A). The core motif found to be enriched in the OsDREB1C-binding regions was DRE/CRT (GCCGAC) (Fig. 6B). We next analyzed the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between OsDREB1C-OE and WT plants (as determined by RNA-seq), and extracted the DEGs associated with OsDREB1C-binding peaks. In this way, 345 up-regulated genes were identified as putative OsDREB1C targets (Fig. 6C). Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis was then conducted to associate biological processes with those DEGs. Transmembrane transport–related genes were found to be most
strongly enriched and included the two nitrogen transporter genes, OsNRT2.4 and OsNRT1.1B (Fig. 6D). Other genes with functions in the nitrogen metabolic process were also present in the DEG set, including the nitrate reductase gene OsNR2. When searching for floweringrelated DEGs that could potentially explain the pronounced early-flowering phenotype, the gene OsFTL1 (FT-Like 1) was found. OsFTL1 is a homolog of the Arabidopsis FT gene that plays a central role in integrating signals from the different flowering pathways (23, 24). Moreover, a key photosynthesis-related gene, OsRBCS3, encoding the RuBisCO small subunit and known to be transcriptionally activated by light (25), was also up-regulated in OsDREB1C-OE plants. OsDREB1C directly activates key pathway genes
To verify whether these five candidate genes (OsRBCS3, OsNR2, OsNRT2.4, OsNRT1.1B, and OsFTL1) were targets of OsDREB1C, we performed ChIP–quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) experiments using transgenic plants expressing an OsDREB1C-GFP fusion protein and DNA affinity purification sequencing (DAP-seq) assays in vitro. The results revealed that OsDREB1C directly binds to the promoter of OsRBCS3 and to exons of OsNR2, OsNRT2.4, OsNRT1.1B, and OsFTL1 (Fig. 6E and fig. S21A). Electrophoretic mobility shift 5 of 10
** Panicle number
90 Plant height (cm)
80 70
60 50
200 150 100 50
3 S1
-8 OE
-9 OE
13 XS
60 40 20
-8 OE
20 10
3 S1
-8 OE
2 E-1
13 XS
600 400
2 E-1
Harvest index
Grain yield per plot (g)
** 30
-9 OE
** 40
-9 -12 OE OE XS XS
3 S1
2 E-1
Straw weight (g)
-1 OE XS
Seed setting rate (%)
Grain number per panicle
1 XS
1000-grain weight (g)
1 XS
-8 OE
-9 OE
-1 OE
4 -9 -8 -12 13 OE OE OE XS S XS XS X
Fig. 5. OsDREB1C confers yield gains in an elite rice germplasm. (A) Whole-plant phenotypes of mature Xiushui134 (XS134) and XS134-OsDREB1C-OE plants (XSOE-8/9/12) grown in Hangzhou in 2020. Scale bar, 20 cm. (B to I) Yield parameters of XS134 and XS-OE plants grown in Hangzhou in 2021, including plant height (B), panicle number (C), grain number per panicle (D), seed setting rate (E), 1000-grain weight (F), straw weight (G), grain yield per plot (H), and harvest index (I). The box plots in panels (B), (C), and (G) show the median (horizontal line) and individual values (black dots) (n = 100 biological replicates). Data in F(D) to (I) except (G) are presented as means ± SD (n = 6 plots). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared with XS134, StudentÕs t test.
assay (EMSA) confirmed that the DRE/CRT elements are necessary for OsDREB1C binding (Fig. 6F and fig. S22). Moreover, luciferasebased transient transactivation assays verified that OsDREB1C activates the expression of OsRBCS3, OsNR2, OsNRT2.4, OsNRT1.1B, and OsFTL1 (Fig. 6G). Gene expression analyses revealed that the mRNA levels of OsRBCS3, OsNR2, OsNRT2.4, OsNRT1.1B, and OsFTL1 correlated with OsDREB1C levels, in that the expression levels were increased in OsDREB1CWei et al., Science 377, eabi8455 (2022)
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OE plants and decreased in OsDREB1C-KO plants (fig. S21B). Taken together, these results suggest that OsDREB1C can activate gene expression directly by binding to the promoter of OsRBCS3 and to the exons of OsNR2, OsNRT2.4, OsNRT1.1B, and OsFTL1. To clarify whether OsFTL1 induction is responsible for the early-flowering phenotype of OsDREB1C-OE plants, we generated OsFTL1 overexpression lines in the rice cultivar Nipponbare (fig. S23, A and E). The heading
time of OsFTL1-OE plants was drastically shortened, ranging from 45 to 47 days, whereas that of WT plants was 116 to 118 days under the long-day photoperiod in Beijing (fig. S23, B and D). Under the short-day photoperiod in Hainan, OsFTL1-OE plants flowered 10 to 13 days earlier (fig. S23C). These results are consistent with a previous study on floral induction in transgenic plants grown in culture vessels (26). OsFTL1-OE plants were dwarfed and exhibited reduced grain yields (fig. S23F), probably because of their 6 of 10
1 kb
Input 30
Exon (22.83%; 3034)
ChIP 90
Promoter-TSS (26.47%; 3518)
Intergenic (31.98%; 4251)
P1 P2
1 kb
Intron (6.49%; 862)
p = 1e-482
1 kb
ChIP 200
OsDREB1C target genes
p = 1.361e-15
1 kb
345 512
ChIP-Seq RNA-Seq
-log10(FDR) 0
transmembrane transport
nitrogen compound metabolic process
1 kb
primary metabolic process
response to stress
regulation of flower development
response to light stimulus P2
+ -
OsRBCS3 + + + + + + + + - 50× 500×
OsRBCS3 promoter
GST GST-OsDREB1C Biotin-labeled probe Unlabeled probe
OsNR2 + + + + + + + - 50× 500×
+ -
+ -
+ -
OsNRT2.4 + + + + + + + + - 50× 500×
+ -
OsNRT1.1B + + + + + + + + - 50× 500×
+ -
+ + -
+ + + + + + - 50× 500×
Shifted band
Free probe
21 14
22 July 2022
4 2
To determine whether the function of DREB1C is conserved in other plant species, we generated transgenic wheat and Arabidopsis plants overexpressing OsDREB1C. Analysis of the transgenic
ol 1C ntr EB DR s O
12 8
35S mini
OsNR2/OsNRT2.4/OsNRT1.1B/OsFTL1 Exon
6 4 2
ol 1C ntr EB DR s O
lines showed that OsDREB1C overexpression in the wheat cultivar Fielder also improved photosynthetic capacity, reduced the time to flowering by 3 to 6 days, and conferred increased grain yield per plant by 17.2 to 22.6% in the field and by 18.6 to 23.5% in the greenhouse (Fig. 7, A to F, and fig. S24). Likewise, transgenic Arabidopsis lines overexpressing OsDREB1C had more and
OsDREB1C effects in wheat and Arabidopsis
shortened vegetative phase (and the insufficient buildup of resources for allocation to seeds).
Wei et al., Science 377, eabi8455 (2022)
TTS (12.24%; 1627)
Fig. 6. OsDREB1C induces transcription of photosynthesis, nitrogen utilization, and floweringrelated genes. (A) Distribution of candidate OsDREB1C-binding regions across the rice genome as determined by ChIP-seq. TSS, transcription start site; TTS, transcription termination site. (B) Motif analysis using HOMER to identify core motifs enriched within the experimentally determined (by ChIP-seq) OsDREB1C-binding regions. (C) Venn diagram showing the overlap between putative OsDREB1C target genes identified by ChIP-seq and differentially up-regulated genes in OsDREB1C-OE1 relative to the WT as identified by RNA-seq. (D) GO enrichment analysis of the overlapping gene set in (B). (E) OsDREB1C preferentially binds to the OsRBCS3 promoter and to exons of OsNR2, OsNRT2.4, OsNRT1.1B, and OsFTL1, as validated by both ChIP-qPCR and DAP-seq. The diagrams in (E) depict the putative promoter region of OsRBCS3 and exons of the OsNR2, OsNRT2.4, OsNRT1.1B, and OsFTL1 genes. P1, P2, and P3 indicate primers used in the ChIP-qPCR experiments for the five examined loci shown in fig. S21. There are DRE/CRT elements within P3 of OsRBCS3, P1 of OsNR2 and OsNRT1.1B, and P2 of OsNRT2.4 and OsFTL1. (F) EMSA data confirming that the GST-OsDREB1C protein binds to promoters and exons containing DRE/CRT elements. (G) OsDREB1C activates transcription from the OsRBCS3 promoter and from OsNR2, OsNRT1.1B, OsNRT2.4, and OsFTL1 exon-luciferase fusion constructs in transient transactivation assays. Shown are relative ratios of the transcriptional activities conferred by OsDREB1C expression to the empty vector control. Asterisks indicate significant differences between the control and OsDREB1C. LUC/REN, ratio of firefly luciferase to Renilla luciferase activity. Data are presented as means ± SD (n ≥ 3 biological replicates). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared with WT, StudentÕs t test.
6 4 2
ol 1C ntr EB DR Os
ol 1C ntr EB DR Os
bigger leaves, and flowered up to 4 days earlier than the WT (Fig. 7, G to J). The biomass yield was increased by 14.2 to 35.8% in the OsDREB1C-OE Arabidopsis plants (Fig. 7, K and L). DISCUSSION
Transcription factors of the DREB subfamily belong to the AP2/ERF family and have been 7 of 10
Relative expression level
** 40
0 E-1
1 E-1
2 E-1
1 2 l-0 E-10 E-1 OE-1 AtO AtO At
Wei et al., Science 377, eabi8455 (2022)
22 July 2022
30 20 10
1 2 l-0 E-10 E-1 OE-1 AtO AtO At
-5 -9 -8 OE aOE OE Ta T
2.0 1.5
-5 -9 -8 OE aOE OE Ta Ta T
0.20 0.15
0.10 0.05
1 2 l-0 E-10 E-1 OE-1 AtO AtO At
K **
r 5 -9 -8 lde OEOE OE Fie Ta Ta Ta
J **
Grain yield per plant (g)
50 1000-grain weight (g)
Grain number per panicle
Fig. 7. OsDREB1C increases flowering, photosynthetic capacity, and yields in wheat and Arabidopsis. (A) Early flowering phenotype of OsDREB1COE field-grown wheat plants (pUBI::OsDREB1C, TaOE-5/8/9) compared with WT plants (cv. Fielder) at the booting stages. Scale bar, 10 cm. (B and C) Flowering time (B) and photosynthesis rate (C) of Fielder and OsDREB1C-OE wheat plants at the heading stage grown in the field in Beijing in 2021. Data are presented as means ± SD (n > 5 biological replicates). (D to F) Grain number per panicle (D), 1000-seed weight (E), and grain yield per plant (F) of Fielder and OsDREB1C-OE wheat plants grown in the field in Beijing in 2021. Data are presented as means ± SD (n > 30 biological replicates). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared with Fielder, Student’s t test. (G) Phenotype of WT (Col-0)
demonstrated to activate multiple downstream genes in response to abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, and freezing in various seed plants (27, 28). The DREB-binding DRE/CRT cis-element (GCCGAC motif) is present in the promoter of many stress-inducible genes (29). However, the previous work has also revealed a trade-off between growth and stress tolerance, in that constitutive overexpression of DREB1 genes in Arabidopsis and rice, although conferring improved stress tolerance, often leads to growth retardation and yield penalties (27, 29–31). In the course of this work, we have shown that the inverse relationship between stress tolerance and yield can be uncoupled and even reversed. Overexpression of OsDREB1C in rice plants resulted in substantial yield increases of 41.3 to 68.3%, and these yield gains were accompanied by a shortened vegetative phase, in that the overexpression plants flowered much earlier than the WT. Although “highyielding” and “early-maturing” have long been seen as conflicting traits in crop breeding, a report has shown that the long noncoding RNA Ef-cd shortens maturity duration without incurring a yield penalty (32). Similarly, overexpression of the nitrate transporter gene OsNRT1.1A confers both high yield and early maturation (33). An unsolved problem pertinent to both agricultural productivity and the environmental footprint of current agricultural practices is the
50 40
l-0 Co
H 60
Dry weight (g)
Fresh weight (g)
Rosette leaf number
-5 OE
Photosynthesis (µmol CO2 m-2 s-1)
Flowering time (DAS)
B Flowering time (DAS)
1 l-0 E-10 12 E-1 OEAtO AtO At
1 2 l-0 E-10 E-1 OE-1 AtO At AtO
and OsDREB1C-OE Arabidopsis (p35S::OsDREB1C-GFP, AtOE-10/11/12) plants at the seedling and flowering stages. Note the early flowering of all three overexpression lines. Plants were grown in short-day conditions (8 hours light/16 hours dark) in a growth chamber for 2 weeks and then transferred to long-day conditions (16 hours light/8 hours dark). Scale bar, 4 cm. (H) OsDREB1C expression levels in OsDREB1C-OE Arabidopsis plants. Data are presented as means ± SD (n = 3 biological replicates). (I to L) Flowering time (I), rosette leaf number (J), fresh weight (K), and dry weight (L) of WT (Col-0) and OsDREB1C-OE Arabidopsis plants. Data are presented as means ± SD (n = 10 biological replicates). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared with Col-0, Student’s t test.
requirement for a high level of nitrogen fertilizer to attain high yields. This is mainly because of the low NUE of most major crop varieties (34). In addition to its negative environmental impact, excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer has other undesired effects, including delayed flowering, extended growth duration, and reduced yield potential (35). In this study, we have shown that by engineering the expression of a transcription factor that controls and coordinates photosynthesis, nitrogen utilization, and flowering time without affecting known genes involved in high yield and early flowering (fig. S25), it is possible to achieve enhanced growth and increased yields while at the same time improving the efficiency of nitrogen utilization. Thus, our work demonstrates that three key agricultural traits can be improved simultaneously by OsDREB1C overexpression: yield, NUE, and flowering time. We provide several lines of physiological and molecular evidence in support of the assumption that OsDREB1C confers accelerated vegetative growth and biomass accumulation before heading by (i) enhancing photosynthetic capacity through OsRBCS3; (ii) enhancing nitrogen uptake and transport through expression of OsNRT1.1B, OsNRT2.4, and OsNR2; and (iii) promoting early flowering through OsFTL1. We propose that efficient subsequent allocation of assimilated carbohydrates and nitrogen from leaves to the panicle further contributes to the
elevated yield, presumably through coordinated regulation of several target genes of OsDREB1C, including amino acid and ammonium transporters (figs. S26 and S27). OsDREB1C binds to the exon regions rather than the promoters of four of the five verified target genes. However, the preferential binding of transcription factors to intragenic regions (exons and/or introns) of target genes has been demonstrated in a number of previous studies (10, 36–38). Currently, the relative rates of yield increase achieved by plant breeding are declining and have fallen below 1% per year for most cereal crops (39). In view of this trend and the need to double the world’s food production by 2050 despite reduced availability of arable land and the challenges of climate change, the very large yield increases achieved in the field by engineering the expression of a single transcriptional regulator gene are unprecedented. Our findings suggest that after centuries of breeding for yield, there is still potential for substantial leaps in the yields of the world’s main staple crops. In the present study, overexpression of OsDREB1C was achieved using transgenic technologies. Alternatively, genome-editing technologies could be used to achieve OsDREB1C overexpression, for example, by using base editors to introduce expression-enhancing point mutations into the promoter region of the OsDREB1C gene (40, 41), thus creating transgene-free, highyielding varieties. Also, the existing natural 8 of 10
variation of OsDREB1C in rice provides a genetic resource that can be readily tapped. Finally, the conserved function of OsDREB1C in seed plants offers the potential to substantially improve biomass and yield in other crops. In summary, our data suggest OsDREB1C engineering as a generally applicable strategy to increase crop yields, with the added benefits of shortening the growth duration and lowering the environmental footprint of agriculture. Methods summary
The candidate gene OsDREB1C was identified by a screen of 118 transcription factors that are related to C4 photosynthesis, induced by light, and highly expressed under low-nitrogen conditions. The function of OsDREB1C was investigated by transgenic overexpression and CRISPR-Cas9Ðbased gene-editing approaches. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was used to introduce the constructed vectors into rice (Nipponbare and Xiushui134) and wheat (Fielder), and the floral dip method was used to transform Arabidopsis (Col-0). Gene expression levels in the overexpression and KO lines were evaluated by quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR). The growth rates of hydroponically grown rice seedlings were monitored under standard growth conditions. Etiolated growth was assessed in constant darkness. Photosynthesis rates were measured with a LICOR-6400XT gas exchange system in field-grown plants. Accumulation levels of photosynthesis-related proteins were assessed by immunoblotting. RuBisCO content was quantified by immunoblot assays, and RuBisCO activity was determined as the rate of CO2 fixation on RuBP using spectrophotometry. Sugar and starch contents were measured using enzymatic digestion methods. Nitrogen uptake and transport activity were evaluated with the 15N-labeling assay. Carbon and nitrogen contents were assessed with an IsoPrime 100 analyzer. NUE was calculated as the ratio of grain yield to applied nitrogen fertilizer. Phytohormone contents were quantified using ultraperformance liquid chromatography quadropule ion trap mass spectrometry. Agronomic and yield traits were assessed in field experiments with randomized block design and performing three replicates for each experiment in Beijing, Hangzhou, and Hainan in four successive years (May 2018 to May 2022). A sequence alignment of OsDREB1C orthologs was constructed and phylogenetic analysis was performed using ESPript 3.0 and MEGA 7, respectively. Genetic variation and haplotype association analyses were performed by variant cell format tools using a general linear model implemented in TASSEL 5.0. Subcellular localization of OsDREB1C was assessed by transient expression assays in rice protoplasts and tobacco leaves and in stable Wei et al., Science 377, eabi8455 (2022)
22 July 2022
transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing OsDREB1C-GFP. The binding ability of OsDREB1C to the predicted core promoter motifs was tested with yeast one-hybrid assays. The transactivation capacity of OsDREB1C was evaluated by transient transactivation assays. To identify the genome-wide binding sites of OsDREB1C, ChIP-seq experiments were performed with rice protoplasts transiently expressing the OsDREB1C-GFP fusion protein, and RNA-seq analysis with WT and OsDREB1C-OE plants grown in the field. Up-regulated genes in OsDREB1C-OE plants associated with OsDREB1C-binding peaks were extracted as putative OsDREB1C targets, and GO enrichment analysis was conducted to identify the associated biological processes. ChIP-qPCR using transgenic plants expressing an OsDREB1C-GFP fusion protein and DAP-seq using expressed HALOTag-OsDREB1C fusion proteins in vitro were performed to verify the binding of OsDREB1C to target genes and test for target gene activation. Direct binding of OsDREB1C to target sequences was examined by EMSA. The transcriptional activation of targets genes by OsDREB1C was tested by dual luciferase reporter assays and qRT-PCR. Details for experimental procedures are provided in the supplementary materials. RE FERENCES AND NOTES
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Wei et al., Science 377, eabi8455 (2022)
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We thank X. Li (Institute of Crop Sciences, CAAS) for help with drawing the working model and X. Ye and K. Wang (Institute of Crop Sciences, CAAS) for help with wheat transformation. Funding: This research was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (grants 2016YFD0300100 and 2016YFD0300102). W.Z. was supported by the Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Elite Youth Program of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science. Author contributions: W.Z., S.W., and X.L. conceived and designed the experiments. S.W. and X.L. performed most of the experiments. H.Z., X.L., and S.W. produced the transgenic plants. X.Y., Y.Z., J.L., Y.Y., and F.D. characterized the phenotypes of transgenic plants. D.W. and S.C. performed field experiments with Xiushui134 rice transgenic plants. Z.L., H.P., and S.W. analyzed DAP-seq and RNA-seq results. Y.Z. and P.Y. performed the ChIP-qPCR experiment. S.W. and Z.L. analyzed the ChIP-seq results. L.S. and C.Z. performed haplotype analysis. S.W., X.L., and W.Z. wrote the manuscript. R.B., J.H., W.P., Q.Q., and M.Z. critically commented on and edited the manuscript. All authors discussed and commented on the manuscript. Competing interests: The authors declare no competing interests. Patent applications related to this work have been submitted by W.Z., S.W., and X.L. Data and materials availability: Raw sequence
data generated during this study have been deposited in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) BioProject database under accession number PRJNA724935 for RNA-seq, PRJNA841272 for ChIP-seq, and PRJNA841281 for DAP-seq. All other data are available in the main text or the supplementary materials. Requests for materials should be addressed to W.Z. License information: Copyright © 2022 the authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original US government works. https://www.science.org/about/science-licenses-journal-article-reuse SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abi8455 Materials and Methods Figs. S1 to S27 Tables S1 to S10 References (42–70) MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
Submitted 10 May 2021; resubmitted 29 March 2022 Accepted 26 May 2022 10.1126/science.abi8455
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Partially constrained hallucination using a multiobjective loss function
Scaffolding protein functional sites using deep learning Jue Wang1,2†, Sidney Lisanza1,2,3†, David Juergens1,2,4†, Doug Tischer1,2†, Joseph L. Watson1,2†, Karla M. Castro5, Robert Ragotte1,2, Amijai Saragovi1,2, Lukas F. Milles1,2, Minkyung Baek1,2, Ivan Anishchenko1,2, Wei Yang1,2, Derrick R. Hicks1,2, Marc Expòsit1,2,4, Thomas Schlichthaerle1,2, Jung-Ho Chun1,2,3, Justas Dauparas1,2, Nathaniel Bennett1,2,4, Basile I. M. Wicky1,2, Andrew Muenks1,2, Frank DiMaio1,2, Bruno Correia5, Sergey Ovchinnikov6,7*, David Baker1,2,8* The binding and catalytic functions of proteins are generally mediated by a small number of functional residues held in place by the overall protein structure. Here, we describe deep learning approaches for scaffolding such functional sites without needing to prespecify the fold or secondary structure of the scaffold. The first approach, “constrained hallucination,” optimizes sequences such that their predicted structures contain the desired functional site. The second approach, “inpainting,” starts from the functional site and fills in additional sequence and structure to create a viable protein scaffold in a single forward pass through a specifically trained RoseTTAFold network. We use these two methods to design candidate immunogens, receptor traps, metalloproteins, enzymes, and protein-binding proteins and validate the designs using a combination of in silico and experimental tests.
he biochemical functions of proteins are often carried out by a subset of residues that constitute a functional site—for example, an enzyme active site or a protein or small-molecule binding site—and hence the design of proteins with new functions can be divided into two steps. The first step is to identify functional site geometries and amino acid identities that produce the desired activity—for enzymes, this can be done using quantum chemistry calculations (1–3), and for protein binders, by fragment docking calculations (4, 5). Alternatively, functional sites can be extracted from a native protein having the desired activity (6, 7). Here, we focus on the second step: Given a functional site description from any source, design an amino acid sequence that folds up to a three-dimensional (3D) structure containing the site. Previous methods can scaffold functional sites made up of one or two contiguous chain segments (6–10), but, with the exception of helical bundles 1
Department of Biochemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105, USA. 2Institute for Protein Design, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105, USA. 3 Graduate Program in Biological Physics, Structure and Design, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105, USA. 4 Molecular Engineering Graduate Program, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105, USA. 5Institute of Bioengineering, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. 6FAS Division of Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 7John Harvard Distinguished Science Fellowship Program, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 8Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105, USA. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (D.B.); [email protected] (S.O.) These authors contributed equally to this work.
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(8), these do not extend readily to more complex sites composed of three or more chain segments, and the generated backbones are not guaranteed to be designable (i.e., encodable by some amino acid sequence). An ideal method for functional de novo protein design would (i) embed the functional site with minimal distortion in a designable scaffold protein; (ii) be applicable to arbitrary site geometries, searching over all possible scaffold topologies and secondary structure compositions for those optimal for harboring the specified site; and (iii) jointly generate backbone structure and amino acid sequence. We previously demonstrated that the trRosetta structure-prediction neural network (11) can be used to generate new proteins by maximizing the trRosetta output probability that a sequence folds to some (unspecified) 3D structure during Monte Carlo sampling in sequence space (12). We refer to this process as “hallucination,” as it produces solutions that the network considers to be ideal proteins but that do not correspond to any known natural protein; crystal and nuclear magnetic resonance structures confirm that the hallucinated sequences fold to the hallucinated structures (12). trRosetta can also be used to design sequences that fold into a target backbone structure by carrying out sequence optimization using a structure recapitulation loss function that rewards similarity of the predicted structure to the target structure (13). Given this ability to design both sequence and structure, we reasoned that trRosetta could be adapted to tackle the functional site scaffolding problem.
To extend existing trRosetta-based design methods to scaffold functional sites (Fig. 1A), we optimized amino acid sequences for folding to a structure containing the desired functional site using a composite loss function that combines the previously used hallucination loss with a motif reconstruction loss over the functional motif [rather than the entire structure, as in (13)] (Fig. 1B; see materials and methods in the supplementary materials). Although we succeeded in generating structures with segments closely recapitulating functional sites, Rosetta structure predictions suggested that the sequences poorly encoded the structures (fig. S1A), and hence we used Rosetta design calculations to generate more-optimal sequences (14). Several designs targeting programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) generated by constrained hallucination with binding motifs derived from programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) (table S1) (15), followed by Rosetta design, were found to have binding affinities in the mid-nanomolar range (fig. S1, B to E). Although this experimental validation is encouraging, the requirement for sequence design using Rosetta is inconsistent with the aim of jointly designing sequence and structure. Following the development of RoseTTAFold (RF) (16), we found that it performed better than trRosetta in guiding protein design by functional site–constrained hallucination (fig. S1G), likely reflecting the better overall modeling of protein sequence-structure relationships (16). Constrained hallucination with RoseTTAFold has the further advantages that, because 3D coordinates are explicitly modeled (trRosetta only generates inter-residue distances and orientations), site recapitulation can be assessed at the coordinate level and additional problem-specific loss terms can be implemented in coordinate space that assess interactions with a target (fig. S2; materials and methods). Generalized functional motif scaffolding by missing information recovery
While powerful and general, the constrained hallucination approach is compute-intensive, as a forward and backward pass through the network is required for each gradient descent step during sequence optimization. In the training of recent versions of RoseTTAFold, a subset of positions in the input multiple sequence alignment are masked, and the network is trained to recover this missing sequence information in addition to predicting structure. This ability to recover both sequence and structural information provides a second solution to the functional site scaffolding problem: Given a functional site description, a forward pass through the network can be used to complete, or “inpaint,” both protein sequence and 22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
Fig. 1. Methods for protein function design. (A) Applications of functional-site scaffolding. (B and C) Design methods. (B) Constrained hallucination. At each iteration, a sequence is passed to the trRosetta or RoseTTAFold neural network, which predicts 3D coordinates and inter-residue distances and orientations (fig. S2). The predictions are scored by a loss function that rewards certainty of the predicted structure C B Method 1: Hallucination Method 2: Inpainting along with motif recapitulation and other taskPartial Final Completed Predicted specific functions. MCMC, Markov chain Monte Carlo. Sequence Sequence Design Sequence Structure (C) Missing information recovery (“inpainting”). RFjoint Partial sequence and/or structural information is Neural network input into a modified RoseTTAFold network (called MCMC or Loss function gradient RFjoint), and complete sequence and structure are Hallucination update - Motif output. (D) Protein design challenges formulated as - Problem-specific missing information recovery problems. Question marks in column 1 indicate missing sequence Partial Completed Desired information; gray cartoons in column 2, missing Structure Structure Motif structural information. (E) RFjoint can simultaneously recover structure and sequence of a masked protein D F Design task Partial information region. 2KL8 was fed into RFjoint with a continuous (length 30) window of sequence and structure Structure prediction masked out, with the network tasked with predicting the missing region of protein. Outputs (inpainted region in gray) closely resemble the original protein Sequence design (2KL8, left) and are confidently predicted by AlphaFold (pLDDT/motif RMSD of models shown, from left to right: 91.6/0.91, 92.0/0.69, and 90.4/ Loop design 0.82). (F and G) Motif scaffolding benchmarking data comparing RFjoint with constrained hallucination. A set of 28 de novo designed proteins, Functional site design published since RoseTTAFold was trained, were G used. For each protein, 20 random masks of length 30 were generated, and RFjoint and hallucination were Inpaints p E 2KL8 L8 tasked with filling in the missing sequence and structure to “scaffold” the unmasked “motif.” For this mask length, RFjoint typically modestly outperforms hallucination, both in terms of the RMSD of the unmasked protein (the “motif”) to the original structure (F) and in AlphaFold confidence (pLDDT in the replaced region) (G). Circles represent average of 20 outputs for each of the benchmarking proteins. Triangle represents 2KL8. Colors in all panels: native functional motif, orange; hallucinated/inpainted scaffold, gray; constrained motif, purple; binding partner, blue; nonmasked region, green; and masked region, light-gray dotted lines.
Epitope Presentation
Viral Receptor Traps
structure in a masked region of protein (Fig. 1C; materials and methods). Here, the design challenge is formulated as an information recovery problem, analogous to the completion of a sentence given its first few words using language models (17) or the completion of corrupted images using inpainting (18). A wide variety of protein structure prediction and design challenges can be similarly formulated as missing information recovery problems (Fig. 1D). Although protein inpainting has been explored before (19, 20), in this study we approach it using the power of a pretrained structure-prediction network. We began from a RoseTTAFold (RF) model trained for structure prediction (16) and 388
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Active Sites
Protein-Protein Interactions
carried out further training on fixed-backbone sequence design in addition to the standard fixed-sequence structure prediction task to avoid model degradation (fig. S3; materials and methods). This model, denoted RFimplicit, was able to recover small, contiguous regions missing both sequence and structure (fig. S3). Encouraged by this result, we trained a model explicitly on inpainting segments with missing sequence and structure given the surrounding protein context, in addition to sequence design and structure prediction tasks (fig. S4A; materials and methods and algorithm S1). The resulting model was able to inpaint missing regions with high fidelity (Fig. 1E and fig. S4) and performed well at sequence design (32%
native sequence recovery during training) and structure prediction (fig. S4C). We call this network RFjoint and use it to generate all inpainted designs below unless otherwise noted. To evaluate in silico the quality of designs generated by our methods, we use the AlphaFold (AF) protein structure prediction network (21), which has high accuracy on de novo designed proteins (22) (fig. S7A). RF and AF have different architectures and were trained independently, and hence AF predictions can be regarded as a partially orthogonal in silico test of whether RF-designed sequences fold into the intended structures, analogous to traditional ab initio folding (13, 23). We used AF to compare the ability of hallucination and science.org SCIENCE
inpainting to rebuild missing protein regions (Fig. 1, F and G, and fig. S5). Inpainting yielded solutions with more accurately predicted fixed regions (“AF-RMSD”; Fig. 1G and fig. S5B) and structures overall more confidently predicted from their amino acid sequences (“AF pLDDT”; Fig. 1F and fig. S5A) and required only 1 to 10 s per design on an NVIDIA RTX 2080 graphics processing unit (hallucination requires 5 to 20 min per design). However, hallucination gave better results when the missing region was large (fig. S5) and generated greater structural diversity (fig. S8; and see below). In the following sections, we highlight the power of the constrained hallucination and inpainting methods by designing proteins containing a wide range of functional motifs (Figs. 2 to 5 and table S1). For almost all problems, we obtained designs that are closely recapitulated by AF with overall and motif (functional site) root mean square deviation (RMSD) of typically 80, motif AF-RMSD < 1.4 Å) but also of the complex between the binder and PD-L1, with an interchain predicted alignment error (inter-PAE) of 80) and interact with TrkA (inter-PAE < 10 Å) was expressed, purified, and found to bind TrkA, as assessed by biolayer interferometry (BLI) (Fig. 5F). A double mutant that knocked out both designed binding sites abolished TrkA binding, whereas single mutants knocking out either one of the binding sites maintained partial binding (Fig. 5F and fig. S16), suggesting that the protein binds two molecules of TrkA, as designed. RoseTTAFold is able to predict the structures of protein complexes (40), and we hypothesized that it could generate additional binding interactions between hallucinated or inpainted binder and a target beyond the scaffolded motif. We used a “two-chain” hallucination protocol (fig. S17; materials and methods) to design binders to the Mdm2 oncogene by scaffolding the native N-terminal helix of the tumor suppressor protein p53 and obtained diverse designs with AF inter-PAE < 7 Å, target-aligned binder RMSD < 5 Å, binder pLDDT > 85, and spatial aggregation propensity (SAP) score < 35 (fig. S17, D and E); three examples are shown in Fig. 5G. The above approaches to protein-binder design require starting from a previously known binding motif, but hallucination should in principle be able to generate de novo interfaces as well. To test this, we used two-chain hallucination to optimize 12-residue peptides for binding to 12 targets starting from random sequences, minimizing an interchain entropy loss (fig. S17H). Most of the hallucinated peptides bound at native protein interaction sites (fig. S18A); the remainder bound in hydrophobic grooves resembling protein binding sites (fig. S18B). We used the same procedure to generate 55- to 80-residue binders against TrkA and PDL-1 without starting motif information and obtained designs predicted by AF to complex with the target, at the native ligand binding site, with a target-aligned binder RMSD < 5 Å and an inter-PAE < 10 Å (fig. S17, F and G). Unlike classical protein design pipelines, which treat backbone generation and sequence design as two separate problems, our methods simultaneously generate both sequence and structure, taking advantage of the ability of RoseTTAFold to reason over and jointly optimize both data types. This results in excellent performance in both generating protein backbones with a geometry capable of hosting a desired site and sequences that strongly encode these backbones. Our hallucinated and inpainted backbones accommodate all of the tested functional sites much more accurately than any naturally occurring protein in the PDB or AF predictions database (fig. S20 and science.org SCIENCE
table S3; supplementary text) (41), and our designed structures are predicted more confidently from their (single) sequences than most native proteins with known crystal structures and are on par with structurally validated de novo designed proteins (fig. S7, A and B). The hallucination and inpainting approaches are complementary: Hallucination can generate diverse scaffolds for minimalist functional sites but is computationally expensive because it requires a forward and backward pass through the neural network to calculate gradients for each optimization step (materials and methods), whereas inpainting usually requires larger input motifs but is much less compute-intensive and outperforms the hallucination method when more starting information is provided. This difference in performance can be understood by considering the manifold in sequencestructure space corresponding to folded proteins. The inpainting approach can be viewed as projecting an incomplete input sequencestructure pair onto the subset of the manifold of folded proteins (as represented by RoseTTAFold) containing the functional site— if insufficient starting information is provided, this projection is not well determined, but with sufficient information, it produces protein-like solutions, updating sequence and structure information simultaneously. The loss function used in the hallucination approach is constructed with the goal that minima lie in the protein manifold, but there will likely not be a perfect correspondence, and hence stochastic optimization of the loss function in sequence space may not produce solutions that are as protein-like as those from the inpainting approach. Conclusion
The approaches for scaffolding functional sites presented here require no inputs other than the structure and sequence of the desired functional site and, unlike previous methods, do not require specifying the secondary structure or topology of the scaffold and can simultaneously generate both sequence and structure. Despite a recent surge of interest in using machine learning to design protein sequences (42–49), the design of protein structure is relatively underexplored, likely because of the difficulty of efficiently representing and learning structure (50). Generative adversarial networks and variational autoencoders have been used to generate protein backbones for specific fold families (51–53), whereas our approach leverages the training of RoseTTAFold on the entire PDB to generate an almost unlimited diversity of new structures and enable the scaffolding of any desired constellation of functional residues. Our “activation maximization” hallucination approach extends related work in this area (54–56) by leveraging SCIENCE science.org
its key strength, the ability to use arbitrary loss functions tailored to specific problems and design any length sequence without retraining. The ability of our inpainting approach to expand from a given functional site to generate a coherent sequence-structure pair should find wide application in protein design because of its speed and generality. The two approaches individually, and the combination of the two, should increase in power as more-accurate protein structure, interface, and small-molecule binding prediction networks are developed. RE FERENCES AND NOTES
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.
35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.
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We thank L. Goldschmidt and K. VanWormer, respectively, for maintaining the computational and wet lab resources at the Institute for Protein Design; C. Norn for general discussions about trRosetta; B. Coventry for advice on interface design; C. Goverde for advice on RSV-F epitopes and motif grafting methods; T. Yu, G. R. Lee, L. An, and X. Wang for advice on flow cytometry; R. Dong and V. Muhunthan for exploratory analyses; N. Hiranuma for exploratory RoseTTAFold training sessions; B. Trippe for feedback on the manuscript; S. Pellock for expertise on enzyme design; A. Fitzgibbon for conceptual discussions on training RoseTTAFold; and C. Garcia for providing biotinylated TrkA. Funding: We thank Microsoft for support and for providing Azure computing resources. This work was supported with funds provided by the Audacious Project at the Institute for Protein Design (D.B. and A.S.); a Microsoft gift (M.B. and J.D.); Eric and Wendy Schmidt by recommendation of the Schmidt Futures (D.J.); the DARPA Synergistic Discovery and Design project HR001117S0003 contract FA8750-17-C-0219 (D.B. and W.Y.); the DARPA Harnessing Enzymatic Activity for Lifesaving Remedies project HR001120S0052 contract HR0011-21-2-0012 (N.B.); the Washington Research Foundation (J.W.); the Open Philanthropy Project Improving Protein Design Fund (D.B. and D.T.); Amgen (S.L.); the Human Frontier Science Program Cross Disciplinary Fellowship (LT000395/2020-C) and EMBO Non-Stipendiary Fellowship (ALTF 1047-2019) (L.F.M.); the EMBO Fellowship (ALTF 191-2021) (T.S.); European Molecular Biology Organization Grant (ALTF 139-2018) (B.I.M.W.); the “la Caixa” Foundation (M.E.); the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Federal Contract HHSN272201700059C (I.A.), NIH grant DP5OD026389 (S.O.); the National Science Foundation MCB 2032259 (S.O.); the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (D.B., R.R., and K.M.C.), the National Institute on Aging grant 5U19AG065156 (D.B., J.L.W., D.R.H., and M.E.); the National Cancer Institute grant R01CA240339 (D.B. and J.-H.C.); Swiss National Science Foundation (K.M.C. and B.C.); Swiss National Center of Competence for Molecular Systems Engineering (K.M.C. and B.C.); Swiss National Center of Competence in Chemical Biology (K.M.C. and B.C.); and European Research Council grant 716058 (K.M.C. and B.C.). Author contributions: Designed the research: J.W., S.L., D.J., D.T., J.L.W., S.O., and D.B. Developed the motif-constrained hallucination method: J.W., D.T., S.L., I.A., and S.O. Contributed code and ideas for hallucination: M.B. and J.D. Generated designs using hallucination: J.W., S.L., D.T., and S.O. Developed the inpainting method: D.J. and J.L.W. Contributed code and ideas for inpainting: M.B., J.W., S.L., and D.T. Generated designs using inpainting: D.J., J.L.W., and A.S. Analyzed data: J.W., S.L., D.J., D.T., J.L.W., and M.E. Trained neural networks: D.J., J.L.W., and M.B. Performed RSV-F experiments: K.M.C., R.R., L.F.M., and J.W. Performed di-iron experiments: J.L.W. and D.J. Performed EF-hand experiments: A.S. and J.L.W.
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Performed PD-L1 experiments: W.Y., D.R.H., J.W., S.L., and D.J. Contributed reagents and technical expertise: T.S., J.-H.C., L.F.M., N.B., B.I.M.W., B.C., A.M., and F.D. Wrote the manuscript: J.W., D.J., J.L.W., S.L., D.T., S.O., and D.B. Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Data and materials availability: Code and neural network weights are available at https://github.com/RosettaCommons/RFDesign and https://github.com/sokrypton/ColabDesign and archived at Zenodo (58). Plasmids of designed proteins are available upon request. License information: Copyright © 2022 the
authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original US government works. https://www.science.org/about/sciencelicenses-journal-article-reuse SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abn2100 Materials and Methods Supplementary Text Figs. S1 to S21
Quantum effects in thermal reaction rates at metal surfaces Dmitriy Borodin1,2*, Nils Hertl1,2, G. Barratt Park1,2,3, Michael Schwarzer1, Jan Fingerhut1, Yingqi Wang4, Junxiang Zuo4, Florian Nitz1, Georgios Skoulatakis2, Alexander Kandratsenka2, Daniel J. Auerbach2, Dirk Schwarzer2, Hua Guo4, Theofanis N. Kitsopoulos1,2,5,6, Alec M. Wodtke1,2* There is wide interest in developing accurate theories for predicting rates of chemical reactions that occur at metal surfaces, especially for applications in industrial catalysis. Conventional methods contain many approximations that lack experimental validation. In practice, there are few reactions where sufficiently accurate experimental data exist to even allow meaningful comparisons to theory. Here, we present experimentally derived thermal rate constants for hydrogen atom recombination on platinum single-crystal surfaces, which are accurate enough to test established theoretical approximations. A quantum rate model is also presented, making possible a direct evaluation of the accuracy of commonly used approximations to adsorbate entropy. We find that neglecting the wave nature of adsorbed hydrogen atoms and their electronic spin degeneracy leads to a 10× to 1000× overestimation of the rate constant for temperatures relevant to heterogeneous catalysis. These quantum effects are also found to be important for nanoparticle catalysts.
normous effort has gone into developing predictive theories of thermal reaction rates (1), with one goal being accurate kinetic models of heterogeneous catalysis, an industrial cornerstone of modern society (2). Modeling real catalytic reactors presents technical problems because they often involve networks of reactions (3, 4), complicating meaningful comparisons to experiment that could test a theory’s assumptions. A possible solution is to compare experiment and theory using simplified model systems that involve only a single elementary reaction. Unfortunately, even this comparison is seldom achieved because accurate measurements of elementary reaction rates are rare in surface chemistry (5). Illustrative of these problems is the thermal recombination of H atoms on transition metals, 1
Institute for Physical Chemistry, University of Göttingen, Tammannstraße 6, 37077 Göttingen, Germany. 2Department of Dynamics at Surfaces, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, am Faßberg 11, 37077 Göttingen, Germany. 3Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-1061, USA. 4 Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA. 5Department of Chemistry, University of Crete, 71003 Heraklion, Greece. 6 Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, FORTH, 71110 Heraklion, Greece. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (D.B.); [email protected] (A.M.W.)
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leading to H2 formation. Being perhaps the simplest reaction for theoretical modeling and omnipresent as an elementary step in industrial catalysis [e.g., hydrogenation of unsaturated fats (6), ammonia synthesis (7), and electrochemical hydrogen production (8)], it is an obvious starting point for the development of accurate rate theories in surface chemistry. Unfortunately, large uncertainties in the experimentally derived second-order rate constants arise because of difficulties in obtaining accurate initial concentrations (9). If these and other experimental problems could be overcome, this reaction would provide an ideal system for benchmarking rate theory, especially for testing approximate treatments of quantum effects. From the study of gas-phase reactions, exact treatments of nuclear quantum effects are often considered to be unnecessary above ~500 K (10), and, because most catalytic reactors operate at increased temperatures, one might conclude that a classical approximation (11) or approximate ad hoc quantum treatments, like harmonic transition-state theory (hTST) (12, 13), would be sufficient to model surface chemistry. But the need to go beyond hTST has been pointed out recently (14) and new methods were reported, although they also lack validation from experiment. Electron spin is another
Tables S1 to S5 Algorithm S1 References (59Ð86) MDAR Reproducibility Checklist Data S1 and S2
Submitted 11 November 2021; accepted 24 June 2022 10.1126/science.abn2100
important quantum effect on surface reactions; for example, in H atom recombination, only one out of four electron spin combinations yields a stable H2 molecule. However, the spindegeneracy of reactants and products has, to our knowledge, never been included in calculations of reaction rates at metal surfaces. This paper reports kinetic data for H atom recombination on both the Pt(111) and Pt(332) surfaces obtained with velocity-resolved kinetics (VRK), which was previously used only to study first-order and pseudo–first-order reactions on model catalysts (15, 16). For this work, we have extended VRK to the measurement of rate constants for second-order reactions by measuring the absolute reactant flux, which, when combined with known sticking probabilities (17, 18), provides accurate initial concentrations [H]0 and eliminates the main source of error found in previous work. To understand the kinetics more deeply, we also constructed a quantum rate model (QRM) that accurately reproduced experimental rate constants over 12 orders of magnitude for temperatures between 250 and 1000 K with no adjustable parameters. Comparison to a corresponding classical rate model (CRM) revealed how large and crucially important quantum effects are; the classical reaction rate constants were ~20 times larger than quantum rate constants even at 1000 K, with an increasing deviation at lower temperatures. For reactions at stepped surfaces, the errors were even higher. This dramatic quantum reduction of the reaction rate resulted from both the delocalization of the adsorbed H* nuclei as well as the influence of electron spin degeneracy. Results
The experiments are described in detail in the supplementary materials (SM). Briefly, a pulsed molecular beam with a controlled mixture of H2 and D2 illuminated either a Pt(111) or Pt(332) crystal facet, with step densities of 0.1 to 0.6% and 16.7%, respectively. The transient rates of HD formation were then recorded using VRK, where pulsed laserionization, time-of-flight mass spectrometry reports the product’s mass-to-charge ratio (m/Z) and its density as a function of delay between the pulsed molecular and laser beams. Because the ions were detected with slice imaging (19, 20) yielding product velocity, we could science.org SCIENCE
accurately compute the transient product flux as a function of reaction time at the surface. Initial reactant concentrations are needed to obtain second-order rate constants (SM section S2a). These values were obtained from the absolute flux profiles of the incident molecular beams (SM section S2b) and known sticking coefficients (17, 18) (SM section S3). Finally, VRK data obtained at m/Z = 2, 3, and 4 led to isotopic branching fractions (SM section S4), from which we obtained isotope-specific rate constants. The QRM developed in this work is an exact formulation of a thermal rate constant. It yields accurate isotope-specific thermal rates as long as one has accurate isotope-specific D E thermal sticking probabilities S0H2 ;HD;D2 ðT Þ, adsorption energies E0H2 ;HD;D2 , and reactant QH ;D and product QH2 ;HD;D2 partition functions: k H 2 ðT Þ ¼
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi kB T QH2 =V exp ðT Þ 2pmH2 ðQH =AÞ2
E0H2 kB T ð1Þ
where T is temperature, kB is the Boltzmann constant, V is reference volume, and A is reference area for the partition function evaluation. The QRM rate constant for H2 desorption by the recombination of two adsorbed H atoms, kH2 ðT Þ, given by Eq. 1, is derived from the principle of detailed balance provided in SM section S5a. Expressions for kHD ðT Þ and kD2 ðT Þ were easily obtained by analogy. Accurate values D E for E0H2 ;HD;D2 and S0H2 ;HD;D2 ðT Þ can be obtained from prior experiments (SM sections S3 and S6). These measured quantities allowed us to avoid errors associated with the theoretical determination of the thermal dissociative adsorption rates and density functional theory (DFT) calculations of adsorption energies, which can be highly dependent on the choice of exchange-correlation functional (21). In addition, the partition function for the hydrogen molecule in the gas phase QH2 is well known. The adsorbate partition functions QH ;D are crucial inputs to the QRM and were computed with a quantum potential energy sampling (QPES) method, where the nuclear part of the partition function is obtained by a direct state count. States and energies were obtained by solving the nuclear Schrödinger equation with DFT interaction potentials computed with two different functionals and assuming a static Pt surface (SM section S1b). This procedure was performed for H interacting with both Pt(111) and Pt(332). We found that QH is weakly dependent on the choice of DFT functional (SM section S5e). The electronic contribution to QH , which accounts for the twofold spin degeneracy of the H-Pt system, was explicitly included. SCIENCE science.org
Fig. 1. VRK of H atom recombination on Pt(111) and Pt(332). Measured HD formation rates for Pt(111) (○) and Pt(332) (+) are compared with the results of the QRM (dashed and solid lines). The temperature dependence and the transient rate of the measurements are quantitatively captured by the model for both facets. The shaded regions of the top three panels indicate 2s uncertainty, mainly associated with the absolute reactant flux measurement (~30%) and the dissociative adsorption energies. The excellent agreement between VRK and QRM is achieved without adjustable parameters. a.u., arbitrary units.
Figure 1 presents the experimentally obtained HD formation rates for reactions on Pt(111) and Pt(332) and compares them with a simulation of the experiment. The simulations used rate constants from the QRM for all three isotopologs (fig. S9) and accounted for the temporal profile of the dosing pulse and its spatial inhomogeneity, f (t, r) (Fig. 2A), where t is time and r is radial distance, as well as reactant diffusion. This aspect of the data analysis goes beyond past work and is essential because the rates of second-order reactions are sensitive to surface concentration distributions and gradients. The full diffusionreaction model is described in SM section S7 and accounts for well-known diffusion effects on surface reaction rates discussed in previous work (22). Figure 2B shows that the isotope effect at these temperatures is small and well described by the QRM. Inspection of Figs. 1 and 2B clearly shows that the QRM, which has no adjustable parameters, reproduces experimental data for reactions on both Pt(111) and Pt(332). Figure 3 shows the VRK-derived H* recombination rate constants (black circles) compared with those of previous work (light red trapezoids) for reactions on Pt(111). Previous studies used
temperature programmed desorption (TPD) for T < 400 K (23–26) and molecular beam relaxation spectrometry (MBRS) for T > 400 K (27, 28). The uncertainty in the previously reported rate constants spans three orders of magnitude. We note that previous work studied different isotopic recombination reactions (fig. S8); however, given the small isotope effect found in the present study (Fig. 2B and fig. S9), these differences between experiments cannot explain the large range of reported values. The VRK measurements clearly distinguish the accuracy of two previous MBRS measurements that fall within the uncertainty range of (27) but differ by two orders of magnitude from rate constants reported in (28). A hallmark of a fundamentally correct model is its ability to reproduce accurate experimental data over a broad temperature range. The QRM uses a fundamentally correct ab initio adsorbate partition function that leads to excellent agreement with experiment over a large temperature range. The performance of the QRM for Pt(111) at temperatures between 650 and 950 K is demonstrated by comparison to VRK-derived rate constants, whereas lowtemperature comparisons rely on TPD. Uncertainties in the TPD-derived rate constants 22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
Fig. 2. Calibration of the molecular beam and isotopic branching. (A) The space-dependent H2 and D2 dosing profiles used to determine the absolute initial concentration of H* and D*. These results were obtained from laser-based calibration of the molecular beam flux and are required to accurately determine the recombination rate constants. The shaded regions indicate the 2s uncertainty
Fig. 3. Rate constants for H atom recombination on Pt(111). (A) Light red trapezoids show the temperature-range and rate-constant uncertainties of previous work (23Ð28). Shown are experimental results from this work (○) with 2s error bars compared with the results of the QRM (black solid line), hTST (green dotted line), CRM (blue dash-dotted line), and QRM neglecting electron spin (black dashed line). The inset at the bottom left shows an expanded view. The inset at the top right compares TPD spectra (broad gray lines) from (29) with the predictions of the QRM model, QRM neglecting spin, the CPES model, and the hTST model for three initial H* coverages of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 ML. The gray-shaded region and the horizontal error bar on one of
arise from questionable approximations used to derive rate constants from the data, neglect of the coverage dependence of adsorption energies (26), dubious estimations of prefactors (25), and neglect of the influence of steps (23). To make the most meaningful comparison, we used the QRM to directly simulate 396
range. The inset shows the temporal profile of the molecular beam pulse. (B) Isotopic branching fraction from VRK experiments (symbols) and QRM (lines). The agreement shows that QRM correctly predicts the isotope effect. The error bars and the gray-shaded region reflect 2s uncertainty in the experiment and model, respectively. Note that some symbols have been shifted by ±5 K for clarity.
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the modeled TPD spectra reflects the uncertainty of the experimental H2 chemisorption energy. The ability of the QRM rate constants to quantitatively reproduce experimental data demonstrates the importance of both nuclear and electronic quantum effects. (B) Comparison of the approximate predictions of three rate models to QRM rate constants. Neglecting spin degeneracy, using a fully classical approximation or a commonly adopted approximate quantum model both introduce large errors even at high temperatures. Similar errors are seen for recombination rates on the stepped Pt(332) surface (see fig. S14). See fig. S12 for a detailed decomposition of the errors observed from hTST and adsorbate entropy approximations.
TPD spectra from (29), where the influence of steps was carefully identified and removed (SM section S8). Here, we also accounted for the previously reported coverage dependence of the adsorption energy (24, 30) (fig. S11 and SM section S6). The comparison is shown in the top-right inset of Fig. 3A. The solid black
lines of the QRM are in excellent agreement with the TPD spectra [broad gray lines, from (29)] for three initial coverages. Discussion
The aforementioned comparisons to kinetics experiments carried out between 250 and 950 K science.org SCIENCE
Fig. 4. The influence of steps on H atom recombination on Pt. (A) Rate constants derived from VRK experiments (symbols) for H atom recombination on Pt(111) and Pt(332) are compared with QRM predictions (solid lines). The 2s uncertainty of the rate constants of Pt(332) QRM is shown as a red-shaded region. The inset is a magnification of the area enclosed by the dotted rectangle. (B) Entropies obtained experimentally at 598 K (symbols with 2s error bars) and
demonstrated the validity of the QRM rate constants over 12 orders of magnitude and for H atom coverages up to 0.3 monolayer (ML). Within the context of the principle of detailed balance as implemented in the QRM, this coherent picture demonstrates the quantitative consistency of previously reported sticking coefficients and binding energies with the kinetics measurements of this work. The agreement over such a wide range of rates provides confidence in the QRM rate constants, making H recombination on Pt(111) a reliable benchmark for approximate rate theories in surface chemistry. It is worth noting that the QRM as implemented in this work is semiempirical because it relies on experimental values of thermal sticking coefficients and adsorption energies. However, it also provides a path to an ab initio theory of thermal reaction rates, if these quantities can be accurately calculated from first principles. The framework of the QRM allows us to critically test the quality of predictions based on approximations that are commonly used in kinetic modeling of heterogeneous catalysis. The results of this analysis are shown in Fig. 3. The most widely used model for rate constants (hTST) introduces quantum effects in an approximate way, where nuclear partition functions are computed assuming separable motion of contributing degrees of freedom that can each be approximated as a harmonic oscillator. By definition, recrossing corrections are not included in hTST (12, 13). The hTST rate constants, calculated by placing the dividing surface far above the surface, are shown SCIENCE science.org
from CPES (blue dash-dotted line) for H* bound to Pt nanoparticles from (11). Also shown are QPES entropies for H* bound to Pt(111) (solid black line) and Pt(332) (solid red line) that were obtained in this work (see SM section S9). The nuclear quantum effect contribution is 12 J mol−1 K−1, and the contribution of electron spin is 6 J mol−1 K−1. The comparison suggests that the nanoparticlesize dependence of the H* entropy is determined by the concentration of steps.
as a green dotted line in Fig. 3. This approximation overestimates the experimental reaction rate constant by two to three orders of magnitude at all temperatures between 200 and 1200 K. The major source of errors in hTST arise from the harmonic simplifications made to the H-Pt interaction potential (resulting in errors of a factor 5 to 25) and the neglect of recrossing corrections to TST (with errors of a factor 5 to 10) (see fig. S12A for details). The next, more sophisticated level of rate theory uses the complete potential energy sampling (CPES) method to characterize entropy associated with the in-plane degrees of freedom of H*. CPES is considered by many to provide the most accurate adsorbate partition function (31), and it has been applied to characterize H interaction at metals (11). It accounts for anharmonicity by using a semiclassical partition function computed from the adsorbate potential energy surface, which may be obtained with DFT (11, 14, 31). To evaluate this approach, we modified the QRM, replacing the QPES by the CPES adsorbate partition function but retaining the other parameters in Eq. 1. This substitution serves to illustrate the classical counterpart of the QRM, which we hereafter denote as the CRM. The rate constants predicted by the CRM are shown as blue dash-dotted lines in Fig. 3. The CRM performed better than hTST but nevertheless overestimated the rate constant by a factor of 20, even at temperatures as high as 1000 K. The error is more than 100-fold at 300 K, a temperature typical for electrochemical applications. Although our detailed analysis is focused on Pt(111), the errors introduced by hTST and
the CRM are similar for reactions on Pt(332) (fig. S14). A major source of error in the CPES method arises from the classical description of the adsorbate’s in-plane motion. This can be understood by considering that the in-plane zero-point energy of H* on Pt(111) (58 meV) is almost equal to the classical diffusion barrier (60 meV) (see fig. S13). Thus, classical and quantum descriptions of H* motion on the surface lead to very different results. CPES excludes H* from classically forbidden regions of space, whereas quantum mechanically, there is a substantial probability to populate these regions. Furthermore, CPES does not account for the uncertainty principle, which prevents localization of H* at the classical energy minimum at low temperature. The surface area explored by the H atom is underestimated by CPES and thus so too is the adsorbate entropy. This results in an overestimate of the corresponding rate constant. Our results underscore the importance of quantum delocalization and help explain why the deviations of CRM become more severe at low temperatures. Quantum delocalization is also the reason why hTST fails. All quantum states above the ground state exhibit probability maxima at positions far from the potential energy minimum (fig. S13). We may investigate other sources of error in the CRM by using the QPES partition function but neglecting electron spin. Figure 3A shows rate constants predicted on this basis, and in Fig. 3B, one can see that neglect of electron spin degeneracy led to a 4× overestimate of the rate constant at all temperatures. This 22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
result can be understood intuitively if we consider that when two H* atoms attempt to react, they must approach one another in one of four degenerate states with either parallel (triplet) or antiparallel (singlet) spins. Only the singlet state correlates with the formation of gasphase singlet H2 products; hence, including spin degeneracy reduces the reaction rate by a factor of four. This result should not come as a surprise to those familiar with rate calculations for gasphase reactions where spin degeneracy is routinely included (1). Nonetheless, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that the rates of thermal reactions at metal surfaces depend on adsorbate spin. The QRM developed in this work also describes the reaction rate on stepped surfaces. In Fig. 4A, we compare the predicted rate constants of the QRM for Pt(111) and Pt(332) surfaces to those derived from VRK experiments. For details of the QRM treatment of the reaction on Pt(332), see SM sections S1b and S6. Experiment shows that near 700 K, the rate constants for reaction on the (332) facet is larger than that on the (111) facet, an effect that is quantitatively captured by the QRM. This result may appear surprising, because the H atom’s binding energy is larger at steps than at terraces (30, 32). A naïve view of Eq. 1 suggests that this leads to a lower rate constant. However, careful analysis of the thermally populated quantum states used in the QPES partition functions showed that at these temperatures, H atoms on the (332) facet tend to remain localized near step sites (fig. S15). This fact reduces their in-plane translational entropy and leads to an increase in the rate constant because the effect of entropy is larger than that produced by a larger step binding energy. This observation reflects how changing temperature alters the relative influence of energy and entropy on the rate constant. In past work, similarities in TPD spectra of H2 desorbing from Pt(111) and a B-type stepped Pt surface at T ~ 350 K were taken as evidence for a lack of preferential step binding (26). Inspection of QRM rate constants in Fig. 4A reveals that at 350 K, the similarity in desorption rate constants arises from compensation between energetic and entropic contributions (see SM section S8 for details). Our work supports conclusions derived from He-atom and ionscattering experiments that H binds more strongly to B-type steps (30, 32). Only at much lower temperatures does the energetic preference for H binding at steps cause the rate constant on the stepped surface to drop below that on (111) terraces. Because the QRM approach developed in this work provides an accurate determination of rate constants on stepped surfaces, we expect that QPES entropies used in the QRM would help us understand experiments performed on size-selected Pt nanoparticles (11), because 398
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
smaller nanoparticles exhibit higher step concentrations. Figure 4B shows measured H* entropies for Pt nanoparticles of various sizes reproduced from (11)—the entropy increases with the nanoparticle size, consistent with observations presented above that Pt steps reduce H* entropy. Also shown are CPES entropies reported in (11), which fail to describe entropies derived from experiment. Notably, the entropies found using the QPES method for H* bound to Pt(111) (see Fig. 4B) are in good agreement with entropies for the largest particle sizes. Note that surfaces of large nanoparticles are primarily composed of the (111) facets (11). Figure 4B also shows QPES entropies for H* on the (332) facet, which compare well to experimentally obtained entropies on small nanoparticles. This comparison further supports our hypothesis that the H* entropy decreases as nanoparticle size decreases and the relative importance of step defects increases. This result points out the importance of quantum effects even for the description of thermodynamic state functions in advanced catalytic materials. Conclusion
As this work has shown, H* recombination on Pt surfaces exhibits large quantum effects even at increased temperatures relevant to catalysis. These quantum effects in the reaction rates and in the thermodynamic properties of the adsorbed H atoms arise in part from the H atom’s light mass, where a careful treatment of its wave properties is required to obtain accurate results. Such nuclear quantum effects will diminish in importance for heavier adsorbates. However, the effect of spin degeneracy demonstrated here will remain of general importance for a host of reactions of heavier species involved in real-world catalysis. At present, it is not easily possible to determine the lowest-energy spin state for metal surfaces with DFT. Developing theoretical and experimental methods that are able to probe the general influence of spin on reaction rates presents the next challenge on the way toward fully predictive surface chemistry at metal catalysts. RE FERENCES AND NOTES
1. J. L. Bao, D. G. Truhlar, Chem. Soc. Rev. 46, 7548–7596 (2017). 2. F. Studt, Front. Catal. 1, 658965 (2021). 3. A. H. Motagamwala, J. A. Dumesic, Chem. Rev. 121, 1049–1076 (2021). 4. J. E. Sutton, W. Guo, M. A. Katsoulakis, D. G. Vlachos, Nat. Chem. 8, 331–337 (2016). 5. G. B. Park et al., Nat. Rev. Chem. 3, 723–732 (2019). 6. P. Sabatier, Catalysis in Organic Chemistry (D. Van Nostrand Company, 1922). 7. G. Ertl, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 47, 3524–3535 (2008). 8. A. Godula-Jopek, Hydrogen Production by Electrolysis (Wiley-VCH, 2015). 9. M. P. D’Evelyn, R. J. Madix, Surf. Sci. Rep. 3, 413–495 (1983). 10. Y. V. Suleimanov, F. J. Aoiz, H. Guo, J. Phys. Chem. A 120, 8488–8502 (2016). 11. M. García-Diéguez, D. D. Hibbitts, E. Iglesia, J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 8447–8462 (2019).
12. S. Bhandari, S. Rangarajan, C. T. Maravelias, J. A. Dumesic, M. Mavrikakis, ACS Catal. 10, 4112–4126 (2020). 13. M. Jørgensen, H. Grönbeck, ACS Catal. 6, 6730–6738 (2016). 14. A. Bajpai, P. Mehta, K. Frey, A. M. Lehmer, W. F. Schneider, ACS Catal. 8, 1945–1954 (2018). 15. D. Borodin et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 18305–18316 (2021). 16. J. Neugebohren et al., Nature 558, 280–283 (2018). 17. R. van Lent et al., Science 363, 155–157 (2019). 18. A. C. Luntz, J. K. Brown, M. D. Williams, J. Chem. Phys. 93, 5240–5246 (1990). 19. K. Tonokura, T. Suzuki, Chem. Phys. Lett. 224, 1–6 (1994). 20. C. R. Gebhardt, T. P. Rakitzis, P. C. Samartzis, V. Ladopoulos, T. N. Kitsopoulos, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72, 3848–3853 (2001). 21. G. J. Kroes, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23, 8962–9048 (2021). 22. D. R. Olander, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 58, 169–183 (1977). 23. K. Christmann, G. Ertl, T. Pignet, Surf. Sci. 54, 365–392 (1976). 24. B. Poelsema, K. Lenz, G. Comsa, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 22, 304006 (2010). 25. P. Samson, A. Nesbitt, B. E. Koel, A. Hodgson, J. Chem. Phys. 109, 3255–3264 (1998). 26. M. J. van der Niet, A. den Dunnen, L. B. Juurlink, M. T. Koper, J. Chem. Phys. 132, 174705 (2010). 27. G. E. Gdowski, J. A. Fair, R. J. Madix, Surf. Sci. 127, 541–554 (1983). 28. M. Salmerón, R. J. Gale, G. A. Somorjai, J. Chem. Phys. 70, 2807–2818 (1979). 29. S. K. Jo, Surf. Sci. 635, 99–107 (2015). 30. B. J. J. Koeleman, S. T. de Zwart, A. L. Boers, B. Poelsema, L. K. Verhey, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. 218, 225–229 (1983). 31. M. Jørgensen, H. Grönbeck, J. Phys. Chem. C 121, 7199–7207 (2017). 32. B. Poelsema, G. Mechtersheimer, G. Comsa, Surf. Sci. 111, 519–544 (1981). 33. D. Borodin, Hydrogen atom recombination on Pt(111) and Pt(332). Zenodo (2022); doi:10.5281/zenodo.6565004. AC KNOWLED GME NTS
We thank J. C. Tully for helpful discussions. Funding: D.B. and M.S. thank the BENCh graduate school, funded by the DFG (389479699/GRK2455). T.N.K., G.S., A.K., M.S., and J.F. acknowledge support from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement no. 833404). Y.W., J.Z., and H.G. acknowledge the US National Science Foundation (grant. no. CHE1951328), and H.G. thanks the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for a Humboldt Research Award. The calculations were partially performed at the Center for Advanced Research Computing (CARC) at the University of New Mexico and at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC) Center. Author contributions: D.B., M.S., and J.F. conducted the transient kinetics experiments. Flux calibration procedures were developed by D.B., G.B.P., M.S., F.N., D.J.A., and T.N.K. D.B. and D.S. developed the reaction-diffusion analysis. D.B. and A.M.W. developed the quantum rate model. N.H., Y.W., J.Z., and H.G. conducted DFT calculations. D.B., N.H., A.K., and H.G. analyzed DFT calculations and developed methods for description of nuclear partition functions. M.S., J.F., G.S., T.N.K., D.J.A., D.S., and A.K. participated in discussion of the results. D.B., D.J.A., H.G., and A.M.W. wrote the manuscript and the supporting material. All authors contributed to the reviews of the manuscript and the supporting material. Competing interests: None declared. Data and material availability: All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in the paper or the supplementary materials and are publicly available in the Zenodo repository (33). License information: Copyright © 2022 the authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original US government works. https://www.science.org/about/science-licenses-journalarticle-reuse SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abq1414 Materials and Methods Supplementary Text Figs. S1 to S15 References (34Ð71) Submitted 21 March 2022; accepted 16 June 2022 10.1126/science.abq1414
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A chromosomal inversion contributes to divergence in multiple traits between deer mouse ecotypes Emily R. Hager1†‡, Olivia S. Harringmeyer1†, T. Brock Wooldridge1, Shunn Theingi1, Jacob T. Gable1, Sade McFadden1, Beverly Neugeboren1, Kyle M. Turner1§, Jeffrey D. Jensen2, Hopi E. Hoekstra1* How locally adapted ecotypes are established and maintained within a species is a long-standing question in evolutionary biology. Using forest and prairie ecotypes of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus), we characterized the genetic basis of variation in two defining traits—tail length and coat color—and discovered a 41-megabase chromosomal inversion linked to both. The inversion frequency is 90% in the dark, long-tailed forest ecotype; decreases across a habitat transition; and is absent from the light, short-tailed prairie ecotype. We implicate divergent selection in maintaining the inversion at frequencies observed in the wild, despite high levels of gene flow, and explore fitness benefits that arise from suppressed recombination within the inversion. We uncover a key role for a large, previously uncharacterized inversion in the evolution and maintenance of classic mammalian ecotypes.
ide-ranging species that occupy diverse habitats often evolve distinct ecotypes— intraspecific forms that differ in heritable traits relevant to their local environments (1). Ecotypes frequently differ in multiple locally adaptive phenotypes (2), and although ecotypes sometimes show partial reproductive isolation (2), many experience substantial intraspecific gene flow (3). This raises an important question: How are differences in multiple traits maintained between ecotypes when migration acts as a homogenizing force? One explanation is that natural selection keeps each locus associated with locally adaptive trait variation at migration-selection equilibrium (4). However, in cases of high migration, this requires strong selection acting on many independent alleles. Linkage disequilibrium can play an important role by allowing linked loci, each with potentially weaker selective effects, to establish and be maintained together (5), which can lead to concentrated genetic architectures of ecotype-specific traits (6). Characterizing the genetic basis of the full set of ecotypic differences and the role of migration, selection, and recombination in maintaining these differences is thus critical to understanding local adaptation specifically and biological diversification more generally.
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Museum of Comparative Zoology, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 2 School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] †These authors contributed equally to this work. ‡Present address: Department of Biomedical Engineering, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA. §Present address: Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3H1, Canada.
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One of the most abundant and widespread mammals in North America is the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus), which is continuously distributed across diverse habitats from the Arctic Circle to central Mexico. In the early 1900s, a taxonomic revision of this species described two distinct ecotypes: a forest and a prairie form (7). Several features distinguish the semiarboreal forest mice that occupy darksoil habitats from their more terrestrial prairie counterparts that occupy light substrates. Most notably, forest mice typically have longer tails and darker coats than those of prairie mice (7–9), with large differences in these traits maintained between ecotypes despite evidence for gene flow (10, 11). This consistent divergence in multiple traits provides an opportunity to test the mechanisms that establish and maintain ecotypes. Forest and prairie mice differ in multiple traits
To study divergence between the forest and prairie ecotypes, we selected two focal populations—one from a coastal temperate rainforest (P. m. rubidus, referred to hereafter as the forest ecotype) and one from an arid sagebrush steppe habitat (P. m. gambelii, referred to as the prairie ecotype) in the northwestern US—separated by ~500 km (Fig. 1A). After establishing laboratory colonies from wild-caught mice, we measured both the wild-caught mice and their laboratory-reared descendants for four traits previously reported to distinguish forest and prairie ecotypes (7–9): tail, hindfoot, and ear lengths as well as coat color (brightness, hue, and saturation across three body regions). We also measured body length and weight. We found that forest mice had longer tails; longer hind feet; and darker, redder coats compared with prairie mice (Fig. 1, B and C; fig. S1; and table S1). These phenotypic differences persisted in laboratory-
born mice raised in common conditions (fig. S2 and table S1), which suggests a strong genetic component to these ecotype-defining traits. A large inversion is associated with tail length and coat color
Using an unbiased forward-genetic approach, we identified genomic regions linked to ecotype differences in morphology. We intercrossed forest and prairie mice in the laboratory to generate 555 second-generation (F2) hybrids (forest female × prairie male, n = 203 F2s; prairie female × forest male, n = 352 F2s) and performed quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping for each trait (12) (Fig. 2, fig. S3, and table S2). We identified five regions associated with tail length variation [total percent variance explained (PVE): 27%; individual PVE: 2.6 to 12.1%]. Only one region, on chromosome 15, was strongly and significantly associated with coat color variation (PVE, dorsal hue: 40.0%; PVE, flank hue: 45.6%). Each QTL exhibited incomplete dominance, and the forest allele was always associated with forest traits—longer tails or redder coats. The one significant QTL for coat color overlapped with the largest-effect locus associated with tail length (95% Bayesian credible intervals: dorsal hue = 0.4 to 40.5 Mb; flank hue = 0.4 to 39.4 Mb; tail length = 0.4 to 41.5 Mb). Thus, a single region on chromosome 15 was strongly associated with ecotype differences in both tail length and coat color. The QTL peak on chromosome 15 exhibited a consistently strong association with both morphological traits across half the chromosome (Fig. 3A). This pattern reflects reduced recombination between forest and prairie alleles in the laboratory cross: Only 2 of 1110 F2 chromosomes were recombinant in this region (Fig. 3B). We also found consistently elevated FST (proportion of the total genetic variance explained by population structure) (Fig. 3C) and high linkage disequilibrium (Fig. 3D) across this genetic region in wild populations relative to the rest of the chromosome (whole-genome resequencing: n = 15 forest, n = 15 prairie). Together, these data are consistent with reduced recombination across half of chromosome 15 in both laboratory and wild populations. This pattern of suppressed recombination could be produced by a large genomic rearrangement (or a set of rearrangements). To determine the nature of any structural variation on chromosome 15, we used PacBio longread sequencing (n = 1 forest, n = 1 prairie) (12). We generated independent de novo assemblies for each individual and mapped the resulting contigs to the reference genome for P. m. bairdii (12). In the forest individual, one contig mapped near the center of the chromosome (from 41.19 to 40.94 Mb) and then split and mapped in reverse orientation to the beginning of the 22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
Tail Body length
Tail length
Hue + red
40 90
*** *** degrees
P. m. rubidus
~500 km
length (mm)
30 forest
DF V 50 forest
0 prairie
P. m. gambelii
Fig. 1. Forest and prairie mice differ in tail length and pigmentation. (A) Map shows the approximate range of forest (green) and prairie (brown) deer mouse ecotypes in North America. Collection sites of wild-caught forest (P. m. rubidus, green) and prairie (P. m. gambelii, brown) ecotypes from western and eastern Oregon, USA, respectively, are shown. Photos illustrate representative habitat; pink flags indicate trap lines. (B) Body length (left; not including the tail) and tail length (right) for wild-caught adult mice (n = 38 forest and 32 prairie). Lines connect body and tail measurements for the same individual. Means are shown in bold. (Inset) Image of a representative tail from each ecotype. Scale
chromosome (from 0 to 5 Mb). By contrast, in the prairie individual, a single contig mapped continuously to the reference genome in this region (37 to 41.3 Mb) (Fig. 3E). Because we found no other forest-specific rearrangements in this region (fig. S4), we determined that chromosome 15 harbors a simple 41-Mb inversion. Using putative centromere-associated sequences in Peromyscus (12), we determined that the inversion is paracentric, with the centromere located outside of the inversion (Fig. 3G). Inversions may affect phenotypes directly through the effects of their breakpoints or indirectly by carrying causal mutations (13). Using the long-read sequencing data, we localized the inversion breakpoint to base pair resolution (Fig. 3F and fig. S5). The breakpoint falls within an intron of a long intergenic noncoding RNA (lincRNA), and an additional four annotated genes (two lincRNAs and two protein-coding genes) occur within 200 kb of the breakpoint. Although the breakpoint may disrupt their expression patterns, these genes have no known functions associated with either pigmentation or skeletal phenotypes (table S3). An additional 149 protein-coding genes are located within the inversion, of which 29 contain at least one fixed nonsynonymous mutation between the inversion and reference alleles. Ten of the genes within the inversion (four with nonsynonymous substitutions) are associated with pigmentation phenotypes when disrupted in laboratory mice, and 13 are associated with tail or long-bone length phenotypes 400
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
+ yellow
prairie dorsal
bar, 1 cm. (C) Coat color (hue) values for the dorsal and flank regions of wildcaught adult mice (n = 16 forest and 20 prairie). Boxplots indicate the median (center white line) and the 25th and 75th percentiles (box extents); whiskers show largest or smallest value within 1.5 times the interquartile range. Black dots show individual data points. (Inset) Dorsal (D), flank (F), and ventral (V) regions from a representative forest and prairie mouse. ns = P > 0.05; ***P < 0.001 (WelchÕs t test, two-sided). Original photography in (B) and (C) is copyrighted by the President and Fellows of Harvard College (photo credit: Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University).
in laboratory mice (three with nonsynonymous substitutions and four with associated pigment phenotypes as well; table S4). These 19 genes are thus strong candidates for contributing to tail length and coat color variation. Inversion frequency and divergence in wild populations
To investigate whether the inversion and associated traits (longer tails and redder coats) may be favored in forested habitats, we collected deer mice across a sharp habitat transition between the focal forest and prairie sites and estimated habitat type and mean soil hue at each capture site (n = 136 mice from 22 sites, supplemented by 12 additional museum specimens from two sites; figs. S6 and S7). We found that much of the transition in both habitat type and soil hue occurs in a narrow region across the Cascade mountain range (Fig. 4, A and B), and the phenotypic clines estimated using either all adult wild-caught individuals or only those from the Cascades region both identified sharp transitions in coat color and tail length that colocalize with this environmental transition (Fig. 4, C and D). Specifically, mean hue changes by 3.2° (63% of the forestprairie difference), and mean tail length changes by 13 mm (47% of the forest-prairie difference) across the 50-km Cascades region; tail length changes by an additional 4 mm within the next 100 km, coincident with continued changes in forestation (Fig. 4). Together, the strong correlation between phenotype and habitat is consistent with local adaptation.
The inversion changes substantially in frequency across the habitat transition, from 90% in the forest population to absent in the prairie population (Fig. 4E). This frequency difference of the inversion is extreme: It is greater than the allele frequency difference at the maximally differentiated single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in 99.92% of blocks with similar levels of linkage disequilibrium (12) (Fig. 4F). Moreover, similar to the changes in phenotype, the transition in inversion frequency occurs over only a short distance: Inversion frequency decreases from 100 to 62.5% in the 50-km Cascades region and then drops further within the next 100 km (i.e., inversion frequency drops from 100 to 4% over less than one-third of the total transect distance; Fig. 4E). The sharp change in inversion frequency across the environmental transect, and its extreme forestprairie allele frequency difference, suggest that the inversion may be favored in forested habitat. The inversion also strongly contributes to genetic differentiation between the forest and prairie ecotypes by carrying many highly differentiated SNPs. For example, FST between the forest and prairie ecotypes in the inversion region is high compared with the genomewide average (inversion region: mean FST = 0.376; genome-wide, excluding inversion region: mean FST = 0.071; fig. S8). The strong genetic divergence between the inversion and reference haplotypes is reflected in maximum likelihood– based trees built from the region of chromosome 15 that contains the inversion (affected region: science.org SCIENCE
tail length
10 5 0 70
flank hue dorsal hue
30 10 1
Dorsal hue
Tail length (resid. body) PVE: 12% a: 2.7 mm d/a: 0.19
PVE: 46% a: -1.9° d/a: 0.30
40 degrees
Flank hue PVE: 40% a: -2.0° d/a: 0.26
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
9 10 8 chromosome
45 -20 50 n=
genotype at chromosome 15: 20 Mb
Fig. 2. A region on chromosome 15 is strongly associated with both tail length and coat color. (A) Statistical association [log of the odds (LOD) score] of ancestry with tail length (top; blue) and dorsal and flank hue (bottom; dorsal, dark red; flank, light red) in laboratory-reared F2 hybrids (tail, n = 542; hue, n = 541). Physical distance (in base pairs) is shown on the x axis; axis labels indicate the center of each chromosome. Dotted lines indicate the genomewide significance threshold (a = 0.05) based on permutation tests, and shaded rectangles indicate the 95% Bayesian credible intervals for all chromosomes
0 to 40.9 Mb) and the rest of the chromosome (unaffected region: 40.9 to 79 Mb). In the unaffected region, forest and prairie mice cluster by ecotype, with limited divergence between the groups (Fig. 4G). By contrast, in the affected region, mice cluster into two highly distinct groups on the basis of genotypes at the inversion (Fig. 4H). This pattern suggests that the inversion harbors a high density of sites that are divergent between ecotypes. Evolutionary history of the inversion
To explore the evolutionary history of the inversion, we first estimated a best-fitting demographic model for the forest and prairie populations using neutral sites across the genome to avoid the confounding effects of background selection (12, 14). The data were best fit by a model with a long history of high SCIENCE science.org
with significant QTL peaks. For tail length analysis, body length was included as an additive covariate. (B) Tail length (left; shown after taking the residual against body length in the hybrids), dorsal hue (center), and flank hue (right) of F2 hybrids, binned by genotype at 20 Mb on chromosome 15 (f/f, homozygous forest; f/p, heterozygous; p/p, homozygous prairie) (sample sizes are given below the x axes). Points and error bars show means ± standard deviations. PVE, percent of the variance explained by genotype; a, additive effect of one forest allele; d/a, absolute value of the dominance ratio.
migration: initial migration rates of 8.3 × 10−7 [prairie-to-forest, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 3.7 × 10−9 to 1.8 × 10−6] and 3.6 × 10−6 (forestto-prairie, 95% CI = 1.1 × 10−8 to 4.5 × 10−6) after a forest-prairie population split 2.2 million generations ago (95% CI = 1.1 to 5.5 million generations) (Fig. 5A and fig. S9). Because the estimated effective population sizes (Ne) are large (prairie Ne = 1.9 × 106 to 4.3 × 106; forest Ne = 1.8 × 105 to 1.2 × 106), the effective number of migrants per generation (Nem) is consistently high over time: Nem = 3.5 (prairieto-forest) and Nem = 0.6 (forest-to-prairie), with a recent shift to Nem > 10 in both directions ~30,000 generations ago (Fig. 5A), consistent with high levels of gene flow (15). High migration levels between forest and prairie ecotypes are further supported by genomic data from the Cascades region: We found that the Cascades
mice have mixed forest and prairie ancestry genome-wide (fig. S10). These high migration estimates coupled with the large, habitat-associated differences in inversion frequency may indicate a history of natural selection. To test this hypothesis, we simulated the spread of the inversion under our demographic model using SLiM (12). We found that divergent selection was the most likely scenario to explain both the high frequency of the inversion in the forest and its low frequency in the prairie (fig. S11). Using approximate Bayesian computation, we estimated selection coefficients (s) for the inversion of 3.3 × 10−4 (95% CI = 9.2 × 10−5 to 1.6 × 10−3) in the forest population and −4.1 × 10−3 (95% CI = −9.3 × 10−3 to −7.1 × 10−4) in the prairie population (Fig. 5B). These values suggest that the observed distribution of the inversion in 22 JULY 2022 ¥ VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
Trait association 70
forest long-read contig
flank hue dorsal hue tail length
50 30
chromosome 15 (P. man. reference)
B count
Recomb. events
prairie long-read contig
F * forest * prairie
28 kb
breakpoint 52 kb
* *
Allele freq. diverg.
0.6 0.4
* *
0.0 0
40 position (Mb)
Linkage diseq.
reference (prairie) allele
inverted (forest) allele R2 1
affected region
unaffected region
0.5 0
chromosome 15
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
40 position (Mb)
chromosome 15
Fig. 3. Chromosomal region associated with tail length and coat color is a large inversion. Across chromosome 15, data are from F2 hybrids [(A) and (B)] and wild-caught mice [(C) and (D), (n = 15 forest and 15 prairie)]. (A) LOD score for tail length (blue), dorsal hue (dark red), and flank hue (light red). (B) Number of recombination breakpoint events, binned in 1-Mb windows. (C) FST between forest and prairie mice estimated in 10-kb windows with a step size of 1 kb (light gray dots). Dark gray line shows data smoothed with a moving average over 500 windows. (D) Linkage disequilibrium across forest and prairie mice. Heatmap shows R2 (squared correlation) computed between genotypes at thinned SNPs (12). (E) Contigs assembled from long-read
the wild is best explained by both positive selection in the forest and negative selection in the prairie, a conclusion robust to the uncertainty in the model parameter estimates (fig. S12) and to variation in the timing of the introduction of the inversion after the forestprairie split (fig. S13). We also used simulations to assess the minimum age of the inversion required to achieve its divergence from the reference allele (12): We estimated the inversion to be at least 247,000 generations old (95% CI = 149,000 to 384,000 gener-
sequencing for one forest (top) and one prairie (bottom) mouse. Only contigs that span the inversion breakpoint are shown. The region of chromosome 15 affected by the inversion is highlighted (purple). (F) (Top) Alignment between regions of the forest and prairie contigs surrounding the breakpoint (black, alignment quality; green, forest contig; brown, prairie contig). Large prairie insertion near the breakpoint is a transposon. (Bottom) Base pairÐlevel alignment around the breakpoint (gray, mismatch). (G) Model of the inverted (green) and reference (tan) alleles. The inversion spans 0 to 40.9 Mb (affected region, purple) and excludes 40.9 to 79 Mb (unaffected region, gray), with predicted centromere location shown in black.
ations or 50,000 to 128,000 years, assuming three generations per year), which suggests that the inversion predates the modern habitat distribution (16) (Fig. 5C). Together, these results suggest that the inversion was most likely established in the forest population under strong divergent selection over the last ~250,000 generations. Our estimates of forest-prairie migration rates and selection on the inversion allowed us to explore possible fitness effects from the inversion’s suppression of recombination.
Although it is formally possible that the inversion carries only a single mutation that alone confers a strong enough benefit (s ≥ 3 × 10−4) to explain its current distribution, an alternative hypothesis is that the inversion carries two or more beneficial mutations (e.g., one mutation that contributes to tail length and a second to color variation), each with smaller selection coefficients. In this scenario, theory predicts that the inversion could confer a fitness advantage in the forest beyond the individual mutations it carries by reducing the migration science.org SCIENCE
F soil hue
Habitat and soil color
40 45 50
douglas fir
Elevation km
1 0 -200
silver fir mixed conifer
number of SNPs
Oregon habitat: forest
0 100 transect dist. (km)
inv. 9 6 3 0 0
Forest-prairie allele frequency diff.
0.25 0.5 0.75 allele frequency difference
chr 15: unaffected
chr 15: affected
Dorsal hue hab. soil
hue (degrees)
40 35
45 -200
0 100 transect dist. (km)
Tail length
90 110
length (mm)
80 70 90
0 100 transect dist. (km)
Chr 15 inv. allele freq.
1 0.5
0.75 0 -20
0.25 scale: 0.01 0 -200
0 100 transect dist. (km)
Fig. 4. Associations between genotype, phenotype, and environment in wild mice. (A) Elevation and habitat characteristics (top row indicates majority habitat category, and bottom row indicates mean soil hue) at sites across an environmental transect. Letters indicate sites shown in (B). Soil hue and habitat category were estimated within 1 km of each site. (Map) Sampled sites across Oregon. Transect distance refers to the east-west distance from the highestelevation site, and dotted lines in (C), (D), and (E) indicate distance = 0. (B) Photos of capture sites from each habitat type, with habitat and soil classification as in (A). (C to E) Best-fit clines for dorsal hue (C) (n = 143), tail length (D) (n = 180), and inversion genotype (E) (n = 178) fit to the full dataset, with 95% SCIENCE science.org
ecotype forest prairie
inv. genotype inv/inv ref/ref
CIs. Insets show best-fit clines using only data from the central Cascades (hue, n = 90; tail, n = 97; genotype, n = 136). (F) Allele frequency differences for the maximally differentiated SNP between forest and prairie mice in 200-bp windows across the genome (12). The inversion forest-prairie allele frequency difference (90%) is shown in black. (G and H) Maximum likelihood trees for unaffected (G) (40.9 to 79 Mb) and affected (H) (0 to 40.9 Mb) regions of chromosome 15, shown on the same scale. Branch colors indicate ecotype (green, forest; brown, prairie), and dots indicate inversion genotype (tan, homozygous reference, n = 15; green, homozygous inversion, n = 14; heterozygous mouse excluded, n = 1). Red arrows highlight the forest mouse homozygous for the reference allele. 22 JULY 2022 ¥ VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
load suffered by each mutation (5, 17, 18). To investigate this possibility, we used our estimates of migration, selection, and recombination to simulate the spread of two beneficial mutations in the forest population either within an inversion or on a freely recombining (standard) haplotype, varying the distance between the mutations (12). We found that if the two mutations are at least 10 kb apart (which is likely, given the inversion size of 41 Mb) and the selection coefficient for the weaker locus is at least 10% of that of the stronger locus [which is possible, given independent evidence for selection acting on coat color and tail length—e.g., (19, 20)], the beneficial mutations are more likely to establish and be maintained at higher frequencies in the forest when carried by the inversion than on the standard haplotype (Fig. 5D and figs. S14 and S15). We also explored possible costs associated with the inversion suppressing recombination (i.e., mutational load accumulation) (21, 22) by introducing deleterious mutations according to four fitness-effect distributions [as described 404
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
in (14)] into the two–beneficial locus simulations. With weakly or moderately deleterious mutations, the inversion maintained its selective advantage over the standard haplotype in the forest (Fig. 5D and fig. S16). Only when strongly deleterious mutations were introduced did the inversion accumulate a substantial mutational load, which results in the inversion being disadvantageous relative to the standard haplotype in the forest (Fig. 5D and fig. S16). Thus, our results suggest that, under a wide range of conditions, if this inversion carries two or more beneficial mutations, its suppression of recombination likely confers an additional selective advantage in the forest population by linking adaptive alleles in the face of high migration rates. Discussion
In 1909, Wilfred Osgood described several morphological differences—including tail length and coat color—that distinguish forest and prairie ecotypes of P. maniculatus (7). Long tails are thought to be beneficial for arboreality
fitnessinversion- fitnessstandard
fitnessinversion- fitnessstandard
Fig. 5. Evolutionary history of the inversion. A Demographic B Forest +sinversion (A) Best-fit demographic model. Ne, effective model population size; m, migration rate. (B) Posterior 2 probability distributions for the selection coefficient associated with the inversion in the forest (top, green) and prairie (bottom, brown) 1 populations, when the inversion is introduced Divergence time 150,000 generations ago (for additional ~2.2e6 generations introduction times, see fig. S13). The estimated 0 Population size selection coefficient is positive in forest and −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 104 negative in prairie. (C) Posterior probability log10(+forest sinversion) 105 distribution for the age of the inversion. 106 Prairie -sinversion (D) Estimated fitness effects of suppressed Nem ~ 3.53 recombination within the inversion. Two beneficial Migration rate shift ~3e4 generations loci (A and B) were introduced into the forest 2 Nem ~ 0.64 population on the inversion or on a standard Nem ~ 12.14 haplotype, varying the ratio of the selection 1 coefficients for A (sA) and B (sB), with sA + sB kept Nem ~ 11.07 constant at 3 × 10−4. bp, base pairs. Bar height shows the difference in final mean fitness of 0 the forest population between the inversion and −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 Forest Prairie standard haplotype scenarios. Asterisks indicate a log10(−prairie sinversion) significant difference in mean fitness (P < 0.05) C Age of inversion D Effects of suppressed recombination computed with permutation tests. (Left) Two * 4e-6 * * * * beneficial loci at varying distances apart, without 4e-6 Ratio sA/sB * * * deleterious mutations. (Right) Two beneficial 0.01 6e-6 * 0.1 2e-6 3e-6 loci separated by 100 kb, with deleterious * * * 0.5 1.0 mutations introduced according to distributions 4e-6 * * 0 2e-6 of fitness effects (DFE): f0: 100% of mutations * * * Ratio s /s A B neutral (2Ns = 0, where N indicates population ** 2e-6 1e-6 -2e-6 0.1 * size and s indicates selection coefficient); f1: 1.0 0 50% of mutations neutral (2Ns = 0), 50% weakly -4e-6 0 deleterious (−10 < 2Ns < −1); f2: 33% of mutations f0 f1 f2 f3 0 2e5 4e5 6e5 1e2 1e3 1e4 1e5 1e6 1e7 age (generations) distance between A & B (bp) DFE neutral (2Ns = 0), 33% weakly deleterious (−10 < 2Ns < −1), 33% moderately deleterious (−100 < 2Ns < −10); f4: 25% of mutations neutral (2Ns = 0), 25% weakly deleterious (−10 < 2Ns < −1), 25% moderately deleterious (−100 < 2Ns < −10), 25% strongly deleterious (−1000 < 2Ns < −100).
(8, 9, 23): Long tails have repeatedly evolved in association with forest habitat in deer mice (20) and across mammals (24), and forest mice are better climbers (23), with tail length differences between the ecotypes likely sufficient to affect climbing performance (25). Coat color is subject to pressure from visually hunting predators (19), and many mammals, including deer mice, evolve coats to match local soil color (9, 26). By sampling along an environmental transect, we found evidence that each of these traits is closely associated with habitat (forestation for tail length and soil hue for coat color), which further suggests that these traits are involved in local adaptation. High migration rates between the forest and prairie ecotypes, as we estimated in this work, makes the strong ecotypic divergence in multiple traits puzzling. By characterizing the genetic architecture of tail length and coat color variation, we help resolve how differences in these traits are maintained between ecotypes: Namely, we discover a previously unknown inversion, involving half a chromosome, that has a large effect on both ecotype-defining science.org SCIENCE
traits and in the expected direction (i.e., it is associated with long tails and reddish fur in forest mice). Because recombination between the inversion and the noninverted prairie haplotype is suppressed in heterozygotes, the inversion ensures that longer tail length and redder coat color alleles are coinherited in the forest, despite high levels of gene flow (except in the unlikely scenario that only a single pleiotropic mutation within the inversion affects both traits). The role of this inversion in phenotypically differentiating these ecotypes is consistent with theoretical predictions and empirical examples of concentrated genetic architectures arising under local adaptation with gene flow (6, 27, 28). Our modeling implicates divergent selection in maintaining the inversion at high frequency in the forest ecotype and absent from the prairie ecotype. The inversion’s selective effects are likely driven by its strong association with tail length and coat color (explaining 12 and 40% of the trait variances, respectively), although it is possible other traits are involved. Although inversions can have phenotypic effects because of their breakpoints disrupting genes or gene expression (13), the inversion’s breakpoint does not occur in or near candidate genes for tail length and coat color variation. Alternatively, inversions may influence phenotypes through the mutations they carry: The inversion is highly differentiated from the reference haplotype, thus harboring many mutations that may influence tail length and/or coat color. We expect that more than one mutation contributes to the inversion’s selective benefit in the forest, given the size of the inversion (41 Mb), its large selection coefficient in the forest (s ≈ 3 × 10−4, or Ns ≈ 120), and its association with two largely developmentally distinct traits. If this is the case, the inversion’s suppression of recombination likely provides an additional benefit (beyond the individual effects of its mutations) in the forest population, as long as strongly deleterious mutations are uncommon. This finding—that recombination suppression is likely beneficial in this system—provides empirical support for the local adaptation hypothesis, which posits that inversions are beneficial in the face of gene flow because they increase linkage disequilibrium between adaptive alleles (5, 17, 18). One hundred years after Alfred Sturtevant first provided evidence of chromosomal inversions in laboratory stocks of Drosophila (29) and, separately, forest-prairie ecotypes were first described in wild populations of Peromyscus (7), we found that a large chromosomal inversion is key to ecotype divergence in this classic system. Inversions have been identified in association with divergent ecotypes in diverse species, including plants (30–33), invertebrates (34–45), fish (46, 47), and birds (48–52). In mammals, however, evidence for ecotype-defining SCIENCE science.org
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We thank C. Lewarch for assistance in the field; S. Niemi, M. Streisfeld, S. Stankowski, G. Binford, S. Bishop, K. Saunders, S. Finch, and T. Schaller for help with field logistics; K. Pritchett-Corning and S. Griggs-Collette for help establishing breeding colonies; Harvard’s Office of Animal Resources for animal care; and M. Omura, J. Chupasko, M. Mullon, and J. Mewherter for help preparing and accessioning museum specimens. G. J. Kenagy, D. S. Yang, and E. Kingsley provided advice at the start of the project; P. Audano provided advice on long-read sequencing and analysis; and N. Edelman, A. Kautt, E. Kingsley, and three anonymous reviewers provided helpful feedback on the manuscript. The University of Washington Burke Museum provided specimens used in this study. Funding: This work was partially funded by Putnam Expedition grants from the Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ) to E.R.H., a MCZ grant-in-aid of student research to S.T., and the MCZ Chapman Fellowship for the Study of Vertebrate Locomotion to E.R.H. and J.T.G. as well as funding from the American Society of Mammalogists grants-in-aid of research to E.R.H. and O.S.H., the Harvard College Research Program to S.T., and a Society for the Study of Evolution R. C. Lewontin Early Award to O.S.H. E.R.H. was supported by an NIH training grant to Harvard’s Molecules, Cells, and Organisms graduate program (NIH NIGMS T32GM007598) and by the Theodore H. Ashford Fellowship. O.S.H. was supported by a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship, a Harvard Quantitative Biology Student Fellowship (DMS 1764269), and the Molecular Biophysics training grant (NIH NIGMS T32GM008313). J.D.J. was funded by the National Institutes of Health (1R35GM139383-01). H.E.H. is an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Author contributions: E.R.H. and H.E.H. initially conceived of the project. E.R.H., J.T.G., and K.M.T. planned and conducted the field collections. E.R.H. conducted the QTL mapping experiment and analyzed the forest-prairie phenotypes; E.R.H. and K.M.T. generated genetic data for the cross; and E.R.H., J.T.G., S.T., S.M., B.N., and K.M.T. generated wild and laboratory phenotype data. O.S.H. analyzed genetic data for the F2 cross, E.R.H. and O.S.H. performed QTL mapping analyses, T.B.W. analyzed long-read sequence data, O.S.H. and T.B.W. analyzed wild-caught forest-prairie genetic data, O.S.H. analyzed transect genetic data, and E.R.H. and O.S.H. performed cline analyses. T.B.W. performed demographic simulation, model-fitting, and inference, and O.S.H. performed selection simulations, model-fitting, and inference, both with input from J.D.J. E.R.H., O.S.H., T.B.W., J.D.J., and H.E.H. wrote the manuscript, with input from all authors. Competing interests: The authors declare no competing interests. Data and materials availability: Associated data are available as supplementary files data S1 to S8 and on the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (nos. PRJNA687993, PRJNA688305, and PRJNA816517). Associated scripts are available on Zenodo (55). License information: Copyright © 2022 the authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original US government works. https://www.science.org/about/science-licensesjournal-article-reuse
science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abg0718 Materials and Methods Figs. S1 to S21 Tables S1 to S6 References (56–95) MDAR Reproducibility Checklist Data S1 to S8
Submitted 14 December 2020; resubmitted 26 November 2021 Accepted 24 June 2022 10.1126/science.abg0718
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
Physical mixing of a catalyst and a hydrophobic polymer promotes CO hydrogenation through dehydration Wei Fang1†, Chengtao Wang1,2†, Zhiqiang Liu3†, Liang Wang1*, Lu Liu1, Hangjie Li2, Shaodan Xu4, Anmin Zheng3*, Xuedi Qin2, Lujie Liu1, Feng-Shou Xiao1,5* In many reactions restricted by water, selective removal of water from the reaction system is critical and usually requires a membrane reactor. We found that a simple physical mixture of hydrophobic poly(divinylbenzene) with cobalt-manganese carbide could modulate a local environment of catalysts for rapidly shipping water product in syngas conversion. We were able to shift the water-sorption equilibrium on the catalyst surface, leading to a greater proportion of free surface that in turn raised the rate of syngas conversion by nearly a factor of 2. The carbon monoxide conversion reached 63.5%, and 71.4% of the hydrocarbon products were light olefins at 250°C, outperforming poly(divinylbenzene)-free catalyst under equivalent reaction conditions. The physically mixed CoMn carbide/poly(divinylbenzene) catalyst was durable in the continuous test for 120 hours.
elective and rapid removal of water product from a reaction system has been a highly desirable pathway toward boosting catalytic performance in reactions that are restricted by water thermodynamically and/or kinetically (1, 2). Membrane reactors designed to include water-conduction nanochannels could shift the reaction equilibrium (3), but preparation of defect-free membranes at a large scale is challenging. Chemical hydrophobilization of the catalyst surface could substantially contribute to reactions by accelerating water diffusion (4–7), but in many cases the chemical interactions might change the structure of the catalyst surface or even block the active sites by hindering access of reactant molecules. Enabling rapid water diffusion from an unchanged catalyst surface is an attractive alternative. By promoting rapid desorption of water molecules once they are formed on the catalyst surface (2), the sorption equilibrium of water is shifted, as described by *H2O ⇌ * + H2O (* denotes the catalyst surface sites). We phys1
Key Lab of Biomass Chemical Engineering of Ministry of Education, College of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China. 2Key Lab of Applied Chemistry of Zhejiang Province, Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China. 3 National Center for Magnetic Resonance in Wuhan, State Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance and Atomic and Molecular Physics and Mathematics, Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071, China. 4College of Materials and Environmental Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China. 5Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Soft Matter Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (L.W.); [email protected] (A.Z.); [email protected] (F.-S.X.) These authors contributed equally to this work.
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
ically mixed the hydrophobic promoter with the catalyst, unlike previous chemical modifications; in the syngas conversion to olefins with a cobalt-manganese carbide (CoMnC) catalyst, we achieved an increase in light olefin productivity by a factor of up to 3.4 by mixing the catalyst with the promoter. Mechanistic studies revealed that the water molecules rapidly desorbed from the catalyst surface after they formed from CO hydrogenation, which avoided the competitive adsorption with CO reactant, a crucial step in the reaction process. The CoMnC catalyst was prepared via coprecipitation and carbonization procedures (fig. S1) (8, 9). In the syngas conversion under the given reaction conditions (H2/CO of 2, 1800 ml gCoMnC–1 hour–1, 0.1 MPa, 250°C), the CoMnC catalyst showed a CO conversion of 32.2%, with selectivity for light olefins (C2= to C4=) of 60.8% (fig. S2 and table S1; the CO2 product was excluded in calculating the selectivity). In our initial attempt, we physically mixed the CoMnC catalyst with a nonporous poly(divinylbenzene) (PDVB) (water-droplet contact angle 145°, irregular morphology, surface area 0.20; Fig. 4B, figs. S5 and S6, and table S6). We then tested whether these elevational shifts in allopatry had consequences for elevational range sizes in allopatry. For cases in which we inferred competitive release, elevational ranges expanded in allopatry [fig. S5B; mean elevational range expansion = 330 m (95% CI: 157 to 504 m)], but there was no change in elevational range size between sympatry and allopatry for cases in which we did not infer competitive release [mean elevational range expansion = 2 m (95% CI: −178 to 187 m)]. Thus, elevational replacements often—but certainly not always— have narrow elevational ranges in sympatry that appear to be limited by pairwise competition. Why do some elevational replacements show competitive release in allopatry whereas others do not? We tested two hypotheses: (i) behavioral interactions are a key mechanism by which competition restricts elevational ranges (22–26) and (ii) competition restricts species’ warm range limits more than their cool range limits (27–30). Consistent with the hypothesis that behavior is an important mechanism limiting ranges in elevational replacements, competitive release in allopatry is 2.4 times more likely when species defend territories (18 out of 31 cases) than when they do not [5 out of 21 cases; Fig. 4C, Fisher’s exact test, P = 0.023; Cramer’s V = 0.34 (95% CI: 0.086 to 0.59)].
Field studies measuring interspecific territoriality can test this interpretation. By contrast, competitive release in allopatry was not associated with the relative position of species’ elevational ranges [Fig. 4D, Fisher’s exact test, P = 1; Cramer’s V = 0.013 (95% CI: 0.0014 to 0.31); see figs. S7 to S58 for results of individual natural experiments]. Tropical mountains are home to the greatest concentration of terrestrial biodiversity on Earth because species live only within narrow elevational zones, creating high species turnover along mountain slopes. The prevailing hypothesis for why tropical species live in narrow elevational ranges is that they have evolved physiological adaptations to specific thermal conditions, ultimately leading to the buildup of high species richness in tropical mountains. We present evidence that overturns this explanation—our analysis of a global dataset of millions of citizen science data records reveals that the narrow elevational ranges of tropical birds are driven more by species interactions than by the direct effects of climate. Whether the patterns we demonstrate generalize to other taxa, particularly ectotherms, is a key unanswered question. Regardless, our results suggest a new interpretation for why tropical montane birds (and potentially other tropical taxa) are shifting noticeably upslope (12): warming likely causes these upslope shifts indirectly, by altering the outcomes of species interactions, rather than directly through physiological stress. In this view, it is biodiversity itself that makes Earth’s hottest biodiversity hotspots disproportionately responsive to climate change. REFERENCES AND NOTES
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
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23. J. E. Jankowski, S. K. Robinson, D. J. Levey, Ecology 91, 1877–1884 (2010). 24. B. Pasch, B. M. Bolker, S. M. Phelps, Am. Nat. 182, E161–E173 (2013). 25. B. G. Freeman, J. A. Tobias, D. Schluter, Ecography 42, 1832–1840 (2019). 26. D. L. Altshuler, Am. Nat. 167, 216–229 (2006). 27. C. Darwin, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (Murray, 1859). 28. R. H. MacArthur, Geographical Ecology: Patterns in the Distribution of Species (Princeton Univ. Press, 1972). 29. A. M. Louthan, D. F. Doak, A. L. Angert, Trends Ecol. Evol. 30, 780–792 (2015). 30. A. Paquette, A. L. Hargreaves, Ecol. Lett. 24, 2427–2438 (2021).
S. Freeman, M. Pennell, L. Rowe, D. Schluter, O. Robinson, R. Colwell, and an anonymous reviewer provided comments that greatly improved the manuscript. We are indebted to eBird users across the globe, as well as the Cornell Lab of Ornithology team that developed and maintains this phenomenal project. Funding: This work was funded by the following: Natural Sciences and Engineering Council 379958 and National Science Foundation 1523695 (to B.G.F.). Author contributions: Conceptualization: B.G.F., E.T.M., and M.S.-M. Analysis: B.G.F., M.S.-M., and E.T.M. Writing: B.G.F., E.T.M., and M.S.-M. Competing interests: Authors declare that they have no competing interests. Data and materials availability: Data and code are available at: 10.5281/zenodo.6450245. License information: Copyright © 2022 the authors, some rights
Shifting mutational constraints in the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain during viral evolution Tyler N. Starr1*†, Allison J. Greaney1,2,3†, William W. Hannon1,4, Andrea N. Loes1,5, Kevin Hauser6, Josh R. Dillen6, Elena Ferri6, Ariana Ghez Farrell1, Bernadeta Dadonaite1, Matthew McCallum7, Kenneth A. Matreyek8, Davide Corti9, David Veesler5,7, Gyorgy Snell6, Jesse D. Bloom1,2,5* Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has evolved variants with substitutions in the spike receptor-binding domain (RBD) that affect its affinity for angiotensinconverting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor and recognition by antibodies. These substitutions could also shape future evolution by modulating the effects of mutations at other sites—a phenomenon called epistasis. To investigate this possibility, we performed deep mutational scans to measure the effects on ACE2 binding of all single–amino acid mutations in the Wuhan-Hu-1, Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Eta variant RBDs. Some substitutions, most prominently Asn501→Tyr (N501Y), cause epistatic shifts in the effects of mutations at other sites. These epistatic shifts shape subsequent evolutionary change—for example, enabling many of the antibody-escape substitutions in the Omicron RBD. These epistatic shifts occur despite high conservation of the overall RBD structure. Our data shed light on RBD sequence-function relationships and facilitate interpretation of ongoing SARS-CoV-2 evolution.
he severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spike receptorbinding domain (RBD) has evolved rapidly since the virus emerged (1). We previously used deep mutational scanning to experimentally measure the impact of all single–amino acid mutations on the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)– binding affinity of the ancestral Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD (2). These measurements have helped inform surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 evolution.
Basic Sciences Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA 98109, USA. 2Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98109, USA. 3 Medical Scientist Training Program, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98109, USA. 4Molecular and Cellular Biology Graduate Program, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98109, USA. 5Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Seattle, WA 98109, USA. 6Vir Biotechnology, San Francisco, CA 94158, USA. 7Department of Biochemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA. 8Department of Pathology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA. 9Humabs BioMed SA, a subsidiary of Vir Biotechnology, 6500 Bellinzona, Switzerland. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (T.N.S.); [email protected] (J.D.B.) †These authors contributed equally to this work.
22 JULY 2022 ¥ VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
For example, we identified the N501Y mutation as enhancing ACE2-binding affinity before the emergence of this consequential mutation in the Alpha variant (3). (Single-letter abbreviations for the amino acid residues are as follows: A, Ala; C, Cys; D, Asp; E, Glu; F, Phe; G, Gly; H, His; I, Ile; K, Lys; L, Leu; M, Met; N, Asn; P, Pro; Q, Gln; R, Arg; S, Ser; T, Thr; V, Val; W, Trp; and Y, Tyr. In the mutants, other amino acids were substituted at certain locations; for example, N501Y indicates that asparagine at position 501 was replaced by tyrosine.) However, as proteins evolve, the impacts of individual amino acid mutations can shift, a phenomenon known as epistasis (4). For example, the same N501Y mutation that enhances SARS-CoV-2 binding to ACE2 severely impairs ACE2 binding by SARS-CoV-1 and other divergent sarbecoviruses (5). Furthermore, N501Y epistatically enabled other affinity-enhancing mutations that emerged in the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 (6–8). To more systematically understand how epistasis shifts the effects of mutations, we performed deep mutational scans to measure the impacts of all indi-
reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original US government works. https://www.sciencemag.org/about/science-licensesjournal-article-reuse SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abl7242 Materials and Methods Figs. S1 to S58 Tables S1 to S6 References (31Ð47) Submitted 31 July 2021; resubmitted 2 January 2022 Accepted 7 June 2022 10.1126/science.abl7242
vidual amino acid mutations in SARS-CoV-2 variant RBDs. We constructed comprehensive site-saturation mutagenesis libraries in the ancestral Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD (201 residues) and RBDs from four variants: Alpha (N501Y), Beta (K417N+E484K+N501Y), Delta (L452R+T478K), and Eta (E484K). We cloned these mutant libraries into a yeastsurface display platform and determined the impact of every amino acid mutation on ACE2 binding affinity and yeast surface-expression levels by means of fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) and high-throughput sequencing (figs. S1 and S2 and data S1) (2). The effect of each mutation on ACE2 binding is shown in Fig. 1, and an interactive version of this figure is available at https://jbloomlab.github.io/SARSCoV-2-RBD_DMS_variants/RBD-heatmaps. We used monomeric ACE2 ectodomain to measure 1:1 binding affinities, which provide more granularity to reveal affinity-enhancing effects compared with our previous measurements using the natively dimeric ACE2 ligand, where some mutational effects are masked by avidity (fig. S1F) (2). Mutant effects on ACE2 binding and protein expression in yeast-displayed RBD have been shown to closely correlate with ACE2 binding and protein expression in the context of full spike trimers displayed on mammalian cells (9, 10). We identified sites where the impacts of mutations differ between RBD variants (Fig. 2 and figs. S3 and S4), reflecting epistasis among the substitutions that distinguish SARS-CoV-2 variants and other mutations across the RBD. These epistatic shifts in mutational effects on ACE2 binding are primarily attributable to the N501Y mutation: The effects of mutations in the Delta (L452R+T478K) and Eta (E484K) RBDs are similar to those in the ancestral Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD, and the differences in the Beta (K417N+E484K+N501Y) RBD largely recapitulate those in the Alpha RBD that contain N501Y alone (Fig. 2, A and B). One exception is a distinct epistatic shift in the effects of mutations to serine or threonine at site 419 in the Beta RBD that introduce an N-linked glycosylation motif when an asparagine is present through the K417N mutation (fig. S3D). science.org SCIENCE
x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x x x
x x
x x x
x x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
Alpha (N501Y) x
x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x
x x x
Beta (K417N+E484K+N501Y) KR DH E QN ST YW FA IL MV GP C
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x x
x x
x x
log10(KD) higher affinity
lower affinity
Delta (L452R+T478K) x
x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x
Eta (E484K) x
x x
x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x
-4 n.d.
x x x
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x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
RBD site Fig. 1. Deep mutational scanning maps of ACE2-binding affinity for all singleÐamino acid mutations in five SARS-CoV-2 RBD variants. The impact on ACE2 receptor-binding affinity [Dlog10(Kd), where Kd is the dissociation constant] of every single–amino acid mutation in SARS-CoV-2 RBDs, as determined with high-throughput titration assays (fig. S1). The wild-type amino
The RBD sites that exhibit notable epistatic shifts because of N501Y fall into three structural groups (Fig. 2B). The largest shift in mutational effects is at the direct N501-contact residue Q498 (Fig. 2C), together with further epistatic shifts at sites 491 to 496 composing the central b strand of the ACE2 contact surface (Fig. 2B and fig. S3A). A second cluster of sites exhibiting epistatic shifts in the presence of N501Y include 446, 447, and 449, which do not directly contact N501 but are spatially adjacent to residue 498 (Fig. 2, B and C, and fig. S3B). A third group of sites that epistatically shift because of N501Y includes residue R403 (Fig. 2C), together with several residues (505, 506, and 406) that structurally link site 501 to site 403 (fig. S3C). Some of these epistatic shifts are of clear relevance during the evolution of SARS-CoV-2. One of the strongest epistatic shifts is the potentiation of Q498R by N501Y (Figs. 2C and 3A). Although Q498R alone weakly reduces ACE2 affinity in the Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD, it confers a 25-fold enhancement in affinity when present in conjunction with N501Y (which itself improves binding 15-fold in WuhanSCIENCE science.org
acid in each variant is indicated with an “x”, and gray squares indicate missing mutations in each library. An interactive version of this map is at https://jbloomlab.github.io/SARS-CoV-2-RBD_DMS_variants/RBD-heatmaps, and raw data are in data S1. The effects of mutations on RBD surface expression are in fig. S2.
Hu-1), so that the double mutant has a 387-fold increased binding affinity. The Q498R+N501Y double mutation was first discovered in directed evolution studies (6) and is present in the RBD of the Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 variants (8). The epistasis between these two mutations is crucial for enabling the Omicron RBD to bind ACE2 with high affinity despite having a large number of mutations (11–13). Specifically, the set of mutations in the Omicron RBD are predicted to strongly impair ACE2 affinity on the basis of their summed singlemutant effects in Wuhan-Hu-1 (Fig. 3B, left), but their summed single-mutant effects in the Beta background (which has N501Y) is about zero (Fig. 3B, right), which is consistent with the actual affinity of the Omicron RBD for ACE2. Therefore, the affinity buffer conferred by the epistatic Q498R+N501Y pair enables the Omicron spike to tolerate other mutations that decrease ACE2 binding (Fig. 3B and fig. S5A) but contribute to antibody escape (fig. S5, B and C) (14). Consistent with these affinity measurements, introducing R498Q and Y501N reversions into the Omicron BA.1 spike reduces cell entry by spike-pseudotyped lenti-
viral particles, suggesting that the remaining Omicron RBD mutations are deleterious without buffering by Q498R+N501Y (Fig. 3C and fig. S6, A and B). There is also evolutionary relevance of the epistasis of N501Y with mutations on the 446– 449 loop, which composes the epitope for an important class of human antibodies (15, 16). Although mutations to G446 escape this class of antibodies in the Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD (16, 17), these mutations incur stronger ACE2-binding deficits in the N501Y background (figs. S3B and S5D). Conversely, mutations to Y449 strongly decrease ACE2-binding affinity in the WuhanHu-1 RBD but are better tolerated when accompanied by N501Y (Figs. 2C and 3D). Mutations to Y449 can escape monoclonal antibodies (fig. S6, C to E) (15, 18) and reduce neutralization by polyclonal sera (19, 20) and have been described in several variants that also contain N501Y, including the C.1.2, A.29, and B.1.640 lineages (19, 21). To more systematically examine how epistatic shifts caused by N501Y affect patterns of sequence variation during SARS-CoV-2 evolution, we counted the occurrence of substitutions 22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
affected patterns of mutation accumulation in prior SARS-CoV-2 evolution, and our data enable identification of mutations such as those at site Y449 whose evolutionary relevance may grow if N501Y variants continue to predominate. Q498R had not previously oc-
curred disproportionately on Y501 genomes until its predominance in Omicron lineages. We hypothesize that the strong affinity gain caused by the Q498R+N501Y double mutant (Fig. 3A) is not directly advantageous itself but rather becomes beneficial in Omicron because
449 403
Delta Eta 446, 447
491– 496
sites of strong antibody escape
505, 506
419 406
0.0 331 335
Epistatic shift in mutational effects vs. Wuhan-Hu-1
on a global SARS-CoV-2 phylogeny (22). Substitutions more often occurred in backgrounds that contain the amino acid at site 501 with which they had more favorable epistasis with respect to ACE2 affinity (Fig. 3E). Therefore, epistatic shifts caused by N501Y have directly
RBD site
Epistatic shift in mutational effects vs. Wuhan-Hu-1
E484K Y449 S494
Y449 S494
Q498 8
L452R Q498 8
K417N Y505 R403
Y505 R403
C site 484 12
epistatic shift: 0.33
epistatic shift: 0.29
epistatic shift: 0.01
P D 6
Binding affinity (-log10(KD)), Beta RBD
site 403
site 449
site 498 epistatic shift: 0.48
Binding affinity (-log10(KD)), Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD
Fig. 2. Epistatic shifts in mutational effects across RBD variants. (A) The shift in mutational effects on ACE2 binding at each RBD site between the indicated variant and Wuhan-Hu-1. An interactive version of this plot is at https://jbloomlab.github.io/SARS-CoV-2-RBD_DMS_variants/epistatic-shifts. The epistatic shift is calculated as the Jensen-Shannon divergence in the set of Boltzmann-weighted affinities for all amino acids at each site. Gray shading indicates sites of strong antibody escape based on prior deep mutational scanning of the Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD (11). (B) Ribbon diagram of the Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD structure (PDB 6M0J) colored according to epistatic shifts. Labeled spheres indicate residues 422
22 JULY 2022 ¥ VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
that are mutated in each RBD variant. (C) Mutation-level plots of epistatic shifts at sites of interest. Each scatter plot shows the measured affinity of all 20 amino acids in the Beta versus Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD. Red dashed lines indicate the parental RBD affinities, and the gray dashed line indicates the additive (nonepistatic) expectation. Epistatic shifts can reflect idiosyncratic mutation-specific shifts (such as site 498) or global changes in mutational sensitivity at a site (such as site 449). Site 484 does not have a substantial epistatic shift and is shown for comparison. Scatterplots of additional sites of interest are available in fig. S3. Epistatic shifts in mutational effects on RBD expression are available in fig. S4. science.org SCIENCE
496 449
446 498
403 501
higher affinity with Y501
0.4 449
449 0.3 403 0.2
403 447 496
447 496 494
494 493
0.1 0.0 0
All-atom average
Sitewise structural displacement versus Wuhan-Hu-1 (Å)
C Wuhan-Hu-1 (Q498+N501) D38
Beta (Q498+Y501)
Q493 K31
0% 67%
0% K353
16% Y501
92% 54%
K353 Y501
80% 81%
7% N501
75% D38 K31
0% 49%
55% 79%
70% R498
K353 N501
K353 87%
39% Q498
Omicron (R498+Y501)
Wuhan-Hu-1+Q498R (R498+N501)
SCIENCE science.org
Epistatic shift in mutation effects versus Wuhan-Hu-1
Wuhan-Hu-1 Beta
higher affinity with N501
10 9 8 7
+R498Q+ Y501N
Omicron BA.1
_ none
Fig. 4. Epistatic shifts are not accompanied by large structural perturbations. (A) Global alignment of the Wuhan-Hu-1 (PDB 6M0J) and Beta (PDB 7EKG) RBD backbones. Key sites are labeled. (B) Correlation between the extent of epistatic shift in mutational effects at a site and its structural perturbation in Beta versus Wuhan-Hu-1 RBDs (backbone Ca or all-atom average displacement from aligned x-ray crystal structures) (figs. S7 and S8). (C) Molecular dynamics simulation of RBD variants bound to ACE2. Volumetric maps (top) show the 3D space occupied by key residues over the course of simulation. Cartoon diagrams (bottom) illustrate the fraction of simulation frames in which a salt bridge (black arrow) or polar or nonpolar (gray arrow) contact is formed between residue pairs (fig. S9C). Equivalent diagrams for Omicron+Y501N are provided in fig. S9A (R498-N501 for comparison with Wuhan-Hu-1+Q498R), and apo ACE2 is provided in fig. S9B. Histograms of contact distances over the course of the simulations are provided in fig. S9C.
Binding affinity (-log10(KD))
Entry titer (RLU/pg p24)
_ _ _ _
Change in mutation effect on binding due to N501Y ( log10(KD))
Cumulative additive binding relative to Wuhan-Hu-1 ( log10(KD))
11 10 9
Binding affinity (-log10(KD))
Fig. 3. Functional and evolutionary relevance of A B Single mutation effects Single mutation effects N501Y+ measured in Wuhan-Hu-1 measured in Beta epistatic interactions. (A) Double-mutant cycle Q498R G339D T478K diagram illustrating the positive epistasis interaction S373P 4 4 N440K G496S S477N S371L between N501Y and Q498R. Asterisk indicates Q493R E484A Q498R T478K G339D S373P S375P N501Y expected double-mutant binding affinity assuming 2 2 Q498R N440K E484A Y505H S477N S371L additivity. (B) Affinity-buffering of Omicron BA.1 Q493R N501Y N501Y Measured Measured K417N G446S additive Omicron Omicron Wuhanmutations. Each diagram shows the cumulative S375P affinity affinity 0 0 Hu-1 G446S Wuhan-Hu-1 Wuhan-Hu-1 K417N addition of individually measured effects on ACE2G496S binding affinity [Dlog10(Kd)] for each single-RBD Q498R -2 -2 Y505H substitution in Omicron BA.1 as measured in 0 1 2 Number mutations the Wuhan-Hu-1 (left) or Beta (right) RBDs. Mutation Mutations ordered by effect on affinity effect is calculated in the labeled direction even C 100 D E N501Y Q498K 3 0.66× when the reference state in a background differs; for N501Y/ R403G 0.27× Y449H 0.16× example, N501Y in the Beta background is the WuhanY449D G496R 2 log (K ) Y449N Y449S Hu-1 opposite-sign effect of the measured Y501N mutaY449H Q498R 1 1 G504V G447V G447S tion. The red line indicates the Wuhan-Hu-1 affinity, 1 N448K 0 and asterisks indicate the actual affinity of the -1 0 0.01 additive Omicron BA.1 RBD relative to Wuhan-Hu-1 as measured in (12) (fig. S5, A to C). (C) Efficiency of P499T -1 S494L G446V Q498H Y449H entry of Omicron BA.1 (or reversion mutant) spike1/32 1/4 2 16 more frequent more frequent pseudotyped lentivirus on a human embryonic 0 1 2 with N501 with Y501 Number mutations Ratio of substitution count on kidney (HEK)–293T cell line expressing low levels of Spike gene Y501 versus N501 genomes ACE2 (fig. S6, A and B). Labels indicate fold decrease in geometric mean (red bar) of biological triplicate measurements. (D) Double-mutant cycle illustrating positive epistasis between N501Y and Y449H. (E) Impact of epistasis on SARS-CoV-2 sequence evolution. Plot illustrates the change in a mutation’s effect between Alpha (N501Y) versus Wuhan-Hu-1 deep mutational scanning data, versus the ratio in number of observed occurrences of the substitution in genomes containing N501 versus Y501 in a global SARS-CoV-2 phylogeny as of 25 May 2022 (22). We are counting substitution occurrence as an event on the phylogeny independent of the number of offspring of a node and not the raw number of sequenced genomes with which a mutation is observed. A pseudocount was added to all substitution counts to enable ratio comparisons, and substitutions that were observed less than two times in total are excluded. Color scale reinforces the DDlog10(Kd) metric on the y axis. Labeled mutations are those with jDDlog10 ðKd Þj > 0:9. The vertical line at x ~ 0.6 marks equal relative occurrence on Y501 versus N501 genomes given the larger number of substitutions that had been observed on N501 genomes.
13% 64%
46% Y501
22 JULY 2022 ¥ VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
it can buffer other beneficial antibody-escape mutations as described above. Other common combinations of mutations are not involved in specific epistatic interactions. For example, substitutions at sites 417, 484, and 501 arose together in the Beta and Gamma variants. Early studies disagree on whether there is epistasis among these mutations with respect to ACE2 binding (6, 23, 24), but our data demonstrate strict additivity (figs. S3E and S5E). The co-occurrence of mutations at these three sites in SARS-CoV-2 variants may instead reflect antigenic selection for E484 and K417 mutants [which escape different classes of neutralizing antibodies (15)], whereas N501Y might globally compensate for the affinitydecreasing effect of K417 mutations. These examples illustrate how N501Y can enable viral evolution through specific epistatic modulation (such as Y449 mutations) as well as nonspecific affinity-buffering (such as K417N). To examine the structural basis for epistatic shifts in mutational effects, we examined ACE2bound RBD crystal structures of the WuhanHu-1 and Beta RBDs (25, 26), including a newly determined crystal structure of the ACE2-bound Beta RBD (plus antibodies S304 and S309) at 2.45 Å resolution (table S1). These comparisons do not reveal clear structural perturbations that explain epistatic shifts between the Wuhan-Hu-1 and Beta RBDs; residues with large epistatic shifts between backgrounds show extents of variation between WuhanHu-1 and Beta structures similar to those that these residues show within replicate structures of Wuhan-Hu-1 or Beta itself (fig. S7). More broadly, there is minimal change between Wuhan-Hu-1 and Beta RBD backbones (Fig. 4A and fig. S8A), and we did not detect any correlation between structural displacement of backbone or side chain atoms in variant RBD structures and epistatic shifts in mutational effects (Fig. 4B and fig. S8, B to E). These observations indicate that epistatic shifts in mutant effects occur despite conservation of the global static RBD structure. To explore the cause of epistasis between Q498R and N501Y (Fig. 3A), we performed molecular dynamics simulations of the WuhanHu-1 (Q498-N501), Beta (Q498-Y501), and Omicron (R498-Y501) RBDs bound to ACE2 (14, 25), in addition to in silico mutated complexes of Wuhan-Hu-1+Q498R and Omicron+Y501N (Fig. 4C and fig. S9). The Wuhan-Hu-1 structure features a stable polar contact network between ACE2 residues D38 and K353 and RBD residue Q498. The affinity-enhancing N501Y substitution present in Beta repositions K353ACE2 in an orientation that reinforces the D38ACE2 salt bridge but disrupts all Q498 contacts. By contrast, the affinity-decreasing Q498R mutation alone improves the coordination between residue 498 and D38ACE2 but leaves K353ACE2 incompletely satisfied. In 424
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Omicron, the Q498R and N501Y combination pose K353ACE2 in a stable rotamer that maintains the D38ACE2 salt bridge and reanimates the E37ACE2 salt bridge present in the apo ACE2 structure (fig. S9B) while adding a new minor salt bridge contact between R498 and D38ACE2. This complex epistatic reconfiguration of a polar contact network illustrates how the dynamic basis of RBD:ACE2 interaction leads to dynamic evolutionary variability. Overall, SARS-CoV-2 has explored a diverse set of mutations during its evolution in humans. Our results show how this ongoing evolution is itself shaping potential future routes of change by shifting the effects of key mutations on receptor-binding affinity. Other human coronaviruses have proven adept at escaping from antibody immunity (27) because they can undergo extensive evolutionary remodeling of the amino acid sequence of their receptor-binding domain while retaining high receptor affinity (28, 29). Our work provides large-scale sequence-function maps that help to understand how a similar process may play out for SARS-CoV-2. RE FERENCES AND NOTES
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
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We thank the Genomics and Flow Cytometry core facilities at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, K. Munson at the University of Washington PacBio Sequencing Services, and the Fred Hutchinson Scientific Computing group supported by ORIP grant S10OD028685. We thank R. Eguia for experimental assistance. We thank S. Weber and the library synthesis team at Twist Bioscience for library construction. We thank P. Hernandez and N. Czudnochowski for support with protein
production, J. C. Nix for x-ray data collection, and T. I. Croll for help with structure refinement. Use of the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, is supported by the US Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. The SSRL Structural Molecular Biology Program is supported by the DOE Office of Biological and Environmental Research and by the NIH NIGMS (including P41GM103393). The contents of this publication are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NIGMS or NIH. Funding: This project has been funded in part with federal funds from the NIAID-NIH under contracts 75N93021C00015, HHSN272201400006C, and R01AI1417097 (to J.D.B.) and DP1AI158186 and HHSN272201700059C (to D.V.). Funding was also provided by a Pew Biomedical Scholars Award (to D.V.), an Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease Awards from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund (to D.V.), Fast Grants (to D.V.), and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (to M.M.). T.N.S. is an HHMI Fellow of the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation. D.V. and J.D.B. are investigators of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Author contributions: T.N.S., A.J.G., and J.D.B. designed the study. T.N.S. and A.J.G. performed deep mutational scanning experiments. T.N.S. analyzed epistasis in the deep mutational scanning data. W.W.H. created interactive data visualizations. T.N.S. and A.N.L. performed pseudotyped lentiviral entry and neutralization experiments, with reagents and assistance from A.G.F., B.D., K.A.M., and D.C.; T.N.S. and W.W.H. analyzed the SARS-CoV-2 evolutionary data. E.F., J.R.D., M.M., D.V., and G.S. determined the Beta x-ray crystal structure. K.H. and G.S. performed and analyzed molecular dynamics simulation. T.N.S., A.J.G., and J.D.B. wrote the initial draft, and all authors edited the final version. Competing interests: J.D.B. has consulted for Moderna on viral evolution and epidemiology and consults for Apriori Bio on deep mutational scanning. T.N.S., A.J.G., A.N.L., and J.D.B. receive a share of intellectual property revenue as inventors on Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center–optioned technology and patents related to deep mutational scanning of viral proteins. K.H., E.F., J.R.D., D.C., and G.S. are employees of Vir Biotechnology and may hold shares in Vir Biotechnology. Data and materials availability: Site saturation mutagenesis libraries are available from Addgene (catalog 1000000182 to 1000000186). Raw sequencing data are on the NCBI SRA under BioProject PRJNA770094, BioSamples SAMN25941479 and SAMN22208699 (PacBio sequencing), and SAMN25944367 (Illumina barcode sequencing). All code and data at various stages of processing is available together with summaries notebooks detailing the computational pipeline at https:// github.com/jbloomlab/SARS-CoV-2-RBD_DMS_variants. Final mutant deep mutational scanning phenotypes are available on GitHub (https://github.com/jbloomlab/SARS-CoV-2-RBD_DMS_ variants/blob/main/results/final_variant_scores/final_variant_ scores.csv) and data S1, and interactive visualizations of key data are available at https://jbloomlab.github.io/SARS-CoV-2RBD_DMS_variants. Github files are also archived at Zenodo (30). Coordinates for the SARS-CoV-2 Beta RBD coordinated with ACE2, S309, and S304 have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) with accession code 8DF5. License information: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by/4.0/. This license does not apply to figures/ photos/artwork or other content included in the article that is credited to a third party; obtain authorization from the rights holder before using such material.
science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abo7896 Materials and Methods Figs. S1 to S9 Table S1 References (31Ð62) MDAR Reproducibility Checklist Data S1
Submitted 25 February 2022; accepted 23 June 2022 10.1126/science.abo7896
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Amplified emission and lasing in photonic time crystals Mark Lyubarov1,2,3, Yaakov Lumer1,2, Alex Dikopoltsev1,2, Eran Lustig1,2, Yonatan Sharabi1,2, Mordechai Segev1,2,4* Photonic time crystals (PTCs), materials with a dielectric permittivity that is modulated periodically in time, offer new concepts in light manipulation. We study theoretically the emission of light from a radiation source placed inside a PTC and find that radiation corresponding to the momentum bandgap is exponentially amplified, whether initiated by a macroscopic source, an atom, or vacuum fluctuations, drawing the amplification energy from the modulation. The radiation linewidth becomes narrower with time, eventually becoming monochromatic in the middle of the bandgap, which enables us to propose the concept of nonresonant tunable PTC laser. Finally, we find that the spontaneous decay rate of an atom embedded in a PTC vanishes at the band edge because of the low density of photonic states.
hotonic time crystals (PTCs) are dielectric media with a refractive index that experiences large, ultrafast periodic variations in time (1–5). Generally, a wave propagating in a medium undergoing an abrupt change in the refractive index experiences time reflection and time refraction. The time reflection is especially interesting because causality imposes that the wave reflected from the temporal interface propagates backward in space rather than in time (6). Periodic modulation of the refractive index makes these time reflections and time refractions interfere giving rise to bands and bandgaps in the momentum (1, 3, 4). The dispersion relation of PTCs seems analogous to spatial photonic crystals (SPCs), in which the refractive index is periodic in space. However, despite the similarity, there are fundamental differences: SPCs are stationary in time so energy conservation governs most processes, whereas in PTCs, energy is not conserved and causality dictates the dynamics in the system. Conversely, waves propagating in SPCs exchange momentum with the spatial lattice, whereas in spatially homogeneous PTCs, momentum is conserved. The most important feature of PTCs is the existence of a bandgap in momentum, because the modes associated with this gap have two solutions in which the mode amplitude grows or decays exponentially with time, and both solutions are physical. The exponential growth of the gap modes is nonresonant; it occurs for all wave vectors associated with the momentum gaps, which offers an avenue for amplification of radiation by drawing energy from
Physics Department, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel. 2Solid State Institute, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel. 3Physics and Engineering Department, ITMO University, St. Petersburg 197101, Russia. 4Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel. 1
*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]
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the modulation. PTCs bear some relation to optical parametric amplifiers, but the latter are resonant phenomena: the frequency of the pump is equal to the sum of the frequencies of the signal and idler and phase matching guarantees conservation of momentum, so only a specific wave is amplified. In contradistinction, PTCs display a significant momentum gap in which every wave is amplified. For a detailed comparison of PTCs and optical parametric amplifiers, see (7). Apart from a momentum band structure, the abrupt temporal modulation of the permittivity also opens up new possibilities such as a frequency conversion (2), photon pair creation (8–12), topological temporal edge states (5), antireflection temporal coatings (13), extreme energy transformations (14), interaction with free electrons (15), and amplified localization in temporally disordered media (16). Experimentally, time refraction has already been observed in photonics (17), whereas time reflection has thus far only been observed with water waves (18), acoustic waves (19), and elastic waves (20). This is because of the highly demanding requirements for observing time reflections: The refractive index change should act as a “wall,” analagous to a spatial interface causing Fresnel reflection. For light in the near infrared, the modulation should be at few femtosecond rates with an absolute permittivity change of De > 0.1, which is difficult to realize in experimental conditions. However, recent progress with epsilon-nearzero materials (21–24) brings these ideas close to experimental realization (25). The existence of momentum bands and gaps in a PTC raise fundamental questions about the emission of light by a radiation source embedded in a PTC. An analogous study has led to the discovery of the inhibition of spontaneous emission in the bandgap of SPCs (26), which has had major consequences, such as thresholdless lasing (27, 28).
Here, we explore the radiation emitted by a radiation source embedded in a PTC. We formulate the quantum theory describing the emission of light by atoms in an excited state and the classical theory of radiating dipoles embedded in PTCs, and show that radiation is always exponentially amplified when associated with the momentum gap and its linewidth becomes narrower with time. This effect allows us to propose nonresonant tunable PTC lasers which draw their energy from the modulation. Our model consists of a PTC with a source of radiation inside (Fig. 1A). First, we consider an empty PTC medium (no radiation source) and derive the eigenmodes, and then add an arbitrary radiation source. Starting with Maxwell equations with e = e(t), m = 1, we can write the wave equation for the magnetic field as follows: @t ½eðt Þ@t þ c2 k2 H k ¼ 0
where we use a Fourier transform in space because the system is homogeneous and k is a good quantum number. Physically, this means that the eigenmodes are shaped as plane waves, defined by their wave number k. For each k, this equation has two Floquet eigenmodes: 1;2
Hk1;2 ðt Þ ¼ Hk0 ðt Þeiwk
where wk1;2 are Floquet quasifrequencies and Hk0(t) is a periodic function in time, constructed from harmonics of the modulation period T. We assume that e is real (i.e., the medium is lossless), so if H(t) is an eigenmode, i.e., solution of (Eq. 1), then so is H*(t), which means that w1k ¼ w2k ¼ wk . Solving for the dispersion relation, we find that the dispersion curve forms a band structure (Fig. 1C). In the bands, the frequency wk is real and the two modes are oscillating at the same frequency, whereas in the gaps, wk has an imaginary part, with one mode exponentially growing with time and the other exponentially decaying. To explore the response of the PTC to the excitation, we add to Eq. (1) a radiation source associated with a temporally dependent current density j(r,t):
@t ½eðt Þ@t þ c2 k2 H k ðt Þ ¼ 4pickñj k ðt Þ ð3Þ
where jk(t) is a Fourier k component of current j(r,t). For a point dipole, we assume jðr; tÞ ¼ d 0 dðrÞeiwt q(t), where q(t) is a Heaviside step function denoting that the current is turned on at t = 0. Physically, the field Hk(t) is the response of the medium to this current. We can express it in a general form through Green’s function as follows: H k ðt Þ ¼ 4ipc∫∞ ∞ Gk ðt; t′Þk j k ðt′Þdt′ 22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
ð4Þ 425
Fig. 1. Emission by a point dipole embedded in a PTC. (A) Sketch of the PTC, with permittivity varying as e(t) = eav + D/2·cos(Wt), W = 2p/T with a dipole antenna inside. The dipole radiation is exponentially amplified with time. (B) Exponential growth of electromagnetic energy associated with the dipole emission for different dipole frequencies w0 and modulation amplitudes D. (C) Complex dispersion relation (band structure) of the PTC for eav = 2, D = 1. The values of wk at the bandgap around kg are complex, indicating exponentially growing and decaying eigenmodes. (D) Power spectrum of dipole emission versus wave number as it evolves with time. Initially, the point dipole with frequency w0 excites all eigenmodes. k0 is a wave number of the mode resonantly excited by the dipole with frequency w0: wk(k0) = w0. The emission linewidth initially occupies all bands and gaps, located at kg, but eventually, after a short time, the radiation in the gap becomes dominant and narrower with time, reflecting the stronger emission at midgap. In each moment in time, the spectrum is normalized by the total radiation power. The horizontal axes in (C) and (D) coincide.
where @t ðeðt Þ@t Þ þ c2 k2 Gk ðt; t′Þ ¼ dðt
t′Þ ð5Þ
and then express this Green’s function through the eigenmodes from Eq. (2): Gk ðt; t′Þ ¼ 8
Green’s function, Gk(t,t′), represents the response of the medium at time t to a single homogeneous “flash” at time t′. The detailed derivation of Eq. (6) is provided in (7). A closer look at Eqs. 4 to 6 reveals that, in the momentum bandgap where Im(wk) ≠ 0, the medium responds with exponentially growing emission even to the slightest flash of radiation emitted from the current source. This seemingly counterintuitive feature is a consequence of the lack of energy conservation in the medium. In fact, the energy deposited into the exponentially growing gap modes comes not from the source but rather from the external modulation of the medium. The exponentially growing dipole emission is shown in Fig. 1B for various dipole frequencies and permittivity profiles. The growth rate barely depends on the frequency of the dipole but strongly depends on the amplitude of the permittivity modulation. The larger the modulation, the sooner the growth takes place and the steeper it is. The energy spectrum (k) of the dipole emission and its evolution with time are depicted in Fig. 1D. The numerical simulation of the 426
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
fields in Fig. 1, B and D, is described in detail in section 4 of (7). Initially, the point dipole with frequency w0 excites all the eigenmodes with proper wave number k0 such that wk(k0) = w0. This is because these waves lie on the dispersion curve and thus are perfectly phase matched. However, within a few oscillation cycles, the gap modes start to dominate even if k0 does not belong to the gap. These modes are not phase matched with the dipole frequency, but they nevertheless grow exponentially in time, which overshadows any phase matching. We can understand the exponentially growing response in a PTC through Fig. 2, which shows the difference between excited gap modes in SPC and in PTC, where the excitation in the SPC is by a point source in real space and the excitation in the PTC is by a flash in time. The solution of Eq. (5) should be expressed through two eigenmodes on either side of the excitation point and stitched with two stitching conditions. The physical constraints in both cases reveal which contributions are unphysical and should be removed. In the case of the SPC (Fig. 2A), the solution must obey energy conservation, so only evanescent waves are allowed on either side of the excitation point in space. Therefore, the response to the excitation at a frequency in the gap of a SPC are evanescent waves. Conversely, in the PTC (Fig. 2B), two of the four modes are propagating back in time and therefore cannot be excited because they are restricted by causality. Thus, Green’s function must be expressed with two forward-propagating waves in time, one of which is exponentially decaying and the other exponentially growing, which is allowed because there is no energy conservation in PTCs.
This analysis explains the exponentially growing dipole emission in a PTC. The dipole excites the gap modes, which, once excited, grow exponentially regardless of the dipole, even when mismatched. The key issue here is that a point dipole excites modes with all k, jk ≠ 0 ∀k, including the exponentially growing gap modes. Thus, any point source in a PTC results in a exponentially growing emission, even when the excitation is a single flash in time. The emission from this flash will grow exponentially, drawing energy from the modulation. Next, we quantize our model. First, we write the electromagnetic field Hamiltonian in a PTC
Fig. 2. Excitation of gap modes in SPC and PTC. (A) The one-dimensional SPC is excited by a point source at position x0 and emits at a given frequency within the photonic bandgap. The source can couple only to the spatially evanescent part on either side of x0 because of energy conservation. (B) In the PTC, the source is a flash at t0 and can excite only the parts of the modes that evolve forward in time, as dictated by causality. One of these two modes is exponentially growing in time. science.org SCIENCE
Fig. 3. Spontaneous emission rate into the Floquet modes associated with the first band. (A) Spontaneous emission rate in the first band of the PTC. Starting at a low wave number, the emission rate increases and then reaches a maximum, but then declines and goes to zero at the band edge kb, where the band structure is curved. (B) Dispersion in the first band of the PTC. The slope of the bandstructure becomes more vertical closer to the bandgap, indicating the vanishing density of states.
as follows: Hf ¼ ℏ
X ck nðt Þ k nðt Þ nr
nðt Þ nr
nr nðt Þ
þ nnðrt Þ
ak a
a†k ak þ a† k a
þ a†k a† k
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi where nðt Þ ¼ eðt Þ is the time-varying refractive index, nr is the mean value of refractive index obtained by averaging through one modulation cycle, and a†k ðak Þ are the creation (annihilation) operators for mode with the wave vector k. This Hamiltonian is derived in (7) following the quantization procedure described in (29). It follows our intuition gained in the classical case: It is time dependent through Xn(t) and it conserves momentum, Hf ;
with the classical case, Nk in the gap eigenmodes should grow exponentially, which is impossible with Hermitian Hamiltonians such as the one in Eq. (7). The absence of eigenstates in the gap brings complexity in studying the dynamics of the excited atom, interacting with the radiation field described below, but the exponential growth of the number of photons in the momentum gap and the classical/ semiclassical intuition allow us to make some safe statements on the dynamics in this unusual quantum system. To describe the emission from excited atoms in PTC, we add the atomic and the interaction parts to the Hamiltonian (Eq. 7):
ka†k ak ¼ 0, but it does not con-
serve the number of photons. The Hamiltonian (Eq. 7) allows describing the dynamics of the free field for each photon pair {k, –k} separately. The resulting dynamics agrees with the classical case: For modes with k associated with the band of the PTC, the expectation value of the number of photons, Nk ðt Þ ¼ hyðt Þ a†k ak þ a† k a k yðt Þi, oscillates near some constant value, whereas if k belongs to the PTC bandgap, Nk grows exponentially with time at the same rate as in the classical case. The periodic variation of n(t) allows introducing the Floquet eigenmodes jyk ðt Þi ¼ e iwk t jϕk ðt Þi of the Hamiltonian (Eq. 7), with wk being the Floquet eigenfrequency. Let us first list the main features of the quantum Floquet eigenmodes, the detailed analysis of which is provided in (7). In the bands, wk coincides with the Floquet frequency calculated in the classical analysis, and the Floquet eigenstates experience weak oscillations in the number of photons. Conversely, in the bandgap, the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian cannot exist: By correspondence SCIENCE science.org
Hint ¼
H ¼ Hf þ Ha þ Hint
Ha ¼ ℏw0 sz
X ℏgk a þ a†k ðsþ þ s Þ k eðt Þ k
where we assume a two-level atom and dipole interaction. We first analyze what happens with an initially excited atom interacting with the vacuum field. In the case of a static medium, the result is the exponential decay of the atom from the excited state to the ground state, known as spontaneous emission. In a PTC, no analytic solution is feasible, because the number of photons in the initially empty gap modes grows exponentially regardless of the atom. This means that the atom emission into these modes cannot be clearly divided into spontaneous and stimulated emissions: The rate of transitions grows with time as a consequence of the photons already created by the PTC. In addition to stimulated emission, stimulated absorption also takes place, which results in complex dynamics of the atom. As in the classical case, the growth in the number of photons barely depends on the frequency
of atomic transition. Moreover, even if the two-level atom is not in resonance with the momentum-gap, i.e., w0 ≠ W/2, the emission into gap modes eventually governs the dynamics of the atom. It is now natural to ask if there are any circumstances under which we can still talk about spontaneous emission (in the usual sense of being induced by quantum fluctuations with no photons around) in a PTC and what the physical consequences of this might be. This question can be answered partially by addressing the Floquet modes associated with the band, ignoring the influence of the gap modes. This assumption can be justified if the decay time of the atom is shorter than the inverse growth rate of the number of photons in the gap modes tsp < 1/Im(wk) or if the PTC with the embedded atom is placed in a resonator with all resonator eigenmodes residing inside the PTC bands (rather than in the gaps). In this case, we show in (7) that the spontaneous emission rate is: g¼
V X Vm m fi ℏ2 p
k2m @wf @k k¼k m
where Vfim ¼
1 T ∫ ϕ ðt Þ Hint ðt Þjϕi ðt ÞieimWt dt ð12Þ T 0 f
is the coupling constant between the initial and the final Floquet eigenstates through Hint and km : wf ðkm Þ ¼ w0 þ mW is the wave number of the mode corresponding to mth harmonic of the atomic transition (30). Analyzing the dynamics of the emission rate g(k) within the band, we observe that there are two competing contributions: the closer to the band edge the larger the Vfim , because for modes in the vicinity of the gap the oscillations are larger, whereas at the 1 band edge, is smaller. the density of states, r¼k2 @w @k Fig. 3A shows that at the band edge, the rate of spontaneous emission vanishes because the density of states goes down to zero. The low density of states is apparent from the vertical slope of the dispersion near the band edge (Fig. 3B). The implication is intriguing: Even though the Floquet modes have larger oscillations closer to the band edge, which naturally increases the strength of the light-matter interaction, the emission rate at the edge goes to zero because there are no states to radiate into. Thus, an “atom” or a nano-antenna with directional emission at the band edge would stay in the excited state forever, unable to relax to the ground state through spontaneous emission. In one-dimensional PTCs, the presence of a gap in the momentum alters the light-matter interactions in a profound way, bringing to question foundational issues such as the meaning of spontaneous and induced emission in such media and the lifetime of an atom in excited 22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
states. The exponential growth of energy in the modes associated with the PTC gap and the nonmonotonous growth rate raise the exciting idea of PTC lasers extracting their energy from the modulation. The simplest setting for such a laser is to construct a resonator by placing mirrors on either side of the dielectric medium with its permittivity modulated in time. The cavity length should be much larger than the wavelength of the waves of interest, such that momentum conservation applies despite the finite size of the resonator. Cavities with shorter lengths can also exhibit momentum gaps but require additional treatment of the spatial modes. Because the amplification of the waves associated with the gap modes attains a maximum at midgap, any saturation mechanism will eventually result in stable monochromatic emission. Thus, controllable periodic change of the permittivity can give rise to coherent radiation from an almost arbitrary source and, under some conditions, the emission can be shaped into pulses by designing the modulation. RE FE RENCES AND N OT ES
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Funding: The initial stages of this research were funded by a grant from the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Author
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
contributions: All authors contributed substantially to all relevant aspects of this research. Competing interests: The authors declare no competing interests. Data availability: All data are available in the main text or the supplementary materials. License information: Copyright © 2022 the authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original US government works. https://www. science.org/about/science-licenses-journal-article-reuse
science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abo3324 Materials and Methods Figs. S1 to S3 References (31–35) Submitted 28 January 2022; accepted 27 May 2022 10.1126/science.abo3324
Pathogenicity, transmissibility, and fitness of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron in Syrian hamsters Shuofeng Yuan1†, Zi-Wei Ye1†, Ronghui Liang1†, Kaiming Tang1†, Anna Jinxia Zhang1†, Gang Lu2,3†, Chon Phin Ong4†, Vincent Kwok-Man Poon1,5, Chris Chung-Sing Chan1,5, Bobo Wing-Yee Mok1, Zhenzhi Qin1, Yubin Xie1, Allen Wing-Ho Chu1, Wan-Mui Chan1, Jonathan Daniel Ip1, Haoran Sun6, Jessica Oi-Ling Tsang1,5, Terrence Tsz-Tai Yuen1, Kenn Ka-Heng Chik1,5, Chris Chun-Yiu Chan1, Jian-Piao Cai1, Cuiting Luo1, Lu Lu1,5, Cyril Chik-Yan Yip6, Hin Chu1,5,7, Kelvin Kai-Wang To1,5,6,7,8, Honglin Chen1,5,6,8, Dong-Yan Jin4,8‡, Kwok-Yung Yuen1,3,5,6,7,8‡, Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan1,3,5,6,7,8‡¤* The in vivo pathogenicity, transmissibility, and fitness of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant are not well understood. We compared these virological attributes of this new variant of concern (VOC) with those of the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant in a Syrian hamster model of COVID-19. Omicron-infected hamsters lost significantly less body weight and exhibited reduced clinical scores, respiratory tract viral burdens, cytokine and chemokine dysregulation, and lung damage than Delta-infected hamsters. Both variants were highly transmissible through contact transmission. In noncontact transmission studies Omicron demonstrated similar or higher transmissibility than Delta. Delta outcompeted Omicron without selection pressure, but this scenario changed once immune selection pressure with neutralizing antibodies—active against Delta but poorly active against Omicron—was introduced. Next-generation vaccines and antivirals effective against this new VOC are therefore urgently needed.
evere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was first identified in late 2019 and quickly developed into the most important global health challenge in recent decades (1–3). Despite rapid generation of vaccines and antivirals and global implementation of various nonpharmaceutical public health measures, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues nearly 2 years after the emergence of more variants of concern (VOC) exhibiting enhanced immunoevasiveness and/or transmissibility (4). The Alpha (B.1.1.7) variant emerged in mid-2020 and quickly outcompeted the Beta (B.1.351) variant (5, 6). The Delta (B.1.617.2) variant with
its enhanced transmissibility and moderate level of antibody resistance has subsequently replaced the Alpha variant since mid-2021. The Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant, first identified in South Africa in November 2021, has now affected at least 149 countries (7, 8). This new VOC has a notably high number of mutations (>30) at the spike, which significantly reduces the neutralizing activity of vaccineinduced serum antibodies as well as therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (9–15). Preliminary analyses of the severity of infections caused by Omicron compared with previous variants as determined by hospitalization rates have been inconclusive, with some showing reduced
State Key Laboratory of Emerging Infectious Diseases, Carol Yu Centre for Infection, Department of Microbiology, School of Clinical Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China. 2Key Laboratory of Tropical Translational Medicine of Ministry of Education, Hainan Medical University, Haikou, Hainan, China. 3Academician Workstation of Hainan Province, Hainan Medical University-The University of Hong Kong Joint Laboratory of Tropical Infectious Diseases, Hainan Medical University, Haikou, Hainan, China; and The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China. 4School of Biomedical Sciences, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China. 5Centre for Virology, Vaccinology and Therapeutics, Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China. 6Department of Infectious Disease and Microbiology, The University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China. 7Department of Microbiology, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China. 8 Guangzhou Laboratory, Guangdong Province, China. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] †These authors contributed equally to this work. ‡These authors contributed equally to this work. §Present address: State Key Laboratory of Emerging Infectious Diseases, Carol Yu Centre for Infection, Department of Microbiology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China; and Department of Infectious Disease and Microbiology, The University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China.
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Fig. 1. Pathogenicity of Omicron and Delta in the Syrian hamster model of COVID-19. (A) Scheme of the pathogenicity study comparing infections caused by Omicron and Delta in Syrian hamsters. At 0 dpi each hamster was intranasally inoculated with SARS-CoV-2 (n = 15 for each variant). In the first independent experiment, the hamsters (n = 5 for each variant) were kept alive for body weight and clinical score monitoring in (B and C). (B) Body weight changes (n = 5 male hamsters per variant, Student’s t test). (C) Clinical scores. A score of 1 was given for each of the following clinical signs: lethargy, ruffled fur, hunchback posture, and rapid breathing (n = 5 male hamsters per variant, two-tailed Mann-Whitney U test). In the second independent experiment, the hamsters were sacrificed at 2, 4, and 7 dpi for SCIENCE science.org
analysis in (D to F) (n = 5 including 3 male and 2 female hamsters per variant per time point). (D) Respiratory tract tissue infectious virus titers and (E) viral loads (Student’s t test). The dotted line in (D) represents the limit of detection of the plaque assay (100 PFU/g). (F) Lung cytokine and chemokine gene expression profiles (Student’s t test). Values on the y axis represent the changes in Omicron- or Delta-infected relative to mock-infected samples (drawn in log10 scale). Black dots indicate the mock-infected group (n = 5 per time point, including 3 male hamsters as indicated by black dots and 2 female hamsters as indicated by white dots). Data represent mean ± standard deviation. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001. n.s., not significant. Actb, beta-actin; I.N., intranasal. 22 JULY 2022 ¥ VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
Omicron or Delta virus challenge
Co-housing for 4 hrs before separation
Sacrifice index for viral load detection
Sacrifice naïve for viral load detection
Day 0
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Index hamsters
Delta (6/6)
Round 1 Round 2
Delta Omicron 4
Day 0
Non-contact transmission for 6 hrs before separation Day 1
Sacrifice index for viral load detection
Sacrifice naïve1.25µM for viral load detection
Day 2
Nasal wash
E 10
Day 3
Air ow
Delta (24/36)
Omicron (30/36)
Index hamsters
Naïve Air ow
Omicron or Delta virus challenge
Round 1
Delta Omicron
Air ow
Round 2
Nasal wash
Fig. 2. Contact and noncontact transmission of Omicron and Delta among Syrian hamsters. (A) Scheme of the contact transmission study. (B) The nasal wash infectious virus titers in the intranasally SARS-CoV-2–challenged index hamsters at 1 dpi were determined by plaque assay to ensure successful infection of animals. Data represent mean ± standard deviation of the pooled results of two independent experiments (n = 3 animals per group per experiment, Student’s t test). (C) Positive rates of infection among the naïve hamsters after exposure to either Omicron or Delta in two independent experiments (n = 3 animals per group per experiment). Red hamsters indicate those that were infected. (D) Scheme of the
hospitalization rates and others showing a lack of significant difference (16). What is more apparent from early epidemiological data is that Omicron is spreading rapidly even in populations with high uptake rates of twodose COVID-19 vaccinations (17, 18). However, whether this is a result of the intrinsic transmissibility of Omicron or other extrinsic environmental and social factors is unknown. At present, the in vivo pathogenicity, transmissibility, and fitness of Omicron is poorly understood. We investigated these virological attributes of Omicron by comparing them with those of Delta in a Syrian hamster model of COVID-19, which closely simulates nonlethal human disease and has been widely used to study various aspects of SARS-CoV-2 infection biology (19–25). We first compared the clinical signs, viral burden, and cytokine and chemokine profiles of Omicron and Delta in our hamsters (Fig. 1A), finding that Omicron-infected animals showed limited reductions in body weight (3000 square centimeters per volt-second, which we attribute to hot electrons. The observation of high carrier mobility, in conjunction with high thermal conductivity, enables an enormous number of device applications for c-BAs in high-performance electronics and optoelectronics.
n 2018, the predicted high room-temperature thermal conductivity (k) of cubic boron arsenide (c-BAs), >1300 W m−1 K−1, was experimentally demonstrated (1–3). At about the same time, c-BAs was also predicted to have high carrier mobility values of 1400 cm2 V−1 s−1 for electrons and 2100 cm2 V−1 s−1 for holes (4). A higher hole mobility of >3000 cm2 V−1 s−1 was later predicted under a small 1% strain (5). Such a high carrier mobility is due to a weak electron–phonon interaction and small effective mass (4–7). Like those predicting the thermal conductivity of c-BAs, these calculations were based on nondefective c-BAs with high crystal quality and a very low impurity level (4, 5). The simultaneous high thermal conductivity and carrier mobility makes c-BAs a promising material for many applications in electronics and optoelectronics. Despite this potential, the high mobility has not been experimentally verified (8). In this study, using ultrafast spatial-temporal 1
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Key Laboratory of Standardization and Measurement for Nanotechnology, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing 100190, China. 2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Texas Center for Superconductivity at the University of Houston (TcSUH), University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204, USA. 3Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan 610054, China. 4 School of Nanoscience and Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China. 5 Department of Physics and Texas Center for Superconductivity at the University of Houston (TcSUH), University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204, USA. 6School of Materials Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510006, China. 7Materials Science and Engineering Program, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204, USA. 8Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Optical Information Materials and Technology and Institute of Electronic Paper Displays, South China Academy of Advanced Optoelectronics, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China. 9School of Materials Science and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871 China. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (Z.R.); [email protected] (J.B.); [email protected] (X.L.) †These authors contributed equally to this work.
transient reflectivity microscopy, we observed an ambipolar mobility of ~1550 cm2 V−1 s−1 and obtained a >3000 cm2 V−1 s−1 mobility for photoexcited hot carriers. We used photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy to probe the relative level of p-type doping and found that a high hole concentration will substantially reduce the ambipolar mobility. We grew c-BAs single crystals using the same seeded chemical vapor transport technique reported previously (3, 9). These crystals typically appear as slabs with (111) top and bottom surfaces. We used scanning electron microscopy to image a corner facet (111) of an as-grown c-BAs slab that we labeled sample 1 (Fig. 1A). This facet is one of the eight equivalent (111) surfaces, and we chose it for mobility measurement because of its relatively high quality, which can be seen from sharp (0.02°) characteristic peaks in the x-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern (Fig. 1B and inset), a narrow (0.6 cm−1) longitudinal optical (LO) phonon peak at 700 cm−1 in the Raman spectrum (Fig. 1C and inset) (1, 2), and the characteristic bandgap photoluminescence (PL) peak at 720 nm in the PL spectrum (Fig. 1D) (10), indicating high-quality crystal lattices, a low mass disorder (11), and a low defect density, respectively (10). PL mapping shown in the inset of Fig. 1D also indicates the uniform crystal quality on the (111) surface (10). We performed all measurements at room temperature and further characterized sample 1 and a second sample, labeled sample 2 (12) (fig. S1). The Hall effect is the most common technique used to measure carrier mobility, but it requires four electrical contacts on a relatively large and uniform sample. To accommodate the requirements of mobility measurement in a small sample size or in inhomogeneous materials, ultrafast pump-probe techniques have been used to perform noncontact measurements with high spatial resolution (13–17). 22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
Fig. 1. Characterizations of a c-BAs single crystal (sample 1) on a corner (111) facet. (A) Scanning electron microscopy image. Scale bar: 100 mm. (B) X-ray diffraction pattern. (Inset) Magnified view of the (111) peak. (C) Raman spectrum excited by a 532-nm laser. (Inset) High-resolution spectrum of the LO phonon. (D) Photoluminescence spectrum excited by a 593-nm laser. (Inset) photoluminescence mapping from the region marked by a red rectangle in (A). Scale bar: 10 mm. a.u., arbitrary units.
Fig. 2. Pump-probe transient reflectivity microscopy, carrier dynamics, and diffusion in sample 1. (A) Schematic illustration of the experimental setup. CMOS, complementary metal-oxide semiconductor. (B) Evolution of a 2D transient reflectivity microscopy image from a spot on sample 1. Scale bar: 1 mm. (C) Typical transient reflectivity dynamics (photoexcited carrier density of 5 × 1018 cm−3). (D) Spatial profile (dots) and Gaussian fit at 0.5 ps time delay from (B) (fig. S4). (E) Evolution of variance of Gaussian distributions extracted from Gaussian fitting in (D). The corresponding mobility is included.
Because of our relatively thick samples, we used reflectivity rather than transmission. We focused a femtosecond pump pulse on c-BAs to photoexcite electrons and holes and monitored the diffusion of excited carriers in space and time with a time-delayed probe pulse defocused on a larger area (6 mm in diameter) (12) (Fig. 2A 434
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and fig. S2). We subsequently obtained an ambipolar mobility from the diffusion coefficient, D, through the Einstein relation, D/kBT = m/e, where kB is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature, m is the mobility, and e is the elementary charge. Ambipolar mobility is given by ma = 2memh/(me + mh), where me and
mh are the electron and hole mobility values, respectively. Because c-BAs has an electronic band structure similar to that of silicon, with an indirect bandgap in the range of 1.82 to 2.02 eV (6, 7, 10, 18), we chose a 600-nm pump pulse and an 800-nm probe pulse to avoid the generation of hot carriers. Two-dimensional science.org SCIENCE
Fig. 3. Carrier diffusion on a cross-sectional surface of sample 2. (A) PL spectra of six locations on a cross-sectional surface with increasing distance from the edge. PL of the spot at 0 mm was taken from the (111) surface around the edge. (Inset) Optical image of the sidewall. Dashed circle indicates location for pump-probe measurements in (C) to (E). (B) Raman spectra of three of the six locations shown in (A). (Inset) Magnified view of the phonon line in the spectra of the five sidewall locations. (C and D) Spatial profiles (dots) and Gaussian fits (curves) of photoexcited carriers at initial concentrations of 4.3 × 1018 cm−3 and 8.6 × 1018 cm−3, respectively, from a location indicated by the dashed circle in (A). (E) Variance and ambipolar mobility values from (C), (D), and fig. S6.
Fig. 4. Transient reflectivity microscopy and carrier diffusion measured using a 400-nm pump and a 585- or 530-nm probe. (A) Representative pump-probe transient reflectivity curve from sample 1. The probe wavelength is 585 nm. (B and C) Spatial profiles (dots) and Gaussian fits (curves) of transient reflectivity from a spot in sample 1 measured using 585- and 530-nm probes, respectively. (D) Evolution of the variances of carrier density distributions and carrier mobility from (B), (C), and fig. S10. (E and F) Variance and ambipolar mobility results, respectively, for sample 2 at six locations corresponding to those shown in Fig. 3, A and B.
(2D) diffusion images in Fig. 2B show the expansion of carriers over 10 ps, and a representative time-resolved reflectivity as a function of the time delay between the pump and the probe is shown in Fig. 2C. A sudden negative differential reflectivity indicates a dominant electronic contribution, because reflectivity increases with lattice temperature (12, 19) (fig. S3). SCIENCE science.org
The spread of distributions in Fig. 2B reflects diffusion of photoexcited electrons and holes in space and time, and they can be well fit by Gaussian functions (Fig. 2D). The change in the variance s2 of carrier distributions is plotted in Fig. 2E. The linear increase in the variance with increasing time delay is a signature of diffusion, and the diffusion coef-
ficient, D, can be calculated from the slope using the equation s2t ¼ s20 þ aDt, where a is a constant depending on the dimensions of the system and detection configuration (15). We chose an a of 2 for our experiment because of the much larger laser penetration (excitation) depth (60 mm at 600 nm) compared with the thin top layer sampled by the 22 JULY 2022 ¥ VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
probe beam [20 nm at 800 nm, given by l/4pn (13, 15–17, 19), where n is the refractive index of c-BAs (18)]. From the slope of the curve shown in Fig. 2E and the Einstein relation, D/kBT = m/e, we obtained an ambipolar diffusion coefficient of ~39 cm2 s−1 and an ambipolar mobility of 1550 ± 120 cm2 V−1 s−1, close to the predicted value (4). Given that the properties of c-BAs are not uniform even within a single crystal, especially in the direction perpendicular to (111) surfaces (3, 10), we tested a cross-sectional surface of a relatively thin (30-mm-thick) crystal labeled sample 2 (12) (fig. S1). An optical image of the sample 2 sidewall is shown in the inset of Fig. 3A. We obtained PL spectra from several spots at different distances from the edge (Fig. 3A). The PL intensity increases with decreasing distance from the edge and exhibits a noticeable jump upon reaching the (111) surface, which agrees with our previous finding of a drastic change in PL from one surface to the opposite surface of a single crystal slab (10). Corresponding Raman spectra from the same locations are shown in Fig. 3B and its inset. Similar to the PL results, the Raman spectrum of the (111) surface differs substantially from those of the sidewall. We chose a spot ~11 mm from the edge (Fig. 3A, dashed circle in inset) and used three pump fluences to create different carrier densities, the reflectivity distributions of which are shown in Fig. 3, C and D, and fig. S6 (12). We plotted the evolution of the variances and obtained an ambipolar mobility of ~1300 cm2 V−1 s−1 (Fig. 3E), indicating the negligible effect of carrier density on the mobility of sample 2 owing to nonlinear effects such as Auger recombination. The high carrier mobility of c-BAs is enabled by its distinctive weak electron–phonon interaction and its phonon–phonon scattering, which should also enable the generation of high-mobility hot carriers (20). To prove this, we used a 400-nm pulse as a pump and selected a particular band (585 or 530 nm) with an optical filter from a white light continuum beam as a probe pulse (12) (fig. S7). A typical transient reflectivity curve of a probe (585 nm) from sample 1 is shown in Fig. 4A. In contrast to the single exponential decay previously observed when excited by a 600-nm pump (Fig. 2C), the dynamics of photoexcited carriers excited by the 400-nm pump consist of three exponential decays: a fast exponential decay with a ~1-ps lifetime, a slow decay of ~20 ps, and an even slower decay on the order of 1 ns (21). These decays correspond to rapid relaxation of high-energy photoexcited carriers, further relaxation of carriers to the conduction and valence band edges, and a combination of lattice heating and recombination and trapping of electrons and holes at the band edges, respectively (20, 21), in good agreement with the theoretical 436
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prediction (20). To obtain the diffusion coefficient of the carriers in sample 1, we used a simpler method by varying the relative displacement between focused pump and probe beams along one direction (12) (figs. S7 and S8). We plotted the resulting spatial profiles of the reflectivity after 1 ps for probe wavelengths of 530 and 585 nm (Fig. 4, B and C) (12) and obtained an ambipolar diffusion coefficient of 80 cm2 s−1 and an ambipolar mobility of ~3200 cm2 V−1 s−1 (Fig. 4D). Mobility of ~3600 cm2 V−1 s−1 was obtained from the same spot as that shown in Fig. 2 for sample 1. These values are much larger than the predicted ambipolar mobility of 1680 cm2 V−1 s−1 (4). Using the same 400-nm pump, we also measured the ambipolar mobility of sample 2 at six locations corresponding to those shown in Fig. 3, A and B. The evolution of variance of carrier distribution at these spots is shown in Fig. 4, E and F, and fig. S11. The differences in the initial values of the variances at 1 ps are due to the different spot sizes of the pump and probe beams in each measurement. The mobility clearly changes drastically across the sidewall, with the highest mobility (5200 ± 600 cm2 V−1 s−1) observed at a depth of 9.9 mm. Although local strain could result in such prominent carrier mobility enhancement (5), we did not see any noticeable Raman shift among these locations (Fig. 3B). We thus attribute the high ambipolar mobility to photoexcited hot carriers, which exhibit high carrier diffusion coefficient and mobility values (20, 22–24). The position-dependent mobility on the sidewall of sample 2 reveals that p-type doping in c-BAs can substantially reduce its mobility. Heavy p-type doping on the (111) surface can be seen from the Fano line shape of the LO phonon at 700 cm−1 and the higher background level around 1000 cm−1 (Fig. 3B) (2, 8). This gradually increased doping level toward the (111) surface is further supported by the corresponding increased PL intensity (10, 25). P-type doping will result in reduced carrier mobility owing to the presence of ionized dopants (these dopants are already activated) and a lower electron mobility than hole mobility, because minority carriers will dominate the carrier dynamics. The latter is supported by our observation of a higher ambipolar mobility in p-type silicon than in undoped silicon (12) (figs. S12 and S13). Clearly, the enhanced PL intensity observed in the c-BAs samples in the current study indicates that p-type doping has only introduced shallow acceptors rather than nonradiative deep levels (10, 25). Because hot carriers can also be generated by electrical injection and low-intensity light, both hot carriers and fully relaxed carriers can be used for high-speed optoelectronic devices and highefficiency solar cells in conjunction with the high mobility of the band-edge carriers.
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We thank X. Bo and L. Yang for help with high-resolution Raman and XRD measurements. We thank J. Ding and X. Qiu for help with the AFM measurement. We thank J. Zhao for helpful discussion. Funding: The work performed in China was supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB36000000); the Ministry of Science and Technology (2017YFA0205004); the National Natural Science Foundation of China (22173025, 22073022, 11874130, and 52172171); the CAS Instrument Development Project (Y950291); and the DNL Cooperation Fund, CAS (DNL202016). The work performed at the University of Houston (UH) is supported by the Office of Naval Research under Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative grant N00014-161-2436, the Welch Foundation (E-1728), and a UH Small Equipment Grant (000182016). Author contributions: X.L., J.B., and Z.R. conceived of the project. S.Y. performed the Raman, PL, transient reflectivity, and transient reflectivity microscopy experiments. F.T. grew the crystal samples. X.S. and S.Y. built the transient reflectivity setup. S.Y. built the transient reflectivity microscopy setup. M.M. performed the carrier diffusion and laser heating simulation. X.W. performed the highresolution Raman experiment. T.T. performed the temperaturedependent reflectivity experiment. B.W. performed the carrier diffusion theoretical analysis. J.B., S.Y., Z.R., X.L., Z.W., and Q.Z. wrote the paper. All authors contributed to the discussion of the results and writing of the manuscript. Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests. The c-BAs crystals were grown by the method disclosed in US patent publication 20210269318 and a new patent filing on high mobility. Data and materials availability: All data are available in the main text or the supplementary materials. License information: Copyright © 2022 the authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original US government works. https://www.science.org/about/sciencelicenses-journal-article-reuse SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abn4727 Materials and Methods Supplementary Text Figs. S1 to S13 References (26, 27) Submitted 1 December 2021; accepted 16 June 2022 10.1126/science.abn4727
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High ambipolar mobility in cubic boron arsenide Jungwoo Shin1†, Geethal Amila Gamage2†, Zhiwei Ding1†, Ke Chen1, Fei Tian2, Xin Qian1, Jiawei Zhou1, Hwijong Lee3, Jianshi Zhou3, Li Shi3, Thanh Nguyen4, Fei Han4, Mingda Li4, David Broido5, Aaron Schmidt1, Zhifeng Ren2*, Gang Chen1* Semiconductors with high thermal conductivity and electron-hole mobility are of great importance for electronic and photonic devices as well as for fundamental studies. Among the ultrahighÐthermal conductivity materials, cubic boron arsenide (c-BAs) is predicted to exhibit simultaneously high electron and hole mobilities of >1000 centimeters squared per volt per second. Using the optical transient grating technique, we experimentally measured thermal conductivity of 1200 watts per meter per kelvin and ambipolar mobility of 1600 centimeters squared per volt per second at the same locations on c-BAs samples at room temperature despite spatial variations. Ab initio calculations show that lowering ionized and neutral impurity concentrations is key to achieving high mobility and high thermal conductivity, respectively. The high ambipolar mobilities combined with the ultrahigh thermal conductivity make c-BAs a promising candidate for next-generation electronics.
he performance of microelectronic and optoelectronic devices benefits from semiconductors with simultaneously high electron and hole mobilities and high thermal conductivity (1, 2). However, mobility and thermal conductivity measurements have thus far identified no such materials. Two of the most widely used semiconductors, silicon and gallium arsenide (GaAs), for example, have high room temperature (RT) electron mobilities of me = 1400 cm2V−1s−1 and 8500 cm2V−1s−1, respectively. However, their corresponding RT hole mobilities (mh = 450 cm2V −1 s−1 for Si and 400 cm2V−1s−1 for GaAs) and thermal conductivities (kRT = 140 Wm−1K−1 for Si and 45 Wm−1K−1 for GaAs) are lower than desired. Although graphene has high electron and hole mobilities and a high in-plane thermal conductivity, the crossplane heat conduction is low (3, 4). Diamond has the highest RT thermal conductivity and excellent electron and hole mobilities; however, its large bandgap of 5.4 eV hinders its effective doping and utilization as a semiconductor material (5). Recently, first-principles calculations have predicted that cubic boron arsenide (c-BAs) should have exceptionally high RT thermal conductivity of ~1400 Wm−1K−1, 10 times as high as that of Si. This high value stems from its unusual phonon dispersions and chemical bonding properties that promote simultaneously weak three-phonon and fourphonon scattering (6–8). This prediction has 1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Department of Physics and Texas Center for Superconductivity, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204, USA. 3Materials Science and Engineering Program, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA. 4Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 5Department of Physics, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467, USA. 2
*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (Z.R.); [email protected] (G.C.) These authors contributed equally to this work.
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now been demonstrated experimentally (9–11), with measured c-BAs thermal conductivities in the range of kRT = 1000 to 1300 Wm−1K−1, identifying c-BAs as the most thermally conductive semiconductor other than diamond. First-principles calculations have also predicted that c-BAs should have simultaneously high RT electron and hole mobilities of me = 1400 cm2V−1s−1 and mh = 2100 cm2V−1s−1, respectively (12). The major reason for such high electron and hole mobilities is the high energy and low occupation of polar optical phonons in c-BAs, which give rise to weak carrier scattering. This feature distinguishes c-BAs from other III-V semiconductors, which have high electron mobility but much lower hole mobility, where me/mh > 10 to ~100 (13, 14), except for AlSb (me = 200 cm2V−1s−1 and mh = 400 cm2V−1s−1). Despite the promising theoretical predictions, experimental measurements have not found high mobilities in BAs. Similar to the history of the development of other III-V semiconductors (15), the initial quality of c-BAs crystals has been limited by large and nonuniform defect concentrations. Because traditional bulk transport measurement methods can only obtain the defect-limited behaviors instead of the intrinsic properties, the high defect densities in c-BAs crystals have prevented such measurements from assessing the validity of the predicted high mobilities. Furthermore, previous studies have shown that thermal conductivity and electronic mobility do not seem to have a strong relationship with each other. Kim et al. measured kRT = 186 Wm−1K−1 and estimated mh = 400 cm2V−1s−1 of a c-BAs microrod sample (16). Chen et al. measured kRT = 920 Wm−1K−1 and mh = 22 cm2V−1s−1 of millimeter-scale c-BAs crystals (17). The obtained mobilities are much lower than the calculated mobility and do not show a clear correlation with the measured thermal conductivity. The origins of (i) the discrepancy between ab initio calculations and experi-
ments and (ii) the decoupling between thermal and electrical properties have not been identified. We used an optical transient grating (TG) method to measure electrical mobility and thermal conductivity on the same spot of c-BAs single crystals. Our experiments confirm that c-BAs has simultaneous high thermal conductivity and high electron and hole mobilities. Using ab initio calculations, we show that ionized impurities strongly scatter charge carriers, whereas neutral impurities are mainly responsible for the thermal conductivity reduction. These findings establish c-BAs as the only known semiconductor with this combination of desirable properties and place it among the ideal materials for next-generation microelectronics applications. We prepared c-BAs samples using multistep chemical vapor transport with varying conditions (18) (figs. S1 and S2). We used scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to image a c-BAs single crystal with a thickness of ~20 mm (Fig. 1, A and B) and confirmed the cubic structure with x-ray diffraction (XRD) (Fig. 1C), in agreement with the literature (19). We used photoluminescence (PL) and Raman spectroscopies to identify the nonuniform impurity distribution in c-BAs (17, 20). We measured the PL spectrum (Fig. 1D) and performed two-dimensional (2D) PL mapping of c-BAs crystals (Fig. 1E). Local bright spots indicate the spatial differences in charge carrier density and recombination dynamics. We also measured the Raman spectrum (Fig. 1F) and performed 2D Raman background scattering intensity (IBG) mapping (Fig. 1G). The strong Raman peak at ~700 cm−1 is associated with the longitudinal optical (LO) mode of c-BAs at the zone center. The full width at half maximum of the LO peak and IBG can be attributed to mass disorder resulting from impurities, responsible for large k variation (11, 21). We used the TG technique (22–24) (Fig. 2A) to simultaneously measure electrical and thermal transport on multiple spots (Fig. 1, circles a to d). Two femtosecond laser pulses (pump) with wavevectors k1 and k2 create sinusoidal optical interference on the c-BAs samples, exciting electron-hole pairs accordingly (fig. S3). A third laser pulse (k3; probe) arrives at the sample spot after delay time t, which is subsequently diffracted to the direction of k1 − k2 + k3 and mixed with a fourth pulse (k4) for heterodyne detection. As the photoexcited carriers undergo diffusion and recombination, the corresponding diffraction signal decays with t. We show the calculated time-dependent electron-hole profile in c-BAs in Fig. 2B and figs. S4 and S5. Diffusion and recombination of photoexcited carriers result in a fast exponential decay in the TG signal (t < 1 ns), followed by a slower 22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
Fig. 1. Optical characterization of c-BAs single crystals. (A) Optical photograph. (B) SEM image. (C) XRD. a.u., arbitrary units; deg, degrees. (D and E) A typical PL spectrum (D) and 2D PL intensity mapping (E) integrated over 100-nm spectrum range for each spot. The dashed circles show TG measurement spots (a to d). cps, counts per second. (F and G) A typical Raman spectrum (F) and 2D mapping of background Raman scattering intensity (G) integrated over 100 cm−1 for each spot.
Fig. 2. Thermal and electron transport measurements. (A) Schematic illustration of TG experiments. (B) Calculated time-dependent electron-hole pair density in c-BAs. CB, conduction band; VB, valence band; Eg, bandgap. (C) TG signal for c-BAs. Thermal conductivity is calculated from exponential fitting (red line). (D) Wavelengthdependent electrical decay rate Ge and TG peak amplitude. (E) TG signal with varying diffraction grating periods q. (F) Electrical decay rate (Ge) and thermal decay rate (Gth) versus q2. Error bars show experimental uncertainties. 438
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thermal decay (t > 1 ns) with an opposite sign (Fig. 2C). The short and long time decays are used to calculate charge carrier mobility and thermal conductivity on the same spot, respectively (see fig. S6 for details). Thermal conductivity is directly calculated from the exponential fitting of the long time decay (red line). The electrical decay is sensitive to the wavelength of the pump pulses. We use an optical parametric amplifier (OPA) to match the wavelength of the pump beam with the bandgap (2.02 eV) of c-BAs to avoid excitation of high-energy electrons that can lead to hot electrons and holes with different scattering dynamics and mobilities (25). We also determined the wavelength-dependent electrical decay rate Ge and the lock-in amplifier amplitude of the TG peak (Fig. 2D). TG decays much faster at shorter wavelengths (l < 500 nm) and reaches a plateau near the bandgap (l ~ 600 nm) followed by signal loss for photon energy below the bandgap (l > 650 nm) (fig. S7). The slopes of electrical decay Ge and thermal decay Gth versus q2 (Fig. 2, E and F) are equivalent to the ambipolar diffusivity Da and thermal diffusivity Dth of c-BAs. Da is subsequently converted to ambipolar mobility ma = eDa/kBT = 2memh/(me + mh), which is dominated by the low mobility carrier, where kB is the Boltzmann constant, e is the elementary charge, and T is temperature. We measured a wide variation of the RT k and ma for spots a to d (a: 920 Wm−1K−1 and 731 cm2V−1s−1; b: 1132 Wm−1K−1 and 1482 cm2V−1s−1; c: 163 Wm−1K−1 and 331 cm2V−1s−1; d: 211 Wm−1K−1 and 328 cm2V−1s−1). This large spatial variation of thermal and electrical properties can be attributed to corresponding variations in impurity density. A higher impurity density lowers PL intensity and increases IBG. To corroborate this trend, we intentionally doped c-BAs with C (batch IV) and measured k = 200 to 953 Wm−1K−1 and ma = 195 to 416 cm2V−1s−1 along with large variation in IBG and low PL intensity (figs. S8 and S9). Common impurities in c-BAs are group IV elements, such as C and Si. These impurities can serve as electron acceptors in c-BAs because of low formation energies (26). Space charges created by ionized impurities introduce distortions in the local bonding environment, driving distinct phonon scattering mechanisms. The k of c-BAs can be calculated by solving the phonon Boltzmann transport equation, including three- and four-phonon scattering and phonon-scattering by neutral (solid lines) and charged (dashed lines) group IV impurities on B or As sites (27, 28) (Fig. 3A). Our calculated k decreases with increasing mass difference between the impurity and host atoms. Upon impurity ionization, the number of valence electrons of the impurity (IV) matches that of B or As (III or V), resulting in weaker bond perturbations than those from the SCIENCE science.org
neutral impurities. Consequently, the thermal conductivity reduction from ionized impurities is smaller than that caused by the un-ionized impurities, especially when the substituted impurity has a similar mass to that of the host atom—i.e., Ge–As and Cþ B. The bond perturbation and Coulomb potential of impurities modify electron and hole transport dynamics in c-BAs differently. Building on recent developments in computing formation energies for charged impurities (29), we used ab initio calculations to study the effect of group IV impurities on the RT ma of c-BAs (Fig. 3B). We show electron-phonon scattering and long- and short-range defect scattering for holes in c-BAs with Si–As (see fig. S10 for details) (Fig. 3C). Long-range Coulombic interaction with charged impurities is found to be the dominant scattering mechanism near the band edge. The lack of a Coulomb potential for neutral impurities results in a weaker carrier scattering, causing ma to not decrease until the concentration approaches 1018 cm−3, where the electron-neutral impurity scattering starts to show an effect. However, ma decreases mark-
edly with charged impurities from 1016 cm−3, regardless of the mass of the impurity. We elucidated the different effects of neutral and charged impurities on k and ma (Fig. 3D). Neutral impurities more strongly suppress k because of stronger bond perturbations compared with those in charged impurities (27). Charged impurities predominantly contribute to ma reduction regardless of their mass as a result of Coulombic scattering. Charged impurities with masses similar to that of the host atom would exhibit kRT above 1000 W m−1 K−1, even at a high impurity density of 1019 cm−3, and ma is significantly reduced to below 400 cm2V−1s−1 at a moderate level of 1018 cm−3. We can also highlight the contrasting trends in k and ma with neutral and charged impurities from batches 0 to IV (Fig. 4A and table S1) (18). Solid and dashed lines in Fig. 4 show the trajectories of the calculated ma and k with neutral Si0As and charged Si–As from 1016 to 1020 cm−3, respectively. Scattered points are the measured ma and k values of samples from different batches, labeled with different colors. All measured data fit into the area between
Fig. 3. Theoretical calculation of the impurity effects on thermal conductivity and mobility. (A and B) Calculated thermal conductivity (A) and ambipolar mobility (B) with neutral (solid lines) and charged (dashed lines) group IV impurities. Open circles are mh values of bulk samples measured by electrical probes (fig. S12). (C) Calculated electron-phonon and short- and long-range impurity scattering rates for holes. Zero of energy is at the valence band maximum. SiÐAs ¼ 1018 cm 3 . (D) Thermal conductivity (solid lines) and mobility (dashed lines) differences between charged and neutral impurities. 22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
Fig. 4. Ambipolar mobility and thermal conductivity of c-BAs. (A) Measured mobility and thermal conductivity of c-BAs from different batches (batches 0, I, II, III, and IV). See table S1 for details. The solid and dashed lines show the calculated ma and k with varying concentrations of neutral Si0As and charged Si–As , respectively. Typical uncertainties for ma and k are 11%. (B) Temperaturedependent ambipolar mobility of c-BAs (III-a and III-b). The solid and dashed lines show calculated ma of pristine c-BAs and Si, respectively (32).
the trajectory curves. Among the high-quality c-BAs batch (III), we measure ma = 1600 ± 170 cm2V−1s−1 and k = 1200 ± 130 Wm−1K−1. We measured the temperature-dependent ma of two different spots (III-a and III-b) of high-quality samples (fig. S11). Our measured ma for III-a shows good agreement with calculations (Fig. 4B). Hall measurements of the bulk samples provide mh and carrier concentration p averaged over the entire sample with spatially varied impurity concentration. The measured bulk mh plotted in Fig. 3B (see fig. S12 for details) is limited by the average impurity concentrations rather than local spots with low impurities. The high–spatial resolution TG measurements provide clear evidence of simultaneously high electron and hole mobilities in c-BAs and demonstrate that through the elimination of defects and impurities, c-BAs could exhibit both high thermal conductivity and high electron and hole mobilities. Additionally, the observed weak correlation between the local thermal conductivity and mobility is caused by the different effects that neutral and ionized impurities have on these quantities. This notable combination of electronic and thermal properties, along with a thermal expansion coefficient and lattice constant that are closely matched to common semiconductors such as Si and GaAs (30, 31), make c-BAs a promising material for integrating with current and future semiconductor manufacturing processes and addressing the grand
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
challenges in thermal management for nextgeneration electronics. RE FERENCES AND NOTES
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Funding: This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research under Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative grant N00014-16-1-2436. This work made use of the MRSEC Shared Experimental Facilities at MIT, supported by the National Science Foundation under award no. DMR-1419807. Author contributions: Conceptualization: J.S., G.A.G., K.C., Z.R., and G.C. Materials preparation: G.A.G. and F.T. TG experiments: J.S. and K.C. TG modeling: J.S., K.C., X.Q., and G.C. Time-domain thermoreflectance, frequency-domain thermoreflectance, PL, and Raman measurements: J.S. Hall measurements: H.L., Jian.Z., L.S., T.N., F.H., and M.L. Mobility calculations: Z.D. and Jiaw.Z. Data analysis: J.S., G.A.G., Z.D., K.C., D.B., Z.R., and G.C. Funding and project administration: Z.R. and G.C. Supervision: Z.R. and G.C. Writing – original draft: J.S., G.A.G., Z.D., Z.R., and G.C. Review & editing: all authors. Competing interests: US patent publication no. 20210269318 has been granted to the method for growing c-BAs crystals presented in this work. A patent application on the high mobility of Bas, entitled “Ultra-high ambipolar mobility in cubic arsenide,” has been filed with the US Patent Office. The authors declare no other competing interests. Data and materials availability: All data are available in the main text and supplementary materials. License information: Copyright © 2022 the authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original US government works. https://www. science.org/about/science-licenses-journal-article-reuse
science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abn4290 Materials and Methods Supplementary Text Figs. S1 to S12 Table S1 References (33–55) Submitted 1 December 2021; accepted 16 June 2022 10.1126/science.abn4290
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WORKING LIFE By Sophia X. Pfister
From weakness comes strength
t was 3 a.m. I was exhausted from taking care of my 3-month-old baby, but I couldn’t sleep. As I tried to recall the topics of the five conference calls on my calendar for the morning, I again had the haunting thought that I wasn’t good enough for my job—a director position I started shortly before my baby was born. I imagined I would make mistakes in my presentations and my team would lose respect for me. Tormented by these thoughts, I reached for a book from the pile on my bedside table to distract myself. By chance I grabbed the Bible, which I had been too busy to read since my baby was born. As I opened it to a random page and happened on the verse “For when I am weak, then I am strong,” tears filled my eyes, and I could breathe again. My upbringing gave me an “achiever” personality. From childhood class president to prestigious university degrees to a leadership position in a large company, I was regarded as a “star.” People see me as confident, ambitious, competent, and energetic. But I always feared seeming imperfect in the eyes of others. I worked as hard as I could to make up for my flaws. But after becoming a new mom and starting a new job, I was unable to excel no matter how hard I worked. The job required me to attend meetings with almost no break between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., pushing my own work tasks late into the night. I used a breast pump under the table during meetings and frequently forgot to eat. Mental and physical exhaustion from back-to-back meetings and lack of sleep made it difficult to think deeply and creatively about science. I wanted to offer useful comments in meetings, but my thoughts often became muddled, at times leaving me tongue-tied midsentence. I became so anxious about my long to-do list that I could not calm down to tackle a single task. When a team member left for a new job, I blamed myself. On top of it all, I developed postpartum depression but was too ashamed to tell my doctor. It was the lowest point of my life, and I could no longer deny my weakness. After the 3 a.m. epiphany, I wrote the Bible verse on a sticky note and put it on the corner of my computer as a reminder. I read it to myself as I transitioned from one meeting to the next, and it began to transform my approach to work. I realized that instead of focusing on trying to make “clever” comments in meetings—and feeling stressed that I couldn’t come up with any—I could
acknowledge what I didn’t know and ask honest questions to learn from others. And when I got overwhelmed by my long to-do list, I learned to accept my limits, identify the most important tasks, and trust my team by delegating. Accepting my weakness also helped me find a path to more authentic leadership. I previously put my own and others’ feelings in a box, thinking that discussing them would distract from our productivity, and instead focused on data, timelines, and deliverables. But after my own crisis, I began to pay more attention to my team members’ emotional well-being. I shared my struggles as a new mom and my fear of not finding the best direction for the team. In response, my team members opened up to me about the challenges they were facing. These conversations helped build trust, loyalty, and team morale. I also became less judgmental when I had to give critical feedback to team members. Previously, I saw it as a persuasion contest to convince them to stop doing things their way and adopt the “right way,” and I dreaded doing it. But now, I first seek to understand the motivation behind their behavior. This enables me to deliver feedback with the aim of helping each individual become their best self. Now, I am grateful for my weaknesses, as they make me humbler. They taught me that true strength, in life and in leadership, does not rely on authority and power, but on compassion, honesty, and kindness. j
22 JULY 2022 • VOL 377 ISSUE 6604
Sophia X. Pfister is the director of research science at Varian, a Siemens Healthineers company in Palo Alto, California. Send your career story to [email protected].
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“I shared my struggles as a new mom and … my team members opened up.”
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