11 Homes 5 Hours: The C.E.o Method Revealed 9780648460572, 0648460576

The book reveals the Customer, Engagement Offer method that helped me make 11 home sales in 5 hours.

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Table of contents :
About the Author
Prelude: Revealed! The Never Before Released 11homes 5 Hours System
Why Become A C.E.O Agent
You’ve Been Hooked Winked by the Gurus and It’s All Bad
The 9 Deadliest Mistakes Real Estate Agents Make in Marketing
The Principles Behind the System
The C.E.O Method Revealed
C.E.O Method Customer Engagement Offers
Customer Acquisition Lead Generation Even While You Sleep
Strategy #1 – The Omnipresence Method
Strategy #2 – Intent Based Branding
Strategy #3 - Rank on Google With No Money
Strategy #4 – Become A Virtual Event Megastar
Strategy #5 – Dynamic Linkedin Profile
Strategy #6 – Create Blog Posts
Strategy #7 – Email Marketing
Strategy #8 – Facebook Live
Strategy #9 – Podcast Marketing
Strategy #10 – Buy Online Websites
Strategy #11 – Pay Per Click Advertising
Strategy #12 – Send Out Cards
Strategy #13 – Youtube Marketing
Strategy #14 – HR Departments
Strategy #15 – Instagram Marketing
Strategy #16 – Facebook Paid Marketing
Strategy #17 – Programmatic Marketing
Engagement 24/7 on Autopilot
Email Marketing – 300% More Powerful than Facebook
Email Marketing on Autopilot
The Offer You Can’t Refuse
The Offer
Who Wants to be A C.E.O Maestro?
Recommend Papers

11 Homes 5 Hours: The C.E.o Method Revealed
 9780648460572, 0648460576

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Copyright Copyright © 2022 by Greg N Reed Cover and internal design © Greg N Reed All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems – except in the case of brief quotations in articles or reviews – without the permission in writing from its publisher, Greg N Reed. All brand names and product names used in this book are trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders. We are not associated with any product or vendor in this book. Published by Wood Duck Media ISBN: 978-0-6484605-7-2

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Since 2005, Greg N Reed has written blog posts, created email campaigns and advised businesses on growth that have collectively earned millions of dollars in new business in super competitive markets such as: Real estate Book writing and marketing Motor vehicle sales Health products Home renovations Adventure sports Business consulting and coaching Author branding and marketing Greg has taught methods he’s personally used to publishing industry heavyweights like the Queensland Writers Centre, Cairns Tropical Writers Festival, Capricorn Coast Writers Festival where he reveals how he cracks Amazon Top 10 launches virtually with every book release. In real estate he’s been a regular speaker at industry conferences for groups like First National Real Estate, webinars and online Zoom trainings. Greg, a $400 million real estate salesperson, publishes newsletters opened by thousands and devoured daily. 11Homes5Hours.com

What People Are Saying About Greg N Reed “Greg has tremendous knowledge when it comes to writing and social media. Couple that with his skills gained in sales, particularly real estate and you will understand why I have learnt so much from him. He has helped us understand the digital world and the need for content. He made one suggestion to our website and overnight we went back to page one in the Google search, and he has been coaching us with our blogs ever since. Tweaking titles, using graphics, changing set outs, and building the articles to attract attention are all things we have learned from Greg. We would highly recommend Greg and we thank him for all his suggestions” David Forrest – Former National Chairman First National Real Estate “Greg is a talented marketer who truly understands buyer behaviour. He can take your existing database and breathe new life (and sales) into it. If you are not using email marketing, you are potentially missing out on a massive source of sales and leads.... the best part, Greg can automate your processes to reduce your effort and maximise your returns!” Jamie Buttigieg – Master Franchise Licensee “Greg Reed is a top professional who is dedicated to achieving excellent results for his clients and partners. His wealth of experience and strategic vision allow him to seek out and find innovative ways of doing things that benefits all concerned. If you are looking to enhance your networking, social media presence and indeed looking to refine and improve your overall business process model, then I can highly recommend Greg” Anthony Bowers – CEO Tallant Asia

“Greg Reed is an exceptional business man with true work ethics and an ability to get the job done. Greg has not only been one of the most successful Real Estate Professionals in Queensland in his time he is now an exceptional copywriter in Australia. With his "can do" attitude Brett McCallum – CEO Virtech “Greg is an articulate, self-motivated and highly disciplined individual in his chosen role. His ability to harness the collective effort, always willingly given, allows him to excel where others may falter. At ease in all situations and able to connect with people from all walks of life. Greg honours loyalty and gives it in spades; any dealings with him will be a rewarding and satisfying experience” Rob Walsh – Director Average To Fortune “Addressing 34 President Directors of Indonesia’s leading banks, Greg Reed had them from the first word. A consummate professional” Boyke Gozali – President OMETRACO “Greg is a proven performer, who has seen the Queensland property market through many cycles. As a result, he knows what buttons to push and when to ensure his organisations continue to maintain strong sales growth at all times.” Richard Triggs – Founder & CEO Arete Executive “Greg sold 11 homes in 5 hours using the methods in this book” Hiroshi Takata – EIE Corporation trading as Sanctuary Cove “Greg is the consummate professional who will allow himself to enjoy the day to day running of his management role whilst upholding the goals and objectives to maintain a successful team. I look forward to an ongoing and successful business alliance” Dee Bounds – CEO Dezine

CONTENTS About the Author Prelude: Revealed! The Never Before Released 11homes 5 Hours System Why Become A C.E.O Agent You’ve Been Hooked Winked by the Gurus and It’s All Bad The 9 Deadliest Mistakes Real Estate Agents Make in Marketing The Principles Behind the System The C.E.O Method Revealed C.E.O Method Customer Engagement Offers Customer Acquisition Lead Generation Even While You Sleep Strategy #1 – The Omnipresence Method Strategy #2 – Intent Based Branding Strategy #3 - Rank on Google With No Money Strategy #4 – Become A Virtual Event Megastar Strategy #5 – Dynamic Linkedin Profile Strategy #6 – Create Blog Posts Strategy #7 – Email Marketing Strategy #8 – Facebook Live Strategy #9 – Podcast Marketing Strategy #10 – Buy Online Websites Strategy #11 – Pay Per Click Advertising Strategy #12 – Send Out Cards

Strategy #13 – Youtube Marketing Strategy #14 – HR Departments Strategy #15 – Instagram Marketing Strategy #16 – Facebook Paid Marketing Strategy #17 – Programmatic Marketing Engagement 24/7 on Autopilot Email Marketing – 300% More Powerful than Facebook Email Marketing on Autopilot The Offer You Can’t Refuse The Offer Who Wants to be A C.E.O Maestro?


You’ve found the holy grail! The one place created for agents by a $400m real estate agent who is finally opening the gold plated, diamond encrusted gates to the Holy Grail by answering agents most nagging question: ‘Why, when I’m putting in the hours, pounding the pavement and knocking on doors, nobody is buying any homes and I’m not making any money?” Let me state the obvious. As a real estate agent there is no middle ground. You are either flying in your career or nose diving into oblivion. Look around your area. Your competition is a small boutique office with one superstar crushing the market or a goliath office employing 50+ agents that have for sale signs on virtually every street corner. There is no middle ground any more. But in adversity comes opportunity. Do not despair. I have a solution coming for you. I understand how you feel because I’ve felt the same way. You’ve got your license and you’ve entered the real estate market. You’ve picked the agency close to where you live because it’s handy to duck home whenever you feel. You have not conducted any research on the agency as to their market share in the area. But hey, Jordan seems like a great guy. And that would be normal for any newbie to real estate. You don’t know what to look for or how to get the information when you’re brand new. If you’ve been in the industry for a while, you have all these tools at your fingertips and can make better decisions. A few months goes by and you may have a listing or two. You haven’t made a cent and if you are on a debit credit system you feel the heat from the boss’s burning eyes daily. But your dream is still alive but somewhat faded. You feel you are on the hamster wheel. Dropping flyers, being barked

at by savage dogs and sitting in the office till late cold calling prospects who never seem to pick up the phone during dinner time. Your dream of being a famous agent, living on an English country estate with your Rolls Royce securely parked in the garage of your nine-bedroom manor house, seems very distant, if at all. Money issues are very real. You’re still juggling your finances; robbing Peter to pay Paul. Where has that dream gone? It’s not that you’re not a trier though. You’ve backed up your ‘real estate slog’ efforts with some serious marketing. You’ve enlisted your fellow agent from the franchise meeting who sells five books a year into your inner sanctum and taken onboard all of his marketing prowess. Your time scrolling on Facebook has not been wasted either. You’ve managed to stop at every guru advertisement, drool over their photo shopped income statements depicting thousands of dollars automatically dropping into their bank accounts like fish into a bucket at a playground fair. If it’s in print it must be true. You part again with your hard-earned cash you receive from your uber driving day job and weekend part time gig pouring beers at a sleazy pub. Another $997 but you are ‘100% convinced’ this one will work. But it doesn’t. Maybe Facebook advertisements, Instagram boosted posts or Google pay per click ads will crack the mysterious code for you. Nope. Just more money down the gurgler and money you can’t afford to lose. There is a feeling of overwhelm. You’re totally confused. You are being hammered from all sides especially your family. “Get a real job” they cry often. I’m here to help you – and I mean REALLY help you. I’m going to eliminate your confusion, make things simple, give you clarity and help you break through the ‘glass ceiling’ of marketing so that you can become the master agent.

Marketing is ever changing. New media platforms pop up every day. Once you understand the principals of marketing create a system for your yourself and work through a process, you’ll never experience those gut-wrenching stomach pains wondering when your next reader will turn up and buy your book. Anxiety will be a thing of the past. You’ll be able to take four-day weekends regularly, holiday more often and treat yourself with threehundred-dollar day spa afternoons without checking your bank balance on your phone before you tap your card on the register. If you are open, even just a bit open to looking at other marketing ideas way from the ‘current gurus’, then this book is for you. I WANT TO HELP……..YOU Let me start off with being a bit brassy. Ballsy even! I can almost 100% guarantee that everything you’ve been told about building a real estate business is WRONG. I mean BUSINESS not a JOB! I’m not slapping real estate coaches here. There are some really good ones out there like Tom Ferry for example. That’s not my mission in this book. I’m here to mute the noise, take away the confusion, give you clarity and provide you with the principles and strategies to get you to the top of your real estate selling career. And I did specifically say strategies NOT tricks or hacks. The latter are fashionable in a current climate BUT strategies remain evergreen. In fact, when you do get to see these principles and strategies I’m referring to, you’ll probably be totally pissed off at yourself for not recognizing them earlier and adopting them way, way back. *************** WARNING *************** You’ll need to stand guard at the gates of your mind. You are about to cop a lot of flack from fellow agents, mostly broke ones and your closest friends. You’ll need to grow a backbone, steel encase your ‘gangooleys’ and

have an unwavering focus on the big picture. What I am going to reveal to you will take some time to reap the rewards, but not forever. I DISCOVERED IDEAS NOT HIDDEN IN A SECRET VAULT Instead, they were in plain sight. But I was ‘blinded’ by the gurus; I couldn’t see! I realized that: Products and services, no matter how good they are, don’t sell themselves You can be ‘the God’s gift to selling’ and still be living pay packet to pay packet. You can be ‘the man/woman’ in your office as you close more deals that anybody else; including the founder You may have hoovered every Tony Robbins, book, course, mp3 and attended every single event put on by the great man and still be scratching the tray for coins to catch the bus You could have the looks of George Clooney or Angelina Jollie, smile with the whitest of teeth and flounder in the shallow end of the business pool. This is your wakeup call that you’ll never hit the Top 10 Agent list, rub shoulders with master agents of your town, become filthy rich or obtain peace of mind UNLESS You have a simple, duplicatable, affordable system to magnetically attract to a consistent flow of leads/suspects, that engage with you and buy your homes; multiple homes over and over again. Most agents ‘drown in a sea of desperation’ because they don’t have a marketing system. Period! TAKE OFF THE ROSE COLOURED GLASSES Let’s get focused; laser focused.

I’ve been using the principles within this book since 1990. Not just in one industry but several. Each time I was rewarded handsomely. And they’ve been tried and tested in the fiction writing business putting me in front of 40,000+ social media fans and over 10,000 subscribers who read my newsletter weekly. My LinkedIn profile has over 10,000 followers; mostly in real estate. As a paid consultant, I’ve used these principles with business owners in different industries around the world. They have been able to differentiate their businesses, gain more business and make more money. As you read this book, you’ll feel you have heard this all before. I hope you have. Maybe you didn’t implement what I’m about to discuss with you. Possibly you’ve heard me at other conferences, attended workshops online or even stumbled across one of my radio interviews or magazine write-ups. Today you are getting the whole enchilada! My promise to you All strategy – no fluff. I’ve written blog articles using a ‘local tfocus’ that has put a client’s website in the Top 10 for a search term on Google within a month; sometimes in days! The ‘local ’ is part of an overall strategy, but it requires focused, consistent effort to be at the top of Google. Create freedom for you and eliminate the anxiety of having a real estate career funded on ‘quick sand’ ideas peddled by money grabbing gurus. Before we get started let me assure you that you won’t need a PhD in computer science or marketing. You can use these principles if you are 22 or 102! Let’s go!

11 HOMES 5 HOURS It was 5.35pm, August 1992 I looked around the tent as 560 registered bidders left. Some had snapped up a bargain at Sanctuary Cove’s Ultimate Auction. Most didn’t There were 66 properties up for grabs that day; most discounted by 50%. The Japanese developer EIE Corporation was in serious financial trouble. Their parent company Long Term Credit Bank was swaying under $8 billion of debt. And this was in 1992! EIE had called in US Based Kennedy Wilson to market the resort over 6 weeks, culminating with a very aggressive auction. Existing owners in the resort were furious. Their values had plummeted. One holiday time share group was about to have $140 million wipe off its valuation. For me it was an opportunity. I had worked at the resort since 1989. In my first year I doubled my commissions. 1990 – 991 I realized that waiting for people to walk into the office and possibly buy a house was a mugs game. This type of wait and see game would send me broke or at the very least, depressed. I started an aggressive networking campaign. I became the go to man for local agents, accountants, wealth creation groups and business migration agencies. But I wasn’t content on just having a local network. I was going to expand across the eastern coastline of Australia, New

Zealand and Asia. The directors loved the concept and got on board by sending me around Australia and into Asia to conduct seminars in hotels and real estate agency offices. By the end of 1991, I had my: Customer Engagement Offer System firing! 1992 – The Ultimate Auction For the six weeks prior to the auction, I feverishly worked my system. I searched for new customers employing laser like focus. My lead generation was good but my 2022 methods, outlined in the book, are outstanding. I engaged with my database including my new customers regularly. I was on the phone regularly. I faxed them weekly. Strangers were becoming friends. Today I’ve updated my tools to incorporate the highest ROI for my marketing dollars. Finally, I put my best offers in front of them. I dangled the carrot. I knew that if they attended the auction, they had the opportunity to snap up a bargain. It was a grueling 6-week campaign. To get paid I had to nominate potential buyers on day one. If somebody I knew bought at the auction and weren’t on the list, I didn’t get paid. I could not add to my list from day 2 onwards. At 5.35pm the biggest day in real estate selling in Australia was over. I looked at my colleagues. We were all battle weary. Expressions of exhaustion gripped our faces. One lady on the team had virtually nominated the ‘telephone’ book.

Her list exceeded 500. I was fixated on her. She looked miserable. Surely, she had made a ‘motza’? Nope. Not a red cent. 500+ people on a list and nobody bought. As I’ll explain later, she had no relationship with the list. She thought that by having a big number of people on the list she’d make a killing. WRONG! She did not engage with the list to build a relationship. She was a spammer! I’ll show you how to do this later. This method virtually guarantees me sales, on autopilot. For me, the creator and adopter of the C.E.O method, I had sold 11 homes in 5 hours! The pay day was outstanding! I’ve used this system since the nineties right up to the present day, creating similar results. I’m going the reveal the ‘2022’ version of the C.E.O system in this book. BUT FIRST



You’ve been told ‘porky pies’. That’s Australian slang for lies. There, you’ve been told. The gurus have been slowly pocket stripping you for years. It’s been expensive and I know it bloody hurts. Not only for the financial loss, but for the continued mindset torture that has eroded your self esteem to the very core. That sinking feeling you’ve experienced when you’ve had to explain to your spouse and friends that’ve you’ve just blown another few hundred if not thousands down the toilet on some scheme that promised to make you rich. I get it. I’ve been ripped off dozens of times. Most recently a SEO con man promised he’d take me from the abyss to Rockstar if I just invested US$1995. So, I did and after my site audit (something which could have been done on Fiverr for $20), the guru/con man sought a further $1500/month from me if he was going to work with me. Sneaky bugger! What I’m about to teach you will be a sea change or green change if you prefer for your business. I’m going to reveal a strategy that will flood you with customers that buy, stay and refer you on to their friends. It’ll yield you a ton of sales, not just once, but over and over again. And in turn will fill your bank vault full of cash. I know this sounds gushy or salesy to the purists in the real estate sales world. They are repulsed by the notion of selling anything. People buy from them. They would never lower their standards to that of a common salesman. At best salesmen are pond scum. I’m ok with that. This book is about attracting more leads so you can make more sales. The methods I’m revealing here have been used by me since 1990. That makes them sound old. Some might think out of date. If they’re not current, employ the latest technologies and engage social media platforms, then they mustn’t work. WRONG!

I’ve used these strategies in the real estate industry where I sold hundreds of millions of dollars of property. My best day in real estate sales yield 11 home sales in just 5 hours. Real estate agents that I’ve revealed this too regularly sell millions every month. I’m going to reveal the exact system to you! WHO IS THE BOOK REALLY FOR? Real estate agents who are commercially minded. Over the past few years, I’ve used the system to create a 10,000+ reader mailing list that engage with me at almost double the rate of the industry average. This system has helped me build a 40,000+ social media following. Inside the system you’ll: Identify your exact target audience. My book readers for example are mostly female, 65+, retired, have come from professions like nursing and love to caravan. My Sanctuary Cove buyers were wealthy holiday makers. Your target audience might be first home buyers. Armed with this knowledge I don’t waste my marketing efforts trying to lure 18 – 25-year-old girls to my books. Data shows me they are not my audience. I drill down on who I’m looking for rather than using a scatter gun approach. Your marketing efforts will be directed towards young buyers eligible for first home buyer grants. That’s why you’ll never see me doing videos on Tik-Tok or trying to connect via Snap Chat. My audience doesn’t live on these platforms. Your audience might be on Tik-Tok and short, sharp quirky videos will do well. Offers specifically targeted to attract your ideal audience.

WHAT REAL ESTATE SALES TAUGHT ME I worked pretty hard in real estate. I attended a lot of training. I bought a lot of personal development tapes and played them religiously every time I went for a drive. But you know I never really cracked the big money ceiling. Until I started working at a prestigious resort here in Australia. I said to myself on day one, this job is going to be different. I’m going to treat this job, not like a hobby as I had done in the past, but as a business. So, I asked myself, “What type of business am I in?” This is what I came up with: The selling homes business The looking after home buyers’ business The people business Getting the best price business Now all of the above are correct to some degree. No matter what business you are in you need customers. So therefore, we are in the customer generation business. THE NUMBERS ARE AGAINST YOU In every form of business these numbers hold true. You’ve most likely seen them if you’ve ever attended a wealth seminar. Here’s my adaptation for the real estate agent success world: 1% are super successful – Ryan Serhant, Fredrik Eklund, Ryan McCann 4% doing rather nicely – $1 million + Carmen Briggs 15% earn a good living - $200,000+ a year agents. 60% struggle endlessly 20% fail To summarize, 80% struggle.

So, my question is this. If the majority struggle, why would you try to emulate them. The novice agent hears that he/she must advertise. So, after watching television, they look to adopt advertising campaigns like Coke-a Cola only to learn that their pockets aren’t as deep and suddenly they stop because they’ve run out of dough. During the news on television (gosh TV has a lot to answer for) they see Prestige Developments doing shopping center promotions. This must be the way so they organize their very own stand at ‘Outback Shopping Center’ in Roma, Queensland, and the exercise flops. Nobody turns up and no properties are sold. You see big companies like Pepsi or Wal Mart have totally different agendas to small businesses or ‘one man/woman agent brands. The big kids on the block need to appease their governance departments, look good to shareholders and fly the flag as good corporate citizens. A similar programme might be adopted by a superstar agent. Selling a couple of apartments in a shopping center is nice PR for his/her brand, the property developer and the center, but it pales in significance to the rest of their selling campaign. Unfortunately, most business people including real estate agents are clueless when it comes to marketing. WORKING HARDER? Yes, you’ve got to put the effort in. There are no short cuts to success. Road diggers work hard. They suffer the elements. But they don’t get rich. The system I’m talking about Is duplicatable by anybody It delivers a regular flow of leads/customers The leads convert into buying customers; usually through consistent engagement Marketing via proven strategies, not tips, tricks or hacks

DECLUTTERING YOUR MIND IN A CROWDED WORLD Social media has added to the clutter. It’s a very noisy world now. Competition to get a prospect’s attention is very competitive. Not only do you have to be on the main platforms, new ones appear almost weekly promising you a flurry of connections that may send your business into financial nirvana. The quality of prospects on social media tends to be broad and low. What this system offers is more laser like targeting. Predictable results on your invested dollars Little to no time wasting as you are not trapped in a maze without the exit door to buyers You own the system and not the platform owner. Testable, scalable and practical processes without breaking the bank


To put it bluntly most agents, stink at marketing. For reasons mentioned earlier, agents believe in ‘post on social’ and they will come’ hope and pray method. There are so many options out there for agents, many suffer from shiny object syndrome. They try something for a ‘minute’ and when it doesn’t work, they move onto something else. Unfortunately, this invariably fails and the move again. Overwhelm takes over and the spiral to the depths of despair gets faster and deeper. MISTAKE #1 NOT HAVING A MARKETING PLAN Agents don’t plan to fail; they just fail to plan. If you dive in willy nilly and start throwing cash or worse still borrowed cash from high interest credit cards at ‘marketing’ like throwing mud at a wall, some of it will stick. Most of these results come from luck rather than a well-thought-out plan. When you try to replicate your efforts, invariably your results are very different. You then try to desperately replicate the first winning campaign, but again the results fall well short. Have you ever run an ad from a successful agent, like Ryan Serhant, virtually copied the ad script word for word, designed an image almost identical, and have had little to no sales. It’s because you don’t have a plan. His plan might be about using the ad you ‘copied’ to generate more sales for condos in blocks two and three rather than building one. MISTAKE #2 BEING THE HUNTER Always chasing buyers can be exhausting. That’s the approach the gurus on social media marketing teach – chase, chase, chase. The generalists advise you to be on every channel and hustle. Tik Tok is all the rage; you must be on it they sprout. But they forget to tell you that there are very few 65+ video rappers on there, which so

happens to be your audience (buyers/sellers at least; not rappers) But when you employ a system that attracts buyers/sellers to you, the chase stops. Instead, you become the hunted, the agent a buyer/seller seeks out. MISTAKE #3 THINKING YOU HAVE A ‘NIKE’ SIZE BUDGET Just because Nike runs television ads, doesn’t mean you can keep with this billion-dollar company. Their advertising budget is segmented into different sections, each one has a different goal. Television ads are more about brand awareness; keeping Nike at the top of buyer’s minds. Agents don’t have that size of an ad spend. While branding is important, agents can’t ‘waste’ money on generalized, scatter gun marketing no matter how focused the ad guy at the television network tries to convince you. Agents need targeted marketing you get sales today! MISTAKE #4 TARGETTING THE WRONG AUDIENCE Agents target everybody. The slightly smarter one’s buyers/sellers in their home town. That’s still too broad.


But what type of buyers/sellers are you after? Young buyers? Sellers looking to downsize? A combination of both? Some buyers will not buy apartments. The truth is agents have to target their ads at just one person. An agent specializing in lifestyle acreage might target their ads to horse loving people, who have teenage kids, live in a capital city and still need to be close enough to travel to work. But in regional areas, this same agent’s market maybe men, over 60 who want a seaside apartment for the family to visit on weekends. The ad should be written for one person and speak their language.

MISTAK #5 NOT TALKING YOUR BUYER/SELLER’S LANGUAGE Most agents talk about themselves and not in the language of the buyer/seller and their interests We are the best. I’m #1 in Beverly Hills. I achieved a record price in Zig Zag St San Francisco. More importantly is to talk about your audience’s problems; not yours. What do 65+ sellers generally suffer? Lack of money? Too many stairs in their existing home? Lack of friendship or company? How could an agent address these issues? Promote properties. Conduct talks or online webinars? Think about your buyer/sellers and how you can improve their lives. MISTAKE # 6 THERE’S NO ENGAGEMENT Some buyers/sellers never hear from an agent after they’ve bought/sold. If you bought from Mr. Serhant you ‘might’ hear from him or one of his PA’s. That’s assuming you’re own Ryan’s database. Unfortunately, this follow up email comes in the form of a buy request. “Just Listed – 17 Montgomery Street, Vaucluse – open this weekend” You immediately feel let down. You thought you were important to Ryan. You were sure he actually liked you. But alas you feel just like a number now. Sadly, this type of email doesn’t build engagement. Since the day the buyer bought the house, they haven’t heard from you until now; when it’s time to buy another house. Come on; isn’t this natural. You buy a house today and you have an opportunity to buy another next week, and the week after, 5 -10 years down the track.

Buyers/sellers may think you don’t care about them. Business owners refer to this as a ‘perceived indifference’ and it’s the main reason (67%) of why customers don’t return to that business. Agents need to send emails regularly, chat to their buyers/sellers, address their concerns, create great offers and occasionally ask them to buy. MISTAKE #7 CHEAP PRICES ARE CHEAP Wal Mart is a low-priced outlet. They can offer low prices because they acquire their products cheaply and they can move huge volumes. Wal Mart has scale on both the buy-in and sale price; agents don’t. Acquisition costs for most agents is relatively the same. You can try to entice sellers with low commission rates, but as they say ‘pay peanuts you get monkeys. Sellers need to read the fine print. Is the signboard extra? Do they have to pay for flyers? Discount brokers can offer sales commission at $6999. It sounds good until another broker comes along at $4999. It’s a race to the bottom and homes sold on low prices can do well, until something cheaper comes along. MISTAKE #8 MARKETING EVERYWHERE Not everybody in every market is a buyer for your listings Would you market a coal fueled power station at a renewable energy conference and expect to sell it? No, you wouldn’t. Instead, you should market where buyers hang out. The biggest hangout is on real estate portals. People go to REA or Domain to buy houses. They are not on those platforms searching for horse racing tips. Go where your audience shops. MISTAKE #9 AVOIDING THE MISTAKES

Know your audience inside out. Understand what makes them tick and put the right message in front of them and begin a relationship. Talk to them, reply to their emails and ask them to buy occasionally. Meet them on their ground; go to where they shop. Produce the best quality marketing that addresses their issues.



C.E.O METHOD CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT OFFERS Finding customers for your real estate services can be tough, but it's not impossible. With the right tools and techniques in your toolkit, you'll be able to connect with potential clients and close more deals. WHY CUSTOMERS ARE IMPORTANT There's no business without customers. It's as simple as that. If you want your real estate business to succeed, you need to find ways to attract customers and convert them into clients. The process of finding and winning over customers is known as lead generation, and it's a critical skill for any real estate professional to master. HOW TO GENERATE LEADS There are a number of different ways to generate leads as a real estate agent. Some common methods include: -Developing relationships with referral sources such as mortgage brokers, home inspectors, and other real estate professionals Advertising your services online and offline Participating in community events Developing an effective lead capture system on your website Staying active on social media The most important thing is to find the lead generation methods that work best for you and your business. There's no one-size-fits-all solution, so it's important to experiment with a few different tactics to see what produces the best results. CONVERTING LEADS INTO CLIENTS

Once you've generated a list of potential leads, it's time to start working on converting them into clients. This process is known as lead nurturing, and there are a few different strategies you can use to nurture your leads and turn them into paying customers. Some common lead nurturing strategies include: Reaching out to leads regularly Using targeted content to nurture leads Keeping your leads warm with timely follow-ups Building trust and credibility with potential clients CREATING REAL ESTATE OFFERS CUSTOMERS CRAVE Make sure your real estate offers are irresistible by following these simple tips: Identify your target audience and what they want Develop a strong offer that meets their needs Create a sense of urgency with your offer Include a call to action that's easy to follow Test and adjust your offer until it's converting at a high rate By following these tips, you'll be able to create real estate offers that your target audience can't resist. CLOSING THE DEAL Once you've generated leads and nurtured them into prospects, it's time to start closing deals. The process of closing a deal can vary depending on the type of property and the situation, but there are a few key things to keep in mind if you want to close more deals. Some tips for closing deals include: Being prepared for every listing appointment Asking for the sale Overcoming objections Using a contract that protects your interests Getting the deal done in a timely manner

By following these tips, you'll be able to close more deals and grow your real estate business.


LEAD GENERATION FOR REAL ESTATE AGENTS In the early part of my real estate career, I would sit patiently in my office waiting for my next sale to walk in. Well, ‘next’ might be exaggerating it a little. ‘A’ sale would be more appropriate. Each night I’d return home and let out a bunch of expletives that would make my dog blush. I was often in a foul mood. Then after 10 years of struggle I discovered, developed and implemented a bunch of real estate marketing strategies which I revealed in the first edition of this book, that saw my income virtually double in one year. After 2 years of using those real estate lead generation skills my income shot up another 50%. Add another 10 years and the lead generation business is in a whole new world. The word soon got out that I had discovered a way to make ‘easy’ (no such thing) real estate sales. Real estate referrals became my method of operation. Companies were approaching me to move camps. In fact, one company placed me on a $200,000 package to help boost sales. The strategies worked for me and they’ll work for you. This book is for real estate sales people, real estate agents or brokers who are totally overwhelmed with the complexities of selling real estate. It’s for agents seething with frustration at their pathetic sales. And it’s also for successful real estate agents wanting to take their real estate career to the next level. YOU HAVE TWO OBSTACLES FROM MAKING A KILLING: 1. You have no idea what business you are REALLY in. Most real estate sales people think that they are in the real estate business to assist people with their real estate buying, selling, leasing or managing needs. While partly ‘true’ unless you have a real estate lead that wants to buy, sell, lease or manage a property through you, you have no business. PERIOD. 2. A belief that you are ‘Gods’ answer to all thing’s real estate. Let’s face it. Real estate agents are an egotistical bunch. I can say that as I was a selling agent for 20+ years.

How often do you see advertisements stating “Billy Blogs – No. 1 For XYZ Real Estate” or “Cheryl Champion – Top Real Estate Marketer, Mars Tribune” WHO GIVES A TOSS? The public certainly don’t and nor should you, especially if you are a newbie just getting started. With my real estate lead generation tips, you’ll soon be the ‘king’ or queen’ of your local area. My real estate lead generation strategies are by no means complete. But they are a good start in raising you from the depths of despair to making you the champion agent you so rightly deserve to be. Here’s my appeal to you. Believe in yourself. Believe in your real estate career. Follow my suggestions. Implement those that resonate with you and be consistent. These real estate lead generation strategies take time but they have helped me sell over $400 million of real estate. They will work for you too.

Strategy #1 The Omnipresence Method I’m going to teach you a method that will produce your ideal client, buyer or seller, for around a dollar a day. Big promise I know but read on. If you are sick to the back teeth of dropping a small fortune on real estate portal ads and banners hoping to get customers but ending up with zilch or ending up with overpriced listings owned by tight fisted, ankle biting manic whiners, then this could be your answer. You know who I’m referring too. The pain-in-the-butt buyers or sellers who either give you super low ball offers or demand over the top prices while insisting you pay for all the marketing and then accept a low commission rate. As Arnie said “Let’s terminate them” If you’re still shaking your head in agreeance, you’ll probably be feeling sick in the stomach every time Facebook automatically deducts another ‘gazillion dollars’ off your credit card and still you have no decent leads. What I’m about to show you at a fraction of the cost you are probably spending on advertising, will put you in front of 100 ideal customers a day. I call it the Omnipresence Method and it was first introduced to me by my copywriting coach. The Oxford dictionary defines Omnipresence as omnipresence /ˌɒmnɪˈprɛz(ə)ns/ Learn to pronounce

noun 1. the state of being widespread or constantly encountered. "the omnipresence of the Internet in society today" the presence of God everywhere at the same time. "How does God's universal action prove His omnipresence?" The part that I’m going to focus on here is “the state of being widespread”. Being seen everywhere. Think of Nike. Every time you see the tick you know it’s Nike. Nike is everywhere. On shoes, clothing, billboards, sports stars – everywhere. But don’t worry. You won’t need millions if not billions of dollars to implement this method of marketing yourself to generate leads. I’m about to show you the same concept at only $1/day. WHAT DO YOU NEED TO GET STARTED? A Facebook (or Instagram) Business page. Not your personal profile. If you don’t have one, go to your personal profile and click on the ‘Create a Page’ Tab. Complete by adding text and photos. You’re good to go. An Offer This is not your latest house listing. It’s more about what you can do for a client and the benefit to them. “Let me show you how to own 3 investments properties for only $59 per week” “ Retire early using my property investment hack that’ll put you on the beaches of Hawaii sipping cocktails” Who is the offer for. The answer is not………everybody. You must be specific and then you must tailor the offer for that specific market.

You might therefore run several of these campaigns but you don’t have to. Just don’t run a broad campaign because you’ll miss so many customers with specific needs. Let’s look at the offer examples above. Your target markets might be: * Couples nearing retirement; no kids * Couples nearing retirement; with kids * Single men nearing retirement * Single women nearing retirement You would need different posts for each of these specific markets using different words and image STEP #1 CREATE YOUR CONTENT Create around 10 – 30 pieces of content using images and text, plain text and videos. Make this content educational, customer focused or offers and speak to your audience, not about you. Here I’ve used a stick image to give you a basic idea. Your posts should have eye catching images Educational Example

STEP #2 UPLOAD YOUR POST TO YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE Upload at least 14 days’ worth of posts; up to 30 days. Ideally you should post 2 – 3 times a day but one is sufficient to get you started.

This I admit is a big task especially when you are trying to list and sell property. I recommend ‘cheating’ a bit here. I use a scheduler (PostPlanner.com) for all my posts. I simply load my posts for my page, set the day and time for them to appear and then allow them to appear over the week. If I’m running a promotion, like launching a book, offering a discount on a product or service (you might discount professional photography for a seller by 50%) or just giveaway something (free programmatic marketing for a month), then I will repeat the post at set intervals say every four days. That means the post will be shown seven times during the month. Some people may think that this might be too much but with dropping reach rates on all social media, I doubt whether my audience will even see the same post twice. STEP #3 ANALYSISE POST ENGAGEMENT With about 20 posts up, it’s time to find out which posts are resonating with followers. Jump onto your Page and click Insights. We want to see the winners.

While two posts on this page got reasonable reach, the video at the top was seen by 2,700 viewers in just 5 days. Five hundred plus people (huge 20%) engaged by liking, commenting or sharing this post. This is clearly the winner and the post that should be further promoted. For those of you on the run and not always at a desktop, grab the Facebook Page app from the Apple store or where you can download apps for android. Look out for the yellow flag symbol. STEP #4 BOOST YOUR POST Just hit the Boost Post button on the post, select your audience and budget, wait for Facebook’s approval and you’re set to go. Now I know some of you ‘advanced Facebook marketers will say that boosting a post is a waste of money. And if my aim for you here was to make sales, I’d agree. But our main purpose is to get you seen everywhere. This builds familiarity. People get to know, like and trust you. Then you can focus on sales.

Imagine if you had three or five posts that organically did well and for just a dollar a day for each, you and your brand was now in front of thousands of people for say $1.47/day. What could happen in a month? Tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of fresh eyes discovering you and your real estate business. What do you think might happen to your sales? They’d go up, legend! And before I finish this step, you’re probably wondering about who makes up the audience for you to boost too? That can be as simple as showing the post to people who like your page and their followers. If you want to target, say 35-55-year-old men who love fishing, boating and surfing, you can create an audience by selecting the target audience button and putting in your filters. STEP #5 RINSINCE AND REPEAT Repeat the popular posts. If your educational posts are getting more likes, comments and shares organically, do more of those. If people are loving your customer focused videos of new house owners standing in front of a sold sign or their house, shoot more of these. Within a month or two you’ll have sufficient data via your Insights to know what your followers love. Do what they love. It’s the shortest path to your success! Keep tweaking; keep refining. Boost engaged organic posts and repeat.

Strategy #2 Intent Based Branding Frank Kern is a master marketer, probably one of the best direct response copywriters and now a modern-day guru using social media. I’ve used this method several times before and seen spectacular results. Currently I’m doing Frank’s 3.0 version of intent-based branding and loving the outcome. Here’s my review on how Frank uses this method and why I 100% believe you should have this in your lead generation system. WHAT IS INTENT BASED BRANDING? “Producing assets that actually helps people, thereby building a relationship with cold prospects and finally converting them into sales” Being a paid client of Frank’s and undertaking his latest Intent Based Marketing 3.0 thirty-day challenge; that’s my interpretation. The big ‘trick’ here is to actually help somebody. This would seem obvious but most agents tend to leave the big stuff out hoping to cash in later. That’s so 1980’s garbage. It doesn’t work anymore. Customers want real information that will actually help them. Otherwise, they’ll flick off to another YouTube video or read another blog post that does provide the answer to their problem. My suggestion is that you use the oldest trick in the book and actually help them. WHAT DO YOU DO?

Let’s look at intent-based branding around getting sellers to auction their homes. 1. Who - identify your market? This is pretty simple. We are directing our marketing towards home owners. 2. What problems do home owners face? There are various types of owners who maybe wanting to sell their homes. Home owners needing to relocate to another area. Home owners under financial stress. Home owners with a unique quality making it hard to value. Home owners wanting a quick result at the best possible price. 3. How can we help these various owners? We need to produce assets, in this case short videos, answering these problems for the owner. For example, if we were targeting owners looking for a quick sale while maximizing their price, we might create videos around: a.

Preparing their home for sale – minor fix – ups, lawn maintenance, decluttering inside. b. What local government documents should they have or need to get. Has there been any extensions to the home like an additional carport for which the owner will need to produce evidence showing the work has been approved? c. What finance options are there to carry out marketing campaigns, do minor repairs to maximize the sale of the property. d. How long does the marketing campaign need to run for? HOW TO SELL STUFF? Now that we’ve been helping home owners get their home ready for

an auction and given them tips on maximizing the price, we need to introduce ourselves as the real estate agent who can best help them achieve the outcome they desire. Giving free information over a few videos has endeared us to a protentional seller that we are a trustworthy agent to best help them. We’ve proved ourselves. Most agents still go about this client getting process by talking to prospects in the language of an agent. “I’m #1 in the office” “The Boston Tribune has recognized me as the best marketer of real estate in the city” “I did seven auctions last week” Kudos for the agent who has such accolades but a real estate seller doesn’t really care. They want to deal with somebody who can show, not tell, they are competent and get the job done. Sellers also want to know that agents have their back. They want to feel that an agent will stand up for them, protect them and go the extra mile. Producing four, five or six videos on how to prepare your home for auction will go a long way to building confidence in a seller that you are the best agent to look after them. Your offer to do business is delivered in a very casual way.’; the softly, softly approach. The tone is confident but a little laid back. It’s almost like a ‘last minute throw in’. You kind of indicate that you don’t mind if they do engage or not. In sales terminology we would call this the take away. And here’s the weird thing about take away closes. The more you are evasive, casual in your delivery the more somebody wants it! WHAT TO SAY IN YOUR VIDEOS? Here’s a simple script to use in your video.

1. The call out – If you, do you. We want to identify immediately who the video is for. This is target marketing. We don’t want people to watch the video if they are not our target. “If you are thinking of selling your home and want to do it in the shortest possible time and get the best price, listen up” 2. Preview – In this video, we’re/I’m going to show you how to add an extra $10,000 value to the sale price just by de-cluttering your home……….” 3. Offer (soft) – “If you want us to show you how you can get the best price for your home, head on over to our/my website and click on the Book A Call button……….. ” 4. Content – “So here’s how you can add an extra $10,000 to your sale price………make the house look bigger…..remove nonessential furniture…..replace oversized furniture with smaller pies,……consider getting the home professionally staged……..perhaps freshen up the internal paint work with light, neutral colours……..” 5. Offer – “If you found this video helpful, why not book a call with us/me. We can…..” Imagine the response you’ll get to this free type of marketing. You’ll generate a ton of leads to keep your prospecting funnel full. The purpose of these videos is for a ‘suspect’ to become a prospect and enter your sales process. It could be ‘book a call’, grab a free report on your suburb or a downloadable pdf on how the auction process works. An agency needs leads. Without a lead there can be no appraisal of a property. No listing, no sale and no commission. It all starts with a lead and intent-based branding delivers cold leads in a warmer state. Thanks Frank. If you want to upskill yourself, Frank Kern is a sensational coach. Join his private mentorship programs and

skyrocket your marketing and career.

Strategy #3 Rank on Google With No Money We all know that ranking well on Google will drive traffic to your website and ultimately increase your chances of getting leads. Achieving this result usually takes money, sometimes lots of money through Google paid ads. But there is a way to get onto the front page of Google for your keyword (words or phrases people use to search to find things) without spending money. 3 WAYS TO GET RANKED ON GOOGLE 1. ROUND UP POSTS

a. Blog The first thing you’ll need is a website with the ability to create blog posts. WordPress is the easiest way to do this. If you have difficulties with this, get your web designer to set this up, watch a tutorial on YouTube or go to Fiverr.com and type in “set up a WordPress blog into the search box. You’ll

find hundreds of people from around the world who can help you, starting at just $5. b. Google experts or top performers in the keyword that you want to write about. Let’s use kitchen renovations for this example. In addition to any ads that appear on the first page for this keyword, you should see ten companies or experts in the kitchen renovation industry. c. Approach each of these companies by saying something like: “Hey John I’ve seen lots of good articles and reviews about your kitchen renovations. You’re definitely the expert in this field and I’m a big fan. I’m putting together an expert guide to kitchen renovations in Sydney for my real estate blog and I’d love to include you as one of the best kitchen renovators in that post. Can I arrange a time to ask you a few questions…………..” d. Gather all the opinions. Create the post and link back to all the experts you’ve quoted. Include a thumbnail image of the person you spoke to and their business logo in the post. Ask them to share the post on their social media platforms and website. They may even give you a link back to your website. Google loves link backs. Using this method gets your post shared for free. The more shares, the more authority you gain not only on social media but also Google. Your site gets more traffic and you move up the Google ranking ladder. What other topics can you think of?

‘The best lawn care for Spring in Chicago’ ‘The best exterior paint to weather your beachside house in Palm Beach’ 2. UBERSUGGEST KEYWORD DENSITY TOOL Type in your competitors https://raywhite.com




Scroll down the page and discover all the SEO keywords that business is ranking for. These keywords describe to Google what the business is about. However, this doesn’t mean that you grab all their keywords and shove them into your blog posts or website. Keyword stuffing isn’t liked by Google and you’ll be penalized with poor rankings. Instead what it is saying to Google is that their site is more thorough in providing valuable information on a topic and Google is rewarding them by pushing them up the rankings. This is helping them get more leads and that’s what you want. Therefore you must be more thorough with your posts. You must go deep with your answer so that your post truly helps somebody. Check out your competitors keywords that are do well and do a more thorough job. If they rank for ’14 Ways to Sell Your House Faster in Cairns’ in a 500 word post, you give the enquiring public ’25 ways……..’ in a 1,000 – 1,500 word post. 3. WRITE APPEALING POST – COPY ADS Go to Ubersuggest.com and type in a broad keyword. Let’s use home buying. That keyword attracts 33,100 searches per month in the US. That’s good but also relatively difficult to rank for because you’d

be competing with a lot of big companies like real estate franchises, real estate portals, banks, insurance companies and a like. Instead look for long tail keyword phrases. These by definition have a number or words in them but are still popular. The keyword phrase ‘home buying with bad credit’ has 2,900 searches per month and is easier to rank for. Rather than trying to rank for ‘home buying in New York’ the phrase ‘First home buyer in New York’ has a healthy 3,600 searches every month. Now that you have your keyword phrase check out the ads on Google on that phrase and look for eye catching headlines. Google rewards great headlines and of course somebody’s ad spend. Instead of “Buying your first home in New York” (which is ok), punch it up with “Funky New York Pads For First Home Buyers That Won’t Break The Bank” FINAL TIPS Use the keyword in your meta-tag description (Google that term or watch a YouTube video). Use a date in your title eg ‘Gardening Tips for Spring 2022’ Use words like, New, Fast, Get, Try, to increase your clicks. [[SUCCESS STORY]] First National Hills Direct First National Hills Direct is an award-winning real estate office located in NSW for the First National Network. Competition within the area is rife. Getting found on Google is a priority in getting organic search but there is a lot of competition from other agents. The owners undertook a blogging program whereby they had four professionally written articles delivered into the inbox

monthly. Within a couple of months not only did the agency move up the Google rankings on page one, they also achieved a number of top four rankings for relevant keywords within the area; with some hitting #1.

Strategy #4 Become A Virtual Event Megastar At the time of writing this book the world has been and still is in the grips of COVID-19, bludgeoned to within an inch of its life. Hundreds of thousands of people have died and the business world is in lock down. At this time one of the only way’s businesses can connect with customers is via virtual means; webinars, although they’ve been around for a while, they are now the talk of the town. Webinars are good but can be lack luster. To generate leads, we want brilliance! Because they are so mainstream now, not only are they losing their shine, but some people are screaming webinar fatigue and starting to switch off. And that’s a pity because webinars are a great source for lead generation. So how do we get around that? We pimp our webinars up. We create virtual EVENTS! These events will be great for networking, will show you off us as an authority and help you become the dominator in your area, Are you ready superstar? Buckle up! VIRTUAL EVENTS DOMINATOR 1. Create your event and include your social media links When somebody registers for your event, they get an automatic reply confirming their attendance and sharing all the necessary information about the upcoming webinar (ooops no wrong dowdy word), I mean event. This is perfect real estate for you to personalize the message.

Sure, the event time, date and link are important but why not add your social media links like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Yes, people still use Twitter; it’s not reserved for Donald Trump tweets only. 2. Promote your speakers Dull boring webinars have only one speaker; that would be you. You’re probably worth top billing but if you can attract a couple of speakers, it just takes the event to another level. Grab their bio in advance, along with their picture and promote it all over social media. Ask them to do the same. Imagine if you can snare a ‘big time’ speaker? Sharing this to your Facebook page, dropping out a couple of tweets and throwing in a few boosted ads can really give your event the WOW factor. Make your speakers the stars of the show and promote them as much as the event. Get the speaker to do some posts or tweets leading up to the event whereby viewers can ask questions. The answers they give can be a great way to steer the event so people engage. Mention a question and the person who submitted it will be hooked for life. 3. Add a Twitter feed to the event An Australian television show does this very well. Insight on the ABC, has a twitter feed and they attract a lot of comments. You can watch the show and tweet at the same time. Brilliant! Engaging! I’m hooked! Every webinar/event platform has an in-built chat box. They work to some extent but people tend to ask boring questions like ‘will there be slides after’ or ‘are you recording this’. By using a hashtag, Twitter can pick up the conversation and allow your guests to focus on the event and drop questions in

via Twitter. It also gives them the option to remain out of the spotlight. 4. Create an event hashtag As mentioned above, it’s a good idea to have an event specific hashtag. Promote the hashtag to those who register, attendees and throughout your social media posts; especially on Twitter. 5. Promote your event on LinkedIn I’m hoping that you do have a LinkedIn profile (more on that in a coming chapter) as it is the fastest growing business social media platform in 2020. Facebook, Instagram and even Twitter may be great for likes and comments telling you how great you are, but LinkedIn will stamp you as an authority in your business niche. I’ll delve much deeper into this lead generating muscle machine later including how to set up your profile for maximum success along with a very sneaky hack that’ll make you the champion in any niche. Want to be the lifestyle real estate agent in Tampa, Florida? Hang on; it’s coming! But for now, let’s continue to set you up as the Event Queen or King. 6. Pimp your event’s chat pod. Don’t be a bore. “Hi, I’m Greg. I’m an agent with XYZ Realty”. Nope that’s garbage. How about “Hi, I’m Greg and I’m so excited to be here because today my very special guests are going to reveal how to shave 12 years off your mortgage without paying higher repayments” Introduce the hashtag and ask everybody to share it. Get them to put it into their Twitter tweets so you can pick up their conversation.

7. Are you a member of Meet-Ups? Meet-ups are a great way to network with like-minded souls. If the group is unable to meet because of gathering restrictions, ask the host if you can advertise within the group and get them to log into your virtual event. 8. Give away the event notes Create some event notes and give them away after the event to those who attend. I’m strict on these though. I only give them to those who attend. People who register but fail to show up, won’t read the notes in my opinion. Reward those who reward you with their attendance. Events pimp up standard webinars. Pick the right speakers, promote the hell out of them, create and event hashtag and you’ll have a virtual function that’ll be the envy of the ‘interwebs’, knock your competitors for six, open the lead generation flood gate and make you the dominant authority in your industry ………. maybe even the world!

Strategy #5 Dynamic LinkedIn Profile A lot of people think of LinkedIn as a place to list your job profile. And they are partly right but they are missing the really big picture. If you are involved in B2B sales, LinkedIn is the platform for you to focus on. It’s on steroids! Check it out these stats: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

675 million monthly users 57% of users are men; 43% are women. 30 million companies are on LinkedIn 27% of US residents use LinkedIn 70% of visitors come from outside the US. 11 million are in Australia. 61% of users are aged 25 – 34 years 57% of LinkedIn’s traffic is mobile 4 out of 5 people on LinkedIn are the decision makers in a company An ad on LinkedIn reaches 12% of the world’s population 94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for content creation

[Source: Hootsuite 2020] LinkedIn is much more than a job posting site. If you want to generate great real estate leads, re-read those stats again but highlight #10 – content creation. This is where the lead generation magic occurs. But before you can become a jedi with LinkedIn articles or posts, you’ll need to create the best profile possible. We want you to be the ‘attraction’ real estate agent that CEOs of Fortune 500 companies rush to buy or sell their next waterfront mansion. Procurement managers, general managers and logistic specialists

within a company are making decisions daily about where their company’s new headquarters or warehousing facility needs to be. You need to be top of mind when they need to make a move. Let’s get your profile right, right for 2020 and beyond. PROFILE 1. Profile picture Use a professionally photographed picture in business attire. I’m not sure that real estate agents in Hawaii wear Hawaiian shirts and sip margaritas while selling real estate; I suggest you don’t use your last vacation picture either. 2. Use a professional background cover image It should be around 1584 x 396 pixels. Canva.com is a great place to create your image. 3. Create a headline that draws eye balls to your profile Titles are fine but don’t always tell people exactly what you do. More importantly they don’t tell people what you can do for them. Make the headline a message. Don’t confuse people. If they have to use to many brain cells to decipher your message, they’ll leave “I’m a property connector with people who are searching for their ideal abode that gives them inner peace” OR “I sell real estate in New Farm” 4. Write your own story The summary section is your first connection with a possible customer. Make it flow like a story. 5. Speak to your audience Show people what you can do for them. Words like ‘focused, strategic thinker, global entrepreneur,

thought leader and so on sound impressive, to you. If I was engaging you to do some work for me, I’d hope that you were focused, had a thought and were strategic. Drop the hype! 6. Show off your skills Let people know exactly what you’re good at without the fluff. Use your skills as a heading and list companies you’ve worked for under that skill. To do this you simply sway the company name for the skill went creating your job experiences. Warehouse Sales Consultant Reed Properties 2007 Greg Garages 2002 – 2007 OR Prestige Resort Broker Sanctuary Cove 1999 -2002 Washington Golf Resort 1996 – 1999 Palm Lake Resort Nevada 1990 - 1996 This clearly identifies your skills to people wanting to engage a warehouse sales or prestige resort sale person in these examples. 7. Get endorsements The easiest way to do this is to endorse others. 8. Build your recommendation bank Send connections a link asking them to recommend you for a particular skill. The best time to do this is right after you’ve done something

great for them. 9. Use the publication section on your profile If the publication section does not appear, go to Add Section in the right task bar and scroll down until you find it. Click on it and update with any publications you’ve appeared in Now that you have a decent profile, good images and you’ve uploaded some publications that you’ve appeared in, let’s start working LinkedIn to generate more leads. LEAD GENERATION ON LINKEDIN Here’s 9 ways to get more business 1. Create a company page Different than the standard profile. If you own a business, promote it on LinkedIn. It’s the business resource where connected people hang out. Did you know that countries like the US, Australia or even Canada are wide open for building connections. They don’t even rank in the Top 5 countries for average number of connections per user. When you set up your company page and upload your logo, you’ll notice back on your personal profile this logo will also appear. This gives some legitimacy about the business and makes your profile more eye catching. 2. Post good quality, useful content People on LinkedIn prefer to read good business type content. They have no interest in your cat photos. LinkedIn gives you a number of options when posting. Write an article, upload a photo or video. Make your articles the best you can. You are competing with 100,000 new articles a week. Do it right and your authority will

soar. Aim for 2 – 4 articles or uploads a week. 3. Search for individuals Use the filter to search via location, company or connections. Connecting directly with an individual is the best way into a company you wish to do business with. But there’s an art to it. DON’T just hit the connect button with an individual. It doesn’t make them feel special and it spotlights you as somebody who sees them as a number. Instead of hitting the connect button, click on the More button and hit the personal invite button. Complete a personal invite using their name and hit send. Remember we live in a mobile world. Keep you invite message short but inviting. Make it standout and never try to sell in this invite. I keep a standard invite within my notes on my phone. When I come across somebody I wish to connect with, I copy and paste the invite from my notes into the personal invite and hit send. It’s short, quick and easy for when I’m one the run. I also have some standard follow ups within my phone notes as well. 4. Leverage groups Join groups of interest or where you see potential business. Be helpful. Don’t sell. Be consistent. Soon you’ll be recognized as a helpful person worthy of a direct approach to do business with, rather than a pesty sales person that should be avoided. 5. Start your own group This is where the power is. It’s your group. You set the rules.

The big benefit is that you have the potential to build another database of contacts that you can build a relationship with that potentially may lead to more business. Be mindful of the general rule even it’s your own group – post good quality content that helps the group members and don’t always be selling. 6. Follow the LinkedIn marketing blog It is a great source of knowledge in growing your business. Be a regular commenter on posts. Your visibility will attract the right connections for you. If you want to start generating hundreds of leads a week on LinkedIn, it can happen. But not overnight. It’ll take a ton of work posting good content daily over a long period of time. By being consistent you’ll blow 99% of your competitors out of the water. You’ll be the dominating real estate agent in your area.

Strategy #6 Create Blog Posts If you want leads, you’ll need to write blog posts. But not any old blog post. In this chapter I break down what is essential to have in a blog post if you want to rank well in Google AND get a ton of real estate leads. [Hint] Size matters. THE BLOG POST STRATEGY OF WINNERS Consistency also matters. Your blog posts need to be at least weekly to gain traction with the search engines. 1. Let’s dissect a good blog post. You’ll need A great headline Responsible for 80% of your blog being read. Be creative; not boring. Magazines have great headlines – study them. Use an eye-catching image Literarily suck the eye balls out of somebody. Get them to wrench their neck around fast, but not injure themselves. Provide an introduction It doesn’t have to be long but it must be enticing. It must force the reader to want more. Lead into the article Outline the main points you’ll cover in the article. Main body Write short sentences using easy, simple language. Most articles today are read on mobile devices. Your articles must be easy to

read. Shorter paragraphs of only 3 lines are preferred. Use sub-headings to grab a reader’s attention. Conclusion Summarize all the points your outlined in your article. Ask a question and seek feedback Make your posts more engaging by asking a question at the end and seek comments. “Which one of the above points above will you be implementing this month. Leave a comment and let’s know.” 2. Improve your SEO with the right keywords Us a free tool like Ubersuggest.com to do your research on the best keywords and keyword phrase to use. Start with words that have decent search enquiries but are not super competitive. Let the big boys go after those expensive terms. Localize your search by adding your suburb or town onto the mix. 3. Create blog posts that scream value Give the reading public what THEY want. Speak their language. Answer questions. eg “What deposit is required to buy a house?” Discuss problems eg “How to get more people to your open home?” Discuss cost eg “What does it cost to auction my house?” Do comparisons eg “Are fixed home loans better than variable interest loans?” Create a list post eg “15 ways to sell your house quicker this winter”

Spotlight some reviews eg “The best real estate marketing tactics reviewed” 4. Use the AIDA formula for writing posts AIDA stands for attention, interest, desire and action. Check out this video for a great understanding and how to use AIDA https://youtu.be/bvoxOtRq844 5. Get links to your posts I’ve already discussed using keywords in your title, metadescription and body to create links. Another strategy is to ensure you are also building external links with other companies and blogs. The higher the company’s domain authority (DA) the stronger the link value. You should aim to to build links via guest posting or commenting on sites with a DA 30 – 100. Amazon, Google, Youtube have DA 100. Don’t buy link building services from companies offering miracles. “Get 100,000 backlinks for $29”. The links are rubbish, most likely from sites with DA 1 and you’ll hurt your chances to rank well with Google. THE SECRET FORMULA TO DRIVE TRAFFIC TO YOUR BLOG A guy who got 94 million visitors to his blog posts gave me this formula. I’m taking a punt he knows what he’s talking about. Here’s what he said. Write response posts Response posts are those that answer questions eg. “What are your management fees?” Create ten of these articles first at 1000 words each.

Write stock posts After you’ve finished writing your ten response posts, write ten stock posts. These need to be 2,000 – 2,5000 words and cover topics around ‘how to’ do something. List posts (using numbers) are also popular stock posts. eg “How to declutter your house” “7 ways to get a greener lawn this summer” Write pillar posts These are meaty posts. Usually, they are 3,500+ words and cover the big topics and have all encompassing headlines like “The Definitive Guide To Selling Your House In Point Piper” Be consistent, post weekly, follow these guidelines and use this strategy, and you’ll start getting a flood of lead generating traffic to your website. Just give it time though. Blogging takes 6 – 12 months to see results. [[SUCCESS STORY]] Marcus Sheridan – River Pools & Spas Marcus owned River Pools and Spas up until 2017. In 2009 the GFC hit the US business economy hard including the pool selling business. Marcus couldn’t afford to continue to advertise his business. He was about to go broke. Instead of waiting for the crash to swallow him up, he made things happened. He started blogging……………………….. about swimming pools. YES pools! By 2011 traffic to his website had reached 87,000/month. In 2013 it was 300,000 visitors/month. And when he sold the business in 2017, 600,000 visitors/ month. Blog article writing works BUT only for those who do it consistently for a while.

Strategy #7 Email Marketing For some, this title has already made you squirm. Screams of “Greg, are you mad?” can be heard for miles. Well not by me. You might also be thinking that this strategy is so ‘1980’s’ and it doesn’t work now. And I get why you might be saying that. But at the risk of turning you off, slamming this book closed or just moving onto the next chapter, let me say this to you. YOU’RE WRONG! My conviction comes not from reading countless articles and books on the subject but actually doing it. I can attribute millions of dollars in real estate sales to email marketing. I’ve created tons of leads with email and developed strong relationships with my lists. A good percentage of my list members open my emails every week; around 38% on average. That’s double the real estate industry standard! I used the concepts behind email marketing (it was called fax marketing then) to sell 11 homes in just 5 hours for around $6,000,000. That was a great pay day! But email marketing has not been a one hit wonder for me. In the early 2000’s I consistently sold 12 – 16 homes a month from my email list. Sixty-four homes in 5 months was pretty good going. Today as a fiction author, my email list generally buys enough books at launch for my new book to rank in the Top 10 on Amazon US in category; sometimes hitting #1.

Do you think email marketing could help you generate leads and make sales? If so, let’s read on. EMAIL MARKETING IS ALIVE AND WELL Here’s more proof why email still works According to HubSpot, 85% of the internet population are on email. That’s around 6 billion people. Email is more popular than search engine reach by around 15% and knocks out social media by 22%. [[TIP]] Back a winner, start using email. How do you get people onto your email list? In exchange for somebody’s email address you need to give away something for free. But not any old garbage. It must be something highly desirable and valuable. It could be a free report like a suburb report, delivered monthly or quarterly. A checklist on how to do something quickly could be of value to some people. What about a video series on how to successfully bid at an auction without the bidder losing his/her shirt? That might be very desirable for some people. Get permission to contact them You might be giving away something for free to get people onto your list, but you’ll also need their permission to keep on contacting them. Without them agreeing to opt-in to your list or having the option to opt out, you might be in breach of the CAN SPAM Act, resulting in your ISP (internet service provider) banning you. Trying to get another provider to take you on once you are listed as a spammer will be almost impossible or at least very uncomfortable.

Give them great content Provide great follow up content. Really help people. Emails around: Should I pay for marketing? Should I go with a low-cost commission agent? What’s better – auction or private treaty marketing Would be interesting emails for list members to read. These emails don’t need to be long especially if you have a similar article on your website blog. Two to three hundred-word emails are plenty. When to pitch? The simple answer is when necessary. You’re not a benevolent society. The ultimate purpose of these emails is to make sales. You need to add a pitch but not in every email. Do that and you’ll get a massive unsubscribe rate. Do you hate being sold to all the time? So do your readers. Start softly when trying to get commitments. Ask people to follow you on Facebook. Let them know you have a free webinar coming up next week. Invite them to ask a question. Softly, softly wins the race. When you have a property to sell, they’ll be more receptive. Newsletters add great value (if done right) The best newsletters mix business and personal messages well. Offer business messages like: Current listings Upcoming auctions Suburb or town developments Government updates

Along with personal messages: A personal story about your real estate career Spotlight a staff member eg “Introducing Sally our contract administrator” Celebrate a milestone eg “We’ve just turned 5” (add a nice picture of you and the team) Show some behind the scenes stuff eg “Here’s Mike our photographer” Share a review eg “Peter has been fantastic throughout our selling process” Let readers into your personal life eg “On weekends, I’m a biker” Toss in an interview eg “Meet Jared our favourite barista. He’ll be yours too) Automate your emails Write them once and set them free by using a scheduler. In email language that scheduler is referred to as an autoresponder. With an autoresponder you write a series of emails to be sent at designated times. These series include a welcome email, a download link to your free giveaway and a sequence of emails that leads your reader along a certain path; possibly to a sale. Email campaigns can be general and work at building relationships. These general but informative email campaigns are critical to keep your name top of mind for when a prospect is ready to buy or sell again. Some prospects are ready now and may have joined your email list because of an upcoming auction. An auction email campaign would provide details about the property, what to expect at the auction, what they need to do to prepare for the auction, what checks and balances they need to make like getting their finance approved or ordering a build and pest inspection prior to the auction day.

To discover what the best autoresponders are check out my comparison articles at: https://emailedgar.com/getresponse-vs-active-campaign https://emailedgar.com/getresponse-vs-mailchimp Create specific lists Not all readers need the same information. Emails about the auction process might not appeal to somebody who is trying to decide if your suburb is the right place for them to live. Lists can easily be created around: Customers (those who have bought). They need information about the suburb/town, updates, ways to add value to their property. Your latest listing would not be of interest unless they are a serial investor. General newsletter subscribers eg listings would be included in these mailouts. Specific campaigns eg auction campaigns on a specific property. Emails are known for giving a ROI of 44:1 in the online marketing world. That number may be difficult to determine for real estate transactions, but where agents commonly receive commissions of $10,000+ per sale, your ROI for sending a few automated emails, even over a year or two, would be well worth your while.

Strategy #8 Facebook Live Facebook is a goliath of opportunity for real estate agents to market themselves and their products. There are plenty of other books on the market about Facebook marketing, so I’ve decided to leave organic posting via picture or text posts to those experts. I’m also not a fan of Facebook general organic marketing as I’ve noticed over the years subscriber newsfeed reach is plummeting. In 2012 your newsfeed could be seen by about 15% of your subscribers when you posted your ‘cat photos or foodie shots’. Now only 1-2% do. In spite of Mr. Zuckerberg trying to pitch that he wants Facebook to return to its good old days of engaging with people via photo posts, this is simply fake news. Facebook is a public company with shareholders wanting a healthy return on their investment. That means they demand profits. Profits come from people buying stuff and in Facebook’s case, that means advertisements. Facebook ads are not all doom and gloom though and I’ll look at them later as a means to generating real estate leads. For now, though I’m going to persist with the organic approach to getting seen on Facebook with a strategy that’ll give your branding a boost and generate leads on steroids; for free. FACEBOOK LIVE – TIPS AND TRICKS TO CRUSH IT Sixty six percent of viewers love Facebook Live. That’s only second to Facebook itself who I assume love it 100%. I know one thing for sure, Facebook loves Live more than YouTube. Live gives Facebook the opportunity for visitors to hang around more.

YouTube takes them away and that’s not desirable. Here’s how to make your Facebook Live videos zing, keep people on your page longer and have Facebook fall madly in love with you. 1. Do a Q & A Session People love getting answers to the questions they ask. Sure, they can read a post but video can be consumed quicker. Live videos also show off your personality thereby attracting (hopefully not repelling) new customers. If you want to maximize your Q & A audience, advertise your Live prior and do them on a specific day and time. “Join me every Friday at 2pm when I answer all your real estate buying and selling questions LIVE!” 2. Teach Viewers Something Generally these videos are slightly longer than your standard 2minute session but they deliver a heap of value. “In today’s live video I’m going to show you how to makeover your bathroom in 5 minutes without spending a cent” 3. Interview Somebody Interesting Have you got a real estate celebrity in your area? Why not interview them? How about a local restauranteur? Video is great for capturing passion and most chefs speak with great passion about their food. Maybe you can offer a free dinner to a lucky viewer? 4. Launch a New Product Is your company marketing properties using programmatic marketing (more on this later)? Let the selling public know that you have this innovative marketing strategy where their home can be seen by 40,000

highly targeted people over a month. This would be a great point of difference over your competitors who are seeking full page newspaper ad contributions to a platform that’s dwindling in readership. 5. Tour a Property Live Show off your latest listing with a Live tour. These videos have a raw edge to them over professionally shot videos and keep viewers glued to the screen. 6. Breaking News Announcement Interest rates just went up? Let your followers know about it via a Facebook Live video. This has more punch than a Canva stock image. 7. Show Your Bloopers Not all videos are perfect. Sometimes it takes many goes to get them right. But don’t edit the video or delete altogether because you’ve got a few umms and errs in there. Keep rolling. People love the human side of videos. 8. Incorporate Your Brand Here I mean YOUR brand. Your company has a brand usually depicted by a logo. But Facebook Live gives you the opportunity to promote your own personal brand. Do you drive a zippy vintage car to your open homes? Are you known for wearing scarves or single-breasted linen jackets. Whatever it is, let your own style shine through the camera. 9. Broadcast Live Events Are you celebrating an event in your office?

It could be wishing a staff member a happy birthday. What a great way to show off the friendly culture within your business by filming a staff member getting a birthday cake and being overwhelmed by the office crew singing birthday wishes. Very cool. For something more businesslike, why not film an online auction live. Perhaps you could do a snippet of a marketing meeting occurring on a seller’s house live. This could be a ‘behind-thescenes look on how your team markets property; ideal for potential sellers thinking about moving on. 10. Run a contest People love to win things. Running a contest live usually brings in a large audience. And when you draw the winner, go Live! Facebook Live is a great vehicle to generate leads and it’s FREE!

Strategy #9 Podcast Marketing

Podcasting is the buzzword in 2020. It’s been around for a while but is still relatively new in the real estate world. It’s the radio of blogging. This is a little different in the podcast world though. There are around 650,000 podcast channels on iTunes making it a pretty crowded battlefield. So, is it worth all the effort to create a regular podcast show and will it generate you leads? PODCASTING SUPERSTAR Here are some strategies to improve your chances in winning the podcast challenge. 1. Lessen the competition, go local Podcasting is churning out its own superstars like the music and film businesses. This would seem to be a daunting prospect of having to compete with these industry God’s. Real estate has its podcasting rock stars like Tom Ferry, Elite

Agent, Tim Neary and Kevin Turner to name a few who are crowding the top spots on the listening charts. But there is a way to snap up a listen worthy sector of the podcasting market within the real estate category – go local. Instead of trying to dominate the world or even your country (initially at least) why not shoot for your local market listeners and become the source in your local town. In a time poor society, people are craving for local insights into the real estate world and your podcast could be the ticket for their listening ears. 2.Have a clear message What will your podcast be about? What is the message you are trying to convey to the listening market in your area? By being consistent and delivering the same message week in and week out, you’ll be the channel people will tune into to hear about the local real estate market. Your channel will be the place where they can get all the pricing news about housing or apartment selling in their area. You deliver local insights about planning decisions the government is making. Interviewing local celebrities could be a nice touch to boost interest and bring in a new audience for your weekly talk show. 3. Find your super listeners What’s a super listener? A podcast addict! Somebody who listens to 10+ podcasts per week. The majority of these people (+50%) click on a podcast and listen immediately. Eighty-one percent of them subscribe to a channel and automatically download podcasts to be listened to at a later date. Super listeners love to go deep. Make sure you give them plenty

of content around certain themes that satisfies their thirst for content. 4. Have interesting guests Having guests on your show gives a different voice other than your own. But when you are just starting out, where do you find these guests? You can find local identities but how do you find the big ‘celebrities’. Amazon is your answer. It has the best potential guest speakers for your podcast. Go to the real estate section and check out the top 100 authors. Podcasting can be done anywhere in the world, so it’s easy to connect with a guest outside of your country. Within the broad real estate niche, there are various sub niches. Real estate sales, buying and investment are just a few. These sub niches are ideal for uncovering more potential speakers. 5. Be everywhere your audience is Carefully look at the analytics of your channel and be sure you are hanging out on social media platforms where they are. If your listeners are 25 – 34-year-old Mums, then Instagram is where you need to be. If you are running a property management podcast helping tenants find great properties in your area, perhaps Snap Chat or Tik-Tok might be your platform. Post content regularly on those platforms inviting people to check out your podcast. 6. Get to the top; connect with influencers Find out who the influencers are in your niche. Make a direct

approach and see if you can get their help. Most will be looking for a gratuity, so you may have to pay usually via their agent. 7. External sources can also be helpful. Get to know local journalists who write in the real estate space. You might have to shout a few coffees or lunches but their influence by way of nice article in the local newspaper can bring you a lot of attention. Guest appearances on other podcasting shows can also help you climb the ladder; especially if they are in a real estate genre that’s not competing directly with yours. Podcasting is the new radio and it allows to cast your voice far and wide. Grab a real estate niche, keep it local and you’ll soon be hitting the top of the charts.

Strategy #10 Buy Online Websites This not for the faint hearted or the shallow pocket real estate agent, but a fast way to build traffic to your own website is to buy another site in your niche and direct the traffic to your site. Sounds expensive? It might be but the upside can be huge. Firstly, you’ll need to make the most expensive investment before you can see results. The investment is in your mind and it needs to shift towards this way of thinking. Buying income producing assets is not completely foreign to real estate agents. Many will invest in purchasing rent rolls in order to build their asset value while providing an income along the way. This practice has been around for a long time and agents seem comfortable with it. Sometimes they work and others are a complete disaster especially if the acquisition requires financing. Should the valuation drop against the loan during the time an agent is paying off the purchase, the bank will come knocking. In some cases, the agent can pacify the bank. Other times they may have to tip some money in to keep the bank happy or if things are too far gone, the bank will insist the asset is sold. Buying online real estate websites is similar. Entry levels can be cheaper but can creep into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you think this could be a real possibility for you (and your mindset is shifting) read on to discover how you can get a flood of traffic to your website, get more leads and make more money. BUY HIGH TRAFFIC WEBSITES

Upside of buying an established website 1. Somebody else has done the heavy lifting All the set-up stuff has been done. The design, layout, page creation and blog articles have been done. You don’t get bogged down with menial tasks. You can now focus on the marketing. 2. You don’t need to be an expert Site creation takes a bit of knowledge even if you’re outsourcing the process. Getting traffic also takes time. Even poor performing sites get some traffic. The expertise in product creation has already been done for you when you are buying. 3. Customer lists come with these sites Usually the seller has a list of existing and past customers. This can be very handy for you to continue to nurture and make more sales. 4. Existing revenue By carefully researching sites for sale, you’ll discover that some have a decent revenue stream. This revenue is a key driver in the valuation of the business. If understanding financial profit and loss sheets is not your strength, send the details to your accountant, business broker or to a site broker. Firms like EmpireFlippers.com and Flippa.com are reputable for helping you with is. Finally go with your gut. Start small and tread warily. The biggest benefit in buying a site will be the redirection of traffic to your existing site. The more traffic the better the opportunity to rank on Google. The

higher the ranking the more opportunity you have to capture leads and grow your business. What type of sites could you buy to get more traffic? According to Alexa (owned by Amazon) industry traffic comes from various sources. 1. Search Tax planning and accounting businesses get 62.9% of their traffic directly from people searching that topic. A website around this topic with a bias toward tax planning for property could be a good purchase. Travel sites gain 54.9% of their traffic from direct searches. While trying to buy Expedia or Trivago may be out of your budget, what about looking at local sites within your area. Accommodation in Mudgee might be a site with some traffic and low cashflow which could be obtained economically. Food and drink sites get 54% of their traffic from search. A local guide site in your town might be a perfect acquisition. 2. Referral Traffic referred from another site is a good source. Real estate sites get about 13.5% of their traffic from referrals. Think of your major real estate portals and that figure would be about right. If you could acquire a small site, then your traffic should increase. 3. Social News, weather and information sites get around 12.5% of their traffic from social sites. You could acquire a local weather site to boost your traffic. 4. Technology

Sites that can offer people and easy way to do something usually attracts a lot of traffic. Apps around agent commission calculators, comparable market analysis or property investment calculators could be good drivers. Build the apps yourself or a site already doing it with existing traffic; the choice is yours. [[SUCCESS STORY ]] Neil Patel – SEO Expert Neil Patel is a SEO God. He knows how to get traffic to his website. Occasionally he’ll buy sites with good traffic flow. He’s been known to have spent $500,000 on acquiring a good traffic site. And it seems to work. Today his site gets over 3.6 million views a month!

Strategy #11 Pay Per Click Advertising If you’re looking for quick results, you are going to have to pay. Content marketing and SEO strategies might be free (if you write your own articles) but they do take several months to gain traction and produce results. But if you are prepared to spend some money, you might discover markets not previously reached by you that could be very profitable. Every venture of course does come with some risks. By engaging in pay per click advertising (PPC) you are using a medium to display your ads and you pay every time somebody clicks on your ad. That could be expensive if your clicks don’t convert to sales. Let me clear up one thing right now before we go on. If by reading the previous few lines and your mind went BOOM with the thought of you clicking on a competitor’s ad like a drunk with a twitch, then forget it. Google or any other platform can track your ISP address (that’s the one that looks like 193.567.234.913 etc) and you’ll get shut down. You don’t want that to happen. Let’s just outsmart the opposition with better ads instead. PPC STRATEGY PPC advertising is expensive; isn’t it? Most advertisers think that this form of advertising is costly as margins are paper thin. And that’s true in part. Create a crappy ad, use the wrong keywords, a

bad call to action and a lead capture page that does not work, then you’ll pay through the nose. But done right, you’ll be able to target markets normally out of reach to content marketing methods and at a quicker rate. The best form of PPC advertising is paid search advertising. With this type of advertising, you can get to buyers exhibiting high intent to purchase. Programmatic advertisers use this method. Why you should try PPC 1. Results can be predicted (to some extent) With content marketing you are in the lap of the Gods to some extent. You can write a great article with the right number of keywords sprinkled throughout, and it flops for reasons unknown. Conversely you write a quick, non-researched article and it goes viral. You just never really know what results you are going to get. Google can also be unpredictable. It gets in a mood and changes its algorithm regularly. This may result in what’s called a Google slap and you end up losing all your traffic. PPC advertising can be more predictable as it’s not subject to these hissy fits by Google and your results pretty much come down to your advertising spend. 2. Inbound marketing is slower Good articles take 6 – 12 months to rank on Google. Yes, I’ve ‘fluked’ a few to hit the top ranks within 30 – 60 days but most articles don’t start producing results until 6 months. You can speed up the process by hiring good content article writers (just ask me). There are plenty of sites where cheap copywriters live. But what I’ve found that real estate is local and therefore content must

have a local voice. Articles written by a nice gentleman from India maybe cheap but your market is very different to his. Cheap articles will cost you thousands in missed opportunities. Talk to professional writers at EmailEdgar.com 3. Easy to scale Once you get the formula right, you can scale your efforts. That may mean investing more money, but if your advertising is proving to be profitable, scaling won’t be an issue. Scaling content articles can be done but that’ll require a lot more articles. Do you have the time to write them? Have you found a reliable copywriter to create your articles? 4. More time to list and sell real estate The whole purpose of this book is to turn your business into a lead generation machine so that you can focus on listing and selling real estate. That’s where the money is for you but having leads coming into your business is vital. You either create them yourself or outsource. PPC is not only Google I’ve referenced Google mostly as being the platform for running PPC campaigns but they are not the exclusive source. 1. Bing Bing is another search engine but doesn’t have the clout of Google. It is also a platform where your ad spend should be cheaper. Users on the platform testify that their ad costs are generally 33% cheaper. Bing is well set up and it may be worth experimenting on that platform.

2. Facebook Ads This is a very solid platform and easy to run ads. Some say it’s cheaper than Google but you’ll need to get your targeting right for this to occur. Facebook ads are a great addition to your content strategy. Create an eye-catching Facebook post and link back to your blog article. This drives traffic to your website, creates a strong DA 100 backlink and can convert your article into sales. 3. LinkedIn If you are a business-to-business real estate firm (commercial real estate) LinkedIn is your playground. Your viewers to your ads are more professional and they respond well to ads that help them improve their business, network or get a better job. 4. YouTube Ads YouTube is the second biggest search engine next to Google, its parent. People search YouTube like they do on Google; to get information. If you create a lot of ‘how to’ style videos, YouTube can be a very handy traffic driver to your website. “How to clean your pool for just $5/week” “Interior painting to sell your home faster” “Improve your driveway, improve your sale price” PPC is not a set and forget process You’ll need to monitor your ads regularly. Minor tweaks will be the norm. Split testing is not an option; it’s mandatory. You need to understand

which ad performs better. Simple adjustments like the change of a heading or keyword can make a big difference to the performance of an ad. No matter which platform you use, PPC advertising should be part of your lead generation strategy.

Strategy #12 Send Out Cards When was the last time you got a card in the mail? Your birthday? Christmas? How did you feel? If you’re like most people, you loved it. The only other piece of direct mail we normally get is either a bill or an advertising brochure shoved into our letterbox; both are not desirable. So, if the receiving of a card is so pleasurable, why aren’t you sending out more cards out yourself to potential customers or existing clients? Cards are inconvenient and costly are the general responses. And that can be true. You’ve got to go to a card shop, select the card, write on it and then address it. This would take you away from your office for at least thirty minutes to an hour. Not all card shops have a great choice. You could waste another 30 minutes looking through all the cards or worse still you may need to visit other card shops. The whole process can be very time consuming, even if you get your assistant to do the selection for you. Cost of cards are not cheap either. A typical branded card will set you back $5 - $7. That’s ok if you are giving it to somebody special but if you were using cards as a prospecting tool, then your outlay may run into the tens of thousands. Selecting the card is only part of the battle though. We’ve already determined that it could be time consuming and costly, but then you need to post it.

That requires a visit to the post office. If you live in Australia, you’ll know what it’s like using Australia Post facilities. They are under staffed and processing of your request takes ages. Crikey, you just want to buy a stamp! Meanwhile the que is ten people long and is being held up by an ‘Aunt Marg” lady at the head of the que trying to pay her electricity and gas bill and repeatedly hits the wrong button on the credit card processing machine causing even more delays. What amazes me though that while the postal service acknowledges their service is sub-par they have not hesitation in racking up the prices on a regular basis. Australian stamps start from $1.10; this can be costly on a mass mailout! The email version of a card is no substitute though. Because of this calamity, most real estate agents have abandoned sending out real cards. Instead that have adopted sending cards via email. I couldn’t think of a more tacky, impersonal act. I delete all cards via email and unsubscribe from the sender. Sending a card is a relationship building tool not a last-minute gesture sent as bulk email spam. THE BEST CARD SENDING SYSTEM (WITHOUT LEAVING HOME) There is a way to send real cards without you leaving home. You can choose from 10,000+ card templates or create your own. The card can even be printed in your own hand writing. Send Out Cards (renamed to Promptings) is a technology company that gives you the ability to send a physical, printable stamped card, to a recipient directly from your computer without visiting a card shop or standing in line to buy stamps.

The whole process can be completed with just one click from your home or office at a fraction of the cost of a branded card. Check out the process with one of the leaders in Send Out Cards. Deb Mullen (Google her, see her LinkedIn, Facebook) will allow you to test drive the system by sending a card for free. (This is not an affiliate link). Get her to show you how the system can create campaigns for you that will not only build relationships, create more leads but deliver more sales. She’s helped hundreds of real estate agents and she’ll help you become an elite agent in your area too.

Strategy #13 YouTube Marketing Video is so hot now. It has been for a while but during COVID-19 times, it’s really taken off. In this section I’m not going to talk about layouts, covers, thumbnails or basic design. They are important though. If you want to have a professionally looking YouTube Channel grab my free guide here Content Charlie YouTube Channel Checklist ( https://dl.bookfunnel.com/y61bh3isl6 ). Instead, I’m going to outline the necessary ingredients to have a great channel. 1. Regular content In order to keep your subscribers coming back to your channel and building relationships you’ll need to upload videos regularly. When starting out and growing your audience, upload short videos of around two minutes. This way you can tackle a big topic over several smaller videos. 2. Create a catchy headline I’ve been banging on about this throughout this book. Headlines are critical if you want somebody to click onto your video – and that’s the name of the game. Take a look at your news channels. Look at the headlines they use to grab your attention for an upcoming show. “Governor declares war on breast feeding mums” It’s sensationalizing at its best but it works. Some would say it’s click baiting and they’d be partially right.

But the main aim of a heading is to get a viewer to watch the video. Nothing else. If your headline is vanilla and dull, they’ll move on. “Real estate agent shoots home owner in her pool”. Let’s hope he used film! 3. Thumbnails I said I wasn’t going to discuss channel design but I couldn’t resist slamming this one again because it’s so critical. To give uniformity, clear lines and making your videos pop, create a thumbnail for each video. No more cover images with your moth wide open or your eyes half closed. Thumbnails eliminate that. To be able to use custom thumbnails you will have to verify your channel. It’s easy but you’ll need to have a Gmail account. Grab the checklist previously for more details. 4. Add your logo This gives you more brand awareness. You can use watermarks to protect your videos as well. 5. Promote via other channels Reach out to other channels and ask if they’ll share your content. They’ll be happy to if you give them a shout out in your video. Look for competitors who are doing well; the ones that have more subscribers and views. Add or improve upon their content or upload a video that comments on one of their videos. “Gary Vee says you shouldn’t own a home. I disagree” 6. Have great descriptions I mentioned the importance of headlines earlier. Your description is just as important. If it’s boring, nobody will watch

you your video. Your description should be at least one paragraph long. It must include a sprinkling of your main keyword. If you don’t want to write out a description, get your video transcribed. Rev.com will do this for you for $1/minute. Simply send them your video and you’ll have the description back within the hour usually. 7. Tags Keywords that describe your video. They are necessary to find your video. Use a keyword tool planner like Ubersuggest to find relevant keywords for your video. 8. Ask for likes, comments and shares YouTube loves videos that have likes, comments and shares. They promote these videos higher within their search function because viewers have already given their approval. When you are shooting a video say something like “If you like this video please give it the thumbs up by liking, commenting and sharing it” And don’t forget to ask them to subscribe; usually at the beginning “If this is your first time to my channel, I invite you to hit the Subscribe button and hit the bell. That way you’ll be notified every time I upload a new video” 9. Let people know when you upload Good YouTube channel owners let their viewers know when they upload videos. Be consistent and pick a time each week you’ll upload your videos. Announce it on your YouTube cover – ‘New videos every

Tuesday and Thursday’

Strategy #14 HR Departments Do you have any large companies, institutions or government bodies in your area? Most of these entities will have a HR department who look after staff interests and in some cases assisting them with settling into a new area. Hospitals Hospitals for example employ thousands of doctors and nurses. Many of these professionals come from outside the local area and they rely on the expertise of their employer to guide them in finding suitable accommodation in the area. Establish contact with the HR department and build a relationship with key personal by letting them know the services you provide as a real estate agent. Perhaps you could offer a ‘special’ package for personnel who use your services eg discount commission, rental rebate, utility connection service. Also don’t forget the referrer by rewarding them on a regular basis as well. While the HR staff maybe reluctant to accept cash rewards, most would appreciate a shopping voucher or a restaurant voucher in their area or a donation to the hospital. Universities Just like hospitals, Universities have a lot of moving staff. Out of town accommodation.







Schools Schools can offer a similar opportunity but have an additional one as well. Why not approach the HR department, school admin or the principal and offer a service to speak to graduating school kids about renting their first home? Give them a checklist of what to look for in renting a property, their rights and what they’ll need to make their application proceed smoothly. Back this up with a free giveaway pack and your name will be top of mind when they want to rent a property. You could even become top of mind if their parents are buying or selling a home.

Strategy #15 Instagram Marketing With around 800 million monthly users on Instagram, it’s a social media platform you should be on, particularly if your real estate business sells or leases to a younger demographic. The site attracts a lot of influencers and with the right plan, you too could have a booming business generating you a ton of leads. In this chapter I’m going to discuss what is necessary to create a good Instagram profile, the type of account you’ll need and some strategies to attract the right audience and grow your business. INSTAGRAM STRATEGY Let’s start with the right account. Is real estate a good niche on Instagram? The most popular accounts on Instagram center around fashion, beauty, food and travel. Real estate can also be a great niche if you adopt a ‘beauty’ aspect or a ‘how to’ option. Beautiful luxurious homes are appealing, as are images showing us how to do things. How to renovate a bathroom, how to landscape your garden or topics or something similar. Grab a business account Many of you probably started your Instagram journey with a personal account, and that’s great. But if you really want to extract the juice out of Instagram and open up the whole enchilada of features, you’ll need to convert your

account to a business account. Just click on your settings and ‘switch to business account’ and you’ll be set to go. Have a business strategy Let’s face it there’s a ton of material being posted to social media willy nilly. That means it’s becoming more difficult to grab somebody’s attention. You have to be above average; more likely you’ll need to be amazing! But even then, it’ll be hard to get in front of people. You’ll need to be amazing AND different. People don’t just follow brands. They follow people. Followers are interested in seeing what Roger Federer is up to over looking at Nike. Share your opinion People are drawn to a message. They are interested in hearing your opinion PROVIDED is delivering value to them. Nobody is drawn to a rant of egotistical garbage. So, if you can deliver your point of view as to why a salt water pool has considerably more upside than a freshwater pool, can save the user money and have low maintenance costs, then an audience will listen to your message over and over. Why you do what you do Let people know why you are in real estate not what you do. Talk about your mission statement and show how that gets you up every day; selling real estate is only a buy product. Apple is the best exponent of this. They slam Samsung. Both sell computers and phones but Apple lets you know they are different. How they do this is that they engage with their audience about their mission and they just so happen to sell computers and

phones. Read Simon Sinek’s Start With Why – it’s brilliant! Use hashtags for a wider audience Hashtags have been used effectively on Twitter gaining a user 21% more reach by including two hashtags in their posts. But over two hashtags, surprising there is a drop in engagement. Message here is not to overdo it. Google the best hashtags for real estate and you’ll be swamped. Sprinkle two of these into your posts to grow your audience. Here’s the top 5 hashtags on Instagram: Love 942,781,659 posts Instagood 506,823,755 posts Photooftheday 365,234,815 posts Tbt 352,409,612 posts Cute 299,830,337 posts Location hashtags are also popular. If your brand has a mascot, like L J Hooker’s bear, upload the ‘Thank you Mr. Hooker’ bear at the Grand Canyon, dinner on Darling Harbour with a view of the Opera House or anything else that may grab your audience’s attention. And finally, if a hashtag post is performing well, repost it later on. You entire feed didn’t see the original post, so don’t worry about doubling up. Comment on good posts This is something you should be doing on a regular basis, both your other content and yours. It’s easier said than done because consistency is hard but is necessary if you want to crack the social media code. Jump into your Insights and see how much engagement and reach you are getting on each post. You’ll find that reach and comments go hand in hand.

So, ensure your top posts have sufficient comments including comments from you. Never not answer comments either. Make the person who posted a comment feel important by you acknowledging them with a response. When posting yourself, start the ball rolling by adding a comment. It’ll encourage others to express their views. Share other people’s content It’s time consuming to come up with great images all by yourself. Why not approach a local bathroom specialist and use their images to engage more views? Hopefully the bathroom company may do the same exposing your real estate brand to their customers. Create a contest Photo contests do really well on Instagram. People love to get involved especially if their photo is exhibited and a prize is given to the winner. And the photos don’t have to be amazingly outstanding showing positive images. What about a contest around the worst homes occupied by hoarders? Contrast those with after pictures once you’ve had a cleanup company come in and declutter the premises. You could work the project as a joint venture with the cleaning company, sharing costs, and both marketing the project to your respective audiences. Emojis make people smile They grab attention and generally make people feel good. Add them to your content

Strategy #16 Facebook Paid Marketing We’ve looked at getting organic traffic on Facebook in the hope that this might lead to getting leads. But with organic reach dipping to around 1-2% on your newsfeed, it’s very difficult to do business organically. I’m still a big fan of Facebook Live and building brand by omnipresence (with an occasional paid boost), but when it comes to driving real eyeballs to your Facebook page, you are going to need to pay for them. And to be honest, that’s exactly what Mr. Zuckerberg wants; paid advertising. In this chapter I’m going to focus on a few main things that will get you results. I’m assuming you’ve already run some ads and possibly not profitably. So, the basic set up of ads and using your Ads Manager will be mostly glossed over. If you need to learn how to set up your account, Google Facebook ad set up and you’ll be swamped for choice. FACEBOOK PAID ADVERTISING Let’s get started. 1. Have a strategy and design your Facebook Ad funnel A Facebook ad funnel is a strategy that moves freezing cold traffic to warm leads ready to buy over a number of campaigns. The funnel can be broken down into 3 basic sections: Awareness Since you are dealing with cold traffic (people who do not know

you), you’ll need to create awareness for your business. It establishes you as an authority and creates more engagement in your newsfeed. Engagement In this section you are introducing your products or services by directing people back to your website. Whether you have lifestyle acreage properties to sell or you offer auction services, it is the engagement section where this begins. Website marketing Drive sales from your website. Depending where you are at in your marketing, will depend on what type of funnel marketing you need to do. It may mean that you only need to do two of the above promotions. If however you are starting from scratch you’ll need all three. 2. Install your Facebook pixel Running your Facebook ads is great but which ones are working and which ones do you need to fix or delete. You’ll need to install a Facebook pixel on your website to track your results. This requires getting a piece of code and placing it on your website. Not too difficult but if you need help jump onto YouTube and search Facebook pixel installation’. Another thing you’ll need to track are your conversions. This is referred to as either conversion events or standard events. YouTube videos can help you with the set up. If you would prefer somebody to actually do the work for you, visit Upworks.com or Fiverr.com and search for the service you need help with. Rates on both these sites are reasonable; Fiverr is generally cheaper for most things though. 3. Target audiences Audiences on Facebook fall into three main areas – cold, warm

and hot. Cold audiences are the most distant group but also the largest. They are the audience that most business comes from once you’ve built up your awareness and engagement. So don’t dismiss them. Warm audiences are those who are aware of you and engaged a little. Hot audiences have visited your website, checked out your products or service and possibly have bought. They form the foundation for your custom and lookalike audiences. 4. Create custom or lookalike audiences As the name suggests, a lookalike audience looks like one of your existing audiences. To create your first lookalike audience you’ll need to create a custom audience. These are usually from people who have visited your Facebook page within a specific time frame. The most common tome frame is 180 days but Facebook does allow you to build custom audiences around 90, 60, 30, 20 or 10 days. The success of these custom audiences comes down to the size of the audiences collected. Initially this would mean that probably you’ll only get a decent list from your 180-day list but as you continue to market and audiences rush to your page, the remaining time frames will also grow into a decent pool. Facebook has the biggest engaged audience of all the social media platforms. It would be crazy to ignore it but with organic reach on your newsfeed, you will have to use paid advertising. There is no entry exam to start advertising which can cause a lot of newbies to over spend and blow their money quickly. They also drive up the costs of ads for which Facebook is becoming dearer every year.

For you to keep your costs down follow the four steps above. They’ll make your ads more effective, help you build awareness and engagement, turn cold traffic into warm or hot, and generate leads that will make sale for you.

Strategy #17 Programmatic Marketing Programmatic marketing is the buzzword of the day but not many real estate agents know about it and therefore don’t use it. Of all retail display ads in the US, 80% of them use programmatic marketing. So, what is it and how can real estate agents use it to generate leads and make more sales? Briefly, programmatic marketing is a way to automatically buy and optimize digital campaigns using machine learning and artificial intelligence. Ads are created via real time auctions as visitors hop onto a site. PROGRAMMATIC MARKETING DEFINED The use of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to buy advertising in real-time, instead of going through human negotiations and pre-set prices (Source: Match2One). How are the ads targeted? If you want better accuracy your ads need to be targeted towards an audience Contextual ads Ads are based on the context of a website. For a fashion brand, their ads should be shown on sites around fashion eg Prada, Vogue magazine. Real estate agencies in Australia my want their ads appearing on portals like REA or Domain.

In the US, agents would parget their bidding toward appearing on Realtor.com or Trulia or Zillow. In the UK, real estate portals like Rightmove and On The Market would be the best options for UK real estate agents Keyword targeting You might want to appear on sites where articles appear about real estate keywords and phrases. Let’s say you are an apartment selling specialist. Keywords like buying an apartment, selling and apartment, living in an apartment, apartment costs or the benefits of apartment living may be a great place for you to display a programmatic ad about yourself where these keywords appear. You can also include negative keywords contained in articles on your own website because you don’t want to pay for impressions for an asset that’s already producing traffic for you. Geo-targeting Display ads based on location. If you are marketing a property in Melbourne, it would be inefficient use of your advertising spend to be directed to residents in Biloela (2,500 miles away). Retargeting You generally only get 2% of visitors to buy something the first time. Retargeting is important to bring the other 98% back to your product. How much does programmatic advertising cost? That’s difficult to determine as you’ll need to engage a media buying agency to place the ads for you. You can Google programmatic marketing agencies to begin your research.

Australian real estate network, First National Real estate is the only group that has an in-house media company conducting such a service for its agents. Costs are around $250 for 40,000 impressions delivered over a 30-day period. REA also runs their audience maximizer program in Australia for about $600 for 25,000 impressions. The benefits of programmatic marketing Programmatic ads use AI thereby making them laser targeted and great bang for buck. Ads get seen by the right people which gives a higher chance of a sale being made. These ads also deliver huge traffic back to a website thereby pushing it up in the Google rankings. If you’re selling a property with programmatic marketing, you’ll experience better positioning on Google and an increase in your organic traffic. And of course, you have a great opportunity to sell more real estate. That’s my 17 lead generation strategies for today’s market. Let’s look at Engagement [[SUCCESS STORY]] – First National Tamborine Set on top of Tamborine Mountain in the Gold Coast hinterland, this family run business has successfully endured a lot of competition from other real estate agencies and survived. However, visibility on Google was a problem. They weren’t on page one for the mountain and that meant business was sliding. They adopted programmatic marketing and saw their website traffic increase by 417% and they returned to the front page on Google, hitting the #1 spot for Tamborine real estate agents. Sales are up, property managements are growing and this business is once again dominating the mountain.


EMAIL MARKETING – 300% MORE POWERFUL THAN FACEBOOK When I sold 11 homes in 5 hours, email wasn’t around. In order to engage with prospects, I would fax them. To have a fax machine you were considered to be pretty cool. But now? What is a fax? Who has one? Nobody! So, while I used fax messages regularly to make sales, what I’m about to do is the 2022 version of fax messaging – email marketing. Email marketing is a great way to connect with potential and current clients. It's a way to stay top-of-mind, and keep your name in front of people who might be interested in buying or selling a home in the future. But what is email marketing, exactly? And how can you use it to connect with your audience? Keep reading for answers to those questions, plus tips on how to get started with email marketing yourself. Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses email to communicate with potential and current customers. It can be used to promote your brand, share news or deals, or simply stay in touch with people who might be interested in buying or selling a home in the future. Email marketing is a great way to connect with your audience, and it's a tool that every real estate agent should be using. IS EMAIL MARKETING DEAD? Email marketing is not dead. In fact, it’s still one of the most effective marketing strategies out there.

Studies show that email marketing has an ROI of 4400%, which means for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect to make $44 back. That’s a pretty good return on investment! So, if you’re not using email marketing to connect with your audience, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. HOW MANY EMAILS GET SENT EVERY DAY? Over 205 billion emails are sent every day, and that number is only going to continue to grow. In 2024 emails are expected to hit 246 billion per day. That’s a lot of emails! But don’t let that scare you off. With so many emails being sent, there’s always room for one more from you. Email marketing is a great way to connect with your audience, and it's a tool that every real estate agent should be using. HOW OFTEN SHOULD I EMAIL MY SUBSCRIBERS There is no perfect answer to this question. It depends on your audience and what you’re trying to achieve with your email marketing. Some experts recommend emailing your list every week, while others say every 2-3 weeks is sufficient. Others send daily emails. The best way to figure out how often to email your subscribers is to experiment and see what works best for you and your audience. Start by emailing them once a week and see how they respond. If you don’t see a decrease in engagement, try emailing them twice a week. And so on, until you find the sweet spot that works best for you and your audience. SHOULD YOU AUTOMATE YOUR EMAILS

Yes! Automating your email marketing will save you a lot of time and energy. It will also ensure that your emails always go out on time, and that your list is regularly being contacted. There are many different email automation platforms out there, so it’s important to find one that integrates well with your email provider and that offers the features you need. Some popular email automation platforms include: MailChimp Constant Contact GetResponse HubSpot All of these platforms offer free trials, so it’s easy to sign up and try them out to see which one you like best.

EMAIL MARKETING ON AUTOPILOT Imagine this… Each day you wake up, type up an email, press SEND and watch the sales roll in. Could there be anything more satisfying than that? Actually… yes. It’s much more satisfying (and lucrative) to… … set up a SERIES of emails ONCE and watch sales roll in EVERY DAY on AUTOPILOT. I know what you’re thinking. Send an email and sell a house. Hmm I don’t think so. And you’d be right. But what if you were selling an area report, a sales report, education reporter a marketing offer? Do you think people will pay $27, $37, $97 and so on to get the latest hottest information? I bet they will. I know a thing or two about getting ROI from email marketing and I’m going to share my system with you now. But before I do… you should know that you don’t need a big email list or fancy software to start seeing amazing results from email marketing. You simply need a plan. Here’s how it works… Educate – Teach them who you are Engage – Get them to buy Entice – Get them to buy more Segment – Learn what they want to buy next Reengage/Win Back – Bring them back Each email we send has one of five purposes: Each purpose is dependent upon the last — creating 5 stages of email

marketing. It looks like this… Your competitors aren’t using all five stages… … and this is an expensive mistake. But great for you. In fact, most agents aren’t emailing at all. BOOM! Here’s an opportunity to seriously dominate your market – seriously dominate it. Once you understand the stages of email marketing — you’ll be able to plug in a couple of autoresponder series (maybe you need to add an Engagement Series or an Enticement Series) and create a new revenue stream. Here’s the thing… Your prospect can’t be ENGAGED until they are EDUCATED. And they can’t be ENTICED until they are engaged. And so on… make sense? This is how you maximize profit through email marketing — you send email with purpose — moving customers and prospects from one stage to the next. Let’s go through these five stages in turn… STAGE 1: EDUCATION EMAILS Who are you? What do you stand for? Why are you different? What should they expect from you? How often? What should they do next? Congratulations! You have a new opt in to your email list. Now what? The first step is to teach your new prospect about you and your

organization. You need to educate them. WHAT DO YOU WRITE ABOUT Not your listings!! How many people can buy a house every week. Virtually none. So, what do you email: Suburb reports Monthly sales data Suburb upgrades – infrastructure, property developments Local businesses – spotlight the local coffee shop, who’s a great plumber? WHERE DO YOU FIND THE INFORMATION? Industry blogs Government newsletters Property development websites School bulletins Google alerts – suburb name, Council name Once you’ve educated your prospect… you can move them into an Engagement series. STAGE 2: ENGAGEMENT EMAILS Engagement emails convert prospects into customers. They make offers. They build relationships. They keep you top of mind with customers. Your business can see big gains by simply plugging in an Engagement Series. Here’s how you build engagement: Talk about them. Talk in their language. What does a 63-yearold person talk about as oppose to a 28-year-old first home buyer?

“How to get into your first home when interest rates are going through the roof” “Interest rates are up – it’s great for savings bonds and retirement” Give them a ‘behind the scenes’ experience. How does a property get on the market. Time out with your photographer. Do you use a copywriter to write your ads? Share an interview Have you done an interview to the local newspaper? What about the interview you did on a podcast? Don’t have any interviews you’ve been in? Interview somebody yourself the school principal, coffee shop owner, local sporting team captain. Share a testimonial – brag a little Give an opinion on your area. Refer to another blog article about your suburb but give your reader your thoughts. STAGE 3: ENTICEMENT EMAILS This is where the big money is made so listen up… For every offer you make there is some percentage of buyers that would buy more. Every buyer you acquire through an Engagement email series should receive an enticement series. Here are a few examples: “List with us this month and we’ll throw in $1000 worth of marketing. But it’s only for this month” “Every home we sell this month, we are donating $200 to the Red Cross” “We’ll pay for new smoke alarms in your rental property when you change the management to us”

STAGE 4: SEGMENTATION EMAILS The goal of the Segmentation Series is to get your prospect to raise their hand (open, click or opt in) and show interest in something you sell. When they do… they will be placed in the appropriate Engagement Series. Let’s say a subscriber comes into your database off an ad about downsizing. They are placed immediately into an engagement series that mentions apartments, small housing or townhouses. Perhaps the subscriber wants to move suburb to be closer to their grandkids. Emails about kindergarten facilities would spark their interest. Perhaps a local baby photographer is giving away a prize. Now the same couple would go into the enticement email series. Are you seeing the power of Segmentation and how it feeds prospects back into your engagement and enticement series? Sending a single Segmentation email to your list can set off a chain reaction of sales. Ok… now let’s look at the simplest (and often the most impactful) stage of email marketing… STAGE 5: RE-ENGAGEMENT/WIN BACK EMAILS 3 What happens when customers and prospects stop opening and clicking on your email? If your answer is NOTHING — you’re leaving big money on the table. Setting up a Reengagement and Win Back Series is the lowest of low hanging fruit. It just makes sense to put an autoresponder series in place that reenergizes disengaged subscribers and brings them back into an Engagement and Enticement Series to buy. But that’s just half the benefit…

Leaving disengaged emails on your list does tremendous damage to the deliverability of your email. By reengaging subscribers that have strayed from the pack you’ll avoid the Spam folder. How could you use email to reengage and win back customers and prospects? Let’s say you lose a few landlords. They left because of the high turnover of your property management staff. Since they’ve unsubscribed, you can’t add them back in. You’ll be accused of spamming them. Social media can be your friend here. By running ads specially targeting your disgruntled clients email addresses, you can address the issues they had with your company. For example, a paid Facebook post addressing staff turnover might just grab their attention. To in an incentive like 2 months fee free period, and you may win back that landlord. TO SUM UP Consider the purpose of each email you send. Is it intended to indoctrinate? Engage? Segment? Applying a single stage of this email system will increase the effectiveness of your email marketing. Applying them all will make you unstoppable.


THE OFFER You’ve done a lot of legwork to get to this stage. While the first two sections are very important, it’s the offer that finalizes the sale. WHAT EVERY OFFER SHOULD HAVE Proof, Trust and Authority Screenshots Testimonials Awards Clients served Highest price sold Small days on market Risk Reversal Money back guarantee Sell in 60 days or your marketing is free Terms of service No spam policy Free fee month for new landlords Urgency and Scarcity Limited time offer Only 2 remain Price increase in 5 days Invitation only inspection Off the plan sale – only one apartment per buyer UNCONDITIONAL AND CONDITIONAL OFFERS Unconditional offers Free report

Free consultation Free trial or sample Conditional offers Discount offer – last 3 apartment in the development Bundle offer – buy 2 apartments this month and we’ll give you a free marina berth Referral offer – refer your new neighbour and we’ll pay your body corporate fees for a year Deferred offer – secure today and settle in 2024 Games offer – get a ‘Scratchy’ when you leave us a comment on this blog post Free gift offer – Buy an apartment at Ascot Green and we’ll pay your membership for a year to the golf club Piggy backing – buy a townhouse this month and Outdoor Living will provide you a patio setting to the value of $2500 Contest offer – tell us in 25 words or less why you love our property management business and you could win a weekend at Star Casino Low-cost event – Malibu residents will be attending A Day On The Green free WHEN SHOULD YOU MAKE AN OFFER? At every given opportunity. Don’t over think this. You never know when your prospect is ready to buy. Present your offers consistently but not in every communication. They should be in every email your send in your engagement and enticement segments. But if you really want to get your offer noticed, put it last in the PS line. 37% of offers in the PS line are opened more than anywhere else in the email. DOES THE C.E.O METHOD STILL WORK TODAY?

These are the steps I used to sell 11 homes in 5 hours; updated to 2022 version. Does it work today? Absolutely. In 2003 I sold 64 properties in 5 months for a listed property developer While running a car fleet department, I sold 33 cars/month on average As a fiction author I have had 13 x #1 Amazon bestsellers in category and consistently get my books into the Top 10 Amazon US My best advice. Just start!

WHO WANTS TO BE A C.E.O MAESTRO? From the outset of this book, I made it clear that operating a successful real estate business required you to become a real estate lead generating jedi, an engaging emailer and an irresistible offer presenter. It’s pretty simple to do but not necessarily easy. What is easy to do is also easy not to do. Anybody can succeed at becoming a lead generating machine but not everybody will. The difference lies in your focus to apply the tasks at hand to generate more leads and for you to take action. Way back in the dim dark ages of the ‘90’s I told you of one of my greatest days in real estate sales when I sold 11 homes in just 5 hours. I too could have been like my colleagues and hoped things were going to happen for me. Instead, I adopted this type of plan to generate my real estate leads and get customers Create a personal plan and focus on achieving it Blocked out time to generate leads – daily, weekly Be accountable for my lead generation activities Create a supportive environment both at work and at home Kept my energy up to stay the course As a result, I sold 11 homes in 5 hours; most of my colleagues sold none! And I’ve had multiple 12 – 16 sale months since. The C.E.O method is not conclusive. It’s a start a start. There are literarily thousands of ideas out there for you to implement. But if you want to become a millionaire selling agent, you must become a C.E.O. Thanks for reading this book. Adopt what you like and discard the rest. If you liked this book, I’d love a positive review on Amazon.

I wish you every success in your real estate career. Greg Reed