Table of contents : A theorem prover for a computational logic....Pages 1-15 A complete semantic back chaining proof system....Pages 16-27 Parallelizing the closure computation in automated deduction....Pages 28-39 Partheo: A high-performance parallel theorem prover....Pages 40-56 Substitution-based compilation of extended rules in deductive databases....Pages 57-71 Automatic theorem proving in paraconsistent logics: Theory and implementation....Pages 72-86 Case-free programs: An abstraction of definite horn programs....Pages 87-101 Generalized well-founded semantics for logic programs....Pages 102-116 Tactical theorem proving in program verification....Pages 117-131 Extensions to the rippling-out tactic for guiding inductive proofs....Pages 132-146 Guiding induction proofs....Pages 147-161 Term rewriting induction....Pages 162-177 A resolution principle for clauses with constraints....Pages 178-192 Str+ve $$\subseteq$$ : The Str+ve-based subset prover....Pages 193-206 Ritt-Wu's decomposition algorithm and geometry theorem proving....Pages 207-220 Encoding a dependent-type λ-calculus in a logic programming language....Pages 221-235 Investigations into proof-search in a system of first-order dependent function types....Pages 236-250 Equality of terms containing associative-commutative functions and commutative binding operators is isomorphism complete....Pages 251-260 An improved general E -unification method....Pages 261-275 Some results on equational unification....Pages 276-291 Unification in a combination of equational theories: an efficient algorithm....Pages 292-307 SLIM: An automated reasoner for equivalences, applied to set theory....Pages 308-321 An examination of the prolog technology theorem-prover....Pages 322-335 Presenting intuitive deductions via symmetric simplification....Pages 336-350 Toward mechanical methods for streamlining proofs....Pages 351-365 Ordered rewriting and confluence....Pages 366-380 Complete sets of reductions with constraints....Pages 381-395 Rewrite systems for varieties of semigroups....Pages 396-410 Improving associative path orderings....Pages 411-425 Perspectives on automated deduction....Pages 426-426 On restrictions of ordered paramodulation with simplification....Pages 427-441 Simultaneous paramodulation....Pages 442-455 Hyper resolution and equality axioms without function substitutions....Pages 456-469 Automatic acquisition of search guiding heuristics....Pages 470-484 Automated reasoning contributes to mathematics and logic....Pages 485-499 A mechanically assisted constructive proof in category theory....Pages 500-513 Dynamic logic as a uniform framework for theorem proving in intensional logic....Pages 514-527 A tableaux-based theorem prover for a decidable subset of default logic....Pages 528-542 Computing prime implicants....Pages 543-557 Minimizing the number of clauses by renaming....Pages 558-572 Higher order E -unification....Pages 573-587 Programming by example and proving by example using higher-order unification....Pages 588-602 Retrieving library identifiers via equational matching of types....Pages 603-617 Unification in monoidal theories....Pages 618-632 A science of reasoning: Extended abstract....Pages 633-640 The TPS theorem proving system....Pages 641-642 Schemata....Pages 643-644 Cylindric algebra equation solver....Pages 645-646 The O Y S T ER-CL A M system....Pages 647-648 A high-performance parallel theorem prover....Pages 649-650 The romulus proof checker....Pages 651-652 IMPS : An interactive mathematical proof system....Pages 653-654 UNICOM: A refined completion based inductive theorem prover....Pages 655-656 The theorem prover of the program verifier Tatzelwurm ....Pages 657-658 RCL: A lisp verification system....Pages 659-660 Orme an implementation of completion procedures as sets of transitions rules....Pages 661-662 Otter 2.0....Pages 663-664 Dissolver: A dissolution-based theorem prover....Pages 665-666 TRIP: An implementation of clausal rewriting....Pages 667-668 OSCAR....Pages 669-670 Expert thinker: An adaptation of F-Prolog to microcomputers....Pages 671-672 A prolog technology theorem prover....Pages 673-674 A general clause theorem prover....Pages 675-676 Liss — The logic inference search system....Pages 677-678 ACE: The abstract clause engine....Pages 679-680 Tutorial on high-performance automated theorem proving....Pages 681-681 Tutorial on reasoning and representation with concept languages....Pages 681-681 Tutorial on λProlog....Pages 682-682 Tutorial on equational unification....Pages 682-682 Tutorial on compilation techniques for logics....Pages 683-683 Tutorial on high-performance theorem provers: Efficient implementation and parallelisation....Pages 683-683 Tutorial on rewrite-based theorem proving....Pages 684-684 Tutorial on program-synthetic deduction....Pages 684-684 Tutorial on computing models of propositional logics....Pages 685-685